293 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 2(1): 293–296, 2015 293 doi: 10.14311/APP.2015.02.0293 Non Relational Models for the Management of Large Amount of Astronomical Data B. L. Martino1, M. Federici 2 1Associated INAF IAPS 2Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, INAF IAPS Via fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Roma, Italy Corresponding author: brunolmartino@iasi.cnr.it Abstract The objective of this paper is the comparison between two different database typologies: the relational and the non- relational architecture, in the context of the applications related to the use and distribution of astronomical data. The specific context is focused to problems quite different from those related to administrative and managerial environments within which were developed the leading technologies on which are based the modern systems of massive storage of data. The data provided by astronomical instrumentation are usually filtered out by the front-end system (trigger, anticoincidence, DSP etc.), so they do not require special controls of congruence. Moreover, the related storage systems must be able to ensure an easy growth, minimizing human systemistic interventions and automating the related actions. The use of a non-relational architecture (NoSQL), offers great advantages during the insertion of informations within a data base, while the response speed of the queries is mainly tied to their type and complexity. Keywords: DBMS - MongoDB - NoSQL - MySQL - GSC catalog. 1 Using DBMS A careful planning of the use of a file system allows to store informations in a rational way but, whatever the criterion used to organize an archive based only on files, it is not possible to build a search system that can guar- antee sufficient flexibility. The user of a database, con- ceived in this manner, is required to know in detail its structure and it’s organization. Almost any application focused on the analysis of astronomical data may read data in FITS format (Wells et al., 1981) FITS format allows to add to a collection of data a set of additional information used to allow their better characterization. A DBMS (Data Base Management System) is a soft- ware infrastructure designed to operate on large data sets with the goal of optimizing the data: • storage • access • sharing • protection A DBMS allows, through the use of its command lan- guage, the imposition of constraints of consistency, the creation of indexes to improve performance and re- trieval of data independently from their physical rep- resentation. Well-known examples of the use of ad- vanced databases in high-energy physics are represented by SPIRES (Bourne et al., 2003), OPERA (Agafonova et al., 2009) and !CHAOS (Bisegni, 2012) and is con- solidated practice their adoption as a storage medium in the ground segment. 1.1 Relational models The relational databases today are the most popular; the model they are based it was proposed by Codd (1970). The relational model allows access to data at the logical level by providing a complete independence from their physical organization. The logical represen- tation of the data in the relational model is based on the concept of relationship, in algebraic terms; it is common to use the term ”table” in place of ”algebraic relation- ship” and the term ”relationship” to indicate an as- sociation between the data. The language SQL (Date et al., 1997) is the standard language ”de facto” for defining, manipulating and interrogation of relational databases; this is a declarative language and not pro- cedural. In the relational model a logical unit of work is defined transaction and is constituted by a sequence of operations of reading and writing, which must meet some properties, known as ACID property (from Atom- icity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability). Atomicity: a transaction is an atomic unit of operations, validated or canceled depending on whether or not they reach a suc- cessful conclusion (rollback / commit); Consistency: at 293 http://dx.doi.org/10.14311/APP.2015.02.0293 B. L. Martino, M. Federici the end of the transaction if the initial state is correct, even the final state must be; Isolation: the action of a transaction should not interfere with each other; Du- ration: the effects of a transaction must be persistent; The most popular relational databases are ORACLE (Kunh, 2010) and MySQL (Schwartz, 2012)). 1.2 Non relational models Recently, have been developed a series of new DBMS systems, to provide an high horizontal scalability, in or- der to achieve high performance in the read / write op- erations of database distributed across multiple servers geographically delocalized (cloud). Many of these new systems are called NoSQL data stores. The definition of NoSQL, which stands for ”Not Only SQL” or ”Not Re- lational”, was used for the first time in 1998 for an open source relational database. The non-relational systems, do not attempt to provide the classic ACID guarantees, typical of relational databases, but embrace the model B.A.S.E. (Basic Available, Soft-state, Eventual consis- tency) where some constraints are relaxed: Basic Avail- able: the database can operate even if a part is no longer available; Soft-state: the system status may change over time even in absence of input data; Eventual con- sistency: the data may not be updated immediately, but will be consistent throughout the system within a finite time As stated by the CAP theorem (Lynch et al., 2002) can not be achieved Consistency, Availability and Partition tolerance at the same time but only two of these features at a time. The systems based on non- relational architecture follow the BASE model and are those that allow to overcome the major limitation of the RDBMS (Relational Data Base Management System): the scalability. In many areas, consistency and/or avail- ability offered by relational databases are not essential, e.g. in astronomy and astrophysics applications. In a highly available and tolerant partitioning system, alter- ation of data base will reach all nodes not instantly but within a finite time, if a reading is done on a node is not synchronized with the last write, it returns the last valid data (stale data). 2 DBMS NoSQL A property of NoSQL database is to be free of pattern (schemaless), with consequent advantages and disad- vantages like ease of deployment, but sometimes, more difficulties to construct complex queries. The non- relational logical models not have the same expressive power of the relational model and can be classified into four main families: key-value, column-family, document store and graph. The most common are the MongoDB NoSQL architecture (Chodorow, 2011), HBase (George, 2011) and Cassandra (Lakshman et al., 2010); their characteristics are summarized in Figure 1. MongoDB is a document-oriented database, which is based on ag- gregates, which may have a structure with multiple hi- erarchical levels and groups that can be variously in- dexed. MongoDB uses the JavaScript language, which is inherently single-threaded while Cassandra uses the language CQL (Cassandra Query Language, simplified variant of SQL), which allows the management of dis- tributed databases. Both rely on the file system of the machine on which they were installed without introduc- ing data abstractions. HBase is a distributed database (based on the project Hadoop (Sammer, 2012) writ- ten in Java, that uses storage devices located on dif- ferent hosts also geographically distributed, intercon- nected via networks. HBase uses HDFS, a portable and scalable distributed file system initially developed for the framework Hadoop. Figure 1: Key features of NoSQL architectures. To carry out complex operations is used the MapReduce paradigm (Dean et al., 2004), which allows to divide the computation in many elaborations of lower complexity to achieve the processing of large datasets in parallel on multiple cores/CPU/computer. 3 MySQL vs MongoDB In order to evaluate the possible use with advantage of non-relational architectures in astronomy and astro- physics area we realized the MDBirs system (showed in Figure 2), composed by 10 PC, equipped with In- tel i7, 16Gbytes of RAM, 2 HD 1Tbytes connected via ethernet LAN at 1Gbit of speed Figure 2: The MDBirs System. 294 Non Relational Models for the Management of Large Amount of Astronomical Data In order to assess objectively the behavior of the sys- tem tests were carried out so as not to make use of the advanced characteristics of the query languages used. For this reason it was chosen as the working set of data the GSC catalog (Stars General Catalog). GSC is com- posed of a single table and is used primarily to provide support for the planning and guiding stars of the HST observations (Dalcanton, 2009), the JWST (Gardner at al., 2006), Gaia (Busso et al., 2012) and some ground- based telescopes of new generation. Furthermore, the services provided by the machines on which they are installed databases are not affected by processes (user or system) not strictly essential to their functioning and the software installed on the machines which host the test has been aligned to the same versions. The databases under test are the two most widely used open source architectures in the world, mySQL for its versa- tility, speed and diffusion and MongoDB for its attitude to the horizontal growth (scalability) and its robustness. Starting from the data available, have been generated some of the series of samples of increasing amplitude, so as to highlight the behavior of the two systems both with regard to populate the database, than to retrieve the information of interest. The test was performed us- ing queries significant from the point of view of the com- munity of users, which allow to highlight the behavior of databases in real operating conditions. In particular: • query1: selection on HEALPix (mapping system applied to the celestial sphere) • query 2: selection of objects in a spatial region which satisfy some conditions in magnitude and color • query 3: selection of non-stellar objects which meet a condition in color • query 4: computing of the average magnitudo, resolution of one degree square 4 Test Results The database engine installed by default in MySQL since version 5.0 (InnoDB) is transactional, ACID com- pliant and uses the row-level locking strategy (con- straint of exclusive use for the time necessary to perform the required actions). The data entry test was made from data provided in CSV (text data whose fields are marked by the separator character comma.) As shown by the graph in Figure 3, the behavior of MongoDB is faster than mySQL, thanks to the absence of checks carried out on the integrity of the data; information are stored in files as key-value pairs. Figure 3: Insert performances vs data set size. Regarding the execution time of the test queries, the results are shown in the graph of Figure 4 and are sub- stantially comparable. In the case of the GSC catalog , the occupation of the relevant MySQL table is about 116 Gbytes of data collection while the correspond- ing MongoDB occupies about 657 Gbytes (the size is 5 times bigger). The tables were not associated with indexes, so searches are performed on the whole set of data with a time dependent to amplitude of the set it- self. Figure 4: Queries performances vs data set size. 5 Future Activities MongoDB is a good choice to obtain good safety and performances using local data sharding. Our goal is to achieve a full geographic data delocalization (CLOUD) in order to obtain: continuity of access to data (total disaster recovery) to the user community optimized av- erage access time We evaluated two possible scenarios: HBase: Hadoop Based NoSQL Data Base Cassandra: The Apache Cassandra database HBase is a master- slave system including two types of machines: HMas- ter: access control HRegionserver: local data replica- tion By using the Stargate plugin can be achieved local caches able to speed up response times by minimizing the network traffic to the master. Every region server keeps a copy of the data so the system ensures very 295 B. L. Martino, M. Federici high reliability. It is a NoSQL solution initially devel- oped by Facebook which has in the P2P architecture its focal point. 6 Conclusions MongoDB has proven much more efficient and fast in data entry and is particularly suited to the manage- ment of flows of data to be stored without downtime. In the configuration we used the rate of loading is about 15000 rows/sec (the average rows length is 256 bytes). By using more powerful hardware such as high speed network interfaces (10 Gbit/sec or higher) it’s possible to greatly increase the speed of data acquisition. Re- garding the search of data in the database the results show a behavior strongly dependent on the number of records and the presence or absence of critical elements such as complex calculations. The command language of MongoDB does not contain any advanced mathemat- ical primitives as in the case of MySQL, which can rely on a large library of mathematical functions. The use of MongoDB on structures designed to be handled by a RDBMS is inappropriate because it does not exploits the potential of its schemaless organization (nosql). Acknowledgement We thanks Paola Marrese by ASDC-ASI for providing us the test data, , the Director of IAPS-INAF Prof Pietro Ubertini, and a special thanks to Franco Gio- vannelli and his staff for allowing us to participate to this workshop References [1] Wells, D. C., Greisen, E. W., and Harten, R. H.: 1981, A Flexible Image Transport System. Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series, 44, 363-370. [2] Bourne, C. P., Hahn, T. B.: 2003, A history of online information services, 1963-1976, MIT press. [3] Agafonova, N., et al.: 2009, The detection of neutrino interactions in the emulsion/lead target of the OPERA experiment, Journal of Instrumentation. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/4/06/P06020 [4] Bisegni, C.: 2012, Thesis in Computer Science, University Tor Vergata, Rome. [5] Codd, E.F.: 1970, A relational model of data for large shared data banks, Communications of the ACM 13 (377-387). doi:10.1145/362384.362685 [6] C. J. Date, C. 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