242 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 2(1): 242–245, 2015 242 doi: 10.14311/APP.2015.02.0242 Line Evolution of the Nova V5587 Sgr from Early to Nebula Phase T. Kajikawa1, A. Arai1,2, M. Nagashima1, H. Kawakita1, M. Yamanaka3,4,5, K. Kawabata3, S. Kiyota6 1Kyoto Sangyo University, Koyama Astronomical Observatory 2University of Hyogo, Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory 3Hiroshima University 4Kyoto University 5Konan University 6VSOLJ Corresponding author: kajikawat8@gmail.com Abstract The spectral evolution of the nova V5587 Sgr has been monitored at Koyama Astronomical Observatory and Higashi- Hiroshima Observatory, Japan, from the early to nebula phase. The nova rebrightened several times. The spectra during the early phase showed emission lines of Hα, Hβ, O I, He I, He II, N II, Fe II. Nova V5587 Sgr is classified into the Fe II type. The helium abundance of the nova is estimated as N(He)/N(H) = 0.134 ± 0.09. The light curve, the spectral evolution, and the helium abundance in V5587 Sgr are similar to those of the nova PW Vul. Keywords: cataclysmic variables - classical novae - optical - spectroscopy - photometry - individual: V5587 Sgr. 1 Introduction Photometric observations of novae are usually per- formed by many observers worldwide. The light curves of the novae have been revealed in detail, and they can be classified into several classes (Strope et al. 2010). In contrast, spectroscopic observations of novae are not performed as frequently as photometric observa- tions because (i) the number of available spectrographs (and observers) are limited; (ii) some fraction of no- vae are too faint to observe by spectrographs in their later phase (or even at the maximum for some novae). As novae show a variety of spectral evolutions, spec- troscopic monitoring can provide new insights into the physics and chemistry of novae. For example, recently Nagashima et al. (2013) detected molecular absorption bands of C2 and CN in nova V2676 Oph. (This is the first detection of C2 in novae and the second for CN.) This detection was performed as a part of long-term spectroscopic observations of this nova. The light curves of novae in some classes (Strope et al. 2010) can be successfully reproduced by models (as reviewed by Prof. Kato at this meeting). However, the light curves in the “Jitter”and “Oscillation”classes (Strope et al. 2010) could not be reproduced well by the models. In this paper, we focus on the “Jitter”class and introduce our recent spectroscopic observations of V5587 Sgr classified in this class. We discuss the nature of this nova as it is likely that there are differrent types of oscillations (i.e., different physical conditions) of no- vae in the “Jitter”class. Different types of novae might 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 100 200 300 400 500 V ( m a g n itu d e s) Days after discovery (t) V5587 Sgr PW Vul Figure 1: V band magnitudes of V5587 Sgr and PW Vul. The light curve of V5587 Sgr is from Higashi- Hiroshima Observatory, VSNET, and AAVSO observa- tions. The light curve of PW Vul was refer to the online data of Strope et al.(2010). 242 http://dx.doi.org/10.14311/APP.2015.02.0242 Line Evolution of the Nova V5587 Sgr from Early to Nebula Phase be mixed together in this class. Even though there are high-quality photometric and spectroscopic obser- vations for some Jitter class novae, the mechanism for their rebrightening is still unclear (Tanaka et al. 2011). By frequent spectroscopic observations, we can observe phenomena useful to reveal the physics of the nova. In order to investigate the mechanism for the rebrighten- ing in the “Jitter”class novae, we have conducted spec- troscopic observations of V5587 Sgr in 2011 – 2012. The nova V5587 Sgr (= Nova Sgr 2011 No.1) was discovered on UT 2011 January 25.86 by Nishimura (Nakano et al. 2011). The first low-dispersion spec- trum was obtained on UT 2011 January 28 at Koyama Astronomical Observatory. The spectrum shows promi- nent emission lines of Hα, Hβ and O I. These features suggest that this object is a classical nova (Arai 2011; Imamura 2011). 2 Observations Our photometric and spectroscopic observations were performed at two sites. One site is Koyama Astro- nomical Observatory (Kyoto Sangyo University, Ky- oto, Japan). We used the 1.3m Araki telescope with the LOSA/F2 spectrograph (Arai et al., in prep.) for low-dispersion spectroscopy. The wavelength cover- age is 400 – 800 nm and the spectral resolving power is R = λ/∆λ ∼ 580 at 600 nm. The other site is Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory (Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan). We used the 1.5m Kanata telescope with TRISPEC (Triple Range Imager and SPECtro- graph with polarimeter, shutdown in 2012) for photom- etry and with HOWPol (Hiroshima One-shot Wide-field Polarimeter) for spectroscopy. Its wavelength coverrage is 400 – 1000 nm, and spectral resolving power is R ∼ 400 at 600 nm. 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 N o rm a liz e d f lu x + c o n st . Wavelength (nm) +596d +229d +213d +185d +167d +154d +147d +129d +100d +93d +81d +69d +68d +61d +60d +45d +43d +39d +35d +27d +11d +9d +8d H e I I (4 6 8 .6 ) H β F e I I( 4 2 ) (4 9 2 .4 ) F e I I( 4 2 ) (5 0 1 .8 ) F e I I( 4 2 ) (5 1 6 .9 ) [O I II ] (4 9 5 .9 ) [O I II ] (5 0 0 .6 ) N I I (5 6 8 .0 ) [N I I] ( 5 7 5 .5 ) H e I ( 5 8 7 .4 ) [O I ] (6 3 0 .0 ) [O I ] (6 3 6 .3 ) H α H e I ( 6 6 8 .1 ) H e I ( 7 0 6 .5 ) [O I I] ( 7 3 3 .0 ) O I ( 7 7 7 .4 ) Figure 2: The normalized spectra of V5587 Sgr observed from +8d (= UT 2011 February 2) to +596d (= UT 2012 September 12) after the discovery. These spectra were obtained at Koyama Astronomical Observatory except for the data on +35d and +45d (= UT 2001 March 3 and 12), taken at Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory. 243 T. Kajikawa et al. 3 Results Figure 1 shows light curves of V5587 Sgr. Since V5587 Sgr showed an erratic variation in the light curve, we consider that the nova is classified in the “Jitter”class. Particularly, V5587 Sgr seems to be a member of the sub-class prototyped by PW Vul as shown in Strope et al. (2010). Based on the light curves, we determined the date of the visual maximum as 9 days after dis- covery and also determined t2 = 12 days and t3 = 108 days. From (B - V) at maximum magnitude and at t2, we estimate the color excess by intersterllar extinction; E(B - V) = 0.85 – 1.26. The light curve of V5587 Sgr is quite similar to that of the “Jitter”class nova PW Vul as shown Figure 1 (Schwarz et al. 1997, and references therein). PW Vul was discovered on 1984 July 27 (= JD 2445917) by Wakuda (Kosai 1984). This nova reached its maxi- mum light of 6.3 magnitude in the V band on 1984 Aug 4th. We compare V5587 Sgr with PW Vul from various viewpoints in the next section. 500 550 N o rm a liz e d f lu x Wavelength (nm) +45d +43d +39d +35d +27d +11d +9d +8d Hβ Fe II (42) Figure 3: The spectra of V5587 Sgr in early phase. The nova never showed any regrowth of a P-Cygni pro- file. Figure 2 shows the growth of Hα, Hβ, He I, He II, N II, [N II], O I, [O I], [O II], and Fe II emission lines of V5587 Sgr. Novae that exhibit rebrightening in the early phase often show the regrowth of a P-Cygni profile (Tanaka et al. 2011, Csak et al. 2005) as in V4745 Sgr. However, V5587 Sgr has never shown this behavior (Figure 3). It is considered that the nova entered into the neb- ula phase between July 11 to July 29 because the [O III] forbidden emission lines dominated Hβ at that time (Figure 4). We assume that the electron density in the nebula phase was ne = 10 6 ∼ 108 cm−3 according to Iijima & Esenoglu (2003) and Iijima (2006), and we estimate the helium abundance of the ejecta based on the data between July 11 and July 29 ; N(He)/N(H) = 0.134 ± 0.09 (for ne = 106 cm−3), N(He)/N(H) = 0.139 ± 0.09 (for ne = 108 cm−3). 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 N o rm a liz e d f lu x Wavelength (nm) +147d +129d H e I I (4 6 8 .6 ) H β [O I II ] + F e I I( 4 2 ) N I I (5 6 8 .0 ) H e I ( 5 8 7 .4 ) [O I ] (6 3 0 .0 ) [O I ] (6 3 6 .3 ) H e I ( 6 6 8 .1 ) H e I ( 7 0 6 .5 ) [O I I] ( 7 3 3 .0 ) O I ( 7 7 7 .4 ) Figure 4: The spectra of V5587 Sgr in nebular phase(+129 days and +147 days after its maximum). An emission line of He II was recognized in these spec- tra. 4 Discussion & Conclusion The decline rates, amplitudes, and intervals of rebright- ening observed in V5587 Sgr are similar to those of PW Vul. This fact suggests that the WD mass and physical parameters related to the explosion of V5587 Sgr would be similar to those of PW Vul. Comparison between the spectra of V5587 Sgr and PW Vul also lead us to the same conclusion, namely, they are similar to each other, e.g., the late-phase spectra of V5587 Sgr (shown in Fig- ure 4 in Rosino and Iijima 1987). Figure 5 also shows helium abundances vs t3 in 20 various novae. Helium abundance of V5587 Sgr seems to be similar to that of PW Vul. This figure indicates that helium abundance is not correlated with t3. In summary, we have performed photometric and low-dispersion spectroscopic observations of V5587 Sgr from early to nebula phase. The photometry showed erratic variations of the light curve. The spectra dur- ing the early phase showed emission lines of Hα, Hβ, and Fe II (i.e., Fe II type) and V5587 Sgr never showed regrowth of a P-Cygni profile. The nova entered the nebula phase between July 11 to July 29 (t = 158 to 178days). We estimated that the helium abundance of V5587 Sgr is N(He)/N(H) = 0.134 ± 0.09. The nova is very similar to PW Vul considering decline rates, spec- tral features, and helium abundance. We obtained a new sample of the “Jitter”class novae. 244 Line Evolution of the Nova V5587 Sgr from Early to Nebula Phase -1 -0.5 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 lo g 1 0 (N (H e )/ N (H )) log10t3 V1494 Aql(1) V723 Cas(2) V2468 Cyg(3) Cl Aql(4) V407 Cyg(5) V1500 Cyg(6) QU Vul(7) V351 Pup(8) U Sco(9) PW Vul(10),(11) V842 Cen(11) V827 Her(11) QV Vul(11) V2214 Oph(11) V977 Sco(11) V443 Sct(11) V1668 Cyg(11) V693 CrA(11) V1370 Aql(11) V5587 Sgr Figure 5: The helium abundance of 20 novae. References: (1) Iijima & Esenoglu (2003); (2) Iijima (2006); (3) Iijima & Naito (2011); (4) Iijima (2012a); (5) Iijima (2012b); (6) Ferland (1978); (7) Schwarz (2002); (8) Saizar (1996); (9) Iijima (2002); (10) Schwarz et al. (1997); (11) Andreä et al. (1994). 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