320 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 1(1): 320–321, 2014 320 doi: 10.14311/APP.2014.01.0320 Concluding Remarks Gennady S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan1 1Space Research Institute, Profsoyuznaya str. 84/32, Moscow 117997, Russia, and National Research Nuclear University ”MEPHI”, Kashirskoye Shosse, 31, Moscow 115409, Russia Corresponding author: gkogan@iki.rssi.ru Abstract Short comments to the conference talks. Keywords: cosmology - X-ray sources - SNe - star formation - AGN - jets - GRB. 1 Cosmology SZ effect (S. Colafrancesco, M. Arnaud): does it help investigation of CMB fluctuation? SZ influence on the CMB spectrum in clusters interferes with pri- mordial CMB perturbations. So we have: *contamination with cluster scale CMB perturba- tions *clumpiness of a gas inside cluster does not permit to extract cosmological parameters from the compari- son of radio and X ray observations. B. Harms: Gravitational waves as a dark energy - Strong Gravity Branes support GW density constant (seems like vacuum EoS), but GW produce gravity, not antigravity, like DE. N. Panagia: SN1a, WMAP, Planck - are the cos- mological parameters coincide inside error bars (Hubble constant and DE density) ? 1 2 Magnetic Field in Astrophysics *Core-collapse SN explosions *CR acceleration in SNR *Accretion disk structure and coronae formation *Jet formation and collimation *Magnetic accretion and cyclotron lines *Magnetars 2.1 X-ray sources Heating of accretion disk corona by magnetic recon- nection (S. Orlando). About 35 years ago this problem was considered in papers of G. S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan and S. I. Blinnikov ”A hot corona around a black-hole accretion disk as a model for Cygnus X-1.” Sov.Astron.Lett. 2, 191-193 (Sep.- Oct. 1976) and A.A. Galeev, R. Rosner, G.S. Vaiana ”Structured coro- nae of accretion disks”. ApJ, 229, 318-326 (April 1979). In the first paper a convective instability of the radiation dominated region in accretion disks was es- tablished, and its connection with formation of a hot corona was considered. ”Heat transfer in the region of maximum energy re- lease of an accretion disk will take place mainly by con- vection, serving to enhance the turbulence and to gener- ate a powerful acoustic flux. The hard X-rays emitted by Cyg X-1 (E ≤ 200 keV ) might result from Comp- tonization of soft photons in a corona formed around the disk through this heating.” In the second paper the magnetic mechanism of the corona heating over the convective region of the accre- tion disk was studied. ”A model for the fluctuating hard component of in- tense cosmic X-ray sources (such as Cyg X-I) is devel- oped, based upon the amplification of magnetic fields by convective motions and differential rotation within a hot (T > 106 K) accretion disk. Field reconnec- tion within the inner portion of the disk is shown to be ineffective in limiting field amplification; magnetic fields may therefore attain strengths comparable to the equipartition value, leading to their emergence via buoyancy in the form of looplike structures and result- ing in a very hot (T > 108K) magnetically confined, structured corona analogous to the observed structure of the solar corona. The energy balance of these loop structures is examined, and it is shown that the disk soft X-ray luminosity determines the predominant en- ergy loss mechanism in loops: at low disk luminosi- ties, thermal bremsstrahlung from these loops domi- 1Resent discovery (arXiv:1312.3313) of an error in the Planck detector at 217 GHz make the differences even less convincing. 320 http://dx.doi.org/10.14311/APP.2014.01.0320 Concluding Remarks nates and contributes a steady, shot-noise-like hard X- ray component. At high disk luminosities the emerging loops are Compton-cooled; the soft X-ray flux from the disk is Comptonized by the emerged loops, forming a transient, flarelike hard X-ray component.” Schematic drawing of the inner accretion disc corona, heated by magnetic reconnection in the emer- gent magnetic loops, (from the second paper) is given in Fig.1. V. Simon: Analogy between LMXB KS1731-260 (ms pulsar), and Her X-1 (P ≈ 1.24 sec) does not seems to be realistic. In particular, these objects have very different magnetic fields, with 2-4 orders of magnitude difference in strength 2.2 Jets, GRBs and SGRs A long time before the magnetar concept for SGRs came out, a related object called magnetoid was con- sidered by L.M. Ozernoi in the paper ”A theory for the forma- tion and structure of quasistellar radio sources quasar model as supermassive star.” Astron. Zh. 43, 300-312 (1966). ”A ”magnetoid” is a quasistationary configuration whose equilibrium is governed by a magnetic field, pro- vides an idealized representation of many effects occur- ring in galactic nuclei and especially in the central parts of quasars. The gravitational energy released through secular contraction of the nucleus is the ultimate source of the intense quasar radiation. The magnetic field is an important intermediary. ... Local jets and streams of matter connected with active regions may occur when quasar nuclei reach global quasiequilibrium. Although the magnetoid approach furnishes a unified explanation for the basic property of quasistellar radio sources - an intense and variable flux emitted over a fairly long pe- riod - many aspects necessarily remain speculative.” Now there is a general opinion that quasars and AGN are connected with an accretion into supemassive black holes, may be, besides a minority, represented by W. Kundt, who gave a talk ”Astrophysics without black holes and extragalactic GRBs”. There are some observational evidences which do not support a magnetar model for SGRs, so later it could join its magnetoid predecessor. J. Beall: Numerical simulations, jets of different scale. Heating of the surrounding matter by jet propa- gation. M. Della Valle: GRB and SNe connection - ques- tions remain. 2.3 SN 1987A B Ashenbach: X ray development of SN 1987A 3 Fundamental Problems of Physics Chemistry in Astrophysics. Susana Iglesias Groth the talk ”The impact of fullerenos, PAHs and amino acides in high energy astrophysics”. Thermodynamics and Gravity. Marco Merafina & Daniele Vitantoni the talk ”Data analysis of globular cluster Harris cata- log in view of the King’s models and evolution” Gravitational Theory. Mariafelicia de Laurentis the talk ”Testing f(R) - theories using the first time derivative of the orbital period of the binary pulsars” Leopoldo Milano the talk ”Eccentric eclipsing detached binaries: a toll for testing gravitational theories” 4 Conclusion Many topics, covering almost all sides of the modern as- trophysics were presented. Number of participants and number of reports is increasing. Duration of talks is de- creasing proportionally from 35 min maximal duration talk (1999), to 25 min (2013) In the conference of Japan Astronomical Society (1978) the duration of each talk was 5 minutes, and some participants managed to show more than 50 transparances during this time (competition). Let us hope, that Franco Giovannelli will find a better so- lution! Thank you Franco, and Collaborators! 321 Cosmology Magnetic Field in Astrophysics X-ray sources Jets, GRBs and SGRs SN 1987A Fundamental Problems of Physics Conclusion