item: #1 of 1243 id: ap-1000 author: Ficker, T. title: Statistics of Electron Avalanches and Streamers date: 2007-01-06 words: 3194 flesch: 67 summary: Assuming linear proportionality u c n� � , our curve w(u) will preserve the same shape as that of Furry w n n D( ) ( )� � � �const 1 , i.e. they will both possess the same value of the exponent (1+D). After passing a certain initial distance � � 0 and gathering a certain number of ener- getic electrons N d� �e� 1, which are capable of creating a group of UV photons, a photoionisation process starts and a swarm of K � 1smaller avalanches with mean pop- ulations nd d , ( ) 1 � �e� � appear along the parent ava- lanche. keywords: avalanches; d j; data; distribution; e �; electron; ficker; fig; fractal; furry; generation; j j; law; multiplication; n d; n n; new; nonnenmacher; parent; pareto; pattern; phys; populated; populations; probability; statistical; streamer; vol cache: ap-1000.pdf plain text: ap-1000.txt item: #2 of 1243 id: ap-1002 author: Frank, H. title: Influence of Oxidation Media on the Transport Properties of Thin Oxide Layers of Zirconium Alloys date: 2007-01-06 words: 4923 flesch: 62 summary: c� � �2 , but with negative coeffi- cient a. If the voltage is switched off, and the sample is short-circuited, there flows an adequate extraction current I Iex in� � of opposite polarity [13] of the form I B t nex � � � . keywords: acta; activation; air; characteristics; charge; circuit; constant; contact; current; dependence; electrode; energy; fig; greater; grey; higher; injection; layer; limited; linear; measured; oxidation; oxide; permittivity; phase; relative; resistance; resistivity; room; samples; short; space; steam; table; temperature; time; voltage; white; zirconium; zr1nb; zry-4w cache: ap-1002.pdf plain text: ap-1002.txt item: #3 of 1243 id: ap-1004 author: Chmelík, T.; Zámyslický, P. title: EU Emissions Trading Scheme as Implemented in the Czech Republic date: 2007-01-06 words: 1841 flesch: 52 summary: The system is based on the following five pillars: � Allocation (a system of distribution of emission allowances to participants, based on harmonized criteria). No. 6/2007 Share of total emissions Number of installations Public energy production (Utilities) 66.59 % 139 Corporate energy production 3.53 % 135 Refineries 1.10 % 4 Chemicals 5.28 % 17 Coke 0.26 % 2 Production and processing of metals 16.22 % 19 Cement 2.95 % 6 Lime 1.34 % 5 Glass 0.84 % 21 Ceramics 0.78 % 60 Pulp 0.19 % 2 Paper and board 0.91 % 16 Total 426 Source: Ministry of the Environment, 2005 Table 1: NAP for the Czech Republic, by sector 0 00 keywords: allocation; allowances; co2; company; criteria; czech; emissions; energy; ets; european; installations; nap; national; number; paper; participants; plan; production; republic; scheme; sector; share; system; total; trading cache: ap-1004.pdf plain text: ap-1004.txt item: #4 of 1243 id: ap-1005 author: Okurka, T. title: Wireless Telegraphy at the German Universal Exhibition in Ústí nad Labem in 1903 [1] date: 2008-01-03 words: 1750 flesch: 62 summary: [1] T. Okurka This paper focuses on the transmission of wireless telegraphy between Ústí nad Labem and Teplice during the German Universal Exhibition in Ústí nad Labem in 1903. This oblivion can also be explained by the fact that wireless telegraphy was not widely used after the presentation in Ústí nad Labem. keywords: austria; bohemia; czech; device; exhibition; fig; für; german; labem; nad; nad labem; pavilion; station; successful; technical; telegraphy; teplice; transmission; universal; vol; wireless; zeitschrift; ústí; ústí nad cache: ap-1005.pdf plain text: ap-1005.txt item: #5 of 1243 id: ap-1006 author: Kohout, K.; Nahodil, P. title: Simulation Environment for Artificial Creatures date: 2007-01-06 words: 4131 flesch: 60 summary: This internal state covers the state of agent sensors and effectors (some of these may be damaged or partial by malfunctioning) and the Vege- tative System Block. It can be used to observe agent parameters at any time of simulation. keywords: abstract; actions; agent; analysis; architecture; artificial; behavior; body; communication; control; czech; data; different; effectors; engine; environment; etc; example; external; fig; information; interface; internal; layers; life; mind; modules; new; physical; prague; run; sensors; simulation; step; task; technical; university; use; value; visualization; wal; world cache: ap-1006.pdf plain text: ap-1006.txt item: #6 of 1243 id: ap-1007 author: Behrens, A.; Atorf, L.; Schwann, R.; Ballé, J.; Herold, T.; Telle, A. title: First Steps into Practical Engineering for Freshman Students Using MATLAB and LEGO Mindstorms Robots date: 2008-01-03 words: 4024 flesch: 51 summary: Thus it is very impor- tant to motivate first semester students by confronting them with practical situations, in which they “feel like engineers” right from the beginning of their studies [2]. 48 No. 3/2008 First Steps into Practical Engineering for Freshman Students Using MATLAB and LEGO Mindstorms Robots A. Behrens, L. Atorf, R. Schwann, J. Ballé, T. Herold, A. Telle Besides lectures on basic theoretical topics, contemporary teaching and learning concepts for first semester students give more and more consideration to practically motivated courses. keywords: aachen; addition; algorithms; applications; available; basic; bluetooth; communication; complex; computer; concept; course; developed; direct; electrical; engineering; evaluation; exercises; fig; functions; hardware; image; individual; interface; laboratory; learning; lego; level; major; mathematical; matlab; methods; mindstorms; new; nxt; online; practical; process; processing; programming; project; real; results; robot; rwth; section; semester; sensor; skills; software; students; tasks; team; time; toolbox; university; vol cache: ap-1007.pdf plain text: ap-1007.txt item: #7 of 1243 id: ap-1008 author: Holub, J. title: Finite Automata Implementations Considering CPU Cache date: 2007-01-06 words: 3413 flesch: 70 summary: Suitable im- plementations are described in Section 5. 2 Nondeterministic finite automaton Nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) is a quintuple (Q, �, �, q0, F), where Q is a finite set of states, � is a set of input sym- bols, � is a mapping � �Q Q� ( ) ( )� � �� � , q Q0 � is an initial state, and F Q� is a set of final states. AP_07_6.vp 1 Introduction The original formal study of finite state systems (neural nets) is from 1943 by McCulloch and Pitts [14]. keywords: approach; automata; automaton; cache; case; cpu; current; cycles; czech; dfa; eds; fig; finite; hard; holub; implementation; input; memory; nfa; number; run; simulation; state; string; suffix; suitable; symbol; table; technical; time; transition; university; vol cache: ap-1008.pdf plain text: ap-1008.txt item: #8 of 1243 id: ap-1010 author: Teng, C. P.; Bai, S.; Angeles, J. title: Shape Synthesis in Mechanical Design date: 2007-01-06 words: 4973 flesch: 68 summary: Specifically, these con- straints are, � �0( , , )� � �� �� � A , � �n B� � �� �1( , , )� � � , (18) where �A and �B are the curvature values of curve �a at point A and of curve �b at point B, respectively, thereby formulating an equality constrained optimum-design problem. Further, we define the n � 2-dimensional vectors, �, �� and ��� , namely, � � �� � � �0 1 1, , , ,� n n T (1) � � � � � � �� � � � �0 1 1, , , ,� n n T (2) �� � �� �� �� �� �� � � � �0 1 1, , , ,� n n T (3) Letting � �k( ) be the cubic polynomial between two consec- utive supporting points keywords: 6/2007; a0 �; acta; agile; angeles; blending; continuity; coordinates; cross; cubic; curvature; curve; czech; design; fig; geometric; house; housing;; k k; lamé; link; mid; non; optimization; optimum; parametric; points; polytechnica; problem; publishing; radius �; section; segment; shape; splines; stress; structural; supporting; synthesis; tan �; technical; university; values; vol; wrist; � c; � k; � n; � y; � � cache: ap-1010.pdf plain text: ap-1010.txt item: #9 of 1243 id: ap-1013 author: Behrens, A. title: Creating Panoramic Images for Bladder Fluorescence Endoscopy date: 2008-01-03 words: 3270 flesch: 57 summary: An external camera is attached at the tail end of the rigid cystoscope, as shown in Fig. 2, and captures video images with a resolution of 720×576 pixels at a frame rate of 25 frames per second. A software implementation in C�� should improve the per- formance, and will be applied in future work. keywords: affine; algorithm; bladder; cancer; correspondences; cystoscopy; descriptor; detection; endoscopic; feature; field; fig; frames; homography; illumination; image; interpolation; invariant; local; matching; method; model; mosaicing; panoramic; pdd; point; process; region; results; scale; section; sequence; sift; small; step; stitching; technical; transform; university; urinary; video; vol; � � cache: ap-1013.pdf plain text: ap-1013.txt item: #10 of 1243 id: ap-1015 author: Stache, N. C.; Nguyen, T. P. title: Automatic Compensation of Workpiece Positioning Tolerances for Precise Laser date: 2008-01-03 words: 4410 flesch: 59 summary: Thus, the problem to be minimized can be formulated as Q B B B B BT T T( ) ( ) minu u u u u u� � � �2 2 , (5) with the constraint of u 2 1� to avoid obtaining the trivial so- lution. The use of line-shaped profiles for contour point de- tection instead of entire images or ROIs permits a speed up, which is required for executing one detection and welding cycle per second (detection with a standard PC, 2.6 GHz, Dual-Core, C�� implementation). keywords: accuracy; acquisition; addition; algorithm; approach; beam; case; circle; contour; detection; determined; edge; end; estimation; feature; fig; filter; fitting; high; image; laser; line; machine; model; nominal; number; offset; parts; points; position; positioning; procedure; production; profiles; results; robust; roi; rotation; scanner; sought; step; system; technical; university; use; vol; welding; workpiece cache: ap-1015.pdf plain text: ap-1015.txt item: #11 of 1243 id: ap-1017 author: Doutres, O.; Dauchez, N.; Genevaux, J.-M.; Dazel, O. title: Validity of the One-Dimensional Limp Model for Porous Media date: 2008-01-03 words: 3573 flesch: 63 summary: (2) gives the propagation equation on uf ~ ~ limK u upf f f� � �2 2 0� � , (7) with ~ K f the bulk modulus of the air in the pores and ~ lim� p the modified density of the air. AP08_3.vp 1 Introduction In recent years, poroelastic numerical models using finite element method have been widely developed to improve the acoustic efficiency of porous materials used in the aeronautic and automotive industries. keywords: acoust; biot; boundary; bulk; critical; density; dimensional; displacement; fig; fluid; frame; frequency; fsi; fsir; influence; layer; limp; limp model; material; model; modulus; parameter; phase; porous; properties; radiation; ratio; soc; solid; stiffness; theory; value; vol; wave cache: ap-1017.pdf plain text: ap-1017.txt item: #12 of 1243 id: ap-1019 author: Bednář, M. title: The Precision Simulation of the First Generation Matrix Converter date: 2008-01-03 words: 1761 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: Matrix converter, real-time system, simulation, energy conversion. Fig. 1: Configuration of the real system Fig. 2: Bidirectional switch configuration Fig. 48 No. 3/2008 The Precision Simulation of the First Generation Matrix Converter M. Bednář This paper describes simulation of first generation matrix converter, which was realized in the lab. keywords: 3/2008; acta; block; configuration; control; converter; current; czech; description; fig; fpga; generation; house;; matrix; output; polytechnica; program; publishing; real; simulation; switching; system; technical; time; university; vol; voltage; word cache: ap-1019.pdf plain text: ap-1019.txt item: #13 of 1243 id: ap-1021 author: Steffen, M.; Leonhardt, S. title: Non-Contact Monitoring of Heart and Lung Activity by Magnetic Induction Measurement date: 2008-01-03 words: 2258 flesch: 56 summary: (drift compensation Ch4. - Ch. 3) vs. heart reference (PPG) (Volunteer in back position) 5 Conclusion The elimination of electric contact between a medical de- vice and the patient’s body is a promising idea, and this paper presents one feasible approach to non-contact monitoring, based on magnetic induction. (Combination Ch. 4 + Ch. 6) vs. heart reference (PPG) (Volunteer lying on the right side) interference. keywords: 3/2008; acta; activity; body; channels; coils; contact; czech; excitation; field; fig; heart; house;; induced; induction; inductive; lung; magnetic; measurement; monitoring; polytechnica; ppg; publishing; reference; sensor; setup; signal; steffen; technical; university; volunteer cache: ap-1021.pdf plain text: ap-1021.txt item: #14 of 1243 id: ap-1023 author: Řeřábek, M. title: Space Variant PSF – Deconvolution of Wide-Field Astronomical Images date: 2008-01-03 words: 2309 flesch: 58 summary: 2 Transfer characteristics of optical imaging systems The description of transfer characteristics (mainly PSF) of optical imaging system is presented in the following section. This relation affects the transfer characteristics of optical systems and makes them spatially variant. keywords: aberrations; astronomical; bootes; characteristics; czech; data; deconvolution; double; fig; function; image; imaging; invariant; meteors; object; observation; optical; paper; processing; psf; response; space; system; transfer; university; use; uwfc; variant; wavefront; � � cache: ap-1023.pdf plain text: ap-1023.txt item: #15 of 1243 id: ap-1025 author: Bauer, J. title: Single-Phase Pulse Width Modulated Rectifier date: 2008-01-03 words: 2375 flesch: 64 summary: The power transferred from the supply to the input termi- nals of the rectifier is: P U U XSR s r s � sin � (1) � U Is s cos �, (2) where Us RMS value of input supply voltage (V), Ur RMS value of first harmonics consumed by AC rectifier input (V), � phase displacement between phasors Us a Ur, Xs input inductor reactance at 50Hz (�), � power factor. keywords: analysis; angle; consumed; consumption; control; converters; cos; current; czech; diagram; displacement; effects; electric; factor; fig; harmonics; input; modulation; network; output; phase; power; pulse; pwm; reactive; rectifier; sinusoidal; supply; supply voltage; technical; type; value; voltage; waveforms; width cache: ap-1025.pdf plain text: ap-1025.txt item: #16 of 1243 id: ap-1027 author: Sokoll, J.; Fingerhuth, S. title: Psychoacoustic Properties of Fibonacci Sequences date: 2008-01-04 words: 2440 flesch: 58 summary: Table 1 shows the binary Fibonacci Sequence for the first 8 years. The sequence of the number of pairs Fn is the original Fibonacci Sequence. keywords: adobe; binary; false; fibonacci; fibonacci sequence; fig; frequency; golden; immature; length; listening; number; pair; pass; pdf; peak; pitch; polytechnica; psychoacoustic; rabbits; ratio; results; sequence; sine; sound; spectrum; subjects; technical; tests; true; university; vol; year cache: ap-1027.pdf plain text: ap-1027.txt item: #17 of 1243 id: ap-1029 author: Šimeček, I. title: Acceleration of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication by Region Traversal date: 2008-01-04 words: 4967 flesch: 61 summary: D I I( )� � . If � �n r, then the R-CSR format is chosen, otherwise the R-XY format is chosen. keywords: 4/2008; acta; adobe; algorithm; approach; array; box; cache; cbsa; common; csr; csr format; czech; data; elements; false; fig; fit; format; good; house;; large; locality; matrices; matrix; memory; misses; multiplication; nonzero; number; optimal; overhead; performance; polytechnica; publishing; ratio; region; row; size; sparse; speedup; spm×v; storage; strategy; technical; time; transformation; traversal; traversing; true; university; vector; vol cache: ap-1029.pdf plain text: ap-1029.txt item: #18 of 1243 id: ap-1031 author: Jirout, T.; Fořt, I. title: An Investigation of the Erosion Wear of Pitched Blade Impellers in a Solid-Liquid Suspension date: 2008-01-04 words: 4705 flesch: 61 summary: Pitched blade impellers with four adjustable inclined plane blades made from construction steel (pitch angle � � 30°), pumping downwards were investigated in a fully baffled flat bottomed cylindrical agitated vessel (vessel diame- ter T � 300 mm, four baffles of width b � 30 mm, impeller Keywords: pitched blade impeller, erosion wear, solid-liquid suspension. Fig. keywords: 4/2008; acta; average; blade; concentration; constant; corundum; czech; dependence; diameter; different; erosion; false; fig; geometric; house;; impeller; levels; min; parameter; particle; polytechnica; process; publishing; rate; solid; speed; suspension; table; technical; time; true; university; values; vol; volumetric; wear; weight cache: ap-1031.pdf plain text: ap-1031.txt item: #19 of 1243 id: ap-1033 author: Klenko, Y.; Scholtz, V. title: Influence of a Point-to-Plane DC Negative Corona Discharge on Gel Surfaces date: 2008-01-04 words: 2440 flesch: 52 summary: This paper focuses on an experimental investigation of the influence of the single-point and multi-point corona discharge electric field on gel surface. Each type of gel electrode was placed in a standard Petri dish (90 mm in diameter). keywords: adobe; agar; applications; atmospheric; corona; corona discharge; current; czech; deformation; dependence; depth; diameter; dimple; discharge; electrode; exposition; false; fig; gel; hollow; influence; ions; medium; min; needle; pdf; petri; plane; plasma; point; pressure; standard; surface; temperature; time; true; vol cache: ap-1033.pdf plain text: ap-1033.txt item: #20 of 1243 id: ap-1035 author: Semančík, P.; Cimbala, R.; Záliš, K. title: Thermal – Oxidation Stability of Insulating Fluids date: 2008-01-04 words: 2289 flesch: 51 summary: The test was carried out under the following conditions [1]: � temperature 100 °C, � volume of oil samples 5 l, � bubbling of oil dried and refined by air in larger amounts than are needed for reaction of oil with the air, � accelerator: copper wires in quantities cca 0.1 cm2/g mea- sured oil. Test conditions: The filtered fluid sample oxidizes under the following conditions [3]: � oil weight: 25 g � 0.1 g, � oxidation gas: air, � gas flow speed: 0.15 l/h � 0.015 l/h, � test period: � 164 h – for uninhibited oil, � 500 h – for inhibited oil, � accelerator: copper wires in quantities 28.6 cm2 � 0.3 cm2 measured oil. keywords: a.s; adobe; air; chamber; conditions; czech; dielectric; false; high; insoluble; insulating; method; oil; oils; orgrez; oxidation; parameters; pdf; polytechnica; sample; sediments; stability; technical; temperature; test; thermal; true; university; values; vol; čez cache: ap-1035.pdf plain text: ap-1035.txt item: #21 of 1243 id: ap-1039 author: Fořt, I.; Hasal, P.; Paglianti, A.; Magelli, F. title: Axial Force at the Vessel Bottom Induced by Axial Impellers date: 2008-01-04 words: 4478 flesch: 55 summary: It follows from Figs. 3 and 4 that the subregion between ra- dius r1 (R1) and radius r2 (R2) of the flow along the bottom practically diminishes at the level of impeller C T � 1 3. (2) Figs. 3 and 4 illustrate the above mentioned radial profiles of the mean time local dynamic pressure, always at two levels of impeller speed. keywords: adobe; agitated; axial; axial dynamic; blade; blade impeller; clearance; coordinate; cylindrical; czech; dimensionless; direction; distance; dynamic; dynamic pressures; experiments; false; fax; fax1; fig; figs; flat; flow; force; form; impeller; liquid; local; mean; mixing; pressure; profiles; quantity; radial; radius; rpmn �; speed; subregion; time; transducers; true; values; vessel; vol; wall cache: ap-1039.pdf plain text: ap-1039.txt item: #22 of 1243 id: ap-1041 author: Frydrýšek, K. title: Probabilistic Analysis of the Hard Rock Disintegration Process date: 2008-01-04 words: 3057 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: Hard rock (ore), cutting bit, disintegration process, FEM, probability, SBRA method, parallel computing. The evaluation of one force measurement (Fig. 19) shows that the maximum force is RMAXEXP � 5280 N. Hence, the relative error calculated for the acquired median value RMAXSBRA, FEM MED� � 5068 N, see Fig. 18, is: �R R R RMAX � � � � � MAX MAX MAX EXP SBRA, FEM MED EXP 0 01 4 02 . . keywords: acta; adobe; application; bit; carlo; computers; cpu; czech; disintegration; elements; engineering; false; fem; fig; forces; fracture; house;; inputs; large; material; method; monte; msc.marc/mentat; ore; parallel; polytechnica; process; publishing; reaction; results; sbra; simulations; software; solution; stochastic; stress; technical; true; university; vol cache: ap-1041.pdf plain text: ap-1041.txt item: #23 of 1243 id: ap-1043 author: Hilar, M.; Pruška, J. title: Statistical Analysis of Input Parameters Impact on the Modelling of Underground Structures date: 2008-01-05 words: 3352 flesch: 59 summary: One way is to define the probability that a safety factor F is less than a prescribed value F0: P F F n N ( )� �0 , (2) where n � number of trials in which F < F0 , N � number of selections. 48 No. 5/2008 0.5�1 �0.5 0 1 0 F t( ) Range of the input parameters ´qi 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 0.4 0.2 �1 Fig. 2: Dividing the distribution function into intervals 0.45 0 0.4 0.35 0.25 0.15 0.05 0.3 0.2 0.1 Standard variable t f t( ) �3 �2 �1 0 1 2 3 Fig. 1: Probability density function – Gaussian distribution u u N i Ni � � �( )1 , (3) where i n� 1 2, , ,� (n number of values), u � a random number (u � 0 1, ), ui � random numbers in the i th interval, N � number of the non-overlaying intervals. keywords: acta; analysis; behaviour; carlo; classification; czech; engineering; excavation; fig; function; fuzzy; ground; house;; hypercube; input; interval; latin; mass; membership; method; modelling; monte; number; numerical; parameters; polytechnica; prague; probability; publishing; random; results; rock; sampling; set; sets; simulation; statistical; technical; tunnel; university; values; variable; vol cache: ap-1043.pdf plain text: ap-1043.txt item: #24 of 1243 id: ap-1045 author: Jilemnická, L.; Berka, V.; Hromada, E. title: Development of Real Estate Market in the Czech Republic date: 2008-01-05 words: 1727 flesch: 62 summary: The slow growth in interest rates slightly increases the ten- dency to sell older flats. A similar trend can also be observed in the tenancy of older flats. keywords: average; categories; category; czech; estate; fig; flats; floorage; market; metre; older; prague; prices; quotations; real; republic; software; square; technical; time; units; university cache: ap-1045.pdf plain text: ap-1045.txt item: #25 of 1243 id: ap-1047 author: Prajzler, V.; Jeřábek, V.; Lyutakov, O.; Hüttel, I.; Špirková, J.; Machovič, V.; Oswald, J.; Chvostová, D.; Zavadil, J. title: Optical Properties of Erbium and Erbium/Ytterbium Doped Polymethylmethacrylate date: 2008-01-05 words: 3795 flesch: 72 summary: � The content of Er3� and Er3� � Yb3� ions had a significant effect on the transmission spectra. Yb In d e x o f re fr a c ti o n (- ) Wavelength (nm) Fig. 6: Wavelength dependence of the refractive indices a) of the Er3� and b) Er3��Yb3� doped PMMA layers using erbium(III) and ytter- bium(III) keywords: acta; bands; czech; doped; earth; er3; erbium; erbium(iii; erf3; fig; house;; indices; ions; issue; journal; layers; materials; optical; pmma; polymer; polytechnica; properties; publishing; refractive; samples; spectra; technical; university; vol; wavelength; yb3; ytterbium; ytterbium(iii cache: ap-1047.pdf plain text: ap-1047.txt item: #26 of 1243 id: ap-1049 author: Římal, J.; Šindler, D. title: Comparison of Temperature Loadings of Bridge Girders date: 2008-01-05 words: 2808 flesch: 52 summary: Using reference temperature t f � 10 °C (tem- perature when the bridge girder was placed on the bearings), the uniform temperature components are as follows: �t t tmax max� � � � � � �0 40 10 30 °C �t t tmin Keywords: temperature loading, temperature gradients,bridge constructions, temperature difference components, deformation, temperature distribution, maximum moments from temperature loading. Fig. 1: Border bridge on the D8 motorway in summer and in winter 2.2 Loading according to ENV 1991-2-5 This standard groups structures for temperature loading into three types: � Type 1 – steel deck on steel girders. keywords: bridge; changes; component; composite; concrete; czech; deck; difference; direction; env; fig; girder; gradient; loading; moments; standard; steel; structure; technical; temperature; type; uniform; university; values; vertical; vol; čsn cache: ap-1049.pdf plain text: ap-1049.txt item: #27 of 1243 id: ap-1051 author: Šimeček, I. title: Memory Hierarchy Behavior Study during the Execution of Recursive Linear Algebra Library date: 2008-01-05 words: 2693 flesch: 64 summary: A B A B A B 1 2 1 2 gemm gemm ( , ) ( , ) C( ) , ( )k C C A A B B A A � � � � � � � � �� � �� � � � � 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 gemm � � � � � � � � ( ) ( , ) ( , ) B B A B A B A B A B 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2gemm gemm 3.3 Compulsory misses During the execution of GEMM(A, B, C, i, j, k) routine all ele- ments from arrays A, B and C must be loaded or written to the cache. A B� � (abbreviated as GEMM, assuming the ordering of loops: i, j, k) is as follows: 3.2 Recursion in matrix-matrix multiplication Let us denote C(i) if the final result (matrix C) is computed from the recursion by i variable. keywords: acta; algebra; cache; codes; comparison; czech; data; different; fig; gemm; good; house;; implementation; linear; matrix; memory; multiplication; performance; polytechnica; procedure; ratio; recursive; size; technical; tlb; university; utilization; variants; vol cache: ap-1051.pdf plain text: ap-1051.txt item: #28 of 1243 id: ap-1053 author: Rieger, F. title: Dissipative Heating in a Rotational Viscometer with Coaxial Cylinders date: 2008-01-05 words: 2483 flesch: 72 summary: Using this model, the dependence of shear stress � on shear rate can be expressed by the relation: � �� K n� , (1) where K is the coefficient of consistency and n stands for the flow behaviour index. Using this model, the relation of shear stress � and shear rate �� can be expressed by the following relation: � � � �� �p� 0 for � �� 0, (2) where �0 is the yield stress and �p stands for plastic viscosity. keywords: cylinder; dimensionless; exp; inner; outer; pa �; shear; t h; t k; t t; temperature; y �; � fig cache: ap-1053.pdf plain text: ap-1053.txt item: #29 of 1243 id: ap-1055 author: Svítek, M. title: Wave Probabilistic Model of Binary Time Series date: 2008-01-05 words: 4987 flesch: 69 summary: A A A A r r n k r r r n k n 1 1 2 1 0 1 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � A A2 2 0) ( )� � �� � N (10) which yields into form: P A A( )r r nn1 1 1 � �� � � � �� (11) where A r ii �� means the inversion state in comparison with A r ii �� on quantum object ( )� � i . i � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 e e �1, (25) where �(.) are DFT transformed functions. keywords: binary; complex; e �; entanglement; equation; ergodic; events; exclusion; following; functions; inclusion; models; n n; non; objects; p(a; parameters; phase; position �; principle; probabilistic; probabilities; probability; quantum; series; state; theorem; time; vol; wave; � cos; � n cache: ap-1055.pdf plain text: ap-1055.txt item: #30 of 1243 id: ap-1057 author: Khalil, S. A.; Fathy, A. M. title: An Empirical Method for Estimating Global Solar Radiation over Egypt date: 2008-01-05 words: 3456 flesch: 62 summary: List of symbols Gc clear sky global solar radiation in kW/m 2, S sunshine duration in hours, N length of the daylight in hours, G0 extraterrestrial solar radiation on a horizontal sur- face in kW/m2, E0 correction factor of the Earth’s orbit, � sunrise/sunset hour angle, dn day number in the year (1 365� �dn ), � declination of the sun, � latitude of the station, � day angle in radiance, RMSE root mean square error, MBE mean bias error, n number of data pairs, � % absolute percentage error, Gm measured values of global solar radiation, Ges estimated values of global solar radiation. The linear relation correlating G G0 and S N is given in [4] as: G G a b S N0 � �{ ( )}. keywords: abu; best; data; different; egypt; empirical; energy; ges; global; global solar; halaib; lat; marsa; matruh; measured; method; radiation; shalatin; simble; sites; solar; solar radiation; values; vol cache: ap-1057.pdf plain text: ap-1057.txt item: #31 of 1243 id: ap-1059 author: Novak, M.; Dolšak, B. title: An Intelligent System for Structural Analysis-Based Design Improvements date: 2008-01-06 words: 4061 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: computer-aided design, structural optimisation, knowledge based systems, decision support experience gained by many design iterations are of crucial importance. On the other hand, design changes are necessary for under-dimensioned structure, which cannot bear the loadings and will fail during its exploitation. keywords: 6/2008; acta; analysis; application; artificial; base; cad; changes; critical; czech; decision; design; designer; element; engineering; experience; fig; finite; help; hole; house;; improvement; intelligent; knowledge; optimisation; polytechnica; possible; process; propose; publishing; redesign; results; rules; software; steps; stress; structure; support; system; technical; university; user; vol cache: ap-1059.pdf plain text: ap-1059.txt item: #32 of 1243 id: ap-1061 author: Škorpík, J. title: The Amount of Regenerated Heat Inside the Regenerator of a Stirling Engine date: 2008-01-06 words: 3194 flesch: 69 summary: J/kg K, TH � 900 K, TC � 330 K, pmean � 15 MPa, VHC,max � 160 cm 3, VHD � 191 cm 3, VCD � 110 cm 3, VR � 28 cm 3, � � 105°) (b) – Q R, 0�� diagram for the same Stirling engine but in the case of V V VHD CD R� � � 0 cm 3 Qreg amount of regenerated heat inside the regenerator in case (a). 48 No. 6/2008 Volume of the hot side V V VH HC HD( ) ( )� �� � . keywords: assumptions; cold; crank; cycle; energy; engine; equation; fig; gas; heat; hot; idealization; max; regenerator; schmidt; stirling; temperature; volume; working cache: ap-1061.pdf plain text: ap-1061.txt item: #33 of 1243 id: ap-1063 author: Lidmila, M.; Horníček, L.; Krejčiříková, H.; Tyc, P. title: Prerequisites for Increasing the Axle Load on Railway Tracks in the Czech Republic date: 2008-01-06 words: 3439 flesch: 62 summary: The allow- able load per linear meter for track load class D3 is 7.2 t�m�1, and for track load class D4 the allowable load per linear meter is 8.0 t�m�1. 143 % 150 % Table 3: Results of deflection measurements on track bed model 30SD E25 22.5 t corresponds to track load classes D3 and D4. keywords: axle; axle load; bearing; bed; capacity; corridor; czech; deflection; experimental; fig; gravel; increase; layer; load; loading; model; mpa; permanent; rail; railway; republic; sleeper; substructure; table; technical; thickness; track; values cache: ap-1063.pdf plain text: ap-1063.txt item: #34 of 1243 id: ap-1065 author: Zemanová, A.; Zeman, J.; Šejnoha, M. title: Simple Numerical Model of Laminated Glass Beams date: 2008-01-06 words: 3554 flesch: 59 summary: x x xe i e i e i e i e i) ( ) , ( ) ( ) ,, ( ) , ( ) ( ) , ( ) , ( )� �N r N r� � � � � � � � � �e i e i e i e i e i ex x x x ( ) , ( ) , ( ) ( ) , ( )( ) ( ) , ( ) ( )� �N r N r , ( ) ,� i where e is used to denote the element number, �e and �e denote a relevant searched and test field restricted to the e-th element, Ne i ,• ( ) is the associated matrix of the basis functions and re i ,• ( ) is the matrix of nodal unknowns. i e w iR � � � � � � � � , where K Kew i we i( ) ( )( )� T and � r re i e ai e bi e ai e bi e w e au u w w( ) ,( ) ,( ) ,( ) ,( ) , ,, , , , ,� �� � T � e b, . keywords: acta; analysis; analytical; beam; behavior; czech; discretization; e e; e w; element; experimental; fig; finite; form; glass; independent; laminated; layer; layered; load; method; model; numerical; polytechnica; results; section; strain; structures; thickness; vol cache: ap-1065.pdf plain text: ap-1065.txt item: #35 of 1243 id: ap-1067 author: Frank, H. title: Influence of Simulated LOCA on the Properties of Zircaloy Oxide Layers date: 2008-01-06 words: 2150 flesch: 61 summary: c� � �2 , (1) allowing computation of resistivity �, mobility � and carrier concentration n. 4 Results and discussion Further details concerning the theoretical aspects are given in [3, 4]. steam 1200 3 78.79 3a Zry-4W 3744337 steam 1200 3 78.74 Table 1: Characterization of Samples 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 20 40 60 80 100 voltage (V) c u rr e n t (p A ) Zr1Nb (1200), Ag, T (°C) keywords: characteristics; charge; current; energy; extraction; fig; high; injection; layer; linear; oxide; oxidized; pre; properties; resistivity; samples; space; steam; temperature; voltage; zr1nb; zry-4w cache: ap-1067.pdf plain text: ap-1067.txt item: #36 of 1243 id: ap-1069 author: Dočekal, A.; Kreidl, M.; Šmíd, R. title: Evaluation of Methods used for Separation of Vibrations Produced by Gear Transmissions date: 2008-01-06 words: 5396 flesch: 60 summary: Feature selection methods are therefore used that can find a suboptimal solution only, but their computation is less de- manding. 3.1 Branch and Bound Feature Selection The Brand and Bound Feature Selection (BBFS) method is a method of feature selection designed to select features valid for solving the task from the set of given features. keywords: algorithm; applied; case; class; computing; criterion; czech; data; datasets; different; error; evaluation; experiment; feature; feature selection; fig; frequency; function; game; gear; gear transmission; gearbox; genetic; group; load; methods; mia; models; multiple; number; power; process; rate; results; search; selection; separation; sermd; set; signal; space; state; technical; testing; time; torque; transmission; university; value; vibration; vibration signal; vol cache: ap-1069.pdf plain text: ap-1069.txt item: #37 of 1243 id: ap-1071 author: Vacek, J.; Vacek, J.; Chocholoušová, J. title: Rock Burst Mechanics: Insight from Physical and Mathematical Modelling date: 2008-01-06 words: 2745 flesch: 69 summary: For rock bursts (also called bumps) to occur, the rock has to possess certain particular rock burst properties leading to accumulation of energy and the potential to release this energy. We observed the mechanism and the history of coal rock bursts. keywords: 6/2008; acta; bump; burst; cell; coal; cycles; czech; distribution; experimental; fig; force; house;; loading; mass; material; mathematical; meters; mining; modelling; particles; photo; polytechnica; properties; publishing; rock; seam; stress; technical; time; university; vacek; vol cache: ap-1071.pdf plain text: ap-1071.txt item: #38 of 1243 id: ap-1073 author: Štancl, J.; Skočilas, J.; Šesták, J.; Žitný, R. title: Properties of Starch Based Foams Made by Thermal Pressure Forming date: 2008-01-06 words: 6710 flesch: 61 summary: * * * ( )1 1 1 1 1 * * , 1 1 1� � � � � � � � �h a s (5) where h* is the relative thickness of an idealized compact crust without pores, and � �� �f ( )*1 h is the mean porosity of the whole sandwich plate. The nonlinear parameter yc was identified by a linear search, so that the criterion s2 was minimized � �s keywords: 6/2008; acta; analysis; conductivity; constant; contact; corresponding; crust; czech; density; direct; electric; electrodes; engineering; evaluated; experiments; fig; foam; food; fraction; heated; heating; house;; indirect; journal; manufactured; mass; mean; mold; ohmic; parameters; pixels; plates; polytechnica; porosity; potato; process; products; properties; publishing; results; sample; sandwich; specific; starch; suspension; table; tanh; technical; temperature; thermal; thermal conductivity; thickness; time; university; values; vol; water cache: ap-1073.pdf plain text: ap-1073.txt item: #39 of 1243 id: ap-1075 author: Macek, K. title: Pareto Principle in Datamining: an Above-Average Fencing Algorithm date: 2008-01-06 words: 3042 flesch: 64 summary: The Pareto principle arises if there is a set P X� where p P X P P X X ( , ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) � � �� � � � � 1 (1) and r P P X( ) ( ) ( )� ��� � 0. O i� � � � � � � � � � � � ( ) ( ) , cc is the complement coding cc : � �n n� 2 and k is a parameter. keywords: acta; algorithm; approach; attributes; average; binary; categorical; clustering; czech; data; datamining; fencing; high;; input; insurance; intervals; mapping; means; methods; new; numerical; pair; pareto; polytechnica; principle; problem; production; results; set; sets; size; subset; table; technical; university; validation; variables; vol cache: ap-1075.pdf plain text: ap-1075.txt item: #40 of 1243 id: ap-1077 author: Correia, António J. P. Moura; Rodrigues, Joao Paulo C.; Silvac, Valdir Pignatta e title: Influence of Brick Walls on the Temperature Distribution in Steel Columns in Fire date: 2009-01-01 words: 2397 flesch: 63 summary: This paper presents the results of fire resistance tests in steel columns embedded on walls, carried out at the Laboratory of Testing Materials and Structures of the Uni- versity of Coimbra. Fire resistance tests were carried out with two different column cross-sections, two ori- entations of the inertia axis in relation to the fire and two thicknesses of the building walls [3]. keywords: case; columns; cross; design; experimental; exposed; fig; fire; furnace; minutes; resistance; section; steel; structures; temperatures; tests; thermal; thermocouple; time; university; walls; web cache: ap-1077.pdf plain text: ap-1077.txt item: #41 of 1243 id: ap-1079 author: Law, A.; Gillie, M.; Pankaj, P. title: Incorporation of Load Induced Thermal Strain in Finite Element Models date: 2009-01-01 words: 2384 flesch: 56 summary: 1: Plastic flow, and model setup constituents are irrecoverable [5], i.e. they are plastic strains. This means that plastic strains are induced in directions other than the one in which the load is applied. keywords: actual; apparent; behaviour; concrete; constituents; constitutive; curve; different; directions; drucker; element; fig; finite; lits; loading; material; model; modulus; non; plastic; prager; strains; stress; surface; total; university; vol; yield cache: ap-1079.pdf plain text: ap-1079.txt item: #42 of 1243 id: ap-1081 author: Rahmanian, I.; Wang, Y. title: Thermal Conductivity of Gypsum at High Temperatures – A Combined Experimental and Numerical Approach date: 2009-01-01 words: 3001 flesch: 54 summary: Thermal properties of gypsum are temperature-depend- ent and among them, thermal conductivity has a critical influ- ence, but there is a wide difference in reported values in litera- ture. Given the effects of porosity, non-homogeneity and moisture in gypsum, direct experimental measurement of thermal conductivity of gypsum at high temperatures is not an easy task. keywords: analysis; board; conductivity; density; effective; fig; fire; gyproc; gypsum; heat; high; k t; kiln; material; method; panel; reported; results; specific; temperature; thermal; time; transfer; university; vol; water cache: ap-1081.pdf plain text: ap-1081.txt item: #43 of 1243 id: ap-1083 author: Crosti, C. title: Structural Analysis of Steel Structures under Fire Loading date: 2009-01-01 words: 3392 flesch: 55 summary: By means of non linear analyses, it was possible to include considerations of structural fire resistance, and also to figure out how some elements, such as the columns, are fundamen- tal for the stability of the whole structure. We can conclude that, in performance fire analyses, the global behavior of the struc- ture is more important than a study of the individual elements composing the structure. keywords: acta; action; analysis; beam; behavior; buckling; collapse; critical; czech; element; fig; finite; fire; house;; increase; initial; load; material; meters; pcr; plastic; polytechnica; publishing; resistance; scenario; section; shape; steel; structure; technical; temperature; thermal; trend; university; vol; yield cache: ap-1083.pdf plain text: ap-1083.txt item: #44 of 1243 id: ap-1085 author: Santos, S. O.; Rodrigues, J. P. C.; Toledo, R.; Velasco, R. V. title: Compressive behaviour at High Temperatures of Fibre Reinforced Concretes date: 2009-01-01 words: 2740 flesch: 61 summary: Five type K thermocouples (Cromo-Alumel) 0.5 mm in di- ameter were placed within the specimen and on its surface to measure the temperature during high temperatures tests. A Portuguese study and a Brazilian study are described, which were carried out to develop fiber concrete compositions with better fire behavior. keywords: behavior; c t; compositions; compressive; concrete; diameter; fibers; fibres; glass; high; hpc; hsc; load; loss; maximum; polypropylene; results; room; spalling; specimens; steel; strength; table; temperatures; tests; university; vol cache: ap-1085.pdf plain text: ap-1085.txt item: #45 of 1243 id: ap-1087 author: Klingsch, E.; Frangi, A.; Fontana, M. title: Experimental Analysis of Concrete Strength at High Temperatures and after Cooling date: 2009-01-01 words: 3187 flesch: 60 summary: Starting at relative cold strength of 1.0 at 20 °C, the relative hot strength is given by the continuous line, the dots corresponding to the 36 © Czech Technical University Publishing House Acta Polytechnica Vol. 49 No. 1/2009 Fig. 4: Concrete specimen after the test Step Measured Category Temperature Level 1 Cold Strength 20 °C 2 Hot strength 300 °C; 500 °C; 700 °C 3 Residual Strength After concrete cooled down to 20 °C from the three hot strength temperature levels from step 2 4 Interim Values 700 °C – 500 °C; 700 °C – 300 °C; 500 °C – 300 °C 5 Slow heating rate (on CEM II-A-LL cement only) 500 °C – hot strength 500 °C – 20 °C (residual strength after cooling down) 6 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (one CEM I specimen only) 300 °C – 20 °C Table 2. It is shown that the SSC concrete specimens perform similar to ordinary cement specimens. keywords: aggregates; analysis; cement; cold; concrete; cycle; fig; fire; furnace; heating; higher; hot; level; loss; maximum; phase; rate; residual; results; slag; specimens; ssc; strain; strength; stress; supersulfated; temperature; test; testing; thermal; vol cache: ap-1087.pdf plain text: ap-1087.txt item: #46 of 1243 id: ap-1089 author: Espinós, A.; Hospitaler, A.; Romero, M. L. title: Fire Resistance of Axially Loaded Slender Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Columns – Development of a Three-Dimensional Numerical Model and Comparison with Eurocode 4 date: 2009-01-01 words: 2546 flesch: 57 summary: The results of the simulations were compared with a series of fire resistance tests available in the literature [11], as well as with the predictions of the Eurocode 4 [6] simplified calculation model. This model was validated by comparing the simulation results with fire resistance tests carried out by other researchers, as well as with the predictions of the Eurocode 4 simplified calculation model. keywords: axial; behaviour; cen; cft; columns; comparison; concrete; displacement; ec4; eurocode; fig; fire; frr; model; numerical; resistance; results; simplified; simulation; specimens; standard; steel; structural; table; temperature; test; thermal; values; vol cache: ap-1089.pdf plain text: ap-1089.txt item: #47 of 1243 id: ap-1091 author: Schneider, U.; Schneider, M.; Franssen, J.-M. title: Calculation of a Tunnel Cross Section Subjected to Fire – with a New Advanced Transient Concrete Model for Reinforced Structures date: 2009-01-01 words: 5978 flesch: 64 summary: 4 2.2.2 Results of measurements and calculations of total strains with an ATCM and EC2 Model The result of the calculation with the EC2 Model with the recommended value of PSS is signifi- cantly different from the calculations with the ATCM and from the test results. keywords: acta; atcm; axial; beam; behaviour; bending; calculated; calculation; comparison; concrete; conditions; czech; data; different; e n; ec2; ec2 model; fig; fire; forces; function; heating; high; higher; history; house;; load; m e; material; maximum; measured; model; new; node; peak; polytechnica; pss; publishing; relationship; restraint; results; schneider; strain; stress; structures; technical; temperature; thermal; time; total; transient; tunnel; university; value; vol cache: ap-1091.pdf plain text: ap-1091.txt item: #48 of 1243 id: ap-1093 author: Song, Y.; Huang, Z.; Burgess, I.; Plank, R. title: A New Design Method for Industrial Portal Frames in Fire date: 2009-01-01 words: 9476 flesch: 61 summary: The non-linear model comprises thermal strain, elastic strain, plastic strain and transient temperature strains, and load history modelling of restraint concrete structures subjected to fire. Further understanding of the behaviour of portal frames in fire is required, to provide other design options so that over-design of column bases and foundations can be avoided, and a more reasonable prediction of real critical temperatures can be made. keywords: acta; atcm; axial; base; beam; behaviour; bending; calculated; calculation; capacity; collapse; column; comparison; concrete; concrete model; conditions; critical; czech; data; deformation; design; different; e n; ec2; ec2 model; failure; fig; fire; forces; frame; function; heating; high; higher; hinge; history; house;; load; lower; m e; material; maximum; measured; mechanism; method; model; moment; new; node; numerical; peak; phase; phase mechanism; plastic; polytechnica; portal; position; pss; publishing; relationship; restraint; results; schneider; second; section; single; stability; steel; strain; strength; stress; structures; technical; temperature; thermal; time; total; transient; tunnel; university; value; vol cache: ap-1093.pdf plain text: ap-1093.txt item: #49 of 1243 id: ap-1095 author: Mesquita, L. M. R.; Piloto, P. A. G.; Vaz, M. A. P.; Pinto, T. M. G. title: Decomposition of Intumescent Coatings: Comparison between a Numerical Method and Experimental Results date: 2009-01-01 words: 3802 flesch: 61 summary: At the moving front, the boundary conditions are: k T x q T T h T T T s t t T k r a av p � � � ��� �� � � � � �� ( ) ( ) ( ( ), ) ,4 4 c for v p � � � � T x k T x Q T s t t TH� � � �c for ( ( ), ) , (6) in which QH is the heat flux due to the endothermic decom- position of the virgin material, given by Q h s tH � � p v� �( ), where hp represents the decomposition enthalpy. The virgin material decomposition produces a fraction of gas, equal to the porosity, �, and a solid char fraction equal to ( )1 � � . keywords: calorimeter; char; coating; cone; decomposition; different; energy; equal; equation; experimental; fig; fire; flux; gas; heat; higher; intumescence; loss; mass; material; measured; model; plates; protection; rate; results; steel; t t; technical; temperature; tests; thermal; thickness; university; values; variation; virgin; vol cache: ap-1095.pdf plain text: ap-1095.txt item: #50 of 1243 id: ap-1097 author: Pada, D. title: Simulation and Study of Natural Fire in a Wide-Framed Multipurpose Hall with Steel Roof Trusses date: 2009-01-01 words: 2622 flesch: 63 summary: Keywords: Natural fire safety concept, case study, multipurpose hall, steel roof truss, design fires, sprinkler system, fire resistance, fire simulation, FDS, steel temperature, structural analysis, FEM. Fig. 4.4 Data measured The most important data measured during the fire simu- lation, from the point of view of structural fire safety design, was the adiabatic surface temperature every 5 m of the bottom chord of the steel roof trusses situated above and near to the fire. keywords: adiabatic; chord; design; design fire; exhibition; fig; fire; hall; maximum; model; multipurpose; rhr; roof; safety; simulation; spectator; sprinkler; stand; stand fire; steel; study; surface; system; temperature; total; truss; trusses cache: ap-1097.pdf plain text: ap-1097.txt item: #51 of 1243 id: ap-1099 author: Anderson, K.; Gillie, M. title: Investigation into Methods for Predicting Connection Temperatures date: 2009-01-01 words: 3364 flesch: 58 summary: This paper examines two current methods available for predicting connection temperatures as defined in Eurocode 3 [2]. A 3D finite element model is also created to predict connection temperatures using the commercial software package Abaqus keywords: average; beam; capacitance; concrete; connection; connection temperatures; cooling; effect; element; emissivity; end; eurocode; experimental; fig; finite; fire; flexible; gas; heat; heating; lower; material; method; mid; modelling; plate; radiative; results; slab; steel; structural; temperatures; tests; time; transfer; university cache: ap-1099.pdf plain text: ap-1099.txt item: #52 of 1243 id: ap-1101 author: Chlouba, J.; Wald, F. title: Connection Temperatures during the Mokrsko Fire Test date: 2009-01-01 words: 2610 flesch: 65 summary: Keywords: Fire test, FE simulation, fire safe connection, temperature prediction, Angelina beam, compartment fire. 4.1 Temperatures The prediction of the gas temperatures by the parametric fire curve and by the zone model conservatively expected a temperature of 1057 °C in 60 min of fire, see Fig. 7. keywords: acta; beam; behaviour; bolt; castellated; column; compartment; composite; concrete; connection; czech; fig; fire; flange; gas; height; house;; load; lower; measured; min; polytechnica; prague; publishing; slab; steel; structure; technical; temperature; test; university; upper; vol cache: ap-1101.pdf plain text: ap-1101.txt item: #53 of 1243 id: ap-1103 author: Kallerová, P.; Wald, F.; Sokol, Z. title: Connections of Trapezoidal Sheets under Fire date: 2009-01-01 words: 3354 flesch: 61 summary: Steel sheets 10 mm in thickness simulated the bearing roof structure and they were anchored into the grips of the testing machine, see Fig. Two modes of failure were observed for sheet thickness 0.80 mm. keywords: action; bearing; behaviour; capacity; catenary; connection; czech; deformation; experiments; failure; fig; fire; force; furnace; higher; load; measured; mechanical; resistance; screws; set; sheet; specimen; steel; structure; temperature; tests; thermal; thickness; thin; trapezoidal; trapezoidal sheet; washer cache: ap-1103.pdf plain text: ap-1103.txt item: #54 of 1243 id: ap-1105 author: Rajnoha, J. title: Multi-Condition Training for Unknown Environment Adaptation in Robust ASR Under Real Conditions date: 2009-01-02 words: 4428 flesch: 53 summary: The decrease by 29 % and 14 % in word error rate in comparison with clean speech training data was achieved for the non-adapted and adapted system, respectively. 20 50 100 200 500 1000 all time 65 s 2.8 min 5.7 min 10.9 min 26.9 min 57.2 min 7.8 h Table 3: Average amount of speech data for limited adaptation subsets ALL OFFICE CAR CLEAN NOISY HISNR LOSNR AVG avg avg CS0 CS1 CS0 CS1 CS0 CS1 CS0 CS1 CS0 CS1 CS0 CS1 CS0 CS1 CS0 CS1 noSS 8.32 14.72 3.47 8.14 7.03 35.17 4.0 11.07 13.09 18.79 7.03 10.2 11.88 17.65 12.18 7.83 16.53 SS 8.46 13.53 4.17 8.01 5.2 29.97 4.45 9.82 11.31 16.56 6.83 9.41 11.76 16.31 11.13 7.45 14.8 Imp. �1.68 8.08 �20.17 1.6 26.03 14.79 �11.25 11.29 13.6 11.87 2.84 7.75 1.01 7.59 8.66 4.82 10.48 Table 4: WER for different environmental conditions w/o and with ESS in front-end processing. keywords: adaptation; adobe; avg; avg cs0; background; car; clean; condition; condition training; cs0 cs1; czech; data; different; end; environment; false; fig; hisnr; improvement; initial; losnr; matching; material; mllr; models; multi; noise; office; particular; pass; procedure; processing; real; recognition; reduction; results; robust; signal; single; speaker; spectral; speech; subset; subtraction; system; table; task; technical; testing; training; true; university; unknown; vol; wer cache: ap-1105.pdf plain text: ap-1105.txt item: #55 of 1243 id: ap-1107 author: Hekrdla, M. title: A Constellation Space Dimensionality Reduced Sub-Optimal Receiver for Orthogonal STBC CPM Modulation in a MIMO Channel date: 2009-01-02 words: 5481 flesch: 63 summary: The term in (22) simplifies P s s P s b s s b� � � � � � � i i N i H i i N j H i i H j i N j Np 2 1 1 11� � �� � � �� �� � . The maximal termination tail length in symbols is obtained considering U U U Vn n n L n� � � �� � � � �1 2 1 1� as N P M Ltt d � � � � � � � � � � � 1 1 1, (13) � denotes modulo P addition and � �* is an integer part rounded up. keywords: acta; adobe; basis; block; burst; channel; code; codeword; coding; communications; constellation; continuous; cpm; criterion; czech; data; differences; distance; eigenvalues; equal; error; fading; false; fig; free; house;; ieee; linear; matrix; mimo; minimal; minimum; modulation; n n; number; optimal; orthogonal; ostbc; paths; performance; phase; polytechnica; projection; publishing; rank; rate; rayleigh; receiver; s s; s t; signal; space; subspace; t n; t t; technical; time; transactions; true; uncoded; university; vn �; vol cache: ap-1107.pdf plain text: ap-1107.txt item: #56 of 1243 id: ap-1109 author: Gross, S.; Kollenbrandt, M. title: Technical Evolution of Medical Endoscopy date: 2009-01-02 words: 4419 flesch: 52 summary: 8 Computer-based image processing in medical endoscopy Image processing is a crucial part of the efforts to increase the quality and significance of medical images. A review of the technical evolution of medical endoscopy is given in this paper. keywords: /qfactor; /tilewidth; aachen; acta; adobe; band; bladder; body; bozzini; camera; candle; capsule; cavities; clinical; czech; diagnostic; diameter; electric; endoscopy; enhancement; equipment; evolution; examination; example; false; field; fig; flexible; fluorescence; germany; history; house;; human; illumination; images; imaging; inside; later; light; medical; narrow; patient; pdf; pill; polytechnica; processing; publishing; quality; research; rigid; rwth; section; small; spectral; systems; technical; today; true; tubes; university; video; vol; white cache: ap-1109.pdf plain text: ap-1109.txt item: #57 of 1243 id: ap-1111 author: Bolom, V. title: Noise Reduction in Car Speech date: 2009-01-02 words: 5186 flesch: 64 summary: U ei j T j j T� � � 0 for all i j� ) and the desired signal is uncorrelated with the interferences ( [ ( ) ( )]E S e The input signal at the m-th channel can be expressed as x n s n u nm m[ ] [ ] [ ]� � , (1) where s[n] denotes the n-th sample of the desired signal, and um[n] denotes the noise and interference at the m-th sensor. keywords: acta; adaptive; adobe; algorithms; array; bap; block; car; coefficients; coherence; criteria; czech; domain; e e; e j; enhancement; false; fig; frequency; gsc; house;; input; interference; j t; lar; lcb; mcf; methods; microphone; model; msc; multichannel; noise; polytechnica; processing; publishing; real; results; signal; snre; snrin; spatial; speech; system; t �; technical; true; university; vol; weights; y j; � � cache: ap-1111.pdf plain text: ap-1111.txt item: #58 of 1243 id: ap-1113 author: Flouri, T. title: On Tree Pattern Matching by Pushdown Automata date: 2009-01-02 words: 5818 flesch: 69 summary: Set � � is defined as � �� � * �{�}. An (extended) non-deterministic pushdown automaton (non- -deterministic PDA) is a seven-tuple M Q G q Z F� ( , , , , , , )� � 0 0 , where Q is a finite set of states, � is an input alphabet, G is a pushdown store alphabet, � is a mapping from Q G� �( { }) keywords: acm; acta; adobe; alphabet; arity; automata; automaton; case; cfg; context; czech; deterministic; false; fig; finite; form; free; input; languages; lr(0; matching; new; node; non; notation; ordered; pattern; prefix; pushdown; pushdown automaton; pushdown store; ranked; searching; set; snpda; state; store; string; symbol; transition; tree; tree pattern; true; university; valid; vol; � � cache: ap-1113.pdf plain text: ap-1113.txt item: #59 of 1243 id: ap-1115 author: Meiwes, H. title: Technical and Economic Assessment of Storage Technologies for Power-Supply Grids date: 2009-01-02 words: 5777 flesch: 50 summary: In this situation the operation of energy storage systems can help to allow a higher amount of renewable energy sources (RES) by stabilizing the grid and finally decreasing the consumption of fossil fuels. Having in mind the huge amount of needed storage ca- pacity, other possibilities for energy storage systems such as compressed air energy storage (CAES) or the possibilities of hydrogen production and storage have to be investigated. keywords: acid; acta; adobe; air; applications; available; batteries; battery; bromine; caes; capacity; caverns; class; compressed; conventional; costs; cycle; czech; discharge; economic; efficiency; electricity; energy; energy storage; false; fig; flow; gas; germany; grid; high; hours; house;; hydrogen; kwh; large; lead; leveling; lifetime; limited; lithium; load; long; necessary; number; operation; plants; plug; polytechnica; possible; potential; power; process; production; publishing; range; redox; regard; renewable; reserve; salt; scale; secondary; storage; storage systems; suited; systems; technical; technologies; technology; term; time; today; true; typical; university; vehicles; vol; wind; years; zinc cache: ap-1115.pdf plain text: ap-1115.txt item: #60 of 1243 id: ap-1117 author: Janda, J. title: Age Dependence of Children’s Speech Parameters date: 2009-01-02 words: 2776 flesch: 59 summary: i T i( ) ln ( ) ln ( ) ( )d d C d C d� � � � � � � i i� � 1 , (8) where C i is the covariance matrix, �i is the mean value and ( )d hi is the probability rate of the results on d data, on the as- sumption that hypothesis hi applies. Keywords: children’s speech, age dependence, phonetic analysis. keywords: /s/; adobe; age; analysis; central; centre; children; classification; correlation; czech; dependence; deviation; false; fig; frequency; gravity; house; kurtosis; moment; onset; parameters; pdf; phonetic; power; prague; publishing; rate; skewness; spectral; spectrum; speech; standard; time; true; vocal; voice; vol; years cache: ap-1117.pdf plain text: ap-1117.txt item: #61 of 1243 id: ap-1119 author: Cingroš, F.; Hron, T. title: Working Fluid Quantity Effect on Magnetic Field Control of Heat Pipes date: 2009-01-02 words: 2678 flesch: 51 summary: Keywords: Heat pipes, magnetic field, variable conductance, oxygen, cryogenic. Fig. 1: Experimental installation The heat pipe was made from a brassy tube (length 470 mm, outside diameter 8 mm, wall thickness 1 mm). Heat pipes are commonly used for cooling and heat transport in electronic devices, techno- logical processes and in many other types of equipment. keywords: adobe; characteristics; control; czech; difference; experiments; exposure; false; field; fig; filling; fluid; heat; heat pipe; influence; liquid; lower; magnetic; magnetic field; mpa; operation; oxygen; pdf; pipe; pressure; quantity; republic; static; temperature; transport; true; vol cache: ap-1119.pdf plain text: ap-1119.txt item: #62 of 1243 id: ap-1121 author: Chvalina, M. title: Demand Modelling in Telecommunications date: 2009-01-02 words: 2930 flesch: 53 summary: y y y y y t t t t t t t � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � 1 1 11 1 2 � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � ( ) ( ) [ ( ) � ] ( ) 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3y y y y y t t t t � t t i t y y y � � �� � � � � � � � � � 1 2 2 0 1 1 1 1 ( ) ( ) ( ) � ( ) � � � � � � � � � � keywords: adobe; arima; artificial; average; box; characteristics; czech; demand; exponential; false; fig; form; gprs; intelligence; jenkins; l �; linear; methods; model; modelling; n �; network; neural; prague; process; series; smoothing; statistical; t n; t t; telecommunications; time; true; tt �; university; values; y t; y y; yt t cache: ap-1121.pdf plain text: ap-1121.txt item: #63 of 1243 id: ap-1123 author: Nevrkla, M. title: Capillary Discharge XUV Radiation Source date: 2009-01-02 words: 3439 flesch: 56 summary: The apparatus will serve as experimental device for studying of capillary discharge plasma, for test- ing X-ray optics elements and for investigating the interaction of water-window radiation with biological samples. 6: High-frequency equivalent circuit of Rog. coil the capillary end. keywords: acta; adobe; apparatus; bank; breakdown; capacitor; capillary; ceramic; circuit; coil; current; czech; discharge; electron; false; fig; frequency; gap; gas; high;; integration; ionization; laser; length; marx; measured; pdf; pinch; plasma; polytechnica; pre; pressure; probe; radiation; region; rogowski; self; spark; technical; time; transitions; true; tube; uind; university; voltage; xuv cache: ap-1123.pdf plain text: ap-1123.txt item: #64 of 1243 id: ap-1131 author: Adamec, M. title: Transformation of Commercial Flows into Physical Flows of Electricity – Flow Based Method date: 2009-01-02 words: 3591 flesch: 58 summary: The baseband representation of the signal is then after the DSP the resulting LINC signals can be written as S t Va t k t t1 1 2 ( ) ( ) exp( ( ) ( ))� �� � , (3) S t Va t k t t2 1 2 ( ) ( ) exp( ( ) ( ))� �� � . The other values are �C � 0 95. keywords: acta; adobe; amplifier; approach; class; clier; components; cos; current; diode; eer; efficiency; envelope; false; fig; frequency; function; high; house;; hybrid; input; linc; measured; network; order; outphasing; output; phase; polytechnica; power; publishing; recycling; reflection; schottky; signal; supply; system; true; university; vol; voltage cache: ap-1131.pdf plain text: ap-1131.txt item: #65 of 1243 id: ap-1133 author: Wang, F.; Koch, O. title: Implementation of a Power Combining Network for a 2.45 GHz Transmitter Combining LINC and EER date: 2009-01-02 words: 3591 flesch: 58 summary: The baseband representation of the signal is then after the DSP the resulting LINC signals can be written as S t Va t k t t1 1 2 ( ) ( ) exp( ( ) ( ))� �� � , (3) S t Va t k t t2 1 2 ( ) ( ) exp( ( ) ( ))� �� � . The other values are �C � 0 95. keywords: acta; adobe; amplifier; approach; class; clier; components; cos; current; diode; eer; efficiency; envelope; false; fig; frequency; function; high; house;; hybrid; input; linc; measured; network; order; outphasing; output; phase; polytechnica; power; publishing; recycling; reflection; schottky; signal; supply; system; true; university; vol; voltage cache: ap-1133.pdf plain text: ap-1133.txt item: #66 of 1243 id: ap-1137 author: Dirix, M.; Koch, O. title: 2.45 GHz Class E Power Amplifier for a Transmitter Combining LINC and EER date: 2009-01-02 words: 3222 flesch: 56 summary: I ts DC R R( ) sin ( ) sin ( ) sin ( )� � � � � �� � � � � � . 2 Theory For lossless operation of the Class E amplifier there are two criteria that have to be met: First, zero voltage across the transistor terminals when the switch closes [4] u t ts c( )� �� � 0. keywords: adobe; amplifier; capacitor; circuit; class; clier; current; czech; design; eer; efficiency; false; fig; frequency; ghz; high; impedance; implementation; input; koch; linc; line; load; network; non; operation; output; pdf; phase; polytechnica; power; real; response; results; signal; simulated; simulation; sin; supply; switch; technical; terminals; transistor; transmission; transmitter; true; university; voltage cache: ap-1137.pdf plain text: ap-1137.txt item: #67 of 1243 id: ap-1139 author: Brož, J.; Rieger, F. title: Mixing Suspensions in Tall Vessels with a Draught Tube date: 2010-01-01 words: 1033 flesch: 67 summary: The power number at the speed necessary to initiate particle suspension Pop does not differ significantly from the power number at the speed necessary to keep a particle in suspension Pok, and its mean value is Po � �163 0 07. . . 2 Modifications to a draught tube for particle suspension keywords: agitator; czech; draught; fig; mixing; number; particle; power; speed; suspension; tube cache: ap-1139.pdf plain text: ap-1139.txt item: #68 of 1243 id: ap-1141 author: Kučera, O. title: Self Heating of an Atomic Force Microscope date: 2010-01-01 words: 1804 flesch: 66 summary: This feature of ICN measurements, and of AFM measurements generally, is not widely known and it may lead to incorrect determination of noise characteristics such RMS value of the noise, etc. 4 Conclusion A major problem of AFM measurements (especially on an atomic scale) is the influence of any kind of noise. keywords: afm; air; atomic; cantilever; contact; czech; deflection; fig; force; heating; intrinsic; laser; measurements; microscope; min; noise; pspd; resolution; sample; self; signal; temperature; time; tip; vertical; voltage cache: ap-1141.pdf plain text: ap-1141.txt item: #69 of 1243 id: ap-1143 author: Ficker, T. title: A Note on the Population Statistics of Electron Avalanches and Streamers date: 2010-01-01 words: 733 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: Population statistics, electron avalanches, fractal statistical pattern, ultraviolet data. Fig. The pattern, i.e. the probability density function, has the fol- lowing form F n n K N N n n x j j n j J ( ) ( ) , exp ( ) � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 1 1 1 0 � dx D K N x 0 � � � � � � � � , ln ( ) keywords: avalanches; data; electron; fig; fractal; pattern; pulses; tests; ultraviolet cache: ap-1143.pdf plain text: ap-1143.txt item: #70 of 1243 id: ap-1145 author: Hájek, J. title: Adaptation of an Evolutionary Algorithm in Modeling Electric Circuits date: 2010-01-01 words: 2958 flesch: 67 summary: The following transformations were used for scaling and re-scaling: R R Ri i N norm � , (7) C C f RN N1 12norm � � , (8) L L f R N N 1 12norm � � . Values F � 0.8 and Cr � 0.5 do not always guarantee good convergence. keywords: adaptation; algorithm; auto; best; circuits; convergence; evolutionary; factor; fig; function; influence; insertion; loss; min; model; population; rand; results; solution; strategy; technical; test; tested; values; variables; variants; vector cache: ap-1145.pdf plain text: ap-1145.txt item: #71 of 1243 id: ap-1147 author: Vyroubal, J. title: Using the Spindle Cooling Temperature as a Tool for Compensating the Thermal Deformation of Machines date: 2010-01-01 words: 2296 flesch: 64 summary: This delay can cancel the thermal compensation of machine deformation. In terms of heat generation, the spindle is the major source of heat, and its thermal deformation is a ma- jor cause of overall machine deformation. keywords: analysis; axis; behavior; calculation; compensation; czech; deformation; fig; frame; heat; liquid; machine; measurement; min; multinomial; phase; place; reaction; sensors; spindle; technical; temperature; thermal; time; tool; type; university; vol cache: ap-1147.pdf plain text: ap-1147.txt item: #72 of 1243 id: ap-1149 author: Večeř, P.; Kreidl, M.; Šmíd, R. title: Gearbox Condition Monitoring Using Advanced Classifiers date: 2010-01-01 words: 4516 flesch: 65 summary: A B C D RMS1 (m/s2) 4.74 5.80 1.32 2.43 RMS2 (m/s2) 2.77 8.74 2.35 3.13 Skew1 (-) 0.35 0.31 �0.09 �0.17 Skew2 (-) 0.39 0.43 0.24 �0.63 Kur1 (-) 3.02 2.80 2.95 2.74 Kur2 (-) 2.16 2.19 2.56 2.99 Table 2: Typical values of input vectors for the 1st gear Fig. 4: Sammon’s visualization of the learned map after the sec- ond phase C A D B 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 Fig. 5: Distance between reference vectors neighboring neurons and the input vector for first-gear test mapping (lighter gray – shorter distance, darker gray – longer distance) distance between the reference vector neighboring units and input vector mapping is visualized in Fig. tj i ij i N � � � � � ( ) ( ) 2 0 1 , (1) where xi is the i-th element of input vector x in time t, wij is the i-th value of the weight vector for the j-th output neuron in time t. keywords: acta; adaptive; anfis; classification; classifier; condition; czech; data; decision; diagnostics; distance; features; fig; fuzzy; gearbox; gearboxes; house;; index; input; kohonen; layer; learning; map; mapping; network; neural; neuron; organizing; polytechnica; process; processing; publishing; quality; results; rms; rules; second; signal; som; surface; system; table; technical; test; tested; training; type; university; value; vector; vibration; vol cache: ap-1149.pdf plain text: ap-1149.txt item: #73 of 1243 id: ap-1151 author: Mocková, D. title: Allocation and Location of Transport Logistics Centres date: 2010-01-01 words: 3612 flesch: 51 summary: 1.3 Multiple criteria decision making Multiple criteria decision making involves modeling deci- sion-making situations containing a defined set of options and a set of criteria according to which the options will be evaluated. We have therefore merely outlined the theoretical side of using multiple criteria decision making and the solution methodology. keywords: algorithm; best; bit; costs; criteria; criterion; crossover; decision; decision making; depots; evaluation; evaluation criteria; field; fig; fitness; generation; importance; individual; location; logistics; making; methods; multiple; mutation; node; number; objectives; optimal; options; problem; quality; set; solution; subset; tasks; technical; transport; value cache: ap-1151.pdf plain text: ap-1151.txt item: #74 of 1243 id: ap-1153 author: Pfof, Z.; Vaculík, P. title: Ultracapacitors Utilization for Automotive Applications date: 2010-01-01 words: 2275 flesch: 62 summary: The ultracapacitor also has other advantages – it is capable of very fast charges and dis- charges, a millions of cycles without degradation, extremely low internal resistance or ESR, high output power, etc. Power losses of hard-switching vs. soft-switching Hard-switching is very widely used for power inverters, whereas soft-switching is used only in high frequency applications. keywords: boost; converter; current; drive; fig; fuel; hard; high; loss; mode; output; power; resonant; semiconductor; simulation; soft; switching; technical; transistor; turn; ultracapacitors; unit; university; value; voltage; zvs cache: ap-1153.pdf plain text: ap-1153.txt item: #75 of 1243 id: ap-1155 author: Ficker, T. title: Statistical Distributions of Electron Avalanches and Streamers date: 2010-01-01 words: 4446 flesch: 60 summary: Since the voltage pulses u were not calibrated against the number of electrons n, the resultant distribution curves w1 are dependent on u instead of n. Assuming linear proportionality u c n� � , the curve w u c u D1 0 1( ) ( )� � � � will preserve the same shape as w n1( ), i.e. they will both possess the same slope � �( )1 D . The populations of displaced ava- lanches of the j-th generation that reach the anode can easily be expressed: � �n d jd j, exp ( )� �� � . keywords: avalanches; case; czech; data; dimension; discharge; distribution; exp; ficker; fig; fitting; fractal; function; furry; gap; house;; linear; multiplication; n n; new; number; parameter; parent; pareto; pattern; photoionization; phys; polytechnica; populated; population; publishing; section; statistics; streamer; technical; university; value; vol; � � cache: ap-1155.pdf plain text: ap-1155.txt item: #76 of 1243 id: ap-1157 author: Vaněček, D.; Klement, V. title: Electronic Education at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering date: 2010-01-01 words: 3070 flesch: 58 summary: First attempts to introduce e-learning appeared around the year 1999, and since then the number of projects dealing with this topic is increasing. This paper deals with the current issue of electronic education, and is based on a study of Internet support for education at the Faculty of Nu- clear Sciences and Physical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague. keywords: chart; content; course; creation; czech; development; education; electronic; engineering; faculty; fig; form; internet; learning; lms; management; materials; nuclear; number; physical; results; sciences; students; study; subject; support; systems; teachers; technical; technologies; time; university; use; web cache: ap-1157.pdf plain text: ap-1157.txt item: #77 of 1243 id: ap-1159 author: Amann, W. title: New Policies to Facilitate Affordable Housing in Central and Eastern Europe date: 2010-01-01 words: 3733 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: affordable housing, housing law, housing construction, CEE countries, Romania. and landlords, a Condominium Law, a Housing Manage- ment and Maintenance Law that covers all regulations in the field of housing operation, administration, accounting, main- tenance and refurbishment, and a Housing Subsidy Law that defines the legal basis for all activities of the state in (co-)financing housing construction, refurbishment, housing benefits and related activities. 3 Structured financing for PPP housing PPP housing legislation has been described as a strategy leading toward the establishment of a new business sector, targeting at affordable housing, particularly rental housing (UNECE 2005a, Lux 2006, Chiquier/Lea 2009). keywords: 2005; affordable; amann; approach; austria; basis; capital; cee; cent; condominiums; construction; costs; countries; development; dwellings; equity; european; finance; financing; framework; groups; h!fact; households; housing; iibw; income; interest; international; kemeny; law; legal; legislation; limited; loans; low; lpha; maintenance; major; market; model; mundt; new; policy; ppp; prices; private; public; refurbishment; regulations; rental; rental housing; rents; romanian; sector; social; state; subsidies; transition cache: ap-1159.pdf plain text: ap-1159.txt item: #78 of 1243 id: ap-1161 author: Frank, H. title: Differences Between Doped and Undoped Zirconium Alloy Oxide Layers date: 2010-01-02 words: 1810 flesch: 58 summary: 6: Temperature dependence of resistivity using data of I-Vcharacteristics, (each samplemeasured twice toprove re- producibility), activation energy of resistivity equal in both samples Fig. 7: Equal temperature dependence of mobility in both samples Fig. 8: Equal temperature dependence of carrier concentra- tion in both samples energy. Keywords: Zirconium alloy oxide layers, doped and undoped samples, I-V characteristics, temperature dependence of transport parameters, activation energy, injection and extraction currents and their time dependence, reduction semicon- ductor. keywords: acta; activation; characteristics; current; dependence; doping; equal; extraction; fig; figs; higher; injection; measured; mobility; oxide; resistivity; samples; temperature; undoped; voltage cache: ap-1161.pdf plain text: ap-1161.txt item: #79 of 1243 id: ap-1163 author: Granja, C.; Linhart, V.; Platkevič, M.; Jakůbek, J.; Krouský, E.; Pospíšil, S.; Renner, O.; Slavíček, T. title: Active Detectors for Plasma Soft X-Ray Detection at PALS date: 2010-01-02 words: 4344 flesch: 57 summary: Two types of detector systems have been adapted for this purpose: hybrid semiconductor pixel detectors, and fast scintillating detectors. Fig. 4: BaF2 detector with lead (Pb), Aluminum (Al) and Polyethylene (PE) shield Fig. 5: Shield assembly for BaF2 detector with lead (Pb), Aluminum (Al) and Polyethylene (PE) segments. keywords: acta; active; assembly; baf2; board; chamber; czech; data; detection; detector; direct; emi; energy; excitation; experimental; figure; granja; high; institute; interaction; interface; jakůbek; kev; laser; low; mail; medipix; noise; nuclear; operation; pals; phone; physics; pixel; plasma; polytechnica; pospíšil; power; prague; radiation; readout; republic; setup; shield; shielding; shot; single; system; target; time; usb; view; vol cache: ap-1163.pdf plain text: ap-1163.txt item: #80 of 1243 id: ap-1165 author: Šulc, R.; Svačina, O. title: Flock Growth Kinetics for Flocculation in an Agitated Tank date: 2010-01-02 words: 3875 flesch: 58 summary: For flocculation taking place in an agitated tank, Šulc and Ditl [2] recommend dimension- less flocculation time t∗F given by: t∗F = n · tF (3) where tF is flocculation time, and n is impeller rota- tional speed. Using the statistical hypothesis test, the fractal dimension was found to be independent of flocculation time, and the value Df2 =1.442 ±0.125 was determined as the average value for the given conditions. keywords: agitated; analysis; area; camera; correlation; data; df2; dfmax; dimension; dimensionless; experimental; fig; flocculant; flocculation; flock; fractal; generalized; growth; hypothesis; image; impeller; kaolin; kinetics; log; maximum; min; mixing; model; ntf; parameters; residual; size; table; tank; time; turbidity; value; vessel; vol; wastewater cache: ap-1165.pdf plain text: ap-1165.txt item: #81 of 1243 id: ap-1167 author: Zahradnický, T.; Lórencz, R. title: FPU-Supported Running Error Analysis date: 2010-01-02 words: 4417 flesch: 64 summary: 50 No. 2/2010 FPU-Supported Running Error Analysis T. Zahradnický, R. Lórencz Abstract A-posteriori forward rounding error analyses tend to give sharper error estimates than a-priori ones, as they use actual data quantities. One of such a-posteriori analysis – running error analysis – uses expressions consisting of twoparts; one generates the error and the other propagates input errors to the output. keywords: absolute; acta; analysis; approach; bound; calculated; case; class; computer; const; czech; data; department; double; error; error analysis; estimate; evaluation; extended; fldl; forward; fpu; instruction; line; load; point; polytechnica; posteriori; prague; precision; priori; result; rounded; rounding; running; sum; times; traditional; type; university; u|ŝ|; value; vol cache: ap-1167.pdf plain text: ap-1167.txt item: #82 of 1243 id: ap-1169 author: Cisek, J. title: Injection and Combustion of RME with Water Emulsions in a Diesel Engine date: 2010-01-02 words: 4590 flesch: 53 summary: 50 No. 2/2010 Injection and Combustion of RME with Water Emulsions in a Diesel Engine J. Cisek Abstract This paper presents ways of using the fully-digitised triggerable AVL VideoScope 513D video system for analysing the injection and combustion inside a diesel engine cylinder fuelled by RME with water emulsions. The research objects were: standard diesel fuel, rapeseed methyl ester (RME) and RME – water emulsions. keywords: acta; angle; bar; chamber; combustion; cylinder; diesel; diesel fuel; different; emissions; emulsion; engine; ester; exhaust; fig; flame; flow; fuel; fuel injection; fuel jet; gas; ignition; images; injection; jet; maximum; measurements; methyl; nox; polytechnica; pressure; process; rapeseed; rate; reduction; repeated; rme; rotation; rotation angle; rpm; shaft; shaft rotation; smoke; standard; standard diesel; temperature; vol; water; water emulsion; water fig cache: ap-1169.pdf plain text: ap-1169.txt item: #83 of 1243 id: ap-1171 author: Dostál, M.; Petera, K.; Rieger, F. title: Measurement of Heat Transfer Coefficients in an Agitated Vessel with Tube Baffles date: 2010-01-02 words: 6104 flesch: 62 summary: Dimensionless parameters are usually used to de- scribe the relation between heat transfer coefficients and other parameters, e.g. mixing intensity. [5] also measured heat transfer coefficients in a vessel with tube baffles. keywords: acta; agitated; agitated liquid; area; baffles; blade; case; coefficient; confidence; constant; cooling; correlation; czech; data; diameter; difference; figure; fit; flow; heat; heat transfer; heating; impeller; inlet; interval; k−1; liquid; mean; measured; media; method; model; number; nusselt; outlet; overall; parameters; polytechnica; power; probability; rate; region; results; rotation; specific; squares; sum; temperature; time; transfer; transfer coefficient; transient; tube; value; vessel; viscosity; vol; water cache: ap-1171.pdf plain text: ap-1171.txt item: #84 of 1243 id: ap-1173 author: Koller, J. title: Treatment of Biogas for Use as Energy date: 2010-01-02 words: 2669 flesch: 51 summary: 50 No. 2/2010 Treatment of Biogas for Use as Energy J. Koller Abstract The biogas generated in biogas plants offers significant potential for the production of energy from renewable energy sources. Biogas plants usually use co-generation units to generate electricity and heat. keywords: acta; anaerobic; animal; biogas; biogas plants; biomethane; co2; compounds; content; czech; degradable; efficiency; electricity; energy; fermentation; fermentor; generation; heat; heating; high; hydrogen; materials; means; operation; optimum; organic; plant; polytechnica; production; renewable; republic; separation; significant; substances; substrates; sulphide; unit; utilization; vol; wastes; water cache: ap-1173.pdf plain text: ap-1173.txt item: #85 of 1243 id: ap-1175 author: Sajbrt, V.; Rosol, M.; Ditl, P. title: A Comparison of Distillery Stillage Disposal Methods date: 2010-01-02 words: 4268 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: disposal of distillery stillage, economic comparison, energy requirements. % Table 4: All operating costs of transportation to a biogas plant Total neutralization costs: 170 EUR/day 7.0 % Total cost – electric energy for centrifuge: 60 EUR/day 2.5 % Total transport costs of stillages: 1 810 EUR/day 74.5% Total transport costs of digestate to the fields: 390 EUR/day 16.0 % Total price of generated electric energy from biogas: −1 020 keywords: acta; biogas; centrifuge; chemical; combustion; concentration; condensate; content; costs; day; disposal; distillery; dry; dryer; drying; electric; energy; ethanol; eur; evaporation; feeding; fermentation; fig; high; line; livestock; main; mash; mass; method; operating; operating costs; organic; plant; polytechnica; pretreatment; process; production; stillage; suitable; total; total operating; transport; treatment; vol; waste cache: ap-1175.pdf plain text: ap-1175.txt item: #86 of 1243 id: ap-1177 author: Zueva, G. A.; Padokhin, V. A.; Ditl, P. title: Stochastic Models of Solid Particles Grinding date: 2010-01-02 words: 3438 flesch: 58 summary: Mathematical models of disintegration kinetics are classified on the basis of the class of Markov process that they belong to. 1 Introduction Alongside the traditional approach, based on phe- nomenological introduction of the mechanics of a con- tinuous medium into a description of chemical en- gineering processes, in particular, milling processes, stochastic approaches, particularly those based on Markov processes, have become widely applied. keywords: calculated; chemical; conditions; continuous; density; device; differential; discrete; distribution; equation; experimental; grinder; grinding; initial; kinetics; markov; material; mathematical; matrix; milling; models; moment; particle; probabilities; probability; process; processes; shock; size; states; stochastic; system; technology; theoretical; theory; time; transition; vector; vol; π(0; π(t cache: ap-1177.pdf plain text: ap-1177.txt item: #87 of 1243 id: ap-1179 author: Azcárraga, J. A. de; Izquierdo, J. M. title: Topics on n-ary Algebraic Structures date: 2010-01-03 words: 4238 flesch: 84 summary: 50 No. 3/2010 [3] de Azcárraga, J. A., Pérez-Bueno, J. C.: Higher- order simple Lie algebras,Commun. For semisimple Lie algebras, Whitehead’s lemma states that H20(g)= 0, H 2 ad(g, g)= 0. keywords: a=1; adx; algebras; ary; azcárraga; bracket; central; cohomology; deformations; extensions; fa1; fas; filippov; fn−1; fundamental; generalized; identity; leibniz; lemma; lie; math; nambu; p+1∑; phys; poisson; semisimple; simple; structures; trivial; vol; xn−1; xp+1; x̂j; α1(x cache: ap-1179.pdf plain text: ap-1179.txt item: #88 of 1243 id: ap-1181 author: Bandos, I. A. title: On multiple M2-brane model(s) and its N=8 Superspace Formulation(s) date: 2010-01-03 words: 6229 flesch: 70 summary: Here we speak in terms of the case with M �= N, which is terminologically simpler, but all our arguments clearly also apply for M = N. The Grassmann spinorial covariant derivatives DIα in (51) includes the gaugegroup SU(M)×SU(N) con- nection and obey the algebra {DIα, D J β} = iγ a αβ δIJDa .8), and a Spin(8) 8s- plet of Majorana anticommuting Sl(2;R) spinor fields ψA (A = 1, . . . keywords: abjm; acta; action; algebra; bagger; bandos; blg; brackets; branes; chern; complex; covariant; d3y; dimensional; dαȧ; equation; fields; filippov; formalism; formulation; gauge; hep; identities; invariant; jhep; lagrangian; lambert; lcs; lie; like; matrix; mij; model; motion; multiple; phys; plet; polytechnica; potential; pre; pure; respect; scalar; sdiff3; shell; simons; spinor; strength; superfield; superspace; symmetry; system; terms; theories; theory; use; vector; vol; wȧḃ cache: ap-1181.pdf plain text: ap-1181.txt item: #89 of 1243 id: ap-1183 author: Fedoruk, S. title: Superconformal Calogero Models as a Gauged Matrix Mechanics date: 2010-01-03 words: 4323 flesch: 77 summary: (2.19) 3 N =2 superconformal Calogero model N = 2 supersymmetric generalization of the sys- tem (2.1) is described by • the even hermitian (n × n)-matrix superfield Xba(t, θ, θ̄), (X) + = X , a, b =1, . . . i(xa − xb)p b a − i(pa − pb)x b a + (2.12) keywords: + +; acta; action; bosonic; brackets; calogero; case; constraints; d(2,1;α; dirac; d̄x; e2v; fields; following; gauge; hermitian; invariant; ivanov; jhep; lechtenfeld; lett; matrix; mechanics; model; multiplets; nucl; phys; physical; polytechnica; quantum; rev; superconformal; superfield; supermultiplets; system; term; transformations; u(n; vol cache: ap-1183.pdf plain text: ap-1183.txt item: #90 of 1243 id: ap-1185 author: Gazeau, J. P.; Baldiotti, M. C.; Gitman, D. M. title: Coherent State Quantization and Moment Problem date: 2010-01-03 words: 3929 flesch: 72 summary: The average of the random variable n �→ xn is 〈xn〉 = t. Contrariwise to the standard case X = N, the continuous (gammalike) distribution t �→ 1 E(t) tn xn! with parameter n is not a probabilitydistributionwith respect to the Lebesgue measure dt:∫ (ii) The map C � z �→ |vz〉 is continuous (continu- ity). keywords: acta; classical; coherent; complex; corresponding; d2z; def; distribution; f(z; field; gazeau; j.-p; measure; moment; momentum; motion; operator; parameter; particle; phase; phys; plane; polytechnica; probability; problem; quantization; resolution; sequence; space; standard; states; unity; vol; xn+1; |en; |z0; |z|2 cache: ap-1185.pdf plain text: ap-1185.txt item: #91 of 1243 id: ap-1187 author: Kerner, R. title: Lorentz and SU(3) Groups Derived from Cubic Quark Algebra date: 2010-01-03 words: 3833 flesch: 63 summary: The quarks transform with matrices U (or Ū for the anti-quarks), but these matrices are not unitary: their determinants are equal to j2 or j, respectively. (16) Matrix Ū is the complex conjugate of matrix U, and det(Ū) is equal to j. keywords: algebra; anti; ḃa; case; choice; combinations; complex; components; conjugate; covariance; cubic; equal; expressions; following; form; fundamental; generators; grade; group; independent; indices; like; linear; lorentz; matrices; matrix; matter; non; products; properties; quarks; relations; representation; similar; space; su(3; ternary; time; values; θaθb cache: ap-1187.pdf plain text: ap-1187.txt item: #92 of 1243 id: ap-1189 author: Mickelsson, J. title: From Gauge Anomalies to Gerbes and Gerbal Representations: Group Cocycles in Quantum Theory date: 2010-01-03 words: 4223 flesch: 71 summary: Then we investigate how group cohomology of degree 3 comes from a prolongation problem for group extensions and we discuss its role in quantumfield theory. In the case of Lie groups, there is a corresponding Lie algebra cocycle representing a class in H3(g, a), where a is the Lie algebra of a. keywords: abelian; acta; action; acts; algebra; bundle; c(x; case; central; class; cocycle; cohomology; compact; complex; condition; corresponding; degree; element; example; extension; field; fock; form; function; gauge; group; hilbert; in(b; left; lie; lie algebra; loop; math; operator; phys; point; polytechnica; projective; quantization; quantum; representation; space; theory; vector; vol cache: ap-1189.pdf plain text: ap-1189.txt item: #93 of 1243 id: ap-1191 author: Sorokin, D. title: Higher-Spin Triplet Fields and String Theory date: 2010-01-03 words: 4203 flesch: 68 summary: In particular, I would like to discuss a sys- tem of higher spin fields which are called triplets. Quartet unconstrained formulation for massless higher spin fields, Nucl. keywords: acta; action; as−; bosonic; brst; case; condition; connection; consistent; dxm; equations; fermionic; fields; formulation; frame; free; gauge; geometrical; gravity; hep; higher; higher spin; indices; interactions; like; limit; local; massless; nucl; particles; phys; physical; polytechnica; problem; reducible; space; spin; spin fields; states; string; symmetric; symmetry; tensionless; theory; torsion; transformations; triplet; vasiliev; vielbein; vol cache: ap-1191.pdf plain text: ap-1191.txt item: #94 of 1243 id: ap-1193 author: Todorov, I. title: Gause Symmetry and Howe Duality in 4D Conformal Field Theory Models date: 2010-01-03 words: 5599 flesch: 67 summary: 50 No. 3/2010 [35] Nikolov, N. M., Rehren, K.-H., Todorov, I. T.: Partial wave expansion and Wightman positiv- ity in conformal field theory, Nucl. For D = 4, infinite dimensional Lie algebras are generated by bifields Vij(x1, x2) which naturally arise in the OPE of a (finite) set of (say, her- mitean, scalar) localfields φi ofdimension d(> 1): (x212) d φi(x1)φj(x2)= Nij + x 2 12 Vij(x1, x2)+ O((x 2 12) 2) , x12 keywords: acta; algebras; bifields; bilocal; central; cft; chiral; commun; commutator; compact; conformal; correlation; corresponding; dimensional; dual; energy; fact; fields; fock; free; functions; gauge; group; harmonic; hep; higher; howe; infinite; invariant; irreducible; kac; l(f; left; lie; local; massless; math; nikolov; number; pair; phys; physics; point; polytechnica; positive; product; quantum; real; reductive; rehren; remark; representations; scalar; sect; set; space; superselection; tensor; theory; time; todorov; u(n; unitary; variables; vertex; vol; weight; ρ13; ρ24 cache: ap-1193.pdf plain text: ap-1193.txt item: #95 of 1243 id: ap-1195 author: Znojil, M. title: Time-Dependent and/or Nonlocal Representations of Hilbert Spaces in Quantum Theory date: 2010-01-03 words: 4395 flesch: 56 summary: Vice versa, once the Hamilto- nian H proves solvable in Hilbert space H(T), we may rely upon the availability of the closed solutions of the underlying Schrödinger equations and on the related specific spectral representations of the necessary oper- ators (cf. The rectification transition between Hilbert spaces H(T) and H(F) is tractable as an equivalence transformation under this assumption [10]. keywords: acta; arxiv; certain; complex; context; coordinates; cryptohermitian; dependent; dyson; equations; equivalence; evolution; form; friendly; functions; h(f; h(p; h(s; h(t; hamiltonian; hilbert; hilbert space; lett; math; mechanics; metric; models; new; non; nontrivial; notation; nuclear; observables; operators; paper; phys; physical; physics; polytechnica; potentials; quantum; representations; review; role; scattering; space; standard; state; symmetric; theory; time; tobogganic; unitary; use; vector; vol; wave; znojil cache: ap-1195.pdf plain text: ap-1195.txt item: #96 of 1243 id: ap-1197 author: Bičák, J. title: Gravitomagnetism (extended abstract) date: 2010-01-03 words: 926 flesch: 46 summary: One has to realize that the physical effects associatedwith Mach’s ideas, e.g. the “dragging of inertial frames” (“gravitomag- netic effects”) have a global character and require spe- cial coordinate systems, special gauges. In more recent papers [5, 6], we show that within General Relativity, any general statement of Mach’s principle that attributes all dragging of inertial frames solely to the distribution of energy and momentum of matter as the originof inertia is false: Gravitomagnetic effects are also caused by gravitational waves. keywords: bičák; distribution; effects; energy; frame; gauges; general; gravitational; gravitomagnetic; gravity; inertial; katz; mach; momentum; pages; principle; universe; waves cache: ap-1197.pdf plain text: ap-1197.txt item: #97 of 1243 id: ap-1199 author: Caprini, I.; Fischer, J.; Vrkoč, I. title: Asymptotic Power Series of Field Correlators date: 2010-01-03 words: 2992 flesch: 72 summary: [6] Caprini, I., Fischer, J., Vrkoč, I.: J. Phys. 50 No. 3/2010 Asymptotic Power Series of Field Correlators I. Caprini, J. Fischer, I. Vrkoč Abstract We address the problem of ambiguity of a function determined by an asymptotic perturbation expansion. keywords: a(s; analyticity; asymptotic; b(u; borel; caprini; contour; convergence; czech; disc; expansion; f(z; fischer; form; function; g(r; lemma; perturbation; phys; physics; plane; qcd; rev; series; singularities; special; vol; watson cache: ap-1199.pdf plain text: ap-1199.txt item: #98 of 1243 id: ap-1201 author: Doebner, H.-D. title: On Global and Nonlinear Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics date: 2010-01-03 words: 4060 flesch: 58 summary: A discussion of these relations is the topic of my paper: The global structure of the set {Q(M, K)} of quantizations of the kinematics in aHilbert space H is connected with a nonlinear representation of a matrix group G which leads also to a quantization of other observables through nonlinear operators. With (21) one obtains an already mentioned non- linear realization of G(3) with linear generators of the Galilei-algebrawith the exception of the freeHamilto- nian which appears as nonlinear operator. keywords: -d(m; algebra; b(m; borel; case; classical; complex; c∞(m; differential; doebner; domain; e.g.; ect0(m; esa; global; group; h.-d; hermitean; k(m; l2(m; lie; maps; math; model; n[ψ; nonlinear; observables; operators; order; phys; physical; position; properties; q(m; quantization; quantum; representation; set; smooth; structure; symmetry; system; tangent; vol cache: ap-1201.pdf plain text: ap-1201.txt item: #99 of 1243 id: ap-1203 author: Engelen, J. title: Physics on the Terascale (extended abstract) date: 2010-01-03 words: 951 flesch: 50 summary: In addition, the huge amounts of data of 15 PetaBytes per year required a new approach to com- puting: the now operational worldwide LHC comput- ing GRID (wLCG), also serving as a platform for ap- plications outside high energy physics. The LHC is a marvel of technology in all its facets, crowned by the super- conducting dipole magnets. keywords: additional; boson; collider; energy; field; helium; higgs; ingredient; large; lhc; magnets; marvel; mechanism; new; order; september; system; technology; terascale; tev cache: ap-1203.pdf plain text: ap-1203.txt item: #100 of 1243 id: ap-1205 author: Furlan, P.; Petkova, V. B.; Stanishkov, M. title: A Finite Liouville Dress for c date: 2010-01-03 words: 3053 flesch: 67 summary: β1 − σ1 − σ2 + b 2 ) Indeed they satisfy the charge conservation conditions (Q − β3)+β2+β1 = Q and β3+(Q − β2 − b/2)+(β1 − b/2)= Q, respectively, and their residua equal 1/2π (to agree with the normalisation in [9]). keywords: acta; boundary; case; charges; correlator; corresponding; cyclic; degenerate; dual; equation; expression; factor; field; formula; g(−)(σ2; general; hep; liouville; matter; non; pentagon; phys; point; polynomials; polytechnica; reflection; representations; string; tachyon; values; vol; σ3,σ2,σ1 cache: ap-1205.pdf plain text: ap-1205.txt item: #101 of 1243 id: ap-1207 author: Ivanov, E. title: M2-Branes in N = 3 Harmonic Superspace date: 2010-01-03 words: 3396 flesch: 67 summary: • Constructing the full effective actions of M2- branes in terms of the N = 3 superfields (with a Nambu-Goto action for scalar fields in the case of oneM2-braneand its nonabeliangeneralization for N branes). [19] Buchbinder, I. L., Ivanov, E. A., Lechtenfeld, O., Pletnev, N. G., Samsonov, I. B., Zupnik, B. M.: Quantum N = 3, d = 3 Chern-Simons Matter Theories in Harmonic Superspace, JHEP 0910 (2009) 075, arXiv:0909.2970 keywords: + +; 3,3d; abjm; action; ads; algebra; blg; branes; case; cft; chern; correspondence; energy; fields; formulation; gauge; group; harmonic; hep; hidden; jhep; limit; low; matter; phys; scalar; shell; simons; superconformal; superfield; superspace; supersymmetry; theories; theory; u(n cache: ap-1207.pdf plain text: ap-1207.txt item: #102 of 1243 id: ap-1209 author: Jenni, P. title: The ATLAS Experiment Entering into Operation: Overview, Motivation and Status of the Project (extended abstract) date: 2010-01-03 words: 420 flesch: 51 summary: 50 No. 3/2010 The ATLAS Experiment Entering into Operation: Overview, Motivation and Status of the Project P. Jenni The Large Hadron Collider LHC at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics CERN near Geneva will deliverparticle collisionsat thehighest energyever achieved in a laboratory. ATLAS will address questions like: Why do particles have a mass, What is the non-visible dark matter in the Universe, Are there more than four dimensions in Nature, and What are the smallest building blocks of matter? keywords: atlas; cern; collaboration; construction; jenni; laboratory; large; niederle; operation; overview cache: ap-1209.pdf plain text: ap-1209.txt item: #103 of 1243 id: ap-1211 author: Niederle, J.; Nikitin, A. G.; Kuriksha, O. title: Maxwell-Chern-Simons Models: Their Symmetries, Exact Solutions and Non-relativistic Limits date: 2010-01-03 words: 4098 flesch: 71 summary: In contrast to the CFJ model, ourmodels are rela- tivistically invariant and include this model as a par- ticular sector corresponding to constant solutions for vector field F μ. The MCS model in the (1+3)-dimensional Minkovski space Let us start with the following Lagrangian L=− 1 4 Fμν F μν − 1 2 FμF μ − κ 4 εμνρσ F μAν F ρσ + ejμA μ + qj4A 4. (3) Here the Greek indices run over the values 0,1,2,3, Aν and F μν = ∂μAν − ∂ν keywords: acta; additional; axion; cfj; constant; contraction; corresponding; electrodynamics; equations; exact; field; following; form; fμν; galilean; galilei; gauge; generators; group; invariant; lagrangian; lie; limit; lorentz; maxwell; model; nikitin; non; phys; poincaré; polytechnica; possible; potential; related; relativistic; representation; solutions; space; symmetries; symmetry; system; tensor; variables; vector; vol; w.r.t cache: ap-1211.pdf plain text: ap-1211.txt item: #104 of 1243 id: ap-1213 author: Schnabl, M. title: Algebraic Solutions in Open String Field Theory – a Lightning Review date: 2010-01-03 words: 4972 flesch: 68 summary: Let us describe string field theory states as linear combina- tions of surfaces with vertex operator insertions, such as inFig. 50 No. 3/2010 Algebraic Solutions in Open String Field Theory – a Lightning Review M. Schnabl Abstract In this short paper we review basic ideas of string field theory with the emphasis on the recent developments. keywords: acta; action; analytic; arxiv; background; cft; classical; closed; distributions; energy; erler; f(k; f(z; field; field theory; functions; gauge; general; geometric; ghost; hep; infinite; inverse; laplace; non; open; operator; o′c; perturbative; physics; polytechnica; product; rez; safe; sen; solution; space; star; states; string; string field; surface; tachyon; theories; theory; transform; trivial; vacuum; vertex; vol; witten; worldsheet cache: ap-1213.pdf plain text: ap-1213.txt item: #105 of 1243 id: ap-1215 author: Sissakian, A. title: The Science Policy of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research date: 2010-01-03 words: 2945 flesch: 45 summary: Prime Minister of Czechia J. Paroubek congratu- lated the audience on the 50th anniversary of JINR and noted the great role of the Dubna international physics centre in founding and developing nuclear physics in all countries – JINR Member States, in- cluding Czechoslovakia and Czechia. JINR has a huge foundation based on three “pillars”: • great experience in nuclear physics research and the world-wide recognized traditions of its scien- tific schools • a large and unique park of basic facilities for fun- damental and applied research • the status of an international intergovernmental organization For over 50 years of JINR’s existence, first-class theoretical and experimental researchprogrammes im- plemented at JINR have led to a significant scientific output in fundamental nuclear science. keywords: activities; basic; centre; cern; collaboration; complex; cooperation; countries; czech; czechia; detector; development; dubna; elements; energy; experimental; facilities; fundamental; general; heavy; high; innovation; institute; international; jinr; joint; large; matter; member; new; nica; nuclear; order; phase; physics; policy; polytechnica; priority; programme; projects; reactor; research; role; russian; sciences; scientific; special; states; strategic; studies; university; vol; year cache: ap-1215.pdf plain text: ap-1215.txt item: #106 of 1243 id: ap-1217 author: Bauer, J. title: Single Phase Voltage Source Inverter Photovoltaic Application date: 2010-01-04 words: 2466 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: voltage source inverter, L-C-L filter, hysteresis controller, pulse width modulation. PWM control is used for this purpose. keywords: area; calculated; connected; control; controller; converter; current; cycle; design; duty; fig; filter; frequency; grid; hysteresis; inductance; inverter; l filter; mode; network; output; phase; power; pwm; resistor; results; solar; source; supply; switching; system; virtual; voltage cache: ap-1217.pdf plain text: ap-1217.txt item: #107 of 1243 id: ap-1219 author: Behrens, A.; Röllinger, H. title: Analysis of Feature Point Distributions for Fast Image Mosaicking Algorithms date: 2010-01-04 words: 3861 flesch: 57 summary: However, in the case of small and sparse sets of feature points of fixed size, suitable for real-time image mosaicking algorithms, a uniform spatial feature distribution across the image becomes relevant. While in many natural image scenes feature points can usually be extracted across the whole image, spatial distribution is often a relevant consideration for medical images, e.g. en- doscopic images of the internal urinary bladder wall. keywords: acta; algorithms; anms; bladder; computer; contrast; data; descriptors; different; distribution; errors; feature; feature points; fig; filter; global; high; homography; image; interest; list; local; matching; mosaicking; number; partitioning; points; polytechnica; radius; real; regions; registration; response; results; robust; sample; section; selection; sequence; set; sets; spatial; suppression; surf; time; tree; values; vision; vol cache: ap-1219.pdf plain text: ap-1219.txt item: #108 of 1243 id: ap-1221 author: Dirix, M.; Koch, O. title: Conductivity Measurements of Silverpastes date: 2010-01-04 words: 2783 flesch: 58 summary: 3: Transmission measurement of the T-Resonator Structure Table 1: Electrical conductivity measurements using the T-resonator structure Sample σ 50 No. 4/2010 Table 2: Electrical conductivity measurements using the dielectric resonator Sample σ keywords: carrier; circuit; conducting; conductivity; conductor; copper; dielectric; electrical; factor; frequency; ghz; high; line; losses; material; measurements; metal; order; pastes; possible; quality; resistance; resonance; resonator; sample; structure; stub; surface; transmission; unloaded; vol; wavelength cache: ap-1221.pdf plain text: ap-1221.txt item: #109 of 1243 id: ap-1223 author: Drnek, K. title: Prague’s Sewerage System in the 1930’ and the General Sewerage Project (1933–1936) date: 2010-01-04 words: 3340 flesch: 73 summary: [4] Vondráček, B.: Brief survey about the general conclusion of the committee accredited to judge projects in the competition for new sewage plants for the capital city of Prague. Keywords: sewerage, sewage plant, Máslo-Douda project, Řež, competition, projects, Dorr, Čistá půda, Roztoky. keywords: acta; area; biological; citizens; city; cleaning; competition; dorr; douda; group; ideas; ing; island; location; mechanical; mil; new; old; pipelines; plant; polytechnica; prague; problem; process; project; river; roztoky; sand; sewage; sewage plant; sewerage; sludge; survey; system; tanks; treatment; vol; water cache: ap-1223.pdf plain text: ap-1223.txt item: #110 of 1243 id: ap-1225 author: Faltin, P.; Behrens, A. title: Projective 3D-reconstruction of Uncalibrated Endoscopic Images date: 2010-01-04 words: 3716 flesch: 64 summary: [11] Pollefeys, M.: Self-calibration and metric 3D re- construction from uncalibrated image sequences. The radial distortion is modeled by the function �xd = �z + λ(r) · (�xu − �z) (1) with distorted point �xd, center of distortion �z, a func- tion depending on the radius λ(r) and corrected point �xu. keywords: 4/2010; acta; advanced; algorithm; bladder; camera; computer; correspondences; data; different; distortion; endoscopic; epipolar; error; features; fig; fundamental; geometry; germany; image; matching; matrices; matrix; method; number; point; polytechnica; process; projective; ransac; reconstruction; results; scene; second; section; sequences; set; tensor; trifocal; uncalibrated; view; vol cache: ap-1225.pdf plain text: ap-1225.txt item: #111 of 1243 id: ap-1227 author: Fikejz, F. title: Subjective Evaluation of Audiovisual Signals date: 2010-01-04 words: 3617 flesch: 66 summary: Keywords: subjective test, audiovisual signal quality, compression, JPEG, MP3. As subjective test is a type of psychometric test in which the subjects evaluate, in our case, sound and image quality in a defined way. keywords: acta; anova; audiovisual; average; best; better; bit; case; combination; compressed; compression; evaluation; experienced; fig; image; jpeg; mean; method; mp3; music; original; polytechnica; processing; quality; rate; rating; reference; results; samples; scale; second; signal; simple; situation; sound; subjective; subjects; tab; table; test; types; values; variance; vol; wav; worst cache: ap-1227.pdf plain text: ap-1227.txt item: #112 of 1243 id: ap-1229 author: Grabowski, M.; Buchenauer, A. title: Valve Concepts for Microfluidic Cell Handling date: 2010-01-04 words: 3682 flesch: 57 summary: The first valve geometry (valve type 1) was built up with an interrupted microfluidic chan- 41 Acta Polytechnica Vol. The second valve geometry (valve type 2) was designed without the in- tersection in the fluidic channel, using a microfluidic channel with just a rectangular cross-section (Fig. 3). keywords: 4/2010; aachen; acta; ansys; applications; bar; cell; chamber; channel; chip; closed; cross; engineering; fig; flow; fluidic; fluidic channel; fusion; geometry; handling; inlet; layer; lines; liquid; membrane; microfluidic; negative; open; pdms; pneumatic; pneumatic layer; polytechnica; pressure; results; section; series; simulation; state; suitable; system; test; type; user; valve; valve type; vol cache: ap-1229.pdf plain text: ap-1229.txt item: #113 of 1243 id: ap-1231 author: Hajný, O.; Farkašová, B. title: A Study of Gait and Posture with the Use of Cyclograms date: 2010-01-04 words: 2236 flesch: 63 summary: Keywords: simulation, human body model, walking, artificial intelligence, gait angles, bilateral cyclograms. 1 Methods For a study of gait angles, we decided to use meth- ods based on measurements of the geometric proper- ties ofbilateral cyclograms(also calledangle-angledia- grams). keywords: 4/2010; acta; angles; biomedical; body; camera; coefficients; ctu; cyclograms; data; engineering; fig; function; gait; hip; human; joints; knee; markers; methods; model; movement; polytechnica; program; research; segments; space; study; system; use; vol; walking; weight cache: ap-1231.pdf plain text: ap-1231.txt item: #114 of 1243 id: ap-1233 author: Hübner, J. title: Capillary Discharge Parameter Assessment for X-ray Laser Pumping date: 2010-01-04 words: 2030 flesch: 64 summary: For each calculation, we listed the parameter data, information about the maximum value and the time of reaching gain, the pinch time (the time when the maximum of electron density Ne is reached). We will plot the curve for an individual quantity, such as electron density, electron temperature, inversion of population, and gain. Fig. keywords: capillary; carbon; cm−3; current; data; density; discharge; dt|t=0; electron; fig; function; gain; gmax; imax; initial; laser; maximum; parameters; pinch; pulse; temperature; time cache: ap-1233.pdf plain text: ap-1233.txt item: #115 of 1243 id: ap-1235 author: Müntjes, J.; Meine, S.; Flach, E.; Görtz, M.; Hartmann, R.; Schmitz-Rode, T.; Trieu, H. K.; Mokwa, W. title: Assembly of a Pulmonary Artery Pressure Sensor System date: 2010-01-04 words: 1678 flesch: 48 summary: Her work focuses on assembly technologies in the field of pressure sensor systems in medical technology. Keywords: heart insufficiency, pressure sensor, microsystems technology, assembly. keywords: aachen; artery; assembly; capacitive; carrier; catheter; chips; electrical; electronics; element; engineering; fig; germany; heart; hospitalization; institute; metal; pressure; pressure sensor; process; pulmonary; sensor; silicon; stress; system; temperature; tube; university cache: ap-1235.pdf plain text: ap-1235.txt item: #116 of 1243 id: ap-1237 author: Najman, R. title: Nonlinear Aspects of Heat Pump Utilization date: 2010-01-04 words: 2109 flesch: 65 summary: 2: Air, water, soil to water heat pumps [*2] 2 Input values and equations 2.1 Subject for testing our mathematical model Our test subject is a house with a surface area of 400 m2 (surfaces with applicable thermal insulation). Keywords: heat pumps, thermal mass of an object, coefficient of performance. keywords: air; cop; equations; fig; heat; heating; input; insulation; losses; mass; model; outdoor; output; power; pump; soil; source; temperature; thermal; variant; water; year cache: ap-1237.pdf plain text: ap-1237.txt item: #117 of 1243 id: ap-1239 author: Pavlátka, P. title: Option Derivatives in Electricity Hedging date: 2010-01-04 words: 3264 flesch: 59 summary: 50 No. 4/2010 Option Derivatives in Electricity Hedging P. Pavlatka Abstract Despite the high volatility of electricity prices, there is still little demand for electricity power options, and the liquidity on the power exchanges of these power derivatives is quite low. Keywords: option derivatives, electricity hedging, evaluation models, electricity prices. keywords: acta; case; cash; commodity; contract; convenience; daily; demand; derivatives; electricity; end; exercise; fig; formula; forward; futures; generators; hedge; hedging; important; increases; long; margin; market; mwh; options; polytechnica; positions; power; price; pricing; results; risk; short; spot; strike; supply; term; value; volatility; yield cache: ap-1239.pdf plain text: ap-1239.txt item: #118 of 1243 id: ap-1241 author: Scheirich, J. title: The DEPFET Mini-matrix Particle Detector date: 2010-01-04 words: 2254 flesch: 59 summary: The DEPFET detector will be integrated as an inner detector in the BELLE II and ILC experiment. Keywords: DEPFET, BELLE II, ILC, silicon pixel detector. keywords: acta; amplifiers; channel; charge; clear; contact; control; current; czech; daq; depfet; detector; drain; electrons; fig; frame; gate; internal; internal gate; matrix; measuring; mini; monitor; mosfet; noise; particle; physics; pixel; polytechnica; potential; readout; sensor; signal; small; substrate; system; university; voltage cache: ap-1241.pdf plain text: ap-1241.txt item: #119 of 1243 id: ap-1243 author: Tučan, M.; Žák, P. title: Influence of Climatic Cycles on Properties of Leadfree Solders date: 2010-01-04 words: 1444 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: climatic tests, shocks, leadfree solder. Apart from problems such as tin corro- sion and faster oxidation due to higher temperature, which appear in the production phase, there is the matter of the long-term behavior of leadfree solders. keywords: change; climatic; cold; conditions; electrical; fig; figure; heat; joints; leadfree; moisture; pest; properties; resistance; results; shocks; solder; surface; temperature; tests; thermal; tin; use cache: ap-1243.pdf plain text: ap-1243.txt item: #120 of 1243 id: ap-1245 author: Uřičář, T. title: Parameter-Invariant Hierarchical Exclusive Alphabet Design for 2-WRC with HDF Strategy date: 2010-01-04 words: 4964 flesch: 56 summary: The output code- word and its code symbols are cR and cR. These are mapped into signal space channel symbols v ∈ AR and signal space codewords v with the codebook v ∈ CR andare broadcast to destinations A and B. (1, −1) Fig. 5: Channel symbol mapper (As) and the resulting constellation space patterns (U′iRe) for the example of PI- HXA Here we show an example of a two-dimensional 4- ary (|As| = |Ac| = 4) PI-HXA, designed according to the assumptions given in this section. keywords: acta; alphabet; approach; boundaries; capacity; case; channel; classical; code; complex; constellation; criteria; data; decision; design; example; exclusive; fig; forward; hdf; hierarchical; hxa; hxa design; hxc; information; invariant; layered; mac; mapper; mode; node; parameter; parametric; parametrization; patterns; phase; phxc; polytechnica; processing; received; region; relay; signal; simple; solution; source; space; strategy; symbols; system; um1; useful; vol; way; wireless; wrc cache: ap-1245.pdf plain text: ap-1245.txt item: #121 of 1243 id: ap-1247 author: Valentová, M. title: Barriers to Energy Efficiency – Focus on Transaction Costs date: 2010-01-04 words: 5280 flesch: 56 summary: Energy efficiency transaction costs can be divided into four main stages in which transaction costs can occur: the planning phase, the implementation phase, monitoring phase and the verification phase (Ta- ble 1). One factor is the actual share of energy costs in total costs, while an- other factor is the development of energy prices. keywords: access; acta; actors; audit; authors; barriers; capital; case; consumption; costs; decision; demand; development; different; discount; economic; efficiency; empirical; energy; energy efficiency; energy prices; equipment; future; households; implementation; important; income; information; instruments; investment; lack; lead; level; likely; limited; lower; main; making; market; measures; mundaca; phase; policy; polytechnica; potential; prices; problem; programme; project; rate; related; risk; savings; sector; services; size; source; studies; study; time; transaction; transaction costs; vol cache: ap-1247.pdf plain text: ap-1247.txt item: #122 of 1243 id: ap-1249 author: Vaněk, O. title: Agent-based Simulation of the Maritime Domain date: 2010-01-04 words: 3462 flesch: 49 summary: The configuration of the simulation (e.g. the num- ber of vessels, the files containing vessel andGIS data, etc.) as well as the parameters of each of the mod- ules is specified in a single Groovy3 script file4. 50 No. 4/2010 Table 1: Main parameters of different types of vessel agents. keywords: 4/2010; acta; agent; algorithms; analysis; architecture; behavior; configuration; control; data; date; description; domain; earth; environment; fishing; general; geographical; google; information; list; main; maritime; model; modules; operational; output; parameters; piracy; pirate; planner; planning; platform; polytechnica; real; route; section; ship; simulated; simulation; simulation step; simulation time; size; somali; state; step; time; traffic; transport; vessel; vol; world; zones cache: ap-1249.pdf plain text: ap-1249.txt item: #123 of 1243 id: ap-1251 author: Verteletskaya, E.; Sakhnov, K. title: Voice Activity Detection for Speech Enhancement Applications date: 2010-01-04 words: 2713 flesch: 64 summary: 1. VAD design involves extracting acoustic features that can appropriately indicate the probability of tar- get speech signals existing in observed signals. The performance of the proposed VAD algorithm is tested on real speech signals. keywords: 4/2010; acta; active; activity; algorithm; audio; band; czech; decision; detection; detector; energy; estimation; features; fig; frame; frequency; high; input; led; low; noise; output; performance; periodicity; polytechnica; presence; processing; ratio; regions; short; signal; silence; speech; threshold; time; total; vad; value; voice; vol cache: ap-1251.pdf plain text: ap-1251.txt item: #124 of 1243 id: ap-1253 author: Vrbová, B.; Víšek, L. title: Simulation of Hyperthermic Treatment Using the Matrix of Stripline Applicators date: 2010-01-04 words: 2177 flesch: 47 summary: In this paper we compare the SAR distribution in a cylindrical homogeneous agar phantom (which has similar characteristics to biological tissue) and in an anatomically based biological model of the femur (which has been developed from a computer tomography scan) using a matrix of two applicators of the same type. In our case, the applicator is filled with distilled water, because 70 % of biological tissue consists of water. keywords: 4/2010; acta; agar; applicators; biological; case; cells; dielectric; distribution; dosimetry; electromagnetic; energy; femur; field; fig; homogeneous; hyperthermia; length; matrix; microwave; model; numerical; phantom; planning; polytechnica; prague; sar; stripline; temperature; tissue; treatment; tumor; type; vol cache: ap-1253.pdf plain text: ap-1253.txt item: #125 of 1243 id: ap-1255 author: Ambrož, P. title: Tilings Generated by Ito-Sadahiro and Balanced (-ß)-numeration Systems date: 2010-01-05 words: 3137 flesch: 80 summary: On the other hand there are five distances between consecutive elements in the set Z−β, namely {1, β2 − β − 1, β − 1, β, β2 − β}. 6 Examples of tilings In the rest of the paper we provide several examples of tilings associated with β cubic Pisot units, i.e., the minimal polynomial of β is of the form x3 − ax2 − bx ± 1. keywords: 5/2010; acta; admissible; balanced; base; case; db,−β; digit; distances; expansion; ito; minimal; negative; number; numeration; pisot; polynomial; polytechnica; rényi; sadahiro; set; string; system; theorem; tilings; vol cache: ap-1255.pdf plain text: ap-1255.txt item: #126 of 1243 id: ap-1257 author: Amore, P.; Fernández, F. M. title: Two-particle Harmonic Oscillator in a One-dimensional Box date: 2010-01-05 words: 3430 flesch: 72 summary: 50 No. 5/2010 ϕ(0)n1,n2(q1, q2)= ⎧⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨ ⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩ √ 2 − δij {cos[(2i − 1)πq1]cos[(2j − 1)πq2] +cos[(2j − 1)πq1]cos[(2i − 1)πq2]} Ag √ 2{cos[(2i − 1)πq1]cos[(2j − 1)πq2] −cos[(2j − 1)πq1]cos[(2i − 1)πq2]} Bg √ 2{cos[(2i If we assumea linear force between the particles then the Hamiltonian operator reads Ĥ = − h̄2 2 ( 1 m1 ∂2 ∂x21 + 1 m2 ∂2 ∂x22 ) + k 2 (x1 − x2)2 (1) and the boundary conditions are ψ =0 when xi = ±L/2. keywords: 5/2010; acta; box; confined; eigenfunctions; eigenvalues; energies; energy; fig; functions; harmonic; linear; lsf; method; model; order; oscillator; perturbation; phys; polytechnica; problem; q21; quantum; sec; states; symmetry; theory; variational; vol cache: ap-1257.pdf plain text: ap-1257.txt item: #127 of 1243 id: ap-1259 author: Duplij, S.; Sinel’shchikov, S. title: On Uq (sl2)-actions on the Quantum Plane date: 2010-01-05 words: 3070 flesch: 79 summary: Note that the series labeledwith pairs of nonzero symbolic matrices at both positions are empty, be- cause each such matrix determines a pair of specific weight constants α and β (16)–(19)which fails to co- incide to any pair of such constants associated to the set of nonzero symbolic matrices at the second posi- tion (28)–(32). The symbolic matrix ( � 0 0 � ) 1 can be dis- carded from the list of symbolic matrices with at least one 0 at every row or column, because of (21), 26 Acta Polytechnica Vol. keywords: action; algebra; classical; constants; cq[x; e(x)=; e(y)=; matrices; matrix; nonzero; plane; quantum; q−1; structures; symbolic; weight cache: ap-1259.pdf plain text: ap-1259.txt item: #128 of 1243 id: ap-1261 author: Havlíček, M.; Pelantová, E.; Tolar, J. title: On Representations of sl(n, C) Compatible with a Z2-grading date: 2010-01-05 words: 5907 flesch: 66 summary: If we do not insist on the irreducibility of representation r, the class of representations compatible with the Z2- grading obtained by the automorphism OutI is larger. I, where I is the identity operator on the representation space of representation r and σ1 denotes the first Pauli matrix. keywords: acta; algebra; automorphism; basis; case; compatible; contractions; contragredient; corresponding; decomposition; dimensional; equations; finite; form; gel’fand; graded; grading; group; inner; irreducible; k−1; lie; lie algebra; m1,n; m2,n; matrix; non; order; outer; outi; paper; parameters; patera; polytechnica; r(x; representation; rg2; simulation; sl(n; solutions; space; theory; tseitlin; vector; vol; ⎜⎜⎝; ⎟⎟⎠ cache: ap-1261.pdf plain text: ap-1261.txt item: #129 of 1243 id: ap-1263 author: Havlíček, M.; Pošta, S. title: The Diamond Lemma and the PBW Property in Quantum Algebras date: 2010-01-05 words: 3686 flesch: 74 summary: − ac − ca − bc and (cb)b = (−ab − ba − ac − ca − bc)b = −ab2 − bab − acb − cab − bcb = −ab − bab − a(−ab − cab − b(−ab − ba − ac − ca − bc)= −ab − bab + a2b + aba + a2c + aca + abc − cab + bab + b2a + bac + keywords: aba; abc; aca; acta; algebra; bab; bac; basis; bca; cab; case; casimir; center; complex; diamond; elements; form; generators; irreducible; lemma; monomials; polynomial; polytechnica; quantum; relations; root; rules; unity; vol; ′q(so3; −ab cache: ap-1263.pdf plain text: ap-1263.txt item: #130 of 1243 id: ap-1265 author: Jakubský, V. title: Aharonov-Bohm Effect and the Supersymmetry of Identical Anyons date: 2010-01-05 words: 3031 flesch: 67 summary: In addition, we can define W = Q Q̃ = Q̃ Q. (1.12) By contrast, the system described by H0α,− allows singular wave functions. keywords: acta; aharonov; anyons; body; bohm; bosons; composite; effect; fermions; field; following; functions; hamiltonian; identical; interaction; magnetic; operators; particles; phys; polytechnica; potential; relations; rev; solenoid; spin; statistics; supersymmetry; system; vol; wave cache: ap-1265.pdf plain text: ap-1265.txt item: #131 of 1243 id: ap-1267 author: Kalina, M.; Paseka, J.; Riečanová, Z. title: Sharply Orthocomplete Effect Algebras date: 2010-01-05 words: 4733 flesch: 78 summary: Namely, the center C(E), the compatibility cen- ter B(E) and the set S(E) of sharp elements of Archimedean atomic lattice effect algebras E can be expressed by set-theoretical operations on their atomic blocks. Lattice effect algebras are in some sense a nearest common generalization of orthomodular lattices [13] that may include non- compatible pairs of elements, and MV-algebras keywords: algebra; algebra e; archimedean; atomic; bifull; block; c(e; complete; dominating; effect; effect algebra; elements; iff; lattice; lattice effect; orthocomplete; orthogonal; orthomodular; riečanová; s(e; set; sharp; sub; system; theorem cache: ap-1267.pdf plain text: ap-1267.txt item: #132 of 1243 id: ap-1269 author: Kochan, D. title: Does a Functional Integral Really Need a Lagrangian? date: 2010-01-05 words: 2478 flesch: 66 summary: Scl = κ 4 (q1 − q0) (q0 +3q1)e −κt1 − (q1 +3q0)e−κt0 e−κt0 − e−κt1 and A(q1, t1|q0, t0)= √ κ [1], the probability amplitude of the transition of a system fromthe space-time con- figuration (q0, t0) to (q1, t1) is given as follows: A(q1, t1 | q0, t0) ∝∫ keywords: a(q1; acta; classical; dissipative; equation; extended; feynman; formula; functional; hamiltonian; hdt; integral; kochan; lagrangian; motion; padq; path; phase; phys; polytechnica; probability; quantization; quantum; scl; space; surface; systems; vol cache: ap-1269.pdf plain text: ap-1269.txt item: #133 of 1243 id: ap-1271 author: Mine, T. title: Self-adjoint Extensions of Schrödinger Operators with ?-magnetic Fields on Riemannian Manifolds date: 2010-01-05 words: 7281 flesch: 84 summary: The case X = Y = A† can be treated similarly. V = 0 (but Γ = ∅) is exhaustively studied. keywords: a(0; a(1; acta; adjoint; aharonov; assume; assumption; bohm; case; closed; continuous; coordinate; c∞0; d(hmax; d(lk; d(x; deficiency; define; definition; extensions; field; following; follows; form; function; gmn; hmin; independent; inverse; k=1; lemma; linear; local; magnetic; map; max; min; operator; polytechnica; proof; proposition; second; section; self; space; step; subspaces; term; theorem; theory; vector; vol; χkf; ψ−1k cache: ap-1271.pdf plain text: ap-1271.txt item: #134 of 1243 id: ap-1273 author: Rotter, I. title: Exceptional Points and Dynamical Phase Transitions date: 2010-01-05 words: 2695 flesch: 57 summary: The nar- row resonance states appear due to resonance trap- ping, i.e. as a consequenceof the alignmentof a small number of resonance states to the environment (for details see [2]). Furthermore, the number of trapped resonance states is smaller than the number of individual (basic) states. keywords: continuum; coupling; discrete; dynamical; eigenfunctions; environment; exceptional; hermitian; level; non; number; open; operator; parameter; phase; physics; points; quantum; regime; resonance; resonance states; states; system; transition; wavefunctions cache: ap-1273.pdf plain text: ap-1273.txt item: #135 of 1243 id: ap-1275 author: Shapiro, B. title: Root Asymptotics for the Eigenfunctions of Univariate Differential Operators date: 2010-01-05 words: 3188 flesch: 70 summary: The Cauchy transform C(z) of the asymptotic root measure μ of the scaled eigenpolynomial qn(z) = pn(n dz) of a degenerate T satisfies the following al- gebraic equation for almost all complex z: zj0Cj0(z)+ ∑ j∈A αj,degQj z degQj Cj(z)= 1, where A is the set consisting of all j for which the maximum d := max j∈[j0+1,k] ( j − j0 j − degQj ) is attained, i.e. A = {j : (j − j0)/(j − degQj)= d}. I)(z + I)(z − 2+3I)(z − 3 − 2I) d4 dz4 ; T3 = (z − I)(z + keywords: acta; asymptotic; cauchy; coefficients; corresponding; definition; degenerate; degree; eigenfunctions; equation; examples; fig; finite; lines; math; measure; operator; p(z; pn(z; polynomial; polytechnica; problem; qk(z; root; sequence; shapiro; solvable; spectral; stokes; theorem; union; vol; z2l cache: ap-1275.pdf plain text: ap-1275.txt item: #136 of 1243 id: ap-1277 author: Znojil, M. title: Rectifiable PT -symmetric Quantum Toboggans with Two Branch Points date: 2010-01-05 words: 3892 flesch: 65 summary: This formula guarantees the P T symmetry of the re- sulting contour aswell as the stability of the position of our pair of branch points. In an opposite direction one could also contem- plate tobogganic models where a larger number of branch points would have to be taken into account. keywords: )(s; acta; branch; c(0)(s; certain; change; circle; complex; contours; critical; curve; descriptors; equation; equivalent; fig; figures; lett; line; models; non; nontrivial; numerical; phys; points; polytechnica; present; quantum; real; rectifiable; ref; schrödinger; shift; single; spectra; straight; symmetry; tobogganic; transition; vol; znojil; ψn(x cache: ap-1277.pdf plain text: ap-1277.txt item: #137 of 1243 id: ap-1279 author: Augustin, R.; Koleňák, R. title: Microstructure of the Transitional Area of the Connection of a High-temperature Ni-based Brazing Alloy and Stainless Steel AISI 321 (X6CrNiTi 18–10) date: 2010-01-06 words: 2578 flesch: 56 summary: Connections between Ni-based brazing alloys (NI 102) with a small content of B and AISI 321 stainless steel (X6CrNiTi 18–10) were created in a vacuum (10−2 Pa) at various brazing temperatures and for various holding times at the brazing temperature. Keywords: NI 102 brazing alloy, AISI 321, wetting, chemical microanalysis, diffusion zones. keywords: aisi; alloy; boundaries; brazing; brazing alloy; chemical; diffusion; fig; high; holding; influence; interface; microanalysis; min; parameters; solubility; specimens; stainless; temperature; time; wetting; zone cache: ap-1279.pdf plain text: ap-1279.txt item: #138 of 1243 id: ap-1281 author: Ceres, D.; Jirout, T.; Rieger, F. title: Pitched Blade Turbine Efficiency at Particle Suspension date: 2010-01-06 words: 1339 flesch: 67 summary: This paper deals with effect relative impeller size and particle content on the efficiency of a pitched six-blade turbine at particle suspension. Keywords: Pitched blade turbine, particle suspension, agitator efficiency. keywords: agitator; blade; concentration; content; diameter; fig; impeller; liquid; measurements; mixing; particle; power; rieger; solid; speed; suspension; vessel; volumetric cache: ap-1281.pdf plain text: ap-1281.txt item: #139 of 1243 id: ap-1283 author: Čech, I. title: A Model of Active Roll Vehicle Suspension date: 2010-01-06 words: 4851 flesch: 68 summary: Load transfer ratio front and rear Sw1/sst1 = kw1(Zw1 − Zk1)/sst1, Sw2/sst2 = kw2(Zw2 − Zk2)/sst2. where the static forces are sst1 = 2(mb + ms + mw)agxw2/xw, sst2 = 2(mb + ms + mw)agxw1/xw Seat-body displacements front and rear Zsb1 =Zs1 − Zb, Zsb2 =Zs2 − Zb Dynamic-to-static ratio of lateral forces between wheels and road, front and rear Sy1/sst1 = ky1Yky1/sst1, Sy2/sst2 = ky2Yky2/sst2. [N] Sqs Sf qs sqs lateral force in the joint due to the seat keywords: acceleration; acta; active; actuator; axis; axle; body; centre; constant; control; damping; displacement; dynamic; effective; equation; fig; force; frequency; gyration; height; impulse; inertia; input; joint; lateral; lateral acceleration; load; low; mass; model; moments; motion; parameters; passive; polytechnica; proportional; radius; rear; road; roll; seat; solid; spring; sqb; sqs; sst1; sst2; stability; static; stiffness; suspension; tyre; values; variant; vehicle; vertical; vol; wheel; zr2; zw2 cache: ap-1283.pdf plain text: ap-1283.txt item: #140 of 1243 id: ap-1285 author: Ficker, T. title: Fractality of Fracture Surfaces date: 2010-01-06 words: 4289 flesch: 70 summary: Keywords: fractal dimension, fracture surfaces, porous materials, compressive strength. 3 Explanatory remarks and discussion The following paragraphs provide comments on the proposed concept of fractal compressive strength in order to clarify all its crucial points. keywords: 3−di; 6/2010; balshin; case; cement; clusters; compact; components; compressive; dependence; different; dimension; euclidean; ficker; fractal; fracture; function; i=0; length; materials; model; non; number; pcr; phys; point; polytechnica; porosity; porous; relation; sample; size; solid; space; spheres; strength; structure; surfaces; vol; volume cache: ap-1285.pdf plain text: ap-1285.txt item: #141 of 1243 id: ap-1287 author: Hassan, A. H.; Rahoma, U. A.; Sabry, M.; Fathy, A. M. title: Color Portion of Solar Radiation in the Partial Annular Solar Eclipse, October 3rd, 2005, at Helwan, Egypt date: 2010-01-06 words: 4767 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: diffuse infrared solar radiation, partial solar eclipse, meteorological data, optical depth, transparency, linke turbidity and Angstrom turbidity. Due to the decreasing fraction of direct radiation at shorter wavelengths, all three parame- ters showed much weaker cloud shading effects than global solar radiation. keywords: absorption; acta; air; atmospheric; bands; color; components; day; depth; different; diffuse; direct; duration; eclipse; egypt; fig; fraction; gir; global; guv; helwan; high; higher; hourly; infrared; low; maximum; measurements; optical; percentage; polytechnica; portion; radiation; region; shows; solar; solar eclipse; solar radiation; spectral; temperature; total; transparency; turbidity; ultraviolet; values; variation; vol; wavelength cache: ap-1287.pdf plain text: ap-1287.txt item: #142 of 1243 id: ap-1289 author: Jirsa, J.; Žáček, J. title: UML-oriented Risk Analysis in Manufacturing Systems date: 2010-01-06 words: 3769 flesch: 62 summary: Keywords: risk analysis, Unified Modelling Language, manufacturing systems. For this we need risk analysis. keywords: acta; activity; analysis; application; behaviour; better; cable; case; classes; core; czech; description; diagram; example; failures; fig; hazards; important; language; line; management; manufacturing; method; modelling; necessary; new; object; paper; pay; polytechnica; portal; possible; potential; process; processing; reel; risk; risk analysis; scenarios; sequence; software; specific; steps; systems; technical; techniques; technological; tools; uml; unified; unit; use; vol cache: ap-1289.pdf plain text: ap-1289.txt item: #143 of 1243 id: ap-1291 author: Kopecký, M. title: Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition: Image Data Analysis with White-noise Reflection date: 2010-01-06 words: 4070 flesch: 65 summary: This is due to the use of a finite, not infinitesimal, amplitude of white noise which forces the ensemble to exhaust all possible solutions in the sifting process. The main purpose of adding white noise was to provide a uniform reference frame in the time–frequency space. keywords: acta; adaptive; analysis; approach; comparison; cube; data; decomposition; different; dyadic; edge; eemd; emd; empirical; ensemble; example; fig; filter; fluctuations; frequency; highs; huang; image; imfs; input; intermittent; introduction; line; local; lows; main; mean; method; mixing; mode; noise; number; original; panel; polytechnica; process; result; scale; series; set; sifting; signal; test; time; vol; white; white noise cache: ap-1291.pdf plain text: ap-1291.txt item: #144 of 1243 id: ap-1293 author: Laurent, R.; Henriet, J.; Gschwind, R.; Makovicka, L. title: A Morphing Technique Applied to Lung Motions in Radiotherapy: Preliminary Results date: 2010-01-06 words: 5741 flesch: 59 summary: 1.2 Simulation of lung motions The aim of simulating lung motion is to minimize radiation exposure due to 4DCT and to help trace the accurate motion of the lung. The first section of this paper begins with a brief review of organ motion in radiotherapy, followed by an overview of the simulation of lung motion, as well as anoverviewofmorphingalgorithmsand toolsused inmedicine. keywords: account; acta; algorithm; approach; biol; brain; breathing; contour; cycle; data; deformable; deformation; different; dimensions; end; expiration; fig; files; final; geometrical; ieee; image; imaging; implemented; important; input; inspiration; intermediate; lines; lung; medical; method; model; motion; number; order; organ; patient; phase; phys; polytechnica; radiation; radiotherapy; registration; respiratory; results; scan; section; simulation; slice; step; study; table; target; technique; transformation; treatment; tumour; use; vol; voxels; vsource cache: ap-1293.pdf plain text: ap-1293.txt item: #145 of 1243 id: ap-1295 author: Nerádová, M.; Kovačócy, P. title: Welding of Aluminum Using a Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser date: 2010-01-06 words: 1775 flesch: 59 summary: Because of the possibility of assessing the impact of voltage-inspiring geometry, penetration welding was carried out at voltages 350 V and 375 V. Based on themeasureddimensions influencesof voltageenergy, pulse duration and standoff distance on the weld ge- ometrywereevaluated. Keywords: welding parameters, laser welding, aluminum, weldability of aluminum. keywords: acta; aluminum; beam; fig; geometry; hardness; heat; high; internet; joints; laser; material; max; metal; microstructure; oxidic; parameters; pass; passes; penetration; polytechnica; surface; use; vol; welding; welds cache: ap-1295.pdf plain text: ap-1295.txt item: #146 of 1243 id: ap-1297 author: Provazník, M.; Koleňák, R. title: A Study of the Interface of Soldered Joints of SnInAgTi Active Solder with Ito Ceramics date: 2010-01-06 words: 1653 flesch: 61 summary: 3: DTA of SnInAgTi solder Fig. 4: Microstructure of SnInAgTi active solder [3] Fig. 4 presents the heterogeneous microstructure of theSnInAgTi soft active solder in themolten state. Keywords: ultrasonic activation, active solder, ITO (indium-tin oxide) ceramics. keywords: acta; activation; active; analysis; ceramics; cooling; creation; element; fig; high; indium; interface; ito; joint; materials; metal; phases; polytechnica; power; sninagti; soft; solder; soldering; temperature; ultrasonic; ultrasound; use; vol cache: ap-1297.pdf plain text: ap-1297.txt item: #147 of 1243 id: ap-1299 author: Sivkov, O. title: Practical Results of a Five-level Flying Capacitor Inverter date: 2010-01-06 words: 3638 flesch: 61 summary: f angular frequency L = x/Ω inductance Z = √ RR + XX impedance Uc01 =3/4U dc initial voltage on the capacitor C1 Uc02 =1/2U dc initial voltage on the capacitor C2 Uc03 =1/4U dc initial voltage on the capacitor C3 Fig. 4: Output voltage Uout, output current Iout and flying capacitor voltages Uc1, Uc2 and Uc3 of five-level FCMI with a resistive inductive load Fig. 5: A zoom-in of output voltage Uout, output current Iout and capacitor voltages Uc1, Uc2, Uc3 shown in Fig. 4 77 Acta Polytechnica Vol. The lower levels on phase outputs A, B, C are achievedas the difference between supply voltage Udc and capacitor voltages Uc1,2,3. keywords: amplitude; capacitor; control; converters; current; experimental; fcmi; fig; frequency; igbt; input; inverter; level; level fcmi; load; multilevel; number; output; output voltage; phase; polytechnica; power; resistance; results; scheme; simulation; simulink; source; states; strategy; switches; switching; topology; uc1; uc2; uc3; umax; uout; values; voltage cache: ap-1299.pdf plain text: ap-1299.txt item: #148 of 1243 id: ap-1301 author: Šimáně, Č. title: Non Mechanical (Mezic) Type Forces in the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics date: 2010-01-06 words: 3244 flesch: 55 summary: dt = μ(�v + �u)[div�u(�v + �u)+div�v(�v + �u)]δV = μ�v div�vδV + μudiv�uδV (9) Then the equations of motion of the unit volume el- ement take the form μ d�v dt + μ d�u dt +�v [( ∂μ ∂t ) �u +�v∇μ ] + μ�v div�v + �u [( ∂μ ∂t ) �v + �u∇μ ] + μ�udiv�u + e m μ∇ϕ + �uq =0 (10) or by putting together the third and the fourth, and the fifth, sixth and the lastmember members in (10) μ d�v dt +�v [( ∂μ ∂t ) �u +div(μ�v) ] + e m μ∇ϕ+ μ d�u dt + �u [( ∂μ ∂t ) �v +div (μ�u) ] + �uq =0 (11) Here again the partial timederivativesmust be taken at �v and �u constant. dV (2) as a sum consisting of two Lagrangeans in which the integrand is the sum of the densities of the kinetic potentials corresponding to the motions with uncor- related velocities �v and �u(rot�v = rot�u = 0) and the 81 Acta Polytechnica Vol. keywords: classical; cloud; continuity; continuous; density; electrical; electron; equation; existence; field; forces; form; independent; matter; mechanical; member; mezic; motion; non; nucleus; particle; potential; quantum; schrödinger; state; steady; substance; time; velocity; volume cache: ap-1301.pdf plain text: ap-1301.txt item: #149 of 1243 id: ap-1303 author: Zamarovský, P. title: Cosmos, Time and Creation (Remarks to the Philosophical, Theological and Physical Conceptions of Creation) date: 2010-01-06 words: 2283 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: Big Bang, creation, cosmos, time scale, imaginary time, horizon, singularity. 50 No. 6/2010 Cosmos, Time and Creation Remarks to the Philosophical, Theological and Physical Conceptions of Creation P. Zamarovský Abstract The concept of the beginning of Cosmos appears to be problematic. keywords: acta; ancient; approaches; bang; beginning; big; century; chronometric; clocks; concept; conceptions; cosmos; creation; czech; day; definition; genesis; god; horizon; imaginary; new; ordering; ordinary; philosophical; physical; physics; polytechnica; processes; scale; singularity; theological; thomas; time; universe; vol; world cache: ap-1303.pdf plain text: ap-1303.txt item: #150 of 1243 id: ap-1305 author: Živčák, J.; Roško, M. title: How to Protect Patients Digital Images/Thermograms Stored on a Local Workstation date: 2010-01-06 words: 2776 flesch: 54 summary: Auditing fingerprint logon attempts generates security events, depending on whether the audit of successes or failures, or both (in our case we audited both), is enabled. Fingerprints cannot be forgotten, shared or misplaced. keywords: acceptance; access; attempts; authentication; biometric; cit; claim; digital; enrollee; error; failed; false; far; fingerprint; fraud; frr; genuine; identity; images; information; line; logins; logon; negative; notebook; number; positive; process; rates; reader; recognition; reject; security; successful; system; tab; table; thermograms; total; true; user; vol; windows cache: ap-1305.pdf plain text: ap-1305.txt item: #151 of 1243 id: ap-1306 author: Blažek, M.; Anisimova, E.; Páta, P. title: Application of Wavelet Transform for Image Denoising of Spatially and Time Variable Astronomical Imaging Systems date: 2011-01-01 words: 2269 flesch: 61 summary: Fig. 3: Test image for wavelet transform 2.1 Results of the denoising We observed the changes of the standard deviation of the sky (background) value depending strongly on the decomposition level and the intensities of the nearby stars. Only soft thresholding [9] was ap- plied, due to its better peak signal to noise ratio for image denoising, and no thresholding was done to 1 2 12 Acta Polytechnica Vol. keywords: acta; algorithms; application; astronomical; biorthogonal; changes; data; decomposition; denoising; detection; field; function; image; influence; level; new; noise; photometry; polytechnica; processing; psf; standard; stellar; systems; table; transform; variant; vol; wavelet; wide; δmmax cache: ap-1306.pdf plain text: ap-1306.txt item: #152 of 1243 id: ap-1308 author: Castro-Tirado, A. J. title: Robotic Astronomy and the BOOTES Network of Robotic Telescopes date: 2011-01-01 words: 2464 flesch: 58 summary: 1: Distribution of robotic telescopes in the world 1following the consensus reached after one hour of discussion amongst the 80 participants who attended the “Workshop in Robotic Autonomous Observatories”, held in Málaga (Spain) on May 18–21, 2009. Nowadays it consists of 4 stations, three of them hosting 60 cm fast slewing robotic telescopes aimed at contributing significantly to various scientific fields. keywords: 10′; acta; astronomical; astronomy; bootes; bootes-2; camera; castro; ccd; coordinator; different; field; fig; filters; fov; grbs; new; observation; observatories; observer; optical; polytechnica; ray; reflector; robotic; sky; spain; station; system; telescope; tirado; transient; vol cache: ap-1308.pdf plain text: ap-1308.txt item: #153 of 1243 id: ap-1310 author: Giovannelli, F.; Sabau-Graziati, L. title: X-ray Transient Sources (Multifrequency Laboratories) The Case of the Prototype A0535+26/HDE 245770 date: 2011-01-01 words: 6787 flesch: 66 summary: The shape and intensity of X-ray outbursts are dependent on the strength of the activity of the primary. Thus the passage of the neutron star at the periastron occurs with a periodicity of 110.856 ± 0.02 days and the different kinds of X-ray outbursts of A0535+26 — following the definitions reported in the reviewbyGiovannelli & Sabau-Graziati (1992) —occur just after ∼ 8 days. keywords: a0535; acta; activity; bartolini; caballero; case; companion; cycle; days; emission; energy; et al; fig; flavia; giovannelli; giovannelli et; graziati; guarnieri; hde; high; lines; luminosity; mass; measurements; multifrequency; neutron; neutron star; october; optical; orbital; outbursts; passage; periastron; period; polytechnica; primary; pulsar; ray; ray outburst; red; sabau; sources; star; stellar; strong; system; time; vol; wind; xray cache: ap-1310.pdf plain text: ap-1310.txt item: #154 of 1243 id: ap-1312 author: Grinberg, V.; Kreykenbohm, I.; Fürst, F.; Wilms, J.; Pottschmidt, K.; Bel, M. Cadolle; Rodriguez, J.; Marcu, D. M.; Suchy, S.; Markowitz, A.; Nowak, M. A. title: Timing Analysis with INTEGRAL: Comparing Different Reconstruction Algorithms date: 2011-01-01 words: 2087 flesch: 58 summary: The power spectrum densities (PSDs) calculated from the above discussed ii light lightcurves are shown in Fig. So while a better noise correction is re- quired, ii light lightcurves are still well suited for timing studies with a 10s to 0.1s resolu- tion in the regime above 20keV. 4 Summary and Conclusions We have shown that it is possible to perform tim- ing studies with a resolution of up to 0.1 s with IN- TEGRAL when using the ii light tool. keywords: 10s; analysis; band; consistent; countrates; cyg; different; extract; extraction; field; fig; grs; image; integral; light; lightcurves; offset; resolution; results; scws; source; time; timing; usa; x-1 cache: ap-1312.pdf plain text: ap-1312.txt item: #155 of 1243 id: ap-1314 author: Hudec, R.; Blažek, M.; Hudcová, V. title: Czech Participation in the INTEGRAL Satellite: A Review date: 2011-01-01 words: 2932 flesch: 63 summary: The results of the first 7 years of investigations of various scientific targets e.g. cataclysmic variables, blazars, X-ray sources, and GRBs with the ESA INTEGRAL satellite with Czech participation are briefly presented and discussed. [26] Hudec, R. et al.: Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements, 2007, Vol. 166, p. 255–257. keywords: acta; blazars; camera; cataclysmic; curve; cvs; czech; data; deg; esa; et al; fig; fov; gamma; hard; high; hudec; ibis; integral; ips; kev; light; objects; observations; omc; optical; paper; participation; polytechnica; project; ray; rays; related; republic; results; satellite; sources; time; variables; vol cache: ap-1314.pdf plain text: ap-1314.txt item: #156 of 1243 id: ap-1316 author: Hudec, R.; Pína, L.; Maršíková, V.; Inneman, A.; Skulinová, M.; Míka, M. title: Czech Participation in International X-Ray Observatory (IXO) date: 2011-01-01 words: 3960 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: X-ray satellites, X-ray telescopes, X-ray optics. 1 Introduction The design and development of X-ray optics has a long tradition in the Czech Republic (e.g. Hudec et al., 1991, 1999, 2000, 2001, Inneman et al. 1999, 2000). keywords: accuracy; alternative; athena; czech; design; development; esa; fig; forming; future; glass; high; hudec; imaging; inneman; ixo; large; microroughness; mirrors; optical; optics; order; parameters; prague; precise; process; project; ray; ray optics; republic; required; samples; silicon; space; spie; surface; technologies; technology; telescopes; thermal; vol; wafers; wolter cache: ap-1316.pdf plain text: ap-1316.txt item: #157 of 1243 id: ap-1318 author: Hudec, R.; Hudec, L.; Klíma, M. title: Ultra Low-Dispersion Spectroscopy with Gaia and Photographic Objective Prism Surveys date: 2011-01-01 words: 2865 flesch: 56 summary: 51 No. 2/2011 5 Conclusion Variability studies based on low-dispersion spectra are expected to provide unique novel data, and can use the algorithms recently developed for automatic analyses of digitized spectral Schmidt plates. The nearest analogy is digitized prism spectral plates: the Sonneberg, PARI, Hamburg and Byurakan surveys. keywords: acta; algorithms; astronomical; byurakan; classification; czech; data; deg; digitized; dispersion; emission; esa; fig; figure; gaia; henize; hudec; images; large; lines; low; mode; objective; objects; pari; photometric; pixel; plates; polytechnica; prism; resolution; schmidt; sky; southern; spectral; spectroscopy; stars; straizys; survey; telescope; ultra; vol cache: ap-1318.pdf plain text: ap-1318.txt item: #158 of 1243 id: ap-1320 author: Hudec, R. title: The Puzzle of V407 Cygni date: 2011-01-01 words: 1603 flesch: 65 summary: 1 Introduction V407 Cyg is a symbiotic binary harboring a Mira variable, of 745 day pulsation and a possible orbital period of 43 years, at a distance of 2.5/3.0 kpc and a reddening of E(B − V ) = 0.5/0.6 (Munari et al. 1990). 51 No. 2/2011 Fig. 1: The historical light curve of V407 Cyg (Munari et al., 1990) Fig. 2: INTEGRAL IBIS observation of the V407 Cyg position (Bassani, 2010) shows the new transient to be located between two persistent hard X-ray sources, with no confirmation of the transient detection Fig. keywords: aql; astronomical; atel; box; cbet; cyg; czech; et al; fermi; gamma; hudec; mira; munari; object; observations; optical; outburst; possible; ray; republic; source; star; symbiotic; transient; v407; variable; vol cache: ap-1320.pdf plain text: ap-1320.txt item: #159 of 1243 id: ap-1322 author: Chernenko, A. title: On the Intrinsic Simplicity of Spectral Variability of GRBs date: 2011-01-01 words: 2766 flesch: 58 summary: This analysis allows us to identify time intervals where emission variability can be reduced to a single physical parameter and can therefore be robustly attributed to a single physical emitter. [1..N ], N being the total number of time intervals for a given GRB. keywords: acta; analysis; correlation; curves; different; dimensional; eigenvalues; emission; energy; entire; figure; gamma; individual; intervals; light; matrices; matrix; multi; non; number; panel; polytechnica; properties; ray; scale; series; single; spectral; sub; time; variability; vol cache: ap-1322.pdf plain text: ap-1322.txt item: #160 of 1243 id: ap-1324 author: Kovács, A.; Bagoly, Z.; Balázs, L. G.; Horváth, I.; Veres, P. title: Cosmology with Gamma-Ray Bursts Using k-correction date: 2011-01-01 words: 1831 flesch: 72 summary: The output of the calculations is the comoving isotropic energy Eiso, but this is not the endpoint: this data can be useful for estimating the ΩM parameter of the Universe and for making a GRB Hubble diagram using Amati’s relation. The Prompt Energy Re- lease of Gamma-Ray Bursts using a Cosmological k-Correction, The Astronomical Journal, 2001, Vol. 121, Issue 6, pp. keywords: amati; budapest; bursts; correlation; data; distribution; eiso; energy; figure; fluence; gamma; grb; hungary; issue; parameters; ray; relation; results; university; vol cache: ap-1324.pdf plain text: ap-1324.txt item: #161 of 1243 id: ap-1326 author: Kreykenbohm, I.; Fürst, F.; Barrágan, L.; Wilms, J.; Rothschild, R. E.; Suchy, S.; Pottschmidt, K. title: 4U 1909+07: a Hidden Pearl date: 2011-01-01 words: 3548 flesch: 73 summary: Neither the photoelectric absorption nor the power law index Γ varies with pulse phase. The temperature kT of the blackbody on the other hand does not change with pulse phase. keywords: 4u1909; accretion; acta; analysis; apj; best; blackbody; cutoffpl; data; energies; energy; field; figure; high; integral; kev; line; magnetic; model; neutron; parameters; pca; peak; period; phase; polytechnica; profile; pulse; ray; resolution; rxte; source; spectral; spectrum; star; strong; time; vol; wilms cache: ap-1326.pdf plain text: ap-1326.txt item: #162 of 1243 id: ap-1328 author: Lovisari, L.; Schindler, S.; Kapferer, W. title: XMM Observations of Metal Abundances in Galaxy Clusters date: 2011-01-01 words: 2173 flesch: 63 summary: Due to the large potential wells of galaxy clusters they retain all the enriched material. [3] Kapferer, W., Ferrari, C., Domainko, W., Mair, M., Kronberger, T., Schindler, S., Kimes- wenger, S., van Kampen, E., Breitschwerdt, D., Ruffert, M.: Simulations of galactic winds and starbursts in galaxy clusters, A & A, 447, 2006, p. 827. keywords: cluster; distribution; enrichment; galactic; galaxies; galaxy; gas; high; icm; iron; kapferer; maps; metallicity; metals; newton; pressure; ram; schindler; stripping; temperature; winds; xmm cache: ap-1328.pdf plain text: ap-1328.txt item: #163 of 1243 id: ap-1330 author: Mészáros, A.; Řípa, J.; Balázs, L. G.; Bagoly, Z.; Veres, P.; Horváth, I. title: Cosmology and the Subgroups of Gamma-ray Bursts date: 2011-01-01 words: 922 flesch: 69 summary: 51 No. 2/2011 Cosmology and the Subgroups of Gamma-ray Bursts A. Mészáros, J. Ř́ıpa, L. G. Balázs, Z. Bagoly, P. Veres, I. Horváth Abstract Both short and intermediate gamma-ray bursts are distributed anisotropically in the sky (Mészáros, A. et al. ApJ, 539, 98 (2000), Vavrek, R. et al. MNRAS, 391, 1741 (2008)). T90 is in seconds; for definitions of hardness, durationT90 and formore details see Horváth et al.: keywords: apj; bursts; et al; fig; gamma; grbs; horváth; mészáros; ray; redshifts; short cache: ap-1330.pdf plain text: ap-1330.txt item: #164 of 1243 id: ap-1332 author: Miškovičová, I.; Hanke, M.; Wilms, J.; Nowak, M. A.; Pottschmidt, K.; Schulz, N. S. title: Spectroscopy of the Stellar Wind in the Cygnus X-1 System date: 2011-01-01 words: 3409 flesch: 70 summary: The distribution of X-ray dips with or- bital phase peaks around phase 0.0 [1]. The distribution of X-ray dips with orbital phase in Cygnus X-1, MNRAS, 311, 2000, p. 861–868. keywords: absorption; accretion; astrophys; binaries; binary; black; chandra; clumps; color; curve; cygnus; different; dipping; dips; fig; hard; high; hole; light; lines; mass; mode; non; observations; obsid; orbital; phase; present; ray; soft; spectra; spectrum; star; state; stellar; strong; structure; system; time; transitions; wind; x-1 cache: ap-1332.pdf plain text: ap-1332.txt item: #165 of 1243 id: ap-1334 author: Řeřábek, M.; Páta, P. title: Advanced Processing of Images Obtained from Wide-field Astronomical Optical Systems date: 2011-01-01 words: 3716 flesch: 59 summary: An experiment for estimating the optical aber- rations of real optical systems was implemented. Optical aberrations models for linear space invariant and variant (LSI/LSV) systems are there- fore outlined in this paper. keywords: aberration; acta; algorithm; astronomical; characteristics; coma; data; deconvolution; distance; error; field; figure; fov; function; gaussian; image; image data; invariant; measurements; model; object; optical; optical system; original; polytechnica; processing; profile; psf; real; space; star; system; transfer; use; uwfc; variant; wavefront; wide; zernike; |m| cache: ap-1334.pdf plain text: ap-1334.txt item: #166 of 1243 id: ap-1336 author: Schindler, J.; Páta, P.; Klíma, M.; Fliegel, K. title: Astronomical Image Compression Techniques Based on ACC and KLT Coder date: 2011-01-01 words: 3286 flesch: 55 summary: [9] seems to be a better solution for astronomical image data compression. Keywords: astronomical image compression, Karhunen-Loève transform, dark frame compression, loss less compression algorithm, Astronomical Context Coder (ACC), JPEG 2000. keywords: acc; acta; algorithms; astronomical; background; better; bootes; coder; coding; comparison; compression; context; czech; dark; data; deep; error; estimation; field; figure; flat; format; image; input; jpeg2000; klt; loève; lossless; lossy; methods; multimedia; new; noise; pixel; polytechnica; processing; properties; ratio; results; reversible; scientific; set; sky; specific; system; technique; transform; vol; wavelet cache: ap-1336.pdf plain text: ap-1336.txt item: #167 of 1243 id: ap-1338 author: Sokołowski, M.; Należyty, M.; Majczyna, A.; Wawrzaszek, R.; Wajer, P. title: Searching for Space Debris Elements with the “Pi of the Sky” System date: 2011-01-01 words: 3012 flesch: 61 summary: 51 No. 2/2011 Distance to closest satellite Entries 9660 Mean 8346 RMS 4750 Distance from event to closest satellite [arcsec] 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 N u m b e r o f e v e n ts 210 Distance to closest satellite Entries 9660 Mean 8346 RMS 4750 = 1800’’satR Night 20070526 MC Distance to closest satellite : night 20070526 and MC Fig. 2: The image on the left shows the distribution of the distance from a flash event candidate to the closest satellite from the catalog, for events found by the coincidence algorithm during night of 2007.05.26/27. 51 No. 2/2011 Fig. 7: Example of a text file containing satellite observational data and χ2par/χ 2 line < 2, parabolic fit parameters are cho- sen. keywords: algorithms; analysis; closest; data; database; debris; earth; elements; events; figure; geostationary; image; large; line; moving; new; night; normal; objects; observations; optical; orbit; orbital; order; parameters; polytechnica; prototype; satellites; single; sky; space; space debris; system; track; transients; vol cache: ap-1338.pdf plain text: ap-1338.txt item: #168 of 1243 id: ap-1340 author: Vítek, S.; Fliegel, K.; Páta, P.; Koten, P. title: MAIA: Technical Development of a Novel System for Video Observations of Meteors date: 2011-01-01 words: 1533 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: imaging systems, image processing, ethernet camera, image intensifier, system testing, astronomy, meteors. 1 Introduction Double station observation of meteors using two video systems coupled with image intensifiers started at the Ondřejov observatory about a decade ago[1]. keywords: analog; automatic; camera; current; czech; ethernet; image; image intensifier; input; intensifier; lens; measured; meteors; mtf; new; observation; output; overall; paper; resolution; response; spatial; spectral; system; video cache: ap-1340.pdf plain text: ap-1340.txt item: #169 of 1243 id: ap-1342 author: Żarnecki, A. F.; Małek, K.; Sokołowski, M. title: Improving the Photometry of the Pi of the Sky System date: 2011-01-01 words: 2394 flesch: 53 summary: With a new calibration algorithm taking into account the spectral type of reference stars, the stability of the photometry algorithm can be significantly improved. This is an iteration procedure where stars from the list are matched against reference stars from the catalog (the TYCHO catalog is currently used). keywords: algorithms; analysis; average; bgind; cameras; catalogue; ccd; correction; data; detector; fast; field; fig; figure; filter; las; line; magnitudo; measurements; new; optical; photometry; physics; precision; prototype; ray; reference; sky; spectral; stars; system; time; university; variable; warsaw cache: ap-1342.pdf plain text: ap-1342.txt item: #170 of 1243 id: ap-1344 author: Ananikian, N.; Ananikyan, L.; Chakhmakhchyan, L.; Kocharian, A. title: Thermal Entanglement and Critical Behavior of Magnetic Properties on a Triangulated Kagomé Lattice date: 2011-01-02 words: 3562 flesch: 63 summary: Thus, the Kagomé lattice of the Ising spins (monomers) con- tains inside each triangle unit a smaller triangle of Heisenberg spins (trimer). There is a strong Heisenberg Jaa (antiferro) exchange coupling between trimeric sites of type a and a weaker Ising-type (ferro) exchange (Jab) be- tween trimeric types a and monomeric b. keywords: 3λaa; acta; behavior; bogoliubov; c(ρ; concurrence; critical; density; effective; entanglement; exchange; features; field; fig; frustrated; gibbs; heisenberg; inequality; interactions; isotropic; jaa; kagomé; lattice; magnetic; model; non; phase; phys; polytechnica; properties; quantum; rev; sec; sites; spins; state; system; temperature; thermal; transition; triangles; triangulated; type; vol; yerevan cache: ap-1344.pdf plain text: ap-1344.txt item: #171 of 1243 id: ap-1346 author: Bellucci, S.; Krivonos, S.; Sutulin, A. title: N = 4, d = 1 Supersymmetric Hyper-Kähler Sigma Models and Non-Abelian Monopole Background date: 2011-01-02 words: 5674 flesch: 66 summary: Indeed, if we rewrite (3.7) as φ̇ = Bav̇a − f,a(λσaλ̄)+ f A, f,a ≡ ∂ ∂va f, (4.1) then the r.h.s. of (4.1) has to transform as a full time derivative under supersymmetry transforma- tions (2.15). The resulting action includes a wide class of N = 4 supersymmetric mechanics describing the motion of an isospin-carrying particle over spaces with non-trivial geometry. keywords: abelian; acta; action; aij; arxiv; auxiliary; background; bellucci; bosonic; case; components; coupling; dimensional; fermionic; fermions; flat; function; gauge; harmonic; hep; hyper; instanton; isospin; ivanov; kähler; krivonos; mechanics; models; non; nut; particle; phys; physical; polytechnica; potential; qiα; rev; sigma; spaces; superfield; supermultiplet; supersymmetric; taub; tensor; time; variables; vij; vol; |v|; η̄i cache: ap-1346.pdf plain text: ap-1346.txt item: #172 of 1243 id: ap-1348 author: Bellucci, S.; Krivonos, S.; Sutulin, A. title: Five-dimensional N = 4 Supersymmetric Mechanics date: 2011-01-02 words: 4250 flesch: 64 summary: Next, we introduce the standardPoissonbrackets for bosonic fields {π,Λ} =1, { π̄,Λ } =1, {pφ, φ} =1, (2.13) so that the generators of the transformations (2.11), 2We used the following definition of the superspace measure: d4θ ≡ − 1 96 DiaDibD bj Dja. 23 Acta Polytechnica Vol. (2.16) Performing a Routh transformation over the vari- ables (Λ,Λ, φ), we reduce the action (2.8) to S̃ = S − ∫ dt { π Λ̇+ π̄ Λ̇+ pφφ̇ } (2.17) and substitute the expressions (2.16) in S̃. At the final step, we have to choose the proper parametriza- tion for bosonic components qiαA (2.6), taking into account that they contain only five independent vari- ables. keywords: abelian; acta; action; arxiv; bellucci; bosonic; case; components; dimensional; fermionic; fields; form; general; group; hep; hypermultiplets; invariant; isospin; ivanov; krivonos; lechtenfeld; mechanics; monopole; motion; non; ordinary; phys; polytechnica; possible; qiαa; qiα̂a; reduction; rev; sector; su(2; superfields; superspace; supersymmetric; system; variables; vol; vαv̄β; yang cache: ap-1348.pdf plain text: ap-1348.txt item: #173 of 1243 id: ap-1350 author: Castro, O. Osuna; Wagner, E. title: Quantum Moment Map and Invariant Integration Theory on Quantum Spaces date: 2011-01-02 words: 2415 flesch: 68 summary: q2y, E � y =0, F � y = q1/2((1+ q−2)x − (1+ s)), K � x = x, E � x = q1/2y, F � x = q5/2y∗, K � y∗ = q−2y∗, E � y∗ = q−3/2((1+ q−2)x − (1+ s)), F � y∗ =0. 30 Acta Polytechnica Vol. Using the relations ke = q2ek, f k = q2kf, ef − f e = (q − q−1)−1(sk − k−1), (9) one easily proves that (8) defines a U-action on L+(D) turning it into a left U-module *-algebra. keywords: -algebra; action; approach; hilbert; integral; integration; invariant; l+(d; map; moment; operator; quantum; relations; representations; s(a; set; space; theoretic; theory; trace; xηn; yηn cache: ap-1350.pdf plain text: ap-1350.txt item: #174 of 1243 id: ap-1352 author: Dimakis, A.; Kanning, N.; Müller-Hoissen, F. title: Bidifferential Calculus, Matrix SIT and Sine-Gordon Equations date: 2011-01-02 words: 3319 flesch: 77 summary: =1, as follows, p = p0 − tr ( (SK + KS)ΞKΞ (IM +(KΞ) 2)−1 ) = p0 +tr ( (IM +(KΞ) 2)x (I M +(KΞ) 2)−1 ) x , (22) using (19) and the identity (detM)x =tr(M xM −1) detM for an invertiblematrix function M. q in (20) can be expressed as q =2tr ( SKΞ (IM +(KΞ) 2)−1 ) . keywords: algebra; a−1; bidifferential; calculus; consequence; equation; exact; gordon; graded; integrable; invertible; let; mat(m; mat(n; matrices; matrix; miura; phys; proposition; r2)−1; result; second; self; sine; sit; solutions; system; transformation cache: ap-1352.pdf plain text: ap-1352.txt item: #175 of 1243 id: ap-1354 author: Kandirmaz, N.; Sever, R. title: Path Integral Solution of PT-/non-PT-Symmetric and non-Hermitian Hulthen Potential date: 2011-01-02 words: 1743 flesch: 81 summary: 2 PT-Symmetric and Non-Hermitian Hulthen Potential The kernel of a point particle moving in the V (x) potential in one dimension is represented by the fol- lowing path integral K(xb, tb;xa, ta) = ∫ DxDp 2π · (1) exp{i ∫ dt[pẋ − p2 2m − V (x)]} where h̄ = 1. = 1 2 √ 2 √ n +1 √ 4(n +1) 2 − (λn − Kn) 2 · √ Γ(n +1)Γ(Kn + λn + n) keywords: energy; functions; hermitian; hulthen; integral; kernel; non; path; phys; potential; sever; sin2; spectrum; symmetric cache: ap-1354.pdf plain text: ap-1354.txt item: #176 of 1243 id: ap-1356 author: Lanczewski, T. title: The Velocity Tensor and the Momentum Tensor date: 2011-01-02 words: 2124 flesch: 75 summary: Keywords: relativistic classical mechanics, velocity tensor, momentum tensor. (11) the Galilean transformation in the form G(v)= ( 1 0 −v 1 ) and hence we get Π(v)= ( 1 0 v 1 )( Π00 Π 0 1 Π10 Π 1 1 )( 1 0 −v 1 ) = ( Π00 − vΠ 0 1 Π 0 1 Π10 + v ( Π00 −Π 1 1 ) − v2Π01 Π 1 1 + vΠ 0 1 ) , (12) where all elements Πμν in Eq. keywords: case; classical; constant; description; dimensional; dynamics; equation; form; general; matrix; mechanics; momentum; relativistic; tensor; time; velocity; β(π; π00; π01 cache: ap-1356.pdf plain text: ap-1356.txt item: #177 of 1243 id: ap-1358 author: Ferreira, L. A.; Kato, S.; Sawado, N.; Toda, K. title: Quantized Solitons in the Extended Skyrme-Faddeev Model date: 2011-01-02 words: 1793 flesch: 73 summary: We have found new Hopf soliton solutions for the extended Skyrme- Faddeev model. We construct static soliton solutions carrying non- trivialHopf topological charges for afield theory that has found interesting applications in many areas of physics. keywords: energy; faddeev; field; hopf; lattice; model; phys; physics; rev; science; skyrme; solitons; solutions; su(2; theory; university; ∂iu cache: ap-1358.pdf plain text: ap-1358.txt item: #178 of 1243 id: ap-1360 author: Fotopoulos, A.; Tsulaia, M. title: Current Exchanges for Reducible Higher Spin Modes on AdS date: 2011-01-02 words: 2178 flesch: 84 summary: References [1] Vasiliev, M. A.: Fortsch. Phys. B 291, 141 (1987), Annals Phys. 177, 63 (1987), Vasiliev, M. A.: Phys. keywords: ads; arxiv; cubic; field; fronsdal; gauge; hep; higher; interaction; jhep; lagrangian; lett; modes; nucl; phys; rev; s(s; spin; tsulaia cache: ap-1360.pdf plain text: ap-1360.txt item: #179 of 1243 id: ap-1362 author: Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. title: Infinitesimal Algebraic Skeletons for a (2 + 1)-dimensional Toda Type System date: 2011-01-02 words: 3514 flesch: 70 summary: An algebraic skeleton on V is a triple (E, G, ρ), with G a (possibly infinite-dimensional) Lie group, E = V ⊕ g, g the Lie algebra of G, and ρ a repre- sentation of G on E (infinitesimally of g on E) such that ρ(g)x = Ad(g)x, for g ∈ G, x ∈ g. Let Z be a manifold of type V (i.e. ∀z ∈ Z, TzZ � V ). Keywords: Toda type system, integrability, infinitesimal skeleton, tower, Cartan connection. keywords: absolute; algebra; algebraic; cartan; connection; conservation; continuous; different; dimensional; equations; forms; group; infinitesimal; integrability; l(ξ; laws; lie; math; nonlinear; parallelism; particular; phys; problem; prolongation; p̄(ξ; representation; skeleton; structure; symmetries; system; terms; toda; tower; type; ∧dz cache: ap-1362.pdf plain text: ap-1362.txt item: #180 of 1243 id: ap-1364 author: Poghosyan, V. S.; Priezzhev, V. B. title: The Problem of Predecessors on Spanning Trees date: 2011-01-02 words: 2905 flesch: 74 summary: The known equivalence between the loop erased random walk (LERW) and the directed path on the spanning tree states that P(1) is the probability for the LERW started at i to reach the neighboring site j. 51 No. 1/2011 The Problem of Predecessors on Spanning Trees V. S. Poghosyan, V. B. Priezzhev Abstract We consider the equiprobable distribution of spanning trees on the square lattice. keywords: fixed; large; lattice; lerw; lett; loop; model; nearest; p(1; p(r; path; phys; predecessors; priezzhev; probability; problem; random; rev; ruelle; set; site; spanning; square; stat; tree; vertex; walk cache: ap-1364.pdf plain text: ap-1364.txt item: #181 of 1243 id: ap-1366 author: Schulze-Halberg, A. title: Propagators of Generalized Schrödinger Equations Related by First-order Supersymmetry date: 2011-01-02 words: 3608 flesch: 73 summary: 51 No. 1/2011 Propagators of Generalized Schrödinger Equations Related by First-order Supersymmetry A. Schulze-Halberg Abstract Weconstruct an explicit relation betweenpropagators of generalized Schrödinger equations that are linkedbyafirst-order supersymmetric transformation. We re- strict ourselves to first-order SUSY transformations of generalized Schrödinger equations, a brief review of which and of related theory is given in section 2. keywords: boundary; case; discrete; dψ0,x; equation; e→e0; f(y)h(y; function; generalized; green; k0(x; k1(x; lim; means; note; problem; propagators; relation; solutions; spectrum; susy; value; vol; ψ0(y; ∣∣∣∣∣ cache: ap-1366.pdf plain text: ap-1366.txt item: #182 of 1243 id: ap-1368 author: Shilin, I. A.; Nizhnikov, A. I. title: Some Formulas for Legendre Functions Induced by the Poisson Transform date: 2011-01-02 words: 2029 flesch: 89 summary: mn−2 ≥ 0, K = (k0, k1, . . . ,0,sinhα) and put K = (0, . . keywords: cone; formulas; functions; group; i=1; moscow; subgroup; transform; vol cache: ap-1368.pdf plain text: ap-1368.txt item: #183 of 1243 id: ap-1370 author: Takasaki, K. title: Toda Tau Functions with Quantum Torus Symmetries date: 2011-01-02 words: 1465 flesch: 74 summary: Keywords: Toda hierarchy, melting crystal model, quantum torus algebra. Toda hierarchy [5] is given by τ(s, T , T̄)= 〈s|exp ( ∞∑ k=1 TkJk ) gexp ( − ∞∑ k=1 T̄kJ−k ) |s〉, (10) where T =(T1, T2, · · ·) and T̄ =(T̄1, T̄2, · · ·) are time variables of the Toda hierarchy, 〈s| and |s〉 are the ground states 〈s| = 〈−∞| · · · ψ∗s−1ψ ∗ s , |s〉 = ψ−sψ−s+1 · · · | − ∞〉 in the charge-s sector of the Fock space, and g is an element of GL(∞)= exp ( gl(∞) ) . keywords: algebra; exp; function; hierarchy; k)m; k=1; math; model; quantum; relations; shift; symmetries; takasaki; tau; toda; torus; τ(s cache: ap-1370.pdf plain text: ap-1370.txt item: #184 of 1243 id: ap-1372 author: Catto, S.; Choun, Y. title: Supersymmetry in the Quark-Diquark and the Baryon-Meson Systems date: 2011-01-02 words: 2551 flesch: 74 summary: In the above equation n∑ n=0 (−1)n(nr −1)!(nr + l − 12)! The diagonal pieces are bilocal fields representing color singlet 1+35 mesons and 1+35+405 exotic mesons, respectively, with respect to the subgroup SU(3)c × SU(6) of the algebra. keywords: antidiquark; catto; color; components; dab; dimensional; fields; function; mass; mesons; new; quark; representation; respect; scalar; su(3)c; su(6/1; supergroup; supersymmetry; system; york cache: ap-1372.pdf plain text: ap-1372.txt item: #185 of 1243 id: ap-1374 author: Ficker, T.; Martišek, D.; Jennings, H. M. title: Surface Roughness and Porosity of Hydrated Cement Pastes date: 2011-01-03 words: 5186 flesch: 50 summary: In our preliminary study [9], it was illustrated that, in addition to the roughness numbers RN, there are very promising surface parameters of another kind called the sur- face profile (SP) and surface roughness (SR) pa- rameters derived from three-dimensional (3D) dig- ital replicas of fracture surfaces. RN numbers quan- tify the increase in the area of fracture surfaces, i.e. they are overall area characteristics, whereas SP/SR parameters evaluate surface irregularities, i.e. they quantify height differences on fracture reliefs. keywords: 20×; acta; behavior; cement; cement ratio; components; dependents; different; f(xi; fig; figure; fracture; fracture surfaces; function; graphs; hydrated; irregularities; irregularity; larger; length; linear; magnification; materials; parameters; pastes; polytechnica; porosity; profile; profile parameters; quantities; ratio; ratio r; results; roughness; roughness parameters; scales; source; spa; spc; specimens; spp; spq; spv; spz; sra; srp; srq; srv; statistical; surface; values; vol; water cache: ap-1374.pdf plain text: ap-1374.txt item: #186 of 1243 id: ap-1376 author: Ficker, T. title: Fracture Surfaces of Porous Materials date: 2011-01-03 words: 2126 flesch: 56 summary: [4] Lange,D.A., Jennings,H.M., Shah,S.P.: Rela- tionship between fracture surface roughness and fracture behavior of cement paste and mortar, J. Am. Keywords: roughness analysis, fracture surfaces, cement-based materials, confocal microscopy. keywords: analysis; behavior; capillary; cement; dependence; figure; fracture; function; graphs; ha(p; height; irregularities; jennings; lange; linear; materials; pastes; porosities; porosity; profile; roughness; shah; small; specimens; surfaces; value cache: ap-1376.pdf plain text: ap-1376.txt item: #187 of 1243 id: ap-1378 author: Hilar, M. title: 3D Modelling of a Tunnel Re-excavation in Soft Ground date: 2011-01-03 words: 3239 flesch: 53 summary: The model was prepared for analysing the conditions input into the 2D calcu- lations (location of geotechnical units, input param- eters, tunnel lining, etc.) 51 No. 3/2011 Fig. 11: Tunnel construction under micropile umbrellas the horizontal jet grouting columns (to increase their stiffness), but like the jet grouting columns drilled into the face, this approach was finished after the third section. keywords: acta; area; bench; calculations; collapsed; concrete; conditions; construction; excavation; face; figure; ground; heading; invert; lining; measures; method; modelling; monitoring; parameters; pile; pile walls; polytechnica; pre; primary; results; sprayed; stability; support; tunnel; tunnel lining; vault; vol; walls cache: ap-1378.pdf plain text: ap-1378.txt item: #188 of 1243 id: ap-1380 author: Kutílek, P.; Hozman, J. title: Determining the Position of Head and Shoulders in Neurological Practice with the use of Cameras date: 2011-01-03 words: 3492 flesch: 53 summary: In our recent method for studying only head po- sition [5], two cameras are required for determining head positions. The reason for this is the large devia- tion of head position from the optimum location in the middle distance between the two cameras, which causes large differences in the distances between the CCD sensors (cameras) and the measured head and shoulders. keywords: acta; anatomical; angle; arcsin; axes; axis; cameras; ccd; clinical; const; coordinates; correction; displacement; distance; fig; flexion; head; image; inclination; left; measured; measurement; method; mutual; neurological; optical; polytechnica; position; posture; practice; profile; right; rotation; sensors; shoulders; software; system; technique; tragus; use; vol cache: ap-1380.pdf plain text: ap-1380.txt item: #189 of 1243 id: ap-1382 author: Litecká, J.; Fabianová, J.; Pavlenko, S. title: Relation between Cutting Surface Quality and Alloying Element Contents when Using a CO2 Laser date: 2011-01-03 words: 2629 flesch: 59 summary: The experimental results are shown in graphs which illustrate the suitability of materials for achieving required cutting surface quality parameters. 51 No. 3/2011 3 Description of the experiment The following materials were chosen for an exper- iment to determine the quality characteristics of material cutting using a CO2 laser with different structures, i.e. with different alloys: S355J2C+N, QStE380TM and S2355JR. keywords: acta; chemical; cutting; experiment; fig; figure; gas; high; iso; kosice; laser; lower; material; measured; measurement; mechanical; microhardness; parameters; polytechnica; prešov; properties; quality; results; roughness; s355j2c+n; sample; speed; steel; surface; table; value; vickers; vol cache: ap-1382.pdf plain text: ap-1382.txt item: #190 of 1243 id: ap-1384 author: Stefanovič, M.; Vrbová, M. title: Optimization of a Water Window Capillary Discharge Radiation Source date: 2011-01-03 words: 3267 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: water window radiation, capillary discharge, soft X rays, nitrogen plasma. Capillary pinching discharge as water window radiation source. keywords: absorption; capillary; channel; code; current; density; discharge; distribution; electric; electrodes; electron; field; figure; filling; gas; geometry; group; high; initial; ions; line; maximum; nitrogen; output; parameters; plasma; power; pressure; radial; radiation; radius; shielded; source; spectral; temperature; time; water; window cache: ap-1384.pdf plain text: ap-1384.txt item: #191 of 1243 id: ap-1386 author: Vaněček, D.; Jirsa, J. title: Electronic Education date: 2011-01-03 words: 4610 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: e-learning, LMS, computer animation. We will fo- cus on computer animations, which are discussed in greater detail in the second and third parts of this paper. keywords: acta; adobe; animation; available; basic; browser; classical; computer; content; course; development; e.g.; education; electronic; elements; features; file; flash; frames; graphic; idea; information; interactive; internet; knowledge; lcms; learning; lms; media; multimedia; necessary; need; new; paper; parts; pictures; polytechnica; principle; screenshots; second; size; software; speed; students; study; suitable; support; systems; teacher; teaching; technical; technologies; technology; time; use; user; vividness; vol; way; web; wink cache: ap-1386.pdf plain text: ap-1386.txt item: #192 of 1243 id: ap-1388 author: Vaněček, D.; Jirsa, J. title: A Taxonomy of Technical Animation date: 2011-01-03 words: 1514 flesch: 47 summary: Our aim is to show the taxonomy of education animation. This article deals with computer animation in technical education. keywords: acta; animation; computer; didactic; dimensional; education; example; fig; figure; heat; model; motivational; polytechnica; praha; presentation; process; simulation; specific; stroke; student; taxonomy; technology; topic; vaněček; vol cache: ap-1388.pdf plain text: ap-1388.txt item: #193 of 1243 id: ap-1390 author: Vaněček, D.; Jirsa, J. title: Practical Implementation of Animation for Students of Pedagogical Studies at MIAS CTU in Prague date: 2011-01-03 words: 2936 flesch: 59 summary: ap-3-11.dvi Acta Polytechnica Vol. 51 No. 3/2011 Practical Implementation of Animation for Students of Pedagogical Studies at MIAS CTU in Prague D. Vaněček, J. Jirsa Abstract This paper shows computer animation as a teaching and learning instrument in technical education. Our aim is to show good practice in creating computer animations. keywords: acta; adobe; animated; animation; approach; appropriate; cabin; computer; concept; educational; figure; flash; following; implementation; individual; internet; layers; learning; line; necessary; order; paper; piloting; polytechnica; product; rotor; school; simple; specific; stage; students; symbols; technical; testing; topic; type; use; vol cache: ap-1390.pdf plain text: ap-1390.txt item: #194 of 1243 id: ap-1392 author: Amore, P.; Fernández, F. M. title: Rational Approximation to the Solutions of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems date: 2011-01-04 words: 3189 flesch: 79 summary: Keywords: nonlinear differential equations, Ginzburg-Landau, Wilson’s renormalization, Wegner-Houghton, Riccati equation, Padé-Hankel method. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether a kind of Padé-Hankel method may be use- ful for two-point boundary value problems given by nonlinear ordinary differential equations. keywords: approach; boundary; coefficients; convergence; differential; equation; fernández; hankel; method; phys; point; problems; references; sequences; series; solution; table; value; −0.461; −1.588 cache: ap-1392.pdf plain text: ap-1392.txt item: #195 of 1243 id: ap-1394 author: Brody, D. C.; Graefe, E. M. title: Coquaternionic Quantum Dynamics for Two-level Systems date: 2011-01-04 words: 4264 flesch: 68 summary: For this purpose, let us write i = 1 ν (iu2 + ju4 + ku5), (12) where ν = √ u22 − u24 − u25 if u24 + u25 < By differentiating σl in t for each l and using the dynamical equation (14), we deduce, after rearrange- ments of terms, the following set of generalised Bloch equations: 1 2 σ̇1 = νσ3 − u3 ν (u2σ2 + u4σ4 + u5σ5) 1 2 σ̇2 = 1 ν (u2u3σ1 − u1u2σ3 + u0u5σ4 − u0u4σ5) 1 2 σ̇3 = −νσ1 + u1 ν (u2σ2 + u4σ4 + u5σ5) (16) 1 2 σ̇4 = 1 ν (−u3u4σ1 + u0u5σ2 + u1u4σ3 + u0u2σ5) 1 2 σ̇5 = 1 ν (−u3u5σ1 − u0u4σ2 + u1u5σ3 − u0u2σ4), where we have assumed u24 + u 2 5 < u 2 2 so that ν =√ u22 − u24 − u25. keywords: acta; complex; conjugate; coquaternionic; dynamical; dynamics; eigenvalues; energy; equations; evolution; form; hamiltonian; hermitian; hyperbolic; imaginary; mechanics; open; orbits; phys; polytechnica; q22; q23; quantum; real; reduced; space; state; state space; symmetric; system; time; u22; u24; u25; unitary; use; variables cache: ap-1394.pdf plain text: ap-1394.txt item: #196 of 1243 id: ap-1396 author: Jones, H. F. title: Perturbation Theory for PT-Symmetric Sinusoidal Optical Lattices at the Symmetry-Breaking Threshold date: 2011-01-04 words: 3108 flesch: 74 summary: 2(k0 + 1 2kB )√ (w2 + 4iz) (14) η2 = kB z − x + 12iw 2(k0 + 1 2kB )√ (w2 + 4iz) . In that case, as long as w2 � 4z the arguments may be treated as effectively real, and each error function behaves like a sign function of its argument (see Figure 2(a)), so that the sum of the two behaves like the step func- tion θ(kB z − |x|). keywords: 4iz; amplitude; behaviour; case; equation; error; form; functions; jordan; large; lett; linear; order; perturbation; phys; propagation; ref; rev; second; theory; wave cache: ap-1396.pdf plain text: ap-1396.txt item: #197 of 1243 id: ap-1398 author: Kalina, M. title: Two Remarks to Bifullness of Centers of Archimedean Atomic Lattice Effect Algebras date: 2011-01-04 words: 4722 flesch: 85 summary: such that i �= j. � � �� � � � � � � � � � � p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 pn pn+1 � � �� � � � � � � � � � � a0 b0 a1 b1 a2 b2 an bn � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � c1 c2 c3 cn−1 d1 d2 d3 dn−1 Fig. For κ ∈ E we get complete atomic Boolean algebras B̃κ generated by sets of atoms Ãκ = ⋃ i∈J {pi} ∪ {aκ, bκ} ∪ ⋃ i ∈ J i > κ {ai, bi}. keywords: algebra; archimedean; atomic; atoms; bifull; boolean; c(e; center; complete; effect; elements; exists; lattice; orthomodular; riečanová; s(e; set; sets; sublattice cache: ap-1398.pdf plain text: ap-1398.txt item: #198 of 1243 id: ap-1400 author: Kirillov, O. N. title: Singularities in Structural Optimization of the Ziegler Pendulum date: 2011-01-04 words: 6455 flesch: 60 summary: The proof of optimality in non-conservative optimization problems is a mathematical challenge related to multiple eigenvalues, singularities in the stability domain, and non-convexity of the merit functional. This phenomenon has been observed in many numerical studies of non-conservative optimization problems [4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18] and was described analytically by Kirillov and Seyranian in [27, 28]. keywords: acta; beck; boundary; case; coefficients; column; conservative; corresponds; critical; critical flutter; critical load; damping; design; divergence; eigenvalues; equation; extrema; figure; finite; flutter; flutter load; follower; free; function; increase; journal; kirillov; link; load; local; mass; masses; maximum; non; optimal; optimization; pendulum; point; polytechnica; problems; singularities; stability; stiffness; structural; surface; systems; umbrella; undamped; vertical; vibration; vol; whitney; ziegler cache: ap-1400.pdf plain text: ap-1400.txt item: #199 of 1243 id: ap-1402 author: Kisil, V. V. title: Erlangen Programme at Large 3.2 Ladder Operators in Hypercomplex Mechanics date: 2011-01-04 words: 6037 flesch: 69 summary: Then there is an additional pair of hyperbolic ladder operators, which are identical (up to factors) to (26): L±j = X̃ ∓ jỸ = jq ± jh d dq . 51 No. 4/2011 Table 1: The action of hyperbolic ladder operators on a 2D lattice of eigenspaces. keywords: acta; action; algebra; case; classical; clifford; corresponding; double; dq2; dual; eigenvalues; eigenvectors; elliptic; equations; following; form; fsb; functions; group; hamiltonian; harmonic; heisenberg; hyperbolic; hypercomplex; kisil; ladder; ladder operators; lie; linear; l±h; mathematical; mechanics; non; numbers; operators; oscillator; parabolic; phase; polytechnica; principle; quantum; representation; respective; shale; similarity; sp(2; sp2; space; subgroups; symplectic; s̃p(2; theory; vol; weil; z̃/2; ρswh̄ cache: ap-1402.pdf plain text: ap-1402.txt item: #200 of 1243 id: ap-1404 author: Kotvytskiy, A. T.; Kruchkov, D. V. title: Dynamical Symmetry Breaking in RN Quantum Gravity date: 2011-01-04 words: 2952 flesch: 69 summary: Thus, we obtain the final form of the second vari- ation δ(2)Sg = 1 2M2 ∫ d4x ( √ −g · ( N RN−1h2 + 1 2 N (N − 1)RN−2h21 ) − N 2 √ −g hμν K μν RN−1h1 − (25) hμν hαβ F μναβ 2 √ −g RN − (hμν K μν )2 8 √ −g3 RN ) . Rμν � 1 2 ( ημν − hμν + hμρhνρ ) × (13)( ∂α∂μh α ν − ∂α∂ αhμν − ∂μ∂ν h keywords: action; background; breaking; case; corrections; dynamical; dyson; effect; equations; exact; field; flat; following; formalism; gravitational; gravity; hμν; metric; model; order; phys; propagator; quantum; schwinger; second; shil’nov; space; symmetry; time cache: ap-1404.pdf plain text: ap-1404.txt item: #201 of 1243 id: ap-1406 author: Masáková, Z.; Pelantová, E. title: Ito-Sadahiro numbers vs. Parry numbers date: 2011-01-04 words: 4310 flesch: 79 summary: Keywords: numeration systems, negative base, Pisot number, Parry number. 51 No. 4/2011 Ito-Sadahiro numbers vs. Parry numbers Z. Masáková, E. Pelantová keywords: acta; algebraic; base; coefficients; conjugates; d−β; expansions; form; i=0; infinite; integer; ito; minimal; negative; number; numeration; parry; periodic; perron; pisot; polynomial; proof; properties; q(β; real; sadahiro; set; system; theorem; word cache: ap-1406.pdf plain text: ap-1406.txt item: #202 of 1243 id: ap-1408 author: Paseka, J.; Janda, J. title: More on PT-Symmetry in (Generalized) Effect Algebras and Partial Groups date: 2011-01-04 words: 6796 flesch: 85 summary: In such a case the set E(H) of effects is the set of all self-adjoint operators A on a Hilbert space H between the null operator 0 and the identity operator 1 and endowed with the partial operation + defined iff A + B is in E(H), where + is the usual operator sum. if A + B is unbounded and (D(A)= D(B) or one out of A, B is bounded) , (A + B)b if A + B is bounded and D(A)= D(B), undefined otherwise and ≤ be a relation on Gr(H) defined for A, B ∈ Gr(H) by A ≤ B iff there is a positive linear operator C ∈ Gr(H) such that B = keywords: algebra; b)b; cases; commutative; complex; d(a; d(b; d(c; dimensional; effect; following; generalized; gr(h; grd; group; hermitian; hilbert; infinite; linear; operator; partial; positive; set; sgr(h; space; theorem; unbounded; wop cache: ap-1408.pdf plain text: ap-1408.txt item: #203 of 1243 id: ap-1410 author: Riečanová, Z.; Zajac, M. title: Extensions of Effect Algebra Operations date: 2011-01-04 words: 4335 flesch: 81 summary: ∈ E and partial binary op- eration ⊕ satisfying for any x, y, z ∈ E the conditions (GE1) x ⊕ y = y ⊕ x if one side is defined, (GE2) (x ⊕ y) ⊕ z = x ⊕ (y ⊕ z) if one side is defined, (GE3) We say that the operation ⊕2 extends ⊕1 (written ⊕1 ⊂ ⊕2) if for any a, b ∈ E the existence of a ⊕1 b implies that a ⊕2 b exists and a ⊕2 b = keywords: algebra; d(a; d(h; definition; effect; generalized; hilbert; linear; operators; partial; set; space; sub; sum; v(h cache: ap-1410.pdf plain text: ap-1410.txt item: #204 of 1243 id: ap-1412 author: Riečanová, Z. title: Effect Algebras of Positive Self-adjoint Operators Densely Defined on Hilbert Spaces date: 2011-01-04 words: 3539 flesch: 76 summary: Moreover, A⊕B (for A, B ∈ V(H)) and A ⊕S B (for A, B ∈ Sp(H)) coincide with the usual sum of operators A, B when at least one of them is bounded. An operator A : D(A) → H is called closed if for every sequence (xn)n∈N, xn ∈ D(A), such that xn → x ∈ H and Axn → y ∈ H as n → ∞ one has x ∈ D(A) and Ax = y. Since A ∈ V(H) is positive and hence also symmetric (see [3], p. 142) there exists a closed operator keywords: adjoint; algebra; d(a; effect; exists; generalized; hilbert; linear; operation; operators; partial; positive; self; sp(h; space; theorem; unbounded; usual; v(h cache: ap-1412.pdf plain text: ap-1412.txt item: #205 of 1243 id: ap-1414 author: Rivers, R. J. title: Path Integrals for (Complex) Classical and Quantum Mechanics date: 2011-01-04 words: 4818 flesch: 72 summary: For reasons that will rapidly become clear, we shall initially restrict ourselves to Hermitian Hamil- tonians, even though part of the original motivation for considering complex phase space was to accom- modate pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians which, by virtue of PT-symmetry, had real spectra. 51 No. 4/2011 4 Complex Classical Mechanics (CCM) We now consider complex phase space, repeating the analysis of Smilga keywords: acta; behaviour; bender; ccm; classical; classical mechanics; complex; dimensions; energy; extended; formalism; gozzi; hamiltonian; hcl(ϕ; integral; lett; mechanics; mfqm; o(h̄; particle; path; phase; phase space; phys; polytechnica; quantum; quantum mechanics; quasi; real; similarities; solutions; space; systems; time; trajectories; tunnelling; variables; vol cache: ap-1414.pdf plain text: ap-1414.txt item: #206 of 1243 id: ap-1416 author: Shapiro, B.; Tater, M. title: Polynomial Solutions of the Heun Equation date: 2011-01-04 words: 2452 flesch: 71 summary: Given a pair of polynomials {Q, P } and a positive integer n find all polynomials V such that (1) has a polynomial solution S of degree n. Polynomials V are referred to as Van Vleck poly- nomials and polynomials S as Stieltjes polynomials. Figure 3 suggests that the asymptotic root distribution of Van Vleck polynomials has a more complicated structure than before. keywords: asymptotic; case; corresponding; distribution; equation; heun; measure; polynomials; results; roots; sequence; shapiro; spectral; stieltjes; support; van; vleck; zeros cache: ap-1416.pdf plain text: ap-1416.txt item: #207 of 1243 id: ap-1418 author: Wunner, G.; Cartarius, H.; Koeberle, P.; Main, J.; Rau, S. title: Exceptional Points for Nonlinear Schroedinger Equations Describing Bose-Einstein Condensates of Ultracold Atomic Gases date: 2011-01-04 words: 4239 flesch: 59 summary: 2π, with radius r = 10−8 is per- formed around the critical scattering length N2a/au = −3π/8. From (3) it can be seen that these solutions only exist for N2a/au ≥ −3π/8. Accurate numerical stationary solutions of (1) can be determined by direct outward integration start- ing with suitable initial conditions at r = 0 keywords: acta; atoms; bifurcation; bose; chemical; circle; complex; condensates; critical; dipole; einstein; energy; equation; exceptional; field; figure; functions; gaussian; gross; interaction; length; long; main; mean; permutation; phys; pitaevskii; point; polytechnica; potential; radius; range; results; rev; scattering; solutions; state; stationary; values; variational; vol; wave cache: ap-1418.pdf plain text: ap-1418.txt item: #208 of 1243 id: ap-1420 author: Znojil, M. title: The Horizons of Observability in PT-symmetric Four-site Quantum Lattices date: 2011-01-04 words: 5887 flesch: 70 summary: One of the bound- aries (viz., the doublet of hyperbolas W (a, 0, c) = 0) describes in fact a sign-non-changing (i.e., the reality- of-energies non-changing) curve of the doubly degen- erate (and, hence, irrelevant and removable) zeros of the function W (a, 0, c) = (8 + c2 − a2)2. This recipe generates the two auxiliary roots 4 s = 4 s(±) = 20 − 2 a2 − 2 c2 − 4 b2 ± 2 √ W (a, b, c) where we already know the function of Eq. keywords: acta; attention; auxiliary; boundaries; boundary; case; circle; circular; connected; coupling; curves; d(h; d(p; decrease; domain; dynamical; elementary; energies; fact; figure; form; general; h(s; hamiltonian; hilbert; interior; lattice; line; math; mathematical; mechanics; model; new; non; phys; physical; polytechnica; present; q(a; quantum; real; ref; refs; site; small; space; spectra; straight; strong; symmetric; theor; vol; znojil cache: ap-1420.pdf plain text: ap-1420.txt item: #209 of 1243 id: ap-1422 author: Bartošek, J. title: A Pitch Detection Algorithm for Continuous Speech Signals Using Viterbi Traceback with Temporal Forgetting date: 2011-01-05 words: 3181 flesch: 64 summary: Secondly, temporal forgetting is applied in order to avoid penalizing pitch jumps after prosodic pauses of one speaker or changes in pitch connected with turn-taking in dialogs. This is the lowest frequency on which the signal is periodic, and we sense this frequency as the height (pitch) of the sound. keywords: acta; algorithm; best; candidate; cents; detection; difference; domain; er[n; errors; forgetting; frame; frequency; function; fundamental; geh; gross; higher; lower; methods; mnbfcv2; mnfbc; pda; pitch; polytechnica; precision; probability; procedure; processing; prosodic; range; rate; results; signal; speech; table; temporal; threshold; time; transition; unvoiced; viterbi; vol; xw2 cache: ap-1422.pdf plain text: ap-1422.txt item: #210 of 1243 id: ap-1424 author: Brejcha, M. title: A Wideband Low-Pass Filter for Differential Mode Distortion date: 2011-01-05 words: 2061 flesch: 65 summary: Keywords: filter, filtering, low-pass, wideband, EMC, differential mode. Ordinary filters are usually proposed for filtering the distortion from 150 kHz to 30 MHz. keywords: attenuation; band; capacitors; circuit; converter; corrective; fig; figure; filter; frequency; impedance; inductance; inductor; khz; low; mhz; parameters; parasitic; parts; resonant; section; switching; values cache: ap-1424.pdf plain text: ap-1424.txt item: #211 of 1243 id: ap-1426 author: Brueser, Ch. title: Unobtrusive Non-Contact Detection of Arrhythmias using a “Smart” Bed date: 2011-01-05 words: 3415 flesch: 57 summary: Our work prepares the way for future research on fully automatic algorithms for detecting arrhyth- mias in BCG signals. [5] Kortelainen, J. M., Virkkala, J.: FFT averaging of multichannel BCG signals from bed mattress sensor to improve estimation of heart beat in- terval, Proc. keywords: aachen; acta; activity; arrhythmias; atrial; bcg; bed; cardiac; cardiopulmonary; cardioversion; clinical; ecg; electromechanical; emfi; estimation; estimators; fibrillation; figure; frequency; germany; heart; hospital; ieee; lines; long; mattress; measurement; monitoring; non; normal; order; patients; peaks; polytechnica; psd; rate; reference; sensor; signal; sinus; spectral; spectrograms; study; subject; system; time; university; unobtrusive; vol cache: ap-1426.pdf plain text: ap-1426.txt item: #212 of 1243 id: ap-1428 author: Černý, V. title: Topology Control with Anisotropic and Sector Turning Antennas in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks date: 2011-01-05 words: 4686 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: ad-hoc network simulation, interference, antenna radiation patterns,mobile network simulation, Omnet++, topology control, interference, sector antennas, rotating antennas, wireless networks, anisotropic antennas, sensor net- works. Pmin execute: • exchange NT tables with neighbours; • test connectivity with neighbours through intermediate nodes (acting as relays); • if no nodes missing P = P −ΔPmin; • else P = P +ΔPmin and end while cycle. keywords: acta; algorithms; anisotropic; antenna; case; cluster; condition; connectivity; control; dbi; dbm; distribution; example; execute; fig; figure; gain; graph; imin; interference; level; lobe; model; neighbours; network; nodes; number; parameters; pattern; pmax; pmin; polytechnica; power; radiation; radio; receiver; rmin; sector; sta; step; topology; total; transmitter; turning; uniform; vol; δθmin cache: ap-1428.pdf plain text: ap-1428.txt item: #213 of 1243 id: ap-1430 author: Drnek, K. title: Prague’s Water Supply Station in Podolí — a Solution for the Problems of Clean Water in the 1930s date: 2011-01-05 words: 3144 flesch: 72 summary: His answer to the growing needs for more water was to build dual water pipelines to Prague, and to build more water plants to collect more water. Water supply plant inPodoĺı and Antońın Engel. keywords: building; city; clean; day; degree; engel; fig; filters; filtration; fine; floor; height; káraný; large; mesh; new; pipelines; plant; podoĺı; prague; prefilters; river; source; space; supply; system; vancl; vltava; vol; water; water plant; water supply cache: ap-1430.pdf plain text: ap-1430.txt item: #214 of 1243 id: ap-1432 author: Faltin, P.; Chaisaowong, K. title: 3D Surface-based Detection of Pleural Thickenings date: 2011-01-05 words: 2802 flesch: 59 summary: To evaluate the results, we measure both the totally de- tected volume of all thickenings, and the number of detected thickenings, for each patient. Fig. 7: Totally detected thickening volume depending on the size of the sliding convex hull Fig. 8: Detected number of thickenings depending on the size of the sliding convex hull 5 Discussion Neither an exactnumber of thickeningsnor the thick- ening volume could be determined because of the inter- and intra-reader variances. keywords: aachen; anatomical; computer; convex; data; detection; diagnosis; different; erosion; fig; figure; germany; healthy; hull; image; institute; level; lung; mask; model; number; pleural; results; rwth; segments; slice; step; structures; surface; thickenings; university; vol; volume cache: ap-1432.pdf plain text: ap-1432.txt item: #215 of 1243 id: ap-1434 author: Ficker, T. title: Surface Morphology of Porous Cementitious Materials Subjected to Fast Dynamic Fractures date: 2011-01-05 words: 1057 flesch: 49 summary: References [1] Ficker,T.,Martǐsek,D., Jennings,H.M.: Rough- ness of fracture surfaces andcompressive strength of hydrated cement pastes, Cem. [3] Ficker, T.: Fracture surfaces of porous materials, Acta Polytechnica 51(2011), no. 3, 21–24. keywords: cement; confocal; dimensional; dynamic; ficker; figure; fracture; height; hydrated; irregularities; materials; pastes; porous; profile; specimens; static; strength; surface cache: ap-1434.pdf plain text: ap-1434.txt item: #216 of 1243 id: ap-1436 author: Gruenwald, O. title: Introduction to Modeling of Buying Decisions date: 2011-01-05 words: 5043 flesch: 53 summary: The Kano model makes it possible to divide customer needs into a mandatory category, a one- dimensional category and an attractive category of requirements. The fourth type of question will evoke requirements that are already known, and consumers are aware about their expec- tations, but they have yet not been obtained in the product. keywords: acta; analysis; approach; attractive; buying; categories; category; choice; class; coefficient; conjoint; current; customer; decision; degree; dimensional; dominant; factors; importance; information; interview; kano; level; marketing; model; modeling; needs; number; opportunities; order; performance; polytechnica; process; product; purchasing; question; questionnaire; related; requirements; respondents; responses; result; satisfaction; satisfied; second; specific; students; study; survey; system; theory; type; university; use; vol cache: ap-1436.pdf plain text: ap-1436.txt item: #217 of 1243 id: ap-1438 author: Hekrdla, M. title: Numerically Optimized Uniformly Most Powerful Alphabets for Hierarchical-Decode-and-Forward Two-Way Relaying date: 2011-01-05 words: 3141 flesch: 50 summary: Table 1: Numerically optimized UMP alphabets Md Ns δ 2 min, not UMP δ 2 min, AA = AB δ 2 min, AA �= AB 2†) 1 4 4 4 4 1‡) 2 0.4 0.68 4†) 2 2.6 2 2.18 4 3 2.6 2.6 2.6 Alphabets † have the identical spectral efficiency r = log2 Md Ns = 1, where the extra dimensional- ity is taken as extra time-slots and a fair mutual comparison by minimal Euclidean distance can be made; here we need to reflect that the modulation should have the same mean symbol energy per time- slot (i.e. with the same mean power), thus in fact the case (Md = 4, Ns = 2, AA = AB), called a 4ary 2D-UMP alphabet, has δ2min = 4, which is directly equal to BPSK, and the alphabet (Md = 4, Ns = 2, AA �= AB), called a 4ary unequal 2D- UMP alphabet, then has δ2min = 4.36, which is bet- ter by 10log10 4.36 4 � 0.37dB than BPSK, see its hierarchical minimal distance in Figure 2 and the error performance comparison in Fig. In contrast to [9], whereUMP frequency-modulation alphabets have been designed, we face a problem of general UMP alphabet design with a natural unit mean symbol energy constraint, ε̄ = 1 Md Md−1∑ i=0 ||si||2. keywords: 4ary; alphabets; case; channel; coding; condition; data; decode; design; dimensional; distance; error; exclusive; fading; fig; forward; hdf; hierarchical; k=10db; linear; minimal; modulation; multi; network; optimization; parametrization; performance; problem; quaternary; rayleigh; relay; rice; rician; stage; strategy; symbol; terminals; ump; unequal; vol; way; wireless; zmd; δ2min cache: ap-1438.pdf plain text: ap-1438.txt item: #218 of 1243 id: ap-1440 author: Krejčí, R. title: PhpHMM Tool for Generating Speech Recogniser Source Codes Using Web Technologies date: 2011-01-05 words: 2535 flesch: 60 summary: About the author Robert Krejč́ı deals with digital signal processing and speech recognition focusing on optimisation of speech recogniser algorithms for systemswith limited hardware resources. For this purpose, the Speech Pro- cessing Group at the Department of Circuit Theory, CTU in Prague has been developing a “phpHMM” tool that facilitates and integrates the development of speech recognition algorithms to alternative hard- ware platforms. keywords: 0.000000e+00; 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00; acta; algorithms; calculation; code; data; database; fig; file; hardware; input; language; methods; model; optimisation; output; parametrisation; phphmm; platform; polytechnica; processing; recogniser; recognition; results; server; signal; source; speech; speech recogniser; structures; text; time; tool; use; vol; web; words cache: ap-1440.pdf plain text: ap-1440.txt item: #219 of 1243 id: ap-1442 author: Kříž, R. title: Chaos in GDP date: 2011-01-05 words: 2570 flesch: 63 summary: Hurst exponent H is directly related to fractal di- mension D, because the maximum fractal dimension for a planar tracing is 2: D + H =2 (8) 2.4 Correlation dimension Correlationdimension (DC) describes thedimension- ality of the underlying process in relation to its ge- ometrical reconstruction in phase space. [9] Alligood, T. K., Sauer, D. T., Yorke, J. A.: CHAOS an introduction to dynamical systems. Springer, 2000. keywords: analysis; calculated; chaos; chaotic; correlation; data; deterministic; dimension; discrete; dynamical; economics; equation; exponent; fig; figure; fractal; function; gdp; gross; hurst; lyapunov; nonlinear; paper; phase; polytechnica; process; product; range; rescaled; series; set; space; system; time; trend; value; vol cache: ap-1442.pdf plain text: ap-1442.txt item: #220 of 1243 id: ap-1444 author: Kunkemoeller, M.; Dietrich, P.; Pollow, M. title: Synthesis of Room Impulse Responses for Variable Source Characteristics date: 2011-01-05 words: 3193 flesch: 53 summary: Room acoustic measurements nowadays only account for omnidirectional source characteristics. This motivates a measurement method that is capable of obtaining room impulse responses for these specific radiation patterns by using a superposition approach of several measurements with technically well-defined sound sources. keywords: aachen; acoustics; acta; angle; array; chassis; complex; domain; error; fig; figure; frequency; harmonics; impulse; institute; inverse; linear; loudspeaker; measurement; method; order; pattern; polytechnica; radiation; reference; representation; responses; results; room; setup; signal; single; sound; source; spherical; superposition; synthesis; target; technical; time; variances; vol; γ̂t cache: ap-1444.pdf plain text: ap-1444.txt item: #221 of 1243 id: ap-1446 author: Obreja, R.; Edu, I. R. title: Limited Angle Torque Motors Having High Torque Density, Used in Accurate Drive Systems date: 2011-01-05 words: 2305 flesch: 58 summary: Normal flux density diagram in the stator core area Fig. 22: Torque motor with a large air-gap in load condi- tions at 1A – magnetic field distribution 78 Acta Polytechnica Vol. Users nowadays require very high-performance limited angle torque motors with high density torque. keywords: air; angle; area; area fig; axis; axis fig; density; density diagram; diagram; field; fig; flux; flux density; gap; large; limited; magnet; magnet axis; magnetic; motor; normal; normal flux; stator; tangential; torque; vol cache: ap-1446.pdf plain text: ap-1446.txt item: #222 of 1243 id: ap-1448 author: Petrák, V.; Krucký, J.; Vlčková, M. title: Boron Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Films for Biosensing Applications date: 2011-01-05 words: 2957 flesch: 54 summary: In this work we attempt to construct and disrupt supported lipid membranes (SLB) on boron doped nanocrystalline diamond (B-NCD). This is themain reason why the B-NCD sensor will work much more effectively with hydrogenated surfaces. keywords: absolute; acta; addition; band; bending; biomedical; change; circuit; czech; data; diamond; disruption; eis; electrode; equivalent; formation; frequency; impedance; lipid; liposomes; melittin; membrane; modeling; ncd; peptide; phase; polytechnica; prague; resistance; samples; sensor; slbs; solid; solution; supported; surface; technical; university; value; vol cache: ap-1448.pdf plain text: ap-1448.txt item: #223 of 1243 id: ap-1450 author: Petráková, V. title: Optical Detection of Charged Biomolecules: Towards Novel Drug Delivery Systems date: 2011-01-05 words: 2523 flesch: 53 summary: When comparing the effects observed on fluori- nated ND with the effects on oxidized ND, we find that the effect is much stronger for fluorinated ND. In our work, we study how surface modification of ND can change the color of ND luminescence (PL). keywords: acta; bond; cellular; centers; changes; charge; czech; delivery; density; diamond; different; drug; effect; figure; fluorinated; high; hydrogen; imaging; luminescence; modeling; molecules; nanodiamond; observed; polymers; polytechnica; properties; size; solution; spectra; states; surface; systems; temperature; vivo; vol; work cache: ap-1450.pdf plain text: ap-1450.txt item: #224 of 1243 id: ap-1452 author: Safan, M. A. title: Performance of Beams Made of Low-cost Self-compacting Concrete in an Aggressive Environment date: 2011-01-05 words: 6139 flesch: 59 summary: 3 Experimental study The experimental work included the manufacture of two sets of test beams. 51 No. 5/2011 Fig. 4: Exposure of test beams in an open environment under a sustained load Fig. keywords: aci; acta; aggregate; ash; beams; carbonation; cement; chloride; concrete; content; control; corroded; corrosion; cost; cracking; days; deflection; different; dolomite; ductility; durability; environment; exposure; failure; figure; fine; fly; fresh; fume; high; index; limestone; load; loading; low; main; materials; maximum; measured; mixes; penetration; percent; performance; polytechnica; powder; properties; rate; rebars; reduction; reinforcement; resistance; results; scc; self; service; silica; silica fume; specific; steel; stiffness; strength; structural; sustained; table; terms; test; test beams; type; ultimate; use; vol; water; weight; year cache: ap-1452.pdf plain text: ap-1452.txt item: #225 of 1243 id: ap-1454 author: Schlebusch, T. title: Unobtrusive Health Screening on an Intelligent Toilet Seat date: 2011-01-05 words: 3220 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: monitoring of vital parameters, personal healthcare, ambient assisted living, electrocardiogram, bioimpe- dance, toilet seat. 51 No. 5/2011 Fig. 6: Comparison of toilet seat ECG with conventional lead 1 a) typical male b) typical female Fig. 7: Weight distribution on a toilet seat 4.2 ECG measurement An example of an ECGmeasurement is shown in Fi- gure 6. keywords: aachen; acta; amplifier; analysis; bioimpedance; bis; body; care; contact; current; daily; data; device; ecg; electrodes; electronics; engineering; figure; gel; health; heart; higher; home; human; hydro; ieee; impedance; intelligent; kim; layer; leonhardt; measurement; medical; monitoring; paper; parameters; patient; polytechnica; possible; rate; reference; results; right; seat; signal; subject; systems; toilet; toilet seat; typical; use; vol cache: ap-1454.pdf plain text: ap-1454.txt item: #226 of 1243 id: ap-1456 author: Schommartz, A.; Eilebrecht, B.; Wartzek, T.; Walter, M.; Leonhardt, S. title: Advances in Modern Capacitive ECG Systems for Continuous Cardiovascular Monitoring date: 2011-01-05 words: 3136 flesch: 53 summary: This principle can also achieve interference reduction in capacitive ECG measurements. Multi-channel cECG systems enable the extraction of ECG signals even in the presence of coupled interferences, due to the additional redundant information. keywords: aachen; acta; body; capacitive; cecg; chair; channel; contact; coupling; degree; dipl.-ing; ecg; eilebrecht; electrodes; engineering; feedback; figure; filter; frequency; gain; germany; high; ieee; impedance; information; lead; leonhardt; low; measurements; medical; monitoring; multi; patient; polytechnica; pressure; research; robust; signal; surface; systems; technique; technology; university; vol; years cache: ap-1456.pdf plain text: ap-1456.txt item: #227 of 1243 id: ap-1458 author: Ulbrich, M.; Schauermann, A.; Leonhardt, S. title: The Influence of Heart and Lung Dynamics on the Impedance Cardiogram — A Simulative Analysis date: 2011-01-05 words: 2509 flesch: 51 summary: Impedance changes have been computed for all points in time and both dynamic sources, so that in total 206 simulations have been conducted (see Fi- gure 5). Fig. 4: Simulation model and current density results All simulations have been calculated on a per- sonal computer with a 64 bit operating system, an IntelR© XeonR© 5240processorwith2coresand24GB RAM. keywords: aachen; acta; addition; bioimpedance; cardiography; change; conductivity; current; data; dynamic; engineering; figure; finite; fit; frequency; heart; high; human; icg; impedance; influence; lung; measured; model; physiological; polytechnica; resolution; results; signal; simple; simulations; sources; technique; technology; temporal; thorax; time; tissue; vol; volume cache: ap-1458.pdf plain text: ap-1458.txt item: #228 of 1243 id: ap-1460 author: Vecka, J. title: Impacts of New EU and Czech Environmental Legislation on Heat and Electricity Prices of Combined Heat and Power Sources in the Czech Republic date: 2011-01-05 words: 4111 flesch: 56 summary: Table 2: Pollution fees — current and proposed in CZK per ton Pollutant Dust SOx NOx VOC Current 3000 1000 800 2000 2012–2016 4200 1350 1100 2700 2017 6300 2100 1700 4200 2018 8400 2800 2200 5600 2019 10500 3500 2800 7000 2020 12600 4200 3300 8400 2021 14700 4900 3900 9800 2022 and further 29400 9800 7800 19600 3 Future of heat prices in the Czech Republic after 2012 In the case of heat prices, therewill be no direct impact on costs or revenues for these com- panies because of the heat price structure (regulated by the Energy Regulatory Office). keywords: allocation; allowances; benchmark; co2; coal; czech; decision; derogation; directive; district; efficiency; electricity; emission; energy; environmental; eua; eur; fees; free; fuel; future; gas; heat; heating; ied; impact; implementation; increase; legislation; limits; model; natural; new; pollution; price; producers; production; republic; respect; scenario; sources; table; technology; tool; trading; value; vol cache: ap-1460.pdf plain text: ap-1460.txt item: #229 of 1243 id: ap-1462 author: Anisimova, E.; Páta, P.; Blažek, M. title: Stellar Object Detection Using the Wavelet Transform date: 2011-01-06 words: 1721 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: stellar object detection, wavelet transform. For each image there are in the first line: the number of detected stars with the coordi- nates found in the catalog, the number of detected stars not found in the catalog, the percentage of de- tected starswith coordinates found in the catalogout of the total number of objects in the catalog for the image (second row). keywords: algorithm; astronomical; background; catalog; coefficients; decomposition; detected; detection; image; level; light; number; objects; results; sextractor; stars; stellar; total; transform; trous; vol; wavelet; web cache: ap-1462.pdf plain text: ap-1462.txt item: #230 of 1243 id: ap-1464 author: Gális, R.; Hric, L.; Kundra, E.; Münz, F. title: Cataclysmic Variables — X-rays and Optical Activity in V1223 Sgr and V709 Cas date: 2011-01-06 words: 2381 flesch: 64 summary: X-ray emission is produced by the inter- action of the accreting matter with the WD surface. Typically, soft X-ray modulations were observed in the orbital period, in spin period ofWD, or a beat between the two in IPs. keywords: activity; analysis; astron; astrophys; band; bremsstrahlung; curves; cvs; data; emission; energy; fluxes; hard; ibis; integral; intermediate; ips; light; long; magnetic; objects; optical; orbital; panel; period; polars; ray; s−1; temperature; term; time; v1223sgr; variability cache: ap-1464.pdf plain text: ap-1464.txt item: #231 of 1243 id: ap-1466 author: Hölzl, J.; Wilms, J.; Kreykenbohm, I.; Schmid, Ch.; Grossberger, Ch.; Wille, M.; Eikmann, W.; Brand, T. title: Observing Galaxy Clusters with eROSITA: Simulations date: 2011-01-06 words: 1365 flesch: 65 summary: Galaxy clusters form inareasoverdensewith respect to themeanden- sity of the universe and therefore trace the large-scale structure, such that a statistically complete sample of clusters provides us with information about the cosmological parameters [4]. Amain objective of the survey is to observe galaxy clusters in order to constrain cosmological parameters and to obtain further knowledge about dark matter and dark energy. keywords: astrophys; catalogue; clusters; cosmological; dark; density; energy; erosita; evolution; function; galaxy; gamma; mass; matter; parameters; power; ray; redshift; simulation; sky; spectrum; survey; telescopes; universe cache: ap-1466.pdf plain text: ap-1466.txt item: #232 of 1243 id: ap-1468 author: Hudec, R.; Blažek, M.; Hudcová, V. title: Czech Participation in INTEGRAL: 1996–2011 date: 2011-01-06 words: 4949 flesch: 56 summary: In this paper, we deal with examples of observa- tions and analyses of INTEGRAL data with Czech participation, focusing on two categories of objects, namely cataclysmic variables (CVs) and blazars. In addition, wehaveworkedon transferring ISDC s/w packages, further development of tools for effec- tive and interactive scientific analyses and the use of INTEGRAL data, further improving the quality of astrometry and photometry, and on operating the second (local) ISDC center/office (Ondrejov Integral Data Center, OIDC) at the Ondrejov Astronomical Institute, enabling the astronomical community in the Czech Republic and in Central and East Europe to participate in scientific activities related to IN- TEGRAL, data evaluation, data archiving, and in- terpretation. keywords: access; acta; analysis; archive; astronomical; available; blazars; camera; cases; cataclysmic; catalogue; center; code; cvs; czech; data; database; deg; development; energy; esa; et al; field; fig; fov; gamma; ground; hard; high; hudec; ibis; images; information; integral; involvement; ips; isdc; java; kev; kubanek; long; new; objects; observations; observatory; omc; optical; pages; participation; petr; pixel; polytechnica; provide; ray; related; republic; results; rts2; satellite; science; scientific; sources; space; telescope; test; time; tool; use; variables; view; vol; web; years cache: ap-1468.pdf plain text: ap-1468.txt item: #233 of 1243 id: ap-1470 author: Hudec, R.; Pína, L.; Maršíková, V.; Inneman, A.; Skulinová, M.; Míka, M. title: Czech Contribution to Athena date: 2011-01-06 words: 3827 flesch: 57 summary: 1 Introduction Design and development of X-ray optics have a long tradition in the Czech Republic (e.g. Hudec et al., 1991, 1999, 2000, 2001, Inneman et al. 1999, 2000). However, the application of this technology in X-ray optics is re- lated to the need to improve accuracy significantly andminimize errors. keywords: accuracy; alternative; athena; available; baez; czech; design; development; esa; foils; forming; future; glass; high; hudec; inneman; large; mirrors; optical; optics; order; parameters; prague; precise; process; project; ray; ray optics; republic; results; samples; si wafers; silicon; space; spie; substrates; surface; technologies; technology; telescopes; thermal; thickness; vol; wafers; wolter cache: ap-1470.pdf plain text: ap-1470.txt item: #234 of 1243 id: ap-1472 author: Lewandowska, N.; Elsäesser, D.; Mannheim, K. title: Search for a Correlation Between Radio Giant Pulses and VHE Photons of the Crab Pulsar date: 2011-01-06 words: 2016 flesch: 63 summary: 51 No. 6/2011 Search for a Correlation Between Radio Giant Pulses and VHE Photons of the Crab Pulsar N. Lewandowska, D. Elsäesser, K. Mannheim Abstract The Crab pulsar is a unique source of pulsar radio emission. Among the regular pulses, radio giant pulses (GPs) are known as a special form of pulsar radio emission. keywords: astrophysical; bilous; cherenkov; correlation; crab; emission; fermi; giant; gps; hankins; journal; kondratiev; lyutikov; model; observations; photons; proceedings; pulsar; pulses; radio; science; vol cache: ap-1472.pdf plain text: ap-1472.txt item: #235 of 1243 id: ap-1474 author: Litzinger, E.; Pottschmidt, K.; Wilms, J.; Suchy, S.; Rothschild, R. E.; Kreykenbohm, I. title: Monitoring PSR B1509–58 with RXTE: Spectral analysis 1996–2010 date: 2011-01-06 words: 1454 flesch: 70 summary: 3: Pulse profiles for the energy range 3–43keV of PSR B1509–58 for the three major epochs 3, 4 and 5 5 Phase resolved spectra All pulsed (i.e., peak minus off-peak) and unpulsed (regular background) spectrawere summed to obtain averaged spectra for epochs 3–5, respectively. 51 No. 6/2011 Table 1: Best fit parameters for the phase averaged PCU2 spectra of calibration epoch 3–5 Parameter Epoch 3 Epoch 4 Epoch 5 Γ 2.022±0.001 2.021±0.001 keywords: averaged; b1509–58; best; calibration; emission; epoch; fig; fit; law; line; monitoring; parameters; pcu2; phase; power; psr; pulse; resolved; sec; spectra; table; time; unpulsed cache: ap-1474.pdf plain text: ap-1474.txt item: #236 of 1243 id: ap-1476 author: Meddi, F.; Ambrosino, F.; Rossi, C.; Nesci, R.; Sclavi, S.; Ruggieri, A.; Sestito, S.; Bruni, I.; Gualandi, R. title: A New Fast Silicon Photomultiplier Photometer date: 2011-01-06 words: 1515 flesch: 53 summary: 51 No. 6/2011 Fig. 5: Power Spectra of the Crab Pulsar signal detected by MPPC0 (upper) and P3E0 (lower) Fig. : Crab Pulsar light curves folded by “efold” for MPPC0 (upper) and P3E0 (lower) keywords: astronomical; crab; data; detectors; electronic; fast; fig; figure; light; loiano; magnitude; mppc0; optical; p3e; photometer; pps; pulsar; pulse; ray; signal; sipm; system; telescope; time; unit cache: ap-1476.pdf plain text: ap-1476.txt item: #237 of 1243 id: ap-1478 author: Mészáros, A.; Řípa, J.; Ryde, F. title: A Crazy Question: Can Apparently Brighter Gamma-ray Bursts Be Farther Away? date: 2011-01-06 words: 1764 flesch: 73 summary: In these mainly statistical studies, akeyrole is playedby theassumption that— on average — apparently fainter bursts should lie in smaller redshifts. Here it is quite evident that some of the distant bursts exceed in their observed fluence and peak-fluxes the values of those with smaller redshifts. keywords: brighter; bursts; erg; fluences; fluxes; grbs; left; long; l̃(z; mészáros; observed; p(z; panel; peak; quadrants; redshifts; right; sample; swift; units cache: ap-1478.pdf plain text: ap-1478.txt item: #238 of 1243 id: ap-1480 author: Obst, M.; Pottschmidt, K.; Lohfink, A.; Wilms, J.; Böck, M.; Smith, D. M.; Tomsick, J. A.; Kreykenbohm, I. title: GRS 1758–258: RXTE Monitoring of a Rare Persistent Hard State Black Hole date: 2011-01-06 words: 1621 flesch: 68 summary: Soft states are highlighted for episodes reaching a photon index above 2 Fig. During themonitoring, there are 7 occurrences of soft states with photon indices softer than 2. keywords: acta; black; emission; figure; flux; galactic; grs1758–258; hard; hardness; hid; hole; line; monitoring; observations; persistent; photon; polytechnica; pottschmidt; ridge; rxte; soft; source; spectrum; state; vol cache: ap-1480.pdf plain text: ap-1480.txt item: #239 of 1243 id: ap-1482 author: Páta, P. title: Influence of the Lossy Compression JPEG2000 standard on the Deformation of PSF date: 2011-01-06 words: 1253 flesch: 53 summary: Image compression based on the wavelet transform is nowadays very popular because of its nice properties. Keywords: Astronomical lossy image compression, PSFdeformation, Astronomical ContextCoder (ACC), JPEG2000. keywords: acta; algorithms; astronomical; compression; deformation; different; figure; function; image; imaging; influence; jpeg2000; lossy; object; paper; point; polytechnica; processing; psf; quality; spread; standard; system cache: ap-1482.pdf plain text: ap-1482.txt item: #240 of 1243 id: ap-1484 author: Piotrowski, L. W.; Zarnecki, A. F. title: Analysis and Simulation of the Pi of the Sky Detector Response date: 2011-01-06 words: 1789 flesch: 55 summary: 51 No. 6/2011 Fig. 5: Left: Comparison of the position determination accuracy from polynomial model profile astrometry and from ASASaperture astrometry, for stars brighter than 9m; 2 Laboratory measurements and modelling The derivation of a PSF requires a star profile with sub-pixel resolution, which can be obtained from a superposition of single star images. keywords: ccd; centre; data; diode; field; figure; frame; function; images; laboratory; large; left; measurements; model; optical; photometry; pixel; point; polynomial; position; prf; psf; results; right; sensitivity; signal; single; sky; spot; stars cache: ap-1484.pdf plain text: ap-1484.txt item: #241 of 1243 id: ap-1486 author: Roháč, J.; Řeřábek, M.; Hudec, R. title: Multi-functional star tracker — future perspectives date: 2011-01-06 words: 1634 flesch: 50 summary: Variousattitude reference sources canbe used for obtaining attitude information, e.g. Earth horizon sensors, which can be directed towards the Sun, Moon, or other planets and stars, Sun sensors, magnetometers, and star trackers (STs). The ST autonomously performs pattern recognition of stars in FoV, compares the re- sults with the star catalogue stored in the internal memory, and estimates the attitude. keywords: astronomical; attitude; camera; concept; current; czech; data; field; fov; function; idea; image; information; lens; multi; optical; power; prague; precise; processing; profile; sensors; sky; space; star; stellar; sts; systems; tracker; uwfc; wfst; wide cache: ap-1486.pdf plain text: ap-1486.txt item: #242 of 1243 id: ap-1488 author: Siudek, M.; Batsch, T.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Czyrkowski, H.; Cwiok, M.; Dabrowski, R.; Jelínek, M.; Kasprowicz, G.; Majcher, A.; Majczyna, A.; Malek, K.; Mankiewicz, L.; Nawrocki, K.; Opiela, R.; Piotrowski, L. W.; Sokolowski, M.; Wawrzaszek, R.; Wrochna, G.; Zaremba, M. title: Pi of the Sky Telescopes in Spain and Chile date: 2011-01-06 words: 1825 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: Gamma Ray Burst (GRB), prompt optical emissions, optical flashes, nova stars, variable stars, robotic telescopes. Cameras with STA0820 2k × keywords: acta; cameras; ccd; detector; fig; figure; final; flashes; gamma; gcn; institute; new; observations; observatory; optical; poland; polytechnica; prompt; prototype; ray; robotic; sky; spain; spda; stars; system; telescopes; time; unit; university; vol; warsaw cache: ap-1488.pdf plain text: ap-1488.txt item: #243 of 1243 id: ap-1490 author: Siudek, M.; Malek, K.; Mankiewicz, L.; Opiela, R.; Sokolowski, M.; Zarnecki, A. F. title: Photometric Analysis of the Pi of the Sky Data date: 2011-01-06 words: 1723 flesch: 53 summary: 51 No. 6/2011 Photometric Analysis of the Pi of the Sky Data M. Siudek, K. Malek, L. Mankiewicz, R. Opiela, M. Sokolowski, A. F. Żarnecki Abstract A database containing star measurements from the period 2006–2009 taken by the Pi of the Sky detector located in Las Campanas Observatory in Chile contains more than 2 billion measurements of almost 17 million objects. 51 No. 6/2011 Fig. 1: Precision dispersion of star brightness measurements from standard photometry for 200s exposures (20 coad- ded frames) from the Pi of the Sky prototype at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. keywords: analysis; average; correction; curve; data; database; detector; fig; figure; filters; interface; light; magnitudo; measurements; objects; order; photometry; precision; quality; reference; sky; spectral; stars; system; variable; vol; web cache: ap-1490.pdf plain text: ap-1490.txt item: #244 of 1243 id: ap-1492 author: Švéda, L.; Landováa, M.; Míka, M.; Pína, L.; Havlíková, R.; Maršíková, V. title: Thermal Forming of Glass — Experiment vs. Simulation date: 2011-01-06 words: 2124 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: X-ray mirrors, Comsol Multiphysics, simulations, thermal forming, gravity forming, in-situ measurements, data processing. [3] Chen, Y.: Thermal forming process for precision freeform optical mirrors and micro glass optics, PhD thesis, The Ohio State University, 2010. keywords: data; doors; experiments; figure; forming; function; glass; image; measurements; method; optics; order; points; polytechnica; prague; process; processing; ray; sample; shape; shaping; simulation; speed; support; temperature; thermal; time; values; vol cache: ap-1492.pdf plain text: ap-1492.txt item: #245 of 1243 id: ap-1494 author: Valtonen, M.; Sillanpää, A. title: 2005–2010 Multiwavelength Campaing of OJ287 date: 2011-01-06 words: 5688 flesch: 70 summary: [5] Sillanpää, A., Haarala, S., Valtonen,M. J., Sun- delius, B., Byrd,G.G.: Astrophys. [8] Valtonen, M. J.: Workshop onTwo Years of In- tensive Monitoring of OJ 287 and 3C66A, Pro- ceedings of the meeting held in Oxford. keywords: accretion; acta; astron; astrophys; band; binary; black; bremsstrahlung; curve; cycle; data; disk; et al; expected; extinction; figure; flux; galaxy; general; hole; host; jet; lehto; light; line; m. j.; mass; model; mon; nature; observations; oj287; optical; orbit; order; outburst; period; points; polarization; polytechnica; precessing; prediction; radiation; radio; ras; ref; relativity; secondary; september; sillanpää; spectrum; test; time; timing; valtonen; value; vol; year cache: ap-1494.pdf plain text: ap-1494.txt item: #246 of 1243 id: ap-1496 author: Bagoly, Z.; Veres, P.; Horváth, I.; Mészáros, A.; Balázs, L. G. title: On the Relation Between GRB Classes and X-ray Flashes date: 2012-01-01 words: 2129 flesch: 64 summary: The observational properties show that intermediate bursts are the softest among the three groups, meaning that their emission is concentrated to low-energy bands. 52 No. 1/2012 Table 1: Bivariate model parameters for the best-fitted (EEI) model. keywords: average; best; bic; bivariate; budapest; bursts; class; classification; component; definition; different; duration; energy; flashes; grbs; group; hardness; hungary; intermediate; long; model; parameters; population; ray; short; softest; swift; university; xrfs cache: ap-1496.pdf plain text: ap-1496.txt item: #247 of 1243 id: ap-1498 author: Giovannelli, F.; Sabau-Graziati, L. title: The Intriguing Nature of the Cataclysmic Variable SS Cygni date: 2012-01-01 words: 4805 flesch: 70 summary: Martinez-Pais et al. also determined that the optical companion of SS Cyg system is a K2–K3 late-type star. However, they cannot fit SS Cyg data by a simple model as white dwarf plus accretion disk. keywords: 1/2012; accretion; acta; apj; behaviour; cvs; cyg; data; disk; dwarf; emission; et al; field; gaudenzi; giovannelli; intermediate; ips; lines; luminosity; magnetic; martinez; multifrequency; nature; novae; optical; orbital; outburst; pais; panel; period; polar; polytechnica; quiescence; ray; ss cyg; system; s−1; vol; warner; white cache: ap-1498.pdf plain text: ap-1498.txt item: #248 of 1243 id: ap-1500 author: Grossberger, C.; Kadler, M.; Wilms, J.; Müller, C.; Beuchert, T.; Ros, E.; Ojha, R.; Aller, M.; Aller, H.; Angelakis, E.; Fuhrmann, L.; Nestoras, I.; Schmidt, R.; Zensus, J. A.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Ungerechts, H.; Sievers, A.; Riquelme, D. title: Structural Variability of 3C 111 on Parsec Scales date: 2012-01-01 words: 2501 flesch: 67 summary: 4 Summary In this paper, the ejection of new jet components on parsec scales were associated with a major flux density outburst of 3C 111 in 2007. It was shown that the major flux density outburst can be asso- ciated with the ejection of a primary jet component and secondary component. keywords: aller; apj; associated; component; core; data; density; ejection; epoch; et al; evolution; figure; flux; flux density; galaxies; jet; jets; major; model; outburst; polytechnica; primary; program; radio; region; secondary; source; time; trailing; vlba cache: ap-1500.pdf plain text: ap-1500.txt item: #249 of 1243 id: ap-1502 author: Hudec, R.; Kopel, F.; Krapp, P.; Heber, U.; Cayé, W. title: The Optical Transient Search in the Bamberg Southern Sky Survey: Preliminary Results date: 2012-01-01 words: 1907 flesch: 56 summary: We have identified a total of 189 suspicious objects (possible OT candidates according to notes in the measurement logs) found in 6 measurement logs, corresponding to a total of 5 004 fully investi- gated southern sky patrol plates. We have re-analysed these logs and re-detected and investigated relevant OT candidates. keywords: acta; afterglows; astronomical; bamberg; blinkmicroscope; candidates; fig; gamma; hudec; image; left; measurement; new; objects; observatory; optical; past; patrol; photographic; plates; ray; right; sky; southern; stars; study; surveys; total; variable; vol cache: ap-1502.pdf plain text: ap-1502.txt item: #250 of 1243 id: ap-1504 author: Hudec, R.; Hudec, L.; Klíma, M. title: Ultra Low Dispersion Spectroscopy with Gaia and Astronomical Slitless Surveys date: 2012-01-01 words: 3692 flesch: 59 summary: The motivation for studies comparing these two databases is as follows: (1) A comparison of the sim- ulated Gaia BP/RP images with those obtained from digitized Schmidt spectral plates (both using disper- sive elements) for 8 selected test fields, and (2) A fea- sibility study for application for the algorithms devel- oped for the plates for Gaia. Variability studies based on low dispersion spec- tra are expected to provide unique novel data, and can use the algorithms recently developed for auto- matic analyses of digitized spectral Schmidt plates. keywords: 1/2012; acta; algorithms; alpha; analyses; astronomical; czech; data; deg; digitized; dispersion; emission; emphasis; esa; examples; fig; figure; gaia; henize; hudec; image; institute; large; lds; lines; low; methods; objective; objects; pari; photometric; pixel; plates; polytechnica; prism; project; resolution; schmidt; sky; sonneberg; southern; spectral; spectroscopy; stars; study; survey; telescope; ultra; usa; variability; vol cache: ap-1504.pdf plain text: ap-1504.txt item: #251 of 1243 id: ap-1506 author: Jelínek, M.; Gorosabel, J.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Postigo, A. de Ugarte; Guziy, S.; Cunniffe, R.; Kubánek, P.; Prouza, M.; Vítek, S.; Hudec, R.; Reglero, V.; Sabau-Graziati, L. title: BOOTES Observation of GRB 080603B date: 2012-01-01 words: 2597 flesch: 77 summary: [3] Eisenstein, D. J., Weinberg, D. H., Agol, E., Ai- hara, H., Allende Prieto, C., Anderson, S. F., Arns, J. A., Aubourg, É., Bailey, S., Bal- binot, E., et al.: SDSS-III: Massive Spectro- scopic Surveys of the Distant Universe, the Milky Way, and Extra-Solar Planetary Systems. 5 Conclusions The 0.6 m telescope BOOTES-2 in La Mayora ob- served the optical afterglow of GRB 080603B in three filters. keywords: 080603b; afterglow; b-1b; b-2; band; bootes; break; circular; clear; decay; distribution; gamma; gcn; gcn circular; grb; grb080603b; images; infrared; jun; lightcurve; mjy; observations; optical; pairitel; ray; spain; table; telescope; trigger; vol cache: ap-1506.pdf plain text: ap-1506.txt item: #252 of 1243 id: ap-1508 author: Nesci, R.; Maselli, A.; Montagni, F.; Sclavi, S. title: S5 1803+78 Revisited date: 2012-01-01 words: 2366 flesch: 75 summary: Many BL Lacs are X-ray sources and are a substantial part of the extragalactic sources detected in γ rays. I = 1.1 mag during all our monitoring, a typical value for LBL sources, corresponding to spectral index −1.6. keywords: compton; curve; data; days; emission; flares; flux; gst; lacs; lbl; light; mag; monitoring; nesci; observations; observed; optical; ray; scale; source; spectral; synchrotron; time; variations cache: ap-1508.pdf plain text: ap-1508.txt item: #253 of 1243 id: ap-1510 author: Szécsi, D.; Bagoly, Z.; Horváth, I.; Balázs, L. G.; Veres, P.; Mészáros, A. title: GRB Duration Distribution Considering the Position of the Fermi date: 2012-01-01 words: 1479 flesch: 68 summary: Keywords: gamma-ray burst, Fermi, background. We need further investigations to decide this question, but since the shape of the dis- tribution is analogous to the literature (logarithmic distribution with two peaks), we will develop and use this method for further Fermi GRB analyses. keywords: background; budapest; burst; data; detector; distribution; fermi; figure; gamma; gbm; lightcurve; method; orientation; position; ray; statistical; time; university cache: ap-1510.pdf plain text: ap-1510.txt item: #254 of 1243 id: ap-1512 author: Kapilan, N. title: Production of Biodiesel from Vegetable Oil Using Microware Irradiation date: 2012-01-01 words: 2941 flesch: 59 summary: The fuel property analysis shows that the properties of jatropha oil biodiesel satisfy the biodiesel standards, and are close to the fossil diesel standards. The production of biodiesel from jatropha oil using a conventional heating method takes more than 1h. keywords: 1/2012; acid; acta; alternative; analysis; astm; biodiesel; biodiesel production; bis; calorific; content; conventional; curcas; energy; fossil; fuel; higher; india; irradiation; jatropha; jatropha oil; june; method; microwave; mob; nmr; oil; point; polytechnica; production; properties; reaction; renewable; standard; step; sustainable; time; transesterification; value; vegetable; vol; work cache: ap-1512.pdf plain text: ap-1512.txt item: #255 of 1243 id: ap-1514 author: Kutilek, P.; Viteckova, S. title: Prediction of Lower Extremity Movement by Cyclograms date: 2012-01-01 words: 5756 flesch: 59 summary: For a study of gait we have used new methods based on an analysis of gait angles using cyclograms (also called angle-angle diagrams or cyclokinograms) and artificial intelligence to predict human motion of legs/prostheses. The creation of cyclograms is based on gait angles that are objective, reliable and well suited for statistical study [14]. keywords: account; acta; analysis; angle; applications; area; artificial; axis; body; control; curve; cycle; cyclogram; data; diagram; dimensional; figure; gait; hip; human; inclination; input; intelligence; issue; joint; knee; learning; lower; markers; methods; model; moment; motion; movement; network; neural; neural network; new; points; polytechnica; practice; predicted; prediction; rehabilitation; second; segments; speed; states; study; subject; symbols; system; table; target; time; training; university; use; values; vol; walking cache: ap-1514.pdf plain text: ap-1514.txt item: #256 of 1243 id: ap-1516 author: Sláma, J. title: Plasma Flow and Temperature in a Gliding Reactor with Different Electrode Configurations date: 2012-01-01 words: 2017 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: gliding discharge, spectra, shape of electrodes, plasma reactor, plasma flow, temperature. Based on the NIST database [4], we found four spectral lines — λA, λB, λC and λD — typical for low temperature plasma in air. keywords: axis; camera; circular; configuration; discharge; distribution; divergent; electrodes; figure; flow; gas; gliding; guide; high; infrared; plasma; probes; reactor; region; shapes; spectra; temperature; visible cache: ap-1516.pdf plain text: ap-1516.txt item: #257 of 1243 id: ap-1518 author: Al-Turki, Y. A.; Attia, A.-F.; Soliman, H. F. title: Optimization of Fuzzy Logic Controller for Supervisory Power System Stabilizers date: 2012-01-02 words: 4753 flesch: 61 summary: However, the output space has 5 dif- ferent fuzzy sets. The idea of a 2nd order fuzzy set was introduced byMelikhov to obtain a boundary ofGaussian shape of themembership function [13]. keywords: 2/2012; 2nd; acta; adaptive; adaptive fuzzy; algorithm; case; change; chromosome; conditions; constraints; controller; deviation; dynamic; equal; fig; figure; function; fuzzy; fuzzy set; gaflc; gaussian; generator; genetic; input; lines; load; logic; machine; order; output; parameters; polytechnica; power; proposed; pss; results; rotors; rules; set; sets; sflc; simulation; speed; static; study; synchronous; system; table; time; variables; vol cache: ap-1518.pdf plain text: ap-1518.txt item: #258 of 1243 id: ap-1520 author: Balázs, L. G.; Mészáros, A.; Horváth, I.; Bagoly, Z.; Veres, P.; Tusnády, G. title: Angular Distribution of GRBs date: 2012-01-02 words: 5335 flesch: 67 summary: There are several tests for checking the complete randomness of point patterns, but these procedures do not always give information for both properties simultaneously. [14] Cline, D. B., Matthey, C., Otwinowski, S.: Gamma-Ray Bursts: 5th Huntsville Symp., In Kippen, R. M., Mallozzi, R. S., Fishman, G. J. (eds.): keywords: 2/2012; acta; angular; apj; area; bagoly; balázs; batse; bursts; case; cell; correlated; different; dimension; distances; distribution; euclidean; factor; grbs; hidden; horváth; intermediate; long; mean; mészáros; minimal; mnras; mst; non; number; p256; paper; pattern; point; polytechnica; randomness; samples; section; short; significance; simulated; simulations; sky; spanning; spectrum; sphere; squared; statistical; t90; tesselation; test; tree; variables; vol; voronoi cache: ap-1520.pdf plain text: ap-1520.txt item: #259 of 1243 id: ap-1522 author: Baroch, V.; Duchoň, B.; Faifrová, V.; Říha, Z. title: Teaching Management at Technical Universities, Business Reality in the Academic Environment date: 2012-01-02 words: 2808 flesch: 55 summary: 52 No. 2/2012 Teaching Management at Technical Universities, Business Reality in the Academic Environment V. Baroch, B. Duchoň, V. Faifrová, Z. Ř́ıha Abstract Students of technical universities often do not understand why their studies should include learning management skills (in addition to the study of economics). It also follows from these surveys that businesses require management skills to be trained at universi- ties (in-service training courses are an additional ex- pense for business companies [3]). keywords: 2/2012; acta; board; business; company; concept; ctu; decision; economics; environment; experience; form; game; graduates; graph; knowledge; making; management; polytechnica; practical; praha; real; simulation; skills; soft; source; students; study; survey; teaching; team; teamwork; technical; telecommunications; time; transportation; universities; university; vol cache: ap-1522.pdf plain text: ap-1522.txt item: #260 of 1243 id: ap-1524 author: Ficker, T. title: An Optimal Procedure for Determining the Height Parameters of Fracture Surfaces date: 2012-01-02 words: 1186 flesch: 53 summary: The first problem is that we do not know the optimal number of surface sites to be visited with the confocal mi- croscope in order to obtain reliable profile parameter values. 52 No. 2/2012 An Optimal Procedure for Determining the Height Parameters of Fracture Surfaces T. Ficker Abstract This paper presents an attempt to find an optimal procedure for determining the height parameters of fracture surfaces. keywords: acta; cement; confocal; deviation; ficker; fracture; height; measurements; measuring; number; parameters; percentage; polytechnica; profile; roughness; sites; statistical; surface; values cache: ap-1524.pdf plain text: ap-1524.txt item: #261 of 1243 id: ap-1526 author: Havlásek, P.; Jirásek, M. title: Modeling of Concrete Creep Based on Microprestress-solidification Theory date: 2012-01-02 words: 5958 flesch: 57 summary: 5 Conclusions The material model based on MPS theory has been successfully implemented into the OOFEM finite el- ement package, and has been used in simulations of concrete creep at variable temperature andhumidity. Tem- perature effect on concrete creep modeled by microprestress-solidification theory, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2004, 130, 6, 691–699. keywords: 2/2012; acta; age; aging; assumed; basic; compliance; compressive; concrete; constant; creep; cyclic; data; days; different; drying; duration; evolution; experimental; experimental data; figure; fit; humidity; loaded; loading; mechanical; microprestress; model; mpa; mps; original; parameters; polytechnica; relative; results; sealed; set; solidification; specimens; strain; t=71; temperature; theory; thermal; time; value; −6.27 cache: ap-1526.pdf plain text: ap-1526.txt item: #262 of 1243 id: ap-1528 author: Michalec, I.; Marônek, M. title: Influence of the Surface Layer when the CMT Process Is Used for Welding Steel Sheets Treated by Nitrooxidation date: 2012-01-02 words: 2127 flesch: 59 summary: However, the surface layer is a major problem during the welding process, and welding specialists face many problems regarding the weldability of steel sheets. Keywords: steel sheet, nitrooxidation, Cold Metal Transfer, porosity. keywords: 2/2012; analysis; cmt; corgon18; ferrite; figure; joints; layer; material; metal; method; microhardness; microscopic; nitrooxidation; parameters; polytechnica; porosity; process; properties; research; results; sheets; steel; surface; table; treatment; values; vol; welding cache: ap-1528.pdf plain text: ap-1528.txt item: #263 of 1243 id: ap-1530 author: Povolotskaya, E.; Mach, P. title: FMEA and FTA Analyses of the Adhesive Joining Process using Electrically Conductive Adhesives date: 2012-01-02 words: 3780 flesch: 62 summary: FMEA is a technique for analyzing the occur- rence of process failures and their effect on the re- sult of a process [7]. There are four basic types of FMEA: process FMEA, system FMEA, de- signFMEAand serviceFMEA.FMEAproduces risk priority numbers (RPNs) as outcomes. keywords: 2/2012; acta; adhesive; analysis; approach; assessment; basic; causes; conductive; control; detection; eca; effect; electrical; engineering; events; failure; fault; fig; fmea; fta; improper; inappropriate; industrial; joining; joint; lead; material; methods; mode; nonlinearity; numbers; occurrence; pad; parts; polytechnica; potential; process; quality; reliability; resistance; risk; severity; step; table; technique; tree; types; typical; vol; × × cache: ap-1530.pdf plain text: ap-1530.txt item: #264 of 1243 id: ap-1532 author: Vítek, S.; Fliegel, K.; Páta, P.; Koten, P. title: Utilization of Image Intensifiers in Astronomy date: 2012-01-02 words: 1113 flesch: 55 summary: 52 No. 2/2012 Utilization of Image Intensifiers in Astronomy S. V́ıtek, K. Fliegel, P. Páta, P. Koten Abstract In this paper we present the properties of image intensifiers, used together with fast TV cameras for astronomical purposes within the MAIA project(Meteor Automatic Imager and Analyser, primarily focused on observing meteoric events with high time resolution). This fact puts greater demands on image calibration. keywords: astronomical; automatic; camera; fliegel; gain; image; input; intensifier; koten; lens; light; mtf; noise; paper; resolution; response; spatial; spectral; system cache: ap-1532.pdf plain text: ap-1532.txt item: #265 of 1243 id: ap-1534 author: Andert, David; Frydrych, Jan; Gerndtová, Ilona title: Use of Grasses and Mixtures of Grasses for Energy Purposes date: 2012-01-03 words: 2240 flesch: 62 summary: Particular grass- land mixtures and grass species also react differently in terms of dry matter yield and optimum harvest time for biomass and its utilization for energy pur- poses during the harvest year. The optimum proportion of grass dry matter is from 35 to 50 % in the total d.m. keywords: agrostis; biogas; biomass; brome; canary; conditions; content; dry; dry matter; energy; fertilized; fertilized variant; gigantea; grass; grasses; grassland; green; harvest; highest; material; matter; mixtures; production; reed; results; seed; species; variant; yield cache: ap-1534.pdf plain text: ap-1534.txt item: #266 of 1243 id: ap-1536 author: Biath, Peter; Ondruška, Juraj title: Idealized Compression Ratio for a Screw Briquetting Press date: 2012-01-03 words: 1967 flesch: 59 summary: 52 No. 3/2012 Figure 2: Basic parts of the new screw press (1 – drive, 2 – storage node for screw and spindle, 3 – pressing chamber, 4 – feeding system) Figure 3: Pressing chamber (1, 2 – nozzles; 3 – pressing screw, 4 – feeding screw, 5 – collet, A, B, C, D, E – location of compaction) However, in this paper we will pay attention to creating the compression ratio by screw compaction only. keywords: briquetting; chamber; compaction; compression; compression ratio; design; feeder; feeding; figure; idealized; machine; material; nozzles; paper; parts; pressing; ratio; screw; section; space; technology; volume cache: ap-1536.pdf plain text: ap-1536.txt item: #267 of 1243 id: ap-1538 author: Bukovský, Ivo; Kolovratník, Michal title: A Neural Network Model for Predicting NOx at the Mělník 1 date: 2012-01-03 words: 3077 flesch: 55 summary: For more recent works, including studies of conventional NN in energetic processes, we may refer to papers [5–8], which deal with computational intelligence tools (neural networks, genetic algorithms) focused on biomass combustion. 52 No. 3/2012 Figure 2: NOx prediction by the neural network (1)–(7) with re-configurations and re-training (Figure 1) Figure 3: Detail from Figure 2 — a good prediction Figure 4: Detail from Figure 2 — a bad prediction due to outliers in the training data which is a typical problem with the improper use of neural networks for complicated systems. keywords: 3/2012; acta; algorithm; boiler; combustion; control; conventional; data; dynamic; emissions; figure; hidden; ieee; input; layer; learning; measured; minute; model; modeling; network; neural; neural network; non; nox; order; output; polytechnica; prediction; preprocessing; process; qnu; real; recurrent; retraining; time; upca(k; variables; vol cache: ap-1538.pdf plain text: ap-1538.txt item: #268 of 1243 id: ap-1540 author: Chríbik, Andrej; Polóni, Marián; Lach, Ján title: Effect of Gas Mixture Composition on the Parameters of an Internal Combustion Engine date: 2012-01-03 words: 2270 flesch: 53 summary: The introduction is a brief statement of the nature of gas mixture compositions that are useful for the purposes of combustion engines, together with the basic physical and chemical properties relevant to the burning of this gas mixture. Several previously published results have shown a significant effect of blending hydrogen into natural gas with the aim to improve the emission parameters of internal combustion engines. keywords: basic; co2; combustion; combustion engine; course; engine; figure; fuel; gas; gases; h2ng0; h2ng15; hydrogen; increases; internal; internal combustion; lean; lgw; mixture; natural; natural gas; nox; operation; oxygen; parameters; proportion; range; syngas; synthesis; vol cache: ap-1540.pdf plain text: ap-1540.txt item: #269 of 1243 id: ap-1542 author: Ismail, W. Ali; Braim, R. Rasul; Ketuly, K. Aziz; Awang Bujag, D. Siti Shamsiah; Arifin, Zainudin title: Production of Biocellulosic Ethanol from Wheat Straw date: 2012-01-03 words: 4447 flesch: 53 summary: Acid hydrolysis is becoming more popular, due to its lower cost and greater ef- fectiveness than enzymatic hydrolysis [7]. Acid hydrolysis can be divided into two groups: (a) concentrated-acid hydrolysis and (b) dilute-acid hydrolysis. keywords: acetic; acid; acid hydrolysis; arabinose; baker; cellulose; cerevisiae; concentrated; concentration; culture; detoxification; effects; ethanol; ethyl; fermentation; figure; furfural; glucose; hclo4; heating; hemicellulose; hmf; hydrolysate; hydrolysis; l g; materials; min; perchloric; process; production; saccharomyces; stage; stipitis; straw; sugars; syringaldehyde; temperature; time; vanillin; wheat; wheat straw; xylose; yeast; yield cache: ap-1542.pdf plain text: ap-1542.txt item: #270 of 1243 id: ap-1544 author: Janeba, Břetislav; Kolovratník, Michal; Bartoš, Ondřej title: Measurement of O2 in the Combustion Chamber of Apulverized Coal Boiler date: 2012-01-03 words: 1921 flesch: 59 summary: Another disadvantage of classical types of O2 analyzers is that a flue gas sam- ple cooler needs to be used, which makes the entire measurement system complicated and delays the de- livery of the acquired information. Keywords: O2 measurement, Lambda probe, Pulverized coal boiler. keywords: air; analyzer; ash; boiler; chamber; cleaning; coal; combustion; combustion chamber; concentration; extraction; extraction line; figure; flue; gas; information; line; measured; measurement; min; new; operational; periodic; pipe; plant; power; sensor; tests cache: ap-1544.pdf plain text: ap-1544.txt item: #271 of 1243 id: ap-1546 author: Jiříček, Ivo; Rudasová, Pavla; Žemlová, Tereza title: A Thermogravimetric Study of the Behaviour of Biomass Blends During Combustion date: 2012-01-03 words: 2166 flesch: 60 summary: The handbook of biomass combustion and co-firing. The difference in burnout temper- ature between charcoal and other biomass samples was in the range of 51–73 ◦C, see Tabular 2. keywords: additive; biomass; blends; burning; burnout; ccf; charcoal; combustion; figure; fuels; heat; ignition; lignin; oxygen; particle; peat; process; rate; release; samples; size; straw; study; tbo; temperature; thermogravimetric; vol cache: ap-1546.pdf plain text: ap-1546.txt item: #272 of 1243 id: ap-1548 author: Kolařík, Ladislav; Sahul, Miroslav; Kolaříková, Marie; Sahul, Martin; Turňa, Milan; Felix, Michal title: Resistance Spot Welding of dissimilar Steels date: 2012-01-03 words: 1768 flesch: 62 summary: Praha, Czech Republic Correspondence to: Abstract This paper presents an analysis of the properties of resistance spot welds between low carbon steel and austenitic CrNi stainless steel. Austenitic stainless steel and low carbon steel possess a good combination of mechanical properties, forma- bility, weldability and resistance to corrosion. keywords: analysis; austenitic; carbon; current; deltaspot; dissimilar; edx; figure; haz; joint; low; materials; metal; nugget; properties; resistance; spot; stainless; steel; welding; welds cache: ap-1548.pdf plain text: ap-1548.txt item: #273 of 1243 id: ap-1550 author: Kracík, Petr; Pospíšil, Jiří; Šnajdárek, Ladislav title: Heat Exchangers for Condensation and Evaporation Applications Operating in a Low Pressure Atmosphere date: 2012-01-03 words: 2076 flesch: 64 summary: [W] (5) • derivation equations of heat transfer through a circular wall The heat passage of the wall is composed of conduction, convection and also radiation. The calculation is based on Newton’s principle of heat transfer and the Fourier heat conduction principle, provided there is a parallel arrangement of pipes. keywords: 3/2012; acta; apparatus; bundle; chamber; coefficient; data; exchanger; figure; flow; heat; heat transfer; kpa; liquid; loops; measured; number; outside; polytechnica; power; pressure; temperature; thermocouples; transfer; tube; vacuum; vol; δtln cache: ap-1550.pdf plain text: ap-1550.txt item: #274 of 1243 id: ap-1552 author: Krátký, Lukáš; Jirout, Tomáš; Nalezenec, Jiří title: Lab-scale Technology for Biogas Production from Lignocellulose Wastes date: 2012-01-03 words: 2751 flesch: 55 summary: 52 No. 3/2012 A – scheme of the unit B – lab unit 1 – bottle with substrate, 2 – burette, 3 – balancing bottle Figure 6: Lab testing unit for investigating biogas yield In general, substrate pretreated with LHW is more digestible, the amount of biogas is increased, the residence time in the fermenter decreases, and pumping and homogenization are facilitated [5]. The effectiveness of a macerator is evaluated by the energy demand for comminution, the structure, and biogas tests of the treated material. keywords: anaerobic; ball; batch; biogas; biomass; comminution; energy; expansion; fermenter; figure; glucose; hot; lab; lhw; lignocellulose; liquid; macerator; methane; organic; potential; pressure; pretreatment; processing; scale; size; structure; substrate; technology; temperature; testing; tests; time; unit; vessel; vol; wastes; water; yield cache: ap-1552.pdf plain text: ap-1552.txt item: #275 of 1243 id: ap-1554 author: Križan, Peter; Matúš, Miloš; Kers, Jaan; Vukelić, Djordje title: Change of Pressing Chamber Conicalness at Briquetting Process in Briquetting Machine Pressing Chamber date: 2012-01-03 words: 2911 flesch: 54 summary: This type of pressing chamber is often used in the structure of briquetting machines. 52 No. 3/2012 Figure 6: Pressing force distribution across the pressing chamber Figure 6, left). keywords: axial; briquette; briquetting; chamber; compacting; conditions; conical; conical chamber; conicalness; density; experiment; figure; final; force; friction; impact; length; material; mathematical; model; parameters; pressed; pressing; pressure; process; quality; shape; temperature; wall cache: ap-1554.pdf plain text: ap-1554.txt item: #276 of 1243 id: ap-1556 author: Lisý, Martin; Baláš, Marek; Moskalík, Jiří; Štelcl, Otakar title: Biomass Gasification — Primary Methods for Eliminating Tar date: 2012-01-03 words: 3100 flesch: 57 summary: However, it seems that the addition of dolomite in the fluidized bed may be an effective primary measure for cutting down the tar content in fuel gas. The chart shows that a moderate drop in tar content in the gas was achieved, but that this drop was insignificant. keywords: 3/2012; acta; air; amounts; bed; biomass; calcination; catalyst; co2; composition; content; course; dolomite; drop; energy; engineering; experiments; feedstock; fluidized; fluidized bed; fuel; gas; gasification; gasifiers; grain; impact; interval; measures; methods; particles; polytechnica; primary; process; reactor; reduction; size; tar; temperature; use; vol; ways cache: ap-1556.pdf plain text: ap-1556.txt item: #277 of 1243 id: ap-1558 author: Matúš, Miloš; Križan, Peter title: Modularity of Pressing Tools for Screw Press Producing Solid Biofuels date: 2012-01-03 words: 2534 flesch: 54 summary: 52 No. 3/2012 Figure 1: Newly-patented design of a screw press Figure 2: Pressing chamber with tools (1 – feeding screw, 2 – pressing screw, 3 – pressing chamber, 4 – nozzles) and the continuous solid spindle with pressing screws on the ends (compressive stress). Pressing screws are designed as monolithic (Figure 3), as well as folded (Figure 8, Figure 9), which can have a rotating tip to reduce friction. keywords: axial; biomass; chamber; compaction; design; diameter; different; figure; geometry; high; increase; machine; material; modularity; nozzle; parameters; pressing; pressure; process; quality; raw; requirements; screw; screw press; shape; thread; tip; tools; variant; vol cache: ap-1558.pdf plain text: ap-1558.txt item: #278 of 1243 id: ap-1560 author: Moskalík, Jiří; Škvařil, Jan; Štelcl, Otakar; Baláš, Marek; Lisý, Martin title: Energy Recovery from Contaminated Biomass date: 2012-01-03 words: 2640 flesch: 60 summary: References [1] Baláš, M., Lisý, M.: Water-steam influence on biomass gasification process, Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, 11, 1, 2005, 14–21, (in Czech). The experiments show that the optimum temper- ature for chipboard gasification is somewhere around 800 ◦C. In gasification at temperatures in excess of 820 ◦C, fuel caking occurs in the fluidized bed, and it also solidifies above the grate. keywords: 3/2012; acta; analysis; ash; bed; biomass; chipboard; combustion; composition; compounds; contaminated; content; crushed; energy; experimental; fluidized; fuel; furniture; gasification; gasifier; heat; material; polytechnica; primary; process; production; sample; substances; table; tar; temperature; values; vol; wastes; wood cache: ap-1560.pdf plain text: ap-1560.txt item: #279 of 1243 id: ap-1562 author: Pavlatová, Monika; Horáková, Marta; Hladík, Jan; Špatenka, Petr title: Plasma Surface Treatment of Powder Materials — Process and Application date: 2012-01-03 words: 2800 flesch: 53 summary: 7 Conclusion This paper has presented a plasma treatment method for powder materials. [2,3] The bonding of new functional groups on the molecular chain during plasma surface treatment of polymer materials is one way in which this type of treatment can be used. keywords: 3/2012; abrasion; acta; adhesion; applications; cycles; czech; energy; figure; foam; higher; industrial; layer; material; modification; modified; paint; particles; plant; plasma; polyolefin; polytechnica; powder; process; production; properties; republic; sample; scale; sintered; surface; test; treatment; varnish; vol; water; wettability cache: ap-1562.pdf plain text: ap-1562.txt item: #280 of 1243 id: ap-1564 author: Plaček, Viktor; Oswald, Cyril; Hrdlička, Jan title: Optimal Combustion Conditions for a Small-scale Biomass Boiler date: 2012-01-03 words: 1869 flesch: 52 summary: However, a smaller combustion chamber leads to issues with combustion process control. Both the economic aspects and the ecological as- pects of optimal combustion can be affected by con- trolling the current excess air ratio. keywords: air; algorithm; approach; biomass; boiler; combustion; conditions; control; current; czech; emissions; excess; experimental; figure; fuel; grate; lambda; need; operation; optimal; prague; probe; process; ratio; scale; small; sweeping cache: ap-1564.pdf plain text: ap-1564.txt item: #281 of 1243 id: ap-1566 author: Pilař, Lukáš; Hrdlička, Jan title: Research and development of CO2 Capture and Storage Technologies in Fossil Fuel Power Plants date: 2012-01-03 words: 2449 flesch: 56 summary: – decreased efficiency — for this case, the post- combustion CO2 capture technology decreases the power plant’s efficiency by approximately 11 percentage points. The ammonia process consists of the following main components: – flue gas cooling and the flue gas fan – CO2 absorption – final cleaning of the scrubbed flue gas – CO2 desorption – CO2 final cleaning – CO2 compression – auxiliary cooling source – ammonia treatment A more detailed description is provided in the fol- lowing paragraphs: – flue gas cooling — the absorption process for the ammonia method takes place at low tem- peratures (5–10 ◦C), so the flue gas must be cooled down as much as possible before entering the process. keywords: absorption; amine; ammonia; capture; co2; coal; combustion; compressor; consumption; cooling; current; czech; efficiency; energy; flue; flue gas; gas; heat; method; mwe; parameters; plant; power; process; republic; solvent; steam; table; technology; temperature; vol; water cache: ap-1566.pdf plain text: ap-1566.txt item: #282 of 1243 id: ap-1568 author: Štefanica, Jiří; Hrdlička, Jan title: Experimental Investigation of Radial Gas Dispersion Coefficients in a Fluidized Bed date: 2012-01-03 words: 1933 flesch: 61 summary: Tracer gas was injected by pipe 3 in the middle of the perforated plate dis- tributor 5 (open area of 2.51 %) that was supporting the fluidized bed. %] concentration of tracer gas at a given point c∞ [vol. keywords: air; balls; bed; ceramic; coefficient; combustion; concentration; dgr; dispersion; experiment; figure; flow; fluidization; fluidized; gas; height; material; method; mixing; model; radial; rep; state; tracer; umf; velocity; vol cache: ap-1568.pdf plain text: ap-1568.txt item: #283 of 1243 id: ap-1570 author: Turňa, Milan; Ondruška, Jozef; Turňová, Zuzana title: Explosion Cladding of Lead on Steel date: 2012-01-03 words: 1921 flesch: 68 summary: Owing to its low melting point, lead is used with working temperatures only from 150 to 170 ◦C. Only technically pure lead is used in the chemical in- dustry as pure lead has the highest resistance against corrosion. 52 No. 3/2012 Explosion Cladding of Lead on Steel Milan Turňa1, Jozef Ondruška1, Zuzana Turňová1 1 Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, J. Bottu 25, 917 24 Trnava, Slovakia Correspondence to: Abstract This work deals with explosion cladding of lead on steel. keywords: 3/2012; acta; bimetals; boundary; chemical; cladding; explosion; figure; lead; materials; max; mechanical; mpa; peel; polytechnica; properties; quality; shear; specimens; steel; strength; table; technology; test; type; vol; welding cache: ap-1570.pdf plain text: ap-1570.txt item: #284 of 1243 id: ap-1572 author: Baláš, Marek; Lisý, Martin; Štelcl, Ota title: The Effect of Temperature on the Gasification Process date: 2012-01-04 words: 2064 flesch: 50 summary: Reactor parameters: • Capacity (in produced gas) 100 kWt • Fuel demand (consumption, requirement) 150 kWt • Wood consumption 40 kg · h−1 • Air flow rate 50 m3n · h−1 The basic fluid generator operation characteris- tics are described below: • Operation of the fluid generator – after ig- nition, the fluid generator is operated in combus- tion mode, so that its heating is quickit heats up quickly. This paper describes experiments that investigate the effect of temperature and pressure on gas composition and low calorific value. keywords: air; bed; biomass; calorific; chart; combustion; composition; content; dependency; effect; energy; figure; fluid; fuel; gas; gasification; generator; increase; lower; pressure; production; proportion; results; technology; temperature; value; vol cache: ap-1572.pdf plain text: ap-1572.txt item: #285 of 1243 id: ap-1574 author: Balcau, Monica; Plesa, Angela; Opruta, Dan title: Contributions to the Study of Dynamic Absorbers, a Case Study date: 2012-01-04 words: 1992 flesch: 62 summary: Figure 1: Mechanical system This case starts from the differential equation sys- tem governing the torsional vibrations created by the mechanical system presented in Figure 2: m1 d2a1 dt2 + c12(a1 − a2) = 0 m2 d2a2 dt2 + c12(a2 − a1) + c23(a2 − a3) = 0 Figure 2: Equivalent mechanical system The relative linear elongations (displacement) ai measured on the reduced circle of radius r (of the vibrations of the four reduced masses) are expressed in relation to the linear amplitudes Ai: keywords: absorber; c12; dt2; dynamic; figure; l l; mass; masses; mechanical; order; reduced; system; vibrations; x2ω20 cache: ap-1574.pdf plain text: ap-1574.txt item: #286 of 1243 id: ap-1576 author: Banyai, Daniel; Marcu, Lucian title: A Flexible Adjustment and Control System for Hydraulic Machines date: 2012-01-04 words: 2408 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: adjustable pump, control system, dynamic behavior. the electricity supply and control system for the proportional distributor, the sensors and the distributor to simulate the load; 5 keywords: adjustable; adjustment; behavior; chamber; command; control; control system; controller; displacement; dynamic; electro; equations; figure; flow; hydraulic; linear; machines; model; motor; piston; power; pressure; proportional; pump; romania; signal; system; valve; variable; vol cache: ap-1576.pdf plain text: ap-1576.txt item: #287 of 1243 id: ap-1578 author: Brázdil, Marian; Pospíšil, Jiří title: A Way to Use Waste Heat to Generate Thermoelectric Power date: 2012-01-04 words: 1765 flesch: 48 summary: Only materials which possess ZT > 0.5 are re- garded as thermoelectric materials [3]. Keywords: thermoelectricity, thermoelectric generator, seebeck effect, waste heat. keywords: 4/2012; acta; biomass; boiler; combustion; conversion; effect; efficiency; electricity; energy; figure; fuel; gas; generator; heat; high; low; materials; merit; polytechnica; potential; power; prototype; seebeck; source; systems; temperature; thermal; thermoelectric; voltage; waste cache: ap-1578.pdf plain text: ap-1578.txt item: #288 of 1243 id: ap-1580 author: Stunová, Barbora Bryksí title: Strontium As a Structure Modifier for Non-binary Al–Si Alloy date: 2012-01-04 words: 3525 flesch: 56 summary: [2,5] that the mor- phology of iron intermetallic phases can be influenced by adding strontium. Oc- casionally there are skeletal particles of magnesium phase Mg2Si, always tied to the eutectic silicon or iron phase. keywords: addition; agent; alloy; alsr10; aluminum; binary; cast; cavities; changes; coarse; defects; effect; eutectic; figure; formations; gas; influence; intermetallic; iron; magnesium; manganese; mg2si; modification; modified; morphology; non; nucleation; phases; porosity; pure; samples; shrinkage; silicon; skeletal; strontium; structure; vol cache: ap-1580.pdf plain text: ap-1580.txt item: #289 of 1243 id: ap-1582 author: Čermáková, Jiřina; Mrázek, Jakub; Fliegerová, Kateřina; Tenkrát, Daniel title: Replacing Natural Gas by Biogas — Determining the Bacterial Contamination of Biogas by PCR date: 2012-01-04 words: 3143 flesch: 51 summary: Most of the biogas that is produced comes from treated sewage sludge and biogas plants, and these systems do not contain a pasteurization step. Proteobacteria; Alphaproteobacteria Decompose polysaccharide, can cause infection SB Lactobacillus fermentum 98 Firmicutes; Lactobacillales Produce lactic acid, can cause infection SB Uncultured Lachnospiraceae bacterium 98 Firmicutes; Clostridia – SB, SW Uncultured Bacteroidetes clone 100 Bacteroidetes Produce propionic, lactic and acetic acid, can cause infection B1W, NG Uncultured clostridium clone 36 Firmicutes, Clostridia – B2W Leucobacter 100 Actinobacteria; Actinobacteridae – SB Uncultured Bacteroidetes bacterium 95 Bacteroidetes Produce propionic, lactic and acetic acid, can cause infection NG Uncultured clostridiales bacterium 100 Firmicutes, Clostridia – B1W, B2W, BB, SW, SB, NG E. coli 100 Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobacteria From intestinal micro-flora, can cause toxins NG Staphylococcus sp. 100 Firmicutes; Bacili Very adaptable pathogen B1W, B2W, NG Pseudomonas fluorescens 99 Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobacteria Reduce nitrate, opportunistic pathogen SW Candidatus Nitrospiradefluvii 99 Nitrospirae; Nitrospira Reduce nitrate SA Column S for percentage similarity of closest sequence in GenBank B1W biogas behind the digester from waste water treatment B2W biogas behind the adsorption unit from waste water treatment BB biogas from biogas plant SW sludge from waste water treatment SB substrate from biogas plant NG natural gas 35 Acta Polytechnica Vol. keywords: 4/2012; acta; adsorption; anaerobic; b1w; b2w; bacterial; bacteria·m−3; biogas; biomethane; corrosion; czech; digester; digestion; distribution; energy; firmicutes; grid; heat; methods; microbial; microorganisms; molecular; natural; natural gas; number; pcr; plant; polytechnica; present; process; republic; samples; sludge; species; substrate; table; total; treatment; uncultured; unit; use; vol; waste; water cache: ap-1582.pdf plain text: ap-1582.txt item: #290 of 1243 id: ap-1584 author: Čermáková, Jiřina; Doucek, Aleš; Polák, Lukáš title: Energy Accumulation by Hydrogen Technologies date: 2012-01-04 words: 1879 flesch: 55 summary: This discordance between energy production and energy utilization can be dealt with by hydrogen accumulation. • Longer-term lack of energy production due to unfavourable weather conditions; basically this period is not longer than 7–10 days. keywords: cell; consumption; electricity; electrolyzer; energy; figure; fuel; household; hybrid; hydrogen; immediate; model; panels; photovoltaic; plants; power; pressure; production; results; simulation; storage; system; tank cache: ap-1584.pdf plain text: ap-1584.txt item: #291 of 1243 id: ap-1586 author: Demianová, Kristína; Ožvold, Milan; Turňa, Milan title: Application of Induction Heating for Brazing Parts of Solar Collectors date: 2012-01-04 words: 1881 flesch: 63 summary: 52 No. 4/2012 a) 2.26 kW, 35 s, FL10 b) 2.9 kW, 18 s, FL10 c) 2.6 kW, 25 s, FL10 d) 2.6 kW, 25 s, FL10 Figure 3: Brazed joints fabricated with various parameters a) 2.6 kW, 26 s, Nocolok b) 2.6 kW, 28 s, FL20 c) 2.69 kW, 24 s, FL20 Figure 4: Brazed joints fabricated with various parameters 2.6 kW, 26 s, FL20 Figure 5: Macrostructure of the brazed joint of specimen P6 with a detail of the microstructure cal melting of the flange at brazing time 18 s. A se- ries of brazed joints were fabricated with three types of fluxes (Nocolok, BrazeTec F32/80 and BrazeTec F30/70) and the AlSi12brazing alloy type. keywords: alloy; brazetec; brazing; coil; collectors; figure; flange; flux; heating; induction; joint; materials; melting; nocolok; parameters; parts; polytechnica; power; solar; suitable; surface; technology; time; type; vol cache: ap-1586.pdf plain text: ap-1586.txt item: #292 of 1243 id: ap-1588 author: Dlouhý, Tomáš; Dupal, Tomáš; Dlouhý, Jan title: A Pulverized Coal-Fired Boiler Optimized for Oxyfuel Combustion Technology date: 2012-01-04 words: 3231 flesch: 59 summary: • Enter the connection order of – Water and steam – Flue gas – Air • Define the heat transfer from flue gas to wa- ter/steam/air. According to generally presented recommendations, backed up by our own calculations, a 70 % flue gas recycling ra- tio is considered (i.e. approximately twice the amount of flue gas that forms). keywords: 4/2012; acta; air; boiler; co2; coal; combustion; conditions; design; economizer; figure; flow; flue; flue gas; gas; heating; lower; model; modifications; new; order; outlet; output; oxyfuel; oxygen; oxygen combustion; plant; polytechnica; rate; recycling; reference; reheater; size; span; steam; superheater; surface; technology; temperature; vol; water cache: ap-1588.pdf plain text: ap-1588.txt item: #293 of 1243 id: ap-1590 author: Goliaš, Marcel; Palenčár, Rudolf title: Determination of Uncertainties for Correlated Input Quantities by the Monte Carlo Method date: 2012-01-04 words: 1572 flesch: 52 summary: Figure 2 shows the probability density functions and the frequency distributions (histograms) of the rectangle obtained by the distribution propagation by Monte Carlo simulation for the three correlation coef- ficients. Keywords: uncertainty of measurement, Monte Carlo method, correlation. keywords: carlo; correlation; density; distribution; input; measurement; method; model; monte; output; probability; propagation; quantities; quantity; simulation; uncertainties; uncertainty cache: ap-1590.pdf plain text: ap-1590.txt item: #294 of 1243 id: ap-1592 author: Grepl, Martin; Pagáč, Marek; Petrů, Jana title: Laser Cutting of Materials of Various Thicknesses date: 2012-01-04 words: 2312 flesch: 65 summary: 52 No. 4/2012 Table 5: Laser cutting velocities with 80 % power Number of cut Velocities of laser cutting [mm · min−1] Cut 8a 500 Cut 8b 600 Cut 8c 400 Cut 8d 300 Cut 8e 450 Figure 6: The cuts of variable cutting velocity with constant power 80 % Cuts nos. Figure 1: Principle of laser cutting 62 Acta Polytechnica Vol. keywords: 4/2012; acta; alloy; cut; cuts; cutting; delta; figure; gas; laser; material; metal; min−1; nos; output; parameters; polytechnica; power; process; quality; recast; source; speed; suitable; system; thickness; view; vol cache: ap-1592.pdf plain text: ap-1592.txt item: #295 of 1243 id: ap-1594 author: Janásek, Adam; Čep, Robert; Brychta, Josef title: Checking the Geometric Accuracy of a Machine Tool for Selected Geometric Parameters date: 2012-01-04 words: 2716 flesch: 73 summary: References [1] ISO 10791-2 – Test conditions for machine cen- tres — Part 2: Geometric tests for machines with vertical spindle or universal heads with vertical primary rotary axis (vertical Z-axis). [5] ISO 10791-1 – Test conditions for machine cen- tres — Part 1: Geometric tests for machines with horizontal spindle and with accessory heads (hor- izontal Z-axis). keywords: axis; distance; figure; geometric; machine; measured; measurement; milling; scheme; spindle; standard; table; terms; test; value cache: ap-1594.pdf plain text: ap-1594.txt item: #296 of 1243 id: ap-1596 author: Janovec, Jiří; Poláchová, Daniela; Junek, Michal title: Lifetime Assessment of a Steam Pipeline date: 2012-01-04 words: 2269 flesch: 60 summary: Another topic for research is the design of checks on the service life of steam pipelines in the area of creep damage and damage assessment of the mi- crostructures of grade 15 steels and the new class of T23, T24, P91, P92 and E911 steels. 78 Acta Polytechnica Vol. Keywords: life assessment of a steam pipeline, creep damage, assessment of microstructure damage. keywords: 4/2012; acta; assessment; cavitation; cavities; class; creep; czech; damage; figure; hours; hrs; joints; life; lifetime; material; method; microstructure; min; mpa; necessary; operating; parameters; pipeline; piping; plants; polytechnica; power; service; stage; states; steam; steel; table; tests; type; vol cache: ap-1596.pdf plain text: ap-1596.txt item: #297 of 1243 id: ap-1598 author: Jusko, Ondrej title: New Abrasive Materials and Their Influence on the Surface Quality of Bearing Steel After Grinding date: 2012-01-04 words: 1390 flesch: 63 summary: This situation provided the moti- vation to seek a new direction in the development of grinding wheels, and to investigate a type of grind- ing wheel with an innovative abrasive material. A 99A 60J 9V grinding wheel was used. keywords: abral; abrasive; al2o3; bearing; cbn; conventional; cycle; figure; grains; grinding; high; influence; material; min; new; results; roughness; roundness; steel; surface; wheel cache: ap-1598.pdf plain text: ap-1598.txt item: #298 of 1243 id: ap-1600 author: Kolařík, Ladislav; Kolaříková, Marie; Kovanda, Karel; Pantůček, Marek; Vondrouš, Petr title: Advanced Functions of a Modern Power Source for GMAW Welding of Steel date: 2012-01-04 words: 2594 flesch: 68 summary: Developments in modern microelectronics have led to rapid advances in welding sources. Research and development carried out by manufacturers of welding sources focuses on rapid optimal control of the welding parameters dur- ing welding. keywords: arc; control; current; evolution; faces; figure; function; gmaw; heat; iac; input; layer; lower; metal; migatronic; parameters; position; process; repeat; root; sample; sequence; short; source; spatter; standard; table; time; transfer; vertical; voltage; welding cache: ap-1600.pdf plain text: ap-1600.txt item: #299 of 1243 id: ap-1602 author: Kupec, Tomáš; Hlavačová, Ivana; Turňa, Milan title: Metallurgical Joining of Magnesium Alloys by the FSW Process date: 2012-01-04 words: 1393 flesch: 58 summary: 1 % Nital Figure 5: Microstructure of weld metal, etch. The measured microhardness values in the base metal, HAZ and weld metal did not differ consider- ably. keywords: 4/2012; acta; alloy; base; boundary; equipment; figure; friction; fsw; institute; magnesium; materials; metal; microhardness; parameters; phase; pin; polytechnica; process; stir; technology; tool; vol; welding cache: ap-1602.pdf plain text: ap-1602.txt item: #300 of 1243 id: ap-1604 author: Laska, Mateusz; Kazior, Jan title: Influence of Various Process Parameters on the Density of Sintered Aluminium Alloys date: 2012-01-04 words: 1358 flesch: 53 summary: The results showed that the green density increases with compaction pressure, but that sintered density is independent of green density (compaction pressure) for each sintering temperature. Figure 2 presents the relationship between sintered density and com- paction pressure for different sintering temperatures. keywords: alloys; aluminium; compaction; compacts; densification; density; different; ea231; ea321; factor; figure; function; green; powders; pressure; samples; silicon; sintered; sintering; specimens; theoretical cache: ap-1604.pdf plain text: ap-1604.txt item: #301 of 1243 id: ap-1606 author: Marcu, Ioan-Lucian; Banyai, Daniel-Vasile title: Fundamental Research on Hydraulic Systems Driven by Alternating Flow date: 2012-01-04 words: 2089 flesch: 46 summary: 52 No. 4/2012 Fundamental Research on Hydraulic Systems Driven by Alternating Flow Ioan-Lucian Marcu1, Daniel-Vasile Banyai1 1 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Mechanical Engineering, B-dul Muncii Nr. 103-105 Cluj-Napoca Romania Correspondence to: Abstract This paper presents a new approach to rotary hydraulic systems, and the functional principles of rotary hydraulic systems that can work using alternating flows. Hydraulic transmissions using alternating flows are based on bidirectional displacement of a predefined volume of fluid through the connection pipes between the alternating flow, the pressure energy generator and the motor. keywords: alternating; connection; drop; experimental; figure; flow; fluid; functioning; generator; hydraulic; hydraulic motor; instantaneous; max; motor; output; parameters; phase; pistons; pressure; principles; rotary; star; stroke; system; volume; way; working cache: ap-1606.pdf plain text: ap-1606.txt item: #302 of 1243 id: ap-1608 author: Petera, Pavel title: Holding Pressure and Its Influence on Quality in PIM Technology date: 2012-01-04 words: 1566 flesch: 56 summary: It can be seen from these graphic relations, which show the density across the sample, that where there was higher holding pressure the distribution of the density values was more homogeneous. Keywords: PIM, holding pressure, phase separation. keywords: binder; ceramic; density; different; distribution; higher; influence; injection; material; molding; necessary; pim; places; polymeric; powder; pressure; processing; quality; specimens; technology; values cache: ap-1608.pdf plain text: ap-1608.txt item: #303 of 1243 id: ap-1610 author: Purgar, Amon; Winter, Franz title: Concepts of Emission Reduction in Fluidized Bed Combustion of Biomass date: 2012-01-04 words: 2305 flesch: 57 summary: This status report focuses on the current operation of fluidized bed combustors. Various emission reduction concepts for fluidized bed combustors that are typical for their industrial sector are discussed. keywords: air; bed; biomass; capacity; catalytic; cleaning; combustion; combustors; communal; conversion; energy; figure; flue; fluidization; fluidized; fuel; gas; industry; material; paper; plants; pulp; reduction; sewage; sludge; system; thermal; treatment; waste cache: ap-1610.pdf plain text: ap-1610.txt item: #304 of 1243 id: ap-1612 author: Skaloń, Mateusz; Kazior, Jan title: Influence of the Amount of Master Alloy on the Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steel AISI 316L Powder Sintered in Hydrogen date: 2012-01-04 words: 1971 flesch: 61 summary: 3.3 Microhardness Figure 3 presents the results of microhardness mea- surements of sintered AISI 316L powders. The major in- crease in sintered density for 0.3 % wt. amount of boron suggests some changes in the sintering mech- anisms than when smaller lower amounts of boron were added. keywords: 316l; addition; aisi; austenitic; boron; density; figure; grain; hardness; influence; layer; liquid; material; metallurgy; microhardness; microstructure; porosity; powder; sintered; sintering; stainless; steel; surface; vol cache: ap-1612.pdf plain text: ap-1612.txt item: #305 of 1243 id: ap-1614 author: Vavruška, Petr title: Creating a Multi-axis Machining Postprocessor date: 2012-01-04 words: 2473 flesch: 61 summary: It is usually possible to specify the limits of machine tool axes and then during transformation the postprocessor checks the positions of the axes in the whole machine tool. Multi-axis machine tools are distinguished by their nomenclature (location of the rotary axes), and hence transformation equations can be created. keywords: axes; axis; cam; case; control; data; figure; file; functions; language; machine; machining; method; multi; necessary; positions; postprocessor; prague; production; program; rotary; system; tool; transformation cache: ap-1614.pdf plain text: ap-1614.txt item: #306 of 1243 id: ap-1616 author: Zahradník, Radek title: The Simulation of the Influence of Water Remnants on a Hot Rolled Plate after Cooling date: 2012-01-04 words: 1034 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: water remnants, FEA, simulation, hot plate. This paper focuses on a numerical calculation (finite ele- ment analysis) of rolled plate deformations, and the goal is to find whether the water remnants have a significant influence on the shape of the rolled plate. keywords: analysis; cooling; displacement; element; field; figure; finite; heat; hot; model; plate; remnants; temperature; transfer; water cache: ap-1616.pdf plain text: ap-1616.txt item: #307 of 1243 id: ap-1618 author: Murray-Smith, David J. title: An Application of the Individual Channel Analysis and Design Approach to Control of a Two-input Two-output Coupled-tanks System date: 2012-01-04 words: 8757 flesch: 57 summary: The avail- ability of a comprehensive nonlinear model of the system, together with linearised representations ap- propriate for control system design, also makes this system suitable for the teaching of practical aspects of multi-input multi-output control system analysis and design using ICAD or other approaches. This could also illustrate the benefits of bringing together simulation and experimental testing within the processes of control system design and implemen- tation. keywords: 4/2012; acta; analysis; application; approach; area; axis; case; changes; channel; closed; continuous; control; control system; controller; cross; demanded; design; diagram; drain; equations; experimental; feedback; figure; flow; frequency; function; gain; horizontal; icad; individual; input; level; line; liquid; loop; magnitude; methodology; methods; model; multivariable; nonlinear; operating; output; paper; performance; phase; plant; point; polytechnica; process; reference; results; robustness; shows; similar; simulation; simulation results; single; small; step; structure; system; tank; terms; test; time; transfer; use; values; vol cache: ap-1618.pdf plain text: ap-1618.txt item: #308 of 1243 id: ap-1620 author: Bauer, Jan title: Simulation of a Matrix Converter Fed Drive With Sliding Mode Control date: 2012-01-05 words: 4331 flesch: 63 summary: Let us to investigate the existence condition for sliding mode torque control. There will always be one vector Figure 7: Principle of sliding mode torque control. keywords: 5/2012; acta; algorithm; amplitude; analysis; approach; available; circuit; control; controller; converter; current; drive; equivalent; fig; figure; flux; frequency; induction; input; inverter; link; machine; matrix; mode; modulation; motor; order; output; paper; phase; polytechnica; power; sliding; space; state; switches; switching; system; target; time; torque; torque control; value; variables; vector; virtual; voltage; voltage vector cache: ap-1620.pdf plain text: ap-1620.txt item: #309 of 1243 id: ap-1622 author: Beniak, Juraj; Ondruška, Juraj; Čačko, Viliam title: Design Process of Energy Effective Shredding Machines for Biomass Treatment date: 2012-01-05 words: 2133 flesch: 61 summary: However, it is also necessary to design an experiment for other types of materials and for other subsidiary parameters that can affect the process of material disintegration, and thus increase the energy consumed in these processes (by these devices). [6] shows the impact of moisture on the shear strength of pine and spruce wood material. keywords: angle; design; device; disintegrative; energy; experiment; face; figure; force; impact; input; machinery; machines; material; moisture; moment; necessary; parameters; plan; power; process; selected; shredding; tool; torque; values; vol; wedge; wood cache: ap-1622.pdf plain text: ap-1622.txt item: #310 of 1243 id: ap-1624 author: Brabec, Jiří; Helmich, Martin title: Development of an Ultralight with a Ducted Fan date: 2012-01-05 words: 3207 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: available thrust, required thrust, propulsion, ducted fan. These character- istics are represented by values called available thrust, i.e. the thrust that the plane can use for a specific flight speed, and the required thrust for the plane drag. keywords: aerodynamic; aircraft; airplane; available; bed; category; characteristics; design; development; device; drag; engine; fan; figure; fuselage; maximum; measured; necessary; outlet; plane; power; power unit; problems; propeller; propulsion; propulsion unit; required; speed; system; tests; theoretical; thrust; tunnel; ultralight; unit; values; weight; work cache: ap-1624.pdf plain text: ap-1624.txt item: #311 of 1243 id: ap-1628 author: Černek, Petr; Brejcha, Michal; Hájek, Jan; Pígl, Jan title: A Comparison of Power Quality Controllers date: 2012-01-05 words: 2047 flesch: 65 summary: FACTS: modelling and sim- ulation in power networks. In recent decades, power quality has become topic number one. keywords: active; ahf; analysis; buildings; controllers; distribution; disturbances; equipment; factor; figure; filter; harmonic; important; load; network; paper; phase; power; quality; reactive; shunt; solution; stability; suitable; supply; system; voltage cache: ap-1628.pdf plain text: ap-1628.txt item: #312 of 1243 id: ap-1630 author: Černý, Viktor title: Energy Estimation of Distributed Phase-shift Beamforming date: 2012-01-05 words: 6194 flesch: 69 summary: In order to prevent this situation, we can install batteries with higher capacities at the relays, or we can increase the num- ber of relay modules. M modules per cluster. keywords: 5/2012; acknowledgement; acta; antenna; axis; beamforming; broadcasts; case; cd2(1; classic; cluster; communication; constant; data; device; distance; emod; end; energy; etot; fig; figure; frequency; method; modules; multiple; network; number; order; packets; paper; phase; polytechnica; power; receiver; relay; repeater; results; shift; signal; single; size; step; t)d2; time; total; transmission; vol cache: ap-1630.pdf plain text: ap-1630.txt item: #313 of 1243 id: ap-1634 author: Grünwald, Ondrej title: Model of Customer Buying Behavior in the CZ Mobile Telecommunication Market date: 2012-01-05 words: 6800 flesch: 64 summary: Price level was clearly the most common considera- tion that was chosen as the must-avoid level. 52 No. 5/2012 C o u n t o f ta ri ff s 268 251 239 228 216 201 181 166 150 135 121 112 100 84 65 58 51 40 35 29 22 16 11 6 1 Price [CZK] 3 2 5 0 3 0 2 0 2 9 1 0 2 8 1 0 2 7 1 0 2 6 1 0 2 5 1 0 2 4 1 0 2 3 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 9 1 0 1 8 1 0 1 7 1 0 1 6 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 4 1 0 1 3 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 9 1 0 8 1 0 7 1 0 6 1 0 5 1 0 4 1 0 3 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 Page 1 Figure 8: Distribution of tariff prices in screening sections. keywords: acbc; analysis; attribute; byo; choice; concepts; conjoint; customer; czk; data; e c; e n; e t; estimation; figure; individual; levels; lump; m b; m s; market; minutes; mobile; model; míru; n s; n t; n u; new; number; operator; price; product; r e; respondent; s u; sawtooth; screening; section; services; set; share; sms; step; student; sum; table; tariff; te s; u m; u t; u te cache: ap-1634.pdf plain text: ap-1634.txt item: #314 of 1243 id: ap-1636 author: Halupka, Ivan; Kollár, Ján; Pietriková, Emília title: A Task-driven Grammar Refactoring Algorithm date: 2012-01-05 words: 4877 flesch: 47 summary: This paper also briefly introduces the reader to processes occurring in grammar refactoring, a method for describing desired properties that a refactored grammar should fulfill, and there is a discussion of the overall significance of grammar refactoring. The problem is that grammar refactoring is in many cases a non-trivial task, and if done manually it is prone to errors, especially in the case of larger grammars. keywords: algorithm; approach; automated; basis; chain; command; commandsequence; context; corresponding; creation; development; entity; equivalent; evolution; expression; free; function; generation; grammar; grammar population; grammar refactoring; ident; initial; instance; language; left; martinica; number; objective; objective function; order; parameters; phase; population; procedure; process; processes; random; refactoring; refactoring process; sequence; size; specific; step; task; test; value; work cache: ap-1636.pdf plain text: ap-1636.txt item: #315 of 1243 id: ap-1638 author: Henychová, Petra; Hiřmanová, Klára; Vraný, Martin title: Diamond Films for Implantable Electrodes date: 2012-01-05 words: 2432 flesch: 61 summary: [3] P. W. May, W. J. Ludlow, M. Hannaway, et al. Raman and conductivity studies of boron-doped microcrystalline diamond, faceted nanocrystalline diamond and cauliflower diamond films. In this paper, we focus on optimizing the growth of thin diamond films by plasma-enhanced microwave chemical vapor deposition. keywords: afm; boron; chemical; cm−1; conditions; deposition; diamond; doping; electrodes; films; growth; high; highest; implantable; intensity; level; low; material; method; ncd; peak; quality; raman; rate; resistance; sample; size; spectra; spectroscopy; substrate; surface; temperature; thickness cache: ap-1638.pdf plain text: ap-1638.txt item: #316 of 1243 id: ap-1644 author: Náhlík, Josef; Janoušek, Michal; Šobáň, Zbyněk title: Gated Graphene Electrical Transport Characterization date: 2012-01-05 words: 1765 flesch: 62 summary: Water molecules behave as doping atoms, because the gate voltage affects their polarization and they add their own electric field intensity to the intensity caused by the Figure 2: Scheme of the polarization of water molecules by gate voltage in backgated graphene. Polarized molecules and their electric intensity could be one of the effects that cause hysteresis be- tween the forward and backward sweep of gate voltage in the resistivity/gate voltage characteristic. keywords: applied; backward; behavior; carbon; characteristics; electrical; fig; figure; forward; gate; graphene; high; hysteresis; interesting; layer; material; method; molecules; resistivity; samples; second; silicon; speed; substrate; sweep; temperature; transparent; transport; voltage cache: ap-1644.pdf plain text: ap-1644.txt item: #317 of 1243 id: ap-1648 author: Schneider, Dorian title: Control Algorithms for Large-scale Single-axis Photovoltaic Trackers date: 2012-01-05 words: 4000 flesch: 67 summary: This fact is exploited to further simplify the subsequent calculations: A variable δ is introduced, according to: δ = { +1 sun is in the east, i.e. ψη ∈ ]0◦, 180◦], −1 sun is in the west, i.e. ψη ∈ ]−180◦, 0◦]. [h] an g le [° ] backtracking backtracking tracking + backtracking optimal tracking sun azimuth sun elevation Figure 5: Tracking and backtracking angles, sun azimuth and elevation plotted for January 1st, 2012 in Berlin. keywords: 5/2012; acta; alignment; angle; axis; azimuth; backtracking; control; cos; elevation; extra; fig; figure; free; location; module; optimal; photovoltaic; plane; polytechnica; position; power; results; rotation; sat; sats; section; shading; shadow; sin; single; solar; sun; surface; system; tilt; tracker; tracking; vector; west; yield; ;  cache: ap-1648.pdf plain text: ap-1648.txt item: #318 of 1243 id: ap-1650 author: Selecký, Martin; Meiser, Tomáš title: Integration of Autonomous UAVs into Multi-agent Simulation date: 2012-01-05 words: 3584 flesch: 55 summary: In this paper we present solutions to the problems that we had to deal with in the process of integrating two hardware UAVs into an existing multi-agent simulation system with additional virtual UAVs, resulting in a mixed reality system where hardware UAVs and virtual UAVs can co-exist, coordinate their flight and cooperate on common tasks. Hardware UAVs are capable of on-board planning and reasoning, and can cooperate and coordinate their movement with one another, and also with virtual UAVs. keywords: 5/2012; acta; agent; agent system; agentfly; aircraft; autonomous; autopilot; avoidance; bandwidth; board; collision; communication; computer; connected; control; cooperative; coordinate; curves; distance; error; exchange; figure; flight; gps; ground; hardware; kestrel; mechanisms; multi; planning; plans; polytechnica; position; range; real; safety; section; simulated; simulation; system; telemetry; time; trajectory; turn; uavs; virtual; vol; wind cache: ap-1650.pdf plain text: ap-1650.txt item: #319 of 1243 id: ap-1652 author: Spohner, Milan title: A Study of the Properties of Electrical Insulation Oils and of the Components of Natural Oils date: 2012-01-05 words: 2002 flesch: 54 summary: Keywords: conductivity, density, dielectric constant, FAME, insulating oil, lauric acid, loss number, methyl ester, midel, oleic acid, rapeseed oil, stearic acid, transformer oil, vegetable oil, vibratory viscometer, viscosity. 2.2 Dielectric properties For a study of dielectric properties, samples of FAME and rapeseed oil methyl ester were selected for a com- parison with the two fatty acids found in rapeseed oil. keywords: acid; activation; agilent; conductivity; density; dependence; dielectric; electrical; energy; ester; fame; figure; frequency; kmol−1; liquid; loss; methyl; midel; mineral; natural; number; oil; oils; oleate; parameters; properties; rapeseed; temperature; transformer; values; viscosity cache: ap-1652.pdf plain text: ap-1652.txt item: #320 of 1243 id: ap-1654 author: Turoň, Václav title: A Study of Parameters Setting of the STADZT date: 2012-01-05 words: 3305 flesch: 60 summary: 52 No. 5/2012 600 1200 10 20 30 40 50 60 600 1200 10 20 30 40 50 60 75 150 10 20 30 40 50 60 75 150 10 20 30 40 50 60 19 38 10 20 30 40 50 60 19 38 10 20 30 40 50 60 9 19 10 20 30 40 50 60 9 19 10 20 30 40 50 60 a) Time index[−] b) Time index[−] c) Time index[−] d) Time index[−] k [− ] k [− ] k [− ] k [− ] e) Time index[−] f) Time index[−] g) Time index[−] h) Time index[−] k [− ] k [− ] k [− ] k [− ] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 4: STADZT zolograms created by window length 128 samples and various overlap a) 127 samples ∼ 99 % overlap, b) 120 samples ∼ 93 % overlap, c) 96 samples ∼ 75 % overlap, and d) 64 samples ∼ 50 % overlap. STFT spectrograms created by window length 128 samples and various window shape: e) 127 samples ∼ 99 percent overlap, f) 120 samples ∼ 99 % overlap, g) 96 samples ∼ 75 % overlap, and h) 64 samples ∼ 99 % overlap. keywords: analysed; analysis; basis; coefficients; figure; fourier; frequency; frequency resolution; function; index[−; information; length; non; overlap; paper; parameters; polynomials; processing; resolution; samples; segmentation; shape; signal; spectral; stadzt; stationary; stft; time; time index[−; time resolution; transform; window; zolotarev cache: ap-1654.pdf plain text: ap-1654.txt item: #321 of 1243 id: ap-1656 author: Visioli, Antonio title: Research Trends for PID Controllers date: 2012-01-05 words: 4554 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: PID controllers, design, tuning, control structures. PID controllers are still a very active field of research, because it is recognized that they are often poorly tuned in industrial applications, and the performance that is achieved can be improved many times by using a more effective design technique for the PID-based control system. keywords: acta; action; applications; assessment; automatic; control; controllers; dead; derivative; design; disturbance; effective; engineering; error; event; feedforward; following; fractional; hägglund; ifac; industrial; integral; journal; load; new; order; parameters; particular; performance; pid; pid controllers; point; polytechnica; practical; practice; proceedings; process; process control; processes; proportional; research; response; rules; set; signal; step; structures; suitable; system; techniques; time; tuning; unit; value; visioli; vol cache: ap-1656.pdf plain text: ap-1656.txt item: #322 of 1243 id: ap-1658 author: Votava, Ondřej title: A Network Simulation Tool for Task Scheduling date: 2012-01-05 words: 4297 flesch: 66 summary: Keywords: task scheduling, DAG scheduling, simulation, network simulation. (2) 2.1 Scheduling algorithms The problem of task scheduling is claimed to be NP- complete [21, 7] and therefore intensive research in heuristics has been done. keywords: acta; algorithms; application; bps; communication; computation; computer; computing; conference; data; delay; differences; distributed; dynamic; execution; expected; figure; gbit; graph; heterogeneous; heuristics; idea; international; limited; model; network; new; nodes; omnet++; order; paper; parallel; polytechnica; problem; proceedings; properties; real; results; schedule; scheduling; set; simulation; specific; static; structure; systems; task; testing; time; tool; vol cache: ap-1658.pdf plain text: ap-1658.txt item: #323 of 1243 id: ap-1660 author: Weyer, Sören; Röthlingshöfer, Lisa; Walter, Marian; Leonhardt, Steffen title: Evaluation of Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy for the Assessment of Extracellular Body Water date: 2012-01-05 words: 3176 flesch: 56 summary: For -2ó +2ó Mean of fluid balance and BIS ECF [ ] l D if fe re n c e b e tw e e n f lu id b a la n c e a n d B IS E C F [ l ] 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Figure 5: Bland-Altman plots illustrating the small- est and greatest difference between the changes in extracellular body fluid (ECF) estimated by BIS and the logged fluid balance plotted against the mean of the two methods. 1 Introduction Maintenance of a constant volume and stable composi- tion of body fluids is essential for homeostasis. keywords: 5/2012; acta; animal; balance; bioelectrical; bioimpedance; bis; blood; body; circuit; clinical; cole; conductive; current; dispersion; ecmo; electrical; experiment; extracellular; extracellular fluid; figure; fluid; frequencies; hanai; impedance; infusion; journal; khz; measurement; medium; membrane; methods; model; nonconductive; parallel; parameters; physiological; pig; pigs; polytechnica; possible; resistance; resistivity; specific; spectroscopy; status; suspension; tissue; volume; water; weight cache: ap-1660.pdf plain text: ap-1660.txt item: #324 of 1243 id: ap-1664 author: Závodná, Michaela title: The Electrification of Tramways in Ostrava in 1900–1901 date: 2012-01-05 words: 1617 flesch: 66 summary: Electric trams were to be put into operation in Ostrava in October 1900 3 Municipal involvement Although the municipal authorities knew about the tram electrification, because the municipality itself was a shareholder in Mährisch-Ostrauer Elektrizitäts- Aktien-Gesellschaft and some members of the mu- nicipal self-government held shares in Brünner Loka- leisenbahngesellschaft, the municipal self-government itself did not attempt to municipalize the network of electric tramways in Ostrava. keywords: amo; brünner; company; economic; electricity; electrification; fund; ganz; inv; lokaleisenbahngesellschaft; moravská; municipal; new; ostrava; power; proceedings; public; schuckert; smmd; steam; trams; tramways; transport; werke cache: ap-1664.pdf plain text: ap-1664.txt item: #325 of 1243 id: ap-1666 author: Kratochvíl, Jan; Kružík, Martin title: Energetic Approach to Large Strain Gradient Crystal Plasticity date: 2012-01-06 words: 3845 flesch: 72 summary: t ∈ [0, 1]. ∈ Ω } . keywords: 6/2012; acta; approach; crystal; deformation; density; dissipation; domain; elastic; energetic; energy; evolution; existence; finite; forces; fp,∇fp; framework; gradient; gurtin; independent; internal; materials; mech; mielke; model; p,∇p; phys; plasticity; polytechnica; problem; q(t; rate; results; slip; solution; strain; system; theory; time; variables; y(t),z(t cache: ap-1666.pdf plain text: ap-1666.txt item: #326 of 1243 id: ap-1668 author: Demo, Pavel; Sveshnikov, Alexey; Hošková, Šárka; Ladman, David; Tichá, Petra title: Physical and Chemical Aspects of the Nucleation of Cement-Based Materials date: 2012-01-06 words: 3624 flesch: 58 summary: Possible connections with the corresponding properties for cement paste are discussed. Keywords: cement paste, induction period, calcium concentration, nucleation rate, time lag. keywords: 6/2012; acta; barrier; ca2; calcium; cement; cement paste; cluster; concentration; concrete; corresponding; critical; czech; energy; figure; formation; growth; hydrating; hydration; hypothesis; induction; initial; ions; lag; membrane; method; nucleation; paste; period; phase; polytechnica; portlandite; process; rate; republic; size; solution; stage; steady; supersaturation; surface; system; time; volume; water cache: ap-1668.pdf plain text: ap-1668.txt item: #327 of 1243 id: ap-1670 author: Šmilauer, Vít; Hlaváček, Petr; Padevět, Pavel title: Micromechanical Analysis of Cement Paste with Carbon Nanotubes date: 2012-01-06 words: 3952 flesch: 65 summary: There are controversial results for cement paste with admixed CNT up to 500 µm in length. [3, 19] and specifically for cement pastes [2, 4, 5, 9, 12]. keywords: 6/2012; acta; carbon; cement; chm; clinker; clustering; clusters; cnf; cnt; composites; compressive; concrete; damage; distribution; energy; experimental; fibers; figure; flexural; fracture; grains; hydration; increase; length; mass; material; micromechanical; microstructure; mpa; nanotubes; paste; plain; polytechnica; properties; reinforcement; results; simulations; small; specimens; strain; strength; surface; table; tensile; uniform; volume; water cache: ap-1670.pdf plain text: ap-1670.txt item: #328 of 1243 id: ap-1672 author: Nežerka, Václav; Zeman, Jan title: A Micromechanics-Based Model for Stiffness and Strength Estimation of Cocciopesto Mortars date: 2012-01-06 words: 5048 flesch: 69 summary: These include estimates of the effective ther- mal conductivity of rubber-reinforced cement compos- ites [31], elasticity predictions for early-age cement [5] or alkali-activated [35] pastes, upscaling the compres- sive strength of cement mortars [26], and multi-scale simulations of three-point bending tests of concrete specimens [34]. Although these limi- tations have been overcome with the use of Portland cement in the last 50 years, lime mortars still find use in the restoration of historic structures. keywords: 6/2012; acta; available; brick; building; cement; coating; cocciopesto; concentration; concrete; construction; crushed; data; deviatoric; dil; dilute; e.g.; effect; elastic; estimates; experimental; factors; fig; figure; g(ik+1; gel; individual; influence; itz; lime; materials; matrix; mechanical; micromechanics; model; mori; mortars; order; overall; particles; phase; pichler; polytechnica; porosity; predictions; properties; r=1; representation; research; results; sand; scheme; section; stiffness; strength; stresses; tanaka; transition; vol; volume; volumetric; zaoui; zone cache: ap-1672.pdf plain text: ap-1672.txt item: #329 of 1243 id: ap-1674 author: Rypl, Daniel; Bým, Tomáš title: Geometrical Modeling of Concrete Microstructure for the Assessment of ITZ Percolation date: 2012-01-06 words: 6589 flesch: 51 summary: This paper deals with geometrical modeling of the concrete microstructure using realistic shapes of aggregate particles, the geometry of which is represented in terms of spherical harmonic expansion. In this continuum model, each randomly-placed 38 Acta Polytechnica Vol. 52 No. 6/2012 aggregate particle is surrounded by a shell of constant thickness representing the ITZ. keywords: 6/2012; acta; aggregate; aggregate particles; algorithm; bentz; bounding; bounding box; box; case; cement; center; closest; concrete; content; d.p; distance; e.j; expansion; figure; garboczi; geometrical; geometry; hard; harmonic; individual; integration; interfacial; intersection; itz; journal; level; material; microstructure; model; number; numerical; order; packing; particle; paste; percolation; periodic; phase; points; polytechnica; procedure; projection; properties; r(η,ϕ; refined; refined bounding; refinement; representative; representative volume; shapes; shell; single; size; spheres; spherical; starting; surface; thickness; transport; triangulation; volume; volumetric cache: ap-1674.pdf plain text: ap-1674.txt item: #330 of 1243 id: ap-1678 author: Patzák, Bořek title: OOFEM — an Object-oriented Simulation Tool for Advanced Modeling of Materials and Structures date: 2012-01-06 words: 4147 flesch: 48 summary: The implementation of individual elements is further facilitated by the library of classes representing inte- gration points, integration rules, and finite element interpolation spaces. The load balance recovery is achieved by reparti- tioning the problem domain and transferring the work (typically represented by finite elements) from one sub-domain to another. keywords: 6/2012; abstract; acta; adaptive; analysis; anchor; balancing; class; classes; code; concrete; corresponding; cross; design; details; different; domain; dynamic; element; elementevaluator; engineering; example; fig; figure; finite; functionality; geometry; implementation; individual; inheritance; integration; interface; load; local; material; methods; model; multiphysics; multiscale; nodes; object; oofem; optional; parallel; parent; particular; patzák; polytechnica; problem; rypl; section; services; simulation; solution; sparse; specific; step; test; vol; work cache: ap-1678.pdf plain text: ap-1678.txt item: #331 of 1243 id: ap-1680 author: Kruis, Jaroslav; Koudelka, Tomáš; Krejčí, Tomáš title: Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of a Reactor Vessel date: 2012-01-06 words: 4369 flesch: 57 summary: The application of damage models is described in detail in [5]. Several damage models were used in the computer simulation. keywords: 6/2012; acta; analysis; boundary; computer; concrete; conditions; containment; creep; czech; damage; damage model; durability; equations; figure; finite; form; heat; humidity; hygro; increase; loading; local; losses; material; matrix; measurements; mechanical; model; moisture; nuclear; parameters; polytechnica; prescribed; prestress; radial; reactor; relative; results; service; situ; strength; temperature; tendon; tensile; thermo; time; transport; vapour; vessel; vol; water cache: ap-1680.pdf plain text: ap-1680.txt item: #332 of 1243 id: ap-1682 author: Pospíšilová, Adéla; Lepš, Matej title: Global Optima for Size Optimization Benchmarks by Branch and Bound Principles date: 2012-01-06 words: 5402 flesch: 66 summary: It is thus advan- tageous to decrease the upper bound on the basis of already obtained objective function values. (a) If the value of objective function m is lower than mmax, the algorithm goes to Step 2. (b) If objective function value m is greater than mmax, the value of the third variable from the end increases by one and the value of the next-to-last variable is set to its mini- mum. keywords: algorithm; areas; bar; benchmarks; bound; branch; constraints; continuous; cross; data; discrete; enumeration; function; global; global optimum; in2; ksi; lower; maximum; method; minimum; mmax; mmin; number; objective; objective function; optima; optimization; optimum; possible; potential; problem; programming; results; searched; sectional; set; solutions; space; step; structure; time; truss; upper; value; variables; vol; weight cache: ap-1682.pdf plain text: ap-1682.txt item: #333 of 1243 id: ap-1684 author: Valášek, Michael; Šika, Zbynek title: Synthesis of Mechanisms by Methods of Nonlinear Dynamics date: 2012-01-06 words: 6055 flesch: 64 summary: The currently used methods seem to be sufficiently powerful and able to find solutions for most problems in mechanism synthesis. The fundamental objective functions are typically constructed on the network of mechanism positions within the desired workspace. keywords: 6/2012; acta; angles; associated; bar; constant; constraints; coordinates; cos; design; dimensions; dissipative; dynamical; dynamics; equations; equilibrium; evolution; example; fig; figure; follows; forces; formulation; general; initial; j=1; length; lever; masses; mechanism; method; new; n∑ j=1; optimization; parameters; points; polytechnica; positions; rssr; set; simple; simulation; subsystems; synthesis; synthesized; system; task; time; transmission; values; vector; vol; yyxx; β1i;  cache: ap-1684.pdf plain text: ap-1684.txt item: #334 of 1243 id: ap-1688 author: Skalák, Zdenek title: The Asymptotic Properties of Turbulent Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations date: 2012-01-06 words: 4048 flesch: 75 summary: Strong Lp− solutions of the Navier- Stokes equations in Rm, with applications to weak solutions, Math. Z. 187 1984, 1471–480. On optimal decay rates for weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in Rn, Math. Bohem., 126, 2001, 443– 455. keywords: acta; besov; concentration; condition; decay; decrease; definition; energy; equations; following; frequencies; initial; l2σ; large; lim; math; miyakawa; navier; paper; rate; results; schonbek; section; solutions; space; stokes; symmetric; t)−5/4; theorem; time; turbulent; vol; weak; ‖u(t)‖2 cache: ap-1688.pdf plain text: ap-1688.txt item: #335 of 1243 id: ap-1690 author: Sváček, Petr; Horáček, Jaromír; Honzátko, Radek; Kozel, Karel title: Simulation of Free Airfoil Vibrations in Incompressible Viscous Flow — Comparison of FEM and FVM date: 2012-01-06 words: 6136 flesch: 66 summary: This corresponds to the results of the numeri- cal simulations presented since the system was found stable for upstream flow velocity 35 m/s and unstable for upstream flow velocity 40 m/s in the case of FEM and 42.5 m/s in the case of FVM. Symbol D denotes the diagonal matrix D = diag(0, 1, 1), non-dimensional time is denoted by t, and the non-dimensional space coordinates are denoted by x,y. Symbols u = (u,v)T and p stand for the dimensionless velocity vector and the dimen- sionless pressure, respectively. keywords: -20; 6/2012; acta; aeroelastic; aeroelasticity; airfoil; ale; analysis; angle; application; approximation; axis; boundary; cells; ci(t; computations; conditions; czech; dependence; dimensional; displacement; domain; dual; element; equations; fem; figure; finite; flow; fluid; flutter; frequency; fvm; incompressible; mesh; method; motion; n+1; nonlinear; numerical; order; polytechnica; pressure; problem; profile; results; rotation; scheme; solution; stokes; structure; system; time; tn+1; upstream; vector; velocity; vertical; viscous; vol; volume; γwt cache: ap-1690.pdf plain text: ap-1690.txt item: #336 of 1243 id: ap-1698 author: Beskin, Grigorii; Greco, Giuseppe; Oganesyan, Gor; Karpov, Sergey title: On Some Statistical Properties of GRBs with Measured Redshifts Having Peaks in Optical Light Curves date: 2013-01-01 words: 3965 flesch: 76 summary: • P: optical peaks arise during the main phases of the prompt gamma-ray emission; we will refer to these as prompt optical emission. In particular, we were interested in comparing the rising phases of optical emission with simultaneous behaviour at gamma-ray wavelengths, as observed by space-borne telescopes. keywords: a(u; acta; activity; classes; correlations; cosmological; emission; energy; erg; events; fit; frame; gamma; grbs; light; linear; lo g; luminosity; op t; optical; parameters; peak; polytechnica; prompt; ray; −0.04; −0.09; −0.20; −0.21; −0.25 cache: ap-1698.pdf plain text: ap-1698.txt item: #337 of 1243 id: ap-170 author: Toman, J.; Černý, R. title: Thermal and Hygric Expansion of High Performance Concrete date: 2001-01-01 words: 1437 flesch: 57 summary: The experimental results show that both the effect of temperature on the values of linear thermal expansion coefficients and the effect of moisture on the values of linear hygric expansion coefficients are very significant and cannot be neglected in practical applications. Keywords: concrete, linear thermal expansion, linear hygric expansion, moisture, temperature. keywords: changes; coefficient; concrete; czech; expansion; high; hygric; kgm; length; linear; measured; moisture; performance; samples; temperature; thermal cache: ap-170.pdf plain text: ap-170.txt item: #338 of 1243 id: ap-1700 author: Giovannelli, Franco title: Astroparticle Physics Today date: 2013-01-01 words: 10368 flesch: 63 summary: This enhances the efficiency of the process of mass transfer from the primary star onto the secondary collapsed star, as discussed by Giovannelli & Ziolkowski (1990) and by Giovannelli et al. (2007) in the case of A 0535+26. Giovannelli & Sabau-Graziati (2011) discussed the history of the discovery of optical indicators of high energy emission in the prototype system A0535+26/HDE 245770 ≡ Flavia’ star, updated to the March–April 2010 event when a strong optical activity occurred roughly 8 days before the X-ray out- burst (Caballero et al., 2010) that was predicted by Giovannelli, Gualandi & Sabau-Graziati (2010). Recent evidence from the Pierre Auger Observatory suggests a transition, at 5 EeV–10 EeV in the com- position of UHECRs, from protons to heavier nuclei such as iron (Abraham et al., 2010). keywords: abdo; acta; apj; astronomy; astroparticle; astrophysics; background; beall; behaviour; bologna; chaty; compact; composition; compositori; cosmic; cosmic rays; cosmological; dark; data; density; discovery; distribution; e.g.; ebl; eds; emission; energies; energy; energy cosmic; et al; evolution; experiments; extragalactic; fermi; fields; formation; frontier; galactic; galaxies; galaxy; gamma; gev; giovannelli; graziati; grbs; high; high energy; history; important; intensity; italian; italy; jets; knee; large; light; magnetic; mannocchi; mass; matter; measurements; mem; model; multifrequency; nature; near; neutrino; neutron; new; nuclei; objects; observations; observed; open; optical; origin; particle; particle physics; physical; physics; polytechnica; possible; problems; radiation; radio; range; ray; rays; references; reionization; results; review; sabau; society; sources; space; spectrum; star; study; systems; tev; time; uhecrs; universe; vhe; years cache: ap-1700.pdf plain text: ap-1700.txt item: #339 of 1243 id: ap-1702 author: Hudec, René; Hudec, Lukáš title: Finding Hidden Treasures: Investigations in US Astronomical Plate Archives date: 2013-01-01 words: 1848 flesch: 60 summary: 5. Suggested strategy Our suggested strategy for data mining and plate digitization in US plate archives is as follows. We report here on an ongoing investigation of US astronomical plate archives and tests of the suitability of transportable scanning devices for in situ digitization of archival astronomical plates. keywords: acta; archival; archives; astronomical; available; cases; collections; czech; device; difficult; digitization; example; figure; hudec; images; information; mccormick; number; numerous; observatories; observatory; osborn; photographic; plate; polytechnica; project; robbins; scientific; series; transportable; university cache: ap-1702.pdf plain text: ap-1702.txt item: #340 of 1243 id: ap-1704 author: Hudec, René; Kopel, Fabian; Macsics, Robert; Hadwige, Markus; Heber, Ulrich; Cayé, Walter title: Classification of Variable Objects for Search for GRB Candidates on Bamberg Photographic Plates date: 2013-01-01 words: 1978 flesch: 54 summary: Acta Polytechnica Acta Polytechnica 53(1):27–29, 2013 © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013 available online at CLASSIFICATION OF VARIABLE OBJECTS FOR SEARCH FOR GRB CANDIDATES ON BAMBERG PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES René Hudeca,b,∗, Fabian Kopelc, Robert Macsicsc, Markus Hadwigec, Ulrich Heberd, Walter Cayéc a Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Ondřejov, Czech Republic b Cech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic c Dientzenhofer Gymnasium, Bamberg, Germany d Dr Remeis Observatory, University of Erlangen, Bamberg, Germany ∗ corresponding author: Abstract. We have re-analysed the objects recorded in 6 mea- surement books for southern sky surveys, with empha- sis on detailed investigation of non-classified objects suspected to occur only once (i.e., visible only on one plate and below the limit of other plates). keywords: acta; asteroids; astronomical; bamberg; candidates; catalogue; classification; classified; czech; defects; detailed; emulsion; figure; grb; high; hudec; images; jugend; non; objects; observatory; patrol; plates; project; real; size; sky; southern; stars; study; variable cache: ap-1704.pdf plain text: ap-1704.txt item: #341 of 1243 id: ap-1706 author: Hudec, René; Petráček, Vojtěch; Šnita, Dalimil title: Czech Contribution to LOFT date: 2013-01-01 words: 1938 flesch: 51 summary: Acta Polytechnica Acta Polytechnica 53(1):30–32, 2013 © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2013 available online at CZECH CONTRIBUTION TO LOFT René Hudeca,b,∗, Vojtěch Petráčekc, Dalimil Šnitad a Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CZ-25165 Ondřejov, Czech Republic b Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technická 2, CZ-16627 Prague, Czech Republic c Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Engineering, Břehová 78/7, CZ-11000 Prague, Czech Republic d Institute of Chemical Technology, Technická 5, CZ-16628 Prague,Czech Republic ∗ corresponding author: Abstract. Production expertise The collaboration teams also have the following pro- duction expertise: • prototype production of SDD for the ALICE exper- iment – ICM Prague; • Post-prototyping contacts in the ON Semiconduc- tor: Roznov, Czech Republic (together with our team, the company tested double-sided technology and later succesfully produced many of the pixel detectors for the ATLAS detector at LHC); • selection and detector tests – participation in de- tector construction (Trieste and Torino); • design and production of the low voltage power supply system for ALICE SDD. keywords: area; available; consortium; contribution; ctu; czech; design; detector; drift; esa; expertise; eye; feroci; following; glass; hudec; institute; large; lobster; loft; mission; monitor; onboard; participation; plates; prague; production; ray; republic; sdd; silicon; space; team; technical; technology; tests; university cache: ap-1706.pdf plain text: ap-1706.txt item: #342 of 1243 id: ap-1710 author: Karpov, Sergey; Beskin, Grigory; Bondar, Sergey; Perkov, Alexey; Ivanov, Evgeny; Guarnieri, Adriano; Bartolini, Corrado; Greco, Giuseppe; Shearer, Andy; Sasyuk, Vyacheslav title: Status and Perspectives of the Mini-MegaTORTORA Wide-field Monitoring System with High Temporal Resolution date: 2013-01-01 words: 4448 flesch: 57 summary: Such studies have been performed [24, 25], but due to tech- nical limitations it has only been possible either to achieve high temporal resolution of tens of millisec- onds in monitoring of 5′–10′ fields, or to use 5–10 seconds time resolution in wider fields. For FAVOR, TORTORA and Mini-MegaTORTORA the limits correspond to 3σ detection on a single frame, and may differ from their real-time operational values due to non-ergodic pixel statistics when using the image intensifier. and classification of fast optical transients. keywords: acta; beskin; bondar; ccd; channel; color; complex; data; design; detection; different; et al; fast; favor; field; filters; follow; frames; grb; high; image; imaging; intensifier; karpov; kazan; light; limit; megatortora; mini; mmt; mode; monitoring; noise; objective; objects; observations; operation; optical; pixel; polarimetric; processing; real; regime; resolution; search; second; short; sky; spain; study; system; telescope; temporal; time; transients; university; variability; variant; view; wide cache: ap-1710.pdf plain text: ap-1710.txt item: #343 of 1243 id: ap-1712 author: Opiela, Rafał; Małek, Katarzyna; Mankiewicz, Lech; Siudek, Małgorzata; Sokołowski, Marcin; Żarnecki, Aleksander Filip title: Photometric Analysis of Pi of the Sky Data date: 2013-01-01 words: 4134 flesch: 64 summary: Precision dispersion of star brightness measurements from standard photometry for 200 s exposures (20 co-added frames) from the Pi of the Sky prototype at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. • Identification in the image by photometry with catalog stars from external star catalogs. keywords: acta; analysed; analysis; bad; basis; brightness; calculated; case; catalog; catalog stars; ccd; correction; dark; data; database; detector; experiment; figure; frames; good; histograms; image; large; light; line; magnitudo; measurements; med|; methods; new; object; photometry; polytechnica; procedure; project; prototype; quality; reduction; sky; stars; system; time; value; variable; |mcorr cache: ap-1712.pdf plain text: ap-1712.txt item: #344 of 1243 id: ap-1716 author: Ulyanov, Alexei; Hanlon, Lorraine; McBreen, Sheila; Foley, Suzanne title: Study of Silicon Photomultipliers for the GRIPS Calorimeter Module date: 2013-01-01 words: 2342 flesch: 56 summary: On-axis point source sensitivity versus calorimeter energy resolution (in units of the baseline resolution) for a narrow line (106 s exposure) source and a continuum GRB spectrum (1 s exposure). On-axis continuum point source sensitivity for a 106 s exposure versus transverse crystal size (left) and versus calorimeter depth resolution (right); E−2 spectrum, 0.5 MeV < keywords: 10×; baseline; calorimeter; compton; continuum; crystals; depth; design; detector; energy; factor; figure; gamma; grb; grips; grm; initial; kev; mev; mission; module; pair; photomultipliers; ray; readout; resolution; scintillator; sensitivity; sensl; silicon; simulations; sipm; size; source; spectrum; study; telescope cache: ap-1716.pdf plain text: ap-1716.txt item: #345 of 1243 id: ap-1718 author: Żarnecki, Aleksander Filip; Piotrowski, Lech Wiktor; Mankiewicz, Lech; Małek, Sebastian title: Luiza: Analysis Framework for GLORIA date: 2013-01-01 words: 2957 flesch: 50 summary: The Luiza analysis framework for GLORIA is based on the Marlin package, which was originally developed for data analysis in the new High Energy Physics (HEP) project, International Linear Collider (ILC). Keywords: Telescope network, image processing, data analysis. keywords: acta; analysis; basic; chain; class; classes; collider; computing; data; dedicated; detector; development; documentation; example; experiments; figure; file; fits; framework; gloria; ilc; image; large; linear; luiza; marlin; methods; modules; object; output; package; parameter; physics; pixel; polytechnica; processing; processor; project; reconstruction; simple; steering; step; structure; tasks; tools; user; warsaw cache: ap-1718.pdf plain text: ap-1718.txt item: #346 of 1243 id: ap-1719 author: Bartlova, Milada; Aubrecht, Vladimir; Bogatyreva, Nadezhda; Holcman, Vladimir title: Multigroup Approximation of Radiation Transfer in SF6 Arc Plasmas date: 2013-01-02 words: 2832 flesch: 61 summary: Net emission coefficients Assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium, coeffi- cient of absorption κν is related to the coefficient of emission εν by Kirchhoff’s law εν = Bνκν. Net emission coefficients of SF6 plasma with radius 0.1 cm as a function of temperature for two different cuttings of the frequency interval and various absorption means; comparison with re- sults of Aubrecht keywords: absorption; acta; approximation; arc; aubrecht; calculated; coefficients; cutting; emission; free; frequency; function; groups; high; isothermal; mean; method; mpa; multigroup; net; phys; planck; plasma; ptfe; radiation; results; rosseland; sf6; species; spectral; switching; temperature; transfer; values cache: ap-1719.pdf plain text: ap-1719.txt item: #347 of 1243 id: ap-172 author: Toman, J.; Černý, R. title: Temperature and Moisture Dependence of the Specific Heat of High Performance Concrete date: 2001-01-01 words: 1905 flesch: 57 summary: [Te, Ts], K is the heat capacity of the calorimeter, mw is the mass of the water, cw is the specific heat of water, Tw0 is the initial water temperature, L is the latent heat of evaporation of water, Qr is the reaction heat, �m is the mass of evaporated water, � � �m m m m m Upon adding � �Q m c keywords: building; calorimeter; changes; concrete; czech; dependence; dry; heat; high; kgm; mass; materials; measured; moisture; range; results; sample; size; specific; specific heat; temperature; water cache: ap-172.pdf plain text: ap-172.txt item: #348 of 1243 id: ap-1721 author: Batani, Dimitri; Hulin, Sebastien; Ducret, Jean Eric; d’Humieres, Emmanuel; Tikhonchuk et al., Vladimir title: Development of the PETAL Laser Facility and its Diagnostic Tools date: 2013-01-02 words: 4832 flesch: 61 summary: The first phase of PETAL commissioning (start- ing from 2015) will include characterization of laser systems and diagnostics, studies of protons, X-rays, and electrons produced in laser plasma interactions. EMP measurements performed by CEA on laser facilities: 2000-2004 LLE-Omega; 2006 LULI2000; 2007-2009 LULI-Pico2000; 2009-2010 LLE; in addition Omega EP US feedback on NIF and EMP measure- ments on TITAN National Ignition Campaign. keywords: acta; activation; angular; beam; bordeaux; cea; chamber; conference; construction; density; design; development; diagnostics; electron; emission; emp; energy; experiments; facilities; facility; fast; fields; figure; france; fusion; hard; high; ignition; intensity; interaction; ions; large; laser; lmj; magnetic; matter; mev; m−1; nif; omega; parabola; particles; particular; petal; petal laser; phase; physics; plasma; polytechnica; project; proton; pulse; radiation; radiography; range; rays; research; review; science; scientific; second; shock; short; solid; source; spectrometer; spectrum; system; target; tools cache: ap-1721.pdf plain text: ap-1721.txt item: #349 of 1243 id: ap-1723 author: Bogachev, Nikolay N.; Bogdankevich, Irina L.; Gusein-zade, Namik G.; Tarakanov, Vladimir P. title: Computer Simulation of a Plasma Vibrator Antenna date: 2013-01-02 words: 1475 flesch: 62 summary: Many experiments have been carried out with plasma antennas to transmit and receive signals. Keywords: computer simulation, plasma antenna, KARAT code, MMANA program. keywords: antenna; coaxial; code; computer; density; dipole; figure; frequency; karat; length; mda; metal; mmana; modeling; pda; physics; plasma; power; radiation; simulation; studies; vibrator cache: ap-1723.pdf plain text: ap-1723.txt item: #350 of 1243 id: ap-1725 author: Bordusau, Siarhei; Madveika, Siarhei; Dostanko, Anatolii title: The Process of Plasma Chemical Photoresist Film Ashing from the Surface of Silicon Wafers date: 2013-01-02 words: 2759 flesch: 51 summary: [1, 4, 5]. Peculiar features of microwave energy and silicon wafer interaction should be taken into consideration as well as used in developing and their processing in plasma microwave discharge. Keywords: microwave plasma, microwave plasmatron, plasma chemical ashing of photoresist. keywords: ashing; beginning; chamber; chemical; chemical photoresist; delay; discharge; energy; film; formation; generation; influence; investigation; microwave; microwave energy; microwave plasma; photoresist; plasma; plasma chemical; power; process; processes; rate; reaction; respect; semiconductor; silicon; silicon wafers; stage; surface; treatment; wafers; warming cache: ap-1725.pdf plain text: ap-1725.txt item: #351 of 1243 id: ap-1727 author: Borgun, Ievgeniia V.; Azarenkov, Mykola O.; Hassanein, Ahmed; Tseluyko, Oleksandr F.; Maslov, Vasyl I.; Ryabchikovk, Dmitro L. title: The Formation of a Power Multi-Pulse Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation in the Pulse Plasma Diode of Low Pressure date: 2013-01-02 words: 4185 flesch: 63 summary: Radiation energies (spike and wide pulse en- ergies) in the 12.2 ÷ 15.8 nm wavelength range as func- tions of the stored energy for the different anode di- ametres: da = 1.5, 2.5, 5.0 mm. and third half-periods is high in spite of a much lower (as compared to the first half-period) energy pump, indicates that the number of particles in the dense radiating plasma remains nearly constant for a fairly long time (approximately 6 µs). The conversion efficiency of pumped energy into radiation energy at the double layer formation (beam mechanism of plasma heating) is essentially higher in comparison with ordinary heating by current, be- cause in first case approximately all energy is pumped in very small volume. keywords: anode; beam; conversion; current; dense; detector; diode; discharge; discharge current; double; efficiency; electrode; electron; energies; energy; euv; extreme; figure; formation; half; heating; high; intensity; ions; layer; multi; period; plasma; power; pulse; radiation; radiation energy; range; region; second; spikes; stored; surface; tin; voltage; wavelength; wavelength range cache: ap-1727.pdf plain text: ap-1727.txt item: #352 of 1243 id: ap-1729 author: Caniello, Roberto; Vassallo, Espedito; Cremona, Anna; Grosso, Giovanni; Dellasega, David; Canetti, Maurizio; Miorin, Enrico title: Growth and Physical Structure of Amorphous Boron Carbide Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering on a Silicon Substrate with a Titanium Interlayer date: 2013-01-02 words: 3004 flesch: 61 summary: [21] A. Z. Sadek, et al. Anodization of Ti thin film deposited on ITO. [11] C. C. Klepper, et al. Amorphous boron coatings produced with vacuum arc deposition technology. keywords: acta; adhesion; amorphous; b4c; bare; boron; boron carbide; carbide; coatings; columnar; deposition; diffraction; effect; fig; films; growth; high; increases; interlayer; magnetron; measurements; microscopy; milan; physical; pressure; properties; roughness; scratch; silicon; solid; sputtering; stress; structure; substrate; surface; technology; temperature; thickness; thin; titanium; vacuum cache: ap-1729.pdf plain text: ap-1729.txt item: #353 of 1243 id: ap-1731 author: Cech, Jan; Hanusova, Jana; Stahel, Pavel; Slavicek, Pavel title: Diffuse Coplanar Surface Barrier Discharge in Nitrogen: Microdischarges Statistical Behavior date: 2013-01-02 words: 2288 flesch: 54 summary: From the presented data the tendency is that the substantial number of microdischarges (identi- fied as discharge current peaks) do not form new mi- crochannels but rather prolongate or branch existing discharge microchannels. Diffuse coplanar surface barrier discharge and its applications for in-line processing of low-added-value materials. keywords: barrier; behavior; cell; coplanar; corresponding; crossing; current; dcsbd; dielectric; discharge; electrode; fig; gap; half; high; iccd; images; incidence; input; matrices; microchannels; microdischarges; negative; nitrogen; number; peaks; period; plasma; positive; setup; surface; voltage cache: ap-1731.pdf plain text: ap-1731.txt item: #354 of 1243 id: ap-1735 author: Cikhardt, Jakub; Klír, Daniel; Kubeš, Pavel; Kravárik, Josef; Rezác, Karel; Šíla, Ondrej; Shishlov, Alexander V.; Labetsky, Alexey Yu. title: The Construction of the Fast Resistive Bolometer for a SXR Measurement on the GIT-12 Facility date: 2013-01-02 words: 2780 flesch: 62 summary: Introduction The ohmic bolometer is based on the principle of trans- formation of radiated energy into thermal energy. Shot Current Triple shell SXR energy No. (MA) Gas-puff (kJ) 1 3.73 Ne-Ne-Ne 50 2 3.55 D2-D2-D2 13 3 3.64 D2-D2-D2 22 4 2.58 D2-D2-D2 21 5 3.60 Ne-D2-D2 28 6 3.36 Ne-D2-D2 23 7 3.36 Ne-D2-D2 26 8 3.10 Ne-D2-D2 18 9 3.28 Ne-D2-D2 24 10 3.66 Ar-D2-D2 14 11 2.16 D2-D2-D2 27 Table 2. keywords: bolometer; characteristic; copper; current; detector; deuterium; element; energy; experiments; facility; fig; foil; gas; git-12; kinetic; material; measured; measurement; neon; power; puff; pulse; radiation; resistance; resolution; sensitive; sensitivity; shell; supply; sxr; temperature; thermal; time cache: ap-1735.pdf plain text: ap-1735.txt item: #355 of 1243 id: ap-1737 author: Cutroneo, Mariapompea; Torrisi, Lorenzo; Ando’, Lucio; Cavallaro, Salvatore; Ullschmied, Jiri; Krasa, Josef; Margarone, Daniele; Velyhan, Andreji; Pfeifer, Miroslav title: Thomson Parabola Spectrometer for Energetic Ions Emitted from Sub-ns Laser Generated Plasmas date: 2013-01-02 words: 2601 flesch: 57 summary: Several homogeneous Au samples ranging in thickness from 0.6 to 50 mi- crons were irradiated at the same experimental and geometrical conditions for laser energy, focal position and magnetic-electric deflections. The lowermost parabola corresponds to the deflected protons, while the other parabolas corresponds to Au ions with high charge states. keywords: acceleration; charge; density; detector; different; direction; electric; electron; energies; energy; experimental; fields; figure; forward; high; intensity; ion; ions; kinetic; laser; magnetic; maximum; mev; order; parabola; physics; plasma; prague; proton; results; spectrometer; state; target; thickness; thin; thomson; torrisi; tosca; tps cache: ap-1737.pdf plain text: ap-1737.txt item: #356 of 1243 id: ap-1739 author: Fantova, Vladyslava; Bujaček, Karol; Kříha, Vítězslav; Julák, Jaroslav title: Inactivation of Candida albicans by Corona Discharge: The Increase of Inhibition Zones Area After Far Subsequent Exposition date: 2013-01-02 words: 2437 flesch: 55 summary: The overlapping of inhibition zones was observed for the distance of 1 cm, where it was difficult to distinguish particular inhibition zones, therefore this sample was excluded from the data processing. In case of the four times exposed agars, we observed significant differences in inhibition zone areas, dependent not only on the exposition site distances, but also on the exposition order. keywords: agar; albicans; areas; atmospheric; candida; cap; concentration; corona; czech; decontamination; direct; discharge; dish; distance; effect; electrode; experiments; expositions; factors; far; figure; inactivation; inhibition; near; negative; order; petri; plasma; point; prague; radiation; species; subsequent; surface; treatment; university; zone cache: ap-1739.pdf plain text: ap-1739.txt item: #357 of 1243 id: ap-174 author: Toman, J.; Černý, R. title: Thermal Conductivity of High Performance Concrete in Wide Temperature and Moisture Ranges date: 2001-01-01 words: 1803 flesch: 62 summary: LS c T t x t x t x t t t � ��� � � � � , , d d 0 0 1 2 � � ��� � � � � � �� � c T t x t x t c T t x t x t t x t x t x t t , , ,, , (4) Denoting IT c T t t c T� �� �� � � �d d� � we obtain LS keywords: c t; concrete; conductivity; czech; dependence; fraction; heat; high; k t; kgm–3; materials; measurements; moisture; range; sand; size; t t; t �; temperature; thermal; water cache: ap-174.pdf plain text: ap-174.txt item: #358 of 1243 id: ap-1741 author: Godun, Dmitriy V.; Bordusov, Sergey. V.; Dostanko, Anatoliy P. title: Systems of Electronic Overcurrent Protection in Pulse Power Generator Operating on Plasma Load date: 2013-01-02 words: 1685 flesch: 52 summary: When elaborating current protection systems opti- cal systems of data transfer with the switch period up to 75 ns has been applied which ensure the reten- tion interval necessary to turn the generator off. The fast-acting complex protection system of pulse power generator is to ensure its blocking with the lapse of time not exceeding 100 nanoseconds. keywords: circuit; control; current; discharge; driver; electronic; generator; high; igbt; load; operating; permissible; plasma; power; protection; protection system; pulse; pulse current; system; temperature; threshold; transistors; value; voltage cache: ap-1741.pdf plain text: ap-1741.txt item: #359 of 1243 id: ap-1743 author: Golosov, Dmitriy A.; Zavatskiy, Sergey M.; Melnikov, Sergey N. title: Physical and Electrical Properties of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films Prepared by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering date: 2013-01-02 words: 3427 flesch: 64 summary: In the present paper, the authors report the syn- thesis of YSZ thin films by RF magnetron sputtering and report the results of studying the structural and electrical properties of YSZ films. In order to form the crystalline structure, the deposited films were annealed in air over a temperature range of 700 ÷ 900 ◦C. By XRD analysis it was established that as the deposited films were amorphous, they crystallized into a pure cubic structure as a result of annealing in air at a temperature above 820 ◦C. The electrophysical properties of YSZ films were investigated on structures such as Ni/YSZ/Pt/Ti/Si and Ni/YSZ/Si. keywords: air; annealing; conductivity; constant; deposited; deposition; dielectric; figure; films; frequency; gas; high; ionic; loss; magnetron; min; power; properties; rate; solid; sputtering; stabilized; structures; substrates; tangent; temperature; thin; time; ysz; yttria; zirconia cache: ap-1743.pdf plain text: ap-1743.txt item: #360 of 1243 id: ap-1747 author: Gurin, Anatolii A.; Adamenko, Andrii S.; Adamenko, Stanislav V.; Kuzmenko, Mykola M. title: Proton- and -radiation of the Micro-Pinch with the Boron-Containing Target date: 2013-01-02 words: 4213 flesch: 62 summary: (This number is determined by counting the total number of proton tracks, de- flected by the magnetic field, directly in the magnet gap with an additional small 5 mm aperture at the en- trance into magnet). “Heads” of strips, its close to the pinhole axis edges, are formed by deep latent tracks of fast protons with energies from 0.6 to 1 MeV, while the continuation of the strips represented highly degraded tracks down to the bottom of track formation energy 100 keV. The images, and all of their details recorded by the pin- hole, are not snapshots of hot spot but the integral pictures without any time binding. keywords: acceleration; alpha; analyser; anode; average; axis; beam; boron; camera; case; current; data; dense; detectors; diode; energy; experiments; fast; field; figure; fusion; groups; heavy; helium; high; hot; hot spot; image; ions; kev; loci; magnetic; mev; micro; nuclei; number; parabola; particles; pinch; pinhole; plasma; protons; radiation; range; results; sdam; solid; spot; target; theor; thomson; time; total; tracks; values cache: ap-1747.pdf plain text: ap-1747.txt item: #361 of 1243 id: ap-1749 author: Hlavatá, Lucie; Serbanescu, Rodica; Hlochová, Lenka; Kozáková, Zdenka; Krčma, František title: Pin Hole Discharge Creation in Na2SO4 Water Solutions date: 2013-01-02 words: 2392 flesch: 61 summary: Oxidative processes occurring when pulsed high voltage discharges degrade phenol in aqueous solution. Oscilloscope Tektronix TDS 1012B operating up to 100 MHz with Tektronix P6015A high volt- age probe was used to obtain time resolved charac- teristics of discharge voltage and current with focus on the breakdown moment. keywords: acta; barrier; breakdown; bubble; characteristics; cm−1; conductivity; configuration; creation; current; diaphragm; dielectric; discharge; electrical; electrode; electrolyte; figure; formation; high; hole; increase; mean; moment; pin; plasma; solution; thickness; time; values; voltage; water cache: ap-1749.pdf plain text: ap-1749.txt item: #362 of 1243 id: ap-1751 author: Horký, Miroslav title: Instability Growth Rate Dependence on Input Parameters During the Beam–Target Plasma Interaction date: 2013-01-02 words: 2532 flesch: 69 summary: [ i F(0)α · eB mα + ( c2sαk 2 + ω2pα ) k · eB k2 ]} − 2∏ α=1 ω2pα k2 [ Ω2αk 2 −ω2cα (eB · k) 2 ] = 0, (3) where Ωα = ω − k · u(0)α , (4) ωcα is the cyclotron frequency, F (0) α is the Lorentz magnetic force, eB is the unit vector in the direc- tion of magnetic field and csα is the sound velocity. The two-stream instability without magnetic field is described by the well-known Buneman dispersion relation. keywords: buneman; cos; cs1; cs2; dependence; dispersion; field; fig; figure; instability; jet; magnetic; non; parameters; pigr; plasma; polynomial; relation; results; simulations; sin; solution; stream; value; velocity; ωc1; ωc2; ωp2 cache: ap-1751.pdf plain text: ap-1751.txt item: #363 of 1243 id: ap-1753 author: Jakubova, Ivana; Senk, Josef; Laznickova, Ilona title: The Influence of Nitrogen in Ar+N2 Mixture on Parameters of High-Temperature Device with Electric Arc date: 2013-01-02 words: 4377 flesch: 60 summary: Conclusions can be useful for the design of high temperature devices operating with argon/nitrogen mixture. Similarly, Figure 7 includes the data measured for 1.6 and 8 % for variant B. Com- paring the efficiency of the device in both configura- tions, clearly better efficiency at the output of the an- ode channel for configuration B compared to configu- ration A is deteriorated by higher power loss of reac- tor 1 in variant B. keywords: anode; anode channel; arc; argon; cathode; channel; concentration; configuration; current; device; efficiency; figure; gas; heater; higher; individual; input; length; loss; mass; mean; measured; mixture; nitrogen; output; plasma; power; power loss; properties; pure; reaction; reactor; segment; temperature; variant; velocity; voltage; working cache: ap-1753.pdf plain text: ap-1753.txt item: #364 of 1243 id: ap-1755 author: Kortanek, Jiri; Kubes, Pavel title: Calculation of the Inductance of Plasma Column at PF-1000 Device with Assumed Current Distribution date: 2013-01-02 words: 2080 flesch: 68 summary: Inductance of shots No. 9011 and No. 9013 using plasma border detection. These constants are set for the borders to follow the places where we see a sharp rise or drop in plasma density. keywords: border; column; current; density; diagnostics; distribution; figure; flows; fusion; implosion; inductance; kubes; magnetic; method; neutron; pf-1000; pinch; plasma; probe; shot; signal; time; value cache: ap-1755.pdf plain text: ap-1755.txt item: #365 of 1243 id: ap-1757 author: Lee, Won-Ho; Lee, Jong-Chul title: Atmospheric Argon Free burning Arcs with a Simplified Unified Model Using CFD-Arc Modeling date: 2013-01-02 words: 2431 flesch: 60 summary: The present results for 200 A, com- pared with those of [3, 11] given in brackets, were maximum arc temperature 24 300 K (23 700 K), max- imum axial velocity 500 m/s (500 m/s) and arc volt- age 10.5 V (12.9 V). Free burning arcs, where the work piece acts as an anode, are frequently used for a number of applications. keywords: acta; anode; arc; arcs; argon; atmospheric; axial; axis; burning; cathode; column; conditions; electrodes; energy; equations; farmer; flow; free; haddad; high; investigation; lte; model; phys; plasma; polytechnica; pressure; results; simplified; temperature; thermal; unified; velocity cache: ap-1757.pdf plain text: ap-1757.txt item: #366 of 1243 id: ap-1759 author: Makhlaj, Vadym A.; Garkusha, Igor E.; Aksenov, Nikolay N.; Chuvilo, Alexander A.; Landman, Igor S. title: High-Speed Monitoring of Dust Particles in ITER ELMs Simulation Experiments with QSPA Kh-50 date: 2013-01-02 words: 2496 flesch: 62 summary: The main parameters of QSPA plasma streams were as follows: ion impact energy about 0.4 ÷ 0.6 keV, the maximum plasma pressure 3.2 bar, and the plasma stream diameter about 18 cm. It is interesting to compare the results of QSPA Kh-50 plasma exposures with performed ex- periments on erosion product monitoring in QSPA-T facility [3, 1]. keywords: camera; cracking; different; droplets; dust; elm; energy; erosion; experiments; fig; fusion; heat; high; interaction; iter; layer; load; material; monitoring; m−2; particles; plasma; qspa; results; simulation; speed; start; surface; target; threshold; time; tungsten; velocity cache: ap-1759.pdf plain text: ap-1759.txt item: #367 of 1243 id: ap-176 author: Vognar, M.; Šimáně, Č.; Chvátil, D. title: Faraday Cup for Electron Flux Measurements on the Microtron MT 25 date: 2001-01-01 words: 2371 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: microtron, Faraday cup, electron beams, electron flux measurement Fig. 1: Assembly drawing of the Faraday cup in the vacuum housing: 1 – cavity, 2 – graphite cup, 3 – steel stopper, 4 – permanent magnets, 5 – ceramic insulators, 6 – dece- lerating electrode, 7 – insulators, 8 – cylindrical part of the vacuum housing, 9 – housing bottom, 10 – collar, 11 – rear flange, 12 – rubber gasket, 13 – Al foil entry win- dow, 14 – front flange, 15 – pumping sleeve, 16 – vacu- um 4-lead bushing, 17 – Al front shielding permanent magnets 4 are inserted in part 2. 3: Measuring line: 1 – electron beam exit window, 2 – Faraday cup entry window, 3 – first indexed turret with four diaphragm mounts, 4 – second indexed turret with eight diaphragm mounts, 5 – conical stainless steel collimator, 6 – square W-steel collimator, 7 – optical bench, 8 – table desk, 9 – diaphragm frame, 10 – common platform carriage, 11 – guide rail keywords: beam; cavity; cup; current; density; distance; electrode; electron; electron flux; energy; entry; exit; faraday; faraday cup; flux; housing; input; mean; measured; mev; microtron; range; resistor; scattering; steel; thick; vacuum; value; walls; window cache: ap-176.pdf plain text: ap-176.txt item: #368 of 1243 id: ap-1763 author: Olszewski, Serge; Lisitchenko, Tamara; Yukhymenko, Vitalij title: Long-Lived Plasma Process, Created by Impulse Discharge in Micro-Disperse Droplet Environment date: 2013-01-02 words: 3826 flesch: 63 summary: The duration current impulse of spark discharge was ≤ 10 µs. Fig. The emission spectrum of spark discharge is represented on plot a) and spec- trum of sliding discharge on b). keywords: active; area; axis; breakdown; calculated; charged; conditions; consistent; current; different; discharge; disperse; droplet; drops; electric; electrodes; emission; environment; experimental; field; fig; figure; fog; high; impulse; instability; liquid; long; metal; micro; model; particles; plasma; pls; process; processes; results; self; size; spark; spectra; surface; systems; time; value; video; voltage; volume; water; working cache: ap-1763.pdf plain text: ap-1763.txt item: #369 of 1243 id: ap-1765 author: Petit, Jean P.; Dore, Jean C. title: Velikhov Electrothermal Instability Cancellation by a Modification of Electrical Conductivity Value in a Streamer by Magnetic Confinement date: 2013-01-02 words: 2663 flesch: 59 summary: Theoretical analysis of shock wave anihilation with MHD force field. Proceedings III, part 14.E – MHD flow, pp. keywords: acta; action; cancellation; close; collision; conference; coulomb; critical; development; electrical; electrothermal; equilibrium; experiment; field; france; gas; gases; generation; hall; instability; international; ionization; j. p.; jean; laboratory; lambda; magnetic; mhd; non; p. petit; parameter; petit; plasma; power; regime; research; shock; supersonic; temperature; tube; value; velikhov; wave cache: ap-1765.pdf plain text: ap-1765.txt item: #370 of 1243 id: ap-1767 author: Píchal, Jan; Klenko, Julia title: Positioning of the Precursor Gas Inlet in an Atmospheric Dielectric Barrier Reactor, and its Effect on the Quality of Deposited TiOx Thin Film Surface date: 2013-01-02 words: 3177 flesch: 60 summary: We used the plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) method applying atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge (ADBD) plasma for TiOx thin films deposition, employing titanium isopropoxide (TTIP) and oxygen as reactants, and argon as a working gas. The XPS peak positions were referenced at the aliphatic carbon component at 285.0 eV. Due to inadequate equipment we were unfortunately not able to clean the film profile by sput- tering and perform XPS profile tests, so our research had to focus on film surface tests only. keywords: adbd; afm; air; atmospheric; barrier; best; carbon; chemical; composition; deposited; deposition; dielectric; discharge; electrode; figure; film; flow; gas; inlets; method; mode; oxygen; plasma; precursor; pressure; quality; reactions; reactor; slm; species; spectrum; substrate; surface; tests; thin; tio2; tiox; titanium; ttip; xps cache: ap-1767.pdf plain text: ap-1767.txt item: #371 of 1243 id: ap-1769 author: Šíla, Ondrej; Kubeš, Pavel; Kravárik, Josef; Rezác, Karel; Klír, Daniel; Cikhardt, Jakub title: Estimation of Amount of Scattered Neutrons at Devices PFZ and GIT-12 by MCNP Simulations date: 2013-01-02 words: 2042 flesch: 63 summary: For estimating of neutron energy we use time-of- flight method. Because of the fact that neutrons from D−D fusion reaction have velocity approximately 0.72c, we use simple non-relativistic equation for esti- mating neutron energy En from its velocity vn, keywords: current; device; d−d; effect; energy; experimental; figure; fusion; git-12; input; line; mcnp; neutrons; pfz; pinch; place; plasma; probe; results; scattered; setup; simulation; source; spectrum; steel cache: ap-1769.pdf plain text: ap-1769.txt item: #372 of 1243 id: ap-1771 author: Šmíd, Michal; Antonelli, Luca; Renner, Oldoich title: X-ray Spectroscopic Characterization of Shock-Ignition-Relevant plasmas date: 2013-01-02 words: 2424 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: hot electrons, shock ignition, laser-produced plasma, X-ray spectroscopy, Kα radiation. Found values of plasma temperature 690 ± 10 eV, electron density 3 × 1022 cm−3 and the effective energy of hot electrons 45 ± 20 keV demonstrate the potential of X-ray methods in the characterization of the shock ignition environmental conditions. keywords: acta; beam; bent; cm−2; conditions; copper; crystal; czech; data; density; effective; electrons; emitted; energy; experimental; figure; high; hot; hot electrons; ignition; imaging; intensity; laser; lines; measured; number; phys; plasma; plastic; prague; ray; relevant; shock; signal; spectra; target; temperature cache: ap-1771.pdf plain text: ap-1771.txt item: #373 of 1243 id: ap-1775 author: Torrisi, Lorenzo; Cavallaro, Salvatore; Cutroneo, Mariapompea; Krasa, Josef title: Nuclear Fusion Effects Induced in Intense Laser-Generated Plasmas date: 2013-01-02 words: 2855 flesch: 56 summary: Deuterium ions at kinetic energies above 4 MeV have been measured by using ion collectors and SiC detectors in time-of-flight configuration. Thus protons and deuterium ions emitted from primary and sec- ondary targets, can be detected and their kinetic energy measured. keywords: charge; cross; density; depth; detection; deutered; deuterium; deuterons; distance; d−d; energy; events; fast; figure; function; fusion; high; ions; kinetic; laser; mev; neutrons; nuclear; number; order; plasma; polyethylene; primary; protons; reaction; scintillator; secondary; section; sic; spectrum; target; thin; tof; total cache: ap-1775.pdf plain text: ap-1775.txt item: #374 of 1243 id: ap-1777 author: Turčičová, Hana; Huynh, Jaroslav title: Stimulated Raman Backscattering in Plasma — a Promising Tool for the Generation of Ultra-High Power Laser Beams date: 2013-01-02 words: 2798 flesch: 66 summary: Keywords: stimulated Raman scattering, laser plasma, high intensity lasers. In the last fifteen years again a new potentially revolutionary technique has emerged from theoretical studies of wave instabilities in laser plasma, which presents a possibility of the production of intense and ultrashort laser pulses even without the large compres- sors. keywords: amplification; backscattering; beam; channel; compression; czech; density; duration; energy; experiments; frequency; gas; high; intensity; laser; long; output; pals; phys; plasma; power; prague; pulse; pump; raman; regime; sapphire; scattering; seed; short; simulations; srbs; stimulated; technique; time; wave cache: ap-1777.pdf plain text: ap-1777.txt item: #375 of 1243 id: ap-178 author: Šimáně, Č.; Vognar, M.; Chvátil, D. title: Some Aspects of Profiling Electron Fields for Irradiation by Scattering on Foils date: 2001-01-01 words: 3504 flesch: 70 summary: � �� �B � ln . The electron flux F(�) inside a cone of angular aperture 2�, normalized to unity for � from 0 to �, can be written in the form � � � �F W� � � � � � � sin d0 (1) where W(�)d�� the probability of an electron being scattered under an angle � into an interval d�, is, according to the Moliere theory [2], given by an expression (with only the first term taken into account) � �W B B � � � � � � � � � � � d d 2 2 exp � � � � � � (2) The constant factor before the exponential on the right side is the normalization factor and at the same time the amplitude of the Gaussian distribution. keywords: air; angular; aperture; beam; cup; current; degrees; density; distance; distribution; electron; exit; experimental; faraday; fig; flux; foils; forward; gaussian; mev; peak; results; scattering; thickness; value; window cache: ap-178.pdf plain text: ap-178.txt item: #376 of 1243 id: ap-1781 author: Velardi, Luciano; Side, Domenico Delle; Marco, Massimo De; Nassisi, Vincenzo title: Emittance Characterization of Ion Beams Provided by Laser Plasma date: 2013-01-02 words: 2699 flesch: 66 summary: Laser ion sources offer the possibility to obtain ion beams useful for particle accelerators. mrad)−2. Keywords: LIS source, ion beam, emittance. keywords: acceleration; applied; area; beams; brightness; chamber; charge; cup; current; electric; electrode; emittance; energy; expansion; extraction; figure; gap; high; instrum; ion; ions; laser; lis; materials; methods; nassisi; output; plasma; radiochromic; target; values; voltage cache: ap-1781.pdf plain text: ap-1781.txt item: #377 of 1243 id: ap-1783 author: Vojta, Vladimír title: In memory of Alois Apfelbeck: An Interconnection between Cayley-Eisenstein-Pólya and Landau Probability Distributions date: 2013-01-02 words: 3590 flesch: 81 summary: 69 Acta Polytechnica 53(2):63–69, 2013 1 Introduction 2 Inversion of the moment generating function 2.1 Direct procedure 2.2 Mellin procedure 2.3 Stieltjes procedure 3 Integrals and integral transforms 4 Conclusion Acknowledgements References Function W0(s) s(1+W0(s)) is a Stieltjes function [4]. keywords: cayley; cot; differential; distribution; eisenstein; equation; f(x; f0(x; f1(x; function; integral; landau; laplace; mellin; operator; p.d.f; probability; proof; pólya; theorem; transform; w0(s; w0(−u cache: ap-1783.pdf plain text: ap-1783.txt item: #378 of 1243 id: ap-1785 author: Hubata-Vacek, Václav; Kukal, Jaromír; Rusina, Robert; Buncová, Marie title: Fractal Dimension Estimation in Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease date: 2013-01-02 words: 1925 flesch: 71 summary: Dimension estimates via various entropy estimates. lim q→1 Hq = − ∑ j=1 pj ln pj ; • Collision entropy keywords: als; alzheimer; bayesian; brain; czech; dimension; disease; ed̂q; entropy; estimates; estimation; fractal; h0,n; h1,hb; h1,n; h1,s; h2,s; harris; n(a; rényi; scans; shannon cache: ap-1785.pdf plain text: ap-1785.txt item: #379 of 1243 id: ap-1789 author: Kutilek, Patrik; Viteckova, Slavka; Svoboda, Zdenek title: Characterization of Human Gait using Fuzzy Logic date: 2013-01-02 words: 3990 flesch: 59 summary: 4. Fuzzy rule based expert system We can use fuzzy sets to evaluate the angle-angle di- agrams (cyclograms). Fuzzy sets of variables and linguistic expressions based on the area and the inclination angle of the cyclogram. keywords: acta; analysis; angle; area; behavior; characteristics; cyclogram; data; diagram; expert; figure; fuzzy; fuzzy logic; gait; human; inclination; inclination angle; input; logic; lower; measured; method; model; moment; movement; output; polytechnica; practice; rules; second; sets; small; speed; study; surface; system; table; terrain; treadmill; type; use; variables; walking cache: ap-1789.pdf plain text: ap-1789.txt item: #380 of 1243 id: ap-1791 author: Tylova, Lucie; Kukal, Jaromir; Vysata, Oldrich title: Predictive Models in Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease from EEG date: 2013-01-02 words: 2348 flesch: 66 summary: Model error The three AR models above are easily comparable, because they produce an overdetermined system of M = m−n linear equations for n unknown variables a1, . . Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, EEG, linear predictive model, quasi-stationarity, robust statistics, multiple testing, FDR. keywords: accuracy; alzheimer; brain; channel; diagnosis; differences; disease; eeg; engineering; error; fluctuation; iqr; linear; mad1; mad2; mad3; measures; med; model; predictive; robust; sensitivity; signal; significant; specificity; std; symmetric; testing; time; value cache: ap-1791.pdf plain text: ap-1791.txt item: #381 of 1243 id: ap-1795 author: Hladík, Jakub; Lórencz, Róbert; Šimeček, Ivan title: Clock Math — a System for Solving SLEs Exactly date: 2013-01-02 words: 2987 flesch: 61 summary: Future Work As we now have a working system, we would like to proceed to: • add support for both single and double precision for matrix elimination, as the β vector module count and GPU performance may differ; • add support for larger matrices than 4096 × 4096 – optimize SMP shared memory usage; • add support for automatic kernel group size tuning for larger matrices, as the group size lowers the mem- ory access time on different GPUs/architectures; • examine the modulus operation performance across different GPU architectures and further opti- mize the SAXPY, respectively DAXPY functions (mod m); • utilize OpenMPI library to add cluster support; • adjust and run the solver on our university STAR cluster to test AMD’s OpenCL CPU implementa- tion. The goal of matrix scaling is to adjust all the floating-point numbers of the matrix to their corresponding integer versions. keywords: architecture; arithmetic; clock; computation; computer; cores; elimination; equations; error; gpgpu; gpu; integer; linear; lórencz; math; matrix; memory; modular; numerical; nvidia; opencl; optimizations; parallel; performance; point; polytechnica; precision; problems; processor; results; rounding; row; scaling; sensitive; single; size; sles; smp; solution; solver; speedup; system; vector cache: ap-1795.pdf plain text: ap-1795.txt item: #382 of 1243 id: ap-1797 author: Cartarius, Holger; Dast, Dennis; Haag, Daniel; Wunner, Günter; Eichler, Rüdiger; Main, Jorg title: Stationary and Dynamical Solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation for a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a PT symmetric Double Well date: 2013-01-03 words: 6500 flesch: 64 summary: This is always fulfilled for PT symmetric wave functions. Stationary states are determined and the propagation of wave function is investigated using the time-dependent Gross- Pitaevskii equation. keywords: amplitude; atoms; bose; broken; case; complex; condensate; dimensional; double; eigenstates; eigenvalue; einstein; energy; equation; evolution; exact; figure; functions; gain; gaussian; gross; ground; hamiltonian; hermitian; imaginary; independent; initial; lett; long; loss; model; nonlinear; nonlinearity; norm; numerical; parameters; phys; pitaevskii; pitaevskii equation; point; positive; potential; probability; pt symmetric; quantum; real; rev; solutions; square; state; stationary; symmetric; symmetry; system; temporal; time; true; values; variational; wave; wave functions cache: ap-1797.pdf plain text: ap-1797.txt item: #383 of 1243 id: ap-1799 author: Dey, Sanjib; Fring, Andreas title: The Two-dimensional Harmonic Oscillator on a Noncommutative Space with Minimal Uncertainties date: 2013-01-03 words: 1542 flesch: 73 summary: Keywords: noncommutative space, non-Hermitian operators, 2D-systems. [16] S. Dey and A. Fring, Squeezed coherent states for noncommutative spaces with minimal length uncertainity relations, Phys. keywords: algebra; dimensional; fring; hamiltonian; harmonic; hermitian; minimal; noncommutative; oscillator; phys; pys; quantum; relations; space; spectrum cache: ap-1799.pdf plain text: ap-1799.txt item: #384 of 1243 id: ap-180 author: Kopáčková, M. title: Critical Length of a Column in View of Bifurcation Theory date: 2001-01-01 words: 3410 flesch: 65 summary: 4: Three deflections of the column � � � � � �Lu s f s s� �, ,0 1 (15) exists and is of the form � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � �u s b f v u s v s u Cv s s � � �� � � � �0 0 0 00 (12) Let us denote by L(u) the linear operator as the closure (in H1(0, 1)) of the operator given by the values � � � � � �L u s u s s u s� �� � �0 for the functions satisfying boundary conditions (8) and � � � � � �� � � �� �F u t s u s u s u s, sin sin ,� ��0 � (13) where = � � �0. keywords: = �; column; critical; deflections; eigenvalue; equation; f s; fig; form; length; linear; n �; nonlinear; problem; rod; s s; s v; sin; solution; theory; u s; w s; � /2; � w cache: ap-180.pdf plain text: ap-180.txt item: #385 of 1243 id: ap-1801 author: Exner, Pavel; Barseghyan, Diana title: Spectral Analysis of Schrödinger Operators with Unusual Semiclassical Behavior date: 2013-01-03 words: 5301 flesch: 73 summary: Schrödinger operators in cusps with non-trivial geometry In the second part of the paper we shall discuss Schrödinger type operators HΩ = −∆ΩD −V (3.1) with a bounded measurable potential V ≥ 0 on L2(Ω), where −∆ΩD is the Dirichlet Laplacian on a region Ω ⊂ Rd. In this paper we discuss several examples of Schrödinger operators describing a particle confined to a region with thin cusp-shaped ‘channels’, given either by a potential or by a Dirichlet boundary; we focus on cases when the allowed phase space is infinite but the operator still has a discrete spectrum. keywords: acta; analysis; barseghyan; bounds; constant; corresponding; cusps; dirichlet; discrete; domain; eigenvalue; estimates; exner; following; function; h−0; inequality; infinite; j=1; lclσ,1; lieb; math; moments; negative; non; number; operator; p(x; phys; polytechnica; potential; region; schrödinger; section; spectral; spectrum; theorem; thirring; unbounded; upper; ∥∥1 cache: ap-1801.pdf plain text: ap-1801.txt item: #386 of 1243 id: ap-1803 author: Hammou, Amine B. title: Generalized Continuity Equation for Quasi-Hermitian Hamiltonians date: 2013-01-03 words: 1605 flesch: 69 summary: Using a quasi-Hermitian toy model of discrete delta function potential, it was shown that the reflection and transmission coefficients computed using this current obey the unitarity relation. By an appropriate mod- ification of the inner product on the Hilbert space, quasi-Hermitian operators can be made Hermitian [8]. keywords: 2ak; continuity; current; delta; function; generalized; hermitian; hilbert; metric; phys; potential; quasi; reflection; relation; sin; space; transmission; unitarity cache: ap-1803.pdf plain text: ap-1803.txt item: #387 of 1243 id: ap-1805 author: Himmel, Martin title: On the Solvability of Some Partial Differential Inequality date: 2013-01-03 words: 4833 flesch: 67 summary: Thus, it is possible to interpret integrating factors and Dulac functions as invariant functions to certain cofactors: an inte- grating factor is nothing but an invariant function having cofactor k = −div X (16) and a Dulac function is an invariant function with cofactor The multiplier B ∈ W 1,p(Ω,R) is called Dulac function of the planar dynamical system (1) in Ω ⊆ D if and only if there is a real-valued continuous function g > 0 keywords: 16th; algebraic; case; closed; cofactor; criterion; curves; cycles; definition; degree; differential; div; domain; dulac; equation; equilibrium; existence; factor; field; function; hilbert; hyperbolic; integral; integrating; invariant; limit; linear; local; non; number; orbits; ordinary; partial; periodic; planar; polynomial; problem; proof; quadratic; qualitative; real; set; smooth; solution; system; theorem; theory; vector cache: ap-1805.pdf plain text: ap-1805.txt item: #388 of 1243 id: ap-1807 author: Janda, Jirí title: Weakly Ordered A-Commutative Partial Groups of Linear Operators Densely Defined on Hilbert Space date: 2013-01-03 words: 5360 flesch: 90 summary: An interval [−1, 1] with ⊕ defined for 0 ≤ x,y by • x⊕y = x + y iff x + y ≤ 1, • x⊕ (−y) = x−y, • (−x) ⊕ (−y) = −(x⊕y) iff (x⊕y) exists and relation ≤G defined by x ≤G y iff x ≤ y and y −x ≤ 1 for all x,y ∈ + z exists and (Riii) implies that y + z exists. keywords: algebra; case; commutative; d(a; definition; effect; exists; generalized; group; hilbert; iff; lemma; linear; operation; operators; order; partial; pos(g; positive; proof; relation; set; space; w.r.t; weakly; woa; wop; x−y cache: ap-1807.pdf plain text: ap-1807.txt item: #389 of 1243 id: ap-1809 author: Kleefeld, Frieder title: Complex Covariance date: 2013-01-03 words: 5777 flesch: 68 summary: Despite this enormous amount of activities to “make sense of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians” [21, 22] and the fact that we had managed [6] to construct even a Lorentz-boost for complex-mass fields required to formulate non-Hermitian spinors and Dirac-equations, there has remained — as to our understanding — one crucial point neglected and unclear which is in the spirit of the QHJT and which will be the focus of the presented results: How can the general concept of “covariance” having been formulated by Albert Ein- stein (1905) Our considerations will lead us not only to some unconventional derivation of Lorentz transformations for complex-valued velocities, but also to the non-Hermitian Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations, which are to lay the foundations of a non-Hermitian quantum theory. keywords: acta; arxiv; causal; classical; complex; coordinates; covariance; derivation; dirac; e.g.; einstein; energy; eqs; equations; following; frames; generalized; hep; hermitian; inertial; inverse; kleefeld; llfv; lorentz; momentum; non; particle; phase; phys; plane; point; principle; quantum; real; relativity; rev; schrödinger; space; spatial; theory; time; transformations; velocities; velocity; wave; γ γ; ∂2ψ cache: ap-1809.pdf plain text: ap-1809.txt item: #390 of 1243 id: ap-1811 author: Leach, P. G. L. title: Emmy Noether and Linear Evolution Equations date: 2013-01-03 words: 2939 flesch: 61 summary: [5] Gasizov R & Ibragimov NH (1998) Lie symmetry analysis of differential equations in finance Nonlinear Dynamics 17 387–407. These each have an equivalent in the Schrödinger Equation corresponding to the Lagrangian and by extension to linear evolution equations in general. keywords: algebra; black; boundary; case; classical; conditions; differential; emmy; equation; evolution; f(t; finance; financial; function; hamiltonian; heat; initial; journal; lagrangian; lie; log; mathematics; mechanics; merton; model; noether; point; pricing; scholes; schrödinger; schwartz; solution; symmetries; symmetry; theorem; time; u∂u cache: ap-1811.pdf plain text: ap-1811.txt item: #391 of 1243 id: ap-1813 author: Mostafazadeh, Ali title: Spectral Singularities do not Correspond to Bound States in the Continuum date: 2013-01-03 words: 781 flesch: 66 summary: Spectral singularities appear for generic complex scattering potentials, while scattering potentials that involve bound states in the continuum are ex- tremely rare. Keywords: spectral singularity, bound state in continuum, resonance. keywords: continuum; mostafazadeh; phys; potentials; rev; scattering; schrödinger; singularities; singularity; spectral; states cache: ap-1813.pdf plain text: ap-1813.txt item: #392 of 1243 id: ap-1815 author: Paseka, Jan; Riečanová, Zdenka title: Inherited Properties of Effect Algebras Preserved by Isomorphisms date: 2013-01-03 words: 5480 flesch: 75 summary: Keywords: effect algebras; operator effect algebras; isomorphisms; operator representations of effect algebras.. AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: 06C15, (03G12, 81P10). [18] Riečanová Z., Zajac M., Hilbert space effect-representations of effect algebras, Reports of Mathematical Physics, 70 (2012), 283–290. 313 doi: 10.1007/s00500-010-0561-7.DOI: 10.1007/s00500-010-0561-7 doi: 10.1007/s10701-011-9573-0 Acta Polytechnica 53(3):308–313, 2013 1 Introduction 2 Basic definitions and some known facts 2.1 Effect algebras and generalized effect algebras 2.2 Topologies on ordered sets 2.3 Morphisms, embeddings and isomorphisms of effect algebras 3 Basic properties of isomorphisms of effect algebras and operator representations 4 Some properties of operator effect algebras that need not be preserved by effect algebraic isomorphisms Acknowledgements References keywords: additive; adjoint; algebras; closed; complex; d(a; e(h; effect; effect algebras; elements; generalized; hilbert; iff; isomorphisms; net; operator; order; positive; properties; self; set; space; state; theorem; unbounded; ϕ(a; ϕ(aα cache: ap-1815.pdf plain text: ap-1815.txt item: #393 of 1243 id: ap-1817 author: Riečanová, Zdenka; Zajac, Michal title: Intervals in Generalized Effect Algebras and their Sub-generalized Effect Algebras date: 2013-01-03 words: 2316 flesch: 69 summary: [10] Polakovič, M.: Generalized effect algebras of bounded positive operators defined on Hilbert spaces, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 68 (2011), 241–250. Subalgebras, intervals and central elements of generalized effect algebras. keywords: algebra; effect; effect algebra; generalized; generalized effect; hilbert; linear; operators; positive; q]e; riečanová; set; space; sub cache: ap-1817.pdf plain text: ap-1817.txt item: #394 of 1243 id: ap-1819 author: Znojil, Miloslav title: Non-Hermitian Star-shaped Quantum Graphs date: 2013-01-03 words: 3140 flesch: 66 summary: Summary and outlook The idea of the study of the non-Hermitian star- shaped quantum graphs relates, equally strongly, to the studies of its non-Hermitian predecessors which remain topologically trivial (cf. The concept of quantum graphs 2 keywords: acta; concept; crypto; dimensional; discretization; dynamics; friendly; graphs; hamiltonian; hermitian; hermiticity; hilbert; idea; matrix; metric; models; non; nontrivial; particular; phys; point; polytechnica; problem; quantum; quantum graphs; real; secular; smearing; space; star; theory; use; vertices; wedges; znojil; ;  cache: ap-1819.pdf plain text: ap-1819.txt item: #395 of 1243 id: ap-182 author: Fořt, I.; Medek, J.; Ambros, F. title: Erosion Wear of Axial Flow Impellersin a Solid-liquid Suspension date: 2001-01-01 words: 3756 flesch: 67 summary: While the wear of the leading edge of the blade exhibits a monotonous dependence on the pitch angle, the sheet erosion exhibits the maximum rate within the interval of the pitch angles tested � � � 20°; 45°�. Pitched blade impellers with four adjustable inclined plane blades (see Fig. 2) made of rolled brass or construction steel were used for the erosion tests. keywords: angle; blade; brass; construction; dependence; duration; erosion; erosion process; fig; gypsum; hardness; impeller; impeller blade; parameter; particles; pitch; process; profile; rate; rolled; sand; silicious; steel; surface; suspension; thickness; vol; waste; wear; ° � cache: ap-182.pdf plain text: ap-182.txt item: #396 of 1243 id: ap-1821 author: Balková, L'ubomíra; Hrušková, Aranka title: Continued Fractions of Square Roots of Natural Numbers date: 2013-01-04 words: 4004 flesch: 89 summary: It is thus readily seen that if the number x is rational, then the algorithm eventually produces zeroes, i.e. there exists N ∈ N such that an = 0 for all n > N, thus x = a0 + 1 a1 + 1 a2 + 1 ... 3. Continued fractions of √ N Let us consider N ∈ N \ {0}. keywords: continued; form; fraction; irrational; length; numbers; n−1; observation; period; proof; quadratic; theorem cache: ap-1821.pdf plain text: ap-1821.txt item: #397 of 1243 id: ap-1823 author: Beňo, Jaroslav; Hilar, Matouš title: Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete for Tunnel Lining – Verification by Extensive Laboratory Testing and Numerical Modelling date: 2013-01-04 words: 5513 flesch: 64 summary: Segment bending Segments were also tested under a load perpendicular to the longitudinal tunnel axis (Fig. 5b). Afterwards, SFRC segments were produced and then tested at the Klokner Institute of CTU. keywords: applied; bar; beams; behaviour; bending; better; compression; concrete; crack; czech; design; dosage; dramix; fibres; fig; figure; flexural; force; higher; key; laboratory; lining; load; loaded; lower; machine; material; maximum; metro; modelling; mpa; parameters; point; prague; precast; production; properties; reinforcement; results; samples; segmental; segments; sfrc; sfrc segments; shield; steel; strength; structures; tensile; testing; tests; thickness; tunnel; unloaded cache: ap-1823.pdf plain text: ap-1823.txt item: #398 of 1243 id: ap-1825 author: Bodlák, Martin; Jarý, Vladimír; Konorov, Igor; Mann, Alexander; Nový, Josef; Paul, Severine; Virius, Miroslav title: Developing Control and Monitoring Software for the Data Acquisition System of the COMPASS Experiment at CERN date: 2013-01-04 words: 3174 flesch: 61 summary: These modules receive the signals from the time and trigger system; when the trigger signal arrives, the readout is performed. System stability. keywords: acquisition; architecture; buffers; bytes; cern; commands; communication; compass; control; custom; daq; data; database; date; development; dim; event; experiment; figure; hardware; java; library; master; message; monitoring; new; nodes; number; package; performance; protocol; readout; requirements; results; server; slave; software; system; time; transfer; user; version cache: ap-1825.pdf plain text: ap-1825.txt item: #399 of 1243 id: ap-1827 author: Holub, Štepán title: On an Algorithm for Multiperiodic Words date: 2013-01-04 words: 2120 flesch: 81 summary: =   FW(Q, k − m)[i mod m] if (i mod m) < , (i` mod m), i` = j proves [i]Q,k = keywords: algorithm; alphabet; approach; classes; construction; equivalence; example; fw(p; is+1; lemma; length; mod; periods; set; trivial; wilf; word cache: ap-1827.pdf plain text: ap-1827.txt item: #400 of 1243 id: ap-184 author: Šimáně, Č.; Vognar, M.; Kříž, J.; Němec, V. title: A Small Transfer and Distribution System for Liquid Nitrogen date: 2001-01-01 words: 1336 flesch: 63 summary: 3 Three-way LN valve The distribution of LN to three Dewars is enabled by a three-way solenoid valve (Fig. 3) consisting of individual ball valves with a common body. Keywords: liquid nitrogen, transfer system, solenoid pump, solenoid valve, automatic level control. keywords: ball; coil; core; current; delivery; dewar; distribution; fig; liquid; nitrogen; period; plunger; position; pump; solenoid; spring; system; type; valve; way cache: ap-184.pdf plain text: ap-184.txt item: #401 of 1243 id: ap-1841 author: Šulc, Radek; Svačina, Ondřej title: The Effect of Kaolin Concentration on Flock Growth Kinetics in an Agitated Tank date: 2013-01-04 words: 3412 flesch: 56 summary: (b) Relative error of equivalent flock size df,eq: average/maximum absolute value. Keywords: flocculation, flock growth, flock size, mixing, Rushton turbine, kaolin slurry, fractal geometry, image analysis. keywords: agitated; analysis; a∗f; camera; ck0; concentration; correlation; data; df2; dimension; dimensionless; dosage; effect; experimental; flocculant; flocculation; flock; fractal; generalized; growth; image; impeller; initial; kaolin; kinetics; max; mixing; model; parameters; particle; process; shape; size; solid; tank; time; value; vessel; wastewater cache: ap-1841.pdf plain text: ap-1841.txt item: #402 of 1243 id: ap-1843 author: Mihaliková, Mária; Német, Miroslav; Vojtko, Marek title: IMPACT OF STRAIN RATE ON MICROALLOYED STEEL SHEET BREAKING date: 2014-08-31 words: 1672 flesch: 62 summary: Keywords: strain rate, microalloyed steel, fracture surface. The effect of strain rate on the mechanical properties of automotive steel sheets, Acta Polytechnica, 53 (4), 2013, p. 384–387. keywords: acta; deformation; dimples; ductile; fig; figure; fracture; hc420la; impact; increases; loading; material; properties; rate; ratio; sheet; speed; steel; strain; strain rate; strength; surface; tensile cache: ap-1843.pdf plain text: ap-1843.txt item: #403 of 1243 id: ap-1847 author: Bodner, Mark; Chadzitaskos, Goce; Patera, Jiří; Tereszkiewitz, Agnieszka title: THE SHMUSHKEVICH METHOD FOR HIGHER SYMMETRY GROUPS OF INTERACTING PARTICLES date: 2013-10-31 words: 2342 flesch: 67 summary: Keywords: isospin, particle collisions, Lie group representation. [7] R. V. Moody, J. Patera, General charge conjugation operators in simple Lie groups, J. Math. keywords: channels; decomposition; dimensions; e(8; example; group; irreducible; lie; line; method; multiplicities; orbits; patera; probabilities; probability; product; representations; shmushkevich; simple; states; symmetry; weight; weyl cache: ap-1847.pdf plain text: ap-1847.txt item: #404 of 1243 id: ap-1849 author: Burdík, Čestmír; Navrátil, Ondřej title: EXTREMAL VECTORS FOR VERMA TYPE REPRESENTATION OF B2 date: 2013-10-21 words: 3922 flesch: 88 summary: But for 2λ1 + λ2 + 3 = 0 ( 12 )n × (2z1z2 −z3)2n(4z1z4 + z23 ) λ1+ 12 λ2−n+ 3 2 , and for 2λ1 + λ2 + 3 odd, we have the solution f2 = λ1+ 12 λ2+1∑ n=0 ( 12 − 1 2λ2)n(−λ1 − 1 2λ2 − 1)n n! keywords: algebra; case; degree; differential; equations; extremal; f(z1,z2,z3,z4; function; g(t; lie; polynomial; representation; solution; system; variable; vectors; verma; z23 cache: ap-1849.pdf plain text: ap-1849.txt item: #405 of 1243 id: ap-1851 author: Exner, Pavel; Lipovský, Jiří title: RESONANCES ON HEDGEHOG MANIFOLDS date: 2013-10-21 words: 8845 flesch: 70 summary: Resonance asymptotics The aim of this section is to say something about the asymptotic behaviour of the resolvent poles with re- spect to an increasing family of regions which cover in the limit the whole complex plane. The two prominent instances are resolvent resonances identi- fied with poles of the analytically continued resolvent of the Hamiltonian and scattering resonances where we look instead into the analytical structure of the on-shell scattering operator. keywords: acta; aharonov; asymptotics; axis; behaviour; bohm; boundary; case; compact; complex; condition; corresponding; coupling; disc; eigenvalues; energy; equation; example; exner; expression; extensions; f(x; field; figure; finite; function; graphs; green; halflines; hamiltonian; hedgehog; junctions; leads; lemma; lim; lipovský; magnetic; manifold; math; matrix; momentum; non; number; operator; particular; phase; phys; physics; plane; point; pole; polytechnica; proof; quantum; r(x; real; resolvent; resonances; scattering; second; single; situation; system; term; theory; true; unitary; ũ(k; vol; wave; weyl; γ(α cache: ap-1851.pdf plain text: ap-1851.txt item: #406 of 1243 id: ap-1852 author: Gáliková, Veronika; Prešnajder, Peter title: COULOMB SCATTERING IN NON-COMMUTATIVE QUANTUM MECHANICS date: 2013-10-24 words: 4419 flesch: 76 summary: In this paper we present an exact calculation of the NC Coulomb scattering matrix Sλj (E) in the j-th partial wave. As the model is exactly solvable, we were able to find an exact formula for the NC Coulomb scattering matrix Sλj (E) in j-th partial wave. keywords: analog; a†α; commutative; coulomb; cut; ecrit; energies; energy; equation; exact; function; iλe; limit; matrix; mechanics; non; operator; phys; poles; potential; prešnajder; problem; quantum; radial; rej; relations; scattering; schrödinger; solution; space; standard; wave; γ(j cache: ap-1852.pdf plain text: ap-1852.txt item: #407 of 1243 id: ap-1855 author: Hlavatý, Ladislav; Navrátil, Josef; Šnobl, Libor title: ON RENORMALIZATION OF POISSON–LIE T-PLURAL SIGMA MODELS date: 2013-10-24 words: 3444 flesch: 63 summary: The role of ambiguities in renormalization group equations of Poisson–Lie sigma models with truncated matrices of parameters is investigated. Keywords: sigma models, string duality, renormalization group. keywords: algebra; case; choice; diagonal; dimensional; double; drinfel’d; duality; equations; flows; form; group; invariant; lie; lie t; loop; manin; matrix; models; phys; plurality; poisson; proportional; renormalization; renormalization group; sigma; structure; triples cache: ap-1855.pdf plain text: ap-1855.txt item: #408 of 1243 id: ap-1858 author: Chadzitaskos, Goce; Tolar, Jiří title: PROPOSAL OF NEW OPTICAL ELEMENTS date: 2013-10-24 words: 3255 flesch: 65 summary: the cylinder is assembled from single crystal strips made from various materials and cut along different planes, so that the mutual distances between the atomic planes at one end of each strip fulfill Bragg’s condition; (2.) Bent single crystal strips are fixed on the sides by brackets 3. keywords: atomic; axis; bragg; case; chadzitaskos; channels; cross; crystal; diffraction; distance; element; force; interference; light; microscopy; mutual; optical; parabolic; parallel; planes; ray; section; single; single crystal; slits; strip; system; telescope; wavelength cache: ap-1858.pdf plain text: ap-1858.txt item: #409 of 1243 id: ap-186 author: El-Hady, H. M. Abd; Grünwald, A.; Vlčková, K.; Zeithammerová, J. title: Lewatit S100 in Drinking Water Treatment for Ammonia Removal date: 2001-01-01 words: 1942 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: Lewatit S100, ion exchange, ammonia removal, drinking water. The objec- tive of our work is to treat drinking water spiked with NH4 + (10±0.5, 5±0.5 and 2±0.5) mg l �1, using Lewatit S100. keywords: ammonia; ammonium; breakthrough; capacity; column; concentration; drinking; exchange; fig; form; ion; lewatit; mg l; nacl; nh4; regeneration; removal; results; s100; vol; water cache: ap-186.pdf plain text: ap-186.txt item: #410 of 1243 id: ap-1860 author: Masáková, Zuzana; Pelantová, Edita title: ITINERARIES INDUCED BY EXCHANGE OF TWO INTERVALS date: 2013-10-24 words: 4749 flesch: 82 summary: This notion occurs in various con- texts such as return words, Abelian return words, or substitution invariance of the corresponding codings, i.e., Sturmian words. A characterization of Sturmian words by return words. keywords: amicable; exchange; infinite; interval; irrational; iti; itineraries; itinerary; length; map; number; point; proof; proposition; r(x; r1r2; return; set; sturmian; theorem; time; transformation; words cache: ap-1860.pdf plain text: ap-1860.txt item: #411 of 1243 id: ap-1863 author: Pošta, Severin; Havlíček, Miloslav title: NOTE ON VERMA BASES FOR REPRESENTATIONS OF SIMPLE LIE ALGEBRAS date: 2013-10-29 words: 4695 flesch: 81 summary: 4. Conclusions Problems of unified construction of Verma bases for other series of simple Lie algebras (namely orthogonal and symplectic) and of an effective determination of matrix elements in these cases are still open. Verma bases for representations of classical simple Lie algebras. keywords: acta; algebras; amer; bases; canonical; classical; construction; corresponding; crystal; dimensional; elements; finite; fi−1; form; groups; inequalities; irreducible; i−1; i−1f; knn; lemma; lie; lie algebras; linear; m+1; math; mathematics; matrix; modules; monomials; m−k; n f; n+1; note; operators; phys; polytechnica; proof; quantum; representations; sci; set; simple; soc; special; theorem; theory; u(a−n; use; vectors; verma; vol cache: ap-1863.pdf plain text: ap-1863.txt item: #412 of 1243 id: ap-1865 author: Riečanová, Zdenka; Janda, Jiří title: MAXIMAL SUBSETS OF PAIRWISE SUMMABLE ELEMENTS IN GENERALIZED EFFECT ALGEBRAS date: 2013-10-24 words: 4443 flesch: 71 summary: Further, let us investigate inter- vals in pairwise summable generalized effect algebras. Phys. 68, (2011), 261–270. 461 Acta Polytechnica 53(5):457–461, 2013 1 Introduction and some basic definitions 2 Pairwise summable generalized effect algebras 3 Intervals in pairwise summable generalized effect algebras 4 Blocks of pairwise summable elements in generalized effect algebras Acknowledgements References keywords: algebra; b ∈; blocks; e;⊕; effect; effect algebra; elements; example; following; g;⊕; generalized; generalized effect; hilbert; intervals; lattice; maximal; operators; pairwise; partial; q]g; riečanová; set; space; sub; subset; summability; summable; theorem cache: ap-1865.pdf plain text: ap-1865.txt item: #413 of 1243 id: ap-1866 author: Znojil, Miloslav title: NEW CONCEPT OF SOLVABILITY IN QUANTUM MECHANICS date: 2013-10-24 words: 7942 flesch: 64 summary: Non-Hermitian quantum models, indecomposable representations and coherent states quantization. Non-Hermitian quantum graphs 8.1. keywords: acta; available; boundary; certain; choice; complex; concept; condition; correct; coupling; crypto; current; degenerate; discrete; domain; eigenvalues; elementary; eligible; energies; environment; equation; evolution; fig; figure; form; friendly; general; generic; graphs; h(f; h(s; hamiltonian; hermitian; hermiticity; hilbert; hilbert space; inner; math; mathematical; matrix; mechanics; metric; model; new; non; numerical; observability; observable; operator; paper; parameters; parametric; pattern; phys; physical; physics; point; polytechnica; positive; present; product; quantum; real; reality; ref; review; second; sense; set; simplicity; single; solvability; solvable; space; special; spectrum; stability; suitable; symmetric; system; theory; time; toy; transition; upper; znojil cache: ap-1866.pdf plain text: ap-1866.txt item: #414 of 1243 id: ap-1870 author: Levi, Decio; Winternitz, Pavel title: LIE GROUPS AND NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: INVARIANT DISCRETIZATION VERSUS DIFFERENTIAL APPROXIMATION date: 2013-10-29 words: 4340 flesch: 66 summary: As far as applications to the numerical solu- tions of differential equations are concerned, the idea, originally due to Dorodnitsyn [12, 13], is to start from the differential equation, its symmetry group G and the Lie algebra L of G, realized by vector fields. [24] rather than to “jet space” as for differential equations [25]. keywords: approximation; continuous; difference; differential; differential approximation; differential equations; dimensional; discrete; discretization; equations; fields; gl(2,r; group; hn+1; invariant; lattice; levi; lie; math; method; numerical; ode; odes; order; ordinary; phys; point; prolongements; schemes; sci; second; sim(2; sl(2,r; solutions; symmetries; symmetry; terms; variables; vector; winternitz cache: ap-1870.pdf plain text: ap-1870.txt item: #415 of 1243 id: ap-1872 author: Smirnov, Yuri F.; Turbiner, Alexander title: gln+1 ALGEBRA OF MATRIX DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS AND MATRIX QUASI-EXACTLY-SOLVABLE PROBLEMS date: 2013-10-29 words: 5781 flesch: 73 summary: Reps in 2 × 2 matrices Take gl2 in two-dimensional reps by 2 × 2 matrices, M11 = ( 1 0 0 0 ) , M22 = ( 0 0 0 1 ) , M12 = ( 0 1 0 0 ) , M21 = ( 0 0 1 0 ) , Then the generators (11) of gl3 are: T −1 = ( ∂1 0 0 ∂1 ) , T −2 = ( ∂2 0 0 ∂2 ) , E11 = ( x1∂1+1 0 0 The Casimir operators are: C1 = k, C2 = k(k + 2). keywords: algebra; algebraic; body; calogero; cartan; case; casimir; decomposition; differential; dimensional; e22; finite; form; generators; gl2; gl3; gln+1; hexagon; integer; length; lie; m11; m22; matrices; matrix; mij; mixed; model; negative; newton; non; operators; order; points; polynomials; property; realization; relations; representation; reps; solvable; space; sutherland; turbiner; vol; weyl cache: ap-1872.pdf plain text: ap-1872.txt item: #416 of 1243 id: ap-1874 author: Uhlmann, Armin title: THE NUMBER OF ORTHOGONAL CONJUGATIONS date: 2013-10-29 words: 2181 flesch: 70 summary: An anti-linear operator ϑ is said to be Hermitian or self-adjoint if ϑ† = ϑ. ϑ is said to be skew Hermitian or skew self-adjoint if ϑ† = −ϑ. The linear space of all Hermitian (skew Hermitian) anti-linear operators are denoted by B(H)+anti respectively B(H) − anti. Rank-one linear operators are as usually written( |φ′〉〈φ′′| ) Later on, F. Herbut and M. Vujičić were able to clarify the structure of anti-linear normal oper- ators, [4], by proving that such a decomposition also exists for anti-linear normal operators. keywords: adjoint; anti; cambridge; canonical; case; conjugations; dimensional; dimh; equality; form; hermitian; hilbert; linear; linearity; number; operator; orthogonal; product; quantum; set; skew; space; unitary; university; wigner cache: ap-1874.pdf plain text: ap-1874.txt item: #417 of 1243 id: ap-1876 author: Exner, Pavel title: FOREWORD: THREE QUARTERS A CENTURY date: 2013-10-29 words: 615 flesch: 53 summary: Since 1973, he has spent several years at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR, in Dubna, where he also wrote and defended his higher doctoral thesis on Canonical Realizations, a certain algebraic representation theory of Lie algebras. In cases like the jubilee that this Festschrift celebrates, there is indeed a lot to think about, because the life of Professor Miloslav Havlíček has been anything but boring. keywords: acta; algebraic; algebras; czech; lie; life; miloslav; physics; polytechnica; prague; professor; years cache: ap-1876.pdf plain text: ap-1876.txt item: #418 of 1243 id: ap-1878 author: Giovannelli, Franco title: WHAT IS NEW IN ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS date: 2013-12-18 words: 12427 flesch: 64 summary: J. C – Particles and Fields 15 (Ns 1–4), 150 [72] Genzel, R. et al.: 2003a, ApJ 594, 812 [73] Genzel, R. et al.: 2003b, Nature 425, 934 [74] Ghez, A.M. et al.: 2005, ApJ 620, 744 [75] Ghosh, S.K.: 2009, in Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, F. Giovannelli & G. Mannocchi, (eds.), SIF, Ed. Ltd., 99–135 [9] Aharonian, F.A.: 2007, Sci. 315, 70 [10] Albert, J. et al. (MAGIC Collaboration): 2008, Sci. 320, 1752 [11] Alcock, C. et al.: 2000, ApJ 542, 281 [12] von Ballmoos, P., Takahashi, T., Boggs, S.E.: 2010, Nucl. keywords: a&a; abdo; acceleration; acta; apj; astronomy; astroparticle; astrophysics; background; bang; behaviour; big; binaries; binary; black; bologna; close; compact; compositori; cosmic; crs; dark; data; different; diffuse; discovery; distribution; dust; e.g.; ebl; eds; emission; energies; energy; energy cosmic; et al; evolution; experiments; extragalactic; fermi; fields; flux; formation; franco; frontier; galactic; galaxies; galaxy; gamma; gev; giovannelli; graziati; grb; grbs; higgs; high; high energy; history; important; italy; jets; large; lat; light; magnetic; mannocchi; mass; massive; matter; measurements; mem; model; multifrequency; nature; near; neutrinos; neutron; new; objects; observations; observed; open; optical; orbital; origin; papers; particle; physics; polytechnica; possible; problems; processes; progenitors; pulsars; quark; radiation; radio; range; ray; rays; recent; redshift; references; reionization; results; rev; review; sabau; sait; sci; sif; sne; sources; space; spectra; spectrum; standard; stars; state; study; system; talk; time; understanding; universe; upper; vhe; years cache: ap-1878.pdf plain text: ap-1878.txt item: #419 of 1243 id: ap-188 author: Drchalová, J.; Poděbradská, J.; Maděra, J.; Černý, R. title: Evaluation of Water Resistance and Diffusion Properties of Paint Materials date: 2001-01-01 words: 2327 flesch: 55 summary: Integral capillarity of paint-glass concrete systems for t � [0, 180 min], a detail 4 Measuring the effective diffusion coefficient of water vapor When evaluating water vapor transport properties, we preferred diffusion coefficient D defined as j D� � grad c� , (3) rather than diffusion permeability �, which is defined as follows: j pv� ��grad . The diffusion coefficient at temperature T can be cal- culated using the following formula: D m Rd S M T C B A T � � �� � � � w � 1 10 , (9) where d is the thickness of the board-type specimen, M is the molar mass of water vapor, R is the universal gas constant, A, B, C are the constants in the empirical formula describing the dependence of the saturated water vapor pressure on temperature pv, s , p Tv s C BAT, � � � �10 , (10) A = 2900 K, B = 24.738, C = –4.65. keywords: acrylate; basic; capillarity; coefficient; concrete; czech; diffusion; effective; fig; glass; integral; karlocolor; mass; materials; measuring; min; paint; properties; repellent; specimen; substrate; systems; time; value; vapor; vol; water cache: ap-188.pdf plain text: ap-188.txt item: #420 of 1243 id: ap-1880 author: Jones, Lawrence W. title: THE FIRST CENTURY OF COSMIC RAYS, AN HISTORICAL OVERVIEW date: 2013-12-18 words: 2571 flesch: 50 summary: 53 supplement/2013 The First Century of Cosmic Rays, an Historical Overview hydrogen target served as a veto to restrict triggered events to unaccompanied incident cosmic ray particles (virtually all protons). Lawrence Jones — This was indeed a relevant set of measurements, which also hinted at an extra-terrestrial source of cosmic rays. 499 Acta Polytechnica 53(Supplement):497–499, 2013 1 The Hess Discovery 2 Early Discoveries 3 The accelerator–cosmic ray interaction 4 The Echo Lake and Mount Evans research program 5 Recent cosmic ray research References keywords: accelerator; acta; air; balloon; brookhaven; century; cern; chamber; cloud; cosmic; cosmic ray; counters; course; data; detector; discoveries; discovery; early; echo; energy; evans; flights; gev; hess; interactions; ionization; laboratory; lake; measurements; nuclear; particle; physics; polytechnica; proton; ray; rays; recent; research; results; rossi; spark; studies; synchrotron; target; years cache: ap-1880.pdf plain text: ap-1880.txt item: #421 of 1243 id: ap-1881 author: Shaviv, Giora title: THE DISCOVERY OF THE CHANDRASEKHAR MASS AND THE CHANDRASEKHAR-EDDINGTON CONTROVERSY date: 2013-12-18 words: 5396 flesch: 64 summary: In the paper Eddington set out to look for flaws in the derivation of the result P ∼ ρ4/3 for relativistic electrons. References [1] For detailed reference see: Giora Shaviv, The Life of Stars, Springer & Magnes Pub., 2009 505 Acta Polytechnica 53(Supplement):500–505, 2013 1 Introduction 2 Enrico Fermi & Paul Dirac 3 Eddington's white dwarf paradox 4 Cracking the paradox: Fowler 5 Pokrowski – the idea of a limiting mass 6 Anderson expands Pokrowski's idea but changes the reasons 7 Stoner: relativistic degeneracy leads to a limiting mass 8 Anderson again 9 Stoner responds 10 Chandrasekhar 11 The personal side References keywords: anderson; atom; attack; bohr; chandrasekhar; cm3; controversy; density; dirac; discovery; dwarfs; eddington; electrons; energy; equation; fermi; fowler; gas; general; gravitational; high; idea; later; limiting; mass; matter; milne; new; number; paper; paradox; particles; pauli; pokrowski; principle; quantum; relativistic; relativity; result; special; star; state; statistics; stellar; stoner; temperature; theory; time; white; words; ρmax cache: ap-1881.pdf plain text: ap-1881.txt item: #422 of 1243 id: ap-1884 author: Strauss, Thomas title: OPERA HIGHLIGHTS date: 2013-12-18 words: 3531 flesch: 61 summary: OPERA collaboration thanks CERN, INFN and LNGS for their support and work. 517 Acta Polytechnica 53(Supplement):512–517, 2013 1 Introduction 2 DAQ and analysis 2.1 Tau detection 2.2 Physics run performance and data analysis status 2.3 Charm decay topologies in neutrino interactions 3 nu-velocity measurement 4 Conclusions Acknowledgements References keywords: analysis; background; beam; brick; cern; charm; cngs; collaboration; conference; data; decay; detection; detector; ecc; efficiency; electronic; emulsion; events; experiment; figure; films; interaction; lngs; long; measured; muon; neutrino; number; opera; opera experiment; oscillation; physics; primary; reconstructed; results; search; shows; target; time; total; tracks; velocity; vertex cache: ap-1884.pdf plain text: ap-1884.txt item: #423 of 1243 id: ap-1887 author: Straessner, Arno title: HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE LHC date: 2013-12-18 words: 4602 flesch: 69 summary: Keywords: LHC, ATLAS, CMS, Standard Model measurements, SM Higgs boson, MSSM Higgs boson, supersymmetry, top quark, exotic particle searches. Its excitations can be measured as a scalar Higgs boson. keywords: 0.00±; atlas; atlas collaboration; background; boson; cms; cms collaboration; collaboration; cross; data; decay; detectors; energy; event; excess; exp; fig; figure; final; gauge; gev; hadronic; hep; higgs; jet; jets; leptons; lett; lhc; mass; measurements; model; mssm; new; particles; pas; phys; physics; predictions; production; quark; results; rev; scale; searches; section; signal; standard; states; supersymmetric; susy; tev; theo; transverse cache: ap-1887.pdf plain text: ap-1887.txt item: #424 of 1243 id: ap-1888 author: Bellotti, E; Broggini, C.; Di Carlo, G.; Laubenstein, M.; Menegazzo, R. title: STUDY OF THE TIME DEPENDENCE OF RADIOACTIVITY date: 2013-12-18 words: 2544 flesch: 66 summary: Time modulations We searched for time variations with periods from 6 hours to 400 days. In total about 5100 energy spectra, one hour measuring time each, were collected and used to search for time variations of the decay constant with periods from a few hours to 1 year. keywords: 137cs; activity; amplitude; background; carlo; constant; data; days; decay; dependence; detector; energy; experiment; exponential; half; hours; kev; laboratory; larger; life; mca; measured; period; rate; set; source; spectrum; temperature; time; underground; value; variations; year cache: ap-1888.pdf plain text: ap-1888.txt item: #425 of 1243 id: ap-1891 author: Auriemma, Giulio title: CP VIOLATIONS (AND MORE) AFTER THE FIRST TWO YEARS OF LHCB date: 2013-12-18 words: 4633 flesch: 74 summary: References [1] G. Altarelli, in Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, J.-P. Francoise et al. eds. [10] E. Komatsu et al., Astrophys. keywords: aaij; asymmetry; b0s; baryon; bosons; branching; cmssm; compatible; cpv; dark; data; decay; direct; energy; et al; field; figure; fit; gev; hep; higgs; lhcb; limits; mass; matter; measurements; mechanism; minimal; mixing; new; number; order; particle; phase; phys; phys.rev; phys.rev.lett; physics; possible; present; quarks; rare; ratio; ref; sakharov; search; susy; tev; tew; theory; time; transition; universe; violations; years; µ+µ− cache: ap-1891.pdf plain text: ap-1891.txt item: #426 of 1243 id: ap-1892 author: Gustavino, Carlo title: THE 2H(α, γ)6LI REACTION AT LUNA AND BIG BANG NUCLEOSYNTHETIS date: 2013-12-18 words: 2112 flesch: 66 summary: As the 2H(α, γ)6Li cross section drops steeply at low energy, it has never before been studied directly at Big Bang energies. For the first time the reaction has been studied directly at Big Bang energies at the LUNA accelerator. keywords: 2h(2h; 6li; 7li; abundance; background; bang; bbn; beam; big; cross; detector; energies; energy; excess; experimental; figure; kev; line; luna; measurement; nuclear; nucleosynthesis; phys; reaction; roi; section; standard; stars; γ)6li cache: ap-1892.pdf plain text: ap-1892.txt item: #427 of 1243 id: ap-1897 author: Morselli, Aldo title: SEARCH FOR DARK MATTER WITH GAMMA-RAYS: A REVIEW date: 2013-12-18 words: 3421 flesch: 67 summary: [27] M. A. DuVernois et al., [HEAT Coll.], ApJ 559, 296 (2001) [arXiv:1201.2691] [17] M. Ackermann et al. keywords: abdo; ackermann; acta; analysis; annihilation; catalog; center; coll; cosmic; cross; dark; data; diffuse; electrons; emission; energy; et al; fermi; fermi coll; figure; flux; galactic; galaxies; gamma; gev; high; instrument; lat; limits; matter; mev; models; months; morselli; new; pamela; phys; range; ray; rays; region; rev; search; searches; sky; sources; space; spectrum; upper; wimp; years cache: ap-1897.pdf plain text: ap-1897.txt item: #428 of 1243 id: ap-1899 author: Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Gennady S.; Chernin, Artur; Merafina, Marco title: DARK ENERGY AND KEY PHYSICAL PARAMETERS OF CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES date: 2013-12-18 words: 3209 flesch: 67 summary: Keywords: dark energy, equilibrium models, galaxy clusters. It is shown, that dark energy reduces the dynamic stability of the configuration. keywords: 1/3; a.d; bisnovatyi; chernin; cluster; configuration; constant; cosmological; dark; density; energy; equation; equilibrium; galaxies; gravity; kogan; local; mass; matter; merafina; radius; stability; system; value; velocity; virgo; βin cache: ap-1899.pdf plain text: ap-1899.txt item: #429 of 1243 id: ap-190 author: Dobrovská, D. title: Management of People by Managers with a Technical Background - Research Results date: 2001-01-01 words: 2822 flesch: 39 summary: Benchmarking studies show that personnel managers of Czech companies, when compared with those in other European countries, are still obliged to spend a part of their working time on ineffective administra- tive procedures, dealing with problems of current concern of their company rather than addressing conceptual issues re- lated to the company’s future strategy (according to a report by Price Waterhouse – Coopers, 1999). The sources seen as most important (in order of frequency of use) are the internet, information from employees, employee sugges- tions, minutes taken at company management meetings, public company media and company documents. keywords: activities; area; assessment; average; companies; company; czech; employees; financial; information; items; management; managers; methods; motivation; operating; personal; personnel; personnel management; policy; professional; questionnaire; research; respondents; results; selection; skills; sources; staff; strategy; studies; study; technical; training; work cache: ap-190.pdf plain text: ap-190.txt item: #430 of 1243 id: ap-1900 author: Persiani, Rino title: RESULTS FROM THE XENON100 EXPERIMENT date: 2013-12-18 words: 3600 flesch: 58 summary: Detector backgrounds The background in XENON100 comes mainly from external sources and from the materials used for the construction of the detector itself. The electronic recoil band in log10(S2/S1) vs. en- ergy space defines the region of background events from β- keywords: analysis; aprile; background; band; calibration; collaboration; dark; data; days; detector; electron; energy; events; experiment; fiducial; gas; kev; level; light; liquid; live; low; lxe; mass; materials; matter; measured; neutron; nuclear; order; phase; phys; pmts; radioactive; recoil; region; results; run; scintillation; search; selection; sensitivity; shield; sources; target; tpc; wimp; xenon100 cache: ap-1900.pdf plain text: ap-1900.txt item: #431 of 1243 id: ap-1903 author: Colafrancesco, Sergio title: THE SZ EFFECT IN THE PLANCK ERA: ASTROPHYSICAL AND COSMOLOGICAL IMPACT date: 2013-12-18 words: 9401 flesch: 55 summary: Planck detected SZE clusters are followed-up with a multi-frequency observation program in the X-rays (XMM-Newton), SZE (AMI), optical (ENO, ESO, RTT, NOT, NOAO, among others) to obtain confirmation, redshift estima- tion and estimates of the global physical parameters. Future SZE cluster surveys have an en- hanced sensitivity to constrain primordial magnetic fields because of the z-independence of the SZE and of the smaller biases in the cluster mass reconstruc- tion. keywords: 2010; a&a; acta; additional; analysis; apj; astrophysical; atmospheres; bullet; cavities; cavity; cluster; cmb; colafrancesco; combination; constraints; cosmic; cosmological; dark; density; different; distribution; e.g.; effect; electron; emission; energy; evolution; expected; fact; field; fig; figure; frequency; function; galaxies; galaxy; galaxy clusters; ghz; halo; high; hot; icm; ics; information; intensity; kev; ksze; large; like; line; lobes; low; magnetic; mass; massive; matter; mnras; nature; non; nonthermal; number; observations; overall; planck; plasma; polarization; polytechnica; possible; powerful; presence; pressure; probe; properties; radiation; radio; range; ray; redshift; relativistic; scale; scattering; sensitivity; set; signal; sources; spatial; spectral; spectrum; strong; structure; study; surveys; sze; sze cluster; sze observations; sze polarization; sze spectrum; temperature; thermal; thermal sze; total; universe; velocity; wide cache: ap-1903.pdf plain text: ap-1903.txt item: #432 of 1243 id: ap-1904 author: Whalen, Daniel J. title: THE FIRST STARS date: 2013-12-18 words: 3978 flesch: 62 summary: Pop III stars are the key to the character of primeval galaxies, the first heavy elements, the onset of cosmological reionization, and the seeds of supermassive black holes. The original numerical simulations suggested that Pop III stars formed in small pregalactic structures known as cos- mological minihalos at z ∼ 20 ÷ 30, or ∼ 200 Myr after the Big Bang [1–4, 24]. keywords: accretion; apj; black; collapse; cosmic; cosmological; detection; disk; early; et al; explosions; final; formation; fragments; galaxies; halo; holes; iii; j. et; jwst; m o; mass; masses; metal; mnras; models; norman; poor; pop; pop iii; primordial; simulations; sne; stars; supernovae; time; today; universe; whalen cache: ap-1904.pdf plain text: ap-1904.txt item: #433 of 1243 id: ap-1906 author: Lovisari, Lorenzo; Laganá, Tatiana F.; Borm, Katharina; Schellenberger, Gerrit; Reiprich, Thomas H. title: METALS IN THE ICM: WITNESSES OF CLUSTER FORMATION AND EVOLUTION date: 2013-12-18 words: 2699 flesch: 57 summary: Furthermore, the ob- served evolution of metal abundances can trace the star formation rate and the element ratios, e.g. the ratio of Fe and α-elements can be used to obtain infor- mation on the different types of supernovae that have 580 vol. It is challenging to measure metal abundances in distant clusters, is challenging, and it requires very high quality data. keywords: a&a; abundance; acta; clusters; core; different; distribution; elements; enrichment; erosita; et al; evolution; formation; galaxies; galaxy; gas; grant; groups; high; icm; large; lovisari; mass; measurements; metal; metallicity; polytechnica; prep; processes; profiles; radial; redshift; time cache: ap-1906.pdf plain text: ap-1906.txt item: #434 of 1243 id: ap-1909 author: Sato, Kosuke; Matsushita, Kyoko; Ishisaki, Yoshitaka; Yamasaki, Noriko Y.; Ohashi, Takaya title: THERMAL AND CHEMICAL EVOLUTIONS OF GALAXY CLUSTERS OBSERVED WITH SUZAKU date: 2013-12-18 words: 3946 flesch: 67 summary: We studied the properties of the intracluster medium (ICM) of galaxy clusters to the outer regions observed with Suzaku. Keywords: galaxy clusters, X-rays, thermal evolution, chemical evolution. keywords: abundance; band; clusters; derived; entropy; et al; figure; galaxies; icm; kev; light; luminosity; mass; metal; observed; pasj; profiles; r180; r200; r500; radial; radius; ratios; region; sato; similar; sne; suzaku; temperature; type; xmm cache: ap-1909.pdf plain text: ap-1909.txt item: #435 of 1243 id: ap-1911 author: Bernabei, R.; Belli, P.; Cappella, F.; Caracciolo, V.; Cerulli, R.; Dai, C. J.; d’Angelo, A.; Di Marco, A.; He, H. L.; Incicchitti, A.; Ma, X. H.; Montecchia, F.; Sheng, X. D.; Wang, R. G.; Ye, Z. P. title: DAMA RESULTS: DARK MATTER IN THE GALACTIC HALO date: 2013-12-18 words: 4700 flesch: 68 summary: J. A 47, 91 [26] K. Freese et al.: 2005, Phys. Rev. D 61, 117301; R. Bernabei et al.: 2000, New J. of Phys. 2, 15.1; 2000, Phys. keywords: annual; background; belli; bernabei; bernabei et; cycles; dama; dark; data; different; energy; et al; eur; events; experimental; exposure; galactic; halo; independent; instr; interaction; interval; kev; large; lett; libra; low; matter; meth; model; modulation; nucl; nuclei; particles; phys; positive; present; processes; rate; related; results; rev; sensitive; set; signature; single; spin cache: ap-1911.pdf plain text: ap-1911.txt item: #436 of 1243 id: ap-1912 author: Šimon, Vojtech title: NON-THERMAL EMISSION FROM CATACLYSMIC VARIABLES: IMPLICATIONS ON ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS date: 2013-12-18 words: 4553 flesch: 63 summary: [25] Körding, E. et al., 2008, Sci, 320, 1318 [26] Körding, E. G. et al., 2011, MNRAS, 418, L129 [27] Kuijpers, J. et al., 1997, A&A, 322, 242 [28] Kuulkers, E. et al., 2006, in: Compact stellar X-ray sources. [18] Harrison, T. E. et al., 2010, ApJ, 710, 325 [19] Heise, J. et al., 1985, A&A, 148, L14 [20] Henden, A., 2012, AAVSO International database, private communication [21] Iyudin, A. F. et al., 2005, A&A, 443, 477 [22] Iyudin, A. F., 2010, ARep, 54, 611 [23] José, J. et al., 2006, NuPhA, 777, 550 [24] Kafka, S., Hoard, D. W., 2009, PASP, 121, 1352 keywords: 22na; accretion; activity; apj; band; conditions; cvs; decay; detection; disk; donor; dwarf; emission; et al; field; fig; flares; flux; gamma; high; light; line; long; low; magnetic; magnetosphere; matter; non; nova; observed; optical; outburst; particles; polars; production; radiation; radio; ray; rays; region; source; spectral; state; synchrotron; system; tev; thermal; time cache: ap-1912.pdf plain text: ap-1912.txt item: #437 of 1243 id: ap-1916 author: Panagia, Nino title: SUPERNOVA 1987A: CELEBRATING A SILVER JUBILEE date: 2013-12-18 words: 4466 flesch: 61 summary: [33] Manchester, R.N. et al. 2002, PASAu, 19, 207 [34] Maran, S.P. et al. 2000, ApJ, 545, 390 [35] Mattila, S. et al. 2010, ApJ, 717, 1140 [51] Schaefer, B.E. 1987, ApJ, 323, L47 [52] Sonneborn, G., Altner, B., Kirshner, R.P. 1987, ApJ, 323, L35 [53] Sonneborn, G. et al. 1997, ApJ, 477, 848 [54] Sonneborn, G. et al. 1998, ApJ, 492, 139 [55] Staveley-Smith, L. et al. 2007,in keywords: aip; apj; bouchet; circumstellar; collapse; conf; core; day; detection; dust; early; eds; ejecta; emission; equatorial; et al; event; evidence; explosion; flux; high; hst; inner; k.w; late; mass; massive; mccray; nature; neutrinos; neutron; new; observations; optical; panagia; proc; progenitor; ray; remnant; ring; star; study; supergiant; supernova; system; times; vol; weiler; years cache: ap-1916.pdf plain text: ap-1916.txt item: #438 of 1243 id: ap-1918 author: Sasaki, Manami title: GALACTIC AND EXTRAGALACTIC SUPERNOVA REMNANTS AS SITES OF PARTICLE ACCELERATION date: 2013-12-18 words: 3073 flesch: 66 summary: In Fig. 4 we compare the radial number distribution of X-ray SNRs in M 31 to that of Galactic SNRs and of X-ray SNRs in M 33 Composite image of the remnant of SN 1006 consisting of X-ray data from Chandra in blue, optical data from the University of Michigan’s 0.9 m keywords: accelerated; acceleration; acta; addition; chandra; clouds; cosmic; crs; data; distribution; electrons; emission; energies; energy; extragalactic; field; figure; filaments; galactic; galaxy; gas; higher; interstellar; ism; law; magnetic; non; observations; particles; phase; phys; polytechnica; power; radio; ray; rays; remnants; shock; snrs; sources; spectrum; supernova; synchrotron; thermal; waves cache: ap-1918.pdf plain text: ap-1918.txt item: #439 of 1243 id: ap-192 author: El-Hady, H. M. Abd; Grünwald, A.; Vlčková, K.; Zeithammerová, J. title: Clinoptilolite in Drinking Water Treatment for Ammonia Removal date: 2001-01-01 words: 2887 flesch: 70 summary: The processes used for the removal of ammonium ions from drinking waters include air stripping, nitrification, breakpoint chlorination, and ion exchange. They are used for various applications, e.g., ion exchange, molecular sieves, and air- -drying. keywords: ammonia; ammonium; bed; breakthrough; capacity; clino; clinoptilolite; column; czech; drinking; elution; exchange; fig; ion; ions; mg l; nacl; natural; nh4; regeneration; removal; results; tap; vol; volume; water; zeolite cache: ap-192.pdf plain text: ap-192.txt item: #440 of 1243 id: ap-1921 author: Aschenbach, Bernd title: RX-J0852−4622: THE NEAREST HISTORICAL SUPERNOVA REMNANT – AGAIN date: 2013-12-18 words: 3823 flesch: 66 summary: Only at X-ray energies > 1.3 keV does Vela Jr. become X-ray visible. From X-ray measurements additional information is ob- tained for an upper limit of the ambient density of n0,x < 0.029 cm−3(d1 keywords: absorption; ambient; angular; blue; cosmic; density; distance; emission; energy; expansion; explosion; kev; limit; matter; measurements; progenitor; ray; red; shell; shock; snr; tev; upper; vela; vela jr; velocity; wave; wind cache: ap-1921.pdf plain text: ap-1921.txt item: #441 of 1243 id: ap-1923 author: Ota, Naomi title: THE IMPACT OF SUZAKU MEASUREMENTS ON ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS date: 2013-12-18 words: 4067 flesch: 64 summary: Objectives We search for non-thermal hard X-ray emission from merging clusters using Suzaku broad-band X-ray spec- troscopy to reveal the origin of hard X-ray emission and obtain new insight into the gas physics and the cluster dynamical evolution. Aiming at understanding the physics of gas heating/particle acceleration and the cluster dynamical evolution, we search for non-thermal hard X-ray emission from merging clusters, particularly A2163 and the Bullet Cluster, based on the Suzaku and XMM-Newton/Chandra joint analyses. keywords: a2163; analysis; apj; band; bullet; clusters; cm−2; component; data; emission; energy; flux; gas; hard; hard x; high; hot; hxd; kev; magnetic; merging; model; multi; newton; non; observations; pasj; present; radio; ray; ray emission; rxte; suzaku; s−1; temperature; thermal; thermal emission; thermal hard; xmm cache: ap-1923.pdf plain text: ap-1923.txt item: #442 of 1243 id: ap-1925 author: Guainazzi, Matteo title: XMM-NEWTON SCIENTIFIC HIGHLIGHTS: X-RAY SPECTROSCOPIC POPULATION STUDIES OF AGN date: 2013-12-18 words: 3906 flesch: 59 summary: Only 3 % of Type 1 AGN are X-ray obscured, and 3 % of Type 2 AGN are X-ray unobscured in the XMM-Newton Wide Area Survey (486 objects; Accretion disk inclination angle ı derived from X-ray relativistic spectroscopy on the FERO and GREDOS samples keywords: a&a; accretion; acta; agn; angle; apj; class; data; density; different; disk; emission; energy; et al; extent; fig; fraction; galaxies; galaxy; gas; guainazzi; high; host; inclination; innermost; ionized; k.a; kev; line; mnras; newton; objects; observational; parameter; polytechnica; radio; ray; reflection; relativistic; review; samples; scenario; scientific; sight; source; spectra; spectroscopic; structure; studies; systematic; s−1; torus; type; xmm cache: ap-1925.pdf plain text: ap-1925.txt item: #443 of 1243 id: ap-1926 author: Meintjes, Pieter J.; Nkundabakura, Pheneas title: THE SEARCH FOR BLAZARS AMONG THE UNIDENTIFIED EGRET gamma-RAY SOURCES date: 2013-12-18 words: 2052 flesch: 66 summary: The spectra of both these sources are shown in Fig. 2 (PKS J0820−5705) and Fig. 3 (PMN J0710−3850), respectively. The spec- trum for PKS J0820−5705 resembles that of an FSRQ at redshift z = 0.06, while the spectrum of PMN J0710−3850 shows broad and narrow lines resembling the spectrum of a LINER or Seyfert I galaxy at redshift z = 0.129. keywords: 3eg; acta; blazars; counterparts; distribution; egret; emission; follow; galactic; galaxy; gamma; intranight; j0706−3837; j0710−3850; j0820−5705; j0821−5814; model; optical; pks; pmn; polytechnica; radio; ray; seyfert; sources; spectral; spectrum; ssc; study; unidentified; variability cache: ap-1926.pdf plain text: ap-1926.txt item: #444 of 1243 id: ap-1930 author: Pittori, Carlotta title: AGILE DATA CENTER AT ASDC AND AGILE HIGHLIGHTS date: 2013-12-18 words: 3398 flesch: 60 summary: Moreover, AGILE has contributed to the discovery and study of new galactic gamma-ray source classes, of peculiar star systems and of mysterious galactic gamma-ray transients, including the observation that the energy spectrum of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGF) ex- tends well above 40 MeV. The 2012 Bruno Rossi international Prize was awarded to the PI, Marco Tavani, and the AGILE team for the discovery of rapid gamma-ray flares over daily timescales from the Crab Nebula, thought to be a steady enough source of energy in all wavebands from optical to gamma rays [15]. The AGILE Data Center, part of the ASI Science Data Center (ASDC) located in Frascati, Italy, is in charge of all the science oriented activities related to the analysis, archiving and distribution of AGILE data. keywords: acceleration; adc; agile; asdc; asi; center; crab; cygnus; data; detection; discovery; emission; energies; energy; et al; fermi; figure; flares; flux; galactic; gamma; gev; grid; ground; hard; high; instrument; kev; mev; nebula; observations; pointing; pulsar; range; ray; rays; references; science; sky; source; system; tavani; team; vol; wind; years cache: ap-1930.pdf plain text: ap-1930.txt item: #445 of 1243 id: ap-1933 author: Di Sciascio, Giuseppe title: ARGO-YBJ: STATUS AND HIGHLIGHTS date: 2013-12-18 words: 4350 flesch: 69 summary: Five known VHE γ-ray sources were detected with a statistical significance greater than 5 standard deviations (s.d.), i.e. Crab Nebula, Mrk421, Mrk501, MGRO J1908+06 and MGRO J2031+41. the signal significance is 4.1 s.d. (pre-trial), while 1.0 s.d. is expected from the steady flux [11]. keywords: analysis; anisotropy; argo; bartoli; cm−2; consistent; crab; data; days; emission; energies; energy; et al; events; excess; experiment; figure; flare; flux; j1908; j2019; j2031; measured; measurements; mgro; milagro; mjd; nebula; observation; range; ray; region; results; s.d; scale; significance; source; spectrum; statistical; steady; s−1; tev; time; ybj cache: ap-1933.pdf plain text: ap-1933.txt item: #446 of 1243 id: ap-1935 author: Brenneman, Laura title: MEASURING SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE SPINS IN AGN date: 2013-12-18 words: 4998 flesch: 69 summary: [27] have done, re- quires the compTT component to possess significant curvature up into the Fe K band, reducing the need for the relativistic reflection to account for this same curvature seen in the data and thereby eliminating the requirement of high BH spin. Conclusions and future directions Measuring BH spin is painstaking work, even with the best data from current observatories such as XMM- Newton and Suzaku. keywords: absorption; accretion; agn; astr; astrophys; bh spin; black; brenneman; broad; continuum; data; different; disk; distribution; emission; energies; energy; et al; excess; fit; gas; high; hole; host; inner; kev; line; local; modeling; models; mon; ngc; observation; order; power; ray; recent; reflection; reynolds; sample; smbh; soc; soft; spectrum; spin; supermassive; suzaku; type; values; xis; xmm cache: ap-1935.pdf plain text: ap-1935.txt item: #447 of 1243 id: ap-1936 author: Díaz Trigo, Maria; Boirin, Laurence title: DISC ATMOSPHERES AND WINDS IN X-RAY BINARIES date: 2013-12-18 words: 4942 flesch: 59 summary: These observations are in agreement with models of photoionised winds by Sim et al. In contrast, the same X-rays that prevent UV line opacity can heat low density gas to a temperature ∼ 107 K and potentially drive thermal winds. keywords: a&a; absorption; accretion; apj; atmospheres; binaries; boirin; broad; column; compton; consistent; corona; disc; díaz; emission; et al; features; high; iron; launching; line; lmxbs; luminosity; magnetic; mass; mechanism; observations; outflow; photoionised; plasma; presence; radius; ray; scattering; showing; sources; state; systems; thermal; trigo; velocity; wind cache: ap-1936.pdf plain text: ap-1936.txt item: #448 of 1243 id: ap-1939 author: Ziółkowski, Janusz title: POPULATION OF BLACK HOLES IN THE MILKY WAY AND IN THE MAGELLANIC CLOUDS date: 2013-12-18 words: 5168 flesch: 70 summary: Introduction Our Galaxy (MW) contains one supermassive BH (SgrA*), a small number (between zero and a few tens) of intermediate mass BHs (IMBHs) and about 107 to 108 stellar mass BHs (SM BHs). BH candidates from microlensing events Microlensing events are, at present, the only method for detecting solitary stellar mass BH candidates (BHCs). keywords: a.c; analysis; apj; bhcs; bhs; binaries; black; candidates; cluster; companion; continuum; cyg; estimates; events; fabian; gcs; grs; high; hole; line; luminosity; mass; mass bhs; masses; massive; mcclintock; mcs; method; miller; modeling; nature; object; possible; ray; recent; results; rotating; sgra; source; spin; steiner; stellar; system; unseen; value; xrbs; xte; x−1; years cache: ap-1939.pdf plain text: ap-1939.txt item: #449 of 1243 id: ap-194 author: Prokopska, A. title: Application of Morphological Analysis Methodology in Architectural Design date: 2001-01-01 words: 3924 flesch: 47 summary: In morphological analysis method, the examination of fragments of reality or their design, and regarding these fragments as a whole composed of various parts (e.g., architectural forms), corresponds with the modern level of complexity of design processes as intellectual processes, and the complexity of the design of technical objects, including architectural objects. 3 Selected procedures of morphological analysis Morphological analysis was introduced by Fritz Zwicky [8–10], an astronomer3 who succesfully used this method, a pioneer of the construction of reaction engines. keywords: acta; analysis; app; approach; architectural; architectural design; art; combinations; complexity; czech; design; development; example; features; fig; form; house;; knowledge; level; lull; matrix; method; methodology; morphological; morphological analysis; new; no.1/2001; number; objects; point; polish; polytechnica; possible; problem; process; processes; publishing; science; set; solutions; structure; study; system; systemic; technical; university; values; vol; zwicky cache: ap-194.pdf plain text: ap-194.txt item: #450 of 1243 id: ap-1940 author: Beall, James H. title: FROM GALACTIC TO EXTRAGALACTIC JETS: A REVIEW date: 2013-12-18 words: 4556 flesch: 60 summary: Concurrent radio and X-ray variability of Centaurus A (NGC 5128) as an indication of jet launch or jet–cloud interactions? The picture that emerges, therefore, is consis- tent with the observations of spatially and temporally resolved galactic microquasars and AGN jets. keywords: 3c454.3; acceleration; accretion; agn; ambient; astron; astrophys; beall; behavior; blobs; cen; complex; concurrent; consistent; core; cosmic; data; der; different; disk; energy; et al; evolution; frequencies; galactic; ghz; high; interaction; j.h; jet; jets; laan; medium; microquasars; moving; multifrequency; observations; radio; ray; region; remarkable; scales; source; structures; time; van; variability cache: ap-1940.pdf plain text: ap-1940.txt item: #451 of 1243 id: ap-1942 author: Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Gennady; Klepnev, Alexandr S.; Lovelace, Richard V.E. title: ACCRETION DISKS WITH A LARGE SCALE MAGNETIC FIELD AROUND BLACK HOLES date: 2013-12-18 words: 4420 flesch: 57 summary: Jets are observed in objects with black holes: collimated ejection from accretion disks. The standard model for accretion disks of Shakura and Sunyaev keywords: accretion; accretion disk; advection; artemova; bisnovatyi; black; conductivity; cylinder; diffusion; disk; equations; field; formation; g.s; high; holes; inner; jet; kogan; large; lovelace; magnetic; magnetic field; magneto; matter; model; non; optical; oscillations; outer; poloidal; radial; radiative; region; rotating; scale; solution; state; stationary; structure; surface; temperature; thickness; thin; time; turbulent; velocity; vertical; viscosity cache: ap-1942.pdf plain text: ap-1942.txt item: #452 of 1243 id: ap-1945 author: Beall, J. H.; Guillory, J.; Rose, D. V.; Wolff, Michael T. title: MODELING JET INTERACTIONS WITH THE AMBIENT MEDIUM date: 2013-12-18 words: 2981 flesch: 52 summary: Solving the system of equations yields a time-dependent set of normal- ized wave energies (i.e., the ratio of the wave energy divided by the thermal energy of the plasma) that are generated as a result of jets interaction with the ambient medium. Recent high-resolution (see, e.g., [13]) observations of astrophysical jets reveal complex structures apparently caused by ejecta from the central engine as the ejecta interact with the surrounding interstellar material. keywords: ambient; ambient medium; ap.j; astrophysical; beall; beam; code; d.v; density; deposition; detailed; effects; electron; energy; equations; figure; guillory; hydrodynamic; instability; interaction; j.h; jet; jets; large; length; loss; medium; model; momentum; pic; plasma; population; processes; rate; relativistic; rose; scale; simulations; transfer; wave cache: ap-1945.pdf plain text: ap-1945.txt item: #453 of 1243 id: ap-1946 author: Amati, Lorenzo; Dichiara, Simone title: INVESTIGATING THE Ep, i –Eiso CORRELATION date: 2013-12-18 words: 4856 flesch: 54 summary: Fermi GRBs are marked with red (GBM detection) and blue (GBM + LAT detec- tion) color. Moreover, [6] showed that the normalization of the correlation varies only marginally using GRBs measured by individual instru- ments with different sensitivities and energy bands, 689 Lorenzo Amati, Simone Dichiara Acta Polytechnica Figure 2. Location of Fermi GRBs in the Ep – fluence plane based on the analysis reported by Nava et al. keywords: addition; amati; analysis; apj; band; consistent; correlation; cosmological; data; different; eiso; eiso correlation; emission; energetic; energy; estimates; events; evidence; fermi; fermi grbs; fluence; function; gbm; gev; grbs; law; limits; long; long grbs; measured; measurements; observed; parameters; peak; physics; plane; power; prompt; properties; redshift; sample; short; significant; spectral; sub; swift cache: ap-1946.pdf plain text: ap-1946.txt item: #454 of 1243 id: ap-1948 author: Stanev, Todor title: ULTRAHIGH ENERGY COSMIC RAYS: REVIEW OF THE CURRENT SITUATION date: 2013-12-18 words: 3602 flesch: 66 summary: Keywords: high energy cosmic rays, hadronic interaction at very high energy, origin of the highest energy cosmic rays. The Telescope Array also presented [12] the distri- butions of Xmax in the energy bins shown in Fig. 3. At relatively low energy, the widths of the distribu- tions were more similar to proton showers, while at high energy the statistics is not enough to judge the distributions. 2.3. keywords: array; auger; chemical; composition; correlation; cosmic; data; detectors; different; energy; energy cosmic; energy spectrum; events; experiments; field; figure; fluorescent; heavy; high; highest; hires; measured; measurements; new; nuclei; rays; results; showers; sources; spectrum; statistics; surface; surface array; telescope; telescope array; uhecr; view; xmax cache: ap-1948.pdf plain text: ap-1948.txt item: #455 of 1243 id: ap-1951 author: Grillo, Aurelio F. title: THE MASS COMPOSITION OF ULTRA HIGH ENERGY COSMIC RAYS date: 2013-12-18 words: 3122 flesch: 59 summary: Xmax (upper panel) and RMS(Xmax) com- pared with predicted values for pure compositions in different interaction models. The most used shower observables for studying the composition of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) are the mean value of the depth of shower maximum, 〈Xmax〉, and its dispersion, σ(Xmax). keywords: auger; average; composition; cosmic; data; detector; different; energies; energy; fig; figure; general; groups; high; interaction; iron; larger; mass; measurements; models; nuclei; observatory; particle; pierre; plot; proc; proton; pure; range; rays; shower; sources; spectrum; ultra; values; variance; xmax; σ(xmax cache: ap-1951.pdf plain text: ap-1951.txt item: #456 of 1243 id: ap-1953 author: Aloisio, Roberto title: COMPUTATIONAL SCHEMES FOR THE PROPAGATION OF ULTRA HIGH ENERGY COSMIC RAYS date: 2013-12-18 words: 3043 flesch: 57 summary: One should distin- guish between primary nuclei, i.e. nuclei accelerated at the source and injected in the intergalactic space, and secondary nuclei and nucleons, i.e. particles pro- duced as secondaries in the photo-disintegration chain. In particular, the flux of secondary nuclei and nucleons produced in the photo-disintegration 705 Roberto Aloisio Acta Polytechnica chain of primary A0 is obtained by the numerical computation of A0 nested integrals and this computa- tion should be repeated each time the hypothesis on sources (injection and distribution) is changed. keywords: aloisio; approach; backgrounds; case; cmb; computation; different; disintegration; distribution; energies; energy; equation; flux; injection; kinetic; nuclei; nucleus; pair; particles; photo; phys; primary; process; production; propagation; protons; red; schemes; secondary; shift; sources; spectrum; uhecr cache: ap-1953.pdf plain text: ap-1953.txt item: #457 of 1243 id: ap-1954 author: Petrukhin, Anatoly A. title: INFLUENCE OF THE RESULTS OF UHECR DETECTION ON THE LHC EXPERIMENTS date: 2013-12-18 words: 3514 flesch: 59 summary: The cosmic ray energy region 1015 ÷ 1017 eV corresponds to LHC energies 1 ÷ 14 TeV in the center-of-mass system. Of course, there are many tasks connected with investigations of hadron-hadron interactions at LHC energies, tests of existing theoretical models be- havior at such energies, etc. keywords: approach; change; composition; cosmic; eas; energies; energy; evidence; excess; experiments; fig; figure; increase; interaction; investigations; knee; large; lhc; mass; matter; model; muons; new; nuclear; nuclei; number; observed; parameters; particles; physical; physics; possible; primary; production; qgm; quark; ray; results; spectrum; state; system; tev cache: ap-1954.pdf plain text: ap-1954.txt item: #458 of 1243 id: ap-1957 author: Bruno, A.; Adriani, O.; Barbarino, G. C.; Bazilevskaya, G. A.; Bellotti, R.; Boezio, M.; Bogomolov, E. A.; Bongi, M.; Bonvicini, V.; Borisov, S.; Bottai, S.; Cafagna, F.; Campana, D.; Carbone, R.; Carlson, P.; Casolino, M.; Castellini, G.; Consiglio, L.; De Pascale, M. P.; De Santis, C.; De Simone, N.; Di Felice, V.; Galper, A. M.; Gillard, W.; Grishantseva, L.; Jerse, G.; Karelin, A. V.; Kheymits, M. D.; Koldashov, S. V.; Krutkov, S. Y.; Kvashnin, A. N.; Leonov, A.; Malakhov, V.; Marcelli, L.; Mayorov, A. G.; Menn, W.; Mikhailov, V. V.; Mocchiutti, E.; Monaco, A.; Mori, N.; Nikonov, N.; Osteria, G.; Palma, F.; Papini, P.; Pearce, M.; Picozza, P.; Pizzolotto, C.; Ricci, M.; Ricciarini, S. B.; Rossetto, L.; Sarkar, R.; Simon, M.; Sparvoli, R.; Spillantini, P.; Stozhkov, Y. I.; Vacchi, A.; Vannuccini, E.; Vasilyev, G.; Voronov, S. A.; Yurkin, Y. T.; Wu, J.; Zampa, G.; Zampa, N.; Zverev, V. G. title: PRECISE COSMIC RAYS MEASUREMENTS WITH PAMELA date: 2013-12-18 words: 3864 flesch: 60 summary: PAMELA data are consistent with those of other ex- periments, considering the statistical and systematic uncertainties of the various experiments [7, and refer- ences therein]. [24] and PAMELA data, respec- 715 A. Bruno et al. keywords: adriani; antimatter; antiprotons; cosmic; data; department; electron; energy; et al; existence; experiments; figure; flux; gev; helium; infn; interval; italy; lett; measured; measurements; models; modulation; nuclei; pamela; particles; phys; physics; positron; predictions; production; propagation; radiation; range; ratio; rays; references; results; rev; rigidity; secondary; sezione; solar; sources; spectra; spectrum; standard; university cache: ap-1957.pdf plain text: ap-1957.txt item: #459 of 1243 id: ap-196 author: Haghi, A. K. title: Experimental Investigations on Drying of Porous Media Using Infrared Radiation date: 2001-01-01 words: 1629 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: infrared dryer, porous media, drying rate, image analysis Table 1: Fabrics used in the drying study FABRIC FIBER WEIGHT, g/m2 A COTTON 130 B POLYESTER 150 In the drying process, water is evaporated from the ex- posed yarn surfaces and replaced by water migration from within the fabric structure. [7]: � �EVAP H H SLDi f� � (1) Where S = speed of fabric in the oven (m/s), L = fabric width (m), D = superficial weight of dry fabric (g/m2). keywords: analysis; constant; content; dryer; drying; element; evaporation; fabric; haghi; heat; image; infrared; moisture; object; period; processing; rate; romania; study; surface; temperature; textile; thermal; time; university; water cache: ap-196.pdf plain text: ap-196.txt item: #460 of 1243 id: ap-1961 author: Erlykin, Anatoly D.; Wolfendale, Arnold W. title: DO WE SEE THE ‘IRON PEAK’? date: 2013-12-18 words: 2747 flesch: 72 summary: Keywords: cosmic rays, knee, single source, iron peak. References [1] Abbasi R.U. et al., 2009, Astropart. keywords: 32nd; background; beijing; cno; composition; conf; contribution; cosmic; energy; erlykin; fig; fine; int.cosm.ray; iron; knee; mass; model; nuclei; origin; peak; pev; region; shape; sharpness; single; single source; source; spectra; spectrum; structure cache: ap-1961.pdf plain text: ap-1961.txt item: #461 of 1243 id: ap-1963 author: Chiavassa, A.; Apel, W. D.; Arteaga-Velázquez, J. C.; Bekk, K.; Bertaina, M.; Blümer, J.; Bozdog, H.; Brancus, I. M.; Cantoni, E.; Cossavella, F.; Daumiller, K.; de Souza, V.; Di Pierro, F.; Doll, P.; Engel, R.; Engler, J.; Finger, M.; Fuchs, B.; Fuhrmann, D.; Garino, F.; Gils, H. J.; Glasstetter, R.; Grupen, C.; Haungs, A.; Heck, D.; Hörandel, J. R.; Huber, D.; Huege, T.; Kampert, K.-H.; Kang, D.; Klages, H. O.; Link, K.; Łuczak, P.; Ludwig, M.; Mathes, H. J.; Mayer, H. J.; Melissas, M.; Milke, J.; Mitrica, B.; Morello, C.; Oehlschläger, J.; Ostapchenko, S.; Palmieri, N.; Petcu, M.; Pierog, T.; Rebel, H.; Roth, M.; Schieler, H.; Schoo, S.; Schröder, F. G.; Sima, O.; Toma, G.; Trinchero, G. C.; Ulrich, H.; Weindl, A.; Wochele, J.; Wommer, M.; Zabierowski, J. title: DETECTION OF A CHANGE OF SLOPE IN THE SPECTRUM OF HEAVY MASS COSMIC RAYS PRIMARIES BY THE KASCADE-GRANDE EXPERIMENT date: 2013-12-18 words: 2148 flesch: 62 summary: Keywords: cosmic rays, energy spectrum, extensive air showers. Reconstructed energy spectrum of the electron-poor and electron-rich components together with the all-particle spectrum for the angular range 0° keywords: change; cic; collaboration; cosmic; eas; energy; events; experiment; feature; für; germany; gev; grande; heavy; institut; kascade; knee; light; like; mass; nch; number; phys; primaries; primary; range; rays; shower; slope; spectrum; university cache: ap-1963.pdf plain text: ap-1963.txt item: #462 of 1243 id: ap-1965 author: Tricomi, Alessia title: RESULTS FROM LHCF EXPERIMENT date: 2013-12-18 words: 2814 flesch: 61 summary: HE] [3] A. Chiavassa, this Workshop [4] O. Adriani et al., JINST 3 (2008) S08006 [6] O. Adriani et al., accepted in Phys. keywords: analysis; arm1; arm2; cm2; collaboration; collisions; cosmic; data; detectors; different; dpmjet; energy; experiment; figure; gev; hadronic; interaction; lhcf; measurements; models; neutral; order; photon; physics; position; rapidity; region; results; showers; spectra; tev; transverse cache: ap-1965.pdf plain text: ap-1965.txt item: #463 of 1243 id: ap-1966 author: van Putten, Maurice H.P.M. title: SEARCH FOR GRAVITATIONAL WAVES FROM SUPERNOVAE AND LONG GRBS date: 2013-12-18 words: 4624 flesch: 59 summary: We report on evidence for black hole spindown in the light curves of the BATSE catalogue of 1491 long GRBs by application of matched filtering. According to the Kerr metric, the angular momen- tum of rotating black holes induces frame dragging. keywords: accretion; angular; baryon; batse; black; black hole; curve; deviation; disk; dragging; emission; energetic; energy; engine; events; figure; filtering; frame; gravitational; grbs; high; hole; hyper; inner; isco; kerr; light; long; long grbs; luminosity; m.h.p.m; magnetic; mass; matter; model; momentum; neutron; nlc; normalized; outflows; phys; pns; poor; putten; radiation; rotation; spin; spindown; stars; supernovae; t90; template; time; torus; van; velocity; waves cache: ap-1966.pdf plain text: ap-1966.txt item: #464 of 1243 id: ap-1968 author: Milano, L.; Calloni, E.; De Rosa, R.; De Laurentis, M.; Di Fiore, L.; Garufi, F. title: THE PAST AND THE FUTURE OF DIRECT SEARCH OF GW FROM PULSARS IN THE ERA OF GW ANTENNAS date: 2013-12-18 words: 2867 flesch: 71 summary: [2] Accadia T. et al.: 2012 Journal of Instrumentation 7 P03012 [3] Abbott B P et al.: 2009 Rep. Prog. 27 084005 [31] G.B.Hobbs, et al: 2009 Publ. keywords: advanced; class; crab; detection; detectors; direct; emission; energy; eos; et al; frequency; future; grav; gravitational; gws; interferometric; ligo; limit; napoli; past; phys; present; pulsars; quantum; results; rev; search; searches; sensitivity; upper; virgo; waves cache: ap-1968.pdf plain text: ap-1968.txt item: #465 of 1243 id: ap-1971 author: Martini, M.; Dell’Agnello, S.; Currie, D.; Delle Monache, G. O.; Vittori, R.; Berardi, S.; Boni, A.; Cantone, C.; Ciocci, E.; Lops, C.; Garattini, M.; Maiello, M.; Patrizi, G.; Tibuzzi, M.; Intaglietta, N.; Chandler, J.; Bianco, G. title: MOONLIGHT: A NEW LUNAR LASER RANGING RETROREFLECTOR AND THE LUNAR GEODETIC PRECESSION date: 2013-12-17 words: 2649 flesch: 52 summary: Since the 1970s Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) to the Apollo Cube Corner Retroreflector (CCR) arrays (developed by the University of Maryland, UMD) supplied almost all significant tests of General Relativity (Alley et al., 1970; Chang et al., 1971; Bender et al.,1973): possible changes in the gravitational constant, gravitational self-energy, weak equivalence principle, geodetic precession, inverse-square force-law. Space Res. 37(1), 67–71, 2006; Lunar laser ranging science: gravitational physics and lunar interior and geodesy keywords: accuracy; acta; apollo; arrays; ccr; characterization; currie; data; dell’agnello; earth; error; geodetic; gravitational; infn; laser; librations; llr; lnf; lunar; lunar laser; measurement; moonlight; new; payload; precession; relativity; retroreflector; satellite; scf; science; scientific; space; station; test; value; williams; years cache: ap-1971.pdf plain text: ap-1971.txt item: #466 of 1243 id: ap-1973 author: Grieder, Peter K. F. title: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ULTRA-HIGH ENERGY NEUTRINO ASTRONOMY date: 2013-12-18 words: 3835 flesch: 63 summary: [43] Mangano, S.: 2011, Proc. ICRC HE2.3, 118 [44] Mannheim, K. et al.: 2000, P.R. D 63, 023003 53 supplement/2013 Recent Developments in Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Astronomy [49] Münch, K. et al.: 2005, Proc. keywords: acoustic; air; astronomy; astrop; attenuation; cherenkov; cosmic; deep; details; detection; detector; different; emission; energy; et al; events; expected; experiments; fig; flavors; fluorescence; gzk; hadron; he2.3; high; ice; icecube; icrc; large; length; muon; neutrino; optical; p.r; p.r.l; pao; phys; primary; proc; radio; reaction; recent; showers; source; spectrum; target; telescopes; uhe; water cache: ap-1973.pdf plain text: ap-1973.txt item: #467 of 1243 id: ap-1974 author: Maldera, S. title: LIMIT ON UHE NEUTRINO FLUXES FROM THE PIERRE AUGER OBSERVATORY date: 2013-12-18 words: 3096 flesch: 59 summary: Exposure of the surface detector for ES and DG neutrino induced showers, corresponding re- spectively to 3.5 and 2 years of the complete and fully efficient surface detector (the deployment of the SD was concluded by the end of 2008). References [1] F. Halzen et al., Reports on Progress in Physics 65, (2002) 1025 [2] L. Anchordoqui, T.Montaruli, Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 60, (2010) 129–162 keywords: analysis; auger; c.l; case; collaboration; declination; detector; earth; energy; exposure; flux; ground; icecube; identification; large; limits; neutrino; observatory; physics; pierre; point; review; selection; showers; signal; single; skimming; source; stations; surface; tau; time; trigger; uhe; upper; zenith cache: ap-1974.pdf plain text: ap-1974.txt item: #468 of 1243 id: ap-1977 author: Ronga, Francesco title: ANALYSIS OF THE MACRO EXPERIMENT DATA TO COMPARE PARTICLE ARRIVAL TIMES UNDER GRAN SASSO date: 2013-12-18 words: 2917 flesch: 66 summary: Difference between track time and average time for multiple parallel muons with 2 or 3 tracks as function of cos(θ). Difference between track time and average time for multiple muons with 2 or 3 tracks (continuos line) compared with a “simulation” using the data (dashed line). keywords: analysis; average; cascade; collaboration; cos(θ; cosmic; data; decay; detector; differences; different; energy; events; experiment; figure; gran; horizontal; macro; massive; multiple; muons; neutrino; new; opera; particles; phys; primary; ray; region; result; sasso; scintillator; streamer; study; supermodules; tev; time; tracks; underground; vertical cache: ap-1977.pdf plain text: ap-1977.txt item: #469 of 1243 id: ap-198 author: Kratěna, J.; Fořt, I.; Brůha, O. title: Dynamic Effect of Discharge Flow of a Rushton Turbine Impeller on a Radial Baffle date: 2001-01-01 words: 3594 flesch: 61 summary: (2) can be rearranged into the form � �� � � � �Q T w Mb t b b d th2 , , , , (3) where quantity Mb d th, , represents a theoretically considered portion of the time averaged (mean) torsional moment of the baffles corresponding to the area of the force interaction of the force action of the impeller discharge stream and the baf- fle (see shaded area below the curves in Figs. 6 and 7). 8) from the axis of symmetry of the cylindrical mix- ing vessel: � � � �R T bb � �2 2 3 . keywords: agitated; baffles; blade; component; cylindrical; czech; dimensionless; discharge; disk; dynamic; fig; flow; force; height; impeller; impeller discharge; liquid; mean; mixing; moment; peripheral; pressure; radial; reaction; region; rushton; standard; stream; target; turbine; vessel cache: ap-198.pdf plain text: ap-198.txt item: #470 of 1243 id: ap-1983 author: Desiati, Paolo title: ICECUBE OBSERVATORY: NEUTRINOS AND THE ORIGIN OF COSMIC RAYS date: 2013-12-18 words: 4743 flesch: 58 summary: At the same time, IceCube has accumulated a large number of cosmic ray induced neutrinos produced in the at- mosphere, making it possible to probe the combined effect of hadronic interaction models, cosmic ray spec- trum and composition on the neutrino spectrum up to a few hundred TeV [10]. The completed IceCube Observatory, the first km3 neutrino telescope, is already providing the most stringent limits on the flux of high energy cosmic neutrinos from point-like and diffuse galactic and extra-galactic sources. keywords: abbasi; accelerated; acceleration; anisotropy; apj; array; astropart; atmospheric; background; bahcall; bundles; configuration; cosmic; cosmic rays; current; data; detection; detector; diffuse; energies; energy; et al; events; experimental; figure; flux; galactic; galaxy; gev; hadronic; hemisphere; high; icecube; large; limits; magnetic; models; muon; neutrinos; observations; observatory; origin; particle; phys; possible; rays; rev; scale; search; sensitivity; sky; snr; sources; spectrum; tev; time; upper; waxman cache: ap-1983.pdf plain text: ap-1983.txt item: #471 of 1243 id: ap-1984 author: Farnese, Christian title: NEUTRINOS FROM ICARUS date: 2013-12-18 words: 3518 flesch: 56 summary: Neutrino time of flight measurement with the 2011 CNGS bunched beam From October 21st to November 6th 2011 the CERN CNGS neutrino beam has been operated in a new, lower intensity mode that allows a very accurate neu- trino time of flight measurement on an event by event basis. In particular for CNGS neutrino events, using the “Early Warning Signal” sent from CERN to LNGS 80 ms be- fore each proton extraction, a 60 µs gate is open at the expected proton extraction time, and the trigger is gen- erated when the PMT sum signal is present in at least one TPC chamber within the gate. keywords: argon; beam; cern; cngs; cngs neutrino; collab; corresponding; detector; drift; e+e−; electron; energy; events; expected; figure; gev; high; icarus; icarus t600; interaction; lar; liquid; lngs; measurement; muon; neutrino; neutrino beam; neutrino events; new; order; p.o.t; pairs; physics; pmt; proton; run; search; signal; spectrometers; sterile; system; t600; thanks; time; tpc; trigger cache: ap-1984.pdf plain text: ap-1984.txt item: #472 of 1243 id: ap-1986 author: Tomei, Claudia title: STATUS OF THE CUORE EXPERIMENT date: 2013-12-18 words: 2775 flesch: 64 summary: CUORE bolometers [10, 11] are tellurium dioxide crystals. A small tower assembled using CUORICINO crystals (completely reprocessed according to the CUORE standard) was operated underground at LNGS, inside the CUORI- CINO cryostat, to measure the surface activity of the mounting structure keywords: 0νββ; 130te; array; assembly; background; beta; bolometers; construction; copper; cryogenic; cryostat; crystals; cuore; cuore-0; cuoricino; decay; detector; double; energy; experiment; half; kev; laboratory; lngs; low; majorana; mass; national; neutrino; nuclear; phase; rare; region; search; status; structure; surface; system; temperature; tower; value cache: ap-1986.pdf plain text: ap-1986.txt item: #473 of 1243 id: ap-1991 author: Ferroni, Fernando title: NEUTRINOLESS DOUBLE BETA DECAY: AN EXTREME CHALLENGE date: 2013-12-18 words: 1725 flesch: 59 summary: The problem The challenge is in the very fact that the sensitivity of this kind of experiment, as previously seen, improves only with the square root of the selected isotope mass, running time, decrease of background index and im- provement of energy resolution. Also background level (b) and energy resolution (ΔE) behaves as a square root. keywords: acta; background; beta; bolometer; decay; double; electrons; energy; experiment; fig; heat; light; lucifer; majorana; mass; nature; neutrino; neutrinoless; particles; phys; physics; possibility; problem; process; region; resolution; rev; value cache: ap-1991.pdf plain text: ap-1991.txt item: #474 of 1243 id: ap-1992 author: Boller, Thomas title: EROSITA: AGN SCIENCE, BACKGROUND DETERMINATION, AND OPTICAL FOLLOW-UP SPECTROSCOPY date: 2013-12-18 words: 3949 flesch: 62 summary: The expected background count rate has been compared with XMM-Newton observations, which might provide the best test for the X-ray back- ground for eROSITA around the Lagrangian point L2 before real X-ray background data will become available. Keywords: X-ray mission: new, spectroscopy. keywords: 4fs; accretion; agn; agns; background; black; boller; cluster; components; count; data; emission; energy; erosita; erosita background; fiber; follow; fraction; galaxies; growth; high; hole; instrument; large; mnras; multi; newton; nls1; objects; observations; observed; optical; particle; photon; physics; rates; ray; scale; science; simulated; simulator; sky; spectral; spectroscopic; strong; studies; study; survey; s−1; telescope; xmm cache: ap-1992.pdf plain text: ap-1992.txt item: #475 of 1243 id: ap-1993 author: Hudec, René; Šimon, Vojtech; Hudec, Lukáš title: GRB INVESTIGATIONS BY ESA GAIA AND LOFT date: 2013-12-18 words: 2966 flesch: 61 summary: 53 supplement/2013 GRB Investigations by ESA Gaia and LOFT the algorithms developed for the plates for Gaia. The ESA Gaia satellite to be launched in November 2013 will focus on high precision astrometry of stars and all objects down to limiting magnitude 20. keywords: afterglows; color; czech; data; detection; dispersion; emission; energy; esa; gaia; galaxy; gamma; grbs; high; hudec; important; loft; low; oas; objects; optical; phase; photometry; pixel; plates; possible; prism; range; ray; resolution; sources; spectral; spectroscopy; stars; studies; study; surveys; time cache: ap-1993.pdf plain text: ap-1993.txt item: #476 of 1243 id: ap-1994 author: Maeda, Yoshitomo; Takahashi, Tadayuki; Mitsuda, Kazuhisa; Kelley, Richard title: THE ASTRO-H MISSION date: 2013-12-18 words: 2074 flesch: 69 summary: SXI will consist of a telescope (SXT-I) and the focal plane detector “Soft X-ray Imager” [12] H. Tsunemi et al., “Soft X-ray imager (SXI) onboard ASTRO-H”, Proc. SPIE, 8443, submitted (2012) keywords: acta; arcmin; area; astro; band; compton; detector; effective; energy; gamma; hard; high; hxi; imager; imaging; instruments; kev; mission; polytechnica; proc; ray; resolution; sgd; soft; sources; spectrometer; spie; sxi; sxs; sxt; telescope cache: ap-1994.pdf plain text: ap-1994.txt item: #477 of 1243 id: ap-1996 author: Yashin, I. I.; Ampilogov, N. V.; Astapov, I.I.; Barbashina, N.S.; Borog, V.V.; Dmitrieva, A.N.; Kokoulin, R.P.; Kompaniets, K.G.; Mannocchi, G.; Mikhailenko, A.S.; Petrukhin, A.A.; Saavedra, O.; Shutenko, V.V.; Trinchero, G.; Yakovleva, E.I. title: LARGE AREA HODOSCOPES FOR MUON DIAGNOSTICS OF HELIOSPHERE AND EARTH’S MAGNETOSPHERE date: 2013-12-18 words: 2352 flesch: 62 summary: Keywords: cosmic rays, muons, muon hodoscope, angular variations of muon flux, solar, terrestrial connections, heliosphere, magnetosphere. To study muon flux variations, for every cell of the angular matrix the average number of muons (esti- mated during the preceding 24 hours and corrected for atmospheric pressure and temperature keywords: acta; analysis; angular; anisotropy; average; cosmic; counting; data; diagnostics; directions; earth; figure; flux; gse; heliosphere; hodoscopes; jul; local; magnetosphere; matrix; muon; n.s; polytechnica; processes; rate; rays; solar; time; uragan; variations; vector; wide; zenith cache: ap-1996.pdf plain text: ap-1996.txt item: #478 of 1243 id: ap-1998 author: Bertaina, Mario; Ebisuzaki, Toshikazu; Galeotti, Piero; Kajino, Fumiyoshi title: THE JEM-EUSO MISSION date: 2013-12-18 words: 2127 flesch: 62 summary: Introduction The Extreme Universe Space Observatory – EUSO is the first space mission devoted to exploring the Universe through the detection of the extreme energy (E > 50 EeV) cosmic rays (EECRs) and neutrinos [1– 5]; it looks downward from the International Space Station (ISS). The JEM-EUSO mission explores the origin of extreme energy cosmic rays (EECRs) above 50 EeV and explores the limits of fundamental physics, through observations of their arrival directions and energies. keywords: 32nd; arrival; atmosphere; case; clouds; collab; cosmic; eecrs; energies; energy; euso; experiment; exposure; extreme; figure; high; ibidem; icrc; jem; main; mission; nuclear; objectives; physics; proc; rays; scientific; shower; sources; space; surface; telescope cache: ap-1998.pdf plain text: ap-1998.txt item: #479 of 1243 id: ap-200 author: John, J. title: Nonlinear Continuous System Identification by Means of Multiple Integration II date: 2001-01-01 words: 3783 flesch: 71 summary: The differential equation for the system dynamics is � �e =Ri N t e �� � � �d d , (18) where e � � � is the induced voltage, � is the machine flux, N t d d � is the voltage induced by the change of the machine flux in the excitation winding, and Rie is the voltage drop on the resistance in the excitation circuit. i n i n � � � � � � 1 1 2 1u u � (1) and an output equation � � � �� � � � � �� �y t keywords: algebraic; continuous; corresponding; czech; d �; data; diagram; dynamo; e t; e �; equation; f t; fig; function; identification; input; integration; matrix; model; multiple; n t; nonlinear; output; parameters; period; program; r.*e./ �; space; state; structure; system; t t; t y; time; vector; � g; � y; � � cache: ap-200.pdf plain text: ap-200.txt item: #480 of 1243 id: ap-2000 author: Antonelli, Antonella title: THE NA62 EXPERIMENT AT CERN AND THE MEASUREMENT OF THE ULTRA-RARE DECAY K⁺→π⁺ v ̄v date: 2013-12-18 words: 2052 flesch: 67 summary: [3] P. Valente et al., Nucl. [4] M. Fiorini et al., Nucl. keywords: angle; background; beam; branching; calorimeter; cern; cherenkov; counter; decay; experiment; gev; high; instrum; kaon; large; lav; level; meth; momentum; mrad; muon; na62; nucl; order; particle; photons; ratio; readout; rejection; resolution; rich; spectrometer; system; time; trigger; veto cache: ap-2000.pdf plain text: ap-2000.txt item: #481 of 1243 id: ap-2002 author: March, Riccardo; Bellettini, Giovanni; Tauraso, Roberto; Dell’Agnello, Simone title: CONSTRAINING SPACETIME TORSION WITH THE MOON, MERCURY AND LAGEOS date: 2013-12-18 words: 2775 flesch: 64 summary: Hence such a mission may yield an opportunity to improve of the constraints on torsion parameters. As a consequence, spacetime torsion would be observation- ally negligible in the solar system. keywords: acta; autoparallel; bodies; body; case; coordinates; earth; effect; estimates; general; geodetic; lageos; lense; mass; mercury; moon; new; parameters; perihelion; phys; precession; relativity; rev; roma; secular; solar; spacetime; system; tensor; test; theory; thirring; torsion; γνλµ cache: ap-2002.pdf plain text: ap-2002.txt item: #482 of 1243 id: ap-2003 author: Garattini, M.; Dell’Agnello, S.; Currie, D.; Delle Monache, G. O.; Tibuzzi, M.; Patrizi, G.; Berardi, S.; Boni, A.; Cantone, C.; Itaglietta, N.; Lops, C.; Maiello, M.; Martini, M.; Vittori, R.; Bianco, G.; March, R.; Bellettini, G.; Tauraso, R. title: MOONLIGHT: A NEW LUNAR LASER RANGING RETROREFLECTOR INSTRUMENT date: 2013-12-17 words: 2561 flesch: 51 summary: Since 1969 Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) to the Apollo Cube Corner Reflector (CCR) arrays has supplied several significant tests of gravity: Geodetic Precession, the Strong and Weak Equivalence Principle (SEP, WEP), the Parametrized Post Newtonian (PPN) parameter β, the time change of the Gravitational constant (G), 1/r2 deviations and new gravitational theories beyond General Relativity (GR), like the unified braneworld theory (G. Dvali et al., 2003). Keywords: Lunar Laser Ranging, general relativity, gravitation, equivalence principle, geodetic precession, gravitational constant variation, PPN parameters, APOLLO station, International Lunar Network, Cube Corner Retroreflector. keywords: accuracy; acta; apollo; array; ccr; corner; currie; earth; ffdp; figure; frascati; generation; housing; infn; kind; laser; llr; lnf; lunar; lunar laser; maryland; measurements; moon; moonlight; nasa; new; optical; polytechnica; report; retroreflector; scf; science; shade; space; station; sun; temperature; test; thermal; time; university; way cache: ap-2003.pdf plain text: ap-2003.txt item: #483 of 1243 id: ap-2004 author: Weidenhaupt, Klaus title: THE AUGER ENGINEERING RADIO ARRAY date: 2013-12-18 words: 2592 flesch: 56 summary: Radio detector stations and calibration The hardware design of the autonomous radio-detector stations (RDSs) evolves from various prototype setups at the Pierre Auger Observatory. The Auger Engineering Radio Array currently measures MHz radio emission from extensive air showers induced by high energy cosmic rays with 24 self-triggered radio detector stations. keywords: aera; air; array; auger; calibration; collaboration; cosmic; data; detection; detector; different; direction; electric; emission; energy; events; field; fig; geomagnetic; induced; lopes; measured; measurements; mhz; noise; observatory; pierre; pierre auger; polarization; primary; pulse; radio; radio emission; rays; reconstructed; self; showers; site; sources; stations cache: ap-2004.pdf plain text: ap-2004.txt item: #484 of 1243 id: ap-2007 author: Federici, Memmo; Martino, Bruno L. title: A COMPUTER CLUSTER SYSTEM FOR PSEUDO-PARALLEL EXECUTION OF GEANT4 SERIAL APPLICATION date: 2013-12-18 words: 1884 flesch: 48 summary: • Intensive reuse of serial simulation software. Simulation of the interactions between particles and matter in studies for developing X-rays detectors generally requires very long calculation times (up to several days or weeks). keywords: acta; applications; cluster; computer; computing; cores; data; days; design; environment; execution; factor; figure; file; geant4; graphical; interfaces; large; login; nodes; parallel; parameters; polytechnica; pseudo; run; serial; simulation; single; software; speed; system; time; user cache: ap-2007.pdf plain text: ap-2007.txt item: #485 of 1243 id: ap-2008 author: Bressler, Smadar; Shaviv, Giora; Shaviv, Nir J. title: THE SENSITIVITY OF THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT TO CHANGES IN THE CONCENTRATION OF GASES IN PLANETARY ATMOSPHERES date: 2013-12-18 words: 4945 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: greenhouse effect, radiative transfer, earth like planets, surface temperature. The arrow marks the location of the Earth according to the Earth mean column density of water vapor as given by Crisp [2]. surface temperature. keywords: absorption; albedo; atmosphere; central; changes; concentration; depth; earth; effect; emission; energy; figure; flux; function; greenhouse; greenhouse effect; i∗,fir; like; limit; line; mean; model; molecular; optical; paradox; planet; planetary; problem; radiation; radiative; radiative transfer; range; saturation; shaviv; simpson; smadar; solution; specific; star; surface; surface temperature; temperature; transfer; tsurf; vapor; water; wavelength; windows; λrad; τfir; τvis cache: ap-2008.pdf plain text: ap-2008.txt item: #486 of 1243 id: ap-2010 author: Antink, Christoph Hoog; Leonhardt, Steffen title: QUANTIFICATION OF RESPIRATORY SINUS ARRHYTHMIA WITH HIGH-FRAMERATE ELECTRICAL IMPEDANCE TOMOGRAPHY date: 2013-12-31 words: 4168 flesch: 66 summary: One can observe that high frame rate EIT is capable of analyzing cardiac function with great precision. Respiratory rate according to protocol (RR), standard deviation of global impedance peaks (std(∆GI)) as well as the correlation coefficient (r(∆GI, ∆BBI)) of the change in GI and the change in BBI and the corresponding p-Value. keywords: acta; activity; analysis; bbi; bpm; calculated; cardiac; cardio; change; correlation; coupling; course; crs; data; delay; device; distribution; ecg; eit; electrical; electrode; error; figure; framerate; frequency; global; heart; high; impedance; known; mae; maximum; mean; measurements; medical; peak; pixel; polytechnica; rate; respiratory; rmse; rsa; run; seconds; signal; single; table; time; tomography; variability cache: ap-2010.pdf plain text: ap-2010.txt item: #487 of 1243 id: ap-2012 author: Lavička, Hynek; Novotný, Jan title: EMPLOYMENT, PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION WITH RANDOM UPDATE: NON-EQUILIBRIUM STATIONARY STATE EQUATIONS date: 2013-12-31 words: 4353 flesch: 59 summary: Introduction In recent years, the emergence of cheap computational power and progress in big data science has resulted in the appearance of multi-agent computational models in the economic and social sciences, see [4]. By contrasts, multi-agent computational models have to be perceived as complex systems, see [5–7], and this requires a specific set of tools. keywords: acta; activity; agent; approximation; citizens; companies; company; complex; computational; consumption; demand; discussion; dw′; economic; economy; employer; employment; equations; equilibrium; field; goods; hiring; interactions; linear; mean; micro; model; multi; non; number; p(c; p(e; paper; particular; phη; polytechnica; production; properties; random; respect; revenue; set; society; solution; state; stationary; step; system; time; turn; unemployed; university; variables; wage; wright cache: ap-2012.pdf plain text: ap-2012.txt item: #488 of 1243 id: ap-2014 author: Böhm, Anna; Brüser, Christoph; Leonhardt, Steffen Leonhardt title: A NOVEL BCG SENSOR-ARRAY FOR UNOBTRUSIVE CARDIAC MONITORING date: 2013-12-31 words: 3425 flesch: 64 summary: Raw BCG signal. However, optical sensors are prone to movement artifacts, as are other BCG sensors. keywords: algorithm; analog; array; artifacts; bcg; beat; bed; best; body; breath; brüser; cardiac; channel; detector; different; ecg; engineering; estimation; fig; figure; filter; heart; ieee; intervals; light; mattress; measurement; monitoring; multiple; optical; pass; positions; principle; prone; rate; results; sensor; setup; signal; subject; system; time; unobtrusive; vol cache: ap-2014.pdf plain text: ap-2014.txt item: #489 of 1243 id: ap-2015 author: Frougny, Christiane; Klouda, Karel title: FACTOR AND PALINDROMIC COMPLEXITY OF THUE-MORSE’S AVATARS date: 2013-12-31 words: 2587 flesch: 84 summary: Keywords: factor complexity, palindromic complexity, univoque numbers, Thue-Morse word. Factor complexity The following lemma points out the similarity between the languages of the words uTM and wa. keywords: a(1; complexity; factor; infinite; lemma; length; letters; math; morse; number; palindromic; putm; sequence; set; thue; unique; univoque; utm; word; εn+1 cache: ap-2015.pdf plain text: ap-2015.txt item: #490 of 1243 id: ap-2017 author: Jiroutová, Dita; Vokáč, Miroslav title: ANALYSIS OF THE ACCURACY OF FIBRE-OPTIC STRAIN GAUGES date: 2013-12-31 words: 2534 flesch: 59 summary: The most widely used deformation sensors include resistance strain gauges, capacity and induc- tion displacement sensors, and video strain gauges. The spreads of the calibration constants show that it is necessary to calibrate SOFO strain gauges, and to determine their calibration constant, before they are used. keywords: accuracy; active; calibration; constants; experimental; fibre; figure; gauges; initial; initial stress; length; measurement; measuring; monitoring; optic; optic strain; prague; sensors; sofo; sofo fibre; strain; strain gauges; stress; stress length; structure; system; value cache: ap-2017.pdf plain text: ap-2017.txt item: #491 of 1243 id: ap-2018 author: Mikeš, Jan; Kreibich, Ondrej; Neužil, Jan title: A LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR MONITORING SYSTEM BASED ON A WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK date: 2013-12-31 words: 3034 flesch: 62 summary: This paper presents ways to carry out wireless monitoring of lightning strikes on buildings and to deal with their impact on lightning conductors. Monitored building The proposed solution was developed by implement- ing a wireless sensor into a device used commercially for making a statistical record of lightning strikes on lightning conductors. keywords: acta; battery; buildings; catchment; conductor; counter; current; czech; data; direct; discharge; electrical; equipment; event; figure; fire; gateway; information; inspections; iris; jan; lightning; lightning strikes; mechanical; module; monitoring; network; node; online; polytechnica; power; prague; protection; republic; sensor; solution; standard; strikes; system; table; technology; usd; wireless; wsn; year; čsn cache: ap-2018.pdf plain text: ap-2018.txt item: #492 of 1243 id: ap-202 author: Vognar, M.; Fišer, M.; Šimáně, Č.; Chvátil, D. title: Filling and Recycling Apparatus of a Cyclotron Target with Enriched Krypton for Production of Radiopharmaceuticals date: 2001-01-02 words: 3222 flesch: 62 summary: The design and construction makes use of previous experience in the construction and operation of two analogue apparatuses for Xe124 high pressure gas targets, but major modifications have been incorporated, evoked by the different physical properties of Kr, by the character of the nuclear reaction, and by the demand for automation from the side of the end user. Keywords: generator, Kr gas target, 36K 82(p, 2n) keywords: apparatus; closed; cm3; container; dewar; fig; filling; flask; gas; gauge; heating; high; irradiation; liquid; main; minutes; mpa; nitrogen; power; pressure; production; pump; pumping; reaction; recycling; system; target; temperature; tube; tubing; turbomolecular; vacuum; valve; volume; working cache: ap-202.pdf plain text: ap-202.txt item: #493 of 1243 id: ap-2021 author: Neusser, Zdenek; Valášek, Michael title: CONTROL OF THE DOUBLE INVERTED PENDULUM ON A CART USING THE NATURAL MOTION date: 2013-12-31 words: 4161 flesch: 60 summary: Second, the system is stabilized and controlled exactly into the equilibrium at the upper position by NQR control. The input variable u is therefore plotted in the same figure, based on the acceleration of the cart (4) when using NQR control and based on the NQR algorithm in the vicinity of the unstable equilibrium. keywords: acceleration; approach; cart; control; coordinates; cos; damping; double; dynamics; eigenfrequencies; energy; equations; equilibrium; figure; final; input; inverted; left; mechanical; mechanism; motion; natural; nonlinear; nqr; pendulum; position; right; second; sin; swing; system; time; underactuated; upper; valášek cache: ap-2021.pdf plain text: ap-2021.txt item: #494 of 1243 id: ap-2022 author: Patel, Rachana U.; Deheri, G. M. title: EFFECT OF SLIP VELOCITY ON THE PERFORMANCE OF A SHORT BEARING LUBRICATED WITH A MAGNETIC FLUID date: 2013-12-31 words: 2854 flesch: 65 summary: Keywords: short bearing, magnetic fluid, slip velocity, load carrying capacity. Results and Discussion Equations (6) and (8), respectively, present the varia- tion of non-dimensional pressure distribution and load carrying capacity, while the frictional force is deter- mined from Equation (9). keywords: aspect; bearing; bhat; capacity; deheri; dimensional; effect; field; figure; fluid; friction; hydrodynamic; load; lubricant; lubrication; magnetic; non; patel; performance; porous; pressure; ratio; respect; short; slider; slip; values; variation; velocity cache: ap-2022.pdf plain text: ap-2022.txt item: #495 of 1243 id: ap-2024 author: Pomprapa, Anake; Misgeld, Berno; Sorgato, Verónica; Stollenwerk, André; Walter, Marian; Leonhardt, Steffen title: ROBUST CONTROL OF END-TIDAL CO₂ USING THE H∞ LOOP-SHAPING APPROACH date: 2013-12-31 words: 4274 flesch: 57 summary: [s] e tC O 2 [ m m H g ] H loop-shaping controller for Hammerstein model ∞ -10-20 Figure 6. Nonlinear Hammerstein model Providing a representation of signal flow using a block- oriented structure, the Hammerstein model comprises a static nonlinearity N keywords: acta; affine; algorithm; approach; block; closed; control; controller; data; design; end; etco2; evaluation; figure; hammerstein; human; identification; input; linear; loop; lung; mechanical; mmhg; model; nonlinear; nonlinearity; order; output; paco2; parameters; patients; performance; plant; polytechnica; pressure; range; respiratory; response; results; robust; shaping; simulation; singular; state; static; steady; structure; subject; system; tidal; time; uncertainty; value; ventilation; volunteer; y(k; y(ko cache: ap-2024.pdf plain text: ap-2024.txt item: #496 of 1243 id: ap-2028 author: Vlček, Petr; Skočilas, Jan; Jirout, Tomáš title: CFD SIMULATION OF A STIRRED DISHED BOTTOM VESSEL date: 2013-12-31 words: 3309 flesch: 60 summary: The objectives of the paper are to determine complex dimensionless characteristics — power number and impeller flow rate number — by carrying out investigations of the velocity field within the stirred vessel using a simulation of the equipment. This study deals with simulation of the flow in stirred vessels. keywords: accuracy; characteristics; comparison; contours; curved; cut; data; deviation; discretization; equipment; experimental; figure; flow; geometry; impeller; impeller flow; magnitude; model; number; order; order accuracy; power; rate; results; rsm; second; second order; simulation; speed; stirred; system; table; turbulence; unbaffled; unbaffled vessel; velocity; vessel cache: ap-2028.pdf plain text: ap-2028.txt item: #497 of 1243 id: ap-2030 author: Wirth, Ulrich; Shirali, Nuri; Křístek, Vladimír; Kurth, Helmut title: HYBRID SHEARWALL SYSTEM — SHEAR STRENGTH AT THE INTERFACE CONNECTION date: 2013-12-31 words: 4619 flesch: 55 summary: The hybrid shear-wall system consists of typical reinforced concrete shear walls with composite edge members or flanges. In addi- tion, the failure of reinforced concrete shear walls has been found to be caused by local failure of the edge- member columns (flanges). keywords: acta; alternating; anchor; anchor bars; anchorage; arrangement; bars; behavior; column; composite; concrete; connection; construction; cyclic; design; different; displacement; edge; end; figure; horizontal; hybrid; interface; layout; load; long; member; model; panel; polytechnica; possible; reinforcement; resistance; response; results; scale; shear; shearwall; slip; specimen; steel; stirrups; straight; structural; study; system; test; test specimen; tube; typical; view; vol; wall cache: ap-2030.pdf plain text: ap-2030.txt item: #498 of 1243 id: ap-2035 author: Pěnička, Michal; Hoffman, Pavel; Fořt, Ivan title: STIRRED FLUIDIZED-BED DRYER OF REGENERATED ION EXCHANGER PARTICLES date: 2014-06-27 words: 5181 flesch: 67 summary: This paper describes the intensification of the fluidized-bed drying process for regenerated spherical-shape ion exchanger particles in batch mode, achieved by a mechanical stirrer in the fluidized bed layer of dried particles. The drying rate for the first period of fluidized-bed drying is determined according to formula (10), where mS represents dry material mass and As12 is the total area of dried particles determined using formulas (11), (12), (13) and (9) for the studied periods. keywords: air; bed; bed layer; chamber; czech; density; determined; diameter; dryer; drying; effect; equation; exchanger; fig; fluidization; fluidized; fluidized bed; humidity; initial; ion; layer; layer period; mass; material; mean; moisture; m−2; number; particle diameter; particles; period; point; porosity; porous; process; rate; regenerated; state; stirrer; surface; s−1; temperature; time; total; uab; value; velocity; volume; water; wet cache: ap-2035.pdf plain text: ap-2035.txt item: #499 of 1243 id: ap-2038 author: Beniak, Juraj; Križan, Peter; Matúš, Miloš; Kováčová, Monika title: THE OPERATING LOAD OF A DISINTEGRATION MACHINE date: 2014-02-28 words: 2238 flesch: 61 summary: The significance of the monitored parameters that influence the torque moment needed to disintegrate material samples has been investigated. Figures 3 and 4 show the relation of the measured values of torque Mk to the surface area of the sam- ple material Sm. keywords: acta; area; cross; disintegrative; estimation; fig; material; matrix; measured; parameter; polytechnica; relation; sample; section; surface; surface area; thickness; torque; uncertainty; values; wedge; width cache: ap-2038.pdf plain text: ap-2038.txt item: #500 of 1243 id: ap-204 author: Elminir, Hamdy K.; Benda, V.; Kudláček, I. title: Actual Optical and Thermal Performance of Photovoltaic Modules date: 2001-01-02 words: 8805 flesch: 59 summary: In general this can be expressed as [11]: � �� �Q F T Trad s m i, j, k� � �� � � 4 4 . cos cos cos cos sin sin� � � � � ��Z � � (3) The geometric factor Rb, the ratio of beam radiation on the tilted surface, Ib, T to that on a horizontal surface at any time, can be calculated exactly by appropriate use of Equation 1. keywords: acta; adobe; angle; beam; cell; circuit; circumsolar; collector; components; conditions; constant �; cos cos; current; d �; data; day; diffuse; diffuse radiation; direction; distribution; effect; ei �; energy; equation; factor; false; fig; ground; hay; heat; horizontal; hourly; incidence; incident; inclined; increase; index; inside; interface; irradiance; isotropic; klucher; layer; matrix; meshes; model; module; oi �; optical; parameters; performance; photovoltaic; plane; polytechnica; radiation; radiation incident; reflection; results; short; silicon; sin; sky; solar; solar radiation; south; sun; surface; t h; t k; t t; temperature; thermal; tilted; total; transfer; transmission; true; z �; � cos; � g cache: ap-204.pdf plain text: ap-204.txt item: #501 of 1243 id: ap-2044 author: Horvat, Frantisek; Cekan, Michal; Soltes, Lukas; Biath, Peter; Hucko, Branislav; Jedinak, Igor title: CURRENT WAYS TO HARVEST ENERGY USING A COMPUTER MOUSE date: 2014-02-28 words: 1584 flesch: 55 summary: Possible energy harvesting systems, PVF2 – piezomaterial, LT – circuit required for EH, C – ca- pacitor, B – battery, S – input to mouse system. Studies have already been made for the potential application of EH circuits based on a piezomaterial, and have shown the possibility of applying it for battery management of cardiostimulators [2]. keywords: activities; average; battery; beam; body; button; circuit; clicks; computer; energy; figure; frequency; gaming; harvesting; hour; interactions; mouse; piezomaterial; pvf2; results; system; tip; work cache: ap-2044.pdf plain text: ap-2044.txt item: #502 of 1243 id: ap-2045 author: Hrnčířová, Michaela; Špiláček, Michal; Pospíšil, Jiří title: SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOLID PARTICLES AT THE EXPERIMENTAL DEVICE FOR MULTI-STAGE BIOMASS COMBUSTION date: 2014-02-28 words: 1948 flesch: 66 summary: The device utilizes laser diffraction for particle size analysis. The laser analyser shows the results on data sheets, where the frequency of the corresponding range of particle sizes to the whole sample is displayed. keywords: acta; analysis; ash; beam; biomass; chamber; combustion; cyclone; device; diffraction; distribution; figure; frequency; gasifying; heater; laser; method; particles; pipe; polytechnica; results; sample; separator; size; solid; table; water cache: ap-2045.pdf plain text: ap-2045.txt item: #503 of 1243 id: ap-2046 author: Kováčová, Monika; Matúš, Miloš; Križan, Peter; Beniak, Juraj title: DESIGN THEORY FOR THE PRESSING CHAMBER IN THE SOLID BIOFUEL PRODUCTION PROCESS date: 2014-02-28 words: 3598 flesch: 68 summary: Forces in cylindrical pressing chamber. 68-76 [6] KRIŽAN, P. – ŠOOŠ, Ľ. – MATÚŠ, M.: Optimisation of briquetting machine pressing chamber geometry. keywords: 4µλ; briquettes; case; chamber; cone; conical; cos; cylinder; cylindrical; d22; figure; force; geometry; influence; material; mathematical; outgoing; pa(x; pap; parameters; pressing; pressure; process; quality; structural cache: ap-2046.pdf plain text: ap-2046.txt item: #504 of 1243 id: ap-2051 author: Lisý, Martin; Baláš, Marek; Špiláček, Michal; Skála, Zdenek title: TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC OPTIMIZATION OF COGENERATION TECHNOLOGY USING COMBUSTION AND GASIFICATION date: 2014-02-28 words: 4988 flesch: 64 summary: 88–95 51 Acta Polytechnica 54(1):42–51, 2014 1 Introduction — microcogeneration 2 Design and balance calculations for a microcogeneration unit 2.1 Partial evaluation of basic solutions 2.2 Specification and extension of the designed solutions 2.3 Overall evaluation and a comparison of the solutions 3 Economic comparison of the proposed solutions 4 Overall evaluation and a comparison between the options 5 Conclusions Acknowledgements References A decrease in flue gas temperature was achieved via higher amounts of excess air during the combustion process; however, this requires bigger dimensions of the exchanger. keywords: acta; air; baláš; basic; biomass; boiler; calculations; cogeneration; combustion; comparison; costs; dependence; design; economic; efficiency; electrical; energy; exchanger; exhauster; figure; flow; flue; flue gas; fuel; gas; gasification; heat; higher; investment; microcogeneration; optimization; overall; payback; period; polytechnica; pressure; price; results; solutions; table; technical; technology; temperature; turbine; turbo; unit cache: ap-2051.pdf plain text: ap-2051.txt item: #505 of 1243 id: ap-2055 author: Onderová, Iveta; Kolláth, Ludovít; Ploskuňáková, Lucia title: EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF THE STRUCTURAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF THE PKS date: 2014-02-28 words: 2215 flesch: 47 summary: Unidirectional position repeatability is calculated as follows: RP = l̄ + 3Sl, where l̄ = 1 n n∑ j=1 lj , lj = √ (xj − x̄)2 + (yj − ȳ)2 The parameters of accuracy and position repeata- 60 vol. keywords: accuracy; calculated; carrier; central; coordinates; cylinder; figure; j=1; joint; kinematic; location; measurement; mechanical; motion; orientation; parallel; parameters; platform; position; positioning; positioning accuracy; programmed; repeatability; rods; structure; telescopic; tools; tricept; unidirectional; unidirectional positioning cache: ap-2055.pdf plain text: ap-2055.txt item: #506 of 1243 id: ap-2057 author: Onderová, Iveta; Šooš, Lubomír title: ANALYSIS OF PARAMETERS AFFECTING THE QUALITY OF A CUTTING MACHINE date: 2014-02-28 words: 1958 flesch: 46 summary: Keywords: cutting machines, quality, positioning accuracy, repeatable positioning accuracy. Investigations of accuracy and repeatable positioning accuracy were essential for the research presented in this paper. keywords: accuracy; analysis; axis; cutting; cutting machine; design; error; evaluation; experiment; figure; linear; machine; measured; measurements; measuring; parameters; portal; positioning; positioning accuracy; positions; quality; requirements; table; technology; value; working; y axis cache: ap-2057.pdf plain text: ap-2057.txt item: #507 of 1243 id: ap-2059 author: Štefanica, Jiří; Hrdlička, Jan title: NOx PREDICTION FOR FBC BOILERS USING EMPIRICAL MODELS date: 2014-02-28 words: 3174 flesch: 56 summary: Authors of NOX prediction models for FBC usually combine a kinetic modelling approach with FBC hydrodynamic models. Recently used kinetic prediction models for FBC boilers are overly complex and require large computing capacity. keywords: air; approach; bed; biomass; boilers; boleslav; chpp; coal; combustion; concentration; conditions; constant; content; control; data; emissions; empirical; engineering; fbc; figure; formation; fuel; hard; ibler; input; lignite; low; method; mladá; model; modified; nitrogen; nox; parameters; pcc; pohl; ppm; prediction; reliability; results; steam; table; temperature cache: ap-2059.pdf plain text: ap-2059.txt item: #508 of 1243 id: ap-206 author: Hošková, Š.; Kapičková, O.; Trtík, K.; Vodák, F. title: Effect of Thermal Cycling on the Strength and Texture of Concrete for Nuclear Safety Structures date: 2001-01-02 words: 2027 flesch: 55 summary: These are the only similar factors: TEMELÍN concrete belongs to class B 40, while PENLY concrete is prepared as so-called high-resist- ance concrete (the uniaxial compression strength is higher than 60 MPa) The texture of concrete is not constant in time. keywords: adobe; cement; climatic; composition; compressive; concrete; cycles; cycling; czech; dependence; false; fig; number; paste; pdf; penly; pores; process; republic; results; samples; specific; strength; structure; table; temelín; texture; thermal; total; true; volume; water cache: ap-206.pdf plain text: ap-206.txt item: #509 of 1243 id: ap-2064 author: Ramírez, José Luis; Rubiano, Gustavo Nevardo title: BIPERIODIC FIBONACCI WORD AND ITS FRACTAL CURVE date: 2015-02-28 words: 5694 flesch: 87 summary: Keywords: Fibonacci word, biperiodic Fibonacci word, biperiodic Fibonacci curve. [3] Berstel, J., Fibonacci words-a survey, in: G. Rosenberg, A. Salomaa (Eds.), The Book of L, Springer, Berlin, 1986, 11–26. keywords: a(10; b)(0; b)n; biperiodic; biperiodic fibonacci; clear; curve; definition; drawing; f(a; fa(a; fibonacci; fibonacci word; fractal; infinite; integer; length; lim; nth; number; n−1; n−2; n−3)f(a; odd; prefix; proof; properties; proposition; ramírez; rubiano; rule; sequence; similar; sturmian; symbols; table; theorem; word; σ(a; φ(f(a cache: ap-2064.pdf plain text: ap-2064.txt item: #510 of 1243 id: ap-2067 author: Kratky, Lukas; Jirout, Tomáš title: IMPROVING SPECIFIC POWER CONSUMPTION FOR MECHANICAL MIXING OF THE FEEDSTOCK IN A BIOGAS FERMENTER BY MECHANICAL DISINTEGRATION OF LIGNOCELLULOSE BIOMASS date: 2014-10-31 words: 4389 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: fermenter, lignocellulose biomass, mixing, specific power consumption, wheat straw. Dependence of power consumption on impeller speed. keywords: batch; biogas; biomass; consumption; diameter; disintegration; experiments; fermenter; fig; flow; fluid; height; homogeneity; hydrated; hydration; impeller; lignocellulose; liquid; mechanical; milled; mixing; number; particles; power; power consumption; properties; regime; rotational; specific; specific power; speed; straw; sufficient; surface; suspension; system; torque; untreated; untreated straw; value; vessel; water; wheat; wheat straw cache: ap-2067.pdf plain text: ap-2067.txt item: #511 of 1243 id: ap-2070 author: Loufek, Jan; Královcová, Jiřina title: SIMULATION OF RADIATIVE HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION UNDER AN INFRARED HEAT EMITTER date: 2015-02-28 words: 4006 flesch: 54 summary: Keywords: radiative heat transfer; simulations; optimization; heat flux distribution. This tool is helpful in providing heat flux distribution functions under various configurations (heater reflector shape, heated surface shape and inclination, distance) and under various input parameters (temperature, emissivity). keywords: algorithm; body; bounding; calibration; case; characteristics; design; distribution; emissivity; emitter; energy; factor; figure; flux; flux distribution; heat; heat flux; heat transfer; heated; heated surface; heaters; implemented; infrared; input; line; measured; model; optimization; particular; radiation; radiative; radiative heat; real; reflector; results; set; shape; shell; simulated; simulation; surface; system; table; temperature; transfer; values; view cache: ap-2070.pdf plain text: ap-2070.txt item: #512 of 1243 id: ap-2073 author: Bagchi, Bijan; Modak, Subhrajit; Panigrahi, Prasanta K. title: TRACKING DOWN LOCALIZED MODES IN PT-SYMMETRIC HAMILTONIANS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF A COMPETING NONLINEARITY date: 2014-04-30 words: 3650 flesch: 67 summary: Class II solutions On the other hand, if we choose the extended Rosen- Morse potential to have the form V (x) = −a(a The figure at the right corresponds to the evaluation of Class II solution under the same parametrizations. keywords: christodoulides; class; complex; corresponding; distribution; doi; eigenmode; eigenvalues; equation; figure; imaginary; index; lett; modes; nonlinear; nonlinearity; optical; parameters; phys; potential; propagation; real; rev; solutions; spectrum; symmetric; term; time; unstable; −0.1; −0.2 cache: ap-2073.pdf plain text: ap-2073.txt item: #513 of 1243 id: ap-2074 author: Bishop, Raymond F.; Znojil, Miloslav title: THE COUPLED-CLUSTER APPROACH TO QUANTUM MANY-BODY PROBLEM IN A THREE-HILBERT-SPACE REINTERPRETATION date: 2014-04-30 words: 6606 flesch: 56 summary: Sub- sequently, in section 3 an overall review of the key ideas of CCM constructions will be recalled, and their reinterpretation within the general THS scheme will be described. 2.2.1 Crypto-Hermitian IBM method 2.2.2 PT-symmetric models 2.2.3 Towards the complex energy spectra. 3 THS interpretation of CCM constructions 3.1 Brief introduction to CCM constructions 3.2 CCM–THS correspondence 4 Discussion 4.1 A CCM–THS fusion? 4.2 Towards the infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces 4.3 Outlook Acknowledgements References keywords: abstract; acta; adjoint; alternative; approach; approximation; arponen; bishop; body; c+; case; ccm; cluster; complex; complicated; construction; conventions; creation; different; doi; effective; energy; exp; extended; form; formalism; framework; functions; general; ground; h(f; h(p; h(s; hamiltonian; hermitian; hermiticity; hilbert; hilbert space; ibm; initial; introduction; key; known; mappings; mechanics; method; microscopic; model; multi; non; notation; operator; paper; phase; phys; physical; physics; polytechnica; practical; present; problem; quantum; question; representation; respective; review; schrödinger; self; set; simplification; space; state; systems; table; theory; ths; time; unitary; use; variational; wave; znojil cache: ap-2074.pdf plain text: ap-2074.txt item: #514 of 1243 id: ap-2076 author: Borisov, Denis title: EIGENVALUE COLLISION FOR PT-SYMMETRIC WAVEGUIDE date: 2014-04-30 words: 4584 flesch: 81 summary: Assume that the equation (Hα −λ0)φ0 = ψ0 (1.8) is solvable and there exists a solution satisfying (φ0,T ψ0)L2(Ω) 6= 0, (φ0,ψ0)L2(Ω) = 0. These eigenvalues are holomorphic w.r.t. ε and the first terms of their Taylor series are λ±ε = λ0 + ελ ± 1 + O(ε 2), λ±1 keywords: borisov; collision; complex; doi; dx1; eigenvalues; equation; follows; functions; hermitian; holomorphic; identity; l2(ω; lemma; main; multiplicity; non; o(ε; operator; phenomenon; physics; polytechnica; proof; real; results; simple; small; solvable; symmetric; theorem; w.r.t; α(x1; ψ0)l2(ω; ∂x2 cache: ap-2076.pdf plain text: ap-2076.txt item: #515 of 1243 id: ap-2077 author: Esina, Anna I.; Shafarevich, Andrei I. title: SEMICLASSICAL ASYMPTOTICS OF EIGENVALUES FOR NON-SELFADJOINT OPERATORS AND QUANTIZATION CONDITIONS ON RIEMANN SURFACES date: 2014-04-30 words: 3476 flesch: 61 summary: doi: 10.4213/im399 [16] A. V. D’yachenko, A. A. Shkalikov. [19] V. I. Pokotilo, A. A. Shkalikov. keywords: a. a.; adjoint; asymptotics; behavior; case; complex; conditions; corresponding; cycles; different; dimensional; doi; eigenvalues; equation; form; graph; induction; integer; magnetic; maslov; math; mechanics; nonself; operator; points; potential; problem; quantization; remark; riemann; schrödinger; semiclassical; shafarevich; sommerfeld; spectral; spectrum; sphere; surface; theory; torus cache: ap-2077.pdf plain text: ap-2077.txt item: #516 of 1243 id: ap-2078 author: Eleuch, Hichem; Rotter, Ingrid title: EXCEPTIONAL POINTS IN OPEN AND PT-SYMMETRIC SYSTEMS date: 2014-04-30 words: 5878 flesch: 66 summary: Exceptional points (EPs) determine the dynamics of open quantum systems and cause also PT symmetry breaking in PT symmetric systems. Recent studies have shown the important role the singular points in the continuum play for the dynam- ics of open quantum systems, see, e.g., the review [10]. keywords: 4|w|2; breaking; case; complex; coupling; crossing; discrete; eigenfunctions; eigenvalues; energy; environment; eps; equation; exceptional; h(2; hamiltonian; hermitian; imaginary; level; matrix; means; neighborhood; non; open; open quantum; optical; parameter; phase; phys; physics; points; pt symmetric; quantum; quantum systems; real; results; rotter; states; symmetric; symmetry; system; wavefunctions; widths cache: ap-2078.pdf plain text: ap-2078.txt item: #517 of 1243 id: ap-208 author: Kalousková, M.; Novotná, E.; Šejnoha, J. title: Reliability - Based Designof Precast Buildings date: 2001-01-02 words: 3569 flesch: 59 summary: An expression for the failure probability can be found in [6] in this form � �� � � � � �P g Expanding the function g into the Taylor series up to the second order terms and introducing certain orthogonal transformations, the failure surface can be written as: � �� �g U Un keywords: acta; adobe; analysis; b b; b c; beam; c c; code; czech; elements; failure; false; fig; house;; index; inner; joints; loading; methods; model; numerical; panels; polytechnica; precast; properties; publishing; random; regions; reliability; second; stiffness; structure; subgrade; technical; temperature; true; truss; university; vertical; vol; � � cache: ap-208.pdf plain text: ap-208.txt item: #518 of 1243 id: ap-2081 author: Fernández, Francisco M. title: ON THE REAL MATRIX REPRESENTATION OF PT-SYMMETRIC OPERATORS date: 2014-04-30 words: 2262 flesch: 65 summary: Âan|n〉 = an|n〉 + a∗nÂ|n〉 (17) which already satisfies Â|nA〉 = |nA〉. We can construct the basis set {|n,σ〉} from any orthonormal basis set {|n〉} in the following way |n,σ〉 = Nn,σQ̂σ|n〉, Q̂σ = 1 2 ( 1 + σ ) (16) where Nn,σ is a suitable normalization factor. keywords: antiunitary; basis; bender; case; complex; equation; general; hamiltonians; harmonic; hermitian; matrix; non; operator; oscillator; porter; real; representation; satisfies; section; set; symmetry; |na cache: ap-2081.pdf plain text: ap-2081.txt item: #519 of 1243 id: ap-2083 author: Haag, Daniel; Cartarius, Holger; Wunner, Günter title: A BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATE WITH PT-SYMMETRIC DOUBLE-DELTA FUNCTION LOSS AND GAIN IN A HARMONIC TRAP: A TEST OF RIGOROUS ESTIMATES date: 2014-04-30 words: 4248 flesch: 63 summary: A paper in which PT -symmetric point interactions were studied embedded in an external potential is 116 vol. Bound states of n-dimensional harmonic oscillator decorated with dirac delta functions. keywords: -symmetric; bose; branch; case; complex; condensate; delta; delta functions; different; doi; double; eigenvalues; einstein; estimates; excited; figure; functions; harmonic; hermiticity; imaginary; levels; loss; mityagin; nonlinearity; oscillator; parts; perturbation; phys; point; potential; real; shifts; shrink; siegl; spectrum; state; strength; unperturbed; wave cache: ap-2083.pdf plain text: ap-2083.txt item: #520 of 1243 id: ap-2085 author: Jones, H. F. title: THE FLOQUET METHOD FOR PT-SYMMETRIC PERIODIC POTENTIALS date: 2014-04-30 words: 1426 flesch: 76 summary: This phenomenon is particularly interesting for the case of periodic PT -symmetric potentials, where unusual band structures may occur [7, 8]. By the general theory of PT -symmetric quantum systems, their energy levels are either real or occur in complex-conjugate pairs, which implies that the secular equation must be real. keywords: doi; equation; floquet; lett; periodic; phys; potentials; real; rev; solutions; u1(x; u1(π; u2(x; u′2(π cache: ap-2085.pdf plain text: ap-2085.txt item: #521 of 1243 id: ap-2086 author: Kibler, Maurice R. title: ON TWO WAYS TO LOOK FOR MUTUALLY UNBIASED BASES date: 2014-04-30 words: 2229 flesch: 74 summary: Concluding remarks The equivalence discussed in this work of the two ways of looking at MUBs amounts in some sense to the equivalence between the search for equiangular lines in Cd and for equiangular vectors in Cd 2 (cf. Equiangular lines in Cd correspond to |〈aα|bβ〉| = 1 √ d for a 6= b (26) while equiangular vectors in Cd 2 correspond to w(aα) · w(bβ) = 1 d for a 6= b (27) where the w(aα)·w(bβ) inner product in Cd 2 is defined as w(aα) · w(bβ) = d−1∑ p=0 d−1∑ q=0 wpq(aα)wpq(bβ) (28) Observe that the modulus disappears and the 1/ √ d factor is replaced by 1/d when passing from (26) to (27). keywords: bases; components; d(d; dimension; doi; d−1∑; equiangular; mubs; operator; q=0; quantum; satisfying; search; sic; unbiased; vectors; w(aα; wpq(aα; |aα; βδa cache: ap-2086.pdf plain text: ap-2086.txt item: #522 of 1243 id: ap-2088 author: Leach, P. G. L. title: DIRAC AND HAMILTON date: 2014-04-30 words: 1906 flesch: 60 summary: Dirac devised his theory of Quantum Mechanics and recognised that his operators resembled the canonical coordinates of Hamiltonian Mechanics. Now Hamiltonian Mechanics provided a lodestone to the new Quantum Mechanics. 2. keywords: classical; construct; coordinates; corresponding; dirac; equation; generalised; hamiltonian; harmonic; lagrangians; mechanics; motion; newtonian; noether; operators; oscillator; quantum; schrödinger; simple; symmetries; theory; university cache: ap-2088.pdf plain text: ap-2088.txt item: #523 of 1243 id: ap-2090 author: Lee, M. Howard title: CAN ONE REALLY STUDY CHAOS ANALYTICALLY? date: 2014-04-30 words: 2803 flesch: 78 summary: Conclusion: aleph cycle and chaotic trajectories Phys. 57, 617 (1985) doi: 10.1103/RevModPhys.57.617 132 Acta Polytechnica 54(2):130–132, 2014 1 Introduction 2 One-dimensional continuous map of real numbers in an interval 3 Logistic map 4 Solving the sextic equation: preliminaries 5 Solving the sextic equation: an internal degree of freedom 6 Conclusion: aleph cycle and chaotic trajectories Acknowledgements References keywords: acta; chaos; chaotic; cycle; domain; equation; finite; fixed; interval; logistic; map; numbers; phys; points; q(t; real; roots; set; sextic; sharkovskii; theorem cache: ap-2090.pdf plain text: ap-2090.txt item: #524 of 1243 id: ap-2092 author: Löhle, Andreas; Cartarius, Holger; Haag, Daniel; Dast, Dennis; Main, Jörg; Wunner, Günter Wunner title: STABILITY OF BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATES IN A PT-SYMMETRIC DOUBLE-δ POTENTIAL CLOSE TO BRANCH POINTS date: 2014-04-30 words: 4661 flesch: 67 summary: The nonlinearity ∝ |ψ(x, t)|2 of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation introduces new interesting properties [8–17] such as PT broken states which appear for gain/loss contributions lower than those at which the corre- sponding PT symmetric states vanish. 133 A. Löhle, H. Cartarius, D. Haag et al. keywords: bifurcation; bogoliubov; bose; change; complex; condensate; discrepancy; doi; double; eigenvalue; einstein; equation; et al; field; figure; function; gain; gennes; gross; ground; hermitian; lett; loss; mean; nonlinearity; norm; phys; pitaevskii; pitchfork; point; potential; pt symmetric; real; rev; stability; states; stationary; symmetric; system; values; wave cache: ap-2092.pdf plain text: ap-2092.txt item: #525 of 1243 id: ap-2095 author: Mostafazadeh, Ali title: A DIFFERENTIAL INTEGRABILITY CONDITION FOR TWO-DIMENSIONAL HAMILTONIAN SYSTEMS date: 2014-04-30 words: 1645 flesch: 73 summary: The study of integrable Hamiltonian systems has been a subject of active research since the nineteenth century. References [1] R. S. Kaushal and H. J. Korsch, “Some remarks on complex Hamiltonian systems,” Phys. keywords: condition; constant; equations; form; hamiltonian; integrability; integrable; system; theorem; ∂2h; ∂2u cache: ap-2095.pdf plain text: ap-2095.txt item: #526 of 1243 id: ap-2097 author: Ohya, Satoshi title: A SIMPLE DERIVATION OF FINITE-TEMPERATURE CFT CORRELATORS FROM THE BTZ BLACK HOLE date: 2014-04-30 words: 5466 flesch: 67 summary: −1/R2): AdS3 = { (X−1,X0,X1,X2) ∈ R2,2 ∣∣ − (X−1)2 − (X0)2 + (X1)2 + (X2)2 = −1 } . As is well-known, the AdS3 spacetime (6) has an alternative equivalent description as the SL(2,R) group manifold defined as follows: AdS3 = { X = ( X−1+X2 X1−X0 X1+X0 X−1−X2 ) keywords: ads3; ads3 black; advanced; algebra; basis; black; black hole; boundary; btz; cft; cft2; conformal; coordinate; correlators; correspondence; cosh; doi; equations; field; finite; following; functions; generators; group; g∆(kl; hep; hole; identification; kr〉0; ladder; lie; momentum; noncompact; note; operators; paper; periodic; phys; point; recurrence; relations; retarded; scalar; simple; sinh; sl(2,r)l; so(1; so(2; space; spacetime; symmetry; temperature; theory; time; translation cache: ap-2097.pdf plain text: ap-2097.txt item: #527 of 1243 id: ap-2099 author: Prešnajder, Peter; Gáliková, Veronika; Kováčik, Samuel title: LAPLACE-RUNGE-LENZ VECTOR IN QUANTUM MECHANICS IN NONCOMMUTATIVE SPACE date: 2014-04-30 words: 5108 flesch: 68 summary: NC operators revisited Now we rewrite the Hamiltonian, the velocity operator and the NC LRL vector in terms of the new auxiliary operators which have been introduced. The Hilbert space of wave functions in NC space and the NC generalizations of important operators (Hamil- tonian, angular momentum, coordinate and velocity) are introduced. keywords: analog; angular; âα; case; casimir; commutator; components; considered; corresponding; coulomb; dynamical; energies; energy; equation; functions; group; hamiltonian; laplace; lrl; l̂i; mechanics; momentum; ncqm; noncommutative; operators; paper; potential; problem; quantum; relations; relevant; representations; schrödinger; so(3; so(4; space; standard; states; symmetry; terms; vector; velocity; wave; way; −2e cache: ap-2099.pdf plain text: ap-2099.txt item: #528 of 1243 id: ap-210 author: Tesař, V. title: Two-equation Turbulence Model Similarity Solution of the Axisymmetric Fluid Jet date: 2001-01-02 words: 10259 flesch: 57 summary: (13) as � � e w e w e e w e X f f f t t f t f t � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 � � � � � . (20): � � � � t t � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 22 j mX X j j j mX X . keywords: acta; analysis; anomaly; approach; assumption; ax �; axial; axis; axisymmetric; basic; boundary; c �; case; coefficient; conditions; constants; czech; data; deta*fn; diameter; dissipation; distance; distribution; earlier; effect; energy; eps; equation; equation model; evaluated; experimental; f �; fact; false; fig; flow; fluctuation; following; gradient; growth; hand; house;; integration; jet; jets; length; line; mean; model; nozzle; operator; ordinate; plane; polytechnica; possible; praha; prandtl; present; present solution; print; problem; profile; program; proper; publishing; radial; rate; relative; results; scale; sensitivity; similarity; solution; solved; spatial; spreading; standard; starting; technical; tesař; time; transformation; transformed; transport; transverse; true; turbulence; university; values; variables; velocity; viscosity; vol; � term cache: ap-210.pdf plain text: ap-210.txt item: #529 of 1243 id: ap-2101 author: Turgut, Osman Teoman Turgut Teoman; Eröncel, Cem title: EXACT RENORMALIZATION GROUP FOR POINT INTERACTIONS date: 2014-04-30 words: 8156 flesch: 79 summary: Then φ̃(Λ,ξ) becomes φ̃(Λ,ξ) = 2 π2 ( Λ2 + a2 )−1 ∫ Λ−dΛ 0 dτ′gΛ(Λ,τ′)τ′ sinh(πτ′)ϑ(Λ,τ′; ξ), (3.46) where we have again ignored the term proportional to dΛ. From this result we can find ϑ(τ, Λ; ξ) as ϑ(τ, Λ; ξ) = 2 π2 ( Λ2 + a2 )−1 ∫ keywords: acta; case; constant; contraction; coupling; doi; ds s; effective; energy; equation; erg; exact; group; gλ(p; gλ(λ; gλ0; hamiltonian; hyperbolic; integral; interactions; limit; log; l′=0; n+1; physics; plane; point; polytechnica; problem; procedure; range; renormalization; result; s s2; scale; scale λ; sinh(πτ′; solution; space; state; sup; tanh(πs; term; theory; turgut; vol; wilson; λ λ0; λ0 ds; λ−dλ; ν2r2; ω0)y cache: ap-2101.pdf plain text: ap-2101.txt item: #530 of 1243 id: ap-212 author: Böszörményi, G.; Böszörményi, L. title: Some Problems of the Integration of Heat Pump Technology into a System of Combined Heat and Electricity Production date: 2001-01-02 words: 2867 flesch: 53 summary: If as planned, geothermal heat is fed directly into the district heating network the efficiency would be greatly reduced. In winter, only one housing estate in Košice city would be supplied with heat power (~65 MW) by the heat pump. keywords: adobe; alternative; chp; combined; conception; cycle; district; efficiency; electricity; energy; false; fig; gas; geothermal; geothermal energy; heat; heat pump; heating; košice; output; pdf; period; plant; power; processes; production; pump; pumping; secondary; solution; sources; stage; steam; system; technology; temperature; true; utilization; water; way cache: ap-212.pdf plain text: ap-212.txt item: #531 of 1243 id: ap-2122 author: Dorner, Daniela; Biland, A.; Bretz, T.; Buss, J.; Einecke, S.; Eisenacher, D.; Hildebrand, D.; Knoetig, M. L.; Krähenbühl, T.; Lustermann, W.; Mannheim, K.; Meier, K.; Neise, D.; Overkemping, A.-K.; Paravac, A.; Pauss, F.; Rhode, W.; Ribordy, M.; Steinbring, T.; Temme, F.; Thaele, J.; Vogler, P.; Walter, R.; Weitzel, Q.; Zänglein, M. title: FACT — STATUS AND FIRST RESULTS date: 2014-06-27 words: 2690 flesch: 63 summary: G-APDs [1] were therefore chosen as photosensors which has provided also the opportunity to show that Si-based photodetectors are suitable for Cherenkov telescopes. FACT is the first imaging Cherenkov telescope based on a camera using solid state photosensors (Geigermode Avalanche Photodiodes G-APD aka SiPM). keywords: 501; acta; analysis; apds; background; bright; camera; cherenkov; collaboration; conditions; data; events; excess; fact; figure; icrc; janeiro; left; light; monitoring; moon; mrk; observations; operation; physics; proceedings; rate; results; rio; stable; system; telescope; tev; time; trigger; zenith cache: ap-2122.pdf plain text: ap-2122.txt item: #532 of 1243 id: ap-2124 author: Eikmann, Wiebke; Wilms, Jörn; Smith, Randall K.; Lee, Julia C. title: X-RAY TRANSMISSION AND REFLECTION THROUGH A COMPTON-THICK MEDIUM VIA MONTE-CARLO SIMULATIONS date: 2014-06-27 words: 2197 flesch: 63 summary: The shape of the fluorescent lines also changes since scattered line photons form several Compton-shoulders which are very prominent especially for Compton-thick sources. The first term describes the number of line photons that was created within τ and the second term describes the subsequent absorption. keywords: absorption; cm−2; compton; energies; energy; figure; fluorescent; geometry; high; iron; kev; line; medium; model; photons; ray; red; scattering; shape; source; spectra; spectrum; spherical; strength; thick; wilms cache: ap-2124.pdf plain text: ap-2124.txt item: #533 of 1243 id: ap-2127 author: Karas, Vladimír; Bakala, Pavel; Török, Gabriel; Dovčiak, Michal; Wildner, Martin; Wzientek, Dalibor; Šrámková, Eva; Abramowicz, Marek; Goluchová, Kateřina; Mazur, Grzegorz P.; Vincent, Frédéric H. title: DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN SPOT AND TORUS MODELS OF HIGH-FREQUENCY QUASIPERIODIC OSCILLATIONS date: 2014-06-27 words: 3787 flesch: 53 summary: On the other hand, the LOFT PDS clearly reveal the presence/absence of the harmonics additional to the 3:2 peaks representing the signature of spot motion. Conclusions We can identify the signatures of spot motion mostly with the harmonic content of the observable signal. keywords: a&a; abramowicz; accretion; acta; amplitude; apj; black; capabilities; close; corresponding; doi; effects; epicyclic; figure; flux; frequencies; frequency; harmonics; high; hole; inclination; karas; keplerian; left; levels; loft; models; observed; orbits; oscillations; panel; pds; physics; polytechnica; power; qpos; r3:2; radial; ray; right; rxte; signal; spectra; spot; torus; török; view cache: ap-2127.pdf plain text: ap-2127.txt item: #534 of 1243 id: ap-2129 author: Majcher, Ariel; Cwiek, Arkadiusz; Cwiok, Mikołaj; Mankiewicz, Lech; Zaremba, Marcin; Zarnecki, Aleksander F. title: “PI OF THE SKY” OFF-LINE EXPERIMENT WITH GLORIA date: 2014-06-27 words: 2482 flesch: 58 summary: To present the network capabilities and the perfor- mance of the tools, demonstrator experiments have been created in both categories. Tests with constant stars The light curve reconstruction procedure was first tested on selected constant stars. keywords: acta; analysis; chile; correction; curve; cut; data; demonstrator; distribution; experiment; figure; framework; gloria; image; level; light; line; luiza; magnitudo; network; object; observations; polytechnica; processing; processor; project; reconstruction; research; results; robotic; sky; star; telescope; user; warsaw cache: ap-2129.pdf plain text: ap-2129.txt item: #535 of 1243 id: ap-2131 author: Meier, Katja; Biland, A.; Bretz, T.; Buss, J.; Dorner, D.; Einecke, S.; Eisenacher, D.; Hildebrand, D.; Knoetig, M. L.; Krähenbühl, T.; Lustermann, W.; Mannheim, K.; Neise, D.; Overkemping, A.-K.; Paravac, A.; Pauss, F.; Rhode, W.; Ribordy, M.; Steinbring, T.; Temme, F.; Thaele, J.; Vogler, P.; Walter, R.; Weitzel, Q.; Zänglein, M. title: FACT — LONGTERM MONITORING OF BRIGHT TeV BLAZARS date: 2014-06-27 words: 2278 flesch: 67 summary: The FACT collaboration was founded in 2008 with the aim to examine these silicon photodectectors for use in Cherenkov telescopes and to monitor bright TeV blazars in the longterm. FACT has been optimized for longterm monitoring of bright TeV blazars, to study their variability time scales and flare probability. keywords: 421; agn; apd; apds; arxiv; astro; blazars; bright; cherenkov; crab; data; detection; energy; excess; fact; figure; flare; flux; gamma; high; imaging; june; longterm; major; markarian; monitoring; physics; project; radiation; range; rate; sources; telescope; tev; time; vhe cache: ap-2131.pdf plain text: ap-2131.txt item: #536 of 1243 id: ap-2135 author: Ondruška, Michal; Drienovský, Marián; Čička, Roman; Marônek, Milan; Náplava, Antonín title: OPTIMIZING THE WELDING OF PLASTICS WITH THE USE OF DIFFERENTIAL SCANNING CALORIMETRY AND THERMOGRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS date: 2014-06-27 words: 2233 flesch: 55 summary: Thermal welding methods have a number of advan- tages and disadvantages. Welding techniques for thermoplastics are di- vided into three categories[3]. keywords: acta; air; analysis; atmosphere; calorimetry; cooling; curve; differential; dsc; fig; figure; gas; hdpe; heating; materials; measurements; melting; methods; plastics; polymers; processing; record; sample; science; technology; temperature; thermal; thermoplastics; time; tool; trnava; university; welding cache: ap-2135.pdf plain text: ap-2135.txt item: #537 of 1243 id: ap-2137 author: Opiela, Rafał; Małek, Katarzyna; Mankiewicz, Lech; Siudek, Małgorzata; Sokołowski, Marcin; Zarnecki, Aleksander Filip title: PHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF PI OF THE SKY DATA date: 2014-06-27 words: 3080 flesch: 62 summary: The detector response is correlated with the spectral type (B −V or J −K) of catalog stars. observations without any filter (which is the case for most of our data), we normalize our measurements to reference stars measured in V filter. Histograms of the percentage of bad catalog stars in a single frame. keywords: acta; analyzed; bad; best; case; catalog; catalog stars; centre; color; correction; curve; data; detector; figure; frame; light; light curve; magnitude; mcorr; measurements; methods; near; new; photometry; polytechnica; project; quality; selected; sky; spectral; stars; system; type; university cache: ap-2137.pdf plain text: ap-2137.txt item: #538 of 1243 id: ap-2138 author: Sławomir, Wojnar; Rohal-Ilkiv, Boris; Šimončic, Peter; Honek, Marek; Jozef, Csambál title: IN-CYLINDER MASS FLOW ESTIMATION AND MANIFOLD PRESSURE DYNAMICS FOR STATE PREDICTION IN SI ENGINES date: 2014-06-27 words: 5495 flesch: 66 summary: Measurement with AFM is denoted by a dashed line, computed air mass flow with a full line. In-cylinder flow estimation is crucial for engine control, where an accurate amount of aspired air forms the basis for computing the manipulated variables. keywords: acta; afm; afr; air; aspired; combustion; conditions; constant; control; cylinder; cylinder flow; density; doi:10.1109; dynamics; efficiency; engine; engineering; equal; equation; estimation; example; exhaust; fig; figure; flow; fuel; future; gas; intake; intake manifold; manifold; map; mass; measurement; model; number; paper; polytechnica; possible; power; prediction; pressure; ratio; revolutions; speed; strokes; system; temperature; throttle; time; volumetric; wie; wojnar; šimončič; η̃v(p cache: ap-2138.pdf plain text: ap-2138.txt item: #539 of 1243 id: ap-214 author: Elminir, Hamdy K.; Rahuma, U. A.; Benda, V. title: Comparison Between Atmospheric Turbidity Coefficients of Desert and Temperate Climates date: 2001-01-02 words: 8785 flesch: 59 summary: � � . (3) The evaluation of TL from IN requires the knowledge of �R. The values of �R originally by Feussner and Dubois, [13] were presented by: � ��R A� � �9 4 0 9 1. . keywords: acta; adobe; aerosol; air; annual; appendix; area; atmosphere; atmospheric turbidity; attenuation; average; b1 b2; b2 b3; bands; beam; cairo; cement; clean; climate; coefficient; comparison; czech; data; day; desert; different; direct; dry; dust; earth; emissions; energy; equation; extinction; extraterrestrial; factor; fallout; false; fig; filters; formula; global; helwan; higher; house;; humidity; index; industrial; kwh; level; linke; mass; mean; measured; measurements; monthly; ngström; normal; number; optical; particles; period; pollution; polytechnica; prague; precipitable; presence; publishing; radiation; reduction; relative; republic; results; selected; site; solar; solar radiation; spectral; study; summer; surface; table; technical; temperature; thickness; total; true; turbidity; university; values; vapor; variation; vol; water cache: ap-214.pdf plain text: ap-214.txt item: #540 of 1243 id: ap-2140 author: Šimon, Vojtěch title: LOW-MASS BINARY X-RAY SOURCES: MONITORING WITH VARIOUS SATELLITES date: 2014-06-27 words: 4442 flesch: 72 summary: A very hard X-ray band like the one in BAT/Swift sometimes maps quite a different activity (probably coming from a different spectral component) than that detected by monitors observing in soft X-ray band. When some critical mass density of the disk is reached, strong accretion of matter from the disk onto the central com- pact object triggers the outburst, hence a fast increase of X-ray intensity keywords: accretion; activity; apj; aql; asm; band; bat; binaries; binary; compact; curve; cycle; data; disk; evolution; fig; figure; fluctuations; intensity; isum; kev; large; light; lmxbs; long; low; luminosity; mass; means; monitoring; monitors; object; observations; observed; outburst; peak; processes; profile; ray; rays; region; rxte; soft; soft x; sources; spectral; swift; term; time; variations; x-1 cache: ap-2140.pdf plain text: ap-2140.txt item: #541 of 1243 id: ap-2143 author: Stuchlik, Zdenek; Schee, Jan title: ON OBSERVATIONAL PHENOMENA RELATED TO KERR SUPERSPINARS date: 2014-06-27 words: 2710 flesch: 60 summary: We conclude that near-extreme superspinning Kerr geometries are much more efficient for the occurrence of ultra-high energy collisions then the vicinity of the 255 Zdenek Stuchlik, Jan Schee Acta Polytechnica 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 frequency shift g sp e c if ic e n e rg y fl u x p=2.0 Θ0=30° rsusp=0.1 Figure 2. Ultra-high energy collisions in the superspinning kerr geometry. keywords: black; collisions; disc; doi; energy; escape; extreme; field; figure; frequency; high; inclination; keplerian; kerr; lines; naked; near; observer; particles; phenomena; photons; profiled; radiation; related; representative; ring; schee; shift; singularity; solid; spectral; superspinars; ultra; values cache: ap-2143.pdf plain text: ap-2143.txt item: #542 of 1243 id: ap-2144 author: Shershunova, Ekaterina Alexandrovna; Malashin, Maxim; Moshkunov, Sergei; Khomich, Vladislav title: DIFFUSE DBD IN ATMOSPHERIC AIR AT DIFFERENT APPLIED PULSE WIDTHS date: 2015-02-28 words: 2020 flesch: 64 summary: As a rule, diffuse high-current DBD in atmospheric air is realized by applying voltage pulses of submi- crosecond duration to the electrodes. Many re- searchers have shown that the diffuse mode of DBD with two discharge peaks per one voltage pulse can be ignited at low pressure, and even at atmospheric pressure, in gases such as neon, argon and helium by applying high voltage pulses with short durations to the electrodes [1, 2]. keywords: air; applied; atmospheric; barrier; current; dbd; dielectric; diffuse; discharge; electrodes; energy; experimental; figure; gap; khomich; malashin; moshkunov; peak; power; primary; pulse; secondary; vin; voltage; volume; width cache: ap-2144.pdf plain text: ap-2144.txt item: #543 of 1243 id: ap-2147 author: Domonkos, Mária; Ižák, Tibor; Štolcová, Lucie; Proška, Jan; Demo, Pavel; Kromka, Alexander title: STRUCTURING OF DIAMOND FILMS USING MICROSPHERE LITHOGRAPHY date: 2014-10-31 words: 2550 flesch: 65 summary: For example, increasing the surface area-to-volume ratio of diamond films improves the field-emission proper- ties by introducing the enhancement effect of the local field near the tips [5]. Generally, various nanostruc- tures can be fabricated from diamond films known as nanowires, nanorods, nanoneedles, etc. keywords: applications; arrays; band; bonds; carbon; ch4; chemical; czech; deposition; diamond; electron; etching; figure; films; gas; grain; high; like; lithography; mask; mcd; method; microsphere; ncd; phys; plasma; preparation; process; properties; rie; self; structures; structuring; surface; table; thin cache: ap-2147.pdf plain text: ap-2147.txt item: #544 of 1243 id: ap-2156 author: Kulveit, Jan title: ISING MODEL SIMULATIONS AS A TESTBED OF NUCLEATION THEORY date: 2015-02-28 words: 3852 flesch: 58 summary: In the development of nucleation theory, there is obvi- ously a huge space for extensions and improvements of classical theory. Testbed systems and results Even in a simulation, when modeling real systems us- ing molecular dynamics, nucleation theory gets tested along with various other simulation properties (e.g., a description of interatomic forces). keywords: acta; assumptions; barrier; case; chemical; classical; clusters; cnt; critical; czech; demo; doi:10.1103; dynamics; energy; events; frenkel; hard; heterogeneous; important; lattice; letters; model; new; nucleation; nucleation theory; nuclei; parameters; phase; physical; physics; polytechnica; process; rate; republic; results; review; shape; simulation; size; small; space; spheres; stable; studies; surface; systems; technology; temperature; term; testbed; theory; time; ∆gn cache: ap-2156.pdf plain text: ap-2156.txt item: #545 of 1243 id: ap-2159 author: Prošek, Zdeněk; Králík, Vlastimil; Topič, Jaroslav; Nežerka, Václav; Indrová, Kateřina; Tesárek, Pavel title: MICROSTRUCTURE DESCRIPTION AND MICROMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SPRUCE WOOD date: 2015-02-28 words: 6449 flesch: 58 summary: Experimental micromechanical characterisation of wood cell walls. doi:10.1007/s00339–004–2864-y [15] Gindl, W. and Schöberl, T.: The significance of the elastic modulus of wood cell walls obtained from nanoindentation measurements. keywords: acta; amplitude; angle; area; cell; cell walls; chemical; contact; cross; czech; data; depth; displacement; dynamic; earlywood; elastic; elastic stiffness; engineering; fibers; fibrils; figure; force; gindl; gpa; hardness; indentation; indentation modulus; indenter; individual; information; lamella; latewood; layer; loading; longitudinal; mapping; material; measured; method; micromechanical; microscopy; microstructure; middle; modulus; nanodma; nanoindentation; parenchymal; phases; polytechnica; properties; quasi; results; samples; secondary; section; spruce; spruce wood; static; stiffness; storage; surface; thickness; timber; tip; tissues; tracheids; values; vol; wall; wood; wood cell cache: ap-2159.pdf plain text: ap-2159.txt item: #546 of 1243 id: ap-216 author: Svoboda, V.; Šiktancová, D. title: Determining the Permeable Efficiency of Elements in Transport Networks date: 2001-01-02 words: 1774 flesch: 46 summary: Keywords: the transport networks, elements in transport network, disintegration of transport flow in transport networks, permeability of elements in transport network, permeability of networks, determining of the permeability of edges, deterministic and stochastic work regimes, systems of queuing theory, a transcendental equation. In order to determine the permeability of the trans- port net element with a stochastic work regime, operations research methods were mainly used, in particular queuing theory for typical service systems and stock theory for systems where the transport sets are made up of transport elements. keywords: /qfactor; adobe; edges; elements; entry; evaluation; false; flow; gaps; mean; methods; nets; network; node; number; pdf; permeability; requirements; service; set; system; theory; time; transport; true; unit; use cache: ap-216.pdf plain text: ap-216.txt item: #547 of 1243 id: ap-2160 author: Remes, Zdeněk; Novak, Tomas; Stuchlik, Jiri; Stuchlikova, The-ha; Dřínek, Vladislav; Fajgar, Radek; Zhuravlev, Konstantin title: INFRARED PHOTOLUMINESCENCE SPECTRA OF PBS NANOPARTICLES PREPARED BY LANGMUIR–BLODGETT AND LASER ABLATION METHODS date: 2014-12-31 words: 2084 flesch: 52 summary: We apply infrared PL to study the relative PL quantum efficiency and the thermal stability of PbS nanoparticles prepared in the form of thin layers by the Langmuir–Blodgett and laser ablation methods on glass substrates. The room temperature spectrally corrected and normalized PL spectra of a 50 nm layer of PbS nanoparticles deposited on a Corning glass #7059 substrate and annealed for 5 min in air at various temperatures. keywords: ablation; ascr; blodgett; corning; czech; deposition; fig; glass; higher; infrared; institute; intensity; langmuir; laser; measurements; nanoparticles; optical; pbs; pbs nanoparticles; photoluminescence; physics; prague; quantum; samples; setup; silica; spectra; substrates; target; technique; temperature; thin; v.v.i cache: ap-2160.pdf plain text: ap-2160.txt item: #548 of 1243 id: ap-2164 author: Sveshnikov, Alexey; Demo, Pavel; Kožíšek, Zdeněk; Tichá, Petra title: SHAPE OF A NUCLEUS GROWING ON STRONGLY CURVED SURFACE OF A NANOFIBER date: 2014-12-31 words: 2104 flesch: 52 summary: This assumption leads to the conclusion that growing nuclei have the shape of a spherical cap. Taking into account huge amount of money paid every year for restoration of surface of civil constructions every factor which can reduce the rate of required treatment will lead to appreciable savings. keywords: acta; axis; civil; contact; cos; curvature; deviation; energy; engineering; equilibrium; free; material; metastable; nanofiber; nanoparticles; nanotextile; nucleation; nuclei; nucleus; perpendicular; process; radius; shape; spherical; surface; term; volume cache: ap-2164.pdf plain text: ap-2164.txt item: #549 of 1243 id: ap-2169 author: Gromada, Daniel; Pošta, Severin title: AUTOMORPHISMS OF ALGEBRAS AND ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS date: 2014-12-31 words: 2407 flesch: 73 summary: [A−1SA]j,j−1, which leads to the condition |aj|2 = |aj−1|2 S̄j,j−1 Sj−1,j = |aj−1|2 N − j Suitable automorphisms together with a complete classification of representations of some algebras can be used to generate some sets of orthogonal polynomials “at no cost”. keywords: algebra; askey; case; classification; inner; irreducible; j−1; krawtchouk; lie; matrices; matrix; orthogonal; parameters; polynomials; product; q−n; racah; recurrence; relation; representations; sl2; terwilliger; u′q(so3; wilson; µ(x; ϕ(i1 cache: ap-2169.pdf plain text: ap-2169.txt item: #550 of 1243 id: ap-218 author: Vorel, M.; Leidich, E. title: Accuracy of Determining Stress Intensity Factors in Some Numerical Programs date: 2001-01-02 words: 3725 flesch: 58 summary: To take advantage of the programs’ ex- tensive functions and high reliability a number of user subroutines for solving stress intensity factors need to be programmed. As regards the accuracy of stress intensity factors, only single programs have been compared with analytical solu- tions so far, and no comparison of the programs with each other has been presented. keywords: accuracy; acta; adobe; analyses; analytical; beam; coarse; computational; crack; cracked; dimensional; edge; elements; engineering; factors; false; fig; fine; fineness; flat; fracture; franc3d; influence; intensity; intensity factors; marc; medium; mesh; method; models; mpa; numerical; plate; polytechnica; problems; programs; quality; results; semielliptical; single; solutions; stress; stress intensity; study; technical; true; university; user; values; version; vol cache: ap-218.pdf plain text: ap-218.txt item: #551 of 1243 id: ap-2180 author: Sovják, Radoslav; Rašínová, Jana; Máca, Petr title: EFFECTIVE FRACTURE ENERGY OF ULTRA-HIGH-PERFORMANCE FIBRE-REINFORCED CONCRETE UNDER INCREASED STRAIN RATES date: 2014-10-31 words: 2882 flesch: 63 summary: Development of the dynamic increase factor. and increased strain rate loading, respectively. In addition, it is found that higher fibre volume fractions tend to decrease the sensitivity of UHPFRC to increased strain rates. keywords: beams; capacity; concrete; content; effective; effective fracture; energy; experimental; fibre; figure; fracture; fracture energy; high; higher; impact; loading; lower; material; performance; pull; quasi; rates; static; strain; strain rates; strength; study; s−1; table; tensile; uhpfrc; ultra; volume cache: ap-2180.pdf plain text: ap-2180.txt item: #552 of 1243 id: ap-2195 author: Pikna, Peter; Píč, Vlastimil; Benda, Vítězslav; Fejfar, Antonín title: ANNEALING OF POLYCRYSTALLINE THIN FILM SILICON SOLAR CELLS IN WATER VAPOUR AT SUB-ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURES date: 2014-10-31 words: 4261 flesch: 56 summary: voltage VOC is commonly used as a silicon quality fac- tor. Voltage VOC at room temperature is not depicted in the graph. keywords: annealing; cell; chamber; circuit; corresponding; current; curves; data; detector; different; electrical; fig; figure; film; flash; generated; intensity; light; lock; measured; measurement; method; mpa; open; passivation; polycrystalline; pressure; room; sample; silicon; solar; solar cell; suns; temperature; thermo; thin; time; vapour; voc; voc method; voltage; voltage voc; vth; water cache: ap-2195.pdf plain text: ap-2195.txt item: #553 of 1243 id: ap-2197 author: Cutroneo, Mariapompea; Torrisi, Lorenzo; Mackova, Anna; Velyhan, Andriy title: POLYMERS CONTAINING Cu NANOPARTICLES IRRADIATED BY LASER TO ENHANCE THE ION ACCELERATION date: 2015-06-30 words: 2579 flesch: 58 summary: The composition and the geometry of the target absorb high laser energy and generate hot plasmas and high charge separation, inducing high ion acceleration, as will be reported. 2. Material and Methods The high-power photodissociation iodine laser system of the PALS Research Center in Prague, operating at 1.315 µm wavelength, laser energy ranging between 450 and 600 J, pulse duration 300 ps, and intensity of 1015 W/cm2, was employed for the experiments pre- sented here [7]. keywords: absorption; acceleration; acta; charge; conditions; czech; density; direction; electron; energy; film; forward; high; intensity; ions; irradiating; kinetic; laser; mev; mylar; nanoparticles; parabola; physics; plasma; polytechnica; position; proton; pulse; pure; sic; spectra; surface; target; thickness; thin; torrisi; tps cache: ap-2197.pdf plain text: ap-2197.txt item: #554 of 1243 id: ap-2199 author: Torrisi, Lorenzo; Cutroneo, Mariapompea; Ullschmied, Jiri title: HYDROGENATED TARGETS FOR HIGH ENERGY PROTON GENERATION FROM LASER IRRADIATING IN TNSA REGIME date: 2015-06-30 words: 2608 flesch: 56 summary: Higher ion acceleration is therefore expected, as reported in Fig. MeV pro- ton beams can be applied in various areas of interest, from biomedicine (hadron therapy) to nuclear physics (nuclear fusion processes), from microelectronics (semi- conductor doping) to laser ion source (ion injection in accelerators) and to other fields [1, 2]. keywords: absorption; acceleration; acta; carbon; case; cnt; cutroneo; energy; fe2o3; fig; high; ions; irradiation; kinetic; laser; low; maximum; mev; nanostructures; order; plasma; polyethylene; polymer; polytechnica; proton; pure; regime; sic; target; thickness; tnsa; tof; torrisi; tps; wavelength cache: ap-2199.pdf plain text: ap-2199.txt item: #555 of 1243 id: ap-220 author: Elsayed, Ashraf El-Shahat; Grünwald, A.; Dvořák, D. title: Pollutant Removal from Highway Runoff Using Retention/Detention Units date: 2001-01-02 words: 4005 flesch: 52 summary: In order to study the effect of traffic vol- ume on highway runoff characteristics, we compare the runoff characteristics collected from the D1 and D5, which have different traffic volumes. Numerous factors may affect the presence of these constitu- ents and the quality of highway runoff, including: traffic volume, precipitation characteristics, roadway surface type, the nature of the pollutants themselves, surrounding land use, and seasonal considerations. keywords: adobe; chambers; characteristics; collected; concentration; constituents; czech; date; detention; effect; false; filter; flow; greases; grit; highway; hydrocarbons; influent; monitoring; n c; o n; oil; organic; particulate; prague; quality; removal; results; rudná; runoff; samples; sediment; site; solids; storage; study; suspended; time; total; traffic; treatment; true; tss; units; urban; vol cache: ap-220.pdf plain text: ap-220.txt item: #556 of 1243 id: ap-2200 author: Kurbanismailov, Vali Suliymanovich; Omarov, Omar Alievich; Ragimkhanov, Gadjimirza Balaglanovich; Aliverdiev, Abutrab Alexandrovich title: ABOUT THE UNIFORMITY AND THE STABILITY OF A VOLUME DISCHARGE IN HELIUM IN NEAR-ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE date: 2015-08-31 words: 2535 flesch: 62 summary: Keywords: discharge formation; volume discharge; streamer; discharge plasma. Introduction One of the applications of volume discharges in inert gases is gas laser pumping. keywords: anode; atm; atmospheric; burning; cathode; channel; characteristics; cm2; current; density; discharge; duration; electrodes; fig; figure; gas; glow; growth; helium; high; increase; initial; ionization; kurbanismailov; mode; omarov; phys; physics; plasma; pressure; pulse; results; spark; stage; time; uniformity; v.s.; voltage; volume; volume discharge cache: ap-2200.pdf plain text: ap-2200.txt item: #557 of 1243 id: ap-2201 author: Caballero-Garcia, Maria D.; Jelinek, M.; Castro-Tirado, A.; Hudec, R.; Cunniffe, R.; Rabaza, O.; Sabau-Graziati, L. title: INITIAL FOLLOW-UP OF OPTICAL TRANSIENTS WITH COLORES USING THE BOOTES NETWORK date: 2015-04-30 words: 2934 flesch: 65 summary: RH acknowledges GACR grant 13-33324S. References [1] Castro-Tirado, A. J., Soldán, J., Bernas, M. et al. [5] Barthelmy, S. D., Baumgartner, W. H., Cummings, J. R., et al. GRB 130606A, Swift-BAT refined analysis. keywords: 130606a; astronomer; astrophysical; bootes-2; burst; castro; colores; czech; emission; follow; following; gamma; grb; grbs; j17154683; jelinek; network; new; nova; observations; observed; optical; ots; range; ray; results; robotic; scientific; sources; spectrograph; stars; study; swift; system; tcp; telegram; telescopes; tirado; transient cache: ap-2201.pdf plain text: ap-2201.txt item: #558 of 1243 id: ap-2203 author: Domalapally, Phani Kumar; Entler, Slavomir title: COMPARISON OF COOLING SCHEMES FOR HIGH HEAT FLUX COMPONENTS COOLING IN FUSION REACTORS date: 2015-04-30 words: 6123 flesch: 65 summary: Some components of fusion reactors receive high heat fluxes either during startup and shutdown, or while the machine is in operation. Liquid metals are proposed as coolants because of their high thermal conductivity and high heat capacity, which enable them to accommodate high heat fluxes (HHF) with relatively low velocities. keywords: alloy; applications; area; channel; chf; comparison; components; concept; coolant; cooling; design; divertor; drop; engineering;; experiments; figure; finger; fins; flow; flux; fluxes; foam; fusion; fusion engineering; heat; heat flux; helium; high; high heat; htc; hypervapotron; increase; inlet; iter; jet; liquid; media; metal; modular; module; mpa; order; plasma; plate; porous; power; pressure; pumping; reactor; schemes; screw; section; smooth; surface; swirl; system; target; techniques; temperature; thermal; transfer; tube; use; water cache: ap-2203.pdf plain text: ap-2203.txt item: #559 of 1243 id: ap-2212 author: Beuchert, Tobias; Wilms, Jörn; Kadler, Matthias; Longinotti, Anna Lia; Guainazzi, Matteo; Miniutti, Giovanni; de la Calle, Ignacio title: X-RAY VARIABILITY STUDY OF POLAR SCATTERED SEYFERT1 GALAXIES date: 2014-08-31 words: 2937 flesch: 64 summary: The shortest measured timescale of 5 days is due to warm absorber variability. References [1] R. Antonucci, 2012, Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, 27, 557 [2] Barlow, R. 2004, arXiv:physics/0406120 [3] A. J. Blustin, et al., 2005, A&A, 431, 111 [4] S. Chakravorty, et al., 2008, MNRAS, 384, L24, doi:10.1111/j.1745-3933.2007.00414.x [5] E. Costantini, 2010, Space Sci Rev, 157, 265, doi:10.1007/s11214-010-9706-3 [6] Dorodnitsyn, A., & Kallman, T. 2012, ApJ, 761, 70, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/761/1/70 [7] Fukumura, K., Kazanas, D., Contopoulos, I., & Behar, E. 2010, ApJ, 715, 636, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/715/1/636 [8] J. H. Krolik, et al., 1988, ApJ, 329, 702, doi:10.1086/166414 [9] J. H. Krolik, et al., 2001, ApJ, 561, 684, doi:10.1086/323442 [10] A. M. Lohfink, et al., 2012, ApJ, Lett, 749, L31, doi:10.1088/2041-8205/749/2/L31 [11] G. Matt, et al., 2011, A&A, 533, A1, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201116443 [12] L. Miller, et al., 2007, A&A, 463, 131, doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20066548 [13] Markowitz, A. 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C. 1995, MNRAS, 273, 1167 keywords: absorber; absorption; apj; column; confidence; density; distance; fairall; fig; figure; galaxies; gas; ionized; line; mnras; model; mrk; neutral; newton; ngc; noise; observations; outer; polar; ray; sample; seyfert; sight; source; swift; table; timescales; torus; variability; variable; warm; xmm cache: ap-2212.pdf plain text: ap-2212.txt item: #560 of 1243 id: ap-2214 author: Karpov, Sergey; Beskin, Grigory; Plokhotnichenko, Vladimir title: SEARCH FOR ISOLATED BLACK HOLES: PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE date: 2014-08-31 words: 2887 flesch: 57 summary: A large fraction of black hole emission is generated inside the 2rg sphere, and so carries information about the physical conditions of space-time very close to the event horizon. A study of these flares in black hole emission therefore provides a way to probe extreme space-time regions directly very close to the horizon. keywords: accretion; acta; analysis; arxiv; astro; astrophysical; beskin; black; black hole; emission; energy; et al; event; field; flares; flow; high; hole; horizon; interstellar; isolated; magnetic; mania; mass; nonthermal; objects; observations; optical; plasma; polytechnica; property; rate; ray; resolution; search; shvartsman; single; space; spectra; stellar; temporal; thermal; time; variability; way cache: ap-2214.pdf plain text: ap-2214.txt item: #561 of 1243 id: ap-2216 author: Koeny, Marcus; Blanik, Nikolai; Yu, Xinchi; Czaplik, Michael; Walter, Marian; Rossaint, Rolf; Blazek, Vladimir; Leonhardt, Steffen title: USING PHOTOPLETHYSMOGRAPHY IMAGING FOR OBJECTIVE CONTACTLESS PAIN ASSESSMENT date: 2014-08-31 words: 4224 flesch: 59 summary: Data recordings in the University Hospital in Aachen The ECG and PPG signals used to develop and evalu- ate the described algorithms were recorded over a time period of two months anonymously at the University Hospital of Aachen, Germany, after approval by the local ethics committee. Comparing Heart Rate Variability In addition to the time delay between the ECG signal and the PPG signal, the sample times of the ECG and PPG signals, are relevant for the precision of the measurement. keywords: aachen; acta; addition; algorithm; analgesia; analysis; anesthesia; ani; artifacts; assessment; available; beat; camera; computation; contactless; delay; detection; ecg; example; figure; filter; heart; hrv; image; imaging; index; intervals; interventions; local; measurement; method; nociception; pain; patient; peaks; polytechnica; postoperative; ppg; ppg signal; ppgi; rate; results; sample; signal; skin; standard; stress; surgical; system; time; university; variability; work cache: ap-2216.pdf plain text: ap-2216.txt item: #562 of 1243 id: ap-2218 author: Schillaci, Francesco; Cirrone, Giuseppe A. P.; Korn, George; Maggiore, Mario; Margarone, Daniele; Calabretta, Luciano; Cavallaro, Salvatore; Cuttone, Giacomo; Gammino, Santo; Krasa, Josef; Prokupek, Jan; Velyhan, Andriy; Renis, Marcella; Romano, Francesco; Tomasello, Barbara; Torrisi, Lorenzo; Cutroneo, Mariapompea; Tramontana, Antonella title: ELIMED: MEDICAL APPLICATION AT ELI-BEAMLINES. STATUS OF THE COLLABORATION AND FIRST RESULTS date: 2014-08-31 words: 3617 flesch: 61 summary: Ac- cording to already performed Particle in Cell (PIC) simulations, proton beams up to 20 − 30 MeV will be produced, Second phase. [13] Cirrone, G. A. P. et al: Diagnostic for the radiotherapy use of laser accelerated proton beams. keywords: acceleration; acta; available; beam; beamlines; deflection; design; different; direction; electric; eli; elimed; energy; experimental; facility; field; figure; high; icr; infn; ion; italy; laser; light; lns; magnetic; magnets; maximum; medical; mev; new; order; pals; parabola; particles; phase; phys; polytechnica; project; proton; range; results; selector; slit; spectrometer; spread; system; target; thomson; transport cache: ap-2218.pdf plain text: ap-2218.txt item: #563 of 1243 id: ap-222 author: Grünwald, A.; Šťastný, B.; Slavíčková, K.; Slavíček, M. title: Effect of the Distribution System on Drinking Water Quality date: 2001-01-03 words: 2578 flesch: 57 summary: The overall rate of chlorine decay can be expressed as follows: � ��c b f H w� � � �k k R c c where � is the rate of chlorine decay in mg�l�1�d��, kb first order decay coefficient in d ��, c chlorine concentration in bulk flow in mg�l�1, kf mass transfer coefficient in m�d �1, RH hydraulic radius in m, cw chlorine concentration at the pipe wall in mg�l �1. The chlorine decay coefficient k1 calculated from the values of chlorine concentrations measured in the period 1997–2000 ranged from 0.252 d�1 to 1.336 d�1 and their coefficient of correlation varied from 0.637 to 0.999. keywords: active; adobe; bulk; chlorine; coefficient; concentration; content; czech; decay; deposits; distribution; drinking; effect; false; fig; flow; formation; particles; pdf; pipelines; plav; products; quality; residence; sample; sedimentation; shaft; solids; system; thm; time; true; uptake; values; vol; water; wtp cache: ap-222.pdf plain text: ap-222.txt item: #564 of 1243 id: ap-2222 author: Sochora, Vjaceslav; Karas, Vladimír; Svoboda, Jirí; Dovciak, Michal title: BEYOND THE STANDARD MODEL OF THE DISC–LINE SPECTRAL PROFILES FROM BLACK HOLE ACCRETION DISCS date: 2014-08-31 words: 2283 flesch: 68 summary: Model spectrum considering background 3.1. Model spectrum and analysis by LOFT 2.1. keywords: accretion; background; black; components; data; disc; emissivity; energy; figure; galactic; hole; kev; lad; large; law; line; loft; model; parameters; peaks; power; profile; ray; rings; shifts; spectral; spectrum; spin; timing; values cache: ap-2222.pdf plain text: ap-2222.txt item: #565 of 1243 id: ap-2224 author: Vojta, Vladimír title: FRACTIONAL CALCULUS AND LAMBERT FUNCTION I. LIOUVILLE–WEYL FRACTIONAL INTEGRAL date: 2014-08-31 words: 8221 flesch: 79 summary: Function uy(Ey(y) + e−y)/y of complex variable y ∈ C has for fixed u ∈ C only one singular point y = 0 in which this function has non-removable point singularity. They can also be found in technological practice - we mention time-dependent shear, bulk and the Young moduli of linear viscoelastic materials, because they are Laplace transforms of the relevant nonnegative relaxation spectra keywords: 2iπ; = t; a(a; acta; bickley; c+i∞; calculus; case; complex; diagonal; equal; equation; example; exponential; e−yu; f(t; f(x; following; fractional; fractional integral; function; g(y; gamma; integral; iy−f)(y; lambert; laplace; laplace transform; left; liouville; mellin; mellin transform; monotone; order; point; polytechnica; proof; region; right; sin; solution; t dt; theorem; transform; unilateral; u−y−1; variable; vojta; w0(1; w0(eu; weyl; γ(y; ∫ ∞ cache: ap-2224.pdf plain text: ap-2224.txt item: #566 of 1243 id: ap-2227 author: Tsyrenov, Dmitriy; Semenov, Aleksandr; Smirnyagina, Natalia title: MODERNIZATION FEATURES OF A VACUUM INSTALLATION BASED ON LOW-PRESSURE ARC DISCHARGE FOR COMPOSITE TIN-CU LAYERS FORMATION date: 2015-04-30 words: 1672 flesch: 58 summary: This effective increase in the hardness of the composite layer may be connected with the absence of the Ti drop phase and with the discovery of Cu atoms on the borders of the TiN grains. Introduction In this paper, we propose a hybrid technology for forming composite layers. keywords: arc; cathode; chamber; coatings; composite; copper; deposition; figure; films; hardness; installation; layers; magnetic; magnetron; microstructure; nanocomposite; parameters; phase; planar; ray; results; structure; surface; table; target; tin; titanium; vacuum; vol cache: ap-2227.pdf plain text: ap-2227.txt item: #567 of 1243 id: ap-2228 author: Davydova, Marina; Smid, Jiri; Hubicka, Zdenek; Kromka, Alexander title: DEPOSITION CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES BY SURFATRON GENERATED DISCHARGE date: 2014-12-31 words: 2208 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: surfatron, carbon nanostructures, microwave plasma, PECVD. However, deposition of carbon nanostructures by SWD is not broadly used. keywords: acta; band; carbon; carbon nanostructures; ch4; chamber; cm−1; co2; deposition; discharge; distance; doi:10.1016; figure; films; flow; gas; gases; growth; microwave; mixture; nanostructures; pecvd; plasma; polytechnica; process; raman; sccm; sem; shower; spectrum; substrate; surface; surfatron; swd; system; temperature; thin cache: ap-2228.pdf plain text: ap-2228.txt item: #568 of 1243 id: ap-2230 author: Lisy, Viliam title: ALTERNATIVE SELECTION FUNCTIONS FOR INFORMATION SET MONTE CARLO TREE SEARCH date: 2014-10-31 words: 6810 flesch: 67 summary: Game theory provides means to deal with all these complications, but previous attempts to adapt MCTS to imperfect information games generally did not eval- uate the properties of the strategies from the perspec- tive of game theory. Keywords: Monte Carlo Tree Search, imperfect information game, selection function, Regret matching. keywords: action; algorithm; best; cards; carlo; computation; convergence; current; different; distribution; equilibrium; exp3; exploitability; exploration; extensive; function; game; goofspiel; head; imperfect; imperfect information; information; information games; information set; iterations; line; matches; matching; mcts; monte; nash; nature; nodes; number; opponent; performance; phantom; player; playing; position; probability; rand; regret; reward; search; second; section; selection; set; state; strategies; strategy; sum; table; tac; terminal; tic; time; toe; tree; uct; use; ● ● cache: ap-2230.pdf plain text: ap-2230.txt item: #569 of 1243 id: ap-224 author: Ismail, Ashraf Fouad Hafez title: Class Representation of Shapes Using Qualitative-codes date: 2001-01-03 words: 11774 flesch: 59 summary: • The second A-code (Axx-code) set QA2: � �Q A A A A A A A AA nil2 0 0 0� � � � � � � � � � �, , , , , , , . • L- code set QL2: � �Q L L L L L L LL 2 0 0 0� � � � � � � � � � �, , , , , , . keywords: 3/2001; acta; adjacent; aggregation; angle; attributes; change; characteristics; circuit; class; code; complete; conceptual; connected; contour; convexity; curvature; curve; czech; description; design; different; direction; discrete; edge; eds; encoding; false; figure; finite; following; formalism; geometric; granularity; house;; information; interval; labels; landmark; length; line; magnitude; modeling; multiple; new; nodes; numeric; order; particular; patterns; point; polytechnica; possible; previous; primary; properties; property; publishing; qcodes; qsentence; qualitative; qualitative shape; range; reasoning; regions; relative; representation; scanning; scheme; sequence; set; sets; shape; shape representation; sign; single; singular; smaller; spatial; symbolic; symbols; table; tangential; technical; terms; true; university; value; vertex; vol; � k; � y; � z cache: ap-224.pdf plain text: ap-224.txt item: #570 of 1243 id: ap-2241 author: Duras, Julia; Kalentev, Oleksander; Schneider, Ralf; Matyash, Konstantin; Lüskow, Karl Felix; Geiser, Jürgen title: ELECTROSTATIC ION THRUSTERS - TOWARDS PREDICTIVE MODELING date: 2015-02-28 words: 4215 flesch: 65 summary: Keywords: Ion thruster, Monte-Carlo method, terrestrial testing of thrusters, interaction with vessel walls. Modeling strategy The most complete model resolving all time scales of ion thrusters would be a direct coupling of a kinetic plasma model with a molecular dynamics model for the walls. keywords: 10−4; angle; angular; carlo; channel; deposited; deposition; different; distribution; emission; emitted; end; energy; erosion; exit; fig; figure; flux; fraction; interaction; ion; ion thruster; ions; like; maximum; measurements; model; modeling; monte; order; particles; plasma; plume; poloidal; propulsion; source; space; sputtered; surface; terrestrial; test; testing; thruster; total; vacuum; vessel; vessel walls; walls cache: ap-2241.pdf plain text: ap-2241.txt item: #571 of 1243 id: ap-2244 author: Lisuch, Julius; Dorcak, Dusan; Spisak, Jan title: EFFECTIVE USE OF ROTARY FURNACE SHELL HEAT date: 2014-12-31 words: 3407 flesch: 64 summary: [%] Q material ln 508 0.54 Q medium ln 518 0.55 Q brought from furnace shell through primary air 5000 5.34 Q burner 87600 93.56 Sum 93626 100 Escaped heat [%] QH2O evaporated 654 0.71 Q decomposition MgCO3 31304 33.82 Q decomposition CaCO3 2498 2.70 Q decomposition FeCO3 453 0.49 Q medium Out 34934 37.74 Q mematerial Out 12890 13.93 Q furnace shell losses 4825 5.21 Q brought from furnace shell through primary air 5000 5.40 Sum 92558 100 Table 5. keywords: air; batch; burning; ccsrf; clinker; combustion; cooling; figure; flue; fuel; furnace; furnace shell; gas; heat; increase; inner; lining; losses; magnesite; material; printing; process; processes; rotary; rotary furnace; shell; shell heat; simulation; slovakia; state; surface; table; technical; technological; temperature; thermal; total; transfer; ts1; use cache: ap-2244.pdf plain text: ap-2244.txt item: #572 of 1243 id: ap-2252 author: Kelar, Jakub; Čech, Jan; Slavíček, Pavel title: ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF PLANAR DISCHARGE FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS date: 2015-04-30 words: 2283 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: dielectric barrier discharge; DCSBD; electrical efficiency; power estimation; error analysis. The artificially introduced current-voltage waveform distortions lead to relatively small errors in power estimation of the order of a few percent, even when relatively bad experimental conditions are assumed (i.e., phase shift < 50 ns and noise level < 2 bits). keywords: air; atmospheric; barrier; current; dcsbd; device; dielectric; discharge; efficiency; electrodes; energy; errors; estimation; experimental; fig; figure; high; input; integration; measured; measurements; noise; non; phase; physics; planar; plasma; power; pressure; shift; source; surface; voltage; waveforms cache: ap-2252.pdf plain text: ap-2252.txt item: #573 of 1243 id: ap-2257 author: Ondac, Peter; Horacek, Jan; Seidl, Jakub; Vondrácek, Petr; Müller, Hans Werner; Adámek, Jirí; Nielsen, Anders Henry title: COMPARISON BETWEEN 2D TURBULENCE MODEL ESEL AND EXPERIMENTAL DATA FROM AUG AND COMPASS TOKAMAKS date: 2015-04-30 words: 5904 flesch: 60 summary: The differences in the simulations were in radial boundary conditions (Neumann or Dirichlet) for plasma density, plasma potential, radial electric field and electron tem- perature, value of the the neoclassical Pfirsch-Schlüter perpendicular collisional diffusion coefficient for parti- cles D′⊥n, value of parallel loss time for particles τ ′ ‖n or in the form of the bracket Ψ in the last term in the equation (9) (where the exponential form is shown). The gradient of the radial profile of plasma density in the ESEL simulations matching the ASDEX Upgrade plasma is too small compared with the experiment. keywords: agreement; asdex; asdex upgrade; ball; compass; computational; data; density; diffusion; direction; dissipation; domain; edge; electric; electron; equation; esel; esel model; experimental; exponential; field; figure; fluctuations; form; garcia; increase; layer; lcfs; line; linear; loss; magnetic; mean; measured; measurements; model; parallel; particle; pen; physics; plasma; plasma density; plasma potential; poloidal; potential; probes; profile; radial; region; relative; sheath; simulations; sol; solid; temperature; term; time; tokamak; transport; turbulence; upgrade; value; vol cache: ap-2257.pdf plain text: ap-2257.txt item: #574 of 1243 id: ap-226 author: Haghi, A. K. title: A Mathematical Model of theDrying Process date: 2001-01-03 words: 2558 flesch: 51 summary: These parameters include the operation conditions of the dryer, such as the initial moisture content of the leather, heat and mass transfer coefficients, drying air moisture content, and dryer air temperature. The effect of drying air moisture content, and the calcu- lated results of the model are shown in Figure 6. keywords: adobe; air; calculated; center; coefficients; constant; content; difference; dryer; drying; effect; false; fig; figure; heat; high; humidity; initial; leather; mass; mathematical; model; moisture; moisture content; parameters; rate; rise; small; surface; temperature; time; transfer; true; vol cache: ap-226.pdf plain text: ap-226.txt item: #575 of 1243 id: ap-2263 author: Chatthong, Boonyarit; Onjun, Thawatchai title: STUDY OF L–H TRANSITION AND PEDESTAL WIDTH BASED ON TWO-FIELD BIFURCATION AND FIXED POINT CONCEPTS date: 2015-08-31 words: 5219 flesch: 66 summary: [ χneo + χano 1 + α(ν′E)2 ] ∂p ∂x = H(x,t), (1) ∂n ∂t − ∂ ∂x [ Dneo + Dano 1 + α(ν′E)2 ]∂n ∂x = S(x,t), (2) where p is plasma pressure, n is plasma density, χneo and Dneo represent the neoclassical transport coeffi- cients, χano and Dano represent the anomalous trans- port coefficients, ν′E is the flow shear suppression, α is a positive constant representing the strength of the suppression, and H and S are the thermal and particle sources, localized at the center and at the edge of the plasma, respectively. Evidently, the change in parti- cle source has a greater effect on plasma density than on plasma pressure. keywords: anomalous; anomalous transport; barrier; bifurcation; case; central; central plasma; central pressure; confinement; constant; critical; density; equations; figure; fixed; flow; flux; fluxes; formation; function; fusion; gradient; heat; lowest; mode; neoclassical; particle; pedestal; pedestal width; phys; physics; plasma; plasma density; plasma pressure; point; pressure; profiles; results; shear; source; stable; state; steady; strength; study; suppression; thermal; threshold; times; transition; transport; value; width cache: ap-2263.pdf plain text: ap-2263.txt item: #576 of 1243 id: ap-2265 author: Bogachev, Nikolay Nikolaevich; Bogdankevich, Irina L.; Gusein-Zade, Namik G.; Sergeychev, Konstantin F. title: OPERATION MODES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF PLASMA DIPOLE ANTENNA date: 2015-02-28 words: 2992 flesch: 65 summary: Keywords: plasma antenna, surface electromagnetic wave, numerical simulation, operation modes, metal monopole, radiation pattern. In recent years much plasma antenna research has been done by theoretical, numerical and experimental methods [1–11]. keywords: antenna; asymmetric; case; characteristics; cm−3; column; curve; density; dipole; dispersion; electromagnetic; experimental; fig; frequency; linear; mad; metal; modes; numerical; operation; parameters; pattern; plasma; plasma antenna; radiation; results; simulation; surface; wave; ωew; ωew0 cache: ap-2265.pdf plain text: ap-2265.txt item: #577 of 1243 id: ap-2266 author: Casas, David; Barriga-Carrasco, Manuel D.; Andreev, Alexander A.; Schnürer, Matthias; Morales, Roberto title: PROTON STOPPING POWER OF DIFFERENT DENSITY PROFILE PLASMAS date: 2015-04-30 words: 3079 flesch: 63 summary: Keywords: stopping power, laser-accelerated protons, density profile targets, energy loss, bound electrons, free electrons, plasma physics. In this last case, it is important to study energy loss of an ion beam that passes through a plasma target to understand the interactions of swift particles with nuclear fusion fuel pellet. keywords: abel; acta; atomic; barriga; beam; calculated; calculation; carrasco; density; dielectric; different; electron; energy; equation; figure; free; function; high; i(r; i(y; interpolation; inversion; ionized; laser; lateral; loss; low; means; methods; physics; plasma; points; polytechnica; power; profile; proton; radial; radius; review; rpa; set; stopping; target; velocity cache: ap-2266.pdf plain text: ap-2266.txt item: #578 of 1243 id: ap-2269 author: Blaško, Marian; Tittel, Viktor; Náplava, Antonín; Ondruška, Michal title: INJECTION MOLDING AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS IN METAL TO PLASTIC CONVERSION OF BOLTED FLANGE JOINT BY CAE date: 2014-12-31 words: 1732 flesch: 58 summary: Mechanical properties of fiber reinforced parts are strongly in- fluenced by fiber orientation resulting from injection molding process. Injection molding analysis was performed on ac- tual flange model with corresponding feed system and injection molding parameters. keywords: analysis; cae; crack; design; fiber; figure; flange; gf30; injection; isotropic; load; material; mechanical; metal; molding; mpa; orientation; pa66; plastic; preliminary; principal; properties; simulation; stress; structural cache: ap-2269.pdf plain text: ap-2269.txt item: #579 of 1243 id: ap-2270 author: Lahuta, Martin; Pátek, Zdeněk; Szöllös, András title: COMPUTATIONAL AERODYNAMIC OPTIMIZATION OF LOW-SPEED WING date: 2014-12-31 words: 4021 flesch: 54 summary: Typical geometric constraints that can be used are: wing area, wing span, wing aspect ratio, wing taper ratio, wing twist, wing dihedral, wing swept angle. Airfoil sections It is necessary to create a database of the airfoils used on the wing in advance, because the aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoils used on the wing and their positions along the wingspan are used as inputs for wing optimization. keywords: adaptation; aerodynamic; airfoil; algorithms; angle; archive; area; characteristics; coefficient; coello; constraints; criterion; curve; description; design; differential; drag; ea1; elitist; evolutionary; figure; flow; genetic; geometric; individuals; lift; local; low; maximum; method; multi; new; non; objective; operators; optimization; parameter; pareto; point; population; random; range; reinitialization; span; speed; standard; statistics; target; tip; twist; value; vector; wing cache: ap-2270.pdf plain text: ap-2270.txt item: #580 of 1243 id: ap-2272 author: Vítku, Jaroslav; Nahodil, Pavel title: TOWARDS EVOLUTIONARY DESIGN OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS INSPIRED BY NATURE date: 2014-10-31 words: 7878 flesch: 59 summary: The figure shows that the framework uses simple communication in the network, while a transformation from/to a symbolic (or other) domain is implemented inside a particular Neural Module (depicted as Modem in the schematics), if needed. Configuration of a Neural Module This type of Neural Module can implement various types of information processing. keywords: able; action; agent; algorithm; anns; approach; architecture; artificial; behavior; best; communication; complex; current; data; design; environment; evolutionary; example; experiments; exploration; figure; fitness; following; framework; hand; hybrid; ind1; inputs; knowledge; lambda; learning; means; module; motivation; network; neural; neural module; new; node; order; outputs; parameters; particular; physiological; physiological module; position; prosperity; reinforcement; representation; reward; rga; simulation; soga; source; state; step; sub; systems; task; time; use; utility; value; variable; way cache: ap-2272.pdf plain text: ap-2272.txt item: #581 of 1243 id: ap-2274 author: Hájková, Pavlína; Tichý, David; Čmelík, Jiří; Antoš, Petr title: IMMOBILISATION OF HUMIC SUBSTANCES USING PLASMA MODIFICATION date: 2015-04-30 words: 3098 flesch: 60 summary: The column apparatus was filled with PP fabrics. The total area of PP fabrics was 62.8 cm2, and it was dripped by an aqueous solution of cadmium salts with a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min. keywords: acids; analysis; aqueous; atmospheric; barrier; cadmium; capacity; cd2; chemical; cm2; column; concentration; content; dbd; dielectric; discharge; electrodes; fabric; group; higher; hss; humate; humic; immobilized; metals; modification; modified; nonwoven; particles; plasma; polypropylene; potassium; pp fabric; pressure; salts; samples; sem; solution; sorption; substances; surface; treatment; vol; water; xps cache: ap-2274.pdf plain text: ap-2274.txt item: #582 of 1243 id: ap-2275 author: Šulc, Radek; Pešava, Vít; Ditl, Pavel title: LOCAL VELOCITY PROFILES MEASURED BY PIV IN AN VESSEL AGITATED BY RUSHTON TURBINE date: 2014-12-31 words: 4623 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: mixing, Rushton turbine, Particle Image Velocimetry, flow, velocity profile, mean velocity, fluctuation velocity. For dimensionless velocities independent of the impeller rotational speed, the tur- bulence intensity should also be independent from the impeller rotational speed. keywords: acceptable; agitated; area; axial; calculated; chebyshev; components; dimensionless; direction; effect; figure; flow; fluctuation; fluctuation velocity; form; fořt; hypothesis; impeller; independent; intensity; investigated; local; mean; mean velocity; measured; parameter; polynomials; profile; radial; range; region; rotational; rushton; speed; time; turbine; turbulence; values; velocities; velocity; velocity profiles; vessel; vol; |t| cache: ap-2275.pdf plain text: ap-2275.txt item: #583 of 1243 id: ap-2277 author: Maturkanič, Dušan title: EFFECT OF THE FLOW FIELD DEFORMATION IN THE WIND TUNNEL ON THE AERODYNAMIC COEFFICIENTS date: 2015-06-30 words: 6692 flesch: 61 summary: Asymmetry of the speed profile The specific speed V SYM indicates the size of the cor- responding difference between the local speeds and defined flow field speed in the wind tunnel. However, the same value of this specific speed could represent various kinds of flow field non-uniformities. keywords: aerodynamic; air flow; asymmetry; axis; case; character; coefficients; considered; differences; direction; disproportion; effect; field deformation; field non; field rotation; fig; figure; flow field; flow speed; intensity; kinds; local; local speed; measured; measurements; model; non; normal speed; parameter; plane; profiles; radial speed; range; relation; rotary flow; rotation; sectors; specific speed; speed; speed component; speed difference; speed disproportion; speed profile; speed v; tangential speed; uniformity; value; vortex field; vortex flow; vortices; wind tunnel cache: ap-2277.pdf plain text: ap-2277.txt item: #584 of 1243 id: ap-228 author: Safan, M.; Kohoutková, A. title: Influence of Different Drying Conditions on High Strength Concrete Compressive Strength date: 2001-01-03 words: 3592 flesch: 56 summary: In the current research, crushed dolomite was used in two high strength concrete mixes with 0.0 and 10 percent silica fume addition to evaluate the influence of five different drying conditions on high strength concrete compressive strength evaluated at 3, 7, 28 days. High strength concrete offers greater compressive strength per unit cost, weight, and volume associated with improved mechanical properties such as modulus of elasticity and ten- sile strength. keywords: addition; adobe; age; ages; aggregate; astm; c33; case; cement; compressive; concrete; conditions; content; crushed; cubes; curing; czech; days; development; different; false; fig; fume; high; hsc; hydration; mix; mixes; mixing; process; publishing; ratios; sand; silica; size; specimens; strength; technical; temperature; true; university; vol; water cache: ap-228.pdf plain text: ap-228.txt item: #585 of 1243 id: ap-2289 author: Stuchlík, Zdenek; Urbanec, Martin; Kotrlová, Andrea; Török, Gabriel; Goluchová, Katerina title: RESONANT SWITCH MODEL OF HF QPOS AND EQUATIONS OF STATE OF NEUTRON STARS AND QUARK STARS date: 2014-10-31 words: 3222 flesch: 70 summary: Neutron star models are constructed under the Hartle–Thorne theory of slowly rotating neutron stars calculated using the observationally given rotational frequency frot Resonant switch model The RS model keywords: arxiv; astro; atoll; best; data; eos; fit; fitting; frequencies; frequency; mass; model; neutron; neutron star; oscillations; oscillatory; parameters; point; precision; qpos; relations; resonant; rp1; rs model; source; spin; star; state; switch; twin cache: ap-2289.pdf plain text: ap-2289.txt item: #586 of 1243 id: ap-2297 author: Stodůlka, Jiří; Šafařík, Pavel title: ANALYSIS OF TRANSONIC FLOW PAST CUSPED AIRFOILS date: 2015-06-30 words: 3221 flesch: 65 summary: Keywords: oblique shock; shock polar; trailing edge; cusped airfoil; transonic flow; CFD. Introduction To this day, transonic flow has represented a very chal- lenging topic. keywords: airfoil; analysis; angle; azimuthal; behavior; case; chord; classical; cusped; design; dynamics; edge; fig; figure; flow; gas; lower; mach; methods; numerical; oblique; parameters; pressure; profile; ratio; results; sharp; shock; solution; supersonic; theory; trailing; transonic; value; wave cache: ap-2297.pdf plain text: ap-2297.txt item: #587 of 1243 id: ap-230 author: Haghi, A. K. title: Investigation into Airborne Dust ina Wool Textile Mill date: 2001-01-03 words: 2720 flesch: 56 summary: Microscope magnification is a critical parameter which enables the detection of dust particles and distinguishes them from filter surface features. The aim of this work is to deepen the understanding of the factors relevant to this problem by conducting a survey of the nature of airborne wool dust in an industrial environment. keywords: acta; airborne; collection; counts; czech; dust; electron; fields; filter; fraction; health; house;; inorganic; length; mass; materials; membrane; particles; polytechnica; present; processing; publishing; respiratory; samples; sampling; section; size; surface; table; technical; total; university; vol; wool cache: ap-230.pdf plain text: ap-230.txt item: #588 of 1243 id: ap-2307 author: Mego, Michal; Kocifaj, Miroslav; Kundracik, František title: A SYSTEM AND A DEVICE FOR ISOLATING CIRCULATING TUMOR CELLS FROM THE PERIPHERAL BLOOD IN VIVO date: 2015-08-31 words: 2984 flesch: 54 summary: Magnetic nanoparticles The system with magnetic nanoparticles covered by monoclonal antibodies against a common epithelial antigen (EpCAM) is used to isolate circulating tumor cells from the peripheral blood. The proposed system consists of magnetic nanoparticles covered by monoclonal antibodies against a common epithelial antigen, large supermagnets, which are used to control the position of the nanoparticles within the human body, and a special wire made of a magnetic core wrapped in a non-magnetic shell. keywords: acta; antibody; applications; blood; cancer; cannula; cells; clin; core; ctcs; detection; epcam; epithelial; field; figure; force; hematopoietic; isolated; isolation; large; limited; magnetic; magnets; metastatic; methods; nanoparticles; non; patients; pellets; peripheral; peripheral blood; polytechnica; research; slovak; small; special; system; tumor; tumor cells; vein; venous; vivo; volume; wire cache: ap-2307.pdf plain text: ap-2307.txt item: #589 of 1243 id: ap-232 author: Ismail, Ashraf Fouad Hafez title: Evolved Representation and Computational Creativity date: 2001-01-03 words: 8988 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: computational creativity, evolved representation, design processes, evolutionary algorithms, search space. 41 No. 3/2001 Exploration (E) Transformation (T) creative zone non-creative zone transition zone mundane (m) mundane (m) novel (n) novel (n) original (o) original (o) Fig. 8: Framework to classify design processes in terms of exploration and transformation (from [14]) tion’ would therefore be ‘mundane’. keywords: 3/2001; acta; artificial; basic; basic genes; basic representation; certain; combination; computational; creation; creative; creativity; czech; design; design process; different; eds; evolutionary; evolved; evolved representation; example; features; figure; fitness; focus; genes; genotype; gero; house;; human; individuals; influence; knowledge; length; level; likely; limited; meta; method; new; number; original; phenotype; polytechnica; population; possible; process; processes; program; publishing; representation; search; search space; set; shape; space; symbols; system; technical; transformation; university; use; user; way cache: ap-232.pdf plain text: ap-232.txt item: #590 of 1243 id: ap-2321 author: Šafarík, Pavel; Nový, Adam; Jícha, David; Hajšman, Miroslav title: ON THE SPEED OF SOUND IN STEAM date: 2015-12-31 words: 3020 flesch: 66 summary: The results for wet steam are very close (lower than 2 % difference) to the values for the speed of sound in wet steam, derived according to (1), see Fig. 3, where a detail of the h–s (enthalpy– entropy) diagram for water and steam is depicted. The speed of sound in steam solved by means of the model for solving the thermodynamic parameters of steam downstream from a normal shock wave 3.1 Results of the solution for the speed of sound 4 The speed of sound in wet steam in the metastable region 4.1 Equilibrium speed of sound 4.2 Frozen speed of sound 4.3 Metastable speed of sound 5 Conclusions List of symbols Acknowledgements References keywords: balance; calculated; constant; data; downstream; dryness; enthalpy; equilibrium; gas; iapws; line; metastable; model; normal; parameters; phase; pressure; region; shock; sound; specific; speed; state; steam; temperature; thermodynamic; values; water; wave; wet; wet steam cache: ap-2321.pdf plain text: ap-2321.txt item: #591 of 1243 id: ap-2326 author: Durcansky, Peter title: COMPARISON OF MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR HEAT EXCHANGERS OF UNCONVENTIONAL CHP UNITS date: 2015-08-31 words: 3455 flesch: 62 summary: The most fre- quently investigated feature of heat exchangers is the heat exchange surface, from which all the other pa- rameters of the exchanger are derived. The regenerator (R) functions as a heater or cooler and enables energy storage, while in the Ericsson engine the cooler and heater are separate heat exchangers and he efficiency of the machine is not as significantly affected by the volume of the regenerator as in the case of the Stirling engine. keywords: account; acta; air; air engine; biomass; bundle; calculation; combustion; compressor; cross; design; elements; energy; engine; ericsson; exchanger; figure; flow; gas; gases; heat; heat exchanger; heat transfer; hot; inlet; internal; mathematical; medium; mesh; methods; model; number; numerical; nusselt; polytechnica; regenerator; section; simulation; stirling; temperature; transfer; tubes; use; volume cache: ap-2326.pdf plain text: ap-2326.txt item: #592 of 1243 id: ap-2328 author: Sovják, Radoslav title: AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION INTO MOISTURE-INDUCED EXPANSION OF PLASTERS date: 2015-06-30 words: 2332 flesch: 58 summary: Contactless measurement is introduced and a coefficient of moisture expansion for different building plasters is established. A higher coefficient of moisture expansion generally means higher stress and higher demand on the me- chanical properties [8]. keywords: acta; coefficient; content; engineering; expansion; experimental; figure; hygric; laser; materials; maximum; measuring; moisture; old; plaster; polytechnica; prague; range; reference; relative; samples; sensor; strain; study; tab; temperature; university; water; year cache: ap-2328.pdf plain text: ap-2328.txt item: #593 of 1243 id: ap-234 author: Bokr, J.; Jáneš, V. title: A Logic Object and its State date: 2001-01-03 words: 5940 flesch: 64 summary: Hence, the finite automaton model of a static logical object (which automatically performs virtual state transitions from q to q) is the ordered triad � � �X Y Z U R � , , where R is the Mealy output function: i) � � � � � � � � � � � �R: X Y U x y u� : , � for � 0, ii) � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �R: X Y Z U x y z u� � : , , � for � 1. S U S : s u s� � � � � � �� 1 1, � for � 0 ii) � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � �:S U Z S s u z s� � 1 1: , , � for � 1 and the injective Moore output function � � � � � � � �:: :S Y s y � , when � � N0, � � N (A is a set of natural numbers denoting moments, N0 = N � {0}). keywords: automaton; canonical; control; czech; d �; decomposition; division; dynamic; entity; false; finite; function; j �; k s; logic; logical; model; n �; object; pseudoobject; relation; s e; s s; s x; s y; s z; spec; sr �; state; static; substitute; table; train; transition; true; x k; x y; y �; � /01; � /10; � fig; � proj; � s; � x; � � cache: ap-234.pdf plain text: ap-234.txt item: #594 of 1243 id: ap-236 author: Elsayed, Ashraf El-Shahat; Grünwald, A.; Synáčková, M.; Slavíček, M. title: Modelling of Highway Runoff Quantity and Quality date: 2001-01-03 words: 4516 flesch: 57 summary: Data verification Due to the shortage of measured data and the necessity to study some important concepts such as runoff peak flow, pol- lutant accumulation and first flush phenomena, simulated data were used for studying these concepts. Keywords: Stormwater Management Model, highway runoff, quantity, quality, first flush. keywords: 3/2001; acta; adobe; bod5; buildup; concentration; constituents; contaminations; czech; data; dry; duration; event; false; fig; flow; flush; highway; house;; intensity; management; measured; model; module; n =; peak; pollutant; polytechnica; prague; process; publishing; quality; quantity; rainfall; rate; results; runoff; simulated; simulation; solids; stormwater; study; subcatchment; surface; suspended; swmm; system; technical; time; total; transport; true; tss; units; university; volume; washoff cache: ap-236.pdf plain text: ap-236.txt item: #595 of 1243 id: ap-238 author: Kaiser, J.; Košťál, E. title: Colorimetry and TV Colour Splitting Systems date: 2001-01-03 words: 3499 flesch: 56 summary: The existence of negative parts of the colour matching functions � � � � � �r g b� � �, , causes complications by optical separation of partial pictures R, G, B in the classic scanning system. The summing curve of colour matching functions � �x � , � �y � , � �z � and � �r � , � �g � , � �b � is shown in Fig. keywords: adobe; air; b �; camera; channels; colorimetric; colour; components; czech; device; display; false; fig; filters; functions; ideal; image; light; matching; optical; partial; positive; prism; reflectances; reflections; reproduction; rgb; scanning; second; sensitivities; spectral; splitting; system; technical; true; university; vol; wavelenght; xyz; z �; � ay; � g; � y; � � cache: ap-238.pdf plain text: ap-238.txt item: #596 of 1243 id: ap-240 author: Safan, M.; Kohoutková, A. title: Experiments with Externally Prestressed Continuous Composite Girders date: 2001-01-03 words: 5835 flesch: 57 summary: [8]. 3 Research significance The literature addressing prestressing of composite beams showed that more attention has been devoted to the study of internally prestressed continuous beams, while those prestressed by external continuous tendons have received less attention, specially as regards experimental testing. A finite element method for the study of creep and shrinkage effects in composite beams with deformable shear connection. keywords: acta; adobe; beam; beam b; capacity; carrying; characteristics; composite; composite beam; concrete; construction; continuous; cracking; cracks; czech; deflection; deviated; diameter; different; experimental; extension; external; false; fig; flange; force; girders; higher; house;; inner; length; load; loading; means; non; number; percent; performance; polytechnica; prestressed; prestressed beam; prestressing; publishing; response; section; serviceability; slab; span; stages; steel; steel beam; strength; structure; support; technical; tendon; terms; testing; time; true; ultimate; university; value; vol; width; yield cache: ap-240.pdf plain text: ap-240.txt item: #597 of 1243 id: ap-242 author: Munro, C.; Krus, P. title: Rapid Prediction of Configuration Aerodynamics in the ConceptualDesign Phase date: 2001-01-04 words: 3073 flesch: 45 summary: Advances in flight control certainly allow for a wide variation in vehicle design that would not otherwise be possible. Further- more, the subscale model can be built early in the design pro- cess (perhaps late in the conceptual phase) whereas the fullscale demonstrator can only be tested after design work is essentially complete. keywords: aerodynamic; aircraft; analysis; computational; conceptual; configurations; control; cost; data; design; dynamics; early; elements; empirical; experimental; fig; flight; flow; high; initial; level; low; methods; modelling; models; novel; number; operational; performance; prediction; process; requirements; results; risk; significant; simulation; stage; subscale; team; testing; time; tools; tunnel; ucavs; validation; vehicle; vol; water; wind; work cache: ap-242.pdf plain text: ap-242.txt item: #598 of 1243 id: ap-244 author: Holický, M. title: Prospects for Advanced Engineering Design Based on Risk Assessment date: 2001-01-04 words: 3856 flesch: 53 summary: i ij � � , P P . Note, however, that this value is valid for the fire start probability pfi, s = P(H2) keywords: analysis; assessment; assumed; basic; bayesian; c17(12; chance; conditional; considered; cost; design; events; example; failure; figure; fire; flashover; holický; network; node; parent; pfi; probabilistic; probabilities; probability; protection; related; risk; schleich; situation; state; structural; system; table; total; traditional; uncertainties; utility; variables cache: ap-244.pdf plain text: ap-244.txt item: #599 of 1243 id: ap-2445 author: Šoltés, Martin; Červenka, Milan title: ELECTRODYNAMIC LOUDSPEAKER-DRIVEN ACOUSTIC COMPRESSOR date: 2015-10-31 words: 3606 flesch: 59 summary: Acoustic pressure amplitudes that they obtained were more than an order of magnitude larger than it had been possible before. Optimal shaping of acoustic resonators for the generation of high-amplitude standing waves. keywords: acoustic; acoustic compressor; acoustic pressure; air; air flow; amplitude; cavity; characteristic; clamp; compressor; delivery; delivery valve; different; displacement; driver; experimental; figure; flow; frequency; high; hose; housing; input; jasa; loudspeaker; maximum; measured; node; port; possible; pressure; pressure amplitude; rate; reed; resonance; resonator; shape; standing; static; static pressure; valve; voltage; volume; wall; wave cache: ap-2445.pdf plain text: ap-2445.txt item: #600 of 1243 id: ap-2449 author: Attia, Abdel-Fattah A. title: INTELLIGENT CONTROLLER FOR TRACKING A 14-INCH CELESTRON TELESCOPE date: 2018-10-31 words: 3838 flesch: 64 summary: “Modified PSO for optimal tuning of fuzzy PID controller.” The whole system operation is defined based on traditional fuzzy con- trollers (SFLCs) and PSO parameters in Table 4. (2.) keywords: abdel; acceleration; acta; adaptive; algorithm; attia; axis; best; celestron; classical; controllers; dec; error; fattah; figure; flc; functions; fuzzy; improved; input; logic; membership; mfs; model; mpso; optimization; output; parameters; particle; performance; pid; polytechnica; position; pso; pso controllers; response; results; rules; sec; section; sets; sflc; swarm; system; table; telescope; time; tracking; tuning; value; variables; velocity cache: ap-2449.pdf plain text: ap-2449.txt item: #601 of 1243 id: ap-2459 author: Kracík, Petr; Pospíšil, Jiří title: EFFECT OF TUBE PITCH ON HEAR TRANSFER IN SPRINKLED TUBE BUNDLE date: 2015-10-31 words: 3880 flesch: 74 summary: Keywords: sprinkled; tube bundle; heat transfer; tube pitch. Beside the above mentioned falling film liquid flow rate (tested [5] for ex- ample) they are for instance tube diameters (tested [6] for example), tube pitches in a bundle (tested [7] for example) or a physical condition of a falling film liquid and heat transfer (tested [8–10] for example). keywords: approx; bundle; coefficient; exchanger; figure; film; film liquid; flow; flow rate; gap; gradient; heat; heat transfer; increase; liquid; litres; measured; minute; mode; pitch; pitches; rate; results; sprinkled; surface; temperature; tested; thermal; transfer; transfer coefficient; tube; tube bundle; value; vol; water cache: ap-2459.pdf plain text: ap-2459.txt item: #602 of 1243 id: ap-246 author: Alfaro-Cid, E.; McGookin, E. W.; Murray-Smith, D. J. title: Genetic Algorithm Optimisation of a Ship Navigation System date: 2001-01-04 words: 4737 flesch: 54 summary: i i tot � � � � � �� � � � �2 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 . The new cost is calculated as [7]: � � � � � � � �Cost Pos SP SP Pos Nchrom � � � � �2 2 1 1 1 . keywords: actual; axis; chromosome; controller; cost; error; force; function; gain; genetic; good; heading; input; model; navigation; new; number; optimisation; order; parameters; performance; pid; population; possible; process; propulsion; response; results; selection; ship; signal; simulations; solutions; study; surge; table; thrust; time; tracking; tuning; university; values; velocity; vessel; � � cache: ap-246.pdf plain text: ap-246.txt item: #603 of 1243 id: ap-2460 author: Zemčík, Oskar; Sedlák, Josef; Chladil, Josef title: CHANGES IN THE SURFACE LAYER OF ROLLED BEARING STEEL date: 2015-10-31 words: 2158 flesch: 64 summary: This paper describes changes observed in bearing steel due to roller burnishing. Hydrostatic roller burnishing was selected as the most suitable method for performing roller burnishing on hardened bearing steel. keywords: acta; austenite; bearing; burnishing; changes; deformation; depth; element; figure; finite; force; hydrostatic; layer; material; method; plastic; polytechnica; residual; roller; roughness; significant; simulation; steel; stress; surface; surface layer; tool; values; vol; workpiece cache: ap-2460.pdf plain text: ap-2460.txt item: #604 of 1243 id: ap-2461 author: Jílková, Lenka; Ciahotný, Karel; Kusý, Jaroslav title: PYROLYSIS OF BROWN COAL USING A CATALYST BASED ON W–Ni date: 2015-10-31 words: 2614 flesch: 61 summary: Pyrolysis of Brown Coal Using a Catalyst Based on W–Ni Fig. 5: Content of compounds (selected by functional groups) in organic parts of pyrolysis condensates 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 pyrolysis of brown coal pyrolysis of brown coal + alum. pyrolysis of brown coal + alum. 2: Content of phenol, 1,2-benzenediol and acetic acid in water parts of pyrolysis condensates 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 pyrolysis of brown coal pyrolysis of brown coal + alum. pyrolysis of brown coal + alum. keywords: alumina; brown; brown coal; carbon; catalyst; coal; composition; compounds; condensates; content; fig; gas; gases; groups; hydrogen; liquid; mass; organic; parts; phenol; products; properties; pyrolysis; sample; temperature; water cache: ap-2461.pdf plain text: ap-2461.txt item: #605 of 1243 id: ap-2463 author: Havlík, Jan; Dlouhý, Tomáš title: CONDENSATION OF WATER VAPOR IN A VERTICAL TUBE CONDENSER date: 2015-10-31 words: 3995 flesch: 62 summary: Experimental set-up Experiments for testing and for validating these meth- ods for HTC calculations are carried out on a vertical shell-and-tube heat exchanger, in which the condens- ing water vapor flows downwards in vertical tubes and the cooling water countercurrent flows in the shell part. Condensation in vertical tubes (2.) keywords: analysis; bell; calculation; condensate; condensation; condensation htc; condenser; delaware; diameter; experimental; fig; film; flow; gas; heat; htc; impact; method; model; number; nusselt; overall; overall htc; process; results; reynolds; shell; steam; temperature; theoretical; theory; transfer; tube; value; vapor; velocity; vertical; vertical tube; water cache: ap-2463.pdf plain text: ap-2463.txt item: #606 of 1243 id: ap-248 author: Pohl, J.; Warell, A.; Krus, P.; Palmberg, J.-O. title: Conceptual Design of a Hydraulic Valve Train System date: 2001-01-04 words: 5116 flesch: 57 summary: The advantage with this type of valve train system is that the hydraulic piston remains due to the check-valve in the ex- tend position irrespective of the solenoid valves state. Thus solenoid valves closing characteris- tic is not critical a critical parameter. keywords: 5/2001; accelerate; acta; actuation; approach; cam; check; closing; component; concept; conceptual; consumption; design; downwards; dynamic; energy; engine; experiments; figure; flow; flumes; function; high; hydraulic; lift; main; means; model; non; objective; oil; opening; optimisation; order; overall; phaser; piston; polytechnica; pressure; process; product; return; set; simulated; simulation; solenoid; specification; spring; stage; stroke; system; technical; test; time; train; train system; tree; university; valve; valve train; variable; variable valve; vol cache: ap-248.pdf plain text: ap-248.txt item: #607 of 1243 id: ap-2495 author: Skočilas, Jan; Palaziuk, Ievgen title: CFD SIMULATION OF THE HEAT TRANSFER PROCESS IN A CHEVRON PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER USING THE SST TURBULENCE MODEL date: 2015-08-31 words: 4816 flesch: 57 summary: A simulation allows us to clearly demonstrate that the phenomenon of non-uniform distribution of the fluid is a major factor affecting the performance of plate heat exchangers, which can be weakened by rolling guide area in the corrugated board [8]. [10] Freund S., Kabelac S.: Investigation of local heat transfer coefficients in plate heat exchangers with temperature oscillation IR thermography and CFD. keywords: acta; analytical; angle; ansys; calculation; cases; cfd; channels; characteristics; chevron; coefficient; considered; coolant; corrugation; design; different; distribution; drop; engineering; exchanger; experimental; exponents; figure; flow; fluid; geometry; heat; heat exchanger; heat transfer; higher; hydraulic; inclination; increase; issn; journal; main; mass; model; number; numerical; parameters; performance; plate; plate heat; presence; pressure; pressure drop; process; resistance; results; reynolds; simulation; surface; temperature; transfer; transfer coefficient; turbulence; values cache: ap-2495.pdf plain text: ap-2495.txt item: #608 of 1243 id: ap-250 author: Kolman, D. title: Analysis of a Thermal Plasma Diamond CVD System date: 2001-01-04 words: 2403 flesch: 49 summary: The focus of this paper is on the second stage – the interaction of the plasma flow (plasma jet) with the surround- ing atmosphere and with the substrate located downstream. In our case, the torch orifice diameter = 6 mm, plasma velocity 30 © Czech Technical University Publishing House Acta Polytechnica Vol. 41 keywords: analysis; axial; boundary; chemical; conditions; consideration; czech; data; deposition; diamond; enthalpy; equations; exit; experimental; flow; gas; jet; measurements; model; modeling; nozzle; paper; plasma; pressure; reactor; results; species; substrate; surface; system; technical; temperature; theoretical; thermal; torch; turbulent; university; velocity cache: ap-250.pdf plain text: ap-250.txt item: #609 of 1243 id: ap-252 author: Chlupová, A.; Heger, J.; Vašek, A. title: Fatigue Crack Initiation and Early Growth in GLARE 3 Fiber-metal Laminate Subjected to Mixed Tensile and Bending Loading date: 2001-01-04 words: 2710 flesch: 59 summary: The number of cycles necessary for fatigue crack initiation in metal layers of the laminate was determined by the local plastic strain at the notch edge in the individual layers. In this study, attention is paid to the effect of mixed tension and bending loading on fatigue crack initiation and early growth in an open-hole sheet specimen. keywords: bending; crack; crack growth; cycles; czech; effect; element; experimental; fatigue; fibers; figure; finite; glare; growth; hole; initiation; inner; laminate; layer; length; loading; local; max; metal; mpa; notch; number; rate; sheet; specimen; strain; stress; surface; tension cache: ap-252.pdf plain text: ap-252.txt item: #610 of 1243 id: ap-2536 author: Hádková, Kristýna; Tekáč, Viktor; Ciahotný, Karel; Beňo, Zdeněk; Vrbová, Veronika title: TREATMENT OF NATURAL GAS BY ADSORPTION OF CO2 date: 2015-12-31 words: 3561 flesch: 63 summary: Apart from burning, one of the possible uses of natural gas is as a fuel for motor vehicles. There are two types of fuel from natural gas — CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) or LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas). keywords: 13x; adsorbent; adsorber; apparatus; atmospheric; atmospheric pressure; c46; capacity; carbon; case; co2; depressurization; desorption; evacuation; gas; inlet; lng; mixture; molecular; molecular sieve; mpa; natural; natural gas; nitrogen; pressure; sieve; surface; tested; thermal; valves; volume cache: ap-2536.pdf plain text: ap-2536.txt item: #611 of 1243 id: ap-254 author: Macek, J.; Takáts, M. title: Involvement of Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis in a Concurrent Approach to Reciprocating Engine Design date: 2001-01-04 words: 6123 flesch: 58 summary: i i N CH j j � � � � � � � � , , , ; � � � � � � � � � �m t C m t CH j j d d d r*s r � � . i i N i i j j � � � � � � � � � � � � � � d d , , , , � � � � �� �i j i j j jA w m t , , . keywords: 5/2001; acta; algorithms; analysis; approach; case; changes; closures; combustion; compression; configuration; conservation; constant; cycle; czech; described; design; diagram; efficiency; energy; engine; enthalpy; entropy; equation; experiments; fig; finite; flow; flux; gas; general; heat; high; house;; j j; k j; k t; macek; mass; matrix; methods; model; new; optimisation; p t; polytechnica; pressure; procedure; publishing; reaction; real; set; specific; state; structure; suitable; system; t j; t t; technical; temperature; terms; thermodynamic; university; volume; volumetric; yields; � h; � j cache: ap-254.pdf plain text: ap-254.txt item: #612 of 1243 id: ap-256 author: Murray-Smith, D. J. title: The Validation of Computer-based Models in Engineering: Some Lessons from Computing Science date: 2001-01-04 words: 3356 flesch: 40 summary: No. 4 – 5/2001 45 The Validation of Computer-based Models in Engineering: Some Lessons from Computing Science D. J. Murray-Smith Questions of the quality of computer-based models and the formal processes of model testing, involving internal verification and external validation, are usually given only passing attention in engineering reports and in technical publications. For example version control techniques are routinely used in software development but are seldom applied in a rigorous fashion for simulation model development, maintaining the model throughout its life cycle keywords: acta; analysis; application; appropriate; computer; control; cycle; design; development; documentation; emphasis; engineering; errors; experimental; external; flight; frame; important; linear; mathematical; methods; model; modelling; murray; performance; polytechnica; process; processes; quality; real; simulation; smith; software; system; systematic; techniques; testing; theory; tools; validation; verification; vol cache: ap-256.pdf plain text: ap-256.txt item: #613 of 1243 id: ap-2575 author: Beniak, Juraj; Križan, Peter; Matúš, Miloš title: A COMPARISON OF THE TENSILE STRENGTH OF PLASTIC PARTS PRODUCED BY A FUSED DEPOSITION MODELING DEVICE date: 2015-12-31 words: 4802 flesch: 60 summary: This again points to the brittleness of the model produced from ABS plastic material using FDM technology. The aim of this paper is to show the tensile strength value for parts produced from different materials on the Fused Deposition Modeling device when the horizontal orientation of the specimens is changed. keywords: abs; change; conventional; degree orientation; degrees; degrees fig; devices; different; different layers; direction; elongation; fdm; fibers; fig; horizontal; layers; manufacturing; material; measured; model; orientation; parts; pla; plane; plastic; properties; prototyping; rapid; samples; software; specimen; strength; strength values; structure; table; technology; tensile; tensile strength; test; values cache: ap-2575.pdf plain text: ap-2575.txt item: #614 of 1243 id: ap-2578 author: Hanakova, Lenka; Socha, Vladimir; Schlenker, Jakub; Cakrt, Ondrej; Kutilek, Patrik title: ASSESSMENT OF POSTURAL INSTABILITY IN PATIENTS WITH A NEUROLOGICAL DISORDER USING A TRI-AXIAL ACCELEROMETER date: 2015-08-31 words: 5511 flesch: 58 summary: This method is used for diagnosing cerebellar disease manifested by tremors or by swaying, since it is primarily designed for use in neurology to dis- cover relationships between neurological disorders and postural trunk movements in 3-D space. 233 L. Hanakova, V. Socha, J. Schlenker et al. Acta Polytechnica 5. keywords: //; accelerations; accelerometer; acta; age; analysis; angles; anterior; assessment; axial; balance; body; cerebellar; clinical; closed; confidence; control; czech; data; differences; disease; disorders; doi:10.1016; ellipsoid; engineering; et al; eyes; fig; fis; fos; healthy; http; imu; matrix; measured; measurements; median; method; movements; mtx; neurological; patients; points; polytechnica; posterior; postural; posture; prague; pts; quiet; rehabilitation; results; set; stability; stance; standing; statistical; study; subjects; surface; sway; system; test; tri; trunk; unit; university; use; variables; ves; vestibular; volume cache: ap-2578.pdf plain text: ap-2578.txt item: #615 of 1243 id: ap-258 author: Vyhlídal, T.; Zítek, P. title: Control System Design Based on a Universal First Order Model with Time Delays date: 2001-01-04 words: 3893 flesch: 67 summary: Simplifying (7) the following expressions are obtained � �� � � � � � � � arccos cosKku u u (8) � � � � � � T u u u u � �sin tan cos� � � � � � � . If model (5) is used, the analogous controller results � � � � � �� � �� � C s Ts s K Ps s Fs s � � � � � � � � exp exp exp � � �1 . keywords: angle; complex; control; controller; couple; delay; dominant; dynamics; equation; exp; feedback; figure; frequency; gain; higher; imc; input; loop; means; method; model; order; parameters; plane; point; poles; position; real; response; set; state; step; system; time; value; zeros cache: ap-258.pdf plain text: ap-258.txt item: #616 of 1243 id: ap-260 author: Vacek, J. title: Stress Distribution in a Coal Seam before and after Bump Initiation date: 2001-01-04 words: 2330 flesch: 69 summary: We observed the mechanism and the history of coal bumps. 5 Conclusion A combination of experimental and mathematical models appears very appropriate for a study of the stress distribu- tion in a coal seam before and after bump initiation. keywords: 5/2001; acta; araldite; bump; cell; coal; cycles; czech; distribution; experimental; fig; force; initiation; loading; meters; model; particles; photo; polytechnica; rock; seam; stress; technical; tum; tum tum; university; vacek; vol cache: ap-260.pdf plain text: ap-260.txt item: #617 of 1243 id: ap-262 author: Menzies, R. title: Computational Investigation of Flows in Diffusing S-shaped Intakes date: 2001-01-04 words: 3893 flesch: 59 summary: A feature of s-duct intake flow is the genera- tion of secondary flow off the first bend as described in the introduction. One of the main problems of turbulence closures in intake flows is the transition of the freestream from laminar to turbulent over the intake cowl region. keywords: 5/2001; acceleration; acta; aircraft; bend; calculations; case; complex; computational; cowl; data; duct; engine; engine face; euler; experiment; face; fig; figure; flow; flow case; fluid; freestream; grid; high; intake; mass; mass flow; model; plane; polytechnica; port; prediction; pressure; previous; problems; rans; region; results; secondary; secondary flow; sst; starboard; time; turbulence; university; vol cache: ap-262.pdf plain text: ap-262.txt item: #618 of 1243 id: ap-264 author: Strohmayer, A. title: Improving Aircraft Design Robustness with Scenario Methods date: 2001-01-04 words: 4045 flesch: 47 summary: As shown in Figure 2, there are essentially three fundamental aspects of scenario implementation in aircraft design: definition of market requirements, design evaluation, and identification of the level of technology to implement in the new design. Keywords: aircraft design, scenario methods, requirements, design evaluation, technology strategy. quantified, environmental regulations concerning noise and emissions as well as airport compatibility requirements have to be met, and airworthiness, i.e. controllability and integrity within the whole flight envelope has to be assured. keywords: 5/2001; acta; aircraft; aircraft design; analysis; aspects; baseline; characteristics; concept; configuration; criteria; customer; czech; definition; design; development; different; economic; environment; evaluation; example; factor; figure; future; house;; long; manufacturer; market; methods; needs; new; order; phase; polytechnica; process; product; project; publishing; relevant; requirements; results; robust; robustness; scenario; selection; set; situation; specific; standards; strategy; technical; technology; transport; university; vol cache: ap-264.pdf plain text: ap-264.txt item: #619 of 1243 id: ap-266 author: Marková, J.; Holický, M. title: Credibility of Design Procedures date: 2001-01-04 words: 4069 flesch: 49 summary: If for example the reliability of a structural element stems from a comparison between action effects E and resistance R, then the probability of structural failure can be expressed as � � � � �P P E R FE R R E f d� � � � � � � � � 0 (6) where �E() is the density function of variable E, FR() is the dis- tribution function of variable R, and � denotes a generic point of E and R. 4 Credibility The probability that the random process � �� �w tX J, exceeds in time t the calculated value of crack width w(xk, t) determined in accordance with the relevant standards is expressed as � � � �� �� P w t w , twc kP� � �x X J, � 0 (11) where J(t) is the rectangular wave renewal vector process, represented here by the short-term and long-term compo- nents of the imposed load. keywords: aci; analysis; basic; calculated; cases; concrete; crack; crack width; cracking; credibility; czech; design; factors; fig; function; index; limit; load; models; probability; reinforcement; reliability; respect; selected; serviceability; slab; standards; states; structural; theoretical; time; ultimate; values; variables; vector; verification; vol; width; čsn cache: ap-266.pdf plain text: ap-266.txt item: #620 of 1243 id: ap-268 author: Friedl, J. title: Aerodynamic Design of a Tailless Aeroplan date: 2001-01-04 words: 2659 flesch: 70 summary: 5: Computed variation of CLmax with increasing Re number Re �0 CL� CLmax �w �0 CL� �CL� [deg] keywords: acta; aerodynamic; aeroplane; airfoil; analysis; angle; cases; characteristics; coefficient; curve; czech; data; deg; design; fig; geometry; lift; method; moment; n60r150; panel; polytechnica; span; speed; table; tip; twist; university; vol; wing; wzk cache: ap-268.pdf plain text: ap-268.txt item: #621 of 1243 id: ap-270 author: Vukazich, S.; Marek, P. title: Structural Design Using Simulation Based Reliability Assessment date: 2001-01-04 words: 4744 flesch: 57 summary: The load effect combination at the critical section of the beam can be expressed as: S q L F L F L� � �var var var 2 1 28 4 3 . In this manner, the deformation of the tank can be expressed as: � � � � � �u x t x Z t, � � . keywords: acceleration; acta; analysis; assessment; bar; beam; czech; design; effects; engineering; equivalent; example; factors; failure; fig; function; histogram; house;; level; load; marek; mass; maximum; output; polytechnica; pressure; probability; properties; publishing; quantities; reliability; resistance; response; safety; sbra; section; serviceability; simulation; star; steel; structure; tank; truss; university; values; variable; vol; wall; water cache: ap-270.pdf plain text: ap-270.txt item: #622 of 1243 id: ap-272 author: Schieck, F.; Schmitt, D. title: Cargo Aircraft Conceptual Design Optimisation Using a Flexible Computer-Based Scaling Approach date: 2001-01-04 words: 4437 flesch: 46 summary: Keywords: aircraft conceptual design, aircraft scaling, mass growth factor, aircraft multidisciplinary design optimisation. Relying on this data, important trade-off decision-making processes during aircraft conceptual design are enabled and backed up with extended knowledge about the evolving aircraft. keywords: acta; aircraft; algorithm; approach; area; baseline; cargo; certain; change; climb; computer; conceptual; current; design; detail; drag; early; example; fastr; figure; flexible; fuel;; knowledge; lift; mass; merit; methods; minimum; mission; model; module; operational; optimisation; overall; parameter; performance; phase; point; polytechnica; process; project; range; rate; required; requirements; results; run; scaling; section; set; solution; system; table; technical; total; university; variables; vol; wing cache: ap-272.pdf plain text: ap-272.txt item: #623 of 1243 id: ap-274 author: Rieger, F. title: Power Characteristics of a Screw Agitator in a Tube date: 2001-01-06 words: 1679 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: power, power characteristic, screw agitator, pump. agitator power characteristic agitator pumping characteristic hydraulic characteristic of agitating system P Q e Fig.1: Estimation of power consumption from operating characteristics (creeping flow region) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 �e* P * 48.7–54.2 152–155.8 199.1–202 358.4–363.5 514.5–517.7 1.9–11.1 Re Fig. 2: Power characteristics at different Reynolds number values presented in [3]. keywords: agitator; characteristics; czech; dimensionless; energy; fig; flow; number; power; pumping; region; reynolds; rieger; screw; specific; tube; values cache: ap-274.pdf plain text: ap-274.txt item: #624 of 1243 id: ap-276 author: Fořt, I.; Jirout, T.; Rieger, F.; Allner, R.; Sperling, R. title: Study of the Blending Efficiency of Pitched Blade Impellers date: 2001-01-06 words: 4232 flesch: 64 summary: 1: Typical dependence of dimensionless blending time on the Reynolds number for a high-speed rotary impeller The initial concentration is defined as � �� �c c t0 0� � (5) and the final concentration of the dissolved matter in the agitated liquid is � �� �c c tk � . The quantity Po depends on the geometry of the system agitated by a PBI and this dependence can be expressed by the equation [7] � � � � � � � �Po T D h D H T n� � �1 507 0 365 0 keywords: agitated; angle; blade; blending; calculated; clearance; concentration; criterion; czech; degree; diameter; different; dimensionless; efficiency; energetic; fig; flow; homogeneity; homogenization; impeller; liquid; mixed; mixing; mpa; number; pitch; process; ratio; system; time; total; values; vessel; viscosity; volume cache: ap-276.pdf plain text: ap-276.txt item: #625 of 1243 id: ap-278 author: Böszörményi, L.; Böszörményi, G. title: A Geothermal Energy Supported Gas-steam Cogeneration Unit as a Possible Replacement for the Old Part of a Municipal CHP Plant (TEKO) date: 2001-01-06 words: 2893 flesch: 57 summary: CHP combined heating and power plant GT gas turbine cycle ST steam turbine WHB waste heat boiler C condenser HE heat exchanger HP heat pump mFWH mass flow of secondary geothermal water used for heating feed water mDH mass flow of secondary geothermal water used for use in the DHN mSCGH mass flow of the secondary carrier of geothermal heat 2 The simple, direct use of geothermal heat in the District Heating Network (DHN) cannot be a feasible way of replacing the existing CHP plant under the current economic circumstances, due to its low efficiency. keywords: boiler; böszörményi; chp; cogeneration; combined; concept; cycle; dhn; efficiency; energy; fossil; fuels; gas; geothermal; geothermal energy; geothermal heat; geothermal water; heat; heating; košice; low; output; parameters; plant; power; production; pump; renewable; secondary; secondary geothermal; sources; steam; steam cycle; teko; turbine; unit; utilization; waste; water; year cache: ap-278.pdf plain text: ap-278.txt item: #626 of 1243 id: ap-280 author: Beshay, K. R.; Kratěna, J.; Fořt, I.; Brůha, O. title: Power Input of High-Speed Rotary Impellers date: 2001-01-06 words: 3319 flesch: 69 summary: 6/2001 Power Input of High-Speed Rotary Impellers K. R. Beshay, J. Kratěna, I. Fořt, O. Brůha This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation of the power input of pitched blade impellers and standard Rushton turbine impellers in a cylindrical vessel provided with four radial baffles at its wall under a turbulent regime of flow of an agitated liquid. 2: Sketch of pitched blade impellers (Czech standard CVS 691020) keywords: angle; blade; clearance; czech; diameter; experimental; fig; impeller; input; large; liquid; measured; motor; number; pitch; power; range; results; reynolds; rig; rushton; small; speed; srti; standard; test; torque; turbine; university; vessel cache: ap-280.pdf plain text: ap-280.txt item: #627 of 1243 id: ap-2808 author: Juklíček, Jakub; Železný, Václav title: CFD ANALYSIS OF THE SPACER GRIDS AND MIXING VANES EFFECT ON THE FLOW IN THE CHOSEN PART OF THE TVSA-T FUEL ASSEMBLY date: 2015-10-31 words: 2626 flesch: 64 summary: Nevertheless, this kind of simula- tion provides comparative data for more significant simplifications of the fuel assembly geometry or for replacement of the part or whole spacer grid geometry by the porous media boundary condition in CFD simu- lation. One of the limiting factors is the complicated geometry of spacer grids. keywords: analysis; area; assembly; boundary; cells; cfd; character; computational; cross; effect; fig; figure; flow; fuel; geometry; grid; mesh; mixing; mixing vanes; parts; simplified; simulation; spacer; spacer grid; support; tvsa; vanes; velocity; volumes cache: ap-2808.pdf plain text: ap-2808.txt item: #628 of 1243 id: ap-2813 author: Žitný, Rudolf; Landfeld, Aleš; Skočilas, Jan; Štancl, Jaromír; Flegl, Vlastimil; Houška, Milan title: UNSTEADY FLOW OF THIXOTROPIC COLLAGEN SUBSTANCE IN PIPES date: 2015-10-31 words: 4116 flesch: 60 summary: Such a slow variation of flow rate increases the number of time steps (4100 time steps for 151 grid points in the axial direction) and increases the run-time necessary for preliminary identification of thixotropic model parameters. 2D model of velocities and structural parameter profiles (finite differences) Results that are probably more realistic can be obtained by taking into account non-uniform structural parame- ter profiles. keywords: acta; axial; bulkley; characteristic; collagen; constant; czech; diffusion; doi:10.1016; equation; fig; flow; fluid; herschel; houska; hydraulic; hysteresis; journal; mechanics; method; model; newtonian; non; numerical; parameter; pipe; polytechnica; pressure; previous; profile; radial; rate; rheological; shear; stress; structural; s−1; thixotropic; time; transport; unsteady; value; velocities; velocity; wall; zitny; τ?y cache: ap-2813.pdf plain text: ap-2813.txt item: #629 of 1243 id: ap-282 author: Doubek, J.; Kreidl, M. title: Parasitic Events in Envelope Analysis date: 2001-01-06 words: 8209 flesch: 76 summary: No. 6/2001 1 x t( ) 0 �1 Fig. 9: Invariant part of the harmonic signal Equation (23) can be decomposed by equation (24) to equation (25) � � � � � � � � � �cos cos cos sin sin� � � � � � (24) and thus � � � � � � � � � �~ cos cos sin sin x t t z z z t z z z z z z z � � � � �� 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 � � � � � � � d d 2 � � � � � � � � � � . Si z Si� � � � � � � � � � � 1 0 0 keywords: b t; calculation; cosx t; e t; e �; envelope; equation; figure; fmax �; g t; harmonic; pulse; signal; sin �; t ci; t et; t gt; t si; t t; t t1; t �; time t; txt �; y t; z t; � =; � cos; � h; � s; � y; � � cache: ap-282.pdf plain text: ap-282.txt item: #630 of 1243 id: ap-284 author: Younis, F. I.; Alawy, A. El-Bassuny; Šimák, B.; Ella, M. S.; Madkour, M. A. title: Stellar Image Interpretation System using Artificial Neural Networks: Unipolar Function Case date: 2001-01-06 words: 3932 flesch: 66 summary: 3.6 SIIS-ANN implementation The developed SIIS-ANN deals with CCD image frames for scanning and searching for the Local Central Peaked Pixel (LCPP) whose datum is larger than those of the surrounding ones [9, 10]. Mark the object of interest (star image, cosmic ray event, or noise) on some CCD frames. keywords: ann; artificial; astronomical; astronomy; case; ccd; cosmic; czech; daophotii; data; engineering; error; fig; frame; images; input; layer; learning; method; network; neural; noise; normalised; objects; output; pattern; pixel; present; ray; set; siis; star; stellar; system; technical; test; training; university; values; window cache: ap-284.pdf plain text: ap-284.txt item: #631 of 1243 id: ap-286 author: Badawy, M.; Richta, K. title: Deriving Triggers from Integrity Constraint Specifications in the Database Management Systems date: 2001-01-06 words: 4502 flesch: 74 summary: The cell and the request have to pass the path three times and the total time period needed for the cell transport � �Ts it 1 , i n� 1, ,� , is � � � � � � RM Data 1 2 3 Fig. 1: The flow of counted RM cells The symbols denote: M – distribution function of the cell interarrival time is exponential with the mean 1 0 � �, � � � and the ar- rival times are independent; M – distribution function of the cell service time is expo- nential with the mean 1 0 � �, � � � and the service times are independent; 1 – system with one place in service; m – system of queue length m. Notation used in the following text: � – average arrival intensity; � – average service rate; � � �� – traffic intensity. keywords: cell; data; destination; fig; k k; k n; mean; model; network; path; period; refusal; source; switch; switches; time; traffic; transport; value; w k cache: ap-286.pdf plain text: ap-286.txt item: #632 of 1243 id: ap-2865 author: Biroš, Milan; Kyslan, Karol; Ďurovský, František title: A HARDWARE-IN-THE-LOOP SIMULATOR BASED ON REAL SKODA SUPERB VEHICLE AND RT-LAB/CARSIM date: 2015-12-31 words: 4222 flesch: 63 summary: Skoda Superb vehicle simulator, rear view. This is because the vehicle has the best power transmission from the engine to the pavement with a particular slip value included in vehicle model. keywords: 22k; acta; angle; available; behavior; brake; card; carsim; components; control; cost; daq; digital; driver; driving; engine; fig; figure; forces; game; gear; hardware; hil; input; knob; lab; lever; line; loop; model; output; parameters; pedal; polytechnica; position; range; real; real vehicle; research; results; sensor; sequence; shifting; signal; simulator; skoda; software; speed; steering; steering wheel; superb; systems; time; use; vehicle; visualization; voltage; wheel cache: ap-2865.pdf plain text: ap-2865.txt item: #633 of 1243 id: ap-288 author: Filip, J. title: Analytical Model of Modified Traffic Control in an ATM Computer Network date: 2001-01-06 words: 4503 flesch: 74 summary: The cell and the request have to pass the path three times and the total time period needed for the cell transport � �Ts it 1 , i n� 1, ,� , is � � � � � � RM Data 9 8 ) 2 3 Fig. 1: The flow of counted RM cells The symbols denote: M – distribution function of the cell interarrival time is exponential with the mean 1 0 � �, � � � and the ar- rival times are independent; M – distribution function of the cell service time is expo- nential with the mean 1 0 � �, � � � and the service times are independent; 1 – system with one place in service; m – system of queue length m. Notation used in the following text: � – average arrival intensity; � – average service rate; � � �� – traffic intensity. keywords: cell; data; destination; fig; k k; k n; mean; model; network; path; period; refusal; source; switch; switches; time; traffic; transport; value; w k cache: ap-288.pdf plain text: ap-288.txt item: #634 of 1243 id: ap-290 author: Pokorná, O.; Mocková, D. title: Models of Financing and Available Financial Resources for Transport Infrastructure Projects date: 2001-01-06 words: 2208 flesch: 47 summary: A typical feature of transport infrastructure projects is that they are expensive and take a long time to construct. 2 Available financial resources Finance resources for transport infrastructure projects can be divided into public and alternative. keywords: build; capital; cash; construction; contracts; debt; development; financial; financing; flow; guarantees; infrastructure; investments; long; models; operation; participation; period; private; private sector; project; public; public sector; resources; return; revenue; risk; sector; state; transport; transport infrastructure; type cache: ap-290.pdf plain text: ap-290.txt item: #635 of 1243 id: ap-292 author: Římal, J. title: Measurement of Temperature Fields in Long Span Concrete Bridges date: 2001-01-06 words: 3393 flesch: 66 summary: These most important factors are combined into the equivalent sun-temperature Tas expressed in equation (1) � �T T I pas a g� � 1 � (1) where Ta � Ta(t) air temperature Ig � Ig(t) intensity of global solar radiation � � �(v) heat-transfer coefficient depending on air speed p coefficient of surface absorption t time Keywords: Nusle bridge in Prague, measurement of thermal fields, calculation of temperature fields, evaluation of stress fields. keywords: acta; bridge; c o; c r; czech; d e; e m; e n; e s; e t; fields; fig; house;; measurement; n c; o n; polytechnica; publishing; r e; stresses; structure; technical; temperature; thermal; time; university; vol cache: ap-292.pdf plain text: ap-292.txt item: #636 of 1243 id: ap-294 author: Ficker, T.; Myslín, J.; Podešvová, Z. title: Non-linear Temperature Profiles date: 2001-01-06 words: 2427 flesch: 62 summary: The solution of the system (20), (21) for parabolic conduc- tivity function (15) and the boundary conditions T ( 0) � T1, T ( d) � T2 reads � � � � q T T d T T T T d a T T Reff � � � � � � � �1 2 1 0 3 2 0 3 1 2 3 � , (27) � �� � � �� � � � � � � � � � x a T x T T x T a T T a T T T T a T T � � � � � � � � � � � 0 3 0 0 1 0 3 2 0 3 0 2 1 1 0 3 3 3 � � d, (28) � � � �� � � � R d a T T T T T T T T eff * � � � � � � � � � 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 3 � � d eff� , (29) � � � � � �� � � �� �� �� � � � � � � �eff T T T T� � � � � �13 1 2 1 0 2 0 0 . 2 Variable thermal conductivity Let us assume a dry material inside a wall whose thermal conductivity � depends only on temperature T ( x) � �� �d d � T x x 0. keywords: conductivity; constant; dependence; fig; function; heat; linear; non; parabolic; profile; range; t t; temperature; thermal; � eff cache: ap-294.pdf plain text: ap-294.txt item: #637 of 1243 id: ap-2942 author: Halabuk, Dávid; Martinec, Jiří title: CALCULATION OF STRESS AND DEFORMATION IN FUEL ROD CLADDING DURING PELLET-CLADDING INTERACTION date: 2015-12-31 words: 2207 flesch: 62 summary: It is possible to evaluate which shape of fuel pellet is the most appropriate in consideration of stress and deformation forming in fuel cladding, axial dilatation of fuel, and radial temperature distribution in the fuel rod, based on the obtained results. The calculations are done for 4 different shapes of fuel pellets. keywords: alloy; analysis; axial; calculation; central; chamfered; cladding; contact; deformation; difference; dilatation; dished; fuel; hole; interaction; mpa; nuclear; pellet; properties; reactor; results; rod; rods; shape; state; stress; temperature; thermal cache: ap-2942.pdf plain text: ap-2942.txt item: #638 of 1243 id: ap-2945 author: Kratky, Lukas; Jirout, Tomáš title: MECHANICAL DISINTEGRATION OF WHEAT STRAW BY ROLLER-PLATE GRIND SYSTEM WITH SHARP-EDGED SEGMENTS date: 2015-04-30 words: 7025 flesch: 60 summary: [7] studied the effect of wheat straw particle size on the efficiency of biogas digesters operating on agricultural and for- est residues. [6] studied the effect of wheat straw particles on biogas yield and on residue production in anaerobic technology. keywords: acta; anaerobic; average; biodegradability; biogas; biogas production; biomass; chemical; cod; colloid; compressive; content; demand; determined; disintegrated; disintegration; energy; experiments; fibrous; figure; forces; gap; grinder; grinding; hammer; impact; increase; jirout; kratky; kwh; kwh t−1; lignocellulosic; material; mechanical; methane; mill; milled; milling; moisture; nm3; particle; plate; polytechnica; power; pretreatment; process; production; requirement; results; retting; roller; rotational; segments; shear; sieve; size; solids; specific; speed; straw; technology; temperature; time; total; t−1; untreated; wet; wheat; wheat straw; wt%; yield cache: ap-2945.pdf plain text: ap-2945.txt item: #639 of 1243 id: ap-2950 author: Petrů, Jan; Kludka, Michal; Krivda, Vladislav; Mahdalova, Ivana; Zeman, Karel title: VERIFICATION OF CENSUS DEVICES IN TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH date: 2015-12-31 words: 4193 flesch: 66 summary: NU-METRICS NC-200 and NU-METRICS NC-30x traffic analyzer The Nu-Metrics NC-200 traffic analyser is used for measuring vehicle speed, and the intensity and com- 415 J. Petru, M. Kludka, V. Krivda et al. This article evaluates and subsequently compares data obtained from various counting devices measur- ing the intensity of traffic on a roundabout in the city of Ostrava. keywords: analyzer; article; average; categories; city; comparison; counting; data; devices; difference; direction; fig; icoms; intensity; intersection; kph; lane; length; location; manual; measured; measurement; measuring; methods; metrics; nc-200; number; ostrava; percentage; place; radar; respective; results; road; speed; tms; traffic; truck; value; vehicles; viacount; viacount ii; video cache: ap-2950.pdf plain text: ap-2950.txt item: #640 of 1243 id: ap-296 author: Attia, Abdel-Fattah; Horáček, P. title: Modeling Nonlinear Systems by a Fuzzy Logic Neural Network Using Genetic Algorithms date: 2001-01-06 words: 5237 flesch: 67 summary: In the gen- eral case the intervals of acceptable values for every MF shape forming parameter (e.g., �c � [c11, c22], and �� � [�11, �22] for Gaussians) may be determined by solving formulas (8), (9), and (10). �11, and �22 can easily be found from the following four equations: � � � � � � � � G c c G c keywords: 2nd; act; acta; algorithm; chromosome; constraints; control; crisp; czech; data; fig; flnn; function; fuzzy; gaussian; genetic; input; laga; layer; learning; line; logic; membership; mfs; model; modeling; network; neural; optimization; order; output; parameters; polytechnica; population; process; reference; rule; search; section; sets; shape; sin; systems; technical; time; university; values; vol; � y; � � cache: ap-296.pdf plain text: ap-296.txt item: #641 of 1243 id: ap-2966 author: Lisý, Martin; Baláš, Marek; Špiláček, Michal; Skála, Zdeněk title: OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS OF CATALYTIC CLEANING OF GAS FROM BIOMASS GASIFICATION date: 2015-12-31 words: 3933 flesch: 51 summary: The efficiency of tar elimination reached 99.5 %, the tar concentration complied with limits for use of the gas in combustion engines, and the tar content reached approximately 35 mg/m3n. The fundamental classification dis- tinguishes between primary and secondary measures for tar elimination. keywords: acta; air; analysis; baláš; bed; biofluid; biomass; biomass gasification; calcination; catalyst; catalytic; cleaning; co2; composition; conditions; content; cracking; dolomite; efficiency; elimination; energy; engineering; filter; flow; fluidized; fuel; gas; gasification; gasifier; high; higher; inlet; lisý; m3n; material; methods; natural; operating; outlet; partial; polytechnica; pressure; primary; reactions; research; results; sampling; secondary; specifications; steam; suitable; syngas; table; tar; tar elimination; technology; temperature; use; verification; wood cache: ap-2966.pdf plain text: ap-2966.txt item: #642 of 1243 id: ap-2970 author: Nasisi, Salvatore; Valášek, Michael; Vampola, Tomáš title: AN INTERPOLATION METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE FREQUENCIES OF PARAMETERIZED LARGE-SCALE STRUCTURES date: 2015-12-31 words: 5757 flesch: 47 summary: doi:10.2514/6.2009-2432 [18] H. Panzer, R. Eid, B. Lohmann, Parametric model order reduction by matrix interpolation, Automatisierungstechnik, 58 (2010) 475-484. Although this scheme seems attractive due to the use of reduced matrices and available functions for computing interpolating poly- nomials, it produces ineffective results. keywords: accuracy; acta; analyses; application; components; computation; continuum; decomposition; deformation; design; different; direct; element; engineering; equations; error; example; figure; finite; frequencies; frequency; hexapod; interest; interpolation; interpolation method; large; length; linear; mass; matrices; matrix; mechanics; method; model; number; order; parameters; parametric; point; polar; polytechnica; process; reduction; results; rigid; rom; roms; rotation; rsdm; second; solid; space; stiffness; stretch; structure; svd; system; time; use; values cache: ap-2970.pdf plain text: ap-2970.txt item: #643 of 1243 id: ap-2974 author: Dragošek, Lukáš; Kociško, Róbert; Kováčová, Andrea; Bidulsky, Robert; Škrobian, Milan title: A COMPACTING PROCESS OF THE EN AW 6060 ALLOY date: 2015-10-31 words: 2597 flesch: 61 summary: Moreover, it was recognized that in the process of small chips compacting, there was obtained lower density than in the case of large chips. Compacting chips The two types of chips were compacted under identical conditions (weight 2, 5, 10 g; compacting pressure 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 MPa; and speed 0.83 mm/s). keywords: a.e; acta; aluminium; chips; compacting; conditions; density; die; distribution; doi; experimental; extrusion; figure; final; forward; friction; height; journal; large; materials; method; porosity; pressure; process; processing; ratio; sample; significant; small; technology; tekkaya; types cache: ap-2974.pdf plain text: ap-2974.txt item: #644 of 1243 id: ap-2978 author: Holčapek, Ondřej; Vogel, Filip; Konvalinka, Petr title: ANALYSIS OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF HYDROTHERMALLY CURED HIGH STRENGTH CEMENT MATRIX FOR TEXTILE REINFORCED CONCRETE date: 2015-10-31 words: 4421 flesch: 49 summary: Hydrothermal curing in an autoclave device (with a combination of high pressure and temperature, under the simultaneous effect of steam) provides a sophis- ticated possibility to achieve high final strength in a short time after the first contact between water and cement (approximately 2 days). The bulk density growth is as- 317 O. Holčapek, F. Vogel, P. Konvalinka Acta Polytechnica sociated with denser microstructure and hydration products due to hydrothermal curing conditions. keywords: autoclave; cement; characteristics; compressive; compressive strength; concrete; conditions; curing; days; different; dynamic; elasticity; experimental; figure; flexural; frcm; high; higher; holčapek; hours; hydrothermal; konvalinka; material; matrix; mechanical; modulus; mpa; performance; pressure; process; production; properties; research; samples; specimens; steel; strength; temperature; textile; time; uhpc; values; vol; water cache: ap-2978.pdf plain text: ap-2978.txt item: #645 of 1243 id: ap-298 author: Kršňák, I.; Kolcunová, I. title: Partial Discharge Measurements in HV Rotating Machines in Dependence on Pressure of Coolant date: 2002-01-01 words: 2395 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: partial discharges, stator insulation, high voltage rotating machine, phase resolved partial discharge analysis. In technical and scientific literature, the influence of pres- sure on partial discharge measurement has not been handled very often. keywords: adobe; coefficient; collisions; coolant; discharge; electrical; electron; energy; false; field; fig; free; gas; high; higher; inception; ionisation; kpa; machines; mean; measurements; partial; particles; path; pdf; phase; pressure; strength; technical; temperature; theoretical; true; value; voltage cache: ap-298.pdf plain text: ap-298.txt item: #646 of 1243 id: ap-2982 author: Havrlik, Michal; Ryparová, Pavla title: PROTECTION OF WOODEN MATERIALS AGAINST BIOLOGICAL ATTACK BY USING NANOTECHNOLOGY date: 2015-04-30 words: 4367 flesch: 64 summary: 108 Acta Polytechnica 55(2):101–108, 2015 1 Introduction 2 The experimental part 3 Materials and methods 3.1 Production of PVA solution 3.2 Produce of nanofiber textiles 3.3 Model organism 3.4 Plate experiment 3.5 Experiment on building block of timber 3.6 Fungicidal activity of polymer solution on agar plate 3.7 Fungicidal activity of nanofiber textiles on agar plate 3.8 Fungicidal activity of polymer solution on wooden blocks 3.9 Fungicidal activity of nanofiber textiles on wooden blocks 4 Results 4.1 Fungicidal activity of polymer solution on agar plate 4.2 Fungicidal activity of nanofiber textiles on agar plate 4.3 Fungicidal activity of polymer solution on wooden blocks 4.4 Fungicidal activity of nanofiber textiles on wooden blocks 5 Discussion and conclusion 5.1 Solutions and textiles 5.2 PVA 5.3 Protective biocide ions 5.4 Summary Acknowledgements References Production of PVA solution The base polymer which we used in this work, is a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). keywords: acta; activity; agar; agents; biocidal; biocide; biological; block; building; civil; concentration; copper; czech; days; development; efficiency; engineering; evaluation; experiment; figure; fungicidal; growth; ions; lignofix; materials; mixture; mold; mycelium; nanofiber; nanofiber textiles; organism; plate; polymer; polytechnica; prague; profi; properties; protection; pure; pva; results; ryparová; samples; silver; solution; textiles; timber; treatment; type; vol; wood; wooden; xxx cache: ap-2982.pdf plain text: ap-2982.txt item: #647 of 1243 id: ap-2983 author: Kühnel, M.; Müller, S.; Kreykenbohm, I. Kreykenbohm; Schwarm, F.-W.; Grossberger, C.; Dauser, B. T.; Nowak, M. A.; Pottschmidt, K.; Ferrigno, C.; Rothschild, R. E.; Klochkov, D.; Staubert, R.; Wilms, J. title: SIMULTANEOUS FITS IN ISIS ON THE EXAMPLE OF GRO J1008–57 date: 2015-04-30 words: 3144 flesch: 57 summary: Furthermore, it is necessary to distinguish between group parameters and global parameters. Global parameters denote parameters which act on all datagroups. keywords: acta; analysis; available; calculations; data; datagroup; datasets; dependency; different; example; fits; fitting; flux; functions; global; group; implementation; individual; isis; j1008–57; large; law; model; multiple; parallel; parameters; polytechnica; power; ray; results; runtime; section; simultaneous; single; spectra; transient; uncertainties; uncertainty; vol; xspec cache: ap-2983.pdf plain text: ap-2983.txt item: #648 of 1243 id: ap-300 author: Dynda, V.; Rydlo, P. title: Large-scale File System Design and Architecture date: 2002-01-01 words: 4838 flesch: 59 summary: � Cryptography for securing user data and support for any appropriate cipher algorithm to protect data. Keywords: file system, replication schema, data protection, consistency, data locating. keywords: access; algorithm; architecture; availability; clients; consistency; data; design; distributed; edges; example; expansion; fig; file; file system; filters; gaston; gfs; graph; high; large; location; managers; means; necessary; neighbor; network; node; number; order; partition; protection; rcnt; read; replica; replication; requests; rm4; rmi; rmj; scale; scheme; security; servers; storage; support; system; test; time; transaction; users; vol; write cache: ap-300.pdf plain text: ap-300.txt item: #649 of 1243 id: ap-3006 author: Kronek, Jakub; Žitný, Rudolf title: FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF AORTAL BIFURCATION date: 2015-12-31 words: 5074 flesch: 58 summary: The solution (Mises stress) converged with the two mesh density parameters (Figure 3). Mises stress (σnomin1, σnomin2), and the distances from the beginning of the paths (lK1, lK2), where the stress drops almost to its nominal value (σ < 1.1σnomin). keywords: acta; analysis; angle; aortic; apex; arterial; atherosclerosis; bifurcation; calculated; carotid; cia; constant; daa; doi:10.1016; elastic; element; engineering; evaluated; factor; figure; finite; geometrical; geometries; geometry; hooke; hyper; increase; internal; journal; linear; material; maximum; measurements; mechanical; mesh; mises; mmhg; model; mpa; non; ogden; parameters; path; polytechnica; pressure; properties; regression; results; scf; shear; stress; stresses; study; taa; thickness; values; vascular; vol; wall cache: ap-3006.pdf plain text: ap-3006.txt item: #650 of 1243 id: ap-302 author: Jokl, M. V. title: Thermal Comfort and Optimum Humidity Part 1 date: 2002-01-01 words: 7554 flesch: 56 summary: This limit enables another hygienic requirement for interiors to be estimated: the acceptable difference be- tween air temperature and surface, wall temperature, and the corresponding difference between air temperature and globe temperature in winter. Air temperature in an enclosed space generally increases from floor to ceiling. keywords: acceptable; acta; activity; air; air temperature; ashrae; asymmetry; body; broadcloth; building; center; change; clothing; cold; comfort; conditions; cooling; czech; difference; discomfort; draft; environment; fig; floor; globe; hard; head; heat; higher; house;; human; humidity; hydrothermal; indoor; insulation; jokl; length; level; light; limit; local; long; mites; new; operative; operative temperature; optimum; people; polytechnica; prague; publishing; radiant; radiation; relative; sedentary; shirt; shoes; sleeve; sources; space; speed; standard; summer; surface; table; technical; temperature; thermal; thick; university; values; vapor; ventilation; vertical; vol; water; windows; winter; work cache: ap-302.pdf plain text: ap-302.txt item: #651 of 1243 id: ap-3026 author: Koleňák, Roman; Prach, Michal; Kostolný, Igor title: ULTRASONIC SOLDERING OF Cu AND Al2O3 CERAMICS BY USE OF Bi-La AND Bi-Ag-La SOLDERS date: 2016-04-30 words: 4592 flesch: 68 summary: % lanthanum addition and Bi solder with 2 wt. 5 Microstructure of Bi2La solder with La phases and microstructure with twins Fig. keywords: al2o3; alloys; analysis; application; bi11ag2la; bi2la; bi2la solder; bismuth; boundary; ceramic; chemical; composition; concentration; conductivity; doi; dsc; fig; figure; formation; free; high; joint; journal; koleňák; lanthanum; lead; materials; matrix; melting; metallic; microstructure; new; phases; results; solder; soldering; substrate; table; temperature; type; ultrasonic; use; vol cache: ap-3026.pdf plain text: ap-3026.txt item: #652 of 1243 id: ap-3028 author: Urminsky, Jan; Marônek, Milan; Jáňa, Miroslav; Morovič, Ladislav title: ANALYSIS OF WELD JOINT DEFORMATIONS BY OPTICAL 3D SCANNING date: 2016-02-29 words: 2636 flesch: 57 summary: This paper presents an analysis of weld joint deformation using optical 3D scanning. Angular deformations are adverse from all group and can degrade the utility of the weld- ment. keywords: alloy; analysis; angular; atos; az31b; bimetal; bratislava; colour; deformation; deviation; explosion; explosive; figure; gom;; joints; materials; max; measurements; measuring; methods; optical; quality; scanned; scanning; steel; surface; table; trnava; volume; weld; welding cache: ap-3028.pdf plain text: ap-3028.txt item: #653 of 1243 id: ap-3032 author: Prachař, Aleš title: COMPARISON OF AXIAL FAN ROTOR EXPERIMENTAL DATA WITH CFD SIMULATION date: 2016-02-29 words: 2616 flesch: 61 summary: The measured quantities, obtained as functions of radial coordinate, were later utilized to calculate inte- gral values (volume flow rate, average total or static pressure). However, the exit static pressure is influenced by the performance of the rotor at various volume flow rates. keywords: acta; agreement; axial; blade; boundary; calculation; cfd; comparison; conditions; data; downstream; edge; experimental; fan; fans; fig; figure; flow; fluid; grid; inlet; measured; model; polytechnica; pressure; problems; radial; relative; research; results; rig; rotor; scheme; settings; simulation; solver; stall; static; structure; s−1; test; total; turbulence; upstream; vector; velocity; volume cache: ap-3032.pdf plain text: ap-3032.txt item: #654 of 1243 id: ap-3033 author: Hromadka, David; Chlup, Hynek; Žitný, Rudolf title: INTEGRAL METHODS FOR DESCRIBING PULSATILE FLOW date: 2016-04-30 words: 4785 flesch: 68 summary: Keywords: pulsatile flow, integral energy, integral momentum, rigid pipe. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there is no in- tegral energy solution for pulsatile flow that takes into account the reverse flow. keywords: acta; approximate; balance; basis; calculated; constant; deviation; difference; differential; energy; equations; error; exact; finite; flow; fluid; function; gradient; i=0; i=1; integral; journal; kinetic; laminar; mathematical; method; model; momentum; pressure; profile; pulsatile; rate; results; reverse; rigid; shear; solution; stress; s−1; time; total; tube; u(r; u2(t; velocity; wall; womersley; πr2 cache: ap-3033.pdf plain text: ap-3033.txt item: #655 of 1243 id: ap-3037 author: Kalde, Nassim; Simonin, Olivier; Charpillet, François title: COMPARISON OF CLASSICAL AND INTERACTIVE MULTI-ROBOT EXPLORATION STRATEGIES IN POPULATED ENVIRONMENTS date: 2015-06-30 words: 4946 flesch: 58 summary: Multi-robot exploration consists in coordinating robots for mapping an unknown environment. Multi-robot exploration of unknown environments with identification of exploration completion and post-exploration rendez-vous using ant algorithms. keywords: acta; agent; approach; assignments; average; best; charpillet; classical; conference; cost; coverage; distance; environment; exploration; fig; figure; frontier; greedy; grid; group; heuristic; hri; human; ieee; intelligent; interaction; international; local; mixed; mobile; model; mre; multi; penalties; penalty; performance; polytechnica; populated; presence; present; proceedings; robot; robot exploration; robotics; set; space; study; system; targets; task; time; unknown; unstructured cache: ap-3037.pdf plain text: ap-3037.txt item: #656 of 1243 id: ap-3039 author: Kulich, Miroslav; Juchelka, Tomáš; Přeučil, Libor title: COMPARISON OF EXPLORATION STRATEGIES FOR MULTI-ROBOT SEARCH date: 2015-06-30 words: 4852 flesch: 66 summary: In addition, approaches based on K-means clustering and assigning the clusters to particular robots are presented in [16, 17] Intuitively, multi-robot search is a process of au- tonomous navigation of a team of mobile robots in an a-priori unknown environment in order to find an ob- 162 vol. Framework The framework for multi-robot search is based on Yamauchi’s frontier-based approach [9], successfully used for exploration, which uses an occupancy grid as the environment representation. keywords: algorithm; approach; area; art; assignment; comparison; conf; cost; doi:10.1109; environment; experiments; exploration; figure; framework; frontier; function; goal; greedy; hospital; hungarian; ieee; int; left; map; means; method; multi; new; number; object; optimal; order; paper; path; planning; problem; process; region; results; right; robotics; robots; search; selection; single; step; strategies; strategy; task; time; unknown cache: ap-3039.pdf plain text: ap-3039.txt item: #657 of 1243 id: ap-304 author: Ficker, T.; Podešvová, Z. title: Non-isothermal Diffusion of Water Vapour in Porous Building Materials date: 2002-01-01 words: 1727 flesch: 60 summary: For this purpose the coefficient of diffusion permeability � is defined as follows � �� T g d p p * � � d 1 2 (1), T T T * � �1 2 2 (2) where d is the thickness of the envelope (wall), gd is diffusion flux and p1, p2 are partial pressures of water vapour at both surfaces of the wall. 2 Non-isothermal diffusion of water vapours If there are no sources of diffusing particles and unidirect- ional steady state diffusion through a porous medium with diffusion constant D has been established, then Fick’s general equations can be rewritten in the simpler form q D c x d d d � � , (3) d d d dx D c x � � � � 0, (4) where concentration c of diffusing particles, i.e. molecules of water vapour, can be replaced by partial pressure p and absolute temperature T, according to the equation of thermo- dynamic state pV mRT c m V c R p T R� � � � � �, , , [ ] 1 462 1 1Jkg K . keywords: conditions; diffusion; isothermal; non; p t; partial; porous; pressure; profile; t t; temperature; vapour; wall; water cache: ap-304.pdf plain text: ap-304.txt item: #658 of 1243 id: ap-3040 author: Matignon, Laetitia; Jeanpierre, Laurent; Mouaddib, Abdel-Illah title: DECENTRALIZED MULTI-ROBOT PLANNING TO EXPLORE AND PERCEIVE date: 2015-06-30 words: 6176 flesch: 61 summary: Then we present our Dec- MDP resolution, based on DVF, and its application to multi-robot exploration. 176 Acta Polytechnica 55(3):169–176, 2015 1 Introduction 2 Context 2.1 The CaRotte Challenge 2.2 The Robots_Malins System 3 State of the art 3.1 Multi-robot exploration 3.2 Active perception combined with exploration 4 Interaction-oriented Models 4.1 Background on Dec-MDP 4.2 Interaction-oriented Models 5 DVF for multi-robot exploration 5.1 Interaction Sparse Dec-MDP with DVF 5.2 DVF applied to multi-robot exploration 5.2.1 MDP Model 5.2.2 DVF 5.2.3 Decision step 5.2.4 Experiments 6 Planning to explore and perceive 6.1 DVF extension to improve photo coverage of the space keywords: a.-i; acta; active; agent; algorithm; areas; arena; augmented; autonomous; camera; challenge; complexity; coordination; coverage; decentralized; decision; detection; different; distributed; dvf; environment; experiments; exploration; frontier; function; global; information; interaction; jeanpierre; joint; layer; local; location; map; mapping; mdp; mdps; mission; models; module; mouaddib; multi; new; object; perception; photos; pictures; planning; policy; present; proc; real; recognition; resolution; reward; robot; robot exploration; set; space; state; step; system; taking; time; unknown; value cache: ap-3040.pdf plain text: ap-3040.txt item: #659 of 1243 id: ap-3047 author: Kühnel, Matthias; Falkner, Sebastian; Grossberger, Christoph; Ballhausen, Ralf; Dauser, Thomas; Schwarm, Fritz-Walter; Kreykenbohm, Ingo; Nowak, Michael A.; Pottschmidt, Katja; Ferrigno, Carlo; Rothschild, Richard E.; Martínez-Núñez, Silvia; Torrejón, José Miguel; Fürst, Felix; Klochkov, Dmitry; Staubert, Rüdiger; Kretschmar, Peter; Wilms, Jörn title: THE GOODNESS OF SIMULTANEOUS FITS IN ISIS date: 2016-02-29 words: 4403 flesch: 66 summary: After a model with p parameters has been defined each of these data-groups is fitted by an individual set of parameters, called group parameters. A model with p + P parameters is fitted such that each data-group has its own set of pi parameters, called group parameters. keywords: account; acta; analysis; case; combined; continuum; data; datasets; degrees; energy; example; failed; features; fig; fit; fits; freedom; functions; global; goodness; group; histogram; individual; iron; isis; j1008−57; kev; kühnel; line; model; number; parameters; ray; residuals; simultaneous; simultaneous fit; spectra; spectrum; statistics; value; vela; x-1; xte; χ2red cache: ap-3047.pdf plain text: ap-3047.txt item: #660 of 1243 id: ap-306 author: Jokl, M. V. title: Thermal Comfort and Optimum Humidity Part 2 date: 2002-01-01 words: 3818 flesch: 58 summary: For warm air heating, the above pattern of air streams within a room is the best way to prevent the formation of a cold draft. The basic principle for warm air heating is that warm air must be released from above and must then go down, i.e., it must be supplied to the ceiling of a room. keywords: air; body; building; ceiling; changes; cold; comfort; conditioning; control; cooling; czech; draft; environment; fig; heating; human; humidity; hydrothermal; individual; indoor; interior; jokl; location; louvres; new; optimum; prague; principle; room; source; summer; system; technical; temperature; university; vapor; ventilation; warm; water; way; window; winter cache: ap-306.pdf plain text: ap-306.txt item: #661 of 1243 id: ap-3064 author: Sirůčková, Hana title: EXPERIMENTAL LEVELLING AT THE INTERFACE OF OPTICAL ENVIRONMENTS date: 2016-04-30 words: 4732 flesch: 62 summary: Temperature measurement The temperatures were measured with the digital ther- mometer BTM-42083D equipped with 12 temperature sensors. Temperature sensors were positioned, the levelling set was measured between the exterior point and a point in the centre of the atrium. keywords: 007; building; calculated; december; difference; dna; effect; entrance; environments; experiment; february; figure; ground; height; horizontal; humidity; influence; instrument; interface; koni; levelling; library; line; measured; measurement; measuring; november; optical; outside; point; prague; pressure; range; refraction; sensors; sight; temperature; temperature sensors; values; vertical; weather cache: ap-3064.pdf plain text: ap-3064.txt item: #662 of 1243 id: ap-308 author: Pokorná, O.; Mocková, D. title: The Risks of Investments in Transport Infrastructure Projects date: 2002-01-01 words: 2880 flesch: 49 summary: The main risks facing infrastructure projects are pre-con- struction activity, construction, traffic and revenue, currency, force majeure, tort liability, political risk and financial risk. Financial risks: interest rates Financial risk is the risk that project cash flows may be insufficient to cover debt servicing and then to pay an adequate return on sponsor equity. keywords: analysis; best; capital; changes; construction; contracts; costs; currency; czech; debt; decision; delays; evaluation; finance; financial; financing; force; form; government; guarantees; identification; infrastructure; interest; investment; investors; land; legal; majeure; major; phase; political; pre; private; project; public; regulatory; responsibility; revenue; risks; sector; technical; toll; traffic; transport; university cache: ap-308.pdf plain text: ap-308.txt item: #663 of 1243 id: ap-3088 author: Horník, Jakub; Krum, Stanislav; Tondl, David; Puchnin, Maxim; Sachr, Pavel; Cvrček, Ladislav title: MULTILAYER COATINGS Ti/TiN, Cr/CrN AND W/WN DEPOSITED BY MAGNETRON SPUTTERING FOR IMPROVEMENT OF ADHESION TO BASE MATERIALS date: 2015-12-31 words: 1969 flesch: 56 summary: Highest adhesion was achieved in case of W/WN and Cr/CrN. The combi- nation of highest hardness, modulus of elasticity and best adhesion promotes W based coatings, especially the FGM type, to be very perspective for tribological application. cupola character, in case of W based coating prevails the cauliflower appearance. keywords: acta; adhesion; case; coatings; composition; crn; deposition; elasticity; fgm; hardness; layers; load; materials; max; mechanical; modulus; multilayer; properties; pvd; results; scratch; steel; structure; substrate; surface; systems; test; values; wt% cache: ap-3088.pdf plain text: ap-3088.txt item: #664 of 1243 id: ap-310 author: Rieger, F. title: Pumping Efficiency of Screw Agitators in a Tube date: 2002-01-01 words: 1400 flesch: 62 summary: In the turbulent region, the values of a and c / Re are independent of Re, and the power characteristic can be approximated by the following equation Po c ae� � �Re . The effect of Reynolds number on pumping characteristics was shown in [1]. keywords: characteristics; dependence; dimensionless; efficiency; fig; max; number; power; pumping; region; reynolds; screw; values cache: ap-310.pdf plain text: ap-310.txt item: #665 of 1243 id: ap-3105 author: Košťáková, Petra; Stovicek, Pavel title: THE AHARONOV-BOHM HAMILTONIAN WITH TWO VORTICES REVISITED date: 2016-06-30 words: 7247 flesch: 79 summary: For x,y ∈ M̃ ∪A∪B set χ(x,y) = 1 if the points x, y can be connected by a geodesic segment, and χ(x,y) = 0 otherwise. Verification of the propagator formula We have to show that, for x0 ∈ M̃ fixed, the propagator K(t,x,x0) defined in (9), (10) verifies the condition( i ∂ ∂t + ∆ ) K(t,x,x0) keywords: acta; aharonov; analysis; bloch; bohm; boundary; case; covering; c∞0; denote; differential; discrete; domain; equivariant; exp; extension; finite; formula; free; function; fundamental; geodesic; group; half; hamiltonian; hilbert; k(t; kγ(t; magnetic; manifold; math; operator; path; periodic; phys; plane; points; polytechnica; propagator; set; space; terms; tn−1; type; unitary; universal; values; vortices; z(t; šťovíček; χ(x; ∂−→n cache: ap-3105.pdf plain text: ap-3105.txt item: #666 of 1243 id: ap-312 author: Kavan, M. title: Education for Production and Operations Management date: 2002-01-01 words: 3486 flesch: 44 summary: Keywords: production and operations management, study programme, department of mechanical engineering enterprise management, Czech business and industry,Czech Technical University in Prague, education, lean operations management, Toyota production system. This programme brings together theory and prac- tice in a broad overview of operations management (OM), dealing with the production process, interactions with other business functions, and also business strategy. keywords: activities; business; concepts; control; course; czech; department; design; education; effective; engineering; enterprise; faculty; field; house; industry; inventory; knowledge; lean; learning; management; manufacturing; new; operations; operations management; organizations; planning; practices; prague; principles; problem; process; production; products; programme; quality; research; services; strategy; students; study; systems; teaching; teams; technical; time; today; tools; training; university; work; world cache: ap-312.pdf plain text: ap-312.txt item: #667 of 1243 id: ap-314 author: Coiro, D. P.; Nicolosi, F. title: Design of a Three Surfaces R/C Aircraft Model date: 2002-01-01 words: 5620 flesch: 60 summary: It can be observed that canard stalls around � � 16° and this reflects on global lift and especially the global moment coefficient curve. It can be observed that the global (TOT) moment curve strongly “feels” the canard stall at � � 16° and a high negative pitching tendency results. keywords: acta; aerodynamic; aircraft; airfoil; analysis; angles; canard; characteristics; chord; code; conditions; configuration; czech; design; dimensions; drag; efficiency; engine; fig; flap; flight; fuselage; good; high; higher; house;; lift; low; main; maximum; measured; model; moment; polytechnica; position; power; propeller; publishing; results; span; speed; stability; stall; surface; table; tail; technical; tunnel; university; vol; weight; wind; wing cache: ap-314.pdf plain text: ap-314.txt item: #668 of 1243 id: ap-3143 author: Plankovskyy, Sergiy; Shypul, Olga; Tsegelnyk, Yevgen; Tryfonov, Oleg; Golovin, Ivan title: SIMULATION OF SURFACE HEATING FOR ARBITRARY SHAPE’S MOVING BODIES/SOURCES BY USING R-FUNCTIONS date: 2016-12-31 words: 3693 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: numerical methods; moving heat sources; ray tracing; R-functions method. The problem of heating bodies of finite dimensions by moving heat sources is considered in fewer studies. keywords: action; analytical; arbitrary; axis; beam; blade; bodies; body; boolean; case; complex; determination; energy; equal; expression; figure; flux; functions; geometric; geometry; heat; heat source; heated; heating; journal; jrad; laser; law; mesh; method; motion; numerical; plasma; points; primitives; problem; ray; shape; simulation; sin; source; sputtering; substrate; surface; system; temperature; time; tracing; use; value; ϕ̇1 cache: ap-3143.pdf plain text: ap-3143.txt item: #669 of 1243 id: ap-316 author: Barták, J.; Hilar, M.; Pruška, J. title: Numerical Modelling of Overburden Deformations date: 2002-01-01 words: 4527 flesch: 54 summary: � After comparing of in situ measured deformation values with calculated deformations on the basic model, the ef- fect of parametric changes on the final deformations was investigated. Horizontal deforma- tions up to 1.6 mm and vertical deformations up to 1.3 mm occurred in the area of the diaphragm wall when the jet-grout curtain was set. keywords: analysis; area; behaviour; construction; cross; curtain; czech; deformations; excavation; exploratory; face; fig; foundation; grouting; heading; horizontal; hvížd’alka; influence; jet; length; lining; mass; massif; maximum; means; measured; mesh; model; modelling; monastery; mrázovka; numerical; plaxis; profile; reduction; results; rock; section; sequencing; settlement; situ; stress; structure; surface; technical; tunnel; type; underground; utility; values; vertical; wall cache: ap-316.pdf plain text: ap-316.txt item: #670 of 1243 id: ap-318 author: Rao, N.; Kusumo, R.; Sinha, A. K.; Scott, M. L. title: System Framework for the Design of an Avionics Architecture with Upgrade Potential date: 2002-01-01 words: 1997 flesch: 39 summary: The complexity of avionics upgrade process is due to the design rigidity of avionics systems architecture. Keywords: avionics systems, avionics upgrade, system approach, avionics architecture. keywords: advanced; aircraft; analysis; approach; architecture; art; asa; avionics; components; design; framework; functional; growth; insertion; life; methodology; mid; military; mission; modules; needs; new; parameters; potential; process; requirements; scott; service; sinha; state; structure; system; technological; technology; upgrade cache: ap-318.pdf plain text: ap-318.txt item: #671 of 1243 id: ap-320 author: Cooper, G.; Thompson, G. title: Concept Design and Reliability date: 2002-01-02 words: 6543 flesch: 55 summary: It is an integrated product design process that is presently being pursued as a collabora- tive activity between the Polhem Laboratory, Lule Technical University, Sweden and UMIST, UK in collaboration with major manufacturing industries in Sweden. Derivation of the specification and concept design is an integrated activity. Thus concept design becomes a set of divergent-convergent design activities that develop an immature concept to maturity by strengthening the concept in response to the salient design requirements. keywords: acta; analysis; available; concept; conceptual; conceptual design; czech; data; design; designer; detail; development; early; engineering; envelope; excursion; failure; fault; fig; fluid; fta; functional; graph; hazard; house;; improvement; increase; information; isbn; iterative; limiting; load; margin; mean; methodology; methods; multi; need; new; number; objective; order; performance; polytechnica; problem; process; product; publishing; rate; reliability; reliable; requirements; results; robust; safety; solid; solutions; space; specification; stage; standard; system; table; technical; techniques; toolbox; tools; university; use; vol cache: ap-320.pdf plain text: ap-320.txt item: #672 of 1243 id: ap-322 author: Jokl, M. V. title: The Impact of Odors date: 2002-01-02 words: 4872 flesch: 60 summary: Indoors, flowers and man-made aromas (cosmetics and detergents, smoke from an open fireplace) are sources of pleasant smells. Odoriferous substances have to come into con- tact with a mucous membrane, if smell perception is to be evoked. keywords: 1989r; acta; adapted; admissible; age; air; ashrae; asthm; bad; building; co2; concentration; czech; dcd; dissatisfied; eur; feelings; fig; house;; human; impact; indoor; interior; jokl; level; limit; long; materials; microclimate; new; odor; optimal; organic; people; perception; person; pleasant; pollution; polytechnica; publishing; quality; range; sense; short; smell; smoke; smoking; sources; standard; subjects; table; technical; term; time; tolerable; tvoc; unadapted; units; university; values; ventilation; vol cache: ap-322.pdf plain text: ap-322.txt item: #673 of 1243 id: ap-324 author: Jokl, M. V. title: Optimization of the Odor Microclimate date: 2002-01-02 words: 3055 flesch: 64 summary: The following equation should be used in the rooms where odor agents, released from building materials, are deci- sive for outdoor air rate: � � R G B B iTVOC e TVOC � �3 6. � � [l/s�m2] (1) where RB � minimum outdoor air rate related to 1 m 2 of floor [l/s�m2], GB � TVOC rate produced within an interior [�g/h�m2 floor] (see Table 1), �eTVOC � TVOC concentration in outdoor air Emission rates declined slowly Table 1: TVOC Emission rates in a building interior sults must be proved by calculations of air rates related to one person. keywords: acta; agents; air; building; carbon; change; chemical; cleaning; co2; concentration; converted; crump; czech; eur; fig; high; house;; human; indoor; jokl; lily; materials; microclimate; odor; olf; outdoor; ozone; person; plants; polytechnica; publishing; quality; rate; removal; room; source; table; technical; tvoc; university; value; ventilation; vol; waste cache: ap-324.pdf plain text: ap-324.txt item: #674 of 1243 id: ap-326 author: Usama, S.; Šimák, B. title: A Low-complexity Wavelet Based Algorithm for Inter-frame Image Prediction date: 2002-01-02 words: 2851 flesch: 61 summary: The results show that MRVBS is usually better than the FS and TSS algorithms, especially with slow motion video sequences. One family of fast block motion estimation algorithms relies on the idea of predicting the approximate large-scale motion vectors in the coarse-resolution video and refining the prediction motion vectors to find the final values. keywords: algorithm; america; better; block; central; comparison; dbs; estimation; fig; frame; gaussian; image; influence; layer; miss; mixed; motion; mrvbs; multi; new; noise; performance; process; psnr; resolution; results; search; sequence; simulation; size; tss; video; vol; wavelet cache: ap-326.pdf plain text: ap-326.txt item: #675 of 1243 id: ap-3260 author: Opatřil, Jan; Havlík, Jan; Bartoš, Ondřej; Dlouhý, Tomáš title: AN EXPERIMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF THE PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER CHARACTERISTICS BY WILSON PLOT METHOD date: 2016-10-31 words: 4466 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: plate heat exchanger; Wilson plot; experimental measurement; heat transfer; pressure drop; friction factor. (2) In single phase fluid flow heat transfer, generally, Nu is represented by a pragmatic expression such as the one given in (3). keywords: boiler; chevron; coefficient; cold; convection; data; dependence; different; dimpel; evaluation; exchanger; experimental; figure; flow; fluid; heat; heat exchanger; heat transfer; hot; international; jan; linear; loop; measured; measurement; method; number; ohtc; parameters; performance; phe; plate; plate heat; plot; plot method; pressure; rate; regression; table; temperature; thermal; transfer; tubular; values; water; wilson cache: ap-3260.pdf plain text: ap-3260.txt item: #676 of 1243 id: ap-3265 author: Kalnins, Ernest G.; Miller, Jr, Willard; Subag, Eyal title: LAPLACE EQUATIONS, CONFORMAL SUPERINTEGRABILITY AND BÔCHER CONTRACTIONS date: 2016-06-30 words: 7490 flesch: 64 summary: There is a similar definition of ordinary Stäckel transforms of Helmholtz superintegrable systems HΨ = EΨ which takes superintegrable systems to superintegrable systems, essentially preserving the quadratic algebra structure • All the 2nd order superintegrable systems are limit- ing cases of a single system: the generic 3-parameter potential on the 2-sphere, S9 in our listing [13], or are obtained from these limits by a Stäckel trans- form (an invertible structure preserving mapping of superintegrable systems keywords: 2nd; algebra; basis; bôcher; classical; classification; complex; conformal; constant; contractions; coordinates; curvature; dimensional; equations; flat; free; functions; hamiltonian; helmholtz; ix4)2; kalnins; koenigs; laplace; lie; limits; math; miller; nondegenerate; order; parameter; phys; post; potential; quadratic; quantum; second; separable; so(4,c; space; sphere; structure; stäckel; superintegrability; superintegrable; superintegrable systems; symmetries; symmetry; systems; theorem; transform; v[1,1,1,1; v[2,1,1; v[2,2; v[3,1; v[4; x22 cache: ap-3265.pdf plain text: ap-3265.txt item: #677 of 1243 id: ap-3266 author: Pospíšil, Jiří; Lisý, Martin; Špiláček, Michal title: OPTIMALIZATION OF AFTERBURNER CHANNEL IN BIOMASS BOILER USING CFD ANALYSIS date: 2016-10-31 words: 3830 flesch: 53 summary: The values of kinetic energy of turbulence obtained from the carried out parametrical study are presented in Figure 6. Kinetic energy of turbulence generally increases with increasing velocity of flue gas flow. Left of each subfigure: highest concentrations – section plan view; right: concentration in the cut – view in the direction of flue gas flow. keywords: air; biomass; boiler; chamber; channel; combustion; concentration; conditions; cross; cross section; cut; diameter; distribution; duct; energy; figure; flow; flue gas; free; fuel; gas; gas duct; gas flow; increase; kinetic; local; maximum; minimum; mixing; option; orifice; parametrical; pipe; pressure; reduction; secondary; secondary air; section; study; temperature; trace gas; turbulence; velocity cache: ap-3266.pdf plain text: ap-3266.txt item: #678 of 1243 id: ap-328 author: Haghi, A. K. title: A Mathematical Approach for Evaluation of Surface Topography Parameters date: 2002-01-02 words: 3104 flesch: 66 summary: The correlation function (5) can be represented as [3]: � � � � � � � �� � K x x y y C x y C x y n G n n n 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 , , , , , , ! � � � � �� � � � � � (6) � � � � � � � � C x y G h The following notation is now used: � � � �S K KK GG G d d� �� �� 1 0 0 1 2 1 2 00 , ,� � � � (14) with L L SK1 2! keywords: component; deterministic; equation; mathematical; parameter �; random; s x; surface; transformation; x y; y s; y y; y �; � exp; � g; � k; � ras; � s; � � cache: ap-328.pdf plain text: ap-328.txt item: #679 of 1243 id: ap-330 author: Tesař, V. title: Sampling by Fluidics and Microfluidics date: 2002-01-02 words: 6098 flesch: 61 summary: A similar tree- -like connection principle at higher levels is applied to build sampling units for a larger number of sample flows. This would, of course, also apply if there were more valve pairs in a sampling unit handling a larger number of sample flows. keywords: acta; analyser; attachment; case; channels; chemical; circuit; cleaning; closed; collector; control; control flow; czech; diagram; difference; driving; effect; elements; example; fig; flow; fluidic; guard; high; house;; interaction; jet; junction; large; main; microfluidic; nozzle; number; open; operating; opposite; output; polytechnica; pressure; publishing; pump; pumping; pyv; reactors; required; reverse; reynolds; sample; sample flow; sampling; schematic; single; small; state; supply; technical; terminals; tesař; time; unit; university; valve; vent; vol cache: ap-330.pdf plain text: ap-330.txt item: #680 of 1243 id: ap-332 author: Rieger, F.; Rzyski, E. title: Mixing Suspensions in Slender Tanks date: 2002-01-02 words: 3183 flesch: 63 summary: 2 Experimental Experiments were carried out in a cylindrical flat-bot- tomed (glass) tank of diameter D � 0.2 m, filled with a liquid to a height of H � D or H � 2D. In the tank there were four standard baffles and a pitched four-blade impeller (� � 45°). 54 © Czech Technical University Publishing House Acta Polytechnica Vol. 42 No. 2/2002 500 750 1000 1250 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2 3 4 5 three impellers one impeller two impellers l 0.5·� d l 0.5·� d l 0.5·� d l 0.5·� d l � d l � d l � d l 1.5·� d l 1.5·� d four impellers five impellers � n [min ] �1 Fig. 13: Relative standard deviation of suspension concentration (particles � � 1.34 mm) in the tank H � 2 D 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 1 10 one impeller two impellers, l = 1.5·d three impellers, l = 1.5·d four impellers, l = ·d five impellers, l = 0.5·d � �s Fig. keywords: concentration; deviation; different; distance; distribution; fig; frequency; height; homogeneity; impellers; liquid; min; mixing; number; particles; power; relative; rotation; solid; standard; suspension; tank cache: ap-332.pdf plain text: ap-332.txt item: #681 of 1243 id: ap-334 author: Grünwald, A.; Šťastný, B.; Slavíčková, K.; Slavíček, M. title: Formation of Haloforms during Chlorination of Natural Waters date: 2002-01-02 words: 2208 flesch: 62 summary: Among all the different parameters for characterizing NOM of given water, UV254 and specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA� � UV�/DOC) at a particular wavelength (�) has often correlated well with DBP formation [7]. This paper deals with the formation potencial of disinfection by-products in water samples taken from different places in the Flaje catchment. keywords: acid; chlorine; concentration; czech; dbps; disinfection; doc; fig; flaje; formation; haafp; haas; humic; matter; natural; nom; organic; parameters; potential; potok; products; radní; samples; sampling; stream; tab; thmfp; thms; university; vol; water cache: ap-334.pdf plain text: ap-334.txt item: #682 of 1243 id: ap-336 author: Kreidl, M.; Houfek, P. title: Reducing Ultrasonic Signal Noise by Algorithms based on Wavelet Thresholding date: 2002-01-02 words: 3104 flesch: 60 summary: The coefficient of noise reduction �SN was defined for a comparison of the success of the used algorithms, according to Eq. 60 © Czech Technical University Publishing House Acta Polytechnica Vol. 42 No. 2/2002 Reducing Ultrasonic Signal Noise by Algorithms based on Wavelet Thresholding M. Kreidl, P. Houfek Traditional techniques for reducing ultrasonic signal noise are based on the optimum frequency of an acoustic wave, ultrasonic probe construction and low-noise electronic circuits. keywords: -10; algorithm; analysis; bior; coefficient; czech; decomposition; detail; different; echo; fig; level; maximum; methods; noise; noise reduction; nsr; optimum; reduction; results; signal; simulated; technical; threshold; thresholding; ultrasonic; university; value; vol; wavelet; waves cache: ap-336.pdf plain text: ap-336.txt item: #683 of 1243 id: ap-338 author: Beran, V. title: Optimisation and Just-in-Time date: 2002-01-02 words: 3361 flesch: 61 summary: Finishing processes in construction production are an appropriate place for practic- ing JIT methods. It is very probable that wherever construction work has been carried out at a loss or at a low profit, bad time and volume scheduling will have played a significant role in the bad economic results. keywords: acta; activities; capacity; conditions; construction; contract; costs; czech; deadlines; demand; execution; fig; fixed; house;; industry; jit; latest; low; management; minimum; optimisation; payments; polytechnica; possible; problem; production; project; publishing; risk; section; segment; solution; speed; technical; technological; time; total; university; vol; work cache: ap-338.pdf plain text: ap-338.txt item: #684 of 1243 id: ap-340 author: Bednařík, M.; Koníček, P.; Červenka, M. title: Solution of the Burgers Equation in the Time Domain date: 2002-01-02 words: 3678 flesch: 69 summary: (8) The integration itself can be performed by means of the Simpson method, which is based on approximating the inte- grated function in the segments by parts of a parabola � � � � � � � �f z z q q n f z f z f z q q d 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 � � � � � �� [ � � � � � � �� � �� �2 42 1f z f z f zn n n ], (9) where n � 2k, k N� is the number of equidistant intervals and � �z q i q q ni � � �1 2 1 . Homogeneous Burgers equation � � � � � � � � � � v x c v v b c v � � � 0 2 0 0 3 2 22 0, (1) here v is acoustic velocity, � is retarded time, � � �t x c0, where t is time, x is the distance from the sound source, c0 is the velocity of sound propagation in the linear approxima- tion, b is the dissipation coefficient, �0 is density of medium, � is nonlinearity coefficient. keywords: amplitude; burgers; burgers equation; case; domain; equation; f z; finite; function; integrand; method; nonlinear; number; plane; point; s y; s �; solution; sound; time; transformation; v y; vol; waves; y y; y z; y �; z s; � exp; � � cache: ap-340.pdf plain text: ap-340.txt item: #685 of 1243 id: ap-3408 author: Mouralova, Katerina; Kovar, Jiri; Houska, Pavel title: EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF WEDM MACHINED SURFACE WAVINESS date: 2016-10-31 words: 3462 flesch: 61 summary: 4. Conclusions and discussion The morphology of sample surfaces is made up of a large number of craters which were formed by ero- sion process [15,16]. ZHR 4150AK hardness tester, series Rockwell by Zwick Roell was used for the measurement of hardness of sample material. keywords: 99.5; acta; advanced; alloy; average; current; discharge; doi:10.1007; electrical; evaluation; experimental; fig; figure; heat; high; individual; journal; machined; machining; manufacturing; material; maximum; measured; measurement; number; optimization; parameters; points; polytechnica; process; profile; results; samples; surface; technology; ti-6al-4v; titanium; treatment; values; waviness; wedm; wire cache: ap-3408.pdf plain text: ap-3408.txt item: #686 of 1243 id: ap-3411 author: Gubbiotti, Giorgio; Levi, Decio; Scimiterna, Christian title: ON PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL AND DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS WITH SYMMETRIES DEPENDING ON ARBITRARY FUNCTIONS date: 2016-06-30 words: 5496 flesch: 61 summary: Startsev, Darboux integrable discrete equations possessing an autonomous first-order integral, J. Phys. In the following Section we will present some results on the construction of PDE’s presenting generalized symmetries depending on arbitrary functions and relate them to Darboux integrable equations. keywords: arbitrary; arbitrary functions; autonomous; case; characteristic; classification; darboux; difference; differential; direction; discrete; doi:10.1007; equation; factorizable; following; functions; generalized; generalized symmetries; generator; group; gubbiotti; infinitesimal; integrable; levi; lie; linearizable; liouville; math; n+1; nonlinear; operators; order; partial; pde; phys; point; present; p∆e; results; role; scimiterna; second; symmetries; symmetry; systems; theor; tm−1,n; v0,0; variables; winternitz cache: ap-3411.pdf plain text: ap-3411.txt item: #687 of 1243 id: ap-342 author: Jahoda, M.; Machoň, V.; Vlach, L.; Fořt, I. title: Macro-instabilities of a Suspension in an Axially Agitated Mixing Tank date: 2002-01-03 words: 3470 flesch: 62 summary: The dependence of the mean value of the dimensionless frequency of macro-instability occurrence on impeller speed for constant solid concentration 10 % by weight is shown in Fig. The dependence of the mean value of the dimensionless frequency of macro-instability occurrence on solid concentration for constant impeller speed is shown in Fig. keywords: axial; baffle; circulation; clearance; concentration; czech; diameter; dimensionless; edge; field; fig; flow; fořt; frequency; impeller; instabilities; loop; macro; mean; mixing; occurrence; origin; particles; region; solid; speed; stirred; stream; surface; suspension; value; velocity; vessel; vol; vortex; vortices cache: ap-342.pdf plain text: ap-342.txt item: #688 of 1243 id: ap-3436 author: Vaněček, Jan; Štroner, Martin title: TESTING THE ACCURACY OF MEASURED VALUES IN CONTINUOUS LONG-TERM GEODETIC MONITORING date: 2016-12-31 words: 6378 flesch: 59 summary: Important coefficients of approximation curves of horizontal direction standard deviations. Standard deviation of horizontal direction for all tested reference points. keywords: accuracy; acta; air; analysis; angle; approximation; approximation curve; automatic; average standard; calculated; calculated standard; calculation; case; changes; coefficient; comparison; curve; daily standard; days; deviations; difference; distance; fig; figure; function; geodetic; horizontal; horizontal direction; important; intervals; limit; linear; manufacturer; measured; measurements; mgon; monitoring; period; point; reference; reference point; results; size; slope; slope distance; standard deviation; station; system; table; temperature; testing; time; total; trend; values; zenith; zenith angle cache: ap-3436.pdf plain text: ap-3436.txt item: #689 of 1243 id: ap-3438 author: Prorok, Amanda; Ani Hsieh, M.; Kumar, Vijay title: ADAPTIVE DISTRIBUTION OF A SWARM OF HETEROGENEOUS ROBOTS date: 2016-02-29 words: 6524 flesch: 64 summary: As a consequence, we do not employ optimization methods that utilize final robot distributions in their formula- tions (which is the case in the works presented by [8] and [13]). Notation We consider a community of S robot species, with a total number of robots N, and N(s) robots per species such that ∑S s=1 N (s) = keywords: adaptive; capabilities; case; configuration; continuous; control; convergence; cost; derivative; distribution; fig; final; function; gradient; graph; heterogeneous; hsieh; initial; k(s; k(s)f; k(s)ij; kumar; large; matrix; max; method; microscopic; model; multiple; nodes; number; objective; optimal; optimization; present; problem; q(s; random; rank(q; rates; real; respect; results; robot; robot distribution; robotics; s)τ; set; sites; species; state; steady; swarm; system; tasks; time; trait; trait distribution; transition; values; v−1; work; ∂ek cache: ap-3438.pdf plain text: ap-3438.txt item: #690 of 1243 id: ap-344 author: Teplý, B. title: Modelling of Deterioration Effects on Concrete Structures date: 2002-01-03 words: 3973 flesch: 59 summary: Then the following inequality should be satisfied: � � � �Z R S R X X X S Y Y Yn m� � � � �1 2 1 2, , , , , ,� � 0 2: Two periods of structural service life If [Cl � (aq)]cr indicates the diffusion coefficient of Cl � in the aqueous phase (mol/m3) required for the depassivation of steel bars (a critical value), and cc is the concrete cover (mm), then time tcr (years) to depassivation is given by: � �� � � � � �� � t c D cr c e � � � � � � � Cl solid Cl aq Cl sat Cl 1000 31536 10 2 1 2 7 0 . keywords: acta; analysis; basic; carbonation; chloride; cl �; co2; concentration; concrete; corrosion; czech; depth; deterioration; effects; environmental; failure; fig; function; life; limit; model; performance; pitting; polytechnica; prediction; probabilistic; probability; process; random; reinforcement; safety; sensitivity; service; statistical; steel; structures; technical; time; university; value; variables; vol cache: ap-344.pdf plain text: ap-344.txt item: #691 of 1243 id: ap-3440 author: Mendes Filho, José M.; Lucet, Eric title: MULTI-ROBOT MOTION PLANNING: A MODIFIED RECEDING HORIZON APPROACH FOR REACHING GOAL STATES date: 2016-02-29 words: 5644 flesch: 57 summary: The planned initial configuration and initial input for robot Rb must be equal to the initial configuration and initial input of Rb: q∗b (tinit) = qb,init, (2) u∗b (tinit) = ub,init. The planned final configuration and the final input for robot Rb must be equal to the goal configuration and the goal input for Rb: q∗b (tfinal) = qb,goal, (4) u∗b (tfinal) = ub,goal. keywords: account; algorithm; approach; collision; communication; computation; configuration; constraints; cost; d(rb; detection; distance; environment; figure; flat; following; function; goal; horizon; impact; initial; input; mct; method; mobile; motion; motion planning; multi; need; new; number; obstacle; optimization; order; output; parameters; penetration; planning; problem; q∗b; radius; robot; set; solution; states; step; system; team; termination; time; trajectories; trajectory; travel; values cache: ap-3440.pdf plain text: ap-3440.txt item: #692 of 1243 id: ap-3441 author: Genter, Katie; Stone, Peter title: AD HOC TEAMWORK BEHAVIORS FOR INFLUENCING A FLOCK date: 2016-02-29 words: 6675 flesch: 53 summary: Hence, as can be seen in Figure 4, flocks with higher percentages of influencing agents will, on average, converge to θ∗ in a smaller number of time steps than flocks with lower percentages of influencing agents. Additionally, even when a pair of influencing agents shared one or more neighbors, these influencing agents often behaved similarly, and hence did not exert significantly different types of influence. keywords: agent; agent orientation; algorithm; behavior; bestdiff; bestorient; better; converge; coordinated; diff; direction; experimental; figure; flock; flocking; heading; iaorient; influence; line; lookahead; lookahead behavior; neighborhood; neighbors; norient; numagents; numangles; number; orientation; paper; partner; possible; results; section; set; size; step; step lookahead; teamwork; time; time step; vector; velocity; work cache: ap-3441.pdf plain text: ap-3441.txt item: #693 of 1243 id: ap-3453 author: Kawohl, Anne Katherine; Lange, Jörg title: TESTS ON 10.9 BOLTS UNDER COMBINED TENSION AND SHEAR date: 2016-04-30 words: 3836 flesch: 69 summary: The above-mentioned reduction factors for bolt strength at elevated temperatures are based on an extensive series of tests by Kirby [4] on bolts of property class 8.8. [10], where tension tests on bolts were performed by applying compression to the test rig, with the use of different angles as in the test rigs used by Renner keywords: angle; bearing; behaviour; bolts; class; combination; combined; connection; elevated; factors; failure; figure; fire; gonzález; high; load; performance; post; property; pure; reduction; results; rig; rigs; shear; steel; strength; temperature; tensile; tension; tested; tests cache: ap-3453.pdf plain text: ap-3453.txt item: #694 of 1243 id: ap-3454 author: Lišková, Anna; Lacková, Petra; Mihaliková, Mária; Kočiško, Róbert title: IMPACT OF PLASTIC DEFORMATION ON THE PROPERTIES OF A SELECTED ALUMINIUM ALLOY date: 2016-10-31 words: 3788 flesch: 57 summary: This paper reports on an experiment to assess the influence of plastic deformation on the microstructure and properties of EN AW 6012 (AlMgSiPb) aluminium alloy in two states. Keywords: intensive plastic deformation; aluminium alloy; tensile test. keywords: acta; ageing; alloy; aluminium; aluminium alloy; angular; channel; cutting; deformation; doi:10.1016; ecap; engineering; equal; figure; fracture; free; hardness; heat; initial; intensive; lead; materials; mechanical; microstructure; particles; plastic; plastic deformation; polytechnica; post; precipitation; pressing; process; properties; science; section; solution; specimen; state; strength; surface; tensile; test; treatment cache: ap-3454.pdf plain text: ap-3454.txt item: #695 of 1243 id: ap-3455 author: Quan, Guan; Huang, Shan-Shan; Burgess, Ian title: PARAMETRIC STUDIES ON THE COMPONENT-BASED APPROACH TO MODELLING BEAM BOTTOM FLANGE BUCKLING AT ELEVATED TEMPERATURES date: 2016-04-30 words: 5865 flesch: 68 summary: The Cardington fire tests [4] indicated that beam- web shear buckling, as well as beam bottom-flange buckling, near to the ends of steel beams, is very prevalent under fire conditions, as shown in Fig. Conclusions This paper has briefly reviewed an analytical model proposed to predict the post-buckling behaviour of the end-zones of steel beams at elevated temperatures. keywords: abaqus; analytical; analytical model; beam; behaviour; buckling; buckling fig; cantilever; comparisons; component; contraflexure; deflection; development; dharma; element; end; fig; finite; fire; flange; flange buckling; force; length; lines; load; loading; model; modelling; panel; plastic; point; post; proposed; relationship; shear; shear buckling; steel; structural; temperatures; thickness; vertical; web; work; zone cache: ap-3455.pdf plain text: ap-3455.txt item: #696 of 1243 id: ap-3457 author: Háková, Lenka; Hrivnák, Jiří; Motlochová, Lenka title: ON CUBATURE RULES ASSOCIATED TO WEYL GROUP ORBIT FUNCTIONS date: 2016-06-30 words: 7271 flesch: 72 summary: Keywords: Weyl group orbit functions; Jacobi polynomials; cubature formulas. Basic definitions This section reviews the basic concepts and notation from the theory of root systems, Weyl groups and Weyl group orbit functions. keywords: acta; algebra; basis; btλ; case; chebyshev; choice; clenshaw; coefficients; corresponding; cubature; cubature formulas; curtis; degree; domain; dual; exact; families; figure; following; formulas; functions; fundamental; group; hrivnák; integral; integration; itm; jacobi; lie; math; method; motlochová; negative; non; numerical; orbit; orbit functions; orthogonal; p(λ; patera; points; polynomials; polytechnica; region; roots; rules; section; set; simple; special; ssλ+%s; systems; t =; triangle; values; variables; weight; weyl; weyl group; |stabw; λ1,λ2; ∈{0 cache: ap-3457.pdf plain text: ap-3457.txt item: #697 of 1243 id: ap-346 author: Jokl, M. V. title: The Danger of Toxic Substances date: 2002-01-03 words: 6190 flesch: 59 summary: Exhaust fumes from diesel engines produce in addition to NOx and other toxic agents, 3-nitrobenzatrone, which is the most carcinogenic agent discovered so far. Indoor ozone concentration is usually about a half of the outdoor ozone concentration. keywords: + +; acid; acta; admissible; agents; air; atmosphere; breathing; building; carbon; coal; combustion; concentration; czech; dangerous; decay; decrease; dioxide; eco; energy; engines; fig; formaldehyde; gases; harmful; health; higher; hours; human; hydrocarbons; impact; increase; indoor; interior; jokl; kwh; lower; lungs; materials; minutes; monoxide; nitrogen; non; oil; organic; organism; outdoor; oxides; oxygen; ozone; plants; pollution; polytechnica; ppb; quality; research; result; room; smog; smoke; smoking; source; substances; sulfur; table; technical; teflon; time; tobacco; toxic; toxic substances; university; use; value; ventilation; vol; year cache: ap-346.pdf plain text: ap-346.txt item: #698 of 1243 id: ap-3470 author: Vrána, Tomáš; Bradáč, Josef; Kovanda, Jan title: ELASTO-KINEMATIC COMPUTATIONAL MODEL OF SUSPENSION WITH FLEXIBLE SUPPORTING ELEMENTS date: 2016-04-30 words: 5388 flesch: 56 summary: doi:10.1007/978-94-007-5404-1. 155 Acta Polytechnica 56(2):147–155, 2016 1 Introduction 2 MBS model in HyperWorks 3 MBS computational model of independent suspension 3.1 Creation of MBS model 3.2 Flexible models of suspension supporting elements 3.3 Creation of interface nodes 4 Simulations computations 5 Validation of MBS model 5.1 Validation of inertia moments of suspension supporting elements 5.2 Experimental measurement 6 Results and discussion 6.1 Effect of supporting elements flexibility during wheel vertical motion 6.2 Effect of supporting elements flexibility during action of side force 6.3 Effect of supporting elements flexibility during action of longitudinal force 7 Conclusion References Vehicle dynamics simulations with coupled multibody and finite element models. keywords: account; action; angle; arms; bushings; calculated; camber; change; characteristics; computational; effect; elast+flex; elasto; elements; equations; experimental; f(dz; fem; figure; flexibility; flexible; flexible model; force; help; hyperworks; independent; inertia; kinematic; knuckle; load; longitudinal; mbs; mbs model; measurement; mechanism; metal; method; model; natural; nodes; number; parameters; properties; rbe2; results; rigid; rod; rubber; subframe; suspension; system; toe; transverse; values; vehicle; vertical; wheel cache: ap-3470.pdf plain text: ap-3470.txt item: #699 of 1243 id: ap-348 author: Kreidl, M.; Houfek, P. title: Using the Correlation Function in Ultrasonic Non-destructive Testing date: 2002-01-03 words: 2380 flesch: 66 summary: 3: Relationship between noise reduction coefficient �SN of the synthetic signal x(nTv) with the noise ratio SNR � 21 dB, frequencies f and damping coefficients � of the simulated ultrasonic impulse defined by Eq. � ��SN dBef2 ef2 ef1 ef1 � � � � � �20 log U N U N , (5) where Nef1 RMS value of the additive noise in the signal, Nef2 RMS value of noise included in the signal after application in a given algorithm, Uef1 RMS value of the ultrasonic signal, e.g., cor- responding to the flaw echo in the measured signal, Uef2 RMS value of the ultrasonic signal, when applying the tested algorithm. keywords: algorithms; coefficient; correlation; cross; echo; fig; flaw; frequency; function; impulse; mhz; noise; ntv; optimum; parameters; real; reduction; signal; simulated; snr; ultrasonic; value cache: ap-348.pdf plain text: ap-348.txt item: #700 of 1243 id: ap-3483 author: Grundland, Alfred Michel; Levi, Decio; Martina, Luigi title: ON IMMERSION FORMULAS FOR SOLITON SURFACES date: 2016-06-30 words: 9351 flesch: 71 summary: = ϕk − ξαukα, (2.4) where the operators DJ correspond to multiple total derivatives, each of which is a combination of total derivatives of the form Dα = ∂α + ukJ,α ∂ ∂ukJ , α = 1, . . . ,p) and U (with coordinates uk, k = 1, . . . keywords: acta; algebra; associated; cambridge; compatibility; conformal; construction; corresponding; curvature; differential; dαf; equations; field; fokas; following; follows; formula; function; gauge; gel’fand; generalized; group; grundland; immersion; immersion formula; independent; infinitesimal; integrable; integrated; jet; levi; lie; lsp; martina; math; matrices; matrix; model; parameter; pdes; phys; polytechnica; problem; projectors; results; satisfy; section; sigma; soliton; soliton surfaces; solution; space; spectral; su(2)-valued; surfaces; symmetries; symmetry; system; tafel; tangent; terms; transformations; u(n; vector; vol; wavefunction; zcc; |z|2; |z|2)2; φ−1; ω[u; ωrφ cache: ap-3483.pdf plain text: ap-3483.txt item: #701 of 1243 id: ap-3487 author: Sovják, Radoslav; Máca, Petr; Imlauf, Tomáš title: EFFECT OF FIBRE ASPECT RATIO AND FIBRE VOLUME FRACTION ON THE EFFECTIVE FRACTURE ENERGY OF ULTRA-HIGH-PERFORMANCE FIBRE-REINFORCED CONCRETE date: 2016-08-31 words: 5467 flesch: 61 summary: Yoo et al. also reported that the compressive strength was somewhat independent from the fibre geometry. Yoo et al. tested UHPFRC up to 4 % of the fibre volume fraction, and the effective fracture energy values tended to increase as the fibre volume increased (Fig. 9). keywords: aspect; aspect ratio; beams; cement; compressive; concrete; content; doi:10.1016; effective; effective fracture; energy; engineering; et al; experimental; fiber; fibre; fibre aspect; fibre volume; fig; figure; fraction; fracture; fracture energy; high; impact; journal; linear; loading; material; measured; mixture; model; mpa; performance; properties; ratio; reference; results; sample; sovják; steel; strength; study; tensile; tested; uhpfrc; ultra; value; volume; yoo cache: ap-3487.pdf plain text: ap-3487.txt item: #702 of 1243 id: ap-3488 author: Dong, Youwei; Rahmani, Ahmed title: FORMATION CONTROL OF MULTIPLE UNICYCLE-TYPE ROBOTS USING LIE GROUP date: 2016-02-29 words: 6244 flesch: 74 summary: Lie algebra application to mobile robot control: a tutorial. Introduction The various ways to control and coordinate a group of mobile robots widely have been studied in recent years. keywords: acta; aij; algebra; angle; case; circle; communication; configuration; control; cos; directed; equation; exp; figure; formation; formation control; frame; global; graph; group; ḡi; initial; kinematic; law; lie; local; matrix; mobile; motion; multi; multiple; nonholonomic; origin; phase; polytechnica; position; problem; relative; results; robot; rotation; se(2; set; sgn; sin; so(2; system; tan; topology; type; unicycle; velocity; wheels cache: ap-3488.pdf plain text: ap-3488.txt item: #703 of 1243 id: ap-3493 author: De Bie, Hendrik; Genest, Vincent Xavier; Lemay, Jean-Michel; Vinet, Luc title: A SUPERINTEGRABLE MODEL WITH REFLECTIONS ON S^3 AND THE RANK TWO BANNAI-ITO ALGEBRA date: 2016-06-30 words: 3832 flesch: 72 summary: Recently, superintegrable models defined by Hamiltonians involving reflection operators have been the subject of several investigations The study of superintegrable models has proved fruitful in understanding symmetries and their algebraic description, and has also contributed to the theory of special functions. keywords: acta; algebra; bannai; dunkl; eigenfunctions; genest; hamiltonian; ito; i∈a; j1,j2,j3; math; model; operators; osp(1|2; phys; polynomials; polytechnica; quantum; rank; reflections; relations; s21+s; sigma; space; sphere; superalgebra; superintegrable; symmetries; symmetry; system; theor; v.x; vinet; zhedanov; ψ̃m cache: ap-3493.pdf plain text: ap-3493.txt item: #704 of 1243 id: ap-350 author: Čepek, A. title: The GNU GaMa Project - Adjustment of Geodetic Networks date: 2002-01-03 words: 3128 flesch: 57 summary: Our primary platform is GNU/Linux, and to help our users to use GaMa adjustment we have been run- ning a mail-server and a web interface (WebGaMa) based on the PHP scripting language. 2 About GNU GaMa The GaMa project (the acronym comes from Geodesy and Mapping) provides free software written in C++, released under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence keywords: academy; acta; adjustment; available; c++; cit; czech; data; design; development; direction; education; example; fig; format; foundation; free; future; gama; general; geodetic; gnu; house;; idea; inc; input; language; linux; matrix; model; networks; observation; point; polytechnica; project; publishing; rocinante; software; students; technical; university; virtual; vol; web; xml; čepek cache: ap-350.pdf plain text: ap-350.txt item: #705 of 1243 id: ap-3502 author: Znojil, Miloslav title: IS PT-SYMMETRIC QUANTUM THEORY FALSE AS A FUNDAMENTAL THEORY? date: 2016-06-30 words: 2722 flesch: 57 summary: [9] have developed PT -symmetric quantum theory as an extension of quantum theory to non-Hermitian Hamiltonians”) by some more appropriate outline of the history. By their opinion their results “essentially kill any hope of PT -symmetric quantum theory as a fundamental theory of nature”. keywords: -symmetric; bender; conclusions; evolution; false; fundamental; h(f; h(s; hamiltonian; hermiticity; hilbert; inner; lee; lett; locality; model; nature; non; paper; phys; physical; ptqm; quantum; quantum theory; rev; space; standard; theory; toy; unitary; znojil cache: ap-3502.pdf plain text: ap-3502.txt item: #706 of 1243 id: ap-3506 author: Gazeau, Jean-Pierre title: COVARIANT INTEGRAL QUANTIZATIONS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS TO QUANTUM COSMOLOGY date: 2016-06-30 words: 4851 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: integral quantization; covariance; POVM; affine group; Weyl-Heisenberg group; coherent states; FRW model; smooth bouncing. In Section 5 we illustrate the method with recent applications to quantum cosmology where the initial singularity is regularized by using the affine integral quantization. keywords: acta; affine; applications; bergeron; bianchi; canonical; classical; coherent; complex; coset; cosmology; covariant; density; dynamics; dµ(g; example; f(q; functions; gazeau; group; half; heisenberg; hilbert; identity; integral; integral quantization; j.-p; like; line; map; mathematical; małkiewicz; measure; method; model; motion; operator; phase; phys; physical; plane; polytechnica; positive; povm; quantization; quantum; real; representation; rev; section; self; semi; sense; singularity; space; square; symmetry; uir; unitary; universe; weyl cache: ap-3506.pdf plain text: ap-3506.txt item: #707 of 1243 id: ap-3509 author: Szajewska, Marzena; Tereszkiewicz, Agnieszka title: TWO-DIMENSIONAL HYBRIDS WITH MIXED BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS date: 2016-06-30 words: 4105 flesch: 79 summary: The recent discovery of new families of special functions, orthogonal on F , makes it possible to consider not only the Dirichlet or Neumann boundary value problems on F , but also the mixed boundary value problem which is a mixture of Dirichlet and Neumann type, ie. A surprising variety of recently emerged suitable new families of special functions makes that the realization of this idea is relatively simple and straightforward in any dimension. keywords: 2π2; basis; boundary; branching; case; condition; cos; dirichlet; families; figure; following; form; functions; fundamental; group; mixed; neumann; normal; problems; region; section; separation; sin; sla; special; ssa; szajewska; table; value; weyl cache: ap-3509.pdf plain text: ap-3509.txt item: #708 of 1243 id: ap-3511 author: Háková, Lenka; Tereszkiewicz, Agnieszka title: ON GENERALIZATION OF SPECIAL FUNCTIONS RELATED TO WEYL GROUPS date: 2016-12-31 words: 4554 flesch: 74 summary: Weyl group orbit functions are defined in the context of Weyl groups of simple Lie algebras. Weyl group orbit functions The standard way of defining four families of orbit functions uses the concept of sign homomorphisms, i.e., mappings σ : keywords: algebras; character; character functions; continuous; corresponding; discrete; domain; families; finite; following; functions; generalization; groups; homomorphisms; irreducible; jiří; linear; orbit; orthogonality; paper; patera; properties; rank; related; respect; roots; simple; special; theorem; weyl; weyl groups; w∈w; w∈w(a3; λ,µ; −1 −1 cache: ap-3511.pdf plain text: ap-3511.txt item: #709 of 1243 id: ap-3517 author: Hrivnak, Jiri; Motlochova, Lenka title: ON CONNECTING WEYL-ORBIT FUNCTIONS TO JACOBI POLYNOMIALS AND MULTIVARIATE (ANTI)SYMMETRIC TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS date: 2016-08-31 words: 5374 flesch: 68 summary: [6] L. Háková, J. Hrivnák, J. Patera, Four families of Weyl group orbit functions of B3 and C3, J. Math. Formulas for connection between the four types of orbit functions of Bn or Cn and the (anti)symmetric multivariate cosine and sine functions are explicitly derived. keywords: a2)b2; algebras; antisymmetric; case; chebyshev; connection; constant; corresponding; cosine; discrete; formulas; functions; generalizations; groups; hrivnák; jacobi; k=1; lie; math; motlochová; multivariate; orbit; orbit functions; orthogonal; orthogonality; patera; phys; polynomials; roots; simple; sin; special; symmetric; trigonometric; variables; weyl; |stabw; π(k1; σ∈sn cache: ap-3517.pdf plain text: ap-3517.txt item: #710 of 1243 id: ap-352 author: Novák, M.; Faber, J.; Votruba, Z.; Přenosil, V.; Tichý, T.; Svoboda, P.; Tatarinov, V. title: Reliability of Human Subject - Artificial System Interactions date: 2002-01-03 words: 7188 flesch: 50 summary: All these factors combine, with the result that the reliability of human subject – artificial system interaction is limited, above all from the human side. The price that we all pay for insufficiently reliable hu- man – artificial system interaction (above all from the human side) is tremendous. keywords: acceptable; acta; activity; analysis; approach; artificial; artificial system; attention; basis; case; certain; closed; control; correct; course; czech; dangerous; decrease; demands; drivers; eeg; efficiency; example; eyes; factors; fast; fig; general; high; house;; human; human operator; human subject; important; information; interaction; level; life; long; measurements; mental; methods; micro; neural; operation; operator; organism; parameters; polytechnica; probability; problem; pseudo; publishing; reaction; real; region; reliability; results; set; signals; sleep; spectral; state; subject; system; system interaction; technical; time; university; values; vigilance; vol cache: ap-352.pdf plain text: ap-352.txt item: #711 of 1243 id: ap-3521 author: Med, Michal; Souček, Petr title: ANALYSIS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF APPLICATION SCHEMAS FOR THE INSPIRE BUILDINGS THEME date: 2016-08-31 words: 6459 flesch: 53 summary: The Joint Research Center publishes XML schemas for INSPIRE application schemas on its web page For the Buildings theme, only three application schemas have corresponding XML schemas that have already been published. The ways in which the data will be published are described in detail in the Tech- nical Guidance documents for the implementation of INSPIRE Network services. keywords: abstract; acta; application; application schemas; attribute; buildingpart; buildings; buildings theme; buildingsextended2d; cadastre; code; commission; content; czech; data; database; datasets; directive; document; download; elements; european; feature; figure; files; geometry; gml; guidance; implementation; information; inspire; inspire data; iskn; iso; isui; mapping; metadata; national; necessary; number; office; parts; point; polytechnica; portrayal; publication; republic; schemas; services; source; spatial; specification; standard; structure; surveying; technical; theme; transformation; type; use; version; view; web; xml; xml schemas cache: ap-3521.pdf plain text: ap-3521.txt item: #712 of 1243 id: ap-3524 author: Levi, Decio; Rodriguez, Miguel A. title: ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF PARTIAL DIFFERENCE SCHEMES II: DISCRETE VARIABLES AND SCHWARZIAN LATTICES date: 2016-06-30 words: 5973 flesch: 64 summary: + k0 xn,m, τn,m = k3 (32) which clearly do not satisfy (16). Our first choice for the difference scheme is an orthogonal cartesian lattice given, in the coordinates hn,m and σn,m by hyn,m = b, σ y n,m = 0, h x n,m = a, σ x n,m = 0, (29) where a and b are arbitrary constants, which in the continuous limit go to zero. keywords: 0,0; burgers; case; clairaut; construction; continuous; difference; differential; discrete; equation; exact; exponential; figure; group; h y; hyn; independent; invariant; lattice; levi; limit; m −σ; m+j; n+i; non; numerical; order; orthogonal; partial; phys; points; potential; results; schemes; schwarz; schwarzian; section; solutions; symmetries; symmetry; theorem; variables; winternitz; x n; y 0,0; y m; y n; young; σ y; −un cache: ap-3524.pdf plain text: ap-3524.txt item: #713 of 1243 id: ap-3537 author: Likhonina, Raissa title: FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING AND SIMULATION OF VEHICLE IMPACT ON STEEL SAFETY BARRIERS date: 2016-12-31 words: 4353 flesch: 60 summary: And the authors of such publications have come to a similar conclusion that FEA simulation is a very helpful tool for design and construction as well as for testing of crash barriers. Moreover, the calculation results can be used to design and test new and completely innovative types of crash barriers. keywords: acta; ansysr; barriers; calculations; comparison; construction; crash; crash tests; cylinder; czech; density; element; energy; fea; figure; finite; forces; impact; internal; jsam-2; jsnh4; knm; length; lower; manufacturer; mass; material; model; modelling; new; numerical; parameters; parts; polytechnica; real; results; road; safety; simulation; standards; steel; table; tb11; tb42; technical; tests; thickness; time; types; university; value; vehicle; workbenchtm cache: ap-3537.pdf plain text: ap-3537.txt item: #714 of 1243 id: ap-354 author: Šulc, B.; Jan, J. A. title: Non Linear Modelling and Control of Hydraulic Actuators date: 2002-01-03 words: 3905 flesch: 65 summary: (3) we obtain the equations � � � � � �� � � oil c c oil 1 oil d d d d p A x t V A x p p p t p Q Q 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 � � � � � , i � � � � � nt , i � � � � � � �� � � oil c c oil 2 oil d d d d p A x t V A x p p p t p Q 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 �nt � �Q Qext 2 (4) � � d d d d d d 1 oil c c 2 o p t p V A x Q A x t Q p t � � � 1 0 1 1 1 1 , int � � � �� � �� � � � il c ext c 2 d d p V A x Q Q A x t Q2 0 2 2 2 , int � � � � �� � �� (5) where � � � � Q C x p p p p x p p p p Q C 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 � � � � � � � � � ( ) ( sgn sgn sg sg s s s s 1 1 � � � � sg sg s 2 2 s s s x p p p p x p p p p sgn sgn ) � � � � � � � 0 0 2 2 (6) � � Q k p p Q k p int int , , � � � 1 2 2 2 2ext ext where coefficients kint and kext, 2 can be evaluated by means of the general formula by [12] k d r r L C Q p leak i c c 3 N N 6 � �� � � � � � � � 2 0 5 0 . We used the logical operator OR with max function as given below: �y x x� �max , ,1 2 In our case we had one output and five rules. keywords: actuator; control; controller; cylinder; czech; differential; error; fig; flc; friction; function; fuzzy; gaussian; hydraulic; int; isbn; linear; logic; matlab; membership; model; modelling; oil; output; p p; parameters; piston; position; sigmoid; simulink; spool; time; values; valve; variables; velocity; vol; windup cache: ap-354.pdf plain text: ap-354.txt item: #715 of 1243 id: ap-3555 author: Senk, Josef; Jakubova, Ivana; Laznickova, Ilona title: ANALYSIS OF INTENSIVELY BLASTED ELECTRIC ARC BURNING IN THE ARC HEATER'S ANODE CHANNEL date: 2016-10-31 words: 4239 flesch: 61 summary: (6) Solving the equation system in the mash step by step gives axial dependences of arc temperature TA(z), electric field intensity E(z), Mach number Ma(z), power loss Pl(z), voltage UA(z) and finally, at the end, the total arc voltage UA(zL) and Pl(zL) as sums of individual increments. As could be expected, for higher arc currents, the conditions for the arc burning are built in a closer vicinity of the cathode and the arc temperature is higher. keywords: anode; anode channel; anode spot; arc; arc radius; arc temperature; arc voltage; argon; argon flow; cathode; channel; corresponding; cross; current; data; different; drop; electric; electric arc; figure; flow; gas; heater; higher; input; loss; measured; model; near; power; power loss; radius; rate; regions; section; spot; temperature; total; voltage cache: ap-3555.pdf plain text: ap-3555.txt item: #716 of 1243 id: ap-356 author: Římal, J. title: Prague Loretto - Measurements of Moisture Content in Sculptural Group Material date: 2002-01-03 words: 2312 flesch: 51 summary: This method facilitates monitoring of moisture distribution and, therefore, the condition of the sculptural group in a spatial perspective. Keywords: Prague Loretto, measurement of moisture fields, mass transport. keywords: acta; condition; content; copper; czech; distribution; effects; electrodes; group; house;; loretto; mass; measured; measurements; moistening; moisture; period; points; polytechnica; prague; rainfall; s u; sandstone; sculptural; sculptural group; structure; surface; technical; university; values; vol; water cache: ap-356.pdf plain text: ap-356.txt item: #717 of 1243 id: ap-358 author: Římal, J. title: Measurement of Moisture Fields in the Bridge Structure of Charles Bridge date: 2002-01-03 words: 2566 flesch: 51 summary: 3.2 Conditions for moisture field measurement It is necessary to make changes in temperature and moisture fields at the same measurement points and at equal time points, i.e. almost at the same time. Moisture field measurement cannot be performed without parallel temperature field measurement. keywords: acta; arch; bridge; bridge structure; changes; charles; charles bridge; clay; concrete; conditions; czech; field; graph; house;; material; measurement; methods; moisture; moisture field; pavement; point; polytechnica; prague; sensors; slab; structure; technical; temperature; time; university; vol; walls; water cache: ap-358.pdf plain text: ap-358.txt item: #718 of 1243 id: ap-360 author: Hasal, P.; Kratěna, J.; Fořt, I. title: Frequency and Magnitude Analysis of the Macro-instability Related Component of the Tangential Force Affecting Radial Baffles in a Stirred Vessel date: 2002-01-03 words: 6078 flesch: 56 summary: *, , ,� � �1 . The frequency of occurrence of macro-instability related force component is also analysed. keywords: acta; analysis; baffles; blade; blade impeller; chemical; clearance; component; czech; data; dimensionless; eigenmodes; engineering; experimental; fig; flow; fmi; force; fořt; frequency; glycerine; h h2; house;; impeller; instability; liquid; local; macro; magnitude; mean; measured; mixing; number; pattern; pod; polytechnica; power; publishing; radial; related; relative; rem; solution; standard; stirred; tangential; tangential force; target; technical; total; university; value; velocity; vessel; vol cache: ap-360.pdf plain text: ap-360.txt item: #719 of 1243 id: ap-362 author: Dobrovská, D.; Andres, P. title: Technical Teachers and Technical Teacher Education - Research Results date: 2002-01-04 words: 3015 flesch: 48 summary: 4/2002 4 Conclusions � to gain a “further qualification” or a “higher income” are leading motives for technical teachers to study teacher education, while ”interest” in pedagogical study is less common � most technical teachers have no previous experience with non-technical subjects � psychology is the most popular “human science” chosen by technical teachers � most of the respondents agree that technical teacher edu- cation should be obligatory; some have no opinion about the problem � a timetable involving one day weekly is acceptable for most respondents, but they are not in consensus about the desirable length of the programme (ranging from 1 to 4 semesters) � most technical teachers consider that e-learning is not quite suitable for technical teacher education � most also believe that technical university teachers should take some complementary teacher education courses � some subjects studied in technical teacher education are more popular or are felt to be more useful; others are less popular or considered less useful. yes 60 no 6 no opinion 32 other opinion 9 Fig. 11: Do you think technical teacher education should be ob- ligatory for technical university teachers? Subjects Present number of hours Frequency of deviations from the present number of hours (up to) keywords: answer; ctu; czech; education; engineering; fig; frequency; learning; motivation; non; obligatory; opinion; present; programme; qualification; respondents; school; semesters; studies; study; subjects; teacher; teaching; technical; time; university cache: ap-362.pdf plain text: ap-362.txt item: #720 of 1243 id: ap-364 author: Červenka, M.; Bednařík, M.; Koníček, P. title: Temperature Effects in Acoustic Resonators date: 2002-01-04 words: 3046 flesch: 63 summary: (10), applicable equations are derived from relations (8) and (9) � � � � � � � � � � � � � �p t ax x c t ax� �� � � � �� � � �� � � � � � 2 2 2 0 2 0� � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 1 4 3c t x a t c c p � � � � � � � d d � 2 01� � �� � � � � � � � ��� � � t ax , (11) � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � �� � � � � c t c ax c x0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 2 � � � � � � � � � c c c c b c p p 0 2 0 2 0 4 3 2 0 3 0 4 0 1 2 1� � � �� �� � � � � � � � � �� � � �� � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � �� 2 2 2 0 4 0 01 1 � � � � �� t x a t c d d � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � 2 21 2 1 �� � � �� �t ax c t axp � � � � � . keywords: account; acoustic; derivative �; distribution; e �; equation; fig; line; mean; model; resonator; temperature; vol; � b; � exp; � ij cache: ap-364.pdf plain text: ap-364.txt item: #721 of 1243 id: ap-366 author: Bálek, R.; Šlegrová, Z. title: A Comparison of Acoustic Field Measurement by a Microphone and by an Optical Interferometric Probe date: 2002-01-04 words: 2738 flesch: 62 summary: A z A A, sin sin� � � �0 1 1 1 0 2 2 2� � � � . t p t� � � �0 0 1 1 1 0 2 2 2sin sin , (7) or, more simply, � � � � � �� � �z z zt t t� �1 2 (8) � � � �� z izt k p t� 0 , (9) where piz(t) is the integral value of the acoustic pressure. keywords: acoustic; acoustic pressure; amplitudes; axis; buffer; diffraction; field; fig; frequency; generator; harmonic; integral; interaction; khz; laser; light; measured; measurement; microphone; nath; optical; piston; power; pressure; probe; radiator; raman; results; signal; table; theory; waves cache: ap-366.pdf plain text: ap-366.txt item: #722 of 1243 id: ap-368 author: Koníček, P.; Bednařík, M.; Červenka, M. title: Propagation of Quasi-plane Nonlinear Waves in Tubes date: 2002-01-04 words: 6252 flesch: 67 summary: The operators are defined for axisymmetric waves in the cylindrical coordinates by � � � � � � � � � � 2 2 2 2 1 z r r r , (3) � � �e ez r � � � �z r , (4) where z is the coordinate along the axis of the tube, r is the coordinate perpendicular to the axis of the tube, ez is the unit vector along the z axis and er is the unit vector along the r axis. (1) � � � � � � � �� � �� � 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 21 2t c t c t z � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � b c t O � � � � 0 0 2 3 3 ( ). keywords: acoust; acoustic; acta; amplitude; boundary; burgers; case; circular; component; condition; czech; distribution; duct; effects; equation; finite; frequency; harmonic; house;; khz; kzk; kzk equation; layer; longitudinal; means; method; nonlinear; numerical; order; plane; polytechnica; propagation; radius; soc; solution; sound; source; technical; transverse; tube; university; velocity; vol; waveguide; waves; � b; � v; � � cache: ap-368.pdf plain text: ap-368.txt item: #723 of 1243 id: ap-370 author: Sýkora, M. title: Reliability Analysis of a Steel Frame date: 2002-01-04 words: 5769 flesch: 61 summary: d G frame, k roof, k Q snow, k 0 w wind, k � � � � � � � � � � (1) � � � � M M M M M d G frame, k roof, k Q snow, k 0 w wind, k � � � � � � � � � � (2) where � � 0.85 is the reduction factor for permanent actions, �G � 1.35 is the partial factor for permanent actions, �Q � 1.5 is the partial factor for variable actions, and �0,w � 0.6 is the fac- tor for the combination value of the wind action. The design criterion for buckling without lateral-torsional buckling is expressed as: N A f C M W f Sd y, k M1 y my Sd, y p1, y y, k M1 k � � � �1 (6) where, in the critical cross-section of the column, NSd � 115 kN is the design value of the axial force due to the actions, � � 0.63 is the buckling coefficient (the lower of the values �y � 0.63 and �z � 0.80), A is the area of the relevant cross-section (AIPE330 � 6261 mm 2), fyk � 275 MPa is the characteristic value of the yield strength of the steel S275, �M1 � 1.1 is the partial factor for the material property, ky � 1.09 is the moment amplification factor, Cmy � 0.95 is the equivalent uniform moment factor, MSd,y � 132 kNm is the design value of the bending moment due to the actions and Wpl,y is the plastic sectional modulus ( Wpl, y, IPE330 � 804�10 3 mm3). keywords: actions; analysis; annual; area; axial; basic; bound; buckling; characteristic; coefficient; criterion; critical; cross; czech; design; extremes; factor; fig; force; frame; index; invariant; ipe; lateral; load; lower; model; parameters; pressure; probabilistic; reliability; reliability analysis; results; roof; section; sectional; snow; snow load; statistical; structural; time; torsional; value; variables; variant; wind; year cache: ap-370.pdf plain text: ap-370.txt item: #724 of 1243 id: ap-372 author: Novák, J. title: Analysis of Phase Evaluation Algorithms in an Interferometric Method for Static Deformation Measurement date: 2002-01-04 words: 5176 flesch: 61 summary: The resulting error of phase values �� is then given by � �� � � �� � �� � � , (14) where are the calculated phase values and �� are the original phase values. 42 No. 4/2002 A1: N � 3, � � � 4 tan , , , , , , , , �� � � � a b a b a b a b 12 3 2 3 2 12 12 12 3 2 3 2 A2: N � 3, � � � 2 � � � � tan , , , , , , , , , , �� � � � � � � a b b b a a a b a a 1 3 2 3 12 1 3 2 3 12 1 3 1 3 2 3 1� �� �2 2 3 12b b, ,� A3: N � 3, � � 2 3� � � � �� � tan , , , , , , , , , �� � � � � � � 3 3 3 2 12 1 3 3 2 12 1 3 3 2 3 2 12 a b b b a a a b a a� �� �1 3 12 1 3, , ,b b� A4: N � 5, � � � 2 � � � � � � tan , , , , , , , , , �� � � � � � � 2 2 4 3 1 3 5 2 4 3 1 3 5 3 1 3 5 3 1 3 b a a a b b a a b b� �, , ,5 2 4 2 44� a b A5: N � 5, � � � 2 � � tan , , , , , , , , �� � � � � � � �7 3 3 3 34 2 1 3 5 3 12 5 4 4 2 1 3 5 3a b b b b b a a a� �� � � � 12 5 4 4 2 4 2 1 3 5 3 12 5 4 1 3 549 3 3 3 3 , , , , , , , , , , � � � � � � a a b a a a a b b� �3 12 5 4� �b b, , A6: N � 7, � � � 2 � �� � � �� � tan , , , , , , , , �� � � � � � �7 4 4 7 4 4 4 3 5 17 4 2 4 6 3 5 17 4 2 4 6b b a a a a b b � �� � � �� �a a b b a a b b4 2 4 6 4 2 4 6 3 5 17 3 5 174 4 4 7 7, , , , , , , ,� � � � � A7: N � 7, � � � 3 � �� � � � tan , , , , , , , , , �� � � � � � � � �3 6 2 5 3 1 3 2 4 6 4 7 5 6 2 5 3 1 3a a b b b b b b a� �� � � �� � a a a a a b b a a a a 2 4 6 4 7 5 6 2 5 3 6 2 5 3 1 3 2 4 6 43 , , , , , , , , , , � � � � � � � �� �� �7 5 1 3 2 4 6 4 7 5, , , , ,b b b b� � � A8: N � 9, � � � 4 � �� � tan , , , , , , , , , �� � � � � � � � �b b b a a a a a a2 8 3 7 4 6 4 1 5 2 5 8 6 9 2 8 32 2� �� � � � 7 4 6 4 1 5 2 5 8 6 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 2 8 3 72 2 � � � � � � � a b b b b a a a b b , , , , , , , , , ,� � � �� �� � � � � � � �b a a a a b b b b4 6 4 1 5 2 5 8 6 9 4 1 5 2 5 8 6 9, , , , , , , , , A9: N �11, � � � 2 � � � �� � tan , , , , , , , �� � � � � � � �4 8 15 2 4111 9 3 5 7 2 4 10 8 6 4 6 8 1b b b a a a a a� � � �� �, , , , , , , , , 11 9 3 5 7 2 4 10 8 6 4 6 8 111 9 3 8 15 2 8 1 � � � � � � � a a b b b b a a� �� � � �� �5 8 15 16 25 7 111 9 3 5 7 2 4 10 8 6 4 6 8 2a b b b a a a a b, , , , , , , , ,� � � � � � � �� �4 10 8 6 4 6 82� � �b b b, , , Table 3 the fastest three-step and the slowest eleven-step algorithm is approximately 25 %. keywords: accuracy; algorithms; analysis; b b; beam; calculation; change; computing; czech; device; different; error; evaluation; factors; field; house; intensity; interference; measurement; measuring; method; model; number; object; optical; phase; phase calculation; process; publishing; random; shifting; step; systematic; technique; time; university; values; vol; wave; � tan cache: ap-372.pdf plain text: ap-372.txt item: #725 of 1243 id: ap-374 author: Procházka, P. P.; Kugblenu, M. G. title: Certain Discrete Element Methods in Problems of Fracture Mechanics date: 2002-01-04 words: 7679 flesch: 65 summary: x x n�ik i k 2 j jr �� � � � � � 2 where � � � � � � � �A M� � � � � � �� � �� � � � � � �4 2 3, , � �k x x r x x� � � � � �� � � �, , ,i i i 2 1 2 2 2 and � and � are Lame’s material constants. Let us introduce vectors �s, �s, s = 1, …, 6, and also u and p as: � � � � � � � � s s s s s s� � � � � � � � � u u p p 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 , , u � � � � � � � , p � � � � � � 1 2 3 4 5 6 � � � � , b b b b b b b 1 2 3 4 5 6 � � � �� �k s i s ik s k s i s ik s s s keywords: acta; adjacent; behavior; boundary; case; conditions; contact; czech; direction; discrete; disk; displacements; domain; elastic; element; equations; fig; forces; free; hexagonal; house;; ij ij; ij t; ji �; k k; k n; k t; k u; k �; material; matrix; method; n ij; nij; normal; paper; parameters; particles; point; polytechnica; problem; properties; publishing; rotation �; sin; solution; spring; stiffness; tangential; technical; tractions; tran; u u; u x; university; unknown �; vol; y ij; � cos; � j; � n; � s; � t; � tan; � y; � � cache: ap-374.pdf plain text: ap-374.txt item: #726 of 1243 id: ap-376 author: Novák, J. title: New Phase Shifting Algorithms Insensitive to Linear Phase Shift Errors date: 2002-01-04 words: 3294 flesch: 66 summary: The modelled function � �� �� that is shown in Fig. 1 expresses the obtained accuracy for arbitrary phase values �� and the chosen phase shift value �. Then according to the sign of the expressions we can de- termine the wrapped phase values � ��� � �W � , . keywords: accuracy; algorithms; analysis; calculation; computing; czech; detector; error; evaluation; house; intensity; interference; interferometric; measurement; methods; new; optical; phase; phase shift; publishing; shift; table; tan �; technique; time; values; vol cache: ap-376.pdf plain text: ap-376.txt item: #727 of 1243 id: ap-3770 author: Jílková, Lenka; Hlinčík, Tomáš; Ciahotný, Karel title: DETERMINATION OF WATER CONTENT IN PYROLYTIC TARS USING COULOMETRIC KARL-FISHER TITRATION date: 2017-02-28 words: 4150 flesch: 58 summary: [19] Hadaruga, D. I.; et al. Differentiation of rye and wheat flour as well as mixtures by using the kinetics of Karl Fischer water titration. Nano-encapsulation competitiveness of omega-3 fatty acids and correlations of thermal analysis and Karl Fischer water titration for European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) oil/b-cyclodextrin complexes. keywords: anal; analysis; biomass; brown; cell; chem; coal; compounds; content; content determination; coulometric; determination; doi:10.1016; figure; fischer; fischer titration; food; g−1; iodine; karl; karl fischer; liquid; method; oil; organic; oven; phase; pyrolysis; pyrolytic; reaction; results; sample; solution; standard; suitable; tar; tars; temperature; titration; volumetric; water; water content; −−→ cache: ap-3770.pdf plain text: ap-3770.txt item: #728 of 1243 id: ap-378 author: Procházka, P. P.; Kugblenu, M. G. title: Application of Discrete Element Methods to the Problem of Rock Bumps date: 2002-01-04 words: 4204 flesch: 67 summary: A summary is published in [7], where it is pointed out that at failure rocks with a wide range of strengths approximately satisfy the fol- lowing equation: � � � � � � � � � � � � � A 1 2 , where � and � are the shear and normal stresses along the failure plane, �� is the rock tensile strength (note that tension is positive), 2� is a universal constant equal to 0.684 ± correctional term, and A is a material constant. Keywords: free hexagonal element method, statical PFC, localized damage, occurrence of cracking and bumps during mining or tunneling. keywords: acta; bumps; case; coal; conditions; czech; discrete; element; emission; examples; experimental; face; fig; force; free; gas; hexagonal; house;; influence; kpa; loading; material; method; mining; model; movements; mpa; numerical; opening; particles; pfc; polytechnica; pressure; problems; publishing; results; rock; scale; seam; shear; stability; static; strength; technical; tensile; university; vol cache: ap-378.pdf plain text: ap-378.txt item: #729 of 1243 id: ap-3782 author: Oyedoh, Eghe A.; Ekwonu, Michael C. title: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON CHROMIUM(VI) REMOVAL FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION USING ACTIVATED CARBON RESORCINOL FORMALDEHYDE XEROGELS date: 2016-10-31 words: 3742 flesch: 54 summary: Other functional groups may also be involved in metal ions adsorption. Adsorption isotherms Experimental data obtained from the batch tests were analyzed using the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms to determine the isotherm model that described the experimental data more accurately. keywords: acrf; acta; adsorbent; adsorption; aqueous; carbon; chemical; chromium; chromium(vi; concentration; constant; contact; cr(vi; data; diffusion; doi:10.1016; effect; engineering; equilibrium; experimental; figure; fit; formaldehyde; freundlich; initial; ions; isotherm; journal; kinetics; langmuir; maximum; metal; min; order; parameters; ppm; process; pseudo; removal; resorcinol; results; second; solution; studies; surface; temperature; thermodynamics; time; value; water; xerogels cache: ap-3782.pdf plain text: ap-3782.txt item: #730 of 1243 id: ap-3794 author: Masáková, Zuzana; Pelantová, Edita; Starosta, Štěpán title: ITINERARIES INDUCED BY EXCHANGE OF THREE INTERVALS date: 2016-12-31 words: 8095 flesch: 84 summary: Codings of rotations are advantageously interpreted in the language of interval exchange. These cases belong to the most interesting from the combinatorial point of view, since they provide infor- mation about return words to factors, and about the morphisms preserving three interval exchange words. keywords: 3iet; cases; condition; definition; degenerate; distance; exchange; factors; gap; induced; infinite; interval; itineraries; language; lemma; lengths; non; pelantová; points; proof; proposition; r(x; return; set; substitution; theorem; times; transformation; words;  cache: ap-3794.pdf plain text: ap-3794.txt item: #731 of 1243 id: ap-380 author: Fořt, I.; Jirout, T.; Sperling, R.; Jambere, S.; Rieger, F. title: Study of Pumping Capacity of Pitched Blade Impellers date: 2002-01-04 words: 3222 flesch: 61 summary: Three and six blade pitched blade impellers (the pitch angle varied within the interval � � �24°; 45°�) of impeller / vessel diameter ratio D/T � 0.36, as well as a three blade pitched blade impeller with folded blades of the same diameter, were tested. The laser (5 – W Ar ion, manufactured by Spectra Physics, © Czech Technical University Publishing House 69 Acta Polytechnica Vol. 42 No. 4/2002 a/ b/ Fig. 2: Sketch of pitched blade impellers with three or six blades – Czech Standard CVS 691020 (a/ nB � 3: � � 24°, 35°, 45°, b/ nB � 6: � � 45°, h/D � 0.2) Fig. 3: Sketch of a pitched blade impeller with folded blades – Czech Standard CVS 691010 (nB � 3, s/D � 1.5, � � 67°, � � 25°, � � 48°, h/D � 0.2) Fig. 4: Layout of a laser Doppler anemometer with forward scatter mode USA) and optics were mounted on a bench which has a two-dimensional traversing mechanism. keywords: agitated; axial; blade; calculated; capacity; clearance; czech; diameter; dimensionless; discharge; efficiency; energetic; fig; flat; flow; hydraulic; impeller; liquid; mean; measured; number; power; pumping; quantity; radial; region; system; table; velocity; vessel; vol cache: ap-380.pdf plain text: ap-380.txt item: #732 of 1243 id: ap-3803 author: Vannucchi de Camargo, Felipe; Marcos Guilherme, Carlos Eduardo; Fragassa, Cristiano; Pavlovic, Ana title: CYCLIC STRESS ANALYSIS OF POLYESTER, ARAMID, POLYETHYLENE AND LIQUID CRYSTAL POLYMER YARNS date: 2016-10-31 words: 3589 flesch: 54 summary: Always supported by proper standard test- ing regulations for the scale chosen (i.e. fibre, strand, sub cable), the discovery of a constant or function that defines the change in fatigue resistance through the number of yarns associated on it, would be a great gain in applying the research to industry needs, once mathematical extrapolations could be constituted to predict, in the best case scenario, the behaviour of an actual gross rope. The loading rate was imposed as a percent- age of the specimen length: 50 % for AR (250 mm/min) and 100 % for other materials (500 mm/min) keywords: acta; amplitude; analysis; average; behaviour; breaking; conditions; creep; cycles; cyclic; density; endurance; experimental; fatigue; fibres; figure; fragassa; high; impact; lcp; linear; loading; materials; mechanical; mooring; number; oil; order; pet; polyester; polymer; polytechnica; preliminary; rate; resistance; results; ropes; scale; specimens; stress; synthetic; table; tensile; testing; tests; tex; trend; wear; work; yarns; ybl cache: ap-3803.pdf plain text: ap-3803.txt item: #733 of 1243 id: ap-3818 author: Mendonça da Silveira, Francisco Eugenio title: TEARING MODES GROWTH RATE AMPLIFICATION DUE TO FINITE CURRENT RELAXATION date: 2017-02-28 words: 4886 flesch: 73 summary: Therefore, magnetic field lines can break-up into thin filaments. [31] B. Coppi, J. M. Greene, J. L. Johnson. keywords: asymptotic; constant; current; density; dξ2; effects; electric; electron; equilibrium; field; finite; fluid; form; fusion; growth; ideal; inertial; islands; law; layer; limit; lines; magnetic; modes; number; perturbative; perturbed; phys; plasma; rate; relaxation; resistive; resistivity; scales; standard; theory; time; wavelengths; ψ(x cache: ap-3818.pdf plain text: ap-3818.txt item: #734 of 1243 id: ap-3885 author: Kytyr, Daniel; Krčmářová, Nela; Šleichrt, Jan; Fíla, Tomáš; Koudelka, Petr; Gantar, Ana; Novak, Sasa title: DEFORMATION RESPONSE OF GELLAN GUM BASED BONE SCAFFOLD SUBJECTED TO UNIAXIAL QUASI-STATIC LOADING date: 2017-02-28 words: 5295 flesch: 66 summary: Moreover, as the mechanical properties are significantly influenced by testing conditions the experiment was performed using dry samples and also using samples immersed in the simulated body fluid. Dimensions of pure GG samples for the compression test under dry conditions. keywords: acta; artificial; average; bag; bone; calculated; compression; compression test; conditions; content; curves; deformation; dimensions; dmax; dmin; dry; dry conditions; e s; elastic; engineering; experimental; figure; force; gellan; gg samples; gg00; gg50; gg70; gum; kpa; loading; low; material; measurement; mechanical; particles; polytechnica; properties; pure; pure gg; response; s s; sample e; samples; scaffold; strain; stress; stresses; table; tensile; tensile test; test; testing; tissue; wet; wet conditions; wt%; wt% bag; yield cache: ap-3885.pdf plain text: ap-3885.txt item: #735 of 1243 id: ap-3893 author: Veselý, Jan title: NUMERICAL MODELLING OF THE SOIL BEHAVIOUR BY USING NEWLY DEVELOPED ADVANCED MATERIAL MODEL date: 2017-02-28 words: 6285 flesch: 63 summary: This paper describes a theoretical background, implementation and validation of the newly developed Jardine plastic hardening-softening model (JPHS model), which can be used for numerical modelling of the soils behaviour. JPHS model — flow chart. keywords: acta; analysis; angle; behaviour; calculated; cam; cap; clay; coefficient; compression; concrete; conditions; coulomb; criterion; data; deviatoric; drucker; engineering; excavation; failure; figure; friction; function; geotechnical; ground; hardening; input; jardine; jphs; jphs model; kpa; laboratory; linear; lining; material; model; modelling; modulus; mohr; n+1; non; numerical; parameters; plastic; polytechnica; prager; pressure; real; region; results; settlement; sin; small; softening; soil; stiffness; strain; stress; surface; table; test; triaxial; tunnel; value; yield; young; φ′peak cache: ap-3893.pdf plain text: ap-3893.txt item: #736 of 1243 id: ap-3907 author: Çelik, İsmet; Güneş, Ebubekir Can title: USE OF DISC SPRINGS IN A PELLET FUEL MACHINE FOR PRESSURE REGULATION AND PREVENTION OF DAMAGE date: 2017-05-02 words: 4888 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: biomass pellet; pellet machine; disc spring; Almen–Laszlo; FEA; pelletizing pressure. doi:0.1016/j.fuel.2009.03.015 [6] Mani, S., Tabil, L.G., Sokhansanj, S.: Effects of compressive force, particle size and moisture content on mechanical properties of biomass pellets from grasses, Biomass and Bioenergy, 30, 2006, p. 648–654. keywords: acta; addition; axis; biomass; calculated; conditions; cone; cylindrical; deformation; density; diameter; die; disc; disc springs; doi:10.1016; durability; effective; effects; energy; fea; feedstock; figure; force; friction; fuel; hertzian; high; increases; inner; lignin; machine; method; moisture; mpa; parallel; parameters; particle; pellet; pelletized; pelletizing; polytechnica; presses; pressure; process; production; quality; ratio; results; roller; sawdust; size; springs; straw; stress; study; surface; system; table; temperature; use; values cache: ap-3907.pdf plain text: ap-3907.txt item: #737 of 1243 id: ap-3908 author: Kačur, Ján; Kostúr, Karol title: APPROACHES TO THE GAS CONTROL IN UCG date: 2017-06-30 words: 13091 flesch: 55 summary: The control variable is the power frequency of the motor calculated by control system according to equation (33) and sent as an analog voltage signal (0–10 VDC) to the frequency inverter (see Figure 20). The outcome is a control system for the stabilization of oxidant to the gasifier, control system for the stabilization of the temperature in the gasifier and control system for the stabilization of the oxygen concentration in the produced gas. keywords: 3/2017; 4–20; acta; adaptation; air; air flow; algorithm; analysis; approaches; beat; bed; behaviour; calculated; calculation; calorific; calorific value; case; change; co2; coal; coal gasification; combustion; components; concentration; conditions; continuous; control; control loop; control system; control variable; controller; controller parameters; critical; dead; digital; discrete; discrete controller; e(k; energy; equation; error; exhaust; experimental; fan; feedback; figure; flow; following; form; frequency; function; gain; gas control; gases; gasification; gasification process; gasifier; higher; i.e.; identification; important; increases; injected; international; ján; karol; kačur; kostúr; level; loop; measured; measurement; method; mining; model; monitoring; new; number; opening; optimal; order; output; oxygen; parameters; percentage; period; pi controller; pid; plc; point; polytechnica; power; pressure; pressure control; process; process control; quality; radon; range; rate; reactions; reactor; regulation; sampling; seam; servo; set; stabilization; stabilizing; step; structure; suitable; syngas; system; temperature; temperature stabilization; time; transfer; u(k; ucg; ucg control; ucg process; underground; underground coal; use; value; variable; vol; y(k; zone cache: ap-3908.pdf plain text: ap-3908.txt item: #738 of 1243 id: ap-394 author: Ficker, T. title: A Short Note on Non-isothermal Diffusion Models date: 2003-01-01 words: 579 flesch: 57 summary: Naturally, throughout the year the structure is mostly exposed to non-isothermal states but, especially in the summer season, it may be subjected to a purely isothermal state. The DIAL and DRAL models provide the basic relations solely for non-isothermal conditions, i.e., they contain different tem- peratures ? keywords: acta; asymptotic; building; dial; dral; ficker; isothermal; models; non; polytechnica; relations; state; structure cache: ap-394.pdf plain text: ap-394.txt item: #739 of 1243 id: ap-3940 author: Toman, Rastislav; Polóni, Marián; Chríbik, Andrej title: PRELIMINARY STUDY ON COMBUSTION AND OVERALL PARAMETERS OF SYNGAS FUEL MIXTURES FOR SPARK IGNITION COMBUSTION ENGINE date: 2017-02-28 words: 7044 flesch: 54 summary: Other possibility is to employ the advanced predic- tive combustion models to model and study the ICE combustion process for different fuel mixtures [12]. Vibe curves and significant burning points for different fuel mixtures at constant spark advance and engine speed. keywords: acta; alternative; analysis; angle; burn; ca50; chríbik; combustion; combustion analysis; combustion engine; combustion model; comparison; composition; cycle; cylinder; data; different; duration; efficiency; empirical; engine; engine speed; error; experimental; figure; fuel; fuel mixtures; gaseous; group; hydrogen; ignition; inert; lgw; lhv; load; maximum; measured; measurement; mixtures; model; multiplier; natural; numerical; operating; optimal; optimization; overall; paper; parameters; performance; polytechnica; polóni; power; preliminary; pressure; process; rate; research; results; rpm; sae; scale; set; sg18; sg21; sg22; sg23; sg31; sg6; sgs; simulation; spark; speed; study; syngas; syngas mixtures; table; technical; torque; use; values; vibe; vol%; woschni cache: ap-3940.pdf plain text: ap-3940.txt item: #740 of 1243 id: ap-398 author: Palamarchuk, D.; Zoriy, M.; Gurovič, J.; Černý, F.; Konvičková, S.; Hüttel, I. title: DLC Films Deposited by the DC PACVD Method date: 2003-01-01 words: 979 flesch: 62 summary: The microhardness of the substrates and substrates with DLC films was measured using a Leica DM Inverter Research Mi..or.op for Materials Tesiing' The measurement results of microhardness for DLC layers prepared with the diflerent values of bias voltage are shown in Fig' This difference is shown in !ig' 3' 3.9.10-2 Torr3.9' l0-2 TorrInitial vacuum 7.1.10-l Torr7.1.10-l TorrPressure of CH, Bias current -400V+-900V-400V+-900V Thickness of DLC layer 27 Acta Polytechnica Vol. keywords: adhesion; bias; coatings; czech; deposition; dlc; fig; films; ing; layers; mail; method; microhardness; pacvd; phone; phys; plasma; poor; silicon; steel; substrates; vacuum; voltage cache: ap-398.pdf plain text: ap-398.txt item: #741 of 1243 id: ap-3980 author: Sinuvasan, R; Krishnakumar, K; Tamizhmani, K M; Leach, PGL title: FURTHER GENERALISATIONS OF THE KUMMER-SCHWARZ EQUATION: ALGEBRAIC AND SINGULARITY PROPERTIES date: 2017-12-30 words: 2338 flesch: 63 summary: We reported the symmetries, singularity properties and solutions for the members of the family. In [12] we delineated the properties of the class of equations (n−1)y(n−2)y(n)−n(y(n−1))2 = 0, n = 2, 3, . . . keywords: algebra; analysis; class; dimensional; equation; general; integrability; kummer; lie; order; properties; resonances; schwarz; singularity; symmetries; symmetry; terms; university; values; ∂ ∂x; ∂ ∂y cache: ap-3980.pdf plain text: ap-3980.txt item: #742 of 1243 id: ap-3988 author: Sunu, Putu Wijaya; Rasta, I Made title: HEAT TRANSFER ENHANCEMENT AND PRESSURE DROP OF GROOVED ANNULUS OF DOUBLE PIPE HEAT EXCHANGER date: 2017-05-02 words: 3277 flesch: 67 summary: Keywords: heat transfer; friction factor; circumferential rectangular grooves; annulus. The experiment apparatus was designed to determine the pressure drop, heat transfer and flow visualization. keywords: acta; annulus; capacity; characteristics; cold; diameter; double; double pipe; drop; effectiveness; enhancement; exchanger; experimental; factor; figure; flow; fluid; friction; grooves; heat; heat exchanger; heat transfer; hot; increase; investigation; mass; ntu; number; pipe; pipe heat; polytechnica; pressure; pressure drop; rate; ratio; room; smooth; sunu; surface; temperature; thermal; transfer; tube; turbulent cache: ap-3988.pdf plain text: ap-3988.txt item: #743 of 1243 id: ap-3989 author: Beno, Matej; Patzák, Bořek title: FICTITIOUS DOMAIN METHOD FOR NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF INCOMPRESSIBLE VISCOUS FLOW AROUND RIGID BODIES date: 2017-09-01 words: 3600 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: finite element method; computational fluid dynamics; fictitious domain method; Lagrange multipliers; flow around obstacles. This article aims at reducing these compu- tational costs by avoiding the need of explicit repre- sentation of individual reinforcing bars by adopting an approach based on fictitious domain method to solve the problem of Newtonian incompressible flow with rigid body obstacles on regular, structured computa- tional grid, where the individual reinforcing bars can be inserted arbitrarily and independently of the un- derlying mesh. keywords: acta; body; boundary; computational; concrete; condition; constraints; different; discretization; domain; element; equations; fictitious; figure; finite; flow; fluid; incompressible; lagrange; method; multipliers; numerical; obstacles; operator; particle; points; problem; results; rigid; rings; sampling; selection; simulation; splitting; strategies; time; velocity; vol cache: ap-3989.pdf plain text: ap-3989.txt item: #744 of 1243 id: ap-4038 author: Kolařík, Filip; Patzák, Bořek title: IMPLEMENTATION OF 3D VOF TRACKING ALGORITHM BASED ON BINARY SPACE-PARTITIONING date: 2017-05-02 words: 7221 flesch: 64 summary: The interface is modeled using the Volume-Of-Fluid method, where the advection of volume fractions is treated by a purely geometrical method. The idea is to form a Taylor series expansion of volume fraction fT keywords: algorithm; binary; bsp; case; cell; child; coincident; column; computational; constant; convex; cube; determined; domain; element; end; faces; field; figure; finite; flow; fluid; fraction; free; function; grid; implementation; initial; interface; intersection; journal; lagrangian; lies; martin; material; mesh; method; moyce; negative; nodes; normal; numerical; order; original; partitioning; patzák; plane; polyhedron; position; positive; problem; procedure; reference; results; rotation; second; segment; set; shape; space; splitting; step; sub; surface; time; tracking; translation; tree; type; value; velocity; vof; volume; water cache: ap-4038.pdf plain text: ap-4038.txt item: #745 of 1243 id: ap-4040 author: Vokurka, Karel title: EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF TEMPERATURES IN SPARK GENERATED BUBBLES OSCILLATING IN WATER date: 2017-05-02 words: 5977 flesch: 63 summary: The individual frames in Figure 2 can be traced to the corresponding points on the plot of bubble radius vs. time, given in Figure 3. It is found that the maximum surface temperatures of the plasma core range 4300–8700 K. Keywords: spark-generated bubbles; temperatures in bubbles; bubble oscillations. keywords: bubble; bubble oscillation; contraction; core; data; determination; determined; discharge; estimate; experimental; figure; frames; high; intensity; interior; interval; laser; light; liquid; luminescence; maximum; optical; oscillation; phase; phys; plasma; plasma core; pp1; pressure; pulse; pzp1; radiation; radius; range; record; results; rm1; second; set; size; spark; sparker; surface; temperature; time; u1(t; values; variation; vokurka; voltage; wall; water; work; zm1 cache: ap-4040.pdf plain text: ap-4040.txt item: #746 of 1243 id: ap-4068 author: Štancl, Jaromír; Skočilas, Jan; Landfeld, Aleš; Žitný, Rudolf; Houška, Milan title: ELECTRICAL AND THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF A COLLAGEN SOLUTION date: 2017-06-30 words: 3575 flesch: 51 summary: The transition region of collagen to gelatin has been observed from the measured temperature dependence of specific electrical conductivity, and has been confirmed by specific heat capacity measurements by a differential scanning calorimetry. The results of our experiments show that specific electrical conductivity of collagen solution is strongly dependent on temperature. keywords: acta; capacity; collagen; collagen solution; conductivity; c−1; dependence; doi:10.1016; dsc; electrical; electrical conductivity; electrodes; experimental; field; food; frequency; gelatin; heat; heat capacity; kg−1; material; measurements; meat; model; m−1; observed; ohmic; parameters; properties; range; region; results; sample; sec; significant; solution; specific; specific electrical; specific heat; table; temperature; tested; thermal; thermal conductivity; ° c cache: ap-4068.pdf plain text: ap-4068.txt item: #747 of 1243 id: ap-4073 author: Bradáč, Josef; Moravec, Jaromír title: THE IMPACT OF SELECTED PROCESSES AND TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE WELD POOL WHEN WELDING IN SHIELS GAS ATMOSPHERE date: 2017-05-02 words: 5020 flesch: 58 summary: Preheating temperatures were chosen as 100, 200 and 300 °C with welding speed of 0.2–0.5 m/min and the welding cur- rent of 140 A. Higher welding speeds were not used because of the small amount of filler material melting. This is valid for the whole speed range of welding speeds, see Figure 13. keywords: acta; arc; base; calculations; case; chemical; current; density; depth; determined; diameter; different; effect; experiments; figure; fillet; gas; geometric; geometry; heat; high; higher; important; influence; input; material; melting; model; numerical; parameters; penetration; polytechnica; pool; possible; preheating; process; process parameters; processes; properties; results; selected; shape; simulation; size; source; speed; steel; surface; technological; temperature; transfer; type; values; variables; weld pool; welding; welding current; welding speed; wire; wire diameter cache: ap-4073.pdf plain text: ap-4073.txt item: #748 of 1243 id: ap-4087 author: Fořt, Jan; Beran, Pavel; Konvalinka, Petr; Pavlík, Zbyšek; Černý, Robert title: EVALUATION OF THE APPLICATION OF A THERMAL INSULATION SYSTEM: IN-SITU COMPARISSON OF SEASONAL AND DAILY CLIMATIC FLUCTUATIONS date: 2017-06-30 words: 4534 flesch: 43 summary: Indoor ther- mal comfort can be perceived as the one of the most im- portant factors and achievement of the indoor thermal comfort for building occupants represents a substantial objective, which should be satisfied in order to provide appropriate working and health conditions [14]. Importance of the maintenance of ambient air is connected not only with comfort of building occupants, but also with health issues. keywords: acta; air; application; applied; assessment; autumn; building; climatic; comfort; comparison; conditions; consumption; czech; daily; data; days; devices; doi:10.1016; effect; efficiency; energy; envelope; environment; evaluation; exterior; figure; fluctuations; health; heating; humidity; indoor; insulation; layer; level; low; maintenance; monitoring; occupants; order; outdated; performance; period; polytechnica; profiles; quality; reconstruction; relative; relative humidity; republic; seasonal; sensors; stability; state; studied; substantial; summer; system; temperature; thermal; thermal insulation; winter; year cache: ap-4087.pdf plain text: ap-4087.txt item: #749 of 1243 id: ap-4131 author: Sudibyo, Hanifrahmawan; Shabrina, Zata Lini; Wondah, Hartika Rafih; Hastuti, Retno Tri; Purnomo, Chandra Wahyu; Budhijanto, Wiratni title: ANAEROBIC DIGESTION OF LANDFILL LEACHATE WITH NATURAL ZEOLITE AND SUGARCANE BAGASSE FLY ASH AS THE MICROBIAL IMMOBILIZATION MEDIA IN PACKED BED REACTOR date: 2018-02-28 words: 7094 flesch: 59 summary: © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2018 available online at ANAEROBIC DIGESTION OF LANDFILL LEACHATE WITH NATURAL ZEOLITE AND SUGARCANE BAGASSE FLY ASH AS THE MICROBIAL IMMOBILIZATION MEDIA IN PACKED BED REACTOR Hanifrahmawan Sudibyoa, b, Zata Lini Shabrinaa, Hartika Rafih Wondaha, Retno Tri Hastutia, Lenny Halima, Chandra Wahyu Purnomoa, Wiratni Budhijantoa, b, ∗ a Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jalan Grafika No. 2, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia b Center for Energy Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jalan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Sekip UGM K-1A, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia ∗ corresponding author: Abstract. Keywords: landfill leachate, natural zeolite, sugarcane bagasse fly ash, growth kinetics, Contois, Haldane. keywords: acidogenesis; acidogenic; acta; anaerobic; anaerobic digestion; analysis; bagasse; bed; bfa; biogas; cell; ch4; coefficient; concentration; constants; content; contois; correlation; cumulative; cvfa; data; days; different; digester; digestion; doi:10.1016; experimental; figure; g scod; greater; growth; haldane; height; high; immobilization; immobilization media; immobilized; increase; indonesia; kinetics; landfill; leachate; media; methane; methanogenesis; methanogenic; microbes; microbial; model; natural; natural zeolite; number; order; organic; performance; phase; polytechnica; production; rate; result; scenario; scod; second; solid; sse; study; substrate; sugarcane; table; treatment; value; vfa; volume; waste; wastewater; work; ych4; yx1; yx2; zeolite cache: ap-4131.pdf plain text: ap-4131.txt item: #750 of 1243 id: ap-4152 author: Kovács, György title: OPTIMIZATION METHOD AND SOFTWARE FOR FUEL COST REDUCTION IN CASE OF ROAD TRANSPORT ACTIVITY date: 2017-06-30 words: 4840 flesch: 57 summary: The ratio of the road transport in Europe is 78 % of the total freight volume [3], and because the fuel cost is the highest cost among the cost components of the transportation, every transport company puts a great emphasis on optimizing road transport activities and reducing transport costs. The optimal operation of transport routes can be attained in the following ways: • modernization of the vehicle fleet, • integration of multiple transport tasks into a one transport trip, • application of multimodal transport modes, where road, railway, and water transportation modes are integrated, • maximal utilization of vehicles, • application of IT tools in logistics improves the efficiency of transport tasks, and ensures better monitoring and tracking, • reduction of fuel costs of the transport tasks: refill- ing the optimal amount of fuel at the optimal petrol station. keywords: actual; actual fuel; case; communication; companies; company; cost; decision; different; driver; figure; fuel; fuel consumption; fuel cost; fuel price; loading; logistics; method; new; optimal; optimal petrol; optimization; petrol; petrol station; reduction; refilled fuel; refuelling; research; result; road; road transport; route; software; station; study; total; total cost; transport; transport cost; transport trip; transport way; transportation; trips; useful; vehicle; volume; way cache: ap-4152.pdf plain text: ap-4152.txt item: #751 of 1243 id: ap-4157 author: Kačalová, Mária; Pavlenko, Slavko title: STRENGHT AND DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF A STRUCTURAL NODE LIMITING THE MULTI-OUTPUT GEAR MECHANISM date: 2017-10-31 words: 2070 flesch: 60 summary: The gear mechanism achieves high gear ratios. Keywords: double-output gear mechanism; gears; strength and dynamic analysis. keywords: acta; analysis; bending; contact; design; double; dynamic; element; engineering; fatigue; figure; finite; gear; gear mechanism; haľko; high; issn; load; manufacturing; materials; mechanism; method; model; mpa; multi; output; output gear; output stage; pavlenko; pinion; results; safety; shaft; stage; strength; stress; table; technical cache: ap-4157.pdf plain text: ap-4157.txt item: #752 of 1243 id: ap-4160 author: Pazderka, Jiří; Hájková, Eva; Jiránek, Martin title: UNDERGROUND AIR DUCT TO CONTROL RISING MOISTURE IN HISTORIC BUILDINGS: IMPROVED DESIGN AND ITS DRYING EFFICIENCY date: 2017-10-31 words: 4505 flesch: 57 summary: Air ducts, which are situated in the ground, are most often designed as a masonry structure in combination with a traditional concrete slab and concrete screed (Fig. 2). Air duct (concrete blocks) installed into a historic masonry building. keywords: acta; air; air duct; air flow; blocks; building; cavity; concrete; content; days; design; doi:10.1016; duct; durability; experimental; fan; figure; flow; heat; historic; humidity; influence; journal; laboratory; level; masonry; materials; measured; measurement; measuring; model; moisture; months; numerical; pazderka; points; polytechnica; properties; reference; remediation; results; sample; simulation; structures; study; surface; system; test; underground; underground air; values; ventilation; wall; water cache: ap-4160.pdf plain text: ap-4160.txt item: #753 of 1243 id: ap-4163 author: Yusuf, Taofeek Ayotunde title: CHARACTERIZATION OF SELECTED PROPERTIES OF COMPOSITES OF WASTE PAPER WITH UNTREATED BAMBOO STEM FIBRE AND RICE HUSK date: 2017-09-01 words: 6959 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: biocomposite properties; waste paper; bamboo stem fibre; rice husk. Bamboo stem fibre is ranked next to wood with world production of 99.1 and 0.56 % in 2004 respec- tively [6]. keywords: /min; absorption; agriculture; applications; bamboo; bamboo stem; binder; bsf; cassava; cellulose; chemical; cm3; composites; composition; compression; content; density; engineering; fibres; figure; higher; husk; immersion; impact; lignin; lower; machine; makurdi; materials; matrix; mechanical; mould; natural; paper; percentage; plant; production; properties; rate; ratio; result; rice; rice husk; samples; significant; specific; starch; stem; strength; sun; swelling; table; testing; thickness; time; university; volume; waste; waste paper; water; wax; weight; wt% cache: ap-4163.pdf plain text: ap-4163.txt item: #754 of 1243 id: ap-4179 author: Strnadová, Gabriela; Hanuš, Vlastimil; Kahoun, David; Semerák, Petr; Tříska, Jan title: RETRACTED: POSSIBILITY OF MONITORING OF PAHs DISTRIBUTION IN THE VERTICAL PROFILE AT THE BACKGROUND METEOROLOGICAL STATION KREŠÍN date: 2017-09-01 words: 13861 flesch: 67 summary: Concentration of individual PAHs on the ground, filters from mercury analyser (ng/m3) CONCLUSION Measurements of PAHs concentrations from December 17, 2014 to December 9, 2015 at Křešín near Pacov meteorological background station have produced unique results. Conclusion Measurements of PAHs concentrations from December 17, 2014 to December 9, 2015 at Křešín near Pacov me- teorological background station have produced unique results. keywords: acenaphthylene; acetone; acta; air; aluminium; analyser; analysis; area; aromatic; atmospheric; authors; background; bap; benzo[a]pyrene; benzo[b]fluoranthene; building; cd]pyrene; chrysene; collection; concentration; continuous; czech; december; decrease; described; different; distribution; doi:10.1016; e n; environment; extraction; figure; filters; fluoranthene; foil; following; glass; glassware; group; h e; health; heavier; height; hexane; higher; highest; hydrocarbons; immission; individual; individual pahs; institute; křešín; l o; laboratory; limit; long; loq; lowest; m height; matter; measurements; mercury; meteorological; method; mixture; molecular; monitoring; o n; o q; outdoor; ozone; pacov; pahs; pairs; particles; particulate; period; pollutants; pollution; polycyclic; polytechnica; possibility; profile; ptfe; publications; republic; research; results; ring pahs; rings; samples; sampling; science; season; solvent; station; study; substances; sum; summer; table; temperature; time; total; tower; transport; unit; urban; use; value; vertical; water; winter cache: ap-4179.pdf plain text: ap-4179.txt item: #755 of 1243 id: ap-4182 author: Wagner, Marcel; Dangel, Felix; Cartarius, Holger; Main, Jörg; Wunner, Günter title: NUMERICAL CALCULATION OF THE COMPLEX BERRY PHASE IN NON-HERMITIAN SYSTEMS date: 2017-12-30 words: 4993 flesch: 66 summary: In this framework we develop a general numerical gauge smoothing procedure to calculate complex Berry phases from the biorthogonal basis of the system’s non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. Keywords: complex Berry phase; PT symmetry; gauge smoothing. keywords: -symmetric; acta; analytical; arbitrary; basepoint; basis; berry; berry phase; biorthogonal; brillouin; calculation; cartarius; case; complex; component; difference; dimensional; doi:10.1103; eigenstates; eigenvectors; fermions; figure; gauge; global; hamiltonian; hermitian; lattice; left; lett; loop; majorana; mechanics; model; non; number; numerical; parameter; phase; phys; point; polytechnica; potential; procedure; pt -symmetric; quantum; real; rev; right; section; smoothing; space; ssh; states; step; symmetry; system; topological; zak; zone cache: ap-4182.pdf plain text: ap-4182.txt item: #756 of 1243 id: ap-4185 author: Strunina, Svitlana; Hozman, Jiri; Ostadal, Petr title: RELATION BETWEEN LEFT VENTRICULAR UNLOADING DURING ECMO AND DRAINAGE CATHETER SIZE ASSESSED BY MATHEMATICAL MODELING date: 2017-10-31 words: 3361 flesch: 58 summary: The impact of various catheter sizes (from 5 Fr to 10 Fr) and extracorporeal blood flow values (from 1 L/min to 5 L/min) were investigated. Materials and methods In this study, a computer model was used to assess the LV unloading capacities of various diameters of drainage catheter inserted in the LV and EBF values. keywords: arterial; blood; cardiac; catheter; circuit; cycle; decompression; drainage; drainage catheter; ebf; ecmo; end; extracorporeal; figure; flow; language; left; membrane; min; model; modelica; modeling; oxygenation; pressure; pump; rate; simulation; size; study; system; systolic; table; therapy; time; unloading; value; ventricle; ventricular; volume; withdrawal cache: ap-4185.pdf plain text: ap-4185.txt item: #757 of 1243 id: ap-426 author: Ficker, T.; Macur, J. title: A Note on Normalised Distributions of DC Partial Microdischarges date: 2003-01-02 words: 1098 flesch: 57 summary: (l3) Analysing the Pareto unnormalised (2) and normalised (II) distributions in bilogarithmic co-ordinates lnw p =Jnc-ulnU => y=k-ux, (14) lnw; =lnc-lnSp -ulnU => y' =k' -ux, (15) k'=k-lnSp, (16) similar conclusions as for exponential distribution can be drawn: in bilogarithmic systems the normalisation proce- dure changes only the vertical position of the graph of the Pareto distribution and does not influence its functional char- acter (slope or asymmetricity). = 0.0685 - 0.0895x (9) which enables us straightforwardly to determine the corre- sponding normalised exponential distribution ,i1r; = o.oasr '.-o o8e5r ittt s;-r keywords: distribution; exponential; ficker; function; interval; normalisation; normalised; ordinates; pareto; partial; probability; procedure; pulses; semilogarithmic; time; vol cache: ap-426.pdf plain text: ap-426.txt item: #758 of 1243 id: ap-4280 author: Štorch, Vít; Nožička, Jiří title: CONTRA-ROTATING PROPELLER AERODYNAMICS SOLVED BY A 3D PANEL METHOD WITH COUPLED BOUNDARY LAYER date: 2017-10-31 words: 7826 flesch: 61 summary: Verification using single propeller wind tunnel results Based on the results obtained during recent series of measurements of model propellers in a wind tun- nel Wake behind single propeller. keywords: 3d panel; acta; aerodynamics; airfoil; analysis; angle; b.l; blade; boundary; boundary layer; calculation; coefficient; computational; conditions; contra; dimensional; displacement; distance; downstream; edge; efficiency; equations; experiment; figure; flow; fom; force; free; frequency; induced; inflow; interaction; inviscid; layer; matrix; merit; mesh; method; model; new; nožička; number; numerical; p.m.; panel; panel method; performance; point; polytechnica; power; propeller; ratio; region; replacement; response; results; rotating; rotation; sensitivity; separation; shape; single; solution; source; speed; static; step; surface; system; s−1; thickness; thrust; time; trailing; transition; upstream; velocity; verification; viscous; vortex; wake; štorch; −0.1; −0.2 cache: ap-4280.pdf plain text: ap-4280.txt item: #759 of 1243 id: ap-4339 author: Fernández, Francisco Marcelo; Garcia, Javier title: HIGHLY ACCURATE CALCULATION OF THE REAL AND COMPLEX EIGENVALUES OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL ANHARMONIC OSCILLATORS date: 2017-12-30 words: 3212 flesch: 59 summary: In this section we also calculate several resonances supported by anharmonic oscillators that were not taken into account by those authors. 391 Francisco Marcelo Fernández, Javier Garcia Acta Polytechnica We consider examples of resonances embedded in the continuous as well as in the discrete spectrum. − 2064531673055232E8 − 15362232560910336E7 + 158709729905344512E6 − 23752960275863896064E5 − 84068173973645402112E4 + 2318080070178601634304E3 − 6274577633554290840768E2 − 75410626140297229262472E + 655367638076442656931879), (11) respectively. keywords: accuracy; accurate; acta; anharmonic; calculation; case; complex; convergence; determinants; dimension; discrete; eigenvalues; equation; example; fernández; figure; gaudreau; lowest; method; oscillators; paper; phys; present; resonances; results; riccati; rpm; spectrum; state cache: ap-4339.pdf plain text: ap-4339.txt item: #760 of 1243 id: ap-440 author: Repici, G. M.; Sorniotti, A. title: A General Approach to Study the Reliability of Complex Systems date: 2003-01-03 words: 4248 flesch: 52 summary: Ke,worik: safety, systems reliability, fault tree anallsis (FTA), functional analysis (FA), handling, uhicle dynamic control (VDC) 1 Introduction Automobiles and land vehicles in general have seen a dramatic increase in complexity in recent years. 6 Conclusion and recommendations Our work has presented the preiiminary results and the overall methodological approach to the problem of designing reliability and safety in automotive systems since the very beginning of the developmenr. keywords: acta; aerospace; analysis; application; approach; architecture; automotive; avionics; beginning; board; car; complex; components; conditions; control; critical; data; design; development; different; driver; electrical; electronics; failure; fault; field; fig; fta; functions; general; handling; hardware; hydraulic; industry; information; integrating; level; logic; main; methodology; number; order; overall; particular; physical; point; polytechnica; possible; project; purpose; reliability; requirements; results; safety; scheme; software; specific; starting; step; structure; study; system; techniques; terms; time; tree; typical; values; vdc; vehicle; vol; way; work; years cache: ap-440.pdf plain text: ap-440.txt item: #761 of 1243 id: ap-4422 author: Kutílek, Patrik; Škoda, David; Hýbl, Ján; Černý, Rudolf; Frynta, Daniel; Landová, Eva; Frýdlová, Petra; Kurali, Aniko; Doskočil, Radek; Křivánek, Václav title: PLATFORM WITH CAMERA SYSTEM FOR MEASUREMENT OF COMPENSATORY MOVEMENTS OF SMALL ANIMALS date: 2017-10-31 words: 10481 flesch: 57 summary: Animal holder, 5. IMU, 6. Actuator unit, 7. Control and data collection unit, 8. PC controlling platform movement, 9. PC for data processing and determination of movement angles, 10. 2. Based on the information about the relative head angles in relation to the platform and angles of platform movement in Earth’s coordinate system (i.e. platform pitch angle) it is possible to calculate the head movement in relation to the Earth’s horizontal line [29], i.e. the head pitch angle, Fig. 9. keywords: actuator; algorithm; anatomical; angles; angular; animal; axes; axis; base; body; body segment; camera; camera system; case; centres; change; collection; colour; compensatory; conditions; control; coordinate; coordinate system; data; detection; determination; doi:10.1152; earth; example; figure; fps; frame; head; head movement; horizontal; imu; information; journal; line; main; markers; matlab; means; measurement; measuring; method; motors; movement; movement angles; orientation; perpendicular; pitch; pixels; plane; platform; platform movement; position; postural; previous; processing; radius; range; recording; relation; research; response; roll; rotation; segment; set; small; smaller; software; space; subsystem; system; tilt; time; tolerance; unit; user; values; vector; video; way cache: ap-4422.pdf plain text: ap-4422.txt item: #762 of 1243 id: ap-4423 author: Schnabel, Jan; Cartarius, Holger; Main, Jörg; Wunner, Günter; Heiss, Walter Dieter title: SIMPLE MODELS OF THREE COUPLED PT -SYMMETRIC WAVE GUIDES ALLOWING FOR THIRD-ORDER EXCEPTIONAL POINTS date: 2017-12-30 words: 5973 flesch: 69 summary: PT -symmetric wave guide setup allowing for the occurrence of an EP3. In addition it is demonstrated that continuous distributions of exceptional points, which render the discovery of the EP3 difficult, are not only a feature of extended wave guides but appear also in an idealised model of infinitely thin guides shaped by delta functions. keywords: -symmetric; acta; behaviour; branch; breaking; cartarius; complex; delta; doi:10.1103; eigenstates; eigenvalues; ep2s; ep3; equation; et al; exceptional; exceptional points; figure; form; functions; gain; guides; hamiltonian; heiss; hermitian; index; j phys; lett; loss; main; matrix; mechanics; middle; model; non; observation; optical; order; order exceptional; paper; parameter; permutation; phys; phys rev; physical; physics; points; pt -symmetric; quantum; real; refractive; rev; search; section; separation; setup; simple; space; state; symmetry; system; wave; wave guides; wunner cache: ap-4423.pdf plain text: ap-4423.txt item: #763 of 1243 id: ap-4428 author: Olusunmade, Olusola Femi; Zechariah, Sunday; Yusuf, Taofeek Ayotunde title: CHARACTERIZATION OF RECYCLED LINEAR DENSITY POLYETHYLENE/IMPERATA CYLINDRICA PARTICULATE COMPOSITES date: 2018-07-02 words: 4072 flesch: 52 summary: It showed that the RLDPE has a percentage elongation at break Figure 9: Elongation at break at varying IC particulate loading 0 Impact strength and hardness property in relation to IC particulate loading. keywords: absorption; acta; average; break; characterization; composite; cylindrica; decrease; density; different; elongation; fibre; figure; hardness; ic particulate; impact; imperata; increase; loading; low; materials; matrix; mechanical; modulus; mould; natural; particulate; particulate loading; percentage; physical; polyethylene; polymer; properties; recycled; rldpe; sachets; sem; specimens; strength; tensile; tensile strength; test; value; vol; waste; water; wt%; wt% particulate cache: ap-4428.pdf plain text: ap-4428.txt item: #764 of 1243 id: ap-4429 author: Novotny, Jan; Machovska, Ilona title: PRIMARY PEAK RATIO CORRELATION TO THE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY OF PIV METHOD date: 2018-07-02 words: 2652 flesch: 55 summary: Conclusions This work deals with the evaluation of a measure- ment accuracy based on the detection of the ratio of the primary and the secondary signal peak – the PPR and its correction, considering other parameters influencing the measurement accuracy, by using the Particle Image Velocimetry method – PIV. doi:10.1007/s00348-004-0902-3 [12] K. Okamoto, Nishio T., T. Saga and T. Kobayashi, “Standard Images for Particle Image Velocimetry,” Measurement Sicence and Technology, vol. keywords: accuracy; area; correlation; cross; dependency; displacement; error; figure; gradient; image; interrogation; mean; measured; measurement; method; metric; number; particle; peak; piv; plane; ppr; primary; ratio; synthetic; tests; total; value; velocimetry; velocity; vol cache: ap-4429.pdf plain text: ap-4429.txt item: #765 of 1243 id: ap-4434 author: Mražíková, Anna; Velgosová, Oksana; Kavuličová, Jana; Krum, Stanislav; Málek, Jaroslav title: THE INFLUENCE OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES SYNTHESIS ON THEIR PROPERTIES date: 2018-12-31 words: 3082 flesch: 46 summary: Application of green methods to replace physical and chemical methods for synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) has become necessary not only from economic aspect but especially due to its significant impact on ecosystem. Keywords: silver nanoparticles; biosynthesis; chemical reduction; gelatin; anti-microbial activity. keywords: absorption; acta; activity; agar; agno3; agnps; algae; ambient; antibacterial; antimicrobial; biofilm; brown; cells; chemical; citrate; day; different; doi:10.1016; fig; formation; gelatin; green; kessleri; lett; long; materials; methods; nanoparticles; physical; polytechnica; prepared; presence; properties; reduction; results; sem; silver; silver nanoparticles; sizes; sodium; solution; stability; synthesis; technical; tem; temperature; term; university; vis cache: ap-4434.pdf plain text: ap-4434.txt item: #766 of 1243 id: ap-4476 author: Yadav, Rajesh Kumar; Kumari, Nisha; Khare, Avinash; Mandal, Bhabani Prasad title: RATIONALLY EXTENDED SHAPE INVARIANT POTENTIALS IN ARBITRARY D DIMENSIONS ASSOCIATED WITH EXCEPTIONAL Xm POLYNOMIALS date: 2017-12-30 words: 6404 flesch: 78 summary: − 1) − 2 ( 4B′2 − (2A′ + 1)2 ) (2B′ cosh r − 2A′ − 1)2 (59) is the rationally extended D dimensional GPT potential. (2B′ cosh r − 2A′ − 1)2 + A′2 (83) and V (+) eff,1(A ′,B′, ,r) = V (A ′−1,B′) GPT (r) + 2(2A′ − 1) (2B′ cosh r − 2A′ + 1) − 2 ( 4B′2 − (2A′ − 1)2 ) (2B′ cosh r − 2A′ + 1)2 + A′2. keywords: = −; arbitrary; case; constant; corresponding; cosh; cosh r; dimensions; d−22; eops; equation; exceptional; extended; g(r; gpt; invariant; jacobi; khare; laguerre; m(r; m−1; orthogonal; oscillator; pct; phys; polynomials; potentials; radial; shape; solutions; terms; transformation; usual; α−1; ωr2; −α−1,β−1; −ωr cache: ap-4476.pdf plain text: ap-4476.txt item: #767 of 1243 id: ap-4481 author: Kumar, Sachin; Ahmed, Zafar title: NEW SPECTRAL STATISTICS FOR ENSEMBLES OF 2 × 2 REAL SYMMETRIC RANDOM MATRICES date: 2017-12-30 words: 3452 flesch: 73 summary: Keywords: real symmetric matrices; Wigner surmise. 1. This is called the spacing distribution of Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE) due to the orthogonal symmetry of real symmetric matrices. keywords: analytic; distribution; eigenvalues; elements; f(x; figure; function; gaussian; integral; level; linear; matrices; matrix; near; p(s; pdf; random; real; repulsion; semi; sin; spacing; symmetric; wigner cache: ap-4481.pdf plain text: ap-4481.txt item: #768 of 1243 id: ap-4546 author: Solnař, Stanislav; Dostál, Martin; Petera, Karel; Jirout, Tomáš title: APPLICATION OF THE TEMPERATURE OSCILLATION METHOD IN HEAT TRANSFER MEASUREMENTS AT THE WALL OF AN AGITATED VESSEL date: 2018-04-30 words: 7287 flesch: 64 summary: Experimental methods based on measuring vari- ous thermal quantities (heat fluxes, heat flow rates, temperatures) are the ones most frequently used for determining values of heat transfer coefficients. Nowadays, numerical methods implemented in many CFD packages solving momentum and heat transport equations are also fre- quently used to determine heat transfer coefficients in laminar as well as turbulent flow regimes. keywords: acta; agitated; axial; baffles; camera; case; characteristic; coefficients; correlation; data; dependency; diameter; dimensionless; dostál; engineering; experimental; figure; flow; flux; function; heat; heat flux; heat transfer; impeller; jet; jirout; karcz; k−1; liquid; local; local heat; mean; measured; method; number; nusselt; nusselt number; oscillation; parameters; petera; phase; pipe; plate; polytechnica; range; response; results; reynolds; rushton; shift; surface; system; s−1; temperature; thermal; thermography; time; toirt; transfer coefficients; transfer surface; turbine; values; velocity; vessel; vessel wall; wall; water cache: ap-4546.pdf plain text: ap-4546.txt item: #769 of 1243 id: ap-4553 author: Kavuličová, Jana; Mražíková, Anna; Velgosová, Oksana; Ivánová, Dana; Kubovčíková, Martina title: STABILITY OF SYNTHESIZED SILVER NANOPARTICLES IN CITRATE AND MIXED GELATIN/CITRATE SOLUTION date: 2018-04-30 words: 3906 flesch: 54 summary: Synthesis of silver nanoparticles by using sodium citrate method Chemically synthesized AgNPs were prepared using a chemical reduction method as demonstrated [15]. B:Biointerfaces, 102, 2013, p. 718-723. 108 Acta Polytechnica 58(2):104–108, 2018 1 Introduction 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Chemicals 2.2 Synthesis of silver nanoparticles by using sodium citrate method 2.3 Synthesis of silver nanoparticles by using mixed gelatin/sodium citrate method 2.4 Methods for determination 3 Results and discussion 4 Conclusions Acknowledgements References keywords: 118th; 7th; ag+; agent; agnps; average; chemical; citrate; colloids; day; days; diameter; distribution; dls; figure; gelatin; influence; long; mater; method; mixed; nanoparticles; potential; prepared; presence; reaction; reduction; sci; short; silver; silver nanoparticles; size; sodium; solution; spr; stability; stabilizer; storage; surface; synthesis; synthesized; tem; term; zeta cache: ap-4553.pdf plain text: ap-4553.txt item: #770 of 1243 id: ap-4587 author: Masáková, Zuzana; Mazáč, Jan title: ON SELF-SIMILARITIES OF CUT-AND-PROJECT SETS date: 2017-12-30 words: 9566 flesch: 79 summary: On its basis, we will set the conditions on the vectors generating the lattice L = {∑s i=1 aili : ai ∈ Z } , so that the scheme is self-similar. = 0, b = −1, and c = d = f = 1, i.e., Z =   0 −1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 −1 1 0 0 0   . keywords: 4π5; acta; algebraic; complex; conditions; corresponding; cos; cut; cyclotomic; delone; denote; eigenvalues; eigenvectors; example; fold; form; formalism; general; inner; integer; irreducible; lattice; linear; mapping; matrices; matrix; minimal; non; number; order; pisot; polynomial; polytechnica; product; project; project scheme; project set; projection; proof; proposition; quasicrystals; rotations; scheme; self; set; sets; similarities; similarity; sin; suitable; symmetry; theorem; use; vectors; vol; window; zuzana; π1(l; π1,π2; π2(l; σ(ω;  cache: ap-4587.pdf plain text: ap-4587.txt item: #771 of 1243 id: ap-4589 author: Ohya, Satoshi title: ALGEBRAIC DESCRIPTION OF SHAPE INVARIANCE REVISITED date: 2017-12-30 words: 4561 flesch: 69 summary: A−(j)A−(j + 1) · · ·A−(j + n− 1)ψEn,j+n(x), (4.12) where N = max{n ∈ Z≥0 : j + n < √ g} = νmax − j and ψEn,j+n(x) ∝ (sinh x)j+n exp(− g j+nx). − j2 − g2 j2 , (4.14) where A±(j) = ± d dx − j tanh x + g j . keywords: 1)2; = −; algebraic; case; commutation; dimensional; doi:10.1103; eigenvalue; figure; following; hamiltonian; hyperbolic; invariance; j23; j〉‖2; kepler; morse; note; operator; phys; potential; problem; quantum; relations; representation; rev; rosen; shape; space; spherical; state; ψen cache: ap-4589.pdf plain text: ap-4589.txt item: #772 of 1243 id: ap-4598 author: Maamache, Mustapha title: NON-UNITARY TRANSFORMATION OF QUANTUM TIME-DEPENDENT NON-HERMITIAN SYSTEMS date: 2017-12-30 words: 3924 flesch: 72 summary: Conclusion It has been established [21–23] that the general frame-work for a description of unitary time evolution for time-dependent non-Hermitian Hamiltonians can be based on the use of a time-dependent metric operator. [4] C. M. Cheng and P. C. W. Fung, J. Phys. keywords: algebra; associated; dependent; dependent non; equation; evolution; exp; following; h(t; hamiltonian; hermitian; inner; lett; lewis; maamache; mechanics; non; operator; phys; product; quantum; rev; schrödinger; sinh; solution; states; su(1; su(2; systems; time; transformation; transformed; unitary; |φn(t cache: ap-4598.pdf plain text: ap-4598.txt item: #773 of 1243 id: ap-4603 author: Fassari, Silvestro; Gadella, Manuel; Nieto, Luis Miguel; Rinaldi, Fabio title: ON THE SPECTRUM OF THE ONE-DIMENSIONAL SCHRÖDINGER HAMILTONIAN PERTURBED BY AN ATTRACTIVE GAUSSIAN POTENTIAL date: 2017-12-30 words: 3340 flesch: 65 summary: = 0, (30) with Ba,1� = Ba� − Ba,0� , which is obviously trace class. = −�1(λ)2 whose plot is given in Figure 2. keywords: 2/2; acta; birman; class; coupling; dimensional; energy; equation; erfc; expansion; e−p; function; gaussian; ground; hamiltonian; integral; operator; parameter; physics; rank; schrödinger; schwinger; spectrum; state; trace cache: ap-4603.pdf plain text: ap-4603.txt item: #774 of 1243 id: ap-4605 author: Campoamor-Stursberg, Rutwig title: FUNCTIONAL REALIZATIONS OF LIE ALGEBRAS AS NOETHER POINT SYMMETRIES OF SYSTEMS date: 2017-12-30 words: 4701 flesch: 66 summary: doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2016.01.015. 378 Acta Polytechnica 57(6):373–378, 2017 1 Introduction 2 Lie and Noether point symmetries of systems 2.1 Perturbations that preserve symmetry subalgebras 3 Functional realizations of sl(2,R) as Noether symmetry algebra 3.1 Separable kinetic Lagrangians 3.2 Systems with fixed symmetry 4 Time-dependent Lagrangians 5 Conclusions Acknowledgements References Functional realizations of Lie algebras are applied to the problem of determining Lie and Noether point symmetries of Lagrangian systems in N dimensions, particularly in the plane. keywords: a12(q; acta; algebra; analysis; approach; campoamor; case; condition; conservative; corresponding; differential; dynamical; equations; f(q; following; functions; g(q; gauge; general; generators; generic; inverse; lagrangian; lie; motion; noether; noether point; order; point; realizations; second; sl(2,r; solution; stursberg; symmetries; symmetry; systems; term; time; vector; ∂q1; ∂q2 cache: ap-4605.pdf plain text: ap-4605.txt item: #775 of 1243 id: ap-4607 author: Kotvytskiy, Albert; Bronza, Semen; Shablenko, Vladimir title: THE ANALYSIS OF IMAGES IN N-POINT GRAVITATIONAL LENS BY METHODS OF ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY date: 2017-12-30 words: 6465 flesch: 82 summary: In a situation of general position (the Jacobian of the system of lens equations is not equal to zero), the number of point images in an N-point gravitational lens has parity opposite to the parity of the number N. In the proof of Theorem 3 we use the following lemma. The physical formulation of the problem from an algebraic point of view 3 Reduction of the problem to the fundamental problem of classical algebraic geometry 4 Study of the set V1(F1,F2) (Extended solutions) 4.1 1-point lens (Schwarzschild lens) 4.2 2-point lens 5 The study of the set V0(F1,F2) (Point solutions) 6 Conclusions A Appendix References keywords: algebraic; bezout; bronza; coefficients; complex; coordinates; definition; deg; degree; equal; equations; example; f(x; f1,f2; field; form; geometry; gravitational; homogeneous; i=1; images; kotvytskiy; lens; lenses; matrix; methods; number; plane; point; polynomial; problem; proof; real; resultant; set; solutions; source; study; sylvester; system; theorem; tx2; variables; x21; x22 cache: ap-4607.pdf plain text: ap-4607.txt item: #776 of 1243 id: ap-4608 author: Joglekar, Yogesh N; Vemuri, Gautam; Wilkey, Andrew title: LAMBERT FUNCTION METHODs TO STUDY LASER DYNAMICS WITH TIME-DELAYED FEEDBACK date: 2017-12-30 words: 3666 flesch: 58 summary: Since the intensity at very short times grows exponentially with the product of the differential gain coefficient ζ and N(t), and because the steady-state value of N(t) is a function of the pumping P, one can manipulate these two quantities to slow down the exponential growth of laser intensity and thereby enhance the time window in which both conditions are simultaneously met. Note that the rate equa- tion for the macroscopic polarization within the gain medium does not enter this model because it decays very rapidly, relative to the time scale at which E(t) and N(t) evolve in semiconductor lasers, and hence can be adiabatically eliminated. keywords: carrier; carrier inversion; complex; delay; differential; dynamics; e(t; electric; electric field; equations; excess; feedback; field; figure; formalism; function; gain; intensity; intracavity; inversion; kobayashi; lambert; lang; laser; model; n(t; optical; power; pump; rate; semiconductor; single; solution; state; steady; system; threshold; time; value; window cache: ap-4608.pdf plain text: ap-4608.txt item: #777 of 1243 id: ap-4610 author: Kovács, József; Lévai, Géza title: ON THE COMMON LIMIT OF THE PT-SYMMETRIC ROSEN–MORSE II AND FINITE SQUARE WELL POTENTIALS date: 2017-12-30 words: 4215 flesch: 69 summary: Keywords: PT -symmetric potential; bound states; scattering; Dirac-δ limit. [7] that are solved in terms of the (confluent) hypergeometric function [9] revealed that the characteristic features of PT -symmetric potentials can conveniently be studied using the exact analytical solutions of these potentials. keywords: -symmetric; asymptotic; case; coefficients; component; constant; corresponding; doi:10.1016; eigenvalues; energy; finite; functions; imaginary; lett; limit; lévai; math; morse; non; phys; potential; pt -symmetric; real; reflection; results; rosen; sign; spectrum; square; state; symmetry; transmission; vanishing; wave cache: ap-4610.pdf plain text: ap-4610.txt item: #778 of 1243 id: ap-4612 author: Celeghini, Enrico; Gadella, Manuel; del Olmo, Mariano A title: LIE ALGEBRA REPRESENTATIONS AND RIGGED HILBERT SPACES: THE SO(2) CASE date: 2017-12-30 words: 3881 flesch: 74 summary: Since this theorem is only valid for |f〉, |g〉 ∈ Φ, we conclude that (12) is only valid for |f〉 ∈ Φ from a strictly rigorous point of view. If |f〉, |g〉 ∈ Φ, then f(φ) = S|f〉 and g(φ) = S|g〉 belong to (SΦ) ⊂ L2[0, 2π]. keywords: abstract; acta; basis; case; celeghini; continuous; del; dirac; discrete; dual; e−imφ; f(φ; functions; gadella; group; hilbert; l2[0; lie; m=−∞; math; mechanics; olmo; operator; phys; quantum; related; representations; rhs; rigged; so(2; spaces; special; topology; uir; unitary; vectors cache: ap-4612.pdf plain text: ap-4612.txt item: #779 of 1243 id: ap-4615 author: Semoradova, Iveta title: CRYPTO-HERMITIAN APPROACH TO THE KLEIN–GORDON EQUATION date: 2017-12-30 words: 2923 flesch: 68 summary: Free Klein–Gordon equation In case of free Klein–Gordon equation operator K = −∆ + m2 (16) acting on H = L2(R3) is positive and Hermitian. They satisfy the so called Dieudonée equation H†Θ = ΘH (25) and they are similar to Hermitian operators h = ΩHΩ−1, (26) where Θ = Ω†Ω is invertible and h = h†. In such scenario, the problem of negative probability interpretation of the Klein-Gordon equation can be reinterpreted as the problem of the wrong choice of metric operator Θ. keywords: acta; approach; crypto; czech; der; eigenvalues; eigenvectors; equation; form; free; gordon; gordon equation; hamiltonian; hermitian; hilbert; inner; interpretation; klein; matrix; mechanics; metric; mostafazadeh; non; operator; phys; physik; positive; probability; problem; product; quantum; quasi; real; schrödinger; space; theory; znojil; ψ(1; ψ(2 cache: ap-4615.pdf plain text: ap-4615.txt item: #780 of 1243 id: ap-464 author: Jelínek, I. title: Modal Logic - a Tool for Design Process Formalisation date: 2003-01-05 words: 3979 flesch: 58 summary: Defi- nition 4 ensures that each design space can be described by a frame F: � �F W R� , , where W represents the set of metamodels, R � W � W characterizes the accessibility relation be- tween individual metamodels. [1] (structure [14]) formally as an ordered couple: � �F W R� , , where W set of worlds, R R W W� � , binary relation (accessibility relation). keywords: accessibility; accessible; axiomatic; axioms; cad; connectives; definition; design; following; formula; frame; individual; interpretation; logic; means; metamodel; modal; modal logic; object; possibility; possible; process; propositional; relation; set; steps; system; theory; type; university; valid; validity; world cache: ap-464.pdf plain text: ap-464.txt item: #781 of 1243 id: ap-466 author: Makovička, D.; Král, J.; Makovička, D. title: Verification of the Wind Response of a Stack Structure date: 2003-01-05 words: 3845 flesch: 54 summary: The measured vibration histories in terms of ac- celeration, velocities and relative deformations, together with the measurements of wind velocity and direction, were evalu- ated by a computer and compared with the response values assumed in the design, with the natural frequencies of the GRP extension according to the designer’s computation and with the frequencies of the dominant vibration sources – ma- jor machines in the environs of the stack. The mea- surements of wind velocity and direction were made on the level of the platform approximately at +53 level. keywords: acceleration; czech; design; direction; dominant; dynamic; effects; extension; fig; frequencies; frequency; grp; higher; horizontal; level; load; maximum; mean; mean wind; measured; measurements; natural; records; reference; response; seismicity; stack; steel; steel structure; structure; technical; tower; tower structure; value; velocities; vibration; wind; wind effects; wind load; wind velocity cache: ap-466.pdf plain text: ap-466.txt item: #782 of 1243 id: ap-468 author: Titlestad, J.; Fairlie-Clarke, T.; Davie, M.; Whittaker, A.; Grant, S. title: Experimental Evaluation of Mountain Bike Suspension Systems date: 2003-01-05 words: 4830 flesch: 63 summary: SU bicycles perform well in laboratory tests, but HT bicycles seem to have the advantage in time trials and races. The great majority of competition mountain bikes include a front sus- pension, but most professional cross-country cyclists do not ride full suspension bicycles keywords: arm; axle; bicycle; bike; bracket; bumps; chain; conditions; consumption; crank; cyclist; design; effect; energy; experiments; fig; force; frame; heart; higher; impact; laboratory; measurements; mountain; oxygen; pedals; performance; physiological; position; power; rate; rear; reduced; results; rider; riding; rig; road; roller; seat; significant; su bicycle; subjects; suspension; suspension system; system; tests; time; treadmill; university; variables; vol; wheel cache: ap-468.pdf plain text: ap-468.txt item: #783 of 1243 id: ap-4680 author: Horovčák, Pavel; Terpák, Ján title: THERMOCHEMICAL CALCULATIONS USING SERVICEORIENTED ARCHITECTURE IN THE WEB SERVICE FORM date: 2018-02-28 words: 7812 flesch: 45 summary: [Interpretation of chemical formulae using web service]. Keywords: thermochemical calculation; chemical reaction; service-oriented architecture; web service. keywords: acta; application; architecture; calculations; calling; capacity; case; chemical; chemical reaction; chemistry; client; cloud; components; composition; computing; constant; control; data; database; development; different; energy; enthalpy; entropy; equation; equilibrium; error; file; form; free; functions; gaseous; gibbs; heat; hoff; horovčák; html; individual; information; interval; language; list; logarithm; method; molar; moles; nasa; number; output; parameters; partial; php; polytechnica; pressure; process; product; properties; reaction; resources; service; soa; software; specified; states; step; structure; substances; system; table; temperature; thermochemdc; thermochemdc_app; thermochemical; thermochemical calculations; thermodynamic; tools; use; value; van’t; web; web service; wsdl; xml; ∆rh cache: ap-4680.pdf plain text: ap-4680.txt item: #784 of 1243 id: ap-4699 author: Legerský, Jan title: MINIMAL NON-INTEGER ALPHABETS ALLOWING PARALLEL ADDITION date: 2018-10-31 words: 6103 flesch: 74 summary: Parallel addition, i.e., addition with limited carry propagation has been so far studied for complex bases and integer alphabets. We give necessary conditions on the alphabet allowing parallel addition. keywords: addition; algebraic; alphabet; assumption; base; block; classes; congruence; conjugate; contradiction; digit; fina(β; finite; following; function; i=0; integer; j=−r; j∈z; lemma; local; matrix; minimal; modulo; modulus; necessary; non; number; numeration; parallel; parallel addition; polynomial; proof; set; system; theorem; z[β; z[ω; φ(λ; ≡β−1 cache: ap-4699.pdf plain text: ap-4699.txt item: #785 of 1243 id: ap-470 author: Cho, H.; Oh, B.; Jo, C.; Lee, K. title: Process Design for Hot Forging of Asymmetric to Symmetric Rib-web Shaped Steel date: 2003-01-05 words: 2041 flesch: 64 summary: Heat Capacity (J/g�K) AISI 1055 (rail) 51.9 0.472 AISI H-13 (die) 28.6 0.460 Table 1: Thermal properties of materials Fig. 3: Folding initiation at a small fillet angle (45°) of moving die and inserts Fig. 4: Folding initiation between rib and web by top die shows that the metal flow and the folding phenomenon are dependent upon the beginning point of the tapered corner in the upper die. There- fore, optimal die design is necessary in order to avoid an increase in the forming load. keywords: design; die; dies; fig; final; flow; folding; forging; high; hot; increase; load; material; process; processing; rail; results; rib; shape; simulation; stage; symmetric; vol; web cache: ap-470.pdf plain text: ap-470.txt item: #786 of 1243 id: ap-4702 author: Mašek, Zdeněk; Diblikova, Linda title: HYDROPHOBIC IMPREGNATION OF GEOPOLYMER COMPOSITE BY ETHOXYSILANES date: 2018-07-02 words: 3507 flesch: 55 summary: 188 Acta Polytechnica 58(3):184–188, 2018 1 Introduction 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Preparation of geopolymer resin and composite samples 2.2 Preparation of hydrophobic solutions and impregnation of samples 2.3 Testing of hydrophobic agents' effectivity 3 Results and discussion 3.1 Effect of treatments on contact angle and storage modulus 3.2 Change of composites properties due to water uptake and sorption of water vapor 4 Conclusion Acknowledgements References The solution F was prepared by the same procedure as solution C, except that 18.6 g of HDTEOS was added instead of 18.6 g of PFTEOS. keywords: angle; composite; contact; czech; effect; ethoxysilanes; geopolymer; geopolymer composite; groups; hours; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; hydrophobic impregnation; impregnated; impregnation; materials; min; mixture; modulus; nanoparticles; non; pfoteos; preparation; procedure; properties; resin; results; rpm; samples; silica; sio2; solution; sorption; stirring; storage; structure; surface; temperature; teos; test; treatment; uptake; vapour; water; ° c cache: ap-4702.pdf plain text: ap-4702.txt item: #787 of 1243 id: ap-4708 author: Krupička, Jan; Picek, Tomáš; Zrostlík, Štěpán title: REDUCTION OF UNCERTAINTIES IN LASER STRIPE MEASUREMENT OF SOLID PARTICLES CONCENTRATION date: 2018-07-02 words: 4643 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: laser stripe measurement; coarse particle concentration; solid fraction measurement; fluidization cell; brightness threshold. Laser stripe measurement (LSM) is a relatively novel method for measuring a local concentration of coarse particles in a mixture with fluid. keywords: angle; brightness; bth; calibration; camera; cell; concentration; coordinates; data; distinct; evaluated; figure; flow; fluidization; flume; histograms; hits; image; laser; laser sheet; laser stripe; line; lsm; mean; measured; measurement; method; observation; opt; optical; parameters; particles; peaks; position; results; sensitivity; sheet; stripe; target; threshold; transformation; value; vol; wall; ∆y0 cache: ap-4708.pdf plain text: ap-4708.txt item: #788 of 1243 id: ap-4714 author: Řehounek, Luboš; Denk, František; Jíra, Aleš title: NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF STATIC STRENGTH OF NOVEL DENTAL IMPLANTS date: 2018-08-30 words: 2694 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: dental implant; numerical; static strength; osseointegration; FEM. Both implants belong to the “push-in” category of dental implants. keywords: analysis; body; bone; clover; cylindrical; czech; denk; dental; dental implants; distribution; figure; implant; implant variant; load; loading; lower; mechanical; mpa; novel; numerical; reference; results; ribs; static; stem; strength; stress; system; values; variant; vertical; zv14112 cache: ap-4714.pdf plain text: ap-4714.txt item: #789 of 1243 id: ap-472 author: Ryś, J.; Sanecki, H.; Trojnacki, A. title: Analysis of Gear Wheel-shaft Joint Characterized by Comparable Pitch Diameter and Mounting Diameter date: 2003-01-05 words: 5571 flesch: 67 summary: The well-founded assumption can be introduced that the frictional joint is additionally loaded with the entire force � �F F F Fa b a* ( )� � , while the force F b( )* in the bolt is the same during service ( ) (13) one parameter of the joint (consequently p) can be expressed in terms of the other parameters tg tg tg � � � � � � cos cos � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 2 21 p � � � � �� � p c � �� � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � �2 2 4 6 3 2 2 tg tg tg 2 cos � � 2 0 , (14) where � � � � � �� � w p p v s t b � � � � � � � � � * sin cos ( ) � � � � � � � �� 1 1 2 1 1 2 6 3 2 2 tg tg 3 1 1 2 3 u u Q k k k ku bE sE bE sE � � � � � � � � � �tg . keywords: analysis; assumed; bending; bolt; calculations; contact; diameter; dimensionless; factor; fatigue; fig; force; frictional; frictional joint; gear; intensity; joint; length; load; moment; mpa; parameters; pinion; pitch; pressure; r �; respect; shaft; small; spring; statistical; steel; strength; surface; taper; teeth; torsion; transmission; values; vol; wheel; � cos; � � cache: ap-472.pdf plain text: ap-472.txt item: #790 of 1243 id: ap-474 author: Diviš, M.; Tichánek, R.; Španiel, M. title: Heat Transfer Analysis of a Diesel Engine Head date: 2003-01-05 words: 2895 flesch: 52 summary: It contains a detailed description of a C/28 series diesel engine head FE model and a discussion of heat transfer analysis tunning and results. Keywords: heat transfer analysis, FEM, internal-combustion engine. keywords: analysis; assembly; boiling; boundary; case; coefficient; conditions; contact; cooling; cylinder; cylinder head; czech; engine; exhaust; fig; fuel; gases; head; heat; house; information; injector; inlet; measured; model; parts; points; results; seat; surfaces; table; technical; temperature; thermal; transfer; university; values; valve cache: ap-474.pdf plain text: ap-474.txt item: #791 of 1243 id: ap-4740 author: Quesne, Christiane title: QUASI-EXACTLY SOLVABLE SCHRÖDINGER EQUATIONS, SYMMETRIC POLYNOMIALS AND FUNCTIONAL BETHE ANSATZ METHOD date: 2018-04-30 words: 5829 flesch: 82 summary: k(k − 1) (l + 2)(l + 1)al+2 − n k − 1 (l + 1)bl+1 + Ck−l−2,n l! , l = 0, 1, . . . − C1,n (k − 3)! keywords: 1)ak; acta; c1,n; c2,n; coefficients; constants; corresponding; degree; differential; equation; fba; general; i=1; integration; j=1; k(k; k−1∑; k−2∑; l=0; lakshmanan; linear; m(m−1−p; m=0; m=1; math; mathews; method; nonlinear; order; oscillator; p=1; pages; phys; polynomial; qes; quantum; quasi; real; roots; schrödinger; second; section; solutions; solvable; symmetric; terms; z(z cache: ap-4740.pdf plain text: ap-4740.txt item: #792 of 1243 id: ap-476 author: Jokele, B.; Fuchs, D. K. title: Reducing Time for the Product Development Process by Evaluation in the Phase of Solution Searching date: 2003-01-05 words: 2116 flesch: 58 summary: 5/2003 Reducing Time for the Product Development Process by Evaluation in the Phase of Solution Searching B. Jokele, D. K. Fuchs Less and less time is available for product development process. 1: Possible stages in product development process a troubleshooting situation is lack of time. keywords: approach; change; components; cost; curve; degrees; design; development; effects; engineering; evaluation; fig; freedom; management; methods; münchen; possible; problem; process; product; properties; searching; situation; solution; step; system; technical; time; tools; troubleshooting cache: ap-476.pdf plain text: ap-476.txt item: #793 of 1243 id: ap-4768 author: Hájková, Petra; Jíra, Aleš; Řehounek, Luboš title: VERIFICATION OF BEHAVIOUR OF HUMAN ENAMEL FOR FRACTURE TOUGHNESS DETERMINATION date: 2018-08-30 words: 4054 flesch: 60 summary: A part of the re- view was also dedicated to a comparison of results of fracture toughness, determined by the VIF method using three different popular equations, for standard reference material (SRM). As the authors expected, none of these equations yielded correct certified values of fracture toughness for the SRM. keywords: applied; area; authors; behaviour; brittle; changes; contact; cracks; curve; dental; dentin; depth; determination; different; enamel; energy; fig; fracture; fracture toughness; hardness; hit; human; indentation; indents; initiation; kic; load; loading; materials; maximum; mechanical; method; modulus; nanoindentation; overall; propagation; properties; reduced; results; specimen; study; test; tip; toughness; use; values; velocity cache: ap-4768.pdf plain text: ap-4768.txt item: #794 of 1243 id: ap-478 author: Geromiller, H.-P.; Farschtschi, A. title: Numerical Calculation of Electric Fields in Housing Spaces Due to Electromagnetic Radiation from Antennas for Mobile Communication date: 2003-01-05 words: 1045 flesch: 52 summary: 43 No. 5/2003 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 1 2 3 E Emax / inc 10 Angle of incidence [°] Fig. 2: Dependency of maximum electric field strength inside a housing space referred to incident electric field strength (Emax /Einc) over angle of incidence (�) References [1] Berenger, J. P.: It should be taken into account that the effects of electromagnetic radi- ation on humans are quadratically dependent on the electric field strength, as these effects are mainly related to the ener- getic density of the electromagnetic waves, and therefore the negative impacts on humans increase disproportionately with electric field strength. keywords: angle; electric; electromagnetic; field; housing; incidence; incident; plane; pml; source; space; strength; time; wave cache: ap-478.pdf plain text: ap-478.txt item: #795 of 1243 id: ap-480 author: Brůžek, B.; Leidich, E. title: Numerical Simulation of Stresses in Thin-rimmed Spur Gears with Keyway date: 2003-01-05 words: 3516 flesch: 71 summary: [mm] Fig. 8: Stress distribution in the loaded root of the tooth (left) and in the keyway (right) for double-sided torque distribution; � � 2.5°; module 2 mm; normal force on tooth Z3; �, �: see Fig. [mm] Fig. 10: Stress distribution in the loaded root of the tooth (left) and in the keyway (right) for double-sided torque distribution; � � 2.5°; module 2 mm; normal force on tooth Z3; hub and key flushed 9 Numerical investigated influences The influence of the keyway on stress increase in the root of the tooth is mainly due to small thickness of the hub sk (see Fig. 2). keywords: angle; distribution; fig; hub; influence; keyway; left; loaded; loaded root; loading; maximum; model; module; principal; root; shaft; sided; stress; stress distribution; teeth; thickness; tooth; torque cache: ap-480.pdf plain text: ap-480.txt item: #796 of 1243 id: ap-482 author: Vyhlídal, T.; Zítek, P. title: Anisochronic Internal Model Control Design date: 2003-01-05 words: 4919 flesch: 66 summary: The zeros of system (5) are the roots of the following equation � � � �N s a s� � � �1 0exp � (6) Considering variable s as a complex variable, i.e., s � �� �j , the complex roots of (6) are the solutions of the equations � �� � � � � �Re exp cosN s a� � � �1 0�� �� (7) � �� � � � � �Im Theoretically, it is possible to use the term � �Ls s� �exp � , but as � � � �Re Im . 0 5 (where m is a dominant zero of the system) the ratio � L becomes very large, which is not convenient from the numerical point of view. keywords: anisochronic; closed; complex; control; controller; delay; design; dominant; dynamics; exp exp; exp �; fig; following; function; g s; imc; loop; m s; model; order; poles; real; roots; s k; s s; s �; spectrum; swy �; system; tf �; time; vol; zeros; � f; � j; � n; � � cache: ap-482.pdf plain text: ap-482.txt item: #797 of 1243 id: ap-4833 author: Machovec, Jan; Reiterman, Pavel title: INFLUENCE OF AGGRESSIVE ENVIRONMENT ON THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF TEXTILE REINFORCED CONCRETE date: 2018-08-30 words: 5646 flesch: 58 summary: Three types of used textile reinforcement. Results Performed experimental program was focused on the assessment of the resistance of TRC made of HPC matrix and glass textile reinforcement to various aggressive environments. keywords: 100c; 50c; accelerated; acidic; aggressive; alkaline; behaviour; compressive; concrete; crack; days; doi:10.1016; durability; effect; environment; experimental; figure; flexural; freeze; freezing; glass; h2so4; high; influence; layers; loss; mass; materials; matrix; mechanical; naoh; point; program; properties; ref; reinforcement; resistance; results; samples; silica; solution; specimens; strength; structures; studied; surface; tensile; test; testing; textile; thaw; thawing; trc; values cache: ap-4833.pdf plain text: ap-4833.txt item: #798 of 1243 id: ap-484 author: Lazim, Tholudin Mat; Mat, Shabudin; Saint, Huong Yu title: Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation (CFD) and Experimental Study on Wing-external Store Aerodynamic Interference of a Subsonic Fighter Aircraft date: 2003-01-05 words: 3586 flesch: 53 summary: Research on external store installation is complex and extensive. The methods for determining the influence of stores on the wing will be used to simulate the full size of this fighter aircraft with real size external store. keywords: -0.2; aerodynamic; aircraft; analysis; cfd; clean; coefficient; computational; configuration; distribution; elements; experimental; external; external store; fig; fighter; flow; fluid; geometry; interference; journal; lower; lower surface; mid; model; number; numerical; pressure; process; results; section; simulated; simulation; software; span; station; store; study; subsonic; surface; testing; tunnel; upper; upper surface; vol; wind; wing cache: ap-484.pdf plain text: ap-484.txt item: #799 of 1243 id: ap-486 author: Ritschl, E.; Theiner, R.; Hanus, D. title: Inlet Channel for a Ducted Fan Propulsion System of a Light Aircraft date: 2003-01-06 words: 1684 flesch: 66 summary: Smoothness and continuity of the channel chord ratio are the main requirements of channel design. 6/2003 Version No. Channel Design CFD Flow Computation 10 12 Fig. 5: Some of the design verions of the proposed channel Fig. 6: Experimental measurement of proposed channel © Czech Technical University Publishing House 7 Acta Polytechnica Vol. 43 keywords: acta; aircraft; channel; cold; cross; czech; data; design; engine; experimental; fan; field; fig; flow; inlet; jet; light; model; outlet; polytechnica; propulsion; section; technical; university; velocity; version; vol cache: ap-486.pdf plain text: ap-486.txt item: #800 of 1243 id: ap-4862 author: Flegner, Patrik; Kačur, Ján title: EVALUATION OF SENSOR SIGNAL PROCESSING METHODS IN TERMS OF INFORMATION THEORY date: 2018-12-31 words: 5151 flesch: 58 summary: The paper deals with the examination of basic methods of evaluation of sensor signals in terms of the information content of the given method and the used technical means. Digital measuring system Nowadays, in the practical applications of the the- ory of the automatic control or digital signal process- ing keywords: accuracy; acoustic; acta; amplitude; analog; analog signal; analysis; basic; bit; class; complex; content; control; converter; data; digital; disintegration; distribution; doi:10.1016; domain; drilling; elements; entropy; equation; evaluation; example; figure; flegner; frequency; hybrid; information; kačur; levels; log2; maximum; measured; measurement; measuring; metalurgija; methods; mining; number; polytechnica; possible; practice; probability; processes; processing; real; rock; rope; rotary; samples; sensor; sensor signal; set; signal; signal processing; source; spectra; spectrogram; spectrum; steel; system; technical; terms; theory; time; valid; value; variable cache: ap-4862.pdf plain text: ap-4862.txt item: #801 of 1243 id: ap-488 author: Valášek, M.; Steinbauer, P.; Kolář, J.; Dvořák, J. title: Concurrent Design of Railway Vehicles by Simulation Model Reuse date: 2003-01-06 words: 3177 flesch: 48 summary: The particular relationships between world models and their components can also be generalized into more abstract knowledge about the development of virtual models and their simulation (Fig. 5) Due to the nature of the described methodology, simulation models are an essential part of this. keywords: acta; cases; clockwork; components; conceptual; czech; design; different; engineering; environment; fig; informal; knowledge; level; methodology; model; modelling; object; particular; physical; polytechnica; previous; process; question; railway; real; real world; related; simulation; support; system; task; technical; university; vehicle; virtual; vol; world cache: ap-488.pdf plain text: ap-488.txt item: #802 of 1243 id: ap-4889 author: Samir, Benbakreti; Boukelif, Aoued title: NEW APPROACH FOR ONLINE ARABIC MANUSCRIPT RECOGNITION BY DEEP BELIEF NETWORK date: 2018-10-31 words: 7423 flesch: 59 summary: Arabic words recognition rates and classifi- cation time according the neural network. made in the different neuronal approaches. Arabic words recognition rates and classifi- cation time according the DBN network. keywords: acta; algorithm; approach; arabic; arabic characters; architecture; basis; belief; benbakreti; best; boukelif; calculation; case; character; classic; classification; database; dbn; deep; different; direction; divergence; end; error; extraction; features; figure; following; forms; function; grnn; handwriting; handwriting recognition; handwritten; hidden; input; layer; learning; length; manuscript; method; mlp; model; network; neural; neural network; neurons; new; number; online; online arabic; output; paper; parameters; phase; points; polytechnica; position; preprocessing; previous; probabilistic; probability; problem; pseudo; radial; rate; rbf; rbm; recognition; restricted; results; sampling; second; signal; step; system; table; tdnn; temporal; time; training; use; variability; vector; visible; weight; words; writer cache: ap-4889.pdf plain text: ap-4889.txt item: #803 of 1243 id: ap-490 author: Hagras, T.; Janeček, J. title: Static vs. Dynamic List-Scheduling Performance Comparison date: 2003-01-06 words: 4306 flesch: 69 summary: Keywords: list scheduling, compile time scheduling, task graph scheduling, homogeneous computing. The communication cost ci, j for transferring data from task vi (scheduled on pm) to task vj (scheduled on pn), is defined as: c S Ri j i j, ,� � � � , where S is the cost of starting communication between proces- sors (in secs), �i, j is the amount of data transmitted from task vi to task vj (in bytes), R is the cost of communication per transferred byte (in sec/byte). keywords: algorithm; better; communication; comparison; cost; dag; dls; dynamic; earliest; etf; execution; exit; fig; graph; hlfet; level; list; mcp; node; processor; schedule; scheduling; section; set; start; static; table; task; time; vol cache: ap-490.pdf plain text: ap-490.txt item: #804 of 1243 id: ap-4911 author: Vokurka, Karel title: THE TIME DIFFERENCE IN EMISSION OF LIGHT AND PRESSURE PULSES FROM OSCILLATING BUBBLES date: 2018-10-31 words: 6608 flesch: 69 summary: Keywords: spark-generated bubbles; light emission; bubble oscillations. The bubble size is RM1 = 49 mm, the intensity of bubble oscillation is pzp1 = 142.1. 327 Karel Vokurka Acta Polytechnica −100 −80 −60 keywords: acoustic; acta; bubble; bubble oscillation; bubble size; cavitation; contraction; difference; difference δ1; discharge; distance; earlier; emission; example; expansion; experimental; figure; flashes; hydrophone; instants; intensity; interval; large; light; maxima; maximum; optical; oscillating; p1(t; phase; phys; plasma; plasmoids; polytechnica; pressure; pressure pulses; pulses; pzp1; radiation; records; results; review; rm1; size; spark; tc1; time; time difference; tp1; tu1; um1; value; variation; vokurka; voltage; water; waves; width; work cache: ap-4911.pdf plain text: ap-4911.txt item: #805 of 1243 id: ap-4915 author: Pehnelt, Tomáš; Lafata, Pavel; Nevosad, Marek title: MODIFICATION OF HIERARCHICAL AGGLOMERATIVE CLUSTERING WITH COMPLETE LINKAGE FOR OPTIMAL USAGE WITH PASSIVE OPTICAL NETWORKS date: 2018-12-31 words: 4221 flesch: 52 summary: Today, passive optical networks (PONs) represent a modern solution for high-speed FTTx subscriber lines and networks. Keywords: passive optical network; network optimization; topology optimization; algorithms; hierar- chical clustering; optical splitter placement. keywords: agglomerative; agglomerative clustering; algorithm; attenuation; city; clustering; clusters; comparison; complete; conference; deployment; designing; distance; doi:10.1109; fibres; figure; following; hierarchical; hierarchical agglomerative; ieee; international; linkage; methods; network; number; olt; ont; optical; optimization; optimum; order; paper; passive; passive optical; pon; pons; process; ratio; results; rural; solution; splitters; splitting; summary; techniques; topology; units; urban; value cache: ap-4915.pdf plain text: ap-4915.txt item: #806 of 1243 id: ap-4917 author: Ouamara, Daoud; Dubas, Frédéric; Randi, Sid Ali; Benallal, Mohamed Nadjib; Espanet, Christophe title: GENERAL CALCULATION OF WINDING FACTOR FOR MULTI-PHASE/-LAYER ELECTRICAL MACHINES IRRESPECTIVE OF POLES NUMBER date: 2019-04-30 words: 4547 flesch: 74 summary: Acta Polytechnica doi:10.14311/AP.2019.59.0153 Acta Polytechnica 59(2):153–161, 2019 © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2019 available online at GENERAL CALCULATION OF WINDING FACTOR FOR MULTI-PHASE/-LAYER ELECTRICAL MACHINES IRRESPECTIVE OF POLES NUMBER Daoud Ouamaraa, b, ∗, Frédéric Dubasa, Sid Ali Randic, Mohamed Nadjib Benallalb, Christophe Espanetd a Univ. A new feature of the multi-layer windings is introduced, it is called false-zero windings, which is divided into two categories: i) α-windings (i.e., odd false-zero windings), and ii) β-windings (i.e., even false-zero windings). keywords: acta; application; calculation; concentrated; conductor; design; distribution; doi:10.1109; electrical; example; factor; false; figure; fractional; general; ieee; layer; layer winding; machines; magnet; matrix; method; multi; number; odd; paper; permanent; phase; poles; polytechnica; results; rotor; single; slots; stator; step; turns; vector; viz; winding; ′w]1 cache: ap-4917.pdf plain text: ap-4917.txt item: #807 of 1243 id: ap-492 author: Jokl, M. V. title: Indoor Air Quality Assessment Based on Human Physiology - Part 1. New Criteria Proposal date: 2003-01-06 words: 3203 flesch: 55 summary: [dB TVOC], (5) where � CO2 and �TVOC represent the concentrations of CO2 and TVOC. (1) Applied to acoustic component of the environment L SPL P P P � � 20 0 log [dB], (2) where L SPLP � � sound pressure level [dB); P � acoustic pressure (when measuring the RMS value, i.e. the square root of the arithmetic average of a set of squared instantaneous values); P0 � acoustic pressure at the threshold of hearing (for air P0 � 20 �Pa). keywords: acta; air; building; co2; concentration; czech; dcd; decibel; environment; equation; experimental; fig; house;; human; indoor; level; locations; mean; measured; new; odor; perception; point; polytechnica; ppm; publishing; quality; relationship; scale; technical; threshold; toxic; tvoc; units; university; values; vol cache: ap-492.pdf plain text: ap-492.txt item: #808 of 1243 id: ap-4922 author: Kravanja, Sebastjan; Sovják, Radoslav title: ULTRA-HIGH-PERFORMANCE FIBRE-REINFORCED CONCRETE UNDER HIGH-VELOCITY PROJECTILE IMPACT. PART I. EXPERIMENTS date: 2018-08-30 words: 5134 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: projectile impact; UHPFRC; depth of penetration; mechanical properties; shear crack resistance. Cubes were differ- entiated on the basis of the fibre volumetric content and effect of projectile impact was investigated in terms of the cratering damage. keywords: area; case; compressive; compressive strength; concrete; core; correlation; crack; crater; damage; deformable; degrees; depth; diameter; direct; doi:10.1016; dop; energy; experimental; factor; fibre; flexural; fmj; fraction; head; high; impact; impact resistance; increment; int; jacket; length; loading; material; measured; mechanical; mixture; msc; penetration; performance; point; projectile; projectile impact; properties; resistance; shear; slc; specimens; strain; strength; study; table; target; tensile; test; total; uhpfrc; ultimate; ultra; unconfined; velocity; volume; volumetric cache: ap-4922.pdf plain text: ap-4922.txt item: #809 of 1243 id: ap-4924 author: Kravanja, Sebastjan; Sovják, Radoslav title: ULTRA-HIGH-PERFORMANCE FIBRE-REINFORCED CONCRETE UNDER HIGH-VELOCITY PROJECTILE IMPACT - PART 2. APPLICABILITY OF PREDICTION MODELS date: 2018-12-31 words: 6389 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: projectile impact; UHPFRC; prediction models; depth of penetration; mass ejection. The major supposition in the develop- ment of prediction models was that the penetration depth and crater volume are in inverse correlation to the unconfined compressive strength of the con- crete. keywords: abbas; accuracy; accurate; acta; almusallam; analytical; area; authors; case; compressive; concrete; cone; core; correlation; crater; data; deformable; deformable projectile; depth; diameter; doi:10.1016; effect; ejection; empirical; energy; eng; equation; et al; experimental; fibre; figure; fmj; formula; high; hwang; impact; int; length; logarithmic; mass; material; model; modified; msc; ndrc; non; nose; parameters; penetration; penetration depth; performance; prediction; prediction models; projectile; projectile impact; resistant; results; rigid; rubin; scabbing; semi; shape; slc; spalling; strength; structures; study; table; target; uhpfrc; ultra; use; values; velocity; volumetric; yarin cache: ap-4924.pdf plain text: ap-4924.txt item: #810 of 1243 id: ap-4928 author: Shalimba, Veikko; Sopko, Vít title: JATROPHA OIL WITH IRON NANOPARTICLES APPLICATION IN DRILLING PROCESSES date: 2019-07-01 words: 2500 flesch: 63 summary: Water with iron nanoparticles samples were chosen because, in general, water is the heat transfer medium for heat exchangers, because of its availability and good thermo-physical properties. According to the safety regulation EC.: 19017/2006, nanofluid samples used in this experiment were classified as not danger- ous materials under the act on chemical substances and preparations. keywords: base; change; conductivity; cooling; cutting; deviation; drilling; e100; experimental; figure; fluid; heat; high; iron; j n; jatropha; nanofluids; nanoparticles; oil; peak; properties; samples; table; temperature; thermal; time; transfer; volume; water cache: ap-4928.pdf plain text: ap-4928.txt item: #811 of 1243 id: ap-4934 author: Panchenko, Sergii; Ohar, Oleksandr; Kutsenko, Maksym; Smachilo, Julia title: A METHOD OF COMPLEX CALCULATION OF RATIONAL STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS OF RAILWAY HUMPS date: 2018-12-31 words: 3872 flesch: 70 summary: − I2 − 25) + U2x+2(V = 0, U2x(Ix − 50) = 0, U2x+1(I1 − I2 − 25) = 0, 376 vol. keywords: 1,m; area; arrangement; authors; braking; calculation; car; conditions; costs; crest; cut; difficult; element; gravity; heavy; hump; hyrp; i=1; length; limitations; linear; method; needed; number; origin; parameters; profile; railway; regulation; regulators; research; rolling; section; speed; structural; switching; task; technological; technology; v0,i1,i2; yrp cache: ap-4934.pdf plain text: ap-4934.txt item: #812 of 1243 id: ap-494 author: Jokl, M. V. title: Indoor Air Quality Assessment Based on Human Physiology - Part 2. Limits date: 2003-01-06 words: 3136 flesch: 65 summary: [�g � m�3] we get for adapted persons, preferring again �p as it was with CO2, � �� ��� TVOC � � � �46000 5 98 104ln .PD � � � [l�s�1�p�1](4) where RB � 7 5. 1�s �1 �p�1, prescriptive outdoor air require- ment for unadapted persons [9] GBTVOC � 5140 �g�h �1 �p�1, TVOC load caused by sedentary person (see Table 2.2); � iTVOC � 200 �g � m �3, TVOC indoor air concentration for 20 % dissatisfied unadapted person (see Fig. 2.4); � eTVOC �10 �g � m �3, TVOC outdoor air concentration, as a result of Eq. keywords: admissible; air; asthm; buildings; co2; concentration; czech; dcd; dissatisfied; dtv; fig; indoor; limit; long; optimal; persons; ppm; quality; range; sbs; short; table; term; tolerable; tvoc; unadapted; units; value; � g cache: ap-494.pdf plain text: ap-494.txt item: #813 of 1243 id: ap-496 author: Jokl, M. V. title: Indoor Air Quality Assessment Based on Human Physiology - Part 3. Applications date: 2003-01-06 words: 5247 flesch: 68 summary: G R R R P P P P � � � � � � � � � � � � 2420 10 10 0 21 10 7 6 6 2 1 1 1 . Keywords: indoor air quality, odors, air changes estimation. keywords: acta; adapted; air; air quality; appendix; area; ashrae; bsr; building; co2; conf; constituent; converted; crump; czech; direct; eds; environment; eur; exhaust; fixture; formulas; health; house;; indoor; indoor air; int; listed; log; london; minimum; new; odor; office; optimal; outdoor; people; persons; polytechnica; prescriptive; publishing; quality; range; rate; requirements; room; section; simple; spaces; standard; supply; system; table; technical; tvoc; units; university; values; ventilation; vol cache: ap-496.pdf plain text: ap-496.txt item: #814 of 1243 id: ap-4969 author: Adlerová, Iva title: Editorial: FAREWELL AND WELCOME NEW EDITOR-IN-CHIEF date: 2018-07-02 words: 394 flesch: 51 summary: Acta Polytechnica doi:10.14311/AP.2018.58.00IX Acta Polytechnica 58(3):ix–ix, 2018 © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2018 available online at Farewell and Welcome New Editor-in-Chief My seven years with Acta Polytechnica ended on June 30. I very respect her professional skills, I am convinced that she has the right motivation for the successful management of Acta Polytechnica and I wish her all the best. keywords: acta; chief; cooperation; editor; journal; polytechnica; support cache: ap-4969.pdf plain text: ap-4969.txt item: #815 of 1243 id: ap-4976 author: Munshi, Mohmmadraiyan M.; Patel, Ashok R.; Deheri, Gunamani B. title: A STUDY OF FERROFLUID LUBRICATION BASED ROUGH SINE FILM SLIDER BEARING WITH ASSORTED POROUS STRUCTURE date: 2019-04-30 words: 4461 flesch: 62 summary: This paper attempts to study a ferrofluid lubrication based rough sine film slider bearing with assorted porous structure using a numerical approach. A study of ferrofluid lubrication based rough sine film slider bearing. . . study. keywords: assorted; bearing; bearing capacity; calculated; capacity; carman; carrying; comparison; deheri; effect; engineering; equation; ferrofluid; field; figure; film; flow; impact; journal; kozeny; load; load bearing; lubrication; magnetic; magnetization; model; patel; performance; porosity; porous; profile; result; rough; roughness; sine; slider; slider bearing; squeeze; structure; study; surface; system; tribology; velocity cache: ap-4976.pdf plain text: ap-4976.txt item: #816 of 1243 id: ap-498 author: Pekárek, S. title: Non-Thermal Plasma Ozone Generation date: 2003-01-06 words: 3396 flesch: 66 summary: Consequently, technologies based on non-thermal plasma can be highly ef- fective in promoting oxidation, enhancing molecular dissoci- ation or producing free radicals to stimulate plasmachemical reactions, which can be used for ozone generation or for other ecological applications such as decomposition of pollutants in air streams. Due to the fact that the processes of ozone generation are carried out at atmospheric pressure, we shall focus on atmo- spheric pressure electrical discharges only. keywords: air; atmospheric; case; configuration; corona; current; czech; discharge; electric; electrode; electrons; energy; example; field; fig; flow; gas; generation; high; main; needle; nitrogen; non; oxygen; ozone; plasma; plate; pressure; production; rate; reaction; silent; space; technical; temperature; thermal; tube; types; unit; university; vol; voltage cache: ap-498.pdf plain text: ap-498.txt item: #817 of 1243 id: ap-4999 author: Olusunmade, Olusola Femi; Bulus, Abba Emmanuel; Kashin, Terwase Kelvin title: EFFECT OF IMPERATA CYLINDRICA REINFORCEMENT FORM ON THE TENSILE AND IMPACT PROPERTIES OF ITS COMPOSITES WITH RECYCLED LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE date: 2018-10-31 words: 2744 flesch: 54 summary: Compared to the other types of fibre form, the powder form has the smallest volume. The higher value of tensile strength observed for the RLDPE/IC mat composite when compared to that of the neat RLDPE and RLDPE/IC particulate composite was due to the transfer of stress to the IC long-fibre. keywords: average; composite; cylindrica; elongation; fibre; fibre mat; figure; form; ic mat; ic particulate; impact; imperata; increase; journal; long; mat; material; matrix; mechanical; modulus; natural; particulate; polymer; properties; reinforcement; rldpe; sachets; specimens; stem; strength; tensile; test; value; vol; water cache: ap-4999.pdf plain text: ap-4999.txt item: #818 of 1243 id: ap-500 author: Abdelaziz, Taha H. S.; Valášek, M. title: A Direct Algorithm for Pole Placement by State-derivative Feedback for Single-input Linear Systems date: 2003-01-06 words: 7841 flesch: 70 summary: e e � � � , � ��Q � � � � � � � � � � 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 t te , and � �� . Finally, the feedback gain matrix is � � � � � �K q A B q At t t � � � � � � � � 1 10 10 1 100 4 1 4 1 1 2 3 1 2 e e � � � � � �3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 10 2 100 10 1000 100 � � � � � , , e e t t � � � � � � � � �� � � �1 3 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 10 1 100 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � e t . keywords: bkt �; canonical; characteristic; closed; coefficients; control; czech; derivative; derivative feedback; design; equation; feedback; fig; formula; frobenius; gain; input; invariant; linear; loop; matrix; n n; original; placement; pole; polynomial; problem; q q; q t; s �; single; solution; state; state feedback; system; t n; t t; technical; time; transformation; transformed; transient; university; vector; vol; � en; � k; � n; � r; � � cache: ap-500.pdf plain text: ap-500.txt item: #819 of 1243 id: ap-5015 author: Dvořák, Pavel; Jiránková, Eva title: EFFECTS ON THE FINAL INTENSITY OF INPUT FORCES IN LONGBOLTS INSTALLED AT THE MINING OPERATION 2 AREA, OKD, INC. date: 2018-10-31 words: 3975 flesch: 62 summary: The primary objective and function of the installed bolting elements (rock bolts, long bolts) is not only the transfer of shear and tensile loads acting in the massif, but also the ability to bring a certain degree of stress into the massif and thereby positively affect it (closing microcracks, increasing the shear strength). In the deep coal mines of OKD, Inc., both bolts and long bolts of different designs are used for the rock massif and steel arch support reinforcement. keywords: acta; anchorage; applied; barrel; bolting; bolts; cable; cablebolt; coal; conditions; czech; effects; elastic; element; figure; force; friction; inc; individual; initial; input; intensity; ir-6; jack; length; long; longbolts; loss; losses; massif; mca; method; metres; mining; minova; nut; okd; operation; overburden; panel; pillar; polytechnica; rock; room; seam; strand; stress; stressing; support; thread; threaded; time; trial; wedge cache: ap-5015.pdf plain text: ap-5015.txt item: #820 of 1243 id: ap-502 author: Elnagahy, Farag Ibrahim Younis; Šimák, B. title: Wavelet-Based Embedded Rate Scalable Still Image Coders: A review date: 2004-01-01 words: 10128 flesch: 58 summary: Reversible wavelet transforms and their appli- cation to embedded image compression. The JPEG2000 standard for still image compression is presented. keywords: acta; algorithm; band; bit; bit stream; block; chrominance; coder; coding; coefficients; color; components; compressed; compression; czech; data; decoder; decoding; decomposition; different; encoder; encoding; entropy; ezw; fig; frequency; house;; ieee; image; image coder; image coding; image compression; information; integer; jpeg2000; level; low; luminance; orientation; original; pass; passes; performance; pixels; plane; polytechnica; prague; process; processing; publishing; quality; quantization; quantizer; rate; real; region; resolution; sample; scalability; scalable; scalable image; scheme; set; significant; snr; space; spatial; spiht; stage; step; stream; structure; sub; symbol; technical; transform; tree; university; vol; wavelet; wavelet coefficients; wavelet transform; zerotree cache: ap-502.pdf plain text: ap-502.txt item: #821 of 1243 id: ap-5020 author: Sysyn, Mykola; Nabochenko, Olga; Kovalchuk, Vitalii; Gerber, Ulf title: EVALUATION OF RAILWAY BALLAST LAYER CONSOLIDATION AFTER MAINTENANCE WORKS date: 2019-02-28 words: 6467 flesch: 49 summary: Principal scheme of the device for assessing ballast consolidation: 1 – server for signal processing; 2 – Wi-Fi microcontroller unit with ADC; 3 – electrodynamic emitter of pulse acoustic signal shaker –; 4 – seismic sensor SV-20P; 5 – rail; 6 – sleeper; 7 – ballast layer. Keywords: ballast layer consolidation; tamping machines; seismic method; impulse response interpre- tation; signal processing; feature selection; classification; clustering. keywords: acta; addition; amplitude; analysis; application; ballast; ballast consolidation; ballast layer; consolidated; consolidation; consolidation degree; data; degree; different; doi:10.1016; dsp; dte; dynamic; edge; edition; elastic; emitter; engineering; evaluation; experimental; features; figure; following; frequency; gerber; impulse; instantaneous; instantaneous frequency; interpretation; kinematic; kovalchuk; laboratory; layer consolidation; leading; lss; machines; maximum; measurements; methods; nabochenko; number; oscillation; passages; periodograms; polytechnica; processing; propagation; quality; railway; railway ballast; receiver; response; results; second; seismic; signal; spectrum; statistical; stone; study; sysyn; tamping; test; time; track; type; unconsolidated ballast; university; value; velocity; wave cache: ap-5020.pdf plain text: ap-5020.txt item: #822 of 1243 id: ap-5030 author: Vetter, Michael title: MODEL-BASED SECURITY ANALYSIS OF FPGA DESIGNS THROUGH REINFORCEMENT LEARNING date: 2019-11-01 words: 4799 flesch: 49 summary: We presented a method to generate a Markov Decision Process based reinforcement learning model from a formal, high-level system description (formulated in the domain-specific language FPGASECML.) Keywords: FPGA, IT security, model-driven design, reinforcement learning, machine learning. keywords: acta; actions; agent; analysis; approach; attacker; attacks; best; burlap; challenge; code; computer; constraints; cost; cyber; data; decision; deep; design; development; different; domain; episodes; example; expensive; figure; fpga; fpgamodule; fpgasecml; game; grand; implementation; information; learning; limits; low; machine; markov; mdp; methods; minimal; model; multiple; networks; new; number; physical; polytechnica; possible; probabilistic; problem; process; rate; reinforcement; reinforcement learning; representation; reward; runs; scenario; security; sequence; slot; solution; state; steps; storage; success; system; terminal; threat; use cache: ap-5030.pdf plain text: ap-5030.txt item: #823 of 1243 id: ap-504 author: Brandejský, T. title: Implementation of Component-based Simulation Support Tool for Conceptual Design date: 2004-01-01 words: 4279 flesch: 50 summary: � � � �� � � � � �� �op N X R op N X N R, _ ,� (2) Binary operator � � � � � �� � � � � � � �� �op N X N X R op N X N X N R1 2 1 2, , _ , ,� (3) � � � � � �� � � � � �� � � � � �op fn X crisp X R crisp X sgltn X op fn X sgltn X f1 2 2 2 1 2, , _ , , ,� � � �� �n R (4) � � � � � �� � � � � �� � � � � �op flv X crisp X R crisp X sgltn X op fn X sgltn X1 2 2 2 1 2, , _ , , ,� � � �� �fn R (5) � � � � � �� � � � � � � �� �op flv X fn X R op flv X fn X fn R1 2 1 2, , _ , ,� (6) � � � � � �� � � � � �� � � �op mifs X crisp X R crisp X sgltn X op mifs X sgltn1 2 2 2 1, , _ , ,� � � � � �� �X mifs R2 , (7) � � � � � �� � � � � � � �� �op mifs X fn X R op mifs X fn X mifs R1 2 1 2, , _ , ,� (8) � � � � � �� � � � � � � �� �op mifs X flv X R op mifs X flv X mifs R1 2 1 2, , _ , ,� (9) � � � � � �� � � � � �� � � �op milv X crisp X R crisp X sgltn X op milv X sgltn1 2 2 2 1, , _ , ,� � � � � �� �X mifs R2 , (10) � � � � � �� � � � � � � �� �op milv X fn X R op milv X fn X mifs R1 2 1 2, , _ , ,� (11) � � � � � �� � � � � � � �� �op milv X flv X R op milv X flv X mifs R1 2 1 2, , _ , ,� (12) � � � � � �� � � � � � � �� �op milv X mifs X R op milv X mifs X mifs In the following text transcription X Y� denotes that X is transformed during evaluation to Y, large chars denotes vari- ables, symbol ‘_’ is used for undefined value, � �op X K X Rn1, , , denotes n-ary operation op, � � � �� �op type X type R, then means unary operation op with argument of type type and with value X and result of type type and value R. Analogously, the form � � � �� �op T X T RR1 , then represents unary operation op with T1 type argument and value X and with the result of TR type and value R. Particular uncertainty description types are denoted by Table 3: 20 © Czech Technical University Publishing House Acta Polytechnica Vol. keywords: algebraic; asked; case; component; conceptual; crisp; crisp x; czech; data; description; design; editor; function; fuzzy; information; linguistic; membership; method; mifs; milv; model; modelling; numbers; operations; possible; prague; r op; relations; representation; result; rules; simulation; support; system; table; technical; tool; type; uncertainty; university; use; value; variables; work; x fn; x mifs cache: ap-504.pdf plain text: ap-504.txt item: #824 of 1243 id: ap-5040 author: Yusuff, Adeyinka S.; Popoola, Lekan T. title: OPTIMIZATION OF BIODIESEL PRODUCTION FROM WASTE FRYING OIL OVER ALUMINA SUPPORTED CHICKEN EGGSHELL CATALYST USING EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN TOOL date: 2019-02-28 words: 6166 flesch: 53 summary: The 2k factorial experimental design was employed for an optimization of process variables, which include catalyst loading, reaction time, methanol/oil molar ratio and reaction temperature and their effects on the biodiesel yield were studied. The variables (factors) considered were the reaction temperature, reaction time, catalyst loading and methanol/WFO molar ratio. keywords: acid; active; al2o3; alumina; analysis; ase; biodiesel; biodiesel production; biodiesel yield; calcined; catalyst; catalyst loading; characterization; cm−1; design; doi:10.1016; effects; eggshell; experimental; factorial; figure; frying; ftir; heterogeneous; high; interaction; loading; maximum; methanol; methyl; min; model; molar; oil; oil molar; olutoye; optimization; point; prepared; process; production; properties; ratio; raw; reaction; reaction temperature; reaction time; sites; solid; stretch; study; surface; synthesis; synthesized; table; temperature; time; transesterification; value; variables; waste; wfo; wt.%; yield; yusuff; ° c cache: ap-5040.pdf plain text: ap-5040.txt item: #825 of 1243 id: ap-5043 author: Čep, Robert; Malotová, Šárka; Lichovník, Jiří; Hatala, Michal; Legutko, Stanislaw title: THE INFLUENCE OF CUTTING CONDITIONS ON THE SELECTED PARAMETERS OF THE SURFACE INTEGRITY date: 2018-12-31 words: 2611 flesch: 60 summary: The article deals with an investigation of residual stress in machined surface under conditions of high-feed milling and determination of the influence of machining conditions on the size and types of stress resulting from cutting into the machined surface. Keywords: residual stress; milling; machining; X-ray diffraction; surface integrity. keywords: chip; compressive; conditions; cutting; dependence; experiment; feed; figure; high; influence; integrity; machined; machining; material; measurement; milling; parameters; process; ray; research; residual; residual stress; results; roughness; sample; speed; steel; stress; surface; tensile; tool; tooth; university; values; vol cache: ap-5043.pdf plain text: ap-5043.txt item: #826 of 1243 id: ap-5050 author: Pylypaka, Serhii F.; Klendii, Mykola B.; Nesvidomin, Viktor M.; Trokhaniak, Viktor I. title: PARTICLE MOTION OVER THE EDGE OF AN INCLINED PLANE THAT PERFORMS AXIAL MOVEMENT IN A VERTICAL LIMITING CYLINDER date: 2019-02-28 words: 6100 flesch: 64 summary: The force F is directed opposite to the direction of sliding, that is to say, opposite to the vector of the absolute velocity of particle motion. In our case, particle motion must be different, since, if an ellipse moves, the angle be- tween a velocity vector and a horizontal plane is alter- nate, besides, the friction force from a cylinder wall acts on a particle. keywords: absolute; angle; angular; axis; coefficient; cos; cos(ωt−α; curve; cylinder; differential; direction; disk; element; ellipse; equation; f =; figure; force; fr =; friction; height; inclined; increase; limiting; material; motion; movement; operating; particle; particle motion; plane; projections; reaction; relative; rotates; rotation; segment; sin; sin(ωt−α; sliding; surface; s−1; value; velocity; vertical cache: ap-5050.pdf plain text: ap-5050.txt item: #827 of 1243 id: ap-506 author: Alawy, A. El-Bassuny; Elnagahy, F. I. Y.; Haroon, A. A.; Azzam, Y. A.; Šimák, B. title: Stellar Image Interpretation System Using Artificial Neural Networks: date: 2004-01-01 words: 4422 flesch: 67 summary: Filled circles: images identified by Bi-polar function and DAOPHOT-II Open circles, square and triangle: images identified by DAOPHOT-II only 4 Conclusions Some conclusions can be drawn from the present study: Both Uni-polar and Bi-polar functions are good discrimi- nating functions when used in an ANN approach to identify stellar images among the other entities in a CCD frame. Recently, we have developed two approaches employing Artificial Intelligence techniques to recognise stellar images [10] besides deriving all relevant astronomical data [11]. keywords: acta; anns; approach; artificial; astronomical; case; ccd; cluster; code; cosmic; czech; daophot; data; entities; error; fig; frame; function; house;; images; learning; m67; neural; noise; open; output; paper; pattern; photometry; pixel; polar; polytechnica; prague; present; publishing; results; set; star; stellar; system; table; technical; university; values; vol cache: ap-506.pdf plain text: ap-506.txt item: #828 of 1243 id: ap-5063 author: Szajewska, Marzena; Tereszkiewicz, Agnieszka Maria title: MULTIDIMENSIONAL HYBRID BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM date: 2018-12-31 words: 7837 flesch: 85 summary: + k 3 C c (x )S 2a + 2b + c (1 − x )S 2b + c (z )− k 3 C c (x )S 2b + c (1 − x )S 2a + 2b + c (z ) C c (1 − x )C 2b + c (z )C 2a + 2b + c (x )+ C c (1 − x )C 2b + c (x )C 2a + 2b + c (z ) S c (z ) F 3 2( C 3a + 2b (y )+ C 3a + b (y )+ C b (y )) keywords: + √; 1√2; boundaries; boundary; branching; c b; c c; c(x; case; condition; constants; equation; families; finite; functions; fundamental; groups; helmholtz; hybrid; lie; math; new; normal; patera; problem; reflection; region; root; s b; s c; separation; simple; special; value; vectors; vol; − √ cache: ap-5063.pdf plain text: ap-5063.txt item: #829 of 1243 id: ap-5070 author: Sellitto, Miguel Afonso title: LEAD-TIME, INVENTORY, AND SAFETY STOCK CALCULATION IN JOB-SHOP MANUFACTURING date: 2018-12-31 words: 4735 flesch: 64 summary: LTi – lead-time of order i; LT m – mean order LT ; LTσm – standard deviation of the order LT ; LT mw – mean part LT ; Qi – amount of value added by order i; ∑n i=1 Qi – total amount dispatched by all orders; LTσw – standard deviation of the part LT ; RI m – mean arrival rate of orders or parts; WIP m – mean WIP; Pm – mean throughput; ∆Tmax – maximum time elapsed between the arrival of two successive orders. The purpose of this article is to present a method for calculating the lead-time, the inventory, and the safety stock or buffer in job shop manufacturing, which are essentially stochastic variables. keywords: application; arrival; calculation; close; company; completion; control; data; days; econ; figure; furniture; high; i=1; industry; int; inventory; job; lead; level; manufacturing; mean; method; models; mto; order; parts; production; regression; research; safety; sets; shop; size; stock; system; time; wip; wlc; workload cache: ap-5070.pdf plain text: ap-5070.txt item: #830 of 1243 id: ap-508 author: Tuncer, I. H.; Kay, M. title: Optimization of Flapping Airfoils for Maximum Thrust and Propulsive Efficiency date: 2004-01-01 words: 3513 flesch: 57 summary: The flapping motion of the airfoil in combined plunge, h, and pitch, �, is specified by � �h h t� � 0 cos � , � �� �� � �0 cos � �t , where the angular frequency � is given in terms of the reduced frequency, k c U� �� . O D where � � � � � � �� � � O keywords: acta; aiaa; airfoil; amplitude; angle; attack; case; coefficient; czech; edge; efficiency; fig; flapping; flow; function; grid; jones; leading; maximum; motion; objective; optimization; overset; parallel; pitch; platzer; plunge; polytechnica; propulsive; steps; technical; thrust; university; unsteady; variables; vol cache: ap-508.pdf plain text: ap-508.txt item: #831 of 1243 id: ap-510 author: Végh, L. title: The Psychological Image of Realistic Physical Quantities. The Psychological Speed of Aging date: 2004-01-01 words: 3431 flesch: 52 summary: Psychological physical quantities – PQ (PPQ). Psychological quantities (the designa- tion of psychological images of real quantities) are actually necessary components of our decision making. keywords: age; aging; calendar; conditions; czech; dependence; different; example; external; function; images; individual; length; max; phenomena; physical; physical quantities; possible; ppq; psa; psychological; psychological images; psychological quantities; quantities; quantity; real; rpq; speed; technical; time; tpx; units; university; values; vpx cache: ap-510.pdf plain text: ap-510.txt item: #832 of 1243 id: ap-5105 author: Kruschwitz, Jens; Lind, Martin; Muntean, Adrian; Richardson, Omar; Wondmagegne, Yosief title: MODELLING, SIMULATION AND PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION OF ACTIVE POLLUTION REDUCTION WITH PHOTOCATALYTIC ASPHALT date: 2019-02-28 words: 4467 flesch: 58 summary: In this paper, we report on the use of numerical simulations to mimic the effect of the presence of a street paved with photocatalytic asphalt has on the NO reduction in the local ambient. Advanced solar photocatalytic asphalt for removal of vehicular NOx. keywords: acta; air; asphalt; concentration; conditions; cross; data; diffusion; doi:10.1016; effects; emission; environment; figure; identification; initial; kiel; level; measured; measurements; model; modelling; muntean; nox; parameters; period; photocatalytic; pollutant; pollution; polytechnica; problem; process; radiation; reaction; reduction; reference; s(t; section; setting; simulated; simulation; solar; term; time; traffic; urban; use; value; vehicle; wind cache: ap-5105.pdf plain text: ap-5105.txt item: #833 of 1243 id: ap-512 author: Belyaev, B. A.; Leksikov, A. A.; Ovchinnikov, S. G.; Kraus, I.; Parshin, A. S. title: Magnetic Technique for Nondestructive Evaluation of Residual Stresses date: 2004-01-01 words: 3851 flesch: 55 summary: It is very important that the low-frequency modulating magnetic field with frequency © Czech Technical University Publishing House 43 Czech Technical University in Prague Acta Polytechnica Vol. Layout of MW detector of magnetic field 1 kHz present in the spectrometer acts as “a magnetic shake- -up”, due to which the recurrence of good results for repeated measurements is ensured. keywords: area; axis; czech; dependence; detector; direction; distribution; elastic; ferromagnetic; field; fig; film; grinding; inhomogeneities; local; magnetic; magnetic field; magnetization; magnetizing; measured; measurements; measuring; quantity; reversal; reversal field; sample; stray; stray fields; stresses; surface; sweep; technical; technique; tmf; treatment; university; vol cache: ap-512.pdf plain text: ap-512.txt item: #834 of 1243 id: ap-514 author: Ponce, A. Noriega; Behar, A. Aguado; Hernández, A. Ordaz; Sitar, V. Rauch title: Neural Networks for Self-tuning Control Systems date: 2004-01-01 words: 2986 flesch: 61 summary: In this case, instead of the net output error: � � � � � �e t u t u tu d� � (1) it is used the process output error: � � � � � �e t Applying the chain rule, we get: � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � E t v E t e e e e u t u t r r vj y y u u j � � � � � (10) � � � � � � � �� � � � � � E t v e e e u t u t h j y y u j� � � � � � � �1 1 (11) keywords: algorithm; closed; coefficients; control; e e; e t; e u; e y; error; fig; layer; learning; loop; means; net; neural; output; paper; process; regulator; self; t t; time; u t; value; weighting; y u cache: ap-514.pdf plain text: ap-514.txt item: #835 of 1243 id: ap-516 author: Zadražil, T.; Vodák, F.; Kapičková, O. title: Effect of Temperature and Age of Concrete on Strength – Porosity Relation date: 2004-01-01 words: 2519 flesch: 65 summary: AP04_1.vp 1 Introduction As known from experimental studies of concrete behav- iour at room temperature, there is a close correspondence between compressive strength S and its porosity P. Commonly this dependence is decreasing function, i.e. strength S de- creases with porosity P. The present paper is based on the assumption that changes in porosity P are the main factor effecting changes in compressive strength S of hardened cement pastes and con- crete (see, e.g., [2]). keywords: age; cement; composition; compressive; concrete; czech; days; dependence; effect; fig; high; house; porosity; prague; properties; ratio; s s; s(p; samples; specimens; strength; structure; technical; temperature; university; vodák; vol cache: ap-516.pdf plain text: ap-516.txt item: #836 of 1243 id: ap-5173 author: Kačur, Ján; Durdán, Milan; Laciak, Marek; Flegner, Patrik title: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DATA-DRIVEN MODELING METHODS FOR SOFT-SENSING IN UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION date: 2019-08-31 words: 21937 flesch: 72 summary: Proposal of Neural network considered for UCG data prediction. The piecewise-linear type of MARS models better fits the training data but, in the prediction on un- trained data, better results with the piecewise-cubic type of the model (see Table 4) are obtained. keywords: 4/2019; acta; activities; adaptive; air; algorithm; analysis; basis; bed; best; better; bf11; bf14; bf3; bf4; bf5; bf8; bf9; bfs; c o; c(x1; c(x2; c(x3; calculated; calorific; case; coal; coefficient; combustion; comparative; composition; concentration; conditions; conference; control; cubic; data; determined; different; dimensional; doi:10.1109; durdán; equation; error; experiment; figure; flegner; flow; following; forward; function; gasification; gaussian; gradient; hidden; high; highest; i=1; ieee; index; input; international; k(xi; kačur; kernel; laciak; layer; learning; linear; lowest; machine; mars; mars model; max(0; measured; measurement; methods; model; modeling; monitoring; multivariate; network; neural; neurons; non; number; observations; optimal; optimization; order; outlet; output; oxygen; paper; parameter; performance; phase; piecewise; polytechnica; possible; prediction; pressure; process; propagation; r2yy; reactor; real; regression; results; ryy; sensing; series; set; situ; soft; space; splines; statistical; study; support; svr; syngas; table; target; temperature; terms; test; testing; tightness; time; training; type; ucg; underground; value; variables; vector; vol cache: ap-5173.pdf plain text: ap-5173.txt item: #837 of 1243 id: ap-518 author: Sopko, V.; Trtík, K.; Vodák, F. title: Influence of ? Irradiation on Concrete Strength date: 2004-01-01 words: 952 flesch: 63 summary: It concerns neutrons and gamma irradiation acting on concrete construc- tions and accelerating their surface and internal changes. Of the irradiation spectrum we will observe only influ- ence of gamma irradiation. keywords: beams; composition; concrete; czech; decrease; dose; dosimeters; experiment; fig; gamma; irradiation; kgy; nuclear; strength; technical; test; university; vol cache: ap-518.pdf plain text: ap-518.txt item: #838 of 1243 id: ap-5194 author: Haider, Haider Tarish; Muhsen, Dhiaa Halboot; Shahadi, Haider Ismael; See, Ong Hang; Elmenreich, Wilfried title: DYNAMIC SMART GRID COMMUNICATION PARAMETERS BASED COGNITIVE RADIO NETWORK date: 2019-07-01 words: 6966 flesch: 52 summary: Trust based reliable transmission strategies for smart home energy management in cognitive radio based smart grid. 2. Cognitive radio parameters The CR provides the ability to sense the surrounding wireless environment periodically and to adapt the transmission parameters appropriately according to the objectives for the optimal utilization of spectrum bands [29]. keywords: acta; algorithm; applications; architecture; bands; ber; blm; channel; cognitive; cognitive radio; communication; communication mode; convergence; crde; crossover; data; decision; differential; doi:10.1016; dynamic; ecm; energy; engine; environment; evolution; fast; figure; fitness; function; generations; grid; grid communication; haider; han; high; home; htm; management; maximum; method; minimum; mode; modulation; multi; multiple; mutation; networks; number; objective; optimal; optimization; parameters; performance; polytechnica; power; problem; psk; psm; pso; qam; radio; rate; results; saving; scheme; score; selection; single; smart; smart grid; solutions; spectrum; system; table; throughput; time; transmission; transmission parameters; transmit; vector; weighting; wireless cache: ap-5194.pdf plain text: ap-5194.txt item: #839 of 1243 id: ap-520 author: Šimáně, Č.; Vognar, M.; Chvátil, D. title: The System for Control and Stabilization of the Beam Position in the Microtron MT-25 in Prague date: 2004-01-01 words: 3250 flesch: 52 summary: Therefore a system has been designed, which will be used in the future electron transmission line, with wire probes, which can be removed from the beam after the alignment procedure has been accomplished. From the same reason the determination of the correct chan- nel position by differential wire probes, which has been tried too, gave not satisfactory results. keywords: alignment; amplifier; axis; beam; beam position; chamber; channel; control; current; czech; departure; electron; electron beam; emission; extraction; fig; horizontal; load; magnetic; microtron; noise; orbit; orifice; output; path; position; prague; probe; resistor; secondary; secondary electron; space; stabilization; system; technical; transport; university; wire; wire probe cache: ap-520.pdf plain text: ap-520.txt item: #840 of 1243 id: ap-522 author: Murray-Smith, D. J. title: Biological Systems Thinking for Control Engineering Design date: 2004-01-02 words: 5862 flesch: 45 summary: If re- cruitment of motor units is the most significant factor in the development of tension in intact muscle this feature must be incorporated into neuromuscular control system models. Keywords: biology, control systems, design, neuro-muscular system. keywords: action; active; activity; adaptive; applied; artificial; biological; biological systems; central; changes; closed; complex; conditions; control; control system; design; development; dynamic; elements; engineering; experimental; features; feedback; fibres; form; frequency; fusimotor; gamma; human; important; increase; input; intrafusal; length; levels; load; loop; main; models; motoneurones; motor; muscle; muscle spindle; nerve; nervous; neural; neuromuscular; neuromuscular control; neuromuscular system; nonlinear; number; output; overall; pathways; present; primary; properties; pulse; receptors; reflex; response; robots; sensory; signal; single; spindle; stretch; system; tendon; tension; terms; thinking; types; units; university; vol cache: ap-522.pdf plain text: ap-522.txt item: #841 of 1243 id: ap-5222 author: Pačák, Tomáš; Tatíček, František; Valeš, Michal title: COMPENSATION OF SPRINGBACK IN LARGE SHEET METAL FORMING date: 2019-11-01 words: 3598 flesch: 55 summary: The methodology consists of three main parts: correct settings of virtual forming process (numerical simulation), springback analysis and springback compensation. The methodology was verified through a process of a numerical simulation, springback analysis and comparison with the reference geometry. keywords: accuracy; accurate; analysis; approach; bending; body; car; compensation; complex; description; fifth; figure; final; forming; geometry; help; large; main; material; metal; methodology; numerical; outer; parts; phenomenon; plastic; press; process; production; ratio; results; settings; shape; sheet; simulation; solution; springback; springback analysis; springback compensation; stamping; strategy; time; tools; use; verification; virtual cache: ap-5222.pdf plain text: ap-5222.txt item: #842 of 1243 id: ap-524 author: Lazim, Tholudin Mat; Mat, Shabudin; Saint, Huong Yu title: Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation (CFD) and Experimental Study on Wing-external Store Aerodynamic Interference date: 2004-01-02 words: 3151 flesch: 49 summary: 5: Model installation inside the wind tunnel a) b) c) Fig. 6: CFD model surface meshes: a) mesh for wing in tunnel, 111 239 elements, b) mesh for wing in tunnel, 221 112 elements, c) mesh for wing and store in tunnel, 122 158 elements - 0.8 - 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 - 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 x/c - C p coarse grid -lower coarse grid - upper fine grid - upper fine grid - lower Fig. 6c shows the simulation for wing with external storage with 122 158 elements. keywords: -0.2; -0.4; aerodynamic; aircraft; analysis; cfd; clean; coefficient; computational; configuration; distribution; experimental; external; external store; fig; fighter; flow; fluid; geometry; interference; journal; lower; lower surface; mid; model; pressure; results; section; simulation; software; span; st1; st2; st3; storage; store; study; surface; testing; tunnel; upper; upper surface; vol; wind; wing cache: ap-524.pdf plain text: ap-524.txt item: #843 of 1243 id: ap-526 author: Sibilski, K. title: Dynamics of Micro-Air-Vehicle with Flapping Wings date: 2004-01-02 words: 5533 flesch: 58 summary: From (18) we have the following relation: �� � �q A q w A w� �T T (20) Finally, the Appel function has the following form: S , , , t w w T w w w * � � �q w w w M h M w M h� � �� � 1 2 1 1 (21) where M q A M Aw T T q T� , and h q w A M A hw TT q T q, � �� . Functional S for the i-th element of the mechanical system is given by the equation [16]: S mi i i V i � ��� 1 2 � �v v� d (2) where �vi means the vector of absolute acceleration of ele- mentary mass dmi of the i-th body of the dynamical system considered (Fig. 2): � �v vi keywords: acta; aerodynamic; air; aircraft; animal; attack; axis; birds; body; control; czech; degrees; design; downstroke; dynamics; element; entomopter; equations; feathering; fig; flapping; flight; flying; following; forces; form; freedom; high; house;; insect; kinematics; lagging; large; lift; low; mavs; means; method; micro; models; module; motion; non; number; pietrucha; polytechnica; publishing; results; reynolds; sibilski; simulation; small; software; ssef; system; t t; technical; university; unsteady; upstroke; vector; vehicles; velocity; vol; w �; wing cache: ap-526.pdf plain text: ap-526.txt item: #844 of 1243 id: ap-5264 author: Chrášťanský, Lukáš; Šanovec, Jan; Martawirya, Yatna Yuwana; Valeš, Michal title: APPLICABILITY VERIFICATION OF AUTOFORM SOFTWARE FOR FEM SIMULATION OF MECHANICAL FIXATION OF HEMMED JOINTS date: 2019-12-31 words: 3058 flesch: 57 summary: Simulation results from Autoform R6 for UD2 strategy (a – width of profile in mm; b – isometric view; c – FLD) Simulation results from Autoform R6 after applying the Law of Similarity (a – width of profile in mm; b – isometric view; c – FLD) keywords: applicability; application; autoform; body; car; dimensions; fem; figure; fixation; grooving; hemmed; hemming; inner; joint; law; material; mechanical; metal; method; necessary; original; outer; parts; patent; possible; process; production; results; sheet; similarity; simulation; software; specific; stamping; strategy; table; use; verification cache: ap-5264.pdf plain text: ap-5264.txt item: #845 of 1243 id: ap-5266 author: Kononenko, Serhii; Dobrotvorskiy, Sergey; Basova, Yevheniia; Gasanov, Magomediemin; Dobrovolska, Ludmila title: DEFLECTIONS AND FREQUENCY ANALYSIS IN THE MILLING OF THIN-WALLED PARTS WITH VARIABLE LOW STIFFNESS date: 2019-07-01 words: 4980 flesch: 57 summary: Directional cutting force model To determine the forces acting in the cross section of the sample, as the most influencing factors of undesir- able deflections, it is necessary to define the compo- nents of the cutting forces Fig. Sample deflection at point 1 and 2 by 0.17984 mm and 0.15186 mm respectively. keywords: acta; amplitude; analysis; angle; basova; blades; calculation; components; critical; cutter; cutting; deflection; deviations; different; dobrotvorskiy; dynamic; element; end; engineering; fig; figure; finite; force; frequency; frequency analysis; geometry; harmonic; high; kononenko; machining; material; maximum; mechanical; methods; milling; model; natural; number; oscillations; parameters; parts; point; polytechnica; processing; research; resonance; response; response analysis; result; sample; section; speed; stiffness; surface; system; technological; thin; time; tool; undesirable; values; variable; walled cache: ap-5266.pdf plain text: ap-5266.txt item: #846 of 1243 id: ap-528 author: Ota, M.; Jelínek, I. title: The Role of CAD in Enterprise Integration Process date: 2004-01-02 words: 3750 flesch: 55 summary: Enter- prise integration processes are related to the integration of enterprise software systems The data special parts created by CAD systems are product oriented data. keywords: acta; application; approach; cad; cax; communication; companies; computer; czech; data; day; design; eip; eis; enterprise; environment; extensible; fig; file; house;; information; integrated; integration; intensive; internet; level; manufacturing; model; open; ota; pdm; polytechnica; portal; present; problem; processes; product; program; publishing; queries; software; supported; system; technical; technologies; university; user; vol cache: ap-528.pdf plain text: ap-528.txt item: #847 of 1243 id: ap-530 author: Petrov, A. V.; Stepanov, Y. G.; Shmakov, M. V. title: Development of a Technique and Method of Testing Aircraft Models with Turboprop Engine Simulators in a Small-scale Wind Tunnel - Results of Tests date: 2004-01-02 words: 3110 flesch: 42 summary: 44 No. 2/2004 0 0,5 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 - 10 0 10 20 �� CL B=2.0 B=1.0 B=0 B=2.0 B=1.0 B=0 - 0.4 - 0.2 0 0,2 0.4 - 10 0 10 20 �� C M - 0.07 - 0.06 - 0.05 - 0.04 - 0.03 - 0.02 - 0.01 0 0.01 - 10 - 5 0 5 10 15 20 �� C N 1.5 Fig. 3: Longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics Takeoff configuration � f Tx� � � �25 25 0 25; . - 0.05 - .0 04 - .0 03 - .0 02 - .0 01 0 0 01. 0 02. 0 03. 0 04. 0.05 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5 0 5 10 15 20 �� c N B=1.0 B=0 B=2.0 B=2.8 Fig. 4: Lateral aerodynamic characteristics � � � f R � � � � � � 25 5 0 ficient B; in this case the region of maximum increments of the yawing moment shifts towards negative angles of sideslip � � �5 through �10 deg), i.e. in the direction of rotation of the propellers (Fig. 5). It consists of two parts: 1) determination of the isolated model power plant thrust; 2) a test methodology for the full aircraft model with two running Ps. 3.1 Methodology for measuring of Ps thrust The methodology is based on measurements of the forces and moments with mechanical balances AB-102 acting on an isolated nacelle with Ps on and off and elimination of the influence of the supporting devices and communications by using calculation and experimental methods. Determined as a result of balance measurements carried out at flow velocities of V� � 0–45 m/s, Ps speeds n � 0–6500 1/min and blade setting angles of �B � 13.3–29.44 deg were: � available range of thrust P and thrust coefficient � �s s sP n D� � 2 4, � available range of blade loading coefficient B P q Ds� �0 25 2. � , � possible range of Ps advances ratio � s s sV n D� � , � requirement power Ns and power coefficient �s range, where N Ms s� , � � � �s s s s s s sN n D M n D� �� � 3 5 2 52 , V�, q�, �� – free stream parameters, ns – propeller speed, l/s – propeller angular velocity, �� 2 n s, Ms – torque moment on the Ps shaft. keywords: aerodynamic; aircraft; angles; attack; blade; characteristics; coefficient; deg; directional; effectiveness; engine; fig; flow; increases; interaction; landing; left; loading; longitudinal; methodology; model; moment; power; propeller; range; results; rotation; running; slipstreams; stability; tail; takeoff; test; thrust; tunnel; twin; values; wind; wing; � � cache: ap-530.pdf plain text: ap-530.txt item: #848 of 1243 id: ap-532 author: Vroom, R. W.; van Breemen, E. J. J.; van der Vegte, W. F. title: Developing a Conceptual Design Engineering Toolbox and its Tools date: 2004-01-02 words: 6511 flesch: 54 summary: [3] Roozenburg N. F. M., Eekels J.: Product design: fundamen- tals and methods. [14] Kitamura Y., Mizoguchi R.: “Ontology-based descrip- tion of functional design knowledge and its use in a func- tional way server.” keywords: acta; approach; aspects; available; balanced; behaviour; bin; comprehension; computer; conceptual; conceptual design; criteria; delft; design; design engineering; designer; det; development; early; engineering; engineers; entrance; environment; example; house;; information; integrated; knowledge; links; modelling; models; need; ontology; order; output; phase; polytechnica; possible; process; processes; procs; product; prototype; publishing; research; resource; results; search; simulation; site; specific; stage; structure; support; system; technical; toolbox; tools; university; use; users; van; vol; way; work cache: ap-532.pdf plain text: ap-532.txt item: #849 of 1243 id: ap-534 author: Valášek, M.; Steinbauer, P.; Šika, Z.; Zdráhal, Z. title: Knowledge Support of Simulation Model Reuse date: 2004-01-02 words: 3596 flesch: 46 summary: Then we describe the development of simulation model of the TriJoint machine tool as a reuse development where the simulation model of Dyna-M is reused. Keywords: Simulation model, reuse, knowledge management, machine tool. keywords: acta; approach; case; ckmt; clockwork; conceptual; czech; developed; development; dyna; engineering; fig; indexing; informal; knowledge; level; machine; methodology; model; modeling; new; object; partner; physical; polytechnica; process; real; real world; reuse; search; semantic; simulation; simulation model; support; system; technical; tool; trijoint; university; vol; world; world object cache: ap-534.pdf plain text: ap-534.txt item: #850 of 1243 id: ap-536 author: Studničková, M. title: The Effect of Pedestrian Traffic on the Dynamic Behavior of Footbridges date: 2004-01-02 words: 2513 flesch: 54 summary: f t G f t G f t � � � � � � � 1 2 2 3 3 2 4 6 sin sin sin � � � � � p p p (1) where G Weight of a person (usually G � 800 N) [N] (2) for horizontal vibrations � � � �F t k f f tph h h h� 70 2sin � keywords: acceleration; acceptance; acta; analysis; bending; calculated; computational; criteria; czech; damping; design; dynamic; fig; footbridge; force; frequencies; frequency; harmonic; horizontal; house;; load; mode; natural; pedestrians; people; polytechnica; publishing; response; results; sin; structure; technical; university; value; vertical; vibrations; vol; walking cache: ap-536.pdf plain text: ap-536.txt item: #851 of 1243 id: ap-5374 author: Ficker, Tomáš title: GENERAL MODEL OF RADIATIVE AND CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER IN BUILDINGS: PART I: ALGEBRAIC MODEL OF RADIATIVE HEAT TRANSFER date: 2019-07-01 words: 7496 flesch: 65 summary: 1. Introduction Heat radiation represents a dominant transfer mechanism of heat energy inside buildings. Although the presented application of the radiosity method has been aimed at heated large-area floors, the method may also be applicable to radiant heat energy emitted by small-area radiant panels often used in housing dwellings. keywords: acta; algebraic; application; buildings; ceiling; closed; convective; doi:10.1016; emitted; enclosure; energies; energy; envelopes; eqs; equations; exchange; factors; fji; floor; flows; flux; general; grey; heat; heat transfer; heating; i=1; j=1; losses; matrix; method; model; new; numerical; open; polytechnica; quasi; radiant; radiation; radiative; radiative heat; radiosities; radiosity; room; row; rule; section; simple; space; sum; surface; system; temperatures; thermal; total; transfer; values; view; walls; york; zero; εeb; φi↔j cache: ap-5374.pdf plain text: ap-5374.txt item: #852 of 1243 id: ap-5375 author: Ficker, Tomáš title: GENERAL MODEL OF RADIATIVE AND CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER IN BUILDINGS: PART II: CONVECTIVE AND RADIATIVE HEAT LOSSES date: 2019-07-01 words: 8416 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: Convective heat transfer, radiative heat transfer, room envelope, heat losses, iterative optimization. 3/2019 Model of radiative and convective heat transfer in buildings: Part II Heat transferred by convection (Nusselt’s number Nu keywords: acta; air; buildings; calculations; case; ceiling; characteristic; coefficients; cold; conduction; convective; convective heat; correlation; differential; energy; eqs; equations; exterior; external; ficker; floor; flow; following; free; functions; heat; heat losses; heat transfer; heat transport; horizontal; hsi3; interior; internal; laminar; larger; losses; method; model; nul; number; numerical; nusselt; polytechnica; radiation; radiative; radiative heat; ral; rayleigh; results; room; sides; sky; standard; surface; system; tab; temperatures; thermal; transfer; transport; tse2; tse3; tsi1; tsi2; tsi3; turbulent; values; w/(m2k; walls cache: ap-5375.pdf plain text: ap-5375.txt item: #853 of 1243 id: ap-538 author: Fošumpaur, P.; Satrapa, L. title: Control of Systems of Reservoirs with the Use of Risk Analysis date: 2004-01-02 words: 2418 flesch: 51 summary: In the field of controlling of reservoirs systems, it is often very difficult to formulate a reliable system of criteria. A system of reservoirs serves many purposes, which result from the basic functions of water reservoirs: storage, flood control and environmental functions. keywords: active; analysis; approach; capacity; control; criteria; czech; dam; dams; design; elements; failure; fig; flood; fuzzy; hazards; hydropower; level; multi; objective; optimisation; order; particular; phase; production; purposes; recreation; reservoirs; risk; set; storage; structures; system; theory; time; use; vol; water cache: ap-538.pdf plain text: ap-538.txt item: #854 of 1243 id: ap-5381 author: Koska, Lukáš; Jadlovská, Slávka; Vošček, Dominik; Jadlovská, Anna title: INVERTED PENDULUM WITH LINEAR SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR SWING UP USING BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM date: 2019-11-01 words: 5104 flesch: 54 summary: [12] contains algorithms enabling inverted pendulum control in the hybrid control struc- ture, i.e. by switching between the swing-up and sta- bilizing control algorithm. The development of the IPMaC as a framework for solving analysis/control problems of inverted pendulum systems also enabled us to unify and generalize the nomenclature and la- belling of input/output/state variables and physical 458 vol. keywords: algorithm; boundary; bvp; cart; control; control algorithm; design; dynamics; equation; equilibrium; feedback; feedforward; fig; figure; form; free; function; input; inverted; inverted pendulum; ipmac; jadlovská; laboratory; library; linear; mathematical; model; nonlinear; paper; parameters; pendulum; pendulum swing; pendulum system; planning; point; pole; position; problem; simulation; solution; state; structure; swing; system; time; tracking; trajectories; trajectory; underactuated; value; velocity; vošček; weight; θ0(t; θ1(t; θ∗0; θ∗1 cache: ap-5381.pdf plain text: ap-5381.txt item: #855 of 1243 id: ap-5393 author: Hynek, Petr; Kreibich, Viktor; Firt, Roman title: SUITABLE PRODUCTION TOOLS SELECTION WITH THE USE OF EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS date: 2020-03-02 words: 3053 flesch: 60 summary: This matrix generates a set of several numbers of solutions depending on other parameters, such as the lowest price, the lowest number of used welding guns, etc. Based on the simulation results, a matrix, which defines the possibility of using given manufacturing tools (in this case welding guns are considered) to connect the plates using the electrical resistance spot welding process, is created. keywords: acta; algorithms; analysis; availability; case; chromosome; combination; configuration; design; evolutionary; figure; genetic; guns; ideal; lowest; matrix; method; mutation; necessary; need; number; optimization; points; polytechnica; possible; price; process; production; result; selection; set; simulation; software; solution; solver; suitable; system; task; tools; types; use; variables; welding; welding guns cache: ap-5393.pdf plain text: ap-5393.txt item: #856 of 1243 id: ap-5395 author: Luňáčková, Barbara; Mohyla, Marek; Pinka, Miroslav title: THE EFFECT OF SOIL GRAIN SIZE ON THE DEFORMATION PROPERTIES OF REINFORCED GEOCELL LAYERS date: 2019-11-01 words: 3640 flesch: 55 summary: Many researchers have observed the bearing capac- ity of geocell reinforced soils (e.g., [5, 6, 15, 16, 18–20]). Regrettably, the light dynamic load plate test proved to be unsuitable for geocell systems. keywords: 0/8; acta; aggregate; aspect; aspect ratio; backfill; bearing; capacity; characteristics; crushed; czech; deformation; deformation modulus; dimensions; doi:10.1016; effect; experiment; figure; geocell; grain; gravel; greater; layer; load; loading; materials; medium; model; modulus; plate; polytechnica; ratio; reinforcement; results; sand; second; settlement; size; soil; stage; static; strength; study; subsoil; system; test; unreinforced; values cache: ap-5395.pdf plain text: ap-5395.txt item: #857 of 1243 id: ap-5399 author: Solnař, Stanislav; Dostál, Martin title: HEAT FLUX JUMP METHOD AS A POSSIBILITY OF CONTACTLESS MEASUREMENT OF LOCAL HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENTS date: 2019-08-31 words: 6617 flesch: 64 summary: Heat transfer coefficients cause a temperature field to form on the thin plate, which can then be used to calculate local heat transfer coefficient values. Keywords: Heaviside function, heat transfer coefficient, experimental method, heat jump method. keywords: = l; acta; analytical; application; biδ; boundary; calculated; calculation; camera; change; coefficient; condition; cosh; data; derivation; differential; dostál; equation; experimental; figure; flow; flux; freund; function; general; hand; heat; heat transfer; initial; inverse; k−1; laplace; local; measured; measurement; method; m−2; new; numerical; oscillation; partial; polytechnica; problem; results; s sinh; sinh; solution; sqrt; surface; system; task; temperature; thickness; time; transfer; transfer coefficient; transformation; values; variable; wall cache: ap-5399.pdf plain text: ap-5399.txt item: #858 of 1243 id: ap-540 author: Zagursky, V.; Zarumba, I.; Riekstinsh, A. title: A coding and On-Line Transmitting System date: 2004-01-02 words: 1809 flesch: 59 summary: The digital circuits substitute time interval T1 by two short pulses, called START and STOP, which define the starting and finishing moments of time interval T1. The transmitter (see Fig. 1) has 64 identical voltage to time interval converters. keywords: accuracy; acquisition; channels; circuits; control; conversion; data; device; digital; fig; high; hold; input; interval; logic; measurements; mode; number; parallel; possible; pulses; receiver; sample; signal; start; stop; system; time; transmission; transmitter; university; vol cache: ap-540.pdf plain text: ap-540.txt item: #859 of 1243 id: ap-5414 author: Al-Rkaby, Alaa Hussein Jassim title: EVALUATING SHEAR STRENGTH OF SAND- GGBFS BASED GEOPOLYMER COMPOSITE MATERIAL date: 2019-08-31 words: 3510 flesch: 58 summary: In addition to the strength properties, studies car- ried out on geopolymer based soil showed that treated soils have a high durability At this percentage, the UCS of low strength clay and high swelling clay increased by 4.7 and 3.3 times respectively [15]. keywords: activator; alkaline; ash; blast; civil; clay; composite; compression; content; different; doi:10.1016; dry; engineering; figure; fly; furnace; geopolymer; ggbfs; ground; high; hydroxide; improvement; journal; kpa; low; materials; maximum; particles; performance; ratio; results; rkaby; samples; sand; significant; silicate; similar; slag; sodium; soil; strength; study; times; triaxial; ucs; unconfined; variation; weight cache: ap-5414.pdf plain text: ap-5414.txt item: #860 of 1243 id: ap-542 author: Zagursky, V.; Riekstinsh, A. title: Speech Signal Recovery in Communication Networks date: 2004-01-02 words: 2689 flesch: 60 summary: For X X Xi i i� �� �0 5 1 1. ( ) the mean square error will be: � �E R R R mi XX XX XX( ) . Then, in accordance with (1), the mean square error will be: � �� � � �E E X X m R R mi i XX XX keywords: adaptive; case; correlation; end; error; interpolation; loss; losses; lost; mean; networks; non; order; packet; permutation; procedure; receiving; recovery; results; reverse; samples; second; sequence; signal; sounds; source; speech; square; transmission; use; vol cache: ap-542.pdf plain text: ap-542.txt item: #861 of 1243 id: ap-544 author: Čulík, J. title: Simulation of Scoliosis Treatment Using a Brace date: 2004-01-02 words: 4508 flesch: 68 summary: The spinal curvature is stored in the computer as the following three functions � � � � � �y y x z z x x� � �, , � � , (1) where � is the turning based on the x-axis. i i i� � � � � �� � � � �� � � � � �, , ,1 1 1 1 1, (7) M M Z a M M Z a Z Z Z keywords: algorithm; axis; brace; calculated; child; child´s; computer; correction; curvature; czech; deformation; disc; displacement; fig; form; inter; k k; k l; l l; matrix; patient; plaster; positive; prague; ray; scoliosis; simulation; soft; spinal; spine; state; stiffness; stress; surface; technical; time; tissue; treatment; trunk; type; university; vertebral; vol cache: ap-544.pdf plain text: ap-544.txt item: #862 of 1243 id: ap-546 author: Dušek, J.; Dostálek, M. title: Image Analysis of Eccentric Photorefraction date: 2004-01-02 words: 2372 flesch: 53 summary: 5 Conclusions We have designed a universal system for measuring of synkinetic reaction (accommodation and convergence) based on I. PI position and eccentric photorefraction. Image analysis of the recorded sequences is performed in order to obtain curves of basic eye reactions (accommodation and convergence). keywords: accommodation; analysis; automatic; average; camera; convergence; curve; czech; difference; eccentric; eye; fig; fixation; horizontal; image; lens; light; measuring; method; monitors; noninvasive; number; photorefraction; picture; pixels; point; position; purkynje; roi; source; step; summation; system; technical; university; value; vol cache: ap-546.pdf plain text: ap-546.txt item: #863 of 1243 id: ap-5475 author: Yusuff, Adeyinka Sikiru; Ewere, Donatus title: EXTRACTION AND EVALUATION OF OIL FROM GREEN ALGAE CLADOPHORA GLOMERATA BY HEXANE/ETHER MIXTURE date: 2020-04-30 words: 3710 flesch: 58 summary: The pH value of the algal oil was determined to be 7.18 ± 0.01 and this indicates that the oil is neutral, which is in an agreement with previous studies on oil extraction from algae by many researchers References [1] A. Yusuff, M. Lala, L. Popoola, O. Adesina. Optimization of oil extraction from Leucaena leucocephala seed as an alternative low-grade feedstock for biodiesel production. keywords: acid; algal; algal oil; analysis; biodiesel; biofuel; biomass; characterization; cladophora; content; doi:10.1016; effect; energy; extraction; extraction temperature; fatty; feedstock; generation; glomerata; green; hexane; high; increase; method; oil; oil extraction; oil yield; particle; physicochemical; process; production; profile; properties; rate; results; seed; size; solvent; sources; study; temperature; time; value; water; yield cache: ap-5475.pdf plain text: ap-5475.txt item: #864 of 1243 id: ap-548 author: Telfer, D. J.; Spencer, J. W.; Jones, G. R.; Humphries, J. E. title: A Novel Approach to Power Circuit Breaker Design for Replacement of SF6 date: 2004-01-02 words: 2817 flesch: 49 summary: The noticeable features are: (a) Relatively small dependence upon gas pressure with SF6. It will also be extended to other appropriate polymeric materi- als, with suitable background gases and gas pressures, and electromagnetic arc driving forces in order to enhance the production of the suitable chemical species. keywords: ablation; acta; arc; background; breaker; chemical; circuit; co2; conditions; contact; critical; current; cycle; design; experimental; extinction; fig; gap; gases; half; high; house;; ignition; interruption; length; peak; performance; polytechnica; pressure; psi; ptfe; publishing; sf6; shield; similar; system; telfer; university; voltage cache: ap-548.pdf plain text: ap-548.txt item: #865 of 1243 id: ap-5482 author: Pramanik, Santiranjan; Thipse, Sukrut Shrikant title: KINEMATIC SYNTHESIS OF CENTRAL-LEVER STEERING MECHANISM FOR FOUR WHEEL VEHICLES date: 2020-07-01 words: 3066 flesch: 70 summary: Introduction There are several types of steering mechanisms used for four-wheel vehicles. Optimal synthesis of steering mechanism including transmission angles. keywords: ackermann; angle; bar; bar mechanism; central; centre; compound; crossed; design; equal; error; figure; gears; kinematic; length; lever; mechanical; mechanism; method; offset; optimization; outer; pressure; ratio; steering; steering error; steering mechanism; synthesis; track; vehicle; wheel cache: ap-5482.pdf plain text: ap-5482.txt item: #866 of 1243 id: ap-5489 author: Úradníček, Juraj; Musil, Miloš; Bachratý, Michal title: EIGENVALUES EVALUATION OF GENERALLY DAMPED ELASTIC DISC BRAKE MODEL LOADED WITH NON-CONSERVATIVE FRICTION FORCE date: 2020-03-02 words: 3125 flesch: 56 summary: Re- liability, braking power and a fluent operation are important properties of brake systems. Thus, an unstable behaviour of mechanical systems can also be caused by a dissipation induced instability, which was, in the case of brake system, pointed out in the work of Hoffman and Gaul in 2003 [3]. keywords: acta; amplitude; behaviour; bifurcation; brake; case; coefficient; complex; conservative; damped; damping; disc; effects; eigenvalues; elastic; evaluation; experimental; figure; force; friction; mass; material; mechanical; modal; mode; non; physical; point; polytechnica; proportional; real; response; simple; slovak; sound; squeal; stability; state; system; time; unstable; vibration cache: ap-5489.pdf plain text: ap-5489.txt item: #867 of 1243 id: ap-550 author: Murín, J.; Kropáč, M.; Fric, R. title: Numerical Analysis of the Temperature Field in Luminaires date: 2004-01-02 words: 2485 flesch: 49 summary: Keywords: thermal analysis, luminaire, choke coil, heat loss, surface temperature, finite element method. Surface emissivity 0.7�0.9 Bulk temperature 19 °C Coef. of convection 7.5�9.5 Table 3: Expected parameters of convection and radiation of the heat Fig. 8: Temperature field on the surface of the choke coil (� � 8.5 W/m2K; � � 0.8) keywords: acta; analysis; calculation; choke; choke coil; circuit; coil; conditions; convection; current; emissivity; engineering; field; fig; heat; house;; light; loss; luminaire; measured; measurement; numerical; polytechnica; radiation; resistance; results; source; surface; temperature; thermal; university; values; vol; winding cache: ap-550.pdf plain text: ap-550.txt item: #868 of 1243 id: ap-5513 author: Halder, Amlan Kanti; Paliathanasis, Andronikos; Leach, Peter Gavin Lawrence title: SIMILARITY SOLUTIONS AND CONSERVATION LAWS FOR THE BEAM EQUATIONS: A COMPLETE STUDY date: 2020-04-30 words: 6030 flesch: 75 summary: We study the similarity solutions and we determine the conservation laws of various forms of beam equations, such as Euler-Bernoulli, Rayleigh and Timoshenko-Prescott. Keywords: Symmetry analysis, singularity analysis, conservation laws, beam equation. keywords: acta; algebra; analysis; beam; beam equations; bernoulli; bernoulli equation; conservation; differential; equation; euler; following; form; fourth; journal; laws; leach; lie; lie point; mathematical; new; nonlinear; ode; order; painlevé; paliathanasis; physics; point; point symmetries; polytechnica; prescott; rayleigh; reduced; reduction; respect; scaling; section; series; similarity; singularity; solutions; source; study; symmetries; symmetry; term; timoshenko; travelling; utt; wave; x−x0)4; αβuxxxx; φ(t cache: ap-5513.pdf plain text: ap-5513.txt item: #869 of 1243 id: ap-552 author: Nikolovski, S.; Barić, T. title: Computer Aided Design of Transformer Station Grounding System Using CDEGS Software date: 2004-01-02 words: 2724 flesch: 52 summary: Maxwell’s equations can be used to describe electric field E and magnetic field H in terms of scalar � and vector potential A: � � � � � � � 1 A (1) E A� � � �j� � (2) H � � � 1 � x A (3) � � � �� � j (4) where: � complex conductivity of the medium, � permeability of the medium, � conductivity of the medium, � permittivity of the medium. The first step in the design of transformer station grounding is to determine appropriate soil model, for predicting the effect of the underlying soil characteristics on the performance of the grounding system. keywords: acta; additional; apparent; cdegs; computer; current; czech; data; design; electrode; fault; fence; fig; grid; grounding; house;; layer; measured; measurement; model; polytechnica; potential; power; publishing; reach; resap; resistance; resistivity; safety; scalar; soil; station; step; study; surface; system; technical; touch; transformer; university; voltages; worst cache: ap-552.pdf plain text: ap-552.txt item: #870 of 1243 id: ap-5532 author: Bošanský, Michal; Patzák, Bořek title: PARALLELIZATION OF ASSEMBLY OPERATION IN FINITE ELEMENT METHOD date: 2020-03-02 words: 7332 flesch: 57 summary: Matrix assembly total times with dividing to evaluation of local matrix assembly times and localization into global matrix assembly times of the benchmark problem considered (Jete 3M). The performance of individual strategies of the vector assembly (in terms of the achieved speedup versus increasing the number of processors) for Jete250k test are presented in Fig- ure 4 and for matrix assembly in Figure 8. keywords: algorithm; assembly; assembly omp; benchmark; c++11; cache; case; code; colouring; computing; critical; data; different; element; figure; finite; global; individual; intel; jete3; lock; loop; m omp; matrix; matrix assembly; memory; method; multiple; mutex; number; omp; omp b105; omp b500; omp cp; omp cs(a1; omp dyn; omp lato(a3; omp ll(a1.2; omp nl(a2.1; omp sta; openmp; operation; parallel; parallelization; performance; posix; problem; processing; programming; prototype; pth; recursive; results; scalability; section; shared; sharing; simple; single; size(loce; speedups; strategies; synchronization; systems; threads; time; units; update; vector; vector assembly; ws omp; xeon cache: ap-5532.pdf plain text: ap-5532.txt item: #871 of 1243 id: ap-5534 author: Kuznetsov, Alexandr; Oleshko, Oleg; Kuznetsova, Kateryna title: ENERGY GAIN FROM ERROR-CORRECTING CODING IN CHANNELS WITH GROUPING ERRORS date: 2020-03-02 words: 4715 flesch: 62 summary: Let us fix the average error burst length lav and error probability per bit P0. It allows to describe the error behaviour in the communication channel and to develop practical recommendations on using error correcting codes. keywords: average; bch; bennet; binary; block; burst; channels; code; coding; continuous; correcting; data; decoding; dependencies; distribution; egc; energy; erroneous; error; error probability; expression; figure; froelich; gain; grouping; independent; lav; length; model; n−ξ; occurrence; package; ped; pn(l; probability; ratio; simplified; solid; symbols; transmission; ξ(1; ≤t(l cache: ap-5534.pdf plain text: ap-5534.txt item: #872 of 1243 id: ap-5536 author: Kolaříková, Marie; Chotěborský, Rostislav; Hromasová, Monika; Linda, Miloslav title: THE CHARACTERISTICS OF Al-Si COATING ON STEEL 22MnB5 DEPENDING ON THE HEAT TREATMENT date: 2019-08-31 words: 3458 flesch: 65 summary: [13] studied the phase formation at the soft steel interface and AlSi coating (with a silicon concentration of 5 and 10 %) at temperatures of 650-700 °C. [5] concluded that the iron diffusion from steel to AlSi coating prevails during the first two minutes of the heating (around 900 °C). keywords: 22mnb5; acta; al5fe2; alsi; analysis; chemical; coating; czech; diffusion; doi:10.1016; engineering; et al; feal; figure; formation; hardness; heat; hot; interface; intermetallic; journal; layer; left; materials; mechanical; min; minutes; modulus; parameters; phase; polytechnica; prague; process; properties; results; sample; steel; surface; t =; technology; temperature; time; treatment; weldability cache: ap-5536.pdf plain text: ap-5536.txt item: #873 of 1243 id: ap-554 author: Bányai, T. title: Recycling and Networking date: 2004-01-02 words: 4844 flesch: 42 summary: 44 No. 2/2004 Fig. 1: Structure of collection systems have to be considered. 5 Conception of the design of collection systems When an optimal logistic collection system is being formed, the internal and external logistic aspects need to be considered. keywords: acta; analysis; aspects; bányai; case; centres; closed; collected; collection; collection system; communal; companies; costs; czech; der; directives; disassembly; distribution; economic; economy; end; environmental; european; fig; formation; function; high; house;; hungary; important; large; level; logistic; loop; management; market; miskolc; number; operating; operation; order; planning; plants; polytechnica; process; products; publishing; quantity; recycling; services; single; small; system; tasks; technical; und; university; users; virtual; vol; waste cache: ap-554.pdf plain text: ap-554.txt item: #874 of 1243 id: ap-5541 author: Al-Awad, Nasir Ahmad title: MODEL REFERENCE ADAPTIVE CONTROL-BASED GENETIC ALGORITHM DESIGN FOR HEADING SHIP MOTION date: 2020-07-01 words: 4907 flesch: 63 summary: [4] have proposed two basic linear math- ematical models in light of the model of Davidson and Schiff, Nomoto’s models have been utilized broadly by control engineers for an investigation and outline of ship controllers. The historical backdrop of ship autopilots is over 80 years of age. keywords: acta; adaptation; adaptive; algorithm; angle; approach; autopilot; closed; control; controller; course; design; different; elements; engineering; error; execution; figure; framework; function; fuzzy; g.a; gain; genetic; heading; international; journal; law; linear; loop; lqr; marine; mathematical; method; mit; model; motion; movement; mrac; nomoto; nonlinear; order; parameters; pid; polytechnica; reference; requirements; response; rudder; sec; second; settling; ship; speed; steady; steering; surge; sway; system; time; transfer; transient; yaw cache: ap-5541.pdf plain text: ap-5541.txt item: #875 of 1243 id: ap-5544 author: Ikponmwosa, Efe Ewaen; Ehikhuenmen, Samuel Onosedeba; Irene, Karieren Kate title: COMPARATIVE STUDY AND EMPIRICAL MODELLING OF PULVERIZED COCONUT SHELL, PERIWINKLE SHELL AND PALM KERNEL SHELL AS A POZZOLANS IN CONCRETE date: 2019-12-31 words: 7500 flesch: 63 summary: Hence, from the result, it was concluded that blended cement concrete with a 20 % replacement of cement with the PSA and BLA was considered op- timum for ternary blended cement concrete. Mathematical model The results of and the experimental data for various properties of pozzolan blended concrete were anal- ysed using a bilinear interpolation method to develop mathematical models for predicting parameters with respect to its variables. keywords: addition; age; aggregate; american; analysis; ash; astm; blended; british; chemical; coconut; coconut shell; comparative; compressive; compressive strength; concrete; construction; curing; days; density; effect; engineering; figure; ikponmwosa; increase; journal; kernel; kernel shell; level; materials; mix; mm2; model; palm; partial; paste; pcs; percentage; periwinkle; periwinkle shell; pozzolans; ppks; pps; production; properties; pulverized; replacement; replacement level; research; results; setting; shell; shell ash; society; specimens; standard; strength; structural; study; table; tensile; testing; time; values; water; workability cache: ap-5544.pdf plain text: ap-5544.txt item: #876 of 1243 id: ap-5549 author: Hron, Vojtěch; Halounová, Lena title: AUTOMATIC RECONSTRUCTION OF ROOF MODELS FROM BUILDING OUTLINES AND AERIAL IMAGE DATA date: 2019-11-01 words: 7317 flesch: 57 summary: Automatic extraction of building roofs using LIDAR data and multispectral imagery. Keywords: Building reconstruction, roof model, edge detection, orthophoto, digital surface model, GIS. 1. keywords: 3d building; acta; adjacent; aerial; algorithm; als; analysis; angle; approach; automatic; building; building models; building outline; categorization; clouds; complex; creation; czech; data; dense; detection; digital; distance; doi:10.1016; edges; endpoints; extraction; figure; footprints; generated; generation; half; halounová; height; hip roof; hips; image; information; isprs; journal; laser; length; lod2; lsd; main; matching; method; models; ndsm; oblique; orthophoto; outlines; parallel; photogrammetry; pixel; planes; point; polygon; polytechnica; quality; reconstructed; reconstruction; remote; resolution; results; ridge; roof; roof edges; roof models; segments; sensing; shape; sides; skeleton; spatial; study; surface; survey; technique; type; use; valleys; vertices cache: ap-5549.pdf plain text: ap-5549.txt item: #877 of 1243 id: ap-5556 author: Salawu, Saheed; Sobamowo, Gbeminiyi; Sadiq, Obanishola title: INVESTIGATION OF THE DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR OF NON-UNIFORM THICKNESS CIRCULAR PLATES RESTING ON WINKLER AND PASTERNAK FOUNDATIONS date: 2020-04-30 words: 8372 flesch: 68 summary: Keywords: Free vibration, natural frequency, Winkler and Pasternak, circular plate, Galerkin method of weighted residual. [4] investigated the vibration analysis of circular plates under the influence of in-plane loading resting on the Winkler foundation. keywords: acta; analysis; analytical; application; behaviour; boundary; case; circular; circular plate; condition; d2w; deflection; density; differential; doi:10.1016; dr2; dr3; dynamic; edge; elastic; equation; figure; foundation; free; frequency; function; galerkin; governing; increases; influence; investigation; method; mode; natural; non; nonlinear; parameter; pasternak; plate; polytechnica; present; radial; residual; results; salawu; shape; sobamowo; solution; stress; study; surface; symmetric; thickness; uniform; variation; vibration; w(r; weighted; winkler; ∂2w(r cache: ap-5556.pdf plain text: ap-5556.txt item: #878 of 1243 id: ap-556 author: Chudý, P. title: Response of a Light Aircraft Under Gust Loads date: 2004-01-02 words: 2940 flesch: 64 summary: AP04_2web.vp Nomenclature � �Mhh Modal Mass Matrix � �K hh Modal Stiffness Matrix M Mach Number k Reduced Frequency c Reference Length � �Q m khh ( , ) Unsteady Aerodynamic Force Matrix � Circular Frequency f Frequency g Structural Damping, Acceleration due to gravity � Air density V Airplane Velocity � �uh Modal Amplitude Vector � �P( )� Applied Gust Loading A Root-mean-square value of the response N0 Expected number of zero crossings with positive slope per unit time For single Input/Output systems, the PSD function of the response quantity, �(�), is related to the PSD function of the source, �(�), by � � � �( ) ( ) ( )� H i 2 � (2) where H i( )� is the frequency response function. keywords: acta; aerodynamic; aircraft; analysis; approach; bending; boxes; conditions; continuous; czech; density; discrete; fig; flight; formula; frequency; glider; gust; history; house;; loads; model; moment; nastran; polytechnica; properties; psd; publishing; response; root; span; static; structural; table; technical; time; turbulence; university; velocity; vertical; vol; wing; wise cache: ap-556.pdf plain text: ap-556.txt item: #879 of 1243 id: ap-5565 author: Agustina, Tuty Emilia; Teguh, Dedi; Wijaya, Yourdan; Mermaliandi, Febrian; Bustomi, Ahmad; Manalaoon, Jantan; Theodora, Gita; Rebecca, Tessa title: STUDY OF SYNTHETIC DYE REMOVAL USING FENTON/TiO2, FENTON/UV, AND FENTON/TiO2/UV METHODS AND THE APPLICATION TO JUMPUTAN FABRIC WASTEWATER date: 2019-12-31 words: 6301 flesch: 60 summary: The results of Fenton process are considered ineffective, therefore, the use of Fenton reagents needs to be combined with other advanced oxidation methods, namely UV light, TiO2 catalyst, or photocatalyst of UV/TiO2. As the a results, the photo-Fenton process was supe- rior to Fenton process. keywords: advanced; agustina; aops; band; catalyst; chemical; cod; colour; colour degradation; concentration; degradation; doi:10.1016; dyes; effect; engineering; equation; fabric; fe2; fenton; fenton process; fenton reagent; figure; h2o2; high; highest; hydrogen; hydroxyl; industry; journal; jumputan; light; method; minutes; molar; organic; oxidation; percentage; peroxide; photo; photocatalytic; pollutants; ppm; presence; process; processes; processing; radicals; ratio; reaction; reactive; reagent; red; removal; results; study; synthetic; textile; time; tio2; treatment; use; wastewater; •oh cache: ap-5565.pdf plain text: ap-5565.txt item: #880 of 1243 id: ap-558 author: Slavík, S. title: Preliminary Determination of Propeller Aerodynamic Characteristics for Small Aeroplanes date: 2004-01-02 words: 4293 flesch: 69 summary: � � � � � ) cos( ) ,2 �i (5) and the angle of the real incoming flow �: � � � � � � � � � ��� � � � � � � �0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 . . . . cos( ) sin( )� �� � (11) c keywords: advance; aerodynamic; angle; blade; calculation; characteristics; coefficients; cos; curves; czech; decomposition; drag; efficiency; experimental; factor; fig; flight; form; geometric; geometry; induced; input; integral; lift; linear; lock; loss; maximum; method; model; number; numerical; parameters; power; procedure; propeller; ratio; referential; relative; results; rmax; section; set; sin; technical; thrust; tip; university; � � cache: ap-558.pdf plain text: ap-558.txt item: #881 of 1243 id: ap-5588 author: Čížek, Michal; Pátek, Zdeněk title: ON CFD INVESTIGATION OF RADIAL CLEARANCE OF LABYRINTH SEALS OF A TURBINE ENGINE date: 2020-03-02 words: 3528 flesch: 66 summary: The aim is to describe numerical calculations of fluid flow in labyrinth seals and evaluate the calculated data for different settings of radial clearance of labyrinth seals. On CFD Investigation of radial clearance of labyrinth seals. . . keywords: acta; air; analysis; calculated; calculation; cfd; clearance; conditions; constant; different; engine; enthalpy; fig; figure; flow; investigation; labyrinth; labyrinth seals; mach; mass; mesh; model; non; number; parameters; parts; polytechnica; pressure; radial; rccorr; results; rotating; rotor; seals; shaft; static; stator; teeth; temperature; total; turbine; velocity; volume cache: ap-5588.pdf plain text: ap-5588.txt item: #882 of 1243 id: ap-5592 author: Gabrišová, Ľudmila; Peciar, Peter; Macho, Oliver; Juriga, Martin; Galbavá, Paulína; Nižnanská, Žofia; Kubinec, Róbert; Valent, Ivan; Peciar, Marián title: THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW ADSORPTION-DESORPTION DEVICE date: 2020-12-31 words: 4686 flesch: 55 summary: Partial pressures of ethanol [Pa] pW Partial pressures of water [Pa] VC Volume of the product (condensate) after adsorp- tion–desorption process [ml] VM M Volume of the model mixture in stock vessel before adsorption [ml] ∆VM M Volume of the model mixture in stock vessel after adsorption [ml] Acknowledgements As an adsorbent, it is possible to use granulated activated carbon (GAC) in the adsorption and desorption process. keywords: adsorbed; adsorbent; adsorption; air; analysis; bratislava; carbon; chemical; chemistry; circulator; compounds; concentration; condensate; content; data; determination; development; device; distilled; distribution; doi:10.1016; engineering; ethanol; experiment; fermentation; fig; figure; flow; gac1; gac2; gacs; gas; heat; journal; liquid; mixture; model; new; organic; particle; process; processes; production; saturation; separation; size; stock; stripping; study; surface; table; technology; temperature; thermocouples; values; vapour; vessel; volatile; volume; water cache: ap-5592.pdf plain text: ap-5592.txt item: #883 of 1243 id: ap-5599 author: Vashi, Yoginibahen Devendrasinh; Patel, Rakesh Manilal; Deheri, Gunamani Biswanath title: NEURINGER-ROSEINWEIG MODEL BASED LONGITUDINALLY ROUGH POROUS CIRCULAR STEPPED PLATES IN THE EXISTENCE OF COUPLE STRESS date: 2020-07-01 words: 5104 flesch: 69 summary: Furthermore, this improvement in load bearing capacity is almost 58 % higher when 264 vol. [11] theory and this study discovered the advantages of couple stress fluid compared to Newtonian lubricants, such as improved 259 Y. D. Vashi, R. M. Patel, G. B. Deheri Acta Polytechnica bearing’s load capacity, reduced coefficient of friction and growth in squeeze film time. keywords: 0.001; acta; bearing; capacity; circular; combined; couple; deheri; dimensionless; effect; equation; ferrofluid; figure; film; fluid; impact; influence; journal; load; longitudinal; lubricant; lubrication; magnetic; model; neuringer; parameter; patel; plates; polytechnica; porous; pressure; roughness; s*=; slider; squeeze; step; stress; study; surface; trends; values; ψ =; −0.025 cache: ap-5599.pdf plain text: ap-5599.txt item: #884 of 1243 id: ap-560 author: Ulrych, J. title: Analysis of Unsteady Transonic Flow Fields by Means of the Colour Streak Schlieren Method date: 2004-01-03 words: 2914 flesch: 60 summary: For the CSSM analysis M � � 0.9, � � 4 deg, � � � � 3 deg, f � 1, 15, 30 Hz, and t � 2.2 mm. The picture corresponds to M � � 0.9, � � 4 deg, � � � � 3 deg, f � 1 Hz, y � 17 mm, t � 2.2 mm. keywords: airfoil; analysis; angle; attack; centre; colour; cssm; czech; dead; deg; field; fig; flow; frequency; method; model; optical; oscillation; position; schlieren; shock; streak; terminal; test; transonic; unsteady; video; wave cache: ap-560.pdf plain text: ap-560.txt item: #885 of 1243 id: ap-562 author: Catalano, F. M. title: On the Effects of an Installed Propeller Slipstream on Wing Aerodynamic Characteristics date: 2004-01-03 words: 3536 flesch: 61 summary: Recent work [5, 6] and also demonstrated that laminar flow could be increased when pusher propellers are installed in convenient positions behind a wing, resulting in less friction drag. This phenomenon is especially © Czech Technical University Publishing House 11 Acta Polytechnica Vol. 44 No. 3/2004 Fig. 8: Effect of the pusher propeller on separation, � � 14° Fig. 9: Transition and separation points at centre line for pusher model at position 01 Fig. 10: Transition and separation points at the centre line for pusher model, position 03 intense for propeller positions above the chord line, but even so it is much less intense than the backward movement of the turbulent separation front due to the propeller inflow. keywords: aircraft; angles; bladed; boundary; case; characteristics; configuration; drag; effect; fig; flow; high; incidence; increase; laminar; layer; measurements; model; pos; position; pressure; propeller; pusher; separation; set; slipstream; spanwise; speed; surface; tests; tractor; transition; tunnel; turbulent; university; visualisation; vol; wind; wing; wire; working cache: ap-562.pdf plain text: ap-562.txt item: #886 of 1243 id: ap-564 author: Heger, J. title: Finite Element Modelling of Mechanical Phenomena Connected to the Technological Process of Continuous Casting of Steel date: 2004-01-03 words: 3158 flesch: 46 summary: 18 © Czech Technical University Publishing House Acta Polytechnica Vol. 44 No. 3/2004 Fig. 3: Stress-strain curves © Czech Technical University Publishing House 19 Acta Polytechnica Vol. 44 No. 3/2004 Fig. 4: Stress distribution along the product outer surface Fig. 5: Residual stress distribution 2.7 Residual stresses The endless product of continuous casting is torch cut-off into slabs of the prescribed length and their successive grad- ual cooling in the environment of the production hall follows. Keywords: Continuous casting, steel slab, numerical simulation, finite element method, nonlinearity, large deformations, contact, crack initiation. keywords: algorithm; analysis; caster; casting process; conditions; contact; continuous casting; cooling; crack; distribution; element; fig; finite; forming; material; mechanical; method; mould; numerical; numerical simulation; phenomena; problem; process; product; program; results; rollers; sensitivity; simulation; slab; steel; strain; stress; stresses; surface; temperature; thermal; time cache: ap-564.pdf plain text: ap-564.txt item: #887 of 1243 id: ap-566 author: Mareš, T. title: Controlling Laminate Plate Elastic Behavior date: 2004-01-03 words: 1867 flesch: 64 summary: s1 3 2 2 1 � � � � � � � � 2 , � ��� ��� � �� �� � � � � � � � 1 4 3 5 4 1 2 N P c s P s w q ( , , ) ,� �w w R R R K �� � ��� ��� ��� � � � 1 2 3 1 � � � �� tg tg2 ,, � 1 4 5 0 1 2 K R R N � � � ��� ��� �tg tg 3 4 ( , , , )� In this P ��� , R ��� , � are known numbers, c � cos( ), s � sin( ) and are the searched ply orientations. keywords: example; laminate; lateral; loading; measure; middle; optimization; orientation; plate; plies; problem; respect; stiffness cache: ap-566.pdf plain text: ap-566.txt item: #888 of 1243 id: ap-568 author: Bauma, V.; Valášek, M.; Šika, Z. title: Design and Properties of Octaslide Redundant Parallel Kinematics date: 2004-01-03 words: 1868 flesch: 59 summary: AP04_3web.vp 1 Introduction This paper describes the conceptual design process of OCTASLIDE redundant parallel kinematics for a machine tool. 24 © Czech Technical University Publishing House Acta Polytechnica Vol. 44 No. 3/2004 Design and Properties of Octaslide Redundant Parallel Kinematics V. Bauma, M. Valášek, Z. Šika This paper describes the conceptual design process of OCTASLIDE redundant parallel kinematics for a machine tool. keywords: -0.5; concept; czech; design; dexterity; fig; hexaslide; kinematics; links; machine; octaslide; parallel; redundant; structure; university cache: ap-568.pdf plain text: ap-568.txt item: #889 of 1243 id: ap-5680 author: Mihalev, Mihail Stoyanov; Hardalov, Chavdar Momchilov; Christov, Christo Georgiev; Rinke, Monika ; Leiste, Harald ; Schneider, Johannes title: ADDITIVE LASER BARCODE PRINTING ON HIGH REFLECTIVE STAINLESS STEEL date: 2020-11-02 words: 2682 flesch: 58 summary: The resulting additive coatings, produced from initial MoO3 powder by irradiation with a laser beam, reveal strong adhesion, high hardness, long durability and high optical contrast, which make the process suitable for barcode printing on materials such as high reflective stainless steel, which was always a challenge for the classical laser marking technologies. Spectral Reflectance Profile of stainless steel substrate and MoO3 layer, obtained by the ALM. keywords: acta; additive; alm; applied; bar; barcode; bars; black; coating; compliance; contrast; edge; experimental; fig; high; institute; laser; marking; materials; metal; minimal; moo3; printing; profile; properties; reflectance; reflective; scan; space; stainless; standard; steel; substrate; symbol; table; threshold; width cache: ap-5680.pdf plain text: ap-5680.txt item: #890 of 1243 id: ap-5687 author: Silva, Willian T. F. D.; Borges, Filipe D. D. M. title: Genetic algorithms to determine the optimal parameters of an ensemble local mean decomposition date: 2021-06-30 words: 6945 flesch: 58 summary: An ensemble local means decomposition method and its application to local rub-impact fault diagnosis of the rotor systems. Complementary ensemble local means decomposition method and its application to rolling element bearings fault diagnosis. keywords: acta; algorithms; amplitude; analysis; application; authors; bearing; better; components; cost; d e; data; decomposition; diagnosis; domain; effectiveness; ensemble; ensemble local; envelope; fault; figure; following; frequency; function; genetic; journal; li tu; local; local mean; m p; mean; mean decomposition; method; mixing; mode; new; noise; number; oelmd; optimal; optimization; order; p li; parameters; polytechnica; population; pre; processing; product; race; random; results; rrmse; section; signal; similar; spectrum; table; technique; test; time; tu d; values; vibration; white; work; x(t cache: ap-5687.pdf plain text: ap-5687.txt item: #891 of 1243 id: ap-570 author: Maléř, Z.; Slavík, S.; Marczi, T.; Růžička, M. title: Common Mathematical Model of Fatigue Characteristics date: 2004-01-03 words: 2623 flesch: 67 summary: � � �2 This model was verified by five sets of fatigue data taken from the literature and by our own three additional original fatigue sets. Studying this model, following knowledge was obtained: – the parameter ”stress ratio R” was a good physical characteristic – the proposed model provided a good description of the eight collections of fatigue test results by one equation only – the scatter of the results through the whole scope is only a little greater than that round the individual S/N curve – using this model while testing may reduce the number of test samples and shorten the test time – as the proposed model represents a common form of the S/N curve, it may be used for processing uniform objective fatigue life results, which may enable mutual comparison of fatigue characteristics. keywords: characteristics; curves; cycle; czech; equation; fatigue; fig; function; life; log; mathematical; model; new; number; original; paper; parameters; range; results; stress; system; technical; test; university; value cache: ap-570.pdf plain text: ap-570.txt item: #892 of 1243 id: ap-5709 author: Beneš, Michal; Štefan, Radek title: HOMOGENIZATION OF TRANSPORT PROCESSES AND HYDRATION PHENOMENA IN FRESH CONCRETE date: 2020-03-02 words: 7150 flesch: 64 summary: Periodic cell problem The problems (10) and (11) need to be solved in each discrete time step. This means that a very large number of cell problems need to be solved in order to compute homogenized coefficients A∗ and Λ∗ in the whole macroscopic domain Ω. keywords: acta; aggregates; analysed; analytical; approach; approximation; beneš; boundary; cell; cement; coarse; coefficients; composite; concrete; conditions; conductivity; degree; different; doi:10.1016; early; element; equations; example; experiments; figure; finite; framework; function; heat; homogenization; homogenized; hydration; initial; kg−1; k−1; liquid; mass; material; mesh; mesoscale; method; model; n+1; numerical; paper; parameters; paste; periodic; permeability; phenomena; polytechnica; porous; pressure; problem; processes; results; section; solution; step; structure; sviercoski; temperature; thermal; time; transport; variant; water; δ∆t cache: ap-5709.pdf plain text: ap-5709.txt item: #893 of 1243 id: ap-5715 author: Daniyan, Ilesanmi; Tlhabadira, Isaac; Mpofu, Khumbulani; Adeodu, Adefemi title: DEVELOPMENT OF NUMERICAL MODELS FOR THE PREDICTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SURFACE ROUGHNESS DURING THE MACHINING OPERATION OF TITANIUM ALLOY (Ti6Al4V) date: 2020-11-02 words: 9813 flesch: 58 summary: The feasible combinations of these process parameters produced 41 experimental trials whose response (surface roughness and temperature) were determined via the physical experimentations. Results from the response surface methodology The statistical analysis of the developed model for predicting surface roughness as a fucntion of the inde- pendent process parameters (feed rate, spindle speed, cutting velocity and depth of cut) as well as its Anal- ysis of Variance (ANOVA) are presented in Tables 4 and 5 respectively. keywords: acta; alloy; analysis; ann; artificial; average; correlation; cutting; cutting tool; daniyan; data; depth; design; developed; development; doi:10.1016; effect; equation; error; experimentations; feed; figure; fit; function; increase; international; journal; lack; linear; machining; magnitude; manufacturing; material; mechanical; methodology; milling; model; modelling; mpofu; network; neural; number; numerical; operation; optimization; output; parameters; performance; physical; piece; plot; polytechnica; predictive; process; process parameters; purposes; range; rate; response; response surface; results; rsm; set; significant; speed; spindle; spindle speed; statistical; surface; surface methodology; surface roughness; table; technology; temperature; term; ti6al4v; titanium; tlhabadira; tool; training; validation; value; velocity; work piece cache: ap-5715.pdf plain text: ap-5715.txt item: #894 of 1243 id: ap-572 author: Leinonen, J. I. title: Superior Properties of Ultra-fine-grained Steels date: 2004-01-03 words: 2491 flesch: 66 summary: During this cooling and transformation, the prolonged austenite grains change to ultra-fine grains of ferrite, pearlite, etc., depending on the steel composition and cooling rate. The effect of ferrite grain size on yield strength and impact transition temperature (tough/brittle), extrapolated to ultra-fine grain sizes, is shown in Fig. keywords: charpy; fatigue; ferrite; fig; fine; good; grain; high; hot; impact; japan; low; microstructure; novel; process; properties; rolling; size; steels; strength; structure; superior; temperature; test; tncp; toughness; ultra; ultrafine; vol; yield cache: ap-572.pdf plain text: ap-572.txt item: #895 of 1243 id: ap-574 author: Polášek, M.; Macek, J.; Vítek, O.; Kozel, K. title: Integration of CFD Methods into Concurrent Design of Internal Combustion Engine date: 2004-01-03 words: 4259 flesch: 55 summary: Using these tools, real limits for high-b.m.e.p., downsized SI engines and optimized cycle parameters can be estimated in advance, taking into account the auto-ignition and knock limits. Knocking considerably limits the parameters of SI engines. keywords: 3/2004; acta; advanced; application; bar; boost; cfd; code; combustion; compression; concept; cycle; cylinder; czech; deep; description; design; different; dimensional; efficiency; engine; fig; fuel; gas; heat; high; house;; ignition; knock; level; macek; medium; methods; mixture; model; modeling; new; paper; polytechnica; polášek; pressure; procedure; publishing; results; sae; simulation; space; stage; system; technical; temperature; thermodynamic; time; transfer; university; use; vol cache: ap-574.pdf plain text: ap-574.txt item: #896 of 1243 id: ap-576 author: Matsuki, N.; Tokunaga, H.; Sawada, H. title: A Component-based Software Development and Execution Framework for CAx Applications date: 2004-01-03 words: 3089 flesch: 50 summary: The MZ-Platform infrastructure is a component-based software development framework, designed for supporting enterprises to enhance digitalized technologies using software tools and CAx components in a self-innovative way. The XML-Component Transmutation module can store component assembly in XML format. keywords: application; architecture; assembly; broker; builder; bus; cad; cax; checker; component; data; design; development; enterprises; event; example; fig; file; framework; geometry; information; java; library; manufacturing; medium; modeling; new; object; parametric; platform; remote; screen; size; small; soap; software; tools; transmutation; users; xml cache: ap-576.pdf plain text: ap-576.txt item: #897 of 1243 id: ap-578 author: Horák, M. title: Nanoelectronic Device Structures at Terahertz Frequency date: 2004-01-03 words: 5328 flesch: 63 summary: A f x B g x A f x B g x C f x x � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), 0 0 0 0 B D g x x C E U0 2� �( )max � triangular f x Ai( ) ( )� � , g x Bi( ) ( )� � Airy functions � �� � � � � � � � � � � �x x E UB 1 max , � � � � � � � � 2 2 1 3 mU x max � B trapezoidal f x Ai( ) ( )� � , g x Bi( ) ( )� � Airy functions � � � �( )x � �� � � 2 2 1 3 m U x ( )max �B B� , � � � � x e UB B B � �max parabolic f x U u( ) ( , )� � � , g x V u( ) ( , )� � � parabolic cylinder functions � �� �( )x xB � � � � � 8 2 2 1 4 mU x max � B , u E x m U � � � � B � 2 1 2 max Table 1: Electron wave functions in the barrier region j e im x x j e im inc trans � � � � � � � � 2 2 � � � � � A A A A C * * , * * . � � � C C C x x � � � � (5) The steady state barrier transmittance T Edc( ) is a function of electron energy E and it is defined as the ratio j jtrans inc . keywords: absorption; amplitude; b b; barrier; bias; cos; current; czech; electron; emission; energy; exp; fig; frequency; function; harmonics; height; high; incident; max �; modulation; n �; parabolic; potential; quanta �; quantum; rectangular; region; signal; sin; small; structure; t e; t t; t �; terahertz; thz; transmission; transmittance; u �; university; vol; voltage; wave; � b cache: ap-578.pdf plain text: ap-578.txt item: #898 of 1243 id: ap-5781 author: Sabatini, Michel; Havlík, Jan; Dlouhý, Tomáš title: Improving the efficiency of a steam power plant cycle by integrating a rotary indirect dryer date: 2021-06-30 words: 4746 flesch: 62 summary: To obtain dried fuel, more water, in dependence on the moisture content before and after drying, has to be evaporated. Keywords: Indirect drying, biomass drying, power generation efficiency. keywords: area; biomass; boiler; combustion; consumption; content; cycle; dryer; drying; efficiency; energy; evaporation; extraction; figure; flow; flue; fuel; gas; generation; generation efficiency; heat; heated; heating; high; increase; indirect; indirect dryer; integrated; integration; low; material; moisture; moisture content; parameters; plant; plant cycle; power; power generation; power plant; pressure; process; required; results; rotary; steam; steam power; surface; temperature; turbine; value; water; wet cache: ap-5781.pdf plain text: ap-5781.txt item: #899 of 1243 id: ap-580 author: Geromiller, H.-P.; Farschtschi, A. title: Numerical Calculation of Electric Fields in Housing Spaces due to Electromagnetic Radiation from Antennas for Mobile Communication date: 2004-01-03 words: 1474 flesch: 52 summary: 2: Dependency of maximum electric field strength inside a housing space referred to the incident electric field strength (E Eincmax ) over angle of incidence (�) related to the energetic density of electromagnetic waves, and therefore the negative impacts on humans increases dispro- portionately with electric field strength. Investiga- tion of electric field strength inside the house-spacing was based on different angles of incidence within the range of 5 ° � � � 85° in steps of �step � 5°. keywords: electric; electromagnetic; field; house; housing; incident; plane; radiation; space; strength; time; wave; y z cache: ap-580.pdf plain text: ap-580.txt item: #900 of 1243 id: ap-5809 author: Vokurka, Karel title: ON THE SECOND LIGHT FLASH EMITTED FROM A SPARK-GENERATED BUBBLE OSCILLATING IN WATER date: 2020-07-01 words: 7224 flesch: 69 summary: Generated bubbles can be described by two parameters. 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 R M1 [ mm ] d 1 2 [ µs ] Figure 4. Variation of the time distance between the first and second optical pulses d12 with bubble size RM 1. 272 vol. keywords: acoustic; acta; bubble; bubble size; cavitation; correlation; d12; data; difference; discharge; distance; emission; example; experiments; figure; flashes; following; intensity; journal; laser; light; light pulses; maximum; observed; optical; optical pulse; oscillation; p1(t; parameters; physical; physics; place; plasma; polytechnica; present; pressure; process; processes; pulse; pzp1; record; responsible; review; second; second light; single; size; small; spark; time; tp1; tu1; u2(t; value; variation; vokurka; water; waves; width; work cache: ap-5809.pdf plain text: ap-5809.txt item: #901 of 1243 id: ap-582 author: Green, G.; Mamtani, G. title: An Integrated Decision Making Model for Evaluation of Concept Design date: 2004-01-03 words: 2540 flesch: 64 summary: 62 © Czech Technical University Publishing House Acta Polytechnica Vol. 44 No. 3/2004 An Integrated Decision Making Model for Evaluation of Concept Design G. Green, G. Mamtani The Conceptual design phase generates various design concepts and these are then evaluated in order to identify the ‘Best’ concept. One of them includes application of Fuzzy Logic as a tool to evaluate design concepts against criteria. keywords: application; best; concepts; crisp; criteria; decision; design; evaluation; fig; final; fuzzy; generation; good; high; integrated; linguistic; logic; matrix; mileage; model; phase; process; product; rules; sets; values cache: ap-582.pdf plain text: ap-582.txt item: #902 of 1243 id: ap-5826 author: Urban, Jan; Rychtáriková, Renata; Macháček, Petr; Štys, Dalibor; Urbanová, Pavla; Císař, Petr title: OPTIMIZATION OF COMPUTATIONAL BURDEN OF THE POINT INFORMATION GAIN date: 2019-12-31 words: 5382 flesch: 73 summary: = H − H (i) (7) refers then to a difference between the entropy of the two histograms and thus also to the difference be- tween the entropy of two images – with and without the investigated pixel Φ(x,y) of the intensity i. Recall that the histograms P and P(i) were normalized and, therefore, the difference Γ(i) is usually a small number. = H − H (i), Γ(i) = ln(WH) keywords: 2d−1∑; = =; = −; acta; algorithm; background; calculation; column; computation; contribution; cross; difference; entropy; function; gain; gpu; h(x; histogram; image; information; intensity; investigated; ln(nj; ln(nj(x; ln(wh; n(y; ni(y; optimization; p(i; pig; pixel; point; polytechnica; position; probability; processing; row; rychtáriková; shannon; software; total; urban; value; vol; γ(i; γ(i)(x; φ(x; ∑i−1; −ej cache: ap-5826.pdf plain text: ap-5826.txt item: #903 of 1243 id: ap-584 author: Chudý, P.; Fiľakovský, K.; Friedl, J. title: Aerodynamic Analysis of Turboprop Engine Air Intake date: 2004-01-03 words: 2226 flesch: 59 summary: Five geometric varia- tions were computed, as follows: � Original air intake, � Air intake +10 %, � Air intake � 10%, � Air intake with prismatic insert, � Optimised air intake. The main purpose is to estimate the air intake fluid characteristics of different air intake geometries. keywords: air; air intake; case; certain; cfd; chamber; channel; czech; domain; engine; external; fig; flow; geometric; geometry; insert; intake; internal; loss; mesh; model; nacelle; original; pressure; prismatic; results; sections; separation; set; streamlines; total; turboprop; turbulence; university; value; vol cache: ap-584.pdf plain text: ap-584.txt item: #904 of 1243 id: ap-586 author: Jurun, E.; Veza, I. title: Developing Model for Supply Chain Management - the Case of Croatia date: 2004-01-03 words: 3683 flesch: 52 summary: i ij, � � �1 , 1 � �j m i( ) (11) where: pij is the unit price for level j, bij are the quantities at which price breaks occur, m(i) is the number of quantity ranges in vendor is price schedule. (12) Since xij can be nonzero only if b x bi j ij ij, � � �1 , (13) it follows that the objective function becomes p x p keywords: acta; breaks; buyer; chain; chain management; concept; constraint; costs; croatia; customer; delivery; distribution; enterprises; entire; goods; house;; information; level; main; management; markets; mathematical; model; network; new; number; objective; order; paper; planned; planning; polytechnica; price; process; production; publishing; purchasing; quality; quantity; reference; requirements; scm; scor; selection; strategic; supplier; supply; supply chain; time; total; university; vol cache: ap-586.pdf plain text: ap-586.txt item: #905 of 1243 id: ap-588 author: Farouk, A.; Lamboj, L.; Kos, J. title: A Numerical Model to Predict Matric Suction Inside Unsaturated Soils date: 2004-01-04 words: 4572 flesch: 57 summary: Matric suction in such a system arises from capillary actions attributed to interactions between air-water menisci (which are generated from the surface tension phenomenon), and soil particles. In fact, when the contractile skin spans between col- lections of soil particles, dependent on the geometry, it is necessary for continuity that the interface has curvature both concave and convex to the air phase [8]. keywords: air; angle; capillary; case; characteristic; contact; content; contractile; curve; distribution; effect; equal; fig; fredlund; grain; matric; matric suction; menisci; meniscus; model; numerical; packing; particles; points; pore; pressure; simple; simulation; size; skin; soil; spheres; spherical; suction; surface; swcc; tension; unsaturated; vol; volume; water; water content cache: ap-588.pdf plain text: ap-588.txt item: #906 of 1243 id: ap-5897 author: Caalim, Jonathan; Demegillo, Shiela title: BETA CANTOR SERIES EXPANSION AND ADMISSIBLE SEQUENCES date: 2020-07-01 words: 7598 flesch: 92 summary: − γ /∈ Z for all n ∈ N (e.g. β may be taken to be transcendental over Q and γ ∈ Q). In particular, we show that for a fix γ ∈ R and a sequence B of real number bases, every element of the interval [γ,γ + 1) has a beta Cantor series expansion with respect to B where the digits are integers in some alphabet A(B). keywords: a(b; a1,a2; acta; admissibility; admissible; b[i; b[k; b[m; b[n; base; beta; c1,c2; cantor; case; ck+1; corollary; d(b; d1,d2; d∗(α; expansion; following; i=1; integer; lemma; lexicographic; map; negative; note; n∪{0; positive; proof; proposition; real; restriction; satisfies; section; sequence; series; transformation; − �; −γc cache: ap-5897.pdf plain text: ap-5897.txt item: #907 of 1243 id: ap-590 author: Farouk, A.; Lamboj, L.; Kos, J. title: Influence of Matric Suction on the Shear Strength Behaviour of Unsaturated Sand date: 2004-01-04 words: 3653 flesch: 58 summary: For example, Fig. 3 shows that the shear strength of sample GUS1-50 is roughly 1.25 times that of saturated sample GS1, which indicates that an increase in soil suction leads to an increase in shear strength. The main goal of testing this group was to evaluate the effective shear strength parameters, c’ and �‘, and to have the ability to compare the behaviour of satu- rated samples with that of unsaturated samples. keywords: air; behaviour; conditions; confining; consolidation; constant; content; czech; fig; group; initial; kpa; matric; matric suction; net; pore; pressure; process; publishing; samples; sand; shear; shearing; soils; stage; strength; stress; suction; technical; tested; testing; tests; triaxial; university; unsaturated; vol; water cache: ap-590.pdf plain text: ap-590.txt item: #908 of 1243 id: ap-5918 author: Haouam, Ilyas title: ANALYTICAL SOLUTION OF (2+1) DIMENSIONAL DIRAC EQUATION IN TIME-DEPENDENT NONCOMMUTATIVE PHASE-SPACE date: 2020-04-30 words: 5983 flesch: 69 summary: The above equation is the relation of the ordinary NCG except that the NC structure constants are considered as exponentially increasing functions with the evolution of time. Deriving Eq.(48) in time, we find ∂I ∂t |φ(λ,k)〉 + I ∂ ∂t |φ(λ,k)〉 = ∂λ ∂t |φ(λ,k)〉 + λ ∂ ∂t |φ(λ,k)〉 , (50) we apply Eq.(14) over the eigenfunctions |φ(λ,k)〉, we have i ∂I ∂t |φ(λ,k)〉 + IHnc |φ(λ,k)〉−Hncλ |φ(λ,k)〉 = 0, (51) the scalar product of Eq.(51) by 〈 φ(λ ′ ,k ′ ) ∣∣∣ is i 〈 φ(λ ′ ,k ′ ) ∣∣∣∣∂I∂t ∣∣∣∣φ(λ,k) 〉 + ( λ ′ −λ )〈 φ(λ ′ ,k ′ ) |Hnc|φ(λ,k) 〉 = 0, (52) which implies 〈 φ(λ ′ ,k ′ ) ∣∣∣∣∂I∂t ∣∣∣∣φ(λ,k) 〉 = 0, (53) the scalar product of Eq.(50) by 〈 φ(λ ′ ,k ′ ) keywords: acta; analytical; bopp; dependent; dimensional; dirac; dirac equation; doi:10.1103; effect; eigenstates; electric; equation; field; functions; geometry; graphene; haouam; harmonic; hnc; i(t; ilyas; invariant; journal; landau; letters; levels; lewis; linear; magnetic; mathematical; matrices; matrix; mechanics; method; momentum; nc k; ncg; noncommutative; operators; parameters; phase; physical; physical review; physics; polytechnica; potential; product; quantum; real; relations; review; riesenfeld; shift; solution; space; spin; system; theory; time; wave; xncj; |φ(λ; ∂ξ2; −f1; −f2; ∣∣ψ̄; ∣∣∣ cache: ap-5918.pdf plain text: ap-5918.txt item: #909 of 1243 id: ap-592 author: Ficker, T. title: Multifractal Image Analysis of Electrostatic Surface Microdischarges date: 2004-01-04 words: 2672 flesch: 68 summary: pq i q i I ( , ) ( )� �� � � 1 , p n N i i( )� � � � � � � , pi i I ( )� � � � 1 1 , q �� �( , ) . Many followers appeared in the field of computer simula- tions of discharge channel structures keywords: analysis; appl; arrangement; channel; czech; dielectric; dimension; discharges; electret; electrode; electrostatic; fig; figures; fractal; grid; jensen; lett; lichtenberg; multifractal; niemeyer; phys; plane; procaccia; ramification; rev; separation; streamers; structure; surface; value; vol; voltage; wiesmann cache: ap-592.pdf plain text: ap-592.txt item: #910 of 1243 id: ap-594 author: Ficker, T.; Kapička, V.; Macur, J.; Slavíček, P.; Benešovský, P. title: Fractality of Electrostatic Microdischarges on the Surface of Polymers date: 2004-01-04 words: 2455 flesch: 62 summary: This hypothesis has proved to be sound and is illustrated by Figs. 4 – 6 in which the increasing linear dependence D aU b� � is well recognisable. These visible tracks are called Lichtenberg figures and have often been used to study gaseous discharges on the surface of dielectrics keywords: analysis; czech; dependence; dimension; electret; electric; electrode; electrostatic; figures; forming; fractal; grid; high; house;; lichtenberg; long; microdischarges; multifractal; pet; phys; polymeric; polytechnica; publishing; states; surface; technical; times; university; vol; voltages cache: ap-594.pdf plain text: ap-594.txt item: #911 of 1243 id: ap-596 author: Jiroušek, P. title: Programming a Logical Control Method by a Parallel Process date: 2004-01-04 words: 2652 flesch: 57 summary: There exist higher level of logical control program systems such as STEP 5 and GRAFCET. Unlike other program systems, for instance systems support- ing the GRAFCET, verification is performed in graphical form. keywords: acta; actions; address; compiler; condition; control; czech; development; example; functions; grafcet; higher; house;; language; logical; means; parallel; parallelism; polytechnica; primas; problem; processes; program; publishing; real; running; set; system; tasks; technical; time; tuning; university; use; vol cache: ap-596.pdf plain text: ap-596.txt item: #912 of 1243 id: ap-5960 author: Sunu, Putu Wijaya; Anakottapary, Daud Simon; Suarta, I Made; Santosa, I Dewa Made Cipta; Suarsana, Ketut title: HEAT TRANSFER ENHANCEMENT AND FRICTION IN DOUBLE PIPE HEAT EXCHANGER WITH VARIOUS NUMBER OF LONGITUDINAL GROOVES date: 2020-12-31 words: 5743 flesch: 58 summary: However, up to now, there have been few investigations and applications of longitudinal grooves in relation to heat transfer associated with friction from the annulus of a heat exchanger. The present investigation examined the effects of longitudinal grooves in a double pipe heat exchanger on the characteristics of heat transfer and friction. keywords: acta; annulus; capacity; channel; characteristics; cold; compensation; data; diameter; doi:10.1016; double; drop; effectiveness; engineering; enhancement; equation; exchanger; experimental; factor; figure; flow; fluid; friction; friction factor; grooved annulus; grooves; heat; heat exchanger; heat transfer; higher; hot; hydraulic; increase; international; journal; longitudinal; longitudinal grooves; mass; ntu; number; performance; pipe; pipe heat; polytechnica; pressure; rate; reynolds; science; section; smooth; smooth annulus; study; sunu; surface; temperature; test; thermal; transfer; transfer enhancement; tube; value; water cache: ap-5960.pdf plain text: ap-5960.txt item: #913 of 1243 id: ap-5963 author: Castro Silva, Janaina Oliveira; Maia, Cristiana Brasil title: OPTIMIZATION OF A SMALL SOLAR CHIMNEY date: 2020-07-01 words: 5996 flesch: 51 summary: Exergy efficiency and solar chimney efficiency were determined, on an hourly basis, for a one-year period. Keywords: Solar chimney, optimization, conjugate directions, variable metric. 1. keywords: acta; airflow; ambient; analysis; average; brasil; castro; chimney; chimney efficiency; chimney power; collector; conjugate; conversion; desalination; developed; diameter; dimensions; doi:10.1016; efficiency; energy; engineering; exergy efficiency; experimental; figure; function; generation; geometric; geometry; ground; heat; height; higher; influence; inlet; literature; maia; management; manzanares; mass; mathematical; methods; model; monthly; numerical; objective; oliveira; optimization; outlet; output; parameters; performance; plant; polytechnica; power; prototype; radiation; rate; reference; renewable; results; silva; small; solar; solar chimney; solar collector; solar energy; solar radiation; study; surface; sustainable; system; temperature; values; variable; velocity; year cache: ap-5963.pdf plain text: ap-5963.txt item: #914 of 1243 id: ap-598 author: Audy, M.; Šejnoha, M. title: Effect of Boundary Constraints in the Formulation of the Partition of Unity Method: One-dimensional Setting date: 2004-01-04 words: 5168 flesch: 64 summary: 1. �u represents a portion of � with prescribed displacements u while tractions t are prescribed on � �� � � �t u t d� � � 0 . 1: Body � crossed by discontinuity �d ity surface �d divides the body into two subdomains, � � and � � (� � �� � �� ). keywords: b b; b k; boundary; configuration; constraints; d b; d �; degrees; dimensional; discontinuity; discontinuous; displacement; element; f k; field; fig; form; freedom; k d; k h; k k; k �; matrix; node; partition; problem; results; solution; standard; stiffness; t d; unity; university; vol; � n; � u cache: ap-598.pdf plain text: ap-598.txt item: #915 of 1243 id: ap-5981 author: Schmidt, Jaroslav; Janda, Tomáš; Zemanová, Alena; Zeman, Jan; Šejnoha, Michal title: NEWMARK ALGORITHM FOR DYNAMIC ANALYSIS WITH MAXWELL CHAIN MODEL date: 2020-12-31 words: 5898 flesch: 64 summary: The relative errors were calculated according to ||r∆t − rref∆t||2/||r ref ∆t||2, where r∆t stores displacements of all time instants for time step ∆t, rref∆t the reference solution of odeint at the same times, and ‖•‖ denotes the Euclidean norm. Top, center, and bottom graphs show trajectories for time steps ∆t = 1.0 s, ∆t = 0.5 s, and ∆t = 0.2 s respectively. keywords: acceleration; acta; algorithm; analysis; cell; chain; conditions; corresponding; discrete; discretization; displacement; dissipation; doi:10.1016; dynamic; energy; engineering; equations; evolution; external; f(t; figure; forces; form; fracture; glass; initial; integrator; international; interval; janda; journal; lagrange; laminated; mass; materials; maxwell; mechanics; method; model; motion; newmark; numerical; p(t; p=1; polytechnica; problem; quantities; reference; response; ri+1; r̈i; r̈i+1; scheme; schmidt; section; spring; step; structures; system; time; time t; value; variational; velocity; viscoelastic; vol; work; zemanová cache: ap-5981.pdf plain text: ap-5981.txt item: #916 of 1243 id: ap-5987 author: Durdán, Milan; Terpák, Ján; Kačur, Ján; Laciak, Marek; Flegner, Patrik title: MODELING OF MATERIAL BALANCE FROM THE EXPERIMENTAL UCG date: 2020-11-02 words: 5651 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: Underground coal gasification, material balance, atoms, ex-situ reactors, losses. doi:10.1016/j.pecs.2012.09.004. [2] A. Uppal, A. Bhatti, E. Aamir, et al. Control oriented modeling and optimization of one dimensional packed bed model of underground coal gasification. keywords: acta; agent; air; analysis; ash; atomic; atoms; balance; cavity; chemical; coal; coal gasification; coal seam; components; composition; condensate; control; durdán; element; energy; equation; experiment; figure; flow; gasification; gasification process; gasified; general; individual; input; laboratory; losses; mass; mass balance; material; material balance; mathematical; measured; model; modeling; output; oxygen; paper; polytechnica; process; product; production; reactions; reactor; results; scheme; seam; second; situ; syngas; table; temperature; total; ucg; ucg process; unburned; unburned coal; underground; underground coal; value cache: ap-5987.pdf plain text: ap-5987.txt item: #917 of 1243 id: ap-5994 author: Abdullah, Hikmat N.; Dawood, Zinah O.; Abdelkareem, Ammar E.; Abed, Hadeel S. title: COMPLEXITY REDUCTION OF CYCLOSTATIONARY SENSING TECHNIQUE USING IMPROVED HYBRID SENSING METHOD date: 2020-09-01 words: 5267 flesch: 52 summary: Non-cooperative scenario Figure 2 shows the performance curves of a number of samples versus the computational complexity ra- tio in cyclostationary of hybrid proposed methods compared with the traditional method. The price we pay for the complexity reduction is a slight loss in Pd as compared with the traditional method, also, it can be seen that although the proposed method using the SDFT hasa greater reduction in the computational complexity than the other proposed methods that use the FFT, it also gives a good detection performance, especially at low values of Eb/N0, since the SDFT has a higher accuracy than the FFT and the performance of other methods becomes the same as the method that uses the SDFT at Eb/N0 equals 6 dB. As shown in the figure, when Eb/N0 equals 0 dB, Pd is decreased by 20 % and 10 % using proposed methods that use the FFT and SDFT respectively, as compared with the hybrid method in [4] and increased by 30 % and 40 % respectively, as compared with the energy de- tector. keywords: autocorrelation; channel; cognitive; complexity; computational; computational complexity; cooperative; curves; cyclic; cyclostationary; cyclostationary detector; detection; detection performance; detector; energy; energy detector; fading; fft; figure; frequency; hybrid; hybrid method; information; low; method; multipath; number; o(ns; performance; probability; process; proposed; radio; reduction; results; samples; scenario; sdft; sensing; signal; spectrum; technique; threshold; traditional; traditional method; values cache: ap-5994.pdf plain text: ap-5994.txt item: #918 of 1243 id: ap-600 author: Kratěna, J.; Fořt, I. title: Study of the Discharge Stream from a Standard Rushton turbine impeller date: 2004-01-04 words: 3694 flesch: 59 summary: th b t b av p t p av, , , , , ,( ) ( )� �� �2 2 . No. 4/2004 Fig. 6: Three dimensional view of the flat bottomed agitated system with standard Rushton turbine impeller and radial baffles (T � 300 mm, H/T � 1, D/T � 1/3, h/T � 0.33, 0.48, b/T � 0.1, N � 6.7 s�1) Fig. 7: Side view (coordinates r�z) of the half of investigated system with chosen grid 4 Numerical simulation of turbulent liquid flow in a system with a standard Rushton impeller Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS) to- gether with the Multiple Reference Frame (MRF) and standard k-� model predictions of steady state flow have been used via Fluent 4.5 commercial software with the MIX SIM 1.7 module [13]. keywords: agitated; angular; baffle; component; coordinate; cylindrical; czech; dimensionless; discharge; discharge stream; experimental; fig; flow; impeller; impeller discharge; liquid; mean; momentum; num; radial; region; results; rushton; standard; stream; system; tangential; target; technical; turbine; turbulent; university; value; velocity; vessel; vol cache: ap-600.pdf plain text: ap-600.txt item: #919 of 1243 id: ap-6003 author: Loskot, Jan; Zubko, Maciej; Janikowski, Zbigniew title: ANALYSES OF WASTE PRODUCTS OBTAINED BY LASER CUTTING OF AW-3103 ALUMINIUM ALLOY date: 2020-12-31 words: 4317 flesch: 61 summary: In this research, we analysed waste particles gener- ated during laser cutting of a widely used AW-3103 aluminium alloy. Statistical characteristics of waste powder particles. keywords: acta; alloy; aluminium; analysis; assist; aw-3103; beam; characteristics; composition; cutting; diameter; diffraction; dross; electron; engineering; feret; figure; formation; gas; health; impact; journal; laser; laser cutting; liquid; material; mean; measurements; metallurgy; microparticles; microscopy; nanoparticles; observed; parameters; particles; polytechnica; powder; process; processing; products; ray; research; results; shape; silicon; size; stainless; steel; surface; thicker; thickness; thinner; tube; waste; waste powder cache: ap-6003.pdf plain text: ap-6003.txt item: #920 of 1243 id: ap-602 author: Brož, J.; Fořt, I.; Sperling, R.; Jambere, S.; Heiser, M.; Rieger, F. title: Pumping Capacity of Pitched Blade Impellers in a Tall Vessel with a Draught Tube date: 2004-01-04 words: 3995 flesch: 62 summary: 1: Geometry of the pilot plant tall vessel with a draught tube (the 1st series of experiments); 1 – vessel, 2 – draught tube, 3 – baffle, 4 – impeller (H � 600 mm, T � 400 mm, L � 540 mm, C � 465 mm, DT � 80 mm, D � 70 mm, l � 70 mm, b � 7 mm, R � 400 mm, r � 40 mm) 45° h d Fig. 2: Sketch of pitched blade impellers with three or six blades – Czech Standard CVS 691020: a) nB � 3 : � � 35°, 45°, b ) nB � 6, � � 35°, 45°; h/D � 0.2) 4 31 2 Fig. 3: Geometry of the pilot plant tall vessel with a draught tube (the 2nd series of experiments); 1 – vessel, 2 – draught tube, 3 – baffle, 4 – impeller (H � 470 mm, T � 400 mm, L � 350 mm, C � 400 mm, DT � 160 mm, D � 140 mm, l � 45 mm, b � 15 mm, R � 400 mm, r � 40 mm) (7) the average axial component of the mean velocity over the slot depends on the height of the slot w Q D H const H H DB p T T T T T� � � � . , .0 25 . keywords: agitated; angle; axial; blade; capacity; cross; czech; dependence; diameter; dished; draught; draught tube; edge; efficiency; experiments; fig; flow; impeller; liquid; mean; measured; number; pbt; pitch; power; pumping; quantity; rate; ratio; series; slot; system; tube; velocity; vessel; vol cache: ap-602.pdf plain text: ap-602.txt item: #921 of 1243 id: ap-604 author: Abdelaziz, T. H. S.; Valášek, M. title: Eigenstructure Assignment by State-derivative and Partial Output-derivative Feedback for Linear Time-invariant Control Systems date: 2004-01-04 words: 6551 flesch: 69 summary: A B I Bn n� � �, ,� �2 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �2 2 1 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 2� �� � �� � a b b3 � � � � �, taking � �v12 1 � c d, T, leads to � ��� � 2 2 2 2 3 4� � � � � � �c d a b c d b d, , , T. Then, the gain matrix equation can be written as K � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � a c b d a b a b c d b b d 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 4 . I BK I BKv v v vij k i n ij k n ij k ij� � � � � � � ( ) ( ) ,1 0 0 . keywords: assignment; case; closed; conditions; control; controllable; derivative; derivative feedback; eigenstructure; eigenvalues; eigenvectors; equation; feedback; gain; generalized; j �; k �; linear; loop; matrix; output; parametric; problem; qi �; rank; right; set; solution; state; system; vol; wv �; � bfc; � c; � det; � n; � rn×n; � v; � � cache: ap-604.pdf plain text: ap-604.txt item: #922 of 1243 id: ap-6049 author: Kunz, Jan; Beneš, Petr title: VERSATILE CHIRP SINE GENERATOR ON FIXED-POINT FPGA date: 2020-12-31 words: 4560 flesch: 59 summary: Conclusion This paper presents an universal point-to-point method of chirp sine signal generation on a fixed- point FPGA. Nowadays, linear and logarithmic chirp sine signals can be generated very easily using, for example, a direct digital synthesis, a voltage controlled oscillator, a look-up table or a phase generation [1, 3, 4]. keywords: actual; arithmetic; bit; calculated; calculation; chirp; chirp signal; chirp sine; dec; difference; error; f(n; fig; figure; fpga; frequencies; frequency; fstart; fstop; generation; implementation; integration; khz; limitations; linear; logarithmic; method; necessary; number; parameters; phase; point; possible; previous; resolution; result; rounding; sampling; signal; sine; sine signal; speed; sweep; time; versatile; vibration; ϕ(n cache: ap-6049.pdf plain text: ap-6049.txt item: #923 of 1243 id: ap-606 author: Matz, V.; Kreidl, M.; Šmíd, R. title: Signal-to-Noise Ratio Improvement based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform in Ultrasonic Defectoscopy date: 2004-01-04 words: 2380 flesch: 60 summary: An important requirement on ultrasonic signal filtering is zero-time shift, because the position of ultrasonic echoes is essential. This is fulfilled for most ultrasonic signals. keywords: acta; amplitude; coefficients; czech; decomposition; detailed; discrete; dwt; echo; echoes; fault; fig; filtering; house;; material; method; mother; noise; polytechnica; publishing; ratio; results; signal; technical; thresholding; transform; ultrasonic; university; value; vol; wall; wavelet cache: ap-606.pdf plain text: ap-606.txt item: #924 of 1243 id: ap-6069 author: Fučík, Radek; Solovský, Jakub; Plampin, Michelle R.; Wu, Hao; Mikyška, Jiří; Illangasekare, Tissa H. title: COMPUTATIONAL METHODOLOGY TO ANALYZE THE EFFECT OF MASS TRANSFER RATE ON ATTENUATION OF LEAKED CARBON DIOXIDE IN SHALLOW AQUIFERS date: 2021-02-10 words: 5898 flesch: 61 summary: The average temperatures in the static case and background flow experiments were 37◦C and 26◦C, respectively. How- ever, numerical models have not yet been able to fully explain all of the observations from the experimental studies, particularly of those that occur during 2D flow under the influence of background water flow. keywords: acta; attenuation; background; background flow; case; co2; computational; constant; data; different; dissolution; doi:10.1016; element; equilibrium; evolution; experimental; figure; flow; form; fraction; fučík; gas; granusil; hand; injection; kinetic; mass; mass transfer; media; mesh; method; methodology; model; modeling; multiphase; non; numerical; permeability; phase; plampin; polytechnica; porous; port; pressure; processes; properties; results; right; s g; saturation; scale; shallow; simulations; solovský; static; study; s−1; table; tank; time; transfer; transport; water cache: ap-6069.pdf plain text: ap-6069.txt item: #925 of 1243 id: ap-6075 author: Oberhuber, Tomáš; Klinkovský, Jakub; Fučík, Radek title: TNL: NUMERICAL LIBRARY FOR MODERN PARALLEL ARCHITECTURES date: 2021-02-10 words: 8105 flesch: 73 summary: The library offers an abstract layer for accessing these architectures via unified interface tailored for easy and fast development of high-performance algorithms and numerical solvers. Conclusion We have presented Template Numerical Library, TNL, for easy development of numerical solvers on modern parallel architectures. keywords: acta; algorithms; architectures; array; best; bold; boost; c++; cores; cores time; cpu; cuda; data; device; discretization; dofs; eff; efficiency; equation; explicit; face; figure; format; gpu; gpus; grid; hand; heat; implicit; interface; libraries; library; linear; matrices; matrix; memory; mesh; method; modern; number; numerical; oberhuber; parallel; parameters; performance; polytechnica; problem; row; scalability; semi; set; size; solver; sparse; speed; structures; system; table; template; threads; time; tnl; turbo; type; vertexes; weak; −y2 cache: ap-6075.pdf plain text: ap-6075.txt item: #926 of 1243 id: ap-608 author: Bažant, Z. P.; Yu, Q. title: Size Effect in Fracture of Concrete Specimens and Structures: New Problems and Progress date: 2004-01-05 words: 7184 flesch: 66 summary: As mentioned by Bažant (1996) as well as Hu and Wittmann, the consequence of these experimental observations is that: G a D a P u x x GF F D ( ) ( )� � � � � � � 1 0 0 0 d d� , (1) where GF � average fracture energy in the ligament (Fig. 1b), D � specimen size (Fig. 1a), a0 � notch depth, P � load, u � load-point deflection, � (x) � local fracture energy as a function of coordinate x along the ligament (Fig. 1a left), G w xF � � � � � �d 0 �( ) value at points x remote from the boundary ( � area under the complete �(w) diagram, Fig. 1c), � � cohesive (crack-bridging) stress, and w � crack opening � � separation of crack faces. (11), which is of course valid only for large enough notches penetrating through the boundary layer of concrete, has been derived by asymptotic matching of the following asymptotic conditions: 1) for 0, the classical size effect law � �N D D� � � 0 0 1 21( ) must be recovered; 2) for D l0 0� , there must be no size effect; 3) for D l0 � �, Eqs. keywords: 6/2004; acta; analysis; angle; area; asymptotic; bažant; beams; boundary; cohesive; concrete; crack; curve; czech; data; different; duan; effect; end; energy; failure; fig; formula; fpz; fracture; house;; initiation; large; law; layer; length; ligament; log; mechanics; method; model; notch; notches; polytechnica; process; publishing; quasibrittle; shear; size; size effect; small; softening; specimens; strength; stress; structures; technical; terms; university; variation; vol; wittmann; zone; � n; � � cache: ap-608.pdf plain text: ap-608.txt item: #927 of 1243 id: ap-6080 author: Sváček, Petr title: NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF FLUID-STRUCTURE INTERACTION PROBLEMS WITH CONSIDERING OF CONTACTS date: 2021-02-10 words: 5785 flesch: 65 summary: |tn+1 ≈ M(U,V ) −LM (V ) (16) for U = (u,p) := (un+1,pn+1), V = (z,q) and with M(U,V ) = 3 2∆t ( un+1,z ) Ωtn+1 , (17) LM (V ) = 2 ∆t (un,z)Ωtn − 1 2∆t ( un−1,z ) +∇q and δK, τK are suitably chosen stabilization parameters, see e.g. The stabilized discrete formulation then reads: Find U = (u,p) ∈ Wh such that aS(U; U,V ) = LS(U; V ) (21) holds for any test function V = (z,q) ∈ X h ×Qh, where aS(U; U,V ) = a(U; U,V ) keywords: acta; aid; ale; approximation; boundary; computational; condition; configuration; considered; contact; convergence; derivative; discrete; discretization; domain; element; equations; figure; finite; flow; fluid; folds; forces; form; formulation; functions; hertz; impact; instant; mapping; matrix; media; method; model; navier; numerical; order; phonation; polytechnica; porous; prescribed; pressure; problem; projection; reference; results; simplified; solution; stabilization; stabilized; stokes; structure; system; terms; test; time; velocity; vocal; γwt cache: ap-6080.pdf plain text: ap-6080.txt item: #928 of 1243 id: ap-6099 author: Vocetka, Michal; Suder, Jiří; Huczala, Daniel title: THE USE OF THE TWO-HANDED COLLABORATIVE ROBOT IN NON-COLLABORATIVE APPLICATION date: 2020-04-30 words: 3490 flesch: 45 summary: Keywords: Collaborative robot, YuMi, industrial robot, industrial automation, semi-collaborativ. A pair of IRB120. 155 M. Vocetka, J. Suder, D. Huczala Acta Polytechnica YuMi would probably not be able to withstand the comparison with industrial robots. keywords: abb; acta; analysis; applications; automation; axis; camera; capacity; case; clutch; cobots; collaborative; comparison; control; cycle; design; fem; figure; gripper; handed; housings;; human; industrial; jaw; line; load; manipulator; march; motor; operator; optimization; polytechnica; possible; press; production; results; robot; safety; small; solution; space; specific; station; time; traditional; use; weight; work; yumi cache: ap-6099.pdf plain text: ap-6099.txt item: #929 of 1243 id: ap-610 author: Jirásek, M. title: Nonlocal Theories in Continuum Mechanics date: 2004-01-05 words: 16537 flesch: 54 summary: Taking all this into account and substituting the rate form of (67) into (69), we get the linear differential equation with constant coefficients, ( ) � � �*H Hlp� � �� �� � � � �0 2 . The circular frequency correspond- ing to wave number k is thus � � � � � � 2 1 2 1 2 2 K M ika K M ka K M ka ( cosh ) ( cos ) sin . keywords: 6/2004; acta; bar; bažant; behavior; body; boundary; case; certain; characteristic; conditions; continuum; corresponding; curve; czech; d �; damage; density; dependence; diagram; different; differential; dimensional; discrete; dispersion; displacement; distribution; effect; elastic; elasticity; energy; engineering; enriched; enrichments; equation; example; explicit; field; fig; finite; fish; form; fourier; frequency; function; general; gradient; hardening; harmonic; higher; homogeneous; house;; image �; integral; internal; journal; k �; law; layer; lcrit �; leads; length; limit; linear; loading; localization; long; mass; material; mechanics; model; modulus; nonlocal; numbers; numerical; order; parameter; phase; point; polytechnica; positive; problem; propagation; publishing; r �; real; region; remains; results; scale; section; shear; short; size; small; softening; solution; spatial; specimen; spring; standard; strain; strength; stress; structure; technical; terms; theories; theory; thickness; type; uniform; university; value; variable �; velocity; vol; wave; wavelength; weight; � /a; � f; � y; � � cache: ap-610.pdf plain text: ap-610.txt item: #930 of 1243 id: ap-6103 author: Maharaj, Adhir; Andriopoulos, Kostis; Leach, Peter title: PROPERTIES OF A DIFFERENTIAL SEQUENCE BASED UPON THE KUMMER-SCHWARZ EQUATION date: 2020-11-02 words: 4344 flesch: 65 summary: As our pri- mary interest is in differential equations integrable in the sense of Poincaré (iewith solutions which are analytically away from isolated polelike singularities) we are disappointed with the results. However, it has been shown [6, 7] that the operator, D + y, generates a sequence of differential equations based upon the Riccati equation, which has very satisfying properties in terms of their singularity characteristics and algebras. keywords: -1 -1; 2u′2; analysis; andriopoulos; bis; complete; differential; elements; equation; euler; evolution; exponents; generator; kummer; leach; mathematical; operator; order; properties; recursion; resonances; results; schwarz; sequence; series; singularity; solution; symmetries; symmetry; terms cache: ap-6103.pdf plain text: ap-6103.txt item: #931 of 1243 id: ap-612 author: Askes, H.; Simone, A.; Sluys, L. J. title: Modelling of Size Effect with Regularised Continua date: 2004-01-05 words: 3923 flesch: 56 summary: Upon loading, damage grows according to � � � � � �� � � �1 i iexp( ( )) if � �� i (5) in which � is a material parameter that sets the slope of the stress-strain relation in the softening regime. The stress-strain relation is written as � �� �( )1 � C (1) where � and � contain the components of stresses and strains, C contains the elastic moduli and � is a scalar damage vari- able. keywords: acta; beams; constant; continuum; damage; dimensions; effect; engineering; fig; fractal; function; gradient; journal; large; law; length; material; mechanics; model; multi; nonlocal; notch; numerical; proportional; range; scale; scaling; size; specimens; strain; strength; stress; structural; university; unnotched; viscoplastic; vol cache: ap-612.pdf plain text: ap-612.txt item: #932 of 1243 id: ap-6125 author: Segeth, Karel title: MULTIVARIATE INTERPOLATION USING POLYHARMONIC SPLINES date: 2021-02-10 words: 4979 flesch: 67 summary: The conclusion of the present paper is more advanced, it shows that for interpola- tion it is possible to use polyharmonic functions of different orders m that minimize different norms of the interpolant u, i.e. the L2 norm of the (m + They are often used as basis functions for interpolation as well as approximation. keywords: approximation; basis; complex; data; definition; derivative; equation; example; formula; function; general; generating; interpolant; interpolation; linear; multiindex; nonnegative; norm; number; order; polyharmonic; problem; properties; r(x; radial; sec; set; smooth; space; spline; system; theorem; trend; values; z(x; |α| cache: ap-6125.pdf plain text: ap-6125.txt item: #933 of 1243 id: ap-6132 author: Rustam; Gunawan, Agus Yodi; Kresnowati, Made Tri Ari Penia title: ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK APPROACH FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF CLOVE BUDS ORIGIN BASED ON METABOLITES COMPOSITION date: 2020-11-02 words: 4945 flesch: 61 summary: Therefore, this study implements artificial neural networks as pat- tern recognition in clove buds data sets. Materials This study uses clove buds data sets obtained from Kresnowati et al. keywords: accuracy; acta; algorithm; approach; architecture; aroma; artificial; backpropagation; buds; case; clove; clove buds; composition; data; data sets; doi:10.1016; equation; error; figure; flavour; function; hidden; hidden layers; identification; input; layer; learning; metabolites; mse; network; neural; neurons; number; origin; output; pattern; percentage; polytechnica; recognition; resilient; resilient propagation; results; sets; small; study; table; testing; testing data; training; training testing; t−1; update; value; weight cache: ap-6132.pdf plain text: ap-6132.txt item: #934 of 1243 id: ap-614 author: Proft, K. De; Wilde, W. P. De title: A Discontinuous Model to Study Fracture of Brittle Materials date: 2004-01-05 words: 5008 flesch: 65 summary: 2.3 Governing finite element equations The weak form of the virtual work equation without body forces reads: � � ��� s S S e � � �: d d e� � t (7) where � is taken from the set of admissible displacement vari- ations and Se is the outer surface where external tractions t are applied. i i i iT� � � �� �~ : ~� � �d d 0 (i � 1, … m), (10) where Ti are the traction forces working at the discontinuity �i. To obtain equation (9), the enhanced displacement field, ~u, is assumed to be zero where essential boundary conditions are imposed. keywords: applied; case; considered; continuum; crack; deformation; degrees; discontinuity; displacement; elastic; element; energy; engineering; enhanced; equations; experimental; field; fig; finite; fracture; freedom; function; integration; international; journal; load; localization; lvdt; material; mechanics; methods; model; nodes; normal; numerical; partition; path; rate; strain; stress; tensile; tip; unity; university; vol cache: ap-614.pdf plain text: ap-614.txt item: #935 of 1243 id: ap-6142 author: Kračmar, Stanislav; Neustupa, Jiří title: MODELING OF FLOWS THROUGH A CHANNEL BY THE NAVIER–STOKES VARIATIONAL INEQUALITIES date: 2021-02-10 words: 7988 flesch: 72 summary: η − 1)u 〉 dt = (α− 1) ∫ t∗ 0 〈 ∂tv ∗ ext, u 〉 dt + α(α− 1) ∫ t∗ 0 〈 ∂tu, u 〉 dt + ∫ t∗+δ t∗ 〈 ∂tv ∗ ext, (η − 1)u 〉 dt + ∫ t∗+δ t∗ 〈 ∂t(ηu), ηu 〉 dt− ∫ ∇u dx ≤ ∫ t∗ 0 〈f,u〉 dt + ∫ t∗ 0 ∫ Γ2 g ·u dS dt + 1 2 ‖u(0)‖22, 1 2 ‖u(t∗)‖22 + ∫ t∗ 0 ν‖∇u‖22 dt + ∫ t∗ 0 ∫ Ω (v∗ext + u) ·∇(v ∗ ext + u) · (v ∗ ext + u) dx dt + ∫ t∗ 0 〈∂tv∗ext,u〉 dt ≤ ∫ t∗ 0 ∫ Ω (v∗ext + u) ·∇(v ∗ ext + u) ·v ∗ ext dx dt + ∫ t∗ 0 ∫ Ω ν∇v∗ext : ∇u dx dt + keywords: 0,t; appropriate; approximations; artificial; boundary; c(ξ; case; channel; condition; convex; curl; div; ds dt; dx dt; energy; equation; estimates; existence; ext; flow; function; incompressible; inequality; kct; l2(0,t; navier; neustupa; non; pressure; priori; problem; set; solution; space; steady; stokes; t∗+δ; variational; v∗ext; weak; w−v; ξ‖∇u‖22; ∂tv; ∫ t∗; ≤ ∫ cache: ap-6142.pdf plain text: ap-6142.txt item: #936 of 1243 id: ap-6149 author: Neustupa, Tomáš; Winter, Ondřej title: ON THE SENSITIVITY OF THE NONLINEAR TERM IN THE OUTFLOW BOUNDARY CONDITION date: 2021-02-10 words: 3457 flesch: 62 summary: Black, red, blue, and green lines indicate results for prolonged domain (le = 50Di), ξ = 0, ξ = −0.6 and ξ = 0.6, respectively. for ξ = 0,−0.6. −2 0 2 0 0.5 1 y Long ξ = −0.3̄ ξ = −0.5 ξ = −0.6 ξ = 0 −2 0 2 0 0.5 1 y Long ξ = −0.3̄ ξ = −0.5 ξ = −0.6 ξ = 0 Figure 2. u along the boundary Γo, Re = 10, ξ < 0,ξ keywords: 50di; artificial; backward; boundary; boundary condition; computational; condition; contours; different; domain; existence; figure; finite; flow; fluid; inflow; inlet; long; long ξ; mathematical; method; n)−; navier; nonlinear; numerical; outflow; pressure; prolonged; results; solution; stokes; term; u =; velocity; volume; weak; −0.3̄; −0.6; −0.6 ξ cache: ap-6149.pdf plain text: ap-6149.txt item: #937 of 1243 id: ap-616 author: Krysl, P. title: Explicit Time Integrators for Nonlinear Dynamics Derived from the Midpoint Rule date: 2004-01-05 words: 2167 flesch: 62 summary: The equation of motion is written in the spatial frame as �� � RT, where �� is the rate of the spatial angular momen- tum, and consequently the equation of motion may be written in integral form as � �� � �( ) exp That algorithm may be recognized as the well-known Verlet (explicit Newmark with � �1 2) � � �� � �t t t� 2 2 * � (Verlet). keywords: algorithm; body; dynamics; euler; explicit; lie; midpoint; momentum; order; rigid; rotation; rule; second; skew; symplectic; t t; time; vector; � exp; � p; � t; � � cache: ap-616.pdf plain text: ap-616.txt item: #938 of 1243 id: ap-618 author: Patzák, B.; Bittnar, Z. title: OOFEM – An Object Oriented Framework for Finite Element Analysis date: 2004-01-05 words: 3764 flesch: 45 summary: To achieve these requirements in the context of this frame, the following set of fundamental abstract classes is introduced to represent finite elements (Element class), cross section models (CrossSection class), constitutive mod- els (Material class), integration rules (IntegrationRule class), integration points (IntegrationPoint class), interpolation functions (Interpolation class), and material mode specific containers for storing history variables in integration points (MaterialStatus class). Typical implementation of this procedure then consists in a loop over finite element integration points, and computation of the products of these matrices and summa- tion of the contributions. keywords: abstract; acta; analysis; base; boundary; class; classes; code; computers; conditions; constitutive; corresponding; cross; czech; design; element; engineering; equations; example; fig; finite; general; history; house;; implementation; integration; interface; level; material; matrix; methods; model; module; numerical; object; oofem; particular; points; polytechnica; problem; programming; publishing; section; services; software; solution; sparse; specific; structure; technical; university; vol cache: ap-618.pdf plain text: ap-618.txt item: #939 of 1243 id: ap-620 author: Rypl, D.; Bittnar, Z. title: Triangulation of 3D Surfaces Recovered from STL Grids date: 2004-01-05 words: 4677 flesch: 53 summary: These are all bg nodes that are not shared exactly by two bg edges. During the averaging, the bg nodes are repositioned to a new location evaluated as a weighted average of bg nodes in the neighbourhood (ac- cording to the so called averaging mask). keywords: aspect; averaging; bg edge; bg faces; bg nodes; boundary; classified; control; corresponding; curvature; curve; czech; edge; element; faces; features; fig; file; format; generation; grid; limit; limit surface; mask; mesh; midnode; model; new; non; order; original; point; position; ratio; representation; scheme; stl; subdivision; surface; surface bg; technique; triangulation; vertex; vertices cache: ap-620.pdf plain text: ap-620.txt item: #940 of 1243 id: ap-622 author: Krejčí, T. title: Solution of Nonlinear Coupled Heat and Moisture Transport Using Finite Element Method date: 2004-01-05 words: 4570 flesch: 65 summary: (15) The assumption that the shear stress in fluids is negligible converts the latter equation into the form � �� ef sp m, (16) where � � � �� � � x y z yz zx xy T T, , , , , , { , , , , , }m 1 1 1 0 0 0 (18) Deformation of a porous skeleton associated with the grain rearrangement can be expressed using the constitutive equation written in the rate form � ( � � )� � �ef sk� D 0 . keywords: air; capillary; conditions; czech; div; element; equations; flux; g g; g gw; gas; gra �; grad; heat; k k; linear; mass; material; matrix; media; method; moisture; p p; p t; parameter �; phase; porous; pressure; problems; s s; solution; system; t t; technical; temperature; time; transport; university; vector; vol; w g; w w; water; � ef; � eff; � g; � ga; � n; � x; � � cache: ap-622.pdf plain text: ap-622.txt item: #941 of 1243 id: ap-6223 author: Havlík, Jan; Dlouhý, Tomáš; Krempaský, Jakub title: THE CONDENSATION OF WATER VAPOUR IN A MIXTURE CONTAINING A HIGH CONCENTRATION OF NON-CONDENSABLE GAS IN A VERTICAL TUBE date: 2020-07-01 words: 5723 flesch: 57 summary: Numerical simulation of air–steam mixture condensation flows in a vertical tube. Effect of an interfacial shear stress on steam condensation in the presence of a noncondensable gas in a vertical tube. keywords: acta; air; annulus; concentration; condensable; condensation; condensation htc; condensation process; condensation temperature; condenser; conditions; decrease; difference; effect; experimental; film; film condensation; flow; gas; heat; heat transfer; high; htc; influence; mass; mixture; ncg; non; number; nusselt; partial; polytechnica; presence; pressure; process; pure; pure steam; saturation; shear; steam; steam condensation; steam mixture; stress; surface; temperature; thermal; transfer; tube; value; vapour; velocity; vertical; vertical tube; wall; water; water htc; water vapour cache: ap-6223.pdf plain text: ap-6223.txt item: #942 of 1243 id: ap-624 author: Fajman, P. title: Membrane Triangles with Drilling Degrees of Freedom date: 2004-01-05 words: 2811 flesch: 71 summary: Components of the engineering strain � � { , , }� � �x y xy T are obtained applying standard transformation as � � � � �ij ij ij ij ij� �{cos , sin , sin cos } 2 2 �, and in matrix notation � � � � * *� � � ��A A 1 . 4 Element stiffness matrix The pure element stiffness matrix is extended by includ- ing the rigid body motions through the static matrix T ob- tained from the relations between the pure displacements u* { , , , , , }� � � �u u u T21 32 13 1 2 3� � � and the global node displacements u � { , , , , , , , , }u v u v u v T1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3� � � . keywords: allman; beam; body; cantilever; deflection; displacements; edges; element; elongations; fig; ij ij; matrix; nodal; node; pure; results; rigid; rotations; sides; sin; stiffness; strain; tip; triangular; vector; vol cache: ap-624.pdf plain text: ap-624.txt item: #943 of 1243 id: ap-626 author: Tesárek, P.; Drchalová, J.; Kolísko, J.; Rovnaníková, P.; Černý, R. title: Mechanical, Hygric and Thermal Properties of Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum date: 2004-01-05 words: 4440 flesch: 60 summary: Flue gas desulfurization of one power station block creates up to 20 t of FGD gypsum per hour. FGD gypsum is produced in great quantities, but is in- sufficiently used. keywords: basic; calcined; coefficient; common; compressive; conductivity; content; cup; czech; data; days; desulfurization; diffusion; diffusivity; experiment; fgd; gypsum; heat; higher; humidity; hygric; mass; material; measured; measurements; mechanical; method; moisture; production; profiles; properties; reference; relative; resistance; results; samples; specimens; standard; strength; table; temperature; thermal; time; university; vapor; vol; water; wet; čsn cache: ap-626.pdf plain text: ap-626.txt item: #944 of 1243 id: ap-628 author: Doležel, T.; Drdácký, M.; Konvalinka, P.; Kopecký, L. title: Experimental Analysis of Sandstone and Travertine date: 2004-01-05 words: 1135 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: sandstone, travertine, EDAX point analysis, microscopic analysis, stress-strain diagram in compression, modulus of elasticity. A three-point bending experiment is usually used to determine material characteristics. keywords: analysis; characteristics; compression; czech; diagram; edax; engineering; experimental; fig; material; minerals; point; sandstone; specimen; strain; stress; technical; travertine; university cache: ap-628.pdf plain text: ap-628.txt item: #945 of 1243 id: ap-6284 author: Deuring, Paul; Kračmar, Stanislav; Nečasová, Šárka title: NOTE ON THE PROBLEM OF MOTION OF VISCOUS FLUID AROUND A ROTATING AND TRANSLATING RIGID BODY date: 2021-02-10 words: 5407 flesch: 78 summary: ∇)u(z) + ∇π(z) = F(z) div u(z) = 0 for z ∈ Ω (1.1) −∆u(z) ψ(r) := ∫ r 0 (1 −e −t) t−1 dt (r ∈ R), Φ(x) := (4 π τ)−1 ψ ( τ (|x|−x1)/2 ) (x ∈ R3), Ejk(x) : keywords: analysis; body; boundary; bounded; bs1; case; conditions; decay; deuring; div; domain; equations; estimates; exterior; flow; fluid; incompressible; kračmar; lemma; linear; mathematical; motion; navier; nečasová; oseen; pressure; problem; rigid; rotating; solution; stokes; system; theorem; velocity; viscous cache: ap-6284.pdf plain text: ap-6284.txt item: #946 of 1243 id: ap-6289 author: Ižvolt, Libor; Dobeš, Peter; Mečár, Martin title: TESTING THE SUITABILITY OF THE EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE (STYRODUR) APPLICATION IN THE TRACK SUBSTRUCTURE date: 2020-07-01 words: 4685 flesch: 50 summary: Fig. 8 shows the dependence of the thickness of the crushed aggregate sub-ballast layer on the required value of the static deformation modulus Esi of the sub-ballast upper surface (Esbl) for the standard struc- ture of sub-ballast layers (sub-ballast layer of crushed aggregate only) and higher deformation resistance of the subgrade surface E0 =approx. Placing the XPS at the bottom of sub-ballast layers has several drawbacks, namely: • it must withstand significant traffic loads, • it is worn due to a considerable contact stress with the ballast bed material, • the track substructure may freeze from the side, especially in the case of a railway line in the em- bankment. keywords: aggregate; ballast; ballast layers; boards; case; characteristics; deformation; deformation resistance; experimental; extruded; field; fig; figure; impact; insulation; level; load; low; materials; measurements; modified; modulus; mpa; plate; polystyrene; properties; railway; segment; standard; static; static modulus; structure; sub; subgrade; subgrade surface; substructure; surface; testing; thermal; thickness; track; traffic; value; xps cache: ap-6289.pdf plain text: ap-6289.txt item: #947 of 1243 id: ap-630 author: Řeřicha, P. title: Mohr-Coulomb Failure Condition and the Direct Shear Test Revisited date: 2004-01-05 words: 2389 flesch: 68 summary: , ( . ),� �� � � �0 5 26 6 1c and sev- eral values of parameter Fig. 6: Modified Mohr-Coulomb for tan . , ( . ),� �� � � �0 5 26 6 1c and several values of parameter Fig. 7: Coulomb for the maximum shear plane tan . ,� � 0 5 ( . ),� � � �26 6 1c and several values of parameter References [1] US Army Corps of Engineers (2003). keywords: condition; coulomb; criterion; critical; direct; equation; failure; fig; modified; mohr; n n; normal; orientation; parameter; plane; shear; stress; tan; test; yield; � n cache: ap-630.pdf plain text: ap-630.txt item: #948 of 1243 id: ap-6304 author: Bodnár, Tomáš; Fraunié, Philippe ; Kozel, Karel title: MODIFIED EQUATION FOR A CLASS OF EXPLICIT AND IMPLICIT SCHEMES SOLVING ONE-DIMENSIONAL ADVECTION PROBLEM date: 2021-02-10 words: 6134 flesch: 60 summary: 7. Remark on applications Based on a detailed knowledge of the diffu- sive/dispersive behavior of numerical schemes, suit- able strategy can be chosen to improve their properties, namely the stability and resolution. This led to a discussion concerning the diffusive and dispersive properties of numerical schemes. keywords: advection; advection equation; approximation; a∆x; behavior; central; classical; coefficient; difference; diffusion; diffusive; discrete; dispersion; equation; explicit; family; finite; form; general; implicit; initial; i−1; lax; methods; model; modified; numerical; numerical solution; order; original; problem; properties; schemes; solution; spatial; table; term; time; u(x; u(xi; un+1i; upwind; uxx; viscosity; wendroff; wind cache: ap-6304.pdf plain text: ap-6304.txt item: #949 of 1243 id: ap-632 author: Kuklík, P.; Kopáčková, M. title: Efficient Analytical Model for Calculation of the Influence Zone inside the Subsoil below Foundations Slabs date: 2004-01-05 words: 4266 flesch: 66 summary: This equation, when combined with the idea of pseudo-over consolidation, then provides f F h h Hz w w1 2� � � �( ) ( )� � � . (7) yields x r x H f K n r I n xz z n n � � � � � � � � � 0 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 11 0 0 ; ( , ) ( ) ( ) ( )� � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � , ; ( , ) ( ) ( ) ( x r x H keywords: analysis; analytical; consolidation; czech; depth; distribution; excavation; fig; finite; foundation; g.w.t; geostatic; house;; influence; kpa; loading; model; numerical; polytechnica; pressure; soil; solution; state; stress; subsoil; surcharge; table; technical; university; vertical; water; zone cache: ap-632.pdf plain text: ap-632.txt item: #950 of 1243 id: ap-634 author: Teplý, B.; Rovnaník, P.; Keršner, Z.; Rovnaníková, P. title: How Reliable is the Durability of RC Structures? date: 2004-01-05 words: 2171 flesch: 45 summary: RC_LifeTime offers the following options: Service Life Assessment – a statistical evaluation of service life, where optionally the target value of reliability index � may be an additional input value and then the corresponding service life is the output value Concrete Cover Assessment – a statistical evaluation of concrete cover value for the target service life, where optionally the required concrete cover value may be input in this case and the relevant reliability index � describes the reliability of reinforcement depassivation. Optionally, required concrete cover value may be input and the relevant reliability index � is then an output value (describing the reliability of reinforcement depassivation). keywords: approach; assessment; carbonation; concentration; concrete; cover; czech; data; depassivation; depth; design; durability; failure; fig; index; input; life; limit; mean; model; output; random; rc_lifetime; reinforcement; relevant; reliability; service; service life; sls; state; statistical; structures; value; variables; vol cache: ap-634.pdf plain text: ap-634.txt item: #951 of 1243 id: ap-636 author: Novák, D.; Lehký, D. title: Neural Network Based Identification of Material Model Parameters to Capture Experimental Load-deflection Curve date: 2004-01-05 words: 4257 flesch: 52 summary: Generally, the more sophisticated the model we deal with, the greater the number of model parameters that have to be considered. The aim of this paper is to present a new approach for identifying material model parameters. keywords: acta; analysis; approach; atena; compressive; concrete; curve; czech; deflection; engineering; experimental; failure; fig; fracture; function;; identification; input; layer; lhs; load; material; mechanics; model; mpa; network; neural; neural network; neurons; nonlinear; number; numerical; output; parameters; polytechnica; probabilistic; random; set; simulation; software; statistical; stochastic; strength; structures; technical; training; transfer; university; variables; vol cache: ap-636.pdf plain text: ap-636.txt item: #952 of 1243 id: ap-638 author: Štemberk, P.; Kruis, J. title: Fuzzy Dynamic Analysis of a 2D Frame date: 2004-01-05 words: 3180 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: fuzzy numbers, natural frequency, mode shape, response surface function. The results of fuzzy dynamic analysis can be used, e.g., in seismic design of structures based on the response spectrum. keywords: -cuts; analysis; approach; arithmetic; computation; concrete; czech; data; design; displacements; distribution; dynamic; element; fig; finite; frame; function; fuzzy; input; material; membership; mode; natural; numbers; order; output; parameters; response; section; seismic; set; sets; shape; space; structures; surface; terms; values; vector; vol cache: ap-638.pdf plain text: ap-638.txt item: #953 of 1243 id: ap-640 author: Křístek, V. title: A Shear Lag Analysis for Composite Box Girders with Deformable Connectors date: 2004-01-05 words: 4433 flesch: 73 summary: jN j L N j L F�� ( ) ( )� � � � � 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 � � � � , (20) j L F k N t E N t E j s j s s c (11) Substituting for the shear flows sq and cq from equations (1) and (2): � � � � � � � � 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0s x s s x s n y n x f x � � � � �( ) ( ) , (12) � � � � � � � � 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0c x c c x c n y n x f x � � � � �( ) ( ) . keywords: c c; c p; composite; concrete; e j; flange; g �; j c; j j; j l; j n; j t; kl j; lag; layer; p y; s c; s j; s p; s s; shear; steel; y c; y j; y s; y y; y �; � c; � j cache: ap-640.pdf plain text: ap-640.txt item: #954 of 1243 id: ap-642 author: Wald, F.; Studecká, P.; Kroupa, L. title: Temperature of Steel Columns under Natural Fire date: 2004-01-05 words: 4832 flesch: 61 summary: g t a t� � � �� � � � � � 4 4 , (2) where hc is the convective heat transfer coefficient Table B2: Steel beam temperatures (°C), numbers of thermocouples, see Figs. 2 and 5 [5] keywords: acta; area; beam; behaviour; building; c410; cardington; column; comparison; compartment; concrete; connections; czech; design; elements; end; external; fig; fire; flange; floor; g525; gas; heat; height; house;; internal; length; load; material; measured; min; natural; no.5–6/2004; paper; polytechnica; prediction; protection; publishing; section; slab; steel; structure; table; technical; temperature; test; thermal; thermocouples; thickness; time; transfer; unit; university; unprotected; vol cache: ap-642.pdf plain text: ap-642.txt item: #955 of 1243 id: ap-644 author: Plachý, T.; Polák, M. title: Nondestructive Damage Detection Based on Modal Analysis date: 2004-01-05 words: 4010 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: modal analysis, natural mode, natural frequency, damage detection, MAC, COMAC, service life, fatigue. 0.032 0.001 0.009 10 0.004 0.001 0.042 0.113 0.031 0.039 0.254 0.772 0.181 0.006 0.173 11 0.010 0.001 0.023 0.005 0.004 0.011 0.014 0.135 0.272 0.006 0.011 12 0.023 0.000 0.047 0.000 0.000 0.261 0.002 0.033 0.022 0.326 0.035 Table 1: The bridge across the highway D5 near Vráž – comparison of natural modes from the first and from the second stage of the experimental investigation of the bridge using MAC Eleven natural frequencies, modal shapes and damping frequencies were evaluated after the first stage (the damaged state) of experimental bridge monitoring, and twelve natural frequencies, modal shapes and damping frequencies were evaluated after the second stage (the state after reconstruc- tion) of experimental bridge monitoring. keywords: acta; beam; behavior; bridge; change; comparison; czech; damaged; dynamic; experimental; fig; flexibility; girder; house;; load; matrix; modal; modes; natural; natural modes; no.5–6/2004; polytechnica; publishing; reconstruction; second; state; technical; university; vol cache: ap-644.pdf plain text: ap-644.txt item: #956 of 1243 id: ap-646 author: Šmilauer, V.; Máca, J.; Valášek, M. title: Dynamic Bridge Response for a Bridge-friendly Truck date: 2004-01-05 words: 2911 flesch: 68 summary: m z k z z a F k z z b F d d 1 1 12 1 2 12 13 1 3 13 2 4 �� ( ) ( ) , � � � � � � � � � � � � (1) I ak z z a aF bk z z b bF d d 01 1 12 1 2 12 13 1 3 2 4 �� ( ) ( ) � � � � � � � � � � � � 13 , (2) � �m z k z z a F k z z t b z d2 2 12 1 2 12 20 2 02 20 2 2�� ( ) ( ) �� � � � � � � � � � � � � �� ( ) ,z t02 (3) � �m z k z z b F k z z t b z d3 3 13 1 3 13 30 3 03 30 3 4�� ( ) ( ) �� � � � � � � � � � � � � �� ( ) ,z t03 (4) F b z z b z a b z a zd f f f12 1 2 02 2 1 12 1 2� � � � � � � �( � � ) ( � � ) ( � � � )� � � � � � �� �k z z k z a zf f10 2 02 12 1 2( ) ( ) ,� (5) F b z z b z b b z b zd r r r13 1 3 03 2 1 12 1 3� � � � � � � �( � � ) ( � � ) ( � � � )� � � � � � �� �k z z k z b zr r10 3 03 12 1 3( ) ( ) ,� (6) z t z zr02 4( ) ,� � (7) z t z zr03 5( ) ,� � (8) where z4, z5 are the bridge displacements and zr is a road ir- regularity. The bridge span varies from 5 to 50 m, covering the majority of real bridges made from concrete or steel with such a statical system [7]: � reinforced concrete bridges – span of 5 to 12 m � prestressed concrete bridges – span of 12 to 30 m � composite steel-concrete bridges – span of 15 to 50 m © Czech Technical University Publishing House 153 Acta Polytechnica Vol. 44 No.5–6/2004 Fig. keywords: active; axle; beam; bridge; bump; car; contact; control; czech; damper; deflections; dynamic; effect; fig; force; friendly; half; model; parameters; passive; polytechnica; rear; response; road; semi; slab; span; suspensions; technical; truck; unevenness; university; valášek; vol cache: ap-646.pdf plain text: ap-646.txt item: #957 of 1243 id: ap-648 author: Němeček, J.; Padevět, P.; Bittnar, Z. title: Effect of Stirrups on Behavior of Normal and High Strength Concrete Columns date: 2004-01-05 words: 4314 flesch: 61 summary: [16] for concrete columns with pretensioned carbon fiber polymer tubes. [7] Brocca M., Bažant Z. P.: “Size effect in concrete columns: Finite-element analysis with microplane model.” keywords: bažant; behavior; columns; compression; computational; concrete; cross; czech; damage; deflection; ductility; effect; element; experiments; failure; fig; finite; high; lateral; load; longitudinal; material; measured; mechanics; microplane; midheight; model; normal; němeček; overall; parameters; peak; post; reinforcement; results; series; size; specimens; steel; stirrups; strain; strength; structural; table; uniaxial; university; values; vol; zone cache: ap-648.pdf plain text: ap-648.txt item: #958 of 1243 id: ap-650 author: Kabele, P. title: A Simplified Analysis of the Post-buckling Behavior of a Compressed Reinforcing Bar date: 2004-01-05 words: 3054 flesch: 62 summary: (1) and (2) and considering the equiva- lence of bending moment M and the moment due to normal stress, the following relation is obtained: M M K p� �sgn( )� �0 (3) where M Ay A 0 � � � � d (4) and K E Ap h A � � � 2 d (5) and A is the cross-sectional area of the bar. (18), the bar rupture is initiated at P � 4.34 kN and u � 0.0342 m, which correspond to � � 0.804962 rad. keywords: analysis; axial; bar; bars; behavior; bending; buckling; central; concrete; cos; czech; displacement; extreme; fem; fig; finite; force; hinges; length; line; load; material; model; moment; plastic; post; reinforcing; section; shape; strain; � � cache: ap-650.pdf plain text: ap-650.txt item: #959 of 1243 id: ap-652 author: Dimitrovová, Z. title: A New Methodology to Establish Upper Bounds on Open-Cell Foams Homogenized Properties date: 2004-01-05 words: 12536 flesch: 68 summary: 44 No.5–6/2004 Macroload Property Specification of � Specification of E �K K * � � � �� � � �11 22 33 0, �ij i j� � �0 E E E E� � � �11 22 33 0, E i j, 3K E Eij * s� � � �0 � ( ) �1G G1 * � � � �11 22 33 0 0 � � �, ,k; kk �ij i j� � �0 E E E E i jij11 22 33 0 0 � � � �, 21G E E kkk kk s #* ( )� �� �2G G2 * � � � �11 22 33 0 0� � � � � �, i j; ij E E E11 22 33 0� � � , 22G E E The requirement P 0j j� � �1 2 3, , is equiva- lent to the condition under which & �max � � �1,i 2,i 3,i (48) is obtained for each i. Solutions of (48) yield four groups of angles, as specified in Table 5, corresponding to the main di- agonals of the unit cube. keywords: acta; additional; bars; basic; beam; bounds; case; cell; cellular; conditions; constant; continuous; contribution; corresponding; cos; cross; cubic; czech; density; dimitrovová; directions; effective; elastic; faria; fig; foams; forces; geometrical; group; house;; internal; joints; k k; lattice; linear; local; macroload; material; maximality; mech; media; medium; methodology; micro; modulus; necessary; no.5–6/2004; normal; open; optimal; polytechnica; properties; publishing; q q; s �; section; sectional; sin; solids; table; technical; terms; trusses; university; upper; vol; volume; � bm; � � cache: ap-652.pdf plain text: ap-652.txt item: #960 of 1243 id: ap-654 author: Konrad, M.; Chudoba, R. title: The Influence of Disorder in Multifilament Yarns on the Bond Performance in Textile Reinforced Concrete date: 2004-01-05 words: 4034 flesch: 52 summary: Particular interest is paid to the influence of irregularities in the micro-structure (relative differences in filament lengths, varying bond quality, bond-free length) for different levels of local bond quality between the filament surface and the matrix. The improvement of the local bond performance is counterpro- ductive and results in an earlier failure of the outer filaments with higher bond performance. keywords: activation; behavior; bond; bond layer; bond performance; bond quality; bundle; concrete; curve; disorder; displacement; distribution; effect; failure; fig; filaments; force; free; frictional; higher; influence; interaction; layer; length; level; material; matrix; maximum; model; performance; process; pull; quality; scales; stiffness; strength; stress; structure; tau_fric; textile; university; vol; yarn cache: ap-654.pdf plain text: ap-654.txt item: #961 of 1243 id: ap-656 author: Procházka, P. P. title: Micromechanics Based Inelastic and Damage Modeling of Composites date: 2004-01-05 words: 5122 flesch: 62 summary: The kernel � is defined by: � ��ijkl ijkl jkilG G� � � � � � � � �x x x� � �� � 1 2 , (8) where Gijkl is the Green function of the homogeneous medi- um L0 obeying: L Gijkl kplj ip 0 0� ��� � � x x� �( ) , (9) where ip is the Kronecker symbol and ( )x � � is the Dirac continuous functional. The Lippman-Schwinger equation has the form: � �� � � � � � � �( ) ( ) )( ( ) ( ))� � �� 0 � � � � � � � � � x L x L x x xd (7) in which �0 denotes the strain field (in our case considered to be uniform) that would exist in a comparable homogeneous medium L0 under the same boundary conditions. keywords: analysis; behavior; boundary; case; cell; composites; concentration; considered; czech; damage; dvorak; eigenstrains; elastic; equations; fiber; field; homogenization; integral; internal; local; materials; matrix; mechanics; method; nonlinear; numerical; overall; phase; procházka; properties; stiffness; strain; stress; tensor; transformation; u y; unit; university; vol; volume; way; y l; y y; šejnoha; šejnoha j.; � � cache: ap-656.pdf plain text: ap-656.txt item: #962 of 1243 id: ap-6575 author: Yusuff, Adeyinka Sikiru; Popoola, Lekan Taofeek; Anochie, Victor title: Utilization of agricultural waste adsorbent for the removal of lead ions from aqueous solutions date: 2021-08-31 words: 5454 flesch: 54 summary: SEM micrographs of CMOSW sample (a) prior to and (b) after Pb2+ ions adsorption. FTIR spectra of CMOSW sample (a) prior to and (b) after Pb2+ ions adsorption. keywords: acta; adsorbent; adsorption; agricultural; aqueous; area; capacity; carbon; chemical; cmosw; cm−1; concentration; contact; data; dosage; engineering; equilibrium; experimental; figure; freundlich; heavy; influence; initial; ions; isotherm; journal; kinetic; lead; materials; metal; min; model; modified; onion; order; parameters; pb2; percentage; polytechnica; pore; prepared; pseudo; removal; results; sample; science; second; sem; skin; solution; studies; surface; table; textural; thermodynamic; time; toxic; value; waste; wastewater; water; yusuff cache: ap-6575.pdf plain text: ap-6575.txt item: #963 of 1243 id: ap-658 author: Zeman, J.; Valenta, R.; Šejnoha, M. title: On Adequacy of Two-point Averaging Schemes for Composites with Nonlinear Viscoelastic Phases date: 2004-01-05 words: 6727 flesch: 54 summary: With the aid of function � r , the n-point probability function Sr1, …, rn can be defined as [21, 22] Sr rn n r rn n1 1 1 1, , ( , , ) ( , ) ( , ) ,� � �x x x x� � � � � (1) where � denotes the ensemble average. Admitting only small strains and isotropic ma- terials, a set of constitutive equations defining the generalized compressible Leonov model can be written as � �m K� , (18) � ( � � ), ,sij ij ij pG e e� � �� �2 , (19) � ( ) ( ), , , , e s s ij p ij eq ij eqa � � � � � � � � � � 1 2 1 2 0 , (20) � � � � � ij m ij ij ij ij M � � � � s s s, , 1 , (21) where �m is the mean stress, � is the volumetric strain, K is the bulk modulus, G� is the shear modulus of the �-th unit and �ij is the Kronecker delta. keywords: acta; analysis; applied; average; averaging; behavior; cell; composites; computational; czech; deformation; e12; elastic; element; engineering; equivalent; fiber; fields; fig; finite; function; generalized; house;; individual; integration; leonov; local; localization; macroscopic; material; matrix; mechanics; method; microstructure; model; modeling; no.5–6/2004; nonlinear; number; numerical; overall; particular; phase; point; polytechnica; publishing; random; rate; response; results; scale; schemes; section; shear; strain; stress; t t; technical; time; unit; university; viscoelastic; vol; volume; šejnoha; � s; � � cache: ap-658.pdf plain text: ap-658.txt item: #964 of 1243 id: ap-6580 author: Siddika, Ayesha; Amin, Md. Ruhul; Rayhan, Md. Abu; Islam, Md. Saidul; Mamun, Md. Abdullah Al; Alyousef, Rayed; Amran, Y. H. Mugahed title: PERFORMANCE OF SUSTAINABLE GREEN CONCRETE INCORPORATED WITH FLY ASH, RICE HUSK ASH, AND STONE DUST date: 2021-03-01 words: 8341 flesch: 60 summary: Influence of silpozz and rice husk ash on enhancement of concrete strength. The lost strength of the FA and RHA added concrete compared to the control have been recovered, to some extent, after the addition of the SD in the mix. keywords: absorption; addition; age; aggregate; area; ash; astm; building; capacity; cement; civil; compressive; concrete; concrete mix; concrete specimens; construction; content; control; density; different; doi:10.1016; durability; dust; effect; energy; engineering; f5r5s10; fig; figure; fine; fineness; flexural; fly; green; green concrete; high; higher; husk; hydration; journal; level; low; lower; materials; matrix; mechanical; mix; natural; optimum; ordinary; partial; performance; polytechnica; products; properties; reduction; replacement; results; rha; rice; sand; siddika; silica; slump; specific; specimens; splitting; standard; stone; strength; study; supplementary; surface; sustainable; sustainable concrete; tensile; test; use; value; waste; water; workability cache: ap-6580.pdf plain text: ap-6580.txt item: #965 of 1243 id: ap-660 author: Skokánek, J. title: Deformation Stress State of Elastic Bodies date: 2005-01-01 words: 6861 flesch: 56 summary: (17) After the substitution of �� from Eq. (10) in Eq. (16), the deformation stress equation in general direction of a triaxially loaded body will acquire the form �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � c E � � � 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 [( ) cos ] [( ) sin cos ] [( � �� � � �) sin sin ] By putting �� � 0 and � �� 0 2, or , we obtain from this equation the formulas for computation of the angles of zero deformation stresses in the planes x1 x2 and x1 x3 for a tri- axially loaded body cos ( ) ( )( )( ) 2 0 12 1 3 2 1 21 � � � � � � � � � � � � � , (19a) 8 © Czech Technical University Publishing House Acta Polytechnica Vol. 45 keywords: atoms; bodies; body; case; change; components; cos; cross; czech; deformation; deformation force; deformation stress; different; direction; effect; effective; element; elongation; equilibrium; f �; failure; fig; force; internal; loaded; maximum; negative; point; positive; prague; principal; relative; section; shear; spherical; state; strength; stress; stress direction; stress state; stresses; surface; technical; theory; uniaxial; university; vector cache: ap-660.pdf plain text: ap-660.txt item: #966 of 1243 id: ap-662 author: Čepek, A.; Pytel, J. title: A Progress Report on Numerical Solutions of Least Squares Adjustment in GNU Project Gama date: 2005-01-01 words: 5487 flesch: 55 summary: A UWV VW W V VW U UUll xx� � � � � � � � � � �( ))( )(T1 , (32) Q AQ UWV VW W V UW Vlx xx� � � � � � � � �1 1T . For any real m × n matrix A, m � n, there exists the singular value decomposition A UW V� � (26) � � � � � �U U VV V V1 1, , where U is an m keywords: adjustment; algorithm; case; cofactors; columns; condition; coordinates; corresponding; czech; data; decomposition; dependent; equations; free; gama; geodesy; geodetic; gnu; gram; gso; linear; local; matrix; method; model; network; normal; number; numerical; observations; orthogonalization; parameters; points; prague; project; residuals; schmidt; second; set; singular; solution; squares; svd; system; technical; testing; university; unknown; value; vector; vol; xml; � � cache: ap-662.pdf plain text: ap-662.txt item: #967 of 1243 id: ap-6637 author: Kresan, Tetiana; Pylypaka, Serhii; Ruzhylo, Zynovii; Rogovskii, Ivan; Trokhaniak, Oleksandra title: EXTERNAL ROLLING OF A POLYGON ON CLOSED CURVILINEAR PROFILE date: 2020-09-01 words: 3512 flesch: 73 summary: Keywords: Equilateral polygon, curvilinear profile, external rolling, differential equation, centroids. Curvilinear profiles with different number of turns of a square: a) a square, when completely rolling along the profile, makes two turns; b) a square, when completely rolling along the profile, makes four turns. keywords: 1,a; arc; case; centre; centroid; circle; circular; closed; contact; cos; curve; curvilinear; curvilinear profile; elements; equal; equation; fig; gears; length; non; number; point; polygon; position; profile; radius; rolling; sides; square; straight; triangle; vector; vertex cache: ap-6637.pdf plain text: ap-6637.txt item: #968 of 1243 id: ap-664 author: Brůha, O.; Brůha, T. title: Heating and Cooling Anomaly of a Rotating Body date: 2005-01-01 words: 3182 flesch: 69 summary: 1: � � � m r h2 , (A2) or: � � � � 0 0 2 0 2 � � m r h t m r t h t , ( ) ( ) ( ) , (A3) and from relation (6, 7) follows: � � � �( )t m r e h e m r h e e t t t t� � � � 0 2 2 0 0 l S r h rx� � � . keywords: angular; body; change; cylinder; czech; deformation; e e; e t; energy; expansion; fig; heating; increase; kinetic; t t; technical; temperature; thermal; university; velocity; � ts cache: ap-664.pdf plain text: ap-664.txt item: #969 of 1243 id: ap-6650 author: Haouam, Ilyas title: ON THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL PAULI EQUATION IN NONCOMMUTATIVE PHASE-SPACE date: 2021-03-01 words: 7358 flesch: 68 summary: Formulation of noncommutative Pauli equation The Pauli equation is the formulation of the Schrödinger equation for spin-1/2 particles, which was formulated by W. Pauli in 1927. Physics Letters A 381(44):3723 – 3725, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2017.10.003. 241 Acta Polytechnica 61(1):230–241, 2021 1 Introduction 2 Review of noncommutative algebra 3 Pauli equation in noncommutative phase-space 3.1 Formulation of noncommutative Pauli equation 3.2 Deformed continuity equation 3.3 Derivation of the magnetization current 4 Noncommutative Semi-classical Partition Function 5 Conclusion Acknowledgements References keywords: + −→; acta; algebra; bopp; c −→; case; classical; constant; continuity; continuity equation; corresponding; current; density; dimensional; dirac; electromagnetic; electron; energy; equation; f(x; field; following; function; geometry; h(x; hand; haouam; journal; limit; magnetic; magnetization; mechanics; moyal; noncommutative; noncommutative phase; order; p2x+p; particle; partition; pauli; pauli equation; phase; physical; physics; pnc; polytechnica; presence; probability; product; quantum; relativistic; review; schrödinger; semi; shift; space; spin; spin-1/2; system; term; theory; vol; wave; zncclas,1; βµbb; π̂jncψ; −→ ∇; −→p; −→σ cache: ap-6650.pdf plain text: ap-6650.txt item: #970 of 1243 id: ap-6653 author: Al-Baidhani, Ali; Al-Taie, Abbas Jawad title: Performance characteristics of low carbon waste material to stabilise soil with extremely high plasticity date: 2021-10-31 words: 6361 flesch: 58 summary: Figure 7 highlights the variation of SP with BSD content; the LS values are also presented in Figure 7. Variation of SP and LS with various BSD percentages. Also, the effect of curing on the development of soil strength has been included. keywords: acta; addition; applied; ash; bsd; bsd mixtures; bsdc; bsdf; bsdf50; building; carbon; cement; characteristics; clay; compressibility; construction; content; curing; debris; decrease; effect; ehps; engineering; expansive; figure; fly; geotechnical; gradation; high; improvement; index; international; journal; laboratory; lcm; limit; linear; low; materials; maximum; min; mixtures; natural; performance; plasticity; polytechnica; potential; pozzolanic; pressure; properties; ratio; reaction; reduction; result; samples; shear; shrinkage; soil; specimens; stabilisation; stone; strength; sustainable; swell; swelling; table; taie; test; time; type; unaltered; values; variation; waste; water cache: ap-6653.pdf plain text: ap-6653.txt item: #971 of 1243 id: ap-666 author: Almarimi, A.; Pokorný, J. title: Schema Management for Data Integration: A Short Survey date: 2005-01-01 words: 4111 flesch: 58 summary: Czech Technical University in Prague Schema Management for Data Integration: A Short Survey A. Almarimi, J. Pokorný Schema management is a basic problem in many database application domains such as data integration systems. In general, data integration systems can be classified into data-warehouse and mediator-wrapper systems. keywords: acta; application; approaches; common; conf; conflicts; czech; data; data integration; database; different; elements; entity; global; heterogeneity; heterogeneous; information; input; integration; local; mapping; matching; mediation; model; naming; new; object; ontologies; ontology; problem; proc; process; query; querying; representation; schema; schema integration; section; semantic; set; sources; structural; systems; technical; techniques; university; use; view; vldb; vol; xml cache: ap-666.pdf plain text: ap-666.txt item: #972 of 1243 id: ap-668 author: Usama, S.; Montaser, M.; Ahmed, O. title: A Complexity and Quality Evaluation of Block Based Motion Estimation Algorithms date: 2005-01-01 words: 8539 flesch: 71 summary: Each pixel comparison requires four operations, namely, a subtrac- tion, an absolute-value calculation, one addition, and one division, if the cost of accessing pixels C x k y l( , )� � and R x i k y j l( , )� � � � is ignored. Each pixel comparison also requires three operations, a subtrac- tion, an absolute-value calculation, and one addition, if the cost of accessing pixels C x k y l( , )� � and R x k i y l j( , )� � � � is ignored. keywords: 3ss; 4ss; 4×4; acta; algorithm; best; block; block size; cbosa; center; checking; comparison; complexity; cost; csa; czech; different; distortion; effect; frame; fs algorithm; function; mad; matching; minimum; motion; noise; number; osa; ots; overlapped; point; polytechnica; quality; reconstructed; search; search algorithm; searching; sequence; step; step search; step size; tdl; technical; tss; university; video; view; vol; window cache: ap-668.pdf plain text: ap-668.txt item: #973 of 1243 id: ap-670 author: Tesárek, P.; Pavlík, J.; Černý, R. title: Comparison of the Capacitance Method and the Microwave Impulse Method for Determination of Moisture Profiles in Building Materials date: 2005-01-01 words: 3211 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: Moisture profiles, capacitance method, microwave impulse method, building materials. Fig. 1: Block diagram of the capacitance device 3 Experimentals methods 3.1 Capacitance method The capacitance device designed in [6] was used for the measurements. There are a variety of methods for determination of mois- ture content. keywords: accuracy; boltzmann; building; calibration; capacitance; capacitance method; cement; content; curve; czech; data; determination; experimental; fig; gravimetric; gravimetric method; impulse; impulse method; materials; measured; method; microwave; microwave impulse; moisture; moisture content; paste; porous; prague; profiles; specimen; technical; technique; time; university; vol; voltage; water cache: ap-670.pdf plain text: ap-670.txt item: #974 of 1243 id: ap-672 author: Hodač, J. title: 3D Information System of Historical Site – Proposal and Realisation of a Functional Prototype date: 2005-01-01 words: 4544 flesch: 56 summary: Czech Technical University in Prague 3D Information System of Historical Site – Proposal and Realisation of a Functional Prototype J. Hodač The development of methods for 3D data acquisition, together with progress in information technologies raises the question of creating and using 3D models and 3D information systems (IS) of historical sites and buildings. Work with 3D data is closely connected with development in computer graphics (virtual reality). keywords: 3d data; 3d model; analysis; areas; baroque; basic; castle; conception; cultural; czech; data; documentation; element; fig; functional; fund; geometric; heritage; historical; information; krumlov; main; management; model; non; prague; presentation; project; proposal; prototype; research; results; site; stage; subsystems; system; technical; technologies; theatre; university; use; virtual; vol; work; český cache: ap-672.pdf plain text: ap-672.txt item: #975 of 1243 id: ap-6737 author: Agárdi, Anita; Nehéz, Károly title: PARALLEL MACHINE SCHEDULING WITH MONTE CARLO TREE SEARCH date: 2021-04-30 words: 3170 flesch: 69 summary: Parallel machine scheduling problem of flexible maintenance activities with fuzzy random time windows. After that, the efficiency of the algorithms is tested with benchmark data, which result, that algorithms are suitable for solving production scheduling problems. keywords: algorithm; article; carlo; dates; figure; job; jobs; journal; machine; machine scheduling; maintenance; mathematical; model; monte; node; objective; opt; parallel; parallel machine; problem; production; results; scheduling; scheduling problem; search; section; sequence; setup; setup times; specific; state; table; test; times; tree cache: ap-6737.pdf plain text: ap-6737.txt item: #976 of 1243 id: ap-674 author: Lemák, D.; Studnička, J. title: Influence of Ring Stiffeners on a Steel Cylindrical Shell date: 2005-01-01 words: 5113 flesch: 65 summary: In real life, shell structures are used mainly as chimneys, tanks, pipelines and silos. More sophisticated methods for analysing, shell structures are necessary if the conditions are more com- plex. keywords: /2005; acta; analysis; beam; behaviour; bending; buckling; calculations; cylindrical; cylindrical shell; czech; deformation; design; diameter; distance; elements; fig; forces; gna;; internal; length; linear; loading; maximum; middle; model; moment; numerical; optimum; parameters; parametric; polytechnica; prague; ring; ring stiffeners; second; semi; shell; stability; steel; stiffeners; stress; structures; study; technical; thickness; university; vol; wind cache: ap-674.pdf plain text: ap-674.txt item: #977 of 1243 id: ap-6754 author: Ton-That, Hoang Lan title: A COMBINED STRAIN ELEMENT TO FUNCTIONALLY GRADED STRUCTURES IN THERMAL ENVIRONMENT date: 2020-12-31 words: 6049 flesch: 64 summary: Finite element analysis of functionally graded skew plates in thermal environment based on the new third-order shear deformation theory. [21–23] studied the behaviour of carbon nanotubes reinforced and functionally graded shells and plates respectively. 528 vol. keywords: acta; al2o3; analysis; analytical; behaviour; bending; ceramic; composite; conditions; cylindrical; deflections; deformation; dimensionless; doi:10.1016; element; engineering; environment; figure; finite; formulation; fraction; free; frequencies; graded; h/2; high; international; journal; materials; mechanical; membrane; method; new; node; numerical; order; plates; points; polytechnica; properties; results; shear; shell; si3n4; solutions; strain; strain element; strategy; structures; sus304; table; temperature; theory; thermal; ton; values; van; vibration; volume; zro2 cache: ap-6754.pdf plain text: ap-6754.txt item: #978 of 1243 id: ap-676 author: Kubátová, H. title: Modeling by Petri Nets date: 2005-01-02 words: 4965 flesch: 69 summary: PN supports such approaches by abstraction techniques that are inherently compatible with the structure of the model, [9]. Definition 1: A net is a triple N = (P, T, F) where � P is a set of places � T is a set of transitions, disjoint from P, and � F is a flow relation F P T T P� � �( ) ( )� for the set of arcs. It is sometimes convenient to define the set Occ(S) of occurrence sequences to be the set of all sequences of the form m m m mn0 0 1 1 2 2 1 1, , , , , , , , ( )t t t t nn� � such that m mi ti i+ i n� � �1 0 1for { , , }� . keywords: ack; ackb; acta; arc; bag; colour; coloured; control; cpn; czech; definition; design; elements; fig; finite; firing; fpga; hardware; house;; implementation; input; model; net; nets; p t; petri; places; polytechnica; post; prague; pre; printer; publishing; set; signal; state; strobe; system; technical; tokens; transition; unit; university; vol cache: ap-676.pdf plain text: ap-676.txt item: #979 of 1243 id: ap-678 author: Bokr, J.; Jáneš, V. title: Realization of Logical Circuits with Majority Logical Function as Symmetrical Function date: 2005-01-02 words: 5859 flesch: 77 summary: x x x y x x x x( , ) , ( , ) ,3 4 5 3 4 1 20 0 0 1� � � � � � � y x x x x( , )1 3 2 50 1� � � and © Czech Technical University Publishing House 19 Czech Technical University in Prague Acta Polytechnica Vol. 45 No. 2/2005 a) b) Fig. 6: Map entries of a) y x( )3 0� , b) y i i i( ) ( ) ( ) ( )� � � � � � � � � �1 1 0 1 the functions f x xn n m( , , , , , , ) keywords: boolean; czech; example; fig; function; k �; s s; symmetrical; technical; university; x w; y x; y �; � s; � � cache: ap-678.pdf plain text: ap-678.txt item: #980 of 1243 id: ap-6786 author: Lechman, Marek; Stachurski, Andrzej title: APPLICATION OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION TO PREDICT STRAINS IN RC COMPRESSED COLUMNS date: 2021-03-01 words: 5701 flesch: 70 summary: FE analysis of failure behaviour of reinforced concrete columns under eccentric compression. Effective flexural stiffness of slender reinforced concrete columns under axial forces and biaxial bending. keywords: a(1; a(2; acta; algorithm; axial; bending; columns; compressed; compression; concrete; cross; doi:10.1016; eccentric; eng; equations; equilibrium; experimental; failure; fcm; function; fyk; genetic; global; lechman; loading; local; matlab; members; methods; nonlinear; numerical; optimization; particle; polytechnica; problem; rectangular; reinforcement; results; section; set; sets; solutions; squares; stachurski; steel; strains; struct; structure; swarm; table; warsaw; δi1; δi2; − �; � ss cache: ap-6786.pdf plain text: ap-6786.txt item: #981 of 1243 id: ap-6789 author: Ermis, Kemal; Caliskan, Mehmet; Tanriverdi, Muammer title: DESIGN OPTIMIZATION OF MOVEABLE MOMENT STABILIZATION SYSTEM FOR ACCESS CRANE PLATFORMS date: 2021-03-01 words: 4628 flesch: 58 summary: The general structure of aerial work platforms 3 Work method 3.1 Outrigger contact force function formula 3.2 Improvement of aerial work platform structure 3.3 Mathematical model of aerial work platform 3.4 The process of structural and dynamic structural analysis 4 Results and discussion Acknowledgements References Improvement of aerial work platform structure The aim of this study is to increase the working efficiency of aerial work platforms a through lateral extension. keywords: acta; adams; aerial; aerial work; analysis; balancing; basket; boom; capacity; centre; chassis; contact; crane; design; determined; distance; dynamic; effect; efficiency; elements; energy; engineering; extension; figure; force; improvements; lateral; limit; load; machine; mass; mathematical; meters; model; modelling; moment; msc; optimization; platform; polytechnica; process; results; rigid; safety; sin(θ; structure; system; telescopic; tipping; turret; vehicle; weight; work; work platform; working cache: ap-6789.pdf plain text: ap-6789.txt item: #982 of 1243 id: ap-6795 author: Darmanto, Prihadi Setyo; Astina, I Made ; Wardhana, Alfian Kusuma ; Amalia, Alfi ; Syahlan, Arief title: NEW METHOD EVALUATION OF DETAIL MATERIAL AND HEAT FLOWS FOR SINGLE STRING CEMENT CLINKER PLANT date: 2021-03-01 words: 11123 flesch: 66 summary: Heat flow of kiln feed gas resulting from the calcination process, mostly CO2, exits from SP (Eq. 19): Heat flow of kiln feed entering the SP (Eq. 11): Enkf = mkf ·hkf (Tkf ) (11) (2.) keywords: acta; air; analysis; astina; calcination; calciner; cement; clinker; co2; coal; combustion; conservation; consumption; convection; cooler; cooling; cyclone; darmanto; data; design; detail; dust; efficiency; energy; enf; engineering; eqs; equal; equation; equipment; evaluation; exiting; feed; feed gas; fig; flow; flue; formation; fuel; gas; heat; heat conservation; heat flow; heat loss; hhg; high; hkf; hot; international; journal; kcal; kiln; kiln feed; loss; lower; main; mass; mass conservation; mass flow; material; matrix; measurement; method; mgas−kf; mhg; modification; msep−kf; munsep_kf; new; parameters; percentage; planetary; plant; polytechnica; preheater; process; production; radiation; rate; research; results; return; separation; study; surface; system; table; technology; temperature; thg3; thg4; tkf; total; value; vol; wardhana cache: ap-6795.pdf plain text: ap-6795.txt item: #983 of 1243 id: ap-680 author: Šoch, M.; Lórencz, R. title: Solving Inverse Kinematics – A New Approach to the Extended Jacobian Technique date: 2005-01-02 words: 4130 flesch: 63 summary: A A A A� �� � �T T( ) 1 has to be utilized. 2.4 Solving Inverse Kinematics Equation (3) can be comprehended as a Linear System A x b� � (10) and thus can be solved by any appropriate method [4]. keywords: approach; articulated; basic; behavior; computer; constraints; control; cos; czech; effector; element; extended; fig; function; inverse; inversion; jacobian; joint; kinematics; main; method; new; objective; problem; pseudo; q q; rows; segments; sin; singular; solving; standard; step; structure; technical; university; vector; vol cache: ap-680.pdf plain text: ap-680.txt item: #984 of 1243 id: ap-6813 author: Cígler Žofková, Drahomíra; Frankl, Jiří; Frankeová, Dita title: Use of thermal analysis for the detection of calcium oxalate in selected forms of plastering exposed to the effects of Serpula lacrymans date: 2021-08-31 words: 3663 flesch: 57 summary: Thermal measurements that followed were per- formed on mortar samples taken as part of a construc- tion and technical survey of a structure in Hrádek nad Ohří, where they had been exposed to the long-term effects of Serpula lacrymans activity. For a comparison, mortar samples taken “in situ” from real structures were also subjected to the experiment. keywords: acta; activity; analysis; cac2o4; caco3; calcium; calcium oxalate; cm−1; conditions; control; culture; czech; decomposition; dry; figure; formed; ftir; fungi; fungus; growth; hrádek; infrared; laboratory; lacrymans; lime; materials; measured; measurement; mortar; mortar samples; nad; oxalate; plaster; prague; production; range; results; rot; samples; serpula; serpula lacrymans; specimens; spectroscopy; structure; surface; temperature; test; thermal; thermal analysis; water; wood cache: ap-6813.pdf plain text: ap-6813.txt item: #985 of 1243 id: ap-6816 author: Tuháček, Martin; Franek, Ondřej; Svoboda, Pavel title: APPLICATION OF FMEA METHODOLOGY FOR CHECKING OF CONSTRUCTION’S PROJECT DOCUMENTATION AND DETERMINATION OF THE MOST RISK AREAS date: 2020-11-02 words: 4663 flesch: 54 summary: Experi- ence from practice proves that the processed project documentation suffers from many shortcomings, this is also confirmed by the following results of the analy- sis of expert opinions, which researches the cause of defects in construction projects [2]. In connection with the effective preparation of construction projects, we increasingly encounter the term Lean Construction keywords: analysis; application; areas; building; checking; company; construction; construction project; continuous; control; costs; cycle; czech; data; defects; design; documentation; eur; evaluation; expert; figure; financial; fmea; improvement; index; individual; lean; management; method; number; pdca; phase; possible; preparation; priority; process; professional; project; project documentation; quality; research; risk; rp n; system; table; time; total; use; values; volume; years cache: ap-6816.pdf plain text: ap-6816.txt item: #986 of 1243 id: ap-682 author: Bokr, J.; Jáneš, V. title: Trivial Logic Arrays date: 2005-01-02 words: 8803 flesch: 72 summary: � � � � � � �in out ext out int 2 2 Example 7: Design a PLA by means of an operating table (Table 1a) and use a synchronous flip-flop RS as a binary substitutor. 2 Cartesian product of Boolean matrices The Cartesian product M (OP) (op) M of Boolean matrices � � � � � �M q h mij: : ,1, 2, , 1, 2, , 0, 1� � �� i j � � � � � �M : , , , , , , , : ,1 2 1 2 0 1� � �h p j k jk� m denotes a Boolean matrix � � � � � �M OP op q keywords: array; cndf; czech; d2 �; example; function �; ij �; ijs �; input; jk �; logic; matrix; object; output; q q; q x; state; system; table; technical; university; vol; xs �; y x; y y; � ik; � j; � k; � t; � xt; � y; � � cache: ap-682.pdf plain text: ap-682.txt item: #987 of 1243 id: ap-6833 author: Minchev, Dmytro S. ; Varbanets, Roman A. ; Alexandrovskaya, Nadiya I.; Pisintsaly, Ludmila V. title: Marine diesel engines operating cycle simulation for diagnostics issues date: 2021-06-30 words: 4201 flesch: 51 summary: An estimation of the fuel-injection and power load irregularity by engine cylinder; (2.) The ongoing monitoring of marine diesel engines helps to detect the deviations of its parameters early and prevent major failures. keywords: acta; blitz; closing; combustion; compression; conditions; cycle; cylinder; data; depas; diagnostics; diesel; difference; engine; equation; exhaust; exhaust valve; experimental; figure; flow; fuel; gas; gases; handy; heat; injection; issues; man; maps; marine; mass; mathematical; maximum; measurements; minchev; model; operating; operation; parameters; polytechnica; pressure; pro; processes; results; rpm; set; simulation; speed; systems; temperature; thermodynamic; timing; transfer; turbocharger; valve; varbanets; variation; zone cache: ap-6833.pdf plain text: ap-6833.txt item: #988 of 1243 id: ap-6836 author: Dvořáková, Ľubomíra ; Kruml, Stanislav; Ryzák, David title: Antipalindromic numbers date: 2021-06-30 words: 5032 flesch: 70 summary: 6. Conclusion and open problems In this paper, we carried out a thorough study of antipalindromic numbers and described known results regarding palindromic numbers in order to draw a comparison. In this paper, we define and study antipalindromic numbers: positive integers whose expansion in a certain integer base is an antipalindrome. keywords: antipalindromic; antipalindromic number; base; base b; b−12; definition; digits; divisible; equal; example; expansion; following; integer; length; multi; number; number m; odd; palindromes; powers; primes; proof; results; squares; sum; theorem cache: ap-6836.pdf plain text: ap-6836.txt item: #989 of 1243 id: ap-684 author: Korbel, S.; Jáneš, V. title: Implementation of a Microcode-controlled State Machine and Simulator in AVR Microcontrollers (MICoSS) date: 2005-01-02 words: 4682 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: state machine, microcontroller, microprogramming, software implementation of a simulator. Although we have now switched when designing microcomputers to standard circuit control units, state machines are still important. keywords: acta; address; application; avr; bits; command; communication; computer; control; czech; data; design; device; environment; fig; house;; implementation; individual; input; interface; items; level; machine; memory; microcode; microcontrollers; microinstruction; microprogram; outputs; polytechnica; possible; prague; program; reservoir; running; sensor; set; simulator; software; state; state machine; structure; system; technical; university; vol; water; window cache: ap-684.pdf plain text: ap-684.txt item: #990 of 1243 id: ap-6850 author: Pinheiro, Paulo Henrique Barbosa de Souza; Santos, Mayara Helena Moreira Nogueira; Colombini, Angelo Cesar; França, Bruno Wanderley; Fortes, Marcio Zamboti title: Detailed modelling and analysis of digital mho distance relay with single-pole operation date: 2021-08-31 words: 6526 flesch: 58 summary: An extension of an existing ground distance relay algorithm to include phase distance relays is presented in [3]. There are many types of distance relays, from electromechanical ones to the latest computer relays. keywords: acta; aliasing; analysis; anti; breakers; calculation; characteristic; circuit; conditions; confidence; current; data; detailed; detection; different; digital; distance; distance protection; distance relay; electrical; elements; emtdc; evaluation; fault; fault detection; figure; filter; frequency; ground; ieee; impedance; interval; line; location; mesa; mho; mho distance; modelling; operation; paper; phase; polytechnica; positive; possible; power; protection; pscad; relay; resistance; results; samambaia; scenarios; section; sequence; serra; signal; simulated; system; table; time; transform; transmission; trip; types; values; voltage; x(k; zone cache: ap-6850.pdf plain text: ap-6850.txt item: #991 of 1243 id: ap-686 author: Fišer, P.; Kubátová, H. title: Pseudorandom Testing – A Study of the Effect of the Generator Type date: 2005-01-02 words: 5836 flesch: 68 summary: LFSR patterns by the Decoder. First we show that the testability and the fault coverage achieved by a certain number of pseudo-random test vectors strictly depend on the tested circuit. keywords: area; automata; benchmarks; bist; cellular; circuit; code; column; coverage; cycles; czech; decoder; design; deterministic; different; distribution; faults; fig; generator; ieee; influence; iscas; lengths; lfsr; logic; matching; method; mixed; mode; number; outputs; overhead; patterns; phase; polynomial; polytechnica; prague; prpg; pseudo; random; results; seed; tap; technical; test; type; undetected; university; vectors; vol; weights; words cache: ap-686.pdf plain text: ap-686.txt item: #992 of 1243 id: ap-6863 author: Samsonovich, Semen L.; Fedotov, Boris K.; Rozhnin, Nikolay B.; Goryunov, Roman V. title: Results of research on backlash compensation in a power electric drive by low-power electronic device date: 2022-04-30 words: 4675 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Backlash, backlash compensation device, multi-motor drive, tandem control. Backlash compensation device with input of displacement signals In the well-known scheme with an input of dis- placement control channels (electromechanical spring scheme), a certain constant displacement signal is sup- plied to each channel, equal in magnitude and different in sign. keywords: accuracy; backlash; backlash compensation; channel; compensation device; connections; constants; control; cross; decrease; device; displacement; drive; dynamic; efficiency; electric; electric drive; electromechanical; error; error signal; figure; guidance; guidance signal; harmonic; individual; input; kinematic; method; mode; motion; motors; operation; power; research; results; scheme; second; signal; system; thrust; time; torques; values cache: ap-6863.pdf plain text: ap-6863.txt item: #993 of 1243 id: ap-688 author: Schmidt, J.; Novotný, M. title: Scalable Normal Basis Arithmetic Unit for Elliptic Curve Cryptography date: 2005-01-02 words: 5147 flesch: 66 summary: i r i� � �, , ( )1� � . The number of clock cycles necessary for one point addition or doubling is then: � � � � C m w m C m w m C const PADD MUL SQR � � � � � � � � � � � � log ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 1 1 1 1 . keywords: addition; algorithm; amov; area; bit; bits; clock; critical; curve; cycles; czech; data; digit; elliptic; field; fig; finite; hardware; implementation; input; inversion; itt; level; log; multiplication; multiplier; necessary; number; optimum; path; performance; point; problem; result; ror; rotations; scalability; shifter; space; squarings; step; technical; time; unit; university; vol cache: ap-688.pdf plain text: ap-688.txt item: #994 of 1243 id: ap-6885 author: Diskaeva, Elena Igorevna; Vecher, Olga Vladimirovna; Bazikov, Igor Alexandrovich; Elbekyan, Karine Sergeevna; Diskaeva, Elena Nikolaevna title: DEPENDENCE OF THE VISCOSITY COEFFICIENT OF THE NIOSOMAL DISPERSION ON THE TEMPERATURE AND PARTICLE SIZE OF THE DISPERSED PHASE date: 2021-04-30 words: 2922 flesch: 52 summary: The main contradictions arise with studying the dependence of viscosity on particle size. The purpose of this work was to conduct an ex- perimental study of the dependence of viscosity co- efficient of a niosomal dispersion based on PEG-12 Dimethicone on particle size and temperature. keywords: acta; area; average; bazikov; coefficient; concentration; delivery; dependence; diameter; dimethicone; dispersed; dispersion; drug; electron; fig; figure; formation; formula; journal; niosomal; niosomes; particle; particle size; pharmaceutical; phase; physicochemical; polytechnica; range; scanning; size; stavropol; study; systems; temperature; tissues; university; vesicles; viscosity; viscosity coefficient; volume cache: ap-6885.pdf plain text: ap-6885.txt item: #995 of 1243 id: ap-6888 author: Aminou Moussavou, Anges A.; Raji, Atanda K.; Adonis, Marco title: STRATEGIC MODULATION OF THERMAL TO ELECTRICAL ENERGY RATIO PRODUCED FROM PV/T MODULE date: 2021-04-30 words: 5804 flesch: 57 summary: PV cell power dissipation as a function of Rse The parameters representing the PV cell’s internal properties are comprised of a diode, series resistance and parallel resistance. Analysis of solar PV cell performance with changing irradiance and temperature. keywords: acta; adonis; analysis; cell; change; characteristics; circuit; conditions; conduction; current; curve; different; dissipation; efficiency; electrical; electrical energy; electrical power; energy; engineering; equation; extrinsic; figure; function; generated; heat; high; impact; increases; journal; losses; material; maximum; model; module; open; parameters; performance; photovoltaic; polytechnica; power; pv cell; pv module; pv power; qcond; radiation; raji; ratio; renewable; resistance; results; rse; series; simulation; solar; solar cell; sustainable; system; technique; temperature; thermal; transfer; useful; voc; voltage; water cache: ap-6888.pdf plain text: ap-6888.txt item: #996 of 1243 id: ap-6889 author: Chudoba, Josef; Královcová, Jiřina; Landa, Jiří ; Maryška, Jiří; Říha, Jakub title: A model of isotope transport in the unsaturated zone, case study date: 2022-08-31 words: 7204 flesch: 60 summary: A prediction of radionuclide concentration distribution in groundwater is done by transport simulations along with groundwater flow simulations (both mainly in saturated zone). [6] used in this field do allow for transport simulation in the unsaturated zone, but they show numerical instabilities in the case of dynamically changing flow boundary condition. keywords: acta; amounts; article; biosphere; boundary; case; coefficient; concentration; condition; constant; contamination; data; deep; depth; diffusion; distribution; domain; equation; evaporation; evolution; figure; flow; flux; form; groundwater; head; implementation; infiltration; initial; isotope; level; liquid; model; model domain; m−3; near; parameters; phase; polytechnica; precipitation; pressure; radionuclide; repository; results; simulation; simulation time; soil; solution; source; step; studies; study; surface; s−1; time; transport; unsaturated; unsaturated zone; values; water; zone cache: ap-6889.pdf plain text: ap-6889.txt item: #997 of 1243 id: ap-690 author: Buček, J.; Hlaváč, J.; Matušková, M.; Lórencz, R. title: Cost-Effective Architectures for RC5 Brute Force Cracking date: 2005-01-02 words: 4036 flesch: 68 summary: A A S i� �( [ ])2 � �B B� ; B B S� � [ ]1 ; The plaintext is assumed to be in A and B. A A S� � [ ]0 ; B B S� � [ ]1 ; for i � 1 to r do A A B� �( ) � �B S i� [ ]2 ; B B A� �( ) � �A S i� �[ ]2 1 ; 3 Current cracking efforts 3.1 The most well-known project aiming to crack the RC5 challenges is organized by Distributed Computing Techno- logies, Inc. keywords: algorithm; architecture; array; asic; attacker; bit; bits; block; brute; cost; cpu; cracking; czech; data; decryption; design;; element; expansion; fig; force; fpga; general; hardware; key; number; pipelined; prague; purpose; rate; rc5; registers; results; round; secret; section; sequential; structure; table; technical; time; university; vol cache: ap-690.pdf plain text: ap-690.txt item: #998 of 1243 id: ap-6903 author: Senthilkumar, Jadamuni; Kumar, Pavan S. M.; Balasubramanian, Manickam title: An Investigation of corrosion of friction welded and post-weld heat-treated AA6061/SiC/graphite hybrid composites date: 2021-06-30 words: 4441 flesch: 55 summary: Sriram Vikas et al. studied the influence of post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) and pitting corrosion behaviour of dissimilar aluminium alloy friction stir welds. Corrosion behavior of alumina-aluminum and silicon carbide-aluminum metal-matrix composites. keywords: aa6061; alloy; aluminium; balasubramanian; behaviour; composites; continuous; corrosion; corrosion behaviour; corrosion rate; corrosion resistance; effect; fig; figure; fine; friction; grain; graphite; heat; high; hybrid; intermetallic; joints; journal; kumar; loss; materials; matrix; mechanical; metal; microstructure; particles; pitting; post; precipitates; process; rate; region; reinforcement; resistance; samples; senthilkumar; sic; silicon; solution; specimens; sta; stir; treatment; weld; welding cache: ap-6903.pdf plain text: ap-6903.txt item: #999 of 1243 id: ap-692 author: Bečvář, M.; Štukjunger, P. title: Fixed-Point Arithmetic in FPGA date: 2005-01-02 words: 3264 flesch: 54 summary: This figure shows, and it is also valid in general, that serial mode multipliers consume considerably a smaller area than parallel mode multipliers. Fixed-point multipliers can be divided into two groups by the type by their operation: serial mode multipliers and par- allel mode multipliers. keywords: adder; area; arithmetic; bit; carry; chain; consumption; czech; delay; features; fpga; implementation; implemented; mode; mode multipliers; multipliers; number; operations; parallel; point; prague; response; results; serial; slices; speed; structures; support; technical; time; university; virtex; width; xilinx cache: ap-692.pdf plain text: ap-692.txt item: #1000 of 1243 id: ap-6922 author: Daniyan, Ilesanmi; Ale, Felix; Uchegbu, Ikenna Damian ; Bello, Kazeem ; Osazele, Momoh title: Process optimization and performance evaluation of a downdraft gasifier for energy generation from wood biomass date: 2021-10-31 words: 8802 flesch: 56 summary: [22] reported on the prediction of a high-temperature rapid combustion behaviour of wood biomass particles using a modelling and simulation approach. This work considers the process optimization and performance evaluation of a downdraft gasifier, suitable for energy generation using wood biomass. keywords: acta; addition; air; analysis; biomass; carbon; char; chips; combustion; composition; concentration; content; conversion; conversion process; daniyan; design; developed; development; downdraft; drying; effect; efficiency; energy; energy generation; engine; engineering; et al; evaluation; experiments; fact; figure; fuel; function; gas; gas yield; gasification; gasifier; generation; heating; hydrogen; increase; min; model; moisture; nm3; numerical; optimization; optimum; parameters; particle; particle size; performance; physical; plot; polytechnica; process; process optimization; process parameters; producer; producer gas; production; range; rate; reaction; renewable; residence; residence time; results; significant; size; study; system; table; tar; temperature; thermal; time; value; vol; wood; wood biomass; yield cache: ap-6922.pdf plain text: ap-6922.txt item: #1001 of 1243 id: ap-6930 author: Berka, Jan; Ballek, Jakub Vojtěch; Velebil, Ladislav; Purkarová, Eliška; Vagenknechtová, Alice; Hlinčík, Tomáš title: CO2 power cycle chemistry in the CV Řež experimental loop date: 2021-08-31 words: 3573 flesch: 49 summary: The development technology and applications of supercritical CO2 power cycle in nuclear energy, solar energy and other energy industries. Performance and economic evaluation of supercritical CO2 power cycle coal gasification plant, 2014. keywords: carbon; carbon dioxide; chemistry; co2; co2 power; compounds; consumption; control; coolant; cycle; czech; dioxide; efficiency; energy; experimental; figure; gas; heat; helium; high; impurities; journal; loop; maximum; medium; methods; mpa; nuclear; oil; operation; organic; power; power cycles; pressure; project; purification; purity; reactors; sajadian; section; supercritical; supercritical carbon; system; table; technologies; technology; temperature; test; řež cache: ap-6930.pdf plain text: ap-6930.txt item: #1002 of 1243 id: ap-6935 author: Suk, Tomáš; Štroner, Martin title: The impact of the air temperature on measuring the zenith angle during the year in the ground layer of the atmosphere for the needs of engineering surveying date: 2021-06-30 words: 6253 flesch: 57 summary: 18, pp. 837 – 844. 488 Acta Polytechnica 61(3):476–488, 2021 1 Introduction 2 Equipment and experiment 2.1 Equipment 2.1.1 Resistance temperature detector 2.1.2 Datalogger 2.1.3 Shielding and supporting structure 2.1.4 Analysis of the accuracy of temperature measurement of the whole system 2.2 Experiment 2.2.1 Measurement results 2.2.2 Determination of temperature gradient 2.3 Calculations 2.4 Differential equation of the passage of a wave-path 2.4.1 Barrel-Sears formula 2.4.2 Iterative calculation of path 3 Results 3.1 Vertical shifts 4 Real beam trajectory 5 Discussion 6 Conclusion Acknowledgements References Analysis of the accuracy of temperature measurement of the whole system From the above permitted deviations ∆TL and ∆TS, the standard deviations of the logger σL and the sen- sor σS can be calculated using the law of standard deviation transmission σS = ∆TS 2 = approx. keywords: accuracy; acta; air; angle; atmosphere; beam; calculated; calculation; change; conditions; curve; data; day; days; determination; determined; deviation; effect; engineering; example; experiment; fig; figure; geodesy; geodetic; gon; gradient; ground; height; impact; index; influence; international; line; logger; martin; measured; measurement; measuring; method; path; point; polytechnica; possible; pressure; range; real; refraction; resistance; results; sensor; shifts; specific; standard; straight; structure; sunny; surface; surveying; temperature; temperature gradient; time; tomáš; trajectory; use; values; vertical; vol; year; zenith; štroner cache: ap-6935.pdf plain text: ap-6935.txt item: #1003 of 1243 id: ap-694 author: Tan, J. K. title: Elicitation of Preference Structure in Engineering Design date: 2005-01-03 words: 3152 flesch: 50 summary: The selection of the most preferred design solution(s) from a set of efficient design solutions is a subjective matter and depends on the decision maker’s preference. Multiple Criteria Decision Making addresses synthesis and analysis processes through multiple objective optimisation to generate sets of efficient design solutions (i.e. on Pareto surfaces) and multiple attribute decision making to analyse and select the most preferred design solution(s). keywords: alternatives; analysis; approach; attributes; criteria; czech; decision; design; designer; efficient; elicitation; engineering; example; fig; learning; maker; making; measures; methods; multiple; optimisation; performance; pitch; preference; preference structure; problem; process; rbm; search; set; solutions; structure; technical; university; utility; vol cache: ap-694.pdf plain text: ap-694.txt item: #1004 of 1243 id: ap-6953 author: Nafa, Fares ; Boudouda, Aimad ; Smaani, Billel title: ADAPTIVE WAVELETS SLIDING MODE CONTROL FOR A CLASS OF SECOND ORDER UNDERACTUATED MECHANICAL SYSTEMS date: 2021-04-30 words: 6658 flesch: 65 summary: Adaptive wavelets sliding mode control. . Adaptive wavelets sliding mode control. . keywords: acta; adaptation; adaptive; addition; algorithm; analysis; approach; approximation; arm; awsmc; class; control; controller; convergence; cos; descent; design; dynamics; error; figure; following; form; function; fuzzy; gradient; ideal; ieee; input; international; jc∑; journal; laws; lyapunov; mechanical; mode; mode control; nafa; network; nonlinear; order; paper; parameters; pendubot; pendulum; polytechnica; position; qs2; resolution; response; results; second; section; smc; stability; strategies; strategy; systems; ṡ1; ṡ2; time; ums; underactuated; unknown; use; vector; vol; wavelets; αsgn cache: ap-6953.pdf plain text: ap-6953.txt item: #1005 of 1243 id: ap-696 author: Crostack, H.-A.; Höfling, M.; Liangsiri, J. title: Simulation in Quality Management – An Approach to Improve Inspection Planning date: 2005-01-03 words: 4867 flesch: 56 summary: Tannock [1] developed a simulation model in order to evaluate inspection strategies according to process capability and cost of quality (COQ). Keywords: simulation, quality, inspection strategies, manufacturing process. keywords: acta; arena; capability; characteristic; company; cost; cycle; czech; different; distribution; equipment; example; failure; fig; good; house;; inspection; inspection strategies; lot; manufacturing; method; model; parts; polytechnica; prague; process; processes; product; production; publishing; quality; quinte; results; rework; sampling; scrap; simulation; strategies; strategy; technical; time; tool; university; value; vol cache: ap-696.pdf plain text: ap-696.txt item: #1006 of 1243 id: ap-6968 author: Rindt, Karin; Hrdlička, František; Novotný, Václav title: Preliminary prospects of a Carnot-battery based on a supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle date: 2021-10-31 words: 7330 flesch: 57 summary: As a part of the change towards a higher usage of renewable energy sources, which naturally deliver the energy intermittently, the need for energy storage systems is increasing. Keywords: Pumped thermal energy storage (PTES), Carnot-battery, power-to-heat-to-power (P2H2P), supercritical CO2 cycle, Brayton cycle, heat exchange, pinch-point analysis. keywords: acta; analysis; battery; brayton; brayton cycle; capacity; carnot; co2; cold; cold storage; cycle; difference; discharging; efficiency; electric; energy; energy storage; exchanger; figure; flow; fluid; heat; heat exchanger; high; higher; hot; hot storage; hrdlička; layout; low; mass; material; maximum; minimum; mpa; novotný; pinch; point; polytechnica; possible; power; preliminary; pressure; prospects; ptes; pump; ratio; recompressed; recuperation; reduced; renewable; results; rindt; round; sco2; solar; storage; supercritical; system; tank; temperature; temperature difference; thermal; thermal energy; transfer; trip; trip efficiency; vol; wind; wnet; working cache: ap-6968.pdf plain text: ap-6968.txt item: #1007 of 1243 id: ap-698 author: Ríos, J.; Jiménez, J. V.; Pérez, J.; Vizán, A.; Menéndez, J. L.; Más, F. title: KBE Application for the Design and Manufacture of HSM Fixtures date: 2005-01-03 words: 5680 flesch: 55 summary: This is the main reason why much research work focuses on specific issues of fixture design (locating and clamping lay- out, fixture force analysis, fixture tolerances analysis, etc.), and address a specific kind of fixtures, e. g., modular fixtures, or consider only parts with a specific kind of geometry, e. g., prismatic forms. 2 Automating the design of fixtures As stated previously, automation of fixture design has been pursued for several years. keywords: acta; aeronautical; analysis; application; base; catia; complexity; components; curves; czech; design; design process; designer; development; different; drawing; elements; example; fig; files; fixture; fixture design; general; generation; geometric; geometry; holes; house; hsm;; icad; information; kbe; kernel; kind; knowledge; language; machining; main; material; modelling; order; particular; parts; polytechnica; prague; process; project; publishing; raw; reasoning; rules; solution; specific; systems; technical; tool; university; use; vacuum; vol; work cache: ap-698.pdf plain text: ap-698.txt item: #1008 of 1243 id: ap-700 author: Song, H.; Eynard, B.; Lafon, P.; Roucoules, L. title: Towards Integration of CAx Systems and a Multiple-View Product Modeller in Mechanical Design date: 2005-01-03 words: 4149 flesch: 54 summary: Product modelling has been recognized as an effective tech- nique for facilitating the representation and management of product data. In such a situation, product modelling oriented to functional design has been widely studied. keywords: approach; behaviour; cad; catia; conceptual; customer; czech; data; design; detail; development; different; embodiment; engineering; exchange; fig; file; float; framework; functional; geometric; implementation; information; integration; knowledge; level; linking; modeller; modelling; models; module; multiple; neutral; optimisation; phase; process; product; representation; requirements; research; roucoules; step; structure; systems; technical; university; view; vol cache: ap-700.pdf plain text: ap-700.txt item: #1009 of 1243 id: ap-7011 author: Solnař, Stanislav; Medek, Jan; Suleiman, Abubakar Shola; Vyhlídal, Patrik title: On a static and dynamic calibration of thermochromic liquid crystals date: 2021-08-31 words: 5067 flesch: 54 summary: For TLC measurements, it is also very important to find out if there is only one colour in the image or if the evaluated image is composed of many different Hue values (colours). However, a very important part of accurate TLC measurements is also their calibration, which is necessary for each applied layer. keywords: accurate; angle; application; behaviour; calibration; calibration curve; camera; changes; colour; crystals; curve; czech; data; delay; dependence; deviations; different; dominant; dynamic; effect; experiment; figure; heat; hue; illumination; image; intensity; layer; light; liquid; measured; measurement; measuring; method; plate; possible; prague; prepared; range; reference; rgb; sensitivity; static; surface; temperature; thermochromic; time; tlc; tlc layer; tlcs; use; value; water cache: ap-7011.pdf plain text: ap-7011.txt item: #1010 of 1243 id: ap-702 author: Mullineux, G.; Hicks, B.; Medland, T. title: Constraint-Aided Product Design date: 2005-01-03 words: 3836 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: constraint modelling, design knowledge, synthesis, product design, product families. posed by resources. 3: Modelling a four bar/six bar straint-aided process for product design. keywords: acta; approach; assembly; best; constraint; constraint rules; czech; design; design knowledge; early; engineering; example; fig; function; house; ideas; important; knowledge; model; modelling; number; parameters; parametric; particular; polytechnica; preliminary; process; product; product design; publishing; requirements; rules; set; solution; space; specification; stages; technical; techniques; university; values; variables; variants; vol cache: ap-702.pdf plain text: ap-702.txt item: #1011 of 1243 id: ap-704 author: Humble, R.; Millward, H.; Mumby, A.; Price, R. title: The Design and Development of Enhanced Thermal Desorption Products date: 2005-01-03 words: 4466 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: thermal desorption, product design, SME. and development techniques is reported in terms of deve- lopment times and project costs, and the wider implications for new product development within small companies are discussed. All the PDR-based KTP programmes are, or have been, fo- cused on product design, and the numbers reflect the UK trend in that the majority have been based in SMEs. keywords: acta; analysis; cad; cold; cold trap; companies; company; cooling; czech; design; desorption; development; fig; heated; house;; impact; international; key; ktp; management; manufacturing; materials; model; module; need; new; new product; order; pdr; pds; performance; phase; polytechnica; prague; process; product; product design; product development; programme; range; research; sample; small; smes; systems; technical; techniques; temperature; thermal; thermal desorption; tools; transfer; trap; trap module; university; valve; vol cache: ap-704.pdf plain text: ap-704.txt item: #1012 of 1243 id: ap-7041 author: Karpiuk, Vasyl; Somina, Yuliia; Karpiuk, Fedir; Karpiuk, Irina title: Peculiar aspects of cracking in prestressed reinforced concrete T-beams date: 2021-10-31 words: 6130 flesch: 59 summary: The theoretical pre-condition of PC is based on the theory of experiment planning, the theory of mathematical 635 V. Karpiuk, Y. Somina, F. Karpiuk, I. Karpiuk Acta Polytechnica I – transfer of prestressing in reinforcement to concrete; II – formation of normal cracks in the zone of pure bending; III – growth of normal cracks and the formation of inclined cracks in shear spans; IV – development of normal and inclined cracks with an intersection of compressed beam flange and formation of new inclined cracks; V.A) – the beam destruction with the displacement of area near the support and with the reinforcement kink; V.B) – the beam destruction due to the prevailing action of the bending moment; V.C) – the beam destruction due to the crushing of the beam rib concrete Figure 3. from 2 to 4 and increasing the thickness ratio of the table overhangs to the working height h/f /h0 from 0.18 to 0.36, the opening width of normal cracks will increase by 14 %, and the opening width of inclined cracks will decrease by 21 and 23|,%. keywords: beam; bending; compressed; concrete; cracking; cracks; dangerous; dangerous inclined; data; destruction; elements; experimental; factors; formation; inclined; inclined cracks; increase; increasing; influence; karpiuk; level; load; models; moment; normal; normal cracks; opening; overhangs; prestressed; prestressing; projection; ratio; reinforcement; relative; resistance; rib; section; shear; shearing; span; strength; structures; support; table; test; thickness; transverse; value; width; zone; σsp cache: ap-7041.pdf plain text: ap-7041.txt item: #1013 of 1243 id: ap-7051 author: Djendaoui, Dahmane; Benaissa, Amar; Rabhi, Boualaga ; Zellouma, Laid title: Self tunning filter for three levels four legs shunt active power filter with fuzzy logic controller date: 2021-06-30 words: 4596 flesch: 66 summary: 7. DC capacitors voltages stabilization To achieve the balance of two input voltages, improve the performance of active power filters and avoid a potential drift of the neutral point (NP), a stabiliza- tion bridge system shown in Fig 8 is inserted. Optimization-based strategy for shunt active power filter control under non-ideal supply voltages. keywords: acta; active; apf; benaissa; component; conditions; control; controller; current; diagram; distorted; figure; filter; fuzzy; harmonic; ieee; instantaneous; inverter; leg; legs; levels; linear; load; logic; method; neutral; non; nonlinear; phase; polytechnica; power; proposed; p−q; rabhi; reactive; reference; self; shunt; source; stf; system; theory; unbalanced; voltage cache: ap-7051.pdf plain text: ap-7051.txt item: #1014 of 1243 id: ap-706 author: Tichánek, R.; Španiel, M.; Diviš, M. title: Structural Stress Analysis of an Engine Cylinder Head date: 2005-01-03 words: 2643 flesch: 56 summary: cylinder head assembly lies on the cylinder, and it is fixed with six pre-pressed bolt connections. The dependency of the heat- -transfer coefficient on surface temperature is shown in Fig. keywords: analysis; assembly; boundary; coefficient; combustion; conditions; contact; cooling; cylinder; cylinder head; czech; engine; exhaust; fig; guides; head; head assembly; heat; intake; measured; model; parts; polytechnica; prague; pressure; regions; seats; surface; technical; temperature; thermal; transfer; university; valve; vol cache: ap-706.pdf plain text: ap-706.txt item: #1015 of 1243 id: ap-7070 author: Awang, Fatin Farhana; Hassan, Mohd Faiz; Kamarudin, Khadijah Hilmun title: Corn starch doped with sodium iodate as solid polymer electrolytes for energy storage applications date: 2021-08-31 words: 4268 flesch: 60 summary: wt. % of NaIO3 and (b) 9 wt. % of NaIO3 SPE films. The effect of dopants on the structure, morphology and electrical properties of SPE films was analysed using X-Ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis. keywords: acta; addition; amorphous; applications; applied; blend; bulk; cole; conductivity; content; corn; effect; electrical; electrochemical; electrolyte; figure; films; hassan; higher; impedance; increase; iodate; ion; ionic; ions; journal; lithium; materials; morphology; naio3; polymer; pores; properties; resistance; results; salt; science; sem; sodium; solid; solution; spe; spe films; starch; structure; study; surface; system; technique; temperature; values; wt.%; xrd cache: ap-7070.pdf plain text: ap-7070.txt item: #1016 of 1243 id: ap-708 author: Hoehn, B.-R.; Steingroever, K.; Jaros, M. title: Modelling a New Product Model on the Basis of an Existing STEP Application Protocol date: 2005-01-03 words: 4298 flesch: 60 summary: 4.2 Standardized specification for the product model for gear units The main problem in using STEP AP 214 for gear data is the lack of any standardization. Therefore the product model for gear units developed by FZG contains clear definitions how to use AP 214 for defining gear data. keywords: 214; application; bearings; calculation; converter; czech; data; definitions; elements; entity; exchange; fig; format; fva; gear; gear data; gear units; german; helical; iso; item; model; new; objects; parts; process; product; product model; programs; property; protocol; research; self; standard; step; structure; technical; time; units; university; values cache: ap-708.pdf plain text: ap-708.txt item: #1017 of 1243 id: ap-7080 author: Zarei, Najmeh; Anvar, Seyed Ahmad; Goenezen, Sevan title: Subjective approach to optimal cross-sectional design of biodegradable magnesium alloy stent undergoing heterogeneous corrosion date: 2021-10-31 words: 5787 flesch: 57 summary: Introduction Recently, using magnesium alloy stents in clinical treatments has become relatively common owing to their biosafety, biocompatibility, superior mechani- cal properties, and comparatively larger stiffness than other metallic and polymeric biodegradable stents. and stiffness of the stent are the main mechanical characteristics of biodegradable stents, and any at- tempt to improve these properties reduces the risk of restenosis keywords: acta; alloy; approach; artery; balloon; biodegradable; cluster; coronary; corresponding; corrosion; cross; damage; degradation; design; diameter; different; element; engineering; et al; fig; figure; finite; geometry; grogan; loss; magnesium; mas; mass; material; mechanical; model; numerical; optimal; optimization; optimum; percentage; performance; pitting; plaque; polytechnica; present; process; profile; properties; radial; recoil; results; ring; scaffolding; sectional; shows; simulation; srp; srs; st.19; st.24; stent; stiffness; stress; study; subjective; table; thickness; time; variation; vessel cache: ap-7080.pdf plain text: ap-7080.txt item: #1018 of 1243 id: ap-7082 author: Parkhats, Vadzim; Krzywoń, Rafał; Hulimka, Jacek; Kubica, Jan title: Determination of bond model for 7-wire strands in pretensioned concrete beam date: 2021-12-31 words: 4313 flesch: 66 summary: [2] contains bond models for ribbed and plain reinforcing bars, but not for prestressing strands. In this paper, a review of bond models for tendons found in the literature is done. keywords: aramis; beam; bond; bond model; bond stress; code; concrete; correlation; determination; digital; distributions; element; end; equation; et al; experimental; figure; finite; image; length; model; modelling; mpa; prestressed; prestressing; pretensioned; relationship; release; results; ribbed; slip; steel; strain; strands; strength; stress; structures; tendons; tests; values; wire; τmax cache: ap-7082.pdf plain text: ap-7082.txt item: #1019 of 1243 id: ap-7088 author: Bodnár, Tomáš; Dvořák, Rudolf title: FOREWORD date: 2021-02-10 words: 1457 flesch: 44 summary: He was a long-term member and later the head of the Department of Technical Mathematics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague. Professor Karel Kozel devoted himself to applied mathematics throughout his life and became probably the most authentic successor of the school, that was founded at CTU by Professor Polášek, whose goal and purpose was the direct use of mathematics in solving specific problems of technical practice. keywords: acta; applied; czech; department; drsc; engineering; faculty; flow; fluid; institute; karel; kozel; mathematics; member; prague; professional; professor; research; school; technical; thermomechanics; university cache: ap-7088.pdf plain text: ap-7088.txt item: #1020 of 1243 id: ap-7089 author: Bodnár, Tomáš; Dvořák, Rudolf title: PŘEDMLUVA date: 2021-02-10 words: 1148 flesch: 66 summary: V roce 1964 přešel na Katedru matematiky Fakulty strojní ČVUT v Praze jako odborný asistent. ledna 2021 dlouholetý profesor ČVUT v Praze a vědecký pracovník ÚT AVČR Profesor Karel Kozel je významný český matematik a pedagog, který se po celý svůj život věnoval aplikované a zvláště numerické matematice. keywords: acta; aplikované; avčr; byl; byla; celý; drsc; dále; fakulty; fjfi; jako; jeho; jejich; karel; karla; kozel; kozla; matematiky; např; numerické; pak; polytechnica; pracovníky; praze; profesor; proudění; působil; rndr; roce; roku; spolupráce; svůj; technické; tekutin; termomechaniky; vedl; vedoucím; významně; věnoval; úspěšně; ústavu; činnost; členem; čvut; život cache: ap-7089.pdf plain text: ap-7089.txt item: #1021 of 1243 id: ap-710 author: Valášek, M.; Bauma, V.; Šika, Z. title: Study of Concepts of Parallel Kinematics Machines for Advanced Manufacturing date: 2005-01-03 words: 1982 flesch: 58 summary: If the platform is just a fraction of the frame cube (e.g. 1:5), then the ratio between the workspace and the machine space is much better than for other parallel kinematics concepts. 2 Full parallel kinematics machines In full parallel kinematics machines, all DOFs are realized by the motion of the platform, and the platform is suspended by parallel links with drives on the frame. keywords: concept; czech; design; dofs; fig; forming; head; kinematics; links; machines; mechanism; metal; motions; new; parallel; pkm; pkms; platform; redundant; sided; swivel; technical; university; workspace cache: ap-710.pdf plain text: ap-710.txt item: #1022 of 1243 id: ap-712 author: Alkin, C.; Imrak, C. E.; Kocabas, H. title: Solid Modeling and Finite Element Analysis of an Overhead Crane Bridge date: 2005-01-03 words: 3889 flesch: 68 summary: In this study, the calculations apply the F. E. M. rules and DIN standards, which are used for box girder crane bridges. Keywords: overhead crane, finite element method, solid modeling, box girder. and bridges travelling on rails. keywords: acta; analysis; box; bridge; crane; czech; decimal; design; displacement; distance; dynamic; element; fig; finite; finite element; girder; load; maximum; method; midpoint; mm2; model; modeling; node; overhead; overhead crane; places; plate; polytechnica; quadratic; rules; shell; solid; stress; study; system; technical; tetrahedral; trolley; university; value; vol; weight cache: ap-712.pdf plain text: ap-712.txt item: #1023 of 1243 id: ap-714 author: Bicak, M. M. A.; Belek, H. T.; Göksenli, A. title: Vibration Damping of a New Ionic Liquid under Electric Field Effect date: 2005-01-03 words: 2390 flesch: 54 summary: Ionic liquids are salts which are fluids at around room tem- perature. Ionic liquids show unusual physical proper- ties such as high ionic conductivity and powerful solution efficiency for various organic and inorganic substrates. keywords: acta; conductivity; czech; damping; effect; electric; electrorheological; field; fig; fluids; high; house;; ionic; liquid; low; magnetic; new; particles; polytechnica; prague; properties; publishing; room; systems; technical; temperature; university; viscosity; vol cache: ap-714.pdf plain text: ap-714.txt item: #1024 of 1243 id: ap-716 author: Novotný, J.; Nožička, J.; Adamec, J.; Nováková, L. title: Measurement of Two Phase Flow date: 2005-01-03 words: 1787 flesch: 63 summary: Keywords: two phase flow, condensation, wet steam, IPI measurement. Fig. The price has to be under $1000 � It must be suitable for IPI measurement © Czech Technical University Publishing House 73 Czech Technical University in Prague Acta Polytechnica Vol. 45 No. 3/2005 Measurement of Two Phase Flow J. Novotný, J. Nožička, J. Adamec, L. Nováková keywords: able; area; camera; ccd; chambers; condensation; course; czech; fig; flow; ipi; light; measurement; method; overheater; particle; prague; pressure; size; source; steam; technical; temperature; university; water cache: ap-716.pdf plain text: ap-716.txt item: #1025 of 1243 id: ap-718 author: Coiro, D. P.; Marco, A. De; Nicolosi, F.; Melone, S.; Montella, F. title: Dynamic Behaviour of the Patented Kobold Tidal Current Turbine: Numerical and Experimental Aspects date: 2005-01-03 words: 4538 flesch: 63 summary: Across the actuator disk the pressure drops and this drop is equivalent to the streamwise force dF on the actuator disk divided by the actuator disk area dA. The elementary force dFu and dFd, respectively on the up- wind and downwind disk, given by the momentum principle, are d du u uF V A V V� ��� ( )2 (1) The rotor has a diameter of 6 meters with 6 radial arms holding three blades with a five-meter span and with a chord of 0.4 m employing the H-LIFT18 airfoil leading to an aspect ratio of 12.5 and to solidity � � 0.4. keywords: acta; actuator; aerodynamic; airfoil; angle; axis; blade; chord; coefficient; cos; current; czech; data; disk; downwind; dpa; energy; experimental; fig; hinge; house;; kobold; lift; model; moment; naca; numerical; performances; pitch; polytechnica; power; prague; publishing; range; results; rotor; sen; solidity; speed; streamtube; tan �; technical; tidal; torque; turbine; university; upwind; v v; variable; vawt; velocity; vertical; vol; wind cache: ap-718.pdf plain text: ap-718.txt item: #1026 of 1243 id: ap-7190 author: Hevko, Roman; Zalutskyi, Sergii; Tkachenko, Ihor; Lyashuk, Oleg; Trokhaniak, Oleksandra title: Design development and study of an elastic sectional screw operating tool date: 2021-10-31 words: 4892 flesch: 57 summary: The works of [10, 11] are dedicated to the develop- ment of screw operating tools with an elastic surface and their theoretical and experimental research. Design scheme (A) and general view (B) of screw operating tool with overlapping elastic sections. keywords: agricultural; analysis; angle; auger; bulk; conveyor; damage; design; development; elastic; end; engineering; experimental; figure; general; grain; hevko; installation; mandrel; material; method; operating; operating tool; output; parameters; power; process; production; rate; research; response; ribbon; roller; rpm; screw; screw conveyor; screw operating; sectional; sections; stack; surface; technical; technological; ternopil; times; tool; transportation; tube; value cache: ap-7190.pdf plain text: ap-7190.txt item: #1027 of 1243 id: ap-720 author: Fošumpaur, P.; Čihák, F. title: Design and Optimization of a Turbine Intake Structure date: 2005-01-03 words: 2633 flesch: 63 summary: (3) The equation of turbulent kinetic energy k is � � � � � � � � � � � � k t C k k k C k k � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 2 2 u (� �u) .2 �� (4) And the equation of turbulent energy dissipation �: � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � t C k C C k � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 2 u 1 ( ) . The basic description of the fluid flux is given by the two Navier-Stokes equations [5] � � � � � � � � � u t u x u p x ui i j j i i� � � � � 1 2 (1) and the continuity equation � �u 0 (2) where ui is the velocity vector component in the direction of the xi axis, � density �m3�s�1], p hydrostatic pressure [Pa], � dynamic viscosity keywords: angle; area; czech; design; equations; fig; flow; flux; inlet; layout; modelling; pier; plant; power; power plant; river; scenario; shape; solution; technical; turbine; turbulent; university; velocity; water; weir; width cache: ap-720.pdf plain text: ap-720.txt item: #1028 of 1243 id: ap-7211 author: Franek, Ondřej; Jarský, Čeněk title: On reducing CO2 concentration in buildings by using plants date: 2021-10-31 words: 4702 flesch: 49 summary: The present research describes the effect of plant implementation according to different levels of CO2 concentration of the supply air, specifically with values of 410 ppm corresponding to the year 2020, 550 ppm to the year 2050 and 670 ppm to the year 2100, as well as according to different levels of CO2 concentration in the indoor environment, namely 1000 ppm and 1500 ppm, the illumination of plants in the indoor environment is constant in the model, PPFD equals to 200 µmol m−2 s−1. Based on the performed studies, it is assumed that this finding raises a potential problem in the future with main- taining the required quality of the indoor environment in terms of CO2 concentration with an economic sus- tainability of operation, especially in situations with a requirement for a high quality indoor environment. keywords: ability; air; area; buildings; case; co2; co2 concentration; concentration; creq; effect; green; high; h−1; implementation; increase; indoor air; indoor environment; influence; leaves; lighting; maximum; model; m−2; m−3; necessary; office; outdoor; plants; point; pollutant; ppfd; ppm; quality; required; requirement; room; significant; simulation; supply; supply air; s−1; total; values; ventilation; year; µmol cache: ap-7211.pdf plain text: ap-7211.txt item: #1029 of 1243 id: ap-722 author: Macdonald, M.; Rhodes, J. title: Finite Element Modelling of Cold Formed Stainless Steel Columns date: 2005-01-03 words: 3785 flesch: 57 summary: 5.2 Compression tests In the experimental investigation a series of compression tests to failure were made on stainless steel columns of the lipped channel cross-section as described above. Stress-strain curves derived from tests and design codes are incorporated into non-linear finite element analyses of eccentrically loaded columns and the results obtained are compared with those obtained on the basis of experiments on stainless steel channel columns with the same properties and dimensions. keywords: analysis; asce; capacity; channel; codes; cold; columns; concentric; cross; czech; design; eccentric; element; equation; fig; finite; length; linear; lipped; load; loaded; loading; material; non; predictions; properties; results; section; stainless; stainless steel; steel; strain; strength; stress; technical; tensile; tests; university; virgin; yield cache: ap-722.pdf plain text: ap-722.txt item: #1030 of 1243 id: ap-724 author: Holický, M. title: Fuzzy Optimisation of Structural Performance date: 2005-01-03 words: 4780 flesch: 46 summary: For r2 /r1 � 5 it follows from Fig. 3 that for �R � �S � 0.1 r1 the optimum mean is �S � r1 (which is equal to 0.02 ms�2). If the cost ratio CD /C0 is 10 4, then for r2 /r1 � 3 (Fig. 2) and, as above for �R � �S � 0.1 r1, the optimum mean �S of the load effect is about 0.63 r1 (0.0136 ms �2), for r2 /r1 � 5 (Fig. 3) the optimum mean �S of the load effect is about 0.72 r1 (0.0144 m s�2). keywords: /c0; acceleration; action; assessment; building; concepts; cost; czech; damage; data; design; deviation; effect; engineering; equation; example; failure; fig; function; fuzziness; fuzzy; limit; load; lower; mean; model; optimisation; optimum; perception; performance; point; probabilistic; probability; public; r(x; randomness; relevant; requirements; standard; structural; technical; university; upper; value; vibration cache: ap-724.pdf plain text: ap-724.txt item: #1031 of 1243 id: ap-726 author: Zítek, P.; Vyhlídal, T. title: Model Based Control of Moisture Sorption in a Historical Interior date: 2005-01-04 words: 5209 flesch: 48 summary: In general, the dynamics of the interior air humidity can be considered subject to the model � � � �V x t t Q x t x t S x t x t q tI L E I x W W I M� � d d ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )� � � � � (13) where V is the interior volume, � air density, Q L the in-leak- age of the ambient air, �x the effective diffusion coefficient between the walls and the internal air, SW is the entire wall surface and qM the water input provided by the humidifier ( qM > 0) or dehumidifier (qM < 0). In order to prevent the moisture content from drifting from uD, the in- tegration action has to be added into the controller and the following feed-forward-feedback control action results � � � �� � d d d d � � � ( ) ( ), ( ) ( ) ( ), ( ) t t K t T t T t t K u T t tC I D� � � � � , (12) where the feed-forward gain K TC( , )� , compensating the temperature trend, is given by (11), the unavailable EMC value is computed from the � and T measurements by means of model (3), and KI is an integration gain. keywords: absolute; air; air humidity; camuffo; changes; character; constant; content; control; controller; czech; data; drop; emc; equilibrium; exhibits; fig; gain; harmful; henderson; historical; house; humidity; impact; interior; internal; isotherms; k k; mass; materials; microclimate; model; moisture; parameters; prague; process; relative; relative humidity; results; simpson; sorption; state; t t; technical; temperature; university; value; variations; vol; water; wood cache: ap-726.pdf plain text: ap-726.txt item: #1032 of 1243 id: ap-7273 author: Dittrich, Jaroslav title: Measurement of a quantum particle position at two distant locations: a model date: 2022-08-31 words: 3542 flesch: 67 summary: Denoting r ∈ R the coordinate of the measured light particle (mass m), x ∈ R the coordinate of the heavy particle in the left detector (mass M) and y ∈ R that in the right detector (mass M), the free Hamiltonian (without an interaction of the measured particle and detectors) reads H0 = − ℏ2 2m ∂2r − ℏ2 2M ∂2x + V (x + R) − ℏ2 2M ∂2y + V (y − R) , (2) understood as a self-adjoint operator in the state space L2(R3) with the domain H2(R3). (15) Matrices F(r) and G(r) are Hermitian and bounded in r ∈ R according to their construction. keywords: acta; approximation; c(t; complete; coupling; detection; detectors; distant; einstein; entanglement; epr; function; hamiltonian; hmτ; initial; interaction; introduction; light; macroscopic; measured; measurement; measuring; mechanics; model; operator; particle; physical; physics; places; podolsky; polytechnica; position; potential; probability; quantum; review; rosen; simultaneous; state; system; theory; time cache: ap-7273.pdf plain text: ap-7273.txt item: #1033 of 1243 id: ap-728 author: Telfer, D.; Spencer, J. title: Properties and Performance of a New Compact HF Aerial Design for Multi-Band Operation date: 2005-01-04 words: 3314 flesch: 56 summary: Czech Technical University in Prague a) b) c) d) e) f) Fig. 5: a) FF pattern at fd for DM aerial of Fig. Czech Technical University in Prague a) b) c) Fig. 10: a) SWR plot, 7 to 7.1 MHz for DM aerial of Fig. 3, keywords: acta; aerial; atu; balanced; band; czech; degrees; design; dipole; elevation; feed; fig; frequency; gain; ground; house;; lobe; low; matching; mhz; near; nvis; pattern; plot; polytechnica; practical; prague; publishing; radio; range; swr; technical; tuning; unit; university; vol cache: ap-728.pdf plain text: ap-728.txt item: #1034 of 1243 id: ap-7289 author: Robert, Ubong Williams; Etuk, Sunday Edet; Agbasi, Okechukwu Ebuka; Umoren, Grace Peter ; Akpan, Samuel Sunday ; Nnanna, Lebe Agwu title: Hydrothermally-calcined waste paper ash nanomaterial as an alternative to cement for clay soil modification for building purposes date: 2021-12-31 words: 8838 flesch: 59 summary: Analysis of stabilization of soil cement for base of railway track & subgrade. It has been observed that clay soil cannot be used for building design, unless it is modified by firing or with cement. keywords: absorption; acta; agbasi; agent; air; analysis; ash; bricks; building; bulk; calcium; cao; capable; capacity; carbon; case; cement; chemical; civil; clay; clay soil; composites; compressive; conductivity; construction; content; decrease; density; development; diffusivity; dioxide; energy; engineering; etuk; figure; flexural; fraction; greater; hcwpan; heat; increases; international; journal; level; mass; materials; matrix; means; mechanical; method; modification; nanomaterial; paper; particles; polytechnica; pores; preparation; production; properties; proportions; purposes; research; results; robert; s. e.; samples; science; silica; similar; sio2; size; soil; sorptivity; specific; stabilization; stabilizer; strength; study; sustainable; table; technique; technology; test; thermal; use; utilization; values; volume; waste; water; weight; work; ± ± cache: ap-7289.pdf plain text: ap-7289.txt item: #1035 of 1243 id: ap-7291 author: Agárdi, Anita; Kovács, László; Bányai, Tamás title: Comparision of the walk techniques for fitness state space analysis in vehicle routing problem date: 2021-12-31 words: 7145 flesch: 56 summary: The relationship between fitness values and average of fitness distances to other solutions in the case of 2-opt operator Figure 9. In the case of a cycle crossover, the averages of fitness distances are also high when the fitness 677 A. Agárdi, L. Kovács, T. Bányai Acta Polytechnica Figure 12. keywords: adaptive; adaptive walk; algorithm; analysis; autocorrelation; average; average distances; average fitness; basic swap; best; best solution; case; child; correlation; cost; crossover; crossover fitness; customers; cycle; cycle crossover; density; depot; downhill; example; figure; fitness; fitness distances; fitness state; fitness values; following; function; hamming distances; interval; landscape; large; operator; opt; optimization; order; order crossover; parent; problem; random; results; reverse; routing; search; second; section; sequence distances; small; solution; solution basic; solution fitness; space; state; swap sequence; system; techniques; time; uphill; vehicle; vrp; walk cache: ap-7291.pdf plain text: ap-7291.txt item: #1036 of 1243 id: ap-730 author: Mitchell, A. J.; McGookin, E. W.; Murray-Smith, D. J. title: Implementation of Sliding Mode Observer Based Reconfiguration in an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle date: 2005-01-04 words: 4430 flesch: 65 summary: � �� � ( ) ( ) ( ) (� � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � M C D J M g1 10 0 � �) ( ) 0 0 � � � � � � � � � M B u 1 (1) where � �� � u v w p q r T, � �� � X Y Z � � � T, � �u � � �r s n T, B(�) is the nonlinear input matrix, C(�) is the matrix of Coriolis and Centripetal terms, D(�) is the damping matrix, g(�) is the vector of gravitational and buoyancy forces and moments, J(�) is the Euler transformation matrix, and M is the mass and inertia matrix. � � � �r c� , (7) � �M C D g B u� ( )� � � � �� � �( ) ( )r r r+ , (8) � ( )� � �� J . keywords: able; angle; auv; bias; complete; control; controller; czech; disturbances; error; failure; fault; fig; guidance; heading; input; matrix; method; mode; nonlinear; observer; output; paper; present; reconfiguration; responses; rudder; sensor; signal; smo; state; switching; system; technical; term; university; vehicles; vol; waypoint; � c cache: ap-730.pdf plain text: ap-730.txt item: #1037 of 1243 id: ap-732 author: Walker, J. A.; Cossar, C.; Miller, T. J. E. title: Simulation and Analysis of Magnetisation Characteristics of Interior Permanent Magnet Motors date: 2005-01-04 words: 4253 flesch: 55 summary: The use of magnetic rotor bridges is advantageous in reducing har- monics in the flux density distribution and the addition of the bridge sections can lead to increases in flux-linkage at high current levels. Keywords: permanent magnet, finite element method, flux-linkage measurement, rotor bridges. keywords: airgap; axis; bridges; change; circuit; contribution; current; czech; demagnetising; density; difference; direct; distribution; fig; finite; flux; flux density; levels; linkage; magnet; magnetic; magnetisation; miller; motors; open; permanent; phase; position; quadrature; reactance; results; rotor; saturation; simulation; slots; synchronous; technical; test; test motor; university; vol; voltage; winding cache: ap-732.pdf plain text: ap-732.txt item: #1038 of 1243 id: ap-7335 author: Adeshara, Jatinkumar V.; Patel, Hardik P.; Deheri, Gunamani B.; Patel, Rakesh M. title: Performance of a hydromagnetic squeeze film on a rough circular step bearing: a comparision of different porous structures date: 2022-08-31 words: 3589 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: Hydromagnetic fluid, squeeze film, circular step bearing, surface irregularity, spongy structure. Hydromagnetic squeeze film in rough truncated conical plates, using the Kozeny-Carman-model-based spongy structure, was discussed by Adeshara et al. keywords: bearing; carman; case; circular; conical; deheri; effect; equation; figure; film; fluid; globular; hydromagnetic; irmay; irregularity; kozeny; load; model; non; patel; performance; plates; porous; pressure; rough; sphere; spongy; squeeze; structure; surface; tanh; transverse cache: ap-7335.pdf plain text: ap-7335.txt item: #1039 of 1243 id: ap-734 author: Bíla, J.; Tlapák, M. title: Ontologies and Formation Spaces for Conceptual ReDesign of Systems date: 2005-01-04 words: 3776 flesch: 50 summary: The field which promises the necessary improvements in modelling the semantics is the field of ontologies. Essential points for specifying ontology (with respect to the ontologies discussed in this paper) include: � Purpose and objective of the development and application of the ontology. keywords: active; activities; carriers; change; chbeh; chcarr; class; cnstr; cnstr(shape; components; conceptual; control; czech; description; design; diagram; effect; energy; engineering; fields; fig; flow; functions; gas; glb; interaction; knowledge; language; means; modelling; ontologies; ontology; pneu; prague; principles; process; redesign; representation; semantic; space; state; strata; stratum; structure; sub; systems; technical; transms; trns; uml; university; vol; zone cache: ap-734.pdf plain text: ap-734.txt item: #1040 of 1243 id: ap-7340 author: Rostova, Hanna; Voyevodin, Victor ; Vasilenko, Ruslan ; Kolodiy, Igor ; Kovalenko, Vladimir ; Marinin, Vladimir ; Zuyok, Valeriy; Kuprin, Alexander title: Cavitation wear of Eurofer 97, Cr18Ni10Ti and 42HNM alloys date: 2021-12-31 words: 3193 flesch: 55 summary: Cavitation erosion can carry away an amount of metal no lesser than corrosion; hence, the importance of studies on cavitation resistance, which will reduce metal losses and increase the durability and reliability of parts and devices, is obvious. Keywords: Cavitation erosion, wear, steel, hardness, structure, resistance. keywords: 42hnm; acta; alloy; austenitic; average; cavitation; cavitation wear; corrosion; cr18ni10ti; destruction; energy; erosion; eurofer; fig; high; journal; martensitic; materials; mechanical; microhardness; microstructure; nickel; nuclear; polytechnica; power; properties; radiation; rate; reactors; resistance; samples; science; size; stainless; steel; structure; studies; surface; water; wear cache: ap-7340.pdf plain text: ap-7340.txt item: #1041 of 1243 id: ap-7341 author: Marín Velásquez, Tomás Darío; Arriojas Tocuyo, Dany Day Josefina title: Analysis of factors affecting the efficiency of Jatropha curcas oil as an asphaltene stabiliser date: 2022-04-30 words: 6263 flesch: 55 summary: Estimated response surface for AII of crude oil sample A. a surfactant layer that acts as a stabilising agent, so it is to be expected that the oil samples subjected to heating have had a higher efficiency. As can be seen in Table 7, the effect of the fac- tors on the AII of crude oil sample B differs from that obtained in crude oil sample A. keywords: acta; aggregates; aii; analysis; applied; arriojas; asphaltene; astm; chemical; composition; crude; crude oil; curcas; curcas oil; dany; day; density; design; different; dispersion; dose; effect; efficiency; experimental; factors; figure; heated; heating; higher; index; influence; interaction; j. curcas; jatropha; josefina; journal; laboratory; marín; model; monagas; oil; oil sample; oils; petroleum; polytechnica; positive; precipitation; products; properties; quadratic; research; response; results; sample; science; significant; spanish; stabiliser; stability; state; surface; table; temperature; value; vegetable; venezuela; viscosity cache: ap-7341.pdf plain text: ap-7341.txt item: #1042 of 1243 id: ap-7346 author: Assaad, Joseph J.; Mata, Matthew ; Saade, Jad title: Effect of pigments on bond strength between coloured concrete and steel reinforcement date: 2022-04-30 words: 7481 flesch: 61 summary: The findings of this paper reveal that such additions have a rather beneficial effect on the concrete bond 257 J. J. Assaad, M. Matta, J. Saade Acta Polytechnica y = 0.375x + 13.18 R² = 0.71 y = 0.13x + 4.57 R² = 0.71 y = 0.117x + 3.03 R² = 0.71 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 12 13 14 15 16 0 1 2 3 4 5 𝜏m ax , M Pa (A CI a nd E C2 ) 𝜏m ax , M Pa (C EB -F IP ) Pigment concentration, % of cement CEB-FIP ACI EC2 Cement = 350 kg/m3 Figure 12. Mixture codification τmax computed by different codes Experimental-to-design bond ratio MPa (τu/τmax) 2 √ f ′c 2.5 √ f ′c ACI 318 EC2 2 √ f ′c 2.5 √ f ′c ACI 318 EC2 350-Control 10.3 12.9 4.5 3 1.1 0.88 2.53 3.84 350-Red-1.5 % 10.9 13.6 4.7 3.2 1.1 0.88 2.52 3.76 350-Red-3 % 11.7 14.6 5.1 3.5 1.54 1.23 3.56 5.19 350-Red-4.5 % 11.8 14.8 5.1 3.5 1.5 1.2 3.47 5.03 350-Grey-3 % 10.9 13.6 4.7 3.2 1.17 0.93 2.69 4.01 350-Grey-4.5 % 11.7 14.6 5.1 3.5 1.2 0.96 2.77 4.03 350-TiO2-1.5 % 11.6 14.5 5 3.4 1.49 1.19 3.43 5.02 350-TiO2-4.5 % 12.3 15.4 5.3 3.7 1.69 1.35 3.88 5.57 350-CBlack-1.5 % 11 13.7 4.8 3.2 1.4 1.12 3.22 4.78 350-CBlack-4.5 % 11.8 14.8 5.1 3.5 1.51 1.21 3.48 5.04 450-Control 11.7 14.6 5.1 3.5 1.62 1.29 3.72 5.42 450-Red-3 % 12.5 15.6 5.4 3.8 1.88 1.5 4.32 6.16 450-Grey-3 % 13 16.3 5.6 4 1.52 1.22 3.5 4.93 450-TiO2-3 % 13.3 16.7 5.8 4.2 1.86 1.49 4.29 5.98 450-CBlack-3 % keywords: //; aci; acta; additions; aggregate; assaad; astm; bars; black; bond; bond strength; building; carbon; ceb; cement; cementitious; code; coloured; concentration; concrete; concrete mixtures; content; control; curves; density; design; different; ec2; effect; engineering; experimental; figure; filler; fip; grey; hardened; higher; highest; hrwr; https; hydration; increase; journal; materials; matrix; matta; mechanical; members; micro; microstructure; mixtures; mpa; particle; pigments; polytechnica; properties; reinforcement; relationships; resistance; saade; size; slip; steel; strength; stress; table; tensile; test; tio2; type; values; vol; water; white; τmax; ∆(e cache: ap-7346.pdf plain text: ap-7346.txt item: #1043 of 1243 id: ap-7354 author: Haouam, Ilyas title: Dirac oscillator in dynamical noncommutative space date: 2021-12-31 words: 7093 flesch: 68 summary: − − E (0) + ) 2 , (76) the condition for the convergence of (75) for the λ = 1 full strength case is |W12| = ∣∣∣E(0)− − E(0)+ ∣∣∣ 2 . The contributions of the different parts of the perturbed Hamiltonian are as follows < nx,ny | V1 | n ′ x,n ′ y >=< nx,ny | (y s)2 psy | n ′ x,n ′ y > = −iℏ 2 √ ℏ 2mω δnx,n′x {√ n ′ y ( n ′ y − 1 )( n ′ y − 2 ) δny ,n′y −3 − √( n ′ y + 1 )( n ′ y + 2 )( n ′ y keywords: acta; case; coordinates; correction; different; dimensional; dirac; dnc; dynamical; effect; eigenvalues; energy; equation; field; following; function; hamiltonian; haouam; hermitian; ilyas; imcω; journal; letters; levels; magnetic; mc2; noncommutative; n′y; operators; order; oscillator; parameter; perturbation; physical; physics; pncy; polytechnica; position; psy; psz; quantum; relativistic; review; s y; shift; space; spectrum; string; system; terms; theory; time; variables; xnc; ync)2 cache: ap-7354.pdf plain text: ap-7354.txt item: #1044 of 1243 id: ap-736 author: Peebles, C.; Bil, C.; Drack, L. title: Intelligent Data Storage and Retrieval for Design Optimisation – an Overview date: 2005-01-04 words: 14992 flesch: 54 summary: 5 Compression of design space data With the increasing complexity of design data, and the more widespread use of complex data types such as volumet- ric, spatial and high-resolution imaging, data compression is becoming very important for adequate storage of large volumes of data. Such a system would be capable of efficiently storing (and compressing if required) a range of types of design data into an intelligent database. keywords: 4/2005; access; acm; acta; algorithms; analysis; applications; approach; approximation; artificial; aspects; automation; available; cad; cases; common; complex; complexity; compressed; compression; computational; computer; conference; constraints; construction; control; cost; creation; czech; data; data compression; data models; database; database systems; definition; design; design applications; design automation; design data; design optimisation; design process; design space; design system; design variables; designers; different; domain; early; efficient; engineering; example; expert; file; function; fuzzy; generation; genetic; geometric; geometry; house;; ieee; image; imaging; implementation; important; information; intelligent; international; journal; knowledge; large; literature; lossless; management; medical; memory; methods; modelling; models; new; number; nurbs; object; optimal; optimisation; paper; parameters; pde; performance; points; polytechnica; polytechnica vol; practical; prague; previous; problem; proceedings; process; processes; processing; project; publishing; queries; query; range; relational; relevant; representation; research; results; retrieval; review; search; sets; shape; similar; similarity; small; solid; solution; space; spatial; specific; spline; storage; structures; study; support; surface; system; technical; techniques; terms; time; types; university; usa; use; user; variables; vol; volumetric cache: ap-736.pdf plain text: ap-736.txt item: #1045 of 1243 id: ap-738 author: Crosbie, R. E.; Hingorani, N. G. title: High-Speed Real-Time Simulators for Engineering Design date: 2005-01-04 words: 3590 flesch: 49 summary: RTDS Technologies (Ref [4]) specialize in providing simulation systems customized to specific, large-scale power system simulations. Simulation of a very rapid phenome- non, such as the operation of electronic switches, will execute more slowly than real time to allow observation of the changes taking place. keywords: analog; applications; available; board; cases; chico; computer; control; controllers; converters; czech; data; design; devices; digital; dsp; electronic; engineering; example; frame; hardware; high; hsrt; human; inc; low; model; necessary; operating; operation; performance; phase; power; processors; range; real; ref; shorter; simulated; simulation; software; speed; system; technical; time; training; university; use cache: ap-738.pdf plain text: ap-738.txt item: #1046 of 1243 id: ap-740 author: Ericsen, T. S. title: Physics Based Design, the Future of Modeling and Simulation date: 2005-01-04 words: 5272 flesch: 52 summary: The future system design process It is time for system design, particularly Naval Ship de- sign, to evolve. The idea of open plug-and-play architecture is to build power systems in much the same way as personal computers. keywords: acs; analysis; applications; behavior; blocks; building; complex; complexity; components; computer; controller; cost; customer; cycle; czech; design; designers; detail; different; digital; electrical; electronic; elements; energy; engineering; ericsen; fig; filter; future; hardware; hil; ieee; interfaces; loop; machine; methods; model; modeling; need; new; parts; pebb; performance; physics; power; process; product; real; requirement; results; sensors; simulation; smart; software; solution; standard; system; technical; thermal; time; today; tools; unit; university; vendor; vol cache: ap-740.pdf plain text: ap-740.txt item: #1047 of 1243 id: ap-742 author: Hrouzek, M. title: Feedback Control in an Atomic Force Microscope Used as a Nano-Manipulator date: 2005-01-04 words: 2399 flesch: 53 summary: Fig. 6 shows control loops affecting the sensitivity of the AFM. In the tapping mode, the tip is touches the surface in each period of cantilever movement at its maximum deflection to- © Czech Technical University Publishing House 65 Czech Technical University in Prague Acta Polytechnica Vol. 45 No. 4/2005 Feedback Control in an Atomic Force Microscope Used as a Nano-Manipulator M. Hrouzek keywords: acta; afm; atomic; cantilever; contact; control; czech; deflection; displacement; feedback; fig; force; frequency; high; interaction; loop; microscopy; mode; movement; noise; piezo; polytechnica; positioning; sample; scanning; sensitivity; signal; stage; surface; systems; technical; techniques; thermal; tip; university; vol cache: ap-742.pdf plain text: ap-742.txt item: #1048 of 1243 id: ap-744 author: Coiro, D. P.; Marco, A. de; Nicolosi, F.; Genito, N.; Figliolia, S. title: Design of a Low-Cost Easy-to-Fly STOL Ultralight Aircraft in Composite Material date: 2005-01-04 words: 3269 flesch: 68 summary: Only in Italy in the last 5–6 years, at least 10 companies have started production of ULM aircraft. TOPULM is defined as: TOPULM TO TO L TO � � � � � � � � � � � � � W P W S C� max ; (1) with W S � � � � � � TO in [N/m2] and W P � � � � � � TO in [N/W]; � � � � 0 . keywords: acta; aerodynamic; aircraft; chord; coefficient; czech; design; fig; flight; ground; high; horizontal; house;; landing; level; lift; loading; maximum; new; optimization; performance; polytechnica; power; publishing; run; sea; speed; stol; tail; technical; ulm; university; vmax; vol; weight; wing cache: ap-744.pdf plain text: ap-744.txt item: #1049 of 1243 id: ap-7440 author: Agustina, Tuty Emilia; Gayatri, Rianyza; Bahrin, David ; Moeksin, Rosdiana; Gustini title: ZnO-Zeolite nanocomposite application for photocatalytic degradation of procion red and its adsorption isotherm date: 2022-04-30 words: 5850 flesch: 54 summary: Impregnation of activated carbon-TiO2 composite and its application in photodegradation of procion red synthetic dye in aqueous medium. Photocatalytic degradation of procion red synthetic dye using ZnO-Zeolite composites. keywords: adsorbent; adsorption; adsorption isotherm; adsorption process; application; capacity; concentration; conditions; dark; degradation; degradation process; dye; engineering; equation; figure; freundlich; graph; higher; highest; intensity; irradiation; isotherm; journal; lamp; langmuir; light; maximum; minutes; nanocomposite; percentage; photocatalyst; photocatalytic; photodegradation; process; procion; procion red; red; red dye; research; results; sem; study; suitable; sunlight; synthetic; synthetic zeolite; time; type; ultraviolet; value; zeolite; zeolite nanocomposite; zno cache: ap-7440.pdf plain text: ap-7440.txt item: #1050 of 1243 id: ap-746 author: Avanzini, G.; D’Angelo, S.; Matteis, G. de title: Design and Development of the Engine Unit for a Twin-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle date: 2005-01-04 words: 4915 flesch: 47 summary: As for the last point, details will be given on the control system for engine rpm control currently being tested on the vehicle prototype. Nonetheless the iSTAR MAV is significantly different, inasmuch as it uses a ducted, constant pitch propeller for thrust generation, thrust modulation being achieved by engine rpm control, and con- trol moments being generated by vanes in the propeller wake. keywords: academic; acta; advanced; aerial; aerodynamic; aiaa; avanzini; blade; board; code; complex; components; computer; configuration; control; control system; czech; design; development; d’angelo; engine; fan; flight; flow; framework; fuselage; ground; hardware; high; house;; machine; main; matteis; model; modeling; necessary; order; output; paper; performance; phase; pitch; polytechnica; power; prague; present; proc; program; project; prototype; publishing; research; rotor; rotorcraft; rpm; separation; servos; shrouded; simulation; software; solid; speed; system; technical; technologies; testing; tools; uav; uninhabited; unit; university; vehicle; vol; vsaero; wake cache: ap-746.pdf plain text: ap-746.txt item: #1051 of 1243 id: ap-748 author: McGeoch, D. J.; McGookin, E. W.; Houston, S. S. title: Sliding Mode Implementation of an Attitude Command Flight Control System for a Helicopter in Hover date: 2005-01-04 words: 5414 flesch: 64 summary: However when within the boundary layer, � �� BL, the out- put is equal to � �BL. T Tswitching cmd� � � � � �1 � �( ) sgn( ( ))� � � , (8) where, �( )f x represents the unmodelled dynamics. keywords: acta; ads-33; amplitude; attitude; bandwidth; change; cmd; command; control; controller; coupling; czech; decoupled; delay; design; dynamics; fig; flight; following; gain; handling; helicopter; high; input; large; level; linear; matrix; model; moderate; non; order; phase; pitch; polytechnica; rate; requirement; response; roll; rotor; rotorcraft; smc; switching; system; technical; term; university; vol; yaw cache: ap-748.pdf plain text: ap-748.txt item: #1052 of 1243 id: ap-750 author: Zanic, V.; Prebeg, P. title: Primary Response Assessment Method for Concept Design of Monotonous Thin-Walled Structures date: 2005-01-04 words: 5851 flesch: 67 summary: x e x xxx e( , ) ( , ) ( ) ( ),� � � � � �w , and the total potential energy of the element, using the same shape functions as before, reads: � e e e e e l ex t G RS s x e � � � ! i e e e e Tc T c � � � � � ! ## � 2 and GI GI GIT To Tc� � . keywords: acta; beam; bending; box; calculation; concept; cross; czech; design; displacement; e e; e j; e l; e t; e u; e y; e �; element; energy; feasibility; fem; field; fig; g �; global; l l; l u; load; method; model; modules; normal; octopus; polytechnica; primary; program; response; s e; section; shear; ship; stiffness; strength; stress; stresses; strip; structural; technical; thin; torsion; total; transverse; u s; u u; university; vol; walled; warping; wing; xs e; z e; � xs; � xse cache: ap-750.pdf plain text: ap-750.txt item: #1053 of 1243 id: ap-7515 author: Dibyo, Sukmanto ; Luthfi, Wahid; Pinem, Surian; Irianto, Ign Djoko; Sriwardhani, Veronica Indriati title: CFD simulation of partial channel blockage on plate-type fuel of TRIGA-2000 conversion reactor core date: 2022-08-31 words: 4005 flesch: 62 summary: Heat transfer analysis of plate type fuel element of reactor core. Channel blockage conditions can occur due to bending or swelling of fuel plates, caused by other material falling into the reactor pool, or debris carried by the coolant flow [10, 11]. keywords: analysis; area; assembly; blockage; boiling; case; cfd; channel; code; conversion; coolant; coolod; core; design; element; figure; flow; fluent; fuel; heat; hydraulic; inlet; material; maximum; mtr; nuclear; partial; plate; profile; reactor; research; results; safety; shows; simulation; state; steady; study; sub; technology; temperature; thermal; triga-2000; type; type fuel; velocity cache: ap-7515.pdf plain text: ap-7515.txt item: #1054 of 1243 id: ap-752 author: Poul, R.; Hanus, D. title: Composite Axial Flow Propulsor for Small Aircraft date: 2005-01-04 words: 2258 flesch: 66 summary: 4: Scheme of VARTM 4 Loads applied to rotor blades A rotor blade is loaded by a centrifugal force, resulting in a tensional force and a torsional moment acting in the blade axis direction, and by air pressure, which induces bending moments acting in the fan tangential and axial direction. Czech Technical University in Prague Fig. 10: Stress distribution in the first layer of the rotor blade: �x, �y, �xy Blade Glass/epoxy blade bottom Al-alloy modified dovetail lock Adhesive bonds Fig. 11: Rotor blade detail keywords: acta; air; analysis; axial; blade; calculation; carbon; composite; czech; design; distribution; epoxy; fan; fig; flow; house;; method; polytechnica; prague; pressure; properties; publishing; resin; rotor; skin; stator; technical; university; vane; velocity; vol; work cache: ap-752.pdf plain text: ap-752.txt item: #1055 of 1243 id: ap-7523 author: Nguyen, Danh Huy; Vu, Minh Le ; Trong , Hieu Do ; Nguyen, Danh Giang; Nguyen, Tung Lam title: Active disturbance rejection control-based anti-coupling method for conical magnetic bearings date: 2022-08-31 words: 5109 flesch: 66 summary: Conical magnetic bearings with radial and thrust control. Fuzzy modeling and control for conical magnetic bearings using linear matrix inequality. keywords: acta; active; adrc; air; amb; angle; axes; axis; bearing; bias; centre; component; cone; conical; control; controller; coupling; current; design; disturbance; dynamic; effects; engineering; equations; equilibrium; figure; force; high; io1; io2; ki1; kq1; kq2; loop; magnetic; mass; model; motion; nguyen; observer; polytechnica; position; radial; rejection; rotational; rotor; simulation; sin; speed; structure; system; −ki2 cache: ap-7523.pdf plain text: ap-7523.txt item: #1056 of 1243 id: ap-754 author: Kaňovský, P.; Smrcek, L.; Goodchild, C. title: Simulation of UAV Systems date: 2005-01-04 words: 2375 flesch: 53 summary: This design method is also suitable for further utilisation in UAV design system simulation. The feature that distin- guishes the autopilot requirements of a UAV (Figs. 1, 7, 8) from the flight systems of conventional manned aircraft is the paradox of controlling a high bandwidth dynamical system using sensors that are in harmony with the low cost low weight objectives that UAV designs are often expected to achieve. keywords: acta; aircraft; airplane; altitude; automatic; autopilot; basic; coefficient; control; czech; data; design; engineering; equations; fig; flight; house;; low; main; mathematical; measurement; method; model; parameters; polytechnica; prague; pressure; publishing; quantities; results; sensor; simulation; simulink; sojka; speed; system; technical; time; uav; university; vertical; vol cache: ap-754.pdf plain text: ap-754.txt item: #1057 of 1243 id: ap-756 author: Dostál, M.; Zymák, J.; Valach, M. title: Physical and Numerical Difficulties in Computer Modelling of Pellet-Cladding Contact Problems for Burned-Up Fuel date: 2005-01-05 words: 2452 flesch: 57 summary: The age of high- -speed computers has brought a qualitative change into the analysis of contact problems. 2 Mathematical description of the problem – unilateral contact Mathematical modelling of unilateral contact problems is a new area in applied mathematics. keywords: acta; analysis; behaviour; cladding; conditions; contact; cosmos; czech; element; femaxi; fig; finite; fuel; gap; heat; house;; linear; nuclear; outer; pellet; polytechnica; power; prague; problems; publishing; rod; stress; stresses; surface; technical; temperature; thermal; time; unilateral; university; values; vol cache: ap-756.pdf plain text: ap-756.txt item: #1058 of 1243 id: ap-758 author: Filipská, H.; Štamberg, K. title: Mathematical Modeling of a Cs(I) – Sr(II) – Bentonite – Magnetite Sorption System, Simulating the Processes Taking Place in a Deep Geological Repository date: 2005-01-05 words: 6680 flesch: 66 summary: (69) Balance equation of total concentration of the edge sites, �SOH: � � � � � � � � � � � � �SOH SOH SOH SO SOSr (SO) (71) Balance equation of the total concentration of Sr(II) in the so- lution, [�Sr]solution, including the precipitate: � � � � � � � � � � � � �Sr Sr SrCO SrNO SrSO SrCO solution 2 3 3 4 3 � � � � � � �0 0 . keywords: acta; aqueous; b �; balance; bentonite; case; ccm; cem �; charge; concentration; constants; czech; data; e.g.; edge; equation; equilibrium; exchange; exp �; experimental; function; kdcal �; layer; magnetite; model; modeling; phase; prague �; processes; protonation; qls �; sites; soh2 �; solid; solution; sorption; srno; surface; technical; titration; total; types; university; vol; � c; � f([h; � f(ph; � h; � sr; � srco; � x; � � cache: ap-758.pdf plain text: ap-758.txt item: #1059 of 1243 id: ap-7583 author: Saad, Nasser title: On generalized Heun equation with some mathematical properties date: 2022-02-28 words: 12593 flesch: 82 summary: − h − 1) + q1,h ] + q0,h (k + λ)[q2,0 (k + λ ξ+, |ξ−| < ξ+ a22 − 4a1a3 = 0 r = 0, ξ+ = ξ− = ξ r ∈ (0, ξ) Differential Equation: r (ξ1 − r)(ξ2 − r) y′′ + (β0 + β1 r + β2 r2) keywords: 0 r; 1)α1; 1)α2; 1/2022; 2f1; 2α1; = −; acta; case; ck−1; coefficients; condition; degree; differential; differential equation; equation; following; formula; generalized; heun; journal; k β1; k=0; linear; mathematical; n k; nasser; necessary; neighbourhood; order; orthogonal; physics; point; point r; polynomial; polytechnica; properties; r k; real; recurrence; regular; relation; roots; s +; saad; second; sequence; series; simple; singular; solutions; term; theorem; u =; u(r; vol; y(r; zeros; α1 r; α2 r; α2−4ε0; α2−β1)2−4α2ε0; α3 r; α3 α2; β0 α1; β1 r; β2 r; β2 α3; ε0;n; − √; √ − cache: ap-7583.pdf plain text: ap-7583.txt item: #1060 of 1243 id: ap-7596 author: Campoamor-Stursberg, Rutwig title: On some algebraic formulations within universal enveloping algebras related to superintegrability date: 2022-02-28 words: 5406 flesch: 55 summary: The method of virtual copies, initially introduced in the context of invariant theory, provides an additional approach that combines ele- ments of the two algebraic formulations, and refers to a number of still open problems, such as the general solution of the embedding problem of Lie algebras into enveloping algebras [9]. In this work we comment on some purely alge- braic approaches formulated in the enveloping algebras of Lie algebras for the identification or construction of quadratic algebras that may lead to super-integrable systems, once a suitable realization of the enveloping algebra by first-order differential operators has been chosen. keywords: algebra; algebraic; basis; case; commutators; commute; construction; context; differential; dimensional; elements; enveloping; generators; hamiltonian; integrals; invariant; journal; kij; lie; lie algebras; mathematical; operators; order; physics; polynomials; problem; quadratic; realization; representation; semidirect; solvable; stursberg; subalgebra; superintegrable; systems; terms cache: ap-7596.pdf plain text: ap-7596.txt item: #1061 of 1243 id: ap-760 author: Baláži, P. title: Various Properties of Sturmian Words date: 2005-01-05 words: 5797 flesch: 72 summary: We can compute the lengths between two consecutive points of ( )xn n Z� as � �x x n nn n� � � � � � � �1 1( )� � � � �. Then s s n� � � �, , ( )� , s s n� � � �, , ( )� are sequences defined by, � �s n n n� � � � � �, ( ): ( )� � � � �1 , for n � 0, � � � �s n n n� � � � � �, ( ): ( )� � � � �1 , for n � 0. keywords: alphabet; aperiodic; bidirectional; characterization; coding; cut; czech; exchange; fibonacci; infinite; integer; interval; invariant; irrational; length; map; math; mechanical; n n; nn �; number; palindromes; points; project; results; return; s �; sequence; set; sided; sturmian; sturmian words; substitution; theorem; university; vol; w w; words; � � cache: ap-760.pdf plain text: ap-760.txt item: #1062 of 1243 id: ap-7611 author: Kulshreshtha, Daya Shankar; Kulshreshtha, Usha title: On the Wess-Zumino Model: a supersymmetric field theory date: 2022-02-28 words: 3447 flesch: 70 summary: Keywords: Wess-Zumino Model, supersymmetric field theories, Hamiltonian and path integral quantization. Supergravity theory on the other hand is a theory that has “local supersymmetry” and it is invariant under local Susy transformations where the transformation parameter depends on the spacetime xµ. keywords: constant; constraints; density; example; fermionic; field; free; global; iγ5; k0a; majorana; manifest; massless; model; non; physics; poincare; rigid; sft; spacetime; spinor; supergravity; supersymmetry; susy; theory; transformations; wess; wzm; zumino cache: ap-7611.pdf plain text: ap-7611.txt item: #1063 of 1243 id: ap-7618 author: Jeníková, Jitka; Michaliková, Kristýna; Hrdlička, František; Hrdlička, Jan; Pilař, Lukáš; Vodička, Matěj; Skopec, Pavel title: Applicability of Secondary Denitrification Measures on a Fluidized Bed Boiler date: 2022-06-30 words: 6314 flesch: 60 summary: NOX emissions from bubbling fluidized bed combustion of lignite coal. Formation of NOX emissions There are three known mechanisms of nitrogen oxides formation in combustion processes [2–4]: • thermal NOX – oxidation of molecular nitrogen from the oxidant at high temperatures, known as the Zeldovich mechanism, • fuel NOX – oxidation of chemically bound nitrogen in solid fuels, 341 J. Jeníková, K. Michaliková, F. Hrdlička et al. keywords: acta; agent; air; ammonia; bat; bed; boiler; catalyst; catalytic; coal; combustion; concentrations; conversion; correlation; czech; denitrification; efficiency; emissions; energy; excess; experimental; figure; flue; fluidized; fluidized bed; formation; fuel; gas; higher; hrdlička; injection; lower; measures; method; mol; n2o; nh3; nitrogen; nm3; non; nox; nox reduction; nsr; oxides; oxy; polytechnica; primary; reaction; reduction; results; scr; scr method; secondary; section; selective; sncr; staging; table; technologies; temperature; vol; window cache: ap-7618.pdf plain text: ap-7618.txt item: #1064 of 1243 id: ap-7619 author: Vodička, Matěj; Michaliková, Kristýna; Hrdlička, Jan; Skopec, Pavel; Jeníková, Jitka title: Experimental verification of the impact of the air staging on the NOx production and on the temperature profile in a BFB date: 2022-06-30 words: 6505 flesch: 62 summary: For coal combustion, no positive impact of staged injec- tion of combustion air was observed in the 30 kWth facility. NOX emissions from bubbling fluidized bed combustion of lignite coal. keywords: air; air ratio; air staging; bed; bed temperature; bfb; bfb facility; biomass; case; coal; combustion; concentration; conditions; dry; experiments; facility; figure; flue; flue gas; fluidization; fluidized; fluidized bed; formation; freeboard; fuel; gas; height; higher; impact; increase; injection; kwth; kwth bfb; kwth facility; lignite; minimum; nitrogen; nox; nox formation; particle; primary; primary air; profile; ratio; reduction; results; scale; secondary; secondary air; section; sncr; staging; s−1; table; temperature; volumetric; zone cache: ap-7619.pdf plain text: ap-7619.txt item: #1065 of 1243 id: ap-762 author: Ambrož, P. title: Non-Standard Numeration Systems date: 2005-01-05 words: 3699 flesch: 72 summary: For given � find the value, or at least some good estimate, of the quantities L n x y x y x y n� �� � � � � � � � �( ): min{ | , , ( ) },� � �� �N Z ZFin L n x y xy xy n� �� � � � � � �( ): min{ | , , ( ) }� � �� �N Z ZFin . The first of them uses the so-called Meyer property of the set of �-integers for � Pisot number, namely that Z Z Z� � �� � � F where F is a finite set, and Z Z Z� � �� � G where G is a finite set. keywords: addition; algebraic; ambrož; base; beta; czech; finite; fractional; integer; number; pisot; property; real; root; sequence; set; systems; technical; theorem; university; vol; � -adic; � -expansions; � -numeration cache: ap-762.pdf plain text: ap-762.txt item: #1066 of 1243 id: ap-7620 author: Krempaský, Jakub; Havlík, Jan; Dlouhý, Tomáš title: Theoretical and experimental study of water vapour condensation with high content of non-condensable gas in a vertical tube date: 2022-06-30 words: 5969 flesch: 53 summary: Experiments to determine the effect of NCG on water vapour condensation have been per- formed, so far, for an artificially prepared mixture of water vapour and air, also because of the availabil- ity of relevant literature references. [5] conducted an experimental and the- oretical study of water vapour condensation in the presence of air in a vertical tube. keywords: accuracy; air; analogy; calculated; coefficient; concentration; condensate; condensation; condenser; condensing; cooling; decreases; developed; effect; equation; experimental; figure; film; flow; gas; gases; heat; heat transfer; high; htc; inlet; inner; interface; layer; local; mass; mass transfer; measurements; mixture; model; molar; ncg; non; number; nusselt; outlet; overall; phase; power; presence; resistance; results; steam; study; temperature; theoretical; theoretical model; theory; transfer; tube; vapour; vapour condensation; vapour mixture; vertical; water; water vapour cache: ap-7620.pdf plain text: ap-7620.txt item: #1067 of 1243 id: ap-7623 author: Kulshreshtha, Usha; Kulshreshtha, Daya Shankar; Sihagb, Bheemraj title: Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs theory date: 2022-02-28 words: 3158 flesch: 70 summary: ∂2δ(x2 − y2) {E1(x0, x1, x2) , A1(x0, y1, y2)}D = {E1(x0, x1, x2) , A1(x0, y1, y2)}P = − δ(x1 − y1)δ(x2 − y2) (ieΠ) {E2(x0, x1, x2) , Φ(x0, y1, y2)}D = − ( κ 2 ) ∂1δ(x1 − y1)δ(x2 − y2) {E2(x0, x1, x2) , A2(x0, y1, y2)}D = {E2(x0, x1, x2) , A2(x0, y1, y2)}P = −δ(x1 − y1)δ(x2 − y2) (Π) {Φ(x0, x1, x2) , Φ∗(x0, y1, y2)}D = (−Φ∗)δ(x1 − y1)δ(x2 − y2) (Π) {Φ(x0, x1, x2) , A0(x0, y1, y2)}D = (Φ) δ(x1 − y1)δ(x2 − y2) (ieΠ) {Φ(x0, x1, x2) , A1(x0, y1, y2)}D = ∂1δ(x1 − y1)δ(x2 − y2) (ieΠ) {Φ(x0, x1, x2) , A2(x0, y1, y2)}D = δ(x1 − y1) Acta Polytechnica Acta Polytechnica 62(1):85–89, 2022 © 2022 keywords: 1)d; abelian; canonical; chern; conditions; constraints; density; field; fixing; formulation; fractional; gauge; gfc; hamiltonian; higgs; kulshreshtha; lagrangian; letters; matrix; maxwell; models; physical; physics; potential; quantum; review; scalar; set; simons; term; theories; theory; time; vector; y1)δ(x2; y2)}d; δ(x1; φ(x0 cache: ap-7623.pdf plain text: ap-7623.txt item: #1068 of 1243 id: ap-7630 author: Švanda, Ondřej; Pollert, Jaroslav title: CFD modelling of a secondary settling tanks: generalization based on database relations date: 2022-04-30 words: 5305 flesch: 59 summary: That significantly simplifies the preparation work to run a CFD simulation of the SST and more impor- tantly, it expands the usage of CFD settling model outside the batch test specific WWTP. Comparison of the sludge blanket in DN3 between CFD model (left) and experiment (right). keywords: account; acta; approach; blanket; cfd; cfd model; concentration; conditions; curve; data; database; developed; different; dry; equation; experimental; figure; flocculation; flow; function; height; hindered; index; inlet; interface; measured; model; modelling; new; numerical; order; outlet; parameters; phase; pollert; polytechnica; profile; properties; rain; rate; relations; results; rheology; sample; sampling; secondary; sedimentation; settleability; settling; sludge; solids; solids concentration; sst; strain; sub; svi; tank; test; time; velocity; viscosity; volume; water; zone cache: ap-7630.pdf plain text: ap-7630.txt item: #1069 of 1243 id: ap-7633 author: Hahn, Gabriela; Monteiro da Fonseca Thomé da Silva, Antônio Henrique; Tempel Stumpf, Felipe; Marcos Guilherme, Carlos Eduardo title: Evaluation of residual strength of polymeric yarns subjected to previous impact loads date: 2022-08-31 words: 3939 flesch: 57 summary: BS EN 892:2012 brings different proce- dures depending on the investigated factors, such as stiffness, cycle number for impact load, transmitted force in the rope and maximum stretching. Results of the tensile tests for residual strength evaluation immediately after impact load – higher dead weights. keywords: abrupt; acta; axial; behaviour; break; conditions; damage; dead; deformation; different; evaluation; fibres; high; hmpe1; hours; impact; load; materials; mechanical; mooring; offshore; original; pet; polyester; polymeric; polytechnica; properties; reference; residual; results; ropes; samples; section; specific; strength; synthetic; table; tensile; tested; tests; tex; unexposed; weight; yarn; ybl cache: ap-7633.pdf plain text: ap-7633.txt item: #1070 of 1243 id: ap-7638 author: Patel, Niru C.; Patel, Jimit R.; Deheri, Gunamani M. title: A comparative study of ferrofluid lubrication on double-layer porous squeeze curved annular plates with slip velocity date: 2022-08-31 words: 4458 flesch: 59 summary: And even lesser amount of studies has been done concerning the comparative studies on the performance of ferrofluid lubricated porous squeeze film in the multi-layered bearing sys- tem considering slip velocity. Magnetic fluid based squeeze film between porous annular curved plates with the effect of rotational inertia. keywords: annular; bearing; bhat; comparative; curved; deheri; double; effect; engineering; equation; exponential; ferrofluid; figure; film; hyperbolic; journal; kumar; layer; layered; lbc; load; lubrication; magnetic; model; non; parameter; patel; performance; plates; porosity; porous; profile; regards; rough; shah; shliomis; slip; squeeze; study; surface; system; tribology; variation; velocity cache: ap-7638.pdf plain text: ap-7638.txt item: #1071 of 1243 id: ap-764 author: Lavička, H.; Slanina, F. title: A Model of the Distribution of Wealth in Society date: 2005-01-05 words: 3229 flesch: 70 summary: The second interesting variable is distribution of wealth D w P w w( ) ( )� � � . Edge e is a unor- dered pair e i j� ( , ) connecting nodes i and j. Each node i from i � � has its neighborhood � � �i j i j� � �{ |( , ) }. keywords: agents; average; case; connectivity; czech; distribution; edge; exponent; fig; interaction; law; model; network; parameters; pareto; phys; physica; power; prague; rev; scattering; simulations; social; society; solomon; tail; technical; tension; time; university; vol; wealth cache: ap-764.pdf plain text: ap-764.txt item: #1072 of 1243 id: ap-7640 author: Michaliková, Kristýna; Hrdlička, Jan; Vodička, Matěj; Skopec, Pavel; Jeníková, Jitka; Pilař, Lukáš title: Experimental verification of the efficiency of selective non-catalytic reduction in a bubbling fluidized bed combustor date: 2022-06-30 words: 5669 flesch: 60 summary: Dependence of NOX reduction efficiency on temperature for different N SRs. Dependence of NOX reduction efficiency on N SR for different temperatures. 367 K. Michaliková, J. Hrdlička, M. Vodička et al. keywords: acta; air; ammonia; application; bed; bfb; biomass; case; catalytic; catalytic reduction; combustion; concentration; different; efficiency; emissions; experiments; figure; flow; flue; fluidized; fluidized bed; formation; freeboard; fuel; gas; injection; lignite; lower; measured; n2o; nitrogen; non; nox; nox reduction; oxides; primary; process; range; reagent; reduction; secondary; selective; sncr; solution; staging; temperature; urea; value; volumetric; wooden; zone; ° c cache: ap-7640.pdf plain text: ap-7640.txt item: #1073 of 1243 id: ap-7652 author: Natanson, Gregory title: Quantization of rationally deformed Morse potentials by Wronskian transforms of Romanovski-Bessel polynomials date: 2022-02-28 words: 10436 flesch: 68 summary: − y ld∞Φ±,mp+1 (12) The Liouville transformations of the CSLEs with zero-energy free terms I0[ξ; a,b] and I0[ξ; a,b | ±, 0] then brings us to Gendenshtein’s conventional definition of a TSI potential [34] V [ξ; ⇀a,b | +, 0] = V [ξ; ⇀a + ⇀ 1 ,b] − E+1( ⇀ a,b) (13) or V [ξ; ⇀a,b | −, 0] = V [ξ; ⇀a − ⇀ 1 ,b] − E−1( ⇀ a,b) (14) depending on which basic solution ϕ+,0[ξ; ⇀ a,b] or ϕ−,0[ξ; ⇀ a,b] represents the lowest energy eigenfunction. keywords: acta; analysis; axis; bessel; bessel polynomials; conventional; corresponding; crum; csle; darboux; degree; eigenfunctions; end; energy; equation; equivalence; form; frobenius; generalized; group; i0[ξ; invariant; isospectral; journal; juxtaposed; laguerre; liouville; mathematical; morse; n(a; n2j; natanson; new; non; odake; orthogonal; pairs; partition; physics; point; polynomials; polytechnica; positive; potentials; prime; principal; problem; quantization; question; rational; rdct; rdt; relations; rsle; rss; sasaki; schrödinger; seed; set; shape; singular; solutions; solvable; sturm; terms; tfi; theorem; theory; transformations; tsi; type; use; vol; wronskians; zeros; | ±; | −; ∞w[y cache: ap-7652.pdf plain text: ap-7652.txt item: #1074 of 1243 id: ap-7656 author: Zhao, Hui ; Liu, Yu-Qiu ; Wang, Zhi-Xi ; Fei, Shao-Ming title: A note on entanglement classification for tripartite mixed states date: 2022-02-28 words: 4040 flesch: 76 summary: For any quantum state ρ ∈ H21 ⊗ H22 ⊗ H33 , ρ has the principal basis representation: ρ = 1 12 (I2 ⊗ I2 ⊗ I3 + ∑ (i,j) ̸=(0,0) uij Aij ⊗ I2 ⊗ I3 + ∑ (k,l) ̸=(0,0) vklI2 ⊗ Akl ⊗ I3 + ∑ (s,t)̸=(0,0) wstI2 ⊗ I2 ⊗ Bst + ∑ (i,j),(k,l) ̸=(0,0) xij,klAij ⊗ Akl ⊗ I3 + ∑ (i,j),(s,t) ̸=(0,0) yij,stAij ⊗ I2 ⊗ Bst + ∑ (k,l),(s,t) ̸=(0,0) zkl,stI2 ⊗ Akl ⊗ Bst + ∑ (i,j),(k,l),(s,t) ̸=(0,0) rij,kl,stAij ⊗ Akl ⊗ Bst), (8) where I2 (I3) denotes the two (three) dimensional identity matrix, uij = tr(ρA † ij ⊗ I2 ⊗ I3), vkl = tr(ρI2 ⊗ A † kl ⊗ I3), wst = tr(ρI2 ⊗ I2 ⊗ B † st), xij,kl = tr(ρA†ij ⊗A † kl ⊗I3), yij,st = tr(ρA † ij ⊗I2 ⊗B † st), zkl,st = tr(ρI2 ⊗A † kl ⊗B † st) and rij,kl,st = tr(ρA † ij ⊗A † kl ⊗B † st). Taking into account the local unitary equivalence in H22 ⊗ H33 and using (9), we only need to consider that {|α⟩, |β⟩} = {|00⟩, |01⟩}. keywords: basis; bell; classification; criteria; dimensional; entanglement; h21; h22; h33; inequalities; matrices; mixed; multipartite; operators; physical; pi|φi⟩⟨φi|; principal; quantum; review; separable; states; systems; t0t1; theorem; tripartite; triqutrit; unitary; x̂ẑ2)j; ẑj; ̸=(0,0; λ2x̂ẑ)j; ∥tr;  cache: ap-7656.pdf plain text: ap-7656.txt item: #1075 of 1243 id: ap-7658 author: Červený, Ondřej; Vybíral, Pavel; Hemerka, Jiří; Mareš, Luďek title: Measurement of solid particle emissions from oxy-fuel combustion of biomass in fluidized bed date: 2022-06-30 words: 2447 flesch: 58 summary: Values of dilution ratio obtained using the given method and experimentally by measurement as a function of sample gas temperature. The presented work summarizes the results of the measurement of solid particle emissions from an experimental 30 kW combustion unit. keywords: acta; air; bed; biomass; capture; carbon; case; co2; combustion; composition; dilution; dilution ratio; dilutor; ejector; emissions; equation; experimental; figure; flow; flue; fluidized; fuel; gas; impactor; measurement; method; oxy; particle; polytechnica; rate; ratio; results; sample; solid; temperature cache: ap-7658.pdf plain text: ap-7658.txt item: #1076 of 1243 id: ap-7659 author: Reboiro, Marta; Ramírez, Romina; Fernández, Viviano title: Swanson Hamiltonian revisited through the complex scaling method date: 2022-02-28 words: 4999 flesch: 71 summary: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35(31):L467–L471, 2002. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 53(37):375302, 2020. keywords: complex; csm; different; effective; eigenfunctions; h(θ; hamiltonian; hermitian; iii; integrable; journal; mathematical; method; model; non; operators; physical; physics; plata; potential; quantum; real; region; space; spectrum; square; swanson; symmetry; systems; table; theoretical; u(θ; values; work; x)dx; ω−α−β cache: ap-7659.pdf plain text: ap-7659.txt item: #1077 of 1243 id: ap-766 author: Novotný, J.; Štefaňák, M.; Košt’ák, V. title: Multi-Particle Universal Processes date: 2005-01-05 words: 4375 flesch: 67 summary: We will use the following notation A j Z j j j j j j D B j Z D N N N D N � � � � � � � � � � { | ( , , , ), } { | � � � � � 1 22 2 3 � � � � � j j j j j j D j N j N N� � � � � � � ( , , ), } { } ! sgn( ) ) 1 1 2 1 2 1 � �� �� jN PN ) , �� (10) where PN is a group of permutations of N elements. Consider a linear map � from 1 to N particles, i. e. � � � � �: ( ) ( ), ( ) ( ), ( ) ( ),� � � �in out in out Np p p p� � � � (1) where the density matrix �in ( )p has the form �in N N D I( ) ( ) ( )p p p� � � � �1 1 1 , (2) i.e. the first particle is in the pure state p , and all others are in the state of a complete mixture. keywords: anti; case; condition; czech; d n; density; entanglement; family; form; hilbert; j j; matrix; multi; n n; output; p n; parameter; particle; processes; quantum; scalar; space; states; symmetric; technical; terms; universal; university; vector; � � cache: ap-766.pdf plain text: ap-766.txt item: #1078 of 1243 id: ap-7660 author: Taira, Takanobu title: Complex topological soliton with real energy in particle physics date: 2022-02-28 words: 7999 flesch: 71 summary: We note that the explicit forms of the similarity transformation will not be discussed in this paper as non-Hermitian and Hermitian theories are isospectral as long as the CPT symmetry is preserved for Hamiltonian, Higgs particles and monopole solution. Change in CPT symmetry and complex monopole solution We begin by introducing the useful quantities m21/g ≡ X, µ2/g ≡ Y, µ2/m22 ≡ Z. keywords: acta; ansatz; asymptotic; bps; breaking; classical; complex; conditions; cpt; different; differential; dotted; dyson; energy; equation; exceptional; field; figure; finite; fring; gauge; hamiltonian; hermitian; higgs; h±1; h±2; imaginary; limit; line; lower; m22; masses; matrix; mechanism; metric; millington; model; monopole; non; number; operator; parameter; particles; physical; physics; point; polytechnica; positive; quantum; real; region; review; scaling; section; soliton; solutions; symmetry; taira; term; theories; theory; topological; vacuum; value; ϕai cache: ap-7660.pdf plain text: ap-7660.txt item: #1079 of 1243 id: ap-7668 author: Escobar-Ruiz, Adrian M.; Montoya, Fidel title: Generalized three-body harmonic oscillator system: ground state date: 2022-02-28 words: 4162 flesch: 62 summary: In a previous work [4], the most general quantum system of a three-body chain of harmonic oscillators, in Rd, was explored exhaustively. The classical analogue of the quantum Hamilto- nian operator (8) describes an effective non-relativistic 51 Adrian M. Escobar-Ruiz, Fidel Montoya Acta Polytechnica Figure 1. 3-body chain of harmonic oscillators. keywords: algebraic; arbitrary; body; case; classical; constants; coordinates; corresponding; dimensional; energy; equal; figure; generalized; ground; hamiltonian; harmonic; hidden; identical; masses; model; operator; oscillator; particles; physics; potential; problem; quantum; schrödinger; solutions; space; spring; state; system; variables; µ12; µ13; µ23; ν12; ν13; ρ12; ρ13; ρ23 cache: ap-7668.pdf plain text: ap-7668.txt item: #1080 of 1243 id: ap-7669 author: Smilga, Andrei title: Modified Korteweg-de Vries equation as a system with benign ghosts date: 2022-02-28 words: 4459 flesch: 69 summary: − ψ4x − ψxψt 2 (38) acquires the form LN = N∑ k=1 { [ψxx(kh,x)]2 − [ψx(kh,x)]4 2 − 1 2 ψx(kh,x) ψ[(k + 1)h,x] − ψ[(k − 1)h,x] 2h } , (39) where we impose the periodicity: ψ(0,x) ≡ ψ(Nh,x) and ψ[(N + 1)h,x] ≡ ψ(h,x).7 In recent [18], we outlined two wide classes of benign ghost systems: (i) the systems obtained by a varia- tion of ordinary systems and involving, compared to them, a double set of dynamic variables and (ii) the systems describing geodesic motion over Lorenzian manifolds. keywords: acta; ansatz; benign; blow; case; cauchy; classical; conditions; data; derivative; direction; discrete; dynamics; energy; equation; evolution; field; figure; form; functions; ghosts; hamiltonian; higher; initial; lagrangian; mkdv; motion; noise; numerical; ordinary; oscillator; particle; periodic; physical; physics; polytechnica; potential; problem; quantum; review; smilga; solution; spatial; system; time; u(t; uxxx; v(u; values cache: ap-7669.pdf plain text: ap-7669.txt item: #1081 of 1243 id: ap-7670 author: Seghman, Petr; Krátký, Lukáš; Jirout, Tomáš title: Effect of membrane separation process conditions on the recovery of syngas components date: 2022-06-30 words: 4262 flesch: 56 summary: The presented study focuses on inspecting the dependency between process conditions, especially permeate and retentate pressure and component recovery of H2, CO, and CO2 during a membrane separation of model syngas. Keywords: Membrane separation, syngas improvement, components recovery, hollow fibre module. keywords: bar; barrer; biomass; co2; component; composition; concentration; conditions; cut; data; dependency; difference; feed; fibre; figure; flow; gas; hollow; ideal; measured; membrane; mixture; model; module; mol; molar; permeability; permeate; polyimide; pressure; process; pure; recovery; retentate; selectivity; separation; stage; study; syngas; s−1; temperature; total; unit; values cache: ap-7670.pdf plain text: ap-7670.txt item: #1082 of 1243 id: ap-7671 author: Turbiner, Alexander V.; del Valle, Juan Carlos title: From quartic anharmonic oscillator to double well potential date: 2022-02-28 words: 1796 flesch: 64 summary: The ground state energy for (5) obtained variationally using the function (9) at p = 0 and compared with LMM results [7], where all printed digits (in the second line) are correct, E(0,0)var = 0.932 517 518 401 , E (0,0) mesh = 0.932 517 518 372 . The first excited state energy for (5) obtained varia- tionally using the function (9) at p = 1 and compared with LMM results [7], where all printed digits (in the second line) are correct, E(0,1)var = 3.396 279 329 936 , E (0,1) mesh = 3.396 279 329 887 . keywords: anharmonic; del; double; expansion; function; ground; note; oscillator; parameters; potential; quantum; quartic; results; semiclassical; single; small; state; turbiner; valle cache: ap-7671.pdf plain text: ap-7671.txt item: #1083 of 1243 id: ap-7672 author: Contreras-Astorga, Alonso; Fernández C., David J. ; Muro-Cabral, César title: Linearised coherent states for non-rational SUSY extensions of the harmonic oscillator date: 2022-02-28 words: 4908 flesch: 60 summary: After the linearisation, we derive coherent states as eigenstates of the annigilation operator and analyse some relevant mathematical and physical properties, such as the completeness relation, mean-energy values, temporal stability, time evolution of the probability densities, and Wigner distributions. Keywords: Supersymmetric quantum mechanics, non-rational extensions, linearised ladder operators, coherent states. keywords: annihilation; behaviour; classical; coherent; coherent states; commutation; eigenfunctions; energy; equation; equivalent; evolution; extensions; factorization; fernández; figure; functions; general; hamiltonian; harmonic; heisenberg; hilbert; infinite; intertwining; journal; ladder; linearised; mathematical; mechanics; new; non; operators; order; oscillator; physics; potential; properties; quantum; rational; relation; schrödinger; second; seed; solutions; states; subspace; supersymmetric; susy; transformations; |zν cache: ap-7672.pdf plain text: ap-7672.txt item: #1084 of 1243 id: ap-7673 author: Castillo-Celeita, Miguel; Contreras-Astorga, Alonso ; Fernández C., David J. title: Photonic graphene under strain with position-dependent gain and loss date: 2022-02-28 words: 4776 flesch: 71 summary: In this zone, there are only two inequivalent points, K± = (± 4π3√3a, 0). If we consider uniform strain in the lattices, which is represented by a strain tensor u = ( u11 0 0 u22 ) , (9) the Fermi velocity is modified in the following form vij = v0(1 + (1 − β)uij ). keywords: acta; approach; atoms; carbon; contreras; cosh(2κs; dependent; dirac; equation; fermi; fernández; fibers; field; figure; gain; gauge; graphene; hamiltonian; intertwining; journal; lattice; letters; loss; magnetic; matrix; mechanics; modes; n=1; new; operator; optical; photonic; photonic graphene; physical; physics; points; position; potential; quantum; review; second; solutions; strain; supersymmetric; susy; system; term; transformation; uniform; use; vectors; velocity; γ(s cache: ap-7673.pdf plain text: ap-7673.txt item: #1085 of 1243 id: ap-7674 author: Gutiérrez Altamirano, Izamar; Contreras-Astorga, Alonso ; Raya Montaño , Alfredo title: Time-dependent step-like potential with a freezable bound state in the continuum date: 2022-02-28 words: 4418 flesch: 70 summary: but before we had A = 0, one can still have a Schrödinger equation without vector potential by tuning appropriately the scalar potential. Keywords: Bound states in the continuum, supersymmetric quantum mechanics, time-dependent quantum systems. keywords: acta; behavior; bic; confluent; continuum; dependent; energy; equation; figure; freezable; frozen; function; journal; like; mechanics; physical; physics; point; polytechnica; potential; probability; quantum; review; scattering; schrödinger; sin(ky; solutions; square; state; stationary; step; supersymmetric; susy; system; time; transformation; vector; wavefunction; ψ̄ϵ; ϕ(x cache: ap-7674.pdf plain text: ap-7674.txt item: #1086 of 1243 id: ap-768 author: Novotný, P.; Hrivnák, J. title: On Orbits of the Ring Zmn under Action of the Group SL(m, Zn) date: 2005-01-05 words: 4890 flesch: 81 summary: From the definition of equivalence we have a b SL m a b a bpq~ ( , ), ( ( )� � � � � �A Z A G A) G , where � � � � G A) A) A) ) ) Therefore the stability subgroup of the point (0, …, 0, 1) is: S A A SL m SL m m m n: ( , )| ( , , , � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �A B Z B 1 2 0 0 1 1 � � Zn ) � � � � � � � � � � � � � � , and its order is S n pm m i j j m i r � �� � � � � � 2 1 2 1 1 1( ). keywords: action; arbitrary; czech; definition; element; equal; form; group; m m; m n; matrix; mod; number; orbit; orm; p m; prime; ring; set; sl(m; vol; |gcd; � sl; � � cache: ap-768.pdf plain text: ap-768.txt item: #1087 of 1243 id: ap-7684 author: Řeřicha, Petr title: A mindlin shell finite element for stone masonry bridges with backfill date: 2022-04-30 words: 7771 flesch: 70 summary: Vx is the standard shear force in element local y − z plane when looking along x axis and Vy is the standard shear force in element local x − z plane when looking along y axis. The matrix ex- pression for vector R⃗ is in terms of g⃗ R⃗ = {g⃗, −g⃗} { Xbe Xbf } Recall that Xbe denotes the third element of the nodal forces matrix of element e at node i and the analogue holds for Xbf . keywords: acta; analysis; application; arch; arch bridges; arches; axis; backfill; beam; bed; bed joints; benchmark; bending; bridges; code; components; conditions; conjugate; constitutive; coordinate; cross; deflection; deformation; direction; displacement; dofs; elastic; element; element local; equations; equilibrium; face; failure; figure; finite; finite element; forces; functions; global; joints; linear; load; local; masonry; masonry arch; material; matrices; matrix; mesh; mindlin; models; nodal; node; normal; plane; rigid; rotations; section; shape; shear; shell; shell element; simple; solution; stiffness; stone; strain; stress; stresses; submatrices; system; tension; terms; timoshenko; translational; transverse; tt element; vector; vertices; x axis; xbf; x⃗f; y =; ∂sb; ∂st cache: ap-7684.pdf plain text: ap-7684.txt item: #1088 of 1243 id: ap-7699 author: Rachwał, Lesław title: How to understand the structure of beta functions in six-derivative Quantum Gravity? date: 2022-02-28 words: 38766 flesch: 55 summary: Only in such conditions one can define general scattering problem in quantum gravitational theory. In general, the scattering processes are not every- thing we can talk about in quantum field theories even for on-shell quantities. keywords: 1/2022; acta; action; analysis; arguments; background; basis; beta; beta functions; box; case; classical; classical action; classical level; classical theory; coefficients; computation; compute; conformal; conformal gravity; conformal symmetry; consistent; constant; contributions; corresponding; cosmological; counterterms; counting; coupling; covariant; curvatures; d =; degenerate; dependence; derivative; derivative gravitational; derivative gravity; derivative model; derivative operator; derivative quantum; derivative terms; derivative theory; derivative uv; diagrams; different; differential; dimensions; divergent; dynamical; dynamics; effective; einstein; energy; example; expression; fact; feynman; field; field theory; final; final results; finite; fixing; flat; fluctuations; following; formula; functions; fundamental; gauge; gauge theory; general; generic; ghosts; good; gravitational; gravitational action; gravitational field; gravitational theory; graviton; gravity case; gravity model; gravity theory; green; gµν; hessian; higher; higher derivative; independent; interactions; invariant; issue; journal; kinetic; lagrangian; leading; lesław; level; like; limit; limiting; local; logarithm; loop; loop level; loop uv; main; matrix; matter; method; metric; minimal; model; modesto; n =; need; new; non; number; operator; order; original; parameters; partial; parts; perturbative; physical; physics; point; polytechnica; possible; power; prescription; present; problems; procedure; propagator; properties; proportional; pure; quadratic; quantum; quantum conformal; quantum field; quantum gravitational; quantum gravity; quantum level; quantum loop; quantum matter; quantum theory; rachwał; ratio; reduced; regime; related; remark; renormalizability; renormalizable; renormalizable theory; renormalization; results; review; ricci; scalar; scale; second; sector; shapiro; situation; solutions; spacetime; special; stability; standard; stelle; stelle theory; structure; subleading; super; symmetry; tensor; terms; theoretical; theories; theory; trace; type; unitarity; use; uv divergences; values; vol; way; weyl; x4−der cache: ap-7699.pdf plain text: ap-7699.txt item: #1089 of 1243 id: ap-770 author: Thinová, L.; Fronka, A.; Milka, D. title: Personal Dosimetry Enhancement for Underground Workplaces date: 2005-01-05 words: 1968 flesch: 42 summary: With the aim of specifying the calculation of the real effective dose in caves, the following test measurements were carried out a few years ago: natural radioactive element content eval- uation in subsoils and in water inside/outside to study radon sources in the cave; continual radon measurements; regu- lar radon and daughters measurements using a sampling procedure to specify the proportion of radon daughters; regular indoor air flow measurements to study the location of the radon supply and its transfer among individual areas of the cave; 5-day aerosol particle-size spectrum measure- ments to determine the free fraction and to compare the aerosol spectra in an apartment and in a cave; comparative measurements using various radon and daughters monitors to study their behaviour in an area with high humidity (in- cluding Radim 4 – a device for simultaneous detection of radon concentration and concentration of unattached and at- tached fractions of its daughters); monitoring the behaviour of guides and visitors to record time spent in the cave, related to the continuously monitored levels of Rn concentration; some personal monitors for testing the detection of radon and its daughters. Keywords: radon concentration, underground, cave, effective dose, aerosol particles. b)a) Fig. keywords: aerosol; air; areas; calculation; cave; concentration; continual; czech; daughters; dose; effective; equilibrium; evaluation; factor; fig; flow; fraction; high; individual; measurements; prague; radon; results; sources; study; technical; time; unattached; underground; university cache: ap-770.pdf plain text: ap-770.txt item: #1090 of 1243 id: ap-7718 author: Zelaya, Kevin title: Time-dependent mass oscillators: constants of motion and semiclasical states date: 2022-02-28 words: 7119 flesch: 63 summary: Thus, the semiclassi- cal states ξα(x,t) minimize the Schrödinger-Robertson relationship for t ∈ R. 4. + iη ) , (11) where A(x,t) is a local time-dependent complex-phase and [27] η(t) := m0 2ℏ γ(t)Wγ (t) σ(t) − 1 2ℏ ∫ t dt′ F(t′) µ(t′) , Wµ(t) = σ(t)µ̇(t) − σ̇(t)µ(t), Wγ (t) = σ(t)γ̇(t) − σ̇(t)γ(t), (12) with ḟ(t) ≡ df (t) dt a short-hand notation for the time derivative. keywords: a(x; acta; calculations; caldirola; case; coherent; complex; constants; corresponding; dependent; different; discussion; dynamics; eigensolutions; eigenvalue; equation; exact; figure; form; general; hamiltonian; hand; heisenberg; ĥck(t; ĥosc; initial; invariants; îa(t; journal; kanai; leads; m0w0; mass; mathematical; model; momentum; motion; new; non; nonstationary; oscillator; physical; physics; point; polytechnica; position; problem; p̂x; quantum; regularized; relationship; results; robertson; schrödinger; semiclassical; set; solutions; states; stationary; systems; term; time; transformations; uncertainty; w21; zelaya; µ(t; γ(t; ξα(x; σ(t; σ2(t; ψn(x cache: ap-7718.pdf plain text: ap-7718.txt item: #1091 of 1243 id: ap-772 author: Čechák, T.; Musílek, L.; Trojek, T.; Kopecká, I. title: Application of X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis in Investigations of Historical Monuments date: 2005-01-05 words: 3061 flesch: 57 summary: I e I e � � � � � ( , ) 3 Analysis of fresco pigments The X-ray fluorescence equipment was built and is now operated in the Laboratory of Quantitative Methods in the Research of Ancient Monuments at FNSPE. keywords: 19th; absorption; analysis; atom; black; century; characteristic; coating; composition; czech; detector; elemental; elements; energy; excitation; fig; fluorescence; fresco; intensity; layer; measurements; methods; ochre; paintings; pigments; prague; process; radiation; ray; red; results; spectrometry; substrate; technical; thickness; university; vol; white; xrfa cache: ap-772.pdf plain text: ap-772.txt item: #1092 of 1243 id: ap-7721 author: Abed, Hadeel S.; Abdullah, Hikmat N. title: Improvement of spectrum sensing performance in cognitive radio using modified hybrid sensing method date: 2022-04-30 words: 5363 flesch: 49 summary: Figure 4 presents the same performance as in Fig- ure 3, but in Rayleigh multipath fading, it can be noted that all techniques have the same detection performance as compared with Figure 3, but with a degradation in the probability of detection due to multipath fading, and the matched filter also outper- forms other technique in the case of a good knowledge of PU. 233 Hadeel S. Abed, Hikmat N. Abdullah Acta Polytechnica Figure 5. Pd versus Eb/No of proposed sensing methods under Rayleigh fading and non-cooperative scenario. Method Computational complexity Proposed method CT otalproposed = 4N − 2 + 3o ( N 2 log2 N 2 ) + o ( N 2 ) Hybrid method in [21] Chybrid = 2N + 2N − 2 keywords: abdullah; acta; autocorrelation; cfd; channel; cognitive; complexity; computational; computational complexity; cooperative; cyclic; cyclostationary; detection; detector; energy; equation; fading; feature; figure; filter; frequency; good; hybrid; hybrid method; improvement; information; journal; low; matched; method; multipath; networks; noise; non; number; performance; polytechnica; probability; process; radio; received; results; samples; scenarios; sensing; signal; spectrum; stage; table; technique; threshold; traditional; wireless cache: ap-7721.pdf plain text: ap-7721.txt item: #1093 of 1243 id: ap-7723 author: Beneduci, Roberto; Frion, Emmanuel; Gazeau, Jean-Pierre title: Quantum description of angles in the plane date: 2022-02-28 words: 5839 flesch: 73 summary: 15 Acta Polytechnica 62(1):8–15, 2022 1 Introduction 2 Background 2.1 Definition of POVMs 2.2 Integral quantization 3 Euclidean plane as Hilbert space of quantum states 3.1 Mixed states as density matrices 3.2 Describing non-commutativity and finding Naimark extensions through rotations 3.3 Linear polarization of light as a quantum phenomenon 4 Entanglement and isomorphisms 4.1 Bell states and quantum correlations 4.2 Bell inequality and its violation 4.3 Entanglement of two angles 5 Conclusions Acknowledgements References A quantum measurement corresponds to an affine map S(H) 7→ M+(Ω) from quantum states to probability measures, ρ 7→ µρ. keywords: angles; basis; bell; case; classical; complex; cos; density; dimensional; entanglement; eϕ+π/2; function; half; hilbert; integral; light; linear; map; matrices; matrix; measurement; mixed; operator; p(ϕa; physics; plane; pointer; polarization; pure; quantization; quantum; real; rϕ0; set; sin; space; states; system; unit; vector; |0⟩; ∣∣∣π cache: ap-7723.pdf plain text: ap-7723.txt item: #1094 of 1243 id: ap-7733 author: Mandal, Bhabani Prasad title: Rational extension of many particle systems date: 2022-02-28 words: 5820 flesch: 64 summary: QES many particle system In this section, we would like to discuss a rational extension of Calogero like many particle systems In this talk, we briefly review the rational extension of many particle systems, and is based on a couple of our recent works. keywords: acta; annals; approach; body; calogero; case; classical; eops; equation; exceptional; extended; extension; functions; hermitian; interaction; invariant; isospectral; jacobi; journal; khare; laguerre; letters; mandal; mathematical; model; new; non; orthogonal; oscillator; particle; physics; polynomials; polytechnica; potential; qes; quantum; quesne; radial; rational; section; solution; solvable; susyqm; systems; tcs; terms; theoretical; wave; yadav cache: ap-7733.pdf plain text: ap-7733.txt item: #1095 of 1243 id: ap-7737 author: Sabatini, Michel; Havlík, Jan; Dlouhý, Tomáš title: Analysis of parameters important for indirect drying of biomass fuel date: 2022-06-30 words: 5190 flesch: 53 summary: Sensitivity analysis using penetration model for indirect drying of biomass The aim of the sensitivity analysis of the penetration model is to determine the effect of the change in the v of individual input parameters on its overall heat transfer coefficient and drying rate. The parameter was classified as significant if the change in the heat transfer coefficient or drying rate was greater than 3 % in the analysed range. keywords: analysis; bed; biomass; change; chemical; coefficient; conditions; constant; contact; content; coverage; diameter; dryer; drying; emissivity; energy; engineering; experiments; factor; fuel; gas; heat; heated; important; indirect; indirect drying; influence; material; model; moisture; operating; parameters; particle; penetration; period; pressure; process; processing; properties; rate; roughness; sensitivity; specific; speed; stirrer; surface; temperature; thermal; transfer; vacuum; wall cache: ap-7737.pdf plain text: ap-7737.txt item: #1096 of 1243 id: ap-7738 author: Agarwal, Kaustubh S.; Muldoon, Jacob ; Joglekar, Yogesh N. title: Conserved quantities in non-hermitian systems via vectorization method date: 2022-02-28 words: 5321 flesch: 59 summary: Inspired by the Lindblad density matrix equation, our approach provides a useful addition to the well-established methods for characterizing time-invariants in non-Hermitian systems. Conserved quantities in non-Hermitian systems If λpq is real, we can choose them to be Hermitian, as in the case of a static Hamiltonian. keywords: -symmetric; approach; breaking; case; classical; complex; conserved; constant; corresponding; dimer; dotted; dynamics; eigenvalue; equation; evolution; expectation; f(t; figure; floquet; gain; h2(t; hamiltonian; hermitian; hpt; intertwining; joglekar; journal; letters; lindblad; loss; mathematical; matrix; nature; non; observation; operators; optical; parity; periodic; phase; physical; physics; problem; pt -symmetric; quantities; quantum; real; review; section; simple; single; state; static; symmetry; systems; time; unitary; values; η̂1; η̂2; ℜλt3 cache: ap-7738.pdf plain text: ap-7738.txt item: #1097 of 1243 id: ap-774 author: Tippetts, J. R.; Tesař, V. title: Flow Visualisation by Condensing Steam – an Unusual Method Applied to Development of a Low Reynolds Number Fluidic Selector Valve date: 2005-01-06 words: 8281 flesch: 43 summary: The task Present authors find flow visualization indispensable for their current development of no-moving-part fluidic devices, in particular flow control valves. Somewhat surprisingly, there does not seem to be any description of this method in authori- tative monographs (e.g. [3, 4]) on flow visualization methods. keywords: /addbleedmarks false; /allowpsxobjects false; /ascii85encodepages false; /asreaderspreads false; /autofiltercolorimages true; /bicubic; /compresspages true; /createjobticket false; /detectblends true; /downsamplegrayimages true; /embedallfonts true; /emitdscwarnings false; /encodemonoimages true; /lockdistillerparams false; /optimize true; /parsedsccomments true; /preserveopicomments true; /qfactor; /quality; /subsetfonts true; /tileheight; /tilewidth; /useprologue false; acrobat; adobe; air; condensation; control; czech; false; false /addregmarks; false /allowtransparency; false /autopositionepsfiles; false /convertcolors; false /cropcolorimages; false /cropgrayimages; false /cropimagestoframes; false /embedallfonts; false /endpage; false /generatestructure; false /includebookmarks; false /includeguidesgrids; false /includeinteractive; false /includelayers; false /includeprofiles; false /omitplacedeps; false /parseiccprofilesincomments; false /pdfxnotrimboxerror; false /preserveopicomments; fig; flow; jet; method; model; pdf; reader; sample; state; tesař; true; true /grayimageminresolution; true /parsedsccommentsfordocinfo; true /preservecopypage; true /preservedicmykvalues; true /preserveoverprintsettings; true /startpage; university; valve; visualization; water cache: ap-774.pdf plain text: ap-774.txt item: #1098 of 1243 id: ap-776 author: Tesař, V. title: Time-Mean Helicity Distribution in Turbulent Swirling Jets date: 2005-01-06 words: 6877 flesch: 52 summary: The profile shape may be improved by a long nozzle exit channel, but this generates a thick boundary layer (degrading the outer parts of the profile) and the inevitable fast dissipation of the swirl decreases the achiev- able magnitude of nozzle exit helicity. 4.2 Similarity of helicity profiles in the jet The profiles of the time-mean helicity density were evalu- ated from the individual components of the velocity and vorticity vectors by computing the time-mean variant of the expression Eq.(1) � � � �w w w1 1 2 2 3 3� � � � (2) keywords: 6/2005; acta; adobe; angle; attack; axial; basic; case; character; chirality; components; computations; control; czech; czech technical; density; diameters; distance; downstream; edge; effect; energy; equation; evaluated; exit; experimental; fact; false; fig; flow; flowfield; fluid; generator; helical; helicity; helicity density; helicity profiles; house;; idea; important; inlet; investigations; jet; large; layer; local; magnitude; mean; mean helicity; model; momentum; negative; nozzle; nozzle exit; polytechnica; positive; prague; present; profiles; publishing; rate; relative; results; rotation; shape; similarity; small; structures; swirl; swirling; tangential; technical; technical university; tesař; time; true; turbulent; university; upstream; values; vanes; velocity; vol; vortex; vorticity; wall cache: ap-776.pdf plain text: ap-776.txt item: #1099 of 1243 id: ap-778 author: Abdelaziz, T. H. S.; Valášek, M. title: A Complete Parametric Solutions of Eigenstructure Assignment by State-Derivative Feedback for Linear Control Systems date: 2005-01-06 words: 8420 flesch: 68 summary: i i ij k ij k ijf� � � � �Q Q P B11 12 1 1 0( ) ( ) ( )( ),� � � � 0 and � �w v w wijk i The closed-loop characteristic polynomial is given by � det ( )� � � ���I I BK keywords: assignment; b �; bkn �; bn �; closed; control; controllable; czech; derivative; eigenstructure; eigenvalues; eigenvectors; false; feedback; following; gain; generalized; ij ij; ij k; input; k k; k n; linear; loop; matrix; mi �; n ij; n n; parameter; parametric; pij; problem; rank; right; s �; set; solution; space �; state; system; technical; true; university; variable �; vectors �; vol; wv �; � c; � cn; � det; � f; � n; � qi; � rn; � v; � vij; � w; � � cache: ap-778.pdf plain text: ap-778.txt item: #1100 of 1243 id: ap-780 author: Dynda, V. title: Generic Platform for Failure Recovery in Survivable Trees date: 2005-01-06 words: 6784 flesch: 59 summary: Graph S acts as an underlying network for a tree-topology overlay network modeled as graph T � (��, ��), where �� �� represents tree nodes, �� is a finite set of core tree edges representing overlay communication links connecting individual nodes ��. Consider T � (��, ��) to be an overlay tree network, �� ��� and �� T to be a connected vertex-induced subgraph of T. Failure of faulty cluster �� causes T to be partitioned into fragments Ti, i � 1, 2, …, N � card ( AT(��)), where card ( AT(��)) is cardinality of a neighbor set of �� in T. keywords: acta; algorithm; application; bypass; cluster; communication; cycle; czech; data; diameter; direction; dmax; election; failed; failure; failure recovery; fault; fig; fragments; grandfather; group; ieee; large; leader; link; methods; multicast; n j; n n; network; nodes; number; overlay; peer; platform; polytechnica; prague; properties; protection; reconnection; recovery; requirements; ring; root; routing; rt �; scale; scheme; single; size; source; specific; survivable; system; technical; tolerance; topology; traffic; tree; university; vol cache: ap-780.pdf plain text: ap-780.txt item: #1101 of 1243 id: ap-782 author: Večeř, P.; Kreidl, M.; Šmíd, R. title: Condition Indicators for Gearbox Condition Monitoring Systems date: 2005-01-06 words: 5530 flesch: 57 summary: The ability of a selected condition indicator to describe the degree of gearing wear was tested using vibration signals ac- quired during durability testing of manual transmission with helical gears. Generally three type of signal are used: a raw, a residual and a difference signal. keywords: 6/2005; acoustic; acta; adobe; amplitude; analysis; cis; condition; crest; czech; damage; data; debris; detection; difference; distribution; emission; energy; factor; failure; false; fig; frequency; gearbox; gearing; good; house;; increases; indicators; kurtosis; level; mean; mesh; monitoring; na4; number; oil; order; parameter; peak; polytechnica; prague; publishing; residual; rms; sensitive; signal; square; systems; technical; test; time; tooth; trend; true; university; use; value; vibration; vibration signal; vol cache: ap-782.pdf plain text: ap-782.txt item: #1102 of 1243 id: ap-784 author: Ficker, T. title: On Deterministic Chaos in Microdischarge Phenomena date: 2005-01-06 words: 3549 flesch: 38 summary: For example, the three-dimensional (d � 3) pseudo-vectors �(3) with the component interval �N � 2 can be written as follows � � � 1( ) ( ) ( ) 3 3 3 1 3 5 2 2 4 6 2 � � � � � � � � � U U U U U U U Un n n i j k d U U U U U ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ( ) � � � � � � � � � � � � 2 2 1 � � � � �U j d N� �( ) ) keywords: /bicubic; /documentcmyk; /qfactor; /quality; /tileheight; /tilewidth; acrobat; adobe; chaos; correlation; czech; deterministic; documents; electrical; false; ficker; fig; high; iec61966; microdischarges; pdf; prepress; pulses; reader; series; srgb; system; technical; true; university; vol; voltage cache: ap-784.pdf plain text: ap-784.txt item: #1103 of 1243 id: ap-786 author: Čermáková, E. title: Magnetization of Steel Building Materials and Structures in the Natural Geomagnetic Field date: 2005-01-06 words: 3813 flesch: 56 summary: What is called the effective magnetic moment mG is therefore established as a projection of the vector mtot into the direction of the opposite vector J, which is sufficient to describe the basic magnetic phenomena given by the rela- tionship between vectors mG and J. Vector J (and also mG) can take only discrete positions in the direction of the magnetic field (the projections JH of vec- tor J in the direction of field H are given as multiples of Planck’s constant � � h ( )2� , in the form J MH G� �; MG is the quantum number for the projection of the total moment of the atom momentum into the axis of quantization. (5) The geomagnetic field described above magnetizes ferro- magnetic materials (involving various alloy steels, cast iron, steel reinforcement of panels, various types of building steels) which become magnetized even by weak magnetic fields and keep this condition also after the external magnetic field has been removed. keywords: -5 -5; 6/2005; acta; adobe; atom; b/10; building; changes; crystal; czech; deformation; direction; external; false; ferromagnetic; field; fig; geomagnetic; geomagnetic field; hmr; house;; induction; magnetic; magnetometer; materials; meridian; moment; natural; output; pdf; polytechnica; prague; profile; publishing; skeleton; steel; technical; time; total; true; university; vector; vol cache: ap-786.pdf plain text: ap-786.txt item: #1104 of 1243 id: ap-788 author: Kubalík, P.; Kubátová, H. title: Parity Codes Used for On-Line Testing in FPGA date: 2005-01-06 words: 5655 flesch: 63 summary: [12] we used format converting tools, parity circuit generator tools and simulation tools. FAIL (circuit N-1) Input Check bits (circuit N-1) Original combinational circuit Original combinational circuit Check bits generator Check bits generator 1 4 2 5 6 3 Fig. 8: Proposed structure of TSC circuits implemented in FPGA [8] Kubalík, P., Kubátová, H.: “Design of Self Checking Circuits Based on FPGA.” keywords: adobe; area; benchmarks; bits; cases; ced; checking; circuit; code; combinational; coverage; czech; design; detection; error; example; experiments; false; fault; fig; format; fpga; generator; hamming; input; level; line; logic; lut; matrix; memory; minimization; network; number; original; output; overhead; parity; parity bits; pla; primary; process; properties; property; redundancy; self; set; single; software; table; technical; test; time; tools; true; tsc; university; vector cache: ap-788.pdf plain text: ap-788.txt item: #1105 of 1243 id: ap-790 author: Mervart, L.; Čepek, A. title: Geoinformatics Study at the Czech Technical University in Prague date: 2005-01-06 words: 3397 flesch: 48 summary: We believe that the new courses on geoinformatics, with an intensive focus on the theoretical background, will help us to attract more talented students, who will be able to collabo- rate on software projects of a scientific nature, as described above. However, our goal is also to open the new study branch to other fields, namely to geaduates of other bachelor programs at our faculty, e.g., Environmen- tal Engineering or the existing study branch Geodesy and Cartography Geoinformatics Geodesy and Cartography Geoinformatics � Environmental Engineering (or Water Engineering and Water Structures) System Engineering in the Building Industry (IT) keywords: 6/2005; acta; adobe; bachelor; bernese; branch; calculus; cartography; computer; courses; credits; czech; data; degree; development; earth; education; elective; engineering; false; fig; free; geodesy; geodetic; geoinformatics; gps; house;; information; institute; master; mathematical; network; new; pdf; polytechnica; prague; processing; program; project; publishing; real; science; seismic; sem; social; software; stations; students; study; system; table; technical; time; true; university; vol cache: ap-790.pdf plain text: ap-790.txt item: #1106 of 1243 id: ap-7909 author: da Cruz, Daniel Magalhães; Clain, Fernanda Mazuco; Guilherme, Carlos Eduardo Marcos title: Experimental study of the torsional effect for yarn break load test of polymeric multifilaments date: 2022-10-31 words: 5544 flesch: 60 summary: Linear density test, Tex In the characterisation methodology of each of the multifilament materials In addition to optimal torsion values, this conclusion is paramount, the test procedure makes a general recommendation that does not optimise the breaking strength. keywords: acta; breaking; clain; data; density; effect; elongation; equation; experimental; figure; force; function; groups; guilherme; high; hmpe; increase; iso; linear; linear density; literature; load; materials; mathematical; maximum; mechanical; metre; model; modulus; mooring; multifilaments; offshore; optimal; point; polyamide; polyester; polyethylene; polymeric; polytechnica; recommendation; results; rio; rupture; square; standard; strength; study; table; test; tex; torsion; torsional; turns; twist; values; yarn; ybl cache: ap-7909.pdf plain text: ap-7909.txt item: #1107 of 1243 id: ap-792 author: Kuhlenkoetter, B. title: Development of a Robot System for Advanced High Quality Manufacturing Processes date: 2006-01-01 words: 2278 flesch: 38 summary: In the course of the project presented here, a new genera- tion of robot systems is originating that can process sensory feedback to surface errors, and can establish and carry out experience-based optimum error compensation strategies. (Fig. 4) 4 Optimized automation through innovative robot systems keywords: acta; automation; complex; czech; development; error; fig; grinding; high; house;; industrial; manual; manufacturing; new; offline; operator; optimization; optimizing; polishing; polytechnica; prague; process; processes; processing; production; programming; project; quality; robot; software; surface; system; technical; university; use; vol; workpiece cache: ap-792.pdf plain text: ap-792.txt item: #1108 of 1243 id: ap-794 author: Mamtani, G.; Green, G. title: Reliability Risk Evaluation during the Conceptual Design Phase date: 2006-01-01 words: 4048 flesch: 58 summary: Henceforth, 8 © Czech Technical University Publishing House Acta Polytechnica Vol. 46 No. 1/2006 Czech Technical University in Prague Reliability Risk Evaluation during the Conceptual Design Phase G. Mamtani, G. Green Systematic evaluations of concept designs involve considering a range of criteria. Keywords: reliability, concept design. keywords: ahp; application; available; comparison; concept; conceptual; criteria; czech; decision; design; entropy; example; fig; function; functionality; hierarchy; main; matrix; method; phase; priorities; process; product; prt; r3i; relative; reliability; respect; seat; section; structure; table; technical; temperature; university; weights cache: ap-794.pdf plain text: ap-794.txt item: #1109 of 1243 id: ap-7953 author: Khrabustovskii , Andrii ; Znojil , Miloslav title: Analytic and Algebraic Methods in Physics date: 2022-02-28 words: 1023 flesch: 34 summary: For all of these reasons, the organizers of the AAMP series came to the conclusion that one of the possible reactions to the unpleasant current circumstances would be an enrichment of the internet-mediated standard 1 Andrii Khrabustovskii, Miloslav Znojil Acta Polytechnica form of the meetings (in which one listens to talks for a few days, without having a real opportunity of discussing the subjects in the couloirs) via a return to an apparently obsolete practice of a subsequent preparation and publication of at least some of the talks in their written, more lasting and better accessible form, better suitable for the subsequent critical re-evaluation. In comparison with the AAMP meeting itself (where the separate subjects covered by 36 talks have been subdivided into 12 sections), a minor disadvantage of our present SI lies, from the point of view of its readers at least, in the (traditional) alphabetical ordering of the contributions by their first authors. keywords: aamp; acta; acta polytechnica; algebraic; analytic; conferences; form; issue; meeting; methods; physics; polytechnica; readers; series; special; subjects; talks cache: ap-7953.pdf plain text: ap-7953.txt item: #1110 of 1243 id: ap-796 author: Rehák, B. title: Design of a Predictive Hierarchical Controller Using FEMLAB date: 2006-01-01 words: 4663 flesch: 70 summary: The functions u, x, � that solve the minimization problem also satisfy the following set of equations on the interval (T, TH) (DxF, or DuF denotes the de- rivative of function F with respect to variable x or u.): � �� ( ), ( )x f x t u t� � � � �� ( ), ( ) ( ), ( ) ( )� �� �D j x t u t D f x t u t tx x � � � �0 � �D j x t u t The optimization problem P[T(k � 1)Tv, �((k � 1)Tv] is solved. keywords: barrier; boundary; control; controller; cost; czech; design; dynamic; equation; femlab; fig; following; function; hierarchical; interval; k �; level; lower; opt; opt opt; opt t; optimal; optimization; problem; solving; state; system; t t; t w; technical; time; trajectory; u t; u u; university; upper; � j cache: ap-796.pdf plain text: ap-796.txt item: #1111 of 1243 id: ap-798 author: Drahovzal, O. title: Company Value, Real Options and Financial Leverage date: 2006-01-01 words: 1826 flesch: 66 summary: Free cash flow is given by the fol- lowing equation: FCF EBIT t AD INV� � � � �( )1 , (1) where EBIT is earnings before interest and taxes, t is tax rate, AD is the amount of amortization and depreciation, and INV is the value of the investments. X e N drt� � � � ��( ) ( )1 2 , (4) d S X r t t1 2 2 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ln � � , (5) d d t2 1� � �� , (6) where S is the current price of the asset, X is the strike price of the asset, r is the risk-free interest rate, t is time to expiration of the option, N () is the standard normal cumulative distribu- tion function and � is the volatility of the price of the asset. keywords: a.s; capital; cash; company; czech; debt; debt ratio; dr �; equity; evaluation; financial; flow; formula; free; method; option; prague; ratio; technical; total; university; value; wacc cache: ap-798.pdf plain text: ap-798.txt item: #1112 of 1243 id: ap-800 author: Saafan, M. A. A. title: Shear Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using GFRP Wraps date: 2006-01-01 words: 6400 flesch: 58 summary: 3: Load-deflection curves for control beams with web rein- forcement 0 10 20 30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Midspan deflection (mm) C8 C10 C13 C8F C10F Fig. 4: Load-deflection curves for control beams with no web rein- forcement 0 10 20 30 40 0 2 4 6 8 10 Midspan deflection (mm) S8FP S8FU S8FR C8 Fig. 5: Load-deflection curves for shear strengthened beams 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 Midspan deflection (mm) S10FP S10FU S10FR C10 Fig. 6: Load-deflection curves for shear strengthened beams expected. A further increase in the cracking load was recorded in shear strengthened beams as the com- posite extended along the shear span (66 percent of the span) and thus the cracks were forced to occur along a limited por- tion of the beam. keywords: acta; beams; bond; bonding; capacity; composite; concrete; concrete beams; control; control beams; crack; curves; czech; debonding; deflection; design; different; fabric; failure; fiberglass; fig; flexural; flexure; frp; gfrp; group; house;; increase; layers; load; lower; mode; mpa; plates; polyester; polytechnica; ratio; reinforcement; repair; results; shear; shear capacity; shear reinforcement; shear strength; span; steel; strengthened; strengthening; stress; table; technical; tensile; tension; test; thickness; ultimate; university; vol; web; web reinforcement; wraps cache: ap-800.pdf plain text: ap-800.txt item: #1113 of 1243 id: ap-802 author: Pekař, J.; Štecha, J. title: Identification and Predictive Control by p-norm Minimization date: 2006-01-01 words: 3876 flesch: 73 summary: y t u t u t� � �{ ( ), ( ), , ( ), ( ), }1 1� � leads to minimization of error vector � �� � �e t e t T( ), ( ),1 � . The previous problem is weighted Least Squares: min ( ) ( ) , ( ) ( ) x D b Ax D� � � p� � � 2 2 2 diag . keywords: control; criterion; czech; fig; identification; input; linear; minimization; model; norm; output; predictive; problem; programming; quadratic; results; squares; system; t t; technical; time; u t; university; vector; vol; y t; � � cache: ap-802.pdf plain text: ap-802.txt item: #1114 of 1243 id: ap-804 author: Tesař, V. title: Similarity Solutions of Jet Development Mixing Layers Using Algebraic and 1-Equation Turbulence Models date: 2006-01-01 words: 11377 flesch: 56 summary: (34) Unfortunately, the only points at which all five values f, u, g, , n are known are the two extremes at the theoretical boundaries �1EQ � � � and �1EQ � � �. 15: Solutions for the dimensionless velocity u obtained by nu- merical integration of the set of equations d df u� � , d du g� � , and d dg f� � � in the direction of the positive transversal similarity co-ordinate �ALG . keywords: 1eq �; acta; algebraic; axial; boundary; case; central; character; comparison; conditions; constant; curvature; czech; d d; data; definition; different; dissipation; distance; downstream; energy; eqs; equation; equilibrium; experimental; fact; fig; flows; fluctuation; g �; gradient; görtler; house;; integration; jet; jets; k s; layer; local; mean; mixing; mixing layer; model; momentum; negative �; nozzle; ordinate; outer; point; polytechnica; prague; prandtl; present; problem; production; profiles; publishing; rate; relative; results; scale; shear; similarity; similarity solution; small; solution; starting; streamwise; submerged; technical; terms; tesař; thickness �; time; transformation; transformed; transport; transversal; turbulence; university; useful; values; velocity; vol; w k; � alg; � � cache: ap-804.pdf plain text: ap-804.txt item: #1115 of 1243 id: ap-806 author: Bokr, J.; Jáneš, V. title: Logical Structural Models with Multiplexors date: 2006-01-01 words: 2364 flesch: 73 summary: hence 58 © Czech Technical University Publishing House Acta Polytechnica Vol. 46 No. 1/2006 Czech Technical University in Prague Fig. 2: Multiplexor and the element of the sum modulo 2 – M2 Fig. 3: Decomposition maps of the function from Example 2 y � � � � � � � x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 0 0 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) � � � � � as well as y � � � � � � � � x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 4 5 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 3 2 3 4 5 0( ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 2 3 2 3� �x x x x ). If one cannot decide whether to construct f (X) or f X( ), then if w f X w f XH H m m m m( ) ( ), , , , , ,� � � � � �1 2 1 22 2 2 2� � or w f X w f XH H m m m m( ) ( ), , , , , ,� � � � � �1 2 1 22 2 2 2� � � then z x� 1 and y � � � �x f x x f x1 1 1 10 1( ) ( ) or z x� 1 and y � � � �x f x x f x1 1 1 10 1( ) ( ) respectively. keywords: arguments; czech; decomposition; fig; function; multiplexor; structural; university; y �; � � cache: ap-806.pdf plain text: ap-806.txt item: #1116 of 1243 id: ap-808 author: Bokr, J.; Jáneš, V. title: State of a Logical Object date: 2006-01-01 words: 4945 flesch: 66 summary: ( / ) : , { } [{ }] {[ X X X x x x x x x x N N� � � � � � � � � ] }x .� We have still to define the right-side congruence Nerode equivalence � on X N; the input words x x xi i i 0 1 � � and x x xj j j 0 1 � � (i j� ) are said to be right-side congruent, if there holds � � �� �2 0 1 2 0 1( ) ( ){ }, { },e x x x e x x xi i i j j j� �� � � � � � �2 0 1 1 2( ){ },e x x x x x xi i i� �� � � � � �� � � � �2 0 1 1 2( ){ },e x x x x x xj j j� � For the transition function �2 there is (i j� ): � { } { }x x x x x xi i i j j j 0 1 1 0 1 1 � � � �� �� � � �� �{ } { }x x x x x x x xi i i j j j 0 1 1 0 1 1 � � � � � � � { } { }x x x x x xi i i j j j 0 1 1 0 1 1 � � � �� �� � � � � � �{ } { }x x x x x x x xi i i j j j 0 1 1 0 1 1 � � � � � � where � � means either = or � , � { , } { }a x e� � is legitimate. The response y� is a value of the output function: � � � � � � �: : ,{ } { } { }[ ] [ ]H X Y h x y� � � of an output block O of the object, where h� is the instanta- neous input prehistory. keywords: automaton; circuit; czech; delay; fig; follower; function; initial; input; j j; logical; model; moment �; nondeterministic; object; output; s s; s x; s �; state; state s; stimulus; table; technical; transition; university; word; x n; y �; � t cache: ap-808.pdf plain text: ap-808.txt item: #1117 of 1243 id: ap-810 author: Soliman, H. F.; Attia, A.-F.; Hellal, M.; Badr, M. A. L. title: Power System Stabilizer Driven by an Adaptive Fuzzy Set for Better Dynamic Performance date: 2006-01-02 words: 4063 flesch: 67 summary: The differential equations that describe the system under study are as follows: � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �T D K K e M m q1 2 (1) � �� � �� � �b (2) � � � � � � � � � � � � � � e E K T e T Kq FD do q do 4 3 � (3) � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Where a b c dj i j i j i j i( ) ( ) ( ) ( ), , , � � and a b c dj i j i j i j i( ) ( ) ( ) ( )� � � . keywords: acta; adaptation; adaptive; afs; controller; czech; dynamic; ffs; fig; flc; fuzzy; house;; input; lines; linguistic; logic; membership; mfs; output; parameters; polytechnica; power; proposed; pss; results; rules; set; sets; simulation; speed; system; table; technical; time; university; variables; vol cache: ap-810.pdf plain text: ap-810.txt item: #1118 of 1243 id: ap-812 author: Attia, A.-F.; Soliman, H.; Sabry, M. title: Genetic Algorithm Based Control System Design of a Self-Excited Induction Generator date: 2006-01-02 words: 4766 flesch: 59 summary: 3.1 PI-Controller with a variable gain A program has been developed to compute the value of the variable integral gain KIV using the following rule: if e e K K elseif e e K K V V IV IV V V IV IV ( ), ; ( ), min min max ma � � � � x min max max min max m ; ( ), ( ) ( else e e e M K K e e V V V IV IV V V � � � � � in min min ); ; ( ) ; C K M e K M e C en d IV V IV V � � � � � � where eV is the voltage error, eVmin and eVmax are the mini- mum and maximum values of the voltage error, respectively, KIVmin and KIVmax are the minimum and maximum values of the variable integral gain, respectively, C is a constant and M is the slop constant of the linear part. d d � � � qs b qs s qs dst V R i� � � �( ), (12) where: �b is the base speed. keywords: acta; algorithm; angle; axis; bank; capacitor; chromosome; circuit; controller; current; cycle; czech; duty; dynamic; equation; equivalent; fig; frequency; gains; generator; genetic; house;; induction; integral; kiv; load; parameters; performance; pi controller; pitch; polytechnica; power; prague; publishing; reactive; results; rotor; seig; simulation; speed; stator; study; switching; system; technical; terminal; time; turbine; university; value; variable; voltage; wind cache: ap-812.pdf plain text: ap-812.txt item: #1119 of 1243 id: ap-814 author: Brož, P. title: Some Effects on Fatigue Strength date: 2006-01-02 words: 4721 flesch: 52 summary: Only biaxial stress systems need be considered in the case of those materials in which cracks are initiated at a free surface and the three failure criteria most commonly used (that is, maximum principal stress, maximum shear stress, and the maximum shear – strain energy or von Mises) may be expressed by the formulae: maximum principal stress � �� � � � � �e x y x y xy� � � � � 2 1 2 42 2 1 2( ) , (5a) maximum shear stress � �� � � �e x y xy� � �( )2 2 1 24 , (5b) von Mises � �� � � � � �e 2; they can be expressed in the form � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � �� � � � c m m n R 1 , (2) keywords: bending; combined; compressive; criterion; czech; data; fatigue; fatigue limit; fig; goodman; limit; line; loading; material; maximum; mean; mean stress; mises; modified; mpa; phase; ratio; shear; steel; strength; stress; stresses; surface; technical; tensile; torsion; torsional; uniaxial; university; value; von; � � cache: ap-814.pdf plain text: ap-814.txt item: #1120 of 1243 id: ap-8157 author: Klesa, Jan title: Determination of fan design parameters for light-sport aircraft date: 2022-10-31 words: 3955 flesch: 65 summary: 5/2022 Determination of fan design parameters for light-sport aircraft where ζ01 = 0.1 (based on CFD simulations from [10]). 5/2022 Determination of fan design parameters for light-sport aircraft Figure 4. keywords: aircraft; axial; constant; contraction; cross; density; dependence; design; determined; diameter; different; duct; efficiency; electric; fan; fan design; fan diameter; figure; flight; flight speed; flow; high; h−1; model; nozzle; nozzle contraction; parameters; point; power; pressure; propulsion; ratio; ratio a1; red; results; rpm; speed; sport; static; system; s−1; temperature; thrust; total; ul-39; velocity; κ−1 cache: ap-8157.pdf plain text: ap-8157.txt item: #1121 of 1243 id: ap-816 author: Pecherková, P.; Nagy, I. title: Mixture Based Outlier Filtration date: 2006-01-02 words: 3773 flesch: 60 summary: 5 Conclusions A new type of filter detecting outliers and data recon- struction has been described and demonstrated on a serial of examples. If the chosen component is that of the outliers, � generate data prediction using the data component, � use the predicted value as a reconstruction of the observed data, � use the predicted value in the (future) regression vector of the data component, � re-evaluate parameter statistics for the outlier com- ponent only. keywords: acta; algorithm; bayesian; big; blocks; component; control; czech; data; data component; detection; estimation; experiments; filter; kárný; mixture; model; modelling; nagy; observed; outliers; parameters; polytechnica; prague; prior; process; processing; regression; results; standard; statistics; table; technical; time; uncorrupted; university; value; vol; weight cache: ap-816.pdf plain text: ap-816.txt item: #1122 of 1243 id: ap-8177 author: Zehawi, Raquim N.; Kareem, Yassir A.; Khudhair, Emad Y. title: Reduction of pavement thickness using a subgrade layer treated by different techniques date: 2022-10-31 words: 4974 flesch: 61 summary: Such cases often result from the sen- sitivity to a high-water content, low specific gravity, and low shear strength, along with many undesirable characteristics of highway pavement subgrade soils. The process of stabilising subgrade soil is both efficient and cost effective in most cases, because road paving materials are generally less expensive than replacing the existing subgrade with stronger materials [2]. keywords: aashto; acta; addition; additives; afa; ash; cbr; chemical; concrete; cost; crumb; design; diyala; effect; engineering; financial; flexible; fly; gravity; grc; highway; increase; journal; layer; lime; low; materials; method; pavement; pavement thickness; percentage; plasticity; polytechnica; process; properties; ratio; recycled; reduction; research; results; road; rubber; samples; soft; soil; specific; stabilisation; strength; study; subgrade; table; test; thickness; type; use; value; waste; water cache: ap-8177.pdf plain text: ap-8177.txt item: #1123 of 1243 id: ap-818 author: Dočekal, A.; Kreidl, M.; Šmíd, R. title: System for 3D Visualization of Flaws for Eddy Current Inspection date: 2006-01-02 words: 2677 flesch: 62 summary: A matrix formed of EC signal values resulted from the data acquisition process, see Fig. (8) This result requires calibration especially due to the non- -linear principle of EC inspection. keywords: angle; bevel; current; czech; data; depth; eddy; fig; flaw; fourier; inspection; method; position; prague; probe; processing; sample; scanning; signal; signature; size; surface; system; technical; university; vector; visualization; vol cache: ap-818.pdf plain text: ap-818.txt item: #1124 of 1243 id: ap-820 author: Kalvoda, L.; Aubrecht, J.; Klepáček, R. title: Fiber Optic Detection of Ammonia Gas date: 2006-01-02 words: 4975 flesch: 55 summary: Central ion (Me2�) Counter-ion � � (nm), L1 � � (nm), L2 Fe2� (Br�)2 96 76 Co2� (Br�)2 105 82 Ni2� (Cl �)2 108 70 Cu2� (Cl �)2 125 70 Cu2� SO4 2� 129 70 Zn2� SO4 2� 81 69 Hg2� (NO3 �)2 106 80 Pb2� (NO3 �)2 98 68 Table 1: Bathochromic shifts � � resulting from creation of com- plex ions [L-Me-L]2�. In the research stage described here, the following objectives were adopted: (i) to choose reagent(s) suitable for further studies on optical fibres by evaluating the optical absorption spectra of two suitable organic dyes and their metallic com- plexes in solution, (ii) to prepare sensing fibre samples by diffusion of the reagent into a plastic clad silica (PCS) fibre cladding using the frequently applied procedure elaborated by our research group in frame of the CEC Copernicus programme [13, 9, 14], (iii) to test the concentration and temporal response to ammonia gas exposure by VIS-NIR absorption spectroscopy measurements on short fibre sec- tions, and (iv) to pre-evaluate the qualitative features of an OTDR signal by measurements on a longer fibre, only partially sensitized with the selected reagent. keywords: absorption; acta; ammonia; chemical; cladding; complex; complexes; concentration; curve; czech; detection; dye; ethanol; exposure; fibre; fig; gas; house;; intensity; interval; length; level; ligand; light; local; long; measurements; metallic; nir; nitrogen; observed; optical; otdr; polymer; polytechnica; ppm; prague; prepared; publishing; pulse; range; reaction; reagent; reflection; reflectometry; region; resolution; sections; sensing; sensitization; sensitized; sensors; short; signal; so4; spectra; spectroscopy; system; technical; time; university; vol cache: ap-820.pdf plain text: ap-820.txt item: #1125 of 1243 id: ap-822 author: Šimeček, I. title: A Simple Cache Emulator for Evaluating Cache Behavior for SMP Systems date: 2006-01-02 words: 1639 flesch: 67 summary: The Cache Emulator (CE) can simulate the behavior of caches inside an SMP system and compute the number of cache misses during a computation. No. 2/2006 A Simple Cache Emulator for Evaluating Cache Behavior for SMP Systems I. Šimeček Every modern CPU uses a complex memory hierarchy, which consists of multiple cache memory levels. keywords: behavior; bus; cache; code; coherence; cpu; czech; data; emulator; example; memory; misses; number; operations; program; smp; software; system; technical; university; user; write cache: ap-822.pdf plain text: ap-822.txt item: #1126 of 1243 id: ap-826 author: Šimeček, I. title: Performance Aspects of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication date: 2006-01-03 words: 2487 flesch: 65 summary: Loop unrolling-and-jam applied to the example code (Uf � 2) s1 � 0.0; s2 � 0.0; for i � 1 to n step 2 do s1 � s1 � A[i]; s2 � s2 � A[i+1]; s � s1 � s2; 1.2.3 Software pipelining The initial instruction(s) of the first iteration is/are moved into the prologue phase, and the final instruction(s) of the last iteration is/are moved into the epilogue phase. 4 Results Evaluation of the results: � Using structures ( SpM×V_(a) ) keywords: acta; array; cache; code; csr; czech; data; elements; fig; format; house;; instruction; loop; matrix; modification; multiplication; nonzero; performance; polytechnica; prague; publishing; rows; software; sparse; spm×v; technical; university; unrolling; vector; vol cache: ap-826.pdf plain text: ap-826.txt item: #1127 of 1243 id: ap-828 author: Robbe, M.-F. title: A Porosity Method to Describe Complex 3D-Structures Theory and Application to an Explosion date: 2006-01-03 words: 12282 flesch: 71 summary: I grad v grad v� � � � � � pressure ��� � � �2 3 ( ) � � � viscous stresses � �������� �������� where p is pressure, I the unit tensor, and the dynamic viscosity. The average values � and � are linked by: � � � �. keywords: acta; area; argon; baffle; bubble; ccp; central; channel; closure; code; components; conf; control; core; css; cylinder; czech; czech technical; diagrid; div; external; f f; f t; fig; flows; fluid; gas; grad; heat; house;; intermediate; internal; internal vessel; joining; lepareux; lower; main; main vessel; mara; mars; mass; mechanics; method; mock; model; mpa; neutron; nuclear; panache; plates; plug; polytechnica; porosity; porous; prague; pressure; proc; publishing; reactor; robbe; roof; shell; shielding; simulation; stresses; structures; support; technical; technical university; university; upper; v v; vessel; vol; volume; water; wave; whirlpool; zone; � � cache: ap-828.pdf plain text: ap-828.txt item: #1128 of 1243 id: ap-830 author: Brož, P. title: Metal Fatigue Features date: 2006-01-03 words: 5758 flesch: 60 summary: On a microscopic scale, fatigue crack growth is often an ir- regular process. 5: Various periods of fatigue life and applicable considerations In conjunction with the well-known Paris equation, it has to be recognized that fatigue crack growth is subject to physi- cal laws. keywords: acta; alloys; crack; crack growth; cycle; cyclic; czech; data; design; different; electron; environment; expected; factor; failure; fatigue; fatigue crack; fig; fracture; free; grains; growth; high; house;; initiation; large; length; life; limit; lips; load; low; material; mechanics; metal; microcracks; microscope; mild; mode; period; polytechnica; prague; problem; propagation; publishing; rate; shear; slip; small; specimen; steel; strength; stress; striations; structure; surface; technical; tensile; test; tip; university; value; vol; � k cache: ap-830.pdf plain text: ap-830.txt item: #1129 of 1243 id: ap-8300 author: Can, Erol title: Extra control coefficient additive ECCA-PID for control optimization of electrical and mechanic system date: 2022-10-31 words: 4184 flesch: 69 summary: The equation of the second order and PID system is given in Equation (22). 2. Design with PID controller Although the PD control from three controllers brings attenuation to the system, it does not affect the steady state behaviour of the system. keywords: coefficient; control; control system; controller; decision; ecca; error; extra; figure; gain; method; moment; order; oscillation; output; pid; pid control; process; reference; response; rise; settling; signal; step; system; time; traditional; unit; values cache: ap-8300.pdf plain text: ap-8300.txt item: #1130 of 1243 id: ap-832 author: Rieger, F. title: Determination of Rheological Parameters from Measurements on a Viscometer with Coaxial Cylinders date: 2006-01-03 words: 3681 flesch: 64 summary: 2.2 Bingham plastics The simplest model for viscoplastic behavior is the Bing- ham model �� � 0 for � �� 0 (10 a) � � � � �� � � � � � � p 0 � � for � �� 0, (10 b) where �p is plastic viscosity and �0 stands for yield stress. Czech Technical University in Prague 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 y* * � � � 0 � � � 0.1 � � � 1 Fig. 4: Dependence ��* on y* for � � 0.5 and selected values �* (�c* � 1.24) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 y* � � � 0 * � � � 5 � � � 50 Fig. 5: Dependence � *� on y* for � � 0.9 and selected values �* (�c* � 83.9) keywords: behavior; czech; dependence; fig; flow; index; k n; n n; radius; rate; ratio; shear; technical; university; values; � k; � � cache: ap-832.pdf plain text: ap-832.txt item: #1131 of 1243 id: ap-834 author: Lidmila, M.; Horníček, L.; Krejčiříková, H.; Tyc, P. title: Problems in Different Measuring and Assessment the Modulus of Deformation Using the Czech and German Methodologies date: 2006-01-03 words: 3113 flesch: 51 summary: The value of the total mean plate insertion from the loading branch of the second cycle is en- tered in the chart with a simultaneous calculation of the modulus of deformation using general formula: E p r y � � 1 5. , where E is static modulus of deformation It is determined from the loading chart, from the inclination of the secant line between two points given by the value of the 0.3- and 0.7-multiple of the maximum load, using the general formula: E r sv � � �15. � � � , where Ev is static modulus of deformation [MPa], r load plate radius, i.e. 0.15 keywords: 15sd; box; correlation; czech; deformation; determined; e10; experimental; field; granulated; gravel; layer; load; loading; mean; measurements; methodology; model; moduli; modulus; mpa; plate; plate load; sand; static; table cache: ap-834.pdf plain text: ap-834.txt item: #1132 of 1243 id: ap-8348 author: Khantoul, Boubakeur; Bounames, Abdelhafid title: Exact solutions for time-dependent complex symmetric potential well date: 2023-05-02 words: 4621 flesch: 67 summary: The pseudo Hermitian invariant operator and time-dependent non-Hermitian Hamiltonian exhibiting a SU(1,1) and SU(2) dynamical symmetry. Introduction The discovery of a class of non-Hermitian Hamilto- nian that may have a real spectrum has prompted a revival of theoretical and applied research in quan- tum physics. keywords: acta; airy; complex; dependent; eigenvalues; equation; exact; exp; function; g(t; h(t; hamiltonian; hermitian; hermitian hamiltonian; hermitian invariant; hermiticity; ih(t; invariant; journal; maamache; mass; mathematical; method; non; operator; particle; physical; physics; polytechnica; potential; probability; pseudo; quantum; real; region; review; s(t; schrödinger; solutions; symmetric; symmetry; systems; t)⟩; time; transformations; unitary; w(t; |ϕn; ∣∣ψhn(t; ∣∣ϕphn cache: ap-8348.pdf plain text: ap-8348.txt item: #1133 of 1243 id: ap-8351 author: Maharaj, Adhir; Leach, Peter G. L.; Govender, Megan; Day, David P. title: Linearisation of a second-order nonlinear ordinary differential equation date: 2023-03-02 words: 2478 flesch: 59 summary: In the search for solutions of differential equations, one discovers the beauty of the algebraic properties that the equations possess. Differential equations: Their solution using symmetries. keywords: analysis; differential; equation; form; function; general; journal; leach; lie; maharaj; mathematical; nonlinear; order; ordinary; point; properties; second; solution; symmetries; symmetry; transformation; university; vaidya; variable cache: ap-8351.pdf plain text: ap-8351.txt item: #1134 of 1243 id: ap-836 author: Baroňák, I.; Vozňák, M. title: CaC in ATM – the Diffuse Method date: 2006-01-03 words: 4537 flesch: 63 summary: If C CFB� is valid than CFB � � � �� � � � � 2 2 12 . In the same manner as for CFB we can derive CIB, during which time we start from relation (8), and we get CIB � � � �� � � � � 2 2 22 , (14) where the artificial variable is determined � �� � �2 2� �ln( ) ln( ). keywords: accepted; atm; bandwidth; buffer; capacity; cdf; cell; cfb; change; cib; clr; connections; constant; czech; diffuse; diffuse method; fig; finite; infinite; line; loss; mbit; method; network; number; parameter; pcr; possible; rate; ratio; series; service; store; technical; time; university; values cache: ap-836.pdf plain text: ap-836.txt item: #1135 of 1243 id: ap-838 author: Bíba, J.; Vokřínek, J. title: Multi-agent Contracting and Reconfiguration in Competitive Environments using Acquaintance Models date: 2006-01-04 words: 5855 flesch: 48 summary: 3.2 Contract setting An extension of levelled commitment contracts has been introduced by Excelente-Toledo et al. Keywords: multi-agent systems, competitive environments, reconfiguration, decommitment, contract price, penalty. may consequently harm the others. keywords: account; acquaintance; acta; agent; algorithm; business; collaborative; commitments; common; competitive; conference; contract; contracting; cooperation; costs; customer; czech; decision; decommitment; enterprise; environments; goal; house;; ieee; individual; knowledge; limitation; margin; means; model; multi; need; negotiation; partners; party; penalties; penalty; polytechnica; price; proceedings; process; profit; provider; publishing; reconfiguration; resources; respect; setting; social; systems; technical; university; usa; utility; variable; variant; vol; welfare cache: ap-838.pdf plain text: ap-838.txt item: #1136 of 1243 id: ap-840 author: Drahovzal, O. title: Supply Chain in Electro-Energetics and Real Options date: 2006-01-04 words: 1891 flesch: 54 summary: Be- fore attempting to determine the value of the connection, it is important to take into account what might occur during cooperation with producer, and the principle underlying the cooperation: 1) Prediction of consumption is higher than the amount of electricity purchased � production of the source can be increased, or production can be started (substitution of negative deviation by the costs for the electricity pro- duced). 2) Prediction of consumption is lower than the amount of electricity purchased � production of the source can be decreased or stopped (substitution of positive deviation by the costs for non-produced electricity). The Black-Scholes formulas for standard Euro- pean call and put options have the following form: C S N d X N drt� � � � ��( ) ( )1 2e (3) P S N d X N drt� � � � � � � ��( ) ( )1 2e (4) d S X r t t1 2 2 � � � � � � � � � � � ln � � (5) d d t S X r t t2 1 2 2 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ln , (6) where S is the current value of the asset, X is the strike price of the asset, N() is the standard normal cumulative distribution function, r is the risk-free interest rate, t is time to expiration of the option, and � is the volatility of the price of the asset. keywords: approach; company; connection; czech; deviations; distribution; electricity; following; input; market; negative; options; price; producer; real; results; supply; system; transmission; value cache: ap-840.pdf plain text: ap-840.txt item: #1137 of 1243 id: ap-842 author: Havlíček, L. title: Financing of Liabilities Beyond the Service Life of Nuclear Installations date: 2006-01-04 words: 4833 flesch: 48 summary: When the first generation of nuclear power plants was built, nuclear liabilities were not taken into account and contributions to such a fund was not an organic part of product (electricity) price. Especially in countries where there was no clear border between the civilian and military nuclear program, past nuclear liabilities will have to be covered from the state budget. keywords: account; area; assemblies; assessment; atomic; basic; connected; containers; costs; countries; czech; decommissioning; disposal; disposed; electricity; energy; european; financial; fission; fuel; funds; future; inflation; installations; intermediate; legislation; liabilities; liability; life; long; nuclear; nuclear power; operation; operator; period; plant; power; principle; radioactive; radioactive waste; rate; rawra; reactor; repository; republic; resources; responsibility; state; storage; technical; time; uranium; waste; year; čez cache: ap-842.pdf plain text: ap-842.txt item: #1138 of 1243 id: ap-8426 author: Lindh, Per; Lemenkova, Polina title: Utilising Pareto efficiency and RSM to adjust binder content in clay stabilisation for Yttre Ringvägen, Malmö date: 2023-05-02 words: 11952 flesch: 54 summary: Finally, to examine the variables important for soil stabilisation, we also evaluated the effect of the amount of binder and the interaction between cement/lime/slag in different ratios: 30-50-20 %; 50-50-0 %; 100-0-0 % Despite widespread applications in civil engineering and extensive existing research, there are still some challenges in soil stabilisation, including the following: (1.) keywords: //; acta; agents; analysis; anova; approach; ash; bbd; best; binder content; binders; blend; blended; box; case; ccd; cement; civil; civil engineering; clay; clayey; components; compressive; conditions; construction; content; curing; data; deep; design; development; different; effective; effects; efficiency; engineering; engineers; equation; evaluation; experimental; factorial; factors; figure; fine; fly; following; framework; gain; geotechnical; ggbfs; ground; high; https; improvement; institution; interaction; journal; laboratory; lattice; lemenkova; level; lime; lindh; linear; materials; methods; mixing; mixture; model; modelling; modified; new; opc; optimisation; order; pareto; performance; plasticity; points; polina; polytechnica; portland; proceedings; process; processing; properties; pure; quadratic; quality; quicklime; reaction; required; response; results; road; rsm; runs; samples; set; significant; simplex; slag; soil; soil stabilisation; specimens; stabilisation; stabilised; standard; statistical; strength; study; surface; sweden; swedish; table; tested; testing; tests; time; types; use; values; variables; vol; water; works cache: ap-8426.pdf plain text: ap-8426.txt item: #1139 of 1243 id: ap-8428 author: Shete, Sangeeta; Joshi, Prasad title: Comparative study of state space averaging and PWM with extra element theorem techniques for complex cascaded DC-DC Buck converter date: 2023-03-02 words: 6526 flesch: 65 summary: Analytical techniques for DC DC converters and 1Φ inverters: A comprehensive review. State space averaging technique The state-space averaging method is based on analytical operations for the converter states comprising the determination of linear state model for each possible configuration of circuit and subsequently combining all these elementary models into a single and unified one through a duty factor. keywords: acta; analysis; analytical; approach; averaging; buck; cbc; circuit; comparative; complex; condition; conference; control; converter; current; determination; eet; electronics; element; equation; extra; figure; frequency; function; high; ieee; il1; il2; joshi; l1c1; l1c2d; mathematical; modelling; order; output; polytechnica; port; power; pwm; pwm switch; ratio; rc2; req; results; sepic; simulation; small; space; ssa; state; steady; study; switch; switches; switching; table; technique; time; transfer; vc1; vc2; voltage; ;  cache: ap-8428.pdf plain text: ap-8428.txt item: #1140 of 1243 id: ap-844 author: Lakkundi, V. title: Ultra Wideband Communications: History, Evolution and Emergence date: 2006-01-04 words: 1579 flesch: 50 summary: It will have the ability to support multiple devices, and even multi- ple independent piconets, so neighbours will not interfere with other UWB networks. UWB radios are designed to use coherent wide-rela- tive-bandwidth propagation, which has no Rayleigh fading. keywords: 1960s; acta; applications; bandwidth; communications; czech; data; development; devices; evolution; fig; frequency; high; history;; location; low; modulation; network; polytechnica; power; pulse; radar; radio; standards; systems; technology; time; ultra; university; uwb; wideband; wireless cache: ap-844.pdf plain text: ap-844.txt item: #1141 of 1243 id: ap-846 author: Málek, J. title: Bayesian Classifier for Medical Data from Doppler Unit date: 2006-01-04 words: 1302 flesch: 52 summary: For each class, selected signal features were extracted and then used for training a Bayesian classifier. 1.1 Classes Normal course – Signals acquired by an examination of arter- ies without peripheral arterial disease (PAD) – Fig. 1. keywords: arterial; arteries; blood; classes; classification; classifier; data; disease; examination; features; fig; liberec; medical; modal; multi; pad; pdf; peripheral; prior; probability; signals; time; velocity cache: ap-846.pdf plain text: ap-846.txt item: #1142 of 1243 id: ap-848 author: Mysliveček, O. title: A business process model as a starting point for tight cooperation among organizations date: 2006-01-04 words: 1208 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: Business process management, business process model, outsourcing, joint venture, poster 2006. Business process management involves activities that should identify problems (or just a need for improvement) in the workflow of processes. keywords: bpm; business; companies; company; cooperation; important; inputs; management; model; outsourced; outsourcing; partner; process; processes; products; step cache: ap-848.pdf plain text: ap-848.txt item: #1143 of 1243 id: ap-8497 author: Chand, Madhusmita; Paitandi, Mamoni; Gupta, Mahendra Kumar title: Qualitative sign stability of linear time invariant descriptor systems date: 2023-07-04 words: 5929 flesch: 65 summary: Matrix pairs which are stable, independent of their magnitudes with only sign information are denoted as Qualitative Sign Stable (QLSS) matrix pairs and Qualitative Sign Unstable are denoted as ‘QLSU’ ma- trix pairs. Matrix pairs, whose stability/instability depend upon the magnitude information of the matrix pair elements, are denoted as Magnitude Dependent Stable/Unstable (MDS/U) matrix pairs. keywords: bad; conditions; control; descriptor; diagonal; ecological; eij; elements; form; good; information; interactions; linear; links; magnitude; matrix; matrix pair; nbad; necessary; negative; nlc; number; pair; paper; positive; qlsu; qualitative; qualitative sign; sign; stability; stable; structure; sufficient; systems; time; total; unstable; ζnet; ηbad; ηng; − − cache: ap-8497.pdf plain text: ap-8497.txt item: #1144 of 1243 id: ap-850 author: Salinger, J. title: Measurement of Solar Cell Parameters with Dark Forward I-V Characteristics date: 2006-01-04 words: 2272 flesch: 61 summary: If there are, for example, two deep levels of approximately the same concentration, however, the standard extracting tech- nique will lead to incorrect values of deep level energy. In the case of silicon, which is widely used in photovoltaic appli- cations, the way to achieve thermal equilibrium, is either by Auger recombination or by capturing free charge carriers on energy levels that lie in the band that separates the conduc- tion and valence band (the forbidden band, or the band gap). keywords: band; carriers; cell; characteristics; charge; current; dark; deep; density; dependence; diode; efficiency; energy; factor; fig; lattice; le2; levels; lifetime; method; parameters; range; recombination; region; resistance; samples; shunt; solar; temperature cache: ap-850.pdf plain text: ap-850.txt item: #1145 of 1243 id: ap-852 author: Spiertz, M.; Rusert, T. title: Central Decoding for Multiple Description Codes based on Domain Partitioning date: 2006-01-04 words: 2286 flesch: 59 summary: 6: Highest rate decoder (solid line) vs. intersection decoder (dotted line), gaussian source with unit-variance and zero mean, rate: 2bpss Fig. 7: Lena 512×512, highest rate decoder (solid line) vs. linear superposition decoder (dotted line), PSNR for central de- coder: 30dB Fig. 8: Lena 512×512, highest rate decoder (solid line) vs. inter- section decoder (dotted line), PSNR for central decoder: 30dB The second, more complex approach is at least as good as the highest rate reconstruction, and by proper choosing of quantization intervals, a significant reduction of the distor- tion at the central decoder is possible. (3) By applying more than one quantizer intervals, formula (3) becomes: x L U ii i� �(max( ), min( )), . keywords: central; coding; decoder; decoding; descriptions; different; domain; fig; highest; ieee; intersection; intervals; linear; lower; mdc; multiple; quantization; quantizer; rate; reconstruction; redundancy; results; source; superposition; vol cache: ap-852.pdf plain text: ap-852.txt item: #1146 of 1243 id: ap-8536 author: Farkas, Izabella Ingrid; Pelantová, Edita; Svobodová, Milena title: From positional representation of numbers to positional representation of vectors date: 2023-07-04 words: 9256 flesch: 74 summary: An origin of such numeration sys- tems can be found in works [11] and [12] of A. Vince, showing that for any expansive matrix M ∈ Zm×m, there exists a digit set D ⊂ In [15], it is shown that for M ∈ Zm×m with det M = ∆ ̸= 0, there ex- ists a finite digit set D ⊂ keywords: acta; addition; algebraic; algorithm; base; base m; complex; computable; denote; digit; digit set; eigenvalue; example; expansive; fact; find; find(m; finite; form; function; integer; j dj; j∈z; j∈z m; l=0,l; lattice; lemma; linear; local; m j; matrix; matrix m; means; minimal; non; number; numeration; parallel; pelantová; perd; periodic; polynomial; polytechnica; positional; proof; p−1∑; representation; set; size; sum; svobodová; system; theorem; unit; vectors; zero; zm×m; ̸=l cache: ap-8536.pdf plain text: ap-8536.txt item: #1147 of 1243 id: ap-854 author: Stehle, T. title: Removal of Specular Reflections in Endoscopic Images date: 2006-01-04 words: 2843 flesch: 68 summary: If F(k) consisted only of two lines at s and N s, i.e. F k F k F s k s F N s k N s( ) �( ) �( ) ( ) �( ) ( )� � � �� � (3) convolution with the window spectrum W(k) would yield for the observed pair � �G s N F s W F s W s G s N F s W ( ) �( ) ( ) � ( ) ( ) ( ) � ( ) ( ) * * * * � � � 1 0 2 1 0� �� �( ) ( ) ,*F s W s2 (4) where �( )F s and �( ) � ( )*F N s F s � are the estimated coeffi- cients. keywords: algorithm; deconvolution; endoscopic; error; f s; fig; g n; image; k n; k s; line; n f; n n; n w; pair; physician; reflections; s n; s w; spectral; specular; university; w k cache: ap-854.pdf plain text: ap-854.txt item: #1148 of 1243 id: ap-8549 author: Litoš, Jiří; Šána, Vladimír; Uhlík, Adam; Kolář, Karel; Nguyen, Markéta title: Mechanical and physical properties of cement mixtures for 3D processing date: 2023-07-04 words: 4808 flesch: 55 summary: Thanks to a controlled and continuous hydration process, such mixtures retain a sufficient workability time and also have a rapid increase in initial, especially mechanical, properties. Samples placement of tested mixtures in a desiccator. keywords: 3d printing; acta; application; bulk; cement; cementitious; changes; coefficient; composites; compressive; concrete; conductivity; construction; days; density; design; development; elements; experimental; figure; formwork; hand; high; important; increase; materials; measured; measurements; mechanical; mixture; physical; physical properties; polytechnica; printing; processing; properties; reference; research; results; robotic; samples; strength; suitable; surface; technology; tensile; test; tested; thermal; thermo; time; use; values; volume; water cache: ap-8549.pdf plain text: ap-8549.txt item: #1149 of 1243 id: ap-856 author: Šimek, M. title: Embedded Operating System for MicroBlaze date: 2006-01-04 words: 2018 flesch: 55 summary: In the case of embedded systems, this allows an increasing amount of their functionality to be moved to software, instead of designing it as a pure hardware solution. Unlike “standard” Linux, uClinux may be used even for embedded systems that have a main memory size as big as an L2 cache in an ordinary personal computer. keywords: applications; boot; booting; computer; configurable; controller; core; czech; development; devices; distribution; file; flash; hardware; interface; kernel; loader; memory; microblaze; operating; platforms; processor; project; root; software; standard; strategy; support; system; time; uclinux; work; xilinx cache: ap-856.pdf plain text: ap-856.txt item: #1150 of 1243 id: ap-858 author: Valoušek, P. title: A Digital Loudspeaker: Experimental Construction date: 2006-01-04 words: 1352 flesch: 57 summary: A digital loudspeaker is a single device system which uses di- rect D/A conversion for digital audio signals. Keywords: Digital loudspeaker, signal processing, transducer array. keywords: array; audio; bit; chain; construction; conversion; data; digital; driving; experimental; fig; frequency; input; loudspeaker; principle; processing; serial; signal; source; streams; system; transducer; unit; vol; wide cache: ap-858.pdf plain text: ap-858.txt item: #1151 of 1243 id: ap-860 author: Vítek, T.; Pachner, D. title: A Reservation Aggregation Framework Design for Demand Estimation date: 2006-01-04 words: 2615 flesch: 65 summary: These two sets can be created by ordering the following sets � �R r R r rf i e i m� � � , (8) � �R r R r For a partic- ular date the set can be created by ordering the union � � � �R r r r r r re n n m� �0 1 2 1, , , , ,� . keywords: advance; aggregation; check; czech; data; date; day; days; demand; fig; future; hotel; hours; index; indices; interval; management; number; particular; period; price; r r; reservations; set; system; technical; time; university; unknown; vol; yield cache: ap-860.pdf plain text: ap-860.txt item: #1152 of 1243 id: ap-8605 author: Flídr, Erik title: Derivation of entropy production in a fluid flow in a general curvilinear coordinate system date: 2023-05-02 words: 4544 flesch: 67 summary: Keywords: Entropy production, fluid flow, general curvilinear coordinates, linear blade cascade, experimental data. 2/2023 Derivation of entropy production in a fluid flow 4. keywords: balance; basis; blade; components; control; coordinate; curvilinear; derivation; derivatives; description; differential; distribution; energy; entropy; entropy production; equal; equation; figure; flow; fluid; form; general; geometry; gij; heat; integral; law; momentum; pressure; production; second; stress; surface; system; tensor; thermodynamics; time; vector; velocity; volume; ∂ηj cache: ap-8605.pdf plain text: ap-8605.txt item: #1153 of 1243 id: ap-8606 author: Semenov, Stanislav; Mikhailov, Evgeny; Kliuiev, Sergii; Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Ishchuk, Vadym title: Improvement of energy efficiency of a tram’s running gear date: 2023-07-04 words: 7767 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: Energy efficiency, tram’s bogie, simulations, MBS model, railway wheel. Currently, the transport industry is faced with the urgent task of ensuring the energy efficiency of vehicles, including rail vehicles. keywords: acta; analysis; average; axle; body; bogie; car; components; condition; considered; construction; consumption; contact; corresponding; creep; curves; design; dissipation; efficiency; energy; energy efficiency; engineering; et al; figure; forces; friction; gear; influence; innovative; installation; kinematic; kinematic resistance; losses; main; mechanical; mechanical energy; model; movement; number; n·kn; perspective; pks; points; polytechnica; possible; power; radial; rail; rail vehicle; railway; research; resistance; results; rolling; rotating; rotation; route; running; running gear; russian; scheme; simulation; sliding; slip; solutions; specific; specific resistance; speed; standard; stock; study; surfaces; system; tks; track; tram; tram car; transport; transportation; use; value; vehicle; wear; wheels; wheelset cache: ap-8606.pdf plain text: ap-8606.txt item: #1154 of 1243 id: ap-8612 author: Royaei, Javad; Sadeghi, Kabir; Nouban, Fatemeh title: A comparative experimental investigation of high-temperature effect on fibre concrete and high strength concrete using UT and CM methods date: 2023-07-04 words: 4960 flesch: 49 summary: Finally, the summary of the comparison of the re- sults of compressive strength tests of concrete samples with a compression machine and the ultrasonic test is as follows in Figure 15. Based on the summary of the comparison of the re- sults of compressive strength tests of concrete samples with the compression machine and ultrasonic test, it Figure 14. keywords: //; accuracy; average; building; carbonation; celsius; cement; comparison; compression machine; compressive; compressive strength; concrete; concrete samples; construction; decrease; degrees; design; destructive; different; different temperatures; effect; error; exposure; fibres; figure; fire; high; high temperatures; https; machine; machine test; materials; methods; minutes; mix; non; observed; plastic; research; resistance; results; samples; steel; strength; strength concrete; strength test; structures; temperatures; test error; tests; time; ultrasonic test cache: ap-8612.pdf plain text: ap-8612.txt item: #1155 of 1243 id: ap-862 author: Ritty, A. title: Directional Loudspeaker Using a Parametric Array date: 2006-01-04 words: 1575 flesch: 61 summary: He suggests that the sound pressure of secondary waves (ps) produced by the nonlinear interaction is �p c p t c p t s s p� � � 1 0 2 2 2 0 0 4 2 2 2 � � � � � � , (1) where pp is the sound pressure of primary waves, � is the non- linear coefficient, �0 is air density, and c0 is sound velocity. The nonlinearities of air cause high frequency wave components (primary waves) to interact. keywords: acoustics; amplitude; array; audible; cavity; demodulated; distortion; frequency; loudspeaker; modulation; nonlinear; parametric; pressure; primary; processing; pvdf; response; self; signal; sound; transducer; wave cache: ap-862.pdf plain text: ap-862.txt item: #1156 of 1243 id: ap-864 author: Polyák, T. title: Robust Watermarking of Video Streams date: 2006-01-04 words: 1441 flesch: 65 summary: After this, there will be large 0 and 1 islands, so that during watermark detection the patterns can be more easily recog- nized, and the watermark will be more resistant to attack. Payload: different applications need watermarks of differ- ent sizes. keywords: algorithm; bits; blocks; data; embed; fig; frame; information; key; medium; pattern; quality; robustness; stego; values; video; watermark; watermarking cache: ap-864.pdf plain text: ap-864.txt item: #1157 of 1243 id: ap-866 author: Pourová, M.; Vrba, J. title: Microwave Drying of Textile Materials and Optimization of a Resonant Applicator date: 2006-01-05 words: 1829 flesch: 61 summary: By modifying the diagrams on the right side (Fig. 4) we can arrive at the resulting expression for calculating the E-field strength in the textile plane: E e en x n j n n ( , , ) ( ) ( )� �� � � � � �2 1 2 2 1 2 0 tex = + ⋅ − − + = ∞ ∑ , (1) parameters �2 and �tex are given by the dielectric properties of the textile, so we can write the electric field strength de- pendent on relative permittivity �tex and loss factor tg �tex as follows E e e j t t j ( , , ) ( ) ( ) � � � � � � � � � � � tex textg tex tex = − ⋅ + ⋅ ⋅ +2 1 2 e t� � �tex ⋅ − −1 2 21 . Also the complex permittivity of dried textile is not constant during the proce- dure. keywords: applicator; cells; content; dependence; distance; distribution; drying; electric; factor; field; fig; loss; microwave; moisture; permittivity; resonator; results; strength; system; textile cache: ap-866.pdf plain text: ap-866.txt item: #1158 of 1243 id: ap-868 author: Kuhlenkötter, B.; Zhang, X.; Krewet, C. title: Quality Control in Automated Manufacturing Processes – Combined Features for Image Processing date: 2006-01-05 words: 3821 flesch: 57 summary: Table 2 shows the combined matrix of defects classification using Gabor and statistical features. A large range of methods is introduced to present defect images. keywords: acta; automatic; categories; classification; classifier; combined; czech; database; defects; extraction; features; fig; filter; gabor; greyscale; house;; image; information; label; manufacturing; new; polishing; polytechnica; pore; process; processes; processing; project; pseudo; ratio; real; software; statistical; surface; system; table; technical; university; vision; vol cache: ap-868.pdf plain text: ap-868.txt item: #1159 of 1243 id: ap-870 author: Dolšak, B.; Novak, M.; Kaljun, J. title: Intelligent Support for a Computer Aided Design Optimisation Cycle date: 2006-01-05 words: 5549 flesch: 51 summary: 5/2006 Intelligent Support for a Computer Aided Design Optimisation Cycle B. Dolšak, M. Novak, J. Kaljun It is becoming more and more evident that adding intelligence to existing computer aids, such as computer aided design systems, can lead to significant improvements in the effective and reliable performance of various engineering tasks, including design optimisation. Evidently, traditional design optimisation systems that concentrate on numerical aspects of design process are not successful in integrating numerical parts with human expertise [3]. keywords: actions; advice; aesthetic; analysis; appropriate; cad; case; classification; computer; cycle; data; defects; design; design optimisation; designer; development; different; element; engineering; ergonomic; experience; expert; fea; femdes; fig; final; finite; hand; important; intelligent; knowledge; mesh; module; numerical; optimisation; order; phase; problem; process; processes; processing; product; propose; pseudo; real; redesign; results; rules; software; specific; steps; structural; support; system; tool; university; user; vol cache: ap-870.pdf plain text: ap-870.txt item: #1160 of 1243 id: ap-872 author: Caputo, F.; Gironimo, G. Di; Marzano, A. title: Ergonomic Optimization of a Manufacturing System Work Cell in a Virtual Environment date: 2006-01-05 words: 5085 flesch: 50 summary: 5/2006 Operations OP 1 OP 2 OP 3 OP 4 OP 5 OP 6 OP 7 OP 8 OP 9 Score Parameters 1 3 2 1 2 3 2 2 4 S i� � 1 9 Worker Percentile � � � � � � � � � 20 Postural positions � � � � 5 Geometric parameters body Locking point body � � � � � 7 Table 1: Definition of the parameters to be optimized Score value Meaning 0 This is defined as: WEI PEI( )Configuration Wj i i i � �� , (2) where: W Time of Operationi i� Work Cell Time cycle. keywords: accessibility; acta; analysis; assembly; association; body; case; cell; critical; design; environment; ergonomics; evaluation; factors; fig; following; geometric;; human; index; international; jack; manufacturing; method; methodology; new; operation; optimal; optimization; order; owas; parameters; pei; phase; polytechnica; possible; posture; rula; score; simulation; software; studies; study; table; task; technical; time; tools; university; upper; use; value; virtual; vol; wei; welding; work; workers; working; workplace cache: ap-872.pdf plain text: ap-872.txt item: #1161 of 1243 id: ap-874 author: Sýkora, M. title: Advanced Load Effect Model for Probabilistic Structural Design date: 2006-01-05 words: 5957 flesch: 64 summary: � � � � � � � � ) ). Using the probability density function (PDF) of an exponential distribution f erenT tt( ) � �� � , the central limit theorem for a sum of �n independent random variables, see Weisstein [8], and the expected value E[ ]Tren �1 �, the probability becomes � � P d P dren ren, [ ( , )] keywords: cdf; conditions; czech; derived; distribution; duration; effective; expected; exponential; fig; initial; load; non; number; on“-state; p t; period; point; pon(t; probability; process; processes; pulses; random; renewal; s(t; stationary; structural; t t; t t0; t �; t0eff; t0on; time; ton; tren; vol; z(t cache: ap-874.pdf plain text: ap-874.txt item: #1162 of 1243 id: ap-876 author: Stenzel, R.; Müller, L.; Herrmann, T.; Klix, W. title: Numerical Simulation of Nanoscale Double-Gate MOSFETs date: 2006-01-05 words: 2831 flesch: 64 summary: Jp p p p p B p p� � � � � � � �q p D q p k p T� � � �( ) ( ) ( ) (4) Jn n n n n B n n� � � � � � � �q n D q n k n T� � � �( ) ( ) ( ) (5) Jp, Jn current densities (Acm �2) R, G recombination and generation rate (cm�3s�1) �p, �n carrier mobilities (cm 2V�1cm�1) �p, �n quantum correction potentials (V) �p, �n band parameters (V) Dp, Dn diffusion coefficients (cm 2s�1) Tp, Tn carrier temperatures (K) kB keywords: basic; channel; characteristics; device; different; doping; drain; energy; equations; fig; gate; hydrodynamic; lengths; model; n n; output; parameters; quantum; semiconductor; short; simulation; source; structure; thickness; tox; tsi; vds; vgs; vol cache: ap-876.pdf plain text: ap-876.txt item: #1163 of 1243 id: ap-878 author: Poul, R.; Růžička, P.; Hanus, . D.; Blahouš, K. title: Design of Carbon Composite Driveshaft for Ultralight Aircraft Propulsion System date: 2006-01-05 words: 2072 flesch: 62 summary: Shaft version two did not take the need of low torsional stiffness into account. Shaft version 2 is of relatively low axial stiffness and of still too high torsional stiffness. keywords: adhesive; axial; bond; carbon; central; composite; criterion; czech; design; direction; driveshaft; failure; fig; high; hsc; means; modulus; moment; properties; puck; shaft; shear; stiffness; strength; stress; subscript; technical; torsional; version; vol; wall cache: ap-878.pdf plain text: ap-878.txt item: #1164 of 1243 id: ap-880 author: Weiss, S.; Jänsch, J.; Birkhofer, H. title: Term Analysis – Improving the Quality of Learning and Application Documents in Engineering Design date: 2006-01-05 words: 3650 flesch: 60 summary: So, when setting up or using text documents for teaching or application, it is essential to provide concept homogeneity. If one uses different termini to describe the same concept, the learner starts to look for differences in the properties and tries to set up a second category or concept. keywords: authors; concept; content; design; development; different; documents; e b; e n; fig; homogeneity; important; key; knowledge; learning; list; navigator; pinngate; potential; problem; process; product; properties; quality; step; teaching; term list; termanalysis; termini; text; tool; university; user; variations; vol; words cache: ap-880.pdf plain text: ap-880.txt item: #1165 of 1243 id: ap-882 author: Zajíček, R.; Vrba, J.; Novotný, K. title: Evaluation of a Reflection Method on an Open-Ended Coaxial Line and its Use in Dielectric Measurements date: 2006-01-05 words: 2601 flesch: 51 summary: For distilled water, the dielectric constants are: � �� � 78.3, � �s � 4.6, � � � 8.07 ps, � �i � 2 S�m �1, � � � 0.014. In its simplest form, each of these relaxation regions is the manifestation of a polarization mechanism characterized by a single time constant � (relax- ation time � is a measure of the mobility of the molecules and dipoles that exist in a material), which to a first order approxi- mation gives the following expression for complex relative permittivity �r as a function of angular frequency �. � � � � � � �� r r r s� � � �� � � � � � �j j1 . keywords: biological; circuit; coaxial; coefficient; complex; czech; dielectric; equivalent; factor; field; fig; frequency; line; loss; material; measured; measurement; method; open; parameters; permittivity; prague; probe; reflection; relative; sample; technical; time; tissue; university; use cache: ap-882.pdf plain text: ap-882.txt item: #1166 of 1243 id: ap-884 author: Zítek, P.; Vyhlídal, T.; Chyský, J. title: Experience of Implementing Moisture Sorption Control in Historical Archives date: 2006-01-05 words: 4674 flesch: 47 summary: The model is clearly not suitable for air humidity approaching the state of saturation, i.e. for � � 1, since then the logarithm is not defined. The logarithmic Henderson model was chosen as the most suitable available model, namely its three-parameter version [5] u A T B C � � � � � � � � ln( ) ( ) 1 � , (1) where � � 0 1, is the relative air humidity expressed as a dimensionless ratio, T is air temperature in °C and u is EMC, expressed as the ratio of moisture mass content to the mass of anhydrous material. keywords: acta; adjustment; air; air humidity; archives; buildings; changes; collection; constant; content; control; czech; device; emc; environment; equilibrium; etc; exhibits; fig; henderson; historical; house;; humidity; implementation; interior; materials; measured; measurements; microclimate; model; moisture; moisture content; paper; parameters; polytechnica; proposed; publishing; relationship; relative; samples; sorption; state; t b; table; technical; temperature; třeboň; university; values; variations; vol; wood cache: ap-884.pdf plain text: ap-884.txt item: #1167 of 1243 id: ap-886 author: Jokl, M. V.; Kabele, K. title: Optimal (Comfortable) Operative Temperature Estimation Based on Physiological Responses of the Human Organism date: 2006-01-06 words: 6139 flesch: 60 summary: Heat flux within the human body can be represented as (see model in Fig. 4): q q q q G T T R T T m res tr a t,ti i sk t,ti i sk W m � � � � � � � � � ( ) ( ) [ ] 1 2 (2) where Gt, ti is total body thermal conductance, which can be expressed by Eq. 2 Mathematical model of the physiological body response The total heat rate production and its distribution into individual components during heat exchange between the human body and the environment are shown in Fig. 4, where qm � M � W � metabolic heat (see Jokl 1989). keywords: acta; activity; air; ashrae; body; buildings; category; changes; clo; clothing; comfort; comparison; conditions; constant; czech; environment; equation; fig; heat; house;; human; iso; level; line; max; mean; metabolic; min; neutral; onset; operative; opt; optimal; pmv; polytechnica; publishing; range; rate; resistance; results; skin; state; steady; subjects; sweating; table; technical; temperature; thermal; thermoregulatory; time; university; values; vol; vote; zone cache: ap-886.pdf plain text: ap-886.txt item: #1168 of 1243 id: ap-888 author: Kalvoda, L.; Klepáček, R. title: Extraction of Alkali Ions Investigated by Conductometric and pH Measurements date: 2006-01-06 words: 2467 flesch: 55 summary: Information about instant, se- lective concentrations of Na�, K�, Mg2� and Ca2� ions has considerable relevance for assays of biological fluids, such as human and animal blood, sap, or, for instance, for tests of drinking water, underground water, water used in the food-processing industry, and waste water. The latter process shows remarkable preference for Na� ions with the selectivity ratio �(Na�)/�(K�) ~ 400 keywords: alkali; aqueous; basic; cacl2; case; chloride; cladding; complex; concentration; conductivity; czech; extraction; fibre; fig; hexane; hydrolysis; ionophore; lipophilic; membrane; naoh; observed; phase; process; reaction; solutions; target; tbt; technical; temperature; tested; time; university; value; water cache: ap-888.pdf plain text: ap-888.txt item: #1169 of 1243 id: ap-890 author: Makovička, D. title: Response Analysis of an RC Cooling Tower Under Seismic and Windstorm Effects date: 2006-01-06 words: 3036 flesch: 52 summary: The temperature of the inter- nal columns and is unaffected by temperature fluctuations in the operation process; therefore these members are left without temperature load. The internal stiffeners and the dia- phragm beam are subject to temperature load only at their edges, where they contact the external walls and ceiling. keywords: actions; axis; basic; concrete; czech; design; direction; ductility; dynamic; effects; elements; external; fig; forces; horizontal; internal; load; loading; longitudinal; natural; plate; pressure; reinforcement; response; seismic; states; static; stiffeners; structure; surface; technical; temperature; towers; vertical; vibration; walls; wind cache: ap-890.pdf plain text: ap-890.txt item: #1170 of 1243 id: ap-892 author: Rieger, F. title: Determination of Rheological Parameters from Measurements on a Viscometer with Coaxial Cylinders – Choice of the Reference Radius date: 2006-01-06 words: 1170 flesch: 70 summary: If the logarithmic plot of shear stress �r on shear rate �� r is linear, the consistency coefficient K is �-intercept and flow index n is the slope of a straight line. If plot of shear stress �r on shear rate �� r is linear, the yield stress �0 is �-intercept and plastic viscosity �p is the slope of a straight line. keywords: equation; fig; newtonian; radius; rate; ratio; shear; stress; viscometer cache: ap-892.pdf plain text: ap-892.txt item: #1171 of 1243 id: ap-894 author: Elnagahy, F. I. Y.; Haroon, A. A.; Azzam, Y. A.; Alawy, A. El-Bassuny; Elminir, H. K.; Šimák, B. title: Embedded Coding of Astronomical Images date: 2006-01-06 words: 3483 flesch: 60 summary: The subjective quality tests show that RPSWS reconstructed images are better than SPIHT reconstructed images at lower bit rates, as shown in Fig. 6, 7, and 8. From the results presented here we conclude that the qualities of RPSWS reconstructed images are better than those of SPIHT reconstructed images at lower bit rates for both color and gray scale images. keywords: algorithm; astronomical; band; bit; bits; cluster; coder; coding; coefficients; color; components; compression; czech; data; fig; galaxy; gray; images; insignificant; left; pixel; quality; rates; reconstructed; results; right; rpsws; scale; significance; space; spiht; stream; sub; technical; threshold; transmission; university; vol; wavelet cache: ap-894.pdf plain text: ap-894.txt item: #1172 of 1243 id: ap-896 author: Bořil, H.; Fousek, P. title: Influence of Different Speech Representations and HMM Training Strategies on ASR Performance date: 2006-01-06 words: 2433 flesch: 62 summary: Are the best models for neutral speech also the best for Lombard speech? HMMs tested with neutral speech appear to converge much earlier than with Lombard speech. keywords: bandwidth; case; cepstral; channel; clsd’05; czech; drop; effect; features; female; fig; formant; frequency; hmm; hmms; khz; lombard; mfcc; mixtures; neutral; number; office; performance; plp; recognition; recognizer; speech; speecon; strategies; table; technical; telephone; training; university; vol cache: ap-896.pdf plain text: ap-896.txt item: #1173 of 1243 id: ap-898 author: Soliman, Hussein F.; Attia, Abdel-Fattah; Mokhymar, S. M.; Badr, M. A. L. title: Fuzzy Algorithm for Supervisory Voltage/Frequency Control of a Self Excited Induction Generator date: 2006-01-06 words: 4984 flesch: 68 summary: Lds ds L Lds� � � , (24) ( ) ( )L pi v R iL Lqs qs L Lqs� � � , (25) C v t i v L i t R � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �d d d dds ds ds L Lds L , (26) C v t i v L i t R � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �d d d dqs qs qs L Lqs L , (27) where iLds is the load current in the direct axis, iLqs the load current in quadrant axis, RL the load resistance (�), LL the load inductance (H). im qr qs dr ds� � � �( ) ( ) .2 2 0 5, (13) � �T keywords: acta; angle; axis; capacitor; change; controller; current; czech; dynamic; energy; error; fig; flc; frequency; fuzzy; gain; generator; house;; induction; input; integral; kiv; load; mechanical; output; performance; polytechnica; power; publishing; rotor; seig; simulation; speed; stator; system; terminal; turbine; university; value; variable; voltage; wind cache: ap-898.pdf plain text: ap-898.txt item: #1174 of 1243 id: ap-900 author: Prajzler, V.; Burian, Z.; Hüttel, I.; Špirková, J.; Hamáček, J.; Oswald, J.; Zavadil, J.; Peřina, V. title: Properties of Erbium and Ytterbium Doped Gallium Nitride Layers Fabricated by Magnetron Sputtering date: 2006-01-06 words: 3657 flesch: 59 summary: For erbium and ytterbium doping into GaN layers, erbium metallic powder and ytterbium powder or Er2O3 and Yb2O3 pellets were laid on the top of the target. GaN layers are usually grown by epitaxy methods such as Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) and Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) keywords: czech; deposition; doping; epitaxy; er2o3; er3; erbium; fig; films; ga2o3; gallium; gan; gan layers; growth; ions; journal; layers; magnetron; mail; materials; metallic; nitride; optical; pellets; photoluminescence; physics; polytechnica; powder; rbs; room; samples; spectra; sputtering; target; technical; temperature; university; vol; yb3; ytterbium cache: ap-900.pdf plain text: ap-900.txt item: #1175 of 1243 id: ap-902 author: Bíla, J.; Jura, J. title: Fuzzy Concepts in the Detection of Unexpected Situations date: 2007-01-01 words: 5122 flesch: 64 summary: g of1 1 1 1� �, ,� � n n (1) Model MSS has in general the following form: MSS S S S Inv Inv� , 1� � � �( ), , ( ) , ( ), , ( )� �n i p , (2) where S represents a basic set of situations, � �1( ), , ( )S S� n are structures on S considered as relevant for UX3 de- tection and Inv Inv( ), , ( )� �i p� are invariants on some � �1( ), , ( )S S� n � �( , , , )i p n� 1 � for UX3 detection. keywords: approach; association; basic; block; bíla; case; classes; cognitive; concepts; conf; czech; data; detecting; detection; elements; emergence; example; faults; fdi; fig; following; form; fuzzy; general; inv(; invariant; knowledge; md(ux3; method; model; msf; mss; paper; phase; process; processes; quantities; recognition; rules; set; signals; situations; special; structure; system; technical; type; unexpected; university; ux3; variables; violation; vol; zone; � n; � � cache: ap-902.pdf plain text: ap-902.txt item: #1176 of 1243 id: ap-904 author: Siegel, J.; Kotál, V. title: Preparation of Thin Metal Layers on Polymers date: 2007-01-01 words: 1619 flesch: 68 summary: The power of the plasma dis- charge was constant at a level of 8.6 W. The contact angle of the pristine polymers and of the polymeric sheets directly after plasma treatment, and also of the future development of surface wettability was determined using the Surface Energy Evaluation System device. A rapid decrease in surface wettability for the samples immediately after plasma treatment is obvious from the mea- surements of the dependence of the contact angle on time © Czech Technical University Publishing House 9 Acta Polytechnica Vol. 47 keywords: afm; angle; contact; deposition; fig; gold; image; layers; metal; pet; plasma; polymeric; polymers; pristine; ptfe; surface; thickness; time; treatment; vol cache: ap-904.pdf plain text: ap-904.txt item: #1177 of 1243 id: ap-906 author: Martinez, M. Herrera title: Evaluation of Audio Compression Artifacts date: 2007-01-01 words: 2679 flesch: 53 summary: Higher levels of signal decomposition, of course, will give more accurate representations of the audio signal, in a similar manner as higher frequency resolution improves the accuracy of the frequency representation of the signal in FFT. DWT, then, has a hierarchical structure in which the higher the level that the decomposition affords, the longer the hierarchical DWT tree. Some authors observe that subband coders give better re- sults when tracking transient signals, but the fixed window length that they apply does not track these signals accurately. keywords: artifact; audio; basis; bit; character; coders; coding; coefficients; compression; czech; dct; decomposition; domain; dwt; evaluation; factor; fft; fig; frequency; hybrid; preecho; representation; results; signal; step; structure; subband; subjective; systems; technical; tracking; transform; transient; type; university; vol; wavelet cache: ap-906.pdf plain text: ap-906.txt item: #1178 of 1243 id: ap-908 author: Pastor, O. title: Indirect Determination of the Risk of Transportation Projects date: 2007-01-01 words: 2161 flesch: 51 summary: This development is viewed in terms of time as well as the effects and requirements of the assessed project throughout its life (development period of the territory). The basic blocks for assessing transportation projects can comprise: Direct demand of users: keywords: assessment; certain; characteristics; criteria; criterion; czech; determination; development; efficiency; evaluating; fig; global; indirect; locality; monotonous; multi; order; period; project; risk; set; table; time; transportation; university; variants cache: ap-908.pdf plain text: ap-908.txt item: #1179 of 1243 id: ap-910 author: Pastor, O.; Novotný, P.; Melechovský, J. title: Support for Expert Estimations in Transportation Projects date: 2007-01-01 words: 1122 flesch: 40 summary: Subjective probabilities have to be applied at this preparatory stage of transportation project. Even in this scheme of application of the Monte Carlo method, subjective probabilities have to be used. keywords: analysis; assessment; czech; decision; determining; distribution; expert; factors; information; making; probabilities; probability; project; risk; subjective; transportation; university cache: ap-910.pdf plain text: ap-910.txt item: #1180 of 1243 id: ap-912 author: Popelová, L. title: The Symbolic-Aesthetic Dimension of Industrial Architecture as a Method of Classification and Evaluation: the Example of Bridge Structures in the Czech Republic date: 2007-01-01 words: 5114 flesch: 61 summary: 7 Conclusion This paper is a contribution in support of a criterion that will systematically evaluate industrial structures, including bridge structures, from a symbolic-aesthetic perspective. Industrial structures from the Czech Republic are used as examples, and a specific analy- sis is made of two bridges. keywords: 1908–1909; acta; aesthetic; architecture; association; bridge; buildings; case; categories; category; centre; charles; city; criterion; czech; dimension; e.g.; example; face; fig; form; heritage; historical; house;; human; image; important; industrial; industrial structures; koula; left; like; long; metaphor; modern; new; objects; old; paper; perception; perspective; polytechnica; prague; praha; production; publishing; republic; right; role; small; specific; structures; stylistic; svatopluk; symbolic; technical; technical structures; technology; time; towers; typical; unity; university; value; vol; water; way; works; world; čech; čech bridge cache: ap-912.pdf plain text: ap-912.txt item: #1181 of 1243 id: ap-914 author: Martinez-Val, R. title: Flying Wings. A New Paradigm for Civil Aviation? date: 2007-01-01 words: 7753 flesch: 64 summary: The present paper discusses the main features of flying wings, their advantages over conventional competitors, and some key operational issues, such as evacuation and vortex wake intensity. This paper discusses the main features of flying wings and blended wing bodies, their advantages over conventional competitors, and some key operational issues, such as airport operation, evacuation, and vortex wake intensity. keywords: acta; advantages; aerodynamics; aiaa; aircraft; airliners; airplanes; airport; area; arrangement; aspect; average; aviation; blended; body; bwb; cabin; civil; class; commercial; concepts; conceptual; configuration; consumption; conventional; cruise; current; czech; design; distance; doors; drag; emergency; engines; evacuation; evolution; exits; field; fig; flight; flow; flying; fuel; fuselage; future; great; high; house;; inner; jet; jets; journal; landing; large; layout; leading; lfc; lift; lower; main; major; martinez; maximum; medium; minimum; mtow; new; number; outer; paper; passenger; payload; polytechnica; publishing; range; ratio; rear; results; seat; servicing; similar; size; skin; space; specific; structural; subsonic; table; technical; terms; time; traffic; transport; university; usa; val; vol; wake; weight; wing cache: ap-914.pdf plain text: ap-914.txt item: #1182 of 1243 id: ap-916 author: Dunne, G. V. title: Functional Determinants for Radially Separable Partial Differential Operators date: 2007-01-02 words: 5523 flesch: 70 summary: The primary motivation of this work is for applications in quantum field theory, so we concentrate on examples in two, three and four dimensions, but the mathe- matical generalization to arbitrary dimension should be clear. Consider the radially separable partial differential operators � � � �� V r( ) ;�free � �� (1) where � is the Laplace operator in|R d , and V(r) is a radial po- tential vanishing at infinity as r�2�� for d � 2 and d � 3, and as r�4�� for d � 4. A conventional renormalization choice is to take � � m in (6)–(8). keywords: analytic; applications; arxiv; asym; continuation; d �; deg; determinant; differential; dimensions; field; free �; function; hep; jost; l d; l l; l r; math; mr �; operators; partial; phys; potential; quantum; radial; results; rev; s s; s �; separable; sum; terms; theory; vol; yaglom; zeta; � m2; � r cache: ap-916.pdf plain text: ap-916.txt item: #1183 of 1243 id: ap-917 author: Fischer, M.; Mlček, M.; Konvičková, S.; Kittnar, O. title: Computer Insight into the Molecular Level of Heart Failure. What is the Role of NCX? date: 2008-01-01 words: 4294 flesch: 57 summary: i e n r E t F RT e ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) � � � � � � � � �3 2 3 � �Ca t ei n r E t F RT( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) � � � � � � 2 1 and ionic flux as Q t A C V z F I tNaCa cap SC c NaCa( ) ( )� � � � , where k(t) is the saturation parameter (see [8]), Nai (12 mol/m 3) is intracellular sodium concentration, Cae (1,8 mol/m3) is extracellular calcium concentration, n (3) is stoichiometry of Na-Ca exchange, r (0.15) is position of the peak of the energy barrier separat- ing two states – activation and deactivation of the exchanger, E(t) is action potential, F (96485.3415 s�A /mol) is Faraday constant, R (8.3144 J/K�mol) is ideal gas constant, T (290.15 K) is absolute temperature, Nae (140 mol /m 3) is extracellular sodium concentration, Cai(t) is intracellular calcium concentration, Acap (1.534 e 8 m2) is capacitive membrane area, CSC (1 F /m 2) is specific membrane capacity, Vc (25 e 12 m3) is cellular volume, and z (2) is valence of calcium ion. According to some findings that report NCX activity in failing hearts [11], the NCX activity was varied between 50, 75, 100 and 130 % of normal activity. keywords: acta; activity; adobe; altered; ca2; calcium; cardiac; cellular; concentration; contraction; contribution; czech; data; ecc; effect; exchanger; experimental; failing; failure; false; fig; force; function; handling; heart; house;; intracellular; ionic; low; mechanisms; model; molecular; ncx; norm; performance; polytechnica; potential; publishing; rate; relaxation; republic; role; serca; simulation; stores; technical; time; total; true; university; vol cache: ap-917.pdf plain text: ap-917.txt item: #1184 of 1243 id: ap-918 author: Znojil, M. title: PT-symmetric Quantum Chain Models date: 2007-01-02 words: 5013 flesch: 68 summary: so that its secular equation � � � � � � � � � �s b a s b a b a b2 2 2 2 2 4 2 220 2 2 64 16 32 2 0( ) (12) is solvable in closed and compact form again, E a b a a b� � � � � � � � �1 2 2 2 4 210 36 12 36 E a b a a b� � � � � � � � �2 2 2 2 4 210 36 12 36 © Czech Technical University Publishing House 11 Acta Polytechnica Vol. † ( ),� � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 � � � � � � � � � � � . keywords: b b; b c; case; certain; closed; condition; coupling; czech; dimensional; domain �; eep; eep eep; energies; equation; exceptional; form; hermitian; hermiticity; lett; math; matrix; mechanics; metric �; model; n n; non; operators; phys; physical; polynomial; problem; quantum; quasi; real; secular; solution; space; vol; znojil; � -symmetric; � -symmetry; � � cache: ap-918.pdf plain text: ap-918.txt item: #1185 of 1243 id: ap-920 author: Balková, L’. title: Return Words and Recurrence Function of a Class of Infinite Words date: 2007-01-02 words: 5306 flesch: 78 summary: For Sb b( )( , )1 0 1 00 1� , one has Ret( ) ,( ) ( )00 1 0 10 0 10 101 1 1 1b b a b b b a b� � � � � � � . n1 0 11 1 0 0( ) ( )( , ) ( , )� � � , n � �, l k n( ) ( )� � 00101 for S k Sn n0 1 1 10 0 1 1( ) ( )( , ) ( , )� �� � , n � �. c) keywords: b b; bispecial; factor; function; infinite; left; length; n b; proposition; r n; recurrence; return; right; set; singular; substitution; u u; words; � � cache: ap-920.pdf plain text: ap-920.txt item: #1186 of 1243 id: ap-922 author: Sergyeyev, A. title: Flat Coordinates and Hidden Symmetry for Superintegrable Benenti Systems date: 2007-01-02 words: 376 flesch: 61 summary: 47 No. 2–3/2007 Flat Coordinates and Hidden Symmetry for Superintegrable Benenti Systems A. Sergyeyev In this talk I present the results from my paper Exact solvability of superintegrable Benenti systems, J. Math. [2] Błaszak, M., Sergyeyev, A.: Maximal Superintegrability of Benenti Systems, J. Phys. keywords: benenti; class; phys; systems cache: ap-922.pdf plain text: ap-922.txt item: #1187 of 1243 id: ap-923 author: Matoušek, V. title: Effect of the Hydraulic Characteristics of a Stream Channel and its Surroundings on the Runoff Hydrograph date: 2008-01-01 words: 9196 flesch: 63 summary: Fig. 4 compares the hydrographs in our two channels for rainfalls of a certain periodicity (50 years) and durations cor- responding with the concentration times, i.e. for rainfalls with durations of 35 minutes (reclaimed channel) and 55 minutes (natural channel). The paper proposes a methodology for evaluating the flood waves produced by different (either re- claimed or natural/restored) stream channels. keywords: area; channel; coefficient; concentration; concentration time; creek; czech; depth; direct; discharge; dubanka; duration; effect; event; fig; flood; flood event; flood wave; floodplain; flow; flow rate; high; hydraulic; hydrograph; isochrones; lake; maize; maximum; maximum flow; method; minutes; natural channel; outflow; outflow profile; precipitation; profile; rainfall; rate; reclaimed; rozhovice; runoff; slope; smooth channel; stream channel; table; time; valley; value; velocity; volume; water; watershed; wave cache: ap-923.pdf plain text: ap-923.txt item: #1188 of 1243 id: ap-924 author: Masáková, Z.; Pelantová, E. title: Self-Matching Properties of Beatty Sequences date: 2007-01-02 words: 3154 flesch: 82 summary: Since �� is a quadratic unit, � �� �� is a ring and, moreover, it satisfies � � � �� � � �� � �� � (6) A cut-and-project set is the set of projections of points of � 2 to V1, that are found in a strip of given bounded width, parallel to the straight line V1. For the de- scription of the projection of �2 on V1 it suffices to consider the set � � � �� �� � � �� �: ,a b a b The integral basis of this free abelian group is ( , )1 �� , and thus every element x of � �� �� has a unique expression in this base. keywords: beatty; czech; fibonacci; frequency; irrational; j g; j j; j k; k g; k �; matching; math; project; proof; properties; quadratic; self; sequences; set; theorem; vol; � j cache: ap-924.pdf plain text: ap-924.txt item: #1189 of 1243 id: ap-926 author: Burdík, Č.; Navrátil, O.; Pošta, S. title: Structure of the Enveloping Algebras date: 2007-01-02 words: 5901 flesch: 60 summary: f x x f x E x x f x x f x x � � � � � � � 23 34 33 13 11 33 31 12 32 1 0� � � � , ( ) 3 33 14 34 13 11 23 21 43 41 0 � � � � � � � � � � f x x f x x f x x f x x f x � � � � , E x f x x x f x x f x x f x24 21 41 22 44 42 23 43 24 44 � � � � � � � � � � � ( ) x f x x f x x f x E x x f x 14 12 24 22 34 32 14 11 44 4 0 � � � � � � � � � � � � � , ( ) 1 12 42 13 43 14 44 14 11 24 2 � �x f x x f x x f x x f x x f x � � � � � � � � � � 1 34 31 0� �x f x � � . U U U U E U U U E U C U 0 1 12 0 2 12 2 1 1 1� � � � � � � � � � ( ) , ( ) , ( ) ( ) , � From this we can claim that for any n � 0 U U C En k m k m n k m� � � , ( ) 0 2 1 12� (1) keywords: algebra; case; czech; decomposition; degree; det; dimension; e e; elements; enveloping; f e; highest; k k; k n; k �; lie; linear; n f; n n; n �; representation; sum; system; vectors; weight; x n cache: ap-926.pdf plain text: ap-926.txt item: #1190 of 1243 id: ap-928 author: Shapiro, B.; Tater, M. title: Root Asymptotics of Spectral Polynomials date: 2007-01-02 words: 2378 flesch: 71 summary: We change the variable x t2 � and reduce the Schrödinger equation to 4 4 2 2 4 2 0 2 2 2t f t t bt f t Jt E b f d d d d � � � � � � �( ) ( ) (1) j i jj l � � � � � � �� � � � � �dd d d 2 2 1 11 0 (2) with �1<�2<… �l real and �1, …, �l positive. keywords: degenerate; degree; equation; higher; lim; n l; n n; non; operator; polynomials; problem; roots; schrödinger; spectral; stieltjes; van; vleck; vol cache: ap-928.pdf plain text: ap-928.txt item: #1191 of 1243 id: ap-930 author: Jones, H. F. title: The Metric Operator and the Functional Integral Formulation of Pseudo-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics date: 2007-01-02 words: 3759 flesch: 78 summary: The operator � � �e Q is in fact precisely the metric opera- tor occurring in � � � � �, ,A A� , (7) because the similarity transformation � � �A A� � 1, � �� � � gives � � � � �� � � � � � � �A A† 1 . P2 1 2( , ) ( )� � , giving p F x P X F P x iQ� � � � � � � � � � 2 2 1 2 . keywords: case; cosh �; exp �; functional; hermitian; integral; iq �; j �; mechanics; metric; non; observable �; operator; phys; pseudo; quantum; theory; vol; � -symmetry; � sinh; � � cache: ap-930.pdf plain text: ap-930.txt item: #1192 of 1243 id: ap-931 author: Haluzová, P. title: Effective Data Mining for a Transportation Information System date: 2008-01-01 words: 4334 flesch: 59 summary: LnNo number line number PorNo number line order EvCislo text tram-car license number Vozovna number number of the depot (1–8), from which the tram departed A number ID of tram stop B number number of the stop post C number delay (overtake recorded as minus) D number reserve column, without data Table 2: Attributes of daytime traffic tables name of attribute Meaning name of category values of attributes weekday days in a week Monday to Sunday 1 to 7 hour hour interval (e.g. 7 means an interval from 7:00 to 7:59) morning 5, 6 morning rush hour 7, 8 before noon 9, 10 noon 11, 12 afternoon 13, 14 afternoon rush hour 15, 16 evening 17, 18, 19, 20 late evening 21, 22, 23 average delay average delay [s] under 1 min �0, 59� from 1 to 2 min �60, 119� from 2 to 3 min �120, 179� over 3 min > 179 Table 3: Meaning and categories of attributes for each month, generates about 20 000 duplicate records, this corresponds to 1.3 % of the total. 48 No. 1/2008 Effective Data Mining for a Transportation Information System P. Haluzová This paper describes the application of data mining methods in the database of the DORIS transportation information system, currently used by the Prague Public Transit Company. keywords: accidents; analysis; antecedent; association; attributes; average; conclusion; contingent; czech; data; database; day; delay; example; fig; high; hour; hypotheses; implication; information; kdd; knowledge; line; lisp; methods; miner; mining; new; number; objects; parameters; prague; precondition; preparation; process; quantifier; records; rules; stop; succedent; system; table; technical; time; tram; university; values; vol cache: ap-931.pdf plain text: ap-931.txt item: #1193 of 1243 id: ap-932 author: Lévai, G. title: PT-symmetry and Non-Central Potentials date: 2007-01-02 words: 2709 flesch: 64 summary: In what follows we choose the units as 2 1m � �� . Equation (5) is solvable for the choice Q( ) sin ( )� � �� �2 2 , q � �� �( )1 , (7) when the solutions are given by the associated Legendre func- tions � P� � �cos( ) [5]. keywords: angular; case; central; complex; dimensions; energy; equation; non; norm; phys; potentials; problems; pseudo; quantum; radial; real; schrödinger; solvable; symmetry; variables; vol; � -symmetric; � � cache: ap-932.pdf plain text: ap-932.txt item: #1194 of 1243 id: ap-934 author: Fring, A. title: PT-symmetry and Integrability date: 2007-01-02 words: 4990 flesch: 73 summary: Utilizing now both relations in (15) and the anti-linear nature of the ��-operator, a very simple argument leads to the reality of the spectrum � � � �� � � � � � �� � � � � �H H H�� �� �� ��* * (16) i � � � � � � � � � � † † † † † ( ) ~ ( )( i j ij i a � � � � � � � � � � � �� � ) (1) with a a i i � � †, being standard creation and annihilation ope- rators and �, , ~g g � �, possess a real eigenvalue spectrum [3] (I am grateful to John Cardy for pointing this out). keywords: calogero; czech; eigenvalue; equation; field; form; fring; g �; generic �; hamiltonians; hermitian; hermiticity; instance; integrability; integrable; isospectral; j. phys; mechanics; models; new; non; operators; phys; physics; potentials; pseudo; quantum; real; reality; rev; simple; spectrum; supersymmetry; theory; university; vol; � -symmetric; � -symmetry; � bk; � � cache: ap-934.pdf plain text: ap-934.txt item: #1195 of 1243 id: ap-935 author: Beran, V.; Hromada, E. title: Dynamic Simulations in Cost and Time Estimation of the Construction Process date: 2008-01-01 words: 2819 flesch: 61 summary: pi i ij� � � . i C project const� � � � . keywords: activities; activity; bar; basis; building; calculation; chart; construction; cost; czech; data; duration; dynamic; example; fig; input; model; parameters; particular; probability; production; progress; project; rate; risk; schedule; scope; simulation; table; technical; time; university; work cache: ap-935.pdf plain text: ap-935.txt item: #1196 of 1243 id: ap-936 author: Bíla, H. title: How Do Energies Complexify? date: 2007-01-02 words: 5721 flesch: 64 summary: The domain of the Hamiltonian (16) is � �DomH � � � �� �L L L L2 2 2 2( ) ( ) ( ) ( )� � � � . 2.2 Square-root dependence To illustrate the behaviour of eigenvalues on a concrete example, let us consider the simple two-dimensional matrices H � � � � � � � � � � �� c de de c iq iq 1 2 (11) with c d qi, , �. (8) The eigenvalues are given by 2 41 2 1 2 2 2E c c c c d� � � � �( ) . keywords: -symmetry; boundary; c c; case; complexification; czech; dependence; diagonalisable; dimensional; dirac; eigenvalues; energies; energy; equation; example; exceptional; form; hamiltonian; hermitian; level; matrices; matrix; max; non; operator; parameters; parametric; physical; points; properties; quantum; r �; real; relativistic; root; second; space; spectrum; square; systems; vol; zero; � -symmetric; � � cache: ap-936.pdf plain text: ap-936.txt item: #1197 of 1243 id: ap-938 author: Borisov, D. title: On a Quantum Waveguide with a Small PT-symmetric Perturbation date: 2007-01-02 words: 1689 flesch: 73 summary: d d1 1 1 � � � � �� � � � � �� � � � �� 1 2 � It follows from [2, Th. 1] that if Re k1 0� , or Re k1 0� , Re k2 0� , (7) there exists the unique eigenvalue of �� converging to the threshold of the continuous spectrum, and the asymptotics of this eigenvalue reads as follows � � � �� � �� � � � 1 0 2 1 2 2 3k k k k, ( ),� . The main property of the operator �� is ��-symmetricity expressed by the identity � �� � * � �� � 1, where ( )( ) ( , )�u x u x x� � 1 2 . keywords: continuous; eigenvalue; operator; perturbation; spectrum; threshold; u x; � -symmetric cache: ap-938.pdf plain text: ap-938.txt item: #1198 of 1243 id: ap-940 author: Kochan, D. title: Quantization of Equations of Motion date: 2007-01-02 words: 6083 flesch: 68 summary: Using it, for any other � within this class we get an oriented loop (cycle): � � � � �� : � � � �1 0class . All of these procedures require in some sense Lagrangian � � �� � and/or Hamiltonian � � �� � functions, such that �� ( , �, )x x x t x x i i keywords: amplitude; bundle; ch �; classical; curve; differential; dynamics; equations; exp; extended; feynman; forces; form; functional; initial; integral; lagrange; lagrangian; mechanics; newton; path; physical; potential; probability; problem; q q; q t; quantization; quantum; space; surface; system; t t; tangent; term; time; tm �; transition; umb �; umbilical; university; v t; vol; � class; � � cache: ap-940.pdf plain text: ap-940.txt item: #1199 of 1243 id: ap-942 author: Ambrož, P. title: Matrices Associated to 3-Interval Exchange Transformation and their Spectra date: 2007-01-02 words: 2346 flesch: 76 summary: If (1, �1, 1) is a left eigenvector of M associ- ated to � then we have the following dependence between rows of M, denoted by M M M1 2 3� � �, , ( , , ) ( , , )1 1 1 1 1 11 2 3� � � � � �� � �M M M M �� . (4) Using (4) we have � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �det det ( , , ) M M M M M M M 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 1� 3� � � � � � � � , by subtracting the first and the third row from the second row and by factoring �� out from the second row we obtain � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � det ( , , ) M M 1 3 1 1 1 , which gives (2). keywords: det; det m; et �; left; m m; matrices; matrix; mem �; meme; property; � � cache: ap-942.pdf plain text: ap-942.txt item: #1200 of 1243 id: ap-943 author: Prajzler, V.; Burian, Z.; Jeřábek, V.; Hüttel, I.; Špirková, J.; Gurovič, J.; Oswald, J.; Zavadil, J.; Peřina, V. title: Properties of Erbium Doped Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Layers Fabricated by Sputtering and Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition date: 2008-01-01 words: 3525 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: carbon layers, Erbium, PACVD, sputtering, photoluminescence � PACVD growth of carbon thin films from a gas mixture ( H 2� Ar � erbium isopropoxide or CH4� Erbium tris), � magnetron sputtering placing metallic erbium on the car- bon target. Research on the deposition of carbon layers is mainly focused on the fabrication of dia- mond-like carbon (DLC) or carbon nanotubes. keywords: carbon; carbon layers; ch4; chemical; czech; deposition; er3; erbium; fig; films; growth; hüttel; ions; layers; magnetron; mail; optical; pacvd; photoluminescence; prague; samples; sputtering; table; target; technical; temperature; thin; tris; university; vacuum; vol cache: ap-943.pdf plain text: ap-943.txt item: #1201 of 1243 id: ap-944 author: Jakubský, V. title: Pseudo-Hermitian Operators in a Description of Physical Systems date: 2007-01-02 words: 3283 flesch: 65 summary: denotes standard scalar product and �� �� � dp p p and �h is the helicity operator. The Hamiltonian of the system plays the role of the gener- ator of time translations, we have U t iHt( ) exp( )� � . keywords: construction; czech; description; equation; evolution; explicit; form; hamiltonian; hermitian; mechanics; metric; non; operator; phys; physical; positive; product; properties; pseudo; quantum; real; relativistic; respect; scalar; space; spectrum; spin; system; time; vol; znojil; � � cache: ap-944.pdf plain text: ap-944.txt item: #1202 of 1243 id: ap-946 author: Günther, U.; Kirillov, O. N.; Samsonov, B. F.; Stefani, F. title: The Spherically Symmetric a2–dynamo and Some of its Spectral Peculiarities date: 2007-01-02 words: 4914 flesch: 68 summary: Two given branches � ��n ( )0 and � � � m( )0 intersect at the single point � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 0 0: , :n m n m, and we obtain that branches from states of opposite Krein space type � �� � intersect for � 0 0� , whereas states of the same type (� �� ) intersect at � 0 0� . 3: The spectral mesh of the operator matrix A� for l � 0 (a); its resonant deformation due to harmonic perturbations of a con- stant �-profile (b), (c); the formation of overcritical oscillatory dynamo regimes for � increasing from � � �0 0( )� to � � � � �35 0 0( ,� � for some branches) (d); and the resonant unfolding of DPs in the complex plane (e), (f). keywords: -symmetric; acta; bcs; behavior; branches; complex; conducting; czech; diabolical; dynamo; eigenvalue; equation; field; fig; günther; house;; krein; lett; magnetic; math; mechanics; mhd �; mode; models; new; operator; order; parameter; phys; points; polytechnica; potential; problem; publishing; quantum; real; related; space; spectral; spectrum; stefani; technical; terms; theory; type; university; vol; � -profile; � � cache: ap-946.pdf plain text: ap-946.txt item: #1203 of 1243 id: ap-948 author: Hosten, P.; Asbach, M. title: Detection of Facial Features in Scale-Space date: 2007-01-04 words: 3134 flesch: 62 summary: This detector is based on the second moment matrix [7]: �( , , ) ( ) ( , ) ( , ) ( , ) x x x x � � � � � � � i D D i D D x y D x y D g L L L L L L � �2 2 D D 2 ( , )x � � � � � � (3) is easier to compute the trace and the determinant of the sec- ond moment matrix than its eigenvalues, the Harris detector uses the following measure to determine the location of inter- est points [3]: cornerness tracei D � � � � � � � � � � � � � 1 2 1 2 2 2 ( ) det( ( , , )) (� x �( , , )) keywords: analysis; classifier; cluster; computer; corner; detection; detector; dimensionality; face; facial; false; features; fig; harris; image; interest; invariant; local; matrix; number; points; recognition; results; rotation; scale; section; set; space; target; test; training; university; vectors; vision; vol cache: ap-948.pdf plain text: ap-948.txt item: #1204 of 1243 id: ap-949 author: Bičík, A. title: Moderna arhitektura u hrvatskoj 1930–IH –Modern Architecture in Croatia 1930’s by Darja Radović Mahečić date: 2008-01-01 words: 1705 flesch: 49 summary: 48 No. 1/2008 Moderna arhitektura u hrvatskoj 1930–IH Modern Architecture in Croatia 1930’s by Darja Radović Mahečić A. Bičík Keywords: Croatian modern architecture, functionalism, functionalism in Croatia Book jacket REVIEW buildings are on the list, because they are important for the development of modern architecture in Croatia. In the course of the project a na- tional register of Croatian modern architecture from the pe- riod between 1926 and 1940 was set up. keywords: architects; architecture; art; author; book; buildings; competitions; croatian; croatian modern; czech; development; houses; important; index; institute; international; ivan; modern; modern architecture; period; polytechnica; prague; project; public; publishing; register; school; split; technical; town; university; vol; workers; zagreb cache: ap-949.pdf plain text: ap-949.txt item: #1205 of 1243 id: ap-950 author: Karajica, M. title: Valuating the Investment Efficiency of Distribution Companies date: 2007-01-04 words: 4126 flesch: 57 summary: � Multi Criteria Decision Making methods, � Data Analysis Envelopment. The mathematical formulation for this exercise is: max h u y v x k j jk j s i ik i r0 0 0 1 1 � � � � � subject to u y v x k k n j jk j s i ik i r � � � � � � 1 1 01 1, , , , , ,� � u j s v i r j i � � � � 0 1 0 1 , , , , , , , , � � where hk0 is efficiency rate of unit k0, xik is i-th input the k-th unit, yjk is j-th output the k-th unit, vi are the weights assigned to the i-th input and uj are weights assigned to j-th output, while i r� 1, ,� , j s� 1, ,� and k k n� 1 0, , , ,� � . keywords: analysis; assessment; average; benchmarking; ccr; companies; company; comparison; constant; criteria; czech; czk; data; decision; distribution; e n; efficiency; envelopment; indicator; inputs; investment; line; making; methods; model; multi; number; order; outputs; publishing; relative; results; returns; scale; score; set; total; unit; university; valuation; value; weights cache: ap-950.pdf plain text: ap-950.txt item: #1206 of 1243 id: ap-951 author: Olshanetsky, M. title: Lectures on Classical Integrable Systems and Gauge Field Theories date: 2008-01-02 words: 18027 flesch: 81 summary: Any H C� �( )� defines a Hamiltonian vector field on � � �H dH H Ha ab b� � �� � � � , . F Ga ab b, � �� � � � . keywords: 5.2 �; acta; action; arxiv; ay �; b �; basis; bundles; calogero; case; classical; complex; constraints; coordinates; corresponding; curve �; czech; df �; dim �; dimensional; duality; elliptic; equations; false; field; form; g g; g n; gauge; group �; hamiltonian; hecke; higgs; hitchin; holomorphic; house;; integrable; ix �; j g; j j; j k; j1 �; jk �; k �; lax; lie; map; marked; math; matrices; matrix; mills; modification; moduli; moment; monodromies; moser; motion; n d; n j; n n; n �; orbit; phase; phys; points; poisson; polytechnica; publishing; quotient �; red �; reduced; reduction; respect; section; solutions; space; spectral; stable; structure; subgroup �; symplectic; systems; t n; tc �; technical; theories; theory; tn �; tori �; transformations; true; un �; university; v �; variables; vector; vn1 �; vol; way; words �; xa �; y �; yang; z z; z �; � +; � ad; � cm; � dy; � et; � fl; � g; � h; � j; � l; � nz; � s; � u; � � cache: ap-951.pdf plain text: ap-951.txt item: #1207 of 1243 id: ap-952 author: Lisník, J. title: Valuation of Companies date: 2007-01-04 words: 2098 flesch: 63 summary: FCFF EBIT t DEP WC INVt t t t t� � � � � �( )1 � (5) FCFFt – free cash flow to the firm, EBITt – earnings before interest and taxes, t – taxes, DEPt – depreciation, �WCt – change in working capital, INVt – investments. I selected the following six telecommunications operators [1]: � OTE (Greek), � Czech Telecom (CT) (Czech), � Swisscom (Swiss), � Telekom Austria (TA) (Austrian), � Telenor (Norwegian), � TeliaSonera (TS) (Swedish-Finnish). keywords: altman; assets; bankruptcy; companies; company; czech; czk; earnings; financial; groups; indicators; market; methods; number; ote; prague; price; score; share; stock; swisscom; telenor; teliasonera; valuation; value; year cache: ap-952.pdf plain text: ap-952.txt item: #1208 of 1243 id: ap-954 author: Petrucha, V. title: An Improved Version of the Fluxgate Compass Module date: 2007-01-04 words: 2738 flesch: 59 summary: This differ- ence in sensor excitation coil distribution has a considerable impact on the sensor properties. Three types of sensors are typically used for geomagnetic field sensing. keywords: accelerometers; algorithm; axis; azimuth; calibration; case; coil; compass; compensation; current; czech; electronics; error; excitation; field; fig; fluxgate; iteration; linearity; magnetic; magnetometer; module; navigation; new; non; output; pcb; power; sensors; software; system; technical; temperature; total; type; university; value; version; vol cache: ap-954.pdf plain text: ap-954.txt item: #1209 of 1243 id: ap-955 author: Stolin, A. title: 25 Years of Quantum Groups: from Definition to Classification date: 2008-01-02 words: 4236 flesch: 67 summary: Set � � �� I I� �, where � �I � is an orthonormal basis of g with respect to the Killing form. Let F satisfy F id F F id F12 23( ) ( )� �� � � . keywords: adobe; algebras; baxter; bialgebra; case; classical; classification; conjecture; corresponding; cybe; equation; false; following; groups; hopf; k k; lie; lie bialgebra; limit; math; matrix; p u; poisson; polynomial; quantization; quantum; quasi; rational; solutions; stolin; structures; true; twists; u u; u v; vol; yang cache: ap-955.pdf plain text: ap-955.txt item: #1210 of 1243 id: ap-956 author: Stojanovic, A.; Unger, M. title: Robust Detection of Point Correspondences in Stereo Images date: 2007-01-04 words: 4700 flesch: 63 summary: where h l l l l l x l l l 1 1 11 2 21 3 31 2 12 3 13 2 22 1 12 1 2 2 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �21 3 23 3 32� �l l y , h l l l l l x l l l � � � � � � � � 2 2 1 11 2 21 3 31 2 12 3 13 3 33 1 13 1 � � � � � � � � 31 2 23 2 32� �l l z � � . Using the relations from equation (12) and the constraint that the point is on the line m, we ob- tain the set of equations: x f a y f b y f b z f c ax by cz � � � � � � � � � 1 1 1 1 0 � � � � � � � � . , (13) Expanding equation (13) we have the set of equations a b c x y x y 2 211 12 21 12 21 22 13 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 31 23 32 1x y h� � � � � � �� � , a b c x y x z 2 11 13 31 12 21 22 32 1 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 3 31 332 2 � � � � � � � � � x z h , ax by cz� � � 0 . keywords: band; correspondences; corresponding; covariance; criterion; distance; epipolar; epipolar line; estimated; fig; fundamental; geometry; hyperbola; image; l l; line; matrix; minimal; new; outlier; point; probability; second; set; university; value cache: ap-956.pdf plain text: ap-956.txt item: #1211 of 1243 id: ap-958 author: Blanik, N.; Hülsbusch, M.; Herzog, M.; Blazek, C. R. title: Assessment of Human Hemodynamics under Hyper- and Microgravity: Results of two Aachen University Parabolic Flight Experiments date: 2007-01-04 words: 1749 flesch: 60 summary: 47 No. 4–5/2007 Fig. 7: Different kinetics of blood volume shifts of three sub- jects (measuring points on the forehead using a green (1) and an infrared light source (2), normalized at start of measurement) Fig. 8: Statistical analysis of skin blood volume changes measured with PPG sensors on subjects’ foreheads Acknowledgments To research these dynamic behaviors, the subjects were exposed to a rapid change of gravity (between zero and 1.8 times the normal gravitational force on earth, i.e. 0 g and 1.8 g, respectively) on parabolic flights. keywords: blazek; blood; body; earth; fig; flights; flow; fluid; gravitational; gravity; human; intensity; legs; light; lower; microgravity; parabola; parabolic; photoplethysmography; plane; ppg; seconds; sensor; shifts; skin; space; subjects; time; university; volume cache: ap-958.pdf plain text: ap-958.txt item: #1212 of 1243 id: ap-959 author: Smirnov, F. title: Correlation Functions for Lattice Integrable Models date: 2008-01-02 words: 7411 flesch: 76 summary: Consider the infinite XXZ spin chain with the Hamiltonian H k k k k k k k XXZ � � � �� � � ��� � �12 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 3( ( ))� � � � � �� , where � a a( , , )�1 2 3 are Pauli matrices and � � cos ��. I shall consider the case � �1, so, � is real: 0 1� �� . [ , ] ( ) ( ) ,L L m n L n nm n m n m n� � � �� � 1 12 12 � , [ , ] ( ) ( ) ,L L m n L n nm n m n m n� � � �� � 1 12 12 � . keywords: adobe; algebra; boos; case; chain; denote; expectation; false; fermion; formula; free; functions; hamiltonian; j j; j k; j �; jimbo; k k; k l; k �; lecture; lenght �; local �; m �; matrix; miwa; model; n n; operators; q q; relation; sin; smirnov; space; spin; takeyama; true; vac; vacuum; vol; w �; xxz; � e; � n; � p)-th; � y; � � cache: ap-959.pdf plain text: ap-959.txt item: #1213 of 1243 id: ap-960 author: Eros, L.; Bozoki, F. title: Refactorisation methods for TTCN-3 date: 2007-01-04 words: 3377 flesch: 65 summary: 47 No. 4–5/2007 Refactorisation methods for TTCN-3 L. Eros, F. Bozoki In this paper we introduce automatic methods for restructuring source codes written in test description languages. The goal of our refactorisation methods is to increase the maintainability of source codes. keywords: action; algorithm; cefsm; code; data; definitions; equal; fig; graph; instructions; lists; model; module; node; redundancy; refactoring; refactorisation; repetitions; repetitive; sequences; source; states; structure; templates; test; trees; ttcn-3; type; value cache: ap-960.pdf plain text: ap-960.txt item: #1214 of 1243 id: ap-961 author: Sitarz, A. title: 31Lectures on Noncommutative Geometry date: 2008-01-02 words: 20476 flesch: 69 summary: �� � � denotes the usual coor- dinates on the torus. Example 2.9: Take U, V to be the following unitary operators on the Hilbert space with basis { }, ,em n m n��: U e em n m n, ,� 1 , V e e em n i m m n, ,� � 2 1 � � , m n, � �, where � � � . keywords: 2/2008; acta; action; algebra; algebraic; basis; bundle; calculus; case; circle; classes; classical; cocycle; cohomology; commutators; compact; complex; connection; connes; construction; continuous; cos; course; curvature; cyclic; czech; definition; dga; differential; differential algebra; dimension; dirac; e �; elements; example; exercise; f f; f n; fact; false; field; finite; following; forms; free; functions; gauge; geometry; gh �; good; graded; hilbert; house;; ideal; ii �; instance; j2 �; k �; left; leibniz; linear; manifold; map; mathematical; matrix; means; model; module; morphism �; n k; n m; n n; need; noncommutative; noncommutative geometry; notion; number �; operator; order; pairing; physics; points; polytechnica; product; projective; proof; publishing; quantum; representation; rham; rule; s �; set; sin; smooth; space; spectral; standard; t �; technical; tensor; theorem; theory; topological; topology; torus; trace; triple; true; u u; universal; university; vector; vol; vui �; way; work; � -independent; � b; � f; � ker; � p; � xi; � � cache: ap-961.pdf plain text: ap-961.txt item: #1215 of 1243 id: ap-962 author: Havlíček, L. title: Extending the Life Time of a Nuclear Power Plant: Impact on Nuclear Liabilities in the Czech Republic date: 2007-01-04 words: 4044 flesch: 48 summary: Unlike the disposal and decommissioning liability there is no obvious relation between NPP life time (waste volume produced) and liability. This paper deals with the impact of NPP life time extension (alternatively NPP power up-rate or construction of a new NPP) on individual nuclear liabilities in the conditions of the Czech Republic. keywords: additional; basic; changes; costs; current; czech; decommissioning; disposal; dukovany; estimate; extension; fuel; funds; future; impact; liabilities; liability; life; life time; new; npp; npp operator; nuclear; operation; operator; options; rate; repository; republic; state; storage; technology; time; waste; years cache: ap-962.pdf plain text: ap-962.txt item: #1216 of 1243 id: ap-964 author: Lucki, M. title: Negative Chromatic Dispersion Generated by Introducing Curvature into Photonic Crystal Fiber date: 2007-01-04 words: 4134 flesch: 59 summary: To simplify the definition, we decompose the supermodes into elementary modes (or inversely) in a cross-section as: � � �I I Ib b� �1 1 2 2, (5) � � �II II IIb b� �1 1 2 2. The sensitivity of minimum negative CD to deviations of the curvature radius or with respect to the normalized hole diameter During the fabrication process, the predicted values of the hole diameter or the curvature radius could have some devia- tions from the theoretical predictions. keywords: bending; bent; chromatic; cladding; core; coupling; curvature; deviation; diameter; dispersion; dual; effective; fiber; fig; fundamental; hole; index; losses; minimum; mode; negative; negative cd; optical; orientation; pcf; peak; photonic; plane; positive; radius; supermodes; value; vol; wavelength; � � cache: ap-964.pdf plain text: ap-964.txt item: #1217 of 1243 id: ap-965 author: Toppan, F. title: Extended Supersymmetries in One Dimension date: 2008-01-02 words: 16264 flesch: 67 summary: i i i� � � � � � � � � �5 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 2 6� � � � � (9.69) ii) i � � � � � � � � � � � � � 4 2 1 4 5 5 2 8 3 1 1 4 3 3 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 4 2 5 5 8 4 1 2 3 3 4 4 2 6 � � � � � � � � i i keywords: 2/2008; acta; action; algebras; bosonic; c(0; case; classification; clifford; connectivity �; constant �; construction; content; czech; d �; derivative �; dimensional; dimensionality; dressed; dressing; entries; extended; false; fermionic; fields; following; gamma; general; house;; ii �; ijk; invariant; irreducible; irreps; k �; length; length-4; lines; matrices; matrix; maximal; mechanics; mod; multiplet; n n; n �; non; nrr �; number; octonionic; operators; phys; polytechnica; publishing; q n; q q; quantum; representations; results; s �; section; set; shell; space; spin; supergravity; supersymmetry; technical; terms; theories; theory; time; total; transformations; true; type; university; vol; weyl; � dt; � fusion; � g; � ijklmnp; � j; � y; � � cache: ap-965.pdf plain text: ap-965.txt item: #1218 of 1243 id: ap-966 author: Szabados, R.; Sipos, K. title: Developing E-learning Courses for Mobile Devices date: 2007-01-04 words: 6070 flesch: 60 summary: Probably the most important problem is adequate adaptation of video files to the given platform. Due to the large number of different video codecs, there are numerous ways for video adaptation. keywords: adaptation; available; bandwidth; capacity; case; cms; code; coding; content; course; devices; different; display; enhancement; file; html; internet; learning; learning package; lecturer; lms; method; mobile; moodle; multimedia; new; original; package; pages; pdas; picture; platform; playback; profile; program; quality; resolution; scalability; scalable; scorm; screen; server; size; small; software; storage; stream; structure; system; technical; text; university; user; video; way cache: ap-966.pdf plain text: ap-966.txt item: #1219 of 1243 id: ap-968 author: Švec, P.; Jandák, V. title: The Influence of PZT Actuators Positioning in Active Structural Acoustic Control date: 2007-01-04 words: 2364 flesch: 62 summary: xi i j t k j t � � � � � � � � 4 2 2� � � � � � � �( ) ( ) ( ) x y x y x yd d � � � � , (1) where k is the wave number vector magnitude, kx, ky are its components in the x and y directions, �0 and c0 are air density and phase speed of sound respectively, Vz is the 2D k-space Fourier transform of the normal velocity of the vibrating surface, and � ( ) means the real part of its argument. keywords: active; actuator; antinode; asac; control; czech; effect; fig; force; mass; moment; pattern; piezoelectric; plate; position; power; radiated; radiation; secondary; sound; stripe; structural; system; technical; university; vibration; � � cache: ap-968.pdf plain text: ap-968.txt item: #1220 of 1243 id: ap-970 author: Tauchmanová, J. title: Computer Controlled Switching Device for Deep Brain Stimulation date: 2007-01-04 words: 1852 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: Deep brain stimulation, hemodynamic response, functional magnetic resonance, identification. The practical part deals with the design of a computer controlled switching device for an external stimulator for deep brain stimulation. keywords: brain; computer; control; czech; data; deep; device; fig; fmri; functional; hemodynamic; identification; investigation; localization; magnetic; model; patient; resonance; response; second; signals; stimulation; switching; symptoms; system; time; toolbox cache: ap-970.pdf plain text: ap-970.txt item: #1221 of 1243 id: ap-971 author: Pošta, P. title: Communication between a Matrix Converter Modulator and a Superset Regulator date: 2008-01-03 words: 1805 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: matrix converter, FPGA, VHDL, power electronics. Fig. 1: Matrix converter 3×3 4 © Czech Technical University Publishing House Acta Polytechnica Vol. The processes of four-step switching driven by input voltage are insinuated in tables Table 1. keywords: adc; algorithm; bus; communication; converter; desk; fig; fpga; input; matrix; measured; modulator; output; program; read; regulator; superset; switching; technical; testing; university; values; voltage cache: ap-971.pdf plain text: ap-971.txt item: #1222 of 1243 id: ap-972 author: Dietrich, P. title: Modeling Measurement Uncertainty in Room Acoustics date: 2007-01-04 words: 2875 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: Room acoustics, measurement uncertainty, GUM, ISO 3382, uncertainty modeling. The main influence factors and their relevance regarding measurement uncertainty have been analyzed and determined. keywords: acoustic; budget; clarity; contributions; different; dodecahedron; experiments; factors; fig; frequency; gum; impulse; index; input; iso; loudspeaker; measurement; modeling; output; parameters; position; quantities; quantity; response; results; room; seat; source; standard; technical; time; type; uncertainties; uncertainty; vol cache: ap-972.pdf plain text: ap-972.txt item: #1223 of 1243 id: ap-973 author: Aboelhassan, M. title: A Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Feedback Control without a Subsidiary Speed Loop date: 2008-01-03 words: 1850 flesch: 58 summary: 48 No. 3/2008 Fig. 2: Block diagram of the PID-controller without the subsidiary speed loop Fig. 3: Block diagram of the PD-controller without the subsidiary speed loop Fig. 4: Block diagrams: proportional control term 3.3 Parallel PID Controllers The family of PID controllers is constructed from various combinations of the proportional, integral and derivative terms as required to meet specific performance requirements. Other modifications that are introduced into the textbook form of PID control include those used to deal with so-called kick behavior, which arises because the textbook PID controller operates directly on the reference error signal. keywords: bldc; block; circle; controller; current; czech; derivative; diagram; domain; drives; error; feedback; fig; gain; loop; motors; pid; position; proportional; rotor; signal; speed; speed loop; state; subsidiary cache: ap-973.pdf plain text: ap-973.txt item: #1224 of 1243 id: ap-974 author: Aleksandrowicz, A.; Leonhardt, S. title: Wireless and Non-contact ECG Measurement System – the “Aachen SmartChair” date: 2007-01-04 words: 2683 flesch: 58 summary: [4] introduced a so-called “driven-ground- -plane” circuit for non-contacting ECG measurements which was also implemented in the application presented here. Either an ICU patient monitor can be con- nected via D/A-conversion and magnitude adjustment, allowing standard ECG clamp leads to be applied, or a simple wired serial interface to a PC can be realized. keywords: aachen; amplifier; application; body; capacitive; chair; circuit; common; conductive; contact; coupling; data; driven; ecg; electrodes; fig; ground; input; insulated; kim; measurement; mode; monitor; patient; result; signal; skin; subject; surface; system; thickness; university; vol cache: ap-974.pdf plain text: ap-974.txt item: #1225 of 1243 id: ap-976 author: Novák, A. title: Identification of Nonlinear Systems: Volterra Series Simplification date: 2007-01-04 words: 2258 flesch: 68 summary: x t x t1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2( ), ( ) ( , ) ( ) ( )� � � �� � � � � � � � � �d d � � � . [ ( )]� �Hn (1) in which Hn[ ( )] ( , , ) ( ) ( )x t h x t x tn n n n� � � �� � �� � �� � � �� � � � � �1 1 1d d� ( 2) represents n-dimensional convolution of the input signal x(t) and n-dimensional Volterra kernel hn(�1,..., �n). keywords: fig; input; kernel; linear; model; nonlinear; operator; order; output; response; second; system; volterra cache: ap-976.pdf plain text: ap-976.txt item: #1226 of 1243 id: ap-977 author: Čapek, R. title: Visualization and Simulation in Scheduling date: 2008-01-03 words: 2236 flesch: 55 summary: Two areas of usage are considered: sim- ulation for monitoring the influence of scheduling on the system function (e.g. for digital filters), and time visualization (e.g. graphic represPentation of execution on a production line in time). On the other hand, Matlab includes the Virtual Reality toolbox, which is also a sufficient tool for visualization of scheduling results. keywords: application; block; chart; control; digital; environment; fig; function; gantt; hoist; input; matlab; output; problem; production; reality; representation; results; schedule; scheduling; scheme; simulation; simulink; system; tasks; time; toolbox; torsche; virtual; visis; visualization cache: ap-977.pdf plain text: ap-977.txt item: #1227 of 1243 id: ap-978 author: Tomek, J. title: Inductive Contactless Distance Measurement Intended for a Gastric Electrical Implant date: 2007-01-04 words: 2789 flesch: 57 summary: 2 Methods The basic of distance measurement solutions using the mutual induction principle is to have just two single axial probes, one transmitter and one receiver. Magnetic measurements are unfortunately directionally dependent, so only the use of multi-axial probes and trans- mitters can ensure precise position evaluation. keywords: axial; certain; chen; coils; czech; dipole; distance; electronics; errors; fig; gastric; induction; low; magnetic; measurements; need; orientation; position; possible; power; probes; receiver; sensing; sensor; simple; stimulation; stomach; system; tracking; transmitter; use; vector; vol; wall cache: ap-978.pdf plain text: ap-978.txt item: #1228 of 1243 id: ap-980 author: Schotsch, B.; Vary, P.; Clevorn, T. title: Analysis of Mismatched First Order A Priori Information in Iterative Source-Channel Decoding date: 2007-01-04 words: 4640 flesch: 57 summary: � �T R � 0 9 0 9 , the decoding trajectory reaches the intersection of the LDPC EXIT characteristic and the SOAK1(� � 0 9. ) � �T R � 0 9 0 9 decoding trajec- tory fall short of the SOAK1(� � 0 9. ) keywords: assignments; autocorrelation; bit; case; channel; characteristic; charts; codes; correlation; decoder; decoding; design; exit; extrinsic; fig; frame; high; index; information; iscd; iterative; knowledge; ldpc; level; order; paper; parameter; performance; priori; quantizer; r �; receiver; redundancy; residual; results; sdsd; short; snr; soak1; source; systems; turbo; u u; values; � � cache: ap-980.pdf plain text: ap-980.txt item: #1229 of 1243 id: ap-981 author: Gross, S.; Stehle, T. title: RealTimeFrame – A Real Time Processing Framework for Medical Video Sequences date: 2008-01-03 words: 3622 flesch: 55 summary: Chapter two lists the requirements for a real time software framework for medical image data processing. Keywords: Medical image processing, software framework, real time image processing, multithreading. keywords: acquisition; algorithms; buffer; chain; chapter; clinical; code; computer; control; controller; data; development; display; fig; files; framework; functionality; grabber; graphical; gui; hardware; image; image processing; imaging; information; interface; libraries; library; main; medical; medical image; model; modules; new; performance; platform; processing; program; realtimeframe; results; software; source; system; thread; university; user; video; view; vol cache: ap-981.pdf plain text: ap-981.txt item: #1230 of 1243 id: ap-982 author: Schneider, T. E. title: Automated Classification of Analysis- and Reference Cells for Cancer Diagnostics in Microscopic Images of Epithelial Cells from the Oral Mucosa date: 2007-01-04 words: 3607 flesch: 52 summary: classifiers analysis cells reference cells overall rate kNN 92.4 98.5 95.5 F-kNN 93.9 97.5 95.7 SVM 2 92.9 98.5 95.7 SVM203 93.9 97.0 It can be seen that chromatin features provide a good separability perfor- mance, whereas only the geometrical features within the basic set morphology do not distinguish the two classes sufficiently. keywords: analysis; basic; best; cancer; cells; chromatin; classification; classifiers; different; distribution; dna; epithelial; extinction; feature; fig; fuzzy; green; image; knn; method; mucosa; nearest; nuclei; number; objective; oral; overall; rate; reference; results; selection; set; sets; specimens; svm2; table; training; university; validation; vol cache: ap-982.pdf plain text: ap-982.txt item: #1231 of 1243 id: ap-984 author: Luecken, H.; Tech, G.; Schwann, R.; Kappen, G. title: Stick Based Speckle Reduction for Real-Time Processing of OCT Images on an FPGA date: 2007-01-04 words: 3530 flesch: 60 summary: Currently, resolutions down to a few micrometers are possible, allowing OCT images to compete with histological examina- tion of tissue. Additionally, post-processing algorithms (such as deconvolution or segmentation) that are used to enhance image resolution and quality may suffer from the presence of speckle in OCT images. keywords: algorithm; aluts; asf; block; coherence; cycles; data; different; digital; direction; fig; filter; fpga; frequency; high; image; implementation; interference; length; light; like; number; oct; optical; pattern; pixels; post; probe; processing; rate; real; reduction; reference; required; resolution; scan; section; serial; signal; size; speckle; stick; system; time; ultrasonic; university; value; vol; window cache: ap-984.pdf plain text: ap-984.txt item: #1232 of 1243 id: ap-985 author: Adamec, M.; Indráková, M.; Karajica, M. title: The European Electricity Market and Cross-Border Transmission date: 2008-01-03 words: 3360 flesch: 55 summary: Due to the impossibility of storing electric power, its price is highly volatile on spot markets (Fig. 1.), and this forces in- vestors to use some form of hedging (risk management). 2.1 Ways of trading in electricity There are two main markets, in which electric power is traded. keywords: 3/2008; access; acta; auction; border; capacities; capacity; countries; cross; czech; dealing; electric; electric power; electricity; energy; etso; europe; european; exchange; fig; france; free; germany; house;; liquidity; market; method; necessary; polytechnica; power; price; publishing; rtpa; system; technical; total; trade; trading; transmission; twh; university; vol cache: ap-985.pdf plain text: ap-985.txt item: #1233 of 1243 id: ap-986 author: Mgaya, E. V.; Müller, Z. title: The Impact of Connecting Distributed Generation to the Distribution System date: 2007-01-04 words: 3306 flesch: 54 summary: The disturbances are categorized according to the frequency (power systems, acoustic, radio). This paper will draw attention to the impacts of connecting wind power plants to the existing system. keywords: case; changes; circuit; compensation; connected; connection; control; current; czech; devices; distribution; electrical; energy; factor; fig; flicker; frequency; generators; harmonic; higher; level; line; load; losses; mva; network; pcc; plant; power; reactive; renewable; short; sources; study; system; technical; university; voltage; wind; wind power cache: ap-986.pdf plain text: ap-986.txt item: #1234 of 1243 id: ap-988 author: Vancl, J. title: Improved Evaluation of Planar Calibration Standards Using the TDR Preselection Method date: 2007-01-04 words: 2544 flesch: 48 summary: [1] and statistical processing of mea- sured data of an over-determined set of calibration standards [2]-[5]. Another improved calibration procedure optimizes parameterized models of calibration standards to minimize nonreciprocity in a known asymmetrical reciprocal two-port device [6]. keywords: accuracy; best; calibration; calibration standards; coefficient; combination; czech; data; error; feeding; fig; impedance; line; load; measured; measurement; method; open; parameters; preselection; procedure; reflection; response; shifted; short; standards; substrate; tdr; test; time; university; vna; vol cache: ap-988.pdf plain text: ap-988.txt item: #1235 of 1243 id: ap-989 author: Čundev, D. title: Analysis of the Fuel Efficiency of a Hybrid Electric Drive with an Electric Power Splitter date: 2008-01-03 words: 2279 flesch: 58 summary: When simulating a of power drive system, is essential to calculate precisely the efficiency of each component where there is energy transformation. 7 Conclusions The results show the main specifications of this new concept of hybrid electric drive according to the European driving schedule. keywords: calculated; capacitor; car; consumption; drive; driving; eds; efficiency; electric; energy; engine; eps; fig; fuel; hev; hybrid; ice; main; power; prague; regime; results; schedule; stand; super; technical; time; traction; urban; vehicle; working cache: ap-989.pdf plain text: ap-989.txt item: #1236 of 1243 id: ap-990 author: Rajnoha, J. title: Speaker Non-speech Event Recognition with Standard Speech Datasets date: 2007-01-04 words: 4219 flesch: 61 summary: In the non-speech event modelling task this calls for a sufficient number of non-speech events present in the database, which is the way to get a general description of the modelled event. To increase the number of non-speech events present in the training set of speech data, one other dataset was used. keywords: age; alignment; analysed; bre; classes; czech; database; dataset; different; distribution; environment; error; events; fig; forced; influence; information; items; marked; marks; models; noise; non; number; occurrence; original; phase; rate; recogniser; recognition; records; results; shows; speaker; speaker non; speech; speech events; spk; subsequent; subset; table; tem; training; transcription; university; word; work cache: ap-990.pdf plain text: ap-990.txt item: #1237 of 1243 id: ap-991 author: Havlíček, L. title: Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation and Real Options date: 2008-01-03 words: 3874 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: Nuclear fuel cycle, front-end, back-end, economic evaluation, evaluation methods, NPV, uncertainty, flexibility, real options. cient only for a few years of operation. The most widely-used options are: � Option to wait or to defer a project � Option to expand or to contract a project � Option to abandon a project � Option to stage � Option to shutdown and restart � Option to switch 5 Applicability of the real option concept in nuclear fuel cycle 5.1 Applicability in the Front-End If an operator buys nuclear materials and services to be delivered just in time for the next stage of the processing chain, there is no room for flexibility. keywords: basic; core; costs; cycle; czech; decision; degree; economic; end; evaluation; flexibility; fresh; fuel; fuel cycle; future; long; npp; npv; nuclear; nuclear fuel; open; operation; operator; optimization; option; parameters; plant; power; price; procurement; radioactive; rate; reactivity; reactor; real; storage; technical; term; time; uncertainty; uranium; use; value; volatility; waste; year cache: ap-991.pdf plain text: ap-991.txt item: #1238 of 1243 id: ap-992 author: Matz, V.; Kreidl, M.; Šmíd, R. title: Signal Separation in Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing date: 2007-01-06 words: 4368 flesch: 60 summary: It can be calculated by T k N k k( ) ( ) ( )� � � � 2 1 � � � , (3) where �(k) is the phase component of the discrete Fourier transform, k is the frequency index and N is the total number of points. In the past, many methods have been evaluated [2–5, 11] for efficient noise reduction in ultrasonic signals. keywords: algorithms; amplitude; analysis; blind; case; coefficients; czech; delay; discrete; dwt; echo; efficient; evaluation; fault; fig; filter; frequency; group; level; material; methods; mother; noise; noising; reduction; results; separation; signal; snre; source; structure; t t; technical; thresholding; transform; ultrasonic; university; vol; wavelet; wiener cache: ap-992.pdf plain text: ap-992.txt item: #1239 of 1243 id: ap-994 author: Xanthos, S.; Gong, M.; Andreopoulos, Y. title: Design and Validation of a Probe for Spatially and Temporally Resolved Measurements of Vorticity and Strain Rates in Compressible Turbulence Interactions date: 2007-01-06 words: 4969 flesch: 59 summary: If the uncertain- ties in the measurements of U2 and U1 are the same, � � �U U U1 2 3� � , and lp is determined accurately, then the relative uncertainty � F F will be given by: � �F F U U U � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � �� 2 2 1 2 1 2 . These expressions can be written as: � U x U U t U U x U U x p x 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 � � � � � � � � � � , U x U U t U U x U U x p x U 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 1 � � � � � � � � � � � , 3 1 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 � x U U t U U x U U x p x � � � � � � � � � � . keywords: acta; agui; andreopoulos; boundary; briassulis; components; compressible; data; error; expansion; facility; field; fig; flow; fluid; gradients; grid; hot; interactions; locations; mass; mean; measurements; new; polytechnica; present; pressure; probe; rate; relative; resolution; section; shock; spatial; temperature; temporal; terms; time; total; tube; turbulence; u u; uncertainty; university; velocity; vol; vorticity; wall; waves; wire cache: ap-994.pdf plain text: ap-994.txt item: #1240 of 1243 id: ap-995 author: Kněžek, M. title: Power Producer Production Valuation date: 2008-01-03 words: 2081 flesch: 55 summary: GM CHP GM CHP qS pS qG pG qP td td td td td td td td t _ _� � � � � � � � �� � d td td pP�� � , (2) where �pStd is the weighted value of the sales prices [Kč], �pGtd is the weighted value of the production prices [Kč], and �pPtd is the weighted value of the purchased prices [Kč]. GM CFP GM CFP qS pS qPG pPG qP td td td td td td td td _ _� � � � � � � � �� keywords: closed; day; difference; electricity; future; future position; historical; hour; management; market; open; planned; position; prices; production; purchase; risk; sales; td td; trading; value; volume cache: ap-995.pdf plain text: ap-995.txt item: #1241 of 1243 id: ap-996 author: Brůha, O.; Brůha, T.; Fořt, I.; Jahoda, M. title: Dynamics of the Flow Pattern in a Baffled Mixing Vessel with an Axial Impeller date: 2007-01-06 words: 4999 flesch: 62 summary: The energy dissipation per unit mass � related to the experimental system used in this study is � � � � �� � �0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P m P m P V P V , ( ) (11) and after substitution V � 0.0192 m3, P0 � 10.3 W, V0 � 0.0109 m3 we obtain � � 1.384 m2 s�3. The kinetic energy of turbulence per unit of mass is q w w wz r� � � � � � � � � � � 1 2 2 2 2 � . keywords: 6/2007; acta; agitated; average; axial; baffles; blade; calculated; chemical; circulation; cycle; czech; diameter; dissipation; energy; engineering; experimental; fig; flow; formation; frequency; height; house;; impeller; liquid; loop; macro; mass; max; mean; pcl; polytechnica; power; primary; process; publishing; rate; region; rotor; stirred; system; technical; time; turbulent; university; value; velocity; vertical; vessel; vol; volume; wall cache: ap-996.pdf plain text: ap-996.txt item: #1242 of 1243 id: ap-998 author: Ficker, T. title: Dimension of Fracture Surfaces date: 2007-01-06 words: 2703 flesch: 68 summary: Fortunately, the structure of a porous ma- terial often contains only one type of grain or – at least – one grain type of fractal arrangement (i � 1) dominates over the solid remainder (i � 0), which is usually of a non-fractal character (D D S0 03� � � * ) � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1l L b s S D k* ( ) exp , ln , *S D A s A L l k � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 1 0 1 1 1 � � � ( ) .b Since the publication of the basic work by Mandelbrot and his co-workers [1] many authors have tried to correlate the fractal dimensions of fracture surfaces with the mechanical properties of materials. keywords: balshin; case; cement; compressive; concr; czech; dimension; exponent; ficker; fractal; fracture; materials; non; paste; patterns; porosity; porous; sample; strength; structure; surface; universal; university; value; vol; volume; � � cache: ap-998.pdf plain text: ap-998.txt item: #1243 of 1243 id: ap-999 author: Frydryšková, J. title: UNRRA and Support for Science date: 2008-01-03 words: 1252 flesch: 50 summary: Partici- pation in reconstruction was not a part of UNRRA activities, and there was no long-term cooperation in economic pro- grams and agreements. Scholarship hold- ers, who had been proposed by the government itself, were appointed as UNRRA experts when they returned home. keywords: countries; czechoslovakia; economic; experts; history; holders; important; latest; period; prague; program; recovery; rehabilitation; relief; renewal; scholarship; scientific; specialists; supplies; technical; university; unrra; war; world cache: ap-999.pdf plain text: ap-999.txt