Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings doi:10.14311/APP.2020.26.0144 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 26:144–148, 2020 © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2020 available online at PRE-PROCESSING OF ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING INPUT FILES FOR NUMERICAL SIMULATION Jan Voříšek∗, Bořek Patzák Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Mechanics, Thákurova 7, 166 29 Prague 6, Czech Republic ∗ corresponding author: Abstract. In this contribution, we present the concept of a 3D printer software emulator facilitating the creation of a spatial finite element mesh suitable for the printing process simulation. The concept is based on gradual processing of a native 3D printer input file (in a G-code format). This file contains a complete description of manufacturing process consisting of series of individual commands interpreted by a printer. The effect of each command needs to be precisely evaluated to obtain the position of the printer head and the volume of the deposited material in any given time. The calculation is performed in the same way as in the Marlin printer firmware using the trapezoidal motion curves and a command buffer. To represent a computational model, a discrete voxel model with variable edge length and time discretization is used. The volume of deposited material is calculated for each voxel as a function of time. The resulting model is suitable for numerical analysis of the printing process. Keywords: Additive manufacturing, 3D printing, 3D printer emulator. 1. Introduction Additive manufacturing emerged as an innovative man- ufacturing process in the field of rapid prototyping. It is based on incremental deposition or sintering of the material in thin layers. Wide range of materials, including plastic, metal or even concrete, can be used to produce spatial objects of complex geometries and shapes (see Figure 1). The objects can be designed using currently available CAD software. Printing a prototype is often more affordable than making one by hand, and certainly less costly than contracting a manufacturer to do it by conventional manufacturing, especially in the fields where low quan- tities of parts with a high degree of customization and complexity play the critical role. An extensive overview of the additive manufacturing methods is available in [1]. Additive manufacturing consists of several indepen- dent sub-processes. Everything begins with a 3D model which, in order to be printed, must be pro- cessed using specialised software called slicer. The slicing process produces a sequence of commands to control the movement and operation of the machine stored in a G-code file line by line. This file describes the complete processing (it is directly interpreted by the printer) and is used as an input for the presented pre-processing tool. Visualization of the movement commands can be seen in Figure 2 and Figure 4. In recent years, there has been an increasing inter- est in the simulation of the additive manufacturing process. Parts produced primarily with extrusion of molten thermoplastics often do not reach designed di- mensions due to the cracking and warping induced by large temperature gradients [2, 3]. Such issues are also Figure 1. Visualization of the geometry of a printed object in CAD. Figure 2. Visualization of the movement commands contained in the input file (single layer). Moves with material extrusion are drawn with blue color, moves without extrusion with black color. 144 vol. 26/2020 Pre-processing of Additive Manufacturing Input Files present in conventional manufacturing processes like injection moulding where accurate numerical simula- tion allows to mitigate such issues by optimising the object geometry or the production process itself [4]. Numerical simulation of the manufacturing process is indispensable to produce tailored, defect-free and optimised products. Due to the complexity of the pro- cess, the coupled transient thermo-mechanical analysis is needed for reliable predictions. Some research of the additive manufacturing has been already conducted using the Finite Difference Method [3]. In this contribution we assume that the Finite Ele- ment Method (FEM) will be used to solve the problem. Our goal is to develop a software tool able to auto- matically prepare inputs for the FEM model (domain discretization, boundary conditions, etc.) straight from the additive manufacturing input files. Not only should our tool generate a suitable 3D mesh, but it should also provide the history of the infill percentage of the single mesh elements. By knowing the infill percentage, we will be able to consider the two-phase characteristics of the voxels (thermoplastics and air). The process is, in a sense, an inverse process of slicing as it produces the simplified (voxelized) version of the original object. Several G-code processing utilities are available on- line [5, 6]. These tools provide print time estima- tion and filament consumption. However, they only consider the printer moves as vectors, and thus con- structing the voxel model with the material extrusion history is not possible. Our solution extends the idea of the movement commands into the 3D space consid- ering each of them as a block of material with a finite volume. 2. The model Finite element model can generally consist of elements of various shapes. We have chosen a discrete voxel model with variable edge length along each axis due to its simplicity. Assuming all the edge lengths equal leaves us with a simple cube. This simplification will allow the pre- computation of shape function values and their deriva- tives as they are same for all the elements. On top of that, such a hexahedral element is commonly used in the FEM software packages. 3. G-code pre-processing The first step into the simulation of additive manu- facturing is to pre-process the raw input files. These files contain a line-separated set of instructions for the 3D printer to follow. A complete overview of all the available G-codes is available online [7]. Only a small subset of the commands, which controls the deposition of the material, is considered. Processing of the printer input file begins with de- termining the duration of individual commands and particularly of printer head moves. This step is per- formed only once and results can be reused to generate simulation inputs with different resolution. 3.1. Duration of moves It is essential to capture the real printing speed in the sequence of point-to-point moves. The target printer speed is defined in the G-code file for each move, yet the actual motion profile is to be decided by the individual printer. Constant acceleration is the most used planning strategy resulting in a trapezoidal velocity profile due to its mathematical simplicity and limited computing power of the 3D printers microprocessors. The printer stores a limited number of moves, usually 16, in a buffer and recalculates the acceleration profile allowing the printer to be able to stop after the last move, if needed. The typical printing speed of one print layer can be observed in Figure 3. Maximal accelerations and velocities must be re- spected in the direction of each axis. These limits can be taken from the 3D printer specification or the source code of the printer controller firmware (Marlin, RepRap). Duration of the movements can be determined us- ing the calculated velocity and known distance. By gradually summing up the duration of individual com- mands, we can obtain the current time for any given print head position. This information is essential for numerical simulation as we can reverse this procedure to calculate the position of the print head for any given time (time step). Figure 3. Visualization of the printer head speed during processing of a single layer assuming the trape- zoidal velocity profile. 3.2. Reconstructing the extrusion width Extrusion width is essential for calculating the inter- section of the extrusion volume and the individual voxels to determine the amount of material deposition inside each voxel. It is difficult to define the exact shape of the extrusion cross-section. Therefore slicers use various simplified shapes for their internal calcu- lations, most notably a rectangle with curved sides (Fig. 6) or a simple rectangle [8]. 145 Jan Voříšek, Bořek Patzák Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings Figure 4. G-code visualization of the first layer of a 20 × 20 × 20 mm cube. Figure 5. Activated voxel elements of a first layer of a 20×20×20 mm cube including volume assignment. Extrusion volume shape is automatically set in the slicing software based on the nozzle diameter or man- ually input by the user. However, the information is not present in the exported G-code file, and so it must be recalculated using known variables. To make the calculation slicer-independent, we assume a rectangular cross-section of the deposition. The extruded volume can be calculated as Vin = wihiLi (1) where wi is extrusion width, hi is extrusion volume height and Li is extrusion volume length (see Figure 6). It must be equal to the volume of material coming into the extruder given as Vin = πD2 4 ∆E (2) where D is nozzle diameter and ∆E is length of extruded material. The unknown extrusion width is then expressed as Figure 6. Extrusion width geometry used to produce G-code in Slic3r software [8] wi = πD2 4hiLi ∆E (3) The simplified calculation produces a slightly nar- rower extrusion width than the original Slic3r value assuming oval-shaped sides of the cross-section. The difference is negligible and will be not be taken into ac- count in any further calculations. For slicers assuming rectangular extrusion cross-sections, the calculated width will match the original value. Extrusion width calculation can be omitted for addi- tive manufacturing processes based on the laser beam sintering of material such as Stereolitography. In such case the width is defined by the beam diameter. 4. Voxel activation and filling The voxel-activation and the extruded volume assign- ment is performed for each combination of time-step length and voxel-size. See Figure 5 for an example of a single processed print layer. 4.1. The principle Single depositions, represented by block geometry, are to be decomposed (projected) into the individual voxel contributions. Calculating the intersection of two generally oriented blocks would be very computation- heavy. Fortunately, the deposition of the material occurs in horizontal planes, and so the intersection can be decomposed into two much simpler processes. The first process is the so called horizontal decom- position, where extrusion volume (represented as arbi- trarily oriented rectangle is decomposed to individual voxel column contributions (rasterization). In the second step (vertical decomposition), the extruded volume is distributed to individual voxels in a column according to the height and position of extruded material volume. These two subprocesses together provide history of extruded material volume in each voxel. 146 vol. 26/2020 Pre-processing of Additive Manufacturing Input Files Figure 7. Activation sequence of the individual voxel elements. The colour of each voxel corresponds to its infill percentage (VOF). The centre of the print consists mostly of filled elements shown in red colour while blue elements near the surface of the printed part are almost empty. 4.2. Optimization The bounding box of the depositions is calculated to save computer resources, so only the voxels contained within the bounding box are considered for the inter- section calculation. Furthermore, it is possible to use Bresenham’s line algorithm to only mark the affected voxels by doing only integer math. 4.3. Issues Some issues emerged after implementing the above- described process. Slicers usually produce overlapping extrusions (see Figure 8) to improve the bonding of the parallel extrusions. The resulting infill history contained over-filled voxels (volume over 100%). The issue is also caused by considering the depositions as non-continuous (see Figure 9). The second issue can be eliminated by considering the intersection of successive depositions. The overlapping volume is rotated by 180 degrees and moved into the affected voxels as can be seen in Figure 9. Figure 8. Overlap of the two concurrent depositions (overlapping volume marked with red). Figure 9. Overlap of the two non-straight deposi- tions (overlapping volume marked with red). The red volume must be redistributed into the green area. The voxel volume is checked after each volume differ- ence assignment, and the surplus volume (over 100%; if applicable) is redistributed into the eight horizontal neighbouring elements to keep the maximum volume of each voxel at 100%. 5. Conclusions Prototype G-Code pre-processor and voxel-model gen- erator were implemented in JavaScript based on the previously formulated methodology. Several real- world files were processed using the tool. Example of complex geometry can be seen in Figure 7. So far, it appears that it is possible to create voxel- based geometry. The developed tool enables to observe the time sequence of element activation immediately after the input file analysis. For example the model in the Figure 7 was processed on a generic consumer laptop in one thread using a 1 × 1 × 1 m voxel grid in 2.6 seconds. It is desirable to perform 3D numerical analysis of the additive manufacturing process using the knowl- edge of element activation sequence and the VOF distribution over time. 6. Future work Our main goal is to create a robust, user-friendly tool for the numerical analysis of additive manufacturing and its optimization. The tool should be able to take the G-code input file, process it to obtain mesh with element infill history and finally, run FEM analysis and post-process the results. This paper solves the pre- processing part as the first step in an overall complex process. For proper numerical simulation, it is desired to identify the thermal, mechanical, as well as process- related properties of the materials involved. We foresee the formulation of suitable constitutive material mod- els and development of suitable adaptive FE solver. Furthermore, we also expect to conduct lab-scale mea- surements to determine constitutive parameters and develop and calibrate suitable material models. The idea of gradual voxel activation could be ex- tended from to the activation of generally shaped ele- ments of a finite element mesh. The elements generally do not need to form any regular grid. Therefore current advanced mesh generators could be used to discretize printed object. Such elements can be gradually ac- tivated and filled in a same principle as the voxels. However, we expect the intersection of the extrusion block and a general element to be very computationally expensive. 147 Jan Voříšek, Bořek Patzák Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings Acknowledgements The financial support of this research by the Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague (SGS project No. SGS19/032/OHK1/1T/11) is gratefully acknowl- edged. References [1] H. Bikas, P. Stavropoulos, G. Chryssolouris. 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[6] G-code analyser. Accessed: 2019-07-11. [7] RepRap. G-code — reprap. Accessed: 2019-07-10. [8] G. Hodgson, A. Ranellucci, J. Moe. Slic3r manual — flow math. Accessed: 2019-07-15. 148 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 26:145–149, 2020 1 Introduction 2 The model 3 G-code pre-processing 3.1 Duration of moves 3.2 Reconstructing the extrusion width 4 Voxel activation and filling 4.1 The principle 4.2 Optimization 4.3 Issues 5 Conclusions 6 Future work Acknowledgements References