Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings doi:10.14311/APP.2017.12.0001 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 12:1–4, 2017 © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2017 available online at AN ISSUE OF INTELLIGENT ROAD TRANSPORT IN KAZAKHSTAN Kairatolla K. Abishev∗, Ruslan B. Mukanov, Asylbek Zh. Kasenov, Almagul N. Baltabekova S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar city, Republic of Kazakhstan ∗ corresponding author: Abstract. The article reviewed the road transport sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan and found a significant role in ensuring road transport of freight and passengers. Shown needs to improve the work of transport-communication complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of using the latest information and communication technologies. Described advantages of realization of several intellectual transport technologies. Presented modern level of using satellite navigational systems on the automobiles, in addition written some automation and informational aspects of controlling transport processes. Also presented measures to solve technological rearmament problem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Keywords: The Republic of Kazakhstan, automobile transport, Intelligent transport systems, dis- patching system. 1. Introduction The Republic of Kazakhstan is entering a new phase in the reform of its economy, defining the purpose a significant increase in the efficiency of the national development system. Message from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to the people has become a new strategic project on the path of accelerated development of the national economy, in close collaboration with the world of the global economy. Presenting in his Letter deeply thoughtful and detail-calculated economic and social strategy for the further successful movement of the people of Kaza- khstan to the prosperity, peace and the achievement of higher goals, the President gave her the name of "Nurly Zhol – Path to the Future". This program is intended to be the growth engine of the national economy in the upcoming years to improve the welfare and quality of life of every citizen in Kazakhstan. According to the president, the most important area for the development of Kazakhstan’s is the transport and logistics infrastructure. Improving the transport sector is more than urgent for Kazakhstan in condi- tions when there is a problem of intensification of trade and economic cooperation with Europe and East Asia. The introduction of intelligent transport systems will facilitate the organization of international transport, cargo tracking, and reduce the time of delivery, pro- vide high performance and security of transport and logistics processes. 2. Main part Transport plays the most important role in the Re- public of Kazakhstan life. On one hand, it is a very big territory (2725 thousand. km2), low density of its population (an average of about 6 people / km2), very big distances between sources of raw materials and production resources. In this situation, trans- port and communication complex provide not only the economic but also the political integrity of the country. On the other hand, the geographical location in the heart of the Eurasian continent, far from the main la- bor and capital markets result in the inevitable growth of the transport component in the export-import op- erations.It consequently leads to a weak integration into the global economic system. The geopolitical location of Kazakhstan between the capacious and dynamically developing markets of Europe, East and South-East Asia provides a chance to compensate this, by bringing transcontinental transit on the territory of the country[1]. 2.1. The road transport role in the common transport complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan As we can see the world and now the domestic experi- ence, road transport is maximally adapted to function in today’s world. Automobile transport is an inseparable and a very important component of transport significant role in transport and communication complex of the Repub- lic of Kazakhstan. Among its most important, the following characteristics can be outlined: A. Popularity and wide availability, B. High maneuverability and speed of passenger transportation and goods delivery, C. Possibility of door-to-door delivery without the necessity of any additional interim operations with goods, 1 K.K.Abishev, R.B.Mukanov, A.Zh.Kasenov, A.N.Baltabekova Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings D. Providing of near to zero-option short-distance service (delivery within the city and to the suburbs, and also those in rural areas), E. High degree of adaptation to different technologi- cal processes – both in industry and service sector, F. Relatively low capital capacity. Given the conditions mentioned above, the automo- bile transport is considered an inseparable component of all modern transport technologies including the integrated and multimodal transportation. The goods transportation activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan follow increasing trends in terms of capacity of delivered goods. According to RoK statis- tics Agency [2], 3 627,9 million tons of goods have been shipped via transport networks of the Republic of Kazakhstan from January to December in 2014, which is 3.7% more than within the same period in 2013. The cargo turnover for the given period was evaluated as equal to 487.4 billion t/km, 21293,00 billion pf passengers have been transported (which is 6.5% more than during January-December 2013), passenger turnover was 249,6 billion t/km (increase per 6.8% compared to 2013). According to the Agency data, the proportion of au- tomobile transport in relation to both transportation volumes and goods turnover has been increasing each year. Currently, the automobile segment occupies 86,23% from total amount of delivered goods, 7,54% belong to railway transport and 6.09% – to pipelines, and 0.14% – to the other means of transport (air, internal water transport) – see Figure1. Figure 1. Distribution of total transportation vol- umes among the means of transportation. As shown by international and domestic experi- ence, automobile transport is ultimately adapted to be functioning in the conditions of market demand and supply. It can be proved by the fact that trans- port and communication complex was the primary choice for realization of privatization[3]. 2.2. Necessary improvement for transport and communication complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan At this level of social development, there is a need for technological improvement of the transport process caused by a number of additional factors. First of all, the increased density of vehicular traffic as a result of development of economic and cultural ties and the accompanying increase in the process of trade flows and mobility. In these conditions, for this time the intensification of all areas of human activity is becoming increasingly important factor of time and therefore introduces the task to improve traffic speed. Meanwhile, the transport infrastructure capabilities tend to lag behind the need to provide quality transportation in the face of increased intensity and speed. This often leads to the occurrence of accidents involving property damage, injuries and deaths. The traffic growth creates many problems for in- stance, traffic control, associated with the need to make responsible decisions in conditions of high traf- fic density of vehicles that often becomes one of the causes of accidents caused by human error. From this perspective, the technological improvement of the transport process is essential and urgent in or- der to achieve goals for the society - improving the safety of vehicles[4]. Thus, the introduction of modern information and communication technologies in trans- port significantly reduces the influence of the human factor[5][6]. 2.3. Intelligent transport systems in the Republic of Kazakhstan Intelligent transport systems – this is the system in- tegration of modern information and communication technology and automation with transport infrastruc- ture, vehicles and users, focused on safety improvment and efficiency of the transport process, comfort for operators, drivers and transport users. The introduction of intelligent technologies in the transport sector of Kazakhstan made in the individual modes of transport and aimed at solving corporate problems. Realization of certain intelligent transport technolo- gies, and finally the formation of intelligent transport systems both have social and economic objectives, they are: A. Traffic safety improvement and, as a consequence, the reduction of social wastes in the transport sector B. Reduction in transport costs in the economy and other spheres of transport services, C. Improvement of the environment and saving human and material (f.e. energy) resources. The strategic aim of the creation of intelligent sys- tem of road transport is the creation in the city: Re- publics of interconnected intelligent systems that con- trol traffic of transport vehicles and special emergency services, housing management. The strategic goal can also determine the formation of the republic competitive "road corridors", equipped with priority ITS technologies: movement controlling systems, traffic management systems that provide 2 vol. 12/2017 An Issue of Intelligent Road Transport in Kazakhstan Figure 2. ANSDU work scheme, based on the satellite navigation. driver information about road surface, traffic condi- tions, the recommended routes of driving in the real situations on the roads, the availability and location road service areas, roadside services and other[5]. One of the main directions of development of trans- port technologies in the passenger transport sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the introduction of computer-based navigation systems of dispatching management. These systems use the location of ve- hicles with the signals of global navigation systems GPS and GLONASS. Dispatching system based on satellite navigation systems allow operational management of transporta- tion, fixing transport work by the transmission and processing of information about the location of ve- hicles, access to that information for all interested participants of the transport process. Schematic di- agram of the operation of the automated dispatch control navigation systems based on satellite naviga- tion is shown in Figure2. Installation of navigation systems on public passen- ger transport are focused not so much on the move- ment of the vehicle itself, but rather on comfort and safety of passengers[7]. 3. Conclusion The need of the introduction of modern innovative technologies in all parts of the economy is one of the circumstances to improve its efficiency in the Re- public of Kazakhstan. It is fully recognized by the government at the highest level and has repeatedly emphasized on public statements of the President of Republic of Kazakhstan. As for technological modernization of the transport industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the following tasks should be solved: (1.) formation of a single information space, (2.) training of qualified personnel to work in the new technological environment, (3.) the formation of regulatory and legal framework, standardization and harmonization of requirements for technical solutions in the field of information support of transport activities. Solving these problems is very important to improve the operation of transport. References [1] M. Bekmagambetov, R. Zhumagulov. The transport system of Kazakhstan in modern conditions. Almaty, 2008. 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Moscow-MADI, 2013. 4 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 12:1–4, 2017 1 Introduction 2 Main part 2.1 The road transport role in the common transport complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2.2 Necessary improvement for transport and communication complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2.3 Intelligent transport systems in the Republic of Kazakhstan 3 Conclusion References