QQC WEEK 1 QUESTION: Why is vulnerability often related to weakness? QUOTE: “And I’m more ‘Life is messy, clean it up, organize it, and put it into a bento box”. I relate so much to this comment made by Brené Brown because I consider myself a perfectionist and a person that wants to have control over everything that is going on in their life. This is something that I’ve working on for a time now, and I strongly belief that once I started changing my mindset and perspective about being vulnerable has gotten me where I’m today. Also, I chose this quote because I believe that is a very common mindset in our society. Almost everybody is looking to be perfect, have control over everything, and always show strength. However, as Brené Brown said, people that showed vulnerability and a sense of worthiness in her research, “..had the courage to be imperfect”. Which, in my opinion, should be the mindset that society teaches and encourages future generations. Creating more empathetic, compassionate, and stronger people. COMMENT: Now that I’m initiating this new adventure in college, far away from home, it is a great opportunity for me to continue growing in my vulnerability and being grateful everyday even for the little things. Being vulnerable will not only allow me to connect better with myself, but to create better and meaningful relationships with others too. Also, allowing myself to be vulnerable will help me find out what I’m really passionate about, and how I can make an impact in the life of others through my career choice. To conclude, letting yourself be vulnerable is a sign of strength and is the key to create good connections, have empathy, and live a life with more gratitude. Reference Video “The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown, TedxHouston