323 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 2(1): 323–324, 2015 323 doi: 10.14311/APP.2015.02.0323 Concluding Remarks D. V. Bisikalo1 1Institute of Astronomy RAS, Moscow, Russia Corresponding author: bisikalo@inasan.ru Keywords: cataclysmic variables. There are four persons making the concluding re- marks of the conference, so I restricted myself by the 1-st part when we discussed the CVs. I am pleased to note that the scientific level of our meeting has been quite high. I have heard all 46 talks on CVs and only one has not been new for me, my own ”Magnetic CVs behaviour: a review”. I would like to stress the very good organization of the conference program, which, in particular, appeared as a balanced number of reviews and contributed talks. I was really impressed by the review talks made by Franco Giovannelli & Lola Sabau-Graziati, Hans Rit- ter & Ulrich Kolb, Joseph Patterson, Margaretha Pre- torius, Pietro Parisi, Christian Knigge, Edward Sion, Paula Szkody, Klaus Reinsch, and Solen Balman. All these talks contain the absolutely comprehensive mate- rial available today on the discussed problems. I do not reproduce their content, since all of them can be found in this book of proceedings, but I want to note that any researcher, studying CVs, independently on the age and scientific status, will find them useful. Nonetheless I would like to focus on one of the important prob- lems addressed in the talks. This is the problem raised by Hans Ritter. We all know that during the last 30 years the RKcat (undoubtedly, the most known cata- logue of CVs and related objects) has been annually supplemented at a rate of approximately 9% a year. However, in his talk, Hans Ritter has drawn our atten- tion to two important points: 1) servicing the data base is now practically a full-time job, 2) he will not be able to provide this service any longer. At this point a natu- ral question for the entire binary community arises, who will continue with RKcat and in what form?”. Happily the authors of this catalogue still intensively work and we have time to solve this problem. But, of course, we all should think about it. The contributed talks have been well prepared and delivered, and the reader may see it when reading the papers in the book of proceedings. Like for the reviews I will not retell the content of even the most interest- ing talks, but I will try to pick out general tendencies that came out after analysis of the contributions. Be- sides, I will highlight the results that might be useful for a broader community of researchers, studying ob- jects and problems other than CVs. The first point, I would like to mention, is grand astronomical progress in South Africa. Its scientists have presented 7 talks, some of which delivered by very young persons, and all of them have excited an intense interest of the audience. Undoubtedly, this burst of ac- tivity is concerned with the development and launch of the SALT. And, in spite of the fact that David Buckley still regards the obtained results as an appetizer, they obviously have become the main course in various fields of astrophysics. The presented talks revealed that theoretical stud- ies and interpretations (both in the number of delivered talks and excited interest) noticeably dominate over ob- servations. Indeed we have heard wonderful analyti- cal and numerical contributions that not only explain available observational data both from the space and ground-based instruments but also possess the great potential for the predictions, analysis and generaliza- tion of upcoming data. I do not want to focus on a particular work - since I hope that the reader will first get familiar with the original papers but not these con- cluding remarks however, I must emphasize noticeable progress in observational methods. This has become my discovery that by using quite simple modifications one can significantly improve the quality of Doppler to- mography (see the papers of E. Kotze, M. Uemura, S. Zharikov, S. Potter, D. Kononov) Observational works have mostly followed a conser- vative way of data accumulation, which, undoubtedly, is the most important part of any research and the ba- sics of scientific progress. At the same time we have got some surprises: .Odendaal has told us that CAL83 is a new candidate to AE Aqr-like system; J. V. Her- nandez Santisteban et al. have confirmed the detection of a sub-stellar donor star in a CV; D. Chochol et al. have reported the superoutburst observations of a pos- sible new helium-rich dwarf nova 2013 in Hercules. The next important aspect in the development of observa- tions is concerned with the effective usage of surveys (see, e.g., the wonderful paper of P. Szkody about CVs from SDSS and the paper of P. Cartera about CVns in 323 http://dx.doi.org/10.14311/APP.2015.02.0323 D. V. Bisikalo SDSS) and data from space telescopes (see e.g. the pa- pers of P. Parisi, S. Balman, M. Kotze, V. Suleimanov, A. Semena). Resuming my concluding remarks I would like to stress that the conference was not only interesting, but also useful. I thank the organizers of the conference not only for the nice time, spent in the marvelous place, but also for the opportunity to discuss all the results in the friendly atmosphere. As I found when talking with many participants, we all are interested in the continuation of this series of meetings and in making this conference recurrent. Franco Giovannelli & Lola Sabau-Graziati and their team are the main engine of the conference and I hope that they will continue this hard job, the organization of CVs conferences. 324