Capstone Integration 1 Moreau Integration 27 April 2022 Discerning the Man in the Mirror Living a life well-lived will turn out differently for everyone. For Father Hesburgh, his path was different from the one of Mother Teresa, or Malcolm X. Everyone has different paths for how their lives can be well-lived, and ’s path is especially different. is a man who analyzes everything in his life. His mission statement reflects this point and says, “I am a strong dependable man. I have people depending on me to succeed, and so I will develop my character mentally and physically as much as I can. I am responsible for my actions, but the consequences do not only affect me. I will focus on the goal at hand, and ensure only positivity is surrounding me.” (“Mission Statement” by - Moreau FYE Week Thirteen) Tyson has believed in his mission from the beginning. Even when discussing the importance of “Slowing down your life” Tyson resonated with the words of Mahatma Gandi as he talked about the importance of not letting outside influences take away time from yourself. Mahatma Gandi once said, “This is going to be a very busy day. I won’t be able to meditate for an hour. I’ll have to meditate for two.” (“Why we need to slow down our lives " by Pico Iyer, TED - Moreau FYE Week One) Once Tyson saw these words he finally realized the importance of self-care, not only physically but most importantly mentally. Gandi wasn’t the only person who influenced Tyson with his words and actions, though. 2 Seeing how Father Hesburgh lived his life really opened the eyes of Tyson throughout the year. Seeing him interact with all types of world leaders from Martin Luther King to The Pope really made Tyson realize that anyone can have an impact on people’s lives if they have the right mindset. Some words that really resonated with him were Father Hesburgh’s quote about suffering. Hesburgh says, “In my faith, you learn there’s meaning in suffering, but to truly understand that you have to, first, suffer yourself.” ("Hesburgh" Produced by Jerry Barca and Christine O'Malley) - Moreau FYE Week Two) From this Tyson understood the importance of everyone having to sacrifice something in order to achieve a life well-lived. Although you can only sacrifice so much before time is up, you have to capitalize on the time that is given to you. “My life is going to end, and I have a limited amount of time,” Sister Aletheia said. ("Meet the nun who wants you to remember that you will die " by Ruth Graham, NY Times - Moreau FYE Week Three) Because of the limited time that we have to capitalize on, we have to plan accordingly. “Planning your career is much like planning for a trip.” (“Navigating Your Career” by Meruelo Family Center for Career Development - Moreau FYE Week Four) One thing that Tyson plans to do in order to achieve a life well-lived is to open his own non-for-profit organization dedicated to helping inner-city children achieve an equal level of education that more privileged children have. In order to truly accept that people in this world are very different with different opportunities, Tyson had to realize some things he had never thought about before. “People who possess greater insight — which he defines as an intuitive understanding of ourselves — enjoy stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose and greater well-being, self-acceptance, and happiness.” ("The Right Way to be Introspective (Yes, There's a Wrong Way)" by Tasha Eurich, TED Conferences - Moreau FYE Week Six) In order to realize 3 that there were people in need, Tyson had to learn to look inside himself and see that he had been given a greater opportunity throughout his life than most kids. While there is nothing one can do about a situation they have been born into, once you realize that you are different you must make it a mission to help those who are not as fortunate. Tyson realized that this is not only the moral thing to do, but it is what keeps the world moving forward with hope. Pope Francais once said, “Hope is the door that opens onto the future.” (“Why the only future worth building includes everyone” by His Holiness Pope Francis, TED Conferences - Moreau FYE Week Seven) This quote is impactful because it helps everyone understand that we must have compassion for those who are oppressed or not as fortunate in the world. “Compassion is not only to suffer for the other, but it is also to be in sympathy with another.” (“Teaching Accompaniment: A Learning Journey Together” by Professor Steve Reifenberg) - Moreau FYE Week Nine) The next key to living a life well-lived is truly being yourself. You cannot be happy and succeed in life without staying true to who you are. “You think if people knew the real you, they wouldn’t love you either.” (“Growing up Gay and Catholic” by Jacob Walsh, Grotto - Moreau FYE Week Ten) This quote carries weight throughout the life of because he has vowed to be true to himself and not let anyone run him off of his track. This is the reason Tyson Ford has been as successful as he has so far in his life. Sometimes throughout this life people find it difficult to be themselves, especially when being themselves brings on hate from other people for no particular reason. A question asked by states, “How will we know when the world is free of prejudice?” (“Week 12 QQC Question” by - Moreau FYE Week Twelve) The answer to this question is one that we might not ever find out, but regardless 4 of the odds against , he will stay true to himself and not let others bring him down with negativity.