Integration 3 Liebezeit 1 Moreau FYE 4 March 2022 How Lauren a Life-Well Lived Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Lauren Elizabeth Liebezeit. I know Lauren would not want us to be sad so let's celebrate and recognize the life she lived. Lauren always told me that death should not be something we fear. She believed that Acknowledging the inevitable allows us to live in the moment ("Meet the nun who wants you to remember that you will die" by Ruth Graham- Moreau FYE Week 3). You only live once, and once we begin to think about not being here one day, it encourages us to live a fulfilled life. We cannot go on in the culture of not talking about death, because it is real. By lifting the stereotypes surrounding death I believe we will all be able to live in the present and do as much as we can in this one life. Lauren was one of the most caring and outgoing people I have ever met. She always sought out to be the best person for herself and others. She could make anyone laugh. She just had this infectious smile and personality that everyone loved. Although she struggled a lot mentally she never gave up. She went to therapy, took mediation, and practiced self-reflection often. This I believe truly shows how strong-willed she was and how she saw the importance of working on yourself. She believed meditation and reflection were important for mental and physical health. We sometimes get caught up in our busy life and fail to slow down. I encourage you to reflect on the amazing qualities Lauren saw in all of you. None of us knows ourselves all the time and some people never do. As human beings, we are constantly changing. Knowing yourself is an ongoing process. The misconceptions we have of ourselves affect the way we live. Liebezeit 2 We must look at ourselves realistically in order to get to know ourselves (“The Right Way to be Introspective (Yes, There’s a Wrong Way)” by Tasha Eurich- Moreau FYE Week 6). We need to be able to acknowledge our faults as well as the things we like about ourselves. We were all lucky enough to get to know Lauren and she always helped others understand themself. Lauren’s life was always crazy. She was involved in sports and loved being active. I really hope she is in heaven playing a round of golf with God honestly [everyone laughs]. Life can get very crazy and stressful at points, but it is important to understand your body and when it might be time to slow down ("Why we need to slow down our lives" by Pico Iyer- Moreau FYE Week 1). We live in a very fast-paced society, yet our best work comes when we take our time (in order to put our best work forward). As we see sadly first hand, life is short. Take the time to slow down and appreciate the world around you. Lauren’s biggest inspiration was her mother. She made Lauren the woman she was and will forever be. Lauren called her mom constantly and loved her very much. Lauren’s mother taught her how to love herself and be a better person. They had the difficult conversations that always blossomed into motivation ("Week Five Discernment Conversation Activity"- Moreau FYE Week 5). In life we must ask tough questions to explore what our life entails, something Lauren was never afraid to do. Once we start asking these questions, we can learn how to answer them ("Three Key Questions" by Fr. Michael Himes- Moreau FYE Week 3). We must surround ourselves with people who embrace our flaws and help us find our strengths ("Hesburgh" Produced by Jerry Barca and Christine O'Malley- Moreau FYE Week 2). Even in times of suffering we can come together to make change. I know Lauren was always that person for me. She helped me when I needed her and showed me the wonderful aspects of life. I remember this one time when my boyfriend broke up with me. She was always checking in on me and Liebezeit 3 reminding me of how amazing I was. You are the only one who can say and understand what brings you joy, but I knew Lauren understood me in that way. I know she had her own personal struggles but she was always able to be there for me. To me, living a well-lived life means being content with yourself and giving yourself the space to grow and be happy. Lauren showed me this without having to say it. I watched the way she carried herself and counted on herself for her happiness ("Three Key Questions" by Fr. Michael Himes- Moreau FYE Week 3). As you all know Lauren took a lot of pride in going to Notre Dame. She loved studying architecture and believed that college is filled with so many opportunities and guidance. I wish she was able to finish her degree but I know that she would have done amazing things because she was one of the hardest working individuals I have ever known. As our faith teaches us, one does not have to be perfect in order to live a good life ("Navigating Your Career Journey” by Meruelo Family Center for Career Development- Moreau FYE Week 4). Exam results or GPAs do not determine a person's capacity for lifelong discipleship, no matter how well formed he or she may be. Life is a working process and it is that that makes us strong. It is okay to not know where you will be in 10 years, but it is important to continue to do what you love and what Lauren loved about you. As a woman of faith Lauren always tried to see the good in people, even when it was hard. We cannot judge a person until we know everything about them. This is because one little detail about that person’s life could change your perspective (“Why the only future worth building includes everyone” by His Holiness Pope Francis- Moreau FYE Week 7). The Catholic faith showed Lauren that we must appreciate people in all stages of life and to lean on others. This is why I believe Lauren is the definition of what it means to have a relationship that brings you to a life well-lived. Liebezeit 4 I hope I have made Lauren proud with my words and I know she is resting peacefully in her everlasting glory. I will never forget her as long as I shall live and I truly believe heaven has gained an angel. Lauren changed this world for the better and her life was well-lived. We all need each other during this difficult time. I know Lauren would want us to come together. Take time to yourself and process the emotions you are feeling. If we stay strong and true to ourselves, and see every person’s life as a gift, hope can prevail. Lauren Elizabeth Liebezeit, gone but never forgotten. May she rest in paradise.