item: #1 of 274 id: ijim01-10 author: Hardjo Lugito, Nata P; Kurniawan, Andree; Yaruntradhani, Rizki; Rachman, Andhika title: Hemoperitoneum Caused by Spontaneous Rupture of Hepatocellular Carcinoma date: 2015-03-01 words: 2303 flesch: 47 summary: But sensitivity of imaging was still low, a study showed CT scan and ultrasonography can only diagnose 13% ruptured HCC patients. Confirming diagnosis of generalized peritonitis requires abdominal CT scan and ultrasonography, to rule out ruptured HCC. keywords: abdomen; bleeding; carcinoma; diagnosis; hcc; hepatocellular; liver; patient; ruptured; tumour cache: ijim01-10.pdf plain text: ijim01-10.txt item: #2 of 274 id: ijim01-1000 author: Wasyanto, Trisulo; Yasa', Ahmad; Jalaludinsyah, Akhmad title: Effect of Oral N-Acetylcysteine Supplementation on the Immunity System in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction date: 2020-02-10 words: 4165 flesch: 54 summary: This study shows MPO levels can be affected by oral NAC supplementation. In our study, we analysed MPO levels after NAC supplementation in the treatment and control groups. keywords: acetylcysteine; ami; dan; group; hscrp; infarction; levels; mpo; myocardial; nac; patients; study; supplementation cache: ijim01-1000.pdf plain text: ijim01-1000.txt item: #3 of 274 id: ijim01-1001 author: Rahim, Muhammad Firdaus Abdul; Payus, Alvin Oliver title: A Case Report on Cholestatic Jaundice Secondary to Adverse Effect of Phaleria macrocarpa (Mahkota Dewa) date: 2020-02-10 words: 1987 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: drug induced cholestatic liver injury, kolestasis, Phaleria macrocarpa, Asia. Keywords: drug induced cholestatic liver injury, cholestasis, Phaleria macrocarpa, Asia. keywords: case; effect; injury; jaundice; liver; macrocarpa; phaleria; report cache: ijim01-1001.pdf plain text: ijim01-1001.txt item: #4 of 274 id: ijim01-101 author: Surilena, Surilena; Ismail, R Irawati; Irwanto, Irwanto; Djoerban, Zubairi; Utomo, Budi; Sabarinah, Sabarinah; Iwan, Iwan; Akip, Arwin A.P. title: The Effect of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) on Antiretroviral Therapeutic Adherence and Mental Health in Women Infected with HIV/AIDS date: 2014-10-01 words: 5094 flesch: 53 summary: Furthermore, a multivariable analysis was performed using (1) GLM (general linear model) repeated measure to identify any differences in improvement tendency: (a) SRQ-20 mean score between REBT-based treatment group and control group on the 1st and 8th week; (b) ART adherence mean score between REBT-based treatment group and control group on the 1st to 8th week; (c) risk factors that were assumed to modify REBT effects on ART adherence; (2) GEE (generalized estimating equations) to identify changes and role of SRQ-20 mean score on ART adherence using self-report between REBT-based treatment group and control group on the 1st week and 8th After 8 weeks of REBT-based intervention in women living with HIV/AIDS, a decrease of SRQ-20 mean score may affect increased mean score of ART adherence in the treatment group compared to control group. keywords: adherence; aids; art; control; group; hiv; mean; rebt; score; self; treatment; week; women cache: ijim01-101.pdf plain text: ijim01-101.txt item: #5 of 274 id: ijim01-1011 author: Irianto, Komang Agung; Widajanti, Novira; Julianto, Eko; Ien, Swen; Panggabean, Ronald T.M; Kloping, Yudhisthira Pradnyan title: A Beneficial Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty on a Centenarian in One Developing Country date: 2021-07-11 words: 2994 flesch: 54 summary: Keywords: cementless bipolar hemiarthroplasty, hip fracture, elderly, surgery. The number of hip fractures among the elderly is expected to surpass 6 million by the year 2050 worldwide.1,2 Geriatric hip fracture is highly burdening; not only is it a major morbidity, many of them never fully recover.3-5 Instead, hip fracture is one of the major problems in the very old patient due to bedridden worsening factors.4,5 By immaculate planning management, the sooner the surgery performed, the sooner patient back to usual active life, and skip the morbidity.5,6 When a 100-year old woman, who was still healthy and active, tripped and needed a major surgery, several medical and non-medical preparations should be convened. keywords: bipolar; colles; day; fracture; geriatric; hemiarthroplasty; hip; patient; post; rehabilitation; surgery cache: ijim01-1011.pdf plain text: ijim01-1011.txt item: #6 of 274 id: ijim01-1018 author: Gunawan, Hendra; Awalia, Awalia; Soeroso, Joewono title: Acute Appendicitis in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus date: 2019-01-11 words: 2111 flesch: 41 summary: Patients with acute appendicitis usually have abdominal pain as its chief complaint. Keywords: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), acute appendicitis, abdominal pain. keywords: acute; appendicitis; gastrointestinal; lupus; pain; patient; sle; vasculitis cache: ijim01-1018.pdf plain text: ijim01-1018.txt item: #7 of 274 id: ijim01-102 author: Nafrialdi, Nafrialdi; Kurniawan, Theresia G; Setiawati, Arini; Makmun, Lukman H. title: QT Interval Prolongation Associated with Amiodarone Use in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta date: 2014-10-01 words: 3278 flesch: 53 summary: The correction formula used in this study is based on Bazett equation where QTc = QT/(RR).7 During this study, QT interval prolongation is defined as QTc more than 450 ms, or the increase of more than 30% from baseline value, and lead II was taken as reference of QT interval calculation.6 Nafrialdi Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med 294 Data Analysis Demographic data as well as laboratory results were reported descriptively. It has a good pharmacologic profile, and represents the most widely used antiarrhythmia.1 Beside its good pharmacologic profile, amiodarone possesses a potentially dangerous adverse effect, i.e QT interval prolongation which can lead to torsade des pointes or polymorphic ventricular arrhythmia, which may end with ventricular fibrillation and sudden death.2,3 QT interval is defined as the time needed by the ventricle to perform complete depolarization and repolarization.1,2 Some drugs are known to induce QT interval prolongation by inhibiting outward current of potassium ion, which lead to prolongation of myocardial repolarization. keywords: amiodarone; drugs; group; interval; patients; prolongation; qtc; study cache: ijim01-102.pdf plain text: ijim01-102.txt item: #8 of 274 id: ijim01-1022 author: Oktaviono, Yudi Her; Kusumawardhani, Novia title: Hyperkalemia Associated with Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor or Angiotensin Receptor Blockers in Chronic Kidney Disease date: 2020-04-14 words: 3254 flesch: 37 summary: Despite increased concentrations of aldosterone, the lack of availability of sodium can begin to impair renal potassium secretion. Whenever possible, discontinue drugs that interfere in renal potassium secretion, inquire about use of herbal preparations, and discontinue non- steroidal antiinflammatory drugs, including selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors Prescribe low-potassium diet; inquire about use of salt substitutes that contain potassium Prescribe thiazide or loop diuretics (loop diuretics necessary when estimated glomerular filtration rate is <30 ml/min) Prescribe sodium bicarbonate to correct metabolic acidosis in patients with chronic kidney disease: 1 or 2 650-mg tablets twice a day (each tablet contains 8 mEq of sodium bicarbonate) or 1/2–1 tsp of baking soda daily (25–50 mEq of sodium bicarbonate) keywords: aldosterone; angiotensin; disease; hyperkalemia; inhibitors; kidney; patients; potassium; receptor; renal; serum; sodium cache: ijim01-1022.pdf plain text: ijim01-1022.txt item: #9 of 274 id: ijim01-103 author: Astram, Ari; Khadijah, Adianti; Yuri, Prahara; Zulfan, Ahmad; Mochtar, Chaidir A; Danarto, R.; Umbas, Rainy; Hamid, Agus Rizal A.H. title: Effective Dose and Adverse Effects of Maintenance Bacillus Calmette-Gue´Rin in Intermediate and High Risk Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: a Meta-analysis of Randomized Clinical Trial date: 2014-10-01 words: 5186 flesch: 59 summary: Recurrence rate in clinical trial compared full dose BCG with low dose BCG as NMIBC therapy Study Year Inclusion Criteria Therapy Regimen Dose P N total Full dose n/N Mean Follow- up Low dose n/N Mean Follow- up Odden J et al1 2013 pT1G3or multipel pTa–T1, grade 1–3 Bladder urothelial carcinoma Once a week for 6 week, After that every 3 week on 3, 6, 12, and 18 month 0.045 1355 276/677 85.2 Mo 311/678 85.2 Mo Martinez JA et al8 2002 Ta, T1, dan Tis Bladder cancer Once a week for 6 week, after that every 2 week for 6 times 0.58 499 29/252 69 (Figure 2) The results of two RCT with 544 NMIBC patient with moderate and high risk patients, comparing effectivity of low dose BCG (268 patient with mean follow up 58.2 months) and very low dose BCG (276 patient with mean follow up 58.5 months) to reduce reccurence rates found that low dose BCG was superior than very low dose (RR 0.66; keywords: analysis; bacillus; bcg; bladder; calmette; cancer; dose; effect; low; meta; risk; urol cache: ijim01-103.pdf plain text: ijim01-103.txt item: #10 of 274 id: ijim01-1055 author: Indarti, Junita; Yunihastuti, Evy; Kurniati, Nia; Aprilia, Bella; Pamungkas, Danang T; Chiprion, Ariel T; Ginting, Mega A; Rizal, Saiful; Dewi, Citra; Handayani, Lieke title: Pregnancy Profile and Infant Outcomes Among HIV Infected Women Who Delivered in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital date: 2020-04-14 words: 4809 flesch: 62 summary: ABSTRACT Background: HIV infection in pregnancy is a big concern for the future of our nation. HIV infection in pregnancy has become the most common problem in some developing countries. keywords: aids; arv; data; delivery; hiv; infant; infection; load; mother; pregnancy; status; study; subjects; transmission; women cache: ijim01-1055.pdf plain text: ijim01-1055.txt item: #11 of 274 id: ijim01-106 author: Siregar, Parlindungan title: Plasma Sodium in Relation with the Extracellular Fluid Volume in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients date: 2014-10-01 words: 2610 flesch: 43 summary: ABSTRACT Aim: to obtain a causal relationship between changes in plasma sodium levels and increased extracellular fluid volume between post-hemodialysis and pre-hemodialysis on the following day or plasma sodium serves as a predictor of extracellular fluid volume. Prediction of the amount of extracellular fluid volume based on plasma sodium levels become very important, because then we can determine either the increase in extracellular fluid volume or how much weight is gained compare to dry weight of the patient to prevent hyponatremia during subsequent hemodialysis. keywords: fluid; hemodialysis; levels; plasma; post; pre; sodium; volume; weight cache: ijim01-106.pdf plain text: ijim01-106.txt item: #12 of 274 id: ijim01-1062 author: Subekti, Imam; Soewondo, Pradana; Soebardi, Suharko; Darmowidjojo, Budiman; Harbuwono, Dante Saksono; Purnamasari, Dyah; Tarigan, Tri Juli Edi; Wisnu, Wismandari; Tahapary, Dicky Levenus; Kurniawan, Farid; Sidik, M; Nusanti, Syntia; Dewiputri, Salmarezka; Suharko, Hernawita; Suardana, Gusti G; Suroyo, Indrati; Wulani, Vally; Siswoyo, Alvita Dewi; Gondhowiardjo, Soehartati; Kodrat, Henry title: Practical Guidelines Management of Graves Ophthalmopathy date: 2020-02-10 words: 3864 flesch: 46 summary: Immunomodulatory genes likely involved No Mechanical factors Orbital lateral wall angle is wider in GO patients No TSHR-Ab Predicts GO risk and treatment response No Smoking Increases GO progression and decreases treatment efficacy Orbital imaging plays an important role in the differential diagnosis and interdisciplinary management of GO patients. keywords: eye; glucocorticoids; graves; indonesia; management; orbital; patients; severity; surgery; therapy; thyroid cache: ijim01-1062.pdf plain text: ijim01-1062.txt item: #13 of 274 id: ijim01-1076 author: Lalisang, Toar Jean Maurice; Sadikin, Mohamad; Syaiful, Ridho Ardhi; Hardiany, Novi Silvia; Moenadjat, Yefta title: Intact Glycocalyx of Intestinal Mucosa in Intraabdominal Infection: an Investigation Using Blood Group Antigen date: 2020-02-10 words: 3674 flesch: 52 summary: Our findings showed these antigens expressed in all subjects (100%) denoting all these subjects were the secretor, while the previous study showed only 70% of the population.23,24 Theoretically, the carbohydrate-based antigens that have been identified as histo–blood group antigens (HBGA), blood group ABH and Lewis antigen also expressed in red blood cells are also expressed in other cells.25 However, the link between intestinal glycocalyx in specific types of blood groups and abdominal infections remains unknown. keywords: antigen; blood; ciai; expression; glycocalyx; group; infection; med; secretor; sepsis; study; subjects; translocation; type cache: ijim01-1076.pdf plain text: ijim01-1076.txt item: #14 of 274 id: ijim01-108 author: Gupta, Mahesh; Goyal, Subhash; Verma, Milan; Goyal, Rekha title: Adult Necrotising Enterocolitis: a Rare Entity date: 2014-08-01 words: 1195 flesch: 44 summary: There is strong correlation between the vascular and infective events occurring in the mechanism of massive bowel necrosis in ANEC. A right hemicolectomy with resection of major part of small bowel was performed leaving approximately one feet of proximal jejunum (Figure 2). keywords: adult; bowel; enterocolitis; medical; necrosis; obstruction cache: ijim01-108.pdf plain text: ijim01-108.txt item: #15 of 274 id: ijim01-111 author: Siagian, Minarma; Ferly, Aldo; Irianti, Arinna; Kurniati, Arky; Low, Florence; Riza, Ras A. title: Effectiveness of Renal Denervation for Treatment of Resistant Hypertension: an Evidence-based Case Report date: 2014-10-01 words: 3667 flesch: 55 summary: Mean difference of SBP at 6 month follow-up g -25.01 (95%CI -29.92, -20.09) Renal denervation therapy resulted in substantial reduction in mean BP at 6 months in patient with resistant hypertension *Abbreviations: ABPM (Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring); SBP (Systolic Blood Pressure); DBP (Diastolic Blood Pressure); MA (Meta Analysis) 344 Vol 46 • Number 4 • October 2014 Effectiveness of renal denervation for treatment of resistant hypertension Study by Bhatt showed no significant reduction of blood pressure in post renal denervation therapy, however, other studies concluded the contrary results.6-10 DISCUSSION This may be caused by high prevalence and morbidity that may be caused by resistant hypertension.2 From five studies that we analyzed in this EBCR, we found two cohorts and one RCT that found that renal denervation procedure effectively reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. keywords: blood; denervation; hypertension; mmhg; months; pressure; procedure; reduction; renal; studies; study; treatment cache: ijim01-111.pdf plain text: ijim01-111.txt item: #16 of 274 id: ijim01-1127 author: Sihombing, Rasco Sandy; Muhadi, Muhadi; Mansjoer, Arif; Rinaldi, Ikhwan title: The Influence of New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting on Three-Year Survival date: 2020-08-07 words: 3228 flesch: 57 summary: Further prospective study using more sensitive AF detector is needed to evaluate the role of new- onset AF in long-term mortality. Risk factors for the development of postoperative AF. keywords: atrial; cabg; mortality; onset; patients; study; surgery; survival; years cache: ijim01-1127.pdf plain text: ijim01-1127.txt item: #17 of 274 id: ijim01-113 author: Sudarmono, Pratiwi title: Bacteria Fight Back, Also in Indonesia! date: 2016-05-18 words: 1230 flesch: 35 summary: Antibiotic resistant bacteria is also the major problem for patient care in the intensive care unit. J.W.M. van der Meer6 mentioned in his very interesting publication that even in The Netherlands where both antibiotic consumption and antibiotic resistant bacteria are low, the antimicrobial prescription is not optimal. keywords: antibiotic; bacteria; hospital; indonesia; resistance cache: ijim01-113.pdf plain text: ijim01-113.txt item: #18 of 274 id: ijim01-1146 author: Soedarso, M Adi; Nugroho, K Hery; Prabowo, Erik; Listiana, Devia E; Soesilowati, Danu; Santoso, A Gunawan title: Cushing’s Syndrome: A Large Adenoma of Adrenal Gland date: 2019-05-10 words: 666 flesch: 46 summary: Multidisciplinary approach including endocrine treatment, prevention adrenal crisis and laparoscopic adrenalectomy procedure have good result for Cushing’s syndrome due to adenoma of adrenal gland. Preparation of hydrocortisone 100 mg during anesthesia- surgery to prevent occurrence of adrenal crisis. keywords: indonesia; kariadi; medicine cache: ijim01-1146.pdf plain text: ijim01-1146.txt item: #19 of 274 id: ijim01-1150 author: Sutandyo, Noorwati; Kurniawati, Sri Agustini; Siregar, Nia Novianti; Sari, Nina Kemala title: Three Years Survival of Elderly Cancer Patients in Indonesia: Do We Need a Different Approach? date: 2020-04-14 words: 4421 flesch: 59 summary: Vol 52 • Number 1 • January 2020 Three years survival of elderly cancer patients in Indonesia 41 Patients were censored if they were lost to follow-up (observed until December 31, 2018). Vol 52 • Number 1 • January 2020 Three years survival of elderly cancer patients in Indonesia 43 confidence interval keywords: analysis; bmi; cancer; geriatric; indonesia; mortality; patients; stage; status; study; survival; treatment; years cache: ijim01-1150.pdf plain text: ijim01-1150.txt item: #20 of 274 id: ijim01-1185 author: Machmud, Putri Bungsu; Djuwita, Ratna; Gayatri, Dwi; Khairani, Nurul; Putra, Wahyu K.Y.; Ronoatmodjo, Sudarto title: Influence of Micronutrient Consumption by Tuberculosis Patients on the Sputum Conversion Rate: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Study date: 2020-08-07 words: 3539 flesch: 53 summary: The first step in ending the global TB epidemic is the treatment of all people with TB, including drug-resistant TB, and patient support.1 Although TB treatment is lengthy and expensive, previous studies reported highly successful outcomes in several countries where comprehensive treatment programs were initiated.1-3 Several studies showed that treatment regimens were successful in more than 60% of TB cases.1-3 Factors significantly associated with successful treatment outcomes included the treatment duration and treatment compliance, use of more than three sensitive drugs, use of fluoroquinolones, individualized treatment regimens, micronutrients, and patient weight.4-7 A previous study reported that plasma retinol concentrations of patients were significantly associated with their body mass indexes8-10 Several studies suggested that TB programs should consider the use of various interventions, including supplementation with micronutrients, in conjunction with anti-TB treatment.11-13 Micronutrients, such as vitamin D, modulate inflammatory and immune responses to TB and mediate the induction of the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin.14 Previous research suggested that deficiency of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and single nucleotide polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor gene may increase the risk of TB and decrease culture conversion rates in drug- susceptible TB.14 This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to investigate the influence of micronutrient consumption on sputum conversion rate among TB patients and to identify optimum micronutrient levels during TB treatment. Of these, we excluded observational research studies (n=14), review articles (n=4), in vitro studies (n=4), studies with different primary outcomes (n=11), and ongoing studies (n=1). keywords: bias; conversion; micronutrient; patients; review; risk; sputum; studies; study; treatment; tuberculosis; vitamin; zinc cache: ijim01-1185.pdf plain text: ijim01-1185.txt item: #21 of 274 id: ijim01-1187 author: Azizi, Mohamad Syahrir; Nasution, Sally Aman; Setiati, Siti; Shatri, Hamzah title: Global Longitudinal Strain (GLS) in Elderly and Its Associated Factors date: 2020-04-14 words: 4663 flesch: 57 summary: GLS is thus able to provide an early assessment of changes in the left ventricular systolic function when LVEF is still within normal limits.9-11 Other factors that may affect a decrease in GLS values are changes in left ventricular geometry associated with various comorbidities: (1) Type 2 diabetes mellitus presents a 2.26 times greater risk of a decrease in GLS compared to patients without type 2 diabetes mellitus; (2) Hypertension is closely related to a decrease in GLS. The echocardiographic characteristics did not show a change in the structure due to severe hypertension, which could have produced a decrease in GLS values. keywords: age; analysis; decrease; diabetes; dyslipidemia; frailty; gls; mellitus; patients; risk; study; value; ventricular cache: ijim01-1187.pdf plain text: ijim01-1187.txt item: #22 of 274 id: ijim01-1206 author: Widajanti, Novira; Ichwani, Jusri; Dharmanta, Rwahita Satyawati; Firdausi, Hadiq; Haryono, Yudha; Yulianti, Erikavitri; Kandinata, Stefanus Gunawan; Wulandari, Meilia; Widyasari, Rastita; Adyanita, Viranti Ayu; Hapsanti, Nuri Indah; Wardana, Diar Meitha; Kristiana, Titin; Driyarkara, Driyarkara; Wahyuda, Hemma; Yunara, Sarah; Husna, Kholidatul title: Sarcopenia and Frailty Profile in the Elderly Community of Surabaya: A Descriptive Study date: 2020-04-14 words: 5394 flesch: 66 summary: Rensa R, Setiati S, Laksmi PW, Rinaldi I. Factors associated with physical frailty in elderly women with low socioeconomic status in urban communities: a c r o s s - s Masanes F, Rojano I, Luque X, et al. Cut-off points for muscle mass–not grip strength or gait speed-determine variations in sarcopenia prevalence. keywords: community; doi; elderly; frailty; impairment; low; mass; med; muscle; physical; pmid; prevalence; sarcopenia; study; subjects; surabaya; women cache: ijim01-1206.pdf plain text: ijim01-1206.txt item: #23 of 274 id: ijim01-121 author: Wijaya, Indra; Siregar, Parlindungan title: Hypertensive Crises in the Adolescent: Evaluation of Suspected Renovascular Hypertension date: 2016-05-18 words: 3227 flesch: 47 summary: MRA is the screening investigation of choice for renal artery stenosis in most centers. Arteriography with contrast remains the gold standard to determine the degree and location of renal artery stenosis, however it provides no information about the functional role and the clinical significance of the lesion.11 Renovascular hypertension is one of the causes of hypertensive crises, presenting between 0.2%-32% and it has been reported about 1-5% of an entire hypertensive population has renovascular hypertension.12 Two most etiologies of renovascular hypertension are atherosclerosis (90%) and FMD (10%). keywords: artery; crises; hipertensi; hypertension; min; mmhg; nicardipine; normal; organ; renal; renovascular; stenosis cache: ijim01-121.pdf plain text: ijim01-121.txt item: #24 of 274 id: ijim01-1214 author: Irawati, Yunia; Juhrie, Dewi Megasari; Paramita, Carennia; Siswoyo, Darmayanti; Suharko, Hernawita; Pramono, Laurentius Aswin title: Sight-Threatening Condition in Severe Thyroid Eye Disease: How We Should Manage date: 2022-04-08 words: 3661 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: grave’s disease, thyroid eye disease, dysthyroid optic neuropathy, orbital decompression, fat decompression. An algorithmic approach in the diagnosis and management of thyroid eye disease. keywords: day; disease; eye; eyes; patient; ted; thyroid; vision cache: ijim01-1214.pdf plain text: ijim01-1214.txt item: #25 of 274 id: ijim01-122 author: Setianto, Budi Y; Arshant, Pudya L title: Transcatheter Coil Embolization in Coronary Artery Fistulae date: 2013-01-01 words: 3594 flesch: 50 summary: ABSTRAK Fistula arteri koroner atau coronary artery fistulae (CAF) merupakan kelainan yang jarang terjadi, sebagian besar bersifat kongenital dengan insidens sebesar 0,1% - 0,2% dan insidens CAF yang didapat sebesar 0,2%, sebagaimana ditunjukkan oleh angiografi koroner. Key words: coronary artery fistulae, symptomatic, transcatheter coil embolization. keywords: artery; caf; coil; coronary; embolization; fistulae; flow; heart; lad; left; pulmonary; right; tcce; therapy cache: ijim01-122.pdf plain text: ijim01-122.txt item: #26 of 274 id: ijim01-1223 author: Setiati, Siti title: Diagnostic Tools for Sarcopenia: Can We Get Less Expensive and Accurate Methods? date: 2019-08-05 words: 773 flesch: 58 summary: Several parameters in sarcopenia are muscle strength, muscle quantity, and physical performance. In muscle strength, measuring grip strength can be done as predictor for patients’ outcomes, such as hospitalization and quality of life. keywords: indonesia; medicine; sarcopenia cache: ijim01-1223.pdf plain text: ijim01-1223.txt item: #27 of 274 id: ijim01-123 author: Wijaya, Indra; Hasan, Irsan title: Reactivation of Hepatitis B Virus Associated with Chemotherapy and Immunosuppressive Agent date: 2013-01-01 words: 3110 flesch: 41 summary: Long term hepatic consequences of chemotherapy related HBV reactivation in lymphoma patients. Key words: hepatitis B virus reactivation, chemotherapy, immunosuppressive. keywords: anti; chemotherapy; chronic; dna; hbsag; hbv; hepatitis; hepatocellular; immunosuppressive; infection; injury; patient; reactivation; virus cache: ijim01-123.pdf plain text: ijim01-123.txt item: #28 of 274 id: ijim01-1231 author: Irawan, Cosphiadi; Cahyanur, Rahmat; Lisnawati, Lisnawati; Abdullah, Murdani; Yunus, Reyhan Eddy title: The Difference in the Cyclin D1 Expression in Advanced Stage Nasopharyngeal Cancer based on Treatment Response: A Retrospective Cohort Study date: 2020-08-07 words: 4618 flesch: 60 summary: (A) Immunohistochemical features of subjects with positive cyclin D1 expression. This study aimed to examine the proportion of cyclin D1 in NPC and its association with treatment response. keywords: cancer; cell; cyclin; cyclin d1; expression; indonesia; nasopharyngeal; neck; npc; patients; response; stage; study; subjects; treatment cache: ijim01-1231.pdf plain text: ijim01-1231.txt item: #29 of 274 id: ijim01-1237 author: Diah, Muhammad; Lelo, Aznan; Lindarto, Dharma; Mukhtar, Zulfikri title: Plasma Concentrations of Adiponectin in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease and Coronary Slow Flow date: 2020-02-10 words: 3184 flesch: 52 summary: Mean plasma adiponectin concentrations were found to be significantly lower in the CAD and CSF subjects than in the healthy subjects (3.40 (0.87) μg/ml; 4.58 (2.32) μg/ml; and 5.65 (4.87) μg/ml, respectively; P<0.001) DISCUSSION Conclusion: the findings suggest that low plasma adiponectin concentration is associated with atherosclerosis. keywords: adiponectin; artery; cad; concentrations; csf; disease; mean; patients; plasma; study; subjects cache: ijim01-1237.pdf plain text: ijim01-1237.txt item: #30 of 274 id: ijim01-1239 author: Tambunan, Karmel L.; Kurnianda, Johan; Suharti, Catharina; Wardhani, Shinta O.; Sukrisman, Lugyanti; Soetandyo, Noorwati; Rena, Ni Made R.A.; Acang, Nuzirwan; Benyamin, Andi F.; Prenggono, Muhammad Darwin; Gatot, Dairon; Fadjari, Trinugroho Heri; Pandelaki, Jacub title: IDENTIA Registry: Incidence of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Medically Ill Subjects at High Risk in Indonesia: A Prospective Study date: 2020-04-14 words: 5958 flesch: 58 summary: Two-level DVT Wells score in the evaluable group Evaluable (N=308) DVT incidence was analyzed in eligible and evaluable groups. keywords: cus; deep; dvt; eligible; group; incidence; indonesia; medicine; number; patients; risk; score; study; thrombosis; vein; visit; wells cache: ijim01-1239.pdf plain text: ijim01-1239.txt item: #31 of 274 id: ijim01-1240 author: Hasan, Irsan; Gani, Rino A; Lesmana, Laurentius A; Kresno, Siti B; Pandelaki, Jacub; Suwarto, Suhendro title: The Association between Peripheral Th17, Th1, IL-17, and IFN-γ Levels and TACE Response in Patients with Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma with or without Cirrhosis date: 2020-12-28 words: 4887 flesch: 60 summary: Th17 cells are derived from CD4+ cells in the presence of TGF-β, IL-6, IL-1β, and are maintained long-term in the presence of IL-21 and IL-23.22 These Th17 cells are unstable and are readily converted into Th17/Th1-like cells in the presence of IL-12 or IL-23 and in the absence or low amount of TGF-β, whereas high level of TGF-β preserved a Th17 phenotype.23 TGF-β is a growth factor excessively expressed in tumor cells and secreted by tumor associated macrophages (TAMs).24 TGF-β can induce the expression of angiogenic factors by macrophages25 or dendritic cells26 in hypoxic condition. Kata kunci: karsinoma sel hati, kemoembolisasi transarterial, Th1, Th17. ABSTRACT Background: Th17 cells, a subset of CD4+ T cells with the capacity to produce IL-17, were reported to have pro-tumor and anti-tumor effects. keywords: cancer; carcinoma; cells; hcc; hepatocellular; ifn; il-17; levels; patients; peripheral; response; study; tace; th17; tumor cache: ijim01-1240.pdf plain text: ijim01-1240.txt item: #32 of 274 id: ijim01-125 author: Hartopo, Anggoro B; Setianto, Budi Y title: Coronary Artery Sequel of Kawasaki Disease in Adulthood, a Concern for Internists and Cardiologists date: 2013-01-01 words: 4423 flesch: 42 summary: Although very rare, several case reports showed that acute phase of Kawasaki disease occurred in adult patients.11 Similar to that in children, no specific diagnostic tool is available for acute Kawasaki disease in adulthood, thus clinician relies on meticulous findings of clinical diagnostic criteria. Kawasaki T. Kawasaki disease. keywords: acute; adult; aneurysms; artery; children; coronary; disease; kawasaki; kawasaki disease; lesions; patients; phase; sequel; stenosis; syndrome cache: ijim01-125.pdf plain text: ijim01-125.txt item: #33 of 274 id: ijim01-126 author: Safriadi, Ferry title: Bone Metastases and Bone Loss Medical Treatment in Prostate Cancer Patients date: 2013-01-01 words: 2635 flesch: 57 summary: Key words: prostate cancer, bone metastases, bone loss, treatment. -13% yearly.9,10 The purpose of this paper is to review the drugs used to prevent or reduce bone loss from prostate cancer metastases and ADT induced bone loss. keywords: adt; bone; cancer; denosumab; loss; metastases; prostate; risk; therapy; treatment; urol cache: ijim01-126.pdf plain text: ijim01-126.txt item: #34 of 274 id: ijim01-1265 author: Iman, Rizani Putri; Junita, Tiroy; Rachman, Rinaldo Indra; Syam, Ari Fahrial title: Risk factor, diagnosis, and current treatment of H. pylori Infection in Indonesia: A Literature Review date: 2021-10-04 words: 4895 flesch: 49 summary: Moreover, cagA- positive strains of H. pylori also showed significantly higher VEGF levels than cag-A negative strains.14 dIAgnosIs oF H. Pylori InFEctIon Several studies were performed in Indonesia to identify other diagnostic tools and biomarkers and to compare them with the urea breath test (UBT) and endoscopic evaluation, for the diagnosis of H. pylori infection in the Indonesian population. Whereas treatment should be based on the pattern of resistance in respective regions, novel regimens involving furazolidone, rifabutin, and sitafloxacin are proposed as potential drugs of choice to eradicate H. pylori infection. keywords: cancer; gastric; h. pylori; helicobacter; indonesia; infection; patients; prevalence; pylori; pylori infection; resistance; risk; study cache: ijim01-1265.pdf plain text: ijim01-1265.txt item: #35 of 274 id: ijim01-1272 author: Rajabto, Wulyo; Joenputri, Noviana title: Additional Chromosomal Abnormalities in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patient Treated with First-Line Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapy: Good or Poor Prognosis? date: 2023-01-10 words: 2020 flesch: 52 summary: Monitoring in the treatment of CML patients is very important. Time to change therapy in CML patients must be done appropriately based on the results of hematological, molecular, and cytogenetic testing. keywords: abl; chronic; cml; leukemia; myeloid; patients; treatment cache: ijim01-1272.pdf plain text: ijim01-1272.txt item: #36 of 274 id: ijim01-1285 author: Nasution, Sally Aman; Alwi, Idrus; Subekti, Imam; Yamin, M; Suhendro, Suhendro; Harimurti, Kuntjoro; Immanuel, Suzanna; Majid, Abdul; Elizabeth, Esther; Azali, Chairul N title: The Role of Acute Hyperglycemia on the Risk of Malignant Arrhythmia in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients: A Study of Myocardial Damage, Ion Channel Changes and Inflammatory Factors date: 2020-08-07 words: 4361 flesch: 49 summary: Kaneko H, Anzai T, Naito K, et al. Role of ischemic preconditioning and inflammatory response in the development of malignant ventricular arrhythmias after reperfused ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Hubungan antara hiperglikemia akut dengan VLP dan kejadian aritmia ganas dianalisis melalui uji chi-square, sedangkan perbedaan antara troponin I, GLS, CaMKII dan hsCRP, berdasarkan status hiperglikemia pasien, dianalisis oleh uji U Mann-Whitney. keywords: acute; ami; arrhythmias; camkii; day; hyperglycemia; malignant; patients; risk; study; vlp cache: ijim01-1285.pdf plain text: ijim01-1285.txt item: #37 of 274 id: ijim01-130 author: Yunihastuti, Evy title: Are We Giving Optimal Dose of Efavirenz? date: 2016-09-19 words: 1011 flesch: 58 summary: It is also an autoinducer of its own metabolism via induction of CYP2B6.4 Earlier study in caucasian population shown that concomitant use of rifampicin could decrease efavirenz plasma concentration up to 26%.5 Therefore, it was recommended to raise the dose to 800 mg a day in patients with pre treatment bodyweight more than 50 kg. Long-term efavirenz autoinduction and its effect on plasma exposure in HIV patients. keywords: efavirenz; hiv; patients; rifampicin cache: ijim01-130.pdf plain text: ijim01-130.txt item: #38 of 274 id: ijim01-131 author: Eppy, Eppy; Suhendro, Suhendro; Nainggolan, Leonard; Rumende, Cleopas M title: The Differences Between Interleukin-6 and C-reactive Protein Levels Among Adult Patients of Dengue Infection with and without Plasma Leakage date: 2016-09-19 words: 4651 flesch: 65 summary: ABSTRACT Aim: to determine the differences in IL-6 and CRP levels among groups of dengue infection patients with and without plasma leakage. The study analyzed differences in IL-6 and CRP levels on the 3rd and 5th day of fever in both groups, as well as differences in each group. keywords: 3rd; 5th; crp; day; dengue; fever; group; il-6; infection; leakage; levels; plasma; plasma leakage cache: ijim01-131.pdf plain text: ijim01-131.txt item: #39 of 274 id: ijim01-1324 author: Rasyid, Haerani; Kasim, Hasyim; Zatalia, St. Rabiul; Sampebuntu, Jerry title: Quality of Life in Patients with Renal Failure Undergoing Hemodialysis date: 2022-07-07 words: 3939 flesch: 44 summary: Among said factors, the metabolic and nutritional disorder commonly known as protein energy wasting (PEW), plays an important role in the clinical course of renal failure patients. Hence, this condition requires renal replacement therapy (RRT) in the form of either dialysis or kidney transplantation.2 Based on the 2016 Indonesian Renal Registry (IRR), 98% of renal failure patients undergo HD therapy and 2% undergo Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) therapy.1 Hemodialysis can be defined as a process of exchanging the composition of blood solutes using a solution of dialysate (dialysis fluid). keywords: ckd; disease; factors; failure; health; hemodialysis; kidney; life; patients; quality; renal cache: ijim01-1324.pdf plain text: ijim01-1324.txt item: #40 of 274 id: ijim01-134 author: Asmarawati, Tri P; Widodo, Widodo; Thaha, M; Aditiawardana, Aditiawardana; Mardiana, Nunuk; Ardhany, Ardityo R; Tjempakasari, Artaria; Santoso, Djoko; Pranawa, Pranawa; Irwanadi, Chandra title: Comparison of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine Levels Between Stages Three, Four, and Five Non-dialysis of Chronic Kidney Disease date: 2016-09-19 words: 4087 flesch: 57 summary: Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase-2 gene variations and PMRT-1 gene polymorphism are associated with ADMA levels in hemodialysis patients.27 The decline in DDAH-2 enzyme activity may inhibit ADMA metabolism and PMRT-1 increased activity will lead to increased production of ADMA, so both have a role in the increase of ADMA in CKD.28 Altough ADMA level was found to be elevated in CKD, the correlation between ADMA level and GFR showed conflicting results. ABSTRACT Aim: to determine the differences of ADMA level between stages 3, 4, and 5 non-dialysis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients at Outpatient Nephrology Clinic, Dr. Soetomo Hospital. keywords: adma; asymmetric; cardiovascular; ckd; dimethylarginine; disease; kidney; level; non; patients; renal; stage; study cache: ijim01-134.pdf plain text: ijim01-134.txt item: #41 of 274 id: ijim01-135 author: Nelwan, Erni J; Indrasanti, Evi; Sinto, Robert; Nurchaida, Farida; Sosrosumihardjo, Rustadi title: Antifungal Susceptibility Testing in HIV/AIDS Patients: a Comparison Between Automated Machine and Manual Method date: 2016-09-19 words: 3332 flesch: 55 summary: For fluconazole drug, among the C. albicans, 2.6% was found resistant on manual disc diffusion methods and no resistant was determined by Vitek2 machine; whereas 100% C. krusei was identified as resistant on both methods. C. albicans 77 (56.2) C. glabrata 21 (15.3) C. tropicalis 19 (13.9) C. krusei 9 (6.7) C. parapsilosis 5 (3.6) C. dubliniensis 4 (2.9) C. famata 1 (0.76) C. magnolia 1 (0.76) 23.8%, 23.8% vs. 9.5%, 9.5%, 4.8%) between manual disc diffusion method and Vitek2 machine. keywords: amphotericin; candida; fluconazole; machine; manual; methods; susceptibility; vitek2; voriconazole cache: ijim01-135.pdf plain text: ijim01-135.txt item: #42 of 274 id: ijim01-136 author: Adilistya, Tika; Astrawinata, Dalima AW; Nasir, Ujainah Z title: Use of Pleural Fluid Interferon-gamma Enzyme-linked Immunospot Assay in the Diagnosis of Pleural Tuberculosis date: 2016-09-19 words: 3884 flesch: 55 summary: The median levels of ADA were significantly higher in pleural TB group than in non pleural TB group as shown in Table 1. From Table 2, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, LR+, and LR- of T-SPOT.TB using PFMC for the diagnosis of pleural TB are 100% (95% CI 90.97-100%), 88.89% (95% CI 51.75-99.72%), 97.5% (86.84-99.94%), 100% (63.06-100%), 9 (1.42 – 57.12), and 0, respectively. ABSTRACT Aim: to evaluate the diagnostic value of an interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) with enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) method, T-SPOT.TB, in the diagnosis of pleural TB using pleural fluid mononuclear cells (PFMC). keywords: ada; assay; cells; diagnosis; elispot; fluid; group; patients; pleural; t-spot.tb cache: ijim01-136.pdf plain text: ijim01-136.txt item: #43 of 274 id: ijim01-1367 author: Muniandy, Giritharan; Kamaruzaman, Lydia; Jan, Tan Hui; Mohd, Rozita; Neesam, Mariamutu Theepa; Fong Voon, Ken; Pau Kiew, Beng; Mustafar, Ruslinda title: Cefepime Induced Encephalopathy in a Non-dialysis Dependent Chronic Kidney Disease Patient: A Case Report date: 2023-03-31 words: 2456 flesch: 52 summary: High cefepime plasma concentrations and neurological toxicity in febrile neutropenic patients with mild impairment of renal function. These adverse events are mostly seen in patients who are on renal replacement therapy. keywords: cefepime; cie; drug; encephalopathy; medicine; neurotoxicity; patients; renal cache: ijim01-1367.pdf plain text: ijim01-1367.txt item: #44 of 274 id: ijim01-1370 author: Siane, Angelina; Ascobat, Purwantyastuti; Instiaty, Instiaty; Agustin, Heidy title: Comparative Effectiveness of Tuberculosis Treatment Daily versus Intermittent Regimen in Indonesian TB-DM Patients: Real World Patient Database Study date: 2020-04-14 words: 3155 flesch: 64 summary: Indonesia has the third highest number of TB cases in the world.2 Early diagnosis and adequate therapy of TB patients are the primary treatment strategies.3 Diabetes mellitus (DM) increases the risk of active TB by three times,4 and pulmonary TB is the 9th most frequent complication in DM.5 A systematic review revealed that TB prevalence in DM patients is around 1.7–36% and DM prevalence in TB patients is around 1.9–35%.7 Patients with HbA1c ≥7% have 2.5 times greater risk of developing TB compared to those with HbA1c ≤7%.8 Good glycemic control can reduce the risk of developing TB in DM patients.9 keywords: conversion; daily; diabetes; intermittent; patients; phase; sputum; study; treatment; tuberculosis cache: ijim01-1370.pdf plain text: ijim01-1370.txt item: #45 of 274 id: ijim01-1374 author: Duarsa, Gede Wirya Kusuma; Kandarini, Yenny; Luciana, Luciana; Pramana, Ida Bagus Putra; Wirata, Gede; Tirtayasa, Pande Made Wisnu; Yudiana, I Wayan; Santosa, Kadek Budi; Oka, Anak Agung Gde title: Sexual Dysfunction Reduction in Female Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Undergoing Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis date: 2020-12-28 words: 3363 flesch: 53 summary: This questionnaire can be used as a tool to detect early sexual dysfunction disorders in CKD women so that management can be undertaken earlier.4 A meta-analysis conducted by Stripolli et al.5 suggested that 84% of women undergoing dialysis experience sexual dysfunction using the FSFI questionnaire. The physiology of female sexual function and the pathophysiology of female sexual dysfunction (Committee 13A). keywords: capd; ckd; dialysis; dysfunction; fsfi; kidney; mean; patients; score; women cache: ijim01-1374.pdf plain text: ijim01-1374.txt item: #46 of 274 id: ijim01-14 author: Mudjari, Nurike S; Samsu, Nur title: Management of Hypertension in Pregnancy date: 2015-03-01 words: 5239 flesch: 47 summary: Pregnancy hypertension. There has not been any definitive and complete data on the safety of target therapy for blood pressure treatment in pregnant women with hypertension.10,24 In patients with chronic hypertension who are being pregnant and having high blood pressure, their previous treatment should be continued. keywords: antihypertensive; blood; blood pressure; chronic; dbp; hypertension; level; management; mmhg; preeclampsia; pregnancy; pressure; proteinuria; risk; sbp; treatment cache: ijim01-14.pdf plain text: ijim01-14.txt item: #47 of 274 id: ijim01-1403 author: Tee, Meng Kang; Muhammad Nawawi, Khairul Najmi; Ngiu, Chai Soon; Chia Hsin, Deborah Chew; Raja Ali, Raja Affendi; Wong, Zhiqin title: High Dose Oestrogen in Life Threatening Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding date: 2022-09-24 words: 1354 flesch: 49 summary: Keywords: Angiodysplasia, hormonal therapy, oestrogen, obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. We report a case of middle age gentleman with multiple comorbidities, presented with life threatening gastrointestinal bleeding. keywords: bleeding; blood; gastrointestinal; hormonal; oestrogen; therapy cache: ijim01-1403.pdf plain text: ijim01-1403.txt item: #48 of 274 id: ijim01-1425 author: Tenda, Eric Daniel; Asaf, Moses Mazmur title: Diagnosing COVID-19: “Did We Miss Anything?” date: 2020-04-14 words: 2266 flesch: 50 summary: Radiological findings from 81 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study. Recently, the United States (US) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given an emergency use authorization (EUA) to Abbott Laboratories for the use of their product called the Abbott ID NOW COVID-19 test that runs on Abbott’s ID NOW™ platform. keywords: coronavirus; covid-19; disease; med; patients cache: ijim01-1425.pdf plain text: ijim01-1425.txt item: #49 of 274 id: ijim01-1426 author: Setiati, Siti; Azwar, Muhammad Khifzhon title: COVID-19 and Indonesia date: 2020-04-14 words: 3431 flesch: 62 summary: Demand of health system is likely to grow since the number of COVID-19 case is likely to rise. Demand of health system is likely to grow since the number of COVID-19 case is likely to rise.19 Estimates suggest that 14% and 6% of people with COVID-19 have severe disease and critical illness, respectively.9 Availability of hospital bed as well as mechanical ventilation facility have to be prepared for the worst case. keywords: coronavirus; covid-19; disease; doi; government; health; healthcare; indonesia; internet; lockdown; mar; number; ppe; world cache: ijim01-1426.pdf plain text: ijim01-1426.txt item: #50 of 274 id: ijim01-1427 author: Rajah, Rathika; Cader, Rizna A title: Pontine Infarct as Initial Presentation of Catastrophic Antiphospholipid Syndrome in Systemic Lupus Erythematous date: 2022-07-07 words: 2343 flesch: 47 summary: Catastrophic APLS is a rare but a fatal sequelae of APLS, affecting up to three or more organs, and progresses rapidly with a high mortality rate. We report a case of catastrophic APLS in a young woman with underlying SLE who presented to us with multiple cranial nerve palsies due to bilateral pontine infarct, and eventually developed deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism during the course of the illness. keywords: antibodies; antiphospholipid; apls; catastrophic; lupus; renal; syndrome; thrombosis cache: ijim01-1427.pdf plain text: ijim01-1427.txt item: #51 of 274 id: ijim01-1429 author: Indriati, Dwi Wahyu; Witaningrum, Adiana Mutamsari; Yunifiar, M Qushai; Khairunisa, Siti Qamariyah; Ueda, Shuhei; Kotaki, Tomohiro; Nasronudin, Nasronudin; Kameoka, Masanori title: The Dominance of CRF01_AE and the Emergence of Drug Resistance Mutations Among Antiretroviral Therapy-Experienced, HIV-1-infected Individuals in Medan, Indonesia date: 2020-12-28 words: 4834 flesch: 63 summary: Luo XL, Mo LD, Su GS, et al. Incidence and types of HIV-1 drug resistance mutation among patients failing first-line antiretroviral therapy. Medan is one example of big cities in Indonesia with a high prevalence of HIV-1 infection; however, quite a limited study had conducted for detecting the circulation of HIV-1 subtypes in Medan. keywords: crf01_ae; drug; drug resistance; genes; individuals; indonesia; medan; mutations; resistance; subtype cache: ijim01-1429.pdf plain text: ijim01-1429.txt item: #52 of 274 id: ijim01-143 author: Kristanto, Andi; Adiwinata, Randy; Suminto, Silvia; Kurniawan, Benny N; Christianty, Finna; Sinto, Robert title: Nocturnal Hypertension: Neglected Issue in Comprehensive Hypertension Management date: 2016-09-19 words: 4437 flesch: 51 summary: Many factors were postulated in disrupting the circadian rhythm, which in turn lead to attenuation of nocturnal blood pressure lowering phenomenon. The relationship between nocturnal blood pressure and hemorrhagic stroke in Chinese hypertensive patiens. keywords: ambulatory; blood; blood pressure; cardiovascular; circadian; dipping; hypertension; night; nocturnal; non; patients; pattern; pressure cache: ijim01-143.pdf plain text: ijim01-143.txt item: #53 of 274 id: ijim01-1443 author: Ariyono, Ali; Pudjohartono, Maria F; Rikl, Thomas; Rinonce, Hanggoro Tri; Irawiraman, Hadi; Setyorini, Yulita Pundewi; Tumedia, Daisy title: Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis with Pyonephrosis and Renal Abscess in a Young Adult: A Consequence of Neglected Urinary Tract Infection Leading to Nephrectomy date: 2022-01-10 words: 2108 flesch: 50 summary: The patient had a history of infrequent urination, recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs), and a low fluid intake. Effect of increased daily water intake in premenopausal women with recurrent urinary tract infections: a randomized clinical trial. keywords: case; kidney; patient; pyelonephritis; urinary; xanthogranulomatous; xgp cache: ijim01-1443.pdf plain text: ijim01-1443.txt item: #54 of 274 id: ijim01-1452 author: Soedarsono, Soedarsono title: A Family Cluster of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Infection with Different Clinical Manifestations date: 2020-08-07 words: 3386 flesch: 59 summary: 157 Vol 52 • Number 2 • April 2020 A family cluster of COVID-19 infection with different clinical manifestations CAse IllustrAtIOn These case histories began when Patient 2 (daughter of Patient 1 and Patient 3) initially presented with dry cough and nasal congestion since 4th April 2020 (symptoms’ onset/illness day 1). This was a risk factor of COVID-19 infection and the patient was suspected and considered as indexed case. keywords: april; chest; covid-19; patient; pcr; positive; ray; symptoms cache: ijim01-1452.pdf plain text: ijim01-1452.txt item: #55 of 274 id: ijim01-146 author: Firmanto, Rama; Irdam, Gampo Alam; Wahyudi, Irfan title: Early Realignment Versus Delayed Urethroplasty in Management of Pelvic Fracture Urethral Injury: A Meta-analysis date: 2016-09-21 words: 3403 flesch: 52 summary: Early realignment versus delayed urethroplasty 101 that classified as ‘review article’, ‘systematic review’, ‘meta-analysis’, and ‘case report’ which does not compare early realignment and delayed urethroplasty. Kesimpulan: early realignment menurunkan angka terjadinya striktur pada penanganan PFUI dibandingkan dengan metode delayed urethroplasty. keywords: dysfunction; incidence; incontinence; injury; management; pelvic; pfui; realignment; stricture; study; urethroplasty; urol cache: ijim01-146.pdf plain text: ijim01-146.txt item: #56 of 274 id: ijim01-1461 author: Shatri, Hamzah; Faisal, Edward; Putranto, Rudi title: Mass Panic Disaster Management in COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2020-08-07 words: 3438 flesch: 54 summary: Panic-related emotions and panic behavior may affect decision- making and causes consequent human behavior changes.10 The terms “irrationality” and “herding”, which associated with “panic” are ubiquitous in the crowd dynamics. Uncertain treatment for this viral infection increases excessive anxiety, which does not occur only in one person but also in majority of people; therefore, it can create mass panic. keywords: anxiety; behavior; community; covid-19; fear; health; mass; pandemic; panic; people; situation cache: ijim01-1461.pdf plain text: ijim01-1461.txt item: #57 of 274 id: ijim01-1463 author: Janjua, Tariq; Moscote-Salazar, Luis Rafael title: Acute Cerebellar Strokes with Anoxic Brain Injury After a Cardiopulmonary Arrest in SARS-CoV-2 Patient date: 2020-08-07 words: 754 flesch: 55 summary: Neurotropism of SARS-CoV 2: Mechanisms and manifestations. Li YC, Bai WZ, Hashikawa T. The neuroinvasive potential of SARS-CoV2 may play a role in the respiratory failure of COVID-19 patients [published online ahead of print, 2020 keywords: cartagena; figure; pulmonary; sars cache: ijim01-1463.pdf plain text: ijim01-1463.txt item: #58 of 274 id: ijim01-1466 author: Marbun, Maruhum Bonar; Susalit, Endang title: Kidney Hyperfiltration After Nephrectomy: A Mechanism to Restore Kidney Function in Living Donors date: 2020-12-28 words: 3980 flesch: 54 summary: Nephron hypertrophy and glomerulosclerosis and their association with kidney function and risk factors among living kidney donors. Long-term risks for kidney donors. keywords: blood; donors; flow; function; hyperfiltration; kidney; n e; nephrectomy cache: ijim01-1466.pdf plain text: ijim01-1466.txt item: #59 of 274 id: ijim01-148 author: Dewiasty, Esthika title: Impact of Frailty on Cardiovascular Disease (and the Other Way Around) date: 2016-09-21 words: 356 flesch: 45 summary: As the population of elderly patiens worldwide is growing larger, these issues lead to major health problems that we have to overcome. Ekerstad N, Swahn E, Janzon M, et al. Frailty is independently associated with short-term outcomes for elderly patients with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. keywords: indonesia; medicine cache: ijim01-148.pdf plain text: ijim01-148.txt item: #60 of 274 id: ijim01-149 author: Helianthi, Dwi R; Simadibrata, Christina; Srilestari, Adiningsih; Wahyudi, Edy R; Hidayat, Rudy title: Pain Reduction After Laser Acupuncture Treatment in Geriatric Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: a Randomized Controlled Trial date: 2016-09-21 words: 4111 flesch: 62 summary: Interventions were carried out using a gallium aluminum arsenide laser device at the ST35 Dubi, ST36 Zusanli, SP9 Yinlingquan, GB34 Yanglingquan and EX - LE - 4 Neixiyan acupuncture points on the affected knee for ten sessions of treatment, Vol 48 • Number 2 • April 2016 Pain reduction after laser acupuncture treatment in geriatric patients 115 i.e. twice a week. Therefore, the results could be more objective that they were the outcomes of laser acupuncture treatment. keywords: acupuncture; group; index; knee; laser; lequesne; mean; pain; placebo; sessions; treatment; vas cache: ijim01-149.pdf plain text: ijim01-149.txt item: #61 of 274 id: ijim01-15 author: Sudoyo, Aru W title: Aspirin Resistance and Its Importance date: 2016-05-12 words: 490 flesch: 46 summary: However, several issues will have to be addressed: firstly, resistance (or sensitivity, for that matter) tests will have to take into account polymorphisms and ethnic characteristic – based on local population data; secondly, the test will have to be relatively simple and easy, covering a wide spectrum of health facilities.2 The report by Kurniawan, et al.3, a cross- sectional study with the aim of obtaining the prevalence of ASA resistance utilizing the platelet function test, is an endeavour that merits a place in this editorial. Coined as “aspirin resistance”, the condition warrants attention as an ineffective prophylaxis may lead to unexpected morbidity and subsequent disappointment.1 Therefore, it is important that patients who do not benefit from aspirin prophylaxis are identified. keywords: aspirin; resistance cache: ijim01-15.pdf plain text: ijim01-15.txt item: #62 of 274 id: ijim01-151 author: Koncoro, Hendra; Putra, I Komang WD; Wibawa, I Dewa N title: Obstructive Jaundice as a Complication of Macrocystic Serous Cystadenoma of the Pancreas date: 2016-09-21 words: 2339 flesch: 50 summary: Therefore, diagnosis may be tighten into pancreatic cystic lesion with differential diagnosis of macrocystic SCA and mucinous cystic neoplasm. These findings were highly suggestive of pancreatic cystic lesion causing stenosis of the CBD and obstructive jaundice. keywords: cystadenoma; cystic; fluid; jaundice; macrocystic; mucinous; neoplasms; pancreas; sca; serous cache: ijim01-151.pdf plain text: ijim01-151.txt item: #63 of 274 id: ijim01-152 author: Hendarsih, Een; Fadjari, Trinugroho H; Oehadian, Amaylia title: Chemotherapy-induced Spontaneous Pneumothorax: Case Series date: 2016-09-21 words: 2682 flesch: 51 summary: However, SP seems to occur more often in patients with metastases from sarcomas, especially osteogenic sarcoma, than in patients with primary lung carcinoma.7 136 Vol 48 • Number 2 • April 2016 Chemotherapy-induced spontaneous pneumothorax Conversely, sporadic case reports describe SP due to lung metastases from teratomas, Wilms’ tumors, melanomas, carcinomas of the kidney and pancreas, gynecologic malignancies, lymphomas, choriocarcinomas, and lymphangiomatosis.5,7 The mechanism of pneumothorax following chemotherapy is not clearly understood yet, however, several hypotheses have been considered:4-5,7-10 1) the rupture of a subpleural bulla after chemotherapy; or growing nodules can cause a check-valve effect, with subsequent overdistension of the alveoli, leading to the release of air into the interstitial tissues and eventual rup¬ture of a subpleural bleb 2) the rupture of an emphysematous bulla in an over expanded portion of the lung which is partially obstructed by a neoplasm; 3) tumor lyses or necrosis due to cytotoxic chemotherapy directly induces the formation of fistula. Although SP is a well known complication of primary lung cancer and metastatic lung disease, it is a rare complication of chemotherapy, with a reported incidence of less than 1%, and is commonly associated with chemosensitive tumours such as germ- cell tumours, lymphomas, and sarcomas and rarely with lung and gynaecological malignant disease.4-5 Pneumothorax seems to occur 2–7 days after chemotherapy treatment and can be unilateral or bilateral.2 These complications should be kept in mind in order to avoid further sequelae. keywords: case; chemotherapy; chest; lung; pneumothorax; ray; rupture; treatment; tumor cache: ijim01-152.pdf plain text: ijim01-152.txt item: #64 of 274 id: ijim01-1521 author: Burhan, Erlina; Agustin, Heidy; Susanto, Agus Dwi; Dharmawan, Ibrahim Nur Insan Putra; Meyer, Markus; Rogayah, Rita title: Discordance Between Clinical Status and Chest X-Ray (CXR) in COVID-19 Patient with Asymptomatic Transmission in Jakarta date: 2020-10-04 words: 791 flesch: 57 summary: It is not known whether CXR is useful for monitoring COVID-19 patient. In our study, patient never had contact with COVID-19 patient. keywords: covid-19; day; patient cache: ijim01-1521.pdf plain text: ijim01-1521.txt item: #65 of 274 id: ijim01-1525 author: Rozaliyani, Anna; Savitri, Ary Indriana; Setianingrum, Findra; Shelly, Titania Nur; Ratnasari, Vini; Kuswindarti, Romala; Salama, Ngabila; Oktavia, Dwi; Widyastuti, Widyastuti; Handayani, Diah title: Factors Associated with Death in COVID-19 Patients in Jakarta, Indonesia: An Epidemiological Study date: 2020-10-04 words: 4870 flesch: 59 summary: Earlier studies also reported that hypertension was the most common underlying disease of the COVID-19 patients, especially in fatal cases.8,11,14 Disruption of the renin-angiotensin system may explain this phenomenon.15 It is postulated that pre-existing cardiovascular disease, including hypertension, contributes to the occurrence of pneumonia and fatal symptoms in COVID-19.16 Our analysis showed that COVID-19 patients with pre- existing hypertension have an approximately 2-fold risk of death as compared to patients without. Vol 52 • Number 3 • July 2020 Factors associated with death in COVID-19 patients in Jakarta, Indonesia 253 About one third of patients in this study had a registered address outside Jakarta. keywords: april; cases; clinical; covid-19; death; disease; indonesia; jakarta; mortality; number; patients; pneumonia; study; years cache: ijim01-1525.pdf plain text: ijim01-1525.txt item: #66 of 274 id: ijim01-153 author: Sutandyo, Noorwati title: New Paradigm in Treating Cancer: Right on Target date: 2016-09-21 words: 3195 flesch: 50 summary: Cancer kills one in two people in high-income countries and one in three people in low-to-middle-income countries.1 Therefore, researchers are still looking for agents that can effectively kill cancer cells without affecting normal cells. One of the widely studied therapeutic modalities is targeted therapy, a type of treatment that uses drugs or other substances to identify and attack specific types of cancer cells with less harm to normal cells.2 keywords: cancer; cell; egfr; factor; growth; inhibitors; kinase; monoclonal; receptor; signaling; targeted; therapy; tyrosine; vegf cache: ijim01-153.pdf plain text: ijim01-153.txt item: #67 of 274 id: ijim01-1536 author: Pitoyo, Ceva Wicaksono; Wijaya, I Putu Eka Krisnha; Wulani, Vally; Wiraputri, Anindita Kartika; Romulo, Michael Aaron title: Misleading Diagnosis of Radiological Imaging of COVID-19 Pneumonia During Pandemic Era: Risk on the Existence of CMV Infection date: 2020-12-28 words: 4562 flesch: 51 summary: The features that are rarely seen in COVID-19 are widespread GGO, lymphadenopathy and pleural effusion.1,5 RT-PCR examination is a specific laboratory examination that has to be conducted on COVID-19 suspected patients because it is the gold standard in COVID-19 diagnosis establishment,1 Asymptomatic patients or patients with mild symptoms are not indicated for chest CT scan examination. keywords: chest; cmv; consolidation; covid-19; examination; ggo; o.d; p.o; patient; pneumonia; scan cache: ijim01-1536.pdf plain text: ijim01-1536.txt item: #68 of 274 id: ijim01-1544 author: Sukmadi, Norman; Surya, Kevin; Sejati, Arif title: Aquaretics Use in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF) Patients: A Literature Review date: 2022-09-24 words: 5767 flesch: 60 summary: Dosing of tolvaptan starts from 15 mg once daily, and may only be increased after 24 hours until a maximum dose of 60 mg/day.25 Tolvaptan is one of the few drugs accepted by the FDA for the treatment in hyponatremia in SIADH, heart failure, and liver failure patients because of its safety and efficacy. This is a literature review of the use of aquaretic in patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF), including the physiologic function of vasopressin and its mechanism of action in heart failure patients, and aquaretic drugs with their respective risks and benefits. keywords: acute; adhf; aquaretics; failure; heart; heart failure; hyponatremia; patients; receptor; study; therapy; tolvaptan; use; vasopressin cache: ijim01-1544.pdf plain text: ijim01-1544.txt item: #69 of 274 id: ijim01-1546 author: Hidayat, Rakhmad; Aini, Nurul; Ilmi, Azizah Fitriana Nurul; Azzahroh, Faiza; Giantini, Astuti title: Test, Trace, and Treatment Strategy to Control COVID-19 Infection Among Hospital Staff in a COVID-19 Referral Hospital in Indonesia date: 2020-10-04 words: 4605 flesch: 57 summary: PCR test results among Universitas Indonesia Hospital staff. PCR tests were carried out on staff members who were registered and screened through electronic forms provided by the Universitas Indonesia Hospital. keywords: cases; contact; covid-19; health; hospital; indonesia; infection; isolation; pcr; staff; test; tracing cache: ijim01-1546.pdf plain text: ijim01-1546.txt item: #70 of 274 id: ijim01-1558 author: Tarigan, Tri Juli Edi; Epriliawati, Marina title: Thyroid Abscess as a Clinical Manifestation of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma date: 2022-04-08 words: 2131 flesch: 56 summary: However, it is rare for thyroid cancer to present with a thyroid cyst or thyroid abscess, even with infection symptoms. Numerous reports indicate that females with a pre-existing thyroid nodule had a higher incidence of thyroid abscesses. keywords: abscess; case; infection; neck; patient; thyroid cache: ijim01-1558.pdf plain text: ijim01-1558.txt item: #71 of 274 id: ijim01-1572 author: Hunaifi, Ilsa; Agustriadi, I Gusti Ngurah Ommy; Asmara, I Gede Yasa; Budyono, Catharina title: The Correlation Between HbA1c and Neuropathy Disability Score in Type 2 Diabetes date: 2021-07-11 words: 2427 flesch: 54 summary: Data reports in the UK show that 50% of people with DM show neuropathy symptoms and 7% have diabetic foot after 1 year.12 This study aims to find the relationship between DM neuropathy severity by measuring the NDS scale with HbA1c levels. Reports in the United Kingdom (UK), DM neuropathy, occurs in 36% of people with diabetes for more than ten years compared with people with diabetes less than five years and nerve denervation damage increases with the length of DM.11 Various scores were developed to assess the degree of neuropathy in people with DM. keywords: complications; correlation; diabetes; diabetic; hba1c; nds; neuropathy; score cache: ijim01-1572.pdf plain text: ijim01-1572.txt item: #72 of 274 id: ijim01-1576 author: Khan, Fahmi Yousef; Abdalhadi, Ahmed M; Kazman, Rashid; Mudawi, Dalal Sideeg; Shariff, Khalid; Suliman, Aasir; Chaudhry, Hammad Shabir; Sharma, Rohit; Elballat, Ahmed; Yousif, Abdel-Monem Badawi; Alshurafa, Awni; Ata, Fateen title: Frequency of Acute Kidney Injury in Patient Receiving Piperacillin - Tazobactam: A Hospital-based Study from Qatar date: 2021-07-11 words: 4394 flesch: 59 summary: A noteworthy finding of this study is that the in-hospital mortality was higher in AKI patients compared to non-AKI patients [38 (38.78%) vs. 24 (5.13%); p = 0.02], which is consistent with emerging evidence suggesting that there are higher in-hospital mortality rates with even smaller changes in serum creatinine level.18 However, the impact of TIZ/PIP-associated AKI on mortality is unclear due to the lack of information and the paucity of studies. Comparison between AKI group and non-AKI group in relation to demographic, clinical characterestics of patients involved in this study. keywords: acute; aki; hospital; injury; kidney; mean; patients; pipc; study; taz; tazobactam cache: ijim01-1576.pdf plain text: ijim01-1576.txt item: #73 of 274 id: ijim01-1578 author: Ariawan, Iwan; Jusril, Hafizah title: COVID-19 in Indonesia: Where Are We? date: 2020-10-04 words: 1486 flesch: 57 summary: EDITORIAL 193Acta Med Indones - Indones J Intern Med • Vol 52 • Number 3 • July 2020 COVID-19 in Indonesia: Where Are We? Iwan Ariawan1,2, Hafizah Jusril1,2 1 Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia 2 Reconstra Utama Integra, Jakarta, Indonesia. Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia. keywords: covid-19; disease; health; indonesia; tracing; transmission cache: ijim01-1578.pdf plain text: ijim01-1578.txt item: #74 of 274 id: ijim01-1590 author: Darmawan, Guntur; Makmud, Samadhi Tulus title: The ‘Great Imitator’: A Case of COVID-19 Presenting with Encephalitis and Acute Coronary Syndrome date: 2021-03-31 words: 2248 flesch: 57 summary: Thus, COVID-19 PCR examination was not performed initially during admission or lumbar fluid examination. m s a s initial presentation of COVID-19 patient. keywords: case; covid-19 cache: ijim01-1590.pdf plain text: ijim01-1590.txt item: #75 of 274 id: ijim01-1597 author: Hermansyah, Tracy Anabella; Ginanjar, Eka; Putri, Valerie Hirsy title: Elevation of Cardiac Biomarkers in COVID-19 As a Major Determinant for Mortality: A Systematic Review date: 2022-01-10 words: 7721 flesch: 70 summary: C o r o n a v Observational studies about the mortality outcome of COVID-19 patients who experienced cardiac injury, as defined by the elevation of serum levels of troponin, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), with NT-proBNP or only BNP or only NT-proBNP, were included. keywords: covid-19 cache: ijim01-1597.pdf plain text: ijim01-1597.txt item: #76 of 274 id: ijim01-1599 author: Ibrahim, Fera; natasha, Augustine; Saharman, Yulia Rosa; Yasmon, Andi; Fithriyah, Fithriyah; Karuniawati, Anis; Ganiesa, Selvia; Sudarmono, Pratiwi title: Consideration of the Cycle Threshold Values from Real-Time RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 Interpretation for the Clinicians: Analysis of 339 Positive Cases from a Referral Laboratory in Jakarta, Indonesia date: 2021-03-31 words: 2708 flesch: 56 summary: The concept of Ct values inversely related to viral load is very tempting, especially for managing a patient’s length of hospital stay during the pandemic. Han et al. addressed their concern for publications which used Ct values deliberately for viral quantification and correlated them with clinical manifestation.7 keywords: cases; cov-2; manifestation; pcr; rrt; sars; specimens; test; values cache: ijim01-1599.pdf plain text: ijim01-1599.txt item: #77 of 274 id: ijim01-16 author: Laksmi, Purwita W title: Challenges in Screening and Diagnosing Frailty Syndrome: Which Tool to be used? date: 2016-05-12 words: 1251 flesch: 52 summary: Nevertheless, the validity and reliability of scoring systems to define frailty syndrome may vary in different populations.12 Therefore, we publish the diagnostic test study of scoring system for frailty syndrome done by Seto et al in this edition of Acta Medica Indonesiana-The Indonesian Journal of Internal Medicine. Obviously this study provide new paradigm of reasoning in choosing scoring system to screen and diagnose frailty syndrome. keywords: frailty; scoring; study; syndrome cache: ijim01-16.pdf plain text: ijim01-16.txt item: #78 of 274 id: ijim01-1628 author: Nugroho, Pringgodigdo; Lydia, Aida; Suhardjono, Suhardjono; Harimurti, Kuntjoro title: Association of BsmI Polymorphisms in the Vitamin D Receptor Gene Among Indonesian Population with Diabetic Kidney Disease date: 2021-07-11 words: 3622 flesch: 59 summary: (2010) found that vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms have an association with DM, but not with DKD.17 Vedralova et al.11 also found that the vitamin D receptor-gene polymorphism that has an association with DKD is FokI. In the case of the separation of alleles B and b, no significant association was found between the B allele of BsmI polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor gene and DKD (p value = 0.89). Association of BsmI polymorphisms in vitamin D receptor gene with DKD. keywords: association; bsmi; dkd; gene; polymorphisms; receptor; study; vitamin; vitamin d cache: ijim01-1628.pdf plain text: ijim01-1628.txt item: #79 of 274 id: ijim01-1641 author: Azwar, Muhammad Khifzhon; Setiati, Siti title: Modifiable Risk Factors for Dementia in Indonesia’s Urban Population date: 2021-03-31 words: 6396 flesch: 54 summary: Microvascular pathology and older age heighten the risk of peripheral hearing loss and dementia, which may confound the association between the two.1 However, even after adjustment for potential confounders in this study, the odds of having hearing loss among dementia patients were significantly higher than controls (adjusted OR 7.962, 95% CI 3.534-17.941), whereas the adjusted OR was lower in terms of vascular dementia (adjusted OR 4.262, 95% CI 1.942-9.350). A recent meta-analysis of cohort studies showed that antihypertensive drug in older people is associated with reduced risk for dementia (RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.75-0.99, p = 0.033), but not with the risk for cognitive Muhammad Khifzhon Azwar Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med 38 impairment, cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease.48 Despite the controversial results regarding the beneficial effect of antihypertensive drugs on the reduction of dementia risk, we still emphasise the importance of antihypertensive treatment in all patients with hypertension. keywords: attainment; dementia; depression; diabetes; factors; hearing; history; hypertension; indonesia; loss; patients; population; risk; risk factors; smoking; study; vascular; years cache: ijim01-1641.pdf plain text: ijim01-1641.txt item: #80 of 274 id: ijim01-165 author: Kurniawan, Juferdy; Anggraeni, Dewi; Dewiasty, Esthika; Lutfie, Lutfie title: Riedel’s Lobe: Clinical Importance of a Rare Variant in Liver Morphology date: 2017-05-10 words: 2690 flesch: 48 summary: Knowledge regarding this anomaly is essential to be understood because the finding of accessory liver lobe does not always remain asymptomatic as in our patient, but rather can be related to significant clinical complication. In spite of that, the formation of accessory liver lobe is a quite rare anomaly, with an estimated prevalence less than 1%.1-3 One of the abnormalities reported several times is the Riedel’s lobe, defined as a downward tongue-like projection of the anterior edge of the right liver lobe to the right of the gallbladder.4 keywords: accessory; case; examination; liver; lobe; normal; patient; rare; riedel; right cache: ijim01-165.pdf plain text: ijim01-165.txt item: #81 of 274 id: ijim01-166 author: Gunawan, Hendra; Awalia, Awalia; Soeroso, Joewono title: The Coexistence of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Psoriasis: Is It Possible? date: 2018-06-26 words: 3777 flesch: 51 summary: Inflammatory arthritis is a common clinical manifestation in psoriasis patient, approximately affecting 25% psoriasis pasien. Cutaneous manifestations are frequent in SLE, as much as 70-80% patients develop skin lesions during the disease progression and approximately 20% of SLE patients have skin lesions as initial presentation. keywords: anti; arthritis; diseases; erythematosus; lupus; patients; presence; psoriasis; psoriatic; skin; sle; ssa cache: ijim01-166.pdf plain text: ijim01-166.txt item: #82 of 274 id: ijim01-1673 author: Putranto, Rudi; Agung, Ratih Arianita; Irawan, Cosphiadi; Soejono, Czeresna Heriawan; Shatri, Hamzah title: Palliative Screening Tools to Identify Palliative Care Consultation at Tertiary Hospital date: 2022-04-08 words: 3719 flesch: 55 summary: The number of patients who are at risk of developing such conditions, such as patients with cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, AIDS, and diabetes, continues to increase every year.1 There are more than 20 million people worldwide who need palliative care in the last years of their lives, but there are only 14% of them who receive palliative care.2 A study reports that palliative-care units require fewer resources and shorter patient- care duration than the general care; therefore, they are more cost effective.3,4 Another report suggests that palliative care results in the same survival level as the general care, improvement in symptoms, and more satisfaction in the patients and their families.5 The identification of palliative patients using screening tools can increase the number of patients referred to palliative care.6,7 It is necessary to identify palliative patients in order to provide the proper care according to the needs of the patients. keywords: care; disease; hospital; indonesia; medicine; palliative; patients; research; screening cache: ijim01-1673.pdf plain text: ijim01-1673.txt item: #83 of 274 id: ijim01-169 author: Putra, Sukman Tulus; Djer, Mulyadi M; Idris, Nikmah S; Sastroasmoro, Sudigdo title: Transcatheter Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Adolescents and Adults: A Case Series date: 2017-02-01 words: 3314 flesch: 63 summary: Djer MM reported good results of PDA closure using devices, mostly with ADO, with success rate of 97.3% in the period of 11 years.7 In adults, PDA is usually “silent” with no clinical symptoms or asymptomatic, which is detected incidentally during routine physical examination or echocardiography for other purposes. Therefore, the treatment of PDA in adults remains controversial.5 PDA closure by surgical intervention has been the “gold standard” since 1939, especially for a large PDA.8,9 keywords: ado; adults; arteriosus; closure; dan; device; duct; ductus; patent; pda; transcatheter cache: ijim01-169.pdf plain text: ijim01-169.txt item: #84 of 274 id: ijim01-1690 author: Shidiq, Khalid Mohammad; Nelwan, Erni J; Yunihastuti, Evy; Harimurti, Kuntjoro; Pohan, Herdiman T title: Clinical Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy using HIV Symptoms Index: A reliability and Applicability Evaluation using Indonesian Language date: 2021-03-31 words: 4483 flesch: 61 summary:        keywords: aids; arv; atau; complaints; dan; gejala; hiv; index; indonesia; infection; medicine; patients; study; symptoms; therapy;   cache: ijim01-1690.pdf plain text: ijim01-1690.txt item: #85 of 274 id: ijim01-1695 author: Mawardi, Prasetyadi; Yuliarta, Danu; Nuraida, Waode title: Atypical Exanthem as Cutaneous Manifestation Related to COVID-19 at a Primary Healthcare Facility date: 2021-10-04 words: 1714 flesch: 52 summary: The skin changes and manifestations related to COVID-19 infection remain not clearly understood. multiformes.4,5 However, cutaneous manifestations related to COVID-19 infection remain not clearly understood whether they were caused by the infection or treatment reaction.3,6 CASE ILLUSTRATION A 30-year-old female patient visited the Badak Baru Primary Health Care and presented with rashes on her lower legs since 3 days prior (Figure 1). keywords: covid-19; cutaneous; days; exanthem; infection; patient cache: ijim01-1695.pdf plain text: ijim01-1695.txt item: #86 of 274 id: ijim01-17 author: Ranitya, Ryan title: Enhanced External Counterpulsation in Chronic Heart Failure: Where Do We Stand? date: 2015-12-01 words: 1193 flesch: 56 summary: Since almost two decades ago EECP was given to patients with chronic heart failure on top of optimal pharmacologic therapy, not only to those with concomitant refractory angina pectoris. Clinical benefit from EECP including reduced symptom, reduced re- hospitalization and reduced health cost.16 Will EECP be recommended for chronic heart failure in the next guideline? keywords: eecp; failure; heart cache: ijim01-17.pdf plain text: ijim01-17.txt item: #87 of 274 id: ijim01-1719 author: Soejono, Czeresna Heriawan; Rizka, Aulia title: Polypharmacy and Drug Use Pattern among Indonesian Elderly Patients Visiting Emergency Unit date: 2021-03-31 words: 10862 flesch: 61 summary: 08 % A 03 B A :B el la do nn a al ka lo id s, te rti ar y am in es 3 0. 12 % A 06 D ru gs fo r c on st ip at io n 54 2. 17 % A 05 A :B ile th er ap y 2 0. 60 % J0 6: Im m un e se ra a nd im m un og lo bu lin s 4 0. 16 % J0 1G :A m in og ly co si de an tib ac te ria ls 5 0. 20 % J0 1D B :F irs t-g en er at io n ce ph al os po rin s 3 0. 12 % J0 1M :Q ui no lo ne an tib ac te ria ls 50 2. 00 % J0 1D D :T hi rd -g en er at io n ce ph al os po rin s 14 2 5. 69 % J0 1R :C om bi na tio ns o f an tib ac te ria ls 9 0. 36 % J0 1D E 36 1. 44 % J0 1X :O th er a nt ib ac te ria ls 1 0. 04 % J0 1D H :C ar ba pe ne m s 7 0. 28 % J0 2A :A nt im yc ot ic s fo r sy st em ic u se 2 0. 08 % J0 1F A :M ac ro lid es 41 1. 64 % J0 4A :D ru gs fo r t re at m en t of tu be rc ul os is 28 1. 12 % J0 1F F: Li nc os am id es 1 0. 04 % J0 5A :D ire ct a ct in g an tiv ira ls 1 0. 04 % J0 1G B :O th er a m in og ly co si de s 5 0. 20 % J0 6A :Im m un e se ra 1 0. 04 % J0 1M A :F lu or oq ui no lo ne s 50 2. 00 % J0 6B :Im m un og lo bu lin s 3 0. 12 % J0 1R A :C om bi na tio ns o f an tib ac te ria ls 9 0. 36 % J0 1X X :O th er a nt ib ac te ria ls 1 0. 04 % J0 2A B :Im id az ol e de riv at iv es 1 0. 04 % J0 2A C :T ria zo le d er iv at iv es 1 0. 04 % J0 4A B :A nt ib io tic s 8 0. 32 % J0 4A K :O th er d ru gs fo r tre at m en t o f t ub er cu lo si s 12 0. 48 % J0 4A M :C om bi na tio ns o f d ru gs fo r t re at m en t o f t ub er cu lo si s 8 0. 32 % J0 5A B :N uc le os id es a nd nu cl eo tid es e xc l. re ve rs e tra ns cr ip ta se in hi bi to rs 1 0. 04 % 70 Vol 53 • Number 1 • January 2021 Polypharmacy and Drug Use Pattern among Indonesian Elderly Patients J0 6A A :Im m un e se ra 1 0. 04 % J0 6B B :S pe ci fic im m un og lo bu lin s 3 0. 12 % L = A nt in eo pl as tic an d im m un om od ul at in g ag en ts 4 0. 16 % L0 1: A nt in eo pl as tic a ge nt s 1 0. 04 % L0 1X :O th er a nt in eo pl as tic ag en ts 1 0. 04 % L0 1X X :O th er a nt in eo pl as tic ag en ts 1 0. 04 % L0 3: Im m un os tim ul an ts 1 0. 04 % L0 3A : I m m un os tim ul an ts 1 0. 04 % L0 3A A :C ol on y st im ul at in g fa ct or s 1 0. 04 % L0 4: keywords: number; polypharmacy; tic cache: ijim01-1719.pdf plain text: ijim01-1719.txt item: #88 of 274 id: ijim01-173 author: Amin, Zulkifli; Afifah, Hasna; Mamudi, Chrispian Oktafbipian title: Short-term Survival of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Patients at a Single Tertiary Referral Centre in Indonesia date: 2017-02-01 words: 3764 flesch: 59 summary: Vol 48 • Number 4 • October 2016 Short-term survival of ARDS patients at a single tertiary referreal centre 301 INTRODUCTION Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is an intense inflammation of lung that may lead to life-threatening condition. It indicated that the highest mortality in ARDS patients occured in the first week. keywords: acute; ards; countries; distress; hospital; mortality; patients; rate; study; survival; syndrome cache: ijim01-173.pdf plain text: ijim01-173.txt item: #89 of 274 id: ijim01-1758 author: Soelistijo, Soebagijo Adi; Aman, Andi Makbul; Zufry, Hendra; Pranoto, Agung; Rudijanto, Achmad; Hassanien, Mohamed title: Indonesia DIA-RAMADAN Study: A Real-life, Prospective and Observational of Gliclazide MR in Type-2 Diabetes Patients During Ramadan Fasting date: 2022-04-08 words: 3398 flesch: 57 summary: No dose modification in gliclazide MR treatment was observed during the study. Subjects had been treated with gliclazide MR for at least 90 days prior the study, and were examined for their body mass index (BMI), fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and HbA1c levels 6 to 8 weeks before Ramadan (V0) and 4 to 6 weeks after the end of Ramadan (V1). keywords: diabetes; fasting; gliclazide; hba1c; hypoglycemia; indonesia; patients; ramadan; study; subjects cache: ijim01-1758.pdf plain text: ijim01-1758.txt item: #90 of 274 id: ijim01-1779 author: Nelwan, Erni J; Guterres, Helio; Pasaribu, Adeline Intan; Shakinah, Sharifah; Limato, Ralalicia; Widodo, Djoko title: The Comparison of Point Prevalence Survey (PPS) and Gyssens Flowchart Approach on Antimicrobial Use Surveillance in Indonesian National Referral Hospital date: 2022-01-10 words: 3669 flesch: 39 summary: The included data were the type of ward and available beds, the number of admissions and antimicrobial consumption, patient’s characteristics (age, body mass index, gender), biomarkers, culture (blood, urine, wound, sputum), antimicrobial data (include duration, start and stop date, indication, route, diagnosis, frequency, guideline compliance, review date, type of treatment), and any additional variables due to research preference. The common method of antimicrobial surveillance (AMS) in referral hospitals is by implementing Gyssens flowchart during Antimicrobial Resistance Control Program Committee clinical rounds. keywords: clinical; data; flowchart; global; gyssens; indonesia; medicine; point; pps; prevalence; resistance; surveillance; survey cache: ijim01-1779.pdf plain text: ijim01-1779.txt item: #91 of 274 id: ijim01-1785 author: Khozani, Reyhaneh Shams; Shekouh, Dorsa; Hosseini, Sayyed Amirreza; Torbati, Mehrnush Saghab; Noorian, Mahsa; Rabiei, Reyhaneh; Mohseni, Qazal; Rad, Hossein Rostami; Bojd, Shakiba Shaterzadeh; Hosseini, Parastoo; Ansari, Arina; Godazandeh, Kimia; Deravi, Niloofar title: Lung Transplantation as a way to Escape Pneumonia in Patients with COVID-19: Lessons from ARDS and Influenza date: 2021-10-04 words: 6587 flesch: 53 summary: In regard Reyhaneh Shams Khozani Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med 342 of these data, providing intensive supportive care may avoid post operation acute brain dysfunction in COVID-19 patients. The exact mechanism of ARDS in COVID-19 patients is not known, but the abundant secretion of cytokines that induce inflammation such as IL-6, IL-1, and TNF-α may play an important role.37-40 Due to the critical condition of patients with ARDS, multiple studies were conducted on the effectiveness of various therapeutic interventions, including LT. Chang et al.41, in a retrospective study, identified 305 patients with ARDS, including 14 patients with an average age of 39 (SD 11) years and 8 females with no underlying disease. keywords: acute; ards; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; disease; h1n1; influenza; lung; lung transplantation; med; patients; pneumonia; pulmonary; sars; transplantation; treatment; year cache: ijim01-1785.pdf plain text: ijim01-1785.txt item: #92 of 274 id: ijim01-1787 author: Solomakhina, Nina; Lishuta, Alexey; Gladysheva, Ekaterina; Dementeva, Anna title: Giant Left Ventricular Pseudoaneurysm in a 79-Year-Old Female Patient: Diagnostic and Management date: 2023-03-31 words: 3926 flesch: 57 summary: In this article, we present a case of left ventricular pseudoaneurysm in a 79-year-old female patient after a silent posterolateral myocardial infarction, which increased to gigantic size for 3 months and was diagnosed accidentally by transthoracic echocardiography. The main goal of this case is to describe the 6-month survival rate of a 79-year-old female patient with left ventricular pseudoaneurysm after silent posterolateral myocardial infarction despite refusal of surgical treatment and extremely low adherence to drug treatment due to cognitive impairment. keywords: case; cavity; echocardiography; left; patient; pseudoaneurysm; rupture; treatment; ventricular; wall cache: ijim01-1787.pdf plain text: ijim01-1787.txt item: #93 of 274 id: ijim01-1789 author: Kemal, Rahmat Azhari; Anggraini, Dewi title: Possible Cases of SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection In Pekanbaru, Indonesia date: 2022-04-08 words: 3377 flesch: 63 summary: As reinfection cases could provide better understanding on immunity to SARS-CoV-2, definition and criteria of SARS- CoV-2 reinfection case are needed to capture and observe such cases. Investigation and observation of reinfection cases could provide better understanding on immunity to SARS-CoV-2.1 Currently, at least there have been 4 cases supported by whole genome sequencing (WGS) data to confirm reinfection with genetically- distinct virus.2–5 keywords: case; cov-2; covid-19; episode; patient; reinfection; sars cache: ijim01-1789.pdf plain text: ijim01-1789.txt item: #94 of 274 id: ijim01-1794 author: Hikmat, Irma Hassan; Ramdhini, Suci Syamsiah; Soekersi, Hari; Dewi, Sumartini title: Correlation between Interstitial Lung Disease Morphology Scores Based on High-resolution Computed Tomography Chest and Skin Fibrosis Degree Based on Modified Rodnan’s Skin Score on Systemic Sclerosis date: 2021-10-04 words: 3723 flesch: 58 summary: ILD score based on HRCT Thorax Data analysis Figure 1. Cottrell et al.7 in 2014 showed that in the United States population patients with higher skin fibrosis scores may develop to moderate to severe restrictive pulmonary involvement (p <0.001). keywords: correlation; disease; fibrosis; ild; lung; mrss; sclerosis; score; skin; ssc; study; subjects; systemic cache: ijim01-1794.pdf plain text: ijim01-1794.txt item: #95 of 274 id: ijim01-1796 author: Awalia, Awalia; Notopuro, Harianto; Soeroso, Joewono title: Association of Polymorphisms in C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Promoter -821 A>G, -390 C>A/T, and Plasma Interferon-α (IFN-α) with Plasma CRP Level in Javanese Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Patients date: 2021-10-04 words: 3858 flesch: 65 summary: This study aims to analyze the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in CRP promoter and plasma IFN-α with CRP level in Javanese SLE patients. SLE subjects underwent routine laboratory test, CRP level, serum IFN-α, and DNA sequencing to detect SNPs in CRP promoter. keywords: -390; control; crp; ifn; level; lupus; patients; plasma; promoter; protein; sle; snp; study cache: ijim01-1796.pdf plain text: ijim01-1796.txt item: #96 of 274 id: ijim01-18 author: Rampengan, Starry H; Prihartono, Joedo; Siagian, Minarma; Immanuel, Suzanna title: The Effect of Enhanced External Counterpulsation Therapy and Improvement of Functional Capacity in Chronic Heart Failure patients: a Randomized Clinical Trial date: 2015-12-01 words: 4687 flesch: 56 summary: Furthermore, an external pressure of 300 mmHg was applied during the diastolic phase for subjects in EECP therapy group; while those in sham EECP group only had 75 mmHg, enough to preserve the appearance and feel of an EECP application, but insufficient to alter measurably the patient’s blood pressure. In EECP group, the 6MWT walk distance before therapy was 256.88 (SD 85.56) meters and after EECP therapy the walk distance was 449.46 (SD 92.08) meters; p<0.01. keywords: capacity; counterpulsation; distance; eecp; failure; group; heart; minute; patients; sham; study; test; therapy; walking cache: ijim01-18.pdf plain text: ijim01-18.txt item: #97 of 274 id: ijim01-1803 author: Adiwinata, Randy; Livina, Andrea; Waleleng, Bradley Jimmy; Haroen, Harlinda; Rotty, Linda; Gosal, Fandy; Rotty, Luciana; hendratta, Cecilia; Lasut, Pearla; Winarta, Jeanne; Waleleng, Andrew; Simadibrata, Marcellus title: Anemia in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Neglected Issue in Comprehensive Inflammatory Bowel Disease Management date: 2021-10-04 words: 5587 flesch: 52 summary: Extensive workup is warranted to further determine the cause of IBD anemia after basic examination, including serum concentrations of vitamin B12, folic acid, haptoglobin, the percentage of hypochromic red cells, reticulocyte hemoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase, soluble transferrin receptor, creatinine, and urea. The prevalence of anemia in IBD patients is greatly varied between reports, with an estimated prevalence of 8.8% to 74%. keywords: anemia; bowel; chronic; deficiency; disease; ferritin; ibd; inflammation; iron; level; management; medicine; patients; prevalence cache: ijim01-1803.pdf plain text: ijim01-1803.txt item: #98 of 274 id: ijim01-1807 author: Lydia, Aida; Priantono, Dimas; Harimurti, Kuntjoro; Alwi, Idrus title: The Relationship between Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 Serum Levels with High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein and Homocysteine in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients: A Cross-sectional Study date: 2021-10-04 words: 4636 flesch: 58 summary: dISCuSSIon Most of our subjects had high folic acid and vitamin B12 levels. Among those without folic acid and vitamin B-12 supplementation, only 3.85% of subjects had low folic acid levels, and none had low vitamin B12 levels. keywords: acid; b12; cardiovascular; disease; folic; hemodialysis; homocysteine; hscrp; levels; n,%; patients; serum; study; subjects; vitamin cache: ijim01-1807.pdf plain text: ijim01-1807.txt item: #99 of 274 id: ijim01-181 author: Darwin, Eryati; Murni, Arina Widya; Nurdin, Adnil E title: The Effect of Psychological Stress on Mucosal IL-6 and Helicobacter pylori Activity in Functional Dyspepsia date: 2017-08-08 words: 3616 flesch: 52 summary: We conducted a study to strengthen the role of psychosomatic medical science on the treatment of functional disorders in everyday practice as well as providing evidence on the involvement of psychological stress factors in the pathogenesis of functional dyspepsia, so that the management of patients can be done comprehensively. The cortisol levels were significantly different between both groups (non-stress vs. stress groups); moreover, morning cortisol level in psychological stress group was higher beyond normal limit. keywords: activity; cells; cortisol; dyspepsia; functional; gastric; group; helicobacter; il-6; infection; non; patients; pylori; stress; study cache: ijim01-181.pdf plain text: ijim01-181.txt item: #100 of 274 id: ijim01-1823 author: Sunarti, Sri; Subagyo, Khonsaa Aadilah Hafizhoh; Haryanti, Tita; Rudijanto, Achmad; Ratnawati, Retty; Soeharto, Setyawati; Maryunani, Maryunani title: The Effect of Physical Activity on Social Isolation in Elderly date: 2022-01-10 words: 5011 flesch: 53 summary: Cross tab between light and moderate to vigorous physical activity levels on the incidence of social isolation in the elderly Social Isolation Physical Activity Normal Social Isolation Light 61 1 Moderate - Vigorous 87 32 Total 148 33 Table 5. Fisher’s exact test, prevalence ratio calculation between light, moderate to vigorous physical activity levels on social isolation in the elderly. keywords: activities; activity; adults; data; elderly; health; isolation; level; loneliness; malang; med; research; respondents; social; study cache: ijim01-1823.pdf plain text: ijim01-1823.txt item: #101 of 274 id: ijim01-1825 author: Syam, Ari Fahrial; Pitoyo, Ceva W; Suhendro, Suhendro; Zulkarnain, Benny; Indrasari, Nuri D; Aditianingsih, Dita; Irawan, Cosphiadi; Susilo, Adityo; Rumende, Cleopas M; Wijaya, Ika P; Ibrahim, Fera; Rasmin, Menaldi; Alwi, Idrus; Makmun, Dadang title: Tocilizumab as a Treatment for ‘Cytokine Storm Syndrome’ in COVID-19: A Case Report date: 2021-07-11 words: 4453 flesch: 51 summary: Based on this study, it was found that the low dose tocilizumab administration might result in clinical improvement and decreased mortality in COVID-19 patients compared to patient who did not receive tocilizumab.10 Until now, the mechanism of cytokine storm syndrome in SARS-CoV-2 infection remains unknown. Until recently, cytokine storm syndrome emerges as one of the possibilities for the development of ARDS and multiorgan failure in patients with COVID-19.2 Cytokine storm syndrome is a systemic inflammatory response that can be instigated by many factors, including infection and medications. keywords: covid-19; cytokine; faculty; fever; hospital; il-6; increase; indonesia; indonesia cipto; jakarta; medicine; patient; storm; syndrome; tocilizumab cache: ijim01-1825.pdf plain text: ijim01-1825.txt item: #102 of 274 id: ijim01-1826 author: Rumende, Cleopas Martin; Susanto, Erwin C; Sitorus, Truely P title: The Management of Pulmonary Fibrosis in COVID-19 date: 2021-07-11 words: 4880 flesch: 47 summary: There are risk factor for pulmonary fibrosis namely advanced age, severe ARDS infection, mechanical ventilation due to ventilator-induced lung injury, smoking and chronic alcoholism. Beside medical treatment, pulmonary rehabilitation program and long-term oxygen treatment should be included as part of comprehensive treatment for pulmonary fibrosis due to COVID-19. keywords: alveolar; ards; cells; covid-19; disease; fibroblast; fibrosis; infection; injury; lung; patients; pulmonary; sars; stem; treatment cache: ijim01-1826.pdf plain text: ijim01-1826.txt item: #103 of 274 id: ijim01-1830 author: Saraswati, Made Ratna; Nugraha, Ida Bagus Aditya; Suastika, Ketut title: Similar Blood Glucose Pattern with Highest Peak at Minute 45 on Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Despite Higher Fasting Insulin and Insulin Resistance in Healthy Obese than Non-Obese Subject date: 2022-07-07 words: 4140 flesch: 63 summary: Pattern of blood glucose level after oral glucose load were similar with two peaks despite higher fasting insulin and HOMA IR in obese than in non-obese subject. Diagnosis of diabetes were based on blood glucose level. keywords: blood; diabetes; fasting; glucose; insulin; level; non; obese; subjects cache: ijim01-1830.pdf plain text: ijim01-1830.txt item: #104 of 274 id: ijim01-1839 author: Pramono, Laurentius Aswin; Yunir, Em; Tarigan, Tri Juli Edi; Nusanti, Syntia; Aman, Renindra A; Suroyo, Indrati title: Giant Recurrence Pituitary Adenoma After Three Times Transphenoidal Removal Surgery, One Craniotomy Procedure, and 30 Doses of External Radiotherapy date: 2021-07-11 words: 1314 flesch: 42 summary: 4. Kontogeorgos G, Thodou E. Is MGMT the best marker to predict response of temozolomide in aggressive pituitary tumors? Prevalence of pituitary tumors is 80-100 cases per 100,000 with incidence 4 new cases in 100,000 each year. keywords: adenoma; indonesia; medicine; pituitary; surgery cache: ijim01-1839.pdf plain text: ijim01-1839.txt item: #105 of 274 id: ijim01-1844 author: Rajabto, Wulyo; Priantono, Dimas; Mulyadi, Rahmad title: Pulmonary Embolism in Hospitalized Patient with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) date: 2022-01-10 words: 1922 flesch: 44 summary: Pulmonary Angiogram is often difficult to obtain, meanwhile, echocardiogram and electrocardiogram might show pathognomonic abnormalities suggesting pulmonary embolism but lack sensitivity and specificity. (A) and (B) CT-pulmonary angiography showed intra-luminary hypodense lesion in posterior and basal segment of right pulmonary artery suggesting pulmonary embolism. keywords: coagulation; covid-19; embolism; indonesia; medicine; patients; pulmonary; thrombosis cache: ijim01-1844.pdf plain text: ijim01-1844.txt item: #106 of 274 id: ijim01-1865 author: Tanta, Yudhie; Ghanie, Ali; Indrajaya, Taufik; Sukandi, Erwin; Saleh, Imran; Maritska, Ziske title: The Application of Coronary Contrast Emptying Time in Diagnosing Coronary Slow Flow Phenomenon: A Serial Case Report date: 2023-01-10 words: 2585 flesch: 55 summary: Coronary contrast emptying time was 92 total frame count, which also showed a prolonged duration. Coronary contrast emptying time was longer, with 104 frame counts. keywords: contrast; coronary; filling; flow; frame; time; total cache: ijim01-1865.pdf plain text: ijim01-1865.txt item: #107 of 274 id: ijim01-1875 author: Zein, Umar; Habib, Hadiki; Lim, Hadyanto title: Plasmodium Ovale Malaria: Endemic Areas in Indonesia date: 2023-03-31 words: 3209 flesch: 61 summary: Several countries across the African continent, including Ethiopia, Uganda, Equatorial Guinea, and Kenya have recorded cases with P. ovale curtisi and P. ovale wallikeri.16 An imported case of infection by two species (P. ovale and P. falciparum) in an Indonesian patient working in Cameroon was reported in north Sumatera.17 Prakash et al. reported a case of ovale malaria from Assa District, India, which was initially diagnosed as vivax malaria.18 In Southern Bangladesh, Fuchrer et al. reported the first cases of P. ovale infection with a percentage of 1.6% in 189 patients using the species-specific nested PCR technique, targeting the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU tRNA) gene from 379 patient samples.19 Singh et al. in 2010 reported regarding 256 patients with P. falciparum malaria who were hospitalized in central India and diagnosed microscopically; three cases (1.2%) of P. ovale malaria were detected for the first time using species-specific nested PCR with 18s rRNA.20 Cao et al. identified 98 cases of ovale malaria out of 1,268 malaria cases from Jiangsu Province, China, from 2011 to 2014, most of which were imported from Sub- Saharan Africa.21 Mitchel et al. reported that P. ovale was widely distributed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, especially P. ovale curtisi and P. ovale wallikeri in 2013.22 Lim et al. reported the first imported malaria case, which was initially diagnosed as P. vivax malaria microscopically.23 The existence of P. ovale malaria in Indonesia from Belu (East Nusa Tenggara) was reported by Gundelfinger et al., in 1975.6 Baird et al. reported 34 cases of ovale malaria infection found in 15,806 peripheral slide smear samples examined from 1973 to 1989 from various islands in Indonesia. keywords: areas; endemic; indonesia; infection; malaria; ovale; p. ovale; plasmodium; species cache: ijim01-1875.pdf plain text: ijim01-1875.txt item: #108 of 274 id: ijim01-1886 author: Romadhon, Pradana Zaky; Prayoga, Ami Ashariati; Bintoro, Siprianus Ugroseno Yudho; Diansyah, Muhammad Noor; Amrita, Putu Niken; Savitri, Merlyna; Windradi, Choirina title: The Association between Plasma miRNA-21 Levels with Overall 1-year Survival Rate of Breast Cancer Patients at Various Stages date: 2022-01-10 words: 5152 flesch: 60 summary: Based on GLOBOCAN data (Global Cancer Statistics) 2018, breast cancer ranks first in the incidence of cancer in women with the number of new cases worldwide of 2,088,849 people (24.2%) with a mortality rate of 626,679 people (15%), of which half of the new cases and mortality cases found in Asia.1 Indonesia came with the data revealing that breast cancer is the second most common malignancy after cervical cancer with a prevalence of 0.5 percent and an estimated number of cases of 61,682 patients, where the highest incidence is found in the Central Java, followed by East Java, West Java and DKI Jakarta.2 Data on one-year, five-year and ten-year survival rates in breast cancer patients aged 15 to 99 years during the period 2013-2017 in the UK were found to be 95.8%, 85% and 75.9%, respectively, where plans of action are somewhat still needed in increasing breast cancer survival rates.3 The examination of minimally invasive circulating biomarkers offers new hope to diagnose breast cancer, monitor progression, Vol 53 • Number 4 • October 2021 However, its relationship with the 1-year survival of breast cancer patients is still disputable and under serious discussion. keywords: breast; breast cancer; cancer; early; expression; mean; mirna-21; patients; stage; study; survival; year cache: ijim01-1886.pdf plain text: ijim01-1886.txt item: #109 of 274 id: ijim01-189 author: Mursinah, Mursinah; Ibrahim, Fera; Wahid, Mardiastuti H title: Risk Factors and Scoring Systems for Patients with Candidemia at a Tertiary Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia date: 2017-05-10 words: 3451 flesch: 64 summary: The incidence of invasive candidiasis is various in countries and it ranges between 3.4% to 5.79%.2,3 There is a shifting of the causative agents for invasive candidiasis infections from Candida albicans to a non-albicans Candida species.3,4 An early identification of sepsis patients who have high risk for fungal infection is challenging, because of the complexity of a patient’s condition, a low rate of success, and a long period of time in order to obtain the results for fungal culture.5 It is important to develop a tool to predict high risk patients who might develop candidemia and need an empirical antifungal therapy. The control group were sepsis patients with a negative candidemia (a sterile culture or a bacterial growth). keywords: candidemia; days; hospital; patients; risk; score; scoring; sepsis; stay; study cache: ijim01-189.pdf plain text: ijim01-189.txt item: #110 of 274 id: ijim01-190 author: Widjaja, Felix F; Martina, Diah; Lardo, Soroy; Wibowo, Suryo Anggoro K title: Adult-onset Still’s Disease as a Differential Diagnosis in Prolonged Fever: Diagnosis and Treatment Experience date: 2019-08-05 words: 3710 flesch: 55 summary: We present a case of 36-year old man who experienced high prolonged fever which firstly thought as infection. A literature review has suggested that patients with high ferritin levels (20,000 ng/ mL) had worse outcome than those with lower levels (4100 ng/mL); however, it may return to normal levels.5 keywords: adult; aosd; criteria; diagnosis; disease; fever; joint; levels; normal; onset; patient; rash; treatment cache: ijim01-190.pdf plain text: ijim01-190.txt item: #111 of 274 id: ijim01-1906 author: Saifuddin, Anshari; Koesnoe, Sukamto; Kurniati, Nia; Sirait, Sondang; Arisanty, Riesye; Yunihastuti, Evy title: COVID Arm After Moderna Booster in Healthcare Worker: A Case Report date: 2021-10-04 words: 2423 flesch: 56 summary: COVID arm is one of the adverse events that can occur after Moderna vaccination. While in local reaction post-vaccination, the symptoms will improve Vol 53 • Number 3 • July 2021 COVID arm after Moderna booster in healthcare worker 329 spontaneously.16 The growing population that got COVID-19 vaccines, particularly mRNA platforms, will increase COVID arm cases that consulted to primary care doctors. keywords: arm; cellulitis; covid; covid-19; indonesia; moderna; reaction; vaccination; vaccine cache: ijim01-1906.pdf plain text: ijim01-1906.txt item: #112 of 274 id: ijim01-1912 author: Mizutani, Mayumi; Sugiarto, Heri; Bando, Harumi; Kondo, Izumi; Mock, Jeremiah title: Positive Deviance: Frequent Blood Pressure Monitoring Among Non-hypertensive Middle-aged Women in Rural Indonesia date: 2022-01-10 words: 7829 flesch: 71 summary: In community health, researchers have recently taken more interest in studying positive deviance.15,16 Positive deviants are individuals who deviate substantially from the norm in that they engage in uncommon favorable behaviors, practices or habits despite living in the same group as the majority or facing the same difficult conditions as the majority.17 The positive deviance approach to health promotion focuses on studying and highlighting people who successfully discover solutions based on assets in their communities.17 In rural Indonesia, a community health volunteer is a person chosen by community members who takes on the role of mobilizing their community to use basic health services like those provided at community health the mean of aggregated scores for those who checked their BP frequently was significantly greater than for those who checked their BP less frequently for measures of seeking health information (16.4 vs. 14.9), receiving support from health volunteers (19.2 vs. 17.8), receiving support from health professionals (16.3 vs. 15.4) and caring about others (9.5 vs. 8.9) (Table 2). keywords: blood; checks; community; family; health; indonesia; study; women cache: ijim01-1912.pdf plain text: ijim01-1912.txt item: #113 of 274 id: ijim01-1913 author: Kusmiati, Tutik; Mertaniasih, Ni Made; Putranto, Johanes Nugroho Eko; Suprapti, Budi; Luthfah, Nadya; Soedarsono, Soedarsono; Koesoemoprodjo, Winariani; Sari, Aryani Prawita title: Correlation of Moxifloxacin Concentration, C-Reactive Protein, and Inflammatory Cytokines on QTc Interval in Rifampicin-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients Treated with Shorter Regimens date: 2022-04-08 words: 5055 flesch: 58 summary: Changes of CRP serum levels in pulmonary TB patients with AFB smear-positive sputum before and two months after receiving anti-tuberculosis drug treatment. 6. Khan F, Ismail M, Khan Q, Ali Z. Moxifloxacin- induced QT interval prolongation and torsades de pointes: a narrative review. keywords: continuation; crp; dose; interval; moxifloxacin; patients; phase; prolongation; qtc; study; tuberculosis cache: ijim01-1913.pdf plain text: ijim01-1913.txt item: #114 of 274 id: ijim01-192 author: Yuri, Prahara; Ali, Zulfikar; Rasyid, Nur; Birowo, Ponco title: Effects of Pipemidic Acid, Phenazopyridine HCL and Sodium Diclofenac on Pain Perception Following Endoscopic Urological Surgery: Double-blinded Randomized-Controlled Trial date: 2017-05-10 words: 4570 flesch: 51 summary: In the experimental group, there was no Vol 48 • Number 3 • July 2016 Effects of pipemidic acid, phenazopyridine HCL and sodium diclofenac 185 difference between groups B and C (p>0.05). Pipemidic acid was found to have a superior analgesic effect than phenazopyridine HCl and sodium diclofenac. keywords: acid; analgesic; day; diclofenac; group; hcl; pain; patients; phenazopyridine; pipemidic; sodium; surgery cache: ijim01-192.pdf plain text: ijim01-192.txt item: #115 of 274 id: ijim01-1924 author: Nelwan, Erni J; Tunjungputri, Rahajeng N; Wardani, Retno S; Wahyuningsih, Retno title: Black Fungus Complicated with COVID-19 in a Man with Underlying Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma date: 2021-10-04 words: 1004 flesch: 48 summary: Suboptimal or delayed diagnosis and treatment of non-COVID-19 diseases have been reported worldwide even with effective resource allocation.3, 4 It is important to therefore to identify cases in which delay in the management of non-COVID-19 disease could potentially be life-threatening or leading to disease progression and prioritize delivery of care in these patients. Nasoendoscopy revealed a fistula on the left dorsal nasal cavity and suspicion of black fungus infection. keywords: covid-19; indonesia; medicine; patient cache: ijim01-1924.pdf plain text: ijim01-1924.txt item: #116 of 274 id: ijim01-1927 author: Miftahussurur, Muhammad; Putri, Chyntia Dewi Maharani; Sugihartono, Titong; Syam, Ari Fahrial; Purbayu, Herry; Priyantini, Diah; Kahar, Hartono; Rezkitha, Yudith Annisa Ayu; Nusi, Iswan Abbas; Setiawan, Poernomo Boedi; Maimunah, Ummi; Waskito, Langgeng Agung; Kholili, Ulfa; Widodo, Budi; Vidyani, Amie; Thamrin, Husin; Siregar, Gontar Alamsyah; I’tishom, Reny; Uchida, Tomohisa; Yamaoka, Yoshio title: Urease Levels and Gastritis Stage in Dyspeptic Patients date: 2022-04-08 words: 5140 flesch: 57 summary: Hassan TM, Al-Najjar S, Al-Zahrani I, Alanazi FB, Alotibi M. Helicobacter pylori chronic gastritis updated Sydney grading in relation to endoscopic findings and H. pylori IgG antibody: diagnostic methods . Rahmani A, Moradkhani A, Hafezi Ahmadi MR, et al. Association between serum levels of high sensitive C-reactive protein and inflammation activity in chronic gastritis patients. keywords: chronic; faculty; gastric; gastritis; helicobacter; indonesia; infection; medicine; patients; pylori; ubt; urease cache: ijim01-1927.pdf plain text: ijim01-1927.txt item: #117 of 274 id: ijim01-1929 author: Saragih, Pieter; Makmun, Dadang; Kurniawan, Juferdy; Rinaldi, Ikhwan title: One Year Survival of Extrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Patients Who Did Not Undergo Curative Resection and Paliative Chemotherapy and Its Associated Factors date: 2022-04-08 words: 3894 flesch: 53 summary: In this study, the 1-year survival rate of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma patients who did not undergo curative resection and palliative chemotherapy was 10%, with a median survival of 3 months It is more or less similar to research in Malaysia by Yusoff et al.10 ABSTRACT Background: Extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is rare but fatal. keywords: biliary; bilirubin; chemotherapy; cholangiocarcinoma; drainage; factors; patients; resection; study; survival cache: ijim01-1929.pdf plain text: ijim01-1929.txt item: #118 of 274 id: ijim01-193 author: Mardhiyah, Radhiyatam; Makmun, Dadang; Syam, Ari Fahrial; Setiati, Siti title: The Effects of Ramadhan Fasting on Clinical Symptoms in Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease date: 2017-05-10 words: 3120 flesch: 60 summary: Conclusion: subjects in Ramadhan fasting group, GERD symptoms experienced less severe during fasting month (Ramadhan) than non-fasting month. During Ramadhan month, GERD symptoms were also milder in Ramadhan fasting group than those in non-fasting group subjects. keywords: fasting; gerd; group; median; non; ramadhan; reflux; study; subjects cache: ijim01-193.pdf plain text: ijim01-193.txt item: #119 of 274 id: ijim01-1935 author: Santi, Theresia; Samakto, Baringin De; Kamarga, Lina; Hidayat, Feronica Kusuma; Hidayat, Ferry title: Factors Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Titer After Sinovac Vaccination Among Health Care Workers date: 2022-01-10 words: 6737 flesch: 57 summary: This study aimed to get the value of antibody titer post Sinovac vaccination and to analyze factors that associate with it. The main purpose of this study is to get the value of antibody titer post Sinovac vaccination and to analyze factors that might correlate with the titer (i.e age, gender, exercise, sleep and Body Mass Index). keywords: age; antibody; antibody titer; cov-2; covid-19; participants; response; sars; sinovac; study; titer; vaccination; vaccine; years cache: ijim01-1935.pdf plain text: ijim01-1935.txt item: #120 of 274 id: ijim01-1937 author: Primasari, Renata; Hernaningsih, Yetti; Kahar, Hartono; Bramantono, Bramantono title: Acute Limb Ischemia due to Arterial Thrombosis in a Patient with COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Case Report date: 2022-09-24 words: 3213 flesch: 53 summary: A study by Calvisi et al. showed diabetes, hyperglycemia and glycemic variability were strong risk factors for the development of thromboembolic complications in COVID-19 patients. T h e ischemia–reperfusion injury can be a cause of death in COVID-19 patients with limb ischemia undergoing thrombectomy. keywords: acute; arterial; covid-19; ischemia; limb; patient; thrombectomy; thrombosis cache: ijim01-1937.pdf plain text: ijim01-1937.txt item: #121 of 274 id: ijim01-1955 author: Shinwari, Khyber; Chen, Zihao; Liu, Guojun; Chen, Lu; Bolkov, Mikhail A.; Tuzankina, Irina A.; Chereshnev, Valery A. title: Identification of The Immune Subtype Among Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer Patients by Multiple Datasets date: 2022-04-08 words: 4617 flesch: 58 summary: Liu G, Chen Z, Danilova IG, Bolkov MA, Tuzankina IA, Liu G. Identification of miR-200c and miR141- mediated lncRNA-mRNA crosstalks in muscle- invasive bladder cancer subtypes. Liu G, Chen Z, Danilova IG, Bolkov MA, Tuzankina IA, Liu G. Identification of miR-200c and miR141- mediated lncRNA-mRNA crosstalks in muscle- invasive bladder cancer subtypes. keywords: bladder; cancer; cells; datasets; expression; immune; immunotherapy; mibc; pathways; patients; samples; subtypes; tumor cache: ijim01-1955.pdf plain text: ijim01-1955.txt item: #122 of 274 id: ijim01-197 author: Akavipat, Phuping; Thinkhamrop, Jadsada; Thinkhamrop, Bandit; Sriraj, Wimonrat title: Parameters Affecting Length of Stay Among Neurosurgical Patients in an Intensive Care Unit date: 2017-02-01 words: 4216 flesch: 61 summary: Multivariable and univariate analysis of these variables on the length of ICU stay was conducted using linear regression (Table 1; Table 2; and Table 3). The overall hospital mortality was of 9 (3.26%) however there were no deaths during ICU stay. keywords: admission; care; hospital; icu; increase; length; med; patients; scale; score; stay; study; unit cache: ijim01-197.pdf plain text: ijim01-197.txt item: #123 of 274 id: ijim01-1972 author: Afiatin, Afiatin; Indrajaya, Andre; Bandiara, Ria title: The Association of Kidney Function Monitoring Adherence and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Changes Among Patients At-Risk for Chronic Kidney Disease date: 2022-04-08 words: 3496 flesch: 55 summary: Levey AS, Coresh J, Bolton K, Culleton B, Kusek J, Levin A. K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for chronic kidney disease: evaluation, classification, and stratification. Moyer V. Screening for chronic kidney disease: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. keywords: adherent; ckd; disease; egfr; kidney; monitoring; patients; risk; year cache: ijim01-1972.pdf plain text: ijim01-1972.txt item: #124 of 274 id: ijim01-1978 author: Aryana, I Gusti Putu Suka; Setiati, Siti; Rini, Sandra Surya title: Molecular Mechanism of ­Acute Sarcopenia in Elderly Patient with COVID - 19 date: 2022-01-10 words: 6818 flesch: 52 summary: Perrotta F, et al. COVID-19 and the elderly: insights into pathogenesis and clinical decision-making. Woolford SJ, et al. COVID-19 and associations with frailty and multimorbidity: a prospective analysis of UK Biobank participants. keywords: acute; aging; akt; cells; covid-19; factors; igf-1; infection; loss; mass; med; mortality; muscle; pathway; patients; protein; risk; sarcopenia cache: ijim01-1978.pdf plain text: ijim01-1978.txt item: #125 of 274 id: ijim01-198 author: Kamal, Achmad Fauzi; Widyawarman, Heru; Husodo, Kurniadi; Hutagalung, Errol Untung; Rajabto, Wulyo title: Clinical Outcome and Survival of Osteosarcoma Patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital: Limb Salvage Surgery versus Amputation date: 2017-05-10 words: 4741 flesch: 57 summary: ABSTRACT Aim: to analyze the outcome and survival rate of osteosarcoma patients in our hospital as well as the factors affecting prognosis and functional outcome. Methods: this is a retrospective cohort study of osteosarcoma patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital underwent limb salvage surgery (LSS), amputation, LSS + amputation, and Achmad F. Kamal Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med 176 refused surgery from year 1995 to 2014. keywords: amputation; bone; chemotherapy; group; hospital; limb; lss; osteosarcoma; patients; rate; surgery; survival; tumor cache: ijim01-198.pdf plain text: ijim01-198.txt item: #126 of 274 id: ijim01-1987 author: Setiawan, Budi; Pangarsa, Eko Adhi; Santosa, Damai; Naibaho, Ridho M; Setiabudy, Rahajuningsih Dharma; Suharti, Catharina title: Preventing Thrombosis in Cancer Patients date: 2023-01-10 words: 6158 flesch: 50 summary: ABSTRACT Thromboembolism events, either venous (VTE) or arterial thromboembolism (ATE) remain a highly prevalent complication in cancer patients. I N ONCOLOGICAL PRACTICE Cancer patients will experience complications during the course of their disease, which includes disease progression, infections, side effects of chemotherapy, as well as thrombosis, which is a frequently occurring complication among others.6,8 To weigh the benefits against the risks of thormboprophylaxis, clinicians need to be familiar with the burden of thrombosis in cancer patients (Table 1). keywords: bleeding; cancer; cancer patients; chemotherapy; clinical; factors; hours; med; patients; risk; score; thromboembolism; thromboprophylaxis; thrombosis; venous; vte cache: ijim01-1987.pdf plain text: ijim01-1987.txt item: #127 of 274 id: ijim01-199 author: Siregar, Adiatma YM.; Pitriyan, Pipit; Wisaksana, Rudi title: HIV Patients Drop Out in Indonesia: Associated Factors and Potential Productivity Loss date: 2017-05-10 words: 5786 flesch: 58 summary: 7 Azmir M. Factors affecting adherence to anti retroviral therapy among HIV patients attending HIV clinic at Hasan Sadikin Hospital. ABSTRACT Aim: this study reported various factors associated with a higher probability of HIV patients drop out, and potential productivity loss due to HIV patients drop out. keywords: cell; clinic; count; drop; hiv; indonesia; loss; med; patients; probability; productivity; rate; study; treatment cache: ijim01-199.pdf plain text: ijim01-199.txt item: #128 of 274 id: ijim01-2002 author: Shahab, Fatinah; Minuljo, Tania Tedjo; Allo, Calvin Layuk; Priambada, Dody; Ariani, Mahayu Dewi; Faradz, Sultana title: Pituitary Macroadenoma in a Girl with Male Karyotype: A Rare Case Study date: 2023-03-31 words: 4116 flesch: 53 summary: The hormonal profile of CAIS patients is characterized by high LH and normal FSH levels, while testosterone results are typically within the normal male range but increase relatively to the female range.25 There was an elevated prolactin level in the patient due to prolactin-secreting pituitary macroadenoma. Patients suffering from the condition are often asymptomatic with complaints that are caused by hormonal imbalance. keywords: amenorrhea; case; development; dsd; genitalia; macroadenoma; med; patient; pituitary; primary; sex cache: ijim01-2002.pdf plain text: ijim01-2002.txt item: #129 of 274 id: ijim01-2009 author: Susilo, Adityo; Suryana, Kresna Dharma; Nugroho, Pringgodigdo; Muhadi, Muhadi; Alodia, Beryl; Nainggolan, Leonard title: Risk Factors for Temporary Vascular Access Infection in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease Undergoing Hemodialysis in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital date: 2022-09-24 words: 4456 flesch: 52 summary: The risk factors of temporary vascular catheter infection in the multivariate analysis were females (OR 1.731; 95% CI 1.050-2.854; p=0.032), low hemoglobin levels (OR 2.293; 95% CI 1.353-3.885; p=0.002), presence of diabetes mellitus (OR 2.962; 95% CI 1.704-5.149; p<0.001) and duration of catheter insertion (OR 5.322; 95% CI 1.871-15-135; p=0.002). Grothe et al showed that diabetic patients in hypertonic conditions had a 22% greater chance of catheter infections. keywords: access; catheter; factors; hemodialysis; indonesia; infection; patients; risk; study; subjects; vascular cache: ijim01-2009.pdf plain text: ijim01-2009.txt item: #130 of 274 id: ijim01-2017 author: Wiguna, Igor Ian; Bhaskara, Gde Ngurah Irfan; Putri, Mutiara Reka Ananda; Ardianto, Priscilla; Atmoko, Widi title: TIMP2 and IGFBP-7 as Biomarkers For The Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in Post-operative Patients: An Evidence-Based Case Report date: 2023-03-31 words: 3433 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: Postoperative AKI, Diagnosis, TIMP2, IGFBP7, Serum Creatinine Level INTRODUCTION Acute kidney injury (AKI) is defined as a sudden reduction in kidney function. This made it possible to obtain studies investigating the accuracy of TIMP2 and IGFBP7 compared to SCr in diagnosing postoperative AKI. keywords: aki; biomarkers; igfbp7; kidney; patients; studies; surgery cache: ijim01-2017.pdf plain text: ijim01-2017.txt item: #131 of 274 id: ijim01-2018 author: Asmara, Oke Dimas; Pitoyo, Ceva Wicaksono; Wulani, Vally; Harimurti, Kuntjoro; Araminta, Abrianty P title: Accuracy of Bedside Lung Ultrasound in Emergency (BLUE) Protocol to Diagnose the Cause of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS): A Meta-Analysis date: 2022-07-07 words: 7651 flesch: 65 summary: This is also found in pneumothorax cases which image shows the loss of lung sliding and the presence of lung point and barcode sign which is specifically found in pneumothorax.18-20 The ultrasound area used in the five studies is almost the same except in the study by Danish et al. and Bekgoz et al. Lichtenstein et al., Neto et al., and Patel et al., in performing lung ultrasound at 6 points of each hemithorax, therefore, resulted 12 examined points in total. Prosen G, Klemen P, Strnad M, et al. Combination of lung ultrasound (a comet-tail sign) and N-terminal pro- brain natriuretic peptide in differentiating acute heart failure from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma as cause of acute dyspnea in prehospital emergency setting. keywords: accuracy; acute; analysis; blue; emergency; lung; med; pneumonia; protocol; studies; study; ultrasound cache: ijim01-2018.pdf plain text: ijim01-2018.txt item: #132 of 274 id: ijim01-202 author: Wardhani, Shinta Oktya; Trianto, Herman Bagus; Anshory, Muhammad title: A 44-Year-Old Man with Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia and Bilateral Maxillary Sinusitis date: 2017-05-10 words: 3700 flesch: 45 summary: ABSTRAK Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia adalah penyakit kelainan limpoproliferatif yang bersifat kronik dan indolen dengan karakteristik adanya IgM makroglobulin yang tinggi, peningkatan viskositas serum, dan infiltrasi limfoplasmasitik pada sumsum tulang. Telah dilaporkan laki-laki dengan Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia dan sinusitis maksillaris bilateral, diberikan terapi simptomatik dan antibiotik untuk sinusitis, transfusi FFP dan PRC untuk memperbaiki kondisi umumnya, dan kemoterapi regimen CHOP sebagai terapi definitifnya. keywords: bone; cells; disease; igm; level; macroglobulinemia; marrow; monoclonal; patient; sinusitis; treatment; waldenstrom; waldenstrom macroglobulinemia cache: ijim01-202.pdf plain text: ijim01-202.txt item: #133 of 274 id: ijim01-2021 author: Atici, Adem; Asoglu, Ramazan; Barman, Hasan Ali; Tatlisu, Mustafa Adem; Aciksari, Gönul; Yilmaz, Yusuf; Ozcan, Fatma Betul; Caliskan, Mustafa title: Evaluation of COVID-19 Patients According to the Survival Time date: 2022-07-07 words: 8738 flesch: 62 summary: Although pulmonary complications were the leading cause of death, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), myocardial, kidney, and liver injuries could lead to death in COVID-19 patients.1,4-6 About two-thirds of severe COVID-19 patients have a fatal outcome.7-9 Therefore, many clinical features and laboratory parameters were evaluated to predict mortality in COVID-19 patients. COVID-19 RT-PCR (+), surviving COVID-19 patients, and deceased COVID-19 patients were included in the study. keywords: 0.001; acute; age; analysis; cardiac; clinical; covid-19; covid-19 patients; days; dimer; disease; groups; injury; kidney; med; model; mods; mortality; patients; pneumonia; sdbha; study cache: ijim01-2021.pdf plain text: ijim01-2021.txt item: #134 of 274 id: ijim01-2038 author: Darmayani, I Gusti Agung Ayu Putu Sri; Ascobat, Purwantyastuti; Instiaty, Instiaty; Sugiri, Yani Jane R; Sawitri, Neni title: Bedaquiline Effect on QT Interval of Drugs-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients: Real World Data date: 2022-09-24 words: 5169 flesch: 65 summary: * the difference of QTcF after treatment with the baseline **Discontinuation related to interval QT prolongation, if QTcF >500 ms9,10 discontinuation of BDQ treatment (95.8%). The QT interval profile was analysed over time during BDQ treatment. keywords: bdq; drug; interval; prolongation; study; subjects; treatment cache: ijim01-2038.pdf plain text: ijim01-2038.txt item: #135 of 274 id: ijim01-2043 author: Koesnoe, Sukamto; Hidayat, Rakhmad; Aini, Muhammad Hafiz; Fani, Devi Nurfadila; Widjaya, Nita title: Anal Swab in COVID-19 Patients date: 2022-09-24 words: 2775 flesch: 67 summary: This case report collected various specimens from COVID-19 patients with the course of disease of 7 to 30 days, including specimens taken from nasopharyngeal and anal swabs, saliva, blood, and urine. Analysis of viral load in different specimen types and serum antibody levels of COVID-19 patients. keywords: anal; case; covid-19; days; nasopharyngeal; patients; results; sars; swab cache: ijim01-2043.pdf plain text: ijim01-2043.txt item: #136 of 274 id: ijim01-2058 author: Shatri, Hamzah; Faisal, Edward; Abdullah, Murdani; Syam, Ari Fahrial; Utari, Amanda Pitarini; Muzellina, Virly Nanda; Nursyirwan, Saskia Aziza; Lamuri, Aly title: Depression Symptoms and Inflammation in Chronic Functional Constipation Patients date: 2023-03-31 words: 3790 flesch: 54 summary: The results of significant level of peripheral blood cell count, NLR and PLR of CFC based on depression and without depression symptoms (Table 4) and the severity level of depressive symptoms (Table 5). Peripheral blood cell count, NLR and PLR of CFC based on the level of depression symptoms. keywords: cfc; depression; inflammation; lymphocyte; mean; nlr; patients; plr; ratio; study; subjects; symptoms cache: ijim01-2058.pdf plain text: ijim01-2058.txt item: #137 of 274 id: ijim01-2068 author: Lie, Khie Chen; Nelwan, Erni Juwita; Pasaribu, Adeline; Shakinah, Sharifah; Sinto, Robert; Nainggolan, Leonard title: Revisiting the Overlooked Infection: Rickettsioses date: 2023-01-10 words: 3563 flesch: 51 summary: One systematic review by Wangdi et al.20 studied undifferentiated febrile illness cases in south and southeast Asia and revealed that the prevalence of Rickettsioses reached 4%, which comprised of scrub typhus, murine typhus, and spotted fever disease. In Indonesia, a recent study in patients with acute fever revealed that the prevalence of Rickettsioses is 10%. keywords: diseases; fever; indonesia; infection; med; rickettsial; rickettsioses; study; typhus cache: ijim01-2068.pdf plain text: ijim01-2068.txt item: #138 of 274 id: ijim01-2074 author: Fiblia, Fiblia; Rengganis, Iris; Purnamasari, Dyah; Widhani, Alvina; Karjadi, Teguh H; Shatri, Hamzah; Putranto, Rudi title: Effect of Cholecalciferol Supplementation on Disease Activity and Quality of Life of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study date: 2022-09-24 words: 4172 flesch: 55 summary: However, the relationship between vitamin D levels and SLE disease activity has been reported to be inconsistent and is still debated.8 Several studies have shown that vitamin D is associated with SLE disease activity through several mechanisms; meanwhile, other studies have reported that there was no relationship between vitamin D levels and SLE. Effect of vitamin D supplementation on SLE disease activity is still controversial, and its role on the quality of life of Indonesian SLE patients has never been studied. keywords: cholecalciferol; disease; group; life; placebo; quality; sle; subjects; vitamin cache: ijim01-2074.pdf plain text: ijim01-2074.txt item: #139 of 274 id: ijim01-2078 author: Djoerban, Zubairi; Alkaff, Muhammad; Priantono, Dimas; Waluyo, Dyah Agustina; Marsigit, Jessica; Noor, Chairina Azyka; Ichsan, Oemar; Yonathan, Kevin; Aisyah, Matdoan Rifkiah; William, Andy; Rahmah, Uva; Permatasari, Wahyu title: The Profile of COVID-19 in Patients with Autoimmune Disease: A Case Series date: 2023-01-10 words: 4490 flesch: 51 summary: An online survey involving 1,381 respondents with rheumatic diseases in Ireland reported that the COVID-19 PCR positivity rate was 0.46%, similar to general Irish population positivity rate.16 Similarly, a large cross-sectional study performed in Italy reported no difference in the incidence of COVID-19 between patients with autoimmune disease and those with no autoimmune disease.17 Recommendation from European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) also stated that so far, there had been not enough evidence that autoimmune diseases increased the risk of COVID-19.18 Our case series was not designed to estimate the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in autoimmune disease patients. Murray K, Quinn S, Turk M, et al. COVID-19 and rheumatic musculoskeletal disease patients: infection rates, attitudes and medication adherence in an Irish population. keywords: autoimmune; case; covid-19; diseases; indonesia; infection; patients; risk; series; study; tuberculosis cache: ijim01-2078.pdf plain text: ijim01-2078.txt item: #140 of 274 id: ijim01-2080 author: Mulyana, Roza; Syafrita, Yuliarni; Ali, Hirowati; Murni, Arina Widya title: The Role of High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein to Predict Delirium Persistence in Elderly Patients with Pneumonia: A Prospective Cohort Study date: 2022-09-24 words: 2861 flesch: 54 summary: Vasunilashorn’s study (2017) found high CRP levels associated with delirium duration.20 McGrane (2011) found a link between hs-CRP levels and the shorter duration of delirium free in critically ill patients.21 This study supports the role of hs-CRP as an inflammatory marker in predicting the risk of persistent delirium. The study sample was delirium patients aged 60 years or older with pneumonia infection. keywords: crp; delirium; levels; patients; persistent; pnf; s100b cache: ijim01-2080.pdf plain text: ijim01-2080.txt item: #141 of 274 id: ijim01-2081 author: Kolopaking, Marcellus Simadibrata title: Urease, Gastric Bacteria and Gastritis date: 2022-04-08 words: 652 flesch: 48 summary: This ammonia product can be examined by Urease biopsy test and Urea breath test such as 14C-Urea Breath Test or 13C-Urea Breath Test.1 Previously, the Urea breath test was intended to detect an increase in ammonia which is a urease product in the gastric mucosa produced by pathogenic gastric bacteria, such as Helicobacter pylori, etc.1-7 Acute and chronic gastritis caused by infection with these pathogenic bacteria infection turned out to be positive on Urea breath test.8-11 Indirectly, the results of the urea breath test are also related to the presence of inflammation in acute and chronic gastritis, regardless of whether the cause is Helicobacter pylori or other urease- producing pathogenic bacteria.7,8 The use of the urea breath test indirectly in diagnosing acute and chronic gastritis should be studied further. 2. Lee A, O’Rourke J. Gastric bacteria other than Helicobacter pylori. keywords: gastritis; helicobacter; urea cache: ijim01-2081.pdf plain text: ijim01-2081.txt item: #142 of 274 id: ijim01-2086 author: Effendi-YS, Rustam title: Colonoscopy, Biomarkers, and Targeted Therapy in Colorectal Cancer date: 2022-09-24 words: 6869 flesch: 55 summary: MSI-H was considered if there were ≥ 2 of abnormal markers.4,7,24 There were differences in the characteristics of CIN, MMR, and MSI-H found in colorectal cancer patients based on different locations. Han L, Shi S, Gong T, Zhang Z, Sun X. Cancer stem cells: therapeutic implications and perspective in cancer therapy. keywords: anti; biomarkers; braf; cancer; cells; chemotherapy; colon; colonoscopy; colorectal; crc; cscs; indones; med; molecular; msi; patients; stage; stem; therapy; treatment; tumor cache: ijim01-2086.pdf plain text: ijim01-2086.txt item: #143 of 274 id: ijim01-2098 author: Shatri, Hamzah; Zainudin, Rizka; Ardani, Yanuar; Faisal, Edward; Putranto, Rudi title: Sleep Problem in Post COVID-19 Patient, Its Impact on Quality of Life and Current Management: An Evidence-based of Case Report date: 2023-07-28 words: 2701 flesch: 55 summary: Yes Hamzah Shatri Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med 230 Benzodiazepine used only for long treatment therapy if the other drugs or CBT were failed.8,6 Overall, the use of anti-insomnia drugs in COVID-19 patients must be very careful and need more attention since there were broad spectrum of the symptoms and patient’s comorbidity. The use of melatonin in COVID-19 patients is recommended as an adjuvant therapy. keywords: covid-19; insomnia; life; patient; post; problem; quality; sleep; study cache: ijim01-2098.pdf plain text: ijim01-2098.txt item: #144 of 274 id: ijim01-2100 author: Nelwan, Erni J; Tunjungputri, Rahajeng N; Tetrasiwi, Erpryta N; Lauditta, Richella K; Nainggolan, Leonard title: Extrapulmonary Manifestations COVID-19 date: 2022-07-07 words: 797 flesch: 54 summary: A 37-year-old male with COVID-19 conjunctivitis and (D) after recovery. A 44 year-old-female patient with COVID-19 stomatitis and (B) after recovery. keywords: covid-19; medicine; year cache: ijim01-2100.pdf plain text: ijim01-2100.txt item: #145 of 274 id: ijim01-211 author: Suwita, Benedicta Mutiara; Friska, Dewi; Widjaja, Deriyan Sukma; Srisawitri, Liana title: Multidiscipline Care for Type 2 Diabetes Patients: from General to Asian Population date: 2017-11-02 words: 4431 flesch: 53 summary: Therefore, determining types of multidiscipline approach most effective for each of type 2 diabetes patients is a very important and interesting topic. However, it provides some insight on possible methods of multidiscipline care delivery and problems potentially encountered in treating T2DM Asian patients with multidiscipline approach. keywords: asian; care; diabetes; hba1c; healthcare; management; med; multidiscipline; patients; personnel; telephone; type; visit cache: ijim01-211.pdf plain text: ijim01-211.txt item: #146 of 274 id: ijim01-2112 author: Vidyani, Amie; Nusi, Iswan Abbas; Kholili, Ulfa; Setiawan, Poernomo B; Purbayu, Herry; Sugihartono, Titong; Maimunah, Ummi; Widodo, Budi; Thamrin, Husin; Miftahussurur, Muhammad title: Lower Number and Percentage of Activated Natural Killer Cells in Colorectal Cancer Patients date: 2023-01-10 words: 3748 flesch: 59 summary: Colorectal cancer was tenfold more likely to develop in patients with low NK cell activity.6 The incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing in developing countries such as Indonesia. Colorectal cancer patients are patients whose masses are suspected of malignancy originating from the colon and/or rectum on colonoscopy examination, as well as evidenced by histopathological examination, and benign lesion patients are patients who do not show a mass suspected of malignancy (polyps, internal and external hemorrhoids, normal) as evidenced by histopathological examination. keywords: cancer; cells; colorectal; group; killer; lesion; mean; number; patients; percentage cache: ijim01-2112.pdf plain text: ijim01-2112.txt item: #147 of 274 id: ijim01-2114 author: Santoso, Prayudi; Juliastuti, Henny; Nataprawira, Heda Melinda; Soeroto, Arto Yuwono; Alisjahbana, Bachti; Ruslami, Rovina; Debora, Josephine; Sribudiani, Yunia; Maskoen, Ani Melani title: Polymorphisms of SLCO1B1 Gene in Sundanese Ethnic Population of Tuberculosis Patients in Indonesia date: 2023-01-10 words: 4358 flesch: 58 summary: SLCO1B1 gene polymorphisms do not influence plasma rifampicin concentrations in a South Indian population. Keywords: c.85-7793C>T (rs4149032), c.463C>A (rs11045819), drug transporter, gene polymorphism, West Java, Indonesia. keywords: c.463c; c.85; gene; indonesia; medicine; patients; polymorphism; rifampicin; rs11045819; rs4149032; slco1b1; study cache: ijim01-2114.pdf plain text: ijim01-2114.txt item: #148 of 274 id: ijim01-2115 author: Sutanto, Samuel Theodorus; Sinto, Robert; Pasaribu, Adeline; Shakinah, Sharifah title: Molnupiravir and Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir: The New Available Antiviral Options for COVID-19 date: 2023-01-10 words: 3844 flesch: 55 summary: Phase 2/3 clinical study in COVID-19 patients without any indication for hospitalization showed that molnupiravir and nirmatrelvir/ritonavir significantly reduced the risk of hospitalization and death. We aim to highlight the role of newly repurposed antiviral agents for COVID-19 treatment, molnupiravir and nirmatrelvir/ritonavir, which are available in Indonesia since early 2022, but have not been widely reviewed. keywords: covid-19; events; indonesia; molnupiravir; nirmatrelvir; patients; placebo; risk; ritonavir; rna cache: ijim01-2115.pdf plain text: ijim01-2115.txt item: #149 of 274 id: ijim01-2117 author: Gunawan, Atma; Sakti, Pandu Tridana title: Five-Year Survival Rate of Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) at Malang CAPD Center, Indonesia date: 2023-03-31 words: 2623 flesch: 57 summary: We aimed to analyze the five-year survival of CAPD patients with end- stage renal disease caused by hypertension alone or in combination with diabetes mellitus at one of Indonesia’s CAPD centers. Keywords: Survival, end stage renal disease, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. keywords: capd; disease; end; patients; renal; stage; survival cache: ijim01-2117.pdf plain text: ijim01-2117.txt item: #150 of 274 id: ijim01-212 author: Kurniawan, Juferdy; Sanityoso, Andri; Lalisang, Toar JM; Krisnuhoni, Ening; Matondang, Sahat; Araminta, Abirianty P; Lutfie, Lutfie title: Immunohistochemical Staining on an Excision Biopsy Specimen as a Diagnostic Modality for Rare Idiopathic Hepatocellular Adenoma: A Case Report date: 2019-05-10 words: 2668 flesch: 42 summary: There are several points of approach for the lesion which may be beneficial as the clues of establishing HCA diagnosis, differentiating it with focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Keywords: liver adenoma, benign liver tumor, diagnosis, immunohistochemical marker, resection. keywords: adenoma; biopsy; diagnosis; findings; hca; hepatocellular; indonesia; liver; tumor cache: ijim01-212.pdf plain text: ijim01-212.txt item: #151 of 274 id: ijim01-2120 author: Sukrisman, Lugyanti; Rinaldi, Ikhwan title: Diagnosis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Using iwCLL 2018 Compared with NCI-WG96 Criteria in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital: A Practical Consideration in Resource Limited Setting date: 2023-01-10 words: 4168 flesch: 56 summary: Sampling was done by total sampling obtained from the list of CLL patients in the registry. At that time, automated blood counter and immunophenotyping test were not routinely available, thus absolute lymphocyte counts (ALC) above 5x109/L was used as the threshold for diagnosis.6,7 In the 2008 revisions to the CLL diagnostic criteria, B-cell count rather than ALC above 5x109/L was adopted as the basis for diagnosis.8 Nowadays, the diagnosis of CLL is mainly based on laboratory features, including blood count, morphology, and immunophenotyping, as described in the iwCLL 2018.9 Society guidelines for CLL stressed on the importance of CLL diagnosis from peripheral blood using B-cell count and flowcytometry alone. keywords: biopsy; bone; chronic; cll; criteria; diagnosis; iwcll; leukemia; marrow; patients; study cache: ijim01-2120.pdf plain text: ijim01-2120.txt item: #152 of 274 id: ijim01-2136 author: Budi, David Setyo; Oktavian, Puguh; Asmarawati, Tri Pudy; Lestari, Pudji; Ariviani, Fauziah; Ihsanulhaj, Raka; Tsania, Tamara; Febiola, Danise; Putri, Naomi Lesmana title: Antiviral Treatment in COVID-19 Outpatients: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials date: 2023-01-10 words: 10257 flesch: 61 summary: 5- 45 ] 36 [3 2- 44 ] Lo w ri sk , n on - ho sp ita lis ed , m ild ill ne ss O ra l f av ip ira vi r 1 80 0m g tw ic e da ily o n da y 1 fo llo w ed b y 80 0m g tw ic e da ily fo r a to ta l du ra tio n of 5 to 7 d ay s th er ap y P la ce bo H ol ub ar e t a l., 20 21 16 R C T U ni te d S ta te s 75 74 42 .5 ± 1 2 42 .8 ± 1 2 U nv ac ci na te d, lo w ri sk n on - ho sp ita lis ed , m ild ill ne ss O ra l f av ip ira vi r 1 80 0m g tw ic e da ily o n da y 1 fo llo w ed b y 80 0m g tw ic e da ily fo r a to ta l du ra tio n of 1 0 da ys th er ap y P la ce bo Lo w e et a l., 20 22 17 R C T U ni te d K in gd om 18 0 (fa vi pi ra vi r+ lo pi na vi r- rit on av ir= 6 1 Fa vi pi ra vi r = 59 Lo pi na vi r- rit on av ir= 60 ) 60 Fa vi pi ra vi r+ +l op in av ir- rit on av ir= 4 0. 3 ±1 3. 1 fa vi pi ra vi r= 40 .3 ± 12 .1 lo pi na vi r- rit on av ir= 38 .6 ± 11 .5 40 .6 ± 12 .2 B ot h va cc in at ed a nd un va cc in at ed , l ow ris k, n on -h os pi ta lis ed , m ild il ln es s O ra l f av ip ira vi r 8 00 m g tw ic e da ily o n D ay 1 , fo llo w ed b y 40 0 m g fo ur tim es d ai ly fr om d ay 2 to da y 7 O ra l l op in av ir- rit on av ir 40 0m g/ 10 0 m g tw ic e da ily on d ay 1 , f ol lo w ed b y 20 0m g/ 50 m g fo ur ti m es da ily fr om d ay 2 to d ay 7 O ra l f av ip ira vi r ( 18 00 m g tw ic e da ily o n da y 1 fo llo w ed b y 40 0m g fo ur tim es d ai ly o n da ys 2 -7 ) P LU S lo pi na vi r- rit on av ir (4 00 m g/ 10 0m g tw ic e da ily on d ay 1 , f ol lo w ed b y 20 0m g/ 50 m g fo ur ti m es da ily o n da ys 2 -7 ) P la ce bo B er na l e t a l., 20 21 18 R C T M ul tip le co un tri es 71 6 71 7 44 ± 1 5 45 ± 1 5 U nv ac ci na te d ad ul t, H ig h ris k no n- ho sp ita lis ed , m ild to m od er at e ill ne ss O ra l m ol nu pi ra vi r 8 00 m g fo r 5 d ay s tw ic e da ily P la ce bo Vol 54 • Number 4 • October 2022 Antiviral Treatment in COVID-19 Outpatients 545 Fi sc he r e t a l., 20 22 19 R C T U ni te d S ta te s 14 0 : 23 =2 00 m g 62 =4 00 m g 55 =8 00 m g 62 20 0 m A ny A E = 23 1 (3 3. 0% ) S er io us A E = 67 (9 .6 % ) David Setyo Budi Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med 548 Fi sc he r e t a l., 20 22 19 N A N A N A N A N A N A C ha ng e of v ira l l oa d: da y 5 20 0 m g: -1 .4 71 (0 .2 12 ) 40 0 m g: -1 .7 54 (0 .1 28 )* 80 0 m g: -1 .8 67 (0 .1 26 )* P os iti ve C ov id -1 9 at da y 5= 20 0m keywords: covid-19; events; favipiravir; m g cache: ijim01-2136.pdf plain text: ijim01-2136.txt item: #153 of 274 id: ijim01-2143 author: Lydia, Aida; Suastika, Ketut; Martosuwignjo, Pranawa; Sibarani, Roy Panusunan; Nasution, Sally Aman; Sulistijo, Soebagijo Adi title: Early Recognition of Type 2 Diabetes Complications and Use of SGLT2i in Multidisciplinary Approach: Indonesian Perspective - An Expert Opinion date: 2023-01-10 words: 6738 flesch: 57 summary: Asian HF patients were observed to spend between 5 (Indonesia) to 12.5 days (Taiwan) in the hospital with a 3 to 15% readmission rate within 30 days due to HF.8 A vicious circle exists between T2DM, heart failure, and kidney disease, with the prevalence of HF increasing as CKD progresses.9 A higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is associated with T2DM, which is estimated to be 1.6 to 2.6%.4 Worldwide, CVD affects 32.2% of T2DM patients and it’s the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in diabetic population.10 According to a retrospective cohort study (n=1085) conducted from 2011 -2018, the incidence of cardiovascular events among the prediabetic and diabetic Indonesian population was 9.7% over a six-year period. Additionally, the objective of this review is to justify the beneficial role of SGLT2i in primary and secondary prevention of cardiorenal complications associated with T2DM, wherein primary prevention is described as prevention of occurrence of cardiorenal complication and secondary prevention is to reduce the worsening of cardiorenal complication in T2DM patients. keywords: cardiovascular; complications; dapagliflozin; diabetes; disease; indonesia; inhibitors; kidney; med; patients; prevention; renal; risk; type cache: ijim01-2143.pdf plain text: ijim01-2143.txt item: #154 of 274 id: ijim01-2151 author: Hartopo, Anggoro Budi; Anggrahini, Dyah Wulan; Satwiko, Muhammad Gahan; Damarkusuma, Arditya; Pritazahra, Armalya; Hadwiono, Muhammad Reyhan; Dewanto, Vera Christina; Di Somma, Salvatore; Emoto, Noriaki; Dinarti, Lucia Kris title: Usefulness of Combining NT-proBNP Level and Right Atrial Diameter for Simple and Early Noninvasive Detection of Pulmonary Hypertension Among Adult Patients with Atrial Septal Defect date: 2023-01-10 words: 5720 flesch: 53 summary: Conclusion: NT-proBNP level ≥140 pg/mL represented PH in adult ASD patients. The semi-urgent status for RHC is indicated in adult ASD patients with both NT-proBNP ≥140 pg/mL and RA diameter <46.0 mm. keywords: adult; asd; atrial; diameter; hypertension; level; patients; probnp; rhc; value cache: ijim01-2151.pdf plain text: ijim01-2151.txt item: #155 of 274 id: ijim01-2168 author: Sulaiman, Andri Sanityoso; Hasan, Irsan; Lesmana, Cosmas Rinaldi A; Kurniawan, Juferdy; Jasirwan, Chyntia Olivia Maurine; Nababan, Saut; Kalista, Kemal Fariz; Hanifa, Rachmadianti Sukma; Rachmani, Desti; Gani, Rino Alvani title: Diagnostic Performance of Mac-2-Binding Protein Glycosylation Isomer (M2BPGi), compared to Transient Elastography to Assess Liver Stiffness in Treatment Naïve Chronic Hepatitis C Patients date: 2023-01-10 words: 3562 flesch: 50 summary: Email:;; ABSTRACT Background: Liver fibrosis is an essential factor in the management of Hepatitis C virus infection. Among the Chronic Hepatitis C patients, the median serum of M2BPGi increased according to the degree of liver fibrosis: 1.500 COI (F0-F1), 2.985 COI (F2-F3) and 8.785 COI (≥F4). keywords: chronic; coi; fibrosis; hepatitis; level; liver; m2bpgi; patients; serum cache: ijim01-2168.pdf plain text: ijim01-2168.txt item: #156 of 274 id: ijim01-2171 author: Putranto, Rudi; Harimurti, Kuntjoro; Setiati, Siti; Safitri, Eka Dian; Saldi, Siti Rizny F; Subekti, Imam; Nasrun, Martina Wiwie S; Shatri, Hamzah title: The Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Symptoms of Depression in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials date: 2023-01-10 words: 5599 flesch: 55 summary: Vitamin D supplementation to reduce depression in adults: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Furthermore, even though the included articles were focused on the effect of vitamin D supplementation on the improvement of depressive symptoms in type 2 diabetic patients, most of the studies lacked detailed information on the mechanisms of how vitamin D may affect depressive symptoms. keywords: analysis; bias; depression; diabetes; effect; patients; review; risk; studies; study; supplementation; symptoms; type; vitamin; vitamin d cache: ijim01-2171.pdf plain text: ijim01-2171.txt item: #157 of 274 id: ijim01-2191 author: Yunita, Bella; Fauzi, Achmad title: Current Diagnostic and Treatment Approach of Clostridioides difficile Infection date: 2023-07-28 words: 3931 flesch: 38 summary: C. difficile infection is diagnosed when diarrhea occurred in high risk patient with positive result of GDH or NAAT test that was confirmed by positive result of toxin test. Thus, the main priority of C. difficile infection in Indonesia is associated with its prevention, by implementing standard precaution and use of rational antimicrobial. keywords: antimicrobial; days; difficile; disease; infection; patient; treatment; vancomycin cache: ijim01-2191.pdf plain text: ijim01-2191.txt item: #158 of 274 id: ijim01-220 author: Syam, Ari Fahrial title: Fasting Can Prevent Various Chronic Diseases date: 2017-05-10 words: 992 flesch: 56 summary: Various studies on fasting individuals have reported reduced LDL and Increased HDL levels, which obviously bring positive effects on prevention of cardiovascular diseases.2 A s t u However, activities related to religious services were increased such as increased activities of Taraweeh and Sunnah prayers. keywords: fasting; intake; prayers; ramadhan cache: ijim01-220.pdf plain text: ijim01-220.txt item: #159 of 274 id: ijim01-2208 author: Wahyudi, Wahyudi; Antono, Dono; Nugroho, Pringgodigdo; Rinaldi, Ikhwan; Wijaya, Ika Prasetya; Shatri, Hamzah; Yunir, Em; Rusdi, Lusiani title: Efficacy and Safety of Clopidogrel in the Prevention of Primary Failure of Arteriovenous Fistula in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease: A Systematic Review date: 2023-03-31 words: 3710 flesch: 50 summary: Afsar showed that diabetic patients with HbA1c less than 7 have a risk of primary failure with no significant difference from patients without diabetes, while diabetes mellitus patients with HbA1c more than 7 have a 2.8 times higher risk for primary failure.15 Administration of higher initial dose than the daily dose does not have a significant effect on primary FAV failure. Through this systematic review, we aimed to assess the role of clopidogrel to the incidence of primary FAV failure and the risk of bleeding in ESRD patients. keywords: arteriovenous; bleeding; clopidogrel; failure; fav; indonesia; medicine; primary; risk; study; treatment cache: ijim01-2208.pdf plain text: ijim01-2208.txt item: #160 of 274 id: ijim01-2212 author: Kamelia, Telly; Makmun, Lukman Hakim title: The Role of New Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure Formula to Predict Diastolic Dysfunction in Obstructive Sleep Apnea date: 2023-03-31 words: 6225 flesch: 56 summary: The weakness of this formula is there must be a pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP), pulmonary artery diastolic pressure (PADP) and mean pulmonary artery pressure (MPAP) value. Keywords: pulmonary artery wedge pressure, obstructive sleep apnea, diastolic dysfunction. keywords: artery; diastolic; dysfunction; formula; heart; osa; patients; pawp; pressure; pulmonary; sleep; subjects; wedge cache: ijim01-2212.pdf plain text: ijim01-2212.txt item: #161 of 274 id: ijim01-2213 author: Makmun, Lukman H; Kamelia, Telly; Yusuf, Prasandhya Astagiri title: Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure Formula Using Echocardiography Finding date: 2023-07-28 words: 1763 flesch: 72 summary: Left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP) is equivalent to LA pressure and is also equivalent to PAWP. ABSTRACT This study aims to introduce a new formula for pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) derived from the pathophysiology of Velocity A (VA) waves. keywords: formula; pawp cache: ijim01-2213.pdf plain text: ijim01-2213.txt item: #162 of 274 id: ijim01-2217 author: Widhani, Alvina; Maria, Suzy; Yulian, Rifky; Hasibuan, Anshari Saifuddin; Koesnoe, Sukamto title: A Case Report of Hereditary Angioedema: Challenges in Diagnosis and Management date: 2023-07-28 words: 2515 flesch: 55 summary: The patient had a family history for HAE and the laboratory work up showed low C4 level and C1q esterase inhibitor.5 Clinicians should know how to manage HAE patients during acute attacks and how to give prophylaxis before procedure or for long term.2,6 Medications for treatment or prophylaxis that target the pathway in bradykinin mediated Alvina Widhani Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med 208 angioedema include C1-INH replacement, inhibition of the bradykinin B2 receptor, and inhibition of kallikrein which decrease bradykinin production (Figure 4).1,2,6,7 Low or dysfunctional C1-INH can be treated with plasma-derived or recombinant C1-INH which has similar target with endogenous C1-INH. Although most HAE attacks are unpredictable, the patient should be informed about avoiding triggers and consider long term prophylaxis. keywords: angioedema; hae; hereditary; inh; patient; prophylaxis; type cache: ijim01-2217.pdf plain text: ijim01-2217.txt item: #163 of 274 id: ijim01-2227 author: Nelwan, Erni Juwita title: The Vascular Access Related Infections: Have We Anticipated Them Adequately? date: 2022-09-24 words: 820 flesch: 52 summary: One of the major problems that occurs with vascular access is the risk of infection. Among HD patients, mortality and morbidity are predominantly associated with infection; about one-fifth as a cause of hospital admissions, one-fourth of the infection-related admissions are due to infection of vascular access. keywords: access; indones; infection; patients cache: ijim01-2227.pdf plain text: ijim01-2227.txt item: #164 of 274 id: ijim01-2231 author: Al Ali, Hadeel S.; Jabbar, Azza Sajid; Neamah, Nadheerah F.; Ibrahim, Nawal Khalil title: Long-Term Use of Omeprazole: Effect on Haematological and Biochemical Parameters date: 2023-01-10 words: 5887 flesch: 59 summary: Statistical analyses have found no variations (p>0.05) in WBC count (7.86±2.67 vs. 8.96±2.79 ×10 9/L), neutrophils % (57.04±12.84 vs. 52.53±13.61), monocytes % (9.11±1.76 vs. 8.83±2.34) and lymphocytes % (33.39±11.57 vs. 37.23±12.08) between patients group and healthy group, as illustrated in Table 2. In serum cholesterol levels, we found a significant elevation (p<0.001) in the levels of total cholesterol in patients group (225.45±23.48 mg/dL) in comparison to healthy group (182.69±39.15 mg/dL), alongside significant elevation (p<0.001) of triglyceride levels in patients group (215.46±35.98 mg/dL) compared to healthy group (158.81±48.16 mg/ dL). keywords: blood; calcium; gastric; group; inhibitors; levels; omeprazole; patients; ppis; proton; pump; serum; study; term; use cache: ijim01-2231.pdf plain text: ijim01-2231.txt item: #165 of 274 id: ijim01-2239 author: Jauwerissa, Ria; Marbun, Maruhum Bonar H.; Nugroho, Pringgodigdo; Rinaldi, Ikhwan; Suhardjono, Suhardjono; Shatri, Hamzah; Laksmi, Purwita Wijaya; Hasan, Irsan title: Factors Associated with Sarcopenia in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study date: 2023-03-31 words: 3278 flesch: 52 summary: This finding also followed Canaud, et al19 study which stated that SCI is a reliable and inexpensive marker of muscle metabolism and can be used as a nutritional and skeletal muscle marker in the dialysis population. The clinical applicability of ultrasound technique for diagnosis of sarcopenia in hemodialysis patients. keywords: activity; factors; hemodialysis; muscle; patients; phosphate; prevalence; sarcopenia; serum; study cache: ijim01-2239.pdf plain text: ijim01-2239.txt item: #166 of 274 id: ijim01-2247 author: Ferly, Aldo; Firdaus, Isman title: Skin Mottling as Clinical Manifestation of Cardiogenic Shock date: 2023-01-10 words: 867 flesch: 46 summary: Pathophysiology of mottling skin is believed to be due to peripheral vasoconstriction of the skin. Skin mottling (Mottling Score 2) observed in the lower extremity 645Acta Med Indones - Indones J Intern Med • Vol 54 • Number 4 • October 2022 Aldo Ferly Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med 646 colder than normally colored skin. keywords: mottling; patient; skin cache: ijim01-2247.pdf plain text: ijim01-2247.txt item: #167 of 274 id: ijim01-227 author: Siahaan, Laura A; Syam, Ari F; Simadibrata, Marcellus; Setiati, Siti title: The Validity and Reliability Test of the Indonesian Version of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Quality of Life (GERD-QOL) Questionnaire date: 2017-05-10 words: 3892 flesch: 54 summary: Conclusion: the Indonesian version of GERD-QOL questionnaire has been proven valid and reliable to evaluate the quality of life of GERD patients. GERD is a chronic disease that often needs long-term treatment and it can affect quality of life by disturbing the quality of eating and drinking, physical activities and rest.6,8,9 Anxiety and depression in GERD patients are significantly higher compared to healthy subjects group. keywords: gerd; indonesian; life; patients; qol; quality; questionnaire; reliability; study; validity; version cache: ijim01-227.pdf plain text: ijim01-227.txt item: #168 of 274 id: ijim01-2279 author: Yamin, Muhammad; Salim, Simon; Setiati, Siti; Pudianto, Angga Pramudita; Zulmiyusrini, Putri; Tondas, Alexander Edo; Antono, Dono; Ginanjar, Eka; Mansjoer, Arif; Azizi, M Syahrir; Nachrowi, Annisa Puspitasari; Sukardi, Rubiana; Alwi, Idrus title: Validity and Reliability Studies of the Indonesian Version of Arrhythmia-Specific Questionnaire in Tachycardia and Arrhythmia (ASTA) date: 2023-07-28 words: 3839 flesch: 54 summary: The almost half of participants (40%) were not troubled by AF symptoms. Barbaglia et al. stated that disability has become an important component of disease burden, with cardiovascular disease contributing to one of nine disability-causing health conditions.13 These limitations might be caused by AF symptoms such as lack of energy (92%), dyspnea (76%), and palpitations (70%) due to lack of atrial contraction and irregular diastole leading to decreased stroke volume, cardiac output, and blood pressure.14,15 Concomitant diseases such as coronary artery disease (35.6%), heart failure (12.7%), and thyroid disease (7.6%) may contribute to both physical and emotional limitations.14 Rienstra et al. reported that more than half of AF patients present with reduced exercise capacity, with shortness of breath as the main complaint. keywords: arrhythmia; asta; domain; indonesian; limitations; p<0.01; physical; role; score; version cache: ijim01-2279.pdf plain text: ijim01-2279.txt item: #169 of 274 id: ijim01-2295 author: Wirdah, Aisyah; Djamaludin, Norman; Syahrir, Mediarty; Andayani, Yenny Dian; Andriani, Mita; Diansari, Yunni title: Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma in an Immunocompetent Young Adult Patient: A Rare Case date: 2023-03-31 words: 743 flesch: 59 summary: PCNSL is a rare form aggressive extra nodal NHL, especially in Immunocompetent patient. Brain MRI Patients After 2 Cycle Chemotherapy. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) E2M1V aphasia. keywords: brain; lymphoma; medicine; patient cache: ijim01-2295.pdf plain text: ijim01-2295.txt item: #170 of 274 id: ijim01-2307 author: Lusiyana, Novyan; Agustin, Anggia Fitria title: The Characteristic of Recurrent Malaria Episode: An Observational Study in Timika Papua date: 2023-07-28 words: 4058 flesch: 60 summary: Each malaria case was continued by recording demographic data including age, sex, ethnicity, Plasmodium type, and number of malaria episodes. The results of the Chi Square test showed that age and ethnicity were not associated with malaria episodes (p>0.05), while sex was associated with malaria episodes (p=0.004). keywords: cases; children; episodes; malaria; naena; papua; plasmodium; recurrent; risk; study; timika cache: ijim01-2307.pdf plain text: ijim01-2307.txt item: #171 of 274 id: ijim01-2309 author: Dwimartutie, Noto; Setiati, Siti; Tamin, Tirza Z; Prijanti, Ani Retno; Harahap, Alida R; Purnamasari, Dyah; Harimurti, Kuntjoro; Pramantara, I Dewa Putu title: Vitamin D Levels in Pre-frail Older Adults and Its Correlation with Hand Grip Strength date: 2023-07-28 words: 4783 flesch: 59 summary: It is estimated that nearly 90% of the body’s vitamin D comes from sunlight activation through skin synthesis.40 After exposure to UVB sunlight (wavelength 290–315 nm), photolysis of 7-dehydrocholesterol (provitamin D3) in the skin transforms into pre- vitamin D3, which is then isomerized to vitamin D3.41 Setiati et al.42 reported that older adults in nursing homes who were exposed to sunlight for 25 minutes at 09:00, three times a week for 6 weeks, showed an increase in vitamin D levels from 59 to 84 nmol/L. Based on a meta-analysis, frailty is associated with low vitamin D levels, where the lower the vitamin D level, the more severe the frailty status.6,43 Several studies have linked vitamin D levels to a frailty component, whereas weakness, low physical activity, fatigue, and low gait speed are all associated with low vitamin D levels.44,45 Individuals with these conditions tend to be physically inactive, which disturbs the balance of protein metabolism in the muscles. Correlations between vitamin D levels and hand grip strength were evaluated by Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. keywords: adults; correlation; deficiency; grip; hand; indonesia; levels; normal; pre; strength; study; vitamin; vitamin d cache: ijim01-2309.pdf plain text: ijim01-2309.txt item: #172 of 274 id: ijim01-2310 author: Nabilah, Musholli Himmatun; Wardhani, Puspa; Aryati, Aryati; Hernaningsih, Yetti; Semedi, Bambang Pujo title: The Comparison of Monocyte Human Leukocyte Antigen-D-Related (mHLA-DR) Expression Levels Between Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Patients and Healthy Subjects date: 2023-03-31 words: 4415 flesch: 53 summary: The expression of mHLA- DR in COVID-19 patients in this study, whose most proportion was the mild case (64.7%), was still at the reference values (>15,000 AB/C). Expression of mHLA- DR in COVID-19 patients was lower and significantly different from the healthy subjects (p = 0.010) keywords: covid-19; expression; indonesia; mhla; patients; study; subjects cache: ijim01-2310.pdf plain text: ijim01-2310.txt item: #173 of 274 id: ijim01-2321 author: Co, Jamie Lim; Goco, Maria Lourdes Luna; So, Jeffrey Santos title: Paraganglioma in The Urinary Bladder: A Pitfall in Histopathologic Diagnosis date: 2023-03-31 words: 2901 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: Paraganglioma, pitfall, urinary bladder, diagnosis. Ghafoor AU, Yousaf I, Pervez R, Khan RU, Mir K. Paraganglioma of urinary bladder: an unusual presentation. keywords: bladder; case; cells; diagnosis; figure; paraganglioma; tumor; urinary cache: ijim01-2321.pdf plain text: ijim01-2321.txt item: #174 of 274 id: ijim01-2322 author: Umboh, Octavianus; Moies, Emma Syarifih; Palar, Stella title: The Effect of Anemia and Hypoalbuminemia on Six-Months Hospitalization Risk in End Stage Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: A Retrospective Cohort Study date: 2023-07-28 words: 3669 flesch: 52 summary: Hypoalbuminemiaemia seems to be associated with a higher rate of hospitalization in hemodialysis patients. Anemia is caused by a decreased in the level of erythropoietin produced by the kidneys, with is followed by decreased GFR.7 Some laboratory parameters, including albumin and hemoglobin levels, can be used to evaluate the progression of of CKD, predicting its clinical outcomes, evaluating response to treatment, as well as predicting of the prognosis.8 To date, most of the published studies on this topic were conducted in Japanese ,Taiwanese, and Singaporean populations, which may have different profile compared with Indonesian patients in terms of ethnicity, lifestyle, socioeconomic level and health system9,10 The differences in socioeconomic status level between CKD patients in developed countries compared with those in emerging countries such as Indonesia, may play significant role particularly in nutritional status and dietary intake. keywords: anemia; chronic; ckd; disease; hemodialysis; hospitalization; hypoalbuminemia; kidney; patients; risk; study cache: ijim01-2322.pdf plain text: ijim01-2322.txt item: #175 of 274 id: ijim01-2336 author: Abed, Elsayed; El-adawey, Ahmed Farag; Rashad, Mohamed Hamed; Essmat, Ahmed; Ali, Mohammed; Elsheshiny, Ahmed Hassan; Fayed, Abdel-Ghaffar; Elbaz, Fathy; Ahmed, Mahmoud Galal; Abna, Zohreh; Khater, Shaimaa Sayed title: HIV-Associated Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy: A Case Study date: 2023-07-28 words: 1736 flesch: 46 summary: We reported a case of a young girl who presented with new onset focal neurological defect, evaluated, and laboratory and radiological findings in the context of a clinical setting confirmed HIV-related- PML infection. The possibility of PML was increased and confirmed with positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for JC virus in CSF. keywords: multifocal; pml; progressive; virus cache: ijim01-2336.pdf plain text: ijim01-2336.txt item: #176 of 274 id: ijim01-2350 author: Lydia, Aida title: Raising Awareness of Acute Kidney Injury: Unfolding the Truth date: 2023-01-10 words: 2463 flesch: 58 summary: Some pivotal approaches in managing AKI patients are (1) consideration of multiple risk factors and comorbidities, (2) use of early detection tools and diagnosis, and (3) implementation of preventive and therapeutic intervention as well as early nephrologist intervention as a part of multidisciplinary spectrum that lowers the risk of starting KRT and AKI progression. Based on such pathophysiological perspective, the long-term impact of AKI outcomes depends on the residual renal function and repair capacity after surviving renal stress.2 Multiple Impacts of AKI, Prevention and Early Diagnosis AKI may have multiple clinical impacts, high risk of mortality, and risk of progressive deterioration of renal function, leading to CKD as well as ESKD. keywords: acute; aki; injury; kidney; patients; renal; risk cache: ijim01-2350.pdf plain text: ijim01-2350.txt item: #177 of 274 id: ijim01-2397 author: Nugroho, Heri; Pemayun, Tjokorda Gde Dalem; Darmono, Darmono; Rachmawati, Banundari title: The Iodine Status of Women of Childbearing Age in an Iodine-repleted Area: An Epidemiological Study in Sengi Village on Merapi Mountain Area date: 2023-07-28 words: 4880 flesch: 63 summary: No significant associations were observed between iodine status, as determined by IUC levels, and daily iodine intake, daily goitrogen intake, and salt iodine concentration in our research. The primary outcomes were urine iodine concentration (UIC), iodine concentration within the table salt consumed by the subjects, iodine concentration within the freshwater source for daily use, estimation of daily iodine intake from diet, total goiter rate (TGR), and thyroid hormones concentration including thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4). keywords: age; childbearing; concentration; daily; intake; iodine; jan; salt; status; study; subjects; uic; women cache: ijim01-2397.pdf plain text: ijim01-2397.txt item: #178 of 274 id: ijim01-2403 author: Hustrini, Ni Made title: Chronic Kidney Disease Care in Indonesia: Challenges and Opportunities date: 2023-03-31 words: 1288 flesch: 48 summary: The burden of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant global health concern. A systematic analysis of worldwide population-based data on the global burden of chronic kidney disease in 2010. keywords: ckd; health; indonesia; kidney; nephrology cache: ijim01-2403.pdf plain text: ijim01-2403.txt item: #179 of 274 id: ijim01-2417 author: Putranto, Rudi; Setiati, Siti; Nasrun, Martina W; Witjaksono, Fiastuti; Immanuel, Suzanna; Subekti, Imam; Harimurti, Kuntjoro; Siswanto, Agus; Shatri, Hamzah; Suwarto, Suhendro title: Prevalence and Factors Related to Hypovitaminosis D in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Depression date: 2023-07-28 words: 4424 flesch: 60 summary: Only 21.8% of patients with T2DM and depression had sufficient levels of vitamin D. We used multivariable analysis of variance model to examine the associations between age, BDI-II score, HbA1c, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure with vitamin D level. Age and BDI-II score both had a statistically significant effect on vitamin D levels. keywords: age; depression; diabetes; levels; patients; study; type; vitamin; vitamin d cache: ijim01-2417.pdf plain text: ijim01-2417.txt item: #180 of 274 id: ijim01-25 author: Lubis, Andri Maruli T; Husodo, Kurniadi; Sukrisman, Lugyanti; Gatot, Djajadiman title: Integrative Approach in Haemophillic Arthropathy of The Knee: a Case Report date: 2016-05-12 words: 3974 flesch: 48 summary: Clinical picture of the knee 6 weeks after surgery; (A) maximum extension, (B) maximum flexion, no sign of inflammation, range of motion of left knee was 10-125o. This disorder is characterized by chronic synovitis and progressive destruction of joint cartilage. keywords: arthropathy; arthroscopic; bleeding; cartilage; factor; figure; haemophilic; joint; knee; patient; synovectomy; synovial cache: ijim01-25.pdf plain text: ijim01-25.txt item: #181 of 274 id: ijim01-2505 author: Pramono, Laurentius Aswin title: We Need Epidemiological Study from Our Own Population date: 2023-07-28 words: 1387 flesch: 42 summary: One of the prevailing epidemiological and clinical concerns related to micronutrient deficiency in Indonesia is iodine deficiency, which requires immediate attention.5,6 Despite its current lack of significant national focus, iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) remain a crucial global issue, including within Indonesia. Senggi Village in Magelang Regency was chosen due to its geographical, climatic, topographical, and land material characteristics, which pose a moderate risk for iodine deficiency. keywords: deficiency; health; indonesia; iodine; population; study cache: ijim01-2505.pdf plain text: ijim01-2505.txt item: #182 of 274 id: ijim01-26 author: Achmad, Harijono; Hanifa, Rofika title: Acta Medica Indonesiana - The Indonesian Journal of Internal Medicine 333 Supraclavicular Lymphnodes: Unusual Manifestation of Metastase Adenocarcinoma Colon date: 2015-12-01 words: 3485 flesch: 55 summary: A conventional workup for a cervical CUP (a neck lymphadenopathy with unknown primary tumor) includes a CT scan or MRI and invasive studies such as indirect and direct laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, and upper endoscopy. Metastatic liver tumors are largely silent until the disease is well advanced.2 Patients with metastatic colorectal tumors frequently die of hepatic failure due to liver metastasis. keywords: biopsy; cancer; carcinoma; colon; liver; lymph; metastasis; node; patients; primary; site; supraclavicular; tumor cache: ijim01-26.pdf plain text: ijim01-26.txt item: #183 of 274 id: ijim01-263 author: Rasyid, Haerani; Bakri, Syakib title: Intra-uterine Growth Retardation and Development of Hypertension date: 2017-02-01 words: 2938 flesch: 50 summary: Another study has found that every increase of 1 kg birth body weight is associated with a decrease of 2-3 mmHg blood pressure in children and teenagers; and a decrease of 2-4 mmHg in adults.3 The Enigma Study by Miles et al.18 involves 882 participants in England to evaluate the correlation between birth weight, blood pressure, arterial stiffness and pulse reflection. Various studies have also demonstrated the tendency of increased blood pressure in adult life in infants with small size at birth, small head circumference, small placenta size and disproportional birth weight to placenta size.6 FETAL PROGRAMMING During intrauterine period, body tissues experience rapid cell divisions, which is called the critical periods. keywords: birth; blood; growth; hypertension; intrauterine; lbw; life; pressure; study; weight cache: ijim01-263.pdf plain text: ijim01-263.txt item: #184 of 274 id: ijim01-264 author: Rezkitha, Yudith Annisa Ayu; Miftahussurur, Muhammad; Nusi, Iswan A; Maimunah, Ummi; Adi, Pangestu; Yamaoka, Yoshio title: An East-Asian-type cagA Helicobacter pylori Infected Patient with Clinical Manifestation of Gastric Ulcer date: 2017-02-01 words: 3946 flesch: 60 summary: H. pylori infection was positive based on five different test methods (urinary antibody tests, rapid urease test, culture, histology ad immunohistochemistry). In contrast with several Southeast Asian countries where have high prevalence of H. pylori infection; e.g., the H. pylori infection rate reported ranged from 54.1–76.1% in Thailand, most researchers reported low prevalence of H. pylori infection in Indonesia; 0–11.2% by the urea breath test and 5.7–12.8% by histology.10 Interestingly the highest H. pylori prevalence on Surabaya, Indonesia was found in patients from the Chinese Indonesian population instead of patients from the Javanese population,10 although the prevalence of H. pylori infection in Indonesians of Chinese descent was lower than that of Chinese non-immigrants.11 Moreover multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of seven housekeeping genes from different geographical, ethnic, and/or linguistic origins identified a high incidence of gastric cancer was found in regions prevailed by hp East-Asia strains (including China, Japan and Korea) than other population.12 We reported a Chinese Indonesian patient was infected with An East-Asian-type cagA H. pylori with clinical manifestation GU. CASE ILLUSTRATION keywords: asian; caga; east; helicobacter; infection; min; pylori; type; ulcer; vaca cache: ijim01-264.pdf plain text: ijim01-264.txt item: #185 of 274 id: ijim01-266 author: Afriansyah, Andika; Hamid, Agus Rizal AH.; Mochtar, Chaidir A; Umbas, Rainy title: Targeted Therapy for Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma date: 2017-02-01 words: 8617 flesch: 60 summary: Hutson TE, Escudier B, Esteban E, et al. Randomized phase III trial of temsirolimus versus sorafenib as second-line therapy after sunitinib in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Sonpavde G, Willey CD, Sudarshan S. Fibroblast growth factor receptors as therapeutic targets in clear- cell renal cell carcinoma. keywords: carcinoma; cell; cell carcinoma; ifn; line; metastatic; months; mrcc; patients; pfs; phase; renal; sorafenib; study; sunitinib; temsirolimus; therapy; treatment; trial cache: ijim01-266.pdf plain text: ijim01-266.txt item: #186 of 274 id: ijim01-27 author: Minhajat, Rahmawati; Nilasari, Dina; Bakri, Syakib title: The Role of Endothelial Progenitor Cell in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors date: 2016-05-12 words: 4707 flesch: 49 summary: Kata kunci: endothelial progenitor cell, disfungsi endotel, vaskulogenesis, reendotelialisasi. Key words: endothelial progenitor cell, endothelial dysfunction, vasculogenesis, reendothelialization. keywords: blood; bone; cardiovascular; cells; circulation; endothelial; epcs; marrow; mobilization; number; patients; progenitor; progenitor cells; risk cache: ijim01-27.pdf plain text: ijim01-27.txt item: #187 of 274 id: ijim01-275 author: Salim, Simon; Yamin, Muhammad; Alwi, Idrus; Setiati, Siti title: Validity and Reliability of the Indonesian Version of SF-36 Quality of Life Questionnaire on Patients with Permanent Pacemakers date: 2017-05-10 words: 4265 flesch: 55 summary: The internal consistency of Indonesian version of SF-36 questionnaire, which measured by Cronbach’s alpha, was good with value of >0.70. SF-36 questionnaire has been translated into several languages.7 Up to our knowledge, there is no satisfactory Indonesian version of SF-36. keywords: correlation; health; indonesian; item; p<0.01; patients; quality; questionnaire; sf-36; validity; version cache: ijim01-275.pdf plain text: ijim01-275.txt item: #188 of 274 id: ijim01-295 author: Hustrini, Ni Made; Siregar, Parlindungan; Nainggolan, Ginova; Harimurti, Kuntjoro title: Diagnostic Performance of Afternoon Urine Osmolality to Assess Optimal Hydration Status in an Adult Healthy Population date: 2017-08-08 words: 3464 flesch: 51 summary: Since we only include healthy subjects to our study, the confounding factors would not influence both plasma nor urine osmolality values. The reference of the amount of water intake that is used in Perrier’s study was published before in 2004 by Curhan, et al.18 Meanwhile, the optimal cut off for 24-hour urine osmolality to prevent recurrent kidney stone formation was 488 mOsm/kg H2O. 3 In general, the cut off values found in Perrier’s study was not very different from EFSA recommendation who suggests urine osmolality value to be less than 500 mOsm/kg H2O. keywords: afternoon; h2o; hour; hydration; mosm; osmolality; status; study; urine cache: ijim01-295.pdf plain text: ijim01-295.txt item: #189 of 274 id: ijim01-308 author: Harbuwono, Dante Saksono title: The Predictive Role of Carotid Intima-media Thickness: What is the Clinical Relevance? date: 2017-02-01 words: 1218 flesch: 43 summary: The early paragraphs of the study show the evidences of macrovascular endothelial dysfunction by citing results of several studies such as the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS), Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC), the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerotic Study (IRAS), and Carotid Atherosclerosis Progression Study (CAPS); while the microvascular endothelial dysfunction is shown by citing the Prevention of Renal and Vascular End Stage Disease (PREVEND) Study. Nevertheless, several studies have concluded the benefit of screening for asymptomatic type 2 diabetes patients with severe coronary artery disease, which may have equivalent benefits to revascularization. keywords: carotid; cimt; diabetes; study; thickness cache: ijim01-308.pdf plain text: ijim01-308.txt item: #190 of 274 id: ijim01-314 author: Riviati, Nur; Setiati, Siti; Laksmi, Purwita W; Abdullah, Murdani title: Factors Related with Handgrip Strength in Elderly Patients date: 2017-11-02 words: 2672 flesch: 61 summary: The loss of muscle strength can not be prevented by maintaining or increasing muscle mass.7,8 Muscle strength can be measured on the upper and lower extremities with a dynamometer. There is a correlation between hand grip strength and muscle strength in other body parts. keywords: age; disease; handgrip; kekuatan; muscle; sarcopenia; status; strength; study; years cache: ijim01-314.pdf plain text: ijim01-314.txt item: #191 of 274 id: ijim01-330 author: Laksmi, Purwita Wijaya; Setiati, Siti; Tamin, Tirza Z; Soewondo, Pradana; Rochmah, Wasilah; Nafrialdi, Nafrialdi; Prihartono, Joedo title: Effect of Metformin on Handgrip Strength, Gait Speed, Myostatin Serum Level, and Health-related Quality of Life: A Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial among Non-diabetic Pre-frail Elderly Patients date: 2017-08-08 words: 5904 flesch: 58 summary: There was also no significant difference in myostatin serum level before and after intervention among subjects in metformin group. Our results suggested that administration of metformin with the dose of 3 x 500 mg for non-diabetic pre-frail elderly subjects for 16 weeks was statistically significant and clinically important in improving usual gait speed, but it did not significantly increase handgrip strength nor decrease myostatin serum level. keywords: frailty; gait; group; handgrip; index; insulin; level; mean; med; metformin; muscle; myostatin; placebo; score; second; serum; speed; strength; study; subjects cache: ijim01-330.pdf plain text: ijim01-330.txt item: #192 of 274 id: ijim01-34 author: Wihanda, Dedi; Alwi, Idrus; Shatri, Hamzah; E. Mudjaddid, E. Mudjaddid title: Factors Associated with In-stent Restenosis in Patients Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention date: 2015-07-01 words: 3795 flesch: 61 summary: Methods: a retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted using secondary information from medical records of post-PCI patients who underwent follow-up of angiography PCI between January 2009 and March 2014 at The Integrated Cardiovascular Service Unit, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. The exclusion criteria were post-PCI patients without medical record data or angiographic documentation. keywords: bms; des; diameter; isr; lesion; patients; pci; restenosis; stent; study cache: ijim01-34.pdf plain text: ijim01-34.txt item: #193 of 274 id: ijim01-347 author: Fuady, Ahmad; Houweling, Tanja A; Mansyur, Muchtaruddin; Richardus, Jan H title: Adaptation of the Tool to Estimate Patient Costs Questionnaire into Indonesian Context for Tuberculosis-affected Households date: 2018-04-20 words: 4442 flesch: 53 summary: Clinicians should therefore consider the financial problems faced by TB patients and their affected families during consultations. However, this limitation has been acknowledged in the WHO protocol, which excludes TB patients treated in facilities that are not linked to the national tuberculosis program. keywords: adaptation; costs; health; indonesia; patients; phase; questionnaire; questions; study; tool; total; treatment; tuberculosis; version cache: ijim01-347.pdf plain text: ijim01-347.txt item: #194 of 274 id: ijim01-35 author: Gani, Rino A; Suryamin, Maulana; Hasan, Irsan; Lesmana, C. Rinaldi A; Sanityoso, Andri title: Performance of Alpha Fetoprotein in Combination with Alpha-1-acid Glycoprotein for Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Among Liver Cirrhosis Patients date: 2016-05-12 words: 3672 flesch: 58 summary: Kombinasi AFP dan AAG dapat digunakan untuk deteksi dini dan penapisan KHS. For each patient, clinical data, including age, sex, AFP value, AAG, hemoglobin, leukocyte, thrombocyte, AST, and ALT were obtained. keywords: aag; afp; auc; cirrhosis; combination; hcc; hepatocellular; liver; patients; serum; study; value cache: ijim01-35.pdf plain text: ijim01-35.txt item: #195 of 274 id: ijim01-351 author: Setianto, Budi Yuli; Taufiq, Nahar; Hernawan, Heri title: Left Circumflexus Coronary Artery Total Occlusion with Clinical Presentation as NSTEMI and Acute Pulmonary Oedema date: 2017-05-10 words: 2373 flesch: 54 summary: An ST segment elevation is the ‘sine qua non’ for diagnosing acute total coronary occlusion causing transmural myocardial infarction. An ST segment elevation is presented in fewer than 50% of patients with LCx total occlusion, such that the reperfusion therapy is delayed. keywords: acute; ecg; elevation; lcx; occlusion; patients; segment; total cache: ijim01-351.pdf plain text: ijim01-351.txt item: #196 of 274 id: ijim01-375 author: Wahidiyat, Pustika Amalia; Yosia, Mikhael; Sari, Teny Tjitra title: Comparison of Deferiprone to Deferasirox and Deferoxamine to Cardiac and Hepatic T2* MRI in Thalassemia Patients: Evidence-based Case Report date: 2018-06-26 words: 5789 flesch: 66 summary: Prospective study Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y NA NA Included Merchant et al7 Prospective study Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y NA al10 Prospective study Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NA NA Included Pepe et keywords: dfo; dfp; dfx; iron; liver; mri; pepe; studies; study; thalassemia; y n; y y cache: ijim01-375.pdf plain text: ijim01-375.txt item: #197 of 274 id: ijim01-387 author: Rizka, Aulia; Setiati, Siti; Lydia, Aida; Dewiasty, Esthika title: Effect of Nigella sativa Seed Extract for Hypertension in Elderly: a Double-blind, Randomized Controlled Trial date: 2018-01-19 words: 3955 flesch: 54 summary: Kata kunci: Nigella sativa, hipertensi, usia lanjut. ABSTRACT Background: Nigella sativa (NS) seed extract shows diuretic activity, inhibits sympathetic nervous system overactivity and increases the production of Nitric Oxide in in vivo studies, thus it has a potential use as an adjuvant antihypertensive for elderly population. keywords: blood; group; hypertension; indonesia; mmhg; nigella; pada; patients; placebo; pressure; sativa; study; subjects cache: ijim01-387.pdf plain text: ijim01-387.txt item: #198 of 274 id: ijim01-392 author: Sitompul, Ratna title: Corneal Sensitivity as a Potential Marker of Diabetic Neuropathy date: 2017-08-08 words: 4011 flesch: 48 summary: Recently, there are many studies exploring corneal sensitivity as a potential marker of diabetic neuropathy.3,4 Corneal innervation has higher density than skin or others and the assesment are not invasive nor difficult. Recent studies have explored corneal sensitivity as a potential marker of diabetic neuropathy.17 There are two clinical techniques that may be used to assess corneal sensitivity: Cochet Bonnet (CB) aesthesiometer and non- contact corneal aesthesiometry (NCCA).18 CB aesthesiometer has been used as a standard clinical method for measuring corneal sensitivity. keywords: ages; cells; complications; corneal; diabetes; epithelial; factors; healing; marker; nerve; neuropathy; patients; sensitivity; stem cache: ijim01-392.pdf plain text: ijim01-392.txt item: #199 of 274 id: ijim01-41 author: Suwita, Benedicta M; Laksmi, Purwita W; Wijaya, Ika P title: Acta Medica Indonesiana - The Indonesian Journal of Internal Medicine 253 Extended Dual Antiplatelet for Diabetic Elderly Patients After Drug-eluting Stent Implantation: an Evidence-based Clinical Review date: 2015-07-01 words: 6030 flesch: 45 summary: Characteristics of included meta-analysis comparing 12 months versus extended (>12 months) dual antiplatelet therapy Criteria Optimal duration of dual antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention with drug eluting stents: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials15 Is it a systematic review of high-quality studies which are relevant to your question? Optimal duration of dual antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention with drug eluting stents: Meta- analysis of randomised controlled trials. keywords: antiplatelet; clinical; drug; dual; duration; elderly; infarction; months; patients; risk; stent; studies; therapy; thrombosis cache: ijim01-41.pdf plain text: ijim01-41.txt item: #200 of 274 id: ijim01-45 author: Pranoto, Agung; Novida, Hermina; Prajitno, Jongky H; Tjokroprawiro, Askandar title: Safety and Efficacy in Early Insulin Initiation as Comprehensive Therapy for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Health Care Centers date: 2015-04-01 words: 4212 flesch: 56 summary: Insulin therapy was performed by GP at related health center who had previously received training on insulin therapy, for three times face-to-face and regular meetings with research assistants every 2 weeks to monitor insulin therapy provided by those general practitioners. Each patient received insulin therapy for 12 weeks. keywords: complications; diabetes; hba1c; health; insulin; patients; study; subjects; therapy; type cache: ijim01-45.pdf plain text: ijim01-45.txt item: #201 of 274 id: ijim01-454 author: Saktiawati, Antonia Morita Iswari; Subronto, Yanri Wijayanti title: Influence of Diabetes Mellitus on the Development of Multi Drug Resistant-Tuberculosis in Yogyakarta date: 2018-04-20 words: 4012 flesch: 57 summary: It may be caused by multi-factorial causes, such as non-adherence, low level of drugs, poor health system, and human error.4,10,28 In 2015, WHO reported that 12% of TB patients in Indonesia who were treated for TB in the past were estimated to develop MDR-TB.4 To prevent the development of MDR-TB among TB diabetic patients, clinicians need to pay attention on the co-management of TB and DM. Type-2 DM was found in around 2 - 9% of the population in 22 countries with the highest burden of TB.3 Indonesia, with the second highest burden of TB in the world,4 has the seventh largest number of diabetics.5 The prevalence of Type-2 DM among TB patients in Indonesia was relatively low (13.2%). keywords: development; diabetes; drug; factors; indonesia; mdr; mellitus; patients; study; treatment; tuberculosis cache: ijim01-454.pdf plain text: ijim01-454.txt item: #202 of 274 id: ijim01-458 author: Susanto, Agus Joko; Rengganis, Iris; Rumende, Cleopas M; Harimurti, Kuntjoro title: The Differences in Serum Quantitative Specific IgE Levels Induced by Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae and Blomia tropicalis Sensitization in Intermittent and Persistent Allergic Asthma date: 2018-01-19 words: 4688 flesch: 53 summary: The median of specific IgE levels were significantly higher in persistent asthma compares to intermittent asthma induced by D. farinae (median 1.30 vs. 0.0 kU/L; p=0.024) and B. tropicalis (median 0.57 vs. 0.0 kU/L; p=0.015) sensitization. Specific IgE level induced by D. farinae and Blomia tropicalis sensitization were significantly higher in patients with persistent asthma compared to intermittent asthma, whereas specific IgE level induced by D. pteronyssinus sensitization was higher in persistent asthma although not statistically significant. keywords: allergen; allergic; allergy; asthma; farinae; ige; levels; patients; pteronyssinus; sensitization; serum; study cache: ijim01-458.pdf plain text: ijim01-458.txt item: #203 of 274 id: ijim01-460 author: Yuri, Prahara; Hariwibowo, Rinto; Soeroharjo, Indrawarman; Danarto, Raden; Hendri, Ahmad Z; Brodjonegoro, Sakti R; Rasyid, Nur; Birowo, Ponco; Widyahening, Indah S title: Meta-analysis of Optimal Management of Lower Pole Stone of 10 - 20 mm: Flexible Ureteroscopy (FURS) versus Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) versus Percutaneus Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) date: 2018-04-20 words: 4087 flesch: 56 summary: Base on stone free rate in 10-20 mm lower pole stone following management, PCNL is better than fURS (overall RR was 1.32 (95% CI 1.13 – 1.55); p<0.001 and I2=57%) and ESWL (overall risk ratio 1.42 (95% CI 1.30 – 1.55); p=<0.001 and I2 = 85%). Keywords: lower pole stone, flexible ureteroscopy, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, percutaneus nephrolithotomy. keywords: eswl; flexible; furs; lithotripsy; management; nephrolithotomy; patients; pcnl; pole; rate; shock; stone cache: ijim01-460.pdf plain text: ijim01-460.txt item: #204 of 274 id: ijim01-468 author: Simadibrata, Marcellus; Adiwinata, Randy title: Current Issues of Gastroenterology in Indonesia date: 2017-11-02 words: 4296 flesch: 45 summary: 2 Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. REFERENCES 1. Statistics Indonesia. keywords: cancer; diarrhea; disease; endoscopy; gastroenterology; gastrointestinal; health; incidence; indonesia; jakarta; med; number; patients; prevalence; pylori; study cache: ijim01-468.pdf plain text: ijim01-468.txt item: #205 of 274 id: ijim01-469 author: Prihartono, Nurhayati A; Fitriyani, Fitriyani; Riyadina, Woro title: Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Among Blue and White-collar Workers in Indonesia date: 2018-06-26 words: 4259 flesch: 65 summary: However, information on CVD risk factors among workers in Indonesia is limited. Efforts to reduce CVD risks and mortality have been successfully achieved in many developed countries.9 keywords: blue; collar; cvd; disease; factors; health; indonesia; prevalence; risk; study; white; workers cache: ijim01-469.pdf plain text: ijim01-469.txt item: #206 of 274 id: ijim01-47 author: Siregar, Gontar A; Halim, Sahat; Sitepu, Ricky R title: Serum TNF-α, IL-8, VEGF Levels in Helicobacter pylori Infection and Their Association with Degree of Gastritis date: 2015-04-01 words: 3964 flesch: 54 summary: Mangia A, Chiriatti A, Ranieri G, et al. H. pylori status and angiogenesis factors in human gastric carcinoma. The Rapid Urease test was used for the diagnosis of H. pylori infection. keywords: degree; gastric; gastritis; helicobacter; il-8; levels; pylori; serum; tnf; vegf cache: ijim01-47.pdf plain text: ijim01-47.txt item: #207 of 274 id: ijim01-49 author: Atmakusuma, T. Djumhana; Tambunan, Karmel L; Sukrisman, Lugyanti; Effendi, Shufrie; Rachman, Andhika; Setiawati, Arini; Rinaldi, Ikhwan title: Underutilization of Anticoagulant for Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Three Hospitals in Jakarta date: 2016-05-12 words: 4797 flesch: 45 summary: Prophylaxis of VTE has been less extensively studied in medical patients than in surgical patients, and the use of thromboprophylaxis is uncommon in medical patients. Prandoni P. Acquired risk factors for venous thromboembolism in medical patients. keywords: anticoagulants; guidelines; indonesia; patients; prophylaxis; risk; study; ufh; use; vte cache: ijim01-49.pdf plain text: ijim01-49.txt item: #208 of 274 id: ijim01-493 author: Muhammad, Harry Freitag Luglio title: Obesity as the Sequel of Childhood Stunting: Ghrelin and GHSR Gene Polymorphism Explained date: 2018-06-26 words: 3817 flesch: 62 summary: In the study they showed that there were no significant differences in fasting ghrelin level or postprandial ghrelin level in children with CDGP compared to normal children, although there is a trend that children with CDGP had higher ghrelin level compared to normal children. Ghrelin level during pre-pubertal stage was higher than those in pubertal stage.27 Interestingly, ghrelin level was negatively correlated with growth stimulating hormones such as insulin like growth factor-I (IGF-I) leading to an assumption that reduction ghrelin level during late puberty is responsible for acceleration of growth within the period. keywords: children; fat; gene; ghrelin; ghsr; growth; level; obesity; receptor; stature; study; stunting cache: ijim01-493.pdf plain text: ijim01-493.txt item: #209 of 274 id: ijim01-494 author: Darmawan, Guntur; Wijaya, Indra; Hamijoyo, Laniyati; Fadjari, Trinugroho Heri title: Paraneoplastic Arthritis in a Patient with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma date: 2017-11-02 words: 961 flesch: 54 summary: Rheumatoid arthritis had been reported to increase the risk of developing lymphoma.9,10 However, the involvement of the distal interphalangeal joints, non-erosive joint on x-ray, negativity of rheumatoid factor made rheumatoid arthritis less favored and finally, a successful response to chemotherapy reinforced the diagnosis of paraneoplastic arthritis. The pathogenesis of paraneoplastic rheumatic syndromes are not fully understood, involving a number of factors such as cytokines, hormones, peptides, and other mediators secreted by tumor.3-5 Paraneoplastic rheumatic syndromes are not as frequent as paraneoplastic endocrine syndromes and often difficult to differentiate them from primary rheumatologic diseases.6,7 It may precede, occur simultaneously, or develop after the diagnosis of the neoplasm. keywords: arthritis; chemotherapy; paraneoplastic; syndromes cache: ijim01-494.pdf plain text: ijim01-494.txt item: #210 of 274 id: ijim01-5 author: Putra, Sukman Tulus; Mansyur, Muchtaruddin; Satroasmoro, Sudigdo title: Effects of Duration of Breastfeeding During Infancy on Vascular Dysfunction in Adolescents date: 2015-03-01 words: 3726 flesch: 53 summary: With increasing breastfeeding duration, blood pressure and CIMT decreased although not statistically significant. To evaluate the association between breastfeeding duration and vascular characteristics as well as other cardiovascular risk factors, we initially performed univariable analysis using one-way ANOVA with breastfeeding duration categories and potential confounders as the independent variables and CIMT, FMD, as the dependent variables. keywords: 4-<6; analysis; blood; breastfeeding; cardiovascular; cimt; duration; factors; fmd; months; risk; study; subjects cache: ijim01-5.pdf plain text: ijim01-5.txt item: #211 of 274 id: ijim01-50 author: Wardhana, Wardhana; Datau, EA title: A Patient With Plaque Type Morphea Mimicking Systemic Lupus Erythematosus date: 2015-04-01 words: 3362 flesch: 58 summary: A patient with plaque type morphea mimicking SLE INTRODUCTION Morphea is an uncommon persistent condition in which there are areas of thickened skin and cutaneus tissue from excessive collagen deposition and one of its type is plaque type. Plaque type morphea is actually a benign and self limited. keywords: anti; collagen; daily; dermatol; morphea; patient; plaque; plaque type; scleroderma; skin; type; type morphea cache: ijim01-50.pdf plain text: ijim01-50.txt item: #212 of 274 id: ijim01-505 author: Dharmayanti, Anti; Astrawinata, Dalima title: Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) in a Patient with Guillain-Barre Syndrome date: 2017-08-08 words: 3749 flesch: 44 summary: Two days following the ventilator installation in the ICU, the patient had a fever (37.80C), severe leukocytosis and his chest X-ray revealed a description of pneumonia in his lower left lung and a diagnosis of sepsis due to VAP (early onset VAP) was established since it was developed during the first 4 days following an intubation or a ventilator installation. About 50% of VAP cases occur in the first 4 days following a ventilator installation (early-onset VAP), which Table 2. keywords: barre; blood; culture; guillain; oral; patient; pneumonia; results; suction; syndrome; vap; ventilator cache: ijim01-505.pdf plain text: ijim01-505.txt item: #213 of 274 id: ijim01-506 author: Agita, Arisya; Alsagaff, M Thaha title: Inflammation, Immunity, and Hypertension date: 2017-08-08 words: 4383 flesch: 42 summary: In contrast, the adaptive immune response works by enhancing the protective mechanisms of innate immunity, thus making the innate immune response be effective against pathogenic microbes.5 For the immune system can be activated, it takes the interaction between the phagocytic cells from innate immune system and T cells with high specificity capabilities from adaptive immune system. Structured group of cytokines that regulate the migration and movement of cells are known as chemokines.5 Cytokines are a large group of proteins that dissolve and react in short term, which is produced by immune cells and blood vessels, as well as serve to activate specific receptors and modulate the function of various cells in tissues.8 Both innate and adaptive immune response are components of the integrated system derived Arisya Agita Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med 160 from the body’s host defenses where a large number of cells and molecules work and support each other’s function. keywords: blood; cells; cytokines; hypertension; immune; immunity; increase; inflammation; response; ros; system; vascular; vessels cache: ijim01-506.pdf plain text: ijim01-506.txt item: #214 of 274 id: ijim01-512 author: Santosa, D; Suharti, Catharina; Dharmana, Edi title: Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant in Multiple Myeloma Patient With Bone Marrow Hematopoietic Stem Cell date: 2020-12-28 words: 2857 flesch: 50 summary: Zolendronic acid 4mg/month (1 year) 384 Vol 52 • Number 4 • October 2020 Autologous bone marrow transplant in multiple myeloma patient The bone survey showed multiple lytic lesion of calvaria, humerus, tibia, fibula, compression fracture of vertebra lumbalis, in accordance with the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. There are only a few reports on marrow-derived stem cells transplant from BM with a 24-hour storage in multiple myeloma cases. keywords: blood; bone; cancer; case; cell; marrow; med; myeloma; patients; stem; transplant cache: ijim01-512.pdf plain text: ijim01-512.txt item: #215 of 274 id: ijim01-520 author: Simadibrata, Marcellus; Halimkesuma, Christopher Christian; Suwita, Benedicta Mutiara title: Efficacy of Curcumin as Adjuvant Therapy to Induce or Maintain Remission in Ulcerative Colitis Patients: an Evidence-based Clinical Review date: 2018-01-19 words: 3270 flesch: 55 summary: Therefore long treatment with curcumin might also inhibit colorectal cancer development in UC patients, which needed to be studied further.11 However, all studies we found used a relatively small sample size (50,45, and 89), and one trial only conducted one month follow-up – the statistical power is not enough to generate representative results in all UC patients. 367 Marcellus Simadibrata Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med CONCLUSION Available evidence showed that adjuvant therapy using curcumin has potential to induce and maintain remission in UC patients with no serious side effects. keywords: colitis; curcumin; disease; oral; patients; placebo; remission; studies; therapy; treatment; trial; yang cache: ijim01-520.pdf plain text: ijim01-520.txt item: #216 of 274 id: ijim01-528 author: Pulungan, Aman Bhakti; Juwita, Erlin; Pudjiadi, Antonius H; Rahmayanti, Siti; Tsaniya, Ireska title: Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Adolescents and Children: A Prospective Study of Blood versus Urine Ketones in Monitoring Therapeutic Response date: 2018-04-20 words: 3920 flesch: 59 summary: At the median time of DKA resolution (i.e. in the 21st hour of monitoring), moderate significant correlations between urine ketones level and blood pH (r=0.49, p=0.005), HCO3 (r=-0.48, p=0.007), and anion gap (r=0.57, p=0.001) were found. Correlation between urine ketones level and capillary β-OHB level to blood gas analysis parameters Variables Correlation coefficient P value Correlation formula pH at the first hour - urine ketones r = -0.14 0.407 - capillary β-OHB r = -0.18 0.292 pH at the 21st hour (median time of DKA resolution) - urine ketones r = keywords: correlation; diabetes; dka; hours; ketones; level; median; ohb; resolution; study; time; urine cache: ijim01-528.pdf plain text: ijim01-528.txt item: #217 of 274 id: ijim01-54 author: Atikah, Nur; Singh, Gurmeet; Maulahela, Hasan; Cahyanur, Rahmat title: Tranexamic Acid in the Management of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: an Evidence-based Case Report date: 2015-04-01 words: 1920 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusion: the use of tranexamic acid to reduce mortality in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding is not recommended. Key words: tranexamic acid, mortality, upper gastrointestinal bleeding. keywords: acid; bleeding; gastrointestinal; mortality; patients; systematic; tranexamic cache: ijim01-54.pdf plain text: ijim01-54.txt item: #218 of 274 id: ijim01-550 author: Rudijanto, Achmad; Saraswati, Made R; Yunir, Em; Kumala, Poppy; Puteri, Happy HS; Mandang, Veny VV title: Indonesia Cohort of IO HAT Study to Evaluate Diabetes Management, Control, and Complications in Retrospective and Prospective Periods Among Insulin-Treated Patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes date: 2018-04-20 words: 5888 flesch: 50 summary: The IR of hypoglycemia was higher in retrospective period compared to prospective period in T1DM patients, while the IRs were comparable in both the periods in T2DM patients (Figure 2 Symptoms of hypoglycemia range from unpleasant experience to life- threatening events; leading to patient fear and ultimately causing reduced compliance or even refusal of insulin treatment and also prevents health-care professionals from switching to insulin treatment or modifying the insulin dose whenever required.6-11 In a study conducted to assess the barrier of insulin treatment, 80% of the family physicians reported that insulin treatment is not commenced due to fear of hypoglycemia.10 Apart from impacting diabetes management, hypoglycemia also increases economic burden by impacting work productivity, interfering with daily functioning of patients, increasing health care utilization, increasing mortality risk, and severe hypoglycemia increases risk of cardiovascular adverse events and death.7,12,13 DiabCare Asia study published in 2008 highlighted that despite the availability of clinical practice guidelines in the region, large number of T2DM patients (68%) still have poor glycemic control.14 Treatment guidelines in Indonesia have emphasized on the need for patient education, diabetes management during Ramadan, and also stressed on regular blood glucose monitoring in patients who are at high risk of developing hypoglycemia.15,16 However, awareness-to- adherence model study conducted in Indonesia has shown that in spite of high awareness of guidelines among physicians, adherence to these guidelines is really low mainly due to inability to access guidelines, physicians’ attitude, and belief toward the guidelines.17 keywords: diabetes; dm patients; events; hospital; hypoglycemia; incidence; indonesia; insulin; patients; period; retrospective; study; t2 dm; type cache: ijim01-550.pdf plain text: ijim01-550.txt item: #219 of 274 id: ijim01-565 author: Murni, Arina Widya; Darwin, Eryati; Zubir, Nasrul; Nurdin, Adnil Edwin title: Analyzing Determinant Factors for Pathophysiology of Functional Dyspepsia Based on Plasma Cortisol Levels, IL-6 and IL-8 Expressions and H. pylori Activity date: 2018-04-20 words: 4608 flesch: 53 summary: CONCLUSION Psychological stress is associated with increased cortisol serum levels, lower IL-6 and IL-8 expression and increased H. pylori and the dominant factor is afternoon plasma cortisol levels. The inflammatory expressions (IL-6 and IL-8 expressions) as well as H. pylori activity were determined using immunohistochemistry of gastric biopsy specimens; while plasma cortisol levels was measured from peripheral blood samples. keywords: activity; cortisol; dyspepsia; functional; group; il-6; il-8; levels; non; plasma; pylori; stress; study cache: ijim01-565.pdf plain text: ijim01-565.txt item: #220 of 274 id: ijim01-579 author: Lydia, Aida; Saraswati, Mita Hafsah; Dharmeizar, Dharmeizar; Saraswati, Meilania; Setiati, Siti title: Diagnostic Determinants of Proliferative Lupus Nephritis Based on Clinical and Laboratory Parameters: A Diagnostic Study date: 2018-06-26 words: 4808 flesch: 55 summary: A diagnostic scoring system for proliferative LN is necessary, especially for cases in which renal biopsy cannot be performed. This study aimed to develop a diagnostic scoring system of proliferative LN based on its diagnostic determinants including hypertension, proteinuria, hematuria, eGFR, anti-dsDNA antibody, and Vol 50 • Number 2 • April 2018 Diagnostic determinants of proliferative lupus nephritis 111 C3 levels. keywords: anti; dsdna; egfr; hematuria; hypertension; lupus; nephritis; proliferative; renal; scoring; study; system cache: ijim01-579.pdf plain text: ijim01-579.txt item: #221 of 274 id: ijim01-58 author: Irawan, Cosphiadi; Santoso, Teguh; Atmakusumah, Djumhana; Alwi, Idrus; Kosasih, Agus; Aziz, Auda; Abdulmuthalib, Abdulmuthalib; Lyana, Lyana; Inggriani, Sri; Saputra, Ardian; Wintery, Merry; Lison, Linda; Reksodiputro, Ary H; Sudoyo, Aru W title: Hemostatic Status of Pre and Post Intracoronary Injection of Peripheral Blood Stem Cells in Patients with Recent Myocardial Infarction date: 2016-05-16 words: 4123 flesch: 56 summary: ABSTRACT Aim: to investigate hemostatic parameter changes, such as platelet aggregation, blood and plasma viscosity, prothrombin time, APTT, CRP and fibrinogen, before and after administration of stem cell therapy. The purpose of this study is to investigate hemostasic parameter changes before and after administration of stem cell therapy. keywords: baseline; blood; cell; dan; months; patients; plasma; platelet; stem; therapy; treatment; viscosity cache: ijim01-58.pdf plain text: ijim01-58.txt item: #222 of 274 id: ijim01-59 author: Suwarto, Suhendro; Sutrisna, Bambang; Waspadji, Sarwono; Pohan, Herdiman T title: Predictors of Five Days Mortality in Diabetic Ketoacidosis Patients: a Prospective Cohort Study date: 2014-01-01 words: 3573 flesch: 52 summary: These results are consistent with other studies that have reported that DKA patients who present with disorientation, confusion, or stupor at admission are more likely to also have infections.17 In septic patients, encephalopathy was associated with mortality when graded by the Glasgow Coma Score. Other authors have reported that the lactate levels were 2.61 SD 0.56 mmol/L in DKA septic patients and 1.32 SD 0.24 mmol/L in non-septic patients.5 keywords: care; dka; ketoacidosis; lactate; mmol; mortality; patients; predictors; sepsis; serum; study cache: ijim01-59.pdf plain text: ijim01-59.txt item: #223 of 274 id: ijim01-594 author: Syam, Ari F; Simadibrata, Marcellus; Makmun, Dadang; Abdullah, Murdani; Fauzi, Achmad; Renaldi, Kaka; Maulahela, Hasan; Utari, Amanda P title: National Consensus on Management of Dyspepsia and Helicobacter pylori Infection date: 2017-11-02 words: 3860 flesch: 46 summary: A cross- sectional study conducted in 21 patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta (2010) found that the eradication therapy had improved the symptoms in a majority of dyspepsia patients with a percentage of symptom improvement as much as 76% and 81% had negative Hp results when they were evaluated using UBT.21 Figure 2. Eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection reduces the incidence of peptic ulcer disease in patients using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: a meta-analysis. keywords: dyspepsia; gastric; helicobacter; infection; management; patients; ppi; pylori; symptoms; test; ulcer cache: ijim01-594.pdf plain text: ijim01-594.txt item: #224 of 274 id: ijim01-595 author: Santoso, Prayudi; Soeroto, Arto Y; Juniati, Rianita; Hartantri, Yovita; Wisaksana, Rudi; Alisjabana, Bachti; Nataprawira, Heda M; Parwati, Ida title: Improving Diagnostic of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in HIV Patients by Bronchoscopy: A Cross Sectional Study date: 2018-01-19 words: 3559 flesch: 48 summary: This study aimed to assess differences in the positivity level of acid fast bacilli (AFB) and cultures of M. tuberculosis from non- bronchoscopic sputum (spontaneous and induced sputum) compared to bronchoscopic sputum (bronchoalveolar lavage) in HIV positive patients suspected pulmonary tuberculosis with CD4<200 cells/μL. Methods: this cross sectional study was conducted in adult HIV patients treated in Hasan Sadikin Hospital with CD4≤200 cells/μL suspected with pulmonary tuberculosis by using paired comparative analytic test. ABSTRACT Background: diagnostic of pulmonary TB in HIV patients is a problem due to non specific clinical features, or radiological appearance. keywords: bronchoscopic; culture; examination; hiv; non; patients; positivity; pulmonary; sputum; tuberculosis cache: ijim01-595.pdf plain text: ijim01-595.txt item: #225 of 274 id: ijim01-600 author: Gayatri, Anggi; Nafrialdi, Nafrialdi; Setiabudy, Rahajuningsih D; Tjandrawinata, Raymond R; Rachman, Andika; Louisa, Melva title: A Clinical Trial on Biological Half Life of Bioactive Protein from Lumbricus rubellus, DLBS1033 in Healthy Volunteers date: 2018-10-16 words: 3981 flesch: 59 summary: PAP complex (ng/mL) after single dose DLBS1033 administration (N = 7) Time of blood sampling (hours) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mean 0 60.59 63.24 58.24 51.47 69.56 44.71 56.32 57.73 0.5 42.21 52.35 58.38 39.26 56.62 45.88 59.12 50.55 2 35.44 42.5 58.97 43.24 53.24 31.76 53.09 45.46 3 41.47 56.18 31.91 27.79 44.85 25.44 42.06 38.53 4 26.62 32.79 31.91 30.44 32.94 34.12 88.09 39.56 5 30 47.06 47.21 31.76 24.12 12.5 36.18 32.69 6 16.62 28.68 37.94 30.15 26.03 10.88 13.97 23.47 8 9.85 33.09 18.24 16.91 21.32 28.68 20.44 21.22 10 15.59 16.76 13.68 16.91 13.82 17.94 21.03 16.53 12 8.53 8.24 12.21 17.21 24.12 9.26 9.12 12.67 14 25.29 11.47 22.94 15.29 27.35 9.56 4.71 16.66 24 2.65 15.74 15 7.94 11.91 10.88 15.88 11.43 Anggi Gayatri Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med 212 Biological half-life of DLBS1033 in Single Dose Administration Serial PAP complex parameter after single dose administration of DLBS1033 were shown on Table 3. Laboratory parameters of study subjects at baseline Variables Mean (SD) Single dose group (n=7) keywords: administration; complex; condition; dlbs1033; dose; drug; group; hour; life; pap; state; steady; study; subjects cache: ijim01-600.pdf plain text: ijim01-600.txt item: #226 of 274 id: ijim01-62 author: Sulaiman, Ali; Lesmana, Laurentius A; Nafrialdi, Nafrialdi; Helyanna, Helyanna title: An Observational Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Telbivudine in Adults with Chronic Hepatitis B date: 2016-05-16 words: 3256 flesch: 55 summary: The primary end-point was patient safety (adverse event or serious adverse events); while the secondary end- points were HBeAg seroconversion, changes of serum HBV DNA levels and serum ALT normalization. This result is similar to what was shown in the 52 week Globe trial results (25.7% HBeAg loss and 22.5% seroconversion), respectively.15 From these results, it can be concluded that telbivudine therapy is efficacious for CHB treatment in the Indonesian population.19 Undetectable serum HBV DNA levels by PCR at week-24 were similar with the results Table 2. keywords: alt; chb; dna; hbeag; hbv; hepatitis; indonesia; patients; serum; study; telbivudine; treatment cache: ijim01-62.pdf plain text: ijim01-62.txt item: #227 of 274 id: ijim01-63 author: Nemati, M.; Zarrin, M.; Mir-Abdollahi, S.A.; Rezayati, M.T.; Mirzaee, V.; Bagheri, A.; Ebrahimi, M.; Jafarzadeh, A. title: Lower Serum Level of Anti-tetanus Toxin Antibodies in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus date: 2016-05-16 words: 4684 flesch: 61 summary: However, Table 3. Distribution of subjects according to anti-tetanus toxin antibody in healthy and diabetic group Groups <0.1 IU/mL 0.1-1 IU/mL 1-2 IU/mL 2-3 IU/mL 3-4 IU/mL 4-5 IU/mL >5 IU/mL Healthy group 1% 8% 7% 8% 6% 11% 59% Diabetic Patients 8% 11% 20% 19% 7% 5% 30% Vol 46 • Number 1 • January 2014 Lower serum level of anti-tetanus toxin antibodies in patients with type 2 DM 49 there was no significant difference between men and women of healthy control group with respect to the seroprotection rate, probably due to the tetanus booster vaccination in women performed during pregnancy. For subjects aged <20 years, the incidence of tetanus among men reported as 2.7 times more than the incidence among women and for persons aged 20–59 years, the incidence of tetanus among men reported as 2.9 times more than the incidence among women.13 The results of a ten- year retrospective study from Nigeria showed that the male: female ratio in tetanus patients was 3:1.27 It has been also reported that the men who had a history of dirty wounds or frequent soil exposure have more levels of anti-TAA.26 Moreover, a proportion of men may served in the army as young adults where they vaccinated against tetanus.25,28 keywords: age; control; diabetes; group; med; patients; serum; subjects; tetanus; titer; tta; type; years cache: ijim01-63.pdf plain text: ijim01-63.txt item: #228 of 274 id: ijim01-637 author: Hantoro, Ibnu Fajariyadi; Syam, Ari Fahrial title: Measurement of Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Functional Dyspepsia date: 2018-04-20 words: 3226 flesch: 56 summary: ABSTRACT In up to 80% of dyspepsia patients who consult a physician in the hospital, dyspepsia is considered to be functional dyspepsia. The Rome criteria subdivide functional dyspepsia into postprandial distress syndrome and epigastric pain syndrome).3 The pathophysiology of functional dyspepsia is complex and is not fully understood, although it is known that abnormal gut motility, visceral hypersensitivity, genetic influence, infection, and psychosocial factors play a role.4 Functional dyspepsia is a burden at both the community and national levels. keywords: disease; dyspepsia; functional; functioning; health; hrqol; instruments; life; patients; quality; sf-36 cache: ijim01-637.pdf plain text: ijim01-637.txt item: #229 of 274 id: ijim01-64 author: Gupta, Samita; Singh, Vikram J; Bhatia, Gaurav; Dhuria, Kshitiz title: Primary Tuberculosis of the Breast Manifested as Abscess: a Rare Case Report date: 2014-01-01 words: 1232 flesch: 57 summary: We are reporting a case of primary breast tuberculosis, which presented as breast abscess. On histopathology, it was diagnosed as breast tuberculosis. keywords: abscess; breast; case; payudara; tuberculosis cache: ijim01-64.pdf plain text: ijim01-64.txt item: #230 of 274 id: ijim01-649 author: Kusuma, Dinas Yudha; Shatri, Hamzah; Alwi, Idrus; Abdullah, Murdani title: Validity and Reliability Studies of the Indonesian Version of the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ): Quality of Life Questionnaire for Patients with Chronic Heart Failure date: 2019-05-10 words: 4004 flesch: 54 summary: Rector TS, Kubo S, Conh J. Patients’ selfassessment of their congestive heart failure: content, reliability and validity of a new measure, the Minnesota living with heart failure questionnaire. Validity of the Minnesota living with heart failure questionnaire as a measure of therapeutic response to enalapril or placebo. keywords: correlation; domain; failure; heart; life; minnesota; mlhfq; quality; questionnaire; reliability; study; validity; version cache: ijim01-649.pdf plain text: ijim01-649.txt item: #231 of 274 id: ijim01-654 author: Bawazier, Lucky Aziza title: Current and Emerging Therapy on Lupus Nephritis date: 2018-01-19 words: 5290 flesch: 57 summary: Corticosteroid, cyclophosphamide, mycophenolate mofetil, azathrioprine, cyclosporine and tacrolimus are example of drugs used in LN therapy. Lupus nephritis (LN) was found in 40 – 60% of SLE patients and can increase up to 70% over 10-year period after initial diagnosis.1 Recent data shows 10-year survival of LN patient to range between 77 to 95%.2 Despite advances in treatment, 26% of LN patients still develop end-stage renal disease (ESRD) which cause a reduced in life expectancy by 15.1 – 23.7 years. keywords: cyc; induction; lupus; lupus nephritis; maintenance; mmf; nephritis; patients; renal; therapy; treatment cache: ijim01-654.pdf plain text: ijim01-654.txt item: #232 of 274 id: ijim01-663 author: Pothukuchi, Venkata Krishna; Kumar, Alok; Teja, Chennamsetty; Verma, Archana title: A Rare Case Series of Ischemic Stroke Following Russell’s Viper Snake Bite in India date: 2018-01-19 words: 1907 flesch: 50 summary: Moreover, Ischemic stroke following snake bite is quite rare. Keywords: ischemic stroke, cerebral infarct, Russell′s viper, snake bite. keywords: bite; case; cerebral; india; russell; snake; stroke; venom; viper cache: ijim01-663.pdf plain text: ijim01-663.txt item: #233 of 274 id: ijim01-675 author: Dinakrisma, Anastasia Asylia; Wijaya, Ika Prasetya; Nasution, Sally Aman; Dewiasty, Esthika title: The Role of Fragmented QRS (fQRS) As A Predictor of Major Adverse Cardiac Event within 30 days in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study date: 2019-05-10 words: 3513 flesch: 61 summary: This repeated excitation process is called re-entry mechanism, which increases the risk for having ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death in ACS patient.18 A study by Sheng et al.7 in STEMI patients showed that there was an increased risk of arrhythmia maligna 4 times higher and left ventricle systolic dysfunction (LVSD) 7.5 times higher in fQRS group than non fQRS group. The proportion of MACE in fQRS group was 15.8%; while the proportion in the group without fQRS was 5.8%. keywords: acs; acute; coronary; egfr; fqrs; fragmented; indonesia; infarction; mace; patients; risk; study; subjects cache: ijim01-675.pdf plain text: ijim01-675.txt item: #234 of 274 id: ijim01-69 author: Zein, Umar; Habib, Hadiki title: Unilateral Leg Swelling date: 2014-01-01 words: 707 flesch: 52 summary: Lymphatic filariasis of right leg before treatment Figure 2. Lymphatic filariasis is one of neglected tropical diseases in Indonesia. keywords: figure; filariasis; indonesia cache: ijim01-69.pdf plain text: ijim01-69.txt item: #235 of 274 id: ijim01-70 author: Singh, Gurmeet; Pitoyo, Ceva W title: Non-invasive Ventilation in Acute Respiratory Failure date: 2014-01-01 words: 4196 flesch: 47 summary: The failure to do this may lead to a delay in intubation and an increase in mortality.5 Despite overwhelming evidence to support its use, non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) is underused. Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation is used with patients with respiratory failure of various etiologies, but it should not be used with patients who have a low level of consciousness or noncompetent airway. keywords: acute; airway; care; chronic; dan; failure; intubation; med; niv; nppv; patients; pressure; respiratory; use; ventilation cache: ijim01-70.pdf plain text: ijim01-70.txt item: #236 of 274 id: ijim01-701 author: Anggorowati, Nungki; Sulistyaningsih, Rita C; Ghozali, Ahmad; Subronto, Yanri W title: Disseminated Histoplasmosis in an Indonesian HIV-Positive Patient: A Case Diagnosed by Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology date: 2018-01-19 words: 1054 flesch: 47 summary: The terrestrial boundaries of the occurrence of infectious diseases are now distorted because of economic development and migration of the people across the nation. Furthermore, in our opinion safe laboratory facilities for cytopathology is better to be established to cover the possible increase of infectious disease that need a diagnostic action. keywords: figure; histoplasmosis; hiv; med; patient cache: ijim01-701.pdf plain text: ijim01-701.txt item: #237 of 274 id: ijim01-702 author: Subekti, Imam title: Are We Ready for National Diabetes Prevention Program? date: 2018-01-19 words: 1058 flesch: 49 summary: Take actions, sustained evaluation, monitoring, and scalling up are the key success for diabetes prevention program in a national scope.10 Commitment from government, policy makers, clinical leaders, all physicians, and health care providers are very important and a key factor for the sustainability of diabetes prevention program in our society. The main result of this clinical trial is decrease of type 2 diabetes incidence by 58% in lifestyle intervention group compared with 31% in the metformin-treated group.8,9 Study from Idris H et al.3 in this issue is a large observational study of diabetes prevalence from the latest national survey which is very important for our database. keywords: diabetes; indonesia; prevention; program cache: ijim01-702.pdf plain text: ijim01-702.txt item: #238 of 274 id: ijim01-723 author: Widjaja, Felix Firyanto; Kalista, Kemal Fariz; Kurniawan, Juferdy title: Radiofrequency Ablation versus Resection in Large Single Nodule of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: an Evidence-based Case Report date: 2019-01-11 words: 4267 flesch: 59 summary: Conclusion: all studies used RFA as the alternative of resection when the the tumor was unresectable which means the severity was higher in RFA group. In this report, we only discuss the part of the study that the size of nodule >5cm, so there were 29 patients in resection group and 14 patients in RFA group. keywords: ablation; carcinoma; hepatocellular; nodule; patients; radiofrequency; resection; rfa; size; study; survival; year cache: ijim01-723.pdf plain text: ijim01-723.txt item: #239 of 274 id: ijim01-728 author: Advani, Najib; Santoso, Lucyana Alim; Sastroasmoro, Sudigdo title: Profile of Kawasaki Disease in Adolescents: Is It Different? date: 2019-05-10 words: 2978 flesch: 60 summary: ABSTRACT Background: there is clearly growing population of young adults with potentially important coronary artery disease after Kawasaki disease (KD) during childhood, and cardiologist must be prepared to take care for them. As Kawasaki disease in adolescent and adult is rare and under-recognized, it is important to study data on patient presentations which may permit development of diagnostic criteria and treatment guidelines for this age group. keywords: adolescents; age; artery; cases; changes; children; disease; kawasaki; years cache: ijim01-728.pdf plain text: ijim01-728.txt item: #240 of 274 id: ijim01-731 author: Rumende, Cleopas Martin; Hadi, Edward J; Tanjung, Gloria; Saputri, Imelda N; Sasongko, Raditya title: The Benefit of Interferon-Gamma Release Assay for Diagnosis of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis date: 2018-06-26 words: 3848 flesch: 53 summary: Contrastingly, pleural TB has lower values of 38.5% (95% CI 31.25-45.7%) and 50% (95% CI 2.7- 97.3%).15 Based on this study, IGRA in extrapulmonary TB is particularly useful in diagnosing lymph node TB compared with tuberculosis that affect other extrapulmonary organs.15 Adilistya et The exclusion criteria include extrapulmonary TB patients with a homeostatic disturbance which prevents invasive intervention for tissue specimen collection. keywords: examination; extrapulmonary; gold; igra; patients; sensitivity; specificity; standard; study; tuberculosis cache: ijim01-731.pdf plain text: ijim01-731.txt item: #241 of 274 id: ijim01-737 author: Darmawan, Guntur; Hamijoyo, Laniyati; Oehadian, Amaylia; Bandiara, Ria; Amalia, Lisda title: Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus date: 2019-01-11 words: 884 flesch: 43 summary: Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis may be the presenting symptoms or occur concomitantly within the onset of SLE.1-3 Our patient had SLE, meeting 4 of the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinic classification criteria (hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, renal involvement, and positive for ANA test). Clinical characteristics of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in patients 344 Vol 50 • Number 4 • October 2018 Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in SLE with systemic lupus erythematosus: A single-centre experience in China. keywords: cerebral; sinus; thrombosis; venous cache: ijim01-737.pdf plain text: ijim01-737.txt item: #242 of 274 id: ijim01-74 author: Thaha, Mochammad; Nilamsari, Wenny P; Yusuf, Mochammad; Amin, M. title: Profile of PRMT-1 Gene Polymorphism in Hemodialysis Patients with Increased ADMA Levels date: 2016-05-16 words: 3295 flesch: 58 summary: Of the 57 samples, there were 3 samples (5.6%) with normal range of ADMA levels (0.24 to 0.58 mmol/l) and 54 (95.4%) samples with increased ADMA levels. Mean difference of ADMA level in each stage The first stage was the measurement of ADMA levels using ELISA. keywords: adma; arginine; ckd; disease; dna; gene; levels; patients; pcr; polymorphism; prmt-1 cache: ijim01-74.pdf plain text: ijim01-74.txt item: #243 of 274 id: ijim01-746 author: Prasetyo, Dimas Tri; Raharja, Putu Angga Risky; Mantiri, Ben Julian; Ringoringo, David Ralph Lienhardt; Rahman, Irham Arif; Felizio, Jody; Tambunan, Made Parulian; Fadhly, Syifa Fauziah; Rahardjo, Harrina Erlianti title: Tadalafil Once a Day for Men with Erectile Dysfunction: Is It Superior than On-Demand Administration? date: 2019-11-07 words: 4028 flesch: 63 summary: In a 12-week RCT parallel study among 168 ED subjects aged 20 years and above with/ without underlying diseases, Kang et al.9 studied the effect of tadalafil OAD 5 mg in 84 subjects and tadalafil PRN 20 mg in 84 subjects on EF as measured by IIEF-5 and SEP scores. Sixty- six subjects who received tadalafil OAD and 68 subjects who received tadalafil PRN completed the 12-week treatment period. keywords: administration; day; dysfunction; erectile; oad; patients; prn; study; subjects; tadalafil cache: ijim01-746.pdf plain text: ijim01-746.txt item: #244 of 274 id: ijim01-755 author: Bawazier, Lucky Aziza; Suhardjono, Suhardjono title: Comparison of Quality of Life between Patients Undergoing Chronic Hemodialysis with Reusable Dialyzer and Single-Use Dialyzer: A Retrospective Cohort Study date: 2018-10-16 words: 4169 flesch: 51 summary: Al-Jumaih A, Al-Onazi K, Binsalih S, Hejaili F, Al-Sayyari A. A study of quality of life and its determinants among hemodialysis patients using the KDQOL-SF instrument in one center in Saudi Arabia. An assessment of the quality of life in hemodialysis patients using the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. keywords: component; dialyzer; disease; group; hemodialysis; kidney; life; patients; quality; reuse; study; use cache: ijim01-755.pdf plain text: ijim01-755.txt item: #245 of 274 id: ijim01-78 author: Arso, Irsad A; Setianto, Budi Y; Taufiq, Nahar; Hartopo, Anggoro B title: In-hospital Major Cardiovascular Events between STEMI Receiving Thrombolysis Therapy and Primary PCI date: 2016-05-16 words: 3710 flesch: 53 summary: The study showed no significant difference on the incidence of in-hospital major cardiovascular events in STEMI onset <12 hours between patients receiving thrombolysis therapy and primary PCI The incidence of post-infarction angina pectoris, cardiogenic shock and events among elderly tend to be higher in thrombolysis therapy, primary PCI reduced risk of these events. In our study, the incidence of heart failure in thrombolysis patients is significantly higher and primary PCI reduces the risk of acute heart failure in about 68.1%. keywords: events; heart; hospital; incidence; infarction; patients; pci; primary; stemi; therapy; thrombolysis cache: ijim01-78.pdf plain text: ijim01-78.txt item: #246 of 274 id: ijim01-780 author: Loho, Tonny; Venna, Venna; Setiabudy, Rahajuningsih D; Sukartini, Ninik; Immanuel, Suzanna; Kumalawati, July; Victor, Andi A; Waspadji, Sarwono title: Correlation Between Vitreous Advanced Glycation End Products, and D-dimer with Blood HbA1c Levels in Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy date: 2018-06-26 words: 3157 flesch: 54 summary: Blood HbA1c level could be used to predict vitreous AGEs level by using the following calculation: vitreous AGEs = -1.442+ (1.740xblood HbA1c). Blood HbA1c level can be used to assess vitreous AGEs level in patients with proliferative DR by using the following calculation: vitreous AGEs = -1.442+(1.740 x HbA1c). keywords: ages; blood; cairan; dimer; hba1c; kadar; levels; patients; vitreous cache: ijim01-780.pdf plain text: ijim01-780.txt item: #247 of 274 id: ijim01-786 author: Nainggolan, Leonard; Wiguna, Candra; Hasan, Irsan; Dewiasty, Esthika title: Gallbladder Wall Thickening for Early Detection of Plasma Leakage in Dengue Infected Adult Patients date: 2018-10-16 words: 4347 flesch: 54 summary: 1997 criteria, on the third day of fever plasma leakage was obtained in 12 patients (17.4%), ascites in 10 patients and pleural effusion in 2 patients. ABSTRACT Background: plasma leakage is defined as ≥20% elevation of hematocrit from baseline or decrease in convalescence or evidence of plasma leakage such as pleural effusion, ascites or hypoproteinaemia/ hypoalbuminaemia. keywords: criteria; day; dengue; fever; gallbladder; leakage; patients; phase; plasma; study; thickening; wall cache: ijim01-786.pdf plain text: ijim01-786.txt item: #248 of 274 id: ijim01-790 author: Gan, Wee Leng; Mustafar, Ruslinda; Kamaruzaman, Lydia; Mohd, Rozita; Cader, Rizna Abdul; Kong, Wei Yen; Pau, Kiew Bing title: Intravenous Rituximab in Severe Refractory Primary Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis date: 2018-10-16 words: 3984 flesch: 50 summary: Patients with little or no reduction in urine protein excretion after 12 to 16 weeks of treatment are considered steroid resistant.3 Most patients with steroid dependent FSGS required long-term low-dose corticosteroid therapy along with either cyclophosphamide (CYC), cyclosporine A (CSA), Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) or Rituximab to maintain clinical remission.4-6 Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi) or Angiotensin-II receptor blockers (ARB) is indicated in patients with FSGS but the results on proteinuria is variable.7,8 Nevertheless, both ACEi and ARB has been proven to retard the progression of chronic kidney disease to end stage kidney disease by reducing proteinuria and maintaining blood pressure.9,10 However, care must be taken to avoid symptomatic hypotension and increment of creatinine. CSA is a calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) which may be beneficial in primary refractory FSGS unresponsive to CYC.12 It can also serve as first line therapy in primary FSGS where steroid treatment is contraindicated or intolerance to high dose. keywords: csa; dose; fsgs; glomerulosclerosis; mmf; oral; prednisolone; refractory; remission; rituximab; segmental; steroid; treatment cache: ijim01-790.pdf plain text: ijim01-790.txt item: #249 of 274 id: ijim01-792 author: Rengganis, Iris title: Adult Diphtheria Vaccination date: 2018-10-16 words: 2568 flesch: 54 summary: For those who have received Tdap vaccine 10 years before, 98.5% participants achieved the protective antibody.11 Seroprotective diphtheria antibody levels were similar between TdaP and Td. The reported adverse reactions were injection-site pain (84.4% and 87.8%), erythema (29.7% and 23.1%), swelling (23.3% and 20.5%), and myalgia (53.5% and 60.1%), headache (37.6% and 40.6%), malaise (29.0% and 29.4%), and fever (4.9% and 4.2%).11 VACCINATION DURING PREGNANCY The ACIP recommends pregnant women to receive Tdap vaccine between 27 and 36 weeks of gestation.8,13 keywords: diphtheria; dose; pertussis; tdap; tetanus; toxoid; vaccination; vaccine; years cache: ijim01-792.pdf plain text: ijim01-792.txt item: #250 of 274 id: ijim01-794 author: Yang, Sim Chun; Mustafar, Ruslinda; Kamaruzaman, Lydia; Wei Yen, Kong; Mohd, Rozita; Cader, Rizna title: “Fleshy” Skin Cellulitis: A Triggering Factor for ANCA Associated Vasculitis date: 2020-02-10 words: 3099 flesch: 47 summary: This case perhaps also illustrates the small percentage of cases that has positive ANCA in the plasma and her skin biopsy showed positivity for immune complexes. A qualitative test for cytoplasmic ANCA (c-ANCA) from a private laboratory was positive whilst perinuclear ANCA (p-ANCA) was negative. keywords: aav; anca; anti; biopsy; case; disease; feet; immune; med; skin; vasculitis cache: ijim01-794.pdf plain text: ijim01-794.txt item: #251 of 274 id: ijim01-80 author: Jakhere, Sandeep G; Kumbhar, Raju S; Dhongade, Harshal V title: Adrenal Myelolipoma, Cholelithiasis and Calcified Spleen: Retrospective Diagnosis of Sickle Cell Anemia Using a Novel Triad of Abdominal Imaging Findings date: 2016-05-16 words: 2278 flesch: 55 summary: Thus extra medullary hematopoiesis within the adrenal may contribute to the development of myelolipomas.10 Approximately 50% of adults and 20% children with sickle cell anemia patients have gallstones and 94% of patients undergo autosplenectomy by the age of 5 years.15 However the exact incidence of adrenal myelolipomas in patients with sickle cell anemia is not known with only a few case reports documented in literature. We report a novel triad of abdominal imaging findings which is not reported in literature until now and which may suggest a diagnosis of sickle cell anemia in retrospect. keywords: adrenal; anemia; case; cell; findings; mass; myelolipoma; sickle cache: ijim01-80.pdf plain text: ijim01-80.txt item: #252 of 274 id: ijim01-806 author: Ali, Zulkhair; Kusrini, Ida; Shahab, Alwi; Saleh, Irsan title: Association between A1166C Polymorphism of the Angiotensin II Type-1 Receptor Gene and Type-2 Diabetic Nephropathy in an Indonesian Malay Population date: 2019-01-11 words: 3342 flesch: 54 summary: The A1166C polymorphism of AT1R gene due to a base replacement of cytosine for adenine at the position 1166 in the 3’untranslated region is related to the posttranslational modification of AT1R mRNA.9 Previous studies has found that a mutant C allele was associated with an increased filtration fraction response to angiotensin II infusion,10 thereby indicating the augmented angiotensin II activity in the presence of C allele and thus enabling glomerular hyper-filtration, an early classical finding for micro-albuminuria stage of DN.11 Several previous studies have investigated the role of AT1R polymorphism in the involute etiology of DN although they showed conflicting results. Heterozygote AC genotype (OR 3.2 [1.01-10.08], p=0.03) and C allele (OR 2.8[0.95- 8.67], p=0.038) were significantly higher in DN, indicating A1166C AT1R gene polymorphism as a risk factor for DN in Malay Indonesian population with type-2 diabetes. keywords: a1166c; albuminuria; allele; angiotensin; at1r; diabetes; genotype; patients; polymorphism; study; type-2 cache: ijim01-806.pdf plain text: ijim01-806.txt item: #253 of 274 id: ijim01-815 author: Wahidiyat, Pustika Amalia; Iskandar, Stephen Diah; Sekarsari, Damayanti title: Evaluation of Iron Overload Between Age Groups Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Its Correlation with Iron Profile in Transfusion-dependent Thalassemia date: 2018-10-16 words: 3348 flesch: 59 summary: It is important because cardiac iron overload is the leading cause of death in TDT patients.17 In our study we found that serum ferritin value could not be used solely to predict the degree of iron overload in heart and pancreas because the small correlation between those values. al16 study, which showed that pancreatic iron overload occurr nearly a decade earlier than cardiac iron overload. keywords: deposition; ferritin; iron; liver; mri; overload; serum; study; subjects; thalassemia; transferrin cache: ijim01-815.pdf plain text: ijim01-815.txt item: #254 of 274 id: ijim01-817 author: Subekti, Imam; Pramono, Laurentius Aswin title: Current Diagnosis and Management of Graves’ Disease date: 2018-06-26 words: 2940 flesch: 52 summary: Consumption of Vitamin D, selenium, and stop smoking may also beneficial to prevent relapse in GD patients.12 THYROID STORM The most severe and acute condition of GD is thyroid storm or thyroid crisis which is an endocrine emergency. The diagnosis of thyroid storm is made by clinical observation and systemic decompensation of thyrotoxicosis with a known precipitating factors or triggering illnesses. keywords: association; diagnosis; disease; drugs; graves; japan; thyroid; thyrotoxicosis; treatment cache: ijim01-817.pdf plain text: ijim01-817.txt item: #255 of 274 id: ijim01-826 author: Supriyadi, Rudi; Darmawan, Guntur; Pranggono, Emmy Hermiyanti title: Renal Tuberculosis: The Masquerader date: 2020-02-10 words: 1187 flesch: 45 summary: The non specific clinical presentation of renal TB may result in delayed diagnosis and management of the disease, which might worsen morbidity and mortality. There are no specific clinical symptoms or imaging finding, and low yield of culture techniques; therefore, a combination of clinical symptoms, imaging and laboratory examinations contribute to establish the diagnosis of renal TB. keywords: medicine; renal; tuberculosis; vitamin cache: ijim01-826.pdf plain text: ijim01-826.txt item: #256 of 274 id: ijim01-839 author: Khumaedi, Anandhara Indriani; Purnamasari, Dyah; Wijaya, Ika P; Soeroso, Yuniarti; Marhamah, Siti title: Association of Periodontitis and Arterial Stiffness in Type 2 Diabetic Patients date: 2019-01-11 words: 4583 flesch: 44 summary: The positive correlation was found to be weak in one study16 and the mean difference was small in another study; thus, its clinical significance was questionable.23 Different results found in the two abovementioned studies with our study is likely to be influenced by the different characteristics of study subjects and the significant difference in the number of subjects involved. On the other hand, studies using subclinical atherosclerotic functional parameters showed contradictory results.14,16-18 Our study aimed to investigate the relationship between periodontitis and arterial stiffness measured by carotid femoral PWV (Pulse Wave Velocity) in type-2 diabetes population. keywords: age; arterial; association; atherosclerosis; cal; correlation; diabetes; hba1c; median; patients; periodontitis; pwv; risk; stiffness; study; subjects cache: ijim01-839.pdf plain text: ijim01-839.txt item: #257 of 274 id: ijim01-84 author: The Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology, The Indonesian Society of Gastroenterolo title: National Consensus on Management of Non-Variceal Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Bleeding in Indonesia date: 2016-05-16 words: 4494 flesch: 42 summary: The study also demonstrates that the most common cause of UGIB is ruptured esophageal varices (280 cases; 33.4%) followed by peptic ulcer bleeding (225 cases; 26,9%), and erosive gastritis (219 cases; 26.2%) (Table 1).13 RISK FACTORS FOR PEPTIC ULCER As seen in Figure 1, H. pylori infection is a major factor in the development of ulcers, both duodenal and gastric ulcers. It should be noted that tachycardia may not appear if the patient is on medication with beta blocker drugs, which are commonly used for patients with heart failure and liver cirrhosis.5,8,14 Further Assessment Although it is not a routine procedure for peptic ulcer bleeding, inserting nasogastric tube (NGT) and evaluating the aspirate are usually useful for early clinical assessment. keywords: bleeding; blood; consensus; endoscopic; gastrointestinal; management; non; patients; ppi; recurrent; therapy; ugib; ulcer cache: ijim01-84.pdf plain text: ijim01-84.txt item: #258 of 274 id: ijim01-85 author: Laksmi, Purwita W title: Frailty Syndrome: an Emerging Geriatric Syndrome Calling for Its Potential Intervention date: 2016-05-16 words: 1294 flesch: 56 summary: People with pathologic aging would have an increased risk to become frail.2,3 Nowadays, frailty syndrome is considered as one of the geriatric syndromes which increase the risk of worsening clinical outcome in mobility, functional status, hospitalization, institutionalization and mortality, as well as lower health-related quality of life.4,5 Moreover, frailty syndrome reflects a biological age that predicts mortality risk better than chronological age In contrast, clinical approach of frailty syndrome as deficits accumulation takes into account disabilities in addition to co-morbidities as characteristics of frail people. keywords: aging; frailty; med; people; syndrome cache: ijim01-85.pdf plain text: ijim01-85.txt item: #259 of 274 id: ijim01-856 author: Bawazier, Lucky Aziza; Buntaran, Stanley; Sianipar, Wicensius; Kekalih, Aria title: Blood Pressure Profile of Young Adults at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia date: 2019-05-10 words: 2952 flesch: 56 summary: We found that the prevalence of 56 Vol 51 • Number 1 • January 2019 Blood pressure profile of young adults prehypertension and hypertension based on JNC VII criteria combined was 29.6%, with a prevalence of hypertension itself at 3.6%. Afterwards, we conducted a physical examination and obtained blood and urine samples to screen for blood pressure, estimated glomerular filtration rate, and the lipid profile. keywords: blood; factors; hypertension; indonesia; medicine; pressure; prevalence; profile; risk; students; study cache: ijim01-856.pdf plain text: ijim01-856.txt item: #260 of 274 id: ijim01-86 author: Sumardi, Rochani; Mochtar, Chaidir A; Junizaf, Junizaf; Santoso, Budi I; Setiati, Siti; Nuhonni, Siti A; Trihono, Partini P; Rahardjo, Harrina E; Syahputra, Firtantyo A title: Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence, Risk Factors and Its Impact: Multivariate Analysis from Indonesian Nationwide Survey date: 2016-05-16 words: 4759 flesch: 60 summary: Although the prevalence of UI is relatively high, but less than half of the patients seek treatment.4 Some studies show that the female to male ratio of UI prevalence is 2:1.3,5 European studies demonstrate varied prevalence of UI in female subjects, which is 23% in Spain, 41% in Germany, 42% in UK and 44% in France.4 Meanwhile, the prevalence in male subjects is 7% in France, 16% in Netherlands and 14% in UK.6 Different definitions of UI between one and other studies have caused highly varied data of UI prevalence. keywords: age; enuresis; factors; incontinence; indonesia; oab; patients; population; prevalence; risk; stress; study; subjects; urinary cache: ijim01-86.pdf plain text: ijim01-86.txt item: #261 of 274 id: ijim01-880 author: Trihono, Partini Pudjiastuti; Rhodia, Lia; Karyanti, Mulya Rahma title: Kidney Disease Profiles Among Adolescents In Indonesia date: 2019-01-11 words: 4238 flesch: 57 summary: INTRODUCTION Kidney damage is defined as any abnormality of kidney structure or function, which initially occuring without any change of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), leading to decreased kidney function, which may lead to the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end stage renal disease (ESRD).1 CKD has become a significant public health problem and a socio- economic burden of almost 28 million dollars every year in the United States.2 In 2008, a study in Turkey reported an increasing prevalence of children aged 5-18 years with CKD compared to the previous study in 2005.3 The incidence of children with CKD in Vietnam reached 5.1 cases/million/year.4 A study in seven hospitals in Indonesia found that 2% of 2,889 inpatient children presented with kidney diseases. The first data group consisted of questionnaires about history of kidney stone disease, hypertension, chronic renal failure, antihypertension administration, and blood pressure measurement. keywords: adolescents; blood; children; chronic; data; disease; health; hypertension; indonesia; kidney; stage; study; subjects cache: ijim01-880.pdf plain text: ijim01-880.txt item: #262 of 274 id: ijim01-893 author: Dharmayanti, Anti; Astrawinata, Dalima title: Catheter-related Blood Stream Infection in a Patient with Hemodialysis date: 2018-10-16 words: 4777 flesch: 45 summary: Diagnosing and reporting of central line associated blood stream infection. Chin G. Treatment of dyalisis catheter infection. keywords: blood; bsi; catheter; cdl; culture; infection; insertion; patient; stream; tip cache: ijim01-893.pdf plain text: ijim01-893.txt item: #263 of 274 id: ijim01-9 author: Gayatri, A.A. Ayu Yuli; Utama, Susila; Agus Somia, Agus Somia; Merati, Tuti P title: MRSA Infection in Patients Hospitalized at Sanglah Hospital: A Case Series date: 2015-03-01 words: 3123 flesch: 49 summary: 51 Vol 47 • Number 1 • January 2015 MRSA infection in patients hospitalized at Sanglah hospital: a case series INTRODUCTION Infections caused by methicilin–resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have become a global health concern during the past 2-3 decades. MRSA infection are associated with greater length of stay, higher mortality and increased cost.3,4 Studies of the global epidemiology frequently have not included MRSA obtained from persons living in developing nations. keywords: aureus; care; case; hospital; infection; mrsa; patients; r r; r s; s s; sepsis cache: ijim01-9.pdf plain text: ijim01-9.txt item: #264 of 274 id: ijim01-909 author: Nelwan, Erni J title: Early Detection of Plasma Leakage in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever date: 2018-10-16 words: 916 flesch: 55 summary: Among patient infected with dengue viral infection, early recognition of the virus and prompt supportive treatment are important to avoid complication and mortality. Dengue with severe plasma leakage: A new monitoring approach. keywords: dengue; infection; leakage; plasma cache: ijim01-909.pdf plain text: ijim01-909.txt item: #265 of 274 id: ijim01-92 author: Rasyid, Al; Misbach, Jusuf; Purba, Jan S; Timan, Ina S; Sukrisman, Lugyanti; Mansyur, Muchtaruddin; Yudiarsah, Efta; Suroto, Suroto title: The Role of a Novel Digital Microcapillary Instrument in Detecting Blood and Plasma Hyperviscosity date: 2016-05-16 words: 3909 flesch: 59 summary: Blood viscosity value may also play an important role in transient ischemic attack (TIA) and ischemic stroke since it is increased in some of these patients (34% and 48%, respectively).7 He observed the effect of temperature on blood viscosity value measured by Capillary Tube Viscometer in 37 healthy subjects. keywords: blood; dan; indonesia; jakarta; microcapillary; plasma; precision; stroke; temperature; test; value; viscosity cache: ijim01-92.pdf plain text: ijim01-92.txt item: #266 of 274 id: ijim01-929 author: Susiyanti, Made; Pambudy, Indra Maharddhika title: Successful Treatment Bilateral Panuveitis with Multiple Systemic Infection in HIV/AIDS Patient: A Case Report date: 2022-04-08 words: 1912 flesch: 55 summary: In patients with HIV/AIDS the course of the uveitis tend to be severe and produce more sequelae.1-3 Uveitis in patient with HIV/AIDS might be caused by various etiology. Current CDC recommendation is to test patient suspected of having syphilis with treponemal test, then if positive, should be tested for non-treponemal test.5,6 Because of the wide possibility of the cause of uveitis in patients with HIV, our patients was tested with various tests to confirm the causative agent. keywords: hiv; ocular; patient; syphilis; uveitis cache: ijim01-929.pdf plain text: ijim01-929.txt item: #267 of 274 id: ijim01-951 author: Bestari, Muhammad Begawan; Nugraha, Eka Surya; Abdurachman, Siti Aminah title: Secondary Choledocholithiasis in Obstructive Jaundice Patient due to Choledochoduodenal-fistula Stricture date: 2022-07-07 words: 1987 flesch: 54 summary: Oikarinen H, Päivänsalo M, Tikkakoski T, et al. Acta radiologica findings in biliary fistula and gallstone ileus. Crespi M, Montecamozzo G, Foschi D. Diagnosis and treatment of biliary fistulas in the laparoscopic era. keywords: biliary; case; cdf; choledochoduodenal; fistula; patient cache: ijim01-951.pdf plain text: ijim01-951.txt item: #268 of 274 id: ijim01-965 author: Supriyadi, Rudi; Rakhima, Fauliza; Gondodiputro, Rubin Surachno; Darmawan, Guntur title: Validity and Reliability of the Indonesian Version of Kidney Disease Quality of Life (KDQOL-36) Questionnaire in Hemodialysis Patients at Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia date: 2020-02-10 words: 3415 flesch: 54 summary: Higher score in effects of kidney disease scale than other scales also showed that chronic kidney disease did not affect hemodialysis patient’s quality of life in the United States of America. Reliability and validity of the Korean version of kidney disease quality of life instrument (KDQOL-SFTM). keywords: disease; indonesian; kdqol-36; kidney; life; quality; questionnaire; reliability; study; test; validity; version cache: ijim01-965.pdf plain text: ijim01-965.txt item: #269 of 274 id: ijim01-97 author: Wardhana, Wardhana; Datau, E.A. title: Metal Fume Fever among Galvanized Welders date: 2016-05-16 words: 3939 flesch: 50 summary: Immediately following welding fume exposure, non-smokers experience a significant increase in circulating WBC counts, specifically absolute and relative neutrophil counts, and a significant decrease in fibrinogen level. Key words: metal fume fever, zinc oxide, inflammation, prevention. keywords: exposure; fever; fume; health; increase; inhalation; kinase; med; metal; mff; symptoms; welders; welding; zinc; zno cache: ijim01-97.pdf plain text: ijim01-97.txt item: #270 of 274 id: ijim01-971 author: Abdaly, Muhammad Syah; Azizi, Mohamad Syahrir; Wijaya, Ika Prasetya; Nugroho, Pringgodigdo; Purnamasari, Dyah title: Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Young Adult Population with First Degree Relatives of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus date: 2019-08-05 words: 4570 flesch: 49 summary: One of many risk factors for insulin resistance in healthy individuals is a first-degree relative (FDR) of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients. This group shows a higher risk of insulin resistance and pancreatic beta cells disruption even in adolescence, although they often remains asymptomatic. keywords: artery; atherosclerosis; carotid; degree; diabetes; disease; fdr; group; insulin; intima; media; resistance; risk; study; thickness; type cache: ijim01-971.pdf plain text: ijim01-971.txt item: #271 of 274 id: ijim01-98 author: The Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology, The Indonesian Society of Gastroenterolo title: National Consensus on the Management of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Indonesia date: 2016-05-16 words: 5058 flesch: 48 summary: However, regarding the H. pylori test to exclude infection in patients with GERD symptoms in regions with high prevalence of gastric cancer and peptic ulcer, there is a controversial opinion of the experts. The main concern is targeted on modifying overweight and elevating head around 15-20 cm during sleep as well as other additional factors such as smoking cessation, stop drinking, reducing food intake and medications that The Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern Med 268 stimulate gastric acid and causing reflux, less satiating feeding and last evening meal at least 3 hours before bedtime.21 Pharmacological Treatment There are drugs that have been known to have capacity to overcome GERD symptoms, which include antacids, prokinetics, H2-receptor antagonists, Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) and keywords: consensus; diagnosis; disease; endoscopy; esophagus; gastroesophageal; gerd; indonesia; management; patients; ppi; reflux; symptoms; test; therapy; treatment cache: ijim01-98.pdf plain text: ijim01-98.txt item: #272 of 274 id: ijim01-99 author: Nelwan, Erni J title: Adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) in HIV/AIDS Patient date: 2014-10-01 words: 731 flesch: 51 summary: The complexity of this topic and the importance of adherence encourage clinicians to continue to seek novel, patient-centered ways to prevent non- adherence and to tailor adherence interventions. Lowering the threshold of adherence would not be possible because allowing for missed dose will only favor to poor compliance within time. keywords: adherence; patient; treatment cache: ijim01-99.pdf plain text: ijim01-99.txt item: #273 of 274 id: ijim01-996 author: Kusumaningtyas, Luki; Makmun, Dadang; Syam, Ari Fahrial; Setiati, Siti title: Six-month Survival of Patients with Malignant Distal Biliary Stricture Following Endoscopic Biliary Stent Procedure and Its Associated Factors date: 2020-04-14 words: 4543 flesch: 46 summary: This study aimed to identify 6-month survival of patients with malignant distal biliary stricture following endoscopic biliary stent procedure and its associated factors. The proportion of survival in patients with malignant distal biliary stricture following endoscopic biliary stent procedure based on observation of day 30, 60, 90, 180 and 360 was 58%, 46%, 38%, 24% and 6%, respectively as can be seen in Table 2; therefore, we found that the proportion of 3 month and 6 month mortality rate following the procedure was 62% and 76%, respectively. keywords: albumin; biliary; distal; endoscopic; patients; procedure; stent; stricture; study; survival cache: ijim01-996.pdf plain text: ijim01-996.txt item: #274 of 274 id: ijim01-999 author: Ginanjar, Eka; Alwi, Idrus; Lydia, Aida; Immanuel, Suzanna; Yamin, Muhammad; Indrajaya, Taufik; Harimurti, Kuntjoro title: The Association of b2-Microglobulin and Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 with Major Adverse Cardiac Event in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease date: 2021-03-31 words: 4287 flesch: 54 summary: i n e r a l s , hyperparathyroidism, and Vitamin D deficiency in CKD patients, also known as chronic kidney disease – mineral bone disorders (CKD-MBD), was reported to be related to worse outcome in ACS patients with CKD. These findings support the role of β2-M to promote greater inflammatory response in an acute state in ACS patients, especially if it occurs in an existing chronic inflammation state such as in CKD patients. keywords: acs; acute; chronic; ckd; disease; fgf23; heart; indonesia; kidney; mace; patients; study cache: ijim01-999.pdf plain text: ijim01-999.txt