Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 33:617–623, 2022 © 2022 The Author(s). Licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence Published by the Czech Technical University in Prague BREAKTHROUGH OF THE RESEMBLANCES AND CORRESPONDENCES BETWEEN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY IN CIVIL INFRASTRUCTURES Oscar Javier Urbina∗, Elisabete Teixeira, Hélder Sousa, José Matos University of Minho, ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering, Guimars̃es, Portugal ∗ corresponding author: Abstract. Sustainable construction has become a growing trend among researchers and stakeholders. Simul- taneously, resilience and risk assessments for civil Infrastructures have flourished in terms of importance among researchers, economic sectors, and society. Nevertheless, there is no abundant research that correspond to both approaches, despite that, there are massive similarities and shared characteristics between both investigation branches. Distinctively, this year has demonstrated that sustainable de- velopment is directly obstructed by different extreme events that trigger risks and vulnerabilities in civil Infrastructures. These extreme events require a deep and complex study to minimize the impacts they may cause in society and economy, two main factors considered in the study of sustainability. Therefore, when a risk and resilience assessments are conducted, it is already analyzed as a sizable part of sustainability. Consequently, there exists a possibility to create a methodology that examines and assesses four categories of civil infrastructure sustainability: Technical, environmental, social, and economical. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the need of a comprehensive approach between sustainability, risk, and resilience assessment, compiling and comparing the existing methodologies for assessing the impacts on civil infrastructures, showing that both present resemblances and none can be omitted, being necessary for the decision-making. Keywords: Civil critical infrastructures, extreme events, resilience assessment, risk assessment, sus- tainable construction. 1. Introduction World population has increased dramatically in the last decades, with a difference of 6 billion people be- tween only one century. This exponential increment of population results on an excessive use of primary resources in order to fulfill their needs, being this one of the explanations towards the climate change prob- lem we are currently facing [1, 2]. As a result of this worldwide problem, in the late 70s, reports began to appear concluding that if the population growth and its consumption of resources are not controlled, the world would not withstand the pressure on its re- sources, giving birth to the term of "Sustainable De- velopment" [3]. Nowadays sustainability is a common concept in research that has been the focus of mul- tiple studies, these investigations usually determine the development of humanity in the interconnection of three dimensions, the economic dimension, which is the most widespread over time, the environmen- tal dimension, and the social dimension [3, 4]. Also, it is clearer now that the sustainable development is occasionally obstructed by new risks and vulner- abilities, such as terrorist attacks or diseases, as we are currently facing the new SARS-CoV-2 [5]. As emphasized in the United Nations Agenda 21, there are some risks, designated as systemic risks, that are arising actively (e.g. diseases, terrorism, natural dis- asters due to climate change), facing them in a never- ending challenge loop [5]. Today, critical infrastructure systems face an in- creased number of hazards, such as: natural (earth- quakes, floods, fires), technological (operational fail- ures in systems), and human (fires, cyber-attacks, or terrorism), that can intervene in the functionality of these systems. The malfunction of these systems can cause a cascading effects through the community that produce social, economic, and functional disrup- tion [6, 7]. Therefore, there is the need to identify the new upcoming risks that may affect infrastruc- tures, so at the time needed, governments address hazards within a comprehensive management and un- derstanding of the complexity of civil infrastructures. Risk management models and resilience assessments are the best solution to assess and find solutions for planning, mitigation, and recovery for civil infrastruc- tures under extreme events, where the consequences of damage and losses are quantified for decision mak- ing [7]. In this context, risk and resilience analy- sis play an important role, as it provides information that help decision makers to develop risk mitigation plans and strategies, taking into account that the eco- nomic development of a country strongly depends on its level of infrastructures [8]. In consequence, these concepts should be brought into a comprehensive ap- proach that leads towards a sustainable development 617 O. J. Urbina, E. Teixeira, H. Sousa, J. Matos Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings of infrastructures [5]. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the need of a comprehensive approach between sustainability and risk and resilience assessment, compiling and com- paring the existing methodologies for assessing the impacts on civil infrastructures, showing that both present resemblances and none can be omitted, being necessary for the decision-making. Thus, this paper seeks to establish the theorical foundation for a fu- ture approach that combines and evaluates the con- cepts of resilience, risk, and sustainability of civil in- frastructures simultaneously using quantitative and qualitative methods. As this is of high importance for stakeholders, authorities, and industries in the decision making for civil infrastructures, under any hazard and the impacts that it would incur in social, economic, environmental and functionality terms. This paper is mainly developed in 5 chapters. The first chapter consists on a brief introduction, which includes a general framing of the topics, the defini- tion of the objectives of the work and a presentation of the structure of the article. In the second chapter, it is introduced the concept of sustainable develop- ment, as it is necessary to understand the context in which it emerged, as well as its historical evolu- tion, then a short display of the most known meth- ods at international level for sustainability in con- struction are presented, showing their characteristics and some examples of the indicator measures are in- troduced. In the third chapter it is addressed the beginning of risk and resilience analysis, recalling on some of the worst recent events that impacted infras- tructures and society, that at the time, pointed out the necessity of this studies to be born, then a brief explanation is given upon this topic. On the fourth chapter is approached the main topic of this paper, that is the convergence between sustainability and risk and resilience concepts in civil infrastructures, where is presented the current situation of research within these two areas, through a brief state of the art focused towards civil infrastructures, emphasizing on the necessity to fill this research gap and stating some key points that the creation of a methodology that addresses sustainability, risk and resilience for civil infrastructures must have. The last chapter are the conclusions, where the authors summarize the key points obtained from the research. 2. Sustainable Construction 2.1. History, definition, and application Climate change has been increasing in recent years, being the result of the existence and the multiple ac- tivities conceived by Humanity. Among these activ- ities, specifically, there is one of those that produce the greatest impact, which is the construction indus- try. This industry currently uses about 40% of the fossil fuels, 30% of the raw materials and 25% of the water consumed annually in the world. Additionally, it consumes about 30% of electricity and generates 30% of greenhouse gas emissions [4], [9]. However, this industry has the potential to generate large re- ductions with small changes in the way buildings are designed and used, which could achieve savings of up to 30% in energy consumption, a 35% reduction in CO2 emissions, and a reduction in water consump- tion of up to 50% [3, 4, 9]. This brought the attention to the international community to focus on the construction sector and its impacts began to emerge in the early 1970’s when the First United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was held in Stockholm, giving rise to the United Nations Environment Program, with the aim to promote the appropriate use and sustain- able development [3, 4]. Then, in 1988, in the report of the World Commission on Environment and Devel- opment named "Our Common Future", defined sus- tainability as "the attempt to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Thus, it was only by the year 1992 that international principles for sustainable development were established, dur- ing the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, where Agenda 21 was elaborated, a document that systematized a plan of oriented actions creating the minimum nec- essary conditions for new constructions, both for de- veloped and undeveloped countries [3, 10]. This Rio conference has been continued with the versions of Rio+10 in 2002 in Johannesburg and Rio+20 in 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, to reaffirm the Rio-92 goals and to include clean energy and corporate responsibility in the debate and also to focus on the green economy, being capable of generating jobs with low impact on the environment and efficient use of natural resources [3, 11]. After these world conferences, the need to de- velop methods and tools to study the sustainable per- formance of buildings emerged, because the countries that were implementing projects with better environ- mental performance had no ways to verify their im- provements, obtaining situations where green build- ings consumed more energy than conventional ones. Accordingly, it was necessary to develop methodolo- gies to standardize building sustainability in a global way, allowing the analysis and comparison of various solutions to further improve the environmental per- formance of buildings [3]. 2.2. Methodologies to assess sustainability Currently there are tools that are not legally required, but they raise awareness and help to promote sus- tainability in construction entities. Countries such as United States, Canada, France, Japan, among oth- ers have already implemented tools for assessing the sustainability of buildings, as a support for project design and at the same time assessing their post- occupancy. 618 vol. 33/2022 Resilience and Sustainability in Civil Infrastructures Some of the first certifications of the sustainability level of buildings began to emerge through the use of methods such as BREEAM in the United Kingdom, HQE certification (Haute Qualité Enviromentale) in France, LEED certification in the United States and GBTool (Green Building Assessment Tool) in some of the EU member states and adapted towards each state’s necessities [3, 4][3]. Some of these methods are briefly explained down below. 2.2.1. Leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED) [3] Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council in 1994, in the United States of America. In this method, the environmental performance of the build- ing is evaluated holistically, throughout its life cycle, i.e., in the design, construction, operation and main- tenance phases. This tool applies to various types of buildings, such as residential, commercial, and school buildings, among others. For a building to be eval- uated it must meet a minimum required criterion, a pre-selection with a series of requirements. After this verification, the building becomes eligible, and the stage of analysis and evaluation of its performance be- gins. This is a points-based system, awarding points for specific criteria in five different categories: Sus- tainable Sites; Water Efficiency; Energy and Atmo- sphere; Materials and Resources; and Indoor Envi- ronmental Quality. These categories in total add up to 100 points, but there are two additional categories as a bonus, the Innovation in Design category, with 6 points, and the Regional Priority with 4 points. The points of the evaluation can only be assigned if the building complies with the requirements of the sys- tem; in the end, with the sum of these points, a clas- sification can be assigned to the building, among four possible certifications, basic, silver, gold, and plat- inum. 2.2.2. Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method- BREEAM [3] The BREEAM method was developed in the early 1990s in the UK by researchers. The assessment with this tool considers the following sustainability cat- egories: water, energy, materials, health and well- being, management, transportation, waste, contam- ination, and land use; each performance is verified by comparing them with pre-established benchmarks, thus obtaining the building’s assessment. BREEAM can be used for virtually any type of building, such as offices, industrial plants, residential buildings, and hospitals. Thanks to the multiple existing versions of this tool, each one specifically developed to suit the building under assessment. In each of the cat- egories mentioned above, requirements are defined, giving credits to the building, which are added as the building complies with them. On the other hand, in each category, specific weights are fixed, indicating their relevance, and depending on the type of building being evaluated. In this way, the set of credits and weights of the categories conform an environmental performance index for the building, which can obtain a value between zero and 100 for the Environmental Performance Index (EPI). According to the obtained EPI, six levels of certification are attributed, "Ex- cellent", "Great", "Very Good", "Good", "Approved", and "No classification", each one depending on the to- tal points obtained in the environmental performance index. 2.2.3. Sustainable building tool Portugal - SBTool PT [3, 4, 11] . This methodology follows four steps: (i) Quantifi- cation of building performance at the level of each in- dicator; (ii) Parameter normalization; (iii) Parameter aggregation; (iv) Sustainability score calculation and overall assessment. The overall rating of the building depends on the weighting of the different criteria, con- sidering benchmarking practices reference practices that are set at the national level (Portuguese level). This weighting is done by comparing the performance of the building with national reference practices: the best practice, which has a value of 1.0, and the con- ventional practice, with a value of 0.0. The value of this normalization is within a range between -0.2 and 1.2. Subsequently, with the performance of each indi- cator and its corresponding weight, the performance of the category to which it belongs is calculated. Fi- nally, with the performances of each category and their respective weights, the results for each dimen- sion are calculated, thus obtaining in the end an over- all sustainability level for the building chosen for the case study. 3. Risk and resilience analysis in critical infrastructures The growing number of catastrophic events and their implications, such as 9/11 in the United States, or the terrorist events in Madrid on March 11, 2005, have prompted Europe and other nations around the world to take steps to prevent these events from lead- ing to high consequences that can be reduced or pre- vented. In June 2004, the European Council called for a strategy to protect critical infrastructure, which had a response on October 20, 2004, in a statement in which the Commission described the actions be- ing taken to protect critical infrastructure and pro- posed additional measures to strengthen existing in- struments and meet the mandates of the European Council [12]. Later, on November 17, 2005, the Com- mission adopted a Green Paper on a European Pro- gramme for Critical Infrastructure Protection, stat- ing that the main scope of the European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP) is the need to increase the capability to protect Critical In- frastructures (CI) in Europe and to help reduce vul- nerabilities related to CI [13]. 619 O. J. Urbina, E. Teixeira, H. Sousa, J. Matos Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings The first step in protecting CI involves identify- ing and assessing the factors that may negatively in- fluence its operations, defining a systematic, analyt- ical approach to prioritizing resilience measures for CI. This analysis should include an assessment of the impacts of CI disruption by pre-established criteria. Several approaches are used in OECD countries [14]. In terms of criteria, the European Commission de- fines a minimum set for the assessment of critical in- frastructure, including public impacts, economic im- pacts, environmental impacts, interdependence, po- litical impacts, and psychological impacts. Identify- ing weaknesses allows prioritizing where to focus re- silience efforts in existing infrastructure systems: on points of failure that would have the most severe con- sequences. This prioritization can be a decisive vari- able in decision making, such as which infrastructure should be hardened or relocated, or which CI should receive priority restoration after a disaster to ensure rapid recovery [12, 14]. Infrastructures must be designed and built to serve adequately over longer life terms without major de- terioration or reaching collapse. With the current technology of materials, analysis, design, and con- struction, it should be possible to specify a bigger design life in new infrastructure projects. This leads towards a broader perspective which indicates that risk and resilience assessments are part of the general decision support to plan, to design and produce new infrastructures that are economically efficient, reli- able, safe, secure, and sustainable [15]. 4. Integrated approach for civil infrastructures Recent literature has discussed the importance to go beyond the sustainability assessment of single build- ings and to enlarge the assessment scale to commu- nities and cities to meet all the different aspects of sustainability [9]. This chapter is divided in two main parts, the first part, where are presented some of the tools used to assess sustainability in infrastructures, and the second part, present diverse studies that in- tegrate risk or resilience assessments with at least one dimension of sustainability’s assessment (environ- mental, social, or economic). 4.1. Sustainability in Infrastructures Sustainability assessment tools for civil infrastruc- tures are less frequent rather than the existing tools to evaluate buildings, however, some researchers have already progressed in this topic. Following are showed some of their studies. • Pardo-Bosch et. Al. [16], presented the multicrite- ria decision system MIVES. This decision model is divided into 4 steps. i) identification of the prob- lem; ii) development of the decision tree, a diagram that organizes and structures the concepts that will be evaluated; iii) defining the relative weight of each of the aspects that are to be considered in the decision tree using Analytical Hierarchical Pro- cess; and iv) establishment for indicators of value function that in each case reflects the appraisal of the decision-maker [16]. It prioritizes with techni- cal accuracy public infrastructure projects that one administration must finance with only one budget in a developed country, helping to minimize the subjectivity in the entire decision-making process. • Rosasco et. Al. [8], show a study under a pro- gram named "Regional Strategic Intervention Pro- gram" (P.R.I.S), which objective is to guarantee the social protection of citizens that reside according to the Italian law about the expropriation of pri- vate real estate for the construction of public work projects. Within the framework of this program, the authors developed a mass appraisal estima- tion model that quantifies the indemnities values through a multi-parameter model of residential and commercial units within the area affected by the public work project. This multi-parameter estima- tion model uses a survey evaluated on the real es- tate units that are in the studied area; Seven main features were selected, which are: 1. Dimension (sqm); 2. age of building; 3. type of building; 4. maintenance state; 5. floor level; 6. lift (or not); 7. accessibility. This estimation model was applied in a new infrastructure project located near the city of Genoa, in Italy, the results show that the ac- ceptance percentages of the indemnities estimated present a high degree of satisfaction, although the indemnities partially compensate all the inconve- nience suffered. The authors conclude that these economic indemnities contribute to the achieve- ment of that social sustainability of the infrastruc- tures, and it can guarantee reasonable transfer al- ternatives for both residence and economic activi- ties. • Jones et. Al [17], considered the holistic nature of water infrastructure development in terms of rural areas in developing countries, through an outcome- based assessment method using Life-Cycle Analy- sis (LCA). This method uses the LCA framework to supply a holistic set of sustainability indicators, these indicators are grouped into three categories including metrics for technical (performance), en- vironment, and economic (market-based) aspects. All the metrics are employed at community level to indicate the current state of the system. Finally, this method should provide the socio-economic im- pacts generated. The authors applied the method on a generic example of arsenic water-treatment in Bangladesh. 4.2. Risk-resilience and sustainability in civil infrastructures The evaluation of resilience should not only consider technical but also environmental, organizational, so- cial and economic dimensions [9]. Despite this, there 620 vol. 33/2022 Resilience and Sustainability in Civil Infrastructures is limited number of previous studies that integrate them with critical infrastructure sustainability. Few authors have worked onto developing a comprehen- sive approach that unites sustainability and risk- resilience analysis as it could provide synergies and clearer results about the overall role and needs of civil infrastructures. • Markert et. Al. [15], presented a method for risk and sustainability analysis of complex hydrogen in- frastructures, this model is based on a high level risk assessment, that are complemented with other decision support tools such as GIS, LCA and Life Cycle Cost (LCC). Providing a novel and compre- hensive study as it enables the possibility to ob- tain spatial analysis with the GIS system, for both, the risk assessment approach, and the sustainabil- ity approach, easing the identification of vulnerable elements and high-risk zones, in addition to the en- vironmental and economic aspects. • Bocchini et. Al. [18], concluded that sustain- ability and resilience have a great deal of simi- larities and common features, as i.e. both inte- grate structural analysis with social and economic aspects, and both seek to enhance an infrastruc- ture in terms of structural design, used materials, maintenance, management strategies, and impacts on society. Therefore, the authors proposed an ap- proach established on a risk assessment, using the concepts of probability of occurrence and risk, to address resilience and sustainability at the same time. Despite the differences between sustainabil- ity and resilience targets, both converge on seeking to perform a service level to society during and after the occurrence of an extreme event and re- cover to the optimal functionality at great pace. For this, the proposed approach must be rigorous, quantitative, and unified, being able to assess nu- merous events and compare them. These events are weighted using Eq. 1 to quantify their probability of occurrence. I = ! e∈Er PeIe + ! e∈Es PeIe (1) Where I, is expected life-cycle impact of the in- frastructure under analysis on the community (in monetary terms), and are the domains of events addressed by resilience and sustainability, respec- tively; is the probability of occurrence of the event e, and is the predicted impact on the community of the event e, this result is nondimensional. Eq. 1 can be used at the individual scale of an infrastructure (e.g. a Bridge), or at a global scale. • Mejia et. Al. [19], defined three performance mea- sures for the long-term investment in energy and transport infrastructures, which are: cost, sustain- ability and resiliency. The authors defined sus- tainability as the period where the infrastructure system satisfies operational and environmental re- quirements, and resilience as the cost from a pre- contingency state of the infrastructure to a post- contingency due to an occurrence of an extreme event. In addition, the authors used four input factors to quantify the resilience, cost, and sustain- ability performance of the system: the system of interest; the expected demand; projected events, and the expected actions. This quantitative ap- proach was demonstrated in a case study of an in- tegrated energy and transportation system in the United States. • Marinella Giunta [20] proposed an integrated ap- proach of resilience and sustainability to identify the most efficient alternative of road infrastructure rehabilitation after an extreme event based on life cycle costs. The author addressed that the main difficulty of this kind of approach is to do an evalua- tion of the sustainability and resilience using quan- titative indicators. To overcome this issue, she ar- ticulated the approach in three main steps: 1. Identify the rehabilitation alternatives consider- ing technical, economical, and time aspects. 2. Quantify the life cycle cost of each alternative. For each alternative it is quantified the Life Cy- cle Assessment (LCA) and the Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). 3. Resilience assessment of the infrastructure for each rehabilitation alternative, based on eco- nomic aspects. It is done by the estimation of the costs to restore functionality, and the time needed for the reconstruction. The result of this unified approach is a best solution of rehabilitation based on the lowest sum of the costs of sustainability and resilience. 4.3. Conclusions This paper provided a broad analysis of the charac- teristics of different tools, methodologies and appli- cations for the identification and evaluation of risks, resilience, and sustainability in civil infrastructures, as an opening towards developing an integrated and multidisciplinary methodology that allows to assess simultaneously to serve adequately over longer life terms without major contingencies. It was observed in the literature from the most relevant articles related to risk and resilience assess- ment, that there is a possibility to create a multidis- ciplinary methodology that includes sustainability as it directly involves the economical and societal con- sequences that any disruptive event might bring. In this way, the aspects associated with sustainability and resilience assessment are considered simultane- ously and in a process of mutual interaction, opening the possibility to be used for planning and develop- ment of new cities, industries, and facilities as this comprehensive analysis is important for their contin- ues optimization. The development of this kind of 621 O. J. Urbina, E. Teixeira, H. Sousa, J. Matos Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings research seems to push designers and administrators in a similar direction, as it is a useful source of in- formation for stakeholders at the local level, as the assessment methods and tools may comprehensively support sustainable choices that are also the basis for the sustainable pursuit of civil infrastructures. Risk, resilience, and sustainability are complemen- tary characteristics for civil infrastructure. While sustainability addresses the time-continuous impacts on the economy, society, and environment that the infrastructure certainly will distribute over its entire service life, resilience, and risk focus on the big im- pact that the service failure of the infrastructure can have in the case of extreme events. The combination of these approaches will provide a truly comprehen- sive assessment of the quality of the infrastructure. A possible big obstacle for the integrated assess- ment of both sustainability and resilience is the com- putation of truly quantitative metrics. The resilience research is more advanced in terms of quantitative analyses and indicators for civil infrastructures. In- stead, sustainability assessment systems have pro- moted a culture of qualitative assessment. Finally, it is essential to continue investigating and improving the way of collecting and processing these methodologies. Hence, future studies are needed to conduct to validate the usefulness and reliability of a comprehensive methodology described to evaluate the resilience and sustainability of civil infrastruc- tures. Additionally, it is vital to realize applications on case studies embracing different scenarios for each characteristic. Acknowledgements This work was partly financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT (Foun- dation for Science and Technology) within the scope of the project POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039555). References [1] J. A. Barbosa, L. Bragança. Contabilizando a reabilitação na avaliação de sustentabilidade de edifícios de serviços, p. 93-102, 2012. 1822/22411/1/artigo%20SREE_JAB.pdf. [2] M. Šijanec Zavrl, M. Tanac Zeren. Sustainability of Urban Infrastructures. Sustainability 2(9):2950-64, 2010. [3] O. Urbina, L. Bragança, O. Sanchez. 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