Mr. Pruitt Moreau First-Year Experience 15 October 2021 Everyone has a unique set of beliefs that shape the ways they think, feel, and carry out life. For the past several weeks in the Moreau course at Notre Dame, I have been able to reflect upon my beliefs, and how they have shaped my experiences. Understanding and acknowledging our beliefs bring us further in touch with ourselves, and facilitates personal growth. I believe that I search for courage and vulnerability in my everyday life here at Notre Dame. In our first few weeks of school, we all had the opportunity to establish ourselves as individuals in a new setting. This can be scary and intimidating, but is necessary for us to have a deeper understanding of ourselves, and to reach our greatest potential. In my classes, I opened up to my peers and made meaningful, vulnerable connections with them. This took courage and risk because putting yourself out there is intimidating in itself. But, if we strive to take those risks, we can make long-lasting friendships. Researcher and storyteller Brene Brown wisely said “In order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen” (“The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown - Moreau FYE Week One). This supports the idea that we have to be our truest selves in our day-to-day interactions with others, in order to create a strong foundation for our relationships. I will continue to meet people and tasks with a sense of vulnerability, because the connections we make with others enrich our lives in profound ways. I believe that my purpose is to grow as my most authentic self by being in touch with my values. Through taking the character strengths survey in Moreau, I learned that I value kindness, perspective, and a love of learning. Acknowledging these values gave me an understanding of how I should live my life in a bigger picture, so when I look back I don’t feel like I strayed from being my most authentic self. According to the VIA Character strengths survey, “Mastering new skills, topics, and bodies of knowledge, whether on one's own or formally; related to the strength of curiosity but goes beyond it to describe the tendency to add systematically to what one knows.” (VIA Character Strengths Survey–VIA Adult Survey–Moreau FYE Week 2). I am holding true to these values here at Notre Dame by pursuing research and extracurricular activities in any and every field I am interested in. I believe that I pursue truth by following my faith, and learning from other people’s stories and narratives. Since coming to Notre Dame, I have emersed myself in the community surrounding faith and made meaningful connections with people in this community. According to a Notre Dame student named Nyah, “Faith brings us together. Through God’s love, we are able to love one another deeper. That matters to me because now more than ever, our world needs unity”("Student Reflections on Faith"–Campus Ministry - Moreau FYE Week 3). If we take on struggles with patience, faith, and comrodery, we are able to get through the most difficult, stressful situations. Furthermore, other people’s collective stories and experiences give me a greater understanding of worldly truths. According to Fr. Kevin Grove, “Faith and reason together place us [always] in relationship with eachother”( "Two Notre Dames: Your Holy Cross Education" - Fr. Kevin Grove, C.S.C.- Moreau FYE Week 5). We learn so much from each other, and hearing stories of faith and life experience is truly eye opening. It also is important that we address preconceived biases when hearing other’s stories. “This tendency for stereotype-confirming thoughts to pass spontaneously through our minds is what psychologists call implicit bias. It sets people up to overgeneralize, sometimes leading to discrimination even when people feel they are being fair”("How to Think About 'Implicit Bias'"- Moreau FYE Week 7). Becoming aware of the predispositions we carry is essential in eliminating unwanted stereotypes and finding truths from an even perspective. New viewpoints give us insight on controversial, dividing topics, and allow us to come together despite our differences. From here, we can pursue the difficult, confusing truths we encounter throughout our lives with open minds and hearts. I believe that I forge life-giving relationships by surrounding myself with ambitious, optimistic people. I seek friendships rooted from love and positivity, so upon coming to Notre Dame, I sought out people with similar values. It is easy to fall into toxic, negative relationships if you put up with unfair treatment. For relationships to be successful, each person must truly have the other’s best interest at heart. According to Olivia Taylor, “If the majority of the things that come out of your friend’s mouth is a complaint or has some sort of a negative angle, you’re probably not having the most fun with them. Endlessly venting about work, other friends, family, relationships, or life in general could indicate that your friendship is not balanced and they don’t value your time together” ("5 Signs You’re in a Toxic Friendship" -Olivia T. Taylor, Grotto - Moreau FYE Week 4). This quote is important because we must remember that the energy we are contributing to relationships has just as much impact. We need to be mindful of how our words affect those we surround ourselves with, and seek out mutual love and respect when forging life-giving relationships. I believe that I grow by experiencing different stages of life in different places. From living in 4 different locations, I have gained life experience that allows me to better myself, and achieve personal growth, all from different viewpoints. Each of my “hometowns” have shaped me in ways that are unique and individually important (Moreau FYE Week 6 Assignemnt). Now, being in South Bend, I have grown so much emotionally, academically, and socially. A new environment (place to call home) expedites the growth process because it challenges me to reestablish routine, relationships, academic success, and hobbies. I look forward to where my Journey at Notre Dame will take me, because I believe that it truly fosters growth in every aspect. Being in such a welcoming, supportive environment inspires me to work towards my goals every day. After reflecting on my personal beliefs, I feel grateful for the opportunities Notre Dame provides in facilitating self-development. Looking back on experiences to gain deeper understandings and perspecives is crucial in achieving personal growth, lasting relationships, and a well rounded, happy life. I cannot wait to continue my journey here, and to see how being at Notre Dame will shape my beliefs.