Microsoft Word - Integration 2.docx December 3, 2021 My First Defining Encounters at Notre Dame Over the course of my first semester at Notre Dame, I have had many new experiences and encountered several questions which have helped me to develop as an individual. The weekly QQCs in Moreau have given me the opportunity to reflect on these experiences and derive meaningful takeaways. During my transition to college I encountered dissonance when I experienced imposter syndrome. In an article for The Grotto, Julia Hogan wrote; “these expectations are all arbitrary and not definitive rules for the only way to live life" (“Why Letting Go of Expectations is a Freeing Habit” by Julia Hogan, Grotto – Moreau FYE Week Nine). Hogan is referring to external forces which often have an influence on people’s goals and aspirations. This can lead to individuals not pursuing their desired path, but conforming to others’ expectations. I found that I encountered these pressures since Notre Dame’s prestige and academic rigour creates an environment in which every person is intelligent and uniquely talented. I began to feel as if I did not belong because I was not as smart or skilled as other students. However, I think that the community of Notre Dame is accepting of all choices and encourages its students to find their own path which has been comforting to me in my decision making. In discussion with my peers, it was helpful to learn that I was not alone in experiencing imposter syndrome and that we could grow and learn together while comforting one another. I believe that experiencing these feelings has also pushed me grow stronger emotionally and take a step back to look at the bigger picture to realize that I do belong. I have learned that being surrounded by other accomplished students and people should not be looked at as a competition, but a gift because they can push me to be my best self and work harder. Overall, the internal conflict and dissonance that I encountered when transitioning to this new environment has been beneficial in deepening my self-knowledge. Encountering brokenness is another theme that I have had to navigate since being in college. In his Wesley seminary address, Father Jenkins references Pope John Paul II: “We cannot proclaim the love of God in Christ without seeking the unity of all Christians" (“Wesley Theological Seminary 2022 Commencement Address” by Fr. John Jenkins, C.S.C. – Moreau FYE Week Ten). This idea can not only be applied to the Catholic community, but any group of people and society as a whole. A community of individuals cannot be fully united until each member experiences a feeling of love and belonging, otherwise there is a divide and therefore brokenness. It is important to be able to recognize these divides and strive to create solutions which will create a sense of unity. At Notre Dame, each individual comes from a different background and has faced varying challenges while having had unique experiences. Although these may differ from person to person, here we are all driven by common forces and are brought together by the school’s accepting and tight-knit community. Moreau classes were one opportunity that gave us the ability to reflect upon and share our unique perspectives to understand one another and realize that we are all alike in some respect. We continue to respond to these realizations by learning from each other and celebrating our uniqueness while being proud of the diverse community of individuals that we represent. Forging these connections and encountering brokenness has provided me with new outlooks on life and approaches to problem- solving. I encountered a new community upon arriving to Notre Dame that I have become proud to represent. In the article Thirteen Ways of Looking at Community, Parker J. Palmer writes, “The concept of community must embrace even those we perceive as ‘enemy,’” (“Thirteen Ways of Looking at Community” by Parker J. Palmer, Center for Courage and Renewal – Moreau FYE Week Eleven). The principal ideas of community are inclusivity and embracing both the good and the bad in order to grow. It is inevitable that not all members of a community will share the same opinions on every subject matter. However, what is important is that despite conflicts and disagreements, we find a way to stand strong together in the end. There have been times since coming to campus that my peers and I have been in disagreement or conflict of opinion, but we shared our ideas and reasoning to learn from one another’s perspective. It has been vital not to jump to conclusions and to always listen to other people’s beliefs to gain a better understanding and bring us closer through the inclusion of all ideas. Communities are essential platforms which can be used to educate others about significant issues and subjects, not only to make people aware but to forge connections. Coming to Notre Dame has shown me the importance of community and what ideas that word truly encapsulates. Being at Notre Dame, I encounter hope on an everyday basis which has been enlightening in many respects. In The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis explores the idea that; "As long as he lives on earth periods of emotional and bodily richness and liveliness will alternate with periods of numbness and poverty" (“The Screwtape Letters” Chapter 8 by C.S. Lewis – Moreau FYE Week Twelve). Struggles throughout life are inevitable and nobody will ever follow one clear and distinct path. Since coming to college, I have I have been conflicted on deciding what I want to study and ultimately pursue in the future. Not having a clear path laid out for me made me nervous and stressed, but I have now realized that it is normal to be unsure, so I can just have faith that I find my passion and will be led in the right direction. Overall, I have learned the significance of having hope when situations may seem suboptimal. Since coming to Notre Dame I have encountered so many new ideas and perspectives which has caused me to become more aware and strengthened my self-knowledge. I look forward future encounters that I will have and continuing on a path of personal development throughout my journey here.