item: #1 of 62 id: ajopa-10 author: None title: ajopa-10 date: None words: 5506 flesch: 51 summary: The bulk of the studies suggest that the GAD-7 has a unidimensional or one-factor structure (Ito, Takebayashi, Muramatsu, & Horikoshi 2018; Löwe et al., 2008; Sawaya, Atoui, Hamadeh, Zeinoun, & Nahas, 2016; Sousa et al., 2015; Tiirikainen et al., 2019), although others have reported a two-factor structure (Beard & Björgvinsson, 2014; Ito et al., 2018). In keeping with the findings of earlier multi-site, adult-based studies (Ito et al., 2018; Löwe et al., 2008; Sawaya et al., 2016; Sousa et al., 2015) and a recent Finnish, adolescent-based study (Tiirikainen et al., 2019), the GAD-7 showed a unidimensional structure among Ghanaian adolescents. keywords: adolescents; anxiety; disorder; factor; gad; ghana; health; invariance; properties; scale; study; validity cache: ajopa-10.htm plain text: ajopa-10.txt item: #2 of 62 id: ajopa-100 author: None title: ajopa-100 date: None words: 6694 flesch: 42 summary: As the SA Army is routinely involved in peacekeeping missions that often place great demands on the individual because of operation-related stressors (Koopman & Van Dyk, 2012), the screening and enhancement of individual soldier resilience during the predeployment phase is likely to hold substantial benefits for individuals functioning on deployment. Following Van Wijk and Martin’s (2019) findings regarding the utility of the BSRS amongst the SAN, this article explores the psychometric properties of the BSRS as a screening instrument to assess individual soldier resilience in the SA Army. keywords: african; army; bsrs; et al; fitness; hardiness; military; resilience; sample; scale; south; stress; van cache: ajopa-100.htm plain text: ajopa-100.txt item: #3 of 62 id: ajopa-106 author: None title: ajopa-106 date: None words: 7873 flesch: 51 summary: Measuring life satisfaction in Parkinson’s disease and healthy controls using the satisfaction with life scale. The satisfaction with life scale and the emerging construct of life satisfaction. keywords: analysis; factor; indices; item; journal; life; life satisfaction; mokken; pretorius; rasch; reliability; satisfaction; scale; south; study; swls; validity cache: ajopa-106.htm plain text: ajopa-106.txt item: #4 of 62 id: ajopa-107 author: None title: ajopa-107 date: None words: 5504 flesch: 43 summary: Therefore, looking to early childhood teachers as ‘path changers’ is not unfounded. This study’s main objectives and processes are as follows: conceptualising a psycho-educational instrument guided by principles of sensory ergonomics, sensory integration/processing and the triad of characteristics of children with ADHD symptoms analysing and refining the Sensory Classroom Teacher Questionnaire (SCTQ) through two rounds of piloting offering an inclusive and pedagogical practice-oriented psycho-educational assessment instrument for early childhood teachers. keywords: adhd; childhood; children; classroom; education; instrument; items; learning; rasch; research; sctq; sensory; south; teachers cache: ajopa-107.htm plain text: ajopa-107.txt item: #5 of 62 id: ajopa-108 author: None title: ajopa-108 date: None words: 7452 flesch: 46 summary: Aim of the study The aim of the study was to design and develop the QTLC that can evaluate the quality of processes used in test translation and in the establishment of linguistic equivalence. Methodologies for test translation and cultural equivalence. keywords: adaptation; equivalence; guidelines; itc; items; process; quality; score; section; test; translation cache: ajopa-108.htm plain text: ajopa-108.txt item: #6 of 62 id: ajopa-11 author: None title: ajopa-11 date: None words: 1964 flesch: 40 summary: Editorial: Psychological assessment in Africa: Editorial Editorial: Psychological assessment in Africa: keywords: africa; assessment; laher; psychology; research; south cache: ajopa-11.htm plain text: ajopa-11.txt item: #7 of 62 id: ajopa-111 author: None title: ajopa-111 date: None words: 5779 flesch: 42 summary: Therefore, an awareness of and emphasis on emotional social competencies as a domain of school readiness is essential. Keywords: assessment; emotional social competency; instruments; preschoolers; school readiness; South Africa. keywords: children; competency; instruments; readiness; review; school; screening; skills; south cache: ajopa-111.htm plain text: ajopa-111.txt item: #8 of 62 id: ajopa-115 author: None title: ajopa-115 date: None words: 7166 flesch: 51 summary: Person reliability, according to Linacre (2020a), is largely dependent on the dispersion of the characteristics of the sample – in other words, a sample with varying degrees of the trait being measured – the length of the instrument, the number of response options per item and the targeting of the sample and items. Each of the six traits were analysed on person fit; descriptive statistics; item reliability and separation; item fit; unidimensionality and local dependence; and DIF. keywords: african; analysis; dif; groups; hpti; item; model; personality; rasch; reliability; south; trait cache: ajopa-115.htm plain text: ajopa-115.txt item: #9 of 62 id: ajopa-119 author: None title: ajopa-119 date: None words: 9434 flesch: 45 summary: Consideration for practical use Priming: The two conditions in study 2 were equal in age, gender and BRUMS scores, but significantly different in EDS scores, depending on the order of administration. It has been used extensively, and a substantial body of literature exists on its use in many domains – from sports performance (Lane et al., 2005) to academic achievement (Thelwell et al., 2007), as well as a marker of mental health (Brandt et al., 2016). keywords: dysregulation; eds; environments; et al; health; ice; item; language; performance; psychological; sample; scale; scores; self; study; validity cache: ajopa-119.htm plain text: ajopa-119.txt item: #10 of 62 id: ajopa-12 author: None title: ajopa-12 date: None words: 5743 flesch: 42 summary: In other words, the future trajectory of military resilience measures is likely to be informed by what the researchers of this study regard as a ‘screen-and-stream’ (or SAS) approach, which allows MMHPs: (1) to screen military personnel comprehensively by means of a timeously administered, scored and analysed resilience measure and (2) to quickly identify and stream those military personnel whose resilience appears to be compromised towards further assessment and targeted intervention by appropriate MMHPs or support providers. Military resilience: A concept analysis. keywords: bartone; bowen; bsrs; comprehensive; fitness; health; martin; measure; military; psychological; resilience; scale; support cache: ajopa-12.htm plain text: ajopa-12.txt item: #11 of 62 id: ajopa-122 author: None title: ajopa-122 date: None words: 9496 flesch: 52 summary: Wissing and Van Eeden (2002) found support for the unidimensional structure of the SWLS in South African samples, and reported Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.70, 0.83 and 0.85 for young adults (ages 18–35), middle adults (ages 36–64) and older adults (ages 65 and older), respectively. The study contributes to the understanding of harmony in life and the measurement thereof in diverse contexts, in this case specifically focused on African samples, and may, in turn, inform interventions and evaluation of interventions. keywords: african; et al; factor; harmony; health; hils; invariance; items; life; research; sample; scale; south; values cache: ajopa-122.htm plain text: ajopa-122.txt item: #12 of 62 id: ajopa-123 author: None title: ajopa-123 date: None words: 7606 flesch: 48 summary: Single-factor models (all items load on one factor) and orthogonal first-order models (factor models with uncorrelated lower-order factors) represent parsimonious models, and, if these models display greater fit, it might discredit the existence of hierarchical structure in the data. Employee performance, leadership style and emotional intelligence: An exploratory study in a South African parastatal. keywords: factor; general; models; order; performance; structure; study; validity; van; work cache: ajopa-123.htm plain text: ajopa-123.txt item: #13 of 62 id: ajopa-124 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to Reviewers date: 2022-12-14 words: 474 flesch: 40 summary: It is good practice as a reviewer to update your personal details regularly to ensure contact with you throughout your professional term as reviewer to African Journal of Psychological Assessment. Acknowledgement to reviewers In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for the African Journal of Psychological Assessment, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on https://ajopa. org for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. keywords:; journal; reviewer cache: ajopa-124.pdf plain text: ajopa-124.txt item: #14 of 62 id: ajopa-130 author: None title: ajopa-130 date: None words: 5257 flesch: 52 summary: This study tested the factorial validity, item bias, measurement invariance and reliability of the Flourishing Scale in a sample of 1088 South African first-year university students. No studies could be found that test for item bias or measurement invariance of the Flourishing Scale, specifically for South African first-year students. keywords: bias; campus; flourishing; groups; invariance; item; scale; south; students; study; uniform cache: ajopa-130.htm plain text: ajopa-130.txt item: #15 of 62 id: ajopa-132 author: None title: ajopa-132 date: None words: 2240 flesch: 45 summary: Given that the journal is only in its fourth issue and has its origins at the PsySSA, the dominance of South African research was expected. Looking inward: Reflections on the African Journal of Psychological Assessment and the way forward. keywords: african; assessment; journal; research; scale; south cache: ajopa-132.htm plain text: ajopa-132.txt item: #16 of 62 id: ajopa-136 author: Office, Editorial title: Table of Contents Vol 4 (2022) date: 2022-12-31 words: 600 flesch: -143 summary: The applicability of the UCLA loneliness scale in South Africa: Factor structure and dimensionality Tyrone B. Pretorius African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a63 | 10 January 2022 Original Research Factor structure of the Dispositional Hope Scale amongst South Africans: An exploratory structural equation modelling study Itumeleng P. Khumalo, Tharina Guse African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a66 | 31 January 2022 Original Research Montreal Cognitive Assessment: Exploring the impact of demographic variables, internal consistency reliability and discriminant validity in a South African sample Elisabeth Kirkbride, Aline Ferreira-Correia, Mlinganisi Sibandze African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a73 | 24 February 2022 Original Research Psychometric description of the Life Orientation Test-Revised in a South African sample: A pilot study Charles H. van Wijk African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a51 | 25 February 2022 Original Research Measuring the Big Five personality factors in South African adolescents: Psychometric properties of the Basic Traits Inventory Gideon P. de Bruin, Nicola Taylor, Șerban A. Zanfirescu African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a85 | 31 March 2022 Original Research Reliability, minimum detectable change and sociodemographic biases of selected neuropsychological tests among people living with HIV in south-eastern Nigeria Martins C. Nweke, Nalini Govender, Aderonke Akinpelu, Adesola Ogunniyi, Nombeko Mshunqane African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a84 | 28 April 2022 1 4 12 21 30 38 45 Original Research Preliminary normative data for the Hooper Visual Organization Test for a South African sample Saleha Mahomed-Kola, Aline Ferreira-Correia, Casper J.J. van Zyl African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a64 | 30 May 2022 Original Research Investigating the validity of the short form Burnout Assessment Tool: A job demands-resources approach Leon T. De Beer, Wilmar B. Schaufeli, Arnold B. Bakker African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a95 | 09 June 2022 Original Research Assessing the cognitive component of subjective well-being: Revisiting the satisfaction with life scale with classical test theory and item response theory Tyrone B. Pretorius, Anita Padmanabhanunni African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a106 | 19 July 2022 Original Research The Sensory Classroom Teacher Questionnaire: A tool for assessing conducive classroom conditions for children with ADHD Hannelie du Preez, Celeste-Marié Combrinck African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a107 | 30 August 2022 Original Research The development of the Quality of Translation and Linguistic Equivalence Checklist Mario R. Smith, Nuraan Adams, Erica Munnik African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a108 | 26 October 2022 Original Research Psychometric properties of the Brief Sailor Resiliency Scale in the South African Army David J. Schoeman, Nafisa Cassimjee African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a100 | 26 October 2022 Original Research The Molteno Adapted Scale: A child development screening tool for healthcare settings Priscilla E. Springer, Barbara Laughton, Tonya M. Esterhuizen, Amy L. Slogrove, Mariana Kruger African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a92 | 04 November 2022 Reviewer Acknowledgement African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a124 | 14 December 2022 52 60 69 78 86 101 110 117 ISSN: 2707-1618 (print) | ISSN: 2617-2798 (online)African Journal of Psychological Assessment Editorial Looking inward: Reflections on the African Journal of Psychological Assessment and the way forward Sumaya Laher African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 4 | a132 | 15 December 2022 Original Research keywords: assessment; journal; vol cache: ajopa-136.pdf plain text: ajopa-136.txt item: #17 of 62 id: ajopa-139 author: None title: None date: None words: 1462 flesch: 41 summary: Book Review Cross-cultural cognitive assessment: Data from Africa Book Title: Cross-cultural cognitive test norms: An advanced collation from Africa Authors: Shuttleworth-Edwards, A.B. & Truter, S. (2022) ISBN: 978-0-620-98214-6 Publisher: Inter-ed Publishers, Paardevlei, South Africa R1855.00* *Book price at time of review Review Title: Cross-cultural cognitive assessment: Data from Africa Reviewer: In addition, problems with intentional and unintentional racial, ethnic, linguistic and socioeconomic discrimination caused by cognitive tests and their users are well documented (Cockcroft, 2020; Laher & Cockcroft, 2013). keywords: assessment; book; data; test cache: ajopa-139.htm plain text: ajopa-139.txt item: #18 of 62 id: ajopa-14 author: None title: ajopa-14 date: None words: 8285 flesch: 54 summary: The impact of different time limits and test versions on reliability in South Africa. Original Research The impact of different time limits and test versions on reliability in South Africa Danille E. Arendse Received: 18 Mar. 2019; Accepted: 10 Jan. 2020; Published: 03 Mar. 2020 Copyright: © 2020. keywords: alpha; comprehension; cronbach; ect; english; individuals; items; reliability; test; test versions; time; versions cache: ajopa-14.htm plain text: ajopa-14.txt item: #19 of 62 id: ajopa-142 author: None title: Situating international histories of psychological assessment in a changed scientific landscape date: None words: 2506 flesch: 40 summary: Laher’s (2022, p. 360) warning has postcolonial overtones: ‘… assessment is not, as with all fields of knowledge, exempt from agendas linked to power’, where in this instance, power refers to economic exploitation: the proliferation of Western assessments is profitable. Situating international histories of psychological assessment in a changed scientific landscape Book Review Situating international histories of psychological assessment in a changed scientific landscape Book Title: International histories of psychological assessment Author: Laher S. (ed) (2002) ISBN: 9781108755078 Publisher: University Printing House, Cambridge, United Kingdom £26.99 (GBP) *Book price at time of review Review Title: Situating international histories of psychological assessment in a changed scientific landscape Reviewer: David J.F. Maree1 Affiliation: 1Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Hatfield Campus, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa Corresponding author: David Maree, How to cite this book review: Maree, D.J.F. (2023). keywords: assessment; chapter; histories; history; psychology; science cache: ajopa-142.htm plain text: ajopa-142.txt item: #20 of 62 id: ajopa-15 author: None title: ajopa-15 date: None words: 7694 flesch: 52 summary: Boston Naming Test performance of older New Zealand adults. Norms and the relationship of Boston Naming Test performance to vocabulary and education: A review. keywords: african; bnt; boston; boston naming; clinical; data; item; naming; naming test; performance; sample; sasf; south; test cache: ajopa-15.htm plain text: ajopa-15.txt item: #21 of 62 id: ajopa-18 author: None title: ajopa-18 date: None words: 6001 flesch: 43 summary: Keywords: narrative approaches in career counselling; assessment in Global South contexts; quantitative approaches; enhancing contextual relevance; innovation in career counselling assessment. Abstract Introduction The need for updating local research on career counselling assessment theory and practice From climbing the career ladder to flourishing in unstructured and rapidly changing occupational contexts Factors that co-determine career theory development and assessment-related strategies Contextualising career counselling theory and practice in Global South contexts Innovating assessment in career counselling in Global South contexts keywords: approach; assessment; career; career counselling; construction; contexts; counselling; life; maree; people; south; theory cache: ajopa-18.htm plain text: ajopa-18.txt item: #22 of 62 id: ajopa-19 author: None title: ajopa-19 date: None words: 5526 flesch: 50 summary: A range of cancellation tests are discussed in literature including line bisection tests, symbol cancellation tests and letter cancellation tests. Keywords: attention; concentration; distractor stimuli; target stimuli; military; letter cancellation test. keywords: age; attention; cancellation; cancellation test; data; letter; letter cancellation; military; performance; south; test; time cache: ajopa-19.htm plain text: ajopa-19.txt item: #23 of 62 id: ajopa-2 author: None title: ajopa-2 date: None words: 5637 flesch: 41 summary: The operationalisation of DeVellis’s model through multiple methods might make the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of test construction accessible, understandable and easier to use in scale construction. Thus, a need exists for rigorous studies in scale construction that employ coherent design principles. keywords: construction; data; instrument; model; phase; process; research; scale; step; study cache: ajopa-2.htm plain text: ajopa-2.txt item: #24 of 62 id: ajopa-20 author: None title: ajopa-20 date: None words: 7075 flesch: 44 summary: Nonetheless, Talento-Miller et al. (2013) also suggested that increasing the number of items attempted influenced the outcome of English language tests because of the varying difficulties and types of items rather than processing speed. Time limits and English proficiency tests: Predicting academic performance. keywords: academic; cloze; english; group; language; limit; performance; procedure; proficiency; research; test; time; vocabulary cache: ajopa-20.htm plain text: ajopa-20.txt item: #25 of 62 id: ajopa-21 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2019-12-12 words: 356 flesch: 35 summary: It is good practice as a reviewer to update your personal details regularly to ensure contact with you throughout your professional term as reviewer to African Journal of Psychological Assessment. Open Access Page 1 of 1 Reviewer Acknowledgement Acknowledgement to reviewers In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for the African Journal of Psychological Assessment, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. keywords: journal; reviewer cache: ajopa-21.pdf plain text: ajopa-21.txt item: #26 of 62 id: ajopa-22 author: None title: ajopa-22 date: None words: 6893 flesch: 46 summary: However, further research and development regarding the person-environment fit approach and other career counselling assessment approaches is required in order to move towards a more relevant career counselling assessment practice in South Africa. Additional considerations may be required for possible qualitative assessments, as research and evidence regarding qualitative career counselling assessments is limited, with most existing research lacking in rigour (McMahon, 2019) and located in Western contexts (McMahon, Watson, & Lee, 2019). keywords: african; approach; assessment; bruin; career; context; counselling; maree; south; south africa; tests cache: ajopa-22.htm plain text: ajopa-22.txt item: #27 of 62 id: ajopa-23 author: Office, Editorial title: Table of Contents Vol 1 (2019) date: 2019-12-19 words: 309 flesch: 15 summary: Original Research A Brief Sailor Resiliency Scale for the South African Navy Charles H. van Wijk, Jarred H. Martin African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 1 | a12 | 17 October 2019 Original Research The Boston Naming Test-South African Short Form, Part I: Psychometric properties in a group of healthy English-speaking university students Kevin G.F. Thomas, Lauren Baerecke, Chen Y. Pan, Helen L. Ferrett African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 1 | a15 | 22 November 2019 Reviewer Acknowledgement African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 1 | a21 | 12 December 2019 26 The five-factor model and individualism and collectivism in South Africa: Implications for personality assessment Sumaya Laher, Safia Dockrat African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 1 | a4 | 28 March 2019 Original Research Measuring cognitive emotion regulation in South Africa using the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire-short form Itai Propheta, Casper J.J. van Zyl African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 1 | a9 | 18 April 2019 Original Research Methodological rigour and coherence in the construction of instruments: The emotional social screening tool for school readiness Erica Munnik, Mario R. Smith African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 1 | a2 | 24 June 2019 1 4 13 19 Vol 1 (2019) keywords: assessment cache: ajopa-23.pdf plain text: ajopa-23.txt item: #28 of 62 id: ajopa-24 author: None title: ajopa-24 date: None words: 9172 flesch: 44 summary: In addition, a consideration surrounds the scepticism related to gamified assessment as certain groups who may be tested may be less likely to play assessment games, for example, millennials are more drawn to play assessment games yet older candidates may be less familiar with the activity (Guy, 2019). With gamified assessment candidates may also complete the test at any location without any transport cost or potentially wasting time of the interviewer (Guy, 2019). keywords: africa; assessment; candidates; data; example; game; gamification; individuals; information; journal; order; research; review; scoring; south; systems; test; use cache: ajopa-24.htm plain text: ajopa-24.txt item: #29 of 62 id: ajopa-26 author: None title: ajopa-26 date: None words: 5771 flesch: 50 summary: Abstract The role of executive functions in everyday life can hardly be overstated. Assessment of executive functions includes both objective and subjective measures, which include self-report measures. keywords: analysis; efi; executive; factor; fit; functioning; functions; items; model; reliability; response; self; south; study cache: ajopa-26.htm plain text: ajopa-26.txt item: #30 of 62 id: ajopa-27 author: None title: None date: None words: 1132 flesch: 54 summary: Other research books such as Doing social research (Wagner, Kawulich, & Garner, 2012), Research at grass roots (De Vos, Strydom, Fouche, & Delport, 2011), Doing research in the real world (Gray, 2014), First steps in research (Maree, 2016), The practice of social research (Babbie & Mouton, 2001), and Research in practice (Terre Blanche, Durrheim, & Painter, 2006) are also recommended as good reads for students, academia and researchers in practice. In the words of Fynn, Kramer and Laher (2019, p. xi), ‘this book is simply the introductory chapter to, we hope, a larger body of work that will systematically transform how social science research is conducted within the global South’. keywords: research; social; south cache: ajopa-27.htm plain text: ajopa-27.txt item: #31 of 62 id: ajopa-28 author: None title: ajopa-28 date: None words: 1380 flesch: 37 summary: Similarly, researchers and practitioners understand that neurocognitive tests need to be examined critically in terms of their validity as measures of neurocognition for the person with whom they are being used. Such unethical use, and interpretation, of neurocognitive tests and their latent constructs stems partly from the fact that the people using these are not trained in them (researchers from a department of sport science in the instance of the first article and from a business school in the second). keywords: assessment; research; south; test; use cache: ajopa-28.htm plain text: ajopa-28.txt item: #32 of 62 id: ajopa-30 author: None title: ajopa-30 date: None words: 5669 flesch: 48 summary: For the adolescent sample, there were no significant differences in indices of fit amongst the one-factor, the second-order model and bifactor models. Finally, the article demonstrates the importance of going beyond overall model fit statistics, especially with regard to bifactor models, and implementing bifactor analyses. keywords: appraisals; bifactor; factor; fit; forq; fortitude; model; samples; self; study; subscales; variance cache: ajopa-30.htm plain text: ajopa-30.txt item: #33 of 62 id: ajopa-31 author: None title: ajopa-31 date: None words: 6701 flesch: 43 summary: This study investigates whether eight hierarchical factors (also referred to as personality aspects) manifest amongst the facets of the Basic Traits Inventory (BTI). According to DeYoung et al. (2007), personality aspects might be a more parsimonious breakdown of the Big Five than the personality facets. keywords: africa; aspects; bifactor; bti; facets; factor; items; models; order; personality; personality aspects; south; traits cache: ajopa-31.htm plain text: ajopa-31.txt item: #34 of 62 id: ajopa-35 author: None title: ajopa-35 date: None words: 2748 flesch: 41 summary: Over reliance on model fit indices in confirmatory factor analyses may lead to incorrect inferences about bifactor models: A cautionary note. Original Research Over reliance on model fit indices in confirmatory factor analyses may lead to incorrect inferences about bifactor models: A cautionary note Tyrone B. Pretorius Received: 29 Sept. 2020; Accepted: 21 Jan. 2021; Published: 12 Mar. 2021 Copyright: © 2021. keywords: bifactor; factor; fit; indices; instrument; model cache: ajopa-35.htm plain text: ajopa-35.txt item: #35 of 62 id: ajopa-37 author: None title: ajopa-37 date: None words: 5150 flesch: 51 summary: Social well-being is categorised into five dimensions: social integration, social contribution, social coherence, social actualisation and social acceptance. Keyes (1998, p.122) defined social well-being as ‘the appraisal of one’s circumstances and functioning in society’, and proposed a five factor structure consisting of social integration, social acceptance, social contribution, social actualisation and social coherence. keywords: africa; cfa; community; esem; factor; health; item; keyes; model; south; study cache: ajopa-37.htm plain text: ajopa-37.txt item: #36 of 62 id: ajopa-38 author: None title: ajopa-38 date: None words: 3241 flesch: 38 summary: The impact of COVID-19 on psychometric assessment across industry and academia in South Africa. Original Research The impact of COVID-19 on psychometric assessment across industry and academia in South Africa Mandy Wigdorowitz, Pakeezah Rajab, Tasneem Hassem, Neziswa Titi Received: 15 Oct. 2020; Accepted: 05 keywords: africa; assessment; health; pandemic; psychological; psychology; research; south; testing cache: ajopa-38.htm plain text: ajopa-38.txt item: #37 of 62 id: ajopa-4 author: None title: ajopa-4 date: None words: 5280 flesch: 46 summary: Factor 6 finally is primarily the Individualism–Collectivism factor. The fifth factor could be labelled as the Individualism–Collectivism factor as all four constructs for Individualism and Collectivism had loaded strongly on this factor (HI, VI, HC and VC). keywords: collectivism; factor; ffm; individualism; loading; neo; personality; pi-3; south cache: ajopa-4.htm plain text: ajopa-4.txt item: #38 of 62 id: ajopa-40 author: None title: ajopa-40 date: None words: 6618 flesch: 36 summary: Course documents and reflective notes, generated during the adaptation of psychological assessment training, were used as the data source. Familiarity with the professional frameworks and minimum competency requirements for psychometric assessment practices was a facilitator of responsiveness and meaningful adaptation of the curriculum in the context of emergency response to the pandemic. keywords: assessment; cape; case; covid-19; learning; professional; psychology; south; students; study; teaching; test; training; university cache: ajopa-40.htm plain text: ajopa-40.txt item: #39 of 62 id: ajopa-41 author: None title: ajopa-41 date: None words: 5978 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: anxiety; depression; occupational medicine; stress; stress overload scale; South Africa; workplace health. Validation of the stress overload scale and stress overload scale – Short form among a Setswana-speaking community in South Africa. keywords: amirkhan; correlations; health; language; measures; overload; scale; sos; south; stress; validity; version cache: ajopa-41.htm plain text: ajopa-41.txt item: #40 of 62 id: ajopa-42 author: None title: ajopa-42 date: None words: 6374 flesch: 51 summary: A rationale and test for the number of factors in factor analysis. FIGURE 1: Original and revised emotional social screening tool for school readiness domains. keywords: africa; analysis; assessment; data; e3sr; factor; items; munnik; readiness; research; school; south; study cache: ajopa-42.htm plain text: ajopa-42.txt item: #41 of 62 id: ajopa-43 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2020-12-21 words: 392 flesch: 42 summary: It is good practice as a reviewer to update your personal details regularly to ensure contact with you throughout your professional term as reviewer to African Journal of Psychological Assessment. Acknowledgement to reviewers In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for the African Journal of Psychological Assessment, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. keywords: journal; reviewer cache: ajopa-43.pdf plain text: ajopa-43.txt item: #42 of 62 id: ajopa-44 author: None title: ajopa-44 date: None words: 5269 flesch: 51 summary: When to use agreement versus reliability measures. The satisfaction with life scale. keywords: africa; efficacy; faith; health; hope; items; life; measures; reliability; satisfaction; scale; self; south; study; support cache: ajopa-44.htm plain text: ajopa-44.txt item: #43 of 62 id: ajopa-45 author: None title: ajopa-45 date: None words: 5107 flesch: 54 summary: If one accepts that attention as a construct, would be normally distributed in the general population, both the SCT and ADHD groups would have impaired attention. Accurate descriptions of SCT symptoms may help to predict areas of functional difficulty in learners with poor academic performance (Jacobson et al., 2012). keywords: adhd; attention; barkley; disorder; group; sct; south; ssais; subtests cache: ajopa-45.htm plain text: ajopa-45.txt item: #44 of 62 id: ajopa-47 author: Office, Editorial title: Table of Contents Vol 2 (2020) date: 2020-12-23 words: 428 flesch: -12 summary: The impact of different time limits and test versions on reliability in South Africa Danille E. Arendse African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 2 | a14 | 03 March 2020 Original Research Standardising the single and double letter cancellation test for South African military personnel Chevon P. Haarhoff, Christi Gadd, Boshadi Semenya, René van Eeden African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 2 | a19 | 08 June 2020 Original Research Time limits and English proficiency tests: Predicting academic performance Ingrid Opperman African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 2 | a20 | 25 June 2020 1 3 10 19 29 37 Vol 2 (2020) The need for contextually appropriate career counselling assessment: Using narrative approaches in career counselling assessment in African contexts Kobus Maree African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 2 | a18 | 03 March 2020 Original Research A psychometric evaluation of the 17-itemed Utrecht Work Engagement Scale in Uganda Ibrahim A. Musenze, Thomas S. Mayende African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 2 | a8 | 29 January 2020 Original Research keywords: assessment; vol cache: ajopa-47.pdf plain text: ajopa-47.txt item: #45 of 62 id: ajopa-48 author: None title: ajopa-48 date: None words: 8190 flesch: 51 summary: Confirmatory factor analyses examining attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms and other childhood disruptive behaviors. Results Descriptive statistics for all predictors (tests of EF) and dependent variables (H/I, inattention and ADHD total score) are presented in Table 1. TABLE 1: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and executive function test results (N = 156). keywords: adhd; children; deficit; disorder; executive; hyperactivity; inattention; memory; symptoms; test; trails; variance; wcst; working; yes cache: ajopa-48.htm plain text: ajopa-48.txt item: #46 of 62 id: ajopa-50 author: None title: ajopa-50 date: None words: 3015 flesch: 32 summary: Assessment practices in retrenchment and restructuring While leveraging technology enabled several organisations to successfully adapt their assessment practices to a COVID-19 world, the place of assessment practices in the retrenchment and restructuring necessitated by the economic crisis in many organisations is also an important discussion point. Keywords: talent assessment practices; COVID-19; unproctored internet testing; virtual interviewing; remote working; digitalisation; retrenchment. keywords: africa; assessment; covid-19; impact; organisations; practices; south; world cache: ajopa-50.htm plain text: ajopa-50.txt item: #47 of 62 id: ajopa-51 author: None title: ajopa-51 date: None words: 5490 flesch: 47 summary: Pertinent to the context of this article, its association with markers of mental health and psychological well-being (e.g. depression, anxiety, fatigue, self-efficacy, perceived stress) has been established in various cross-continental contexts (Yew, Lim, Haw, & Gan, 2015; Zenger et al., 2013; also cf. It has been translated into many languages and psychometrically tested in multiple studies, which included tests of its dimensional structure (Cano-García et al., 2015; Glaesmer et al., 2012; Zenger et al., 2013), temporal stability (Saboonchi et al., 2016) and item response theory (Chiesi, Galli, Primi, Borgi, & Bonacchi, 2013; Steca, Monzani, Creco, Chiesi, & Primi, 2015). keywords: et al; health; language; lot; optimism; psychological; sample; scores; test cache: ajopa-51.htm plain text: ajopa-51.txt item: #48 of 62 id: ajopa-57 author: None title: ajopa-57 date: None words: 4529 flesch: 55 summary: The measure achieved an internal consistency reliability of α > 0.80 in previous studies (e.g. Elemo et al., 2020; Perz et al., 2020; Soraci et al., 2020). A closer inspection of the items shows that they refer to physiological reactions because of COVID-19 fear (Alyami et al., 2020). keywords: covid-19; et al; factor; fcv-19s; fear; health; journal; scale; students; university cache: ajopa-57.htm plain text: ajopa-57.txt item: #49 of 62 id: ajopa-61 author: None title: ajopa-61 date: None words: 12221 flesch: 37 summary: Disintermediation has occurred (Narayandas & Moldoveanu, 2019), according to which universities, business schools and management consultancies that served as able intermediaries (or gatekeepers) of research on leadership competencies in the past, is now bypassed altogether. Trait theory at least has demonstrated that personality traits (e.g. conscientiousness or extraversion), as one example of how the competency construct can be misconstrued, remain relatively stable over time (Terracciano, McCrae, & Costa, 2008) and we, therefore, question the effectiveness of competency models (narrowly defined) that articulate leadership competencies in terms of innate cognitive ability (Tansley, Harris, Stewart, & Turner, 2006), attitude or character (Michaels, Handfield-Jones, & Axelrod, 2001) on this basis. TABLE 1: Influenctial competency definitions. keywords: competencies; competency; competency model; development; domain; gen; generation; graduate; job; journal; leadership; leadership competency; leadership development; leadership performance; management; model; new; performance; potential; psychology; research; south; theory; variables; work cache: ajopa-61.htm plain text: ajopa-61.txt item: #50 of 62 id: ajopa-62 author: None title: ajopa-62 date: None words: 7639 flesch: 54 summary: With the increase in mobile internet usage in South Africa, an online depression screening tool could provide opportunities for the screening of depression symptoms aiding access to mental health interventions. Keywords: CESD-R; content validity; online depression screening tool; mental health; South Africa. keywords: africa; cesd; content; depression; health; items; participants; screening; south; study; table; tool; validity cache: ajopa-62.htm plain text: ajopa-62.txt item: #51 of 62 id: ajopa-63 author: None title: ajopa-63 date: None words: 5372 flesch: 51 summary: The latent structure of loneliness testing competing factor models of the UCLA Loneliness Scale in a large adolescent sample. Validation of the revised UCLA Loneliness Scale for adolescents. keywords: bifactor; factor; fit; loneliness; ls3; model; scale; structure; subscales; ucla; ucla loneliness cache: ajopa-63.htm plain text: ajopa-63.txt item: #52 of 62 id: ajopa-64 author: None title: ajopa-64 date: None words: 6406 flesch: 52 summary: The clinical group performed worse than the control group when mean total HVOT scores were compared. The clinical group (Table 2) had statistically significantly lower mean HVOT total score (11.30 ± 6.56) compared to the control group (18.14 ± 5.45). keywords: age; data; education; hooper; hvot; item; point; research; south; study; test; total; visual cache: ajopa-64.htm plain text: ajopa-64.txt item: #53 of 62 id: ajopa-66 author: None title: ajopa-66 date: None words: 6941 flesch: 52 summary: (2017, p. 3) that the ‘central questions in the design of hope studies have been the dimensionality and complexity (unidimensional or multidimensional) of the concept’. Through such approaches in different and representative samples, a better understanding of item functioning and dimensionality of hope scales in an African context can be gained. keywords: african; analysis; cfa; esem; factor; hope; items; journal; model; psychology; sample; scale; snyder; south cache: ajopa-66.htm plain text: ajopa-66.txt item: #54 of 62 id: ajopa-74 author: None title: ajopa-74 date: None words: 1788 flesch: 37 summary: Psychological assessment during and after the COVID-19 pandemic African Journal of Psychological Assessment, 3(0), a74. In countries outside of the African continent, tele-assessment approaches are deployed during the emergency lockdown to continue psychological assessments, thus minimising face-to-face contact (British Psychological Society [BPS], 2021; Farmer et al., 2020; Health Professions Council of South Africa [HPCSA], 2020; Hewitt, Rodgin, Loring, Pritchard, & Jacobson, 2020). keywords: africa; assessment; covid-19; pandemic; south; testing cache: ajopa-74.htm plain text: ajopa-74.txt item: #55 of 62 id: ajopa-8 author: None title: ajopa-8 date: None words: 6059 flesch: 52 summary: This research is important as work engagement studies in Uganda can further develop with the availability of a validated and reliable research tool. Therefore, examining the psychometric properties of the instrument might hasten work engagement studies in Uganda. keywords: engagement; factor; fit; item; model; scale; study; teachers; tri; uganda; utrecht; uwes-17; work; work engagement cache: ajopa-8.htm plain text: ajopa-8.txt item: #56 of 62 id: ajopa-84 author: None title: ajopa-84 date: None words: 5698 flesch: 47 summary: The Mann–Whitney U test and the Kruskal–Wallis test were employed to test the putative impact of sociodemographic factors on NP test performance. Extra caution aiming at minimising distraction should be ensured when administering the HVLT-R. Further studies are recommended with large sample size to establish normative score of the selected NP tests and to examine the effect of socioeconomic status on NP test performance. keywords: dst; hand; hiv; hvlt; intra; performance; plwhiv; rater; reliability; study; tests; tmt cache: ajopa-84.htm plain text: ajopa-84.txt item: #57 of 62 id: ajopa-85 author: None title: ajopa-85 date: None words: 4771 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: BTI; adolescents; reliability; personality; factor structure. The developmental psychometrics of Big Five self-reports: Acquiescence, factor structure, coherence, and differentiation from ages 10 to 20. keywords: adolescents; adults; bti; factor; inventory; personality; structure; traits cache: ajopa-85.htm plain text: ajopa-85.txt item: #58 of 62 id: ajopa-88 author: None title: ajopa-88 date: None words: 1685 flesch: 41 summary: If one examines the download trends, it is clear that the journal is increasingly becoming recognised as the forum for assessment research in Africa attracting consistently more readers and submissions. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and subsequent restrictions placed on individual movements and interactions have necessitated a rethinking in all fields in psychology including psychological assessment. keywords: african; assessment; covid-19; journal; research; south cache: ajopa-88.htm plain text: ajopa-88.txt item: #59 of 62 id: ajopa-9 author: None title: ajopa-9 date: None words: 4385 flesch: 43 summary: Multidimensional assessment of emotion regulation and dysregulation: Development, factor structure, and initial validation of the difficulties in emotion regulation scale. Development and validation of a state-based measure of emotion dysregulation: The state difficulties in emotion regulation scale (S-DERS). keywords: cerq; emotion; emotion regulation; factor; garnefski; kraaij; regulation; reliability; short; south cache: ajopa-9.htm plain text: ajopa-9.txt item: #60 of 62 id: ajopa-93 author: Office, Editorial title: Table of Contents Vol 3 (2021) date: 2021-12-30 words: 674 flesch: -75 summary: The development and validation of a graduate leader competency questionnaire: Arguing the need for a graduate leader performance measure Jacques S. Pienaar, Carl C. Theron African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 3 | a61 | 17 September 2021 Original Research Measures of executive functions predicting Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder core symptoms Tshikani T. Boshomane, Basil Pillay, Anneke Meyer African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 3 | a48 | 22 October 2021 Original Research Establishing the content validity of an online depression screening tool for South Africa Tasneem Hassem African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 3 | a62 | 26 October 2021 41 48 55 68 78 Page i of i Table of Contents Editorial Advancing psychological assessment in Africa: Contributions from the African Journal of Psychological Assessment Sumaya Laher African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 3 | a88 | 15 November 2021 Original Research Over reliance on model fit indices in confirmatory factor analyses may lead to incorrect inferences about bifactor models: A cautionary note Tyrone B. Pretorius African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 3 | a35 | 12 March 2021 Original Research The manifestation of the 10 personality aspects amongst the facets of the Basic Traits Inventory Xander van Lill, Nicola Taylor African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 3 | a31 | 30 March 2021 Original Research Validation of the emotional social screening tool for school readiness Erica Munnik, Emma Wagener, Mario Smith African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 3 | a42 | 21 June 2021 Original Research Usefulness of the English version of the Stress Overload Scale in a sample of employed South Africans Charles H. van Wijk African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 3 | a41 | 25 June 2021 Original Research Measuring social well-being in Africa: An exploratory structural equation modelling study Itumeleng P. Khumalo, Ufuoma P. Ejoke, Kwaku Oppong Asante, Janvier Rugira African Journal of Psychological Assessment | Vol 3 | a37 | 28 June 2021 1 3 7 17 26 34 Vol 3 (2021) keywords: assessment; journal; vol cache: ajopa-93.pdf plain text: ajopa-93.txt item: #61 of 62 id: ajopa-94 author: Office, Editorial title: Acknowledgement to reviewers date: 2021-12-21 words: 435 flesch: 41 summary: It is good practice as a reviewer to update your personal details regularly to ensure contact with you throughout your professional term as reviewer to African Journal of Psychological Assessment. Acknowledgement to reviewers In an effort to facilitate the selection of appropriate peer reviewers for the African Journal of Psychological Assessment, we ask that you take a moment to update your electronic portfolio on for our files, allowing us better access to your areas of interest and expertise, in order to match reviewers with submitted manuscripts. keywords: assessment; journal; reviewer cache: ajopa-94.pdf plain text: ajopa-94.txt item: #62 of 62 id: ajopa-95 author: None title: ajopa-95 date: None words: 7085 flesch: 52 summary: Job demands–resources theory and self-regulation: New explanations and remedies for job burnout. Physical, psychological and occupational consequences of job burnout: A systematic review of prospective studies. keywords: bat-12; burnout; data; demands; factor; job; journal; model; order; research; resources; schaufeli; work cache: ajopa-95.htm plain text: ajopa-95.txt