The utopia that humanity dreams of The “impossible” Dream of a Utopia of Happiness. When presented with the question “What are we here for ?”. Many struggle with such a question as the answers could be quite literally infinite. Some, however, have the answer to that question on their mind at all times as they themselves have decided that answer as their life went on starting from their childhood, but is that answer truly what they desire or an idea implanted into them by others ? That idea itself, while it might come around through their environments and their experiences, it is usually not their true desire but what they believe their desire to be. It is also true however that the answer is also their true desire that they resonate with deeply. For me, the answer is pursuing the medical field. It is something that I myself have been interested in since I knew what it even was, but it can also be argued that it’s an idea my parents had implanted in me ever since I was a young child. While i believe to be passionate about this field, i myself have no idea if it is really what i want, but when i think about it, i believe that it is what fits me best, no matter if it was me who wants to do it or if it were my surroundings that changed my desires into that. There is not something particularly special about me that leads me to be in the medical field, more accurately the neurosurgery part of it. It is but a desire that many people have. I believe that nobody was truly born to do something and that anybody can really be anything they want if raised through a specific way starting in their childhood. To be quite honest, the financial stability I will gain through that career is quite an important factor, as the medical field is quite known to be able to support its participants quite well, but it is not the only reason. I’ve always wanted to explore the human mind's innerworkings and research the cures diseases that have plagued humans for so long. The consciousness of the mind is a mystery that we have yet to explore, one which we know nothing about so far, and I am interested in that mystery. A lever for me to change the world would be that mystery itself. While humans are naturally afraid of the unknown, it is also something that excites us. It is something that drives us to discover and research, to advance and conquer, a beautiful concept that has always fascinated me. If we are to discover those innerworkings and mysteries of the human mind, We can practically cure the disease that is suffering and dullness so many people experience on a daily basis, and I honestly believe that idea to be extremely beautiful. A world without suffering, a world without sadness, a world where one does not go through a chemical imbalance occuring in their brain to cause sadness and pain, a world where everyone can be happy. In a general sense, achieving that utopia of happiness is a long shot dream of humanity, after all the definition of a utopia is an imaginary fantasy of a perfect world that we ourselves make under perfect conditions, but so what ? dreams and desires of humans are endless, we have achieved the impossible over and over again, the will of humanity is a hope of light amongst the darkness of a world covered in darkness, that darkness being the wars, suffering, the violence, this imaginary utopia which we know is a fantasy in itself guides us forward for a better future, all dreams are dreams until we ourselves achieve them. A singular person can not make change on their own, however they can take the initiative to cause that change, to drive people to the right path, to unite us to truly know what is right and what is wrong, unity is one of the strongest powers that humans have at their disposal, but it is quite hard to take that initiative. One might say “Why do i have to do it” or “Someone else can at a later time”; however, when that person takes the responsibility of taking the lever to move the world, that is where humanity truly shines with their dreams and accomplishments and somehow manage to achieve what they themselves have considered impossible. In the case of students here at Notre Dame, i believe that every single student has the qualities to become a leader of the future, to pave the way for future generations to come for a brighter future, this Utopia that we have always dreamed of, perhaps it can be achieved by the current generation of people that have grown in a world covered by darkness. During my experience in Notre Dame, I have met many people that have had all kinds of experiences, it showed me that a change in the world is needed, and also quite possible. Having hope is not a bad thing, but being too optimistic about the future is not a good thing either. Having an outlook on life that not everything is right is not the right thing to do either, while it is true that the world can sometimes be a horrible place, when someone looks at the beauty of our planet and all the accomplishments we have managed to achieve as a species, it puts things in perspective about what we can truly accomplish if we just overlook all the violence and evil that lurks in the world. That is where this generation and all the future generations come in, we move the future, we are the ones who hold this lever of success in our possession, and we will move the world with this lever of hope.