Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings doi:10.14311/APP.2018.15.0025 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 15:25–30, 2018 © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2018 available online at ISOGEOMETRIC BEAM ELEMENT EXTENDED FOR GRIDSHELL ANALYSIS Edita Dvořáková∗, Bořek Patzák Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Thákurova 7, 166 29 Prague 6, Czech Republic ∗ corresponding author: Abstract. The design of gridshell structures is a complicated process, as the resulting shape of structure depends on initial undeformed grid geometry as well as on the history of boundary conditions used to form the final structure. In practice, the physical model is often used to determine the shape of the structure and the initial grid at the same time. Introducing Isogeometric analysis into a design of gridshells simplifies the design process as the problem can be easily recalculated when initial grid or boundary conditions change and the resulting shape can be immediately illustrated. The presented paper discusses possibilities in isogeometric gridshell modeling and proposes possible solutions of identified problems. Keywords: Curved beam element, gridshell structure, isogeometric beam element, NURBS. Figure 1. Realization of a multipurpose gridshell pavilion in Třebešov [1]. 1. Introduction Gridshell is a light-weight structure gaining its strength from a doubly-curved geometry. Such a struc- ture is typically made of wood and it is constructed from initially straight grid of laths. The laths are mutually connected by joints allowing only for the in-plane rotation. The final shape of the structure is reached by subsequent introduction of a load or a prescribed displacement at selected nodes. Once the desired shape is reached, the joints are tightened in order to fix the in-plane rotation and stiffen the structure. See Fig. 1 for an example of a gridshell structure. It is important to design the structural shape prop- erly to reach high low-bearing capacity. The design process of a gridshell can be divided into three main parts: form-finding, analysis, and construction. Form- finding is typically performed by an architect who is seeking for the optimal shape of the gridshell taking into the account the aesthetics and structural behavior of the structure. Either physical modeling or com- puter simulation is used for form-finding, nevertheless these methods (and available tools) do not provide knowledge about structural behavior. When the de- sired shape is defined the structure is assessed in a Finite Element Method (FEM) solver, however the analysis considers only the final shape of the struc- ture. There are no available tools which would take into account the history of the construction steps and would allow to assess all the intermediate construc- tion stages. Currently the construction itself relies on trial-error methods supported by a human intuition and experience. Our goal is to develop a complex tool for analysis assisted form-finding which would allow to find the optimal shape of gridshell and which would help to propose sequence of construction steps. The idea is to use the isogeometric approach which eases incorpora- tion of the analysis within available design tools and which may bring higher accuracy into the analysis of doubly-curved geometry thanks to the more suitable geometry description. The presented paper discusses the advantages of isogeometric gridshell modeling and also points out some issues connected to its applica- tion. 2. Isogeometric analysis of beams Isogeometric analysis has been introduced by Thomas Hughes in 2005 [2] with the aim to bridge the gap between the Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and the Finite Element Analysis (FEA). This goal has been achieved by using the same CAD basis functions for geometry description and unknowns approximation in the analysis. Thus one model can be shared between the design and the analysis. 25 Edita Dvořáková, Bořek Patzák Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings Figure 2. Description of B-spline (NURBS) finite element geometry. The geometry is modeled by one patch consisting of two knotspans with quadratic NURBS approximation. 2.1. NURBS-based analysis The most wide-spread technology in CAD indus- try are NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines). The NURBS curve is obtained by linear combination of Cartesian coordinates of the control points P using NURBS functions Rpi C(ξ) = n∑ i=1 R p i (ξ)Pi. (1) Each NURBS function is generated by weighting B- spline functions Npi with a given weight wi associated with control point Pi R p i (ξ) = Ni,p(ξ)wi∑n j=1 Nj,p(ξ)wj . (2) B-spline functions form a special subset of NURBS functions (corresponding to constant wi) and are de- rived recursively starting with a piecewise constant functions Ni,0(ξ) = { 1 if ξi ≤ ξ < ξi+1 0 otherwise , (3) Ni,p(ξ) = ξ − ξi ξi+p − ξi Ni,p−1(ξ) + ξi+p+1 − ξ ξi+p+1 − ξi+1 Ni+1,p−1(ξ), (4) where p is the degree of the B-spline function, ξi is the coordinate of the ith-knot and ξ ∈ 〈0, 1〉 is a parametric coordinate. The computational domain in Isogeometric analysis (IGA) is firstly divided into patches, which are further divided into knotspans (often referred to as elements in IGA). Understanding of knotspans is similar to elements in standard FEM, nevertheless higher conti- nuity up to Cp−1 between knotspans can be achieved naturally using NURBS, unlike C0 in standard FEM. Moreover, the NURBS basis functions are generally non-iterpolatory. In the knots (points which are di- viding patch into knotspans), the continuity can be locally decreased up to C0 by knot multiplication, which is a standard technique in NURBS technology. This procedure imposes the interpolatory behavior of the functions at the particular point. For better understanding of NURBS see Fig. 2, where mapping between real and parametric geometry is illustrated. For more information the reader could refer to [3]. 2.2. Beam element formulation The formulation of the three-dimensional beam ele- ment [4] is derived in local coordinate system (t,n,b), where t,n,b are tangent, normal and binormal vec- tors and s is the curvilinear coordinate measured along the centerline of the beam. Presented formulation is based on Timoshenko beam theory and therefore, in three-dimensional space, there are six independent un- knowns: tangential displacement ut, normal displace- ment un, binormal displacement ub and rotations θt, θn, θb (see Fig. 3). A strain-displacement matrix B is defined as ε = Br, (5) where ε = {εm,γn,γb,χt,χn,χb}T and r = {ut,un,ub,θt,θn,θb}T . B is derived from the follow- ing relations for membrane strain εm, shear strains γn and γb, torsional strain χt, and bending strains χn 26 vol. 15/2018 Isogeometric Beam Element Extended for Gridshell Analysis b(s) r(s) t(s)n(s) ut θt θb ub θn un Figure 3. Local coordinate system and degrees of freedom of a three-dimensional beam element. and χb εm = u′t −κun, χt = θ′t −κθn, γn = κut + u′n − τub −θb, χn = κθt + θ′n − τθb, (6) γb = τun + u′b + θn, χb = τθn + θ′b. Curvature κ is given as κ = ∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣d2r(s)ds2 ∣∣∣∣ ∣∣∣∣ (7) and torsion τ τ = dn(s) ds b(s), (8) where r(s) is the position vector. The material stiff- ness matrix D is given by constitutive relations N = EAεm, Mt = GIkχt, Qn = GAnγn, Mn = EInχn, (9) Qb = GAbγb, Mb = EIbχb, where E is the Young’s modulus, G is the shear modu- lus, Ik is the torsional moment, In,Ib are the moments of inertia, A is the cross-sectional area, Ab,An are the reduced shear areas. Finally, the element stiffness matrix K is defined as K = ∫ L 0 BT DB ds, (10) where the integral is evaluated using Gaussian quadra- ture, which is not exact for NURBS functions, but it has a sufficient accuracy. 2.3. Numerical locking Well-known problem of numerical locking of Timo- shenko beam elements in standard FEM occurs also 0 0.5 1 x -0.5 0 0.5 Q n Shear force Q 0 0.5 1 x 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 M b Bending moment M Figure 4. Simple gridshell structure modeled by four patches with cubic approximation. Joint is modeled by connection of patches. Resulting internal forces overlap exact solution. for the isogeometric formulation. The same approxi- mation order for displacements and for rotations leads to the shear strains of higher order than bending mo- ments, while it should be vice-versa. Moreover the constant strains cannot be approximated along the entire patch due to the field inconsistency in the shear terms. The reduced integration, popular locking-treatment in standard FEM for its computational efficiency, is not convenient for IGA, as the optimal reduced inte- gration rule depends on the choice of approximation order and continuity and such a rule is hard to be de- termined. On the contrary, Discrete shear gap (DSG) method [5, 6] or B̄-method [5] can be used indepen- dently of the choice of approximation, the latter being used in the presented implementation of the element. The main idea of the B̄-method is to project mem- brane strain εm and shear strains γn,γb onto a basis of lower order. For example, the contribution of mem- brane strain εm to the B̄ matrix is B̄m = [ B̄ 1 m B̄ 2 m 0 0 0 0 ] , (11) where for example B̄ 1 mij = ∫ L 0 ÑiN ′ j ds (12) and where Nj is the jth basis function of the original basis and Ñi is the ith basis function of the lower order basis. The membrane contribution to stiffness matrix Km is Km = EA B̄ T mM̃ −1 B̄m (13) where M̃ is the element “mass matrix” calculated in 27 Edita Dvořáková, Bořek Patzák Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 0 0.5 1 x -0.5 0 0.5 Q n Shear force Q 0 0.5 1 x -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 M b Bending moment M 0 0.5 1 x -1 0 1 Q n Shear force Q 0 0.5 1 x -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 M b Bending moment M a) C3-continuity b) C2-continuity 0 0.5 1 x -1 0 1 Q n Shear force Q 0 0.5 1 x -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 M b Bending moment M 0 0.5 1 x -0.5 0 0.5 Q n Shear force Q 0 0.5 1 x 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 M b Bending moment M c) C1-continuity d) C0-continuity Figure 5. Resulting internal forces (blue continuous line) and exact solution (red dash-dot line) for different continuity at the position of concentrated force load. the lower order basis M̃ij = ∫ L 0 ÑiÑj ds. (14) The analogical procedure can be followed also for the shear strains γn and γb. 3. Application to gridshells Isogeometric formulation of beam element allows to perform the analysis directly within the CAD system, however the modeling of gridshells with presented iso- geometric beam element formulation is not straightfor- ward. There are two possible approaches to modeling gridshells: a) multiple patches per one lath, b) single continuous patch per lath. 3.1. Lath modeled by multiple patches This approach is similar to the use of standard FEM, where the joint is usually modeled by inserting a node. In IGA, it means to assign at least one patch to each lath segment between two joints leading to the interpolatory degrees of freedom at particular points (joints). This approach is simple and does not require any additional implementation, nevertheless it leads to loss of some advantages of isogeometric formulation, namely loss of higher inter-element continuity along the entire lath and loss of possibility to handle one lath as a single entity, which might be highly convenient for the development of a complex design tool. A simple test has been performed to verify the "multiple-patches" approach. Two laths mutually con- nected in the middle, each modeled by two patches with one knotspan and cubic B-spline approximation, have been subjected to the transverse force placed at the joint. The model and resulting shear force γn and bending moment χb are shown in Fig. 4. The results 0 0.5 1 -0.1 0 0.1 N * 0 0.5 1 0 0.05 0.1 N v * Figure 6. Additional basis functions to support case of concentrated force load on 2D straight beam with NURBS approximation. overlap the exact solution and prove the possibility to use this modeling technique for gridshell analysis. 3.2. Lath modeled by a single patch Isogeometric approach offers a possibility to model each grid lath by a single patch. Such a model requires to add additional constraints to enforce the compati- bility of displacements and rotations in joints as the compatibility cannot be achieved by sharing particular degrees of freedom due to the non-interpolatory nature of isogeometric basis functions. A special boundary condition based on the Lagrange multipliers method has been implemented to support this approach. The potential energy is enhanced by an additional term yielding the required continuity Wint + ∑ k λk(r̄ki − r̄ k j ) = Wext, (15) where λk is vector of Lagrange multipliers for kth joint, r̄ki and r̄ k j are the vectors of constrained unknowns at the kth joints on the ith and jth beams, respectively. Note, that due to the non-interpolatory nature of NURBS basis functions, the vectors r̄ki and r̄ k j have to be expressed as a linear combination of the control points values using NURBS basis functions evaluated 28 vol. 15/2018 Isogeometric Beam Element Extended for Gridshell Analysis 0 0.5 1 x -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Q n Shear force Q 0 0.5 1 x 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 M b Bending moment M 0 0.5 1 x -2 -1 0 1 2 Q n Shear force Q 0 0.5 1 x 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 M b Bending moment M Figure 7. Resulting internal forces for simply supported beam subjected to a) a concentrated force, b) a concentrated force and continuous force loading. NURBS approximation enriched by the functions tailored to support case of concentrated force has been used. The results overlap the exact solution. at the joint position. The local coordinate ξi (ξj) of the joint on the beam i (j) has to be calculated according to the parametrization. The physical meaning of Lagrange multipliers λ corresponds to the forces and moments required to enforce the compatibility and thus such an approach results in concentrated force and moment loadings at the joints positions. The problem of such a for- mulation is the inability of NURBS basis functions to represent exact solution with discontinuities in strains and internal forces corresponding to concen- trated loadings. This inability is a consequence of the higher continuity of NURBS basis along the entire patch. This problem is documented on the similar test as the one used in Section 3.1 (see Fig. 4). Unlike in previous section, each lath is now modeled by a single patch using just a single span with cubic B- spline approximation, which results in C3-continuity at the joint position causing the oscillations in internal forces, see Fig. 5a for the results. The continuity can be lowered to C2 by placing a knot at the particu- lar position, the continuity can be further reduced up to C0 by increasing the knot multiplicity. The resulting internal forces for all choices of continuity are shown in Fig. 5. The oscillations in the numerical solutions are sufficiently removed only in the case of C0-continuity. Note, that the procedure of decreasing the continuity to C0 results in the same model as in Sec. 3.1 and thus the advantages of isogeometric analysis are eliminated. The main idea, how to preserve the higher continu- ity while avoiding oscillations in numerical solutions, is to enrich the NURBS basis by the special basis functions tailored to match the exact solution. In this paper, the derivation of the additional basis functions is illustrated on the case of two-dimensional straight beam subjected to concentrated force. From the knowledge of the exact solutions of bend- ing moment Mex and shear force Qex under the unit force Mex = EIβ′(x), (16) Qex = kGA (v′(x) + β(x)) , (17) where β is a rotation and v is a transverse displace- ment, the additional basis functions N∗β, N ∗ v can be derived N∗β = β = ∫ 1 EI Mex dx, (18) N∗v = v = ∫ 1 kGA Qex −β dx. (19) See Fig. 6 for the resulting basis functions. The final approximation for the enhanced solution is v(x) = ∑ Nivi + N∗vv ∗, (20) β(x) = ∑ Niβi + N∗ββ ∗. (21) The integration constants were determined with re- spect to the boundary conditions of a simply sup- ported beam. The performance of the enhanced approximation has been tested by means of two simple test. Firstly, simply supported beam subjected to the concentrated force load was considered, in the second test the con- centrated force has been combined with continuous loading. The resulting internal forces for both load cases overlap exact solutions, see Fig. 7. 29 Edita Dvořáková, Bořek Patzák Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 4. Conclusions Two possible approaches to gridshell modeling have been presented. The simple FEM-like approach, where the joints are modeled by connection of two patches, provides good results, however the advantages of isoge- ometric approach are lost. In order to keep the higher continuity along the entire lath, it has to be modeled by a single patch. In such a case, the enforcement of continuity of displacements and rotations in joints by Lagrange multipliers inevitably leads to application of concentrated forces and moments. It has been shown, that enhancement of NURBS basis functions by a set of the special functions is sufficient to support concentrated loadings. The paper documents the first necessary steps of the development of a complex design tool for gridshells. The presented idea of enhancement of the NURBS basis has to be combined with locking treatment to provide robust element formulation, moreover due to the large deformations, the formulation has to be extended for geometrically non-linear analysis. Acknowledgements The financial support of this research by the Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague (SGS project No. SGS18/037/OHK1/1T/11) is gratefully acknowledged. References [1] A. Vaňek. Multipurpose gridshell pavilion in Třebešov, Czech Republic, physical model as a groundwork for realization, harvest super, 2016. [2] T. J. R. Hughes, J. A. Cottrell, Y. Bazilevs. Isogeometric analysis: CAD, finite elements, NURBS, exact geometry and mesh refinement. 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