1) Review the Moreau FYE Fall 2021 syllabus. Which of the focus questions or objectives stated in the document stand out to you as particularly relevant to your life? The fourth learning objective of the Fall 2021 Moreau Experience aims to direct students to “develop and pursue a vision of a life well-lived.” This learning objective stood out to me in particular because society both teaches and shows us multiple avenues and examples of what a “life well-lived” means in the modern-day world. Rather than depending on social constructs, beliefs, and opinions on what a “life well-lived” truly means, in this course I would like to discover what a fulfilling, life will-lived means to me, and learn to accept that my path in life may not look the same as anyone else’s. 2) Drawing from Dr. Brown’s commentary, submit a QQC to prepare for in-class discussion. View the “QQC Reflections” section of the syllabus for detailed guidance. Question: How might one be vulnerable or authentic if they are a part of a community/society when parts of their identity are against the law? Quote: “There’s only one variable that separates people who have a strong sense of love and belonging from those who really struggle for it. The people who have it believe that they are worthy of love and belonging.” This quote emphasizes and illustrates the struggle of imposter syndrome. Many people, like myself, struggle with feeling like they are enough and worthy of what they have earned and find it difficult to accept their accomplishments and accolades. In a society where giving and service is valued, it is sometimes forgotten how important it is to take time and give back to yourself. Self-love for many seems to come second to staying up late to finish schoolwork, taking an extra shift at work, and never settling for what you already have. Brené Brown reminds us that we can only give as much to others as we are willing to give to ourselves. It is important to remember that no matter how much we doubt ourselves and our abilities, we are worthy of what we have earned and the love and respect others have for us. Comment: I was surprised by how much the Brené Brown TED Talk on vulnerability resonated with me. The college application process highlighted my struggles with imposter syndrome and perfectionism. Watching this video reminded me that I am not alone in my struggles, and I deserve the love from people around me and the achievements I have earned. Moreover, this TED talk reminded me how important it is to continue to remember that progress is much more important than perfection, especially in the face of adversity and new experiences posed in college. No matter how far you go, it is important to remember and recognize how far you have come.