item: #1 of 841 id: actaimeko-10 author: Regtien, Paul P.L. title: Journal Contacts date: 2011-12-30 words: 344 flesch: 28 summary: The articles are based on presentations presented at IMEKO workshops, symposia and congresses. Professor Pasquale Daponte (Italy - Chairman of the Technical Board) Francisco Allegria (Portugal – editorial office) Sergio Rapuao (Italy – editorial office) IMEKO Technical Committee Chairmen (Ex Officio) ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 39 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. keywords: december; imeko cache: actaimeko-10.pdf plain text: actaimeko-10.txt item: #2 of 841 id: actaimeko-1000 author: Volkers, H.; Bruns, Th. title: Laser-Doppler-Vibrometer calibration by laser stimulation date: 2020-12-31 words: 2512 flesch: 48 summary: Keywords: primary calibration, laser doppler vi- brometer, LDV calibration 1 INTRODUCTION Laser Doppler vibrometers (LDV) are great tools for all kind of vibration measurements, especially for the use as a primary reference for calibration of ac- celerometers as described in the standards [1, 2]. This method provides a significant smaller uncer- tainty for LDV calibration than for the classical ac- celerometer calibration. keywords: calibration; delay; laser; ldv; signal; time cache: actaimeko-1000.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1000.txt item: #3 of 841 id: actaimeko-1001 author: Gaitan, Michael; Geist, Jon; Reschovsky, Benjamin J.; Chijioke, Ako title: Characterization of laser Doppler vibrometers using acousto-optic modulators date: 2020-12-31 words: 2087 flesch: 43 summary: [6] M. Afridi, J. Geist, M. Gaitan, “Primary Calibration of the Low Frequency Response of a Laser Heterodyne Velocimeter Used in a Pendulum- Based Shock Excitation System by SI Traceable Distance Measurement”, J Res Natl Inst Stan, In Press. Results are presented for discrete velocity shifts and for sinusoidal velocity shifts that would be equivalent to what would be observed in an ideal accelerometer vibration calibration. keywords: calibration; frequency; ldv; system; velocity cache: actaimeko-1001.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1001.txt item: #4 of 841 id: actaimeko-1002 author: Ripper, G. P.; Ferreira, C. D.; Dias, R. S.; Micheli, G. B. title: Reduction of gravity effect on the results of low-frequency accelerometer calibration date: 2020-12-31 words: 2033 flesch: 50 summary: (a) Sensitivity magnitude (b) Phase shift Figure 5: Sensitivity results measured after reassembly of the shaker APS 129 The relative difference of sensitivity magnitude results are now all within 0,1 % taking as reference the value measured at 1 Hz. Figure 1 presents corrected sensitivity results obtained according to the method proposed by Bruns and Gazioch using ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 keywords: accelerometer; calibration; guide; results cache: actaimeko-1002.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1002.txt item: #5 of 841 id: actaimeko-1003 author: Shimoda, T.; Kokuyama, W.; Nozato, H. title: A low-acceleration measurement using anti-vibration table with low-frequency resonance date: 2020-12-31 words: 2394 flesch: 46 summary: Such a vibration isolation system is designed for an accelerometer calibration system to reduce vibration noise from the microtremor or from reaction of the vibration exciter. Figure 5: Vibration measurement on the anti-vibration stage. keywords: frequency; interferometer; noise; system; table; vibration cache: actaimeko-1003.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1003.txt item: #6 of 841 id: actaimeko-1004 author: Ingerslev, Henrik; Andresen, Soren; Winther, Jacob Holm title: Digital signal processsing functions for ultra-low frequency calibrations date: 2020-12-31 words: 2706 flesch: 60 summary: Coherent phase function Consider the following function, for 𝑁 → ∞: 𝐷𝐴𝐵(𝑓𝑘) = 1 𝑁 ∑ 𝐴𝑗(𝑓𝑘)𝐵𝑗(𝑓𝑘) 𝑁−1 𝑗=0 (8) It looks like the cross spectrum from equation (5), but without the complex conjugation. Figure 3: Based on simulated data the coherent power function and coherent phase function is tested for its strength for estimating the amplitude and phase of sine waves in noisy data. keywords: phase; signal; 𝑆𝑁𝑅 cache: actaimeko-1004.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1004.txt item: #7 of 841 id: actaimeko-1005 author: Matondang, Hamidatul Husna; Joelianto, Endra; Widiyantoro, Sri title: Application of Butterworth high pass filter as an approximation of Wood Anderson seismometer frequency response to earthquake signal recording date: 2020-12-31 words: 1704 flesch: 49 summary: Simulation of Butterworth filter frequency response produces local magnitude values close to the seismic magnitude value released by BMKG of 4.6 [8]. The seismometer frequency response approach can also be obtained from a 5th order Butterworth low pass filter cascaded with a 3rd order Butterworth high pass filter [4]. keywords: anderson; filter; frequency; seismometer cache: actaimeko-1005.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1005.txt item: #8 of 841 id: actaimeko-1006 author: Volkers, H.; Schoenekess, H. C.; Bruns, Th. title: Primary shock calibration with fast linear motor drive date: 2020-12-31 words: 2573 flesch: 55 summary: Schlaak H.-J “Laser interferometry as tool and object in vibration and shock calibrations”, Proc. Keywords: Primary shock calibration; hammer- anvil principle; half-sine pulse; pulse transmission; LDV interferometry; linear motion drive; magnetic actuator 1 INTRODUCTION PTB’s original shock exciter which was designed for low to medium acceleration intensities mainly consists of a mechanical spring unit, an air- borne transmission element (the “hammer”) and an air-borne measuring unit (the “anvil”) to which the accelerometer to be calibrated is attached. keywords: acceleration; anvil; drive; hammer; linear; shock; spring cache: actaimeko-1006.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1006.txt item: #9 of 841 id: actaimeko-1007 author: Prato, A.; Mazzoleni, F.; Schiavi, A. title: Evaluation and correction of systematic effects in a simultaneous 3-axis vibration calibration system date: 2020-12-31 words: 3683 flesch: 44 summary: A single vertical sinusoidal acceleration at nearly-constant amplitude acts as reference acceleration aref along the vertical z’-axis of the system. In particular, it can be observed an increasing of acceleration amplitudes, as a function of frequency, along the horizontal axes x’, y’ and also along vertical axis z’, this last mainly due to resonant modes. keywords: axis; calibration; figure; mems; reference; system cache: actaimeko-1007.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1007.txt item: #10 of 841 id: actaimeko-1009 author: Ön Aktan, S.; Bilgiç, E.; Yüksel, I. Ahmet; Sönmez, K. Berk; Veziroglu, T. Kutay; Torun, T. title: Interlaboratory comparison results of vibration transducers between TÜBITAK UME and Roketsan date: 2020-12-31 words: 3222 flesch: 41 summary: Temperature influence on voltage ratio measurement 0.2 Rectangular 1 0.173 u(VR,S) Voltage ratio measurement from maximum difference in reference level 0.2 Rectangular 1 0.115 u(VR,N) Voltage ratio measurement from mounting parameters 0.3 Rectangular 1 0.173 u(VR,d) Voltage ratio measurement from acceleration distortion 0.0024 Rectangular 1 0.001 u(VR,v) Voltage ratio measurement from transverse acceleration 1.2 Special 1 0.283 u(VR,e) Voltage ratio measurement from base strain 0.05 Rectangular 1 0.029 u(VR,r) Measurement Results from TÜBİTAK UME and Roketsan Table 3. keywords: calibration; comparison; measurement; reference; results; transducer; uncertainty; vibration cache: actaimeko-1009.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1009.txt item: #11 of 841 id: actaimeko-101 author: Pitakarnnop, Jeerasak; Wongpithayadisai, Rugkanawan title: Rarefied gas flow in pressure and vacuum measurements date: 2014-06-23 words: 3388 flesch: 62 summary: The consideration of gas flow using the most suitable assumption would improve the accuracy of such a calculation. Gas flow through a piston-cylinder gap is considered as a flow between two infinite parallel plates (or slabs) in the analysis, as the gap between the piston and cylinder of a pressure balance is very small in comparison to the radius of piston. keywords: flow; gas; model; piston; pressure; regime; results; slip cache: actaimeko-101.pdf plain text: actaimeko-101.txt item: #12 of 841 id: actaimeko-1010 author: Röske, Dirk title: Linear regression analysis and the GUM: example of temperature influence on force transfer transducers date: 2020-12-31 words: 4026 flesch: 57 summary: (blue dots) for reference temperatures of 20.5 °C (top) and 22.196 °C (bottom) Moreover, the uncertainty of the intercept is minimal if the reference temperature chosen is the arithmetic mean of the temperature values 𝑇𝑖. Table 2: Values and associated standard uncertainties of the slope and intercept of a linear fit calculated for different reference temperatures 𝑻𝐫𝐞𝐟 in °C 𝒒, 𝒖(𝒒) in (mV/V)/K 𝒓, 𝒖(𝒓) in mV/V -273.15 -3.699 · 10-6, 0.798 · 10-6 0.802 080, 0.000 236 0.00 -3.699 · 10-6, 0.798 · 10-6 0.801 070, 0.000 017 8 20.50 -3.699 · 10-6, 0.798 · 10-6 0.800 994, 0.000 001 9 22.20 -3.699 · 10-6, 0.798 · 10-6 0.800 988, 0.000 001 4 24.00 -3.699 · 10-6, 0.798 · 10-6 0.800 981, 0.000 002 0 keywords: temperature; 𝑇ref cache: actaimeko-1010.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1010.txt item: #13 of 841 id: actaimeko-1011 author: Müller-Schöll, C. title: Accuracy – review of the concept and proposal for a revised definition date: 2020-12-31 words: 3987 flesch: 51 summary: Accuracy can be judged more accurate [than] but accuracy cannot be assigned a value. | Volume 9 | Number 5 | 418 Accuracy (measurement accuracy, accuracy of measurement) Term to describe the closeness of agreement between one or several measurement results and a true quantity value. keywords: accuracy; definition; measurement; precision; value cache: actaimeko-1011.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1011.txt item: #14 of 841 id: actaimeko-1013 author: D'Urso, Maria Grazia; Manzari, Valerio; Marana, Barbara title: A combination of terrestrial laser-scanning point clouds and the thrust network analysis approach for structural modelling of masonry vaults date: 2021-03-31 words: 6119 flesch: 52 summary: A combination of terrestrial laser-scanning point clouds and the thrust network analysis approach for structural modelling of masonry vaults ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2021, Volume 10, Number 1, 257 - 264 ACTA IMEKO | March 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 1 | 257 A combination of terrestrial laser-scanning point clouds and the thrust network analysis approach for structural modelling of masonry vaults Maria Grazia D'Urso1, Valerio Manzari2, Barbara Marana3 1 Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy 2 Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy 3 Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Masonry vault; laser-scanning; thrust network analysis; point cloud; geometric configuration; structural analysis; equilibrium of nodes Citation: Maria Grazia D'Urso, Valerio Manzari, Barbara Marana, A combination of terrestrial laser-scanning point clouds and the thrust network analysis approach for structural modelling of masonry vaults, Acta IMEKO, vol. This paper addresses various issues related to the acquisition of point clouds via TLS and their elaboration aimed at developing structural models of masonry vaults. keywords: analysis; doi; figure; masonry; network; nodes; point; thrust; vaults cache: actaimeko-1013.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1013.txt item: #15 of 841 id: actaimeko-1017 author: Sorti, Stefano; Petrone, Carlo; Russenschuck, Stephan; Braghin, Francesco title: Metrological characterisation of rotating-coil magnetometer systems date: 2021-06-29 words: 5618 flesch: 56 summary: [5] G. Tosin, J. F. Citadini, E. Conforti, Long rotating coil system based on stretched tungsten wires for insertion device characterization, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 57(10) (2008), pp. 2339-2347. Therefore, rotating coils require a careful analysis of the mechanical phenomena (static and dynamic) affecting the measurements, both in the design and in operation phases. keywords: coil; design; field; figure; measurement; model; rotating; shaft; system cache: actaimeko-1017.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1017.txt item: #16 of 841 id: actaimeko-102 author: Arsov, Ljupco; Cundeva-Blajer, Marija title: Establishing a metrological infrastructure and traceability of electrical power and energy in the R. Macedonia date: 2014-01-15 words: 3512 flesch: 35 summary: One of the important conditions for insurance of fair trade of electrical energy is the creation of independent and confident control/inspection body for verification of electricity meters. According to the data of the Bureau of Metrology [15], in the last years the number of electricity meters verifications performed by the BoM is given in Table 1. keywords: electricity; energy; macedonia; meters; metrology; verification cache: actaimeko-102.pdf plain text: actaimeko-102.txt item: #17 of 841 id: actaimeko-1020 author: Kalapos, András; Gór, Csaba; Moni, Róbert; Harmati, István title: Vision-based reinforcement learning for lane-tracking control date: 2021-09-30 words: 6920 flesch: 53 summary: Evaluation results of reinforcement learning agent in the real environment and in matching simulations. Action representation and reward shaping Experiments with different action representations show that constrained and preferably biased action spaces allow convergence with good policies (wheel velocity - braking and steering). keywords: action; agent; control; distance; lane; learning; policy; real; reinforcement; reward; robot; simulation; vehicle cache: actaimeko-1020.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1020.txt item: #18 of 841 id: actaimeko-1021 author: Ádám, Anna Barbara; Kocsány, László; Gincsainé Szádeczky-Kardoss, Emese title: Using coverage path planning methods for car park exploration date: 2021-09-30 words: 7917 flesch: 66 summary: Cells neighbouring obstacles and cells on the edges of the map do not have four neighbouring cells, so the neighbouring obstacles and edges are considered as their neighbours (an implementational solution might be to store these false neighbours as dummy indices, e.g. −1). Cells marked as unnecessary in Section 5.4 are also included in the number of cells. keywords: car; cell; figure; method; number; parking; preference; section; traversal; values cache: actaimeko-1021.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1021.txt item: #19 of 841 id: actaimeko-1022 author: Ciani, Lorenzo; Catelani, Marcantonio; Bartolini, Alessandro; Guidi, Giulia; Patrizi, Gabriele title: Design optimisation of a wireless sensor node using a temperature-based test plan date: 2021-06-29 words: 7443 flesch: 53 summary: Temperature cyclic test characterised by two tests repetitions. Furthermore, this reverse current could be dangerous for higher temperatures because it could generate activation voltages higher than the maximum limit, leading to possible damages of the converter. keywords: adc; battery; current; design; doi; figure; june; node; performances; procedure; sensor; step; temperature; test cache: actaimeko-1022.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1022.txt item: #20 of 841 id: actaimeko-1023 author: Paczolay, Gabor; Harmati, Istvan title: A2CM: a new multi-agent algorithm date: 2021-09-30 words: 5722 flesch: 58 summary: One subcategory of reinforcement learning is multi-agent reinforcement learning, in which multiple agents are present in the world. Monotonic value function factorisation for deep multi-agent reinforcement learning, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Stockholm, Sweden, 10 – 15 July 2018, pp. 4295-4304. keywords: agent; algorithm; collision; figure; function; learning; reinforcement; september; state cache: actaimeko-1023.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1023.txt item: #21 of 841 id: actaimeko-1031 author: De Cubber, Geert; Lahouli, Rihab; Doroftei, Daniela; Haelterman, Rob title: Distributed coverage optimisation for a fleet of unmanned maritime systems date: 2021-09-30 words: 6145 flesch: 54 summary: Unlike traditional approaches to maritime coverage optimisation, which are also used, for example, in search and rescue operations when searching for victims at sea, this approach takes into consideration the limited seaworthiness of small UMS, compared with traditional large ships, by incorporating the danger level into the design of the optimiser. Moreover, by subdividing the search area and distributing the search tasks among multiple agents, this approach is quite well suited to maritime coverage optimisation. keywords: agents; algorithm; approach; coverage; danger; doi; level; maritime; methodology; number; optimisation; search; systems; ums cache: actaimeko-1031.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1031.txt item: #22 of 841 id: actaimeko-1032 author: Szabó, Dániel; Gincsainé Szádeczky-Kardoss, Emese title: Dynamic parameter identification method for robotic arms with static friction modelling date: 2021-09-30 words: 4585 flesch: 58 summary: [12] L. Zollo, E. Lopez, L. Spedaliere, N. Garcia Aracil, E. Guglielmelli, Identification of dynamic parameters for robots with elastic joints, Advances in Mechanical Engineering 7 (2015) p. 843186. After that, Section 0 introduces the optimisation of trajectory parameters and the criterion for this optimisation method. keywords: friction; identification; model; parameters cache: actaimeko-1032.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1032.txt item: #23 of 841 id: actaimeko-1035 author: Gyenes, Zoltán Bálint; Gincsainé Szádeczky-Kardoss, Emese title: Uncertain estimation-based motion-planning algorithms for mobile robots date: 2021-09-30 words: 6765 flesch: 59 summary: Velocity obstacle method. Velocity obstacle method The main concept behind our method is based on the VO method [13]. keywords: agent; algorithm; figure; method; motion; obstacle; planning; robot; velocity cache: actaimeko-1035.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1035.txt item: #24 of 841 id: actaimeko-1036 author: Sutera, Giuseppe; Guastella, Dario Calogero; Muscato, Giovanni title: A lightweight magnetic gripper for an aerial delivery vehicle: design and applications date: 2021-09-30 words: 3488 flesch: 54 summary: 104-124. DOI: 10.1002/rob.21810 [3] A. Gawel, M. Kamel, T. Novkovic, J. Widauer, D. Schindler, B. P. Von Altishofen, R. Siegwart, J. Nieto, Aerial picking and delivery of magnetic objects with mavs, Proc. of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore, 29 May-3 June 2017, pp. 5746-5752. DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2017.7989675 [4] K. Tai, A. R. El-Sayed, M. Shahriari, M. Biglarbegian, S. Mahmud, State of the art robotic grippers and applications, Robotics 5 (2016). In light of this, it was concluded that weight was the most relevant specification to consider in drone design. keywords: drone; figure; magnets; object; plate; release; surface; system cache: actaimeko-1036.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1036.txt item: #25 of 841 id: actaimeko-1037 author: Carullo, Alessio; Ciocia, Alessandro; Malgaroli, Gabriele; Spertino, Filippo title: An Innovative Correction Method of Wind Speed for Efficiency Evaluation of Wind Turbines date: 2021-06-29 words: 6961 flesch: 55 summary: However, the local distribution of experimental wind speeds for the year under study (red bars in Figure 8) shows that this range contains most of experimental data. An innovative correction method of wind speed for efficiency evaluation of wind turbines ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2021, Volume 10, Number 2, 46 - 53 ACTA IMEKO | June 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 2 | 46 An innovative correction method of wind speed for efficiency evaluation of wind turbines Alessio Carullo1, Alessandro Ciocia2, Gabriele Malgaroli2, Filippo Spertino2 1 keywords: curve; data; figure; manufacturer; power; results; turbine; wind; wind speed cache: actaimeko-1037.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1037.txt item: #26 of 841 id: actaimeko-1038 author: Füchter, Simone Keller; Schlichting, Mário Sérgio; Salazar, George title: Aeronautic pilot training and augmented reality date: 2021-09-30 words: 4300 flesch: 54 summary: Leoberto Leal, 431, São José, Santa Catarina, Brazil 2 NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Johnson Space Center, 2101 NASA Parkway Houston, 77058, Texas USA Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Augmented reality; virtual training; flight panel; pilot training Citation: Simone Keller Füchter, Mário Sergio Schlichting, George Salazar, Aeronautic pilot training and augmented reality, Acta IMEKO, vol. INTRODUCTION Various different materials are used for pilot training on the equipment used in various types of aircraft. keywords: aircraft; app; figure; flight; panel; pilots; reality; september; students; training cache: actaimeko-1038.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1038.txt item: #27 of 841 id: actaimeko-1039 author: Gugliandolo, Giovanni; Aloisio, Davide; Campobello, Giuseppe; Crupi, Giovanni; Donato, Nicola title: On the design and characterisation of a microwave microstrip resonator for gas sensing applications date: 2021-06-29 words: 5552 flesch: 48 summary: | Volume 10 | Number 2 | 55 Following on from the results of our previous study [28], we present here a thorough investigation of a one-port gas transducer based on a microwave microstrip resonator, which is validated as humidity sensor by using an Ag@α-Fe2O3 nanocomposite as a sensing material. On the design and characterisation of a microwave microstrip resonator for gas sensing applications ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2021, Volume 10, Number 2, 54 - 61 ACTA IMEKO | June 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 2 | 54 On the design and characterisation of a microwave microstrip resonator for gas sensing applications Giovanni Gugliandolo1, Davide Aloisio2, Giuseppe Campobello1, Giovanni Crupi3, Nicola Donato1 1 Department of Engineering, University of Messina, Italy 2 CNR ITAE, Messina, Italy 3 BIOMORF Department, University of Messina, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Microwaves; resonators; gas sensors; metrological evaluation, humidity Citation: Giovanni Gugliandolo, Davide Aloisio, Giuseppe Campobello, Giovanni Crupi, Nicola Donato, On the design and characterisation of a microwave microstrip resonator for gas sensing applications, Acta IMEKO, vol. 10, no. 2, article 9, June 2021, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-10 (2021)-02-09 Section Editor: Ciro Spataro, University of Palermo, Italy Received January 17, 2021; In final form May 4, 2021; Published June 2021 Copyright: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. keywords: doi; figure; frequency; gas; ghz; humidity; microwave; resonator; sensing cache: actaimeko-1039.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1039.txt item: #28 of 841 id: actaimeko-104 author: Sabuga, Wladimir; Haines, Rob title: Development of 1.6 GPa pressure-measuring multipliers date: 2014-06-23 words: 5456 flesch: 56 summary: Development of 1.6 GPa pressure-measuring multipliers ACTA IMEKO June 2014, Volume 3, Number 2, 54 – 59 Development of 1.6 GPa pressure-measuring multipliers W. Sabuga1, R. Haines2 1 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany 2 Fluke Calibration, 4765 East Beautiful Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85044-5318, USA Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: High pressure standards, pressure multipliers, finite element analysis, pressure transducers, calibration Citation: Wladimir Sabuga, Rob Haines, Development of 1.6 GPa pressure-measuring multipliers, Acta IMEKO, vol. This principle is well proven and is used in Fluke gas high pressure balances [6], providing low fall rates at higher pressures and high sensitivity at lower pressures. keywords: cylinder; gap; gpa; piston; pressure; sleeve cache: actaimeko-104.pdf plain text: actaimeko-104.txt item: #29 of 841 id: actaimeko-1041 author: Svatos, Jakub; Holub, Jan; Belak, Jan title: System for an acoustic detection, localisation and classification date: 2021-06-29 words: 5928 flesch: 54 summary: Gunshot data classification into individual calibres by NN. Gunshot data classification into individual calibres by SVC. keywords: caliber; classification; data; detection; event; figure; gunshot; june; localisation; number; sensor; signal; system; unit cache: actaimeko-1041.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1041.txt item: #30 of 841 id: actaimeko-1042 author: Kowalski, Tomasz; Gibiino, Gian Piero; Szewinski, Jaroslaw; Barmuta, Pawel; Bartoszek, Piotr; Traverso, Pier Andrea title: Design, characterisation, and digital linearisation of an ADC analogue front-end for gamma spectroscopy measurements date: 2021-06-29 words: 7979 flesch: 50 summary: Such ADC protection should clamp input voltage pulses of up to an order of magnitude above the ADC full-scale, providing sufficient protection from unwanted cosmic pulses which could damage the ADC. The detector converts the radiation energy of the incoming particles into voltage pulses, the pulse amplitude being proportional to the energy of the particle. keywords: adc; characterisation; digital; distortion; end; energy; figure; gamma; model; pulse; radiation; signal; voltage cache: actaimeko-1042.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1042.txt item: #31 of 841 id: actaimeko-1043 author: Aloisio, Davide; Campobello, Giuseppe; Leonardi, Salvatore Gianluca; Sergi, Francesco; Brunaccini, Giovanni; Ferraro, Marco; Antonucci, Vincenzo; Segreto, Antonino; Donato, Nicola title: Comparison of machine learning techniques for SoC and SoH evaluation from impedance data of an aged lithium ion battery date: 2021-06-29 words: 6827 flesch: 49 summary: 10.1149/2.1051908jes [17] Y. Zhang, Q. Tang, Y. Zhang, J. Wang, U. Stimming, A. A. Lee, Identifying degradation patterns of lithium ion batteries from impedance spectroscopy using machine learning, Nature Communications 11 (2020), art. [10] M. A. Patil, P. Tagade, K. S. Hariharan, S. M. Kolake, T. Song, T. Yeo, S. Doo, A novel multistage support vector machine based approach for Li ion battery remaining useful life estimation, Applied Energy 159 (2015), pp. 285-297. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.08.119 Table 7. keywords: batteries; battery; cell; data; doi; estimation; impedance; ion; learning; lithium; machine; parameters; soc; soh; state; techniques; values cache: actaimeko-1043.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1043.txt item: #32 of 841 id: actaimeko-1044 author: Baltianski, Sioma title: Bias-induced impedance effect of the current-carrying conductors date: 2021-06-29 words: 7388 flesch: 60 summary: The set offset (bias) makes it possible to tie the parameters obtained from impedance measurements to the physical state of the object under study. Static and differential parameters, namely resistances, were calculated and compared with parameters obtained from impedance measurements. keywords: bias; effect; figure; frequency; impedance; wire cache: actaimeko-1044.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1044.txt item: #33 of 841 id: actaimeko-1046 author: Addabbo, Tommaso; Fort, Ada; Intravaia, Matteo; Mugnaini, Marco; Parri, Lorenzo; Pozzebon, Alessandro; Vignoli, Valerio title: Solar energy harvesting for LoRaWAN-based pervasive environmental monitoring date: 2021-06-29 words: 6973 flesch: 50 summary: Among the various possible sources of energy, the most exploited is the solar one: indeed, several monitoring platforms have been provided with solar cells that are used to recharge on- board batteries or super-capacitors. [32] is surely the dominant technology for solar cells, representing a good compromise between performance and cost [20]. keywords: cell; doi; energy; figure; harvesting; lorawan; monitoring; node; number; power; sensor; solar; system; vol; voltage cache: actaimeko-1046.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1046.txt item: #34 of 841 id: actaimeko-1047 author: Vurchio, Federica; Fiori, Giorgia; Scorza, Andrea; Sciuto, Salvatore Andrea title: Comparative evaluation of three image analysis methods for angular displacement measurement in a MEMS microgripper prototype: a preliminary study date: 2021-06-29 words: 5439 flesch: 49 summary: Comparative evaluation of three image analysis methods for angular displacement measurement in a MEMS microgripper prototype: a preliminary study ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2021, Volume 10, Number 2, 119 - 125 ACTA IMEKO | June 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 2 | 119 Comparative evaluation of three image analysis methods for angular displacement measurement in a MEMS microgripper prototype: a preliminary study Federica Vurchio1, Giorgia Fiori1, Andrea Scorza1, Salvatore A. Sciuto1 1 Engineering Department, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Microgripper; MEMS; microactuators; displacement measurements; characterization Citation: Federica Vurchio, Giorgia Fiori, Andrea Scorza, Salvatore Andrea Sciuto, Comparative evaluation of three image analysis methods for angular displacement measurement in a MEMS microgripper prototype: a preliminary study, Acta IMEKO, vol. As previously noted in [10], the major limitation associated with this procedure is due to the inability of the ADMFFT to measure angular displacements less than a tenth of a degree, typical of MEMS devices for biomedical applications such as microgrippers. keywords: comb; displacement; drive; figure; image; measurement; mems; method; microgripper; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-1047.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1047.txt item: #35 of 841 id: actaimeko-105 author: Grgec Bermanec, Lovorka; Zvizdic, Davor; Simunovic, Vedran title: Development of Method for Determination of Pressure Balance Piston fall Rate date: 2014-06-23 words: 1846 flesch: 55 summary: Development of a method for the determination of the pressure balance piston fall rate ACTA IMEKO June 2014, Volume 3, Number 2, 44 – 47 Development of a method for the determination of the pressure balance piston fall rate Lovorka Grgec Bermanec 1, Davor Zvizdic1, Vedran Simunovic2 1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Laboratory for Process Measurement, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Laboratory for Length Measurement, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Pressure balance; Fall rate measurement; Sobel filter Citation: Lovorka Grgec Bermanec , Marin Martinaga1, Davor Zvizdic, Vedran Simunovic, Development of method for determination of pressure balance piston fall rate, Acta IMEKO, vol. Determination of oil piston fall rate at 600 bar load. keywords: balance; fall; measurement; pressure; rate cache: actaimeko-105.pdf plain text: actaimeko-105.txt item: #36 of 841 id: actaimeko-1051 author: Fiori, Giorgia; Fuiano, Fabio; Scorza, Andrea; Galo, Jan; Conforto, Silvia; Sciuto, Salvatore Andrea title: A preliminary study on an image analysis based method for lowest detectable signal measurements in Pulsed Wave Doppler ultrasounds date: 2021-06-29 words: 5619 flesch: 50 summary: m·s-1 Flow rate (nominal) 2.6 ml·s-1 Velocity setting (nominal) 30 cm·s-1 Table 2. B-mode and PW Doppler US systems settings. In this regard, despite the lack of a shared worldwide standard on US equipment testing, performance evaluation of Doppler systems is a currently investigated issue in the scientific research field [1]- [9]. keywords: adsmm; doppler; ldsimg; method; nedsm; number; probe; set cache: actaimeko-1051.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1051.txt item: #37 of 841 id: actaimeko-1052 author: Quattrocchi, Antonino; Montanini, Roberto; Latino, Mariangela; Donato, Nicola title: PMMA-coated fiber Bragg grating sensor for measurement of Ethanol in liquid solution: manufacturing and metrological evaluation date: 2021-06-29 words: 5171 flesch: 54 summary: PMMA-coated fiber Bragg grating sensor for measurement of Ethanol in liquid solution: manufacturing and metrological evaluation ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2021, Volume 10, Number 2, 133 - 138 ACTA IMEKO | June 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 2 | 133 PMMA-coated fiber Bragg grating sensor for measurement of Ethanol in liquid solution: manufacturing and metrological evaluation Antonino Quattrocchi1, Roberto Montanini1, Mariangela Latino2, Nicola Donato1 1 Department of Engineering, University of Messina, C.da di Dio, 98166 Messina, Italy 2 Department of MIFT, University of Messina, Viale Stagno d'Alcontres 31, 98166 Messina, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: FBG sensors; dip coating; Ethanol sensors; concentration evaluation in liquids; PMMA coating Citation: Antonino Quattrocchi, Roberto Montanini, Mariangela Latino, Nicola Donato, PMMA-coated fiber Bragg grating sensor for measurement of Ethanol in liquid solution: manufacturing and metrological evaluation, Acta IMEKO, vol. 10, no. 2, article 19, June 2021, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-10 (2021)-02-19 Section Editor: Ciro Spataro, University of Palermo, Italy Received January 18, 2021; In final form April 30, 2021; Published June 2021 FBG Ethanol sensor manufacturing The FBG Ethanol sensor has been realized by recoating a single-mode silica FBG with a thin layer of PMMA. keywords: bragg; coating; concentration; ethanol; ethanol sensor; fbg; fbg ethanol; fiber; pmma; sensor cache: actaimeko-1052.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1052.txt item: #38 of 841 id: actaimeko-1054 author: Cannas, Barbara; Carcangiu, Sara; Carta, Daniele; Fanni, Alessandra; Muscas, Carlo; Sias, Giuliana; Canetto, Beatrice; Fresi, Luca; Porcu, Paolo title: NILM techniques applied to a real-time monitoring system of the electricity consumption date: 2021-06-29 words: 6231 flesch: 55 summary: This allows to increase data robustness to the noise, e.g., small fluctuations in appliance consumption, electronics constantly on, and appliances turning ON/OFF with consumption levels too small to be detected. Due to their better performance, most of the approaches are based on supervised algorithms and they require appliance data for model training to estimate the loads number, type and power by analysing the aggregate consumption signal. keywords: appliances; blued; consumption; data; dataset; energy; event; machine; monitoring; phase; power; type; washing cache: actaimeko-1054.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1054.txt item: #39 of 841 id: actaimeko-1055 author: Ursachianu, Marius-Vasile; Bejenaru, Ovidiu; Lazarescu, Catalin; Salceanu, Alexandru title: Experimental study on SAR reduction from cell phones date: 2021-06-29 words: 4735 flesch: 49 summary: We have also determined the SAR values when Huawei mobile phone was provided with a multilayer plastic protective case. The here presented paper presents an experimental study focused on measurements for three types of mobile phones, belonging to different generations, operating at the two characteristic frequencies of the GSM bandwidth. keywords: case; cheek; gsm; huawei; mobile; phantom; phone; right; sar; tilt; values cache: actaimeko-1055.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1055.txt item: #40 of 841 id: actaimeko-1056 author: Bartys, Michal title: Fault compensation effect in fault detection and isolation date: 2021-09-30 words: 7662 flesch: 55 summary: September 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 3 | 45 Fault compensation effect in fault detection and isolation Michał Bartyś1 1 Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics, Boboli 8, 02-525 Warsaw, Poland Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Fault compensation effect; fault masking; fault isolation; diagnostics of processes; fault distinguishability Citation: Michał Bartyś, Fault compensation effect in fault detection and isolation, Acta IMEKO, vol. From (3), we can easily withdraw a simple condition for fault compensation effect. keywords: compensation; compensation effect; effect; fault; fault compensation; figure; matrix; model; process; residuals; system; table cache: actaimeko-1056.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1056.txt item: #41 of 841 id: actaimeko-1058 author: Catelani, Marcantonio; Ciani, Lorenzo; Guidi, Giulia; Patrizi, Gabriele; Galar, Diego title: Estimate the useful life for a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system on a high-speed train using failure models date: 2021-09-30 words: 6415 flesch: 54 summary: Failure rate data based on operating time alone are usually inadequate for a reliability prediction of mechanical equipment • Definition of failure for mechanical equipment depends upon its application. If failure data coming from company database are not available, then a reliability prediction based on failure rate model and handbook data must be carried out. keywords: analysis; components; compressor; data; failure; failure rate; heat; hvac; model; rate; reliability; system cache: actaimeko-1058.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1058.txt item: #42 of 841 id: actaimeko-1059 author: Martins, Luis; Ribeiro, Álvaro; do Céu Almeida, Maria; Alves e Sousa, João title: Bringing optical metrology to testing and inspection activities in civil engineering date: 2021-09-30 words: 5795 flesch: 32 summary: [29] L. Martins, A. Marques, A. Ribeiro, P. Candeias, M. Veiga, J. Gomes Ferreira, Optical measurement of planar deformations in the destructive mechanical testing of masonry specimens, Applied Sciences 10, 371 (2020), pp.1-23. DOI: 10.3390/app10010371 [30] K. Gåsvik, Optical Metrology, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1995, pp. 168-169. ACTA IMEKO | September 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 3 | 112 deformation of the image, thus affecting the accuracy of dimensional measurements. keywords: acta; camera; engineering; figure; image; imeko; inspection; measurement; metrology; testing; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-1059.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1059.txt item: #43 of 841 id: actaimeko-106 author: Schmitt, Robert; Pfeifer, Tilo; Mallmann, Guilherme title: Machine integrated telecentric surface metrology in laser structuring systems date: 2014-01-15 words: 3385 flesch: 52 summary: Microsoft Word - Article 13 - 106-705-1-LE-final.doc ACTA IMEKO December 2013, Volume 2, Number 2, 73 – 77 ACTA IMEKO | December 2013 | Volume 2 | Number 2 | 73 Machine integrated telecentric surface metrology in laser structuring systems Robert Schmitt1 2, Tilo Pfeifer1 2, Guilherme Mallmann2 1 Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering WZL, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany 2 Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT) – Department of Production Metrology, Aachen, Germany Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: inline metrology, frequency-domain optical coherence tomography, surface inspection, laser structuring Citation: Robert Schmitt, Tilo Pfeifer, Guilherme Mallmann, Machine integrated telecentric surface metrology in laser structuring systems, Acta IMEKO, vol. A similar approach can be also applied on laser structuring systems. keywords: beam; figure; laser; measurement; process; structuring; system cache: actaimeko-106.pdf plain text: actaimeko-106.txt item: #44 of 841 id: actaimeko-1060 author: Bölkény, Ildikó title: Artificial Neural Network-based detection of gas hydrate formation date: 2021-09-30 words: 6143 flesch: 57 summary: [18] published two methods for the assessment of hydrate formation temperature. Artificial Neural Network-based detection of gas hydrate formation ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X September 2021, Volume 10, Number 3, 117 - 124 ACTA IMEKO | September 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 3 | 117 Artificial Neural Network-based detection of gas hydrate formation Ildikó Bölkény1 1 Research Institute of Electronics and Information Technology, University of Miskolc, H3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Hungary Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Gas hydrate; neural network; hydrate detection; injection system; modelling equipment Citation: Ildikó Bölkény, Artificial Neural Network-based detection of gas hydrate formation, Acta IMEKO, vol. 10, no. 3, article 17, September 2021, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-10 (2021)-03-17 Section Editor: Lorenzo Ciani, University of Florence, Italy Received January 29, 2021; In final form September 17, 2021; Published September 2021 keywords: data; equipment; figure; formation; gas; hydrate; input; network; neural; number; output; pressure; temperature; time cache: actaimeko-1060.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1060.txt item: #45 of 841 id: actaimeko-1061 author: Villamizar Mora, Carlos Mauricio; Duarte Franco, Jonathan Javier; Manrique Moreno, Victor Jose; García Sánchez, Carlos Eduardo title: Analysis of the mathematical modelling of a static expansion system date: 2021-09-30 words: 5648 flesch: 51 summary: [7] J. C. Greenwood, Simulation of the operation and characteristics of static expansion pressure standards, Vacuum 80 (2006), pp. Static expansion systems keywords: expansion; gas; model; pressure; process; tank; uncertainty; 𝑃𝑖 𝑉𝑃 cache: actaimeko-1061.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1061.txt item: #46 of 841 id: actaimeko-1063 author: Viharos, Zsolt János; Móricz, László; Büki, Máté István title: Vibration-based tool life monitoring for ceramics micro-cutting under various toolpath strategies date: 2021-09-30 words: 5255 flesch: 55 summary: In this paper, the goal is to compare the efficiency of the 3 types of tool path strategies in the very special field of micro-milling of ceramic materials. | Volume 10 | Number 3 | 126 act on the rake face insert and both cutting forces and vibration signatures were most sensitive to tool wear. keywords: cutting; cycloid; figure; milling; number; path; signal; strategy; tool; toolpath; vibration; wear cache: actaimeko-1063.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1063.txt item: #47 of 841 id: actaimeko-1064 author: Kazup, Laszlo; Varadine Szarka, Angela title: Magnetic circuit optimization of linear dynamic actuators date: 2021-09-30 words: 6285 flesch: 43 summary: Accuracy of air gap induction simulation can be increased if considering further construction details, like join deviations or detailed material properties. The first problem to be solved is design a well-constructed magnetic circuit with high air gap induction, which provides effective and good dynamic parameters for the braking devices. keywords: air gap; circuit; coil; flux; gap induction; magnet; model; simulation; value; voice cache: actaimeko-1064.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1064.txt item: #48 of 841 id: actaimeko-1065 author: Mariscotti, Andrea title: Power quality metrics for DC grids with pulsed power loads date: 2021-06-29 words: 8445 flesch: 54 summary: Power quality metrics for DC grids with pulsed power loads ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2021, Volume 10, Number 2, 153 - 161 ACTA IMEKO | June 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 2 | 153 Power quality metrics for DC grids with pulsed power loads Andrea Mariscotti1 1 DITEN, University of Genova, Via Opera Pia 11A, 16145 Genova, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: DC grid; power quality; pulsed power load Citation: Andrea Mariscotti, Power quality metrics for DC grids with pulsed power loads, Acta IMEKO, vol. 10, no. 2, article 22, June 2021, identifier: IMEKO- ACTA-10 (2021)-02-22 Section Editor: Giuseppe Caravello, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy Received February 17, 2021; In final form April 24, 2021; Published June 2021 Copyright: 2. PULSED POWER LOADS AND NETWORK INTERACTION Pulsed Power Loads (PPLs) with repeated large variations of load current represent an issue to DC grid voltage stability and regulation keywords: current; distortion; doi; duration; energy; frequency; grids; ieee; loads; metrics; network; power; ripple; systems; time; value; voltage cache: actaimeko-1065.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1065.txt item: #49 of 841 id: actaimeko-1066 author: Mariscotti, Andrea; Sandrolini, Leonardo title: Review of models and measurement methods for compliance of electromagnetic emissions of electric machines and drives date: 2021-06-29 words: 10831 flesch: 47 summary: [27] A. Mariscotti, A. Ogunsola, L. Sandrolini, Survey of models and reference data for prediction of e.m. field emissions from electrical machinery Proc. of the IEEE Symp. As specified in the relevant standards, measurement and evaluation of e.m. emissions only cover the high frequency range, starting from 30 MHz, where there is little evidence of machine emissions. keywords: applications; conducted; doi; drive; electric; electromagnetic; emc; emissions; field; frequency; iec; ieee; june; limits; machines; measurement; motor; power; proc; standards cache: actaimeko-1066.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1066.txt item: #50 of 841 id: actaimeko-1067 author: Drábek, Tomáš; Holub, Jan title: The improved automatic control points computation for the acoustic noise level audits date: 2021-09-30 words: 5232 flesch: 58 summary: The noise measurement process is described in national standards that specify, for example, restrictions for placing control points, the duration of the individual measurements, or measurement device specifications. The current measurement procedure is performed by measuring noise levels in a network of control points. keywords: algorithm; area; control; control points; measurement; noise; noise measurement; number; room; term cache: actaimeko-1067.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1067.txt item: #51 of 841 id: actaimeko-1069 author: Erdosy, Daniel; Bodolai, Tamás; Váradiné Szarka, Angéla title: Analysing and simulating electronic devices as antennas date: 2021-09-30 words: 4589 flesch: 58 summary: This paper provided a theory of handling devices as antennas to easily calculate EMC properties if more devices are used in a closer area. Analysing and simulating electronic devices as antennas ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X September 2021, Volume 10, Number 3, 150 - 155 ACTA IMEKO | September 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 3 | 150 Analysing and simulating electronic devices as antennas Dániel Erdősy1, Tamás Bodolai2, Angéla Váradiné Szarka2 1 University of Miskolc, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Miskolc-Egyetemváros 3515, Hungary 2 University of Miskolc, Research Institute of Electronics and Information Technology, Miskolc-Egyetemváros 3515, Hungary Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: EMC simulation, devices as antennas, device simulation Citation: Dániel Erdősy, Tamás Bodolai, Angéla Váradiné Szarka, Analysing and simulating electronic devices as antennas, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: antennas; devices; directivity; emc; imeko; measurements; properties; simulation cache: actaimeko-1069.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1069.txt item: #52 of 841 id: actaimeko-1070 author: Glawar, Robert; Ansari, Fazel; Viharos, Zsolt János; Matyas, Kurt; Sihn, Wilfried title: Integrating maintenance strategies in autonomous production control using a cost-based model date: 2021-09-30 words: 7929 flesch: 46 summary: represent the portion of production costs that is independent of the amount of work in process (XP)-That is, fixed production costs are constant for each production order. It is therefore an essential component of production costs and can already be used in rough-cut planning and in sequencing. keywords: apc; control; costs; doi; failure; function; information; integration; maintenance; model; order; planning; production; production control; system; time cache: actaimeko-1070.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1070.txt item: #53 of 841 id: actaimeko-1071 author: Klier, Tomáš; Mícka, Tomáš; Polák, Michal; Hedbávný, Milan title: Overview of the modified magnetoelastic method applicability date: 2021-09-30 words: 8411 flesch: 45 summary: For the purposes of applications of the modified magnetoelastic method, differently arranged ME sensors are used depending on the specific experiment and its concrete conditions. The exterior view on the climatic chamber and the steel tensile testing machine (on the left) and on the laboratory ME sensor installed on the prestressed strand Lp15.7 inside the chamber (on the right) ACTA IMEKO | September 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 3 | 171 and loaded in the steel tensile testing machine. keywords: cable; concrete; elements; experiment; field; figure; force; method; results; sensor; strand cache: actaimeko-1071.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1071.txt item: #54 of 841 id: actaimeko-1072 author: Paniti, Imre; Nacsa, János; Kovács, Péter; Szur, Dávid title: Human-robot collision predictor for flexible assembly date: 2021-09-30 words: 6252 flesch: 44 summary: Power- and force-limited collaborative operations require robot systems specifically designed for this particular type of operation using built in measurement units. [Accessed 16 August 2021] [7] ISO 10218‑2:2011, Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial robots – Part 2: Robot systems and integration. keywords: assembly; august; collision; distance; figure; human; iso; online; operator; plugin; robot; safety; system; time cache: actaimeko-1072.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1072.txt item: #55 of 841 id: actaimeko-1075 author: Seeger, Benedikt; Bruns, Thomas title: Primary calibration of mechanical sensors with digital output for dynamic applications date: 2021-09-30 words: 5821 flesch: 53 summary: Data analysis for sample time stamping Based on the described signal generation and data acquisition scheme, the system generates four times series of timestamped samples related to three different signal sources. ACTA IMEKO | September 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 3 | 180 synchronised trigger signal, separate analogue trigger logic, e.g. from a digital storage oscilloscope (DSO), can be used to derive and generate the trigger signal from an analogue sync signal like that mentioned in Section 2.1. keywords: acs; calibration; dau; dos; figure; phase; sample; signal; sync; time cache: actaimeko-1075.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1075.txt item: #56 of 841 id: actaimeko-1076 author: Fornaciari, Lorenzo; Brienza, Emanuele title: The masonry of the Terme di Elagabalo at the Palatine hill (Rome). Survey, analysis and quantification of a roman empire architecture date: 2022-03-31 words: 6267 flesch: 47 summary: For ancient walls analysis we have introduced the use of image-based-modelling photogrammetry in order to create a very detailed 3D documentation, marked by an increasing and progressive high-level-autopsy, linked to a DBMS dedicated to ancient structural features. [31]; a second one, more accurate, for sectors and rooms of ancient buildings (close-range); a third one of in-depth analysis of the walls and samples, using a maximum resolution and accuracy approach (very-close-range, Figure 8). keywords: analysis; data; del; editors; figure; gis; isbn; italian; march; panella; roma; rome cache: actaimeko-1076.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1076.txt item: #57 of 841 id: actaimeko-1077 author: Albano, Michela; Fiocco, Giacomo; Comelli, Daniela; Licchelli, Maurizio; Canevari, Claudio; Tasso, Francesca; Ricetti, Valentina; Cofrancesco, Pacifico; Malagodi, Marco title: X-rays investigations for the characterization of two 17th century brass instruments from Nuremberg date: 2022-09-06 words: 6091 flesch: 51 summary: [1] D. Smithers, The Trumpets of JW Haas: A survey of four generations of Nuremberg brass instrument makers, The Galpin Society Journal 18 (1965), pp. [31] F. Cocco, Sustainability in cultural heritage: from diagnosis to the development of innovative systems for monitoring and understanding corrosion inside ancient brass wind instruments, Diss. keywords: alloy; bell; brass; cm-1; doi; figure; instruments; nuremberg; ray; surface; wt% cache: actaimeko-1077.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1077.txt item: #58 of 841 id: actaimeko-1078 author: Weththimuni, Maduka Lankani; Ben Chobba, Marwa; Tredici, Ilenia; Licchelli, Maurizio title: ZrO2-doped ZnO-PDMS nanocomposites as protective coatings for the stone materials date: 2022-03-31 words: 4140 flesch: 52 summary: [16] V. Crupi, B. Fazio, A. Gessini, Z. Kis, M. F. La Russa, D. Majolino, C. Masciovecchio, M. Ricca, B. Rossi, S. A. Ruffolo,V. Venuti, TiO2–SiO2–PDMS nanocomposite coating with self-cleaning effect for stone material: Finding the optimal amount of TiO2, Constr. 76, No. 2-3, 2013, pp. 495-503. DOI: 10.1016/j.porgcoat.2012.11.005 [5] M. Licchelli, S. J. Marzolla, A. Poggi, C. Zanchi, Crosslinked fluorinated polyurethanes for the protection of stone surfaces from graffiti, J. Cult. keywords: cleaning; coating; doi; nanocomposite; nps; pdms; properties; stone; vol; zno; zro2 cache: actaimeko-1078.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1078.txt item: #59 of 841 id: actaimeko-1079 author: Stagno, Valeria; Capuani, Silvia title: Decay of a Roman age pine wood studied by micro magnetic resonance imaging, diffusion nuclear magnetic resonance and portable nuclear magnetic resonance date: 2022-03-31 words: 8075 flesch: 58 summary: Specifically, the two different tortuosity values corroborate the pore size results obtained by NMR diffusion. This explains why the archaeological pine shows pore distribution around 70 µm (Figure 5b) that was not detected by NMR diffusion. keywords: decay; diffusion; doi; field; field 𝑇2; figure; nmr; pine; pores; relaxation; resonance; sample; time; water; wood cache: actaimeko-1079.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1079.txt item: #60 of 841 id: actaimeko-108 author: Hayashi, Terutake; Michihata, Masaki; Takaya, Yasuhiro; Foong Lee, Kok title: Development of Nano Particle Sizing System Using Fluorescence Polarization date: 2014-01-15 words: 4585 flesch: 59 summary:                               2 22 0 2 2 22 22 2 0 0 0222 2 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 5 2 4 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 9 1 2 1 2 5 4 1 2 1 1 AC AC AC AC Y r r r r r r r r r Y r r Y r r r r r r r Y r r                                                           (18)             2 22 22 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 9 2 2 5 1 1 2 6 1 AC AC AC r AC r Y r Y r r r Y r r D Y                 01 0 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 tan 1 1 2 1 2 r r r r r r r r                   keywords: diffusion; fluorescence; light; nanoparticle;   cache: actaimeko-108.pdf plain text: actaimeko-108.txt item: #61 of 841 id: actaimeko-1080 author: Ahmed, Imran; Balestrieri, Eulalia; Lamonaca, Francesco title: IoMT-based biomedical measurement systems for healthcare monitoring: a review date: 2021-06-29 words: 10412 flesch: 50 summary: Moreover, one of the major challenges is that there is no general consensus among different laboratories (from different disciplines, such as pressure flow, temperature, sound pressure) on how to regulate calibration traceability on a single platform for the different kinds of measurement system [76]. Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Internet of Things; Internet of Medical Things; IoT devices; biomedical devices; biomedical measurement systems; non-invasive medical devices Citation: Imran Ahmed, Eulalia Balestrieri, Francesco Lamonaca, IoMT-based biomedical measurement systems for healthcare monitoring: a review, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: accuracy; applications; blood; bms; data; devices; disease; doi; heart; ieee; iomt; iot; june; measurement; monitoring; pressure; rate; signal; system cache: actaimeko-1080.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1080.txt item: #62 of 841 id: actaimeko-1081 author: Simbirtseva, Nina V.; Sedyshev, Pavel V.; Mazhen, Saltanat; Yergashov, Almat; Dmitriev, Andrei Yu.; Saprykina, Irina A.; Mimokhod, Roman A. title: Non-destructive investigation of the Kyathos (6th-4th centuries BCE) from the necropolis Volna 1 on the Taman Peninsula by neutron resonance capture and X-ray fluorescence analysis date: 2022-09-28 words: 3895 flesch: 56 summary: The authors express their gratitude to the staff of the IREN facility and to A. P. Sumbaev, the head of the development of the facility, to V. V. Kobets, the head of sector No.5 of the Scientific and Experimental Injection and Ring Division of the Nuclotron (Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics), for the supporting with uninterrupted operation of the facility in the process of measurements. [8] E. A. Golubkov, V. V. Kobets, V. F. Minashkin, K. I. Mikhailov, A. N. Repkin, A. P. Sumbaev, K. V. Udovichenko, V. N. Shvetsov, The first results of the commissioning of the second accelerating section of the LUE-200 accelerator of the IREN installation, Soobshch. keywords: analysis; figure; kyathos; necropolis; neutron; nrca; resonance; sample cache: actaimeko-1081.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1081.txt item: #63 of 841 id: actaimeko-1082 author: Blaise, Jean-Yves; Dudek, Iwona; Pamart, Anthony; Bergerot, Laurent; Vidal, Adrien; Fargeot, Simon; Aramaki, Mitsuko; Ystad, Sølvi; Kronland-Martinet, Richard title: Acquisition and integration of spatial and acoustic features: a workflow tailored to small-scale heritage architecture date: 2022-06-27 words: 10954 flesch: 46 summary: Acoustic data processing For all measurements using the Eigenmike a few operations were applied to the recorded signals. The approach does open up new research trails, typically in terms of perceptual experiences combining sound and space, or in the 3D visualisation of acoustic data and the sonification of dimensional data. keywords: acoustic; acquisition; camera; chapel; data; figure; june; laser; microphone; number; point; positions; processing; protocol; research; section; sound; spatial; survey; time; volume cache: actaimeko-1082.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1082.txt item: #64 of 841 id: actaimeko-1083 author: Antolini, Margherita title: Operational methodology for the reconstruction of Baroque Ephemeral apparatuses: the case study of the funeral apparatus for Cardinal Mazarin in Rome date: 2022-03-31 words: 6991 flesch: 44 summary: Through the study of the social and artistic characteristics of this art form, the analysis of a wide range of case studies will help defining some common and recurring features, especially regarding available data (engravings, paintings, manuscripts, etc.) If applied systematically and correctly, i.e. with a critical sense, the methodology could lead to interesting results in several areas: • first of all, the study of a fundamental cultural phenomenon for Baroque society; • as seen previously, the design of the ephemeral apparatuses gave the possibility to the artists to create study models on a 1:1 scale of stable architectures that they would later build. keywords: apparatus; cardinal; case; catafalque; data; elements; engravings; ephemeral; funeral; grimaldi; imeko; italian; march; mazarin; roma; rome; study cache: actaimeko-1083.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1083.txt item: #65 of 841 id: actaimeko-1085 author: Gabellone, Francesco title: Digital Twin: a new perspective for cultural heritage management and fruition date: 2022-03-31 words: 5558 flesch: 48 summary: We can create a cyberspace with digital models that can allow facilities in a city with obstacles and limitations of use. The term digital twin was originally developed to improve manufacturing and industrial processes [1]. keywords: data; doi; figure; heritage; imeko; information; model; space; tour; twin; use; visit cache: actaimeko-1085.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1085.txt item: #66 of 841 id: actaimeko-1088 author: Sottili, Leandro; Guidorzi, Laura; Lo Giudice, Alessandro; Mazzinghi, Anna; Ruberto, Chiara; Castelli, Lisa; Czelusniak, Caroline; Giuntini, Lorenzo; Massi, Mirko; Taccetti, Francesco; Nervo, Marco; Torres, Rodrigo; Arneodo, Francesco; Re, Alessandro title: Macro X-ray fluorescence analysis of XVI-XVII century Italian paintings and preliminary test for developing a combined fluorescence apparatus with digital radiography date: 2022-03-31 words: 6514 flesch: 58 summary: Considering the higher distance from the object needed to obtain a radiography than XRF maps, and the thickness of artworks to be passed through, an X-ray tube with a slightly higher voltage and power was used. About X-ray imaging, a Shad-o-Box HS detector by Teledyne, model 6K was selected. keywords: area; doi; figure; lead; madonna; maps; painting; ray; use; xrf cache: actaimeko-1088.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1088.txt item: #67 of 841 id: actaimeko-1089 author: Vigorelli, Luisa; Re, Alessandro; Guidorzi, Laura; Cavaleri, Tiziana; Buscaglia, Paola; Nervo, Marco; Del Vesco, Paolo; Borla, Matilde; Grassini, Sabrina; Lo Giudice, Alessandro title: Multi-analytical approach for the study of an ancient Egyptian wooden statuette from the collection of Museo Egizio of Torino date: 2022-03-31 words: 7185 flesch: 49 summary: DOI: 10.14568/cp2017008 [24] H. A.M. Afifi, M. A. Etman, H. A.M. Abdrabbo, H. M. Kamal, Typological study and non-destructive analytical approches used for dating a polychrome gilded wooden statuette at the Grand Egyptian Museum, SCIENTIFIC CULTURE, Vol. 6 (3) (2020), pp. Analyses were performed at the Centro Conservaz ione e Restauro “La Venaria Reale” (CCR), starting from non-invasive multispectral and X-ray imaging on the whole object, in order to obtain information about the technique of assembly and on some aspects of the constituent materials, and up to non-invasive XRF analysis and FT-IR, SEM-EDX and optical microscopy on micro-samples. keywords: + +; analysis; doi; figure; imaging; layer; materials; ray; statuette; study; technique; torino; volume cache: actaimeko-1089.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1089.txt item: #68 of 841 id: actaimeko-1090 author: Tavella, Andrea; Ciela, Marika; Chistè, Paolo; Pedrotti, Annaluisa title: Calculating vessel capacity from the Neolithic sites of Lugo di Grezzana (VR) and Riparo Gaban (TN) through 3D graphics software date: 2022-03-31 words: 6532 flesch: 59 summary: Trento, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Vessel capacity; Ceramics; 3D models; Blender; Neolithic Citation: Andrea Tavella, Marika Ciela, Paolo Chistè, Annaluisa Pedrotti, Calculating vessel capacity from the Neolithic sites of Lugo di Grezzana (VR) and Riparo Gaban (TN) through 3D graphics software, Acta IMEKO, vol. Calculating vessel capacity from the Neolithic sites of Lugo di Grezzana (VR) and Riparo Gaban (TN) through 3D graphics software ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2022, Volume 11, Number 1, 1 - 10 ACTA IMEKO | March 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 1 | 1 Calculating vessel capacity from the Neolithic sites of Lugo di Grezzana (VR) and Riparo Gaban (TN) through 3D graphics software Andrea Tavella1, Marika Ciela1, Paolo Chistè1, Annaluisa Pedrotti1 1 LaBAAF, Laboratorio Bagolini Archeologia Archeometria Fotografia, University of Trento, Via Tommaso Gar 14, 38122 keywords: capacity; ceramic; gaban; grezzana; l.g; lugo; ratio; riparo; samples; t.v; vessel; volumetric cache: actaimeko-1090.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1090.txt item: #69 of 841 id: actaimeko-1091 author: Natta, Fabrizio title: Banded vaults with independent arches: analysis of case studies in Turin baroque atria date: 2022-03-31 words: 4252 flesch: 53 summary: March 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 1 | 1 Banded vaults with independent arches: analysis of case studies in Turin baroque atria Fabrizio Natta1 1 Department of Architecture and Design (DAD), Politecnico di Torino, V.le Mattioli 39, 10125 Torino, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Banded vaults; architectural drawing; 3D modelling; point clouds Citation: Fabrizio Natta, Banded vaults with independent arches: analysis of case studies in Turin baroque atria, Acta IMEKO, vol. Eleven vaulted Baroque atria were identified by the research group as banded vault, of which eight were accessible. keywords: arches; atria; baroque; case; cloud; figure; guarini; point; turin; vaulted; vaults cache: actaimeko-1091.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1091.txt item: #70 of 841 id: actaimeko-1092 author: Germano’, Germano title: Ancient metrology in architecture: a new approach in the study of the Roman bridge of Canosa di Puglia (Italy) date: 2022-03-31 words: 5146 flesch: 55 summary: [30], which is the most important work on Roman bridges, together with those of Colin O'Connor [31] and Piero Gazzola [In Italian] [31] C. O’Connor, Roman bridges, Cambridge University Press, 1993. keywords: bridge; canosa; century; data; figure; imeko; italian; italy; march; palms; puglia; roman; survey cache: actaimeko-1092.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1092.txt item: #71 of 841 id: actaimeko-1093 author: Baldo, David; Di Renzone, Gabriele; Fort, Ada; Mugnaini, Marco; Peruzzi, Giacomo; Pozzebon, Alessandro; Vignoli, Valerio title: Remote video monitoring for offshore sea farms: Reliability and availability evaluation and image quality assessment via laboratory tests date: 2021-12-30 words: 5597 flesch: 47 summary: However, the literature also comprehends works implementing video monitoring systems that are installed on offshore buoys within breeding plants: in [10], cameras are set up within the fish cages, while video streaming is ensured by a radio frequency system that is installed on board of the buoy. Concerning video monitoring systems in a broad sense (i.e., which are employed in diverse contexts with respect to the marine one) that rely on photovoltaic energy harvesting systems and a backup battery, works within [16], [17] confirm the suitability of such a technique thus underlining the potential effectiveness of the solution proposed in this paper. keywords: doi; figure; image; monitoring; reliability; system; temperature; tests; time; video cache: actaimeko-1093.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1093.txt item: #72 of 841 id: actaimeko-1094 author: Gebremariam, Abraham Zerai; Davit, Patrizia; Gulmini, Monica; Maritan, Lara; Re, Alessandro; Giustetto, Roberto; Massa, Serena; Mandelli, Chiara; Gebreyesus, Yohannes; Lo Giudice, Alessandro title: The contribution of colour measurements to the archaeometric study of pottery assemblages from the archaeological site of Adulis, Eritrea date: 2022-03-31 words: 5151 flesch: 43 summary: Colorimetric measurements on powdered samples For colorimetric measurements on powders, 21 Ayla-Aksum, 15 Late Roman Amphora 1 and 4 dolia samples were considered. The survey consisted of colorimetric measurements from different parts of the ceramic bodies, to comprehend how these data could be related to the overall fabric classification. keywords: ceramic; colour; exterior; fabric; interior; measurements; pottery; samples; study; surfaces cache: actaimeko-1094.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1094.txt item: #73 of 841 id: actaimeko-1096 author: Bertola, Giulia title: Building information modelling and digital fabrication for the valorization of archival heritage date: 2022-03-31 words: 6078 flesch: 47 summary: The realization of 3D digital models and real models of architectures that have never been built represents an important contribution to the study and knowledge of archival drawings and morphological aspects. The aim is to demonstrate that the conjectural reconstruction through digital models is an act of clarification of some aspects of architecture, often only left to the written word; through the construction of new representations the words take shape through a new figurative corpus; the digital model is not only the virtual image of the building but it becomes a possible image, becoming its only existential reality [32]. keywords: bim; design; digital; doi; drawings; figure; heritage; information; model; modelling; printing; project cache: actaimeko-1096.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1096.txt item: #74 of 841 id: actaimeko-1097 author: Leccese, Fabio; Schirripa Spagnolo, Giuseppe title: State-of-the art and perspectives of underwater optical wireless communications date: 2021-12-30 words: 8562 flesch: 44 summary: Underwater optical communication is not a new idea, but it has recently been considered because seawater exhibits a window of reduced absorption both in the visible spectrum and long-wavelength UV light (UV-A). DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2552538 [27] Hamamatsu, Underwater optical communications. keywords: applications; communication; data; doi; figure; ieee; leds; light; modulation; receiver; systems; transmission; transmitter; underwater; uowc cache: actaimeko-1097.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1097.txt item: #75 of 841 id: actaimeko-1098 author: Mazzocato, Sara; Marchioro, Giacomo; Daffara, Claudia title: Feasibility and performance analysis in 3D printing of artworks using laser scanning microprofilometry date: 2022-03-31 words: 4891 flesch: 53 summary: March 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 1 | 6 X-Y scanning (up to 30 × 30 cm2) was designed for acquiring microsurface data in medium-sized objects, within a Z depth range that is determined by the lens (e.g. the range can vary from 0.6 mm to 180 mm maintaining the same probe), thus allowing the surface modelling of “flat” objects like ancient coins or significant part of 3D objects in a measuring session. DOI: 10.3390/ma13153405 [27] International Organization for Standardization, ISO 25178- 1:2016, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Surface texture: Areal — Part 1: Indication of surface texture, Geneva, 2016. keywords: accuracy; analysis; doi; figure; object; printing; scanning; surface; texture; vol cache: actaimeko-1098.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1098.txt item: #76 of 841 id: actaimeko-1100 author: Alcaras, Emanuele; Parente, Claudio; Vallario, Andrea title: From electronic navigational chart data to sea-bottom models: Kriging approaches for the Bay of Pozzuoli date: 2021-12-30 words: 7490 flesch: 44 summary: The attention is focused on the role of semi-variogram models for Ordinary and Universal kriging. 313-332. DOI: 10.1080/02693799008941549 [55] S. Salekin, J. H. Burgess, J. Morgenroth, E. G. Mason, D. F. Meason, A comparative study of three non-geostatistical methods for optimising digital elevation model interpolation, ISPRS international journal of geo-information 7(8) (2018), pp. 300. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi7080300 [56] X. Jian, R. A. Olea, Y. S. Yu, Semivariogram modeling by weighted least squares. keywords: area; data; depth; doi; figure; interpolation; kriging; model; number; points; pozzuoli; semi; universal; values; variogram cache: actaimeko-1100.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1100.txt item: #77 of 841 id: actaimeko-1101 author: Es Sebar, Leila; Iannucci, Leonardo; Grassini, Sabrina; Angelini, Emma; Parvis, Marco; Bernardoni, Andrea; Neuwahl, Alexander; Filardi, Rita title: Characterization of the Santa Maria del Fiore cupola construction tools using X-ray fluorescence date: 2022-03-31 words: 5933 flesch: 56 summary: Moreover, the presence of antimony was found in different artifacts dating back to the Renaissance period and also in the alloy used for the realization of the ‘Porta del Paradiso’ reliefs by Lorenzo Ghiberti, which were positioned in the East door of the Baptistery of San Giovanni Battista, in front of Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral [25]-[27]. Due to their ABSTRACT This paper presents the characterization of different tools employed in the construction of the Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral in Florence; they are part of the Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore collection and are currently exhibited in the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo. keywords: construction; del; figure; fiore; iron; kev; maria; pca; peaks; pulleys; santa; spectra; spectrum; tools cache: actaimeko-1101.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1101.txt item: #78 of 841 id: actaimeko-1105 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2021-03-31 words: 430 flesch: 8 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Francesco Lamonaca, Italy FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 - 10) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Francesco Bonavolonta, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Carlo Carobbi, Italy Mauro D’Arco, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Min-Seok Kim, Korea Momoko Kojima, Japan Koji Ogushi, Japan Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Franco Pavese, Italy Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Jan Saliga, Slovakia Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Oscar Tamburis, Italy Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ioan Tudosa, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Claudia Zoani, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. ADDRESSES Principal Contact Prof. Francesco Lamonaca University of Calabria Department of Computer Science, Modelling, Electronic and System Science Via P. Bucci, 41C, VI floor, Arcavacata di Rende, 87036 (CS), Italy e-mail: Acta IMEKO Eulalia Balestrieri, e-mail: Carlo Carobbi, e-mail: Ioan Tudosa, e-mail: Koji Ogushi, e-mail: Momoko Kojima, e-mail: Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany e-mail: keywords: imeko; international; italy; journal; mail cache: actaimeko-1105.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1105.txt item: #79 of 841 id: actaimeko-1106 author: Balestrieri, Eulalia; Carobbi, Carlo; Tudosa, Ioan title: Editorial to selected papers from the 2019 IMEKO TC4 InternationalConference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage date: 2021-03-31 words: 3041 flesch: 23 summary: The fifth contribution, by Marialuisa Mongelli et al, “Comparison and integration of techniques for the study and valorisation of the Corsini Throne in Corsini Gallery in Roma”, presents the investigation of an integrated approach involving non-invasive technologies, photogrammetry and structured light, during the development of the WeACT3 Project (Acting Together - Technology for Art, Culture, Tourism and Territory) jointly signed by CIVITA Association and the National Barberini and Corsini Galleries. The first contribution, by Sebastiano D’Amico et al, “A combined 3D surveying, XRF and Raman in-situ investigation of The Conversion of St Paul painting (Mdina, Malta) by Mattia Preti”, presents the results of three different approaches applied to the newly-restored titular painting The Conversion of St Paul, the main altarpiece in the Cathedral of Mdina in Malta. keywords: contribution; et al; heritage; imeko; march; monitoring; study; work cache: actaimeko-1106.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1106.txt item: #80 of 841 id: actaimeko-1107 author: Ogushi, Koji; Kojima, Momoko title: Introduction to the Special Section of the 2019 APMF, the Asia Pacific Measurement Forum on Mechanical Quantities date: 2021-03-31 words: 753 flesch: 42 summary: Corresponding authors: Koji Ogushi, e-mail: Momoko Kojima, e-mail: Dear Readers, Measurement technology on mass, force, torque constitutes an integral part of intellectual infrastructure for a diverse range of human activities such as quality and safety assurance of industrial products, fair trade, energy-saving, and environmental protection. In the field of pressure metrology, two papers are included in the issue. keywords: asia; measurement; pacific cache: actaimeko-1107.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1107.txt item: #81 of 841 id: actaimeko-1111 author: Alktranee, Mohammed; Bencs, Péter title: Simulation study of the photovoltaic panel under different operation conditions date: 2021-12-30 words: 3507 flesch: 45 summary: The simulation results indicate that PV panel temperature lowered with solar radiation values lower in January, and the temperature was homogeneous on the PV panel surface. [13] Leow W Z, Irwan Y M, Safwati I, Irwanto M, Amelia A R, Syafiqah Z, Fahmi M I and Rosle N, Simulation study on photovoltaic panel temperature under different solar radiation using a computational fluid dynamic method. keywords: panel; performance; radiation; solar; temperature; values cache: actaimeko-1111.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1111.txt item: #82 of 841 id: actaimeko-1114 author: Oh, Joi; Kato, Fumihiro; Yukiko, Iwasaki; Iwata, Hiroyasu title: A 3D head pointer: a manipulation method that enables the spatial position and posture for supernumerary robotic limbs date: 2021-09-30 words: 7463 flesch: 49 summary: In this method, a ‘head tilt’ motion was performed to switch from position to posture instructions (top of Figure 15), while the ‘head bobbing’ motion was performed to switch from posture instruction to position instruction (bottom of Figure 15). The causes of the delay for posture indication were as follows: 1) when giving posture instructions, incorrect rotation was mistakenly fed as input, 2) compared to position instructions, it was difficult to correct errors when they occurred, 3) it was difficult to understand the posture of the cursor or target during rotation instructions. keywords: error; figure; head; indication; instruction; method; pointer; position; posture; switching; time cache: actaimeko-1114.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1114.txt item: #83 of 841 id: actaimeko-1116 author: Mazin, Valery D title: Measurements and geometry date: 2021-06-29 words: 5181 flesch: 48 summary: Ideally, in all types of measurement transformations such as the quantity type transformation, identity transformation, modulation and demodulation, the form of representing the transformation (e. g. analog-digital), code conversions, etc. the amount of information remains intact. It is worth highlighting that what in the early measurements was omnipresent mechanical displacements, nowadays is replaced by measurement transformations. keywords: geometry; linear; measurement; metric; projective; space; transformations cache: actaimeko-1116.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1116.txt item: #84 of 841 id: actaimeko-1117 author: Baiocchi, Valerio; Del Pizzo, Silvio; Monti, Felicia; Pugliano, Giovanni; Onori, Matteo; Robustelli, Umberto; Troisi, Salvatore; Vatore, Felicia; León Trujillo, Francisco James title: Solutions and limitations of the geomatic survey of an archaeological site in hard to access areas with a latest generation smartphone: the example of the Intihuatana stone in Machu Picchu (Peru) date: 2022-03-31 words: 5367 flesch: 42 summary: Reference laser scanning model and photogrammetric model co-registered. Reference laser scanning model and photogrammetric model compared with C2M distance signed tool (distances are in metres). keywords: camera; december; doi; figure; gnss; intihuatana; machu; model; picchu; points; smartphone; stone; survey cache: actaimeko-1117.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1117.txt item: #85 of 841 id: actaimeko-1120 author: Amoroso, Pier Paolo; Parente, Claudio title: The importance of sound velocity determination for bathymetric survey date: 2021-12-30 words: 6684 flesch: 61 summary: Table 4 shows the statistics (Mean, Standard Deviation, Minimum and Maximum values) of sound velocity values supplied by the adopted formulas. Statistics of sound velocity values supplied by the adopted formulas. keywords: depth; ppt; salinity; sound; temperature; values; velocity; water cache: actaimeko-1120.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1120.txt item: #86 of 841 id: actaimeko-1123 author: Grazioso, Stanislao; Tedesco, Annarita; Selvaggio, Mario; Debei, Stefano; Chiodini, Sebastiano title: Towards the development of a cyber-physical measurement system (CPMS): case study of a bioinspired soft growing robot for remote measurement and monitoring applications date: 2021-06-29 words: 4536 flesch: 41 summary: One technological solution suitable to perform this kind of tasks is represented by soft continuum robots [19], i.e. robots with a continuously deformable mechanical structure, whose design is inspired from the principles of shaping, movements, sensing and control of soft biological systems [20]. Towards the development of a cyber-physical measurement system (CPMS): case study of a bioinspired soft growing robot for remote measurement and monitoring applications ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2021, Volume 10, Number 2, 104 - 110 ACTA IMEKO | June 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 2 | 104 Towards the development of a cyber-physical measurement system (CPMS): case study of a bioinspired soft growing robot for remote measurement and monitoring applications Stanislao Grazioso1, Annarita Tedesco2, Mario Selvaggio3, Stefano Debei4, Sebastiano Chiodini4 1 Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy 2 IMS Laboratory, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France 3 Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy 4 Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Padova, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: 4.0 Era; soft growing robots; remote monitoring; monitoring systems; remote sensing Citation: Stanislao Grazioso, Annarita Tedesco, Mario Selvaggio, Stefano Debei, Sebastiano Chiodini, Towards the development of a cyber-physical measurement system (CPMS): case study of a bioinspired soft growing robot for remote measurement and monitoring applications, Acta IMEKO, vol. 10, no. 2, article 15, June 2021, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-10 (2021)-02-15 Section Editor: keywords: applications; body; doi; environments; growing; measurement; monitoring; physical; robot; system cache: actaimeko-1123.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1123.txt item: #87 of 841 id: actaimeko-1125 author: Win, Mar Lar title: Uncertainty of factor Z in gravimetric volume measurement date: 2021-09-30 words: 2838 flesch: 65 summary: 2. DETERMINATION OF FACTOR Z The factor 𝑍 depends on the air density, water density, water temperature, and the density of the reference weights. (8) Table 2 presents examples of water density as a function of water temperature for distilled water at 1,013.25 hPa after correction for any dissolved gasses in the water. keywords: density; uncertainty; water cache: actaimeko-1125.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1125.txt item: #88 of 841 id: actaimeko-1127 author: Luchetti, Alessandro; Zanetti, Matteo; Kalkofen, Denis; De Cecco, Mariolino title: Omnidirectional camera pose estimation and projective texture mapping for photorealistic 3D virtual reality experiences date: 2022-05-04 words: 5346 flesch: 53 summary: | Volume 11 | Number 2 | 1 Omnidirectional camera pose estimation and projective texture mapping for photorealistic 3D virtual reality experiences Alessandro Luchetti1, Matteo Zanetti1, Denis Kalkofen2, Mariolino De Cecco1 1 Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, Sommarive 9, 38123 Trento, Italy 2 Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision, Graz University of Technology, Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz, Austria Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Omnidirectional cameras; mesh reconstruction; camera pose estimation; optimization; enhanced comprehension Citation: Alessandro Luchetti, Matteo Zanetti, Denis Kalkofen, Mariolino De Cecco, Omnidirectional camera pose estimation and projective texture mapping for photorealistic 3D virtual reality experiences, Acta IMEKO, vol. Camera poses chosen for 10 trials (ground truth). keywords: algorithm; camera; environment; error; figure; image; mesh; pose; texture cache: actaimeko-1127.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1127.txt item: #89 of 841 id: actaimeko-1128 author: Surekha, Sala; Rahman, Md Zia Ur; Lay-Ekuakille, Aimé title: An adaptive learning algorithm for spectrum sensing based on direction of arrival estimation in cognitive radio systems date: 2021-12-30 words: 4170 flesch: 57 summary: For assessing the primary user’s existence, sub channel assessed in spectrum sensing algorithm. Multiple hypothesis tests are employed for spectrum sensing algorithm, then by taking into consideration of all sub channels primary user signal is detected. keywords: adaptive; algorithm; doa; nlamd; sensing; signal; spectrum cache: actaimeko-1128.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1128.txt item: #90 of 841 id: actaimeko-1129 author: Baiocchi, Valerio; Bosman, Alessandro; Dardanelli, Gino; Giannone, Francesca title: First considerations on post processing kinematic GNSS data during a geophysical oceanographic cruise date: 2021-12-30 words: 5040 flesch: 45 summary: GNSS systems have made it possible for the first time to obtain highly accurate plano- altimetric measurements (and therefore also elevation measurements) both on land and at sea; however, these measurements do not refer to a physical reality but to a mathematical surface, the ellipsoid of rotation. Topcon Tools The results of the heights measured in kinematic mode obtained from the processing of GNSS data in RTKlib was repeated for verification with a commercial software, Topcon Tools. keywords: altimetric; data; doy046; figure; gauges; gnss; heights; national; navigation; processing; ship; tide cache: actaimeko-1129.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1129.txt item: #91 of 841 id: actaimeko-113 author: Neyezhmakov, Pavel; Sommer, Klaus-Dieter title: Challenges and perspectives of regional cooperation within COOMET - The Euro-Asian Regional Metrology Organization date: 2014-01-15 words: 2970 flesch: 38 summary: It should be noted that there are a number of research projects that are currently implemented within COOMET: Earth Rotation Period (ERP) determination on the basis of data from observatories of COOMET countries; Metrology of nanotechnology, Standardization of Eu-152 radionuclide solution; etc. Cooperation within TC 5 aims at activating the NMIs of COOMET member countries in the global integration process in science, technology and high-end manufacturing. keywords: cipm; coomet; cooperation; countries; member; metrology cache: actaimeko-113.pdf plain text: actaimeko-113.txt item: #92 of 841 id: actaimeko-1130 author: Caravello, Giuseppe; Spataro, Ciro title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on the 24th IMEKO Technical Committee 4 International Symposium and the 22nd International Workshop on Analogue-to-Digital Conversion and Digital-to-Analogue Conversion Modelling and Testing date: 2021-06-29 words: 2141 flesch: 28 summary: In this issue, quantum metrology is represented by Martina Marzano et al., who, in the paper ‘Design and development of a coaxial cryogenic probe for precision measurements of the quantum Hall effect in the AC regime’, describe and characterise a cryogenic probe able to perform very accurate measurements in the alternating current (AC) regime with impedance bridges. A first contribution, ‘Metrological characterisation of current transformers calibration unit for accurate measurement’ by Valentyn Isaiev et al., proposes an approach to simulate the errors generated by current transformers with the aim of characterising the performances of the AC comparators commonly used to calibrate the transformers. keywords: digital; imeko; international; measurement; paper cache: actaimeko-1130.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1130.txt item: #93 of 841 id: actaimeko-1131 author: Lamonaca, Francesco title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO second issue 2021 General Track date: 2021-06-29 words: 1015 flesch: 35 summary: | Volume 10 | Number 2 | 5 Valery Mazin, in ‘Measurements and geometry’, demonstrates the points of contact between measurements and geometry, which is done by modelling the main elements of the measurement process by the elements of geometry. In ‘Towards the development of a cyber-physical measurement system (CPMS): case study of a bioinspired soft growing robot for remote measurement and monitoring applications’, Stanislao Grazioso et al. report a preliminary case study of a CPMS, namely an innovative bioinspired robotic platform that can be used for measurement and monitoring applications in confined and constrained environments. keywords: acta; imeko; measurement cache: actaimeko-1131.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1131.txt item: #94 of 841 id: actaimeko-1132 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2021-06-29 words: 430 flesch: 6 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Francesco Lamonaca, Italy FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 - 10) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Yasuharu Koike, Japan Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Gustavo Ripper, Brazil Maik Rosenberger, Germany Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Ronald Summers, UK Marco Tarabini, Italy Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Francesco Bonavolonta, Italy Giuseppe Caravello, Italy Carlo Carobbi, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Mauro D’Arco, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Min-Seok Kim, Korea Momoko Kojima, Japan Koji Ogushi, Japan Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Franco Pavese, Italy Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Jan Saliga, Slovakia Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Ciro Spataro, Italy Oscar Tamburis, Italy Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ioan Tudosa, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Claudia Zoani, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. ADDRESSES Principal Contact Prof. Francesco Lamonaca University of Calabria Department of Computer Science, Modelling, Electronic and System Science Via P. Bucci, 41C, VI floor, Arcavacata di Rende, 87036 (CS), Italy e-mail: Acta IMEKO Giuseppe Caravello, e-mail: Ciro Spataro, e-mail: Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany e-mail: keywords: imeko; international; italy; journal; measurement cache: actaimeko-1132.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1132.txt item: #95 of 841 id: actaimeko-1133 author: Tene Koyazo, Jacques; Ugwiri, Moise Avoci; Lay-Ekuakille, Aimé; Fazio, Maria; Villari, Massimo; Liguori, Consolatina title: Collaborative systems for telemedicine diagnosis accuracy date: 2021-09-30 words: 4021 flesch: 50 summary: Various sensors are nowadays used in clinical care, storing data from the used sensors in the cloud for more complex analysis and share the results with ABSTRACT The transmission of medical data and the possibility for distant healthcare structures to share experiments about a given medical case raises several conceptual and technical questions. A part from pravicy and security concerns, medical data transmission still face data transmission problem. keywords: cloud; computing; data; diagnosis; doi; ecg; edge; figure; healthcare; information; patient; telemedicine cache: actaimeko-1133.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1133.txt item: #96 of 841 id: actaimeko-1135 author: Cosoli, Gloria; Poli, Angelica; Spinsante, Susanna; Scalise, Lorenzo title: The importance of physiological data variability in wearable devices for digital health applications date: 2022-05-04 words: 6947 flesch: 55 summary: The importance of physiological data variability in wearable devices for digital health applications ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2022, Volume 11, Number 2, 1 - 8 ACTA IMEKO | June 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 2 | 1 The importance of physiological data variability in wearable devices for digital health applications Gloria Cosoli1, Angelica Poli2, Susanna Spinsante2, Lorenzo Scalise1 1 Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Università Politecnica delle Marche, v. Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy 2 Department of Information Engineering, Università Politecnica delle Marche, v. Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Wearable devices; physiological measurements; data variability; physiological monitoring Citation: Gloria Cosoli, Angelica Poli, Susanna Spinsante, Lorenzo Scalise, The importance of physiological data variability in wearable devices for digital health applications, Acta IMEKO, vol. 11, no. 2, article 25, Citation: Gloria Cosoli, Angelica Poli, Susanna Spinsante, Lorenzo Scalise, The importance of physiological data variability in wearable devices for digital health applications, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: data; devices; doi; eda; inter; mean; measurement; parameters; results; signal; skin; subject; variability; vol cache: actaimeko-1135.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1135.txt item: #97 of 841 id: actaimeko-1136 author: D'Alvia, Livio; Carraro, Serena; Peruzzi, Barbara; Urciuoli, Enrica; Apa, Ludovica; Rizzuto, Emanuele title: A Principal Componet Analysis to detect cancer cell line aggressiveness date: 2023-06-09 words: 4468 flesch: 48 summary: Rome, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: measurement of dielectric properties; biosensor; non-invasive measurements; cancer cell lines; cancer aggressiveness; osteosarcoma; breast cancer; PCA; Principal Component Citation: Livio D’Alvia, Serena Carraro, Barbara Peruzzi, Enrica Urciuoli, Ludovica Apa, Emanuele Rizzuto, A Principal Component Analysis to detect cancer cell line aggressiveness, Acta IMEKO, vol. 12, no. 2, article 22, June 2023, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-12 (2023)-02-22 Section Editor: Alfredo Cigada, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Andrea Scorza, Università Degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy Received October 12, 2022; In final form February 27, 2023; Published June 2023 Finally, in previous work [22], we proposed a circular patch resonator for the measurement of cancer cell line aggressiveness (SaOS-2, 143B, MCF7, and MDA-MB-231) through the use of a Lorentzian fit model for the return loss signal processing and a weighted MANOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Variance) to investigate the differences in the three main parameters of interest, namely return loss, resonance frequency and full width at half maximum (FWHM). keywords: 143b; analysis; cancer; cell; component; data; dielectric; doi; lines; pca cache: actaimeko-1136.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1136.txt item: #98 of 841 id: actaimeko-1138 author: Zontone, Pamela; Affanni, Antonio; Piras, Alessandro; Rinaldo, Roberto title: Skin potential response for stress recognition in simulated urban driving date: 2021-12-30 words: 5170 flesch: 56 summary: Skin potential response for stress recognition in simulated urban driving ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2021, Volume 10, Number 4, 117 - 123 ACTA IMEKO | December 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 4 | 117 Skin potential response for stress recognition in simulated urban driving Pamela Zontone1, Antonio Affanni1, Alessandro Piras1, Roberto Rinaldo1 1 Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Udine, Via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Stress recognition; Electrodermal Activity; Skin Potential Response; Machine Learning; 3D Driving Simulator Citation: Pamela Zontone, Antonio Affanni, Alessandro Piras, Roberto Rinaldo, Skin potential response for stress recognition in simulated urban driving, Acta IMEKO, vol. DOI: 10.3390/s21093155 [18] K. T. Chui, M. D. Lytras, R. W. Liu, A generic design of driver drowsiness and stress recognition using MOGA optimized deep MKL-SVM, Sensors 20(5) (2020), art. keywords: classifier; doi; drivers; driving; figure; sensors; signals; stress; subject; traffic; urban cache: actaimeko-1138.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1138.txt item: #99 of 841 id: actaimeko-1139 author: Luchetti, Alessandro; Carollo, Andrea; Santoro, Luca; Nardello, Matteo; Brunelli, Davide; Bosetti, Paolo; De Cecco, Mariolino title: Human identification and tracking using ultra-wideband-vision data fusion in unstructured environments date: 2021-12-30 words: 5691 flesch: 55 summary: Camera system uncertainty ellipses for different tag positions. The best candidates for tracking operations with low cost are still 3D vision and UWB systems. keywords: camera; distance; figure; human; operator; system; uwb; vision cache: actaimeko-1139.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1139.txt item: #100 of 841 id: actaimeko-1140 author: Giulietti, Nicola; Chiariotti, Paolo; Cosoli, Gloria; Giacometti, Giovanni; Violini, Luca; Mobili, Alessandra; Pandarese, Giuseppe; Tittarelli, Francesca; Revel, Gian Marco title: Continuous monitoring of the health status of cement-based structures: electrical impedance measurements and remote monitoring solutions date: 2021-12-30 words: 5361 flesch: 43 summary: Continuous monitoring of the health status of cement-based structures: electrical impedance measurements and remote monitoring solutions ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2021, Volume 10, Number 4, 132 - 139 ACTA IMEKO | December 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 4 | 132 Continuous monitoring of the health status of cement-based structures: electrical impedance measurements and remote monitoring solutions Nicola Giulietti1, Paolo Chiariotti2, Gloria Cosoli1, Giovanni Giacometti1, Luca Violini1, Alessandra Mobili3, Giuseppe Pandarese1, Francesca Tittarelli3,4, Gian Marco Revel1 1 Department of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (DIISM), v. Brecce Bianche, 60131, Ancona, Italy 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, v. La Masa 1, 20156, Milano, Italy 3 Department of Materials, Environmental Sciences and Urban Planning (SIMAU), v. Brecce Bianche, INSTM Research Unit, 60131, Ancona, Italy 4 Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Council (ISAC-CNR), v. Piero Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Concrete health monitoring; electrical impedance; remote monitoring; distributed sensor network Citation: Nicola Giulietti, Paolo Chiariotti, Gloria Cosoli, Giovanni Giacometti, Luca Violini, Alessandra Mobili, Giuseppe Pandarese, Francesca Tittarelli, Gian Marco Revel, Continuous monitoring of the health status of cement-based structures: electrical impedance measurements and remote monitoring solutions, Acta IMEKO, vol. Nodes are realized with an embedded unit for electrical impedance measurements (EVAL-AD5940BIOZ board with AD5940 chip, by Analog Device) and a digital thermometer (DS18B20 by Maxim Integrated), enclosed in cabinets filled with an IP68 gel against moist-related problems. keywords: concrete; data; december; doi; electrode; figure; impedance; measurement; monitoring; results; spacing; structures; system cache: actaimeko-1140.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1140.txt item: #101 of 841 id: actaimeko-1141 author: Alicandro, Maria; D’Emilia, Giulio; Dominici, Donatella; Gaspari, Antonella; Marsella, Stefano; Marzoli, Marcello; Natale, Emanuela; Zollini, Sara title: Validation of a measurement procedure for the assessment of the safety of buildings in urgent technical rescue operations date: 2021-12-30 words: 4363 flesch: 49 summary: The points on the building considered to be stable are called reference points while the ones on the building to be monitored are called monitoring points. In particular, some considerations will be made regarding the effect of the number and positioning of monitoring points on the tilt determination of a building façade, in order to set up simplified procedures, which are quick and easy to implement in emergency situations, at the same time guaranteeing the reliability of the results. keywords: acta; buildings; doi; figure; house; imeko; monitoring; number; points; reference; system; tower cache: actaimeko-1141.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1141.txt item: #102 of 841 id: actaimeko-1142 author: Battista, Gianmarco; Vanali, Marcello; Chiariotti, Paolo; Castellini, Paolo title: A comparison between aeroacoustic source mapping techniques for the characterisation of wind turbine blade models with microphone arrays date: 2021-12-30 words: 6021 flesch: 54 summary: In this context, microphone array measurements and acoustic source mapping techniques are powerful tools for the identification of aeroacoustic noise sources. Instead, CMF-IRLS is capable to reveal the correct spatial extension of acoustic sources, but it is computationally more demanding. keywords: array; blade; domain; frequency; inverse; mapping; methods; microphone; noise; rotor; source; techniques cache: actaimeko-1142.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1142.txt item: #103 of 841 id: actaimeko-1143 author: Cataldo, Andrea; De Benedetto, Egidio; Schiavoni, Raissa; Tedesco, Annarita; Masciullo, Antonio; Cannazza, Giuseppe title: Microwave reflectometric systems and monitoring apparatus for diffused-sensing applications date: 2021-09-30 words: 5444 flesch: 50 summary: TDR monitoring systems are characterised by being relatively low cost, having the potential to be customised to suit the specific needs of different applications and achieving good accuracy. However, currently, most sensor or monitoring systems are characterised by point-type sensory information; hence, to monitor large areas, it is necessary to employ a multitude of probes. keywords: der; doi; kgf; measurement; monitoring; reflectogram; sen; system; tdr cache: actaimeko-1143.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1143.txt item: #104 of 841 id: actaimeko-1144 author: Chiodini, Sebastiano; Pertile, Marco; Debei, Stefano title: Occupancy grid mapping for rover navigation based on semantic segmentation date: 2021-12-30 words: 4742 flesch: 54 summary: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-01234-2_49 [10] L.-C. Chen, G. Papandreou, I. Kokkinos, Kevin Murphy, Alan L. Yuille, Deeplab: semantic image segmentation with deep convolutional nets, atrous convolution, and fully connected CRFS, IEEE Trans. Looking at the context of indoor navigation, many methods involve the construction of occupancy grid maps that are updated via the Bayesian occupancy filter with the range measurements coming from LiDAR sensors. keywords: doi; grid; ieee; image; map; mapping; method; obstacle; occupancy; rover; segmentation; semantic; stereo; 𝑿𝑖 𝑊 cache: actaimeko-1144.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1144.txt item: #105 of 841 id: actaimeko-1145 author: Caposciutti, Gianluca; Tellini, Bernardo; Cigada, Alfredo; Manzoni, Stefano title: Characterisation of glue behaviour under thermal and mechanical stress conditions date: 2021-12-30 words: 4675 flesch: 50 summary: di Meccanica., Politecnico di Milano, Via La Masa 1, 20156 Milano, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Temperature cycles; glue bonding; mechanical stress; thermal stabilization Citation: Gianluca Caposciutti, Bernardo Tellini, Alfredo Cigada, Stefano Manzoni, Characterization of glue behaviour under thermal and mechanical stress conditions, Acta IMEKO, vol. 10, no. 4, article 23, December 2021, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-10 (2021)-04-23 Section Editor: Roberto Montanini, Università di Messina and Alfredo Cigada, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Received July 29, 2021; In final form November 30, 2021; Published December 2021 Characterisation of glue behaviour under thermal and mechanical stress conditions ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2021, Volume 10, Number 4, 162 - 168 ACTA IMEKO | December 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 4 | 162 Characterisation of glue behaviour under thermal and mechanical stress conditions Gianluca Caposciutti1, Bernardo Tellini1, Alfredo Cigada2, Stefano Manzoni2 1 Dip. keywords: behaviour; capacitance; cycles; dielectric; figure; glue; material; sample; temperature cache: actaimeko-1145.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1145.txt item: #106 of 841 id: actaimeko-1147 author: Tocci, Tommaso; Capponi, Lorenzo; Marsili, Roberto; Rossi, Gianluca title: Optical-flow-based motion compensation algorithm in thermoelastic stress analysis using single-infrared video date: 2021-12-30 words: 5087 flesch: 60 summary: This result was compared with stress fields obtained from finite element analysis. in [12], where the compensation of the motion using displacement fields is obtained with the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) keywords: algorithm; analysis; compensation; displacement; field; figure; frame; motion; specimen; stress; video cache: actaimeko-1147.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1147.txt item: #107 of 841 id: actaimeko-1148 author: Capponi, Lorenzo; Tocci, Tommaso; D'Imperio, Mariapaola; Abidi, Syed Haider Jawad; Scaccia, Massimiliano; Cannella, Ferdinando; Marsili, Roberto; Rossi, Gianluca title: Thermoelasticity and ArUco marker-based model validation of polymer structure: application to the San Giorgio’s bridge inspection robot date: 2021-12-30 words: 5812 flesch: 56 summary: Perugia, Italy 2 Industrial Robotic Unit, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, via Morego 30, 16163 Genova, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Thermoelasticity; ArUco markers; structural dynamics; carbon fibre reinforced polymer; robot inspection Citation: Lorenzo Capponi, Tommaso Tocci, Mariapaola D'Imperio, Syed Haider Jawad Abidi, Massimiliano Scaccia, Ferdinando Cannella, Roberto Marsili, Gianluca Rossi, Thermoelasticity and ArUco marker-based model validation of polymer structure: application to the San Giorgio’s bridge inspection robot, Acta IMEKO, vol. ArUco markers are usually created in groups, to ensure their geometric diversity and avoid misleading detection. keywords: analysis; aruco; doi; experimental; fatigue; figure; frequency; marker; results; stress; structure; vol cache: actaimeko-1148.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1148.txt item: #108 of 841 id: actaimeko-1150 author: Fiori, Giorgia; Fuiano, Fabio; Scorza, Andrea; Schmid, Maurizio; Conforto, Silvia; Sciuto, Salvatore Andrea title: Doppler flow phantom failure detection by combining empirical mode decomposition and independent component analysis with short time Fourier transform date: 2021-12-30 words: 6968 flesch: 56 summary: A − − − -3.7·10-3 0.99 set B − − − -2.3·10-3 0.98 MHf set A − − − 4.0·10-3 0.99 set B − 8  3 − -3.8·10-3 0.89 Hf set A − − − -0.9·10-2 0.98 set B − 1  1 − 2.8·10-3 0.99 Convex Lf set A 2  1 44  7 − 4.0·10-2 0.98 set B − 14  4 − -4.3·10-4 0.98 LMf set A 47  7 2  1 − -4.9·10-3 0.99 set B 44  7 2  1 − -1.2·10-2 0.99 Mf set A − 9  3 − -1.6·10-3 0.99 set B − 1  1 − -2.4·10-3 0.99 MHf set A − 6  2 − -3.3·10-3 0.94 set B − 3  2 − -0.9·10-2 0.99 Hf set A 5  2 2  1 − -2.6·10-2 0.99 set B 1  1 1  1 − 0.6·10-2 0.99 Phased Lf set A − 8  3 − 1.1·10-2 0.98 set B − 3  2 − -0.9·10-2 0.98 LMf set A − 17  4 − 1.4·10-2 0.99 set B − 11  3 − -0.9·10-2 0.99 keywords: doi; doppler; flow; frequency; method; number; phantom; set; stft; velocity; − − cache: actaimeko-1150.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1150.txt item: #109 of 841 id: actaimeko-1153 author: Avdiaj, Sefer; Delija, Yllka title: Measurements of virial coefficients of Helium, Argon and Nitrogen for the needs of static expansion method date: 2022-05-04 words: 3048 flesch: 62 summary: The influence of higher orders of virial coefficients drops rapidly with lower pressure, particularly for gas pressures values lower than one atmosphere. Thermodynamics 21(12) (1989), pp 1287-1300 DOI: 10.1016/0021-9614(89)90117-1 [4] S. Avdiaj, J. Šetina, B. Erjavec, Volume determination of vacuum vessels by gas expansion method, Metrology Society of India, MAPAN 30 (2015), pp. 175-178. DOI: 10.1007/s12647-015-0137-1 [5] A. Kumar, V. N. Thakur, H. Kumar, Characterization of spinning rotor gauge-3 using orific flow system and static expansion system, ACTA IMEKO 9(5) (2020), pp 325. keywords: gas; virial; 𝑅 𝑇 cache: actaimeko-1153.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1153.txt item: #110 of 841 id: actaimeko-1155 author: Kurtishaj, Ardita; Hameli, Ibrahim; Zeqiraj, Arber; Avdiaj, Sefer title: Measurements of helium permeation in Zerodur glass used for the realisation of quantum pascal date: 2022-05-04 words: 2941 flesch: 59 summary: ACTA IMEKO | June 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 2 | 4 where K is the permeability coefficient, p is helium pressure in the high-pressure volume and p0 is the helium partial pressure in the low-pressure volume. For this and for the fact that the time constant of this material is observed to be long, we can conclude that Zerodur material has the potential to be used as cavity material for the quantum standard of pressure measurement. keywords: gas; helium; material; measurements; pressure; sample; zerodur cache: actaimeko-1155.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1155.txt item: #111 of 841 id: actaimeko-1156 author: Alizzio, Damiano; Bonfanti, Marco; Garozzo, Guido; Lo Savio, Fabio; Montanini, Roberto; Quattrocchi, Antonino title: Comparison between 3D-reconstruction optical methods applied to bulge-tests through a feed-forward neural network date: 2021-12-30 words: 4987 flesch: 52 summary: (a) Bulge test setup for epipolar geometry technique; (b) timing belt system; (c) optical system to regulate the vertical shifting; (d) CAD of the bulge chamber cross-section (Courtesy of authors [24]). In bulge tests, a material thin sheet of uniform thickness is clamped between two circular flanges with cavities in the centre to cause, through the insufflation of fluid inside the test chamber, the sheet to deform plastically assuming a semi-spherical shape. keywords: bulge; dic; doi; dome; figure; laser; reconstruction; technique; test cache: actaimeko-1156.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1156.txt item: #112 of 841 id: actaimeko-1157 author: Lamonaca, Francesco title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO third issue 2021 General Track date: 2021-09-30 words: 1154 flesch: 30 summary: The advantage of TDR is that it is a relatively low-cost technology with adequate measurement accuracy and the potential to be customised to suit the specific needs of different application contexts of the 4.0 era. Starting from these considerations, Cataldo et al., in the paper ‘Microwave reflectometric systems and monitoring apparatus for diffused-sensing applications’, addressees the design, implementation and experimental validation of a novel generation of elongated sensing element networks that can be permanently installed in the systems to be monitored and used to obtaining a diffused profile of the quantity to be monitored. keywords: acta; imeko; measurement; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-1157.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1157.txt item: #113 of 841 id: actaimeko-1158 author: Bilski, Piotr; Ciani, Lorenzo title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on the 17th IMEKO Technical Committee 10 Conference "Global trends in Testing, Diagnostics & Inspection for 2030” (2nd Conference jointly organized by IMEKO and EUROLAB aisbl) date: 2021-09-30 words: 1647 flesch: 38 summary: Elsewhere, in their paper entitled ‘Vibration-based tool life monitoring for ceramics micro-cutting under various toolpath strategies’, Zsolt J. Viharos et al. discuss the novel method of monitoring the state of the ceramics cutting machinery using vibration analysis. Finally, in their paper entitled ‘Analysing and simulating electronic devices as antennas’, Dániel Erdősy et al. discuss the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) properties in relation to the operation of the complex antenna system. keywords: acta; conference; diagnostics; imeko; method cache: actaimeko-1158.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1158.txt item: #114 of 841 id: actaimeko-1159 author: Kiss, Bálint; Harmati, István title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on the 23rd International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics organized by TC17 date: 2021-09-30 words: 1145 flesch: 31 summary: Staying with autonomous vehicles, in the paper ‘Using coverage path planning methods for car park exploration’ by Ádám et al. exploration methods to find the optimal traversal of an unknown parking area to identify free parking spaces are presented. The paper entitled ‘Vision-based reinforcement learning for lane-tracking control’, authored by Kalapos et al., applies AI- based techniques to solve the lane-following and obstacle avoidance problem of autonomous vehicles, successfully implementing the results in the onboard computers of reduced- sized testbed vehicles. keywords: imeko; paper; robotics; symposium cache: actaimeko-1159.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1159.txt item: #115 of 841 id: actaimeko-116 author: Oota, Akihiro; Nozato, Hideaki; Kokuyama, Wataru; Kobayashi, Yoshinori; Takano, Osamu; Kasai, Naoki title: Digital demodulator unit of laser vibrometer standard for in situ measurement date: 2014-01-15 words: 3842 flesch: 42 summary: Microsoft Word - Article 11 - 116-485-1-galley finale.doc ACTA IMEKO December 2013, Volume 2, Number 2, 61 – 66 ACTA IMEKO | December 2013 | Volume 2 | Number 2 | 61 Digital demodulator unit of laser vibrometer standard for in situ measurement Akihiro Oota1, Hideaki Nozato1, Wataru Kokuyama1, Yoshinori Kobayashi2, Osamu Takano2, Naoki Kasai2 1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Central 3, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Japan 2 Neoark Corporation, 2062-21 Nakanomachi, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Laser vibrometer; analog demodulator; digital demodulator; ISO 16063-41 Citation: Akihiro Oota, Hideaki Nozato, Wataru Kokuyama, Yoshinori Kobayashi, Osamu Takano, Naoki Kasai, Digital demodulator unit of laser vibrometer standard for in situ measurement, Acta IMEKO, vol. Digital demodulator unit for the laser vibrometer developed in this study. keywords: analog; calibration; demodulator; demodulator unit; digital; laser; unit; vibrometer cache: actaimeko-116.pdf plain text: actaimeko-116.txt item: #116 of 841 id: actaimeko-1160 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2021-09-30 words: 439 flesch: 6 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Francesco Lamonaca, Italy FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 - 10) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Yasuharu Koike, Japan Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Gustavo Ripper, Brazil Maik Rosenberger, Germany Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Ronald Summers, UK Marco Tarabini, Italy Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Piotr Bilski, Poland Francesco Bonavolonta, Italy Giuseppe Caravello, Italy Carlo Carobbi, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Mauro D’Arco, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy István Harmati, Hungary Min-Seok Kim, Korea Bálint Kiss, Hungary Momoko Kojima, Japan Koji Ogushi, Japan Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Jan Saliga, Slovakia Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Ciro Spataro, Italy Oscar Tamburis, Italy Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ioan Tudosa, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Claudia Zoani, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. ADDRESSES Principal Contact Prof. Francesco Lamonaca University of Calabria Department of Computer Science, Modelling, Electronic and System Science Via P. Bucci, 41C, VI floor, Arcavacata di Rende, 87036 (CS), Italy e-mail: Acta IMEKO Bálint Kiss, e-mail: Piotr Bilski, e-mail: Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany e-mail: keywords: imeko; international; italy; journal; measurement cache: actaimeko-1160.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1160.txt item: #117 of 841 id: actaimeko-1161 author: Alizzio, Damiano; Quattrocchi, Antonino; Montanini, Roberto title: Development and characterisation of a self-powered measurement buoy prototype by means of piezoelectric energy harvester for monitoring activities in a marine environment date: 2021-12-30 words: 6519 flesch: 58 summary: Specific power �̅� , harvested by the PEH, as a function of the working frequency fw and the angular displacement θ with a proof mass of 24.1 g. Figure 11. Specific power �̅� , harvested by the PEH, for angular displacement θ and working frequency fw with a proof mass of 28.8 g. Table 3. keywords: buoy; displacement; doi; energy; figure; frequency; mass; motion; peh; power; proof; working cache: actaimeko-1161.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1161.txt item: #118 of 841 id: actaimeko-1168 author: Onodera, Shu; Lee, Yongbum; Kawabata, Tomoyoshi title: Dose reduction potential in dual-energy subtraction chest radiography based on the relationship between spatial-resolution property and segmentation accuracy of the tumor area date: 2022-05-04 words: 4770 flesch: 53 summary: Chest radiography images are generally subjected to several image-processing techniques to improve image quality, and these processing tools lead to a nonlinear behaviour that depends on image quality, which is different for different parts [10]. Image segmentation refers to the process of dividing an image into regions corresponding to each object. keywords: chest; dice; dose; dose image; image; radiography; reference; region; ttf; tumour cache: actaimeko-1168.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1168.txt item: #119 of 841 id: actaimeko-1169 author: Mari, Luca title: Is our understanding of measurement evolving? date: 2021-12-30 words: 4941 flesch: 40 summary: Moreover, the fact that measurement is a fundamental enabler not only of top science, but also of technology, commerce, health care, environment protection, etc, adds a further reason to the special importance of terminology in metrology: again, this role requires shared concepts and terms, on which shared knowledge – like the one that guarantees the metrological traceability of measurement results – can be grounded. 115-121. DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2016.12.050 [24] A. Maul, L. Mari, D. Torres Irribarra, M. Wilson, The quality of measurement results in terms of the structural features of the measurement process, Measurement, 116 (2018) pp. keywords: december; euclidean; galilean; measurement; metrology; number; process; properties cache: actaimeko-1169.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1169.txt item: #120 of 841 id: actaimeko-1170 author: Carobbi, Carlo title: An informed type A evaluation of standard uncertainty valid for any sample size greater than or equal to 1 date: 2022-05-04 words: 4202 flesch: 52 summary: ( ) ~             2 2 0 1 0 0 T T p ( ) ( )      −    −−    =   −    −    1 2 2 2 2 2 3 , 2 2 11 2 1 , 2 2 1 T T n n sn n n s Figure 1: plots of the degrees of freedom as a function of the ratio obtained by solving the implicit equation (11) for three values of probability (see the legend). Note from Figure 1 that the larger is    0 the smaller is  0 for a given  . keywords: measurement; prior cache: actaimeko-1170.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1170.txt item: #121 of 841 id: actaimeko-1174 author: Pranathi, Kasani; Jagini, Naga Padmaja; Ramaraj, Satish Kumar; Jeyaraman, Deepa title: Video-based emotion sensing and recognition using convolutional neural network based kinetic gas molecule optimization date: 2022-06-19 words: 6091 flesch: 56 summary: DOI: 10.1109/ICACEA.2015.7164792 [4] M.A. Ozdemir, B. Elagoz, A. Alaybeyoglu, R. Sadighzadeh, A. Akan, Real time emotion recognition from facial expressions using CNN architecture, TIPTEKNO 2019, Izmir, Turkey TeknolKongresi 3-5 October 2019, pp. DOI: 10.11591/ijeei.v3i1.126 [3] Anurag De, Ashim Saha, A comparative study on different approaches of real time human emotion recognition based on facial expression detection, 2015 International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications, ICACEA, Ghaziabad, India, 19-20 March 2015, pp. keywords: accuracy; cnn; doi; emotion; expression; face; image; kgmo; learning; model; neural; recognition; techniques; time; video cache: actaimeko-1174.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1174.txt item: #122 of 841 id: actaimeko-1175 author: Morello, Rosario; Fabbiano, Laura; Oresta, Paolo; De Capua, Claudio title: Design of a non-invasive sensing system for diagnosing gastric disorders date: 2021-12-30 words: 6265 flesch: 45 summary: In order to verify the possible occurrence of dysrhythmias, the recording time and power distribution of EGG frequencies in/above/below the 2 − 4 cpm intervals are computed (T3F, p_T3F, f_T3F, P3F). A set of EGG signals, recorded during fasting and postprandial stages, has been analysed in time and frequency domains by using Discrete Wavelet Transform. keywords: activity; cpm; disorders; doi; dominant; egg; frequency; gastric; ieee; power; recording; stomach; system; time cache: actaimeko-1175.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1175.txt item: #123 of 841 id: actaimeko-1177 author: Leccese, Fabio; Spagnolo, Giuseppe Schirripa title: LED-to-LED wireless communication between divers date: 2021-12-30 words: 7505 flesch: 51 summary: Really, underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) is not a new idea. DOI: 10.1007/s11831-019-09354-8 [22] G. D. Roumelas, H. E. Nistazakis, A. N. Stassinakis, C. K. Volos, A. D. Tsigopoulos, Underwater optical wireless communications with chromatic dispersion and time jitter, Computation 7(3) (2019) art. keywords: art; audio; communication; december; doi; figure; led; light; radiation; receiver; signal; system; underwater; use; wireless cache: actaimeko-1177.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1177.txt item: #124 of 841 id: actaimeko-1179 author: Marcotuli, Valerio; Zago, Matteo; Moorhead, Alex P.; Vespasiani, Marco; Vespasiani, Giacomo; Tarabini, Marco title: Metrological characterization of instruments for body impedance analysis date: 2022-09-07 words: 5365 flesch: 57 summary: September 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 3 | 1 Metrological characterization of instruments for body impedance analysis Valerio Marcotuli1, Matteo Zago2, Alex P. Moorhead1, Marco Vespasiani3, Giacomo Vespasiani3, Marco Tarabini1 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, via Privata Giuseppe La Masa 1, 20156 Milan, Italy 2 Faculty of Exercise and Sports Science, Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Festa del Perdono 7 - 20122 Milan, Italy 3 Technical Department, Metadieta s.r.l., Via Antonio Bosio, 2, 00161 Rome, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Bioimpedance; body composition; measurement uncertainty; calibration; multivariate linear regression Citation: Valerio Marcotuli, Matteo Zago, Alex P. Moorhead, Marco Vespasiani, Giacomo Vespasiani, Marco Tarabini, Metrological characterization of instruments for body impedance analysis, Acta IMEKO, vol. The calibration plots The Cole-Cole plot is commonly used to visualize the electrical response of body measurements with the resistance R on the x-axis and the negative reactance 𝑋𝑐 on the y-axis. keywords: bia; body; device; doi; electrodes; figure; impedance; measurement; resistance; values cache: actaimeko-1179.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1179.txt item: #125 of 841 id: actaimeko-118 author: Yoshida, Hajime; Komatsu, E.; Arai, K.; Kojima, M.; Akimichi, H.; Kobata, T. title: Calibration of Capacitance Diaphragm Gauges with 1333 Pa full scale by Direct Comparison to Resonant Silicon Gauge and Static Expansion System date: 2014-06-23 words: 3065 flesch: 60 summary: Calibration of capacitance diaphragm gauges with 1333 Pa full scale by direct comparison to resonant silicon gauge and static expansion system ACTA IMEKO June 2014, Volume 3, Number 2, 48 – 53 Calibration of capacitance diaphragm gauges with 1333 Pa full scale by direct comparison to resonant silicon gauge and static expansion system H. Yoshida, E. Komatsu, K. Arai, M. Kojima, H. Akimichi, T. Kobata National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), AIST Central 3, 1-1-1, Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8563, Japan Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: pressure, vacuum, standard, calibration, capacitance diaphragm gauge, thermal transpiration effect Citation: H. Yoshida, E. Komatsu, K. Arai, M. Kojima, H. Akimichi, T. Kobata, calibration of capacitance diaphragm gauges with 1333 Pa full scale by direct comparison to resonant silicon gauge and static expansion system, Acta IMEKO, vol. 3, no. 2, article 12, June 2014, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-03 (2014)-02-12 Editor: Paolo Carbone, University of Perugia Received April 30th, 2013; In final form April 30th, 2013; Published June 2014 Copyright: © 2014 IMEKO. At pressures lower than 103 Pa, however, interpolation between pressure points from two different standard techniques is often required. keywords: calibration; comparison; gauge; pressure; scale cache: actaimeko-118.pdf plain text: actaimeko-118.txt item: #126 of 841 id: actaimeko-1180 author: Mansi, Silvia Angela; Pigliautile, Ilaria; Porcaro, Camillo; Pisello, Anna Laura; Arnesano, Marco title: Application of wearable EEG sensors for indoor thermal comfort measurements date: 2021-12-30 words: 5678 flesch: 53 summary: Perugia, Italy 3 Department of Neuroscience and Padova Neuroscience Center (PNC), University of Padova, Padova, Italy 4 Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) - National Research Council (CNR), Rome, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Thermal comfort measurement, electroencephalography (EEG); wearable sensors, signal processing Citation: Silvia Angela Mansi, Ilaria Pigliautile, Camillo Porcaro, Anna Laura Pisello, Marco Arnesano, Application of wearable EEG sensors for indoor thermal comfort measurements, Acta IMEKO, vol. Results bring to the conclusion that wearable sensors could be used for EEG acquisition applied to thermal comfort measurement, but only after a dedicated signal processing to remove the uncertainty due to artifacts. keywords: af8; alpha; beta; comfort; data; doi; eeg; features; gamma; measurements; muse; results cache: actaimeko-1180.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1180.txt item: #127 of 841 id: actaimeko-1181 author: Morresi, Nicole; Casaccia, Sara; Arnesano, Marco; Revel, Gian Marco title: Impact of the measurement uncertainty on the monitoring of thermal comfort through AI predictive algorithms date: 2021-12-30 words: 7421 flesch: 45 summary: The traditional concept of measurement uncertainty must therefore be associated and applied to modern techniques, as in the case of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, which are finding more and more space in the measurement process. Measurement uncertainty computed for each HRV features used to estimate the TSV, among the 13 participants. keywords: analysis; comfort; features; hrv; input; mcm; measurement; measurement uncertainty; parameters; quantities; tsv; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-1181.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1181.txt item: #128 of 841 id: actaimeko-1182 author: Serroni, Serena; Arnesano, Marco; Violini, Luca; Revel, Gian Marco title: An IoT measurement solution for continuous indoor environmental quality monitoring for buildings renovation date: 2021-12-30 words: 7660 flesch: 54 summary: An IoT measurement solution for continuous Indoor environmental quality monitoring for buildings renovation ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2021, Volume 10, Number 4, 230 - 238 ACTA IMEKO | December 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 4 | 230 An IoT measurement solution for continuous indoor environmental quality monitoring for buildings renovation Serena Serroni1, Marco Arnesano2, Luca Violini1, Gian Marco Revel1 1 Università Politecnica delle Marche, Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Science,Via delle Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona (AN),Italy 2 Università eCampus, Via Isimbardi 10, 22060 Novedrate (CO), Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Thermal comfort; indoor air quality; IEQ; measurements; IoT; building renovation Citation: Serena Serroni, Marco Arnesano, Luca Violini, Gian Marco Revel, An IoT measurement solution for continuous Indoor environmental quality monitoring for buildings renovation, Acta IMEKO, vol. This paper presents the new development of the Comfort Eye for the continuous monitoring of IEQ for buildings renovation. keywords: air; building; co2; comfort; data; ieq; indoor; measurement; monitoring; performance; post; pre; quality; renovation; temperature cache: actaimeko-1182.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1182.txt item: #129 of 841 id: actaimeko-1183 author: Cipresso, Pietro; Serino, Silvia; Borghesi, Francesca; Tartarisco, Gennaro; Riva, Giuseppe; Pioggia, Giovanni; Gaggioli, Andrea title: Continuous measurement of stress levels in naturalistic settings using heart rate variability: An experience-sampling study driving a machine learning approach date: 2021-12-30 words: 9477 flesch: 51 summary: Continuous measurement of stress levels in naturalistic settings using heart rate variability: An experience-sampling study driving a machine learning approach ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2021, Volume 10, Number 4, 239 - 248 ACTA IMEKO | December 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 4 | 239 Continuous measurement of stress levels in naturalistic settings using heart rate variability: An experience-sampling study driving a machine learning approach Pietro Cipresso1,2, Silvia Serino3, Francesca Borghesi1,2, Gennaro Tartarisco4, Giuseppe Riva2,3, Giovanni Pioggia4, Andrea Gaggioli2,3 1 Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy 2 Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology Lab, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy 3 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy 4 Institute for Biomedical Research and Innovation (IRIB), National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Messina, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Psychological stress; psychophysiology; psychometrics; signal processing; assessment; experience sampling methods; heart rate variability Citation: Pietro Cipresso, Silvia Serino, Francesca Borghesi, Gennaro Tartarisco, Giuseppe Riva, Giovanni Pioggia, Andrea Gaggioli, Continuous measurement of stress levels in naturalistic settings using heart rate variability: An experience-sampling study driving a machine learning approach, Acta IMEKO, vol. 10, no. 4, article 36, December 2021, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-10 (2021)-04-36 Section Editor: Carlo Carobbi, University of Florence, Gian Marco Revel, Università Politecnica delle Marche and Nicola Giaquinto, Politecnico di Bari, Italy Received October 11, 2021; In final form December 20, 2021; Published December 2021 keywords: analysis; data; doi; experience; features; hrv; level; module; number; rate; self; stress; system; training; vol cache: actaimeko-1183.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1183.txt item: #130 of 841 id: actaimeko-1184 author: Bucci, Giovanni; Ciancetta, Fabrizio; Fiorucci, Edoardo; Mari, Simone; Fioravanti, Andrea title: Measurements for non-intrusive load monitoring through machine learning approaches date: 2021-12-30 words: 5620 flesch: 51 summary: Non-intrusive load monitoring systems (NILMs) are used successfully in many applications, including demand response programs, where consumers can generate profits based on their flexibility [3], [4]. Non-intrusive load monitoring systems are therefore required, capable of recognizing the different powered devices based on signal processing, during intervals of seconds or fractions of seconds. keywords: classification; current; doi; load; measurement; monitoring; nilm; signal; system; 𝐼rms cache: actaimeko-1184.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1184.txt item: #131 of 841 id: actaimeko-1185 author: Buchicchio, Emanuele; Santoni, Francesco; De Angelis, Alessio; Moschitta, Antonio; Carbone, Paolo title: Gesture recognition of sign language alphabet with a convolutional neural network using a magnetic positioning system date: 2021-12-30 words: 3764 flesch: 48 summary: 131–153. DOI: 10.1007/s13042-017-0705-5 [4] R. Elakkiya, Machine learning based sign language recognition: A review and its research frontier. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-997-0_27 [2] A. Wadhawan, P. Kumar, Sign language recognition systems: A decade systematic literature review. keywords: december; figure; gesture; hand; language; learning; model; recognition; sign; system; training cache: actaimeko-1185.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1185.txt item: #132 of 841 id: actaimeko-1187 author: Campobello, Giuseppe; Gugliandolo, Giovanni; Quercia, Angelica; Tatti, Elisa; Ghilardi, Maria Felice; Crupi, Giovanni; Quartarone, Angelo; Donato, Nicola title: On the trade-off between compression efficiency and distortion of a new compression algorithm for multichannel EEG signals based on singular value decomposition date: 2022-05-04 words: 6354 flesch: 59 summary: EEG compression algorithms can be classified into two main categories: lossless and lossy compression [13], [14]. Various EEG compression algorithms have been developed to minimize the number of bits needed to represent EEG data by exploiting inter and/or intra-channel correlations of EEG signals. keywords: algorithm; compression; eeg; number; � 𝑘 cache: actaimeko-1187.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1187.txt item: #133 of 841 id: actaimeko-1189 author: Molto, Sergio; Saenz-Nuño, María Ana; Bernabeu, Eusebio; Medina, María Nieves title: Uncertainty in mechanical deformation of a Fabry-Perot cavity due to pressure: towards best mechanical configuration date: 2022-09-30 words: 4753 flesch: 62 summary: As the relative uncertainty of pressure depends on the nominal pressure (Equation (10) and (11)), Figure 10 depicts the evolution of pressure uncertainty with the nominal pressure. Figure 7 represents the evolution of pressure uncertainty with the nominal pressure. keywords: cavity; deformation; figure; pressure; uncertainty; 𝐶0 𝑇 cache: actaimeko-1189.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1189.txt item: #134 of 841 id: actaimeko-1191 author: Ragolia, Mattia Alessandro; Attivissimo, Filippo; Di Nisio, Attilio; Lanzolla, Anna Maria Lucia; Scarpetta, Marco title: A virtual platform for real-time performance analysis of electromagnetic tracking systems for surgical navigation date: 2021-12-30 words: 5817 flesch: 45 summary: At the bottom: real-time statistics of position error are provided. Comparison of position error of the two FG configurations. keywords: doi; error; field; magnetic; noise; platform; position; sensor; system; time; tracking cache: actaimeko-1191.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1191.txt item: #135 of 841 id: actaimeko-1194 author: Es Sebar, Leila; Lombardo, Luca; Parvis, Marco; Angelini, Emma; Re, Alessandro; Grassini, Sabrina title: A metrological approach for multispectral photogrammetry date: 2021-12-30 words: 3922 flesch: 48 summary: From left to right: 3D model from reflected VIS images; 3D model obtained after re-texturing of the reflected-VIS model with UVL images; and 3D model obtained using UVL images directly. With the increasing diffusion of digitalization techniques and the aims of many users to the creation of 3D models, several concerns have been raised about the results that can be achieved. keywords: acquisition; december; images; model; object; photogrammetry; reference; reference object; uncertainty; uvl cache: actaimeko-1194.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1194.txt item: #136 of 841 id: actaimeko-1196 author: Fabbiano, Laura; Oresta, Paolo; Morello, Rosario; Vacca, Gaetano title: A strategy to control industrial plants in the spirit of Industry 4.0 tested on a fluidic system date: 2022-05-04 words: 4821 flesch: 52 summary: Motor pump block The 'Pump-Motor' block, Figure 3, represents the virtual simulator of a centrifugal pump and its electric control motor. A strategy to control industrial plants in the spirit of Industry 4.0 tested on a fluidic system ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2022, Volume 11, Number 2, 1 - 7 ACTA IMEKO | June 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 2 | 1 A strategy to control industrial plants in the spirit of Industry 4.0 tested on a fluidic system Laura Fabbiano1, Paolo Oresta1, Rosario Morello2, Gaetano Vacca1 1 DMMM, Politecnico di Bari University, Bari, Italy 2 DIIES, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Industry 4.0; predictive maintenance; prognostic approach; plant operation simulator; fluidic thrust plant Citation: Laura Fabbiano, Paolo Oresta, Rosario Morello, Gaetano Vacca, A strategy to control industrial plants in the spirit of Industry 4.0 tested on a fluidic system, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: data; figure; pump; simulator; system; valve cache: actaimeko-1196.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1196.txt item: #137 of 841 id: actaimeko-1199 author: Nanjundaswamy, Mahesh Kumar; Babu, Ane Ashok; Shet, Sathish; Selvaraj, Nithya; Kovelakuntla, Jamal title: Mitigation of spectrum sensing data falsification attack using multilayer perception in cognitive radio networks date: 2022-03-31 words: 5111 flesch: 55 summary: Mitigation of spectrum sensing data falsification attack using multilayer perception in cognitive radio networks ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2022, Volume 11, Number 1, 1 - 7 ACTA IMEKO | March 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 1 | 1 Mitigation of spectrum sensing data falsification attack using multilayer perception in cognitive radio networks Mahesh Kumar Nanjundaswamy1, Ane Ashok Babu2, Sathish Shet3, Nithya Selvaraj4, Jamal Kovelakuntla5 1 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka-560078, India 2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PVP SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh- 520007, India 3 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru, Karnataka- 560060, India 4 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, K. Ramakrishnan College of technology, Tiruchirappalli-621112, Tamilnadu, India 5 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (GRIET), Hyderabad, Telangana-500090, India Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Cognitive radio network; cooperative spectrum sensing; energy statistic; machine learning model; spectrum sensing data falsification Citation: Mahesh Kumar Nanjundaswamy, Ane Ashok Babu, Sathish Shet, Nithya Selvaraj, Jamal Kovelakuntla, Mitigation of spectrum sensing data falsification attack using multilayer perception in cognitive radio networks, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: attack; crn; data; layer; model; performance; sensing; signal; spectrum; ssdf cache: actaimeko-1199.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1199.txt item: #138 of 841 id: actaimeko-12 author: Regtien, Paul P.L. title: Instructions for Authors date: 2011-12-30 words: 1153 flesch: 62 summary: It can be used as template for new submissions. 2. Log into the Journal; you are directed to the author home page (Active submissions), where you can see which paper is in the editing phase. keywords: editor; paper; submission cache: actaimeko-12.pdf plain text: actaimeko-12.txt item: #139 of 841 id: actaimeko-120 author: Chen, Sheng-Jui; Pan, Sheau-Shi; Lin, Yi-Ching title: Comparison of milligram scale deadweights to electrostatic forces date: 2014-09-23 words: 3521 flesch: 58 summary: 10-8 F/m, the surface potential induced electrostatic force is about 0.9 nN. 2.3. In this experiment, the compensation electrostatic force is compared to the deadweight by weighing a weight with the electrostatic sensing and actuating force measurement system. keywords: capacitance; force; measurement; stage; system cache: actaimeko-120.pdf plain text: actaimeko-120.txt item: #140 of 841 id: actaimeko-1200 author: Chandra, Sarath; Krishnaiah, Sankranthi title: Evaluation on effect of alkaline activator on compaction properties of red mud stabilised by ground granulated blast slag date: 2022-03-31 words: 4903 flesch: 54 summary: NaOH and Na2SiO3 are used as alkaline activators which are effectively proved as good stabilisers for GGBS mixed materials in the past [17]. Hence, it is important to understand the in-depth information on compaction characteristics of RM for the benefit of various applications as a geo-material. keywords: alkaline; astm; compaction; density; doi; ggbs; material; mdd; naoh; standard; waste cache: actaimeko-1200.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1200.txt item: #141 of 841 id: actaimeko-1202 author: Suneetha, Thalluru; Bhavanam, S. Naga Kishore title: Analysis of multiband rectangular patch antenna with defected ground structure using reflection coefficient measurement date: 2022-03-31 words: 3822 flesch: 58 summary: Proposed antenna resonates at multiple frequencies owing to its structural modifications. Comparison of Proposed antenna with earlier reported structures. keywords: antenna; band; design; figure; frequencies; ghz; patch; structure cache: actaimeko-1202.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1202.txt item: #142 of 841 id: actaimeko-1203 author: Kranthi, Suryadevara; Deshpande, Pallavi; Pasha Khan, Shadab; Srinivas, Amedapu title: Multipath routing protocol based on backward routing with optimal fuzzy logic in medical telemetry systems for physiological data measurements date: 2022-03-31 words: 6674 flesch: 61 summary: The same techniques achieved 8, 11, 13 and 15 of average network lifetime, when the node is 110. Figure 7 shows the study of network life. keywords: algorithm; bat; data; doi; energy; hbat; manet; network; node; number; packet; path; protocol; qos; routing; saptv cache: actaimeko-1203.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1203.txt item: #143 of 841 id: actaimeko-1206 author: Covre, Nicola; Luchetti, Alessandro; Lancini, Matteo; Pasinetti, Simone; Bertolazzi, Enrico; De Cecco, Mariolino title: Monte Carlo-based 3D surface point cloud volume estimation by exploding local cubes faces date: 2022-05-04 words: 4995 flesch: 54 summary: In the introduction we presented the problem of volume computation from point clouds, the state of the art, and our approach by describing the traditional Monte Carlo method, its 3D extension, and its limitations. In the following section, we describe our algorithm for volume estimation of point clouds based on the Monte Carlo approach. keywords: carlo; cloud; distribution; method; monte; number; point; point cloud; volume cache: actaimeko-1206.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1206.txt item: #144 of 841 id: actaimeko-1209 author: Maddila, Vijay Souri; Sai Shirish, Katady; Ramprasad, M. V. S. title: A machine learning based sensing and measurement framework for timing of volcanic eruption and categorization of seismic data date: 2022-03-31 words: 3049 flesch: 46 summary: March 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 1 | 1 A machine learning based sensing and measurement framework for timing of volcanic eruption and categorization of seismic data Vijay Souri Maddila1, Katady Sai Shirish1, M. V. S. Ramprasad2 1 Department of Computer Science Enginnering, GITAM (Deemed to be University), Visakhapatnam--530045, Andhra Pradesh, India 2 Department of Electrical, Electronics and Comunication Engineering (EECE), GITAM (Deemed to be University), Visakhapatnam-530045, Andhra Pradesh, India Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Volcanic eruption; machine learning; measurement; seismic data; sensing Citation: Vijay Souri Maddila, Katady Sai Shirish, M. V. S. Ramprasad, A machine learning based sensing and measurement framework for timing of volcanic eruption and categorization of seismic data, Acta IMEKO, vol. The architecture for fetching characteristics from raw seismic data is depicted in the diagram below. keywords: data; doi; eruption; figure; learning; machine; volcanic cache: actaimeko-1209.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1209.txt item: #145 of 841 id: actaimeko-121 author: Rantanen, Ville; Kumpulainen, Pekka; Venesvirta, Hanna; Verho, Jarmo; Spakov, Oleg; Lylykangas, Jani; Vetek, Akos; Surakka, Veikko; Lekkala, Jukka title: Capacitive facial activity measurement date: 2014-01-15 words: 6589 flesch: 55 summary: INTRODUCTION Measuring facial movements has many possible applications. In the context of HCI, the use of facial movements has been studied already for a decade. keywords: activity; baseline; classification; data; measurement; method; mouth; movements; signals cache: actaimeko-121.pdf plain text: actaimeko-121.txt item: #146 of 841 id: actaimeko-1210 author: Mali, Shital; Khot, Uday title: Fire SM: new dataset for anomaly detection of fire in video surveillance date: 2022-03-31 words: 3931 flesch: 59 summary: Due to shortcomings of fire detection, researchers have been researching computer vision related approaches that have become alternatives for improving the fire and smoke detection system. However, due to the complexities of the condition, fire detection is a challenging task. keywords: anomaly; dataset; detection; doi; figure; fire; image; number; smoke; video; yes cache: actaimeko-1210.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1210.txt item: #147 of 841 id: actaimeko-1211 author: Thejesh Kumar, Ch.; Karpurapu, Amit Bindaj; Mathur, Mayank title: Analysis of peak-to-average power ratio in filter bank multicarrier with offset quadrature amplitude modulation systems using partial transmit sequence with shuffled frog leap optimization technique date: 2022-03-31 words: 3866 flesch: 56 summary: We study PAPR reduction of FBMC-OQAM signals using the Partial Transmit Sequence (PTS) methods in this work. PAPR REDUCTION METHODS Initially, the concept of PAPR reduction has been considered as an essential step in communications especially pointing to applications like radar and speech synthesis. keywords: doi; fbmc; ofdm; optimization; papr; power; pts; reduction; technique cache: actaimeko-1211.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1211.txt item: #148 of 841 id: actaimeko-1212 author: Babu, Bachina Surendra; Ramaraj, Satish Kumar; Krishna, Karuganti Phani Rama; Swetha, Pinjerla title: Extended buffer zone algorithm to reduce rerouting time in biotelemetry systems using sensing date: 2022-03-31 words: 5536 flesch: 58 summary: This study offers a method to improve or expand buffer zone communication by grouping nodes inside the buffer zone into virtual zones based on their energy flat. Simulation results are provided in Section V, with the performance comparison charts of the standard OLSR, Buffer and Virtual zone algorithm. keywords: algorithm; buffer; buffer zone; figure; link; network; nodes; olsr; protocol; rerouting; routing; time; zone cache: actaimeko-1212.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1212.txt item: #149 of 841 id: actaimeko-1213 author: Kodavanti, Pradeep Vinaik; Jayasree, P .V. Y.; Bhima, Prabhakara Rao title: Multi-input multi-output antenna measurements with super wide bandwidth for wireless applications using isolated T stub and defected ground structure date: 2022-03-31 words: 3922 flesch: 61 summary: Simulation Current Distributions of proposed MIMO antenna without T Stubs at (a) 6.73 GHz, (b) 13.92 GHz, (c) 30.54 GHz, (d) 37.01 GHz, (e) 43.8 GHz and (f) 52.2 GHz. Figure 7. Simulation Radiation Patterns of proposed MIMO antenna without T Stubs at (a) 6.73 GHz, (b) 13.92 GHz, (c) 30.54 GHz, (d) 37.01 GHz, (e) 43.8 GHz and (f) 52.2 GHz. keywords: antenna; band; characteristics; figure; ghz; ground; mimo; radiation; stub cache: actaimeko-1213.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1213.txt item: #150 of 841 id: actaimeko-1214 author: Rahman, Md Zia Ur; Aswitha, P. V. S.; Sriprathyusha, D.; Farheen, S. K. Sameera title: Beamforming in cognitive radio networks using partial update adaptive learning algorithm date: 2022-03-31 words: 6106 flesch: 66 summary: 𝐸{𝑢�̃�(𝑙 + 𝑇 − 𝐴)} = (1 − 𝜇𝑀 𝑔……..𝑔(𝜉𝑗(𝑙)) ) 𝐸{𝑢�̃�(𝑙 + 𝑇 − 𝐴)} (29) keywords: algorithm; radio; signal; 𝐸{𝑢; 𝑇 𝑀2; 𝑇 𝑇𝑗 cache: actaimeko-1214.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1214.txt item: #151 of 841 id: actaimeko-1216 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2021-12-30 words: 816 flesch: -16 summary: ADDRESSES Principal Contact Prof. Francesco Lamonaca University of Calabria Department of Computer Science, Modelling, Electronic and System Science Via P. Bucci, 41C, VI floor, Arcavacata di Rende, 87036 (CS), Italy e-mail: Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany e-mail: EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Francesco Lamonaca, Italy FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany COPY EDITORS Egidio De Benedetto, Italy Silvia Sangiovanni, Italy LAYOUT EDITORS Dirk Röske, Germany Leonardo Iannucci, Italy Domenico Luca Carnì, Italy EDITORIAL BOARD Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Yasuharu Koike, Japan Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Gustavo Ripper, Brazil Maik Rosenberger, Germany Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Ronald Summers, UK Marco Tarabini, Italy SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 - 10) Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Piotr Bilski, Poland Francesco Bonavolonta, Italy Giuseppe Caravello, Italy Carlo Carobbi, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Mauro D’Arco, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy István Harmati, Hungary Min-Seok Kim, Korea Bálint Kiss, Hungary Momoko Kojima, Japan Koji Ogushi, Japan Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Jan Saliga, Slovakia Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Ciro Spataro, Italy Oscar Tamburis, Italy Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ioan Tudosa, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Claudia Zoani, Italy ACTA IMEKO | December 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 4 REVIEWERS Acta IMEKO would like to gratefully acknowledge the eminent work done by reviewers during the peer-review process. Journal contacts ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2021, Volume 10, Number 4 ACTA IMEKO | December 2021 keywords: acta; francesco; germany; imeko; international; italy; journal; marco; measurement cache: actaimeko-1216.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1216.txt item: #152 of 841 id: actaimeko-1219 author: Xhimitiku, Iva; Pascoletti, Giulia; Zanetti, Elisabetta M.; Rossi, Gianluca title: 3D shape measurement techniques for human body reconstruction date: 2022-05-04 words: 6194 flesch: 58 summary: Attività Spaziali G. Colombo (CISAS), University of Padua, Via Venezia 15, 35131 Padua, Italy 2 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (DIMEAS), Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Turin, Italy 3 Department of Engineering, University of Perugia, Via G. Duranti 93, 06125, Perugia, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: 3D scanning techniques; non-contact measurement; low-cost technology; customised orthopaedic brace; non-collaborative patient; multimodal approach; 3D printing Citation: Iva Xhimitiku, Giulia Pascoletti, Elisabetta M. Zanetti, Gianluca Rossi, 3D shape measurement techniques for human body reconstruction, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: body; doi; figure; lidar; reconstruction; reference; scanning; scans; subject; techniques cache: actaimeko-1219.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1219.txt item: #153 of 841 id: actaimeko-1220 author: Vavro, Leona; Vavro, Martin; Soucek, Kamil; Fíla, Tomás; Koudelka, Petr; Vavrík, Daniel; Kytýr, Daniel title: Study of fracture processes in sandstone subjected to four-point bending by means of 4D X-ray computed micro-tomography date: 2022-05-04 words: 5073 flesch: 59 summary: For this reason, a wide range of uses is opening up for X-ray CT in the study of the deformation behaviour and fracture processes in rocks. More recently, the knowledge about rock fracture processes has been of crucial importance when assessing the suitability of the rock host environment for such demanding engineering applications as CO2 sequestration or the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste. keywords: bending; crack; device; doi; figure; fracture; loading; point; propagation; ray; rock; sandstone cache: actaimeko-1220.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1220.txt item: #154 of 841 id: actaimeko-1226 author: Sashank, Madipally Sai Krishna; Maddila, Vijay Souri; Boddu, Vikas; Radhika, Y. title: Efficient deep learning based data augmentation techniques for enhanced learning on inadequate medical imaging data date: 2022-03-31 words: 4108 flesch: 53 summary: Tang and Tang provided an end-to-end process of creating a Generative Adversarial Classifier that can find anomalies in Chest X-ray images which is trained on Normal Chest X-ray images [8]. The paper implements a Task Driven Generative Adversarial Network that can create the X-ray images according to real images and achieve synthesis between the model and generated images [16]-[20]. keywords: accuracy; cnn; data; dataset; gan; images; learning; ray; training; validation cache: actaimeko-1226.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1226.txt item: #155 of 841 id: actaimeko-1227 author: Rohini, Pinapatruni; Bindu, C. Shoba title: Image reconstruction using a refined Res-UNet model for medical image retrieval date: 2022-03-31 words: 4693 flesch: 45 summary: March 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 1 | 1 Image reconstruction using a refined Res-UNet model for medical image retrieval Pinapatruni Rohini1, C. Shoba Bindu1 1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, 515002, India Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Medical image retrieval; Res-UNet Framework; image reconstruction; index matching Citation: Pinapatruni Rohini, C. Shoba Bindu, Image reconstruction using a refined Res-UNet model for medical image retrieval, Acta IMEKO, vol. A wavelet-based 3D circular difference pattern is proposed for medical image retrieval. keywords: database; doi; feature; image; image retrieval; model; reconstruction; res; retrieval; unet cache: actaimeko-1227.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1227.txt item: #156 of 841 id: actaimeko-1228 author: Thirumaladevi, S.; Swamy, K. Veera; Sailaja, M. title: Multilayer feature fusion using covariance for remote sensing scene classification date: 2022-03-31 words: 4397 flesch: 55 summary: In this research, we portray Stacked covariance, a new technique for fusing image features from multiple layers of a CNN for scene categorization using remote sensing data. 25-30. DOI: 10.1049/htl.2017.0032 [11] Y. Bi, B. Xue, M. Zhang, Genetic programming with image-related operators and a flexible program structure for feature learning in image classification, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation., vol. keywords: classification; cnn; data; feature; image; layers; remote; scene; 𝑇𝑃 𝑇𝑃 cache: actaimeko-1228.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1228.txt item: #157 of 841 id: actaimeko-1231 author: Mantravadi, Nagesh; Ur Rahman, Md Zia; Surekha, Sala; Guptha, Navarun title: Spectrum Sensing using Energy Measurement in Wireless Telemetry Networks using Logarithmic Adaptive Learning date: 2022-03-31 words: 4767 flesch: 54 summary: Due to incorrect detection of test data, this spectrum sensing may result in probability detection and missed detection probability errors. For low SNR levels, detection probability performance is better, as shown in Table 2 and Figure 3. keywords: detection; energy; llad; noise; probability; radio; sensing; spectrum; w(𝑛 cache: actaimeko-1231.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1231.txt item: #158 of 841 id: actaimeko-1232 author: Subba Rao, B. V.; Kondaveti, Raja; Prasad, R. V. V. S. V.; Rao, V. Shanmukha; Sastry, K. B. S.; Dasaradharam, Bh. title: Classification of brain tumours using artificial neural networks date: 2022-03-31 words: 4578 flesch: 59 summary: The Figure 2 shows the series of benign tumour images and Figure 3 shows the series of malignant tumour images which are considered as input images to our method. Dasaradharam5 1 Department of Information Technology, PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada 520007, India 2 Department of IT, Swarnandra College of Engineering and Technology, Narasapuram, India 3 Department of Information Technology, Andhra Loyola College of Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada 520008, India 4 Department of Computer Science, Andhra Loyola College of Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada 520008, India 5 Department of CSE, NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli 521212, Andhra Pradesh India Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Artificial neural networks; brain tumour; classification; magnetic resonance brain image; wavelet transform Citation: B. V. Subba Rao, Raja Kondaveti, R. V. V. S. V. Prasad, V. Shanmukha Rao, K. B. S. Sastry, Bh. Dasaradharam, Classification of brain tumours using artificial neural networks, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: benign; brain; cells; classification; features; image; malignant; neural; tumour; wavelet cache: actaimeko-1232.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1232.txt item: #159 of 841 id: actaimeko-1233 author: Lamonaca, Francesco title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO fourth issue 2021 date: 2021-12-30 words: 1057 flesch: 36 summary: In the paper ‘An adaptive learning algorithm for spectrum sensing based on direction of arrival estimation in cognitive radio systems’, Sala Surekha et al. considered wideband spectrum with sub channels and here each sub channel facilitated with a sensor for the estimation of DOA. In the paper ‘LED-to-LED wireless communication between divers’ by Fabio Leccese et al., a feasibility study is carried out to ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2021, Volume 10, Number 4, 2 - 3 ACTA IMEKO | December 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 4 | 2 demonstrate that UOWC can be performed using near- ultraviolet radiation. keywords: acta; december; imeko cache: actaimeko-1233.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1233.txt item: #160 of 841 id: actaimeko-1234 author: Del Pizzo, Silvio title: Editorial Summary to selected papers from the 2020 IMEKO TC19 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea - “Learning to measure sea health parameters” date: 2021-12-30 words: 1677 flesch: 32 summary: Several research topics have been discussed during the edition 2020 of the workshop, such as: the electronic instrumentation, sensors and sensing systems, wireless sensor networks for marine applications, monitoring systems for sea activities, underwater navigation and submarine obstacle detection, pollution detection, measures for marine biology, marine geology, and oceanography. Editorial Summary to selected papers from the 2020 IMEKO TC19 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea - “Learning to measure sea health parameters” ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2021, Volume 10, Number 4, 3 - 4 ACTA IMEKO | December 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 4 | 3 Editorial Summary to selected papers from the 2020 IMEKO TC19 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea - “Learning to measure sea health parameters” Silvio Del Pizzo1 1 Department of Science and Technologies, University od Naples “Parthenope”, Centro Direzionale Isola C4, Naples, Italy Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Silvio Del Pizzo, Editorial Summary to selected papers from the 2020 IMEKO TC19 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea - “Learning to measure sea health parameters”, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: authors; december; imeko; sea; workshop cache: actaimeko-1234.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1234.txt item: #161 of 841 id: actaimeko-1235 author: Arpaia, Pasquale; Cesaro, Umberto; Lamonaca, Francesco title: Editorial to selected papers from the International Excellence PhD School ‘I. Gorini’ date: 2021-12-30 words: 766 flesch: 29 summary: Simone Mari et al., in the paper entitled ‘Measurements for non- intrusive load monitoring through machine learning approaches’, propose several possible approaches for the non-intrusive load monitoring systems operating in real time, analysing them from the measurement point of view. Emanuele Buchicchio et al., in the paper ‘Gesture recognition of sign language alphabet with a convolutional neural network using a magnetic positioning system’ introduce a system that combines sensor-based gesture acquisition and deep learning techniques for gesture recognition providing a 100% classification accuracy. keywords: december; international; school cache: actaimeko-1235.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1235.txt item: #162 of 841 id: actaimeko-1236 author: Cigada, Alfredo; Montanini, Roberto title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on the XXIX Italian National Congress on Mechanical and Thermal Measurements date: 2021-12-30 words: 1637 flesch: 32 summary: The reason why Mechanical Measurements are considered a science on its own has strong roots, not always fully understood, as data quality assessment, a preliminary step to any model, requires skills in a broad range of engineering topics, from sensors to mechanics, to materials and data science, just to mention some: this wide knowledge makes the cultural background of the expert in Mechanical Measurements one of the largest in Engineering. The paper entitled ‘Skin potential response for stress recognition in simulated urban driving’ by Zontone et al. addresses the problem of stress conditions arising in car drivers using Machine Learning techniques based on Skin Potential Response (SPR) signals recorded from each hand of the test subjects. keywords: acta; december; imeko; measurements; paper cache: actaimeko-1236.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1236.txt item: #163 of 841 id: actaimeko-1237 author: Carobbi, Carlo; Giaquinto, Nicola; Revel, Gian Marco title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on the 40th Measurement Day jointly organised by the Italian associations GMEE and GMTT date: 2021-12-30 words: 1333 flesch: 31 summary: Comfort measurements do not only involve an update of hardware and software technologies: they require attention to the psychological aspects. The study of comfort measurement thus offers the opportunity to present some of the main innovations of the new Vocabulary. keywords: comfort; day; imeko; measurement cache: actaimeko-1237.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1237.txt item: #164 of 841 id: actaimeko-124 author: Schuler, Alexander; Weckenmann, Albert; Hausotte, Tino title: Enhanced measurement of high aspect ratio surfaces by applied sensor tilting date: 2014-09-23 words: 4556 flesch: 54 summary: As sensor a proven near-tactile electrical sensor type was applied to accelerate the setup and allows for a wider range of sensor tips. The green curve uses sensor rotation and assumes a moving reference contact vector always aligned in the rotation direction. keywords: angle; axis; deviation; measurement; point; rotation; sensor; surface; tip cache: actaimeko-124.pdf plain text: actaimeko-124.txt item: #165 of 841 id: actaimeko-1240 author: Latha Gade, Mary Swarna; Rooban, Sudanthiraveeran title: A cost-efficient reversible logic gates implementation based on measurable quantum-dot cellular automata date: 2022-06-16 words: 4872 flesch: 62 summary: It aids us in the development of reversible logic gates with fault-tolerant architectures using QCA technology. The work describes experimental and analytic approaches for measuring design metrics of reversible logic gates using QCA, such as ancilla input, garbage output, quantum cost, cell count, and area, while accounting for the effects of energy dissipation and circuit complexity. keywords: area; cell; design; doi; figure; gate; logic; qca; rug; µm2 cache: actaimeko-1240.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1240.txt item: #166 of 841 id: actaimeko-1244 author: Prasad, M. V. S. Ram; Kushwanth, B.; Bharadwaj, P. R. D.; Teja, P. T. Sai title: Low-power and high-speed approximate multiplier using higher order compressors for measurement systems date: 2022-06-29 words: 3388 flesch: 51 summary: June 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 2 | 1 Low-power and high-speed approximate multiplier using higher order compressors for measurement systems M. V. S. Ram Prasad, B. Kushwanth, P. R. D. Bharadwaj, P. T. Sai Teja 1 Department of EECE, GITAM (Deemed to be University), Visakhapatnam, AP, India Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Approximate computing; approximate compressors; digital circuits; partial products; measurement systems Citation: M. V. S. Ram Prasad, B. Kushwanth, P. R. D. Bharadwaj, P. T. Sai Teja, Low-power and high-speed approximate multiplier using higher order compressors for measurement systems, Acta IMEKO, vol. With the use of approximate compressors, the result may be ineffective, but the power consumption and delay are getting reduced. keywords: approximate; bit; compressors; design; doi; multipliers; order; power cache: actaimeko-1244.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1244.txt item: #167 of 841 id: actaimeko-1245 author: Nagaratnam, Yamini; Rooban, Sudanthiraveeran title: A modified truncation and rounding-based scalable approximate multiplier with minimum error measurement date: 2022-06-28 words: 4180 flesch: 52 summary: There are various types of error measurement approximate multipliers depending on the operand size. Example for generation of approximate absolute value with two negative numbers. keywords: approximate; approximation; energy; error; measurement; multiplier; rounding; truncation; unit; value cache: actaimeko-1245.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1245.txt item: #168 of 841 id: actaimeko-1246 author: Pavese, Franco title: Comment to: L. Mari “Is our understanding of measurement evolving?” date: 2022-06-16 words: 2109 flesch: 41 summary: | Volume 11 | Number 2 | 1 Comment to: L. Mari “Is our understanding of measurement evolving?” Franco Pavese1 1 Independent scientist, Research Director in Metrology (formerly, at CNR then INRiM, Torino), 10139 Torino, Italy Section: TECHNICAL NOTE Keywords: Metrology; measurement science; measurement process; informational component Citation: Franco Pavese, Comment to: L. Mari “Is our understanding of measurement evolving?”, Acta IMEKO, vol. In the above respect, my opinion is that measurement science may be compared to the DNA of the observational science, i.e. the body of knowledge, with metrology its RNA as presently interpreted in biology, i.e. the tool for implementation of its basic principles and rules. keywords: information; measurement; metrology; science cache: actaimeko-1246.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1246.txt item: #169 of 841 id: actaimeko-1248 author: Alsereidi, Ahmed; Iwasaki, Yukiko; Oh, Joi; Vimolmongkolporn, Vitvasin; Kato, Fumihiro; Iwata, Hiroyasu title: Experiment assisting system with local augmented body (EASY-LAB) In dual presence environment date: 2022-08-19 words: 5491 flesch: 57 summary: Result And Discussion on Subject Operation The focus of the research on the subject side is to study the effect of the experimenter having to instruct two people at once and how the subject reacts to it, especially when changing operation methods. [3] I. Yamano, T. Maeno, Five-fingered Robot Hand using Ultrasonic Motors and Elastic Elements, Proc. of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, 18-22 April 2005, pp. keywords: environment; experimenter; method; mode; robot; subject; system; task; time cache: actaimeko-1248.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1248.txt item: #170 of 841 id: actaimeko-125 author: Seitz, Steffen; Spitzer, Petra; Jensen, Hans Dalsgaard; Orrù, Elena; Durbiano, Francesca title: Electrolytic Conductivity as a Quality Indicator for Bioethanol date: 2014-09-23 words: 3959 flesch: 45 summary: However, the result of the comparison gives an upper limit for inter laboratory reproducibility of conductivity measurements of bioethanol, even though it is, for the time being, rather large compared to typical conductivity measurements. (2) For bioethanol a linear relative temperature coefficient be = (2.0  0.15)% C-1 at 25°C has been determined from conductivity measurements between 20°C and 27°C. keywords: bioethanol; cell; conductivity; measurement; reference; solution; temperature; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-125.pdf plain text: actaimeko-125.txt item: #171 of 841 id: actaimeko-1254 author: Olasz-Szabó, Sára; Harmati, István title: Path planning for data collection robot in sensing field with obstacles date: 2022-08-19 words: 7251 flesch: 67 summary: Add tangent length between the departure and arrival configurations as edges e) Add tangent points that tangents between the obstacles and nodes in Simplified Tangents Graph as vertices f) Add arc length around the obstacles and the connecting nodes as edges g) Path planning for data collection robot in sensing field with obstacles ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X September 2022, Volume 11, Number 3, 1 - 10 ACTA IMEKO | keywords: assumption; graph; nodes; obstacles; path; tangent; 𝐺′(𝑉′ cache: actaimeko-1254.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1254.txt item: #172 of 841 id: actaimeko-1255 author: Matharu, Pawandeep Singh; Ghadge, Akash Ashok; Almubarak, Yara; Tadesse, Yonas title: Jelly-Z: Twisted and coiled polymer muscle actuated jellyfish robot for environmental monitoring date: 2022-09-05 words: 6060 flesch: 57 summary: USA Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: artificial muscles; underwater robots; biomimetics; computer vision; jellyfish; smart materials; TCP Citation: Pawandeep Singh Matharu, Akash Ashok Ghadge, Yara Almubarak, Yonas Tadesse, Jelly-Z: Twisted and coiled polymer muscle actuated jellyfish robot for environmental monitoring, Acta IMEKO, vol. Control of stiffness is highly essential in soft robots [1]-[4]. keywords: actuation; camera; detection; doi; figure; jelly; jellyfish; muscles; object; robot; swimming; tcpfl; underwater cache: actaimeko-1255.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1255.txt item: #173 of 841 id: actaimeko-1258 author: Rogers, Jennifer Wolf; Alexander, Karen title: Standards and affordances of 21st-century digital learning: Using the Experience Application Programming Interface and the Augmented Reality Learning Experience Model to track engagement in extended reality date: 2022-09-30 words: 4684 flesch: 35 summary: The experience (xAPI) data is a modern data standard that is uniquely positioned to measure and track human behaviour in learning scenarios in a manner that more closely approximates their behaviour in everyday situations and experiences. As the range of human behaviour is vast, and “appropriate” responses may vary across simulations/scenarios, every effort should be taken to avoid introduction of verbs into an ontology/taxonomy and/or individual interaction that imply some sense of judgement and/or right and wrong responses. keywords: behaviour; context; data; experience; human; learner; learning; reality; xapi cache: actaimeko-1258.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1258.txt item: #174 of 841 id: actaimeko-1262 author: Cepolina, Emanuela Elisa; Parmiggiani, Alberto; Canali, Carlo; Cannella, Ferdinando title: Disarmadillo: an open source, sustainable, robotic platform for humanitarian demining date: 2022-09-09 words: 6506 flesch: 42 summary: When deminers were asked about their preferences for new machine technology, they expressed a strong desire for new machines that were small, light and inexpensive. As their job is to process the ground, agricultural machines originally conceived to work the soil could be efficiently employed in demining. keywords: action; august; cost; demining; development; disarmadillo; figure; ground; machines; number; online; power; technology; tools cache: actaimeko-1262.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1262.txt item: #175 of 841 id: actaimeko-1266 author: Adda, Sara; Aureli, Tommaso; Cassano, Tiziana; Franci, Daniele; D. Migliore, Marco; Pasquino, Nicola; Pavoncello, Settimio; Schettino, Fulvio; Schirone, Maddalena title: Experimental investigation in controlled conditions of the impact of dynamic spectrum sharing on maximum-power extrapolation techniques for the assessment of human exposure to electromagnetic fields generated by 5G gNodeB date: 2022-09-28 words: 5043 flesch: 56 summary: The analysis confirms that both the 4G MPE and the proposed 5G MPE procedure can be used for DSS signals, provided that the correct number of subcarriers in the DSS frame is considered. In this paper MPE techniques adopted for 4G signals and 5G signals are applied to DSS signals. keywords: dss; exposure; figure; frame; lte; measurement; mpe; power; signal; spectrum; traffic cache: actaimeko-1266.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1266.txt item: #176 of 841 id: actaimeko-1267 author: Zobayed, Irfan; Miles, Drew; Tadesse, Yonas title: A 3D-printed soft orthotic hand actuated with twisted and coiled polymer muscles triggered by electromyography signals date: 2022-09-28 words: 6898 flesch: 55 summary: They have been utilized in soft robotics, hand orthosis exoskeletons, and powered hand orthotic devices; they are also light- weight, high-performance, and inexpensive to manufacture. Although innovative in its design and application intentions, the RoboGlove is not available to average consumers for purchase, further justifying the need for the accessibility and affordability of hand orthotic devices. keywords: actuation; board; control; device; emg; figure; finger; hand; muscles; ply; signal; tcp; vol; voltage cache: actaimeko-1267.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1267.txt item: #177 of 841 id: actaimeko-1268 author: Quattrocchi, Antonino; Quattrocchi, Antonino; Alizzio, Damiano; Capponi, Lorenzo; Tocci, Tommaso; Marsili, Roberto; Rossi, Gianluca; Pasinetti, Simone; Chiariotti, Paolo; Annessi, Alessandro; Castellini, Paolo; Martarelli, Milena; Freni, Fabrizio; Di Giacomo, Annamaria; Montanini, Roberto title: Measurement of the structural behaviour of a 3D airless wheel prototype by means of optical non-contact techniques date: 2022-08-19 words: 6404 flesch: 50 summary: The results presented in the paper demonstrate that several factors have great influence on 3D printed airless wheels: a) the type of material used for manufacturing the specimen, b) the correct transfer of the force line (i.e., the loading system), c) the geometric complexity of the lattice structure of the airless wheel. 11-18. DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2019.02.003 [4] V. Asnani, D. Delap, C. Creager, The development of wheels for the Lunar Roving Vehicle, J. Terramechanics 46 (2009), pp. keywords: airless; configurations; contact; doi; figure; lattice; load; manufacturing; ppr; strain; stress; structure; trapezoidal; tsa; wheel cache: actaimeko-1268.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1268.txt item: #178 of 841 id: actaimeko-1269 author: Singh, Rippudaman; Mohapatra, Sanjana; Matharu, Pawandeep Singh; Tadesse, Yonas title: Twisted and coiled polymer muscle actuated soft 3D printed robotic hand with Peltier cooler for drug delivery in medical management date: 2022-09-30 words: 5277 flesch: 57 summary: | Volume 11 | Number 3 | 1 Twisted and coiled polymer muscle actuated soft 3D printed robotic hand with Peltier cooler for drug delivery in medical management Rippudaman Singh1, Sanjana Mohapatra1,2, Pawandeep Singh Matharu1, Yonas Tadesse1,2,3,4 1 Humanoid, Biorobotics, and Smart Systems Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 78705 USA 2 Biomedical Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 78705 USA 3 Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 78705 US 4 Alan G. MacDiarmid Nanotech Institute, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 78705 USA Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: robotic hand; artificial muscle; TCP muscles; fishing lines muscles; 3D printed hand; Peltier cooling; biomimetic; grasping; drug delivery Citation: Rippudaman Singh, Sanjana Mohapatra, Pawandeep Singh Matharu, Yonas Tadesse, Twisted and coiled polymer muscle actuated soft 3D printed robotic hand with Peltier cooler for drug delivery in medical management, Acta IMEKO, vol. The fabrication of TCPFL muscles has been discussed in a study by Haines et al. keywords: actuation; cooling; doi; figure; finger; hand; muscles; peltier; seconds; sensor; tcpfl; water cache: actaimeko-1269.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1269.txt item: #179 of 841 id: actaimeko-1270 author: Ahmed, Ahmed Jassim; Alkhafaji, Mohammed H.; Mahdi, Ali Jafer title: Performance enhancement of a low-voltage microgrid by measuring the optimal size and location of distributed generation date: 2022-09-11 words: 5662 flesch: 62 summary: [28] A. Mohamed Imran, M. Kowsalya, D. P. Kothari, A novel integration technique for optimal network reconfiguration and distributed generation placement in power distribution networks. PU bus voltages of 33-bus IEEE system. keywords: algorithm; bus; dgs; distribution; energy; figure; losses; power; results; size; system; voltage cache: actaimeko-1270.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1270.txt item: #180 of 841 id: actaimeko-1271 author: Kovarikova, Zuzana; Duchon, Frantisek; Babinec, Andrej; Labat, Dusan title: Digital tools as part of a robotic system for adaptive manipulation and welding of objects date: 2022-08-19 words: 3585 flesch: 42 summary: The basic method is to define the structure of the digital tool and data flows necessary to enable an exchange of data needed to perform robotic manipulation and robotic welding of variable products minimizing at the same time strenuous human activity. In the first phase, simulations using a digital twin prototype of the workplace for robotic manipulation and robotic welding were performed to verify the functionality the digital tools. keywords: figure; manipulation; objects; system; welding; workplace cache: actaimeko-1271.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1271.txt item: #181 of 841 id: actaimeko-1272 author: Sato, Mitsuru; Narita, Mizuki; Takahashi, Naoya; Kondo, Yohan; Okamoto, Masashi; Ogura, Toshihiro title: Development of a contactless operation system for radiographic consoles using an eye tracker for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection control: a feasibility study date: 2022-06-23 words: 5649 flesch: 50 summary: 4. DISCUSSION There have been no studies to utilize eye tracker for infection control of SARS-CoV-2. In addition, there are cases in which eye tracker was used in hospital rooms in previous studies, although these studies were not directly operating computers [29], [30]. keywords: calibration; console; contact; doi; eye; face; figure; lenses; operation; study; system; tracker cache: actaimeko-1272.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1272.txt item: #182 of 841 id: actaimeko-1273 author: A V, Geetha; T, Mala title: AREL – Augmented Reality–based enriched learning experience date: 2022-08-19 words: 3266 flesch: 47 summary: AREL is designed as a mobile-based AR system for increasing the accessibility of AR based learning for students. To design a mobile-based AR system which increases the accessibility of AR based learning for students • To design an AR platform that can act as teaching aid for the students • To complement and improve the online experience through AR • To provide multi-modal interface and regional language support. keywords: arel; content; delivery; experience; image; learning; reality; speech cache: actaimeko-1273.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1273.txt item: #183 of 841 id: actaimeko-1274 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2022-03-31 words: 452 flesch: 12 summary: ADDRESSES Principal Contact Prof. Francesco Lamonaca University of Calabria Department of Computer Science, Modelling, Electronic and System Science Via P. Bucci, 41C, VI floor, Arcavacata di Rende, 87036 (CS), Italy E-mail: Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany E-mail: EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Francesco Lamonaca, Italy FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany COPY EDITORS Egidio De Benedetto, Italy Silvia Sangiovanni, Italy LAYOUT EDITORS Dirk Röske, Germany Leonardo Iannucci, Italy Domenico Luca Carnì, Italy EDITORIAL BOARD Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Yasuharu Koike, Japan Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Gustavo Ripper, Brazil Maik Rosenberger, Germany Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Ronald Summers, UK Marco Tarabini, Italy SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 - 11) Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Piotr Bilski, Poland Francesco Bonavolonta, Italy Giuseppe Caravello, Italy Carlo Carobbi, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Mauro D’Arco, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy István Harmati, Hungary Min-Seok Kim, Korea Bálint Kiss, Hungary Momoko Kojima, Japan Koji Ogushi, Japan Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Md Zia Ur Rahman, India Fabio Santaniello, Italy Jan Saliga, Slovakia Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Ciro Spataro, Italy Oscar Tamburis, Italy Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ioan Tudosa, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Claudia Zoani, Italy keywords: imeko; international; italy; journal; measurement cache: actaimeko-1274.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1274.txt item: #184 of 841 id: actaimeko-1275 author: Lamonaca, Francesco title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO first issue 2022 date: 2022-03-31 words: 734 flesch: 44 summary: March 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 1 | 1 Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO first issue 2022 Francesco Lamonaca1 1 Department of Department of Computer Science, Modeling, Electronics and Systems Engineering (DIMES), University of Calabria, Ponte P. Bucci, 87036, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Francesco Lamonaca, Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO first issue 2022, Acta IMEKO, vol. Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO first issue keywords: acta; imeko; issue cache: actaimeko-1275.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1275.txt item: #185 of 841 id: actaimeko-1276 author: Santaniello, Fabio; Fedel, Michele; Pedrotti, Annaluisa title: Introduction to the Acta IMEKO special issue on the ‘IMEKO TC4 international conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural heritage’ date: 2022-03-31 words: 1178 flesch: 34 summary: An Egyptian wooden statuette stored in the Museo Egizio di Torino has been analysed by Vigorelli et al., who compared the results of a multi-analytical strategy based on both non-invasive and micro-invasive procedures to investigate the original artistic techniques and the ancient restorations of the artefact. Tavella et al. used a graphic elaboration software to calculate the capacity of several prehistoric vessels from northeastern Italy, suggesting possible functions and/or cultural traditions related to the potteries. keywords: acta imeko; conference; imeko cache: actaimeko-1276.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1276.txt item: #186 of 841 id: actaimeko-1277 author: Rahman, Md. Zia Ur title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on ‘Innovative Signal Processing and Communication Techniques for Measurement and Sensing Systems’ date: 2022-03-31 words: 2205 flesch: 36 summary: The topics of interest in the context of measurement and sensing systems includes: Antenna measurements, Artificial Intelligence, Beam forming techniques, Body area networks, Embedded processors, Image sensors and processing, Internet of Things, Knowledge based systems, Machine learning algorithms, medical signal analysis, Sensor data processing, VLSI architectures and many more thrust areas. Malicious users receive spectrum sensing data, resulting in inaccurate global decisions about spectrum availability. keywords: acta; data; imeko; measurement; paper; sensing; systems cache: actaimeko-1277.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1277.txt item: #187 of 841 id: actaimeko-1278 author: Ghiara, Giorgia; Maniquet, Christophe; Carnasciali, Maria Maddalena; Piccardo, Paolo title: A morphological and chemical classification of bronze corrosion features from an Iron Age hoard (Tintignac, France): the effect of metallurgical factors date: 2022-11-30 words: 7141 flesch: 51 summary: | Volume 11 | Number 4 | 1 A morphological and chemical classification of bronze corrosion features from an Iron Age hoard (Tintignac, France): the effect of metallurgical factors Giorgia Ghiara1, Christophe Maniquet2, Maria Maddalena Carnasciali1, Paolo Piccardo1 1 Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry (DCCI), University of Genoa, Via Dodecaneso 31, 16146 Genova, Italy 2 INRAP Limoges, 18 allée des Gravelles, 87280 Limoges, France Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Corrosion morphology; Sn bronze; microstructure; tentacle like corrosion; MIC Citation: Giorgia Ghiara, Christophe Maniquet, Maria Maddalena Carnasciali, Paolo Piccardo, A morphological and chemical classification of bronze corrosion features from an Iron Age hoard (Tintignac, France): the effect of metallurgical factors, Acta IMEKO, vol. Focusing on the composition, corrosion properties as nobility, passivity or cathodic and anodic processes are related to the influence of the alloying elements and ABSTRACT A categorization of corrosion morphologies of archaeological Sn bronzes was carried out on archaeological Iron Age objects. keywords: acta; alloy; bronze; corrosion; doi; elements; features; figure; grain; morphology; objects; type cache: actaimeko-1278.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1278.txt item: #188 of 841 id: actaimeko-128 author: Panciroli, Riccardo; Minak, Giangiacomo title: Experimental evaluation of the air trapped during the water entry of flexible structures date: 2014-09-23 words: 3973 flesch: 66 summary: Upon an independent study on the role of the threshold level on the evaluated results on the computed amount of trapped air, we choose 200 as the threshold level above which the pixels have to be considered air. Even if the amount of trapped air is quite similar in all the three cases, it may be noted that, at the beginning of the water entry, stiffer wedges show a sharper peak of entrapped air, for high impact energies, than the more flexible ones. keywords: air; angle; deadrise; entry; fluid; impact; water cache: actaimeko-128.pdf plain text: actaimeko-128.txt item: #189 of 841 id: actaimeko-1284 author: Peters, Manuel J. H.; Stek, Tesse D. title: Photogrammetry and GIS to investigate modern landscape change in an early Roman colonial territory in Molise (Italy) date: 2022-12-21 words: 5477 flesch: 52 summary: [26] T. D. Stek, E. B. Modrall, R. A. A. Kalkers, R. H. van Otterloo, J. Sevink, An early Roman colonial landscape in the Apennine mountains: landscape archaeological research in the territory of Aesernia (Central-Southern Italy), in S.De Vincenzo (ed), Analysis Archaeologica vol.1, Edizioni Quasar, Rome, Italy, 2015, pp. 229- 291. CONCLUSIONS The main goal of this research was the creation of a composite IBM workflow to build historical landscape models from historical aerial photographs using SfM, and extracting information about geomorphological change. keywords: area; change; data; doi; figure; hdem; landscape; model; research; survey cache: actaimeko-1284.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1284.txt item: #190 of 841 id: actaimeko-1285 author: Peters, Manuel J.H.; Goren, Yuval; Fabian, Peter; Mirão, José; Bottaini, Carlo; Grassini, Sabrina; Angelini, Emma title: Roman coins at the edge of the Negev: characterisation of copper alloy artefacts and soil from Rakafot 54 (Beer Sheva, Israel) date: 2022-12-22 words: 4327 flesch: 56 summary: Diffractogram of artefact surface samples consisting of corrosion and soil minerals. Roman coins at the edge of the Negev: characterisation of copper alloy artefacts and soil from Rakafot 54 (Beer Sheva, Israel) ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2022, Volume 11, Number 4, 1 - 6 ACTA IMEKO | December 2022 keywords: alloy; artefacts; bulk; coins; components; copper; corrosion; lead; pxrf; research; samples; soil cache: actaimeko-1285.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1285.txt item: #191 of 841 id: actaimeko-1287 author: Ananth, DVN; Hannoon, Naeem; Mohamed Yunus, Mohamed Shahriman Bin; Bin Jamaludin, Mohd Hanif ; Charavarthy, V. V. S. S. S.; Chowdary, P. S. R. title: Real-time power quality measurement audit of government building – A case study in compliance with IEEE 1159 date: 2023-03-29 words: 7232 flesch: 53 summary: The cost of PQ devices, location, type of loading, disturbance play a vital role in PQ improvement. This paper presents the development of PQ monitoring system by using Field Measurement analysis technique which is an auding based using PQ measuring devices. keywords: case; current; devices; doi; equipment; figure; ieee; load; measurement; power; power quality; quality; rms; system; time; voltage cache: actaimeko-1287.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1287.txt item: #192 of 841 id: actaimeko-1288 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2022-05-04 words: 502 flesch: 0 summary: ADDRESSES Principal Contact Prof. Francesco Lamonaca University of Calabria Department of Computer Science, Modelling, Electronic and System Science Via P. Bucci, 41C, VI floor, Arcavacata di Rende, 87036 (CS), Italy E-mail: Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany E-mail: EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Francesco Lamonaca, Italy FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany COPY EDITORS Egidio De Benedetto, Italy Silvia Sangiovanni, Italy LAYOUT EDITORS Dirk Röske, Germany Leonardo Iannucci, Italy Domenico Luca Carnì, Italy EDITORIAL BOARD Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Sascha Eichstaedt, Germany Ravi Fernandez, Germany Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Leonardo Iannucci, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Yasuharu Koike, Japan Dan Kytyr, Czechia Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Aime Lay Ekuakille, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Renato Reis Machado, Brazil Álvaro Ribeiro, Portugal Gustavo Ripper, Brazil Dirk Röske, Germany Maik Rosenberger, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Michela Sega, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Pier Giorgio Spazzini, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Ronald Summers, UK Marco Tarabini, Italy Tatjana Tomić, Croatia Joris Van Loco, Belgium Zsolt Viharos, Hungary Bernhard Zagar, Austria Davor Zvizdic, Croatia ACTA IMEKO | Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Piotr Bilski, Poland Francesco Bonavolonta, Italy Giuseppe Caravello, Italy Carlo Carobbi, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Mauro D’Arco, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy István Harmati, Hungary Min-Seok Kim, Korea Bálint Kiss, Hungary Momoko Kojima, Japan Koji Ogushi, Japan Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Md Zia Ur Rahman, India Fabio Santaniello, Italy Jan Saliga, Slovakia Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Ciro Spataro, Italy Oscar Tamburis, Italy Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ioan Tudosa, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Claudia Zoani, Italy keywords: germany; imeko; international; italy; journal; measurement cache: actaimeko-1288.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1288.txt item: #193 of 841 id: actaimeko-1289 author: Lamonaca, Francesco title: Announcement of Acta IMEKO second issue 2022 date: 2022-05-04 words: 549 flesch: 41 summary: Announcement of Acta IMEKO second issue May 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 2 | 1 Announcement of Acta IMEKO second issue 2022 Francesco Lamonaca1 1 Department of Department of Computer Science, Modeling, Electronics and Systems Engineering (DIMES), University of Calabria, Ponte P. Bucci, 87036, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Francesco Lamonaca, Announcement of Acta IMEKO second issue 2022, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: imeko; issue cache: actaimeko-1289.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1289.txt item: #194 of 841 id: actaimeko-1290 author: Salicone, Simona; Corbellini, Simone; Jetti, Harsha Vardhana; Ronaghi, Sina title: Low-cost real-time motion capturing system using inertial measurement units date: 2022-09-28 words: 6454 flesch: 50 summary: From the data matrix structure, it is possible to extract information such as sensor number, new data availability, data packet type, and measurement values. This preliminary evaluation has been done to estimate the standard uncertainty of a single sensor (Sensor #2 corresponding to the chest of the test subject) throughout the measurement process. keywords: angles; axis; body; calibration; cost; data; figure; measurement; motion; representation; rotation; sensor; september; system; table cache: actaimeko-1290.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1290.txt item: #195 of 841 id: actaimeko-13 author: Author title: Acta IMEKO, Title date: 2015-05-14 words: 3236 flesch: 67 summary: Page wide figures and tables should be placed inside a frame. Page numbers appear in the bottom right corner and are updated automatically. keywords: author; caption; figure; frame; page; table; text cache: actaimeko-13.doc plain text: actaimeko-13.txt item: #196 of 841 id: actaimeko-1300 author: Pražák, Dominik; Suchý, Vítězslav ; Šafaříková-Pštroszová, Markéta ; Drbálková, Kateřina; Sedlák, Václav; Ališić, Šejla; Bescupscii, Anatolii; Kacarski, Vanco title: A training centre for intraocular pressure metrology date: 2022-11-30 words: 3849 flesch: 52 summary: [14] OIML R145-1: Ophthalmic Instruments – Impression and applanation tonometers – Part 1 – Metrological and technical requirements, 2015. [30] P. Pavlásek, J. Rybář, S. Ďuriš, B. Hučko, J. Palenčář, M. Chytil, Developments in non-contact eye tonometer calibration, 2019 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proc., Auckland, New Zealand, 20 – 23 May 2019, 8827028. keywords: contact; doi; eye; figure; iop; metrology; tonometers; traceability; training cache: actaimeko-1300.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1300.txt item: #197 of 841 id: actaimeko-1301 author: Svatos, Jakub; Holub, Jan title: How the COVID-19 changed the hands-on laboratory classes of electrical measurement date: 2022-12-19 words: 6494 flesch: 49 summary: The change includes reducing the number of laboratory tasks taught while preserving most of the objectives. Apart from reducing the number of laboratory tasks, the repetitiveness of certain measurement types has significantly been reduced by, e.g., decreasing the number of points in which the examined characteristics are measured or evaluating the measurement uncertainty on a subset of measured points only. keywords: case; classes; covid-19; distance; doi; face; hands; laboratory; measurement; remote; students; tasks; teaching cache: actaimeko-1301.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1301.txt item: #198 of 841 id: actaimeko-1307 author: Lamonaca, Francesco title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO second issue 2022 date: 2022-06-30 words: 2450 flesch: 34 summary: S. Avdiaj et al., in the paper “Measurements of virial coefficients of Helium, Argon and Nitrogen for the needs of static expansion method”, study the influence of virial coefficients on the realization of primary standards in vacuum metrology, especially in the realization of the static expansion method. S. Ondera et al., in the paper entitled “Dose reduction potential in dual-energy subtraction chest radiography based on the relationship between spatial-resolution property and segmentation accuracy of the tumor area”, investigated the relationship between the spatial-resolution property of soft tissue images and the lesion detection ability using U-net. keywords: acta; et al; imeko; june; paper; volume cache: actaimeko-1307.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1307.txt item: #199 of 841 id: actaimeko-1309 author: Nicoletti, Francesco; Ferraro, Vittorio; Kaliakatsos, Dimitrios; Cucumo, Mario A.; Rollo, Antonino; Arcuri, Natale title: Evaluation of the electricity savings resulting from a control system for artificial lights based on the available daylight date: 2022-12-19 words: 8721 flesch: 59 summary: [31] presented a review to analyse scientific paper where the impact of windows on room illuminance and the resulting energy savings are assessed. A calculation code for daylight illuminance predictions inside buildings and its experimental validation. keywords: area; cosenza; daylight; doi; element; energy; illuminance; lighting; reference; room; sky; solar; surface; system; window cache: actaimeko-1309.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1309.txt item: #200 of 841 id: actaimeko-1310 author: Pennecchi, Francesca; Harris, Peter title: Mathmet Measurement Uncertainty Training activity – Overview of courses, software, and classroom examples date: 2023-05-22 words: 3484 flesch: 34 summary: This abstract reports on the progress to undertake surveys of existing training courses on MU, software for MU evaluation, and examples to support the understanding of methods for MU evaluation. Classification according to “metrology area” for the examples taken from existing training courses (top) and developed in the EMUE project (bottom). keywords: courses; examples; jcgm; measurement; software; training; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-1310.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1310.txt item: #201 of 841 id: actaimeko-1313 author: Rossi, Giovanni Battista; Crenna, Francesco; Berardengo, Marta title: Probability theory as a logic for modelling the measurement process date: 2023-05-16 words: 4418 flesch: 56 summary: Generic modelling issues It is here suggested that probability can be understood as a logic for developing measurement models. [7] A. Possolo, C. Elster, Evaluating the uncertainty of input quantities, in measurement models, Metrologia, 51, 2014, pp. keywords: measurement; model; modelling; probabilistic; probability cache: actaimeko-1313.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1313.txt item: #202 of 841 id: actaimeko-1325 author: Linß, Elske; Walz, Jurij ; Könke, Carsten title: Image analysis for the sorting of brick and masonry waste using machine learning methods date: 2023-06-01 words: 2998 flesch: 54 summary: For this purpose, image captures of different bricks were made with an image acquisition system, the data was pre-processed, segmented, significant features selected and different AI methods were applied. The aim of the investigations is the development of a recognition routine for the differentiation of different brick types for single-variety brick and masonry rubble. keywords: brick; category; features; figure; recognition; results; sorting cache: actaimeko-1325.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1325.txt item: #203 of 841 id: actaimeko-1328 author: Crenna, Francesco; Lancini, Matteo ; Ghidelli, Marco ; Rossi, Giovanni B. ; Berardengo, Marta title: Biomechanics in crutch assisted walking date: 2022-12-19 words: 3396 flesch: 50 summary: Tests results present inter and intra subject variabilities and, as a first goal, influencing factors affecting crutch loads have been identified. During the training and the following tests there is no real time control on crutch load, so, at the end, it depends on subject voluntary behaviour. keywords: crutch; crutches; doi; figure; gait; load; parallel; results; subject; walking cache: actaimeko-1328.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1328.txt item: #204 of 841 id: actaimeko-1330 author: Fisher, Jr., William P. title: Contrasting roles of measurement knowledge systems in confounding or creating sustainable change date: 2022-12-23 words: 4779 flesch: 27 summary: Research into learning embodied and locally situated in the institutional environment [20]-[22] points toward new goals organizations can realistically set for achieving sustainable change using scientific measurement models instead of statistical data models. A little known but landmark article [1] defines five conditions for success in creating sustainable systems change (Figure 1). keywords: change; data; doi; focus; information; measurement; modelling; quality; scores; vision cache: actaimeko-1330.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1330.txt item: #205 of 841 id: actaimeko-1337 author: Monteiro Vieira, Clara; Costa Monteiro, Elisabeth title: Metrology in the early days of Social Sciences date: 2023-05-31 words: 5052 flesch: 37 summary: However, the literature indicates that the founding designers of sociology as an academic discipline expressed concerns regarding social measurements more than a century ago. Durkheim’s quest for objectivity can be considered analogous to a pursuit towards minimizing the definitional and instrumental uncertainties of social measurements. keywords: doi; durkheim; isbn; measurement; metrology; reference; results; sciences; social; weber cache: actaimeko-1337.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1337.txt item: #206 of 841 id: actaimeko-1339 author: Kok, Gertjan title: Case studies for the MATHMET Quality Management System at VSL, the Dutch National Metrology Institute date: 2023-06-07 words: 3769 flesch: 56 summary: Various NMIs in MATHMET have announced that they will indeed discuss the benefits of the MATHMET QMS with people directly responsible for quality control at their respective NMIs. In this way, possible requirements of the MATHMET QMS that may not be directly accommodated by the quality system and available software systems at an NMI, could more readily be implemented at an NMI and used in the context of work related to EMN MATHMET. keywords: data; guidelines; mathmet; qms; quality; software; vsl cache: actaimeko-1339.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1339.txt item: #207 of 841 id: actaimeko-1342 author: Peppi, Lorenzo Mistral; Zauli, Matteo; Manfrini, Luigi; Corelli Grappadelli, Luca; De Marchi, Luca; Traverso, Pier Andrea title: Low-cost, high-resolution and no-manning distributed sensing system for the continuous monitoring of fruit growth in precision farming date: 2023-06-09 words: 8843 flesch: 50 summary: Low-cost, high-resolution and no-manning distributed sensing system for the continuous monitoring of fruit growth in precision farming ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2023, Volume 12, Number 2, 1 - 11 ACTA IMEKO | June 2023 | Volume 12 | Number 2 | 1 Low-cost, high-resolution and no-manning distributed sensing system for the continuous monitoring of fruit growth in precision farming Lorenzo Mistral Peppi1, Matteo Zauli1, Luigi Manfrini2, Luca Corelli Grappadelli2, Luca De Marchi1, Pier Andrea Traverso1 1 DEI - Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering ”Guglielmo Marconi”, University of Bologna, 40136 Bologna, Italy 2 DISTAL - Department of Agricultural and Food Science, University of Bologna, University of Bologna, 40127 Bologna, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Smart farming technologies; smart agriculture; agricultural IoT; autonomous sensor node; LoRa Citation: Lorenzo Mistral Peppi, Matteo Zauli, Luigi Manfrini, Luca Corelli Grappadelli, Luca De Marchi , Pier Andrea Traverso, Low-cost, high-resolution and no-manning distributed sensing system for the continuous monitoring of fruit growth in precision farming, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: agr; channel; data; doi; figure; fruit; growth; june; node; pliers; power; prototype; sensing; sensor; system; temperature; time; voltage cache: actaimeko-1342.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1342.txt item: #208 of 841 id: actaimeko-1343 author: Hawke, Rebecca J; Clarkson, Mark T title: Position control for the MSL Kibble balance coil using a syringe pump date: 2022-11-30 words: 5802 flesch: 58 summary: IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2022, Volume 11, Number 4, 1 - 7 ACTA IMEKO | December 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 4 | 1 Position control for the MSL Kibble balance coil using a syringe pump Rebecca J. Hawke1, Mark T. Clarkson1 1 Measurement Standards Laboratory (MSL), Lower Hutt, New Zealand Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Kibble balance; pressure balance; position control; volume control Citation: Rebecca J. Hawke, Mark T. Clarkson, Position control for the MSL Kibble balance coil using a syringe pump, Acta IMEKO, vol. At MSL we are developing a Kibble balance where the coil is connected to the piston of pressure balance 1 (see Figure 1) in a twin pressure balance arrangement [2], [3]. keywords: balance; kibble; motion; piston; position; pressure; pressure balance; rate; syringe; travel; volume cache: actaimeko-1343.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1343.txt item: #209 of 841 id: actaimeko-1346 author: Mazurek, Pawel; Kruszewski, Szymon title: Applicability of multiple impulse-radar sensors for the recognition of a person’s action date: 2023-06-29 words: 4143 flesch: 45 summary: A review of the relevant literature, including articles in scientific journals and conference papers, which appeared in the years 2019–2022, has revealed that the vast majority of researchers use radar sensors of both types for estimation of the heart rate, breathing rate and position (in two dimensions), while the attempts to detect falls are based on sensors using the Doppler principle – with two exceptions: • [21] for the description of the methodology for preprocessing of data from depth sensors). keywords: configuration; data; movement; person; radar; radar sensors; sensors; trajectories cache: actaimeko-1346.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1346.txt item: #210 of 841 id: actaimeko-1348 author: Lines, Keith; Hippolyte, Jean-Laurent ; George, Indhu; Harris, Peter title: A MATHMET Quality Management System for data, software, and guidelines date: 2022-12-30 words: 4401 flesch: 47 summary: For example: • Such software is typically developed by metrologists rather than software engineers. Quality interventions for capturing software user requirements and their dependence on the calculated integrity level (X, R and M denote not required, recommended and mandatory, respectively) Quality Requirement SWIL1 SWIL2 SWIL3 SWIL4 Documented user requirements M M M M Review by team R M M M Review by suitably qualified independent person X X R M Review by customer or proxy M M M M ACTA IMEKO | December 2022 keywords: data; december; level; management; mathmet; qms; quality; software cache: actaimeko-1348.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1348.txt item: #211 of 841 id: actaimeko-1349 author: Wagner, Jakub; Morawski, Roman Z. title: Spatiotemporal analysis of human gait, based on feet trajectories estimated by means of depth sensors date: 2022-12-19 words: 5594 flesch: 45 summary: The methodology for spatiotemporal gait analysis considered in this work consists in obtaining some estimates of feet positions using a depth sensor, followed by processing them by means of a procedure which comprises the following operations: – estimation of feet velocities; – identification of the swing and stance phases by thresholding feet velocities; – estimation of selected spatiotemporal gait parameters; and – computation of indicators of gait asymmetry. EXPERIMENTATION PROGRAMME A set of experiments was completed in order to assess the applicabilitiy potential of the considered methodology for spatiotemporal gait analysis. keywords: analysis; data; depth; estimates; feet; filter; gait; gct; means; parameters; sensors; values cache: actaimeko-1349.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1349.txt item: #212 of 841 id: actaimeko-1351 author: Capponi, Lorenzo; Tocci, Tommaso; Tribbiani, Giulio; Palmieri, Massimiliano; Rossi, Gianluca title: Frequency response function identification using fused filament fabrication-3D-printed embedded ArUco markers date: 2022-09-29 words: 4229 flesch: 54 summary: | Volume 11 | Number 3 | 2 structural 3D displacement using ArUco markers, while the study of Kalybek et al. An example of ArUco marker is presented in Figure 1. keywords: aruco; displacement; doi; figure; frequency; marker; modal; response; vol; 𝑀−1; 𝑆𝑦 � cache: actaimeko-1351.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1351.txt item: #213 of 841 id: actaimeko-1356 author: Zangl, Hubert; Anandan, Narendiran ; Kafrana, Ahmed title: A low-cost table-top robot platform for measurement science education in robotics and artificial intelligence date: 2023-06-26 words: 3769 flesch: 50 summary: 4. INTRODUCTION TO ROBOT SIMULATION Many different environments for robot simulation are available, including open source frameworks such as Gazebo Typically, robot simulation tools such as CoppeliaSim® provide means for simulation of sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes, but non-ideal characteristics of these sensors are usually not included. keywords: education; experiments; figure; measurement; robot; robotics; science; sensors; simulation; students cache: actaimeko-1356.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1356.txt item: #214 of 841 id: actaimeko-1358 author: Mugnaini, Marco; Fort, Ada title: How to stretch system reliability exploiting mission constraints: A practical roadmap for industries date: 2022-12-18 words: 4158 flesch: 41 summary: How to stretch system reliability exploiting mission constraints: A practical roadmap for industries ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2022, Volume 11, Number 4, 1 - 6 ACTA IMEKO | December 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 4 | 1 How to stretch system reliability exploiting mission constraints: A practical roadmap for industries Marco Mugnaini1, Ada Fort1 1 University of Siena DIISM Department, Via Roma 56, Siena, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Reliability design; mission; reliability assessment; reliability enhancement Citation: Marco Mugnaini, Ada Fort, How to stretch system reliability exploiting mission constraints: A practical roadmap for industries, Acta IMEKO, vol. 11, no. 4, article 17, December 2022, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-11 (2022)-04-17 Section Editor: Francesco Lamonaca, University of Calabria, Italy Received August 14, 2022; In final form November 19, 2022; Published December 2022 Copyright: [17] A. Ben Salem, A. Muller, P. Weber, Dynamic Bayesian Networks in system reliability analysis, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, vol. keywords: approach; design; doi; figure; mission; reliability; results; system; vol cache: actaimeko-1358.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1358.txt item: #215 of 841 id: actaimeko-136 author: Ezedine, Fabien; Linares, Jean-Marc; Wan Muhamad, Wan Mansor; Sprauel, Jean-Michel title: Identification of most influential factors in a Virtual Reality tracking system using hybrid method date: 2014-01-15 words: 4707 flesch: 65 summary: In order to improve the accuracy of the tracking system and consequently the quality of the user immersion in the CAVE, it is important to target adjustable factors which have a significant influence. The hybrid method As shown in Figure 4, the flowchart explains the first step of this hybrid method which is to detect adjustable factors. keywords: camera; cave; factors; system cache: actaimeko-136.pdf plain text: actaimeko-136.txt item: #216 of 841 id: actaimeko-1361 author: Illmann, Raik; Rosenberger, Maik; Notni, Gunther title: Training program for the metric specification of imaging sensors date: 2022-12-22 words: 3538 flesch: 50 summary: Training program for the metric specification of imaging sensors ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2022, Volume 11, Number 4, 1 - 6 ACTA IMEKO | December 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 4 | 1 Training program for the metric specification of imaging sensors Raik Illmann1, Maik Rosenberger1, Gunther Notni1 1 Technische Universität Ilmenau, Gustav Kirchhoff Platz 2, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Measurement education; measurement training; engineering education; hands-on pedagogy; image sensor characterization Citation: Raik Illmann, Maik Rosenberger, Gunther Notni, Training program for the metric specification of imaging sensors, Acta IMEKO, vol. Analysis of measurement uncertainty All image processing algorithms are already implemented in software, so that the diameter of the circular ring is output as the result of the measurement. keywords: data; image; measurement; program; students; system; training; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-1361.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1361.txt item: #217 of 841 id: actaimeko-1372 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2022-09-30 words: 519 flesch: 12 summary: ADDRESSES Principal Contact Prof. Francesco Lamonaca University of Calabria Department of Computer Science, Modelling, Electronic and System Science Via P. Bucci, 41C, VI floor, Arcavacata di Rende, 87036 (CS), Italy E-mail: Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany E-mail: EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Francesco Lamonaca, Italy FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany COPY EDITORS Egidio De Benedetto, Italy Silvia Sangiovanni, Italy LAYOUT EDITORS Dirk Röske, Germany Leonardo Iannucci, Italy Domenico Luca Carnì, Italy EDITORIAL BOARD Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Sascha Eichstaedt, Germany Ravi Fernandez, Germany Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Leonardo Iannucci, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Yasuharu Koike, Japan Dan Kytyr, Czechia Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Aime Lay Ekuakille, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Renato Reis Machado, Brazil Álvaro Ribeiro, Portugal Gustavo Ripper, Brazil Dirk Röske, Germany Maik Rosenberger, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Michela Sega, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Pier Giorgio Spazzini, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Ronald Summers, UK Marco Tarabini, Italy Tatjana Tomić, Croatia Joris Van Loco, Belgium Zsolt Viharos, Hungary Bernhard Zagar, Austria Davor Zvizdic, Croatia ACTA IMEKO | Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Piotr Bilski, Poland Francesco Bonavolonta, Italy Giuseppe Caravello, Italy Carlo Carobbi, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Mauro D’Arco, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy István Harmati, Hungary Min-Seok Kim, Korea Bálint Kiss, Hungary Momoko Kojima, Japan Koji Ogushi, Japan Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Md Zia Ur Rahman, India Fabio Santaniello, Italy Jan Saliga, Slovakia Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Ciro Spataro, Italy Oscar Tamburis, Italy Zafar Taqvi, USA Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ioan Tudosa, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Claudia Zoani, Italy keywords: germany; imeko; international; italy; journal cache: actaimeko-1372.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1372.txt item: #218 of 841 id: actaimeko-1373 author: Lamonaca, Francesco title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO third issue 2022 date: 2022-09-30 words: 2589 flesch: 41 summary: [10] A. Quattrocchi, D. Alizzio, L. Capponi, T. Tocci, R. Marsili, G. Rossi, S. Pasinetti, P. Chiariotti, A. Annessi, P. Castellini, M. Martarelli, F. Freni, A. Di Giacomo, R. Montanini, “Measurement of the structural behaviour of a 3D airless wheel prototype by means of optical non-contact techniques”, Acta IMEKO, vol. Corresponding author: Francesco Lamonaca, e-mail: Dear Readers, The third issue 2022 of Acta IMEKO collects contributions related to two events organized by IMEKO TC17, the IMEKO Technical Committee on Robotic Measurement [1]-[9], and, as usual, papers that do not relate to a specific event and are collected into the general track [10]-[18]. keywords: acta; acta imeko; imeko; measurement; techniques; vol cache: actaimeko-1373.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1373.txt item: #219 of 841 id: actaimeko-1374 author: Taqvi, Zafar title: Editorial to selected papers from the TC17 Events "International Symposium on Measurements and Control in Robotics" (ISMCR2021) and VRISE2021 - Topical Event on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance date: 2022-09-30 words: 820 flesch: 24 summary: | Volume 11 | Number 3 | 2 Paper on Jelly-Z: Twisted and Coiled Polymer Fishing Line Muscle actuated Mini-Jellyfish robot for Environment Surveillance and Monitoring by Pawandeep Singh Matharu et al, paper entitled Disarmadillo: an open source remotely controlled platform for humanitarian demining, by Emanuela Cepolina, Alberto Parmiggiani, Carlo Canali, Ferdinando Cannella, while a third paper entitled Path planning for data collection robots by Sara Olasz-Szabo and Istvan Hermati present other robotics application research work. Editorial to selected papers from the TC17 Events International Symposium on Measurements and Control in Robotics (ISMCR2021) and VRISE2021 - Topical Event on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X September 2022, Volume 11, Number 3, 1 - 2 ACTA IMEKO | September 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 3 | 1 Editorial to selected papers from the TC17 Events International Symposium on Measurements and Control in Robotics (ISMCR2021) and VRISE2021 - Topical Event on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance Zafar Taqvi1 1 Research Fellow University of Houston Clear Lake, Houston, Texas USA Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Zafar Taqvi, Editorial to selected papers from the TC17 Events International Symposium on Measurements and Control in Robotics (ISMCR2021) and VRISE2021 - Topical Event on Robotics for Risky Interventions and Environmental Surveillance, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: events; robotics; tc17 cache: actaimeko-1374.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1374.txt item: #220 of 841 id: actaimeko-1386 author: Pearce, Jonathan; Veltcheva, Radka; Tucker, Declan; Machin, Graham title: Progress towards in-situ traceability and digitalization of temperature measurements date: 2023-03-27 words: 4967 flesch: 40 summary: Progress towards in-situ traceability and digitalization of temperature measurements March 2023 | Volume 12 | Number 1 | 1 Progress towards in-situ traceability and digitalization of temperature measurements Jonathan Pearce1, Radka Veltcheva1, Declan Tucker1, Graham Machin1 1 National Physical Laboratory, Hampton Road, Teddington, TW11 0LW, United Kingdom Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: temperature; thermometry; traceability; primary thermometry; process control; digitalization Citation: Jonathan Pearce, Radka Veltcheva, Declan Tucker, Graham Machin, Progress towards in-situ traceability and digitalization of temperature measurements, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: calibration; change; drift; johnson; measurement; melting; noise; self; situ; temperature; thermometry cache: actaimeko-1386.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1386.txt item: #221 of 841 id: actaimeko-1388 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2022-11-30 words: 934 flesch: 21 summary: ADDRESSES Principal Contact Prof. Francesco Lamonaca University of Calabria Department of Computer Science, Modelling, Electronic and System Science Via P. Bucci, 41C, VI floor, Arcavacata di Rende, 87036 (CS), Italy E-mail: Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany E-mail: EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Francesco Lamonaca, Italy FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany COPY EDITORS Egidio De Benedetto, Italy Silvia Sangiovanni, Italy LAYOUT EDITORS Dirk Röske, Germany Leonardo Iannucci, Italy Domenico Luca Carnì, Italy EDITORIAL BOARD Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Sascha Eichstaedt, Germany Ravi Fernandez, Germany Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Leonardo Iannucci, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Yasuharu Koike, Japan Dan Kytyr, Czechia Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Aime Lay Ekuakille, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Renato Reis Machado, Brazil Álvaro Ribeiro, Portugal Gustavo Ripper, Brazil Dirk Röske, Germany Maik Rosenberger, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Michela Sega, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Pier Giorgio Spazzini, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Ronald Summers, UK Marco Tarabini, Italy Tatjana Tomić, Croatia Joris Van Loco, Belgium Zsolt Viharos, Hungary Bernhard Zagar, Austria Davor Zvizdic, Croatia ACTA IMEKO | December 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 4 | 4 SECTION EDITORS Vol. 7 – 11, 2018-2022 Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Piotr Bilski, Poland Francesco Bonavolonta, Italy Giuseppe Caravello, Italy Carlo Carobbi, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Mauro D’Arco, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Leila Es Sebar, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy István Harmati, Hungary Min-Seok Kim, Korea Bálint Kiss, Hungary Momoko Kojima, Japan Koji Ogushi, Japan Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Md Zia Ur Rahman, India Fabio Santaniello, Italy Jan Saliga, Slovakia Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Ciro Spataro, Italy Oscar Tamburis, Italy Zafar Taqvi, USA Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ioan Tudosa, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Claudia Zoani, Italy REVIEWERS Vol. 11, 2022 (number of reviews) keywords: francesco; germany; imeko; international; italy; journal; luca; measurement cache: actaimeko-1388.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1388.txt item: #222 of 841 id: actaimeko-139 author: Linß, Gerhard title: Introduction to the ACTA IMEKO issue devoted to selected papers presented in the 14th Joint International IMEKO TC1 + TC7 + TC13 Symposium date: 2013-08-16 words: 1257 flesch: 43 summary: TC7 + TC13 Symposium was intended to reflect innovative solutions for intelligent quality measurements in both theory and application. The three selected journal papers discuss several applications for intelligent quality measurements in highly topical industrial fields, new education and training methods and the combination of image processing with classical quality assurance methods. keywords: acta; imeko; papers cache: actaimeko-139.pdf plain text: actaimeko-139.txt item: #223 of 841 id: actaimeko-1397 author: Liccardo, Annalisa; Bonavolontà, Francesco; Schiano Lo Moriello, Rosario; Lamonaca, Francesco; De Vito, Luca; Gloria, Antonio; Caputo, Enzo; de Alteriis, Giorgio title: Digital twins based on augmented reality of measurement instruments for the implementation of a cyber-physical system date: 2022-12-05 words: 4984 flesch: 40 summary: Example of image target exploited for rendering and spatially locating AR instruments. [17] Y. Lu, Cyber physical system (CPS)-based industry 4.0: A survey, Journal of Industrial Integration and Management, vol. 2, 2017, no. 03, p. 1750014. keywords: application; cps; cyber; doi; figure; instrument; physical; reality; signal; systems; vol cache: actaimeko-1397.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1397.txt item: #224 of 841 id: actaimeko-140 author: Saliga, Jan title: Introduction to the ACTA IMEKO issue dedicated to selected papers presented in TC4 at the XXth IMEKO World Congress date: 2013-08-16 words: 1503 flesch: 54 summary: After a standard reviewing process eight papers were accepted for publishing in this special issue of ACTA IMEKO. The section editors of the special issue of ACTA IMEKO would like to thank all authors for their cooperation and improvements of the papers, the reviewers for highly professional reviews, notes and recommendations to the authors, and also to the layout editors of ACTA IMEKO, especially to the father of the journal Paul Regtien for his help and valuable advice. keywords: acta; imeko; measurement; papers; tc4; world cache: actaimeko-140.pdf plain text: actaimeko-140.txt item: #225 of 841 id: actaimeko-1400 author: Morato, Alberto; Fedullo, Tommaso; Vitturi, Stefano; Rovati, Luigi; Tramarin, Federico title: A learning model for battery lifetime prediction of LoRa sensors in additive manufacturing date: 2023-03-29 words: 8823 flesch: 50 summary: Therefore, it is necessary to use battery discharge models that take these variables into account to obtain more accurate results. Therefore, in this paper we present a novel approach to battery discharge modeling based on a hybrid scheme where a static model and a machine learning (ML) one coexist. keywords: batteries; battery; current; data; discharge; doi; figure; lifetime; measurement; model; sensors; table; temperature; voltage cache: actaimeko-1400.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1400.txt item: #226 of 841 id: actaimeko-1401 author: Dorst, Tanja; Gruber, Maximilian; Vedurmudi, Anupam P.; Hutzschenreuter, Daniel; Eichstädt, Sascha; Schütze, Andreas title: A case study on providing FAIR and metrologically traceable data sets date: 2023-03-28 words: 3823 flesch: 51 summary: Project: { 1 fullTitle: Metrology for the Factory of the Future, 2 funding programme: EMPIR, 3 fundingNumber: 17IND12 4 }, 5 Person: { 6 dc:author: [Tanja Dorst, Maximilian Gruber, Anupam 7 Prasad Vedurmudi], 8 e-mail: [,, 9], 10 affiliation: [ZeMA gGmbH, Physikalisch-Technische 11 Bundesanstalt, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt] 12 }, 13 Publication: { 14 dc:identifier: 10.5281/zenodo.5185953, 15 dc:license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 16 International (CC-BY-4.0), 17 dc:title: Sensor data set of one electromechanical 18 cylinder at ZeMA testbed (ZeMA DAQ and Smart-Up Unit), 19 dc:subject: [measurement uncertainty, sensor 20 network, MEMS], 21 dc:SizeOrDuration: 24 sensors, 4776 cycles and 2000 22 datapoints each 23 }, 24 Experiment: { 25 date: 2021-03-29/2021-04-15, 26 DUT: Festo ESBF cylinder, 27 identifier: axis11 28 } 29 ACTA IMEKO | March 2023 | Volume 12 | Number 1 | 4 the type of associated measurement uncertainty (qudt:standardUncertainty). [Accessed 26 March 2023] [16] T. Dorst, M. Gruber, A. P. Vedurmudi, Sensor data set of one electromechanical cylinder at ZeMA testbed (ZeMA DAQ and Smart-Up Unit) (2021). keywords: data; doi; march; measurement; metadata; qudt; rda; set cache: actaimeko-1401.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1401.txt item: #227 of 841 id: actaimeko-1402 author: Nummiluikki, Juho; Saxholm, Sari; Kärkkäinen, Anu; Koskinen, Sami title: Digital Calibration Certificate in an industrial application date: 2023-03-22 words: 5837 flesch: 42 summary: However, the authors are not aware of earlier publications that report PoC results focusing on interoperability of DCC data over the whole value chain. Our future work will include executing a new DCC PoC, exploring new possibilities to exploit DCC data, and validating business opportunities. keywords: calibration; calibration data; data; dcc; dccs; management; measurement; platform; poc; project; transfer; user cache: actaimeko-1402.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1402.txt item: #228 of 841 id: actaimeko-1403 author: Camara, William Dinis; Choquette, Steven; Delak, Katya; Hanisch, Robert; Long, Benjamin; Phillips, Melissa; Ragland, Jared; Rimmer, Catherine title: DIGITAL NIST: An examination of the obstacles and opportunities in the digital transformation of NIST’s reference materials date: 2023-03-30 words: 2921 flesch: 35 summary: Human-Readable Certificates The creation of digital reference material certificates to enable machine-to-machine communication is essential to the future of metrology. Many NIST reference material certificates include figures, photos, and plots of results that communicate pertinent information or help the user to visualize tabular data. keywords: certificates; digital; information; materials; nist; reference cache: actaimeko-1403.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1403.txt item: #229 of 841 id: actaimeko-1404 author: Baer, Oksana; Giusca, Claudiu; Kumme, Rolf; Prato, Andrea; Sander, Jonas; Mirian, Davood ; Hauschild, Frank title: Digital Twin concept of a force measuring device based on the finite element method date: 2023-03-28 words: 4320 flesch: 48 summary: In the framework of EMPIR project ComTraForce, the Digital Twin (DT) concept of force measurement device is developed. In section 2 an overview over related literature is given; section 3 presents a concept of DT of force measurement device, addresses the DT definition as well as lists the Digital Metrological Twin requirements. keywords: calibration; data; dcc; device; digital; force; measurement; model; output; transducer; twin cache: actaimeko-1404.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1404.txt item: #230 of 841 id: actaimeko-1406 author: Duncan, Paul; Smith, Nadia; Romanchikova, Marina title: Metrology for data in life sciences, healthcare and pharmaceutical manufacturing: Case studies from the National Physical Laboratory date: 2023-03-28 words: 4555 flesch: 42 summary: Data metrology refers to the uncertainty present ABSTRACT Data metrology, i.e., the evaluation of data quality and its fitness-for-purpose, is an inherent part of many disciplines including physics and engineering. This work conducted by National Physical Laboratory Data Science team showcases life sciences and healthcare projects where data metrology has been used to improve data quality. keywords: data; digital; doi; healthcare; manufacturing; measurement; metadata; metrology; npl; pharmaceutical; quality cache: actaimeko-1406.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1406.txt item: #231 of 841 id: actaimeko-1407 author: Galpin, Vashti; Smith, Ian; Hippolyte, Jean-Laurent title: Tracking and viewing modifications in digital calibration certificates date: 2023-03-30 words: 5503 flesch: 52 summary: The prototype is the starting point for developing software to support DCCs and the data with which they are populated and has underlined that DCCs are the tip of the iceberg in automating the management of digital calibration data, activity that includes data provenance and tracking of modifications. Tracking and viewing modifications in digital calibration certificates ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2023, Volume 12, Number 1, 1 - 7 ACTA IMEKO | March 2023 | Volume 12 | Number 1 | 1 Tracking and viewing modifications in digital calibration certificates Vashti Galpin1, Ian Smith2, Jean-Laurent Hippolyte2 1 School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom 2 National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: digital calibration certificates, provenance, temporal databases, XML, prototype Citation: Vashti Galpin, Ian Smith, Jean-Laurent Hippolyte, Tracking and viewing modifications in digital calibration certificates, Acta IMEKO, vol. 12, no. 1, article 11, March 2023, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-12 (2023)-01-11 Section Editor: Daniel Hutzschenreuter, PTB, Germany Received November 20, 2022; In final form March 20, 2023; Published March 2023 keywords: calibration; certificates; data; database; dcc; doi; example; information; links; schema; xml cache: actaimeko-1407.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1407.txt item: #232 of 841 id: actaimeko-1408 author: Brochu-Williams, Frederic; Chrubasik, Michael; Thomas, Spencer A. title: A tool for curating and searching databases proving traceable analysis of data and workflows date: 2023-03-22 words: 4661 flesch: 52 summary: In this work we will exploit the archives’ use of data objects to store any number of multimodal data files, in any format, as a single Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) file that we use as a ‘container’ for data files. A single HDF5 container file, consisting of any number of data files, corresponds to the data objects uploaded to the data archive. keywords: analysis; container; data; database; file; format; hdf5; march; measurement; metadata; tool cache: actaimeko-1408.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1408.txt item: #233 of 841 id: actaimeko-1409 author: Koval, Martin; Havlíček, Marek; Tesař, Jiří title: General Sensor Network application approach date: 2023-03-17 words: 4035 flesch: 52 summary: If just the measured data with the corresponding metadata are stored, the amount of such data can reach typically ABSTRACT Many more factors have to be taken into account in complex systems, e.g., dynamic topology of the network, Big Data, different sensor types, location of data processing, complex mathematical algorithms, prediction, security, etc. keywords: data; information; network; processing; requirements; sensor; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-1409.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1409.txt item: #234 of 841 id: actaimeko-141 author: Carbone, Paolo title: ACTA IMEKO: gaining momentum date: 2013-08-16 words: 454 flesch: 40 summary: ACTA IMEKO publishes extended papers that have been previously presented at workshops, congresses and symposia organized by IMEKO worldwide. The amplitude of the topics treated within IMEKO, by its 24 Technical Committees guarantees a full coverage of the subjects of interest in metrology and of their applications. keywords: acta; imeko cache: actaimeko-141.pdf plain text: actaimeko-141.txt item: #235 of 841 id: actaimeko-1410 author: Oppermann, Alexander; Eickelberg, Samuel; Meiborg, Manuel title: Digital transformation: Towards process automation in a cloud native architecture date: 2023-03-30 words: 4008 flesch: 42 summary: At the same time, digital quality infrastructures must be established internally and externally, to link previous data silos 1 Web portal for digital services and to lead to new synergy and efficiency gains (BMWi - Qualitätsinfrastruktur Digital In this paper, the Operation Layer is presented, a Cloud Native concept to break up data silos, to streamline workflows and to centralize IT services while maintaining the department's workflows. keywords: calibration; data; dcc; digital; file; layer; process; service cache: actaimeko-1410.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1410.txt item: #236 of 841 id: actaimeko-1411 author: Kok, Gertjan; Gugole, Federica; Seymour, Aaron; Koops, Richard title: Improved uncertainty evaluation for a long distance measurement by means of a temperature sensor network date: 2023-02-28 words: 5193 flesch: 55 summary: In future work the network can be used in other applications where temperature measurement is of critical importance. Improved uncertainty evaluation for a long distance measurement by means of a temperature sensor network ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2023, Volume 12, Number 1, 1 - 6 ACTA IMEKO | March 2023 | Volume 12 | Number 1 | 1 Improved uncertainty evaluation for a long distance measurement by means of a temperature sensor network Gertjan Kok1, Federica Gugole1, Aaron Seymour1, Richard Koops1 1 VSL B.V., Thijsseweg 11, 2629 JA Delft, the Netherlands Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Sensor network; uncertainty; interferometry; temperature; refractive index Citation: Gertjan Kok, Federica Gugole, Aaron Seymour, Richard Koops, Improved uncertainty evaluation for a long distance measurement by means of a temperature sensor network, Acta IMEKO, vol. 12, no. 1, article 14, March 2023, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-12 (2023)-01-14 Section Editor: Daniel Hutzschenreuter, PTB, Germany Received November 19, 2022; In final form February 14, 2023; Published March 2023 keywords: distance; mean; measurement; network; sensor; sensor network; temperature; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-1411.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1411.txt item: #237 of 841 id: actaimeko-1412 author: McBride, Conor; Nakov, Georgi; Nordvall Forsberg, Fredrik title: Measuring with confidence: leveraging expressive type systems for correct-by-construction software date: 2023-03-22 words: 3916 flesch: 57 summary: Measuring with confidence: leveraging expressive type systems for correct-by-construction software ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2023, Volume 12, Number 1, 1 - 5 ACTA IMEKO | March 2023 | Volume 12 | Number 1 | 1 Measuring with confidence: leveraging expressive type systems for correct-by-construction software Conor McBride1, Georgi Nakov1, Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg1 1 Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: type systems; correctness; metrology; programming languages Citation: Conor McBride, Georgi Nakov, Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg, Measuring with confidence: leveraging expressive type systems for correct-by- construction software, Acta IMEKO, vol. 12, no. 1, article 15, March 2023, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-12 (2023)-01-15 Section Editor: Daniel Hutzschenreuter, PTB, Germany Received November 19, 2022; In final form February 28, 2023; Published March 2023 Then the machine could help us write it, rather than just tell us off for getting it wrong… We advocate for the use of type systems as a lightweight method to communicate intent. keywords: checking; code; dimensions; input; rptr; software; type; units cache: actaimeko-1412.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1412.txt item: #238 of 841 id: actaimeko-1414 author: Zet, Cristian; Dumitriu, Gabriel; Fosalau, Cristian; Sarbu, Gabriel Constantin title: Automated calibration and DCC generation system with storage in private permissioned Blockchain network date: 2023-02-28 words: 5071 flesch: 51 summary: Hlincea nr. 27, 700714, Iasi, Romania Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Blockchain technology, Digital Calibration Certificate (DCC), Virtual instrument, automated test system, data acquisition, uncertainty Citation: Cristian Zet, Gabriel Dumitriu, Cristian Fosalau, Gabriel Constantin Sarbu, Automated calibration and DCC generation system with storage in private permissioned Blockchain network, Acta IMEKO, vol. 12, no. 1, article 16, March 2023, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-12 (2023)-01-16 Section Editor: Daniel Hutzschenreuter, PTB, Germany Received November 20, 2022; In final form February 14, 2023; Published March 2023 As a closing takeaway, here are 5 benefits for metrological applications using blockchain: - Improved security and authenticity: Blockchain technology ensures that once a certificate is added to the Blockchain, it cannot be altered or tampered with, providing a tamper-proof and secure method of recording and sharing calibration data. keywords: blockchain; calibration; certificate; data; dcc; figure; instrument; number; system; transactions; wallet cache: actaimeko-1414.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1414.txt item: #239 of 841 id: actaimeko-1416 author: Kuster, Mark title: Toward a metrology-information layer for digital systems date: 2023-03-30 words: 3309 flesch: 38 summary: In [5], the authors proposed a metrology-information layer (an M-Layer), to standardize a universal digital quantities and units system without altering the human systems in use. March 2023 | Volume 12 | Number 1 | 1 Toward a metrology-information layer for digital systems Mark J. Kuster1 1 Independent Researcher and Consultant, Dumas, Texas, USA Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: M-Layer; quantities; measurement units; measurement information infrastructure (MII); digital metrology Citation: Mark J. Kuster, Toward a metrology-information layer for digital systems, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: aspect; data; layer; measurement; quantities; quantity; systems; units cache: actaimeko-1416.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1416.txt item: #240 of 841 id: actaimeko-1417 author: Eichstädt, Sascha; Vedurmudi, Anupam Prasad; Gruber, Maximilian; Hutzschenreuter, Daniel title: Fundamental aspects in sensor network metrology date: 2023-03-27 words: 4713 flesch: 44 summary: Section 4 presents and discusses relevant uncertainty evaluation and propagation for processing of sensor network data. These ontologies formalize the annotation of sensor data with spatial, temporal, and thematic metadata. keywords: data; digital; information; measurement; measuring; metrology; network; quality; sensor; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-1417.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1417.txt item: #241 of 841 id: actaimeko-142 author: Regtien, Paul P.L. title: Journal contacts date: 2013-08-16 words: 260 flesch: 38 summary: The articles are based on presentations presented at IMEKO workshops, symposia and congresses. The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITORIAL AND PUBLICATION BOARD  Prof. Paolo Carbone (Italy – Editor in Chief) Dr. Dirk Röske (Germany – Information Officer) keywords: imeko; prof cache: actaimeko-142.pdf plain text: actaimeko-142.txt item: #242 of 841 id: actaimeko-1420 author: Cosoli, Gloria; Mobili, Alessandra; Blasi, Elisa; Tittarelli, Francesca; Martarelli, Milena; Revel, Gian Marco title: Development and metrological characterization of cement-based elements with self-sensing capabilities for structural health monitoring purposes date: 2023-06-22 words: 8849 flesch: 46 summary: For the former, the best conductive additions and dosages resulting from piezoresistivity tests were chosen; for the latter, different types of sensors were selected, namely: • Electrical impedance sensors, which are fundamental to show the piezoresistive capacity of the concrete elements; • Accelerometers, mounted on specific bases fixed on the upper specimen surface to measure the dynamic response of the structure to external excitation (provided with an impact hammer, as it will be described in detail); • Sensors for the monitoring of rebar free corrosion potential, useful to early detect the concrete deterioration as cracking or water penetration occur [38] (CoSMoNet - Concrete Structures Monitoring Network, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Patent n° 0001364988). To characterize the mortars in terms of piezoresistive capacity, electrical impedance measurements should be carried out. keywords: concrete; doi; figure; impedance; measurement; mix; monitoring; mortar; results; sensing; sensors; specimens; terms; tests; vol cache: actaimeko-1420.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1420.txt item: #243 of 841 id: actaimeko-1421 author: Alizzio, Damiano; De Capua, Claudio; Fulco, Gaetano; Lugarà, Mariacarla ; Palco, Valentina; Ruffa, Filippo title: IOT enviromental quality monitoring in smart buildings in presence of measurement uncertainty: a decision making approach date: 2023-06-26 words: 6720 flesch: 44 summary: In this context, it is of great importance to have real-time monitoring of these pollutants to guarantee timely air changes if air quality levels are no longer satisfactory. An important aspect concerns indoor air quality. keywords: air; algorithm; decision; doi; energy; level; living; making; measurement; monitoring; quality; risk; system; threshold; ventilation cache: actaimeko-1421.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1421.txt item: #244 of 841 id: actaimeko-1423 author: De Cecco, Mariolino; Luchetti, Alessandro; Tavernini, Mattia title: Monte Carlo human identification refinement using joints uncertainty date: 2023-06-23 words: 8051 flesch: 61 summary: 404-417. DOI: 10.1007/11744023_32 [13] O. Hamdoun, F. Moutarde, B. Stanciulescu, B. Steux, Person re- identification in multi-camera system by signature based on interest point descriptors collected on short video sequences, Second ACM/IEEE Int. Output: New point (�̂�𝑖) with 𝑆𝑀𝐴𝑋 for 𝑘 ← 1 to Max number of iterations do for 𝑖 ← 1 to 𝑁 do while �̂�𝑖 outside ellipse of uncertainty do DIST ← |𝐸𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑝𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑠 ∗ log (𝑆𝑖)| If DIST > 𝐸𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑝𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑠 then DIST = 𝐸𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑝𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑠 end if ROT ← random[0°, 360°] �̂�𝑖 ← 𝑃𝑖 + Distance (𝐷𝐼𝑆𝑇) in Direction (𝑅𝑂𝑇) end while Calculate descriptor matching score: keywords: database; descriptor; doi; figure; human; identification; joint; method; person; points; set; 𝑃𝑁 𝐼; 𝑃𝑗 𝐼𝐼 cache: actaimeko-1423.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1423.txt item: #245 of 841 id: actaimeko-1425 author: Fiori, Giorgia; Bocchetta, Gabriele; Conforto, Silvia; Sciuto, Salvatore Andrea; Scorza, Andrea title: Sample volume length and registration accuracy assessment in quality controls of PW Doppler diagnostic systems: a comparative study date: 2023-05-04 words: 5398 flesch: 49 summary: Sample volume length and registration accuracy assessment in quality controls of PW Doppler diagnostic systems: a comparative study ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2023, Volume 12, Number 2, 1 - 7 ACTA IMEKO | June 2023 | Volume 12 | Number 2 | 1 Sample volume length and registration accuracy assessment in quality controls of PW Doppler diagnostic systems: a comparative study Giorgia Fiori1, Gabriele Bocchetta1, Silvia Conforto1, Salvatore A. Sciuto1, Andrea Scorza1 1 Department of Industrial, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering, Roma TRE University, Via della Vasca Navale 79, 00146 Rome, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Quality controls; PW Doppler; sample volume; ultrasound diagnostic systems; comparative study Citation: Giorgia Fiori, Gabriele Bocchetta, Silvia Conforto, Salvatore A. Sciuto, Andrea Scorza, Sample volume length and registration accuracy assessment in quality controls of PW Doppler diagnostic systems: a comparative study, Acta IMEKO, vol. 12, no. 2, article 6, June 2023, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-12 (2023)- 02-06 Section Editor: Alfredo Cigada, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Roberto Montanini, Università degli Studi di Messina, Italy Received December 5, 2022; In final form April 21, 2023; Published June 2023 [3] International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC 61895:1999-10, Ultrasonics – Pulsed Doppler diagnostic systems – Test procedures to determine performance, 1999. keywords: doi; doppler; flow; sample; set; system; ultrasound; velocity; volume cache: actaimeko-1425.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1425.txt item: #246 of 841 id: actaimeko-1427 author: D'Emilia, Giulio; Chiominto, Luciano ; Gaspari, Antonella; Marsella, Stefano; Marzoli, Marcello ; Natale, Emanuela title: Extraction of a floor plan from a points cloud: some metrological considerations date: 2023-06-23 words: 6843 flesch: 49 summary: [23] S. Nikoohemat, A. A. Diakité, S. Zlatanova, G. Vosselmann, Indoor 3D reconstruction from point clouds for optimal routing in complex buildings to support disaster management, Automation in Construction, 113(2020) Article number 103109. [20] F. De Cillis, L. Faramondi, F. Inderst, S. Marsella, M. Marzoli, F. Pascucci, R. Setola, Hybrid Indoor Positioning System for First Responders, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 50:2 (2020), pp. 468-479. DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2017.2772821 [21] Q. Kong, L. Liao, C. Yuan, Rapid generation of editable engineering drawings from 3D point cloud reconstruction for large-scale buildings, Journal of Buildings Engineering, 631 (2023), Article number 105486. keywords: buildings; cloud; data; doi; figure; floor; laser; measurement; number; passage; plan; points; reference; scanner; variability; walls cache: actaimeko-1427.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1427.txt item: #247 of 841 id: actaimeko-1430 author: Raupov, Dilshod; Ilyasov, S. ; Shanin, G. I. title: The results of atmospheric parameters measurements in the millimeter wavelength range on the radio astronomy observatory “Suffa Plateau” date: 2023-06-06 words: 4169 flesch: 52 summary: The results of atmospheric parameters measurements in the millimeter wavelength range on the radio astronomy observatory “Suffa Plateau” Dilshod Raupov1,2, S. Ilyasov1,2, G. I. Shanin3 1 Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute, Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan 2 Jizzah State Pedagogical University, Jizzah, Usbekistan 3 Radio observatory RT-70, Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: astroclimate; turbulence; transparency windows; atmospheric absorption; precipitated water; radio range; millimeter wave; Neper Citation: Dilshod Raupov, S. Ilyasov, G. I. Shanin, The results of atmospheric parameters measurements in the millimeter wavelength range on the radio astronomy observatory “Suffa Plateau”, Acta IMEKO, vol. A similar trend is also observed in the values of atmospheric absorption and the amount of atmospheric deposited water in the 2 and 3 mm ranges. keywords: absorption; atmospheric; measurements; radio; range; water cache: actaimeko-1430.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1430.txt item: #248 of 841 id: actaimeko-1431 author: Quattrocchi, Antonino; Montanini, Roberto title: Development and verification of self-sensing structures printed in additive manufacturing: a preliminary study date: 2023-06-14 words: 5431 flesch: 53 summary: Variation of the magnitude of the optical signal of FBG sensor as a function of the wavelength at a load application on the test sample. 405-428. DOI: 10.1007/s13349-017-0232-9 [4] Z. Gao, X. Zhu, Y. Fang, H. Zhang, Active monitoring and vibration control of smart structure aircraft based on FBG sensors and PZT actuators, Aerospace Science and Technology 63 (2017), pp. keywords: doi; fbg; fbg sensor; fiber; figure; printing; process; sample; seat; self; sensing; sensor; structure; test cache: actaimeko-1431.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1431.txt item: #249 of 841 id: actaimeko-1434 author: Tomić, Tatjana; Iannucci, Leonardo; Es Sebar, Leila title: Editorial to selected papers from the IMEKO TC24 Special Issue "Measurements in Cultural Heritage" date: 2022-12-22 words: 977 flesch: 33 summary: [3] Manuel J. H. Peters and co-authors report about the preliminary non- and semi-destructive analysis of copper alloys, corrosion products, and soil components from a Roman archaeological site in Israel. Editorial to selected papers from the IMEKO TC24 Special Issue keywords: acta; december; heritage; imeko cache: actaimeko-1434.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1434.txt item: #250 of 841 id: actaimeko-1437 author: Lamonaca, Francesco title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO fourth issue 2022 General Track date: 2022-12-29 words: 1550 flesch: 46 summary: [5] M. Mugnaini, A. Fort, “How to stretch system reliability exploiting mission constraints: A practical roadmap for industries”, Acta IMEKO, vol.11, No.4, 2022, pp.1-6. DOI: 10.21014/actaimeko.v11i4.1358 [6] A. Liccardo, F. Bonavolontà, R. S. Lo Moriello, F. Lamonaca, L. De Vito, A. Gloria, E. Caputo, Alteriis, “Digital twins based on augmented reality of measurement instruments for the implementation of a cyber-physical system”, Acta IMEKO, vol.11, No.4, 2022, pp.1-8. DOI: 10.21014/actaimeko.v11i4.1397 Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO fourth issue 2022 General Track ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2022, Volume 11, Number 4, 1 - 2 ACTA IMEKO | December 2022 | Volume 11 | Number 4 | 1 Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO fourth issue 2022 General Track Francesco Lamonaca1 1 Department of Department of Computer Science, Modeling, Electronics and Systems Engineering (DIMES), University of Calabria, Ponte P. Bucci, 87036, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Francesco Lamonaca, Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO fourth issue 2022 General Track, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: acta; balance; coil; december; imeko cache: actaimeko-1437.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1437.txt item: #251 of 841 id: actaimeko-1438 author: Bouaouiche, Karim; Menasria, Yamina; Khalfa, Dalila title: Diagnosis of rotating machine defects by vibration analysis date: 2023-03-29 words: 2899 flesch: 60 summary: [7] A. J. Oyobé Okassa, C. Welba, J. P. Ngantcha, Extraction of vibration signal parameters by DWT for a new approach to using Kurtosis, 2021. Diagnosis of rotating machine defects by vibration analysis ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2023, Volume 12, Number 1, 1 - 6 ACTA IMEKO | March 2023 | Volume 12 | Number 1 | 1 Diagnosis of rotating machine defects by vibration analysis Karim Bouaouiche1, Yamina Menasria1, Dalila Khalfa1 1 Electromechanical Engineering Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar University - Annaba B.P.12 23000, Algeria Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Vibration signal; kurtosis; FMD; Hilbert transform; filtering Citation: Karim Bouaouiche,Yamina Menasria, Dalila Khalfa, Diagnosis of rotating machine defects by vibration analysis, Acta IMEKO, vol. 12, no. 1, article 26, March 2023, identifier: keywords: figure; frequency; modes; signal cache: actaimeko-1438.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1438.txt item: #252 of 841 id: actaimeko-1439 author: Benoit, Eric title: Editorial to selected papers from IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13-TC18 joint symposium and MATHMET (European Metrology Network for Mathematics and Statistics) workshop 2022 date: 2022-12-29 words: 755 flesch: 42 summary: [1] Jakub Svatos, Jan Holub, How the COVID-19 changed the hands- on laboratory classes of electrical measurement Acta IMEKO 11 (2022) 4, pp. 1-7. DOI: 10.21014/actaimeko.v11i4.1301 Editorial to selected papers from IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13-TC18 joint symposium and MATHMET (European Metrology Network for Mathematics and Statistics) workshop 2022 ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2022, Volume 11, Number 4, 1 - 2 Editorial to selected papers from IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13-TC18 joint symposium and MATHMET (European Metrology Network for Mathematics and Statistics) workshop 2022 Eric Benoit1 1 Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Polytech'Savoie, Lab. d'Informatique, Systèmes, Traitement de l'Information et de la Connaissance (LISTIC) B.P. 80439 Annecy-le-Vieux cedex 74944, France Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Eric Benoit, Editorial to selected papers from IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13-TC18 joint symposium and MATHMET (European Metrology Network for Mathematics and Statistics) workshop 2022, Acta IMEKO, vol. 11, no. 4, article 2, December 2022, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-11 (2022)-04-02 Received December 28, 2022; In final form December 28, 2022; Published December 2022 Copyright: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. keywords: imeko; measurement cache: actaimeko-1439.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1439.txt item: #253 of 841 id: actaimeko-144 author: Scagliarini, Michele title: A method for assessing multivariate measurement systems date: 2014-12-01 words: 5410 flesch: 64 summary: Figure 8. H0 rejection rates versus    for Case 4.  Figure 6. H0 rejection rates versus    for Case 3.  ACTA IMEKO |  December 2014 | Volume 3 | Number 4 | 45  the traditional multivariate gauge R&R studies can be: effective for reducing the costs of a multivariate MSA performed with a certain frequency; a useful strategy for improving the overall quality of multivariate measurement systems. Under these assumptions the variability of Y is 0 yt etΣ Σ Σ . keywords: case; instrument; matrix; measurement; multivariate cache: actaimeko-144.pdf plain text: actaimeko-144.txt item: #254 of 841 id: actaimeko-1440 author: Röttger, Annette; Röttger, Stefan; Rábago, Daniel ; Quindós , Luis; Woloszczuk , Katarzyna; Norenberg , Maciej; Radulescu , Ileana; Luca, Aurelian title: Metrology infrastructure for radon metrology at the environmental level date: 2023-06-29 words: 5319 flesch: 44 summary: The chamber is cylindrical in shape, with a volume of 1 m3 and has accessories used to produce radon reference atmospheres They ensure international metrological traceability and equivalence of radon activity measurements, while performing reliable measurements of radon activity concentration. An AlphaGUARD DF2000 (Saphymo GmbH) radon monitor traceable to BfS is used to take measurements of radon activity concentration inside the chamber. keywords: 226ra; activity; calibration; chamber; concentration; doi; exhalation; flux; metrology; radon; reference; röttger; standard; volume cache: actaimeko-1440.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1440.txt item: #255 of 841 id: actaimeko-1448 author: Salazar, Mary Ness title: Developments of interlaboratory comparisons on pressure measurements in the Philippines date: 2023-06-25 words: 3660 flesch: 41 summary: ABSTRACT The National Metrology Laboratory of the Philippines, Industrial Technology Development Institute under the Department of Science and Technology (ITDI-DOST) offered first of its kind interlaboratory comparison in pressure measurement in the country following a demand survey identifying the gaps in proving the competency of local calibration laboratories. Participants Participants in the two PTs are local calibration laboratories with NML as the reference lab. keywords: artefact; calibration; laboratories; measurement; nml; participants; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-1448.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1448.txt item: #256 of 841 id: actaimeko-1452 author: Kukharchuk, Vasyl ; Vasilevskyi, Oleksandr; Holodiuk, Volodymyr title: Results of study of quantization and discretization error of digital tachometers with encoder date: 2023-06-06 words: 4571 flesch: 42 summary: [23], [34] 𝑍К(𝑡) by changing the resolution z of the encoder in the real-time measuring mode of operation allows to increase the accuracy of dynamic angular velocity measurements. [34] Vasilevskyi O. M., Kulakov P. I., Ovchynnykov K. V., Didych V. M., Evaluation of dynamic measurement uncertainty in the time domain in the application to high speed rotating machinery, International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering, 8, 2017, 25. keywords: doi; encoder; error; measurement; quantization; velocity cache: actaimeko-1452.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1452.txt item: #257 of 841 id: actaimeko-1453 author: Annuzzi, Giovanni; Bozzetto, Lutgarda; Cataldo, Andrea; Criscuolo, Sabatina; Pesola, Marisa title: Predicting and monitoring blood glucose through nutritional factors in type 1 diabetes by artificial neural networks date: 2023-05-04 words: 6890 flesch: 52 summary: It is worth to note that previous reported studies do not focus on the impact of nutritional factors in blood glucose prediction. As expected, carbohydrates are the factor that has the greatest impact on blood glucose prediction [48] in the first 60 minutes after the meal, but also other factors such as proteins, fibers, lipids, and the energy played a key role. keywords: artificial; blood; data; dataset; diabetes; doi; factors; glucose; insulin; meal; min; model; neural; nutritional; patients; prediction cache: actaimeko-1453.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1453.txt item: #258 of 841 id: actaimeko-1455 author: Arpaia, Pasquale; Caputo, Francesco; Cioffi, Antonella; Esposito, Antonio title: The role of metrology in the cyber-security of embedded devices date: 2023-05-04 words: 5105 flesch: 50 summary: These are known as power analysis attacks and they were firstly introduced in 1999 by Kocher The discussion is conducted by analyzing the contributions in optimization of power analysis attack and of vulnerability assessment. keywords: analysis; attack; card; devices; doi; key; measurement; number; power; power traces; security; smart; traces cache: actaimeko-1455.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1455.txt item: #259 of 841 id: actaimeko-1457 author: Apicella, Andrea; Barbato, Simone; Barradas Chacόn, Luis Alberto ; D'Errico, Giovanni ; De Paolis, Lucio Tommaso; Maffei, Luigi; Massaro, Patrizia; Mastrati, Giovanna; Moccaldi, Nicola; Pollastro, Andrea; Wriessenegger, Selina Christin title: Electroencephalography correlates of fear of heights in a virtual reality environment date: 2023-05-04 words: 5704 flesch: 56 summary: Based on a HR threshold, the sample was divided in two groups and statistically relevant differences emerged between EEG biomarkers. The EEG signals were acquired through a 32-channel headset during the exposure to the eliciting VR scenario. keywords: accuracy; acrophobia; bands; beta; classification; doi; eeg; exposure; fear; heights; reality; subject cache: actaimeko-1457.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1457.txt item: #260 of 841 id: actaimeko-146 author: Aubert, Brice; Régnier, Jérémi; Caux, Stéphane; Alejo, Dominique title: Stator Winding Fault Diagnosis in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators Based on Short-Circuited Turns Identification Using Extended Kalman Filter date: 2014-12-01 words: 3538 flesch: 57 summary: [9] M. Khov, J. Regnier, J. Faucher, “Detection of turn short- circuit faults in stator of PMSM by on-line parameter estimation”, International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), June 11-13, 2008, Ischia, Italy, pp. 161-166. ACTA IMEKO |  December 2014 | Volume 3 | Number 4 | 9  [6] M.A. Awadallah, M.M. Morcos, S. Gopalakrishnan, T.W. Nehl, A neuro-fuzzy approach to automatic diagnosis and location of stator inter-turn faults in CSI-fed PM brushless DC motors, IEEE Trans. keywords: circuit; detection; fault; indicator; inter; pmsg; stator; turn cache: actaimeko-146.pdf plain text: actaimeko-146.txt item: #261 of 841 id: actaimeko-1460 author: Arpaia, Pasquale; Cuocolo , Renato ; De Blasiis, Paolo; Della Calce, Anna; Fullin, Allegra; Gargiulo, Ludovica; Maffei, Luigi; Moccaldi, Nicola title: Electroencephalographic-based wearable instrumentation to monitor the executive functions during gait: a feasibility study date: 2023-05-05 words: 4630 flesch: 45 summary: The subject held a wireless controller with his right hand to perform cognitive tasks. Cognitive tasks employed for this study were: • Go-No Go task: participants were required to either respond (i.e., pressing designated key) or inhibit a response (not pressing designated key) depending on whether a go stimulus or a no-go stimulus was presented. keywords: band; baseline; doi; eeg; execution; executive; level; memory; sitting; task; walking cache: actaimeko-1460.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1460.txt item: #262 of 841 id: actaimeko-1461 author: Gueorguiev, Tzvetelin title: The experience gained from implementing an ISO 56000-based innovation management system date: 2023-06-26 words: 4770 flesch: 35 summary: Instead of publishing the standard with requirements for innovation management systems- ISO 56001 first, and then giving guidance on their implementation, ISO/TC 279 has chosen a more customer-friendly approach. The experience gained from implementing an ISO 56000- based innovation management system Tzvetelin Gueorguiev1 1 University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, 8 Studentska Street, 7004 Ruse, Bulgaria Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: innovation management system; ISO 56000 series; intellectual property management; best practice Citation: Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, The experience gained from implementing an ISO 56000-based innovation management system, Acta IMEKO, vol. 12, no. 2, article 37, June 2023, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-12 (2023)-02-37 Section Editor: Leonardo Iannucci, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Received January 29, 2023; In final form May 27, 2023; Published June 2023 Copyright: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. keywords: clause; guidance; innovation; innovation management; iso; management; management system; ruse; system cache: actaimeko-1461.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1461.txt item: #263 of 841 id: actaimeko-1465 author: Cundeva-Blajer, Marija title: Decision-making on establishment of re-calibration intervals of testing, inspection or certification measurement equipment by data science date: 2023-06-26 words: 6233 flesch: 39 summary: The calibration ranges can be presented according to analysis by parameter variables data, analysis by parameter attributes data, by instrument attributes data, and by class instrument attributes data. The modern scientific ABSTRACT This contribution is related to issues on decisions in conformity assessment, especially in testing, inspection, and certification (TIC) predominantly based on measurement data. keywords: calibration; data; decision; fusion; instrument; measurement; period; science; tic; time; tolerance; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-1465.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1465.txt item: #264 of 841 id: actaimeko-1468 author: Cop, Ana title: Statements of conformity provided by laboratories date: 2023-06-13 words: 2300 flesch: 44 summary: [Accessed 12 June 2023] [6] OIML, OIML G 19, The role of measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment decisions in legal metrology, Edition 2017. The definition in [2], “rule that describes how measurement uncertainty will be accounted for with regard to accepting or rejecting an item, given a specified requirement and the result of a measurement” is based on the consequences of the decision on the conformity of the test item. keywords: conformity; decision; measurement; rule; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-1468.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1468.txt item: #265 of 841 id: actaimeko-147 author: Lazzaroni, Massimo; Citterio, Mauro; Latorre, Stefano; Lanza, Agostino; Cova, Paolo; Delmonte, Nicola; Giuliani, Francesco title: Thermal modeling and characterization for designing reliable power converters for LHC power supplies date: 2014-12-01 words: 5105 flesch: 49 summary: [8] P. Cova, N. Delmonte, Thermal modeling and design of power converters with tight thermal constraints, Microelectronics Reliability 52 (2012) pp. 2391-2396. [19] P. Cova, N. Delmonte, F. Giuliani, M. Citterio, S. Latorre, M. Lazzaroni, A. Lanza, Thermal optimization of water heat sink for power converters with tight thermal constraints, Microelectronics Reliability 53 (2013) pp. keywords: conditions; converter; design; figure; heat; model; order; power; reliability; sink; water cache: actaimeko-147.pdf plain text: actaimeko-147.txt item: #266 of 841 id: actaimeko-1470 author: Djungha Okitadiowo, John P.; Lay-Ekuakille, Aimé; Isernia, Tommaso; Bhateja, Vikrant; Singh, Satya Prakash title: Beamforming-based algorithms for recovering information from fetal electrocardiographic sensors date: 2023-06-26 words: 5669 flesch: 56 summary: Currently, there are many methods for processing ECG signals, among which the transient electromagnetic method, short-time Fourier transform, de-shape short-time Fourier transform, and nonlocal median become the preferred method of researchers in ECG signal processing due to its fast signal extraction and decomposition, high efficiency, and great depth of exploration [6], [7], [8], [9]. Power spectrum of simulated mother ECG signal and power spectrum extracted fetal ECG signal. keywords: algorithm; doi; ecg; ecg signal; fetal; figure; heart; mother; signal; technique; wavelet cache: actaimeko-1470.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1470.txt item: #267 of 841 id: actaimeko-1474 author: Attivissimo, Filippo ; Adamo, Francesco; De Palma, Luisa; Lotano, Daniel; Di Nisio, Attilio title: First experimental tests on the prototype of a capacitive oil level sensor for aeronautical applications date: 2023-02-28 words: 4741 flesch: 48 summary: DOI: 10.3390/s21196324 [12] G. Stano, A. Di Nisio, A. M. Lanzolla, M. A. Ragolia, G. Percoco, Additive manufacturing for capacitive liquid level sensors, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. Capacitive sensors are commonly used in a large variety of industrial applications for measuring several parameters, e.g., pressures, mechanical strains, displacements, ECG signals, facial movements, sound levels, fluid levels, object presence, and many others [7]-[18]. keywords: capacitance; doi; level; oil; probes; sensitivity; sensor; time; 𝐶0 𝐿 cache: actaimeko-1474.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1474.txt item: #268 of 841 id: actaimeko-1475 author: Lombardo, Luca title: Multi-platform solution for data acquisition date: 2023-03-14 words: 6616 flesch: 54 summary: Some possible configurations have been proposed in literature [18]-[19], however, some problems still exist: – The ADCs can sample up to the speed of 1 MSPS, but the inputs are constrained to only positive voltages in the range from 0 V to 3.3 V. Usually, DAQ boards have bipolar input ranges which extend up to 10 This task can be successfully carried out by employing Data Acquisition Boards, usually referred to as DAQ boards. keywords: acquisition; adc; analogue; board; daq; data; figure; input; performance; teensy; voltage cache: actaimeko-1475.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1475.txt item: #269 of 841 id: actaimeko-1477 author: Greco, Manuel; Leccese, Fabio; Giovenale, Emilio; Doria, Andrea title: Terahertz techniques for better hazelnut quality date: 2023-03-23 words: 4451 flesch: 58 summary: The same procedure was also followed for rotten hazelnuts. The anomaly of the first sample gave us a confirmation of this principle and of its possible practical application as a discrimination tool to identify rotten hazelnuts. keywords: doi; figure; food; ghz; hazelnut; image; imaging; system; terahertz; thz cache: actaimeko-1477.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1477.txt item: #270 of 841 id: actaimeko-148 author: Durakbasa, Muhammet Numan; Akdogan, Anil; Vanli, Ali Serdar; Günay, Asli title: Surface Roughness Modeling with Edge Radius and End Milling Parameters on Al 7075 Alloy Using Taguchi and Regression Methods date: 2014-12-01 words: 4209 flesch: 54 summary: Therefore, an experimental design was introduced and all test specimen end milling tool radii were measured before and after machining for obtaining deviations from the initial geometry. After determining the optimum levels of the processing parameters and tool edge radius, these levels should be verified. keywords: cutting; edge; milling; parameters; process; radius; roughness; speed; surface; tool cache: actaimeko-148.pdf plain text: actaimeko-148.txt item: #271 of 841 id: actaimeko-1487 author: Aashiq, M. N. M. ; Kurera, W. T. C. C. ; Thilekaratne, M. G. S. P. ; Saja, A. M. A. ; Rouzin, M. R. M. ; Neranjan, Navod; Yassin, Hayti title: An IoT-based handheld environmental and air quality monitoring station date: 2023-08-01 words: 6807 flesch: 59 summary: With the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), sensor- based weather devices with easy observation facilities started to develop. In order to build the hardware and the software platforms we needed to have microcontrollers, weather parameter reading sensors, air pollution monitoring sensors, a 3D printer, a Wi-Fi module, a GSM module, a display unit, a cloud platform for data storage, data visualization, and data analysis, Android application development kit, and finally, a power source for the continuous operation of the system. keywords: air; data; device; doi; figure; iot; monitoring; parameters; quality; sensors; system; values; vol; weather cache: actaimeko-1487.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1487.txt item: #272 of 841 id: actaimeko-1490 author: Silva, Luís; Rocha, Daniel; Soares, Filomena; Sena Esteves, João; Carvalho, Vítor title: Automatic system to identify and manage garments for blind people date: 2023-08-01 words: 7682 flesch: 52 summary: Lastly, Medeiros, J. presented in [28] a small wearable device with an endoscopic camera to use in the top of a finger that allows the surface capture of garments images. The method DeepFashion2 proposed in [30] by Ge, Y. et al. is a method capable of extracting several features of garments images. keywords: algorithm; blind; capture; clothing; colours; doi; figure; garment; images; people; photo; segmentation; shirt; system; user; wardrobe cache: actaimeko-1490.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1490.txt item: #273 of 841 id: actaimeko-1495 author: Tohoiev, Oleksii title: Determining the location of patients in remote rehabilitation by means of a wireless network date: 2023-08-01 words: 4405 flesch: 50 summary: Their model provides guidance on indoor signal propagation in the 300 MHz to 100 GHz frequency range. It means that there is N×(N−1)/2×h measurement data points to infer signal strength parameters, where N is the number of access points within range 𝐴𝑃𝑖 . keywords: access; location; method; network; patient; points; positioning; signal cache: actaimeko-1495.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1495.txt item: #274 of 841 id: actaimeko-150 author: Zaleski, Dariusz; Zielonko, Romuald title: Two-functional µBIST for Testing and Self-Diagnosis of Analog Circuits in Electronic Embedded Systems date: 2014-12-01 words: 4338 flesch: 57 summary: In all investigated cases testing sensitivities are high enough for CUT functional testing. Some µBIST properties are given below: - Threshold level for functional testing deviations Qi/Qi is 1% and for deviations ni/ni is about 0.8%. keywords: analog; circuits; cut; fault; figure; identification; method; testing; µbist cache: actaimeko-150.pdf plain text: actaimeko-150.txt item: #275 of 841 id: actaimeko-1502 author: Alegria, Francisco title: Random noise test of analog-to-digital converters date: 2023-06-18 words: 6382 flesch: 60 summary: For small values of random noise standard deviation, we made an extra approximation that was to consider an infinite stimulus signal amplitude. For values of noise standard deviation much greater than the ideal code bin width (𝜎𝑟 ≫ 1), the standard deviation of the U[k+1]U[k] u f u 0 Figure 1. Representation of the noise probability function and the probability of occurring code k (shaded area). keywords: amplitude; deviation; ieee; noise; signal; standard; stimulus; triangular cache: actaimeko-1502.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1502.txt item: #276 of 841 id: actaimeko-151 author: Dinardo, Giuseppe; Fabbiano, Laura; Vacca, Gaetano title: How Geometric Misalignments can affect the Accuracy of Measurements by a Novel Configuration of Self-Tracking LDV date: 2014-12-01 words: 3990 flesch: 43 summary: Diffusive surface  Several tests on diffusive surfaces have been performed in order to evaluate the amount of the errors affecting the measurements of the vibration velocity when misalignments between laser beam and surface under analysis are forced. The projection of the point of the reflective surface illuminated by the laser spot and the surface of both incident and reflected laser beams vary with a sinusoidal law as the following equation states: (3) where, is the velocity vector of the point illuminated by the laser spot, its projection on the rotating surface and the angle between the velocity vector, , and the surface. keywords: axis; beam; laser; mirror; misalignments; point; surface cache: actaimeko-151.pdf plain text: actaimeko-151.txt item: #277 of 841 id: actaimeko-1510 author: Tribbiani, Giulio; Capponi , Lorenzo; Tocci, Tommaso; Truffarelli, Tiberio; Marsili, Roberto ; Rossi, Gianluca title: A theoretical model for uncertainty sources identification in tip-timing measurement systems date: 2023-06-21 words: 4701 flesch: 55 summary: 7. CONCLUSION Some basic models for blade tip timing measurement systems have been defined: the first using one of the two sensors as a reference; the second with both sensors facing the blade tip. The resolution on blade tip velocity measurement depends essentially on δ(ΔtCD) measurement resolution. keywords: blade; doi; measurement; reference; sensors; system; time; timing; tip; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-1510.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1510.txt item: #278 of 841 id: actaimeko-1518 author: Ferrero, Alessandro; Jetti, Harsha Vardhana ; Ronaghi, Sina; Salicone, Simona title: A method to consider a maximum admissible risk in decision-making procedures based on measurement results date: 2023-06-29 words: 7660 flesch: 62 summary: Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB), Politecnico di Milano, Italy 2 Dipartimento di Energia (DENG), Politecnico di Milano, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: measurement uncertainty; threshold; decision making; risk of wrong decision; maximum admissible risk Citation: Alessandro Ferrero, Harsha Vardhana Jetti, Sina Ronaghi, Simona Salicone , A method to consider a maximum permissible risk in decision-making procedures based on measurement results, Acta IMEKO, vol. If measurement uncertainty is not considered, or if it can be assumed to be negligible, this decision can be easily taken by comparing two numerical values: the measured value with the threshold (as shown in Figure 1) or the measured value with the upper and lower limits of the range. keywords: mar; pdf cache: actaimeko-1518.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1518.txt item: #279 of 841 id: actaimeko-1519 author: Zara, Tommaso; Capponi, Lorenzo; Masciotti, Francesca ; Pagano, Stefano ; Marsili, Roberto ; Rossi, Gianluca title: Effects of saliva on additive manufacturing materials for dentistry applications: Experimental research using flexural strength analysis date: 2023-05-31 words: 4639 flesch: 44 summary: [3] B. S. Rubel, Impression materials: A comparative review of impression materials most commonly used in restorative dentistry, Dental Clinics of North America 51(3) (2007) pp. A 3-point bending flexural strength test was selected for the material characterization, and the flexural modulus is picked for determining material properties degradation due to exposure to saliva. keywords: applications; dentistry; doi; manufacturing; materials; modulus; peek; properties; saliva; test cache: actaimeko-1519.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1519.txt item: #280 of 841 id: actaimeko-152 author: Bodini, Ileana; Lancini, Matteo; Pasinetti, Simone; Vetturi, David title: Techniques for on-board vibrational passenger comfort monitoring in public transport date: 2014-12-01 words: 3473 flesch: 41 summary: NVD comfort index – 95 th percentile. NVD comfort index statistical analysis. keywords: analysis; comfort; figure; index; nvd; road; traffic; transport cache: actaimeko-152.pdf plain text: actaimeko-152.txt item: #281 of 841 id: actaimeko-1522 author: Bartholomew, Jon; Hutzschenreuter, Daniel; Prugovečki, Siniša; Zet, Cristian title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO first issue 2023, Special issue on metrology and digital transformation date: 2023-03-31 words: 2873 flesch: 39 summary: We already know that its highly cross-functional and interdisciplinary nature will lead to many major changes in the field, where not only expertise in measurement science but also skills for digital data, digital infrastructures, and machine-driven processes will play an important role. An example of a modern approach to ease annotating, archiving, retrieving, and searching measurement data from a large-scale data archival system is described by Frederic Brochu et al. keywords: acta; data; digital; doi; imeko; metrology; no.1; vol cache: actaimeko-1522.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1522.txt item: #282 of 841 id: actaimeko-1527 author: Lamonaca, Francesco title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO first issue 2023 General Track date: 2023-03-31 words: 1385 flesch: 42 summary: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO first issue 2023 General Track Francesco Lamonaca1 1 Department of Department of Computer Science, Modeling, Electronics and Systems Engineering (DIMES), University of Calabria, Ponte P. Bucci, 87036, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Francesco Lamonaca, Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO first issue 2023 General Track, Acta IMEKO, vol. As Editor in Chief, it is my pleasure to give to you an overview of these papers, with the aim of encouraging potential authors to consider sharing their research through Acta IMEKO. keywords: acta; imeko; march; systems; vol cache: actaimeko-1527.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1527.txt item: #283 of 841 id: actaimeko-1528 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2023-03-30 words: 532 flesch: -1 summary: ADDRESSES Principal Contact Prof. Francesco Lamonaca University of Calabria Department of Computer Science, Modelling, Electronic and System Science Via P. Bucci, 41C, VI floor, Arcavacata di Rende, 87036 (CS), Italy E-mail: Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany E-mail: EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Francesco Lamonaca, Italy FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany COPY EDITORS Egidio De Benedetto, Italy Silvia Sangiovanni, Italy LAYOUT EDITORS Dirk Röske, Germany Leonardo Iannucci, Italy Domenico Luca Carnì, Italy EDITORIAL BOARD Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Sascha Eichstaedt, Germany Laura Fabiano, Italy Ravi Fernandez, Germany Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Leonardo Iannucci, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Yasuharu Koike, Japan Dan Kytyr, Czechia Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Aime Lay Ekuakille, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Renato Reis Machado, Brazil Álvaro Ribeiro, Portugal Gustavo Ripper, Brazil Dirk Röske, Germany Maik Rosenberger, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Michela Sega, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Pier Giorgio Spazzini, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Ronald Summers, UK Marco Tarabini, Italy Tatjana Tomić, Croatia Joris Van Loco, Belgium Zsolt Viharos, Hungary Bernhard Zagar, Austria Davor Zvizdic, Croatia ACTA IMEKO | March 2023 | Volume 12 | Number 1 | 2 SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 - 12) Jon Bartholomew, UAE Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Piotr Bilski, Poland Francesco Bonavolonta, Italy Giuseppe Caravello, Italy Carlo Carobbi, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Mauro D’Arco, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy István Harmati, Hungary Daniel Hutzschenreuter, Germany Min-Seok Kim, Korea Bálint Kiss, Hungary Momoko Kojima, Japan Koji Ogushi, Japan Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Siniša Prugovečki, USA/Croatia Md Zia Ur Rahman, India Fabio Santaniello, Italy Jan Saliga, Slovakia Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Ciro Spataro, Italy Oscar Tamburis, Italy Zafar Taqvi, USA Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ioan Tudosa, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Cristian Zet, Romania Claudia Zoani, Italy keywords: germany; imeko; international; italy; journal cache: actaimeko-1528.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1528.txt item: #284 of 841 id: actaimeko-1531 author: Marchesi, Claudio; Rani, Monika; Federici, Stefania; Lancini, Matteo; Depero, Laura Eleonora title: Evaluating chemometric strategies and machine learning approaches for a miniaturized near-infrared spectrometer in plastic waste classification date: 2023-06-29 words: 5426 flesch: 55 summary: In this study, we compared machine learning and chemometric techniques for classifying plastic waste data acquired with a portable Near-Infrared (NIR) spectrometer (see Figure 1 for the scheme of the work). 772–777. DOI: 10.1366/000370289420220 [37] M. M. Li, The development of a nonlinear curve fitter using RBF neural networks with hybrid neurons. keywords: analysis; classification; data; doi; infrared; learning; machine; nir; plastic; pre; recycling; set; spectroscopy; vol; waste cache: actaimeko-1531.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1531.txt item: #285 of 841 id: actaimeko-1532 author: de Alteriis, Giorgio; Caputo, Enzo; Schiano Lo Moriello, Rosario title: On the suitability of redundant accelerometers for the implementation of smart oscillation monitoring system: Preliminary assessment date: 2023-05-15 words: 6373 flesch: 46 summary: On the suitability of redundant accelerometers for the implementation of smart oscillation monitoring system: Preliminary assessment ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2023, Volume 12, Number 2, 1 - 9 ACTA IMEKO | June 2023 | Volume 12 | Number 2 | 1 On the suitability of redundant accelerometers for the implementation of smart oscillation monitoring system: Preliminary assessment Giorgio de Alteriis1, Enzo Caputo1, Rosario Schiano Lo Moriello1 1 Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Piazzale Tecchio 80, 80125, Naples, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: structural monitoring systems; oscillation measurements; Kalman filter; zero-velocity update; accelerometers; Internet of Things Citation: Giorgio de Alteriis, Enzo Caputo, Rosario Schiano Lo Moriello, On the suitability of redundant accelerometers for the implementation of smart oscillation monitoring system: Preliminary assessment, Acta IMEKO, vol. 12, no. 2, article 11, June 2023, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-12 (2023)-02-11 Section Editor: Laura Fabbiano, Politecnico di Bari, Italy Received April 4, 2023; In final form April 18, 2023; Published June 2023 MEMS-based sensors are small, low-power, and cost-effective, making them ideal for large-scale deployment in structural monitoring systems. keywords: amplitude; data; doi; filter; frequency; measurements; mems; monitoring; oscillation; performance; sensor; shm; system; vol cache: actaimeko-1532.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1532.txt item: #286 of 841 id: actaimeko-1536 author: Ruffa, Filippo; Lugarà, Mariacarla; Fulco, Gaetano; De Capua, Claudio title: An IoT measurement system for a tailored monitoring of CO2 and total volatile organic compounds inside face masks date: 2023-08-01 words: 6440 flesch: 51 summary: DIIES, Università ‘Mediterranea’ di Reggio Calabria, 89122, Reggio Calabria,Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Air quality; face mask; TVOC; COVID19 Citation: Filippo Ruffa, Mariacarla Lugarà, Gaetano Fulco, Claudio De Capua, An IoT measurement system for a tailored monitoring of CO2 and total volatile organic compounds inside face masks, Acta IMEKO, vol. [6] S. M. Bartsch, K. J O'Shea, K. L. Chin, U. Strych, M. C. Ferguson, M. E. Bottazzi, P. T. Wedlock, S. N. Cox, S. S. Siegmund, P. J. Hotez, B. Y. Lee, Maintaining face mask use before and after achieving different COVID-19 vaccination coverage levels: a modelling study, The Lancet Public Health 7.4 (2022): e356-e365. keywords: co2; data; doi; face; figure; information; mask; monitoring; platform; system; time; tvoc; user cache: actaimeko-1536.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1536.txt item: #287 of 841 id: actaimeko-154 author: Asensio, C.; Ruiz, M.; Recuero, M.; Moschioni, G.; Tarabini, M. title: A novel intelligent instrument for the detection and monitoring of thrust reverse noise at airports date: 2015-02-05 words: 3514 flesch: 53 summary: CONCLUSIONS  The variability in the duration, strength and separation of the landing and thrust reverse sound events cannot be properly implemented by just using thresholds on the overall running sound pressure level measurements. The methodology described in this paper is also based on a threshold detection of two consecutive sound events (EV1, for landing noise, and EV2, for thrust reverse noise). keywords: aircraft; detection; ev1; noise; reverse; sound; thrust cache: actaimeko-154.pdf plain text: actaimeko-154.txt item: #288 of 841 id: actaimeko-1540 author: Iadarola, Grazia; Bruschi, Valeria; Cecchi, Stefania; Dourou, Nefeli Aikaterini; Spinsante, Susanna title: Low-cost monitoring for stimulus detection in skin conductance date: 2023-08-01 words: 4876 flesch: 53 summary: For example, the possibility to classify different physiological conditions, such as pain or perspiration, by means of SC acquisition system allows a better management of anxiety among patients under treatments, students, workers, or people affected by health problems related to distress [13]-[16]. Thus, SC signals reflect the changes in electric conductance, which is modulated by sweat gland activity. keywords: conductance; cost; cost system; doi; infiniti; monitoring; procomp; signals; skin; stimulus; system; yes cache: actaimeko-1540.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1540.txt item: #289 of 841 id: actaimeko-155 author: Angrisani, L.; D'Apuzzo, M.; D'Arco, Mauro; Napoli, E.; Strollo, A. title: Utilizing arbitrary waveform generators to produce noise with imposed spectral characteristics date: 2015-02-05 words: 5828 flesch: 46 summary: In order to straightforwardly characterize noise and its effects common scalar noise metrics such as noise factor (NF), equivalent noise temperature (Te), noise power (Pn), YFact factor, and excess noise ratio (ENR) are utilized in research and industrial applications. [3] C. Imperiale, “Programmable uniform-Gaussian, quasi- white noise generator and data acquisition-processing system for electrophysiology,” Measurement, Vol.20, n.3, March 1997, pp.149-163. keywords: density; digital; filter; frequency; generator; measurement; noise; power; signal; waveform cache: actaimeko-155.pdf plain text: actaimeko-155.txt item: #290 of 841 id: actaimeko-156 author: Pinto, Pedro; Gouveia, José; Ramos, Pedro Miguel title: Development, implementation and characterization of a DSP based data acquisition system with on-board processing date: 2015-02-05 words: 5017 flesch: 57 summary: Data acquisition systems are currently the most important blocks in just about every measurement system. [16] D. Sanz, M. Ruiz, R. Castro, J. Vega, J. M. Lopez, E. Barrera, N. Utzel, P. Makijarvi, Implementation of intelligent data acquisition systems for fusion experiments using EPICS and FlexRIO technology, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. keywords: acquisition; adc; channel; data; figure; input; measurement; processing; signal; system cache: actaimeko-156.pdf plain text: actaimeko-156.txt item: #291 of 841 id: actaimeko-157 author: Benadí, Albert Garcia; Cadena-Munoz, Javier; del Rí­o Fernandez, Joaquí­n; Roset Juan, Xavier; Manuel-Làzaro, Antoni title: Good Practice Guide for calibrating a hydrophone "in situ" with a non-omnidirectional source at 10 kHz date: 2015-02-05 words: 6067 flesch: 62 summary: Spreading value  The spreading value is calculated in another study [6], where the sensitivity uncertainty is known. Improvements could include incrementing the amplitude value of the source generator which lowers the contributions factors to uncertainty of source pressure and of receiver voltage. keywords: calibration; case; distance; figure; frequency; function; generator; hydrophone; sound; source; uncertainty; value cache: actaimeko-157.pdf plain text: actaimeko-157.txt item: #292 of 841 id: actaimeko-1589 author: Andria, Gregorio; Attivissimo, Filippo; Di Nisio, Attilio; Lanzolla, Anna Maria Lucia; Ragolia, Mattia Alessandro title: Analysis and optimization of surgical electromagnetic tracking systems by using magnetic field gradients date: 2023-06-29 words: 6952 flesch: 54 summary: By considering a homogeneous magnetic flux on the surface of the sensing coil 𝑆𝑠, voltage induced by the i-th transmitting coil may be calculated as: 𝑣𝑖 = 2 π 𝑓𝑖 𝑁𝑠 𝑆𝑠 𝐁𝑖 · �̂�𝑠 , (3) where 𝑁𝑠 is the number of coil sensor turns, 𝑓𝑖 is the excitation current (different for each transmitting coil) and �̂�𝑠 is the versor orthogonal to the sensor surface (Figure 1), given by �̂�𝑠 = As discussed in [22], [25], the variance 𝝈𝒑𝒔 ∘2 = [𝜎𝑥 2, 𝜎𝑦 2, 𝜎𝑧 2] T of repeated measurements of sensor position 𝒑𝒔 can be estimated by: Figure 1. keywords: coils; field; position; sensor; tracking; volume cache: actaimeko-1589.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1589.txt item: #293 of 841 id: actaimeko-1593 author: Cundeva-Blajer, Marija; Iannucci, Leonardo title: Editorial to selected papers from the 2022 IMEKO TC11&TC24 Joint Conference date: 2023-06-30 words: 1094 flesch: 38 summary: Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (UKIM), Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEEIT), st. Rugjer Boskovik No. 18, 1000 Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia 2 Politecnico di Torino, Department of Applied Science and Technlogy, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Marija Cundeva-Blajer, Leonardo Iannucci, Editorial to selected papers from the 2022 IMEKO TC11&TC24 Joint Conference, Acta IMEKO, vol. 12, no. 2, article 4, June 2023, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-12 (2023)-02-04 Received June 26, 2023; In final form June 30, 2023; Published June 2023 1-3. DOI: 10.21014/acta_imeko.v12i2.1468 [2] Claudio Marchesi, Monika Rani, Stefania Federici, Matteo Lancini, Laura E. Depero, Evaluating chemometric strategies and machine learning approaches for a miniaturized near-infrared spectrometer in plastic waste classification, Acta IMEKO, vol. 12 (2023) no.2, pp. keywords: acta; imeko; no.2; vol cache: actaimeko-1593.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1593.txt item: #294 of 841 id: actaimeko-1595 author: Cigada, Alfredo ; Montanini, Roberto; Scorza, Andrea title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on the XXX Italian National Congress on Mechanical and Thermal Measurements date: 2023-06-30 words: 1765 flesch: 28 summary: IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2023, Volume 12, Number 2, 1 - 2 ACTA IMEKO | June 2023 | Volume 12 | Number 2 | 1 Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on the XXX Italian National Congress on Mechanical and Thermal Measurements Alfredo Cigada1, Roberto Montanini2, Andrea Scorza3 1 Dipartimento di Meccanica, Politecnico di Milano, Via La Masa 1- 20156 Milano, Italy 2 Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Messina, C.da di Dio - 98166 Villaggio Sant’ Agata, Messina, Italy 3 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale Elettronica e Meccanica, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, via Vito Volterra 62 - 00146 Roma, Italy Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Alfredo Cigada, Roberto Montanini, Andrea Scorza, Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on the XXX Italian National Congress on Mechanical and Thermal Measurements, Acta IMEKO, vol. 12, no. 2, article 3, June 2023, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-12 (2023)-02-03 Received June 28, 2023; In final form June 30, 2023; Published June 2023 A special thanks goes to Prof. Francesco Lamonaca, Editor in Chief of Acta IMEKO, for his enthusiastic and precious help that supported this special issue. keywords: acta; acta imeko; imeko; measurement; paper; vol cache: actaimeko-1595.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1595.txt item: #295 of 841 id: actaimeko-1596 author: Iadarola, Grazia; Spinsante, Susanna ; Lamonaca, Francesco title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Thematic Issue on Measurement Systems and Instruments based on IoT Technologies for Health date: 2023-08-01 words: 982 flesch: 45 summary: Common aspects can be traced in these papers, from low-cost monitoring to wireless interfaces, both fundamental for IoT. An important theme underlined by these papers is air quality monitoring, which should be analyzed in everyday life to avoid serious health risks. Via Brecce Bianche 12, 60131, Ancona, Italy 2 Department of Computer Science, Modeling, Electronics and Systems Engineering (DIMES), University of Calabria, 87036, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Grazia Iadarola, Susanna Spinsante, Francesco Lamonaca, Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Thematic Issue on Measurement Systems and Instruments based on IoT Technologies for Health, Acta IMEKO, vol. 12, no. 3, article 2, September 2023, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-12 (2023)-03-02 Received June 28, 2023; keywords: acta; imeko; iot; monitoring cache: actaimeko-1596.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1596.txt item: #296 of 841 id: actaimeko-1597 author: Lamonaca, Francesco title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO second issue General Track date: 2023-06-30 words: 3458 flesch: 36 summary: I would like to thank all the Editorial Staff, the Reviewers, the Authors, and each of you for choosing Acta IMEKO as a valuable source to find knowledge and inspiration and an effective media to share your research and results with the Scientific Community. Corresponding author: Francesco Lamonaca, e-mail: Dear Readers, As Editor in Chief of Acta IMEKO, I am pleased to share with you a further success of Acta IMEKO that in the last ranking of Scimago increases its position to the third quartile also in Instrumentation ( =21100407601&tip=sid&clean=0). keywords: acta; acta imeko; data; doi; imeko; measurement; no.2; results; signal; vol.12 cache: actaimeko-1597.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1597.txt item: #297 of 841 id: actaimeko-1598 author: Benoit, Eric title: Editorial to selected papers from IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13-TC18 joint symposium and MATHMET workshop 2022, 2nd part. date: 2023-06-30 words: 1052 flesch: 34 summary: Traitement de l'Information et de la Connaissance (LISTIC) B.P. 80439 Annecy-le-Vieux cedex 74944, France Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Eric Benoit, Editorial to selected papers from IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13-TC18 joint symposium and MATHMET workshop 2022, 2nd part, Acta IMEKO, vol. As for the first part [1], all these papers followed an Acta IMEKO regular peer- review process before being included into this issue. keywords: acta; imeko; mathmet; measurement cache: actaimeko-1598.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1598.txt item: #298 of 841 id: actaimeko-1599 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2023-06-30 words: 573 flesch: -5 summary: ADDRESSES Principal Contact Prof. Francesco Lamonaca University of Calabria Department of Computer Science, Modelling, Electronic and System Science Via P. Bucci, 41C, VI floor, Arcavacata di Rende, 87036 (CS), Italy E-mail: Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany E-mail: EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Francesco Lamonaca, Italy FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany COPY EDITORS Egidio De Benedetto, Italy Luca Rossini, Italy Silvia Sangiovanni, Italy LAYOUT EDITORS Dirk Röske, Germany Leonardo Iannucci, Italy Domenico Luca Carnì, Italy EDITORIAL BOARD Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Sascha Eichstaedt, Germany Laura Fabiano, Italy Ravi Fernandez, Germany Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Leonardo Iannucci, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Yasuharu Koike, Japan Dan Kytyr, Czechia Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Aime Lay Ekuakille, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Renato Reis Machado, Brazil Álvaro Ribeiro, Portugal Gustavo Ripper, Brazil Dirk Röske, Germany Maik Rosenberger, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Michela Sega, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Pier Giorgio Spazzini, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Ronald Summers, UK Marco Tarabini, Italy Tatjana Tomić, Croatia Joris Van Loco, Belgium Zsolt Viharos, Hungary Bernhard Zagar, Austria Davor Zvizdic, Croatia ACTA IMEKO | June 2023 | Volume 12 | Number 2 | 2 SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 - 12) Jon Bartholomew, UAE Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Piotr Bilski, Poland Francesco Bonavolonta, Italy Giuseppe Caravello, Italy Carlo Carobbi, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Umberto Cesaro, Italy Alfredo Cigada. Italy Marija Cundeva-Blajer, North Macedonia Mauro D’Arco, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Silvio Del Pizzo, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Leila Es Sebar, Italy Michele Fedel, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Nicola Giaquinto, Italy István Harmati, Hungary Daniel Hutzschenreuter, Germany Min-Seok Kim, Korea Bálint Kiss, Hungary Momoko Kojima, Japan Roberto Montanini, Italy Koji Ogushi, Japan Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Annaluisa Pedrotti, Italy Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Siniša Prugovečki, USA/Croatia Md Zia Ur Rahman, India Gian Marco Revel, Italy Fabio Santaniello, Italy Jan Saliga, Slovakia Andrea Scorza, Italy Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Ciro Spataro, Italy Oscar Tamburis, Italy Zafar Taqvi, USA Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ioan Tudosa, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Cristian Zet, Romania Claudia Zoani, Italy keywords: germany; imeko; international; italy; journal; measurement cache: actaimeko-1599.pdf plain text: actaimeko-1599.txt item: #299 of 841 id: actaimeko-16 author: Janeiro, Fernando M.; Ramos, Pedro M. title: Gene expression programming and genetic algorithms in impedance circuit identification date: 2012-06-06 words: 5170 flesch: 54 summary: Afterwards, this population is used to create a new generation of circuit topologies trough the GEP operations: replication, mutation, transposition and recombination [15]. Different runs of the algorithm yield different equivalent circuits, but always in good agreement with the spectral response of the original circuit. keywords: algorithm; circuit; figure; frequency; impedance; khz; values cache: actaimeko-16.pdf plain text: actaimeko-16.txt item: #300 of 841 id: actaimeko-161 author: Masmitjà  Rusinyol, Ivan; González, Julián; Masmitjà , Gerard; Gomáriz, Spartacus; del-Río-Fernández, Joaquí­n title: Power system of the Guanay II AUV date: 2015-02-05 words: 4721 flesch: 61 summary: 2. POWER SYSTEM OF GUANAY II AUV  The Guanay II’s power system can be divided into three parts: propulsion system; communication and control system; and battery system. Charge accumulation techniques where SoC is determined by monitoring battery charge and discharge current are impractical in the long term due to accumulation of errors. keywords: batteries; battery; charge; current; figure; power; soc; system; vehicle cache: actaimeko-161.pdf plain text: actaimeko-161.txt item: #301 of 841 id: actaimeko-162 author: Liccardo, Annalisa; Mariscotti, Andrea; Marrese, Attilio; Pasquino, Nicola; Schiano Lo Moriello, Rosario title: Statistical characterization of the 2.45 GHz propagation channel aboard trains date: 2015-02-05 words: 5112 flesch: 55 summary: [8] J. Lu, G. Zhu, B. Ai, “Radio propagation measurements and modeling in railway viaduct area,” in Wireless Communications Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM), 2010 6th International Conference on, Sept. 2010, pp. [18] P. Nobles, R. Scott, “Wideband propagation measurements onboard HMS Bristol,” in Proceedings - IEEE Military ACTA IMEKO |  February 2015 | Volume 4 | Number 1 | 52  Communications Confer-ence MILCOM, vol. 2, 2003, pp. keywords: channel; delay; distance; figure; measurement; polarization; propagation; spread; τrms cache: actaimeko-162.pdf plain text: actaimeko-162.txt item: #302 of 841 id: actaimeko-163 author: Nikolic, Aleksandar B; Babic, Blagoje; Zigic, Aleksandar; Miladinovic, Nikola; Milosavljevic, Srdjan title: Simultaneous power quality analysis of feeders in MV utility power stations date: 2015-02-05 words: 3925 flesch: 50 summary: In order to centralize power quality measurements of different consumers, it is required to develop a dedicated database and client application in addition to making the measuring device [15]. The combination of these factors has created electrical systems requiring power quality [1],[2]. keywords: current; data; figure; phase; power; prototype; quality; system; voltage cache: actaimeko-163.pdf plain text: actaimeko-163.txt item: #303 of 841 id: actaimeko-164 author: Kamenský, Miroslav; Kovác, Karol title: Identification of dominant error parameters in spectrum measured by TDEMI system date: 2015-02-05 words: 5084 flesch: 55 summary: Identification of edges  Moments of error pulse edges are points where the system switches from one channel to another. Error pulses obtained from the model for two periods of the input signal are depicted in red in Figure 6. keywords: channel; error; figure; input; model; signal; time cache: actaimeko-164.pdf plain text: actaimeko-164.txt item: #304 of 841 id: actaimeko-165 author: Kalafat Kizilkaya, Isil; Al-Janabi, Mohammed; Kale, Izzet title: Design and implementation of novel FPGA based time-interleaved variable centre-frequency digital Sigma-Delta modulators date: 2015-02-05 words: 4813 flesch: 57 summary: Moreover, using EF modulator topologies, as already explained, helps to diminish the finite wordlength based tones since the already whitened/accumulated feedback signal is extracted from the finite wordlength input sinusoid. Since these resulting tones’ amplitudes are not input amplitude dependent, these finite wordlength based tones create extra tonality, which may result in  modulator instability. keywords: bit; chebyshev; figure; frequency; modulators; number; path; quantization; signal; tones;  cache: actaimeko-165.pdf plain text: actaimeko-165.txt item: #305 of 841 id: actaimeko-167 author: Zielinski, Marek; Gurski, Maciej; Chaberski, Dariusz title: Architecture of the multi-tap-delay-line time-interval measurement module implemented in FPGA device date: 2015-02-05 words: 2554 flesch: 58 summary: For example they can be applied in quantum cryptography experiments, in the characterization of clock phase fluctuations, in life- time measurements of the excited atomic states, in ultrasonic flow-meters or monitoring systems of time-of- flight mass spectrometers [1-8]. The system is designed in such a way that the system parts that are used selectively in time are implemented into those FPGA areas that can be turned off without any influence on the whole system operation. keywords: delay; fpga; interval; measurement; system; time cache: actaimeko-167.pdf plain text: actaimeko-167.txt item: #306 of 841 id: actaimeko-168 author: Crotti, Gabriella; Gallo, Daniele; Giordano, Domenico; Landi, Carmine; Luiso, Mario title: FPGA-based real time compensation method for medium voltage transducers date: 2015-02-05 words: 5496 flesch: 51 summary: For this purpose, voltage dividers which show higher frequency bandwidth and better linearity than conventional voltage transformers are becoming the most used transducers in power quality assessments. The paper describes a real time compensation method for the extension of the frequency bandwidth of MV voltage dividers whose performances would not have satisfied the requirements. keywords: compensation; divider; filter; frequency; measurement; number; phase; response; voltage cache: actaimeko-168.pdf plain text: actaimeko-168.txt item: #307 of 841 id: actaimeko-169 author: Giordano, Domenico; Zilberti, Luca; Borsero, Michele; Forastiere, Roberto; Wang, Wencui title: Validation of numerical methods for electromagnetic dosimetry through near-field measurements date: 2015-02-05 words: 4594 flesch: 55 summary: When performing electric field measurements the noise level is not always negligible (in the order of 2 to 3 V/m). The estimated electric field induced by such magnetic field is a few tens of volts per meter, enough to be detected by the probe. keywords: antenna; electric; field; figure; frequency; mhz; phantom; system cache: actaimeko-169.pdf plain text: actaimeko-169.txt item: #308 of 841 id: actaimeko-17 author: Mariscotti, Andrea title: Characterization of Power Quality transient phenomena of DC railway traction supply date: 2012-07-10 words: 7413 flesch: 54 summary: The spectrogram in Figure 10b using a logarithmic frequency scale reveals repeated low frequency transients of moderate amplitude, indicated by the repeated dark and clear vertical lines, extending up to about the 50 Hz component. Two transients have been selected and further analysed in Figure 6 and Figure 7 with a frequency resolution of 25 Hz (40 ms time window) and overlap of 50 %; the overlap is necessary not only to track time varying components, but also to artificially increase the time axis resolution. keywords: components; current; figure; frequency; pantograph; power; resolution; supply; time; transient; voltage cache: actaimeko-17.pdf plain text: actaimeko-17.txt item: #309 of 841 id: actaimeko-171 author: Crotti, Gabriella; Giordano, Domenico title: Set up and characterization of a measuring system for PQ measurements in a MV site with PV generation date: 2015-02-05 words: 5221 flesch: 50 summary: From 5 kV to 12 kV a relative decrease of 110-3 of the SF value and an increase in the phase error up to 1 mrad are detected, with respect to the error measured at 5 kV. The characterisation at MV voltage is repeated by inserting the divider inside a grounded metallic box with side 80 cm (Figure 6). [11] N. Locci, C. Muscas, S. Sulis, “Experimental comparison of MV voltage transducers for power quality applications”, I2MTC 2009 - International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Singapore, 5-7 May 2009. keywords: coil; current; divider; figure; frequency; measurement; power; system; voltage cache: actaimeko-171.pdf plain text: actaimeko-171.txt item: #310 of 841 id: actaimeko-172 author: Regtien, Paul P.L. title: Editorial date: 2014-01-15 words: 334 flesch: 38 summary: Acta IMEKO has introduced a section on technical notes, offering a position for contributions on metrological infrastructures and other important aspects of metrology, next to the section with regular research papers. Editorial Paul Regtien Measurement Science Consultancy (MSC), Julia Culpstraat 66, 7558 JB Hengelo (OV), The Netherlands Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Paul Regtien, Editorial, Acta IMEKO, vol. 2, no. 2, article 2, December 2013, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-02 (2013)-02-02 Editor: Paolo Carbone, University of Perugia Copyright: © 2013 IMEKO. keywords: acta; imeko cache: actaimeko-172.pdf plain text: actaimeko-172.txt item: #311 of 841 id: actaimeko-173 author: Baccigalupi, Aldo; d'Alessandro, Guido; D'Arco, Mauro; Schiano Lo Moriello, Rosario title: Least square procedures to improve the results of the three-parameter sine fitting algorithm date: 2015-06-29 words: 5213 flesch: 54 summary: To gain estimates of , I0, and 2n , and get rid of lk, equation (19) is first rewritten in a more compact form: kk lcbkak  22 (20) and the parameters a, b, and c are estimated by solving through the pseudo-inverse method the system:                                                    2 1 2 2 0 2 2 111 1 100 M k c b a MM kk        (21) Specifically, named b the column array with components a, b, and c it results:     kk nCkBkAy  00000 2sin2cos  (2) which is equivalent to equation (1) but linear in the parameters A0, B0 and C0, respectively defined as: A0 = Acos, B0 = -Asin, and C0 = C. Discarding the noise nk and ranging k from 0 up to M-1, equation (2) produces a linear system made up of M equations, which can be represented in matrix form by: D0x0 = y (3) where x0 is a column array with the unknown components A0, B0 and C0, y is a column array containing the samples of the input digital signal, yk, and D0 is the matrix of the coefficients: keywords: algorithm; fitting; frequency; noise; parameter; results; sine cache: actaimeko-173.pdf plain text: actaimeko-173.txt item: #312 of 841 id: actaimeko-174 author: Skórkowski, Artur; Cichy, Adam; Barwinek, Sebastian title: Virtual quasi-balanced circuits and method of automated quasi-balancing date: 2015-02-05 words: 3524 flesch: 55 summary: The exemplary results of the tests made for the virtual circuit for capacitance measurements during classical (by changes of the adjustable parameter by a given constant value) and automated quasi-balancing are given in Table 1. 4. DOUBLE QUASI‐BALANCED CIRCUITS  In general quasi-balanced circuits only allow the measurement of one impedance component, but it is possible to build circuits to measure two components of impedance, for example in parallel quasi-balanced circuits. The advantage of quasi-balanced circuits is the use of only one control element. keywords: circuit; factor; figure; measurement; quasi cache: actaimeko-174.pdf plain text: actaimeko-174.txt item: #313 of 841 id: actaimeko-175 author: Bao, Doris; Daponte, Pasquale; De Vito, Luca; Rapuano, Sergio title: Frequency-domain characterization of random demodulation Analog-to-Information Converters date: 2015-02-05 words: 6633 flesch: 55 summary: CS, instead is applicable even to a non-repetitive signal, providing that a domain can be found, where the representation of such signal is sparse. It can be observed that for such signal the condition (2) is verified as soon as x has a Fourier representation with a limited number of non-zero coefficients. keywords: adc; aic; domain; figure; filter; foms; frequency; number; reconstruction; sampling; signal cache: actaimeko-175.pdf plain text: actaimeko-175.txt item: #314 of 841 id: actaimeko-176 author: Di Leo, Giuseppe; Liguori, Consolatina; Paolillo, Alfredo; Pietrosanto, Antonio title: Machine vision systems for on line quality monitoring in industrial applications date: 2015-02-05 words: 5173 flesch: 52 summary: This is not the case of the production of rubber profiles, due to the complexity of the production process and to the flexibility and the dark color of the product. In this field the authors realized an image-based measurement system for inspection tasks in a plant producing rubber profiles for the automotive industry keywords: cameras; contour; fault; gloss; image; line; measurement; order; profile; system; vision cache: actaimeko-176.pdf plain text: actaimeko-176.txt item: #315 of 841 id: actaimeko-177 author: Regtien, Paul P.L. title: Journal contacts date: 2014-01-16 words: 284 flesch: 38 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paolo Carbone, Italy HONORARY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands EDITORIAL BOARD Francisco Alegria, Portugal Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Fabio Leccese, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Susanne Toepfer, Germany Luca De Vito, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 39 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. The articles are based on presentations presented at IMEKO workshops, symposia and congresses. keywords: imeko; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-177.pdf plain text: actaimeko-177.txt item: #316 of 841 id: actaimeko-178 author: Koponen, Petri title: Arctic metrology - MIKES date: 2014-01-16 words: 370 flesch: 48 summary: MIKES-Kajaani is also participating in a European metrology research project (EMRP) aiming for better measurements of larger forces. MIKES is a partner in a joint research centre CEMIS (Centre for Measurement and Information Systems; the umbrella organisation of measurement technology in Kajaani) together with the Universities of Oulu and Jyväskylä, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences, and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. keywords: kajaani; mikes cache: actaimeko-178.pdf plain text: actaimeko-178.txt item: #317 of 841 id: actaimeko-18 author: Da Silva, Marco Jose; dos Santos, Eduardo N; Vendruscolo, Tiago P title: High-speed multichannel impedance measuring system date: 2012-06-07 words: 4076 flesch: 51 summary: Impedance measurement is a common tool for the characterization of electrical properties of materials and substances, in which measurement times of seconds to minutes are used to achieve high measurement accuracy in the chemical analysis [3,4]. One‐channel circuit analysis  For impedance measurements we chose the circuit synonymously known as transimpedance amplifier, auto- balancing bridge or current-voltage converter, as depicted in Figure 1. keywords: circuit; figure; frequency; impedance; measurement; response; sensor; system; values cache: actaimeko-18.pdf plain text: actaimeko-18.txt item: #318 of 841 id: actaimeko-186 author: Matthias, Steffen; Ohrt, Christoph; Pösch, Andreas; Kästner, Markus; Reithmeier, Eduard title: Single image geometry inspection using inverse endoscopic fringe projection date: 2015-06-29 words: 4473 flesch: 50 summary: Data processing  In structured light projection sequences of binary Gray-code followed by cos²-phase shift patterns are common in commercial fringe projection systems Artifacts that arise from the optical elements which are unusual for classic fringe projection systems may complicate the scenario. keywords: camera; fringe; image; inverse; measurement; model; pattern; projection; system cache: actaimeko-186.pdf plain text: actaimeko-186.txt item: #319 of 841 id: actaimeko-188 author: Mikhal, Alexander; Warsza, Zygmunt title: Geometric part of uncertainties in the calculation constant of the primary four electrode conductivity cell. date: 2015-06-29 words: 3598 flesch: 59 summary: Minimizing of the error δSt is limited by the level of metrological assurance for measurements of tube length and diameter. The components of the budget are: errors due to the non‐uniformity of the force lines of the electric field; errors  due to the accuracy of measurement standards and measuring  instruments for determining  length and diameter of the tube; and  errors due to manufacturing techniques of tubes and their assemblage. keywords: cell; constant; diameter; error; figure; profile; section; tube cache: actaimeko-188.pdf plain text: actaimeko-188.txt item: #320 of 841 id: actaimeko-189 author: Mari, Luca title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on "Historical papers on fundamentals of measurement" date: 2014-05-07 words: 1760 flesch: 29 summary: In the present social and economic situation more and more emphasizing the role and the importance of measurement processes, identifying the pivotal elements of a culture of measurement becomes a critical task for metrology, the “science of measurement and its application” (as the International Vocabulary of Metrology defines it), possibly formalized in the development of a body of knowledge on measurement science. May 2014 | Volume 3 | Number 1 | 2 Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on “Historical papers on fundamentals of measurement” L. Mari School of Industrial Engineering, Università Carlo Cattaneo – LIUC, Matteotti, 22 - 21053 Castellanza (VA) – Italy Section: EDITORIAL Keywords: measurement theory, uncertainty, history Citation: L. Mari, Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on “Historical papers on fundamentals of measurement”, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: acta; acta imeko; imeko; measurement; proceedings cache: actaimeko-189.pdf plain text: actaimeko-189.txt item: #321 of 841 id: actaimeko-19 author: De Cesare, Pablo Nicolas title: Characterization of the ISDB-Tb critical spectrum mask date: 2012-07-10 words: 3841 flesch: 50 summary: In this case, the uncertainty is higher due to the contribution of filter characterization uncertainty. Transmission spectrum masks are commonly tested with spectrum analysers, but in ISDB-T, the requirements are too high and more sophisticated measurement test methods must be incorporated into digital TV analysers. keywords: characterization; figure; filter; intermodulation; mask; spectrum; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-19.pdf plain text: actaimeko-19.txt item: #322 of 841 id: actaimeko-190 author: Carlisle, S. S. title: The role of measurement in the development of industrial automation date: 2014-05-07 words: 5414 flesch: 49 summary: To provide faster detection of defective product made and so facilitate quicker correction of a faulty process and provide a basis for automatic process control. Within these organisations the special instrument development required to implement control systems will be carried out as part of an activity which encompasses systems engineering and process control engineering. keywords: automation; control; development; industry; measurement; process; production; research; technology; use cache: actaimeko-190.pdf plain text: actaimeko-190.txt item: #323 of 841 id: actaimeko-191 author: Finkelstein, L. title: Fundamental concepts of measurement date: 2014-05-07 words: 5432 flesch: 54 summary: In measurement entities Qq  are compared with elements of S and those which bear the relation  to a standard are assigned the same symbol as the standard. An example of such measurement is the use of a colour chart based on the empirical relation of “colour matching”. keywords: class; entities; measurement; number; scale; science cache: actaimeko-191.pdf plain text: actaimeko-191.txt item: #324 of 841 id: actaimeko-192 author: Gonella, L. title: Problems in theory of measurement today date: 2014-05-07 words: 4122 flesch: 46 summary: May 2014 | Volume 3 | Number 1 | 19 Problems in theory of measurement today L. Gonella Istituto di Fisica Sperimentale, Politecnico di Torino, C. Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: measurement theory, value, error, uncertainty Citation: L. Gonella, Problems in theory of measurement today, Acta IMEKO, vol. 3, no. 1, article 6, May 2014, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-03 (2014)-01-06 Editor: Luca Mari, Università Carlo Cattaneo Received May 1st, 2014; In final form May 1st, 2014; Published May 2014 Copyright: © 2014 IMEKO. SUBJECT AND SCOPE OF THE THEORY OF MEASUREMENT To ask what is (or should be) the subject matter of the theory of measurement is not an idle question, since what seems to be the first problem today is to realize that there are indeed basic problems to solve and to identify then. keywords: error; measurand; measurement; number; theory; value cache: actaimeko-192.pdf plain text: actaimeko-192.txt item: #325 of 841 id: actaimeko-193 author: Hofmann, D.; Tarbeyev, Y. V. title: Theoretical, physical and metrological problems of further development of measurement techniques and instrumentation in science and technology date: 2014-05-07 words: 5778 flesch: 42 summary: Operations (actions, decisions) aimed at an optimum solution of measurement problems are called the measurement strategy. When one looks up in metrological literature for possible ways of solving measurement problems, one discovers a totally unsatisfactory situation. keywords: development; imeko; measurement; measurement theory; measuring; metrology; number; problems; standards; system; theory; units cache: actaimeko-193.pdf plain text: actaimeko-193.txt item: #326 of 841 id: actaimeko-194 author: Jaworski, J. M.; Bek, J.; Fiok, A. J. title: Impact of modern instrumentation on the system of basic concepts in metrology date: 2014-05-07 words: 5512 flesch: 39 summary: Much less attention has been paid to other operations: sensing of the signal from the measured object (in most cases the concept of measurement signal was not utilized or the signal was treated as the same as the measured quantity itself), conversion (in most cases aimed on signal conditioning) and display of measurement result. The “inputs” of a measuring instrument (or a system) are measurement signals generated by the measured object or exciting the object. keywords: concepts; measurement; measuring; metrology; model; object; quantity; system cache: actaimeko-194.pdf plain text: actaimeko-194.txt item: #327 of 841 id: actaimeko-195 author: Kohoutek, H. J. title: Intelligent instrumentation: a quality challenge date: 2014-05-07 words: 6453 flesch: 31 summary: New sensor technologies, new non-von Neumann architectures, new system parts and functions, as well as support of knowledge quality assurance, will require additional intensive applied research and engineering work by teams of experts from both the R&D and quality communities. The concept of knowledge quality in all its aspects (i.e. knowledge levels, representation, storage, and processing) is identified as the key new issue. keywords: assurance; control; data; design; imeko; instrumentation; intelligence; issues; knowledge; measurement; new; quality; representation; software; system cache: actaimeko-195.pdf plain text: actaimeko-195.txt item: #328 of 841 id: actaimeko-196 author: Moffat, R. J. title: The measurement chain and validation of experimental measurements date: 2014-05-07 words: 2182 flesch: 50 summary: The Corrected Value is the engineer’s best estimate of the Real Value, accounting for all of the recognized sources of error: system disturbance, system/sensor interactions, and calibration change. A data reduction program which completely models the behavior of the system will return correct measurement data to the control unit, regardless of the peripheral conditions on the system. keywords: data; sensor; system; uncertainty; value cache: actaimeko-196.pdf plain text: actaimeko-196.txt item: #329 of 841 id: actaimeko-197 author: Sydenham, P. H. title: Structured instrument design date: 2014-05-07 words: 2689 flesch: 50 summary: The overall programme aims to take sensory system design into a new era providing do-it-yourself capability Much of sensory system design needs are not for enhanced modelling elegance but are in the more subjective aspects such as, selection of appropriate device, management of the design process, awareness of standards, terminology and other semantic fields for such aspects as costing and quality. keywords: design; instrument; interface; knowledge; measurement; systems cache: actaimeko-197.pdf plain text: actaimeko-197.txt item: #330 of 841 id: actaimeko-198 author: van Brakel, J. title: Measurement and meaningfulness date: 2014-05-07 words: 5224 flesch: 62 summary: I won’t discuss the relation of the concepts of accuracy and reproducibility to the meaning of measurement statements in any detail. This would include (i) analysis of the meaning of measurement statements using the Fregean concepts of sense and reference (which in the context of measurement might be called “operational” and “factual” meaning), (ii) taking into account recent philosophical discussions concerning the question whether there are statements which are a priori and contingent or statements which are a posteriori and necessary (as this may shed light on the distinction between what is fact and what is convention in measurement) and (iii) an analysis of the different sorts of identity or equivalence that are presupposed in measurement statements. keywords: concept; example; mass; meaning; measurement; standard; statement cache: actaimeko-198.pdf plain text: actaimeko-198.txt item: #331 of 841 id: actaimeko-20 author: Kyriazis, Gregory A; Moreno, J Angel; Melcher, Jürgen title: A Two-Stage, Guarded Inductive Voltage Divider with Small Ratio Errors for Coaxial Bridge Applications date: 2012-07-10 words: 7631 flesch: 64 summary: The main IVD to be used in coaxial ratio bridges As mentioned in the introduction, the main IVD to be used in coaxial ratio bridges should be constructed to provide an overall bridge uncertainty at 1:1 and 10:1 ratios of a few parts in 108. keywords: bridge; capacitance; figure; ivd; ratio; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-20.pdf plain text: actaimeko-20.txt item: #332 of 841 id: actaimeko-200 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Journal contacts date: 2014-05-07 words: 284 flesch: 39 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paolo Carbone, Italy HONORARY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands EDITORIAL BOARD Francisco Alegria, Portugal Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Fabio Leccese, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Susanne Toepfer, Germany Luca De Vito, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 39 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. The articles are based on presentations presented at IMEKO workshops, symposia and congresses. keywords: imeko; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-200.pdf plain text: actaimeko-200.txt item: #333 of 841 id: actaimeko-202 author: Regtien, Paul P.L. title: Editorial date: 2014-06-23 words: 383 flesch: 50 summary: This issue of Acta IMEKO comprises the third set of articles that are based on papers presented at the XX IMEKO World Congress, Busan, Republic of Korea, 9–12 September, 2012. Editorial Paul Regtien Measurement Science Consultancy (MSC), Julia Culpstraat 66, 7558 JB Hengelo (OV), The Netherlands Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Paul Regtien, Editorial, Acta IMEKO, vol. 3, no. 2, article 2, June 2014, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-03 (2014)-02-02 Editor: Paolo Carbone, University of Perugia Copyright: © 2014 IMEKO. keywords: imeko; torque cache: actaimeko-202.pdf plain text: actaimeko-202.txt item: #334 of 841 id: actaimeko-203 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Journal contacts date: 2014-06-23 words: 303 flesch: 36 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paolo Carbone, Italy HONORARY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands EDITORIAL BOARD Francisco Alegria, Portugal Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Eric Benoit, France Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Fabio Leccese, Italy Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Pedro Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Susanne Toepfer, Germany Luca De Vito, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 39 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. The articles are based on presentations presented at IMEKO workshops, symposia and congresses. keywords: imeko; italy; journal cache: actaimeko-203.pdf plain text: actaimeko-203.txt item: #335 of 841 id: actaimeko-205 author: Majstorovic, Vidosav D.; Stojadinovic, Slavenko M.; Sibalija, Tatjana V. title: Development of a knowledge base for the planning of prismatic parts inspection on CMM date: 2015-06-29 words: 3997 flesch: 45 summary: ACTA IMEKO |  June 2015 | Volume 4 | Number 2 | 16  This assumption serves as a basis for the development of a sequence of metrological features inspection for prismatic parts in our model. [12] Y.S.F. Wong, B.K. Chuah, K.P. Venuvinod, “Automated extraction of dimensional inspection features from part computer-aided design models”, International Journal of Production Research, 43 (2005), pp. keywords: dpa; features; inspection; knowledge; measuring; model; planning; tolerances cache: actaimeko-205.pdf plain text: actaimeko-205.txt item: #336 of 841 id: actaimeko-206 author: Schlegel, Christian; Kiekenap, Gabriela; Kahmann, Holger; Kumme, Rolf title: Mechanical influences in sinusoidal force measurement date: 2015-06-29 words: 2659 flesch: 49 summary: It could be shown by transverse acceleration measurements that the measured uncertainty distribution of the acceleration on the top mass has good correspondence with the transverse motions at least below the resonance frequency of the setup. The scanning of the acceleration can be accompanied by triaxial acceleration measurements, where one can directly measure the transverse acceleration in certain directions. keywords: acceleration; force; mass; transducer cache: actaimeko-206.pdf plain text: actaimeko-206.txt item: #337 of 841 id: actaimeko-208 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Editorial date: 2014-09-28 words: 688 flesch: 46 summary: The second paper by Ma et al. covers the same topic and highlights the difficulties arising by the usage of the current definition of Brinell hardness, when the indentation diameter must be determined. The paper closing this issue is authored by Chen et al. keywords: area; paper cache: actaimeko-208.pdf plain text: actaimeko-208.txt item: #338 of 841 id: actaimeko-209 author: Veldman, Christiaan Smith title: Accelerometer transverse sensitivity calibration; validation and uncertainty estimation date: 2015-06-29 words: 3314 flesch: 42 summary: NMISA modified its existing low frequency accelerometer calibration system to facilitate the measurement of accelerometer transverse sensitivity and will offer this calibration service to industry in the near future. The purpose of the ILC was to evaluate and validate the metrological operation of the two participating laboratory’s accelerometer transverse sensitivity calibration systems and relevant procedures. keywords: accelerometer; calibration; measurement; sensitivity; system; transverse; transverse sensitivity; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-209.pdf plain text: actaimeko-209.txt item: #339 of 841 id: actaimeko-211 author: Klaus, Leonard; Arendacká, Barbora; Kobusch, Michael; Bruns, Thomas title: Dynamic torque calibration by means of model parameter identification date: 2015-06-29 words: 3806 flesch: 52 summary: The extended model of the measuring device now consists of a set of known model parameters, which represents the components of the measuring device, and of a set of unknown model parameters, representing the transducer under test (see Table 1), which need to be identified. For the analysis, properties of two typical transducers with a totally different mechanical design – and therefore with different model parameters – were chosen. keywords: device; frequency; model; parameters; transducer cache: actaimeko-211.pdf plain text: actaimeko-211.txt item: #340 of 841 id: actaimeko-212 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Journal contacts date: 2014-09-28 words: 297 flesch: 34 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paolo Carbone, Italy HONORARY EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands EDITORIAL BOARD Francisco Alegria, Portugal Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Fabio Leccese, Italy Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Pedro Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Susanne Toepfer, Germany Rainer Tutsch, Germany Luca De Vito, Italy ABOUT IMEKO  The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 39 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Perugia Italy email: ACTA IMEKO Prof. Paul P. L. Regtien Measurement Science Consultancy (MSC) Julia Culpstraat 66, 7558 JB Hengelo (OV) keywords: imeko; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-212.pdf plain text: actaimeko-212.txt item: #341 of 841 id: actaimeko-213 author: Toma, Daniel M.; Benadí, Albert Garcia; Manuel-Gonzalez, Bernat-Joan; del-Río-Fernandez, Joaquin title: Systematic quality control for long term ocean observations and applications date: 2016-04-29 words: 2581 flesch: 53 summary: [4] and [5] to provide a continuous scale of data quality, the capture of information about the system provenance, sensor and data processing history, and the inclusion of the flag values in metadata stream. This test minimizes the risk of inadvertently eliminating the observation of a rare and potentially interesting event for the sake of data quality [9]. 2.2. keywords: control; data; quality; range; test; value cache: actaimeko-213.pdf plain text: actaimeko-213.txt item: #342 of 841 id: actaimeko-214 author: Kobusch, Michael; Eichstädt, Sascha; Klaus, Leonard; Bruns, Thomas title: Investigations for the model-based dynamic calibration of force transducers by using shock excitation date: 2015-06-29 words: 4828 flesch: 44 summary: Section 2 presents experimental results from shock force calibration tests performed with different force transducers. To elaborate these mathematical methods and analysis procedures for the parameter determination from the experimental data, hundreds of shock force measurements were performed. keywords: calibration; figure; force; mass; model; shock; transducer cache: actaimeko-214.pdf plain text: actaimeko-214.txt item: #343 of 841 id: actaimeko-216 author: Feistel, Rainer title: Salinity and relative humidity: climatological relevance and metrological needs date: 2015-12-23 words: 4285 flesch: 45 summary: [30] H. Wolf, Determination of water density: limitations at the uncertainty level of 1×10−6, Accred. For the first time after a century of international oceanographic standards [10], TEOS-10 makes use of a chemical composition model for sea salt dissolved in IAPSO Standard Seawater (SSW), the standard reference material for oceanographic salinity measurements specified by the Practical Salinity Scale of 1978 (PSS-78). keywords: density; humidity; international; ocean; relative; salinity; seawater; step cache: actaimeko-216.pdf plain text: actaimeko-216.txt item: #344 of 841 id: actaimeko-220 author: Rolle, Francesca; Pessana, Enrica; Sega, Michela title: Metrological traceability for the analysis of environmental pollutants in the atmosphere date: 2015-12-23 words: 2794 flesch: 40 summary: ACTA IMEKO |  December 2015 | Volume 4| Number 4 | 64  In this framework, the use of reliable analytical methods for the determination of PAHs levels in the environment is necessary and the guarantee of accurate and comparable analytical results is fundamental to support the planning of preventive actions for the reduction of PM levels and emissions in atmosphere. 3.1. In Section 2, some remarks on the activity carried out for gas analysis are given. keywords: air; ambient; analysis; method; mixtures; pahs cache: actaimeko-220.pdf plain text: actaimeko-220.txt item: #345 of 841 id: actaimeko-226 author: Ogushi, Koji; Nishino, Atsuhiro; Maeda, Koji; Ueda, Kazunaga title: Direct Calibration Chain for Hand Torque Screwdrivers from the National Torque Standard date: 2015-06-29 words: 5123 flesch: 53 summary: The calculation of f0,e does not include values obtained in calibration cycles with only increasing torque: n1e 01e01e e0, ' ' S SS f   (9) where S’01e and S”01e are the zero values indicated before starting and after finishing the cycle for the first cycle and series e. S’n1e shows the measurement value at the maximum torque in series e. Here, cS is a calibration result of each time and c_meanS the mean value of calibration results for all time. keywords: calibration; cn·m; figure; relative; rtd; standard; tdt; torque; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-226.pdf plain text: actaimeko-226.txt item: #346 of 841 id: actaimeko-227 author: Bartholmai, Matthias; Stoppel, Markus; Petrov, Sergej; Hohendorf, Stefan; Goedecke, Thomas title: Two application examples of RFID sensor systems - identification and diagnosis of concrete components and monitoring of dangerous goods transports date: 2015-06-29 words: 2938 flesch: 42 summary: This study summarizes the activities of a research project which dealt with the suitability of RFID sensor tags for concrete bridge structures. For this purpose, prototypes or RFID sensor tags where developed, assembled, encapsulated (Figure 3), and embedded in concrete specimen with size of about 30×20×5 cm3 (Figure 4). keywords: concrete; figure; goods; monitoring; rfid; sensor; structures; tags cache: actaimeko-227.pdf plain text: actaimeko-227.txt item: #347 of 841 id: actaimeko-229 author: Siaudinyte, Lauryna title: Modelling of linear test bench for short distance measurements date: 2015-06-29 words: 3284 flesch: 48 summary: This instrument is typically based on the phase difference measuring principle for distance measurements. A Wild Distomat DI 2002 and a Wild Theomat T2002 tachometer along with a Wild GPH1AP reflector were calibrated at the Nummela Standard Baseline and used for distance measurements. keywords: bench; calibration; distance; error; linear; measurements; measuring cache: actaimeko-229.pdf plain text: actaimeko-229.txt item: #348 of 841 id: actaimeko-23 author: Adad, Walter Fabian; Iuzzolino, Ricardo Javier title: Low distortion signal generator based on Direct Digital Synthesis for ADC Characterization date: 2012-07-10 words: 3712 flesch: 56 summary: Additionally, the total harmonic distortion (THD) of PLL generators typically has values of -40 dB in comparison with a THD better than -70 dB achievable by DDS devices. A simplified block diagram of DDS device is depicted in Figure 1. keywords: clock; dds; figure; frequency; output; reference; signal cache: actaimeko-23.pdf plain text: actaimeko-23.txt item: #349 of 841 id: actaimeko-230 author: Zhengbing, Hu; Kochan, Roman; Kochan, Orest; Jun, Su; Klym, Halyna title: Method of integral nonlinearity testing and correction of multi-range ADC by direct measurement of output voltages of multi-resistors divider date: 2015-06-29 words: 3566 flesch: 47 summary: So, accumulating the set of residual error curves we can implement the statistical data manipulation methods for investigation of parameters of the proposed method and their sensitivity to the ADC’s random error and resistors error. Therefore, the conversion error is composed of the following errors: calibration voltage source, multiplexer and residual ADC errors. keywords: adc; error; method; nonlinearity; resistors; testing; voltage cache: actaimeko-230.pdf plain text: actaimeko-230.txt item: #350 of 841 id: actaimeko-232 author: Szelag, Adam; Maciolek, Tadeusz; Patoka, Marek title: Effectiveness of filters in 3 kV DC railway traction substations supplied by distorted voltage- measurements and diagnostics date: 2015-06-29 words: 5998 flesch: 40 summary: This criterion does not have restrictions for the frequency range between 601380 Hz, that is for a range including the harmonics with higher amplitudes (300, 600, 900, 1200 Hz) that are filtered through the resonance contours of DC side filters. The paper focuses on the analysis, based on measurements and monitoring of the effectiveness of applying DC side filters in 3 kV traction substations supplied by a 3-phase AC medium voltage line with distorted and asymmetrical voltage, but still having energy quality standards keywords: current; figure; filter; harmonics; power; resonance; substation; supply; traction; value; voltage cache: actaimeko-232.pdf plain text: actaimeko-232.txt item: #351 of 841 id: actaimeko-233 author: Catelani, Marcantonio; Ciani, Lorenzo title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on "Technical Diagnostics : New Perspectives in Measurements, Tools and Techniques for Industrial Applications" date: 2014-12-01 words: 1431 flesch: 41 summary: [3] Massimo Lazzaroni et al., Thermal modeling and characterization for designing reliable power converters for LHC power supplies,Acta IMEKO, vol. [7] M. Numan Durakbaşa et al., Surface Roughness Modeling with Edge Radius and End Milling Parameters on Al 7075 Alloy Using Taguchi and Regression Methods,Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: acta; article; december; imeko; quality cache: actaimeko-233.pdf plain text: actaimeko-233.txt item: #352 of 841 id: actaimeko-234 author: Ribeiro, Artur Lopes; Ribeiro, A. Lopes; Ramos, Helena G.; Rocha, Tiago J. title: Defect detection in stainless steel tubes with AMR and GMR sensors using remote field eddy current inspection date: 2015-06-29 words: 4011 flesch: 53 summary: A data acquisition board (PXI-6251) included in a PXI System from National Instruments (NI), measures the output voltage (from GMR or AMR sensors), amplified by an instrumentation amplifier (INA118) with 40 dB of gain, and the voltage across the current sampling resistor Rs equal to 0.22 Ω. CONCLUSIONS  The probes presented in this paper proved that AMR and GMR sensors as detectors seem to be good alternatives to conventional remote field eddy current probes that use coils as detectors. keywords: coil; current; defect; eddy; excitation; field; figure; gmr; sensor cache: actaimeko-234.pdf plain text: actaimeko-234.txt item: #353 of 841 id: actaimeko-235 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Journal contacts date: 2014-12-01 words: 300 flesch: 29 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paolo Carbone, Italy HONORARY EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands EDITORIAL BOARD Francisco Alegria, Portugal Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Fabio Leccese, Italy Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Pedro Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Susanne Toepfer, Germany Rainer Tutsch, Germany Luca De Vito, Italy ABOUT IMEKO  The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 39 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Perugia, Italy email: ACTA IMEKO Prof. Paul P. L. Regtien Measurement Science Consultancy (MSC) Julia Culpstraat 66, 7558 JB Hengelo (OV), The Netherlands email: keywords: imeko; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-235.pdf plain text: actaimeko-235.txt item: #354 of 841 id: actaimeko-237 author: Lancini, Matteo; Bodini, Ileana; Vetturi, David; Pasinetti, Simone; Mazzù, Angelo; Solazzi, Luigi; Petrogalli, Candida; Faccoli, Michela title: Using vibrations to detect high wear rates in rolling contact fatigue tests date: 2015-12-23 words: 5124 flesch: 53 summary: This would reduce both cost and time needed to perform RCF tests on railway materials. [11] Solazzi, L., C. Petrogalli, and M. Lancini, “Vibration based diagnostics on rolling contact fatigue test bench”, Procedia Engineering 2011, 10, pp. keywords: contact; cycles; figure; specimen; surface; test; wear; wheel cache: actaimeko-237.pdf plain text: actaimeko-237.txt item: #355 of 841 id: actaimeko-239 author: D'Emilia, Giulio; Gaspari, Antonella; Natale, Emanuela title: Dynamic calibration uncertainty of three-axis low frequency accelerometers date: 2015-12-23 words: 5031 flesch: 39 summary: ACTA IMEKO |  December 2015 | Volume 4 | Number 4 | 76  Even if different aspects are studied, like bias correction and main and cross sensitivity evaluation, an exhaustive description of calibration uncertainty causes cannot be found, in particular with reference to the dynamic behaviour in the low frequency range (0 to 10 Hz). The tests so far carried out also suggested some actions to be carried on to improve the calibration procedure performances by reducing calibration uncertainty, in particular of at and its components; this objective will be pursued by making more accurate and repeatable the real reference acceleration profile. keywords: acceleration; accelerometer; axis; calibration; matrix; reference; sensitivity; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-239.pdf plain text: actaimeko-239.txt item: #356 of 841 id: actaimeko-24 author: Souza, Regiane; Afonso Jr., Renato; Klonz, Manfred; Landim, Regis title: New generation of AC-DC Current Transfer Standards at Inmetro date: 2012-07-10 words: 3447 flesch: 69 summary: [11] T. Funck, and M. Klonz, “Improved AC-DC current transfer step-up with new current shunts and potential driven guarding”, IEEE Trans.         (1) with  step i – 1: Transfer difference of standard at the step i – 1. keywords: current; standards; transfer cache: actaimeko-24.pdf plain text: actaimeko-24.txt item: #357 of 841 id: actaimeko-244 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Journal contacts date: 2015-02-05 words: 302 flesch: 34 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paolo Carbone, Italy HONORARY EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands EDITORIAL BOARD Francisco Alegria, Portugal Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Fabio Leccese, Italy Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Pedro Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Susanne Toepfer, Germany Rainer Tutsch, Germany Luca De Vito, Italy ABOUT IMEKO  The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 39 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Perugia, Italy email: ACTA IMEKO Prof. Paul P. L. Regtien Measurement Science Consultancy (MSC) Julia Culpstraat 66, 7558 JB Hengelo (OV), The Netherlands email: keywords: imeko; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-244.pdf plain text: actaimeko-244.txt item: #358 of 841 id: actaimeko-245 author: Fontanelli, Daniele; Macii, David; Rizano, Tizar title: A fast and low-cost vision-based line tracking measurement system for robotic vehicles date: 2015-06-29 words: 9090 flesch: 60 summary: In general, the problem of line detection is closely related to the classic problem of line recognition in images [22], [23], although it is made more difficult by time-varying light conditions and by the robot’s dynamics. In this way, the probability of recording unwanted objects that may perturb line detection is much smaller than using a front camera. keywords: algorithm; camera; detection; figure; filter; ieee; image; kalman; line; ransac; system; tracking; vehicle; vision cache: actaimeko-245.pdf plain text: actaimeko-245.txt item: #359 of 841 id: actaimeko-246 author: Salceanu, Alexandru; Gomariz, Spartacus title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on the "19th Symposium on Measurement of Electrical Quantities" and the "17th Workshop on ADC/DAC Modelling and Testing" date: 2015-02-05 words: 2178 flesch: 34 summary: The behavior of systems that are prone to noise is investigated in the paper by Angrisani et al (p. 11), mainly from the perspective of the noise sources available on the market, with focus on the generators of colored noise. The starting point of the paper by Skórkowski et al (p. 105) is based on the diagrams of a virtual quasi-balanced instrument, continuing with the verification of a quasi- balanced circuit, virtual realization, for capacitance measurements. keywords: acta; february; imeko; measurement; paper cache: actaimeko-246.pdf plain text: actaimeko-246.txt item: #360 of 841 id: actaimeko-247 author: Scheffler, Marc; Felger, M. Maximilian; Thiemann, Markus; Hafner, Daniel; Schlegel, Katrin; Dressel, Martin; Ilin, Konstantin S.; Siegel, Michael; Seiro, Silvia; Geibel, Christoph; Steglich, Frank title: Broadband Corbino spectroscopy and stripline resonators to study the microwave properties of superconductors date: 2015-09-27 words: 5228 flesch: 50 summary: [1] U.S. Pracht, E. Heintze, C. Clauss, D. Hafner, R. Bek, D. Werner, S. Gelhorn, M. Scheffler, M. Dressel, D. Sherman, B. Gorshunov, K.S. Il'in, D. Henrich, M. Siegel, Electrodynamics of the superconducting state in ultra-thin Films at THz frequencies, IEEE Trans. THz Sci. [8] D. Hafner, M. Dressel, M. Scheffler, Surface-resistance measurements using superconducting stripline resonators, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85 (2014) article 014702. keywords: article; corbino; dressel; frequencies; frequency; microwave; phys; rev; sample; stripline; study; superconductors cache: actaimeko-247.pdf plain text: actaimeko-247.txt item: #361 of 841 id: actaimeko-248 author: Buglione, Luigi title: Some thoughts on quality models: evolution and perspectives date: 2015-09-27 words: 6090 flesch: 54 summary: Moving from the historical perspective shown, Section 4 will propose perspectives about how QM are evolving and should still evolve for properly catching the value for software quality during next years. The aim of VAF was to ‘adjust’ the product functional size by a series of quality attributes for ‘optimizing’ the statistical relationship in historical series of adjusted product functional size vs project effort. keywords: attributes; entity; figure; iso; level; measurement; number; process; product; project; quality; software cache: actaimeko-248.pdf plain text: actaimeko-248.txt item: #362 of 841 id: actaimeko-249 author: Oliveri, Alberto; Butcher, Mark; Masi, Alessandro; Storace, Marco title: Estimation of stepping motor current from long distances through cable-length-adaptive piecewise affine virtual sensor date: 2015-09-27 words: 3706 flesch: 52 summary: Virtual sensors are basically nonlinear functions of past inputs and measured outputs of the considered system. In 0, [6] and [7], PWAS functions (i.e. PieceWise Affine functions defined over a Simplicial partition) have been proposed as basis functions for the design of virtual sensors. keywords: cable; current; estimation; functions; motor; pwas; sensor cache: actaimeko-249.pdf plain text: actaimeko-249.txt item: #363 of 841 id: actaimeko-25 author: Silva, Eduardo Costa da; Gusmão, Luiz A. P.; Barbosa, Carlos Roberto Hall; Monteiro, Elisabeth Costa title: An electronic approach to homogenize the impedance phase characteristics of heterogeneous GMI sensors date: 2012-07-10 words: 4653 flesch: 53 summary: The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed homogenization method, as shown in Figures 8 and 9, allowing that GMI sensors with different phase behaviours, after being inserted in the developed “homogenizer circuit”, evolve to almost homogeneous phase behaviours. [14] E.C.Silva, L.A.P.Gusmão, C.R.H.Barbosa, E.C.Monteiro, “Magnetic field transducers based on the phase characteristics of GMI sensors and aimed to Biomedical Applications”, Proc. of 13th ICBME, Singapore, 2009, pp. 652-656. keywords: characteristics; field; figure; gmi; impedance; phase; sensors cache: actaimeko-25.pdf plain text: actaimeko-25.txt item: #364 of 841 id: actaimeko-250 author: Nováková Zachovalová, Vera; Sí­ra, Martin; Bednár, Pavel; Maslán, Stanislav title: New generation of cage-type current shunts developed using model analysis date: 2015-09-27 words: 3708 flesch: 60 summary: At the Czech Metrology Institute (CMI) the cage design was used to build a first (original) series of current shunts in 2008 Future work will address the comparison of the calculated and measured phase angle errors of the new shunts and the development of high current shunts up to 100 A. REFERENCES  keywords: current; difference; pcb; shunts cache: actaimeko-250.pdf plain text: actaimeko-250.txt item: #365 of 841 id: actaimeko-251 author: Postel-Pellerin, Jeremy; Micolau, Gilles; Chiquet, Philippe; Melkonian, Jeanne; Just, Guillaume; Boyer, Daniel; Ginoux, Cyril title: Setting up of a floating gate test bench in a low noise environment to measure very low tunneling currents date: 2015-09-27 words: 3880 flesch: 55 summary: but when extracting lower current levels, the resolution decreases down to around 10-19 A. It is one of the main known advantages of the Floating-Gate Technique to have a resolution improving with time. It also requires a reliable and reproducible process to extract leakage current from the charge versus time evolution. keywords: current; drain; figure; gate; leakage; measurements; technique; time cache: actaimeko-251.pdf plain text: actaimeko-251.txt item: #366 of 841 id: actaimeko-254 author: Pallares Valls, Oriol; Bouvet, Pierre-Jean; del Río, Joaquín title: Hybrid time synchronization for Underwater Sensor Networks date: 2015-09-27 words: 4111 flesch: 51 summary: In order to perform this information exchange and create collaborative tasks, time synchronization is one of the main fields to study in Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSN) for distributed applications such as target tracking, data acquisition systems or acoustic beam-forming. It splits time synchronization in two phases. keywords: clock; communication; drift; networks; order; propagation; synchronization; time cache: actaimeko-254.pdf plain text: actaimeko-254.txt item: #367 of 841 id: actaimeko-257 author: Pálfi, Vilmos; Virosztek, Tamás; Kollár, István title: Full information ADC test procedures using sinusoidal excitation, implemented in MATLAB and LabVIEW date: 2015-09-27 words: 6925 flesch: 55 summary: It is important to notice that no a priori information is used or required, the source of the information (transition levels, signal parameters, etc.) is the measured data only. The goal of maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of sine wave and ADC parameters [17], [21] is to provide minimum-variance unbiased (MVU) estimators for the analog excitation signal considering the non-ideal properties of the quantizer. keywords: adc; histogram; method; number; parameters; signal; sine; test; wave cache: actaimeko-257.pdf plain text: actaimeko-257.txt item: #368 of 841 id: actaimeko-258 author: Lahouli, Rihab; Ben-Romdhane, Manel; Rebai, Chiheb; Dallet, Dominique title: Mixed baseband architecture based on FBD ΣΔ–based ADC for multistandard receivers date: 2015-09-27 words: 6768 flesch: 55 summary: Starting from the test case corresponding to the FBD - based ADC architecture operating to digitize UMTS signals, the design of a demodulation based digital reconstruction stage is performed. The choice of this test case has been made because the three first branches of the ADC architecture, which are activated for digitizing UMTS signals, are reused for the digitization of IEEE802.11a signals. keywords: adc; architecture; branch; design; digital; fbd; figure; filter; frequency; reconstruction; signals; stage; umts cache: actaimeko-258.pdf plain text: actaimeko-258.txt item: #369 of 841 id: actaimeko-259 author: Lamonaca, Francesco; Carnì, Domenico Luca; Grimaldi, Domenico title: Time coordination of standalone measurement instruments by synchronized triggering date: 2015-09-27 words: 5011 flesch: 61 summary: [11] L. Kebin, M. Qiang, L. Haoxiang, C. Zhichao, L. Yunhao, End- to-End Delay Measurement in Wireless Sensor Networks without Synchronization, in Proc. of IEEE 10th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), 2013, pp. [12] P. Kieu-Ha, T. Huy, J. Tiete, L. Tran, K. Steenhaut, Low- overhead time synchronization for schedule-based multi-channel wireless sensor networks, in Proc. of 19th IEEE Workshop on Local & Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), , 2013, pp. 1-6. keywords: clock; delay; line; measurement; phase; synchronization; time; trigger cache: actaimeko-259.pdf plain text: actaimeko-259.txt item: #370 of 841 id: actaimeko-260 author: Schirripa Spagnolo, Giuseppe; Cozzella, Lorenzo; Caciotta, Maurizio; Colasanti, Roberto; Ferrari, Gianluca title: Painting authentication by means of a biometric-like approach date: 2015-09-27 words: 5166 flesch: 45 summary: The DOI to be used for retrieving artwork authentication and bibliographical information can be stored in a secure way inside an RFID. By choosing the appropriate characteristic, such kind of identification can be applied to many types of artwork objects. keywords: artwork; authentication; digital; image; information; original; rfid; system; template; verification; way cache: actaimeko-260.pdf plain text: actaimeko-260.txt item: #371 of 841 id: actaimeko-261 author: Obrzut, Jan title: Surface conductance and microwave scattering in semicontinuous gold films date: 2015-09-27 words: 4506 flesch: 52 summary: With film conductance increasing beyond the conductivity percolation threshold, s > 10-3 S, (d > 6 nm) the phase angle changes from negative to positive values by about . Semicontinuous films were deposited by thermal evaporation of gold directly onto CPW through a shadow mask. keywords: absorption; conductance; dielectric; films; microwave; percolation; phase; scattering; surface cache: actaimeko-261.pdf plain text: actaimeko-261.txt item: #372 of 841 id: actaimeko-263 author: Kislitsyna, Irina A; Malykhina, Galina F title: Mathematical modeling of altimeter date: 2015-12-23 words: 2835 flesch: 64 summary: The amount of scattered gamma rays depends on the type of the underlying surface of the Moon [3]. Calculations by (1) to (4) showed that the intensity of the scattered radiation decreases with increasing scattering angle. keywords: angle; gamma; height; intensity; scattering; surface cache: actaimeko-263.pdf plain text: actaimeko-263.txt item: #373 of 841 id: actaimeko-265 author: Gonzalez-Duran, Jose Eli Eduardo; Estrada-Baltazar, Alejandro; Lira-Cortes, Leonel title: Development of combustion chamber of a reference calorimeter with numerical analysis date: 2015-12-23 words: 2652 flesch: 52 summary: The burner, combustion chamber and heat exchanger are immersed in the calorimeter vessel. The results of increasing the area of the elliptical chamber was that heat exchange increases and therefore the temperature of burned gases is lower than in the cylindrical chamber with hemispherical lid. keywords: calorimeter; chamber; combustion; heat; temperature; work cache: actaimeko-265.pdf plain text: actaimeko-265.txt item: #374 of 841 id: actaimeko-266 author: Kureková, Eva; Omachelová, Milada; Halaj, Martin; Martišovitš, Ilja title: Positioning uncertainty of the Tricept type parallel kinematic structure date: 2015-12-23 words: 4655 flesch: 56 summary: The matrix notation of such a transformation is Q = Oy()  Ox()  (q + ze3) that can be itemized as                                           zq q q Q Q Q z y x z y x . This is described by the following equation:                                                          dz d d z QQQ z QQQ z QQQ dQ dQ dQ zzz yyy xxx z y x      . . keywords: matrix; point;  ;  ;  ;  ;   cache: actaimeko-266.pdf plain text: actaimeko-266.txt item: #375 of 841 id: actaimeko-267 author: Pavese, Franco title: Key comparisons: the chance for discrepant results and some consequences date: 2015-12-23 words: 8460 flesch: 48 summary: In the VIM3 (2.18) “measurement bias” is defined “estimate of a systematic measurement error” (emphasis added), where the “systematic measurement error” (in short ‘systematic error’) is defined in (2.17) “component of measurement error that in replicate measurements remains constant or varies in a predictable manner”, and with Note 3 to (2.17) indicating “Systematic measurement error equals measurement error minus random measurement error”. These terms correspond to systematic error values” (emphasis added). keywords: correction; effects; error; gum; measurement; quantities; quantity; result; term; value cache: actaimeko-267.pdf plain text: actaimeko-267.txt item: #376 of 841 id: actaimeko-268 author: Mazin, Valery title: Physical quantity as a pseudo-euclidean vector date: 2015-12-23 words: 3573 flesch: 55 summary: ACTA IMEKO |  December 2015 | Volume 4 | Number 4 | 5  A collection of logarithms of physical quantities in any power (integer and fractional) plus Zero defines a Vector Space. This possibility of natural and, in essence, necessary combination of the center of probability distribution and the degree of uncertainty for a quantity, is a reason to favor this geometrical concept of representing physical quantities. keywords: quantity; unit; vector cache: actaimeko-268.pdf plain text: actaimeko-268.txt item: #377 of 841 id: actaimeko-27 author: Bernieri, Andrea; Capriglione, Domenico; Ferrigno, Luigi; Laracca, Marco title: Design of an efficient mobile measurement system for urban pollution monitoring date: 2012-07-10 words: 5173 flesch: 46 summary: - Central Supervisor System (CSS): designed to be located in a fixed position and devoted to remotely access to measurement data. The CSS is a workstation equipped with the necessary devices and software for retrieving, storing, and viewing measurement data collected by MMUs as well as for managing the data elaboration. keywords: air; data; devices; figure; measurement; mmu; mobile; monitoring; number; pollution; system; unit cache: actaimeko-27.pdf plain text: actaimeko-27.txt item: #378 of 841 id: actaimeko-270 author: Bongiorno, Jacopo; Mariscotti, Andrea title: Accuracy of railway track conductance and joint efficiency measurement methods date: 2015-12-23 words: 4511 flesch: 49 summary: The rail section is modelled as a ladder network of resistance and conductance elements, Rr,i and Gr,i, respectively, each determined by the per-unit-length values multiplied by the equivalent length of the circuit cell; R0 represents the equivalent resistance of track sections behind IRJ-1. ACTA IMEKO |  December 2015 | Volume 4 | Number 4 | 85  lengths L = 500 m, 1000 m and 1500 m. Low values of R0 indicate a well earthed long track section behind the first joint; conversely large values are typical of short track sections (maybe accidentally sectioned) and hence a more difficult path for the return current of the source. keywords: current; measurement; rail; section; track; voltage cache: actaimeko-270.pdf plain text: actaimeko-270.txt item: #379 of 841 id: actaimeko-271 author: Barari, Ahmad; Jamiolahmadi, Saeed title: Convergence of a finite difference approach for detailed deviation zone estimation in coordinate metrology date: 2015-12-23 words: 4052 flesch: 56 summary: Therefore, it is assumed that the sites are available to represent the continuity of geometric deviation function. The focus of this paper is on evaluation of a detailed deviation zone when a detailed level of information for the distribution of geometric deviations is required. keywords: deviation; figure; points; surface; zone cache: actaimeko-271.pdf plain text: actaimeko-271.txt item: #380 of 841 id: actaimeko-272 author: Brüge, Andreas title: Uncertainty restrictions of transfer click-torque wrenches date: 2015-06-29 words: 6334 flesch: 50 summary: In contrast to CTW calibration according to ISO 6789, transfer measurements can be reduced to very close limits of temperature, because these measurements are only reasonable in laboratories with low uncertainty budget and thereby with an efficient temperature control. Comparisons of release measurements with different sampling rates exhibit relative deviations of the peak value up to 1.3·10-3 (Figure 6). keywords: calibration; ctw; ctws; measurements; relative; release; torque; transfer; uncertainty; value cache: actaimeko-272.pdf plain text: actaimeko-272.txt item: #381 of 841 id: actaimeko-273 author: Willink, Robin title: Type A evaluation of measurement uncertainty when the sample size is not predetermined date: 2015-12-23 words: 6728 flesch: 56 summary: Yet many laboratory experiments involve sample sizes that are not known in advance. The assessment of the variance of a component of measurement error by statistical means is known as Type A evaluation of measurement uncertainty. keywords: interval; measurement; sample; size; stopping; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-273.pdf plain text: actaimeko-273.txt item: #382 of 841 id: actaimeko-274 author: Bucar-Miklavcic, Milena; Golob, Terezija; Valencic, Vasilij; Bester, Erika; Butinar, Bojan; Miklavcic Visnjevec, Ana title: Variations of phenolic compounds and sensory properties of virgin olive oils from the variety 'Istrska belica' date: 2016-04-29 words: 7273 flesch: 56 summary: According to European Union Regulation (UE) 432/2012, phenolic compounds can be cited according to the indication: “Olive oil phenolic compounds contribute to the protection of blood lipids from oxidative stress”. Endogenous enzymes in the olive fruit are involved in the phenolic profile and in its qualitative and quantitative modification during the processing of virgin olive oils [28]. keywords: belica; compounds; derivatives; istrska; ligstroside; oil; oils; oleuropein; olive; olive oil; storage; sum; virgin; year cache: actaimeko-274.pdf plain text: actaimeko-274.txt item: #383 of 841 id: actaimeko-278 author: Monaci, Linda; Pilolli, Rosa; De Angelis, Elisabetta; Carone, Rossella; Pascale, Michelangelo title: LC-tandem mass spectrometry as a screening tool for multiple detection of allergenic ingredients in complex foods date: 2016-04-29 words: 3585 flesch: 48 summary: For the production of blank cookie samples the amount of allergenic foods was replaced by wheat flour (a total of 32 g). [3] S. Hattersley, R. Ward, A. Baka, R.W.R. Crevel, Advances in the risk management of unintended presence of allergenic foods in manufactured food products - An overview. keywords: allergenic; detection; food; markers; mass; method; min; monaci; peptide cache: actaimeko-278.pdf plain text: actaimeko-278.txt item: #384 of 841 id: actaimeko-28 author: Slomovitz, Daniel; Trigo, Leonardo; Faverio, Carlos title: Two-Stage Current Transformer with Electronic Compensation date: 2012-07-10 words: 3085 flesch: 68 summary: This leads to the use of current transformers (CT) to reduce the current through the shunt to a small value, so that the shunt dissipates a small power with low temperature rise. [11] R. Friedl, Current transformers with electronic error compensation, Messkechnik, vol. keywords: current; error; stage; transformer; windings cache: actaimeko-28.pdf plain text: actaimeko-28.txt item: #385 of 841 id: actaimeko-281 author: Crenna, Francesco; Rossi, Giovanni Battista; Palazzo, Alice title: Measurement of human movement under metrological controlled conditions date: 2015-12-23 words: 6868 flesch: 53 summary: Angles from the video system are computed by trigonometric formulae applied to marker positions measurements, while the IMU system measures angles directly [23]. Both the rather small variation in segment length, which is less than 1.5 % for tibiae, the worst case, and the good agreement on the angles computed from video and inertial data, give confidence about measurement system reliability. keywords: cop; data; figure; force; ground; hopping; imu; marker; measurement; position; subject; system; test; video cache: actaimeko-281.pdf plain text: actaimeko-281.txt item: #386 of 841 id: actaimeko-283 author: Scarano, Simona; Mariani, Stefano; Minunni, Maria title: Label free Affinity sensing: application to food analysis date: 2016-04-29 words: 7719 flesch: 51 summary: One or more cassettes can be introduced into the host genome [47], Figure 5. Analytical approaches based on DNA detection of GMOs are based on the detection of markers of transgenosis, i.e. one of afore mentioned elements, the promoter, the terminator or the coding gene [48]. This interaction has been widely used in food analysis. keywords: acid; affinity; analysis; biosensors; crystal; detection; dna; food; gmos; i.e.; minunni; nucleic; qcm; quartz; sensing; spr; surface cache: actaimeko-283.pdf plain text: actaimeko-283.txt item: #387 of 841 id: actaimeko-284 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Editorial date: 2015-06-29 words: 1264 flesch: 46 summary: While it originally started as one of the two journals of IMEKO, publishing invited and extended versions of papers presented at IMEKO conferences and workshops it now also considers papers describing results and advancements in the state-of-the- art of measurement science as a whole, freely submitted by their authors. The next series of papers is associated to the event held in South Africa last year. keywords: imeko; june; paper; university cache: actaimeko-284.pdf plain text: actaimeko-284.txt item: #388 of 841 id: actaimeko-285 author: Casale, Monica; Bagnasco, Lucia; Casolino, Chiara; Lanteri, Silvia; Leardi, Riccardo title: Spectroscopic fingerprinting techniques for food characterisation date: 2016-04-29 words: 2739 flesch: 47 summary: As it can be noticed in Figure 2, the model obtained is capable to predict barley concentration with a very satisfactory accuracy, not only in calibration but also on external samples. For example, in order to discriminate extra virgin olive oils on the basis of the olive cultivar, oil samples should be collected from different oil mills in order to take into account the different sources of variability, such as geographical origin, production year, harvest period and production technologies (fertilizer, olive fly control tools, extraction process, etc). 2) Spectra acquisition and data matrix The acquisition of the spectra is very simple and generally requires few minutes. keywords: analysis; barley; food; model; samples; set; spectroscopy cache: actaimeko-285.pdf plain text: actaimeko-285.txt item: #389 of 841 id: actaimeko-286 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Journal contacts date: 2015-06-29 words: 302 flesch: 33 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221- 870X.      EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paolo Carbone, Italy    HONORARY EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands    EDITORIAL BOARD      Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Pedro Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Susanne Toepfer, Germany Rainer Tutsch, Germany Ian Veldman, South Africa Luca De Vito, Italy     ABOUT IMEKO    The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 39 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Its fundamental objectives are the promotion of international interchange of scientific and technical information in the field of measurement, and the enhancement of international co-operation among scientists and engineers from research and industry.     keywords: imeko; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-286.pdf plain text: actaimeko-286.txt item: #390 of 841 id: actaimeko-287 author: Moscone, Danila; Volpe, Giulia; Arduini, Fabiana; Micheli, Laura title: Rapid electrochemical screening methods for food safety and quality date: 2016-04-29 words: 5038 flesch: 49 summary: At present, a lot of detection methods have been reported and reviewed [6]. but for reasons of animal welfare, of poor sensitivity and specificity, and long analysis times, other methods detection are required by EFSA [25], [26]. keywords: detection; electrode; food; methods; pesticides; salmonella; samples; screen; spes; system; use; water cache: actaimeko-287.pdf plain text: actaimeko-287.txt item: #391 of 841 id: actaimeko-288 author: Colabucci, Andrea; Turco, Anna Chiara; Ciprotti, Maria; Di Gregorio, Marco; Sorbo, Angela; Ciaralli, Laura title: Analysis of Cadmium and Lead in honey: direct-determination by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry date: 2016-04-29 words: 4644 flesch: 48 summary: Furthermore, the EURL-CEFAO developed, validated and distributed among the NRLs “ad-hoc” in-house methods to quantify Cd and Pb in honey so as to fulfil another’s key task, namely providing national reference laboratories with details of analytical methods. ISSN: 2221‐870X  April 2016, Volume 5, Number 1, 10‐14    ACTA IMEKO |  April 2016 | Volume 5 | Number 1 | 10  Analysis of Cadmium and Lead in honey: direct‐ determination by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption  Spectrometry  Andrea Colabucci, Anna Chiara Turco, Maria Ciprotti, Marco Di Gregorio, Angela Sorbo, Laura Ciaralli   European Union Reference Laboratory for Chemical Elements in Food of Animal Origin (EURL‐CEFAO), Department of Food Safety and  Veterinary Public Health, Italian National Institute of Health, V.le Regina Elena, 299‐ 00161 Rome, Italy       Section: RESEARCH PAPER   Keywords: method validation; chemical elements; honey; atomic absorption  Citation: Andrea Colabucci, Anna Chiara Turco, Maria Ciprotti, Marco Di Gregorio, Angela Sorbo, Laura Ciaralli, Analysis of Cadmium and Lead in honey:  direct‐determination by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Acta IMEKO, vol. 5, no. 1, article 4, April 2016, identifier: IMEKO‐ACTA‐05  (2016)‐01‐04  Section Editor: Claudia Zoani, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development affiliation, Rome, Italy  Received July 31, 2015; In final form December 22, 2015; Published April keywords: elements; eurl; honey; material; method; sample cache: actaimeko-288.pdf plain text: actaimeko-288.txt item: #392 of 841 id: actaimeko-289 author: Saliga, Jan; Rapuano, Sergio title: Introduction to the Special Issue on the 20th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium and the 18th TC4 Workshop on ADC and DAC Modelling and Testing date: 2015-09-27 words: 1438 flesch: 32 summary: The paper Hybrid time synchronization for underwater sensor networks, by Oriol Pallares Valls, Pierre-Jean Bouvet and ACTA IMEKO |  September 2015 | Volume 4 | Number 3 | 3  Joaquin del Río, is focused on a particular but significant case of distributed measurement system. Software is an essential component of many measurement systems, while metrology concepts are the base of any method for evaluating the quality of software. keywords: imeko; issue; measurement; paper; tc-4 cache: actaimeko-289.pdf plain text: actaimeko-289.txt item: #393 of 841 id: actaimeko-292 author: Potocnik, Doris; Necemer, Marijan; Mazej, Darja; Jacimovic, Radojko; Ogrinc, Nives title: Multi-elemental composition of Slovenian milk: analytical approach and geographical origin determination date: 2016-04-29 words: 6020 flesch: 57 summary: ICP‐MS measurements  For multi-elemental analysis of milk samples with ICP-MS two procedures of sample preparation were used: a) Microwave digestion: about 1 mL of milk sample (0.15 g of lyophilized sample) was weighed into quartz tubes. Thus, the main objectives of this paper are: (1) to verify the methods for elemental composition in milk samples including EDXRF, k0-INAA and ICP-MS; and (2) to differentiate the milk according to geographical region in Slovenia based on elemental composition. keywords: analysis; determination; edxrf; elemental; elements; food; icp; milk; samples cache: actaimeko-292.pdf plain text: actaimeko-292.txt item: #394 of 841 id: actaimeko-293 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Journal contacts date: 2015-09-27 words: 302 flesch: 32 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221- 870X.      EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paolo Carbone, Italy    HONORARY EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands    EDITORIAL BOARD      Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Pedro Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Susanne Toepfer, Germany Rainer Tutsch, Germany Ian Veldman, South Africa Luca De Vito, Italy     ABOUT IMEKO    The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 39 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Its fundamental objectives are the promotion of international interchange of scientific and technical information in the field of measurement, and the enhancement of international co-operation among scientists and engineers from research and industry.     keywords: imeko; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-293.pdf plain text: actaimeko-293.txt item: #395 of 841 id: actaimeko-294 author: Volosnikov, Andrei S.; Shestakov, Aleksandr L. title: Neural network approach to reduce dynamic measurement errors date: 2016-11-04 words: 4853 flesch: 57 summary: The recurrence equation that determines the relationship between the input and output of the ANN inverse sensor model is as follows:           n j j n i ia jkywikuvnetnetfku 01 ** , (12) where  ky and  ku* are samples of the sensor output signal and the output signal of the ANN inverse sensor model, respectively, at discrete times Tktk  for ...,2,1,0k ; jw for nj ...,,1,0 and iv for ni ...,,2,1 are weights of the ANN inverse sensor model. The discrete TF of the internal filter in the structure of the ANN section  1TCd is described by the following equation:      zWzWzW keywords: ann; inverse; model; sensor; sensor model; training;  ;   cache: actaimeko-294.pdf plain text: actaimeko-294.txt item: #396 of 841 id: actaimeko-297 author: Pavese, Franco title: Introduction to the Special Section of the IMEKO TC21  “Mathematical Tools in Measurements” date: 2015-12-23 words: 444 flesch: 34 summary: 4, no. 4, article 1,  December 2015, identifier: IMEKO‐ACTA‐04 (2015)‐04‐01  Section Editor: Franco Pavese, Torino, Italy  Received December 10, 2015; In final form December 10, 2015; Published December 2015  Copyright: © 2015 IMEKO.  ISSN: 2221‐870X  December 2015, Volume 4, Number 4, 2    ACTA IMEKO |  December 2015 | Volume 4 | Number 4 | 2  Introduction to the Special Section of the IMEKO TC21  “Mathematical Tools in Measurements”  Franco Pavese   Torino, Italy     Section: EDITORIAL   Citation: Franco Pavese, Introduction to the Special Section of the IMEKO TC21 “Mathematical Tools in Measurements”, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: december; imeko cache: actaimeko-297.pdf plain text: actaimeko-297.txt item: #397 of 841 id: actaimeko-298 author: Maina, Anderson; Veldman, Ian; Ploug, Henning title: NMISA, KEBS, BKSV tri-lateral vibration comparison results date: 2016-04-29 words: 5384 flesch: 63 summary: It was supposed to provide support and validation of participating laboratories’ MCs in the field of vibration for magnitude sensitivity of accelerometers. Comparison Reference Value  The CRVs were obtained from the mean of measurements carried out at the beginning, middle and end of the circulation period by NMISA primary vibration calibration system. keywords: nmisa; results cache: actaimeko-298.pdf plain text: actaimeko-298.txt item: #398 of 841 id: actaimeko-299 author: Ren, Xiaoping; Wang, Jian; Wilson, Ombati; Wang, Yong; Chen, Bai-fan; Cai, Chang-qing title: Surface analytical model and sorption artifact designing method date: 2016-11-04 words: 3752 flesch: 61 summary: Results of sorption measurements in air are as shown in Figure 8, in which, ΔI, Δm, h, t and ρ respectively represent balance indication, mass difference, relative humidity, temperature in the measurement chamber and air density. This study was congruent with earlier research findings on negligible influence of the effect of roughness condition and temperature of weight surface keywords: air; figure; mass; measurement; sorption; stack; surface; volume cache: actaimeko-299.pdf plain text: actaimeko-299.txt item: #399 of 841 id: actaimeko-301 author: Medina, Nieves; de Vicente, Jesús; Robles, Jorge title: Magnetic fields influence on sensors with electrical output under sinusoidal excitations date: 2016-04-29 words: 5773 flesch: 62 summary: According to Figure 16, Figure 17 and Figure 18 it can be deduced that the sensor’s output phase shift is -90° for resistive sensors and 0° for piezoelectric sensors ( 180º, due to the indeterminacy of the arc tangent function used for calculating the phase). In the case of piezoelectric sensors, the observed output depends on the inverse of the frequency squared. keywords: effects; figure; frequency; output; sensitivity; sensor cache: actaimeko-301.pdf plain text: actaimeko-301.txt item: #400 of 841 id: actaimeko-302 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Journal contacts date: 2015-12-23 words: 324 flesch: 35 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X.      EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paolo Carbone, Italy    HONORARY EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands    EDITORIAL BOARD      Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Fabio Leccese, Italy David Macii, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Pedro Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Diego Scaccabarozzi, Italy Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Susanne Toepfer, Germany Rainer Tutsch, Germany Ian Veldman, South Africa Luca De Vito, Italy       ABOUT IMEKO    The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 39 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Its fundamental objectives are the promotion of international interchange of scientific and technical information in the field of measurement, and the enhancement of international co-operation among scientists and engineers from research and industry.     keywords: imeko; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-302.pdf plain text: actaimeko-302.txt item: #401 of 841 id: actaimeko-304 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Editorial date: 2015-12-23 words: 650 flesch: 41 summary: By using vibration measurements authors show how to detect high wear rates in rolling contacts. In the paper it is reported the application of IEC 62128-2 for performing such measurements and experimental results are also described. keywords: december; paper cache: actaimeko-304.pdf plain text: actaimeko-304.txt item: #402 of 841 id: actaimeko-305 author: Pribil, Jiri; Pribilová, Anna; Frollo, Ivan title: Influence of the Human Body Mass in the Open-air MRI on Acoustic Noise Spectrum date: 2016-11-04 words: 4622 flesch: 56 summary: Our method uses only one microphone that picks up the noise of the running MRI scan sequence without phonation and then it records the speech signal during phonation with the background MRI noise. [7] G. Kannan, A.A. Milani, I.M.S. Panahi, R.W. Briggs, An efficient feedback active noise control algorithm based on reduced-order linear predictive modeling of fMRI acoustic noise, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 53 (2011) pp. keywords: female; figure; mri; noise; phantom; properties; scanning; signal cache: actaimeko-305.pdf plain text: actaimeko-305.txt item: #403 of 841 id: actaimeko-308 author: Cundeva-Blajer, Marija title: Three-cycle university studies in metrology - An innovative development approach date: 2016-11-04 words: 5518 flesch: 40 summary: Scientific metrology. The joint PhD study program in metrology consists of four pillars:  ICT in metrology;  Instrumentation, industrial metrology, quality science;  Metrology for life and society;  keywords: education; measurement; metrology; phd; program; studies; study; systems; universities; university cache: actaimeko-308.pdf plain text: actaimeko-308.txt item: #404 of 841 id: actaimeko-310 author: Osman, Seifelnasr Mahmoud; Kumme, Rolf; El-Hakeem, Hany Mohamed; Loeffler, Frank; Hasan, Ebtisam Hsan; Rashad, Ragaie Mohamed; Kouta, Fawzaia Hanem title: Multi-capacity load cell prototype date: 2016-11-04 words: 3232 flesch: 56 summary: Based on PTB past experience [5], the four main parts (main element, Figure  1.  Schematic  of  the  concept  of  adding  elastic  elements  to  form  a three‐range multi‐capacity load cell.   Main element first cylinder Second cylinder Third capacity 100 MPa Second capacity 115.5 MPa First capacity 164 MPa ACTA IMEKO |  November 2016 | Volume 5 | Number 3 | 67  transducer under the loads. keywords: capacity; cell; element; load; range cache: actaimeko-310.pdf plain text: actaimeko-310.txt item: #405 of 841 id: actaimeko-312 author: Popovic Renella, Dragana; Spasic, Sasa; Dimitrijevic, Sasa; Blagojevic, Marjan; S Popovic, Radivoje title: An overview of commercially available Teslameters for applications in modern science and industry date: 2017-04-25 words: 4494 flesch: 50 summary: Hall teslameters are used for measuring magnetic flux densities in the magnetic field range from a few µT to about 30 T, a frequency range from DC to several tens of kHz, and a temperature range from a few degrees K to about 200 °C (although most of commercially available teslameters are intended for a much narrower temperature range around room temperature). The novel SENIS 3-axis teslameter with integrated Hall probe seems to match best the demanding measurement needs in various applications in modern science and industry. keywords: field; hall; magnetic; measurement; probe; range; resolution; temperature; teslameter cache: actaimeko-312.pdf plain text: actaimeko-312.txt item: #406 of 841 id: actaimeko-314 author: Sun, Qiao; Hu, Hong-bo title: Implementations and pilot comparison of primary low intensity shock calibration date: 2016-11-04 words: 3793 flesch: 47 summary: Part 13: Primary shock calibration using laser interferometry, 2001. ACTA IMEKO |  November 2016 | Volume 5 | Number 3| 71  During the meeting of APMP TCAUV in 2011, the decision was taken to make preparations for a pilot comparison targeted at low intensity shock acceleration. keywords: acceleration; calibration; comparison; device; excitation; intensity; pulse; shock cache: actaimeko-314.pdf plain text: actaimeko-314.txt item: #407 of 841 id: actaimeko-316 author: Tarasiuk, Tomasz title: Simple methods of voltage dip tracking– case study date: 2017-12-28 words: 7282 flesch: 62 summary: Proliferation of non-linear loads and renewable energy resources have led to notorious voltage disturbances, like voltage and current waveform distortions, voltage dips etc. This paper is focused solely on the singular feature of these ICs, namely capacity of voltage dip or swell detection. keywords: detection; dip; figure; frequency; measurement; method; power; r.m.s; standard; value; voltage; voltage dip cache: actaimeko-316.pdf plain text: actaimeko-316.txt item: #408 of 841 id: actaimeko-317 author: Müller-Schöll, Christian title: Assessment of Mass Comparator Sensitivity date: 2017-12-28 words: 4240 flesch: 49 summary: This paper proposes a procedure for assessing, evaluating and optimizing mass comparator sensitivity. 5. INITIAL CHOICE OF A SENSITIVITY TEST WEIGHT As has been mentioned above, there is only little literature available on mass comparator sensitivity. keywords: comparator; mass; sensitivity; test; uncertainty; value; weight cache: actaimeko-317.pdf plain text: actaimeko-317.txt item: #409 of 841 id: actaimeko-318 author: Klaus, Leonard title: Model parameter identification from measurement data for dynamic torque calibration – Measurement results and validation date: 2016-11-04 words: 5780 flesch: 46 summary: Static calibration is an insufficient base for an analysis of dynamic measurements in terms of measurement uncertainties and influences from dynamic signal components. However, it is planned to develop a Bayes’ estimator for the application to dynamic measurements of mechanical quantities in the future. keywords: data; measurement; model; parameters; torque; transducer; transfer cache: actaimeko-318.pdf plain text: actaimeko-318.txt item: #410 of 841 id: actaimeko-319 author: Kajikawa, Hiroaki; Kobata, Tokihiko title: Pressure gauge calibration applying 0-A-0 pressurization to reference gauge date: 2016-04-29 words: 3265 flesch: 46 summary: The type of reference pressure gauge in this study is generally used in industry, but not for calibration because its hysteresis is more than 0.3 %. The new method should be widely applicable to any kind of reference pressure gauges and pressurization procedures applied to the test gauge. keywords: calibration; gauge; pressure; pressurization; reference cache: actaimeko-319.pdf plain text: actaimeko-319.txt item: #411 of 841 id: actaimeko-320 author: Didenko, Valeriy Ivanovich title: Improved evaluation of uncertainty for indirect measurement date: 2017-07-21 words: 2963 flesch: 60 summary: ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X July 2017, Volume 6, Number 2, 89-92 ACTA IMEKO | July 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 2 | 89 Improved evaluation of uncertainty for indirect measurement Valeriy Didenko Department of Information-Measuring Technique, National Research University “MPEI”, Krasnokazarmennaya 14, 105568 Moscow, Russian Federation Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Indirect measurement; accuracy specifications; measurement uncertainty Citation: Valeriy Didenko, Improved evaluation of uncertainty for indirect measurement, Acta IMEKO, vol. Maximum absolute measurement error vs. input signal for digital instruments. keywords: error; maximum; measurement; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-320.pdf plain text: actaimeko-320.txt item: #412 of 841 id: actaimeko-322 author: Maspero, Francesco; Sibilia, Emanuela; Martini, Marco title: Constraining absolute chronologies with the application of Bayesian analysis date: 2016-09-01 words: 2868 flesch: 48 summary: The “Combine” distribution is an operation on probability distributions that combines any number of probability distribution functions which give independent information on a parameter. A special case may help: in Figure 1 a prior probability of an event A (blue curve, labelled R_Date standing for “radiocarbon date”) is depicted, which has a maximum probability spanned over 200 years; the likelihood graph (red curve, labelled C_Date standing for “calendar date”, normally distributed) states that the probability that event A occurs in conjunction with an event B (such as the use of a coin discovered in the same layer of the material associated to event A) has a normal probability distribution peaked at 920AD with an uncertainty of 20 years. keywords: bayesian; curve; dates; figure; probability; radiocarbon cache: actaimeko-322.pdf plain text: actaimeko-322.txt item: #413 of 841 id: actaimeko-324 author: Piro, Salvatore; Zamuner, Daniela title: Investigating the urban archaeological sites using Ground Penetrating Radar. The cases of Palatino Hill and St John Lateran Basilica (Roma, Italy) date: 2016-09-01 words: 4269 flesch: 46 summary: The first site, a portion of Palatine Hill (archaeological centre area of Roma) is characterized by natural soil on the surface and an overlapping of many archaeological structures in its volume. In this complex site a series of GPR surveys employing different frequencies were carried out. keywords: area; basilica; depth; gpr; ground; radar; site; structures; surveys; time cache: actaimeko-324.pdf plain text: actaimeko-324.txt item: #414 of 841 id: actaimeko-325 author: Junek, Michal; Janovec, Jiri; Duchacek, Petr title: Dependence of ultrasonic contact impedance hardness on Young’s modulus of elasticity of creep-resistant steels date: 2017-04-25 words: 4478 flesch: 60 summary: The experimental part describes comparative measurements of hardness values obtained using stationary hardness testers and UCI hardness testers. Subsequently, UCI hardness tester was used for hardness measurement in close vicinity (approximately 5 mm) of these indentations. keywords: hardness; hv10; hv10 hv10; hv10 uci; mic; modulus; young cache: actaimeko-325.pdf plain text: actaimeko-325.txt item: #415 of 841 id: actaimeko-329 author: Zoani, Claudia title: Editorial IMEKOFOODS 2014 Rome date: 2016-04-29 words: 832 flesch: 6 summary: The first paper describes an LC-tandem Mass Spectrometry method developed by researchers from the Institute of Sciences of Food Production of the Italian National Research Council (ISPA-CNR, Italy) as a screening tool for multiple detection of allergenic ingredients in complex foods, with an application and a follow-up for sensitive multiplex detection of five allergenic ingredients in processed, complex food matrices. The sixth contribution, authored by researchers from the University of Florence, gives an introduction on biosensor devices with a focus on label free and real-time affinity–based sensing, providing some applications for different classes of analytes of interest in food analysis like pesticides, GMOs and pathogens using optical and gravimetric sensors. keywords: food; imeko; section cache: actaimeko-329.pdf plain text: actaimeko-329.txt item: #416 of 841 id: actaimeko-33 author: Ramos, Pedro Miguel title: Introduction to the ACTA IMEKO issue dedicated to selected papers presented in the 18th IMEKO TC4 Symposium date: 2012-07-16 words: 1475 flesch: 51 summary: It was a great pleasure to act as Guest Editor for this groundbreaking issue of ACTA IMEKO. [1] V. Vita, G. Leo, G. Fabbrocini, C. Liguori, A. Paolillo, P. Sommella, Statistical techniques applied to the automatic diagnosis of dermoscopic images, ACTA IMEKO, vol. keywords: acta; imeko; papers; tc4; vol cache: actaimeko-33.pdf plain text: actaimeko-33.txt item: #417 of 841 id: actaimeko-333 author: Bondioli, Luca; Nava, Alessia; Rossi, Paola Francesca; Sperduti, Alessandra title: Diet and health in Central-Southern Italy during the Roman Imperial time date: 2016-09-01 words: 4806 flesch: 53 summary: [6] C.O. Lovejoy, R.S. Meindl, R.P. Mensforth, T.J. Barton, Multifactorial determination of skeletal age at death: a method and blind test of its accuracy, Am. [10] H.M. Garvin, N.V. Passalacqua, Current practices by forensic anthropologists in adult skeletal age estimation, J. For. keywords: age; diet; enamel; figure; health; isola; phys; roman; sacra; stature; values; velia cache: actaimeko-333.pdf plain text: actaimeko-333.txt item: #418 of 841 id: actaimeko-334 author: Ricci, Paola; Sirignano, Carmina; Altieri, Simona; Pistillo, Mariangela; Santoriello, Alfonso; Lubritto, Carmine title: Paestum dietary habits during the Imperial period: archaeological records and stable isotope measurement date: 2016-09-01 words: 5950 flesch: 56 summary: During the last decade, a number of publications have addressed this issue, testing historical accounts by means of stable isotope analysis, in different context in the central and southern Italy. [7] H.P. Schwarcz, M.J. Schoeninger, “Stable isotope analyses in human nutritional ecology”, Am. keywords: adult; analysis; collagen; diet; fish; human; individuals; isotope; paestum; rome; samples; velia; 13c; 15n cache: actaimeko-334.pdf plain text: actaimeko-334.txt item: #419 of 841 id: actaimeko-336 author: Jiang, Jile; Hu, Gang; Zhang, Zhimin title: Realization of an SI traceable small force of 10 to 100 micro-Newton using an electrostatic measuring system date: 2017-07-21 words: 3126 flesch: 64 summary: 5. CONCLUSIONS Forces of (10–100) μN traceable to the International System of Units (SI) were realized by a measuring system based on electrostatic force. Gravity of deadweight G (µN, with expanded uncertainty, k=2) Electrostatic force Fe (µN) Relative standard deviation of Fe, σ (Fe - G)/ G (%) 9.806±0.002 9.8008 0.0112 -0.055 19.609±0.002 19.595 0.0143 -0.071 49.009±0.002 48.746 0.0025 -0.54 98.021±0.002 97.455 0.00074 -0.58 Realization of an SI traceable small force of 10 to 100 micro-Newton using an electrostatic measuring system keywords: capacitance; electrode; force; system cache: actaimeko-336.pdf plain text: actaimeko-336.txt item: #420 of 841 id: actaimeko-337 author: Hu, Manhong; Wang, Jian; Zhang, Yue; Cai, Chang Qing; Zhong, Rui Lin; Ding, Jing An; Ren, Xiao Ping title: Research on volume determination of mass standards with two acoustic measuring chambers date: 2017-07-21 words: 3322 flesch: 60 summary: Parameters Configuration of the sinusoidal signal Gain of left chamber (dB) 20 Gain of right chamber (dB) 20 Sinusoidal signal frequency (Hz) 43 Sinusoidal signal voltage (V) 1.6 ~ 1.9 100 g 200 g 500 g 1000 g 2000 g Reference weight Test weight 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Reference weight: 100 g N on -li ne ar ity e rr or (c m 3 ) nominal value of test weight (g) Non-linearity error a) b) The uncertainty budget of the volume of the 200 g weight using the 100 g weight as reference weight is shown in Table 2. With the same uncertainty evaluation method, the volume uncertainty evaluation results of weights ranging from 200 g to 5 kg are shown in Table 3, and the relative extended uncertainties show no significant differences for the big contribution of the non-linearity error during the volume measuring process. keywords: measuring; method; reference; test; volume; weight cache: actaimeko-337.pdf plain text: actaimeko-337.txt item: #421 of 841 id: actaimeko-34 author: Kang, Dae-Im title: Editorial by the President of IMEKO date: 2012-07-13 words: 541 flesch: 40 summary: Microsoft Word - 34-178-1-PB.doc ACTA IMEKO  July 2012, Volume 1, Number 1, 2    ACTA IMEKO |  July 2012 | Volume 1 | Number 1 | 2  A message from the President of IMEKO  Dae‐Im Kang  KRISS ‐ Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, 267 Gajeong‐ro, Yuseong‐gu, Daejeon 305‐340, Republic of Korea      Keywords: IMEKO; ACTA; President; message; global metrology community  Citation: Dae‐Im Kang, A message from the President of IMEKO, Acta IMEKO, vol.  All in these efforts, I am confident that ACTA will be of great assistance by being a fresh new arena in timely sharing a lot of insightful research achievements in metrology that is essential to the growth of the IMEKO and the global metrology community as well. keywords: acta; imeko cache: actaimeko-34.pdf plain text: actaimeko-34.txt item: #422 of 841 id: actaimeko-342 author: Fregonese, Luigi; Fassi, Francesco; Achille, Cristiana; Adami, Andrea; Ackermann, Sebastiano; Nobile, Alessia; Giampaola, Daniela; Carsana, Vittoria title: 3D survey technologies: investigations on accuracy and usability in archaeology. The case study of the new “Municipio” underground station in Naples. date: 2016-09-01 words: 6332 flesch: 44 summary: The new underground station  The documentation to produce within the “Municipio” construction yard with 3D survey technologies is basically composed by orthophotos and 3D point cloud models [9], [10]. However, the high amount of almost every day photogrammetric surveys as well as restitutions, has not allowed to follow a rigorous workflow regarding the calibration procedure (e.g. with dedicated calibration test fields). keywords: accuracy; area; calibration; camera; construction; figure; laser; model; number; scanner; survey; time cache: actaimeko-342.pdf plain text: actaimeko-342.txt item: #423 of 841 id: actaimeko-349 author: Angelini, Andrea; Capriotti Vittozzi, Giuseppina; Baldi, Marina title: The high official Harkhuf and the inscriptions of his tomb in Aswan (Egypt). An integrated methodological approach. date: 2016-09-01 words: 6529 flesch: 55 summary: The experimentation has given the possibility to investigate the documentation of the tomb from different points of view, testing different elaborations that can evidence new information. The SfM system was used to create a high resolution 3D numerical model (point clouds) even if one of the main problems consisted in a non-scaled result (Figure 6). keywords: clouds; data; figure; harkhuf; information; model; numerical; order; point; tomb cache: actaimeko-349.pdf plain text: actaimeko-349.txt item: #424 of 841 id: actaimeko-35 author: Regtien, Paul P.L. title: Journal Contacts date: 2012-07-16 words: 259 flesch: 26 summary: Prof. Francisco Alegria (Portugal – editorial office) Prof. Sergio Rapuano (Italy – editorial office) IMEKO Technical Committee Chairmen (Ex Officio) ABOUT IMEKO  The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 39 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. The articles are based on presentations presented at IMEKO workshops, symposia and congresses. keywords: imeko; prof cache: actaimeko-35.pdf plain text: actaimeko-35.txt item: #425 of 841 id: actaimeko-352 author: Addabbo, Pia; Focareta, Mariano; Marcuccio, Salvo; Votto, Claudio; Ullo, Silvia Liberata title: Contribution of Sentinel-2 data for applications in vegetation monitoring date: 2016-09-01 words: 8399 flesch: 53 summary: In fact at the time of our initial research, Sentinel-2 data were not available yet and the idea to use Lansat-8 and Sentinel-1 data together was based on two main considerations: the possibility to increase the available information for land and vegetation monitoring thanks to such different data sources, and the opportunity to anticipate results and discussion that could be resumed and confirmed, in a certain manner, as soon as Sentinel-2 would have been available. Yet, obviously it can be extended to different applications, considering also that we have already carried out a wide research on the use of combined data from Sentinel-1 and Landsat-8 on other different fields ([5], [6]), by achieving very interesting results that now can be also improved with the availability of Sentinel-2 data. keywords: area; band; combination; data; figure; green; image; index; indexes; landsat-8; ndvi; red; sentinel-1; vegetation cache: actaimeko-352.pdf plain text: actaimeko-352.txt item: #426 of 841 id: actaimeko-353 author: Desachy, Bruno title: From observed successions to quantified time: formalizing the basic steps of chronological reasoning date: 2016-09-01 words: 8472 flesch: 48 summary: [25] as an agglomerative model, after the ordinal model of stratigraphic units ordering. from stratigraphic units, adding (explicitly or more often implicitly) use durations to formation durations, even if, as in the examples above, there are just construction units with no preserved material tracks (and so recordable as stratigraphic units) of their “occupation” (i.e. their use timespans). keywords: beginning; dating; duration; figure; formation; harris; intervals; order; relationships; stratigraphic; time; tpq; unit cache: actaimeko-353.pdf plain text: actaimeko-353.txt item: #427 of 841 id: actaimeko-356 author: Rosenberger, Maik; Zhang, Chen; Votyakov, Pavel; Preißler, Marc; Celestre, Rafael; Notni, Gunther title: EMVA 1288 Camera characterisation and the influences of radiometric camera characteristics on geometric measurements date: 2016-12-30 words: 4776 flesch: 50 summary: Furthermore, there is a need for understanding the impact of image sensor parameters on image processing procedures. Opposite to this situation, the EMVA 1288 standard was released to define the measurement and characterisation methods of image sensors and the format of datasheets. keywords: edge; figure; image; measurement; noise; number; parameters; sensor; simulation; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-356.pdf plain text: actaimeko-356.txt item: #428 of 841 id: actaimeko-359 author: Baumgarten, Sebastian; Röske, Dirk; Kumme, Rolf title: Multi-component measuring device - completion, measurement uncertainty budget and signal cross-talk for combined load conditions date: 2017-12-28 words: 4936 flesch: 58 summary: IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2017, Volume 6, Number 4, 89-94 ACTA IMEKO | December 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 4 | 89 Multi-component measuring device – completion, measurement uncertainty budget and signal crosstalk for combined load conditions Sebastian Baumgarten, Dirk Röske and Rolf Kumme Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: multi-component measurement; measurement uncertainty budget; torque; force; signal crosstalk; friction coefficient sensor Citation: Sebastian Baumgarten, Dirk Röske and Rolf Kumme, Multi-component measuring device – completion, measurement uncertainty budget and signal crosstalk for combined load conditions, Acta IMEKO, vol. Measurement uncertainty budget for 20 N·m and 2000 N·m. keywords: force; lever; load; measurement; measuring; n·m; signal; torque; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-359.pdf plain text: actaimeko-359.txt item: #429 of 841 id: actaimeko-36 author: Regtien, Paul P.L. title: The Revival of Acta IMEKO date: 2012-07-13 words: 535 flesch: 52 summary: The restricted number of issues per year prevents publication of the many qualified contributions to IMEKO workshops, symposia and congresses. Selected papers from World Congresses and TC events were published in a newly established IMEKO journal “Measurement” which first issue came out in 1983. keywords: acta; imeko cache: actaimeko-36.pdf plain text: actaimeko-36.txt item: #430 of 841 id: actaimeko-372 author: Fiorillo, Fausta; Limongiello, Marco; Jiménez Fernández-Palacios, Belén title: Testing GoPro for 3D model reconstruction in narrow spaces date: 2016-09-01 words: 5011 flesch: 51 summary: The optimization procedure allows not only to achieve higher accuracy in calculating camera parameters but also to correct possible distortion (e.g. the bowl-effect). As a first step, the estimation of the cameras' orientations allows alignment of the photographs and the reconstruction of sparse unscaled point clouds. keywords: 3df; agisoft; camera; cloud; comparison; figure; number; photoscan; point; software; zephyr cache: actaimeko-372.pdf plain text: actaimeko-372.txt item: #431 of 841 id: actaimeko-376 author: Shirono, Katsuhiro; Shiro, Masanori; Tanaka, Hideyuki; Ehara, Kensei title: Proficiency tests with uncertainty information: analysis using the maximum likelihood method date: 2016-11-04 words: 6913 flesch: 60 summary: It should be noted that the participating laboratories must agree in advance to a PT in which standard uncertainty less than the minimum permissible standard uncertainty is not usually reported, and will not be reported in the PT. For comparison, other methods were applied to this example. keywords: data; effect; gml; method; standard; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-376.pdf plain text: actaimeko-376.txt item: #432 of 841 id: actaimeko-377 author: Pavese, Franco title: The probability in throwing dices and in measurement date: 2016-11-04 words: 4819 flesch: 42 summary: It is useful to recall here also its Note 1: “Measurement uncertainty includes components arising from systematic effects, such as components associated with corrections and the assigned quantity values of measurement standards, as well as the definitional uncertainty. Sometimes estimated systematic effects are not corrected for but, instead, associated measurement uncertainty components are incorporated” (emphases added), useful in the subsequent discussion. keywords: case; experimental; imeko; measurement; probabilities; probability; science; time; uncertainty; values cache: actaimeko-377.pdf plain text: actaimeko-377.txt item: #433 of 841 id: actaimeko-378 author: Cundeva-Blajer, Marija title: Application of optimization methods for improved electrical metrology date: 2016-11-04 words: 4454 flesch: 47 summary: Construction of functions based on experimental data is a widespread and important procedure in measurement problems (e.g. fitting of calibration curves for measuring instruments, or deduction of equations for indirect measurement methods) So, the process of metrological optimal design has to be performed by posing a single objective function comprising them all. keywords: algorithm; cit; design; measurement; optimal; process; resistance; standard cache: actaimeko-378.pdf plain text: actaimeko-378.txt item: #434 of 841 id: actaimeko-379 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Journal contacts date: 2016-04-29 words: 331 flesch: 31 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X.      EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paolo Carbone, Italy  HONORARY EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands    EDITORIAL BOARD      Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Fabio Leccese, Italy David Macii, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Pedro Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Diego Scaccabarozzi, Italy Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Susanne Toepfer, Germany Rainer Tutsch, Germany Ian Veldman, South Africa Luca De Vito, Italy FINAL EDITING    Rosario Morello, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy   ABOUT IMEKO  The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 39 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. The articles are mainly based on presentations presented at IMEKO workshops, symposia and congresses. keywords: imeko; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-379.pdf plain text: actaimeko-379.txt item: #435 of 841 id: actaimeko-38 author: Daponte, Pasquale title: Welcome to ACTA IMEKO date: 2012-07-17 words: 489 flesch: 43 summary: ACTA IMEKO was established to provide reviews of current topics in measurement science in order to share the latest research results among scientists of all over the world, and to be a reference point of the state of art in the measurement field for all people involved directly or indirectly in measurements and to assist them in the translation of science into practice. This is an open‐access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits  unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited  Corresponding author: Pasquale Daponte, e‐mail:    Welcome to ACTA IMEKO! keywords: acta; imeko cache: actaimeko-38.pdf plain text: actaimeko-38.txt item: #436 of 841 id: actaimeko-380 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Editorial for Issue 5.1 date: 2016-04-29 words: 436 flesch: 51 summary: This is an open‐access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits  unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited  Corresponding author: Paolo Carbone, email:      Dear Reader, this first issue in 2016 of ACTA IMEKO contains a set of interesting papers associated to IMEKOFOODS 2014, the first IMEKO event on metrology in the area of food and nutrition (see the following editorial by the guest editor Claudia Zoani). Two other papers from the 2015 IMEKO World Congress and two technical notes complete this issue. keywords: april; imeko cache: actaimeko-380.pdf plain text: actaimeko-380.txt item: #437 of 841 id: actaimeko-382 author: Witkovsky, Viktor title: Numerical inversion of a characteristic function: An alternative tool to form the probability distribution of output quantity in linear measurement models date: 2016-11-04 words: 9027 flesch: 53 summary: % Distribution of a linear combination of RVs % (chi-squared RVs with 1 and 10 DFs) T; SixSigmaRule = options. keywords: cdf; distribution; end; function; linear; measurement; numerical; pdf; 𝐵−𝐴; 𝑇 𝑁 cache: actaimeko-382.pdf plain text: actaimeko-382.txt item: #438 of 841 id: actaimeko-383 author: Yoshimura, Natsue; Koga, Osamu; Katsui, Yu; Ogata, Yousuke; Kambara, Hiroyuki; Koike, Yasuharu title: Decoding of emotional responses to user-unfriendly computer interfaces via electroencephalography signals date: 2017-07-21 words: 4282 flesch: 50 summary: Altogether, these results suggest that the usability of an interface can be measured from EEG signals, which could aid in the development of adaptive interfaces that increase its intuitiveness. Classification analysis using EEG signals We conducted a classification analysis to determine if emotional responses to the user-unfriendly interface could be identified from the EEG signals. keywords: acceleration; classification; cursor; eeg; figure; interface; normal; period; rotation; signals; user cache: actaimeko-383.pdf plain text: actaimeko-383.txt item: #439 of 841 id: actaimeko-385 author: Agrez, Dusan; Ilic, Damir; Drnovsek, Janko title: Signal and zero padding to improve parameters estimations of sinusoidal signals in the frequency domain date: 2016-11-04 words: 4911 flesch: 58 summary: Padding with more points (average signal values and zero values) will improve estimations since interpolation equations (2), (3), and (4) are derived for large number of points 1N [9]. r for the phase estimation as for frequency estimation (Figure 14) and even better for the amplitude estimation (Figure 13: unusable intervals 1.19.0  keywords: amplitude; errors; estimation; figure; frequency; ratio; sampling; signal; values cache: actaimeko-385.pdf plain text: actaimeko-385.txt item: #440 of 841 id: actaimeko-389 author: Hu, Gang; Jiang, Jile; Zhang, Zhimin; Zhang, Yue; Brand, Uwe; Kim, Min-Seok title: Investigation of a small force standard with the mass based method date: 2017-07-21 words: 5444 flesch: 54 summary: There is a great demand for small force measurements in a large variety of scientific research fields such as material science, micromechanics, physics, biology or medicine. [9] Sheng-Jui Chen, Sheau-Shi Pan, Yu-Shan Yeh and Yi-Ching Lin, “Measurement of cantilever spring constant using an electrostatic sensing and actuating force measurement system”, Measurement Science and Technology, 25 (2014) pp.1-10. keywords: balance; calibration; cantilever; displacement; force; measurement; nano; results; spring; stage; standard; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-389.pdf plain text: actaimeko-389.txt item: #441 of 841 id: actaimeko-390 author: Hiranaka, Yukio; Miura, Shinichi; Taketa, Toshihiro title: Hybrid backward simulator for determining causal heater state with resolution improvement of measured temperature data through model conformation date: 2017-04-25 words: 5097 flesch: 61 summary: Backward simulation model corresponding to Figure 1. Backward model simulation result for ndiv=1,000. keywords: backward; data; figure; heater; model; resolution; simulation; temperature; time cache: actaimeko-390.pdf plain text: actaimeko-390.txt item: #442 of 841 id: actaimeko-391 author: Österberg, Petri Juhani; Heinonen, Martti; Ojanen-Saloranta, Maija Johanna; Mäkynen, Anssi Jaakko title: Comparison of the performance of a microwave based and an NMR based biomaterial moisture measurement instruments date: 2016-12-30 words: 9500 flesch: 52 summary: For example, peat samples may contain ferromagnetic components and thus the instrument’s manufacturer does not recommend their use as measurement samples. According to them, the standard deviation of 0.5 % for moisture measurement results (i.e. ±1.0 %-point uncertainty with a 95 % confidence level) is considered as a good result for parallel samples measured with the reference LoD method. keywords: lod; measurement instrument; measurement results; measurement session; measurements; method; microwave instrument; moisture content; moisture measurement; nmr instrument; samples cache: actaimeko-391.pdf plain text: actaimeko-391.txt item: #443 of 841 id: actaimeko-392 author: Betta, Giovanni; Capriglione, Domenico; Corvino, Mariella; Lavatelli, Alberto; Liguori, Consolatina; Sommella, Paolo; Zappa, Emanuele title: Metrological characterization of 3D biometric face recognition systems in actual operating conditions date: 2017-04-25 words: 7954 flesch: 50 summary: April 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 1 | 33 Metrological characterization of 3D biometric face recognition systems in actual operating conditions Giovanni Betta1, Domenico Capriglione3, Mariella Corvino1, Alberto Lavatelli2, Consolatina Liguori3, Paolo Sommella3, Emanuele Zappa2 1DIEI, University of Cassino and of Southern Lazio Cassino (FR), Italy 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Via La Masa, 1, Milano, Italy 3DIIn, University of Salerno, via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, Fisciano (SA), Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: face recognition; measurement uncertainty; 3D features; stereo vision; Image classification Citation: Giovanni Betta, Domenico Capriglione, Mariella Corvino, Alberto Lavatelli, Consolatina Liguori, Paolo Sommella, Emanuele Zappa, Metrological characterization of 3D biometric face recognition systems in actual operating conditions, Acta IMEKO, vol. Metrological characterization of 3D biometric face recognition systems in actual operating conditions keywords: aam; cameras; classification; database; face; images; pair; performance; person; recognition; subject; system; uncertainty; vol cache: actaimeko-392.pdf plain text: actaimeko-392.txt item: #444 of 841 id: actaimeko-393 author: D'Angelo, Maria Laura; Cannella, Ferdinando; D'Imperio, Mariapaola; Bianchi, Matteo title: A preliminary approach to study the behavior of human fingertip at contact via experimental test and numerical model date: 2017-07-21 words: 5908 flesch: 53 summary: Pressure contact area with different indentation: 1 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm, obtained from the pressure sensor film. A preliminary approach to study the behavior of human fingertip at contact via experimental test and numerical model Maria Laura D’Angelo1, Ferdinando Cannella1, Mariapaola D’Imperio1, Matteo Bianchi1,2 1Department of Advanced Robotics, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Via Morego 30, 16163 Genova, Italy 2Research Center “E.Piaggio”, School of Engineering, University of Pisa, 56126 Pisa, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: biomechanics; pressure sensors; pressure distribution; contact area; finite element model; fingertip at contact Citation: Maria Laura D’Angelo, Ferdinando Cannella, Mariapaola D’Imperio, Matteo Bianchi, A preliminary approach to study the behavior of human fingertip at contact via experimental test and numerical model, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: area; contact; contact area; figure; fingerpad; fingertip; force; indentation; model; pressure; test cache: actaimeko-393.pdf plain text: actaimeko-393.txt item: #445 of 841 id: actaimeko-394 author: Ogushi, Koji; Nishino, Atsuhiro; Ueda, Kazunaga; Kim, Min-Seok; Park, Yon-Kyu title: Inter-laboratory comparison between NMIJ and KRISS of calibration capabilities for torque measuring devices in the range from 50 N·m to 2 kN·m date: 2017-07-21 words: 7137 flesch: 69 summary: Temperature and humidity coefficients for torque transducers and their uncertainties. Relative deviations and uncertainty of comparison calibration. keywords: calibration; comparison; humidity; kn∙m; kriss; nmij; n∙m; relative; torque cache: actaimeko-394.pdf plain text: actaimeko-394.txt item: #446 of 841 id: actaimeko-395 author: André, Catarina; Delgado, Inês; Castanheira, Isabel; Bordado, João; Matos, Ana Sofia title: Statistical experimental design screening strategies for free monomeric isocyanates determination by UPLC in materials used in cork stoppers manufacturing date: 2017-04-25 words: 6602 flesch: 59 summary: Design of Experiments In the present work three variables were identified as potential parameters affecting the chromatographic conditions for isocyanate analysis. Preliminary experiences revealed that 1,2-PP was the most appropriate derivatizing agent for isocyanate analysis. keywords: 2,4; analysis; design; factors; flow; isocyanates; mdi; peak; sol; tcol; tdi cache: actaimeko-395.pdf plain text: actaimeko-395.txt item: #447 of 841 id: actaimeko-396 author: Hiti, Miha title: Reducing the uncertainty of strain gauge amplifier calibration date: 2017-12-28 words: 4959 flesch: 38 summary: Furthermore, deviations and calibration uncertainties of both amplifiers should be considered [4], [5]. To illustrate the scale of calibration uncertainty of the amplifier with respect to the uncertainty of the measuring chain (transducer with amplifier) an example is given in Figure 4, based on calibration data for a 100 kN force transducer taken from an actual calibration certificate. keywords: amplifier; calibration; calibration uncertainty; linearity; range; standard; transducer; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-396.pdf plain text: actaimeko-396.txt item: #448 of 841 id: actaimeko-397 author: Nishino, Atsuhiro; Ogushi, Koji; Ueda, Kazunaga title: Confirmation of calibration capability of low-nominal capacity reference torque wrenches at NMIJ date: 2017-07-21 words: 6045 flesch: 61 summary: In this study, the effect of the difference between the two abovementioned sets of RTW mounting positions on the calibration results was first investigated. In a previous study, we designed adaptations that allow torque transducers with a low nominal capacity to be mounted on the 10-N·m-DWTSM to expand the torque standard range for RTWs, and we demonstrated that RTWs could be calibrated using this modified 10-N·m- DWTSM keywords: calibration; case; dwtsm; kn·m; n·m; position; results; torque cache: actaimeko-397.pdf plain text: actaimeko-397.txt item: #449 of 841 id: actaimeko-398 author: Ueki, Masaaki; Sun, Jianxin; Ueda, Kazunaga title: Usage history of three mass comparators in the past 20 years date: 2017-07-21 words: 6310 flesch: 59 summary: July 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 2 | 42 Usage history of three mass comparators in the past 20 years Masaaki Ueki, Jianxin Sun and Kazunaga Ueda National Metrology Institute of Japan/AIST, Central 3, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8563, Japan Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: mass comparator; mass measurement; weight calibration; reliability Citation: Masaaki Ueki, Jianxin Sun and Kazunaga Ueda, Usage history of three mass comparators in the past 20 years, Acta IMEKO, vol. Fortunately, the main quake caused almost no damage to the sets of standard weights and mass comparators used for weight calibrations at NMIJ, because the mass comparators were not in operation at that time. keywords: air; calibration; comparators; figure; mass; mass comparators; mc10; results; temperature; weighing; weights cache: actaimeko-398.pdf plain text: actaimeko-398.txt item: #450 of 841 id: actaimeko-400 author: Zhimin, Zhang; Yue, Zhang; Feng, Meng; Wei, Zhang; Gang, Hu; Tao, Li; Honglei, Ji title: The establishment of 1N·m torque standard machine at NIM date: 2017-07-21 words: 2590 flesch: 64 summary: The establishment of a 1 N·m torque standard machine at NIM Zhang Zhimin1, Zhang Yue1, Meng Feng1, Zhang Wei1,Hu Gang1, Li Tao2, Ji Honglei2 1National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China 2Shanghai Marine Equipment Research Institute, Shanghai 200031, China Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: torque standard machine; air bearing; weight loading system; repeatability; uncertainty Citation: Zhang Zhimin, Zhang Yue, Meng Feng, Zhang Wei,Hu Gang, Li Tao, Ji Honglei, The establishment of a 1 N·m torque standard machine at NIM, Acta IMEKO, vol. The sensitivity tests were carried out by means of the milligram weights as well as torque transducers and the measuring amplifier. keywords: machine; mn·m; range; standard; torque; uncertainty; weight cache: actaimeko-400.pdf plain text: actaimeko-400.txt item: #451 of 841 id: actaimeko-401 author: Tasaki, Ryosuke; Terashima, Kazuhiko title: Molten metal’s reaction force measurement for pressure estimation and control system construction in press casting date: 2017-07-21 words: 3224 flesch: 51 summary: Pressure control techniques have Figure 1.  As the main work in this paper, we have undertaken several pressing experiments using viscous water to validate a force measurement algorithm for liquid pressure estimation inside the mold, and to confirm the modified pressure control model and a feed-forward control method during pressing. keywords: casting; control; force; liquid; metal; mold; pressing; pressure cache: actaimeko-401.pdf plain text: actaimeko-401.txt item: #452 of 841 id: actaimeko-404 author: Sanponpute, Tassanai; Wattong, Chokchai title: Torque transducer with check standard combination date: 2017-07-21 words: 3365 flesch: 60 summary: July 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 2 | 59 Torque transducer with check standard combination Tassanai Sanponpute and Chokchai Wattong Torque laboratory, Mechanical Department, National Institute of Metrology (Thailand), Thailand Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: torque transducer; check standard; Intermediate check Citation: Tassanai Sanponpute and Chokchai Wattong, Torque transducer with check standard combination, Acta IMEKO, vol. Fabricated torque transducer with check standard combination. keywords: capacity; check; signal; torque; transducer cache: actaimeko-404.pdf plain text: actaimeko-404.txt item: #453 of 841 id: actaimeko-405 author: Yamakawa, Yuji; Yamazaki, Takanori title: Reduction of the effect of floor vibrations in a checkweigher using an electromagnetic force balance system date: 2017-07-21 words: 2942 flesch: 57 summary: Method for decreasing floor vibration effects  Since the same responses for floor vibrations can be obtained using the proposed model, we can compensate the effect of floor vibration in terms of mass measurement by a simple subtraction. In this paper, we explore effects of floor vibrations, which are considered to have one dynamic input, in the system with EMFC [6], [7]. keywords: floor; mass; measurement; model; system; vibration cache: actaimeko-405.pdf plain text: actaimeko-405.txt item: #454 of 841 id: actaimeko-406 author: Benck, Eric Carl; Stambaugh, Corey; Mulhern, Edward; Abbott, Patrick; Kubarych, Zeina title: Progress on vacuum-to-air mass calibration system using magnetic suspension to disseminate the Planck-constant realized kilogram date: 2017-07-21 words: 3383 flesch: 56 summary: Illustration of magnetic suspension mass comparator facility with vacuum door opened. [9] Z. Jabbour, P. Abbott, E. Williams, R. Liu, V. Lee, “Linking air and vacuum mass measurements by magnetic levitation”, Metrologia, 46 (2009) pp. keywords: air; chamber; comparator; mass; masses; suspension; system; vacuum cache: actaimeko-406.pdf plain text: actaimeko-406.txt item: #455 of 841 id: actaimeko-407 author: Stambaugh, Corey title: The control system for the magnetic suspension comparator system for vacuum-to-air mass dissemination date: 2017-07-21 words: 3803 flesch: 56 summary: The mass comparison, performed using a single, precision comparator, is carried out by coupling an upper assembly (mass comparator and mass pan in vacuum) to a lower assembly (mass pan in air) through magnetic suspension [5], [6]. To couple the LMA to the mass comparator in the upper chamber, magnetic suspension is utilized. keywords: air; control; fpga; loop; mass; suspension; system cache: actaimeko-407.pdf plain text: actaimeko-407.txt item: #456 of 841 id: actaimeko-408 author: Muravyov, Sergey V.; Marinushkina, Irina A.; Garif, Diana D. title: Numerical experimental investigation of comparison data evaluation method using preference aggregation date: 2017-04-25 words: 5923 flesch: 60 summary: Lenina 30, 634050 Tomsk, Russia Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: interlaboratory comparisons; reference value; largest consistent subset; preference aggregation; robust method Citation: Sergey Muravyov, Irina Marinushkina, Diana Garif, Numerical experimental investigation of comparison data evaluation method using preference aggregation, Acta IMEKO, vol. 6, no. 1, article 4, April 2017, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-06 (2017)-01-04 Editor: Paolo Carbone, University of Perugia, Italy Received July 4, 2016; Numerical experimental investigation of comparison data evaluation method using preference aggregation keywords: comparison; data; value;  a1 cache: actaimeko-408.pdf plain text: actaimeko-408.txt item: #457 of 841 id: actaimeko-409 author: Gavrilenko, Nataliya A.; Muravyov, Sergey V.; Saranchina, Nadezhda V.; Sukhanov, Alexey V. title: Visible color changes estimation in colorimetric determination of chromium (VI) using polymeric sensors date: 2016-11-04 words: 4367 flesch: 53 summary: [20] Xiaoyan Wu, Yunbo Xu, Yangjun Dong, Xue Jiang, Ningning Zhu, Colorimetric determination of hexavalent chromium with ascorbic acid capped silver nanoparticles, Anal. It means that the use of RGB colour coordinates when computing the total colour difference for absorbance spectrum data provides a better sensitivity compared to XYZ coordinates. keywords: chromium; colorimetric; colour; determination; pmm cache: actaimeko-409.pdf plain text: actaimeko-409.txt item: #458 of 841 id: actaimeko-41 author: Gao, Sitian; Lu, Mingzhen; Li, Wei; Shi, Yushu; Li, Qi title: Metrological atomic force microscope and traceable measurement of nano-dimension structures date: 2013-08-16 words: 2432 flesch: 56 summary: For step height measurements, the metrological AFM gives comparable results with other instruments and the AFM demonstrates an uncertainty U95 <2 nm. AFMs can be calibrated by using transfer standards such as step height, 1D or 2D gratings and 3D pyramids, which are well characterized and traced to metrological AFMs. keywords: afm; figure; height; metrological; sample; step cache: actaimeko-41.pdf plain text: actaimeko-41.txt item: #459 of 841 id: actaimeko-410 author: Grassini, Sabrina; Santoriello, Alfonso title: Introduction to the Special Section of the 1st International MetroArcheo Conference 2015 date: 2016-09-01 words: 1264 flesch: 20 summary: Consequently, the valorisation, characterisation and preservation of cultural heritage is deeply related to metrological issues for the collection, interpretation and ACTA IMEKO |  September 2016 | Volume 5 | Number 2 | 3  validation of data collected with the different analytical, physical-chemical, and mechanical techniques, digital technologies, new ICT tools, etc. Another paper describes the importance of geoarchaeological survey and geophysical data managed by GIS, which gives impetus to studies of the environmental contexts and biosphere, overcoming the limits of traditional archaeology, which generally only takes into consideration the anthropogenic contest (Cozzolino et al.). keywords: heritage cache: actaimeko-410.pdf plain text: actaimeko-410.txt item: #460 of 841 id: actaimeko-411 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Journal contacts date: 2016-09-01 words: 331 flesch: 30 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X.      EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paolo Carbone, Italy  HONORARY EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands    EDITORIAL BOARD      Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Fabio Leccese, Italy David Macii, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Pedro Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Diego Scaccabarozzi, Italy Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Susanne Toepfer, Germany Rainer Tutsch, Germany Ian Veldman, South Africa Luca De Vito, Italy FINAL EDITING    Rosario Morello, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy   ABOUT IMEKO  The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 39 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. The articles are mainly based on presentations presented at IMEKO workshops, symposia and congresses. keywords: imeko; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-411.pdf plain text: actaimeko-411.txt item: #461 of 841 id: actaimeko-412 author: Pinceti, Paolo; Caserza Magro, Micaela; De Paola, Enrico; Firpo, Pierluigi; Marino, Enrico; Antonelli, Marco title: CBM for a fleet of railway vehicles: infrastructure and algorithms date: 2016-12-30 words: 5287 flesch: 54 summary: [9] M. Bohlin, M. Forsgren, A. Holst, B. Levin, M. Aronsson, R. Steinert, “Reducing vehicle maintenance using condition monitoring and dynamic planning”, Railway Condition Monitoring, 2008 4th IET International Conference on, pp. 1-6, (2008) Results achieved by means of a specifically developed tool for data analysis applied to some sub-systems of the vehicles are presented. keywords: analysis; cbm; compressor; data; figure; fleet; maintenance; number; system; time; vehicles cache: actaimeko-412.pdf plain text: actaimeko-412.txt item: #462 of 841 id: actaimeko-413 author: Röske, Dirk; Ala-Hiiro, Jussi; Knott, Andy; Medina, Nieves; Kaspar, Petr; Wozniak, Mokilaj title: Tools for uncertainty calculations in force measurement date: 2017-04-25 words: 2550 flesch: 51 summary: Elektoralna 2, 00-139 Warszawa, Poland Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: EMRP SIB 63; uncertainty; force measurement; calculation tools Citation: Dirk Röske, Jussi Ala-Hiiro, Andy Knott, Nieves Medina, Petr Kaspar, Mikołaj Woźniak, Tools for uncertainty calculations in force measurement, Acta IMEKO, vol. For the corrected results, measurement uncertainties can be calculated using the tools provided to the users from the project’s website. keywords: figure; force; measurement; results; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-413.pdf plain text: actaimeko-413.txt item: #463 of 841 id: actaimeko-414 author: Schlegel, Christian; Kahmann, Holger; Kumme, Rolf title: MN·m torque calibration for nacelle test benches using transfer standards date: 2016-12-30 words: 4674 flesch: 61 summary: IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2016, Volume 5, Number 4, 12-18 ACTA IMEKO | December 2016 | Volume 5 | Number 4 | 12 MN·m torque calibration for nacelle test benches using transfer standards Christian Schlegel, Holger Kahmann, Rolf Kumme Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: torque calibration; transfer standard; nacelle test bench Citation: Christian Schlegel, Holger Kahmann, Rolf Kumme, MN·m torque calibration for nacelle test benches using transfer standards, Acta IMEKO, vol. One solution for a traceable torque calibration of nacelles is to use transfer torque transducers which are calibrated in special standard calibration machines which are traced to the SI. keywords: calibration; data; figure; machine; mn·m; range; torque; transducer cache: actaimeko-414.pdf plain text: actaimeko-414.txt item: #464 of 841 id: actaimeko-415 author: Trambitckii, Konstantin; Anding, Katharina; Polte, Galina; Garten, Daniel; Musalimov, Victor; Kuritcyn, Petr title: The application of texture features to quality control of metal surfaces date: 2016-12-30 words: 3549 flesch: 58 summary: In this research 27 texture features were calculated for surface images taken in different lighting conditions. The main advantage of the ring light is rotation invariance of shadows on surface images relatively to the lighting source. keywords: correlation; features; images; parameters; quality; roughness; surface; texture cache: actaimeko-415.pdf plain text: actaimeko-415.txt item: #465 of 841 id: actaimeko-417 author: Viharos, Zsolt János; Csanaki, Jeno; Nacsa, János; Edelényi, Márton; Péntek, Csaba; Kis, Kirisztián Balázs; Fodor, Ádám; Csempesz, János title: Production trend identification and forecast for shop-floor business intelligence date: 2016-12-30 words: 5161 flesch: 43 summary: The overview on production trend forecast methods in the next paragraph concludes that the identification and forecast of production trends are key issues on the shop-floor of manufacturing plants; moreover, many artificial intelligence techniques are applied in this field [1][2]. The review concluded and also the experiences are mirroring that it is far not an easy task to define and formulate production trends. keywords: control; data; figure; floor; manufacturing; model; points; process; production; quality; shop; time; trend; values cache: actaimeko-417.pdf plain text: actaimeko-417.txt item: #466 of 841 id: actaimeko-419 author: Addabbo, Tommaso; Fort, Ada; Della Giovampaola, Cristian; Mugnaini, Marco; Toccafondi, Alberto; Vignoli, Valerio title: On the safety design of radar based railway level crossing surveillance systems date: 2016-12-30 words: 7183 flesch: 46 summary: In case of N radar systems the missed detection can be caused only by the simultaneous presence of N UTTs obscuring the three lines of sight. [3] EN 50129 Railway Applications - Communications, signaling and processing systems – Safety related electronic systems for signaling. keywords: case; design; detection; figure; hardware; level; object; probability; radar; railway; reliability; requirements; safety; system cache: actaimeko-419.pdf plain text: actaimeko-419.txt item: #467 of 841 id: actaimeko-420 author: Di Gasbarro, David; D'Emilia, Giulio; Natale, Emanuela title: Optical system for on line monitoring of welding: a machine learning approach for optimal set up date: 2016-12-30 words: 5341 flesch: 49 summary: On-line monitoring of the optical system: one image is recorded and classified by the machine learning classifier, to identify the actual operating conditions (illumination condition and settings of the vision system). Illumination condition of the input image Response of Linear Discrimination classifier Response of Linear Discrimination classifier with new data ic_4 ic_4 ic_3 ic_2 ic_2 ic_2 ic_3 ic_3 ic_2 ic_2 ic_2 ic_2 ic_1 ic_1 ic_1 ic_6 ic_6 ic_6 ic_5 ic_5 ic_5 ic_4 ic_4 ic_3 ic_6 ic_6 ic_6 ic_5 keywords: case; condition; ic_2; illumination; line; system; value; vision; welding cache: actaimeko-420.pdf plain text: actaimeko-420.txt item: #468 of 841 id: actaimeko-422 author: Chiquet, Philippe; Postel-Pellerin, Jérémy; Tuninetti, Célia; Souiki-Figuigui, Sarra; Masson, Pascal title: Enhancement of flash memory endurance using short pulsed program/erase signals date: 2016-12-30 words: 4727 flesch: 57 summary: Over the last few years, Flash memory cells, which can nowadays be found in common products such as USB flash drives and smart cards, have become the dominant non-volatile memory devices in the semiconductor industry. Reliability of Flash memory cells under various cycling modes The statistical behaviour of Flash cell populations subjected to STD/STD, Short/Short (duty cycle equal to 0.1), and STD/Short (VPP = −17 V) cyclings has been investigated. keywords: erasing; figure; flash; memory; programming; pulses; short; std cache: actaimeko-422.pdf plain text: actaimeko-422.txt item: #469 of 841 id: actaimeko-423 author: Pniov, Alexey; Zhirnov, Andrey; Shelestov, Dmitriy; Stepanov, Konstantin; Nesterov, Evgeny; Karasik, Valery; Laporta, Paolo; Galzerano, Gianluca; Taccheo, Stefano; Piroddi, Luigi; Norgia, Michele; Pesatori, Alessandro; Svelto, Cesare title: Yb,Er:glass Microlaser at 1.5 µm for optical fiber sensing: development, characterization and noise reduction date: 2016-12-30 words: 4264 flesch: 57 summary: [16] B.C. Buchler, E.H. Huntington, C.C. Harb, T.C. Ralph, “Feedback control of laser intensity noise”, Phys. The two facets of the laser disk are multi- dielectric coated to provide for the required dichroic reflectivities at both pump and laser wavelengths. keywords: amplitude; erbium; figure; frequency; glass; laser; microchip; noise; peak; power; pump; rin; wavelength cache: actaimeko-423.pdf plain text: actaimeko-423.txt item: #470 of 841 id: actaimeko-424 author: Khalil, Mohamed; Laurano, Christian; Leone, Giacomo; Zanoni, Michele title: Outage severity analysis and RAM evaluation of italian overhead transmission lines from a regional perspective date: 2016-12-30 words: 6157 flesch: 50 summary: If, for example, the objective is to compute the SF for the failures occurred at different voltage levels in the MR j, Li would refer to the total length of the lines operating at voltage level i in the macro region j. For instance, if on one hand for Torino the maintainability decreases when considering OHTLs at higher voltage levels, suggesting that MTTR increases with voltage level as the complexity of equipment is going up, the opposite situation occurs for MR Roma for which the maintainability increases as the voltage level increases. keywords: analysis; level; ohtls; outages; reliability; transmission; voltage cache: actaimeko-424.pdf plain text: actaimeko-424.txt item: #471 of 841 id: actaimeko-425 author: Cristaldi, Loredana; Khalil, Mohamed; Soulatintork, Payam title: A root cause analysis and a risk evaluation of PV balance of system failures date: 2017-12-28 words: 6763 flesch: 51 summary: Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: reliability assessment; root cause analysis of failures; Markov process; photovoltaic systems; balance of system; FMECA Citation: Loredana Cristaldi, Mohamed Khalil, Payam Soulatiantork, A root cause analysis and a risk evaluation of PV balance of systems failures, Acta IMEKO, vol. [31] A. Pregelj, M. Begovic and A. Rohatgi, Impact of inverter configuration on PV system reliability and energy production, IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, pp. keywords: analysis; bos; components; detection; failure; inverter; mode; modules; number; photovoltaic; power; reliability; string; system cache: actaimeko-425.pdf plain text: actaimeko-425.txt item: #472 of 841 id: actaimeko-426 author: Lavatelli, Alberto; Zappa, Emanuele title: Uncertainty in vision based modal analysis: probabilistic studies and experimental validation date: 2016-12-30 words: 9431 flesch: 50 summary: In particular, the possibility to measure the displacement of several monitored points without directly instrumenting those pushes the interest toward the application of image based vibration measurement systems. Uncertainty of the vision based modal parameter estimation method for a set of exposure time values. keywords: analysis; blur; displacement; estimation; exposure; frf; image; measurement; modal; motion; parameters; system; time; uncertainty; value; vision; 𝐸2𝑃𝑃 cache: actaimeko-426.pdf plain text: actaimeko-426.txt item: #473 of 841 id: actaimeko-428 author: Cristaldi, Loredana; Khalil, Mohamed; Faifer, Marco title: Markov process reliability model for photovoltaic module failures date: 2017-12-28 words: 8054 flesch: 57 summary: State transition diagram of PV module failure. Figure 7. PDF of the time to PV module failure. keywords: dust; failure; markov; module; n f; n n; n s; photovoltaic; probability; process; reliability; solar; state; system; time; y f; y n; y s; y y cache: actaimeko-428.pdf plain text: actaimeko-428.txt item: #474 of 841 id: actaimeko-429 author: Pavese, Franco title: Introduction to the Special Section TC21 of the XXI IMEKO World Congress 2015 date: 2016-11-04 words: 270 flesch: 44 summary: This is an open‐access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits  unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited  Corresponding author: Franco Pavese, email:      Dear Reader, this Special Issue includes five papers, originating from subject matters presented at the XXI IMEKO World Congress 2015 held in Prague, during sessions organized by Technical Committee 21 on Mathematical Tools for Measurements, and selected for publication in Acta IMEKO. Franco Pavese Guest Editor IMEKO TC21, Chair keywords: imeko cache: actaimeko-429.pdf plain text: actaimeko-429.txt item: #475 of 841 id: actaimeko-430 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Editorial to selected papers from the XXI IMEKO World Congress 2015 date: 2016-11-04 words: 721 flesch: 41 summary: Let me take this occasion to remind everyone that ACTA IMEKO accepts freely submitted papers in all areas of metrology and not only extended versions of papers previously presented at IMEKO conferences and congresses, as in the recent past. This is an open‐access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits  unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited  Corresponding author: Paolo Carbone, email:      Dear Reader, in the second part of this issue, ACTA IMEKO publishes eight papers that were originally presented at the 2015 World Congress in Prague and that are here presented in their extended versions. keywords: acta; imeko; paper cache: actaimeko-430.pdf plain text: actaimeko-430.txt item: #476 of 841 id: actaimeko-431 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Journal contacts date: 2016-11-04 words: 383 flesch: 29 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X.      EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paolo Carbone, Italy  HONORARY EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF  Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands                                               EDITORIAL BOARD                                       SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 4 and 5)  Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Catalin Damian, Romania Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Eric Benoit, France Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Spartacus Gomariz, Spain Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Franco Pavese, Italy Serge Rapuano, Italy Paul Regtien, The Netherlands Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Jan Saliga, Slovakia Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Claudia Zoani, Italy FINAL EDITING    Rosario Morello, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy   ABOUT IMEKO  The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 40 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Microsoft Word - 0 ACTA IMEKO  keywords: imeko; international; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-431.pdf plain text: actaimeko-431.txt item: #477 of 841 id: actaimeko-437 author: Ciani, Lorenzo; Catelani, Marcantonio title: Introduction to the Special Section of the 14th IMEKO TC10 Workshop on Technical Diagnostics date: 2016-12-30 words: 1273 flesch: 34 summary: All details about IMEKO TC10 workshop are available on the conference website: Lorenzo Ciani Guest Editor Marcantonio Catelani IMEKO TC10, Chair Introduction to the Special Section of the 14th IMEKO TC10 Workshop on Technical Diagnostics EDITORIAL Citation: Lorenzo Ciani, Marcantonio Catelani, Introduction to the Special Section of the 14th IMEKO TC10 Workshop on Technical Diagnostics, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: december; diagnostics; imeko; paper; technical; workshop cache: actaimeko-437.pdf plain text: actaimeko-437.txt item: #478 of 841 id: actaimeko-439 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Introduction to selected papers from the XXI IMEKO World Congress 2015 date: 2016-12-30 words: 310 flesch: 34 summary: Acta IMEKO, Title ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2016, Volume 5, Number 4, 80 ACTA IMEKO | December 2016 | Volume 5 | Number 4| 80 Introduction to selected papers from the XXI IMEKO World Congress 2015 Paolo Carbone University of Perugia, Italy Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Paolo Carbone, Editorial to selected papers from the XXI IMEKO World Congress 2015, Acta IMEKO, vol. Introduction to selected papers from the XXI IMEKO World Congress 2015 keywords: imeko cache: actaimeko-439.pdf plain text: actaimeko-439.txt item: #479 of 841 id: actaimeko-440 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Journal contacts date: 2016-12-30 words: 390 flesch: 26 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paolo Carbone, Italy HONORARY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 4 and 5) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Catalin Damian, Romania Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Eric Benoit, France Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Spartacus Gomariz, Spain Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Franco Pavese, Italy Serge Rapuano, Italy Paul Regtien, The Netherlands Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Jan Saliga, Slovakia Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Claudia Zoani, Italy FINAL EDITING Rosario Morello, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 40 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Acta IMEKO, Title ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2016, Volume 5, Number 4, 1 ACTA IMEKO | December 2016 | Volume 5 | Number 4 | 1 Journal contacts ABOUT THE JOURNAL Acta IMEKO is an e-journal reporting on the contributions on the state and progress of the science and technology of measurement. keywords: imeko; international; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-440.pdf plain text: actaimeko-440.txt item: #480 of 841 id: actaimeko-442 author: Calicchia, Paola; Pitolli, Luca; Salonia, Paolo title: The Cultural Heritage Open Laboratory System (CHeLabS). Unfolding a cultural heritage-driven development in science and technology. date: 2017-09-27 words: 6365 flesch: 34 summary: [8] suggests a paradigm shift in the motivation of the onsite preservation, built on the awareness that “Heritage sites are not an inexhaustible resource. Furthermore, a modern environmental planning and management approach for cultural heritage sites was developed in the CHERPLAN project, within the SEE program [10]. keywords: access; chelabs; chelabs system; community; cultural; dynamics; heritage; knowledge; research; site; system cache: actaimeko-442.pdf plain text: actaimeko-442.txt item: #481 of 841 id: actaimeko-443 author: Wasapinyokul, Kamol; Chuwongin, Santhad; Charoensook, Ajchara title: Effects of baffle reflection and shadow in an integrating sphere on the total luminous flux measurement of a linearly-shaped lamp date: 2017-12-28 words: 7277 flesch: 59 summary: Acta IMEKO, Title ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2017, Volume 6, Number 4, 105-112 ACTA IMEKO | December 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 4 | 105 Effects of baffle reflection and shadow in an integrating sphere on the total luminous flux measurement of a linearly- shaped lamp Kamol Wasapinyokul1,2, Santhad Chuwongin1,2, Ajchara Charoensook2 1College of Advanced Manufacturing Innovation, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, 1, Soi Chalongkrung 1, Ladkrabang, Bangkok, 10520, Thailand 2National Institute of Metrology (Thailand), 3/4-5, Moo 3, Klong 5, Klong Luang, Pathumthani, 12120, Thailand Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Integrating sphere; total luminous flux; linearly-shaped lamp; baffle; spatial correction factor Citation: Kamol Wasapinyokul, Santhad Chuwongin, Ajchara Charoensook, Effects of baffle reflection and shadow in an integrating sphere on the total luminous flux measurement of a linearly-shaped lamp, Acta IMEKO, vol. 6, no. 4, article 17, December 2017, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-06 (2017)-04-17 Section Editor: Marco Tarabini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Received February 1, 2017; In final form July 24, 2017; Published December 2017 Copyright: © 2017 IMEKO. By using the spatial correction factor, these effects were found to differently cause the deviation of the value of measured total luminous flux from accurate. keywords: baffle; baffle reflection; baffle shadow; flux; lamp; scf; sphere; total cache: actaimeko-443.pdf plain text: actaimeko-443.txt item: #482 of 841 id: actaimeko-444 author: Tomassetti, Mauro; Angeloni, Riccardo; Castrucci, Mauro; Martini, Elisabetta; Campanella, Luigi title: Ethanol content determination in hard liquor drinks, beers, and wines, using a catalytic fuel cell. Comparison with other two conventional enzymatic biosensors: correlation and statistical data date: 2018-07-04 words: 2763 flesch: 54 summary: Comparison with other two conventional enzymatic biosensors: correlation and statistical data M. Tomassetti, R. Angeloni, M. Castrucci, E. Martini, L. Campanella Department of Chemistry, University of Rome ”La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: analysis by catalytic fuel cell; ethanol in beverages and hard liquors; statistical data; correlation with other biosensors Citation: M. Tomassetti, R. Angeloni, M. Castrucci, E. Martini, L. Campanella, Ethanol content determination in hard liquor drinks, beers, and wines, using a catalytic fuel cell. [1] M. Tomassetti, R. Angeloni, G. Merola, M. Castrucci, L. Campanella, Catalytic fuel cell used as an analytical tool for methanol and ethanol determination. keywords: alcohol; biosensor; cell; determination; ethanol; fuel; n.s; results cache: actaimeko-444.pdf plain text: actaimeko-444.txt item: #483 of 841 id: actaimeko-447 author: Taschin, Andrea; Bartolini, Paolo; Tasseva, Jordanka; Striova, Jana; Fontana, Raffaella; Riminesi, Cristiano; Torre, Renato title: Drawing materials studied by THz spectroscopy date: 2017-09-27 words: 4478 flesch: 57 summary: Recently, we have presented a THz spectroscopic study of layered ink samples [7], [8]. These pulsed THz techniques can be implemented by using both the transmission or reflection configurations keywords: acid; black; inks; iron; red; sample; spectra; sulfate; thz; time cache: actaimeko-447.pdf plain text: actaimeko-447.txt item: #484 of 841 id: actaimeko-45 author: Vrazic, Mario; Kovacic, Marinko; Dzapo, Hrvoje; Ilic, Damir title: Concept of mobile lab for electric vehicle systems research and testing date: 2013-08-16 words: 3364 flesch: 53 summary: This system will leave a lot of interesting research possibilities open as such vehicle actually represents a mobile laboratory for vehicle systems research. [5] Yu Zhilong, Li Dongsheng, He Long, Wang Haiying, “Hardware design on electric vehicle LCD display system based on CAN bus“, 6th International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST), Vol. 1, pp. 283 – 286, 2011, DOI 10.1109/ IFOST.2011.6021023 keywords: battery; measurement; motor; power; research; speed; system; torque; vehicle; voltage cache: actaimeko-45.pdf plain text: actaimeko-45.txt item: #485 of 841 id: actaimeko-453 author: Jesus, Susana; Delgado, Inês; Rego, Andreia; Brandão, Carlos; dos Santos, Rui Galhano; Bordado, João; Castanheira, Isabel Palmira title: Determination of Acrylamide in Portuguese Bread by UPLC-MS/MS: Metrological and Chemometric tools date: 2018-07-04 words: 5039 flesch: 59 summary: More recently, based on analytical results from a total of 24 European Countries and six associations, EFSA reported maximum levels of acrylamide in unspecified soft bread around 141 µg/kg, which is similar to bread samples analyzed from the producers 16, 53, 50, 48, 49, 36 and 44 In the literature, Meghavarnam et al evaluated bread samples from the local market in India, obtaining a range between 1210 – 1365 µg/kg keywords: acrylamide; bread; food; levels; producers; results; rye; samples; vol cache: actaimeko-453.pdf plain text: actaimeko-453.txt item: #486 of 841 id: actaimeko-454 author: D'Alvia, Livio; Palermo, Eduardo; Rossi, Stefano; Del Prete, Zaccaria title: Validation of a low-cost wireless sensors node for museum environmental monitoring date: 2017-09-27 words: 5837 flesch: 53 summary: September 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 3 | 45 Validation of a low-cost wireless sensors node for museum environmental monitoring Livio D’Alvia1, Eduardo Palermo1, Stefano Rossi2, Zaccaria Del Prete1 1Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, via Eudossiana, 18, Roma 00184, Italy 2Department of Economics and Management, Industrial Engineering, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: sensors; ICT; wireless sensor network; environmental measurement; museum air quality Citation: Livio D’Alvia, Eduardo Palermo, Stefano Rossi, Zaccaria Del Prete, Validation of a low-cost wireless sensors node for museum environmental monitoring, Acta IMEKO, vol. Gas concentration sensors showed a trend over time comparable to data from the ARPA system, with a time correspondence in peak values, even if a difference in average values was observable, due to a different height positioning (Figure 9). keywords: air; cost; detection; environmental; figure; humidity; monitoring; museum; parameters; sensor; system; temperature; vol; wireless; wsn cache: actaimeko-454.pdf plain text: actaimeko-454.txt item: #487 of 841 id: actaimeko-455 author: Dondi, Piercarlo; Lombardi, Luca; Malagodi, Marco; Licchelli, Maurizio title: 3D modelling and measurements of historical violins date: 2017-09-27 words: 5000 flesch: 57 summary: ABSTRACT Measuring historical violins provides crucial information about the morphology of the instruments, useful both for researchers and violin makers. Acta IMEKO, Title ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X September 2017, Volume 6, Number 3, 29-34 ACTA IMEKO | September 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 3 | 29 3D modelling and measurements of historical violins Piercarlo Dondi1, Luca Lombardi2, Marco Malagodi1,3, Maurizio Licchelli4 1University of Pavia, Arvedi Laboratory of Non-Invasive Diagnostics, via Bell'Aspa 3, 26100 Cremona, Italy 2University of Pavia, Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, via Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia, Italy 3University of Pavia, Department of Musicology and Cultural Heritage, Corso Garibaldi 178, 26100, Cremona, Italy 4University of Pavia, Department of Chemistry, Via Taramelli 12, 27100, Pavia, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: 3D scan; 3D measurement; historical violins Citation: Piercarlo Dondi, Luca Lombardi, Marco Malagodi, Maurizio Licchelli, 3D modelling and measurements of historical violins, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: accuracy; instruments; models; stradivari; violins; width cache: actaimeko-455.pdf plain text: actaimeko-455.txt item: #488 of 841 id: actaimeko-457 author: Pitonzo, Rosa; Armetta, Francesco; Saladino, Maria Luisa; Oliveri, Francesca; Tusa, Sebastiano; Caponetti, Eugenio title: Application of Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectroscopy (GC/MS) to the analysis of archeological ceramic amphorae belonging to the Carthaginian fleet that was defeated in the Egadi battle (241 B.C.) date: 2017-09-27 words: 2692 flesch: 59 summary: Rosa Pitonzo1, Francesco Armetta1,2, Maria Luisa Saladino2, Eugenio Caponetti1,2, Francesca Oliveri3, Sebastiano Tusa3 1Centro Grandi Apparecchiature-ATeN Center, University of Palermo, Via F. Marini 14, I-90128 Palermo, Italy 2STEBICEF Department, University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze pad.17, Palermo I-90128, Italy 3Soprintendenza del Mare, Regione Siciliana, Via Lungarini 9, I-90133 Palermo, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: underwater ceramic amphorae; GS-MS; Egadi Battle; pine resin Citation: Rosa Pitonzo, Francesco Armetta, Maria Luisa Saladino, Eugenio Caponetti, Francesca Oliveri, Sebastiano Tusa, Application of Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectroscopy (GC/MS) to the analysis of archaeological ceramic amphorae belonging to the Carthaginian fleet that was defeated in the Egadi battle (241 B.C.), Acta IMEKO, vol. Samples of underwater marine ceramic amphorae are shown in Figure 1. keywords: acid; amphorae; analysis; battle; ester; gas; methyl; samples cache: actaimeko-457.pdf plain text: actaimeko-457.txt item: #489 of 841 id: actaimeko-458 author: Lo Brutto, Mauro; Dardanelli, Gino title: Vision metrology and Structure from Motion for archaeological heritage 3D reconstruction: a Case Study of various Roman mosaics date: 2017-09-27 words: 7511 flesch: 48 summary: | Volume 6 | Number 3 | 42 projects with camera calibration parameters obtained as part of an independent process could provide greater accuracy. These results also demonstrate that the projects with camera calibration parameters, which had been obtained via an independent process, could offer enhanced accuracy. keywords: accuracy; approach; calibration; camera; computer; figure; image; mosaic; parameters; point; scale; survey; vision cache: actaimeko-458.pdf plain text: actaimeko-458.txt item: #490 of 841 id: actaimeko-46 author: Lee, Hyunjoon; Kim, Kiwoong; Lee, Seong-Joo; Kang, Chan-Seok; Yu, Kwon Kyu; Lee, Yong-Ho; Moon, Han Seb title: Development of spin-exchange relaxation free magnetometer with a compact heating system date: 2013-08-16 words: 3442 flesch: 56 summary: At increasing magnetic field, the peak-to-peak amplitude of the signal decreased. To attain a better understanding of the residual field effects, we analytically calculated the optical rotation spectra using density matrix equations assuming the spin-temperature distribution to be in the ground state of the D1 line of K. The influence of the residual fields on the resonance signal was observed for different magnetic fields, and the bandwidth as a function of the frequency of the external field was measured to estimate the influence of the resistive heating system. keywords: atomic; field; heating; magnetometer; resonance; spin; system; vol cache: actaimeko-46.pdf plain text: actaimeko-46.txt item: #491 of 841 id: actaimeko-460 author: Kubicka, Anna Maria title: The metrological research of the Machu Picchu site. Application of a cosine quantogram method for 3D laser data. date: 2017-09-27 words: 3430 flesch: 59 summary: Bolesława Prusa 53/55 50-317 Wroclaw, Poland Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: point cloud; length measurements, Inca architecture; statistic Citation: Anna Kubicka, The metrological research of Machu Picchu site. Architectural groups of building measurements. keywords: architecture; building; construction; figure; inca; machu; picchu cache: actaimeko-460.pdf plain text: actaimeko-460.txt item: #492 of 841 id: actaimeko-463 author: Khramchenkova, Rezida; Shaykhutdinova, Eugenia; Bugarchev, Aleksey; Gareev, Bulat; Sitdikov, Airat title: Interdisciplinary study of 13th century silver coins of the Juchid (based on the materials of the Burundukovsky hoard, Tatarstan, Russia) date: 2017-09-27 words: 5328 flesch: 61 summary: A complex approach with the use of interdisciplinary research methods allows to establish a pattern of the quality variation of silver coins in the course of time on the basis of objective analytical data. Two-thirds of the hoard are silver coins with the name of Mongke Khan (son of Tului, grandson of Genghis Khan) who began to rule the Mongol Empire in 1251. keywords: chemical; coin; composition; figure; gold; layer; research; silver; structure; weight; xrf cache: actaimeko-463.pdf plain text: actaimeko-463.txt item: #493 of 841 id: actaimeko-464 author: Plaisier, Jasper Rikkert; Nodari, Luca; Gigli, Lara; Rebollo San Miguel, Elena Paz; Bertoncello, Renzo; Lausi, Andrea title: The X-ray diffraction beamline MCX at Elettra: a case study of non-destructive analysis on stained glass date: 2017-09-27 words: 4004 flesch: 54 summary: The diffractometer, equipped with the laser interferometer, hosting an object relevant for cultural heritage for x-ray diffraction analysis. The capabilities have been illustrated by the characterization of alteration products on grisaille glass originating from large windows of the Basilica di San Giovanni e Paolo. keywords: analysis; beamline; diffraction; fragments; glass; grisaille; mcx; patina; ray; sample; study cache: actaimeko-464.pdf plain text: actaimeko-464.txt item: #494 of 841 id: actaimeko-465 author: Lo Giudice, Alessandro; Re, Alessandro; Angelici, Debora; Corsi, Jacopo; Gariani, Gianluca; Zangirolami, Marco; Ziraldo, Emma title: Ion Microbeam Analysis in Cultural Heritage: application to lapis lazuli and ancient coins date: 2017-09-27 words: 4811 flesch: 57 summary: 2. INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS Ion beam analyses were carried out mainly by means of two scanning proton micro-beam lines at INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics) facilities having different acceleration voltages: the 2.5 MV AN2000 accelerator at the Legnaro National Laboratory (INFN-LNL) in Padua (Figure 1) widely used for material characterization/modification and ion implantation In this work, instruments and methodologies are described and two examples of case study are reported: I) the mapping of elemental distribution in ancient roman coins; II) the trace elements measurement in lapis lazuli for provenance determination. keywords: analysis; beam; coins; elements; figure; lapis; lazuli; pixe; silver; techniques cache: actaimeko-465.pdf plain text: actaimeko-465.txt item: #495 of 841 id: actaimeko-467 author: Regtien, Paul P.L. title: Advertisement NMISA date: 2017-04-25 words: 447 flesch: 36 summary: In 2017, the National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) is celebrating 10 years as an independent entity and 70 years as the official Metrology Institute in South Africa. Consequently, 1947 is the year Metrology was formally established in South Africa and 2007 is the year NMISA was established as a metrology Institute. keywords: metrology; nmisa cache: actaimeko-467.pdf plain text: actaimeko-467.txt item: #496 of 841 id: actaimeko-468 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Editorial to selected papers from the XXI IMEKO World Congress 2015 and freely submitted articles date: 2017-04-25 words: 658 flesch: 43 summary: The last paper in this issue by Dirk Röske et al. is the result of a collaboration among several National Metrological Institutes and describes the realization of a software tool for the calculation of uncertainty in force measurements. April 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 1| 2 Editorial to selected papers from the XXI IMEKO World Congress 2015 and freely submitted articles Paolo Carbone University of Perugia, Italy Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Paolo Carbone, Editorial to selected papers from the XXI IMEKO World Congress 2015 and freely submitted articles, Acta IMEKO, vol. 6, no. 1, article 1, April 2017, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-06 (2017)-01-1 Section Editor: Paul Regtien, The Netherlands Received April 19, 2017; In final form April 19, 2017; Published April 2017 Copyright: © 2017 IMEKO. keywords: april; imeko; paper cache: actaimeko-468.pdf plain text: actaimeko-468.txt item: #497 of 841 id: actaimeko-469 author: Regtien, Paul P.L. title: Journal contacts date: 2017-04-25 words: 390 flesch: 30 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paolo Carbone, Italy HONORARY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 4 and 5) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Catalin Damian, Romania Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Eric Benoit, France Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Spartacus Gomariz, Spain Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Franco Pavese, Italy Serge Rapuano, Italy Paul Regtien, The Netherlands Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Jan Saliga, Slovakia Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Claudia Zoani, Italy FINAL EDITING Rosario Morello, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Acta IMEKO, Title ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X April 2017, Volume 6, Number 1, 1 ACTA IMEKO | keywords: imeko; international; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-469.pdf plain text: actaimeko-469.txt item: #498 of 841 id: actaimeko-47 author: Ogrizovic, Vukan R; Marendic, Jadranka; Renovica, Snezana; Delcev, Sinis¡a; Gucevic, Jelena title: Testing GPS generated 1PPS against a rubidium standard date: 2013-08-16 words: 3389 flesch: 56 summary: [17] P. Hightower, “Motion effects on GPS receiver time accuracy”, Instrumentation Technology Systems, Northridge (CA), USA, 2008. Many other applications need precise time-keeping: event reconstruction, synchrophasors, system time and frequency deviation, multi-rate billing, power quality incentives, time tagging recorded data, wide area measurement systems, travelling-wave fault detection, end-to-end relay testing [6], and even electronic betting systems keywords: 1pps; accuracy; data; frequency; gps; outliers; phase; receiver; time cache: actaimeko-47.pdf plain text: actaimeko-47.txt item: #499 of 841 id: actaimeko-474 author: Agrez, Dusan title: Estimation of the signal component from random equivalent and non-coherent sampling measurements date: 2017-12-28 words: 4985 flesch: 57 summary: Mean values of the absolute errors of the frequency estimation; a – original signal – IDFT(f-3p), b – random sampled signal – IDFT(f-3p), c – random sampled signal – 4-par. sine-fit (start with estimated f-3p), d – random sampled signal – IDFT(f-2p); 1S =q , 8.3=q , 1=A , deg0=ϕ , 100repeat =N trials. keywords: component; errors; estimation; figure; frequency; sampling; signal cache: actaimeko-474.pdf plain text: actaimeko-474.txt item: #500 of 841 id: actaimeko-475 author: Tilk, Bence title: Improved approaches of automated lung segmentation on digital tomosynthesis images date: 2017-12-28 words: 5995 flesch: 60 summary: While it produces slice images of the chest similarly to CT, its slice thickness is larger, it creates a bit more blurred slices, it has much lower radiation than CT. However the real lung contours in DTS slice images are very difficult to determine even for skilled radiologists. keywords: dts; figure; images; lung; method; model; point; results; segmentation; slice cache: actaimeko-475.pdf plain text: actaimeko-475.txt item: #501 of 841 id: actaimeko-476 author: Sujbert, László; Orosz, György title: Frequency Domain Identification of Data Loss Models date: 2017-12-28 words: 6451 flesch: 66 summary: Acta IMEKO, Title ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2017, Volume 6, Number 4, 61-67 ACTA IMEKO | December 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 4 | 61 Frequency Domain Identification of Data Loss Models László Sujbert, György Orosz Department of Measurement and Information Systems, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: data loss; measurement; FFT; PSD; system identification Citation: László Sujbert, György Orosz, Frequency domain identification of data loss models, Acta IMEKO, vol. Data loss models and their spectra In [8], three data loss models have been investigated: 1. keywords: data loss; function; loss model; markov; markov model; model; psd cache: actaimeko-476.pdf plain text: actaimeko-476.txt item: #502 of 841 id: actaimeko-477 author: Schäfer, André W. title: High-precision amplifiers for strain gauge based transducers - first time realized in compact size date: 2017-12-28 words: 4868 flesch: 54 summary: [18] Vollmert, R.; Ramm, G.; Realization, maintenance and dissemination of the measurand>>AC voltage ratio in mV/V<< for strain gauge measurements , Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of IMEKO TC3, Istanbul, Turkey, 17-21, September, 2001. Due to its worldwide need metrological applications are the most important application fields of precision measurement. keywords: amplifiers; calibration; figure; hbm; imeko; measurement; measuring; ppm; precision; strain; time; transducer cache: actaimeko-477.pdf plain text: actaimeko-477.txt item: #503 of 841 id: actaimeko-478 author: Crescentini, Marco; Marchesi, Marco; Romani, Aldo; Tartagni, Marco; Traverso, Pier Andrea title: Bandwidth Limits in Hall Effect-based Current Sensors date: 2017-12-28 words: 6966 flesch: 55 summary: Section 3 investigates the bandwidth limits in Hall probes by means of numerical analyses. The measurand i(t) flows into the measurement port generating an inductive effect on the output port that opposes the transversal Hall current IH. keywords: bandwidth; bias; current; figure; hall; hall probe; model; output; port; probe; response; sensor; time; voltage cache: actaimeko-478.pdf plain text: actaimeko-478.txt item: #504 of 841 id: actaimeko-479 author: Kokolanski, Zivko; Dimcev, Vladimir; Taskovski, Dimitar title: Hardware and Software Implementation Aspects for Low-cost Multi-Channel Interface for Passive Resistive Sensors date: 2017-12-28 words: 3838 flesch: 48 summary: Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of electrical engineering and information technologies, Rugjer Boskovic 18, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: multivibrator; sensor interface; passive sensors; multi-electrode sensors; LabVIEW Citation: Zivko Kokolanski, Vladimir Dimcev, Dimitar Taskovski, Hardware and software implementation aspects for low-cost multi-channel interface for passive resistive sensors, Acta IMEKO, vol. [8] H. Danneels, F. Pitte, V. De Smedt, W.Dehaene, G.Gielen “A novel, PLL-based frequency-to-digital conversion mechanism for sensor interfaces”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 172, Iss. 1, Dec. 2011, pp. 220-227. keywords: calibration; figure; implementation; interface; multivibrator; point; pulse; resistive; sensor; state cache: actaimeko-479.pdf plain text: actaimeko-479.txt item: #505 of 841 id: actaimeko-48 author: Masnicki, Romuald; Mindykowski, Janusz; Hallmann, Damian title: The implementation of FPGA for data transmission between ADC and DSP peripherals in the measurement channels for power quality assessment date: 2013-08-16 words: 4580 flesch: 52 summary: The adaptation of data in the FPGA to enable communication between ADC and DSP includes:  different speed of transmission; the ADC output bit transmission speed is 16 Mb/s (common three lines – 48 Mb/s), while the DSP Link Port speed is 200 Mb/s (common four-line speed is 800 Mb/s),  different data frame formats; the single ADC output frame consists of 8 bits, while the DSP Link Port communication frame consists of 128 bits,  different data transmitting signal standards; ADC data carrying signals are LVCMOS25 standard, while DSP Link Port signals are LVDS_25 standard. Some examples related to selected FPGA implementations can be found in [13, 14, 15 and 16]. keywords: adc; data; dsp; figure; fpga; interface; lines; measurement; power; quality cache: actaimeko-48.pdf plain text: actaimeko-48.txt item: #506 of 841 id: actaimeko-481 author: Becchetti, Matteo; Marsili, Roberto; Cannella, Ferdinando; Garinei, Alberto title: A new system for the measurement of gripping force based on scattering date: 2017-12-28 words: 3762 flesch: 49 summary: [4] R. Marsili, A. Garinei, “Development of a new capacitive matrix for pressure distribution measurement” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics Volume 44, Issue 1, January 2014, Pages 114-119 doi: 10.1016/j.ergon.2013.11.012. Acta IMEKO, Title ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2017, Volume 6, Number 4, 100-104 ACTA IMEKO | December 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 4 | 100 A new system for the measurement of gripping force based on scattering M. Becchetti1, R. Marsili1, F. Cannella2, A. Garinei3 1Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, 06125, Italy 2Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, 16163, Italy 3DMII, Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi, Roma, 00193, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Frustrated Total Internal Reflection (FTIR); fingertip contact pressure; biomechanics Citation: M. Becchetti, R. Marsili, F. Cannella, A. Garinei, A new system for the measure of gripping force based on the scattering, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: area; contact; figure; marsili; measurement; plate; pressure; surface; system cache: actaimeko-481.pdf plain text: actaimeko-481.txt item: #507 of 841 id: actaimeko-483 author: Chapoulie, Rémy; Bassel, Léna; Mauran, Guilhem; Ferrier, Catherine; Queffelec, Alain; Lacanette, Delphine; Malaurent, Philippe; Bousquet, Bruno; Motto-Ros, Vincent; Trichard, Florian; Pelascini, Frédéric; Rodriguez, Vincent title: Photons and electrons for the study of a white veil covering some walls in prehistoric caves date: 2017-09-27 words: 3409 flesch: 61 summary: Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for elemental characterization of calcitic alterations on cave walls. Acta IMEKO, Title ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X September 2017, Volume 6, Number 3, 82-86 ACTA IMEKO | September 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 3 | 82 Photons and electrons for the study of a white veil covering some walls in prehistoric caves Rémy Chapoulie1, Léna Bassel1, Guilhem Mauran1, Catherine Ferrier2, Alain Queffelec2, Delphine Lacanette3, Philippe Malaurent3, Bruno Bousquet4, Vincent Motto-Ros5, Florian Trichard5, Frédéric Pelascini6, Vincent Rodriguez7 1IRAMAT-CRP2A, UMR CNRS 5060, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Maison de l’Archéologie, Domaine Universitaire, Esplanade des Antilles, 33607 Pessac Cedex, France 2PACEA, UMR CNRS 5199, Université de Bordeaux, Bâtiment B8, Allée Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, CS 50023, 33615 Pessac Cedex, France 3I2M, UMR 5295 CNRS, Université de Bordeaux, 33607 Pessac, France 4CELIA, UMR CNRS 5107, Université de Bordeaux, 351 Cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence Cedex, France 5Institut Lumière Matière, UMR 5306, Université de Lyon 1 – CNRS, Université de Lyon, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France keywords: calcite; cave; coralloid; figure; france; layer; libs; moonmilk; université cache: actaimeko-483.pdf plain text: actaimeko-483.txt item: #508 of 841 id: actaimeko-485 author: Kim, Min-Seok title: Introduction to the Special Section of the Asia-Pacific Symposium on Measurement of Mass, Force and Torque (APMF) 2015 date: 2017-07-21 words: 1126 flesch: 50 summary: Over the last two decades, however, it has developed into a most active symposium in the Asia-Pacific region, where almost 100 experts get together to share up-to- date information and discuss current issues in mass, force and torque measurement. Koji Ogushi reports inter-comparison results of torque standards between NMIJ and KRISS in the range from 50 N⋅m to 2000 N⋅m. keywords: force; mass; measurement; torque cache: actaimeko-485.pdf plain text: actaimeko-485.txt item: #509 of 841 id: actaimeko-486 author: Salceanu, Alexandru; Lunca, Eduard; Paulet, Marius title: Affordable evaluation of low frequency electric fields from the standpoint of Directive 2013/35/EU date: 2017-12-28 words: 7567 flesch: 49 summary: The effects might be: direct (thermal, mainly heating but also non-thermal, like electric fields induced in the body determining stimulation of muscles, nerves or sensory organs or like currents established in the limbs) or indirect, caused by the action of a specific object placed in the field (pacemakers, other implants, detonators or fires produced by sparks). Stake-holders’ expectations in relation to the part of the verification and control that must be done by the engineers concern first of all the correct measurement of the incident fields and, in the next stage, the calculation, analytical or by modeling, of the current densities or electric fields induced within the human body. keywords: body; directive; electric; exposure; field; figure; frequency; health; human; khz; low; power; values cache: actaimeko-486.pdf plain text: actaimeko-486.txt item: #510 of 841 id: actaimeko-489 author: Chen, Sheng-Jui title: System for measuring vacuum-pump performance using the standard throughput method date: 2018-04-01 words: 2554 flesch: 59 summary: Assuming the number N of gas molecules is also conserved, i.e. no chemical reactions between gas molecules, and the ABSTRACT Ultimate pressure of a vacuum system is determined by two parameters, namely the total gas load of vacuum system and the pumping speed (volume flow rate) of vacuum pump. In this study, we constructed a system for measuring the pumping speed of vacuum pump according to ISO 21360-1:2012, in which three methods are described, i.e. the throughput method, the orifice method and the pump-down method. keywords: gas; measurement; pressure; pump; pumping; speed; system; vacuum cache: actaimeko-489.pdf plain text: actaimeko-489.txt item: #511 of 841 id: actaimeko-49 author: Silva, Eduardo Costa da; Carneiro, João Henrique Costa Carvalho; Gusmão, Luiz Antônio Pereira de; Barbosa, Carlos Roberto Hall; Monteiro, Elisabeth Costa title: Development of a fast and reliable system for the automatic characterization of Giant magnetoimpedance samples date: 2013-08-16 words: 4897 flesch: 52 summary: To analyze the behaviour of GMI samples excited by higher magnetic fields, the system must be redesigned by Figure  1.  Typical  measurement  of  the  GMI  effect:  The large number of variables that should be analyzed in the measuring procedure motivated the development of an automatic characterization system, which accepts as input a list of measurement configurations, and outputs the resulting measurement data – readings of magnitude and phase of the impedance of GMI samples [21]. keywords: characterization; current; field; figure; giant; gmi; impedance; measurements; samples; system cache: actaimeko-49.pdf plain text: actaimeko-49.txt item: #512 of 841 id: actaimeko-490 author: Regtien, Paul P.L. title: Journal contacts date: 2017-07-21 words: 395 flesch: 29 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paolo Carbone, Italy HONORARY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 4, 5 and 6) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Catalin Damian, Romania Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Eric Benoit, France Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Spartacus Gomariz, Spain Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Franco Pavese, Italy Serge Rapuano, Italy Paul Regtien, The Netherlands Janaina M Rodrigues, Brazil Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Jan Saliga, Slovakia Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Claudia Zoani, Italy FINAL EDITING Rosario Morello, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Acta IMEKO, Title ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X July 2017, Volume 6, Number 2, 1 ACTA IMEKO | keywords: imeko; international; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-490.pdf plain text: actaimeko-490.txt item: #513 of 841 id: actaimeko-491 author: Salah García, Oscar Yazit; García Sánchez, Carlos Eduardo title: Mathematical analysis of the effect of the constant temperature assumption in the leak test of PTB Testing Instructions, Volume 25 date: 2018-04-01 words: 4019 flesch: 60 summary: Leak flow rates calculated using PTB 25’s model in leak tests with temperature increase (𝑇𝑓 = 𝑇𝑖 + 0.1), versus initial pressure of the control volume. ABSTRACT PTB Testing Instructions, Volume 25: Gas meters – Test rigs with critical nozzles (PTB 25) includes a detailed description of a test to evaluate the tightness of the rig (leak test). keywords: leak; leak test; ptb; temperature; test; 𝑃𝑓 𝑇𝑓; 𝑃𝑖 𝑇𝑖 cache: actaimeko-491.pdf plain text: actaimeko-491.txt item: #514 of 841 id: actaimeko-492 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Editorial to additional papers date: 2017-07-21 words: 357 flesch: 38 summary: July 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 2 | 80 Editorial to additional papers Paolo Carbone University of Perugia, Italy Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Paolo Carbone, Editorial to additional papers, Acta IMEKO, vol. 6, no. 2, article 14, July 2017, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-06 (2017)-02-14 Section Editor: Paul Regtien, Measurement Science Consultancy, The Netherlands Received July 14, 2017; In final form July 14, 2017; Published July 2017 Copyright: © 2017 IMEKO. Editorial to additional papers keywords: imeko; july cache: actaimeko-492.pdf plain text: actaimeko-492.txt item: #515 of 841 id: actaimeko-493 author: Culma Caviedes, Jose Eduin title: Measurement of the Sensitivity for Diving-bell Manometer date: 2018-04-01 words: 3507 flesch: 61 summary: Diving bell manometers, like the one found at INM, have been on the industry for a considerable amount of time. However, inverted bell pressure measuring devices authentic importance is that, even considering that these devices are not traded like in the past, they can be simplified and updated to meet metrology’s current needs [5]. keywords: bell; diving; manometer; plate; pressure; weight cache: actaimeko-493.pdf plain text: actaimeko-493.txt item: #516 of 841 id: actaimeko-495 author: Könemann, Jens title: Evaluation of supplementary comparison EURAMET.M.P-S14 in the range 50 MPa to 1 GPa of hydraulic gauge pressure date: 2018-04-01 words: 3525 flesch: 53 summary: The analysis of the comparison results was based on the evaluation of the individual measurement deviations of these transducers with respect to the laboratory standards, whereas the corresponding comparison reference values and their uncertainty were determined separately at each pressure point and pressure transducer. It was aimed to determine the applicability of high-pressure transducers as a TS for pressure comparisons, i.e. testing of typical parameters like drift, hysteresis, sensitivity, repeatability, long-term stability and load cycling effects, see [2]. keywords: comparison; gpa; measurements; pressure; standard; transducers; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-495.pdf plain text: actaimeko-495.txt item: #517 of 841 id: actaimeko-496 author: Boineau, Frédéric; Huret, Sébastien; Otal, Pierre; Plimmer, Mark title: Development and characterisation of a low pressure transfer standard in the range 1 Pa to 10 kPa date: 2018-04-01 words: 4267 flesch: 56 summary: For uncertainty assessment in gauge pressure, we have considered an additional contribution due to the short-term Table 2. Rescaling coefficients of the CDGs and corresponding standard deviations.         4. PROCEDURE TO USE THE TRANSFER STANDARD  To obtain the lowest uncertainty contribution of the transfer standard, it is necessary to rescale the CDGs at each calibration cycle, in absolute pressure mode. keywords: calibration; kpa; pressure; rsg; standard; transfer; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-496.pdf plain text: actaimeko-496.txt item: #518 of 841 id: actaimeko-498 author: Flores, Francisco Javier; Torres, Jorge C. title: Cross-floating calibration study. Trim masses: on the standard balance or on the balance under calibration date: 2018-04-01 words: 2442 flesch: 55 summary: El Marques, C:P. 76246 Queretaro, Mexico Section: TECHNICAL NOTE Keywords: pressure balances; cross-floating calibration; trim masses Citation: Francisco Flores, Jorge Torres, Cross-floating calibration study. This paper presents the results of a study of high accuracy pressure balances cross-floating calibration comparing trim masses on the standard balance or on the balance under calibration. keywords: balance; calibration; e-05; masses; pressure cache: actaimeko-498.pdf plain text: actaimeko-498.txt item: #519 of 841 id: actaimeko-505 author: Grassini, Sabrina; Santoriello, Alfonso title: Introduction to the Special Issue of the MetroArchaeo 2016 Conference date: 2017-09-27 words: 985 flesch: 31 summary: These papers give an interesting overview of the integrated analytical and measurement approaches in cultural heritage and archaeology and well represents the worldwide attendance to the Conference. 2D and 3D reconstructions are important tools for the documentation and the restoration of cultural heritage, as well as the development of tailored wireless sensors networks, such as the one proposed by L. D’Alvia et. keywords: heritage; imeko cache: actaimeko-505.pdf plain text: actaimeko-505.txt item: #520 of 841 id: actaimeko-506 author: Regtien, Paul P.L. title: Journal Contacts date: 2017-09-27 words: 395 flesch: 29 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paolo Carbone, Italy HONORARY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 4, 5 and 6) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Catalin Damian, Romania Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Eric Benoit, France Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Spartacus Gomariz, Spain Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Franco Pavese, Italy Serge Rapuano, Italy Paul Regtien, The Netherlands Janaina M Rodrigues, Brazil Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Jan Saliga, Slovakia Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Claudia Zoani, Italy FINAL EDITING Rosario Morello, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Acta IMEKO, Title ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X September 2017, Volume 6, Number 3, 1 ACTA IMEKO | keywords: imeko; international; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-506.pdf plain text: actaimeko-506.txt item: #521 of 841 id: actaimeko-509 author: Huang, Yi; Gühmann, Clemens title: Wireless Sensor Network for Temperatures Estimation in an Asynchronous Machine Using a Kalman Filter date: 2018-04-01 words: 6906 flesch: 60 summary: Thermal model plays an important role in temperature monitoring. THE EXPERIMENTS Two experiments are performed on the test bench using WSN temperature estimation system. keywords: cage; core; estimation; losses; machine; model; rotor; rotor cage; stator; system; temperature; time; winding; 𝐶𝑠𝑠; 𝑃𝑠𝑠; 𝑃𝑠𝑠 𝐶𝑠𝑠 cache: actaimeko-509.pdf plain text: actaimeko-509.txt item: #522 of 841 id: actaimeko-51 author: Del Prete, Giuseppe; Gallo, Daniele; Landi, Carmine; Luiso, Mario title: Real-time smart meters network for energy management date: 2013-08-16 words: 5983 flesch: 56 summary: [20] G. Del Prete, D. Gallo, C. Landi, M. Luiso, “The use of real-time instruments for smart power systems”, IEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy, 2012. In this way, the implementation of smart metering network is the first step towards the creation of a smart grid electricity network that can intelligently integrate the actions of all logged users: generators, consumers and prosumers (those who simultaneously perform the dual role), in order to offer efficiency with a sustainable supply of electricity, cheapness and safety. keywords: communication; current; data; energy; figure; information; meter; metering; network; number; power; smart; time; voltage; web cache: actaimeko-51.pdf plain text: actaimeko-51.txt item: #523 of 841 id: actaimeko-510 author: Peters, Daniel; Scholz, Patrick; Thiel, Florian title: Software Separation in Measuring Instruments through Security Concepts and Separation Kernels date: 2018-04-01 words: 6883 flesch: 50 summary: This hypervisor was developed at the chair for Security in Telecomunications (SecT) of the TU Berlin and has been designed to exhibit a maximum of runtime staticity, i. e. all dynamic elements usually found in system software are either omitted altogether or carefully altered to behave statically. Software security is becoming a major focus of research, because today's embedded systems are often connected to insecure networks such as the Internet. keywords: access; control; data; framework; instruments; kernel; measurement; measuring; requirements; security; selinux; separation; software; systems cache: actaimeko-510.pdf plain text: actaimeko-510.txt item: #524 of 841 id: actaimeko-512 author: Kohlrusz, Gábor; Enisz, Krisztián; Csomós, Bence; Fodor, Dénes title: Electric energy converter development and diagnostics in mixed-signal simulation environment date: 2018-04-01 words: 5307 flesch: 46 summary: Frequency-domain data of input capacitor voltage signal. Input capacitor Output capacitor New Aged New Aged keywords: capacitor; component; converter; environment; figure; frequency; input; output; signal; simulation; voltage cache: actaimeko-512.pdf plain text: actaimeko-512.txt item: #525 of 841 id: actaimeko-513 author: Scherer, Balázs title: Hardware-in-the-loop test based non-intrusive diagnostics of cyber-physical systems using microcontroller debug ports date: 2018-04-01 words: 7218 flesch: 52 summary: Native USB or Ethernet based XCP servers could provide a significantly higher data bandwidth, but they cause huge overhead to the device under test, and therefore cannot be used in low resourced cyber-physical systems. 10.2. The transport layer functionality is simple: receives frames from the UDP port, handle the transport layer specific headers and provides data for decoding and processing in the Process_Command() method of XCP server. keywords: cmsis; dap; data; debug; debugger; diagnostic; environment; figure; hardware; hil; implementation; interface; server; systems; test; xcp cache: actaimeko-513.pdf plain text: actaimeko-513.txt item: #526 of 841 id: actaimeko-514 author: Pasadas, Dario; Ribeiro, Artur Lopes; Ramos, Helena Geirinhas title: Analysis of the magnetic field in the presence of linear sub surface cracks using ECT date: 2018-04-01 words: 4422 flesch: 58 summary: Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon,Portugal Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: non-destructive testing; eddy current testing; sub-surface cracks; aluminium Citation: Dario J. Pasadas, Artur L. Ribeiro, Helena G. Ramos, Analysis of the magnetic field in the presence of linear sub-surface cracks using ECT, Acta IMEKO, vol. 7, no. 1, article 7, March 2017, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-07 (2017)-01-07 Section Editor: Lorenzo Ciani, University of Florence, Italy Received September 29, 2017; In final form November 29, 2017; Published March 2018 It can be applied to detect and characterize surface and sub-surface cracks with a minimum preparation of the surfaces under inspection keywords: crack; current; depth; eddy; field; surface cache: actaimeko-514.pdf plain text: actaimeko-514.txt item: #527 of 841 id: actaimeko-515 author: Tarabini, Marco; Gocanin, Filip; Saggin, Bortolino; Scaccabarozzi, Diego; Bocciolone, Marco title: Automatic fall monitoring using the floor vibration date: 2019-03-31 words: 7399 flesch: 54 summary: Measurement of the ground reaction force Given that the proposed method is based on the computation of the GRF, we have designed a force platform with a surface large enough to perform fall tests. [12] G. Mastorakis, D. Makris, Fall detection system using Kinect’s infrared sensor, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 9 (2014) pp. keywords: average; dummy; fall; figure; floor; force; grf; impact; subjects; tests; transmissibility; vibration cache: actaimeko-515.pdf plain text: actaimeko-515.txt item: #528 of 841 id: actaimeko-516 author: Bilski, Piotr; Polok, Bartosz title: Analysis of the RBF ANN-based classifier for the diagnostics of electronic circuit date: 2018-04-01 words: 7090 flesch: 54 summary: Nowowiejska 15/19 00-665 Warsaw, Poland Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: fault identification; RBF networks; classification Citation: Bartosz Połok, Piotr Bilski, Analysis of the RBF ANN-based classifier for the diagnostics of electronic circuit, Acta IMEKO, vol. In this work the analysis of various RBF ANN-based classifier configurations for the fault detection and identification module is conducted. keywords: accuracy; ann; classifier; coding; data; examples; fault; network; neurons; number; output; rbf; scheme; set; training cache: actaimeko-516.pdf plain text: actaimeko-516.txt item: #529 of 841 id: actaimeko-519 author: Seneviratne, Dammika; Ciani, Lorenzo; Catelani, Marcantonio; Galar, Diego title: Smart maintenance and inspection of linear assets: An Industry 4.0 approach date: 2018-04-01 words: 5909 flesch: 42 summary: Data Processing and Segmentation of Linear Assets Data grouping plays an important role in the management of linear asset inspection and maintenance. While the research results up to date are useful for maintenance management decision support, an effective framework for linear asset management inspection and maintenance needs to be developed to integrate field operations into decision support. keywords: assets; costs; data; figure; imeko; information; infrastructure; inspection; linear; maintenance; management; pipelines; robot; segments; system cache: actaimeko-519.pdf plain text: actaimeko-519.txt item: #530 of 841 id: actaimeko-524 author: Salceanu, Alexandru; Pálfi, Vilmos title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Section on the “21st Symposium on Measurement of Electrical Quantities” and the “19th Workshop on ADC/DAC Modelling and Testing” date: 2017-12-28 words: 2509 flesch: 39 summary: (Use these settings to create Adobe PDF documents best suited for high-quality prepress printing. Acta IMEKO, Title ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2017, Volume 6, Number 4, 2-4 ACTA IMEKO | December 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 4|2 Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Section on the “21st Symposium on Measurement of Electrical Quantities” and the “19th Workshop on ADC/DAC Modelling and Testing” Alexandru Salceanu, Vilmos Pálfi ”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Mangeron Str. 67, 700050, Iasi, Romania Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Magyar tudósok krt. keywords: acta; acta imeko; adobe; chairperson; december; imeko; measurement; model; number; paper cache: actaimeko-524.pdf plain text: actaimeko-524.txt item: #531 of 841 id: actaimeko-525 author: Franceschini, Fiorenzo; Maisano, Domenico Augusto title: A novel technique based on the Law of Comparative Judgment for quality-related problems date: 2018-07-04 words: 3574 flesch: 56 summary: For example, various studies show that comparative judgments of objects (e.g., “Oi is more preferred than Oj”) are generally easier than judgments in absolute terms (e.g., “the degree of the attribute of Oi is low/high”) [11], i.e., a consolidated model that, starting from judgments expressed in the form of paired-comparison (ordinal) relationships of a set of objects, allows constructing an interval scaling of these objects. keywords: objects; preference; scale cache: actaimeko-525.pdf plain text: actaimeko-525.txt item: #532 of 841 id: actaimeko-526 author: Miller, Ainsley; Mulholland, Anthony J; Pierce, Stephen Gareth; Hughes, Ben; Forbes, Alistair B title: Positional uncertainty in optical-based metrology systems in large volume manufacturing date: 2018-07-04 words: 4654 flesch: 53 summary: Optical- based metrology systems assume that the volume of air is homogeneous and that light rays travel in straight lines (so no refractive effects). Large volume metrology involves using light rays which travel through the air volume to gather data on the distance or angle between the measurement apparatus and the object being measured [3]. keywords: figure; index; light; photogrammetry; ray; reflector; systems; temperature; volume cache: actaimeko-526.pdf plain text: actaimeko-526.txt item: #533 of 841 id: actaimeko-527 author: Carbone, Paolo title: Editorial to the last papers from the IMEKO World Congress 2015, Prague date: 2017-12-28 words: 1308 flesch: 37 summary: (Use these settings to create Adobe PDF documents best suited for high-quality prepress printing. (Za stvaranje Adobe PDF dokumenata najpogodnijih za visokokvalitetni ispis prije tiskanja koristite ove postavke. keywords: acta; adobe; december; imeko; paper cache: actaimeko-527.pdf plain text: actaimeko-527.txt item: #534 of 841 id: actaimeko-529 author: Shestakov, Aleksandr L.; Sviridyuk, Georgy A.; Keller, Alevtina V.; Zamyshlyaeva, Alyona A.; Khudyakov, Yurii V. title: Numerical Investigation of Optimal Dynamic Measurements date: 2018-07-04 words: 5794 flesch: 60 summary: Acta IMEKO, Title ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2018, Volume 7, Number 2, 65-72 ACTA IMEKO | June 2018 | Volume 7 | Number 2 | 65 Numerical Investigation of Optimal Dynamic Measurements Aleksandr L. Shestakov, Georgy A. Sviridyuk, Alevtina V. Keller, Alyona A. Zamyshlyaeva, Yurii V. Khudyakov South Ural State University,Lenina, 76, Chelyabinsk, Russia Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: mathematical model of measuring transducer; optimal dynamic measurement; set of admissible measurements Citation: Aleksandr L. Shestakov, Georgy A. Sviridyuk, Alevtina V. Keller, Alyona A. Zamyshlyaeva, Yurii V. Khudyakov, Numerical Investigation of Optimal Dynamic Measurements, Acta IMEKO, vol. We emphasize that the theory of optimal dynamic measurements is based on three fundamental components: 1) the solution of dynamic measurements problems using the ideas and methods of the remote control theory; 2) the development of the descriptor systems theory and its applications [3]; 3) the development of methods for the solution of Sobolev type equations and corresponding optimal control problems, including numerical methods for solving optimal control problems for Leontief type systems. keywords: measurements; u u cache: actaimeko-529.pdf plain text: actaimeko-529.txt item: #535 of 841 id: actaimeko-53 author: Mariscotti, Andrea title: Variability and uncertainty of Track Circuit band-pass modeling for interference evaluation date: 2013-08-16 words: 6349 flesch: 49 summary: Different filter lengths (i.e. number of filter taps) were considered and the approximation is satisfactory for our tests beginning with N = 4096, so that any deviation from the nominal frequency response is smaller than 1% and can be considered negligible. Signalling circuit fundamentals  The considered signalling circuits are track circuits (TCs), all based on a common operating mechanism, that of transmitting a modulated signal from a transmitter (TX) to a receiver (RX) over the track, and sensing track occupation by measuring the amount of signal that reaches the RX. keywords: band; current; figure; filter; frequency; interference; response; time; track cache: actaimeko-53.pdf plain text: actaimeko-53.txt item: #536 of 841 id: actaimeko-530 author: Regtien, Paul P.L. title: Journal Contacts date: 2017-12-28 words: 1321 flesch: 40 summary: (Use these settings to create Adobe PDF documents best suited for high-quality prepress printing. The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paolo Carbone, Italy HONORARY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 4, 5 and 6) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Catalin Damian, Romania Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Marco Tarabini, Italy Eric Benoit, France Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Spartacus Gomariz, Spain Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Franco Pavese, Italy Serge Rapuano, Italy Paul Regtien, The Netherlands Janaina M Rodrigues, Brazil Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Jan Saliga, Slovakia Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Ian Veldman, South Africa Claudia Zoani, Italy FINAL EDITING Rosario Morello, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. keywords: acta; adobe; imeko; italy; journal cache: actaimeko-530.pdf plain text: actaimeko-530.txt item: #537 of 841 id: actaimeko-531 author: Ebarvia, Benilda Sacop; Cabanilla, Sharlene Rayo; Dacuya, Aaron Cultivo; Cruz, Alma Bustamante; Tongson, Alleni Biglete; Cortez, Cyril Cabase; Aganda, Kim Christopher; Mamplata, Natividad Ramos title: Matrix Reference Materials Development for Food Safety Application in Philippine Products date: 2020-09-30 words: 3216 flesch: 50 summary: Measurement of benzoic acid and histamine by HPLC For benzoic acid analysis, the HPLC (Shimadzu Prominence LC-20A with UV - VIS Detector, set at 234 nm) with Waters C18 Sunfire (3.5 μm, Ø 4.6 mm × 150 mm) column was used following a validated, in-house-developed method [4]. This study focused on the development of RMs for measuring histamine in canned tuna and benzoic acid in mango juice. keywords: acid; benzoic; histamine; juice; mass; reference; rms; sample cache: actaimeko-531.pdf plain text: actaimeko-531.txt item: #538 of 841 id: actaimeko-533 author: Del Pizzo, Silvio; Papa, Umberto; Gaglione, Salvatore; Troisi, Salvatore; Del Core, Giuseppe title: A Vision-based navigation system for landing procedure date: 2018-07-04 words: 6504 flesch: 56 summary: Acta IMEKO, Title ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2018, Volume 7, Number 2, 102-109 ACTA IMEKO | June 2018 | Volume 7 | Number 2 | 102 A Vision-based navigation system for landing procedure Silvio Del Pizzo, Umberto Papa, Salvatore Gaglione, Salvatore Troisi, Giuseppe Del Core Department of Science and Technology, University of Naples “Parthenope”, Naples, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: UAS; close range photogrammetry; camera images; flight mechanics; embedded electronic platform Citation: Silvio Del Pizzo, Umberto Papa, Salvatore Gaglione, Salvatore Troisi, Giuseppe Del Core, A Vision-based navigation system for landing procedure, Acta IMEKO, vol. Another reported analysis was the comparison between two different photogrammetry methods, LSM and CHT, implemented to process camera images. keywords: accuracy; camera; figure; image; landing; object; orientation; position; procedure; system; targets; uas; vision cache: actaimeko-533.pdf plain text: actaimeko-533.txt item: #539 of 841 id: actaimeko-535 author: Petritoli, Enrico; Leccese, Fabio title: High Accuracy Attitude and Navigation System for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) date: 2018-07-04 words: 4831 flesch: 60 summary: [31] S. Chao, J. Caron, L. Sukhatme, “Trajectory Design for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles based on Ocean Model Predictions for Feature Tracking”, Field and Service Robotics Volume 62 of the series Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics 2009, pp 263-273 [32] D. Fontanelli, D. Macii, T. Rizano, “A Fast And Low-Cost Vision-Based Line Tracking Measurement System For Robotic Vehicles”, ACTA IMEKO, Vol 4, No 2 (2015) DOI: [33] R.N. Smith, M. Schwager, S.L. Smith, D. Rus, G.S. Sukhatme, “Persistent Ocean Monitoring with Underwater Gliders Towards Accurate Reconstruction of Dynamic Ocean Processes”, Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2011 IEEE International Conference. [17] J.G. Graver, “Underwater Gliders: Dynamics, Control and Design”, PhD thesis, Princeton University, 2005. keywords: attitude; auv; buoyancy; control; drone; figure; glider; imeko; navigation; system; underwater; vehicle; 𝐵𝐺𝐺 cache: actaimeko-535.pdf plain text: actaimeko-535.txt item: #540 of 841 id: actaimeko-537 author: Romano, Elena; Celia Magno, Maria; Bergamin, Luisa title: Grain size of marine sediments in the environmental studies, from sampling to measuring and classifying. A critical review of the most used procedures date: 2018-07-04 words: 4502 flesch: 49 summary: [1], [2], as well as organic carbon [3] and contaminant distribution [4], are strongly conditioned by sediment grain size. Another application of sediment grain size is in the field of coastal management; in particular, the beach nourishment requires sediment characterization because the features of the borrow area must be as similar as possible to those of the native beach [8]. keywords: analysis; data; grain; grain size; imeko; marine; sampling; sediment; size; vol cache: actaimeko-537.pdf plain text: actaimeko-537.txt item: #541 of 841 id: actaimeko-538 author: Angrisano, Antonio; Del Pizzo, Silvio; Gaglione, Salvatore; Troisi, Salvatore; Vultaggio, Mario title: Using local redundancy to improve GNSS absolute positioning in harsh scenario date: 2018-07-04 words: 6166 flesch: 58 summary: Sky-plot of GPS satellite configuration; the total redundancy is 3. Table 1. Sky-plot of GPS satellite configuration; the total redundancy is 6. keywords: errors; glonass; gnss; gps; matrix; measurement; model; number; redundancy; satellite; schemes; weighting cache: actaimeko-538.pdf plain text: actaimeko-538.txt item: #542 of 841 id: actaimeko-539 author: Antonelli, Gianluca; Arrichiello, Filippo; Caiti, Andrea; Casalino, Giuseppe; De Palma, Daniela; Indiveri, Giovanni; Razzanelli, Matteo; Pollini, Lorenzo; Simetti, Enrico title: ISME activity on the use of Autonomous Surface and Underwater Vehicles for acoustic surveys at sea date: 2018-07-04 words: 5531 flesch: 50 summary: The Folaga AUV has a built in mission control system that allows performing basic operations. INTRODUCTION ISME, the Interuniversity Center on Integrated Systems for the Marine Environment, is an Italian Institution that involves a set of Universities (named as ISME-Nodes) that actively work in the field of marine robotics and acoustic systems. keywords: auv; control; figure; hydrophones; isme; mission; navigation; surface; system; underwater; vehicle; wimust cache: actaimeko-539.pdf plain text: actaimeko-539.txt item: #543 of 841 id: actaimeko-541 author: Pavese, Franco; Charki, Abderafi title: Data inter-comparisons in the context of the knowledge-gaining process: an overview date: 2018-07-04 words: 8948 flesch: 46 summary: In the absence of knowledge of a “true value”, the fundamental aim of comparison measurements is to increase as much as possible the confidence level associated with the evaluation of the measurement result. In that case, e... In the absence of knowledge of a “true value”, the fundamental aim of comparison measurements is to increase as much as possible the confidence level associated with the evaluation of the measurement result. keywords: comparison; data; laboratory; measurement; proficiency; reference; results; standard; testing; uncertainty; value cache: actaimeko-541.pdf plain text: actaimeko-541.txt item: #544 of 841 id: actaimeko-542 author: Biber, Alper; Korakci, Ata Can; Golick, Alexander; Robinson, Stephen; Hayman, Gary; Ablitt, Justin; Barrera-Figueroa, Salvador; Buogo, Silvano; Mauro, Salvatore; Borsani, Fabrizio; Curcuruto, Salvatore; Linné, Markus; Sigray, Peter; Davidsson, Per title: Calibration standards for hydrophones and autonomous underwater noise recorders for frequencies below 1 kHz: current activities of EMPIR “UNAC-LOW” project date: 2018-07-04 words: 5806 flesch: 43 summary: Overview of the setup for low frequency hydrophone calibration using the standing wave tube method. Calibration of hydrophones with a coupling chamber The first method for hydrophone calibration is realised by inserting the device under test and a calibrated reference receiver into a closed chamber together with a sound source, therefore exposing both receivers to the same acoustic pressure. keywords: calibration; chamber; field; frequency; hydrophone; khz; measurement; methods; noise; pressure; project; recorders; research; system cache: actaimeko-542.pdf plain text: actaimeko-542.txt item: #545 of 841 id: actaimeko-543 author: Catalucci, Sofia; Marsili, Roberto; Moretti, Michele; Rossi, Gianluca title: Point cloud processing techniques and image analysis comparisons for boat shapes measurements date: 2018-07-04 words: 2553 flesch: 55 summary: Perugia, Italy 2Present address: University of Nottingham, Advanced Manufacturing Building, Jubilee Campus, NG81BB Nottingham, United Kingdom Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: photomodelling; metrology; point clouds; Iterative Closest Point algorithm Citation: Sofia Catalucci, Roberto Marsili, Michele Moretti, Gianluca Rossi, Point cloud processing techniques and image analysis comparisons for boat shapes measurements, Acta IMEKO, vol. 7, no. 2, article 7, June 2018, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-07 (2018)-02-07 Section Editor: Surface 3D model and point cloud by Agisoft Photoscan. keywords: distribution; figure; imeko; june; number; point cache: actaimeko-543.pdf plain text: actaimeko-543.txt item: #546 of 841 id: actaimeko-544 author: D'Onghia, Gianfranco; Capezzuto, Francesca; Carlucci, Roberto; Carluccio, Angela; Maiorano, Porzia; Panza, Michele; Ricci, Pasquale; Sion, Letizia; Tursi, Angelo title: Using a benthic lander to explore and monitor vulnerable ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea date: 2018-07-04 words: 3246 flesch: 54 summary: Other fish species, harvested on fishing grounds, such as Merluccius merluccius, H. dactylopterus and Polyprion americanus (Figure 5), were also recorded in BC. Digital frames showing the active behaviour of Paromola cuvieri and its interaction with Helicolenus dactylopterus (above) and Hexanchus griseus (below) recorded by MEMO lander in the SML CWC province. keywords: behaviour; fish; habitats; lander; memo; sea; species; vol cache: actaimeko-544.pdf plain text: actaimeko-544.txt item: #547 of 841 id: actaimeko-547 author: De Zanet, Denise; Battiston, Monica; Lombardi, Elisabetta; Specogna, Ruben; Trevisan, Francesco; De Marco, Luigi; Affanni, Antonio; Mazzucato, Mario title: A new method for accurate platelet thrombi volume measurement using a confocal microscope date: 2019-03-31 words: 6349 flesch: 52 summary: A new method for accurate platelet thrombi volume measurement using a confocal microscope Denise De Zanet1,2, Monica Battiston2, Elisabetta Lombardi2, Ruben Specogna1, Francesco Trevisan1, Luigi De Marco2, Antonio Affanni1, Mario Mazzucato2 1 Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Udine, Italy 2 Department of Translational Research, Stem Cells Unit, National Cancer Institute CRO - IRCCS, Aviano, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: image processing; volume measurement; calibration; blood coagulation; confocal microscopy Citation: Denise De Zanet, Monica Battiston, Elisabetta Lombardi, Ruben Specogna, Francesco Trevisan, Luigi De Marco, Antonio Affanni, Mario Mazzucato, A new method for accurate platelet thrombi volume measurement using a confocal microscope, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 1, article 8, March 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-08 (2019)-01-08 Section Editor: Rosario Morello, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy Received January 24, 2018; In final form January 19, 2019; Published March 2019 Copyright: Volume measurement keywords: aggregates; blood; confocal; figure; intensity; new; platelet; uncertainty; volume cache: actaimeko-547.pdf plain text: actaimeko-547.txt item: #548 of 841 id: actaimeko-548 author: Cesareo, Roberto; Bustamante, Angel; Jordán, Regulo Franco; Fernandez, Arabel; Azeredo, Soraia; Lopes, Ricardo Tadeu; Alva, Walter; Chero, Luis Z.; Brunetti, Antonio; Gigante, Giovanni E.; Ridolfi, Stefano title: Gold and Silver joining technologies in the Moche Tombs “Señor de Sipán” and “Señora de Cao jewelery date: 2018-10-24 words: 3278 flesch: 60 summary: X-ray spectrum of gold alloys The final result of EDXRF – analysis of a sample is an X-ray spectrum containing a set of X-lines for each detectable element present in the analyzed object [12,13]. [12] R. Cesareo, X-ray physics in La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, Ed. keywords: cao; gold; moche; ray; silver cache: actaimeko-548.pdf plain text: actaimeko-548.txt item: #549 of 841 id: actaimeko-549 author: Cesareo, Roberto; Ridolfi, Stefano; Brunetti, Antonio; Lopes, Ricardo T; Gigante, Giovanni E title: First results on the use of a EDXRF scanner for 3D imaging of paintings date: 2018-10-24 words: 3549 flesch: 59 summary: [12] S. Cesia, A. Saadia, Analytical significance of peaks and peak ratios in x-ray fluorescence analysis using a high-resolution semiconductor detector. Right image: all chemical elements excited in the truncated cone can reach the detector and no information is obtained about the originating depth, unless the internal X-ratios are processed; in fact, X-rays emitted by an internal point (P) are characterized by their altered Kα/Kβ or Lα/Lβ-ratios, which allows to correctly localize it and, finally, to obtain a 3D-image. keywords: figure; layer; pigment; ratios; ray cache: actaimeko-549.pdf plain text: actaimeko-549.txt item: #550 of 841 id: actaimeko-552 author: Fausone, Mara; Galloni, Marco title: Angelo Mosso: Transduction and Measurement of Physiological Signals date: 2018-07-04 words: 2271 flesch: 60 summary: Torino, Sistema Museale di Ateneo, Massimo d’Azeglio, 52 10126 Torino, Italy Section: TECHNICAL NOTE Keywords: Angelo Mosso; physiology; kymograph; measures of physiological processes Citation: Mara Fausone, Marco Galloni, Angelo Mosso: Transduction and Measurement of Physiological Signals, Acta IMEKO, vol. 7, no. 2, article 19, June 2018, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-07 (2018)-02-19 Section Editor: Lorenzo Ciani, University of Florence, Italy Received February 11, 2018; In final form May 21, 2018; Published June 2018 Copyright: © 2018 IMEKO. In the second section we will discuss about professor Angelo Mosso and his studies and researches; in the section three we will explain the use of new transducers and the new instruments applied in different fields of the physiology. keywords: angelo; della; figure; instruments; kymograph; mosso cache: actaimeko-552.pdf plain text: actaimeko-552.txt item: #551 of 841 id: actaimeko-553 author: Hassan, Saher R.; Schlegel, Christian; Kumme, Rolf title: Influences of shaker armature dynamics on periodic force measurement date: 2019-09-30 words: 3192 flesch: 49 summary: Citation: Saher R. Hassan, Ch. Schlegel, R. Kumme, Influences of shaker armature dynamics on periodic force measurement, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 3, article 8, September 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-8 (2019)-3-8 Editor: Dušan Agrež, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Received February 22, 2018; In final form July 19, 2019; Published September 2019 Copyright: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. In this article, we investigate the influence of the shaker armature’s mechanical structure on periodic force measurement, with particular emphasis on measurement uncertainty. keywords: armature; force; load; mass; shaker cache: actaimeko-553.pdf plain text: actaimeko-553.txt item: #552 of 841 id: actaimeko-554 author: Toskovic, Oliver title: Preserving the History of Science – Journey of Old Psychological Instruments date: 2018-10-24 words: 3034 flesch: 47 summary: This letter and wish to provide psychological instruments probably indicates intention of Prof. Stevanović to form laboratory at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. Old psychological instruments: Ranschburg’s mnemometer (upper left), hand ergograph after Klemm (down left), chronometer after Schultze (right). keywords: collection; instruments; laboratory; psychology; time; wundt cache: actaimeko-554.pdf plain text: actaimeko-554.txt item: #553 of 841 id: actaimeko-558 author: Roselli, Ivan; Tatì, Angelo; Fioriti, Vincenzo; Bellagamba, Irene; Mongelli, Marialuisa; Romano, Roberto; De Canio, Gerardo; Barbera, Mariarosaria; Magnani Cianetti, Marina title: Integrated approach to structural diagnosis by non-destructive techniques: the case of the Temple of Minerva Medica date: 2018-10-24 words: 4878 flesch: 46 summary: It shows that masonry temperatures resulted slightly lower than air temperatures in the December survey and, vice versa, slightly higher in August. Each measured position was acquired for at least 20 minutes at a sampling frequency of 200 Hz, as in previous similar studies of historic masonry buildings [9]. keywords: august; building; figure; masonry; measurements; monument; structure; temperature; values; walls cache: actaimeko-558.pdf plain text: actaimeko-558.txt item: #554 of 841 id: actaimeko-559 author: Forestieri, Giulia; Álvarez de Buergo, Mónica title: Infrared Thermography technique (IRT) for the evaluation of the hydric behavior of building stones date: 2018-10-24 words: 3043 flesch: 50 summary: The hydric tests performed are: i) capillary water absorption; and ii) desorption; iii) porosity accessible to water, real and bulk densities. Capillary water absorption (g/m2) vs. square root of the time (s0,5) along the two investigated directions (X and Z). keywords: absorption; figure; hydric; irt; porosity; stone; water cache: actaimeko-559.pdf plain text: actaimeko-559.txt item: #555 of 841 id: actaimeko-560 author: Dinia, Lorenzo; Mangini, Fabio; Muzi, Marco; Frezza, Fabrizio title: FBG Multifunctional pH Sensor - Monitoring the pH Rain in Cultural Heritage date: 2018-10-24 words: 5153 flesch: 57 summary: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited Corresponding author: Lorenzo Dinia, 1. INTRODUCTION During the last decades, there has been a rising interest in the development of sensors based on optical fibers for several applications, including chemical sensing [1]. The configuration of the device could be composed of two fiber Bragg grating sensors to detect both acidic and basic variations. keywords: bragg; fiber; figure; grating; layers; materials; number; reflectance; sensor cache: actaimeko-560.pdf plain text: actaimeko-560.txt item: #556 of 841 id: actaimeko-561 author: Brüge, Andreas; Pfeiffer, Harald title: A Standard for Rotatory Power Measurement date: 2019-09-30 words: 8817 flesch: 50 summary: Rotatory torque measurement In this way, a rising edge of the revolution speed pulse Sn arms the torque counter ZP, which determines the period interval of the torque signal in periods of the counting pulse SZM (Figure 8, t1). In contrast to speed measurements, a jitter error here does not also result from mechanical manufacturing tolerances; rather, it exclusively comes from electrical signal distortions, for which an upper estimate was found by equating them with wej. keywords: figure; measurement; measurement uncertainty; national; power; power measurement; relative; revolution speed; speed measurement; standard; torque; torque measurement; traceability cache: actaimeko-561.pdf plain text: actaimeko-561.txt item: #557 of 841 id: actaimeko-562 author: Affanni, Antonio title: Dual channel electrodermal activity and an ECG wearable sensor to measure mental stress from the hands date: 2019-03-31 words: 5900 flesch: 60 summary: The choice of ECG measurement from the hands improves the invasiveness of usual ECG sensors (which require the user to wear a vest or a chest band), and it is obtained using the same electrodes used for EDA. The paper describes the design and characterisation of a dual-channel electrodermal activity (EDA) and ECG sensor for acquiring data from the hands. keywords: analogue; channel; data; ecg; eda; figure; hands; linearity; measurement; sensor; spr; system; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-562.pdf plain text: actaimeko-562.txt item: #558 of 841 id: actaimeko-564 author: Sandu, Ionut Andrei; Salceanu, Alexandru title: New Approach on the Agile Cycles Containment Effectiveness Metrics in Automotive SW Development date: 2019-01-09 words: 4126 flesch: 51 summary: In the automotive industry, agile software development began to be used among developers as far back as 12 years ago, according to Kugler Maag Cie”s study in 2015 At present, researchers have not decided how to apply the PCE metric in agile software development. keywords: agile; defects; development; effectiveness; ice; iteration; metric; number; software cache: actaimeko-564.pdf plain text: actaimeko-564.txt item: #559 of 841 id: actaimeko-565 author: Fitkov-Norris, Elena; Yeghiazarian, Ara title: Are learning preferences really a myth? Exploring the mapping between study approaches and mode of learning preferences date: 2021-06-29 words: 5821 flesch: 52 summary: Exploring the mapping between study approaches and mode of learning preferences Elena Fitkov-Norris1, Ara Yeghiazarian1 1 Kingston Business School, Kingston University, Kingston Hill, Kingston upon Thames KT2 7LB, UK Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Learning preferences; VARK; study preferences; study habits; learning Citation: Elena Fitkov-Norris, Ara Yeghiazarian, Are learning preferences really a myth? Exploring the mapping between study approaches and mode of learning preferences, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: concept; effect; information; learning; preference; read; students; study; write cache: actaimeko-565.pdf plain text: actaimeko-565.txt item: #560 of 841 id: actaimeko-568 author: Shestakov, Aleksandr title: Dynamic measuring methods: a review date: 2019-03-31 words: 10254 flesch: 50 summary: In [32], [37], intelligent dynamic measuring systems that can adapt their parameters to dynamic measuring errors are Figure 15. A classic description of dynamic systems on the basis of differential equations is given. keywords: characteristics; equation; equipment; error; figure; frequency; function; input; measurement; measuring; measuring system; method; output; pressure; sensor; signal; system cache: actaimeko-568.pdf plain text: actaimeko-568.txt item: #561 of 841 id: actaimeko-569 author: Vremera, Emil; Brunetti, Luciano title: Proposal of a Super-Symmetric Microcalorimeter for Single Step Realization of RF Primary Power Standard date: 2019-01-09 words: 3935 flesch: 50 summary: These two coefficients should be considered as being unitary as a consequence of two actions: power sensor pairing, BA EE = for the same REF, and a balance in the thermopiles’ differential output voltages, DASAe − = DBSBe − , by applying a similar technique to that which is presented in Figure 3. 2. ACTUAL STAGE Some NMIs, e.g., Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM), and the Korean Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), implement the RF power standard mainly by using thermoelectric power sensors. keywords: line; measurement; microcalorimeter; power; reference; sensors cache: actaimeko-569.pdf plain text: actaimeko-569.txt item: #562 of 841 id: actaimeko-57 author: Zielinski, Marek; Chaberski, Dariusz; Gurski, Maciej; Kowalski, Marcin title: Multi tapped delay line time-interval measurement system implemented in a programmable structure date: 2014-09-23 words: 3919 flesch: 60 summary: [1] J. Kalisz, “Review of methods for time interval measurements with picosecond resolution”, Metrologia, no. 41, pp 17-32, 2004. Precision of TIMS in practice depends on the resolution of interpolators (type of interpolator and its implementation technology), that measure residual time intervals Δtp, Δtk and standard clock stability (accumulated jitter). keywords: delay; figure; interval; measurement; number; resolution; time cache: actaimeko-57.pdf plain text: actaimeko-57.txt item: #563 of 841 id: actaimeko-571 author: Ciani, Lorenzo title: Editorial to selected papers from the 15th IMEKO TC10 Workshop on Technical Diagnostics – “Technical Diagnostics in Cyber-Physical Era” date: 2018-04-01 words: 1803 flesch: 39 summary: (Use these settings to create Adobe PDF documents best suited for high-quality prepress printing. March 2018 | Volume 7 | Number 1 | 3 Editorial to selected papers from the 15th IMEKO TC10 Workshop on Technical Diagnostics – “Technical Diagnostics in Cyber-Physical Era” Lorenzo Ciani, Marcantonio Catelani Department of Information Engineering, University of Florence, Italy Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Lorenzo Ciani, Marcantonio Catelani, Editorial to selected papers from the 15th IMEKO TC10 Workshop on Technical Diagnostics – “Technical Diagnostics in Cyber-Physical Era”, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: adobe; diagnostics; imeko; march; paper; workshop cache: actaimeko-571.pdf plain text: actaimeko-571.txt item: #564 of 841 id: actaimeko-572 author: Möwius, Stefan; Kropff, Nicolas; Velicescu, Mircea title: Measurement technologies for permanent magnets date: 2019-01-09 words: 4140 flesch: 50 summary: Magnetic measurement method on structure fatigue damage based on the material magnetic characteristics, Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument 38(6) (2017) pp. 1474-1481. In addition to the influence of different measurement technologies, the results obtained by magnetic measurements can be influenced by the interpretation and consideration of the sample’s intrinsic parameters as well. keywords: coil; field; flux; hall; magnet; measurement; methods; properties; sample; volume cache: actaimeko-572.pdf plain text: actaimeko-572.txt item: #565 of 841 id: actaimeko-573 author: Bongiorno, Jacopo; Mariscotti, Andrea title: Variability of measured railway track conductance due to test set-up date: 2019-01-09 words: 4353 flesch: 53 summary: As pointed out in Section 1 and in [7], there are many sources of variability in rail- to-earth conductance measurements using the method of IEC 62128-2. Variability of measured railway track conductance ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2018, Volume 7, Number 4, 21-25 ACTA IMEKO | December 2018 | Volume 7 | Number 4 | 21 Variability of measured railway track conductance due to test setup Jacopo Bongiorno1, Andrea Mariscotti2 keywords: conductance; current; earth; measurement; resistance; section; track; variability cache: actaimeko-573.pdf plain text: actaimeko-573.txt item: #566 of 841 id: actaimeko-574 author: De Zanet, Denise; Battiston, Monica; Lombardi, Elisabetta; Da Ponte, Alessandro; Specogna, Ruben; Trevisan, Francesco; Affanni, Antonio; Mazzucato, Mario title: Fast blood impedance measurements as quality indicators in the pre-analytical phase to prevent laboratory errors date: 2019-01-09 words: 4865 flesch: 47 summary: Fast blood impedance measurements as quality indicators in the pre-analytical phase to prevent laboratory errors ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2018, Volume 7, Number 4, 26 - 32 ACTA IMEKO | December 2018 | Volume 7 | Number 4 | 26 Fast blood impedance measurements as quality indicators in the pre-analytical phase to prevent laboratory errors Denise De Zanet1,2, Monica Battiston2, Elisabetta Lombardi2, Alessandro Da Ponte2, Ruben Specogna1, Francesco Trevisan1, Antonio Affanni1, Mario Mazzucato2 1 Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Udine, via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine (UD), Italy 2 Department of Research and Advanced Tumors Diagnostics, CRO-IRCCS National Cancer Institute, via F. Gallini 2, 33081 Aviano (PN), Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: electrical impedance; measurements; blood components; laboratory errors; pre-analytical phase management Citation: Denise De Zanet, Monica Battiston, Elisabetta Lombardi, Alessandro Da Ponte, Ruben Specogna, Francesco Trevisan, Antonio Affanni, Mario Mazzucato, Fast blood impedance measurements as quality indicators in the pre-analytical phase to prevent laboratory errors, Acta IMEKO, vol. 7, no. 4, article 6, December 2018, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-07 (2018)-04-06 Editor: Alexandru Salceanu, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania Received March 28, 2018; In final form May 31, 2018; Published December 2018 Copyright: © 2018 IMEKO. Blood components characterized with impedance measurements. keywords: blood; cells; components; figure; impedance; laboratory; magnitude; phase; quality; red cache: actaimeko-574.pdf plain text: actaimeko-574.txt item: #567 of 841 id: actaimeko-575 author: Viegas, Vitor; Pereira, José Miguel Dias; Postolache, Octavian; Girão, Pedro Silva title: Application of force and inertial sensors to monitor gait on legacy walkers date: 2019-01-09 words: 6329 flesch: 63 summary: | Volume 7 | Number 4 | 33 Application of force and inertial sensors to monitor gait on legacy walkers Vítor Viegas1,2, J. M. Dias Pereira1,2, Octavian Postolache1,3, Pedro Silva Girão1,4 1 Instituto de Telecomunicações, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal 2 ESTSetúbal, 3CDP2T, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, 2910-761 Setúbal, Portugal 3 ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, 1600-077 Lisboa, Portugal 4 Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: force measurement; load cell; IMU; walker assistive device; gait analysis Citation: Vítor Viegas, J. M. Dias Pereira, Octavian Postolache, Pedro Silva Girão, Gait monitoring on instrumented walkers: a proposal based on force and inertial sensors, Acta IMEKO, vol. 7, no. 4, article 7, December 2018, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-07 (2018)-04-07 Editor: Vilmos Pálfi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Received March 28, 2018; In final form June 22, 2018; Published December 2018 Copyright: © 2018 IMEKO. [24] J. M. Dias Pereira, V. Viegas, O. Postolache, P. Silva Girão, “Combining distance and force measurements to monitor the usage of walker assistive devices”, Proc. of IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), May 22-25, 2017, Torino, Italy, pp. 1-6. keywords: application; balance; cofx; data; figure; force; gait; limb; load; state; step; user; walker cache: actaimeko-575.pdf plain text: actaimeko-575.txt item: #568 of 841 id: actaimeko-576 author: Tavcar, Rok; Agrez, Dusan; Begus, Samo title: Evaluation of pressure effects on acoustic thermometer with a single waveguide date: 2019-01-09 words: 5183 flesch: 62 summary: [18] R. Tavcar, D. Agrez, S. Begus, “Acoustic thermometer with single waveguide”, Proc. of the 22nd IMEKO TC4 International Symposium & 20th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing: Supporting World Development through Electrical and Electronic Measurements, Sept. 14-15, 2017, Iasi, Romania, pp. The design proposed in this work offers new advantages compared with similar acoustic thermometers, while also retaining their benefits. keywords: acoustic; figure; microphone; signal; sound; temperature; thermometer; tube cache: actaimeko-576.pdf plain text: actaimeko-576.txt item: #569 of 841 id: actaimeko-577 author: Torres-Guzman, Jorge C.; Kobata, Tokihiko title: Editorial to selected papers from the 5th International Conference IMEKO TC16 date: 2018-04-01 words: 1672 flesch: 42 summary: The current members of TC16 are: Dr. Tokihiko Kobata, Chairperson Japan Dr. Jay H. Hendricks, Vice Chairperson USA Dr. María Nieves Medina Martin, Scientific Secretary Spain Dr. Dominik Prazak, Scientific Secretary Czech Republic Dr. Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Advisor (Past Chairman) Mexico ACTA IMEKO | The Netherlands Dr. Christian Wuthrich Switzerland Dr. Martin Wuest keywords: acta; adobe; imeko; march; papers; tc16 cache: actaimeko-577.pdf plain text: actaimeko-577.txt item: #570 of 841 id: actaimeko-578 author: Riess, Christian; Walter, Michael Simon Josef; Weiherer, Stefan; Haas, Tiffany; Haas, Sebastian; Salceanu, Alexandru title: Heating an electric car with a biofuel operated heater during cold seasons – design, application and test date: 2019-01-09 words: 5008 flesch: 57 summary: [9] Q. Peng, Q. Du, Progress in heat pump air conditioning systems for electric vehicles – a review. Dimitrie Mangeron, nr.67,700050 Iaşi, România Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: electric vehicle; range extension; air-conditioning; fuel-operated heater; biofuel; prototype Citation: Christian Riess, Michael Simon Josef Walter, Stefan Weiherer, Tiffany Haas, Sebastian Haas, Alexandru Salceanu, Heating an electric car with a biofuel operated heater during cold seasons – design, application and test, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: air; battery; compartment; driving; electric; energy; figure; fuel; heater; heating; range; test; vehicle cache: actaimeko-578.pdf plain text: actaimeko-578.txt item: #571 of 841 id: actaimeko-579 author: Morello, Rosario title: Contact Page date: 2018-04-01 words: 1094 flesch: 31 summary: (Use these settings to create Adobe PDF documents best suited for high-quality prepress printing. The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dušan Agrež, Slovenia FOUNDING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 6 and 7) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Nicola Pasquino, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Paul Regtien, The Netherlands Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Jan Saliga, Slovakia Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ian Veldman, South Africa Claudia Zoani, Italy FINAL EDITING Rosario Morello, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. keywords: acta; adobe; imeko; international; italy; journal cache: actaimeko-579.pdf plain text: actaimeko-579.txt item: #572 of 841 id: actaimeko-580 author: Agrez, Dusan title: Editorial date: 2018-04-01 words: 1577 flesch: 47 summary: (Use these settings to create Adobe PDF documents best suited for high-quality prepress printing. | Volume 7 | Number 1 | 1 Section: A message to our readers Dear Reader, the first issue of Volume 7 of ACTA IMEKO is in your hands. keywords: acta; editor; imeko; measurement cache: actaimeko-580.pdf plain text: actaimeko-580.txt item: #573 of 841 id: actaimeko-583 author: Iuppariello, Luigi; Cesarelli, Mario; Faiella, Giuliana; Esposito, S.; Nespoli, M.; Foggia, L.; Clemente, Fabrizio title: Design of technology-based rehabilitation pathways: the experience of Santobono-Pausilipon Hospital date: 2019-01-09 words: 4806 flesch: 39 summary: In recent years, several robotics and VR systems for rehabilitation treatments have been developed successfully to help patients with functional disability recover or compensate for loss of limb motor function [14]. Rehabilitation GRAIL sessions for patients facing problems in coordination, posture, gait, balance, and/or stability. keywords: analysis; children; figure; gait; grail; pathways; patient; rehabilitation; system; technology cache: actaimeko-583.pdf plain text: actaimeko-583.txt item: #574 of 841 id: actaimeko-584 author: Bonacini, Elisa; Tanasi, Davide; Trapani, Paolo title: Digital heritage dissemination and the participatory storytelling project #iziTRAVELSicilia: the case of the Archaeological Museum of Syracuse (Italy) date: 2018-10-24 words: 8924 flesch: 44 summary: | Volume 7 | Number 3 | 40 and co-creative projects about Sicilian heritage, and to expand participation in these projects and their dissemination, including the dissemination of types of digital cultural content, such as what has been done in collaboration with IDEx and its collection of 3D models of artefacts. 3D model 3D model link on IDEx Sketchfab collection Lithic panel from tomb 31 of Castelluccio Lithic panel from tomb 34 of Castelluccio Maltese type pedestal cup Juglet from Sant’Angelo Muxaro necropolis Kouros of Megara Hyblaea Kouros of Leontinoi Young boy from Achradina Goddess of Grammichele Goddess from Poggio dell’Aquila Kourotrophos of Megara Hyblaea Egyptian statue of scribe Petamenofi Golden ring with cow and calf from Sant’Angelo Muxaro Golden ring with a wolf from Sant’Angelo Muxaro Milestone from Naxos Non-Hellenic inscription from Mendolito di Adrano Torso from Achradina Satyr-telamon from Neapolis district Lion gutter from Euryalos castle Venus Landolina Asclepius from Castello Maniace Statue of the ‘Fisherman’ Head of Priapus Head of Augustus from Centuripe ‘Dama Flavia’ Roman magistrate Sarcophagus of Adelphia ACTA IMEKO | October 2018 | Volume 7 | Number 3 | 39 schedule on the “Paolo Orsi” museum audio guide, and a digital reconstruction of this statue has been created and linked on both the audio guides, thus allowing users to digitally access and understand this unique piece of archaic sculpture split between two different collections. keywords: 3d models; audio; cultural; digital; figure; google; heritage; inv;; models; museum; orsi; paolo; platform; project; scanning; storytelling cache: actaimeko-584.pdf plain text: actaimeko-584.txt item: #575 of 841 id: actaimeko-585 author: Castello, Paolo; Muscas, Carlo; Pegoraro, Paolo Attilio; Sulis, Sara title: Monitoring System Based on Phasor Measurement Units with Variable Reporting Rates date: 2019-01-09 words: 6508 flesch: 55 summary: Normally, PMUs send measurement data at a high and constant reporting rate to guarantee the monitoring of dynamic events in an electric transmission network. To the knowledge of the authors, this proposal is the first example of a PMU designed with an adaptive functionality for the transmission of measurement data. keywords: case; data; figure; fps; frequency; measurement; pdc; pmu; system; time cache: actaimeko-585.pdf plain text: actaimeko-585.txt item: #576 of 841 id: actaimeko-586 author: Angelini, Andrea; Portarena, Damiano title: Advice for archaeological survey with recent technologies date: 2018-10-24 words: 7108 flesch: 47 summary: The result is a reality- based virtual model able to describe the complexity of an archaeological subject from different points of view. Different errors can be added together and influence the final results, so some aspects need to be clarified. keywords: acquisition; camera; data; error; figure; image; model; number; points; process; representation; survey cache: actaimeko-586.pdf plain text: actaimeko-586.txt item: #577 of 841 id: actaimeko-587 author: Leuzzi, Maria Celeste; Crippa, Mila; Costa, Giorgio Andrea title: Application of Non-Destructive Techniques. The Madonna Del Latte Case Study date: 2018-10-24 words: 3285 flesch: 58 summary: Photomicrographs of the Virgin’s cloak: a) Blue pigment from the outer cloak, b) Light green pigment from the inner cloak. VIS-RS spectra of dark blue and light green pigments. keywords: del; latte; lead; light; madonna; pigment; virgin; white cache: actaimeko-587.pdf plain text: actaimeko-587.txt item: #578 of 841 id: actaimeko-59 author: Ma, Li; Low, Samuel; Song, John title: An approach to determining the Brinell hardness indentation diameter based on contact position date: 2014-09-23 words: 4392 flesch: 49 summary: The phenomenon of pile-up or sink-in in the indentation process is known to significantly influence the contact area and indentation contact diameter. [7] K, Ai, L. Dai, Numerical study of pile-up in bulk metallic glass during spherical indentation, Science in China Series G: Physics Mechanics and Astronomy 51 (2008) pp.379-386. keywords: brinell; contact; diameter; indentation; profile; slope; test cache: actaimeko-59.pdf plain text: actaimeko-59.txt item: #579 of 841 id: actaimeko-590 author: Fiorillo, Fausta; Rossi, Corinna title: 3D survey and metric analysis of the Late Roman Fort of Umm al-Dabadib (Egypt) date: 2018-10-24 words: 4388 flesch: 56 summary: 3D survey and metric analysis of the Late Roman Fort of Umm al-Dabadib (Egypt) ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X October 2018, Volume 7, Number 3, 57 - 63 ACTA IMEKO | October 2018 | Volume 7 | Number 3 | 57 3D survey and metric analysis of the Late Roman Fort of Umm al-Dabadib (Egypt) Fausta Fiorillo1, Corinna Rossi1 1 Politecnico di Milano, Department ABC (Architecture, Built environment and Construction engineering), Milan, Italy. Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Late Roman forts; metrology; units of measurement; Egypt; photogrammetric survey Citation: Fausta Fiorillo, Corinna Rossi, 3D survey and metric analysis of the Late Roman Fort of Umm al-Dabadib (Egypt), Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: figure; fort; kharga; level; model; point; survey cache: actaimeko-590.pdf plain text: actaimeko-590.txt item: #580 of 841 id: actaimeko-592 author: De Nunzio, Giorgio title: A software tool for the semi-automatic segmentation of architectural 3D models with semantic annotation and Web fruition date: 2018-10-24 words: 7240 flesch: 52 summary: In Figure 3 some example of model segmentation are shown. In the scope of this paper, the interest is not in 2D images, but in 3D point clouds of building walls. keywords: algorithm; cloud; columns; detection; edges; figure; model; number; parts; point; segmentation; semantic; software; stairs; step; wall; web cache: actaimeko-592.pdf plain text: actaimeko-592.txt item: #581 of 841 id: actaimeko-595 author: Leucci, Giovanni; Di Giacomo, Giacomo; De Giorgi, Lara; Ditaranto, Immacolata; Miccoli, Ilaria; Scardozzi, Giuseppe title: Integrated geophysical surveys for the knowledge of a monument of Lecce: the sixteenth-century fortifications date: 2018-10-24 words: 3524 flesch: 50 summary: In particular, two buildings were immediately to the north of the double bastions and the structures of the “Campo polisportivo Achille Starace”, built in 1924, were in the area immediately to the west of this stretch of city walls. The use of GPR method also documented the characteristics of the bedrock, highlighting that its surface is irregular, and many detected geophysical anomalies are related to human activities. keywords: area; century; city; figure; geophysical; lecce; moat; walls cache: actaimeko-595.pdf plain text: actaimeko-595.txt item: #582 of 841 id: actaimeko-597 author: Buzi, Costantino; Micarelli, Ileana; Profico, Antonio; Conti, Jacopo; Grassetti, Roberto; Cristiano, Walter; Di Vincenzo, Fabio; Tafuri, Mary Anne; Manzi, Giorgio title: Measuring the shape: performance evaluation of a photogrammetry improvement applied to the Neanderthal skull Saccopastore 1 date: 2018-10-24 words: 4600 flesch: 56 summary: Such implementation has the purpose to semi-automatize the procedures of digital acquisition, by the introduction of an automatically rotating platform users can easily build on their own with minimum costs. [7] X. Ni, J. J. Flynn, A. R. Wyss, Imaging the inner ear in fossil mammals: High-resolution CT scanning and 3-D virtual reconstructions, Palaeontol. keywords: acquisition; distance; mesh; number; photogrammetry; scp1; vol cache: actaimeko-597.pdf plain text: actaimeko-597.txt item: #583 of 841 id: actaimeko-598 author: Ursache, Silviu; Lunca, Eduard; Salceanu, Alexandru; Pavel, Ionel title: Analysis of the influence of the current drawn by the appliance on the close magnetic field date: 2019-01-09 words: 3661 flesch: 48 summary: Once connected to a power supply network, these devices generate low-frequency electric and magnetic fields, complementary to (operational) radio frequency fields. In future research, we aim to 3D model the spatial distribution of magnetic fields produced by electric motors that typically equip household appliances. keywords: appliances; consumption; current; electric; field; figure; flux; frequency; household cache: actaimeko-598.pdf plain text: actaimeko-598.txt item: #584 of 841 id: actaimeko-599 author: Carullo, Alessio; Castellana, Antonella; Vallan, Alberto; Ciocia, Alessandro; Spertino, Filippo title: In-field monitoring of eight photovoltaic plants: degradation rate along seven years of continuous operation date: 2019-01-09 words: 4717 flesch: 53 summary: Monitored PV plants The eight PV plants that were monitored are located in Piemonte (Italy) at a latitude of about 45 °N, in the Cwc Köppen- Geiger climate zone [13]. The main outcome of this work can be summarized as the higher degradation rate of thin-film based PV modules with respect to silicon- based PV modules. keywords: /year; degradation; modules; plant; rate; system; values cache: actaimeko-599.pdf plain text: actaimeko-599.txt item: #585 of 841 id: actaimeko-600 author: Kekalainen, Jorma title: A discrete time domain approach on time delay estimation date: 2019-03-31 words: 8330 flesch: 60 summary: The problem of estimating time delays between noisy signals has attracted considerable attention over the years due to the variety of applications in areas such as acoustics, sonar, radar, flow, and velocity measurements. The accurate estimation of time delay is often complicated by conditions of poor signal-to-noise ratio, a changing time delay, multipath propagation, and dispersion. keywords: correlation; criterion; criterion function; delay; estimate; estimation; function; processing; sample; time; time delay; values cache: actaimeko-600.pdf plain text: actaimeko-600.txt item: #586 of 841 id: actaimeko-601 author: Diaferio, Mariella; Foti, Dora; Giannoccaro, Nicola Ivan; Ivorra, Salvador title: Measuring the modal parameters of a cultural heritage tower by using strong-motion signals date: 2018-10-24 words: 6015 flesch: 52 summary: Excitation frequency at 16 Hz Analysing by means of the proposed procedure the forced data with excitation frequency of 16 Hz (corresponding as shown in paragraph 3 at about the value of the second flexural mode along y axis), the peak amplitude and the phase shift along y axis shown in Figures 15 and 16 have been obtained. [12] A. De Sortis, E. Antonacci, F. Vestroni, Dynamic identification of a masonry building using forced vibration tests, Eng. keywords: analysis; direction; excitation; excitation frequency; figure; frequency; phase; points; structure; tower cache: actaimeko-601.pdf plain text: actaimeko-601.txt item: #587 of 841 id: actaimeko-602 author: Malagnino, Ada; Mangialardi, Giovanna; Zavarise, Giorgio; Corallo, Angelo title: Process modeling for historical buildings restoration: an innovation in the management of cultural heritage date: 2018-10-24 words: 9903 flesch: 64 summary: The literature review about the simultaneous application of BIM and BPM approaches to the construction sector has revealed that cultural heritage processes are not managed by BPM techniques. To improve restoration process management in the specific field of cultural heritage, HBIM requirements have been investigated and, by applying a deductive approach, changes in the traditional process have been proposed. keywords: c e; c o; c t; e e; e n; e s; m e; n c; n d; n n; n r; n s; n t; o n; o r; o t; s t; t e; u n cache: actaimeko-602.pdf plain text: actaimeko-602.txt item: #588 of 841 id: actaimeko-604 author: Schirripa Spagnolo, Giuseppe; Cozzella, Lorenzo; Leccese, Fabio title: Phase correlation functions: FFT vs. FHT date: 2019-03-31 words: 4829 flesch: 63 summary: Therefore, ( ) ( ) ( ), , , 2 H H H G u v G u v E u v + − − = , (18) ( ) ( ) ( ), , , 2 H H H G u v G u v O u v − − − = (19) with ( ) ( ) ( ), , ,F H HG u v E u v j O u v= − , which is the 2D extension of equation (14) From equation (23), we obtain ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) , , , , , , , , , , , , H H H H H H H H H H H H R u v R u v P u v Q u v P u v Q u v R u v R u v P u v Q u v P u v Q u v + − − =  −  − − − − − = − −  −  − − (24) and eventually ACTA IMEKO | March 2019 keywords: f u; p u; q u; transform; u v; − − cache: actaimeko-604.pdf plain text: actaimeko-604.txt item: #589 of 841 id: actaimeko-610 author: Di Francia, Elisabetta; Lahoz, Ruth; Neff, Delphine; Angelini, Emma; Grassini, Sabrina title: Laser cleaning of Cu-based artefacts: laser/corrosion products interaction date: 2018-10-24 words: 4995 flesch: 43 summary: Laser cleaning of Cu-based artefacts: laser/corrosion products interaction ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X October 2018, Volume 7, Number 3, 104 - 110 ACTA IMEKO | October 2018 | Volume 7 | Number 3 | 104 Laser cleaning of Cu-based artefacts: laser/corrosion products interaction Elisabetta Di Francia1, Ruth Lahoz2, Delphine Neff3, Emma Angelini1, Sabrina Grassini1 1 Dipartimento di Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy 2 Centro de Química y Materiales de Aragón/CSIC – Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain 3 LAPA NIMBE - IRAMAT, CEA/CNRS, Université Paris Saclay, Gif/YvetteParis-Saclay, France Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Laser cleaning; fibre laser; archaeological bronze artefacts; artificial corrosion layer Citation: Elisabetta Di Francia, Ruth Lahoz, Delphine Neff, Emma Angelini, Sabrina Grassini, Laser cleaning of Cu-based artefacts: laser-corrosion products interaction, Acta IMEKO, vol. Proper ablation conditions allow to assess the higher efficiency and selectivity of laser cleaning, with respect to traditional mechanical or chemical treatments. keywords: cleaning; corrosion; figure; laser; laser cleaning; layers; oxide; products; reference; samples; surface; volume cache: actaimeko-610.pdf plain text: actaimeko-610.txt item: #590 of 841 id: actaimeko-611 author: Leccese, Fabio title: Editorial to selected papers from the 1st IMEKO TC19 Workshop on METROLOGY FOR THE SEA date: 2018-07-04 words: 1257 flesch: 34 summary: S. Buogo et al. present the EMPIR “UNAC-LOW” project, which aims at developing the European metrological capacity for the calibration of hydrophones and autonomous noise recording systems for frequencies below 1 kHz. In order to highlight their strengths and weaknesses, E. Romano et al. deal a critical review of the main methods used for sampling, measuring and classifying marine sediments whose knowledge is useful in many research areas as sediment contamination, ecology of benthic communities, seismic studies, remote sensing surveys and beach nourishment. keywords: acta; imeko; june; sea cache: actaimeko-611.pdf plain text: actaimeko-611.txt item: #591 of 841 id: actaimeko-614 author: Petritoli, Enrico; Leccese, Fabio; Botticelli, Martina; Pizzuti, Stefano; Pieroni, Francesco title: A RAMS analysis for a precision scale-up configuration of “Smart Street" pilot site: an Industry 4.0 Case Study date: 2019-06-27 words: 8042 flesch: 56 summary: i th πQ is the quality factor i is the number of part As explained above, the MIL-HDBK-217 Parts Count method provides physically inconsistent data, so it is necessary to overcome the traditional approach to reliability analysis based on the failure rate or hazard rate, which is currently mature and has been consolidated in the international technical literature [70] M.Catelani, L.Ciani, L.Signorini, G.Barile, ‘TFT-LCD for avionics applications: development, characterization and reliability analysis’, Proc. of I2MTC 2010 (IEEE - International Instrumentation And Measurement Technology Conference), May, 2010, Austin, Texas, pp. keywords: analysis; component; conference; doi; factor; failure; fmeca; hdbk-217; ieee; international; mil; number; parts; prediction; proc; reliability; street; stress; system cache: actaimeko-614.pdf plain text: actaimeko-614.txt item: #592 of 841 id: actaimeko-616 author: Pavese, Franco title: Editorial to selected papers from the IMEKO TC21 Conference AMCTM 2017 date: 2018-07-04 words: 326 flesch: 34 summary: IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2018, Volume 7, Number 2, 60 ACTA IMEKO | June 2018 | Volume 7 | Number 2 | 60 Editorial to selected papers from the IMEKO TC21 Conference AMCTM 2017 Franco Pavese TC21 Chair, IMEKO, Torino, Italy Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Franco Pavese, Editorial to selected papers from the IMEKO TC21 Conference AMCTM 2017, Acta IMEKO, vol. 7, no. 2, article 10, June 2018, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-07 (2018)-02-10 Editor: Dušan Agrež, University of LJUBLJANA, Slovenia Received June 22, 2018; In final form June 22, 2018; Published June 2018 Copyright: © 2018 IMEKO. Franco Pavese IMEKO TC21, Chair Editorial to selected papers from the IMEKO TC21 Conference AMCTM 2017 keywords: imeko cache: actaimeko-616.pdf plain text: actaimeko-616.txt item: #593 of 841 id: actaimeko-617 author: Zoani, Claudia title: Editorial to selected papers from the International Conference IMEKOFOODS 2016 date: 2018-07-04 words: 458 flesch: 23 summary: IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2018, Volume 7, Number 2, 90 ACTA IMEKO | June 2018 | Volume 7 | Number 2 | 90 Editorial to selected papers from the International Conference IMEKOFOODS 2016 Claudia Zoani Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Rome, Italy Section: EDITORIAL Citation: Claudia Zoani, Editorial to selected papers from the International Conference IMEKOFOODS 2016, Acta IMEKO, vol. Claudia Zoani Editorial to selected papers from the International Conference IMEKOFOODS 2016 keywords: imeko; june cache: actaimeko-617.pdf plain text: actaimeko-617.txt item: #594 of 841 id: actaimeko-618 author: De Giorgi, Lara; Leucci, Giovanni; Melica, Davide title: Integrated geophysical and mechanical study on the wooden structures of the ceiling of the Church of Beata Vergine Maria Assunta in Cielo date: 2018-10-24 words: 3726 flesch: 50 summary: In the data set, several hyperbolic reflections caused by objects of small dimensions such as node (Figure 4) are present, enabling EM wave velocity analysis to be performed [30, 31, 32]. [26] R. K. Fruhwirth, R. Schmoller, E. R. Oberaigner, 1996, Some aspects of the estimation of electromagnetic wave velocities. keywords: content; gpr; radar; velocity; water; wave; wood cache: actaimeko-618.pdf plain text: actaimeko-618.txt item: #595 of 841 id: actaimeko-619 author: Agrez, Dusan title: Contact page date: 2018-07-04 words: 433 flesch: 6 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dušan Agrež, Slovenia FOUNDING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paul P.L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 6 and 7) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Nicola Pasquino, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Paul Regtien, The Netherlands Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Jan Saliga, Slovakia Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ian Veldman, South Africa Claudia Zoani, Italy FINAL EDITING Rosario Morello, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Acta IMEKO, Title ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2018, Volume 7, Number 2, 0 ACTA IMEKO | June 2018 keywords: acta; imeko; international; italy cache: actaimeko-619.pdf plain text: actaimeko-619.txt item: #596 of 841 id: actaimeko-62 author: Nozato, Hideaki; Bruns, Thomas; Volkers, Henrik; Oota, Akihiro title: A study of Savitzky-Golay filters for derivatives in primary shock calibration date: 2014-01-15 words: 4133 flesch: 53 summary: [4] Y. Huang, J. Chen, H. Ho, C. Tu, C. Chen, The set up of primary calibration system for shock acceleration in NML, Measurement, vol. Table 1 summarizes the optimal value of each cutoff frequency in 4th BW filters and side point in S–G filters. keywords: 4th; acceleration; figure; filter; shock cache: actaimeko-62.pdf plain text: actaimeko-62.txt item: #597 of 841 id: actaimeko-623 author: Hu, Gang; Jiang, Jile; Li, Tao; Zhang, Zhimin; Ji, Honglei; Zhuang, Lijun title: Investigation of a deadweight force standard machine with a 1 mN – 10 N range date: 2019-09-30 words: 4788 flesch: 62 summary: For realising small force, some National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) have developed small force standard machines, with minimum forces at newton or sub-newton range. Bei San Huan Dong Lu No.18, Chao Yang District, 100029, Beijing, P.R. China 2 Shanghai Marin Equipment Research Institute (SMERI), Shanghai, P.R. China Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Small force; deadweight force standard machine; air bearing; balance mechanism Citation: Gang Hu, Jile Jiang, Tao Li, Zhimin Zhang, Honglei Ji, Lijun Zhuang, Investigation of a deadweight force standard machine with a 1 mN – 10 N range, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 3, article 2, September 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-08 (2019)-03-02 Editor: Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, NIMT, Thailand Received July 13, 2018; In final form May 29, 2019; Published September 2019 Copyright: keywords: beam; deadweight; force; machine; standard; system; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-623.pdf plain text: actaimeko-623.txt item: #598 of 841 id: actaimeko-624 author: Rosa, Ferrucio de Franco; Jino, Mario; Bueno, Paulo Marcos Siqueira; Bonacin, Rodrigo title: Applying heuristics to the selection and prioritisation of security assessment items in software assessment: the case of ISO/IEC 27001 the case of ISO/IEC 27001 date: 2019-06-27 words: 7287 flesch: 59 summary: In this sense, this article proposes a set of security assessment heuristics to support the generation of high-coverage ADs and the evaluation of the coverage of security standards. Key questions to overcome security issues remain open, such as: which test cases are the most effective for security assessment? keywords: ais; assessment; average; covdm; coverage; covloc; covpp; heuristics; security; set; values cache: actaimeko-624.pdf plain text: actaimeko-624.txt item: #599 of 841 id: actaimeko-625 author: Castello, Paolo; Muscas, Carlo; Pegoraro, Paolo Attilio; Sulis, Sara title: Low-cost implementation and characterization of an active phasor data concentrator date: 2019-06-27 words: 6173 flesch: 52 summary: Proposed active PDC prototype based on SBC Raspberry Pi 3B and Uputronics synchronisation board. Considering that the PDC is the first element of the synchrophasor system with a global view of an entire portion of the electric system and thanks to measurement data received from different locations in the field keywords: data; latency; measurement; pdc; pdc prototype; pmu; prototype; reporting; synchrophasor; system; test; time cache: actaimeko-625.pdf plain text: actaimeko-625.txt item: #600 of 841 id: actaimeko-627 author: Avallone, Stefano; Pasquino, Nicola; Ventre, Giorgio; Zinno, Stefania title: Smartphone-based drive-test methodology for the experimental characterisation of the physical layer and a performance assessment of LTE networks in urban environments date: 2019-06-27 words: 5604 flesch: 54 summary: The authors of this current article have also contributed to the analysis of LTE network performance using statistical methods in [14]. [14] S.Avallone, N.Pasquino, S.Zinno, D.Casillo, ‘Smartphone-based measurements of LTE network performance’, Proc. of the 2017 IEEE Int. keywords: band; channel; cqi; figure; layer; lte; mimo; performance; samples; sub; system cache: actaimeko-627.pdf plain text: actaimeko-627.txt item: #601 of 841 id: actaimeko-634 author: Bellitti, Paolo; Bona, Michele; Borghetti, Michela; Sardini, Emilio; Serpelloni, Mauro; Fontana, Stefania title: Reconfigurable measuring system for the automatic detection of bacterial growth in a specimen processing platform date: 2019-06-27 words: 6992 flesch: 53 summary: Measuring system with the WASPLab® platform during one of the tests conducted in COPAN Italia S.p.A. Figure 7. Reconfigurable measuring system for the automatic detection of bacterial growth in a specimen processing platform ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2019, Volume 8, Number 2, 35 - 44 ACTA IMEKO | June 2019| Volume 8 | Number 2 | 35 Reconfigurable measuring system for the automatic detection of bacterial growth in a specimen processing platform Paolo Bellitti1, Michele Bona1, Michela Borghetti1, Emilio Sardini1, Mauro Serpelloni1, Stefania Fontana2 1 Università degli Studi di Brescia, Via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia, Italy 2 COPAN Italia S.p.A., Via F. Perotti 10, 25125 Brescia, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: bacterial growth detection; WASPLab® platform; impedance; Petri dish; Industry 4.0 Citation: Paolo Bellitti, Michele Bona, Michela Borghetti, Emilio Sardini, Mauro Serpelloni, Stefania Fontana, Reconfigurable measuring system for the automatic detection of bacterial growth in a specimen processing platform, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 2, article 6, June 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-08 (2019)- 02-06 Section Editor: Alessandro Depari, University of Brescia, Italy Received July 20, 2018; In final form June 07, 2019; Published June 2019 keywords: data; detection; dish; figure; growth; measuring; min; petri; rct; system; time; wasplab cache: actaimeko-634.pdf plain text: actaimeko-634.txt item: #602 of 841 id: actaimeko-640 author: Lamonaca, Francesco; Scuro, Carmelo; Grimaldi, Domenico; Sante Olivito, Renato; Sciammarella, Paolo Francesco; Carnì, Domenico Luca title: A layered IoT-based architecture for a distributed structural health monitoring system System date: 2019-06-27 words: 6796 flesch: 49 summary: [6] R.C.Tennyson, et al., Structural health monitoring of innovative bridges in Canada with fiber optic sensors, Smart Materials and Structures, 10 (2001), pp. [25] J.P.Lynch, et al., A summary review of wireless sensors and sensor networks for structural health monitoring, Shock and Vibration Digest, 38 (2006) pp. keywords: damage; event; figure; health; iot; layer; monitoring; order; shm; system; time cache: actaimeko-640.pdf plain text: actaimeko-640.txt item: #603 of 841 id: actaimeko-642 author: Addabbo, Tommaso; Fort, Ada; Mugnaini, Marco; Parri, Lorenzo; Parrino, Stefano; Pozzebon, Alessandro; Vignoli, Valerio title: A low power IoT architecture for the monitoring of chemical emissions date: 2019-06-27 words: 7832 flesch: 55 summary: Similarly, in the context of smart cities, such connectivity allows for the deployment of a large quantity of sensor nodes while keeping the structure of the acquisition network relatively simple and flexible. In particular, LoRaWAN protocol adds anti-collision features that notably reduce the risk for packet losses in presence of large quantities of sensor nodes. keywords: architecture; consumption; current; data; gas; gateway; internet; iot; lora; monitoring; network; node; number; power; sensor; zigbee cache: actaimeko-642.pdf plain text: actaimeko-642.txt item: #604 of 841 id: actaimeko-643 author: Angrisani, Leopoldo; Cesaro, Umberto; D'Arco, Mauro; Tamburis, Oscar title: Measurement applications in Industry 4.0: the case of an IoT–oriented platform for remote programming of automatic test equipment date: 2019-06-27 words: 5468 flesch: 52 summary: Its application in simulations and ABSTRACT A laboratory regarded as a site that collects IoT devices, and which allows remote clients to use them as an automatic test equipment (ATE) through a controller acting as service provider, is proposed herein. By definition, remote laboratories are essential for the process of learning and assimilating scientific concepts. keywords: client; control; data; figure; laboratory; measurement; platform; remote; request; tcp; thread cache: actaimeko-643.pdf plain text: actaimeko-643.txt item: #605 of 841 id: actaimeko-645 author: Scalise, Lorenzo; Napolitano, Rachele; Verdenelli, Lorenzo; Spinsante, Susanna; Rappelli, Giorgio title: A colour-based image segmentation method for the measurement of masticatory performance in older adults date: 2021-06-29 words: 6004 flesch: 52 summary: [13] evaluated the degree of blending of the two colours in different chewing cycles by means of a subjectively visual test. For all the participants, five pairs of chewing gum sticks were prepared, and five boluses for different chewing cycles were obtained (Figure 1-b) for − 5 chewing strokes − 10 chewing strokes keywords: chewing; colour; cycles; gum; means; method; number; patients; segmentation; teeth cache: actaimeko-645.pdf plain text: actaimeko-645.txt item: #606 of 841 id: actaimeko-647 author: Rinaldi, Stefano; Flammini, Alessandra; Tagliabue, Lavinia Chiara; Ciribini, Angelo Luigi Camillo title: An IoT framework for the assessment of indoor conditions and estimation of occupancy rates: results from a real case study date: 2019-06-27 words: 7222 flesch: 50 summary: Parameters for educational building IAQ conditions. The information stored in BIM DB and in Asset Mgt DB are fundamental for extracting the correct information from the Device Data DB and for sharing such information between different buildings. keywords: air; building; co2; co2 concentration; concentration; conditions; data; figure; iaq; learning; occupancy; ppm; sensors; spaces; ventilation cache: actaimeko-647.pdf plain text: actaimeko-647.txt item: #607 of 841 id: actaimeko-648 author: Rocha, Murilo Silveira; Sestito, Guilherme Serpa; Dias, Andre Luis; Turcato, Alfonso Celso; Brandão, Dennis; Ferrari, Paolo title: On the performance of OPC UA and MQTT for data exchange between industrial plants and cloud servers date: 2019-06-27 words: 6205 flesch: 57 summary: [36] S.Cavalieri, F.Chiacchio, Analysis of OPC UA performances, Computer Standards & Interfaces, 36(1) (2013) pp. The different scenarios use OPC UA and MQTT clients executed on a Linux computer with a high-speed Internet connection located at the University of São Paulo in the city of São Carlos (approximately 200 km from São Paulo, Brazil). keywords: data; figure; message; mqtt; opc; protocol; qos; server; test; time cache: actaimeko-648.pdf plain text: actaimeko-648.txt item: #608 of 841 id: actaimeko-650 author: Schiavi, Alessandro; Origlia, Claudio; Germak, Alessandro; Barbato, Giulio; Maizza, Giovanni; Genta, Gianfranco; Cagliero, Roberto; Coppola, Gianluca title: Indentation modulus at macro-scale level measured from Brinell and Vickers indenters by using the primary hardness standard machine at INRiM date: 2019-03-31 words: 6174 flesch: 52 summary: 1 INRIM – National Institute of Metrological Research, Str.delle Cacce 91, 10135 Torino, Italy 2 Politecnico di Torino DIGEP, Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy 3 Politecnico di Torino DISAT, Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Hardness; indentation modulus; macro-scale Citation: Alessandro Schiavi, Claudio Origlia, Alessandro Germak, Giulio Barbato, Giovanni Maizza, Gianfranco Genta, Roberto Cagliero, Gianluca Coppola, Indentation modulus at the macro-scale level measured by Brinell and Vickers indenters by using the primary hardness standard machine at INRiM, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 1, article 2, March 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-08(2019)-01-02 Editor: Petri Koponen, MIKES Metrology, Finland Received July 31, 2018; In final form January 31, 2019; Published March 2019 The system generates force by moving a series of dead weights, and a laser interferometric system is used for indentation depth measurements. keywords: brinell; compliance; contact; data; depth; figure; hardness; indentation; maximum; modulus; vickers cache: actaimeko-650.pdf plain text: actaimeko-650.txt item: #609 of 841 id: actaimeko-654 author: Oliveira, Rafael Soares; Machado, Renato R.; Lepikson, H.; Fröhlich, Thomas; Theska, René title: A method for the evaluation of the response of torque transducers to dynamic load profiles date: 2019-03-31 words: 3978 flesch: 45 summary: A method for the evaluation of the response of torque transducers to dynamic load profiles Rafael S. Oliveira1, Renato R. Machado1, H. Lepikson2, Thomas Fröhlich3, René Theska3 1 Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia - INMETRO, Duque de Caxias, Brazil 2 Federação das Indústrias do Estado da Bahia - FIEB, Salvador, Brazil 3 Technische Universität Ilmenau - TU-ILMENAU, Ilmenau-TH, Germany Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Dynamic torque; torque metrology; high torque variation rate; torque transducer; angular acceleration Citation: Rafael S. Oliveira, Renato R. Machado, Herman Lepikson, Thomas Fröhlich, René Theska, A method for the dynamic calibration of torque transducers using angular speed steps, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 1, article 3, March 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-08 (2019)-01-03 Editor: Petri Koponen, MIKES Metrology, Finland Received August 3, 2018; In final form November 16, 2018; Published March 2019 Copyright: First approaches to the traceability of dynamic torque were presented in [9]-[9], where an oscillatory (sinusoidal) regime was applied to the measurement system through a frequency range sweep, followed by the frequency domain analysis of the data. keywords: acceleration; calibration; figure; imeko; method; speed; torque; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-654.pdf plain text: actaimeko-654.txt item: #610 of 841 id: actaimeko-655 author: Fritsch, Klaus title: EURAMET cg-18 – state-of-the-art calibration guideline for non-automatic weighing instruments date: 2019-09-30 words: 7498 flesch: 47 summary: While existing national and legacy guidelines have only dealt with measurement uncertainty at the time of calibration, EURAMET cg-18 also provides advice for the so-called uncertainty of a weighing result, which describes the device performance during day-to-day usage. ‘[An] operation that, under specified conditions, in a first step, establishes a relation between the quantity values with measurement uncertainties provided by measurement standards and corresponding indications with associated measurement uncertainties and, in a second step, uses this information to establish a relation for obtaining a measurement result from an indication.’ keywords: calibration; indication; instrument; measurement; standard; uncertainty; weighing; weight cache: actaimeko-655.pdf plain text: actaimeko-655.txt item: #611 of 841 id: actaimeko-657 author: Klaus, Leonard; Beug, M. Florian; Bruns, Thomas title: Setup for the dynamic calibration of bridge amplifiers from DC up to 10 kHz date: 2019-03-31 words: 3820 flesch: 45 summary: March 2019 | Volume 8 | Number 1 | 19 Setup for the dynamic calibration of bridge amplifiers from DC up to 10 kHz Leonard Klaus, M. Florian Beug, Thomas Bruns Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: dynamic bridge amplifier calibration; traceability; dynamic measurement; dynamic bridge standard Citation: Leonard Klaus, M. Florian Beug, Thomas Bruns, Setup for the dynamic calibration of bridge amplifiers from DC up to 10 kHz, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 1, article 4, March 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-08 (2019)-01-04 Section Editor: Dynamic bridge amplifier calibration setup, consisting of the bridge amplifier under test (top), the dynamic bridge standard (middle), and the data acquisition system (bottom). keywords: amplifier; bridge; bridge standard; calibration; measurement; output; standard; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-657.pdf plain text: actaimeko-657.txt item: #612 of 841 id: actaimeko-658 author: Foyer, Gisa; Kock, Stefan; Weidinger, Paula title: Influences on torque measurement in nacelle test benches and their effect on the measurement uncertainty and consequences of a torque calibration date: 2019-09-30 words: 8120 flesch: 53 summary: Influences on torque measurement in nacelle test benches and their effect on the measurement uncertainty and consequences of a torque calibration ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X September 2019, Volume 8, Number 3, 59 – 68 ACTA IMEKO | September 2019 | Volume 8 | Number 3 | 59 Influences on torque measurement in nacelle test benches and their effect on the measurement uncertainty and consequences of a torque calibration Gisa Foyer1, Stefan Kock2, Paula Weidinger1 1 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany 2 Chair for Wind Power Drives, Campus-Boulevard 61, 52062 Aachen, Germany Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: torque measurement; measurement uncertainty; nacelle test bench calibration; wind energy Citation: Gisa Foyer, Stefan Kock, Paula Weidinger, Influences on torque measurement in nacelle test benches and their effect on the measurement uncertainty and consequences of a torque calibration, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 3, article 10, September 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-03 (2019)-01-10 Editor: Maija Ojanen-Saloranta, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, National Metrology Institute MIKES, Finland Received August 23, 2018; In final form July 1, 2019; Published September 2019 Copyright: The tests on NTBs generally include torque measurements to determine the input power to the DUT. keywords: calibration; force; load; measurement uncertainty; measurements; ntb; ntbs; september; test; torque; torque calibration; torque measurement cache: actaimeko-658.pdf plain text: actaimeko-658.txt item: #613 of 841 id: actaimeko-659 author: Cui, Junning; Kumme, Rolf; Kahmann, Holger title: A new method for the calibration of strain cylinders using laser interferometry date: 2019-03-31 words: 5288 flesch: 47 summary: The series of increasing calibration forces are set from 0 to 2000 kN, with a 200 kN increment, and the series of decreasing calibration forces are set from 2000 kN down to 0 kN, with a 200 kN decrement. A series of increasing calibration forces and then a series of decreasing calibration forces are applied at each rotation position. keywords: calibration; cylinder; deformation; force; laser; strain; strain cylinder cache: actaimeko-659.pdf plain text: actaimeko-659.txt item: #614 of 841 id: actaimeko-66 author: Baumgarten, Sebastian; Röske, Dirk; Kahmann, Holger; Mauersberger, Dietmar; Kumme, Rolf title: Concept and setup of a multi-component facility for force and torque in the range of 1 MN and 2 kN·m date: 2014-06-23 words: 3786 flesch: 64 summary: The device in question is a modular principle which can also be applied to other force standard machines. With the additional facility that is being built, axial forces in the range from 20 kN to 1 MN and torques in the range from 20 N·m to 2 kN·m can be realized. 2.2. keywords: figure; force; lever; measurement; measuring; torque; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-66.pdf plain text: actaimeko-66.txt item: #615 of 841 id: actaimeko-662 author: Liu, Zhihua; Cai, Chenguang; Yang, Ming; Yu, Mei title: Development of a tri-axial primary vibration calibration system date: 2019-03-31 words: 4283 flesch: 54 summary: Commercial tri-axial vibration exciters commonly develop cross-coupling units by means of oil film bearings that need additional auxiliary equipment and may also heat the device under test. 100029 Beijing, China 2 Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Bei San Huan Dong Lu 15, 100029 Beijing, China Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Primary calibration; Spatial orbit; Multi-exciter control; Interferometry; Tri-axial vibration exciter Citation: Zhihua Liu, Chenguang Cai, Ming Yang, Mei Yu, Development of a tri-axial primary vibration calibration system, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 1, article 6, March 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-08(2019)-01-06 Editor: keywords: calibration; control; coupling; figure; motion; orbit; spectrum; system; vibration cache: actaimeko-662.pdf plain text: actaimeko-662.txt item: #616 of 841 id: actaimeko-665 author: Kajikawa, Hiroaki; Kobata, Tokihiko title: Different long-term characteristics of hydraulic pressure gauges under constant pressure applications date: 2019-09-30 words: 4542 flesch: 57 summary: September 2019 | Volume 8 | Number 3 | 19 Different long-term characteristics of hydraulic pressure gauges under constant pressure applications Hiroaki Kajikawa1, Tokihiko Kobata1 1 National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), AIST, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba-city, Ibaraki, Japan Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Pressure gauge; long-term drift; pressure calibration; pressure standard Citation: Hiroaki Kajikawa, Tokihiko Kobata, Different long-term characteristics of hydraulic pressure gauges under constant pressure applications, Acta IMEKO, vol. INTRODUCTION Long-term drift is one of the important characteristics of pressure gauges and should be evaluated when the gauges are used as the reference standard for pressure calibrations or the transfer standard for inter-laboratory comparisons [1]-[5]. keywords: drift; gauges; mpa; pressure; pressure gauges; pt200; term; time cache: actaimeko-665.pdf plain text: actaimeko-665.txt item: #617 of 841 id: actaimeko-666 author: Iizumi, Hideaki; Kajikawa, Hiroaki; Kobata, Tokihiko title: Calibration values uninfluenced by the kind of pressure medium and the setting posture for quartz Bourdon-type pressure transducers date: 2019-09-30 words: 4257 flesch: 53 summary: Calibration values uninfluenced by the kind of pressure medium and the setting posture for quartz Bourdon-type pressure transducers Hideaki Iizumi1, Hiroaki Kajikawa1, Tokihiko Kobata1 1 National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), AIST, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8563, Japan Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Pressure transducer; pressure medium; setting posture; high gas pressure Citation: Hideaki Iizumi, Hiroaki Kajikawa, Tokihiko Kobata, Calibration values uninfluenced by the kind of pressure medium and the setting posture for quartz Bourdon-type pressure transducers, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 3, article 5, September 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-08 (2019)-03-05 Editor: Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, NIMT, Thailand Received August 31, 2018; In final form May 8, 2019; Published September 2019 Copyright: [21] H. Iizumi, H. Kajikawa, T. Kobata, Effect of the kind of gas medium on calibration values of high gas pressure transducers, Measurement, 131 (2019) pp. keywords: calibration; gas; gas medium; medium; pressure; pressure medium; setting; transducers cache: actaimeko-666.pdf plain text: actaimeko-666.txt item: #618 of 841 id: actaimeko-667 author: Arksonnarong, Nittaya; Saenkhum, Nattapon; Chantaraksa, Pramann; Sanponpute, Tassanai title: Establishment of torque realisation up to 5 kN·m with a new design of the torque standard machine date: 2019-09-30 words: 3403 flesch: 67 summary: Establishment of torque realisation up to 5 kN·m with a new design of the torque standard machine ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X September 2019, Volume 8, Number 3, 30 – 35 ACTA IMEKO | September 2019 | Volume 8 | Number 3 | 30 Establishment of torque realisation up to 5 kN·m with a new design of the torque standard machine Nittaya Arksonnarong1, Nattapon Saenkhum1, Pramann Chantaraksa1, Tassanai Sanponpute1 1 National Institute of Metrology (Thailand), Pathumthani, Thailand Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Torque standard machine; Sensitivity of fulcrum; Elastic hinge Citation: Nittaya Arksonnarong, Nattapon Saenkhum, Pramann Chantaraksa, Tassanai Sanponpute, Establishment of torque realisation up to 5 kN·m with a new design of the torque standard machine, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 3, article 6, September 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-08 (2019)-03-06 Editor: Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, NIMT, Thailand Received: August 31, 2018; In final form June 10, 2019; Published September 2019 [10] D. Peschel, Determination of the friction of aerostatic radial bearings for the lever-mass system of torque standard machines, Proc. of the XIII IMEKO World Congress, Torino, Italy, 5-9 September 1994. keywords: comparison; lever; machine; measurement; n·m; standard; torque cache: actaimeko-667.pdf plain text: actaimeko-667.txt item: #619 of 841 id: actaimeko-668 author: Saenkhum, Nattapon; Sanponpute, Tassanai title: The improvement of an elastic hinge-type torque standard machine in NIMT date: 2019-09-30 words: 3875 flesch: 66 summary: The designed elastic hinge’s thickness, 0.50 mm, caused a higher stiffness than a sheet metal plate of other types of torque machines. y = -2E-07x3 + 0,0002x2 - 0,0773x + 32,593 R² = 0,9999 0 10 20 30 40 0 100 200 300 400 500 D if fe re n c e o f ar m l en g th i n µ m Applied calibration torque in N·m Raw data Poly. keywords: calibration; figure; hinge; measurement; moment; n·m; torque cache: actaimeko-668.pdf plain text: actaimeko-668.txt item: #620 of 841 id: actaimeko-671 author: Pavese, Franco title: On the revised SI, namely on the numerical value of the Planck constant date: 2019-01-09 words: 6098 flesch: 55 summary: Constant CODATA Numerical value * u / relative  Constant CODATA Numerical value * u / relative  keywords: adjustment; codata; constant; uncertainties; uncertainty; value cache: actaimeko-671.pdf plain text: actaimeko-671.txt item: #621 of 841 id: actaimeko-672 author: Baranov, Pavel; Borikov, Valeriy; Ivanova, Veronica; Bui Duc, Bien; Uchaikin, Sergey; Liu, Cheng-Yang title: Lock-in amplifier with a high common-mode rejection ratio in the range of 0.02 to 100 kHz date: 2019-03-31 words: 5767 flesch: 56 summary: Voltage follower circuit for tracking power supply formation. [33] L. Callegaro, G. C. Bosco, V. D'Elia, D. Serazio, Direct-reading absolute calibration of AC voltage ratio standards, IEEE Trans. Instrum. keywords: amplifier; circuit; figure; frequency; khz; liadi; lock; mode; range; ratio; rejection; signal; voltage cache: actaimeko-672.pdf plain text: actaimeko-672.txt item: #622 of 841 id: actaimeko-673 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2018-10-24 words: 413 flesch: 9 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Dušan Agrež, Slovenia FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 6 and 7) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Nicola Pasquino, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Paul Regtien, The Netherlands Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Jan Saliga, Slovakia Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ian Veldman, South Africa Claudia Zoani, Italy FINAL EDITING Dirk Röske, PTB, Braunschweig, Germany ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 41 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. ADDRESSES Principal Contact Prof. Dušan Agrež University of Ljubljana Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: ACTA IMEKO Dr. Sabrina Grassini Dept. of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy E-mail: Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany E-mail: keywords: acta; imeko; international; italy cache: actaimeko-673.pdf plain text: actaimeko-673.txt item: #623 of 841 id: actaimeko-674 author: De Benedetto, Egidio; Grassini, Sabrina title: Editorial to selected papers from the 3rd IMEKO International Conference on METROLOGY FOR ARCHAEOLOGY AND CULTURAL HERITAGE 2017 date: 2018-10-24 words: 1280 flesch: 24 summary: Malagino et al. addressed the application of a new integrated approach (resorting to Business Process Management (BPM) and Building Information Modelling (BIM)) to optimize the data flow, to gather information and to share knowledge during the restoration process, thus facilitating the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance. Cesareo et al. address the use of a portable EDXRF-device for a 3D map of chemical elements distribution. keywords: heritage; imeko; october cache: actaimeko-674.pdf plain text: actaimeko-674.txt item: #624 of 841 id: actaimeko-675 author: Balestrieri, Eulalia; De Vito, Luca; Lamonaca, Francesco; Picariello, Francesco; Rapuano, Sergio; Tudosa, Ioan title: Research challenges in Measurement for Internet of Things systems date: 2019-01-09 words: 12424 flesch: 48 summary: In Section 2, the general architecture of an IoT system is presented and some examples of IoT systems are reported. Section 6 reports the classification of the synchronization protocols available in the literature on IoT systems. keywords: case; clock; consumption; data; design; energy; ieee; information; internet; iot; iot node; layer; measurement; network; nodes; number; power; receiver; sensor; synchronization; system; time cache: actaimeko-675.pdf plain text: actaimeko-675.txt item: #625 of 841 id: actaimeko-676 author: Gallo, Alessandro; Bruno, Fabio; Barbieri, Loris; Lagudi, Antonio; Muzzupappa, Maurizio title: Performance evaluation of underwater image pre-processing algorithms for the improvement of multi-view 3D reconstruction date: 2019-09-30 words: 6820 flesch: 48 summary: | Volume 8 | Number 3 | 69 Performance evaluation of underwater image pre-processing algorithms for the improvement of multi-view 3D reconstruction Alessandro Gallo1, Fabio Bruno1, Loris Barbieri1, Antonio Lagudi1, Maurizio Muzzupappa1 1 Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering (DIMEG), University of Calabria, Via P. Bucci 46C, 87036 Rende, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: 3D reconstruction; Underwater Cultural Heritage; Image enhancement; Underwater imaging Citation: Alessandro Gallo, Fabio Bruno, Loris Barbieri, Antonio Lagudi, Maurizio Muzzupappa, Performance evaluation of underwater image pre-processing algorithms for the improvement of multi-view 3D reconstruction, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 3, article 11, September 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-08 (2019)- 03-11 Section Editor: Egidio De Benedetto, University of Salento, Italy Received November 12, 2018; In final form May 28, 2019; Published September 2019 For these reasons, the enhancement of underwater images is still a necessary step in improving the accuracy of 3D reconstruction and creating realistic textures. keywords: analysis; colour; enhancement; factors; features; image; mean; method; number; reconstruction; results; set; underwater cache: actaimeko-676.pdf plain text: actaimeko-676.txt item: #626 of 841 id: actaimeko-677 author: Kulkarni, Padmaja Vivek; Illing, Boris; Gaspers, Bastian; Brüggemann, Bernd; Schulz, Dirk title: Mobile manipulator control through gesture recognition using IMUs and Online Lazy Neighborhood Graph search date: 2019-12-16 words: 4524 flesch: 59 summary: [18] B. Nandwana, S. Tazi, S. Trivedi, D. Kumar, S. K. Vipparthi, A survey paper on hand gesture recognition, Proc. of the International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), 2017, Nagpur, India, pp. 147-152. [20] Y. Yu, X. Wang, Z. Zhong, Y. Zhang, ROS-based UAV control using hand gesture recognition, Proc. of the Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2017, Chongqing, China, pp. 6795-6799. keywords: algorithm; arm; control; gesture; hand; international; proc; recognition; robot; vector cache: actaimeko-677.pdf plain text: actaimeko-677.txt item: #627 of 841 id: actaimeko-68 author: Galván-Mancilla, Jesús; Torres-Guzman, Jorge C. title: Torque Transfer Calibration System for 200 N·m and 2 kN·m, its Control and Characterization date: 2014-06-23 words: 1952 flesch: 55 summary: Torque transfer calibration system as built. ABSTRACT For the dissemination of torque, medium accuracy transfer calibration systems are normally operated manually, originating high consumption of man-hours in the development of a calibration. keywords: calibration; control; system; torque; transfer cache: actaimeko-68.pdf plain text: actaimeko-68.txt item: #628 of 841 id: actaimeko-680 author: Guastella, Dario Calogero; Cantelli, Luciano; Longo, Domenico; Melita, Carmelo Donato; Muscato, Giovanni title: Coverage path planning for a flock of aerial vehicles to support autonomous rovers through traversability analysis date: 2019-12-16 words: 3015 flesch: 49 summary: Coverage path planning for a flock of aerial vehicles to support autonomous rovers through traversability analysis ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2019, Volume 8, Number 4, 9 - 12 ACTA IMEKO | December 2019 | Volume 8 | Number 4 | 9 Coverage path planning for a flock of aerial vehicles to support autonomous rovers through traversability analysis Dario Calogero Guastella1, Luciano Cantelli1, Domenico Longo1, Carmelo Donato Melita1, Giovanni Muscato1 1Università degli Studi di Catania, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica e Informatica, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: unstructured environments; photogrammetry; terrain traversability analysis; UAV/UGV cooperation Citation: Dario Calogero Guastella, Luciano Cantelli, Domenico Longo, Carmelo Donato Melita, Giovanni Muscato, Coverage path planning for a flock of aerial vehicles to support autonomous rovers through traversability analysis, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 4, article 3, December 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-08 (2019)-04-03 Editor: [6] C. Di Franco, G. Buttazzo, Coverage path planning for UAVs photogrammetry with energy and resolution constraints, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 83(3-4) 2016, pp. 445-462. keywords: coverage; environment; path; planning; terrain; traversability; vehicles cache: actaimeko-680.pdf plain text: actaimeko-680.txt item: #629 of 841 id: actaimeko-681 author: Nauwynck, Niels; Balta, Haris; De Cubber, Geert; Sahli, Hichem title: A proof of concept of the in-flight launch of unmanned aerial vehicles in a search and rescue scenario date: 2019-12-16 words: 5152 flesch: 58 summary: DJI Phantom 2 used as mothership UAV (left); Parrot AR Drone 2.0 used as child UAV (right). The autonomous control concept that is implemented for this research experiment on the child UAV needs to be able to cope with these sudden changes in real time at the moment of release in order to prevent a crash. keywords: child; child uav; concept; figure; flight; launch; mothership; rescue; search; segmentation; system; uav cache: actaimeko-681.pdf plain text: actaimeko-681.txt item: #630 of 841 id: actaimeko-682 author: Doroftei, Daniela; De Cubber, Geert title: Using a qualitative and quantitative validation methodology to evaluate a drone detection system date: 2019-12-16 words: 5801 flesch: 48 summary: Previous work on drone detection and the scope of the SafeShore project Numerous commercial and non-commercial parties have noted this gap in the market and have started the development of drone detection systems A big problem with these systems is that the evaluation of the performance of drone detection systems is a difficult operation that requires the careful consideration of all technical and non-technical aspects of the system under test. keywords: detection; drone; end; evaluation; methodology; methods; performance; qualitative; safeshore; system; test; validation cache: actaimeko-682.pdf plain text: actaimeko-682.txt item: #631 of 841 id: actaimeko-684 author: Ermolov, Ivan title: Hierarchical data fusion architecture for autonomous systems date: 2019-12-16 words: 3411 flesch: 45 summary: The developed data fusion architecture can be used for building complex data fusion systems on board of autonomous systems, of a group of unmanned vehicles, and even of systems of a higher hierarchy. Hierarchical data fusion architecture for autonomous systems ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2019, Volume 8, Number 4, 28 - 32 ACTA IMEKO | December 2019 | Volume 8 | Number 4 | 28 Hierarchical data fusion architecture for autonomous systems Ivan Ermolov1 1 Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: data fusion; sensor fusion; unmanned vehicles; autonomous systems Citation: Ivan Leonidovich Ermolov, Hierarchical data fusion architecture for autonomous systems, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 4, article 6, December 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-08 (2019)-04-06 Editor: Yvan Baudoin, International CBRNE Institute, Belgium Received November 23, 2018; In final form September 12, 2019; Published December 2019 keywords: architecture; data; fusion; identification; influence; information; systems cache: actaimeko-684.pdf plain text: actaimeko-684.txt item: #632 of 841 id: actaimeko-685 author: Goll, Stanislaw; Zakharova, Elena title: An active beacon-based leader vehicle tracking system date: 2019-12-16 words: 5989 flesch: 71 summary: k k 1 x x G s − − = + ( )k k k k k 1P I G H P −= − k D k 1 0R R+ = k 1 K= → ( )kk k 1 k k 1s r h x− −= − k k k 1 H dh dx − = ( ) 1 T T k k k k kk k 1 k 1 x x G s − − = + ( )k k k k 1P I G C P −= − k k ks g Cx= − k T T k 1 d keywords: k d; k k; t k; t t; − k cache: actaimeko-685.pdf plain text: actaimeko-685.txt item: #633 of 841 id: actaimeko-686 author: Goll, Stanislaw; Maximova, Julia title: Ultrasonic rangefinder with resolution in hundredths of the probing signal's wavelength for the mobile rescue robot date: 2019-12-16 words: 3817 flesch: 56 summary: [14] S. Hirata, M. K. Kurosawa, T. Katagiri, Accuracy and resolution of ultrasonic distance measurement with high-time-resolution cross-correlation function obtained by single-bit signal processing. The data gathered that way can be affected by electromagnetic interference and other factors; hence, we propose to increase the robustness of the radar measurements by means of the secondary noncontact measurement channel based on ultrasonic sensors. keywords: components; figure; frame; measurement; method; phase; resolution; signal cache: actaimeko-686.pdf plain text: actaimeko-686.txt item: #634 of 841 id: actaimeko-688 author: Goll, Stanislaw; Borisov, Alexander title: Interactive model of magnetic field reconstruction stand for mobile robot navigation algorithms debugging which use magnetometer data date: 2019-12-16 words: 4428 flesch: 51 summary: Distortion of magnetometer estimations caused by such influence may be mitigated by algorithms based on machine learning and the use of redundant data recorded by proprioceptive mobile robot sensor systems They can be combined into magnetometer systems and integrated into the exterior receptive sensor system of the mobile robot. keywords: block; coil; field; magnetic; magnetometer; mobile; model; robot; sensor; stand; system cache: actaimeko-688.pdf plain text: actaimeko-688.txt item: #635 of 841 id: actaimeko-689 author: Ostrowski, Igor; Maslowski, Andrzej title: Simulator effectiveness test for e-training with the use DROMADER tele-operated vehicle date: 2019-12-16 words: 5110 flesch: 51 summary: CONCLUSIONS The test described in this paper confirms that using simulators in training robot operators is an effective way of reducing the cost of training and of allowing trainees to make errors with lower levels of stress. This article is organised as follows: We first discuss the results of the applications of the tools for 3D modelling and construction of physical models for a simulator dedicated to the e-training of demining robot DROMADER operators. keywords: demining; driving; dromader; figure; model; number; robot; simulator; system; time; training cache: actaimeko-689.pdf plain text: actaimeko-689.txt item: #636 of 841 id: actaimeko-69 author: Greif, Norbert; Schrepf, Heike title: GUM conformity of software products - a discussion from a software tester's perspective date: 2014-01-15 words: 4921 flesch: 49 summary: Already these few questions lead to one of the core problems of both testing GUM software and comparing GUM test results: The need to trace back each computational step and each test result to a certain well-defined, well-understood and uniformly interpreted GUM statement. [5] N. Greif, H. Schrepf, V. Hartmann, G. Kilz, A test environment for GUM conformity tests, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig und Berlin, PTB Report, to appear, 2013. keywords: example; gum; package; software; solution; test; validation cache: actaimeko-69.pdf plain text: actaimeko-69.txt item: #637 of 841 id: actaimeko-690 author: Salceanu, Alexandru; Pálfi, Vilmos title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO special section on the "22nd Symposium on the Measurement of Electrical Quantities" and the "20th Workshop on ADC/DAC Modeling and Testing" date: 2019-01-09 words: 1576 flesch: 33 summary: De Zanet et al. focus on the fast methods of blood impedance determination used in the pre-analytical stage of blood sample analysis, where the cause of most laboratory errors is found. The aim of the paper submitted by Bongiorno et al. is to deal with the variability in railway track-to-ground conductance measurements, mainly due to the connection of the negative terminal of the power supply to a grounding electrode instead of the behind section and due to the location chosen for the voltage terminal. keywords: acta; december; imeko; measurement cache: actaimeko-690.pdf plain text: actaimeko-690.txt item: #638 of 841 id: actaimeko-692 author: Mikhalieva, Maryna; Odosii, Liubomyra; Seredyuk, Bohdan; Zalypka, Vasyl; Parashchuk, Lidiya; Lunkova, Hanna title: Electrical method for intelligent cooling liquid control system date: 2020-03-30 words: 4268 flesch: 41 summary: This method is applicable for dual component liquids only. | Volume 9 | Number 1 | 56 An electrical method for intelligent cooling liquid control systems Maryna Mikhalieva1, Liubomyra Odosii1, Bohdan Seredyuk1, Vasyl Zalypka1, Lidiya Parashchuk1, Hanna Lunkova1 1 National Academy of Land Forces, Department of Rocket Troops and Artillery, Lviv, Ukraine Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: electrophysical characteristics; immittance; conductometric sensor; cooling liquids Citation: Maryna Mikhalieva, Liubomyra Odosii, Bohdan Seredyuk, Vasyl Zalypka, Lidiya Parashchuk, Hanna Lunkova, Electrical method for intelligent cooling liquid control system, Acta IMEKO, vol. 9, no. 1, article 9, March 2020, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-09 (2020)-01-09 Editor: Giovanni Bucci, University of L'Aquila, Italy Received December 28, 2019; In final form February 18, 2020; Published March 2020 keywords: component; composition; conductivity; control; frequency; liquids; method; substances; value cache: actaimeko-692.pdf plain text: actaimeko-692.txt item: #639 of 841 id: actaimeko-693 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2019-01-09 words: 401 flesch: 11 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Dušan Agrež, Slovenia FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 6 and 7) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Nicola Pasquino, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Paul Regtien, The Netherlands Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Jan Saliga, Slovakia Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ian Veldman, South Africa Claudia Zoani, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 41 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Acta IMEKO Contacts ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2018, Volume 7, Number 4, 0 ACTA IMEKO | December 2018 keywords: acta; imeko; international; italy cache: actaimeko-693.pdf plain text: actaimeko-693.txt item: #640 of 841 id: actaimeko-697 author: Wang, Na; Kiss, Balint title: Pre-filter design for exact linearization-based tracking controllers for variable-load systems date: 2019-12-16 words: 5998 flesch: 74 summary: To realise Equation (32), one must specify how to calculate 3 3( ) ( ) , , , , ,m m m m m the time so that we use the two states of the feedback ( 1 and 2 ) as well ( ) ( ) 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 sin 2 cos cos sin 1 cos 2 sin sin cos v m v m                       − − − + = − + + + = (27) and isolate 2 and  using the nominal 0 m . keywords: control; s s; w s cache: actaimeko-697.pdf plain text: actaimeko-697.txt item: #641 of 841 id: actaimeko-701 author: Koponen, Petri; Ojanen-Saloranta, Maija; Agrež, Dušan title: Introduction to the Acta IMEKO special issue on the ‘IMEKO TC3, TC5 and TC22 International Conference 2017’ date: 2019-03-31 words: 1601 flesch: 42 summary: Shestakov in his paper presents an overview of the directions in the development of dynamic measurement methods. He analyses the concept of dynamic measurements and outlines a short historical background. keywords: acta; acta imeko; calibration; imeko; measurement; method cache: actaimeko-701.pdf plain text: actaimeko-701.txt item: #642 of 841 id: actaimeko-702 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal Contacts date: 2019-03-31 words: 398 flesch: 13 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Dušan Agrež, Slovenia FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 and 8) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Nicola Pasquino, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Paul Regtien, The Netherlands Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Jan Saliga, Slovakia Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ian Veldman, South Africa Claudia Zoani, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 41 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Acta IMEKO Contacts ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2019, Volume 8, Number 1, 0 ACTA IMEKO | keywords: imeko; international; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-702.pdf plain text: actaimeko-702.txt item: #643 of 841 id: actaimeko-706 author: Marchisotti, Daniele; Marzaroli, Pietro; Sala, Remo; Sculati, Michele; Giberti, Hermes; Tarabini, Marco title: Automatic measurement of the hand dimensions using consumer 3D cameras date: 2020-06-30 words: 6138 flesch: 55 summary: Results evidenced an accuracy better than 1 mm in the identification of the hand’s linear dimension and better than 20 cm3 for hand volume measurements. [13] R. Sanchez-Reillo, C. Sanchez-Avila, A. Gonzalez-Marcos, Biometric identification through hand geometry measurements, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 10 (2000) pp. 1168-1171. keywords: cameras; figure; hand; hand volume; kinect; measurement; realsense; systems; thickness; volume cache: actaimeko-706.pdf plain text: actaimeko-706.txt item: #644 of 841 id: actaimeko-71 author: Kolwinski, Ulrich; Schwind, Daniel title: Performance of force standard machines with compensation of lever arm distortion date: 2014-06-23 words: 2428 flesch: 57 summary: Machines with this type of compensation of lever arm distortion can achieve relative expanded uncertainties of less than 9·10-5 on lever side. Examples of the measuring ranges of build-up-systems according to this procedure are as follows: 10 - 100kN (with a single transfer standard) 30 - 300kN (with a system of three transfer standards) 100 - 900kN (with a system of nine transfer standards) 6. LINEARITY OF LEVER FORCES An example for the linearity error of lever forces of a 1000 kN keywords: arm; compensation; distortion; force; lever; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-71.pdf plain text: actaimeko-71.txt item: #645 of 841 id: actaimeko-712 author: Depari, Alessandro; Sisinni, Emiliano title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Section on the ‘2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT’ date: 2019-06-27 words: 1453 flesch: 32 summary: Avallone et al. consider the most relevant physical-layer parameters used by Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard to optimize a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system. The paper by Lamonaca et al. concerns Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), with particular care to the concept of exchanging information among nearby buildings, to increase the timeliness of the alerts due to civil infrastructures failures. keywords: acta; imeko; industry; iot; section cache: actaimeko-712.pdf plain text: actaimeko-712.txt item: #646 of 841 id: actaimeko-713 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2019-06-27 words: 405 flesch: 8 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Dušan Agrež, Slovenia FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 and 8) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Nicola Pasquino, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Jan Saliga, Slovakia Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ian Veldman, South Africa Claudia Zoani, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Emiliano Sisinni, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 41 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. ADDRESSES Principal Contact Prof. Dušan Agrež University of Ljubljana Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail: ACTA IMEKO Alessandro Depari, Emiliano Sisinni Department of Information Engineering University of Brescia Via Branze 38 – 25123, Brescia, Italy e-mail:, Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany e-mail: keywords: imeko; international; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-713.pdf plain text: actaimeko-713.txt item: #647 of 841 id: actaimeko-715 author: Su, Yi; Marti, Kilian; Wuethrich, Christian title: Volume determination of weights in the range from 1 g to 5 kg: a comparison of hydrostatic weighing and double-weighing in air using Monte-Carlo simulation date: 2020-03-30 words: 5343 flesch: 64 summary: The influence of the different material densities So far, we compared test weights and reference weights of the same nominal mass and density. In addition, we explain how to use support weights both in double weighing and hydrostatic weighing when measuring test weights that are too small to be loaded on the weighing pan. keywords: air; density; measurement; test; volume; weighing; weight cache: actaimeko-715.pdf plain text: actaimeko-715.txt item: #648 of 841 id: actaimeko-716 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2019-09-30 words: 424 flesch: 3 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Dušan Agrež, Slovenia FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 and 8) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Egidio De Benedetto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Nicola Pasquino, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Jan Saliga, Slovakia Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Claudia Zoani, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Acta IMEKO Contacts ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X September 2019, Volume 8, Number 3, 0 ACTA IMEKO | keywords: imeko; international; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-716.pdf plain text: actaimeko-716.txt item: #649 of 841 id: actaimeko-717 author: Wongpithayadisai, Rugkanawan; Pitakarnnop, Jeerasak title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Section on the Asia-Pacific Symposium on Measurement of Mass, Force and Torque (APMF 2017) date: 2019-09-30 words: 1587 flesch: 43 summary: Therefore, detailed recommendations for a torque calibration procedure based on the specific conditions in nacelle test benches are given so as to enable the traceability of torque measurement using a transfer standard. The aim of the paper submitted by Sebastian Baumgarten et al. is to deal with torque measurements. keywords: acta; apmf; force; imeko; measurement; torque cache: actaimeko-717.pdf plain text: actaimeko-717.txt item: #650 of 841 id: actaimeko-718 author: Massaro, Alessandro; Cannella, Emanuele; Dipierro, Giovanni; Galiano, Angelo; D’Andrea, Giovanni; Malito, Giorgio title: Maintenance and testing protocols in the railway industry date: 2020-12-17 words: 6538 flesch: 50 summary: [32]: (a) functional scheme of the layout designed for industrial traceability; (b) optical sensor system that estimates accuracy in turning processes; (c) schematic layout of the bench designed for the pneumatic testing of train braking systems. The main characteristic of turning processes is that the workpiece is clamped at the machine spindle, which rotates at a set rotational speed. keywords: bar; brake; code; control; december; figure; maintenance; operations; pipe; pressure; process; turning; workpiece cache: actaimeko-718.pdf plain text: actaimeko-718.txt item: #651 of 841 id: actaimeko-719 author: Silva, Marianne; Signoretti, Gabriel; Silva, Ivanovitch; Ferrari, Paolo title: Performance evaluation of a vehicular edge device for customer feedback in Industry 4.0 date: 2020-12-17 words: 6528 flesch: 56 summary: The reading time amplitude for the Nissan Kicks, Ford Ka, and Chevrolet vehicles was 145 ms, 83 ms, and 29 ms, respectively. Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Industry 4.0; vehicles; OBD-II; edge computing; pollution Citation: Marianne Silva, Gabriel Signoretti, Ivanovitch Silva, Paolo Ferrari, Performance Evaluation of a Vehicular Edge Device for customer feedback in Industry 4.0, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: data; doi; figure; industry; kicks; nissan; obd; pids; response; sensors; time; vehicle cache: actaimeko-719.pdf plain text: actaimeko-719.txt item: #652 of 841 id: actaimeko-72 author: Low, Samuel R; Hattori, Koichiro; Germak, Alessandro; Knott, Andy title: Proposed definition for the Brinell hardness indentation edge date: 2014-09-23 words: 4969 flesch: 43 summary: In the next two sections, we describe our work in modeling Brinell indentation and our experimental measurements of actual Brinell indentations. A promising application of the physical definition is for the calibration of reference standards of Brinell indentations with certified diameter measurements for verifying optical microscope measuring systems. keywords: brinell; definition; diameter; edge; hardness; indentation; measurement; surface; test cache: actaimeko-72.pdf plain text: actaimeko-72.txt item: #653 of 841 id: actaimeko-720 author: D'Emilia, Giulio; Di Ilio, Antoniomaria; Gaspari, Antonella; Natale, Emanuela; Stamopoulos, Antonios G. title: Uncertainty assessment for measurement and simulation in selective laser melting: a case study of an aerospace part date: 2020-12-17 words: 5365 flesch: 43 summary: In particular, attention should be paid to the following aspects: • workpiece alignment, which is the process of relating the part coordinate system and the machine coordinate system; • the workpiece fixing procedure; • the determination of the number of measurement points; • the determination of the reference points on the nominal surface for the calculation of the distances of the experimental points from the surface itself. This comparison requires the theoretical/experimental analysis of all the uncertainty contributions involved in the measurement process in order to assess the compatibility between model results and measurement data in probabilistic terms [12]. keywords: data; figure; manufacturing; measurement; points; process; simulation; surface; treatment; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-720.pdf plain text: actaimeko-720.txt item: #654 of 841 id: actaimeko-721 author: Fratocchi, Luciano; Di Stefano, Cristina title: Industry 4.0 technologies and manufacturing back-shoring: a European perspective date: 2020-12-17 words: 7409 flesch: 37 summary: In this respect, it is worth noting that [14] found that 72 % of the 50 companies investigated that were adopting additive manufacturing technologies positively evaluated the contribution it makes to back-shoring decisions. However, while automation has been declared as a back-shoring driver in 13.1 % of the sampled decisions, the adoption of additive manufacturing technologies has been considered as a reshoring motivation in only 0.5 % of the sampled relocation decisions. keywords: companies; country; decisions; doi; home; industry; journal; manufacturing; production; research; reshoring; shoring; technologies cache: actaimeko-721.pdf plain text: actaimeko-721.txt item: #655 of 841 id: actaimeko-723 author: Petritoli, Enrico; Leccese, Fabio title: Precise Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy logic system for UAV longitudinal stability: an Industry 4.0 case study for aerospace date: 2020-12-17 words: 5076 flesch: 61 summary: Fuzzy Syst., 9 no. 2 (2001), pp. 426-443. DOI: [32] N. Nomura, I. Hayashi, N. Wakami, A self-tuning method of fuzzy control by descent method, in: Fuzzy Logic Theory and Decision Library. [18] U. Sandler, L. Tsitolovsky, Neural Cell Behavior and Fuzzy Logic, Springer International Publishing, Boston, 2008, ISBN: 978-0- 387-09542-4 [19] R. M. Tong, The construction and evaluation of fuzzy models, in: Advances to Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications. keywords: control; doi; ieee; stability; systems; takagi; 𝑣stall 𝔽 cache: actaimeko-723.pdf plain text: actaimeko-723.txt item: #656 of 841 id: actaimeko-724 author: Bucci, Giovanni; Ciancetta, Fabrizio; Fiorucci, Edoardo; Fioravanti, Andrea; Prudenzi, Alberto title: An internet-of-things system based on powerline technology for pulse oximetry measurements date: 2020-12-17 words: 5044 flesch: 54 summary: In every industrial, commercial and domestic sector, modern devices are integrated into data communication systems, creating both vertical and horizontal integrations. An internet-of-things system based on powerline technology for pulse oximetry measurements Giovanni Bucci1, Fabrizio Ciancetta1, Edoardo Fiorucci1, Andrea Fioravanti1, Alberto Prudenzi1 1 Department of Industrial Engineering Information and Economics, G. Gronchi 18, 67100, L’Aquila, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: IoT; distributed measurement system; powerline communication; pulse oximetry; radio quiet zone Citation: Giovanni Bucci, Fabrizio Ciancetta, Edoardo Fiorucci, Andrea Fioravanti, Alberto Prudenzi, An internet-of-things system based on powerline technology for pulse oximetry measurements s, Acta IMEKO, vol. 9, no. 4, article 15, December 2020, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-09 (2020)-04-15 Section Editor: Francesco Bonavolonta, University of Naples Federico II, Italy Received October 14, 2019; In final form January 21, 2020; Published December 2020 keywords: communication; data; figure; iot; master; measurement; network; powerline; pulse; system; technology; time; use cache: actaimeko-724.pdf plain text: actaimeko-724.txt item: #657 of 841 id: actaimeko-725 author: Spinsante, Susanna; Gioacchini, Luca; Scalise, Lorenzo title: A field-measurements-based LoRa network planning tool date: 2020-12-17 words: 6857 flesch: 48 summary: Another example, where the problem of covering long distances among LoRa nodes and GWs in sensor networks deployed to monitor gas pipelines was addressed, was recently presented in [8]. LoRa received signal strength indicator (RSSI) measurement values (in dBm) were collected over one-hour intervals at each position and were subsequently GPS-referenced using a transmission module (LoRa node) based on the Adafruit Feather M0 with a RFM95 LoRa Radio (900 MHz) equipped with a GPS receiver (ITEAD RoyalTek REB- 4216/REB-5216 GPS Shield Breakout Board for Arduino MEGA) and connected to a laptop, as shown in Figure 1. keywords: der; distance; figure; lora; loss; measurement; model; network; nodes; number; path; rssi; values cache: actaimeko-725.pdf plain text: actaimeko-725.txt item: #658 of 841 id: actaimeko-727 author: Carratù, Marco; Pietrosanto, Antonio; Sommella, Paolo; Paciello, Vincenzo title: Smart wearable devices for human exposure vibration measurements on two-wheel vehicles date: 2020-12-17 words: 5162 flesch: 45 summary: Smart wearable devices for human exposure vibration measurements on two-wheel vehicles ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2020, Volume 9, Number 4, 121 - 127 ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 Biasio 43, 03043 Cassino (FR), Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: vibrations; wearable device; accelerometer; ISO- 5349; suspension system Citation: Marco Carratù, Vincenzo Paciello, Antonio Pietrosanto, Paolo Sommella, Smart wearable devices for human exposure vibration measurements on two-wheel vehicles, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: acceleration; body; device; exposure; frequency; human; measurement; motorcycle; road; system; vibration cache: actaimeko-727.pdf plain text: actaimeko-727.txt item: #659 of 841 id: actaimeko-728 author: Di Angelo, Luca; Di Stefano, Paolo; Guardiani, Emanuele title: An advanced GCode analyser for predicting the build time for additive manufacturing components date: 2020-12-17 words: 6902 flesch: 57 summary: In a competitive market of AM services, manufacturing costs must be estimated in a reliable way [6]-[8], which is why the accurate estimation of build times is crucial. A reliable quantification of build time also aids ascertainment of the deposition direction, which minimises the manufacturing costs [9]-[23]. keywords: build; build time; doi; figure; manufacturing; method; speed; step; time cache: actaimeko-728.pdf plain text: actaimeko-728.txt item: #660 of 841 id: actaimeko-730 author: Bastos, Daniel Chicayban; Kowada, Luis Antonio Brasil; Machado, Raphael C. S. title: On pseudorandom number generators date: 2020-12-17 words: 7619 flesch: 58 summary: On pseudorandom number generators Daniel Chicayban Bastos1, Luis Antonio Brasil Kowada1, Raphael C. S. Machado1,2 1 Instituto de Computação, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil 2 Inmetro - Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia, Brasil Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: randomness; random number generator; true random number generator; pseudorandom number generator; statistical tests; TestU01; NIST SP 800-22; random sequence; state-of-the-art; crush Citation: Daniel Chicayban Bastos, Luis Antonio Brasil Kowada, Raphael C. S. Machado, On pseudorandom number generators, Acta IMEKO, vol. 9, no. 4, article 17, December 2020, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-09 (2020)-04-17 Section Editor: Francesco Bonavolonta, University of Naples Federico II, Italy Received October 30, 2019; In final form May 15, 2020; Published December 2020 Testing random number generators so as to choose one for a project is essential to know its limitations and decide whether the choice fits the project’s objectives. keywords: generator; number; number generator; period; probability; pseudorandom; randomness; sequence; sequence 𝑋𝑛; test; testu01 cache: actaimeko-730.pdf plain text: actaimeko-730.txt item: #661 of 841 id: actaimeko-731 author: Prist, Mariorosario; Monteriù, Andrea; Pallotta, Emanuele; Cicconi, Paolo; Freddi, Alessandro; Giuggioloni, Federico; Caizer, Eduard; Verdini, Carlo; Longhi, Sauro title: Cyber-physical manufacturing systems: An architecture for sensor integration, production line simulation and cloud services date: 2020-12-17 words: 12420 flesch: 45 summary: Production data contain every variable related to the production process monitored by the sensor network. Manufacturing line data. keywords: analysis; architecture; cloud; communication; cps; cyber; data; december; doi; information; level; line; manufacturing; network; number; osgi; physical; plc; production; production line; sensor; software; system; time; wireless; wsn cache: actaimeko-731.pdf plain text: actaimeko-731.txt item: #662 of 841 id: actaimeko-732 author: Ciani, Lorenzo; Bartolini, Alessandro; Guidi, Giulia; Patrizi, Gabriele title: A hybrid tree sensor network for Condition Monitoring system to optimize maintenance policy date: 2020-03-30 words: 5692 flesch: 48 summary: It is composed of several sensor nodes and a single root node that manages the entire network and allows for data uploading to the cloud. Traditional wireless sensor network. keywords: condition; failure; figure; maintenance; monitoring; network; node; reliability; sensor; system; turbine; wind; wireless cache: actaimeko-732.pdf plain text: actaimeko-732.txt item: #663 of 841 id: actaimeko-733 author: Catelani, Marcantonio; Ciani, Lorenzo; Guidi, Giulia; Patrizi, Gabriele title: Maintainability improvement using allocation methods for railway system date: 2020-03-30 words: 6656 flesch: 55 summary: The MTTR distributed to each unit is calculated as [14][15]: �̅�CT𝑖 = �̅�CT ∑ 𝜆𝑖 𝑛 𝑖=1 𝑛 𝜆𝑖 (2) where �̅�CT𝑖 is the MTTR distributed to unit i, �̅�CT is the MTTR of the system, 𝜆𝑖 is the failure rate of unit i, and n is the total number of unit types. Since system failure is inevitable, quick system restorability is therefore the most important feature [11]. keywords: allocation; failure; lru; maintainability; maintenance; method; mttr; procedure; repair; system; time cache: actaimeko-733.pdf plain text: actaimeko-733.txt item: #664 of 841 id: actaimeko-737 author: Rega, Andrea; Vitolo, Ferdinando; Patalano, Stanislao; Gerbino, Salvatore title: A sensor data fusion-based locating method for large-scale metrology date: 2020-12-17 words: 6433 flesch: 53 summary: Position estimate At time 𝑡𝑖, the location measurements 𝑧1𝑖 and 𝑧2,𝑖 come from the encoder and ultrasonic sensor, respectively. Comparison between the errors of position measurement (rotary encoder and ultrasonic sensor) and the final estimated position through SDF. keywords: accuracy; acquisition; data; device; doi; engineering; fusion; measurement; method; point; reference; scanner; sensor; system cache: actaimeko-737.pdf plain text: actaimeko-737.txt item: #665 of 841 id: actaimeko-739 author: Fucile, Pierpaolo; Onofrio, Ilaria; Papallo, Ida; Gallicchio, Vito; Rega, Andrea; D'Antò, Vincenzo; Improta, Giovanni; De Santis, Roberto; Gloria, Antonio; Russo, Teresa title: Strategies for the design of additively manufactured nanocomposite scaffolds for hard tissue regeneration date: 2020-12-17 words: 5755 flesch: 46 summary: In this context, the influence of the process parameters on these characteristics has previously been studied in the case of 3D additively manufactured PCL scaffolds obtained through a bioextruder [25]. In particular, great efforts were devoted to the study of the effect of the deposition velocity (DV), screw rotation velocity (SRV), slice thickness (ST), and process temperature (PT) to find the best set of parameters for the fabrication of PCL scaffolds with enhanced properties and reproducibility [25]. keywords: bone; compressive; doi; nanocomposite; pcl; scaffolds; srv; stress; values cache: actaimeko-739.pdf plain text: actaimeko-739.txt item: #666 of 841 id: actaimeko-740 author: Surdo, Salvatore; Zunino, Alessandro; Diaspro, Alberto; Duocastella, Martí title: Acoustically-shaped laser: a machining tool for Industry 4.0 date: 2020-12-17 words: 5713 flesch: 50 summary: Laser material processing with multiple beamlets. Laser material processing with intensity patterns. keywords: aof; beam; cavity; doi; figure; laser; ldw; manufacturing; materials; pattern; physical; surface; system cache: actaimeko-740.pdf plain text: actaimeko-740.txt item: #667 of 841 id: actaimeko-741 author: La Rosa, Roberto; Pandiyan, A. Y. S.; Trigona, Carlo; Andò, Bruno; Baglio, Salvatore title: An integrated circuit to null standby using energy provided by MEMS sensors date: 2020-12-17 words: 4437 flesch: 57 summary: For this reason, power management circuits are in fact permanently on in standby, and, depending on the duty cycle, can consume unnecessarily high percentages of battery charge [18], [19]. In the next section, the experimental study of the integrated circuit will be conducted, considering several voltage levels in accordance with the amplitude generated by the MEMS used in the simulation (see Figure 3) and the fabricated chip (see Figure 8). keywords: circuit; device; doi; energy; figure; mems; power; sensors; standby; system; voltage cache: actaimeko-741.pdf plain text: actaimeko-741.txt item: #668 of 841 id: actaimeko-742 author: Trigona, Carlo; Di Pasquale, Giovanna; Graziani, Salvatore; Licciulli, Antonino; Nisi, Rossella; Pollicino, Antonino title: Geometrical and thermal influences on a bacterial cellulose based sensing element for acceleration measurements date: 2020-12-17 words: 4297 flesch: 46 summary: As it can be noted, a decrement of the resistance across the BC can be observed for increasing temperature values. Based on such considerations, the present paper carries the investigation of the accelerometer further, by investigating the influence of environmental temperature on the transducing properties of the BC-based composites. keywords: cellulose; device; doi; figure; sensing; temperature cache: actaimeko-742.pdf plain text: actaimeko-742.txt item: #669 of 841 id: actaimeko-743 author: Di Marino, Castrese; Rega, Andrea; Vitolo, Ferdinando; Patalano, Stanislao; Lanzotti, Antonio title: A new approach to the anthropocentric design of human–robot collaborative environments date: 2020-12-17 words: 6216 flesch: 46 summary: ‘Collaborative space’ (C) is the dynamic intersection of the elementary spaces (robot space and human space). The human space and robot space are, ideally, overlapping and alternatively activated (workspace sharing). keywords: approach; design; doi; human; interaction; robot; safety; space; tasks; workplace cache: actaimeko-743.pdf plain text: actaimeko-743.txt item: #670 of 841 id: actaimeko-744 author: Martins, Luis Lages; Almeida, Maria do Céu; Ribeiro, Álvaro Silva title: Optical metrology applied in CCTV inspection in drain and sewer systems date: 2020-03-30 words: 4799 flesch: 39 summary: Schematic representation of the measurement procedure in CCTV camera images, based on the orthographic camera model. In the following sections, this paper presents constrains found to achieve an acceptable accurate level on dimensional measurements in CCTV inspections and proposes approaches for the improvement of the process and to the evaluation of measurement uncertainties. keywords: camera; cctv; drain; figure; image; inspection; measurement; sewer; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-744.pdf plain text: actaimeko-744.txt item: #671 of 841 id: actaimeko-745 author: Solari, Domenico; Papallo, Ida; Ugga, Lorenzo; Cavallo, Luigi M.; Onofrio, Ilaria; Cuocolo, Renato; Improta, Giovanni; Brunetti, Arturo; Martorelli, Massimo; Gloria, Antonio; Cappabianca, Paolo; Russo, Teresa title: Novel concepts and strategies in skull base reconstruction after endoscopic endonasal surgery date: 2020-12-17 words: 4825 flesch: 41 summary: A design strategy was proposed involving the use of an injectable tool as a filling system and a ‘solid’ customised device as a closure system for skull base defects. 4. CONCLUSIONS An insight into the development of novel strategies and devices for skull base defects was provided by integrating rheological/mechanical concepts, image capture and analysis techniques, the CAD approach, and additive manufacturing. keywords: base; devices; doi; endonasal; endoscopic; figure; reconstruction; skull; skull base cache: actaimeko-745.pdf plain text: actaimeko-745.txt item: #672 of 841 id: actaimeko-75 author: Schwartz, Roman; Borys, Michael title: The Proposed New SI: Consequences For Mass Metrology date: 2014-06-23 words: 3624 flesch: 56 summary: Considering the extraordinary importance of weighing instruments, mass comparators and mass standards used in trade, industry and science, and also in daily life, the possible practical consequences and negative implications of a premature or even wrong decision could be tremendous. Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs) for mass standards in the range from 10 g to 100 kg of eight selected NMIs keywords: codata; figure; kilogram; mass; standards; values cache: actaimeko-75.pdf plain text: actaimeko-75.txt item: #673 of 841 id: actaimeko-750 author: Paniti, Imre; Viharos, Zsolt János; Harangozó, Dóra; Najm, Sherwan Mohammed title: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Single Point Incremental Forming of Aluminium Alloy Foils date: 2020-03-30 words: 5040 flesch: 57 summary: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Single Point Incremental Forming of Aluminium Alloy Foils ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2020, Volume 9, Number 1, 25 - 31 ACTA IMEKO | [2] I. Bagudanch, G. Centeno, C. Vallellano, M. L. Garcia-Romeu, Forming Force in Single Point Incremental Forming under Different Bending Conditions, Procedia Engineering 63 (2013) pp. keywords: figure; forming; incremental; process; results; sheet; spif; strain; thickness; tool cache: actaimeko-750.pdf plain text: actaimeko-750.txt item: #674 of 841 id: actaimeko-751 author: Lingitz, Lukas; Sihn, Wilfried title: Concepts to Improve the Quality of Production Plans using Machine Learning date: 2020-03-30 words: 7806 flesch: 54 summary: Within the upcoming case study, the possibility of predicting planning times based on confirmation data is demonstrated. In addition, PQ is measured by calculating the deviation between planning times and predicted times. keywords: approach; cycle; data; machine; models; planning; planning times; process; production; production planning; system; time cache: actaimeko-751.pdf plain text: actaimeko-751.txt item: #675 of 841 id: actaimeko-752 author: Borghetti, Michela; Bellitti, Paolo; Lopomo, Nicola Francesco; Serpelloni, Mauro; Sardini, Emilio title: Validation of a modular and wearable system for tracking fingers movements date: 2020-12-17 words: 6032 flesch: 52 summary: Finger tracking systems are used for movement analysis during the execution of precise actions [16], for object design in combination with virtual reality [17], for rehabilitation purposes Finger tracking systems are mainly used in vision-based and contact-based systems keywords: axis; doi; figure; finger; hand; index; joint; measurements; movements; sensor; stretch; system; tracking cache: actaimeko-752.pdf plain text: actaimeko-752.txt item: #676 of 841 id: actaimeko-753 author: Cipolletta, Giuliano; Delle Femine, Antonio; Gallo, Daniele; Landi, Carmine; Luiso, Mario title: Design and Characterization of a Stand-Alone Merging Unit date: 2020-03-30 words: 5748 flesch: 58 summary: Once the timer is enabled and started in PWM mode, a 12800 Hz square wave synchronised with GPS is produced and used as a conversion starter for both MAX11960 channels A and B in order to have a simultaneous sampling between the voltage and current signals. The firmware checks this correction process, monitoring the difference between internal counters (locked on disciplined 10 MHz from DO) and NMEA time strings (locked on PPS signal from GPS system). keywords: adc; clock; current; figure; frequency; microcontroller; order; power; samu; signal; test; time; voltage cache: actaimeko-753.pdf plain text: actaimeko-753.txt item: #677 of 841 id: actaimeko-754 author: Rocco, Nicola; Papallo, Ida; Nava, Maurizio Bruno; Catanuto, Giuseppe; Accurso, Antonello; Onofrio, Ilaria; Oliviero, Olimpia; Improta, Giovanni; Speranza, Domenico; Domingos, Marco; Russo, Teresa; De Santis, Roberto; Martorelli, Massimo; Gloria, Antonio title: Additive manufacturing and technical strategies for improving outcomes in breast reconstructive surgery date: 2020-12-17 words: 5010 flesch: 42 summary: Thus, 3D scaffolds with autologous adipose-derived stem cells have been proposed for breast tissue engineering, as the strategy should be to appropriately place the device and to fill it with autologous fat tissue over a few sessions. ABSTRACT It has been widely reported that breast reconstruction improves the quality of life of women who undergo mastectomy for breast cancer. keywords: breast; doi; engineering; lay; reconstruction; scaffolds; tissue cache: actaimeko-754.pdf plain text: actaimeko-754.txt item: #678 of 841 id: actaimeko-757 author: Ribeiro, Alvaro; Gust, Jeff; Vilhena, Antonio; Wilson, John title: Added value of harmonization and consistency of laboratories’ accreditation to the development of the global market date: 2020-03-30 words: 4543 flesch: 39 summary: In order to achieve this objective, it is necessary to ensure that the application and assessment of the standard requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 (the reference standard for laboratory accreditation) is applied worldwide in a balanced, harmonised, and consistent manner. | Volume 9 | Number 1 | 52 Results are presented in an ILAC LC report [18] and include an analysis of the following issues identified by stakeholders of ILAC LC regarding the lack of consistency observed: scope definition; cycle and frequency of assessment; quality of assessment; translation barriers; non-uniform interpretation of ISO 17025 at the national level by accreditation bodies; accreditation body policies; use of PT/ILC and similar quality control tools in assessment; and lack of recognition of ILAC MRA. keywords: accreditation; assessment; bodies; figure; ilac; iso; laboratories; laboratory; quality cache: actaimeko-757.pdf plain text: actaimeko-757.txt item: #679 of 841 id: actaimeko-758 author: Baudoin, Yvan; Dubucq, Yves; Schneider, Frank E.; Van Langenhoven, Tim title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO special section on the IMEKO TC17 co-sponsored international conference ISMCR’2019 date: 2019-12-16 words: 1019 flesch: 25 summary: The ELROB'2018 competition presented 16 teams of which five (NIC Instruments Ltd-UK, TELEROB GmbH-GE, BROKK Ltd.-SE, ELP GmbH-GE, TAUT-AT) have been tested on explosive device detection capabilities and seven competitors tested on rescue capabilities for victims (TELEROB GmbH-GE, Fraunhofer & TNO-GE-NL, BISG-FI, TAUT, BROKK and ELP, AVRORA-RU). Editorial Citation: Yvan Baudoin, Yves Dubucq, Frank E. Schneider, Tim Van Langenhoven, Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Section on the IMEKO TC17 cosponsored international conference ISMCR’2019, Acta IMEKO, vol. 8, no. 4, article 1, December 2019, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-08 (2019)-04-01 Editor: Dušan Agrež, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Received November 26, 2019; keywords: acta; imeko; international; robotics cache: actaimeko-758.pdf plain text: actaimeko-758.txt item: #680 of 841 id: actaimeko-759 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2019-12-16 words: 419 flesch: 6 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Dušan Agrež, Slovenia FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 and 8) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Nicola Pasquino, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Jan Saliga, Slovakia Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Claudia Zoani, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Acta IMEKO Contacts ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2019, Volume 8, Number 4 ACTA IMEKO | December 2019 | Volume 8 | Number 4 | 0 keywords: imeko; international; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-759.pdf plain text: actaimeko-759.txt item: #681 of 841 id: actaimeko-76 author: Aschenbrenner, Bernhard; Zagar, Bernhard G. title: Contactless high frequency inductive position sensor with DSP read out electronics utilizing band-pass sampling date: 2014-09-23 words: 5368 flesch: 50 summary: The two amplitude modulated receive coil signals from the multi-cycle structure can be represented in the time domain as follows: )( 2 sin )(2 cos 2 )( Pcos P P Pcos tCt l txA tU                 , (3) )( 2 sin )(2 sin 2 )( Pcos P P Psin tCt l txA tU                 , (4) where lP is the pitch of the multi-cycle windings and CPcos(t) and CPsin(t) The envelopes of the amplitude modulated double sideband suppressed carrier (DSBSC) receive coils output signals contain the position information of the target. keywords: antenna; coils; cycle; figure; measurement; pcb; position; receive; sensor; signal; target cache: actaimeko-76.pdf plain text: actaimeko-76.txt item: #682 of 841 id: actaimeko-760 author: Dolinsky, Pavol; Andras, Imrich; Michaeli, Linus; Saliga, Jan title: An ECG signal model based on a parametric description of the characteristic waves date: 2020-06-30 words: 5325 flesch: 59 summary: In the past, a wide variety of different ECG signal models have been developed and tested. Košice, Slovakia Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Synthetic ECG; ECG signal processing; ECG model; PQRST complex Citation: Pavol Dolinský, Imrich Andráš, Linus Michaeli, Ján Šaliga, An ECG signal model based on a parametric description of the characteristic waves, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: acta; ecg; ecg signal; heartbeat; imeko; model; parameters; signal; wave cache: actaimeko-760.pdf plain text: actaimeko-760.txt item: #683 of 841 id: actaimeko-761 author: Mariscotti, Andrea; Giordano, Domenico title: Experimental Characterization of Pantograph Arcs and Transient Conducted Phenomena in DC Railways date: 2020-06-30 words: 6712 flesch: 52 summary: [24], the focus has been on DC electric arcs and their influence on the behaviour of the system, measurements, and measurement accuracy. | Volume 9 | Number 2 | 10 Experimental characterization of pantograph arcs and transient conducted phenomena in DC railways Andrea Mariscotti1, Domenico Giordano2 1 ASTM Sagl, Via Comacini 7, 6830 Chiasso, Switzerland 2 Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM), Strada delle Cacce 91, 10135 Torino, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Arc discharge; electric arc; power quality; rail transportation. keywords: arc; current; electric; figure; filter; frequency; line; onboard; pantograph; resonance; transient; voltage cache: actaimeko-761.pdf plain text: actaimeko-761.txt item: #684 of 841 id: actaimeko-763 author: Velychko, Oleh; Gordiyenko, Tetyana; Karpenko, Stanislav title: Evaluation of the results of regional metrology organisation comparisons and national inter-laboratory comparisons for electrical quantities date: 2020-06-30 words: 4674 flesch: 46 summary: | Volume 9 | Number 2 | 18 Evaluation of the results of regional metrology organisation comparisons and national inter-laboratory comparisons for electrical quantities Oleh Velychko1, Tetyana Gordiyenko2, Stanislav Karpenko1 1 State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandard”, 4, Metrolohychna str., 03143, Kyiv, Ukraine 2 Odesa State Academy of Technical Regulation and Quality, 15, Kovalska str., 65020, Odesa, Ukraine Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Comparison of standards; inter-laboratory comparison; calibration laboratory; measurement uncertainty Citation: Oleh Velychko, Tetyana Gordiyenko, Stanislav Karpenko, Evaluation of the results of regional metrology organisation comparisons and national inter-laboratory comparisons for electrical quantities, Acta IMEKO, vol. The same formula from [10] can be applied to the evaluation of the consistency of the results of inter-laboratory comparisons for calibration laboratories: 2 2 2 1 ( ) n lab keywords: calibration; comparisons; coomet.em; lab; laboratories; laboratory; power; results; umts cache: actaimeko-763.pdf plain text: actaimeko-763.txt item: #685 of 841 id: actaimeko-764 author: Mariscotti, Andrea title: Uncertainty of the Energy Measurement Function deriving from Distortion Power Terms for a 16.7 Hz Railway date: 2020-06-30 words: 6129 flesch: 53 summary: This work considers the implementation of the EN 50463- 2 energy measurement function, including the criteria for the significance of the measured and calculated terms, and it carries out a Monte Carlo analysis to assess the impact of harmonic power terms on the measured energy and its uncertainty. The economic impact of fractional energy saving with a magnitude commensurate to the observed variability caused by harmonic power terms is definitely worth better comprehension of the problem. keywords: braking; current; energy; fundamental; harmonic; ieee; power; power terms; quantities; railway; terms; traction; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-764.pdf plain text: actaimeko-764.txt item: #686 of 841 id: actaimeko-766 author: Ahmedov, Haci; Celik, Mehnet; Orhan, Recep; Korutlu, Beste; Ersoy, Sahin; Hamid, Ramiz title: A UME Kibble balance displacement measurement procedure date: 2020-09-30 words: 5117 flesch: 50 summary: [7] H. Ahmedov, B. Korutlu, R. Orhan, Optimization procedure for Faraday’s voltage in UME Kibble balance, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 68(6) (2019) pp. 2172-2175. DOI: The second reason is that in displacement measurements, the uncertainty contribution due to the environmental conditions (fluctuation in the index of refraction and elongation of materials) are proportional to the measurement time. keywords: balance; coil; data; displacement; doi; fpi; kibble; kibble balance; measurement; ume; vacuum cache: actaimeko-766.pdf plain text: actaimeko-766.txt item: #687 of 841 id: actaimeko-769 author: Belega, Daniel; Petri, Dario; Dallet, Dominique title: Contribution of an interharmonic component to the sine-wave parameters estimators returned by the interpolated Discrete Fourier transform algorithm date: 2020-09-30 words: 5322 flesch: 64 summary: V.Pârvan, Nr. 2, 300223, Timișoara, Romania 2 Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, Via Sommarive, 9, 38123, Trento, Italy 3 IMS Laboratory, Bordeaux INP, University of Bordeaux, CNRS UMR5218, 351 Cours de la Libération, Bâtiment A31, 33405, Talence Cedex, France Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: error analysis; interharmonic component; interpolated DFT algorithm; parameter estimation; windowing Citation: Daniel Belega, Dario Petri, Dominique Dallet, Contribution of an interharmonic component to the sine-wave parameters estimators returned by the interpolated DFT algorithm, Acta IMEKO, vol. 9, no. 3, article 4, September 2020, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-09 (2020)-03-04 Editor: It is important to note that the second and the fourth terms in (5) represent the contributions of the fundamental spectral image and interharmonic components, respectively. keywords: − 𝐴; 𝐴 𝐴; 𝐴 𝑊(𝜈ih; 𝐴ih 𝐴; 𝑊(𝛿 cache: actaimeko-769.pdf plain text: actaimeko-769.txt item: #688 of 841 id: actaimeko-77 author: Shirono, Katsuhiro; Tanaka, Hideyuki; Shiro, Masanori; Ehara, Kensei title: Optimization of checking interval and adjustment limit for random-walking process including effects of adjustment uncertainty and time lag date: 2014-01-15 words: 5681 flesch: 68 summary: Microsoft Word - Article 4 - 77-747-2-GA.doc ACTA IMEKO December 2013, Volume 2, Number 2, 13 – 19 ACTA IMEKO | December 2013 | Volume 2 | Number 2 | 13 Optimization of checking interval and adjustment limit for random-walking process including effects of adjustment uncertainty and time lag Katsuhiro Shirono, Hideyuki Tanaka, Masanori Shiro, Kensei Ehara National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba 3058565, Japan Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Checking Interval; Adjustment Limit; Calibration Interval; Random Walk Citation: Katsuhiro Shirono, Hideyuki Tanaka, Masanori Shiro, Kensei Ehara, Optimization of checking interval and adjustment limit for random-walking process including effects of adjustment uncertainty and time lag, Acta IMEKO, vol. The present study provides a mathematical formalism and an efficient computation method to take adjustment uncertainty and time lag into consideration in the optimization of a random-walking property. keywords: adjustment; checking; cost; equation; lag; limit; time; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-77.pdf plain text: actaimeko-77.txt item: #689 of 841 id: actaimeko-777 author: Liu, Fangxing; Liang, Chengbin; He, Qing title: A Data-Based Approach for Smart Meter Online Calibration date: 2020-06-30 words: 4780 flesch: 64 summary: Electricity theft is a worldwide problem, and researchers have attempted to address the problem by analysing smart meter data. [8] F. L. Quilumba, W. Lee, H. Huang, D. Y. Wang, R. L. Szabados, Using smart meter data to improve the accuracy of intraday load forecasting considering customer behavior similarities, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (2015) pp. keywords: calibration; data; energy; error; meter; n n; smart cache: actaimeko-777.pdf plain text: actaimeko-777.txt item: #690 of 841 id: actaimeko-778 author: Alimenti, Andrea; Torokhtii, Kostiantyn; Pompeo, Nicola; Piuzzi, Emanuele; Silva, Enrico title: Characterisation of dielectric 3D-printingmaterials at microwave frequencies date: 2020-09-30 words: 5877 flesch: 58 summary: Thus, for low tan 𝛿𝑠 samples, a higher 𝜂𝑠 is preferable, while at higher tan 𝛿𝑠, a lower 𝜂𝑠 gives better performances. Real part of the complex permittivity ℜ{ ̃} = ′ measured on dielectric samples of different thicknesses using the ‘NIST precision’ transmission/reflection method keywords: dielectric; figure; materials; measurement; resonator; sample; tan cache: actaimeko-778.pdf plain text: actaimeko-778.txt item: #691 of 841 id: actaimeko-780 author: Ahmedov, Haci; Korutlu, Beste; Dorosinskiy, Lev; Orhan, Recep; Tuncel, Ozlen title: External Magnetic Field Measurements in UME Kibble Balance date: 2020-09-30 words: 7026 flesch: 57 summary: The soft-iron yoke not only guides the generated magnetic flux density towards the coil volume but also effectively shields the coil from the effect of external magnetic flux density. Law of Force There are three sources of magnetic flux density created in the air gap: a) magnetic flux density generated by the magnetic circuit (�⃑� mc), b) magnetisation flux density (�⃑� m), c) external magnetic flux density (�⃑� e), which contribute to the Ampere’s force law given by �⃗� = 𝐽 ∮ 𝑑𝑙 × �⃑⃗�, where �⃑⃗� = �⃑� mc + �⃑� m + keywords: balance; circuit; coil; doi; flux; flux density; kibble; magnetic cache: actaimeko-780.pdf plain text: actaimeko-780.txt item: #692 of 841 id: actaimeko-781 author: Lin, Shan; Rothleitner, Christian; Rogge, Norbert; Fröhlich, Thomas title: Influences on amplitude estimation using three-parameter sine fitting algorithm in the velocity mode of the Planck-Balance date: 2020-09-30 words: 5545 flesch: 59 summary: However, in practice, the time jitter is an unpredictable timing noise, and this effect leads to the bias of estimated sine wave amplitude. [17] F. Corrêa Alegria, A. Cruz Serra, Gaussian jitter-induced bias of sine wave amplitude estimation using three-parameter sine fitting, IEEE Trans. keywords: amplitude; balance; bias; coil; fitting; frequency; sampling; sine; standard; voltage cache: actaimeko-781.pdf plain text: actaimeko-781.txt item: #693 of 841 id: actaimeko-782 author: Torokhtii, Kostiantyn; Alimenti, Andrea; Pompeo, Nicola; Silva, Enrico title: Estimation of microwave resonant measurements uncertainty from uncalibrated data date: 2020-09-30 words: 5226 flesch: 54 summary: September 2020 | Volume 9 | Number 3 | 47 Estimation of microwave resonant measurement uncertainty from uncalibrated data K. Torokhtii1, A. Alimenti1, N. Pompeo1, E. Silva1 1 Department of Engineering, Roma Tre University, Via Vito Volterra, 62, 00146 Roma, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: dielectric resonator; microwaves; uncertainty Citation: Kostiantyn Torokhtii, Andrea Alimenti, Nicola Pompeo, Enrico Silva, Estimation of microwave resonant measurements uncertainty from uncalibrated data, Acta IMEKO, vol. [12] K. Torokhtii, A. Alimenti, N. Pompeo, E. Silva, Uncertainty in uncalibrated microwave resonant measurements, Proc. of the XXIII IMEKO TC4 International Symposium Electrical & Elec onic Measu emen s P omo e Indus y Xi’an, China, 17-20 September 2019, pp. 98-102. keywords: curves; data; figure; fit; measurements; microwave; resonant; resonator; uncertainty; 𝑆tr cache: actaimeko-782.pdf plain text: actaimeko-782.txt item: #694 of 841 id: actaimeko-787 author: Balestrieri, Eulalia; Daponte, Pasquale; De Vito, Luca; Picariello, Francesco; Rapuano, Sergio; Tudosa, Ioan title: A Wi-Fi IoT prototype for ECG monitoring exploiting a novel Compressed Sensing method date: 2020-06-30 words: 6684 flesch: 56 summary: ECG data acquisition system: hardware The ECG data acquisition system consists of a CC3200MOD LaunchPad evaluation board [37], embedding the CC3200MOD SoC. ECG data acquisition system: firmware A general overview of the firmware executed by the ECG data acquisition system is depicted in Figure 5. keywords: acquisition; consumption; data; ecg; energy; iot; monitoring; signal; system; vector; 𝐶𝑅 values cache: actaimeko-787.pdf plain text: actaimeko-787.txt item: #695 of 841 id: actaimeko-788 author: Balestrieri, Eulalia; Daponte, Pasquale; De Vito, Luca; Picariello, Francesco; Rapuano, Sergio; Tudosa, Ioan title: Research trends and challenges on DAC testing date: 2020-06-30 words: 5414 flesch: 48 summary: To provide useful information on the standard’s update process, a brief review of the latest research on DAC testing has been presented in [4]. A counter is used for transition detection in ADC testing and as a test pattern generator in DAC testing. keywords: dac; dacs; digital; figure; ieee; international; measurement; noise; research; signal; testing; time; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-788.pdf plain text: actaimeko-788.txt item: #696 of 841 id: actaimeko-79 author: Klaus, Leonard; Bruns, Thomas; Kobusch, Michael title: Modelling of a Dynamic Torque Calibration Device and Determination of Model Parameters date: 2014-06-23 words: 3283 flesch: 55 summary: The applied load steps are based on the DIN 51309 standard for torque transducer calibrations. For the dynamic calibration of torque transducers, a dedicated calibration device has been developed. keywords: device; inertia; mass; measurement; moment; pendulum; torque; transducer cache: actaimeko-79.pdf plain text: actaimeko-79.txt item: #697 of 841 id: actaimeko-790 author: Salceanu, Alexandru; Paulet, Marius Valerian; Neagu, Constantin Dan; Bordeianu, Dragos Florin title: On the coupling influence of the relative position of human trunk with respect to the overhead high-voltage power line date: 2020-09-30 words: 5306 flesch: 47 summary: [10] X. Wu, D. J. Meisner, K. D. Stechschulte, V. Simha, R. J. Wellman, M. Thakur, K. R. Posey, Induced voltage & current simulations, safety criterion, and mitigations for EHV transmission lines in close proximity, Proc. of the IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS), Portland, OR, USA, 23-27 September 2018, pp. 1-8. DOI: [11] B. Kuznetsov, I. Bovdui, A. Voloshko, T. Nikitina, Modeling and active shielding of magnetic field in residential buildings located near group of high voltage power lines, Proc. of the 2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems (IEPS), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 10-14 September 2018. ‘Gheorghe Asachi’ Technical University of Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: magnetic fields; high-voltage power lines; Induced currents; CST simulation Citation: Marius Valerian Paulet, Alexandru Salceanu, Constantin Dan Neagu, Dragos Florin Bordeianu, On the coupling influence of the relative position of human trunk with respect to the overhead high-voltage power line, Acta IMEKO, vol. 9, no. 3, article 9, September 2020, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-09 (2020)- 03-09 Editor: keywords: body; current; density; field; figure; lines; network; power; trunk; voltage cache: actaimeko-790.pdf plain text: actaimeko-790.txt item: #698 of 841 id: actaimeko-793 author: Sangiorgio, Valentino; Martiradonna, Silvia; Fatiguso, Fabio; Uva, Giuseppina title: Historical masonry churches diagnosis supported by an analytic-hierarchy-process-based decision support system date: 2021-03-31 words: 6948 flesch: 51 summary: In this paper, a new procedure for performing rapid visual surveys and the diagnostics of masonry buildings using a set of condition ratings is proposed. Specifically, the following wood flooring qualities are considered in the evaluation of the overall performance of masonry buildings: x) the typology of the damaged element (e.g. timber truss or slab), xi) the wood criticality related to moisture, xii) surface alteration, xiii) extension of the problem, and xiv) keywords: ahp; approach; building; church; churches; condition; criteria; damage; data; decision; doi; elements; figure; form; masonry; process; survey; system cache: actaimeko-793.pdf plain text: actaimeko-793.txt item: #699 of 841 id: actaimeko-794 author: Bejenaru, Ovidiu; Lazarescu, Catalin; Paulet, Marius Valerian; Salceanu, Alexandru; Ursachianu, Marius Vasile title: Factors Influencing the Distribution of Maximum Specific Absorption Rates in Far Field Human Exposure Scenarios date: 2020-09-30 words: 5092 flesch: 47 summary: Table 1 summarises how exactly the SAR MAX (10 g) values vary for different regions of human body surface for the various cases (A–E). [Accessed 28 September 2020] DOI: [24] S. Mezoued, B. Nekhoul, D. Poljak, K. El Khamlichi Drissi, K. Kerroum, Human Exposure to transient electromagnetic field using simplified body models, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 34 (2010) pp. keywords: body; case; cst; exposure; field; max; model; sar; values cache: actaimeko-794.pdf plain text: actaimeko-794.txt item: #700 of 841 id: actaimeko-795 author: Loret, Niccolò; Affinito, Antonio; Bonanomi, Giuliano title: Introducing Evja - "Rugged" Intelligent Support System for precision farming date: 2020-06-30 words: 5184 flesch: 49 summary: EVJA is being upgraded with a dynamic forecasting model that simulates the mineral nitrogen content in the soil within an integrated sensor-based irrigation system that provides data on atmospheric climatic conditions, integrated with soil moisture, soil temperature data, and weather forecasts. Indeed, compared to many other systems that are available, the EVJA hardware works not only with WiFi or mobile coverage but also everywhere else due to the use of an innovative communication technology called a Long-Range (LoRa) network [5], which can fully operate with radio frequencies. keywords: crop; data; evja; farmers; farming; information; plant; precision; sensors; soil; system; temperature; time; water cache: actaimeko-795.pdf plain text: actaimeko-795.txt item: #701 of 841 id: actaimeko-797 author: Marini, Andrea; Termite, Loris Francesco; Garinei, Alberto; Marconi, Marcello; Biondi, Lorenzo title: Neural network models for soil moisture forecasting from remote sensed measurements date: 2020-06-30 words: 4702 flesch: 53 summary: Citation: Andrea Marini, Loris Francesco Termite, Alberto Garinei, Marcello Marconi, Lorenzo Biondi, Neural network models for soil moisture forecasting from remote sensed measurements, Acta IMEKO, vol. 9, no. 2, article 10, June 2020, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-09 (2020)-02-10 Editor: Oscar Tamburis, University of Naples Federico II, Italy Received March 5, 2020; In final form June 22, 2020; Published June 2020 [17] W. Wagner, G. Lemoine, H. Rott, A method for estimating soil moisture from ers scatterometer and soil data, Remote sensing of Environment 70(2) (1999) pp. keywords: anfis; data; irrigation; models; network; set; soil; swi; validation; water cache: actaimeko-797.pdf plain text: actaimeko-797.txt item: #702 of 841 id: actaimeko-799 author: Bucci, Giorgia; Bentivoglio, Deborah; Belletti, Matteo; Finco, Adele title: Measuring a farm's profitability after adopting precision agriculture technologies: A case study from Italy date: 2020-09-30 words: 8592 flesch: 44 summary: Online [Accessed 23 September 2020] DOI: [38] E. Pierpaoli, G. Carli, E. Pignatti, M. Canavari, Drivers of precision agriculture technologies adoption: a literature review. Investments in precision farming are further associated with the irreversibility of the capital cost, which should be taken into account where appropriate; farmers might prefer to wait for better information on the costs and benefits of the new technology before investing in precision farming technologies [55]. keywords: adoption; agriculture; case; cost; doi; farm; farming; pats; post; precision; precision agriculture; production; study; technologies; wheat cache: actaimeko-799.pdf plain text: actaimeko-799.txt item: #703 of 841 id: actaimeko-80 author: Brüge, Andreas title: Simplified Measurements of the Humidity Coefficient of Torque Transducers in Calibration Laboratories date: 2014-06-23 words: 4664 flesch: 47 summary: Because of blending measurements during increasing and decreasing humidity and because of performing humidity steps between humidity levels below and above laboratory equilibrium it is impossible to mark a reference point. Transient signal contributions As mentioned in section 2, transient effects can occur during the change of humidity level. keywords: effect; figure; humidity; sensitivity; time; torque; transducer cache: actaimeko-80.pdf plain text: actaimeko-80.txt item: #704 of 841 id: actaimeko-800 author: Carnì, Domenico Luca; Balestrieri, Eulalia; Tudosa, Ioan; Lamonaca, Francesco title: Application of machine learning techniques and empirical mode decomposition for the classification of analog modulated signals date: 2020-06-30 words: 5718 flesch: 50 summary: [7] N. Kim, N. Kehtarnavaz, S. Brown, T. McKinney, Hierarchical classification of modulation signals, Proc. of Robotics, Automation, Control and Manufacturing: Trends, Principles and Applications – The 5th Biannual World Automation Congress, WAC 2002, ISORA 2002, ISIAC 2002 and ISOMA 2002, 2002, vol. In the design of the AMC-EM, the selection of the specific ML technique is performed by comparing, with numerical tests, the performance of the (i) Support Vector Machine (SVM), (ii) k-nearest neighbor classifier, and (iii) adaptive boosting, since they are commonly used in the field of signal classification. keywords: amc; classification; classifier; figure; frequency; modulation; number; signal; techniques; value cache: actaimeko-800.pdf plain text: actaimeko-800.txt item: #705 of 841 id: actaimeko-801 author: Viharos, Zsolt János title: Introduction to the Acta IMEKO special issue on the 16th IMEKO TC10 conference “Testing, Diagnostics & Inspection as a comprehensive value chain for Quality & Safety”, 2019 date: 2020-03-30 words: 1611 flesch: 37 summary: Ciani et al. presented a Wireless Mesh Network to implement a widely distributed condition monitoring system for a wind farm. The paper submitted by Mikhalieva et al. is to deal with the ability to determine and control the normalized concentrations using the experimentally obtained dependencies of the active and reactive constituents of conductivity in the wide frequency range on the composition of the multicomponent fluid and the impurity concentrations. keywords: acta; acta imeko; imeko; inspection; quality cache: actaimeko-801.pdf plain text: actaimeko-801.txt item: #706 of 841 id: actaimeko-802 author: Balestrieri, Eulalia; De Vito, Luca; Picariello, Francesco; Rapuano, Sergio; Tudosa, Ioan title: A review of accurate phase measurement methods and instruments for sinewave signals date: 2020-06-30 words: 6054 flesch: 51 summary: A review of accurate phase measurement methods and instruments for sinewave signals Eulalia Balestrieri1, Luca De Vito1, Francesco Picariello1, Sergio Rapuano1, Ioan Tudosa1 1 Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: phase measurement; waveform recorders; wide frequency range; measurement uncertainty. Modulation-based methods The modulation-based methods for phase measurement use a frequency mixer to multiply the sinewave under test with a signal from a reference oscillator. keywords: frequency; instruments; measurement; methods; phase; phase measurement; range; signal; sinewave; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-802.pdf plain text: actaimeko-802.txt item: #707 of 841 id: actaimeko-805 author: Longo, Sveva; Capuani, Silvia; Granata, Francesca; Neri, Fortunato; Fazio, Enza title: Clinical computed tomography and surface-enhanced Raman scattering characterisation of ancient pigments date: 2021-03-31 words: 6177 flesch: 50 summary: Therefore, we proceeded to collect the Raman spectra from the wooden support, which had previously been prepared using Firenze Zecchi pigments, covered with gold colloid and then air-dried before Raman analyses were carried out. Raman spectra were collected at room temperature using a Horiba XploRA spectrometer. keywords: doi; figure; lead; march; materials; msct; pigments; raman; sers; spectra; spectroscopy; surface; tablets; values; wood cache: actaimeko-805.pdf plain text: actaimeko-805.txt item: #708 of 841 id: actaimeko-807 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal Contacts date: 2020-03-30 words: 411 flesch: 24 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Dušan Agrež, Slovenia FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 - 9) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Nicola Pasquino, Italy Franco Pavese, Italy Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Jan Saliga, Slovakia Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Claudia Zoani, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Via di S. Marta, 3, 50139 Florence, Italy e-mail: Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany e-mail: keywords: imeko; international; italy cache: actaimeko-807.pdf plain text: actaimeko-807.txt item: #709 of 841 id: actaimeko-809 author: Tiberti, Simone; Milani, Gabriele title: Creating the finite element mesh of non-periodic masonry from the measurement of its geometrical characteristics: a novel automated procedure date: 2021-03-31 words: 5690 flesch: 56 summary: 2D finite element mesh The 3D FE mesh created through the procedure named ‘pixel strategy’ was used as input in a separate MATLAB script that was devoted to the determination of homogenised in-plane failure surfaces, which represent in-plane macroscopic strength criteria for masonry elements. In this case, the numerical applications were undertaken to extract homogenised in-plane and out-of-plane failure surfaces of masonry elements, which represent macroscopic strength criteria for in-plane and out-of- plane load conditions. keywords: element; failure; figure; finite; masonry; mesh; plane; surfaces cache: actaimeko-809.pdf plain text: actaimeko-809.txt item: #710 of 841 id: actaimeko-81 author: Volkers, Henrik; Bruns, Thomas title: The influence of source impedance on charge amplifiers date: 2014-01-15 words: 2671 flesch: 57 summary: Microsoft Word - Article 10 - 81-488-1-Galley finale.docx ACTA IMEKO December 2013, Volume 2, Number 2, 56 – 60 ACTA IMEKO | December 2013 | Volume 2 | Number 2 | 56 The influence of source impedance on charge amplifiers Henrik Volkers, Thomas Bruns Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: charge amplifier, calibration Citation: Henrik Volkers, Thomas Bruns, The influence of source impedance on charge amplifiers, Acta IMEKO, vol. 2, no. 2, article 10, December 2013, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-02 (2013)-02-10 Editor: Paolo Carbone, University of Perugia Received February 15th, 2013; In final form November 13th, 2013; Published December 2013 Copyright: Systematic relative amplitude error and absolute phase error of the sensitivity Suq(ω) for different charge amplifiers if calibrated with CsCal = 100 pF+120 pF and sourced with an impedance of CsSen = keywords: amplifier; charge; figure; impedance; khz; source cache: actaimeko-81.pdf plain text: actaimeko-81.txt item: #711 of 841 id: actaimeko-810 author: Vasilevskyi, Oleksandr title: Assessing the level of confidence for expressing extended uncertainty: a model based on control errors in the measurement of ion activity date: 2021-06-29 words: 3596 flesch: 45 summary: The obtained nomograph makes it possible to determine with a high probability the confidence level at a given tolerance for the controlled parameter to determine the coverage factor in calculating the extended uncertainty of ion activity measurement. [11] V. M. Didych, O. M. Vasilevskyi, V. O. Podzharenko, Potentiometer facilities of ions activity measurement of humus elements in soil, Visnyk of Vinnytsia Politechnical Institute 5 (2008) pp. 5-10. keywords: activity; control; errors; ion; measurement; uncertainty; 𝜕𝑁u cache: actaimeko-810.pdf plain text: actaimeko-810.txt item: #712 of 841 id: actaimeko-813 author: Guidorzi, Laura; Fantino, Fulvio; Durisi, Elisabetta; Ferrero, Marco; Re, Alessandro; Vigorelli, Luisa; Visca, Lorenzo; Gulmini, Monica; Dughera, Giovanni; Giraudo, Giuseppe; Angelici, Debora; Panero, Elisa; Lo Giudice, Alessandro title: Age determination and authentication of ceramics: advancements in the thermoluminescence dating laboratory in Torino (Italy) date: 2021-03-31 words: 7656 flesch: 55 summary: Analyses of brick samples from the rescue excavation site in Trino led to a dating result with less than 10 % of sigma for the tomb and 15 % of sigma for the brick flooring. Environmental dose measurements The dose provided to the artefact by the radioisotopes present in the surrounding environment can easily be evaluated using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). keywords: age; authentication; brick; dating; doi; dose; italy; laboratory; sample; thermoluminescence; torino cache: actaimeko-813.pdf plain text: actaimeko-813.txt item: #713 of 841 id: actaimeko-814 author: Vasilevskyi, Oleksandr; Koval, Maryna; Kravets, Svetlana title: Indicators of reproducibility and suitability for assessing the quality of production services date: 2021-12-30 words: 7081 flesch: 41 summary: In order to estimate the proportion of product units that do not match the requirements of the suitability of the production process, it is necessary to replace the reproducibility indexes and indexes of suitability in formulas (18) and (19), and thus common part of the values of the characteristics distribution of the production services (production process) that may go beyond the tolerance field. As it follows from Figure 2, in order to avoid a noticeable fraction of defective products or characteristics of the production process that deviates from the established requirements, the width of the tolerance field must be not less than 6 σ. Estimation of the values of pt production process characteristic or the quality parameter of products that do not match the requirements under the normal distribution law can be found on the basis of the upper and lower parts of units that do not match the requirements: �̂�t = �̂�L + �̂�U = Φ ( 𝐿 − �̄� �̂�𝑡 ) keywords: control; index; measurement; production process; quality; reproducibility; suitability; tolerance cache: actaimeko-814.pdf plain text: actaimeko-814.txt item: #714 of 841 id: actaimeko-816 author: Mongelli, Marialuisa; Chellini, Giulia; Migliori, Silvio; Perozziello, Antonio; Pierattini, Samuele; Puccini, Marco; Cosma, Alessandro title: Comparison and integration of techniques for the study and valorisation of the Corsini Throne in Corsini Gallery in Roma date: 2021-03-31 words: 4027 flesch: 45 summary: Figure 6. 3D model of the Corsini Throne with texture. 3D model obtained from the integration of the photogrammetric and structured light scans. keywords: corsini; figure; heritage; light; march; model; photogrammetric; throne cache: actaimeko-816.pdf plain text: actaimeko-816.txt item: #715 of 841 id: actaimeko-819 author: Scuro, Carmelo; Carnì, Domenico Luca; Lamonaca, Francesco; Olivito, Renato Sante; Milani, Gabriele title: Preliminary study of an ancient earthquake-proof construction technique monitoring by an innovative structural health monitoring system date: 2021-03-31 words: 6934 flesch: 51 summary: [13] R. S. Olivito, R. Codispoti, C. Scuro, A seismic analysis for masonry constructions: The different schematization methods of masonry walls, AIP Conference Proceedings 1906(1) (2017), p. 090007. [24] V. Turnšek, F. Čačovič, Some experimental results on the strength of brick masonry walls, Proc. of the 2nd International Brick Masonry Conference, Stoke-on-Trent, UK, 1970, pp. 149-156. keywords: displacement; doi; figure; load; masonry; model; monitoring; numerical; shear; specimen; strength; stress; test cache: actaimeko-819.pdf plain text: actaimeko-819.txt item: #716 of 841 id: actaimeko-82 author: Nguyen, Trung Tran; Amthor, Arvid; Ament, Christoph title: Algorithm for a high precision contactless measurement system date: 2014-01-15 words: 8228 flesch: 61 summary: The development of laser trackers began in the 1980’s when Lau et al. A sufficiently large distance between laser trackers among each other is required to achieve good results. keywords: beam; laser; measurement; number; parameters; position; system; tcp; tracker; tracking cache: actaimeko-82.pdf plain text: actaimeko-82.txt item: #717 of 841 id: actaimeko-820 author: Olivito, Renato S.; Porzio, Saverio; Scuro, Carmelo; Carnì, Domenico Luca; Lamonaca, Francesco title: Inventory and monitoring of historical cultural heritage buildings on a territorial scale: a preliminary study of structural health monitoring based on the CARTIS approach date: 2021-03-31 words: 9737 flesch: 52 summary: Meanwhile, for masonry buildings, a more marked variability tends to exist with the same type of material due to the texture and the cross sections, the presence of courses and diatons, and the type of corner connection and thin-bed joint, etc. For masonry buildings, the analysis using NTC 2018 must be conducted for 16 seismic load configurations, eight along the x axis and eight along the y axis, proportional to the masses and heights, and another eight with consideration of a possible rotation of the action along the two main axes. keywords: analysis; approach; buildings; doi; elements; engineering; figure; masonry; monitoring; openings; plan; storey; structures; vulnerability cache: actaimeko-820.pdf plain text: actaimeko-820.txt item: #718 of 841 id: actaimeko-821 author: Hashad, Ahmed Salama; Sabuga, Wladimir; Ehlers, Sven; Bock, Thomas title: Validation of a PTB force-balanced piston gauge primary pressure standard date: 2021-03-31 words: 4517 flesch: 58 summary: Differences in gauge pressures measured with FPG and HgM. Figure 9. Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig, Germany 3 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Berlin, Germany Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: FPG; cross floating; effective area; pressure standard; experimental verification Citation: Ahmed S. Hashad, Wladimir Sabuga, Sven Ehlers, Thomas Bock, Validation of a PTB force-balanced piston gauge primary pressure standard, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: area; figure; force; fpg; gauge; kpa; mode; piston; pressure; standard cache: actaimeko-821.pdf plain text: actaimeko-821.txt item: #719 of 841 id: actaimeko-822 author: Caso, Maria Federica; Caneve, Luisa; Spizzichino, Valeria title: Improvement of ENEA Laser Induced Fluorescence prototypes: an intercalibration between an hyperspectral and a multispectral scanning system date: 2021-03-31 words: 4422 flesch: 49 summary: The application of calibration ratios to Forlab fluorescence ratios made it possible not only to obtain more luminosity, contrast and definition in the images (Figure 9) but also to emphasise the different treatments through the correction of the highlighted areas, making the data more reliable. Forlab fluorescence ratios of the interior part of the upper valve of the sarcophagus. keywords: calibration; data; doi; figure; fluorescence; forlab; laser; lifart; ratios; spectra cache: actaimeko-822.pdf plain text: actaimeko-822.txt item: #720 of 841 id: actaimeko-824 author: D'Amico, Sebastiano; Venuti, Valentina; Colica, Emanuele; Crupi, Vincenza; Paladini, Giuseppe; Guido, Sante; Mantella, Giuseppe; Majolino, Domenico title: A combined 3D surveying, XRF and Raman in situ investigation on The Conversion of St Paul painting (Mdina, Malta) by Mattia Preti date: 2021-03-31 words: 5888 flesch: 54 summary: A combined 3D surveying, XRF and Raman in-situ investigation of The Conversion of St Paul painting (Mdina, Malta) by Mattia Preti ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2021, Volume 10, Number 1, 173 - 179 ACTA IMEKO | A combined 3D surveying, XRF and Raman in-situ investigation of The Conversion of St Paul painting (Mdina, Malta) by Mattia Preti Sebastiano D’Amico1, Valentina Venuti2, Emanuele Colica1, Vincenza Crupi3, Giuseppe Paladini2, Sante Guido4, Giuseppe Mantella5, Domenico Majolino2 1 Department of Geosciences, University of Malta, Msida Campus, MSD 2080, Malta 2 Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences, University of Messina, Viale Ferdinando Stagno D’Alcontres 31, I-98166 Messina, Italy 3 Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, University of Messina, Viale Ferdinando Stagno D’Alcontres 31, I-98166 Messina, Italy 4 Department of Literature and Philosophy, University of Trento, Via Tommaso Gar, 14, I-38122 Trento, Italy 5 Giuseppe Mantella Restauro Opere D’Arte, Circonvallazione Paparo 25, Isca sullo Ionio, (CZ) 88060, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: ‘The Conversion of St Paul’ painting; photogrammetry; XRF; Raman; pigment identification Citation: Sebastiano D'Amico, Valentina Venuti, Emanuele Colica, Vincenza Crupi, Giuseppe Paladini, Sante Guido, Giuseppe Mantella, Domenico Majolino, A combined 3D surveying, XRF and Raman in-situ investigation of The Conversion of St Paul painting (Mdina, Malta) by Mattia Preti, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: conversion; doi; figure; model; painting; paul; point; raman; white; xrf cache: actaimeko-824.pdf plain text: actaimeko-824.txt item: #721 of 841 id: actaimeko-827 author: Caneve, Luisa; Colao, Francesco; Francucci, Massimo; Guarneri, Massimiliano; Mongelli, Marialuisa; Spizzichino, Valeria title: Non-invasive diagnostic investigation at the Bishop’s Palace of Frascati: an integrated approach date: 2021-03-31 words: 4740 flesch: 45 summary: In Figure 5, the false colour LIF image, reconstructed at 300, 400 and 500 nm, is reported on the left. In Figure 9 (top), the false colour LIF image of a detail on the painted left wall is shown next to the RGB-ITR image as an example. keywords: doi; figure; fluorescence; image; itr; laser; lif; rgb; system cache: actaimeko-827.pdf plain text: actaimeko-827.txt item: #722 of 841 id: actaimeko-828 author: Ceccarelli, Sofia; Orazi, Noemi; Mercuri, Fulvio; Paoloni, Stefano; Zammit, Ugo; Petrucci, Francesco title: Thermographic and reflectographic imaging investigations on Baroque paintings preserved at the Chigi Palace in Ariccia date: 2021-03-31 words: 5275 flesch: 57 summary: The ‘Primavera’, Filippo Lauri and Mario Nuzzi, Chigi Palace, Ariccia. (a) Picture of flowers and corresponding (b) mid-infrared reflectogram and thermograms recorded just after the light pulse (c) and at increasing delay times (d). The ‘Primavera’, Filippo Lauri and Mario Nuzzi, Chigi Palace, Ariccia. (a) Picture of the woman’s hand and corresponding (b) thermogram and (c) mid-infrared reflectogram in which the arrows indicate the restored lacunas. keywords: ariccia; chigi; doi; features; figure; imaging; infrared; mario; nuzzi; painting; palace cache: actaimeko-828.pdf plain text: actaimeko-828.txt item: #723 of 841 id: actaimeko-83 author: Röske, Dirk title: ISO 6789 under Revision - Proposals for Calibration Results of Hand Torque Tools including Measurement Uncertainty date: 2014-06-23 words: 4292 flesch: 56 summary: i Yi The tool’s calibration result for torque step i Case B YN,i Nominal calibration torque of the tool for torque step i (all j) MA,i,j Tared and interpolated calibration torque for the measurement of the single value j for torque step i The ISO 6789:2003 standard [1] is widely used as a guide for the calibration of torque wrenches and other hand-operated torque tools like screwdrivers indicating the applied torque, or setting torque tools. keywords: calibration; case; measurement; torque cache: actaimeko-83.pdf plain text: actaimeko-83.txt item: #724 of 841 id: actaimeko-832 author: Moro, Daniele; Ulian, Gianfranco; Valdrè, Giovanni title: Mineral diagnostics: SEM-EDS Monte Carlo strategy for optimised measurements of ultrathin fragments in Cultural Heritage studies date: 2021-03-31 words: 5732 flesch: 48 summary: It should be noted that the detected X-ray signal, even if the electron beam is focussed on the gold alloy, would present X-ray lines from the glass composition. The lower energy emission lines of Fe L, Mg Kα and O Kα (Figure 3c, d and e), particularly Fe L and O Kα, presented a marked increase in X-ray intensity before the reduction threshold due to a higher contribution of the reduced absorption effect with respect to that of reduced mass. keywords: beam; eds; electron; figure; fragment; glass; kev; ray; ultrathin cache: actaimeko-832.pdf plain text: actaimeko-832.txt item: #725 of 841 id: actaimeko-833 author: Spairani, Luisa title: Measure by Measure, they touched heaven date: 2021-03-31 words: 5251 flesch: 55 summary: The extent of this discovery can be evaluated by connecting three different elements: variable stars, astronomical photography and women computers. This particular type of variable star was called a Cepheid in honour of this constellation. keywords: brightness; computers; distance; harvard; leavitt; march; measure; observatory; stars; time; women; work cache: actaimeko-833.pdf plain text: actaimeko-833.txt item: #726 of 841 id: actaimeko-836 author: Fiocco, Giacomo; Grassi, Silvia; Invernizzi, Claudia; Rovetta, Tommaso; Albano, Michela; Davit, Patrizia; Gulmini, Monica; Stani, Chiaramaria; Vaccari, Lisa; Licchelli, Maurizio; Malagodi, Marco title: Chemometric tools to investigate complex synchrotron radiation FTIR micro-spectra: focus on historical bowed musical instruments date: 2021-03-31 words: 6611 flesch: 53 summary: Chemometric tools to investigate complex synchrotron radiation FTIR micro-spectra: focus on historical bowed musical instruments ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2021, Volume 10, Number 1, 201 - 208 ACTA IMEKO | The most common materials involved in the finishing processes were ABSTRACT The investigation of the coating systems used on historical bowed string musical instruments is generally highly complex due to the coatings’ reduced thickness and multi-layered structure. keywords: cm−1; der; doi; epoxy; instruments; materials; micro; objects; pc1; samples; spectra cache: actaimeko-836.pdf plain text: actaimeko-836.txt item: #727 of 841 id: actaimeko-84 author: Ripper, Gustavo Palmeira; Micheli, Giancarlo Barbosa; Dias, Ronaldo da Silva title: A proposal to minimize the dispersion on primary calibration results of single-ended accelerometers at high frequencies date: 2014-01-15 words: 5262 flesch: 45 summary: SE reference accelerometer and adapter mounted on top of the moving element of different vibration exciters: (a) BK 4805 SE reference accelerometer mounted on top of the stainless steel mounting adapter. keywords: accelerometer; adapter; calibration; figure; frequency; khz; results; sensitivity; vibration cache: actaimeko-84.pdf plain text: actaimeko-84.txt item: #728 of 841 id: actaimeko-842 author: Croce, Valeria; Caroti, Gabriella; Piemonte, Andrea; Bevilacqua, Marco Giorgio title: From survey to semantic representation for Cultural Heritage: the 3D modeling of recurring architectural elements date: 2021-03-31 words: 7700 flesch: 46 summary: The construction of semantic models using heritage building information modelling (H-BIM) technologies is also considered. [5] F. J. López, P. M. Lerones, J. Llamas, J. Gómez-García-Bermejo, E. Zalama, A review of heritage building information modeling (H-BIM), Multimodal Technologies Interact. keywords: bim; building; cloud; construction; data; doi; elements; figure; heritage; information; modelling; point; semantic; survey cache: actaimeko-842.pdf plain text: actaimeko-842.txt item: #729 of 841 id: actaimeko-846 author: Boschin, Francesco; Moretti, Erika; Crezzini, Jacopo; Arrighi, Simona title: Geometric morphometrics reveal relationship between cut-mark morphology and cutting tools date: 2021-03-31 words: 3627 flesch: 58 summary: [7] J. Yravedra, M. Á. Maté-González, J. F. Palomeque-González, J. Aramendi, V. Estaca-Gómez, M. S. J. Blazquez, E. García-Vargas, E. Organista, D. Gónzalez-Aguilera, M. C. Arriaza, L. Cobo- Sánchez, A. Gidna, D. Uribelarrea Del Val, E. Barquedano, A. Mabulla, M. Domínquez-Rodrigo, A new approach to raw material use in the exploitation of animal carcasses at BK (Upper Bed II, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania): a micro-photogrammetric and geometric morphometric analysis of fossil cut marks, Boreas (2017), pp. 860-873. DOI: 10.1111/bor.12224 [8] S. M. Bello, R. Wallduck, S. A. Parfitt, C. B. Stringer, An Upper Palaeolithic engraved human bone associated with ritualistic cannibalism In this work we analysed slicing cut marks produced with two burins and an unretouched flint flake. keywords: cross; cut; doi; edge; figure; marks; sections; shape cache: actaimeko-846.pdf plain text: actaimeko-846.txt item: #730 of 841 id: actaimeko-847 author: Martinez Espejo Zaragoza, Isabel; Caroti, Gabriella; Piemonte, Andrea title: The use of image and laser scanner survey archives for cultural heritage 3D modelling and change analysis date: 2021-03-31 words: 5276 flesch: 52 summary: The lack of colour information could further complicate the detection of tie points for the orientation of historical images. To reconstruct the roofs, the slope was defined by detecting relevant points on historical images, which also supplied visual clues as to the roof type, e.g. gable or hip roofs. keywords: figure; heritage; images; information; model; photogrammetry; pisa; points; reconstruction; survey cache: actaimeko-847.pdf plain text: actaimeko-847.txt item: #731 of 841 id: actaimeko-85 author: Chunovkina, Anna; Zviagin, Nikita; Burmistrova, Natalia title: Evaluation of inconsistent data of key comparisons of measurement standards date: 2014-01-15 words: 4537 flesch: 51 summary: If the measurement data reported by KC participants show the non-compatibility and no outliers can be identified unambiguously, the extension of measurement uncertainties for several measurement results seems to be reasonable. These methods do not require any additional information apart from measurement results and associated uncertainties provided by participants. keywords: data; kcrv; measurement; measurement results; results cache: actaimeko-85.pdf plain text: actaimeko-85.txt item: #732 of 841 id: actaimeko-853 author: Roda-Buch, Alejandro; Cornet, Emilie; Rapp, Guillaume; Chalançon, Brice; Mischler, Stefano; Brambilla, Laura title: Fault detection and diagnosis of historical vehicle engines using acoustic emission techniques date: 2021-03-31 words: 5156 flesch: 49 summary: Fault detection and diagnosis of historical vehicle engines using acoustic emission techniques ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2021, Volume 10, Number 1, 77 - 83 ACTA IMEKO | March 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 1 | 77 Fault detection and diagnosis of historical vehicle engines using acoustic emission techniques Alejandro Roda-Buch1,2, Emilie Cornet1, Guillaume Rapp1, Brice Chalançon3, Stefano Mischler2, Laura Brambilla1 1 Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and arts Western Switzerland, Espace de l’Europe 11, CH-2000, Neuchâtel, Switzerland 2 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL CH-1015, Lausanne, Switzerland 3 Association de Gestion du Musée National de l’Automobile, 188 Av. de Colmar, 68100 Mulhouse, France Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Historical vehicles; acoustic emission; NDT; fault diagnosis Citation: Alejandro Roda-Buch, Emilie Cornet, Guillaume Rapp, Brice Chalançon, Stefano Mischler, Laura Brambilla, Fault detection and diagnosis of historical vehicle engines using acoustic emission techniques, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: crankshaft; cylinder; doi; emission; engine; figure; rms; signals; speed cache: actaimeko-853.pdf plain text: actaimeko-853.txt item: #733 of 841 id: actaimeko-855 author: Faifer, Marco; Goidanich, Sara; Laurano, Christian; Petiti, Chiara; Toscani, Sergio; Zanoni, Michele title: Laboratory measurement system for pre-corroded sensors devoted to metallic artwork monitoring date: 2021-03-31 words: 5883 flesch: 53 summary: Standard deviation of sensor resistance in different test conditions. As expected, the temperature variation provoked a non-negligible change in sensor resistance (Figure 10). keywords: corrosion; measurement; monitoring; r t; resistance; sensor; system; t t; temperature cache: actaimeko-855.pdf plain text: actaimeko-855.txt item: #734 of 841 id: actaimeko-857 author: Ding, Yufan; Mirao, Jose; Redol, Pedro; Dias, Luis; Moita, Patricia; Angelini, Emma; Grassini, Sabrina; Schiavon, Nicola title: Provenance study of the limestone used in construction and restoration of the Batalha Monastery (Portugal) date: 2021-03-31 words: 4844 flesch: 52 summary: OM photos of stone samples from a. Pidogo quarry; b. Valinho do Rei quarry; c. Reguengo do Fetal quarry; d. Cabeço do Roxo quarry; e. Outreiro do Sebastião quarry; f. Batalha Monastery, Royal Cloister; g. Batalha Monastery roof top; h. Batalha Monastery eaves arch; i. Batalha Monastery church railing 1; j. Batalha Monastery church railing 2; k. Batalha Monastery church baluster. | Volume 10 | Number 1 | 122 Provenance study of the limestone used in the construction and restoration of the Batalha Monastery (Portugal) Yufan Ding1, Jose Mirao1,2, Pedro Redol3, Luis Dias1, Patricia Moita1,2, Emma Angelini4, Sabrina Grassini4, Nicola Schiavon1 1 HERCULES Laboratory, University of Évora, Largo Marquês de Marialva 8, 7000 Évora, Portugal 2 Department of Geosciences, University of Évora, Rua Romão Ramalho, 7000 Évora, Portugal 3 Direcao-Geral do Patrimonio Cultural, Mosteiro da Batalha, Batalha, Portugal 4 Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, TO, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Limestone; Batalha Monastery; archaeometry; provenance Citation: Yufan Ding, Jose Mirao, Pedro Redol, Luis Dias, Patricia Moita, Emma Angelini, Sabrina Grassini, Nicola Schiavon, Provenance study of the limestone used in the construction and restoration of the Batalha Monastery (Portugal), Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: batalha; batalha monastery; church; figure; limestone; monastery; ooids; quarries; restoration; samples; stone cache: actaimeko-857.pdf plain text: actaimeko-857.txt item: #735 of 841 id: actaimeko-858 author: Es Sebar, Leila; Iannucci, Leonardo; Goren, Yuval; Fabian, Peter; Angelini, Emma; Grassini, Sabrina title: Raman investigation of corrosion products on Roman copper-based artefacts date: 2021-03-31 words: 4971 flesch: 48 summary: [23] A. Savitzky, M. J. E. Golay, Smoothing and differentiation of data by simplified least squares procedures, Analytical Chemistry 36 (1964), pp. 1627-1639. [13] L. Iannucci, J. F. Ríos-Rojas, E. Angelini, M. Parvis, S. Grassini, Electrochemical characterization of innovative hybrid coatings for metallic artefacts, EPJ Plus 133 (2018), pp. 1-7. DOI: 10.1140/epjp/i2018-12368-3 [14] I. Marcaida, M. Maguregui, H. Morillas, N. Prieto‑Taboada, M. Veneranda, S. Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, A. Martellone, B. De Nigris, M. Osanna, J. M. Madariaga, In situ non‑invasive multianalytical methodology to characterize mosaic tesserae from the House of Gilded Cupids, Pompeii, Heritage Science 7 (2019), pp. keywords: artefacts; cm−1; components; copper; corrosion; doi; pca; raman; spectra; spectroscopy; spectrum cache: actaimeko-858.pdf plain text: actaimeko-858.txt item: #736 of 841 id: actaimeko-859 author: Di Francia, Elisabetta; Grassini, Sabrina; Gigante, Giovanni Ettore; Ridolfi, Stefano; Barcellos Lins, Sergio Augusto title: Characterisation of corrosion products on copper-based artefacts: potential of MA-XRF measurementsties of MA-XRF measurement date: 2021-03-31 words: 5205 flesch: 47 summary: Characterisation of corrosion products on copper-based artefacts: potential of MA-XRF measurements ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2021, Volume 10, Number 1, 136 - 141 ACTA IMEKO | March 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 1 | 136 Characterisation of corrosion products on copper-based artefacts: potential of MA-XRF measurements Elisabetta Di Francia1, Sabrina Grassini1, Giovanni E. Gigante2, Stefano Ridolfi3, Sergio A. Barcellos Lins2,4 1 Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 – 10129, Turin, Italy 2 La Sapienza Università di Roma, Via Antonio Scarpa 14/16 – 00161, Rome, Italy 3 Ars Mensurae, Via Vincenzo Comparini 101 – 00188, Rome, Italy 4 Surface Analysis Laboratory INFN Roma Tre, Via della Vasca Navale 84 – 00146, Rome, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Cu-based alloys; artificial corrosion products; FESEM; µXRD; MA-XRF Citation: Elisabetta Di Francia; Sabrina Grassini; Giovanni Ettore Gigante; Stefano Ridolfi; Sergio Augusto Barcellos Lins, Characterisation of corrosion products on copper-based artefacts: potential of MA-XRF measurements, Acta IMEKO, vol. The study of corrosion products, their morphology and chemical, physical and microstructural characterisation, is of considerable interest to heritage and conservation sciences. keywords: copper; corrosion; doi; figure; layer; presence; product; sample; surface; xrf cache: actaimeko-859.pdf plain text: actaimeko-859.txt item: #737 of 841 id: actaimeko-86 author: Yamakawa, Yuji; Yamazaki, Takanori title: Mathematical model of checkweigher with electromagnetic force balance system date: 2014-06-23 words: 2464 flesch: 58 summary: Overall of measurement system. Physical model of measurement system. keywords: mass; measurement; model; simulation; system cache: actaimeko-86.pdf plain text: actaimeko-86.txt item: #738 of 841 id: actaimeko-872 author: Schirripa Spagnolo, Giuseppe; Cozzella, Lorenzo; Leccese, Fabio title: Fringe projection profilometry for recovering 2.5D shape of ancient coins date: 2021-03-31 words: 5815 flesch: 57 summary: [39] P.J. Tavares, M.A. Vaz, Linear calibration procedure for the phase- to-height relationship in phase measurement profilometry, Opt. Commun. E. Wolf (editor), Volume 26, 1988, pp. 349- 393. DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6638(08)70178-1 [44] C. Zuo, S. Feng, L. Huang, T. Tao, W. Yin, Q. Chen, Phase shifting algorithms for fringe projection profilometry: a review, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 109 (2018) pp. keywords: doi; figure; fringe; measurement; phase; profilometry; projection; surface; system cache: actaimeko-872.pdf plain text: actaimeko-872.txt item: #739 of 841 id: actaimeko-874 author: Kaneko, Masanao title: Influences of groove-type casing treatment on the tip leakage flow behaviour in linear compressor cascades at different tip clearances: influence of single groove at mid-chord date: 2021-03-31 words: 4931 flesch: 66 summary: REFERENCES [1] M. Inoue, M. Kuroumaru, Structure of tip clearance flow in an isolated axial compressor rotor, ASME J. Turbomach 111(3) (1989) pp. Influences of groove-type casing treatment on the tip leakage flow behaviour in linear compressor cascades at different tip clearances: influence of single groove at mid-chord ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2021, Volume 10, Number 1, 277 - 283 ACTA IMEKO | March 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 1 | 277 Influences of groove-type casing treatment on the tip leakage flow behaviour in linear compressor cascades at different tip clearances: influence of single groove at mid-chord Masanao Kaneko1 1 Schoool of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Denki University, Saitama, Japan Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Gas turbine; compressor; tip leakage flow; casing treatment; circumferential groove Citation: Masanao Kaneko, Influences of groove-type casing treatment on the tip leakage flow behaviour in linear compressor cascades at different tip clearances: influence of single groove at mid-chord, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: blade; blade tip; cascade; compressor; figure; flow; groove; tip; tip clearance; tip leakage cache: actaimeko-874.pdf plain text: actaimeko-874.txt item: #740 of 841 id: actaimeko-875 author: Yamashita, Hideaki; Nagashima, Hirokazu; Yamada, Hideki title: Characteristics improvement of pressure transfer standard using a silicon resonant sensor date: 2021-03-31 words: 4632 flesch: 50 summary: Characteristics improvement of pressure transfer standard using a silicon resonant sensor ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X March 2021, Volume 10, Number 1, 284 - 289 ACTA IMEKO | March 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 1 | 284 Characteristics improvement of pressure transfer standard using a silicon resonant sensor Hideaki Yamashita1, Hirokazu Nagashima1, Hideki Yamada1 1 Yokogawa Test & Measurement Corporation, 4-9-8 Myojin-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-8566, Japan Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: Transfer standard; international comparison; digital manometer; silicon resonant sensor; resonant silicon gauge Citation: Hideaki Yamashita, Hirokazu Nagashima, Hideki Yamada, Characteristics improvement of pressure transfer standard using a silicon resonant sensor, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: calibration; figure; kpa; kpa rsg; pressure; rsg; standard; transfer cache: actaimeko-875.pdf plain text: actaimeko-875.txt item: #741 of 841 id: actaimeko-876 author: Gueli, Anna Maria; Pace, Martina; Pasquale, Stefania; Politi, Giuseppe; Stella, Giuseppe; Trigona, Carlo title: Modelling and simulations for signal loss evaluation during sampling phase for thermoluminescence authenticity tests date: 2021-03-31 words: 4550 flesch: 54 summary: These values are reported in Figure 2; the decreasing of TL intensity as a function of drilling temperature is evident, and the effect is stronger for lower TL peak temperatures. The intensity of this photon emission (ITL) as a function of the temperature is plotted in a glow curve that represents the most important result of TL measurements [1], [2]. keywords: doi; drill; drilling; glow; itl; quartz; temperature; thermoluminescence cache: actaimeko-876.pdf plain text: actaimeko-876.txt item: #742 of 841 id: actaimeko-877 author: Wu, Yu-Hsin; Chiu, Jeng-Yu; Chen, Sheng-Jui; Kolbe, Michael; Fliegauf, Rolf; Beyer, Edyta; Haertig, Frank title: Development of a combined XRF/XPS surface-analysis system for the surface-layer quantification of 28Si spheres date: 2021-03-31 words: 4094 flesch: 57 summary: surface analysis system for the quantitative surface-layer analysis of Si spheres. For Si spheres, XRF is utilised to measure the surface density, i.e. the mass deposition (ng/cm2), of the oxygen present in the surface layer. keywords: analysis; chamber; doi; layer; mass; measurement; sphere; surface; system; xps; xrf cache: actaimeko-877.pdf plain text: actaimeko-877.txt item: #743 of 841 id: actaimeko-881 author: Kubicka, Anna Maria; Legut-Pintal, Maria title: Methodological issues of metrological analysis of planned medieval towns and villages date: 2021-03-31 words: 5099 flesch: 59 summary: We propose the usage of the cosine quantogram, which is rarely used to study urban layout, for the identification of units of measurement in regular medieval towns. Research on the reconstruction of the primary layout of medieval towns in Central Europe has a long tradition keywords: analysis; cosine; measurement; methods; plot; quantogram; quantum; results; town; unit cache: actaimeko-881.pdf plain text: actaimeko-881.txt item: #744 of 841 id: actaimeko-883 author: Spallone, Roberta; Bertola, Giulia; Ronco, Francesca title: Digital strategies for the valorisation of archival heritage date: 2021-03-31 words: 7237 flesch: 49 summary: Another recent study created a unique collection of digital models of the most interesting and documented works, applying the latest low-cost technologies for user interaction and the integration of 3D modelling tools with publishing and online sharing systems. This type of practice can benefit from numerous interactions between the analogue and digital models [13]. keywords: archival; archives; case; cloud; design; drawings; figure; heritage; model; mollino; point; turin cache: actaimeko-883.pdf plain text: actaimeko-883.txt item: #745 of 841 id: actaimeko-884 author: Vangelatos, Zacharias; Delagrammatikas, Michail; Papadopoulou, Olga; Titakis, Charalampos; Vassiliou, Panayota title: Finite Element Analysis of the Parthenon marble block- steel clamp system response under acceleration date: 2021-03-31 words: 9302 flesch: 49 summary: Marble block–steel clamp system. Section 4 presents the experimental setup for the laboratory testing of restoration steel clamps and for the finite elements analysis, while section 5 presents the results and discussion. keywords: acceleration; analysis; athens; clamp; corrosion; figure; finite; iron; lead; marble; marble blocks; material; monument; parthenon; restoration; steel; steel clamp; stress; system cache: actaimeko-884.pdf plain text: actaimeko-884.txt item: #746 of 841 id: actaimeko-89 author: Benoit, Eric title: Fuzzy scales for the measurement of color date: 2014-09-23 words: 4475 flesch: 55 summary: In our case ~ is TL-transitive: (4) where (5) Using fuzzy scales for color measurement is justified by the fact that a similarity relation between colors always exists even if such a relation is not clearly known. This hypothesis is first based on the multiplicity of color spaces that cannot be transformed from one each other by an affine transformation. keywords: color; measurement; representation; scale; set; space cache: actaimeko-89.pdf plain text: actaimeko-89.txt item: #747 of 841 id: actaimeko-891 author: Zanobini, Andrea title: Metrological characterisation of a textile temperature sensor in archaeological usage date: 2021-03-31 words: 4679 flesch: 52 summary: March 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 1 | 166 Metrological characterisation of a textile temperature sensor in archaeology Andrea Zanobini1 1 Department of Information Engineering, University of Florence, Via Santa Marta, 3 Florence, Italy Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: resistance temperature detector; temperature sensor; textile industry; smart textiles; wearable systems; textile sensors; yarn; pressure sensor Citation: Andrea Zanobini, Metrological characterization of a textile temperature sensor in archaeological usage, Acta IMEKO, vol. 10, no. 1, article 22, March 2021, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-10 (2021)-01-22 Editor: Carlo Carobbi, University of Florence, Italy Received May 21, 2020; In final form February 26, 2021; Published March 2021 Temperature sensor and Pt100. keywords: data; doi; figure; humidity; materials; resistance; sensor; temperature; textile; ±0.02 cache: actaimeko-891.pdf plain text: actaimeko-891.txt item: #748 of 841 id: actaimeko-893 author: de Caro, Tilde; Angelini, Emma; Es Sebar, Leila title: Application of µ-Raman spectroscopy to the study of the corrosion products of archaeological coins date: 2021-03-31 words: 5366 flesch: 49 summary: Due to the length of time they had been buried in the soil, most of the bronze artefacts were covered by a thick layer of corrosion products containing chlorides and were affected by bronze disease, an irreversible and nearly inexorable corrosion process that occurs when chlorides come into contact with bronze or other copper-based alloys. 2. INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS The study of the corrosion mechanisms and the characterisation of the layers of corrosion products on the coins were mainly performed by means of μ-RS, which proved to be a powerful technique for the identification of the different corrosion products. keywords: artefacts; bronze; coins; copper; corrosion; doi; figure; products; raman; spectra; spectroscopy; study cache: actaimeko-893.pdf plain text: actaimeko-893.txt item: #749 of 841 id: actaimeko-894 author: Es Sebar, Leila; Iannucci, Leonardo; Gori, Caterina; Re, Alessandro; Parvis, Marco; Angelini, Emma; Grassini, Sabrina title: In-situ multi-analytical study of ongoing corrosion processes on bronze artworks exposed outdoor date: 2021-03-31 words: 7120 flesch: 49 summary: | Volume 10 | Number 1 | 242 investigate the degradation mechanisms and corrosion products in the cultural heritage field, as all measurements should be non- invasive and non-destructive. 10.1016/0010-938X(87)90047-3 [5] V. Hayez, V. Costa, J. Guillaume, H. Terryn, A. Hubin, Micro Raman spectroscopy used for the study of corrosion products on copper alloys: study of the chemical composition of artificial patinas used for restoration purposes, Analyst 130 (2005) pp. keywords: artworks; bronze; cm−1; collection; conservation; corrosion; doi; figure; march; measurements; products; raman; sculptures; spectroscopy; study cache: actaimeko-894.pdf plain text: actaimeko-894.txt item: #750 of 841 id: actaimeko-895 author: Parrinello, Sandro; De Marco, Raffaella title: Digital surveying and 3D modelling structural shape pipelines for instability monitoring in historical buildings: a strategy of versatile mesh models for ruined and endangered heritage date: 2021-03-31 words: 8741 flesch: 33 summary: In fact, structural documentation must be both 'comparative', with reference to the archetypes, and 'specific', highlighting the accurate variation in formal detail. The action of 'structural' documentation, including the knowledge of stress behaviours and the prediction of damage mechanisms in buildings, can thus be identified within the European guidelines for heritage at risk by insisting on the characteristics of robustness. keywords: analysis; church; cloud; complex; data; documentation; figure; heritage; march; mesh; modelling; models; point; structure; terms; tls; uav; vault cache: actaimeko-895.pdf plain text: actaimeko-895.txt item: #751 of 841 id: actaimeko-896 author: Sepsi, Máté; Benke, Márton; Mertinger, Valéria title: Non-destructive pole-figure measurements on workshop-made silver reference model of archaic objects date: 2021-03-31 words: 4851 flesch: 50 summary: When examining metal objects, internal defects often provide information about the manufacturing technology [17]-[20]. It was concluded that the non-destructive pole-figure method is an efficient way to distinguish between metal objects formed in different ways. keywords: cup; diffraction; doi; figure; metal; neutron; objects; pole; ray; silver; spinning; texture cache: actaimeko-896.pdf plain text: actaimeko-896.txt item: #752 of 841 id: actaimeko-899 author: Salceanu, Alexandru; D'Arco, Mauro; Tamburis, Oscar title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on the “23rd Symposium on Measurement of Electrical Quantities” and “International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry - 2019” date: 2020-06-30 words: 1720 flesch: 37 summary: The paper presents an overview of some high accurate phase measurement methods and instruments to highlight the characteristics in terms of measurement uncertainty of the main used ones, by taking into account a varying operative frequency range. The central objective of this scientific event was to present the latest achievements in the field of electrical measurements and to stimulate information exchanges on current researches. keywords: acta; acta imeko; imeko; measurement; paper cache: actaimeko-899.pdf plain text: actaimeko-899.txt item: #753 of 841 id: actaimeko-9 author: Regtien, Paul P.L. title: The Revival of Acta IMEKO date: 2011-12-29 words: 394 flesch: 55 summary: During many years, the contributions to IMEKO World Congresses were published in Acta IMEKO. This is a major reason for IMEKO to start a new journal, obviously an electronic only journal, and named Acta IMEKO as a modern successor of the original printed versions. keywords: imeko cache: actaimeko-9.pdf plain text: actaimeko-9.txt item: #754 of 841 id: actaimeko-900 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2020-06-30 words: 406 flesch: 20 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Dušan Agrež, Slovenia FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 - 9) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Fabio Leccese, Italy Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Franco Pavese, Italy Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Jan Saliga, Slovakia Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Claudia Zoani, Italy Mauro D’Arco, Italy Oscar Tamburis, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Acta IMEKO Contacts ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2020, Volume 9, Number 2 ACTA IMEKO | June 2020 keywords: imeko; international; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-900.pdf plain text: actaimeko-900.txt item: #755 of 841 id: actaimeko-906 author: Veldman, Christiaan Smith title: Investigating the transverse motion of a pneumatic shock exciter using two different anvil mounting configurations date: 2021-06-29 words: 3399 flesch: 48 summary: [9] G. B. Micheli, G. P. Ripper, R. S. Dias, C. D. Ferreira, Dispersion analysis of accelerometer shock calibrations by comparison using a new exciter developed at INMETRO, J. Phys. The aim of the investigation was not to determine the actual peak TM, but the TM that influences the uncertainty in shock sensitivity calibration. keywords: acceleration; accelerometer; mount; peak; shock; transverse cache: actaimeko-906.pdf plain text: actaimeko-906.txt item: #756 of 841 id: actaimeko-907 author: De Fazio, Roberto; Katamba, Dany Mpoi; Lay Ekuakille, Aimè; Ferreira, Miguel Joseph; Kidiamboko, Simon; Giannoccaro, Nicola Ivan; Velazquez, Ramiro; Visconti, Paolo title: Sensors-based mobile robot for harsh environments: functionalities, energy consumption analysis and characterization date: 2021-06-29 words: 9467 flesch: 43 summary: [17] T. Dewi, P. Risma, Y. Oktarina, A. Taqua, Rusdianari, H. Renaldi, Experimental analysis on solar powered mobile robot as the prototype for environmentally friendly automated transportation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, iCAST-ES2019 1450 (2020), pp. 1-7. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1450/1/012034 [18] D. S. Wikacsono, A. Musafa, Design and implementation of dual axis solar tracker PV to increase cleaning robot operating time, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1376 (2019), pp. 1-7. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1376/1/012022 [19] O Bartlett, C. Gurau, L. Marchegiani, I. Posner, Enabling intelligent energy management for robots using publicly available maps, Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Daejeon, Korea, 9 – 14 October 2016, pp. 2224-2229. Sensor-based mobile robot for harsh environments: functionalities, energy consumption analysis and characterisation ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X June 2021, Volume 10, Number 2, 209 - 219 ACTA IMEKO | June 2021 | Volume 10 | Number 2 | 209 Sensor-based mobile robot for harsh environments: functionalities, energy consumption analysis and characterisation Roberto De Fazio1, Dany Mpoi Katamba2, Aimè Lay Ekuakille1, Miguel Joseph Ferreira2, Simon Kidiamboko2, Nicola Ivan Giannoccaro1, Ramiro Velazquez3, Paolo Visconti1 1 Department of Innovation Engineering, University of Salento, Lecce 73100, Italy 2 Department of Electronics, Institut Supérieur de Techniques Appliquées - ISTA University, Kinshasa, DR Congo 3 Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Panamericana, Aguascalientes 20290, Mexico Section: RESEARCH PAPER Keywords: mobile robots; photovoltaic system; electronic control; energy consumption measurements; sensors; instrumentation; autonomous vehicles Citation: Roberto De Fazio, Dany Mpoi Katamba, Aimè Lay Ekuakille, Miguel Joseph Ferreira, Simon Kidiamboko, Nicola Ivan Giannoccaro, Ramiro Velazquez, Paolo Visconti, Sensor-based mobile robot for harsh environments: functionalities, energy consumption analysis and characterisation, Acta IMEKO, vol. keywords: battery; consumption; current; doi; energy; energy consumption; figure; mobile; panel; power; robot; sensing; sensor; solar; system; temperature; vehicle cache: actaimeko-907.pdf plain text: actaimeko-907.txt item: #757 of 841 id: actaimeko-912 author: Coccia, Armando; Amitrano, Federica; Donisi, Leandro; Cesarelli, Giuseppe; Pagano, Gaetano; Cesarelli, Mario; D'Addio, Giovanni title: Design and validation of an e-textile-based wearable system for remote health monitoring date: 2021-06-29 words: 8261 flesch: 51 summary: In this work, we focus on ECG signal measurement and processing validation, and therefore, here, we only discuss ECG signal processing, while a number of algorithms for EMG and acceleration signal processing were developed. The first step in ECG signal processing involves the detection of QRS complexes using an Okada algorithm keywords: analysis; correlation; data; device; doi; ecg; figure; frequency; monitoring; processing; rate; results; shirt; signal; system; textile; time; unit cache: actaimeko-912.pdf plain text: actaimeko-912.txt item: #758 of 841 id: actaimeko-913 author: Saliga, Jan title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO Special Issue on the “23rd Symposium on Measurement of Electrical Quantities and Electronic Measurements promote Industry 4.0” – Part II date: 2020-09-30 words: 1850 flesch: 36 summary: Daniel Belega et al. deal by the influence of disturbing signal component in the form of a small amplitude interharmonic component to the sine-wave parameters estimation returned by the classical interpolated discrete Fourier transform algorithm. The paper presented by Giorgia Bucci et al. is the last selected paper from the IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry held in Portici, Naples on October 2019. keywords: acta; imeko; issue; measurement; symposium cache: actaimeko-913.pdf plain text: actaimeko-913.txt item: #759 of 841 id: actaimeko-914 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2020-09-30 words: 412 flesch: 15 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Dušan Agrež, Slovenia FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 - 9) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Sabrina Grassini, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Fabio Leccese, Italy Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Franco Pavese, Italy Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Jan Saliga, Slovakia Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Claudia Zoani, Italy Mauro D’Arco, Italy Oscar Tamburis, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Journal contacts ABOUT THE JOURNAL Acta IMEKO is an e-journal reporting on the contributions on the state and progress of the science and technology of measurement. keywords: acta; imeko; international; italy cache: actaimeko-914.pdf plain text: actaimeko-914.txt item: #760 of 841 id: actaimeko-915 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2020-12-17 words: 405 flesch: 15 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Dušan Agrež, Slovenia FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD SECTION EDITORS (Vol. 7 - 9) Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Yvan Baudoin, Belgium Marcantonio Catelani, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Egidio De Benedeto, Italy Alessandro Depari, Italy Alessandro Germak, Italy Konrad Jędrzejewski, Poland Min-Seok Kim, Korea Vilmos Palfi, Hungary Franco Pavese, Italy Jeerasak Pitakarnnop, Thailand Emiliano Sisinni, Italy Jan Saliga, Slovakia Jorge C. Torres-Guzman, Mexico Ian Veldman, South Africa Rugkanawan Wongpithayadisai, Thailand Claudia Zoani, Italy Mauro D’Arco, Italy Oscar Tamburis, Italy Francesco Bonavolonta, Italy ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. Prof. Leopoldo Angrisani University of Naples Federico II Dept. of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering via Claudio 21, 80125 Napoli, Italy e-mail: Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany e-mail: keywords: imeko; international; italy; measurement cache: actaimeko-915.pdf plain text: actaimeko-915.txt item: #761 of 841 id: actaimeko-918 author: Isaiev, Valentyn; Velychko, Oleh title: Metrological characterisation of current transformers calibration unit for accurate measurement date: 2021-06-29 words: 6879 flesch: 51 summary: Definition of current transformer errors According to world practice, it is customary to express the imperfection of a scale conversion of the CT using two characteristics: the current RE and the PD [19]. Ratio error measurement uncertainty Continuing the analysis keywords: calibration; comparator; current; measurement; measurement uncertainty; method; phase; table; transformer; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-918.pdf plain text: actaimeko-918.txt item: #762 of 841 id: actaimeko-92 author: Rosenberger, Maik; Schellhorn, Mathias; Linß, Gerhard title: New education strategy in quality measurement technique with image processing technologies - chances, applications and realisation date: 2013-08-16 words: 3633 flesch: 49 summary: Quality control charts are one of the oldest tools in the quality management and an important aid to the quality control. Examples of quality control charts are shewhart quality control chart, average value quality control chart and median quality control chart. keywords: assurance; control; figure; image; processing; quality; quality control; system cache: actaimeko-92.pdf plain text: actaimeko-92.txt item: #763 of 841 id: actaimeko-921 author: Angrisani, Leopoldo; Bonavolontà, Francesco title: Editorial to selected papers from 2019 IEEE international workshop on "Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT" date: 2020-12-17 words: 2735 flesch: 32 summary: In the third paper, edited by Susanna Spinsante et al, “A Field Measurements Based LoRa Networks Planning Tool”, after comparing different path loss models based on a field measurement campaign of LoRa Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) values within a University campus, two main modifications of the LoRa Simulator tool are implemented. In the sixth paper, edited by Pierpaolo Fucile et al, “Strategies for the design of additively manufactured nanocomposite scaffolds for hard tissue regeneration”, a systematic study on the design of PCL/HA scaffolds for hard tissue regeneration was reported. keywords: industry; iot; manufacturing; measurement; paper; system cache: actaimeko-921.pdf plain text: actaimeko-921.txt item: #764 of 841 id: actaimeko-923 author: Balato, Marco; Liccardo, Annalisa; Petrarca, Carlo; Bonavolontà, Francesco title: Buck-based DMPPT emulator: a helpful experimental demonstration unit date: 2021-06-29 words: 6278 flesch: 56 summary: [8] P. Manganiello, M. Balato, M. Vitelli, A survey on mismatching and aging of PV modules: The closed loop, IEEE T. Ind. Electron. 62(11) (2015), pp. 7276-7286. DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2015.2418731 [9] D. Sera, L. Mathe, T. Kerekes, S. V. Spataru, R. Teodorescu, On the perturb-and-observe and incremental conductance MPPT methods for PV systems, IEEE J. Photovolt. [40] M. Balato, L. Costanzo, M. Vitelli, DMPPT PV system: modeling and control techniques, Adv. Renew. keywords: buck; current; dmppt; doi; emulator; figure; idsmax; output; power; pvu; voltage cache: actaimeko-923.pdf plain text: actaimeko-923.txt item: #765 of 841 id: actaimeko-925 author: Marzano, Martina; Tran, Ngoc Thanh Mai; D'Elia, Vincenzo; Serazio, Danilo; Enrico, Emanuele; Ortolano, Massimo; Pierz, Klaus; Kucera, Jan; Callegaro, Luca title: Design and development of a coaxial cryogenic probe for precision measurements of the quantum Hall effect in the AC regime date: 2021-06-29 words: 4246 flesch: 63 summary: DOI: 10.1088/1681-7575/aaa5c1 [28] J. Schurr, F.-J. Ahlers, G. Hein, J. Melcher, K. Pierz, F. Overney, B. M. Wood, AC longitudinal and contact resistance measurements of quantum Hall devices, Metrologia 43(1) (2006), pp. [26] M. Ortolano, L. Callegaro, Circuit models and SPICE macro- models for quantum Hall effect devices, Meas. keywords: device; doi; figure; hall; impedance; probe; quantum; resistance; series cache: actaimeko-925.pdf plain text: actaimeko-925.txt item: #766 of 841 id: actaimeko-926 author: Röske, Dirk title: Journal contacts date: 2020-12-31 words: 368 flesch: 13 summary: The ISSN, the international identifier for serials, is 2221-870X. EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Dušan Agrež, Slovenia FOUNDING EDITOR‐IN‐CHIEF Paul P. L. Regtien, Netherlands ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dirk Röske, Germany EDITORIAL BOARD EDITORS FOR THIS SPECIAL EDITION Leopoldo Angrisani, Italy Filippo Attivissimo, Italy Eulalia Balestieri, Italy Eric Benoit, France Paolo Carbone, Italy Lorenzo Ciani, Italy Catalin Damian, Romania Pasquale Daponte, Italy Luca De Vito, Italy Luigi Ferrigno, Italy Edoardo Fiorucci, Italy Alistair Forbes, United Kingdom Helena Geirinhas Ramos, Portugal Sabrina Grassini, Italy Fernando Janeiro, Portugal Konrad Jedrzejewski, Poland Andy Knott, United Kingdom Francesco Lamonaca, Italy Massimo Lazzaroni, Italy Fabio Leccese, Italy Rosario Morello, Italy Michele Norgia, Italy Pedro Miguel Pinto Ramos, Portugal Nicola Pompeo, Italy Sergio Rapuano, Italy Dirk Röske, Germany Alexandru Salceanu, Romania Constantin Sarmasanu, Romania Lorenzo Scalise, Italy Emiliano Schena, Italy Enrico Silva, Italy Krzysztof Stepien, Poland Marco Tarabini, Italy Davor Zvizdić, Crotia Lovorka Grgec-Bermanec, Crotia Andy Knott, United Kingdom Dirk Röske, Germany Renato R. Machado, Brazil Jay H. Hendricks, USA Dominik Pražák, Czechia Gustavo P Ripper, Brasil ABOUT IMEKO The International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO, is an international federation of actually 42 national member organisations individually concerned with the advancement of measurement technology. ADDRESSES Principal Contact Prof. Dušan Agrež University of Ljubljana Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail: Acta IMEKO Prof. Davor Zvizdić University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ivana Lucica 5, Zagreb CR 10000, Croatia e-mail: Support Contact Dr. Dirk Röske Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany e-mail: keywords: imeko; international; italy; journal cache: actaimeko-926.pdf plain text: actaimeko-926.txt item: #767 of 841 id: actaimeko-927 author: Knott, Andy; Röske, Dirk; Machado, Renato R; Hendricks, Jay H.; Prazak, Dominik; Zvizdic, Davor; Grgec Bermanec, Lovorka; Ripper, Gustavo title: Introductory notes for the Acta IMEKO TC3, TC5, TC16 and TC22 Special Issue 2020 date: 2020-12-31 words: 1646 flesch: 43 summary: Papers related to IMEKO TC16 - Pressure and Vacuum Measurement TC16 is pleased to present papers on the current challenges and recent advances in pressure and vacuum metrology. And here is what to expect on the next 415 pages: Papers related to IMEKO TC3 - Measurement of Force, Mass and Torque keywords: imeko; measurement; papers; pressure cache: actaimeko-927.pdf plain text: actaimeko-927.txt item: #768 of 841 id: actaimeko-928 author: Zelenka, Z.; Alisic, S.; Stoilkovska, B.; Hanrahan, R.; Kolozinsky, I.; Popa, G.; Pantic, D.; Dikov, V.; Zuda, J.; Coenegrachts, M.; Malengo, A. title: Improvement of the realisation of the mass scale date: 2020-12-31 words: 1512 flesch: 41 summary: Figure 1: Some weights to be calibrated against limited number of mass standards 2. It includes optimisation for robustness, effectiveness, uncertainty, taking into account the properties of different weighing instruments, different types of set of weights, the number of control weights and mass standards. keywords: kilogram; mass; metrology; realisation; scale cache: actaimeko-928.pdf plain text: actaimeko-928.txt item: #769 of 841 id: actaimeko-929 author: Müller-Schöll, Christian title: The impact of cleaning weights before calibration date: 2020-12-31 words: 2960 flesch: 51 summary: Although the definition of the kilogram has been freed from being dependent on an artefact in 2018, weight pieces are still an indispensable device for establishing a mass scale, for calibrating weights and for calibrating and testing weighing instruments. As a compromise between the pure metrology of not changing instruments without additional calibration and the minimisation of the risk of contamination, and the request of low prices and stable and consistent calibration results, the policy generally applied for weight calibrations is as follows (and this policy is made known to the customer): • Weights will be cleaned generally to protect the laboratory and un-involved parties’ artefacts. keywords: calibration; cleaning; mass; weights cache: actaimeko-929.pdf plain text: actaimeko-929.txt item: #770 of 841 id: actaimeko-930 author: Mecke, M.; Borys, M.; Beyer, E. title: Investigation of the repeatability of a cleaning method for silicon spheres by gravimetric measurements date: 2020-12-31 words: 2814 flesch: 54 summary: Keywords: New SI; kilogram; silicon spheres; cleaning method; repeatability; mass stability 1. Since the mass stability of silicon spheres is, in addition to the growth of the oxide layer [6], influenced by the sorption of water and carbonaceous layers on the surface of the spheres, appropriate cleaning methods have been investigated and were successfully applied in the past [7]-[11]. keywords: cleaning; mass; silicon; spheres; time cache: actaimeko-930.pdf plain text: actaimeko-930.txt item: #771 of 841 id: actaimeko-931 author: Wuethrich, Ch.; Marti, K. title: Simultaneous determination of mass and volume of a set of weights in group weighing date: 2020-12-31 words: 4128 flesch: 67 summary: We measured a set of OIML weights ranging from 10 g to 5 kg in double weighing measurements according to the weighing schemes in section 3. Table 2: Volume comparators for hydrostatic weighing in the mass laboratory in METAS AT1005 PR10003 Read. keywords: mass; volume; weighing; ⋮ ⋮ cache: actaimeko-931.pdf plain text: actaimeko-931.txt item: #772 of 841 id: actaimeko-932 author: Hu, M.; Wang, J.; Cai, C.; Zhong, R.; Jiao, K.; Wu, D.; Cheng, P. title: Experimental research on mass determination of non-metal weights date: 2020-12-31 words: 1743 flesch: 61 summary: [5], altitude and corresponding changes in air density can affect the measurement process when using the conventional mass of weights. kg·m-3 Combined uncertainty of air density u(ρa) 8.3 × 10-5 kg·m-3 U(ρa) (k = 2) 1.7 × 10 -4 kg·m-3 Figure 3: Pictures of mass comparator, stainless steel standard weights and PM 2.5 polypropylene film 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION keywords: air; density; mass; uncertainty; weights cache: actaimeko-932.pdf plain text: actaimeko-932.txt item: #773 of 841 id: actaimeko-933 author: Simoes, D.; Furtado, A.; Pereira, J.; Martins, Rui F. title: Enhancing the handling of standard substitution weights on a hydrostatic weighing apparatus date: 2020-12-31 words: 3803 flesch: 52 summary: Enhancing the handling of standard substitution weights on a hydrostatic weighing apparatus ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 | Volume 9 | Number 5 | 27 ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2020, Volume 9, Number 5, 27 - 32 ENHANCING THE HANDLING OF STANDARD SUBSTITUTION WEIGHTS At the Portuguese Institute for Quality the hydrostatic tests for the determination of the liquids’ density implies the multiple manual placement of a set of standard substitution weights on apparatus’ balance pan, leading to undesirable perturbations in the weighing environment. keywords: density; standard; substitution weights; value; weighing; weights cache: actaimeko-933.pdf plain text: actaimeko-933.txt item: #774 of 841 id: actaimeko-934 author: Win, M. L.; Sanponpute, T.; Suktat, B. title: Partial differentiation of air density in mass metrology date: 2020-12-31 words: 2034 flesch: 62 summary: Partial differentiation of air density in mass metrology ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 Keywords: air buoyancy; air density; partial differentiation of air density; August-Roche- Magnus approximation equation 1. INTRODUCTION keywords: air; density; temperature cache: actaimeko-934.pdf plain text: actaimeko-934.txt item: #775 of 841 id: actaimeko-935 author: Lehrmann, K.; Tutsch, R.; Härtig, F. title: Design of sorption and buoyancy artefacts made of silicon date: 2020-12-31 words: 3321 flesch: 52 summary: 2. OBJECTIVES OF NEW TRANSFER STANDARDS AND CONSTRAINTS The main objective is the development of transfer standards that allow high accurate calibration of mass standards under environmental conditions without vacuum comparator. The most important results considering surface area and volume required for new designed sorption and buoyancy transfer standards made of silicon are presented in Table 3. keywords: artefacts; buoyancy; mass; silicon; sorption; standards; transfer cache: actaimeko-935.pdf plain text: actaimeko-935.txt item: #776 of 841 id: actaimeko-936 author: Lehrmann, K.; Härtig, F.; Tutsch, R. title: Mathematic modeling of a new inlay buoyancy artefact date: 2020-12-31 words: 3162 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: buoyancy artefact; kilogram; silicon; inlay artefact; revised SI 1. One way to correct the buoyancy effects is to determine the air densities by using what is known as buoyancy artefacts calibrated by volume [2]. keywords: cylinder; distance; pieces; surface; 𝑀cyl; 𝑉corr cache: actaimeko-936.pdf plain text: actaimeko-936.txt item: #777 of 841 id: actaimeko-937 author: Rothleitner, C.; Rogge, N.; Lin, S.; Vasilyan, S.; Knopf, D.; Härtig, F.; Fröhlich, T. title: Planck-Balance 1 (PB1) – a table-top Kibble balance for masses from 1 mg to 1 kg – current status date: 2020-12-31 words: 3877 flesch: 62 summary: Nevertheless, measurements with calibrated E1 mass standards were done with the same load cell (no other load cell has been used to date in this setup), which showed an increasing deviation from their calibrated value with decreasing mass value, but within the specified linearity of the balance of 2 mg. Keywords: Kibble balance; mass metrology; Planck-Balance; kilogram realisation; kilogram dissemination 1. keywords: balance; coil; force; mass; mode; pb1 cache: actaimeko-937.pdf plain text: actaimeko-937.txt item: #778 of 841 id: actaimeko-938 author: Rogge, N.; Rothleitner, C.; Lin, S.; Vasilyan, S.; Fröhlich, T.; Härtig, F.; Knopf, D. title: Error sources in the force mode of the “PB2” Planck-Balance date: 2020-12-31 words: 2902 flesch: 46 summary: The calibration of weights is performed in two modes: velocity mode and force mode. (2) The procedure is repeated before a new set of force mode measurements is taken to compensate for the temperature sensitivity and the general drift of the drive actuator. keywords: coil; current; force; force mode; mode cache: actaimeko-938.pdf plain text: actaimeko-938.txt item: #779 of 841 id: actaimeko-939 author: Wei, Tieping; Zhou, Xingyang; Yang, Xiaoxiang; Yao, Jinhui title: Finite element analysis for the lectotype of the large electronic truck scale structure date: 2020-12-31 words: 2517 flesch: 57 summary: Figure 3: The finite element model of scale structure 2.2. Abstract: The stiffness of truck scales is the main influence factor on its measurement accuracy. keywords: beam; layout; scale; structure; truck cache: actaimeko-939.pdf plain text: actaimeko-939.txt item: #780 of 841 id: actaimeko-94 author: Fiedler, Patrique; Haueisen, Jens; Jannek, Dunja; Griebel, Stefan; Zentner, Lena; Vaz, Filipe; Fonseca, Carlos title: Comparison of three types of dry electrodes for electroencephalography date: 2014-09-23 words: 3394 flesch: 53 summary: Electrodes  The basic design requirements for dry contact electrodes are sufficient hair layer penetration, biocompatibility, electrochemical stability, and signal quality comparable to standard wet electrodes. Recently, the first EEG systems based on dry electrodes for BCIs were developed, which, however, included only a very limited number of channels [5], [6]. ABSTRACT  A potential new area of routine application for electroencephalography (EEG)  is the brain‐computer  interface, which might enable  disabled people to interact with their environment, based on measured brain signals. keywords: agcl; eeg; electrodes; pin; types cache: actaimeko-94.pdf plain text: actaimeko-94.txt item: #781 of 841 id: actaimeko-940 author: Lai, Zhengchuang; Yang, Xiaoxiang; Yao, Jinhui title: Vibration analysis of the oscillation support of column load cells in low speed axle-group weigh-in-motion system date: 2020-12-31 words: 3989 flesch: 56 summary: Figure 3: Schematic diagram of axle load and wheelbase of truck ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 | Volume 9 | Number 5 | 66 (a) (b) (c) Figure 4: Schematic diagram of axle load and wheelbase of truck, (a) Rear axle drive wheel, (b) Front axle driven wheel, (c) Front axle rolls at a constant speed We can obtain from equations (8) to (10): 𝐹𝑆1 = 𝑀𝑓1 𝑅𝑉 + 2𝐽𝑉 𝑎𝐶 𝑅𝑉 2 (11) 𝐹𝑆2 = 𝑀𝑓1 2𝑅𝑉 + (5𝑚𝑉 + 0.5𝑀𝑉 )𝑎𝐶 keywords: load; oscillation; support; vibration; weighing cache: actaimeko-940.pdf plain text: actaimeko-940.txt item: #782 of 841 id: actaimeko-941 author: Lai, Zhengchuang; Yang, Xiaoxiang; Yao, Jinhui title: Analysis on influence of static calibration on the axle-group weigh-in-motion system accuracy date: 2020-12-31 words: 3296 flesch: 59 summary: According to the moment balance relationship between the elastomer and the support point O, we can obtain: 𝐹𝑁1(2𝑅 − ℎ)sin𝛼21 − 2𝑀𝑓1 − 𝐹𝑆1[2𝑅 − (2𝑅 − ℎ)cos𝛼21] = 0 (7) 𝐹𝑁2(2𝑅 − ℎ)sin𝛼22 − 2𝑀𝑓2 − 𝐹𝑆2[2𝑅 − (2𝑅 − ℎ)cos𝛼22] = 0 (8) 𝐹𝑆1 = 𝐹𝑆2 (9) with 𝐹𝑁1 = 0.25𝑀𝑔 + 0.5𝐹(𝑙 keywords: 2𝑅 −; angle; axle; elastomer; platform; weighing cache: actaimeko-941.pdf plain text: actaimeko-941.txt item: #783 of 841 id: actaimeko-942 author: Yamakawa, Y.; Tsuzura, A.; Yamazaki, T. title: Vibration compensation using dummy load-cell in dynamic mass measurement date: 2020-12-31 words: 2482 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: checkweigher; mass measurement; load cell; vibration compensation; dummy load cell 1. 𝐹𝐷 = (𝑚 + 𝑀𝑊 ) (𝑚 + 𝑀𝐷 ) 𝐹𝐷𝑁 , (4) where 𝐹𝑊 (in N) is the force applied to weighing load cell, 𝐹𝐷𝑁 (in N) is the force applied to dummy load cell [N], 𝐹𝐷 (in N) is the compensated force of dummy load cell, 𝑚 (in kg) is the mass of an object to be measured, 𝑀𝑊 (in kg) is the mass of weighing section in weighing load cell, 𝑀𝐷 (in kg) is the mass of weighing section in dummy load cell, 𝐴 (in mm) is the amplitude, 𝜔 (= 2𝜋𝑓, in rad/s) is the angular velocity and 𝑓 (in Hz) is the excitation frequency. keywords: cell; dummy; load; load cell; vibration cache: actaimeko-942.pdf plain text: actaimeko-942.txt item: #784 of 841 id: actaimeko-943 author: Furtado, A.; Pereira, J.; Quendera, R.; Schiebl, M.; Lenard, E.; Malejczyk, E.; Alic, A.; Alisic, S.; Rauch, J.; Lorenz, F.; Bescupschii, A.; Ciubara, A.; Laky, B.; Amsüss, R. title: First density comparison on viscoelastic samples by oscillation-type densimetry date: 2020-12-31 words: 3811 flesch: 46 summary: Density measurement uncertainty values between 0.010 kg·m-3 and 0.005 kg·m-3 can be achieved when regular calibration methods are used, i.e. by means of the used of reference liquids and calibration curves. 6400 F6 1729 10.5 1.3 × 105 F7 1721 8.9 × 104 2.0 × 105 4. RESULTS OF DENSITY MEASUREMENTS The assessment of density deviation values ´ obtained by each laboratory, and respective uncertainties U´, presented in Table 3, was done by means of the normalised error En statistical analysis [5] and are summarised in Table 4. keywords: density; frequency; modulus 𝐺; oscillation; samples; type cache: actaimeko-943.pdf plain text: actaimeko-943.txt item: #785 of 841 id: actaimeko-944 author: Dlamini, S.; Sibisi, M.; Matosse, J.; Aydemir, B.; Vatan, C.; Dizdar, H. title: NMISA’s new 5 kN deadweight force standard machine date: 2020-12-31 words: 1641 flesch: 59 summary: NMISA’s new 5 kN deadweight force standard machine ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 | Volume 9 | Number 5 | 85 ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2020, Volume 9, Number 5, 85 - 87 NMISA’S NEW 5 kN DEADWEIGHT FORCE STANDARD MACHINE S. Dlamini1, M. Sibisi1, J. Matosse1, B. Aydemir2, C. Vatan2, H. Dizdar2 1 National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA), Tshwane, South Africa, 2 TÜBİTAK National Metrology Institute (TUBITAK UME), Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey Abstract: This paper describes NMISA’s new 5 kN deadweight force standard machine. keywords: force; nmisa; ume cache: actaimeko-944.pdf plain text: actaimeko-944.txt item: #786 of 841 id: actaimeko-945 author: Schwind, D.; Eller, M.; Kolwinski, U. title: Basic design of a new multicomponent standard machine and proposal for a definition of the nominal loads date: 2020-12-31 words: 1453 flesch: 47 summary: Keywords: multicomponent calibration; multicomponent standard machine; hexapod; Stewart platform 1. Figure 2: Multicomponent Reference System 3.2. keywords: hexapod; loads; machine; multicomponent cache: actaimeko-945.pdf plain text: actaimeko-945.txt item: #787 of 841 id: actaimeko-946 author: Wei, Tieping; Guo, Jinquan; Lai, Zhengchuang; Lin, Shuo; Yang, Xiaoxiang title: Analysis of mechanical properties for the key force transfer components of 2 MN deadweight force standard machine date: 2020-12-31 words: 3671 flesch: 56 summary: 5. CONCLUSION Based on the finite element method, the key structure components in the force value transmission process of 2 MN DWM designed by Fujian Province Institute of Metrology have been simulated. For structure design of 2 MN DWM in Fujian Province Institute of Metrology, its key value transfer components including the main body frame structure, the weight installation platform lifting mechanism, the structure of the inverter and the central derrick were simulated based on finite element method and the improved mechanical property solutions were put forward, which can provide constructive suggestions for the successful design of 2 MN DWM. keywords: analysis; dwm; figure; force; structure; weight cache: actaimeko-946.pdf plain text: actaimeko-946.txt item: #788 of 841 id: actaimeko-947 author: Lin, Shuo title: Research on the swing and vibration restraint of the 2 MN deadweight machine frame date: 2020-12-31 words: 1421 flesch: 59 summary: | Volume 9 | Number 5 | 99 Figure 6: Mass damper and the simulation of swing 4. TEST RESULT Tests of static deformation and dynamic response was tested using an HBM 2 MN load cell, a vibration sensor, and several laser displacement sensors, which are shown in Figure 7. Figure 7: Dynamic response test system and mass damper The maximum deformation of the frame under 2 MN is less than 5 mm, and the uneven deformation less than 0.1 mm/m. The longitudinal vibration stopped in 0.2 s which hardly reaction on the DMP-41 indicator. Figure 8: Test of swing time and result 5. keywords: figure; machine cache: actaimeko-947.pdf plain text: actaimeko-947.txt item: #789 of 841 id: actaimeko-948 author: Prato, A.; Mazzoleni, F.; Facello, A.; Germak, A. title: Self-calibration of the 1 MN deadweight force standard machine at INRiM date: 2020-12-31 words: 3213 flesch: 61 summary: Results show values lower than the limits declared in CMC, i.e. within an expanded uncertainty of 2 × 10-5, as reported in Table 5 and in Figure 2. Table 5: Total mean relative deviations of the weights Weight F / kN �̅� / - U(�̅�) / - M10/1 10 0.00E+00 2.82E-06 M10/2 10 2.49E-06 3.80E-06 M20 20 1.35E-05 6.21E-06 M40 40 1.18E-05 4.15E-06 M80 80 1.59E-06 5.68E-06 M160/1 160 6.65E-06 4.67E-06 M160/2 160 8.45E-06 4.62E-06 M160/3 Furthermore, 500 kN and 1 MN total relative deviations, which are around 7 ppm – 8 ppm, confirm results of Force Key Comparison CCM.F-K3 [9]. Figure 2: Total mean relative deviations of the 1 MN DFSM weights ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 keywords: force; relative; 𝐹m10/1 cache: actaimeko-948.pdf plain text: actaimeko-948.txt item: #790 of 841 id: actaimeko-949 author: Lin, Shuo; Knott, A.; Chi, Hui; Li, Shixin; Tang, Yun title: Intercomparison between deadweight machines in China and UK up to 1 MN date: 2020-12-31 words: 1576 flesch: 51 summary: [3] A. Knott et al., “Comparison of force standards between NIS (Egypt) and NPL (United Kingdom)”, Proc. of XVIII IMEKO World Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 17 – 22 September 2006. Keywords: deadweight machine, comparison, uncertainty, keywords: fjim; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-949.pdf plain text: actaimeko-949.txt item: #791 of 841 id: actaimeko-95 author: Weissensee, Karina title: New demands on inspection planning and quality testing for micro- and nanostructured components date: 2013-08-16 words: 3774 flesch: 46 summary: Those specifics must be taken into account at inspection planning and at the execution of inspection plans [3]. In section 2 the main problems of inspection planning in the micro- and nanoscale will be summarised. keywords: features; inspection; measurement; measuring; planning; selection; sensors cache: actaimeko-95.pdf plain text: actaimeko-95.txt item: #792 of 841 id: actaimeko-950 author: Zhu, Junfang; Hayashi, Toshiyuki; Nishino, Atsuhiro; Ogushi, Koji title: New microforce generating machine using electromagnetic force date: 2020-12-31 words: 1874 flesch: 55 summary: Force transducer lifting mechanism Again, the previous study showed the contact point between the loading frame and the force transducer under calibration has to be maintained during calibration irrespective of the height and stiffness of the transducer [4]. Balancing arm Counterweights Metal band Metal band Loading frame r Loading jig Fmmax T Laser displacement sensor (Head) Round end Round end Installation table Force Transducer X, Y, θ stage Stepper motor Coupling Ball screw Linear shaft Linear bush Figure 5: Force transducers lifting mechanism ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 keywords: coil; force; machine; magnets; microforce cache: actaimeko-950.pdf plain text: actaimeko-950.txt item: #793 of 841 id: actaimeko-951 author: Vasilyan, S.; Rogge, N.; Manske, E.; Fröhlich, T. title: Generation of static and dynamic small calibration forces and their measurements by electromagnetic force compensation balance date: 2020-12-31 words: 3132 flesch: 46 summary: [4] P. Williams et al., “Portable, high-accuracy, non- absorbing laser power measurement at kilowatt levels by means of radiation pressure”, Opt. Express, vol. 25, pp. 4382–92, 2017. In recent years, the use of photon momentum to determine the optical power of lasers or to generate precision/calibration small forces [1, 2, 3] has made important progress, especially for the measurements of optical laser power at kilowatt levels [4]. keywords: force; laser; measurements; power; standard cache: actaimeko-951.pdf plain text: actaimeko-951.txt item: #794 of 841 id: actaimeko-952 author: Kobusch, M.; Klaus, L. title: In-situ dynamic force calibration using impact hammers date: 2020-12-31 words: 3767 flesch: 49 summary: [8] M. Kobusch, L. Klaus, L. Muñiz Mendoza, “Investigation of impact hammer calibrations”, in Proc. of IMEKO 23rd Figure 1: Impact hammer calibration device at PTB The magnitude response of four impact hammer configurations – applying two different hammer tips with and without a mass extender – is visualized in Figure 3; diagram (a) shows the response in the lower frequency range up to a frequency of 2 kHz, (b) up to 10 kHz. keywords: calibration; force; frequency; hammer; impact; mass; tip cache: actaimeko-952.pdf plain text: actaimeko-952.txt item: #795 of 841 id: actaimeko-953 author: Tian, Feng; Yin, Xiao; Li, Bo title: Calibration of cyclic force with inertial force correction to a fatigue testing machine date: 2020-12-31 words: 3198 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: fatigue machine; calibration; dynamic force; inertial force; correction 1. Calibration of cyclic force with inertial force correction to a fatigue testing machine ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 keywords: dfcs; fatigue; force; machine; test cache: actaimeko-953.pdf plain text: actaimeko-953.txt item: #796 of 841 id: actaimeko-954 author: Jiang, J.; Zhou, H.; Zhang, Y.; Wu, S.; Zhang, Z.; Hu, G. title: Performance test of cantilever transfer standard used for afm tip calibration based on electromagnetic compensation date: 2020-12-31 words: 2327 flesch: 59 summary: This paper describes stiffness measurement of cantilever transfer standards used for Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) tip calibration based on electromagnetic compensation. 4. CONCLUSION The cantilever transfer standard was fabricated based on bulk process and its stiffness has been measured based on small force standard based on electromagnetic compensation. keywords: cantilever; force; standard; stiffness; transfer; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-954.pdf plain text: actaimeko-954.txt item: #797 of 841 id: actaimeko-955 author: Gan, Kui; Jiang, Hong; Chen, Hongjiang; Zhang, Hao; Huang, William title: New study on force transducer’s temperature behaviour date: 2020-12-31 words: 2041 flesch: 70 summary: New study on force transducer’s temperature behaviour ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 This paper describes a new study about the temperature behaviour of force transducers. keywords: temperature cache: actaimeko-955.pdf plain text: actaimeko-955.txt item: #798 of 841 id: actaimeko-956 author: Fidelus, J.; Cybul, K. title: Study on short-term creep effect and hysteresis for the HBM Z4A force transducer under compressive and tensile forces date: 2020-12-31 words: 3037 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: force; metrological traceability chain; creep; force transducer; calibration; hysteresis 1. 50 -1.999 092 0.000 0.005 0.002 -1.999 094 0.000 0.012 00 Figure 3: Graph of Z4A force transducer indication given in electrical units (mV/V) in the time function (s) for measurements made after applying the maximum tension reference force. keywords: creep; force; force transducer; transducer cache: actaimeko-956.pdf plain text: actaimeko-956.txt item: #799 of 841 id: actaimeko-957 author: Abdulhakim, M.; Hassan, Saher R.; Tegtmeier, F. title: Practical investigation for the concept of a serial-type build-up force measurement system date: 2020-12-31 words: 3935 flesch: 64 summary: ▪ Still under investigation Application of force on force transducers ▪ During the individual calibration – the load comes directly from a FSM into the transducer. The force amplification machines replace the deadweight machines at higher force ranges, these machines still have problems such as manufacturing cost and complex technology requirements [2]. keywords: bus; figure; force; imeko; system; transducers cache: actaimeko-957.pdf plain text: actaimeko-957.txt item: #800 of 841 id: actaimeko-958 author: Wang, Y.; Rogge, N.; Vasilyan, S.; Fröhlich, T. title: Investigations on nonlinear deformation phenomena in a force calibration system date: 2020-12-31 words: 3528 flesch: 56 summary: (3) Figure 11: Difference of displacement of load carrier when external force is applied at both ends ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 (6) Figure 14: Simple spring model of load carrier In Section 3.2, we discussed that when the right side of the balance is fixed, the left side can still balance the weight of the weight through its own deformation without external force. keywords: balance; figure; force; load; load carrier; model cache: actaimeko-958.pdf plain text: actaimeko-958.txt item: #801 of 841 id: actaimeko-959 author: Fang, T.; Jia, Y.; Xu, H.; Zhang, H.; Liu, W. title: Study on calibration method of hydraulic bolt stretcher date: 2020-12-31 words: 1775 flesch: 43 summary: Third, bolt hydraulic tensioner is small and flexible, greatly reducing the occupancy rate of space. At present, there is no technical regulation for bolt hydraulic tensioner in our country. keywords: bolt; calibration; hydraulic; pressure cache: actaimeko-959.pdf plain text: actaimeko-959.txt item: #802 of 841 id: actaimeko-960 author: Zhao, Xiaobing; Li, Wansheng; Fei, Minghui; Zheng, Xiaolan; Huang, William title: Study on alignment test based on ASTM E1012 and Chinese guideline date: 2020-12-31 words: 1875 flesch: 66 summary: Keywords: alignment test, ASTM E1012, Chinese alignment guideline 1. Study on alignment test based on ASTM E1012 and Chinese guideline ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 | Volume 9 | Number 5 | 159 ACTA IMEKO ISSN: 2221-870X December 2020, Volume 9, Number 5, 159 - 162 STUDY ON ALIGNMENT TEST BASED ON ASTM E1012 AND CHINESE GUIDELINE Xiaobing Zhao1, Wansheng Li2, Minghui Fei3, Xiaolan Zheng4, William Huang5 1 Wuxi Institute of Metrology and Testing, Wuxi, China, 2 Shandong Institute of Metrology, Jinan, China, 3 Wuxi Institute of Metrology and Testing, Wuxi, China, 4 Yunnan Institute of Measuring and Testing Technology, Kunming, China, 5 GTM China Office, Shanghai, China, Abstract This paper describes the study about alignment test on testing machine. keywords: alignment; machine; testing cache: actaimeko-960.pdf plain text: actaimeko-960.txt item: #803 of 841 id: actaimeko-961 author: Zhang, Z.; Li, B.; Shi, W.; Huang, Y. title: Multi-component measurement of grinding force during high speed internal thread grinding date: 2020-12-31 words: 2863 flesch: 57 summary: In a certain range of grinding force, the surface quality will not be reduced while the feed speed of workpiece is increased, that is to say, the machining time is shortened and the work efficiency is improved. Among them, the workpiece surface of flat grinding and groove grinding is plane, and the workpiece surface of internal thread grinding is cylindrical; the grinding wheel of flat groove grinding and internal thread grinding is a disc wheel with tooth half angle of 𝜃, and flat grinding wheel is a cylindrical wheel. keywords: force; grinding; speed; thread; wheel; workpiece cache: actaimeko-961.pdf plain text: actaimeko-961.txt item: #804 of 841 id: actaimeko-962 author: Duflon, C.; Averlant, P. title: Development and metrological characterisation of the new LNE 500 N · m deadweight torque standard machine date: 2020-12-31 words: 2009 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: torque standard machine 1 INTRODUCTION The Laboratoire national de métrologie et d’essais (LNE) is conducting this project which involves the development of several machines: 5 Nm; 50 Nm; 500 Nm; and 5000 Nm. keywords: machine; nm; standard; torque cache: actaimeko-962.pdf plain text: actaimeko-962.txt item: #805 of 841 id: actaimeko-963 author: Geva, K.; Kahmann, H.; Schlegel, C.; Kumme, R. title: Analysis of the measurement uncertainty of a new measurement flexure calibration set-up date: 2020-12-31 words: 3782 flesch: 66 summary: Table 8: Measurement uncertainty for each load step Load step 𝑭𝑩𝑴 in N 𝒖𝑭𝑩𝑴 in N 𝑭𝑻𝑴 in N 𝒖𝑭𝑻𝑴 in N | Volume 9 | Number 5 | 176 reaching over the pulley, resulting in additional mass as calibration load. keywords: calibration; force; load; mass; measurement; set; torque; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-963.pdf plain text: actaimeko-963.txt item: #806 of 841 id: actaimeko-964 author: Kiuchi, M.; Nishino, A.; Ogushi, K. title: Calibration procedures for torque measuring devices by using a reference type torque calibration machine at NMIJ date: 2020-12-31 words: 2626 flesch: 57 summary: [10] N. Saenkhum, T. Sanponpute, “The optimization of continuous torque calibration procedure”, Measurement, vol. 107, pp. 172-178, 2017. According to our survey of Japanese industry on torque measurement, demands for small range torque calibration is still increasing. keywords: calibration; dwtsm; n·m; rtcm; tmd; torque cache: actaimeko-964.pdf plain text: actaimeko-964.txt item: #807 of 841 id: actaimeko-965 author: Hu, X.; Wang, Y.; Bao, F.; Huang, W. title: Torque standard comparison among provinces laboratories in China date: 2020-12-31 words: 2582 flesch: 62 summary: In recent years, more and more provinces’ laboratories have built torque standard machines. Keywords: torque comparison; province laboratory; torque transfer standard 1. keywords: comparison; kn·m; measurement; n·m; standard; torque cache: actaimeko-965.pdf plain text: actaimeko-965.txt item: #808 of 841 id: actaimeko-966 author: Ogushi, K. title: The testing evaluation of several digital torque wrenches by using a torque wrench tester date: 2020-12-31 words: 3004 flesch: 61 summary: It would be better to recognize the accuracy as the “Maximum permissible relative deviation,” which is defined in ISO 6789-1:2017. Figure 1: Digital torque wrenches (DTWs) used for the testing and evaluation Table 1: Specifications of digital torque wrenches A TWT of DOTE50N4, manufactured by TOHNICHI Mfg. CO., LTD., was used as a reference standard for these tests. The RTW is the combination of TTS/100Nm (as a torque transducer in the shape of torque wrench) and MGCplus with ML38 (as an indicator/amplifier), as shown in Fig. keywords: iso; n∙m; testing; torque; twt; wrench cache: actaimeko-966.pdf plain text: actaimeko-966.txt item: #809 of 841 id: actaimeko-968 author: Brüge, A. title: On the regression of sensitivity characteristics of torque transducers date: 2020-12-31 words: 3724 flesch: 45 summary: Here, the new procedure thus leads to lower measurement uncertainties, in particular for transducers with measurement uncertainties of less than 1 × 10-5 mV/V (Figure 6, top). Keywords: Regression; torque; calibration; measurement uncertainty; Monte Carlo simulation 1. keywords: measurement; points; reference; regression; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-968.pdf plain text: actaimeko-968.txt item: #810 of 841 id: actaimeko-970 author: Hiti, M. title: Validation of combinatorial evaluation of strain-gauge amplifier linearity date: 2020-12-31 words: 2501 flesch: 33 summary: Figure 1: Expanded measurement uncertainty for bridge amplifier calibration with traditional bridge standards calibration and combinatorial procedure (left) and expressed as relative expanded uncertainty (right) ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 [6] M. Hiti: “Analysis of exchanging of measuring amplifiers on force transducer calibration results”, ERK 2017, Portorož, Slovenia, 25 - 26 September 2017. keywords: amplifiers; calibration; force cache: actaimeko-970.pdf plain text: actaimeko-970.txt item: #811 of 841 id: actaimeko-971 author: Schäck, Marco M. title: A practical approach to evaluate the measurement uncertainty budget for calibration of strain gauge based high-precision carrier frequency amplifiers date: 2020-12-31 words: 3731 flesch: 42 summary: Figure 5: Noise measurement for a combination of MX238B and BN100A Figure 2 shows the influencing uncertainty contributions divided into three main groups, namely calibration standard, calibration object and calibration method. keywords: amplifier; bridge; calibration; measurement; measuring; noise; standard; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-971.pdf plain text: actaimeko-971.txt item: #812 of 841 id: actaimeko-972 author: Prato, A.; Origlia, C.; Germak, A. title: A suitable geometrical model for the verification of Knoop indenters with Gal-Indent optical system date: 2020-12-31 words: 2471 flesch: 60 summary: A suitable geometrical model for the verification of Knoop indenters with Gal-indent optical system ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 Using such quantities as inputs of a suitable geometrical model, the geometry of Knoop indenters can be verified. keywords: cos; sin; 𝑂𝑉𝑆; 𝑉𝑂𝑆 cache: actaimeko-972.pdf plain text: actaimeko-972.txt item: #813 of 841 id: actaimeko-973 author: Sawa, Takeshi title: Research on dispersion in indenter and reference block for Rockwell hardness test date: 2020-12-31 words: 3025 flesch: 50 summary: Tolerance (ASTM E18) Experimental result (P I value) 30 HRC 0.8 HRC 0.8 HRC 0.6 HRC 60 HRC 0.8 HRC 0.4 HRC 0.7 HRC 90 HR15N 0.8 HR15N 0.5 HR15N 1.3 HR15N 30 HRBW 4.0 HRBW 0.8 HRBW 1.1 HRBW 90 HRBW 2.0 HRBW 0.8 HRBW 0.4 HRBW 35 HR30TW 3.0 HR30TW 0.8 HR30TW 0.4 HR30TW Uncertainty factors Hypothesized variation of hardness values Depth measuring device Tolerances in verification of depth measuring device prescribed in ISO 6508-2 and ASTM E18 Diamond indenter Tolerance of difference in hardness value from reference indenter at testing with the identical reference block prescribed in ASTM E18 Ball indenter Tolerance of difference in calibration value from reference block at testing reference block prescribed in ASTM E18 Uniformity of reference block Tolerance of difference between the maximum and minimum values in 5- point measurement prescribed in standard for reference block, ISO 6508-3 or ASTM E18 Calibration value of reference block PB values in Fig. 2 are hypothesized as expanded uncertainty. We know that even differences in hardness values among national metrology institute level are a problem for calibration of actual hardness testing machines keywords: hardness; hrbw; hrc; reference; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-973.pdf plain text: actaimeko-973.txt item: #814 of 841 id: actaimeko-974 author: Kuzu, C.; Pelit, E. title: Design and development of high load Brinell hardness standard machine at UME date: 2020-12-31 words: 2002 flesch: 53 summary: The theory of Brinell Hardness measurement, as a well-known method, comprises realisation of indentation and measurement of the diameter of the indentation to be used for calculation of the Brinell Hardness number by making use of the empirical equation eqn. Figure 6: Force application system of High Load Brinell Hardness Standard Machine 3.3. keywords: brinell; force; hardness; machine cache: actaimeko-974.pdf plain text: actaimeko-974.txt item: #815 of 841 id: actaimeko-975 author: Kuzu, C.; Pelit, E.; Meral, I. title: A new design of Rockwell-Brinell-Vickers hardness standard machine at UME date: 2020-12-31 words: 2501 flesch: 53 summary: The activity of realization and development of primary Rockwell Hardness standard machine working in the same manner was made at Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM, National Metrology Institute of Italy) in the 70 years. Figure 8: Rockwell hardness measurement cycle ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 keywords: hardness; machine; measurement; rockwell; vickers cache: actaimeko-975.pdf plain text: actaimeko-975.txt item: #816 of 841 id: actaimeko-976 author: Xiang, Ren; JinYu, Lu; Zecheng, Tao title: Design of fully automatic calibration machine for reference block based on machine vision date: 2020-12-31 words: 3155 flesch: 39 summary: The loading part mainly includes the servo motor, reducer, lead screw, guide rod, measuring platform and upper and lower plates; the measuring part mainly consists of the force transducer group, laser rangefinder, indentation measurement system which are installed on the measuring platform and lead screw grating. Table 1: Indentation range and performance requirements of indentation measurement system Hard metal ball diameter (mm) Indentation Range (mm) keywords: calibration; indentation; indentation measurement; machine; measurement; system cache: actaimeko-976.pdf plain text: actaimeko-976.txt item: #817 of 841 id: actaimeko-977 author: Fidelus, J. D.; Kozuchowski, M. title: GUM’s Rockwell hardness standard machines after modernization date: 2020-12-31 words: 3409 flesch: 55 summary: Figure 5: Difference of measured hardness value and HRC nominal hardness blocks value. If it is assumed that the average value of the 21.62 HRC block measurements taken on the HSM-S02 stand in the first series without compensation should be corrected by the calculated average value from comparative measurements according to point 2, then the average value from the results of the block with the 22.73 HRC value is -0.269 HRC. keywords: figure; hardness; hrc; hsm; measurements; value cache: actaimeko-977.pdf plain text: actaimeko-977.txt item: #818 of 841 id: actaimeko-978 author: Aslanyan, A.; Aslanyan, E.; Gavrilkin, S.; Shchipunov, A. title: Metrological researches of national primary standard machine for Leeb hardness scales date: 2020-12-31 words: 1422 flesch: 54 summary: 3.000±0.005 Devices for Leeb hardness measuring consists of tubes with electromagnetic coils, impact bodies with built-in magnets, a mechanical device for resetting impact bodies. The expanded uncertainty of measurement of hardness values on the Leeb scales affected by deviations from the nominal values of mass and radius of the tip of impact body, the impact velocity of impact body, the uncertainty of the measurement of the ratio of velocity at the time of rebound of the impact body at the moment of impact. keywords: body; impact; impact body cache: actaimeko-978.pdf plain text: actaimeko-978.txt item: #819 of 841 id: actaimeko-979 author: Machado, R. R.; Low, S.; Germak, A. title: CCM pilot study overview: geometrical measurement of the Rockwell diamond indenter date: 2020-12-31 words: 3585 flesch: 55 summary: The second one was based on the NIST Consensus Builder (NICOB), which is consistent with the combination of measurement results obtained independently by different laboratories or measurement methods [4, 5]. This methodology is consistent with the combination of measurement results obtained independently by different laboratories or measurement methods [4, 5]. keywords: diamond; figure; indenters; mean; measurement; nmis cache: actaimeko-979.pdf plain text: actaimeko-979.txt item: #820 of 841 id: actaimeko-98 author: Malinovsky, Igor; Couceiro, Iakyra B.; Franca, Ricardo Santos; Lima, Mauricio S.; Azeredo, Carlos L. S.; Almeida, Clara M. S.; von der Weid, Jean P. title: Imaging interference microscope for nanometrology date: 2014-09-23 words: 3699 flesch: 51 summary: Therefore, the final goal of this work is to provide AFM measurements being traceable to the primary standards of length. AFM measurements cannot cover the large XY area of the GB step (the maximum area in our case was 100x100 µm). keywords: afm; figure; fringe; interferometer; measurements; phase; standard; step cache: actaimeko-98.pdf plain text: actaimeko-98.txt item: #821 of 841 id: actaimeko-980 author: Kuzu, C.; Germak, A.; Origlia, C.; Pelit, E. title: Preliminary results of EURAMET Rockwell comparison between INRiM and UME (EURAMET.M.H-S1.A.B.C) date: 2020-12-31 words: 2151 flesch: 52 summary: Abstract: A bilateral supplementary comparison between INRiM (National Metrology Institute of Italy) and UME (National Metrology Institute of Turkey) had been decided to be organized in the field of Hardness Metrology to determine the consistency of the national hardness standards in both countries realizing Rockwell Hardness measurements in accordance with ISO 6508-1:2016 A bilateral supplementary comparison between INRiM (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica) and UME (TÜBİTAK Ulusal Metroloji Enstitüsü) was carried out in the field of Hardness Metrology to determine the consistency of the national hardness standards used in both countries realizing Rockwell Hardness measurements in accordance with the ISO 6508-1:2016 keywords: hardness; hrc; inrim; ume cache: actaimeko-980.pdf plain text: actaimeko-980.txt item: #822 of 841 id: actaimeko-981 author: Takagi, S.; Tanaka, Y.; Seino, Y. title: Errors in the Vickers diagonal length measurement caused by different designs of microscopes date: 2020-12-31 words: 2214 flesch: 53 summary: (c) 900 HV 10 0.1 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 R e p e a ta b il it y , µ m 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Numerical aperture 2.5 Range Standard deviation Resolving power Maximum expansion (b) 600 HV 10 0.1 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 R e p e a ta b il it y , µ m 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Numerical aperture 2.5 Range Standard deviation Resolving power Maximum expansion (a) 200 HV 1 0.1 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 R e p e a ta b il it y , µ m 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Numerical aperture 2.5 Range Standard deviation Resolving power Maximum expansion Figure 5: Repeatability of diagonal length measurement in different NAs The relationship between the repeatability of diagonal length and the objective NA follows the theory. keywords: length; measurement; microscope cache: actaimeko-981.pdf plain text: actaimeko-981.txt item: #823 of 841 id: actaimeko-982 author: Tanaka, Y.; Seino, Y.; Hattori, K. title: Verification of radial displacement correction effect in instrumented indentation testing date: 2020-12-31 words: 3118 flesch: 59 summary: There are two representative methods of radial displacement correction, proposed by Hay et al. In this study, we examine the effect of radial displacement corrections in finite element analysis and experiments. keywords: displacement; fea; hay; method cache: actaimeko-982.pdf plain text: actaimeko-982.txt item: #824 of 841 id: actaimeko-983 author: Li, Yang; Shi, Wei; Tao, Jizeng title: Development of special measuring tool for trace of micro force value date: 2020-12-31 words: 1939 flesch: 48 summary: Therefore, hardware structure design should be carried out on the basis of electromagnetic force balance module. Because the selected balance module is a mature commodity, it has a certain stiffness, and because the indenters used in micro Vickers hardness test and Knoop hardness test are diamond indenters, it is necessary to set a ceramic force measuring unit in the center of the force measuring seat to ensure its stiffness in use and reduce the impact on the test results. keywords: balance; force; hardness; measuring; micro cache: actaimeko-983.pdf plain text: actaimeko-983.txt item: #825 of 841 id: actaimeko-984 author: Shi, Wei; Zhang, Kailin; Tao, Jizeng; Li, Yang title: Rockwell hardness unmanned precision metering calibration device date: 2020-12-31 words: 4003 flesch: 46 summary: Almost 70% of raw materials and parts require Rockwell hardness test, and the accuracy and efficiency of the hardness test results have always been the goal pursued by hardness measurement personnel[1]. There was no direct mathematical model for Rockwell hardness test. keywords: block; device; figure; force; hardness; loading; measurement; rockwell; system; test cache: actaimeko-984.pdf plain text: actaimeko-984.txt item: #826 of 841 id: actaimeko-985 author: Zakrisson, J.; Silander, I.; Forssén, C.; Silvestri, Z.; Mari, D.; Pasqualin, S.; Kussicke, A.; Asbahr, P.; Rubin, T.; Axner, O. title: Simulation of pressure-induced cavity deformation – the 18SIB04 Quantumpascal EMPIR project date: 2020-12-31 words: 3741 flesch: 50 summary: Similarly, although there is a tendency that the simulations made using the ANSYS Workbench software (by partner B and C) consistently predict larger deformations than those made on the COMSOL Multiphysics® software (for comparable number of mesh elements), the difference in simulated deformation performed by the two types of software when the largest numbers of mesh points were used (partner B, Ansys, 2.9 × 106 elements, and partner D, Comsol, 3.2 × 106 elements, respectively), is only 5 × 10-16 Pa-1, which, for N2, corresponds to a relative uncertainty in the assessed refractivity of solely 0.17 ppm. It is finally worth to note that for cavities with more complex design (e.g. with more intricate mirror mounting), the accuracy is likely to be adversely affected by the fact that the actual cavity geometry will be less accurately known. keywords: cavity; deformation; mesh; partner; pressure; simulations cache: actaimeko-985.pdf plain text: actaimeko-985.txt item: #827 of 841 id: actaimeko-986 author: Forssén, C.; Silander, I.; Szabo, D.; Jönsson, G.; Bjerling, M.; Hausmaninger, T.; Axner, O.; Zelan, M. title: A transportable refractometer for assessment of pressure in the kPa range with ppm level precision date: 2020-12-31 words: 4822 flesch: 60 summary: | Volume 9 | Number 5 | 289 together with the optical, acousto-optical, and electro op- tical components; Module 2: Electronic control and data acquisition system; Module 3: Gas distribution system; Module 4: Gas inlet system; Module 5: The device under test (DUT), represented by a pressure balance; Module 6: Gas evacuation system. It can also be used, in combination with a local pri- mary standard, for calibration of pressure systems, including those that do not have a measurement range that overlap with the local primary standard. keywords: cavity; data; gas; measurement; module; ppm; pressure; refractometer; system; vol cache: actaimeko-986.pdf plain text: actaimeko-986.txt item: #828 of 841 id: actaimeko-987 author: Silander, I.; Forssén, C.; Zakrisson, J.; Zelan, M.; Axner, O. title: An invar-based fabry-perot cavity refractometer with a gallium fixed-point cell for assessment of pressure date: 2020-12-31 words: 4182 flesch: 57 summary: Figure 5: The difference in cavity temperature measured with the thermocouple, TC T , and the Pt-100 probes, cav T . A comparison between the two means to assess cavity temperature; the Pt-100 sensors and the thermocouple system To demonstrate the performance of the tempe- rature regulation and assessment system, a series of measurements was performed at a pressure of 11 620 Pa (produced by a dead weight pressure balance) over 4 Assuming an error of 10 mK in the assessed block temperature. keywords: assessment; cavity; cell; point; pressure; system; temperature cache: actaimeko-987.pdf plain text: actaimeko-987.txt item: #829 of 841 id: actaimeko-988 author: Zelan, M.; Silander, I.; Forssén, C.; Zakrisson, J.; Axner, O. title: Recent advances in Fabry-Perot-based refractometry utilizing gas modulation for assessment of pressure date: 2020-12-31 words: 4445 flesch: 54 summary: However, in practice, this is not trivial since the cavity spacer material is subjected to deformation due to gas pressure, thermal expansion, aging, relaxations, and diffusion of gas into the material that changes its length in unpredicted ways. Figure 5: Allan deviations of pressure assessments made by the previous Zerodur-based system (red upper markers) and the novel Invar-based system (blue), both at 4303 Pa. keywords: assessment; cavity; gamor; gas; measurement; pressure; refractometry; system cache: actaimeko-988.pdf plain text: actaimeko-988.txt item: #830 of 841 id: actaimeko-989 author: Silvestri, Z.; Bentouati, D.; Otal, P.; Wallerand, J.-P. title: Towards an improved helium-based refractometer for pressure measurements date: 2020-12-31 words: 2923 flesch: 51 summary: MAIN RESULTS To achieve the final objectives in terms of pressure uncertainties (5×10-4 at 1 Pa, 10-5 à 1 kPa), ageing and mechanical deformation of the FP cavity ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 Pressure stability In previous works keywords: cavity; gas; pressure; refractometer; temperature; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-989.pdf plain text: actaimeko-989.txt item: #831 of 841 id: actaimeko-99 author: Taakagi, Satoshi title: Analyses of direct verification data of Rockwell diamond indenters by iterative regression method date: 2014-09-23 words: 4854 flesch: 61 summary: It is generally recognized that the geometrical error of diamond indenters affects significantly the indicated hardness values in Rockwell hardness measurements and therefore many efforts regarding indenter verification has been made for many years. [2], specific designs for spherical and conical parts of Rockwell diamond indenters in combination with interferometric optics and precise positioning mechanics keywords: analysis; angle; diamond; figure; geometry; indenter; rockwell cache: actaimeko-99.pdf plain text: actaimeko-99.txt item: #832 of 841 id: actaimeko-990 author: Svete, A.; Kutin, J. title: Diaphragmless shock tube for primary dynamic calibration of pressure meters date: 2020-12-31 words: 2959 flesch: 52 summary: Diaphragmless shock tube for primary dynamic calibration of pressure meters ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 Keywords: time-varying pressure; primary calibration method; diaphragmless shock tube; frequency characteristics 1. keywords: frequency; measurement; mpa; pressure; section; shock; tube cache: actaimeko-990.pdf plain text: actaimeko-990.txt item: #833 of 841 id: actaimeko-991 author: Kutin, J.; Svete, A. title: Connecting volume effects on dynamics of pneumatic pressure measurement systems date: 2020-12-31 words: 2560 flesch: 62 summary: Keywords: pressure measurement; pressure transmission; dynamic response; sensor volume; connecting tube 1. (a) Sensor volume Vv = 1.77 cm3 (Lv = 2.5 mm, Rv = 15 mm) (b) Sensor volume Vv = 7.07 cm3 (Lv = 10 mm, Rv = 15 mm) Figure 2: Variations of the limit frequency with the tube radius for two different sensor volumes (tube length Lt = 1 m, dry air) keywords: frequency; model; pressure; volume cache: actaimeko-991.pdf plain text: actaimeko-991.txt item: #834 of 841 id: actaimeko-992 author: Sabuga, W.; Hashad, A. S.; Ehlers, S. title: 2D flow model for calculating effective area of piston-cylinder units date: 2020-12-31 words: 4400 flesch: 63 summary: In the DCGT experiments, these PCAs were operated in absolute pressure mode with helium as a pressure-transmitting medium, but their ACTA IMEKO | December 2020 | Volume 9 | Number 5 | 321 theoretical and experimental characterisation was performed also in gauge mode and with nitrogen as well. MODELLING CONDITIONS For the classical, oil-operated 5 cm2 and gas- operated 20 cm2 PCUs, the calculations were performed at 10 % and 100 % of the PCUs' pressure operation range, for the 20 cm2 PCUs in both gauge and absolute pressure mode. keywords: flow; model; pcus; pressure cache: actaimeko-992.pdf plain text: actaimeko-992.txt item: #835 of 841 id: actaimeko-993 author: Kumar, Ashok; Thakur, Vikas N.; Kumar, Harish title: Characterization of spinning rotor gauge-3 using orific flow system and static expansion system date: 2020-12-31 words: 2418 flesch: 56 summary: The accommodation coefficient is obtained by the intercept of the plot of the calibration factor – pressure measured by the vacuum standards (i.e. SES and OFS), where calibration factor is given by the ratio of the pressures measured by gauge under calibration (i.e. SRG3) and vacuum standards. [4] K.F. Poulter, A. Calcatelli, P.S. Choumoff, B. Iapteff, G. Messer, G. Grosse, Intercomparison of vacuum standards of countries within the European community in the range 8×10 −5 to 8×10 −2 Pa., J. Vac. keywords: ofs; pressure; ses; standards; vacuum cache: actaimeko-993.pdf plain text: actaimeko-993.txt item: #836 of 841 id: actaimeko-994 author: Thakur, Vikas N.; Yadav, Sanjay; Kumar, Ashok title: Establishment of air piston gauge as primary pressure standard at CSIR-National Physical Laboratory INDIA date: 2020-12-31 words: 2704 flesch: 59 summary: The formula to calculate effective area (𝐴0) of p-c assembly given by equation (1) has three contributions: (1) A1 is due to the force acting on the piston due to the net pressure, i.e. (ΔP = P1-P2), where P1 is the applied pressure at the bottom of the piston and P2 is the ambient pressure (given by equation (1a)), (2) A2 is due to the drag force due to the pressure flow in the gap between the piston and cylinder (given by equation (1b))and (3) A3 represents the area affected due to the variation of the piston radius (given by equation (1c)). The effective area found in cross float method considered to be the expected values of effective area. keywords: area; cylinder; piston; pressure; uncertainty cache: actaimeko-994.pdf plain text: actaimeko-994.txt item: #837 of 841 id: actaimeko-995 author: Ehlers, S.; Sabuga, W. title: Progress in development of an interferometric oil manometer date: 2020-12-31 words: 2841 flesch: 47 summary: Keywords: primary pressure standard; low pressure; liquid column manometer; interferometric length measurement; liquid density measurement 1. INTRODUCTION Low pressures, between 1 Pa and a few kPa, are measured in high-tech industries, such as pharmaceutical productions, clean room applications e.g. in semi-conductor and solar cell production, and the aviation and the space industry. To guarantee reliability, efficiency and quality of those processes, pressure standards are used. keywords: density; liquid; manometer; measurement; oil; pressure; standard; surface cache: actaimeko-995.pdf plain text: actaimeko-995.txt item: #838 of 841 id: actaimeko-996 author: Wuethrich, C.; Souiyam, S. title: Monte Carlo determination of the uncertainty of effective area and deformation coefficient for a piston cylinder unit date: 2020-12-31 words: 3278 flesch: 66 summary: We applied successfully a Monte-Carlo simulation to determine the uncertainty on A0 and 𝜆 determined by cross floating of pressure balances. [4] I. Morgado et al, Evaluation of effective float measurement with pressure balances, EURAMET project 1125, final report [5] Sutton C M, Fitzgerald M P and Giardini W, A method of analysis for cross-floats between pressure balances, Metrologia, vol. keywords: area; pressure; uncertainty; wls cache: actaimeko-996.pdf plain text: actaimeko-996.txt item: #839 of 841 id: actaimeko-997 author: Boineau, F.; Plimmer, M. D.; Mahé, E. title: Volume calibration using a comparison method with a transfer leak flow rate date: 2020-12-31 words: 3804 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: Volume calibration; Vacuum; Constant-volume flowmeter; Pressure rise measurements; Capillary leak rate 1. For volume calibrations, one needs to close and open valves and also pump down the volumes, for different purposes: to switch from one volume to another, to set the pressure to a value compatible with the pressure gauge range or to proceed with a residual pressure rate recording. keywords: pressure; rate; volume; ∆𝑇𝑥 cache: actaimeko-997.pdf plain text: actaimeko-997.txt item: #840 of 841 id: actaimeko-998 author: Grgec Bermanec, L.; Matas, I.; Zvizdic, D. title: Traceable calibration of pressure based water level data loggers date: 2020-12-31 words: 2254 flesch: 43 summary: The calibration setup (Figure 3 and Figure 3) consisted of pressure chamber, climatic chamber, pressure standard, in form of pressure transducer (with operating range of 0 mbar to 1000 mbar gauge) connected to pressure calibrator (indication), barometric pressure logger and standard platinum resistance thermometer (Pt-100). Figure 2: Pressure chamber inside the climatic chamber Pressure chamber was constructed from zinc coated pipe and two threaded cast iron caps, one having a standardised pressure inlet, for the connection to the pressure system. keywords: calibration; pressure; temperature; water cache: actaimeko-998.pdf plain text: actaimeko-998.txt item: #841 of 841 id: actaimeko-999 author: Prazak, D.; Ziolkowski, R.; Rosu, D.; Schiebl, M.; Rybar, J.; Pavlasek, P.; Sinir, E.; Pluhacek, F. title: Metrology for intraocular pressure measurements date: 2020-12-31 words: 2295 flesch: 45 summary: The authors present their work towards ensuring on one side the accuracy of IOP measurements for contact and non-contact tonometers in the Central European region and obtaining a harmonization of the requirements for IOP metrology at national level. Competence centre At the beginning of the project, PTB was the only NMI able to provide the state-of-the-art in the field of IOP metrology. keywords: centre; eye; iop; measurements; metrology; project cache: actaimeko-999.pdf plain text: actaimeko-999.txt