Harrington Moreau 4 March 2022 Integration 3 – My Eulogy was a loving sister, daughter, and friend to many. She is remembered by her three younger brothers Bryan-John, Ian, and Raphael, her older sister Judith, her Parents Cristina and Bryan, and all her friends from school. Though not here tonight, she wants everyone to know how grateful she is for all of you coming and supporting not only her, but also everyone here in this tough time. Lucia was the type of person to focus on others rather than herself. In fact, she didn’t enjoy talking and thinking about herself as much as helping others figure out their own situations. One quote that really impacted her was from an article outlining the right way to be introspective. It stated: “We can spend endless amounts of time in self-reflection but emerge with no more self-insight than when we started” (Moreau Week 6). She knew this, which is why she didn’t like to focus on herself. Rather, she enjoyed helping others realize that their emotional needs and health are important. She saw it as a way she could serve the people around her, and it was one of the things she enjoyed most. Lucia believed that people were supposed to work together to trek through life. Though there is a lot of darkness and evil in the world, she believed that working together, people could combat it. One quote that encompassed her belief in this is as follows: “We have so much to do, and we must do it together. But how can we do that with all the evil we breathe every day?” (Moreau Week 7). This is a quote from Pope Francis, and though it brings to light the fact that there is a lot of evil in the world, it also introduces the idea that working together as a community, people can find happiness. One of Lucia’s most important values was to be a support for her friends when they needed her. This is because she always felt supported by the people closest to her, and was so unbelievably grateful for these people in her life so she wanted to be that person to others. One aspect of life that Lucia struggled with was living in the moment. She always liked to have a plan for her future. One could see it especially at college in the way she planned her meals with certain people for certain days so that she never had a doubt what she was doing in a certain night. She was always looking to the future, which helped her in many ways, but also hindered her in others. Many people would tell her to stop and live in the moment ever once in a while, and those were the moments where she would listen and contemplate what the people were telling her to do. One instance of this that was very impactful for Lucia was when she read an article in Week One of Moreau. A particular quote that stood out to her was: “To me, the point of sitting still is that it helps you see through the very idea of pushing forward; indeed, it strips you of yourself, as of a coat of armor, by leading you into a place where you’re defined by something larger” (Moreau Week 1). It hit her hard because she had never thought about staying still and contemplating where she was at a single moment of her life, not just planning for her future. One of the things Lucia planned for the most (in her future) was her career. She was always worried about choosing a career path where she would be trapped doing something she didn’t necessarily enjoy. She had so many hobbies (such as music, crafts, sports, and more) and liked to move around from experience to experience. When choosing a career (pertaining to her major of Mechanical Engineering) Lucia took the words of The Muruelo Family Center to mind and realized that “The idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implement as many part of his/her self-concept as possible. If a person only focuses on one or two parts of his/her self-concept for a career, that person will eventually hit a wall” (Moreau Week 2). She enjoyed serving others, but also enjoyed problem-solving and math (or any STEM-related topic for that matter). This is why she chose the career she did. She could combine multiple passions of hers into one aspect of her life while still leaving room for time with her family, friends, and loved ones. Though she’s gone, Lucia’s biggest values live on in everyone she loved. One of her biggest goals in life was to make the people around her feel loved, respected, valued, and happy. But she realized that there is a difference between being happy and being joyful: “What’s the difference between joy and happiness? It’s not a matter of whether this makes you happy or not because happiness is affected by many external factors (sleep, illness, hunger, loneliness, etc.). Happiness changes from moment to moment, day to day” (Moreau Week 3). It’s for this reason that Lucia tried to make sure everyone’s needs were met. Though happiness “changes from moment to moment, from day to day,” Lucia’s goal every day was to the reason someone was happy in that day. She saw it as a quest every time she stepped out of her room. Finally, Lucia always tried to stay true to her values of helping others. One quote that always stood with her was: “We travel as seekers after answers we cannot find at home, and soon find that a change of climate is easier than a change of heart” (Moreau Week 4). Though when she first heard the quote she thought it was a negative connotation, she then came to realize it was a testament to how strong one’s willpower and values can be in the face of adversity, and it is what she would like to leave everyone with tonight. “Why We Need to Slow Down Our Lives” by Pico Iyer, TED. – Moreau FYE Week 1 "Hesburgh" by Jerry Barca and Christine O'Malley by Jerry Barca and Christine O’Malley – Moreau FYE Week 2 “Three Key Questions” by Father Michael Himes – Moreau FYE Week 3 “Navigating Your Career Journey” by Meruelo Family Center for Career Development – Moreau FYE Week 4 “The Right Way to be Introspective (Yes, There’s a Wrong Way)” by Tasha Eurich, TED Conferences – Moreau FYE Week 6 Why the only future worth building includes everyone” by His Holiness Pope Francis, TED Conferences – Moreau FYE 7