DOI:10.14311/APP.2020.28.0042 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 28:42–49, 2020 © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2020 available online at ANALYSIS OF FAST NEUTRON TRANSPORT IN CHLORIDE SALTS USING MONTE CARLO METHOD Ondřej Šťastnýa, b, ∗, Karel Katovskýa, Dušan Krála, Antonín Krásac, Cable Kurwitzd, Kamil Števankaa a Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Technická 10, 616 00 Brno, Czech Republic b State Office for Nuclear Safety Department of Non - Proliferation, Senovážné náměstí 9, 110 00 Prague, Czech Republic c Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Institute for Advanced Nuclear Systems, SCK CEN, Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol, Belgium d Texas A&M University, Department of Nuclear Engineering, AI Engineering Building 3133, 423 Spence St, College Station, TX 77843, United States ∗ corresponding author: Abstract. The aim of this paper is to present results of fast neutron behavior analysis within the chloride salts environment using simulations based on Monte Carlo method (MCNP 6.2). Three non-fueled salts (NaCl, KCl, MgCl2) and two salts containing fissile material (UCl3, ThCl4) were studied. Results of this theoretical study will be used for design of an experimental assembly, which will serve to achieve goals of the international research project ADAR (Accelerator Driven Advanced Reactor). One of the project objectives is to investigate chloride salts as potential coolant and a dissolved fuel carrier of advanced nuclear reactor cooled by molten salts and driven by an accelerator. Keywords: Accelerator driven systems, fast neutrons, ADAR, chloride salts, MCNP, molten salt reactors, Monte Carlo simulations. 1. Introduction Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) have been identified as promising reactor technology with regard to thorium fuel cycle or for transmutation of spent nuclear fuel from light water reactors. There are several designs based on fuel dissolved in the molten salt coolant, such as fluorides or chlorides [1]. This article is focused on fast neutron behavior analysis within the chloride salts, since they have good nuclear, chemical and physical properties and are much easier to treat. They usually form solutions with lower melting point, and they have higher sol- ubility for actinides. As a result, they can contain significant amounts of transuranic elements. On the other hand, the major isotope of chlorine, Cl-35 gets activated to Cl-36, long-lived energetic beta emitter, so Cl-37 is much preferable in a reactor [1]. As stated above, the goal is to perform studies with fast neutron spectrum since it is used in fast spectrum MSRs (MSFRs) and or accelerator driven systems [2]. They can have conversion ratios within range burner – converter – breeder. Furthermore, they can be optimized for burning minor actinides, for breed- ing plutonium from U-238, or they may be open- cycle power plants since the fast neutron spectrum allows the possibility to omit onsite processing to re- move transuranic elements. Since the fission prod- ucts have relatively large neutron capture cross sec- tions in thermal energies, the capture cross sections at higher energies is much lower, resulting in much greater fission product build-up in an MSFR than in a thermal-spectrum MSR. Higher absorption rate at fission products nuclei in thermal-spectrum MSR leads to fission products transmutation and there- fore they get closer to the valley of stability (after appropriate decay). Moreover, the fuel salt heavily loaded with fission products can be sent occasionally for batch processing or allowed to solidify and be dis- posed of in a repository. For full breeder configuration the fissile material needs to be progressively removed [1]. Recent research [3] shows significant discrepancies between evaluated nuclear data libraries in the fast neutron region. Improving fast neutron data for chloride salts is essential requirement for the ADAR project (Accelerator Driven Advanced Reactor with molten chloride salt fuel coolant)1 . In order to per- form such neutronic research, a theoretical study of an experimental assembly consisting of a fast neutron source in chloride salt environment was performed with the aim to optimize parameters for an experi- mental campaign using activation detectors. In the following sections, the model is of experi- mental assembly is described, the current status of 1Detailed project information available at 42 vol. 28/2020 Monte Carlo method for fast neutron transport Figure 1. Salt experimental assembly “Solnicka” 3D model relevant nuclear data is summarized and then Monte Carlo calculations of neutron transport through chlo- ride salts are presented. 2. Design of salt experimental assembly 2.1. Material In order to study neutronic properties of most com- monly available chloride salts, a design of a salt exper- imental assembly “Solnicka” (in English “salt cellar”) has been proposed (Fig. 1). The assembly is cylindri- cal shape with diameter of 50 cm and height of 60 cm with coating from stainless steel (304 type, thick- ness of 0.6 mm on sides, 1 mm at the bottom and top cover). It contains the following channels (coated with 0.6 mm thick steel layer): • one central channel for neutron source (22 mm in diameter) which extends from top to the middle of the height (30 cm), • four axial experimental channels (28.1 mm in diam- eter) leading from to the top to the bottom located at radial distance of 5, 10, 15 and 20 cm from the vertical axis, • three radial experimental channels (28.1 mm in di- ameter) at heights of 35, 45 and 55 cm above the bottom. Their length is 23 cm spanning from the outer surface of the assembly in direction to the vertical axis. The experimental channels have been filled with vacuum for simplicity and in order to avoid influence of other materials. As a source of neutrons, the AmBe source (cylinder with diameter of 19 mm and height of 40 mm) located in the middle height (30 cm) with emission rate of 5.5615 × 106 neutrons/s was consid- ered since it emits fast neutron field (0.1-11 MeV, see Table 1 for probability distribution function (PDF) E [MeV] PDF E [MeV] PDF 4,14E-07 0,00E+00 5,68E+00 2,33E-02 1,10E-01 1,44E-02 5,89E+00 2,06E-02 3,30E-01 3,34E-02 6,11E+00 1,82E-02 5,40E-01 3,13E-02 6,32E+00 1,77E-02 7,50E-01 2,81E-02 6,54E+00 2,04E-02 9,70E-01 2,50E-02 6,75E+00 1,83E-02 1,18E+00 2,14E-02 6,96E+00 1,63E-02 1,40E+00 1,98E-02 7,18E+00 1,68E-02 1,61E+00 1,75E-02 7,39E+00 1,68E-02 1,82E+00 1,93E-02 7,61E+00 1,88E-02 2,04E+00 2,23E-02 7,82E+00 1,84E-02 2,25E+00 2,15E-02 8,03E+00 1,69E-02 2,47E+00 2,25E-02 8,25E+00 1,44E-02 2,68E+00 2,28E-02 8,46E+00 9,68E-03 2,90E+00 2,95E-02 8,68E+00 6,52E-03 3,11E+00 3,56E-02 8,89E+00 4,26E-03 3,32E+00 3,69E-02 9,11E+00 3,67E-03 3,54E+00 3,46E-02 9,32E+00 3,81E-03 3,75E+00 3,07E-02 9,53E+00 5,06E-03 3,97E+00 3,00E-02 9,75E+00 6,25E-03 4,18E+00 2,69E-02 9,96E+00 5,52E-03 4,31E+00 2,86E-02 1,02E+01 4,68E-03 4,61E+00 3,18E-02 1,04E+01 3,70E-03 4,82E+00 3,07E-02 1,06E+01 2,78E-03 5,04E+00 3,33E-02 1,08E+01 1,51E-03 5,25E+00 3,04E-02 1,10E+01 3,63E-04 5,47E+00 2,74E-02 1,11E+01 0,00E+00 Table 1. Energy spectra for considered AmBe neu- tron source according to ISO-8529-1 [5] Salt Density ! g/cm3 " kef f PuCl3 5.71 1.27283 +/- 0.00006 UCl3 5.50 0.12304 +/- 0.00001 ThCl4 4.59 0.01936 +/- 0.00000 NaCl 2.18 - KCl 1.98 - MgCl2 2.32 - Table 2. Results of multiplication coefficient calcu- lation (using 250 cycles with 106 particles from the source) overview) standardized ISO-8529-1 [5] and can suit- ably serve for purposes of this study. To reach maxi- mal homogeneity of the salt environment around the neutron source, a salt plug is considered to be placed above the source inside the source channel. For purposes of this study, a model of salt ex- perimental assembly has been created using MCNP 6.2 (see Fig. 2) [6]. Three non-fueled salts (NaCl, KCl, MgCl2) and two salts containing fissile material (UCl3, ThCl4) were studied using calculation of re- action rates for set of selected reactions (see Fig. 3). The non-fueled salts serve to investigate their poten- tial influence on transport of neutrons (as a potential ternary salt coolant for nuclear reactors [7], [8], [9]). 43 O. Šťastný, K. Katovský, D. Král et al. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings Figure 2. Salt experimental assembly "Solnicka" vertical and horizontal cross section at height of 35 cm (from the MCNP model); Nos. 1-4 are assigned to axial channels, 5-7 to radial channels Figure 3. Cross sections of activation reactions [4] UCl3 (with depleted uranium) and ThCl4 represent a chloride salt carrying nuclear material – as a ref- erence chemical compound which could be used in a molten salt reactor, where the fuel is dissolved in the coolant. PuCl3 salt has also been considered, but salt assembly with abovementioned dimensions would be supercritical (see Tab. 2). Activation foils were selected as neutron detectors. The chosen foil materials are Ni, In and Au. They are mainly mono-isotopic or with one strongly dominat- ing isotope, therefore, the identification of the reac- tion channel from the observed product is expected to be unambiguous. Non-threshold and threshold reac- tions of these materials are shown in Fig. 3. Thanks to distribution of the threshold energies between 0.7 and 11.0 MeV it will be possible to investigate sensi- tivity of activation to various parts of the fast com- ponent of the neutron field and their changes in the salt environment. 3. Results and discussion Source driven calculations were carried out with MCNP 6.2 and using the ENDF/B-VII.0 evaluated nuclear data library. Radial and axial reaction rates from the Fig. 3 have been calculated in all experi- mental channels (numbers 1-4 are vertically sorted by increasing distance from central source channel, 5-7 are horizontally sorted by increasing height) with 1010 neutrons from the source (resulting in relative error of results lower than 0.01), see examples of the gold foil activation in the following figures. The observed trends are similar for different activation foil mate- rials (differences are mainly in the absolute values). The results are presented in a systematic comparison in three groups: • one salt, one foil material, one reaction – different radial and axial channels (Fig. 4); • one salt, one foil material, one radial or axial chan- nel – different reactions (Fig. 5 and Fig. 6); • one radial or axial channel, one foil material, one reaction – different salts (Fig. 7 and Fig. 8) The axial as well as radial distributions of non- threshold (n,γ) reactions were found to be rather broad compared to the spatial distributions of thresh- old reactions, which are narrower, likely due to their higher sensitivity to the fast neutrons with energies greater than 1 MeV that dominate in the vicinity of the AmBe source. In the axial channel closest to the source, the peak factor of the threshold reactions is about an order of magnitude bigger than that of the non-threshold reactions. In the contrary, the peak 44 vol. 28/2020 Monte Carlo method for fast neutron transport Figure 4. Axial (top) and radial (bottom) reaction rates of non-threshold (left) and threshold (right) activation reactions in gold foils in a UCl3 salt assembly factors of both reaction types are very similar in the furthest axial channel. In absolute terms, the reaction rates of the non- threshold reactions are about one and two orders of magnitude bigger than those of the threshold reac- tions at the positions in the middle part of the as- sembly and on its boundaries, respectively. Comparison of the spatial distributions of reaction rates in different salt environments provide an inter- esting comparison, see Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. The spa- tial distributions of non-threshold reactions strongly differ in different salt environments in any of the ax- ial and radial channels. The most intensive low en- ergy neutron field causing the biggest (n,γ) rates was found to be, as expected, in the UCl3 salt, which con- tributes to the neutron field by fission. Somewhat surprisingly, the second most intensive low-energy neutron field was found in NaCl, while ThCl4 is on the third place, which shows its rather small contri- bution of the fission neutrons (compare with kef f in Tab. 2). The weakest low-energy neutron field is in KCl. The reaction rates in different salts differ up to a factor of 4. The threshold reactions corresponding to the fast neutron field component show completely different trends. In the channel closest to the neutron source the reaction rates are almost the same for any of the salt environments. With increasing distance of ax- ial channels from the source, the threshold reaction rates start differing in various salts. The strongest fast neutron field was found to be in KCl while the weakest one in UCl3 and ThCl4. That suggests that the down-scattering and capture prevail over the fis- sion neutron production in these fissile materials. This behaviour is valid for any of the reactions with threshold above 1 MeV, while the inelastic scattering in 115In (Eth ≈ 0.4 MeV) represents a transition re- gion between threshold and non-threshold reactions, see Fig. 9. A strong influence of different salt composition can be also seen on specific behaviour in the radial chan- nel furthest from the assembly centre, where the neu- tron leakage dominates causing a decrease in the threshold reaction rates for KCl, NaCl and MgCl2, see Fig. 8. However, in UCl3 and ThCl4 fission locally prevails and causes the maximum to remain close to the assembly center axis. This will be especially in- teresting feature for comparison with the experiment. 4. Conclusions Monte Carlo calculations of fast neutron transport through non-fueled salts (NaCl, KCl, MgCl2) as well as neutron multiplication in salts containing fissile material (UCl3, ThCl4, PuCl3) were performed. The 45 O. Šťastný, K. Katovský, D. Král et al. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings Figure 5. Axial reaction rates in gold foils in a UCl3 salt assembly Figure 6. Radial reaction rates in gold foils in a UCl3 salt assembly 46 vol. 28/2020 Monte Carlo method for fast neutron transport Figure 7. Axial reaction rates of non-threshold (left) and threshold (right) reactions in gold foils in five salt assemblies 47 O. Šťastný, K. Katovský, D. Král et al. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings Figure 8. Radial reaction rates of threshold reactions in indium (left) and nickel (right) foils in five salt assemblies Figure 9. Axial reaction rates of threshold reactions in indium (left) and nickel (right) foils in five salt assemblies 48 vol. 28/2020 Monte Carlo method for fast neutron transport spatial distributions of threshold and non-threshold reactions in Ni, In, Au activation foils were investi- gated. All calculations have been so far performed using the ENDF/B-VII.0 library. Based on presented calculation results for non- fueled salts, it can be stated, that MgCl2 or KCl should be more convenient if neutron fast spectrum is desired. On the other hand, NaCl shows higher mod- eration capabilities. Concerning salts fueled with U and Th, using of ThCl4 provides slightly higher yields of non-elastic reactions with higher threshold than the UCl3. Acknowledgements Authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic under international research cooperative pro- gram between Texas A&M University, USA and the Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic (“ADAR – Ac- celerator Driven Advanced Reactor”, LTAUSA18198). References [1] Molten Salt Reactors. World Nuclear Association [online]. London, United Kingdom: World Nuclear Association, 2020 [cit. 2020-06-15] Available at: https: // current-and-future-generation/ molten-salt-reactors.aspx. [2] P. Mcintyre, S. Assadi, K. Badgley, et al. 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