Professor Retartha Integration Three Mission Statement During my time at Notre Dame thus far I have realized that staying true to yourself is the only true way you will be successful in life. It is important to remember at times you are all you have. My belief in myself has grown immensely especially this semester and Notre Dame has helped me discover my true self. The Notre Dame education has helped me to think in ways I never thought I would. It challenged me while also rewarding me in the best way possible. One of the more unusual exercises we did in this class truly showed how the education really pushes you to think outside the usual comfort zone. The exercise of writing my eulogy, while at first was off putting to me, helped me to reflect on how or what I wanted to be remembered for. I believe God has put every person I’ve met at school so far in my life for a reason. I hope that I can make a positive impact on everyone I meet. This school is so special and the people that this education attracts is so unique and I am so lucky to be a part of it. After much reflection, I have realized this year success for me is measured by my happiness. It is easy to find all the negatives when you are adapting to a new environment; however, I found that the moments when I was happy were the moments, I felt most successful. Although there have been many ups and downs throughout my time here it has helped me realize just how important certain things and people are in my life. The quote that resonated with me the most was, “We don’t appreciate what we have until it’s gone” cheesy but very true. Since I’ve been at school being away from my family has helped me reflect on the importance they have in my life. I lean on my family for everything and being away from them has just emphasized how important they are to me. I realized how much I relied on them so when I would have an issue, I found myself calling them and asking for their advice. However, as I became more comfortable with my own abilities, I found myself taking issues into my own hands. When I have felt suffering this year, I have tried taking it into my own hands and I have reflected on things I can do better and grown from it. I have grown a tremendous amount in wisdom since being at school. The most amazing thing about being at college is the different people you will meet. Everyone has so much to share and so much wisdom to give and elaborate on. I have learned so much from my peers and for them I am forever grateful. You learn the most from people you admire the most and I truly admire my classmates and their incredible motivation. Courage for me this year has been depicted through my willingness to step out of my comfort zone; academically and socially. I have learned how to be outgoing and how to express my feelings in a successful way. I have always been outgoing but college forced me to be comfortable with uncomfortable situations. I grew up in a small town where I knew everyone in the supermarket and local deli shops. I went to a small elementary school which transitioned to my middle school as well. I always knew the people I was surrounded by and at times felt like I knew their entire family too! For these experiences I feel incredibly blessed; however, I first felt out of my comfort zone once I got to high school. New classmates, people I had never gone to school with, and a much bigger grade. However, it was only a matter of time before I became incredibly comfortable with the people not only in my grade but also the grades above and below me. So, once I got to college, I thought it would be just as smooth however I quickly realized that I was now going to be going to school with thousands of people. At first it was challenging but I continued to adapt and have loved every person I have met. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to go to one of the best universities in the world, but I am more blessed for the people I have met along the way, and I know that group will only continue to expand the older I get. This mission statement shows a great amount of promise for my future years at this University. The mission statement shows my growth throughout my first year. Although there were bumps in the road it has only made me stronger and has taught me that not everything is going to go as planned but what matters is how you react to the different directions you will get thrown in. This mission statement makes it seem like I have accomplished and overcome every hurdle, but I am aware that I have not even come close to everything I will endure throughout my four years. Although there will be the dark days the most amazing thing about this school is that there are so many different avenues where you can go and ask for help or just reflect. I find myself going to the grotto when I feel overwhelmed. Sometimes the best thing to do is to just reflect on the good things you have in life rather than the things that are giving you angst. Friends are another great outlet that I utilize that I use when am going through something because I am aware that I can not go through everything alone, someone could’ve experienced the exact thing that you are going through and can make the healing process much easier. I am so grateful for all the opportunities and resources this school provides for me and I am certain I will continue to utilize all that the University of Notre Dame has to offer.