Capstone Integration Professor Whittington Moreau 29 April 2022 Being a Force for Good in this World Mission Statement It is very important for me to live my life to the fullest with no regrets. With this, I am going to seize opportunities that are presented to me. I am going to be courageous in these opportunities, facing situations with bravery in the face of uncertainty. I am going to stay headstrong in my faith, following God’s plan for my life and continuing to have a relationship with Him. I am going to grow in wisdom by surrounding myself with people who are different from me, challenging my own ideas with the perspectives of others. I am going to live a life true to myself, and not alter my own viewpoints or identity to please others. I am going to embrace the times I suffer, and use what I learn in these times to help me later in life. I am going to be a source for good in this world, helping those who are less fortunate and projecting positive emotions that can help someone in a time of their own suffering. While I am going to help others, I am also going to focus on myself as well by taking the time to reflect and focus on the present. I will also be mindful of how my presence affects others, and how it is important to think about the consequences of my actions. I am going to live everyday with purpose, surround myself with good people, and hope to make a small impact in this world. Integration In my short time here at Notre Dame, I have already seen how the people and atmosphere have shaped my beliefs, values, and identity. One of the biggest reasons I chose to attend this college was because of how welcoming everyone is and how highly every single person regarded the school. I completely understand what they were talking about now that I have experienced it for myself, and it has led me to think about the next three years of my Notre Dame experience and how I want to live it. By writing my mission statement, it has allowed me to reflect on the aspects of my life that I want to both change and grow, and how I want to portray my mission statement to others through my actions and words. I am excited for the endless possibilities my future holds for me at Notre Dame, and how I will capitalize on these opportunities to better myself and those around me. In my mission statement, I express how I am going to live my life to the fullest with no regrets. To me, this means being courageous in the face of uncertain circumstances. It is so easy to shy away from a difficult situation, and I am not going to lie and say I am perfect because I have never done such a thing. I have been a coward in many moments when I knew I should not be, and it has caused me to live with regret. I do not want to live this way. As Dean G. Marcus Cole simply stated, “We must do something.” (“I am George Floyd. Except, I can breathe. And I can do something” by Dean G Marcus Cole - Moreau FYS Week Twelve). We cannot sit back and do nothing in the face of difficulty. This is why I am going to portray my mission statement by speaking out about the issue of human trafficking while I am still a student at Notre Dame. I am going to join the new club that will be meeting next school year, and discuss how we can provide more awareness to the issue and discuss ways we can combat the problem. Another important thing I have prioritized is that I am going to be headstrong in my faith by following God’s plan for my life. This means multiple things for me. In my life, I have had moments where I have struggled with my faith. I would like to say this has not been a problem since attending Notre Dame, but that simply is not the truth. One of the ways I have struggled was by being confused why He could let bad things happen when He is good. This was particularly present in Week Two, when I watched the Hesburgh film. Something that stood out to me was when Father Hesburgh said, “In my faith you learn there’s meaning in suffering…” (“Hesburgh Film” by Jerry Barca and Christine O'Malley - Moreau FYS Week Two). This really resonated with me, and allowed me to fully develop my belief that everything happens for a reason. We might not understand why God allows situations to take place, and we might not understand how something good could be a product of something bad, but there is meaning behind everything. In the next three years, I am going to remember this, and be someone who can see good in every situation. I want to be someone my friends can come to for advice, and I want to be able to provide comfort to those who are suffering. Another way I am going to be headstrong in my faith is by being patient with God. Throughout my relationship with Him, I have found myself questioning His existence, questioning His will for my life, and wondering if He is even listening to me. Something that really stood out to me about this was from Week Ten, which said, “You can’t convince yourself God loves you, but you can ask Him to show you” (“Growing up Gay and Catholic” by Jacob Walsh - Moreau FYS Week Ten). This was an eye opener for me. I realized that questioning His existence is pointless because I will never see Him or know with 100% certainty that He loves me. However, I can talk to Him through prayer, and ask Him to show me what He wants me to do with my life. In the next three years, I am going to make more of an effort to develop a relationship with God, and take more time to talk to Him through prayer. I am going to take what He tells me and act on it in front of my friends, family, and community. I am going to spread His love to those around me and hope that they feel it too. Another way I am going to live out my mission statement is by growing in wisdom. One way I will do this is by surrounding myself with people who differ from me. “We should be intentional about the information that we expose ourselves to, seeking out intelligent people with whom we disagree, and attempting to fully understand their arguments” (“How to Avoid an Echo Chamber” by Dr. Paul Blaschko - Moreau FYS Week Eleven). Growing up in a small town, I found myself surrounded by people who all thought the same, and it caused me to also believe what they believed. When I arrived at Notre Dame, I was challenged by people who thought differently from me, and it allowed me to discern my own beliefs. This is something I think is really important. We have to challenge ourselves in our knowledge. We cannot be close-minded and unwilling to listen to other opinions. In the next three years I am going to continue to expose myself to people who I disagree with, and make sure people know that I will not judge them for their beliefs and opinions. I do not want to be seen as someone who is judgemental, and I want to engage in challenging conversation with others. In our world today, suffering exists everywhere. We cannot escape it. The world is not perfect, and so we should embrace the inevitable suffering. I included this in my mission statement because in my experience, I have learned the most through my own suffering and by witnessing others. In the future, I want to help those who are suffering by accompanying them through it. “Compassion is not only to suffer for the other, but it is also to be in sympathy with another. It means to be close to the other, to accompany the other” (“Teaching Accompaniment: A Learning Journey Together by Steve Reifenberg” - Moreau FYS Week Nine). I am going to be an understanding person in times I do not understand. I am going to help people who are suffering themselves, and be a source of comfort to those around me. While it is a huge priority of mine to help people, I am also going to focus on myself as well. In order to make a difference towards others, I have to make sure my well-being is healthy and strong. “The point of sitting still is it helps you see through the very idea of pushing forward” (“Why we need to slow down our lives” by Pico Iyer - Moreau FYS Week One). Taking the time to relax and reflect on yourself is essential in life. Doing so everyday makes a huge difference in how you perform daily tasks and interact with others. Happiness is key. You must focus on your own happiness so others can be happy too. Another way I can focus on myself comes from Week Three, “The concept is appreciating the present and focusing on the future” (“Meet the Nun Who Wants You to Remember You Will Die” by Ruth Graham - Moreau FYS Week Three). One of the biggest things I learned about my first year at Notre Dame is that time flies by. I cannot believe my first year is almost over, and it makes me sad thinking about it. I wish I could go back and appreciate this past year more, but I cannot. The only thing I can do is be more appreciative and by using the decisions I make in the present to lead to a successful future. In regards to myself, I am also going to be self-aware in how I affect others. “If we’re not self-aware, it’s almost impossible to master the skills that make us stronger team players, superior leaders and better relationship builders, either at work or in the rest of our lives” (“The Right Way to be Introspective (Yes, There’s a Wrong Way)” by Tasha Eurich - Moreau FYS Week Six). This is another reason why it is important to focus on yourself in order to help others. We have to be mindful of how our actions affect others, and how our behaviors can be watched and imitated. I have found myself in moments where I have been selfish and not contemplated how my actions could affect others. This has caused me some issues in the past, and I am going to make sure I am more mindful in the future. I think an important piece of advice I have received was from my dad in the discernment activity from Week Five. He simply stated, “Always be true to yourself” (“Discernment Conversation Activity” by Bob Burgess - Moreau FYS Week Five). In my first year of college, I have encountered ‘fake’ people, and I have found myself conforming to outside expectations that I do not agree with. An important aspect of a life well-lived is to be authentic. Pretending to be something you are not is exhausting, and I am going to make sure I am genuine to everyone I encounter for the next three years. Another way I am going to be true to myself is by picking a career. “ satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, personality, and skills” (“Navigating Your Career Journey” by Meruelo Family Center for Career Development - Moreau FYS Week Four). In the next three years, I am going to figure out what I want to do with my life, and how I want my future to look. I think it is important that I think about what will truly make me happy, instead of thinking about it from a money standpoint. I do not want to be miserable in my job, so I need to be true to myself and what makes me happy. The best part about my time at Notre Dame has been the people. As Pope Francis said, “…life is not time merely passing by, life is about interactions” (“Why the only future worth building includes everyone” by His Holiness Pope Francis - Moreau FYS Week Seven). I am a firm believer that if I did not have the friends I have made while in college, I would not enjoy it half as much. I have made long lasting memories and friendships, and I could not imagine my life without them. Life is so much more meaningful when you are surrounded by people who love and support you. In the next three years, I hope I am lucky to continue developing fruitful relationships. I hope I can be a source of good in their life, and that all of us will leave impactful impressions in each other’s lives. I want to leave the world a better place than when I found it. I truly believe with my Notre Dame education, I will make a small difference, even if it is just in the lives of those closest to me. In my eyes, a life well-lived is simple. Be a good person. Being a force for good in this world goes a long way. Evil, jealousy, greed, etc. taint our world and cause negativity to spread and affect others. Spreading a tiny amount of positivity can do amazing things. You never know how one of your actions will affect another person. Enjoy your time on this earth, love others, and live your life to the fullest with no regrets.