item: #1 of 78 id: ambr-101 author: Suharnomo, Suharnomo; Risdanti, Ndaru title: Cross-Cultural Study of Korean Leadership in Indonesia By Using Kluckhohn-Strodbeck's Framework date: 2017-12-09 words: 6239 flesch: 56 summary: There are contrast differences between South Korean manager with Indonesia employee in perception of time and space, which required adjustments in management practice for better performance results. The sixth dimension will be used to analyze the leadership style of South Korean managers with South Korean national cultural backgrounds, and how the local community (Indonesian culture) contrast with the leadership of the South Korean culture in Indonesia. keywords: action; afebi; ambr; bad; business; character; companies; company; cross; cultural; culture; data; december; differences; different; dimension; employees; environment; family; focus; framework; future; garment; good; harmony; high; human; indonesia; informants; interviews; isbn; kluckhohn; korean; korean leadership; leadership; local; management; manager; national; nationality; nature; no.02; orientation; past; people; perspective; power; research; responsibility; review; semarang; social; society; south; south korean; space; statement; strodtbeck; study; style; subordinates; time; triangulation; value; vol.02; work; year cache: ambr-101.pdf plain text: ambr-101.txt item: #2 of 78 id: ambr-102 author: Hakim, Afrisca Azumanul; Kartika, Lindawati; Mansor, Zuraina Dato’ title: Analysis of Compensation System Based on Job Value of Indonesian Cooks in Kuala Lumpur date: 2017-12-09 words: 6312 flesch: 56 summary: The sample used Analysis of Compensation System Based on Job Value of Indonesian Cooks in Kuala Lumpur 21 as resource persons in this study include: (1) one representative from Expert Assessor of Indonesian Chef Association; (2) one representative from Owner of the Restaurant in Indonesia (3) one Human Resources Management Expert (The Expert Lecturer of Human Resource Management, University of Indonesia); (4) 11 shop owners that employ Indonesian cooks of home industry level in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; (5) 30 Indonesian Migrant Workers who works as cooks in home industry level, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Indonesian Cooks salaries which are on under paid condition should be increased, therefore the job value will appropriate through the salary amount and achieve the equity. keywords: actual; ambr; analysis; assistant; average; bogor; business; classification; classification system; cluster; compensable; compensation; compensation system; condition; cooks; cooks job; data; factors; home; ideal; ideal salary; increase; indonesian; indonesian cooks; indonesian migrant; indonesian workers; industry; isbn; job; job point; job value; kuala; kuala lumpur; level; lumpur; malaysia; management; margin; margin salary; method; mid; migrant; migrant workers; non; order; point; position; research; result; review; salaries; salary; sector; senior; shops; source; spread; study; system; table; total; upper; value; vol.02; workers; world cache: ambr-102.pdf plain text: ambr-102.txt item: #3 of 78 id: ambr-103 author: Rufaidah, Popy title: Branding Strategy of West Java: Fashion Products of The Creative Industry date: 2017-12-09 words: 4595 flesch: 50 summary: 5. DISCUSSION Based on the results of the study on product design, it can be concluded that fashion product design in West Java is one of the indicators that shapes the uniqueness of creative economy in West Java. The population of the study is all consumers of creative industry products in West Java. keywords: applied; branding; branding strategy; brands; communication; company; consumers; corporate; creative; creative industry; design; elements; environment; fashion; fashion products; identity; indicators; industry; java; letters; logo; marketing; media; medium; number; organization; outlet; perceptions; physical; products; promotion; quality; research; respondents; results; review; service; smes; spatial; strategy; study; tools; uniqueness; visual; west; west java cache: ambr-103.pdf plain text: ambr-103.txt item: #4 of 78 id: ambr-104 author: Elsivera, Elsivera; Abdillah, Willy title: Mediating Effect of Capital Expenditure on the Effect of Revenues, Allocation Fund, and Tax/Nontax Sharing on Economic Growth (Empirical Study of Regencies in Bengkulu Province Period of 2009-2015) date: 2017-12-09 words: 7909 flesch: 37 summary: Indeed, capital expenditure is allocated to productive capital expenditure that touches the economic activities of the community such as capital expenditures for road construction, bridges, construction of market buildings, irrigation development, procurement of water transportation equipment, air transport equipment, land transportation equipment, livestock procurement, procurement of seeds, agricultural equipment, telecommunication procurement, land purchase for the market, terminal construction, construction of slaughterhouses, dock construction, airfield construction, procurement of agricultural land, procurement of plantation land, livestock procurement, public recreation facilities and others appropriately, construction time or place or location. Furthermore, based on the results of research can be explained that the allocation of capital expenditures in the APBD on districts / cities in Bengkulu Province sourced from DAK has not reached the optimal portion to be able to spur economic growth, it happened something in the allocation so that the increase in capital expenditure led to economic slowdown. keywords: able; agent; allocation; allocation fund; apbd; areas; average; bengkulu; bengkulu province; budget; business; capital expenditure; central; cities; city; community; construction; dak; data; dau; dbh; development; districts; economic; economic growth; effect; empirical; equipment; expenditures; facilities; financial; fiscal; form; fund; general; government; health; hypothesis; impact; income; increase; indonesia; infrastructure; investment; local; management; model; needs; non; nontax; pad; percent; period; portion; productive; productive capital; province; public; realization; regencies; regional; regions; research; results; revenues; review; role; services; share; sharing; slowdown; study; tax cache: ambr-104.pdf plain text: ambr-104.txt item: #5 of 78 id: ambr-105 author: Pareke, Fahrudin JS title: The Multidimensional Constructs of Organizational Justice and Organizational Commitment: Empirical Evidence From Public and Private Organizations in Indonesia date: 2017-12-09 words: 5395 flesch: 46 summary: Therefore, current study intents to test the validity dan reliability of four-factors of organizational justice (FFOJ) construct, and to test its effect on organizational commitment dimensions. The value of R2 increases to 0.291, which means that all independent variables (control variables and organizational justice dimensions) accounted for 29.1% of the data variance contained in affective commitment. keywords: affective; affective commitment; analysis; behavior; business; colquitt; commitment; constructs; continuance; control; data; dependent; dimensions; distributive; effect; empirical; employees; evidence; factor; ffoj; indonesia; informational; interactional; items; journal; justice; level; management; model; multidimensional; normative; normative commitment; organizational; organizational commitment; organizational justice; private; procedural; procedural justice; public; relationship; reliability; research; respondents; step; study; table; value; variables; variance; work cache: ambr-105.pdf plain text: ambr-105.txt item: #6 of 78 id: ambr-106 author: Shabrina, Zati Woro; Alamanda, Dini Turipanam; Prabowo, Fajar Sidiq Adi title: Investigating The Acceptance and Use of Performance Information System (SIP Bdg Juara) on Bandung City date: 2017-12-09 words: 9066 flesch: 46 summary: The UTAUT 2 model by Venkatesh et al. (2012), stated that the influence of Use Behavior is determined by Behavioral Intention variable. This is followed by a research of Indrawati and Marhaeni (2015) which found that Behavioral Intention variable has an influence on Use Behavior. 9) Relationship between Facilitating Condition and Use Behavior Based on UTAUT model formulated by Venkatesh et al. (2012), Use Behavior is determined by two factors, namely Facilitating Conditions and Behavioral Intention. keywords: acceptance; afebi; age; ambr; bandung; bdg; bdg juara; behavioral intention; business; city; conditions; context; data; december; effort; endogenous; et al; expectancy; facilitating; factors; february; gender; government; habit; hedonic; hypothesis; indicators; indrawati; influence; information; juara; juara website; latent; management; marhaeni; model; moderate; motivation; no.02; people; performance; performance expectancy; positive; price; public; relationship; research; researchers; respondents; results; retrieved; review; significant; significant influence; sip; sip bdg; smart; social; social influence; statistics; study; system; table; technology; test; theory; use; use behavior; utaut; value; variables; venkatesh; vol.02; website cache: ambr-106.pdf plain text: ambr-106.txt item: #7 of 78 id: ambr-128 author: Triono, Rachmadi Agus; Dalimunthe, Zuliani; Arif, Helman title: CAN TRADITIONAL RETAILERS USE STRATEGY TO FIGHT AGAINST MODERN ATTACKS? date: 2018-06-10 words: 5957 flesch: 46 summary: Secondly, the traditional retailers developed strategic competitive responses in line with minimarkets, such that they formed strategic groups. A deeper analysis directed toward strategic competitive response used by the four strategic groups of traditional retail show that Strategic Group 1, the competitive, uses all dimension of strategic responses in an equally balanced manner. keywords: advantage; afebi; ambr; attacks; best; business; cluster; competitive; conventional; cost; customers; development; different; dimension; entity; focus; goods; group; higher; hypothesis; increase; india; indicator; indonesia; journal; june; management; minimarket; modern; modern retailers; new; no.01; orientation; performance; price; product; quality; ramakrishnan; research; respective; respondents; response; result; retailers; retailing; review; sales; sector; selling; services; similar; small; store; strategic; strategic group; strategic response; strategy; study; subjective; table; technology; time; traditional; traditional retailers; use; variables; vol.03 cache: ambr-128.pdf plain text: ambr-128.txt item: #8 of 78 id: ambr-129 author: Dwi Ptri, Rahma Dinda; Gustomo, Aurik title: COMPETENCY BASED PAY SYSTEM DESIGN AT KURSUS INDONESIA date: 2018-06-10 words: 5702 flesch: 49 summary: for the period of 2016, Kursus Indonesia employee turnover was very high, rated 70.7%, and in the period of 2017 the rate decreasing but still very high, rated 48.7%. COMPETENCY BASED PAY SYSTEM DESIGN AT KURSUS INDONESIA 18 Figure 1 Importance Performance Matrix (Source: Kursus Indonesia Indonesia (Processed)) keywords: advantage; afebi; ambr; analysis; approach; attract; benchmark; brand; business; capital; cause; company; compensable; compensation; compensation system; competency; competitive; competitiveness; competitors; condition; current; data; design; different; education; employees; evaluation; factor; figure; general; gerhart; human; importance; indonesia; industry; job; jobs; june; kursus; kursus indonesia; level; management; manager; method; milkovich; new; newman; no.01; operation; pay; performance; point; policy; position; problem; research; resources; review; root; salary; scale; staff; step; strategic; strategy; study; system; table; terms; value; vol.03; working cache: ambr-129.pdf plain text: ambr-129.txt item: #9 of 78 id: ambr-130 author: Lestari, Dirga; Maria, Siti title: PERFORMANCE IS INFLUENCED BY JOB INSECURITY AND OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY HEALTH date: 2018-06-10 words: 3349 flesch: 49 summary: From the observation in the field there is an indication of the decline in employee performance that will have implications on the process of achieving the objectives of the department, so it needs to be studied how Job Insecurity and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) variables affect employee performance. Performance refers to employee performance measured by the standards or criteria set by the company (Mathis and Jackson, 2003:78). keywords: company; department; east; east kutai; employees; feelings; fire; firefighters; health; impact; influence; insecurity; job; job insecurity; kutai; management; occupational; occupational safety; officers; organization; osh; performance; positive; regression; related; rescue; research; result; review; rosenblatt; safety; significant; study; table; value; variables; work; workers cache: ambr-130.pdf plain text: ambr-130.txt item: #10 of 78 id: ambr-131 author: Wijaya, Tony; Utama, Agung; Nurhadi, Nurhadi; Kuncoro, Andreas M title: IDENTIFICATION AND COMPARISON STUDY OF MARKETING STUDENTS ETHICAL SENSITIVITY date: 2018-06-10 words: 4315 flesch: 47 summary: Overall there is a difference of student ethical sensitivity of 2nd, 4th and 6th-semester Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: Ethical sensitivity Tukey HSD (I) Semester (J) Semester Mean Difference (I-J) Std. 6. CONCLUSIONS Based on the above discussion it can be concluded that thoroughly there is a difference of student ethical sensitivity 2nd, 4th and 6th-semesters significantly. keywords: 2nd; 4th; 6th; actions; analysis; answers; behavior; better; business; business ethics; cognitive; comparison; content; curriculum; dan; data; decisions; descriptive; development; difference; education; ethical; ethical sensitivity; ethics; etika; exam; factors; formulation; gender; group; identification; impact; important; indonesia; issues; journal; learning; lecturer; level; making; management; marketing; means; moral; people; process; relationship; research; review; role; rustiana; semester; sensitivity; significant; stimulus; students; study; test; unethical; value cache: ambr-131.pdf plain text: ambr-131.txt item: #11 of 78 id: ambr-132 author: Indarti, Yanti Dwi title: THE EFFECT OF COMPETENCE AND COMPENSATION TO MOTIVATION OF EMPLOYEES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN THE PERSONNEL AND TRAINING BOARD OF KARAWANG REGENCY date: 2018-06-10 words: 6544 flesch: 35 summary: THE EFFECT OF COMPETENCE AND COMPENSATION TO MOTIVATION OF EMPLOYEES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN THE PERSONNEL AND TRAINING BOARD OF KARAWANG REGENCY 52 THE EFFECT OF COMPETENCE AND COMPENSATION TO MOTIVATION OF EMPLOYEES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN THE PERSONNEL AND TRAINING BOARD OF KARAWANG REGENCY By providing motivation, appreciation to employee performance is able to have a positive influence to employee motivation. keywords: 0,0; ability; agree; analysis; appreciation; board; business; coefficient; compensation; compensation variable; competence; competence variable; correlation; corresponding; criteria; dan; data; descriptive; dimension; effect; employee competence; employee performance; employee work; employees; goals; good; higher; impact; indicator; influence; job; karawang; karawang regency; large; level; low; management; meaning; motivation; motivation variable; needs; number; organization; path; performance variable; personnel; positive; positive influence; range; regency; research; results; scale; service; significant; significant influence; source; sudarmanto; table; test; total; training; training board; value; variable; work; work motivation cache: ambr-132.pdf plain text: ambr-132.txt item: #12 of 78 id: ambr-133 author: Yusuf, Yusuf; Sutawijaya, Adrian title: ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTS OF QUALITY WORK OF LIFE FACTORS ON EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION REGIONAL OFFICE OF UNIVERSITAS TERBUKA AT PANGKALPINANG, INDONESIA date: 2018-06-10 words: 3875 flesch: 41 summary: Multiple Determination Coefficient The coefficient of determination (R2) shows the number of Adjusted R Square of 0.867 or 86.7% which means variation of work motivation variables can be explained by available facility variables, work environment safety, employee involvement, balanced compensation, communication, career development , problem solving, security, institutional pride, work restructuring and work environment of 86.7%, the remaining 13.3% is explained by other variables outside of the research variables. This means that partially available facilities variables positively and significantly influence employee work motivation UPBJJ-UT Pangkalpinang. keywords: analysis; available; balanced; calculation; career; communication; compensation; data; development; employee; employee motivation; environment; factors; high; indonesia; influence; institution; jakarta; level; life; manajemen; motivation; pangkalpinang; positive; pride; problem; quality; research; restructuring; results; safety; security; significance; smaller; solving; table; terbuka; test; thitung; ttabel; universitas; upbjj; value; variable; work; work life; work motivation cache: ambr-133.pdf plain text: ambr-133.txt item: #13 of 78 id: ambr-196 author: Zairin, Gentiga Muhammad; Shauki, Elvia R. title: VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE ON PT SEMEN INDONESIA TBK: LEGITIMACY CRISIS ON REMBANG PLANT CONSTRUCTION date: 2018-12-17 words: 8944 flesch: 51 summary: Legitimacy can be achieved by showing that company activities are under existing social values. Interviews with stakeholders (audience), both those that are close to company activities (ring-1) and with other broader stakeholders can also be considered. keywords: accounting; accounts; action; activities; analysis; annual; audience; business; case; cement; cement plant; companies; company; concept; constituents; construction; content; corporate; crisis; data; disclosures; dominant; efforts; environmental; farmers; form; indonesia; issues; journal; legitimacy; legitimacy crisis; management; managers; media; method; moral; news; newspaper; online; organizational; panic; people; plant; plant construction; practice; pragmatic; problem; protest; rembang; rembang plant; reports; research; results; review; scott; semen; social; strategies; strategy; study; suchman; sustainability; system; tbk; use; values; voluntary; water; websites; words cache: ambr-196.pdf plain text: ambr-196.txt item: #14 of 78 id: ambr-197 author: Mansur, Daduk; Sule, Ernie; Kartini, Dwi; Oesman, Yevis Marty title: TRUST AND HABIT AS KEY SUCCESS ON DIGITAL CONSUMING BEHAVIOR IN INDONESIA MEDIATED BY BEHAVIOR INTENTION date: 2018-12-17 words: 3321 flesch: 55 summary: 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Regarding e-commerce adoption is based on theory behaviour which is rooted in the field of social psychology. Rahayu and Day (2015), find the determinant factors of E-commerce adoption in Indonesia. keywords: acceptance; adoption; behavior; business; commerce; consumer; data; digital; factors; habit; important; indonesia; indrawati; influence; intention; internet; journal; key; literature; management; model; online; perception; positive; potential; research; result; review; significant; study; success; survey; technology; theory; trust; use; user cache: ambr-197.pdf plain text: ambr-197.txt item: #15 of 78 id: ambr-198 author: Putra, Zainal; Muzakir, Muzakir; Hasan, Ishak title: MEASURING THE PERFORMANCE OF REGIONAL GOVERNMENT: USING DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS (DEA) APPROACH date: 2018-12-17 words: 6433 flesch: 56 summary: Simeulue √ √ √ √ √ 19. Aceh Tenggara √ √ √ √ √ 10. keywords: 2016; accountability; aceh; aceh province; agencies; analysis; approach; area; banda; banda aceh; barat; bpk; bps; capita; category; city; city governments; civil; data; dea; efficiency; envelopment; expenditure; financial; good; government; hdi; human; implementation; income; input; jaya; langsa; level; lhokseumawe; lkpd; local; management; measurement; ministry; number; opinion; organizations; output; pad; people; performance; period; pidie; population; province; provinsi; public; rate; ratio; regency; regional; regional government; regulation; report; resources; sabang; score; sector; state; statements; subulussalam; tahun; undang; units; variables; year; √ √ cache: ambr-198.pdf plain text: ambr-198.txt item: #16 of 78 id: ambr-199 author: Yusnita, Maya; Anggita, Wenni title: THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF VILLAGE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT date: 2018-12-17 words: 4174 flesch: 47 summary: Participatory, the administration of village government that includes village institutions and elements of village communities; d) Order and budget discipline, village financial management must refer to the rules or guidelines that underlie it. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Village Financial Management Village financial management is the whole activity which includes planning, implementation, administration, reporting, and village financial accountability. keywords: accordance; accountability; administration; analysis; bangka; belitung; book; budget; business; descriptive; development; difference; district; east; east belitung; expenditure; finance; financial; financial management; financing; funds; governance; government; implementation; journal; keuangan; lack; local; management; mean; minister; number; realization; regency; regulation; reporting; research; results; samples; statistics; std; study; system; table; test; total; treasurer; village; village financial; village funds; west; west bangka; year cache: ambr-199.pdf plain text: ambr-199.txt item: #17 of 78 id: ambr-200 author: Valeriani, Devi; Wibawa, Dian Prihardini; Putri, Aning Kesuma; Wahyudin, Nanang title: ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC SATISFACTION IN DPMPTSP NAKER OF PANGKALPINANG CITY date: 2018-12-17 words: 5852 flesch: 46 summary: The purpose of the Community Satisfaction Index Survey preparation is to find out the performance of DinasPenanaman Modal Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu dan Tenaga Kerja of Pangkalpinang which will be used as a basis for making and establishing policies in order to improve the quality of public services. Therefore the efforts to improve public services must be conducted continuously. keywords: accordance; analysis; business; chi; community; community satisfaction; complaints; criteria; dan; data; dinas; dpmptsp; element; facilities; good; government; handling; implementation; implementer; index; infrastructure; level; licensing; management; means; modal; naker; needs; number; pangkalpinang; pelayanan; penanaman; people; percent; performance; principles; procedures; product; providers; public; public satisfaction; public services; quality; requirements; respondents; results; satisfaction; satisfaction index; satisfaction survey; satu; service; service providers; square; survey; terpadu; time; type; value cache: ambr-200.pdf plain text: ambr-200.txt item: #18 of 78 id: ambr-201 author: Damarsiwi, Eska Prima Monique; Wagini, Wagini title: ELECTRONIC WORTH OF MOUTH AND DESTINATION IMAGE AND IT’S AFFECTS ON VISITING TOURISTS DECISION IN THE TIKUS ISLAND date: 2018-12-17 words: 6551 flesch: 53 summary: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) on tourist visiting decisions to Tikus Island and to analyze the influence of Destination Image on tourist visiting decisions to Tikus Island and to analyze which variables had the most dominant influences of visiting tourists to Tikus Island. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Visiting Decision In relation to the world of tourism, purchasing decisions are assumed to be a visiting decision so theories about purchasing decisions are also used in visiting decisions. keywords: area; bengkulu; brand; business; citra; city; company; concern; concof; consumers; data; decision; dependent; destination; destination image; economic; effect; electronic; ewom; expres; filling; government; help; hypothesis; image; increase; indonesia; influence; information; interest; internet; island; journal; level; local; management; marketing; media; model; mouth; pengaruh; positive; potential; product; program; province; purchasing; research; results; review; satisfaction; significant; social; spss; study; table; terhadap; test; tikus; tikus island; tourism; tourists; use; value; variable; visit; word; worth cache: ambr-201.pdf plain text: ambr-201.txt item: #19 of 78 id: ambr-225 author: Alversia, Yeshika; Wijayanti, Rizky title: CUSTOMER COMPLAINT RESPONSE STRATEGY IN SERVICE FAILURE: STUDY OF ONLINE SHOPPER IN INDONESIA date: 2019-06-10 words: 6471 flesch: 50 summary: Koushiki (2013) argues that several studies that have been done before prove that if companies make explanation they are able to overcome service failure problems. The level of problems when a failure occurs can be explained into two groups of problem levels; heavy or high level of problem and light or low level of problem. keywords: apology; available; business; category; cell; commerce; company; complaint; conditions; customer; customer satisfaction; data; difference; effect; excuse; explanation; failure; feb; form; high; high level; hypothesis; independent; indonesia; influence; intention; journal; justification; level; lovelock; low; low level; management; marketing; marketplace; mean; online; problem; problem condition; recovery; reference; repurchase; repurchase intention; research; researchers; respondents; response; results; satisfaction; service; service failure; shopper; shopping; significant; stimulus; strategy; study; tarofder; test; value; wirtz cache: ambr-225.pdf plain text: ambr-225.txt item: #20 of 78 id: ambr-226 author: Leonardo, Posma; Tjen, Christine title: EVALUATION OF TAXATION PROVISIONS ON TRANSACTIONS E-COMMERCE ON THE MARKETPLACE PLATFORM date: 2019-06-10 words: 6303 flesch: 48 summary: The increase in e-commerce transactions has a positive impact on the country's economy. The Government through the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) has regulated e-commerce transactions by issuing SE-62 / PJ / 2013 dated December 27, 2013 concerning Affirmation of Taxation Provisions for E-Commerce Transactions, which states that the taxation treatment of e-commerce transactions is the same as conventional transactions. keywords: 2013; activities; affirmation; analysis; application; attribution; behavior; bukalapak application;; business; commerce; commerce transactions; conventional; data; december; directorate; factors; general; goods; indonesia; information; internet; interview; management; marketplace; marketplace platform; obligations; online; platform; problems; process; provisions; questionnaire; questions; regulation; related; research; researchers; respondent; results; se-62; sellers; services; shauki; special; study; supervision; system; tax; tax provisions; taxation; taxation provisions; taxes; theory; transactions; treatment; use; value cache: ambr-226.pdf plain text: ambr-226.txt item: #21 of 78 id: ambr-228 author: Widodo, Slamet; Wiardi, Akram Harmoni; Prabowo, Tri Deni title: THE ANTECEDENT OF REGIONAL FINANCIAL REPORT QUALITY date: 2019-06-10 words: 4942 flesch: 36 summary: While supporting the achievement of quality financial statements, the organization must provide human resources competencies, relevant accounting standards, implementation of supervision and control, and working mechanisms within the organization (Mardiasmo, 2009).Research conducted by Wati et al.(2014) explains that the competence and application of government accounting standards have a significant effect on the quality of financial statements. (2014) states that there is a positive and significant influence on the understanding of government accounting standards on the quality of local government financial statements THE ANTECEDENT OF REGIONAL FINANCIAL REPORT QUALITY 42 Research conducted Nuryanto and Afiah (2013) states internal control affects the quality of financial statements. keywords: accounting; accounting standards; activities; akuntansi; antecedent; application; business; characteristics; competence; control; control system; daerah; dan; data; effect; financial; financial management; financial report; financial statements; good; government; government accounting; government financial; hypothesis; implementation; influence; information; internal; internal control; kepahiang; keuangan; knowledge; kualitas; local; management; managers; pengaruh; present; qualified; quality; quality financial; regency; regional; regional financial; regulation; relevant; reliable; report; reporting; research; results; significant; standards; statements; study; system; test; understanding; validity; variable; work cache: ambr-228.pdf plain text: ambr-228.txt item: #22 of 78 id: ambr-229 author: Yusuf, Yusuf title: SERVICES QUALITY AND IMAGES: SATISFACTION AND LOYALTY OF STUDENTS FACE TO FACE TUTORIAL SERVICES date: 2019-06-10 words: 5527 flesch: 50 summary: H5: Student satisfaction positively influences student loyalty. Prasetyaningrum (2009), with the title analysis of the effect of learning and service quality on student satisfaction and student loyalty (Case study on Ungaran undergraduate students). keywords: 0,05; afebi; ambr; analysis; brand; business; customer; dan; data; dependent; education; effect; face; face tutorial; factors; good; higher; hypothesis; image; increase; influence; institution; international; journal; learning; loyalty; management; method; model; office; officers; open; pangkalpinang; positive; quality; questionnaire; regional; regional office; reliable; reputation; research; results; review; sample; satisfaction; service; service quality; significant; significant effect; structure; student; student loyalty; student satisfaction; study; table; test; testing; total; tutorial; tutors; university; validity; value; variables cache: ambr-229.pdf plain text: ambr-229.txt item: #23 of 78 id: ambr-230 author: Herlin, Herlin; Yati, Rina Trisna title: DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY TOURISM TIKUS ISLAND BENGKULU PROVINCE WITH SWOT ANALYSIS date: 2019-06-10 words: 5327 flesch: 55 summary: The strategy for developing Bengkulu Tikus Island attractions has a greater Opportunity to development, namely: 1) Development of transportation and supporting facilities to the Tikus Island tourist area 2) Development of facilities and infrastructure such as structuring the area of Tikus Island tourist attraction. 3) Organizing tourism events organized by the Regional Government in the Tikus island tourist area. 3. RESEARCH METHOD The type of this research is descriptive exploratory research through data collection related to Tikus Island tourism development strategy. keywords: activities; aggressive; analysis; area; attraction; bengkulu; bengkulu province; bengkulu tikus; business; city; community; data; development; development strategy; efas; external; facilities; factors; government; ifas; infrastructure; internal; island; island bengkulu; island tourism; management; marine; means; natural; opportunities; opportunity; original; pariwisata; province; province tourism; quadrant; regional; results; score; sea; strategy; strategy tourism; strength; support; swot; swot analysis; threats; tikus; tikus island; total; tourism; tourism development; tourists; transportation; visitors; weaknesses; weighting cache: ambr-230.pdf plain text: ambr-230.txt item: #24 of 78 id: ambr-231 author: Anggraeni, Octadila Laily; Shauki, Elvia title: THE ROLE OF COLLABORATION VALUE CHAIN DESIGN AT REWARD-BASED CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS AND MUSIC INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA date: 2019-06-10 words: 5545 flesch: 47 summary: This study aims to determine value chain design collaboration between reward-based crowdfunding and the music industry. In the process of collaboration between crowdfunding platforms and the music industry, the culprit needs to do value chain analysis and find out its competitive advantages to maximize collection of funding. keywords: activities; album; analysis; business; campaigners; capital; case; chain; chain design; changes; collaboration; collaboration value; companies; competitive; creation; creative; crowdfunding; crowdfunding platforms; customers; data; design; distribution; february; financial; funds; groups; indonesia; industry; information; interviews;; making; management; market; merchandise; multi; music; music industry; musicians; network; new; paschen; platforms; process; production; projects; research; results; review; reward; role; social; studies; study; technology; value; value chain cache: ambr-231.pdf plain text: ambr-231.txt item: #25 of 78 id: ambr-241 author: Hutapea, Gita Masria; Fathoni, Ahmad Fauzan; Efni, Yulia title: Investigation of Capital Market Efficiency in Indonesia date: 2019-12-29 words: 4656 flesch: 46 summary: Research on the comparative efficiency of Islamic capital markets and capital markets conventionally performed by Ali et al. The analytical method used in this research is multiple linear regression and the results showed that the type of capital markets significant negative effect on abnormal returns and the information asymmetry significant positive effect on abnormal returns. keywords: abnormal; abnormal returns; asymmetry; capital; capital market; company; conventional; data; dependent; effect; efficiency; indonesia; information; information asymmetry; investors; islamic; islamic capital; issi; jci; jii; lower; lq45; management; market; model; negative; positive; regression; research; results; returns; significant; source; square; stock; study; table; test; theory; type; value; variable cache: ambr-241.pdf plain text: ambr-241.txt item: #26 of 78 id: ambr-248 author: Gea, Yosafat; Haryetti, Haryetti title: Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Compensation For Performance Management Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange Year 2014-2018 date: 2019-12-29 words: 4895 flesch: 43 summary: Studies conducts research on CEO compensation and the impact on company performance for listed companies in the Nordic countries. With the background of the problem, this study aims to examine the influence of corporate social responsibility and management compensation to company performance. keywords: accounting; activities; benefits; buachoom; business; ceo; companies; company; company performance; compensation; compensation management; corporate; corporate performance; corporate social; costs; csr; data; effect; exchange; executive; financial; financial performance; indonesia; influence; information; journal; management; manufacturing; model; performance; performance management; positive; processing; profit; regression; relationship; report; research; responsibility; results; review; shareholders; significant; social; social responsibility; source; stock; study; table; test; theory; variable; year cache: ambr-248.pdf plain text: ambr-248.txt item: #27 of 78 id: ambr-249 author: Esensia, Dina; Fathoni, Ahmad Fauzan; Haryetti, Haryetti title: Effect of Financial Performance and Good Corporate Governance of Bond Ratings (A Case Study Companies Listed In Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2013-2017) date: 2020-12-27 words: 4487 flesch: 54 summary: This is not in line with signaling theory which says that the signal will be delivered by the manager to the market that the company has good prospects in the future in order for the company's shares rose and investors' hopes capturing these signals because the management is committed to increasing the value of the company so as to increase bond rating company. In addition, investors need to see whether companies apply corporate governance (GCG) or not because by implementing good corporate governance (GCG) in the company reflects that the company is able to manage efficiently the company's financial performance, including managing the assets and returns. keywords: analysis; assets; better; bond; bond ratings; companies; company; corporate; corporate governance; data; effect; exchange; financial; gcg; good; good corporate; governance; grade; high; implementation; indonesia; investment; investors; likelihood; log; management; means; model; performance; period; probability; profitability; ratings; regression; research; return; risk; roa; signal; significant; source; stock; study; table; test; theory; value; variables cache: ambr-249.pdf plain text: ambr-249.txt item: #28 of 78 id: ambr-267 author: Arifin, Ah. Ali; Faiza, Nurlaili Adkhi Rifza title: The Operational Indicator of "Insani" Resources Criteria As The Implementation of Islamic Human Resource Management date: 2019-12-29 words: 6767 flesch: 59 summary: In this chapter the authors do not really describe how IR Amīn criteria as already discussed in the previous discussion. Qawiy's IR criteria are IR criteria that are capable of applying syariah values because they are able to master sharia and technical banking. keywords: ability; able; accordance; allah; alīmun; amanah; amīn; amīnun; authors; banking; business; character; characteristics; competence; criteria; economic; expertise; field; financial; good; high; human; implementation; insani; institutions; integrity; ir al; ir criteria; islamic; jakarta; job; knowledge; knowledgeable; makīnun; management; means; mental; nature; organization; person; physical; position; power; professional; prophet; qawiy; qawiy al; quality; resources; responsibility; responsible; right; sharia; skill; spiritual; strength; strong; term; trust; word; work; ḥafīẓun cache: ambr-267.pdf plain text: ambr-267.txt item: #29 of 78 id: ambr-27 author: Silalahi, Jojor Marintan; Alfansi, Lizar; Wiardi, Akram Harmoni title: The Role of Brand Trust in Determining The Relationship Between Brand Affection and Loyalty Programs on Customer Loyalty date: 2016-06-14 words: 6891 flesch: 55 summary: Research on brand trust has supported that the high level of trust towards the brand leads to repurchase the brand, brand satisfaction, brand loyalty and brand commitment (Lau and Lee, 1999; Delgado-Ballesteret al., 2000). Customer perception on brand trust has an influence on customer loyalty, the confidence feeling or trust would encourage the willingness to repurchase Garuda Indonesia services in the future and build up more commitment. keywords: --ba; --bt; --lp; airlines; analysis; betweenconstruct; brand; brand affection; brand loyalty; brand trust; building; business; commitment; companies; company; construct; consumer; customer; customer loyalty; data; effect; emotional; equation; experience; factor; feelings; fit; garudamiles; higher; hypothesis; important; increase; indonesia; industry; influence; international; journal; lau; lee; level; literature; liu; long; loyalty; loyalty program; management; marginal; marketing; measurement; members; model; positive; product; program; purchase; relationship; reliability; research; respondents; results; review; role; satisfaction; services; significant; source; structural; study; table; term; validity; value cache: ambr-27.pdf plain text: ambr-27.txt item: #30 of 78 id: ambr-270 author: Febriyanti, Novi; Ihsani, A. Fikri Amiruddin title: Development Strategy of Human Resource Management For Millennial Generation date: 2019-12-29 words: 5999 flesch: 41 summary: Development Strategy of Human Resource Management For Millennial Generation 91 Development Strategy of Human Resource Management For Millennial Generation Novi Febriyanti91* and A. Fikri Amiruddin Ihsani 2 1, 2 Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, Indonesia Abstract Development strategy of human resource management for millennial generation is a step purposed at producing superior individuals who have characteristics and abilities that can compete and have a sale value that can be relied on either in a company or organization. The purposes of this study was to answering the formulation of problems regarding the characteristics of millennial generation related to work culture and human resource development strategies for millennial generation. keywords: abilities; ability; able; accordance; activities; ambr; balance; behavior; business; characteristics; company; competition; culture; development; different; employees; generasi; generation; goals; good; growth; human; human resource; impact; individual; information; jakarta; job; jurnal; learning; life; management; method; millennial; millennial generation; needs; negative; new; order; organization; people; personal; position; previous; productivity; profit; reinforcement; research; resource; resource development; resource management; responsibility; results; review; skills; social; strategies; strategy; study; technological; technology; training; vol.04; work; workforce; world cache: ambr-270.pdf plain text: ambr-270.txt item: #31 of 78 id: ambr-277 author: Danty, Kesty Rama title: The Influence of Human Resources, Facilities and Infrastructure To Hemodialization Patient Satisfaction in Bhayangkara Hospital TK. 1 Raden Said Soekanto Jakarta date: 2019-12-29 words: 2214 flesch: 40 summary: The results showed a positive and significant relationship between Human Resources and Hemodialysis Patient Satisfaction at Bhayangkara Tk.I Hospital, Soekanto Hospital, East Jakarta. The results also showed a positive and significant relationship between Facilities and Infrastructure on Hemodialysis Patient Satisfaction at Bhayangkara Tk.I Hospital, Soekanto Hospital, East Jakarta. keywords: bhayangkara; correlation; data; east; effect; facilities; hemodialysis; hospital; human; human resources; influence; infrastructure; jakarta; patient; patient satisfaction; positive; relationship; research; resources; results; room; satisfaction; significant; soekanto; strong; study; test; tk.i; variable cache: ambr-277.pdf plain text: ambr-277.txt item: #32 of 78 id: ambr-28 author: Pareke, Fahrudin JS; Hayu, Rina Suthia title: Empirical Investigation of Five-Factor Model of Personality date: 2016-06-14 words: 5826 flesch: 59 summary: Personality Dimensions Explaining Relationships Between Integrity Test and Counterproductive Behavior: Big Five, or One in Addition?. So the items of question were tested in this research was very feasible in measuring FFM dimension, in accordance with the original concept discussed and proven in pervious empirical researchs (Weaven et al., 2009; Gill dan Hodgkinson, 2007; Salgado, 1997; Judge et al., 1998; Fergusen, 2004; Judge dan Erez, 2007; Furnham et al., 2005; keywords: abstract; accordance; agreeableness; analysis; behavior; collection; component; concept; conscientiousness; control; data; dimension; emotional; empirical; erez; experience; extraversion; factor; factor model; ffm; gill; good; group; high; hodgkinson; individuals; investigation; items; job; journal; judge; like; loading; loading factor; model; nature; new; number; openness; people; personality; psychology; question; research; respondents; reverse; salgado; score; stability; table; things; type; use; value; variance; weaven cache: ambr-28.pdf plain text: ambr-28.txt item: #33 of 78 id: ambr-280 author: Absori, Muhammad Hasan; Ramdani, Deni title: Prepaid Electricity Marketing Communication Strategy at PT. PLN (Persero) Temanggung Customer Service Unit date: 2020-06-17 words: 3600 flesch: 47 summary: Which is able to increase prepaid electricity program customers. so that marketing communications activities are personal and non-personal in order to influence and persuade the use of prepaid electricity services to consumers can be done to achieve the goals to be achieved by the company. keywords: able; activities; advertising; channels; communication; communication strategy; community; company; consumers; customer; customer service; data; electricity; energy; goals; increase; information; jurnal; komunikasi; marketing; marketing communication; media; meter; month; pemasaran; persero; personal; pln; prepaid; prepaid electricity; program; public; research; service; service unit; strategies; strategy; study; temanggung; temanggung customer; tokens; unit; usage; use; village cache: ambr-280.pdf plain text: ambr-280.txt item: #34 of 78 id: ambr-286 author: Putra, Zainal; Muzakir, Muzakir title: Competitive Environment Analysis in Global Retail Companies Operation Strategy: A Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Based Approach date: 2020-06-17 words: 8681 flesch: 58 summary: Meanwhile according to Liu et al. (2018), retail company performance can be seen through its level of productivity, such as: inventory turnover ratio, accounts receivable turnover ratio, total assets or current assets turnover ratio, gross margin, and long-term stock returns. Retail companies that are considered the most competitive are those who are most efficient in their operating strategies in a global market environment. keywords: adr; alibaba; alliance;; analysis; approach; april; asset; boots; business; carrefour; companies; company; competitive; constrain; costco; data; dea; depot; dividend; dmu; efficiency; employees; envelopment; envelopment analysis; environment; financial; global; global retail; group; holdings; home; important; inc; increase; industry; inefficient; input;; journal; kroger; ltd; management; market; model; net; number; operating; operation; output; page; performance; plc; profit; ratio; research; results; retail; retail companies; retailing; return; revenue; review; roe; roi; sales; score; sector; states; strategies; strategy; table; tesco; total; turnover; unit; united; usd; variables; walgreens; walmart cache: ambr-286.pdf plain text: ambr-286.txt item: #35 of 78 id: ambr-29 author: Astuti, Novika Candra title: How Differences Between Fashion Innovators and Non-Innovators Among Young People? date: 2016-06-14 words: 5317 flesch: 57 summary: Due to a change in the pattern of people's lives, they become more modern and consumptive of fashion products ready for use and practical. Table 1 shows respondent profile including fashion products purchased in the last 3/4 months, number of fashion items purchased in the last 12 months, and the average cost spent to purchase fashion products every month. keywords: adoption; bandung; behavior; brands; clothing; consumer; designers; differences; different; domain; early; evaluation; fashion; fashion innovators; goldsmith; groups; hedonic; important; individual; indonesia; industry; information; innovation; innovativeness; innovators; items; journal; marketing; months; need; new; non; number; people; personality; pleasure; price; product; purchase; reliability; research; results; rogers; sample; scale; scores; seeking; sensitivity; shopping; significant; social; specific; study; style; table; value; variety; york; young; young people cache: ambr-29.pdf plain text: ambr-29.txt item: #36 of 78 id: ambr-293 author: Wahyudi, Wahyudi; Tukan, Brigitta Azalea Pulo; Pinem, Dahlia title: ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF FINANCIAL LITERATION, FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY, INCOME, AND LOCUS OF CONTROL ON LECTURER FINANCIAL BEHAVIOR date: 2020-06-17 words: 4950 flesch: 45 summary: Financial behavior is the result of putting expectations and values into action, with the expectation that financial behavior will mediate the relationship of expectations on financial well-being (Burcher et al, 2018). Financial behavior has a score obtained from respondents' responses to financial behavior using a Likert scale of indicators that is paying bills on time, making expenditure budgets, making financial records, providing funds for unexpected expenses, saving regularly, investing a portion of income, and comparing prices before deciding on a purchase. keywords: analysis; bank; behavior; business; control; economics; effect; faculty; financial; financial behavior; financial literacy; financial technology; higher; income; independent; indonesia; influence; jakarta; journal; knowledge; lecturer; level; literacy; locus; making; management; person; pls; positive; products; reliability; research; respondents; results; services; smart; study; table; technology; test; upn; value; variable; veteran cache: ambr-293.pdf plain text: ambr-293.txt item: #37 of 78 id: ambr-296 author: Adi Wibowo, Seto Sulaksono; Bana, Agung title: FACTORS AFFECTING DIVIDEND PAYMENT POLICY date: 2020-06-17 words: 3167 flesch: 56 summary: The results of this study indicate that profitability, life cycle and company size have positive effects while liquidity, cash flow, growth opportunities and leverage have no effect on dividend payout policies. There are several factors that affect dividend payments such as corporate tax, liquidity, profitability, company size, cash flow and other regulations. keywords: analysis; business; cash; companies; company; cycle; data; dividend; dividend payments; effect; factors; faktor; firm; flow; growth; hypothesis; influence; journal; leverage; life; liquidity; negative; negative effect; payments; policies; policy; positive; positive effect; profitability; research; results; significance; size; states; study; table; test; value; variable cache: ambr-296.pdf plain text: ambr-296.txt item: #38 of 78 id: ambr-299 author: Anggraini, Vika Ansy; Hananto, Arga title: The Role of Social Media Marketing Activities on Customer Equity Drivers and Customer Loyalty date: 2020-06-17 words: 7630 flesch: 47 summary: Just like any firms in the market, e-commerce firms also face the need to develop the long-term value of the firm by building customer equity, which according to (Lemon, Rust, & Zeithaml, 2001) can be built through its three drivers, namely value equity, brand equity, and relationships equity. This study is aimed to test the influence of social media marketing activities toward customer loyalty through customer equity drivers (i.e. Value Equity, Brand Equity, dan Relationship Equity.). keywords: activities; analysis; brand; brand equity; building; commerce; communication; company; consumers; customer; customer equity; customer loyalty; dimensions; direct; drivers; effect; equity; equity drivers; et al; factor; firms; fit; indonesia; information; informativeness; interaction; interactivity; journal; kim; lemon; loyalty; management; marketers; marketing; marketing activities; media; media marketing; model; mouth; need; past; path; personalization; positive; posts; product; quality; rahman; relationship; relationship equity; research; respondents; result; review; role; satisfaction; share; significant; smma; social; social media; study; table; terms; trendiness; users; value; value equity; word; yadav cache: ambr-299.pdf plain text: ambr-299.txt item: #39 of 78 id: ambr-30 author: Wantara, Pribanus title: Effect of Service Quality and Perceived Value Satisfaction and Loyalty Religious Tourists Visit Island Madura, Indonesia date: 2016-06-14 words: 4169 flesch: 52 summary: Effect of Service Quality and Perceived Value Satisfaction and Loyalty Religious Tourists Visit Island Madura, Indonesia 55 4Effect of Service Quality and Perceived Value Satisfaction and Loyalty Religious Tourists Visit Island Madura, Indonesia Pribanus Wantara1* 1 Trunojoyo University, Madura, Indonesia Abstract This paper wants to examine the relationship of service quality, perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty with religious tourists who visit the island of Madura in 2015. Customer Perceived Value: A Substitute For Ssatisfaction in Business Markets. keywords: alpha; behavioral; business; consumer; cronbach; cronin; customer; customer loyalty; customer satisfaction; data; effect; fit; indonesia; intentions; island; island madura; items; journal; literature; loyalty; loyalty religious; madura; management; marketing; measurement; model; oliver; overall; performance; petrick; places; quality; questionnaire; relationship; reliability; religious; religious tourists; research; respondents; results; satisfaction; scale; scholars; service; service quality; servqual; significant; study; sweeney; taylor; test; tomb; tourism; tourists; value; value satisfaction; visit cache: ambr-30.pdf plain text: ambr-30.txt item: #40 of 78 id: ambr-302 author: Widodo, Danu Triwinarko; Setyowardhani, Hapsari title: Analysis of Factors Affecting Brand Loyalty: A Case Study of Janji Jiwa Coffee date: 2019-12-29 words: 2792 flesch: 55 summary: The findings of the study reveal that customer brand identification has a positive effect on brand involvement, but no positive effect on brand-decision involvement. Both self-congruity and service value have a positive effect on brand involvement and brand-decision involvement. keywords: analysis; brand; brand involvement; brand loyalty; coffee; congruity; consumer; consumption; customers; decision; decision involvement; effect; factors; identification; individual; involvement; janji; jiwa; journal; kim; lee; loyalty; marketing; model; positive; positive effect; product; research; satisfaction; self; service; shop; significant; study; value; variables cache: ambr-302.pdf plain text: ambr-302.txt item: #41 of 78 id: ambr-303 author: Awaludin, Muhammad Nurfauzi; Sukmono, Sigit title: THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING AND BRAND AWARNESS ON PURCHASE DECISIONS WITH VIRAL MARKETING AS INTERVENING VARIABLES ON JANJI JIWA COFFEE CONSUMERS AMONG STUDENTS USING SOCIAL MEDIA AREA JABODETA date: 2020-06-17 words: 7342 flesch: 55 summary: The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of social media marketing and brand awareness on purchasing decisions with viral marketing as an intervening variable in Janji Jiwa coffee consumers among students who use social media in Jabodeta. From the research results, it is known that social media marketing has an effect on purchasing decisions both directly and indirectly through viral marketin mediation, and brand awareness influences purchasing decisions both directly and indirectly through viral marketing mediation. keywords: analysis; area; awareness; brand; brand awareness; business; coefficient; coffee; company; consumers; data; decisions; digital; effect; equation; error; heteroscedasticity; increase; indonesia; influence; information; internet; intervening; item; jabodeta; janji; janji jiwa; jiwa; kotler; management; marketing; means; media; media marketing; method; model; number; path; population; positive; primary; product; promotion; purchase; purchasing; purchasing decisions; regression; research; results; score; significant; social; social media; source; square; students; study; table; test; time; use; users; valid; value; variables; viral; viral marketing cache: ambr-303.pdf plain text: ambr-303.txt item: #42 of 78 id: ambr-308 author: Malini, Helma title: Profitability Condition With Stylized Fact of Banking Industries in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand date: 2020-12-27 words: 6888 flesch: 57 summary: In literature, micro and macro determinants affecting bank profitability. Literature Review According to Abreu and Mendes (2001) capital has positive impact towards banks profitability by using Capital Adequacy Ratio as variables for European Union countries by using regression where interest and profitability becoming dependent variables. keywords: addition; adequacy; assets; banking; banks; business; capital; car; coefficient; condition; countries; criterion; cross; data; decrease; dependent; deposit; effect; exchange; fact; financial; gdp; growth; higher; impact; indonesia; industries; industry; inflation; interest; islamic; ldr; loans; lower; malaysia; management; means; model; negative; non; npl; performing; point; positive; probability; profitability; rate; ratio; regression; relationship; research; return; risk; roa; section; significant; significant effect; size; squared; statistic; study; stylized; table; thailand; total; value; variables cache: ambr-308.pdf plain text: ambr-308.txt item: #43 of 78 id: ambr-31 author: Sutrisno, Niantoro R; Isyanto, H. Puji; Hasbullah, Rachmat title: Influence of Teacher Competence, Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Teacher’s Performance SMP Negeri 1 Cikarang Bekasi Regency East date: 2016-06-14 words: 3656 flesch: 54 summary: Teacher competence has a positive and significant influence to teacher performance, so teacher performance is able to increase in line with their competence increase. Teacher performance is the ability of a teacher in implementing the learning task and responsible for students under their guiandce by increasing the learning achievements of the students. keywords: ability; able; bandung; bekasi; cikarang; competence; correlation; dan; dimensions; east; education; following; guru; high; increase; indonesia; influence; jakarta; job; job satisfaction; junior; kerja; kinerja; kompetensi; large; learning; manajemen; motivasi; motivation; need; negeri; pearson; pendidikan; pengaruh; performance; positive; range; regency; research; results; satisfaction; school; significant; smp; states; students; tailed; teacher; teacher competence; teacher performance; test; variable cache: ambr-31.pdf plain text: ambr-31.txt item: #44 of 78 id: ambr-313 author: Akhmadi, Akhmadi; Mahmudi, Bambang; Muksin, Moh; Suhendra, Indra; F, Rina title: Firm Size As A Moderation Factor: Testing The Relationship of Capital Structure With Dividend Policy date: 2020-12-27 words: 4691 flesch: 58 summary: Furthermore, Weston and Copeland, 1997 in Nursandari (2013), the level of company profit is a basic element of dividend policy so that financial ratio analysis affects dividend policy. Indonesia Abstract This study examines size as a variable that can strengthen and weaken the relationship between debt policy and dividend policy. keywords: agency; analysis; asset; capital; capital structure; companies; company; company size; debt; dewi; dividend; dividend policy; effect; equity; exchange; finance; financial; firm; firm size; funds; increase; indonesia; investment; journal; larger; level; management; market; model; moderation; negative; payout; policy; profitability; ratio; regression; relationship; research; results; shareholders; size; stock; structure; study; table; test; theory; use; value; variable; yogyakarta cache: ambr-313.pdf plain text: ambr-313.txt item: #45 of 78 id: ambr-316 author: Ibrahim, Mahdani; Alimin, Maulana; Karollah, Banta title: Does Human Resource Management Practices Moderate The Relationship Between Nepotism and Attitude? date: 2020-12-27 words: 4365 flesch: 42 summary: The results showthat the strengths of the direct influence of nepotism variables on job satisfaction, OCB and organisational commitment are 28.5%, 24.3% and 33.4%and the strengths of the moderating effect of HRMPs are 35.7%, 31.3% and 38.3%, respectively. Indonesia Abstract This study aims to examine the moderating effect of human resource management practice (HRMP) variables on the relationship between nepotism variables and attitude variables (job satisfaction, organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) and organisational commitment).A research sample of 300 workers in the three largest hospitals in Aceh (Dr. Zainoel Abidin General Hospital, Meuraxa General Hospital and Harapan Bunda Hospital). keywords: analysis; arasli; attitude; bavik; behavior; business; citizenship; coefficients; commitment; correlation; data; dependent; development; direct; effect; ekiz; employees; family; hrmps; human; international; job; job satisfaction; journal; level; literature; management; moderation; negative; nepotism; new; ocb; organisational; organisational commitment; organization; performance; positive; practice; questionnaire; relationship; research; resource; results; review; satisfaction; significant; social; study; table; tourism; variables; work cache: ambr-316.pdf plain text: ambr-316.txt item: #46 of 78 id: ambr-324 author: Kumar, Suresh; Stacia, Jessica Cindy; Suriana, Yuyus; Sari, Diana; Hasan, Meydia title: Website Quality and Purchase Intention: The Role of Participation, E-Wom, and Trust date: 2020-12-27 words: 7495 flesch: 54 summary: He measures hotel website quality as a multi-dimensional construct consists of usability, functionality, and security and privacy. The Role of Participation, E-Wom, and Trust 5 2.5 Relationship between Website Quality, Participation, and Trust Ali (2016) found that hotel website quality drives the purchase intention of customers through perceived flow and satisfaction. keywords: abubakar; ambr; bhandari; bilro; booking; brand; business; chow; commerce; community; companies; company; construct; customers; data; december; decision; destination; dimensions; electronic; et al; ewom; findings; fit; good; hair; hospitality; hotel; hotel website; increase; indonesia; industry; influences; information; intention; international; items; journal; kim; ladhari; management; marketing; media; michaud; model; mouth; online; participation; positive; products; purchase; purchase intention; quality; relationship; reliability; research; respondents; review; role; rooms; security; services; shi; shopping; social; state; study; sub; table; tourism; travel; trust; validity; visual; website; website quality; wom; word; yang; yoo cache: ambr-324.pdf plain text: ambr-324.txt item: #47 of 78 id: ambr-325 author: Nugraha, Aa Willy; Abdullah, Yusuf title: Servicescape and Group References in Determining Hedonic Value and Its Implication on Impulsive Buying date: 2020-12-27 words: 5989 flesch: 50 summary: Thus, retailers need to create value added value such as an outlet environment (servicescape) to create a good impression during a visit. (2012) and Dedeoglu, et al (2018) which stated that servicescape had a significant effect on customer hedonic value. keywords: analysis; asia; asia tasikmalaya; atmosphere; behavior; business; buying; consumer; consumption; cues; customer; dan; data; decision; dedeoglu; effect; emotional; enjoyment; et al; facilities; fit; good; group; hedonic; hedonic value; hypothesis; implication; impulse; impulsive; impulsive buying; indonesia; influence; interested; item; management; model; people; place; plaza; plaza asia; pleasure; probability; product; purchases; purchasing; reference; reference group; regression; requirements; research; results; retail; retailers; sampling; servicescape; shopping; social; store; study; supermarket; table; tasikmalaya; technique; test; value; variable; visitors; yistiani cache: ambr-325.pdf plain text: ambr-325.txt item: #48 of 78 id: ambr-402 author: Ekasari, Wahyuni Diah; Suharnomo, Suharnomo; Utami, Intiyas title: Management of Occupational Health and Safety During The Covid-19 Epidemic : Facts and Challenges date: 2021-12-31 words: 7127 flesch: 42 summary: The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies, especially post offices, as public service offices to comply with occupational health and safety by being disciplined in carrying out health protocols. In this study, the researchers found that the company paid attention to the occupational health and safety merely because they want to get an occupational safety and health certification (OHSAS 18001) or fear of an occupational safety and health audit caused by a high number of work accidents or low level of employee health. keywords: accordance; analysis; assistance; branch; branch post; cases; cash; challenges; companies; company; conditions; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; customers; data; disciplined; distance; distancing; employee performance; employees; environment; facts; funds; gloves; good; hands; health; health protocols; implementation; indonesia; informants; job; kpm; level; m health; management; masks; number; occupational health; occupational safety; office; office employees; organizational; pandemic; people; performance; period; phase; positive; post; post office; postal; regency; regulations; rembang; rembang post; research; researchers; results; safety; safety management; satisfaction; services; social; spread; staff; study; time; virus; washing; wear; work; work safety; workers cache: ambr-402.pdf plain text: ambr-402.txt item: #49 of 78 id: ambr-403 author: Permana, Chrisna T.; Harsanto, Budi title: Decision Making in The Culture and Creative Industries Environment: Lessons from The Cultural Village date: 2021-08-19 words: 6093 flesch: 45 summary: LITERATURE STUDY Decision-making concern with the process of making choices from the various alternatives available, with the approach to systematically conducting analysis in decision making is known as decision theory (Render et al., 2018). The study of decision making has not only been going on for a long time, but it also involves a wide range of disciplines, for example - to mention a few - mathematics, sociology, psychology, economics, management, political science, and others (Buchanan, 2006). keywords: agreement; approach; area; articles; booher; business; case; collaborative; communities; community; consensus; consensus approach; context; cooperative; creative; cultural; cultural village; culture; decision; decision making; development; different; economics; environment; example; flexibility; global; harsanto; healey; inclusive; indonesia; industries; innes; innovation; journal; khanal; knowledge; lessons; local; making; management; nepal; new; openness; paper; participation; participatory; people; permana; planning; policy; power; process; research; review; science; screening; sector; seeking; social; socio; south; studies; study; systematic; theory; traditional; urban; values; village; woltjer cache: ambr-403.pdf plain text: ambr-403.txt item: #50 of 78 id: ambr-416 author: Tjitradi, Ireneus Ezra; Arviansyah, Arviansyah; Tjitradi, Ireneus Ezra title: Hospital Location Selection Targeting Indonesian NHI Patients for a Sustainable Business date: 2021-08-19 words: 7259 flesch: 45 summary: Keywords: BPJS, hospital location selection, JKN, national health insurance, sustainable business *Corresponding author. The result of this research is in the hope to help hospital management serving as guidelines for hospital location selection targeting BPJS patients. keywords: ahp; ambr; analysis; analytic; area; bpjs; business; comparison; consistency; corporate; cost; coverage; criteria; decision; delphi; department; development; distance; economic; egsee; engineering; environmental; evaluation; expert; facilities; factors; framework; future; fuzzy; gis; global; goals; good; health; healthcare; hierarchy; hospital; hospital location; importance; indonesian; information; insurance; international; journal; land; literature; location; location selection; long; main; making; management; matrix; medical; method; modified; multi; network; nhi; pair; panel; patients; people; performance; population; problems; process; public; quality; questionnaire; reporting; research; result; review; round; science; selection; services; site; size; social; stage; study; sub; sustainability; sustainable; systematic; table; time; unit; vol; wise; years cache: ambr-416.pdf plain text: ambr-416.txt item: #51 of 78 id: ambr-420 author: Simanjuntak, Heldy Theresia title: The Effect of Experienced High-Performance Work System and Perceived Organizational Support on Perceived Workload Through Psychological Empowerment and Job Demands date: 2021-08-19 words: 4736 flesch: 42 summary: 37 THE EFFECT OF EXPERIENCED HIGH-PERFORMANCE WORK SYSTEM AND PERCEIVED ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT ON PERCEIVED WORKLOAD THROUGH PSYCHOLOGICAL EMPOWERMENT AND JOB DEMANDS Heldy Theresia Simanjuntak* University of Indonesia, Indonesia Abstract Discussion of the integrative model of high-performance work systems experienced by employees (experienced HPWS) and the perceived organizational support simultaneously test for positive and negative effects on perceived workload (PW). Keywords: high-performance work systems; perceived organizational support; perceived workload; psychological empowerment, job demands *Corresponding author. keywords: analysis; bayer; company; demands; dependent; effect; empirical; employees; empowerment; experienced; family; findings; high; hpws; human; hypothesis; indonesia; job; journal; latent; levels; management; mediating; mihail; model; negative; organizational; organizational support; performance; population; pos; psychological; psychological empowerment; regression; relationship; research; results; sem; significant; stress; study; support; survey; system; test; value; variable; workload cache: ambr-420.pdf plain text: ambr-420.txt item: #52 of 78 id: ambr-421 author: Susilawati, Endang; Amin, Shofia; Musnaini, Musnaini title: Increasing Organizational Citizenship Behavior Through Quality of Work Life and Organizational Commitment date: 2021-08-19 words: 8363 flesch: 39 summary: Srivastava, Misra and Madan (2019) in their research states that improving the quality of employee work life is very important for companies to improve performance and productivity. This study supports the study of Chrisienty (2015) which shows that the quality of work life has a positive effect on employee organizational commitment. keywords: ave; behavior; bisnis; business; citizenship; citizenship behavior; commitment; company; concept; construct; dan; data; dengan; direct; duties; effect; employees; environment; extra; factor; goals; good; high; higher; human; important; increase; indicators; individual; influence; international; invalid; jabung; job; journal; kerja; komitmen; level; line; loading; low; ltd; management; members; method; model; ocb; organisasi; organizational; organizational citizenship; organizational commitment; pada; pengaruh; people; performance; positive; processing; productivity; program; quality; qwl; relationship; reliability; research; resources; results; role; significant; smartpls; source; square; study; table; tasks; terhadap; terhadap organizational; test; testing; vaf; valid; validity; value; variable; work life cache: ambr-421.pdf plain text: ambr-421.txt item: #53 of 78 id: ambr-439 author: Akhmadi, Akhmadi Akhmadi; Chaerunisa, Ernis; Chaerunisa, Shinta Zahra title: Financial Performance Comparison (Empiric Study on Conventional Commercial Banks and Sharia Commercial Banks 2012-2018) date: 2021-08-19 words: 7008 flesch: 48 summary: The results showed that tThere is no significant difference in the Capital Adequency Ratio between Conventional Commercial Banks and Islamic Commercial Banks, There is a significant difference in non-performing loans / financing (NPL / NPF) between Conventional Commercial Banks and Islamic Commercial Banks, there is a significant difference in return on assets (ROA) between Commercial Banks Conventional with Islamic Commercial Banks, there is a significant difference in operating expenses to operating revenue (BOPO) between Conventional Commercial Banks and Islamic Commercial Banks, there is a significant difference in loan / financing to deposit ratio between Conventional Commercial Banks and Shari'ah Commercial Banks. This study aims to examine more the comparison of financial performance between Islamic Commercial Banks and Conventional Commercial Banks. keywords: analysis; asymp; banking; better; bopo; capital; car; commercial banks; comparative; comparison; conventional banks; conventional commercial; data; deposit; difference;; expenses; fdr; financial; financing; indonesia; islamic banks; islamic commercial; loan; mann; non; normality; npf; npl; operating; performance; performing; ratio; research; results; return; roa; sharia; sharia commercial; significant; significant difference; spss; statistics; study; table; test; value; whitney cache: ambr-439.pdf plain text: ambr-439.txt item: #54 of 78 id: ambr-449 author: pintor, shine; Achmad, Maylitha title: Transformational Leadership, Procedural Justice, and Emotion of Indonesia Civil State Apparatus: Does It Matter? date: 2021-12-31 words: 7934 flesch: 44 summary: Hence, this study supported the view that transformational leadership could have a different effect on organizational justice which is perceived by subordinates based on social exchange relations. Transformational leadership is closely related to perceptions of organizational justice, namely procedural justice. keywords: analysis; apparatus; barclay; bass; behavior; budiyanti; business; citizenship; civil; civil state; construct; cropanzano; decision; effect; emotional; emotions; employee; et al; exchange; fairness; formative; good; government; group; hair; human; impact; important; indicators; indonesia; influence; injustice; jakarta; job; journal; justice; leadership; management; matter; measurement; model; organizational; organizational justice; perception; performance; pls; positive; positive emotions; procedural; procedural justice; process; psychology; relationship; research; respondents; results; review; role; sem; size; skarlicki; social; spector; square; state; state apparatus; structural; studies; study; subordinates; table; test; transformational; transformational leadership; validity; value; work; years cache: ambr-449.pdf plain text: ambr-449.txt item: #55 of 78 id: ambr-466 author: Hendrawaty, Ernie; Adlina, Syifa Fadiah title: Ownership-Retention and The Value of Indonesian Initial Public Offering (IPO) Firms in 2013-2016 date: 2021-12-31 words: 3331 flesch: 51 summary: Furthermore, the study explains the number of shares retained by the entrepreneur as a signal of IPO firm value. The study support that ownership retention positively affects the value of Indonesian IPO companies in 2013 - 2016. keywords: assets; business; capital; companies; company; dan; debt; description; efek; equity; firm; firm value; funds; growth; indonesian; information; initial; intellectual; investors; ipo; knowledge; leverage; management; market; mean; nilai; number; offering; ownership; pada; pengaruh; performance; perusahaan; positive; price; public; research; retention; shareholders; shares; shows; signal; study; tbk; terhadap; theory; tobin; total; value; variable cache: ambr-466.pdf plain text: ambr-466.txt item: #56 of 78 id: ambr-475 author: Zahroh, Barraq Mellina; Hersugondo, Hersugondo title: The Effect of ESG Performance on The Financial Performance of Manufacturing Companies Listed in The Indonesian date: 2021-12-31 words: 5203 flesch: 47 summary: The Effect of ESG Performance on The Financial Performance of Manufacturing Companies Listed in The Indonesian 132 AMBR Hypothesis Development The Effect of Environmental Performance on the Company's Financial Performance Ladyve et al. (2020) also found a positive and significant relationship between environmental performance and company financial performance. Because investors realize that companies that ignore ESG performance are not unlikely to have an impact on company performance. keywords: bloomberg; buallay; business; coefficient; companies; company; corporate; dan; data; disclosure; effect; ens; environmental; environmental performance; esg; esg performance; financial performance; good; governance; governance performance; greater; hypothesis; increase; indonesia; information; kinerja; legitimacy; management; manufacturing; model; negative; performance; perusahaan; positive; program; regression; research; results; roa; score; shows; significant; significant effect; social; social performance; sos; stakeholders; stock; study; sustainability; table; test; theory; value; variable; velte; views cache: ambr-475.pdf plain text: ambr-475.txt item: #57 of 78 id: ambr-481 author: Bagaskara, Aditya Indra; Hilmiana, Hilmiana; Kamal, Irfanul title: Influence of Flexible Work Arrangement and Work Environment on Employee Performance Through Work-Life Balance During The Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2021-09-22 words: 8343 flesch: 50 summary: This shows that employee performance can be driven by aspects of Flexible Work Arrangement, Work Environment and Work Life Balance. However, this study also looks at the relationship between the two exogenous variables on employee performance indirectly through the intervening/mediation variable of Work Life Balance. keywords: addition; arrangements; aspects; average; balance; category; companies; company; construct; count; covid-19; data; descriptive; dimensions; effect; employee; employee performance; flexible work; flexy; fwa; good; high; home; human; hypothesis; impact; increase; indonesia; influence; kerja; life balance; management; method; organization; pandemic; performance; personal; personal life; place; positive; positive effect; processing; research; respondents; results; significant; significant positive; source; square; study; table; telkom; terhadap; test; time; valid; value; variable; wlb; work; work arrangement; work environment; work life; working cache: ambr-481.pdf plain text: ambr-481.txt item: #58 of 78 id: ambr-496 author: Baten, Md. Azizul title: Information Technology Role on Private Commercial Banks Efficiency with Cost and Profit DEA Technology date: 2021-12-31 words: 6037 flesch: 55 summary: The Credit card transaction (0.000006) and Credit card expenses (0.0002) were observed positively significant for cost efficiency of PCBs and the IT personnel expenses (0.0015) and Credit card transaction (0.00008) were found positively significant for profit efficiency of PCBs. Furthermore, the IBBL and the premium bank had 50% above cost efficiency scores but the majority of the PCBs were around 20% to 40% regarding cost efficiency and around 10% to 20% in terms of profit efficiency. keywords: allocative; analysis; assets; atm; average; bangladesh; bank; banking; card; commercial; cost; cost dea; cost efficiency; credit; credit card; data; dea; dea efficiency; determinants; efficiency; envelopment; expenses; financial; frontier; health; impact; income; industry; information; input; investment; journal; labor; loan; management; method; model; occupational; office; ordinary; output; pcbs; performance; period; personnel; price; private; profit; profit dea; profit efficiency; research; results; role; safety; score; sector; significant; square; studies; study; table; technical; technology; total; transaction; variables; vrs cache: ambr-496.pdf plain text: ambr-496.txt item: #59 of 78 id: ambr-499 author: Wenda, Anthonie; Tewal, B; Nelwan, Olivia S; Sendow, Greis M; Lengkong, Viktor P.K title: The OCB Roles as a Mediator Self-Actualization, Psychological Well-Being, and Work Environment on Health Worker Performance: Study During COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia date: 2022-12-31 words: 4143 flesch: 39 summary: A conducive work environment can improve employee performance and vice versa, an inadequate work environment will reduce employee performance. Some suggestions and implications of the research include: (1) For further research related to employee performance, it is necessary to look at other factors that can develop and improve employee performance, with more variables, and involve more respondents in conducting research that can affect employee performance so that the significance value is greater. keywords: actualization; analysis; behavior; bhayangkara; citizenship; citizenship behavior; coefficient; company; covid-19; data; effect; employees; environment; health; hospital; individual; indonesia; journal; level; life; manado; management; mediator; needs; nurses; ocb; organizational; organizational citizenship; pandemic; partner; performance; person; positive; psychological; research; results; role; self; significant; significant effect; study; table; test; value; work; work environment; workers cache: ambr-499.pdf plain text: ambr-499.txt item: #60 of 78 id: ambr-503 author: Fadhila, Nada; Sulistiyani, Endang title: The Influence of Motivation, Working Environment and Career Development Toward Employees’ Loyalty date: 2022-01-01 words: 5027 flesch: 46 summary: Working environment has a dominant influence in increasing employee loyalty. Now employee loyalty is no longer just an employee's ability to complete their duties and obligations in accordance with the job description, but also how employees carry out their duties as optimally as possible to get the best results for the company. keywords: analysis; business; career; career development; coefficient; comfortable; company; dan; data; daya; determination; development; devices; effect; employee loyalty; employees; environment; goals; healthcare; high; independent; indonesia; influence; international; job; journal; kerja; linear; loyalty; manajemen; manusia; medical; method; model; motivation; multiple; needs; organization; pengaruh; positive; process; regression; relationship; research; result; review; semarang; significant; study; sumber; tawada; terhadap; test; turnover; value; variables; working; working environment cache: ambr-503.pdf plain text: ambr-503.txt item: #61 of 78 id: ambr-514 author: Kurniawan, Hendry title: Effect of Employee Competence and Perceived Organizational Support on Organizational Commitment Mediated by Employee Performance date: 2022-06-30 words: 5555 flesch: 36 summary: The higher the competence possessed by service organization employees in Rokan Hulu, the higher the commitment of service organizations. Employee commitment is one of the keys that determine the success or failure of an organization to achieve its goals. keywords: alpha; analysis; attitude; belief; beta; bisnis; business; commitment; company; competence; contributions; cronbach; dan; effect; employee; employee competence; employee performance; goals; higher; hulu; hypothesis; indicators; industry; influence; job; jurnal; karyawan; kinerja; knowledge; komitmen; kompetensi; manajemen; member; model; organisasi; organizational; organizational commitment; organizational support; pegawai; pengaruh; performance; positive; regency; relationship; reliability; research; results; rokan; score; service; significant; skills; square; statistic; strong; study; support; table; terhadap; test; testing; valid; validity; values; variables; welfare; work cache: ambr-514.pdf plain text: ambr-514.txt item: #62 of 78 id: ambr-517 author: Rafiah, Kurnia Khafidhatur; Widianto, Sunu; Kamal, Irsyad; Shofiana, Amaliya; Fajar, A. Malik; Rudini, Agung Anggara title: Digital readiness of SMEs: An Insight from Indonesia date: 2022-06-30 words: 8944 flesch: 45 summary: The final score I defines the company’s digital readiness level according to the rules presented in Table 2, which also provide the definition of digital readiness level. This paper measures the digital readiness of SMEs and categorizes them into the level of digital readiness. keywords: ambr; areas; aspects; assessment; business; case; chain; companies; company; countries; current; dan; data; developed; development; digital; digital readiness; digital technology; digitalization; dimensions; economic; enterprises; era; figure; global; government; human; implementation; important; index; indonesia; industrial; industry; information; infrastructure; innovation; insight; integration; international; java; journal; knowledge; large; level; majority; management; manufacturing; maturity; medium; method; model; new; number; operations; opportunities; order; organization; people; pirola; process; processes; product; production; questionnaire; questions; readiness; readiness index; readiness level; research; results; review; revolution; sectors; services; sized; small; smart; smes; source; strategy; study; supply; support; survey; system; table; technological; technologies; technology; technology readiness; transformation; types; umkm; usd; use; variables; west; world cache: ambr-517.pdf plain text: ambr-517.txt item: #63 of 78 id: ambr-521 author: Sulistiyani, Endang; Pertiwi, Juliarti Mega; Khakim, Luqman title: Factors Affecting Beef Volume Imports From Australia date: 2022-06-30 words: 6593 flesch: 58 summary: Ha2: Beef production influences the volume of beef import from Australia Effect of GDP on Beef Impor An increase in national income (GDP) will increase the purchasing power which can increase the preference of consumers to consume imported goods. It means that Indonesia is still depend on beef import. keywords: absolute; addition; advantage; analysis; australia; beef; beef import; beef production; beef volume; certain; consumption; countries; country; covid-19; dan; data; demand; domestic; domestic production; effect; ekonomi; factors; figure; gdp; goods; government; gross; gross domestic; higher; import; import volume; income; increase; independent; indonesia; influence; international; means; meat; model; needs; number; office; people; period; population; positive; post; price; production; purchasing; regression; research; resources; result; sapi; services; significant; study; test; theory; ton; trade; value; variable; volume cache: ambr-521.pdf plain text: ambr-521.txt item: #64 of 78 id: ambr-53 author: M. Rusdi, Zainnur title: The Influence of Self-Control and Mindfulness on Counterproductive Academic Behavior date: 2017-06-09 words: 2630 flesch: 38 summary: Counterproductive academic behavior such as plagiarism and cheating among students can be reduced if the student has self-control and good mindfulness. The results of hypothesis testing showed that each variable of self-control and mindfulness have positive effect on counterproductive academic behavior. keywords: academic; academic behavior; behavior; cheating; control; counterproductive; counterproductive academic; effect; indonesia; influence; level; low; mean; mindfulness; negative; person; plagiarism; positive; quality; regression; reliability; research; results; self; students; study; tendency; test; university; value; variable cache: ambr-53.pdf plain text: ambr-53.txt item: #65 of 78 id: ambr-54 author: Rabiqy, Yohandes; Yusnaidi, Yusnaidi title: The Factors Underpricing Level in The Companies Conducting Initial Public Offering At Indonesia Stock Exchange date: 2017-06-09 words: 5972 flesch: 55 summary: Company size is measured by calculating the natural logarithm (ln) in total assets last year before the company's listing. The population in this research is companies that were listed to Indonesian Stock Exchange during period 2012 through 2016. keywords: assets; business; capital; companies; company; current; current ratio; data; day; effect; equity; exchange; factors; faktor; financial; financial leverage; firm; higher; indonesia; indonesia stock; information; initial; initial public; investors; ipo; large; level; leverage; management; market; offering; period; price; probability; profitability; public; public offering; ratio; research; results; return; roe; secondary; shares; significance level; significant; size; stock; stock exchange; stock price; table; tbk; test; time; total; underpricing; underpricing level; underpricing shares; value; variables cache: ambr-54.pdf plain text: ambr-54.txt item: #66 of 78 id: ambr-55 author: Putra, Zainal; Chan, Syafruddin; IHA, Moenawar title: Design of Risk Management Based on Iso 31000 in PDAM Tirta Meulaboh date: 2017-06-09 words: 6312 flesch: 61 summary: So risk management is an executive decision which aims at managing the risks that would be faced by the company, which can result in losses for the company (Harimurti in Abisay and Nurhadi, 2013). With this research, the benefits of a good understanding of risk management based on ISO 31000 standards and able to develop the design of prevention and risk control system. keywords: able; account; afebi; alum; ambr; analysis; billing; branch; business; code; company; control; customers; data; debt; department; dept; design; distribution; evaluation; figure; financial; government; identification; ikk; impact; intake; iso; june; kaway; lack; management; meter; meulaboh; mitigation; no.01; organization; panjang; pdam; pdam tirta; pipelines; planning; pln; potential; process; production; pump; rantau; receivable; red; review; risiko; risk; risk management; section; strategy; study; supply; system; test; tirta; tirta meulaboh; transmission; treatment; unit; vol.02; water; water meter; wtp; xvi; zone cache: ambr-55.pdf plain text: ambr-55.txt item: #67 of 78 id: ambr-555 author: Rahmiati, Rahmiati; Susanto, Perengki; Hasan, Alizar; Pujani, Vera title: Understanding Use Behavior in Mobile Banking: An Extended of UTAUT Perspective date: 2022-06-30 words: 4403 flesch: 44 summary: Convenience matter in mobile banking adoption intention? The pleasure obtained from mobile banking will increase the frequency and intensity of mobile banking use. keywords: acceptance; adoption; ave; banking; banks; behavioral; behavioral intention; construct; consumers; convergent; costs; customers; et al; factors; habit; hedonic; indonesia; influence; information; intention; international; journal; management; mobile; mobile banking; model; motivation; oliveira; perspective; positive; price; research; results; services; social; study; table; technology; testing; understanding; use; users; utaut; validity; value; variance; venkatesh cache: ambr-555.pdf plain text: ambr-555.txt item: #68 of 78 id: ambr-558 author: Linda, Muthia Roza; Thabrani, Gesit; Suhery, Suhery; Yonita, Riza; Ravelby, Thesa Alif; Pujani, Vera; Hasan, Alizar title: Organizational Performance: The Role of Enterprise Resource Planning and Supply Chain Management date: 2022-06-30 words: 5658 flesch: 42 summary: Furthermore, SCM mediates the relationship between ERP and company performance. Assessment of company performance can be seen what factors affect company performance and their impact on company or organization profits, solve problems that occur within the company and solving to improve company performance for the better, and provide clear information to bridge the implementation of cooperation and enhance Performance such as improvement after evaluating the results of the performance appraisal (Siahaan T, Nazaruddin, & Sadalia, 2020) keywords: activities; business; chain; chain management; companies; company; company performance; costs; customer; data; doi; effect; enterprise; enterprise resource; erp; financial; impact; implementation; increase; indonesia; information; international; journal; management; market; model; operational; organizational; organizational performance; padang; performance; planning; positive; practices; processes; production; quality; relationship; reliability; research; resource; resource planning; results; review; role; scm; semen; significant; study; suppliers; supply; supply chain; system; table; technology; time; uncertainty; universitas; validity; value cache: ambr-558.pdf plain text: ambr-558.txt item: #69 of 78 id: ambr-559 author: Arsyad, Muhammad Afif; Utama, Cynthia Afriani title: Cash Reserve, CEO Health Risk, The Price Reaction Due to COVID-19 First Announcement on Leisure Industry date: 2022-06-30 words: 5001 flesch: 58 summary: The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on AFEBI Management and Business Review at: 58 AMBR INTRODUCTION Previous studies have identified major events that affected stock market returns. Death and contagious infectious diseases: Impact of the COVID-19 virus on stock market returns. keywords: abnormal; airlines; announcement; business; car; case; cash; ceo; covid-19; crisis; cumulative; data; days; event; factor; fama; financial; firms; following; french; health; higher; hospitality; impact; independent; indonesia; industries; industry; information; investors; leisure; log; logcar; march; market; model; negative; pandemic; paper; performance; period; price; rate; reaction; regression; research; reserve; result; return; risk; rit; sig; significant; statistics; stock; study; t+10; table; terms; test; tourism; travel; value; variables; virus; window cache: ambr-559.pdf plain text: ambr-559.txt item: #70 of 78 id: ambr-56 author: Putu Agus Jana Susila, Gede title: CAMEL As A Mathod Used For Assessing The Performance date: 2017-06-09 words: 10877 flesch: 63 summary: The LPD Units which underwent a fall in LDR were the LPD Unit at Musi and the one at LPD Sumberkima, resulting from the fact that the increase in the formed liquidity was smaller than it should have been. Based on the decision made in the seminar, the Bali Provincial Government established the first LPD Unit as the pilot project. keywords: aspect; assets; bali; bank; banyu; bawang; bopo; camel; capital; category; celukan; component; component credit; cprr; credit; credit value; criterion; data; district; earning; following; follows; formula; gerokgak; gerokgak district; governor; healthy; healthy lpd; increase; kap; ldr; liquidity; lpd unit; management; musi; number; operating; patas; pejarakan; pemuteran; pengulon; penyabangan; poh; productive; ratio; regulation; result; risk; roa; sanggalangit; soundness; study; sumaga; sumberkima; tinga; traditional; tukad; units; value; village cache: ambr-56.pdf plain text: ambr-56.txt item: #71 of 78 id: ambr-57 author: Meizhura, Helga; Alamanda, Dini Turipanam; Adi, Fajar Sidiq title: Technological Adoption For The Online System of Public Aspirations and Complaints Service (Lapor) in Bandung City date: 2017-06-09 words: 7487 flesch: 51 summary: 0.496 1.650 H0 accepted H3 SI -> BI 0.163 3.012 1.650 H0 rejected H4 FC -> BI 0.116 2.363 1.650 H0 rejected H5 HM -> BI 0.259 4.814 1.650 H0 rejected H6 PV -> BI 0.669 14.442 1.650 H0 rejected H7 HA -> BI 0.171 2.694 1.650 H0 rejected H8 FC -> UB 0.121 2.191 1.650 H0 rejected H9 HA -> UB 0.176 2.955 1.650 H0 rejected H10 BI -> UB -0.032 0.612 1.650 H0 accepted Based on Table 7, the results of t count on the hypotheses of H1, H2, and H10 show that H0 is accepted which means there is no significant influence of Performance Expectancy and Effort Expectancy variables on Behavioral Intention, and Behavioral Intention variable on Use Behavior. The affecting factors of interest and behavior in using the system were identified by the model of UTAUT 2 developed by Venkatesh et al. keywords: acceptance; adoption; age; aspirations; bandung; behavioral; behavioral intention; business; city; coefficient; complaints; conditions; constructs; count; effect; effort; et al; expectancy; experience; gender; good; government; habit; hedonic; indrawati; influence; information; intention; interest; lapor; lapor system; management; marhaeni; means; model; motivation; online; open; path; people; performance; person; positive; price; public; relationship; reliable; research; results; review; service; significant; smart; social; study; system; table; technological; technology; test; use; use behavior; utaut; valid; value; variables; venkatesh cache: ambr-57.pdf plain text: ambr-57.txt item: #72 of 78 id: ambr-576 author: Rizti, Ega Annisa; Utama, Cynthia Afriani title: Carbon Disclosure and Firm Performance: The Role of the Upper Echelons date: 2022-12-31 words: 6989 flesch: 49 summary: To increase carbon disclosure, firms should involve more women, specifically within the BoD and the BoC. Higher supervision by the BoD is required to ensure the quality of carbon disclosure until firms reach a certain degree of carbon disclosure scores. Hence, the first category includes samples that received carbon disclosure scores between 5 -7, which accounts for 79.7% of the total samples. keywords: activities; board; boc; bod; carbon; carbon disclosure; category; ceos; characteristics; coefficient; corporate; data; disclosure; diversity; doi; echelons; environmental; et al; family; family firms; fceo; fcom; fcorsec; fdir; female; financial; findings; firm performance; firms; gender; gender diversity; ghg; higher; hoang;; hypothesis; impact; increase; independent; indonesia; instrumental; journal; logarithm; lower; management; model; oncioui; ownership; performance; positions; positive; quality; regression; relationship; reporting; research; results; review; roa; role; scores; social; study; sustainability; table; total; upper; value; van; variable; women cache: ambr-576.pdf plain text: ambr-576.txt item: #73 of 78 id: ambr-58 author: Hasanah, Mamlu Atul; Hadi, Prasetyo; Ridwan, Hariyanto title: The Role of The Store Atmosphere To Impulsive Purchasing (Study in Matahari Cilandak Town Square) date: 2017-06-09 words: 5176 flesch: 55 summary: The following are the characteristics of respondents that are visitors of Matahari Department Store Cilandak Town Square that is used for research. Which means the store atmosphere variable that is measured through the indicators of visual communication, lighting, color, music, and aroma that is used in this research has a direct influence to the impulse buying variable (unplanned buying) in Matahari Department Store Cilandak Town Square. keywords: able; atmosphere; attention; brand; business; buying; characteristics; cilandak; cilandak town; consumers; dan; data; department; department store; emotion; following; impulse; impulse buying; impulsive; influence; jakarta; large; management; matahari; model; music; path; persons; positive; positive emotion; products; purchasing; research; respondents; results; retail; role; shopping; shows; square; store; store atmosphere; store cilandak; study; test; total; town; town square; value; variable; visits; years cache: ambr-58.pdf plain text: ambr-58.txt item: #74 of 78 id: ambr-595 author: Firmansyah, Amrie; Sinaga, Novelyn Debora title: The Association Between Tax Aggressiveness, Sustainability Disclosure and Cost of Equity date: 2022-12-31 words: 7725 flesch: 48 summary: Meanwhile, to meet stakeholders' expectations regarding the transparency of company information, disclosure of the company's sustainability report would be the right choice. Sustainability disclosure is the publication of company information that reflects the organization's economic, social and environmental performance (Global Reporting Initiative, 2016). keywords: accounting; actions; activities; aggressiveness; akuntansi; asimetri; assets; association; asymmetry; avoidance; biaya; bisnis; business; capital; companies; company; corporate; cost; dan; data; disclosure; earnings; effect; ekuitas; environmental; equity; equity capital; et al; expected; financial; firmansyah; governance; gri; high; higher; income; increase; index; indonesia; informasi; information; international; investment; investors; jurnal; laba; laksito; level; leverage; low; management; market; modal; pada; pajak; pengaruh; pengungkapan; performance; perusahaan; price; related; reporting; reports; research; responsibility; results; return; review; rinobel; risk; sample; size; social; stakeholders; standards; stock; study; sustainability; sustainability disclosure; tax; tax aggressiveness; tax avoidance; terhadap; test; theory; total; yang; year cache: ambr-595.pdf plain text: ambr-595.txt item: #75 of 78 id: ambr-601 author: Rohmah, Annisa Auliya; Aziz, Fauzan title: Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation and Business Performance (Frozen Food Retail Entrepreneurs of XYZ Business) date: 2022-12-31 words: 5512 flesch: 36 summary: 110 ENTREPRENEURIAL ORIENTATION, MARKET ORIENTATION AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE (FROZEN FOOD RETAIL ENTREPRENEURS OF XYZ BUSINESS) The data processing results using SPSS-25 showed a positive and significant effect of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation on business performance. keywords: activities; behavior; bisnis; business; business performance; company; competition; competitors; consumption; customer; dan; effect; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurial orientation; entrepreneurship; financial; food; food retail; frozen; frozen food; increase; influence; innovation; kewirausahaan; kinerja; kurniawan; level; management; market; market orientation; marketing; means; measure; method; miller; new; organization; orientasi; orientation; pasar; pengaruh; performance; positive; proactive; process; products; regression; research; results; retail; risk; sales; significant; smes; strategy; studies; study; table; terhadap; test; value; variable; xyz; xyz business cache: ambr-601.pdf plain text: ambr-601.txt item: #76 of 78 id: ambr-602 author: Mukhsin, Moh; Sobirin, M.Tajus title: Scheduling Process Analysis Distribution of Product Using the Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP) Method date: 2022-12-31 words: 4764 flesch: 64 summary: Storage Cost These data are data that are needed by researchers in processing data to determine the efficiency of product distribution and compare which is better between the Company methods or using the Distribution requirements Planning method. The research aims to analyze product distribution scheduling planning, create a more efficient product distribution scheduling system by using distribution requirement planning (DRP) method in PT. keywords: abadi; analysis; aroma; bales; center; cigarettes; cilegon; cilegon rp; city; class; company; company method; costs; data; demand; distribution; distribution requirement; djinggo; drp; drp method; efficient; forecasting; goods; inventory; labuan; lead; matra; method; mild; minak; needs; niaga; nusa; order; pandeglang; pandeglang rp; period; planning; process; product; quantity; requirement; research; results; safety; scheduling; shipping; source; stock; table; time; total; 𝑅𝑝. cache: ambr-602.pdf plain text: ambr-602.txt item: #77 of 78 id: ambr-604 author: Pramono, Yohanes Danang Priyo title: The Effect of Work Conflict and Transformational Leadership on the Performance of PT KAI’s Operational Employees date: 2022-12-31 words: 5570 flesch: 44 summary: Transformational leadership variables and employee performance variables are included in decent category. This study aims to analyze the influence of transformational leadership factors and work conflict factors on employee performance. keywords: adaptive; analysis; average; best; better; business; category; collaboration; company; conflict; construct; data; decent; dimension; directorate; effect; employee; employee performance; goals; good; high; important; individual; indonesia; industry; influence; jehn; journal; kai; latent; leadership; level; management; model; operational; organizational; people; performance; pls; problems; questionnaire; relationship; reliability; research; results; square; study; subordinates; table; task; transformational; transformational leadership; valid; validity; value; variable; vision; work; work conflict; world cache: ambr-604.pdf plain text: ambr-604.txt item: #78 of 78 id: ambr-613 author: Zukhri, Nizwan; Wahyudin, Nanang; Yusnita, Maya title: Importance Performance Analysis of MSME’s Digitalization Strategy to Increase Competitiveness Post COVID-19 date: 2023-06-15 words: 3738 flesch: 32 summary: According to Ali (2013), digital marketing is defined as the use of digital technology to achieve marketing goals as well as efforts to develop or adapt the marketing concept itself, communicate on a global scale, and change the way companies do business with customers. Explained again by Desai (2019), digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technology, especially on the Internet, but also includes mobile phones, advertising layers, and other digital media. keywords: analysis; application; bank; business; city; competitiveness; covid-19; customers; digital; digital leadership; digital marketing; digitalization; financial; financial technology; impact; importance; journal; leadership; level; marketing; media; methods; mobile; msmes; online; pandemic; pangkalpinang; pangkalpinang city; payment; performance; products; quadrant; research; results; services; social; strategy; study; technology; use; vision; website cache: ambr-613.pdf plain text: ambr-613.txt