item: #1 of 571 id: app01-2298 author: Giovannelli, Franco; Sabau-Graziati, Lola title: Old and New from Multifrequency Astrophysics date: 2014-12-04 words: 9079 flesch: 60 summary: Such history is marked by three main experimen- tal witnesses supporting the Big Bang theory (e.g. Giovannelli & Sabau-Graziati, 2008): the light ele- ment abundances (Burles, Nollett & Turner, 2001); the CMBR temperature at various redshifts as deter- mined by Srianand, Petitjean & Ledoux (2000), and 3 Franco Giovannelli, Lola Sabau-Graziati the references therein; the CMB at z = 0 as result of COBE (TCMBR(0) = 2.726 ± 0.010 K), which is well fitted by a black body spectrum (Mather et al., 1994). 11 Cataclysmic Variables The detection of CVs with the INTEGRAL observa- tory (Barlow et al., 2006) have recently renewed the interest of high energy astrophysicists for such systems, and subsequently involving once more the low–energy astrophysical community. keywords: astrophysics; eds; energy; et al; giovannelli; graziati; multifrequency; objects; particle; physics; ray; rays; sabau; sources; universe cache: app01-2298.pdf plain text: app01-2298.txt item: #2 of 571 id: app01-2299 author: Spurio, Maurizio title: Gamma-rays, Neutrinos and Particle Astronomy as Messengers of the Universe date: 2014-12-04 words: 4300 flesch: 59 summary: 13 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 1(1): 13–19, 2014 13 doi: 10.14311/APP.2014.01.0013 γ-Rays, ν’s and Particle Astronomy as Messengers of the Universe Maurizio Spurio1 1Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia Università di Bologna and INFN Corresponding author: Abstract Observations of charged cosmic-rays, γ-rays and neutrino are possible thanks to the availability of new detectors coming from technologies typical of experimental particle physics. 1 Introduction The multimessenger inter-correlation between Cosmic Rays (CRs), γ-rays and neutrinos is of fundamental importance for a deeper comprehension of high energy (HE) processes in astrophysical sources. keywords: crs; energy; neutrino; particles; rays; sources; tev cache: app01-2299.pdf plain text: app01-2299.txt item: #3 of 571 id: app01-2302 author: Regis, Marco title: A Novel Approach in the WIMP Quest: Cross-Correlation of Gamma-Ray Anisotropies and Cosmic Shear date: 2014-12-04 words: 2530 flesch: 65 summary: Right: γ-ray angular PS at E > 1 GeV for the same models of the left panel. For γ-ray sources we consider the flux above 1 keywords: correlation; cross; ray cache: app01-2302.pdf plain text: app01-2302.txt item: #4 of 571 id: app01-2304 author: Auriemma, Giulio title: LHC, Astrophysics and Cosmology date: 2014-12-04 words: 4415 flesch: 69 summary: [15] J. Ellis,G. Ridolfi,F. Zwirner, Physics Letters B 262 (4) (1991) 477 – 484. doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2469-8 [16] M. Carena, et al. Phys.Rev. D83 (2011) 055007 arXiv:1011.5304. [34] C. Aalseth, et al. Phys.Rev.Lett. keywords: gev; higgs; lhc; mass; susy cache: app01-2304.pdf plain text: app01-2304.txt item: #5 of 571 id: app01-2340 author: Biermann, Peter L.; Harms, Benjamin C. title: Gravitational Waves and Dark Energy date: 2014-12-04 words: 4327 flesch: 69 summary: Institut für Kernphysik, Germany 4Department of Physics, University of Alabama at Huntsville, AL, USA 5Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Bonn, Germany Corresponding author: Abstract The idea that dark energy is gravitational waves may explain its strength and its time-evolution. A possible concept is that dark energy is the ensemble of coherent bursts (solitons) of gravitational waves originally produced when the first generation of super-massive black holes was formed. keywords: background; brane; density; energy; holes; model; planck; time; waves cache: app01-2340.pdf plain text: app01-2340.txt item: #6 of 571 id: app01-2341 author: Iglesias-Groth, Susana title: Fullerenes, PAHs, Amino Acids and High Energy Astrophysics date: 2014-12-04 words: 2677 flesch: 43 summary: 2.3 Gamma Radiolysis of C60 fullerene in water and water/ammonia mixtures; relevance of fullerenes fate in ices of interstellar medium [14] Iglesias-Groth,S.,Cataldo, F. & Man- chado, A. 2011 , MNRAS, 413, 213 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18124.x [15] Iglesias-Groth, S. & Esposito, M. 2013,ApJL ,776, L2 doi:10.1088/2041-8205/776/1/L2 [16] Iglesias-Groth, S., Hafez, Y., Angelini, G. & Cataldo, F. 2013, in press [17] Kroto, H. W. et al. 1985, Nature, 318, 162 [18] Léger, A. & Puget, J. 1984, A&A, 137,5 [19] Nuevo, M., Milam, S. N.& Sandford, S. A. 2012, AsBio 12, 295 [20] Pizzarello, S. & Cronin, J. R. 2000,GeCoA,64, 329 doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(99)00280-X [21] Ricca, A., Bakes, E. L. O. & Bauschlicher, C. W., Jr. 2007, ApJ, 659, 858 doi:10.1086/512037 [22] Salama, F., Bakes, E. L. O., Allamandola, L. J.& Tielens, A. G. G. M. 1996, ApJ, 458, 621 [23] Zhang, Y., Kwok, S. 2011,ApJ , 730, 126 doi:10.1088/0004-637X/730/2/126 41 Introduction Astrophysical Searches for Fullerenes New results on ionised fullerenes: C60+ The stability of C60 and C70 towards copuscular and radiation Gamma Radiolysis of C60 fullerene in water and water/ammonia mixtures; relevance of fullerenes fate in ices of interstellar medium Stability Toward High Energy Radiation of Non-Proteinogenic Amino Acids: Implications for the Origins of Life Conclusions keywords: fullerenes; groth; iglesias; radiation cache: app01-2341.pdf plain text: app01-2341.txt item: #7 of 571 id: app01-2343 author: Rubino-Martín, José Alberto title: Planck 2013 Cosmology Results: a Review date: 2014-12-04 words: 3294 flesch: 52 summary: Finally, deviations from the simplest inflationary scenario are discussed in Planck Collaboration XVI and XXII (2013), including tests of specific inflation- ary models, isocurvature modes, and broken scale- invariance. In March 2013, we have released the Planck catalogue of SZ sources (PSZ1) based on the nominal mission maps (Planck Collaboration XXIX 2013). keywords: a&a; cmb; collaboration; data; planck; planck collaboration cache: app01-2343.pdf plain text: app01-2343.txt item: #8 of 571 id: app01-2345 author: Colafrancesco, Sergio title: Multi-Frequency Study of the SZ Effect in Cosmic Structures date: 2014-12-04 words: 7361 flesch: 50 summary: Planck detected SZE clusters are followed-up with a multi-frequency observation program in the X-rays, SZE, optical bands to obtain confirmation, redshift es- timation and estimates of the global physical param- eters. Thermal SZE spectrum (contin- uous line in bottom panel), compared to the atmo- spheric transmission of a dry, cold, atmosphere (top panel, PWV= 0.5 mm), and to spectra of the non- thermal SZE (dotted line), of CMB anisotropy and kine- matic SZE (dashed line), and of dust anisotropy (dot- dashed line). keywords: cluster; colafrancesco; cosmic; distribution; electron; frequency; galaxy; observations; plasma; radio; spectrum; sze cache: app01-2345.pdf plain text: app01-2345.txt item: #9 of 571 id: app01-2347 author: Krumpe, Mirko; Miyaji, Takamitsu; Coil, Alison L. title: Clustering Measurements of broad-line AGNs: Review and Future date: 2014-12-04 words: 5567 flesch: 53 summary: For the first time, AGN clustering measurements will reach a level of precision that will not only allow for an alternative approach to answering open questions in AGN and galaxy co-evolution but will open a new frontier, allowing us to precisely determine cosmological parameters. We summarize how clustering is measured and which constraints can be derived from AGN clustering measurements, we discuss recent developments, and we briefly describe future projects that will deliver extremely large AGN samples which will enable AGN clustering measurements of unprecedented accuracy. keywords: agn; agns; apj; clustering; distribution; et al; galaxies; galaxy; measurements cache: app01-2347.pdf plain text: app01-2347.txt item: #10 of 571 id: app01-2348 author: Yoon, Sung-Chul title: Evolution of Massive Population III Stars date: 2014-12-04 words: 2487 flesch: 54 summary: In this paper, I discuss the current understandings on the evolution of massive Pop III stars, focusing on the role of rotation in the stellar evolution (e.g., Marigo et al. 2003; Ekström et al. 2008; Yoon et al. 2012). By contrast, it is believed that massive Pop III stars do not experience significant mass-loss because they are generally very stable (Baraffe et al. 2001). keywords: evolution; iii; pop; stars cache: app01-2348.pdf plain text: app01-2348.txt item: #11 of 571 id: app01-2349 author: Boller, Thomas title: Forty Years of X-Raying Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies date: 2014-12-04 words: 2676 flesch: 58 summary: The main reasons for the steep X-ray spectra of NLS1s are the low masses of the black hole and the very high accretion rates (Boller et al. 1996). A power-law plus absorption edge model, a partial covering model and an ionized reflection disk model are shown with their corresponding residua. 2002, Boller, Fabian, Sunyaev, Trümper In 2002 we (Boller et al., 2002) have discovered the first sharp spectral drop at around 7 keV without any noticeable Fe K emission. keywords: boller; galaxies; line; nls1s; ray; seyfert cache: app01-2349.pdf plain text: app01-2349.txt item: #12 of 571 id: app01-2351 author: Sani, Eleonora title: AGN/Starburst Connection date: 2014-12-04 words: 3725 flesch: 66 summary: The availability of a reliable measure of the relative AGN/SB contribution to ULIRGs (Risaliti et al. 2006, Sani et al. 2008, Nardini et al. 2008) allows a quanti- tative investigation of the relation between total lumi- nosity and AGN contribution. Only in nearby sources like Mrk 231 is possible to detect strong molecular out- flows (Feruglio et al. 2010, Fisher et al. 2010) acting on kpc scales as expected by QSO-feedback models. keywords: agn; et al; galaxies cache: app01-2351.pdf plain text: app01-2351.txt item: #13 of 571 id: app01-2352 author: Guainazzi, Matteo title: Cosmological Evolution of the Central Engine in High-Luminosity, High-Accretion Rate AGN date: 2014-12-04 words: 4231 flesch: 49 summary: Blue: thermal emission from a lu- minous accretion disk with a temperature at the inner- most radius of 30 eV; red: unsaturated Comptonisation of soft disk photons with kTe=100 keV and τes=1; ma- genta: reflection from a plane-parallel infinite slab of cold (∼104K) matter (Compton continuum plus Fe and Nickel Kα and Kβ fluorescent emission lines; after Nan- dra et al. 2007) Sizable samples of X-ray selected AGN up to red- shift '6 have been collected by difference catalogues and surveys: Exceptions to this rules are '3% in large AGN X-ray spectroscopic surveys (Mateos et al. 2010), and can be easily explained by variability between non-simultaneous optical and X-ray observa- tions, X-ray obscuration by matter in the host galaxy, or even classification issues in poor-quality optical spec- tra. keywords: a&a; accretion; agn; apj; elvis; emission; engine; et al; luminosity; ray cache: app01-2352.pdf plain text: app01-2352.txt item: #14 of 571 id: app01-2354 author: Muñoz-Tuñon, Casiana; Almeida, Jorge Sanchez; Elmegreen, Debra M.; Elmegreen, Bruce G. title: Star Formation in Tadpole Galaxies date: 2014-12-04 words: 3648 flesch: 63 summary: Twenty-one of them were previously identified as XMP galaxies in the literature, and 11 were new. XMP galaxies are rare; they represent 0.01% of the emission lines galaxies in SDSS/DR7. keywords: elmegreen; et al; galaxies; metallicity; sánchez; tadpole; xmp cache: app01-2354.pdf plain text: app01-2354.txt item: #15 of 571 id: app01-2355 author: Persi, Paolo; Tapia, Mauricio title: The Formation of Massive Stars: from Herschel to Near-Infrared date: 2014-12-04 words: 2535 flesch: 65 summary: 2 IRAS19388+2357(Mol110) IRAS 19388+2357 is associated with H2O maser emis- sion (Palla et al. 1991; Brand et al. 1994), a ra- dio source (Hughes & MacLeod 1994; Molinari et al. 1998) and dense molecular gas traced in NH3 by Moli- nari et al. (1996) who renamed as Mol110. (2006) by using the fitting tool of Robitaille et al. keywords: et al; images; source cache: app01-2355.pdf plain text: app01-2355.txt item: #16 of 571 id: app01-2356 author: Orlando, Salvatore; Reale, Fabio; Peres, Giovanni; Mignone, Andrea title: Mass Accretion Processes in Young Stellar Objects: Role of Intense Flaring Activity date: 2014-12-04 words: 2982 flesch: 55 summary: In this paper we review our findings and present preliminary results of a study investigating the effects of a storm of small-to-medium flares on the stability of accretion disks (Orlando et al. 2014). di Fisica Generale, Università degli Studi di Torino, via Pietro Giuria 1, 10125, Torino, Italy Corresponding author: Abstract According to the magnetospheric accretion scenario, young low-mass stars are surrounded by circumstellar disks which they interact with through accretion of mass. keywords: accretion; disk; flares; mass; orlando; star cache: app01-2356.pdf plain text: app01-2356.txt item: #17 of 571 id: app01-2360 author: Nesci, Roberto; Rossi, Corinne; Frasca, Antonio; Marilli, Ettore; Persi, Paolo; Cornero, Nicola title: V2282 Sgr Revisited date: 2014-12-04 words: 2380 flesch: 66 summary: 118 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 1(1): 118–122, 2014 118 doi: 10.14311/APP.2014.01.0118 V2282 Sgr Revisited Roberto Nesci1, Corinne Rossi2, Antonio Frasca3, Ettore Marilli3, Paolo Persi1, Nicola Cornero4 1INAF-IASF, via Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Roma, Italy 2University La Sapienza, P.le A. Moro 2, 00186 Roma, Italy 3INAF/OACt, Catania, Italy 4CDSO, Aosta, Italy Corresponding author: Abstract The nature of V2282 Sgr is examined on the basis of several multiband observations: a 20 years long I-band light curve of V2282 Sgr obtained from archive photographic plates of the Asiago and Catania Observatories; a CCD R-band light curve obtained at Cornero Observatory; JHK photometry from 2MASS and UKDISS; Spitzer IRAC and MIPS images; optical spectra from Loiano Observatory; X-ray flux from CHANDRA. The overall evidences suggest that V2282 Sgr is a Pre Main Sequence star with an accretion disk. keywords: sgr; star; v2282; variable cache: app01-2360.pdf plain text: app01-2360.txt item: #18 of 571 id: app01-2362 author: Gómez-Morán, Ada Nebot; Motch, Christian title: A Multi-Wavelength View of the XMM-Newton Galactic Plane date: 2014-12-04 words: 2662 flesch: 63 summary: This example reflects the diffi- culty of multi-wavelength identification of X-ray sources in the Galactic Plane. Binary population models predict a population of X-ray binaries at low luminosities, pre- HMXBs and pre-low-mass X-ray binaries that would be accreting matter coming from the wind of the compan- ion star at low rates rather than from Roche lobe over- flow (Willems & Kolb 2003, Pfahl et al 2002). keywords: galactic; ray; sources; stars; survey cache: app01-2362.pdf plain text: app01-2362.txt item: #19 of 571 id: app01-2364 author: van Soelen, Brian; Meintjes, Pieter J. title: Multifrequency Behaviour of the Gamma-Ray Binary System PSR B1259-63: Modelling the FERMI Flare date: 2014-12-04 words: 2987 flesch: 58 summary: The gamma- ray binary system consists of a 48 ms pulsar, in an ec- centric (e = 0.87) 3.4 year orbit around a Be star (e.g. Johnston et al., 1992, 1994), with a spin-down luminos- ity of Ė = 8.3 × 1035 erg s−1 (e.g. Wang et al., 2004). 2.1 Radio behaviour PSR B1259-63 was originally detected as a radio pul- sar during a galactic plane survey undertaken with the 64 m Parkes radio telescope (Johnston et al., 1992b). keywords: emission; et al; fermi; periastron; ray cache: app01-2364.pdf plain text: app01-2364.txt item: #20 of 571 id: app01-2366 author: Castellina, Antonella title: Auger Highlights date: 2014-12-04 words: 3558 flesch: 58 summary: 132 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 1(1): 132–138, 2014 132 doi: 10.14311/APP.2014.01.0132 Auger Highlights Antonella Castellina 1 for the Pierre Auger Collaboration 2 1Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica - OATo and INFN Torino 2Observatorio Pierre Auger, Av. If on the other hand the proton component is depleted by the reach of a rigidity dependent end of the injection spectrum, and if sources are uniformly distributed, hard injection spectra with low energy cut- off, together with local sources, could explain the data [15, 16]. Figure 3: The Pierre Auger data in the (< lnA > ,σ2lnA) plane for different hadronic interaction models. keywords: auger; collaboration; composition; data; energy; models; pierre; pierre auger; rays cache: app01-2366.pdf plain text: app01-2366.txt item: #21 of 571 id: app01-2368 author: Morselli, Aldo title: Latest Results from the Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope date: 2014-12-04 words: 4041 flesch: 64 summary: [Fermi Coll.], ApJ 697 (2009) 1071-1102 [arXiv:0902.1089] doi:10.1088/0004-637X/697/2/1071 [3] Benoit Lott, this conference [4] M.Ackermann et al. [17] and Fermi LAT keywords: coll; dark; data; energy; fermi; gamma; lat; limits; matter; ray cache: app01-2368.pdf plain text: app01-2368.txt item: #22 of 571 id: app01-2371 author: Ebisawa, Ken; Iso, Naoki; Miyakawa, Takehiro; Inoue, Hajime title: Origin of X-ray Spectral Variation and the Seemingly Broad Iron-Line Spectral Feature in Seyfert Galaxies date: 2014-12-04 words: 2586 flesch: 60 summary: In the present paper, we explore the Suzaku archive to select Seyfert galaxies which show similar X-ray spectral characteristics to MCG-6-30-15, and apply the VPC model to see if their X-ray intensity and spectral variations are explained by this model or not. [3] Miller, L., Turner, L. J., & Reeves, J. N. 2010, MNRAS, 408, 1928 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.17261.x [4] Miyakawa, T., Ebisawa, K. & Inoue, H. 2012, PASJ, 64, 140 [5] Zoghbi, A. et al. 2010, MNRAS, 401, 2419 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.15816.x DISCUSSION MATTEO GUAINAZZI: (1) It has been recently proposed that the discovery of soft X-ray lags on time-scales consistent with reverberation from a few Schwarzschild radii constitute a very strong evidence supporting relativistic disk reflection as a driver of X- ray variability. keywords: covering; model; ray; spectra; time cache: app01-2371.pdf plain text: app01-2371.txt item: #23 of 571 id: app01-2373 author: Di Sciascio, Giuseppe title: ARGO-YBJ: Highlights and Prospects date: 2014-12-04 words: 3350 flesch: 65 summary: 3.1 The Compton-Getting effect The origin of CR anisotropies is still unknown there- fore, the observation of an expected anisotropy is im- portant to check the reconstruction algorithms, the ex- posure and background calculations and the stability of the detector performance. For a detailed description of the detector performance see (Aielli et al., 2006, Aielli et al. 2009, Bartoli et al., 2011). keywords: argo; detector; experiment; galactic; ray; significance; ybj cache: app01-2373.pdf plain text: app01-2373.txt item: #24 of 571 id: app01-2374 author: Pittori, Carlotta title: AGILE Highlights after Six Years in Orbit date: 2014-12-04 words: 3882 flesch: 59 summary: AGILE is char- acterized by a very large field of view (∼ 3 sr), a good angular resolution, 0.1 - 0.2 degrees in gamma rays and 1-2 arcminutes in X rays, and a small dead time (100 µs), which make it a very good instrument to study per- sistent and transient gamma-ray sources even on very short timescales. [13] Feroci, M. et al., 2007, NIM A 581, 728. keywords: agile; data; energy; et al; gamma; mev; ray; sources cache: app01-2374.pdf plain text: app01-2374.txt item: #25 of 571 id: app01-2376 author: Meintjes, Pieter J.; Nkundabakura, Pheneas; van Soelen, Brian; Odendaal, Alida title: Modelling the Multifrequency SED of AGN Candidates among the Unidentied EGRET and Fermi Gamma-Ray Sources date: 2014-12-04 words: 4209 flesch: 66 summary: The SEDs of the sample of EGRET sources and the associated Fermi- LAT counterparts are presented in Fig. NIR EGRET 3EG J1813-6419 FERMI e.) 3EG J1813-6419 Figure 7: The multifrequency SEDs for the sample of EGRET sources. keywords: 3eg; egret; fermi; gamma; lat; radio; ray; sources cache: app01-2376.pdf plain text: app01-2376.txt item: #26 of 571 id: app01-2378 author: Schartel, Norbert title: Black Hole Results from XMM-Newton date: 2014-12-04 words: 3341 flesch: 71 summary: The strong gravitational field Currently, X-ray observations are the only way to ob- serve the strong gravitational field in the direct vicinity of black holes and neutron stars ([14]). A periodicity of ˜1hour in X-ray emission from the active galaxy RE J1034+396. keywords: a&a; et al; hole; mnras; newton; observations; ray; xmm cache: app01-2378.pdf plain text: app01-2378.txt item: #27 of 571 id: app01-2380 author: Ziolkowski, Janusz title: Be/X-Ray Binaries with Black Holes in the Galaxy and in the Magellanic Clouds date: 2014-12-04 words: 4274 flesch: 72 summary: [3] Casares, J., Negueruela, I. Ribo, M. et al.: 2014, Nature 505, 378. doi:10.1038/nature12916 [4] Casares, J., Ribo, M., Ribas, I. et al.: 2005, MNRAS 364, 899. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2005.09617.x [5] Casares, J., Ribo, M., Ribas, I. et al.: 2012, MNRAS 421, 1103. doi:10.1007/s10509-010-0575-8 [30] Negueruela, I., Okazaki, A.T., Fabregat, J. et al.: 2001, A&A 369, 117. keywords: atel; binaries; et al; ray; star cache: app01-2380.pdf plain text: app01-2380.txt item: #28 of 571 id: app01-2382 author: Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Gennady S.; Moiseenko, Sergey G.; Ardeljan, Nikolay V. title: Magnetorotational Explosions of Core-Collapse Supernovae date: 2014-12-04 words: 4538 flesch: 54 summary: When the twisted toroidal component strongly exceeds the poloidal field, magneto-rotational instability develops, leading to a drastic acceleration in the growth of magnetic energy. 182 Magnetorotational Explosions of Core-Collapse Supernovae time, s 0 0.1 0.2 1 2 3 4 Erot[10 51 ergs] Ekinpol[10 51 ergs] Figure 3: Time dependence of rotational, kinetic poloidal, and magnetic energies during explosion for a dipole -like field, from [22]. keywords: energy; explosion; field; initial; rotational; time cache: app01-2382.pdf plain text: app01-2382.txt item: #29 of 571 id: app01-2383 author: Stanev, Todor title: Are Supernovae Responsible for the Gamma Ray Spectrum from the Galactic Center? date: 2014-12-04 words: 3370 flesch: 66 summary: The shell supernova TeV gamma ray sources in TeV- Cat include IC443, SN1006, CassiopeiaÃ, and Tycho. One example of the Fermi/LAT studies of the diffuse gamma ray radi- ation in the Galaxy is in (Ackermann et al, 2012) where the small and large scale anisotropy is studied and the existence of unknown gamma rays sources is discussed. keywords: galactic; gamma; gamma ray; ray; rays; sources; supernova cache: app01-2383.pdf plain text: app01-2383.txt item: #30 of 571 id: app01-2384 author: Sasaki, Manami title: Multi-Wavelength View of Supernova Remnants date: 2014-12-04 words: 3461 flesch: 62 summary: X-ray synchrotron emission is only observed in younger SNRs and is indicative of electrons with energies of up to 1014 eV. The angular resolution of the newer X-ray tele- scopes, in particular that of the Chandra X-ray obser- vatory, made it possible to reveal narrow filaments of non-thermal X-ray emission close to the outer shock in several young SNRs: SN 1006, RX J1713.7-3946, RX J0852.0-4622, Cas A, Tycho, and Kepler. X-ray emission from CX can in principle be produced at any astrophysical site where hot plasma in- teracts with (partially) neutral gas, and was originally discoverd in X-ray data of comets (Lisse et al., 1996, Cravens, 1997). keywords: emission; radio; ray; snr; snrs cache: app01-2384.pdf plain text: app01-2384.txt item: #31 of 571 id: app01-2386 author: Katsuda, Satoru; Tsunemi, Hiroshi title: High-Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy of Galactic Supernova Remnants date: 2014-12-04 words: 2803 flesch: 61 summary: 2001,A&A,365,L254 [25] van der Heyden, K. J., et al. 2002,A&A,392,955 [26] van der Heyden, K. J., et al. 2003,A&A,406,141 Most SNRs in the large/small Magellanic clouds are small enough for the gratings, and indeed over 10 papers have been published in literature (e.g., Burrows et al. 2000; Rasmussen et al. 2001; Behar et al. 2001; van der Heyden et al. 2001; 2002; 2003; Flanagan et al. 2004; Kosenko et al. 2008; 2011; Broersen et al. 2011). keywords: et al; knot; puppis; shock cache: app01-2386.pdf plain text: app01-2386.txt item: #32 of 571 id: app01-2388 author: Maeda, Keiichi; Terada, Yukikatsu; Bamba, Aya title: Expected Hard X-Ray and Soft Gamma-Ray from Supernovae date: 2014-12-04 words: 2765 flesch: 61 summary: Conditions for the ini- tial triggers have not been clarified from the first prin- ciple (e.g., Seitenzahl et al., 2013), thus Kasen et al. (2009) adopted various conditions (i.e., distribution of the sparks) and produced a range of the ejecta models. While detecting the MeV lines from the 56Co decay has been challenged in the past, even with SPI on board INTEGRAL and 106 s exposure (Roques et al., 2003; see also Isern et al., 2013), this is limited to extremely nearby SNe Ia up to 5 - 6 Mpc (or 8 Mpc for extremely bright SNe Ia). keywords: et al; ray; sne cache: app01-2388.pdf plain text: app01-2388.txt item: #33 of 571 id: app01-2389 author: Maeda, Keiichi title: Electron Acceleration in Supernovae and Millimeter Perspectives date: 2014-12-04 words: 2775 flesch: 58 summary: In this paper, I argue that young SNe provide a unique site to study the electron acceleration mecha- nism. 2 Non-Thermal Emissions A situation around young SNe related to the non- thermal emission is similar to that for SNRs. keywords: acceleration; shock; sne cache: app01-2389.pdf plain text: app01-2389.txt item: #34 of 571 id: app01-2390 author: Blay, Pere; Reig, Pablo; Reglero, Víctor title: Highly Magnetized Accreting Pulsars: Are There Accreting Magnetars? date: 2014-12-04 words: 4523 flesch: 56 summary: +650, GX 301-2, IGR J16358-4726, X Per, 4U 2206+54, SXP 1062, and 3A 1954+319 are thought to possess high magnetic fields. We find, therefore, a discrepancy in magnetic field strength determination with respect to the methods shown in the previous sec- tion. keywords: 2012; et al; field; neutron; period; spin; systems cache: app01-2390.pdf plain text: app01-2390.txt item: #35 of 571 id: app01-2393 author: Morihana, Kumiko; Tsujimoto, Masahiro; Ebisawa, Ken title: X-Ray and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Dim X-Ray Point Sources Constituting the Galactic Ridge X-Ray Emission date: 2014-12-04 words: 2832 flesch: 64 summary: We identified ∼11% of X-ray point sources with NIR and extracted NIR spectra for some of them. In fact, showed near- infrared spectra of selected X-ray sources presented in this paper, in which some thermal A sources do not exhibit the Brγ emission that is typical for the conven- tional CVs (Dhillon et al. 1997). keywords: group; kev; nir; point; ray; sources; spectrum cache: app01-2393.pdf plain text: app01-2393.txt item: #36 of 571 id: app01-2395 author: Beilicke, Matthias title: The Galactic Center Region Imaged by VERITAS from 2010{2012 date: 2014-12-04 words: 2062 flesch: 66 summary: At TeV energies, the galactic center was detected at the level of 4 standard deviations with the Whipple 10 m telescope and with one order of magnitude better sensitivity by H.E.S.S. and MAGIC. (ii) The accel- erated protons diffuse out into the interstellar medium where they (iii) produce neutral pions which decay into GeV/TeV γ-rays. keywords: energy; tev; veritas cache: app01-2395.pdf plain text: app01-2395.txt item: #37 of 571 id: app01-2396 author: Merafina, Marco; Vitantoni, Daniele title: Data Analysis of Globular Cluster Harris Catalogue in View of the King Models and Their Dynamical Evolution. I. Theoretical model date: 2014-12-04 words: 2705 flesch: 44 summary: On the other hand, the observations of the lumi- nosity profiles of different GCs (King, 1962) show sim- ilar curves depending only on different values of the star concentration, giving the possibility to fit them by an empirical law and suggesting a unique distribution function for the whole sample of clusters (King, 1966). Figure 1: Mass in function of W0 for families of solu- tions at different values of the velocity dispersion (Mer- afina & Ruffini, 1989). keywords: distribution; potential; system; value cache: app01-2396.pdf plain text: app01-2396.txt item: #38 of 571 id: app01-2399 author: Merafina, Marco; Vitantoni, Daniele title: Data Analysis of Globular Cluster Harris Catalogue in View of the King Models and Their Dynamical Evolution. II. Observational Evidences date: 2014-12-04 words: 1950 flesch: 61 summary: We can instead exclude a direct relation between as- tronomical GCs populations and dynamical evolution, except for a very weak increasing of W0 peak value for disk clusters. For this kind of GCs population, the presence of a low massive main body allowed to preserve 237 Marco Merafina, Daniele Vitantoni more informations about primeval distribution features. keywords: gcs; harris; population; value cache: app01-2399.pdf plain text: app01-2399.txt item: #39 of 571 id: app01-2400 author: Parisi, Pietro title: Unveiling the Nature of INTEGRAL Objects: a Review date: 2014-12-04 words: 3858 flesch: 50 summary: The most recent INTEGRAL/IBIS surveys are that of Bird et al. Ms of exposure in the 17-60 keV energy range and found 521 sources (12% unidentified); • The 9-year Galactic hard X-ray survey (Krivonos et al. 2012) collected data from December 2002 to January 2011 for 132 Ms of exposure in the 17-60 keV energy range and reported 402 sources (9% unidentified). keywords: et al; integral; objects; ray; sources cache: app01-2400.pdf plain text: app01-2400.txt item: #40 of 571 id: app01-2404 author: De Laurentis, Mariafelicia; De Martino, Ivan title: Testing f(R)-Theories by Binary Pulsars date: 2014-12-04 words: 2405 flesch: 60 summary: 1 Introduction Astrophysical systems like Neutron Stars (NS), coa- lescing binary systems, Black Holes (BHs), and White Dwarfs (WDs), are the most promising to study the gravitational waves (GWs) emision. (7),we have selected a sample of rela- tivistic binary systems for which the first derivative of the orbital period is observed, we have computed the theoretical quadrupole radiation rate, and finally we have compared it to binary system observations. keywords: binary; f′′0; ṫbobs; ṫgr cache: app01-2404.pdf plain text: app01-2404.txt item: #41 of 571 id: app01-2407 author: Milano, Leopoldo; De Rosa, Rosario; De Laurentis, Mariafelicia; Garufi, Fabio title: Probing Gravitational Theories with Eccentric Eclipsing Detached Binary Stars date: 2014-12-04 words: 2372 flesch: 54 summary: , we compare the effects of different theories of gravitation on the apsidal motion of eccentric eclipsing detached binary stars. 4 Discussion and Conclusion Using data coming from apsidal motion rate of EEDB we compared the variation of the relativistic term of the apsidal motion rate due to different theories of gravi- tation, that accordingly produces variation of classical Newtonian term (see Eq. 5). keywords: motion; systems; test; theories cache: app01-2407.pdf plain text: app01-2407.txt item: #42 of 571 id: app01-2408 author: Beall, James H. title: A Review of Astrophysical Jets date: 2014-12-04 words: 4183 flesch: 59 summary: doi:10.1086/444593 [29] Jorstadt, S., Marscher, A., Stevens, J., Smith, P., Forster, J. et al., 2006, in Multifrequency Behavior of High Energy Cosmic Sources, Chin. [3] Beall, J.H. et al., 1978, Ap. J., 219, 836. keywords: beall; data; et al; jet; jets; radio; ray; variability cache: app01-2408.pdf plain text: app01-2408.txt item: #43 of 571 id: app01-2411 author: Perucho, Manel title: First Hints of Pressure Waves in a Helical Extragalactic Jet: S5 0836+710 date: 2014-12-04 words: 3199 flesch: 56 summary: The evidence points towards the peak of emission in helical jets corresponding to pressure- maxima of a wave that is generated within the core region and propagates downstream. 4 Conclusions It is possible to associate the ridge-line of emission of helical jets to wave patterns tracing a (thermal or mag- netic) pressure maximum produced by the growth of instabilities. keywords: flow; jet; line; perucho; radio; ridge cache: app01-2411.pdf plain text: app01-2411.txt item: #44 of 571 id: app01-2415 author: Beall, James H.; Guillory, John; Rose, David V.; Wolff, Michael T. title: Multiscale Modeling of Astrophysical Jets date: 2014-12-04 words: 3029 flesch: 53 summary: [6] Beall, J. H., Guillory, J., and Rose, D. V., 2003, AGN jet interactions with the intracluster medium, C.J.A.A., 3(Suppl.), 137. 274 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 1(1): 274–277, 2014 274 doi: 10.14311/APP.2014.01.0274 Multiscale Modeling of Astrophysical Jets James H. Beall1,2,3, John Guillory* 3, David V. Rose4, Michael T. Wolff2 1St. keywords: ambient; beall; energy; jet; jets; medium; plasma cache: app01-2415.pdf plain text: app01-2415.txt item: #45 of 571 id: app01-2416 author: Meli, Athina; Ciarcelluti, Paolo title: Active Galactic Nuclei: Jets as the Source of Hadrons and Neutrinos date: 2014-12-04 words: 3720 flesch: 51 summary: (iii) The acceleration in the case of quasi-parallel shocks seems very efficient and compa- rable to single shock acceleration. Γ ψ σ E[GeV] 30 75o 2.7 104.6 30 75o 2.4 105.2 10 75o 2.3 105.9 10 75o 2.2 106.4 Briefly, from the tables above, one notices that (i) the spectra by each shock in every shock-set become gradually flatter, following on one hand the findings of single relativistic shocks discussed in the previous sec- tion, and on the other hand the trends reported in e.g. Melrose and Pope (1993) and Gieseler and Jones (2000) for multiple shocks. keywords: acceleration; agn; energy; meli; neutrinos; quasi; shock cache: app01-2416.pdf plain text: app01-2416.txt item: #46 of 571 id: app01-2419 author: Federici, Memmo; Gaibisso, Carlo; Martino, Bruno L. title: HAVmS: Highly Available Virtual Machine Computer System Fault Tolerant with Automatic Failback and Close to Zero Downtime date: 2014-12-04 words: 2979 flesch: 54 summary: 278 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 1(1): 278–282, 2014 278 doi: 10.14311/APP.2014.01.0278 HAVmS: Highly Available Virtual Machine Computer System Fault Tolerant with Automatic Failback and Close to Zero Downtime Memmo Federici1, Carlo Gaibisso2, Bruno L. Martino3 1Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, INAF IAPS Via fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Roma, Italy 2Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica ”Antonio Ruberti”, IASI-CNR Viale Manzoni 30, 00185 Roma , Italy 3Associated INAF IAPS Corresponding author: Abstract In scientific computing, systems often manage computations that require continuous acquisition of of satellite data and the management of large databases, as well as the execution of analysis software and simulation models (e.g. Monte Carlo or molecular dynamics cell simulations) which may require several weeks of continuous run. These servers, to ensure an acceptable level of reliabil- ity, should be equipped by systems for the backup of the status of the provided services and the data they deal with. keywords: case; data; fault; havms; server; services; system cache: app01-2419.pdf plain text: app01-2419.txt item: #47 of 571 id: app01-2420 author: Tluczykont, M.; Brückner, M.; Budnev, N.; Chvalaev, O.; Dyachok, A.; Epimakhov, S.; Gress, O.; Hampf, D.; Horns, D.; Ivanova, A.; Kalmykov, N.; Konstantinov, E.; Korosteleva, E.; Kozin, V.; Kunnas, M.; Kuzmichev, L.; Lubsandorzhiev, B.; Mirgazov, R.; Monkhoev, R.; Nachtigall, R.; Panasyuk, M.; Pakhorukov, A.; Poleschuk, V.; Porelli, A.; Prosin, V.; Ptuskin, V.; Rubtsov, G. I.; Satunin, P. S.; Semeney, Yu.; Spitschan, D.; Skukhin, A.; Sveshnikova, L.; Wischnewski, R.; Zagorodnikov, A.; Zirakashvili, V. title: The HiSCORE Project date: 2014-12-04 words: 2809 flesch: 53 summary: [6] Cao, Z., Bi, X. J., Cao, Z., et al.: 2010, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 38, 2322 [7] Dubus, G., Contreras, J. L., Funk, S., et al.: 2013, APh, 43, 317 [8] Epimakhov, S., Brückner, M., Budnev, N. et al.: 2013, to appear in Proc. of ICRC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [9] Gonzalez-Garcia, M. C., Halzen, F., & Mohapatra, S.: 2009, APh, 31, 437 [10] Hampf, D., Tluczykont, M., & Horns, D.: 2013, NIMPA, 712, 137 doi:10.1016/j.nima.2013.02.016 [11] Moskalenko, I.V., Porter, T.A., Strong, A.W.: 2006, ApJL, 640 L155 doi:10.1086/503524 [12] Tluczykont, M., Hampf, D., Horns, D., et al.: 2011, Adv. 285 Martin Tluczykont et al. keywords: array; detector; et al; gamma; hiscore; ray; tev; tunka cache: app01-2420.pdf plain text: app01-2420.txt item: #48 of 571 id: app01-2422 author: Marshall, Herman L.; Schulz, Norbert S. title: Soft X-Ray Polarimeter: Potential Instrumentation and Observations date: 2014-12-04 words: 2514 flesch: 57 summary: McNamara et al. (2009) recently sug- gested that X-ray polarization data could be used to de- duce the primary emission mechanism at the base, dis- criminating between synchrotron, self-Compton (SSC), and external Compton models. Schnittmann & Krolik (2009) partic- ularly show that the variation of polarization with en- ergy could be used as a probe of the black hole spin and that the polarization position angle would rotate through 90 deg between 1 and 2 keV in some cases, ar- guing that X-ray polarization measurements are needed both below and above 2 keV (fig. 1). keywords: kev; marshall; multilayer; polarization; ray cache: app01-2422.pdf plain text: app01-2422.txt item: #49 of 571 id: app01-2423 author: Gómez de Castro, Ana I.; Shustov, Boris; Sachkov, Mikhail title: The World Space Observatory - Ultraviolet (WSO-UV) Space Telescope; Status Update in 2013 date: 2014-12-04 words: 2556 flesch: 58 summary: GALEX has surveyed about 80% of the sky at UV wavelengths, providing for the first time a nearly complete view of the UV Universe (Mar- tin et al. 2003, Bianchi et al. 2011). WSO- UV has been thought as an observatory-type mission henceforth carrying instrumentation for UV imaging and spectroscopy (Shustov et al. 2009, 2011). keywords: mission; science; space; wso cache: app01-2423.pdf plain text: app01-2423.txt item: #50 of 571 id: app01-2425 author: Beilicke, M.; Cowsik, R.; Dowkontt, P.; Guo, Q.; Kislat, F.; Barthelmy, S.; Okajima, T.; Mitchell, J. W.; Schnittman, J.; Zeiger, B.; De Geronimo, G.; Baring, M. G.; Bodaghee, A.; Miyazawa, T.; Finkelstein, K. D.; Krawczynski, H. title: Design and Tests of the Hard X-ray Polarimeter X-Calibur date: 2014-12-05 words: 2895 flesch: 57 summary: The hard X-ray polarimeter X-Calibur discussed in this paper has the potential to cover the energy range above 10 keV. In turn, we completed the full assembly and studied the X-Calibur respsonse to incoming X-ray beams. keywords: calibur; compton; energy; kev; polarimeter; polarization; ray; source cache: app01-2425.pdf plain text: app01-2425.txt item: #51 of 571 id: app01-2427 author: Blay, Pere; Sabau-Graziati, Lola; Reglero, Víctor; Connell, Paul H.; Rodrigo, Juana M.; Macián, Juan M. Macian; Biosca, José T.; Eyles, Chris title: Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM): State of the Art date: 2014-12-05 words: 2098 flesch: 56 summary: Several astrophysical high energy missions, other than BATSE, have detected TGFs: RHESSI (designed to observe high energy emissions from the Sun), FERMI and AGILE (both dedicated to the observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts in the universe). At a global scale, there are approximately 40 lightning flashes per sec- ond, as estimated from data taken by the Optical Tran- sient Detector (OTD, Christian et al. 1996) and Light- ning Imaging Sensor (LIS, Christian et al. 1999), and they are related to changes in the chemistry of the NOx molecules in the atmosphere (very determinant for the Ozone generation) and are thought of being of great in- terest for climate change studies (see for example Reeve and Toumi 2006, and Price and Rind 2012). keywords: asim; atmosphere; energy; lightning; mxgs; tgfs cache: app01-2427.pdf plain text: app01-2427.txt item: #52 of 571 id: app01-2428 author: Sánchez-Portal, M.; Castillo-Fraile, M.; Almeida, C. Ramos; Esquej, P.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Pérez García, A. M.; Acosta-Pulido, J.; Altieri, B.; Bongiovanni, A.; Castro Céron, J. M.; Cepa, J.; Coia, D.; Conversi, L.; Fritz, J.; Gonzalez-Serrano, J. I.; Hatziminaoglou, E.; Povic, M.; Rodrguez Espinosa, J. M.; Valtchanov, I. title: Recent Results from the SAFIR Project date: 2014-12-05 words: 2949 flesch: 57 summary: The quality of the Her- schel data is allowing us to study the spatial distri- bution of dust within the galaxies, thus permitting to characterize the variation of dust properties (tempera- ture, dust mass) and SFR with the nuclear distance. Therefore, dust thermal emission should be made-up of three different contributions: (a) warm dust heated by the AGN (120-170 K); (b) cold dust heated by the star formation (40-70 K, and (c) very cold dust heated by the general interstellar radiation field (15-25 K). keywords: agn; data; dust; emission; fir; galaxies; ngc cache: app01-2428.pdf plain text: app01-2428.txt item: #53 of 571 id: app01-2431 author: Ambrosino, Filippo; Meddi, Franco; Nesci, Roberto; Rossi, Corinne; Sclavi, Silvia; Bruni, Ivan title: SiFAP: A New Fast Astronomical Photometer date: 2014-12-05 words: 1698 flesch: 56 summary: 3 Conclusions We built a fast photometer able to collect data of pe- riodic signals with high time accuracy integrating in time windows down to 0.1 ms. The built-in electronics of each Hamamatsu mod- ule can generate three types of output: pulse count via USB interface already processed in time windows of 1 ms, analog and discriminated. keywords: data; period; pulsar; time cache: app01-2431.pdf plain text: app01-2431.txt item: #54 of 571 id: app01-2433 author: Hudec, René; Hudec, Lukáš title: US Astronomical Photographic Data Archives: Hidden Treasures and Importance for High-Energy Astrophysics date: 2014-12-05 words: 2339 flesch: 52 summary: 316 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 1(1): 316–319, 2014 316 doi: 10.14311/APP.2014.01.0316 US Astronomical Photographic Data Archives: Hidden Treasures and Importance for High-Energy Astrophysics René Hudec1,2, Lukáš Hudec2 1Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CZ-25165 Ondřejov, Czech Republic 2Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic Corresponding author: Abstract We report here on an ongoing investigation of US astronomical plate archives and tests of the suitability of transportable scanning devices for in situ digitization of archival astronomical plates, with emphasis on application in high-energy astrophysics. The list of US plate collections provided by Dr. Wayne Osborn (Robbins and Osborn, 2009) was found to be incomplete. keywords: archives; baker; camera; collections; data; energy; plate cache: app01-2433.pdf plain text: app01-2433.txt item: #55 of 571 id: app01-2434 author: Bisnovatyi-Kogan, Gennady S. title: Concluding Remarks date: 2014-12-05 words: 1134 flesch: 49 summary: 1 2 Magnetic Field in Astrophysics *Core-collapse SN explosions *CR acceleration in SNR *Accretion disk structure and coronae formation *Jet formation and collimation *Magnetic accretion and cyclotron lines *Magnetars 2.1 X-ray sources Heating of accretion disk corona by magnetic recon- nection (S. Orlando). 2, 191-193 (Sep.- Oct. 1976) and A.A. Galeev, R. Rosner, G.S. Vaiana ”Structured coro- nae of accretion disks”. keywords: accretion; corona; disk; ray cache: app01-2434.pdf plain text: app01-2434.txt item: #56 of 571 id: app01-2435 author: Auriemma, Giulio title: Final Remarks date: 2014-12-05 words: 2336 flesch: 59 summary: [11], it has been speculated that dark energy could be the present manifestation of long lasting relics, with life- time much larger then the Hubble time, produced in the Planck era (tU . arXiv:1105.3470, [10] B. Harmes, Gravitational waves and dark energy, in: theese proceedings, 2013. keywords: dark; energy; fit; mass; matter; particles; planck cache: app01-2435.pdf plain text: app01-2435.txt item: #57 of 571 id: app01-2437 author: Colafrancesco, Sergio title: Personal Conclusions date: 2014-12-05 words: 1822 flesch: 47 summary: 2.2 Observational: big data science It is now becoming clear that the answers to big ques- tions in astrophysics and cosmology requires to address the challenge of dealing with big data quantities, anal- ysis and transport. 2.1 Theoretical challenges: fundamental questions Big theoretical challenges regard two important aspects of the structure and evolution of our universe: the cos- mic origins and the cosmic extremes. keywords: challenges; data; energy; meeting; universe cache: app01-2437.pdf plain text: app01-2437.txt item: #58 of 571 id: app01-2439 author: Giovannelli, Franco title: Concluding Address date: 2014-12-05 words: 1266 flesch: 53 summary: Quasars have been detected at z = 6.419, 6.43 (Fan et al., 2003), and z = 7.085 (Mortlock et al., 2011), and GRBs up to z = 9.4 (Cucchiara et al., 2011). Type–Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) have been detected up to z ≈ 1.7; the future JWST will be able to detect SN Ia in the range 1.7< z < 3 (Aldering et al., 2007). keywords: physics; workshop cache: app01-2439.pdf plain text: app01-2439.txt item: #59 of 571 id: app01-2440 author: Foreword, Editorial, title: The Tenth International Workshop on MULTIFREQUENCY BEHAVIOUR OF HIGH ENERGY COSMIC SOURCES Palermo, Italy, 2013 date: 2014-12-05 words: 1732 flesch: 0 summary: The Editors Franco Giovannelli & Lola Sabau-Graziati iv List of participants Amati Lorenzo , INAF–IASF, Bologna, Italy Ambrosino Filippo , La Sapeinza University, Roma, Italy Anderson Gemma , University of Southampton, UK Arnaud Monique , CEA Service d’Astrophysique, Gif sur Yvette, Saclay, France Aschenbach Bernd , PRV Vaterstetten, Germany Auriemma Giulio , Universit degli Studi della Basilicata, Italy Barret Didier , IRAP, Toulouse, France Barrière Nicolas , Space Sciences Lab - UC Berkeley, CA, USA Beall James H. , SSD-NRL, Washington DC, USA Behar Ehud , Technion. Haifa, Israel Beilicke Matthias , Washington University in St.Louis, LA, USA Bisnovatyi-Kogan Gennady , Space Research Institute, IKI, Moscow, Russia v Blay Pere , GACE–LPI–Universidad de Valencia, Spain Boller Thomas , MPE, Garching, Germany Bordas Pol , IAAT & ISDC, Tübingen, Germany Buckley David , Southern African Large Telescope, Cape Town, South Africa Castellina Antonella , INAF–OATo and INFN, Torino, Italy Castro Cerón José Maŕıa , Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid, Spain Colafrancesco Sergio , School of Physics - Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa Costamante Luigi , Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Perugia, Italy keywords: germany; iaps; inaf; institute; italy; roma; spain; university; usa; workshop cache: app01-2440.pdf plain text: app01-2440.txt item: #60 of 571 id: app01-2815 author: Giovannelli, F.; Sabau-Graziati, L. title: The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects (Old and News) date: 2015-02-23 words: 14359 flesch: 62 summary: Therefore the investigation on the magnetic field in- tensities in WDs is crucial in understanding the evolu- tion of CVs systems. Consequently, the investigation on the magnetic field intensities in WDs appears crucial in understanding the evolution of CVs systems, by which it is possible to gen- erate classical novae (e.g., Isern et al., 1997) and type-Ia supernovae (e.g., Isern et al., 1993). keywords: accretion; apj; cvs; disc; dwarf; e.g.; eds; et al; field; gap; giovannelli; mass; novae; outburst; period; ray; systems; warner; wds cache: app01-2815.pdf plain text: app01-2815.txt item: #61 of 571 id: app01-2818 author: Ritter, H.; Kolb, U. title: The Ritter-Kolb Catalogue and its Impact on Research into CVs, LMXBs and related Objects date: 2015-02-23 words: 3566 flesch: 55 summary: As the absence of a clear period gap in the pe- riod distribution of AM Her systems suggests, the strong magnetic field of the WD interferes with the loss of mass and angular momentum via a stel- lar wind from the companion star with the result that magnetic braking in magnetic CVs is signifi- cantly weaker than in non-magnetic CVs. Regarding Pmin for magnetic CVs, Boris Gaensicke, Retha Pretorius and I have all looked at this a bit and have not seen the expected difference to non-magnetic CVs. keywords: binaries; cvs; kolb; objects; period; ritter; rkcat cache: app01-2818.pdf plain text: app01-2818.txt item: #62 of 571 id: app01-2820 author: Pretorius, M. L. title: The Space Density of Magnetic and Non-magnetic Cataclysmic Variables, and Implications for CV Evolution date: 2015-02-23 words: 3905 flesch: 53 summary: Fig. 1 shows some reported mea- surements (differing by several orders of magnitude for non-magnetic CVs). Furthermore, mCVs are luminous X-ray sources, while the correlation between the ratio of optical to X-ray flux and the optical lumi- nosity of non-magnetic CVs, implies that an X-ray flux limit does not introduce as strong a bias against short- period CVs as an optical flux limit (e.g. van Teeseling et al. 1996). keywords: cvs; ips; magnetic; period; polars; space cache: app01-2820.pdf plain text: app01-2820.txt item: #63 of 571 id: app01-2822 author: Sion, E. M.; Godon, P. title: White Dwarfs in Cataclysmic Variables: An Update date: 2015-02-23 words: 3697 flesch: 70 summary: Scl NL 3.99 45000 Hamilton & Sion (2008) EM Cyg DN/ZC 6.98 40000 Godon et al. (2012) TT Crt DN 7.30 29000 Sion et al. (2008) RU Peg DN 8.99 70000 Godon et al. (2012) V442 Cen DN 11.04 47000 Sion et al. (2008) 37 E. M. Sion, P. Godon Figure 2: Effective White Dwarf Temperature as a function of the orbital period. [23] Miller-Jones, J. C. A., et al.: 2013, Science, 340, 950 [24] Nelan, E., & Bond, H.E.: 2013, ApJL, 773, L26 [25] Nelson, T. et al. 2012,: Apj, submitted, [astro-Ph arXiv:1211.3112] keywords: apj; et al; gänsicke; hst; sion; sion et; szkody cache: app01-2822.pdf plain text: app01-2822.txt item: #64 of 571 id: app01-2825 author: Zharikov, S.; Tovmassian, G. title: CVs Around the Minimum Orbital Period date: 2015-02-23 words: 2588 flesch: 67 summary: [4] Cannizzo, J. K., & Wheeler, J. C. 1984, ApJS, 55, 367 [5] Frank, J., et al. 2002, Accretion Power in Astrophysics, Cambridge University Press doi:10.1017/CBO9781139164245 [6] Hachisu, I. et al. 2004, APJL, 606, L139 doi:10.1086/421295 [7] Howell, S. B., et al. 2003, A&A, 399, 219 [8] Howell, S. B., et al. 2004, ApJL, 602, L49 doi:10.1086/382481 [9] Howell, S. 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R., et al. 2013, MNRAS, 429, 3492 doi:10.1093/mnras/sts620 [24] Zharikov, S., et al. 2013, A&A, 549, A77 DISCUSSION RAIMONDO BAPTISTA: We also explore conditions and structure of accretion disks in such systems. keywords: disk; period; systems cache: app01-2825.pdf plain text: app01-2825.txt item: #65 of 571 id: app01-2826 author: Kononov, D. A.; Bisikalo, D. V.; Puzin, V. B.; Zhilkin, A. G. title: Transient Processes in a Binary System with a White Dwarf date: 2015-02-23 words: 2679 flesch: 64 summary: In Section 3, based on the results of gas dynamic simulations we consider a physical model of the formation of the humps in orbital light curves of WZ Sge stars. This precessional density wave, first described by Bisikalo et al. (2004), occurs due to the retrograde precession (apsidal mo- tion) of elliptic flow lines, caused by the tidal action of the secondary. keywords: density; disk; shock; system; wave cache: app01-2826.pdf plain text: app01-2826.txt item: #66 of 571 id: app01-2828 author: Mason, P. A.; Robinson, E. L.; Gomez, S.; Segura, J. V. title: Optical Photometry of LMXBs: UW CrB (=MS 1603+260) and V1408 Aql (=4U 1957+115) date: 2015-02-23 words: 2642 flesch: 72 summary: By including the newly observed type I bursts with published bursts in our analysis, we find that optical bursts are not observed between orbital phases 0.93 and 0.07, i.e. they are not observable during partial eclipses of the disk. Optical bursts are observed (e.g. Hynes, Robin- son, and Jeffery, 2004) because regions in the accretion disk absorb X-rays and are heated. keywords: aql; star; v1408 cache: app01-2828.pdf plain text: app01-2828.txt item: #67 of 571 id: app01-2829 author: Szkody, P. title: Cataclysmic Variables from SDSS: A Review and A Look Forward to LSST date: 2015-02-23 words: 3317 flesch: 63 summary: Arras et al. (2006) at- tribute this to the existence of a He instability strip as well as hydrogen. Schmidt et al. keywords: cvs; data; et al; sdss; sky; spectra; survey; university cache: app01-2829.pdf plain text: app01-2829.txt item: #68 of 571 id: app01-2831 author: Bisikalo, D. V.; Zhilkin, A. G. title: On the Influence of Magnetic Field on Accretion Processes in CVs date: 2015-02-23 words: 3790 flesch: 58 summary: Taking into account that the gas in the stream moves with supersonic velocity we can consider its behavior using the ballistic approach and omitting the effects of pressure and magnetic field [9, 10]. Figure 1: 3D flow structure for the model 1 with Ba = 10 5 G. Iso-surface of density (lgρ = −4.5 in units of ρ(L1)) and magnetic field lines are shown. 1 Introduction Two main classes of CVs where magnetic field signif- icantly influences accretion processes are the interme- diate polars and polars keywords: accretion; accretor; field; polars; rate cache: app01-2831.pdf plain text: app01-2831.txt item: #69 of 571 id: app01-2833 author: Reinsch, K. title: Multifrequency Behaviour of Polars date: 2015-02-23 words: 2994 flesch: 55 summary: They interprete two bright satellites of the central low-velocity compo- nent in the Hα Doppler map of BL Hyi as prominence- like magnetic loops kept in place by magnetic field in- teractions between the white dwarf and the donor star. [20] Schwarz, R., Reinsch, K., Beuermann, K., Burwitz, V., 2005, A&A 442,271 [21] Schwope, A., Staude, A., Vogel, J., Schwarz, R., 2004, AN, 325, 197 [22] Thomas, H.-C., Beuermann, K., Reinsch, K., Schwope, A.D., Burwitz, V., 2012, A&A 546, A104 [23] Warner, B., 1995, Cataclysmic Variable Stars, Cambridge University Press DISCUSSION DAVID BUCKLEY: Would you care to comment on the fact that a certain fraction of polars have no directly (observed) determined magnetic fields (e.g. from either detection of cyclotron features or spectropolarimetry) and have been suggested to be low-field systems. keywords: accretion; beuermann; dwarf; field; polars; white cache: app01-2833.pdf plain text: app01-2833.txt item: #70 of 571 id: app01-2835 author: Mason, P. A.; Zhilkin, A. G.; Bisikalo, D. V.; Gomez, S.; Morales, J.; Robinson, E. L. title: Photometry and Multipolar Magnetic Field Modeling of Polars: BY Camelopardalis and FL Ceti date: 2015-02-23 words: 2410 flesch: 64 summary: In an attempt to understand the observed complex changes in accretion flow geometry observed in BY Cam, we performed full 3D MHD simulations assuming a variety of white dwarf magnetic field structures. We describe progress towards understanding the structure of accretion flows in mCVs, obtained through the use of full 3D MHD simulations assuming a variety of magnetic field structures. keywords: accretion; cam; field cache: app01-2835.pdf plain text: app01-2835.txt item: #71 of 571 id: app01-2836 author: Traulsen, I.; Reinsch, K.; Schwope, A. D. title: Probing the Accretion Processes in Soft X-Ray Selected Polars date: 2015-02-23 words: 2904 flesch: 58 summary: As described above, X-ray data are not the sole, but the main source of information on the accretion mechanisms in magnetic CVs. At times of high soft X-ray flux, the optical and soft X-ray data show pronounced short-term variability (“flickering”). keywords: accretion; data; models; multi; processes; ray cache: app01-2836.pdf plain text: app01-2836.txt item: #72 of 571 id: app01-2838 author: Šimon, V.; Henden, A. title: Activity of the Polar AM Her (RX J1816.2+4952): A Short Review date: 2015-02-23 words: 2756 flesch: 65 summary: Also the changes of the accretion region(s) and/or accretion modes are necessary to explain the re- lation between the optical and X-ray emission in the high states. The properties of the statistical distri- bution of brightness of the high states strongly evolve with time (Fig. 1cd). keywords: accretion; emission; high; state cache: app01-2838.pdf plain text: app01-2838.txt item: #73 of 571 id: app01-2841 author: Meintjes, P. J.; Odendaal, A.; van Heerden, H. title: AE Aquarii: A Short Review date: 2015-02-23 words: 2916 flesch: 60 summary: Reports of pulsed burst-like VHE and TeV gamma- ray emission in the 1990’s (Bowden et al. 1992; Mein- tjes et al. 1992;1994) sparked interest in AE Aquarii as a non-thermal source of high energy emission. The low accretion rate of the white dwarf in AE Aquarii (Ṁ∗ ∼ 1014 g s−1) compared to the mass transfer rate deduced from the UV emission line spectra (Ṁ2 ∼ 1017 g s−1) implies that the white dwarf in AE Aquarii is in a super-propeller (ejector) state (Bisikalo & Zhilkin 2012; Ikhsanov & Beskrovnaya 2012). keywords: aquarii; dwarf; mass; meintjes; mnras cache: app01-2841.pdf plain text: app01-2841.txt item: #74 of 571 id: app01-2842 author: Latev, G.; Zamanov, R.; Boeva, S.; Stoyanov, K. title: Simultaneous UBVRI Observations of the AE Aquarii Blobs date: 2015-02-23 words: 2203 flesch: 64 summary: On time-scales of about 10 minutes, the light curve of AE Aqr displays flares with an amplitude up to ≈ 1 mag (see Fig.1 and Fig.2). AE Aqr hosts a rapidly rotating white dwarf. keywords: aqr; expansion; fireball; observations cache: app01-2842.pdf plain text: app01-2842.txt item: #75 of 571 id: app01-2844 author: Odendaal, A.; Meintjes, P. J.; Charles, P. A.; Rajoelimanana, A. F. title: Supersoft X-Ray Source CAL 83: A Possible AE Aqr-like System date: 2015-02-23 words: 3344 flesch: 61 summary: Therefore, for CAL 83, mass transfer that can sustain nuclear burning is per- haps only possible in the phase when the evolved donor is expanding, with significant angular momentum loss contributing substantially in keeping the Roche lobe in contact with the donor. The short spin period inferred for CAL 83 can be the result of spin-up by accretion disc torques during a long mass transfer history, placing this source on a similar evolutionary track as the cataclysmic variable AE Aqr. keywords: accretion; cal; mass; period; ray cache: app01-2844.pdf plain text: app01-2844.txt item: #76 of 571 id: app01-2849 author: Shaviv, G.; Idan, I.; Shaviv, N. J. title: Why a New Code for Novae Evolution and Mass Transfer in Binaries? date: 2015-02-23 words: 6894 flesch: 72 summary: However, the behavior of the mass losing star and its response to mass loss are not uniform in time so that the assumption of constant mass loss (and accretion at a constant rate on the WD) is not justified. The thermal relaxation of the donor star in response to the mass loss of mass �m is given by ⌧KHR = GM 2d RLd ✓ �m Md ◆ (3) where Ld is the luminosity of the donor and Md its mass. keywords: donor; mass �; rld �; � m cache: app01-2849.pdf plain text: app01-2849.txt item: #77 of 571 id: app01-2850 author: Scaringi, S. title: Broad-Band Variability in Accreting Compact Objects date: 2015-02-23 words: 2784 flesch: 58 summary: As a result, X-ray binaries emit most of their radiation at X-ray wavelengths, as opposed to cataclysmic variables which emit mostly at optical/ultraviolet wavelengths. Additionally to displaying the rms-flux relation, Scaringi et al. 2012b have reported that the power spectral density (PSD) of MV Lyrae is also qualita- tively similar to those observed at X-ray wavelengths in XRBs. keywords: cvs; disk; variability; xrbs cache: app01-2850.pdf plain text: app01-2850.txt item: #78 of 571 id: app01-2853 author: Baptista, R. title: Flickering in CVs and Accretion Disc Viscosity date: 2015-02-23 words: 2528 flesch: 53 summary: Flickering maps show an asymmetric source at disc rim (BS-stream flickering) and an extended cen- tral source (disc flickering) several times larger in ra- dius than the WD at disc centre. Abstract I review observational constraints on accretion disc viscosity inferred from changes of disc structure with time and from disc flickering distributions. keywords: accretion; baptista; cvs; disc; flickering; viscosity; αss cache: app01-2853.pdf plain text: app01-2853.txt item: #79 of 571 id: app01-2854 author: Balman, S. title: Inner Disk Structure of Dwarf Novae in the Light of X-Ray Observations date: 2015-02-23 words: 4927 flesch: 62 summary: On the other hand, some DN show increased level of X-ray emission (GW Lib & U Gem: The lags oc- cur such that the UV variations lead X-ray variations which shows that as the accreting material travels onto the WD, the variations are carried from the UV into the X-ray emitting region. keywords: accretion; disk; dwarf; emission; et al; model; outburst; quiescence; ray cache: app01-2854.pdf plain text: app01-2854.txt item: #80 of 571 id: app01-2857 author: Katysheva, N.; Shugarov, S.; Borisov, N.; Gabdeev, M.; Golysheva, P. title: Photometric and Spectroscopic Investigation of the Dwarf Nova HS 0218+3229: A Short Review date: 2015-02-23 words: 2313 flesch: 67 summary: Golysheva et al. (2012, 2013) noted a large UV- excess in quiescence in 2010. Golysheva et al. (2013) obtained two spectra of HS 0218+3229 on September 17/18, 2010 in the prime focus of the Russian 6-m telescope BTA of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS) at the spectroscopic mode of the SCORPIO multi-mode focal reducer (Afanasiev, Moi- seev, 2005) with the long slit and CCD-camera EEV CCD 42-40 (2048×2048 pixels) with the exposures of 300 sec. keywords: lcs; observations; outburst cache: app01-2857.pdf plain text: app01-2857.txt item: #81 of 571 id: app01-2859 author: Kotze, M. M.; Charles, P. A. title: Investigating Long-Term Behaviour of X-ray Binaries Using Archival Data date: 2015-02-23 words: 2039 flesch: 62 summary: [7] Homer L., Charles P. A., Hakala P., Muhli P., Shih I.-C., Smale A. P., Ramsay G. : 2001, MNRAS, 322, 827 [8] Kotze, M. M., Charles, P. A. : 2012, MNRAS, 420, 1575 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.20146.x [9] Lang F. L., et al. : 1981, ApJ, 246, L21 [10] Leahy D. A., Igna C. D. : 2010, ApJ, 713, 318 doi:10.1088/0004-637X/713/1/318 [11] Levine, A. M., Bradt, H., Cui, W., et al. : 1996, ApJL, 469, L33 doi:10.1086/310260 [12] Lomb, N. R. : 1976, ApSS, 39, 447 [13] Margon, B., Anderson, S. F., Aller, L. H., Downes, R. A., & Keyes, C. D. : 1984, ApJ, 281, 313 [14] Ogilvie, G. I., & Dubus, G. :2001, MNRAS, 320, 485 131 M. M. Kotze, P. A. Charles [15] Priedhorsky W. C., Terrell J. : 1984, ApJ, 280, 661 [16] Scargle, J. D. : 1982, ApJ, 263, 835 But this is not unexpected, since the 5 day period associated with tidal disc precession in X1916-053 was not determined from X-ray flux variations, but rather from optical variability and changes in the structure of the X-ray dips, which our DPS analysis of RXTE ASM data is unable to detect. 132 Introduction Data Analysis RXTE/ASM archival data Time-dependent period analysis Results Radiation-induced disc warp/tilting Third body Precessing relativistic jets Tidally-induced disc precession Discussion Conclusions keywords: disc; ray cache: app01-2859.pdf plain text: app01-2859.txt item: #82 of 571 id: app01-2861 author: Buckley, David A. H. title: Observing CVs and LMXBs with SALT: Updates and Recent Results date: 2015-02-23 words: 3120 flesch: 56 summary: � Imaging and spectropolarimetry (linear, circular and all Stokes modes), time resolved modes plus low resolution (R ∼50) wide-field imaging spec- tropolarimetry. These new SALT observations are aimed to address this issue and resolve details of the mass transfer stream through high time resolution emission line spectroscopy. keywords: accretion; imaging; observations; polars; salt; spectroscopy; time cache: app01-2861.pdf plain text: app01-2861.txt item: #83 of 571 id: app01-2863 author: Potter, S. B. title: High-Speed Photo-Polarimetry of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables date: 2015-02-23 words: 1469 flesch: 53 summary: Figure reproduced from Potter et al. (2012). Followup photo-polarimetric observations with the HIPPO (Potter et al. 2010) however clearly shows or- bitaly modulated photometry and circularly polariza- tion from ∼ 0 to ∼ 18 per cent, unambiguously identi- fying IGRJ14536-5522 as a polar (Fig.2, left and right upper panels respectively: from Potter et al. 2010). keywords: photo; potter cache: app01-2863.pdf plain text: app01-2863.txt item: #84 of 571 id: app01-2866 author: Suleimanov, V. F.; Mauche, C. W.; Zhuchkov, R. Ya.; Werner, K. title: Model Atmosphere Spectrum Fit to the Soft X-Ray Outburst Spectrum of SS Cyg date: 2015-02-23 words: 2704 flesch: 61 summary: 143 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 2(1): 143–147, 2015 143 doi: 10.14311/APP.2015.02.0143 Model Atmosphere Spectrum Fit to the Soft X-Ray Outburst Spectrum of SS Cyg V. F. Suleimanov1,2, C. W. Mauche3, R. Ya. Zhuchkov2, K. Werner1 1Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics, Eberhard Karls University, Sand 1, 72076 Tübingen, Germany 2Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kremlevskaya str. 18, 42008 Kazan, Russia 3Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, L-473, 7000 East Ave., Livermore, CA 94550, USA Corresponding author: Abstract The X-ray spectrum of SS Cyg in outburst has a very soft component that can be interpreted as the fast-rotating optically thick boundary layer on the white dwarf surface. keywords: cyg; log; log g; model; spectrum cache: app01-2866.pdf plain text: app01-2866.txt item: #85 of 571 id: app01-2869 author: Smith, R. C.; Echevarrıa, J.; Hernandez, J. V.; Szkody, P. title: SS Cygni Revisited date: 2015-02-23 words: 2050 flesch: 62 summary: The clearest result was for the 3rd night in outburst, where the two methods agreed on a period of 0.353 days. The best period on night 2 was close to the or- bital period, with minimum chi-squared giving 0.2715 d and Lomb-Scargle giving 0.2769 d. keywords: data; night; outburst; period cache: app01-2869.pdf plain text: app01-2869.txt item: #86 of 571 id: app01-2870 author: Qian, S.-B.; Zhu, L.-Y.; Zhao, E.-G.; Fernández Lajús, E.; Zhang, J.; Shi, G.; Han, Z.-T. title: Evolution and Outbursts of Cataclysmic Variables date: 2015-02-23 words: 2677 flesch: 64 summary: Both the existences of the accretion stream and the hot spot indicate a high mass accretion rate at high brightness state. Two eclipse profiles at high brightness states are plotted in Fig. keywords: accretion; brightness; cvs; dwarf; eclipse; mass; transfer cache: app01-2870.pdf plain text: app01-2870.txt item: #87 of 571 id: app01-2873 author: Cannizzo, J. K. title: Outburst Properties of V1504 Cyg and V344 Lyr date: 2015-02-23 words: 2921 flesch: 62 summary: The panels show the light curve, disk mass, disk radius, and the exact and approximate calculations for νnSH. References [1] Cannizzo, J.K.: 1993a, in Accretion Disks in Compact Stellar Systems ed., J.C. Wheeler (Singapore: World Scientific), 6. keywords: cannizzo; cyg; disk; instability; model; outbursts; systems cache: app01-2873.pdf plain text: app01-2873.txt item: #88 of 571 id: app01-2874 author: Voloshina, I.; Metlov, V. title: Study of Photometric Variability of Selected SU UMa Dwarf Novae date: 2015-02-23 words: 2116 flesch: 66 summary: The numer- ous observations obtained for J1915 (about 6000 images at all) permitted us to follow up superhumps evolution in detail beginning from the first night of our observa- tions, June 4. Superhumps were detected in light curves of all the dwarf novae. keywords: dwarf; light; observations; period; superhumps cache: app01-2874.pdf plain text: app01-2874.txt item: #89 of 571 id: app01-2879 author: Kotze, E. J.; Potter, S. B. title: New Insights from Inside-Out Doppler Tomography date: 2015-02-23 words: 1993 flesch: 56 summary: Yes, there can be a loss of res- olution at low velocities. Doppler tomography, as introduced by Marsh & Horne (1988), is aimed at rendering the information locked-up in phased-resolved spectra of a CV into a two- dimensional map of the binary components in velocity space (Doppler tomogram). keywords: accretion; disc; doppler; inside; velocity cache: app01-2879.pdf plain text: app01-2879.txt item: #90 of 571 id: app01-2881 author: Uemura, M.; Kato, T.; Nogami, D.; Mennickent, R. title: Application of Total Variation Minimization to Doppler Tomography date: 2015-02-23 words: 2269 flesch: 73 summary: DMITRY BISIKALO: Is it possible to use TVM in 3D Doppler tomography? MAKOTO UEMURA: TVM provides a method to solve ill-posed problems. 174 Application of Total Variation Minimization to Doppler Tomography The isotropic total variation ΦTVM,iso is defined as ΦTVM,iso(s) = ∑ i,j √ (si+1,j −si,j)2 + (si,j+1 −si,j)2. keywords: doppler; map; model; −2000 cache: app01-2881.pdf plain text: app01-2881.txt item: #91 of 571 id: app01-2883 author: Carter, P. J.; Marsh, T. R.; Steeghs, D.; Breedt, E.; Copperwheat, C. M.; Gansicke, B. T.; Groot, P. J.; Nelemans, G. title: The Hidden Population of AM CVn Binaries in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey date: 2015-02-23 words: 2926 flesch: 64 summary: This provided the first sufficiently complete and homo- geneous sample of AM CVn systems that a study of the population became possible. In the past 10 years, the known population of AM CVns has quadrupled, largely as a result of dedicated surveys using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; York et al. 37), and the Palomar Transient Factory [16, 17]. keywords: cvn; cvns; et al; sdss; systems cache: app01-2883.pdf plain text: app01-2883.txt item: #92 of 571 id: app01-2885 author: Zhu, L. Y.; Qian, S. B.; Zhao, E.-G.; Fernández Lajús, E.; Han, Z.-T. title: Close-In Substellar Companions and the Formation of sdB-Type Close Binary Stars date: 2015-02-23 words: 2983 flesch: 63 summary: 3.2 NY Vir NY Vir (PG 1336-018) was discovered as a HW Vir bi- nary by Kilkenny et al., (1998) which is composed of 2.580 2.585 2.590 2.595 2.600 2.605 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 6.750 6.755 6.760 6.765 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 Figure 2: Eclipse profiles of NY Vir observed in November 2012 and April 2013 with the 2.15-m ”Jorge Sahade” telescope. Kilkenny et al., (2011) found the orbital period of the binary is decreasing at a rate of Ṗ = −11.2 × 10−13 d per orbit. keywords: binaries; binary; et al; sdb; vir cache: app01-2885.pdf plain text: app01-2885.txt item: #93 of 571 id: app01-2886 author: Schmidtobreick, L.; Tappert, C. title: SWSex Stars, Old Novae, and the Evolution of Cataclysmic Variables date: 2015-02-23 words: 2627 flesch: 62 summary: On the other hand, some old novae in this period range which are expected to show high mass transfer rate instead show photometric and/or spectroscopic resemblance to low mass transfer systems like dwarf novae. Some potential evidence for hi- bernation has been presented in the form of old nova shells around CVs that have previously been known as low mass transfer systems, i.e. Z Cam (Shara et al., 2007) and AT Cnc (Shara et al., 2012). keywords: mass; novae; stars; transfer cache: app01-2886.pdf plain text: app01-2886.txt item: #94 of 571 id: app01-2888 author: De Bianchi, S.; Braga, V. F.; Gaudenzi, S. title: The Role of Magnetic Field for Quiescence-Outburst Models in CVs date: 2015-02-23 words: 3399 flesch: 54 summary: For this process to occur, an intense magnetic field 106−108 G is required; primaries with such fields do exist in Interme- diate polars (IPs) and Polars that owe their properties to the very primary magnetic field (Patterson 1994). In TNR models, outbursts are the product of thermonuclear burning onto the WD surface (Mitro- fanov 1978; 1980). keywords: accretion; disk; field; instability; mnras; model; outburst cache: app01-2888.pdf plain text: app01-2888.txt item: #95 of 571 id: app01-2893 author: Kato, M.; Hachisu, I. title: Theory of Nova Outbursts and Type Ia Supernovae date: 2015-02-23 words: 4542 flesch: 65 summary: Figure 2 shows light curves calculated for various WD masses. 2.3 WD masses estimated by light curve fittings Figures 3 and 4 also show light curves of the classi- cal keywords: curves; hachisu; kato; light; mass; novae cache: app01-2893.pdf plain text: app01-2893.txt item: #96 of 571 id: app01-2895 author: Nagashima, M.; Arai, A.; Kajikawa, T.; Kawakita, H.; Kitao, E.; Arasaki, T.; Taguchi, G.; Ikeda, Y. title: Detection of Diatomic Molecules in the Dust Forming Nova V2676 Oph date: 2015-02-23 words: 2698 flesch: 62 summary: In these observations, the C2 and CN absorption bands had already disappeared and strong Balmer emission lines and Fe II lines were again prominent. Why was the appearance of both C2 and CN absorption bands so transient that they could be detected on Apr 8 only? keywords: absorption; emission; formation; lines; nova; v2676 cache: app01-2895.pdf plain text: app01-2895.txt item: #97 of 571 id: app01-2897 author: Naito, H. title: The Slow Nova V1280 Sco: A Short Review date: 2015-02-23 words: 2260 flesch: 66 summary: Especially we focus on multiple absorption lines detected in high-resolution spectra (see Sadakane et al. 2010, Naito et al. 2012, Naito et al. 2013 for details). V723 Cas entered the nebular phase about 18 months after maximum (Iijima 2006), while V1280 Sco took about 50 months (about three times longer than V723 Cas) to enter the nebular phase (Naito et al. 2012). keywords: et al; lines; sco; v1280 cache: app01-2897.pdf plain text: app01-2897.txt item: #98 of 571 id: app01-2899 author: Ness, J.-U. title: Early Super Soft Source Spectra in RS Oph date: 2015-02-23 words: 3119 flesch: 60 summary: The line profiles contained clear signs of emission lines in the red wings (figure 5 of Ness et al. 2007) which could either come from residual shock emission or are part of P Cyg profiles. A similar result has been found by (Schönrich & Ness 2008) who show in their figure 1 the evolution of the volume emission measure for various emission lines as a function of their peak formation temperature assuming collisional equi- librium. keywords: day; emission; lines; sss cache: app01-2899.pdf plain text: app01-2899.txt item: #99 of 571 id: app01-2901 author: Ederoclite, A.; Tappert, C.; Schmidtobreick, L.; Vogt, N. title: When a Nova Becomes Old date: 2015-02-23 words: 2479 flesch: 61 summary: The classification is ei- ther from Ritter & Kolb (2003) or from Tappert et al. (2012,2013a). In some cases, time-series photometry is carried out (e.g. Tappert et al., 2013b) but, in general, we perform time-series spectroscopy with R = λ ∆λ ' 2500 in the Hα region. keywords: novae; period; project; tappert cache: app01-2901.pdf plain text: app01-2901.txt item: #100 of 571 id: app01-2902 author: Tappert, C.; Ederoclite, A.; Schmidtobreick, L.; Vogt, N. title: Life After Eruption: Best of 2009–2013 date: 2015-02-23 words: 2888 flesch: 68 summary: Unfortunately the available spec- tra of V972 Oph by Zwitter & Munari (1996) and Ring- wald et al. (1996) that cover that range have too low S/N to confirm the presence of such lines in V972 Oph. We argue that such line could in principle be more frequent in CVs because it can be easily hidden in the wings of the usually strong Hα emis- sion that is exceptionally weak in V972 Oph. keywords: cir; emission; lines; nova; post cache: app01-2902.pdf plain text: app01-2902.txt item: #101 of 571 id: app01-2905 author: Poggiani, R. title: The Nova V5584 Sgr: A Short Review date: 2015-02-23 words: 2133 flesch: 66 summary: The optical and infrared observations suggest that V5584 Sgr is a Fe II nova that formed dust. 1 Introduction Nova Sagittarii No. 4 was discovered by Nishiyama and Kabashima (2009) on 2009 October 26 and later desig- nated V5584 Sgr (Samus, 2009). keywords: observations; sgr; v5584 cache: app01-2905.pdf plain text: app01-2905.txt item: #102 of 571 id: app01-2906 author: Kajikawa, T.; Nagashima, M.; Kawakita, H.; Arai, A.; Ikeda, Y.; Isogai, M.; Fujii, M.; Ayani, K. title: Spectroscopic Monitoring Observations of Nova V1724 Aql in 2012 date: 2015-02-23 words: 2275 flesch: 62 summary: We observed no evidence of molecule formation in V1724 Aql in contrast with V2676 Oph in which dust formation occurred after the molecular formation in the nova outflow. 1 Introduction Nova Aql 2012 (later named as V1724 Aql) was discovered on 2012 October 20.4 UT (Nishiyama & Kabashima 2012). keywords: aql; nova; observations; v1724 cache: app01-2906.pdf plain text: app01-2906.txt item: #103 of 571 id: app01-2908 author: Kajikawa, T.; Arai, A.; Nagashima, M.; Kawakita, H.; Yamanaka, M.; Kawabata, K.; Kiyota, S. title: Line Evolution of the Nova V5587 Sgr from Early to Nebula Phase date: 2015-02-23 words: 2101 flesch: 76 summary: The light curves of the novae have been revealed in detail, and they can be classified into several classes (Strope et al. 2010). However, the light curves in the “Jitter”and “Oscillation”classes (Strope et al. 2010) could not be reproduced well by the models. keywords: nova; sgr; v5587 cache: app01-2908.pdf plain text: app01-2908.txt item: #104 of 571 id: app01-2911 author: Mukai, K. title: Recurrent Novae — A Review date: 2015-02-23 words: 4935 flesch: 63 summary: This is in stark con- trast to the studies of X-ray bursts, which are TNRs on accreting neutron stars. Yet, even in the case of X-ray bursts, puzzles remain (Galloway et al. 2008). keywords: accretion; mass; novae; pyx; rate; ray; symbiotic cache: app01-2911.pdf plain text: app01-2911.txt item: #105 of 571 id: app01-2913 author: González-Riestra, R. title: The Recurrent Eclipsing Nova U Sco: A Short Review date: 2015-02-23 words: 2520 flesch: 65 summary: ApJ 745, 43 doi:10.1088/0004-637X/745/1/43 [12] Orio, M., Behar, E., Gallagher, J. et al.: 2013, MNRAS 429, 1342 doi:10.1093/mnras/sts421 [13] Takei, D., Drake, J., Tsujimoto, M. et al.: 2013, ApJ 769, L4 doi:10.1088/2041-8205/769/1/L4 [14] Schaefer, B.: 1990, ApJ 355, L39 [15] Schaefer, B.: 2005, ApJ, 621, L53 doi:10.1086/429145 255 R. González-Riestra [16] Schaefer, B.: 2010, ApJS 197, 275 doi:10.1088/0067-0049/187/2/275 [17] Schaefer, B., Pagnotta, A., Osborne, J. et al.: 2010, ATEL 2477 The appearance of the supersoft emission roughly coincided with the first extended optical plateau, while the X-ray turn-off started at the time of the second optical decline (Schaefer et al. 2010). keywords: day; outburst; ray cache: app01-2913.pdf plain text: app01-2913.txt item: #106 of 571 id: app01-2915 author: Arai, A.; Isogai, M.; Yamanaka, M.; Akitaya, H.; Uemura, M. title: Optical Low Resolution Spectroscopic Observations of T Pyx during the Early Phase of 2011 Outburst date: 2015-02-23 words: 2769 flesch: 65 summary: The sixth outburst of T Pyx was discovered at vi- sual magnitude 13.0 on UT 2011 April 14.2931 (= JD 2455665.7931, t = 0 d) by M. Linnolt (Waagan et al. 2011). The study in the early spec- troscopic observations and photometry revealed that T Pyx showed rare hybrid spectral classification types (Williams 1992), He/N - Fe II - He/N transition (e.g. Izzo et al. 2012, Imamura and Tanabe 2012, Surina et al. 2014). keywords: pyx cache: app01-2915.pdf plain text: app01-2915.txt item: #107 of 571 id: app01-2917 author: Tanabe, K. title: Properties of Recurrent Nova T Pyxidis Based on 2011 Outburst date: 2015-02-23 words: 1784 flesch: 58 summary: 2 Summary of Low-resolution Optical Spectroscopy 2.1 Basic properties of T Pyxidis based on pre-2011 outburst As it is mentioned above, T Pyx is a quite unique RN for its very short orbital period (1.83 hour) compared with other RNe. 263 Introduction Summary of Low-resolution Optical Spectroscopy Basic properties of T Pyxidis based on pre-2011 outburst Spectral classification of novae Spectral evolution of T Pyxidis in its early stage of 2011 outburst Discussion Missing outburst? Is IM Normae a real member of T Pyx subclass? Conclusions keywords: data; outburst; pyx; pyxidis; subclass cache: app01-2917.pdf plain text: app01-2917.txt item: #108 of 571 id: app01-2918 author: Izzo, L.; della Valle, M.; Ederoclite, A.; Henze, M. title: On the 2011 Outburst of the Recurrent Nova T Pyxidis date: 2015-02-23 words: 2775 flesch: 67 summary: We also present some discussions about the binary system configurations and the X-ray emission, showing that the white dwarf mass should be larger than 0.8 M�. Keywords: spectroscopy - X-rays - individual: T Pyx. The distance of T Pyx was determined from light echoes to be 4.8 ± 0.5 kpc keywords: mass; outburst; pyx cache: app01-2918.pdf plain text: app01-2918.txt item: #109 of 571 id: app01-2920 author: Zemko, P.; Orio, M. title: X-Ray Observations of VY Scl-Type Nova-Like Binaries in the High and Low State date: 2015-02-23 words: 2805 flesch: 66 summary: In one case, BZ Cam, the X-ray luminosity increases in the low state, and in the others, the decrease in X-ray flux in the low state is smaller than that in the optical and UV. DISCUSSION DMITRY BISIKALO: Could you estimate the im- pact of bow shock to observed X-ray flux? POLINA ZEMKO: keywords: cam; high; low; ray; state cache: app01-2920.pdf plain text: app01-2920.txt item: #110 of 571 id: app01-2923 author: Hachisu, I.; Kato, M. title: The UBV Color Evolution of Classical and Symbiotic Novae date: 2015-02-23 words: 2010 flesch: 70 summary: These different trends of nova color evolutions may represent different sides of the true color evolution which we do not yet fully understand observationally or theoretically. The aim of this presentation is to find a general path of nova color evolutions as Duerbeck & Seitter (1979) tried to find about thirty years ago. keywords: color; novae cache: app01-2923.pdf plain text: app01-2923.txt item: #111 of 571 id: app01-2924 author: Skopal, A.; Sekeráš, M.; Tomov, N. A.; Tomova, M. T.; Tarasova, T. N.; Wolf, M. title: What Powers the 2006 Outburst of the Symbiotic Star BF Cygni? date: 2015-02-23 words: 2873 flesch: 63 summary: During the quiescent phase, the luminosity of the hot component was esti- mated to ∼ 10 000 L� for d = 3.8 kpc (e.g. Mikola- jewska et al., 1989). (1992), Skopal et al. (1997). keywords: et al; phase; skopal cache: app01-2924.pdf plain text: app01-2924.txt item: #112 of 571 id: app01-2927 author: Sekeráš, M.; Skopal, A. title: Diagnostic of the Symbiotic Stars Environment by Thomson, Raman and Rayleigh Scattering Processes date: 2015-02-23 words: 2465 flesch: 57 summary: Moreover, the evolution of Raman lines during quiescent and ac- tive phases can reveal the ionization structure around the hot star (e.g. Skopal et. al., 2006, Fig. 4 here). Fig. 1 shows a sketch of simplified ionization structure of symbiotic stars with location of scattering processes in their environment. keywords: giant; raman; scattering; symbiotic cache: app01-2927.pdf plain text: app01-2927.txt item: #113 of 571 id: app01-2928 author: Stoyanov, K.; Zamanov, R. title: Rotation of the Mass Donors in High-mass X-ray Binaries and Symbiotic Stars date: 2015-02-23 words: 3021 flesch: 64 summary: Accretion of matter is different for both types of X-ray binaries. We compare the rotation of mass donors in symbiotics with the projected rotational velocities of field giants and find that the M giants in S-type symbiotics rotate on average 1.5 times faster than the field M giants. keywords: binaries; giant; mass; ray; stars; symbiotic cache: app01-2928.pdf plain text: app01-2928.txt item: #114 of 571 id: app01-2930 author: Martino, B. L.; Federici, M. title: Non Relational Models for the Management of Large Amount of Astronomical Data date: 2015-02-23 words: 2521 flesch: 45 summary: Almost any application focused on the analysis of astronomical data may read data in FITS format (Wells et al., 1981) FITS format allows to add to a collection of data a set of additional information used to allow their better characterization. The specific context is focused to problems quite different from those related to administrative and managerial environments within which were developed the leading technologies on which are based the modern systems of massive storage of data. keywords: data; database; mongodb; nosql; relational; system; use cache: app01-2930.pdf plain text: app01-2930.txt item: #115 of 571 id: app01-2932 author: Hudec, R.; Šimon, V. title: Study of Cataclysmic Variables with the Satellites LOFT and Gaia date: 2015-02-23 words: 4022 flesch: 57 summary: 297 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 2(1): 297–302, 2015 297 doi: 10.14311/APP.2015.02.0297 Study of Cataclysmic Variables with the Satellites LOFT and Gaia R. Hudec1,2, V. Šimon 1,2 1Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CZ-25165 Ondřejov, Czech Republic 2Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic Corresponding author: Abstract The goal of this paper is to discuss the capabilities of ESA satellite missions Gaia (already in space) and LOFT (considered for the ESA M4 slot) for investigation of cataclysmic variables (CVs). LOFT Observa- tory Science is expected to provide important observa- tions for virtually all classes of relatively bright sources, including: X-ray bursters, High-mass X-ray binaries, X- ray transients (all classes), CVs, magnetars, gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), Nearby galaxies (SMC, LMC, M31...), AGN etc. keywords: cvs; data; e.g.; gaia; loft; ray cache: app01-2932.pdf plain text: app01-2932.txt item: #116 of 571 id: app01-2934 author: Hudec, R.; Šimon, V. title: GLORIA and Study of Cataclysmic Variables date: 2015-02-23 words: 3505 flesch: 50 summary: GLORIA project will define free standards, proto- cols and methodology for the following purposes: con- trolling Robotic Telescopes and all related instrumenta- tion (i.e. cameras, filter-wheels, domes...); giving Web access to the Network: access to an arbitrary number of robotic telescopes via a web portal; conducting On- line experiments (it will be possible to design specific web environments for controlling telescopes for research on a specific scientific issue; conducting Off-line experi- ments (it will be possible to design specific web environ- ments for analyzing astronomical meta-data produced by GLORIA or other databases). 3.3 Prospects of CV investigation by GLORIA Below we give some examples of CV types suitable for investigation within GLORIA project. keywords: activity; gloria; network; observations; research; telescopes cache: app01-2934.pdf plain text: app01-2934.txt item: #117 of 571 id: app01-2936 author: Bisikalo, D. V. title: Concluding Remarks date: 2015-02-23 words: 936 flesch: 57 summary: Franco Giovannelli & Lola Sabau-Graziati and their team are the main engine of the conference and I hope that they will continue this hard job, the organization of CVs conferences. I would like to stress the very good organization of the conference program, which, in particular, appeared as a balanced number of reviews and contributed talks. keywords: conference; cvs; talks cache: app01-2936.pdf plain text: app01-2936.txt item: #118 of 571 id: app01-2940 author: Giovannelli, F. title: The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects - II Concluding Address date: 2015-02-23 words: 1715 flesch: 46 summary: Consequently, the investigation on the magnetic field intensities in WDs appears crucial in understanding the evolution of CVs systems, by which it is possible to gen- erate classical novae (e.g., Isern et al., 1997) and type-Ia supernovae (e.g., Isern et al., 1993). Figure 1 shows a part of Lipunov’s diagram where polars (PCVs), intermediate polars (IPCVs) and non–magnetic CVs (NMCVs) are situated. keywords: cvs; lipunov; mass; objects; ray; systems; workshop cache: app01-2940.pdf plain text: app01-2940.txt item: #119 of 571 id: app01-3071 author: Riabova, Kseniia; Collini, Luca; Garziera, Rinaldo title: NUMERICAL METHOD FOR ESTIMATION OF TENSILE LOAD IN TIE-RODS date: 2016-02-11 words: 3188 flesch: 55 summary: The work introduces a two-phase method for determination of axial loads in tie-rods. [6] introduced a method that enables definition of axial loads in slender beams with unknown boundary conditions, taking into account affects of rotational inertia of the beam and masses of sensors. keywords: beam; error; force; frequencies; load; method; rods; tie cache: app01-3071.pdf plain text: app01-3071.txt item: #120 of 571 id: app01-3076 author: Petráňová, Veronika; Valach, Jaroslav; Viani, Alberto; Estébanez, Marta Peréz title: DETERMINATION OF THERMAL RESPONSE OF CARRARA AND SNEZNIKOVSKY MARBLE USED AS A BUILDING MATERIALS date: 2016-02-11 words: 2033 flesch: 54 summary: As in the Carrara specimen, both perpendicular planes of Sneznikovsky marble contain grains with no shape preferred orientation. Orientation of cuboid specimens, A-a and B-a is Sneznikovsky marble and C-1 and C-4 is Carrara marble. keywords: calcite; expansion; marble; specimen; stone; temperature cache: app01-3076.pdf plain text: app01-3076.txt item: #121 of 571 id: app01-3079 author: Šamec, Elizabeta; Damjanovic, Domagoj; Krolo, Joško title: LOAD BEARING CAPACITY OF THE GLASS RAILING ELEMENT date: 2016-02-11 words: 3398 flesch: 59 summary: Taking into account the behaviour of laminated glass and results of experimental and numerical testing, glass railing element can be regarded as safe. Considering the behaviour of laminated glass during the test and results of experimental testing compared to numerical ones, glass railing element can be re- garded as safe. keywords: element; glass; load; numerical; results; test; wind cache: app01-3079.pdf plain text: app01-3079.txt item: #122 of 571 id: app01-3233 author: Karimi, Navid Zarif; Heidary, Hossein; Kianfar, Parnian; Hasani, Mahmud; Minak, Giangiacomo title: THE EFFECT OF SUPPORT PLATE ON DRILLING-INDUCED DELAMINATION date: 2016-02-11 words: 3530 flesch: 67 summary: From Figure 5, a significant difference in adjusted delamination factor for supported drilling and unsupported drilling can be observed so that in all drilling tests, the average value of delamination is reduced when applying a back-up plate. Workpiece damping and its effect on delamination damage in drilling thin composite laminates. keywords: delamination; drilling; force; plate cache: app01-3233.pdf plain text: app01-3233.txt item: #123 of 571 id: app01-3392 author: Balyo, Tomáš; Barták, Roman; Trunda, Otakar title: REINFORCED ENCODING FOR PLANNING AS SAT date: 2015-12-31 words: 5848 flesch: 70 summary: Pφ is a sequence of action sets such that its t-th set contains those actions ai ∈ O for which φ(ati) = True. 4.1. Solving planning problems via translation to satisfiability (SAT) is one of the most successful approaches to automated planning. keywords: actions; clauses; encoding; parallel; planning; sat; transition cache: app01-3392.pdf plain text: app01-3392.txt item: #124 of 571 id: app01-3394 author: Cížek, Petr; Faigl, Jan title: ON FPGA BASED ACCELERATION OF IMAGE PROCESSING IN MOBILE ROBOTICS date: 2015-12-31 words: 5331 flesch: 52 summary: Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings doi:10.14311/APP.2015.1.0008 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 2:8–14, 2015 © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2015 available online at ON FPGA BASED ACCELERATION OF IMAGE PROCESSING IN MOBILE ROBOTICS Petr Čížek∗, Jan Faigl Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU in Prague, Technická 2, 166 27 Prague, Czech Republic ∗ corresponding author: Abstract. FAST feature detection. keywords: algorithm; cpu; detection; feature; fpga; image; implementation; mobile; navigation; power; processing; system; vision cache: app01-3394.pdf plain text: app01-3394.txt item: #125 of 571 id: app01-3396 author: Jelinek, Ales title: VECTOR MAPS IN MOBILE ROBOTICS date: 2015-12-31 words: 5323 flesch: 65 summary: 2a, new maps are much more usable for navigation as well as environment documentation. Keywords: robotics, SLAM, vector map, point cloud, edge extraction. keywords: algorithms; data; edges; fig; line; map; point; pose; robot; scan cache: app01-3396.pdf plain text: app01-3396.txt item: #126 of 571 id: app01-3398 author: Koutný, Michal; Pilát, Ondrej; Černý, Patrik; Kasinec, Maroš; Barták, Roman title: X-COPTER STUDIO date: 2015-12-31 words: 3044 flesch: 56 summary: Sensor data are filtered with extended Kalman filter (EKF) where we engage physical model based on a similar project [17]. We chose Urbi SDK because of its portability (Linux and Windows systems are supported) and the own 1Google Chrome is strongly recommended, though Mozilla Firefox will also get by (without visualization of video data). keywords: ar.drone; control; data; dataflow; localization; onboard; parrot; quadrocopter; urbi; user cache: app01-3398.pdf plain text: app01-3398.txt item: #127 of 571 id: app01-3400 author: Mrva, Jakub; Stejskal, Martin; Faigl, Jan title: ON TRAVERSABILITY COST EVALUATION FROM PROPRIOCEPTIVE SENSING FOR A CRAWLING ROBOT date: 2015-12-31 words: 4504 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: terrain traversability, proprioceptive sensing, walking robot. Focusing now mainly on legged robots, an early analysis of terrain traversability for legged locomotion using active perception was proposed by Krotkov back in 1990 keywords: cost; evaluation; gait; modalities; motion; robot; sensing; sensors; terrain; traversability cache: app01-3400.pdf plain text: app01-3400.txt item: #128 of 571 id: app01-3401 author: Pire, Taihú; Fischer, Thomas; Faigl, Jan title: IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF IMAGE FEATURE EXTRACTORS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SLAM SYSTEMS date: 2015-12-31 words: 3272 flesch: 61 summary: Comparative assessment of point feature detectors in the context of robot navigation. In particular, the S-PTAM (Stereo Parallel Tracking and Mapping) method is considered as the visual SLAM framework for which both the feature detector and feature descriptor are parametrized. keywords: brief; descriptor; detector; extractors; feature; figure; image; map; slam cache: app01-3401.pdf plain text: app01-3401.txt item: #129 of 571 id: app01-3405 author: Štolba, Michal title: A CASE FOR DOMAIN-INDEPENDENT DETERMINISTIC MULTIAGENT date: 2015-12-31 words: 5134 flesch: 60 summary: Multiagent planning problem is a quadruple Π = 〈L,A,s0,Sg〉, where L is a set of propositions, A is a set of agents α1, . . . In the planning community, extensions of the PDDL language intended to support multiagent planning were introduced as Multiagent Planning Language (MAPL) in [9] and as Multiagent PDDL (MA-PDDL) in [10], but none of the extensions gained wide popu- larity, probably because of their complexity. keywords: actions; agents; domain; heuristic; multiagent; planning; problem; strips; systems cache: app01-3405.pdf plain text: app01-3405.txt item: #130 of 571 id: app01-3407 author: Váňa, Petr; Faigl, Jan title: ON SAMPLING BASED METHODS FOR THE DUBINS TRAVELING SALESMAN PROBLEM WITH NEIGHBORHOODS date: 2015-12-31 words: 3978 flesch: 64 summary: 6. Results The performance of the proposed modification of the sampling based algorithm has been evaluated in a series of scenarios. The DTSPN is path planning problem where the Dubins vehicle has to visits each region Ri while sat- isfying the kinodynamic constraints of (1). keywords: algorithm; dtspn; dubins; problem; regions; sampling; solution; time cache: app01-3407.pdf plain text: app01-3407.txt item: #131 of 571 id: app01-3419 author: Hajdu, István; Károly, Dóra; Pelyhe, Liza title: FLEXIBILITY TEST OF THE TOOLS OF ANGIOPLASTY date: 2016-02-11 words: 1769 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: angioplasty, coronary stent, balloon catheter, flexibility. The most important requirements for stent materials are biocompatibil- ity and hemocompatibility. keywords: angioplasty; diameter; flexibility; stent; tools cache: app01-3419.pdf plain text: app01-3419.txt item: #132 of 571 id: app01-3422 author: Lutovinov, Maxim; Papuga, Jan; Růžička, Milan title: DATABASE FINLIV – FOCUS ON STAIRCASE METHOD date: 2016-02-11 words: 2102 flesch: 60 summary: After selected data are checked by the criteria, Fin- Liv provides the user the list of possible combinations of load levels and corresponding steps to choose from (Figure 3). Data input is realized by filling in the salmon colored cells and by choosing options from the combo boxes. keywords: data; fatigue; finliv; method; staircase cache: app01-3422.pdf plain text: app01-3422.txt item: #133 of 571 id: app01-3424 author: Neitzel, Birgit; Aschermayer, Florian; Kracalik, Milan; Hild, Sabine title: STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF DEFORMED POLYMER USING CONFOCAL RAMAN MICROSCOPY AND DSC date: 2016-02-11 words: 2020 flesch: 51 summary: In the present study we compare the results for crystallinity measurements of deformed polymers using both methods in order to characterize the differences in micro-structure due to deformation. Keywords: Raman spectroscopy, DSC, deformed polymers, crystallinity. keywords: crystallinity; orientation; polymer; raman cache: app01-3424.pdf plain text: app01-3424.txt item: #134 of 571 id: app01-3425 author: Chung, Chi Nghia; Major, Zoltan title: STATISTICAL EVALUATION OF FATIGUE DATA OF COMPONENTS date: 2016-02-11 words: 2736 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: fatigue models, statistical evaluation, reliability, techniques of parameter fitting, JMP. 2. Fatigue Models In general, Fatigue models are quantifications of phys- ical material properties. keywords: analysis; data; fatigue; figure; jmp; material; model; reliability cache: app01-3425.pdf plain text: app01-3425.txt item: #135 of 571 id: app01-3722 author: Burian, Ondrej; Dostal, Vaclav; Vesely, Ladislav title: STUDY OF IDENTIFICATION OF TWO-PHASE FLOW PARAMETERS BY PRESSURE FLUCTUATION ANALYSIS date: 2016-12-16 words: 783 flesch: 45 summary: This paper deals with an identification of a parameters of simple a pool boiling in a vertical rectangular channel by analysis of pressure fluctuation. A measured pressure data were statistically analysed and compared with goal to find dependencies between parameters of a two-phase flow and statistical properties of pressure fluctuation. keywords: phase; pressure cache: app01-3722.pdf plain text: app01-3722.txt item: #136 of 571 id: app01-3723 author: Caha, Vojtěch; Krejčí, Jakub title: POST CRITICAL HEAT TRANSFER AND FUEL CLADDING OXIDATION date: 2016-12-16 words: 3102 flesch: 54 summary: It includes the wide range of heat transfer correlations for different one phase and two phase flow regimes. A list of chosen post CHF heat transfer correlations and their validity ranges are shown in Table 1. keywords: boiling; cladding; correlation; flux; fuel; heat; post; temperature; transfer cache: app01-3723.pdf plain text: app01-3723.txt item: #137 of 571 id: app01-3725 author: Fejt, Filip title: THERMAL-HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS OF IRT-4M IN REACTIVITY INSERTION ACCIDENT AT VR-1 REACTOR date: 2016-12-16 words: 2351 flesch: 56 summary: Coolant temperatures The temperatures of flow surfaces are shown in Fig. It can be clearly seen that both RELAP5 and TRACE have a very good agreement in coolant temperatures between outside fuel layers. keywords: convection; coolant; flow; fuel; heat; model; reactor cache: app01-3725.pdf plain text: app01-3725.txt item: #138 of 571 id: app01-3727 author: Olšanský, Václav; Granja, Carlos; Krist, Pavel; Mařík, Radek; Bíla, Jiří; Chvátil, David title: PROTON RADIOGRAPHY WITH THE PIXEL DETECTOR TIMEPIX date: 2016-12-16 words: 3550 flesch: 60 summary: The average number of protons events per frame was about 10 events per frame. Thus the principle of proton radiography is to determine the energy of each particle after passing through the ana- lyzed sample. keywords: data; detector; energy; image; methods; pixel; proton; radiography; timepix cache: app01-3727.pdf plain text: app01-3727.txt item: #139 of 571 id: app01-3731 author: Stepanek, Jan; Blaha, Vaclav; Dostal, Vaclav title: QUENCH FRONT PROPAGATION IN THE ANNULAR CHANNEL date: 2016-12-16 words: 2425 flesch: 62 summary: Quench front velocity on initial wall temperature. But many of these experiments were done for short geometries with limited range of initial wall temperatures [6]. keywords: heat; quench; temperature; tube; wall cache: app01-3731.pdf plain text: app01-3731.txt item: #140 of 571 id: app01-3732 author: Lovecky, Martin; Jirickova, Jana; Skoda, Radek title: ASSESSMENT OF BURNABLE ABSORBER FUEL DESIGN BY UWB1 DEPLETION CODE date: 2016-12-16 words: 5764 flesch: 77 summary: Keywords: burnable absorber, fuel depletion, Monte Carlo. Bateman equations are solved in special de- pletion scheme that relies on nuclide-based predictor- corrector method in both transport and burnup part of fuel depletion. keywords: e r; fuel cache: app01-3732.pdf plain text: app01-3732.txt item: #141 of 571 id: app01-3734 author: Rabochová, Michaela; Vinš, Miroslav; Šoltés, Jaroslav; Michalcová, Božena title: MEASUREMENT OF NEUTRON SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE BNCT EPITHERMAL BEAM AT THE REACTOR LVR-15 date: 2016-12-16 words: 2297 flesch: 49 summary: The measurement using neutron image plates showed that the neutron beam is symmetrical with the highest intensity in the centre of the beam. The main aim was to take a radiography image of thermal neutron beam and its evaluation using neutron imaging plate. keywords: beam; detector; device; image; measurement; neutron; plate cache: app01-3734.pdf plain text: app01-3734.txt item: #142 of 571 id: app01-3735 author: Šturma, Jan; Štefánik, Milan title: ACTIVATION ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL SAMPLES AND NEUTRON SPECTRUM DETERMINATION AT VR-1 TRAINING REACTOR date: 2016-12-16 words: 2735 flesch: 46 summary: The pool-type light water training reactor VR-1 of the De- partment of Nuclear Reactors CTU is frequently used for purposes of neutron activation analysis especially due to its experimental equipment such as vertical and horizontal irradiation channels. Other technique of neutron activation analysis is the absolute method, where the amount of material in sample is defined as mSp = ASpM NAφσa , where M is the molar mass of examined material, NA is the Avogadro’s number, φ is the integral neutron flux and σa is the spectrum averaged microscopic activation cross-section. 1.2. keywords: activation; analysis; detectors; energy; neutron; reactor; spectrum cache: app01-3735.pdf plain text: app01-3735.txt item: #143 of 571 id: app01-3736 author: Darážová, Ľubica; Šagátová, Andrea; Nečas, Vladimír; Fülöp, Marko; Han, Bumsoo title: RADIATION DEGRADATION OF PCBS IN SEDIMENTS: COMPARISON OF TWO METHODS date: 2016-12-16 words: 1538 flesch: 53 summary: PCB concentration in soil sample as a function of dose irradiated by EB-Tech vs. UCEA Trenčín. of water and water molecules are competitive com- pounds in the process of PCBs irradiation. Radiation degradation with electrons is new and perspective method to dechlorinate PCBs in sediment matrix. keywords: chemical; dechlorination; electron; irradiation; pcbs; soil cache: app01-3736.pdf plain text: app01-3736.txt item: #144 of 571 id: app01-3738 author: Romsy, Tomas; Zacha, Pavel title: CFD SIMULATION OF UPWARD SUBCOOLED BOILING FLOW OF FREON R12 date: 2016-12-16 words: 3975 flesch: 58 summary: Subcooled flow boiling under forced convection occurs in many industrial applications to maximize heat removal from the heat source by the very high heat transfer coefficient. Subcooled flow boiling is expected to realize the high heat flux cooling for electronic devices [6, 7], or for high heat flux cooling in mi- crogravity [8]. keywords: boiling; case; figure; flow; heat; model; profile; results; temperature; wall cache: app01-3738.pdf plain text: app01-3738.txt item: #145 of 571 id: app01-3740 author: Cech, Miroslav; Sevecek, Martin title: MODELLING OF NUCLEAR FUEL CLADDING TUBES CORROSION date: 2016-12-16 words: 3544 flesch: 60 summary: Nuclear fuel cladding alloys developed for usage in PWR reactors During the evolution of the nuclear fuel, fuel ven- dors and research organizations developed dozens of concepts of fuel cladding alloys. keywords: alloys; cladding; corrosion; fuel; layer; model; nuclear; temperature; thickness; zirconium cache: app01-3740.pdf plain text: app01-3740.txt item: #146 of 571 id: app01-3741 author: Vesely, Ladislav; Dostal, Vaclav; Entler, Slavomir title: COMPARISON OF S-CO2 POWER CYCLES FOR NUCLEAR ENERGY date: 2016-12-16 words: 2937 flesch: 68 summary: Among the first researchers who studied benefits of CO2 power cycles belongs Angelino, Feher, Verhivker and Gokhstein [2]. Keywords: S-CO2, power cycle, fusion. keywords: co2; compression; cycle; heat; power cache: app01-3741.pdf plain text: app01-3741.txt item: #147 of 571 id: app01-3742 author: Krejčí, Jakub; Kabátová, Jitka; Kočí, Jan; Weishauptová, Zuzana; Vrtílková, Věra title: HYDROGEN CHARGING OF FUEL CLADDING METHODOLOGY date: 2016-12-16 words: 2505 flesch: 54 summary: Hydrogen content is a very important parameter for mechanical properties of fuel cladding, especially after LOCA transients. The required value of hydrogen content is possible to reach by a long-term pre-oxidation test or a much shorter hydrogen charging experiment. keywords: annealing; charging; hydrides; hydrogen; pressure; sample; temperature cache: app01-3742.pdf plain text: app01-3742.txt item: #148 of 571 id: app01-3743 author: Matlocha, Tomas title: ION SOURCE FOR A SINGLE PARTICLE ACCELERATOR date: 2016-12-16 words: 4286 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: single particle accelerator, cyclotron ion source, low beam current, laser ion source, pulsed ion source, U-120M, proton radiography. EBIS/EBIT ion source A principle of operation of an Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS) and an Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) is very similar. keywords: beam; current; cyclotron; electron; ion; ion source; ions; laser; photo; process; source cache: app01-3743.pdf plain text: app01-3743.txt item: #149 of 571 id: app01-3745 author: Osuský, Filip; Vrban, Branislav; Ballo, Peter; Čerba, Štefan; Lüley, Jakub; Farkas, Gabriel title: NUMERICAL MULTIGROUP TRANSIENT ANALYSIS OF SLAB NUCLEAR REACTOR WITH THERMAL FEEDBACK date: 2016-12-16 words: 3131 flesch: 56 summary: It is necessary to carefully investigate transient states of fast neutron reactors, due to recriticality issues after accident scenarios. [9] E. Lychagin, V. Mityukhlyaev, A. Muzychka, et al. UCN sources at external beams of thermal neutrons. keywords: 2hk; case; neutron; nuclear; state; system cache: app01-3745.pdf plain text: app01-3745.txt item: #150 of 571 id: app01-3746 author: Kecek, Adam title: IMPACT OF THE CHEMICAL FORM OF IN-CONTAINMENT SOURCE ON FISSION PRODUCT RELEASE FROM WWER-1000/V-320 TYPE NPP CONTAINMENT DURING LOCA date: 2016-12-16 words: 2249 flesch: 58 summary: iodine is one of the main options of iodine mass release into the environment. In addition, whole fission product mass released into the primary circuit is transferred into the containment. keywords: containment; environment; fission; form; iodine; mass; release cache: app01-3746.pdf plain text: app01-3746.txt item: #151 of 571 id: app01-3747 author: Johnová, Kamila title: SELF-ABSORPTION CORRECTIONS BASED ON MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS date: 2016-12-16 words: 3610 flesch: 58 summary: For the needs of this paper only seven energies were chosen in order to demonstrate the behaviour of correction factor as a function of density and composition. Correction factor for M600 as a function of density. keywords: absorption; correction; cross; detector; energy; figure; geometry; samples cache: app01-3747.pdf plain text: app01-3747.txt item: #152 of 571 id: app01-3749 author: Sevecek, Martin; Valach, Mojmir title: EVALUATION METRICS APPLIED TO ACCIDENT TOLERANT FUEL CLADDING CONCEPTS FOR VVER REACTORS date: 2016-12-16 words: 5305 flesch: 43 summary: The main cur- rent metric for fuel system performance is that the cladding should maintain post-quench ductility by lim- iting the peak cladding temperature to 1204 ◦C and the maximum oxidation level to 17 % of the cladding wall thickness. Keywords: nuclear fuel, accident tolerant fuel, evaluation metrics, LWR, VVER. keywords: accident; atf; attributes; behavior; cladding; conditions; evaluation; fuel; metrics; oxidation; performance; system; temperature cache: app01-3749.pdf plain text: app01-3749.txt item: #153 of 571 id: app01-3829 author: Brandejský, Tomáš title: PROBLEMS OF EN 50 128:2011 RAILWAY STANDARD date: 2016-09-15 words: 2021 flesch: 46 summary: [3] applying standard IEC 61508 Func- tional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems into the specific area of railway systems. Growing complexity of railway systems, especially of such systems as ERTMS, tends to requirement of such SIL. keywords: application; railway; safety; standard; systems cache: app01-3829.pdf plain text: app01-3829.txt item: #154 of 571 id: app01-3830 author: Drábek, Michal; Janoš, Vít; Michl, Zdeněk title: ON OPERATION OF 740 M LONG FREIGHT TRAINS ON CZECH TEN-T RAILWAY NETWORK date: 2016-09-15 words: 3726 flesch: 62 summary: Pres- ence or absence of long overtaking tracks is commented for each line group. Because of busy traffic, the actual number of long overtaking tracks is not sufficient at all. keywords: czech; freight; line; overtaking; railway; track; trains cache: app01-3830.pdf plain text: app01-3830.txt item: #155 of 571 id: app01-3832 author: Drábek, Michal title: ON EFFICIENT OPERATIONAL CONCEPT OF FUTURE HIGH-SPEED RAILWAY IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC date: 2016-09-15 words: 6047 flesch: 65 summary: This aim can be achieved by two means: as little number of PuT lines as reasonable, and as little number of trainsets per PuT line as reasonable. In Figure 2, such PuT lines are marked in blue colour. keywords: brno; concept; czech; lines; min; praha; speed; system; time; travel cache: app01-3832.pdf plain text: app01-3832.txt item: #156 of 571 id: app01-3835 author: Guziur, Petr title: DESIGN PARAMETERS OF BUFFER STOPS date: 2016-09-15 words: 2796 flesch: 66 summary: Also discusses parameters of buffer stops that enter its design, such as collision speed and kinetic energy absorbing capacity. In Czech Republic it is allowed to use three types of buffer stops (according to national regulation ČD Ž9 keywords: braking; buffer; energy; friction; kinetic; speed; stop cache: app01-3835.pdf plain text: app01-3835.txt item: #157 of 571 id: app01-3836 author: Janoš, Vít; Kríž, Milan title: INFRASTRUCTURE PARAMETERS AFFECTING CAPACITY OF RAILWAYS IN TEN-T date: 2016-09-15 words: 2259 flesch: 63 summary: Lost capacity is unusable time space between train paths with different train speeds, where any additional train path cannot be inserted (e.g. because there is no other station). One way is to compare running speeds of individual train (or train paths). keywords: capacity; line; speed; train cache: app01-3836.pdf plain text: app01-3836.txt item: #158 of 571 id: app01-3838 author: Kamenický, Dušan title: TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN TERMS OF DATA EXCHANGE date: 2016-09-15 words: 1780 flesch: 35 summary: Automatic train control system, which is designed to eliminate human error, can be supplemented by automatic train operation system or driver advisory system. The aim of dispatching is at close approximation to scheduled state, from which railway system has been deflected by external influences. keywords: infrastructure; railway; subsystem; system; technical; train cache: app01-3838.pdf plain text: app01-3838.txt item: #159 of 571 id: app01-3840 author: Kertis, Tomáš; Procházková, Dana title: ASSETS OF MODEL METRO STATION AND THEIR CRITICALITY date: 2016-09-15 words: 5933 flesch: 52 summary: They are: • station protection systems (ESA 11 M), • wayside protection systems (AŽD 71, ESA 11 M), • train protection systems (MATRA and on-board units). This procedure is a common part of formation of safety management systems in all sys- tems, i.e. also in railway domain. keywords: assets; control; criticality; disasters; human; infrastructure; management; metro; model; operation; protection; safety; station; system cache: app01-3840.pdf plain text: app01-3840.txt item: #160 of 571 id: app01-3841 author: Koutecký, Petr title: SELECTED ASPECTS OF ETCS-L3 DEPLOYMENT date: 2016-09-15 words: 1847 flesch: 45 summary: This paper focuses on selected problem areas in the implementation of ETCS L3, analyz-es their impacts and offers a number of possible solutions as a basis for pilot testing. Keywords: ERTMS, ETCS L3, odometry, ITS-R. 1. keywords: etcs; system; track; train cache: app01-3841.pdf plain text: app01-3841.txt item: #161 of 571 id: app01-3845 author: Nachtigall, Petr; Škárek, Martin title: RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE CAPACITY MANAGEMENT FOR AD-HOC TRAINS ON THE SŽDC NETWORK date: 2016-09-15 words: 1473 flesch: 60 summary: Each carrier has its own interface called information system KADR with SŽDC for capacity requests management. Without its existence isn’t nowadays possible ride of any train, because KADR secures activation and deactivation of trains and information system ISOŘ on request of KADR establish the route into all other information systems. keywords: carrier; information; kadr; train cache: app01-3845.pdf plain text: app01-3845.txt item: #162 of 571 id: app01-3847 author: Plasek, Otto title: CURRENT CHALLENGES FOR RESEARCH ACTIVITIES IN THE FIELD OF RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE date: 2016-09-15 words: 2957 flesch: 41 summary: The paper is aimed in the specific technical aspects of rail infrasructure, which emphasize their ability to contribute to an efficient and sustainable transport in Europe and justify motivations for increasing the attractiveness of rail transport. The necessity of transformation of rail transport to become more attractive and to increase its market share of passenger and freight transport for medium distance (up to 300 km) in 2050 is defined in this strategic plan. keywords: development; european; infrastructure; rail; railway; research; speed; transport cache: app01-3847.pdf plain text: app01-3847.txt item: #163 of 571 id: app01-3849 author: Procházka, Jan; Procházková, Dana title: CRITICALLITY OF TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC date: 2016-09-15 words: 6030 flesch: 47 summary: 3. Transportation System of the Czech Republic In the Czech Republic a transportation network is in essence created from the following areas: railway transport system; road transport system; air trans- port; and water transport. Important parts of transport system 53 Jan Procházka, Dana Procházková Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings systems of systems, i.e. it goes on several mutually penetrating systems of different nature (technical, or- ganizational, financial, human resources, and legal), and therefore, the criticality assessment cannot be performed from a single indicator, but it is neces- sary to use a multicriterial approach and informa- tion from experts [4]. keywords: criticality; importance; infrastructure; rate; road; system; transport; transport system; transportation; transportation system cache: app01-3849.pdf plain text: app01-3849.txt item: #164 of 571 id: app01-3851 author: Šrámek, Přemysl; Molková, Tatiana title: THE PRIORITY OF INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT EXPRESSES IN THE OVERLAPPING SECTION OF RFC 7 AND RFC 9 KOLÍN - CESKA TREBOVA date: 2016-09-15 words: 2768 flesch: 51 summary: Overlapping train path line sections [4] rail freight and ensure its full competitiveness, it is necessary to trace freight trains in the fixed periodic routes, which would have removed one of the main rail transport disadvantages against road transport. There were solved conflicts of station tracks, freight trains were allowed to ride before their schedule time (in the case of free capacity). keywords: fex; freight; passenger; priority; rfc; trains; transport cache: app01-3851.pdf plain text: app01-3851.txt item: #165 of 571 id: app01-3852 author: Valehrach, Jan; Šmíd, Jaroslav title: MONITORING OF TRACK SECTIONS WITH LONG-PITCH CORRUGATION date: 2016-09-15 words: 4368 flesch: 62 summary: And there is also the second aspect of the problem, which some say is even more important – that is the influence of the imperfections for the adjacent neighborhood, such as vibrations, noise and quakes, all significantly reducing the quality of life of the people living near tracks. This phenomenon occurs more often these days, since there is an effort of the track designers to maximize the speed limits as much as possible (they tend to ”squeeze out” the most of the infrastructure) and mostly could be found on tracks with very heterogeneous traffic flow, consisting of the various ratios of the passenger and freight trains. keywords: corrugation; curve; development; pitch corrugation; rail; sections; speed; track; trains cache: app01-3852.pdf plain text: app01-3852.txt item: #166 of 571 id: app01-3854 author: Vopava, Jiří; Jánešová, Mária; Kratochvíl, Radek title: DEPLOYMENT OF ERTMS IN CZECH REPUBLIC date: 2016-09-15 words: 2189 flesch: 66 summary: It can be configured to operate in one of the fol- lowing application levels to enable ETCS equipped vehicles to operate in not ETCS equipped system where the safe movement of the vehicle is controlled by the default national control system: Figure 1. Expected track deployment with GMS-R keywords: deployment; ertms; etcs; system cache: app01-3854.pdf plain text: app01-3854.txt item: #167 of 571 id: app01-3928 author: Slyusar, Khilda; Kulich, Miroslav title: FRAMEWORK FOR AD HOC NETWORK COMMUNICATION IN MULTI-ROBOT SYSTEMS date: 2016-11-23 words: 7525 flesch: 62 summary: Simulations use robot teams of various sizes and display measurement results that are close to the conditions of the real world. Description of the software architecture of a single robot performing distributed exploration and com- municating with other robots making use of AODV follows in the next paragraphs. keywords: aodv; application; communication; exploration; goal; messages; multi; network; number; protocol; robot; route; routing; team cache: app01-3928.pdf plain text: app01-3928.txt item: #168 of 571 id: app01-3929 author: Steininger, M.; Stephan, C.; Böhm, C.; Sauer, F.; Zink, R. title: MAPPING THE SURROUNDINGS AS A REQUIREMENT FOR AUTONOMOUS DRIVING date: 2016-11-23 words: 4119 flesch: 65 summary: The coordinate system of the returned 3D point cloud (as camera coordinate system in the following; indicated with a car subscript) does not match with the coordinate system of the car (as car coordinate system in the following; indicated with a camera subscript). Today, the recognition of the environment of the car is mostly done by a mix of sensors like LiDAR, RADAR and cameras. keywords: camera; coordinate; distance; gaussian; image; kinect; mapping; pixel; sensor cache: app01-3929.pdf plain text: app01-3929.txt item: #169 of 571 id: app01-3930 author: Váňa, Petr; Faigl, Jan title: THE DUBINS TRAVELING SALESMAN PROBLEM WITH CONSTRAINED COLLECTING MANEUVERS date: 2016-11-23 words: 4890 flesch: 61 summary: Further, we con- sidered collecting maneuvers restricted to straight line segments with fixed length and its specified relative position to the target that is denoted as the DTSP with straight collecting maneuvers (DTSP-SCM). An example of the DTSP-CM instance with straight collecting maneuvers in a cargo airdrop mission. keywords: collecting; dtsp; dubins; maneuvers; problem; scm; target; vehicle; ● ● cache: app01-3930.pdf plain text: app01-3930.txt item: #170 of 571 id: app01-3951 author: Dirisamer, Florian; Çakmak, Umut D.; Kállai, Imre; Machado, Martín; Major, Zoltán title: COMPARISON OF VIRTUAL FIELDS METHOD, PARALLEL NETWORK MATERIAL MODEL AND FINITE ELEMENT UPDATING FOR MATERIAL PARAMETER DETERMINATION date: 2016-12-09 words: 2850 flesch: 55 summary: Extracting material parameters from test specimens is very intensive in terms of cost and time, especially for viscoelastic material models, where the parameters are dependent of time (frequency), temperature and environmental conditions. The nonlinear inherent viscoelastic material behaviour of the EPDM Shore A 50 with a maxi- mum elongation of several hundred percent makes it further complicated to extract material parameters for the whole range of time (frequency), temperature and environmental conditions relevant for the appli- cation keywords: figure; material; model; parameters; strain; test cache: app01-3951.pdf plain text: app01-3951.txt item: #171 of 571 id: app01-3953 author: Gutermann, Marc; Schröder, Carsten title: NUMERICAL DISCRETISATION OF BUILT STRUCTURES ASSUMPTION AND REALITY date: 2016-12-09 words: 2190 flesch: 47 summary: The results showed, that there was an effective load transfer in the backing and that this influence stays constant even at higher load levels including partial safety factors (see Tab. 1). The modelling of boundary conditions as well as material parameters were calibrated using experimental results and led to a more realistic folded-plate-discretisation (see Fig. 3). keywords: carrying; experimental; load; model; numerical; results cache: app01-3953.pdf plain text: app01-3953.txt item: #172 of 571 id: app01-3954 author: Hrbek, Vladimír; Koudelková, Veronika; Padevět, Pavel; Šašek, Petr title: MICROSCOPIC FEATURES OF CEMENT PASTE MODIFIED BY FINE PERLITE date: 2016-12-09 words: 2966 flesch: 53 summary: The investigation of microstructure with SEM proved the interaction of fine perlite lamella with cement matrix and integration of whole perlite particles. According to Table 2, specimens containing 10% of fine perlite substitution (ModCem 0.10) exhibit low- keywords: cement; csh; gpa; indentation; material; modcem; perlite; phases; properties cache: app01-3954.pdf plain text: app01-3954.txt item: #173 of 571 id: app01-3956 author: Kalteis, Anna; Reiter, Martin; Jerabek, Michael; Major, Zoltán title: VALIDATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF FAILURE PARAMETERS IN INTEGRATED SIMULATIONS FOR SHORT FIBRE REINFORCED POLYPROPYLENE date: 2016-12-09 words: 3880 flesch: 56 summary: Simulation model of tensile test As the specimens show a fibre orientation distribu- tion through the thickness this distribution has to be discretised for the simulation model. Simulation model with 4 layers. keywords: failure; fibre; material; model; parameters; simulation; strain; tensile; test cache: app01-3956.pdf plain text: app01-3956.txt item: #174 of 571 id: app01-3957 author: Krčmářová, Nela; Šleichrt, Jan; Fíla, Tomáš; Koudelka, Petr; Kytýř, Daniel title: DEFORMATION BEHAVIOUR OF GELLAN GUM BASED ARTIFICIAL BONE STRUCTURES UNDER SIMULATED PHYSIOLOGICAL CONDITIONS date: 2016-12-09 words: 2355 flesch: 57 summary: Elastic properties of GG samples with 50 wt% BAG for compression test sample Elastic properties of GG samples with 50 wt% BAG for tensile test sample keywords: bag; bone; loading; material; samples; strain; stress cache: app01-3957.pdf plain text: app01-3957.txt item: #175 of 571 id: app01-3959 author: Liebold, Christian; Müller, Wolfgang H. title: 1D HERMITE ELEMENTS FOR C1-CONTINUOUS SOLUTIONS IN SECOND GRADIENT ELASTICITY date: 2016-12-09 words: 3424 flesch: 63 summary: Hermite elements for global c1–continuity Structure of the element stiffness- and system matrix By using Hermite elements as base functions Eq. keywords: element; gradient; material; size; strain; theory; 𝑥/𝐿 cache: app01-3959.pdf plain text: app01-3959.txt item: #176 of 571 id: app01-3961 author: Markowski, Jan; Lohaus, Ludger title: UHPC SANDWICH STRUCTURES WITH COMPOSITE COATING UNDER COMPRESSIVE LOAD date: 2016-12-09 words: 2757 flesch: 55 summary: Mechanical System – Conceptual Approach UHPC sandwich structures with composite coating serve as multipurpose load-bearing elements, predom- inantly for compressive loads. The composite layer fulfills different tasks: Its fibres act as a structural component (as described in para.2.1) and its matrix protects the outer steel tube’s surface from corrosion. keywords: composite; concrete; load; specimen; steel cache: app01-3961.pdf plain text: app01-3961.txt item: #177 of 571 id: app01-3964 author: Pouran, Omid; Harte, Reinhard; Peter, Carsten title: PARAMETERS AFFECTING THE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF A TUNNEL STRUCTURE EXPOSED TO FIRE date: 2016-12-09 words: 3141 flesch: 53 summary: Further, the maximum value of thermal strains for PP fibres concretes is lower compared to the EN 1992-1-2 curve. The lower value of maximum thermal strain for PP fibres concrete is due to a smaller crack divisions at PP fibres concrete and composition of less internal stress. keywords: analysis; concrete; fibres; fire; strain; structural; tunnel cache: app01-3964.pdf plain text: app01-3964.txt item: #178 of 571 id: app01-3967 author: Saubke, Vanessa; Höffer, Rüdiger title: EXPERIMENTAL, NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF WIND-INDUCED NET PRESSURES FOR INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS WITH ENVELOPE POROSITIES date: 2016-12-09 words: 3761 flesch: 61 summary: Therefore mean val- ues of external pressure coefficients from wind tunnel tests of a building with similar proportional dimen- sions from the TPU Aerodynamic Database In order to detect the reason for the damage the wind-induced loads were studied by i) wind tunnel experiments on the external pressures due to different wind directions, ii) analytical investigations of internal pressure due to envelope porosities and planned openings and iii) numerical analyses for the internal and the external pressure. keywords: building; figure; openings; pressure; results; values; wind cache: app01-3967.pdf plain text: app01-3967.txt item: #179 of 571 id: app01-3970 author: Anders, Steffen; Schovenberg, Melanie title: PERFORMANCE OF STEEL FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE – COMPARABILITY OF TESTS ACCORDING TO DAFSTB-GUIDELINE "STAHLFASERBETON" AND EN 14651 date: 2016-12-09 words: 1823 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: steel-fiber reinforced concrete, performance classes, post-peak flexural strength. In both guidelines, performance of SFRC is measured in terms of post-peak flexural strengths. keywords: crack; deflection; mid; point cache: app01-3970.pdf plain text: app01-3970.txt item: #180 of 571 id: app01-3972 author: Louzada, Emilio Luiz Vieira; Guilherme, Carlos Eduardo Marcos; Stumpf, Felipe Tempel title: EVALUATION OF THE FATIGUE RESPONSE OF POLYESTER YARNS AFTER THE APPLICATION OF ABRUPT TENSION LOADS date: 2016-12-09 words: 1737 flesch: 60 summary: A total of eight ranges of tension loads were used during the cyclic tests: 10-90%YBL, 20- 90%YBL, 30-90%YBL, 40-90%YBL, 50-90%YBL, 60- 90%YBL, 70-90%YBL, 80-90%YBL. Effect of impact load on the fatigue life of PET Figure 3 shows the number of cycles up to failure versus the minimum load of each load range in the case of virgin samples and damaged samples. keywords: fatigue; impact; load; material; samples cache: app01-3972.pdf plain text: app01-3972.txt item: #181 of 571 id: app01-3975 author: Zahn, Anna; Balzani, Daniel title: MODELING OF ANISOTROPIC GROWTH AND RESIDUAL STRESSES IN ARTERIAL WALLS date: 2016-12-09 words: 4417 flesch: 57 summary: In contrast to the circumferential direction, where unloading and slicing are two different operations, the compution af axial residual stresses is tricky and demands further meditation. Computational modeling of arterial wall growth. keywords: anisotropic; direction; growth; segment; stresses; tensor cache: app01-3975.pdf plain text: app01-3975.txt item: #182 of 571 id: app01-3977 author: Krčmářová, Nela; Šleichrt, Jan; Doktor, Tomáš; Kytýř, Daniel; Jiroušek, Ondřej title: SEMI–AUTOMATED ASSESSMENT OF MICROMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE METAL FOAMS ON THE CELL-WALL LEVEL date: 2016-12-09 words: 2397 flesch: 48 summary: Micro-mechanical testing of metal foam cell walls using miniature three- point bending. Therefore hardness was assessed using traditional method by measuring the imprint dimensions and evaluated as Vickers hardness: HV = F A ≈ 0.1819F d2 , (1) where F is indentation load in N, A is resulting indentation area of the imprint of the indenter in mm2 and d is average length of the diagonal of the imprint of the indenter in mm. keywords: aluminium; cell; foam; hardness; indentation; sample; vickers cache: app01-3977.pdf plain text: app01-3977.txt item: #183 of 571 id: app01-4004 author: Abishev, Kairatolla; Mukanov, Ruslan B.; Kasenov, Asylbek Zh.; Baltabekova, Almagul N. title: AN ISSUE OF INTELLIGENT ROAD TRANSPORT IN KAZAKHSTAN date: 2017-12-15 words: 1934 flesch: 39 summary: Keywords: The Republic of Kazakhstan, automobile transport, Intelligent transport systems, dis- patching system. The introduction of intelligent transport systems will facilitate the organization of international transport, cargo tracking, and reduce the time of delivery, pro- vide high performance and security of transport and logistics processes. keywords: communication; kazakhstan; republic; road; systems; transport cache: app01-4004.pdf plain text: app01-4004.txt item: #184 of 571 id: app01-4006 author: Bouchner, Karel; Mashko, Alina title: MODEL CAR TRANSPORT SYSTEM - MODERN ITS EDUCATION TOOL date: 2017-12-15 words: 2434 flesch: 54 summary: Model vehicles are equipped with an electric motor, a steering apparatus, a rechargeable battery, an on/off switch on the bottom of the car to start it and a reed sensor that responds to magnet effect. Physical part of road construction in differ- ent sections (left – four-way highway, right – elevated intersection) and model vehicles. highway. keywords: control; figure; model; system; traffic; transport; vehicles cache: app01-4006.pdf plain text: app01-4006.txt item: #185 of 571 id: app01-4009 author: Deleenheer, William; Jáneš, Lukáš; Jayakumar, Akshaya title: DEVELOPMENT OF AN ELECTRIC BICYCLE FOR A SHARING SYSTEM IN PRAGUE date: 2017-12-15 words: 6199 flesch: 63 summary: Keywords: e-bike sharing, requirements, e-bike design, motor power, battery capacity. Conclusion It is clear that e-bike sharing is a useful technology which can be a transportation method made ready to fit to a wide range of possible users. keywords: battery; bicycle; bike; ctu; design; motor; power; prague; project; requirements; sharing; system cache: app01-4009.pdf plain text: app01-4009.txt item: #186 of 571 id: app01-4011 author: Holub, Martin; Šrutová, Martina; Lhotská, Lenka title: MICROSLEEPS AND THEIR DETECTION FROM THE BIOLOGICAL SIGNALS date: 2017-12-15 words: 3807 flesch: 61 summary: EEG signal, especially its slow wave activity, considered to be the most predictive and reliable for the level of alertness. In spite of the detection from EEG signal is the most common method, EOG based approaches can also be very efficient and more driver-friendly. keywords: changes; detection; drowsiness; eeg; eog; fatigue; signals; sleep cache: app01-4011.pdf plain text: app01-4011.txt item: #187 of 571 id: app01-4012 author: Chudjaková, Inga; Tobiška, Jaromír title: QFD EXAMPLE IN INTERACTION WITH HMI date: 2017-12-15 words: 1603 flesch: 56 summary: Thanks to QFD methods, the designers can understand what customers want and it designs the product. For the practical example of using QFD method, we need to optimize the display to ensure safe operation while driving. keywords: customers; method; qfd; technical cache: app01-4012.pdf plain text: app01-4012.txt item: #188 of 571 id: app01-4014 author: Jirkovsky, Vaclav title: ANALYSIS OF STORED DATA HELP TO PROPOSE AND GENERATE NEW TRACKS date: 2017-12-15 words: 2229 flesch: 65 summary: These elements of common behavior can be used to create virtual track for experiments. The algorithm for automatic creation of virtual track based on type of experiment is provided. keywords: analysis; behavior; data; driver; track cache: app01-4014.pdf plain text: app01-4014.txt item: #189 of 571 id: app01-4016 author: Kalašová, Alica; Kubíková, Simona; Kapusta, Ján title: THE RELATION BETWEEN DRIVER BEHAVIOR AND INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEM date: 2017-12-15 words: 3116 flesch: 54 summary: In this context that regarding the European area of road traffic safety, the European Commission enforces reduction of the number of road traffic fatalities by half in comparison with 2010 as a priority for years 2011 to 2020[1]. In recent years, the Slovak Republic managed to lower the number of traffic accidents. From the perspective of a driver it concerns, in particular, the possibility of using alternative routes when traffic accidents or other obstacles occurs on the route that would significantly affect the continuity and safety of road traffic. keywords: accidents; number; road; safety; systems; traffic; transport cache: app01-4016.pdf plain text: app01-4016.txt item: #190 of 571 id: app01-4018 author: Mashko, Alina title: SUBJECTIVE METHODS FOR ASSESSMENT OF DRIVER DROWSINESS date: 2017-12-15 words: 2770 flesch: 56 summary: Another method used in experimental investigation of driver fatigue is observer rated sleepiness (ORS). The method can be used for validation of other measures or as a separate measure of driver fatigue [23]. 4. Subjective evaluation during experiments on driver simulator All observations described in this chapter are related to experiments conducted on a full body (Skoda Superb) fixed driving simulator based on a wide projection angle (210° of driver’s view is provided with 5 screens plus 2 screens for side mirrors. keywords: behavior; driver; driving; drowsiness; drowsy; eye; fatigue; sleepiness; state cache: app01-4018.pdf plain text: app01-4018.txt item: #191 of 571 id: app01-4021 author: Matowicki, Michal; Přibyl, Ondřej title: CROSS-STUDY RESEARCH ON UTILITY AND VALIDITY OF DRIVING SIMULATOR FOR DRIVER BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS date: 2017-12-15 words: 4326 flesch: 50 summary: Consistently with other researches Bella conducted that simulator speeds were different than in the real world, although in [2] mean speed in simulator was higher than in real world while in [15] it was on the contrary. Nevertheless, the differences in simulator speeds and in the field speeds for each point were not significantly different, demonstrating at minimum, interactive relative validity of static sim- ulator tool for assessing speed. keywords: drivers; driving; research; results; road; simulator; speed; studies; study; validity; world cache: app01-4021.pdf plain text: app01-4021.txt item: #192 of 571 id: app01-4022 author: Mík, Josef; Kadlecová, Jana title: CORRELATION ANALYSIS OF VEHICLE FRONTAL IMPACT PARAMETERS date: 2017-12-15 words: 2600 flesch: 56 summary: As it can be seen from Table 1 and 2, the constella- tions of test vehicles contain vehicles equipped with different types of passive safety systems. Results of crash tests – characteristic of test vehicles. keywords: barrier; collision; correlation; dependency; value; vehicle cache: app01-4022.pdf plain text: app01-4022.txt item: #193 of 571 id: app01-4023 author: Orlický, Adam title: AUTOMATIC GENERATION OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE IN 3D FOR VEHICLE SIMULATORS date: 2017-12-15 words: 1886 flesch: 59 summary: Besides the generation of road infrastructure models, a tool (plug-in) should be able to complete a scene around roads in such a way, that the resulting virtual scenery would be as close to reality as possible. Unlike the TIN models, the NURBS models are more pre- cise, while there is a possibility of transformation of NURBS models into TIN models with setting the quality of created TIN models in Rhinoceros software. keywords: figure; models; plug; road cache: app01-4023.pdf plain text: app01-4023.txt item: #194 of 571 id: app01-4027 author: Rothkrantz, Leon; Toma, Madalina; Popa, Mirela title: AN INTELLIGENT CO-DRIVER SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM date: 2017-12-15 words: 6729 flesch: 62 summary: There were other car drivers on the road driving both in a low and high speed speed. In driving domain, they have been called advanced driver assistance systems keywords: actions; body; car; car driver; data; driver; driving; figure; head; movements; position; sensors; system cache: app01-4027.pdf plain text: app01-4027.txt item: #195 of 571 id: app01-4028 author: Rozhdestvensky, Dmitry; Fulem, Josef title: SIMULATION OF ELECTRIC AND HYBRID VEHICLES IN A VEHICLE SIMULATOR BASED ON A DETAILED PHYSICAL MODEL, FOR THE PURPOSE OF HMI EVALUATION date: 2017-12-15 words: 2253 flesch: 51 summary: Possible experiments with detailed consumption model After the vehicle model and simulation environment has been created, an experiment itself should be de- signed. 3. Function mockup interface Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) is a standard to support both model exchange and co-simulation of dynamic models developed in different independent tools, its primary goal is to support the exchange of simulation models between suppliers and OEMs, providing a possibility to protect product knowledge, which could be recovered from these models. keywords: electric; engine; figure; hmi; model; modelica; simulation; vehicle cache: app01-4028.pdf plain text: app01-4028.txt item: #196 of 571 id: app01-4029 author: Ruzek, Martin title: ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK FOR MODELS OF HUMAN OPERATOR date: 2017-12-15 words: 3268 flesch: 59 summary: On the other hand, the classical paradigms of artificial neural networks are not suitable because they simplify too much the real processes in biological neural network. The search for a compromise between the complexity of biological neural network and the practical feasibility of the artificial network led to a new learning algorithm. keywords: learning; network; neural; neuron; weights cache: app01-4029.pdf plain text: app01-4029.txt item: #197 of 571 id: app01-4031 author: Skolilova, Petra title: THE FUTURE OF PASSENGER AIR TRANSPORT – VERY LARGE AIRCRAFT AND OUT KEY HUMAN FACTORS AFFECTING THE OPERATION AND SAFETY OF PASSENGER AIR TRANSPORT date: 2017-12-15 words: 2151 flesch: 62 summary: Of this demand for passenger aircraft, 40% will be for the replacement of ageing, less fuel efficient aircraft and 60% of the demand will be for growth[3]. Almost 80% of the world aircraft accidents are caused by human error based on wrong action, reaction or final decision of pilots, the catastrophic failures of aircraft systems, or air traffic control errors are not so frequent. keywords: aircraft; aviation; factors; passenger; system; vla cache: app01-4031.pdf plain text: app01-4031.txt item: #198 of 571 id: app01-4033 author: Thöndel, Evžen title: INTERACTIVE MOTION PLATFORMS AND VIRTUAL REALITY FOR VEHICLE SIMULATORS date: 2017-12-15 words: 1562 flesch: 45 summary: Interactive motion platforms are intended for vehicle simulators, where the direct interaction of the human body is used for controlling the simulated vehicle (e.g. bicycle, motorbike or other sports vehicles). The second use of interactive motion platforms is for entertainment purposes or fitness. keywords: model; motion; platform; reality cache: app01-4033.pdf plain text: app01-4033.txt item: #199 of 571 id: app01-4034 author: Topol, Libor; Drahotský, Ivo title: DANGEROUS DRIVER’S BEHAVIOR date: 2017-12-15 words: 1680 flesch: 62 summary: Traffic accidents are a major social issue. The table tracks a noticeable increase of fatalities in traffic accidents. keywords: accidents; behavior; driver; driving; road; traffic cache: app01-4034.pdf plain text: app01-4034.txt item: #200 of 571 id: app01-4082 author: Foreword, Editorial, title: INTEROPERABILITY OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT IRICoN 2016 date: 2016-09-15 words: 994 flesch: 23 summary: © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2016. 5/2016 Scientific Student Conference Interoperability of Railway Transport IRICoN 2016 May 4, 2016 Prague, Czech Republic organised by: Faculty of Transportation Sciences Czech Technical University in Prague sponsored by: Internal Grant Agency CTU SVK 46/16/F6 guest editors: Jitka Jírová (Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague) Jitka Řezníčková (Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague) local organizing comittee: Vít Fábera Tomáš Brandejský Jitka Jírová Dušan Kamenický Petr Koutecký Jitka Řezníčková Jan Zelenka scientific comittee: Tomáš Brandejský (Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague) keywords: czech; faculty; prague; republic cache: app01-4082.pdf plain text: app01-4082.txt item: #201 of 571 id: app01-4098 author: Pešlová, Františka; Koštialiková, Daniela; Veselý, Richard; Dubec, Andrej; Puchnin, Maxim title: MICROSCOPIC EVALUATION OF THE QUALITY OF DENTAL REPLACEMENT date: 2017-06-30 words: 1311 flesch: 47 summary: Based on the microscopic observations, the pene- tration of ceramic material into the irregular areas of metal originating from the manufacturing process has been identified. Figure 4. Penetration of ceramic material. keywords: crown; material; metal; replacement; tooth cache: app01-4098.pdf plain text: app01-4098.txt item: #202 of 571 id: app01-4105 author: Mikšovský, Jan; Jelínek, Miroslav; Písařík, Petr; Kocourek, Tomáš; Remsa, Jan; Jurek, Karel title: DLC/TI THIN FILMS PROPERTIES PREPARED BY HYBRID LASER TECHNOLOGIES date: 2017-06-30 words: 1906 flesch: 67 summary: From left wearability of the Ti6Al4V substrate and samples Ti:DLC7(pure DLC), Ti:DLC10 (5 at.% Ti) and Ti:DLC12(25 at.% Ti). keywords: at.%; dlc; layers; titanium cache: app01-4105.pdf plain text: app01-4105.txt item: #203 of 571 id: app01-4106 author: Rampichová, Michala; Buzgo, Matej; Lukášová, Věra; Míčková, Andrea; Vocetková, Karolína; Sovková, Věra; Rustichelli, Franco; Amler, Evžen title: FUNCTIONALIZATION OF 3D FIBROUS SCAFFOLDS PREPARED USING CENTRIFUGAL SPINNING WITH LIPOSOMES AS A SIMPLE DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM date: 2017-06-30 words: 1663 flesch: 51 summary: 3D materials supporting cell adhesion, infiltration and proliferation are crucial for bone tissue engineering. Cell adhesion, proliferation and osteogenic differentiation were determined. keywords: cell; fibers; liposomes; pcl; proliferation; release cache: app01-4106.pdf plain text: app01-4106.txt item: #204 of 571 id: app01-4107 author: Vrbova, Radka; Bradna, Pavel; Bartos, Martin; Himmlova, Lucie; Horazdovsky, Tomas title: THE CURRENT VIEW ON THE USE OF RECONSTRUCTION MATERIALS IN DENTISTRY date: 2017-06-30 words: 1453 flesch: 49 summary: Keywords: hard dental tissues, tooth decay, erosion, dental materials. The range of dental materials intended for dental tissue reconstruction is extensive. keywords: enamel; materials; prague; tissues; tooth cache: app01-4107.pdf plain text: app01-4107.txt item: #205 of 571 id: app01-4242 author: Kolegar, Tomas; Matousek, Martin; Vilemova, Monika; Stary, Vladimir title: ADHESION OF BIOCOMPATIBLE TiNb COATING date: 2017-06-30 words: 1345 flesch: 61 summary: Further experiments will involve changing parameters of the surface roughness, combination of epoxy adhesion and film adhesion. Preparation of a coating with a high quality requires good adhesion of the film to the substrate. keywords: adhesion; coating; mpa; strength; titanium cache: app01-4242.pdf plain text: app01-4242.txt item: #206 of 571 id: app01-4395 author: Čapek, Jiří; Pitrmuc, Zdeněk; Kolařík, Kamil; Beránek, Libor; Ganev, Nikolaj title: COMPARISON OF PARAMETERS OF SURFACE INTEGRITY OF MACHINED DUPLEX AND AUSTENITE STAINLESS STEELS IN RELATION TO TOOL GEOMETRY date: 2017-07-28 words: 3883 flesch: 61 summary: On the contrary, for duplex steel, there are clearly differences in RS values depending on side rake angle in both austenite and ferrite phase. With in- creasing positive side rake angle, the amount of strain- induced martensite decreases. keywords: angle; austenite; duplex; phase; rake; steel; stresses; surface cache: app01-4395.pdf plain text: app01-4395.txt item: #207 of 571 id: app01-4396 author: Dudr, Martin; Šimek, Daniel; Drahokoupil, Jan title: PHASE ANALYSIS OF NITI WIRE BASED ON SYNCHROTRON 2D X-RAY DIFFRACTION PATTERN IN MATLAB date: 2017-07-28 words: 3265 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: nitinol spring, combined load, X-Ray diffraction, phase analysis, synchrotron. Phase analysis of NiTi wire based on synchrotron 2D XRD pattern mm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 m m 0 0.5 1 Figure 1. keywords: austenite; figure; lines; martensite; phase; texture cache: app01-4396.pdf plain text: app01-4396.txt item: #208 of 571 id: app01-4399 author: Supinkova, Tatana; Jirka, Ivan; Drahokoupil, Jan; Langmaier, Jan; Fila, Vlastimil; Brabec, Libor; Kocirik, Milan title: REMOVAL OF DIQUATERNARY AMMONIUM CATIONS FROM AS-SYNTHESIZED SSZ-16 ZEOLITE date: 2017-07-28 words: 3776 flesch: 56 summary: Role of SDA species in synthesis of SSZ-16 Essential components for zeolite synthesis are silica, alumina, source of alkali, SDA and water. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique was used to determine crystallinity and phase purity of zeolite SSZ-16 particles. keywords: figure; particles; sda; species; ssz-16; structure; synthesis; zeolite cache: app01-4399.pdf plain text: app01-4399.txt item: #209 of 571 id: app01-4401 author: Trojan, Karel; Hervoches, Charles; Kolařík, Kamil; Ganev, Nikolaj; Mikula, Pavol; Čapek, Jiří title: REAL STRUCTURE AND RESIDUAL STRESSES IN ADVANCED WELDS DETERMINED BY X-RAY AND NEUTRON DIFFRACTION date: 2017-07-28 words: 2341 flesch: 64 summary: This would suggest that the rapid cooling of laser weld created non-equilibrium hard phases with higher strength [6]. Laser weld (according to the Fig. 4) has a higher tensile residual stresses along the weld, there- fore, redistribution after cutting the sample probably produced the greatest compressive stresses measured by XRD. keywords: diffraction; direction; laser; line; neutron cache: app01-4401.pdf plain text: app01-4401.txt item: #210 of 571 id: app01-4404 author: Němeček, Jakub; Kolařík, Kamil; Čapek, Jiří; Ganev, Nikolaj title: INFLUENCE OF MACHINING TECHNOLOGIES ON VALUES OF RESIDUAL STRESSES OF OXIDE CUTTING CERAMICS date: 2017-07-28 words: 2702 flesch: 67 summary: The values of residual compressive residual stresses increase steadily with increasing pressure in contrast to the samples after air abrasive machining. The influence of the parameters of machining to residual stresses was studied and the resulting values were compared with each other. keywords: direction; fwhm; mpa; sample; stresses cache: app01-4404.pdf plain text: app01-4404.txt item: #211 of 571 id: app01-4437 author: Brandejský, Tomáš; Fábera, Vít title: COMPARISON OF LANGUAGE SUBSET AND LANGUAGE EXTENSION BY SAFE RELATED INFORMATION APPROACH TO SAFE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT date: 2017-08-28 words: 3366 flesch: 55 summary: In the last chapters we discuss novel approaches based on application of programmable hardware which is described in VHDL language, which is also modification of ADA language. ADA language Origin of ADA language falls into falls into 80’s of previous century. keywords: ada; c++; language; list; misra; process; signal; vhdl cache: app01-4437.pdf plain text: app01-4437.txt item: #212 of 571 id: app01-4439 author: Bret, Ondřej; Čížková, Petra title: DEVELOPMENT OF THE MUNICIPAL NOISE-ABSORBING SCREEN AND TEST SECTION CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY date: 2017-08-28 words: 3666 flesch: 61 summary: An atypically chamfered unit preventing the crash of tram units into the front of the screen in case of emergency (e.g. displacement of screen units due to vandalism) was mounted onto the front of the Munic- ipal noise-absorbing screen in the riding direction (i.e. in the direction from Pobřežní cesta Stop) (Figures 89). Immediately after the start of the lockout, the MHS two-way excavator made a groove in the ballast bed for the installation of MNAS units (Figure 5). keywords: figure; mnas; noise; placement; rail; screen; section; test; tram; units cache: app01-4439.pdf plain text: app01-4439.txt item: #213 of 571 id: app01-4441 author: Guziur, Petr title: FRICTION BUFFER STOP DESIGN date: 2017-08-28 words: 2209 flesch: 64 summary: Friction buffer stops are the favoured construction of buffer stop, mainly due to its high resistance and variety of layout. This applies even for buffer stops – especially for buffer stops at the dead-end tracks in stations by platforms with pedestrians. keywords: braking; buffer; distance; jaws; stop cache: app01-4441.pdf plain text: app01-4441.txt item: #214 of 571 id: app01-4442 author: Hlubuček, Adam title: RAILTOPOMODEL AND RAILML 3 IN OVERALL CONTEXT date: 2017-08-28 words: 4132 flesch: 49 summary: Track alignment 19 Adam Hlubuček Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings In railML 2, the most of these parameters can be ex- pressed in two different ways: through infrastructure attribute groups (to be assigned to a certain track) or as track elements (changes within a track). Although the railway system is based on relatively similar principles across the whole Europe, there are many nationally specific details that should be ad- dressed in a coordinated manner in order to make the constantly evolving railML system universal enough to enable different software application to consistently communicate with each other. keywords: elements; entities; infrastructure; net; railml; railtopomodel; railway; track cache: app01-4442.pdf plain text: app01-4442.txt item: #215 of 571 id: app01-4445 author: Kamenický, Dušan; Brandejský, Tomáš; Fábera, Vít; Gopak, Valerii title: RAILWAY TRAFFIC OPTIMIZATION date: 2017-08-28 words: 2464 flesch: 52 summary: 3. Implementation in Railway Laboratory Railway Laboratory was founded at the Faculty of Transportation Sciences which serves as a place to simulate train traffic control and interlocking system. To increase capacity of railway traffic and effectivity by optimization of operative control, it means to solve several partial problems that are very difficult: pre- diction of train paths, conflicts detection and optimal solution of these conflicts. keywords: control; description; infrastructure; railml; railway; time; train cache: app01-4445.pdf plain text: app01-4445.txt item: #216 of 571 id: app01-4449 author: Leso, Martin title: ITS ON RAILWAY date: 2017-08-28 words: 2346 flesch: 46 summary: In the area of intelligent transport systems can be seen similar trends as in the Czech Republic, ie. centralizing oper- ations management together with the strong support of information systems for traffic management, but at the European level is already increasingly applied in real operation automatic setting routes, including optimizing traffic management (ie. On this types of tracks, on the corridors main tracks to, it is possible to minimalize investment and services costs by choosing the strategy and type of control of the railway system based on minimalizing of parts of infrastructure technologies with reduction of signals and vehicle detection systems. keywords: ertms; etcs; infrastructure; systems; transport; vehicles cache: app01-4449.pdf plain text: app01-4449.txt item: #217 of 571 id: app01-4450 author: Michl, Zdeněk; Drábek, Michal; Vávra, Rudolf title: NETGRAPH – AN EFFICIENT TOOL FOR PERIODIC TIMETABLING AND CAPACITY PLANNING date: 2017-08-28 words: 3386 flesch: 66 summary: Line style can even show public transport lines operated without a fixed interval. Introduction A netgraph, also called interval graphic, is a graphi- cal representation of a periodic (interval) timetable concept of public transport lines in a designated geo- graphical or political territory, for a transport segment or a production unit. keywords: figure; hour; line; minute; netgraph; transport cache: app01-4450.pdf plain text: app01-4450.txt item: #218 of 571 id: app01-4451 author: Novák, Petr; Cempírek, Václav title: FACTORS INFLUENCING THE FEE FOR USE OF THE RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE date: 2017-08-28 words: 2722 flesch: 48 summary: It is necessary to update the current system of levying charges for railway infrastructure to reflect the current market situation, to take into account the new transport strategy established by the European Union, and to reflect legislative changes in relation to Directive 2012/34/EU on creating a single European railway area. The existence of different opinions on the amount and way to charge fees for railway infrastructure have led the authors of this academic paper to create a plan for a system of charges to be derived from the current production factors as well as from a number of specific new factors used in countries neighboring the Czech Republic. keywords: infrastructure; price; railway; railway infrastructure; train; transport cache: app01-4451.pdf plain text: app01-4451.txt item: #219 of 571 id: app01-4455 author: Purkart, Pavel; Vodák, David; Hoření, Tomáš; Javořík, Tomáš title: POSSIBLE WAYS OF IMPROVING RAILWAY OPERATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE IN AREA BETWEEN DECÍN AND RUMBURK date: 2017-08-28 words: 2987 flesch: 58 summary: Děčín – Bad Schandau – Dolní Poustevna – Šluknov – Rumburk, • railway line 084 Rumburk – Panský – Mikulášovice with bypass Panský – Krásná Lípa (– Rumburk), • railway line 086 in the section Benešov nad Ploučnicí – Česká Lípa, • railway line 089 Liberec – Zittau – Rybniště, • railway line Rumburk – Jiříkov – Ebersbach without regular passenger transport. There is a potential of 250 – 300 regular commuters in villages located only near railway lines (with acceptable walking dis- tance from village to railway line), this number is sufficient enough to take this into considera- tion. keywords: area; děčín; line; railway; rumburk; station; trains cache: app01-4455.pdf plain text: app01-4455.txt item: #220 of 571 id: app01-4456 author: Šrámek, Přemysl; Molková, Tatiana title: THE DETAILED PRIORITY OF INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT EXPRESSES IN THE OVERLAPPING SECTION OF RFC 7 AND RFC 9 KOLÍN – CHOCEŇ date: 2017-08-28 words: 2208 flesch: 61 summary: There were solved conflicts of station tracks, freight trains were allowed to ride before their schedule time (in the case of free capacity) Conclusions It was checked in detail the relation between the im- portance of Fex trains and timetable stability. keywords: fex; freight; importance; rfc; train; value cache: app01-4456.pdf plain text: app01-4456.txt item: #221 of 571 id: app01-4458 author: Týfa, Lukáš; Vodák, David title: HIGH SPEED RAILWAY LINES – FUTURE PART OF CZECH RAILWAY NETWORK? date: 2017-08-28 words: 4062 flesch: 59 summary: High speed railway lines include [2]: newly built lines for speeds up to 250 km/h, up- graded conventional lines for speeds of approximately 200 km/h and upgraded conventional lines with spe- cial attributes. The main advantages of this approach are: the possibility of bypassing sections where demand exceeds capac- ity on the conventional network, the speeding up of conventional trains and/or increasing the usage of high speed railway lines. keywords: costs; infrastructure; line; network; railway; speed; trains; transportation cache: app01-4458.pdf plain text: app01-4458.txt item: #222 of 571 id: app01-4460 author: Valehrach, Jan; Říha, Tomáš; Dušek, Erik title: CANT EXCESS AND CANT DEFICIENCY EVALUATION IN RELATION TO TRAIN SPEED date: 2017-08-28 words: 3261 flesch: 65 summary: Further research should focus on the long-term mon- itoring of train speeds in order to be able to calculate cant deficiency or cant excess more precise. When comparing the weighted cant excess or cant deficiency for train categories with the weighted value for all the trains according to Table 3 it could be stated, that at least for the rough estimate for the purposes of setting curves against each other is this value conclusive enough. keywords: deficiency; excess; locations; speed; train; values cache: app01-4460.pdf plain text: app01-4460.txt item: #223 of 571 id: app01-4462 author: Vávra, Rudolf; Janoš, Vít title: ANALYSIS OF COMPETITIVENESS OF RAILWAY PASSANGER TRANSPORT BETWEEN RAKOVNÍK AND PRAGUE date: 2017-08-28 words: 2688 flesch: 57 summary: Current Modal Split. • attendance of the reference point in Prague to the appropriate stop/station of transport mean i , or to the stop of Prague urban transport, • attendance from the bus station in Rakovník, or from the railway station Rakovník to the town cen- tre, • additional reserve of 5 min. Rakovník to Prague does have good bus connection, but due to the existence of the rail- way connection in this session, and the advantages of rail transport through the continuous passage of agglomeration areas should address the issue of the attractiveness of this mode of transport. keywords: modal; prague; rakovník; time; transport; travel cache: app01-4462.pdf plain text: app01-4462.txt item: #224 of 571 id: app01-4464 author: Vnenk, Petr; Culek, Bohumil title: MEASUREMENT METHODS OF INTERNAL STRESS IN CONTINUOUS WELDED RAIL date: 2017-08-28 words: 4453 flesch: 58 summary: Vibration measurement of rail stress, 2006. The Calibrated length of rail method for measuring rail temperature stress. keywords: cwr; effect; measurement; method; rail; research; stress; surface; temperature cache: app01-4464.pdf plain text: app01-4464.txt item: #225 of 571 id: app01-4465 author: Vukušičová, Daniela title: ANALYSIS OF DYNAMIC EFFECTS ACTING ON RAILWAY CROSSINGS date: 2017-08-28 words: 3176 flesch: 65 summary: If we put into account all measurement campaigns on turnout no. 3, approxi- mately 24% of dynamic energy is transmitted to the bearer, while on turnout no. 4 it is about 35%. The paper is focused on measurement and analysis of dynamic effects on railway turnouts. keywords: ballast; bearer; crossing; frequency; rail; time; turnout; wing cache: app01-4465.pdf plain text: app01-4465.txt item: #226 of 571 id: app01-4492 author: Kadlíček, Tomáš; Janda, Tomáš; Šejnoha, Michal title: CORRELATION RELATIONSHIPS FOR THE HYPOPLASTIC MODEL FOR FINE GRAINED SOILS date: 2017-10-15 words: 2049 flesch: 52 summary: The second option assumes a calibration procedure in the form of tables or graphs enabling the determination of model parameters on the basis of specific input data. Apart from model parameters and the Atterberg limits Wl and Wp, the table also offers the percentage content of fine soil particles fwith the diameter d < 0.063mm. keywords: correlation; model; parameters; soil cache: app01-4492.pdf plain text: app01-4492.txt item: #227 of 571 id: app01-4494 author: Pruška, Jan title: MODELLING ROCK MASS IMPROVEMENT USING ROCK BOLTS date: 2017-10-15 words: 2408 flesch: 56 summary: Ab rock bolt area, Aj discontinuity interface, τj shear stress at the discontinuity interface at failure, AT total area of the rock with rock bolts (Ab+Aj). Keywords: Rock bolts, modelling, FEM. keywords: area; bolts; element; mass; modelling; rock; rock bolts cache: app01-4494.pdf plain text: app01-4494.txt item: #228 of 571 id: app01-4497 author: Súlovská, Monika; Turček, Peter; Štefunková, Zuzana title: TESTING OF SOIL IMPROVEMENT BELOW A HALL FLOOR date: 2017-10-15 words: 2006 flesch: 59 summary: Effects of changes in soil moisture on the oedo- metric modulus are shown in Fig. In- creasing the soil stiffness (higher values of Eoed) was possible by observing a decreasing of soil moisture below 17 %. keywords: cement; eoed; moisture; soil cache: app01-4497.pdf plain text: app01-4497.txt item: #229 of 571 id: app01-4500 author: Vaníček, Martin title: LANDSLIDE RECLAMATION IN ŠÁRKA VALLEY date: 2017-10-15 words: 1548 flesch: 61 summary: The level difference between existing slope and reclaimed slope towards the planned staircase is proposed as reinforced steep slope (4:1) with MU- RALEX® Green system, which provides vegetated surface. Typical cross section through reclaimed slope is shown in Fig. keywords: facing; reclamation; slope; soil cache: app01-4500.pdf plain text: app01-4500.txt item: #230 of 571 id: app01-4516 author: Petkovšek, Ana; Maček, Matej; Smolar, Jasna title: TESTING METHODS FOR MECHANICALLY IMPROVED SOILS: RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY date: 2017-10-15 words: 8065 flesch: 63 summary: Test fields Results of CPT tests. keywords: compaction; cpt; depth; field; figure; ground; layer; liquefaction; mixture; results; ric; site; soil; stress; test cache: app01-4516.pdf plain text: app01-4516.txt item: #231 of 571 id: app01-4517 author: Ponomarev, Andrei B.; Kleveko, V.I.; Moiseeva, O.V.; Kashapova, K.R. title: FIBER REINFORCED SAND BACKFILL FOR UNDERGROUND PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS date: 2017-10-15 words: 1840 flesch: 59 summary: The diagram of shell displacements for fibre reinforced sand backfill (umax = 20.71 mm) Figure 10. Ordinary sand and sand reinforced with polypropylene fibres have been used as soil backfill. keywords: backfill; construction; pedestrian; sand cache: app01-4517.pdf plain text: app01-4517.txt item: #232 of 571 id: app01-4518 author: Ponomaryov, Andrey; Zakharov, Aleksandr title: TEMPERATURE OF SOIL MONITORED AT EXPERIMENTAL SITES IN PERM REGION (RUSSIA) date: 2017-10-15 words: 1643 flesch: 54 summary: The paper presents the monitoring results for soil temperatures in the geological and climatic conditions of the city of Perm (Russia). The summarized moni- toring results (average monthly temperatures for the period from January 2009 to January 2016) are shown in Fig. keywords: monitoring; site; soil; temperature cache: app01-4518.pdf plain text: app01-4518.txt item: #233 of 571 id: app01-4555 author: Vaníček, Ivan title: STABILIZATION AND SPECIFICATION OF CHARACTERISTIC VALUE OF GEOTECHNICAL PARAMETERS date: 2017-10-15 words: 2788 flesch: 48 summary: In the second case soil properties remain the same (on the previous values), as well the parameters of the reinforc- ing element (most often geosynthetics). 7. Conclusion The application of different additives for improvement of soil properties has growing tendency. keywords: application; earth; lime; soil; stabilization; structures cache: app01-4555.pdf plain text: app01-4555.txt item: #234 of 571 id: app01-4618 author: Bošanský, Michal; Patzák, Bořek title: PARALLEL APPROACH TO SOLVE OF THE DIRECT SOLUTION OF LARGE SPARSE SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS date: 2017-11-13 words: 2679 flesch: 53 summary: Initialization of data structures for distributed matrix This phase should determine the required size of ar- rays used to store all nonzero entries of the global matrix. The global vector is again distributed among partitions, the distribution corresponds to the distribution of matrix rows. keywords: contributions; matrix; memory; nodes; parallel; row cache: app01-4618.pdf plain text: app01-4618.txt item: #235 of 571 id: app01-4619 author: Čada, Petr; Máca, Jiří title: COMPARISON OF METHODS USED FOR SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES date: 2017-11-13 words: 4349 flesch: 62 summary: Keywords: seismic response, lateral force method, response spectrum, time-history analysis, pushover analysis. Non-linear methods according to EC8 [1] are the time-history analysis and the pushover analysis. keywords: analysis; linear; load; method; response; spectrum; structure cache: app01-4619.pdf plain text: app01-4619.txt item: #236 of 571 id: app01-4623 author: Ďureje, Jakub; Prošek, Zdeněk title: FOAMED CEMENT COMPOSITES: DETECTION OF THE MODULUS OF ELASTICITY USING DIC ANALYSIS AND COMPARISON WITH OTHER METHODS date: 2017-11-13 words: 2322 flesch: 57 summary: Half of cement paste beams were tested according to CSN EN 12390-3 Test of hardened concrete - Part 3: Compressive strength of test samples [9]. 7. Results and discussions Samples Ref C and Ref R were references. keywords: analysis; dic; elasticity; modulus; samples; test cache: app01-4623.pdf plain text: app01-4623.txt item: #237 of 571 id: app01-4624 author: Dvořáková, Edita; Patzák, Bořek title: ON DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTERACTIVE DESIGN TOOL BASED ON ISOGEOMETRIC ANALYSIS date: 2017-11-13 words: 2348 flesch: 57 summary: Several lock- ing removal techniques have been proposed to unlock isogeometric beam element including reduced inte- gration, B̄-method, DSG method, see [2, 3] for the references. Isogeometric analysis is a new concept of Finite element method which has been proposed to bridge the gap between the CAD systems and the FEM solvers. keywords: analysis; cad; element; geometry; nurbs; shear cache: app01-4624.pdf plain text: app01-4624.txt item: #238 of 571 id: app01-4627 author: Hlůžek, Radim; Prošek, Zdeněk; Trejbal, Jan; Fládr, Josef; Potocký, Štepán title: PLASMA TREATMENT IMPACT ON PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYMERIC FIBERS date: 2017-11-13 words: 2467 flesch: 56 summary: An industrial water flush- able sizing is standardly applied onto fiber surfaces as an integral part of their production. An effect on physico-chemical changes on fiber surfaces was examined by wettability measurement, wight loss ratio (fibers were weighed before and after plasma treatment) and finally by fiber tensile strength tests, when the main focus of the re- search was targeted to impact of plasma treatment on fiber mechanical performance. keywords: fibers; plasma; strength; tensile; treatment; weight cache: app01-4627.pdf plain text: app01-4627.txt item: #239 of 571 id: app01-4628 author: Hrbek, Vladimír; Koudelková, Veronika; Prošek, Zdeněk; Tesárek, Pavel title: MICRO-MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE OF CONCRETE USED AS RECYCLED RAW MATERIAL IN CEMENTITIOUS COMPOSITE date: 2017-11-13 words: 3574 flesch: 49 summary: Micrographs with identified material phases. scanned in BSE mode with high resolution (5×5 se- quence of 250 µm wide images). Quasi-static nano-indentation The technique of nano-indentation (Ti 7500 series, Hysitron Inc.) was selected for evaluation of mi- croscale elastic properties of the material. keywords: cement; concrete; doi; fig;; indentation; material; phases; properties; results; sem; waste cache: app01-4628.pdf plain text: app01-4628.txt item: #240 of 571 id: app01-4631 author: Kucíková, Lucie; Hrbek, Vladimír; Vorel, Jan; Šejnoha, Michal title: USING HOMOGENIZATION AND NANOINDENTATION FOR MICROFIBRIL ANGLE DETERMINATION OF SPRUCE date: 2017-11-13 words: 2880 flesch: 54 summary: Ultrastructure and formation of wood cell wall. The significance of the elastic modulus of wood cell walls obtained from nanoindentation measurements. keywords: angle; cell; mfa; nanoindentation; properties; wall; wood cache: app01-4631.pdf plain text: app01-4631.txt item: #241 of 571 id: app01-4632 author: Maroušková, Aneta; Kubát, Jan title: SOLID BURNT BRICKS’ TENSILE STRENGTH date: 2017-11-13 words: 1529 flesch: 61 summary: The expected tensile of bricks strength was approx. The obtained working diagrams will be further use for a detailed numerical analysis of whole brick masonry column under concentric compressive load. keywords: mortar; specimens; strength; tensile cache: app01-4632.pdf plain text: app01-4632.txt item: #242 of 571 id: app01-4634 author: Mikeš, Karel; Jirásek, Milan title: ADAPTIVE QUASICONTINUUM SIMULATION OF ELASTIC-BRITTLE DISORDERED LATTICES date: 2017-11-13 words: 3582 flesch: 54 summary: Force-displacement diagrams computed with exact particle approach A0 (black) and with QC approach with local anisotropic homogenization A3 (red). QC approach with interpolation In this approach, only the interpolation rule is used to simplify the full particle model. keywords: approach; interest; interpolation; links; simulation cache: app01-4634.pdf plain text: app01-4634.txt item: #243 of 571 id: app01-4635 author: Mužíková, Barbora; Otcovská, Tereza; Padevět, Pavel title: WATER ABSORPTION CAPACITY COEFFICIENT AND MASS MOISTURE OF RAMMED EARTH MATERIAL date: 2017-11-13 words: 2153 flesch: 65 summary: This article presents the development of mass moisture of rammed earth material and determines the water absorption capacity coefficient for rammed earth with illite-kaoline clay. Introduction This article presents earth material as a modern build- ing material based on the long history of using, but in last centuries it was replaced by modern mate- rials. keywords: building; clay; earth; material; water cache: app01-4635.pdf plain text: app01-4635.txt item: #244 of 571 id: app01-4636 author: Otcovská, Tereza; Mužíková, Barbora; Padevět, Pavel title: DRYING CHARACTERISTIC OF RAMMED EARTH WITH ILLITIC-KAOLINITIC CLAY CONTENT date: 2017-11-13 words: 2046 flesch: 67 summary: It was presupposed that amount of used clay in clay mixture has major influence on the speed of drying and a final equilibrium moisture content. And water serves for activation of bonding properties of the clay and for proper processibility of clay mixture [1, 13–15]. keywords: bodies; clay; drying; mixture; test; water; weight cache: app01-4636.pdf plain text: app01-4636.txt item: #245 of 571 id: app01-4637 author: Prošek, Zdeněk; Topič, Jaroslav title: LONG-TIME INVESTIGATION OF CEMENT COMPOSITE MATERIAL WITH MICRONIZED WASTE MARBLE POWDER: DYNAMIC MODULES date: 2017-11-13 words: 2197 flesch: 59 summary: The resulting output is waste marble powder (WMP) and it has better mechanical properties than marble sludge [14]. Conclusions This work is focused on the mechanical properties of the cement composites composed of Portland cement and different amounts of waste marble powder. keywords: cement; elasticity; marble; materials; modulus; waste cache: app01-4637.pdf plain text: app01-4637.txt item: #246 of 571 id: app01-4638 author: Řehounek, Luboš; Denk, František; Jíra, Aleš title: GEOMETRICAL OPTIMIZATION OF DENTAL IMPLANTS WITH REGARD TO OSSEOINTEGRATION date: 2017-11-13 words: 2311 flesch: 54 summary: © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2017 available online at GEOMETRICAL OPTIMIZATION OF DENTAL IMPLANTS WITH REGARD TO OSSEOINTEGRATION The variant 0001C (cylindrical part 3.00 mm) has a maximum value of σeqv,max = 73.6 MPa, but the sys- tem of vertical ribs is situated now only in cancellous bone. 99 L. Řehounek, F. Denk, A. Jíra Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings Implant type osseointegrated in bone tissue of mandible Displacement of the implant and bone tissue Equivalent von-Mises stress Optimization influence keywords: bone; implant; stem; stress cache: app01-4638.pdf plain text: app01-4638.txt item: #247 of 571 id: app01-4642 author: Schmidt, Jaroslav; Zemanová, Alena; Janda, Tomáš; Zeman, Jan; Šejnoha, Michal title: VARIATIONALLY-BASED EFFECTIVE DYNAMIC THICKNESS FOR LAMINATED GLASS BEAMS date: 2017-11-13 words: 3668 flesch: 63 summary: This contribution addresses such simplified models for free vibrations of laminated glass beams, with the goal to determine their natural frequencies and modal damping properties. To our best knowledge, only one effective thickness approach for modal analysis of laminated glass beams can be found in literature. keywords: beam; det; eet; glass; method; mode; thickness cache: app01-4642.pdf plain text: app01-4642.txt item: #248 of 571 id: app01-4644 author: Šmídová, Eliška; Kabele, Petr title: COMPARISON OF FAILURE CRITERIA FOR WOOD IN TENSILE-SHEAR STRESS STATE date: 2017-11-13 words: 3628 flesch: 66 summary: The off-axis test has become a widely used experi- ment for validation of failure criteria of non-isotropic materials. The off-axis tensile test has been involved in numerous studies, especially in those related to the complex problem of determining shear strength of wood [6–10] or the applicability of failure criteria for a specific wood species [11, 12]. keywords: axis; failure; shear; strength; tsai cache: app01-4644.pdf plain text: app01-4644.txt item: #249 of 571 id: app01-4646 author: Šulc, Stanislav; Šmilauer, Vít; Wald, František title: COUPLED SIMULATION FOR FIRE-EXPOSED STRUCTURES USING CFD AND THERMO-MECHANICAL MODELS date: 2017-11-13 words: 1732 flesch: 62 summary: Temperature field from FDS was validated previ- OOFEM mesh of both thermal and me- chanical task. keywords: fds; figure; fire; oofem; temperature cache: app01-4646.pdf plain text: app01-4646.txt item: #250 of 571 id: app01-4648 author: Topič, Jaroslav; Prošek, Zdeněk title: HYDRATION PROCESS AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CEMENT PASTE WITH RECYCLED CONCRETE POWDER AND SILICA SAND POWDER date: 2017-11-13 words: 2651 flesch: 62 summary: However lower density of old cement paste in RCP overweight the mentioned potential of RCP and mechanical properties are decreasing compared with reference cement paste and cement paste SSP. Remaining question is if non-hydrated cement grains in old cement paste can exposed on this level and still fulfills the role of partial binder replacement. keywords: cement; paste; powder; properties; rcp; samples cache: app01-4648.pdf plain text: app01-4648.txt item: #251 of 571 id: app01-4650 author: Antoš, Jakub; Dejdar, Lukáš; Trejbal, Jan; Prošek, Zdeněk title: PERFORMANCE OF CEMENT COMPOSITES REINFORCED WITH SURFACE-MODIFIED POLYPROPYLENE MICRO- AND MACRO-FIBERS date: 2017-11-13 words: 2913 flesch: 53 summary: Based on these findings, it can be pointed out, that polymer fiber modification via plasma treatment can be assumed as low-cost and very effective method to increase inter-phase interaction and mechanical properties of fiber reinforced cement composites. On the other hand, due to low chemical activity of most polymers (related to cement paste), the chemi- cal interaction (bonding) between fiber surfaces and cement matrix is not ensured. keywords: cement; concrete; fibers; plasma; polypropylene; reference; samples; treatment cache: app01-4650.pdf plain text: app01-4650.txt item: #252 of 571 id: app01-4651 author: Tyburec, Marek; Zeman, Jan title: OPTIMIZATION-BASED APPROACH TO TILING OF FINITE AREAS WITH ARBITRARY SETS OF WANG TILES date: 2017-11-13 words: 5213 flesch: 71 summary: As the problem is undecidable, no general algorithm exists, and thus all the algorithms need to exploit the spe- cific structure of each individual (family of) tile sets. Our implementation lacks heuristics, parallelism, and generation of cuts, consequently being inefficient for tile sets with large number of degrees of freedom, such as the Čulík one. keywords: k∈t; problem; rel; tiles; tiling; wang cache: app01-4651.pdf plain text: app01-4651.txt item: #253 of 571 id: app01-4653 author: Valentová, Soňa; Hrbek, Vladimír; Šejnoha, Michal title: EVALUATION OF EFFECTIVE PROPERTIES OF BASALT TEXTILE REINFORCED CERAMIC MATRIX COMPOSITES date: 2017-11-13 words: 3116 flesch: 56 summary: 2. Experimental Measurements of the Material Parameters A specimen of basalt fiber ceramic composite was embedded into an epoxy resin and left for 24 hours to harden in a cylindrical mold (25 mm in diameter). Mechanical properties of basalt fiber reinforced composites prepared by partial pyrolysis of a polymer precursor. keywords: basalt; damage; fiber; fig; gpa; matrix; properties cache: app01-4653.pdf plain text: app01-4653.txt item: #254 of 571 id: app01-4655 author: Venglar, Michal; Sokol, Milan; Marfoldi, Monika title: MODAL ANALYSIS FOR REVISION OF A FEM MODEL OF A STEEL TRUSS BEAM date: 2017-11-13 words: 1654 flesch: 54 summary: Keywords: Modal analysis, revision of FEM model, experimental measurements, rivet joint connection. [5] J. Li, H. Hao. Health monitoring of joint conditions in steel truss bridges with relative displacement sensors. keywords: fem; figure; measurements; model; revision cache: app01-4655.pdf plain text: app01-4655.txt item: #255 of 571 id: app01-4656 author: Verner, Martin title: THE OCCURRENCE OF SYNCHRONIZED JUMPING CROWD AT SPORTS STADIUMS date: 2017-11-13 words: 1704 flesch: 65 summary: These types of fans behaviours caused the maximal vibration of the grandstand. An experiment focused on fans behaviour and induced grandstand vibrations during a football match. keywords: fans; football; jumping; stadium cache: app01-4656.pdf plain text: app01-4656.txt item: #256 of 571 id: app01-4658 author: Zobal, Ondřej; Jára, Robert; Hataj, Martin title: METHODOLOGY FOR MEASURING THE SHEAR STRESS OF PLASTERBOARDS date: 2017-11-13 words: 1908 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: Plasterboard, shear strength perpendicular to the plane of the board, EN 789, ASTM D5379. Static scheme of the test of shear strength perpendicular to the plane of the board [6]. Figure 2. keywords: board; plane; shear; strength cache: app01-4658.pdf plain text: app01-4658.txt item: #257 of 571 id: app01-4660 author: Zrůbek, Lukáš; Kučerová, Anna; Doškář, Martin title: WANG TILES LOCAL TILINGS CREATED BY MERGING EDGE-COMPATIBLE FINITE ELEMENT MESHES date: 2017-11-13 words: 2711 flesch: 59 summary: Wang Tiles Method The basic principle of Wang tiles method was intro- duced by Mr. Hao Wang Keywords: Heterogeneous microstructures, Wang tiles, micro-mechanical fields, local tiling, finite element method. keywords: method; micro; microstructure; tiles; tiling; wang cache: app01-4660.pdf plain text: app01-4660.txt item: #258 of 571 id: app01-4838 author: Czakoj, Tomas; Frybort, Jan; Lovecky, Martin title: CALCULATION UNCERTAINTIES IN SPENT FUEL INVENTORY DETERMINATION date: 2018-05-17 words: 4145 flesch: 57 summary: Al- though fuel temperature change seems to be much low important than the previously mentioned, it is impor- tant to remember that fuel temperature changes are much high than the moderator temperature changes. The impact of fuel radius change is negligible, which is probably caused by modification of fuel density made with the objective of preserva- tion of fuel content. keywords: calculation; change; content; depletion; effect; figure; fuel; model; uncertainties cache: app01-4838.pdf plain text: app01-4838.txt item: #259 of 571 id: app01-4843 author: Osusky, Filip; Cerba, Stefan; Luley, Jakub; Vrban, Branislav; Hascik, Jan title: COUPLED SIMULATION OF GAS COOLED FAST REACTOR FUEL ASSEMBLY WITH NESTLE CODE SYSTEM date: 2018-05-17 words: 3982 flesch: 58 summary: The processing of fuel assembly homogeneous parametric cross-section library for NESTLE code simulation is made by the sequence TRITON of SCALE code package system. NESTLE code 2.1. keywords: calculation; code; cross; fuel; gfr; nestle; nestle code; reactor; results; system cache: app01-4843.pdf plain text: app01-4843.txt item: #260 of 571 id: app01-4844 author: Campolina, Daniel; Frybort, Jan title: UNCERTAINTY PROPAGATION FOR LWR BURNUP BENCHMARK USING SAMPLING BASED CODE SCALE/SAMPLER date: 2018-05-17 words: 3514 flesch: 50 summary: Results showed that the influence of input uncertainties on kinf is more pronounced in the fresh core other than the depleted core and the contribution from studied manufacturing uncertainties is smaller than the contribution of nuclear data uncertainties. Uncertainty analysis from nuclear data In this section, cross-section perturbation using SCALE/SAMPLER is performed for a benchmark proposed by the OECD expert group Uncertainty Analysis in Modeling (UAM) keywords: benchmark; covariance; data; fuel; kinf; results; sampler; scale; uam; uncertainties; uncertainty cache: app01-4844.pdf plain text: app01-4844.txt item: #261 of 571 id: app01-4846 author: Šísl, Václav; Ševeček, Martin title: IMITATING NEUTRON IRRADIATION DAMAGE USING A COMBINATION OF ION BEAMS date: 2018-05-17 words: 4291 flesch: 51 summary: The goal of cur- rent research is to achieve as comparable irradiation damage profile as possible resulting in imitation of irradiation damage by heavy ions. When using ions or protons imitating irradiation damage inside LWR reactors, the temperature of the target should be increased by 15–40 ◦C compared to the temperature in reactor. keywords: beams; damage; distribution; individual; irradiation; materials; neutron cache: app01-4846.pdf plain text: app01-4846.txt item: #262 of 571 id: app01-4848 author: Foreword, Editorial, title: ŠIMÁNĚ 2017 date: 2018-05-17 words: 558 flesch: 44 summary: Daniel Campolina ČVUT FJFI Filip Osuský STU FEI Lucie Celbová ČVUT FJFI/KIPL Pavel Suk ČVUT FJFI Martin Cesnek ČVUT FJFI Jakub Svoboda ČVUT FJFI Tomáš Czakoj ČVUT FJFI Martin Ševeček ČVUT FJFI Michal Farník ČVUT FJFI/KF Václav Šísl ČVUT FJFI Filip Fejt ČVUT FJFI/ Tomáš Matlocha ČVUT FJFI Ivana Bonková UK Ba Ondřej Novák ČVUT FJFI keywords: fjfi; martin; nuclear; čvut cache: app01-4848.pdf plain text: app01-4848.txt item: #263 of 571 id: app01-4947 author: Černoch, Petr; Košťál, Jiří title: PREDICTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF GROUNDWATER QUALITY IN A FINISHED SLUDGE LAGOON date: 2018-06-19 words: 3691 flesch: 45 summary: This concerns mainly a rise in groundwater level due to superimposed load on the structure Keywords: Transport of contaminants, sludge bed, geotechnical risks. keywords: area; bed; groundwater; interest; level; model; sludge; values cache: app01-4947.pdf plain text: app01-4947.txt item: #264 of 571 id: app01-4949 author: Chalmovský, Juraj; Míča, Lumír title: THE LOAD-DISPLACEMENT BEHAVIOUR OF GROUND ANCHORS IN FINE GRAINED SOILS date: 2018-06-19 words: 3514 flesch: 61 summary: Based on regression analysis of anchor loading tests performed mainly in London clay and glacial clay, Barley Non-uniform shear stress distribution along the anchor fixed length keywords: anchor; figure; length; load; peak; shear; softening; strain; stress; test cache: app01-4949.pdf plain text: app01-4949.txt item: #265 of 571 id: app01-4950 author: Hruštinec, Luboš title: ANALYSIS OF THE TIME COURSE OF A BRIDGE ABUTMENTS SETTLEMENT date: 2018-06-19 words: 3321 flesch: 58 summary: Over 6 years of geotechnical monitoring after the construction of bridge abutments Keywords: Bridge abutment, geotechnical calculations, settlement, consolidation. keywords: abutments; bridge; bridge abutments; calculations; settlement; structure cache: app01-4950.pdf plain text: app01-4950.txt item: #266 of 571 id: app01-4953 author: Vaníček, Martin title: SOIL REINFORCEMENT AND EC7 (202x) date: 2018-06-19 words: 2063 flesch: 58 summary: In reinforcing element Total strain (elongation) X X X X X Creep strain (post construction) X X X X X In facing element Differential settlement along the facing due to subsoil deformation X NOTES: X1 - rarely used X2 - Anchors + RVBEs are not considered as soil reinforcements in current Standards but are shown as an aide memoire for hybrid structures Figure 1. X X X X X keywords: design; eurocode; soil; structures cache: app01-4953.pdf plain text: app01-4953.txt item: #267 of 571 id: app01-4959 author: Němeček, Jakub; Čapek, Jiří; Ganev, Nikolaj; Kolařík, Kamil title: INVESTIGATION OF SURFACE MACROSCOPIC RESIDUAL STRESSES OF CUTTING CERAMICS AFTER MECHANICAL MACHINING date: 2018-06-26 words: 1995 flesch: 53 summary: An accuracy of determination of position 2Θ is about 8, 5× smaller than for diffraction lines with higher angles 2Θ. However, the relative dependence for determining the effect of mechanical machining on surface residual stresses is indicative. Therefore, the influence of mechanical machining technologies on the values of macroscopic residual stresses was investigated by X-ray diffraction. keywords: diffraction; grinding; samples; stresses; values cache: app01-4959.pdf plain text: app01-4959.txt item: #268 of 571 id: app01-4964 author: Vertat, Petr; Drahokoupil, Jan title: FITEXC – DIFFRACTION PROFILE FITTING PROGRAM RUN IN MS EXCEL date: 2018-06-26 words: 1739 flesch: 57 summary: We present our custom made diffraction fitting program FitExc for the basic treatment of the 1D diffraction profiles, in particular, the Intensity(2θ) of X-ray, synchrotron or neutron diffraction measurements. Keywords: X–ray diffraction, diffraction profile fitting, MS Excel. keywords: diffraction; excel; fitting; parameters; program; user cache: app01-4964.pdf plain text: app01-4964.txt item: #269 of 571 id: app01-5079 author: Rada, Václav; Fíla, Tomáš; Zlámal, Petr; Kytýř, Daniel; Koudelka, Petr title: MULTI-CHANNEL CONTROL SYSTEM FOR IN-SITU LABORATORY LOADING DEVICES date: 2018-10-23 words: 2691 flesch: 52 summary: All the pipes leading from control software core are connected to GUI core, which handles communi- cation between control software core and GUI process itself. Each experimental device uses its specific LinuxCNC initializing file, which contains data needed for control software startup. keywords: control; data; devices; interface; loading; python; software cache: app01-5079.pdf plain text: app01-5079.txt item: #270 of 571 id: app01-5080 author: Kytýř, Daniel; Fíla, Tomáš; Koudelka, Petr; Kumpová, Ivana; Vopálenský, Michal; Vavro, Leona; Vavro, Martin title: INSTRUMENTATION OF FOUR-POINT BENDING TEST DURING 4D COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY date: 2018-10-23 words: 2578 flesch: 47 summary: In case of bending tests, our background research showed that no commercial solution allowing for reliable investigation of so called fracture process zone in quasi-brittle materials is currently available. Thus, this paper is focused on description of recently developed in-situ four-point bending loading device and its instrumentation for testing of quasi-brittle materials. keywords: bending; crack; device; fracture; loading; materials; propagation; ray cache: app01-5080.pdf plain text: app01-5080.txt item: #271 of 571 id: app01-5082 author: Doktor, Tomáš; Kumpová, Ivana; Wroński, Sebastian; Śniechowski, Maciej; Tarasiuk, Jacek; Forte, Giancarlo; Kytýř, Daniel title: INFLUENCE OF PRINTING AND LOADING DIRECTION ON MECHANICAL RESPONSE IN 3D PRINTED MODELS OF HUMAN TRABECULAR BONE date: 2018-10-23 words: 2054 flesch: 54 summary: Mechanical response was compared in nine different combinations of direction of 3D printing and loading direction. Trabecular bone sample resected from human caput femoris. keywords: bone; direction; figure; loading; printing; samples; strain cache: app01-5082.pdf plain text: app01-5082.txt item: #272 of 571 id: app01-5083 author: Šleichrt, Jan; Kytýř, Daniel; Pithartová, Kateřina; Senck, Sascha; Fürst, David; Schrempf, Andreas title: BASIC BIOMECHANICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYURETHANE BASED ARTIFICIAL CANCELLOUS STRUCTURES date: 2018-10-23 words: 2139 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: polyurethane foam, artificial bone, uniaxial loading, digital image correlation. In this case different types of polyurethane foam synthesized as artificial cancellous bone was investigated from biomechanical point of view. keywords: filler; h2o; mpa; samples; strain; stress cache: app01-5083.pdf plain text: app01-5083.txt item: #273 of 571 id: app01-5088 author: Doktor, Tomáš; Zlámal, Petr; Šleichrt, Jan; Fíla, Tomáš; Kytýř, Daniel title: IMPACT TESTING OF ORDNANCE GELATINE UNDER MODERATE STRAIN RATE CONDITIONS date: 2018-10-23 words: 1890 flesch: 59 summary: Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings arrangement initial height drop weight impact velocity impact energy [m] Impact tests instrumentation The moderate strain rate compression tests were per- formed by an in-house drop tower developed at CTU FTS keywords: energy; gelatine; impact; ordnance; strain cache: app01-5088.pdf plain text: app01-5088.txt item: #274 of 571 id: app01-5090 author: Lehner, Kerstin; Kalteis, Anna; Major, Zoltan title: MODELLING AND SIMULATION OF LATTICE STRUCTURES USING VARIOUS MATERIAL MODELS FOR POLYMERIC MATERIALS date: 2018-10-23 words: 3435 flesch: 55 summary: The aim of the present work was to characterize and compare var- ious modelled regular open cellular materials defined as lattice structures with applied periodic boundary conditions regarding different material models under various loading conditions. In the next section the simulation approaches and results are presented and in the last section a conclusion for various lattice structures and different material models is drawn. keywords: behaviour; lattice; linear; material; simulations; structure; yield cache: app01-5090.pdf plain text: app01-5090.txt item: #275 of 571 id: app01-5094 author: Kiehas, Florian; Kalteis, Anna; Jerabek, Michael; Major, Zoltán title: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE FAILURE BEHAVIOUR OF POLYPROPYLENE COMPOUNDS FOR INSTRUMENTED PUNCTURE TESTS date: 2018-10-23 words: 3578 flesch: 63 summary: Determination of transition temperatures. nomenclature e.g. M3ISOt1: material M3, ISO test standard and 1 mm thick speci- mens. keywords: -30; brittle; energy; puncture; temperature; test; transition cache: app01-5094.pdf plain text: app01-5094.txt item: #276 of 571 id: app01-5096 author: Adorna, Marcel; Zlámal, Petr; Fíla, Tomáš; Falta, Jan; Felten, Markus; Fries, Michael; Jung, Anne title: TESTING OF HYBRID NICKEL-POLYURETHANE FOAMS AT HIGH STRAIN-RATES USING HOPKINSON BAR AND DIGITAL IMAGE CORRELATION date: 2018-10-23 words: 3229 flesch: 58 summary: Representative median value of the correla- tion coefficient plotted against strain for three selected experiments (test 270 - short sample at low strain rate, test 285 - short sample at high strain rate, test 317 - long sample at high strain rate) 3.2. Instrumentation The strain wave passing through the incident and transmission bar was measured at two measurement points (MPs) using foil strain gauges (3/120 LY61, HBM, Germany) with 3 mm active length. keywords: correlation; dic; foams; hybrid; image; rate; sample; shpb; strain cache: app01-5096.pdf plain text: app01-5096.txt item: #277 of 571 id: app01-5225 author: Novák, Ondřej; Frýbort, Jan; Sklenka, Lubomír; Rataj, Jan; Chvála, Ondřej title: SCALE AND SERPENT TWO-GROUP CROSS-SECTION DATA GENERATION date: 2018-12-14 words: 3047 flesch: 60 summary: [8] T. Lötsch, Fuel assembly burnup calculations for VVER fuel assemblies with the MONTE CARLO code Serpent. In Serpent calculation, B1 correction used 238 group energy structure (scale238 keywords: code; cross; fuel; group; results; scale; section; serpent cache: app01-5225.pdf plain text: app01-5225.txt item: #278 of 571 id: app01-5230 author: Šikl, Matěj; Havlůj, František title: UNCERTAINTY EVALUATION IN CRITICALITY CALCULATIONS USING THE TSUNAMI METHODOLOGY date: 2018-12-14 words: 3337 flesch: 51 summary: However when code is applicated to spent fuel storage there is not considered effect of disparity between used experiments and newly suggested spent fuel storage. Comparison of irradiated fuel with fresh UO2 and MOX fuel experiments together. keywords: comparison; evaluation; experiments; fuel; penalty; systems cache: app01-5230.pdf plain text: app01-5230.txt item: #279 of 571 id: app01-5233 author: Zavadil, Tomáš title: SELECTION OF REFERENCE VALUE OF LONGITUDINAL TO TRANSVERSAL ULTRASONIC WAVES VELOCITY RATIO ON PRESSURE PURPOSE STEELS FOR DETECTION OF CREEP date: 2018-12-14 words: 4781 flesch: 61 summary: For this experiment, the level of L/T ratio consid- ered as out of standard value range shall be defined as: ∆ cL cT = ∆ cL cT (σ) > Selection of such critical parts or areas is done by comparison with reference benchmark value. keywords: creep; ratio; steel; values cache: app01-5233.pdf plain text: app01-5233.txt item: #280 of 571 id: app01-5311 author: Blažek, Tomáš; Řepka, Jakub; Vlach, Tomáš title: BOND CONNECTIONS OF HIGH PERFORMANCE CONCRETE (HPC) AND STEEL: "EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF SELECTION GLUED FOR TWO DIFFERENT SURFACES OF STEEL" date: 2018-12-31 words: 2801 flesch: 63 summary: Compressive strength of used HPC was 113 MPa on cubes with edge length 100 mm according to CSN EN 12 390-3 standard. May be the surface of non-treated steel parts was in- correctly cleaned by technical gasoline or the surface was dusty or wet also in comparison with results of the tensile test. keywords: adhesives; hpc; steel; stress; tensile; test cache: app01-5311.pdf plain text: app01-5311.txt item: #281 of 571 id: app01-5314 author: Dohnalová, Lenka; Havlásek, Petr title: COMPARISON OF DRYING SHRINKAGE AND DRYING CREEP KINETICS IN CONCRETE date: 2018-12-31 words: 5406 flesch: 58 summary: Conclusions The presented study analyzed the time evolution of drying shrinkage εsh,d and drying creep Jd from three different perspectives: the most common design and prediction models, experimental data measured on laboratory concrete specimens, and the finite element simulations. 3 where the normalized drying creep is plotted against normalized drying shrinkage. keywords: concrete; creep; data; drying; humidity; model; prediction; shrinkage; specimens cache: app01-5314.pdf plain text: app01-5314.txt item: #282 of 571 id: app01-5316 author: Ďureje, Jakub; Prošek, Zdeněk; Hrůza, Jaromír; Tesárek, Pavel title: CEMENT MATRIX CONTAINING MICRONIZED RECYCLED CONCRETE AND THE INFLUENCE OF ADDITIVES date: 2018-12-31 words: 2784 flesch: 58 summary: For comparison and identification of the influence of recycled concrete, pairs of sample sets were produced, which differed only by replacing part of the cement with micronized recycled concrete. The blocks contains recycled concrete which replacing 40% cement. keywords: cement; concrete; days; elasticity; modulus; samples; strength cache: app01-5316.pdf plain text: app01-5316.txt item: #283 of 571 id: app01-5317 author: Dvořáková, Edita; Patzák, Bořek title: ISOGEOMETRIC BEAM ELEMENT EXTENDED FOR GRIDSHELL ANALYSIS date: 2018-12-31 words: 3206 flesch: 58 summary: Note, that due to the non-interpolatory nature of NURBS basis functions, the vectors r̄ki and r̄ k j have to be expressed as a linear combination of the control points values using NURBS basis functions evaluated 28 vol. The problem of such a for- mulation is the inability of NURBS basis functions to represent exact solution with discontinuities in strains and internal forces corresponding to concen- trated loadings. keywords: analysis; basis; beam; element; force; functions; nurbs cache: app01-5317.pdf plain text: app01-5317.txt item: #284 of 571 id: app01-5320 author: Huttner, Miloš; Fajman, Petr title: EFFECT OF VISCOUS DAMPING IN NUMERICAL CALCULATION OF CABLE-MEMBRANE STRUCTURES BY THE METHOD OF DYNAMIC RELAXATION date: 2018-12-31 words: 2775 flesch: 62 summary: Comparison of the number of iterations for the damping coefficient determined according to 1 and 2 (red square) with different damping coefficients for Example 3 (SR). Comparison of the number of iterations for the damping coefficient determined according to 1 and 2 (red square) with different damping coefficients for Example 4 (FF). keywords: damping; example; figure; iterations; number cache: app01-5320.pdf plain text: app01-5320.txt item: #285 of 571 id: app01-5324 author: Klier, Tomáš; Míčka, Tomáš; Polák, Michal; Plachý, Tomáš; Hedvábný, Milan; Jelínek, Roman; Bláha, Filip title: APPLICATION OF THE MODIFIED MAGNETOELASTIC METHOD AND AN ANALYSIS OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD date: 2018-12-31 words: 3179 flesch: 53 summary: Magnetoelastic stress measurement and material defect detection in prestressed tendons using coil sensors. The magnetic field intensity “H” can be monitored locally, for example, by Hall sensors. keywords: cable; coil; em sensor; field; figure; sensor cache: app01-5324.pdf plain text: app01-5324.txt item: #286 of 571 id: app01-5329 author: Mužíková, Barbora; Plaček Otcovská, Tereza; Padevět, Pavel title: MODULUS OF ELASCITY OF UNFIRED RAMMED EARTH date: 2018-12-31 words: 3382 flesch: 68 summary: More over unfired earth building is a hundred per-cent recyclable. The reason of the trend is mainly the fact that unfired earth is according to the princi- ples of sustainable building development. keywords: clay; earth; illite; kaolinite; modulus; ratio; sand; water cache: app01-5329.pdf plain text: app01-5329.txt item: #287 of 571 id: app01-5331 author: Němeček, Jiří; Maňák, Jan; Němeček, Jiří title: MODELING OF MONOCRYSTALLINE MAGNESIUM MICROBEAM BENDING date: 2018-12-31 words: 2350 flesch: 59 summary: Deformed shape and axial stress (X axis) at critical displacement of 2 µm with uninformed wireframe of D cantilever beam. Three dimensional numerical FE model with elastoplastic behavior respecting crystal anisotropy was used to fit experimental load displacement curves. keywords: cantilever; crystal; curves; displacement; figure; twinning cache: app01-5331.pdf plain text: app01-5331.txt item: #288 of 571 id: app01-5332 author: Pavelcová, Veronika; Poklopová, Tereza; Janda, Tomáš; Šejnoha, Michal title: THE INFLUENCE OF BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ON THE RESPONSE OF UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES SUBJECTED TO EARTHQUAKE date: 2018-12-31 words: 3504 flesch: 53 summary: Thus to properly represent the results of 1D free field column analysis within a 2D environment calls for other types of boundary conditions that assure, in case of verti- 74 vol. 15/2018 Influence of boundary conditions in earthquake analysis cally propagating shear weaves, the stress state the same along every vertical section in the 2D model as derived from 1D analysis. keywords: analysis; boundary; conditions; field; fig; shear; wave cache: app01-5332.pdf plain text: app01-5332.txt item: #289 of 571 id: app01-5334 author: Plaček Otcovská, Tereza; Mužíková, Barbora; Padevět, Pavel title: DETERMINATION OF DRYING TIME OF THE RAMMED EARTH WALLS date: 2018-12-31 words: 3101 flesch: 62 summary: But at present, unburned earth is minority building material and its properties are not sufficiently investigated. The rammed earth is one of main kind of unburned earth. keywords: bodies; content; drying; earth; moisture; rate; test; time cache: app01-5334.pdf plain text: app01-5334.txt item: #290 of 571 id: app01-5337 author: Prošek, Zdeněk; Tesárek, Pavel; Trejbal, Jan title: MICROSCOPIC AND PHASE ANALYSIS OF CEMENT PASTE CONTAINING WASTE MICRONIZED MARBLE POWDER date: 2018-12-31 words: 3228 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: Micronized marble powder, marble sludge, cement composites, calorimetry, elemental analysis. The image of micronized marble powder, magnified 100×, BSE detector. keywords: analysis; cement; grains; heat; hydration; marble; powder; sludge; waste cache: app01-5337.pdf plain text: app01-5337.txt item: #291 of 571 id: app01-5338 author: Rozsypalová, Iva; Vyhlídal, Michal; Dvořák, Richard; Majda, Tomáš; Topolář, Libor; Pazdera, Luboš; Šimonová, Hana; Keršner, Zbyněk title: CHARACTERIZATION OF CEMENT-BASED COMPOSITE EXPOSED TO HIGH TEMPERATURES VIA ULTRASONIC PULSE METHOD date: 2018-12-31 words: 2561 flesch: 58 summary: After that, the ultrasonic pulse method was used to determine the degree of damage of temperature loaded specimens. The scope of this paper is to show the results of a pilot study which deals with the characterization of the damage degree of special cement-based composite specimens exposed to high temperatures via ultrasonic pulse method. keywords: cement; composite; loading; ratio; specimens; temperature cache: app01-5338.pdf plain text: app01-5338.txt item: #292 of 571 id: app01-5341 author: Šmídová, Eliška; Kabele, Petr title: CONSTITUTIVE MODEL FOR TIMBER FRACTURE USED FOR FE SIMULATION OF LVL ARCH date: 2018-12-31 words: 3181 flesch: 56 summary: In the end, we can compare the results for Yellow Poplar LVL arch from smeared crack model to the results calculated by interface scheme [22, 24]. Regarding significant variability of timber material parameters, the results show that the model can reproduce the increasing part of the load-displacement response well. keywords: analysis; arch; crack; crown; lvl; model; mpa; timber cache: app01-5341.pdf plain text: app01-5341.txt item: #293 of 571 id: app01-5342 author: Štěpánek, Jan; Máca, Jiří title: RELATION BETWEEN STATIONARY AND MOVING PEDESTRIAN LOAD MODELS date: 2018-12-31 words: 3546 flesch: 60 summary: Moving pedestrian load model The moving load models can be used to define the response of the structure to pedestrian load in a very realistic way [5, 7]. Keywords: Footbridges, pedestrian load models, forced vibration, response of structure. keywords: force; frequency; load; model; moving; pedestrian; structure cache: app01-5342.pdf plain text: app01-5342.txt item: #294 of 571 id: app01-5345 author: Trejbal, Jan; Prošek, Zdeněk; Valentová, Tereza title: ASSESSMENT OF ADHESION BETWEEN MINERAL AGGREGATE AND BITUMINOUS BINDER USING DIGITAL IMAGE ANALYSIS date: 2018-12-31 words: 3245 flesch: 54 summary: Asphalt mixtures composed from grade bitumen 50/70, reference or modified with adhesion promoters based on amines, and aggregate (Brant, Zbraslav, Skuteč – 8-16 mm) were made and then photographed. Keywords: Asphalt mixture, bituminous binder, adhesion promoters, interphase interaction. keywords: adhesion; aggregate; asphalt; assessment; binder; bitumen; image; mixtures cache: app01-5345.pdf plain text: app01-5345.txt item: #295 of 571 id: app01-5346 author: Valentová, Soňa; Hrbek, Vladimír; Vorel, Jan; Šejnoha, Michal title: STRENGTH OF COMPOSITE YARN UNDER BIAXIAL LOADING date: 2018-12-31 words: 2648 flesch: 57 summary: Average results of elastic material properties partially taken from the experiment, partially from literature, see [4] and partially set according to the analogy with the carbon fibers, are summarized in Tab. 1. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings doi:10.14311/APP.2018.15.0131 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 15:131–136, 2018 © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2018 available online at STRENGTH OF COMPOSITE YARN UNDER BIAXIAL LOADING Soňa Valentováa, ∗, Vladimír Hrbeka, b, Jan Vorela, Michal Šejnohaa a Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Thákurova 7, 166 29 Prague 6, Czech Republic b Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS CR, v.v.i., Prosecká 76, 190 00 keywords: composite; direction; fig; loading; properties; stress cache: app01-5346.pdf plain text: app01-5346.txt item: #296 of 571 id: app01-5355 author: Balda, Miroslav title: BTT & RFLB - THE OPTIMUM SET FOR STEAM TURBINE BLADES MONITORING date: 2018-12-31 words: 2379 flesch: 64 summary: BTT, Blade Tip Timing system, is a commercially available system generating files of precise times of blade tips when passing sensors attached in a machine stator. The resulting Fourier spectra are aliased in frequency due to the deep under-sampling of blade tip signals. keywords: blades; btt; fatigue; rflb; stress; system cache: app01-5355.pdf plain text: app01-5355.txt item: #297 of 571 id: app01-5360 author: Dadáková, Tereza; Kubín, Zdeněk title: CALIBRATION OF BTT MEASUREMENT WITH RESPECT TO SENSOR POSITION OVER SHROUDED LSB date: 2018-12-31 words: 3063 flesch: 63 summary: The centrifugal force causes untwisting of blades, resulting in force between these contact elements and hence in reduction of blade vibration. New methods of non-contact sensing of blade vibrations and deflections in turbomachinery. keywords: blade; btt; eddy; figure; frequency; measurement; sensor cache: app01-5360.pdf plain text: app01-5360.txt item: #298 of 571 id: app01-5365 author: Jelínek, Tomáš; Němec, Martin; Milčák, Petr title: COMPARISON OF TOTAL PRESSURE FLUCTUATIONS IN STEAM TURBINE STAGES WITH DIFFERENT DEGREE OF REACTION date: 2018-12-31 words: 2243 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: Turbine stage, stator-rotor interaction, driving forces. The relative pressure fluctuations are the highest in turbine stage (shown in Fig. keywords: excitation; pressure; rotor; stage; stator; turbine cache: app01-5365.pdf plain text: app01-5365.txt item: #299 of 571 id: app01-5366 author: Nesládek, Martin; Jurenka, Josef; Bartošák, Michal; Růžička, Milan; Lutovinov, Maxim; Papuga, Jan; Procházka, Radek; Džugan, Jan; Měšťánek, Petr title: THERMO-MECHANICAL FATIGUE ANALYSIS OF A STEAM TURBINE SHAFT date: 2018-12-31 words: 3819 flesch: 55 summary: The goal of the work presented in this paper was to provide a computational framework applicable to the thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) prediction of steam turbine shafts. The paper describes the approach to prediction of thermo- mechanical fatigue of steam turbine shafts. keywords: damage; fatigue; material; shaft; steam; strain; stress; temperature; thermo; tmf; turbine cache: app01-5366.pdf plain text: app01-5366.txt item: #300 of 571 id: app01-5367 author: Oldřich, Jiří title: ISENTROPIC EFFICIENCY OF CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR WORKING WITH REAL GAS date: 2018-12-31 words: 4200 flesch: 68 summary: The method is based on numerical solution of basic definitional equation of isentropic process and equation of isentropic efficiency with direct implementation of real gas equation of state (EOS). After every step of the Newton’s method the k-th approximation of the compressibility factor z(k)2a is found from real gas equation of state and then the k-th approximation of the pressure p(k)2a is calculated from equation p (k) keywords: calculation; equation; figure; gas; isentropic; parameters; process cache: app01-5367.pdf plain text: app01-5367.txt item: #301 of 571 id: app01-5369 author: Radnic, Tomáš; Luxa, Martin; Šimurda, David title: REGARDING CERTAIN AERODYNAMIC SOURCES OF NON-STATIONARY FORCE LOADS ON TURBINE PROFILES date: 2018-12-31 words: 2790 flesch: 62 summary: Keywords: Turbine blade cascade, unstarted supersonic flow, swirl line, off design conditions. Started supersonic flow field. keywords: blade; figure; flow; inlet; separation cache: app01-5369.pdf plain text: app01-5369.txt item: #302 of 571 id: app01-5454 author: Ďureje, Jakub; Prošek, Zdeněk; Trejbal, Jan; Tesárek, Pavel title: PLASMA MODIFICATION OF POLYVINYL ALCOHOL MICROFIBERS TO IMPROVE COHESION WITH CEMENT MATRIX date: 2019-03-21 words: 2103 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Plasma fiber modification, fiber surface modification, hydrogen plasma, oxygen plasma, polyvinylalcohol fibers, PVA fibers. Fibers modification. keywords: fibers; hydrogen; modification; oxygen; plasma; pva; surface cache: app01-5454.pdf plain text: app01-5454.txt item: #303 of 571 id: app01-5455 author: Hlůžek, Radim; Trejbal, Jan title: USE OF FINELY GROUND RECYCLED CONCRETE FOR IMPROVEMENT OF INTERFACIAL ADHESION IN FIBER-REINFORCED CEMENTITIOUS COMPOSITES date: 2019-03-21 words: 2507 flesch: 63 summary: It was shown that the surface roughening of PP fibers was much more intensive than in case of PET fibers. It was assumed that such a treatment had not any effect on physical properties of fiber surfaces. 3.2. keywords: adhesion; cement; concrete; fibers; matrix; pet cache: app01-5455.pdf plain text: app01-5455.txt item: #304 of 571 id: app01-5456 author: Hrbek, Vladimír; Prošek, Zdeněk; Chylík, Roman; Vráblík, Lukáš title: MICROSCOPICAL AND MICROMECHANICAL FEATURES OF HIGH PERFORMANCE CONCRETE CONTAINING LOW LEVELS OF FLY ASH date: 2019-03-21 words: 3620 flesch: 52 summary: The impact of fly ash on the concrete depend on the level of it content, i.e. in small levels it improves the macro-mechanical properties and durability as well as chemical resistance. Introduction The high performance concrete (HPC) became a com- monly used building material in civil over last years due to increased demands on construction costs reduc- tion, quality of building materials, prolonged service life of constructions, etc. Compare to ordinary con- crete, additional admixtures are added to the mixture, such as fly ash, providing specific features of hardened concrete. keywords: ash; ccps; cement; concrete; doi:10.1016; fly; indentation; material; phases; properties; replacement cache: app01-5456.pdf plain text: app01-5456.txt item: #305 of 571 id: app01-5460 author: Mariaková, Diana; Vlach, Tomáš; Pavlů, Tereza title: GLASS WASTE POWDER UTILIZATION IN HIGH PERFORMANCE CONCRETE date: 2019-03-21 words: 2423 flesch: 67 summary: The silica powder was replaced by two types of the waste glass powder, originated from different sources (waste glass powder from grinding jewelry and milling of municipal waste glass). Keywords: Waste glass powder, high performance concrete, durability, mechanical properties. keywords: concrete; glass; hpc; powder; sample; waste cache: app01-5460.pdf plain text: app01-5460.txt item: #306 of 571 id: app01-5462 author: Řehák, Jakub; Burgetová, Eva; Řehák, Josef; Řehák, Stanislav title: RECONSTRUCTION OF THE MONASTERY NEXT TO THE PRAGUE CASTLE date: 2019-03-21 words: 2658 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: Static failures, rising damp, structural survey, historic drainage systems, natural ventilation, sewer, rehabilitation. Historic drainage systems, however by ignorance of their importance and function, were clogged or filled up during reconstruction, possibly walled up as un- necessarily due to amateurish or inadequately carried out surveys or due to ignorance or negligence of geo- logical and hydrogeological conditions. keywords: building; drainage; gallery; moisture; monastery; system; water cache: app01-5462.pdf plain text: app01-5462.txt item: #307 of 571 id: app01-5638 author: Alexa, Martin; Kocáb, Dalibor; Kucharczyková, Barbara; Kotrla, Jan title: THE INFLUENCE OF A SHRINKAGE REDUCING ADMIXTURE ON THE LONG-TERM DEVELOPMENT OF DYNAMIC PROPERTIES IN ALKALI-ACTIVATED SLAG date: 2019-07-25 words: 2937 flesch: 62 summary: Keywords: Alkali-activated slag, dynamic modulus of elasticity, ultrasonic pulse velocity test, resonance method. Drying and autogenous shrinkage of pastes and mortars with activated slag cement. keywords: admixture; days; modulus; properties; shrinkage; slag; young cache: app01-5638.pdf plain text: app01-5638.txt item: #308 of 571 id: app01-5640 author: Bauerová, Pavla; Reiterman, Pavel; Pavlíková, Milena; Kracík Štorkánová, Magdalena; Keppert, Martin title: FRESH STATE PROPERTIES OF LIME MORTARS WITH FLAX OIL ADMIXTURE date: 2019-07-25 words: 2630 flesch: 54 summary: Moreover, the introduction of the paper summarizes principal knowledge about action of natural admixtures in lime mortars and plasters on basis of current literature. Animal blood can be also clas- sified as protein admixture, even though its complex composition; it is significantly improving adherence of lime mortar and its durability due to reduction of water absorption and air-entraining effect [10]. keywords: admixture; air; content; doi:10.1016; flax; lime; materials; mortar; oil cache: app01-5640.pdf plain text: app01-5640.txt item: #309 of 571 id: app01-5641 author: Bauerová, Pavla; Prošek, Zdeněk; Krejsová, Jitka; Keppert, Martin title: SHORT-TERM CORROSION RESPONSE OF METALS IN LIME MORTAR date: 2019-07-25 words: 1833 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Metal corrosion, modern mosaics, lime mortar. The present paper is inspired by demand on knowl- edge of corrosion behavior of metallic materials in lime mortar; the demand came from restores deal- ing with mosaics. keywords: copper; corrosion; layer; lime; mortar; steel cache: app01-5641.pdf plain text: app01-5641.txt item: #310 of 571 id: app01-5646 author: Hermann, Radek; Drochytka, Rostislav; Kolísko, Jiří; Reiterman, Pavel title: OPTIMIZATION OF MIX-DESIGN OF CHEMICALLY RESISTANT SPRAYED CONCRETE date: 2019-07-25 words: 3250 flesch: 53 summary: Most frequent glass is soda-lime glass with 50% of silica sand, 10% Na2CO3 (soda), 12% CaCO3 (lime stone), 18% crushed splinters of waste glass and 4% of other substances. In optimized mix-designs, 100% of fine aggre- gate is replaced with waste sand with soluble glass from manufacture of steel (SCSG) and subsequently, combinations were tested with waste glass (Glass), high temperature fly ash (HFA) in the amount of 20- 30% of binder substitution (cement) and slag from deposit yard (SSL) as 100% replacement of coarse aggregate. keywords: design; fly; glass; materials; mix; properties; water cache: app01-5646.pdf plain text: app01-5646.txt item: #311 of 571 id: app01-5649 author: Kocáb, Dalibor; Misák, Petr; Jindrová, Barbora; Alexa, Martin; Vymazal, Tomáš title: ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF TRANSDUCER FREQUENCY ON THE ULTRASONIC MEASUREMENT OF CONCRETE HOMOGENEITY date: 2019-07-25 words: 2097 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: Ultrasonic pulse velocity test, concrete, concrete homogeneity, transducer frequency. [5] ČSN EN 12504-4 - Testing concrete - Part 4: Determination of ultrasonic pulse velocity. keywords: concrete; pulse; test; transducers; velocity cache: app01-5649.pdf plain text: app01-5649.txt item: #312 of 571 id: app01-5651 author: Kucharczyková, Barbara; Šimonová, Hana; Halamová, Romana; Kocáb, Dalibor; Alexa, Martin title: EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS FOCUSED ON THE MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CEMENT-BASED POLYMER-MODIFIED MORTARS date: 2019-07-25 words: 2715 flesch: 54 summary: Arrangement of the fracture test (left), compressive strength test (middle) and resonance test (right). Fracture test The fracture characteristics were determined based on the results of the three-point bending test of pris- matic specimens with dimensions of 40 × 40 × 160 mm provided with an initial notch located in the middle of the specimens’ length. keywords: characteristics; days; fracture; results; set; shrinkage; specimens; values cache: app01-5651.pdf plain text: app01-5651.txt item: #313 of 571 id: app01-5652 author: Kuklík, Petr; Velebil, Lukáš; Gregorová, Anna; Svora, Petr title: MONITORING AND PROTECTION OF TIMBER-CONCRETE BRIDGES date: 2019-07-25 words: 2789 flesch: 57 summary: The majority of timber bridges for ordinary road traffic are often made as timber-concrete composite structures. The reason for decay in timber bridges is nearly always poor detailing for durability, low quality of ma- terials applied and neglected maintenance (a regular check of the whole bridge should be made at intervals not exceeding three to five years). keywords: bridges; concrete; fiber; materials; monitoring; timber; tio2; wood cache: app01-5652.pdf plain text: app01-5652.txt item: #314 of 571 id: app01-5654 author: Mára, Michal; Říhová, Zdeňka; Kočová, Markéta title: INFLUENCE OF CORUNDUM AS COARSE AGGREGATE IN HIGH-PERFORMANCE CONCRETE ON PROJECTILE IMPACT RESISTANCE date: 2019-07-25 words: 2644 flesch: 61 summary: In previous experiments, UHPSFRC slabs 50 mm thick without added coarse aggregate stopped this type of projectile, so it is assumed that the plates with coarse aggregate should also resist this type the projectile The table is supplemented with the average values of HPSFRC samples made from a dry prefabricated mixture of multifunctional silicate composite without added coarse aggregate. keywords: aggregate; corundum; crater; impact; mixture; projectile cache: app01-5654.pdf plain text: app01-5654.txt item: #315 of 571 id: app01-5656 author: Mikulica, Karel; Hájková, Iveta title: VERIFICATION OF THE BASIC PROPERTIES OF RECYCLED AND NATURAL AGGREGATES date: 2019-07-25 words: 2524 flesch: 54 summary: This leads us to think about how we can use recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) as a substitute for natural aggregate (NA) in concrete mixtures. Keywords: Construction and demolition waste (C&DW), recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), natural aggregate (NA), stone testing. keywords: aggregates; concrete; density; properties; rca cache: app01-5656.pdf plain text: app01-5656.txt item: #316 of 571 id: app01-5658 author: Mizerová, Celílie; Kusák, Ivo; Rovnaník, Pavel title: ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF FLY ASH GEOPOLYMER COMPOSITES WITH GRAPHITE CONDUCTIVE ADMIXTURES date: 2019-07-25 words: 2422 flesch: 56 summary: Likewise, the samples with high graphite content exhibited an increase in ca- pacitance. [9, 10], the electrical conductivity of fly ash geopolymer matrix is affected by the NaOH concentration in activator solution, the frequency spectrum and liquid activator/ash ratio (L/A). keywords: ash; content; fly; geopolymer; graphite; materials; properties cache: app01-5658.pdf plain text: app01-5658.txt item: #317 of 571 id: app01-5660 author: Pokorný, Jaroslav; Pavlíková, Milena; Pavlík, Zbyšek title: THE USE OF LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE IN PREPARATION OF THERMAL INSULATION LIME-BASED RENDERS date: 2019-07-25 words: 3454 flesch: 59 summary: Most of buildings are made up of masonry with tra- ditional renders which can be replaced or retrofit by thermal insulation renders made in the same way as those traditional. In fact, the total substitution of silica sand by perlite in tested render mixes resulted in the thermal conductivity even eleven times lower 85 J. Pokorný, M. Pavlíková, Z. Pavlík Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings Material Bulk density Apparent density Pozzolanic activity[kg/m3] keywords: aggregate; density; lime; perlite; properties; renders; sand cache: app01-5660.pdf plain text: app01-5660.txt item: #318 of 571 id: app01-5662 author: Prošek, Zdeněk; Tesárek, Pavel; Trejbal, Jan; Horová, Tereza title: RECYCLING OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE USING HIGH-SPEED MILLING PROCESS: DETERMINATION OF WASTE CONCRETE date: 2019-07-25 words: 3104 flesch: 60 summary: The second column was the column B, which was also made of concrete recyclate fraction 0 Concrete is the most used construction material and therefore sources of concrete recyclate are relatively large and easily accessible. keywords: cement; clinker; column; concrete; construction; materials; results; waste cache: app01-5662.pdf plain text: app01-5662.txt item: #319 of 571 id: app01-5663 author: Sedlmajer, Martin; Zach, Jiří; Bubeník, Jan title: USING SECONDARY RAW MATERIALS IN LIGHTWEIGHT OPEN-STRUCTURE CONCRETE WITH GOOD UTILITY PROPERTIES date: 2019-07-25 words: 2250 flesch: 60 summary: There are several varieties of lightweight foam glass aggregate, depending on manufacturing technology. The paper presents the results of research in lightweight concrete with open structure made using a lightweight porous foam-glass aggregate produced from recycled glass powder. keywords: aggregate; concrete; foam; glass; properties cache: app01-5663.pdf plain text: app01-5663.txt item: #320 of 571 id: app01-5666 author: Šulc, Rostislav; Himmel, Michal; Němeček, Jiří title: CHLORIDE RESISTANCE OF NANO-PARTICLE REPAIRED CONCRETE date: 2019-07-25 words: 2520 flesch: 56 summary: Figure 2 shows an electrical current waveform pat- tern in accelerated migration of chloride ion samples over a period of 48 hours. Parts of concrete samples were further treated, to increase the resistance of concrete to chloride ion penetration, with a colloidal solution of Nano-silica or solution of Sodium Methyl Siliconate. keywords: chloride; concrete; samples; silica; solution cache: app01-5666.pdf plain text: app01-5666.txt item: #321 of 571 id: app01-5668 author: Šulc, Rostislav; Krása, Matouš; Formáček, Petr title: DURABILITY OF CONCRETE WITH BINDER BASED ON SULFOCALCIC FLY ASH date: 2019-07-25 words: 5774 flesch: 69 summary: Deicer salt scaling resistance of high strength concretes made with different cements, p. 185–199. High air content of the series no. 12 resulted in greater waste generation. keywords: air; ash; chemical; concrete; content; fly; resistance; series; strength; substances; thaw cache: app01-5668.pdf plain text: app01-5668.txt item: #322 of 571 id: app01-5670 author: Trejbal, Jan; Nežerka, Václav; Hlůžek, Radim; Prošek, Zdeněk title: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES IMPROVEMENT OF FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE date: 2019-07-25 words: 3083 flesch: 57 summary: It was shown that samples reinforced with modified fibers and contained activating recyclate reached on higher residual bending strength then those with reference fibers. Amount of stress transfered via fibers depends especially on their number and on adhesion between fiber surfaces and the cement matrix [3]. keywords: cement; concrete; fibers; materials; matrix; plasma; reference; strength; treatment cache: app01-5670.pdf plain text: app01-5670.txt item: #323 of 571 id: app01-5674 author: Zacharda, Vojtěch; Němeček, Jiří title: EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF ACCELERATED CHLORIDE TRANSPORT IN CONCRETE date: 2019-07-25 words: 2370 flesch: 57 summary: In case of chloride penetration tests, a 3% NaCl solution was used in the compartment with positive electrode and 0.3% NaOH solution in the compartment with neg- ative electrode. After reaching a critical value of chloride concentration on the rebar surface the corrosion of the steel starts [1–3]. keywords: chloride; concentration; concrete; extraction; penetration; samples; tests cache: app01-5674.pdf plain text: app01-5674.txt item: #324 of 571 id: app01-5678 author: Žižlavský, Tomáš; Vyšvařil, Martin; Rovnaníková, Pavla title: PHYSICAL-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND DURABILITY OF HYDRAULIC LIME-BASED MORTARS WITH NON-TRADITIONAL BIOPOLYMERS date: 2019-07-25 words: 2744 flesch: 55 summary: Alginate biopolymers: Counteracting the impact of superabsorbent polymers on mortar strength. Their use in lime mortars is far less studied, partially due to the amount of production of concrete in comparison with lime for the building purposes. keywords: biopolymers; durability; lime; materials; mortars; properties; strength cache: app01-5678.pdf plain text: app01-5678.txt item: #325 of 571 id: app01-5697 author: Pruška, Jan title: EVALUATION OF UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES SUBJECTED TO SEISMIC LOADS date: 2019-07-30 words: 3170 flesch: 55 summary: This may lead to an overestimate of tunnel lining deformations especially in loose rock and soils. Centrifuge modelling techniques allow well for control testing conditions regarding investigations of soil structure interaction in simulated seismic events. keywords: deformation; field; lining; mass; method; shear; soil; structure; tunnel cache: app01-5697.pdf plain text: app01-5697.txt item: #326 of 571 id: app01-5700 author: Svoboda, Jiří; Hadačová, Dana title: A RETAINING WALL RECONSTRUCTION IN KUTNÁ HORA date: 2019-07-30 words: 3061 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Retaining wall, undermined area, St. Barbara’s church, Kutná Hora. 1. View of the original (top) and new wall (bottom) near St. Barbara’s dome. keywords: construction; design; hora; kutná; monitoring; new; road; wall cache: app01-5700.pdf plain text: app01-5700.txt item: #327 of 571 id: app01-5701 author: Závacký, Martin title: A COMPARISON OF TESTING METHODS FOR DETERMINATION OF SPRAYED CONCRETE TENSILE STRENGTH date: 2019-07-30 words: 1824 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: Tensile strength, sprayed concrete, modified tensile test, splitting tensile test. The tensile strength is usually determined by splitting tensile test in laboratory. keywords: concrete; strength; tensile; tension; test cache: app01-5701.pdf plain text: app01-5701.txt item: #328 of 571 id: app01-6012 author: Csizér, Tamás; Temesi, Tamás; Molnár, László title: MECHANICAL AND OPTICAL INVESTIGATION OF LASER WELDED STRUCTURAL STEEL - POLY(METHYL-METHACRYLATE) HYBRID JOINT STRUCTURES date: 2019-12-06 words: 3221 flesch: 54 summary: The latter is usually called laser assisted metal polymer, or LAMP joining for short in publications [14]. Modern welding processes that can easily be automated (such as friction stir welding, laser welding and ultrasonic welding) are gaining popularity in joining metal-polymer hybrid structures. keywords: joining; joints; laser; material; metal; pmma; polymer; process; specimens; steel; welding cache: app01-6012.pdf plain text: app01-6012.txt item: #329 of 571 id: app01-6014 author: Doktor, Tomáš; Fíla, Tomáš; Koudelka, Petr; Kytýř, Daniel; Jiroušek, Ondřej title: COMPRESSIVE PROPERTIES OF AUXETIC STRUCTURES WITH CONTROLLED STIFFNESS OF STRUT JOINTS date: 2019-12-06 words: 2123 flesch: 60 summary: µ = − �x �y (3) To exclude values which correspond to both ini- tial settlement and post-yield region after the first plastic collapse, the function of Poisson’s ratio was limited only inside these limit values of strain. More- over, to assess the influence of joints’ stiffness on the mechanical behaviour, ultimate compressive stress of the tested structures was evaluated as well as strain corresponding to the first plastic collapse. keywords: collapse; joints; loading; strain; stress; structures cache: app01-6014.pdf plain text: app01-6014.txt item: #330 of 571 id: app01-6017 author: Dvořák, Radim; Koudelka, Petr; Fíla, Tomáš title: NUMERICAL MODELLING OF WAVE SHAPES DURING SHPB MEASUREMENT date: 2019-12-06 words: 3201 flesch: 57 summary: Length, diameter and impacting velocity were varied parameters and evaluation of their influence on shape of stress pulse was analyzed. The length of the pulse slightly incrreases with longer pulse shaper (see Figure 10). keywords: bar; figure; influence; pulse; shaper; strain; wave cache: app01-6017.pdf plain text: app01-6017.txt item: #331 of 571 id: app01-6019 author: Falta, Jan; Adorna, Marcel; Fíla, Tomáš; Zlámal, Petr title: DIRECT MEASUREMENT OF REACTION FORCES DURING FAST DYNAMIC LOADING date: 2019-12-06 words: 2190 flesch: 58 summary: Therefore, it is not possible to reach higher precision with load cell than with strain gauges. The overall signal-to- noise ratio with used instrumentation is significantly lower for load cell signal. keywords: cell; figure; force; gauges; load; strain cache: app01-6019.pdf plain text: app01-6019.txt item: #332 of 571 id: app01-6031 author: Říhová, Jitka; Suchý, Tomáš; Vištejnová, Lucie; Horný, Lukáš; Šupová, Monika title: MECHANICAL AND STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF COLLAGEN NANOFRIBROUS LAYERS UNDER SIMULATED BODY CONDITIONS date: 2019-12-06 words: 4003 flesch: 59 summary: For samples exposed in the medium, fibroblast sam- ples and osteoblast samples, a statistically significant increase in the strength limit was recorded, by 12 % (see Fig. 6). day (F21) of fibroblast, 1. (S1) and 21 (S21) of osteoblast samples, * indicates statistically significant differences (Mann-Whitney, 0.05) Figure 6. keywords: cells; col; collagen; culture; day; days; fibroblasts; medium; osteoblasts; samples cache: app01-6031.pdf plain text: app01-6031.txt item: #333 of 571 id: app01-6032 author: Vinarský, Vladimír; Martino, Fabiana; Forte, Giancarlo; Šleichrt, Jan; Rada, Václav; Kytýř, Daniel title: DEFORMATION RESPONSE OF POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE SUBSTRATES SUBJECTED TO UNIAXIAL QUASI-STATIC LOADING date: 2019-12-06 words: 2453 flesch: 52 summary: For further analysis focused on dynamic testing sim- ulating physiological processes new voice coil based loading device will be developed for cyclic loading of proposed materials with frequency Mechanical analysis of soft PDMS require employment of custom designed precise loading device measuring the forces and displacement in millinew- tons and micrometers respectively. keywords: deformation; device; loading; material; sample; strain; sylgard cache: app01-6032.pdf plain text: app01-6032.txt item: #334 of 571 id: app01-6089 author: Kopeć, Marcin; Malá, Martina; Cvrček, Ladislav; Krejčí, Jakub title: DEBRIS-FRETTING TEST OF COATED AND UNCOATED ZR-1%NB CLADDING date: 2019-12-06 words: 3169 flesch: 58 summary: The percentages of nuclear fuel rod failure causes in U.S. for 2010 The vibration behavior of nuclear fuel under reactor conditions. keywords: cladding; coatings; debris; fretting; fuel; nuclear; specimens; testing; wire cache: app01-6089.pdf plain text: app01-6089.txt item: #335 of 571 id: app01-6092 author: Slančík, Tomáš; Števanka, Kamil title: EFFECT OF NACL ON NEUTRON FLUX DENSITY IN GRAPHITE BLOCK date: 2019-12-06 words: 3522 flesch: 55 summary: It is also planned to measure the effects of other chloride salts, such as LiCl, KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2. As can be seen in the graphs Figure: 6 to 9, the trend of In foils is similar to MCNP simulation results, however most of the reaction rates are higher in the experimental samples than in simulations. keywords: channels; figure; foils; mcnp; neutron; reaction; results; salt cache: app01-6092.pdf plain text: app01-6092.txt item: #336 of 571 id: app01-6096 author: Šťastný, Ondřej; Zeman, Miroslav; Král, Dušan; Katovský, Karel; Melyan, Elmira; Adam, Jindřich; Solnyshkin, Alexander Alexandrovich title: ANALYSIS OF NEUTRON FIELDS GENERATED IN SPALLATION TARGETS OF B-URAN EXPERIMENTAL ASSEMBLY USING MONTE CARLO METHOD date: 2019-12-06 words: 2829 flesch: 52 summary: 24/2019 Analysis of neutron fields generated in spallation targets Figure 1. Spallation targets Several types of spallation target were considered – lead, graphite and bismuth. keywords: assembly; experimental; figure; nat; neutron; nuclear; target; uran cache: app01-6096.pdf plain text: app01-6096.txt item: #337 of 571 id: app01-6369 author: Bernardo, Vasco; Krejčí, Tomáš; Koudelka, Tomáš; Šejnoha, Michal title: HOMOGENIZATION OF UNREINFORCED OLD MASONRY WALL COMPARISON OF SCALAR ISOTROPIC AND ORTHOTROPIC DAMAGE MODELS date: 2020-03-17 words: 3601 flesch: 54 summary: Damage models Generally, damage models distinguish three states of the material - virgin material, damaged material and pseudo-undamaged states. Keywords: Homogenization of unreinforced masonry wall, periodic unit cell, scalar isotropic damage model, orthotropic damage model, “Placa” buildings. keywords: damage; homogenization; isotropic; masonry; material; model; strain cache: app01-6369.pdf plain text: app01-6369.txt item: #338 of 571 id: app01-6370 author: Bošanský, Michal; Patzák, Bořek title: ON TUNING THE DYNAMIC LOAD BALANCING FEM FRAMEWORK date: 2020-03-17 words: 4531 flesch: 47 summary: The second source of load imbalance includes external factors, which can change perfor- mance of individual processing nodes or communica- tion network. Parallel algo- rithms should account for load imbalance between particular sub-domains. keywords: balancing; framework; imbalance; individual; load; parallel; performance; problem; processing; solution cache: app01-6370.pdf plain text: app01-6370.txt item: #339 of 571 id: app01-6372 author: Dohnalová, Lenka; Havlásek, Petr title: SIZE EFFECT ON THE ULTIMATE DRYING SHRINKAGE OF CONCRETE - EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE AND ENGINEERING PRACTICE date: 2020-03-17 words: 4445 flesch: 61 summary: Size effect on ultimate drying shrinkage evaluated according to selected design codes and pre- diction models. The design and behavior of creep-sensitive structures can be to a large extent dependent on the evolution of drying shrinkage. keywords: concrete; drying; effect; shrinkage; size; size effect cache: app01-6372.pdf plain text: app01-6372.txt item: #340 of 571 id: app01-6374 author: Ďureje, Jakub; Prošek, Zdeněk title: CEMENT PASTE CONTAINING MICRONIZED RECYCLED CONCRETE - INFLUENCE OF HARDENING ACCELERATORS ON THE MODULUS OF ELASTICITY date: 2020-03-17 words: 2456 flesch: 53 summary: The blocks contain cement and finely ground recycled concrete in ratio 1:1. Keywords: Finely ground concrete, hardening accelerator, recycled concrete, recycled masonry blocks. keywords: accelerator; concrete; elasticity; hardening; modulus; samples cache: app01-6374.pdf plain text: app01-6374.txt item: #341 of 571 id: app01-6375 author: Dvořáková, Edita; Patzák, Bořek title: ON EVALUATION OF THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL ISOGEOMETRIC BEAM ELEMENT date: 2020-03-17 words: 3007 flesch: 62 summary: The per- formance of the presented element has been compared with standard FEM beam element using benchmark problem of helicoidal spring. The enormous number of nodes, in comparison with beam elements, have to be used in order to obtain sufficiently accu- rate results. keywords: analysis; beam; element; fem; functions; iga; nurbs cache: app01-6375.pdf plain text: app01-6375.txt item: #342 of 571 id: app01-6377 author: Horych, Jan; Tesárek, Pavel; Prošek, Zdeněk title: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CEMENT COMPOSITE CONTAINING RECYCLED CONCRETE AND ALKALI ACTIVATED BLAST FURNACE SLAG date: 2020-03-17 words: 2245 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: Composites, waste, blast furnace slag, recycled concrete, cement matrix. Some of these studies are using blast furnace slag or recycled concrete to improve mechanical properties. keywords: blast; cement; concrete; furnace; samples; slag cache: app01-6377.pdf plain text: app01-6377.txt item: #343 of 571 id: app01-6379 author: Khmurovska, Yuliia; Štemberk, Petr; Němeček, Jiří; Doleželová, Magdaléna title: EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF CEMENT PASTE MICROSTRUCTURE AND ITS HYDRATION UNDER SHORT-TERM EXPOSURE TO ACETONE date: 2020-03-17 words: 2907 flesch: 56 summary: The immersion of cement samples with the cross-section of 10 × 10 mm in acetone for 24 hours at the sample age of 15 hours does not enable to fully stop the hydration reaction, however, it can slow down the hydration reaction significantly. Conclusions The immersion of cement samples with the cross- section of 10 x 10 mm in acetone for 24 hours at the sample age of 15 hours could not fully stop the hydration reaction, however, it can slow down the hydration reaction significantly. keywords: age; cement; concrete; drying; hydration; paste; porosity; sample cache: app01-6379.pdf plain text: app01-6379.txt item: #344 of 571 id: app01-6380 author: Mikeš, Karel; Bormann, Franz; Rokoš, Ondřej; Peerlings, Ron H.J. title: MODELLING OF CRACK PROPAGATION: COMPARISON OF DISCRETE LATTICE SYSTEM AND COHESIVE ZONE MODEL date: 2020-03-17 words: 3406 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: Lattice model, damage, finite element method, cohesive zone model, three-point-bending test, crack propagation. The accuracy and perfor- mance of cohesive zone model predictions are assessed on the example of crack propagation in a three-point- bending test, as shown in Figure 1, by comparison with the exact underlying full lattice model. keywords: crack; damage; displacement; energy; figure; force; lattice; model; zone cache: app01-6380.pdf plain text: app01-6380.txt item: #345 of 571 id: app01-6385 author: Pagani, Claudio; Jirásek, Milan; Horák, Martin title: LOCALIZATION ANALYSIS OF AN ORTHOTROPIC MULTI-SURFACE PLASTICITY MODEL UNDER UNIAXIAL STRESS date: 2020-03-17 words: 4431 flesch: 57 summary: List of symbols α Parameter that controls the shear stress contribution to tensile failure β Parameter that couples the normal stresses in the compressive failure surface γ Parameter that controls the shear stress contribution to compressive failure le Crack bandwidth H Hardening modulus Hcrit Critical hardening modulus κp Value of the compressive hardening parameter at peak fi,σ Gradient of the i-th yield function with respect to the stress tensor gi,σ Gradient of the i-th plastic potential with respect to the stress tensor n Normal to the discontinuity surface m Polarization vector φ Uniaxial stress angle with respect to the x-axis θ Angle that the generic normal to the discontinuity surface forms with the x-axis θloc Localization angle Acknowledgements In this paper, the localization analysis of the pre- sented macro-model is carried out under the condition of uniaxial stress in tension and in compression. keywords: compression; localization; plastic; stress; tension cache: app01-6385.pdf plain text: app01-6385.txt item: #346 of 571 id: app01-6391 author: Sekavová, Hana; Herrmann, Jakub; Prošek, Zdeněk; Nyč, Miroslav; Karra’a, George title: THE INFLUENCE OF THE USE OF RECYCLED GYPSUM ON THE PROPERTIES OF GYPSUM PRODUCTS IN LABOR CONDITIONS date: 2020-03-17 words: 2368 flesch: 68 summary: There is not only concrete in construction and for example gypsum based building materials are very popular for their properties and it is necessary to deal with this issue. There is possibility to replace a part of this stucco with recycled material. keywords: figure; gypsum; material; properties; stucco; water cache: app01-6391.pdf plain text: app01-6391.txt item: #347 of 571 id: app01-6393 author: Schmidt, Jaroslav; Zemanová, Alena title: EULER AND EXPONENTIAL ALGORITHM IN VISCOELASTIC ANALYSES OF LAMINATED GLASS date: 2020-03-17 words: 4673 flesch: 61 summary: Scheme of laminated glass sample. Time evolution of deflection of laminated glass sample under uniformly distributed pressure with quadratically increasing intensity according Figure 3 obtained by: Reference – Backward Euler method with ∆t = 0.05 s, Exp – Exponential algorithm, and BE – Backward Euler method. keywords: euler; exponential; figure; glass; interlayer; material; model; numerical; time cache: app01-6393.pdf plain text: app01-6393.txt item: #348 of 571 id: app01-6396 author: Štepánek, Jan; Máca, Jiří title: DESIGN OF TUNED MASS DAMPERS FOR LARGE STRUCTURES USING MODAL ANALYSIS date: 2020-03-17 words: 4169 flesch: 65 summary: Simplified TMD design method proposed by Den Hartog was compared to numerical optimization. The modal matrix must be mass orthonormal with mode shapes φ arranged as its columns. keywords: design; mass; mode; response; tmd; tmds cache: app01-6396.pdf plain text: app01-6396.txt item: #349 of 571 id: app01-6397 author: Šulc, Stanislav; Šmilauer, Vít; Patzák, Bořek title: MUPIF WORKFLOW EDITOR AND AUTOMATIC CODE GENERATOR date: 2020-03-17 words: 2129 flesch: 56 summary: while time40 mm) TRC sandwich panel for energy retrofitting exposed to environmental loading. keywords: behaviour; colombo; core; energy; figure; material; sandwich; trc cache: app01-7978.pdf plain text: app01-7978.txt item: #420 of 571 id: app01-7979 author: Crisci, Giovanni ; Ceroni, Francesca ; Lignola, Gian Piero ; Prota, Andrea title: RC deck - stiffened arch existing bridges: simulated design and structural analysis date: 2022-03-03 words: 4646 flesch: 61 summary: 33/2022 RC Deck - Stiffened Arch Existing Bridges D�� E�� /� ����P I� �� �� P ��P ��P ��P ��P ��P ��P ��P ��P ��P ��P 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3� 3�� 3�� D �P �P �P ���P / 0DLQ�EHDPV 6HFRQGDU\�EHDPV Figure 2. a) Longitudinal view of the deck arch bridge assumed as case study; b) Plan view of the deck. point of about 600 MPa and was classified as semi- hard or hard steel. Due to the development of new building tech- niques and high - performance materials, the diffusion of RC arch bridges increased considerably. keywords: 0rp �; 1hj �; arch; deck; design; fp �; qj � cache: app01-7979.pdf plain text: app01-7979.txt item: #421 of 571 id: app01-7980 author: Dacić, Amina ; Fenyvesi, Oliver title: Limitations of life cycle assessment of green concretes - a state-of-the-art review date: 2022-03-03 words: 5196 flesch: 53 summary: [10] J. Turk, Z. Cotič, A. Mladenovič, et al. Environmental evaluation of green concretes versus conventional concrete by means of LCA. Keywords: CO2 uptake, environmental impact, functional unit, green concrete, inventory allocation, life cycle assessment. keywords: aggregate; assessment; cdw; co2; concrete; construction; cycle; lca; life; materials; results; waste cache: app01-7980.pdf plain text: app01-7980.txt item: #422 of 571 id: app01-7981 author: Dela Cruz, Rhem Leoric Cantos ; Roriguez, Leah Monica Alaurin ; Tiongco, Emmanuel Josh Yambing; Yulas, Khim Denize Asilo ; Ongpeng, Jason Maximino title: Effect of superplasticizer on the strength of fly ash based geopolymer concrete date: 2022-03-03 words: 3374 flesch: 56 summary: A research conducted by [9] presented the different properties of a fly ash based geopolymer concrete and concluded that fly ash based geopolymer concrete has a com- pressive strength that is of high quality and can be used for construction purposes, and that its elasticity is similar to that of OPC concrete, has excellent re- sistance against sulfate and acid, and undergoes min- imal creep and drying shrinkage. Keywords: Alkali activators, color detection, fly ash based geopolymer concrete, MATLAB, poly- carboxylate based superplasticizer, ultrasonic pulse velocity test. keywords: ash; cement; concrete; fly; geopolymer; strength; superplasticizer; test cache: app01-7981.pdf plain text: app01-7981.txt item: #423 of 571 id: app01-7982 author: Di Girolamo, Luca ; Ausiello, Gigliola ; Russo, Gianpiero ; Marone, Gabriella title: High thermal conductivity concrete for energy piles date: 2022-03-03 words: 5351 flesch: 53 summary: In this technology, differently from conven- tional ground heat exchangers made by one or more U-shaped plastic absorber pile inserted in aăborehole, GEPs use thermal conductivity and thermal storage capacity of concrete because high-density polyethy- lene plastic pipes are installed directly in piles struc- tures before concrete casting. The target is to analyse the effects of thermal conductivity increasing of concrete on energy and mechanical performances of GEPs. keywords: case; concrete; conductivity; energy; geps; heat; mechanical; pile; properties; soil; temperature; transfer cache: app01-7982.pdf plain text: app01-7982.txt item: #424 of 571 id: app01-7988 author: Dooms, Bram ; Vrijders, Jeroen title: Circular concrete: validating new technologies in the lab and on-site date: 2022-03-03 words: 3649 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: Carbonatation, concrete recycling, pilot projects, recycled concrete aggregates (RCA), supplementary cementitious materials. A clear influence can be observed of de total re- placement of natural aggregates with the treated samples. keywords: aggregates; concrete; mixtures; reference; resistance; table cache: app01-7988.pdf plain text: app01-7988.txt item: #425 of 571 id: app01-7989 author: Falikman, Vyacheslav Ruvimovich ; Ilyin, Dmitry Anatolievich; Stepanova, Valentina Fedorovna title: Advanced hybrid nonmetallic composite reinforcement for concrete structures date: 2022-03-03 words: 3840 flesch: 58 summary: Concrete beam reinforcement diagram 3.1. HCR can increase the stiffness of concrete beams by 15 % and crack resistance by 12 % in comparison with glass composite reinforcement. keywords: alkaline; beams; carbon; composite; concrete; frpr; hcr; modulus; reinforcement; samples cache: app01-7989.pdf plain text: app01-7989.txt item: #426 of 571 id: app01-7990 author: Falliano, Devid ; Quattrocchi, Salvatore ; De Domenico, Dario ; Ricciardi, Giuseppe ; Gugliandolo, Ernesto title: Critical assessment of CO2 emission of different concretes: foamed, lightweight aggregate, recycled and ordinary concrete date: 2022-03-03 words: 4540 flesch: 52 summary: Licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence Published by the Czech Technical University in Prague CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF CO2 EMISSION OF DIFFERENT CONCRETES: FOAMED, LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE, RECYCLED AND ORDINARY CONCRETE Devid Fallianoa, ∗, Salvatore Quattrocchib, Dario De Domenicob, Giuseppe Ricciardib, Ernesto Gugliandoloc a Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, Turin 10129, Italy b Department of Engineering, University of Messina, Contrada Di Dio, Messina 98166, Italy c G. Gugliandolo s.r.l., Via Galileo Galilei, Messina 98100, Italy ∗ corresponding author: Abstract. Concrete is one of the most widely used construction materials and is thus primarily responsible for CO2 emission. keywords: cement; co2; concrete; density; emission; foamed; lightweight; materials; mix cache: app01-7990.pdf plain text: app01-7990.txt item: #427 of 571 id: app01-7991 author: Feldrappe, Volkert ; Haufe, Johannes ; Ehrenberg, Andreas ; Vollpracht, Anya ; Matschei, Thomas title: A new performance test to evaluate the sulfate resistance of concrete by tensile strength measurements date: 2022-03-03 words: 4070 flesch: 57 summary: Influence of sulfate solution concentration on the formation of gypsum in sulfate resistance test specimen. Concrete test specimens acc. keywords: attack; cement; concrete; days; performance; resistance; storage; strength; sulfate; tensile; test cache: app01-7991.pdf plain text: app01-7991.txt item: #428 of 571 id: app01-7992 author: Fernandes, Bruno ; Carré, Hélène ; Mindeguia, Jean-Christophe ; Perlot, Céline ; La Borderie, Christian title: Fire spalling sensitivity of concrete made with recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) date: 2022-03-03 words: 3853 flesch: 66 summary: Inspection after fire spalling test Different analyses were done after the fire spalling tests. To this, uniaxial spalling tests were carried out on of ordinary concrete samples con- taining different RCA (coarse aggregates) replace- ment rates (0%, 10%, 20%, 40%, 70% and 100%). keywords: aggregates; concrete; content; figure; fire; rca; samples; spalling; water cache: app01-7992.pdf plain text: app01-7992.txt item: #429 of 571 id: app01-7993 author: Michelini, Elena ; Ferretti, Daniele; Sirico, Alice ; Cerioni, Roberto title: Experimental investigation on the mechanical behaviour of AAC blocks for sustainable concrete masonry date: 2022-03-03 words: 4421 flesch: 52 summary: However, minimum mechanical properties should be guaranteed also for lower density blocks, so to ensure adequate structural performances and the compliance with durability requirements (i.e. limiting crack for- mation in infills and claddings). On the contrary, the major advantages of low density blocks are re- lated to energy savings during the use phase of the building life cycle, which should be somehow taken into account. keywords: aac; blocks; compressive; concrete; content; density; energy; fracture; masonry; moisture; strength; tests cache: app01-7993.pdf plain text: app01-7993.txt item: #430 of 571 id: app01-7994 author: Fu, Qiuni ; Yanb, Libo ; Kasal, Bohumil title: Bending behavior of adhesively-bonded engineered wood-concrete composite decks date: 2022-03-03 words: 3470 flesch: 61 summary: Specimen preparation When the concrete was cured for 28 days, the con- crete surfaces were cleaned and glued to shaped wood decks with wood decks on the top for the first 3 days. Four-point bending tests were conducted on five medium-sized (i.e., 2300 mm in length and 215 mm in width) engineered timber (laminated veneer lumber (LVL) and cross-laminated timber (CLT)) - concrete (wood chip concrete and plain concrete) composite decks. keywords: bending; clt; composite; concrete; decks; epoxy; lvl; shear; tcc; wood cache: app01-7994.pdf plain text: app01-7994.txt item: #431 of 571 id: app01-7995 author: Fujiyoshi, Kazuo; Ueda, Takao ; Tsukagoshi, Masayuki title: Fundamental properties and durability of slope protection spray mortar reinforced with bamboo fibers date: 2022-03-03 words: 4589 flesch: 67 summary: Then, the durabil- ity of bamboo fiber reinforced mortar was tested by spraying on formworks in the actual working spray facilities. The mechanical properties of spray mortar containing bamboo fibers were examined under cyclic wet and dry conditions along with its resistance against freezing and thawing by a spray test. keywords: ash; bamboo; fibers; fly; mortar; specimens; spray; strength; test cache: app01-7995.pdf plain text: app01-7995.txt item: #432 of 571 id: app01-7997 author: Gruhler, Karin ; Schiller, Georg title: Energy flows along the production and use of secondary materials with a special focus on concrete date: 2022-03-03 words: 3817 flesch: 45 summary: For all of these, we energeti- cally investigated the paths from demolition material to a new application variant in building construction, civil engineering or landscaping. Demolition materials are quantities that are available in a certain quality after the demolition of a building (e.g. broken concrete without coarse adhesion). keywords: concrete; construction; demolition; energy; material cache: app01-7997.pdf plain text: app01-7997.txt item: #433 of 571 id: app01-7999 author: Hager, Izabela ; Mróz, Katarzyna ; Tracz, Tomasz ; Kočí, Václav ; Fiala, Lukáš title: Equivalent thermal diffusivity of natural and recycled aggregate concrete at temperature up to 350 ⁰C date: 2022-03-03 words: 2603 flesch: 54 summary: Thermal diffusivity can be determined (Eq. 1) by directly determining these physical properties by experimental methods or by using an inverse method leading to the determination of D. The unit of thermal diffusivity is [J/kgK], but [mm2/s] or [m2/s] are also used in the literature. Thermal diffusivity was evaluated based on the temperature measurements made on cylindrical samples using so-called inverse tech- nique. keywords: aggregates; concrete; diffusivity; fire; properties; rac; temperature cache: app01-7999.pdf plain text: app01-7999.txt item: #434 of 571 id: app01-8000 author: Henry, Michael ; Opon, Joel title: The role of conceptualization in the evaluation of sustainable concrete date: 2022-03-03 words: 4071 flesch: 47 summary: Correlation coefficients for sustainability scores between analytical scenarios. dard for concrete sustainability evaluation. This paper explores the role conceptualization plays in the evaluation of concrete material sustainability by analyzing its effects using multicriteria analysis and a sustainability indicator framework to quantify sustainability for concrete materials. keywords: 'luhfw �; aggregation; concrete; djjuhjdwlrq �; evaluation; jhrphwulf �; sustainability; � � cache: app01-8000.pdf plain text: app01-8000.txt item: #435 of 571 id: app01-8001 author: Horáková, Anna ; Kohoutková, Alena ; Broukalová, Iva title: Utilization of recycled and secondary materials in concrete production - LCA date: 2022-03-03 words: 3802 flesch: 48 summary: The paper describes an assessment of concrete in terms of environmental impacts in relation to the utilization of recycled materials. The article includes a short summary of the literature search on evaluation methods for environmental impacts and on recycled and secondary materials. keywords: aggregate; cement; concrete; consumption; impacts; materials; production; waste cache: app01-8001.pdf plain text: app01-8001.txt item: #436 of 571 id: app01-8003 author: Chandeng, Latda ; Meesak, Thanawat ; Tuakta, Chakrapan ; Wisuthseriwong, Tidarut ; Ueda, Tamon ; Jongprateep, Oratai title: Natural fiber-reinforced light-weight cement blocks prepared from waste for sustainable development date: 2022-03-03 words: 4250 flesch: 51 summary: Production of cement blocks, however, generally requires Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) which creates harmful environmental impacts. In this study, the mixture containing synthesized cement-like material, OPC, rice husk ash, and jute fibers were mixed with water at the W/B ratios rang- ing from 0.8 to 1.1, and cast into cement blocks. keywords: ash; blocks; calcium; cement; cement blocks; content; fiber; husk; materials; rice; strength; water cache: app01-8003.pdf plain text: app01-8003.txt item: #437 of 571 id: app01-8005 author: Charpin, Laurent ; Haelewyn, Jessica ; El Idrissi, Anass Cherki ; Niepceron, Julien; Masson, Benoît ; Toulemonde, Charles ; Boulant, Guillaume; Mathieu, Jean-Philippe ; Hamon, François ; Michel-Ponnelle, Sylvie ; Hénault, Jean-Marie ; Taillade, Frédéric ; Adia, Jean-Luc ; Escoffier, Florian title: Predicting leakage of the VERCORS mock-up and concrete containment buildings - a digital twin approach date: 2022-03-03 words: 4039 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: Air leakage, concrete containment building, creep, drying, shrinkage. VERCORS concrete has been thoroughly charac- terized in EDF and national and European partner labs to achieve a consistent knowledge of elastic prop- erties, strength, drying properties, delayed strains at different ages and different temperatures. keywords: concrete; containment; drying; edf; figure; leakage; mock; model; vercors cache: app01-8005.pdf plain text: app01-8005.txt item: #438 of 571 id: app01-8007 author: Chundupalle, Sashidhar ; Seeri, Nirmala ; Veera, Sudarsana Reddy ; Nelluri, Venkata Ramana title: Strength and durability characteristics of self compacting concrete (SCC) with recycled aggregate and manufactured sand date: 2022-03-03 words: 3718 flesch: 58 summary: Further, it can also be noted that the compressive strength of 100% NCA is maximum and the compressive strength decreases with increasing recycled coarse aggregate at both 7 and 28 days. The investigations on self compacting concrete (SCC) with recycled coarse aggregate and Man- ufactured sand (M-Sand) were performed in this current study. keywords: aggregate; coarse; concrete; sand; scc; strength cache: app01-8007.pdf plain text: app01-8007.txt item: #439 of 571 id: app01-8008 author: Insako, Ryo ; Miyoshi, Yuki ; Huynh, Phat Tan ; Ogawa, Yuko ; Kawai, Kenji title: Contribution of fly ash to mortar strength development under steam and internal curing date: 2022-03-03 words: 3249 flesch: 66 summary: It may indicate that the cement hydration could be promoted by the incorporation of fly ash and more CH was produced in fly ash cement paste compared to the plain cement paste. In addition, the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash was evaluated from the viewpoint of calcium hydroxide consumption by using thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis as well as the degree of fly ash reaction by using selective dissolution method. keywords: ash; curing; fly; reaction; roof; steam; strength cache: app01-8008.pdf plain text: app01-8008.txt item: #440 of 571 id: app01-8009 author: Iravani, Ahmad ; Feldrappe, Volkert ; Ehrenberg, Andreas ; Anders, Steffen title: Stability of concrete containing blast-furnace slag following exposure to cyclic elevated temperature date: 2022-03-03 words: 3568 flesch: 53 summary: Residual compressive strength Generally, residual compressive strength depends on the maximum temperature during heating. An- other approach is a possible re-hydration tendency of CEM III/A due to the blast-furnace slag and mois- ture uptake in the air between temperature cycles. keywords: cem; cement; compressive; concrete; cycles; strength; temperature cache: app01-8009.pdf plain text: app01-8009.txt item: #441 of 571 id: app01-8010 author: Irico, Sara ; Mutke, Sabine ; Bertola, Federica ; Gastaldi, Daniela; Capelli, Livio; Canonico, Fulvio title: Durability of high belite cement as new technical solution for concrete date: 2022-03-03 words: 2456 flesch: 56 summary: The results show that the self-compacting concrete with the high belite cement is able to reach sufficient strengths already after 1 day of hydration, with a low heat development and improved durability properties, compared to CEM I. Keywords: Belitic cement, low heat cement, low heat concrete. Licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence Published by the Czech Technical University in Prague DURABILITY OF HIGH BELITE CEMENT AS NEW TECHNICAL SOLUTION FOR CONCRETE Sara Iricoa, ∗, Sabine Mutkea, Federica Bertolab, Daniela Gastaldib, Livio Capellib, Fulvio Canonicoa, b a Wilhelm Dyckerhoff Institut for Building Materials Technology, Dyckerhoff GmbH, Dyckerhoffstraße 7, 65203 Wiesbaden, Germany b Buzzi Unicem Innovation Lab and Technology (Built), Via Restano 3, 13100, Vercelli, Italy ∗ corresponding author: Abstract. keywords: cem; cement; concrete; durability; figure; hbc; resistance cache: app01-8010.pdf plain text: app01-8010.txt item: #442 of 571 id: app01-8011 author: Ismail, Ruqayyah ; Muhammad Rashid, Raizal Saifulnaz ; Ahmad Zakwan, Fariz Aswan ; Ahmad, Hazrina; Hejazi, Farzad title: Axial behaviour of strengthened circular hollow reinforced concrete column with CFRP partial confinement date: 2022-03-03 words: 3220 flesch: 61 summary: The first series is referred to the column specimen without CFRP confinement while the second series referred to the specimen with CFRP partial confinement. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of using partial CFRP confinement in a strengthened circular hollow reinforced concrete column. keywords: cfrp; concrete; � $[ldo; � 'lvsodfhphqw; � yv; � � cache: app01-8011.pdf plain text: app01-8011.txt item: #443 of 571 id: app01-8012 author: Ito, Shinya ; Iyoda, Takeshi title: Chloride ion penetration behaviour in concrete containing an expansive additive and a calcium-aluminate-based additive date: 2022-03-03 words: 3874 flesch: 57 summary: The results suggested that the penetration behaviour of chloride ions inside the hardened bodies and the distribution of free chloride ions differed in the con- crete formulations, and that the values calculated with Fick’s diffusion equations may not necessarily reproduce the actual infiltration behaviour of chlo- ride ions, except for the N sample. The effect of the material characteristics on the infiltration behaviour of chloride ions in concrete containing a combination of an expansive additive and a calcium-aluminate-based additive has been investigated. keywords: additive; ca2; chloride; chloride ions; ions; pore; salt; sample cache: app01-8012.pdf plain text: app01-8012.txt item: #444 of 571 id: app01-8014 author: Iyoda, Takeshi ; Matsuda, Nobuhiro title: Study for re-ASR behaviour of recycled concrete using ASR generated concrete and considering countermeasure technology date: 2022-03-03 words: 2832 flesch: 63 summary: The use of this concrete block as recycled aggregate is very important in terms of sustainability. Therefore, in this study, recycled aggregate was made from raw concrete where ASR occurred, after that recycled concrete was manufactured using this aggregate. keywords: aggregate; asr; coarse; concrete; expansion cache: app01-8014.pdf plain text: app01-8014.txt item: #445 of 571 id: app01-8015 author: Ji, Xiangnan; Takasu, Koji ; Koyamada, Hidehiro; Suyama, Hiroki title: A study on properties of concrete with dry fly ash and fly ash slurry stored with stirring date: 2022-03-03 words: 3837 flesch: 67 summary: In the case of B ash, the compres- sive strength was higher when mixed with D than when mixed with S, and the results were opposite to those of A and C ash. Pore structure Figure 10 shows the change in pore size distribution of A ash 20in, 120out, B ash and C ash 20in with time, divided into four ranges: 0.003µm - 0.05µm, 0.05µm - 0.5µm, 0.5µm - 5µm, 5µm - 100µm. keywords: ash; concrete; strength; − − cache: app01-8015.pdf plain text: app01-8015.txt item: #446 of 571 id: app01-8016 author: Kanazawa, Takeru title: Lower bound analysis for shear assessment of full-scale RC girders subjected to axial tension date: 2022-03-03 words: 3251 flesch: 61 summary: V − Vc − Fd − Fw − b ! Axial tension force exerted as a result of a temperature change or shrinkage can cause the collapse of RC structural members. keywords: analysis; concrete; figure; reinforcement; shear; strength; tension cache: app01-8016.pdf plain text: app01-8016.txt item: #447 of 571 id: app01-8017 author: Kelley, Shana title: Expansion of sustainability in the ACI 318 building code date: 2022-03-03 words: 2744 flesch: 39 summary: Introduction Historically, concrete building codes have focused mainly on provisions related to strength, serviceabil- ity, stability, and durability of the structure. 2. Concrete sustainability at ACI and in the ACI building code As the focus on environmental sustainability of build- ing materials has increased in recent years, the Amer- ican Concrete Institute (ACI) has expanded the committees, standards, and publications related to concrete sustainability. keywords: 318; aci; code; concrete; sustainability cache: app01-8017.pdf plain text: app01-8017.txt item: #448 of 571 id: app01-8021 author: Lajevardi, Seyed Mohammad Sadegh ; Lourenço, Paulo B. ; Sousa, Hélder S. ; Matos, José C. title: Railway reinforced concrete infrastructure life management and sustainability index date: 2022-03-03 words: 3182 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: Life management, maintenance planing, sustainability index. [3] MCDM PSI Sustainability index for highway construction projects [4] MCDM AHP Development of sustainability assessment index for machine tools [5] MCDM AHP Development of a multidisciplinary approach to compute sustainability index for manufacturing plants - keywords: bridge; decision; defect; index; infrastructure; method; research; sustainability; table cache: app01-8021.pdf plain text: app01-8021.txt item: #449 of 571 id: app01-8023 author: Lin, Wei-Ting ; Cheng, An ; Korniejenko, Kinga ; Łach, Michał title: Influence on permeability and pore structure of polyolefin fiber reinforced concrete containing slag date: 2022-03-03 words: 4172 flesch: 57 summary: Compressive strength development curves of polyolefin fiber concrete without slag. Compressive strength Figures 1 and 2 presents the compressive strength of polyolefin fiber concrete made with and without slag at the age of 7, 28, 56 and 91 days, respec- tively. keywords: absorption; compressive; concrete; fiber; polyolefin; pore; slag; specimens; strength cache: app01-8023.pdf plain text: app01-8023.txt item: #450 of 571 id: app01-8024 author: Lin, Hangwei ; Takasu, Koji ; Koyamada, Hidehiro ; Suyama, Hiroki title: Correlation of porosity and properties of recycled fine aggregate concrete with fly ash date: 2022-03-03 words: 3602 flesch: 64 summary: Correlation graph of compressive strength and cumulative pore volume might be predicted with given W/B, days and FA of the concrete or none given and drying shrinkage might be predicted with given FA. Figure 5 showed the influence of recycled aggregate replace- ment ratio on cumulative pore volume with water to binder ratio 0.55. keywords: concrete; fine; pore; shrinkage; strength; volume cache: app01-8024.pdf plain text: app01-8024.txt item: #451 of 571 id: app01-8025 author: Lollini, Federica title: Extent of corrosion damage for RC structures exposed to chloride-bearing environment date: 2022-03-03 words: 4196 flesch: 48 summary: The probability that corro- sion initiated, pcorr , corresponds to the probability of occurrence that the variable Clth is equal to the con- sidered value of chloride content, Ccl. The inspection should be aimed at estimating if, both at the time of inspection and at the end of the designed lifetime, the reinforcement is still passive, i.e. corrosion has not initiated since carbonation or a critical amount of chlorides has not reached the steel surface, or the reinforcement is cor- roding but the propagation is in the early stages, e.g. concrete cover is not cracked and reduction in cross section of rebars is negligible [6]. keywords: chloride; concrete; corroding; corrosion; depth; reinforcement cache: app01-8025.pdf plain text: app01-8025.txt item: #452 of 571 id: app01-8026 author: Mancinelli, Oscar ; Fantilli, Alessandro Pasquale ; Chiaia, Bernardino title: Comparing the environmental performances of new and renovated school buildings date: 2022-03-03 words: 4449 flesch: 56 summary: Building materials are aggregated into three categories, namely Skin, Space Plan, and Structure, following the layered division (the so called 352 vol. Embodied carbon of building materials grouped into macro-layers: (a) total amount; (b) amount per unit of gross building area (u.a.); (c) amount per student. keywords: assessment; building; carbon; co2; concrete; construction; emissions; energy; life; materials; new; school cache: app01-8026.pdf plain text: app01-8026.txt item: #453 of 571 id: app01-8027 author: Mariaková, Diana ; Fořtová, Kristina ; Jirkalová, Zuzana ; Pavlů, Tereza ; Hájek, Petr title: High-performance concrete containing waste vitrified tiles date: 2022-03-03 words: 3535 flesch: 64 summary: The pozzolanic properties of used waste material can have a positive effect on the resulting strength of concrete samples. Amount of cement, nat- ural aggregate, microsilica and water remains same in the mixtures, the variable segment is the amount of used waste vitrified tiles as a silica powder replace- ment. keywords: compressive; concrete; results; samples; strength; tiles; waste cache: app01-8027.pdf plain text: app01-8027.txt item: #454 of 571 id: app01-8028 author: Matsuka, Takeju ; Suzuki, Mariko ; Matsushita, Haruhiko ; Yokota, Hiroshi ; Sakai, Koji title: Properties of concrete using crushed stone powder with various specific surface areas date: 2022-03-03 words: 3333 flesch: 67 summary: However, a large amount of crushed stone powder is produced as by-products in the manufacturing process. Unless effective utilization of crushed stone powder is considered, it is not a sufficient measure in terms of sustainability. keywords: concrete; powder; stone; stone powder; surface; type cache: app01-8028.pdf plain text: app01-8028.txt item: #455 of 571 id: app01-8029 author: Monkman, Sean ; Meyer, Vincent title: Sustainable concrete production with recycled concrete wash water beneficiated with CO2 date: 2022-03-03 words: 4565 flesch: 62 summary: Carbon uptake in wash water solids and solution pH with treatment time of wash water slurry treated with CO2. 56 days with the exception of the batches containing increased plasticizer (PCE) which were assessed only at 7 and 28 days. Seven batches of concrete were produced and compared: a reference mix, two batches with untreated wash water and four batches with CO2 treated wash water. keywords: carbon; cement; co2; concrete; slurry; solids; wash; wash water; water cache: app01-8029.pdf plain text: app01-8029.txt item: #456 of 571 id: app01-8032 author: Ralli, Zoi G. ; Pantazopoulou, Stavroula J. ; Papangelakis, Vladimiros G. title: Microstructural characterization of high-performance steel fiber reinforced geopolymer concrete date: 2022-03-03 words: 4524 flesch: 51 summary: Such materials are geopolymer binders, encompassing a variety of industrial wastes in the role of a binder and filler. Geopolymer concrete is a class of novel advanced and sustainable structural materials that hold promise for the future of infrastructure. keywords: concrete; content; ffa; fibres; figure; geopolymer; geopolymer concrete; ggbfs; hpfrgc; materials; porosity; properties cache: app01-8032.pdf plain text: app01-8032.txt item: #457 of 571 id: app01-8034 author: Nemati Giv, Ali ; Fu, Qiuni ; Yan, Libo ; Kasal, Bohumil title: Interfacial bond behavior of adhesively-bonded timber/cast in situ concrete (wet bond process) date: 2022-03-03 words: 3076 flesch: 59 summary: The change of failure mode was observed from concrete failure in dry bond to debonding at interface in wet bond which was an ev- idence in reduction of wet bond shear strength. 402 vol. Keywords: Cast-in-situ concrete, dry bond, shear strength, timber-concrete composite structures, wet bond. keywords: adhesive; bond; cast; concrete; dry; shear; strength; timber; wood cache: app01-8034.pdf plain text: app01-8034.txt item: #458 of 571 id: app01-8036 author: Redaelli, Dario ; Moix, Jonathan; Muresan, Alex ; Brütting, Jan ; Fivet, Corentin title: Prestressed ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) beams for reusable structural systems: design and testing date: 2022-03-03 words: 3644 flesch: 54 summary: 33/2022 Prestressed UHPC Beams VR MR EI Weight [kN] MRd Geometric and mechanical properties of UHPC beams. keywords: beams; design; figure; shear; strength; structural; system; table; uhpc cache: app01-8036.pdf plain text: app01-8036.txt item: #459 of 571 id: app01-8037 author: Roik, Matthias ; Tietze, Matthias ; Kahnt, Alexander title: A revival in façades: Textile reinforced concrete panels are light, safe and aesthetically pleasing date: 2022-03-03 words: 4170 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: Building innovation, carbon reinforced concrete façades, fixings, new materials, textile reinforced concrete. Storey-high façade element with new fix- ing system for carbon reinforced concrete. keywords: carbon; concrete; construction; façade; figure; load; panels; reinforcement; test; textile cache: app01-8037.pdf plain text: app01-8037.txt item: #460 of 571 id: app01-8038 author: Rønning, Anne ; Prestrud, Kjersti ; Saxegård, Simon ; Haave, Simen S. ; Lysberg, Magne title: How design concepts influence carbon footprints of load bearing structures date: 2022-03-03 words: 4343 flesch: 58 summary: And even when assessing a load-bearing structure and not the whole building, a holistic approach is vital and one need to reflect on how the load-bearing structure will affect other activ- ities’potential GHG emissions during the service life to ensure design for low GHG emissions. GHG emissions were calculated based on the same type of means of transport as stated in the EPD. keywords: bearing; buildings; concrete; construction; emissions; epd; ghg; load; materials; storeys; structures cache: app01-8038.pdf plain text: app01-8038.txt item: #461 of 571 id: app01-8040 author: Scope, Christoph ; Guenther, Edeltraud ; Mielecke, Torsten ; Schuetz, Julia ; Muendecke, Eric ; Schultze, Konstantin title: Life cycle assessment of carbon concrete composites: a circular economy path beyond climate mitigation? date: 2022-03-03 words: 4455 flesch: 61 summary: 33/2022 LCA of Carbon Concrete Composites ��� �� � � �� �� �� )XOO�OLIH�F\FOH NJ�&2�HT�Pð ¨�9DULDQW�$��%���ZDOO� ¨�9DULDQW�$��%� ¨�9DULDQW�%��%� ¨�6FHQDULR����$��%�� ¨�6FHQDULR����$��%�� ¨�6FHQDULR����$��%�� ¨�6FHQDULR����$��%�� ¨�6HQVLWLYLW\�6WHHO�UHLQI���$��%�� ¨�6HQVLWLYLW\�&DUERQ�ILEHU��$��%�� Figure 5. Sen- sitivity analyses tested for data uncertainty (orange bars): a dataset for steel reinforcement with -50% lower and a dataset for carbon fibers with +50% higher carbon emissions is chosen. keywords: carbon; ccc; co2eq; concrete; cycle; fiber; life; materials; research; src cache: app01-8040.pdf plain text: app01-8040.txt item: #462 of 571 id: app01-8043 author: Xochicale Cortés, Abel Noé title: Rational and sustainable procedure in the design of bridges using pre-stressed concrete beams a theoretical practical method date: 2022-03-03 words: 2896 flesch: 61 summary: Relationship between optimization and sustainability Recently has emerged the concept of the sustainable design of structures, which by applying it to pre- stressed concrete girder bridges, could be synthesized in the use of 1. minimum number of girders, 2. optimum thickness of slab over girders, 3. minimum number of columns in the case of piers 4. minimum number of spans in the bridge, which is achieved using the girders to its maximum perfor- mance. This formulation perfectly agrees with the results given in Figure 4 for the condition of single spans girder bridges. keywords: beams; concrete; design; girders; number; type cache: app01-8043.pdf plain text: app01-8043.txt item: #463 of 571 id: app01-8044 author: Vios, Nicole Alexis Kwan ; Henry, Michael Ward ; Opon, Joel Galupo title: Quantifying uncertainties in the sustainability evaluation of concrete materials considering regional characteristics in Japan date: 2022-03-03 words: 3850 flesch: 49 summary: Conversion of in-cluster mean z-scores to relative intensities for calculation of weights. effect of methodological uncertainties in the regional context of concrete sustainability evaluation was in- vestigated using uncertainty analysis to understand how these uncertainties influence concrete sustain- ability evaluation results. Indicators for concrete sustainability evaluation. keywords: analysis; cluster; concrete; context; evaluation; indicators; mix; sustainability; weights cache: app01-8044.pdf plain text: app01-8044.txt item: #464 of 571 id: app01-8045 author: Ventanilla, Mary Grace ; Ongpeng, Jason ; Takahiro , Nishida; Kawaai, Keiyu title: Reduction of dissolved oxygen in minimizing corrosion date: 2022-03-03 words: 3465 flesch: 50 summary: Materials DO diff.(ppm or mg/L) % Candidate materials from different types of agricultural waste, industrial waste, natural minerals, and green inhibitors. keywords: ash; candidate; concrete; corrosion; materials; oxygen; waste; water cache: app01-8045.pdf plain text: app01-8045.txt item: #465 of 571 id: app01-8046 author: Urbina, Oscar Javier ; Teixeira, Elisabete ; Sousa, Hélder ; Matos, José title: Breakthrough of the resemblances and correspondences between resilience and sustainability in civil infrastructures date: 2022-03-03 words: 5075 flesch: 39 summary: Consequently, there exists a possibility to create a methodology that examines and assesses four categories of civil infrastructure sustainability: Technical, environmental, social, and economical. 33/2022 Resilience and Sustainability in Civil Infrastructures is limited number of previous studies that integrate them with critical infrastructure sustainability. keywords: analysis; approach; assessment; building; decision; development; infrastructures; performance; resilience; risk; sustainability cache: app01-8046.pdf plain text: app01-8046.txt item: #466 of 571 id: app01-8047 author: Teixeira, Elisabete Rodrigues ; Camões, Aires ; Branco, Fernando G. title: Effect of using biomass fly ash on the concrete sustainability date: 2022-03-03 words: 4107 flesch: 52 summary: Based both on the abovementioned context and methodological approach, a quantification and comparison of potential environmental impacts resulting from the production of 1 m3 of concrete was made, using different types of binder and quantities of cement substitution. Based both on the abovementioned con- text and methodological approach, a quantification and comparison of potential environmental impacts resulting from the production of 1 m3 of concrete was made, using different types of binder: i) Portland ce- ment; ii) Portland cement and CFA or/and BFA, iii) Portland cement and CFA and HL; and iv) Portland cement, CFA, BFA and HL. keywords: bfa; cement; concrete; cycle; environmental; fly; impact; life; production cache: app01-8047.pdf plain text: app01-8047.txt item: #467 of 571 id: app01-8048 author: Taylor, Andrew Warren title: The status of sustainable concrete codes in the United States date: 2022-03-03 words: 3864 flesch: 40 summary: A primary focus of the CLF has been embodied carbon of construction materials, in- cluding the promotion of standardized and verified EPDs, which will allow valid comparisons between various materials and between various suppliers of a given material. A major accomplishment of the CLF has been to foster development of computer software that pro- vides a standardized method for calculating the em- bodied carbon in construction materials. keywords: building; carbon; cement; concrete; construction; county; emissions; materials; state cache: app01-8048.pdf plain text: app01-8048.txt item: #468 of 571 id: app01-8050 author: Stuerwald, Simone ; Meglin, Ronny ; Kytzia, Susanne ; Gilg, Sabrina title: Use of recycled concrete fines in cement and as aggregate date: 2022-03-03 words: 3094 flesch: 62 summary: Different samples of laboratory and real crushed concrete fines were collected and examined in relation to various possible applications in accordance with the applicable standards. The research project focused on investigating and optimizing the processing and use of recycled crushed sand 0/4 from concrete demolition waste, as an alternative raw material in the cement and concrete industry. keywords: cement; concrete; demolition; material; paste; sand; use cache: app01-8050.pdf plain text: app01-8050.txt item: #469 of 571 id: app01-8051 author: Stoiber, Nadine ; Hammerl, Mathias ; Kromoser, Benjamin title: Environmental assessment of non-metallic reinforcement for concrete structures as an alternative to steel reinforcement date: 2022-03-03 words: 3465 flesch: 46 summary: Nev- ertheless, an additional consideration of the perfor- mance, more precisely the tensile strength of 2,100 MPa of CFRP reinforcement as well as the yield strength of 550 MPa of steel reinforcement shows re- sults more on favour of CFRP reinforcement than a sole consideration of the masses as illustrated in Fig- ure 5. Here, the performance (tensile and yield strength) as well as the related densities (7,850 kg/m3 for steel reinforcement, 1,500 kg/m3 for CFRP reinforcement) were consid- ered. keywords: bridge; cfrp; concrete; figure; gwp; impact; life; reinforcement; steel cache: app01-8051.pdf plain text: app01-8051.txt item: #470 of 571 id: app01-8052 author: Stocker, Florian ; Zeman, Oliver ; Schwenn, Michael ; Bergmeister, Konrad title: Load transfer mechanism of concrete screws date: 2022-03-03 words: 4965 flesch: 72 summary: Even though the market and development for concrete screws has been increasingly rising in recent years, the load transfer mechanism of concrete screws has not yet been fully investigated. Therefore, different tests of concrete screws made of galvanized and stainless steel were performed in concrete C20/25 and C50/60. keywords: concrete; load; ordgvwhs; screws; steel; transfer; w\sh � cache: app01-8052.pdf plain text: app01-8052.txt item: #471 of 571 id: app01-8053 author: Soldado, Eliana ; Antunes, Ana ; Costa, Hugo ; Carmo, Ricardo ; Júlio, Eduardo title: Mechanical and durability performance of cementitious matrices with low cement and different additions date: 2022-03-03 words: 4496 flesch: 57 summary: ��� � ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� � � �� �� �� �� �� �� �� %7������������������������������������07 ( ��* 3D � %7�UHI %7����)$ %7��� %7����3R] %7����6ODJ 07�UHI 07����)$ 07�����)$ 07����3R] 07����6ODJ Figure 4. � � � � � �� �� �� ���GD\V ���GD\V '��î�������P��V� %7�UHI %7����)$ %7��� %7����3R] %7����6ODJ 07�UHI 07����)$ 07�����)$ 07����3R] 07����6ODJ ���GD\V���������������������������GD\V� Figure 8. keywords: cement; concrete; k �; mixtures; slag; � p cache: app01-8053.pdf plain text: app01-8053.txt item: #472 of 571 id: app01-8054 author: Slánský, Bohuslav ; Zelinka, Pavel ; Čermák, Jan title: Unique and innovative technology for sustainable and efficient structural concrete made of 100% recycled aggregate from CDW date: 2022-03-03 words: 3209 flesch: 56 summary: This confirmed the high potential of RA concrete for commercial use on construction and development projects. Within the testing, consistency using the slump test was deter- mined over a time horizon of sixty minutes on brick recycled concrete to verify the workability and trans- portability of recycled concrete. keywords: aggregate; concrete; production; strength cache: app01-8054.pdf plain text: app01-8054.txt item: #473 of 571 id: app01-8055 author: Schwoon, Oliver title: Concrete admixtures - sustainable concrete date: 2022-03-03 words: 1962 flesch: 61 summary: In an extensive research program, the influence of mix design components e.g. different admixture types, water/binder-ratio on hardened concrete properties like chloride resistance (chloride migration coefficient), sulfate resistance and water conductivity have been tested and analyzed. 2. Investigation and experimental set-up In an extensive research program, the influence of mix design components e.g. different admixture types, water/binder-ratio on hardened concrete prop- erties like chloride resistance (chloride migration co- efficient), sulfate resistance and water conductivity have been tested and analyzed. 2.1. keywords: concrete; design; mix; resistance cache: app01-8055.pdf plain text: app01-8055.txt item: #474 of 571 id: app01-8056 author: Schneiderová Heralová, Renáta ; Hromada, Eduard ; Holcman, Jakub ; Vitásek, Stanislav title: Methodology for evaluation of the life cycle of buildings with a focus on the private sector date: 2022-03-03 words: 3767 flesch: 54 summary: The quantification of life cycle costs based on relevant input data on the technical parameters of the construction, structural elements and equipment, the time period of incurring the related costs should be an important basis for the decision of the investor, designer and future user of the building also with regard to environmental and social aspects, and in particular the long-term economic consequences. Life cycle costs (LCC) mean in- volving all of the costs deriving from the use of build- ings during their entire life span. keywords: building; construction; costs; cycle; lcc; life; life cycle; maintenance; project cache: app01-8056.pdf plain text: app01-8056.txt item: #475 of 571 id: app01-8057 author: Schmitt, Lucie ; Jeong, Jena ; Potier, Jean-Marc; Izoret, Laurent ; Mai-Nhu, Jonathan ; Decousser, Nicolas ; Pernin, Thomas title: Using an analysis of concrete and cement epd: verification, selection, assessment, benchmarking and target setting date: 2022-03-03 words: 3243 flesch: 58 summary: The quantity of stored CO2 is calculated with the carbon- ation depth and the trapezoidal rules. The Figure 4 presents the quantity of stored CO2 for one square meter of the considered concrete. keywords: building; carbonation; co2; concrete; dioxide; model cache: app01-8057.pdf plain text: app01-8057.txt item: #476 of 571 id: app01-8058 author: Schmidt-Döhl, Frank Michael; Schulenberg, David ; Tralow, Franziska ; Neubauer, Jürgen ; Wolf, Julian Johannes ; Ectors, Dominique title: Quantitative analysis of the strength generating C-S-H-phase in concrete by IR-spectroscopy date: 2022-03-03 words: 5029 flesch: 61 summary: All specimens were stored in closed contain- ers at 23 ± 2 ◦C and above 95 % r.h. until drying. ATR-IR spectrum including the peak fit of a mortar with quartz aggregate and enrichment of the binder by grinding and sieving, showing the peaks of the Q1 and the Q2 structural units in the C-S-H. Background (logarithm function) subtracted before, leaned on the minima at the end of the displayed range. stored in closed containers at 23 ± 2 ◦C and above 95 % r.h. until drying. keywords: analysis; calibration; silicon; specimen cache: app01-8058.pdf plain text: app01-8058.txt item: #477 of 571 id: app01-8059 author: Shibuya, Akari ; Matsuda, Nobuhiro ; Iyoda, Takeshi title: Improvement mechanism of recycled concrete using C-S-H type accelerator and modifying recycled aggregate by carbonation technology date: 2022-03-03 words: 2922 flesch: 64 summary: In concrete using recycled aggregates, it is necessary to take account of insufficient strength, drying shrinkage, freeze-thaw resistance. In previous study, the quality of recycled aggregates was improved by adsorbing carbon dioxide to recycled aggregates, and recycled concrete used the modified aggregates has been confirmed to increase strength and reduce drying shrinkage. keywords: aggregate; air; concrete; permeability; strength cache: app01-8059.pdf plain text: app01-8059.txt item: #478 of 571 id: app01-8060 author: Neumann, Julia ; Breitenbücher, Rolf title: Thin concrete overlays wit carbon reinforcement on deteriorated concrete pavements date: 2022-03-03 words: 3433 flesch: 56 summary: To increase the durability of repairs and to save resources concrete overlays with carbon reinforcement are developed. Specimens for flexural tensile tests. keywords: bond; carbon; concrete; cracks; load; overlay; reinforcement; tensile; tests cache: app01-8060.pdf plain text: app01-8060.txt item: #479 of 571 id: app01-8061 author: Nomura, Shun ; Kasaya, Takafumi ; Sakoi, Yuki ; Fukada, Hisashi ; Matsumoto, Akira title: Physical properties of portland cement based concrete exposed at a depth of 3520 m in the Nankai Trough date: 2022-03-03 words: 2311 flesch: 57 summary: Concrete specimens (36) were placed in six plastic baskets (400×272×300 mm; Figure 3). Preparation of concrete specimens The concrete mix used for the specimens is described in Table 1. keywords: compression; concrete; exposure; figure; japan; sea; specimens; water cache: app01-8061.pdf plain text: app01-8061.txt item: #480 of 571 id: app01-8062 author: Oberndorfer, Thomas ; Hunger, Frank ; Fischer, Oliver title: Glued timber concrete composite walls using ultra-high-performance concrete date: 2022-03-03 words: 3285 flesch: 57 summary: Conclusions The completed test program showed that it is pos- sible to bond timber to UHPC using standard glues for CLT production regarding short-term behaviour. This paper gives a short introduction of the development of cross laminated timber (CLT) concrete composite walls with a glued connection. keywords: composite; concrete; cross; experiments; figure; shear; strength; timber; uhpc; wall cache: app01-8062.pdf plain text: app01-8062.txt item: #481 of 571 id: app01-8063 author: Oliveira, Victor Hugo Dalosto de ; Carvalho, Rodolfo Alves ; Neves, Rodolfo Rabelo ; Borges, Luana Ferreira ; Martins, Paulo Chaves de Rezende ; Oliveira, Marcos Honorato de ; Siqueira, João Paulo de Almeida ; Sobral, Rafael de Almeida ; Nazaré, Sidney Luan Teixeira de ; Cunhac, Carlos Henrique de Moura title: Structural flexural strengthening through material bonded to the concrete substrate date: 2022-03-03 words: 3366 flesch: 59 summary: Reforço de vigas de concreto armado por meio de barras de aço adicionais ou chapas de aço e argamassa de alto desempenho Dissertação de mestrado Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, 1998. Dimensionamento de vigas de concreto armado reforçadas com chapas coladas com resina epóxi Dissertação de mestrado Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, 1997. keywords: concrete; design; section; strengthening cache: app01-8063.pdf plain text: app01-8063.txt item: #482 of 571 id: app01-8064 author: Oliveira, Victor Hugo Dalosto de ; Carvalho, Rodolfo Alves ; Borges, Luana Ferreira ; Martins, Paulo Chaves de Rezende ; Neves, Rodolfo Rabelo ; Siqueira, João Paulo de Almeida ; Oliveira, Gabriel Yves da Silva ; Anhaia, Cintia Adriana Azevedo de Liz title: Comparison between concrete stress diagrams according to the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 6118: 2014 date: 2022-03-03 words: 3565 flesch: 66 summary: Strain and stress diagrams of concrete. Results and discussions Initially, it should be emphasized that the use of stress diagrams does not apply to line a and domain 1, since there are no compressive stresses in concrete, and its tensile stresses are neglected at the ultimate limit state. keywords: concrete; diagram; rectangular; section; strain; stress cache: app01-8064.pdf plain text: app01-8064.txt item: #483 of 571 id: app01-8066 author: Parcesepe, Eliana ; Lima, Carmine ; Maddaloni, Giuseppe ; Pecce, Maria Rosaria title: Engineering properties of geopolymer concrete: a review date: 2022-03-03 words: 4516 flesch: 47 summary: Bond strength between blended slag and Class F fly ash geopolymer concrete with steel reinforcement. Geopolymer concrete (GPC) could be a solution that uses a cementless binder and recycled materials for producing concrete, while reducing the carbon dioxide emission and the demand for raw materials. keywords: ash; concrete; engineering; fly; geopolymer; gpc; https; materials; properties; research; strength cache: app01-8066.pdf plain text: app01-8066.txt item: #484 of 571 id: app01-8067 author: Paschalis, Spyridon A. ; Lampropoulos, Andreas P. title: Dowels effectiveness investigation between ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete and reinforced concrete date: 2022-03-03 words: 1657 flesch: 59 summary: RC beams with a length of 2.2 m strengthened with UHPFRC layers at the tensile side. [7] developed a numerical model that predicts the performance of RC beams which were strengthened with UHPFRC. keywords: beams; dowels; figure; uhpfrc cache: app01-8067.pdf plain text: app01-8067.txt item: #485 of 571 id: app01-8069 author: Pazderka, Jiří ; Hájek, Petr ; Nývlt, Michal ; Žáková, Hana title: Parapet structure from special shaped TRC blocks date: 2022-03-03 words: 2111 flesch: 55 summary: Figure 4 shows precast parapet block (no. 1) which forms the supporting structure of the parapet shown in Figure 3. Notes: 1 - parapet block, 2 - reinforced concrete ceiling panel, 3 - reinforced concrete beam, 4 - anchoring of parapet block, 5 - horizontal part of parapet block, 6 - monolithic concrete - layer forming a gradient and stabilizes the parapet block, 7 - monolithic concrete - layer forming a gradient, 8 - dilatation, elastic strip, 9 - the upper part of the parapet block, 10 - anchoring of parapet block, 11 - vertical part of parapet block, 12 - lower thermal insulation layer (compensation for reinforced concrete elements), 13 - filling masonry of perimeter wall, 14 - main thermal insulation layer (ETICS), 15 - insulation of parapet extruded polystyrene (XPS), 16 - insulation of parapet block, 17 - conventional roofing layers of flat roof, 18 - reinforcing rib of parapet block 465 J. Pazderka, P. Hájek, M. Nývlt, H. Žáková Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings Figure 4. keywords: block; construction; parapet; precast cache: app01-8069.pdf plain text: app01-8069.txt item: #486 of 571 id: app01-8070 author: Pfleger, Marc-Patrick ; Vill, Markus title: Forced carbonation of recycled concrete aggregates date: 2022-03-03 words: 3917 flesch: 55 summary: Sample concrete aggregates All experiments carried out with crushed concrete ag- gregates were done by using the same concrete mix- ture to achieve ideal comparability. 4. Experimental setup and methods The test setup was designed to investigate forced carbonation of recycled concrete aggregates, which means that no correlation with natural carbonation could be expected. keywords: aggregates; carbonation; cement; co2; concrete; grain; material; sample; test cache: app01-8070.pdf plain text: app01-8070.txt item: #487 of 571 id: app01-8071 author: Breitenbücher, Rolf ; Przondziono, Robin title: Sustainability of concrete pavements considering traffic and de-icing agents date: 2022-03-03 words: 3510 flesch: 56 summary: In concrete pavements, special conditions, that increase the likeliness of damaging reactions, as for example an alkali-silica reaction (ASR), prevail. Concrete pavements are subjected to cyclic loadings by traffic and climate changes. keywords: asr; concrete; cyclic; degradation; load; pavements; penetration; stresses cache: app01-8071.pdf plain text: app01-8071.txt item: #488 of 571 id: app01-8100 author: Ďureje, Jakub ; Prošek, Zdeněk ; Trejbal, Jan ; Potocký, Štepán ; Tesárek, Pavel title: Influence of oxygen and argon plasma treatment on wettability and surface morphology of polypropylene microfibers date: 2022-03-24 words: 2536 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: Oxygen plasma, argon plasma, plasma treatment, plasma modification of microfibers, polypropylene, SEM, wettability. Percentage weight loss of microfibers af- ter argon and oxygen plasma treatment (A, O) and respective time in seconds (30, 60, 120, 240 and 480). keywords: argon; microfibers; modification; oxygen; plasma; surface cache: app01-8100.pdf plain text: app01-8100.txt item: #489 of 571 id: app01-8101 author: Faltus, Ondřej ; Horák, Martin title: A modular extension of a finite element contact implementation date: 2022-03-24 words: 3323 flesch: 54 summary: In the case of contact, it is unclear how to introduce contact forces and resulting algorithmic stiffness into this process. Keywords: Contact, large strains, penalty method, 3D contact, node-to-segment, OOFEM. keywords: contact; element; node; object; oofem; segment; surface cache: app01-8101.pdf plain text: app01-8101.txt item: #490 of 571 id: app01-8103 author: Krátký, Štepán ; Havlásek, Petr title: Benchmark VERCORS 2022: mechanical response of the prestressed concrete containment wall to ambient conditions date: 2022-03-24 words: 4081 flesch: 55 summary: Computational models and calibration strategy Computational model of the representative section for the structural sub-problem. keywords: ambient; concrete; conditions; creep; henv1; model; temperature; wall cache: app01-8103.pdf plain text: app01-8103.txt item: #491 of 571 id: app01-8104 author: Latka, Kryštof ; Doškář, Martin ; Zeman, Jan title: Microstructure reconstruction via artificial neural networks: a combination of causal and non-causal approach date: 2022-03-24 words: 3640 flesch: 52 summary: Values of the volume fraction error εφ, depending on the magnitude of artificially introduce noise ξ, neighbourhood radius hs, and the type of pooling layer used (max or average). Values of the two-point probability error εS2 , depending on the magnitude of artificially introduce noise ξ, neighbourhood radius hs, and the type of pooling layer used (max or average). to the original; however, it could not assess how simi- lar the reconstructed pattern is to the original. keywords: causal; image; microstructure; model; neighbourhood; pooling; radius cache: app01-8104.pdf plain text: app01-8104.txt item: #492 of 571 id: app01-8106 author: Lebeda, Martin ; Kabele, Petr title: The effect of sampling volume size on the apparent stiffness of jointed rock mass date: 2022-03-24 words: 3597 flesch: 56 summary: [1] averaging procedure in conjunction with 3D stochastic DFN has been ex- amined with the aim to determine the dependence of apparent rock mass stiffness on sampling volume size. , the power law variability of fracture size is sufficient to produce anisotropic overall deformation moduli. keywords: dfn; fractures; mass; rock; sampling; size; stiffness; volume cache: app01-8106.pdf plain text: app01-8106.txt item: #493 of 571 id: app01-8108 author: Mužíková, Barbora ; Plaček Otcovská, Tereza ; Padevět, Pavel title: Determination of water absorption coefficient of unfired earth materials different in used clay and ratio of components date: 2022-03-24 words: 2679 flesch: 65 summary: 4. Method of Determining Water Absorption Coefficient Specimens of measurement 40×40×160 mm were used for the test of water absorption. Water absorption coefficient w says how quickly can the material absorb the water. keywords: clay; earth; specimens; water cache: app01-8108.pdf plain text: app01-8108.txt item: #494 of 571 id: app01-8111 author: Pešta, Jan ; Prošek, Zdeněk title: Environmental perspectives of fine grounded concrete powder: LCA case study of light-weight concrete block date: 2022-03-24 words: 3481 flesch: 58 summary: The environmental performance of considered con- crete block was compared with environmental impacts declared in the EPD of Aerated Autoclaved Concrete. The impact in these categories is also influenced by the contribution of landfilling process, which describes environmental impacts caused by construction inert material disposed on the landfill. keywords: block; concrete; impact; life; production; use cache: app01-8111.pdf plain text: app01-8111.txt item: #495 of 571 id: app01-8114 author: Richterová, Kristýna ; Heinrich, Pavel ; Bílý, Petr title: Adhesion test – testing of selected adhesives on fired clay date: 2022-03-24 words: 3735 flesch: 64 summary: The following paper deals with the comparison of adhesion of specimens made of fired clay and selected adhesives. Selected adhesives were applied to ceramic plates according to the usual standards. keywords: adhesion; adhesive; mpa; samples; stress; tensile; test cache: app01-8114.pdf plain text: app01-8114.txt item: #496 of 571 id: app01-8119 author: Sekavová, Hana ; Prošek, Zdeněk ; Karra’a, George title: Detection of the presence of microorganisms during production of plasterboard date: 2022-03-24 words: 2420 flesch: 67 summary: The plasterboards only from recycled material was produced in laboratory condition. The target of this research is find the most safe amount of recycled material from gypsum plaster- boards what is possible to use as an inert in plaster- board production. keywords: gypsum; material; plasterboards; production; stucco; use cache: app01-8119.pdf plain text: app01-8119.txt item: #497 of 571 id: app01-8120 author: Schmidt, Jaroslav ; Janda, Tomáš title: Phase-field damage of laminated glass in explicit dynamics date: 2022-03-24 words: 4242 flesch: 65 summary: Keywords: Phase field damage model, laminated glass, dynamic damage, glass fracture. 2. Phase-field model We suppose the elastic damageable material occupying space Ω is loaded by external traction forces t on part Ωt and the current body deformation is described by displacement field u(x) and damage field d(x). keywords: crack; damage; field; figure; mesh; model; phase; plate; time cache: app01-8120.pdf plain text: app01-8120.txt item: #498 of 571 id: app01-8140 author: Dybala, Vojtěch title: Kalker’s coefficient c11 and its influence on the damping and the retuning of a mechanical drive torsion system of a railway vehicle date: 2022-05-10 words: 2776 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: Kalker, natural frequency, railway vehicle, torsion system, wheel-rail contact. Natural frequencies of torsion system keywords: contact; figure; model; rail; system; torsion; wheel cache: app01-8140.pdf plain text: app01-8140.txt item: #499 of 571 id: app01-8141 author: Hlubuček, Adam title: Digital Track Map for the VEXA expert system date: 2022-05-10 words: 3643 flesch: 48 summary: Keywords: Digital Track Map, VEXA, autonomous railway vehicle, expert system, GIS. 1. 35/2022 Digital Track Map for the VEXA Expert System Figure 1. keywords: data; digital; location; map; railway; system; track; track map; vexa cache: app01-8141.pdf plain text: app01-8141.txt item: #500 of 571 id: app01-8142 author: Kolář, Josef title: Modern railways for the 21st century – a challenge not only for designers date: 2022-05-10 words: 2533 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: Active safety, design vehicles, ETCS, high speed railway, modern railway transport, passive safety, regional railways. The paper outlines the basic goals for modern rail transport in the Czech Republic. keywords: czech; figure; railway; rolling; safety; speed; transport; vehicle cache: app01-8142.pdf plain text: app01-8142.txt item: #501 of 571 id: app01-8143 author: Krupík, Pavel title: Construction 4.0 in the concept of the railway date: 2022-05-10 words: 2408 flesch: 47 summary: Licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence Published by the Czech Technical University in Prague CONSTRUCTION 4.0 IN THE CONCEPT OF THE RAILWAY Pavel Krupík Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Construction Management and Economics, Thákurova 2077/7, 166 29 Prague 6, Czech Republic correspondence: Abstract. The dominant uncertainties are productivity, costs, quality of work, workforce and skills management, and health and safety, which are just some of the opportunities that Construction 4.0 could address. keywords: bim; concept; construction; future; industry; railway; systems; use cache: app01-8143.pdf plain text: app01-8143.txt item: #502 of 571 id: app01-8146 author: Kulich, Pavel ; Plášek, Otto title: Railway track deflection analysis by using evolutionary algorithms date: 2022-05-10 words: 1737 flesch: 56 summary: When solving the problem, we look for a combination of model parameters that leads to the best possible solution. Keywords: Railway track deflection, reverse analysis, evolutionary algorithms. keywords: analysis; deflection; layer; model; track cache: app01-8146.pdf plain text: app01-8146.txt item: #503 of 571 id: app01-8147 author: Leso, Martin title: The Railway 4.0 Concept – the vision of a digital railway in the Czech Republic (CR) date: 2022-05-10 words: 7656 flesch: 41 summary: The vision of ITS-R 2 defined the fundamental vision of railway technology 1The ITS-R vision was added into the strategic materials of the Ministry of Transportation in 2016 within the Implementa- tion Plan of the Action Plan for the Development of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in the Czech Republic by 2020 (with an outlook to 2050) as project No. 63, ZD-20, Pilot verification of ITS-R technology 2 SDT_rozvoj_ITS_na_zeleznici.pdf development. So far, no systematic and comprehensive change of safety technologies has taken place on a larger segment of the off-corridor lines. keywords: concept; control; czech; etcs; infrastructure; railway; republic; safety; supply; system; technologies; technology; transport cache: app01-8147.pdf plain text: app01-8147.txt item: #504 of 571 id: app01-8149 author: Šlapák, Jiří ; Michálek, Tomáš title: Comparison of selected parameters for evaluation of rail surface damage intensity date: 2022-05-10 words: 4234 flesch: 63 summary: The figure further shows that the parameter Tqst values are smaller than the wear number Tγ values in curve radii greater than 700 m. Then for smaller values of the curve radii, the parameter Tqst values are greater then the values of the wear number Tγ . Conversely, the parameter Tqst values are higher than the wear number in the very small curve radii. keywords: curve; curve radius; tqst; values; wear cache: app01-8149.pdf plain text: app01-8149.txt item: #505 of 571 id: app01-8150 author: Valehrach, Jan ; Říha, Tomáš ; Vendel, Jiří ; Plášek, Otto title: The long-pitch corrugation development in small radii curves date: 2022-05-10 words: 2807 flesch: 64 summary: Introduction Various technologies to remove rail defects such as the long-pitch corrugation are present. The development prediction, however, could not reflect some minor maintenance works, and also due to not very rich set of measured values, it is burdened with some uncertainty. keywords: corrugation; defect; development; pitch; progression cache: app01-8150.pdf plain text: app01-8150.txt item: #506 of 571 id: app01-8151 author: Vendel, Jiří ; Plášek, Otto ; Valehrach, Jan ; Říha, Tomáš ; Mach, Václav title: Comprehensive verification of the behavior of the continuous welded rail on the bridge date: 2022-05-10 words: 3563 flesch: 54 summary: A number of research projects focus on determin- ing the combined response of the bridge structure and continuous welded rail from individual types of additional stresses in the rails, which are: • stress from thermal changes in rails, • stress from thermal changes in bridge structure, • stress from traction and braking forces, • stress from classified vertical traffic loads. This work solves especially the first part of the problem, which is continuous welded rail and its role in the interaction system with a bridge. keywords: bridge; bridge structure; figure; rail; resistance; structure; track cache: app01-8151.pdf plain text: app01-8151.txt item: #507 of 571 id: app01-8236 author: Pavlů, Tereza; Pešta, Jan; Volf, Martin; Lupíšek, Antonín title: Catalogue of construction products containing secondary raw materials from different industries and municipal waste date: 2022-12-21 words: 3358 flesch: 41 summary: Also, it contains a list of valid requirements for the use of recycled materials under specific conditions of the Czech Republic. Meanwhile, the main regulation for high rates of recycling materials and their utilization in the construction industry is defined by Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 of the European Parliament and the Council, which focuses on sustain- able utilization of natural resources [6]. keywords: catalogue; construction; materials; production; products; table; use; waste cache: app01-8236.pdf plain text: app01-8236.txt item: #508 of 571 id: app01-8237 author: Migla, Lana; Lebedeva, Kristina title: Optimization model of solar cooling system with latent heat storage date: 2022-12-21 words: 4086 flesch: 51 summary: Thermophysical characterization of MgCl2·6H2O, xylitol and erythritol as phase change materials (PCM) for latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES). Critical review of latent heat storage systems for free cooling in buildings. keywords: change; cooling; energy; heat; pcm; phase; storage; system; temperature; transfer cache: app01-8237.pdf plain text: app01-8237.txt item: #509 of 571 id: app01-8240 author: Henriques Alves FERREIRA , Maria Teresa; AGUIAR COSTA, António; Dinis SILVESTRE, José title: Integrated sustainability assessment using BIM date: 2022-12-21 words: 3364 flesch: 45 summary: 2.3 Framework for BIM LCA LCC Analysis 3 Results 3.1 Buildings Assessment Information 4 Discussion 5 Conclusion Acknowledgements References LCA methodology analysis and its inte- gration into a BIM Plugin. keywords: analysis; assessment; bim; construction; environmental; lca; level(s; life; plugin; sustainability cache: app01-8240.pdf plain text: app01-8240.txt item: #510 of 571 id: app01-8241 author: Spurný, Jakub; Kabrhel, Michal title: Specifying boundary conditions for the operation of pipe heating systems with impact on the building energy balance date: 2022-12-21 words: 2690 flesch: 63 summary: One of the boundary conditions addressed is the effect of heating water temperature on the pressure loss in piping systems commonly known calculation for the total pressure loss is the sum of the pressure loss through the inserted resistances and the frictional 484 vol. Therefore, a comparison of the pressure losses at heating water temperatures from 75 °C to 30 °C at a step of 5 °C was made. keywords: flow; heating; temperature; water cache: app01-8241.pdf plain text: app01-8241.txt item: #511 of 571 id: app01-8244 author: Matschi, Christoph; Nemeth, Isabell title: Quantifying the impact of external and internal factors and their interactions on thermal load behaviour of a building date: 2022-12-21 words: 3436 flesch: 54 summary: For the energy-efficient design of district heating networks, knowledge about the neighborhood heat load behavior, through heating load profiles in high temporal and spatial resolution, is crucial. On the basis of these identified influencing factors, a simple method for the creation of heating load profiles will be developed with the help of a machine learning algorithm. keywords: behavior; building; data; heating; influence; load; parameters; year cache: app01-8244.pdf plain text: app01-8244.txt item: #512 of 571 id: app01-8248 author: Bilobran, Dawn title: The New Industrial Revolution: Finding life for the buildings left behind date: 2022-12-21 words: 3742 flesch: 36 summary: Inspired by expositions and planning movements that encouraged enhance- ment of public buildings and spaces, municipalities commissioned architects with portfolios of museums, libraries, and universities to partner with engineers on the design of new power facilities. Govern- ment agencies must do more to incentivize the reuse of legacy power plant facilities, dissuade the knee- jerk reaction to demolish and encourage thorough site remediation. keywords: adaptive; buildings; construction; design; facilities; heritage; new; plants; power; reuse; utility cache: app01-8248.pdf plain text: app01-8248.txt item: #513 of 571 id: app01-8255 author: Aguacil , Sergi; Morier, Yvan; Couty, Philippe; Bacher, Jean-Philippe title: Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) combined with hydrogen-based electricity storage system at building-scale towards carbon neutrality date: 2022-12-21 words: 4456 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: Building-integrated photovoltaics, building energy analysis, solar hydrogen storage, fuel cell, battery storage system. The building will already be equipped with energy storage in the form of Li-ion batteries but will provide enough space for further research, in our case, a H2 storage system with a co-generation fuel cell allowing to produce heat and electricity for the building. keywords: building; cell; efficiency; energy; fuel; storage; storage system; system cache: app01-8255.pdf plain text: app01-8255.txt item: #514 of 571 id: app01-8256 author: Mahdavi, Ardeshir; Berger, Christiane title: Toward a critical assessment of indoor environmental quality standards date: 2022-12-21 words: 3483 flesch: 41 summary: Thermal comfort standards typically refer to rele- vant (measureable) physical variables, such as air tem- perature, air speed, and water vapour concentration. Secondly, IEQ standards, in contrast to building con- struction and structure codes, cannot rely only on engineering sciences, but must also take into account findings from human and social sciences such as phys- iology, psychology, and sociology. keywords: air; building; comfort; evidence; health; ieq; occupants; requirements; standards cache: app01-8256.pdf plain text: app01-8256.txt item: #515 of 571 id: app01-8258 author: Kugl, Jiří title: The potential of unused railway areas date: 2022-12-21 words: 5252 flesch: 44 summary: This paper will explore the differences between “standard” brownfields and unused railway areas like the typical ownership structure, particular location within the city and the effect station has on the city structure, composition and topography of the areas or the fact that railway areas are most often never really fully abandoned and they do continue to serve in some, albeit diminished capacity. 2. Specifics of the unused railway areas First, it is necessary to define what we consider to be unused railway areas and what separates them from the usual term – brownfields. keywords: areas; buildings; city; czech; potential; railway; railway areas; revitalization; stations cache: app01-8258.pdf plain text: app01-8258.txt item: #516 of 571 id: app01-8261 author: Hernández, Jose L.; Quijano, Ana; Noaille, Pierre; Virtanen, Mikko; García, Rubén title: Digitalising cities: A methodology to map evaluation requirements into robust and feasible data collection approaches date: 2022-12-21 words: 4333 flesch: 44 summary: [9] A. Quijano, J. L. Hernández, P. Nouaille, et al. Sustainable cities: A KPI-driven sustainable evaluation framework for smart cities. Keywords: Digitalisation, sustainable cities, KPIs-based assessment, monitoring, decision-making, data. keywords: cities; city; data; energy; evaluation; framework; kpis; methodology; monitoring; mysmartlife cache: app01-8261.pdf plain text: app01-8261.txt item: #517 of 571 id: app01-8274 author: Bartko, Marek; Durica, Pavol title: Verification of window properties after 10 years of exploitation: results of measurements in the pavilion laboratory and the climate chamber date: 2022-12-21 words: 3180 flesch: 53 summary: Window simulation in simulation software In the design and planning process of a building, ther- mal bridges are analyzed for several construction frag- ments, including the window frame detail and the window fitting into the opening. With increasing demands for thermal pro- tection, window constructions are constantly evolving. keywords: chamber; climate; glazing; laboratory; pavilion; surface; temperature; window cache: app01-8274.pdf plain text: app01-8274.txt item: #518 of 571 id: app01-8276 author: Francesco, Salamone; Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Dobjani, Etleva; Ghellere, Matteo; Meroni, Italo; Shtylla, Arben; Shtylla, Saimir title: Bringing students closer to the issues of indoor environmental quality and technology using nEMoS device: an experience in Albania date: 2022-12-21 words: 2930 flesch: 53 summary: Finally, the TC analysis confirms the measured data (East classroom warmer than West classroom). Monitored environmental data: a) East classroom; b) West classroom. keywords: campaign; classroom; data; monitoring; school; students; west cache: app01-8276.pdf plain text: app01-8276.txt item: #519 of 571 id: app01-8277 author: Barton, Michael; Pichlmeier, Franziska; Wolter, Marissa; Schweigler, Christian title: Development of a realistic scenario for the thermal energy demand of residential buildings in Bavaria till 2050 date: 2022-12-21 words: 3671 flesch: 36 summary: Balance heat supply residential buildings in Bavaria 2016. Balance heat demand residential buildings in Bavaria 2016. keywords: building; co2; demand; emissions; energy; germany; heat; stock cache: app01-8277.pdf plain text: app01-8277.txt item: #520 of 571 id: app01-8279 author: Najaf Khosravi, Shiva; Teufl, Helene; Mahdavi, Ardeshir title: Measurement and CFD analysis of a local radiant cooling solution date: 2022-12-21 words: 3726 flesch: 47 summary: The main objective of this query was to explore the potential influence of the human presence on the air flow pattern around the radiant cooling panel. 4. Conclusion Using local radiant cooling panels has been suggested to be a potentially promising alternative to tradi- tional air-conditioning system. keywords: air; building; cfd; cooling; energy; environment; model; panel; simulation; turbulence; velocity cache: app01-8279.pdf plain text: app01-8279.txt item: #521 of 571 id: app01-8291 author: Fahlstedt, Oskar; Bohne, Rolf Andrè title: A theoretical assessment of transport emissions from institutional buildings in a Norwegian municipality date: 2022-12-21 words: 6723 flesch: 50 summary: Moreover, in the assessment, the hypoth- esis that transport emissions would be higher than building emissions was not the case. 3. Results The overall results showed that building emissions are always higher than the ones from transport for the first two electricity mixes (i.e., 402 and 136 g CO2eq/kWh). keywords: building; carbon; co2eq; emissions; energy; kwh; municipality; refurbishment; scenario; school; study; transport; years cache: app01-8291.pdf plain text: app01-8291.txt item: #522 of 571 id: app01-8297 author: Kopecký, Pavel title: Hygric performance of new building components for vertical green gardens date: 2022-12-21 words: 3701 flesch: 62 summary: Test samples differ in shape, arrangement of functional layers, water distribution means and irrigation patterns. The distribution of water along the top edge of test samples was therefore redesigned during spring 2021. keywords: figure; plants; samples; substrate; surface; temperature; test; vertical; water cache: app01-8297.pdf plain text: app01-8297.txt item: #523 of 571 id: app01-8298 author: Mandinec, Jan; Johansson, Pär title: Towards an automatized and objective assessment of data from visual inspections of building envelopes date: 2022-12-21 words: 4510 flesch: 52 summary: The latter part of the review was exemplified using computer vision based model (Build-Sense model) for detection of missing joints on a wall of Tjolöholms castle, a historical building in Sweden. Selection of renovation measures related to building envelope are often far from optimal as decisions are usually made based on visual inspections. keywords: building; computer; damage; data; detection; envelope; images; joints; model; study; vision cache: app01-8298.pdf plain text: app01-8298.txt item: #524 of 571 id: app01-8299 author: Loga, Tobias; Stein, Britta; Behem, Guillaume title: Use of energy profile indicators to determine the expected range of heating energy consumption date: 2022-12-21 words: 5866 flesch: 37 summary: These “energy profile indicators” are used as input for an energy perfor- mance calculation to determine an expected range of actual energy consumption. However, huge challenges are faced when cross-section and longitudinal analyses are needed to get an overall view of the refurbishment progress and energy consumption of housing stocks. keywords: building; calculation; consumption; data; energy; heat; housing; indicators; insulation; model; performance; profile; uncertainty; use cache: app01-8299.pdf plain text: app01-8299.txt item: #525 of 571 id: app01-8306 author: Fahlstedt, Oskar; Ma, Winnie title: Investigating the change in preference of living and transport during COVID-19 date: 2022-12-21 words: 6843 flesch: 55 summary: For all trans- port modes except biking, there was stated a range of increased travel time, see Figure 7. If given the opportunity to work from home at least once a week workers are less in- clined to let the distance to work be a deterministic factor as workers accept increased commuting time (5 % longer) between home and the work place [6]. keywords: car; emissions; home; pandemic; potential; residence; respondents; telecommuting; time; transport; travel; willingness; work cache: app01-8306.pdf plain text: app01-8306.txt item: #526 of 571 id: app01-8311 author: Haase, Matthias; Baer, Daniela title: Implementation of positive energy district concepts and energy master plans for decarbonization of districts date: 2022-12-21 words: 4998 flesch: 41 summary: 552 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 38:546–552, 2022 1 Introduction 1.1 Energy master planning (EMP) 1.2 Positive energy districts and EMP 1.3 Issues in energy supply (utility model) 2 Research question 3 Method 4 Results 4.1 Characteristics of new energy supply concepts 4.2 Emerging models 4.3 Therefore, understanding the different dimensions of sustainable development in combination with energy supply and consumption is more important than ever for planning and realizing settlements. keywords: building; business; community; district; emp; energy; implementation; models; peds; planning; public; sector; supply cache: app01-8311.pdf plain text: app01-8311.txt item: #527 of 571 id: app01-8313 author: Haase, Matthias title: A case study of implementing a renovation concept date: 2022-12-21 words: 3179 flesch: 59 summary: Scaling up deep energy renovations. The following assumptions were considered as shown in Table 1 (energy costs and emissions), Table 2 (investment costs), Table 3 (maintenance costs) and Table 4 (energy costs). keywords: boiler; co2; costs; emissions; energy; options; renovation; supply cache: app01-8313.pdf plain text: app01-8313.txt item: #528 of 571 id: app01-8314 author: Haase, Matthias; Motoasca, Emilia title: Characteristics of business models for innovation clusters in decarbonation projects date: 2022-12-21 words: 4486 flesch: 39 summary: In the energy sector the following characteristics to the business models for energy supply have been identified. There are no specific business models for energy supply applied to renovation of districts. keywords: buildings; business; business models; electricity; energy; innovation; models; production; service; supply; system; value cache: app01-8314.pdf plain text: app01-8314.txt item: #529 of 571 id: app01-8315 author: Bielek, Boris; Szabó, Daniel; Klem, Josip; Kaniková, Kristína; Danková, Alžbeta title: Twin Rooms – new experimental test cells for testing advanced facade elements date: 2022-12-21 words: 4683 flesch: 45 summary: Test cells consists of a solar laboratory – two-room for a comparative study of the effect of solar radiation and heat transfer on energy consumption and indoor climate. Twin rooms – new experimental test cells . . keywords: air; building; cells; climate; conditions; elements; energy; facade; heat; research; rooms; test cache: app01-8315.pdf plain text: app01-8315.txt item: #530 of 571 id: app01-8321 author: Michálková, Daniela; Ďurica, Pavol title: Natural materials in building construction - annual evaluation date: 2022-12-21 words: 2703 flesch: 46 summary: In this paper, we present values in the middle of structures’ height, apart from the interface between phenolic foam and OSB in S1, bearing in mind that we would have noth- ing to compare these values to in wall S1. According to Figure 8, wall S1 is capable of higher temperature regulation. keywords: figure; humidity; materials; period; temperature; wall cache: app01-8321.pdf plain text: app01-8321.txt item: #531 of 571 id: app01-8326 author: Santana-Sosa, Aída; Aichholzer, Martin; Mitrenova, Elena; Schachenhofer, Martin title: Exploring the State of Knowledge and Gaps Regarding Sustainability within Viennese Construction Industry date: 2022-12-21 words: 5047 flesch: 42 summary: However, 43.0 % and 50.6 % of the respondents considered that there is enough expertise, where the 24.4 % and 14.1 % respectively considered there are no need for further knowledge building in this regard. Specific expertise on sustainable planning approaches and confidence on using tools and software for this purpose were reported by 32.5 % and 35.3 % respectively as aspects with high knowledge gaps will- ing to be assessed. keywords: analysis; building; construction; design; knowledge; planning; project; strategies; sustainability cache: app01-8326.pdf plain text: app01-8326.txt item: #532 of 571 id: app01-8366 author: Allahvirdizadeh, Reza ; Andersson, Andreas ; Karoumi, Raid title: Estimating running safety factor of ballastless railway bridges using tail modelling date: 2022-08-18 words: 5402 flesch: 61 summary: Rail bridges for speeds > 200 km/h. European Rail Research Institute 1999. Dynamics of railway bridges. keywords: bridges; factor; failure; function; rail; railway; reliability; running; safety; speed; tail cache: app01-8366.pdf plain text: app01-8366.txt item: #533 of 571 id: app01-8381 author: Holický, Milan title: Reliability of a structure stricken by a tornado date: 2022-08-18 words: 3174 flesch: 59 summary: Further development of reliability theory of tornado-stricken structures is recommended to be focused on the risk analysis of appropriate systems, of which the considered structures are elements, on the target failure probability, on detailed analysis of the probability distribution of tornado wind speed and their frequency during the required lifetime of the structures. In the case of N tornados during the required life- time the failure probability pf,N is given by the prod- uct: pf,N = pA × keywords: design; probability; structure; tornado; wind cache: app01-8381.pdf plain text: app01-8381.txt item: #534 of 571 id: app01-8384 author: Jovanović, Balša ; Van Coile, Ruben ; Reynders, Edwin ; Lombaert, Geert ; Caspeele, Robby title: Maximizing information obtained from standardized fire tests using a Bayesian framework date: 2022-08-18 words: 3977 flesch: 57 summary: Finally, the failure probability is calculated for different values of test failure times and compared. Using the updating procedure and Monte Carlo simulations, the failure probability under a real fire condition was calculated for the range of test failure times from 110 to 150 min and it ranges from 8.35 − 2.03 · 10−3. keywords: concrete; failure; fire; heat; slab; temperature; test; time cache: app01-8384.pdf plain text: app01-8384.txt item: #535 of 571 id: app01-8385 author: Kinne, Marko ; Farhan, Muhammad ; Schneider, Ronald ; Thöns, Sebastian title: Influence of the structural integrity management on the levelized cost of energy of offshore wind: a parametric sensitivity analysis date: 2022-08-18 words: 4957 flesch: 40 summary: According to the EU strategy presented by the EU Commission in 2020, €800 billion will be invested in offshore re- newable energy over the next 30 years to increase the capacity of offshore wind energy from 12 GW to 60 GW by 2030 with an aim to reach a total capacity of 300 GW by 2050 As an example, in 2018 the LCoE of offshore wind energy in Germany was still higher than the LCoE of other main energy carrier such as brown coal [4]. keywords: analysis; energy; expenditures; input; lcoe; parameters; sensitivity; structures; support; turbine; wind cache: app01-8385.pdf plain text: app01-8385.txt item: #536 of 571 id: app01-8386 author: Kraus, Michael A. ; Bischof, Rafael ; Kaufmann, Walter ; Thoma, Karel title: Artificial intelligence - finite element method - hybrids for efficient nonlinear analysis of concrete structures date: 2022-08-18 words: 5517 flesch: 53 summary: For model selection, inspection of the Taylor dia- grams in Fig. 7 suggests that all described AI models possess great approximation quality with slight dif- ferences, where kNN outperforms ResNet and LGBM (in the order of decreasing approximation quality). The performances of different AI models according to the mentioned criteria are reported in Tab. 6 for configuration CF 0 (without reinforcement) and in Tab. 7 for configuration CF 1 (with reinforcement). keywords: algorithms; component; concrete; data; fem; material; model; reinforcement; results; stiffness; stress cache: app01-8386.pdf plain text: app01-8386.txt item: #537 of 571 id: app01-8394 author: McLeod, Christina Helen title: Establishing model uncertainty of SLS reinforced concrete crack models applied to load-induced cracking date: 2022-08-18 words: 5817 flesch: 57 summary: Supervisor Prof RI Gilbert, 2010. 134 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 36:127–134, 2022 1 Introduction 2 Model Uncertainty Treatment 3 Deterministic analysis of predicted crack width 3.1 BS 8007 crack model 3.2 EN 1992 crack model 3.3 MC 2010 crack model 4 Quantification of crack model uncertainty 4.1 Experimental database 5 Discussion on Model Uncertainty Quantification 5.1 Short term Tension 5.2 Long term tension 5.3 Evaluation of crack models - Pearson's correlations 5.4 Comparison to Flexure Model Uncertainty 6 Summary and concluding remarks References In addition, crack models are mostly empirically or semi-empirically derived so have not been assessed to any extent in reliability terms. keywords: concrete; crack; cracking; model; parameters; tension; term; uncertainty; width cache: app01-8394.pdf plain text: app01-8394.txt item: #538 of 571 id: app01-8398 author: Way, Andrew; de Koker, Nico ; Viljoen, Celeste title: Effect of decision parameter efficiency on target reliability date: 2022-08-18 words: 3942 flesch: 50 summary: 36/2022 Effect of decision parameter efficiency on target reliability limit states and probabilities of failure for ULS and SLS The various ULS failure mechanisms in Table 1 are chosen to illus- trate the effect of decision parameter efficiency on target reliability, in comparison to that obtained from the generic cost optimization. keywords: cost; decision; generic; limit; parameter; reliability; target cache: app01-8398.pdf plain text: app01-8398.txt item: #539 of 571 id: app01-8401 author: Van Coile, Ruben ; Jovanović, Balša ; Chaudhary, Ranjit Kumar ; Deckers, Xavier ; Lucherini, Andrea title: Simplified modelling of the performance of concrete tunnels during fire and post-fire damage classification date: 2022-08-18 words: 3777 flesch: 57 summary: The evaluation of concrete fire damage through the 300◦C isotherm (D300) and residual deformations is recommended. Heat release rate measurements in tunnel fires. keywords: concrete; damage; exposure; figure; fire; heating; phase; spalling; structures; tunnel cache: app01-8401.pdf plain text: app01-8401.txt item: #540 of 571 id: app01-8402 author: Thoma, Sebastian ; Fischer, Oliver title: Influence of plastic tension chord deformation on the shear capacity of prestressed beam elements date: 2022-08-18 words: 5202 flesch: 51 summary: Selected principal compressive strain and longitudinal strain εx are of the same order of magnitude in absolute terms and have an influence on the compression strut angle according to their difference. Since the proportion of longitudinal strain due to shear εx,V is already formulated as a function of the compressive strut angle θ, equation 1 is already part of the constrained nonlinear optimisation. keywords: compressive; concrete; input; model; parameter; reinforcement; response; shear; sobol; strain; strength; variance cache: app01-8402.pdf plain text: app01-8402.txt item: #541 of 571 id: app01-8403 author: Thienpont, Thomas ; Van Coile, Ruben; De Corte, Wouter ; Caspeele, Robby title: Structural reliability of hollow core slabs considering compressive membrane action date: 2022-08-18 words: 4083 flesch: 55 summary: Compressive membrane action can considerably improve the load bearing capacity of concrete slabs and beams in case of excessive loaded due to an accidental event. The above result highlights the importance of con- sidering the stochastic nature of the concrete tensile strength in a probabilistic assessment of concrete slabs prone to shear failure. keywords: capacity; concrete; load; model; restraint; slabs; test cache: app01-8403.pdf plain text: app01-8403.txt item: #542 of 571 id: app01-8404 author: Thabethe, Sibongiseni title: Probabilistic safety assessment of Koeberg spent fuel pool date: 2022-08-18 words: 3072 flesch: 57 summary: Analysis of the inherent response of nuclear spent fuel pools. Introduction Highly radioactive spent fuel assemblies that are un- loaded from the nuclear reactor core are typically stored for a certain period in cooling water pools called spent fuel pools (SFP). keywords: cooling; event; fuel; inventory; loss; pool; ptr; sfp cache: app01-8404.pdf plain text: app01-8404.txt item: #543 of 571 id: app01-8405 author: Teixeira, Rui ; Martinez-Pastor, Beatriz ; Nogal, Maria ; Micu, Alexandra; O’Connor, Alan title: The role of multi-fidelity modelling in adaptation and recovery of engineering systems date: 2022-08-18 words: 4912 flesch: 48 summary: While significant research has been di- rected to the need for accurate system models that can 229 R. Teixeira, B. Martinez-Pastor, M. Nogal et al. When the population size of 100 individuals is applied jointly with the convergence of the fitness function for 50 generations, the effective- ness of the HF DM making decreases substantially (decision times increase by more than 3); while in practical terms the MF model is largely unaffected by this. keywords: adaptation; decision; model; network; recovery; system; time cache: app01-8405.pdf plain text: app01-8405.txt item: #544 of 571 id: app01-8406 author: Teichgräber, Max ; Straub, Daniel title: A study on the effects of hidden safety when assessing existing structures date: 2022-08-18 words: 4982 flesch: 63 summary: However, a relative comparison to the probabilities of failure of the bridges designed or accepted/rejected by advanced traffic load models is valid, since the probabilities of failure are calculated on the same basis. An additional safety factor would be needed if advanced traffic load models were to be used for bridge design. keywords: design; failure; load; probability; structures; traffic cache: app01-8406.pdf plain text: app01-8406.txt item: #545 of 571 id: app01-8407 author: Sýkora, Miroslav ; Botte, Wouter ; Caspeele, Robby; Diamantidis, Dimitris ; Muttoni, Aurelio ; Steenbergen, Raphaël D.J.M. title: Probabilistic models for resistance variables in fib Model Code 2020 for design and assessment date: 2022-08-18 words: 6511 flesch: 54 summary: For MC design based on fck, this effect plays no role and Equation 11 reduces to ρc,des = γC,des Ed,des(κ)/[γC,EC Ed,EC (κ)]. For MC design based on dnom, Equation 12 reduces to ρs,des = γS,des Ed,des(κ)/[γS,EC Ed,EC (κ)]. keywords: assessment; concrete; design; factors; model; resistance; strength; structures; uncertainty cache: app01-8407.pdf plain text: app01-8407.txt item: #546 of 571 id: app01-8408 author: Swaalf, Franka E.M. ; Steenbergen, Raphaël D. J. M. title: Full probabilistic design of a submerged floating tunnel and format for partial safety factors date: 2022-08-18 words: 4355 flesch: 65 summary: The calculated factors from the full probabilistic design are compared with the general recommended partial factors for strength and resistance from Eurocode EN1990. The aim of this paper is to perform a full probabilis- tic calibration of partial factors for most relevant limit states of the SFT. keywords: design; factors; failure; load; section; sft; value cache: app01-8408.pdf plain text: app01-8408.txt item: #547 of 571 id: app01-8409 author: Simwanda, Lenganji ; De Koker, Nico ; Viljoen, Celeste ; Babafemi, Adewumi John title: Structural reliability of existing rc beams strengthened with UHPFRC tensile layers date: 2022-08-18 words: 3808 flesch: 49 summary: The first being to assess the viability of the stress-block section analysis in the estimation of nominal bending moment capacity of RC beams strengthened on the tensile side with UHPFRC layers, and the second being to present and apply a statistical methodology for conducting reliability analysis of existing RC beams strengthened with UHPFRC tensile layers. Other conceptual ideas include additional layers on the compression side or even including on the sides (referred to as jackets) to improve the bending resistance of RC beams. keywords: analysis; beams; concrete; corrosion; layer; reliability; steel; structures; tensile; uhpfrc cache: app01-8409.pdf plain text: app01-8409.txt item: #548 of 571 id: app01-8423 author: Thöns, Sebastian title: Structural assessment and expected utility gain date: 2022-08-18 words: 5501 flesch: 48 summary: This basic distinction leads to the denotation of utility actions and system state actions, respectively. In the context of existing structures, examples for system state actions are e.g., repair, replacement, strengthening and loading actions. keywords: action; analysis; decision; information; state; system; utility; value cache: app01-8423.pdf plain text: app01-8423.txt item: #549 of 571 id: app01-8429 author: Montet, Frédéric; Pongelli, Alessandro; Rial, Jonathan; Schwab, Stefanie; Hennebert, Jean; Jusselme, Thomas title: Energy performance estimation for large building portfolios with machine learning-based techniques date: 2022-12-21 words: 4681 flesch: 61 summary: In this context, establishing priorities in refurbishment strategies at the scale of a city or a group of buildings is important. This work includes (a) the integration of a knowledge database thanks to the Swiss CECB energy performance certificates, referencing more than 70 000 buildings, (b) the preparation of a training data set through the selection of relevant physical characteristics of buildings (input) and the corresponding energy consumption labels (output), (c) the development of predictive models used in a supervised way, (d) their evaluation on an independent test set. keywords: building; certificates; class; data; dataset; energy; model; performance; variables cache: app01-8429.pdf plain text: app01-8429.txt item: #550 of 571 id: app01-8475 author: Cucuzza, Marco; Di Stefano, Andrea Giuseppe; Iannaccone, Giuliana; Masera, Gabriele title: A guideline to support the use of off-site solutions for façade retrofitting through BIM-enabled processes date: 2022-12-21 words: 4345 flesch: 40 summary: The integration of rules and constraints pro- vided by all the actors – including manufacturers, architects, construction site managers and façade de- signers – at the beginning of the process, together with the BIM willingness to increment information across the stages, can be a step ahead in the adop- tion of Knowledge-Based Engineering in the design for manufacture of prefabricated façades. Information flow for panelisation process. keywords: bim; building; construction; design; energy; guideline; information; model; panels; process; site; stage cache: app01-8475.pdf plain text: app01-8475.txt item: #551 of 571 id: app01-8478 author: Bantová, Sylva; Ostrý, Milan; Struhala, Karel title: Durability of latent heat storage systems date: 2022-12-21 words: 3099 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: Phase change materials (PCMs), compatibility of materials, metal corrosion, mass changes, container, latent heat storage systems, durability, energy flexibility. Two organic-based and two inorganic-based phase change materials were selected for tests of compatibility with selected metals (aluminium, copper and brass) and plastics (PP-H, PE-HD, and PVC-U). keywords: corrosion; materials; metal; pcms; samples; storage cache: app01-8478.pdf plain text: app01-8478.txt item: #552 of 571 id: app01-8479 author: Řeřicha, Petr; Fajman, Petr; Davis, Lucy title: Rescue of a stone bridge with respect to current condition and standards date: 2022-12-21 words: 3318 flesch: 61 summary: Finite element bridge models It is difficult to account in a single complex model for the interaction of the spans and piers, the transverse asymmetry of the load and structure and non-linear arch behavior. Full 3D bridge model with two tandem axle forces. displacements). keywords: arch; bridge; linear; load; masonry; material; model; stone cache: app01-8479.pdf plain text: app01-8479.txt item: #553 of 571 id: app01-8490 author: Procházka, Michal; Zušťák, Zbyněk; Svoboda, Pavel title: Improving the properties of unburned earth to control the interior microclimate date: 2022-12-21 words: 4086 flesch: 67 summary: The article concerns the problematics of unburned earth used as material for moulding formwork or clay plaster with lowered contraction, especially about interior unburned earth plaster with the heightened percentage of clay and therefore improved sorption abilities. In the case of the use of unburned earth as clay plasters, the approximate proportion of clay is from 10 to 15 % by weight. keywords: clay; earth; mixture; plasters; plasticizer; shrinkage; step; water; weight cache: app01-8490.pdf plain text: app01-8490.txt item: #554 of 571 id: app01-8555 author: Adámek, Tomáš title: SUBSALS: a subchannel thermal-hydraulic code for IRT type fuel analysis date: 2022-12-06 words: 5001 flesch: 56 summary: To include a surface roughness ε in the calculation, Zigrang-Sylvester’s approximation [8] to Colebrook-White correlation, is implemented as: 1 √ ft. = −2 log10 { ε 3, 7dh + 2, 51 Re[ 1, 14 − 2 log10 ( ε dh + 21, 25 Re0,9 )]} , (7) which is the same form as implemented in the stan- dard thermal-hydraulic codes, e.g. system code RE- LAP5/MOD3 [9] or subchannel code CTF Results of water velocity, water temperature and cladding temperature distributions calculations were compared from both codes with uniform radially- azimuthal power profile, hence total heat-flux to each subchannel in individual axial nodes was the same. keywords: axial; cladding; code; fuel; power; subchanflow; subchannel; subsals; temperature; velocity; water cache: app01-8555.pdf plain text: app01-8555.txt item: #555 of 571 id: app01-8556 author: Ansorge, Martin; Novák, Jan; Majerle, Mitja; Kozic, Ján title: The characterization of the collimated beams of fast neutrons with the clid detection system date: 2022-12-06 words: 3933 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: NPI, collimated fast neutron beams, cyclotron U-120M, CLID, Proton-Recoil-Telescope. Licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence Published by the Czech Technical University in Prague THE CHARACTERIZATION OF THE COLLIMATED BEAMS OF FAST NEUTRONS WITH THE CLID DETECTION SYSTEM Martin Ansorgea, b, ∗, Jan Novákb, Mitja Majerleb, Ján Kozica, b a Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, V Holešovičkách 747/2, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic b Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 250 68 Řež, Czech Republic ∗ corresponding author: Abstract. keywords: clid; data; energy; figure; mev; neutron; new; nuclear; prt; reactions cache: app01-8556.pdf plain text: app01-8556.txt item: #556 of 571 id: app01-8558 author: Gonzalez, Jheffry; Ševecek, Martin title: Modelling of fission gas release in UO2 doped fuel using transuranus code date: 2022-12-06 words: 4108 flesch: 60 summary: Rod 1 UO2 doped fuel diffusivity case A (b) . Rod 1 UO2 doped fuel diffusivity case B (c) . keywords: case; diffusivity; fission; fuel; gas; model; release; rod; transuranus cache: app01-8558.pdf plain text: app01-8558.txt item: #557 of 571 id: app01-8559 author: Jíška, Pavel; Frýbort, Jan title: Proposal of point-wise power reconstruction for IRT-4M fuel assemblies in coupled Monte-Carlo calculations date: 2022-12-06 words: 4239 flesch: 53 summary: In the Figure 3, reference values of power density im- balance factors k(i)q for fuel tubes cells in core positions E6 and B6 are depicted. These notations will be used throughout this work for a simplification: (1.) cell-based model where the detailed FA model is utilized and a mesh of cell detectors (MOCD) is directly included in the main universe as individual fuel meat cells, (2.) universe-based model where the simplified FA model is utilized and a mesh of cell detectors (MOCD) is included in a separate universe as mesh of individual detector cells over- lapping the main universe, (3.) keywords: cell; detectors; fuel; function; mesh; model; power; rbf; reconstruction cache: app01-8559.pdf plain text: app01-8559.txt item: #558 of 571 id: app01-8562 author: Novotný, Pavel title: Determination of radionuclide impurities in pure beta radiation sources by semiconductor spectrometry date: 2022-12-06 words: 3093 flesch: 53 summary: The paper presents a technique for the determination of radionuclide impurities in the mixtures of pure beta-emitting nuclides. The proposal of a method for the identification and quantification of radionuclide impurities in the mix- tures of pure beta-emitting nuclides was one of the ob- jectives of the recently completed MetroBeta project, which was supported by the European Metrology Pro- gramme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) keywords: activity; beta; energy; impurity; method; radionuclide; spectra; spectrum cache: app01-8562.pdf plain text: app01-8562.txt item: #559 of 571 id: app01-8564 author: Pinta, Jan title: On the ongoing computation of the LVR-15 reactor fuel burnup date: 2022-12-06 words: 3813 flesch: 58 summary: In fact, there is a majority of fuel assemblies with nonzero burnup contained inside the LVR-15 reac- tor core at the beginning of each cycle. Overview of fuel assemblies with this attribute is listed in Table 2 alongside with the in- formation whether any particular fuel assembly was present in the corresponding operation cycle. keywords: burnup; calculation; fuel; lvr-15; process; reactor; serpent; × × cache: app01-8564.pdf plain text: app01-8564.txt item: #560 of 571 id: app01-8565 author: Šikl, Matěj title: Reactor criticals and spent fuel systems similarities date: 2022-12-06 words: 2658 flesch: 49 summary: Even though similarities were high enough to stor- age pool only, possibility of validation of code for spent fuel systems calculation was proved when reac- tor criticals were used. Many conservative assumptions for subcriticality assessment calculations have to be made in current calculations of spent fuel storage systems. keywords: calculations; criticals; fuel; reactor; storage; systems cache: app01-8565.pdf plain text: app01-8565.txt item: #561 of 571 id: app01-8611 author: Zavřel, Vojtěch; Matuška, Tomáš; Slanina, Petr title: Experimental monitoring of autonomous curtain walling facade module date: 2022-12-21 words: 3863 flesch: 55 summary: The demonstration façade unit is compounded from three main modules: an opaque module with BIPV and integrated flat-plate batteries, an opaque module with BIPV and façade integrated Peltier AC unit and a transparent module with BIPV and active shading device. Metering definition Unit Metering definition Unit Peltier cells consumption kWh Peltier AC unit inlet – interior °C Fans consumption kWh Peltier AC unit inlet – exterior °C Back-up heating consumption kWh Peltier AC unit outlet – interior °C Back-up cooling – fan consumption kWh Peltier AC unit inlet – exterior °C Monitoring system consumption kWh Back-up cooling – inlet water temperature °C LED lighting consumption kWh Back-up cooling – outlet water temperature °C Total electricity consumption kWh Back-up cooling – water mass flow °C PV production kWh Indoor temperature °C Battery supply kWh Indoor relative humidity % PV surplus metering via electric heater kWh Outdoor temperature °C Outdoor relative humidity % Solar irradiance on façade - exterior W/m2 Table 1. keywords: cooling; curtain; energy; façade; module; monitoring; peltier; system; unit cache: app01-8611.pdf plain text: app01-8611.txt item: #562 of 571 id: app01-9159 author: Ďureje, Jakub; Prošek, Zdeněk; Trejbal, Jan; Potocký, Štěpán; Hlůžek, Radim title: Treatment of polypropylene microfibers by atmospheric and low-pressure plasma – application to a reinforced cement composite containing recycled concrete date: 2023-07-24 words: 2400 flesch: 58 summary: Polypropylene surface modification by low pressure plasma to increase adhesive bonding: Effect of process parameters. For the same duration, the fibers were modified in atmospheric pressure plasma, where the working was atmospheric air. keywords: atmospheric; fibers; modification; plasma; pressure; samples; surface cache: app01-9159.pdf plain text: app01-9159.txt item: #563 of 571 id: app01-9211 author: Hálková, Barbora; Schmidt, Jaroslav title: Modelling of laminated glass interlayer by fractional viscoelasticity date: 2023-07-24 words: 3123 flesch: 58 summary: Maxwell model. Keywords: Laminated glass, polymer interlayer, theory of viscoelasticity, fractional viscoelasticity, springpot, generalized Maxwell model, fractional calculus, storage modulus. 1. keywords: chain; data; figure; maxwell; modulus cache: app01-9211.pdf plain text: app01-9211.txt item: #564 of 571 id: app01-9213 author: Chalupová, Jana; Němeček, Jiří; Hybášek, Vojtěch; Pommer, Vojtěch; Němeček, Jiří title: Measurement and evaluation of cement paste porosity by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy date: 2023-07-24 words: 4015 flesch: 56 summary: Resistance and capacitance of cement paste samples evaluated with different equivalent circuit models: EC, SEC. 40/2023 Measurement and evaluation of cement paste porosity . . keywords: cement; concrete; eis; impedance; measurement; model; paste; pores; porosity; samples; sec; spectroscopy cache: app01-9213.pdf plain text: app01-9213.txt item: #565 of 571 id: app01-9215 author: Pavelcová, Veronika; Janda, Tomáš title: Extracting general knowledge of model parameters for clays out of numerous laboratory tests date: 2023-07-24 words: 4044 flesch: 52 summary: In comparison to high-plasticity clay, only moderate correlations between Atterberg’s limits and model parameters have been observed for low-plasticity clay. Then a method of how could existing data be used to obtain general knowledge of the prop- erties of these individual parameters was presented in Section 4 and finally, the paper summarized extracted basic statistical data of model parameters with respect to USCS classification in Section 5. keywords: cam; clay; clay model; laboratory; line; model; parameters; soil; state cache: app01-9215.pdf plain text: app01-9215.txt item: #566 of 571 id: app01-9216 author: Tichá, Petra; Domonkos, Mária; Rácová, Zuzana; Demo, Pavel title: Application of cold atmospheric plasma for mold inactivation date: 2023-07-24 words: 2822 flesch: 49 summary: The aim of this study was to present the new environmentally friendly method (cold atmospheric plasma treatment) for decontamination of indoor environments contaminated by mold spores, with the potential to become an effective replacement for conventional methods, such as ultraviolet-C (UV-C) germicidal irradiation. This study demonstrated that cold atmospheric plasma is a more effective method for reducing mold spores on agar compared with germicidal UV-C irradiation. keywords: growth; inactivation; mold; plasma; spores; treatment cache: app01-9216.pdf plain text: app01-9216.txt item: #567 of 571 id: app01-9217 author: Vozáb, Jan; Vorel, Jan title: Generation of LDPM structure formed by Voronoi cells date: 2023-07-24 words: 2668 flesch: 63 summary: In the Figure 2 they are shown Figure 4. Structure of circular Voronoi particles before composition. Structure of circular Voronoi particles after composition. keywords: figure; ldpm; particles; points; structure; voronoi cache: app01-9217.pdf plain text: app01-9217.txt item: #568 of 571 id: app01-9218 author: Žalská, Tereza; Šejnoha, Michal title: Return mapping scheme for the Hoek-Brown model with tension cut-off date: 2023-07-24 words: 3974 flesch: 64 summary: = σ1 − σt, (15) T2(σ2,σt) = σ2 − σt, (16) T3(σ3,σt) = σ3 − σt, (17) where σt ≤ σt is the prescribed tensile strength. − σ3 − σci ( s − mb σ1 σci )a , (4) where σ1 and σ3 are the maximal and minimal ef- fective principal stresses, respectively. keywords: return; stress; surface; yield cache: app01-9218.pdf plain text: app01-9218.txt item: #569 of 571 id: app01-9221 author: Lebeda, Martin; Kabele, Petr title: Analysis of tunnel excavation based on linear DFN-FEM modelling date: 2023-07-24 words: 4600 flesch: 53 summary: In the rock mass with vertical fractures, the higher initial horizontal stress results in horizontal convergence, which is signifi- cantly larger than the vertical one (Figure 7). According to the current state of art in the field of rock mechanics, brittle structures (or fractures, in- cluding faults and joints) have the dominant effect on the overall mechanical response of the rock mass keywords: dfn; excavation; figure; fractures; model; rock; stiffness; stress; tunnel; volume cache: app01-9221.pdf plain text: app01-9221.txt item: #570 of 571 id: app01-9226 author: Veselý, Jakub; Šmilauer, Vít title: Hygro-mechanical model for concrete pavement with long-term drying analysis date: 2023-07-24 words: 4002 flesch: 59 summary: Performance evaluation of concrete pavement slab considering creep effect by finite element analysis. Concrete slab should be able to cope with the resulting fracture process zone since the slab is contin- uously supported and controlled by displacement to a large extent. keywords: concrete; drying; figure; hygro; location; model; moisture; pavement; shrinkage; slab; strain; term cache: app01-9226.pdf plain text: app01-9226.txt item: #571 of 571 id: app01-9231 author: Sekavová, Hana; Prošek, Zdeněk; Tesárek, Pavel title: Dependence of mechanical and thermal properties on the composition of lightweight gypsum composites date: 2023-07-24 words: 2778 flesch: 58 summary: Another advantage of the whole concept of produc- ing gypsum blocks based on recycled gypsum waste is that waste from the production of gypsum blocks can be incorporated into the mix as a primarily in- ert material. One of the ways to use the treated gypsum waste is in gypsum mixtures for the production of gypsum blocks. keywords: blocks; gypsum; materials; properties; samples; values; waste cache: app01-9231.pdf plain text: app01-9231.txt