Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings
Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 38:354–360, 2022 © 2022 The Author(s). Licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence

Published by the Czech Technical University in Prague


Boris Bielek∗, Daniel Szabó, Josip Klem, Kristína Kaniková,
Alžbeta Danková

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava,
Slovak Republic

∗ corresponding author:

Abstract. Nowadays the global trend is the integration of new materials, constructions and
technological principles, which are simultaneously implemented in individual scientific and engineering
disciplines. Reducing the energy intensity of buildings will increasingly resonate in individual political
and professional circles. As a result, new fragments of building envelopes in the field of facade
engineering are being developed and tested. Testing of building envelope is carried out either in static
(laboratory) boundary conditions or in dynamic (climatic, real) conditions. The determination of
the test method is conditioned by the specific intention or the investigated phenomenon within the
construction of the building envelope. Currently, we finished the development and realization of the
new experimental facility Twin Rooms for testing advanced elements of building envelopes in dynamic
boundary conditions (in the real climate of Central Europe – Bratislava) in terms of building thermal
engineering and energy efficiency of buildings. It is based on the concept of pavilion measurement. The
essence of the research is that the outdoor climate is modelled by the conditions of the real outdoor
climate. Test cells consists of a solar laboratory – two-room for a comparative study of the effect of
solar radiation and heat transfer on energy consumption and indoor climate. The space of two identical
laboratory rooms is situated inside a container – a pavilion, whose climate is a compensating space.
Only the tested facade element walls are exposed to the outdoor climate. The exchange of energy
with the environment is possible only through this measured facade wall. The article brings a detailed
description of this experimental equipment, basic technical parameters of its technological circuits and
methodology of experimental measurements.

Keywords: Experimental pavilion test cells, advanced facade elements, real outdoor climate.

1. Introduction
In the current period, humanity is solving one of the
most difficult technical and economic problems of en-
suring sufficient energy for continual development of
society without negative impact on ecology, produc-
tion and environmental protection. Approximately in
the 1980s, the economic system expressing human ac-
tivities exceeded the reproductive value of the Earth’s
biocapacity (3 to 3.5 billion tons of emissions of green-
house gases) and the man began to produce the eco-
logical debt on the planet. The world, at the present
time, produces environmental burden that exceeds
its biocapacity by about 30 %. Humanity must find
a solution for the repayment of the ecological debt.
For a successful solution to this problem, mankind
has to reconsider its priorities in investments, which
represent the transformation to a sustainable society
by transforming the energy sector towards environ-
mentally clean renewable energy sources and their
conversion, transformation of material sector towards
ecologically clean materials and their production and
transformation of the whole economy towards low-
energy and low-emission technologies and environmen-
tally friendly products. Sustainability is synonymous

with the image of a future world whose aim is to place
man, nature and technology in permanently stable
equilibrium. This means such a development which al-
lows both current and future generations to meet their
basic living needs, preserves the diversity of nature
and functions of the ecosystems.

From the internal structure of the overall energy
balance of non-productive sphere, the human settle-
ments are the second largest consumer of energy. The
majority of this energy consumption falls on the oper-
ation of buildings (heating, cooling, ventilation, hot
water and lighting), coupled with hygienic and ecolog-
ical comfort in them. There are two major approaches
to sustainable development of society in the interac-
tion Energy – Human Settlements: energy saving by
its rational use and focus on environmentally clean
renewable energy sources.

Renewable energy sources, as the dominant produc-
tion technology value of nature, with its simultaneous
renewal of ecosystems are becoming determining fac-
tors for changes in fundamental concept of energy
quantification of buildings. Building is becoming
a place for the collection and on-site conversion of
renewable energy as part of the transformation of or-
ganization of the energy market. It is becoming part


vol. 38/2022 Twin rooms – new experimental test cells . . .

of the energy distribution networks and it is just in
the interaction to these distribution networks that the
new quantification of physical-energy demand of the
building is being conceived, expressed by the term
Net Zero Energy Building or nearly Net Zero Energy
Buildings or Net Plus Energy Buildings.

Facade structures are indispensable and, by their
functions, extremely important parts of the building
envelopes. Besides their physical (thermal, sound and
water insulation and air impermeability) and mechani-
cal features (static and dynamic wind resistance) they
also have additional specific indispensable functions
(natural daylight, natural ventilation, visual contact
with the surroundings, fire escape route, architectural
expression). With the development of technology in
the architecture towards a sustainable society, the
function of transparent structures is highlighted as an
element of passive solar systems of buildings. Given
the need to regulate energy flows through transparent
constructions within dynamically changing conditions
of the external climate, new elements are being inte-
grated to modern transparent building constructions
(adjustable ventilation louvers, flaps or units, mobile
screening devices...), connected to electronic sensors
of physical or chemical parameters of internal or ex-
ternal climate that dynamically respond to climate
changes and optimize the energy flows through trans-
parent constructions in order to ensure a comfortable
indoor climate while minimizing demands on building
environmental technology (i.e. energy). With develop-
ment of active solar systems based on photo thermal
or photoelectric conversion, these elements are then
integrated directly into transparent facade structures.
These transparent structures then partially take over
the function of building environmental technology.

With the development of modern climate-adaptive
transparent facades capable of dynamically responding
to the climatic parameters of the external climate
and thus optimizing the energy flows through their
construction in order to significantly reduce the heat
load in the summer period, the heat losses in the
winter period and to maximize the available renewable
energy sources, the need to verify their parameters
and energy efficiency depending on the conditions of
the external climate comes to the fore.

2. Overview of experimental
equipment for research of
advanced facade elements

Research in the test cell began in 1985 as an effort to
increase faith in the application of energy-conscious
and passive solar building products and evaluation
techniques used to provide practical thermal prop-
erties of the products. The PASSYS (Passive Solar
Components and Systems Testing) project focused
on test cell equipment as a means of determining
the performance of passive solar building components
and providing additional information on building de-

sign and simulation tools. The advantage of test
cells is that they provide a well-controlled, realistic
room (cell) environment without occupancy [1]. The
PASSYS test cell consists of a well-insulated construc-
tion 8 × 2.7 × 2.7 m with two rooms. One room mea-
suring 5 × 2.7 × 2.7 m is a south-facing test cell and
an adjacent north-facing area is a service room that
contains an air conditioning unit. It is possible to test
various building elements on the south facade of the
test room. For this purpose, manuals for instruments,
operations, calibrations and test procedures have been
developed. The cells are able to test vertical and hor-
izontal building elements. The PASSYS test cells are
located in European countries: Belgium, Denmark,
France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Scotland,
Greece, Portugal and Spain [2].

Similar test cells in the rest of Europe are Vliet test
building at KU Leuven University in Belgium [3, 4],
Test Box at Technische Hochschule Rosenheim in Ger-
many [5], Minibat Test Cell in Lyon, France [6], FACT
in CEA-INES, Le Bourget du Lac in France [7], ZEB
Test Cell Laboratory in Trondheim, Norway [8, 9] and
The Cube in Aalborg, Denmark [10–12]. The Vliet
test building research facility is one of the Full-scale
test cells. The research is solved at the component
level and focuses on the combined transfer of heat, air
and moisture through walls, roofs and floor systems
and their impact on sustainability. The methodology
includes modelling, accelerated aging tests, hot-box
measurements and “in situ” studies [3, 4]. The Test
Box was provided to the Technical University of Rosen-
heim, Germany, from the facade construction company
Josef Gartner, for which it acquired all the rights to
research, development and training. In addition to
evaluating comfort and energy efficiency, they also
evaluate the effect of shading, angle of blinds to ob-
tain the most daylight with the least possible glare.
Therefore, the test cell is rotatable about a vertical
axis. Thus, it can be adapted to the requirements of
the respective test program. Of particular interest are
comparative studies on energy efficiency, comfort and
visual comfort in real conditions [5]. The MINIBAT
Test Cell in Lyon, France, consists of two adjacent
cells connected by a door located in a compensating
container. One side of the first cell opens into a cli-
matic chamber that models the outdoor climate. The
walls and interior rooms are equipped with many sen-
sors and both cells can be ventilated, heated, cooled,
etc. The aim of this test device is to gain informa-
tion about heat and air transfers within one room of
a building, between two rooms and between a cell and
the outdoor climate simulated by a weather generator.
The device allows to collect detailed data for vali-
dation of numerical models. Typical studies include
air distribution (indoor air quality, analysis of airflow
from inlet openings and their mixing with indoor air),
heating, cooling (energy efficiency, humidity and heat
comfort for different ventilation systems and heating /
cooling elements) and facade systems (facade elements,


B. Bielek, D. Szabó, J. Klem et al. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings

double skin facades, phase change materials, etc.) [6].
FACT (FACade Tool) is a test facility at CEA-INES,
Le Bourget du Lac, in south-eastern France. It is an
experimental facility consisting of a two-storey build-
ing with 10 rooms for testing the perimeter cladding of
buildings with different widths and heights of facades,
with different geometries of the internal environment.
The size of the test cells can be modified so that mea-
surements can be performed in one room or in open
space [7]. The ZEB Test Cell Laboratory in Trond-
heim, Norway, is used to test low-energy integrated
building systems with real operating conditions. The
test cell can be divided into two smaller chambers, in
which different technologies can be used to compare
results. In the laboratory, various elements of building
materials, building envelopes, energy installations and
control systems are jointly developed and optimized in
real climate conditions [8, 9]. The University of Aal-
borg uses a test cell, namely The Cube, which is one
of the Full-scale test facilities, for research double skin
facades. It is a test cell situated in a compensation
space with one side facing south, into which the test
sample is inserted. The cell is designed to be able to
adapt to operating modes, natural or mechanical flow
conditions, various shading techniques and similar.
The thermal conditions in the cell can be perfectly
controlled, as well as in the room next to it. The test
facility is equipped to allow the measurement of any
power supplied to the experimental zone in order to
maintain the required temperature conditions [10–12].

There are currently several testing facilities at Slo-
vak and Czech universities in Košice [13], Žilina [14],
Brno [15–17] and Prague [18]. The laboratories in
Košice include 3 outdoor experimental cells, which are
designed for monitoring, research of physical proper-
ties and characteristics of facade structures – thermal-
technical and humidity problems in real conditions
of use of buildings and real outdoor climatic condi-
tions [13]. Pavilion research has been built in the
UNIZA Research Centre in Žilina, the main part of
which consists of two differently oriented (east and
south) experimental walls. Stable indoor environment
parameters are ensured in the test cells. Tempera-
ture and relative humidity sensors are located in the
experimental walls. In the middle of the test cells
there are sensors for measuring temperature and hu-
midity. Outdoor climate conditions are obtained from
a meteorological station located on the roof of the
building [14]. In the research centre Centrum AdMaS
(Advanced Materials, Structures and Techniques) in
Brno, four small test cells were built in 2014 to re-
search the thermal stability of buildings. The exterior
walls of the cells have different material bases (brick,
aerated concrete and wooden construction). Sensors
are placed in the cells to measure surface temper-
ature, air temperature, to quantify the amount of
solar radiation in the planes on the surface of the
glazing. The outdoor climate is recorded by their me-
teorological station’s prototype. The research centre

also includes a mobile experimental full-scale test set
of solar-activated facades and their concepts [15–17].
The University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings
UCEEB at the Czech Technical University in Prague
has a climate facade with a controlled indoor environ-
ment and 6 monitored fields with samples exposed
to the weather [18]. However, it must be stated that
none of the above-described test facilities in the ter-
ritory of Slovakia and the Czech Republic makes it
possible to accurately quantify the energy flows of the
examined sample.

3. “Twin rooms” construction
The “Twin Rooms” test cells are used to determine
the thermal properties (U-value, thermal resistance,
surface temperatures, temperature fields) and energy
flows through advanced facade elements in the range of
outdoor climatic conditions. The technological equip-
ment for the “Twin Rooms” must ensure controllable,
stable, homogeneous and reproducible indoor temper-
ature conditions in the two measuring cells and in the
compensation room. This will make it possible to per-
form measurements of heat balances, total and local
heat flows as well as surface temperatures simultane-
ously on two tested structures installed in measuring
openings under the influence of non-stationary out-
door climatic conditions.

The experimental test cells consist of an office-
type mobile container with external dimensions of
6058 × 2990 × 4200 mm, which is placed on pre-built
concrete foundations. The supporting structure of the
container itself consists of a space frame welded from
steel hollow rolled profiles. The envelope consists of
lightweight sandwich panels, with an external galva-
nized shaped sheet, a filling high-efficiency thermal
insulation based on mineral wool and an internal lin-
ing made of chipboard. The entrance to the container
is situated on the rear longer side of the container
(6058 × 4200 mm) and is made by a door opening with
dimensions of 1000 × 2000 mm with galvanized doors
with infill thermal insulation – Figure 1.

The south-facing front side of the 6058 × 4200 mm
container has two holes cut out with 2400 × 3400 mm,
within which the test element of the building envelope
will be fitted. Directly behind the openings, a dividing
structure of a light wooden partition creates two rooms
(twin rooms) with dimensions of 2400×2000×3400 mm
thermally insulated from the interior space of the
container – Figure 1.

4. “Twin rooms” technology
The technology of the test cells “Twin Rooms” con-
sists of several parts, which form one functional unit.
Using environmental technology, the same constant
indoor climate θai [°C] will be maintained in both cells
and the compensating space of the container, which
will ensure zero heat flow through the dividing struc-
tures separating the two cells from the inner space


vol. 38/2022 Twin rooms – new experimental test cells . . .

Figure 1. Construction schemes of an experimental test cells Twin Rooms for testing advanced facade elements in
real conditions of outdoor climate.

of the container. By ensuring this, all energy flows
will be only through the tested facade elements of the
building envelopes fitted in the measuring openings
of the container. In order to maintain a constant
temperature θai [°C] in the two measuring cells, we
must supply energy (heat or cold) to those cells. The
amount of this supplied energy is identical to the en-
ergy that was released by the measured facade element.
We can measure the energy delivered to individual
cells (rooms) and thus we can also measure the energy
that was released by through the facade element. In
this way we can measure all energy flows through
facade elements in conditions of dynamically changing
outdoor climate over time.

The technological equipment for air conditioning of
the compensation room (container) consists of an out-
door air conditioning unit exterior air – room air for
the room “container” with a volume of about 25 m3
with an output of about 3 kW and a heating element
with an output of 2 kW – Figure 2. This ensures a sta-
ble temperature in the compensation room to prevent
the exchange of thermal energy between the measuring
cells and the compensation room. At the same time, it
is necessary to ensure even air circulation through the
circulating fans in the compensation room, in order
to avoid local temperature inhomogeneities of the air
surrounding the measuring cells.

Technological equipment for air conditioning of test-
ing cells (rooms) 1 and 2 consists of air conditioning
unit (identical as for container) air exterior – water
exchanger for space of cells 1 and 2 with a volume of

about 15 m3 with an output of 6 kW and a heater with
an output of 2 kW – Figure 2. This ensures a stable
and homogeneous temperature in the cells. In this
case, it is necessary to continuously measure the power
supplied to the air-conditioned space of cell, so on
the air-conditioned side there is a water exchanger
measuring water flow and its inlet and outlet temper-
ature as well as an electricity meter to measure the
electrical power of the heater and circulating fans.

To evaluate the total heat fluxes by the measured
structures, it is necessary to measure parallel in “cell
1” and in “cell 2”:

• the amount of energy supplied or taken by the heat
exchanger (inlet and outlet water temperature –
media flowing through the exchanger, the volume
of water flowed through the exchanger),

• the amount of electrical energy supplied by the
radiator and circulating fans.

Guaranteed parameters for container space:

• cooling circuit power 3 kW,
• heat circuit power 2 kW,
• adjustable temperature range:

▷ for summer period + 19 °C to + 40 °C, homogene-
ity in space and time ± 1.5 °C,

▷ for winter period + 10 °C to + 25 °C, homogeneity
in space and time ± 1.5 °C,

• air velocity range: 0.10 m/s to 1.50 m/s.


B. Bielek, D. Szabó, J. Klem et al. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings

Figure 2. Construction scheme of technological equipment of an experimental test cells Twin Rooms. 1 – Cooling
source, Qc = 16.4 kW, MEX EA 117 Z C, 2 – Plate heat exchanger – part of the supply of the cooling source, 3 –
Water tank – storage tank Galmet 140 l, 4 – Pipe fancoil NXKT3-V1000, 5 – Sill fancoil NXKH3-V600, 6 – Circulating
fans – homogeneous thermal field, 7 – Electrical switchgear, 8 – Opening for mounting a new facade sample.

Guaranteed parameters for cell space 1 and cell
space 2:
• cooling circuit power 6 kW,
• heat circuit power 2 kW,
• adjustable temperature range:

▷ for summer period + 19 °C to + 40 °C, homogene-
ity in the space in front of the measured sample
± 1.5 °C (at the output of the cold and heat cir-
cuit up to 2.0 kW),

▷ for winter period + 10 °C to + 25 °C, homogeneity
in the space in front of the measured sample
± 1.5 °C (at the output of the cold and heat circuit
up to 2.0 kW),

• air velocity range: 0.10 m/s to 1.00 m/s.
All sensed physical quantities will be continuously

recorded and evaluated by the local control unit. The
system enables remote access in real time to all sensed
and evaluated quantities as well as remote control of
the entire control and regulation system.

5. “Twin rooms” measuring

In order to be able to evaluate the total heat balance
of the measured structures under the influence of non-
stationary outdoor climatic conditions, it is necessary
to measure these conditions with the help of a meteo-
rological station. The weather station will be located
on the roof of the container with measuring cells. The
temperature and humidity of the outside air, the speed
and direction of the wind, the intensity of sunlight on
the vertical and horizontal planes and the amount of
precipitation will be measured continuously.

To evaluate the local thermal parameters of the
measured structures, it is necessary to measure:
• local heat fluxes using heat plates,
• surface temperatures on the outside and inside of

the structure by Pt100 sensors,
• flow velocities along the measured structures,
• air pressure differences on the outside and inside of


vol. 38/2022 Twin rooms – new experimental test cells . . .

the structure,
• intensity of solar radiation on the vertical surface

of the perimeter wall.
All the above-mentioned physical quantities are con-

tinuously measured and stored by means of a measur-
ing control panel. At the same time, they are archived
by means of a PC and are remotely accessible at any
place via the Internet.

6. Initial measurements on the
new experimental test cells
Twin Rooms

After the successful delivery of technology to the new
Twin Rooms test cells for research of advanced facade
elements in real climate conditions (October 2021)
and after its successful test operation, we plan to start
experimental verification of a prototype of a new mod-
ular double skin transparent facade with a narrow slot
cavity with a usage of multi-stage renewable energy
of solar radiation, which was developed within the sci-
entific projects APVV-16-0126 and VEGA 1/0113/19
in cooperation with Ingsteel s.r.o. Bratislava. The
resulting design of the double facade is characterized
• progressive construction of the completed spatial

part – an element mounted from the exterior to the
elements of the supporting system of the building,
characterized by fast assembly technology and the
removal of seasonality,

• high thermal-technical quantification without ther-
mal bridges of frame profiles based on aluminium
and anchoring systems and high acoustic quantifi-
cation of the facade,

• application of the design solution of a double skin
transparent facade with a narrow slot cavity and
the height of the section identical to the height of
one floor, which significantly eliminates the load
from solar radiation in summer and at the same
time reduces heat losses during the heating period –

• application of the ventilation heat recovery unit in
the parapet part of the element, which in winter
uses preheated air from the physical cavity of the
double skin facade with a positive impact on a sig-
nificant reduction of heat losses of the building from

• application of photovoltaics for direct conversion of
solar radiation into electrical energy in the parapet
part of the outer transparent wall of the double skin
facade for direct use in the building,

• application of an automated control system of indi-
vidual structural elements of the element (closing
of inlet and outlet openings, movement of shading
devices, control of heat recovery unit, etc.) based on
measuring outdoor climate parameters and indoor
climate requirements.

The resulting energy flows of the new double skin
transparent facade will be compared with the classic
simple transparent facade of similar physical quantifi-
cation as the inner wall of the double facade, also with
the application of the same ventilation heat recovery
unit and photovoltaics in its parapet part. We will
test both samples of facades by long-term research in
the experimental Twin Rooms test cells during the
period of 1 year.

7. Conclusion
After the construction of the experimental test cells
Twin Rooms for pavilion research of advanced facade
elements in conditions of real outdoor climate, the
facility will enable research in the field of modern fa-
cade technology of buildings using available renewable
energy sources (especially solar radiation) with inte-
grated passive and active systems and also implemen-
tation of development and optimization of structural
creation of modern transparent facade structures for
realization sphere.

This research was supported by Scientific Grant Agency
MŠVVŠ SR and SAV under VEGA 1/0113/19 and by
the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the
contract No. APVV-16-0126.

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	Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 38:354–360, 2022
	1 Introduction
	2 Overview of experimental equipment for research of advanced facade elements
	3 ``Twin rooms'' construction
	4 ``Twin rooms'' technology
	5 ``Twin rooms'' measuring equipment
	6 Initial measurements on the new experimental test cells Twin Rooms
	7 Conclusion