DOI:10.14311/APP.2021.30.0018 Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 30:18–23, 2021 © Czech Technical University in Prague, 2021 available online at FINITE ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION OF GEOMETRICALLY NONLINEAR CONTACT Ondřej Faltus∗, Martin Horák Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Mechanics, Thákurova 7, 166 29 Prague 6, Czech Republic ∗ corresponding author: Abstract. The OOFEM finite element software has been recently updated to include contact al- gorithms for small strain applications. In this work, we attempt to extend the contact algorithms to large strain problems. Reviewing the current code and comparing it with approaches encountered in literature, we arrive at a specific algorithmic solution and integrate it into the current code base. The current code is explained, the necessary extensions are derived and documented, and the algorith- mic changes are described. Tests confirm the functionality and quadratic rate of convergence of the proposed implementation. Keywords: Contact, large strains, node-to-segment, OOFEM, penalty method. 1. Introduction Having originated with Heinrich Hertz in 1881 [1], contact mechanics has been a fringe discipline of structural mechanics for most of the 20th century, ow- ing mainly to its limited options for analytical analy- sis. Only with the advent of numerical methods, such as the finite element method (FEM), has development in this field sprung forward [2]. This surge in new ad- vances is only exacerbated by the ever more rapid evo- lution of computational hardware capabilities experi- enced today; ever more complicated contact problems necessitating ever more complicated methods previ- ously unimaginable due to hardware constraints are coming into focus [2, 3]. The tool used for the purposes of this article is the finite element computational software OOFEM [4]. OOFEM is a free, open-source C++ code developed mainly at the Czech Technical University in Prague. It is based on object-oriented design with emphasis on variability and extendability. Currently, OOFEM’s finite element code supports a number of modules for solution of various types of numerical problems. Of interest for our purposes is the sm module intended for structural mechanics. Basic introduction of contact algorithms into the OOFEM software has been achieved in [5]. This implementation, however, has certain limitations, among them chiefly the lack of support for large strain, i.e., geometrically non-linear problems. In this work, we strive to remove this particular limitation and demonstrate a simple method of extending exist- ing basic penalty-based formulation to handle large strain problems. 2. Algorithm 2.1. Basic equation Without loss of generality, let us consider two de- formable bodies Bγ , γ = 1, 2. Moreover, let Ωγ0 and Ωγ represent the regions occupied by the body in the reference and deformed configuration, respectively. Position of a point in the reference configuration is denoted by X γ , and a position xγ of a point in the deformed configuration is obtained be means of the one-to one deformation mapping ϕγ as xγ = ϕγ (X γ ) (1) The basic equations for each body under consider- ation are the following: • Kinematic equations F γ (X γ ) = ∂ϕγ (X γ ) ∂X γ ∀X γ ∈ Ωγ (2) • Equilibrium equations DivP γ (X γ ) + B̄γ (X γ ) = 0 ∀X γ ∈ Ωγ (3) • Dirichlet boundary conditions uγ (X γ ) = uγ (X γ ) ∀X γ ∈ Γγu (4) • Neumann boundary conditions t γ (X γ ) = P γ (X γ ) · N̄ γ (X γ ) ∀X γ ∈ Γγσ (5) • Constitutive equation P γ (F ) = λγ Tr(Eγ )F γ + 2µγ F γ · Eγ (6) Here, we use the so-called Saint-Venant Kirchhoff material model. Note that the contact implementa- tion is not affected by the choice of constitutive law and extension to inelastic law is straightforward. 18 vol. 30/2021 FEM Implementation of Geometrically Nonlinear Contact In the equations above, F is the deformation gra- dient, E is the Green-Lagrangian strain tensor, Div is divergence operator in the reference configuration, P is the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress, B̄ are prescribed body forces in the reference configuration, u are pre- scribed displacements, N̄ is a unit normal vector in the reference configuration, Γu and Γσ are the Dirich- let and Neumann boundaries which are mutually dis- joint, i.e., Γγu ∩ Γγσ = ∅, and Γγu ∪ Γγσ = Γγ , λγ and µγ are Lame’s parameters. Moreover, contact conditions introduce essentially a new set of boundary conditions into the task. Note that only normal contact is considered in what fol- lows. The core issue of contact problems can be de- scribed by means of the contact constraints in the form of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions [6]: tc ≤ 0 gc ≥ 0 gctc = 0 (7) The first condition represents the fact that contact forces tc are only compressive, the second condition is characterized by a gap function g(u) and express a non-penetration condition. The last equation is sim- ply complementarity between two distinct and mutu- ally exclusive states for the system; either contact oc- curs, and therefore the gap function gc is zero, while a non-zero compressive contact force is present, or the contact force is zero and the gap function is larger than zero. 2.2. Penalty Method Due to the constraint conditions in form of ineqauli- ties, see (7), weak form of the above introduced for- mulation is represented by a variational inequality, see [2]. Several methods how to handle the contact constraints are possible, e.g., the Lagrangian multi- plier method, the augmented Lagrangian method, or the Nitsche method [3, 6]. Currently in OOFEM, the Lagrangian multiplier method and the penalty method are implemented [5]. It is the penalty method which we have selected for the purpose of large strain extension, as its formulation is more straightforward and the necessary code complexity is notably lower. For the penalty method, the weak form can be writ- ten as ! γ " Ωγ δF γ : P γ − δuγ · B̄γ dV − − " Γγσ δuγ · t̄γ dΓ + W c = 0 (8) where δ represents variation and W c is the penalty- based contact contribution along contact interface Γc defined as W c(u) = " Γc 1 2 H(−g(u))pg2c (u) dΓ (9) where H is the Heaviside function and p is the penalty parameter. The main disadvantages of the penalty method is the that the achieved solution is imprecise (it would only be precise for p → ∞), but moreover, any improvement in precision acts directly against the stability of the computation, as larger penalty parameters introduce larger members into computa- tional stiffness matrices, which disturbs most numer- ical solvers [2]. Those disadvantages are balanced by the relatively simple formulation of the method and, in compari- son with the Lagrangian multiplier method, by sim- ple resulting equation systems, as no new variables are introduced into the computation. 2.3. Node-to-Segment Discretization An implementation of contact problems into the framework of the finite element method necessi- tates selecting a distinctive approach at contact dis- cretization. As the physical world is described by FEM in the form of finite elements and connect- ing nodes, contact can only be considered between those. Typical contact discretizations include node- to-node, node-to-segment, segment-to-segment and other approaches [3]. At current time, node-to-node and node-to-segment discretizations are implemented in OOFEM [5]. We are only extending the node-to- segment discretization for large strains, as the node- to-node discretization is by definition inadequate for this purpose. In node-to-segment discretization, a single node comes into contact with a segment. Various objects may be understood under the term "segment", most prominently a set of element boundaries (element edges in 2D domains or element surfaces in 3D do- mains) or an arbitrarily defined rigid analytical sur- face. Contact detection in node-to-segment discretiza- tion necessitates determining three things [3, 6]: (1.) The gap function gc, essentially a projection of the node onto the contact segment, which deter- mines whether there is contact or not; analogical to the penetration function in the analytical ap- proach to contact problems. (2.) The normal vector in the deformed configuration n, which determines the orientation of the contact surface at the contact point. Obtained for most segments in OOFEM as vector perpendicular to the contact segment’s surface at the contact point [5]. (3.) The extended N-matrix N ∗, which ensures al- location of the external forces and stiffness to the proper degrees of freedom in the FEM formulation. When the segment in question is an element bound- ary, the matrix takes the form [5] N ∗ = # I(d×d) −Ne(xc) $ (10) where I(d×d) is a square unit matrix of the appro- priate dimension, which corresponds to degrees of freedom of the contacting node, and Ne(xc) is the 19 Ondřej Faltus, Martin Horák Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings matrix of element boundary interpolation functions evaluated at the contact point. 2.4. FEM Formulation To integrate contact constraints into the FEM frame- work, considerations have to be made for the contact forces and energy discussed above within the princi- ples of FEM discretization. For the penalty method, contact energy is ex- pressed as W c = 1 2 pg2c (11) Note that the energy contact contribution above is calculated only in the contact point, which can be interpreted as Lobatto integration of (9), see, e.g., [6] for more details. Variation of this part of energy yields δW c = pgcδgc (12) It is worth noting that the term pg(u) represents the contact force. Variation of the gap function can be further expressed as δgc = % N ∗T n ||n|| & δdc (13) where δdc are the variational nodal displacements of relevant FEM nodes and n is the normal vector in deformed configuration. The external forces of contact are therefore fc = −pgc % N ∗T n ||n|| & (14) To obtain the associated tangential stiffness ma- trix. the internal forces have to be subjected to dif- ferentiation with respect to nodal displacements dc [5]. For small strains, it is generally assumed that the direction of contact does not change throughout the analysis, and therefore n remains independent of dc [5, 6]. Kc = − ∂fc ∂dc = p % N ∗T n ||n|| &T % N ∗T n ||n|| & (15) 2.5. Extension to Large Strain Problems Now we stand before a question: which of the previ- ously described considerations change if we consider large strains? The mechanics of introducing contact constraints to FEM remain the same, as well as the definition of contact energy. Two critical differences appear. Firstly, it can no longer be assumed that contact follows the same di- rection throughout the whole computation. The nor- mal vector has to be reassessed after each computa- tional step and also the stiffness matrix has to reflect this. Secondly, large deformations result in change of contact point on the segment, which is reflected in the evaluation of matrix N ∗. The normal vector is deformation dependent and can be expressed geometrically [2] n = t1 × t2 (16) where × is the vector cross product and ti are tangen- tial vectors of the element boundary in the deformed configuration (in the case of an element edge, i.e., contact formulation in 2D, one is the tangent and the other is the e3, that is, a unit vector perpendicular to the plane). For the new expression of stiffness, we elect to uti- lize a formula presented in [2]. Specifically for the case of node-to-2D-segment penalty method, it reads K = p # Nv N T v − gc l # Bv T T v + Tv BTv + gc l Bv B T v $$ (17) with Nv = N ∗T n ||n|| Bv = B∗T n ||n|| Tv = N ∗T t (18) where B∗ is the extended B-matrix. Note that the first member of the stiffness matrix corresponds with the previously derived term for the small strain case. For a linear edge in 2D, the extended matrices are defined as N ∗ = ' −1 0 ξ − 1 0 −ξ 0 0 −1 0 ξ − 1 0 −ξ ( (19) B∗ = − ∂N ∗ ∂ξ = ' 0 0 −1 0 1 0 0 0 0 −1 0 1 ( (20) where ξ is the parametric coordinate on the element edge. 3. Implementation 3.1. Class Structure The OOFEM code has a strictly object-oriented structure [4]. The integration of contact into this structure has been mainly accomplished in [5] and only slight additions were necessary for the large strain extension. Figure 1 displays the relevant parts of OOFEM class structure together with the classes used for con- tact. The general idea of class structure centers around two main classes: ElementEdgeContactSegment and Node2SegmentPenaltyContact. ElementEdgeContactSegment is derived from the general ContactSegment class and represents element edges in 2D. When initialized from an OOFEM input file, the class receives a set of element boundaries. Internal processes ensure that contact is considered always with the edge which is closest to the contacting node [5]. Node2SegmentPenaltyContact is a subclass of ActiveBoundaryCondition, an OOFEM feature 20 vol. 30/2021 FEM Implementation of Geometrically Nonlinear Contact Figure 1. A diagram of OOFEM class structure, focused on contact-relevant parts, created with the help of [7]. which allows boundary conditions to contribute by themselves to the internal forces, external forces, and stiffness matrix. The utilization of this feature avoids creating any form of a "contact element", otherwise prevalent among FEM contact implementations [3]. The contact boundary condition is likewise initialized from the OOFEM input file with information on the size of the penalty parameter, a set of nodes and a set of one or more contact segments. Any node is always checked for contact with any segment [5]. 3.2. Operations The assembly of external forces and stiffness matrix takes place in the Node2SegmentPenaltyContact class, specifically in its overridden methods assembleVector() and assemble(). For the determination of gap gc, the contact segment method computePenetration() is invoked, which computes it from a purely geometrical consideration, considering the node to have penetrated the segment when its deformed coordinates are on a different side of the segment than the undeformed ones. The contact segment is also responsible for the computation of the tangent and normal vectors. The tangent vector is determined as t = ∂x ∂ξ = −B∗seg xN = (21) = ' −1 0 1 0 0 −1 0 1 ( ) **+ **, x1 y1 x2 y2 - **. **/ = 0 x2 − x1 y2 − y1 1 where B∗seg is the segment part of the extended B- matrix and xi, yi coordinates of the segment nodes. Meanwhile, the normal vector is determined as n = e3 × t (22) for large strains and from the Element::edgeEvalNormal() function for small strains (which returns the undeformed normal vector). Neither of those vectors is normalized. The normalization of the normal vector happens in the contact condition, when the Nv , Bv and Tv matrices are determined according to (18). In the assembly of stiffness, the contact conditions asks the contact segment whether the large strain part shall be assembled. This is accomplished by the ContactSegment::hasNonLinearGeometry() function and based on the setting of the element in contact. 4. Demonstration To demonstrate the functionality of our approach, we select a simple computational example in a 2D plane strain idealization. The mesh used can be seen in Figure 2a. A double-clamped beam is positioned above a can- tilever. The length of the beam is 5 m and length of the cantilever is 3 m. Both are 0.25 m high with a gap of 0.25 m between them. The top of the beam is loaded in every step by an uniform distributed load of 8000 kN/m, causing vertical deformation and thus 21 Ondřej Faltus, Martin Horák Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings (a) . Undeformed mesh. (b) . Deformed state and vertical component of stress in step 4 (initiation of contact between beam and cantilever). (c) . Deformed state and vertical component of stress in step 200 (end of analysis). Figure 2. A computational example demonstrating the code and its convergence. Iteration Force err. x Disp. err. x Force err. y Disp. err. y 1 5.074e-05 0.000e+00 5.450e-03 0.000e+00 2 7.311e-03 8.044e-02 1.583e-01 4.515e-02 3 1.879e-04 2.920e-03 4.120e-03 2.014e-03 4 1.465e-04 2.844e-03 3.202e-03 1.062e-03 5 2.041e-07 5.071e-04 1.488e-06 1.809e-04 6 1.418e-12 1.863e-06 3.298e-11 7.549e-07 Table 1. Evolution of global force and displacement errors in iterations of loading step 14. subsequently contact between the two bodies. Load- ing is performed in 200 uniform loading steps. Both beam and cantilever are modelled by rect- angular plane strain elements (OOFEM element Quad1PlaneStrain). In total, the task mesh con- sists of 805 elements. Refinement of the mesh has been accomplished with the help of a custom script in the MATLAB software [8]. All elements are made of the same Saint-Venant Kirchhoff material with the parameters λ = 100 MPa and µ = 150 MPa. Contact conditions are introduced between the lower edge of the beam and the upper edge of the can- tilever below. On the latter interface, two boundary conditions are defined, one pairing the beam’s nodes with the cantilever’s element edges and the other vice versa. This ensures that no clipping caused by crude or otherwise imperfect meshing can take place. Figure 2b shows the deformed state of the mesh and the vertical component of the stress tensor in step 4 of 200, when the beam and the cantilever first come into contact. Likewise, Figure 2c shows the same in step 200 at the end of the analysis. To render those 22 vol. 30/2021 FEM Implementation of Geometrically Nonlinear Contact Figure 3. Evolution of error during the equilibrium iteration process. figures, the ParaView open-source software was used [9]. Values of stress in the visualizations are given in Pa. Note that between steps 4 and 200, the contact surface moves significantly to the left both on the beam and the cantilever. This was accomplished by alternating activation of the two opposite boundary conditions on the interface, which managed to subse- quently introduce contact between neighboring node- segment pairs, while the contact gap between the original pairs opened up again. The main objective of this test was to prove quadratic convergence of the new approach to large strain contact stiffness matrix. The vast majority of the 200 steps computed man- aged to converge in 6 iterations or less. The only exception is step 4, in which the contact occurs for the first time. Table 1 shows error evolution in a typical computational step (step 14 was chosen). Moreover, the dependence of error (norm of residual forces) on the number of iterations during the equi- librium Newton-Raphson process for steps 4, 14, and 164 is visualized in Figure 3. Thanks to the semi- logarithmic scale used, it is apparent that approxi- mate quadratic convergence has been achieved. 5. Conclusions The paper describes an implementation of a two dimensional large strain node-to-segment penalty- based approach to contact mechanics into an open- source finite element code OOFEM. The emphasis is given on proper design of the hierarchy of classes with a focus on modularity and extensibility towards different methods for handling contact constraints, contact with friction, or three dimensional formula- tion. The functionality of the presented approach is successfully verified on a numerical example and a quadratic rate of convergence of the Newton-Raphson iteration procedure is demonstrated. Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge support re- ceived for work on this project from a CTU grant no. SGS20/038/OHK1/1T/11. References [1] H. Hertz. On the contact of elastic solids. Z Reine Angew Mathematik 92:156–171, 1881. [2] P. Wriggers. 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