Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings doi:10.14311/APP.2016.5.0069 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 5:69–73, 2016 © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2016 available online at DEPLOYMENT OF ERTMS IN CZECH REPUBLIC Jiří Vopava∗, Mária Jánešová, Radek Kratochvíl CTU in Prague, Czech Technical University in Prague – Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Konviktská 20, 110 00, Prague ∗ corresponding author: Abstract. The article describes current situation and expected deployment of international standard for automatic rail vehicle protection in Czech Republic for period 2014 – 2020. Article introduces expected status in 2020 and subsequent implementation of commitments until 2026. It introduces expected result of gradual implementation for tracks and vehicles. It also displays brief deployment overview of European Rail Traffic Management System in European Union countries for each level of European Train Control System. Keywords: ERTMS, ETCS, GSM-R, Interoperability. 1. Introduction The ERTMS is automatic train protection which rep- resents basic part of interoperability in European rail system. The term is abbreviation of "European Rail Traffic Management System" and it was defined to synchronize nationals systems to the one common compatible system. Urgency of the unification and cooperation between European countries caused an increase in freight which had negative impact for en- vironment and ecology. The implementation of in- teroperability and automatic train protection across European countries allows competition to air and car freight. Implementation of the standard is business initiative that transforms the operation of the tracks, enhance safety, capacity, performance and reliability. It also have impact on reduce of cost of operation and maintenance. ERTMS is divided into two basic components. The first one is ETCS "European Train Control System" and second GSM-R "Global System for Mobile Com- munication for Railway". The ERTMS allow one compatible system for cross- border traffic what reduce cost for implementation several regional stand-alone systems. The synchro- nization of automatic train protection increase com- petitiveness of the European rail sector. GSM-R "Global System for Mobile Communica- tions – Railway" is a radio system based on GSM standard for providing of voice and data communica- tion between vehicle and track. ETCS "European Train Control System", is an au- tomatic train protection system to replace the existing national systems. The ETCS replaces about twenty different automatic train protections across European track. It can be configured to operate in one of the fol- lowing application levels to enable ETCS equipped vehicles to operate in not ETCS equipped system where the safe movement of the vehicle is controlled by the default national control system: Figure 1. ETCS L1 [1] • Level 0 – ETCS equipped vehicles operating on lines without ETCS system, • Level 1 – an conventional line-side signal is passed to the train via a switched transmitter on the track, repeating the indication from the conventional sig- nalling system, which continues to be used to sup- port safe train separation. It is the Figure 1, • Level 2 – movement authority is passed by the GSM-R radio network from a Radio Block Centre to the train. Conventional train detection systems are utilized in conjunction with interlocking systems used to enforce safe train separation. It is the Figure 2, • Level 3 – it builds on Level 2, but increases safe train separation using critical data from the train. It is the Figure 3. 2. Deployment of ERTMS in Czech Republic The Czech Republic contributing to the fulfillment of legal solutions arising from following documents: • DIRECTIVE 2008/57/EC OF THE EURO- PEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL 69 J. Vopava, M. Janesova, R. Kratochvil Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings Figure 2. ETCS L2 [1] Figure 3. ETCS L3 [1] of 17 June 2008 on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community • DECISIONS 2012/88/EU, Commission De- cision of 25 January 2012 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the control-command and signalling subsystems of the trans-European rail system (2012/696/EU a 2015/14/EU) • REGULATION (EU) No 1315/2013 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 11 December 2013, on Union guidelines for the development of the trans- European transport network and repealing Decision No 661/2010/EU • REGULATION (EU) No 1316/2013 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 11 December 2013, es- tablishing the Connecting Europe Facility, amending Regulation (EU) No 913/2010 and repealing Regu- lations (EC) No 680/2007 and (EC) No 67/2010 The deployment is defined in document "Národní im- plementační plán ERTMS" released by ministry of transport. The document defines maximum amount of payloads for each project GSM-R and ETCS L2 with respect to co-financing from ERTMS funds. It also defines expected deployment schedule of each project. Between 2005 and 2014 was equipped 1132 km of tracks across of the Czech Republic. It is connected to Figure 4. Map of GSM-R implementation [2] Figure 5. Map of ETCS implementation [2] the GSM-R SŽDC, DB, ÖBB, ProRail and the home network operator. There are now mobile terminals equipped with GSM-R all ČD vehicles used in regular operation. Almost all ČD vehicles used in regular operation are now equipped with GSM-R terminals. The first stage with fully deployed ETCS system at 2021 will be track "Praha – Česká Třebová – Brno – Břeclav". Following Tables 1, 2, 3 display figures for expected schedule of deployment of GSM-R, ETCS L2 and vehicle on-board equipment for period 2014 – 2020 (– 2026). The Figure 6 below visualizes data from tables above. It displays total amount of deployments for each year until 2020. Figure 6. Total amount of expected deployments 70 vol. 5/2016 Deployment of ERTMS in Czech Republic No. Track Distance [km] Deployment 1 Uzel Praha (Beroun – Praha – Benešov u Prahy – Lysá nad Labem) 120 2014-2015 2 České Velenice st. hr. Rakousko – České Budějovice – Horní Dvořiště st. hr. Rakousko 110 2015-2016 3 Plzeň – České Budějovice 136 2015-2016 4 Kolín – Havlíčkøuv Brod – Křižanov – Brno 195 2014-2016 5 Benešov – Votice 20 2015-2016 6 Beroun – Plzeň – Cheb st. hr. Německo 169 2014-2016 7 Cheb – Vojtanov st. hr. Německo 20 2015-2016 8 Znojmo – Šatov st. hr. Rakousko 13 2015-2016 9 Ústí nad Orlicí – Lichkov st. hr. Polsko 35 2015-2016 10 Votice – České Budějovice 100 2016-2017 11 Hranice na Moravě – Horní Lideč st. hr. Slovensko 67 2016-2017 12 Ústí nad Labem – Oldřichov u Duchcova/Úpořiny – Most – Karlovy Vary – Cheb 212 2017-2018 13 Pardubice – Hradec Králové 22 2019-2020 14 Zábřeh na Moravě – Šumperk 13 2019-2020 15 Praha – Letiště V. Havla Ruzyně – Kladno 31 after 2020 16 Brno – Přerov 90 after 2020 17 Plzeň – Domažlice st. hr. Německo 72 after 2020 18 Velký Osek – Hradec Králové – Choceň 96 after 2020 TOTAL 1521 Table 1. Expected track deployment with GMS-R [3] No. Track Distance [km] Deployment 1 Kolín – Břeclav st. hr. Rakousko/Slovensko 277 2012-2016 2 Kralupy nad Vltavou – Praha – Kolín 110 2016-2017 3 st. hr. Německo – Dolní Žleb – Kralupy 112 2017-2019 4 Petrovice u Karviné st. hr. Polsko – Přerov – Břeclav 206 2015-2017 5 Praha-Uhřiněves – Votice 54 2016-2017 6 Votice – České Budějovice 101 2017-2018 7 Česká Třebová – Přerov 110 2016-2018 8 Plzeň – Cheb st. hr. Německo 117 2016-2018 9 Beroun – Plzeň 70 2016-2018 10 Dětmarovice – Mosty u Jablunkova st. hr. Slovensko 53 2017-2019 11 České Velenice st. hr. Rakousko – České Budějovice – Horní Dvořiště st. hr. Rakousko 112 2017-2019 12 Ústí nad Orlicí – Lichkov st. hr. Polsko 37 2018-2020 13 Kolín – Nymburk – Mělník – Děčín východ – Děčín-Prostřední Žleb 159 after 2020 14 Kolín – Havlíčkøuv Brod – Brno 200 after 2020 15 Praha – Lysá nad Labem 35 after 2020 16 Praha – Letiště V. Havla Ruzyně – Kladno 31 after 2020 17 Praha – Beroun 43 after 2020 18 Plzeň – Domažlice st. hr. Německo 72 after 2020 19 Pardubice – Hradec Králové 22 after 2020 20 Plzeň – České Budějovice 136 aftre 2020 21 Brno – Přerov 90 after 2020 22 Hranice na Moravě – Horní Lideč st. hr. Slovensko 67 after 2020 23 Uzel Praha 40 after 2020 24 Český Těšín – Ostrava-Svinov 41 after 2020 25 Velký Osek – Hradeck Králové – Choceň 96 after 2020 26 Cheb – Karlovy Vary – Chomutov 111 after 2020 27 Ústí nad Labem – Chomutov, Ústí nad Labem – Bílina 101 after 2020 TOTAL 2603 Table 2. Expected deployment of equipment upgrade ERTM/ETCS [3] 71 J. Vopava, M. Janesova, R. Kratochvil Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings No. Track Distance [km] Deployment 1 Kolín – Břeclav st. hr. Rakousko/Slovensko 250 2015-2019 2 Kralupy nad Vltavou – Praha – Kolín 100 2016-2019 3 st. hr. Německo – Dolní Žleb – Kralupy 100 2017-2019 4 Petrovice u Karviné st. hr. Polsko – Přerov – Břeclav 130 2015-2020 5 Praha-Uhřiněves – Votice 40 2016-2020 6 Votice – České Budějovice 50 2017-2020 7 Česká Třebová – Přerov 50 2016-2020 8 Plzeň – Cheb st. hr. Německo 40 2016-2020 9 Beroun – Plzeň 40 2016-2020 10 Dětmarovice – Mosty u Jablunkova st. hr. Slovensko 20 2017-2020 11 České Velenice st. hr. Rakousko – České Budějovice – Horní Dvořiště st. hr. Rakousko 50 2017-2020 12 Ústí nad Orlicí – Lichkov st. hr. Polsko 20 2018-2020 13 Kolín – Nymburk – Mělník – Děčín východ – Děčín-Prostřední Žleb 100 after 2020 14 Kolín – Havlíčkøuv Brod – Brno 100 after 2020 15 Praha – Lysá nad Labem 30 after 2020 16 Praha – Letiště V. Havla Ruzyně – Kladno 20 after 2020 17 Praha – Beroun 30 after 2020 18 Plzeň – Domažlice st. hr. Německo 40 after 2020 19 Pardubice – Hradec Králové 20 after 2020 20 Plzeň – České Budějovice 50 after 2020 21 Brno – Přerov 60 after 2020 22 Hranice na Moravě – Horní Lideč st. hr. Slovensko 30 after 2020 23 Uzel Praha 20 after 2020 24 Český Těšín – Ostrava-Svinov 20 after 2020 25 Velký Osek – Hradec Králové – Choceň 40 after 2020 26 Cheb – Karlovy Vary – Chomutov 50 after 2020 27 Ústí nad Labem – Chomutov, Ústí nad Labem – Bílina 50 after 2020 TOTAL 1550 Table 3. Expected track deployment of ETCS L2 [3] After 2020 will be deployed around 250 km tracks and 150 vehicles every year until 2026. Strategies transition from the current national sys- tem VZ SS to European interoperable system Class A – ETCS consists a combination of investment in track equipment and train equipment. In the first phase will be equipped only international traffic trains. During migration will vehicles equipped with ETCS parallel with VZ LS that allow operation of both systems together. ETCS should be fully migrated for first and second rail corridor and the track Přerov – Česká Třebová at the latest to 2030. After the migration period will be completely de- commissioned national systems VZ LS and fully de- ployed ETCS system. In some cases can be deployed new special sections equipped solely with ETCS, which will be designed to operate only vehicles equipped with ETCS even before end of migration period. i.e. a railway connection Václav Havel airport Prague and Prague center. 3. Deployment of ERTMS in other European countries Unification of Europe requires to all transport sys- tems operates without restrictions and time losses, especially when crossing borders. The Deployment started in most of European Union countries. Following countries started participation on deployment of the ERTMS standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Den- mark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United King- dom. The Figure 7 displays amount of kilometers con- tracted tracks for each country. The Figure 8 displays covering of the ERTMS di- vided by level of tracks. The Figure 9 displays amount of deployed on-board equipment of vehicles for each country. The Figure 10 displays levels of on-board equipment implemented in vehicles. 72 vol. 5/2016 Deployment of ERTMS in Czech Republic Figure 7. ERTMS contracted tracks [km] in EU Figure 8. TRACKS in EU separated by level 4. Conclusions By 2020 the GSM-R will cover major sections of the Rail Freight Corridors in the Czech Republic. The sys- tem will be further deployed progressively on all 3700 km of national routes in order to create comprehensive operational tracks. ETCS deployment priority by 2020 is Rail Freight Corridor 7, partially corridors 8, 9, 5 and the track Přerov – Česká Třebová. By 2020, it is necessary to ensure the development of the ETCS about 1350 kilometers of tracks and 890 vehicles, ie. for additional six years, around 250 km of tracks and 150 vehicles every year, but this is conditional on the timely implementation of the modernization infrastructure. This requires the necessary financial resources for the trackside and on-board ERTMS and creating mo- Figure 9. Global ERTMS vehicles contracted in Europe Figure 10. Vehicles in EU separated by level tivational factors and efficient financial support equip- ping vehicles with on-board equipment of GSM-R and ETCS. References [1] The European Rail Traffic Management System, Portál ERTMS [online]. [2016-02-12], [2] Národní implementační plán ERTMS 2014-2020, Portál ACRI [online]. [2016-02-12], 20ETCS/2015_Cech,%20Varadinov.pdf. [3] Národní implementační plán ERTMS, Portál ministerstva dopravy [online]. [2016-02-12], 7FF4FAF1-1EBE-4116-BF90-808EC7306E04/0/ NIPERTMSNPweb.pdf. 73,%20Varadinov.pdf,%20Varadinov.pdf Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 5:69–73, 2016 1 Introduction 2 Deployment of ERTMS in Czech Republic 3 Deployment of ERTMS in other European countries 4 Conclusions References