Sammie McGurl Moreau Integration One Learning About Myself Through Moreau I believe that I am searching for a way to be truly authentic and belong with those that I care for and want to grow closer to. As someone who considers themselves to be an empath, I take into account the way other people feel and think and consider how it would be if I was in their same situation. I often struggle with being completely authentic because I fear how other people might see me or think of me. We as people don’t really enjoy confrontation usually, but our “shame and fear cause disconnection, even though we are scared of that disconnection” (“The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown – Moreau FYE Week One). I believe that it is hard to be vulnerable but that it is also ultimately essential for being able to be truly authentic. In my journey to being authentic, I must always remember everyone and everything that has influenced me, remembering that “[I] am the expert on [me]” (“Where I’m From” by George Ella Lyon – Moreau FYE Week Six). Being authentic means embracing who you are and being truly yourself regardless of how you think other people may perceive you. I must always make sure that I am embracing who I am as a person because I am the only one on earth who knows everything about me, and I am certainly the only one that can be exactly who I am. No one else can possibly be me, and that is a good thing. God created me to be exactly who I am as a person, and God doesn’t make any mistakes. Even though I am a human being and am therefore an imperfect person, I know God is a perfect Creator, so I trust that I am exactly how I am meant to be. I believe that I forge life-giving relationships by looking for relationships that “make me feel positive and like I’m investing in something long-term” (“5 Signs You’re in a Toxic Friendship” by Olivia T Taylor – Moreau FYE Week Four). I am always seeking to find friends that will build me up and encourage me in being truly authentic and growing myself as a better person. It has always been a priority of mine to seek out those who will build me up and encourage me to be a better person. It has always been something that I because I think it is extremely important to surround yourself with people that you want to be like, and you find worthy of imitating and listening to. The Bible itself says “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm” (Proverbs 13:20). Thus, we must always be careful to surround ourselves with people who will make us better and avoid spending time with those who are reckless or bad influences. If we associate with those who are good and holy people, then we can ourselves become more good and more holy, but if we choose to be around people that have a negative influence, then we ourselves will be susceptible to that negative influence. I believe that my purpose is to love others and to do my best in everything so that I can show the love of God to everyone around me. I want people to see me as a force for good in the world and someone who shines the light of God forth into the world. I want people to know that I am a Christian not only by what I say but also by what I do. I want to radiate love to all people, regardless of who they are and what they believe. I want to share Jesus and His love with everyone I am around. I believe that I grow by living not just for my resume but also living for my eulogy as well (“Should You Live for Your Resume or Your Eulogy?” by David Brooks – Moreau FYE Week Two). Although I have always wanted to have a good resume, I don’t want to be remembered as having simply completed a laundry list of accomplishments. I want to be remembered as being a good person, one who loved others and was loved for being kind to everyone. I can’t simply grow my intellect but must also be mindful of growing my heart and spirit to grow as a whole person. In order to grow my spirit and mind I must also remain strong in my faith. “It is so easy to be swept off your feet by the chaos of life, but in faith it is possible to stand firm in all things” (“Student Reflections on Faith at Notre Dame” by Audrey c/o ’23 – Moreau FYE Experience Week Three). If we neglect our faith when things get tough or busy, then it will be exceedingly difficult to be able to achieve any growth whatsoever. Thus, I must always be careful to nourish my faith in order to achieve the most personal growth possible. Of course, I have always known my faith should be the utmost priority, but it is often difficult to retain that priority when life gets busy even though it should be the most important thing always, especially when life gets difficult. I believe that I must pursue truth by always looking for multiple stories and never letting a single story determine my complete idea of a person or thing or event. When we “reject a single story, we regain a kind of paradise” (“Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie – Moreau FYE Experience Week 7). Instead of believing the fist and possibly only story that I hear about something, I must look to find a complete story and seek out the full truth always. I must be careful to not assume something based on preconceived notions or based only on one thing I hear. I must always do my own research and find multiple stories to get the whole truth. I believe that my community should always know that “there is only one you” (“2021 Laetare Medalist Address” by Carla Harris – Moreau FYE Experience Week 5). Everyone can only be who they are and shouldn’t ever worry about trying to be anyone else. It can be really easy and even sometimes tempting to be envious of what other people do and who they are. However, if we remember that we are who we are and no one else can ever change that and that is a good thing, then in general, we will be much happier and could look forward to growth in the future. In order to grow a community, each individual must be willing to pursue individual growth and be confident in who they are as a person for the overall good of the community. If we all take small personal steps towards growth as individuals, then we, as a community, can combine all those little steps into a bigger step towards growth as a whole community. I believe that I am made to radiate love to all and to do good in the world. As I have said, God does not make any mistakes, and he chose me to be exactly how I am for a reason. He has a plan and a purpose for my life, and if I stay true to who I am authentically and always pursue truth and goodness, then I will be better able to accomplish God’s plan for my life and bring others closer to Him as well.