item: #1 of 30 id: agripreneur-1938 author: Nuzul, Raman title: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION (Case Study: Tanjung Morawa District, Deli Serdang Regency) date: 2020-06-30 words: 2680 flesch: 46 summary: pp 01-07 6 From Table 5, it can be seen that the achievement of Agricultural Extension performance based on the Context component, the highest percentage value of achievement is indicators 1-3 with a value obtained of 24.58% and the lowest percentage value is indicator 4 with a value obtained of 23.74% and the overall percentage value of the context component is 97.5%. 2.95 3 Program to increase the competence and professionalism of agricultural extension workers and farmers 2.95 4 Program aim grow Farmer WhichInnovative 2.85 Total Average Total Score 11.7  ISSN keywords: achievement; agricultural; agricultural extension; agripreneur; area; assessment; average; cipp; component; context; data; deli; district; evaluation; extension; extension performance; farmers; groups; indicator; input; jakarta; model; morawa; morawa district; penyuluhan; percentage; performance; performance indicator; pertanian; process; program; regency; research; score; serdang; study; table; tanjung; tanjung morawa; total; value cache: agripreneur-1938.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1938.txt item: #2 of 30 id: agripreneur-1939 author: Trianda, Athalla Ariq title: FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS OF GOURAMI GROWING BUSINESS (Case Study: Kota Galuh Village, Serdang Bedagai Regency) date: 2020-06-30 words: 2882 flesch: 65 summary: Journal of Agribusiness Agriculture ISSN 2302-9625  Athalla Ariq Trianda - Feasibility Analysis of Gourami Raising Business (Case Study: Kota Galuh Village, Serdang Bedagai Regency) 13 Total 241.516.000 100 Based on Table 5.7, it can be seen that the total cost of the gouramy rearing business during the production period (1 year) in Kota Galuh Village is dominated by variable costs, namely 99.76% and the remaining fixed costs are 0.24%. 08-15 Journal Published by:IOCSCIENCE Agripreneur : Journal of Agribusiness Agriculture Journal FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS OF GOURAMI GROWING BUSINESS (Case Study: Kota Galuh Village, Serdang Bedagai Regency) Athalla Ariq Trianda Agribusiness Study Program Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra, Medan 20155, Indonesia keywords: agribusiness; agripreneur; analysis; area; bedagai; bep; business; capital; cost; farmers; feasibility; feasible; feed; fish; galuh; galuh village; gouramy; income; kota; kota galuh; labor; land; percentage; period; price; production; production period; regency; research; seeds; serdang; study; table; total; village; year cache: agripreneur-1939.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1939.txt item: #3 of 30 id: agripreneur-1940 author: Akmali, Salsabila Akmali title: EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) ANALYSIS OF RICE AVAILABILITY IN PUBLIC BULOG COMPANY IN LHOKSEUMAWE CITY date: 2020-06-30 words: 2637 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: EOQ Method, Public Company Bulog Lhokseumawe, Rice Availability. Rice Availability at Bulog Public Company in Lhokseumawe City 17 the provisions of the Government Purchase Price (HPP). keywords: agripreneur; area; availability; bulog; bulog public; city; company; cost; data; distribution; economic; economic order; eoq; food; inventory; lhokseumawe; lhokseumawe city; management; method; number; order; order quantity; ordering; procurement; public; public company; quantity; research; rice; stock; study; table; tons; year cache: agripreneur-1940.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1940.txt item: #4 of 30 id: agripreneur-1941 author: Ginting, Ricky Efran title: ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL ECONOMIC FACTORS AFFECTING INCOME OF RICE FARMERS (Case Study: Purbaganda Village, Pematang Bandar District) Simalungun Regency) date: 2020-06-30 words: 2789 flesch: 59 summary: Total farmer income can be seen in the following table: Table 1. Abstract This purpose of this study is to analyze the income of rice farmers and to analyze the influence of socio-economic factors on the income of rice farmers in Purbaganda Village, Pematang Bandar District, Simalungun Regency. keywords: agriculture; agripreneur; area; average; bandar; bandar district; capital; cost; dan; data; district; economic; education; effect; experience; factors; faktor; farmers; farming; harvest; income; increase; labor; land; lowland; pematang; pematang bandar; production; productivity; purbaganda; regency; results; rice; rice farmers; sample; season; significant; simalungun; socio; study; table; total; universitas; village cache: agripreneur-1941.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1941.txt item: #5 of 30 id: agripreneur-1943 author: Siregar, Mhd Hafizur Rasyid title: MARKETING DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF BETT FISH (Betta sp.) IN MEDAN CITY date: 2020-06-30 words: 2953 flesch: 61 summary: In developing betta fish marketing, potential market opportunities are one of the strategic factors that determine the direction of betta fish marketing development, the potential for betta fish is a promising business because of the ongoing and sustainable demand from hobbyists and betta fish lovers. The low but sustainable demand for betta fish can encourage betta fish cultivators to continue to increase the variety and types of betta fish so that they are still in demand by ornamental fish lovers and betta fish lovers. 2) Price Variations For ornamental halfmoon betta fish, for example, those that are 3 months old with size S will be included as grade keywords: agribusiness; agripreneur; analysis; betta; betta fish; branding; business; capital; city; consumers; cupang; data; demand; development; external; factors; feed; fish; food; internal; issn; journal; marketing; medan; opportunities; opportunity; ornamental; packaging; potential; price; results; score; scoring; strategy; study; swot; tail; type; weaknesses cache: agripreneur-1943.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1943.txt item: #6 of 30 id: agripreneur-1945 author: Barus, Ria Anindi Antika title: GROWTH RESPONSE AND PRODUCTION OF TWO VARIETIES OF OKRA (Abelmoschus esculantus L. Moench) ON GIVING VARIOUS TYPES OF ORGANIC FERTILIZER date: 2021-06-30 words: 4000 flesch: 54 summary: Fruit weight per plant of two varieties of okra and application of various types of organic fertilizers Organic fertilizer Varieties B0 No Fertilizer B1 Compost B2 vermicompost B3 Chicken Feed Average Red Okra 74.253 77,795 72,369 134,661 89,769b Green Okra 98.497 109,512 107,548 183.030 124.647a Average 86.375c 93,653b 89,959c 158,845a 107.208 Description: Numbers followed by the same notation in the same row or group of columns showed no significant difference according to Duncan's Multiple Distance Test at the level of =5% Table 6 shows that the fruit weight per okra plant was highest in treatment B3 (158.845) and the lowest in treatment B0 (86,375). Okra fruit in its utilization as a vegetable can be consumed directly without having to do processing first, in other words it can be consumed in a raw and fresh state. keywords: application; average; chicken; compost; different; effect; flowering; fruit; fruit weight; green; highest; interaction; leaves; lowest; number; okra; organic; organic fertilizers; plant; plant height; plot; red; results; significant; significant effect; table; treatment; types; varietal; varieties; vermicompost; wap; weight; wet cache: agripreneur-1945.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1945.txt item: #7 of 30 id: agripreneur-1946 author: Sijabat, Jerry Afrimsa title: GROWTH RESPONSE OF SUGARCANE BUD SET (Saccharum officinarum L)AT SEVERAL AGES OF PLANTING MATERIALS AND CONCENTRATIONS OF IBA date: 2021-06-30 words: 3393 flesch: 62 summary: The interaction of planting material age and IBA concentration had no significant effect on all parameters. Percentage of germination of sugarcane bud set seeds at various ages of planting material and IBA concentration Age of Planting Material IBA Concentration(ppm) A0 (0) A1 (100) A2 (200) A3 (300) Average ……………………………….. keywords: age; ages; average; bud; concentration; different; effect; germination; growth; iba; material; months; number; planting; planting material; ppm; seedling; seeds; set; significant; table; treatment; wap cache: agripreneur-1946.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1946.txt item: #8 of 30 id: agripreneur-1947 author: Lubis, Ahmad Ridwan title: GROWTH RESPONSE OF ROBUSTA COFFEE (Coffea robusta L.) GROWTH ON CHICKEN CAGE FERTILIZER AND FERTILIZER LIQUID ORGANIC date: 2021-06-30 words: 3858 flesch: 57 summary: Seedling Height The observation data on the height of coffee seedlings aged 2-16 MSPT and its variance showed that chicken manure had a significant effect on the height of coffee seedlings aged 9-16 MSPT, the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer and the interaction of the two had no significant effect on the height of coffee seedlings. The height of coffee seedlings aged 2-16 MSPT on chicken manure treatment and concentration liquid organic fertilizer. keywords: age; area; average; chicken; chicken manure; coffee; coffee seedlings; concentration; diameter; different; dry; dry weight; effect; fertilizer; highest; leaf; liquid; liquid organic; manure; mspt; observation; organic; poc; robusta; root; seedlings; shoot; significant; stem; table; total; treatment; weight cache: agripreneur-1947.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1947.txt item: #9 of 30 id: agripreneur-1948 author: Hengki Tamando Sihotang title: IJECE date: 2022-01-18 words: 3149 flesch: 51 summary: Microsatellite markers have been widely used in plants for fingerprinting, gene mapping, linkage, genetic analysis (Singh et al. 2007; Sayekti et al. 2015), genotype identification, population genetic studies in plants (Singh et al., 2007) , comparing genetics of individuals based on the results of the level of genetic similarity (Singh et al, 2007). The five populations of E. guineensis were divided into 3 large groups with genetic distances ranging from 0.03-1.00. keywords: agripreneur; amplification; analysis; average; axis; band; bj022s; bj42s; bo52s; bunch; code; distance; diversity; dna; experimental; genetic; guineensis; issn; ma19s; markers; matching; material; matrix; megcir2569; oil; oil palm; palm; patterns; percentage; plant; polymorphism; population; ppks; primary; primer; research; results; samples; sequence; simple; ssr; study; total; tr01s cache: agripreneur-1948.htm plain text: agripreneur-1948.txt item: #10 of 30 id: agripreneur-1949 author: Naibaho, Satber title: THE EFFECT OF BIOCHAR APPLICATIONS OF RICE HUSK AND COFFEE SKIN ON P AND Zn NUTRITIONS AND THE GROWTH OF RICE (Oryza sativa L.) PLANTS IN SATISFIED RICE LAND date: 2021-06-30 words: 3301 flesch: 71 summary: Rice husk biochar 30 tons/ha 78.26 87,80 94.20 96.24 97.58 Coffee bean husk biochar 10 tons/ha 75.54 86.98 93.48 94.84 96.30 Coffee bean husk biochar 20 tons/ha 74.36 84.84 93.56 96.06 98.72 Coffee bean husk biochar 30 tons/ha 76.22 83.58 91.20 92.16 93.60 From the data obtained (Table 4.) Coffee bean husk biochar has more potential to increase plant Zn levels compared to rice husk biochar. keywords: agripreneur; analysis; application; bean; bean husk; biochar; coffee; coffee bean; control; criteria; data; high; husk; husk biochar; levels; mst; nutrients; plant; results; rice; rice husk; significant; soil; table; tall; tillers; tons; treatment; variance; weight cache: agripreneur-1949.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1949.txt item: #11 of 30 id: agripreneur-1950 author: Pane, Mutiara title: THE EFFECT OF AGRICULTURAL EXPLANATION ON RICE PRODUCTIVITY (Oryza sativa L.) (Case: Kerapuh Village, Dolok Masihul District, Serdang Bedagai Regency) date: 2021-12-30 words: 2125 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: Agricultural extension, Productivity, Extension program, Competence of the instructor. Agricultural extension in Indonesia has had a long history, which began in the early 20th century during the colonial period. keywords: agricultural; agricultural extension; agripreneur; assumption; bedagai; data; district; dolok; education; effect; extension; farmers; farming; jakarta; journal; kerapuh; length; masihul; medan; method; padi; penyuluhan; pertanian; productivity; program; regency; research; results; rice; serdang; significant; study; sumatera; table; test; universitas; utara; value; variable; village cache: agripreneur-1950.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1950.txt item: #12 of 30 id: agripreneur-1951 author: Syahrizal, Muhammad title: THE RELATIONSHIP OF FARMER SOCIAL ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS TO THE SUCCESS OF AGRICULTURAL EXPLANATION PROGRAM LEGOWO 4:1 PLANTING SYSTEM AND SRI (System of Rice Intensification) (Case Study: Pematang Setrak Village, Teluk Mengkudu District, Serdang Bedagai date: 2021-12-30 words: 2645 flesch: 47 summary: Abstract This study aims to determine the socio-economic characteristics of farmers in the research area, determine the success of agricultural extension programs on the Legowo 4:1 planting system and SRI (System Rice of Intenfication) in the research area, determine the success rate of implementing agricultural extension programs on the Legowo 4:1 planting system and SRI (System Rice of Intenfication) in the research area, to find out whether there is a relationship between the socio- economic characteristics of farmers (age, education level, length of farming , number of dependents) on the success of agricultural extension programs on the Legowo 4:1 planting system and SRI (System Rice of Intensification). ) For problem identification (1), analyzed using descriptive method, the thing to be analyzed is about the implementation of agricultural extension programs on the Legowo 4:1 planting system and SRI (System of Rice Intensification) in the research area. keywords: achievement; agricultural; agricultural extension; area; bedagai; district; extension; extension program; farmers; farming; implementation; intensification; legowo; legowo planting; mengkudu; pematang; percentage; planting system; program; relationship; research; rice; rice intensification; serdang; setrak; sri; success; system; system extension; system rice; table; teluk; value; village cache: agripreneur-1951.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1951.txt item: #13 of 30 id: agripreneur-1952 author: Harahap, Ahmad Riandy title: ANALYSIS OF RED WATERMELON AND YELLOW WATERMELON FARMING (Case Study: Secanggang District, Langkat Regency) date: 2021-12-30 words: 1869 flesch: 53 summary: From the results of the study, it was found that the production and area of red watermelon and yellow watermelon farming land continued to increase over the last 5 years; yellow watermelon farming income is greater than red watermelon farming income; Yellow watermelon farming is more feasible than red watermelon. Yellow watermelon farming income on average Rp. 49,813,744 /Ha is greater than the income of red watermelon farming with an average of Rp. 38,401,197. keywords: agricultural; agripreneur; analysis; average; cost; data; district; ekonomi; farmers; farming; feasibility; greater; income; indonesia; jakarta; langkat; ratio; red; red watermelon; regency; research; secanggang; study; table; watermelon; watermelon farming; yellow; yellow watermelon cache: agripreneur-1952.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1952.txt item: #14 of 30 id: agripreneur-1953 author: Fatmala, Evi title: RETURN COST AND VALUE ADDED ANALYSIS OF SWEET POTATO PROCESSING (Case Study: Pasar Bengkel Village, Perbaungan District, Serdang Bedagai Regency) date: 2021-12-30 words: 1983 flesch: 56 summary: The development of agro-industry will be able to increase production, prices of agricultural products, farmers' income, and produce agricultural added value (Masyhuri, 1994). The amount of added value of an agricultural product because the processing process is a reduction in the cost of raw materials and other inputs to the value of the resulting product, excluding labor. keywords: agribusiness; agricultural; agripreneur; analysis; bedagai; chicken; chips; claws; cost; data; district; income; industrial; industry; jakarta; labor; materials; method; perbaungan; potato; potatoes; processing; raw; regency; research; sector; serdang; study; sweet; sweet potato; value; village cache: agripreneur-1953.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1953.txt item: #15 of 30 id: agripreneur-1954 author: Hardian, Febry title: FORECASTING ANALYSIS OF CHICKEN MEAT PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION (BROILER) IN NORTH SUMATRA PROVINCE date: 2021-12-30 words: 1963 flesch: 56 summary: The results showed that in 2006-2015 in North Sumatra Province, broiler chicken meat production experienced a positive trend and for broiler chicken meat consumption also experienced a positive trend. The government must also conduct socialization to broiler chicken farmers so that they can carry out good maintenance so that broiler chicken meat production is high. keywords: agripreneur; analysis; animal; broiler; chicken; consumption; dan; data; food; forecasting; increase; journal; livestock; meat; method; north; north sumatra; production; program; province; results; squares; study; sumatra; sumatra province; table; tons; trend cache: agripreneur-1954.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1954.txt item: #16 of 30 id: agripreneur-1955 author: Arisandy, Bayu title: FACTORS AFFECTING RICE PRODUCTION (Case: Purba Ganda Village, Pematang Bandar District, Simalungun Regency) date: 2020-12-30 words: 2668 flesch: 59 summary: Abstract This study aims to analyze the factors that influence rice production in Purba Ganda Village. The results showed that simultaneously the variables of land area, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and labor had a significant effect on rice production in Desa Purba Ganda. keywords: 2007; agricultural; agripreneur; area; bandar; dan; data; effect; factors; fertilizers; ganda; increase; labor; land; means; method; padi; pematang; pertanian; pesticides; plants; probability; production; purba; regency; regression; relationship; rice; rice production; seeds; significance; simalungun; smaller; study; tanaman; test; value; variable; village cache: agripreneur-1955.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1955.txt item: #17 of 30 id: agripreneur-1956 author: Saragih, Lia Kristin title: COMMUNITY BEHAVIOR IN THE UTILIZATION OF MANGROVE FOREST (Case: Belawan Sicanang Village, Medan Belawan District, Medan City) date: 2020-12-30 words: 2713 flesch: 56 summary: Abstract This study aims to analyze the behavior of the community in the use of mangrove forests, to determine the value of the community's WTP (Willingness to Pay) on the existence of mangrove forests, and to analyze the influence of community behavior on the willingness to pay (Willingness to Pay) of the community. The results showed that the behavior of the community in Sicanang Village towards the existence of mangrove forests, in terms of the knowledge, attitudes, and actions of the people carried out was classified in the good category. keywords: actions; agripreneur; area; attitudes; average; behavior; belawan; belawan sicanang; case; city; community; data; district; environmental; existence; forests; form; good; individual; knowledge; mangrove; mangrove forests; medan; natural; people; research; resources; services; sicanang; sicanang village; table; total; use; utilization; value; village; willingness; wtp cache: agripreneur-1956.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1956.txt item: #18 of 30 id: agripreneur-1957 author: Syahri, Indriani Yunita title: THE EFFECT OF LEADERSHIP STYLE ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN PURE PALM COOPERATIVE (Case Study: Tenggulun Village, Aceh Tamiang Regency) date: 2020-12-30 words: 2972 flesch: 54 summary: 50-57 Journal homepage: Published by: IOCSCIENCE Agripreneur : Jurnal Pertanian Agribisnis Journal homepage: THE EFFECT OF LEADERSHIP STYLE ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN PURE PALM COOPERATIVE (Case Study: Tenggulun Village, Aceh Tamiang Regency) Indriani Yunita Syahri Agribusiness Study Program Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra, Medan 20155, Indonesia Abstract The purpose of this study was to describe employee performance, applied leadership style and to analyze the influence of leadership style on employee performance at Koperasi Sawit Murni in Tenggulun Village, Aceh Tamiang Regency. keywords: aceh; agripreneur; authoritarian; cooperative; dan; data; democratic; distribution; employee; gaya; influence; issn; jurnal; karyawan; kepemimpinan; kinerja; leadership; leadership style; oil; palm; palm oil; performance; pure; pure palm; research; respondents; results; sawit; statement; study; style; subordinates; table; tamiang; tenggulun; village; work cache: agripreneur-1957.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1957.txt item: #19 of 30 id: agripreneur-1958 author: Nainggolan, Trisya Hongsiana title: CAPITAL CAPABILITY ANALYSIS OF COFFEE BUSINESS (Case Study: Sitolu Bahal Village, Lintongnihuta District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency) date: 2020-12-30 words: 3146 flesch: 55 summary: Abstract This study aims to analyze the social and economic characteristics of coffee farmers, the annual capital requirements of each coffee farmer, methods and sources of capital procurement for coffee farmers, the amount of allocation of funds received by farmers from their income for further farming capital, as well as the role of the government in strengthening the capital of coffee farmers in Indonesia. Fixed costs are costs that must be paid by farmers in a year and do not change with the increase or decrease in coffee production consisting of land rent costs, equipment depreciation costs, and PBB costs. keywords: agribisnis; agricultural; agripreneur; area; average; bahal; bahal village; cabbage; capital; characteristics; chili; coffee; corn; costs; data; district; economic; education; farmers; farming; formal; hasundutan; humbang; income; issn; jakarta; land; level; lintongnihuta; ownership; pertanian; production; regency; research; sample; sample farmers; sector; sitolu; sitolu bahal; source; study; table; total; village; year cache: agripreneur-1958.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1958.txt item: #20 of 30 id: agripreneur-1959 author: Wardanti, Septi title: THE ROLE OF AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION ON THE PRODUCTIVITY OF ARABICA COFFEE FARMERS (Case: Sait Buttu Saribu Village, Pematang Sidamanik District, Simalungun Regency) date: 2020-12-30 words: 2974 flesch: 48 summary: Agricultural extension workers focus their eyes on people (communities) who are involved in life in agriculture. Agricultural extension workers have a tough task in empowering farmers to increase productivity to the maximum but must still be carried out seriously. keywords: activities; agribisnis; agricultural; agripreneur; arabica; buttu; case; coffee; counselor; dalam; dan; description; district; extension; facilities; farmers; important; increase; issn; items; jurnal; kabupaten; measure; obstacles; pematang; penyuluh; pertanian; production; productivity; regency; research; results; role; sait; sample; saribu; sidamanik; simalungun; study; table; utara; valid; validity; village; workers cache: agripreneur-1959.pdf plain text: agripreneur-1959.txt item: #21 of 30 id: agripreneur-2318 author: Jamir, Chubakumzuk title: ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC GINGER FARMING IN LONGLENG DISTRICT: A CASE STUDY PONGO, YONGNYAH, YONGAM AND BHUMNYU VILLAGE date: 2022-07-01 words: 5478 flesch: 54 summary: Lack of finance, inadequate farm inputs, storage facilities and high cost of labour are identified as the primary constraints to organic ginger production in the region. The estimated coefficients of Cobb - Douglas production function showed that seed, labour and number of years for crop rotation were the significant factors for organic ginger production. keywords: agriculture; agripreneur; analysis; area; average; bcr; benefit; bhumnyu; c.k; capital; case; cobb; cost; crop; cultivation; district; douglas; economic; ezung; farmers; farming; ginger; ginger cultivation; ginger farming; ginger production; green; gross; growth; income; inputs; issn; jamir; journal; june; labour; land; level; longleng; management; manure; nagaland; officinale; organic; organic ginger; planting; pongo; poverty; print; production; productivity; ratio; region; research; return; rhizomes; rotation; science; seed; significant; source; study; table; total; use; value; village; years; yield; yongam; yongnyah; zingiber cache: agripreneur-2318.pdf plain text: agripreneur-2318.txt item: #22 of 30 id: agripreneur-2350 author: Pujiono, Tri title: ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTION RISK AND INCOME OF SWEET CORN FARMING IN CAMPAGAYA VILLAGE, GALESONG DISTRICT, TAKALAR date: 2022-07-01 words: 2643 flesch: 66 summary: The data used to analyze the risk of sweet corn farmers is production data from the income of sweet corn farming during the harvest season. Risk analysis in sweet corn farming No Uraian Jumlah (Kg) 1 Rata-Rata Produksi (Kg) 2.950 2 Standar Deviasi (Kg) 51,64 3 Koefisien Variasi (CV) 0,017 Based on table 6 above, it shows that the average production of sweet corn farmers is 2.950 Kg/Ha/Year. keywords: analysis; area; average; biaya; campagaya; coefficient; corn; corn farming; costs; dan; data; district; farmers; farming; galesong; income; jakarta; jurnal; pertanian; production; produksi; rata; recipients; regency; research; results; risk; study; sweet; sweet corn; table; takalar; total; uraian; variable; variation; village; weeds; year cache: agripreneur-2350.pdf plain text: agripreneur-2350.txt item: #23 of 30 id: agripreneur-2514 author: Gujong, Andi Gujong Rusli title: IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON VEGETABLE BUSINESS INCOME IN PATTINOANG VILLAGE, GALESONG DISTRICT TAKALAR DISTRICT date: 2022-07-01 words: 3423 flesch: 56 summary: This shows that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted, which means that there is a significant difference between the average income of vegetable farmers before and during Covid-19, while the difference in vegetable farming income before Covid-19 is IDR 935,495.00 and vegetable farming income in the previous year. In contrast to the revenue before the Covid-19 pandemic, the income obtained by vegetable farming farmers decreased, the receipt of vegetable farmers during the Covid-19 pandemic was Rp. 1,122,833, which was obtained from the total receipts of kale and spinach vegetables. keywords: acceptance; activities; agribisnis; agricultural; analysis; average; business; cost; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; dan; data; description; difference; district; fakultas; farmers; farming; form; galesong; galesong district; impact; income; jurnal; kabupaten; kale; kecamatan; pandemic; pattinoang; pattinoang village; pertanian; price; production; regency; research; results; revenue; sample; sector; spinach; study; takalar; takalar regency; test; total; universitas; usahatani; vegetable; vegetable farming; village cache: agripreneur-2514.pdf plain text: agripreneur-2514.txt item: #24 of 30 id: agripreneur-2515 author: Wahid, Saenal title: FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS OF PATCHOULI BUSINESS IN LERE VILLAGE BASALA DISTRICT KONAWE SELATAN REGENCY date: 2022-07-01 words: 4066 flesch: 63 summary: Total Costs Expended by Patchouli Farmers in Lere Village, Basala District, South Konawe Regency No Description Amount ( 3.11 Revenue Cost Ratio Revenue cost ratio is a feasibility analysis test with a comparison between total income and total costs incurred. keywords: agro; agroindustry; analysis; average; basala district; bep; business; costs; data; dependents; district konawe; education; experience; family; farmers; feasibility; income; industry; jakarta; konawe; konawe regency; lere village; level; number; oil; patchouli; patchouli farmers; people; percentage; pertanian; price; production; regency; respondents; revenue; source; south; south konawe; table; total; variable; village basala cache: agripreneur-2515.pdf plain text: agripreneur-2515.txt item: #25 of 30 id: agripreneur-2568 author: Risa, Arisa title: ADOPTION OF FARMERS' INNOVATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ONION BUSINESS IN KAYU LOE VILLAGE, BANTAENG DISTRICT, BANTAENG REGENCY date: 2022-06-30 words: 4850 flesch: 48 summary: 2.5 Data analysis technique The data analysis carried out is descriptive analysis using quantitative and qualitative data originating from the application of extension methods to shallot farmers in Kayu Loe Village, Bantaeng District, Bantaeng Regency. Currently 3 Increased yields obtained from the application of onion planting 2.21 Currently Judging from the results of the research that has been carried out on the adoption of shallot farmers in Kayu Loe Village, Bantaeng District, Bantaeng Regency, it can be seen the comparison of the adoption stages in table 6 below Based on the results of the study below, the adoption stage of agricultural extension on shallot cultivation in Kayu Loe Village from the interest stage of 2.13, trying 2.28 and receiving 2.18 was included in the medium category because farmers did not adopt new things conveyed by the extension workers. keywords: activities; adoption; agricultural; agricultural extension; average; awareness; bantaeng; bantaeng district; bantaeng regency; behavior; category; changes; classified; community; cultivation; dan; data; development; district; extension; extension workers; farmers; farming; high; ideas; information; innovation; interest; jurnal; kayu; kayu loe; knowledge; level; loe; loe village; medium; moderate; new; onion; onion planting; pertanian; planting; production; regency; research; respondent; results; shallots; stage; table; tall; teknologi; things; value; village; vol; workers cache: agripreneur-2568.pdf plain text: agripreneur-2568.txt item: #26 of 30 id: agripreneur-3418 author: Alam, Bahrul title: ANALYSIS OF MARKETING MIX FACTORS AFFECTING THE PURCHASE DECISION OF HYBRID CORN SEEDS BISI-2 (Case Study in Pelem Village, Pare District, Kediri Regency) date: 2022-12-30 words: 4785 flesch: 61 summary: Meanwhile, retailers who are the final liaison between the company's products and the end consumers are the right partners for companies to work together to distribute goods such as BISI-2 hybrid corn seed products. for BISI-2 hybrid corn seed products including activities for farmers. keywords: agree; agripreneur; analysis; bisi-2; calculation; case; company; consumers; corn; corn seeds; correlation; data; decision; demand; disagree; distribution; district; factor; farmers; greater; hybrid; hybrid corn; indicator; information; instrument; issn; items; jakarta; kediri; marketing; marketing mix; mix; online; pare; pelem; price; primary; print; product; promotion; purchase; regency; reliability; research; respondent; results; seeds; source; study; table; test; valid; validity; value; variables; village cache: agripreneur-3418.pdf plain text: agripreneur-3418.txt item: #27 of 30 id: agripreneur-3419 author: Aji, Taufan Rahmadi title: EFFECT OF GIVING SILVER BLACK PLASTIC MULCH ON 14 GENOTICS OF LONG BEANS (Vigna sesquipedalis) date: 2022-12-30 words: 4106 flesch: 68 summary: Planting plant peanut long already enter season drought, so that gift water need done be careful possible. h. Amount pod per cluster, counted from total pod planting shared with total cluster per plant. keywords: agripreneur; analysis; attack; aura; average; bean; black; bnt; cluster; dan; difference; effect; flowering; genotype; gift; harvest; hst; influence; interaction; issn; jurnal; land; level; long; mulch; mulching; number; online; peanut; pertanian; planting; plants; plastic; plot; pod; pod planting; pods; potency; print; real; results; seed; silver; study; table; test; total; total pod; treatment; ub7022; ub7074; ub7109; use; variable; variety; water; week; weight; yield cache: agripreneur-3419.pdf plain text: agripreneur-3419.txt item: #28 of 30 id: agripreneur-3424 author: Abror, Satria Fathan title: ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE, BEHAVIOR AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SEAWEED DODOL AGROINDUSTRY MARKET IN LEKOK DISTRICT, PASURUAN REGENCY date: 2022-12-30 words: 3571 flesch: 52 summary: The result of this research shows that there is a close relationship between the structure, the behavior, and the performance of seaweed dodol agro industry market. The structure of seaweed dodol agro industry market in Pasuruan regency belongs to monopolistic market. keywords: agencies; agro; agroindustry; analysis; behavior; company; costs; dan; data; differentiation; district; dodol; ekonomi; functions; higher; indonesia; industry; information; lekok; location; margin; market; market structure; marketing; materials; method; mica; packaging; pasuruan; performance; pertanian; price; pricing; producers; production; products; quality; raw; regency; relationship; research; sari; seaweed; seaweed dodol; share; structure; study; superior cache: agripreneur-3424.pdf plain text: agripreneur-3424.txt item: #29 of 30 id: agripreneur-3425 author: A’mal, Sholihul title: EFFECT OF DOSAGE AND INTERVAL OF GLYPHOSATE AND OXYFLUORPHEN HERBICIDE ON THE GROWTH AND RESULTS OF SOYBEAN (Glicyne max L. Merr) date: 2022-12-30 words: 3577 flesch: 63 summary: Factor II (application time interval): H1: glyphosate and oxyfluorfen mixed, H2: oxyfluorfen herbicide spraying followed by glyphosate herbicide without time interval, H3: spraying oxyfluorfen herbicide one day later followed by glyphosate herbicide. Average plant height as a result of the percentage dose treatment of glyphosate herbicide + oxyfluorfen herbicide and the time interval of spraying at 60 and 75 hst. keywords: analysis; average; dan; day; different; doses; dry; duncan; effect; glyphosate herbicide; growth; gulma; herbicide; herbicide doses; herbicide p3; hst; interaction; interval; leaves; level; mixing; number; observation; oxyfluorfen herbicide; oxyfluorphen; percentage; plant; results; soybean; spraying; test; time; time interval; total; treatment; ujd; weeds; weight; yield cache: agripreneur-3425.pdf plain text: agripreneur-3425.txt item: #30 of 30 id: agripreneur-3426 author: Anisa, Isma Mutiara title: INCOME ANALYSIS OF RICE FARMING BUSINESS (ORYZA SATIVA L.)(Case Study: Legal Sustainable Gapoktan in Sukaresmi Village, District Megamendung, Bogor Regency, West Java Province) date: 2022-12-30 words: 1907 flesch: 53 summary: The Feasibility of Lowland Rice Farming in the Official Lestari Gapoktan To see the success and feasibility of a business run by paddy rice farmers, the Gapoktan Official Lestari is still not enough when viewed from the value of income obtained from the difference between revenue and total costs using the B/C Ratio and Break Event Point The B/C ratio is a measure of the comparison between income and the total costs incurred in running paddy rice farming at the Legal Lestari Gapoktan while the Break Even Point (BEP) is the break even point because at that point the income of paddy rice farming is the same as the capital spent on production and price and Payback Period is an analysis used to determine the period of return on investment that has been issued by paddy rice respondent farmers during production which is obtained from a comparison of investment value with income. 4. Conclusion Based on the results of the discussion in the study Sawah Farming of Gapoktan Official Lestari it can be concluded that the farming costs incurred by paddy rice farmers of Gapoktan Official Lestari are Rp. 157,572,040 for a land area of 14.1 ha on 30 farmers, consisting of fixed costs Rp. 39,125,000 and a variable cost of Rp. 118,447,040 while the farming income obtained by paddy rice farmers from Gapoktan Official Lestari comes from the receipt of proceeds from the sale of paddy rice production which is already in the form of rice amounting to Rp. 560,718,000 when deducted by the total cost of Rp. 157,572,040, so the income of paddy rice farming is IDR 403,145,960, so it can be said that it is still on a balanced scale, even experiencing profits and experiencing a return on capital within 12 days. keywords: agribisnis; analysis; bogor; civet; coffee; costs; dan; data; depreciation; farmers; farming; food; gapoktan; gapoktan official; income; jakarta; legal; lestari; lowland; megamendung; official; official lestari; paddy; paddy rice; pertanian; point; production; quantitative; ratio; research; rice; rice farming; study; sukaresmi; total; usahatani; variable; village cache: agripreneur-3426.pdf plain text: agripreneur-3426.txt