Moreau Integration Capstone April 11, 2022 Moreau FYE Capstone Integration The Notre Dame experience is defined by the ability to discover, adapt, and revise the way we see the world and the ways in which we fit into it. Growth is encouraged and opportunities to do so are everywhere. Specifically, the Moreau First Year Experience provides moments away from the chaos of classes, exams, and assignments to reflect upon our personal paths. Far away from the influences of family, hometown friends, and cultural expectations, I have been able to truly discern what matters to me as well as how I can integrate these values into my future. I feel as though I have found a more holistic approach to life, recognizing that there are many aspects to a fulfilling future, rather than just a successful career and a happy family. As such, throughout the next three years and beyond, I hope to better myself, better the world around me, and act with courage during the difficult moments. By becoming the best version of myself, I can be of the greatest good to others. I hope to be constantly evolving, using dissatisfaction as a mechanism for change and improvement. (Three Key Questions, Week 3) I can first do this by learning as much as I can in avenues such as my classes and medical school. I truly want to delve deeply into material and understand beyond simply memorizing for an exam. I will work with professors to learn more about topics I care about and become well-versed in my areas of study. In a broader sense, however, I hope to be a lifelong learner outside of the classroom. I will recognize each day as a renewed opportunity to gain perspective and wisdom from the people in my life and the experiences I encounter. In this manner, I can better myself through not only academic knowledge, but also practical and emotional awareness. I can secondly improve myself by becoming more self aware of my talents and gifts by participating in a variety of activities, projects, and research. I will continue creative writing through the creative writing club and truly hone my creative process and artistic side. I plan to work with professors in the Neuroscience and Spanish departments to combine my passion for the two subjects in a way that benefits partners in the South Bend community. Lastly, I want to become literate in a laboratory and experiment with a substantial range of topics. By expanding my experiences, I can find out what I am good at and how I can best use my skills. Third, I will better myself by embracing imperfection, embodying vulnerability, and becoming emotionally intelligent. To be human is to be wonderfully and beautifully flawed, and as time goes on, I hope to become more comfortable with this and let go of perfectionism. Nobody can be truly perfect, and to work towards that is only a detriment. I will remain hopeful about myself and about the world, fostering the “virtue of a heart that doesn’t lock itself into darkness, that doesn’t dwell on the past, does not simply get by in the present, but is able to see a tomorrow.” (Why the Only Future Worth Building Includes Everyone, Week 7) As such, I will do the work to be comfortable showing all sides of myself to those closest to me, including when I am not doing my best. In tandem, I hope to spread empathy and be a safe place for friends and family to come to in times of trouble and in times of joy. I will accept my own flaws and love others despite theirs. There is beauty in variety, and change truly is the spice of life, so I can better myself by embracing this instead of running away from it. As a bridge between bettering myself and the world around me, I will both spread and accept love. I will cultivate relationships with people I care about and maintain strong ties with my siblings and extended family. I will continue Sunday night dinners, Thanksgiving kickball games, Christmas morning cinnamon rolls, and other important family traditions. In these ways, I hope to become the best version of myself so that I can find peace in my own life and harmony between mind and body (Ways to Practice Mindfulness, Week 6) so that I may best serve others. The other facet of my mission is to better the world around me. I pursue my ultimate purpose of serving others and embodying selflessness. I believe that I am called to be generous with the great opportunities that I have been given, and I think this can manifest in a multitude of ways on several levels. I will manifest generosity through small acts in my daily life like giving up my seat on the bus, or allowing someone else to go in front of me in line. I aim to remember that there is usually reasoning behind others’ actions, and that I never truly know what is going on in someone’s life. As such, I will be gracious and understanding in all interactions. The driver cutting me off on the freeway might be rushing to get a friend to the hospital; the rude customer might have just gotten fired. In small ways like this, I can live my mission in my daily life. On a larger scale, I will work towards becoming a doctor and serving others through my career. If possible, after gaining experience and resources, I can work with organizations like the Red Cross or other NGOs to bring healthcare to areas that may not have access and accompany those who have less. (Teaching Accompaniment: A Learning Journey Together, Week 9) Second, I will respect everyone, especially those different from myself. I will continue the work to become more culturally competent, “be engaged in the world”, and listen to marginalized groups (Hesburgh, Week 2). I recognize that all people deserve humanity and grace, and I hope to make a difference in implementing this in the real world. Lastly, I will be a good friend and sister and give back to those that have given so much to me. In these ways, I can leave the world better than I found it. Along with these two facets, I hope to act with courage in the difficult moments. Life is full of ups and downs, and I aim to remember that “we can never be irreparably broken.” (Looking for Alaska) Humans are resilient creatures; we can endure a great deal and come out the other side stronger and more prepared for the struggles the world may throw at us. I will write my own narrative with free will and be brave in hard times. Notre Dame will provide me with the foundation to live out this mission, and I will spend the next three years pursuing paths that lead me to this fulfilled life.