“The Road Less Traveled” I believe my purpose is to serve others. Whether that service is big or small, I hope to dedicate my life in service to others. This is why I came to Notre Dame, so that I could continue on my path to serve others. It is my vocation to be a doctor, and I can not think of a better place to follow that calling. The more I live at Notre Dame the more I realize how special this place truly is, the campus, but also the people. I have also been able to discern my values and my morals with a certain conviction here. I not only am able to receive a great education at Notre Dame but also join many clubs geared towards medicine and service to others. Notre Dame continues to enable me in my belief. I know I believe in service because of the VIA Character Strength Test. According to the test my number one strength was kindness. (https://www.viacharacter.org/survey/account/register?registerPageType=popup by VIA - Moreau FYE week 2). From this I was told my strength lies in doing good deeds for others. I think it is a perfect strength for a doctor to have. I hope to continue to employ it long into the future using what Notre Dame has taught me. I also believe I am responsible for not only my family and my friends. Yet in a larger sense I believe I am responsible for loving others, no matter who they are. Father Sorin and Blessed Basil Moreau both made it their mission to live for others, and to live outside themselves. They passed this state of mind down into the great university that is Notre Dame. Father Sorin wrote in his great letter to Blessed Basil “I thank Heaven that I am now among them. No, I cannot believe that it was without some special design that, for many years, God inspired me with so great a desire to labor for them; I cannot suppose that, without any premeditation on my part, He has brought me among them from so far, simply to sec. them https://www.viacharacter.org/survey/account/register?registerPageType=popup without being of any service to them.” (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o56woQDq3QrRkziT8eYrvYly5CQaP2Vb/view by Father Sorin - Moreau FYE Week 5). Father Sorin was ready to love and serve the people he encountered in his life. I too wish to be the same way and the culture of inclusion that Notre Dame cultivates will help me immensely. I know I am responsible for making sure all feel welcome, and that I may love all, not just my family and friends, though they are foremost in my life. I can also work to not only get rid of implicit bias in my life but also in society in general. A very lofty goal but everyone must play a part and I believe in my role and my responsibility for that change. For example, “It just means your brain is working properly, noticing patterns and making generalizations. But the same thought processes that make people smart can also make them biased.” (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-think-about-implicit-bias/ by Keith Payne, Laura Niemi, John M. Dorris - Moreau FYE Week 7). I can work against the extra thought process that disillusions so many. I know that this is my responsibility and Notre Dame will give me a step in the right direction with the number of people I can interact with here. I believe that I forge life-giving relationships by being loyal and listening to those around me. I grew up in a house with 5 other siblings and I loved every second. I also know that sometimes it might be hard to get your voice heard. As a result, when I forge my life-giving relationships and deep friendships with others, I try to make sure they feel listened to. My relationships are not always perfect though and sometimes they leave me wondering how I messed up or who can I really trust. When we read about the red flags in relationships it was very helpful for me to reflect on past relationships and understand what went wrong. For example, “You may notice that they can only hang out when it’s convenient for them.”(“https://grottonetwork.com/navigate-life/relationships/signs-of-toxic-friendships/ by https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o56woQDq3QrRkziT8eYrvYly5CQaP2Vb/view https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-think-about-implicit-bias/ https://grottonetwork.com/navigate-life/relationships/signs-of-toxic-friendships/ Olivia T Taylor – Moreau FYE Week 4). Often, I could point out a toxic trait on either my behalf or the other persons. By being empowered now I can know which relationships are going to be life-giving that I can be loyal to. Yet, in the end I always renew my faith in others as well as God and keep working to meet and grow with others. I think Dr. Brené Brown was very right when she said, “In order for connection we have to let ourselves be seen, really seen.” (“The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown - Moreau FYE Week One). By listening I let others be seen, and then through loyalty and care I can open up to my friends as well. It is not always easy but when you finally do accept vulnerability your life-giving relationships take on a whole new facet of reality. I am overjoyed to be in this special place and knowing everyone I meet can be a new lifelong friend. This is to say there can be many types of friendships but knowing what I know about red flags I can navigate my relationships at Notre Dame and continue to serve. Notre Dame seems to check every box in what I believe or want to work towards. It is remarkable to think that I have only been on this campus for 8 weeks. The time seems to have flown by, but also lengthen. The people I have met and the relationships I have forged seem like they have taken place over years, and I am very close with people who were strangers 8 weeks ago. The energy at Notre Dame is exhilarating and I know that my beliefs are welcome here. What is more, I welcome others’ beliefs and I hope to interact with as many as I can while here. I know Notre Dame is the place for my belief in service to grow, a place where my responsibility to always love others can grow, and finally a place where I believe I can make the most out of my life-giving relationships. The future is very bright. Notre Dame will send me out to do good in the world and I can not wait to live out my beliefs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4Qm9cGRub0&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4Qm9cGRub0&feature=youtu.be