Maria Finan Moreau First Experience 11 October 2021 The Journey of Self-Reflection I believe that I am searching for courage and self-identity. As a first year student, adjusting to college life has been a challenge. There are so many obstacles that I have had to deal with such as living on my own, studying for exams, and having to find new friends once again. Thankfully, the Moreau First Experience has allowed me to explore my own development as a person. During week one, I enjoyed listening to Dr. Brown’s Ted Talk and gaining some insight into how to approach vulnerability. She discusses how the study showed that people “had the courage to be imperfect” which helped her recognize that even if people knew they had flaws, they still knew they were worthy of love (“The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown - Moreau FYE Week One). Her ideas about building up courage really resonated with me as it pertains to a big chunk of my development. Growing up, I had to push myself to talk to new people and not be afraid to share my interests. But eventually, that forced push became routine where I was able to open up to others with ease. Having this courage has been vital to my adjustment at Notre Dame. I believe that I encounter self-development by understanding the various strengths and weaknesses I have. With this information, I can utilize and further my strengths while improving myself in regards to my weaknesses. According to David Brooks, “we live in perpetual self-confrontation between the internal success and the internal value” (Should You Live for your Resume or Your Eulogy? by David Brooks - Moreau FYE Week Two). Brooks demonstrates that there is so much pressure to become the ideal version of yourself when that is just not possible. It is important to understand that you will always have an inner battle within yourself. For me, I have faced a lot of self-development during my time at Notre Dame. Understanding the mental and emotional struggles of college courses and finding opportunities all on my own has opened up my perspective on adulthood. Facing new challenges was the best way for me to expose myself to both failure and success. I believe that I can use my values and beliefs to help guide myself towards a fulfilling life. According to Fr. Peter McCormick, “the greatest journey you will ever go on is one of self-discovery” (“The Role of Faith in Our Story” by Fr. Pete McCormick - Moreau FYE Week Three). He emphasizes the importance of discovering oneself, especially during a critical period such as entering college. The journey towards self-discovery includes the three most important values: faith, love, and hope. Through our faith, we can use God’s advice as a guide for improving our lives. Having love for ourselves and others is also vital for character growth and forging important relationships. Lastly, hope is what drives and motives us to find new opportunities. Before I came to Notre Dame, I followed along the easy and comfortable path my parents had provided for me, and I truly appreciated their hard work. But becoming an adult is a complicated process filled with mixed emotions and difficult times; however, interacting with the student body here helped me understand that everyone is in the same position. By accepting kindness and love from others, I have matured as a person. I believe that I create life-giving relationships by respecting and caring for my family and friends. Moving to various places, I have learned the important aspects of making friends and keeping those relationships strong. At the same time, I have experienced toxic relationships where I was able to reflect on the situation and grow from it. Many people cover up their bad actions with the words “because I love you” (“Because I Love You, Double Whiskey” by One Love Foundation - Moreau FYE Week Four). One of the hardest things to do in a relationship is noticing unhealthy actions, especially when the person is someone you deeply care about or have known for a long time. Fortunately, there are many ways to spot these kinds of actions such as finding that they only tend to talk negatively about you and others or if they continuously lie to get what they want. It is important to recognize what type of relationship you have with someone by searching for their main traits. Traits such as honesty, generosity, and being respectful show me that my relationship with this person is safe and healthy. I believe that education helps me develop new perspectives and gives me the opportunity to make a positive change on the world. According to Father Moreau, an education is a “work of the resurrection” for all students (“Two Notre Dames: Your Holy Cross Education” by Fr. Kevin Grove - Moreau FYE Week Five). Education is a gateway for people to develop their moral, physical, and spiritual journey. Through our education at Notre Dame, we learn new things and experiment with them by applying them to our lives. The impact of COVID-19 helped me understand the importance of getting an education and gaining global perspectives in order to make a positive impact on the world. During desperate times, it is so important to be compassionate towards others and be willing to lend a hand. I want to use my time at Notre Dame to help others through various experiences and opportunities that I participate in throughout the next four years. I believe that I grow through the influences in my past. George Ella Lyon discusses how she creates a poem about her life with the concept that “the question of where you are from reaches deep” (“Where I’m From” by George Ella Lyon - Moreau FYE Week Six). She demonstrates the influences from her past that had a significant impact on her life. Using this idea, I created my own poem where I discuss the fond memories I have had with my family and friends. For me, the most important influences have been from the life lessons I have gained from my parents, and the fun things I have done with my friends. While all of them have not been positive, they have impacted my development as a person. I believe that my community should make an effort to understand other people’s cultures and customs. Every day, more and more people are getting access to information via the internet, social media, and the news. But, we still do not always get all the information, which causes bias and stereotypes to occur. This is why it is important to strive to gain new information. According to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, she highlights that reading books from different cultures “saved [her] from having a single story of what books are” (“Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Moreau FYE Week Seven). As Adichie mentions, when people have a set view on something and are told the opposite, they are often surprised by how different the world really is. Thus, it is important to not let stereotypes dictate your actions towards others as it can be harmful and disrespectful. Throughout the last several weeks, I have grown a lot and learned to take things slowly. Adulthood is not an easy process and mistakes are bound to happen. But it is important to be level-headed and appreciate the lessons you have learned in order to apply them later in the future. The Moreau First Year Experience has given me the opportunity to self-reflect and figure out where I want to further myself in regards to my career, interests, and social life.