item: #1 of 325 id: aseas-2430 author: Gerstl, Alfred; Schweitzer, Erwin title: Südostasienwissenschaften publizieren: Open-Access, thematischer Pluralismus, Internationalität date: 2008-02-26 words: 805 flesch: 18 summary: ASEAS stellt einen Meilenstein in der Etablierung der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit Südostasien in Österreich dar, existiert doch nunmehr erstmals eine Plattform, die es ForscherInnen – österreichischen wie nicht-österreichischen – ermöglicht, qualitativ hochwertig aktuelle Ergebnisse der Südostasienwissenschaften zu publizieren, und zwar kostenlos und 01 ASEAS 1 (1) weltweit zugänglich. auf: einen Rahmen zu schaffen, mit dem sich verschiedene Betrachtungsweisen zu einem kohärenten, sich wechselseitig bereichernden Gesamtbild einer interdisziplinären Südostasienforschung verknüpfen lassen. Mehrheitlich gehen die Beiträge dieser Ausgabe auf die zweite internationale Südostasienwissenschaften-Konferenz im Juni 2007 in Wien zurück, die von der Gesellschaft für Südostasienwissenschaften mit Unterstützung des Graduiertenzentrums der sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, des Instituts für Geographie und Regionalforschung der Universität Wien, der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKO) und der philippinischen Botschaft Wien organisiert wurde. keywords: aber; access; als; aseas; asian; asian studies; auch; auf; ausgabe; das; den; der; des; die; dieser; disziplinen; east; east asian; eine; für; journal; mit; offen; open; pluralismus; publizieren; sich; south; studies; südostasienforschung; südostasienwissenschaften; und; von; wien; wir; zeitschrift; österreich; über cache: aseas-2430.pdf plain text: aseas-2430.txt item: #2 of 325 id: aseas-2431 author: Slama, Martin title: Islam Pribumi. Der Islam der Einheimischhen, seine "Arabisierung" und arabische Diasporagemeinschaften in Indonesien date: 2008-02-26 words: 6109 flesch: 48 summary: [Pribumisasi Islam] wird von uns weiterentwickelt zu einer Idee vom Islam der Einheimischen Von der Lokalisierung des Islam zum Islam der Einheimischen Diese frühe Lokalisierung des Islam in Indonesien wurde in den �980er Jahren vom späteren Präsidenten Abdurrahman Wahid, der zu dieser Zeit noch der größten islamischen Organisation Indonesiens, der Nahdlatul Ulama, vorstand, zum Thema gemacht. keywords: 980er; abdurrahman; aber; abstammung; abu; allem; als; andere; araber; araberinnen; arabisation; arabischen; arabisierung; arabs; artikel; aseas; asia; auch; auf; aus; autor; azra; ba‘asyir; begriff; bei; bereits; besonders; bevölkerung; bewegungen; borders; brill; bzw; clarence; cornell; d.h; damit; dan; dann; das; dass; dem; den; denn; der; des; des islam; diaspora; die; diese; dijk; diskurs; drei; durch; eigenen; eine; einheimischen; erst; etwa; fast; frage; freitag; fundamentalistischen; für; gegen; gegenüber; gemeinschaft; gender; gesellschaft; gibt; gruppe; haben; hadhramaut; hadhrami; handelt; hasan; hat; heiligen; heute; hier; huub; ihnen; ihre; immer; indem; indian; indonesien; indonesierinnen; indonesischen; intellektuellen; interpretationen; inwieweit; irsyad; islam; islam pribumi; islamic; islamischen; ist; jahren; jakarta; java; jedoch; jenen; jihad; jonge; jungen; kann; kaptein; kitlv; kolonialzeit; koran; kulturellen; köln; leben; leiden; lokalen; man; martin; mehr; minderheit; mit; musliminnen; muss; möchte; nach; nachkommen; nahdlatul; nahen; new; nicht; nico; noch; nur; nämlich; ocean; oder; organisationen; osten; politics; politischen; post; praktiken; praxis; press; pribumi; pribumisasi; princeton; propheten; radikalen; rahmat; regime; religion; religiösen; rizieq; scholars; schon; sehr; selbst; shihab; sich; siehe; sihbudi; sind; smith; society; sondern; southeast; staat; statesmen; stehen; stellen; stämmigen; suharto; thalib; traders; traditionen; turmudi; ulama; ulrike; und; university; unter; van; vertreter; vgl; vom; von; von der; vor; wahid; weiters; welt; wenn; werden; wie; william; wird; women; wurde; york; zeit; zentralen; zum; zur; zwar; zwischen; übersetzung cache: aseas-2431.pdf plain text: aseas-2431.txt item: #3 of 325 id: aseas-2432 author: Heilmann, Matthias title: Islamismus in Indonesien - Der Erfolg der Gerechtigkeits- und Wohlfahrtspartei und seine möglichen Auswirkungen date: 2008-02-26 words: 3768 flesch: 46 summary: Auch in der internationalen Politik würde die Republik Indonesien unter Führung der PKS wahrscheinlich eine distanziertere oder sogar konfrontative Position zu den “westlichen“ Ländern, allen voran den USA, einnehmen, was sich unter anderem negativ auf den Umfang der ausländischen Investitionen und damit auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Indonesiens auswirken könnte. Ihr Ziel ist die Einheit der Ummah unter der Leitung einer politischen Klasse, die sich nach den Vorstellungen der PKS durch ihre besondere Qualifikation und ihr Verantwortungsbewusstsein auszeichne, nicht jedoch durch interne Zerstrittenheit, worauf die Existenz mehrerer Parteien hinweisen würde. keywords: .2006; allem; als; anderen; aseas; auch; auf; aus; aziz; bagi; bandung; bei; besonders; bis; charta; collins; dabei; dakwah; damit; dan; dann; das; dass; dazu; dem; democracy; den; departemen; der; des; dewan; die; diese; dpp; durch; eds; eine; einige; erfolg; erfolgreich; fraktion; führen; für; gegenüber; gesellschaft; hamzah; harakatuna; hat; heilmann; ideologie; ideologischen; ihre; image; immer; indonesia; indonesiens; indonesischen; interview; islam; islamischen; islamismus; ist; jakarta; jedoch; justice; kaderisasi; keadilan; keadilan sejahtera; komarudin; korruption; kultur; könnte; leben; machmudi; march; master; matthias; mehr; menschen; mindestens; mit; mitglieder; moderate; muslim; möglicherweise; möglichst; müssen; nach; nationalen; neue; nicht; noch; nur; oder; parlament; partai; partai keadilan; parteien; party; passau; pks; politik; politischen; pragmatischen; prayitno; programm; pustaka; religiösen; scharia; sein; sejahtera; sich; siddiq; sie; sind; sollte; sowie; sozialen; strategie; success; syariah; system; thesis; tim; transparenz; u.a; ummah; und; universitas; verhalten; verändern; vgl; von; vor; vorstellungen; wahono; weil; welfare; wenn; werden; wie; wird; wohl; wäre; würde; ziel; zur; zwei; über cache: aseas-2432.pdf plain text: aseas-2432.txt item: #4 of 325 id: aseas-2433 author: Arnez, Monika title: Kunst, Kosmos, Kaste. Weibliche Körperinszenierungen, Tanz und Aspekte der Bewahrung balinesischer Kultur in Oka Rusminis Tarian Bumi date: 2008-02-26 words: 10198 flesch: 53 summary: Der Titel Erdentanz lässt sich als Hinweis auf das untrennbare Zusammenspiel von Mikro- und Makokosmos lesen, als Beziehung zwischen dem (tanzenden) Individuum und der Welt, die laut balinesischer Vorstellung nicht als zwei vollständig unabhängig voneinander existierende Stücke, sondern als eine Ganzheit anzusehen sind: „Bodies and the world are not separate but affect one another. 43 ASEAS 1 (1) Kontext von Kolonisierung und patriarchalischer Kritik gerückt werden. Der weibliche Körper, Schönheit und Begegnungen mit dem Westen Die Motive weiblicher Körper und Schönheit werden in Tarian Bumi auch im Kontext von Begegnungen mit dem Westen thematisiert, insbesondere der ambivalenten Beziehungen zwischen balinesischen Tänzerinnen und westlichen Männern, anhand der Figuren Luh Dampar und Kambren. keywords: 2007; 990er; aber; adat; ajeg; allem; als; als auch; anderen; anhand; anhand der; arnez; aseas; aspects; aspekte; auch; auf; auf bali; auf den; aufhebung; aufmerksam; aug; augen; aus; aus der; ausländer; authors; autorin; autorinnen; ayu; bali; balinese; balinesischen; bedeutung; begriff; bei; bei der; beide; bereich; bereits; beschreibt; beschrieben; beste; beten; betrachtet; bewahrung; bezeichnet; beziehung; bis; bisher; blick; blümel; body; brahmanen; bumi; culture; dabei; dafür; damit; dampar; dance; daran; darauf; dargestellt; dass; dass die; dazu; dem; demonstriert; den; den sie; denen; der; der balinesischen; der familie; der frau; der roman; der tänzerinnen; der westler; des; deutlich; deutsche; die; die autorin; dient; dieser; diskurs; diskutiert; durch; ebenso; eigenen; ein; eine; einflüsse; einige; entscheidung; erdentanz; erhalten; erhaltung; erhielt; erzählerin; fall; familie; female; fiktionalen; findet; fortsetzungsroman; frauen; freizügigkeit; fremden; früheren; für; für die; für ihre; für sie; geboren; gegen; gegensatz; gegenüber; geld; gemäß; gesehen; gesellschaft; gleichzeitig; gramedia; griya; grund; göttern; göttlichen; haben; hat; hauptfiguren; heirat; hier; hierarchie; hierarchischen; hinduistischen; hingabe; hintergrund; hobart; ihm; ihnen; ihre; immer; indem; indonesia; indonesische; innerhalb; insbesondere; interesse; ist; ist die; jahre; jakarta; jedoch; jero; joged; jungen; kambren; kann; kaste; kenanga; kenten; kind; kommerzialisierung; kommunisten; kontext; kosmos; kraft; kritik; kritisiert; kultur; kunst; können; körper; körper und; körperinszenierungen; körperliche; künstler; leben; lediglich; leiden; liebe; literature; luh; luh kambren; luh sekar; lässt; machen; macht; mann; markt; medien; mehr; meinung; meisten; menschen; mir; mit; mit dem; mitglieder; mittel; monika; motive; muss; mutter; mädchen; männer; möchte; möglichkeit; müssen; nach; nach der; nackt; neuen; new; ngurah; nicht; nimmt; noch; novel; nur; obwohl; oder; oftmals; ohne; oka; opfergaben; ordnung; paper; patiwangi; perfektion; perspektive; phantasien; pidada; pki; post; postkolonialer; preis; prestige; probleme; präsident; publikum; publiziert; regeln; rein; religion; repräsentation; republika; rolle; rolle der; roman; rusmini; saman; sastrawangi; schon; schriftstellerinnen; schwer; schwiegermutter; schönheit; sehr; sein; seit; sekar; selbst; sexualität; sexuellen; sich; sich die; sie; sie als; sie die; sie ihre; sie nicht; sie sich; sie von; sind; soll; sondern; sowohl; soziale; spielt; stagings; status; steht; stelle; sturz; sudra; suharto; taksu; tanz; tanz der; tanz und; tanzes; tarian; tarian bumi; tatsache; telaga; tempel; titel; tochter; tourismus; tradition; trotz; tänzerinnen; und; und auch; und der; und die; und ihre; unmittelbar; unter; utami; vaters; verbindung; verdeutlicht; verkaufen; verliebt; vermeintliche; veröffentlicht; viele; von; von den; von luh; vor; war; waren; warna; wayan; weiblichen; weil; weise; weiteren; welche; welt; wenn; werden; werke; westler; westliche; wie; wieder; wird; wissen; women; world; wunsch; wurde; wurzeln; während; yasmin; zeitschrift; zensur; zentraler; zeremonie; ziel; zu der; zum; zunehmend; zur; zusammen; zwar; zwei; zwischen; über; übersetzt cache: aseas-2433.pdf plain text: aseas-2433.txt item: #5 of 325 id: aseas-2434 author: Zöllner, Hans-Bernd title: Die Rohingyas - Konstruktion, De-Konstruktion und Re-Konstruktion einer ethnisch-religiösen nationalen Identität date: 2008-02-26 words: 5172 flesch: 54 summary: Bei alledem ist der Status der Rohingyas umstritten. Das Papier untersucht die historische Genese der Konstruktion einer ethnischen Nationalität der Rohingyas vis à vis der buddhistischen keywords: aber; als; anderen; anerkennung; anfang; anglo; arakan; arakanesen; arakanesischen; aseas; auch; auf; aufgerufen; aus; aye; bangladesh; begriff; beiden; beigetragen; beitrag; bengalen; bernd; bevölkerung; bewohner; bhabha; birmanischen; bis; buddhistischen; burma; burmese; campaign; chan; chittagong; community; council; country; dabei; damit; das; dass; dazu; dem; den; der; des; die; die rohingyas; dieser; distelrath; distrikt; durch; east; eine; elemente; empire; ersten; erwähnt; ethnic; ethnisch; fast; fleischmann; folgenden; free; für; gazetteer; gehören; gemeinschaften; genannt; geschichte; gewesen; gibt; grenze; gruppe; gruppierungen; haben; hamburg; hans; hat; herkunft; herrschaft; heutigen; hier; hindus; historische; history; identity; identität; ihre; indischen; information; islamic; ist; jahre; jahrhundert; kann; kingdom; kollektiver; konstruktion; königreich; lamprecht; landes; laufe; leben; lebenden; leider; maung; mehr; menschen; mit; muslime; muslimischen; myanmar; nach; namen; nation; national; nationen; nicht; nur; people; press; rakhine; religion; religiösen; rohingyas; schließlich; schon; sei; seit; sich; sie; siehe; sind; somit; sowie; sowohl; später; staat; staaten; state; status; teils; u.a; und; unhcr; university; unter; unterschieden; unterschiedlicher; verschiedenen; vgl; vom; von; vor; vorgeschichte; war; waren; website; weiter; werden; werner; westlichen; wie; wird; world; wurde; yegar; zeit; zum; zur; zusammenhang; zwischen; zöllner; über cache: aseas-2434.pdf plain text: aseas-2434.txt item: #6 of 325 id: aseas-2435 author: Grigoleit, Grit title: Globale Diaspora der Hmong date: 2008-02-26 words: 5759 flesch: 45 summary: 67 ASEAS 1 (1) Konstruktion und Bewahrung der Hmong Identität Living locally – Acting globally: Transnationale Netzwerke Die Bewahrung einer einheitlichen Hmong Identität wird durch die weltweite Vernetzung der diasporischen Hmong Gemeinschaften ermöglicht. Auf der Suche nach neuem Lebensraum stellte Laos für sie eine neue Wahlheimat dar, in der sie neben einer Vielzahl ethnischer Gruppierungen als Minderheit � Die Rolle der Hmong im Vietnamkrieg vom ersten Kontakt �959 der Hmong mit den U.S. Special Forces bis zur Formierung der Hmong Special Guerilla Units durch die CIA ab dem Jahre �96� wird in der entsprechenden Literatur ausreichend diskutiert. keywords: aktivitäten; allem; als; amerikanische; analog; anderen; anderson; anthias; aseas; asian; auch; auf; aufnahmeland; aus; australien; beck; bedeutung; beispielsweise; benedict; bewahrung; bewusstsein; beziehungen; bis; blackwell; books; braziel; china; clans; clarkin; clifford; cohen; cultural; dabei; damit; das; dass; dem; den; dennoch; der; der hmong; des; diaspora; diaspora der; diasporische; die; diesem; diskutiert; diverse; durch; ebenso; eine; einzelnen; empathie; entstehen; erfahrungen; erfolgte; ethnische; externe; faktoren; flüchtlinge; folge; form; frankreich; französisch; fremde; führt; für; gegenüber; gemeinde; gemeinsame; gemeinschaft; generationen; geografischen; geprägt; gernsheim; gigoleit; gleichermaßen; globale; grit; großkollektiv; guyana; heimat; heimatland; hierbei; hmong; homogenen; identity; identität; ihrer; imaginierte; immer; ist; jedoch; journal; julian; junge; kann; kollektive; konstruktion; konzeptionen; kulturelle; laos; lassen; lebenden; lebten; lee; ließ; london; lässt; mai; mannur; mayer; mehrere; miao; minneapolis; minnesota; mit; mitglieder; mittels; möglichkeiten; nach; nation; neben; netzwerk; neue; new; nicht; nur; oder; offiziellen; oftmals; oxford; pao; paul; politische; press; putschversuch; regierung; religion; religiöse; report; ressourcen; routledge; safran; saint; schein; schätzungen; secret; sich; sie; sind; situation; smith; solidarität; sondern; sowie; soziale; special; studies; südostasien; tapp; thailand; tham; tomforde; trotz; und; university; unter; ursprung; usa; vang; verlag; vernetzung; vertreibung; vgl; vietnamkrieg; vom; von; vor; vorstellung; war; wat; welche; wenn; werden; westlichen; wie; wird; wurde; yang; york; zahlreiche; zerstreuung; zudem; zulassen; zum; zumeist; zunächst; zur; zwischen; über; übertragen cache: aseas-2435.pdf plain text: aseas-2435.txt item: #7 of 325 id: aseas-2436 author: Zimmermann, Reinhart title: Österreichs Wirtschaftsbeziehungen in Südostasien date: 2008-02-26 words: 2419 flesch: 39 summary: in EUR Einfuhr Ausfuhr 2005 2006 +/- % 2005 2006 +/- % Brunei �9.8�� ��9.0�0 60�,6 56�.�0� �.596.6�7 54�,0 Indonesien �58.�46.48� �67.�89.620 5,7 ��2.75�.0�7 ��9.7�9.564 -9,8 Kambodscha 2�.47�.��5 28.5��.650 �2,8 702.�65 488.��0 -�0,5 Laos �.48�.700 �.757.0�8 7,8 27.�69 �7.622 -�5,� Malaysia 256.092.587 �77.��9.767 47,� 20�.298.007 2�6.077.�5� �6,� Myanmar 9.77�.767 �0.428.869 6,7 4.955.797 5.�82.�57 8,6 Philippinen 7�.82�.540 ��2.��7.764 56,4 54.44�.705 70.544.457 29,6 Singapur �24.855.6�8 �28.529.74� 2,9 �87.�07.748 28�.607.027 5�,6 Thailand 285.7��.754 �28.86�.707 �5,� �24.642.�89 �5�.049.9�8 22,8 Vietnam �49.�45.624 �90.005.�7� 27,4 �5.082.�57 55.456.258 58,� ASEAN �.080.542.20� �.�46.884.��7 24,6 74�.57�.257 927.959.�0� 24,8 Welt 96.498.905.742 �04.200.577.�29 8,0 94.705.447.��0 �0�.74�.778.�8� 9,5 Österreichs Außenhandel mit ASEAN, 2005 und 2006 (Statistik Austria) Ebenso besteht auch bei österreichischen Direktinvestitionen (FDI) Aufholbedarf, wo der Abstand zu vergleichbaren EU-Staaten wie Dänemark, Schweden und Finnland teilweise eklatant ist. Das Jahr 2007 führt die letzte Erfolgsgeschichte ungebrochen weiter, wobei gerade unsere Exporte in die bedeutenderen Absatzmärkte in Südostasien boomen: in EUR Einfuhr Ausfuhr �. Hälfte 2006 �. Hälfte 2007 +/- % �. Hälfte 2006 �. Hälfte 2007 +/- % Brunei 9.50� �5.096 269,� �.0�5.�70 6�4.940 -79,7 Indonesien 80.84�.6�9 76.�0�.7�2 -5,9 66.5�2.4�5 89.777.807 �4,9 Kambodscha ��.428.548 �0.965.028 -4,� 220.655 ��5.966 -�8,4 Laos �.48�.295 �.702.�99 �4,8 �4.�55 ��.47� -6,� Malaysia �95.849.6�8 �5�.449.790 -2�,6 �28.5�9.�76 �28.840.709 0,� Myanmar 4.725.286 4.78�.09� �,2 2.95�.279 2.920.949 -�,� Philippinen 50.778.294 69.279.4�0 �6,4 �7.26�.6�2 �5.679.902 -4,2 Singapur 60.�50.4�� 50.6�7.769 -�5,8 ��4.756.800 �64.070.�22 4�,0 Thailand �5�.4�7.6�9 �79.0�7.706 �6,7 74.255.4�9 92.0�4.505 2�,9 Vietnam 94.44�.00� �04.954.690 ��,� �8.��7.867 �6.764.464 �00,7 ASEAN 65�.�45.276 650.928.7�� -0,� 445.866.968 550.852.8�7 2�,5 Welt 50.75�.�82.69� 54.647.�77.5�9 7,7 50.40�.786.494 55.584.48�.�56 �0,� Österreichs Außenhandel mit ASEAN, 1. keywords: 2007; aber; anhaltende; asean; auch; auf; aus; austrian; bedarf; bei; besteht; bevölkerung; brunei; bzw; chancen; china; dabei; das; dem; den; der; des; die; diese; direktinvestitionen; durch; east; economic; eine; eur; exporte; firmen; führt; für; geht; grund; handelsvolumen; hälfte; indien; indonesien; infrastruktur; integration; ist; kambodscha; laos; liegt; länder; malaysia; mit; mrd; nach; naturressourcen; noch; philippinen; potenzial; raum; region; reinhart; saarc; sein; sich; sind; singapur; south; sowie; steigenden; südostasiatischen; südostasien; thailand; und; von; vor; wachstum; welt; werden; wichtigsten; wird; wirtschaftsbeziehungen; zimmermann; österreich; österreichischen; über cache: aseas-2436.pdf plain text: aseas-2436.txt item: #8 of 325 id: aseas-2437 author: Gerstl, Alfred title: Vom Multilateralismus zum Bilateralismus: Das APEC-Treffen in Sydney im September 2007 date: 2008-02-26 words: 1669 flesch: 28 summary: Der Fokus liegt eindeutig auf der Steigerung der Energieeffizienz durch neue Technologien, und auch die Nuklearenergie leistet dazu laut der Declaration einen Beitrag. Allerdings kamen diese im Vorfeld oder am Rande des Gipfels zustande – und dann auch noch auf bilateraler Ebene. keywords: aber; abkommen; alfred; als; apec; aseas; auch; auf; australien; bei; bereits; bilateralismus; bis; china; dagegen; das; dass; declaration; dem; den; der; des; die; doch; durch; ebene; economic; eindeutig; einen; erstmals; forum; für; gegenüber; gerstl; gipfel; gipfeltreffen; hatte; howard; indien; ist; jahre; japan; jedoch; klimaschutz; mehr; mit; multilaterale; multilateralismus; nach; neue; nicht; nur; oder; ostasien; politisch; prozent; regierung; regionaler; richtung; scheint; sehr; september; sich; staaten; sydney; traditionell; treffen; und; unter; uran; usa; vom; von; vor; war; werden; wie; zum; zur; zwar; zwischen; über cache: aseas-2437.pdf plain text: aseas-2437.txt item: #9 of 325 id: aseas-2438 author: Zöllner, Hans-Bernd title: The Myanmar Literature Project - Starting with an Investigation into the NAGANI BOOK CLUB date: 2008-02-26 words: 1210 flesch: 40 summary: With the foundation of the Club, the demand for abolishing and replacing the British “slave education” was taken up, a demand that formed a golden thread through Burma’s independence movements since the end of the �9th century. On the other hand, the Club by familiarising its readers with current international developments, knowledge and literature placed Burma into an international context and took up the demand of the British administrators that the Burmese had to be educated and Burma had to be modernised as a prerequisite to the country’s independence. keywords: aseas; book; book club; burma; burmese; club; independence; international; literary; literature; material; myanmar; nagani; nagani book; project; studies; world cache: aseas-2438.pdf plain text: aseas-2438.txt item: #10 of 325 id: aseas-2439 author: Gerstl, Alfred title: Book review: Maly, C.-A., Emmers, R. & Amitav, A. (Eds.) (2006). Non-traditional security in Asia: Dilemmas in securitisation. date: 2008-02-26 words: 1600 flesch: 24 summary: Eine Bedrohung ist für sie dann “sekuritisiert” worden, wenn diese von der Lobby-Gruppe der Allgemeinheit oder einer bestimmten (betroffenen) Gruppe erfolgreich als existenziell gefährlich präsentiert wurde, zu deren Bewältigung es rascher Maβnahmen ausserhalb der angestammten politischen Prozesse bedarf – allerdings, dies ist ein zentraler Punkt, innerhalb der angestammten staatlichen Strukturen, mit der Regierung als dominanter Akteurin. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt auch ihnen dem diskursiven Prozess der Securitization oder Desecuritization: Welche staatlichen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteure sind beteiligt? Gibt es einen Konsens über Art und Umfang der Bedrohung? keywords: acharya; akteure; alfred; als; amitav; anthony; aseas; asia; asien; auch; auf; aus; bedrohung; besonders; beziehungen; callabero; copenhagen; das; dass; dem; den; der; des; die; dieser; dilemmas; doch; durch; eine; emmers; erhoben; für; gerstl; hat; ihr; interessen; ist; mak; maritime; militärische; mit; nach; ngos; nicht; non; oder; piraterie; politischen; problem; ralf; regierung; review; rezension; school; securitisation; security; seiner; sich; sicherheitspolitischen; sie; sind; singapur; staaten; staatlichen; thema; traditional; und; untersuchen; verschiedenen; von; vor; welche; werden; wie; wird; zur; zwei; zwischen cache: aseas-2439.pdf plain text: aseas-2439.txt item: #11 of 325 id: aseas-2440 author: Stange, Gunnar; Sakdapolrak, Patrick title: Forced Migration in Southeast Asia date: 2018-12-29 words: 1747 flesch: 48 summary: Thus far, we know little about the current state of refugees and internally dis- placed persons in Southeast Asia, and we have only estimations on the actual number of people that migrate involuntarily to or within the region. Southeast Asia has one of the weakest protection frameworks for refugees and asylum seekers worldwide. keywords: article; aseas; asian; asylum; austrian; celebrations; conflict; current; education; indonesia; issue; journal; lego; level; maulid; migration; myanmar; national; nations; people; refugees; regional; registration; research; seekers; seise; southeast; stange; studies; workshop cache: aseas-2440.pdf plain text: aseas-2440.txt item: #12 of 325 id: aseas-2441 author: Brown, Thomas Mitchell title: Building Resilience: The Emergence of Refugee-Led Education Initiatives in Indonesia to Address Service Gaps Faced in Protracted Transit date: 2018-12-29 words: 9041 flesch: 50 summary: Although refugees in such situations are commonly perceived to be passive agents resigned to helplessness and in need of outside assistance, refugee communities are challenging this notion by working together to independently address their collective needs. This immersion in refugee communities in Cisarua allowed for meaningful participa- tory observation, and led to the development of rapport with respondents. keywords: able; access; activities; april; aseas; asylum; australia; brown; building; capability; capital; case; centers; centre; children; cisarua; commissioner; communities; community; countries; country; crlc; detention; education; emergence; english; face; freedom; groups; hazara; health; help; high; host; housing; indonesia; initiatives; international; issues; jakarta; java; learning; live; living; malaysia; missbach; mitchell; motivation; nations; new; number; organization; organize; outside; paper; particular; payeez; population; protection; protracted; refugee community; refugees; research; resettlement; resilience; school; seekers; self; services; skills; small; social; strong; students; study; support; teachers; thomas; time; transit; unhcr; united; urban; urban refugees; volunteer; women; world; years cache: aseas-2441.pdf plain text: aseas-2441.txt item: #13 of 325 id: aseas-2442 author: Lego, Jera title: Making Refugees (Dis)Appear: Identifying Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Thailand and Malaysia date: 2018-12-29 words: 8233 flesch: 49 summary: What appears as erratic state behavior on the part of the Thai government in allowing and then disallowing universal registration, 196 | ASEAS 11(2) Making Refugees (Dis)Appear can be understood in terms of an evolving ambivalence towards refugee norms and a fundamental concern for reducing the presence of refugees whether by resettle- ment or repatriation, whichever is more effective. Understanding the interplay between the state, the UNHCR, and NGOs in terms of varied rationalities serves to highlight: (1) the extent to which states, when focused on asserting their sovereign power, can disregard refugee norms, even as they inter- act and accommodate IOs and rights groups; (2) the importance of the UNHCR’s continued functioning; and (3) the crucial role that NGOs play in supporting forced migrants given the UNHCR’s tendency to homogenize refugee populations by vir- tue of its nature as a governmentalizing agent.7 It is hoped that the UNHCR, NGOs, and RCOs are continuously empowered, and that the state is socialized not just into adopting refugee norms but also away from an excessive focus on its sovereign sensi- bilities. keywords: able; actors; annual; aseas; asian; assistance; asylum; asylum seekers; authorities; birth; border; border consortium; camps; case; chin; committee; consortium; country; crisp; different; dis)appear; exercises; field; frameworks; governmental; groups; human; immigration; information; international; jera; july; knowledge; kuala; lego; lumpur; mae; malaysia; mechanisms; migrants; mobile; myanmar; nah; new; ngos; non; norms; officer; organizations; paper; people; persons; politics; populations; possible; power; presence; programs; protection; rationalities; rcos; refugees; registration; report; resettlement; rights; rsd; rule; seekers; services; sot; southeast; sovereign; state; status; tbc; terms; thai; thailand; unhcr; united; universal; university cache: aseas-2442.pdf plain text: aseas-2442.txt item: #14 of 325 id: aseas-2443 author: Missbach, Antje; Adiputera, Yunizar; Prabandari, Atin title: Is Makassar a ‘Sanctuary City’? Migration Governance in Indonesia After the ‘Local Turn’ date: 2018-12-29 words: 9386 flesch: 47 summary: This view is also reflected in the findings of the UN Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI), which say that “the drivers and impact of migration are often most strongly felt at the local level”, but at the same time “local governments have not received the same level of attention as other stakeholders, while their involvement and potential impact on the connections between migration and development is crucial” (JMDI, 2008). In this context, local governments (pemerintah daerah) are given, to a certain extent, both authority and responsibility caring for refugees in their jurisdictions. keywords: actors; adiputera; antje; approach; article; aseas; asia; asylum; asylum seekers; atin; attention; authorities; care; case; central; cities; citizenship; city; civil; communities; community; concept; context; convention; cooperation; crisis; current; darling; detention; engagement; example; february; federal; funding; global; governance; government; handling; high; hospitality; housing; indonesia; integration; international; iom; journal; law; legal; level; like; local; local government; local turn; main; makassar; management; means; media; migration; missbach; national; nations; non; number; officials; organizations; people; place; policies; political; politics; prabandari; practices; presidential; protection; refugees; regional; regulation; research; residents; responsibility; rights; role; sanctuary; sanctuary city; seekers; services; sheffield; shelters; social; society; southeast; stakeholders; state; status; studies; sub; support; temporary; time; treatment; turn; unhcr; united; villazor; way; welcoming; yunizar cache: aseas-2443.pdf plain text: aseas-2443.txt item: #15 of 325 id: aseas-2444 author: Seise, Claudia title: Women Remembering the Prophet’s Birthday: Maulid Celebrations and Religious Emotions Among the Alawiyin Community in Palembang, Indonesia date: 2018-12-29 words: 7794 flesch: 57 summary: As was explained to me by a woman who attended the Maulid celebrations, Alawiyin tradition dictates that Alawiyin women wear black dresses during Maulid celebrations, whereas men usu- ally wear white. Women remembering the Prophet’s birthday: Maulid celebrations and religious emotions among the Alawiyin community in Palembang, Indonesia. keywords: alawiyin; alawiyin community; allah; amsterdam; aseas; asia; azra; birthday; bodily; bruinessen; celebrations; claudia; community; contemporary; days; descendants; different; eds; emotions; events; example; expression; family; female; following; form; freitag; gender; good; habib; hadhramaut; hadhrami; haya; ibu; identity; important; indonesia; interpretations; islamic; java; life; local; love; maulid; maulid celebrations; mixed; modernism; muhammad; muslim; muslim women; neo; non; palembang; paper; pesantren; piety; practices; press; prophet; prophet muhammad; qur’an; religious; religious emotions; research; ritual; scholars; seise; sharifat; similar; south; southeast; special; state; strict; studies; study; teachings; texts; time; tradition; ulama; university; van; women; woodward; world; young; ziarah cache: aseas-2444.pdf plain text: aseas-2444.txt item: #16 of 325 id: aseas-2445 author: Großmann, Kristina title: Workshop Report: Central Kalimantan in the Year 2030: Natural Resources, Social Justice, and Sustainable Development date: 2018-12-29 words: 1381 flesch: 39 summary: ASEAS 11(2) | 231 Workshop Report: Central Kalimantan in the Year 2030: Natural Resources, Social Justice, and Sustainable Development Kristina Großmann ► Großmann, K. (2018). Workshop Report: Central Kalimantan in the year 2030: Natural resources, social justice, and sustainable development. keywords: actors; central; civil; conflicts; development; environmental; future; government; großmann; kalimantan; knowledge; kristina; lack; land; local; loss; natural; organizations; participants; project; resources; rights; social; society; workshop; year cache: aseas-2445.pdf plain text: aseas-2445.txt item: #17 of 325 id: aseas-2446 author: Stange, Gunnar title: “From Frustration to Escalation in Marawi”: An Interview on Conflict Transformation in Southeast Asia With the Indonesian Peace and Conflict Advisor Shadia Marhaban date: 2018-12-29 words: 3683 flesch: 59 summary: Therefore, parties must be open and ready to face those challenges, use them as a tool in exploring new approaches and perspectives to sustain the installed political settlement and other peace mechanisms that are already working on the ground. The primary aim is to learn from experiences of non-state armed groups that have been engaging in peace processes in other coun- tries. keywords: aceh; agreement; armed; aseas; asia; bangsamoro; city; conflict; crisis; efforts; escalation; frustration; government; group; gunnar; international; involved; islamic; law; liberation; local; marawi; marhaban; maute; milf; mindanao; moro; muslim; new; organizations; parties; peace; people; philippines; plan; political; president; process; region; shadia; signing; society; southeast; stange; state; transformation; transition; victims; work; years cache: aseas-2446.pdf plain text: aseas-2446.txt item: #18 of 325 id: aseas-2447 author: Lego, Jera title: Book Review: Vatikiotis, M. (2017). Blood and Silk: Power and Conflict in Modern Southeast Asia. date: 2018-12-29 words: 1067 flesch: 45 summary: Writing again about unresolved conflicts, Vatikiotis declares that motives ascribed to sovereignty only disguise selfish personal interest – compromise in Southeast Asia is seen as a sign of weakness and loss of face (p. 224). This is perhaps one problem of Vatikiotis’ and many others’ approach to under- standing Southeast Asia – the assumption that economic growth would lead to liberal values and democratic governance. keywords: asia; author; blood; book; colonial; conflict; corruption; governance; modern; politics; power; region; review; silk; social; southeast; state; vatikiotis cache: aseas-2447.pdf plain text: aseas-2447.txt item: #19 of 325 id: aseas-2448 author: Helmke, Belinda; Gerstl, Alfred title: Editorial date: 2008-12-29 words: 1981 flesch: 44 summary: Die Mehrheit der Beiträge in dieser Veröffentlichung sind das direkte Resultat der dritten alljährlichen Konferenz „(In)Equalities in South-East Asia” der Gesellschaft für Südostasienwissenschaften (SEAS). Die Bekräftigung mulitlateraler anstelle social inequality, separatist aspirations, missing governmental authority and power struggles is regularly visible, most recently in Thailand. keywords: aceh; alfred; als; aseas; asia; auch; auf; ausgabe; beiträge; belinda; benjamin; bloh; city; class; contributions; crisis; das; dass; den; der; des; die; dieser; east; economic; editorial; einer; financial; forum; fördern; für; gerstl; gesellschaft; hat; helmke; indonesia; inequality; issue; ist; khao; können; local; mit; nicht; noltze; political; politischen; reese; region; regional; rural; san; sich; sind; social; society; south; sozialen; studies; südostasienwissenschaften; thailand; und; urban; urbanisation; vietnam; von; werden; wie; wirtschaftlichen; zeigt; zur cache: aseas-2448.pdf plain text: aseas-2448.txt item: #20 of 325 id: aseas-2449 author: von Bloh, Hannah title: Small Towns as Interfaces for Interaction, Exchange and Transition in Vietnam date: 2008-12-29 words: 5624 flesch: 48 summary: While rural development projects require a longer time to have a visible impact on the living conditions of the target group, smaller urban centres are quick to take up impulses for development. As increasingly important regional nodes of political, economic and social networks, the development of smaller urban centres in consequence has an impact on its rural hinterland. keywords: actors; analysis; approach; aseas; bloh; capital; centres; cities; concept; context; coulthart; development; distribution; district; dynamics; economic; elias; exchange; external; government; growth; hannah; hardoy; important; interaction; interests; interfaces; intermediate; larger; level; linkages; local; long; national; networks; new; percent; policies; political; population; poverty; power; press; processes; rapid; regional; regional development; resources; respective; role; rural; rural development; satterthwhaite; scotson; sector; service; sikor; small; small towns; small urban; social; state; structures; studies; system; tacoli; titus; towns; transition; und; understanding; unfpa; university; urban; urban centres; urbanisation; vietnam; vietnamese; von; warner cache: aseas-2449.pdf plain text: aseas-2449.txt item: #21 of 325 id: aseas-2450 author: Noltze, Martin title: Backyard Living - Intergrative Policies Towards Migrant Workers: Housing Microfinance in Greater Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam date: 2008-12-29 words: 5949 flesch: 48 summary: Although higher income perspectives are the major pull effect for migration processes in Vietnam, especially in Ho Chi Minh City migrants do have considerably lower incomes in contrast to non-migrants (GSO & UNFPA 2005: 5). The deficient supply of housing remains one of the most challenging problems for poor and low-income people in urban HCMC (Martin & Kennel 2006: 1). keywords: access; approaches; aseas; average; backyard; bank; banking; basic; boarding; chi; city; comprehensive; construction; context; course; demand; der; development; die; economic; far; financial; focus; formal; future; für; greater; group; growth; habitat; hanoi; hcmc; high; hmf; ho chi; house; housing; income; industrial; infrastructure; institutions; integrative; international; lack; land; living; low; market; martin; microfinance; migrants; migration; minh; minh city; national; networks; new; noltze; non; ongoing; outreach; overall; people; percent; permanent; policies; poor; population; potential; poverty; process; processes; rates; reform; registration; related; residency; residents; rural; savings; sector; services; situation; social; society; space; state; strong; sustainable; system; target; today; tomorrow; urban; vietnam; vietnamese; workers; world cache: aseas-2450.pdf plain text: aseas-2450.txt item: #22 of 325 id: aseas-2451 author: Reese, Niklas title: We are Living in a Different Time Zone Transnational Working Places and the Concept of a "Glocalized Intermediary Class" date: 2008-12-29 words: 12347 flesch: 54 summary: The Three-Layer-Approach In my eyes this purely dichotomical and dualizing model of global class society (of winners and losers, of competitive and superfluous) in the tradition of Marxism is too simple and should at least be amended by an intermediary stratum the way Robert Castel (Castel 2000: 336 et sqq.) Even if the Western culture functions as the cultural orientation (3. Leitkultur), that does not imply that middle classes of the South simply copy Western lifestyles. keywords: agents; american; article; aseas; asia; behaviour; better; borders; calls; capitalist; case; castel; center; center agents; citizenship; class; classes; college; colonial; common; communication; companies; concept; consumption; contradictory; cosmopolitan; country; cultural; culture; customers; day; den; der; die; diff; different; distinction; economic; education; ehrenreich; elite; english; erent; erent time; expatriates; experience; fabros; fechter; filipino; foreign; form; für; gap; gehrke; gics; global; global class; global middle; global society; globalization; graduates; groups; high; income; intermediary; intermediary class; international; job; jobs; labour; life; lifestyle; like; lives; local; location; london; lower; making; manila; middle class; migration; mindset; model; modernity; narrative; neoliberal; new; ngos; night; niklas; niklas reese; north; old; ones; orientation; overseas; people; philippines; pinches; places; political; position; production; professional; project; proximity; purchasing; reasons; reese; research; routledge; second; self; sense; service; shifts; similar; social; societies; society; south; space; state; status; symbolic; time; time zone; training; transnational; und; university; upper; way; western; white; winners; workers; working; world; years; zone cache: aseas-2451.pdf plain text: aseas-2451.txt item: #23 of 325 id: aseas-2452 author: Koch, Sebastian; Faust, Heiko; Barkmann, Jan title: Differences in Power Structures Regarding Access to Natural Resources at the Village Level in Central Sulawesi (Indonesia) date: 2008-12-29 words: 9762 flesch: 47 summary: Furthermore, we hoped that a qualitative approach would provide us with deeper insights into processes and background influences on village level resource management. These local institutions are effectively in control of access to local natural resources, i.e. mainly to the forest resources assigned to the village. keywords: access; adat; agrawal; agricultural; analysis; area; aseas; autochthonous; berkes; biodiversity; bpd; buginese; cacao; cambridge; case; census; central; characteristics; common; communities; community; conservation; consumption; contrast; conversion; customary; deforestation; desa; development; die; diff; differences; economic; eds; effective; effectiveness; elite; erences;; extraction; forest; formal; goods; governance; government; göttingen; high; households; human; indonesia; institutions; interviews; kepala; koch; land; leadership; lembaga; level; llnp; local; management; mckean; migrants; monitoring; national; natural; natural resources; new; non; open; ostrom; paper; park; participation; pasture; percent; place; plots; pool; poor; population; power; press; private; property; qualitative; regulations; relationships; research; resource; results; rights; rivalry; rural; sebastian; self; situation; social; stern; structures; study; successful; sulawesi; sustainable; traditional; transactions; und; university; use; utilization; village; village b; village level; weber cache: aseas-2452.pdf plain text: aseas-2452.txt item: #24 of 325 id: aseas-2453 author: Jordan, Rolf title: Armut im Wohlstand - Zunehmende soziale Disparitäten in Singapur date: 2008-12-29 words: 4249 flesch: 45 summary: Diese von Ramesh (2000) in seiner Studie zur sozialpolitischen Situation in Singapur angeführten Unterstützungssätze liegen dabei deutlich unter jenen S$950, die von der Regierung als Existenzminimum angesehen werden. Die Argumentation wird dabei von der These geleitet, dass die fehlende oder nur mangelhafte soziale Unterstützung wesentlich zu den sozialen Problemen eines wachsenden Teils der Bevölkerung in dem von großem Wohlstand geprägten Stadtstaat beitragen und ein Ausbau sozialstaatlicher Strukturen eine Voraussetzung darstellen sowohl für die Lösung der aktuellen sozialen Probleme als auch für eine längst überfällige Demokratisierung Singapurs. keywords: 1990er; aber; absicherung; afp; aktuellen; allem; als; angaben; ansicht; anstieg; anteil; arbeitslosigkeit; armut; aseas; asher; asia; asienkrise; associated; auch; auf; aus; ausbau; bei; bereichen; bereits; beschäftigten; besonders; betroffen; bevölkerung; bis; bleiben; city; dabei; damit; dass; dem; demokratisierung; den; der; des; deutlich; development; die; dieser; disparities; disparitäten; drakakis; drei; drittel; durch; economic; eine; einkommen; entwicklung; etwa; fall; familie; finden; folge; führen; für; geführt; gesellschaft; gesellschaftlichen; haben; hat; haushalte; hier; hohen; households; hrsg; ihre; immer; institutionen; ist; jahren; jedoch; jordan; kassel; kaum; kwon; letzten; längst; malaysia; mehr; menschen; mit; mittlerweile; nach; nahezu; nicht; niedrig; niedrigen; noch; notlagen; nur; oder; pap; politischen; poverty; press; probleme; prozent; qualifizierte; rajan; ramesh; regierung; rolf; security; sehr; seit; seither; sich; sie; sind; singapore; singapur; situation; smith; social; southeast; sowohl; sozialen; sozialstaatlicher; staatliche; stadtstaat; state; statistiken; steigende; strukturen; system; trotz; und; ungleichheit; universität; unteren; unterstützung; unterstützungsleistungen; unzureichend; viele; vom; von; vor; wachsenden; waren; weiterhin; welfare; werden; wert; wesentlich; wie; wird; wirtschaftlichen; wohlfahrtsorganisationen; wohlstand; während; zahl; zeigt; zugleich; zuletzt; zunehmende; zur; zwischen; über cache: aseas-2453.pdf plain text: aseas-2453.txt item: #25 of 325 id: aseas-2454 author: Gottowik, Volker title: The Barong Wants to go out Again: Krisis moneter and the Resurgence of Rituals in Indonesia date: 2008-12-29 words: 3500 flesch: 65 summary: These impacts are twofold: the democratization of Indonesia led not only to a revival of cultural activities of ethnic Chinese of which the reappearance of Barongsai dance troupes after more than 30 years of oppression is only one feature; the economic crises also raised the demand for new Barong masks on the side of the local Balinese people and fi nally caused a boom of ritual activities connected with these sacred fi gures. In other words: many new Barong masks were ordered in these days of political and economic insecurity. keywords: activities; aseas; background; bali; balinese; barong; black; chinese; companion; couple; crisis; different; economic; ethnic; figures; für; geertz; gottowik; groups; indonesia; krismo; lady; landung; legends; level; masks; message; model; myths; new; paper; particular; partnership; people; performance; religion; resurgence; ritual; social; society; suharto; time; versions; violence; volker; white; york cache: aseas-2454.pdf plain text: aseas-2454.txt item: #26 of 325 id: aseas-2455 author: Grossmann, Kristina title: Agents of Change - Frauenaktivistinnen in Aceh date: 2008-12-29 words: 4847 flesch: 43 summary: das MoU in Helsinki zwischen Vertretern der Regierung Indonesiens und der acehnesischen Befreiungsbewegung GAM (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka) unterzeichnet und ein Friedensschluss besiegelt. Idee eines föderalen Staates war der Ausschluss di Tiros bei der Vergabe von Förderlizenzen großer Gasfunde in Aceh der Initialfunke für den bewaffneten Untergrundkampf (Sulaiman 2006). keywords: 1990er; aber; aceh; acehnese; acehnesischen; activists; agents; allem; als; aseas; auch; auf; aufbau; aufgrund; aus; bedeutung; bei; beispiel; bereich; bezüglich; bis; blackburn; chancen; change; crisis; cultural; das; dass; ded; dem; den; der; derichs; des; die; dieser; durch; einbeziehung; eine; einführung; elite; entschädigung; entstanden; entwickeln; erachtet; etwa; fand; forderungen; frankfurt; frauen; frauenaktivistinnen; frauenorganisationen; frauenrechte; friedensprozess; friedensschluss; für; gam; gegenüber; gemäß; gender; genderspezifische; gerakan; geschlechtergerechtigkeit; geschlechterverhältnis; gesellschaftliche; gesetze; goethe; group; großen; großmann; haben; hat; haus; hilfsprogramme; hoffnung; identität; ihrer; indonesien; indonesischen; informellen; initiative; innerhalb; institutionen; international; islam; islamische; ist; jahren; jakarta; jedoch; kamaruzzaman; kleine; konflikt; konnten; konzept; kopftuch; kristina; kritik; kulturelle; können; liegt; lokalen; main; management; mehr; memorandum; merdeka; militär; mit; mitzubestimmen; mou; männer; männliche; möglich; nach; nationalen; nationalregierung; neuordnung; nicht; normen; nur; oder; oft; opfer; organisationen; orientieren; orthodox; parteien; peace; political; politischen; polygynen; positionen; power; press; process; provinz; prozent; rahmen; rechtsprechung; regierung; regionalen; religiosität; rolle; scharia; schritte; sehen; seit; sezessionistischen; siapno; sich; sie; sind; situation; sozialen; stark; steht; strategien; strukturen; suhartos; traditionell; transformation; tsunami; tsunamikatastrophe; umsetzung; unabhängigkeitskampfes; und; understanding; university; unter; unterzeichnung; vergeben; von; vor; wahl; war; waren; waylen; welche; werden; westlichen; wichtig; wie; wiedergutmachung; wird; woman; working; wurde; während; zeit; ziele; zugang; zum; zur; zwischen; öffentliche cache: aseas-2455.pdf plain text: aseas-2455.txt item: #27 of 325 id: aseas-2456 author: Gerstl, Alfred title: The China Factor in Regional Security Cooperation: The ASEAN Regional Forum and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization date: 2008-12-29 words: 9278 flesch: 49 summary: The research question asks, first, whether regional security cooperation in East Asia has altered China’s diplomatic behaviour. In addition, the reasons for regional security collaboration in East Asia will be compared with the cooperation logic in the Central Asian Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) (Chapters 3.2.1 and 3.2.2). keywords: 1990s; acharya; affairs; alfred; approach; arf; asean; asean regional; asia; assumptions; balance; behaviour; beijing; bhalla; building; case; central; central asia; change; china; chinese; collaboration; communist; community; confidence; conflict; contemporary; cooperation; cooperation organization; counter; cpc; december; development; die; diplomatic; domestic; dominance; early; east; east asia; economic; economy; europe; evolution; external; factor; foreign; forum; general; gerstl; global; governments; great; institution; integration; intentions; interests; international; jakarta; john; journal; kuala; leadership; legitimacy; limited; liu; logic; lumpur; main; mearsheimer; members; mid-1990s; military; multilateral; nations; new; non; north; offensive; order; organization; output; overall; pacifi; particular; peaceful; people; policies; policy; political; politics; power; process; prospects; realism; regard; regional; regional cooperation; regional forum; regional security; regionalism; relations; response; review; rise; role; russia; régnier; sco; secretariat; security; security cooperation; shanghai; shanghai cooperation; similar; singapore; socioeconomic; south; southeast; states; strategic; studies; successful; threat; time; trade; traditional; transnational; united; university; war; washington; way; western; world cache: aseas-2456.pdf plain text: aseas-2456.txt item: #28 of 325 id: aseas-2457 author: Spreitzhöfer, Günter title: Zwischen Khao San und Lonely Planet: Aspekte der postmodernen Backpacking-Identität in Südostasien date: 2008-12-29 words: 7097 flesch: 41 summary: Die Geheimtipps der Backpacker werden längst digital verbreitet, Aspekte der persönlichen Befindlichkeit und Spartipps geben ein bezeichnendes Bild für die Reisemotivation vieler Rucksackreisender, denen Begegnungen und Kontakte mit ihresgleichen bedeutsamer erscheinen als die Konfrontation mit Neuem. 151 Abbildung 2: Khao San Road: Geschäfte(macher) für Billigtouristen? Reisestile und -budgets ist die Entwicklung des australischen Verlages Lonely Planet: „Across Asia on the Cheap“, eine (teils in Bangkoks Khao San Road, vgl. keywords: 1990er; abbildung; adäquate; allem; als; alternative; alternativtourismus; andere; annals; annäherung; anti; arbeiten; aseas; asia; aspekte; auch; auf; auf der; aus; auswirkungen; autors; backpacker; backpacking; bangkok; banglampoo; baskin; beach; beat; bedeutung; befragten; beginn; bei; beitrag; bereits; billigtouristen; binder; bis; budget; butler; bzw; cohen; damals; dar; das; dass; dem; den; der; deren; des; development; die; diese; diskutiert; dokumentieren; drei; drifter; dritte; durch; east; eine; einige; einschlägigen; enclaves; enklaven; entwicklung; ersten; etablierte; etwa; exemplarisch; explorer; fallbeispiel; focus; forum; freiheit; freyer; fun; für; gegenwart; gesellschaften; gibt; gilt; good; gray; guest; günter; haben; hampton; harron; hat; heute; hier; houses; hrsg; ihrer; ihrerseits; individualtourismus; individualtouristischen; indonesien; informelle; infrastruktur; international; ist; ist die; jahre; jahrhunderts; jahrzehnten; jedoch; journal; kann; kap; kaum; kein; khao; khao san; kommerzialisierung; kulturen; lebensweise; lifestyle; lokale; loker; london; lonely; lonely planet; long; längst; lässt; malam; massentourismus; massentouristischen; mehr; meist; mit; mittlerweile; mobilität; murphy; myanmar; nach; neuen; new; nicht; noch; nur; oder; ort; pauschaltourismus; pearce; people; persönlichen; places; planet; postmodern; prozent; quantitativ; quellstaaten; reaktion; regionale; regionen; reise; reiseform; reiseführer; reiseliteratur; reiseströme; research; riley; road; rolle; rucksackreisenden; rucksacktourismus; san; san road; san und; scheinen; scheint; scheyvens; sein; seinen; seit; selbst; self; shopping; sich; sind; sociology; sondern; south; southeast; sowie; soziokulturellen; spreitzhofer; spreitzhofer zwischen; späten; suche; südostasiatische; südostasien; teil; thailand; tourism; tourism research; touristen; touristischen; tourists; transformation; traveller; tüting; u.a; und; und lonely; understanding; universität; unter; urbanen; vermehrte; vgl; viele; vielfach; vietnam; vom; von; vor; völkerverständigung; völlig; wandel; war; waren; weder; wegbereiter; weiter; weiterhin; weitgehend; welk; welt; wenig; werden; westerhausen; westlicher; wheeler; wie; wien; wird; world; wurde;; während; zahlreiche; zeit; zielländern; zit; zugriff; zum; zumeist; zumindest; zunehmende; zur; zwei; zwischen; zwischen khao; über cache: aseas-2457.pdf plain text: aseas-2457.txt item: #29 of 325 id: aseas-2458 author: Volk, Bettina title: Religion und Identität bei den Dia’ang auf Pantar, Indonesien: Eine ethnographische Fallstudie eines gewalttätigen Konflikts date: 2008-12-29 words: 3739 flesch: 59 summary: Diese Interpretation spiegelt die Angst der Dia’ang wider, aufgrund ihrer christlichen Konfession Opfer von Angriffen zu werden. Reaktion der Dia’ang auf den Konflikt keywords: aber; alltag; alor; als; anderen; anfang; angriff; angst; anhängerinnen; artikel; aseas; auch; auf; auf den; auf pantar; aufgrund; aus; ausschreitungen; bara; baranusa; bayang; bei; beiden; beruht; bestimmte; bettina; bis; bisher; bzw; christentum; christinnen; christlichen; confl; dass; dem; den; der; der dia’ang; des; deutlich; dia’ang; die; diese; durch; ebenso; eigenen; eine; ethnien; ethnische; etwa; familien; fassade; flores; fähre; für; gebiet; geht; geschichte; gewalttätigen; gibt; gruppe; hat; hatte; heiraten; hierbei; hrsg; häufig; ict; identity; identität; ihnen; ihre; immer; indonesien; insel; islam; ist; jeweils; jungen; kam; kann; kleine; konflikt; leben; magie; man; mauta; mehr; menschen; mit; molukken; munaseli; muriabang; muslimischen; männer; nach; nachbarn; nachdem; nicht; noch; nur; oder; oralen; pantar; regel; religion; rodemeier; schon; schröter; schwarze; sein; sich; sie; sind; situation; sollte; sondern; sowie; spannungen; susanne; teilen; und; unruhen; verbindung; verkaufen; verlassen; vgl; volk; von; vor; war; waren; weg; weiter; wellfelt; wenig; wenn; werden; wie; wieder; wird; wurde; während; zeigt; zum; zur; zwar; zwei; zwischen; zwischen den; über cache: aseas-2458.pdf plain text: aseas-2458.txt item: #30 of 325 id: aseas-2459 author: Heiling, Robert title: Conflict Resolution in Aceh in Light of Track One and a Half Diplomacy date: 2008-12-29 words: 7475 flesch: 54 summary: Looking at the pre-negotiation stage, these shall be theories on the timing of mediation (ripeness), as well as on characteristics of conflict parties. He concludes that a political or military stalemate between conflict parties can constitute such a moment that he labels as mutually hurting stalemate. keywords: able; aceh; aceh conflict; actors; agreement; ahtisaari; approach; aseas; author; case; centre; cmi; community; concept; conflict; conflict parties; conflict resolution; course; crisis; des; diplomacy; early; east; efforts; engagement; fact; gam; government; griffiths; half; hand; hdc; heiling; helsinki; humanitarian; implementation; independence; indonesian; international; involvement; jakarta; konfl; light; mediation; mediator; military; mission; movement; negotiations; new; official; organisation; outcome; paper; parties; party; peace; policy; political; power; press; private; process; rebellion; resolution; ripeness; robert; role; schulze; singapore; situation; stages; stalemate; state; strategy; studies; support; talks; track; tsunami; university; violence; washington; zartman cache: aseas-2459.pdf plain text: aseas-2459.txt item: #31 of 325 id: aseas-2460 author: Wawrinec, Christian title: An Interview with Geoffrey Benjamin date: 2008-12-29 words: 2936 flesch: 69 summary: GB: Well, there has been quite a lot of research in recent years and we have a bibliography on Orang Asli studies put together by Lye Tuck-Po (2001) which has many hundreds of items 191 in it. CW: Some of those essays you have published during the last decades will now be included in your two books? 189 GB: Yes, four of those early essays on aspects of Temiar social organization will be chapters in one of the new books. keywords: anthropology; area; aseas; asia; asli; benjamin; christian; days; east; edmund; geoffrey; interview; language; leach; linguistics; lot; malay; malaysia; material; orang; people; religion; research; singapore; social; south; students; studies; temiar; things; time; university; wawrinec; work; world cache: aseas-2460.pdf plain text: aseas-2460.txt item: #32 of 325 id: aseas-2461 author: MASKE, Editorial Board title: Anthropologie in die Öffentlichkeit - Kultur reflektiert date: 2008-12-29 words: 739 flesch: 39 summary: 195 Kultur? Zeitschrift für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie DIE MASKE wagt den Brückenschlag zwischen wissenschaftlicher Diskussion und einer interessierten Öffentlichkeit. So verhält es sich auch mit der Zeitschrift DIE MASKE, die seit 2007 ehrenamtlich von StudentInnen und AbsolventInnen der Anthropologie in Wien herausgegeben wird. keywords: anthropologie; aseas; auch; auf; ausgabe; das; der; des; die; ein; einer; entlichkeit; fachgebiete; für; hier; ist; kultur; maske; mit; region; rubrik; salon; sich; sie; sind; sozialanthropologie; stück; und; vielfalt; von; weitere; werden; zeitschrift; zwischen; öff; öffentlichkeit cache: aseas-2461.pdf plain text: aseas-2461.txt item: #33 of 325 id: aseas-2462 author: Slama, Martin title: Book review: Sidel, J. T. (2006). Riots, Pogroms, Jihad. Religious Violence in Indonesia. date: 2008-12-29 words: 1780 flesch: 42 summary: Aus der Perspektive von 2006, als dieses Buch erschien, und auch aus heutiger Sicht gehört die von Sidel beschriebene religiöse Gewalt – und zwar alle drei Formen – der Vergangenheit an, 200 Martin Slama - John T.Sidel: Riots, Pogroms, Jihad. Des Weiteren geht Sidel historisch vor, indem er bis in die Kolonialzeit und das frühe unabhängige Indonesien zurückgeht, als sich das religiöse Feld in Indonesien konstituierte, um die Diskontinuitäten und Verschiebungen in der Positionierung von Religion in Indonesiens Öffentlichkeit festzustellen. keywords: als; ansatz; anti; aseas; auch; auf; aus; bis; buch; bzw; chinesischen; das; dem; den; denen; der; des; die; dieser; durch; eine; elite; erste; feld; formen; für; geht; gesellschaft; gewalt; gewaltausbrüche; hier; ihre; immer; indonesien; institutionen; islam; islamisch; islamistischen; ist; jahre; jihad; john; kapitel; konflikte; letzten; martin; mehrheit; mit; nach; neuen; nicht; oder; ordnung; pogroms; politischen; religion; religious; religiöse; riots; sich; sidel; sind; slama; sondern; sowie; stellt; suhartos; und; unruhen; unter; unterscheidet; violence; von; vor; wie; wurde; zeit; zum; zwischen; über cache: aseas-2462.pdf plain text: aseas-2462.txt item: #34 of 325 id: aseas-2463 author: Helmke, Belinda; Wawrinec, Christian title: Editorial date: 2009-08-13 words: 1564 flesch: 39 summary: Die Autorin verfolgt die historische Entwicklung der Nelkenzigaretten (Kretek) und deren enger Beziehung zur Kolonialgeschichte Indonesiens. ASEAS 2 (1) 04 Günter Spreitzhofer (Institut für Geo- graphie und Regionalforschung der Uni- versität Wien) beschäftigt sich in seinem Beitrag mit der Regionalentwicklung der größten städtischen Agglomeration innerhalb der Region: mit Indonesiens Hauptstadt Jakarta und ihrem urbanen Umland. keywords: article; aseas; asian; auf; bakker; beiträge; belinda; bünte; christian; current; dem; den; der; des; development; die; dieser; east; economic; eines; für; hamburg; helmke; indonesia; indonesiens; industry; innerhalb; institut; international; journal; laos; local; lokaler; mit; political; region; regional; research; sich; south; spreitzhofer; studies; südostasienwissenschaften; tappe; thailand; und; university; vienna; von; wawrineceditorial; wien; wird; wirtschaftlichen; zur cache: aseas-2463.pdf plain text: aseas-2463.txt item: #35 of 325 id: aseas-2466 author: Arnez, Monika title: Tobacco and Kretek: Indonesian Drugs in Historical Change date: 2009-08-13 words: 8397 flesch: 60 summary: Why has betel chewing increasingly been replaced by smoking kretek cigarettes? The kretek company Djarum, for instance, gives the following ingredients for the sauce: licorice, chocolate, maple candy, plum skin, coffee, dried jackfruit and other dried fruit.9 The ‘Kretek King’ Nitisemito and the Role of Marketing Concepts Nitisemito was the first Indonesian who produced kretek cigarettes on a larger scale. keywords: addition; advantage; advertisement; april; arnez; aseas; asia; bal; behaviour; betel; big; bill; brand; century; change; chewing; chinese; cigarettes; clove; colonial; columbijn; companies; company; consumer; contrast; control; culture; der; development; die; different; djarum; drugs; dutch; east; education; enterprises; example; firms; garam; government; gudang; hand; hanusz; health; historical; history; image; important; indonesia; industry; instance; intervention; jakarta; java; kretek; kretek cigarettes; kretek companies; kretek industry; kudus; large; later; machine; market; mechanization; media; modernity; monika; multinational; new; ngos; nitisemito; number; people; percent; political; popular; post; present; prestige; product; production; promotion; public; regulation; sampoerna; sauce; small; smoke; smoking; special; strategies; success; suharto; tax; taxes; tiga; time; tobacco; und; usd; use; warnings; white; women; world; years; young cache: aseas-2466.pdf plain text: aseas-2466.txt item: #36 of 325 id: aseas-2467 author: Spreitzhofer, Günter title: Außer Rand und Band: Regionalentwicklung in Metro-Jakarta date: 2009-08-13 words: 9110 flesch: 51 summary: Szenarien für Jabotabek zugrunde und beruht auf der Verordnung 678/1994 des Gouverneurs von Jakarta.8 Als Superblocks gelten multifunktionale und integriert entwickelte Gebiete mit einer Mindestgröße von 20.000 m 2 , die von mindestens zwei Hochkapazitätsstra- ßen erschlossen werden und in urbanen Stadterneuerungsgebieten oder Niedrigdich- teregionen liegen sollen (Jakarta Metropolitan City Government, 1995, S. 83). Die Entwicklung findet viel- fach in „Pockets“, als Transportkosten schonendes Anhängsel, entlang der Mautstra- ßenkorridore statt. keywords: 1990er; 2010; aber; agglomeration; aktuelle; allem; als; april; armen; aseas; asia; aspects; auch; auf; aufgrund; aufkommen; aus; ausgeprägt; außer; außer rand; band; begriff; bei; beitrag; bekasi; bereits; bereitstellung; betont; betrachtung; bevölkerung; bevölkerungsgruppen; bezeichnet; bis; bogor; bronger; bsd; bumi; bzw; cikarang; ciputra; cities; city; clearance; communities; conference; damai; damit; das; day; dazu; december; dem; den; depok; der; deren; des; deutlich; development; die; dieses; disparitäten; dkij; douglass; durch; economic; eine; einwohner; ende; environment; erscheinen; erschließung; ersten; etwa; fläche; folgende; fragen; freizeiteinrichtungen; für; für die; gegen; gegenwärtigen; gekennzeichnet; gelten; geographie; gesamtbevölkerung; gesamtfläche; gilt; global; greater; growth; gruppen; guharoy; günter; günter spreitzhofer; habitat; hakim; handelt; hat; hauptstadt; heintel; henderson; housing; hrsg; ihre; indonesia; indonesiens; indonesischen; industrialisierung; innerhalb; insgesamt; international; investoren; ist; jababeka; jabotabek; jahre; jahrzehnte; jakarta; jakarta post; java; jedoch; jellinek; jones; journal; jährliches; kampung; kennedy; kernstadt; kernstadtbereich; km2; konzeptlosigkeit; kota; kraas; kusbiantoro; land; leben; lebensraum; legal; leisch; letzten; liegen; lippo; längst; machen; mai; malls; management; marginalisierung; maßnahmen; mcgee; mega; megacities; megacity; megastädte; mehr; metro; metrojakarta; metropolen; metropolitan; migration; millionen; mit; mittelschicht; mittlerweile; nach; nas; nationalen; nations; neue; neustadtgründungen; new; nicht; nightmare; noch; novy; nur; october; oder; ohne; old; paper; parolin; pattern; people; peresthu; peripherie; planning; plaza; polarisierung; poor; post; potenziellen; pratiwo; press; privat; privater; prozent; prozent der; public; rand; rand und; raum; realität; reerink; regionalentwicklung; regions; research; rights; rural; rustiadi; räumliche; schaffung; scheint; sein; seit; september; serpong; shopping; sich; siehe; sind; slum; social; soegijoko; southeast; sowie; sowohl; soziale; spannungsfeld; spreitzhofer; spreitzhofer außer; stadtregierung; steht; stetig; studies; study; städtischen; suburbanen; suharto; südostasien; tangerang; towns; transformation; u.a; umfeld; umland; und; undesa; united; university; unter; urban; urbanen; urbanization; use; verstädterung; vgl; vielfach; von; vor; wachstum; waren; weitere; weitgehend; welt; werden; west; western; wie; wieder; wien; wird; wirtschaftskrise; wohnungsmarkt; world; wurde; yulinawati; z.b; zahl; zahlreichen; zentrum; zugegriffen; zuletzt; zuletzt zugegriffen; zum; zumeist; zumindest; zunehmend; zur; zwei; zwischen; öffentliche; ökonomischen; über cache: aseas-2467.pdf plain text: aseas-2467.txt item: #37 of 325 id: aseas-2468 author: Weiss, Simon title: Im Gespräch mit Marco Bünte date: 2009-08-13 words: 2365 flesch: 57 summary: im Übrigen der Zusammenschluss der früher einzelnen Regionalinstitute (Insti- tut für Asienkunde, Institut für Afrikakunde, Institut für Nahoststudien, Institut für Lateinamerikaforschung). im Wesentlichen zu Fragen der demokratischen Stabilität Thai- lands und Indonesiens und zu Fragen der politischen Dezentralisierung in der Region. keywords: aber; als; amt; aseas; asian; auch; auf; aus; austausch; auswärtigen; beispielsweise; bünte; darüber; das; dass; dem; den; der; des; deutschen; deutschland; dezentralisierung; die; dort; eine; focus; forschungsschwerpunkte; fragen; früher; für; gespräch; gibt; giga; haben; hamburg; hat; hier; ich; ihre; indien; indonesien; institut; ist; jahren; journal; kann; kommen; letzten; länder; mal; man; marco; mich; mit; mitarbeiter; myanmar; nach; natürlich; nicht; oder; politik; rahmen; region; reihe; sich; simon; sind; stabilität; statt; studies; südostasien; südostasienwissenschaften; thailand; und; universität; unter; usa; vielleicht; von; vor; war; weiß; werden; wesentlichen; wie; wir; zeit; zugegriffen; zuletzt; zum; zur; über cache: aseas-2468.pdf plain text: aseas-2468.txt item: #38 of 325 id: aseas-2469 author: Gerstl, Alfred title: Book Review: Emmerson, D. K. (Ed.) (2008). Hard Choices: Security, Democracy, and Regionalism in Southeast Asia date: 2009-08-13 words: 2958 flesch: 45 summary: Also in regard to the promotion of human security ASEAN was after the cyclone Nargis in 2007 successful: Unlike Western relief organizations, ASEAN relief teams could access “sensitive” regions. Thus even if ASEAN would have agreed on the draft version of the Eminent Persons Group (EPG) for the new Charter with a surprisingly strong emphasis on human security, democracy and human rights, this would not necessarily lead to any changes on the ground. keywords: alfred; asean; asia; charter; choices; civil; counter; democracy; development; domestic; donald; economic; emmerson; gerstl; hard; hard choices; human; human security; international; junta; kyaw; members; membership; myanmar; new; non; organization; political; promotion; regard; regionalism; relations; rights; security; society; southeast; sovereignty; sukma; terrorism; traditional; university; way cache: aseas-2469.pdf plain text: aseas-2469.txt item: #39 of 325 id: aseas-2470 author: Wawrinec, Christian title: Editorial date: 2009-12-31 words: 1335 flesch: 44 summary: Zunächst untersucht Ramses Amer (Stockholm University) die bewusst zurückhaltende Rolle der Vereinigung südostasiatischer Nationen (ASEAN) Der zweite Beitrag Ramses Amers, keywords: als; amer; aseas; asian; auch; auf; austrian; beitrag; beiträge; christian; conflicts; dabei; das; den; der; des; die; dieser; disputes; east; editorial; ein; für; issue; journal; malaysia; management; palm; present; ramses; region; rights; security; south; studies; submissions; südostasien; südostasienwissenschaften; time; transnational; und; university; uns; vietnam; war; wawrinec cache: aseas-2470.pdf plain text: aseas-2470.txt item: #40 of 325 id: aseas-2471 author: Amer, Ramses title: The Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) Conflict Management Approach Revisited: Will the Charter Reinforce ASEAN’s Role? date: 2009-12-31 words: 8584 flesch: 48 summary: In terms of conflict resolution the Plan stresses that disputes and conflicts involving ASEAN members shall be resolved in a “peaceful way”. Potenzielle Auswirkungen jüngerer Entwicklungen innerhalb ASEANs, vor allem der ASEAN Charter, werden analysiert, um die Rolle, die ASEAN im regionalen Konfl iktmanagement spielen kann, besser abschätzen zu können. keywords: action; adoption; amer; amity; annex; approach; article; asc; asean; asean approach; asean charter; asean community; asean concord; asean declaration; asean member; asean security; asian nations; association; community; conflict; conflict management; context; cooperation; council; countries; declaration; disputes; force; high; high council; inter; interference; malaysia; management; management approach; mechanisms; member; n.d; national; nations; non; november; paragraph; parties; peace; peaceful; plan; political; possible; principles; procedure; provisions; ramses; regional; relations; role; rules; security community; settlement; singapore; southeast; southeast asian; states; tac; treaty; use cache: aseas-2471.pdf plain text: aseas-2471.txt item: #41 of 325 id: aseas-2472 author: Schmeier, Susanne title: Regional Cooperation Efforts in the Mekong River Basin: Mitigating river-related security threats and promoting regional development date: 2009-12-31 words: 9349 flesch: 44 summary: Case Study 1: The Mekong River Basin. The Mekong River Basin: Comprehensive Water Governance. keywords: action; agreement; agriculture; aseas; asia; basin; binding; border; cambodia; capacity; china; chinese; collective; commission; conflict; contribution; cooperation; cooperation efforts; countries; country; dams; data; developed; development; dinar; dosch; downstream; east; economic; efforts; electricity; environmental; establishment; february; flood; foreign; general; gms; governance; government; greater; growth; high; hydropower; important; integration; interest; international; irrigation; issues; joint; laos; large; level; likely; low; mainland; major; management; mekong; mekong basin; mekong river; mrb; mrc; myanmar; natural; new; opportunities; overall; percent; policy; political; potential; problems; projects; promotion; regional; regional cooperation; related; relations; resources; riparian; river; river basin; river development; schmeier; security; socioeconomic; south; states; strategy; studies; sub; susanne; sustainable; thailand; trade; upstream; use; vietnam; vietnamese; war; water; wolf; world; years cache: aseas-2472.pdf plain text: aseas-2472.txt item: #42 of 325 id: aseas-2473 author: Amer, Ramses; Thao, Nguyen Hong title: Regional Conflict Management: Challenges of the Border Disputes of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam date: 2009-12-31 words: 11941 flesch: 56 summary: In the South China Sea the disputes with China have to be continuously managed and the same applies to Vietnam disputes with other claimants in the area, i.e. Malaysia, Taiwan, the Philippines, and potentially Brunei. On October 10, 2005, the two countries signed a Supplementary Treaty to the 1985 Treaty (MFA Vietnam, 2005b). keywords: 1990s; affairs; agreement; amer; april; archipelago; area; aseas; asia; august; bbc; bilateral; border; border disputes; boundary; bulletin; cambodia; china; china sea; claims; conduct; conflict; continental; countries; dan; december; delimitation; demarcation; development; disputes; east; february; foreign; foreign affairs; government; gulf; hanoi; hong; international; issues; january; joint; july; june; land border; laos; law; letter; level; malaysia; management; march; maritime; maritime disputes; mfa; mfa china; mfa vietnam; ministry; news; nguyen; nhan; november; nr040807104143; nr040807105001; october; oil; overlapping; parties; people; philippines; process; progress; ramses; regional; relations; republic; research; sea; security; september; settlement; settling; shelf; sino; socialist; south; south china; sovereignty; spratly; study; submission; taiwan; talks; tension; territorial; thailand; thao; tonkin; treaty; unsettled; vietnam; vietnamese cache: aseas-2473.pdf plain text: aseas-2473.txt item: #43 of 325 id: aseas-2474 author: Pye, Oliver title: Palm Oil as a Transnational Crisis in South-East Asia date: 2009-12-31 words: 8359 flesch: 52 summary: This is not so much because of the plant itself, which is actually quite useful, but because of the rapid expansion of oil palm plantations across South-East Asia which is seen as causing the destruction of rainforests (Buckland, 2005; Goossens et al., 2006; Nellemann, Miles, Kaltenborn, Virtue, & Ahlenius, 2007), as well as a lot of social problems (Wakker, 2005; Marti, 2008). EU climate policy is thereby contributing to an unprecedented expansion of oil palm plantations across South-East Asia. keywords: agrofuels; area; aseas; asia; biodiversity; biofuels; boom; burning; campaign; carbon; change; climate; climate change; companies; company; complex; conference; corporate; corporations; council; crisis; current; darby; der; development; die; earth; east; east asia; economic; emissions; energy; environmental; european; example; expansion; food; forest; fossil; friends; germany; global; greenpeace; group; hectares; important; indigenous; indonesia; industrial; industry; international; investment; involved; issues; june; kalimantan; key; land; large; leading; local; loss; low; malaysian; malaysian palm; marti; model; multiple; new; ngos; north; oil industrial; oil industry; oliver; palm oil; palm plantations; palmöl; paper; peatland; peoples; percent; plantations; policy; political; problem; production; pye; pye palm; recent; renewable; report; research; rights; role; rspo; sawit; scale; sector; sime; social; south; sovereignty; state; strategy; suharto; sustainable; term; total; trading; transnational; transnational crisis; transport; und; union; university; way; wilmar; workers; world; years cache: aseas-2474.pdf plain text: aseas-2474.txt item: #44 of 325 id: aseas-2475 author: Humphreys, Andrew title: Continuity in a Changing World: Malaysia’s Coercive Security Apparatus in the Age of Terror and Beyond date: 2009-12-31 words: 8095 flesch: 53 summary: Notably, Malaysia’s use of coercion has become increasingly less criticized by other governments, notably those in the West. This provision is so vague that many legitimate activities, including criticisms of government policy, could fall within its scope. keywords: abdullah; act; action; afghanistan; aftermath; andrew; anti; anwar; apparatus; approach; april; arrests; aseas; asia; attacks; bloggers; change; coalition; coercive; continued; continuity; cooperation; counter; countries; crackdowns; december; defence; detention; election; electoral; emergency; ethnic; example; february; freedom; general; government; groups; hindraf; human; humphreys; interests; international; iraq; isa; islam; islamic; issue; jihad; johns; july; kmm; laws; leader; legislation; mahathir; major; malaysia; malaysiakini; march; members; minister; muslim; new; number; opposition; pakatan; parties; party; pas; people; period; policy; political; politics; power; prime; prior; racial; rakyat; regime; regional; religious; rights; security; security apparatus; security policy; society; state; support; terrorism; threat; time; umno; use; world; years cache: aseas-2475.pdf plain text: aseas-2475.txt item: #45 of 325 id: aseas-2476 author: Ting, Ming Hwa title: Singapore-India Relations: A Return to History date: 2009-12-31 words: 8621 flesch: 55 summary: In 2004, SINDEX 04 was held in central India. India News, 16(53), 1. High Commission of India in Singapore. keywords: affairs; agreement; aseas; asian; asian states; australia; balance; bilateral; bilateral relations; british; business; ceca; china; chinese; close; cold; colonial; cooperation; countries; cultural; defence; delhi; developments; east; east asian; economic; engagement; establishment; external; foreign; future; goh; government; high; history; hwa; india; india relations; industry; influence; institute; interaction; international; joint; koh; latif; lee; leifer; links; london; look; major; malik; market; marx; military; ming; minister; ministry; nations; new; number; objective; order; pakistan; para; people; percent; period; policy; political; politics; power; presence; present; prime; project; regional; relations; return; role; significant; singapore; singapore government; singh; south; southeast; southeast asian; soviet; states; strong; studies; summit; ties; time; ting; trade; und; union; united; university; war; world; yeo; york cache: aseas-2476.pdf plain text: aseas-2476.txt item: #46 of 325 id: aseas-2477 author: Bothe, Christian title: Institutionalizing Human Rights in South-East Asia: The birth of ASEAN’s Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights - An Interview with Param Cumaraswamy date: 2009-12-31 words: 2758 flesch: 63 summary: Although the preceded ASEAN Charter, which in its Art.1 specifically identifies “respect for and protection of human rights” as one of its core purposes and “respect for fundamental freedoms, the promotion and protection of human rights, and the promotion and protection of social justice” as a core principle under Art.2, the AICHR has not given powers to monitor, investigate or report on human rights records, it rather has a mandate to “promote” than to protect human rights. If we go back in history and if you look at the regions in the world, Asia is the only region which has no regional mechanism of human rights. keywords: aichr; asean; body; bothe; charter; civil; commission; cumaraswamy; east; governments; group; human; human rights; interview; mechanism; param; process; promotion; protection; reference; regional; rights; rights mechanism; set; society; south; terms; years cache: aseas-2477.pdf plain text: aseas-2477.txt item: #47 of 325 id: aseas-2479 author: Wawrinec, Christian title: Democratisation, Security, and Justice: Preliminary Remarks on Current Trends in South-East Asia date: 2010-05-24 words: 2296 flesch: 49 summary: Dementsprechend fand der Begriff „menschliche Sicherheit“ keine Erwäh- nung in der Charter der Vereinigung südostasiatischer Nationen (ASEAN) An- fang 2006 gingen dann auch in Thai- land „gelbe“ DemonstrantInnen der Volksallianz für Demokratie (PAD) auf die Straßen, den damaligen Premier- minister Thaksin Shinawatra der Kor- ruption anklagend und lautstark sei- nen Rücktritt fordernd. keywords: 3(1; als; aseas; asia; aspinall; auch; auf; authoritarian; bangkok; christian; civil; concept; das; dass; democracy; democratisation; demokratie; demokratisierung; den; der; des; development; dictatorship; die; east; editorial; ein; emmerson; freedom; für; human; indonesia; ist; jakarta; members; menschen; military; mit; pad; people; political; press; protests; regime; regionalism; rights; rule; security; sicherheit; south; southeast; stanford; suharto; support; südostasien; thailand; thaksin; trends; udd; und; university; unter; vgl; vom; von; wawrinec; werden; world; zum cache: aseas-2479.pdf plain text: aseas-2479.txt item: #48 of 325 id: aseas-2480 author: Pampalk, Madalena title: Accountability for Serious Crimes and National Reconciliation in Timor-Leste: Progress or Wishful Thinking? date: 2010-05-24 words: 10124 flesch: 49 summary: UN Transitional Administration in East Timor Regulation No. 2000/16 on the Organization of the Public Prosecution Service in East Timor, 6 June 2000. UN Transitional Administration in East Timor Regulation No. 2001/10 on the Establishment of a Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor, 13 July 2001. keywords: accountability; aseas; atrocities; cases; cavr; commission; community; conflict; council; court; crimes; criminal; crp; ctf; decision; democratic; doc; east; east timor; february; final; friendship; general; government; high; hirst; human; human rights; independence; indonesia; inquiry; institutions; international; january; judicial; june; justice; law; leste; leste aseas; madalena; mandate; military; minister; national; nations; new; office; ogp; operation; order; pampalk; para; parliament; perpetrators; persons; police; political; president; process; processes; prosecution; public; rapporteurs; recommendations; reconciliation; reg; report; republic; resolution; respect; responsible; rights; scu; secretary; secs; security; september; special; spsc; state; support; system; time; timor; timorese; transitional; tribunal; truth; un commission; un security; und; united; untaet; violations cache: aseas-2480.pdf plain text: aseas-2480.txt item: #49 of 325 id: aseas-2481 author: Heikkilä-Horn, Marja-Leena title: Santi Asoke Buddhism and the Occupation of Bangkok International Airport date: 2010-05-24 words: 7899 flesch: 60 summary: Known as the ‘Dharma Army’, hundreds of Santi Asoke monks, nuns and lay people participated in PAD demonstrations. The demonstrators specifically opposed any amendments to the Constitution to pardon Prime Minister Thaksin and the one hundred and eleven Thai Rak Thai Members of Parliament banned from politics 30 Inside the Asoke, Asoke group ( Inside the Asoke, Asoke group (klum Asoke) refers to all the followers of Bodhiraksa. keywords: agricultural; airport; approach; army; aseas; asian; asoke; asoke buddhism; asoke centres; asoke group; asoke monks; bangkok; bodhiraksa; books; buddhist; centres; chamlong; chiang; communities; community; courses; crisis; critical; culture; demonstrations; der; development; dharma; economic; economy; farmers; february; general; government; group; heikkilä; horn; important; international; lay; leaders; leena; local; london; mai; major; marja; media; members; minister; monks; moral; movement; network; new; nikai; northeastern; november; nuns; observations; occupation; organic; pad; party; people; policies; political; politics; poor; power; press; prime; rural; sangha; santi; santi asoke; school; shinawatra; silkworm; sisa; sisa asoke; social; society; somchai; south; speech; spiritual; srimuang; state; students; studies; sufficiency; supporters; temple; thailand; thaksin; thammayut; training; und; university; urban; wing; years cache: aseas-2481.pdf plain text: aseas-2481.txt item: #50 of 325 id: aseas-2482 author: Gerstl, Alfred title: The Depoliticisation and ‘ASEANisation’ of Counter-Terrorism Policies in South-East Asia: A Weak Trigger for a Fragmented Version of Human Security date: 2010-05-24 words: 11278 flesch: 52 summary: The ‘ASEANisation’ method has on the one hand contributed to reaching a political consensus among ASEAN members and developing specific counter-terrorism measures, while on the other hand however it has proved an impediment to a credible and strong common counter-terrorism approach. His research interests include regional co-operation in East Asia and International Relations theories. keywords: 2007a; 3(1; abuza; acharya; actc; alfred; analysis; anthony; anti; approach; article; asean; asean counter; aseanisation; asia; asia aseas; association; australia; bali; buzan; caballero; capabilities; centric; challenges; charter; collaboration; comprehensive; concept; concrete; copenhagen; counter; counter terrorism; crime; december; defence; democracy; depoliticisation; development; discourse; dosch; east; east asia; economic; eds; efforts; emmerson; end; framework; general; gerstl; global; governments; groups; human; human security; individual; indonesia; institute; international; islam; jakarta; joint; jones; jordan; legitimacy; malaysia; meeting; members; ministerial; nations; new; non; notion; october; ong; operation; organisation; oxford; pacific; particular; parts; people; policies; policy; political; poverty; qaeda; regard; regime; regional; rights; school; securitisation; security; sicherheit; singapore; smith; social; society; south; southeast; southeast asia; sovereignty; speech; state; strategic; studies; terrorism; terrorism policies; threat; traditional; transnational; united; university; version; view; violence; war; washington; way; world cache: aseas-2482.pdf plain text: aseas-2482.txt item: #51 of 325 id: aseas-2483 author: Maier-Knapp, Naila title: A Friend in Need. A Friend in Deed? ASEAN-EU Interregionalism in the Light of Non-Traditional Security Crises in South-East Asia date: 2010-05-24 words: 10252 flesch: 45 summary: The success of the AMM and the clear contribution of EU NTS actorness would have been less likely had there not been several transnational and NTS crises in the South- East Asian region. The conglomeration of different types of action illustrates seven central features of EU NTS actorness in South-East Asia. keywords: aceh; acharya; action; activities; actorness; afc; affected; aid; amm; approach; article; asean; asean member; asem; asia; assistance; avian; bali; bilateral; bombings; case; centre; commission; communication; community; concept; council; counter; countries; crisis; december; deed; der; development; dialogue; different; dimension; east; east asia; economic; efforts; engagement; eu actorness; eu member; eu nts; european; european commission; european security; external; financial; form; friend; friendship; gam; general; global; governance; humanitarian; impact; individual; indonesia; influenza; interaction; intergovernmental; international; interregional; knapp; level; long; maier; major; member; member states; military; monitor; multilateral; naila; need; new; non; normative; nts; nts actorness; nts crises; official; operation; organisations; pandemic; paper; peace; personal; perspective; policy; political; post; power; preparedness; process; recovery; research; response; role; second; security; south; southeast; specific; stability; states; studies; support; term; terrorist; threats; traditional; traditional security; tsunami; understanding; union; values; visibility; war; world cache: aseas-2483.pdf plain text: aseas-2483.txt item: #52 of 325 id: aseas-2484 author: Scharinger, Julia title: Thailand in the Face of the 1997 Asian Crisis and the Current Financial Crisis: An Interview With Johannes Dragsbæk Schmidt date: 2010-05-24 words: 4245 flesch: 53 summary: Julia Scharinger: In your article ‘Financial crisis, social crisis and unequal development in the Republic of Korea and Thailand’ (Dragsbæk, 2008) you mention major long-term impacts of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 on Thai society, such as a transition to flexible and informal jobs and growing social inequality. There is great danger that the current overemphasis on civil society detracts or hijacks the focus away from what is of immediate importance in any country with high levels of poverty, inequality and social crisis. keywords: anti; approach; aseas; asian; change; civil; civil society; crisis; current; current crisis; development; domestic; dragsbæk schmidt; east; economic; economy; elite; fact; financial; financial crisis; fiscal; global; government; growth; ifis; impacts; important; inequality; interview; johannes; johannes dragsbæk; julia; labour; level; long; major; market; national; plan; policies; policy; political; politics; poor; poverty; present; problems; progressive; question; role; rural; scharinger; schmidt aseas; social; society; south; state; strategies; strategy; studies; sufficiency; term; thai; thailand; thaksin; today cache: aseas-2484.pdf plain text: aseas-2484.txt item: #53 of 325 id: aseas-2485 author: Warta, Christian title: Book review: Heidbüchel, E. (2007). The West Papua Conflict in Indonesia: Actors, Issues and Approaches. date: 2010-05-24 words: 1646 flesch: 38 summary: Dieser im Rahmen der Dekolonisierung des ehemaligen Niederländisch-Indiens entstandene Territorialstreit zwischen den Niederlanden und Indonesien wurde unter der Mitwirkung der Vereinten Nationen 1969 mit Der Komplexität des Konflikts entsprechend umfasst diese Analyse eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Bereiche und Prozesse, wie Sicherheitsinteressen, die Geschäfte des staatlichen Sicherheitsapparats, rechtliche Unsicherheit und Defizite in der Implementierung der Sonderautonomie, Menschenrechtsdiskurse, Korruption, Ressourcenausbeutung und die Herausbildung einer Papua-Identität, um nur einige zu nennen. keywords: actors; akteurinnen; als; analyse; arbeit; aseas; auch; auf; aus; autorin; barat; bevölkerung; bezeichnet; business; chinese; chua; conflict; das; dass; dem; den; der; des; die; dieser; dimension; drei; durch; east; ebene; eine; esther; ethnic; für; heidbüchel; hier; ihrer; indonesia; indonesiens; innerhalb; issues; ist; jene; kann; komplexität; konflikts; level; local; mit; nicht; nur; nämlich; papua; rahmen; reviews; rezensionen; sich; sie; sonderautonomie; south; und; von; vor; werden; west; wie; wurde cache: aseas-2485.pdf plain text: aseas-2485.txt item: #54 of 325 id: aseas-2486 author: Kraft, Gerhard title: Book review: Chua, C. (2008). Chinese Big Business in Indonesia: The state of capital. date: 2010-05-24 words: 1588 flesch: 50 summary: This book considers itself to be about the political economy of Chinese big business in Indonesia. 119 The author manages to set the stage for a complicated play involving the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, international investors, the collapsing Indonesian regime and Chinese big business. keywords: aseas; big; business; capital; chinese; chua; class; crisis; cultural; der; economic; ethnic; groups; indonesia; international; means; minority; new; order; papua; political; power; present; regime; situation; way; work cache: aseas-2486.pdf plain text: aseas-2486.txt item: #55 of 325 id: aseas-2487 author: Amer, Ramses title: Book Review: Gainsborough, M. (Ed.). (2009). On The Borders of State Power: Frontiers in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region. date: 2010-05-24 words: 2084 flesch: 58 summary: Chapter 3 is more detailed than chapter 2 given that it deals with a shorter period of time and hence provides more data and information about the collaboration between China and Vietnam in combating bandits in the border area after the Taiping rebellion in China. Chapter 1 by the editor Martin Gainsborough is the introduction to the volume (pp. 1-11). keywords: area; aseas; author; book; border; chapter; china; context; contributions; deals; den; die; editor; ethnic; fact; gainsborough; government; historical; interesting; issues; laos; mekong; problem; question; relations; relevant; review; short; state; thailand; und; vietnam; volume cache: aseas-2487.pdf plain text: aseas-2487.txt item: #56 of 325 id: aseas-2488 author: Krebl, Harald title: Book review: Grabowski, M., Herold, H., & Jordan, R. (Hrsg.). (2009). Sicherheit kontra Menschenrechte: Antiterrorpolitik in Asien. date: 2010-05-24 words: 1344 flesch: 35 summary: Ähnlich verhält es sich in Bangladesch, welches – wie Mitherausgeber Heiko Herold und Bernhard Hertlein ausführen – trotz Lippenbekenntnissen zu verschiedensten Menschenrechtskonventionen die Tradition der Verfolgung regierungskritischer Personen ungebrochen aufrechterhält. Der europäische Konsens hinsichtlich der prinzipiellen ASEAS 3(1) 127 Ablehnung von Folter und Willkür unabhängig von der Schuldfrage der Inhaftierten wird dabei oft überlagert; bei manchen Argumenten scheint es so, als meinten die AutorInnen, es wäre es bloß inakzeptabel „Unschuldige“zu foltern oder zu töten. keywords: 9/11; aber; als; antiterrorpolitik; aseas; asien; auch; auf; aus; autorinnen; bandes; beitrag; beiträgen; betroffenen; dabei; dass; dem; den; der; des; die; diese; durch; einer; frage; für; gegen; gerade; gesellschaften; gesetze; grabowski; herold; ist; jeweiligen; jordan; klar; kontra; menschenrechte; mit; nach; nicht; noch; nur; oder; oft; politischen; reviews; rezensionen; sich; sicherheit; sind; sondern; song; sowie; südostasien; tatsächlich; terror; terrorismus; tradition; und; von; vorwort; werden; westen; wie; wird; wobei; zur; ähnlich cache: aseas-2488.pdf plain text: aseas-2488.txt item: #57 of 325 id: aseas-2490 author: Gerstl, Alfred; Wawrinec, Christian title: Editorial date: 2010-12-31 words: 1539 flesch: 44 summary: Un- serem „Call for Papers“ zum Schwer- punkt Gender- und Frauenforschung folgend, geht Niklas Reese (Univer- sität Passau/Universität Bonn) in sei- nem Beitrag der bedeutenden Rolle der Frauen in der philippinischen Zivil- gesellschaft wie auch in der formalen Editorial Alfred Gerstl & Christian Wawrinec ASEAS Redaktion / ASEAS Editorial Board Citation Gerstl, A., & Wawrinec, C. (2010). Ausgegrenzt werden in Thailand auch Homosexu- elle wie Santi Leksakun (Sem Pringpu- angkeo Foundation) am Beispiel der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Homo- sexuellen und diese ablehnende Akti- visten in der Stadt Chiang Mai zeigt. keywords: alfred; allem; aseas; asia; auch; beitrag; chiang; christian; civil; current; dabei; dass; den; der; des; die; dimension; east; editorial; eine; forum; frauen; gender; gerstl; human; indonesia; issue; lautensach; mai; melanie; menschlicher; mit; philippines; pichler; politics; regional; research; role; security; sicherheit; society; south; südostasien; und; university; von; vor; wawrinec; werden; wie; women cache: aseas-2490.pdf plain text: aseas-2490.txt item: #58 of 325 id: aseas-2491 author: Reese, Niklas title: “Still Working on it”: An Overview on the Current State of Public Activism of Women in the Philippines date: 2010-12-31 words: 6399 flesch: 55 summary: Niklas Reese - “Still Working on it”: An Overview on the Current State of Public Activism of Women in the Philippines ASEAS 3(2) 138 139 patriarchy is only a kind of icing with women pulling the strings in the background. This also implies that they have to pursue the interests of their clan first and are less geared towards a pro-women agenda dissolving patriarchal structures, putting an end to the socio-economic and cultural discrimination of women, or bringing more women into the corridors of power. keywords: 3(2; activism; activists; agency; anti; aseas; children; citizenship; city; civil; class; clayton; current; davao; development; economic; ecuador; ellwood; equality; everyday; families; family; female; feminism; formal; gender; germany; good; group; hand; household; husbands; issues; law; leadership; life; main; manila; mother; movements; national; niklas; nuns; overview; paper; patriarchal; philippines; philippines aseas; pingol; political; politics; power; press; private; progressive; public; public activism; reese; relations; research; rights; roces; role; september; social; society; space; sphere; state; struggle; tan; terms; times; traditional; und; university; way; wife; wives; women; working; world; young cache: aseas-2491.pdf plain text: aseas-2491.txt item: #59 of 325 id: aseas-2492 author: Qibtiyah, Alimatul title: Self-identified Feminists Among Gender Activists and Scholars at Indonesian Universities date: 2010-12-31 words: 9314 flesch: 48 summary: In terms of inheritance, Indonesian women have been able to inherit land and other property; however, certain African women have been able to inherit only houses and other property but not land, since production from the fields is reserved for male offspring (Goody, 1976). An equally important point relating to the concept of power is that commonly Indonesian women have more ASEAS 3(2) 170 171 power in terms of managing the financial aspect of the family than their husbands. keywords: 3(2; activists; alimatul; approach; aseas; asia; awareness; centres; communication; concept; context; development; different; discourse; equality; example; faith; family; female; feminist; feminist ideas; feminist identity; figure; gender; gender activists; gender equality; gizela; government; group; human; ideas; identification; identity; important; indonesian; indonesian women; institution; islamic; islamic feminist; issues; jakarta; june; labels; lesbianism; life; male; members; movement; muslim; muslim feminist; muslim gender; negative; new; non; notion; paper; people; percent; perempuan; personal; personal communication; popular; positive; power; psw; public; pusat; qibtiyah; qur’an; relevant; research; respondents; rights; sadli; scholars; self; sex; shows; sita; social; society; studies; term; texts; tradition; understanding; universities; university; values; way; western; western feminist; women; world; yogyakarta; york cache: aseas-2492.pdf plain text: aseas-2492.txt item: #60 of 325 id: aseas-2493 author: Pichler, Melanie title: Agrofuels in Indonesia: Structures, Conflicts, Consequences, and the Role of the EU date: 2010-12-31 words: 6922 flesch: 45 summary: Meanwhile, many surveys have confirmed the involvement of palm oil companies in illegal deforestation, logging, and clearance of peatlands. Conflicts arise mainly over land, including conflicts over land tenure, as well as uneven bargaining power between palm oil companies, state authorities, and villagers. keywords: 3(2; actors; agrofuels; aseas; asian; business; common; communication; communities; companies; company; conflicts; consequences; countries; criteria; current; december; der; development; die; directive; east; economic; energy; environmental; etc; european; expansion; export; farmers; forest; general; global; greenpeace; hectares; important; independent; indonesia; indonesian palm; industry; international; involved; ipob; january; kalimantan; land; large; local; major; malaysia; market; marti; mccarthy; melanie; model; monoculture; new; ngos; november; oil; oil production; palm; palm oil; people; percent; personal; personal communication; pichler; plantation; political; problems; process; production; promotion; pye; representative; rights; role; rspo; social; south; spks; state; strategies; structures; sumatra; sustainability; sustainable; tonnes; transport; und; union; use; walhi; world; years cache: aseas-2493.pdf plain text: aseas-2493.txt item: #61 of 325 id: aseas-2494 author: Lautensach, Alexander; Lautensach, Sabina title: Prioritising the Variables Affecting Human Security in South-East Asia date: 2010-12-31 words: 6725 flesch: 44 summary: Human security is usually framed as a multidimensional concept that depends on socio-political, economic, health-related, and ecological ‘pillars’. An assessment of human security requires an analysis of the nested relationships between those variables. keywords: 3(2; absence; alexander; analysis; area; aseas; asia; bio; canada; change; communities; community; comparison; complex; conflict; consumption; countries; country; cultural; data; definitions; development; east; east asia; ecological; economic; ecosystems; education; environmental; environmental security; example; extent; food; footprint; freedom; future; global; growth; health; human; human security; impact; individual; journal; land; lautensach; local; long; means; millennium; myers; national; nations; nature; needs; new; october; overshoot; peace; pillars; policies; political; population; press; problems; productive; rees; regions; resources; sabina; scale; security; sicherheit; situation; social; sources; south; species; states; support; sustainability; sustainable; table; targets; term; united; university; values; variables; violence; wackernagel; wastes; water; world; york cache: aseas-2494.pdf plain text: aseas-2494.txt item: #62 of 325 id: aseas-2495 author: Gonzalez, Eduardo; Mendoza, Magdalena title: Mainstreaming Human Security in the Philippines: Options and Prospects for Non-State Actors in Light of the ‘ASEAN Way’ date: 2010-12-31 words: 11464 flesch: 43 summary: ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 3(2), 211-240. Progress in human security in the Philippines is infl uenced by the ‘ASEAN Way’, which underscores consensual approach to decision-making, informal structures and processes, and the principle of non-interference in member-countries’ internal aff airs. Schlagworte: Menschliche Sicherheit, Nichtstaatliche Akteure, ASEAN, Sekuritisierung, Diplomati- sche Ebenen Introduction The central purpose of this paper is to show how non-state actors (NSA) in the Philippines translate the concept of human security from discourse to action, and consequently, how the state can correspondingly calibrate its own human security outlook. keywords: 3(2; acharya; action; actors; agenda; anthony; approach; asean; asean way; asia; caballero; campbell; capabilities; capability; case; centric; change; civil; collective; communities; community; concept; conference; contextualised; core; countries; cultural; decision; democratic; development; diplomatic; direct; discursive; domestic; e.g.; economic; eduardo; elites; fear; feigenblatt; focus; force; form; framework; freedom; global; gonzalez; governance; government; groups; haze; health; humaine; human rights; human security; iii; important; indigenous; individual; indonesia; informal; initiative; institute; interference; international; issues; jensen; journal; level; lives; local; magdalena; mainstreaming; making; member; mendoza; nations; network; new; ngos; non; normative; norms; nsas; october; open; order; organisations; outcomes; paper; participation; peace; people; perspective; philippines; philippines aseas; policies; policy; political; pollution; poverty; power; practices; principle; process; progress; protective; public; regime; regional; resources; responsibility; results; revue; rights; role; rules; sars; securitisation; security journal; sen; social; society; southeast; sovereignty; state; state actors; structures; studies; sécurité; terms; terrorism; thailand; thakur; threats; track; und; university; values; vital; von; war; way; weak; world cache: aseas-2495.pdf plain text: aseas-2495.txt item: #63 of 325 id: aseas-2496 author: Bunyavejchewin, Poowin title: Constructing the ‘Red’ Otherness: The Role and Implications of Thainess on Polarised Politics date: 2010-12-31 words: 2946 flesch: 59 summary: In Thai political discourse, democracy is often negatively equated with the political dominance of the majority, i.e. people deemed unqualified to make the right decisions. (General Prem Tinsulanonda quoted in “Gen Prem Urges People of Northeast to Restore Unity,” 2009) Unity or kwamsamakki is very important to Thai power holders because in their view it leads to stability by demanding conformity of thought, belief in Royal Nationalism, and interest in top-down control. keywords: 3(2; abhisit; aseas; bangkok; bunyavejchewin; bureaucratic; control; coup; d’état; exception; general; government; holders; military; monarchy; nationhood; network; otherness; pavin; people; polarised; political; politics; poowin; power; protesters; red; regime; role; shirts; thailand; thainess; thongchai; unity; university; yellow cache: aseas-2496.pdf plain text: aseas-2496.txt item: #64 of 325 id: aseas-2497 author: Leksakun, Senti title: Chiang Mai: The Gay and the City date: 2010-12-31 words: 1896 flesch: 53 summary: One striking example was the Gay Pride Parade in downtown Chiang Mai in 2009. This article aims to take a closer look at the local experiences relating to the relationship between the city (of Chiang Mai) and the marginal group of gay people. keywords: 3(2; activists; aseas; chiang; chiang mai; city; cultural; culture; different; gay; gays; kathoey; krathong; lanna; leksakun; life; local; mai; old; parade; people; politicians; santi; sexual; thailand; tourism; tourists; way cache: aseas-2497.pdf plain text: aseas-2497.txt item: #65 of 325 id: aseas-2498 author: Gerlach, Ricarda title: Gender Politics in Indonesia - Recent Developments: An Interview with Yuniyanti Chuzaifah date: 2010-12-31 words: 4307 flesch: 67 summary: Our mandate is to ensure the government’s policy about a debate and discourse on human rights and to publish human rights violations. We constitute transnational meetings with other human rights organisations in other countries like Pakistan, Switzerland, India, Bangladesh, and Iran. keywords: 3(2; aseas; cases; certain; chuzaifah; different; director; example; fact; gender; gerlach; government; hardliners; human; important; indonesia; interview; islamic; issues; komnas; lot; national; new; order; organisation; people; perempuan; pesantren; politics; progressive; ricarda; rights; state; strategy; terms; time; ulama; university; victims; violence; women; work; yuniyanti cache: aseas-2498.pdf plain text: aseas-2498.txt item: #66 of 325 id: aseas-2499 author: Honisch, Pascal title: Soziale Netzwerke philippinischer MigrantInnen in Österreich: Ein Interview mit Arlene Castañeda date: 2010-12-31 words: 2795 flesch: 59 summary: Die Kinder und Jugendlichen wurden gemeinsam von zehn österreichischen und philippinischen Trainern betreut. Die Kinder malten die österreichische und philippinische Flagge und lernten dabei die philippinischen Namen der Farben. keywords: 3(2; aber; allem; als; arlene; aseas; auch; auf; aus; ausland; bei; beiden; beim; beispielsweise; bietet; bis; bleiben; botschaft; bzw; castañeda; circa; dabei; dann; das; dass; dem; den; der; des; deutsch; diaspora; die; diese; durch; ein; eine; einfach; eltern; filipinos; für; gemeinsamkeiten; gesprochen; gibt; gut; haben; hat; heimatland; hier; honisch; ihnen; ihre; interview; ist; jahren; jeder; jugendlichen; kann; kinder; kulturen; kulturund; können; landes; leben; leider; machen; man; meinen; meisten; migrantinnen; mir; mit; muttersprache; nach; natürlich; netzwerke; nicht; nur; oder; pascal; philippinen; philippinischen; prozent; schon; sehr; sich; sie; sind; soziale; sprachwoche; sprechen; tagalog; teilnehmer; thema; und; universität; uns; untereinander; unterschiede; veranstaltungen; verein; verwandten; viele; vom; von; vor; waren; welche; wenn; werden; wie; wien; wir; wird; wurde; ziehen; zugehörigkeit; zum; zweite; österreich; österreichische; über cache: aseas-2499.pdf plain text: aseas-2499.txt item: #67 of 325 id: aseas-2500 author: Husa, Karl; Trupp, Alexander title: Research on South-East Asia in Austria: Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna date: 2010-12-31 words: 1242 flesch: 42 summary: Demographic and socioeconomic transformation processes • Spatial disparities and social inequality • Fertility decline, demographic ageing, and their consequences • ‘Searching for Paradise’: European ‘amenity migration’ and second home development in South-East Asia • Ethnic tourism: Uncovering intercultural encounters in destination communities • Dynamics and impact of mass tourism; new forms of sustainable travel Megacities, Globalisation, and Migration • International migration in South-East and East Asia In P. Feldbauer, K. Husa, E. Pilz, & I. Stacher (Eds.), Mega- Cities. keywords: 3(2; aseas; asia; austria; demographic; department; development; east; east asia; economic; eds; geography; husa; international; megacities; migration; regional; research; social; south; tourism; trupp; und; university; vienna; wohlschlägl cache: aseas-2500.pdf plain text: aseas-2500.txt item: #68 of 325 id: aseas-2502 author: Amador III, Julio title: Book Review: Haacke, Jürgen & Morada, Noel M. (Eds.) (2010). Cooperative Security in the Asia-Pacifi c: The ASEAN Regional Forum. date: 2010-12-31 words: 2019 flesch: 51 summary: For a forum with many participants which are maritime or at least coastal states, the ARF should have been at the forefront of maritime security, however the ARF has had a limited maritime agenda. Edited by Jürgen Haacke of the London School of Economics and Noel M Morada of the Asia-Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, Cooperative Security in the Asia-Pacific: The ASEAN Regional Forum brings together in one volume the most authoritative analysis to date of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) by a set of scholars and analysts who have been contributing to the analysis of Asia-Pacific regional institutions and issues. keywords: 3(2; analysis; arf; asean; asia; book; challenges; chapter; china; context; der; directions; discussion; forum; future; haacke; issues; japan; level; main; maritime; morada; national; new; operation; pacific; regional; reviews; rezensionen; role; securitisation; security; states; terrorism; timor; und cache: aseas-2502.pdf plain text: aseas-2502.txt item: #69 of 325 id: aseas-2503 author: Scharinger, Julia title: Book Review: Kingsbury, Damien (2009). East Timor: The Price of Liberty. date: 2010-12-31 words: 1992 flesch: 41 summary: Die portugiesische Kolonialisierung als Ausgangslage nehmend, bespricht Kingsbury die indonesische Invasion, die Ausrichtung der Ökonomie nach den Bedürfnissen der Kolonialmächte, die Unterdrückung und den Widerstand der Timoresen sowie Reaktionen und strategische Interessen der internationalen Gemeinschaft – besonders der UN, USA, Australiens und später Portugals. Damit wolle er aktuelle Ereignisse in den historischen Kontext Timor-Lestes einbetten und somit den Transformations- und Demokratisierungsprozess der jungen Nation nachvollziehbar und bewertbar machen. keywords: acht; allem; als; andere; aseas; asia; auch; auf; ausrichtung; behandelt; bei; besonders; bevölkerung; book; building; china; dadurch; das; dass; dem; den; denen; der; des; die; diese; east; einer; entwicklung; ereignisse; fehlender; für; gms; herausforderungen; hier; ihre; indonesischen; innerhalb; international; ist; jedoch; jüngsten; kapitel; kingsbury; kolonialisierung; korruption; landes; legitimität; leste; liberty; mit; nach; nachvollziehbar; nicht; nur; oder; politische; price; regierung; relations; rezensionen; sich; somit; sowie; staatliche; state; thematik; themen; timor; timoresen; timoresischen; unabhängigkeit; und; unruhen; vietnam; von; vor; weg; weiteren; welche; werden; werk; wie; wurde; z.b; zur; ökonomische cache: aseas-2503.pdf plain text: aseas-2503.txt item: #70 of 325 id: aseas-2504 author: Amer, Ramses title: Book Review: Hensengerth, Oliver (2010). Regionalism in China-Vietnam Relations: Institution-building in the Greater Mekong Subregion. date: 2010-12-31 words: 1710 flesch: 49 summary: This book by Oliver Hensengerth addresses two interlinked research topics, namely relations between China and Vietnam and collaboration within the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). The author aims for a comprehensive approach to the two topics and studies the importance of the GMS collaboration in the China-Vietnam relationship as well as the policies of China and Vietnam, respectively, with reference to the GMS. keywords: 3(2; agreement; approach; aseas; author; book; chapter; china; comprehensive; countries; der; devoted; gms; gulf; hensengerth; international; issues; june; literature; maritime; mekong; nur; operation; relationship; territorial; theoretical; timor; tonkin; vietnam; way cache: aseas-2504.pdf plain text: aseas-2504.txt item: #71 of 325 id: aseas-2505 author: Trupp, Alexander title: Editorial - Tourism in Focus date: 2011-06-07 words: 2755 flesch: 45 summary: im von der malaiischen Minder- heit bewohnten Südthailand. Wir hof- fen, in den nächsten ASEAS-Ausgaben diesen Pilotversuch zur stärkeren Re- präsentation von Südostasien in Wien fortführen zu können. keywords: alexander; alneng; als; alternative; aseas; asia; auf; authenticity; authentizität; chang; christian; claudia; context; culture; das; dass; den; der; des; development; die; dolezal; domestic; east; editorial; eine; entwicklung; ethnic; etwa; evrard; experience; focus; für; gaze; houses; international; leepreecha; london; maccannell; michelle; mit; nach; negative; nicht; project; proyer; research; rubrik; section; shan; sich; south; sowie; state; steinbach; studies; südostasien; teo; thailand; timor; tourism; tourismus; touristische; tourists; traditional; travel; trupp; und; university; unwto; urry; vienna; vietnam; von; werden; wien; winter; wir; wird; workshop; zur cache: aseas-2505.pdf plain text: aseas-2505.txt item: #72 of 325 id: aseas-2506 author: Bui, Huong Thanh; Jolliffe, Lee title: Vietnamese Domestic Tourism: An Investigation of Travel Motivations date: 2011-06-07 words: 7576 flesch: 54 summary: This article approaches domestic tourism in Vietnam from a native Asian perspective aiming to examine Vietnamese domestic travel motivations. While the significance of this huge domestic market is ignored by government policy, planning, and promotion efforts, there has been some attention paid to the emergence of domestic tourism in Vietnam in the literature (Gillen, 2008; 2010). keywords: age; alneng; analysis; annals; approach; aseas; asia; behaviour; bui; chan; characteristics; climate; cost; demand; destination; development; domestic; domestic tourism; domestic travellers; east; east asia; economic; economy; eds; employer; factor; family; findings; group; gso; hanoi; hitchcock; huong; income; influence; international; investigation; items; jolliffe; king; lee; literature; london; market; motivations; native; new; operators; parnwell; patterns; percent; perspective; press; psychological; reference; region; research; respondents; role; singh; social; south; sponsorship; studies; study; survey; table; theories; theory; time; tourism; tourism research; tourists; travel; travel motivations; travellers; university; value; vietnam; vietnamese; vietnamese domestic; view; vnd; weather; western; winter; world; york cache: aseas-2506.pdf plain text: aseas-2506.txt item: #73 of 325 id: aseas-2507 author: Nate-Chei, Achariya title: Beyond Commodification and Politicisation: Production and Consumption Practices of Authenticity in the White Tai Tourist Market in the Uplands of Vietnam date: 2011-06-07 words: 8834 flesch: 57 summary: White Tai hosts may respond Achariya Nate-Chei - Beyond Commodification and Politicisation ASEAS 4(1) 40 41 to this behaviour simply enduring it, or calling the attention of visitors towards some cultural taboo. Ordinarily, White Tai hosts are patient and gentle when dealing with tourists. keywords: achariya; agencies; annals; aseas; authenticity; backpackers; behaviour; business; chau; chei; close; commodification; consumption; cultural; culture; economic; ethnic; ethnic tourism; ethnicity; existential; experience; family; food; foreign; free; groups; guests; guides; homestay; hospitality; host; house; identity; instance; interaction; interpersonal; khach; kinh; local; long; mai; man; market; meal; means; minority; modern; money; nate; new; notion; object; paper; people; place; politicisation; politics; power; price; production; rationality; relationship; research; second; social; space; tai; term; things; tourism; tourist market; tourists; traditional; type; und; understanding; vietnamese; vietnamese tourists; villagers; visitors; way; white; white tai cache: aseas-2507.pdf plain text: aseas-2507.txt item: #74 of 325 id: aseas-2508 author: Gantner, Bianca title: Schattenwirtschaft unter Palmen: Der touristisch informelle Sektor im Urlaubsparadies Patong, Thailand. date: 2011-06-07 words: 10878 flesch: 52 summary: Die nun vertretene Gruppe von TouristInnen8 stellt dem Modell nach höhere Ansprüche in Bezug auf die Qualität der touristischen Produkte, welche aufgrund des hohen Kapitaleinsatzes (zum Beispiel hochwertige Restaurants oder Hotels) durch den TIS nicht gänzlich befriedigt werden können. Diese Breite und Offenheit der Definition spiegelt sich auch in der Definition der ILO aus dem Jahr 1998 wieder: keywords: 1980er; abb; akteurinnen; aktivität; allem; als; amazing; analyse; anderen; anfang; angebot; angestellte; annual; anteil; anzahl; arbeit; arbeiten; arbeitsplätze; aseas; asia; auch; auf; auf der; aufgrund; aus; auswirkungen; baht; bangkok; beach; bedeutung; befragten; beginn; begriff; behinderung; behörden; behördliche; beiden; beispiel; beispielsweise; beobachtung; beschrieben; beschäftigten; beschäftigung; bestehenden; betriebe; bevölkerung; bezeichnet; beziehungsweise; bezug; bianca; bis; bleiben; bungalows; bzw; castells; cohen; dahles; damit; dar; darstellen; das; dass; davon; dazu; definition; dem; demnach; den; denn; der; deren; des; des informellen; des tis; des touristisch; dessen; destination; deutschland; development; die; dienstleistungen; diese; downward; durch; durch die; durchgeführt; economy; eher; eine; einkommen; empirischen; entspricht; entstehung; entwicklung; entwicklung des; ergebnisse; erhalten; erholungszone; ersten; erwarten; erweiterung; etwa; euro; faktoren; fall; februar; fest; findet; folge; formeller; führen; für; für den; für die; gantner; gebiet; gegenüber; gehen; geringe; gespräch; gezeigt; großen; grund; gruppe; gäste; haben; handelt; henderson; hier; hinaus; homepage; hotels; hrsg; ihre; illegal; ilo; immobilen; immobilen tis; industry; informal; informalität; informellen; informellen sektor; infrastruktur; initialphase; innerhalb; insel; international; interviews; interviewten; investitionen; inwieweit; islands; jahre; jedoch; jene; jet; jänner; kann; katastrophe; kaum; kein; kernzone; kleine; komlosy; krise; können; labour; lag; lassen; laut; lebensunterhalt; legalismus; level; liegestuhlvermieterinnen; literatur; lizenz; lokale; lässt; mai; massagedamen; mehr; meist; meisten; migrantinnen; migration; millionen; mit; mit den; mobiler; modell; modellannahme; myanmar; märz; nach; netzwerke; neue; nicht; niedergang; noch; november; nso; nun; nur; o.d; oder; office; oft; oftmals; ohne; otop; palmen; palmen aseas; parnreiter; patong; personen; persönliches; phasen; phuket; phuketwan; pleumarom; polizei; portes; potenzial; press; produkte; prostitution; prozent; regulierung; report; research; restaurants; road; räumliche; schattenwirtschaft; schattenwirtschaft unter; sehr; seiner; sektor; sektoren; selbst; semi; september; shops; sich; sich die; sidasathian; sie; sind; ski; small; smith; soll; somit; sondern; sowie; sowohl; sozialen; spezifika; stacher; stark; statistical; statt; stellen; stellt; steuern; strandbereich; strandverkäuferinnen; street; tailor; tat; teil; tfs; thailand; thailändischen; theorie; tis; tis und; tis zu; tot; tourism; tourismus; tourismusdestination; tourismuswirtschaft; tourismuszentrum; touristinnen; touristisch; touristisch informellen; tsunami; typ; tätigen; tätigkeiten; u.a; und; university; unter; unter palmen; unternehmen; unterscheiden; untersucht; untersuchung; untersuchungsgebiet; upward; urlaubsparadies; verdienen; verdienstquelle; vergleich; verkaufsstände; verkäuferinnen; verlauf; vertical; vertreterinnen; vgl; viele; vom; von; von den; vorlaufer; wachstumsphase; wahnschafft; waren; weder; weiterer; welche; weniger; werden; wichtige; wie; wiederum; wiego; wien; wird; wirtschaftlichen; wirtschaftswachstum; wobei; world; wurde; während; wäre; z.b; zahl; zeigte; zeitpunkt; zimmermann; zudem; zugegriffen; zuletzt; zum; zur; zwei; zwischen; zyklischen; österreich; über cache: aseas-2508.pdf plain text: aseas-2508.txt item: #75 of 325 id: aseas-2509 author: Byczek, Christian title: Blessings for All? Community-Based Ecotourism in Bali Between Global, National, and Local Interests – A Case Study. date: 2011-06-07 words: 10381 flesch: 56 summary: Living in South-East Asia, he is currently engaged as a tourism professional and expert on sustainable tourism development. Community-Based Ecotourism in Bali Between Global, National, and Local Interests ASEAS 4(1) 92 93 While the participant observation was intended to be merely a first approach in order to get a better understanding of the field, the community survey aimed at ana- lysing whether community needs and environmental requirements as basic prereq- uisites for sustainable tourism development are met. keywords: activities; agriculture; alternative; approach; aseas; asia; aspects; awareness; bali; balinese; banjar; blessings; byczek; case; cbet; cbt; ceningan; change; christian; communication; communities; community; connection; connor; control; countries; cultural; culture; debates; decision; der; desa; destination; developing; development; die; dimensions; ecological; economic; ecotourism; effects; ekowisata; environmental; example; facilities; farmers; february; field; form; future; für; germany; global; governments; guests; hitchcock; honey; impacts; important; income; indonesia; industry; initiative; interests; island; issues; january; jaringan; jed; level; local; local interests; major; making; management; mass; mass tourism; national; nations; natural; needs; negative; network; new; nusa; organisations; oxford; p. p.; pelaga; people; personal; picard; positive; practices; press; process; project; protection; question; regards; research; resources; respective; respondents; scale; sharpley; small; social; society; southeast; stakeholder; stay; strasdas; strong; study; suansri; survey; sustainable; sustainable tourism; telfer; tourism; tourism development; tourismus; und; united; university; use; verlag; village; wong; world cache: aseas-2509.pdf plain text: aseas-2509.txt item: #76 of 325 id: aseas-2510 author: von Feigenblatt, Otto F. title: An Alternative Policy Proposal for the Provinces Populated by the Malay Ethnonationality in the South of Thailand. date: 2011-06-07 words: 8569 flesch: 53 summary: Bureaucrats in Thailand are generally very conservative and nationalist and tend to come from Bangkok and central Thailand. In 2004 an important army armoury was raided and several bombs detonated in the Southern provinces (“Child Recruitment and Use in Southern Thailand“, 2008, p. 6; Perkasa, 2008). keywords: 4(1; acharya; addition; administrative; alternative; approach; armed; army; aseas; asia; askew; autonomous; autonomy; budget; business; capital; category; central; civilian; conflict; conservative; contemporary; control; country; cultural; deep; development; economic; elite; establishment; ethnonationality; f. von; feigenblatt; forces; governance; government; greater; groups; gunaratna; important; increase; influence; insurgency; interest; international; jitpiromrisi; journal; kershaw; leaders; liow; local; malay; malaysia; mccargo; means; military; militias; muslim; new; option; order; otto; palace; paper; party; pattani; perkasa; policy; political; population; possible; power; proposal; provinces; region; religious; role; royal; security; social; socio; south; southeast; southern; southern thailand; stakeholders; state; support; terms; thailand; ungpakorn; unrest; violence; von; von feigenblatt; wyatt; yegar cache: aseas-2510.pdf plain text: aseas-2510.txt item: #77 of 325 id: aseas-2511 author: Dolezal, Claudia title: Community-Based Tourism in Thailand: (Dis-)Illusions of Authenticity and the Necessity for Dynamic Concepts of Culture and Power. date: 2011-06-07 words: 3784 flesch: 57 summary: Despite its exotic appeal, a large number of tourists decide to experience it from inside all-inclusive hotels and resorts with little contact with the local population. Research in tourism has shown that tourists increasingly demand ‘authentic’ experi- ences (Butcher, 2003, MacCannell, 1999, & Wang, 1999). keywords: andaman; annals; area; aseas; authenticity; boonratana; cbt; claudia; communities; community; concept; contact; cultural; culture; development; dolezal; duim; dynamic; experience; fact; homestay; hosts; life; locals; london; maccannell; people; peters; planning; power; research; routledge; self; socio; south; studies; taylor; thailand; tourism; tourists; trupp; untouched cache: aseas-2511.pdf plain text: aseas-2511.txt item: #78 of 325 id: aseas-2513 author: Wollnik, Christian title: Lieber Bhutan als Bali? Perspektiven nachhaltiger Tourismusentwicklung in Timor-Leste. date: 2011-06-07 words: 2483 flesch: 49 summary: Massiven innenpolitischen Unruhen 2006 und 2007 folgten 2008 versuchte Mordanschläge auf Präsident Ramos-Horta und Premierminister Gusmão.4 Darüber hinaus bestehen nach wie vor elementare Probleme in der Grundversorgung der Menschen mit Nahrungsmitteln und Trink- wasser, insbesondere im ländlichen Raum abseits der Hauptstadt Dili. Soll sich der Tourismus in naher Zukunft zu einem der wichtigsten Wirtschaftszweige des Landes entwickeln, müssen die finan- ziellen Mittel deutlich erhöht werden. keywords: aderhold; allem; als; anbieterinnen; anderen; aseas; auch; auf; aufgrund; ausländische; bali; baumgartner; beispielsweise; besteht; beyer; bhutan; bis; borgerhoff; christian; dabei; das; dass; dem; den; der; des; desenvolvimento; deutschen; deutschland; die; dieser; dili; durch; ebene; eine; entwickeln; entwicklungszusammenarbeit; erschließung; factbook; für; governo; herausforderungen; hrsg; insbesondere; institutioneller; internationale; jungen; kooperation; leste; lieber; lokale; mit; nachhaltiger; nachhaltigkeit; ngos; nicht; nur; oder; osttimor; partizipation; perspektiven; planerischer; politischen; post; regierung; schmitz; seitens; sich; sie; sind; staat; timor; tourismus; tourismusentwicklung; tourismussektors; touristischen; turismo; und; universität; unruhen; unter; vgl; von; vor; werden; wie; wird; wollnik; world; zugegriffen; zuletzt; zum; zur; über cache: aseas-2513.pdf plain text: aseas-2513.txt item: #79 of 325 id: aseas-2514 author: Proyer, Michelle; Schiemer, Margarita; Luciak, Mikael title: CLASDISA – Classifications of Disabilities in the Field of Education in Different Societal and Cultural Contexts: Insights Into the Current State of Research. date: 2011-06-07 words: 2548 flesch: 43 summary: In addition, a methodological framework as well as research instruments for the second phase of field research are being devel- oped. A team of three researchers from the University of Vienna conducted the first phase of field research. keywords: analysis; aseas; austria; children; clasdisa; classifications; contexts; cultural; current; data; development; different; disabilities; disability; education; ethiopia; factors; field; health; icf; international; luciak; margarita; mikael; needs; phase; project; proyer; qualitative; research; researchers; schiemer; societal; special; support; thailand; university; vienna cache: aseas-2514.pdf plain text: aseas-2514.txt item: #80 of 325 id: aseas-2515 author: Jöstl, Julia; Wieser, Birgit title: Auf der Suche nach dem Paradies? Einblicke in eine Studie zu „Amenity Migration“ in Cha-am und Hua Hin, Thailand. date: 2011-06-07 words: 2219 flesch: 49 summary: Während der Großteil der Altersmigrationen in den letzten Jahrzehnten auf län- gerfristige Wohnstandortverlagerungen innerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten aus den nördlichen Landesteilen in die klimatisch begünstigten Gebiete des Südens und im Die zunehmende Beliebtheit Thailands als Ziel der interna- tionalen Altersmigration spiegelt sich zusätzlich in der Altersstruktur der Befragten wider: Der Großteil (42 Prozent) der Probanden war zwischen 60 und 70 Jahre alt. keywords: 4(1; aber; als; altersmigration; amenity; amenity migration; anhand; aseas; auch; auf; aufgrund; aus; bereits; bevölkerung; birgit; cha; dabei; das; dass; dem; den; der; des; die; diplomarbeit; einblicke; eine; expats; fallstudie; für; geographie; gesellschaften; handelt; hin; howard; hua; hua hin; ihren; innerhalb; interesse; internationalen; interviews; ist; jahren; julia; jöstl; letzten; migration; mit; männliche; nach; nicht; oder; paradies; phänomen; rahmen; retirement; sich; sie; sind; sowie; staaten; studie; suche; thailand; thema; tourism; tourismus; und; universität; untersuchungsgebiet; usa; verwendet; von; vor; waren; wenig; westlichen; wien; wieser; williams; wird; wurden; während; zum; zur; zuwanderer; zwei; zwischen; über cache: aseas-2515.pdf plain text: aseas-2515.txt item: #81 of 325 id: aseas-2516 author: Proyer, Michelle title: Kindersextourismus: Ein südostasiatisches Phänomen? Im Dialog mit Astrid Winkler von ECPAT Austria. date: 2011-06-07 words: 1992 flesch: 53 summary: Proyer: Tendenzen in der Gesetzgebung der be- troffenen Länder und Regionen… Winkler: Die Organisation gibt es in über 80 Ländern. keywords: aber; als; aseas; astrid; auch; auf; ausbeutung; austria; beschränkt; child; children; code; das; dass; den; der; des; dialog; die; diese; ecpat; ein; eine; end; exploitation; für; gegen; gibt; haben; hat; internationale; ist; kampagne; kindern; kinderschutzkodex; kindersextourismus; kooperation; machen; man; michelle; mit; nach; ngo; nicht; nur; o.d; oder; organisation; phänomen; pornography; prostitution; protection; proyer; purposes; raum; sehr; sexual; sexuelle; sich; sind; südostasiatischen; teilweise; thailand; und; unter; von; vor; war; webseite; werden; wie; winkler; wird; wurde; zugegriffen; zuletzt; zum; zur; österreich cache: aseas-2516.pdf plain text: aseas-2516.txt item: #82 of 325 id: aseas-2517 author: Dannecker, Petra; Schaffar, Wolfram title: Research on South-East Asia in Austria: Department of Development Studies, University of Vienna. date: 2011-06-07 words: 1631 flesch: 44 summary: Negotiations for a joint study Petra Dannecker & Wolfram Schaffar - Department of Development Studies, University of Vienna ASEAS 4(1) 182 183 programme with Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand, where Wolfram Schaffar used to teach in the MA in International Development Studies programme are under way. Still, it has always been pos- sible for students to specialise in South-East Asian issues since a number of lecturers (for example Dr Silvia Michal-Misak, Ms Yuki Seidler, and Mr Valentin Seidler) as well as the cooperation with other departments (Prof. Rüdiger Frank from the Depart- ment of East Asian Studies, Prof. Karl Husa and Prof. Helmut Wohlschlägl from the Department of Geography) made it possible to visit seminars focusing on South-East Asia and even choose aspects of South-East Asian development as topics for diploma theses. keywords: asia; austria; dannecker; democratisation; department; development; east; germany; global; international; issues; migration; petra; processes; project; research; schaffar; social; south; studies; study; thailand; und; university; vienna; wolfram cache: aseas-2517.pdf plain text: aseas-2517.txt item: #83 of 325 id: aseas-2519 author: Dolezal, Claudia title: Book Review: Hitchcock, M., King, V. T., & Parnwell, M (Eds.) (2009). Tourism in Southeast Asia: Challenges and New Directions. date: 2011-06-07 words: 1885 flesch: 48 summary: The fact that Laos is only as of recently experiencing growth rates in tourism means that it can still learn from the mistakes its neighbouring countries (such as Thailand) made in tourism development. The topic of sex tourism is included in the volume with a Claudia Dolezal - Book Review: Tourism in Southeast Asia: keywords: aseas; asia; bali; bombings; book; challenges; chapter; countries; development; directions; east; east asia; focus; hitchcock; indonesia; king; new; parnwell; perspective; research; review; sex; south; southeast; southeast asia; tourism; tourists cache: aseas-2519.pdf plain text: aseas-2519.txt item: #84 of 325 id: aseas-2520 author: Schiele, Kerstin title: Book Review: Hitchcock, M., King, V. T., & Parnwell, M (Eds.) (2010). Heritage Tourism in Southeast Asia. date: 2011-06-07 words: 1752 flesch: 48 summary: Each case study is well examined and well grounded in heritage tourism issues. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, who was project manager of the Handicraft Centre in Hai Duong, and Simone Wesner (London Metropolitan University) reflect on the role of handicrafts sold in one of Vietnam’s numerous traditional handicraft villages in Hai Duong as cultural heritage. keywords: 4(1; aseas; asia; book; case; chapter; city; cultural; different; heritage; hitchcock; identity; issues; museums; national; natural; parnwell; problems; region; review; schiele; site; southeast; studies; study; tourism; tourists; university; vietnam; world cache: aseas-2520.pdf plain text: aseas-2520.txt item: #85 of 325 id: aseas-2521 author: Horstmann, Alexander title: Editorial: Borderlands and Border Studies in South-East Asia date: 2011-12-30 words: 4083 flesch: 46 summary: Die große Zahl an Parlamentsabgeordneten, die von der regierenden Partei gestellt werden, ist weniger eine Reflexion der eigentlichen Entscheidungen der WählerInnen, als ein durch Singapurs Mehrheitswahl- recht verzerrtes Ergebnis. Es erlaubt Perspektiven zu hinterfragen, die das Konzept der Nati- on implizit akzeptieren und bestätigen, indem sie sich auf die Erforschung sozi- aler Transformationen innerhalb eines Landes beschränken. keywords: account; agency; alexander; als; apichatpong; argumentiert; artikel; artistic; aseas; asia; auch; auf; ausdrucksformen; ausgabe; author; autorinnen; bei; beitrag; beiträge; bevölkerung; boehler; border; border studies; borderlands; burma; böhler; chayan; chiang; contributions; cultural; current; dass; dem; den; der; des; die; diese; different; durch; east; editorial; eigenen; eilenberg; einen; fact; farzana; field; film; frauen; für; gegen; gms; grenzen; grenzgebiete; grenzregionen; horstmann; human; iban; ihre; important; issue; ist; karen; kulturellen; können; leben; life; livelihoods; lives; local; lokale; mai; menschen; menschenrechtsverletzungen; mit; miteinander; nach; national; networks; nicht; oder; pap; party; people; political; presence; present; präsentiert; raum; repression; research; rights; rohingya; sich; sind; singapore; social; sondern; south; sovereignties; space; special; spirit; staat; state; studies; südostasien; territorialisation; territorialisierung; thailand; ullah; und; university; von; welt; werden; wie; wird; women; work; world; zugang; zum; zur; über cache: aseas-2521.pdf plain text: aseas-2521.txt item: #86 of 325 id: aseas-2522 author: Farzana, Kazi Fahmida title: Music and Artistic Artefacts: Symbols of Rohingya Identity and Everyday Resistance in Borderlands date: 2011-12-30 words: 8966 flesch: 64 summary: Kazi Fahmida Farzana - Music and Artistic Artefacts ASEAS 4 (2) 218 219 tions: first, the methodology and data used in this research; second, an examination and analysis of the documentary records of music and artwork; and finally, a reflec- tive analysis of arts and artefacts in refugee life. This then opened the door to other ‘non-conventional’ aspects such as drawings and music in refugee life. keywords: alive; arakan; area; artefacts; article; artistic; arts; artworks; aseas; asia; bangladesh; bazar; border; burma; burmese; camp; colonial; community; country; cox; data; der; discrimination; district; documents; domination; dore; drawings; east; economic; everyday; exile; expressions; fahmida; families; farzana; fear; field; food; forces; form; government; group; gura; helom; history; homeland; identity; informal; kandi; kazi; left; life; like; lives; living; means; memories; memory; military; mogs; music; myanmar; naff; nayapara; new; non; ordinary; parilam; past; people; persecution; picture; place; political; politics; pori; powerful; press; protest; reality; refugees; research; resistance; river; rohingyas; scott; security; shows; situation; social; society; song; south; stateless; studies; study; symbols; tarana; teknaf; torture; und; undocumented; unhcr; university; use; village; visual; women cache: aseas-2522.pdf plain text: aseas-2522.txt item: #87 of 325 id: aseas-2523 author: Eilenberg, Michael title: Flouting the Law: Vigilante Justice and Regional Autonomy on the Indonesian Border date: 2011-12-30 words: 6759 flesch: 55 summary: The following account comes from correspondence with local Iban who were not involved in the incident. In the Kapuas Hulu District, such processes involving Malaysian entrepreneurs (known locally as tukei) and local Iban have been widely in play. keywords: abraham; activities; acts; adat; april; aseas; asian; authorities; authority; autonomy; belum; border; borderland; borderlanders; borneo; case; century; chinese; colonial; communities; control; cross; cultural; december; district; economic; eilenberg; england; fall; gangsters; general; goods; government; groups; historical; hulu; hutan; iban; illegal; illicit; indonesia; interests; international; june; justice; kalimantan; kapuas; kayu; killing; kompas; law; laws; life; local; logging; long; malaysia; march; massa; masyarakat; michael; military; national; new; officials; online; operations; pembaruan; people; perbatasan; police; political; pontianak; post; press; processes; province; provincial; relations; sandak; sarawak; schendel; sense; sides; smuggling; social; southeast; special; state; studies; suara; team; timber; und; university; usnata; vigilante; vigilantism; violence; wadley; warga; west; wilson cache: aseas-2523.pdf plain text: aseas-2523.txt item: #88 of 325 id: aseas-2524 author: Horstmann, Alexander title: Sacred Spaces of Karen Refugees and Humanitarian Aid Across the Thailand-Burma Border date: 2011-12-30 words: 7551 flesch: 50 summary: 7 There is a slight danger of essentialising Karen refugees in the academic exercise of demystifying and deconstructing Karen national or Karen Christian Protestant identity (Malkki, 1992; 1996). In the nightmarish experience of the civil war, the Christian landscape at the Thai-Burmese border uses education as a crucial resource to socialise Karen refugees. keywords: aid; alexander; army; article; aseas; baptist; bible; border; border aseas; borderland; buddhist; burma; burma border; burmese; camps; catholic; christian; christian karen; christianity; church; churches; civil; community; conflict; contested; context; control; cultural; diaspora; diversity; dkba; dudley; eastern; eastern burma; efforts; emergency; england; ethnic; evangelical; fbr; gravers; groups; horstmann; humanitarian; humanitarian aid; identity; important; insurgency; international; karen; karen national; karen refugees; karen state; karenni; kawthoolei; knla; knu; leadership; missionaries; missionary; movement; narrative; national; nationalism; networks; new; ngos; organisations; people; political; population; press; protestant; reconstruction; refugees; relief; religion; religious; research; resources; rights; sacred; schools; social; soldiers; south; spaces; spiritual; state; studies; support; tbbc; thailand; thailand burma; transnational; union; war; way; welfare; womack; zone cache: aseas-2524.pdf plain text: aseas-2524.txt item: #89 of 325 id: aseas-2525 author: Ullah, AKM Ahsan; Hossain, Mallik Akram title: Gendering Cross-Border Networks in the Greater Mekong Subregion: Drawing Invisible Routes to Thailand date: 2011-12-30 words: 7296 flesch: 54 summary: However, what is generally known about Thailand entertainers is different from the picture this study has revealed. What is not sufficiently known is by what kinds of promises and premises the vic- tims are motivated to set off, what trans-border networks they take to get to destina- tions, how long it takes to get there, what hardships they suffer en route, and where a sizeable number of trafficked victims ends up. keywords: abuse; agents; ahsan; akm; akram; aseas; asia; author; bangkok; better; border; cambodia; children; commercial; countries; country; crime; cross; data; debt; department; destinations; domestic; east; economic; enforcement; exploitation; force; forms; gendering; global; gms; greater; hossain; human; human trafficking; indonesia; integration; international; iom; labour; lao; law; malaysia; mallik; mekong; migrants; migration; myanmar; nations; networks; number; paper; pdr; people; percent; persons; policy; prostitution; protocol; purpose; report; research; respondents; routes; servitude; sex; sexual; significant; source; south; state; study; subregion; thailand; time; trade; trafficked; trafficking; transportation; ullah; united; university; unodc; use; victims; vietnam; women; workers; world cache: aseas-2525.pdf plain text: aseas-2525.txt item: #90 of 325 id: aseas-2526 author: Boehler, Natalie title: The Jungle as Border Zone: The Aesthetics of Nature in the Work of Apichatpong Weerasethakul date: 2011-12-30 words: 6298 flesch: 58 summary: Accordingly, Thai films often revel in the country’s natural beauty, presenting iconic images of beaches, palm trees and paddy fields that seem to cater to the gaze of foreign tourists. Idealised, Domesticated, and Exotic: Nature in Thai Mainstream Cinema The idiosyncrasies of Apichatpong’s depictions of nature become more evident when seen in the context of Thai mainstream nature representations. keywords: aesthetics; alternative; animals; apichatpong; aseas; bangkok; boehler; boonmee; border; border zone; central; centre; characters; cinema; country; cultural; depictions; different; discourse; east; experience; external; feature; figure; films; half; human; identity; images; inner; isarn; jungle; landscape; life; liminality; lives; local; macdonald; mainstream; malady; modern; monkey; narrative; natalie; nation; national; nature; neighbourhoods; non; north; official; otherness; past; place; press; protagonists; region; representations; rural; scenes; self; sense; shift; space; sphere; spirits; state; supernatural; terms; thai; thai cinema; thailand; thainess; thongchai; tiger; time; tong; tropical; uncle; university; village; way; weerasethakul; work; world; zone cache: aseas-2526.pdf plain text: aseas-2526.txt item: #91 of 325 id: aseas-2527 author: Jordan, Rolf title: „Normalisierung“ der Verhältnisse? Eine Analyse der Parlamentswahl 2011 in Singapur date: 2011-12-30 words: 3167 flesch: 50 summary: Jordan, 2007) einen direkten Vergleich der Ergebnisse der jüngsten Parlamentswahl schwierig. Weitere Themen waren die weiterhin fehlenden parla- mentarischen Kontrollen in einem seit Jahrzehnten von der PAP dominierten Regie- rungssystem, aber auch die im internationalen keywords: aber; action; afp; agence; allem; als; analyse; anderen; arbeitskräfte; aseas; auch; auf; aufgestellt; bei; bereits; bisher; bzw; damit; dass; dem; democratic; den; der; des; deutlich; die; dieser; durch; eine; einkommen; einzelwahlkreisen; erringen; france; früheren; fünf; für; gegen; gleichzeitig; grc; gruppenwahlkreise; haben; hat; hatte; hier; hohen; ihren; insgesamt; ist; jeweils; jordan; jüngsten; kandidatinnen; knapp; konnte; kuan; können; lediglich; lee; mai; mehr; millionen; mit; müssen; nach; nahezu; nicht; noch; normalisierung; november; nun; nur; opposition; oppositionsparteien; pap; parlamentssitze; parlamentswahl; party; people; politik; premierminister; presse; prozent; regierende; regierung; regierungspartei; rolf; sechs; sehr; seit; sich; singapore; singapur; sondern; spp; steigenden; stimmen; stimmenverluste; und; unter; verbuchen; verhältnisse; von; vor; wahlkreisen; waren; weitere; werden; wie; wurde; yew; zahl; zugegriffen; zuletzt; zum; zur; zwei; zwischen cache: aseas-2527.pdf plain text: aseas-2527.txt item: #92 of 325 id: aseas-2528 author: Kittisenee, Napakadol title: Rethinking Conceptions of Borders in the Greater Mekong Subregion: An Interview With Chayan Vaddhanabhuti (RCSD) date: 2011-12-30 words: 4298 flesch: 62 summary: Therefore, dur- ing that time the border became not only a barrier for communication, interaction, and connectivity among these countries and people living in these areas, but it also reinforced the national identity and nationalism, so people started to feel that they are the people from the North-East of Thailand while other people felt that they are from the Lao PDR despite the fact that they speak the same language, eat the same kind of food, share similar cultural practices, and believe in the same religion, that is Buddhism. ASEAN economy is not going to eradicate poverty, on the contrary: It will make a group of people richer whereas other people have to be sacrificed. keywords: activities; area; aseas; border; borderland; burma; cambodia; centre; chayan; countries; development; different; economic; economy; ethnic; example; greater; groups; integration; interview; issues; kittisenee; laos; lives; mekong; movement; napakadol; natural; new; people; project; rcsd; region; resources; science; social; south; sustainable; thailand; time; understanding; vaddhanabhuti; world cache: aseas-2528.pdf plain text: aseas-2528.txt item: #93 of 325 id: aseas-2530 author: Schippers, Lan-Katharina title: Book Review: Phraxayavong, V. (2009). History of Aid to Laos: Motivations and Impacts. date: 2011-12-30 words: 1739 flesch: 53 summary: Phraxayavong’s critical stance towards foreign aid is made clear by the following statement: “Foreign aid has therefore been a force for anti-development in that it retards growth through reduced savings and worsens income inequalities” (p. 41). The focus of assistance was in the field of military aid, and development aid only played a minor role. keywords: aid; analysis; aseas; assistance; author; book; communist; dependency; development; different; discussion; economic; external; foreign; government; history; impacts; interests; laos; motivations; phraxayavong; political; review; rlg; schippers cache: aseas-2530.pdf plain text: aseas-2530.txt item: #94 of 325 id: aseas-2531 author: Warta, Christian title: Rezension: Schröter, S. (Hrsg.) (2010). Christianity in Indonesia: Perspectives of Power date: 2011-12-30 words: 2023 flesch: 39 summary: Stattdessen entschied sich die Herausgeberin für einen Sammelband aus sozialanthropologischer Perspektive „in the broadest sense“ (S. 5), der auf der besagten Konferenz aufbaut und im Laufe der Jahre durch zusätzliche Dabei beschränkt sich ihr Blick keineswegs auf das Lokale, sondern betrachtet auch natio- nale und transnationale Faktoren, um zu verstehen, wie Migration, wirtschaftlicher Druck und Staat auf die unterschiedlichen religiösen Gruppen einwirkten. keywords: adat; als; anderen; anthropologie; aseas; auch; auf; beitrag; beiträge; bereits; bewegungen; christentum; christianity; christlichen; dabei; damit; darin; das; dass; davon; dem; den; denn; der; des; die; dieses; durch; durchaus; eine; einfluss; ersten; erwähnung; frage; für; herausgeberin; heute; hier; hrsg; indonesien; internationale; internet; islam; ist; jahre; jedoch; keineswegs; kirche; konflikte; konkurrenz; kosel; lokale; macht; magnis; mehr; mit; molukken; nicht; noch; noorhaidi; nur; nämlich; perspectives; pluralismus; power; religiösen; revitalisierung; rezension; rolle; sammelband; schröter; sehen; selbst; sich; sind; sondern; steenbrink; susanne; suseno; transnationalen; und; vereinen; verstehen; von; warta; werden; wie; wird; wäre; wünschenswert; zeigt; zum; zunehmend; zur; über cache: aseas-2531.pdf plain text: aseas-2531.txt item: #95 of 325 id: aseas-2532 author: Pokorny, Lukas title: Book Review: Fjelstad, K. & Nguyên, T. (2011). Spirits without Borders: Vietnamese Spirit Mediums in a Transnational Age date: 2011-12-30 words: 1008 flesch: 47 summary: Đạo Mẫu and lên đồng have strikingly evolved amid the Vietnamese diaspora, thereby turning into a transnational religious phenomenon that gradually extends to the non-Vietnamese population. The rich pantheon of Vietnamese folk traditions is often seen to be represented by Đạo Mẫu, the ‘Mother Goddess Religion’, which comprises a variety of beliefs and practices, as- sociated with legions of deities and spirits. keywords: age; aseas; authors; book; borders; chapter; fjelstad; lên; mediums; mẫu; nguyễn; pokorny; review; spirit; study; transnational; university; vietnamese; đạo; đồng cache: aseas-2532.pdf plain text: aseas-2532.txt item: #96 of 325 id: aseas-2533 author: Liamputtong, Pranee; Proyer, Michelle title: Editorial: Determinants of Health in South-East Asia / Umfeldfaktoren öffentlicher Gesundheit in Südostasien date: 2012-07-24 words: 3140 flesch: 48 summary: Au- ßerdem sprach Anna-Sophie Tomancok mit Max Santner und Gerlinde Astleith- ner über die Tätigkeiten des Österreichi- schen Roten Kreuzes und der Internati- onalen Rotkreuz- und Roter-Halbmond- Bewegung in Südostasien, insbesondere in Myanmar, Laos und Timor-Leste. The important connection between the environment in which individuals ASEAS 5(1) 2 3 ken sich ebenfalls auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden von Individuen und Gruppen aus (Liamputtong et al., 2012; Najman, 2001). keywords: 2012; 5(1; aseas; asia; auch; auf; australia; austrian; auswirkungen; cambridge; care; communication; das; dem; den; der; des; determinants; die; diese; east; economic; editorial; eds; education; eine; environmental; factors; faktoren; fanany; focus; für; gesundheit; haben; health; human; illness; individuals; institute; issue; ist; keleher; liamputtong; melbourne; michael; michelle; mit; modern; nations; oxford; pranee; press; professor; proyer; präsentiert; public; research; risk; sind; social; south; southeast; sowie; special; systems; südostasien; taylor; thailand; thammasat; thema; threats; und; university; verrinder; vietnam; von; waste; water; wie; wir; wird; wohlbefinden; zum; über cache: aseas-2533.pdf plain text: aseas-2533.txt item: #97 of 325 id: aseas-2534 author: Reis, Nadine; Mollinga, Peter P. title: Water Supply or ‘Beautiful Latrines’? Microcredit for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam date: 2012-07-24 words: 8851 flesch: 55 summary: The present paper analyses the contradictory results of such a microcredit programme for rural water supply and sanitation in the context of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, through a qualitative study primarily based on semi-structured interviews in rural communes of Can Tho City. Government officials are currently doing their business in the construction of piped schemes and are therefore not keen on implementing policies that take a different approach to rural water supply. keywords: 5(1; access; agriculture; approach; aseas; authorities; bank; beautiful; budget; cerwass; city; clean; clean water; commune; communication; construction; cph; delta; development; die; disposal; district; excreta; facilities; government; groundwater; group; health; high; households; hygienic; interest; international; interviews; lack; latrine; level; loan; local; mard; mehta; mekong; microcredit; microfinance; ministry; models; mollinga; money; nadine; national; new; paper; people; percent; personal; peter; piped; policies; policy; political; poor; population; poverty; private; programme; rate; reis; representative; research; responsible; river; rural; rural water; rwss; sanitation; schemes; septic; social; staff; stated; study; supply; surface; systems; tank; tho; treatment; truong; university; vbsp; vietnam; vietnamese; vnd; waste; water; water supply; xuan cache: aseas-2534.pdf plain text: aseas-2534.txt item: #98 of 325 id: aseas-2535 author: Ibitz, Armin title: Environmental Policy Coordination in ASEAN: The Case of Waste From Electrical and Electronic Equipment date: 2012-07-24 words: 8940 flesch: 49 summary: Competition among ASEAN member countries, a narrow focus on national interests, and the fear of losing sovereignty hinder deeper cooperation and policy coordination in ASEAN. Less advanced economies in the region do not possess formal waste manage- ment schemes where e-waste streams could be integrated (Damanhuri, 2009). keywords: 5(1; action; actors; agreement; amendment; armin; asean; asia; awareness; ban; basel; benefits; cambodia; case; common; community; convention; cooperation; coordination; countries; country; decision; demand; developed; development; disposal; domestic; economic; eee; efforts; electrical; electronic; enforcement; environmental; environmental policy; equipment; export; facilities; final; framework; gains; general; governance; government; hand; hazardous; hazardous waste; ibitz; implementation; import; indonesia; industry; informal; integration; interests; international; issue; journal; large; law; legislation; level; major; makers; making; malaysia; management; market; materials; member; national; nations; need; new; non; overall; policies; policy; policy coordination; political; potential; producer; products; purpose; recovery; recycling; regional; regulations; research; response; responsibility; reuse; second; sector; security; shipment; singapore; states; strong; thailand; trade; transboundary; treatment; vietnam; waste; website; weee cache: aseas-2535.pdf plain text: aseas-2535.txt item: #99 of 325 id: aseas-2536 author: Tuler, Seth; Langkulsen, Uma; Chess, Caron; Vichit-Vadakan, Nuntavarn title: Health and Environmental Risk Communication in Thailand: An Analysis of Agency Staff’ Perspectives on Risk Communication With External Stakeholders date: 2012-07-24 words: 8496 flesch: 51 summary: Perspective 2: PCD risk communication should focus on science The focus of this perspective is on risk communication that improves people’s under- standings of the science about risks, pollution control, and pollution mitigation (8, 24). Tuler, Langkulsen, Chess, & Vichit-Vadakan - Health and Environmental Risk Communication in Thailand ASEAS 5(1) 62 63 Perspective 1: PCD risk communication requires resources to reduce conflict This factor represents a perspective on the role of PCD risk communication to reduce conflict (3).6 As the focus is on reducing conflict, the PCD should not take sides – or be perceived as taking sides in disputes (22). keywords: 5(1; activities; agencies; agency; air; analysis; aseas; best; better; bureaus; chess; communication; communication activities; communities; community; context; control; department; die; different; east; efforts; environmental; environmental risk; experience; expertise; external; factor; focus; goals; government; health; human; important; individuals; information; langkulsen; levels; local; management; managers; method; national; need; new; number; officers; organisational; participants; particular; pcd; pcd risk; people; perspectives; pollution; practice; problems; public; rank; research; residents; resources; results; risk; risk communication; science; south; staff; stakeholders; statements; study; support; table; thailand; tuler; university; use; vadakan; vichit; viewpoints; waste; water cache: aseas-2536.pdf plain text: aseas-2536.txt item: #100 of 325 id: aseas-2537 author: Lai, Allen Yu-Hung; Tan, Teck Boon title: Combating SARS and H1N1: Insights and Lessons From Singapore’s Public Health Control Measures date: 2012-07-24 words: 10748 flesch: 51 summary: Most notably, the state introduced a clear line of command and control to monitor the eff ectiveness and effi cacy of public health control measures as well as to oversee their implementation. Even though the two major outbreaks were eventually contained through an ar- ray of public health control measures instituted by the Ministry of Health (MoH) of Singapore, SARS and H1N1 brought about severe public health and economic con- sequences for the country as a whole (Leo, 2011). keywords: 5(1; able; adaptive; allen; approach; april; aseas; asia; authorities; better; boon; cases; ceg; close; command; committee; communication; community; control; control measures; cooperation; countries; crisis; cutter; days; die; disease; distancing; education; effective; epidemic; epidemiological; example; figure; general; general public; goh; governance; government; group; h1n1; hcws; health; health control; healthcare; home; hospitals; hung; ida; imc; important; infectious; influenza; information; insights; inter; isolation; james; journal; key; lai; lessons; local; major; management; march; measures; media; medical; menon; ministerial; ministries; ministry; model; moh; moral; national; number; orders; outbreak; pandemic; paper; partnership; patients; people; physical; policy; population; public; public health; quarantine; respiratory; response; result; risk; sars; sars cases; singapore; social; state; structure; suasion; support; surveillance; symptoms; system; tan; tay; teck; time; transmission; ttsh; workers; world cache: aseas-2537.pdf plain text: aseas-2537.txt item: #101 of 325 id: aseas-2538 author: Wright, Cassandra; Lewis, Belinda title: On the Edge of Crisis: Contending Perspectives on Development, Tourism and Community Participation on Rote Island, Indonesia date: 2012-07-24 words: 10200 flesch: 52 summary: This dynamic poses a threat to the health, well-being, and sustainability of local communities. The practical implications of this finding for community development and sustainability will be discussed further in the following themes. keywords: 5(1; access; analysis; approach; april; aseas; august; australia; bali; barlow; beach; belinda; benefits; carnegie; cassandra; change; cole; communication; communities; community; concern; conditions; control; crisis; cultural; culture; current; data; delha; development; economic; edge; education; environmental; exclusion; findings; foreign; foundation; fox; globalisation; gondowarsito; good; government; groups; health; ideas; impacts; implications; important; indigo; indonesia; informants; infrastructure; investors; island; issues; jim; july; key; land; lewis; literature; living; local; local community; local people; long; money; need; negative; new; ntt; nusa; opportunities; outsiders; participants; people; personal; personal communication; perspectives; place; planning; positive; potential; power; practices; process; promotion; qualitative; rapid; research; rote; rotinese; sampling; social; socio; stakeholders; studies; study; sustainability; sustainable; tenggara; themes; things; time; timur; tourism; tourists; transition; university; workers; wright cache: aseas-2538.pdf plain text: aseas-2538.txt item: #102 of 325 id: aseas-2539 author: Wetzlmaier, Marina title: Pro- oder Anti-Life? Die katholische Kirche in der Debatte um reproduktive Gesundheit auf den Philippinen date: 2012-07-24 words: 3638 flesch: 50 summary: Werte debattiert wird, blei- ben wichtige Maßnahmen zur sexuellen Selbstbestimmung, Familienplanung sowie Mütter- und Kindergesundheit, die die RH Bill vorsieht, auf der Strecke. Eine dieser Organisationen ist Pro-Life Philippines, deren Mitglieder in den vergan- genen Jahren immer wieder in emotionale Auseinandersetzungen mit BefürworterIn- nen der RH Bill involviert waren. keywords: 2012; 5(1; allem; als; anderem; anti; aquino; aseas; auch; auf; aus; außerdem; balana; befürworterinnen; bernas; bevölkerungspolitik; bill; bishops; catholic; cbcp; city; dabei; dafür; daher; daily; dass; debatte; dem; demeterio; den; der; deren; des; dezember; die; dieser; effektiven; eine; empfängnisverhütung; entwicklung; fall; familienplanung; family; frauen; fördern; förderung; für; gegen; gesundheit; government; haben; haltung; health; house; ihren; immer; informationen; inquirer; ist; jahr; jahren; jedoch; katholische; katholizismus; kinder; kirche; kongress; kontroverse; künstliche; laut; life; likhaan; manila; marina; maßnahmen; melgar; methoden; mit; märz; nach; nicht; noch; philippines; planning; population; prooder; prozent; quezon; recht; representatives; reproductive; rh bill; rund; seit; sich; sie; soll; umali; und; unter; verabschiedung; verfügung; von; vor; waren; weil; werden; wetzlmaier; wie; wieder; wird; während; zabel; zeigt; zugang; zugegriffen; zuletzt; zuletzt zugegriffen; zum; zur; zwei; zwischen; öffentlichen; über cache: aseas-2539.pdf plain text: aseas-2539.txt item: #103 of 325 id: aseas-2540 author: Anshari, Muhammad; Almunawar, Mohammad N.; Low, Patrick K. C.; Wint, Zaw title: Customer Empowerment in Healthcare Organisations Through CRM 2.0: Survey Results From Brunei Tracking a Future Path in E – Health Research date: 2012-07-24 words: 4379 flesch: 47 summary: Patient empowerment in theory and practice: Polyse- my or cacophony? Patient empowerment and feedback did not decrease pain in seriously ill hospitalised patients. keywords: 5(1; almunawar; anshari; aseas; brunei; control; crm; customer; customer empowerment; darussalam; data; education; emo; empowerment; family; features; figure; future; healthcare; healthcare organisations; high; information; interactions; internal; internet; low; marketing; medical; model; networks; new; online; organisations; patients; personal; process; provider; relationship; research; results; services; social; strategy; study; survey; system; table; value; van; view; web; wint cache: aseas-2540.pdf plain text: aseas-2540.txt item: #104 of 325 id: aseas-2541 author: Viwatpanich, Kanvee title: Consumption and Nutritive Values of Traditional Mon Food date: 2012-07-24 words: 3437 flesch: 68 summary: It aims to identify traditional Mon food, describe its nutri- tive values, and illuminate selected aspects of food consumption behaviour. The 10 most frequently consumed foods were purposively selected as representative samples in the study of nutritive values of traditional Mon food. keywords: 5(1; acacia; aseas; chilli; composition; concinna; consumption; curcuma; curry; dishes; fat; fish; food; fresh; garlic; gourd; hunglei; ingredients; kang; kcal/100; leaves; local; mon; msg; nutrition; nutritive; oil; paste; powder; recipes; research; roselle; salt; shallot; shrimp; shrimp paste; small; soup; thailand; traditional; value; water; wax cache: aseas-2541.pdf plain text: aseas-2541.txt item: #105 of 325 id: aseas-2542 author: Reckordt, Michael title: Das philippinische Gesetz zur reproduktiven Gesundheit und seine Bedeutung für feministische sowie entwicklungspolitische (Bildungs-)arbeit date: 2012-07-24 words: 1542 flesch: 44 summary: Diaspora in Deutschland gegründet hat und als Netzwerk an Themen zur Integration und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit arbeitet, zeigte anhand ihrer eige- nen Biographie Kontinuitäten in der Diskussion auf. Ein anderer Punkt ist, dass in Deutschland der keywords: 5(1; allem; als; anderen; arbeitet; aseas; auch; auf; aus; bedeutung; bildungs-)arbeit; bill; cruz; das; dass; dem; den; der; des; deutschland; die; diese; diskussion; durch; eine; eleanor; elsie; entwicklungspolitische; feministische; frauen; für; gesetz; gesundheit; ist; joy; kirchen; koch; michael; mit; müttern; nach; nicht; oder; philippinen; philippinenbüro; philippinische; pille; politischen; positionierung; reckordt; reproduktiven; seit; sich; sie; sowie; thema; themen; uccp; und; viele; von; vor; war; werden; wird; wurde; zum; zur; über cache: aseas-2542.pdf plain text: aseas-2542.txt item: #106 of 325 id: aseas-2544 author: Tomancok, Anna-Sophie title: Entwicklungs- und Gesundheitsarbeit des Österreichischen Roten Kreuzes in Südostasien: Im Gespräch mit Max Santner und Gerlinde Astleithner date: 2012-07-24 words: 4611 flesch: 64 summary: Gibt es auch Barrieren, die von den nationalen Regierungen gegenüber dem Roten Kreuz aufgestellt werden? Ist es europäisches Gedan- kengut, das von der Gemeinde selbst implementiert wird? keywords: 2012; 5(1; aber; allem; allerdings; als; anderen; andererseits; angenommen; anna; arbeit; arbeiten; aseas; asia; astleithner; auch; auf; aufgestellt; aufgrund; aus; außen; bedarf; behörden; beispiel; bereich; betroffenen; bevölkerung; bis; bringen; bzw; communities; community; cross; dabei; damit; dann; das; dass; dem; den; der; des; development; die; diese; dort; durch; dörfern; eben; eher; ein; eine; einerseits; einfach; entwicklungsund; entwicklungszusammenarbeit; erkrankungen; etc; form; für; gemacht; gerlinde; gerlinde astleithner; gesellschaften; gespräch; gesundheitsarbeit; gesundheitsposten; gewisse; gibt; gibt es; großes; haben; hand; hat; health; heißt; hilfe; immer; implementiert; indonesien; internationalen; interview; ist; ist es; jetzt; kann; kapazitäten; katastrophe; kommt; kreuzes; können; laos; leute; lokalen; ländern; machen; man; manchmal; max; mehr; mit; muss; mutter; myanmar; nach; nationalen; nicht; noch; nur; oder; oft; osttimor; phase; problem; programme; projekte; red; reduktion; regierungen; region; roten; sagen; santner; schon; sehr; seite; selbst; sich; sie; sind; sondern; sophie; sowie; spezielle; sprechen; südostasien; thema; themen; tomancok; tätig; und; unsere; unter; unterstützung; von; vor; wasser; wasserund; weil; weiß; welche; wenig; wenn; werden; wie; wieder; wien; wir; wird; würde; zugang; zum; zur; örk; österreichischen; über cache: aseas-2544.pdf plain text: aseas-2544.txt item: #107 of 325 id: aseas-2545 author: Kuhnt-Saptodewo, Sri Tjahjani title: Südostasienforschung in Österreich: Die Sammlung Insulares Südostasien des Museums für Völkerkunde Wien date: 2012-07-24 words: 1426 flesch: 55 summary: Das Projekt Sharing Cultural Memory kann somit als eine „digita- le Rückführung“ in das Herkunftsland der Objekte (source communities) betrachtet werden, weil den Kulturangehörigen auch die Möglichkeit eröffnet wird, weitere For- schung über die Objekte ihrer Kultur zu betreiben, die sich in Europa befinden. Das Museum für Völkerkunde Wien arbeitet in diesem Zusammenhang keywords: 2010; 5(1; als; ambon; aseas; auch; auf; aus; befinden; bis; communities; cultural; czurda; das; dem; den; der; des; die; durchgeführt; eine; erschließen; für; für völkerkunde; indonesien; ist; kuhnt; memory; mit; molukken; museen; museum; nach; objekte; prag; projekt; sammlung; saptodewo; sich; siwalima; sri; sulawesi; südostasien; tjahjani; und; uns; von; völkerkunde; war; werden; wien; wir; wird; wurde; österreich cache: aseas-2545.pdf plain text: aseas-2545.txt item: #108 of 325 id: aseas-2546 author: Schippers, Lan-Katharina title: Book Review: Gainsborough, M. (2010). Vietnam: Rethinking the State date: 2012-07-24 words: 1377 flesch: 52 summary: A SE A S -5 .1 -1 4 ASEAS 5(1) 190 191 cal analyses over the years, Gainsborough challenges such notions and makes clear that “the book is not very sympathetic towards ideas of state retreat” (p. 2). Yet, Gainsborough’s analysis differs from those of other scholars who analyse the state by directly focusing on the “entity we call state” (p. 3) as such. keywords: able; analysis; aseas; book; communist; gainsborough; globalisation; new; order; party; politics; power; review; role; schippers; state; vietnam; vietnamese cache: aseas-2546.pdf plain text: aseas-2546.txt item: #109 of 325 id: aseas-2547 author: Gerstl, Alfred title: Book Review: Yahuda, M. (2011). The International Politics of the Asia-Pacific (Third Edition) date: 2012-07-24 words: 1498 flesch: 50 summary: Yet, as Yahuda shows, not only have the traditional power relationships in the region changed, but also the region itself: Globalisation, increased trade, and multilateral fora have had a significant impact on the geographic boundaries of the Asia-Pacific as they have “become less precise’ as Central and South Asia increasingly impinge on Southeast and Northeast Asia” (p. 341). India’s re-engagement with Asia and Russia’s increasingly marginal position. keywords: 5(1; analysis; asia; beijing; book; china; cold; east; economic; edition; international; japan; multilateral; new; pacific; political; politics; power; regional; review; security; south; war; washington; yahuda cache: aseas-2547.pdf plain text: aseas-2547.txt item: #110 of 325 id: aseas-2548 author: Pye, Oliver title: Editorial: Changing Socio-Natures in South-East Asia date: 2012-12-30 words: 4130 flesch: 58 summary: The colonial state in general and forest admin- istrations in particular strived to exclude customary use of forest resources by the peasant population (Bryant, 1997; Cleary, 2005; Kathirithamby-Wells, 2005; Peluso, 1992; Vandergeest, 1996). However, Donal Yeang argues that given the right condi- tions, REDD projects can be designed in such a way that supports local communities’ rights to land and forest resources. keywords: agriculture; aseas; asia; cambodia; carbon; change; china; colonial; control; development; east; east asia; ecology; editorial; eds; environmental; forest; forestry; history; indigenous; indonesia; java; labour; large; local; london; malaysia; movements; national; natural; nature; new; oliver; peluso; peoples; philippines; plantation; political; politics; power; press; production; projects; pulp; pye; redd; regime; region; relations; resources; scale; social; society; socio; south; southeast; state; stoler; studies; sumatra; thailand; timber; trade; trading; university; war cache: aseas-2548.pdf plain text: aseas-2548.txt item: #111 of 325 id: aseas-2549 author: Lounela, Anu title: Contesting State Forests in Post-Suharto Indonesia: Authority Formation, State Forest Land Dispute, and Power in Upland Central Java, Indonesia date: 2012-12-30 words: 9052 flesch: 56 summary: Peasant Organisations and Authority Building Pak Wahid, who had been recruited by the central Javanese peasant union SEPKUBA5, started to mobilise peasants in his and neighbouring villages in support of the Re- gional Regulation Perda PSDHBM and peasants’ rights to state forest land in the hope that peasants could continue to manage state forest lands through independ- ent peasant organisations and share the harvest with SFC, with which they were in continual negotiation. Thus, my principal research question is: From what sources of authority do villagers draw and how does authority building inform this forest land dispute and the relations between the state and society? ASEAS 5(2) 211210 I conducted 11 months of ethnographic fieldwork between 2003 and 2004 in the forest village that I call Wanasana2 in Wonosobo district, with a specific focus on power relations between the actors in a dispute about rights of access to and con- trol over actual state forest land and forests around the villages which were located close to state forest land. keywords: access; active; administrative; anderson; antlöv; anu; area; article; aseas; authority; autorität; building; central; community; control; day; die; different; dispute; distribution; district; east; elections; elite; forest; forest land; forest management; forest village; forestry; formation; government; head; hectares; important; indonesia; java; javanese; kedu; keeler; land; land dispute; leader; leadership; level; local; lounela; management; mandiri; meetings; members; negotiations; new; new order; ngadisono; ngos; order; organisation; pak; pak wahid; peasant; people; pine; police; political; position; post; power; powerful; press; qualities; rational; regulation; relations; rights; ritual; role; sfc; siegel; sources; staff; state; state forest; struggle; sub; suharto; support; teak; time; trees; und; union; unit; university; upland; village; village elite; village head; villagers; von; wahid; wanasana; wonosobo cache: aseas-2549.pdf plain text: aseas-2549.txt item: #112 of 325 id: aseas-2550 author: Maryudi, Ahmad title: Restoring State Control Over Forest Resources Through Administrative Procedures: Evidence From a Community Forestry Programme in Central Java, Indonesia date: 2012-12-30 words: 5717 flesch: 54 summary: 231230 Schlagworte: Community Forestry; Indonesien; staatliche Kontrolle; staatlicher Wald; Verwaltungs- verfahren Introduction Over the past decade, there have been calls for the devolution of forest control from the central state to local communities. “Traditions” of forest control in Java: Implications for social forestry and sustain- ability. keywords: access; activities; administrative; administrative procedures; agent; agreement; agricultural; ahmad; aseas; asia; benefits; cases; central; committees; communities; community; community forestry; company; control; decentralization; decision; development; district; forest; forest resources; forestland; forestry; group; implementation; indonesia; interests; java; journal; legal; lmdhs; local; management; maryudi; mccubbins; nepal; office; paper; participation; peluso; people; perhutani; phbm; policy; political; power; principal; problems; procedures; programme; regulations; research; resources; review; ribot; south; state; state control; users; village; von; world cache: aseas-2550.pdf plain text: aseas-2550.txt item: #113 of 325 id: aseas-2551 author: Bullinger, Cathrin; Haug, Michaela title: In and Out of the Forest: Decentralisation and Recentralisation of Forest Governance in East Kalimantan, Indonesia date: 2012-12-30 words: 8564 flesch: 49 summary: The promises and limitations of devolution and local forest manage- ment in China. However, this acknowledgement of customary rights in state forests only provides people with forest management rights and rights to collect forest products but does not recognise ownership rights. keywords: access; activities; adat; area; aseas; authorities; authority; barat; barr; bogor; bullinger; case; casson; cathrin; cifor; communities; community; company; compensation; conflicts; control; cubic; customary; daerah; dan; decentralisation; decentralised; der; dermawan; development; different; distribution; district; east; economic; elites; example; fee; fees; forest; forest aseas; forest governance; forest management; forestry; governance; government; groups; hasil; haug; households; hph; hutan; idr; illegal; impact; income; indonesia; inhabitants; jambuq; jontai; kabupaten; kalimantan; kehutanan; keputusan; kutai; kutai barat; law; leaders; legal; level; licences; livelihoods; local; local communities; logging; long; management; mccarthy; metre; michaela; ministry; natural; negative; new; operations; paper; payments; pemerintah; people; policies; policy; power; rattan; reforms; regional; research; resosudarmo; resource; rights; scale; sector; self; small; social; state; studies; study; sub; sustainable; tentang; timber; undang; university; usd; varied; village; villagers; years cache: aseas-2551.pdf plain text: aseas-2551.txt item: #114 of 325 id: aseas-2552 author: Yeang, Donal title: Community Tenure Rights and REDD+: A Review of the Oddar Meanchey Community Forestry REDD+ Project in Cambodia date: 2012-12-30 words: 4955 flesch: 49 summary: Thus, it is largely recognised that the success of REDD+ will depend on the support of forest communities and indigenous peoples (e.g. Cotula & Mayers, 2009; Hatcher & Bailey, 2009; Yeang, 2010). Even though the discussion on the precise design of the future REDD+ mechanism is ongoing, REDD+ projects are being planned and implemented across the tropics, particularly in countries with high forest cover and high deforestation rates (Phelps, Webb, & Agrawal, 2010). keywords: area; aseas; cambodia; carbon; cfmc; change; climate; communities; community; community forestry; community tenure; conservation; copenhagen; cotula; countries; credits; decision; deforestation; degradation; dependent; der; development; die; donal; emissions; environmental; forest; forestry; global; government; group; hectares; indigenous; international; land; local; local communities; management; mayers; meanchey; national; nations; new; october; oddar; oddar meanchey; peoples; percent; plan; poffenberger; policy; project; province; redd+; resources; review; rights; samraong; study; tenure; tenure rights; und; unfccc; united; university; use; working; yeang cache: aseas-2552.pdf plain text: aseas-2552.txt item: #115 of 325 id: aseas-2553 author: Rossi, Amalia title: Turning Red Rural Landscapes Yellow? Sufficiency Economy and Royal Projects in the Hills of Nan Province, Northern Thailand date: 2012-12-30 words: 7038 flesch: 51 summary: Conclusion The recent bout of new Royal Projects in Northern Thailand needs to be understood within the changing and polarised political situation and represents an attempt to regain hegemony over the developmental discourse in rural Thailand. As reported by Mr. A., an ex-employee of Phu Fa Royal Project (a project promoted by the Princess Sirindhorn in Bo Kluea district), this lack of interest is connected to the weakness of participation devices enacted within the Phu Payak and other Royal Projects: keywords: activists; activities; agriculture; agro; amalia; area; army; aseas; bangkok; basin; bhumibol; buddhist; chao; chiang; communist; communities; conservative; cpt; der; development; development projects; die; different; district; economic; economy; environmental; ethnic; family; farmers; forces; forest; groups; guerrilla; hills; hmong; insurgency; key; khao; khon; king; landscapes; local; lua; mai; management; managers; maoist; members; minorities; monarchy; movement; muang; nan province; national; natural; network; new; new royal; ngo; northern; northern thailand; payak; people; phd; philosophy; phorotho; phu; political; population; programmes; projects; province; ptlp; queen; red; red rural; red shirts; research; river; rossi; royal; royal projects; rural; rural development; rural landscapes; shirts; social; socio; state; strategy; sufficiency; sufficiency economy; support; sustainable; target; thailand; thaksin; urban; villages; von; walker; water; workers; yellow cache: aseas-2553.pdf plain text: aseas-2553.txt item: #116 of 325 id: aseas-2554 author: Middleton, Carl title: Transborder Environmental Justice in Regional Energy Trade in Mainland South-East Asia date: 2012-12-30 words: 9296 flesch: 46 summary: These cases, summarised below, are representative of a number of other protests against power projects in Thailand. In principle, power projects in Laos and Myanmar could stimulate economic growth through investment and its secondary effects, encourage job creation, and generate revenues for the governments to reinvest into development. keywords: 5(2; adb; affected; aseas; asia; bangkok; bank; capacity; carl; case; civil; cod; commercial; commission; communities; community; companies; company; construction; contested; costs; countries; dam; dams; demand; development; east; economic; economy; egat; electricity; energy; energy trade; environmental; environmental justice; example; footner; foran; gas; generation; governance; government; greacen; greenpeace; groups; health; hinboun; human; hydropower; impacts; imports; injustice; integration; international; investment; ipps; justice; laos; large; law; lignite; livelihoods; local; mae; mainland; megawatts; mekong; middleton; moh; myanmar; nam; natural; neighbouring; network; new; november; pak; paper; participation; pdp; pdr; people; percent; planning; plant; policy; political; power; power projects; power sector; press; private; procedural; process; projects; public; reform; regional; regional energy; research; resources; review; rights; rivers; role; sector; social; society; south; state; studies; thailand; theun; total; trade; transborder; transborder environmental; und; water; world; xayaburi cache: aseas-2554.pdf plain text: aseas-2554.txt item: #117 of 325 id: aseas-2555 author: Cohen, Erik title: Flooded: An Auto-Ethnography of the 2011 Bangkok Flood date: 2012-12-30 words: 6898 flesch: 63 summary: However, when floods struck the town of Pai, which I had previously studied for several years (Cohen, 2006), I rushed there and did a comparative study on the tsunami and flash floods (Cohen, 2007). Bangkok floods: FROC evacuated from Don Mueang. keywords: account; affected; area; aseas; authorities; auto; autoethnography; bangkok; bangkok flood; bangkok post; boats; central; circumstances; city; cohen; country; crisis; culture; day; der; disaster; ellis; erik; estate; ethnography; event; exile; experience; fact; flood; flooded; flooding; froc; furniture; heavy; hoffman; home; hotel; house; housing; huge; life; lower; major; nation; natural; neighbourhood; neighbours; new; north; november; october; oliver; people; perceptions; personal; photo; post; press; previous; qualitative; recent; research; return; sandbags; situation; smith; soi; studies; study; thailand; threat; time; tourism; tsunami; und; wall; water; wife; work; years cache: aseas-2555.pdf plain text: aseas-2555.txt item: #118 of 325 id: aseas-2556 author: Wetzlmaier, Marina title: Cultural Impacts of Mining in Indigenous Peoples’ Ancestral Domains in the Philippines date: 2012-12-30 words: 4184 flesch: 50 summary: One suggestion is to explicitly in- clude ancestral domains in the “no-go zones” for mining companies (Brawner Bagui- lat, 2011). About 60 percent of mining operations in the Philippines take place in ancestral domains2 and often with- out the consent of the affected communities, which fall victim to displacement and numerous human rights violations, such as arbitrary detention, persecution, killings of community representatives, demolition of houses, destruction of property, rape, and forced recruitment (Brawner Baguilat, 2011). keywords: abra; activities; affected; ancestral; ancestral domains; areas; baguilat; brawner; b’laan; case; communication; communities; community; company; conflict; cultural; cvm; domains; environment; gold; government; impacts; indigenous; indigenous peoples; july; june; land; large; leaders; local; maderazo; march; marina; members; mining; n.d; ngos; operations; peliño; peoples; personal; philippines; resources; rights; sarmiento; scale; scale mining; small; smi; south; tampakan; traditional; values; village; wetzlmaier cache: aseas-2556.pdf plain text: aseas-2556.txt item: #119 of 325 id: aseas-2557 author: Plitschka, Till; Radjawali, Irendra title: Progress and Challenges of Combating Climate Change in Indonesia: An Interview with Prof. Rachmat Witoelar, the President’s Special Envoy for Climate Change date: 2012-12-30 words: 3615 flesch: 64 summary: As the Kyoto Protocol – which includes binding targets for countries in the Global North (so-called Annex 1 countries) – is drawing to an end, negotiations revolve around a new protocol, but last year’s high level talks in Durban only came up with a fairly vague result – the Durban Platform – without binding emission reduction targets. Yes, because it’s the most significant sector for GHG emissions and we have to catch the actors and put them in jail. keywords: aseas; change; climate; climate change; countries; cut; die; durban; east; emissions; environment; focus; forestry; government; indonesia; interview; irendra; land; law; level; map; moratorium; note; oil; palm; percent; plantations; plitschka; president; prof; progress; rachmat; rachmat witoelar; radjawali; redd; reduction; second; sector; target; trees; unfccc; use; witoelar; year cache: aseas-2557.pdf plain text: aseas-2557.txt item: #120 of 325 id: aseas-2558 author: Pye, Oliver title: Carbon Markets and REDD in South-East Asia: An Interview with Chris Lang from REDD-Monitor date: 2012-12-30 words: 3737 flesch: 63 summary: Merril Lynch/Bank of America promised 9 million dollars to the project and this was how REDD projects were going to be set up and run in the future. i read an in- terview posted on your website with AMAn, the Alliance of Indigenous Peoples of Indonesia, who decided to get involved in REDD projects in order to use REDD to strengthen indig- enous peoples’ rights to the forest. keywords: agreement; aseas; bank; carbon; change; chris; chris lang; climate; company; credits; danger; deforestation; dollars; east; emissions; example; forest; indigenous; indonesia; interview; lang; logging; monitor; moratorium; norway; oil; oliver; palm; peoples; problem; project; pye; redd; rights; safeguards; south; trading; und; use; villagers; world; years cache: aseas-2558.pdf plain text: aseas-2558.txt item: #121 of 325 id: aseas-2560 author: Gruber, Florian; Degelsegger, Alexander; Blasy, Cosima title: Research on South-East Asia in Austria: The Project SEA-EU-NET at the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) date: 2012-12-30 words: 1087 flesch: 48 summary: International science and technology cooperation policies of South East Asian countries. All results are freely available at or ASEAS 5(2) 371370 Since the start of SEA-EU-NET, ZSI has further expanded its activities to regions such as South Asia, East Asia, and South America. keywords: asia; austria; centre; cooperation; degelsegger; east; european; gruber; innovation; net; policy; project; research; science; social; south; technology; zsi cache: aseas-2560.pdf plain text: aseas-2560.txt item: #122 of 325 id: aseas-2561 author: Gärtner, Jessica title: Rezension: Schneider, H., Jordan, R., & Waibel, M. (Hrsg.) (2012). Umweltkonflikte in Südostasien. date: 2012-12-30 words: 1334 flesch: 49 summary: Der Hinweis auf die teilweise am- bivalenten Programme von Umweltschutz- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen ist be- sonders im Hinblick auf die Zukunft der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit interessant. Die AutorInnen zeigen, dass es in diesem Zusammenhang nicht nur um wirtschaftliche Interessen ging, sondern auch um Um- weltschutzprogramme und Initiativen zur Armutsminderung, die zur Systematisierung der gewohnheitsrechtlich geprägten Lebensweise der Bevölkerung beitragen sollten. keywords: akteurinnen; als; aseas; auch; auf; aus; auswirkungen; autorinnen; besonders; bevölkerung; bevölkerungsgruppen; buch; das; dass; dem; den; der; des; die; diese; durch; einen; fallbeispiele; für; gärtner; helmut; herausgeber; hrsg; ihre; indonesien; interessen; ist; jordan; kapitel; komplexität; können; lokaler; malaysia; mit; nicht; politischen; region; rezension; rolf; schneider; sich; sind; singapur; südostasien; umweltkonflikte; und; verschiedenen; verweisen; von; waibel; wasserlieferungen; werden; wird; zum; zur; zwischen; ökologie cache: aseas-2561.pdf plain text: aseas-2561.txt item: #123 of 325 id: aseas-2562 author: Pichler, Melanie title: Book Review: Pye, O. & Bhattacharya, J. (Eds.) (2013). The Palm Oil Controversy in Southeast Asia. A Transnational Perspective. date: 2012-12-30 words: 1716 flesch: 44 summary: The Sumatran province occupies the largest share of palm oil plantations in Indonesia with 24 percent of the working population directly linked to this industry. ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 5(2), 376-380. With 50 percent of all products in European supermarkets containing palm oil and a rising demand for biofuels in the EU, palm oil has emerged as the fastest growing monoculture in the world. keywords: activism; aseas; asia; book; controversy; environmental; expansion; indonesia; industry; international; labour; major; malaysian; oil; oil controversy; palm; palm oil; perspective; pichler; picture; plantation; pye; regard; research; review; social; southeast; studies; transnational; volume cache: aseas-2562.pdf plain text: aseas-2562.txt item: #124 of 325 id: aseas-2563 author: Parvanova, Dayana; Pichler, Melanie title: Activism and Social Movements in South-East Asia date: 2013-06-15 words: 2237 flesch: 52 summary: Editorial: Activism and social movements in South-East Asia. Social movements and collective activism have played a crucial role in these upheavals. keywords: 6(1; action; activism; actors; analysis; aseas; asia; cambridge; collective; east; editorial; eds; emergence; identity; indonesia; jasper; labor; local; london; mobilization; movements; new; parvanova; pichler; political; present; press; region; research; social; social movements; south; studies; theory; university; zald cache: aseas-2563.pdf plain text: aseas-2563.txt item: #125 of 325 id: aseas-2564 author: Noseworthy, William title: Lowland Participation in the Irredentist ‘Highlands Liberation Movement’ in Vietnam, 1955-1975 date: 2013-06-15 words: 9797 flesch: 56 summary: FULRO leaders drew upon the language used in the FURLO proclamation, extending the accusation of a coming extermination of FULRO peoples to a coming genocide. This process began with FULRO letter No. 111, dated 17 De- cember 1964 and addressed to “His Royal Highness Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman” and ended on 19 February 1965, when FULRO members received their official invitation, just three days before they arrived in Phnom Penh (FULRO, 1965, p. 2). keywords: 6(1; american; analysis; article; aseas; asia; austronesian; bham; cambodia; center; central; century; cham; champa; chi; chiem; claims; command; community; conference; cong; contemporary; continued; control; coup; declaration; decolonization; delta; des; diem; dinh; documents; dong; early; east; english; enuol; ethnic; following; forces; foundation; france; french; fulro; general; government; hickey; highland; highlanders; historical; history; international; irredentist; journal; khanh; khmer; kingdom; kinh; kok; kosem; krom; ksor; language; later; leadership; les; liberation; lowland; majority; members; military; minh; minister; minorities; minority; montagnard; movement; nationalism; new; ngo; nguyen; noseworthy; organization; paris; participation; peoples; period; phoeum; political; polities; populations; press; process; proclamation; provisional; quoc; races; regime; region; relations; rhade; rights; saigon; scholars; scott; scupin; second; sources; south; southeast; studies; support; term; territory; time; trade; understanding; unified; united; university; vietnam; vietnam aseas; vietnamese; vinh; war; western; william; words; work; world cache: aseas-2564.pdf plain text: aseas-2564.txt item: #126 of 325 id: aseas-2566 author: Buchanan, James title: Translating Thailand’s Protests: An Analysis of Red Shirt Rhetoric date: 2013-06-15 words: 9715 flesch: 65 summary: Royal Bullets: “Killing the Children for the Father” After the crackdown, with many grassroots Red Shirts seething at the monarchy, the topic could no longer be ignored by the Red Shirt leadership. After sightings of snipers on the roof of the Chulalongkorn Hopital, which overlooked the Red Shirt barricade at Silom junction, a group of Red Shirts entered the hospital to demand that the soldiers vacate. keywords: 2010; 6(1; abhisit; analysis; april; army; aseas; asian; bangkok; banners; buchanan; city; contrast; country; coup; crackdown; crisis; crowd; cultural; daeng; dai; day; democracy; der; die; elections; elites; events; fire; government; graffiti; history; institute; james; jatuporn; justice; kan; kha; khon; killing; king; language; lèse; mai; main; majesté; mall; march; mass; mat; meaning; military; minister; modern; monarchy; montesano; movement; nai; nationalist; nattawut; new; numbers; order; original; pad; parliament; party; people; phuea; place; political; politics; politische; popular; post; power; prai; prime; princess; protests; public; queen; rak; rallies; rally; rao; ratchaprasong; red; red shirts; rhetoric; rhetoric aseas; role; rothemden; royal; rural; september; shirt rhetoric; singapore; site; slogans; social; song; sophisticated; sources; southeast; speeches; stage; studies; suea; system; tai; taylor; term; thai language; thailand; thais; thaksin; thi; time; translating; und; victims; wall; way; word; work; year cache: aseas-2566.pdf plain text: aseas-2566.txt item: #127 of 325 id: aseas-2567 author: Großmann, Kristina title: Kontinuitäten im Wandel: Handlungskoordinationen von Frauenrechtsaktivistinnen in Aceh date: 2013-06-15 words: 8118 flesch: 45 summary: Themenkomplexe, die nach der Einführung der Syariat Islam und dem Tsunami ver- stärkt Beachtung erfuhren, liegen im Bereich der verstärkten Zusammenarbeit nicht- staatlicher und staatlicher Frauenförderung, der Verankerung von Frauenrechten auf der normativen Ebene, wie die Verabschiedung der Charta der Rechte der Frau in Aceh und die Beteiligung bei der Schaffung von islamischem Strafrecht (Qanun Jinayat).7 Die Bezeichnung aktivis beinhaltet für Aktivistinnen die persönliche Identifikation mit den vertretenen Zielen und die notwendige ideologische Überzeugung von Inhalten der Arbeit und schließt Personen aus, die sich beispielsweise nur aus ökonomischen Gründen für Frauenförderung einsetzen. und der Europäischen Union (EU) vermittelt und überwacht, und den Wie- deraufbau finanzierten und koordinierten zu einem großen Teil internationale Or- ganisationen. keywords: 1990er; 2009; 2010; 6(1; aber; abschnitt; aceh; aceh aseas; aceh und; acehischen; activists; agenda; aktivismus; aktivistinnen; aktuelle; allem; als; analyse; anderen; angesehen; anstellung; arbeit; artikels; aseas; aseas 6(1; asmah; aspekte; auch; auf; auf der; aus; ausprägung; banda; banda aceh; basis; bedeutung; bedingen; bedürfnisse; beinhaltet; beispielsweise; bereich; bereichen; beschreiben; bestandteil; bestimmten; bevölkerung; bewaffneten; bewegen; bewegungen; bezeichnung; bezüglich; bildung; biografischer; cambridge; community; dabei; damit; dann; dar; darauf; darum; das; dass; dazu; dem; dem tsunami; den; denen; der; der syariat; des; deutschland; development; dewi; diani; die; diese; diskussionen; durch; ebene; ebenso; eigenen; eine; einführung; einkommen; einsatz; eka; eltern; engagement; englischen; entwickeln; entwicklung; entwicklungshilfe; erfahrungen; erster; expertin; faktoren; familiären; februar; feener; feuer; flacks; forschungen; frauen; frauenförderung; frauenrechte; frauenrechtlicher; frauenrechtsaktivistinnen; freundinnen; für; für die; gebieten; gegen; gegenüber; geldgeber; gender; geschlechter; gewalt; gibt; großmann; gruppe; haben; handlungskoordinationen; hat; hauptsächlich; hrsg; höhe; identität; ihre; implementierung; indonesia; indonesiens; indonesischen; informationen; innerhalb; institutionalisierung; internationalen; interview; islam; islamic; islamischen; ist die; jahr; jahren; jakarta; januar; jedoch; journal; kann; kennungen; konflikt; kontakt; kontinuitäten; kristina; kritik; können; law; lhokseumawe; linie; lokalen; mahdi; maß; mehr; meiner; meisten; mich; miller; missstände; mit; mit dem; mitarbeiterinnen; mittelpunkt; muslimische; märz; nach; nach aceh; nach dem; new; nicht; noch; nur; oder; oftmals; organisationen; partizipation; patriarchale; perempuan; personen; persönliches; political; politischen; politisierung; position; press; programme; provinz; regel; religiosität; religiösen; rights; robinson; salma; sari; sehen; sehr; sein; seit; selbst; sich; sie; siehe; sind; social; sogenannten; solidarität; sondern; sowie; sozialen; sozialisation; soziokulturellen; spezifische; state; steigende; stellen; strategien; strukturen; student; studies; subkultur; syariat; syariat islam; südostasien; teil; themen; tia; triebfeder; trotz; tsunami; umsetzung; und; und der; ungerechtigkeit; university; unter; unterstützung; usa; verbindung; verlag; vielmehr; von; von aktivistinnen; von frauen; vor; wandel; waren; weiteren; welche; wenn; werden; wichtig; wie; wieder; wiederaufbauhilfe; wird; women; wurde; während; york; ziele; zivilgesellschaftlichen; zum; zur; zwei; zwischen; öffentlichen; über; übergriffe; überhaupt cache: aseas-2567.pdf plain text: aseas-2567.txt item: #128 of 325 id: aseas-2568 author: Scharinger, Julia title: Participatory Theater, Is It Really? A Critical Examination of Practices in Timor-Leste date: 2013-06-15 words: 7490 flesch: 46 summary: Most commonly, participatory theater groups are either asked to create a per- formance based on issues and concerns they explored together with members of communities, which will then be presented to the relevant communities along with 4 Shakespearean and Brechtian theater are two well researched and discussed examples of how artists in different centuries have been able to utilize drama for the purposes of analyzing and challenging political power structures and social behavior (cf. Boal, 2001; Prentki, 2003). Cultural Practices in Timor-Leste Throughout the emergence of DC and participatory theater approaches, Timor-Leste was fighting to come into existence. keywords: 6(1; actors; agendas; applied; approaches; arts; aseas; audience; behavior; boal; case; chambers; change; colonial; communities; community; conflict; cooperation; countries; country; creative; critical; cultural; development; different; dili; donors; drama; education; empowerment; examination; example; experience; facilitators; funding; ganguly; groups; ideas; impact; important; international; issues; journal; julia; knowledge; lack; leste; local; long; methods; new; ngos; organizations; participation; participatory; participatory theater; people; performance; play; political; popular; positive; post; practices; prentki; problems; process; processes; projects; research; scharinger; skills; social; stakeholders; structures; terms; theater; theater groups; theatre; theory; time; timor; timorese; traditional; transformation; und; violence; work; working; world; youth cache: aseas-2568.pdf plain text: aseas-2568.txt item: #129 of 325 id: aseas-2569 author: Beers, Steve title: Thinking Globally, Framing Locally: International Discourses and Labor Organizing in Indonesia date: 2013-06-15 words: 8007 flesch: 49 summary: Capital mobility and neoliberal policy reforms have led to weakened regulation of work conditions and safety, increased “flexible production” and contract work, de- creased job security and density of union representation, and reduced wages due to the weakened bargaining position of labor unions (Deyo, 1997; Lerner, 2007; Ma- zur, 2000; Tilly, 1995). Labor unions face a complex and transnational corporate envi- ronment in which corporations can shift capital and jobs across borders (Bronfren- brenner, 2007, pp. 1-2), while mobile capital pressured states to adopt policies that discourage workers’ organization and weaken measures to protect workers’ welfare (Deyo, 1997, pp. 103-104). keywords: 6(1; action; activism; activists; actors; aquila; aseas; asia; association; bandung; bargaining; beers; busting; campaign; capital; caraway; case; channels; circulating; citizenship; claims; context; convention; december; democratic; demonstrations; development; discourses; discursive; dispute; domestic; east; eds; foodworkers; ford; framing; freedom; global; globalization; grand; grand aquila; hadiz; hotel; human; ilo; important; indonesia; indonesian labor; industrial; institutional; international; international discourses; international labor; international union; iuf; journal; justice; labor; labor activists; labor movement; labor organizing; labor rights; labor unions; law; local; management; movement; new; opportunities; order; organizations; organizing; outside; pacific; paper; political; press; protest; reforms; regime; relations; rights; role; shift; snow; social; state; steve; strategies; studies; support; transnational; union; universal; university; ways; workers cache: aseas-2569.pdf plain text: aseas-2569.txt item: #130 of 325 id: aseas-2570 author: Reese, Niklas; Soco-Carreon, Joefel title: No Call for Action? Why There Is No Union (Yet) in Philippine Call Centers date: 2013-06-15 words: 8412 flesch: 59 summary: Why collective action is not chosen by call center agents as an option to tackle the above mentioned problems – this is what the research project this article is based on tried to understand. After having ruled out the more general assumption that precarity triggers despair and thus inaction, we will rather concentrate on identifying alternative reasons of why collective action is not arising among call center agents. keywords: 6(1; able; action; agents; aseas; benefits; callers; calls; carreon; case; center; center agents; circumstances; city; collective; company; conditions; control; customer; der; die; difficult; d’cruz; easy; employees; employment; everyday; experiences; fabros; fact; filipino; framing; germany; grievance; half; high; indian; individual; industry; issues; job; joefel; kind; labor; lack; life; like; making; management; manila; movements; niklas; noronha; number; order; organizing; pay; people; performance; personal; philippines; policy; political; power; precarity; problems; process; production; professionals; protest; reasons; reese; research; resistance; respondents; scott; sector; self; significant; social; soco; south; strategies; study; terms; things; time; trade; und; union; university; way; ways; work; workers; working; workplace; years; young cache: aseas-2570.pdf plain text: aseas-2570.txt item: #131 of 325 id: aseas-2571 author: Ginting, Longgena; Pye, Oliver title: Resisting Agribusiness Development: The Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate in West Papua, Indonesia date: 2013-06-15 words: 9333 flesch: 50 summary: Journalist’s death overshadows launch of Papua food project Resisting Agribusiness Development: The Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate in West Papua, Indonesia ASEAS 6(1) 161160 d o i 10 .4 23 2 /1 0. keywords: 6(1; active; activists; adat; agribusiness; agribusiness development; aliansi; alliance; alternative; aman; area; aseas; asia; august; autonomy; borras; church; clan; coalition; communication; communities; companies; connected; context; customary; development; die; different; district; earth; energy; environmental; estate; example; exploitation; farmers; foker; food; forest; freeport; gebze; general; ginting; government; grab; groups; head; hectares; human; independence; indigenous; indonesia; interests; international; investment; issues; jakarta; journal; key; kind; land; land grab; large; local; longgena; lsm; lsm papua; major; malind; march; masyarakat; medco; mega; member; merauke; mifee; mifee project; migrants; military; movement; national; networks; new; ngos; occupation; oil; oliver; opposition; order; organizations; organized; papua; papuans; people; permits; personal; plantations; political; potential; press; project; pye; redd; reform; resistance; resisting; rights; role; secretary; social; solidarity; sovereignty; special; strategy; studies; successful; suharto; takeshi; telepak; timber; tons; und; use; walhi; way; ways; west; west papua; world cache: aseas-2571.pdf plain text: aseas-2571.txt item: #132 of 325 id: aseas-2572 author: Schaffar, Wolfram; Guth, Ralph title: Constitutionalism in Thailand: Key Questions of an On-Going Research date: 2013-06-15 words: 2055 flesch: 43 summary: Since the military coup of 2006, the introduction of far- reaching media censorship, and the curtailment of political rights and civil liberties, Thailand is widely regarded as an example of the return of authoritarianism (Case, 2009). Secondly, the project is based on a micro-level analysis of the strategic positioning of and debates within social movements concerning a quest for funda- mental rights and a rejection of a ‘judicialization’ of politics. keywords: 6(1; aseas; asia; case; consciousness; constitutionalism; crisis; critical; democratization; development; focus; forms; global; guth; institutions; judicialization; key; law; legal; liberal; movements; new; people; political; politics; process; processes; project; questions; research; rights; schaffar; social; studies; thailand; university cache: aseas-2572.pdf plain text: aseas-2572.txt item: #133 of 325 id: aseas-2573 author: Kois, Bethany title: Discussing the Social Entrepreneurial Movement as a Means of Provoking Normative Change in West Kalimantan, Indonesia: An Interview With Kinari Webb date: 2013-06-15 words: 3430 flesch: 67 summary: Replication first, but I also want to think about social change on a global scale. But, in reality, these parks are just paper parks and a few major factors have led local people to continue cutting down the forest. keywords: 6(1; aseas; asri; bethany; care; change; communities; community; entrepreneurial; forest; global; health; human; ideas; illegal; indonesia; interview; kalimantan; kinari; kois; law; level; local; logging; long; movement; national; norms; park; people; percent; program; social; term; time; und; village; way; webb; west; work; world; years cache: aseas-2573.pdf plain text: aseas-2573.txt item: #134 of 325 id: aseas-2574 author: Pichler, Carina title: A Buddhist Way of Drug Rehabilitation in Thailand - Approaching Drug Addiction With Loving Kindness: An Interview With Phra Maha Narong Chaiyatha date: 2013-06-15 words: 3630 flesch: 64 summary: A buddhist way of drug rehabilitation in Thailand - Approaching drug addiction with loving kindness: An Interview with Phra Maha Narong Chaiyatha. The Quality Development of Life Center is an alterna- tive program of dealing with drug addiction in Thailand and was established in 1993. keywords: 6(1; activities; addiction; aseas; buddhist; center; chaiyatha; community; development; different; drug; environment; good; happiness; interview; kindness; life; lot; loving; maha; meditation; members; monks; narong; participants; people; phra; pichler; program; quality; rehabilitation; social; society; support; team; temple; thailand; way; work; years cache: aseas-2574.pdf plain text: aseas-2574.txt item: #135 of 325 id: aseas-2575 author: Bück, Philipp title: Südostasien in Österreich: Dreikönigsaktion, Hilfswerk der Katholischen Jungschar Österreichs date: 2013-06-15 words: 1633 flesch: 31 summary: Die Task Force Anti-APECO lobbyiert auf nationaler Ebene gegen das APECO Projekt und wird dabei von der DKA unterstützt. Die Erfahrungen und Selbstbestimmung benachteiligter Menschen in der von Ausbeutung und Ungerechtigkeit bestimmten Gesellschaft stehen keywords: 6(1; als; apeco; aseas; auch; auf; aurora; aus; bedarf; bei; benachteiligter; bereich; bück; daher; das; davao; dem; den; der; derzeit; des; development; die; dka; dreikönigsaktion; durch; eine; eur; für; gemeinden; hat; hier; hilfswerk; indigenen; ist; jahren; jugendlichen; jungschar; katholischen; kfb; kindern; kirchlichen; lokalen; macec; menschenrechte; mit; neben; netzwerke; organisationen; partnerorganisationen; philippinen; politischen; projekte; projektförderung; projektpartnerinnen; rolle; seit; sich; sind; sowie; spielen; spielt; südostasien; umfeld; umsetzung; und; unserer; unterstützt; unterstützung; viele; von; werden; wichtige; wird; zivilgesellschaft; zur; österreichs; über cache: aseas-2575.pdf plain text: aseas-2575.txt item: #136 of 325 id: aseas-2577 author: Schuh, Leila title: Rezension: Ford, M. (Hrsg.). (2013). Social activism in Southeast Asia. date: 2013-06-15 words: 1404 flesch: 30 summary: Im vierten Kapitel bietet Vincent Boudreau einen Abriss der philippinischen De- mokratisierung, die mit der Absetzung Marcos offiziell eingeläutet wurde und sich in Form Jahrzehnte langer politischer Machtkämpfe und wechselhafter Allianzen ent- faltete. Die Legitimation eines Regimes sieht Rodan gestärkt durch die Eingliederung autonomer Kräfte in das politische System, keywords: 6(1; activism; aktivismus; allianzen; als; analyse; aseas; asia; auch; auf; aus; ausprägungen; autorinnen; beitrag; bewegung; bietet; das; dem; den; der; des; die; diesem; drei; durch; einer; einflüsse; eingliederung; entstehung; ford; für; globalen; hrsg; innerhalb; internationaler; ist; kapitel; kothari; kräfte; leila; michele; mit; nicht; norden; obwohl; organisationen; political; politische; regime; rezension; routledge; schuh; sich; social; social activism; southeast; southeast asia; sozialer; südostasiatischer; südostasien; transnationale; und; unter; untersucht; von; werden; wie; wurde; zur; zusammenhang; zwischen; über cache: aseas-2577.pdf plain text: aseas-2577.txt item: #137 of 325 id: aseas-2578 author: Kastenhofer, Marion title: Rezension: Hall, D., Hirsch, P. & Li, T. M. (Hrsg.). (2011). Powers of exclusion. Land dilemmas in Southeast Asia. date: 2013-06-15 words: 1316 flesch: 52 summary: Powers of Exclusion argumentiert durchgehend, dass Ausschluss von Land weder ein neues Phänomen ist, noch eines, das vermieden werden kann, da schließlich jede ASEAS 6(1) 231230 produktive Nutzung von Land den Ausschluss anderer Menschen voraussetzt. Hall et al. zeigen, dass dies oftmals auch zum Ausschluss einer großen Anzahl von BewohnerInnen von Land führt, denn durch die Konzipierung einer Landschaft als Umweltschutzgebiet – ein an sich durchaus lobenswerter und notwendiger Prozess – werden wiederum zahllose Ortsansässige von der agrarischen Nutzung dieser Gebiete ausgeschlossen. keywords: 6(1; als; aseas; asia; auch; auf; ausgeschlossen; ausschluss; autorinnen; bei; booms; crop; dabei; dass; den; der; derek; des; die; dieser; dilemmas; durch; eine; exclusion; für; hall; hirsch; hrsg; ihre; ist; kastenhofer; land; mit; murray; nicht; oder; philip; powers; rezension; rolle; schließlich; schlüsselprozess; sich; sie; sind; southeast; südostasien; tania; und; von; werden; wie; zugang; zwischen cache: aseas-2578.pdf plain text: aseas-2578.txt item: #138 of 325 id: aseas-2579 author: Amer, Ramses title: Book Review: Jones, L. (2012). ASEAN, sovereignty and intervention in Southeast Asia. date: 2013-06-15 words: 993 flesch: 58 summary: Part II of the book is devoted to the Post-Cold War Period and is divided into four chapters: Chapter 5 deals with ASEAN after the Cold War with a focus on the crisis of the late 1990s (pp. 95-127); Chapter 6 looks at ASEAN and Cambodia in the Post-Cold War setting (pp. 128-149); Chapter 7 is devoted to ASEAN’s response to the East Timor situation of the late 1990s (pp. 150-179); Chapter 8 deals with ASEAN policies towards Burma (pp. 180-210). ASEAN, Sovereignty and Intervention in Southeast Asia. keywords: asean; asia; book; cambodia; chapter; interference; intervention; jones; non; southeast; sovereignty; war cache: aseas-2579.pdf plain text: aseas-2579.txt item: #139 of 325 id: aseas-2580 author: Trupp, Alexander; Dolezal, Claudia title: Editorial: Mobilities in South-East Asia date: 2013-12-31 words: 2626 flesch: 47 summary: However, potential obstacles to mobility remain, supporting the argument that our times are characterized not only by large flows of various forms of mobilities but also by immobilities. In a study Alexander Trupp & Claudia Dolezal - Editorial: Mobilities in South-East Asia ASEAS 6(2) 239238 on mobility and immobility of asylum seekers passing through Indonesia, Antje Miss- bach further focuses on international migration flows to Indonesia by comparing In- dochinese asylum seekers between the 1970s and mid-1990s and more recent asylum seekers coming from the Middle East. keywords: 6(2; age; alexander; aseas; asia; authenticity; claudia; communities; community; context; development; dolezal; east; east asia; economic; editorial; forms; indonesia; international; local; migration; mobilities; mobility; objects; people; research; routledge; rural; social; south; studies; study; thailand; tourism; transnational; trupp; university; urry; vienna; work cache: aseas-2580.pdf plain text: aseas-2580.txt item: #140 of 325 id: aseas-2581 author: Cohen, Erik title: Bus Paintings in Thailand: A Post-Modern Urban Art Form in Comparative Perspective date: 2013-12-31 words: 5661 flesch: 57 summary: Bus paintings in Thailand: A post-modern urban art form in comparative perspective. As limited as they are, these studies raise some important comparative issues regard- ing the recent proliferation of bus paintings in Thailand: keywords: 6(2; aesthetic; airbrush; american; art; art form; artist; aseas; aseas 6(2; auf; bangkok; bus paintings; buses; bussen; characters; charter; chinese; choice; coaches; cohen; companies; comparative; considerable; contemporary; contrast; countries; cultural; culture; decoration; die; different; erik; feature; female; figurative; figures; form; identity; images; individual; japanese; jeepneys; journal; korean; laughlin; life; malereien; mass; meñez; modern; motifs; non; owners; painters; paintings; pakistani; paramaribo; perspective; philippine; photo; political; popular; post; process; religious; rock; sides; small; social; sources; studies; study; styles; sökefeld; thai bus; thailand; tour; tourism; traditional; trucks; und; unlike; urban; vehicles; western; wilde cache: aseas-2581.pdf plain text: aseas-2581.txt item: #141 of 325 id: aseas-2582 author: Setyawati, Dinita title: Assets or Commodities? Comparing Regulations of Placement and Protection of Migrant Workers in Indonesia and the Philippines date: 2013-12-31 words: 6728 flesch: 44 summary: In the post-Suharto period starting from 1998, the government increased its ef- forts to protect Indonesian migrant workers through the introduction of several regulations and policies. The role of private agencies in educating Indonesian migrant workers also becomes a source of problems since the monitoring of those agencies is still weak. keywords: 6(2; act; administration; agencies; aquino; arbeitsmigrantinnen; article; aseas; asia; assets; assistance; bank; bnp2tki; cases; commodities; contrast; convention; cooperation; countries; departure; der; development; die; dinita; domestic; east; economic; education; employment; families; february; filipino; foreign; gonzales; government; home; host; illegal; ilo; important; indonesian; indonesian law; indonesian migrant; international; iom; key; labor; labor migration; law; laws; legal; low; malaysia; members; migrant; migrant workers; migration; nationals; organization; overseas; overseas workers; paper; period; philippine; placement; policy; president; private; problems; process; protection; provisions; recruitment; regulation; remittances; republic; response; rights; role; section; services; setyawati; south; state; support; system; und; von; welfare; workers; world; yudhoyono cache: aseas-2582.pdf plain text: aseas-2582.txt item: #142 of 325 id: aseas-2583 author: Missbach, Antje title: Waiting on the Islands of 'Stuckedness': Managing Asylum Seekers in Island Detention Camps in Indonesia: From the Late 1970s to the Early 2000s date: 2013-12-31 words: 10605 flesch: 56 summary: Managing asylum seekers in island detention camps in Indonesia from the late 1970s to the early 2000s. This article sheds light on the obstructed mobility of asylum seekers who were passing through Indo- nesia during their search for permanent and eff ective protection, and the politics of their detention. keywords: 1975; 2000s; 6(2; action; affairs; afghan; antje; applicants; archipelago; arrivals; article; aseas; asia; asylum; asylum seekers; auf; australia; authorities; betts; boat; camp; cases; centers; claims; committee; community; comprehensive; conditions; countries; cpa; den; department; der; detention; determination; early; east; eastern; eastern asylum; economic; facilities; flows; foreign; galang; general; government; handling; high; home; host; howard; hrw; human; hunter; indochinese; indochinese refugees; indonesia; international; interview; iom; irregular; islands; jakarta; journal; july; lack; late; law; legal; local; lombok; malaysia; management; march; middle; migrants; migration; missbach; mobility; mountz; nations; new; number; order; p3v; people; permanent; persons; place; plan; political; population; potential; processing; protection; refugees; region; republic; resettlement; return; review; rights; robinson; screening; small; south; special; status; stuckedness’to; temporary; thailand; time; transit; unhcr; united; usd; vietnamese; waiting; west; years; yen cache: aseas-2583.pdf plain text: aseas-2583.txt item: #143 of 325 id: aseas-2584 author: Limpangog, Cirila title: Migration as a Strategy for Maintaining a Middle-Class Identity: The Case of Professional Filipino Women in Melbourne date: 2013-12-31 words: 9912 flesch: 58 summary: Beyond the trailing spouse: The commuter partnership as an alternative to family migration. Migrating to Australia offered a chance to reconstitute paid work into one that was more harmonious with family life. keywords: 6(2; alternative; amy; aseas; asian; asis; australia; better; bing; career; case; challenges; change; children; cirila; class; country; department; desire; domestic; economic; eds; education; escape; established; experience; facilitated; families; family; feminist; filipino; filipino women; financial; friends; gemma; gender; gendered; government; home; homeland; household; human; husband; identity; individual; informants; international; job; jobs; journal; kris; labor; law; left; life; lifestyle; ligaya; limpangog; limpangog migration; lives; living; luningning; maggie; manila; marcos; marriage; melbourne; middle; migrant; migrating; migration; motives; movements; networks; new; nursing; paper; people; philippines; policy; political; power; press; process; professional; qualifications; quality; relatives; research; review; richard; rosanna; self; sharon; skilled; skills; social; south; status; strategy; studies; tacoli; terms; time; u.s; university; visa; way; white; women; work; workers; world; years; young cache: aseas-2584.pdf plain text: aseas-2584.txt item: #144 of 325 id: aseas-2585 author: Pasgaard, Maya; Chea, Lily title: Double Inequity? The Social Dimensions of Deforestation and Forest Protection in Local Communities in Northern Cambodia date: 2013-12-31 words: 9996 flesch: 52 summary: While the Sub-decree on CF management states that Cambodian citizens liv- ing within the participating communities can be members, it also lists the roles and duties of community forestry members, including participation in forest resources management, in monitoring the use of community forest resources, and in conserv- ing, protecting, and planting the forest (RGC, 2003). Threats to an Equitable Distribution of Benefits The risk of social exclusion from forest benefits has been studied and documented in various forest conservation projects, indicating problems with elite capture and exclu- sion of certain groups (Edmunds & Wollenberg, 2003; Dahal, Larson, & Pacheco, 2010). keywords: 6(2; access; active; activities; agricultural; area; aseas; asia; assessment; benefits; bradley; cambodia; carbon; case; cfs; change; chea; committees; communities; community; community forestry; constraints; context; costs; data; decision; deforestation; development; die; dimensions; distribution; double; drivers; e.g.; east; empirical; environmental; equity; exclusion; families; figure; findings; forest; forest protection; forestry; global; governance; government; grabbing; groups; high; households; illegal; inequity; information; instance; international; interviews; july; land; larson; leader; level; lily; livelihoods; local; main; making; management; maya; meanchey; members; migrants; migration; oddar; oddar meanchey; pact; paper; participation; particular; pasgaard; patrol; people; perspective; policy; political; politics; poor; poorest; power; program; project; protection; province; redd+; relations; research; resources; respondents; rights; road; role; settlement; sharing; sites; social; south; specific; structures; studies; study; table; tenure; terra; timber; time; turn; und; use; villages; von cache: aseas-2585.pdf plain text: aseas-2585.txt item: #145 of 325 id: aseas-2586 author: Endres, Kirsten W title: Traders, Markets, and the State in Vietnam: Anthropological Perspectives date: 2013-12-31 words: 3733 flesch: 42 summary: In Vietnam’s largely local, relationship-based economy, informality in fact constitutes a particular mode of so- cial interaction and economic exchange and should, therefore, be treated analytically as an aspect of the moral economy rather than as a separate sector from the formal. Further research into the complex web of interlinkages between the economic sphere and the metaphysical assumptions that govern and guide Vietnam- ese perceptions of the self and the world is expected to contribute valuable insights to our understanding of local economic practices, the moral implications of wealth, and ideas about human agency. keywords: 6(2; activities; anthropological; aseas; barthelmes; bonnin; border; china; chinese; citizens; cultural; development; economic; economy; endres; ethnic; exchange; experience; forms; grillot; group; hand; hanoi; horat; household; informal; kirsten; local; marketplaces; markets; means; moral; mutual; new; northern; paper; perceptions; perspectives; political; practices; press; private; public; regulation; relations; research; scale; sites; small; social; socialist; society; state; street; survival; temporary; traders; trading; traditional; transformation; urban; vending; vendors; vietnam; vietnamese; village cache: aseas-2586.pdf plain text: aseas-2586.txt item: #146 of 325 id: aseas-2587 author: Dolezal, Claudia title: Community-Based Tourism in Bali: On the Road Towards Empowerment? An Interview with Djinaldi Gosana date: 2013-12-31 words: 4031 flesch: 79 summary: Concerning empowerment, Bali CoBTA states on its website that its mission is to build strong communities and empower them. Djinaldi Gosana, the chairman of the Bali Community-Based Tourism Association (CoBTA) and the Executive Director of Bali Hotels Association, seeks to empower communities in Bali’s rural areas through community-based tourism (CBT). keywords: 6(2; activities; aseas; bali; cbt; claudia; cobta; community; der; different; djinaldi; dolezal; empowerment; example; family; farmer; good; gosana; guests; interview; land; leader; money; people; person; royal; time; tourism; tourists; village; work; wrong cache: aseas-2587.pdf plain text: aseas-2587.txt item: #147 of 325 id: aseas-2588 author: Gantner, Bianca; Weninger, Philip title: Filipin@ Communities in Austria: Barrio Fiesta sa Vienna 2013 date: 2013-12-31 words: 2276 flesch: 52 summary: ASEAS 6(2) 379378 PHOTO 1: Igorot Cordillera Austria is the winner of the best booth 2013. ASEAS 6(2) 379378 PHOTO 1: Igorot Cordillera Austria is the winner of the best booth 2013. keywords: 6(2; aseas; associations; austria; barrio; best; booth; communities; community; cordillera; cordillera austria; cultural; e.g.; east; event; fiesta; filipin@; filipinos; food; heritage; home; igorot; igorot cordillera; islands; luzon; migrants; organizations; origin; parade; philippine; region; und; vienna; cache: aseas-2588.pdf plain text: aseas-2588.txt item: #148 of 325 id: aseas-2589 author: Seixas, Paulo Castro title: Science on the Move: The 7th EuroSEAS Conference in Lisbon in 2013 date: 2013-12-31 words: 2055 flesch: 53 summary: Although research on international conferences has increased lately (e.g. Cutting, 1995; Green, 2008; Drife, 2008; Ngamsom & Beck, 2000; Olsen, 2004), analyses focused on motivations and constraints of attending an ISC and the economics of the event itself rather than a thick analysis of the role of ISCs in the global cultural dimensions and the scientific system in this context. The conscience of the economic relevance of international conferences creates two para- doxical trends: a) the continuous scattering creation of new ISCs as a way to promote science production poles and b) continuous attempts to captivate, even to institu- tionalize in a certain locale, the ISC which already represents a brand. keywords: 6(2; 7th; aseas; asian; board; colleagues; conference; context; cultural; east; economic; euroseas; euroseas conference; international; isc; iscs; journal; lisbon; medical; new; paulo; place; portugal; production; research; role; science; scientific; south; studies; time; university cache: aseas-2589.pdf plain text: aseas-2589.txt item: #149 of 325 id: aseas-2590 author: Gerstl, Alfred title: Research on South-East Asia in Austria: The Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Vienna date: 2013-12-31 words: 1381 flesch: 50 summary: In addition to six professors, the Department of East Asian Studies currently has a staff of about 50 permanent and temporary researchers and lecturers (Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften der Universität Wien, 2001–2013). The Department of East Asian Studies applies a broad area defini- tion of East Asia by incorporating North-East and South-East Asia. keywords: 6(2; addition; aseas; asian; asian studies; china; department; east; east asian; economic; ecos; gerstl; human; japanese; master; north; political; program; research; security; society; south; students; studies; university; vienna cache: aseas-2590.pdf plain text: aseas-2590.txt item: #150 of 325 id: aseas-2591 author: Jones, William J. title: Conversations with Thaksin - From Exile to Deliverance: Thailand’s Populist Tycoon Tells His Story date: 2013-12-31 words: 980 flesch: 50 summary: With campaign posters saturating the landscape and displaying slogans such as “Thaksin thinks, Phuea Thai acts”, as well as periodic reports of Skype cabinet meetings with Thaksin orchestrating party politics as mediation in policy, there is no doubt that the ex-Prime Minister is very much involved in Thai politics, albeit from afar. The author’s elaboration on personal notes of what it is like to be in ex- ile, traveling as a luxurious vagabond, and the very personal politics of the region are of interest regarding the conception of Thai politics since Thaksin’s exile. keywords: 6(2; aseas; author; book; conversations; critical; deliverance; exile; minister; party; plate; political; politics; prime; sister; story; thailand; thaksin; tycoon cache: aseas-2591.pdf plain text: aseas-2591.txt item: #151 of 325 id: aseas-2592 author: Parvanova, Dayana title: Faith and the State: A History of Islamic Philanthropy in Indonesia date: 2013-12-31 words: 1626 flesch: 31 summary: As a lecturer of Islamic History and Civilization at the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta and holding a PhD in Indonesian history and Islamic studies from the University of Melbourne, Amelia has been working on the topic of Islamic philanthropy since 2002, when she engaged with a global research project on “Philanthropy for Social Justice in Muslim Societies”. ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 6(2), 398-401. Amelia Fauzia’s thorough analysis of Islamic philanthropic practices in Indonesia from the early decades of Islam in the archipelago to today is more than a timely review of a tradition that both perpetuates and influences state-civil society relations. keywords: 6(2; amelia; analysis; aseas; book; civil; faith; fauzia; historical; history; indonesia; islamic; muslim; parvanova; period; philanthropy; political; practices; relationship; religious; review; social; society; socio; state; strong; zakat cache: aseas-2592.pdf plain text: aseas-2592.txt item: #152 of 325 id: aseas-2593 author: Stange, Gunnar; O'Rourke, Iris title: Conflict Dynamics and Transformations in Southeast Asia date: 2014-06-15 words: 1664 flesch: 41 summary: Managing armed conflict in Southeast Asia: The role of mediation. Yet, the role Malaysia did play bilaterally in brokering the recently signed path-breaking peace ac- cord between the MILF and the Government of the Philippines gives reason to be- lieve that ASEAN as an organization will play a more proactive and institutionalized role in regional conflict management in the years to come. keywords: approaches; armed; asean; asia; conflict; cooperation; domestic; dynamics; ethnic; government; gunnar; indonesia; iris; issues; malaysia; member; myanmar; non; norm; o’rourke; peace; peaceful; philippines; political; regional; research; resistance; resolution; role; security; southeast; stange; states; studies; transformations cache: aseas-2593.pdf plain text: aseas-2593.txt item: #153 of 325 id: aseas-2594 author: Borchers, Henning title: ASEAN’s Environmental Challenges and Non-Traditional Security Cooperation: Towards a Regional Peacekeeping Force? date: 2014-06-15 words: 7981 flesch: 44 summary: RI must explain ASC to ASEAN members. Indonesia proposes ASEAN peacekeeping force. keywords: aadmer; acharya; admm; affairs; anthony; approach; apsc; asean; asean peacekeeping; asean security; asia; association; bellamy; borchers; building; caballero; centre; challenges; community; concerns; concord; conflict; cooperation; countries; declaration; defense; democracy; development; diplomacy; disaster; efforts; emergency; emmerson; environmental; establishment; force; governments; hadr; hard; henning; human; indonesia; interference; internal; international; issues; jakarta; level; malaysia; management; mechanism; member; military; ministers; multilateral; myanmar; new; non; norms; operations; order; pacific; peacekeepers; peacekeeping; peacekeeping force; philippines; political; post; progress; proposal; regional; regional security; regionalism; relief; resolution; response; secretariat; security; security community; security cooperation; singapore; southeast; sovereignty; stability; standby; states; sukma; thailand; time; traditional; traditional security; vietnam; view; way cache: aseas-2594.pdf plain text: aseas-2594.txt item: #154 of 325 id: aseas-2595 author: Rupprecht, Kathrin title: Separatist Conflicts in the ASEAN Region: Comparing Southern Thailand and Mindanao date: 2014-06-15 words: 10012 flesch: 57 summary: Understanding Mindanao conflict. Separatist conflicts in the ASEAN region: Comparing Southern Thailand and Min- danao. keywords: 1970s; abuza; agreement; asean; asia; autonomy; bangkok; bangsamoro; bilateral; border; cases; center; change; charter; che; city; community; conflict; contemporary; cooperation; countries; culture; development; domestic; economic; eds; ethnic; funston; global; government; grievances; group; gutierrez; historical; history; identity; independence; indonesia; influence; institute; insurgency; internal; international; islamic; issues; kathrin; liberation; malaysia; man; management; mccargo; milf; mindanao; minorities; mnlf; movement; muslim; negotiations; new; non; oic; organization; paper; parties; patani; peace; people; perspective; philippines; pitsuwan; policies; policy; political; press; process; provinces; regards; region; regional; religious; research; role; rupprecht; santos; security; separatist; similar; singapore; social; southeast; southeast asia; southern; southern philippines; southern thailand; state; struggle; studies; study; support; terrorism; thailand; threat; tuazon; und; university; violence; war; world cache: aseas-2595.pdf plain text: aseas-2595.txt item: #155 of 325 id: aseas-2596 author: Kowalewski, Sina title: „In Our Hearts, We Do Not Have Trust“: Frieden und bewaffnete Gruppen in Myanmar date: 2014-06-15 words: 8799 flesch: 49 summary: Die in der Allianz der 16 bewaffneten Gruppen, dem United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC), vertrete- nen Führungskreise der Opposition bleiben jedoch skeptisch, inwiefern die aktuellen Entwicklungen auf einen Politikwandel der Regierung hindeuten. Die Regierung strebt für 2014 einen neuen Zensus an und 2015 werden Parlamentswahlen stattfinden. keywords: 2011; 2012; aber; abkommen; absicherung; akteurinnen; aktuellen; allerdings; als; andere; arbeiten; armed; army; artikel; aseas; auch; auf; aufgrund; aung; aus; auseinandersetzungen; basiert; bedingungen; beendigung; beginn; begriff; beispielsweise; bereits; besonders; bestehender; besteht; beteiligen; betrachtet; bewaffnete gruppen; bewaffneten; bis; building; burma; ceasefire; chance; conflict; council; dabei; daher; damaligen; damit; darauf; das; dass; dazu; dem; democracy; democratic; den; der; der kachin; der regierung; der unfc; deren; des; deutlich; deutschland; die; diese; dkba; durch; durchaus; ehemaligen; eine; engels; ereignisse; erfahrungen; ergebnisse; ethnic; ethnischen; etwa; fall; federal; force; forderungen; forschung; frieden; friedensinitiative; friedensprozess; friedensverhandlungen; funktionär; führen; führt; führungskreise; führungspersönlichkeiten; für; für die; gegenüber; general; globalen; government; groups; große; gruppen; gruppen und; gründung; habe; handeln; hat; hatte; hearts; heißt; hochrangiger; hrsg; human; häufig; ihnen; ihre; indem; independence; innerhalb; institute; international; interpretation; interpretieren; interview; interviewpartnerinnen; investment; investorinnen; ist; jahren; jedoch; journal; juni; kachin; kampf; kann; karen; kaum; keenan; kia; kio; knla; knu; konfliktes; konfliktparteien; kowalewski; kämpferinnen; können; machtverhältnisse; mai; manerplaw; marginalisierung; mehr; menschen; militär; militärherrschaft; militärische; militärregierung; misstrauen; mit; mit der; mitte; motive; myanmar; myanmarische; möglich; müssen; nach; nahestehende; national; nationalities; nationalitäten; nationwide; neuen; new; news; nicht; niederlegung; november; nur; oder; oktober; organisationen; organization; paper; peace; personen; perspektive; persönliches; political; politische; press; process; prozent; przeworski; reformen; reformprozess; regelung; regierung; regierung und; relevanten; research; rights; schlichte; schutz; seit; shwe; sich; sie; sina; sind; situation; skeptisch; sollen; somit; sondern; south; sowie; staat; state; steinberg; strategie; strategy; studies; tatmadaw; thailand; transformation; transformationsprozesse; transition; transitionsprozess; trotz; trust; und; und bewaffnete; und der; unfc; union; united; unter; unterstützung; uwsa; verbesserung; verhandlungsteam; versuch; vertrauen; vertreter; vertreterinnen; veränderungen; von; vor; vormachtstellung; waffenstillstandsabkommen; waffenstillstandsvereinbarungen; war; watch; wenige; wenn; werden; widerstand; widerstandsbewegungen; wie; wird; wirtschaftliche; wurde; während; zeigen; zeigt; zensus; ziel; zivilbevölkerung; zugegriffen; zum; zur; zwar; zwei; zwischen; ökonomische; über; überwiegend cache: aseas-2596.pdf plain text: aseas-2596.txt item: #156 of 325 id: aseas-2597 author: Adam, Jeroen; Verbrugge, Boris title: Informal Conflict Management in Exclusivist Political Orders: Some Observations on Central Mindanao date: 2014-06-15 words: 6621 flesch: 46 summary: Informal conflict management in exclusivist political orders: Some ob- servations on Central Mindanao. Considering the positive atmosphere that has surrounded the recent consultations between the MILF and the GRP, it is generally expected that this BBL will be finished 63Informal Conflict Management in Exclusivist Political Orders Notwithstanding the notable progress made in these negotiations, important questions remain with regards to their impact on the everyday security situation in Mindanao, where a broad variety of local conflicts continue to proliferate. keywords: actors; adam; agreement; alternative; amicable; analysis; approach; argument; armed; aseas; asia; authority; bangsamoro; barangay; boris; building; case; central; chairman; civil; coercive; complex; conflict; conflict management; control; cotabato; council; degree; development; different; disputes; ecology; exclusivist; executive; foundation; governance; government; group; high; human; important; informal; institutions; international; jeroen; justice; legitimacy; level; local; management; manila; mayor; mechanisms; mediation; milf; mindanao; mnlf; municipal; muslim; national; negotiations; non; observation; order; organizations; particular; peace; philippines; political; politics; power; practices; process; range; rebel; region; republic; research; role; security; settlement; sidel; society; southern; state; studies; support; taf; torres; traditional; united; university; verbrugge; village; violence; violent cache: aseas-2597.pdf plain text: aseas-2597.txt item: #157 of 325 id: aseas-2598 author: Beckert, Barbara; Dittrich, Christoph; Adiwibowo, Soeryo title: Contested Land: An Analysis of Multi-Layered Conflicts in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia date: 2014-06-15 words: 8214 flesch: 51 summary: By highlighting the path dependency of land conflicts, the article shows that access to land results from concurring but ambivalent institutional regimes and power asymmetries, leading to an ostensible state of equilibrium in a post-frontier area. This quote illustrates the severity of land conflicts on the village level as each ‘time bomb’ represents one major land conflict. keywords: access; actors; adat; adiwibowo; analysis; area; aseas; asiatic; asiatic persada; barbara; barr; batanghari; batin; batin sembilan; beckert; bungku; change; christoph; claims; colchester; communities; companies; company; concept; concession; conflicts; conservation; contested; control; customary; der; development; different; district; dittrich; dutch; economic; following; forest; forestry; frontier; germany; government; groups; göttingen; harapan; hectares; hein; hutan; indigeneity; indigenous; indonesia; international; jambi; jambi province; jiwan; land; land conflicts; large; law; layered; local; logging; lund; ministry; multi; natural; new; oil; palm; paper; peluso; people; persada; place; plantation; policy; political; population; post; power; province; pt asiatic; rainforest; reki; research; resources; ribot; rights; rubber; scale; sector; sembilan; social; soeryo; southeast; state; steinebach; struggle; studies; suharto; sumatra; timber; time; today; transformation; transmigration; und; university; use; village; wilmar cache: aseas-2598.pdf plain text: aseas-2598.txt item: #158 of 325 id: aseas-2599 author: Duile, Timo title: Naturkonzepte und indigene Identitätsentwürfe im Kontext ökologischer Konflikte in Kalimantan date: 2014-06-15 words: 8716 flesch: 51 summary: In der Selbstdarstellung der Dayak dient der Verweis auf diese andere Ontologie letztlich auch der politischen Strategie der Bestimmung des Dayak-Seins und dem Aufbau eines gegenhegemonialen Naturverständnisses. Die Dayak sind daher kulturell und linguistisch betrachtet eine überaus heterogene Gruppe, allein in West-Kalimantan hat keywords: 1980er; 2014; aber; adat; akteurinnen; alcon; alle; als; alternative; analyse; anbau; andere; anhand; animismus; annehmen; argumente; artikel; aseas; asia; auch; auf; auf das; auf den; aufgrund; aufsatz; aus; bamba; beckmann; beispiele; beispielsweise; benda; berlin; beruht; besonders; betrachtet; bewohnerinnen; bewusstsein; bezug; biodiversity; bloße; borneo; conservation; dabei; dagegen; daher; damit; dann; darf; das; das die; dass; dayak; dayakologi; dazu; daß; dem; dementsprechend; den; denen; der; der dayak; der natur; der sich; des; descola; deutschland; development; dichotomie; die; diese; dimension; diskurse; dorf; duile; durch; eaton; ecological; eigene; einbindung; eine; eingebunden; entitäten; entwicklung; episteme; epistemic; epistemische; erhalten; erscheint; erst; eza; fall; finden; folgenden; forest; form; frage; führt; für; für die; geht; geist; geistes; gemeinschaften; gerade; gesellschaft; gezeigt; gibt; gleiche; globalen; grundlage; gönner; haben; handelt; hat; haus; hegemonialen; hier; hrsg; human; identitätsentwürfe; ihm; ihnen; ihre; immer; indem; indigene; indigenous; indonesien; indonesischen; insel; institut; integriert; intentionalität; interiorität; interview; ist; ist der; ist die; jahren; jedoch; john; kalimantan; kann; kapitalistische; knowledge; konflikte; kontext; kultur; können; letztlich; liegt; local; lokalen; london; lässt; macht; management; materie; mehr; menschen; menschlichen; mit; mit der; momberg; muss; märkte; müssen; nach; nachhaltig; nachhaltigkeit; natur; natur als; natur und; naturalismus; naturbegriff; naturkonzepte; naturkonzeptionen; neben; nennt; new; nicht; nieuwenhuis; noch; norden; noyan; nro; nur; oder; oft; oil; ontologie; orang; ordnung; ordnungen; ort; palmölplantagen; people; perspective; persönliches; pflanzen; philippe; physikalität; politics; politische; pontianak; press; publikationen; pye; reh; research; resilience; resource; rolle; schreibt; seele; sein; seit; selbst; sich; sich auf; sich die; sie; siehe; sind; sinne; social; soll; sollen; somit; sondern; southeast; sowie; stellt; strategie; stärker; symbolische; systems; teil; tiere; timo; transformation; trennung; umwelt; und; und indigene; uns; unter; unterschiede; verlag; vgl; vom; von; von der; von natur; vor; wahrnehmung; wald; weil; weltsystem; wenn; werden; west; westlichen; wie; wieder; wird; wirkmächtig; wirtschaftliche; wissen; wurde; wwf; während; zugegriffen; zugrunde; zum; zunächst; zur; zwar; zwischen; ähnliche; ökologische; ökonomisch; ölpalmen; über; übersetzung cache: aseas-2599.pdf plain text: aseas-2599.txt item: #159 of 325 id: aseas-2600 author: Khoo, Ying Hooi title: Mobilization Potential and Democratization Processes of the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih) in Malaysia: An Interview With Hishamuddin Rais date: 2014-06-15 words: 4109 flesch: 69 summary: Sometimes the functions are just for Bersih, like Bersih Johor Bah- ru and Bersih Malacca. I think that Bersih became popular because Bersih opposition challenged (melawan) the state and Bersih moved to the streets. keywords: 13th; abdullah; aseas; badawi; barisan; bersih; bersih movement; clean; coalition; demands; democratization; die; elections; electoral; example; fair; general; himpunan; hishamuddin; hooi; important; interview; isham; khoo; kl112; kuala; leadership; lumpur; malaysia; media; mobilization; movement; nasional; ngos; opposition; organization; parliament; parties; party; people; period; political; potential; processes; protests; rais; rakyat; social; street; support; time; tribunal; und; ying cache: aseas-2600.pdf plain text: aseas-2600.txt item: #160 of 325 id: aseas-2602 author: Kóczán-Vörös, Viola title: Book Review: Wintle, C. (2013). Colonial Collecting and Display. Encounters With Material Culture From the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. date: 2014-06-15 words: 1367 flesch: 43 summary: The volume investigates the biography of a set of objects such as dishes, clothes, jewelry as well as zoomorphic and anthropomorphic figures made by the indigenous peoples of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the era of British colonization between 1858 and 1949. Colonial Collecting and Display is a must read for anyone interested in the peoples and material culture of India as well as the Nicobar and Andaman Islands. keywords: andaman; andaman islands; author; book; brighton; chapter; claire; collecting; colonial; culture; display; encounters; exhibition; indigenous; islands; material; museum; new; nicobar; nicobar islands; objects; peoples; personal; wintle cache: aseas-2602.pdf plain text: aseas-2602.txt item: #161 of 325 id: aseas-2603 author: Chen, Kai title: Book Review: Mietzner, M. (Ed.) (2013). The Political Resurgence of the Military in Southeast Asia: Conflict and Leadership. date: 2014-06-15 words: 1148 flesch: 49 summary: Chapter 1 illustrates the literature of military resurgence in Southeast Asia and outlines the book's content. Indeed, insecurity caused by the tensions between militaries and ethnic-based militias is also one of the main reasons for military resurgence in Southeast Asia. keywords: asia; case; civil; civilian; ethnic; leadership; militaries; military; militias; myanmar; political; relations; resurgence; southeast; southeast asia; tatmadaw; volume cache: aseas-2603.pdf plain text: aseas-2603.txt item: #162 of 325 id: aseas-2604 author: Missbach, Antje; Myrttinen, Henry title: Imagining Indonesia From Afar: Exploratory Thoughts on Utopian, Nostalgic, and Embodied Longing for the Homeland date: 2014-12-15 words: 2277 flesch: 47 summary: Discussion Paper Series No.1, Indonesia Diaspora Network – Research and Development (IDN – R&D), December 2013. By not limiting our gaze to more or less established diasporic groups with in- ternet presence and regular media outlets, this special issue seeks to also include less formalized and temporary group activities of Indonesians overseas that complement the already existing assemblies of Indonesian homeland narratives and imaginaries. keywords: 44(1; activism; afar; affairs; antje; august; better; case; country; diaspora; diasporic; east; exile; hearman; henri; homeland; imaginaries; indonesia; issue; journal; long; malaysian; meel; missbach; myrttinen; overseas; past; people; political; politics; review; social; society; special; studies; time; utomo; utopias cache: aseas-2604.pdf plain text: aseas-2604.txt item: #163 of 325 id: aseas-2605 author: Hertzman, Emily title: Returning to the Kampung Halaman: Limitations of Cosmopolitan Transnational Aspirations Among Hakka Chinese Indonesians Overseas date: 2014-12-15 words: 10124 flesch: 51 summary: However, when he meets Chinese people, including his Cantonese boss, he tells them he is Chinese Indonesian, and speaks Mandarin and Hakka, downplaying the Indonesian aspects of his identity, and emphasizing the ethnically Chinese aspects in order to find acceptance and a common ground. When people from Singkawang travel to countries with other groups of Chinese people, the politics of these sub-ethnic group stereotypes play out in terms of how they are perceived by locals and therefore whom they feel comfortable asso- ciating and communicating with.14 As a way of refuting these negative stereotypes of Hakka sub-ethnic identity, people frequently cite the fact that some famous people including Sun Yat-Sen, Deng Xiaoping, and Lee Kuan Yew were/are Hakka. keywords: 7(2; ability; able; appadurai; aseas; asia; aspects; aspirations; boss; business; capital; characterizations; children; china; chinese; chinese indonesians; city; class; common; communities; community; connections; context; cosmopolitan; cultural; culture; daily; desire; different; difficult; discourse; eating; economic; emily; ethnic; ethnicity; experience; fact; families; family; fantasies; food; foreign; forms; friends; government; groups; hakka; hakka chinese; halaman; hertzman; home; hong; hopes; host; identity; imaginings; individuals; indonesian; international; kalimantan; kampung; kinds; kong; korea; labor; language; limitations; limited; lives; living; local; long; malaysia; mandarin; marginality; members; middle; migrants; migration; mobility; money; multiple; negative; networks; new; order; overseas; overseas chinese; people; places; politics; population; possible; practices; realities; research; return; school; self; singapore; singkawang; small; social; societies; society; southeast; space; status; study; sub; successful; susanto; taiwan; talk; term; time; town; transnational; travel; university; west; workers; working; world; years; york cache: aseas-2605.pdf plain text: aseas-2605.txt item: #164 of 325 id: aseas-2606 author: Utomo, Ariane title: Mother Tongue, Mothering, and (Transnational) Identity: Indonesian Mothers in Canberra, Australia date: 2014-12-15 words: 8759 flesch: 50 summary: Here, I present my relatively recent involvement in a community organization that aims at promoting native language (Bahasa Indonesia) use in early childhood among young second-generation children of Indonesian migrant mothers. Mother tongue, mothering, and (transnational) identity: Indonesian mothers in Can- berra, Australia. ASEAS – Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 7(2), 165-182. keywords: 7(2; aged; ancestry; approach; ariane; article; aseas; asian; australian; background; bahasa; bahasa indonesia; canberra; capital; children; classes; club; collective; community; context; cultural; culture; dance; daughter; diaspora; early; efforts; english; ethnic; example; experience; families; family; figure; formation; gender; generation; groups; home; husband; identities; identity; indonesian; indonesian mothers; intermarriage; international; interviews; jakarta; journal; language; language retention; levitt; life; linguistic; literature; married; migrant; migrant mothers; migration; minority; motherhood; mothering; mothers; native; networks; new; organization; overseas; parenting; parents; patterns; people; percent; population; practices; public; relationship; research; retention; review; role; scholarship; school; second; sleep; small; social; son; speaking; statistics; studies; study; time; tongue; transmission; transnational; transnational identities; university; use; utomo; west; women; work; working; years; young cache: aseas-2606.pdf plain text: aseas-2606.txt item: #165 of 325 id: aseas-2607 author: Hasyim, Syafiq title: Challenging a Home Country: A Preliminary Account of Indonesian Student Activism in Berlin, Germany date: 2014-12-15 words: 7919 flesch: 52 summary: This set of written material and oral histories allow for a closer insight in the activism of Indonesian students abroad.2 INDONESIAN STUDENT ACTIVISM IN GERMANY UNTIL THE FALL OF SUHARTO Student activism refers to a series of collective actions outside learning and educa- tional undertakings, which are oriented towards contributing to the change of unjust political, social, and cultural circumstances surrounding them. Challenging a home country: A preliminary account of Indonesian student activism in Berlin, Germany. keywords: 1970s; 7(2; active; activism; activists; activities; addition; aktivismus; aseas; asia; aspinall; association; berlin; bintang; brotherhood; center; central; communication; communist; community; consulate; country; critical; current; democracy; demonstration; dpr; east; eds; embassy; era; establishment; falah; forkom; forum; gdr; germany; groups; hadar; hasyim; home; human; idea; incident; indonesian; indonesian muslim; indonesian student; instance; islamic; issue; ivan; jakarta; kartawidjaja; learning; media; members; mosque; muslim; muslim students; national; netherlands; new; order; organization; pamungkas; pancasila; partai; parties; party; personal; pipit; pks; political; politics; position; ppi; ppi berlin; ppme; president; press; protest; public; regime; religious; rights; rochijat; role; scholarly; senior; social; sri; stance; state; student; student activism; studies; study; suharto; syafiq; time; ulama; und; university; visit; von; wahid; watch; west; world cache: aseas-2607.pdf plain text: aseas-2607.txt item: #166 of 325 id: aseas-2608 author: Askland, Hedda Haugen title: East Timorese in Australia: Affective Relations, Identity, and Belonging in a Time of Political Crisis date: 2014-12-15 words: 9646 flesch: 54 summary: More specifically, it explores how a group of East Timorese exiles living in Mel- bourne, Australia, who left East Timor or were born in exile from the time of the 1975 civil war up to the end of the Indonesian occupation of the territory in 1999, was affected by the 2006–2007 political conflict in East Timor. The thought of East Timorese fighting East Timorese, of East Timorese people themselves causing suffering and pain to the nation’s young and old, had been a distant fear, for many too surreal to consider a possibility. keywords: 2006–2007; 7(2; affective; anthropology; article; aseas; askland; associated; australia; boundaries; bourdieu; campaign; character; chen; communal; communities; community; conflict; continued; country; crisis; cultural; der; development; diaspora; dili; discourses; east; east timorese; emotional; emotions; engagement; events; exiles; experience; family; feelings; fieldwork; form; fox; friends; future; group; guilt; habitus; haugen; hedda; homeland; homes; identities; identity; independence; individuals; leste; life; lives; living; logic; melbourne; members; nation; national; negotiation; occupation; past; people; phenomenology; political; political crisis; practice; press; probyn; process; reality; reciprocity; refugees; relation; responses; return; role; self; sense; shame; social; socio; sphere; struggle; subsequent; suffering; symbolic; theory; time; timorese; timorese community; timorese exiles; timorese people; translocal; traube; und; university; violence; von; wise; world; years cache: aseas-2608.pdf plain text: aseas-2608.txt item: #167 of 325 id: aseas-2609 author: Chaplin, Chris title: Imagining the Land of the Two Holy Mosques: The Social and Doctrinal Importance of Saudi Arabia in Indonesian Salafi Discourse date: 2014-12-15 words: 10610 flesch: 50 summary: 233Imagining the Land of the Two Holy Mosques CONCLUDING REMARKS The relationship between Salafi religious discourse and the imagined ideal of the Arabian Peninsula provides an interesting case study of both socio-political imagi- naries and contemporary religious movement. Global Salafism: Islam’s new religious movement. keywords: 7(2; able; abu; actors; albani; anonymous; arabia; aseas; asia; atsary; authority; baz; bin; cambridge; case; chaplin; chris; communication; concerns; contemporary; corruption; different; discourse; educational; example; fact; fatwa; financial; focus; followers; foundation; framing; funding; future; global; government; group; hadith; hasan; hassim; hejaz; historical; holy; icbb; ideal; idealized; identity; imaginary; importance; indonesia; informant; institutions; international; islamic; islamiyah; issues; jafar; jama’ah; kajian; kingdom; land; learning; lectures; legitimacy; level; life; linkages; local; madinah; mecca; modern; mosques; movement; muhammad; muhammadiyah; multi; muslims; need; new; nida; non; order; particular; people; personal; piety; pivotal; place; point; political; practice; press; propagation; reference; relation; religion; religious; ridwan; salafi; salafism; saudi; saudi arabia; scholars; school; set; similar; social; society; socio; southeast; state; students; studies; study; suharto; sunnah; term; terrorism; thought; turots; ulama; und; university; use; variety; wahdah; ways; wider; works; world; yemen; yogyakarta; ypia cache: aseas-2609.pdf plain text: aseas-2609.txt item: #168 of 325 id: aseas-2610 author: Missbach, Antje title: Seeing Indonesia From Behind Bars: An Interview With Vannessa Hearman date: 2014-12-15 words: 2399 flesch: 60 summary: Sometimes other prisoners received letters but were uninterested in letter writing, and so Lestario (and others, too) might have taken over replying and adopting the writers as their pen friends instead. Letters prisoners wrote to their families are not publicly available, as many family members probably still feel concerned about disclosing that they had rela- tives in prison. keywords: able; amnesty; antje; bars; book; die; east; family; friends; gatot; hearman; indonesia; international; interview; java; left; lestario; letters; melbourne; missbach; new; order; pen; personal; political; prison; prisoners; regime; research; suharto; und; university; vannessa; world; writing cache: aseas-2610.pdf plain text: aseas-2610.txt item: #169 of 325 id: aseas-2612 author: Nasrat, Sayed title: Book Review: Ear, S. (2013). Aid Dependence in Cambodia: How Foreign Assistance Undermines Democracy. date: 2014-12-15 words: 1561 flesch: 49 summary: Ear claims that aid dependence is the main obstacle for Cambodia’s ownership of development and links foreign aid flows with the government’s political reluctance to tax; and without taxation, the link between the government and electorate is broken. Chapter 2 describes the recent economic growth in Cambodia and shows the ineffectiveness of foreign aid and government policies in three main economic sectors (garment, rice, and livestock). keywords: aid; author; book; cambodia; chapter; corruption; country; democracy; dependence; development; donors; ear; economic; euroseas; foreign; good; governance; high; information; international; main; panel; paper; registration; rice; tax cache: aseas-2612.pdf plain text: aseas-2612.txt item: #170 of 325 id: aseas-2613 author: Voßemer, Christiane; Ehlert, Judith; Proyer, Michelle; Guth, Ralph title: Sovereignties of Food: Political Struggle and Life-World Encounters in Southeast Asia date: 2015-06-13 words: 2658 flesch: 49 summary: This obviously raises complex questions about food and health and has led several states in the region to adopt a discourse of food sovereignty, re-evoking the need for a strong developmental state as a guardian over food safety and accessibility as argued by Lassa and Shrestha (2014) for Indonesia. The contributions enquire into very different struggles and sites of food sovereignty exploring the meanings of ‘the right to define own food and agricultural systems’, as well as the plural ‘sovereignties’ of food related to the multiple actors, topics, understandings and practices of food sovereignty Three articles in this issue discuss different struggles for what we may broadly call food sovereignty based on empirical studies into settings as diverse as a remote peas- ant community in Indonesia, soup-pot restaurants in Phnom Pen, and a network of activists in the north of Thailand promoting alternative forms of agriculture. keywords: agrarian; agriculture; alternative; article; aseas; asia; change; christiane; context; current; development; discourse; ehlert; food; food sovereignty; global; guth; international; issue; journal; judith; life; local; mcmichael; michelle; movement; new; peasant; political; politics; production; proyer; ralph; regime; region; research; rice; scale; social; southeast; sovereignties; sovereignty; struggles; studies; transnational; university; voßemer; world cache: aseas-2613.pdf plain text: aseas-2613.txt item: #171 of 325 id: aseas-2614 author: Ehlert, Judith; Voßemer, Christiane title: Food Sovereignty and Conceptualization of Agency: A Methodological Discussion date: 2015-06-15 words: 9560 flesch: 42 summary: Food sovereignty and conceptualization of agency: From an actor-oriented perspective, the article presents a methodological reflec- tion of the concept of food sovereignty in opposition to the concept of food security, both agendas highly relevant in terms of food policies in Southeast Asia. keywords: action; actors; agency; agenda; agriculture; aid; analysis; approach; arenas; aseas; asia; capitalist; change; christiane; claims; collective; conceptualization; consumers; context; corporate; critical; critique; current; daily; development; different; discussion; distribution; diverse; economic; economy; eds; ehlert; everyday; example; farmers; focus; following; food; food policies; food regime; food security; food sovereignty; forms; framework; friedmann; gendered; germany; giddens; global; global food; global south; green; household; industrial; international; journal; judith; knowledge; lachenmann; life; local; london; long; mcmichael; methodological; modernization; movement; negotiation; new; organization; paradigm; particular; patel; peasant; peasantry; people; perspectives; policies; political; politics; power; powerful; practices; press; processes; producers; production; programs; regime; relations; research; role; rural; security; security regime; social; sociology; south; southeast; sovereignty movement; spaces; state; structural; struggle; studies; subsistence; system; theory; time; understanding; university; vietnam; view; voßemer; world cache: aseas-2614.pdf plain text: aseas-2614.txt item: #172 of 325 id: aseas-2615 author: Cuevas, Sophia Maria Mable; Fernandez, Juan Emmanuel Capiral; Olvida, Imelda de Guzman title: Where Peasants Are Kings: Food Sovereignty in the Tagbanua Traditional Subsistence System date: 2015-06-15 words: 8123 flesch: 54 summary: Open-ended ethnographic interviews and focus group discussions with Tagbanua farmers as well as migrant, non-Tagbanua residents were conducted in order to explore the role of swidden cul- tivation in ensuring food sovereignty in the Tagbanua villages. In order to reach a more in-depth understanding of the current role of swidden agriculture among Tagbanua farmers, the research explores the complex meanings and functions related to the cultivation of the swidden. keywords: agriculture; ancestral; aporawan; area; article; aseas; barangay; belief; change; children; city; communities; community; crops; cuevas; cultivation; cultural; daan; desmarais; development; different; diwata; employment; ethnographic; families; family; farmers; farming; fernandez; field; food; food sovereignty; forest; government; harvest; household; identity; imelda; income; indigenous; institute; juan; kings; knowledge; labor; life; lifeworld; livelihood; local; m. m.; market; niño; non; olvida; order; palawan; parents; peasants; people; philippines; php; planting; plants; population; poverty; practices; press; production; program; public; quezon; research; rice; rituals; root; season; security; seeds; self; sitio; skills; social; sophia; sovereignty; study; subsistence; swidden; swidden agriculture; system; tagbanua; tagbanua farmers; term; time; traditional; und; upland; varieties; villages; wiebe; wittman; women; work; year cache: aseas-2615.pdf plain text: aseas-2615.txt item: #173 of 325 id: aseas-2616 author: Feuer, Hart Nadav title: Urban Brokers of Rural Cuisine: Assembling National Cuisine at Cambodian Soup-Pot Restaurants date: 2015-06-15 words: 10585 flesch: 55 summary: pot restaurants consistently reported that they expect the chef to arrange the dishes to complement each other in a balanced way that follows dietary customs (and avoids food taboos, such as serving steamed rice without soup to wash it down). In the quotes below, the inertia behind the abstract of Khmer cuisine becomes apparent: I like to try many kinds of new food, but to fill my belly every day I still prefer Khmer food. keywords: 8(1; age; agriculture; appadurai; aseas; asia; atmosphere; availability; background; bai; balanced; basis; brokers; cambodia; case; change; chef; city; class; communication; cooking; countries; cuisine; culinary; cultural; customers; customs; day; demand; dietary; diners; dining; dishes; diversity; dwellers; dynamics; eating; economic; everyday; example; expectations; experience; fact; family; farrer; female; feuer; figure; fish; food; fresh; fruit; globalization; haan; habits; hart; home; hygiene; identity; ingredients; institute; journal; khmer; learning; life; like; local; long; lower; male; market; meals; middle; month; national; national cuisine; nature; new; nexus; non; nutrition; order; order restaurants; owner; paper; patrons; penh; people; percent; personal; phnom; phnom penh; place; popular; popularity; pot; pot restaurants; prepared; produce; products; quality; range; relative; research; restaurants; restaurateurs; rice; rural; rural cuisine; seasonality; set; setting; singapore; social; socio; soup; studies; table; time; tourism; types; und; urban; urbanization; use; vegetables; way; week; world cache: aseas-2616.pdf plain text: aseas-2616.txt item: #174 of 325 id: aseas-2617 author: Heis, Alexandra title: The Alternative Agriculture Network Isan and Its Struggle for Food Sovereignty – a Food Regime Perspective of Agricultural Relations of Production in Northeast Thailand date: 2015-06-15 words: 10117 flesch: 46 summary: This paper uses the food regime analysis to visualize relations of domination and ex- ploitation within the realm of food production and supply. In our case, it is mainly issues of health impact, the ecological effect, and the social relations of food production that carry conflictual potential or where renegotiation is most visible. keywords: aan; aan isan; activities; agrarian; agriculture; agriculture network; alexandra; alternative; analysis; aseas; aspects; assembly; campbell; care; center; certification; chains; citizenship; communication; community; concept; consumers; context; corporate; crisis; cultural; current; desmarais; development; discourse; dixon; ecological; economic; economy; eds; effects; environmental; example; expert; farmers; farming; focus; food; food production; food regime; food sovereignty; foundation; fresh; friedmann; global; goss; green; group; health; heis; huang; human; identity; independent; interest; involved; isan; issues; journal; legitimation; local; major; marketing; markets; mcmichael; means; members; moral; movements; national; nature; network; network isan; new; northeast; october; organic; organization; paper; peasants; people; personal; political; politics; poor; power; producers; production; products; province; public; regime; relations; research; resistance; retail; rice; rural; sangkumchaliang; scale; sector; seed; self; shankar; small; social; south; sovereignty; specific; strategies; struggle; studies; supply; sustainable; thailand; time; ubon; wittman; world; yasothon cache: aseas-2617.pdf plain text: aseas-2617.txt item: #175 of 325 id: aseas-2618 author: Heckelman, Amber A.; Wittman, Hannah title: Food Sovereignty: A Framework for Assessing Agrarian Responses to Climate Change in the Philippines date: 2015-06-15 words: 3212 flesch: 45 summary: the emphasis on the social and ecological benefits of localizing food systems; 4. The principles of food sovereignty provide a framework for developing a systems- based approach that can assess food security and climate resiliency among agrarian communities. keywords: agrarian; agricultural; agroecological; altieri; amber; approach; assessment; change; climate; climate change; communities; development; environment; farmers; figure; food; food security; food sovereignty; framework; hannah; health; heckelman; international; knowledge; land; masipag; nations; network; new; perfecto; philippines; poverty; principles; research; resiliency; resources; rice; security; smallholder; sovereignty; strategies; studies; sustainable; systems; united; vandermeer; varieties; wittman; world cache: aseas-2618.pdf plain text: aseas-2618.txt item: #176 of 325 id: aseas-2619 author: Einzenberger, Rainer; Hochmuth, Michaela title: “Plant Some Plants, Plant Some Hope, Plant Some Future”. Urban Gardening at Lingnan University of Hong Kong: An Interview with Prof. Kin-Chi Lau date: 2015-06-15 words: 4343 flesch: 64 summary: Einzenberger: How important is healthy (organic) food for Hong Kong people, and is it affordable? Lau: Organic food from abroad is available in certain supermarkets in Hong Kong for the upper and middle classes, and organic vegetables are even imported from mainland China to Hong Kong. keywords: aseas; asia; campus; certain; change; china; cultural; different; einzenberger; example; farming; food; gardeners; gardening; global; group; harvest; hochmuth; hong; hong kong; idea; interview; issues; kin; kind; kong; lau; lingnan; local; mainland; michaela; movements; need; organic; people; plant; problems; prof; program; project; question; rainer; rural; soil; south; sovereignty; students; studies; sustainability; time; transition; und; university; urban cache: aseas-2619.pdf plain text: aseas-2619.txt item: #177 of 325 id: aseas-2620 author: Spandler, Kilian title: Building Interregional Networks Among Young Researchers: IFAIR’s 2nd EU-ASEAN Perspectives Dialogue date: 2015-06-15 words: 1088 flesch: 43 summary: 2nd EU-ASEAN Perspectives Dialogue Kilian Spandler ► Spandler, K. (2015). 2nd EU-ASEAN Perspectives Dialogue. keywords: academic; asean; conference; dialogue; euap; global; ifair; interregional; networks; online; paper; perspectives; phase; policy; potential; project; regions; research; researchers; spandler; young cache: aseas-2620.pdf plain text: aseas-2620.txt item: #178 of 325 id: aseas-2621 author: Duile, Timo title: Book Review: Pichler, M. (2014). Politische Ökologie der Palmöl- und Agrartreibstoffproduktion in Südostasien. date: 2015-06-15 words: 1294 flesch: 39 summary: Melanie Pichler hat eine Studie vorgelegt, die nicht nur für WissenschaftlerIn- nen interessant ist, sondern auch wichtige Anregungen für die politische Arbeit von Umwelt-, Entwicklungs- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen geben kann, indem der systemische Charakter der Probleme, die das Akkumulationsregime verursacht, aufgedeckt wird. Ein zentraler Aspekt des Buches ist dann die Untersuchung zu den Konflikten um die Kontrolle und Aneignung von Land. keywords: akkumulationsregime; akteurinnen; als; analysiert; auch; auf; aus; autorin; book; dabei; dass; dem; den; der; des; deutlich; die; diese; duile; durch; eine; für; gruppen; hat; hier; ihre; indonesien; innerhalb; interessen; ist; kann; land; malaysia; melanie; mit; natur; nicht; nun; palmöl; pichler; politische; rahmen; regionalen; review; rspo; sich; sie; sind; sowohl; staat; studie; südostasien; terrain; umkämpftes; und; untersuchung; von; werden; wie; wird; zeigt; zum; ökologie cache: aseas-2621.pdf plain text: aseas-2621.txt item: #179 of 325 id: aseas-2622 author: Benedikter, Simon; Köster, Ute title: Book Review: Gravers, M., & Flemming, Y. (Eds.). (2014). Burma/Myanmar—Where now? date: 2015-06-15 words: 2428 flesch: 46 summary: While the preceding part describes changes due to political reforms, this section analyzes the challenges inherent in the current transformation and legacies of the past. The Southeast Asian country gained sad notoriety through po- litical repression, massive human rights abuses, armed conflicts, socioeconomic decline, and extreme poverty. keywords: armed; benedikter; book; building; burma; ceasefire; civil; colonial; conflict; country; current; democratization; development; economy; ethnic; flemming; government; gravers; groups; history; human; issues; kachin; karen; köster; long; military; myanmar; new; order; peace; policy; political; process; reforms; regional; resources; review; rights; situation; society; south; state; union; ytzen cache: aseas-2622.pdf plain text: aseas-2622.txt item: #180 of 325 id: aseas-2623 author: Dolezal, Claudia; Trupp, Alexander title: Tourism and Development in Southeast Asia date: 2015-12-28 words: 3437 flesch: 49 summary: Tourism and development in Southeast Asia. Tourism is no longer only regarded as a mere income generator, creator of jobs, or socio-cultural phenomenon, but also serves as a tool to fos- ter beneficial and locally driven development in all its dimensions (Scheyvens, 2002). keywords: alternative; aseas; asia; bali; benefits; cbt; challenges; claudia; community; copenhagen; cultural; development; dolezal; economic; eds; forms; goals; heritage; hitchcock; impacts; indonesia; issues; journal; king; local; national; new; parnwell; poverty; press; research; residents; social; southeast; southeast asia; studies; study; sustainable; thailand; tool; tourism; trupp; university; unwto; vietnam; world cache: aseas-2623.pdf plain text: aseas-2623.txt item: #181 of 325 id: aseas-2624 author: Truong, V. Dao; Hall, C. Michael title: Exploring the Poverty Reduction Potential of Social Marketing in Tourism Development date: 2015-12-28 words: 8758 flesch: 54 summary: Exploring the poverty reduction potential of social marketing in tour- ism development. Although social marketing has been demonstrated to be an effective tool of behavior change in a variety of contexts, its poverty reduction potential in tourism development has captured limited research attention. keywords: 8(2; agencies; alleviation; approach; area; aseas; audience; authority; barriers; behavior; businesses; case; causes; change; commune; community; dao; development; different; e.g.; economic; ethnic; exchange; families; farming; focus; government; hall; handicrafts; hanoi; income; interventions; interviewees; journal; kinh; kotler; lack; land; lee; limited; loans; local; local people; main; majority; marketing; means; michael; needs; new; number; paper; people; policy; poor; poor people; potential; poverty; poverty alleviation; poverty reduction; programs; reduction; research; rice; routledge; sapa; sellers; social; social marketing; study; sustainable; target; terms; tourism; tourism development; tourists; town; truong; understanding; van; vietnam; women cache: aseas-2624.pdf plain text: aseas-2624.txt item: #182 of 325 id: aseas-2625 author: Erb, Maribeth title: Sailing to Komodo: Contradictions of Tourism and Development in Eastern Indonesia date: 2015-12-28 words: 11427 flesch: 56 summary: TOURISM EVENTS, TOURISM PROMOTION, AND UNDERSTANDINGS OF TOURISM IN WESTERN FLORES Let us hope that every cent that drops from the hands of tourists will fall into the pockets of people here in Labuan Bajo. They suggested creating a permanent calendar of tourism events to be published on their website so that tourists could plan their jour- neys around these events. keywords: 1990s; 8(2; aseas; asia; bajo; bali; bangkit; benefit; board; central; ceremony; cole; communities; contradictions; countries; cultural; development; different; district; domestic; duffy; eastern; eastern indonesia; economic; economy; eds; erb; event; example; farmers; figure; flores; focus; foreign; government; head; hotel; idea; impact; indonesia; industry; international; investors; islands; july; komodo; komodo national; kupang; labuan; labuan bajo; land; level; local; london; major; management; manggarai; maribeth; means; mega; money; national; natural; new; ntt; numbers; officials; order; outside; park; participants; people; places; policy; poor; potential; produce; province; provincial; regions; remote; research; richter; routledge; sail; sail indonesia; sail komodo; sailors; september; small; smith; social; southeast; studies; support; time; tourism; tourism board; tourism development; tourism events; tourists; town; understanding; visitors; way; western; wonders; world; years cache: aseas-2625.pdf plain text: aseas-2625.txt item: #183 of 325 id: aseas-2626 author: Dolezal, Claudia title: The Tourism Encounter in Community-Based Tourism in Northern Thailand: Empty Meeting Ground or Space for Change? date: 2015-12-28 words: 11458 flesch: 56 summary: A critical look at community based tourism. Community based tourism in Namibia: ‘Reality show’ or ‘window dress- ing’? keywords: 8(2; analysis; annals; anthropology; aseas; authentic; bmk; boonratana; cbt; change; claudia; communication; communities; community; contact; context; cultural; culture; development; difference; dolezal; duim; economic; eds; empirical; empowerment; encounter; example; exotic; family; female; form; french; gaze; grounds; guest; harvest; homestay; host; interactions; journal; knowledge; language; learning; life; local; london; maccannell; meaning; meeting; miang; nash; nature; need; negative; new; northern; number; orientalism; paper; people; person; place; positive; possibility; power; press; regard; relations; research; residents; routledge; santos; self; smith; social; space; studies; study; sustainable; table; tea; thailand; time; tourism; tourism encounter; tourism research; tourists; travel; understanding; university; van; village; villagers; way; west; world; years cache: aseas-2626.pdf plain text: aseas-2626.txt item: #184 of 325 id: aseas-2627 author: Bui, Huong T.; Lee, Timothy J. title: Commodification and Politicization of Heritage: Implications for Heritage Tourism at the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long, Hanoi (Vietnam) date: 2015-12-28 words: 7128 flesch: 44 summary: His research interests are health and wellness tourism, ethnicity and identity in tourism and hospitality industry, cultural heritage tourism, and dark tourism in the Asia-Pacific region. Heritage tourism, a form of economic use of heritage is an arena operationalized by both commodifica- tion and politicization. keywords: 8(2; aseas; ashworth; asia; bui; building; capital; case; center; central; century; citadel; city; commodification; conservation; contemporary; context; cultural; cultural heritage; culture; demand; development; different; domestic; economic; governance; hanoi; heritage; heritage site; heritage tourism; historical; history; huong; identity; imperial; important; industry; information; international; interpretation; journal; lee; logan; london; long; management; march; narratives; new; nguyen; places; political; politicization; politics; power; process; products; research; resources; routledge; sector; site; southeast; state; studies; study; thang; timothy; tourism; tourists; tunbridge; unesco; use; vietnam; vietnamese; visitors; war; wars; world; world heritage cache: aseas-2627.pdf plain text: aseas-2627.txt item: #185 of 325 id: aseas-2628 author: Bergmeister, Felix Magnus title: Shaping Southeast Asia: Tracing Tourism Imaginaries in Guidebooks and Travel Blogs date: 2015-12-28 words: 2899 flesch: 50 summary: In a second step, I search for travel blog entries that relate to these topics. An application of travel blog narratives to explore memorable tourism experiences. keywords: analysis; asia; bergmeister; blogs; brochures; colonial; critical; cultural; destination; discourse; entries; experience; felix; guidebooks; images; imaginaries; journal; lester; lonely; magnus; media; particular; planet; post; power; region; regional; representation; research; scarles; southeast; strategies; strategy; studies; tourism; tourists; travel; western cache: aseas-2628.pdf plain text: aseas-2628.txt item: #186 of 325 id: aseas-2629 author: Vogler, Christina title: Change and Challenges for Foreign Retirees in Thailand. An Interview with Nancy Lindley date: 2015-12-28 words: 2657 flesch: 76 summary: Care Resort Chiang Mai is new, isolated, and far out of the city. The northern city of Chiang Mai in Thailand has become a popular destination for na- tional and international tourists as well as for a growing number of expatriates and retire- ment migrants. keywords: care; challenges; change; chiang; club; countries; country; expats; foreign; home; insurance; interview; lanna; lindley; living; lot; mai; nancy; need; net; people; place; retired; retirees; retirement; thailand; visa; vogler; western cache: aseas-2629.pdf plain text: aseas-2629.txt item: #187 of 325 id: aseas-2630 author: Einzenberger, Rainer title: Conference Report: Land Grabbing, Conflict, and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives From East and Southeast Asia, 5-6 June 2015, Chiang Mai University date: 2015-12-28 words: 1682 flesch: 44 summary: Conference report: Land grabbing, conflict, and agrarian-environmental trans- formations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia, 5-6 June 2015, Chiang Mai University. The report from GRAIN already identified China as one major global player in- volved in land grabbing. keywords: academic; activist; agrarian; asia; cambodia; case; chiang; china; conference; conflict; einzenberger; environmental; financial; food; global; grabbing; grain; hall; international; june; land; ldpi; mai; network; perspectives; report; research; rights; southeast; studies; tenure; thailand; transformations; university cache: aseas-2630.pdf plain text: aseas-2630.txt item: #188 of 325 id: aseas-2631 author: McCargo, Duncan title: Reflections on the 8th EuroSEAS Conference, 11–14 August, Vienna date: 2015-12-28 words: 1341 flesch: 48 summary: The creation of these new prizes reflects the wider mis- sion of EuroSEAS to promote the academic study of Southeast Asia. The Vienna EuroSEAS conference was a highlight both for the very dedicated team of local academics and students who put the event together, and for our orga- nization as a whole. keywords: 8th; academic; asian; august; austrian; conference; duncan; euroseas; euroseas conference; final; keynote; main; mccargo; nar; night; opening; organization; politics; program; reflections; remarkable; southeast; studies; university; vienna; workshop cache: aseas-2631.pdf plain text: aseas-2631.txt item: #189 of 325 id: aseas-2632 author: Gödde, Heinz title: Konferenzbericht: Die Schattenseiten des Wirtschaftswachstums in Südostasien. 19.–20. Juni 2015, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M. date: 2015-12-28 words: 800 flesch: 48 summary: Süd- ostasien wurde dann in diesem Kontext verortet und die Unterschiede der ein- zelnen südostasiatischen Staaten herausgearbeitet. Spätestens im Verlauf der Asi- enkrise wurden auch die Schattenseiten der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung in der Region erkennbar. keywords: auch; das; dem; den; der; deren; des; die; diskutiert; eine; entwicklung; folgen; frankfurt; für; goethe; gödde; indonesien; juni; konferenzbericht; mit; schattenseiten; sich; südostasien; tagung; und; universität; von; wirtschaftlichen; wirtschaftswachstums; workshop; wurde; zur cache: aseas-2632.pdf plain text: aseas-2632.txt item: #190 of 325 id: aseas-2633 author: Stange, Gunnar title: Book Review: Köster, U., Trong, P. L., & Grein, C. (Eds.). (2014). Handbuch Myanmar. Gesellschaft, Politik, Wirt- schaft, Kultur, Entwicklung. date: 2015-12-28 words: 1701 flesch: 45 summary: Die Beiträge beschäftigen sich mit dringenden Themen wie der Reform des Wahlsystems und der Verfassung – unter anderem in Bezug auf die Frage einer angemessenen politischen Repräsenta- tion der ethnischen Minderheiten des Landes – sowie der Rolle der (lange Zeit staat- lich gelenkten) Die Beiträge des Kapitels fokussieren daher schwerpunktmäßig den Zustand des Bil- dungssystems, die Situation von Kindern, die Menschenrechtslage sowie die Themen Flucht, Vertreibung und keywords: 8(2; akteur_innen; aktuellen; anderen; anhang; aseas; auch; auf; autor_innen; beiträge; beschäftigen; beziehungen; bietet; book; darüber; das; dass; dem; den; der; derzeit; des; die; diese; diskutiert; durch; eine; entwicklung; entwicklungszusammenarbeit; ethnischen; frage; für; geschichte; gesellschaft; grein; größten; gunnar; handbuch; herausforderungen; hinaus; hinsichtlich; hintergrund; ist; jahre; kapitel; komplexen; kultur; köster; landes; leser_innen; minderheiten; mit; myanmar; nach; nicht; oder; politik; politischen; regierung; review; seit; sich; sowie; soziale; stange; transformationsprozess; trong; und; unter; vergleich; von; vor; werden; wird; wirtschaft; zum; zwischen cache: aseas-2633.pdf plain text: aseas-2633.txt item: #191 of 325 id: aseas-2634 author: Lubenovic, Vedad title: Book Review: Creak, S. (2015). Embodied Nation. Sport, Masculinity, and the Making of Modern Laos. date: 2015-12-28 words: 1240 flesch: 49 summary: Der Sprung in die jüngere Geschichte be- handelt die Bedeutung der 2009 in Vientiane ausgetragenen Besonderes Augenmerk legt er dabei auf die Bedeutung der laotischen Sol- daten als Symbol für die neugewonnene formelle Unabhängigkeit des Landes. keywords: als; arbeit; auch; auf; autor; bedeutung; behandelt; beleuchtet; book; creak; dabei; dafür; das; dem; den; der; des; die; east; eine; französische; für; games; ganefo; hypothesen; internationalen; ist; kapitel; landes; laos; laotischen; lubenovic; making; masculinity; maskulinität; mit; modern; nation; nicht; nur; review; sich; sie; simon; sondern; south; sport; teilnahme; und; untersucht; vientiane; von; vor; weg; werden; wie; wird; über cache: aseas-2634.pdf plain text: aseas-2634.txt item: #192 of 325 id: aseas-2635 author: Pichler, Melanie; Brad, Alina title: Political Ecology and Socio-Ecological Conflicts in Southeast Asia date: 2016-06-30 words: 5339 flesch: 48 summary: The conflicts resulting from these enclosures address the establish- ment of timber plantations, the conversion of forest land for agricultural or indus- trial purposes as well as conservation projects that expel people from their lands and livelihoods (Corson, 2011; Osborne, 2011; Peluso, 2011). Environmental conflict. keywords: access; actors; alina; appropriation; aseas; asia; associated; brad; cambodia; change; communities; conflicts; control; development; dispossession; distribution; ecological; ecological conflicts; ecology; economic; eds; environmental; expansion; forest; forms; grabbing; green; hirsch; indigenous; indonesia; interests; issue; journal; land; large; local; london; mekong; melanie; mining; natural; nature; new; oil; palm; papua; peluso; people; pichler; plantations; political; political ecology; politics; power; processes; region; relations; research; resistance; resources; role; routledge; scale; social; society; socio; southeast; state; strategies; studies; subtle; thailand; west; world cache: aseas-2635.pdf plain text: aseas-2635.txt item: #193 of 325 id: aseas-2636 author: de Vos, Rosanne Elisabeth title: Multi-Functional Lands Facing Oil Palm Monocultures: A Case Study of a Land Conflict in West Kalimantan, Indonesia date: 2016-06-30 words: 12312 flesch: 63 summary: Review of legal, environmental and social practices of oil palm plantation companies of the Wilmar Group in Sambas District, West-Kalimantan (Indonesia). While this is recog- nized in most research, some researchers and policy makers subsequently argue that palm oil related land conflicts originate from a lack of ‘clear’ land rights in rural areas (Rist, Feintrenie, & Levang, 2010; World Bank & IFC, 2011, p. 20). keywords: access; agricultural; analysis; area; arrangements; article; aseas; associated; beckmann; benda; benefits; case; cash; change; communities; companies; company; conflict; conversion; crops; current; development; different; district; economic; expansion; family; farmers; fields; fire; food; forest; forest land; functional; future; gardens; generations; government; harvest; hijau; holders; important; income; indonesia; journal; kalimantan; kebun; labor; ladang; land; land tenure; large; law; livelihood; local; low; malaysia; mccarthy; meaning; monocultures; new; oil; oil palm; opponents; opportunities; palm; palm plantation; people; plantation; plantation project; plasma; plots; political; production; project; property; relations; research; resources; rice; rights; rosanne; rubber; rural; security; sri; state; studies; study; supporters; tenure; time; tree; use; variety; village; villagers; vos; ways; west; work; yadi; year cache: aseas-2636.pdf plain text: aseas-2636.txt item: #194 of 325 id: aseas-2637 author: Hennings, Anne title: Assembling Resistance Against Large-Scale Land Deals: Challenges for Conflict Transformation in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea date: 2016-06-30 words: 9499 flesch: 50 summary: 10 Clan membership is mainly determined by matrilineal lines and in many parts of Bougainville land is owned by women (Kangsi & Damana, 2014). Testing claims about large land deals in Africa: keywords: access; acquisitions; advocacy; affected; anderson; anne; approach; armed; article; aseas; assemblage; authority; autonomous; bougainville; bra; braun; case; certain; change; civil; claims; communities; conflict; contemporary; contested; control; cooper; damana; deals; delanda; deleuze; development; dynamics; early; ecology; economic; eds; everyday; following; foreign; forms; framework; geography; global; government; grab; groups; guattari; guinea; hall; hennings; human; identity; impact; independence; international; investment; investors; ipp; journal; kangsi; land; land deals; large; local; london; long; mcfarlane; means; mining; movements; nature; new; non; panguna; papua; peace; peacebuilding; peasant; png; political; politics; post; power; press; processes; reconciliation; related; relations; resistance; resources; risks; rural; scale; scale land; social; societies; society; socio; spatial; state; studies; terms; territorialization; theory; thinking; transformation; university; violent; war; years cache: aseas-2637.pdf plain text: aseas-2637.txt item: #195 of 325 id: aseas-2638 author: Roberts, Kimberly title: It Takes a Rooted Village: Networked Resistance, Connected Communities, and Adaptive Responses to Forest Tenure Reform in Northern Thailand date: 2016-05-31 words: 8071 flesch: 59 summary: At the end of the 1980s, groups of activities, academics, and NGOS began to argue for de jure local control of resources through community forests as an alternative to the forest conservation strategy of the RFD (Buergin, 2000, p. 11). Although Huai Lu Luang is a predominately Baptist Lahu village, Buddhist students from Chi- ang Mai visited Huai Lu Luang and recommended that they dedicate a portion of the forest (not already designated as community forest) to the King in order to prevent the government from taking the land. keywords: access; area; article; aseas; asia; baptist; bill; black; boundaries; chiang; china; committee; communities; community; community forest; community land; conservation; deed; deforestation; department; development; district; dnp; ecology; ethnic; fields; forest; forestry; forsyth; government; groups; history; huai; huai lu; interviews; kimberly; lahu; local; lu luang; luang; mae; management; michaud; minority; myanmar; national; national park; natural; networks; ngos; non; northern; park; peluso; people; place; political; population; power; press; project; resistance; resource; rfd; rights; roberts; rocheleau; rooted; roth; scott; society; southeast; staff; state; sub; tamboon; thailand; uhdp; university; upland; use; vandergeest; village; villagers; walker; working; yao cache: aseas-2638.pdf plain text: aseas-2638.txt item: #196 of 325 id: aseas-2639 author: Camba, Alvin Almendrala title: Philippine Mining Capitalism: The Changing Terrains of Struggle in the Neoliberal Mining Regime date: 2016-06-30 words: 9158 flesch: 43 summary: First, technologies of subjection have elevated state mining institutions to choose and put into effect the processes aimed at addressing the demands of local communities. First, state policies should consider expanding civil society, social movement, and community participation in state mining institutions. keywords: access; act; agencies; alvin; alyansa; american; ancestral; anti; aseas; asia; budget; bureau; camba; cambridge; capacity; capital; capitalism; chamber; city; civil; colonial; commerce; committee; communities; companies; conditions; consent; cultural; denr; development; economic; economy; eia; elites; environmental; exceptions; experts; extraction; foreign; fpic; global; government; groups; holden; indigenous; indigenous peoples; industry; institutions; june; labor; lands; legal; local; making; marcos; mina; mineral; mining; mining communities; mining companies; mining groups; mining industry; mining sector; movements; national; ncip; need; neoliberal; neoliberal mining; neoliberalism; networks; new; officials; ong; order; organizations; outcomes; peoples; philippine; philippine mining; political; politics; potential; power; press; process; production; project; protest; provinces; provincial; quezon; regime; resources; restructuring; sector; social; society; south; staff; state; strategies; struggle; studies; study; subjection; subjectivities; support; technologies; terrains; tigil; university; vera; world cache: aseas-2639.pdf plain text: aseas-2639.txt item: #197 of 325 id: aseas-2640 author: Dewi, Rosita title: Gaining Recognition Through Participatory Mapping? The Role of Adat Land in the Implementation of the Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate in Papua, Indonesiatudy: Implementation of Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate, Papua, Indonesia date: 2016-06-30 words: 9324 flesch: 57 summary: The role of adat land in the imple- mentation of the Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate in Papua, Indonesia. Furthermore, the legal recognition of communal adat land ownership is facilitating the buy-out of adat land by companies and/or the state. keywords: adat; adat communities; adat land; adat map; alu; anim; area; aseas; august; autonomy; board; border; case; central; clan; communal; communities; community; companies; company; conflict; counter; cultivation; customary; development; dewi; district; duku; energy; example; food; forest; gebze; government; group; head; hti; implementation; important; indigenous; indonesia; international; investment; investors; iuphhk; kaptel; land; land map; law; leader; legal; lestari; lma; local; local government; location; mapping; maps; marind; members; merauke; merauke district; mifee; new; ngguti; ngos; oil; ownership; palm; papua; participatory; participatory mapping; people; permission; process; project; rajawali; recognition; rice; rights; rosita; selu; sis; state; studies; sugarcane; support; tribe; tubang; ulilin; use; village; yasanto cache: aseas-2640.pdf plain text: aseas-2640.txt item: #198 of 325 id: aseas-2641 author: Ley, Lukas title: “Dry Feet For All”: Flood Management and Chronic Time in Semarang, Indonesia date: 2016-05-31 words: 10308 flesch: 57 summary: They have two equally unsatisfying options: Waiting for government projects and doing nothing in the meantime, which puts them at risk 118 Lukas Ley  ASEAS 9(1) of gradually losing their homes to the rising tide. the light of full moons for all the urbanites and unemployed for the losers who lost hope for the urban citizens logged in tidal and river water for the rest of time? purnama cahaya Bagi para urban dan pengangguran Bagi orang-orang kalah yang kehilangan harapan Bagi warga kota yang tergenang rob dan banjir sepanjang zaman? 113Flood Management and Chronic Time in Semarang, Indonesia abrasion – are interpreted as representing two things: the impossibility of restraining nature and the corrupt nature of state infrastructure projects. keywords: actors; adin; air; anthropology; area; arief; article; aseas; banger; besnier; board; case; cazdyn; certain; change; chronic; chronic time; city; coast; cobban; colonial; communities; community; company; conflict; crisis; daily; deni; design; developed; development; dry; dutch; dwellers; ecological; ecology; economic; effects; end; environmental; eviction; example; experience; fact; family; fishponds; flooding; floods; future; government; gutter; hand; hard; help; house; important; individuals; indonesia; infrastructure; java; kampungs; land; level; ley; life; lives; local; lukas; management; margins; means; modernization; municipal; narotzky; nature; neighborhood; new; north; people; place; polder; polder project; political; politics; poor; power; present; press; problem; process; project; public; pumping; relations; research; residents; retention; risk; river; riverside; rob; role; second; section; self; semarang; sense; short; sima; situation; social; society; socioecological; space; specific; state; structures; studies; subdistrict; subsidence; system; technical; term; territory; theoretical; things; tidal; tide; time; understanding; university; urban; water; way; work; years cache: aseas-2641.pdf plain text: aseas-2641.txt item: #199 of 325 id: aseas-2642 author: Kunz, Yvonne; Hein, Jonas; Mardiana, Rina; Faust, Heiko title: Mimicry of the Legal: Translating de jure Land Formalization Processes Into de facto Local Action in Jambi province, Sumatra date: 2016-06-30 words: 9724 flesch: 55 summary: At the same time, local land own- ers legitimize the exceeding of competencies through requesting village-scale titles. Her research focuses on land tenure processes in Jambi province. keywords: access; actors; administration; agricultural; areas; authorities; authority; bank; batin; bungku; case; certain; certificate; charge; claims; colonial; concession; conservation; context; cultivation; development; different; district; dutch; faust; figure; forest; forest land; forestry; formalization; formation; government; groups; head; heiko; hein; indonesia; jambi; jonas; jure; kunz; land; land formalization; land tenure; land titles; land use; law; laws; legal; legitimized; level; local; local land; lund; management; mardiana; mimicry; ministry; national; national land; new; nla; number; order; ownership; policies; policy; politics; procedures; processes; program; property; province; public; reality; redd+; registration; regulation; research; rights; rina; rules; scale; sembilan; settlement; smallholder; social; sporadik; state; strategy; study; sumatra; system; tenure; time; title; titling; translation; transmigration; tsm; use; village; world; yvonne cache: aseas-2642.pdf plain text: aseas-2642.txt item: #200 of 325 id: aseas-2643 author: Fünfgeld, Anna title: The State of Coal Mining in East Kalimantan: Towards a Political Ecology of Local Stateness date: 2016-06-30 words: 8361 flesch: 49 summary: These forms of state capital can be related to the basic elements of states, as de- scribed above. Furthermore, I ask how the actors make use of the symbolic forms of state capital described by Bourdieu when carrying out 157The State of Coal Mining in East Kalimantan practices. keywords: access; activities; actors; anna; anti; appearance; approach; area; aseas; authority; basic; bourdieu; capital; central; characteristics; city; coal; coal mining; community; companies; concept; concessions; conflicts; decentralization; different; district; east; ecology; economic; elements; energy; environmental; extraction; field; force; functioning; fünfgeld; general; government; groups; idea; image; important; indonesia; indonesian state; information; involved; kalimantan; kotijah; large; law; laws; level; living; local; makroman; means; migdal; mining; mining law; monopoly; natural; nature; new; non; order; people; physical; political; power; practices; private; protests; regulations; research; resources; responsible; rule; samarinda; scale; small; society; southeast; specific; state; state actors; state capital; stateness; symbolic; territory; theory; use; violence; work; world cache: aseas-2643.pdf plain text: aseas-2643.txt item: #201 of 325 id: aseas-2644 author: Einzenberger, Rainer title: Contested Frontiers: Indigenous Mobilization and Control over Land and Natural Resources in Myanmar's Upland Areas date: 2016-07-01 words: 4298 flesch: 50 summary: (Brenner & Elden, 2009, p. 367) Following the work of Lefebvre, Poulantzas (1978/2000) has examined in his state theory the interrelation of global and national capitalist expansion and the produc- tion of state frontiers. Frontiers of commodification: State lands and their formalization. keywords: accumulation; areas; armed; asia; buchanan; building; burma; business; capitalist; ceasefire; civil; concept; contested; control; economic; einzenberger; enclosures; ethnic; frontier; gas; global; government; group; human; indigeneity; indigenous; indigenous peoples; institute; international; jones; journal; land; lefebvre; london; military; mipenn; myanmar; national; natural; new; oil; order; peoples; political; power; press; process; processes; production; project; rainer; recent; research; resources; rights; social; society; southeast; space; state; studies; territory; transnational; university; upland; use; woods cache: aseas-2644.pdf plain text: aseas-2644.txt item: #202 of 325 id: aseas-2645 author: Anderson, Zachary R title: Assembling the ‘Field’: Conducting Research in Indonesia’s Emerging Green Economy date: 2016-06-30 words: 3299 flesch: 40 summary: ‘Green economy’ is meant to decouple continued econom- ic growth from environmental destruction, while reducing emissions and poverty (UNEP, 2012); the much-lauded ‘triple-win’. Utilizing these methods has enhanced my ability to understand the perspectives and social networks of key actors in an indirect way, and allowed me to triangulate the information received in more formal interviews and through direction observation and interaction (Markowitz, 2001). keywords: actors; analysis; anderson; assemblage; berau; change; climate; different; district; east; economy; environmental; field; fieldwork; forest; forms; governance; government; green; green economy; indonesia; international; kalimantan; knowledge; local; networks; new; ngos; organizations; planning; policies; policy; political; practices; projects; provincial; questions; redd+; relations; research; social; support cache: aseas-2645.pdf plain text: aseas-2645.txt item: #203 of 325 id: aseas-2646 author: Pichler, Melanie title: “Some of the Best Movement People are Political Ecologists at Heart”: An Interview About Political Ecology With Nancy Peluso date: 2016-06-30 words: 3230 flesch: 56 summary: Melanie: You pioneered research on “political forests” in Indonesia in the 1990s. What did the formation of political forests mean? keywords: access; asia; best; companies; conflicts; countries; course; different; ecological; ecologists; ecology; effects; forest; heart; important; indigenous; indonesia; land; melanie; migration; military; mining; movement; nancy; new; ngos; palm; people; pichler; places; political; politics; research; rights; role; socio; southeast; state; thing; time; work cache: aseas-2646.pdf plain text: aseas-2646.txt item: #204 of 325 id: aseas-2647 author: Lengauer, Dayana title: New Media in Southeast Asia: Concepts and Research Implications date: 2016-12-30 words: 3273 flesch: 48 summary: A SE A S- 20 16 .2 -1 188 Dayana Lengauer  ASEAS 9(2) she argues, it is people’s perceptions of and experiences with social media (e.g., Face- book or Instagram) that define them as new. As Muhammad Fajar (2016) observed, those who opposed the protest “often intelligibly discuss complicated democracy-related concepts on social media but fail to back these up with a vigorous movement on the ground”. keywords: activism; anthropology; asia; bloomsbury; coleman; communication; contributions; cultural; dayana; development; digital; eds; facebook; forms; horst; implications; indonesia; infrastructures; interaction; internet; issue; lengauer; life; lim; london; madianou; media; miller; new; new media; offline; online; oxford; participation; political; postill; practices; relationships; social; social media; society; southeast; state; studies; technologies; technology; virtual; ways cache: aseas-2647.pdf plain text: aseas-2647.txt item: #205 of 325 id: aseas-2648 author: Laungaramsri, Pinkaew title: Mass Surveillance and the Militarization of Cyberspace in Post-Coup Thailand date: 2016-12-30 words: 10540 flesch: 51 summary: Second, Internet surveillance has been attached to the mili- tary’s security agenda and institutionalized within the new military state. Thai cyber police step up royal slur patrols. keywords: access; act; activities; afp; agenda; anti; army; aseas; bangkok; bill; cambridge; campaign; cases; censorship; communication; communist; computer; content; control; counter; country; coup; coup thailand; crime; cyber; cyber security; cyber surveillance; cyberspace; democracy; department; development; digital; dystopia; effective; electronic; english; everyday; facebook; fear; forces; freedom; gateway; general; government; group; happiness; house; hunting; ideology; information; internet; june; junta; king; landscape; laungaramsri; law; lèse; majesté; mass; mass surveillance; masses; media; members; mict; militarization; military; ministry; monarchy; morozov; movement; national; network; new; nidhi; october; online; opposition; order; organization; organized; paper; past; people; period; pinkaew; police; political; post; power; prayuth; press; process; program; protest; public; red; regime; related; response; right; royal; royalist; scholars; scouts; security; significant; social; social media; society; sphere; state; suppression; surveillance; technology; thailand; threat; time; ultra; university; users; views; village; warfare; websites; wing; witch; years cache: aseas-2648.pdf plain text: aseas-2648.txt item: #206 of 325 id: aseas-2649 author: Schaffar, Wolfram title: New Social Media and Politics in Thailand: The Emergence of Fascist Vigilante Groups on Facebook date: 2016-12-30 words: 9376 flesch: 57 summary: Screenshot, taken from the timeline of RCO Facebook group, May 2015, showing the campaign against Tananun Buranasiri. Screenshot, taken from the timeline of RCO Facebook group, May 2016, illustrating the campaign against Rose. keywords: 1920s; aim; analysis; april; army; article; aseas; asian; august; authoritarian; bangkok; bike; blogs; buranasiri; campaign; cases; censorship; central; class; collector; comments; communication; conservative; coup; cyber; data; doctor; d’état; europe; events; example; facebook; facebook group; fascism; figure; general; government; groups; ideology; information; internet; journal; july; king; like; london; lèse; majesté; mass; means; media; members; military; minister; mobilization; monarchy; netizen; network; new; number; offline; online; opponents; organization; people; political; politics; post; postings; power; prime; public; rco; red; regimes; research; rienthong; rights; rise; role; royal; rubbish; sanction; schaffar; scouts; shirts; sick; singapore; social; social media; society; southeast; specific; state; studies; support; system; tananun; technical; thailand; thaksin; time; ultra; unhcr; university; use; users; vigilante; vigilante groups; violence; wolfram; years; yellow; yingluck cache: aseas-2649.pdf plain text: aseas-2649.txt item: #207 of 325 id: aseas-2650 author: Guntarik, Olivia; Trott, Verity title: Changing Media Ecologies in Thailand: Women's Online Participation in the 2013/2014 Bangkok Protests date: 2016-12-30 words: 8845 flesch: 48 summary: Our study on women’s participatory politics in Thailand seeks to determine what forms of online political participation exist among Thai women in Thailand. We draw on insights from feminist activism in other parts of the world in order to explore how new definitions of participation bear on the forms of online political participation emerging among Thai women today. keywords: able; activism; activities; alternative; analysis; arab; aseas; asia; bangkok; brother; castells; civic; comments; communication; context; critical; definitions; different; digital; digital media; ecologies; engagement; environments; experiences; expressions; facebook; female; feminist; forms; gender; government; groups; guntarik; harris; influence; information; internet; issues; journal; leadership; means; media; media ecologies; messages; national; networks; new; offline; olivia; online; online political; participants; participation; participatory; people; perspectives; political; political participation; politics; power; practices; protests; public; range; research; rise; role; sharing; shinawatra; sites; social; social media; society; space; studies; technologies; technology; thai women; thailand; thaksin; time; traditional; trott; unconventional; use; users; verity; viewpoints; views; voices; ways; western; women; yingluck cache: aseas-2650.pdf plain text: aseas-2650.txt item: #208 of 325 id: aseas-2651 author: Schäfer, Saskia title: Forming 'Forbidden' Identities Online: Atheism in Indonesia date: 2016-12-30 words: 8462 flesch: 53 summary: The political theorist Elizabeth Shakman Hurd (2015) has investigated the con- sequences of a religious rights and freedoms model that singles out groups for le- gal protection as religious groups. A major effect that this sectarianization (Hurd, 2015) has for religious groups is the strengthening of boundaries and of claims to orthodoxy and authority. keywords: aan; activism; activists; affiliation; alexander; amnesty; anti; article; aseas; asia; atheism; atheists; belief; believers; blasphemy; boundaries; cambridge; case; category; claim; community; country; different; discourse; facebook; fear; foreign; forums; freedom; god; group; human; identities; identity; important; indonesia; information; international; internet; islam; islamic; journalists; language; law; laws; legal; like; local; media; meetings; members; minorities; muslim; new; non; number; offline; online; order; organizations; particular; people; political; post; practices; presence; press; public; questions; real; relationship; religion; religious; research; rights; saskia; schäfer; self; social; society; space; state; studies; support; term; today; twitter; university; use; views; visibility; visible; watch; way; websites; western; words; world; years cache: aseas-2651.pdf plain text: aseas-2651.txt item: #209 of 325 id: aseas-2652 author: Reyes, Joseph Anthony Lazareto title: Exploring Leisure Time Activities and Sociodemographic Indicators of Subjective Happiness and Self-Perceived Health Among Filipinos date: 2016-12-30 words: 8920 flesch: 49 summary: Exploring leisure time activities and sociodemographic indicators of subjective happiness and self-perceived health among Filipinos. ASEAS – Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 9(2), 269-288. This study explores the relationships of subjective happiness and self-perceived health with leisure time activities and sociodemographic variables among Filipinos. keywords: activities; age; analysis; anthony; aseas; associations; attendance; bmi; corpulent; countries; cultural; data; development; different; dimensions; economic; education; excellent; factor; fair; family; feeling; filipinos; findings; general; good; good health; happiness; happy; health; ideal; image; income; index; indicators; international; issp; joseph; leisure; leisure activities; leisure time; life; married; models; multinomial; music; negative; odds; overall; pampel; people; philippines; physical; poor; positive; predictors; progress; quality; regression; relationships; religious; research; respondents; results; reyes; satisfaction; self; significant; similar; social; social activities; sociodemographic; status; studies; study; subjective; subjective happiness; survey; table; television; terms; time; time activities; unhappy; variables; woman; work; world cache: aseas-2652.pdf plain text: aseas-2652.txt item: #210 of 325 id: aseas-2653 author: Fauzanafi, Muhammad Zamzam title: Searching for Digital Citizenship: Fighting Corruption in Banten, Indonesia date: 2016-12-30 words: 2351 flesch: 56 summary: Searching for digital citizenship: This paper presents the emerging results of research on digital citizenship in Banten, Indo- nesia, focusing on how new forms of citizenship are brought into being through digital acts that are defined as speech acts uttered through the use of social media. keywords: activism; acts; atut; author; banten; cases; citizenship; comments; corruption; digital; dynasty; fauzanafi; fbn; figure; flaming; indonesia; isin; local; media; muhammad; new; news; online; political; politics; postings; research; social; state; van; warga; words; zamzam cache: aseas-2653.pdf plain text: aseas-2653.txt item: #211 of 325 id: aseas-2654 author: Thongsawang, Sirima title: Mobile Technology in the Lives of Thai Immigrants in Germany date: 2016-12-30 words: 2869 flesch: 48 summary: Mobile technology in the lives of Thai immigrants in Germany. This paper examines the role of mobile technology in the lives of Thai immigrants in Berlin. keywords: activities; berlin; communication; digital; embassy; facebook; family; germany; immigrants; information; institutions; internet; lives; media; migration; mobile; networking; networks; new; number; old; online; order; organization; people; phones; platforms; research; role; royal; sirima; social; staff; technologies; technology; thai; thai immigrants; thongsawang; today; use; years cache: aseas-2654.pdf plain text: aseas-2654.txt item: #212 of 325 id: aseas-2655 author: Einzenberger, Rainer title: If It's on the Internet It Must Be Right: An Interview With Myanmar ICT for Development Organisation on the Use of the Internet and Social Media in Myanmar date: 2016-12-30 words: 4428 flesch: 63 summary: Additionally, we engage with media people to discuss what is happening on Facebook on a monthly basis. If It's on the Internet It Must Be Right: An Interview with Myanmar ICT for Development Organisation on the Use of the Internet and Social Media in Myanmar “If It’s on the Internet It Must Be Right”: An Interview with Myanmar ICT for Development Organisation on the Use of the Internet and Social Media in Myanmar Rainer Einzenberger ► Einzenberger, R. (2016). keywords: access; act; areas; big; centers; communication; computer; content; cyber; development; digital; einzenberger; electronic; facebook; government; hate; htaike; ict; information; internet; law; literacy; lot; media; mido; mobile; myanmar; national; news; online; people; phones; phyu; political; population; rainer; right; rural; security; smartphones; social; speech; state; thailand; usage; use; websites; years cache: aseas-2655.pdf plain text: aseas-2655.txt item: #213 of 325 id: aseas-2656 author: Lengauer, Dayana title: Workshop Report: Social Media and Islamic Practice in Southeast Asia, 14-15 April 2016, Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences date: 2016-12-30 words: 1312 flesch: 42 summary: As a number of presenters argued, social media use affects the ways in which Southeast Asian Muslims understand their religion and conversely, Muslims’ understandings of their religion affect the ways they use social media to spread their message, as in the case of online da’wa, or Islamic proselytization. Workshop report: Social media and Islamic practice in Southeast Asia, 14-15 April 2016, Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences. keywords: academy; anthropology; april; asia; austrian; digital; example; forms; institute; islamic; lengauer; media; muslims; new; online; piety; practices; report; sciences; slama; social; socialities; southeast; state; university; users; workshop cache: aseas-2656.pdf plain text: aseas-2656.txt item: #214 of 325 id: aseas-2657 author: Bódis, Zoltán title: Book Review: Lwin, S. M.(2010). Narrative Structures in Burmese Folk Tales. date: 2016-12-30 words: 1818 flesch: 40 summary: By using the most important theoretical outcomes of modern text centered folktale research it provides the possibility for the Burmese tales, and tales in general as a complex genre, to become worthy of attention even for the postmodern approach – an approach focusing on orality, multidimensionality, and performativity. The seven chapters of the book constitute a logically structured, well-arranged text that follows a clear cut argument: Beginning from the structuralist theories she establishes her thesis by analyzing specific folktale texts. keywords: analysis; approach; book; burmese; bódis; concepts; culture; different; european; events; folktale; folktale research; functional; historical; interpretation; lwin; narrative; narratological; overview; period; proppean; research; review; structures; tales; text; tradition; work cache: aseas-2657.pdf plain text: aseas-2657.txt item: #215 of 325 id: aseas-2658 author: Großmann, Kristina; Padmanabhan, Martina; Afiff, Suraya title: Gender, Ethnicity, and Environmental Transformations in Indonesia and Beyond date: 2017-06-29 words: 4586 flesch: 43 summary: In this issue, Stefanie Steinebach and Yvonne Kunz reflect on the highly political process of creating ethnicity in the case of local indigenous land rights in the province of Jambi, Sumatra. The overlap of areas with community lands, protected areas and indigenous conservation sites cause policy and regulatory uncertainties over land use and property rights. keywords: access; afiff; asia; braun; center; change; communities; community; control; dayak; development; different; ecological; economic; eds; elmhirst; environmental; environmental transformations; ethnicity; fair; gender; groups; großmann; haug; impact; indigenous; indonesia; international; issue; java; journal; kalimantan; kristina; land; local; london; martina; mining; national; natural; nature; new; oil; padmanabhan; palm; people; political; power; press; production; relations; research; resources; rights; social; socio; southeast; state; struggles; studies; suraya; transdisciplinary; transformations; university; women cache: aseas-2658.pdf plain text: aseas-2658.txt item: #216 of 325 id: aseas-2659 author: Großmann, Kristina; Padmanabhan, Martina; Braun, Katharina von title: Contested Development in Indonesia: Rethinking Ethnicity and Gender in Mining date: 2017-06-29 words: 8616 flesch: 45 summary: Priorities and interests differ between communities, the state, and mining companies (Resosudarmo, Reso- sudarmo, Sarosa, & Subiman, 2009). Contested development in Indonesia: Re- thinking ethnicity and gender in mining. keywords: access; adat; aman; approach; artisanal; aseas; asia; braun; case; central; change; coal; communities; community; control; culture; dayak; development; different; dutt; earth; east; ecology; economic; eds; environmental; ethnicity; example; extraction; feminist; focus; framework; future; gender; gendered; global; governance; government; groups; großmann; haug; history; human; identities; identity; impacts; indigenous; indigenous women; indonesia; industry; institutional; international; journal; kalimantan; katharina; kristina; labor; lahiri; land; large; law; literature; livelihoods; living; local; london; management; martina; masyarakat; mining; natural; nature; new; organizations; padmanabhan; papua; peoples; political; politics; power; press; programs; property; relations; relationship; research; resources; rethinking; rights; role; routledge; scale; sector; small; social; society; southeast; state; strategic; structures; struggles; studies; suharto; sustainable; transformations; university; von; women; world cache: aseas-2659.pdf plain text: aseas-2659.txt item: #217 of 325 id: aseas-2660 author: Haug, Michaela title: Men, Women, and Environmental Change in Indonesia: The Gendered Face of Development Among the Dayak Benuaq date: 2017-06-29 words: 9108 flesch: 54 summary: NGO literature tends to depict Dayak women as an especially vulnerable group. Building on this equivalence meaning of equality, I argue that Dayak Benuaq gender relations are characterized by a far-reaching gender equality.7 This argument is based on the following observations: Specific gender roles do exist in Benuaq society, but they are not strictly followed and often overlap. keywords: agriculture; anthropology; aseas; asia; aspects; asymmetries; autonomy; benuaq; borneo; center; challenges; change; colfer; communities; concepts; contributions; council; dayak; decentralization; development; differences; different; domestic; economic; eds; education; elmhirst; environmental; equality; ethnicity; example; female; feminist; forest; formal; gender; gender relations; gendered; generation; global; government; great; groups; haug; identities; impacts; important; indigenous; indonesia; inequalities; introduction; kalimantan; kenyah; labor; land; life; literature; local; logging; london; male; michaela; mining; national; natural; new; oil; order; palm; people; political; politics; population; power; practice; press; processes; production; recent; regional; relations; research; resources; rights; role; routledge; rural; social; societies; society; southeast; state; status; studies; sutlive; systems; tsing; university; van; village; wellbeing; williamsburg; women; work; york; young cache: aseas-2660.pdf plain text: aseas-2660.txt item: #218 of 325 id: aseas-2661 author: Steinebach, Stefanie; Kunz, Yvonne title: Separating Sisters From Brothers: Ethnic Relations and Identity Politics in the Context of Indigenous Land Titling in Indonesia date: 2017-06-29 words: 8024 flesch: 53 summary: In 1967, the Forestry Law2 declared about 70% of Indonesia’s territory as forest land under the jurisdic- tion of the state (Contreras-Hermosilla & Fay, 2005, p. 9; Indrarto et al., 2012, p. 23). Reasons for these conflicts include illegal logging, felling of sacred trees, the destruction of Orang Rimbas’ rubber gardens, unauthorized forest clearing, or the trading of forest land or rubber gardens among the villagers. keywords: adat; agrarian; agricultural; air; aman; area; article; aseas; asia; badan; brothers; bukit; case; central; century; citizens; claims; colonial; communities; community; conflicts; contested; court; cultivation; cultural; customary; development; different; duabelas; dutch; economic; ethnic; figure; forest; forestry; global; groups; history; hitam; hutan; identification; identity; indigeneity; indigenous; indigenous land; indonesia; jambi; kinship; kunz; land; law; laws; legal; local; lubuk; melayu; national; non; orang; orang rimba; park; people; policies; political; politics; population; power; province; region; relations; remote; residents; resource; rights; rimba; rubber; sedentary; sisters; social; socio; southeast; special; state; stefanie; steinebach; structures; suharto; sultan; sumatra; tanah; tenure; territorial; times; titling; transmigration; use; village; villagers; waris; yvonne cache: aseas-2661.pdf plain text: aseas-2661.txt item: #219 of 325 id: aseas-2662 author: Winarto, Yunita Triwardani; Stigter, Cornelis Johan (Kees); Wicaksono, Muki Trenggono title: Transdisciplinary Responses to Climate Change: Institutionalizing Agrometeorological Learning Through Science Field Shops in Indonesia date: 2017-06-29 words: 8239 flesch: 46 summary: Sum- marizing the criticism, Conway (1985) argues that high productivity was achieved at the expense of agro-ecological sustainability, namely ecosystem stability and equity for local farmers. A transdisciplinary educational commitment would be a necessary means to meet the needs of local farmers in the current dynamic situation of high complexity and uncertainty resulting from climate change. keywords: agricultural; agrometeorological; agrometeorological learning; agrometeorology; anthropology; approach; aseas; asia; basis; case; cfss; challenges; change; climate; climate change; collaboration; commitment; community; consequences; cornelis; daily; data; development; different; east; ecological; eds; educational; environment; establishment; exchange; extension; farmers; farming; field; fox; government; green; habits; high; indonesia; indramayu; ipm; java; knowledge; ktcts; learning; local; lombok; management; monthly; muki; new; observers; officials; pest; planting; policy; problems; process; production; productivity; rainfall; research; responses; revolution; rice; schools; science; scientists; season; services; sfss; shops; significant; social; state; stigter; strategies; t. winarto; thompson; time; transdisciplinary; transfer; water; wicaksono; winarto; work; y. t.; yields; yunita cache: aseas-2662.pdf plain text: aseas-2662.txt item: #220 of 325 id: aseas-2663 author: Reese, Niklas title: “Only if You Really, Really Need It”: Social Rights Consciousness in the Philippines date: 2017-06-29 words: 9522 flesch: 51 summary: Proactive citizens, defines Sucgang (2006), are those who under- stand political citizenship as proactive engagement in the public arena, for example by running for public office or joining political rallies and street demonstrations. In its first part, the article presents data on the sense of citizenship and concepts of social rights and obligations among Filipinos by combining findings from a series of problem-centered interviews with young urban professionals and quantitative data collected within annual surveys by the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) on government, social inequality, and citizenship. keywords: action; active; activists; article; aseas; attitudes; background; basic; care; change; citizenship; city; communitarianism; community; concepts; concrete; consciousness; culture; daily; data; david; democracy; democratic; discourse; economic; education; entitlement; everyday; example; expectations; family; filipino; findings; focus; form; general; good; government; group; hard; ibang; idea; individual; inequality; inquirer; international; interviews; involved; issp; left; liberalism; life; manila; modern; modest; moral; need; niklas; non; obligations; order; organizational; orientation; participation; passive; people; personal; philippines; political; politics; poor; press; prevalent; private; problem; public; qualitative; quezon; reese; research; respondents; responsibility; rights; sense; service; social; social rights; society; space; state; strong; study; survey; system; tao; terms; theory; time; traits; typical; university; work; zialcita; zintl cache: aseas-2663.pdf plain text: aseas-2663.txt item: #221 of 325 id: aseas-2664 author: Matthies, Angelina title: Community-Based Disaster Risk Management in the Philippines: Achievements and Challenges of the Purok System date: 2017-06-29 words: 3835 flesch: 46 summary: Similar to the barangay structure, purok communities are organized through a DRR committee including assigned persons who ensure that every house- hold is informed of an upcoming hazard. In cases of natural hazards, purok communities gather and wait for the transportation to evacuation centers. keywords: achievements; angelina; arquillano; article; barangay; capital; cbdrm; challenges; communities; community; data; disaster; disaster risk; drr; effective; efficient; evacuation; francisco; gaillard; government; hazards; level; local; maintenance; management; matthies; meetings; members; municipality; nations; participation; people; philippines; political; processes; purok; purok system; putnam; reduction; research; resilience; risk; risk management; san; self; shaw; social; structure; system; voluntarism cache: aseas-2664.pdf plain text: aseas-2664.txt item: #222 of 325 id: aseas-2665 author: Stange, Gunnar title: “I Don’t Want to Limit Myself to Binary Thinking”: An Interview With the Indonesian Artist Arahmaiani date: 2017-06-29 words: 3907 flesch: 63 summary: What are the most pressing political, societal, and environmental challenges in Indonesia these days? Arahmaiani: We are facing many problems in Indonesia: problems that are related to the past, the present, and the future. This, again, has led to other problems like the ever-widening social asymmetry between the rich and the 1 After an attempted, yet failed, coup to overthrow the Sukarno government in September 1965, powerful parts within the Indonesian military accused the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) of being behind the coup. keywords: arahmaiani; art; artist; asian; binary; community; context; course; easy; environmental; example; farming; fires; forest; global; groups; gunnar; human; important; indonesia; international; interview; life; main; muslim; new; order; people; political; poor; problems; radical; religion; religious; rights; scene; social; stange; system; things; thinking; tibet; time; today; understanding; way; women; works; years cache: aseas-2665.pdf plain text: aseas-2665.txt item: #223 of 325 id: aseas-2666 author: Blum, Franziska title: Rezension: Keller, A. (Hg.). (2015). Indonesien 1965ff. Die Gegenwart eines Massenmordes. Ein politisches Lesebuch. date: 2017-06-29 words: 1104 flesch: 56 summary: Analysen der Ereignisse von 1965, die sich von der Neuen Ordnung und den machtpolitischen Verstrickungen emanzipierten (z.B. die Cornell Papers). Die Protokolle der Opfer sind Übersetzungen von Beiträgen aus indonesischen Sammelbänden, die die Geschichte nicht aus der Perspektive der Sieger, sondern der Opfer erzählen. keywords: 1965; 1965ff; als; auch; auf; aufarbeitung; bis; blum; das; den; der; deren; des; die; ein; eine; ereignisse; für; gegenwart; geschichte; gewalt; heute; indonesien; indonesischen; ist; keller; lesebuch; macht; massenmordes; mit; nach; neuen; nicht; nur; oktober; opfer; ordnung; protokolle; rezension; sich; sondern; suharto; und; von; wendepunkt; wurden; zum cache: aseas-2666.pdf plain text: aseas-2666.txt item: #224 of 325 id: aseas-2667 author: O'Rourke, Iris title: Book Review: Chandler, D., Cribb, R., & Narangoa, L. (Eds.). (2016). End of Empire. 100 Days in 1945 That Changed Asia and the World. Copenhagen: NIAS Press. ISBN 978-87-7694-183-3. i-vi + 346 pages. date: 2017-06-29 words: 1482 flesch: 57 summary: End of an Em- pire portrays a variety of sides and perspectives of the complexities of World War II and the post-war period in truly inspiring and enriching ways, without falling into nationalistic or patronizing traps. As 2015 marked the 70-year anniversary of the end of World War II, Scandi- navian publisher NIAS Press developed the idea of balancing the focus on Asia in light of the commemorations, which usually focused more on Europe and the US. keywords: asia; book; chandler; cribb; days; east; eds; empire; end; events; japanese; military; narangoa; o’rourke; period; review; volume; war; women; world cache: aseas-2667.pdf plain text: aseas-2667.txt item: #225 of 325 id: aseas-2668 author: Stange, Gunnar title: Book Review: Aspinall, E. & Sukmajati, M. (Eds.). (2016). Electoral Dynamics in Indonesia. Money Politics, Patronage and Clientelism at the Grassroots. date: 2017-06-29 words: 1879 flesch: 52 summary: The research presented in Aspinall’s and Sukmajati’s volume aims at “identi- fying the chief mechanisms that Indonesian legislative candidates used to appeal to voters [in the 2014 legislative elections]” (p. ix). Although the book appears to present an inventory of cases rather than a deep comparative analysis, without doubt its value lies in the thick description and docu- mentation of vote buying, patronage, and clientelist dynamics in Indonesian elections at the grassroots in highly heterogeneous localities. keywords: aspinall; authors; book; buying; campaign; candidates; case; clientelism; district; dynamics; east; elections; electoral; goods; individual; indonesia; legislative; money; party; patronage; political; politics; project; research; studies; sukmajati; volume; vote cache: aseas-2668.pdf plain text: aseas-2668.txt item: #226 of 325 id: aseas-2669 author: Sciortino, Rosalia title: Philanthropy, Giving, and Development in Southeast Asia date: 2017-12-30 words: 4758 flesch: 42 summary: Global private philanthropy for development: Preliminary results of the OECD Data Survey. To take this variety into account implies again an expansion of the conceptual boundaries to allow for an all-encompassing definition of 'global philanthropy' that: incorporates both giving and doing and includes both the traditional and non-traditional, the formal and informal, the religious and the secular. keywords: 10(2; ambrose; approach; aseas; asia; blog; bmgf; center; charity; civil; countries; development; donations; donors; early; entry; ford; foundation; funding; geithner; giving; global; global philanthropy; good; grant; home; homegrown; hudson; individual; initiatives; institute; institutions; international; issue; local; making; model; new; non; oecd; organizations; overseas; philanthropy; practices; press; private; problems; profit; program; public; region; remittances; resources; rockefeller; role; rosalia; sciortino; sector; social; society; southeast; southeast asia; specific; support; sustainable; trends; university; usd; work cache: aseas-2669.pdf plain text: aseas-2669.txt item: #227 of 325 id: aseas-2670 author: Sciortino, Rosalia title: Philanthropy in Southeast Asia: Between Charitable Values, Corporate Interests, and Development Aspirations date: 2017-12-30 words: 12989 flesch: 42 summary: Unlike in the U.S., in Southeast Asia family and corporate foundations, even when moti- vated by religious convictions, do not prioritize funding to religious causes. More generally, across Southeast Asia people give for a variety of reasons: expressing a sense of belonging, strengthening ethnic and religious identities, manifesting social cohesion, enhancing social status, or building patronage and social networks. keywords: 10(2; activities; aid; american; anand; annual; appc; approach; aseas; asia; asia foundation; aspirations; assistance; benefits; brand; brown; buddhist; building; business; case; causes; center; centre; change; charitable; charities; charity; civil; communities; community; companies; company; contributions; corporate; corporate social; countries; country; csr; cultural; culture; development; donations; donors; early; economic; education; efforts; enterprises; entities; entrepreneurship; environmental; extent; faith; family; financial; fiscal; focus; ford; foreign; foundation; funding; funds; giving; global; government; grant; greater; groups; health; home; human; impact; inclusive; index; individual; indonesia; initiatives; insead; instance; institutions; interests; international; investment; islamic; issue; johnson; largest; law; legal; level; lien; like; local; local philanthropy; making; malaysia; management; manila; muslim; myanmar; network; new; ngos; non; organizations; pacific; paper; parts; people; philanthropists; philanthropy; philippines; poor; practices; private; profit; programs; public; recent; reforms; region; regional; related; religious; report; research; resources; responsibility; rich; rights; role; rosalia; sciortino; sector; services; singapore; social; society; southeast; southeast asia; state; studies; study; support; sustainable; tax; thailand; ubs; university; usd; values; venture; vietnam; waqf; welfare; working; world; year; zakat cache: aseas-2670.pdf plain text: aseas-2670.txt item: #228 of 325 id: aseas-2671 author: Zurbuchen, Mary title: Legacies of Cultural Philanthropy in Asia date: 2017-12-30 words: 10723 flesch: 46 summary: Keywords: Art; Asia; Culture; Ford Foundation; Philanthropy  INTRODUCTION Let us imagine a scene in Burma in 1953, not long after the Ford Foundation opened a field office in Rangoon as part of an expanding presence in Asia. keywords: 10(2; activities; address; american; annual; artists; arts; aseas; asia; assets; attention; books; buddhist; building; business; center; century; change; commitment; communities; conservation; countries; country; creative; creativity; cultural; cultural philanthropy; culture; culture grants; delhi; development; different; diversity; donors; economic; education; emphasis; example; experience; expression; field; field offices; focus; folk; ford; ford foundation; forms; foundation; free; gaither; genres; global; government; grants; groups; heritage; history; humanities; identity; important; india; indonesia; inequality; institute; institutions; international; interpretation; issues; knowledge; languages; large; legacies; life; like; local; long; look; macdonald; major; making; mary; media; museum; new; new york; offices; oral; organizations; outside; overseas; particular; past; people; philanthropy; philippines; policy; poverty; preservation; priorities; private; problems; program; projects; public; purposes; report; research; resources; results; role; social; society; southeast; staff; states; studies; support; tangible; term; thailand; time; today; total; traditions; training; transmission; u.s; united; usd; vietnam; vitality; walker; war; ways; wealth; work; working; world; years; york; zurbuchen cache: aseas-2671.pdf plain text: aseas-2671.txt item: #229 of 325 id: aseas-2672 author: Phaholyothin, Natalie title: Moving Beyond Charity to Philanthropy? The Case of Charitable Giving in Thailand date: 2017-12-30 words: 10377 flesch: 46 summary: Islam in modern Thailand: Faith, philanthropy and politics. The case of charitable giving in Thailand ASEAS 10(2) | 185 Moving Beyond Charity to Philanthropy? keywords: 10(2; accountability; activities; annual; aseas; asia; bangkok; belief; buddhism; building; business; caf; case; causes; central; change; charitable; charitable giving; charities; charity; chhina; children; communities; community; contributions; corporate; country; csr; development; donations; donors; economic; education; efforts; entities; examples; family; financial; forms; foundation; general; giving; global; good; greater; group; health; high; hospitals; households; impact; income; individuals; institute; institutions; investment; jai; key; large; local; making; merit; middle; money; monitoring; n.d; natalie; new; ngos; non; organizations; paper; people; phaholyothin; philanthropy; poh; poor; positive; practice; premier; private; professionals; profit; programs; projects; public; religious; report; research; results; return; royal; rural; school; sector; social; society; students; studies; study; support; tax; teach; teck; temples; thai foundation; thailand; thais; theravada; time; traditional; transparency; trust; tung; typn; urban; world cache: aseas-2672.pdf plain text: aseas-2672.txt item: #230 of 325 id: aseas-2673 author: Dove, Cavelle title: Giving Trends in Myanmar: More Than Merit Making date: 2017-12-30 words: 9582 flesch: 53 summary: In other words, whether rich or poor, young or old, and across religious and ethnic lines, Myanmar people give money more regularly than anywhere else in the world. The question remains as to why are Myanmar people such generous givers. keywords: 10(2; activities; affairs; aid; alms; aseas; asia; bank; basic; benefit; brown; buddhist; burmese; business; care; causes; cavelle; charitable; charitable giving; charities; charity; children; community; compassion; contributions; corporate; countries; country; cyclone; daily; data; development; disaster; donations; donors; dove; economic; education; emergency; example; family; food; foundation; free; gdp; generosity; giving; good; government; group; help; hospital; human; impact; income; index; individuals; international; investment; journal; lack; large; local; making; medical; merit; military; ministry; monasteries; monastic; money; monks; motivation; muslims; myanmar; n.d; nargis; natural; needs; new; number; old; organizations; people; philanthropy; political; poor; population; poverty; practice; private; public; relief; religious; report; research; resources; response; responsibility; responsible; revenue; schools; services; significant; small; social; state; strong; support; tax; time; trends; utility; wealth; welfare; work; world; yangon; year; young; zakat cache: aseas-2673.pdf plain text: aseas-2673.txt item: #231 of 325 id: aseas-2674 author: Fauzia, Amelia title: Islamic Philanthropy in Indonesia: Modernization, Islamization, and Social Justice date: 2017-12-30 words: 7278 flesch: 46 summary: The transformation toward social justice philanthropy has benefited from dialogs and exchanges between Islamic philanthropy organizations and secular ones, as well as with other faith-based organizations that are concerned with the agenda of social justice. The article defines Islamic philanthropy organizations as nonprofit entities which aim to provide public good and assistance for poor communities, either through organizations or directly to individuals, and which are based on Islamic values or having Islamic aims. keywords: 10(2; abubakar; activities; advocacy; alliance; amelia; approach; article; aseas; asia; author; bamualim; baznas; board; change; charitable; charity; dan; data; development; discrimination; dompet; donations; example; fauzia; forum; foundation; fund; giving; government; groups; hidayatullah; humanitarian; inclusive; indonesia; international; islamic; islamic philanthropy; islamization; jakarta; justice; justice philanthropy; law; long; management; modernization; muslim; myanmar; national; new; non; number; organizations; peace; philanthropy; philanthropy organizations; potential; practice; programs; progressive; public; rakhine; reform; religion; religious; research; respondents; rights; sector; secular; social; social justice; state; studies; support; survey; syarif; term; traditional; university; waqf; women; work; world; yasmin; zakat; zakat organizations cache: aseas-2674.pdf plain text: aseas-2674.txt item: #232 of 325 id: aseas-2675 author: Latief, Hilman title: Addressing Unfortunate Wayfarer: Islamic Philanthropy and Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong date: 2017-12-30 words: 9841 flesch: 47 summary: Islamic philanthropic or- ganizations, such as DD, have functioned not only as intermediaries between benefactors in Indonesia and Indonesian migrant workers overseas but also as energizers to encourage the zakat practice among fortunate migrant workers to help their unfortunate fellows overseas. INDONESIAN MIGRANT WORKERS For many years, Indonesia has been renowned for its supply of migrant workers over- seas, notably to Gulf countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Emirates) as well as to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, and Malaysia. keywords: 10(2; activities; agencies; agency; aid; aseas; asian; assistance; associations; beneficiaries; branch; class; communities; community; constable; countries; development; dhuafa; disaster; domestic; domestic workers; dompet; economic; entrepreneurship; families; female; female migrant; funds; government; hilman; hong; hong kong; housemaids; ibn; imwu; income; indonesian; indonesian migrant; indonesian workers; international; islamic; islamic philanthropy; issues; jakarta; jobs; journal; kong; labor; latief; legal; life; malaysia; middle; migrant; migrant workers; migration; modern; money; month; movement; mui; muslim; new; ngos; office; organizations; overseas; people; perantau; philanthropic; philanthropic organizations; political; poor; poverty; press; problems; program; projects; protection; religious; research; rights; sabil; saudi; scholars; sector; shelter; singapore; skills; social; solidarity; southeast; studies; study; support; term; time; training; travelers; types; unfortunate; university; wayfarer; women; women migrant; workers; years; zakat cache: aseas-2675.pdf plain text: aseas-2675.txt item: #233 of 325 id: aseas-2676 author: Sakulsri, Teeranong; Tadee, Reena; Trupp, Alexander title: Analyzing International Migrant Responses to Crisis Situations in the Context of Floods in Thailand date: 2017-12-30 words: 3684 flesch: 52 summary: Moreover, Myanmar migrants reported cases of detainment of undocumented migrants who tried to cross provincial or international borders during the crisis. The purpose of this paper is to analyze migrant responses in crisis situations and to assess the impact of the 2011 floods on migrants from Myanmar, Lao PDR, Cambodia, and Vietnam. keywords: 10(2; affected; aged; aseas; cambodia; context; countries; country; crisis; crisis situations; development; discrimination; flood; groups; home; impact; information; international; ipsr; lao; migrants; migration; myanmar; paper; pdr; policy; population; project; punpuing; research; respondents; responses; sakulsri; situations; social; status; tadee; thailand; time; trupp; undocumented; university; vietnam; workers cache: aseas-2676.pdf plain text: aseas-2676.txt item: #234 of 325 id: aseas-2677 author: Morrissey, Michael title: Qatari Philanthropy and Out-of-School Children in Southeast Asia: An Interview With the Director of Educate A Child date: 2017-12-30 words: 2480 flesch: 57 summary: In addition, to receive EAC fund- ing a partner must demonstrate that it has a plan to sustain attention to OOSC once EAC funding is no longer available. The total funding for EAC projects now exceeds USD 1.3 billion for our entire portfolio. keywords: 10(2; aseas; asia; barriers; children; countries; development; director; eac; educate; education; funding; goal; international; morrissey; oosc; organizations; partners; philanthropy; pigozzi; primary; program; projects; qatari; quality; region; school; southeast; support; sustainable; world cache: aseas-2677.pdf plain text: aseas-2677.txt item: #235 of 325 id: aseas-2678 author: McCormick, Patrick title: SEA Junction: Our Venue to Connect on Southeast Asia date: 2017-12-30 words: 1752 flesch: 52 summary: The Southeast Asia Junction (SEA Junction) is a ‘knowledge venue’, an event space, a hub, a gallery, and a library with the goal of fostering understanding and appreciation of Southeast Asia, from arts and crafts to the economy, politics, and development. In the last year alone, SEA Junction has held public lectures, including: ‘In Search of Social Justice along the Myanmar and China Oil and Gas Pipeline’, ‘Chinese Tourism in Southeast Asia: A Blessing for All?’, and ‘LGBT Rights Under Siege in Indonesia’. keywords: 10(2; arts; aseas; asia; bacc; bangkok; books; countries; development; events; foundation; indonesia; international; junction; knowledge; lectures; lia; library; mccormick; people; public; region; regional; resources; sea; sea junction; southeast; southeast asia; space; studies; venue cache: aseas-2678.pdf plain text: aseas-2678.txt item: #236 of 325 id: aseas-2679 author: Niner, Sara title: Reflection on the Special Gender Stream: 2017 Timor-Leste Studies Association Conference date: 2017-12-30 words: 2576 flesch: 41 summary: She went on to resist Indonesian occupation in many ways and was a founder of the first women’s NGO in Timor FOKUPERS (cel- ebrating its 20th Anniversary in 2017).1 The ongoing discrimination and inequality faced by Timorese women from Portuguese colonization to OPMT’s efforts during the Indonesian occupation was highlighted in her paper but her major focus was on women’s contemporary solidarity and advocacy, including the establishment of the women’s network, REDE FETO Timor-Leste in 2000, and the strategic successes of the women’s movement.2 Many of these issues were reiterated by the next speaker, Nurima Alkatiri (who was running for parliament with FRETILIN) focusing on the “high prevalence of vi- olence against women and children, chronic malnutrition, one of the highest birth rates in the world, high rates of maternal and child mortality and low rates of women participation in the work force”. Timorese women accepted that the struggle for women’s rights established in the early 1970s was not possible during their long war, but the struggle depended upon women’s substantial contributions and sacrifices therefore creating a pool of highly skilled and motivated women who no longer accepted the status quo. keywords: 10(2; alves; aseas; asia; association; children; conference; conflict; contemporary; cultural; development; dili; east; foundation; gender; gender stream; health; high; issues; key; leste; local; micato; movement; national; niner; participation; political; post; rates; reflection; relations; report; research; sara; social; society; special; stream; struggle; studies; survey; timor; timorese; violence; war; women cache: aseas-2679.pdf plain text: aseas-2679.txt item: #237 of 325 id: aseas-2680 author: Einzenberger, Rainer; Schaffar, Wolfram title: The Political Economy of New Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia date: 2018-06-30 words: 6089 flesch: 51 summary: How can we analyze the social base of new authoritarian regimes? One line of argumentation – following Poulantzas – is that new authoritarian regimes mean a further intensification of neoliberalism. keywords: actors; analysis; anti; approach; aseas; asia; authoritarian; bello; capitalism; china; chinese; class; concept; contemporary; countries; crisis; debate; demirović; democracy; democratic; democratization; development; different; docena; duterte; early; economic; economy; einzenberger; europe; fascism; focus; free; freedom; general; global; history; human; ideology; indonesia; international; investment; issue; jayasuriya; journal; juego; laos; level; linz; malaysia; middle; movements; myanmar; naruemon; neoliberal; new; new authoritarianism; people; perspective; philippines; political; politics; populism; poulantzas; press; processes; project; prokla; rainer; regimes; region; rights; rise; role; sablowski; schaffar; social; southeast; southeast asia; states; studies; term; thailand; thompson; und; university; values; western; wolfram; world; years cache: aseas-2680.pdf plain text: aseas-2680.txt item: #238 of 325 id: aseas-2681 author: Einzenberger, Rainer title: Frontier Capitalism and Politics of Dispossession in Myanmar: The Case of the Mwetaung (Gullu Mual) Nickel Mine in Chin State date: 2018-06-30 words: 11308 flesch: 49 summary: Poster exhibitions on FPIC in local villages 2013 Village consultation meetings around Mwetaung area between January and February with hundreds of participants 2013 Civil society coalition on Mwetaung is renamed to Chinland Natural Resources Watch Group (CNRWG) in February 2013 North Mining Investment Co. Ltd submits feasibility reports on 'Mwetaung Nickel Smelt-ing Project' to the Ministries of Mines, and Environmental Conservation and Forestry 2013 Reports of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and Health Impact Assessment (HIA) are submitted to Ministry of Environmental Con- servation and Forestry 2013 Meeting with local political parties in March Discussion of Mwetaung Project at Chin State parliament 2013 Public consultation with local government and NMIC in Tiddim town hall, NRWG pres-ents 48 questions in April 2013 NMIC holds village meetings 2013 Buddhist monk and CNRWG members meet with local media 2013 Meeting with Chin regional government and Chin MPs in Hakha in May 2013 Meeting at Tiddim town hall: Manager from NMIC answer 46 questions 2013 CNRWG sends letter to the Mr. Quintana, UN Special Rapporteur on Myanmar in August 2013 CNRWG and GDI conduct collaborative research in Mwetaung area in August and Sep-tember 2013 Representatives of four Chin political parties conduct a survey on the Mwetaung project with local communities in September 2013 Chin parties meet with state government in Hakha 2013 Press conference in Yangon with CNRW, GDI, Chin political parties and civil society representatives 2013 Meeting with speaker of Union Parliament (lower house) Retrieved from -existence Chin State ministers and MPs. keywords: 11(1; accumulation; activists; agreement; anti; area; armed; army; aseas; asia; authoritarian; border; burma; burmese; business; capitalism; case; ceasefire; central; chin; chin state; chinese; chinland; civil; cnf; cnrwg; coalition; communities; companies; company; consent; control; customary; democracy; development; dispossession; early; economic; economy; einzenberger; environmental; ethnic; exploration; farmland; following; foreign; frontier; frontier capitalism; government; groups; gullu; hall; human; india; indigenous; information; institute; international; interview; investment; investors; january; jones; journal; kalay; kyi; land; law; laws; legal; level; levien; little; local; long; majority; means; media; military; mineral; mining; mining project; ministry; movement; mual; mwetaung; myanmar; national; nations; natural; network; new; news; nickel; nmic; north; november; particular; parties; party; people; political; politics; population; press; process; project; public; rainer; recent; regime; region; regional; report; research; resources; rights; san; social; society; southeast; special; state; studies; study; suu; town; transition; transnational; union; united; university; use; villagers; woods; zomi cache: aseas-2681.pdf plain text: aseas-2681.txt item: #239 of 325 id: aseas-2682 author: Schaffar, Wolfram title: The Iron Silk Road and the Iron Fist: Making Sense of the Military Coup D’État in Thailand date: 2018-06-30 words: 10021 flesch: 57 summary: Sufficiency economy and royal projects in the hills of Nan province, northern Thailand. ASEAS 11(1) | 35 The Iron Silk Road and the Iron Fist: Making Sense of the Military Coup D’État in Thailand Wolfram Schaffar ► Schaffar, W. (2018). keywords: accumulation; analysis; arrighi; aseas; asian; authoritarian; bangkok; beginning; belt; bowring; bureau; business; camp; campaign; capital; capitalist; center; central; century; china; chinese; class; competition; conservative; control; countries; coup; court; crisis; crown; cycle; democracy; der; development; different; direct; d’état; economic; economy; elections; elites; establishment; evers; example; expansion; fact; family; fist; foreign; frank; free; freedom; general; global; government; group; high; historiography; house; influence; infrastructure; initiative; integration; investment; iron; journal; king; korff; large; market; middle; military; military coup; minister; monarchy; national; new; office; ong; party; pas; point; policy; political; power; present; prime; production; programs; project; property; question; red; regions; rise; road; royalist; rural; scale; schaffar; sense; shift; shinawatra; shirts; siam; silk; silver; social; southeast; speed; state; structures; studies; support; system; thailand; thaksin; theory; trade; trading; trains; transition; treaty; united; university; urban; war; way; wolfram; world; yellow; yingluck cache: aseas-2682.pdf plain text: aseas-2682.txt item: #240 of 325 id: aseas-2683 author: Juego, Bonn title: The Institutions of Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Malaysia: A Critical Review of the Development Agendas Under the Regimes of Mahathir, Abdullah, and Najib date: 2018-06-30 words: 14275 flesch: 46 summary: Malaysia government budget, 1988–2018. The rise and fall of capital: Corporate Malaysia in historical perspective. keywords: 11(1; 1mdb; abdullah; accumulation; act; address; administration; agenda; analysis; anti; article; aseas; asian; authoritarian; authoritarian neoliberalism; bonn; business; capitalist; case; change; china; chinese; class; coalition; competitiveness; consensus; contemporary; corruption; council; countries; country; crisis; critical; democracy; democratic; democratization; department; development; dilemma; discourse; domestic; economic; economic development; economy; eds; elections; electoral; elites; ethnic; failures; financial; foreign; framework; fund; general; global; globalization; gomez; governance; government; growth; gst; hadhari; high; human; ideology; important; income; industrialization; institute; institutions; interests; international; investments; islam; islamic; jomo; journal; juego; khoo; kuala; laws; leadership; liberalization; london; long; lumpur; mahathir; malaysia; malaysia plan; market; measures; media; minister; mission; mohamad; najib; national; neoliberalism; nep; network; new; news; objective; office; official; oil; open; opposition; order; particular; party; people; plan; planning; policies; policy; political; politics; post; power; press; prime; principle; private; privatization; process; processes; program; project; public; razak; reforms; regime; regulation; relations; review; rights; second; sector; security; singapore; social; society; socio; southeast; stability; state; strategies; strategy; strong; studies; system; times; transformation; umno; university; usd; vision; wain; washington; wawasan; wealth; world; year cache: aseas-2683.pdf plain text: aseas-2683.txt item: #241 of 325 id: aseas-2684 author: Middleton, Carl title: National Human Rights Institutions, Extraterritorial Obligations and Hydropower in Southeast Asia: Implications of the Region’s Authoritarian Turn date: 2018-06-30 words: 9050 flesch: 47 summary: Despite a tangible push back by gov- ernments across Southeast Asia against human rights and its institutionalization (Gomez & Ramcharan, 2016; Welsh, 2017), and a broader turn towards political authoritarianism (Einzenberger & Schaffar, this issue; Dittmer, 2018; Pongsudhirak, 2018), the NHRCT and civil society have had some qualified success in pursuing ETO investigations. I have joined numerous workshops and seminars on the topics of business, environ- ment, ETOs, and human rights in Southeast Asia with civil society, academics, and state actors over the past five years, often as a presenter. keywords: 11(1; access; actors; agencies; agreement; article; aseas; asia; authority; bangkok; border; business; cambodia; carl; case; center; civil; civil society; commission; communities; community; complaint; construction; countries; court; cross; dam; developer; development; don; economic; environmental; etos; extraterritorial; forum; global; governance; government; groups; human; human rights; hydropower; implications; institutions; international; interview; investigations; investment; justice; laos; law; limited; malaysia; media; mekong; middleton; ministry; national; national human; neighboring; networks; new; nhrct; nhris; obligations; political; principles; project; public; region; regional; report; research; resource; rights; rights institutions; rivers; role; sahong; social; society; southeast; southeast asia; space; state; studies; sugar; suhakam; thailand; transboundary; transnational; united; watch; water; working; xayaburi cache: aseas-2684.pdf plain text: aseas-2684.txt item: #242 of 325 id: aseas-2685 author: Nomnian, Singhanat title: Thai Doctoral Students’ Layers of Identity Options Through Social Acculturation in Australia date: 2018-06-30 words: 8582 flesch: 47 summary: I argue that Thai students in Australia represent an ideal case for an investigation of such identity construction. To scrutinize how Thai students construct and negotiate their identities as legit- imate speakers of English in Sydney, which is considered one of the world’s most multilingual cities, it is crucial to understand how language users’ identities in multi- lingual contexts are constructed and negotiated, which can be explained by Pavlenko and Blackledge’s (2004) conceptual framework. keywords: academic; accent; acculturation; aseas; asian; assumed; australian; blackledge; bronfenbrenner; bsc; challenges; chinese; communication; construction; contexts; culture; development; different; doctoral; doctoral students; ecological; education; english; experiences; family; government; group; higher; host; identities; identity; identity options; individual; interactions; international; international students; journal; language; layers; learning; lecturer; life; linguistic; living; local; main; multicultural; multilingual; native; need; new; nnes; nomnian; non; options; order; participants; particular; pavlenko; peach; people; personal; persons; phd; practices; public; qualitative; rain; research; settings; singhanat; slang; social; sociocultural; speakers; students; study; sydney; systems; thai; thai doctoral; thai students; thai university; time; university; use; years cache: aseas-2685.pdf plain text: aseas-2685.txt item: #243 of 325 id: aseas-2687 author: Schaffar, Wolfram title: The Social Base of New Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia: Class Struggle and the Imperial Mode of Living date: 2018-06-30 words: 4376 flesch: 58 summary: A question of class. Leadership, class, gender, and political participation in Thailand. keywords: 11(1; aseas; asia; authoritarianism; base; brand; cheap; china; chinese; class; classes; concept; consumption; countries; crisis; debate; democracy; democratization; development; discourse; duterte; ecological; economic; economy; global; growth; imperial; journal; labor; living; london; middle; mode; new; north; orientation; philippines; political; politics; poor; power; press; research; rise; routledge; rural; sablowski; schaffar; social; southeast; struggle; studies; sufficiency; thailand; und; university; walker; western; wissen; workers cache: aseas-2687.pdf plain text: aseas-2687.txt item: #244 of 325 id: aseas-2688 author: Schaffar, Wolfram title: “Trust Me, I am the One Who Will Drain the Swamp”: An Interview With Walden Bello on Fascism in the Global South date: 2018-06-30 words: 3643 flesch: 62 summary: Moreover, many classes in Germany and France had never been reconciled to the emergence of democracy. Bello: The problem we have in the Philippines is that, to some extent, “fascist” to many people is still a foreign word. keywords: 11(1; analysis; aseas; authoritarianism; bello; class; counter; countries; democracy; democratic; different; disaffection; discourse; duterte; economic; edsa; fascism; left; liberal; middle; new; north; people; philippines; point; political; poor; regime; revolution; revolutionary; right; schaffar; south; studies; swamp; system; thailand; time; walden; wolfram cache: aseas-2688.pdf plain text: aseas-2688.txt item: #245 of 325 id: aseas-2689 author: Duile, Timo title: Book Review: Robinson, B. G. (2018). The Killing Season. A History of the Indonesian Massacres, 1965-66. date: 2018-06-30 words: 1558 flesch: 51 summary: Historical conditions, as Robinson stresses, are also crucial to understand the developments in Indonesia after the alleged coup. It becomes clear throughout the book that the main lines of argumentation and the focus on the army, international contexts, and historical conditions are highly influenced by the author’s academic background as he is an expert not only on geno- cides and mass violence in general but also on Indonesian history. keywords: army; author; book; chapter; communists; conditions; context; economic; efforts; forces; historical; history; indonesian; international; killings; mass; massacres; military; pki; recent; robinson; role; season; socio; violence cache: aseas-2689.pdf plain text: aseas-2689.txt item: #246 of 325 id: aseas-2888 author: Pichler, Melanie title: Editorial date: 2019-06-28 words: 827 flesch: 38 summary: In another qualitative case study, Dodi Widiyanto (Nagoya University, Japan & Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia) analyses the phenomenon of farmers’ markets in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Focusing on economic and financial trends in the region, Hong-Kong T. Nguyen (Phu Xuan University, Vietnam), Viet-Ha T. Nguyen, Thu-Trang Vuong, Manh-Tung Ho, and Quan-Hoang Vuong (Phenikaa University Hanoi, Vietnam) present a review on the rising indebtedness of the emerging economy of Vietnam, with a special focus on household debt and non-financial corporations. keywords: 12(1; aseas; asia; austrian; case; china; editorial; focus; indonesia; influence; journal; malaysia; migration; new; political; qualitative; southeast; state; studies; university; vietnam cache: aseas-2888.pdf plain text: aseas-2888.txt item: #247 of 325 id: aseas-2890 author: Ikhwan, Hakimul; Ita Yulianto, Vissia; Desti Parahita, Gilang title: The contestation of social memory in the new media: A case study of the 1965 killings in Indonesia date: 2019-06-28 words: 7240 flesch: 60 summary: The contestation of social memory in the new media: A case study of the 1965 killings in Indonesia. Practically and theoretically, we ask how the tragedy of the 1965 killings is contest- ed in the new media and how social memory plays out in this contestation. keywords: 12(1; analysis; army; aseas; asian; bali; book; case; collective; content; contestation; counter; coup; cultural; culture; desti; digital; documentary; dominant; events; example; father; film; filmmaker; forum; g30s; generals; genocide; gilang; hakimul; history; hitam; ikhwan; individual; indonesia; java; keywords; killings; kotak; latief; level; life; local; mass; master; media; members; memories; memory; military; movement; narratives; new; new media; official; offline; online; order; parahita; past; pengkhianatan; people; pki; political; press; propaganda; public; puppet; research; role; second; september; silence; social; social memory; southeast; state; stories; studies; study; suharto; theater; titles; tragedy; university; use; users; victims; videos; vissia; years; youtube; yulianto cache: aseas-2890.pdf plain text: aseas-2890.txt item: #248 of 325 id: aseas-2900 author: Rangkla, Prasert title: Future-making and frictional mobility in the return of Burmese migrants date: 2019-06-28 words: 7381 flesch: 58 summary: FUTURE-MAKING IN RETURN To return to Myanmar and survive with a small-scale business has attained specific significance in Southeast Myanmar, where emigration has been common for decades. The perception of Myanmar development on its return migrants: Implications for Burmese migrants in Thailand. keywords: 12(1; armed; article; aseas; asian; better; boom; border; building; burmese; burmese migrants; business; capital; cho; commercial; community; complex; conditions; country; development; different; economic; economy; ethnic; example; experience; factors; financial; frictional; future; government; groups; hoe; home; hope; hpa; influence; infrastructure; investment; jor; karen; kinds; land; life; living; local; making; migrants; migration; mobility; money; movement; myanmar; myawaddy; new; number; opportunities; owners; peace; people; plots; political; politics; potential; power; prasert; process; profit; projects; rangkla; recent; region; research; return; returnees; savings; scale; second; selling; services; shop; situation; small; social; southeast; state; thailand; time; town; trade; workers; working cache: aseas-2900.pdf plain text: aseas-2900.txt item: #249 of 325 id: aseas-2902 author: Puder, Janina title: Excluding migrant labor from the Malaysian bioeconomy: Working and living conditions of migrant workers in the palm oil sector in Sabah date: 2019-07-01 words: 9540 flesch: 54 summary: The group of migrant plantation workers encompasses all jobs linked to maintaining the estate (i.e., harvesting, fertilizing, collecting loose fruit, tree nurs- ery, and basic services such as cleaning). This espe- cially applies to migrant plantation workers without a (valid) working permit and to those who migrated at an early age to Malaysia or were even born as second-genera- tion workers on the estate. keywords: 12(1; agribusiness; article; aseas; asia; basic; bioeconomy; btp; case; companies; complex; conditions; context; country; cramb; development; economic; eds; employers; employment; exclusion; family; future; garcés; green; group; hand; household; income; indonesia; industry; interviews; janina; jobs; labor; land; legal; living; low; malaysia; malaysian bioeconomy; malaysian palm; male; march; market; mascareñas; mccarthy; measures; members; migrant; migrant labor; migrant workers; migration; mill; mobility; new; oil; oil industry; oil sector; order; origin; palm; palm oil; plantation; policies; political; population; precarious; press; production; program; public; puder; pye; regime; research; respondents; rural; sabah; sector; singapore; skilled; skilled migrant; smallholders; social; socio; southeast; specific; state; status; strategy; training; transnational; wage; workers; working cache: aseas-2902.pdf plain text: aseas-2902.txt item: #250 of 325 id: aseas-2903 author: Widiyanto, Dodi title: The third wave of Indonesia’s food market: Practices at small community markets in Yogyakarta date: 2019-06-28 words: 9626 flesch: 62 summary: Keywords: Community Markets; Farmers’ Markets; Food and Health; Indonesia; Market Practices  INTRODUCTION In Indonesia, there are several types of food markets that can broadly be clas- sified into traditional and modern (Dyck, Woolverton, & Rangkuti, 2012). These traditional markets sell local food with its characteristic “food quality and freshness” (Ostrom, 2006, p. 66). keywords: 12(1; agriculture; alternative; area; article; aseas; asian; chains; community; concept; consumers; countries; customers; daerah; development; dodi; economic; embeddedness; eriksen; example; face; farmers; fms; food; food markets; friends; geography; good; healthy; healthy food; hinrichs; human; indonesia; informal; informant; initiatives; interviews; istimewa; journal; local; local food; localness; managers; markets; materials; mechanisms; modern; motives; new; november; organic; outside; particular; people; practices; process; producers; products; province; proximity; quality; raw; related; relationships; research; role; rural; scale; second; small; social; studies; study; supply; systems; time; traditional; trust; type; urban; use; values; vendors; wave; widiyanto; yogyakarta cache: aseas-2903.pdf plain text: aseas-2903.txt item: #251 of 325 id: aseas-2904 author: Blake, David J. H. title: Recalling hydraulic despotism: Hun Sen’s Cambodia and the return of strict authoritarianism date: 2019-06-28 words: 10951 flesch: 46 summary: Recalling hydraulic despotism: Hun Sen’s Cambodia and the return of strict authoritarianism. The state appears more firmly ruled by prime minister Hun Sen than at any time during the past three decades, while the de facto status of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) more closely resembles the single party regimes of neighboring states. keywords: 12(1; 2018b; activists; agriculture; aid; article; aseas; asia; authoritarianism; authority; autocratic; bank; bilateral; blake; bureaucratic; cambodia; centre; century; china; chinese; civil; close; cnrp; concerns; construction; contemporary; control; corporation; countries; cpp; daily; dam; dams; david; december; democracy; despotism; development; dictatorship; domestic; early; economic; elections; electricity; elite; environmental; example; foreign; form; free; general; governance; government; group; human; hun; hun sen; hydraulic; hydraulic despotism; hydraulic development; hydraulic infrastructure; hydraulic society; hydraulic state; hydropower; infrastructure; interests; international; investment; irrigation; january; journal; july; kem; key; khmer; king; laos; large; leader; local; lower; mainstream; major; management; march; mekong; modern; morgenbesser; national; nature; new; november; opposition; oriental; particular; party; penh; people; period; phnom; policy; political; politics; post; potential; prime; project; province; recent; regime; region; regional; relations; report; research; resources; result; review; rights; rise; river; role; rouge; royal; ruler; run; satellite; scale; schemes; sen; significant; single; social; societies; society; socio; sokha; southeast; state; strategic; studies; supreme; technical; terms; thailand; time; university; usd; violence; water; western; wittfogel; world; years cache: aseas-2904.pdf plain text: aseas-2904.txt item: #252 of 325 id: aseas-2905 author: To Nguyen, Hong-Kong; To Nguyen, Viet-Ha; Vuong, Thu-Trang; Ho, Manh-Tung; Vuong, Quan-Hoang title: The new politics of debt in the transition economy of Vietnam date: 2019-06-28 words: 9454 flesch: 54 summary: The prob- lem of financial debt is more acute at the macro level in developing countries: the financial crises in, for example, Nicaragua, Morocco, Pakistan, and India, were linked to the uncontrolled expansion of microfinance (Chen, Rasmussen, & Reille, 2010; Lascelles, Mendelson, & Rozas, 2012). When looking at household indebtedness in rural Vietnam, one study has noted a high incidence of indebtedness in the period between 2007 and 2011 such that up to 76% of Vietnamese households had taken out at least one loan, and the trend of tak- ing out multiple loans rose steadily and peaked in 2011 (Chichaibelu & Waibel, 2018). keywords: 12(1; aseas; asian; average; banking; banks; behavior; borrowing; business; capital; causes; chen; chichaibelu; class; consumer; consumption; corporate; countries; country; credit; culture; data; debt; development; economic; economies; economy; enterprises; equity; evidence; factors; figure; financial; financing; firms; formal; gdp; growth; high; higher; hoang; household; household debt; income; indebtedness; informal; innovation; international; investment; journal; kong; lea; lending; literature; loans; long; low; management; manh; market; microfinance; middle; new; nguyen; office; people; period; personal; pham; political; politics; poverty; private; psychology; quan; ratio; real; recent; research; resources; risk; rural; schicks; sector; self; social; society; soes; state; statistics; structure; studies; study; t. nguyen; t. t.; terms; thu; trang; transition; tung; university; usd; vietnam; vietnamese; vuong; waibel; working; world cache: aseas-2905.pdf plain text: aseas-2905.txt item: #253 of 325 id: aseas-2911 author: Hrubý, Jakub; Petrů, Tomáš title: China’s cultural diplomacy in Malaysia during Najib Razak’s premiership date: 2019-06-28 words: 10659 flesch: 55 summary: While many aspects of China’s engagement with Southeast Asia have received scholarly attention, Chinese cultural diplomacy has only been partially researched, often within the scope of a wider overview of its public diplomacy (d’Hooghe, 2015; Kornphanat, 2016; Shambaugh, 2013; Shuto, 2018). A detailed analysis of the Malaysian case reveals an intricate pattern of involve- ment of various actors, both Chinese and local, state, semi-state, and non-state, pursuing their own interests, which tend to converge and overlap with the aims of Chinese cultural diplomacy, forming a synergy that helps to promote a positive image of present-day China in Malaysia. keywords: 12(1; active; activities; actors; admiral; affairs; aseas; asia; beijing; case; ccd; china; chinese; chinese cultural; communities; community; confucius; cooperation; countries; country; courses; cultural; cultural diplomacy; culture; different; diplomacy; diplomatic; domestic; d’hooghe; economic; effort; ethnic; good; government; great; heritage; historical; hrubý; image; importance; influence; institute; institutions; interests; international; islam; jakub; journal; kong; language; local; long; mahathir; majority; malacca; malaya; malaysia; malaysian chinese; message; minister; mosque; museum; muslim; najib; narrative; new; non; official; partner; past; peaceful; people; petrů; political; politics; position; positive; possibilities; power; prc; premiership; presence; press; prime; promotion; public; public diplomacy; razak; region; relations; relationship; rise; role; societal; society; soft; southeast; special; state; structures; studies; style; support; tomáš; transnational; understanding; university; values; voyages; way; world; xiamen; york; zheng cache: aseas-2911.pdf plain text: aseas-2911.txt item: #254 of 325 id: aseas-2912 author: Chan, Ralph; Makalintal, Joshua title: Book Review: Werning, R. & Schwieger, J. (2019). Handbuch Philippinen. Gesellschaft-Politik-Wirtschaft-Kultur date: 2019-06-28 words: 1521 flesch: 53 summary: Werning and his co-editor Jörg Schwieger, a Protestant theologian, together with Filipino and non-Filipino scholars, practitioners, and activists, raise their voices against assorted social ills in this extensive primer on Philippine society, which now includes a variety of analyses of the ramifications of the Duterte presidency. The substantial focus on the Marcos era and the post-dictatorship regimes are also worth noting, with a sharp and critical analysis of successive governments’ policies that have in effect paved the way towards Duterte’s rise to power. keywords: 12(1; book; chapters; country; critical; current; democracy; duterte; dutertismo; handbuch; history; human; justice; particular; people; philippines; political; politics; power; review; rights; rise; schwieger; situation; society; studies; werning cache: aseas-2912.pdf plain text: aseas-2912.txt item: #255 of 325 id: aseas-3021 author: Kreuzer, Peter title: Police Use of Deadly Force in the Philippines: Comparing Levels and Patterns Before and Since Duterte date: 2019-12-25 words: 7963 flesch: 53 summary: Finally, in section five I investigate the temporal and spatial patterns of pre- Duterte and Duterte police violence as well as the role of the threat and the lethality of PNP use of deadly force. A detailed analysis of available data for the two periods before and under Duterte yields three types of key information: first, the change in overall numbers; second, variation in sub-national magnitude of violence during the two phases; and third, the relationship between the pre-Duterte and Duterte ranking of provinces and cities with respect to deadly police violence. keywords: abs; act; alston; analysis; armed; aseas; bulacan; campaign; cases; city; correlation; current; data; dataset; davao; deadly; deadly force; deadly police; decade; detailed; drug; duterte; duterte police; encounters; environment; figure; force; higher; indicators; july; killings; kreuzer; lethality; levels; local; magnitude; media; n.d; national; national police; ncr; news; number; officers; operations; past; patterns; period; peter; philippines; pnp; police; police force; police officers; police use; police violence; political; population; pre; province; provincial; ratio; regional; regions; report; research; respect; second; shoot; spatial; sub; summary; suspects; temporal; threat; units; variation; victims; violence; war; years cache: aseas-3021.pdf plain text: aseas-3021.txt item: #256 of 325 id: aseas-3031 author: Marddent, Amporn title: Religious Discourse and Gender Security in Southern Thailand date: 2019-12-26 words: 13293 flesch: 49 summary: Lesson learnt: Women peace network from southern border provinces of Thailand. Among local women, the problem of identity is also related to how their “women-ness” is defined through various global discourses. keywords: action; activists; actors; affairs; agencies; agenda; amporn; approach; armed; aseas; asia; bangkok; cedaw; center; central; century; change; civil; cmcp; commission; community; conflict; context; control; council; crisis; cultural; culture; current; deep; development; different; discourse; efforts; equality; example; forces; forums; framework; gender; gender security; general; global; government; grassroots; group; hand; history; human; human security; implementation; insurgency; international; islamic; issues; journal; law; leaders; liow; local; local women; malay; marddent; members; military; movement; muslim; muslim women; nap; narathiwat; narrative; network; new; non; norms; notion; order; organizations; pacific; paow; paper; participation; patani; peace; peace women; peacebuilding; peaceful; people; perspective; plan; policies; policy; political; press; process; processes; provinces; public; region; related; religious; research; resolution; review; rights; role; salafi; sdg; security; sensitive; sexual; siam; situation; social; society; southeast; southern; southern thailand; southern women; spaces; state; steps; studies; study; support; sustainable; term; thailand; time; traditional; un women; university; unrest; unscr; violence; violent; war; women; working; wps; wps agenda cache: aseas-3031.pdf plain text: aseas-3031.txt item: #257 of 325 id: aseas-3036 author: Rydstrom, Helle title: Machinery of Male Violence: Embodied Properties and Chronic Crisis amongst Partners in Vietnam date: 2019-12-26 words: 10459 flesch: 56 summary: Gendered social learning, nonfamily institutions, and attitudes about recourse after partner violence. Machinery of male violence: Embodied properties and chronic crisis amongst partners in Vietnam. keywords: abuse; agamben; age; agencies; arendt; article; aseas; asia; assembly; berkeley; bodies; body; california; cambridge; campaign; chronicity; contemporary; context; crisis; culture; cảm; das; domestic; domestic violence; eds; family; female; forces; gender; gendered; general; girls; hanoi; harm; health; helle; hoang; horton; hot; household; human; husband; international; intimate; kleinman; law; life; london; machinery; male; male violence; masculinity; means; media; metoo; minh; national; nations; nations women; new; nguyen; northern; office; organization; partner; partner violence; person; phenomenological; physical; politics; power; practices; press; prevention; problem; processes; properties; public; research; result; routledge; rural; rydstrom; sexual; sexual violence; sexuality; silent; social; society; statistics; study; time; types; tình; union; united; university; vietnam; vietnam women; vietnamese; vigh; violence; violent; ways; women; world; yount cache: aseas-3036.pdf plain text: aseas-3036.txt item: #258 of 325 id: aseas-3120 author: Dolezal, Claudia; Miezelyte, Dominyka title: Volunteer Tourists and the SDGs in Bali: Agents of Development or Redundant Holiday-Makers? date: 2020-06-29 words: 11479 flesch: 49 summary: Volunteer tourism is an ever-growing phenomenon and a multi-million-pounds industry, particularly in developing countries. Findings identify a range of obstacles for volunteer tourism in the Balinese context to be in line with the SDGs. keywords: 13(1; agenda; agents; aseas; asia; bali; burns; change; children; claudia; communities; community; context; conversations; countries; culture; data; destination; development; diary; dolezal; dominyka; economic; education; english; example; expectations; experiences; feelings; felt; focus; future; global; goals; growth; help; howard; impact; indonesia; industry; international; interviews; jacob; journal; key; knowledge; lack; language; line; little; local; long; main; miezelyte; money; mostafanezhad; nature; need; new; order; organization; paper; people; personal; positive; present; program; project; research; residents; role; sdgs; self; short; skills; smith; social; south; southeast; study; sustainable; sustainable development; sustainable tourism; teaching; term; time; tourism; tourists; understanding; volunteer; volunteer tourism; volunteering; voluntourism; weeks; work; world cache: aseas-3120.pdf plain text: aseas-3120.txt item: #259 of 325 id: aseas-3166 author: Ocha, Witchayanee title: Gold Rush Abroad: The Trajectory of Singapore-Based Thai Transsexual (Male to Female) Sex Workers in Global Sex Tourism date: 2020-06-29 words: 9709 flesch: 59 summary: Pull factors that attract Thai transsexual sex workers to travel to Singapore are: first, the opportunity for a higher income; second, the geographic proximity to and accessibility from Thailand; and, third, the legalization of sex work in Singapore in certain areas, which allows established, though informal, agencies/networks to arrange Thai sex workers to work in Singapore. Their decisions are influenced by push factors such as the economic recession and political tensions related to a military coup (2014-2019), and the fact that the ‘legal non-acknowledgment’ of marginalized identities in Thailand motivates Thai sex workers to travel out of the country. keywords: 13(1; agencies; agency; amsterdam; aseas; asia; average; bangkok; bar; bars; chinese; conditions; country; customers; data; debts; development; economic; european; experience; factors; female; gender; geylang; global; global sex; gold; government; hostess; human; identities; identity; income; india; industry; informants; international; interviews; jackson; journal; july; kathoey; kong; law; legal; little; mae; mai; male; market; media; money; netherlands; new; number; ocha; orchard; paper; pay; people; political; popular; potential; queer; reassignment; research; respondents; rights; rush; services; sex; sex industry; sex tourism; sex workers; sexuality; sgd; singapore; social; srs; street; studies; study; tact; thai sex; thai transsexual; thailand; time; tourism; tourists; towers; trade; transgender; transnational; transsexual; transsexual sex; travel; university; visa; way; witchayanee; women; workers; working; world; years cache: aseas-3166.pdf plain text: aseas-3166.txt item: #260 of 325 id: aseas-3213 author: Stange, Gunnar; Sakdapolrak, Patrick; Sasiwongsaroj, Kwanchit; Kourek, Matthias title: Forced Migration in Southeast Asia: A Brief Overview of Current Research date: 2019-12-26 words: 9847 flesch: 59 summary: Retrieved from forced-migration-2003.pdf Ullah, AKM A., & Hossain, M. A. (2011). Ancylostoma ceyla- nicum hookworm in Myanmar refugees, Thailand, 2012-2015. keywords: 2016; aseas; asia; asylum; australia; bangladesh; bmc; border; brief; burma; burmese; cambodia; change; children; china; community; concern; conflict; corpus; countries; country; crisis; cross; database; development; disaster; diseases; displacement; eds; education; ethnic; field; focus; forced; gender; geography; global; group; gunnar; health; high; human; idps; indonesia; international; international journal; journal; karen; kourek; kwanchit; law; lee; literature; london; long; main; malaysia; matthias; mcgready; mekong; migrant; migration; minority; myanmar; myanmar border; nations; needs; new; nosten; number; overview; oxford; pacific; papers; patrick; people; persons; philippines; plos; politics; population; post; protection; publications; qualitative; refugee; refugee studies; region; regional; research; resettlement; results; review; rights; rohingya; routledge; sakdapolrak; sasiwongsaroj; science; scientific; seekers; singapore; smuggling; social; society; southeast; southeast asia; stange; stateless; studies; study; survey; thailand; trafficking; tropical; turner; unhcr; united; university; vietnam; violence; web; women cache: aseas-3213.pdf plain text: aseas-3213.txt item: #261 of 325 id: aseas-3214 author: Sousa, Lúcio title: State Appropriation of Traditional Actors and Oral Narratives in Timor-Leste date: 2019-12-24 words: 8397 flesch: 59 summary: The decolonization of Timor-Leste only began after the Carnation Revolution in Portugal took place on 25 April 1974, and political parties emerged in East Timor. The framework for the new state and the acknowledgement of the role of “norms and customs” in its order is the 2002 national constitution: “The state shall rec- ognize and value the norms and customs of Timor-Leste that are not contrary to the Constitution and any legislation dealing specifically with customary law” (The Constituent Assembly of the Democratic Republic of East Timor, 2002, Section 2, Point 4). keywords: actors; alkatiri; ancestors; appropriation; aseas; authorities; bobonaro; building; capital; case; ceremonies; ceremony; community; conflict; context; country; cultural; culture; customary; customs; cvar; de timor; democratic; different; dili; districts; east; east timor; events; flag; following; government; history; house; identity; indonesian; law; leaders; leste; lia; lia na`in; local; lulik; lúcio; major; manufahi; matas; military; mountains; na`in; narratives; national; new; office; oral; participation; pascoal; peace; people; political; portuguese; post; power; practices; presence; president; press; process; rebellion; recitation; reconciliation; relationship; representatives; republic; research; resolution; ritual; role; sacred; scale; silva; small; social; society; sousa; state; structure; suco; time; timor; timorese; traditional; uma; united; universidade; village; violence; war; way; words; world; years; young cache: aseas-3214.pdf plain text: aseas-3214.txt item: #262 of 325 id: aseas-3241 author: Müller, Sabine; Huck, Lukas; Markova, Jitka title: Sustainable Community-Based Tourism in Cambodia and Tourists’ Willingness to Pay date: 2020-06-29 words: 9582 flesch: 50 summary: Resident attitudes toward sustainable community tourism. If CBT is implemented to maximize the benefits for the local commu- nities, all three pillars of sustainable tourism development – i.e., economic efficiency, social value, and environmental sustainability – have to be respected so the commu- nity gains control of tourism from early planning stages onward. keywords: analysis; approach; aseas; asia; authors; benefits; cambodia; case; cbt; cbt sites; communities; community; context; countries; country; current; data; destination; development; different; domestic; economic; ecotourism; environmental; evidence; expatriates; financial; focus; future; government; groups; growth; guiding; higher; huck; impact; international; issues; jitka; journal; knowledge; lack; limited; local; low; lukas; main; majority; management; market; marketing; markova; means; members; model; müller; needs; organizations; paper; particular; pay; planning; potential; poverty; price; pricing; products; projects; range; reimer; research; residents; respondents; rural; sabine; sdgs; segments; services; sites; socio; studies; study; support; survey; sustainability; sustainable; sustainable community; sustainable development; sustainable tourism; table; target; tourism; tourism development; tourism research; tourists; travelers; understanding; usd; use; value; visitors; walter; willingness; world; wtp cache: aseas-3241.pdf plain text: aseas-3241.txt item: #263 of 325 id: aseas-3247 author: Dahles, Heidi; Prabawa, Titi Susilowati; Koning, Juliette title: Local Tourism Businesses in Indonesia: A Pathway to Crisis Resilient Development? date: 2020-06-29 words: 8005 flesch: 50 summary: The tourism industry has been widely commended for its potential to help achieve sustainable development, as small tourism businesses, in particular, have been acknowledged for providing income and jobs for many peo- ple. As the aim of this paper is to provide a contextualized exploration of the ways in which small business owners manage profound change unleashed by enduring crises, a focus on the material and immaterial qualities of network ties is needed. keywords: access; anderson; approach; aseas; asia; business; case; craftsmen; crisis; daerah; dahles; data; decade; development; dodd; domestic; earthquake; economic; embeddedness; employment; enterprises; entrepreneurship; environment; firms; framework; goals; government; granovetter; heidi; indonesia; industry; institutional; international; istimewa; journal; juliette; kloosterman; koning; kotagede; labor; level; local; macro; market; mixed; networks; opportunity; order; owners; oxford; paper; pariwisata; particular; perspective; prabawa; process; producers; production; qualitative; rath; research; resources; rural; sdgs; silver; small; small business; social; sociology; strategies; studies; study; susilowati; sustainable; system; ties; time; titi; tourism; tourism businesses; traditional; understanding; university; weak; workers; workshops; yogyakarta cache: aseas-3247.pdf plain text: aseas-3247.txt item: #264 of 325 id: aseas-3251 author: Chan, Ying-kit title: The Golden Mile Complex: The Idea of Little Thailand in Singapore date: 2020-06-29 words: 10482 flesch: 55 summary: Angry petition by Golden Mile Complex residents. Keywords: Golden Mile Complex; Place; Race; Singapore; Thailand  INTRODUCTION Completed in 1973, the Golden Mile Complex is one of Singapore’s first shopping malls. keywords: 13(1; anderson; architects; architectural; article; aseas; asian; beach; boundaries; building; businesses; categories; center; chan; chinese; citizens; city; commercial; communities; complex; conservation; construction; crime; design; developed; development; discourse; economic; enclave; english; ethnic; everyday; exotic; financial; food; foreign; gender; golden; golden mile; government; guan; heritage; high; history; home; housing; idea; identity; images; immigration; independence; january; kit; kong; labor; landscapes; language; life; like; little; little thailand; low; march; migrants; mile complex; nation; national; new; newspapers; number; officials; opinion; parliament; pattana; place; placemaking; planning; plaza; postcolonial; present; press; proprietors; public; race; racial; rahim; report; research; residential; residents; road; sense; session; shops; singapore; singaporeans; social; southeast; space; state; straits; studies; thai; thai migrants; thai workers; thailand; thainess; thompson; times; translocal; university; urban; use; value; volume; wong; workers; working; world; yeoh; ying cache: aseas-3251.pdf plain text: aseas-3251.txt item: #265 of 325 id: aseas-3257 author: Nomnian, Singhanat; Trupp, Alexander; Niyomthong, Wilawan; Tangcharoensathaporn, Prakaimook; Charoenkongka, Anan title: Language and Community-Based Tourism: Use, Needs, Dependency, and Limitations date: 2020-06-29 words: 11368 flesch: 47 summary: This study explores local communities’ perceived English language needs and challenges for tourism purposes in Thailand’s second-tier provinces of Chiang Rai and Buriram. Some vil- lagers responsible for local tourism in both communities also learned English through a language training program offered by flight attendant volunteers, but this was not regular as it depended on availability. keywords: 13(1; a.trupp; activities; akha; analysis; aseas; asia; attractions; baan; bangkok; basic; boonyasaranai; bourdieu; buriram; business; capital; cbt; challenges; charoenkongka; chiang; coffee; communication; communities; community; contexts; cross; cultural; cultures; current; destinations; development; different; district; dolezal; economic; education; english; english language; entrepreneurs; ethnic; focus; foreign; franca; global; group; guest; guides; hall; help; heritage; host; identities; identity; important; industry; information; international; interview; issues; journal; key; knowledge; kok; lack; language; learning; lew; lingua; linguistic; local; mahidol; main; making; materials; mee; members; muang; needs; niyomthong; nomnian; non; northern; owner; participants; people; pha; power; products; project; province; purposes; rai; research; role; sdg; second; semi; shop; silk; sites; skills; social; sociocultural; socioeconomic; southeast; speaking; structured; studies; study; sustainable; tangcharoensathaporn; tat; teaching; thailand; tourism; tourists; trupp; university; use; users; villagers; visitors; vocabulary cache: aseas-3257.pdf plain text: aseas-3257.txt item: #266 of 325 id: aseas-3302 author: Seto, Ario; Stange, Gunnar; Schröter, Susanne title: Durable Violence in Southeast Asia: Machinery and Scale date: 2019-12-25 words: 7630 flesch: 48 summary: The growth of ethnocentric paramilitary groups and radical Islamists in Southeast Asia (Hadiz, 2016; Wilson, 2010) are two fitting examples of such violence, particularly when violence has become a common 138 | ASEAS 12(2) Editorial: Durable Violence in Southeast Asia repertoire of action, which both the state and non-state actors engage to secure their political power as a means to accrue available resources. Social movements, political violence, and the state: A comparative analysis of Italy and Germany. keywords: 2019; action; actors; ario; articles; aseas; asia; austrian; cambridge; case; center; common; conflict; control; cultural; deadly; democratic; development; discourse; durable; durable violence; economic; editorial; emergence; everyday; example; force; foucault; gender; global; government; groups; gunnar; historical; history; indonesia; islamic; issue; journal; kreuzer; legal; leste; life; local; machinery; marddent; media; movements; nation; national; new; non; normalcy; order; peacebuilding; police; political; power; practices; press; problem; public; religious; repertoire; research; resources; role; rydstrom; scale; schröter; security; seto; shows; social; society; sousa; southeast; southeast asia; stability; stange; state; studies; susanne; thailand; timor; university; use; vietnam; view; violence; violent; war; women; work cache: aseas-3302.pdf plain text: aseas-3302.txt item: #267 of 325 id: aseas-3305 author: Stange, Gunnar title: “The Danger of Intolerant Above-ground, Non-clandestine Organizations is Bigger for Indonesia Than Violent Extremism”: An Interview with Sidney Jones on Religious Extremism, Political Violence and Conflict Dynamics in Indonesia date: 2019-12-26 words: 4510 flesch: 64 summary: It focuses on questions of religious extremism, political violence, and conflict dynamics in contemporary Indonesia. Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia and political Islam: Identity, ideology and religio-political mobilization. keywords: aceh; amnesty; analysis; ansor; aseas; asia; bigger; change; clandestine; conflict; crisis; danger; development; divisions; elections; ethnic; extremism; government; ground; group; gunnar; human; icg; idea; indonesia; institute; international; interview; intolerant; islamic; jones; kalimantan; muslims; new; non; organizations; papua; people; place; point; police; political; religious; rights; sidney; society; southeast; stange; studies; terrorist; time; violence; violent; watch; way; years cache: aseas-3305.pdf plain text: aseas-3305.txt item: #268 of 325 id: aseas-3462 author: Bärnthaler, Richard title: Conflict, Controversy, Compromise, and Compression: The Pragmatics of Transdisciplinary (Development) Projects date: 2020-12-08 words: 8999 flesch: 47 summary: The third thread of disagreements epitomized the widely discussed trend from struc- tural theories towards more actor-oriented approaches4 in development research (cf., Schuurman, 2007). The increasing dominance of neoclassical economic thinking in development research (Bernstein, 2007) was a predominant concern. keywords: academic; actors; approaches; article; aseas; asian; austria; body; bärnthaler; case; central; collaboration; common; compression; compromise; conflict; contexts; contextual; controversies; controversy; critical; definition; development; development research; differences; different; difficult; disagreement; disciplines; empirical; european; example; extra; fact; feauge1; feminist; feth3; field; germany; global; institutional; interaction; interviews; journal; judgments; knots; knowledge; language; local; maauge6; math4; north; oriented; people; place; pluralism; point; political; possible; power; practices; pragmatic; problem; projects; question; research; researchers; richard; scholars; science; scientific; self; signifier; situated; situation; social; society; southeast; specific; structural; studies; teaching; terms; thailand; theories; theory; transdisciplinary; transdisciplinary research; understanding; university; western; work; working cache: aseas-3462.pdf plain text: aseas-3462.txt item: #269 of 325 id: aseas-3487 author: Seemann, Frank; Antweiler, Christoph title: Linking European and Southeast Asian Transdisciplinary Knowledge Production: Lessons Learnt by Doing Evaluation date: 2020-12-31 words: 8839 flesch: 39 summary: Like project management, quality management should also be explicitly assigned a reflec- tive role in such projects. Several authors consistently follow an “output-outcome-im- pact” concept for evaluation – a concept coming from project management (Binder et al., 2015, p. 547; Schuck-Zöller, Jakob, & Cortekar, 2018, p. 31). keywords: academic; activities; angeles; antweiler; approach; aseas; asian; authors; building; capacity; challenges; christoph; common; countries; critical; development; differences; different; discussion; education; effects; erasmus+; european; evaluation; example; experiences; feedback; fieldtrips; focus; following; frank; gender; gurstein; hierarchical; hierarchies; higher; implementation; important; institutions; issue; knots; knowledge; language; learning; main; management; manual; meetings; members; methods; north; open; participants; participation; participatory; partners; point; political; positive; practical; problems; process; production; project; quality; questionnaires; questions; related; research; results; role; school; science; scientific; seemann; social; southeast; staff; stakeholders; students; studies; summer; tasks; tdr; teaching; thai; thailand; time; topics; transcultural; transdisciplinary; transdisciplinary research; understanding; universities; university; vietnam; vietnamese; vs.; working cache: aseas-3487.pdf plain text: aseas-3487.txt item: #270 of 325 id: aseas-3490 author: Doi, Nguyen Minh title: Institutional Prospects and Challenges to Transdisciplinary Approach in the Knowledge Production System of Vietnam: Reflections on a North-South Partnership Project date: 2020-12-31 words: 6399 flesch: 35 summary: However, these agencies and actors lack capacities, as well as autonomy, to change institutional logic and habits or to pursue prospects in this framework. The neo-institutionalism perspective in policy studies, which focuses on institutional isomorphism and institutional logic change, can help (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983; Friedland & Alford, 1991; Meyer & Rowan, 1977; van Vught, 1996). keywords: academic; actors; agencies; approach; aseas; building; capacity; challenges; change; complex; control; development; different; doi; dominant; education; existing; experience; framework; funding; global; governance; individual; institutional; institutional logic; interaction; international; interplay; knots; knowledge; knowledge production; level; logic; market; minh; mode-2; model; new; nguyen; north; organizations; participants; participation; partnership; policy; power; problems; process; production; production system; project; prospects; public; quality; relations; relevant; research; response; shows; social; south; stakeholders; state; studies; system; traditional; transdisciplinarity; university; vietnam cache: aseas-3490.pdf plain text: aseas-3490.txt item: #271 of 325 id: aseas-3602 author: Dannecker, Petra title: Transdisciplinarity ‘Meets’ Power Structures: Challenges and Experiences of a Capacity Building Project on Transdisciplinarity date: 2020-12-31 words: 9545 flesch: 41 summary: Connected to this point is yet another, namely, how to handle the pre-framing of phenomena and problems that transdisciplinary research projects are planning to tackle. This has important implications not only for participation but also for the transformative potential of transdisciplinary knowledge production (Rosendahl et al., 2015). keywords: academic; activities; actors; aim; aims; approaches; aseas; baan; building; capacity; case; challenges; collaborative; colleagues; context; critical; dannecker; development; different; discussions; education; endeavors; european; example; expectations; experiences; field; focus; framework; funding; global; higher; important; involved; journal; knots; knowledge; knowledge production; learning; methodology; new; non; north; paper; participants; participation; partners; perspectives; petra; pohl; political; postcolonial; power; power structures; practice; problem; process; production; project; proposal; question; relations; research; role; schmidt; science; scientific; social; south; structures; studies; summer; teaching; thai; time; topics; transdisciplinarity; transdisciplinary research; understandings; universities; university; vienna cache: aseas-3602.pdf plain text: aseas-3602.txt item: #272 of 325 id: aseas-3606 author: Stephenson, Marcus L.; Dobson, Graeme title: Deciphering the Development of Smart and Sustainable Tourism Cities in Southeast Asia: A Call for Research date: 2020-06-29 words: 5154 flesch: 44 summary: ‘Smart sustainable cities’ offer a potential strategic solution to attaining urban sustainability by utilizing information and communication technologies (ICT) (see Bibri & Krogstie, 2019). Generating a vision for smart sustainable cities of the future: a scholarly backcasting approach. keywords: agenda; approaches; areas; asean; asia; case; cities; city; concerns; consumption; cultural; destinations; development; dobson; economic; environmental; forms; global; graeme; heritage; ict; journal; lao; management; marcus; mckinsey; myanmar; nations; need; network; overtourism; phuket; plan; post; potential; promote; range; region; research; significant; singapore; sites; smart; smart cities; smart city; smart sustainable; smart tourism; social; solutions; southeast; states; stephenson; strategic; studies; study; support; sustainability; sustainable; sustainable cities; sustainable tourism; systems; technology; time; tourism; tourism cities; tourists; transport; urban; use; vientiane; yangon cache: aseas-3606.pdf plain text: aseas-3606.txt item: #273 of 325 id: aseas-3620 author: Low, Choo Chin title: Legal Reforms in Protecting Migrant Workers’ Welfare in Malaysia: Labor Law and Social Security date: 2021-06-28 words: 11424 flesch: 43 summary: Migrant workers have limited access to social security ben- efits in the receiving states because access is unequally distributed between national 62 | ASEAS 14(1) Legal Reforms in Protecting Migrant Workers’ Welfare in Malaysia workers and migrant workers. According to Tenaganita, a human rights group, foreign workers are trafficked and placed in forced labor conditions because the country has not sufficiently addressed workers’ protection and living conditions. keywords: access; accidents; accommodation; accountability; act; amendment; amenities; asean; asia; bank; basic; benefits; centralized; chin; choo; companies; compensation; compliance; conditions; control; costs; country; coverage; covid-19; death; december; department; development; documents; economic; employers; employment; enforcement; february; foreign; foreign workers; framework; fwcs; glove; government; groups; housing; human; ilo; implementation; injury; insurance; international; january; july; labor; lack; law; laws; legal; living; local; low; major; malaysia; march; migrant; migrant workers; migration; minimum; myr; nepali; new; non; number; online; operations; ops; order; organization; outsourcing; policies; policy; poor; protection; reforms; regulations; report; research; rights; safety; scheme; screening; section; security; security act; skilled; social; social protection; social security; socso; southeast; standards; star; state; status; straits; sustainable; terms; times; treatment; undocumented; welfare; workers; working; workplace; world cache: aseas-3620.pdf plain text: aseas-3620.txt item: #274 of 325 id: aseas-3658 author: Aquino, Richard title: Book Review: Dolezal, C., Trupp, A., & Bui, H. T. (Eds.). (2020). Tourism and Development in Southeast Asia. date: 2020-06-29 words: 1723 flesch: 45 summary: Written by the editors, Chapter 1 sets the scene by systematically reviewing published studies on Southeast Asian tourism and development, while Chapter 2 (Bui and Dolezal) comprehensively narrates the evolution of tourism development in the region in line with development theories. These introductory chapters objectively position the volume within exist- ing tourism and development paradigms and discourses, and invite readers to reflect on the sustainability of tourism development in Southeast Asia. keywords: aseas; asia; book; bui; chapter; communities; community; contributions; development; dolezal; eds; local; management; mura; region; research; review; southeast; southeast asia; studies; tourism; trupp; volume cache: aseas-3658.pdf plain text: aseas-3658.txt item: #275 of 325 id: aseas-3771 author: Heis, Alexandra; Chayan, Vaddhanaphuti title: Thai Baan Methodology and Transdisciplinarity as Collaborative Research Practices: Common Ground and Divergent Directions date: 2020-12-31 words: 9186 flesch: 42 summary: Thai Baan research was developed in the late 1990s as a counter-hegemonic, emanci- patory means of knowledge production. Integrating Thai Baan research in academic and NGO structures has helped to translate the methodology into other local struggles on wetland ecosystems and other socio-ecological challenges and allowed it to become a significant strategy for academic 3 SEARIN, today Living River Siam Association, is involved in research and analysis of dam projects on lives of indigenous people. keywords: academic; action; activities; actors; alexandra; aseas; asia; baan; baan methodology; baan research; blake; books; challenges; chayan; collaborative; collaborative research; common; complexity; concept; context; conventional; dam; data; development; different; dominant; economic; eds; environmental; experience; feminist; futures; hadorn; hegemonic; heis; indigenous; interests; international; issue; journal; klein; knowledge; lamb; local; london; making; methodologies; methodology; methods; movements; mun; n.d; national; natural; nature; new; non; nowotny; order; pak; participation; participatory; people; planning; pohl; political; power; practice; press; problems; process; processes; production; project; question; rattaphon; relations; research; research practices; researchers; river; rural; santos; scale; science; scientific; scientists; situated; social; societal; society; solving; southeast; space; studies; sustainability; sustainable; thai; thai baan; thailand; transdisciplinarity; transdisciplinary research; transformation; understanding; university; vaddhanaphuti; villagers; world; york cache: aseas-3771.pdf plain text: aseas-3771.txt item: #276 of 325 id: aseas-3821 author: Trupp, Alexander; Dolezal, Claudia title: Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals in Southeast Asia date: 2020-06-29 words: 9612 flesch: 58 summary: Constructing sustainable tourism development: The 2030 agenda and the managerial ecology of sustainable tourism. Simultaneously, however, different forms of (mass) tour- ism development have led to an unequal distribution of economic benefits, overex- ploitation of resources, and uncontrolled tourism development (Dolezal, Trupp, & Bui, 2020a). keywords: 13(1; 2030; agenda; alexander; arrivals; aseas; asia; austrian; bui; change; claudia; communities; community; countries; covid-19; crisis; critical; cultural; current; d s; d u; development; development goals; dolezal; domestic; e n; ecological; economic; economy; eds; education; empowerment; ethnic; focus; future; geographies; global; goals; growth; health; human; important; indigenous; indonesia; industry; international; io n; issue; journal; lapointe; local; malaysia; n ab; n d; n s; n t; n.p; nations; need; new; online; pacific; pandemic; people; potential; progress; region; research; residents; review; role; routledge; s u; sd g; sdgs; sector; set; singapore; social; southeast; southeast asia; studies; sustainability; sustainable; sustainable development; sustainable tourism; targets; thailand; times; tourism; tourism development; tourists; travel; trupp; u n; university; unwto; ve n; work; world cache: aseas-3821.pdf plain text: aseas-3821.txt item: #277 of 325 id: aseas-3867 author: Berka, Gerhard title: Malaysia-News - eine Facebook-Gruppe: Ein Erfahrungsbericht in Social Media Nutzung date: 2021-06-28 words: 1700 flesch: 57 summary: Ab dem MCO stieg dieser Wert auf die Hälfte der Mitglieder an. Malaysia-News – eine Facebook Gruppe: Ein Erfahrungsbericht in Social Media Nutzung. keywords: algorithmus; als; april; aseas; auf; august; aus; austrian; berka; bis; chin; compilation; control; das; dass; dem; den; der; des; die; diese; ein; eine; erreichte; ersten; facebook; figure; für; gerhard; group; gruppe; ika; internet; ist; malaysia; man; mco; media; mit; mitgliedern; movement; märz; nach; news; nur; nuurianti; online; order; postings; sich; social; studie; südostasien; und; user; vertrauen; vom; von; wird; zeigt; zum; über cache: aseas-3867.pdf plain text: aseas-3867.txt item: #278 of 325 id: aseas-3909 author: Paredes Grijalva, Daniela title: Book Review: Samuels, A. (2019). After the Tsunami: Disaster Narratives and the Remaking of Everyday Life in Aceh. date: 2020-10-19 words: 1741 flesch: 47 summary: Annemarie Samuels interrogates disaster narratives and the efforts of survivors to remake everyday life in the midst of destruction, loss, humanitarian aid, and political change after decades of an armed conflict that was finally settled in August 2005. The book focuses on how people speak, or remain silent, about the tsunami and its aftermath, and adds important insights to the anthropological study of disasters by exploring how subjectivities are constructed through disaster narratives. keywords: aceh; aid; anthropology; aseas; austrian; author; book; chapter; conflict; disaster; everyday; humanitarian; islamic; life; narratives; paredes; people; post; remaking; review; samuels; social; subjectivities; survivors; tsunami; ways cache: aseas-3909.pdf plain text: aseas-3909.txt item: #279 of 325 id: aseas-3930 author: Dang, Hoang Linh title: Social Media, Fake News, and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Sketching the Case of Southeast Asia date: 2021-06-28 words: 9556 flesch: 50 summary: Social media, fake news, and the COVID-19 pandemic: Sketching the case of Southeast Asia. As a result of lockdowns across Southeast Asia, the use of all types of social media has reached high records in the whole region. keywords: 2020b; accurate; alliance; anti; april; article; aseas; asia; authorities; bangkok; cambodia; cases; censorship; channels; chinese; companies; concern; content; coronavirus; coronavirusfacts; countries; country; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; dang; data; different; digital; disease; disorder; economic; emergency; ethnic; facebook; fact; fake; fake news; false; false information; february; figure; freedom; global; governments; groups; health; highest; hoang; hootsuite; hours; https://; human; impacts; indonesia; infodemic; information; international; internet; journal; laws; legal; linh; malaysia; march; measures; media; misinformation; misleading; myanmar; network; news; number; online; outbreak; pandemic; panic; people; philippines; place; platforms; political; post; prevention; proliferation; public; region; related; report; research; responses; rights; rise; risk; search; security; singapore; social; social media; southeast; southeast asia; spread; term; thailand; time; traffic; transparency; treatment; twitter; use; vietnam; websites; world; youtube cache: aseas-3930.pdf plain text: aseas-3930.txt item: #280 of 325 id: aseas-4060 author: Porter, Brooke; Orams, Mark B.; Lück, Michaek; Andreini, Enrico Maria title: Trash or Treasure? A Qualitative Exploration of Gleaning By-Products in Tourism Supply Chains in Remote Filipino Fishing Communities date: 2021-12-13 words: 7292 flesch: 53 summary: There is some overlap in the species exported as shell souvenirs and those that serve as an important protein source for coastal residents. Some of the same spe- cies used for consumption can also be found as parts of shell souvenirs throughout the country, and in other coastal locations across the globe. keywords: 15(1; activities; andreini; artisanal; aseas; associated; brooke; catches; chain; coastal; common; communities; community; consumption; data; development; economic; enrico; et al; example; figure; fisheries; fishing; floren; food; gleaning; handicrafts; important; informal; international; interviews; issues; lack; lück; management; maria; marine; market; meat; members; michael; molluscs; natipuan; opportunities; orams; participants; participation; philippines; porter; post; potential; production; products; related; remote; research; residents; resources; rural; sale; selling; shell; shell souvenir; sites; small; souvenir; stage; study; supply; swanson; thirumaran; timothy; tourism; trade; trash; treasure; use; women cache: aseas-4060.pdf plain text: aseas-4060.txt item: #281 of 325 id: aseas-4295 author: Mendoza, Karl Patrick title: Vaccine Hesitancy and the Cultural Politics of Trust in the Dengvaxia Controversy: A Critical Discourse-Ethnographic Study of Online News Content, Producers, and Audiences date: 2020-11-02 words: 3316 flesch: 50 summary: However, the media is rarely theorized within the trust studies literature as trust research has mostly focused on the structuring of trust culture or “system trust” at the macrosocial level (Giddens, 1990; Luhmann, 1979; Misztal, 1996) and the micro-level construction of trust relationships between trustors and trustees across various domains such as business, management, demo- cratic governance, healthcare, and law, among others (Barber, 1983; Lewis & Weigert, 1985; Mollering, 2006; Seligman, 1997; Sztompka, 1999). For this purpose, the research adopts the theory of social trust propounded by the Polish sociologist Piotr Sztompka and links it to the study of news media using crit- ical discourse analysis. keywords: analysis; aseas; communication; conceptual; content; controversy; critical; cultural; culture; dengvaxia; discourse; ethnographic; focus; framework; granting; group; health; hesitancy; journalists; language; level; media; news; online; parents; philippines; politics; practice; press; reciprocating; research; social; studies; study; sztompka; trust; university; use; vaccination; vaccine; vaccine hesitancy; york cache: aseas-4295.pdf plain text: aseas-4295.txt item: #282 of 325 id: aseas-5059 author: Dang, Thi Kim Phung title: Livelihood and Poverty: The Case of Poor Women in the Rural Areas of Ca Mau Province, Vietnam date: 2021-06-28 words: 9619 flesch: 59 summary: The findings presented here uncover the deep interlinkages between livelihood capitals and the impact of the wider socioeconomic contexts on household livelihood activities and outcomes. This paper extends on these studies and investigates the livelihoods of poor women in the rural areas of Ca Mau province, Vietnam, with particular attention to the inter-linkages between livelihood capitals and the impact of the wider socio- economic context on household livelihood activities and outcomes. keywords: access; activities; agriculture; analysis; aquaculture; area; aseas; assets; association; author; average; capital; care; central; children; compilation; contexts; dam; dang; data; decision; development; district; doi; education; extension; extensive; factors; family; farmers; farming; figure; financial; forest; framework; gender; group; high; household; human; husbands; income; intensive; interviews; jobs; key; khanh; khatiwada; kim; knowledge; lack; land; level; livelihood; livelihood activities; livelihood capitals; living; loans; local; low; mau; minh; model; money; natural; need; nguyen; outcomes; people; personal; perspective; phung; physical; policies; policy; poor; poverty; programs; province; reduction; research; resources; respondents; rice; role; rural; rural development; services; shrimp; shrimp farming; skills; small; social; socioeconomic; studies; study; surveys; table; thi; thong; trees; university; usd; vietnam; vnd; water; women; years cache: aseas-5059.pdf plain text: aseas-5059.txt item: #283 of 325 id: aseas-5081 author: Schaffar, Wolfram title: “I Am not Here for Fun”: The Satirical Facebook Group Royalists Marketplace, Queer TikToking, and the New Democracy Movement in Thailand : An Interview With Pavin Chachavalpongpun date: 2021-06-28 words: 4491 flesch: 69 summary: In April 2020, Prof. Pavin Chachavalpongpun founded the Facebook group Royalists Marketplace (รอยัลลิสต์มาร์เก็ตเพลส). 1 See Royalists Marketplace Facebook group site at groups/634791290746287. keywords: account; aseas; asian; august; bangkok; camp; chachavalpongpun; democracy; east; facebook; figure; fun; group; hong; interview; july; king; kong; likay; like; marketplace; media; milkteaalliance; monarchy; movement; new; pavin; pavin chachavalpongpun; people; photo; political; politics; queer; right; royalists; royalists marketplace; rubbish; schaffar; series; social; students; studies; style; thailand; thammasat; tiktok; tiktoking; time; university; wolfram; young cache: aseas-5081.pdf plain text: aseas-5081.txt item: #284 of 325 id: aseas-5102 author: Teo, Sue Ann title: Marginalized Minorities in Malaysia? A Case Study of a Demolished Estate Hindu Temple in Penang date: 2021-06-28 words: 8481 flesch: 58 summary: This case study also challenges the discursive notion that the demolition of Hindu temples in Malaysia is mainly caused by the predominantly Malay Muslim ruling government as the perpetrator. The impetus for the rally was precisely the continuous demolition of Hindu temples by the ruling government (Noor, 2008), and the rally is seen to be a major factor in rat- tling the political status quo of the country, which was reflected in the results of the 2008 general election (Noor, 2008). keywords: agency; agential; ann; aseas; authorities; bala; case; chief; client; committee; communication; community; community temple; dap; deities; demolished; demolition; deputy; development; discourse; election; estate; estate hindus; general; government; grassroots; hindu temple; hindus; history; indian; land; malaysia; management; management committee; mani; marginalized; members; minister; minorities; minority; murtis; muthu; new; old; opposition; participants; party; patron; penang; people; personal; place; political; politics; power; press; protest; ramasamy; relations; relationship; religious; relocation; responses; school; scott; september; social; state government; studies; study; submission; sue; temple; temple committee; temporary; teo; time cache: aseas-5102.pdf plain text: aseas-5102.txt item: #285 of 325 id: aseas-5284 author: Nováková, Barbora; Lopatková, Marta title: Ethics and the Role of Humanities in Transdisciplinary Research? A Short Reflection on the KNOTS Project date: 2020-12-31 words: 2808 flesch: 50 summary: In the course of a three years long mutual learning process, we realized that striving to create a common understanding of research ethics and cross-cultural awareness is an indispensable element of teaching and doing transdis- ciplinary research in a multicultural environment. The session consisted of a part devoted to the specifics of conducting research in Vietnam and creating basic cross-cultural awareness, while another focused more on research ethics required for the upcoming field trip in the Mekong Delta. keywords: academic; aseas; asian; awareness; course; cross; cultural; culture; different; ethical; ethics; experience; field; humanities; issue; journal; knots; knowledge; participants; place; political; project; reflection; research; role; school; sciences; social; students; studies; summer; tdr; teaching; transdisciplinary; university; vietnam; vietnamese; work cache: aseas-5284.pdf plain text: aseas-5284.txt item: #286 of 325 id: aseas-5369 author: Dannecker, Petra; Heis, Alexandra title: ‘Transdisciplinarity’: A Framework of Knowledge Production in North-South Partnerships? date: 2020-12-31 words: 5138 flesch: 36 summary: ‘Transdisciplinarity’: A framework of knowledge production in North- South partnerships? Taking transdisciplinarity as a departure for capacity-building activi- ties and collaborations in the course of the KNOTS project was a response to trends and challenges in world development requiring new frameworks of knowledge production. keywords: academic; activities; actors; approaches; aseas; austrian; authors; building; capacity; challenges; collaborative; context; dannecker; development; different; east; experiences; field; focus; framework; global; heis; implementation; issue; journal; klein; knots; knots project; knowledge; knowledge production; learning; manual; new; nicolescu; north; papers; partnerships; perspectives; place; power; practice; production; project; relations; research; science; scientific; south; structures; studies; summer; teaching; thailand; transdisciplinarity; universities; university; vienna; vietnam cache: aseas-5369.pdf plain text: aseas-5369.txt item: #287 of 325 id: aseas-5399 author: Pratama, Arif Budy title: “Smart is not Equal to Technology”: An Interview with Suhono Harso Supangkat on the Emergence and Development of Smart Cities in Indonesia date: 2021-12-13 words: 3857 flesch: 55 summary: We have also assisted other cities, including Semarang, Bandung, and Surabaya. Pratama: Talking about smart cities, one of the most interesting aspects is the question of who really initiates smart city initiatives. “Smart is not equal to technology”: An interview with Suhono Harso Supangkat on the emergence and development of smart cities in Indonesia. keywords: 15(1; actors; arif; aseas; bandung; budy; center; cities; citizens; city; city development; communication; concept; developed; development; different; digital; equal; food; framework; garuda; governance; government; indonesia; information; instance; interview; jakarta; local; main; management; mayors; ministry; people; planning; policy; pratama; problems; processes; projects; research; resources; role; smart; smart cities; smart city; social; studies; supangkat; technologies; technology; traffic; urban; waste cache: aseas-5399.pdf plain text: aseas-5399.txt item: #288 of 325 id: aseas-6060 author: Yulianto, Vissia Ita; Simatupang, G. R. Lono Lastoro title: Book Review: Bijl, P., & Chin, G. V. S. (Eds.). (2020). Appropriating Kartini: Colonial, National and Transnational Memories of an Indonesian Icon. : ISEAS. ISBN 978-981-4843-92-8. 198 pages. date: 2021-06-28 words: 1827 flesch: 52 summary: Overall, to read and re-read Kartini, who died at the young age of 24, and to read and re-read the appropriations of her, continues to provoke emotional and postcolonial sensitivities, as well as incite intellectual introspection. In Kartini, R. A., Aku Mau...: Feminisme dan Nasionalisme: Surat-Surat Kartini kepada Stella Zeehandelaar 1899-1903 (pp.vii-xix, V. I. Yulianto, Trans.). keywords: appropriation; aseas; bijl; book; chapter; chin; colonial; coté; cultural; discourse; dutch; eds; education; european; feminist; historian; imperial; indonesian; javanese; kartini; national; read; review; social; studies; transnational; western; writings; young cache: aseas-6060.pdf plain text: aseas-6060.txt item: #289 of 325 id: aseas-6153 author: Hadna, Agus Heruanto; Askar, Media Wahyudi title: The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Low-Income Individuals in Indonesia date: 2022-06-30 words: 9260 flesch: 58 summary: CCT programs have positively affected infant health, for example, in Mexico (Fernald et al., 2008; Millán et al., 2019), Latin American countries (Owusu-Addo & Cross, 2014), Zimbabwe (Robertson et al., 2013), and other Sub-Saharan countries (Garoma et al., 2017). Despite those successes, there have been many criticisms of CCT programs, such as the argument that they are paternalistic, and of the ways low-income fami- lies spend the transfers (Ravallion, 2016). keywords: 15(1; agus; approach; aseas; askar; assistance; bank; beneficiaries; cash; cash transfers; cct; children; conditional; conditional cash; consumption; countries; data; development; different; distribution; economic; education; effect; estimate; et al; evidence; expenditure; food; gender; groups; hadna; health; heruanto; highest; households; impact; income; individuals; indonesia; inequality; instrumental; journal; level; low; lowest; media; money; needs; number; outcomes; paper; people; pkh; policy; poor; poorest; population; potential; poverty; program; quantile; ravallion; recipients; research; respondents; results; review; rural; school; second; significant; social; spending; studies; study; stunting; sub; targeting; term; total; transfers; treatment; university; variable; vegetables; wahyudi; welfare; working; world; yogyakarta cache: aseas-6153.pdf plain text: aseas-6153.txt item: #290 of 325 id: aseas-6222 author: Duile, Timo title: Social Media in Research on a Marginalized Identity: The Case of Atheism in Indonesia date: 2021-06-28 words: 4155 flesch: 54 summary: Against this backdrop, from the very beginning of my research, I considered social media groups to be impor- tant as they give new opportunities to communicate more safely with like-minded people. In this short essay, I explain my engagement with atheists in social media groups and argue why such engagement is crucial, especially when dealing with identities that are at odds with mainstream society. keywords: aseas; atheism; atheists; believers; case; community; crucial; discussions; duile; engagement; fragmentation; groups; identities; identity; important; indonesia; interlocutors; internal; like; marginalized; media; media groups; members; minded; non; observation; offline; onand; online; participant; people; political; private; public; religion; religious; research; role; social; social media; society; state; studies; tool cache: aseas-6222.pdf plain text: aseas-6222.txt item: #291 of 325 id: aseas-6231 author: Duile, Timo; Lengauer, Dayana title: Editorial date: 2021-06-28 words: 1167 flesch: 42 summary: Social media are also in the focus of the Current Research article by Huang Linh Dang who provides a regional overview of how governments in Southeast Asia have used and restricted social media in terms of their measures against the pandemic. Southeast Asia is among the regions with the fastest growth in social media users, and a number of contributions to this issue recognize the urgency of ana- lyzing ongoing developments by taking a closer look at the dynamics evolving in and beyond social media. keywords: article; aseas; asia; austrian; authoritarian; contribution; current; duile; editorial; group; indonesia; information; job; law; media; migrant; new; ongoing; pandemic; political; region; research; schaffar; social; southeast; thailand cache: aseas-6231.pdf plain text: aseas-6231.txt item: #292 of 325 id: aseas-6237 author: Ayuningtyas , Annisa ; Yuniza, Mailinda Eka title: Indonesian Government Intervention in the Management of Indonesian Migrant Workers’ Remittances: Is It Constitutionally Justified? date: 2022-06-30 words: 9765 flesch: 43 summary: Migrant worker remittances, micro-finance and the informal economy: Prospects and issues, 41. Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia (2010a, pp. 389-477) has docu- mented that the debate on what the best formulation would be was driven by, among others, a concern with the world’s history, which shows that many states are law states and yet dominated by certain powers – including Indonesia’s experience during the New Order regime. keywords: 15(1; 18/2017; absence; account; administrative; allocation; amendment; annisa; art; aseas; attachment; ayuningtyasa; balance; bank; constitution; constitutionalism; context; dan; decree; deployment; development; different; discussion; economic; economy; eka; exchange; families; finance; financial; foreign; form; fund; goods; government; government intervention; haas; hukum; human; important; imws; income; indonesian; indonesian government; indonesian migrant; indonesian workers; institutions; international; intervention; journal; justification; konstitusi; labor; law; law state; laws; legal; mahkamah; mailinda; management; migrant; migrant workers; migration; ministry; monetary; money; n.d; negara; non; office; para; placement; point; policy; political; presidential; private; protection; provider; provision; rechtsstaat; regulation; remittance management; remittances; repelita; republik; research; resources; rights; rule; services; social; state; state intervention; statutory; system; transfer; ugm; usd; welfare; welfare state; workers; yuniza cache: aseas-6237.pdf plain text: aseas-6237.txt item: #293 of 325 id: aseas-6264 author: Rueangdej, Chutiwan; Nomnian, Singhanat title: Stakeholders’ Insights Into Migrant Students’ Experiences in a Thai Public School: A Linguistic Ecological Perspective date: 2021-12-31 words: 11103 flesch: 47 summary: Thai schools have recently become linguisti- cally and culturally diverse as a result of the labor mobility and migration of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Because migrant parents did not have an educa- tional background in Thai schools or know Thai language, they could not help their children with assignments. keywords: 14(2; academic; achievement; activities; administration; administrators; arphattananon; aseas; awareness; basic; case; challenges; children; chutiwan; classroom; communication; communities; community; contexts; cultural; culture; curriculum; december; development; director; diverse; diversity; ecological; ecology; education; effective; english; environment; ethnic; experiences; families; family; field; general; government; grade; groups; head; help; insights; instruction; international; january; journal; key; knowledge; language; lao; learners; learning; levels; linguistic; migrant; migrant children; migrant parents; migrant students; minority; multicultural; multilingual; myanmar; national; nomnian; observation; order; parents; partnerships; perspective; policies; policy; positive; practices; primary; professional; public; public school; research; roles; rueangdej; school; school administrators; settings; sfc; singhanat; social; society; sociocultural; stakeholders; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; thai; thai language; thai public; thai students; thailand; understanding; use; work cache: aseas-6264.pdf plain text: aseas-6264.txt item: #294 of 325 id: aseas-6286 author: Prihatini, Ella; Prajuli, Wendy title: Gender in Academic Journals: Experience from Indonesia date: 2022-06-30 words: 6803 flesch: 52 summary: However, this inclusion and exclusion strategy is in line with the aim of the study, which is to examine the gendered patterns in Indonesian IR journals, representing a Global South setting and the dissemination of knowledge in a non-Western country. List of Indonesian IR journals observed. keywords: 15(1; academic; articles; aseas; asia; authors; authorship; breuning; collaborative; compilation; countries; country; data; dikti; education; ella; english; experience; female; figure; gap; gender; gendered; global; higher; indonesia; international; ir journals; issues; journals; keywords; lecturers; literature; male; maliniak; non; papers; policy; political; political science; politics; prajuli; prihatini; productivity; publication; publishing; relations; research; scholarly; scholars; science; security; southeast; studies; study; topics; universities; university; wendy; western; women; works; writing cache: aseas-6286.pdf plain text: aseas-6286.txt item: #295 of 325 id: aseas-6324 author: Arphattananon, Thithimadee title: Teaching Migrant Students From Myanmar: Professional Development Program to Facilitate Multicultural Competence for Teachers date: 2021-12-31 words: 5769 flesch: 45 summary: Both groups were similar in terms of age distribution, edu- cational backgrounds, and prior experiences in multicultural education training. 1 IPSR-IRB Certificate of Approval No.2020/05-215. Above 50 6 (9.3%) Received multicultural education training in the past 5 years Received multicultural education training in the past 5 years keywords: arphattananon; aseas; attitudes; backgrounds; banks; children; comparison; competence; cultures; development; different; diverse; diversity; education; ethnic; experiences; government; grade; group; higher; items; journal; knowledge; learning; level; mean; migrant; migrant students; migration; module; multicultural; multicultural competence; multicultural education; myanmar; number; participant; people; positive; practices; professional; program; questionnaire; research; schools; skills; students; study; teachers; teaching; thailand; thithimadee; training; years cache: aseas-6324.pdf plain text: aseas-6324.txt item: #296 of 325 id: aseas-6347 author: Pillai, Stefanie; Kaur, Surinderpal; Chau, Meng Huat title: The Ideological Stance of Multilingualism in Education in Malaysia in the Press 2000-2020 date: 2021-12-31 words: 9591 flesch: 54 summary: [Directions for Malay language education]. Language Label comprises terms such as English language, Mandarin, Malay, Malay language, Bahasa, Tamil, Tamil language, Chinese, Chinese language, Iban, Dusun, Kadazan, and Minority language. keywords: access; analysis; articles; aseas; bahasa; chau; chinese; choice; commercial; country; critical; cultural; culture; datuk; development; discourse; discussion; economic; education; education malaysia; emphasis; employability; english; english language; ethnic; figure; focus; freq; global; globalization; government; huat; identity; ideological; ideology; important; indigenous; instruction; international; issues; journal; kaur; knowledge; label; language; language education; language policy; linguistic; main; malay language; malaysia; mandarin; medium; meng; minister; ministry; minority; multilingualism; national; national language; newspapers; official; official statements; particular; past; pillai; policies; policy; population; power; press; promotion; reasons; related; research; role; schools; seri; social; stance; statements; stefanie; students; studies; study; support; surinderpal; system; tamil; teaching; terms; total; use; value; world; years cache: aseas-6347.pdf plain text: aseas-6347.txt item: #297 of 325 id: aseas-6370 author: Zara, Muhammad Yuanda title: Attracting and Educating ‘New Citizens’: Indonesian Public Discourse on the Integration of Indo-Europeans Into Indonesian Society During the Dutch-Indonesian War (1945-1947) date: 2022-02-28 words: 13834 flesch: 55 summary: Thirdly, Indonesian nationalists convinced the Indo-Europeans that, by becoming Indonesian citizens, they could get many benefits. The Indonesian government, through its propaganda machine, the ministry of infor- mation, issued a special booklet to explain the Indonesian concept of citizenship to minorities of European, Chinese and Arabic descent, and even call them to eventu- ally become Indonesian citizens by emphasizing the opportunities that they might obtain if they adopted Indonesian citizenship. keywords: 15(1; anti; article; aseas; author; berita; birth; blood; booklet; change; chinese; citizens; citizenship; colonial; colonialism; community; concept; country; dekker; der; descent; douwes; dutch; early; een; efforts; ethnic; eurasians; europeans; example; existence; far; fixe; foreign; foreigners; groups; half; hatred; hatta; het; history; idea; idee; important; independence; indies; indigenous; indo people; indoeuropeans; indonesian; indonesian citizens; indonesian government; indonesian independence; indonesian indo; indonesian ministry; indonesian nationalists; indonesian people; indonesian revolution; indonesian society; indos; information; inzicht; jakarta; japanese; kroef; language; law; magazine; media; merdeka; minister; ministry; minorities; minority; muhammad; nationalism; natives; need; netherlands; new; new citizens; newspaper; november; october; order; people; period; pionier; place; political; position; president; press; print; propaganda; question; repoeblik; republic; revolution; security; sjahrir; social; society; soekarno; southeast; state; strong; studies; study; support; time; university; van; veur; violence; war; yuanda; zara cache: aseas-6370.pdf plain text: aseas-6370.txt item: #298 of 325 id: aseas-6374 author: Yamabhai, Jitjayang; Knoop, Riemer; Cusripituck, Patoo title: Participatory Engagement for Sustainable Innovation in Karen Communities date: 2021-12-31 words: 8506 flesch: 54 summary: Participatory engagement for sustainable innovation in Karen communities. The research aimed to find and introduce sustainable business models in Karen ethnic communities using essential heritage products and intangible practices. keywords: action; approach; area; aseas; authors; bann; bracelets; chiang; chili; communities; community; concept; context; critical; cultural; cultural heritage; culture; cusripituck; design; development; different; doi; drink; ecomuseum; economic; economy; education; engagement; ethnic; ethnicity; experiences; family; farming; figure; food; framework; freire; group; heritage; idea; important; innovation; intangible; jitjayang; karen; karen communities; key; knoop; knowhow; knowledge; learning; life; living; local; long; mahidol; mai; making; meaning; means; mortar; mue; museums; national; new; objects; order; participants; participatory; patoo; pedagogical; people; place; placemaking; platform; practice; problems; process; products; project; research; riemer; schwarz; social; society; studies; sufficiency; sustainable; term; thailand; thinking; traditional; university; value; varine; villagers; visitors; way; work; world; yamabhai cache: aseas-6374.pdf plain text: aseas-6374.txt item: #299 of 325 id: aseas-6375 author: Saemee, Kulthida; Ra, Jaewon Jane title: Teachers’ Perceptions of Cultural Contents in English Language Textbooks Used in Multicultural Classrooms at a Thai Primary School date: 2021-12-31 words: 6705 flesch: 56 summary: Therefore, the aim of this study is to understand how local teachers perceive and convey cultural content in English language textbooks, and to what extent this pro- motes intercultural awareness (ICA) and intercultural communicative competence (ICC) in multicultural classrooms. Thai cultural aspects in English language textbooks in a Thai secondary school. keywords: 14(2; activities; asean; awareness; baker; classrooms; communication; content; cultural; cultures; different; diversity; education; elt; english; english language; english textbooks; exercises; extract; global; grade; helen; icc; intercultural; international; interviews; jack; jaewon; journal; kulthida; language; language textbooks; learning; local; materials; migrant; multicultural; native; nomnian; participants; people; perceptions; practices; primary; regional; research; rose; saemee; school; secondary; skills; sources; students; study; teachers; teaching; textbooks; thai; thailand; use cache: aseas-6375.pdf plain text: aseas-6375.txt item: #300 of 325 id: aseas-6382 author: Anui; Arphattananon, Thithimadee title: Ethnic Content Integration and Local Curriculum in Myanmar date: 2021-12-31 words: 8788 flesch: 51 summary: Some were also reluctant to include ELT during school hours as they were under the impression that local ethnic languages were not to be taught at school during school hours. In this vein, the National Education Law (NEL), which took effect in 2014, provides the integration of non-dominant ethnic languages and cultural identities into the mainstream curriculum. keywords: analysis; anui; approach; arphattananon; aseas; banks; building; burma; burmese; change; children; classroom; committees; communication; content; coup; critical; culture; curriculum; developed; development; different; diversity; dominant; dominant ethnic; education; elt; ethnic; ethnic content; ethnic groups; findings; framework; government; groups; history; hours; implementation; indigenous; integration; issues; kachin; karen; knowledge; language; law; learning; level; linguistic; literature; local; local curriculum; local ethnic; mainstream; materials; military; ministry; moe; multicultural; multicultural education; myanmar; national; non; order; people; person; personal; policy; political; portion; primary; process; protocol; reform; research; respective; rights; school; situation; skills; social; society; state; students; study; system; tas; teachers; teaching; thithimadee; time; use; williams cache: aseas-6382.pdf plain text: aseas-6382.txt item: #301 of 325 id: aseas-6546 author: Chin, Wei Lee; Noorashid, Najib title: Communication, Leadership, and Community-based Tourism Empowerment in Brunei Darussalam date: 2022-12-23 words: 10609 flesch: 50 summary: Previous scholarship also highlighted the necessity to develop communication skills among stakeholders to ensure effec- tive performance of community tourism (Aghazamani & Hunt, 2017; Raub & Robert, 2012). A post-COVID future: Tourism community re-imagined and enabled. keywords: 15(2; 2015; access; activities; approach; aseas; asian; authorities; brunei; brunei darussalam; bureaucratic; business; case; cbt; cbt operations; cbt owners; cbte; chin; communication; communities; community; community leaders; countries; covid-19; cultural; culture; current; darussalam; decision; department; development; dolezal; economic; effective; empowerment; equality; et al; experiences; factors; female; findings; giampiccoli; government; homestay; hospitality; industry; information; international; issues; journal; knowledge; leadership; lee; local; making; management; ministry; model; mprt; mtapuri; muara; najib; new; noorashid; open; operators; opportunities; owners; paper; participation; people; primary; products; registered; relationship; relevant; research; resources; role; saayman; scale; sector; small; social; stakeholders; studies; study; success; support; sustainability; sustainable; sustainable tourism; temburong; tourism; tourism development; tourism empowerment; tourism industry; tourism management; village; wei; youth cache: aseas-6546.pdf plain text: aseas-6546.txt item: #302 of 325 id: aseas-6570 author: Arphattananon, Thithimadee title: Multi-Lingual and Multicultural Education in Globalizing Southeast Asia date: 2021-12-31 words: 2625 flesch: 50 summary: However, upon entering the 21st century, a shift in language policies reflecting an ostensible acceptance of cul- tural diversity has been witnessed in many parts of Southeast Asia. However, at the turn of the 21st century, a seismic shift in language policy was wit- nessed in Malaysia. keywords: arphattananon; article; aseas; asia; authors; children; countries; cultural; cultures; development; diverse; diversity; education; english; ethnic; groups; ibrahim; identities; indigenous; issue; karen; language; lingual; linguistic; malaysia; migrant; multicultural; myanmar; national; people; policies; policy; research; schools; southeast; students; teachers; thailand; thithimadee; world cache: aseas-6570.pdf plain text: aseas-6570.txt item: #303 of 325 id: aseas-6761 author: Lapanun, Patacharin title: Transnational Intimacies and Marriages: Gender and Social Class Complexities in two Northeastern Thai Villages date: 2022-12-23 words: 9138 flesch: 55 summary: This research explored experiences and negotiations of women under transnational marriage relations and it complicates conventional views about materiality and intimacy in these settings (Lapanun, 2019). In 2016-2017, I conducted research in Na Charoen village, Khon Kaen province to explore perceptions, expe- riences, and reactions of local men regarding the ongoing changes resulting from transnational marriages of village women. keywords: 15(2; aseas; asia; bourdieu; breadwinner; care; charoen; cheng; children; class; connections; consumption; contexts; cultural; culture; data; daughter; desire; different; discourse; dokmai; dynamics; economic; experiences; families; family; farang; future; gender; global; hegemonic; households; houses; husbands; international; interviews; intimacies; intimate; journal; labor; land; lapanun; life; lives; living; local; local men; love; man; marriages; masculine; masculinities; masculinity; mia; migrant; migration; natal; new; ownership; paper; parents; partner; patacharin; power; practices; press; relations; relationships; remittances; research; sex; social; society; son; southeast; status; studies; study; thai; thailand; thompson; tourism; transnational; transnational intimacies; transnational marriages; university; village; western; women; work; young cache: aseas-6761.pdf plain text: aseas-6761.txt item: #304 of 325 id: aseas-6762 author: Fresnoza-Flot, Asuncion title: Multiform Transmission and Belonging: Buddhist Social Spaces of Thai Migrant Women in Belgium date: 2022-12-23 words: 9813 flesch: 55 summary: This situation unveils how Thai women are viewed in Belgium, and the intersecting categories of difference that (re)produce stereotypes1 about them. 236 | ASEAS 15(2) Multiform Transmission and Belonging During my fieldwork, some Thai women criticized the reality television series called Exotische liefde (exotic love) broadcasted on the VT4 channel in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking region of the country) for its portrayal of Thai women as being ‘only after money’. keywords: 15(2; activities; altar; aseas; asian; asuncion; bachelor; belgian; belgium; belonging; borders; buddhist; buddhist social; buddhist temple; case; categories; children; class; context; countries; country; cultural; different; dynamics; economic; eds; education; ethnicity; example; exotic; faith; families; family; fieldnotes; fieldwork; figure; flanders; flot; forms; fresnoza; future; gender; global; good; home; identities; identity; informants; internal; intersection; interview; journal; key; language; levitt; life; marriage; material; migrant women; migrants; migration; monks; mothers; multiform; offerings; paper; place; population; practices; present; realm; receiving; religion; religious; role; sacred; sense; social; social class; social spaces; society; socio; spaces; spiritual; stereotypes; studies; study; temple; terms; thai; thai buddhist; thai migrant; thai mothers; thai women; thailand; time; transgenerational; transmission; transnational; university; wallonia; wat; ways; wives; women; world; years cache: aseas-6762.pdf plain text: aseas-6762.txt item: #305 of 325 id: aseas-6770 author: Thongkrajai, Cheera title: Femininity in Transition: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality Experiences of Thai Transgender Migrants in Europe date: 2022-12-23 words: 9800 flesch: 58 summary: Thai kathoey migrants, similarly to other queer migrants in Europe, risked being doubly marginalized as they were ethnic minorities in the host countries and sex- ual minorities within both the host society and the home community (Mole, 2021). As the Asian male body usually has less body hair, less muscular and masculine char- acteristics than Europeans, Thai kathoey are also usually pretty small and can blend in among local European females. keywords: 15(2; article; aseas; asian; associate; bachelor; carrillo; case; cheera; civil; class; communication; context; countries; country; cross; degree; different; discrimination; economic; european; everyday; example; experiences; families; family; farang; female; femininity; france; gay; gender; gendered; germany; home; identities; identity; informants; job; kathoey; kathoey migrants; lee; legal; lgbtiq+; life; like; lives; living; look; marriage; masculine; middle; migrants; migration; muang; negotiation; netherlands; new; nok; non; normative; order; pacs; participants; partner; people; performance; personal; poor; power; press; primary; process; queer; relationship; research; rich; rights; roles; rural; self; settlement; sex; sex worker; sexual; sexuality; single; situation; social; society; status; strategies; studies; study; switzerland; thai; thailand; thongkrajai; time; transcultural; transgender; transition; transnational; union; university; urban; western; women; worker cache: aseas-6770.pdf plain text: aseas-6770.txt item: #306 of 325 id: aseas-6774 author: Scuzzarello, Sarah; Statham, Paul title: Transgender Kathoey Socially Imagining Relationships with Western Men in Thailand: Aspirations for Gender Affirmation, Upward Social Mobility, and Family Acceptance date: 2022-12-23 words: 9251 flesch: 58 summary: While 210 | ASEAS 15(2) Transgender Kathoey Socially Imagining Relationships with Western Men in Thailand the cultural script we discuss holds for the sizeable generation of Isan kathoey who moved to tourist cities in search of Western men, clearly younger generations from wealthier backgrounds aspire to cultural scripts that are beyond what the people cen- tral to our research considered realizable. Transformations of transgender: the case of Thai kathoey. keywords: 15(2; acceptance; affirmation; agency; aseas; aspirations; backgrounds; better; border; boyfriend; care; cross; cultural; discrimination; economic; emotional; experiences; face; family; farang; female; financial; foreign; foreigner; gay; gender; good; heteronormative; home; identity; important; isan; jackson; journal; kathoey; lapanun; life; living; long; male; man; marriage; material; men; mia; migration; mobility; money; month; old; opportunities; parents; participants; partner; partnering; pattaya; paul; people; person; places; poor; queer; recognition; relationships; research; rights; rural; sarah; script; scuzzarello; self; sex; sexual; significant; social; society; specific; statham; status; stories; studies; study; sunanta; support; term; thai; thailand; thb; tourist; transgender; transnational; village; western; western men; women; work; years; younger cache: aseas-6774.pdf plain text: aseas-6774.txt item: #307 of 325 id: aseas-6776 author: Sunanta, Sirijit title: Thai Immigrant Service-based Entrepreneurship in the UK: Mixed Embeddedness, Superdiversity, and Combined Ethnic and Non-Ethnic Capital date: 2022-12-23 words: 8987 flesch: 49 summary: As Thai businesses cater mainly to British customers, cross-cultural knowledge con- stitutes an important resource in Thai migrant entrepreneurship. This paper examines Thai immigrant entrepreneurship in the UK, drawing on 17 interviews with Thai migrants in Brighton, East Sussex. keywords: 15(2; access; activities; ann; aseas; backgrounds; brighton; british; business; capital; citizens; city; class; cleaning; community; context; countries; cultural; customers; development; different; diverse; economic; education; embeddedness; employment; enterprises; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; ethnic; ethnic social; family; female; food; forms; gendered; groups; high; husband; immigrant; immigrant entrepreneurship; informants; journal; kloosterman; knowledge; labor; local; mainstream; market; marriage; married; massage; migrants; migration; mixed; nee; networks; new; non; opportunities; population; primary; ram; research; resources; restaurant; sanders; service; sirijit; small; social; social capital; socio; staff; structures; studies; study; sunanta; superdiversity; thai; thai immigrant; thai massage; thai migrants; thai migration; thailand; time; transnational; university; western; women; work; workers; working cache: aseas-6776.pdf plain text: aseas-6776.txt item: #308 of 325 id: aseas-6779 author: Brown, Panitee title: Coming Home: Thai-Dutch Couples’ Spatial Trajectories at the Intersection of Mobility Capital, Gender, and Ageing date: 2022-12-23 words: 10540 flesch: 56 summary: A significant feature of this migra- tion is the incidence of cross-cultural marriages between Thai women and European men. However, in recent years, there has been an ever-increasing reversal of this migration flow with Thai women and their Western husbands mov- ing from Europe back to Thailand (Kanchanachitra & Chuenglertsiri, 2020; Maher & Lafferty, 2014; Sunanta & Jaisuekun, 2022). keywords: 15(2; accumulation; actual; aged; ageing; arjan; aseas; asia; backgrounds; bangkok; border; brown; business; capital; care; case; children; couples; cross; cultural; daily; daughter; dutch; dutch couples; dutch husbands; early; economic; eds; europe; european; experiences; family; future; gender; global; health; home; house; husbands; im)mobility; insurance; international; interview; journal; later; life; living; local; marriage; marriage migration; married; migrants; migration; mobilities; mobility; mobility capital; movement; nang; netherlands; new; old; panitee; paper; parents; partners; pension; practices; relations; relocation; research; retirement; return; role; rural; savings; sheller; social; socio; south; spatial; spouses; studies; study; suksomboon; sunanta; thai women; thailand; time; tourism; trajectories; transnational; trupp; university; western; women; work; years; years old cache: aseas-6779.pdf plain text: aseas-6779.txt item: #309 of 325 id: aseas-7124 author: Keomanichanh, Mimy title: Book Review: Lapanun, P. (2019). Love, Money and Obligation. Transnational Marriage in a Northeastern Thai Village date: 2022-12-23 words: 1783 flesch: 58 summary: The emergence of sex tourism in Thailand in the 1980s generated a second wave of intimate relationships between local women and Western men. The relationships between US soldiers and local women took place under the mia chao agreement (literally translated as ‘rented wife’), which means these rela- tionships happened outside of the marriage. keywords: 15(2; author; book; chapter; class; community; gender; husband; lapanun; local; love; marriage; married; money; parents; relationships; review; sex; social; support; thai; transnational; village; western; women cache: aseas-7124.pdf plain text: aseas-7124.txt item: #310 of 325 id: aseas-7181 author: Goh, Yi Sheng; Teh, Pek Yen title: Festivals and the Theory of Inclusive Development in Malaysia: Perspectives from a Festival Organizer date: 2022-12-23 words: 5892 flesch: 51 summary: To this end, a successful Pangkorian businessman commissioned a seasoned art director, who has a strong background in community art festivals, to organize Pangkor Island Festival (PIF) as a means of promoting inclusive development. Towards a typology of community participation in the tourism development process. keywords: 15(2; approach; arts; aseas; assets; associations; bowl; building; capital; challenges; chinese; clan; community; context; cultural; culture; development; economic; environmental; festival; findings; fishing; goh; groups; gupta; important; inclusive; inclusive development; inclusiveness; international; island; journal; local; making; malaysia; management; mchenry; opportunities; organizer; pangkor; participation; pek; people; perspectives; phase; pif; place; process; research; residents; role; rural; salad; sense; sheng; social; stage; stakeholders; structure; studies; study; sustainability; teh; theory; tourism; values; villagers; years; yen; young cache: aseas-7181.pdf plain text: aseas-7181.txt item: #311 of 325 id: aseas-7264 author: Lacap, Jean Paolo title: Yaoi Media Consumption and Travel Motivation: Evidence From Filipino Viewers of Thai Boys’ Love Series date: 2023-06-28 words: 11138 flesch: 58 summary: In Thailand, yaoi TV drama series are popularly known as “Y (wai) series,” short for yaoi series, and in other countries this genre is commonly called boys’ love (BL) series (Baudinette, 2019; Prasanman, 2019). It can be noted that TV drama viewers may form deeper connections to the series itself (Chang 2015; Kim & Long, 2012). keywords: 16(1; analysis; aseas; attitude; audiences; better; bl series; boys; carreon; chang; characters; collectivism; collinearity; connection; constructs; consumption; context; countries; cultural; culture; destination; discriminant; drama; drama series; effect; emotional; emotional involvement; entertainment; et al; experience; filipino; film; gay; gender; genre; geographic; groups; higher; influence; involvement; items; jean; journal; kim; kock; korean; lacap; level; love; male; marketing; media; media consumption; model; motivation; movies; new; online; order; paolo; phenomenon; philippines; pls; pop; present; products; proximity; reflective; relationship; research; respondents; results; self; series; similar; size; social; structural; studies; study; table; test; thai; thai bl; thai yaoi; thailand; tourism; tourists; travel; travel motivation; tv drama; validity; values; viewers; yaoi; yaoi culture; yaoi media cache: aseas-7264.pdf plain text: aseas-7264.txt item: #312 of 325 id: aseas-7286 author: Holden, William N. title: Book Review: Rafael, V. L. (2022). The Sovereign Trickster: Death and Laughter in the Age of Duterte. date: 2022-06-30 words: 2350 flesch: 60 summary: Rafael explains an important component of Duterte’s contempt for drug users, which is his resentment of their enjoyment of drugs (known in French as jouissance). To Duterte, drug users enjoy something illicitly and he wants to stop this illicit enjoy- ment by destroying them. keywords: 15(1; age; aseas; bodies; book; community; death; drugs; duterte; foucault; holden; killings; life; mccoy; moral; people; philippines; police; politics; poor; power; press; rafael; regime; review; sovereign; state; trickster; university; violence; war cache: aseas-7286.pdf plain text: aseas-7286.txt item: #313 of 325 id: aseas-7393 author: Missbach, Antje; Purdey, Jemma title: Indonesian International Students in Australia during the COVID-19-Pandemic: Coming Out Stronger? date: 2023-05-01 words: 10057 flesch: 43 summary: Australia is a sought-after destination for international students, including from countries of the Global South such as Indonesia. Prior to the pandemic, the tertiary education of international students was its second largest export. keywords: 16(1; affairs; alumni; antje; aseas; asia; assistance; australia; australia awards; awardees; awards; bilateral; borders; casual; china; cohort; colombo; connections; continue; countries; country; covid-19; december; department; destination; development; early; education; employment; experiences; family; february; fieldwork; financial; finding; focus; foreign; future; general; government; higher; home; impacts; important; income; indonesia; indonesian international; indonesian students; institutions; international; international education; international students; interviews; january; jemma; leaders; living; lockdowns; long; lpdp; market; media; missbach; need; networks; new; news; number; online; overseas; pandemic; particular; people; period; personal; plan; postgraduate; power; programs; purdey; region; related; relationship; reports; research; resilience; respondents; restrictions; return; sample; scholarships; second; sector; significant; situation; skills; social; students; studies; study; support; time; trade; universities; university; work; years cache: aseas-7393.pdf plain text: aseas-7393.txt item: #314 of 325 id: aseas-7418 author: Lengauer, Dayana; Trupp, Alexander; Aquino, Richard S. title: Editorial date: 2022-06-30 words: 1661 flesch: 30 summary: Drawn from various perspectives, the contributions scrutinize legal regulations, such as on the placement and protection of Indonesian migrant workers and on Editorial w w w .s ea s. at 10 .1 47 64 /1 0. Eka Yuniza investigate the constitutional justification of the latest law on the protection of Indonesian migrant workers, Law 18/2017. keywords: 15(1; affected; aseas; asian; authors; authorship; constitutional; development; editorial; europeans; government; households; indonesian; international; issue; journal; land; legal; management; migrant; new; poverty; relations; remittances; review; sciences; social; southeast; state; studies; tourism; trupp; women; workers cache: aseas-7418.pdf plain text: aseas-7418.txt item: #315 of 325 id: aseas-7551 author: Chen, Cai title: Book Review: Fresnoza-Flot, A., & Liu-Farrer, G. (Eds.). (2022). Tangled Mobilities: Places, Affects, and Personhood Across Social Spheres in Asian Migration date: 2022-12-23 words: 1574 flesch: 39 summary: The tangled nature of mobilities constitutes the core of all chapters in the pres- ent volume, which illuminate collectively the intricate link between mobility and personhood, the value of an affective lens of analysis, the relational mobility and stasis, and interweaving social spheres that individuals inhabit and traverse. Tangled Mobilities: Places, Affects, and Personhood Across Social Spheres in Asian Migration Berghahn Books. keywords: 15(2; asian; book; chapters; couples; different; eds; experiences; farrer; flot; forms; framework; japanese; kudo; liu; migration; mobilities; mobility; pakistani; personhood; review; social; state; studies; tangled; transnational; volume cache: aseas-7551.pdf plain text: aseas-7551.txt item: #316 of 325 id: aseas-7560 author: Jaehn, Miriam title: Coup, Conflict, and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Burmese Peoples Moving in Times of Isolation date: 2023-06-28 words: 8738 flesch: 51 summary: COVID-19 vaccine was tested on Myanmar military personnel without their consent – sources. Myanmar medics resist military coup. keywords: 16(1; actions; ardeth; armed; aseas; asia; aung; bamar; borderlands; burmese; cdm; centre; civil; conflict; contrast; country; coup; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; crisis; democracy; democratic; disobedience; distancing; eaos; ethnic; ethnic minorities; february; fight; genocide; global; government; health; healthcare; institute; isolation; jaehn; joint; jordt; journal; khin; kyi; loong; measures; members; military; military coup; military government; minorities; minority; miriam; movement; myanmar; national; new; news; nld; ohmar; online; opponents; organizations; pandemic; passeri; people; political; possible; power; protection; protests; public; regime; response; rohingya; san; services; social; solidarity; south; southeast; spread; state; studies; support; suu; thawnghmung; transition; video; violence; virus; whatshappeninginmyanmar; workers cache: aseas-7560.pdf plain text: aseas-7560.txt item: #317 of 325 id: aseas-7561 author: Prabaningtyas, Raden Ajeng Rizka Fiani; Pudjiastuti, Tri Nuke ; Alami, Athiqah Nur ; Farhana, Faudzan; Arfan title: Access to Education for Refugee Children in Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Adaptation Strategies date: 2023-06-28 words: 11816 flesch: 46 summary: While formal edu- cation was for many years not clearly regulated for refugee children, unexpectedly during the pandemic (when most schools were heavily affected by the lockdowns and the requirement for online teaching), the Indonesian government became more receptive to granting refugee children access to formal education. Despite initial problems with the implementation of these changes and the ongoing dependency on international agencies for refugee children education, this provision of access to education may potentially signal a wider change in refugee treatment in Indonesia, affecting rights provisions other than education. keywords: 16(1; access; accessibility; activities; adaptation; agency; alami; arendt; arfan; aseas; assistance; athiqah; availability; bahasa; baja; barriers; batam; brin; challenges; circular; city; classes; communication; communities; community; context; countries; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; dan; data; different; distance; education; education access; english; environmental; factors; farhana; faudzan; fiani; financial; formal; formal education; frater; fulfillment; government; greco; group; head; headmaster; high; human; indonesia; information; innovation; international; internet; interview; iom; jamal; journal; june; language; law; learning; lessons; letter; level; limited; local; lubuk; makassar; migration; ministry; motivation; new; nuke; number; nur; office; online; organization; pandemic; paper; parents; period; policy; prabaningtyas; practices; problems; process; processes; public; pudjiastuti; refugee children; refugee education; refugee parents; refugee students; refugees; regulation; research; rights; rizka; schools; sdn; sekolah; services; situation; sma; social; staff; state; students; studies; study; support; system; teachers; technology; transit; tri; unhcr; university; years cache: aseas-7561.pdf plain text: aseas-7561.txt item: #318 of 325 id: aseas-7666 author: Fresnoza-Flot, Asuncion; Sunanta, Sirijit title: Challenging Stereotypes in Europe-Thailand Transnational Migration: Non-conventional Unions, Mobilities, and (Re)productive Labor date: 2022-12-23 words: 10159 flesch: 50 summary: European long-stayers in Thailand are predominantly men, many of whom are in romantic/marital rela- tionships with Thai women and, less visibly, in same-sex partnerships with Thai gay men. More recently, during and in the aftermath of World War II (1939-1947), as many as 2,000 Dutch prisoners of war who were present in Thailand registered their marriages to Thai women (Ten Brummelhuis, 1994, as cited in Lapanun, 2018). keywords: 15(2; advances; angeles; article; aseas; asian; asuncion; belgium; brown; capital; care; case; categories; categorization; children; class; colonial; context; conventional; countries; country; couples; cultural; different; dimensions; dutch; economic; eds; ethnic; europe; european; exotic; experience; families; family; farang; flot; form; fresnoza; gender; gendered; global; heterosexual; image; individuals; industry; international; intersecting; intimate; introduction; isan; issue; journal; kathoey; labor; lapanun; life; local; marriage; migrant women; migrants; migration; mobilities; mobility; netherlands; new; non; othering; partners; partnerships; people; present; press; re)productive; receiving; region; relationships; research; rural; scuzzarello; sex; sexuality; siamese; sirijit; social; social class; society; southeast; spaces; spatial; special; special issue; state; statham; stereotypes; studies; study; sunanta; terms; thai; thai migrants; thai women; thailand; thailand social; thailand transnational; thongkrajai; time; tourism; transgender; transnational; transnational migration; unions; university; urban; war; ways; western; westerners; wives; women; workers cache: aseas-7666.pdf plain text: aseas-7666.txt item: #319 of 325 id: aseas-7687 author: Abd Jalil, Aslam; Hoffstaedter, Gerhard title: The Effects of COVID-19 on Refugees in Peninsular Malaysia: Surveillance, Securitization, and Eviction date: 2023-06-28 words: 10145 flesch: 52 summary: One example was a media report that stated local residents believed that Rohingya refugees were unhygienic, brought crime and drugs to the neighborhood, and posed unfair competition to the job markets. This became a national issue for Rohingya refugees because an early COVID cluster was detected as part of an Islamic missionary group Tablighi Jamaat mass gathering, which many Rohingya from across peninsular Malaysia had attended.2 The gather- ing at Sri Petaling Mosque in Kuala Lumpur from 27 February until 1 March 2020 involved 16,000 attendees comprising Malaysians, visitors from 27 countries, as well as migrants and refugees residing in Malaysia, and quickly became the country’s larg- est COVID-19 infection cluster (Malaysiakini, 2020). keywords: 16(1; abd; access; actions; amnesty; april; area; aseas; asia; aslam; asylum; authorities; authors; bbc; bernama; boats; borders; case; centers; children; citizens; citizenship; cluster; community; compound; continued; control; countries; country; covid-19; data; domestic; effects; emco; ethnic; eviction; example; exclusion; facebook; february; fieldwork; foreigners; general; gerhard; government; health; hoffstaedter; home; human; immigration; international; interviews; islamic; jalil; journal; june; klang; kuala; letter; lives; living; local; lockdowns; loss; lumpur; mail; malaysia; march; market; measures; media; migrants; minister; mosques; movement; muslim; myanmar; neighborhoods; new; news; non; online; outside; pandemic; paper; peninsular; peninsular malaysia; people; places; police; politics; post; presence; public; razak; refugees; rent; research; rights; risk; rohingya; rohingya refugees; securitization; security; selayang; social; southeast; state; status; studies; surveillance; time; traders; undocumented; unhcr; urban; wholesale; women; workers; working cache: aseas-7687.pdf plain text: aseas-7687.txt item: #320 of 325 id: aseas-7703 author: Einzenberger, Rainer title: Book Review: Yamahata, C., & Anderson, B. (2022). Demystifying Myanmar’s Transition and Political Crisis date: 2022-12-23 words: 2040 flesch: 49 summary: Ruling Myanmar: From cyclone Nargis to national elections. Burma Myanmar: keywords: 15(2; anderson; asian; book; burma; chapter; cheesman; country; coup; crisis; current; development; eds; international; issues; lubina; military; myanmar; national; people; political; process; review; southeast; state; studies; transition; university; volume; wilson; yamahata cache: aseas-7703.pdf plain text: aseas-7703.txt item: #321 of 325 id: aseas-7704 author: Sunanta, Sirijit; Fresnoza-Flot, Asuncion title: Social Networks and Organization of Thai Migrants in Europe: An Interview with Chongcharoen Sornkaew Grimsmann, President (2019-2022) of Thai Women Network in Europe date: 2022-12-23 words: 3125 flesch: 54 summary: Thai Migrant Women; Transnational Social Organization  INTRODUCTION Fresnoza-Flot: Could you tell us the history of TWNE? Grimsmann: TWNE is an association of Thai social volunteers for Thai women and people living in Europe. What drove Dr. Pattaya to start forming the group was the inpouring of Thai women to Germany and other European countries in the early 2000s and the problems the women faced in their living and working conditions. keywords: 15(2; annual; aseas; association; asuncion; children; countries; country; destination; europe; european; family; flot; fresnoza; general; germany; grimsmann; individual; interview; language; meeting; members; membership; migrant; migration; network; new; organization; partners; people; president; problems; research; sirijit; social; studies; sunanta; thai; thailand; time; twne; volunteers; women; years cache: aseas-7704.pdf plain text: aseas-7704.txt item: #322 of 325 id: aseas-7947 author: Cusripituck, Patoo; Yamabhai, Jitjayang title: Mobilizing the (Im)Mobile Museum Through Hybrid Curation: A Story of Hybrid Curation of Cultural Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2023-06-28 words: 3903 flesch: 56 summary: Vivid Ethnicity exhibits mundane life objects donated from ethnic groups in Thailand. Our DMHTT service innovation offers a ‘vivid’ box that consists of a story book about ethnic groups created by our volunteers, a teddy bear with a D-I-Y ethnic dress (the audience can choose the size of the bear), ethnic coffee or ethnic popcorn (the audience can choose either), and a Facebook Messenger channel for the visitors to share their experiences with ethnic groups with us. keywords: 16(1; activities; aseas; audience; authors; box; chiang; children; community; covid-19; cultural; curation; cusripituck; design; dmhtt; ecomuseum; economic; ethnicity; ethnography; exhibition; experiences; festival; figure; groups; hands; human; hybrid; ict; im)mobile; jitjayang; karen; lua; mai; mobile; museum; objects; online; pandemic; patoo; people; practice; project; research; service; social; story; thailand; village; vivid; vivid ethnicity; yamabhai cache: aseas-7947.pdf plain text: aseas-7947.txt item: #323 of 325 id: aseas-8064 author: Datta, Amrita title: Book Review: Ullah, AKM. A., & Chattoraj, D. (2022). COVID-19 Pandemic and the Migrant Population in Southeast Asia: Vaccine, Diplomacy and Disparity date: 2023-06-28 words: 1722 flesch: 49 summary: Lastly, although the book briefly addresses the vulnerability of non-male migrants, mostly categorizing them as women migrant workers, the feminization of the pandemic (Yavorsky et al., 2021) among non-male migrants in Southeast Asia remains an important subject of inves- tigation and in need of further attention. As correctly pointed out by the authors in the preface, this volume is one of the few to address the impact of COVID-19 on migrant workers in Southeast Asia. keywords: 16(1; akm; asia; authors; book; chapter; chattoraj; countries; covid-19; diplomacy; global; home; migrant; migrant workers; migration; normal; pandemic; population; singapore; southeast; ullah; vaccine; workers; world cache: aseas-8064.pdf plain text: aseas-8064.txt item: #324 of 325 id: aseas-8077 author: Missbach, Antje; Stange, Gunnar title: The COVID-19 Pandemic, (Im)Mobilities, and Migration in Southeast Asia date: 2023-06-28 words: 8348 flesch: 44 summary: Social scientists have studied particularly the temporality-anxiety nexus that resulted from many COVID-19 public health measures. Meanwhile, many labor migrants from the Global South had to fend for themselves (Stange et al., 2023, this issue). keywords: 16(1; access; advances; antje; aseas; asia; asylum; border; bordering; cases; citizens; closures; conditions; confinement; conflict; control; countries; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; crisis; economic; essential; example; existing; forced; forms; future; genova; global; governance; gunnar; health; healthcare; hoffstaedter; home; host; human; im)mobilities; individuals; indonesia; inequalities; infections; international; issue; journal; labor; legal; life; limited; living; lockdowns; long; malaysia; measures; mezzadra; migrants; migration; missbach; mobilities; mobility; movements; need; new; nexus; north; pandemic; people; political; politics; practices; protection; public; refugees; related; responses; restrictions; rights; risk; rohingya; safety; seekers; significant; social; society; southeast; southeast asia; spaces; special; spread; stange; states; stierl; studies; tazzioli; temporary; term; times; university; virus; waiting; way; workers; world; xiang cache: aseas-8077.pdf plain text: aseas-8077.txt item: #325 of 325 id: aseas-8078 author: Stange, Gunnar; Pagogna, Raffaella; Sterly, Harald; Sakdapolrak, Patrick; Borderon, Marion; Schraven, Benjamin; Serraglio, Diogo Andreola title: Impeded Migration as Adaptation: COVID-19 and Its Implications for Translocal Strategies of Environmental Risk Management date: 2023-06-28 words: 5683 flesch: 36 summary: These situations pose different threats and stresses to translocal social livelihoods, they prompt dif- ferent strategies by the migrants and their (rural) households in places of origin, and thus require different forms of political action for support or relief. Third, there is still lit- tle detailed empirical knowledge about the different ways in which the pandemic affects translocal social livelihood systems around the world, albeit there is growing evidence that it does so. keywords: 16(1; adaptation; andreola; aseas; benjamin; borderon; change; climate; communities; covid-19; crisis; destination; development; different; diogo; environmental; family; financial; focus; food; geography; global; gunnar; harald; health; home; households; impacts; implications; international; livelihoods; marion; measures; mechanisms; members; migrants; migration; mobility; origin; pagogna; pandemic; patrick; perspective; places; policy; population; potential; raffaella; related; remittances; research; resilience; restrictions; return; risks; rural; sakdapolrak; schraven; serraglio; social; stange; sterly; strategies; systems; translocal; translocal livelihoods; translocal social; travel; understanding; university; workers cache: aseas-8078.pdf plain text: aseas-8078.txt