item: #1 of 42 id: ajcd-11 author: None title: ajcd-11 date: None words: 4683 flesch: 30 summary: More insight is needed regarding the manner in which facets of career agility (as indicators of adaptive readiness) explain the activation of career adaptability (as an indicator of self-regulated career management resources that help employees proactively respond to the demands of the modern-day technological-driven work context). Conclusion: The findings contribute new insights into the construct of career agility and extends research on antecedents of career adaptability. keywords: adaptability; adaptation; adaptive; adaptivity; africa; agile; agility; andersen; career; career adaptability; career agility; change; coetzee; concern; confidence; construct; control; curiosity; data; development; environment; facets; findings; future; high; hirschi; important; individuals; job; johnston; journal; learning; levels; management; media; navigation; new; opportunities; positive; readiness; research; resources; sample; savickas; scale; self; south; study; technological; theory; vocational; willingness; work cache: ajcd-11.htm plain text: ajcd-11.txt item: #2 of 42 id: ajcd-13 author: None title: ajcd-13 date: None words: 5001 flesch: 47 summary: Four objectives were highlighted to include unearthing the level of OVC school enrolment: school attendance, vocational training, educational challenges and possible solutions. Keywords: school enrolment; school attendance; academic performance; orphans and vulnerable children; educational challenge; vocational training. keywords: academic; approach; area; attendance; calabar; capability; caregivers; challenges; children; cross; data; development; distribution; educational; enrolment; female; figure; government; individuals; informant; key; local; materials; nations; necessary; nigeria; okon; old; organisations; orphanages; orphans; ovc; participants; performance; research; respondents; responses; results; river; school; sen; skills; social; socioeconomic; south; state; study; support; table; training; united; vocational; vulnerable; vulnerable children; work; years cache: ajcd-13.htm plain text: ajcd-13.txt item: #3 of 42 id: ajcd-14 author: None title: ajcd-14 date: None words: 1034 flesch: 44 summary: Editorial: ‘Ecological crisis–anthropological crisis’. Editorial Editorial: ‘Ecological crisis–anthropological crisis’ Jean Guichard Copyright: © 2020. keywords: anthropological; article; capitalism; career; competition; countries; crisis; development; ecological; editorial; financial; guichard; human; jean; lucien; sustainable; systemic; sève; university; view; work cache: ajcd-14.htm plain text: ajcd-14.txt item: #4 of 42 id: ajcd-17 author: None title: ajcd-17 date: None words: 6260 flesch: 44 summary: The individual vis-à-vis changes: Identity dilemmas and biographical scenarios Observably, to incorporate work careers into linear life narratives is becoming more and more challenging. The findings yielded by this study include a set of developmental shifts in education which we outline in the article, showing the passage from traditional education based on the teacher–student knowledge transfer to personalised, community-oriented education; from directive education to life design education; from institutional education to education at workplace and in the community; and from education for competition to education for collaboration, sustainable development and decent work. keywords: age; analysis; article; authors; bańka; biographical; blue; career; challenges; changes; collaboration; competencies; context; counselling; decent; decent work; design; development; drabik; economic; economy; eds; education; employees; environmental; factor; future; futurist; global; green; guichard; guidance; hatalska; human; identity; individuals; institute; international; interventions; jobs; journal; knowledge; labour; labour market; learning; life; lifelong; lives; making; market; multiple; new; orange; pandemic; patterns; people; personal; piorunek; podgórny; poland; possible; postmodern; poznań; processes; reality; reflection; relationships; reports; research; resources; savickas; scenarios; sense; skills; social; studies; study; sustainable; sustainable development; teacher; terms; thinking; time; traditional; transformations; university; vocational; work; working; world; wrocław cache: ajcd-17.htm plain text: ajcd-17.txt item: #5 of 42 id: ajcd-18 author: None title: ajcd-18 date: None words: 7263 flesch: 46 summary: User experience careers. User journey constructed by users or ex-users may comprise a few dimensions, including plotting of user experiences, identification of feelings, facts and findings from user experiences, personal encounters with other people or significant others and emphasis on critical incidents associated with user changes and growth, etc. keywords: able; alex; archive; aspirations; authors; behavior; career; career transitions; changes; company; current; data; development; elsa; experiences; ferry; future; growth; hong; icons; individual; interventions; interview; interviewers; job; journal; journey; kong; learnings; life; longer; manner; mapping; maps; mspg; music; neet; ownership; participants; participatory; people; personal; placement; point; positive; practice; practitioners; process; programme; project; psychological; psychosocial; research; resources; review; roger; second; self; service; significant; skills; social; status; structured; studies; study; support; target; template; time; tool; transcripts; transitions; university; user; user journey; volition; wong; work; youth cache: ajcd-18.htm plain text: ajcd-18.txt item: #6 of 42 id: ajcd-2 author: None title: ajcd-2 date: None words: 4860 flesch: 46 summary: Up until now, career development interventions implemented by the SETAs have been primarily focused on the youth. In P. J. Hartung, M. L. Savickas, & W. B. Walsh (Eds.), APA handbook of career intervention (Vol. 1, pp. keywords: abilities; adaptability; adults; african; behavior; beukes; business; caas; career; career development; case; consistency; construction; control; counselling; data; design; development; education; employability; employees; engineering; fabio; findings; group; industry; interest; internal; intervention; journal; life; likely; management; manufacturing; maree; mcm; merseta; new; participants; profile; qualitative; related; reliability; research; results; savickas; scales; scores; sector; seed; self; services; skills; south; study; support; table; taylor; test; vocational; work; working cache: ajcd-2.htm plain text: ajcd-2.txt item: #7 of 42 id: ajcd-20 author: None title: ajcd-20 date: None words: 8106 flesch: 52 summary: In this study, management change is synonymous with change management. Transitioning through management change: The experiences of community learning centre educators. keywords: adult; affected; article; august; authors; basic; business; career; case; centre; change; chetty; clcs; communication; community; conditions; consultation; culture; data; dbe; department; design; development; dhet; early; education; educators; effects; employees; environment; experiences; findings; green; higher; impact; implementation; information; informed; job; journal; knowledge; learning; level; lewin; management; management change; managers; model; need; new; open; organisation; palcs; participants; performance; policy; practice; pretoria; process; qualitative; research; resistance; responsible; satisfaction; sector; security; social; south; staff; stage; stress; study; theory; thesis; training; transitioning; turner; understanding; university; van; work; working cache: ajcd-20.htm plain text: ajcd-20.txt item: #8 of 42 id: ajcd-30 author: None title: ajcd-30 date: None words: 12528 flesch: 48 summary: A stable career program: ‘Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by pupils … and employers’. The NGO was founded in 1997 and its aim is to provide scholarships to talented young Haitians who do not have the financial means to access higher education studies. keywords: academic; access; adulthood; adults; alumni; america; analysis; approach; arnett; attainment; benefits; brain; career; career counselling; career development; career guidance; case; challenges; collection; context; counselling; countries; country; courses; data; degree; development; director; economic; education; education experiences; employers; employment; encounters; english; enrichment; experiences; farah; financial; findings; focus; framework; french; future; good; good career; graduates; graduation; guidance; haiti; haitian; haitian higher; higher education; higheredorg; higheredorg students; holman; implications; income; individuals; information; institutions; international; interviews; job; journal; labour; larger; leadership; learning; life; local; lot; low; manager; market; members; methods; ministry; needs; new; opportunities; opportunity; organisation; outcomes; participants; people; pipeline; positive; post; preparation; programme; public; pupil; qualitative; range; research; review; sage; scholarship; sector; services; skills; social; specific; staff; states; students; study; support; system; time; training; understanding; united; universities; university; university students; vital; work; world; year cache: ajcd-30.htm plain text: ajcd-30.txt item: #9 of 42 id: ajcd-32 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2020-12-19 words: 383 flesch: 34 summary: It is good practice as a reviewer to update your personal details regularly to ensure contact with you throughout your professional term as reviewer to African Journal of Career Development. Open Access Page 1 of 1 Reviewer Acknowledgement Acknowledgement to reviewers In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for African Journal of Career Development, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on https:// for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. keywords: access; acknowledgement; african; career; details; development;;; journal; peer; publication; reviewer cache: ajcd-32.pdf plain text: ajcd-32.txt item: #10 of 42 id: ajcd-33 author: None title: ajcd-33 date: None words: 6804 flesch: 47 summary: Tertiary students’ perspectives on secondary school career education: A consumer perspective. In respect of career education intervention, the situational analysis revealed that beyond formalised career education programmes that can assist with this, teacher and the school curriculum involvement can play a critical role. keywords: academic; adolescents; african; analysis; approach; article; baseline; behaviour; career; career development; career education; community; context; control; curriculum; data; department; design; development; different; education; evaluation; factors; findings; focus; fos; future; future orientation; goal; grade; groups; guidance; high; importance; integrated; intervention; intervention school; journal; learners; level; limited; macro; managers; measures; membership; motivation; need; orientation; outcome; participants; phase; pilot; post; process; programme; pssm; psychology; research; results; role; scale; school; school membership; scores; secondary; sense; setting; south; students; studies; study; support; teachers; test; training; university; van; work cache: ajcd-33.htm plain text: ajcd-33.txt item: #11 of 42 id: ajcd-34 author: Office, Editorial title: Table of Contents Vol 1, No 1 (2019) & Vol 2, No 1 (2020) date: 2020-12-23 words: 465 flesch: -26 summary: Case Study Student well-being in Veterinary Sciences: Implications for student support and career agility Irma Eloff African Journal of Career Development | Vol 1, No 1 | a6 | 10 December 2019 1 8 Editorial Editorial: ‘Ecological crisis–anthropological crisis’ Jean Guichard African Journal of Career Development | Vol 2, No 1 | a14 | 07 May 2020 Review Article Prioritising career guidance and development services in post-apartheid South Africa Anthony L. Pillay African Journal of Career Development | Vol 2, No 1 | a9 | 30 January 2020 Review Article Factors that influence transition from high school to higher education: A case of the JuniorTukkie programme Petrus Lombard African Journal of Career Development | Vol 2, No 1 | a5 | 26 February 2020 Original Research What work should be and bring: Representations of decent work in Togo Pazambadi Kazimna, Yawo A. Holu, Akila Alfa, Masamaésso Tchonda, Paboussoum Pari, Jonas Masdonati African Journal of Career Development | Vol 2, No 1 | a8 | 11 March 2020 Original Research Facets of career agility as explanatory mechanisms of employees’ career adaptability Melinde Coetzee, Marais S. Bester, Nadia Ferreira, Ingrid L. Potgieter African Journal of Career Development | Vol 2, No 1 | a11 | 28 May 2020 22 24 29 43 50 Vol 1, No 1 (2019) AJCD_v1_i1_and_AJCD_v2_i1_2020_Contents.indd Open Access Table of Contents Original Research Employer requirements and employability mindsets influencing graduate workers’ self-confidence in gaining employment Melinde Coetzee, Nadia Ferreira, Ingrid L. Potgieter African Journal of Career Development | Vol 1, No 1 | a4 | 09 October 2019 keywords: african; african journal; career; career development; case; development; ingrid l.; journal; l. potgieter; original; research; vol cache: ajcd-34.pdf plain text: ajcd-34.txt item: #12 of 42 id: ajcd-35 author: None title: ajcd-35 date: None words: 3673 flesch: 61 summary: And it is also these ties that infuse in individuals a sense of responsibility for other individuals, especially those with whom they have established connections and who allow them to consider them as unique, similar to what we do since the very beginning of a counselling process: Men have forgotten this truth, said the fox. Bakhtin (1981) argues that: The consciousness of other people cannot be perceived, analyzed, as objects or as things – one can only relate to them dialogically. keywords: act; article; author; chickens; communication; concept; counselling; cultural; day; dialogue; different; duarte; experience; fox; friends; human; idea; identity; individual; knowledge; language; life; little; little prince; men; need; new; people; possible; prince; process; research; responsible; rose; situation; social; tame; ties; understanding; university; use; way; world cache: ajcd-35.htm plain text: ajcd-35.txt item: #13 of 42 id: ajcd-36 author: None title: ajcd-36 date: None words: 6367 flesch: 53 summary: In South African schools, students at the Grade 9 level have to choose subjects that will facilitate their career choices. Many rural schools are dilapidated with broken desks and windows, inadequate sanitation, and many are unsafe environments for learning. keywords: access; african; african children; agency; apartheid; article; better; black; bois; career; challenges; children; commission; communities; context; corruption; country; covid-19; data; day; development; education; food; foucault; girls; government; guidance; high; history; households; human; important; income; inequality; infrastructure; issues; journal; learners; learning; life; literature; low; need; news; nutrition; online; people; pillay; policy; poor; poverty; power; private; problems; programme; race; racism; research; result; rights; rural; schools; significant; social; society; socioeconomic; south; south africa; state; students; study; system; toilets; university; urban; white; world; years; young cache: ajcd-36.htm plain text: ajcd-36.txt item: #14 of 42 id: ajcd-37 author: None title: ajcd-37 date: None words: 9365 flesch: 45 summary: Discussion This study examined educator perspectives amongst four African countries regarding the nature and value of SEL skills in relation to teaching and working with students, as well as SEL skills students need to successfully transition into adulthood and the world of work. For the second research question regarding student SEL skills, open-ended questions were developed using five SEL categories offered by CASEL. keywords: ability; able; academic; african; analysis; awareness; better; burkina; career; casel; children; choices; classroom; codes; common; communication; consensus; context; control; countries; country; cultural; data; decision; development; differences; different; education; educators; emotional; emotions; empathy; environment; faso; findings; future; goals; health; help; human; impact; important; interpersonal; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; making; management; mental; need; order; outcomes; participants; perceptions; positive; psychology; qualitative; questions; relationships; research; respect; responses; results; role; school; sel; sel skills; self; skills; social; social awareness; south; students; study; survey; teachers; team; themes; theory; togo; togolese; total; transition; uganda; understanding; university; values; work; world cache: ajcd-37.htm plain text: ajcd-37.txt item: #15 of 42 id: ajcd-38 author: None title: ajcd-38 date: None words: 8770 flesch: 50 summary: Identity development from adulthood: The move towards the ‘wholeness’. In K.C. McLean & M. Syed (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of identity development (pp. 65–80). keywords: action; activities; activity; adults; approach; article; behavior; breakwell; career; career counselling; career development; certain; changes; cohen; collective; confinement; construction; context; continuity; counselling; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; crisis; design; development; different; difficulties; dimensions; eds; education; effects; environment; experiences; face; france; future; global; goals; group; guichard; guidance; handbook; identities; identity; identity development; individuals; interpersonal; interventions; journal; life; lives; m.l; main; major; making; meaning; need; new; objective; pandemic; people; period; person; processes; professional; projects; psychological; psychosocial; relationships; research; role; savickas; scali; section; self; sense; set; shock; situation; social; specific; springer; states; strategies; students; study; support; synthesis; theory; threat; training; united; university; value; vocational; way; work; young; young people; youth cache: ajcd-38.htm plain text: ajcd-38.txt item: #16 of 42 id: ajcd-39 author: None title: ajcd-39 date: None words: 6625 flesch: 43 summary: Low scores may point to the presence of work volition derailers such as a lack of confidence in connecting socially with others to form social networks for career support. Low scores on this facet of career well-being point to potential intrinsic motivational derailing conditions such as feeling that one’s career growth is stifled; that one may be in need of greater support and resources to become motivated to learn new skills for achieving career goals. keywords: affective; africa; autonomous; autonomy; brown; career; career development; career wellbeing; cfa; clients; coetzee; concordant; conditions; construct; correlations; covid-19; cws; data; development; emotional; employment; facets; factor; feelings; ferreira; fit; future; goals; high; i.l; individuals; intervention; intrinsic; journal; lent; life; low; management; meaningfulness; measurement; model; motives; networking; pandemic; people; positive; potential; potgieter; present; psychological; psychology; research; results; sample; satisfaction; scale; scores; self; sense; social; socio; south; state; story; study; subscale; support; table; theory; tool; validity; values; volition; wellbeing; work cache: ajcd-39.htm plain text: ajcd-39.txt item: #17 of 42 id: ajcd-4 author: None title: ajcd-4 date: None words: 6431 flesch: 26 summary: Non-withstanding the limitations of the research design, the present study helps foster an understanding of the role of important mindsets of professional purposefulness in employability research and practice. Drawing from the theory of Bates et al. (2019), both of these two mindsets also reflect a degree of proactive curiosity and exploratory behaviours which may help reduce uncertainty and drive employability confidence. keywords: adult; africa; analysis; bates; beaumont; career; coetzee; conditions; confidence; development; education; effects; employability; employability qualities; employers; employment; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurial orientation; et al; figure; finch; graduateness; high; higher; i.e.; importance; individuals; interaction; job; job search; journal; labour; learning; levels; literature; low; management; marketability; mindsets; model; moderated; networking; new; orientation; participants; personal; practical; professional; purposeful; qualities; requirements; research; results; role; search orientation; self; significant; skills; south; study; workers cache: ajcd-4.htm plain text: ajcd-4.txt item: #18 of 42 id: ajcd-40 author: None title: ajcd-40 date: None words: 6903 flesch: 45 summary: Keywords: career development; COVID-19; self-directed approach; career guidance intervention; high school learners. Introduction The role and provision of career guidance and counselling at secondary school level are critical in supporting young adolescents for taking initial steps in formulating their post-school study and career goals (Hartung, Porfeli, & Vondracek, 2005; Watts & Sultana, 2004). keywords: acceptability; access; african; afrikaans; age; booklet; cape; career; career development; career guidance; communities; contact; content; counselling; covid-19; data; decisions; department; design; development; education; essay; evaluation; face; faculty; feasibility; feedback; female; findings; grade; guidance; guidance intervention; health; high; impact; income; information; intervention; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; life; low; making; naidoo; need; pandemic; participants; positive; preparedness; project; psychology; qualitative; rabie; related; research; resources; restrictions; results; school; school learners; score; secondary; self; services; social; south; stellenbosch; streicher; students; study; subject; support; time; total; university; van; videos; website; work; world; years cache: ajcd-40.htm plain text: ajcd-40.txt item: #19 of 42 id: ajcd-42 author: None title: ajcd-42 date: None words: 10496 flesch: 44 summary: Next, career counsellors seek to draw out client narratives that relate to their present career problem, specifically, what career difficulty has led them to seek out career counselling. Eliciting the narrative The next step in the counselling process is for the counsellors to draw out client narratives that relate to the client’s reason for seeking career counselling. keywords: adaptability; agency; angus; approach; article; audience; author; burnout; career; career adaptability; career construction; career counselling; career development; career problem; challenges; clients; concern; construction; construction counselling; context; control; counselling; counselling process; counsellors; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; current; development; disruption; dominant; education; efficacy; eftt; emotional; emotions; experiences; fear; focused; future; goals; greenberg; healthcare; identity; impact; important; integrated; job; journal; life; loss; m.l; making; mental; narrative; need; new; open; order; pandemic; personal; practice; present; problem; process; psychological; questions; related; relationship; research; result; review; role; safety; savickas; self; sense; significant; situation; skills; social; space; states; stories; story; storylines; strength; stress; study; theories; theory; therapy; trauma; trauma counselling; traumatic; understanding; vocational; ways; work; work trauma; workers; working; workplace; york cache: ajcd-42.htm plain text: ajcd-42.txt item: #20 of 42 id: ajcd-46 author: None title: ajcd-46 date: None words: 7582 flesch: 48 summary: A mixed methods exploratory study of the utility of social cognitive career theory for research into the careers of entrepreneurial Emirati women in Dubai. Original Research A mixed methods exploratory study of the utility of social cognitive career theory for research into the careers of entrepreneurial Emirati women in Dubai Pamela Hawkswell, Peter McIlveen, Patricia N. Hoare Received: 13 Oct. 2021; Accepted: 28 Oct. 2021; Published: 15 Dec. 2021 Copyright: © 2021. keywords: arab; better; brown; business; career; cognitive; context; contextual; cronbach; cultural; dana; data; development; dubai; e.g.; education; efficacy; emirates; emirati; engagement; entrepreneurial; erogul; expectations; factors; family; fatma; female; findings; future; good; government; influence; interview; items; job; journal; learning; lent; mastery; model; mother; outcome; participants; personal; position; present; private; relation; research; role; salma; satisfaction; scale; scct; sector; self; significant; social; societal; society; sources; southern; specific; study; successful; support; theory; uae; united; university; utility; variables; vicarious; vocational; women; work; workplace; years cache: ajcd-46.htm plain text: ajcd-46.txt item: #21 of 42 id: ajcd-47 author: None title: ajcd-47 date: None words: 5724 flesch: 34 summary: Abstract Background: There is limited empirical research on the construct of career agility and the relevance of dual career agility types in the technological-driven workplace. Keywords: career agility; dual career agility types; career wellbeing; affective commitment; autonomous motives. keywords: adapter; adaptivity; affective; agentic; agile; agility; autonomous; career; career adapter; career agility; career development; career wellbeing; change; coetzee; combinations; commitment; construct; development; dual; dual career; effect; environment; facet; findings; fit; future; goals; growth; individuals; items; job; journal; learning; meyer; minded; model; motivational; motives; navigation; new; open; opportunities; organisation; positive; psychological; readiness; research; self; social; states; study; success; support; table; technological; theory; types; validity; wellbeing; work cache: ajcd-47.htm plain text: ajcd-47.txt item: #22 of 42 id: ajcd-48 author: None title: ajcd-48 date: None words: 5593 flesch: 32 summary: Continuance commitment was negatively and significantly predicted by career navigation (β = −0.217; p = 0.03) and affective career state (β = −0.41; p = 0.001). The empirical study provides evidence that career navigation and all facets of career well-being (affective career state, career networking/social support, and state of career meaningfulness) positively correlated with affective commitment and normative commitment. keywords: affective; affective commitment; africa; agility; allen; attachment; attributes; career; career development; career meaningfulness; career navigation; coetzee; commitment; context; continuance; coping; development; eds; effect; employees; ferreira; high; human; i.l; individuals; items; job; journal; management; meaningfulness; mechanisms; meyer; navigation; networking; new; normal; normative; opportunities; organisation; organizational; participants; positive; potgieter; practical; psychological; psychological attachment; remote; research; resource; results; scale; sense; small; social; south; springer; state; study; support; theory; working; workplace cache: ajcd-48.htm plain text: ajcd-48.txt item: #23 of 42 id: ajcd-5 author: None title: ajcd-5 date: None words: 10977 flesch: 43 summary: Although the annual Grade 12 pass rate has since increased to exceed 82% in 2016, a corresponding increase in the retention rate (and thus a decrease in the dropout rate) of higher education students has yet to manifest itself. Preparing high school students for successful transitions to postsecondary education and employment. keywords: academic; academic factors; achievement; activities; african; anderson; approach; article; career; case; challenges; classes; college; comments; cultural; culture; curricular; data; degree; department; development; dropout; empowerment; experiences; extra; factors; financial; findings; focus; generation; grade; group; high school; higher education; hinkley; increase; influence; information; initiative; institutions; interpersonal; intervention; interviews; jansen; journal; jt initiative; juniortukkie; lack; language; learners; learning; level; low; marks; mathematics; methods; model; need; new; non; number; online; parents; participants; participation; phase; physical; poor; positive; pretoria; programme; quantitative; questionnaire; rate; reading; relationships; research; researchers; respondents; results; retention; school; science; second; selection; skills; social; south; sports; students; studies; study; successful; successful transition; support; survey; teaching; tertiary; time; training; transition; transitioning; university; work; year cache: ajcd-5.htm plain text: ajcd-5.txt item: #24 of 42 id: ajcd-51 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgements to reviewers date: 2021-12-21 words: 360 flesch: 36 summary: It is good practice as a reviewer to update your personal details regularly to ensure contact with you throughout your professional term as reviewer to African Journal of Career Development. Page 1 of 1 Reviewer Acknowledgement Open Access Acknowledgement to reviewers In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for African Journal of Career Development, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on https:// for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. keywords: access; african; career; development;; journal; online; reviewer cache: ajcd-51.pdf plain text: ajcd-51.txt item: #25 of 42 id: ajcd-52 author: Office, Editorial title: Table of Contents Vol 3, No 1 (2021) date: 2021-12-30 words: 595 flesch: -53 summary: The development of coping strategies for young people to construct their identity in times of the COVID-19 pandemic Valérie Cohen-Scali, Whitney Erby African Journal of Career Development | Vol 3, No 1 | a38 | 20 October 2021 Original Research Transitioning through management change: The experiences of community learning centre educators Roy Venketsamy, Lucas Chauke, Keshni Bipath African Journal of Career Development | Vol 3, No 1 | a20 | 11 January 2021 Original Research Piloting career development: Whole school interventions Kamilla Rawatlal African Journal of Career Development | Vol 3, No 1 | a33 | 15 March 2021 Original Research Higher education and career development experiences of emerging adults: A focus on university students and graduates in Haiti Louise M. Vital African Journal of Career Development | Vol 3, No 1 | a30 | 29 March 2021 Original Research ISSN: 2617-7471 (online)African Journal of Career Development Original Research Exploring the construct validity of the Career Well-being Scale for its potential application as a career development tool in the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic career space Melinde Coetzee, Nadia Ferreira, Ingrid L. Potgieter African Journal of Career Development | Vol 3, No 1 | a39 | 08 September 2021 Original Research Psychological attachment in the new normal working context: Influence of career navigation and career well-being attributes Ingrid L. Potgieter, Melinde Coetzee, Nadia Ferreira African Journal of Career Development | Vol 3, No 1 | a48 | 10 December 2021 Original Research Developing a self-directed career guidance intervention for South African high school learners amidst severe COVID-19 restrictions Michelle Jäckel-Visser, Stephan Rabie, Anthony V. Naidoo, Izanette van Schalkwyk, Francois J. van den Berg, Chantel Streicher African Journal of Career Development | Vol 3, No 1 | a40 | 10 December 2021 Original Research A mixed methods exploratory study of the utility of social cognitive career theory for research into the careers of entrepreneurial Emirati women in Dubai Pamela Hawkswell, Peter McIlveen, Patricia N. Hoare African Journal of Career Development | Vol 3, No 1 | a46 | 15 December 2021 Original Research Psychological states of career wellbeing and affective commitment as predictors of dual career agility types Melinde Coetzee African Journal of Career Development | Vol 3, No 1 | a47 | 17 December 2021 Conference Report Establishing ties: You are responsible for your rose Maria E. Duarte African Journal of Career Development | Vol 3, No 1 | a35 | 23 April 2021 Reviewer Acknowledgements African Journal of Career Development | Vol 3, No 1 | a51 | 21 December 2021 74 83 91 99 108 116 121 keywords: african; african journal; career; career development; coetzee; covid-19; december; development; journal; melinde; original; original research; pandemic; research; september; vol cache: ajcd-52.pdf plain text: ajcd-52.txt item: #26 of 42 id: ajcd-53 author: None title: ajcd-53 date: None words: 6165 flesch: 52 summary: It is, therefore, necessary for us to look at the issue of work and career development in a way that addresses the deepening poverty crisis in South Africa. Specifically, it may be helpful to consider how the evolution of career development led to the deep-seated inequality that we see today, with race and gender being key considerations. keywords: africa; alcohol; american; analysis; apartheid; article; aspirations; author; black; career; career development; children; class; colour; communities; context; countries; decent; decision; development; discrimination; dop; early; economic; education; evolution; example; factors; family; fight; gender; girls; groups; history; human; india; inequality; issues; job; jobs; journal; july; labour; literature; little; lives; looting; making; marginalised; medical; opportunities; parts; people; pillay; political; poverty; pretoria; protests; psychology; race; racial; research; reservation; review; rights; riots; role; school; significant; similar; social; south; south africa; system; systemic; unemployment; united; university; unrest; way; women; work; workers; world; years cache: ajcd-53.htm plain text: ajcd-53.txt item: #27 of 42 id: ajcd-54 author: None title: ajcd-54 date: None words: 5620 flesch: 35 summary: The positive associations elucidated participants’ propensity for epistemic curiosity into the world of work changes, resulting in career agile external career exploration, self-efficacious career goal setting, and intentional and optimistic career navigation of new chance career and development opportunities proffered by technological advancement (Coetzee, 2021a). Keywords: protean-like career agility mindset; career exploration; career orientations; purpose-enhancing career development; digital-era world of work awareness. keywords: 2021b; abessolo; adaptability; agency; agile; agility; autonomy; awareness; behavior; brown; career; career agility; career development; career exploration; career orientations; challenge; coetzee; competence; deloitte; development; digital; employment; era; era world; et al; exploration; extrinsic; extrinsic career; functional; future; general; hirschi; independence; individuals; intrinsic; jiang; job; journal; learners; lent; llci; maanen; management; mindset; new; opportunities; orientations; participants; personal; protean; psychology; pure; purpose; research; results; schein; self; social; study; table; technical; type; values; van; vocational; work; work awareness; world cache: ajcd-54.htm plain text: ajcd-54.txt item: #28 of 42 id: ajcd-55 author: None title: ajcd-55 date: None words: 5978 flesch: 42 summary: Future studies may investigate how such collaborations may be established to link school career guidance and counselling services to national development plans. Career counselling: A holistic approach (7th edn.). keywords: academic; african; authors; awareness; capacity; career; career counselling; career guidance; career information; challenges; class; counselling; counselling services; data; decisions; department; development; different; economic; education; efficacy; employment; existence; factors; finding; group; guidance; health; high; implementation; information; international; journal; lack; levels; life; limited; low; main; maree; national; otwine; outlook; parents; planning; policy; poor; programmes; research; results; schools; science; secondary; secondary schools; self; senior; services; skills; social; south; students; study; support; table; teachers; time; training; transition; uganda; university; utilisation; views; work cache: ajcd-55.htm plain text: ajcd-55.txt item: #29 of 42 id: ajcd-57 author: None title: ajcd-57 date: None words: 7261 flesch: 53 summary: Phan, Amrhein, Rounds and Lewis (2019) suggested that interest items use an emoji response format instead because of the inherent affective or emotional aspect involved when rating interest activities (e.g. Silvia, 2001; Strong, 1943). TABLE 2: Graded response model item parameters and item fit. keywords: african; analysis; artistic; bruin; career; category; characteristic; circumplex; coefficients; communality; conventional; curves; data; dependence; difficulty; emoji; enterprising; environment; factors; fit; generalised; holland; information; inspection; interest; inventory; investigative; item; johannesburg; journal; latent; little; local; locations; lower; mean; measurement; misfit; model; morgan; naidu; parameters; participants; properties; psychology; psychometric; realistic; reliability; research; response; results; riasec; rounds; sacii; sample; scale; scale scores; scores; short; short items; significant; slope; social; south; statistic; structure; studies; study; test; trait; units; university; use; validity; variance; version; vocational; wiernik; yen cache: ajcd-57.htm plain text: ajcd-57.txt item: #30 of 42 id: ajcd-58 author: None title: ajcd-58 date: None words: 4724 flesch: 45 summary: The CAAS items measure the four dimensions of career adaptability with six items per dimension: concern (ability to plan an occupational future), control (ability to make career decisions), curiosity (ability to explore occupational options) and confidence (ability to deal with barriers to CDM). Emotion in career studies Theoretical (e.g. Hartung, 2011; Young & Valach, 1996) and empirical works (e.g. Brown, George-Curran, & Smith, 2003; Porfeli et al., 2008; Rottinghaus et al., 2009; Young, Paseluikho, &Valach, 1997) have gradually offered more concerted responses to calls made for considering emotion in career theory and intervention. keywords: adaptability; affect; assessment; behavior; career; career adaptability; career decidedness; career decision; cdm; choice; college; counseling; data; decidedness; decision; development; e.g.; eds; emotion; engagement; hartung; hypothesis; individuals; items; journal; kidd; krieshok; m.l; making; marco; measures; negative; occupational; occupational engagement; p.j; participants; personality; porfeli; positive; present; process; processes; psychology; research; results; role; rottinghaus; sample; savickas; scale; self; students; study; theory; total; university; variables; vocational; watson; work cache: ajcd-58.htm plain text: ajcd-58.txt item: #31 of 42 id: ajcd-59 author: None title: ajcd-59 date: None words: 7372 flesch: 39 summary: Integrating a public health agenda in career counselling training thus has implications for transformation and social responsiveness in low-middle income contexts such as South Africa. The unit thus provided student practitioners with grounding in the foundations of career assessments based on Parson’s (1909) talent-matching approach that later developed into the Trait and Factor Theory of Occupational Choice. keywords: 21st; african; agenda; approaches; assessment; career; career counselling; career development; century; challenges; clients; consciousness; constructivist; context; counselling; covid-19; critical; curriculum; data; development; different; ecological; economic; education; female; findings; future; groups; guidance; health; higher; identity; importance; individual; influences; informed; intervention; issues; journal; level; maree; mental; need; objective; occupational; old; pandemic; participant; people; post; practice; practitioners; professional; psychologists; psychology; public; raising; realities; relevance; relevant; research; responsiveness; role; services; social; socio; south; students; study; support; systemic; systems; theme; theories; theory; traditional; training; transcript; transformation; unit; university; vocational; work; years; young cache: ajcd-59.htm plain text: ajcd-59.txt item: #32 of 42 id: ajcd-6 author: None title: ajcd-6 date: None words: 2779 flesch: 56 summary: The impact of a brief embedded mindfulness-based program for veterinary students. The study aims to provide textured, nuanced and in-depth qualitative perspectives on the well-being of veterinary science students. keywords: animals; anxiety; campus; career; data; depression; education; face; factors; faculty; female; focus; group; hafen; interview; isolation; journal; medical; participants; personal; pretoria; response; science; social; stress; students; studies; study; support; university; veterinary; years cache: ajcd-6.htm plain text: ajcd-6.txt item: #33 of 42 id: ajcd-62 author: None title: ajcd-62 date: None words: 9226 flesch: 51 summary: Increases in academic connectedness and self-esteem among high school students who serve as cross-age peer tutors. Researchers like Peralta, Cinelli and Bennie (2018) show that tutoring can be used to increase the engagement of indigenous students. keywords: academic; african; african students; article; australian; author; backgrounds; career; community; context; cultural; culture; data; development; diale; different; diverse; education; ethnic; experience; families; family; female; fyfgas; generation; group; harwood; health; heis; help; higher; higher education; home; iks; important; indigenous; indigenous knowledge; indigenous tutoring; individual; institution; international; journal; karcher; knowledge; learning; life; mentees; mentor; mentoring; mfundo; models; new; old; o’shea; parents; participants; participation; personal; practices; problem; programme; qualitative; relationships; research; role; schlossberg; school; self; sessions; situation; skills; social; solving; south; strategies; students; study; success; support; systems; theory; transition; transitioning; tsakani; tutoring; tutoring sessions; tutors; university; use; values; van; ways; year; year students; young cache: ajcd-62.htm plain text: ajcd-62.txt item: #34 of 42 id: ajcd-63 author: None title: ajcd-63 date: None words: 7492 flesch: 49 summary: Evolving stories of child career development. During this era, limited attention was given to children, perhaps because the focus of career interventions centred around career choice and career fit rather than career development. keywords: adaptability; agency; american; approach; article; attention; bandura; behavior; book; briddick; capitals; career; career development; century; challenges; childhood; children; choice; communities; concept; construction; counselling; critical; cultural; curriculum; design; development; early; elementary; era; exemplary; existing; future; gender; gottfredson; hartung; human; identities; identity; impact; individuals; initial; intervention; j.g; journal; learning; lessons; life; lives; m.l; maree; marginalised; mcmahon; meltzer; models; narratives; new; people; persistence; process; psychology; questions; research; resilience; role; role models; savickas; school; self; sense; sensoy; skills; social; staff; stories; story; students; super; theories; theory; united; vocational; watson; women; words; work; world; yosso; young; youth cache: ajcd-63.htm plain text: ajcd-63.txt item: #35 of 42 id: ajcd-67 author: None title: ajcd-67 date: None words: 7091 flesch: 46 summary: Adequacy of career progression instructions in influencing promotions of commissioned officers in the Zambia Defence Force. Original Research Adequacy of career progression instructions in influencing promotions of commissioned officers in the Zambia Defence Force Emmanuel Sithole, Clever Madimutsa, Mulenga C. Bwalya Received: 30 Sept. 2022; Accepted: 26 Apr. 2023; Published: 24 May 2023 Copyright: keywords: adequacy; air; air force; analysis; army; article; availability; awareness; career; career development; career progression; chief; commissioned; commissioned officers; current; data; defence force; deputy; development; distribution; factors; figure; findings; force; foster; general; instructions; interview; june; key; lack; lieutenant; majority; management; method; national; number; officers; population; progression; progression instructions; promotions; qualitative; ranks; research; respondents; responses; sample; sampling; sciences; service; size; social; specific; stage; study; systematic; systematic promotions; table; target; timely; training; university; zambia; zambia air; zambia army; zambia defence; zambia national cache: ajcd-67.htm plain text: ajcd-67.txt item: #36 of 42 id: ajcd-69 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2022-12-12 words: 454 flesch: 37 summary: Acknowledgement to reviewers In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for African Journal of Career Development, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on https:// for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. It is good practice as a reviewer to update your personal details regularly to ensure contact with you throughout your professional term as reviewer to African Journal of Career Development. keywords: access; acknowledgement; african; career; details; development;; journal; online; peer; reviewer; user cache: ajcd-69.pdf plain text: ajcd-69.txt item: #37 of 42 id: ajcd-70 author: Office, Editorial title: Table of Contents Vol 4, No 1 (2022) date: 2022-12-31 words: 347 flesch: 7 summary: A psycho-anthropological review Indira Pillay African Journal of Career Development | Vol 4, No 1 | a53 | 21 April 2022 Original Research Career agility for purposive career exploration: Role of adult learners’ career orientations and digital-era world of work awareness Melinde Coetzee African Journal of Career Development | Vol 4, No 1 | a54 | 30 May 2022 Original Research Psychometric properties of the South African Career Interest Inventory – Short Brandon Morgan African Journal of Career Development | Vol 4, No 1 | a57 | 22 July 2022 Original Research Efficacy of career guidance and counselling among secondary schools in Uganda Anne T. Otwine, Leonsio Matagi, John M. Kiweewa, Herbert E. Ainamaani African Journal of Career Development | Vol 4, No 1 | a55 | 22 September 2022 Original Research Priorities in 21st century career counselling: Implications for counselling psychology training Kamilla V. Rawatlal African Journal of Career Development | Vol 4, No 1 | a59 | 28 September 2022 1 8 15 24 32 Vol 4, No 1 (2022) Hande Sensoy-Briddick, William C. Briddick African Journal of Career Development | Vol 4, No 1 | a63 | 12 December 2022 Original Research Affect as a predictor of occupational engagement, career adaptability and career decidedness Paul J. Hartung, Jeannine M. Taylor, Brian J. Taber African Journal of Career Development | Vol 4, No 1 | a58 | 11 July 2022 Original Research ‘Indlela ibuzwa kwabaphambili’: Using indigenous knowledge practices to support first-year first-generation African students in their career transition to higher education Boitumelo M. Diale African Journal of Career Development | Vol 4, No 1 | a62 | 30 September 2022 Reviewer Acknowledgement African Journal of Career Development | Vol 4, No 1 | a69 keywords: african; ajcd_v4_i1_2022_contents.indd; career; career development; development; journal; original; research; september; vol cache: ajcd-70.pdf plain text: ajcd-70.txt item: #38 of 42 id: ajcd-75 author: None title: ajcd-75 date: None words: 5071 flesch: 45 summary: Keywords: career anchors; career orientations; career guidance; emerging young adults; university of technology students. Other exploratory factor analyses studies revealed combinations of COI career anchors into a new type of career orientation. keywords: abessolo; adults; african; analysis; anchors; arnett; autonomy; bolino; career; career anchors; career orientations; career values; choices; coetzee; coi; costigan; creativity; data; development; entrepreneurship; et al; factor; feldman; findings; general; guidance; inner; inner career; items; job; journal; management; managerial; master; mean; new; orientations; participants; personal; problem; relevant; research; sample; schein; schreuder; score; security; self; solving; south; specialised; stability; structure; students; study; table; technology; university; values; work cache: ajcd-75.htm plain text: ajcd-75.txt item: #39 of 42 id: ajcd-8 author: None title: ajcd-8 date: None words: 5763 flesch: 47 summary: What work should be and bring: Representations of decent work in Togo. Original Research What work should be and bring: Representations of decent work in Togo Pazambadi Kazimna, Yawo A. Holu, Akila Alfa, Masamaésso Tchonda, Paboussoum Pari, Jonas Masdonati Received: 09 Dec. 2019; keywords: access; analysis; auditor; authors; autin; basic; blustein; career; categories; characteristics; components; conditions; context; d.l; data; decent; decent work; department; development; duffy; example; faculty; female; general; human; ilo; informal; interview; interviewees; job; journal; lomé; male; masdonati; needs; objectives; old; participants; people; productive; professionalism; psychological; psychology; pwt; qualitative; representations; research; results; sciences; sector; self; social; specific; students; study; themes; togo; togolese; university; vital; vocational; work; workers; working; years cache: ajcd-8.htm plain text: ajcd-8.txt item: #40 of 42 id: ajcd-81 author: None title: ajcd-81 date: None words: 3185 flesch: 41 summary: For this reason, prolonged psychosocial stressors may force LGBTQIA+ individuals to reconsider whether they wish to stay or exit such work environments (Astle et al., 2023). Within certain conditions, the dual experience of racism and queerphobia was reported as provocations for not staying within such work environments (Maake et al., 2021). keywords: africa; analysis; astle; career; certain; cheng; conforming; data; diversity; entry; environment; et al; example; exit; experiences; gay; gender; human; individuals; journal; kalemba; khunou; lesbian; lgbtqia+; lgbtqia+ individuals; martínez; minority; non; petersen; psychology; publications; queerphobia; racism; research; results; review; rights; sexuality; social; south; studies; study; table; thuillier; work; work environment; workplace cache: ajcd-81.htm plain text: ajcd-81.txt item: #41 of 42 id: ajcd-9 author: None title: ajcd-9 date: None words: 3890 flesch: 47 summary: Considering the global and local economic trends, job markets and youth unemployment, career guidance services must take cognisance of the transformed workspace to include the informal employment sector. Most importantly, career guidance services must be made available to all, and not just a select few. keywords: africa; apartheid; area; available; black; career; career development; career guidance; children; consequences; context; counselling; countries; country; course; decisions; development; economic; education; employment; formal; future; guidance; health; higher; important; individuals; job; journal; life; maree; need; opportunities; people; pillay; planning; poor; professional; related; research; schools; secondary; sector; services; situation; south; south africa; students; time; training; vocational; ways; work; years; young cache: ajcd-9.htm plain text: ajcd-9.txt item: #42 of 42 id: ajcd-94 author: None title: ajcd-94 date: None words: 6898 flesch: 44 summary: Objective: The objective of this study was to explore how transgender people are dealt with in job interviews. This study highlights how job interviews, as an entry requirement to the job market, are riddled with prejudices, stereotypes of and discrimination towards transgender people. keywords: act; african; analysis; article; aspirations; authors; brown; career; case; cisgender; colonial; corlett; data; development; different; discrimination; diverse; education; employees; employment; equality; et al; experiences; expressions; foundation; gay; gender identities; graduate; haitembu; health; heteronormativity; heterosexual; hiring; human; identities; identity; inclusivity; individuals; interest; international; interview; interview experiences; job; job interview; journal; köllen; labour; law; laws; lgbt; male; management; market; members; namibia; non; norms; opportunities; orientation; panel; people; person; process; professional; questions; research; results; sciences; seeking; selma; sexual; sexuality; single; social; society; south; studies; study; teacher; teaching; transgender; transgender people; university; workplace; world cache: ajcd-94.htm plain text: ajcd-94.txt