Integration 3 Anthony G. Battaglia Moreau First Year Experience D. Espeseth When the last chapter of my life is written how do I want to be remembered? I want to be remembered as a kind, honest person I want to be remembered for being able to put a smile on other people’s faces I want to be remembered as someone who was happy in their life and helped to brighten up others’ life as well I want to be remembered for my witty jokes and goofy demeanor I want to be remembered for being a good listener and comforter I want to be remembered as a good dad, a fun grandpa, and a lifelong friend How do I define a life well lived? A life well lived is one in which the person who lived it was proud of their life A life well lived is one in which the person who lived it enjoyed their life and wouldn’t trade it for any other A life well lived is one in which the person who lived it fully came to understand and accept themself. A life well lived is one in which the people who were a part of it were glad they were A life well lived is one in which the people who were a part of it were happier and more fulfilled by being part of it A life well lived in one in which the people who were a part of it were inspired to live better lives themselves A life well lived is one in which the world was made better off, not necessarily on some massive scale, but in some way shape or form a positive difference was made A life well lived is one that is done in accordance with God’s will What would be observable signs of a life well lived? An observable sign of a life well lived is the happiness of the person living it An observable sign of a life well lived is the strength of the the relationships the person living it made An observable sign of a life well lived is how others act around the person living it An observable sign of a life well lived is what the person living it did with their time An observable sign of a life well lived is how the person living it helped others I want to be remembered for kindness in all aspects. I want to be remembered for being charitable, kind to animals, and empathetic toward everyone I meet. I want to be remembered for being honest, yet not harsh. I want to be remembered for never breaking promises, always following through, and being able to tell people what they need to know in a way that doesn’t hurt their feelings. I want to be remembered with a smile on my face and I smile on all the faces of everyone around me. I want to be remembered as someone you couldn’t help to stay mad around, someone who could make even the most sour at least chuckle. I want to be remembered for making awful dad jokes and puns. I want to be remembered for making good jokes too, for having an inhuman sense of comedic timing. I want to be remembered as someone who people could come to with anything and feel that they will be heard, understood, and respected. I want to be remembered as a dad who loved my children as much as possible and did everything I could to make them happy in life. I want to be remembered as a husband who was both best friends and soul mates with his wife. I want to be remembered as a grandpa who maybe spoiled his grandchildren a little too much, and always had a story on hand to tell. I want to be remembered as a friend who was always there when needed, a friend that truly was a fried to the very end. I want to have been proud of the life I lived, when it comes to my final years I want to have as few regrets as possible. I want to reflect on every stage life and remember it fondly, to never think I wish I had done this or that. I want to be completely satisfied with my life, to have truly enjoyed it and lived it the way I want, the way most true to me. I don’t want to conform and do what everyone else does, I want to look back and be proud that I stood my ground when I did and stuck to my beliefs. I want the people I loved and cared about to have been glad I was a part of their life. When it’s time for me to go I don’t want them to be sad and think ‘I wish I had told him this, or done that with him’, or anything like that. I want them to think ‘I’m glad to have had him in my life’ as a father, a husband, a friend, or whatever other relationship we had. I want the people who were in my life to reflect back on the time we spent together and be inspired to live their lives in a similar manner. I don’t mean that as them doing what I did, but them doing it with the spirit I did. To stand their ground even if we have different beliefs, to do what makes them happy not me, to live their own definition of a life well lived. I want to have made a positive impact on the people and world around me. I want it to have been clear I lived my life well by seeing the smile upon my face as I grew old. By seeing how connected I was with those around me. That my relationships weren’t based on obligation or blood, but rather that the people in my life were there because they wanted to be. I want it to have been observable that my life was well lived because of how happy the people around me were, and how I spent my time serving, talking with, or helping others in my life. Whether it be with my time, resources, or knowledge I want it to be obvious that I lived a life well lived by the many and various ways I helped others. Finally, I want to have lived my life in accordance with God’s plan for it, I hope my life will have been one that would make Him proud, and that when it ends I’ll go to eternal peace and rest with Him.