Integration 2 More Than Capable In my time here at Notre Dame, I have encountered many different things. Some of those things being good and some bad with the majority of it being good. In week 9 we talked about encountering dissonance. Particularly, this dissonance for me came in a form of Imposter Syndrome and the internal battle that takes place in our minds. The first time I remember encountering Imposter Syndrome relative to Notre Dame was when I was applying to get into the University. It gave me negative thoughts like “Am I smart enough to go here” or “Theirs no way I even get accepted”. With that being said obviously, I was accepted but that’s when the real Imposter Syndrome came. In week 9 Elizabeth Cox in her video “ What is Imposter Syndrome” said something that was unbelievably relatable to me. She said, “ Some thought that their acceptance was an admission error”. I actually laughed at this quote when I first heard it because this was me. When I found out that I was accepted into such a prestigious university I immediately thought that this had to have been some sort of error on the university. Relative to my time here, a couple of weeks ago I turned in an essay for my western civilizations class and got a 90 as a grade. My academic counselor was very happy about this but unfortunately, my Imposter syndrome kicked in and said that “it was probably a mistake” followed by “I got lucky”. Through this course, I have learned that I am not the only one that battles these thoughts. I saw this clearly when other people were raising their hands and talking about their own experiences. A strategy I will implement in the next semester will be immediately fighting the syndrome with positive self talk a skill I learned from some of the older guys that helped them get through their times here at Notre Dame. There were all kinds of different ideas for self-talk but the one that stuck out to me using a rubberband I have on my rest snapping it and then saying something positive about myself and or something positive about my ability and I have found this to be very helpful. I believe if I continue doing that, there will be no room left for Imposter syndrome. In week 10 when we discussed encountering brokenness. For me personally, I encountered this 2 different times and they both were equally as bad. The first being the 2 weeks that I was in quarantine. The worst time of my life. It was bad because not only was I sick, I was alone and the thing that hurt most was I had to watch the team play 2 full games and I didn’t get to be a part of it at all not even.. Not even on the sideline. The second time was when I was in my dorm room and the realization that I was going to be 553 miles away from the people I love. That feeling that suddenly hit me broke my heart and crushed my spirits. Looking back on that it’s interesting because college was something I used to dream about. I knew before that there was a way to recover from this and now being out of that isolation I know that the way I recovered is key and could benefit others as well and not only myself. In the video, Kirsten Hegelson mentions that she experienced healing by repairing broken pottery. She also says “That they learn that the things they’ve experienced — the good, the bad, the ugly — it has made them this beautiful, dynamic, interesting person they are today.” For me personally, I experience that same healing from God. Through this course, I've learned hat reading the Bible or watching Steven Furtick or Micahel Tood's YouTube videos can help me respond to and recover from brokenness. When I think back on the times I did and didn't do those things, I realize that they allowed me to experience healing in a far more deep way when I did. In week 11 we discuss ecountering community. I have encountered a sense of community through 3 new friends I made who are on the football team. They are now some of my closest friends. I have also made some friends in this community who aren’t on the sports team that have been really nice and helpful to me. For example my roommate has been really thoughtful and also given me some ways to improve my essay. “Change is difficult but more possible when we see and hear multiple voices.” I thinks this quote is great and it makes me realize why I enjoy being around those four guys. Their names are Kahanu, Barret, and Davis. We are all from all over the country and kahuna is from hawaii. This allows all kinds of different opinions, lifestyles, and conversations to take place which results in us growing deeper bonds and connections. Reflecting on this, next semester my goal is to try and open myself up more in the community and try to connect with new people and hopefully becomes friends. In week 12 we talk about encountering hope. I encountered hope many times this year and it’s through God. Knowing and believing that I am never alone and that he is always by my side. For example when I was in quarantine It was a time when I encounter hope because although I wasn’t able to plays those 2 games. I knew that because of God things were going to better in the end. I am a firm believer in everything happening for a reason. I know it happened for a reason and something great is going to come from it. “ Our cause is never more in danger than when a human, no longer desiring, but still intending, to do our Enemy’s will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys”. This quote proves my point because even though things aren’t going my way all the time. I still have hope in Gods plans for me. I have learned through this class that being hopeful is something that I need to continue to do to keep my spirts and in the future I plan to focus on being full of hope everyday. Video: "What is Imposter Syndrome?" (Elizabeth Cox, TED-Ed) Moreau FYE Week 9 ) Video :“Women Find Healing Through Kintsugi Workshop” ( Grotto) Moreau FYE Week 10) "Diversity Matters (Links to an external site.) !" (Prof. Agustin Fuentes) - Moreau FYE Week 11) ( "The Screwtape Letters" Chapter 8 Download "The Screwtape Letters" Chapter 8 (C.S. Lewis) - Moreau FYE Week 12 )