item: #1 of 101 id: ajis01-1015 author: Rahman, Fadhlu; Amarulloh, Anas; Supriatna, Fitri Siska title: Building a Civilization Base on Spiritual Values: Learning from the Struggle of Husain date: 2019-12-09 words: 7278 flesch: 63 summary: In these circumstances al-Husain gave sparks of spiritual consciousness. Husain has succeeded in teaching his people to build an ideal civilization in his followers as well as him, because the relationship between God and Man (his people and himself) has merged into one consciousness or so-called Sufis as al-fana51. keywords: civilization; coomaraswamy; god; human; husain; sacrifice; sayyidina; self; soul; spiritual; values cache: ajis01-1015.pdf plain text: ajis01-1015.txt item: #2 of 101 id: ajis01-1318 author: Azam, Azam title: The Irony Approach in the Qur'an: Mustansir Mir's Perspective date: 2020-06-15 words: 9971 flesch: 68 summary: Potiphar (Aziz) refused to believe his wife’s accusations against the Prophet Joseph. Then he rebuked Prophet Joseph and asked him to forget the whole incident. keywords: bible; brothers; dan; god; interpretation; irony; islamic; jacob; joseph; mir; mustansir; mustansir mir; page; prophet; prophet joseph; qur’an; story; studies; study; tafsir; tafsir al cache: ajis01-1318.pdf plain text: ajis01-1318.txt item: #3 of 101 id: ajis01-132 author: Ridwan, Rifanto bin title: Tabot Festival of Bengkulu and Local Wisdoms date: 2016-12-31 words: 5134 flesch: 65 summary: Kajian Tradisi Tabot Bengkulu, Jakarta: Penamadani, 2008. Ibrahim Mustofa, al-Mu’jam al-Wasith, Istanbul: Al-Maktabah Al-Islamiyyah, 2002. In the construction of 4 Rizki Handayani, Dinamika Kultural Tabot Bengkulu (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah), p. 141. keywords: abi; abi talib; ali bin; bengkulu; bin; dan; festival; hussein bin; shia; tabot; talib cache: ajis01-132.pdf plain text: ajis01-132.txt item: #4 of 101 id: ajis01-133 author: Hayati, Ilda title: Women's Leadership in Islamic Perspective date: 2016-12-31 words: 6065 flesch: 72 summary: I,juz 4, h. 263 7 Abi Abdurrahman Ahmad bin Syu’aib bin ‘Ali bin Bahar An-Nasai, Sunan An-Nasai; Syarah Hafiz Jalaluddin al Suyuthi, (Beirut: Dar al Kutub al Ilmiyah, 1421/2000), Jilid IV Juz VIII, h. 227 8 Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Musnad Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, (Bairut : Muassasah Risalah, 1995),juz 24 hal.43 166 | AJIS: Dar al Kutub al Ilmiyah), Jilid IV Juz VIII, 1421/2000 Qardawi, Yusuf dalam Fatawa Muashirah. keywords: abi; abu; ahmad; beirut; bin; bukhari; dar; dar al; hadith; history; ibn; islamic; juz; leadership; muhammad; nasai; prophet; sanad; state; women; على cache: ajis01-133.pdf plain text: ajis01-133.txt item: #5 of 101 id: ajis01-134 author: Muntaqo, Rifqi; Siswanto, Siswanto title: Theological Approach in Islamic Studies date: 2016-12-31 words: 4720 flesch: 53 summary: (QS Ali Imran 18-19) The concept of Islamic theology is tawhid, and in Islam, theological concept or Aqidah Tauhid indeed is the basis of a system of teachings of Islam itself, therefore, the concept of tawhid is not only relevant to the issues of theology alone, but also related to anthropology, cosmology, aksilogy and culture. Furthermore, in Islamic studies focused on the concept of Islamic philosophy, Islamic theology can receive the plurality of theology only at the level of conception, perception and language (name of God). keywords: approach; god; islam; islamic; religion; studies; teachings; theology; understanding cache: ajis01-134.pdf plain text: ajis01-134.txt item: #6 of 101 id: ajis01-135 author: Edyar, Busman title: Islamic Dynamics in Indonesia date: 2016-12-31 words: 9491 flesch: 49 summary: If Al-Quran and Sunnah 39 Fachry Ali, Keharusan Demokratisasi Dalam Islam Indonesia dalam Nasrullah Ali- Fauzi, (Ed), ICMI : Gema Insani Pers, 2001), Cet, II Azra, Azyumardi, Islam, State and Religious Pluralism in Southeast Asia, Makalah dipresentasikan dalam Congress of German Orientalist, Munster, Germany, 23-27 September 2013 ---------------------, Islam Nusantara: Islam Indonesia, Republika, 25 Juni 2015 Chaidar, Al, Wacana Ideologi Negara Islam, (Jakarta : Darul Falah, 1999), Cet. keywords: dan; government; indonesia; islam; islam dan; islam indonesia; islamic; jakarta; law; life; muslims; negara; order; pki; religion; state cache: ajis01-135.pdf plain text: ajis01-135.txt item: #7 of 101 id: ajis01-1351 author: Saragih, Hendra Maujana; Surya, Esca Hutama Prayogo; Islamiah, Syifa Nur title: Indonesia’s Effort to Improve Islamic Images in The United States During 2009-2017: A Case Study of Interfaith Dialogue date: 2020-06-15 words: 7371 flesch: 52 summary: 11 Furthermore, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as president of Indonesia made a statement to create a foreign policy of moderate Islamic Indonesia. “Kebijakan Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat Terhadap Program Nuklir Iran,” Skripsi, Universitas Indonesia, 2009. keywords: countries; country; dialogue; diplomacy; foreign; image; indonesia; interfaith; international; islam; policy; relations; states; united; united states; vol; world cache: ajis01-1351.pdf plain text: ajis01-1351.txt item: #8 of 101 id: ajis01-136 author: Zuhri, Zuhri title: Islamic Studies in Sumatera: Prospects and Challenges date: 2016-12-31 words: 6586 flesch: 47 summary: Examining about Sumatera Islamic studies means stringing, framing, and tracing its roots which grow Islamic studies and characteristics that became the special of Islamic studies Sumatra. Therefore, in every investigation about Islamic studies at any particular region, on the title of the article indicates word in, as does the article entitled Islamic Studies in Italy6, and the Oriental and Islamic Studies in Hungary: A Communication,.7 In this context, Sumatera is not just the place, Sumatera was built as an identity that does not need the word in when investigating about Sumatera Islamic studies. keywords: context; history; indonesia; islamic; journal; process; religion; studies; study; sumatera; vol; zuhri cache: ajis01-136.pdf plain text: ajis01-136.txt item: #9 of 101 id: ajis01-137 author: None title: AJIS: Academic Journal of Islamic Studies date: None words: 493 flesch: 42 summary: Abstract views : 206 times Nurus Shalihin PDF 195-236 Human Rights and Democracy in Islamic Perspective DOI : 10.29240/ajis.v7i2.5500 | Abstract views : 2 times Ai Fitri Nurlatifah, Rossje V Saputri PDF 283-306 Respect For The Red White Flag in The Understanding of Syataryah and Muhammadiyah Communities: A Comparative Study DOI : 10.29240/ajis.v7i2.5483 | keywords: ajis; journal; studies cache: ajis01-137.htm plain text: ajis01-137.txt item: #10 of 101 id: ajis01-1370 author: Fahmi, Reza; Fulnandra, Dila; Aswirna, Prima title: The Relationship of Positive Thinking and Forgiving Behavior in Student’s Friendship date: 2020-06-15 words: 3572 flesch: 54 summary: Grounded in theforegoing condition as regards positive thinking and forgiving behavior, this research scrutinized whether there is a relationship between positive thinkingand forgiving behavior in friendshipamong the students who lived in Heler (the dormitory). Hence, it can be concluded that the scale of positive thinking scale data is normally distributed, and the behavior scale of forgiveness data is also normally distributed. keywords: behavior; boarding; data; forgiving; level; relationship; scale; students; study; thinking; vol cache: ajis01-1370.pdf plain text: ajis01-1370.txt item: #11 of 101 id: ajis01-1373 author: Istiqomah, Himatul; Sholeh, Muhammad Ihsan title: The Concept of Buraq in the Events of Isra’ Mi'raj: Literature and Physics Perspective date: 2020-06-15 words: 5461 flesch: 73 summary: It is about the Buraq figure,which is known as a mount ofthe Prophet Muhammad PBUH. tm = time taken by Prophet Muhammad PBUH for Mi’raj. keywords: buraq; dalam; dan; event; gabriel; isra; istiqomah; jurnal; knowledge; mi’raj; muhammad; nabi; pbuh; people; peristiwa; prophet; studies cache: ajis01-1373.pdf plain text: ajis01-1373.txt item: #12 of 101 id: ajis01-1379 author: Amin, Shodiqul; Ambarwati, Susi title: The Concept of Dzikir by Abdul Rauf Singkel in the Tanbih al-Masyi Book date: 2020-06-15 words: 5008 flesch: 73 summary: Allah hu Allah, Allah hu Allah hu. In his teaching, he taught dzikir by explaining five kinds of it, namely illa Allah, Allah Allah, huwahuwa, hu keywords: abdul; abdul rauf; allah; book; dzikir; heart; masyi; page; people; rauf; singkel; soul; sufi; tanbih cache: ajis01-1379.pdf plain text: ajis01-1379.txt item: #13 of 101 id: ajis01-1478 author: Harmi, Hendra; Asha, Lukman; Yumiarty, Yuyun title: Students, Radicalism, and Entrepreneurship (A Case Study at IAIN Curup) date: 2020-12-20 words: 3183 flesch: 52 summary: Findings A nd Discu ssio n Understanding of radicalism among IAIN Curup students Radical understanding among the students of IAIN Curup is generally affiliated with religious radical understanding. Inviting the experts of radicalism understanding in some agendas such as coffee mornings, dialogues, and seminars with related parties at the campus. keywords: curup; iain; islam; pendidikan; radicalism; students; vol cache: ajis01-1478.pdf plain text: ajis01-1478.txt item: #14 of 101 id: ajis01-165 author: Edyar, Busman title: Religious Radicalism , Jihad, And Terrorism date: 2017-06-30 words: 9103 flesch: 54 summary: According to Jamhari, radical Islam is a group that has a high ideological belief and fanatical that they strive to replace the order of values and systems that are underway. This condition became the basis for radical Islamic groups in the fight against the Western and its symbols. keywords: allah; attitude; dalam; dan; group; indonesia; islam; islamic; jakarta; jihad; meaning; movement; muslims; pendidikan; people; radical; radicalism; religion; struggle; studies; understanding; violence; vol; war; western cache: ajis01-165.pdf plain text: ajis01-165.txt item: #15 of 101 id: ajis01-166 author: Shalihin, Nurus title: Understanding The Radicalism Movement In Indonesia: A Conflict Approach to the Rise of Terrorism date: 2017-06-30 words: 8701 flesch: 56 summary: The movement-a movement known as Islamic terrorism, was as strong as President George W. Bush's speech: Bush's statement on Islamic terrorism is a sign that Islam is soon under attack. keywords: actions; acts; attacks; conflict; fact; group; ibid; indonesia; islamic; jakarta; jihad; movement; muslim; new; radicalism; suicide; terrorism; understanding; vol cache: ajis01-166.pdf plain text: ajis01-166.txt item: #16 of 101 id: ajis01-167 author: None title: AJIS: Academic Journal of Islamic Studies date: None words: 493 flesch: 42 summary: Abstract views : 206 times Nurus Shalihin PDF 195-236 Human Rights and Democracy in Islamic Perspective DOI : 10.29240/ajis.v7i2.5500 | Abstract views : 2 times Ai Fitri Nurlatifah, Rossje V Saputri PDF 283-306 Respect For The Red White Flag in The Understanding of Syataryah and Muhammadiyah Communities: A Comparative Study DOI : 10.29240/ajis.v7i2.5483 | keywords: ajis; journal; studies cache: ajis01-167.htm plain text: ajis01-167.txt item: #17 of 101 id: ajis01-168 author: Kusen, Kusen title: Islamic Religious Learning In Providing Understanding Of Radical Hazards Based On Affection Approach (Study on Islamic religious Subjects at Junior High School) date: 2017-06-30 words: 8371 flesch: 43 summary: Preventive Strategy towards the Development of Radicalism Understanding through the Role of islamic religious Learning in Public School There are several strategies or ways of preventing the development of radicalism through islamic religious learning in public schools, among them the redesigning of islamic religious curriculum in junior high school which is now born character education curriculum. The form of islamic religious curriculum should no longer be aimed at individual learners according to their religion, but collectively and based on common interests.22 keywords: curriculum; dan; education; high; human; indonesia; islam; learners; learning; life; radicalism; religion; school; students; studies; teachers; understanding cache: ajis01-168.pdf plain text: ajis01-168.txt item: #18 of 101 id: ajis01-169 author: Muhajir, Muhajir title: Islamic Education in the Obstruction of Religious Radicalism (Reflection on Epistemology-Methodology) date: 2017-06-30 words: 4114 flesch: 47 summary: Islamic education in particular, is forced to constantly adapt to the existing phenomena arising in society. Meanwhile, the philosophy of Islamic education will only be improved upon clear and established basic assumptions about human being either as individual or as part of society, their relation with the environment, the universe, the hereafter and God the creator. keywords: agama; curriculum; dalam; dan; education; indonesia; institutions; islamic; jakarta; pendidikan; schools; sciences; studies; system; vol; yogyakarta cache: ajis01-169.pdf plain text: ajis01-169.txt item: #19 of 101 id: ajis01-1816 author: Selamat, Kasmuri title: Integral-Universal Education: Analysis of M. Natsir’s Thoughts on Islamic Education date: 2020-12-20 words: 5497 flesch: 57 summary: The secondary data are solicited from the written works of others about M. Natsir, Dakwah dan Pemikirannya by Thohir Luth; Natsir, Politik Santun Di antara Dua Rezim by the KFG team of writers, M. Natsir Sebuah Biografi by Aji Rosidi, M. Natsir 70 According to Natsir, education must be taught to learners as the capital in facing life as the best creation of God and as the khalifah fi al-ardh (leaders and posperity agents on earth) (M. Natsir, 1954: 83). keywords: arabic; bandung; concept; dan; education; indonesian; islamic; jakarta; life; m. natsir; natsir; persis; school; universal; vol cache: ajis01-1816.pdf plain text: ajis01-1816.txt item: #20 of 101 id: ajis01-1836 author: Bello, Mufutau Olusola title: The Islamic Injunction on Hijab: The Practice and The Dynamics of The Agitation for The Adoption of The Use of Hijab in The State date: 2020-12-31 words: 4704 flesch: 63 summary: It is noteworthy to say that the intervention of Ekiti State government to come out with an agreed dress code for Muslim students in public schools is novel in the south western part of Nigeria. Keywords: Hijab, Ekiti State, Islamic Injuction Introduct io n Ekiti State was created out of Ondo State on 1st of October, 1996.other states that were created alongside with Ekiti are Bayelsa, Ebonyi, Nasarawa, Gombe and Zamfara.1 Ekiti, meaning “hilly country side” is bounded by Osun 1 Ekiti State Government, Ekiti State Annual and Who’s Who (Lagos: Medujet Publications, 1999), 13. keywords: dress; ekiti; ekiti state; government; hijāb; islamic; muslim; nigeria; state cache: ajis01-1836.pdf plain text: ajis01-1836.txt item: #21 of 101 id: ajis01-1859 author: Khair, Nurul; Halimah, Siti; Salsabila, Siti Hadaynayah title: The Interpretation of Anthropomorphic Verses in the View of Muhammad Husain Thabathabai date: 2020-12-20 words: 8916 flesch: 61 summary: Because, the existence of the sun which organized by Him who had the highest position compare to tiny and weak human being.34 Mahmud Yunus view is in accordance with Ibn Katsir interpretation which also interpret the word istiwā by means reside by quoting the view of the Salafian figure Salafus Salih, such as Imam Malik, Auza’i, ats-Tsauri, al-Laits bin Sa’ad, asy-Syafi’i, and Ishaq bin Rahawaih by letting the interpretation and understanding of the word istiwā as been 32 Naser Makarem Shirazi, Tafsir Al Amtsal Fi Tafsir Kitabillah Al-Manzil, vol. 61 37 Naser Makarem Shirazi, Tafsir Al Amtsal Fi Tafsir Kitabillah Al-Manzil, vol. keywords: existence; god; husain; interpretation; jurnal; meaning; muhammad; page; qur’an; tafsir; tafsir al; takwil; thabathabai; verses; vol; word cache: ajis01-1859.pdf plain text: ajis01-1859.txt item: #22 of 101 id: ajis01-1915 author: Zulham, Muhammad; Saragih, Hendra Maujana; Thamrin, Suyono; Silitonga, Tatar Bonar title: Turkey's Involvement in the Syrian Conflict from a Defense Management Perspective date: 2020-12-20 words: 6998 flesch: 53 summary: Together with President Erdogan’s ambitions, these developments may have accelerated his decision to re- initiate talks with the imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Okara while attacking the PKK positions in southeastern Turkey. When the Syrian crisis broke out, Turkey's foreign policy doctrine that gave priority to the region also promoted Turkish policy. keywords: assad; conflict; country; defense; government; interests; management; national; policy; security; syria; turkey; turkish; vol cache: ajis01-1915.pdf plain text: ajis01-1915.txt item: #23 of 101 id: ajis01-1947 author: Ramadhan, Riskiansyah title: Securitization of Islam: A Case of Muslims in Cyprus date: 2020-12-31 words: 6936 flesch: 50 summary: 27 Robert Holland, British and the revolt in Cyprus 1954-1959, Oxford: Carlendon Press (1998), p. 8 28 Stavroula Philippou, What Makes Cyprus European? The 18 Anadolu Agency, Arson attack staged on mosque in Greek Cyprus, leaders condemn assault, Hurriyet Daily News. keywords: constitution; country; cypriot; cyprus; discrimination; greek; islam; island; june; muslims; roc; studies cache: ajis01-1947.pdf plain text: ajis01-1947.txt item: #24 of 101 id: ajis01-1959 author: Mahliatussikah, Hanik; Istiqomah, Himatul title: Repetition in Surah al-Fath: (Qur’anic Stylistic Studies) date: 2020-12-20 words: 7439 flesch: 68 summary: Thirdly, syntax repetition in Surah al-Fath was found in five types, namely word repetition, phrase repetition, clause repetition, and sentence repetition. 4) the most common type of syntax repetition is word repetition as partial reduplication. keywords: assonance; dan; fath; journal; mesodiplosis; phrase; reduplication; repetition; repetition repetition; rhyme; surah; surah al; table; types; verse; word repetition; نَْ; وَْ cache: ajis01-1959.pdf plain text: ajis01-1959.txt item: #25 of 101 id: ajis01-2091 author: Gunawan, Guntur; Lestari, Ayunia title: Al-Ghazali's Thoughts on Education and Its Relevance to Islamic Education in the Millennial Era date: 2021-06-10 words: 5154 flesch: 54 summary: Islamic Education Resources According to Hasan Langgulung, sources of Islamic education in the millennial era are the Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah. 26 Meanwhile, according to Sa'id Ismail Ali, the sources of Islamic education consist of 6 kinds: Al-Qur'an, As-Sunnah, Words of Friends (Shahabih Madhhab), Community/social benefit (mashalil almursalah), Tradition or people's customs ('uruf), and the experts’ thoughts in Islam (ijtihad). From the explanation above, there are different ways of delivering Islamic education methods, in which the Islamic education method in the millennial era is delivered in a varied way and follows the times. keywords: children; curriculum; education; era; ghazali; islamic; millennial; pendidikan; thoughts cache: ajis01-2091.pdf plain text: ajis01-2091.txt item: #26 of 101 id: ajis01-2168 author: Nasrudin, Muhamad; Mukti, Digdo Aji; Nashirudin, Ahmad; Maliki, Ibnu Akbar title: The Implementation of Hadits on Dzikir and Ihsan: a Living Hadith Study on the Manaqiban Tradition in Majelis Dzikir Al-Khidmah Lampung date: 2021-06-09 words: 9306 flesch: 63 summary: “Peran Majelis Dzikir Al Khidmah Dalam Mengembangkan Kecerdasan Spiritual (Studi Pada Jamaah Majelis Dzikir Mahasiswa Al Khidmah Kota Salatiga 2016).” Al Khidmah Kecamatan Tingkir Kota Salatiga Tahun 2013” (Thesis, IAIN SALATIGA, 2013), 15 Lailatul Janah, “Peran Majelis Dzikir Al Khidmah Dalam Mengembangkan Kecerdasan Spiritual (Studi Pada Jamaah Majelis Dzikir Mahasiswa Al Khidmah Kota Salatiga 2016)” keywords: al khidmah; allah; assembly; character; congregation; dalam; dan; dzikir; dzikir al; hadith; ihsan; islamic; jurnal; khidmah; lampung; living; majelis; majelis dzikir; manaqib; murshid; people; tarekat cache: ajis01-2168.pdf plain text: ajis01-2168.txt item: #27 of 101 id: ajis01-2328 author: Yumiarty, Yuyun; Komalasari, Bakti; Kristiawan, Muhammad title: The Urgency of Learning the History of Islamic Culture: Digital Literation Based date: 2021-06-09 words: 4466 flesch: 47 summary: It corresponds to the findings of Jayawardana's study, which reveals that digital learning has numerous benefits, including the ability to increase student learning activities, promote student learning motivation, increase student creativity, and train students in the proper use of digital devices, especially gadgets. Mastery in digital literacy will improve the performance, facilitation, and strength of educational processes and outcomes. keywords: digital; history; islamic; jurnal; learning; literacy; pembelajaran; sejarah; ski; students; teachers; video cache: ajis01-2328.pdf plain text: ajis01-2328.txt item: #28 of 101 id: ajis01-245 author: Naim, Ngainun title: The Development of Islamic Study Through The Study of Figures: Significance and Methodology date: 2017-12-25 words: 6297 flesch: 51 summary: This article describes the role of figure studies in Islamic studies. This means that character studies are part of Islamic studies. keywords: character; dan; development; figures; islamic; methodology; research; studies; study; thought; yogyakarta cache: ajis01-245.pdf plain text: ajis01-245.txt item: #29 of 101 id: ajis01-2555 author: Idris, Muhammad; Putra, Alven title: The Roles of Islamic Educational Institutions in Religious Moderation date: 2021-06-09 words: 8900 flesch: 48 summary: Islamic educational institutions, which have been around for a long time, are educational institutions that grow and develop in tandem with Islamic life in general. This study aims at revealing the participation of Islamic education institutions in religious moderation and what Islamic educational institutions do to build religious moderation in Indonesia. keywords: dan; education; education institutions; environment; family; formal; goals; institutions; islam; islamic; jakarta; learning; moderasi; moderation; pendidikan; pendidikan islam; role; school; students cache: ajis01-2555.pdf plain text: ajis01-2555.txt item: #30 of 101 id: ajis01-2581 author: Saragih, Hendra Maujana; Wulandari, Meinita Hasya Eka; Issundari, Sri title: The Power of Turkey Diplomacy in Transfer of Function of Hagia Sophia to be a Mosque date: 2021-06-09 words: 6079 flesch: 44 summary: Erdogan's actions, influenced by his life background, finally realized diplomacy in the form of Islamization in the form of changing the function of Istanbul's holy building, the Hagia Sophia, into a mosque while strengthening Erdogan's influence and Turkey's position in the international political arena, thus changing the direction of domestic policy as well as Turkish foreign policy despite steps This is also considered a controversial one-sided decision and poses a potential threat to peace in one's own country. Keywords: Erdogan, Turkey, Hagia Sophia, Diplomacy Introduct io n International relations is about every event in the world that occurs across national boundaries and is constructed so that it becomes a series of studies that can explain, define, predict and predict phenomena that occur in the world with a repeating pattern. keywords: diplomacy; erdogan; hagia; hagia sophia; islam; islamic; journal; ottoman; religion; secularism; sophia; state; turkey; turkish cache: ajis01-2581.pdf plain text: ajis01-2581.txt item: #31 of 101 id: ajis01-2612 author: Saputra, Hasep; Yunita, Nurma; Mardhiaturrahman, Ainal; Purnamasari, Wina title: Interpretations of Verses about Islamic Criminal Law and its Polemics in Indonesia’s Positive Law date: 2021-06-09 words: 9403 flesch: 53 summary: In terms of applications, Islamic law can contribute to the development of positive law with the following three alternatives: 1) Islamic law which is a continuation of legal politics in the colonial period, either through transitional rules of the 1945 Constitution’s article 2 or by means of being stipulated in the further new legislation, 2) positive Islamic law which is sourced from Islamic values, and 3) the theory of legal leveling. This is due to the fact that, in developing the application of Islamic law in Indonesia, Muslims are confronted with positive Islamic law, which is limited to laws that apply to all Indonesian citizens and do not contradict Pancasila's ideology or the Constitution. keywords: article; criminal; dan; di indonesia; hal; hukum; hukum islam; indonesia; islam; law; laws; order; paragraph; people; period; state cache: ajis01-2612.pdf plain text: ajis01-2612.txt item: #32 of 101 id: ajis01-2751 author: Ridwan, Rifanto Bin; Ifnaldi, Ifnaldi; Jahidin, Jahidin title: Early Marriage in Medical View and Maqashid Sharia date: 2021-06-22 words: 4464 flesch: 62 summary: ct i on Early marriage is never boring to discuss, every time discussing early marriage there are always new problems that must be resolved. 135 Early Marriage in Medical View and Maqashid Sharia Rifanto bin Ridwan1, Ifnaldi2, Jahidin3 Institut Agama Islam Negeri (AIN) Curup, Indoneisa,, Abstract. keywords: dan; hukum; indonesia; islam; islamic; law; maqashid; marriage; studies; years cache: ajis01-2751.pdf plain text: ajis01-2751.txt item: #33 of 101 id: ajis01-2840 author: Jamin, Ahmad; Wanto, Deri; Sapriadi, Sapriadi title: The Implementation of the Character Education Strengthening (PPK) Movement in the Junior High Schools (SMPN) Kerinci Regency date: 2021-06-22 words: 6473 flesch: 49 summary: Then, one of the teachers at SMPN 15 Kerinci argued, in school, every time they arrive at school students shake hands with the teacher when they meet the teacher directly shake 37 Rismawati, “Interview Teacher of SMPN 13 Kerinci” (2020), n. 30; Putra, “Interview Teacher of SMPN 48 Kerinci,” n. 20 July. This study used the qualitative design that produces descriptive data, either written or oral,6 by finding and describing information about the implementation of the PPK movement in SMPN Kerinci. keywords: activities; character; education; implementation; interview; kerinci; ppk; school; smpn; teacher cache: ajis01-2840.pdf plain text: ajis01-2840.txt item: #34 of 101 id: ajis01-311 author: Kisworo, Budi title: The Implementation of Islam as Rahmah Li Al-'Alamin in Indonesia: Contributions, Challenges and Opportunities date: 2017-12-25 words: 5675 flesch: 58 summary: Suny,Ismail, ”Kedudukan Hukum Islam dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan Indonesia, dalam Dimensi Hukum Islam dalam Sistem Hukum Nasional, Jakarta : Gema Insani Pres, 1996 ------------, Hukum Islam dalam Hukum Nasional, Suatu Pandangan dari Segi Hukum Tata Negara, Orasi Ilmiah pada upacara wisuda sarjana Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, tanggal 22 131 20Sajuti Thalib, Receptie a Contrario: Hubungan Hukum Adat dengan Hukum Islam, Jakarta: Bina Aksara, 1985, hal. 4 114 | AJIS : keywords: agama; allah; dalam; dan; government; hal; hukum; hukum islam; indonesia; islam; islam di; islamic; jakarta; law; people; religious cache: ajis01-311.pdf plain text: ajis01-311.txt item: #35 of 101 id: ajis01-312 author: Yusefri, Y title: The Law of Polygamy in Islam: a Methodological Review of Siti Musdah Mulia’s Legal Thought date: 2017-12-25 words: 10042 flesch: 60 summary: This essay essentially conducts an objective and critical review of how the constructs and methodological frameworks of Siti Musdah Mulia thought that concluded that polygamy law is haram lighairihi. So, the rationale of the opinion of Musdah Mulia which declared polygamy law, haram lighairihi, not out of the concept of legal theory formulated by Islamic jurists. keywords: approach; cit; fair; haram; islam; islamic; jakarta; justice; law; mulia; musdah; musdah mulia; polygamy; prophet; siti; studies; verse; women; years cache: ajis01-312.pdf plain text: ajis01-312.txt item: #36 of 101 id: ajis01-313 author: El Chirri, Nabila title: Methodology of Islamic Studies in The East and in The West: A Comparative Review on The Study of Hadith date: 2017-12-25 words: 10023 flesch: 57 summary: 37 Howard M. Federspiel, The Usage of Traditions of the Prophet in Contemporary Indonesia (Arizona State University, 1993), 2. 184 | AJIS : Academic Journal of Islamic Studies, Vol. 2 No. 2, 2017 Mujahidīn fī Sabīlillāh written by Abdul Samad al-Palimbani; Tanqih al- Qaul al-Ḥadīth Sharah Lubāb al-Ḥadīth, al-Dūrur al-Bahiyyaj fī Sharah al- Khaṣāiṣ al-Nabawiyyah was written by Nawawi al-Bantani; Tanqi al-Qaul, Sharaḥ Lubāb al-Ḥadīth, Naṣāih al-Ibād written by Mahfudz al-Tirm; Al- Qawa'id al Asasiyyah li Ahl al-Sunnah wa al Jama'ah was written by Ahmad Masduki Mahfuzh; al Hadith and Aqidah Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jama'ah written by Sheikh Haji Muhammad al-Khalidi; The Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah fī Hadīth al Mautā wa Ashrath al-Sa'ah wa Bayan Mafhūm al-Sunnah wa al Bid'āh was written by KH. In the problem of the development of the understanding of hadith in Indonesia, Muhammad Syuhudi Ismail has also written among them Kaidah Keshahihan Sanad Hadith, Critical Review and Review with Approach of Historical Sciences, Research Methodology of Prophet Hadith, Prophetic Hadith according to his defender, denial and forgery, Summary Mushthalah Hadith, textual and contextual: the study of maani al hadis about the universal, temporal and local Islamic teachings. keywords: adalah; ajis; approach; bahasa; bahwa; century; common; dalam; dan; dari; dengan; hadis; hadis yang; hadith; ibn; indonesia; ini; islam; islamic; itu; jakarta; journal; kajian; link; meaning; memahami; method; metode; metodologi; muhammad; muslim; nabi; oleh; orang; pada; prophet; scholars; science; sebuah; studies; study; sunnah; terhadap; tidak; traditions; understanding; untuk; vol; yang cache: ajis01-313.pdf plain text: ajis01-313.txt item: #37 of 101 id: ajis01-314 author: Riatno, Rani Tania title: Nature Conservation in Islam: an Analysis on M. Quraish Shihab’s Qur’anic Interpretation date: 2017-12-25 words: 9849 flesch: 65 summary: Allah Almighty has also given guidance as well as a warning to man not to make an ally to Allah SWT, because we have known its greatness. Nature or earth as a place for living The universe is something created by Allah SWT. keywords: allah; allah swt; almighty; damage; earth; human; life; nature; nature conservation; quraish; shihab; verse; word cache: ajis01-314.pdf plain text: ajis01-314.txt item: #38 of 101 id: ajis01-3325 author: Fatihunnada, Fatihunnada; Salim, Hasan Basri title: The Genealogy of Ali Mustafa Yaqub’s Hadith Understanding date: 2021-12-31 words: 11847 flesch: 66 summary: Dan Ali Mustafa Yaqub, Cara Benar Memahami Hadis (Jakarta: Pustaka Firdaus, 2016), 75. 4Fatihunnada and Afaf Nazrat Uyun Anis, “Pemahaman Hadis Doa Pengalihan Hujan Pendekatan Geografis Jakarta Menurut Ali Mustafa Yaqub,” ILMU USHULUDDIN 7, no. 1 (2020): 37–56, Fatihunnada & Salim: The Genealogy of Ali Mustafa Yaqub’s… | 163 Foucault as a form of succession.46 Ali Mustafa gave an explanation of the law of a woman who became imam of prayer for men with an explanation of fiqh in the four schools of thought and a description of the hadith that described the case of a woman becoming a male imam at the time of the Prophet. keywords: ajis; ali mustafa; allah; beirut; dalam; dan; dār; fatihunnada; genealogy; hadis; hadith; ibn; ibn al; imam; indonesia; islamic; jakarta; jihad; journal; muhammad; mustafa yaqub; perempuan; prophet; salim; scholars; studies; sunnah; understanding; vol; wahabi; َوََل cache: ajis01-3325.pdf plain text: ajis01-3325.txt item: #39 of 101 id: ajis01-3395 author: Hendri, Novi; Ahida, Ridha; Wirman, Hardi Putra title: Religious Fundamentalism: Threats on Religious Life in West Sumatera-Indonesia date: 2021-12-31 words: 8345 flesch: 48 summary: The outbreak of violence during the new era with the emergence of radical Islam groups, the Tanjung Priok massacre, and the destruction of worship place are the ways of government to marginalize Islam groups and to maintain power. Politics power of radical Islam groups in educational institutions is in the form of controlling educational institutions and using their radical ideology. keywords: curriculum; dan; fundamentalism; groups; indonesia; islam; islamic; jakarta; jihad; movement; politics; radicalism; religion; studies; sumatera; terrorism; understanding; violence cache: ajis01-3395.pdf plain text: ajis01-3395.txt item: #40 of 101 id: ajis01-3419 author: Mujahidin, Muhammad Saekul title: Islamophobia and Allegations Against Corona Virus Spread By Muslim Minority In India date: 2021-12-31 words: 5296 flesch: 45 summary: We will remove all intruders from India countries, except Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhists. 2009, 2 15 Ramachandra Guha, Makers of Modern India, (New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2013) 16 Thameem Ushama, “Islamophobia in India During the Covid-19 Crisis: A Surge of Stigmatization, Vilification and Murder” Al-Shajarah, ISTAC, Journal of Islamic Thought And Civilization, Vol 6, No 1, (2021), 75, M.S. Mujahidin: Islamophobia and Allegations Against Corona Virus… | 213 Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) government,17 Muslims in India have always been marginalized and felt the most humiliated in the history of the secular and plural society of the country, which has been dubbed the world's largest democracy. keywords: coronavirus; covid-19; hindu; india; islamic; islamophobia; journal; law; minorities; muslims; new; studies; vol cache: ajis01-3419.pdf plain text: ajis01-3419.txt item: #41 of 101 id: ajis01-3431 author: Pranoto, Stepanus Sigit title: Learning Islam from Da’i Mualaf: From Curiosity to Strengthen Religious Identity date: 2021-12-31 words: 7350 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: social media da’wah, da’i mualaf, religious conversion, cyber sphere Introduct io n Therefore, to fill the void, this research will focus on public access to social media da’wah, especially those delivered by da’i mualaf. keywords: access; conversion; da’i; da’i mualaf; da’wah; indra; islam; media; mualaf; netizens; public; sphere; steven; youtube cache: ajis01-3431.pdf plain text: ajis01-3431.txt item: #42 of 101 id: ajis01-3443 author: Shesa, Laras; Oktori, Agus Riyan; isnaini, Isnaini title: Traditional Impacities in The Frame of Worship: A Study of Fidyah Semyang Ritual in Suka Datang Village, North Curup Sub-District date: 2022-06-30 words: 8068 flesch: 65 summary: Discussing worship will never be detached from prayer worship. Therefore, prayer worship cannot be replaced with any other charity unless a postulate allows it. keywords: community; datang; fidyah; fidyah semyang; imam; islamic; people; prayer; qadha; ritual; suka; tradition; worship cache: ajis01-3443.pdf plain text: ajis01-3443.txt item: #43 of 101 id: ajis01-3501 author: Candra, Hadi; Putra, Pristian Hadi; Erniyati, Yelni title: A Habituation Method in Education Character: an Ibn Miskawaih Thought date: 2021-12-31 words: 5330 flesch: 57 summary: For this reason, even though at the first it is started as forced, but continued to be trained and accustomed, it is hoped that it will become a habituation towards goodness and glory, as Ibn Miskawaih states a s follow: “Although initially carried out by forcing, considered, and thought out beforehand, however, with a genuine will to practice continuously and restraint (al-'adat wa al-jihad), it will be obtained the virtue and courtesy that are actually in accordance with the virtues soul”.14 Habituation of good character is closely related to cognitive processes (faculty of thinking), in which these activities are part of learning that is carried out and trained continuously. Ibn Miskawaih says that: “Religious law is a factor that straightens the character of teenagers, which accustoms them to do the good deeds, as well as which prepares them to receive the wisdom, seek the virtue, and achieve the happiness through accurate thinking and reasoning”.22 Ibn Miskawaih's explanation emphasizes the importance of religious law in getting used to be good character. keywords: character; education; good; habituation; humans; ibn; ibn miskawaih; method; miskawaih; soul cache: ajis01-3501.pdf plain text: ajis01-3501.txt item: #44 of 101 id: ajis01-3536 author: Harmi, Hendra title: Analysis of Multicultural Understanding in the Villages of Sindang Jaya, Sindang Jati, and Suro Bali date: 2021-12-31 words: 4365 flesch: 44 summary: 15 Christine Sleeter, “Multicultural Education Past, Present, and Future: Struggles for Dialog and Power-Sharing Intercultural Education Multicultural Education Comes into Being Twenty-Two Years and Two Emblematic Experiences Ago Elites React Neoliberal Multicultural Education?,” International Journal of Multicultural Education 20, no. 1 (2018): 5–20. “Multicultural Education Past, Present, and Future: Struggles for Dialog and Power-Sharing Intercultural Education Multicultural Education Comes into Being Twenty-Two Years and Two Emblematic Experiences Ago Elites React Neoliberal Multicultural Education?” keywords: bali; education; jati; jaya; journal; people; sindang; suro; understanding; village cache: ajis01-3536.pdf plain text: ajis01-3536.txt item: #45 of 101 id: ajis01-3593 author: Matridi, Matridi; Warsah, Idi title: Quality Index of Implementation of Religious Moderation Education and Training The Pattern of Distance Learning: Studies in Batch I of the Administration Training Center, Indonesian Ministry of Religion date: 2022-12-29 words: 6148 flesch: 43 summary: The average difference between the pre-test and post-test results is 8.07%, which means that the increase in participants' knowledge Matridi: Quality Index of Implementation of Religious Moderation Education and Training Distance Learning Pattern | 391 and understanding of religious moderation training materials has increased not too significantly. The purpose of religious moderation training is to realize religious tolerance, protect the rights of religious believers, and realize peace and tranquility in religious life. keywords: distance; education; evaluation; implementation; index; learning; moderation; moderation training; participants; quality; religion; results; training cache: ajis01-3593.pdf plain text: ajis01-3593.txt item: #46 of 101 id: ajis01-3779 author: Pebrianto, Roni; Asasriwarni, Asasriwarni; Matondang, Ikhwan title: The Contribution of L.W.C. Van Den Berg’s Thoughts in Dutch Colonial Legal Politics on The Development of Religious Courts in Indonesia date: 2022-06-30 words: 4150 flesch: 54 summary: Along with the increasingly swift issues of legal modernization that the Dutch East Indies government issued, prompting the emergence of various discussions and speculations about what law is appropriate to apply to indigenous peoples, the discussions of these experts were believed to revolve around the dominance between Islam law and customary law7. Menentukan Peradilan Agama Di Indonesia,” in Hukum Islam Di Indonesia: Pemikiran Dan Praktek (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 1994), 43. keywords: berg; dan; den; dutch; hukum; hukum islam; indonesia; islamic; law; van cache: ajis01-3779.pdf plain text: ajis01-3779.txt item: #47 of 101 id: ajis01-4128 author: Putra, Pristian Hadi; Erniyati, Yelni title: Sex Education in Islamic Education Perspective date: 2022-12-25 words: 7226 flesch: 61 summary: Moreover, sex education problems in Indonesia are still tends to be shallow, and the delivery of sex education is still ineffective, including delivery only at school and the delivery is focused only on explaining reproductive organs. This study aims to describe sex education in Islamic perspective, because by knowing sex education, and if it is understood correctly especially by the teenagers, they will be protected from sexual deviations.. keywords: children; education; humans; islam; journal; life; parents; perspective; sex; sex education; sexuality; vol cache: ajis01-4128.pdf plain text: ajis01-4128.txt item: #48 of 101 id: ajis01-4170 author: Hidayah, Sri Noor Mustaqimatul title: Ibnu Miskawaih's Islamic Economic Thinking (Reviewing The Concept of Exchange and The Role of Money According to Ibnu Miskawaih) date: 2022-07-30 words: 7275 flesch: 65 summary: This research on the concept of exchange and the role of money is carried out by using a library research approach, namely, by recording all findings and combining all findings, both theories or new findings from books, websites, articles and newspapers on the study of the concept of exchange and the role money according to Ibn Miskawaih. Ibn Miskawaih also discussed the advantages of gold coins (dinar) which are widely accepted and become substitutes (mu'awwid) for all types of goods and services. keywords: dan; ekonomi; exchange; goods; history; humans; ibn; ibn miskawaih; ibnu; islam; miskawaih; money; pemikiran; pendidikan; services; thinking cache: ajis01-4170.pdf plain text: ajis01-4170.txt item: #49 of 101 id: ajis01-4191 author: Azizah, Nur; Indrawari, Karliana title: Implementation of Religious Values and Their Relevance to Religious Moderation (Study at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah) date: 2022-07-30 words: 6468 flesch: 55 summary: Religious Moderation values had been implemented with the implementation of religious moderation values such as the values of justice, tawazun, I'tidal, tasamuh, musawah, and shura. 177 Implementation of Religious Values and Their Relevance to Religious Moderation (Study at SMP IT Khoiru Ummah) Nur Azizah1, Karliana Indrawari2 1Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang 2Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup, Indonesia Correspondence: Abstract. keywords: education; good; implementation; journal; moderation; principal; religion; school; smp; students; ummah; values cache: ajis01-4191.pdf plain text: ajis01-4191.txt item: #50 of 101 id: ajis01-4283 author: Putra, Alven title: The Prophet's Household Problems and The Solving Method in Hadith date: 2022-06-07 words: 10813 flesch: 79 summary: Prophet Muhammad was known as a loving and polite person, soft-hearted, kind, friendly to others, and very fond of his family. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration if the Prophet Muhammad received the nickname “Ahsanuhum Khalqan wa Khuluqo”, which means the best human in appearance and character. keywords: aisyah; alaihi; allah; bin; binti; bukhari; hafshah; household; ibn; jealousy; khadijah; mariyah; messenger; muhammad; problems; prophet; prophet muhammad; sallam; umar; wife; wives; zainab cache: ajis01-4283.pdf plain text: ajis01-4283.txt item: #51 of 101 id: ajis01-4284 author: Amrullah, Amrullah title: Integration of Islamic Moderation Values on Islamic Education Learning Material at Madrasah Aliyah Level date: 2022-06-07 words: 5273 flesch: 35 summary: Conclusion The integration between Islamic moderation values and Islamic education is an alternative that can be conducted in order to transfer Islamic moderation values, in the midst of the requisite for the importance of understanding Islamic moderation in dispelling radicalism, extremism and intolerance, which often on behalf of religion in order to maintain the integrity and unity of the nation and state. Classification of Islamic moderation values and Islamic education material From table 2, it is obtained an overview of the relation between Islamic education materials which can be related to the material of moderation values that was mapped earlier in the first move. keywords: education; integration; islamic; learning; material; moderation; moderation values; research; values cache: ajis01-4284.pdf plain text: ajis01-4284.txt item: #52 of 101 id: ajis01-4292 author: Hakim, Luqman Al; Hilmi, Moh Abdulloh title: Contemporary Islamic Political Dynamics Arabic Republic of Egypt date: 2022-06-30 words: 9141 flesch: 55 summary: Result and Discus sion History of Contemporary Egypt The history of Egypt in the 19th and 20th centuries resembles that of Turkey although in some respects there are differences from Ottoman rule and from an Islamic society Egypt developed into a secular society. As for several foreign companies that set up their branches in Egypt, one of them was American Express; however, there was Egypt travel which dominated the tourism sector during the 1970-1980s. keywords: arab; brotherhood; dan; egypt; egyptian; government; islamic; israel; journal; mesir; morsi; movement; mubarak; muslim; nasser; people; politics; sadat; studies cache: ajis01-4292.pdf plain text: ajis01-4292.txt item: #53 of 101 id: ajis01-4322 author: Hanif, Akhyar; Rudiamon, Septika title: Textological-Philological Study on Arabic Language Sciences in Minangkabau Manuscripts date: 2022-06-30 words: 5360 flesch: 59 summary: However, even so, it was almost certain that what he commented on must be the book of 'Ilmu al-Nahw, because this clause fî al-Arabiya contains the meaning of 'ilm al-nahw. So if they said, for example: كان فالن متقدما فى العربية، متبحرا فى اللغة، أو الخ واللغة.كان العربية فى إماما ليل (in fact the Fulan was foremost in al-'arabiyah and an expert in al-lughah, or indeed al-Khalîl is an expert in al- 'arabiyah and al-lughah), then what they mean by the term al-‘arabiyah was al-nahw ang by the term al-lughah means fiqh al-lughah14. keywords: arabic; ilm; ilmu; language; manuscript; minangkabau; nahw; research; sciences; study; text; translation cache: ajis01-4322.pdf plain text: ajis01-4322.txt item: #54 of 101 id: ajis01-4328 author: Toni, Hariya; Rolando, Dede Mercy; Yazid, Yasril; Rafdeadi, Rafdeadi title: Supervision System in The Effectiveness of Zakat Utilization in Baznas of Bengkulu Province date: 2022-06-30 words: 4714 flesch: 43 summary: The results obtained show that the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) of Bengkulu Province community empowerment was carried out in the form of direct and indirect supervision by BAZNAS of Bengkulu Province. However, the supervision of BAZNAS of Bengkulu Province community empowerment needs to apply more detailed and clear indicators of empowerment success for each community empowerment program. keywords: baznas; bengkulu; community; data; empowerment; implementation; management; mustahik; province; supervision; zakat cache: ajis01-4328.pdf plain text: ajis01-4328.txt item: #55 of 101 id: ajis01-4433 author: Fahmi, Reza; Aswirna, Prima title: Building Moderation Islam in Plural Community: Relation Between Social Media and Social Conflicts in Padang, West Sumatera-Indonesia date: 2022-12-27 words: 3984 flesch: 55 summary: No Score Category s Sum Percentages 1 138 – 154 Low 93 35% 2 15 – 170 Tall 172 65% Total 265 100% Resource : Research Report (2020) (3) The influence of moderate Islam or Islamic moderation as much as seventy-five percent (75%) use social media in reducing inter- religious conflicts in Padang, West Sumatra. Table 3 The Hypothesis Analysis Islamic Rational Using of Social Media Islamic Rational Pearson Correlation - 738 Rational Islam is meant here as Islam that is not easily provoked by negative elements that grow during society. keywords: community; conflicts; indonesia; islam; islamic; media; moderation; padang; people; social; society; west cache: ajis01-4433.pdf plain text: ajis01-4433.txt item: #56 of 101 id: ajis01-4526 author: Assaad, A.Sukmawati; Hasyim, Baso; Yusmita, Yusmita title: National Inheritance Law: Looking at the Weaknesses and Challenges of Its Implementation in Indonesia date: 2022-06-30 words: 5856 flesch: 48 summary: Substantial Threats or Challenges The substance of national inheritance law includes a very broad and complex legal material consisting of Islamic inheritance law, customary inheritance law and Western civil inheritance law (Bw) as a legacy of the Dutch colonial era, each of which has followers or adherents. In this regard, one of the characteristics of Islamic law is that it is universal, meaning that the law is relevant to all human beings, without any discrimination related to geography, religion or ethnicity.21 This is in line with Islamic inheritance law which is one of the raw materials of national inheritance law where the adherents are the majority population/community in Indonesia so that there is a strong desire from the Indonesian Islamic community so that Islamic inheritance law becomes the basis for the formation of Indonesian national inheritance law. keywords: courts; government; hukum; indonesia; inheritance; inheritance law; islamic; law; national; religion; system cache: ajis01-4526.pdf plain text: ajis01-4526.txt item: #57 of 101 id: ajis01-482 author: Hamzah, Zayadi title: Interaction of Islam with Local Culture date: 2018-07-10 words: 9958 flesch: 37 summary: In the context of this study, integration is the unification of the values of one group (Islamic values) with the values of other groups (local cultural values) that form new values (local Islam). In the context of Islam and local culture can give birth to the process of localization or the formation of elements of Islam that will give birth to local Islam, or otherwise the Islamization of local culture gave birth to local Islam. keywords: accommodation; acculturation; agama; assimilation; budaya; conflict; cultural; culture; dalam; dan; form; integration; islam; islamic; jakarta; process; religion; society; values cache: ajis01-482.pdf plain text: ajis01-482.txt item: #58 of 101 id: ajis01-484 author: Uyuni, Badrah title: Empowering Women to Understand Their Role as the Prime Builder of Inclusive Society date: 2018-07-10 words: 5576 flesch: 38 summary: 10 strongest-role-models-for-childrens-education-report-claims.html Badrah Uyuni, Empowering Women | 31 Woman is seen and considered from the way she behaves, speaks, conducts, dresses, thinks, and her performance. Realizing the importance of women education, the government and many non-government organizations took a lot of projects to spread women education. keywords: children; education; family; girls; inclusion; life; mother; role; society; women cache: ajis01-484.pdf plain text: ajis01-484.txt item: #59 of 101 id: ajis01-485 author: Hariyatoni, Hariyatoni; Saputra, Hasep title: The Mapping of Dakwah Potencies in Supporting Rejang Lebong to be a Religious Regency date: 2018-07-10 words: 9639 flesch: 60 summary: Islamic da'wah will be strong, if the majority of people participate in supporting and assisting da'wah activities in accordance with the ability and respective profession. The position of Islamic da'wah in general can be seen from three perspectives, namely in terms of concept of da'wah, the potential of the muslims and the role of da'wah organization. keywords: activities; activity; curup; da'i; da'wah; human; islam; islamic; jakarta; lebong; life; map; mapping; mosque; muslims; people; rejang; religion; religious; society; understanding cache: ajis01-485.pdf plain text: ajis01-485.txt item: #60 of 101 id: ajis01-486 author: Roisca, Serli title: Maritime Potencies in Quranic Perspective and the Role of Indonesian Youth date: 2018-07-10 words: 4343 flesch: 58 summary: The improvement of the quality of young 72 | AJIS, Vol. 3 No. 1, Juni 2018 people especially regarding the utilization of marine potential is very important to be done through the maritime culture as the culture of the nation that must always be embedded as the main pillars of the development of Indonesian youth. The first step in empowering Indonesian youth as a demographic bonus is to analyze solutions by studying the problems faced by youth first. keywords: culture; indonesia; marine; maritime; nation; potential; sea; youth cache: ajis01-486.pdf plain text: ajis01-486.txt item: #61 of 101 id: ajis01-487 author: Birahmat, Budi; Dedi, Syarial title: An Examination of Qur'anic Concept on Corruption date: 2018-07-10 words: 8337 flesch: 68 summary: It was done as an effort to 82 | AJIS, Vol. 3 No. 1, Juni 2018 find the epistemology eradication of corruption cases remember that the Qur'an is the scripture that provides guidance. Therefore, in the next discussion, the author will try to describe the interpretation of verses containing term corruption by defining corruption definitively in the contemporary context. keywords: allah; case; corruption; cut; hand; jakarta; law; people; practice; property; prophet; punishment; qur'an; theft; verse cache: ajis01-487.pdf plain text: ajis01-487.txt item: #62 of 101 id: ajis01-5122 author: Nurlatifah, Ai Fitri; Saputri, Rossje V title: The Solvency Level of Sharia Insurance Companies in Indonesia (A Critical Analysis Study) date: 2022-12-25 words: 8082 flesch: 48 summary: This study aimed to determine the determinants of the solvency level of Islamic insurance companies in Indonesia. partially, the board of commissioners, tabarru’ funds and investment growth have a positive effect, while SOC, contribution and RBK have a negative effect on the solvency level of Islamic insurance companies in Indonesia. keywords: asuransi; board; company; effect; indonesia; insurance; insurance companies; islamic; performance; sharia; sharia insurance; solvency; solvency level; syariah cache: ajis01-5122.pdf plain text: ajis01-5122.txt item: #63 of 101 id: ajis01-5136 author: A'la, Bassam Abul; Rahman, Moh. Rifqi title: The Response From Pesantren Recognition in The Configuration of The National Education System date: 2022-12-27 words: 7748 flesch: 41 summary: ‘ala al qadi>m al shalih} wa al akhdz bi al jadi>d al as}lah} become the principle of pesantren's response to government policies.50 Pesantren responds to education policies during the old and new order by transforming education, namely opening public educational institutions or madrasahs in the pesantren complex. The community generally organizes pesantren education as a manifestation of education from, by, and for the community. keywords: boarding; education; government; indonesia; institutions; islamic; law; national; pendidikan; pesantren; policies; policy; recognition; schools; system; tahun; undang cache: ajis01-5136.pdf plain text: ajis01-5136.txt item: #64 of 101 id: ajis01-519 author: Handayani, Puspa; Al-Asrori, M. Ansya; Halimah, Nur; Natiqoh, Malikhatun; Alim, Wildan title: Divergency of Emotion in the Perspective of Neuro-sciences and Islam date: 2018-12-30 words: 3482 flesch: 58 summary: In neuroscience emotions lie within the limbic system of the brain, whereas in Islamic religion emotions lie in the heart (Qolb). Basic emotion originates in complex emotions based on basic emotions. keywords: anger; cortex; emotions; humans; nature; neuroscience; qur'an cache: ajis01-519.pdf plain text: ajis01-519.txt item: #65 of 101 id: ajis01-5325 author: Shalihin, Nurus title: The Nexus between Islam and Development: A Review and Bibliometric Analytics date: 2022-12-11 words: 12495 flesch: 43 summary: It was followed by Askari (2010); Platteau (2008), where both highlight the indek of Islamic development (Askari), and the relationship between religion, politics and development (Platteau). Nurus Shalihin: The Nexus between Islam and Development | 199 Lite rature R ev iew Development: Definition, Scope and Measurement Panth (2020) interprets development through three keywords, namely: definition, scope and measurement. keywords: analysis; askari; concept; countries; development; economic; economy; growth; international; islamic; journal; literature; muslim; nexus; research; review; studies; study; system; vol; waqf; zakat cache: ajis01-5325.pdf plain text: ajis01-5325.txt item: #66 of 101 id: ajis01-5346 author: Matahir, Fuad title: Issues and Challenges of Zakāt al-Māl Collection in Brunei Darussalam date: 2022-12-29 words: 7075 flesch: 50 summary: Table 2 shows the collection of both Zakāt al-Fiṭr and Zakāt al-Māl in terms of its amount and the number of zakāt payers. Zakāt al-Fiṭr Zakāt al-Māl Year Year 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Zakāt al- Fiṭr Number of zakāt payers 329,475 330,976 332,582 344,426 342,571 347,208 346,103 Total zakāt collected (BND) 927,300 931,640 937,480 972,170 967,190 980,250 977,820 Zakāt al- Māl Number of zakāt payers 4,489 5,014 4,638 5,050 4,902 5,096 5,678 Total zakāt collected (BND) 16,923,2 50 16,830, 150 17,942, 310 17,486, 710 16,622, 460 17,312, 350 16,962, 900 GRAND TOTAL ZAKĀT COLLECTED 17,850, 540 17,761, 790 18,879, 780 18,458, 880 17,589, 650 18,292, 600 17,940, 710 Source: Department of Brunei Islamic Religious Council, Ministry of Religious Affairs. keywords: brunei; challenges; collection; darussalam; islamic; issues; management; muib; māl; officers; payers; zakāt; zakāt al cache: ajis01-5346.pdf plain text: ajis01-5346.txt item: #67 of 101 id: ajis01-5483 author: Saputra, Edriagus; Gusnanda, Gusnanda; Gustianda, Nana; Rahmadinur, Wisda; Syahidin, Amal title: Respect For The Red White Flag in The Understanding of Syataryah and Muhammadiyah Communities: A Comparative Study date: 2022-12-25 words: 5616 flesch: 57 summary: 10 Sekretariat Jenderal MPR RI, Panduan Pemasyarakatan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 dan Ketetapan MPR Republik Indonesia, 13 ed. And this is done in the form of love for the State of Indonesia.26 24 Syafrizal Efendi, Wawancara dengan Ketua Thariqat Mutabarah Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, 2021. 25 Muhammad Jono, Wawancara dengan Sejarawan Indonesia, Guru Sejarah di SLTA Adabiyah Kota Padang serta Kader Muhammadiyah Pesisir Selatan, 2021. keywords: dan; dengan; flag; form; indonesia; islamic; muhammadiyah; nation; people; red; respect; state; understanding; wawancara cache: ajis01-5483.pdf plain text: ajis01-5483.txt item: #68 of 101 id: ajis01-5500 author: Edyar, Busman; Hayati, Ilda; Kondang, Muslih title: Human Rights and Democracy in Islamic Perspective date: 2022-12-24 words: 8516 flesch: 59 summary: The results of the research show that, within certain limits, Islam upholds the implementation of human rights that must be obtained by everyone. The parameters of democracy (including the concept of human rights) are that it is accepted by Islam as long as it does not contradict the essential principles of Islam. keywords: dalam; dan; democracy; demokrasi; freedom; god; human; indonesia; islam; islamic; jurnal; life; muslim; people; religion; rights; vol cache: ajis01-5500.pdf plain text: ajis01-5500.txt item: #69 of 101 id: ajis01-5511 author: Fithri, Widia; Ulfah, Elyusra title: Sexual Violence Against Disability Women In A Matrilineal Society date: 2022-12-27 words: 7145 flesch: 44 summary: Meanwhile, the settlement of sexual violence cases in Padang City does not have a legal product like in the Nagari but is directly processed according to positive legal rules. Women with disabilities who are victims of sexual violence urgently need protection not only because of the sexual treatment they receive but also due to their physical and mental limitations. keywords: cases; community; dan; disabilities; disability; family; indonesia; minangkabau; people; perempuan; perpetrator; victim; violence; women cache: ajis01-5511.pdf plain text: ajis01-5511.txt item: #70 of 101 id: ajis01-5534 author: Nurjannah, Nurjannah; Taklimudin, Taklimudin; Febriyarni, Busra title: Study Multiculturalism Based on The Koran date: 2023-05-29 words: 8890 flesch: 62 summary: And, the plural or multi sunnah has existed since the beginning of human history, as the word of God in Surah al Baqarah verse 213: ٌَ ٱنَُّبُط أُيَّخ ِحذَح ٗ َكب ُ ٱنَُّجِِّٛ ٗ ََٰٔ ٍَ ٱنَُّبِط ٍَ ُيجَِِّّشِ ۧفَجَعََث ٱَّللَّ ۡٛ َت ثِٱۡنَحّقِ That are Q.S. al-Baqarah/2:233, Q.S. Ali 'Imran/3: 159, and al-Syura/42: 38. keywords: allah; culture; differences; diversity; groups; human; islam; life; multiculturalism; peace; people; plurality; qur'an; religion; society; studies; verse; word cache: ajis01-5534.pdf plain text: ajis01-5534.txt item: #71 of 101 id: ajis01-577 author: Wati, Mirna; Saputra, Hasep title: The Concept of Tabarruj in the Qur’an according to Muslim Commentators date: 2018-12-30 words: 9474 flesch: 74 summary: Surely Allah accepts for those who want to repent and Surah Al-Hujurat verse 13 in fact we will take you along with Adam and Eve, among some of you make fun of some of the others and distance each other in fact you are brothers According to M. Quraish Shihab letter Al-hujurat verse 10 O believers of peace, even though the conflict only occurs between your two brothers and fear Allah, so that you will get the mercy of unity and unity, surah Al-hujurat verse 11 and women who make fun of other women may be those who are mocked better than those who are ridiculed and do not mock anyone secretly with words, deeds or gestures because it will overtake themselves. The prohibition on tabarruj here means the prohibition of displaying jewelry in its general sense which is usually not seen by good women, or using something that is not natural used. keywords: allah; beauty; body; clothes; clothing; cover; house; husband; islam; jewelry; muslim; people; prophet; saw; swt; tabarruj; verse; vol; women; word cache: ajis01-577.pdf plain text: ajis01-577.txt item: #72 of 101 id: ajis01-578 author: Andopa, Alpaqih; Hardivizon, H; Yunita, Nurma title: The Meaning of Nafs in the Qur’an Based on Quraish Shihab’s Interpretation date: 2018-12-30 words: 7531 flesch: 68 summary: He classified the Nafs into three, those are: First, Al-Nafs al-Muthmainnah, namely: A clear and bright soul with the remembrance of Allah and eradication of the influence of lust and despicable qualities; second, al- Nafs al-Lawamah, namely the soul that regrets itself; third, al-Nafs al- Amarah, which is the soul that always commands evil. While ulama 'understand an-nafs al muthmainnah in the sense of a calm soul, that is, the manifestation of Allah or His promises accompanied by sincerity of charity. keywords: allah; dan; god; good; human; interpretation; jakarta; lust; meaning; means; nafs; nafs al; qur'an; shihab; soul; tafsir; verse; word cache: ajis01-578.pdf plain text: ajis01-578.txt item: #73 of 101 id: ajis01-5909 author: Safiudin, Safiudin; Muhtarom, Ali; Qurtubi, Ahmad; Masfu'ah, Utami Syifa title: Pesantren Law; Challenge and Opportunity for Indonesian Islamic Education date: 2023-05-29 words: 8772 flesch: 39 summary: There are at least seven Regulations of the Minister of Religious Affairs that must be issued immediately, namely (1) PMA concerning the Establishment of Pesantren (Article 6), (2) PMA concerning the Implementation of Pesantren Education (Article 24), (3) PMA concerning the Assembly and Council of Masyayikh (Article 28), (4) PMA on Quality Assurance of Pesantren (Article 30), (5) PMA on General Education Curriculum in Pesantren Mu'is (Article 18), (6) PMA on Pesantren Information System (Article 47), and (7) PMA on Educators and Education Personnel (Articles 34 and 35). Keywords: Pesantren Law; Islamic Education Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup, Indonesia ISSN 2580-3174, (p); 2580-3190 (e) volume 8, number 1, 2023 | page: 97-122 DOI: Academic Journal of Islamic Studies 98 | AJIS : Academic Journal of Islamic Studies, vol. 8, no. 1, 2023 Introduction Islamic educational institutions have a very important role in human life. keywords: boarding; boarding schools; challenge; education; indonesia; institutions; islamic; journal; law; management; opportunity; pesantren; pesantren law; schools; state cache: ajis01-5909.pdf plain text: ajis01-5909.txt item: #74 of 101 id: ajis01-599 author: Apriani, Eka; Fathurrochman, Irwan; Harmi, Hendra title: The Role of Islam Rahmat lil ‘Alamin as the Solution For Exclusive Life in Indonesia date: 2018-12-30 words: 4941 flesch: 60 summary: Curup 3 Abstract: Islam has given mercy to the development of languages, traditions, culture and arts found in various regions in Indonesia. Islam rahmatan lil alamin appears in the form of development and wealth of knowledge. keywords: alamin; allah; community; good; islam; lebong; life; lil; people; rejang; religion; teachings; word cache: ajis01-599.pdf plain text: ajis01-599.txt item: #75 of 101 id: ajis01-6134 author: Rosdiawan, Ridwan; Atmaja, Dwi Surya; Pacha, Khan title: The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan 1.0: A Study on Islamic Government Practices under the Taliban 1996- 2001 date: 2023-05-29 words: 10696 flesch: 49 summary: The cabinet established an amorphous bureaucratic framework that allowed Taliban commanders to function flexibly as either ministers or generals so that no decisions could be taken in the ministry while a minister was at the forefront. At times, Taliban commanders hold opposing viewpoints on particular issues, resulting in discrepancies in some of their public pronouncements, causing alarm and confusion.62 Excommunication for Extremity The Taliban's stubbornness in pursuing their own goal is backfiring. keywords: afghanistan; ahmed; asia; central; emirate; government; islamic; journal; kabul; military; mullah; new; oil; omar; pakistan; rashid; shura; taliban; vol; war; women cache: ajis01-6134.pdf plain text: ajis01-6134.txt item: #76 of 101 id: ajis01-6376 author: Syukri, Muhammad Hilmi; Hidayat, Nur; Maharani, Khayyu Anggun title: Implementation of Hadith Contextual Approach in Legal Istinbath date: 2023-06-20 words: 8745 flesch: 68 summary: Because it is possible that a certain hadith is more correctly understood explicitly (textually), while other hadiths are more correctly understood implicitly (contextually). Shallallahu alaihi wassalam by paying attention to several religious leaders who use several approaches in understanding hadiths. keywords: allah; approach; attention; background; bin; conditions; hadith; islamic; journal; meaning; muhammad; prophet; quraysh; social; studies; time; umar; understanding cache: ajis01-6376.pdf plain text: ajis01-6376.txt item: #77 of 101 id: ajis01-653 author: Sartika, Eka; Suparjo, Suparjo; Hakim, Ihsan Nul; Supardan, Dadan title: Building Students’ Islamic Characters through Information, Communication dan Technology Literacy date: 2018-12-30 words: 6413 flesch: 44 summary: Keywords: Students and teachers, ICT literacy, Islamic character, emotion 116 | AJIS, Vol. 3 No. 2, Dec 2018 Introduction Due to the advance changing in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) these days, educators need to open and bring innovative learning experience to their students. The International ICT Literacy Panel (2002, p. 2) in its report stated “ICT literacy is using digital technology, communications tools, and/or networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in order to function in a knowledge society.” keywords: development; education; ict; information; knowledge; learning; literacy; students; teachers; teaching; technology; use cache: ajis01-653.pdf plain text: ajis01-653.txt item: #78 of 101 id: ajis01-6589 author: Syahputra, Hendra; Zainun, Zainun; Nasution, Syawaludin title: Interpersonal Communication of Islamic Religious Instructors in Human Resources Improvement on Patumbak District Community date: 2023-05-29 words: 5759 flesch: 39 summary: In addition, Islamic religious instructors are agents of development so that training and education programs in the community must be carried out. There were ten informants consisting of the sub-district government, Islamic religious instructors, and the community. keywords: communication; community; counseling; district; instructors; islamic; komunikasi; patumbak; people; resources; training; verbal cache: ajis01-6589.pdf plain text: ajis01-6589.txt item: #79 of 101 id: ajis01-6660 author: Nelvawita, Nelvawita; Maita, Idria; S, Mochammad Novendri title: Digital Augmented Reality (AR) Tahsin Development of Makharijul-Huruf Learning date: 2023-05-29 words: 6636 flesch: 46 summary: Based on comments from experts, namely tahsin experts and experts in the field of technology, it has been shown that this application can be categorized as very valid and can be used in supporting the learning of makharijul letters, because of Augmented Reality technology which is unique in the delivery of each letter, then also equipped with animations and audio samples from scientifically verified experts. In other words, whereas virtual reality technology immerses the user in a simulated environment, augmented reality technology enriches real life.18 The phrase Reality-Virtuality continuity refers to the variety of substance classes that are available in any given situation. keywords: augmented; development; digital; environment; islamic; learning; media; qur'an; reality; study; tahsin; technology; virtual; vol cache: ajis01-6660.pdf plain text: ajis01-6660.txt item: #80 of 101 id: ajis01-6720 author: Wafi, Mahmud Hibatul; S, M. Nurzen; Saputra, M. Beni; Pohan, M. Munawir; Hayat, Ade Putra title: Transformation Of The Tahfīdz Tradition In Indonesia: Between Traditional And Contemporary Education date: 2023-05-29 words: 5830 flesch: 54 summary: In this study, the Foundation of National Tahfidz Qur’an Quarantine (YKTN) in Kuningan is representative of the contemporary type of tahfidz education. Moreover, the problem of tahfidz methods and development, such as research conducted by Salamah5, Anwar6, Fatmawati7, Rahmi8, Mardhotillah.9 keywords: education; indonesia; institutions; islamic; journal; memorizing; method; pesantren; qur’an; studies; tahfidz; tradition; transformation; yanbu cache: ajis01-6720.pdf plain text: ajis01-6720.txt item: #81 of 101 id: ajis01-6756 author: Afandi, Mukhamad Yazid; Firahmatillah, Nafi'ah; Malik, Ahmed Abdul title: Antecedent of Macroprudential Indicator on BAZNAS Funding Collection date: 2023-07-29 words: 6414 flesch: 56 summary: Furthermore, the inconsistency of the results of this study makes researchers interested in re-examining these variables, and trying to develop research using ZIS data collection levels from 2013 to 2020. Thus, what factors affect the level of ZIS collection still need to be determined empirically, with the hope of being able to provide an overview of the determining variables that can be optimized for the achievement of maximum ZIS fundraising in the future. keywords: analisis; collection; dan; effect; ekonomi; income; increase; indonesia; kemiskinan; level; pengaruh; terhadap; test; zakat; zis cache: ajis01-6756.pdf plain text: ajis01-6756.txt item: #82 of 101 id: ajis01-6823 author: Halimah, Nur; Ubudiyah, Kamilatul; Ramadhan, Rachmad title: Islamic Political Paradigm: Historical Review, Transformation, and Symbolism date: 2023-05-29 words: 4964 flesch: 60 summary: So it can be understood that the population of the city of Yathrib is not like the city of Mecca which has a homogeneous population, the population of 13 Fatih Syuhud, Islam dan Politik : Sistem Khalifah dan Realitas Dunia Islam (Malang: Pustaka Al khoirot, 2019). Islam dan Politik : Sistem Khalifah dan Realitas Dunia Islam. keywords: abu; ali; bin; dan; islamic; muhammad; muslims; people; politics; politik; prophet; research; state cache: ajis01-6823.pdf plain text: ajis01-6823.txt item: #83 of 101 id: ajis01-6854 author: Yansah, Savri; kirin, Arwansyah title: The Role of an Islamic Forum (Majelis Taklim) Al-Hidayah to Improve Communities’ Religious Comprehension date: 2023-06-14 words: 5465 flesch: 53 summary: Majelis Taklim Al-Hidayah Dusun Curup can play a big to solve problems and difficulties in family life, especially those faced by the congregation of Majelis Taklim members in social life and in forming and building a sakinah, mawadah and warohmah family.8 7 8 Muhammad Yusuf Pulungan. There are many Majelis Taklim during society in Indonesia where most of the population is Muslim. keywords: congregation; education; hidayah; knowledge; majelis; majelis taklim; people; role; taklim; understanding cache: ajis01-6854.pdf plain text: ajis01-6854.txt item: #84 of 101 id: ajis01-686 author: Fatira, Marlya; Nasution, Anriza WitI; Affandi, Ismi title: Preparing Islamic Human Resources Competencies as Generation of Digital Bankers in Polytechnics Vocational Education date: 2019-07-01 words: 5816 flesch: 41 summary: Then the digital banking era will use single identity (eg e-KTP) as a customer database, banks need to prepare reliable IT infrastructure and other infrastructure, implement good risk management, and business models that are in line with customer needs in the event the bank enters a digital business banking, it is necessary to standardize and improve the discipline of the implementation of telecommunication communication SOPs, especially when replacing customers' SIM cards to support digital banking services. A digital banker will face a variety of digital banking customer transaction and service activities, various initial competencies possessed by a banker include attitudes, skills and appearance now need to be adapted to technological developments. keywords: banking; competencies; development; digital; education; era; human; islamic; resources; sharia; skills; study; vocational cache: ajis01-686.pdf plain text: ajis01-686.txt item: #85 of 101 id: ajis01-770 author: Mabruroh, Mabruroh; Khoiriyah, Rosyidatul title: Islamization of Malay Language and its Role in the Development of Islam in Malaya date: 2019-07-01 words: 6050 flesch: 49 summary: One of the languages used in the archipelago at this time is Malay language. Malay language is a global language and plays a major role in the spread of Islam. keywords: arabic; archipelago; attas; development; education; islamic; islamization; language; malay language; people; terms; words cache: ajis01-770.pdf plain text: ajis01-770.txt item: #86 of 101 id: ajis01-778 author: Istiqomah, Himatul title: The Moral Message of Lafadz Insyaallah in View of Linguistics and Mathematics date: 2019-07-01 words: 3848 flesch: 78 summary: The essence of lafadz Insyaallah often escapes the attention of its users, because it feels it has become part of the culture of communication. So, the researchers ventured to do a literature review of lafadz Insyaallah, through the tadabbur Al-Qur'an method with an integrative approach, namely understanding the correlative structure of integral understanding between the verses of the Qur'an and the reality of life3. keywords: god; group; insyaallah; people; t t cache: ajis01-778.pdf plain text: ajis01-778.txt item: #87 of 101 id: ajis01-8093 author: Nahar, Syamsu; Salminawati, Salminawati; Diba, Latifah title: Responsibility of Parents In Islamic Education According To The Qur'an date: 2023-07-31 words: 3335 flesch: 59 summary: To apply Aqidah and faith education to children is by introducing the understanding that God created all creatures. The responsibility of faith education means that children must be bound as early as possible to the basic pillars of faith, to nature, and with all beliefs towards the path of goodness. keywords: children; education; faith; islamic; parents; responsibility; verse cache: ajis01-8093.pdf plain text: ajis01-8093.txt item: #88 of 101 id: ajis01-8094 author: Nasution, Hasan Bakti; Budiman, Budiman; Amiluddin, Amiluddin title: Aqidah and Akhlak Education in Abdurrauf As-Singkili's Thought date: 2023-07-31 words: 5303 flesch: 62 summary: Regarding the issue of divinity, especially related to the attributes of God which are then linked to human morals, Abdurrauf combines two schools of thought, namely the Ash'ariyah understanding from mutakallimin with the Junaidi al- Baghdadi understanding from Sufis. When examined carefully and in depth, the morals taught by Sheikh Abdurrauf are actually the basic teachings of Islam whose foundations are faith which are based on the Koran and the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. keywords: abdurrauf; allah; education; islamic; life; morality; morals; prophet; singkili; teachings; thoughts cache: ajis01-8094.pdf plain text: ajis01-8094.txt item: #89 of 101 id: ajis01-816 author: Fida, Imanuddin Abil; Prasetiya, Benny title: The Role of Islam in Shaping the Idea of Indonesia date: 2019-07-01 words: 3775 flesch: 41 summary: It is important to note, however, that almost each work of Islamic law draws primarily on Shāfī‘īte madhhab in view of the fact that the majority of Indonesia Muslims were faithful of this madhhab. See: Harry J. Benda, The Crescent and the Rising Sun, Indonesian Islam Under the Japanese Occupation 1942-1945, (Netherland, N.V. Uitgeverij W. van Hoeve, 1958), 51; James L. Peacock, Muslim Puritans, Reformist Psychology in Southeast Asian Islam, (California: University of California, 1978), 109; Howard M. Federspiel, Islam and Ideology in the Emerging Indonesian State, The Persatuan Islam (PERSIS), 1923-1957, (Netherland, Koninklijke Brill, NV, Leiden, 2001), viii; Ronald Lukens-Bull, A Peaceful Jihad, Negotiating Identity and Modernity in Muslim Java, (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), 14. keywords: dan; hasyim; ideology; indonesia; islam; jakarta; muslims; nationalism; pancasila; scholars; state cache: ajis01-816.pdf plain text: ajis01-816.txt item: #90 of 101 id: ajis01-844 author: Kusen, Kusen; Hidayat, Rahmad title: Contextual Learning and Its Contribution To The Understanding of Islamic Education date: 2019-06-01 words: 5062 flesch: 54 summary: The validation results show that the syllabus, lesson plans, modules and student worksheets of Islamic Education are designed according to the validator's suggestions and are valid (73 - 80%). This means that the syllabus, lesson plans, modules and student worksheets of Islamic Education tested in grade seven of Junior High School in Rejang Lebong have been able to provide good understanding to students and can be measured. keywords: contextual; education; islamic; jakarta; learning; material; module; pendidikan; plan; results; school; students; syllabus; worksheets cache: ajis01-844.pdf plain text: ajis01-844.txt item: #91 of 101 id: ajis01-846 author: Mufidah, Nuril; Kholis, Nur title: Asalib Taallum al-Muallimy al-Dirasat al-Islamiyah Fi al-Dirasat al-Ulya date: 2019-07-01 words: 3198 flesch: 90 summary: للدزاطت مسة أخسي في الحسم الجامعي (RPP)جلدًم اإلاىاد في الفصل، العدًد مً اإلاهام ألاخسي مثل ئعداد الخخؼُؽ ً ع وخصائص الؼالب وئحساء الخماٍز واإلاىاهج ووطائل ؤلاعالم وفًلا إلاادة الخدَز مً هخائج هرا الخلُُم، ًمىً . حؼىُل مجمىعت اإلاداطٍس ٌعد اطخخدام هره اإلاجمىعت السكمُت /https://web.whatsapp.comالىاحظاب مىً ئحساء اإلاىاكؼت وؤلازساء باإلطافت ئلى ذلً ، . keywords: islamic; journal; learning; pembelajaran; vol; أطلىب; ؤلاطالمُت; ئلى; اإلادازض; اإلاعلىماث; التي; الخعلم; الدزاطاث; الرًً; العلُا; الؼالب; الفصل; ذلً; على; هرا; هره; ًمىً cache: ajis01-846.pdf plain text: ajis01-846.txt item: #92 of 101 id: ajis01-90 author: Hasibuan, Zainal Efendi title: The Portrait of Surau as a Forerunner of Madrasah: The Dynamics of Islamic Institutions in Minangkabau Toward Modernization date: 2016-12-22 words: 10821 flesch: 59 summary: The Potrait of Surau as a Forerunner of Madrasah | 5 has a similar meaning as praying house or mushalla in its use.13 Surau was established by a particular people as complementary buildings of rumah gadang where some families are saparuik14 (from the same maternity, fraternity line, descent) under one leader that is called as datuk (head of a tribe).15 It can be concluded that the original definition of the word ‘surau’ remain a question among the experts. The research towards the architectural of Surau which was conducted by Muhammad Zalnur,16 the architectural aspect of surau has a close relationship with the role and function of socio-cultural and religion. keywords: book; dalam; dan; education; hamka; indonesia; islam; islamic; jakarta; learning; madrasah; minangkabau; padang; pendidikan; people; sejarah; sheikh; siak; students; studies; study; surau; system; teaching; tuanku; urang cache: ajis01-90.pdf plain text: ajis01-90.txt item: #93 of 101 id: ajis01-91 author: Roisca, Serli title: Maghrib Community’s Qur’anic Recitation Movement: an Effort to Maintain The Tradition of Reciting The Quran Among Indonesian Muslim date: 2016-06-22 words: 4743 flesch: 55 summary: No doubt that one of the obstacles in Maghrib Reciting Quran Community Movement is the way of reciting Quran that is unattractive and boring. How is the urgency of Maghrib Reciting Quran Community Movement towardnational moral development? keywords: community; community movement; islamic; maghrib community; moral; movement; muslim; quran; quran community; reciting cache: ajis01-91.pdf plain text: ajis01-91.txt item: #94 of 101 id: ajis01-92 author: Nasir, Muhammad title: The Historical Background of The Ideology of Terrorism In Indonesia After September 11, 2001 date: 2016-06-22 words: 4344 flesch: 47 summary: MMI started from the former political comrad in New Era (Orde Baru), those who involved in Negara Islam Indonesia (NII).33 Abdullah Sungkar and Abu Bakar Ba’asyir in 1985 moved to Malaysia to do Mujahidin congress in 5-7 Agust in 2000 in Yogyakarta. They just defend Islam syari’at, or to build Islam country and the raise of “Khilafah Islamiyah”. keywords: bali; bombing; country; dan; fundamentalism; ideology; indonesia; islam; islamic; jakarta; september; terrorism cache: ajis01-92.pdf plain text: ajis01-92.txt item: #95 of 101 id: ajis01-93 author: Asha, Lukman title: The Arrival and Development of Islam in Rejang Lebong Regency date: 2016-06-22 words: 5847 flesch: 57 summary: 22 H. Sulaiman Djas, Islam dan Masyarakat Rejang Lebong, Materi Seminar, Fakultas Ushuluddin Curup, May 12, 1989. Sulaiman Djas, Islam dan Masyarakat Rejang Lebong, Materi Seminar, Fakultas Ushuluddin Curup, May 12, 1989 Sudarwan Danim, Bengkulu dalam Angka, Seminar Nasional, May 10, 2010. keywords: bengkulu; community; curup; data; development; district; islam; islamic; lebong; people; rejang; rejang lebong; teachings; village cache: ajis01-93.pdf plain text: ajis01-93.txt item: #96 of 101 id: ajis01-94 author: Amda, Ahmad Dibul title: Science and Technology in The Islamic Perspective date: 2016-06-22 words: 5335 flesch: 63 summary: Because between religion and science in Islam there is no separation, even Islamic Science aims to move someone to a deeper understanding of the secrets contained in the verses of Allah, both verses qauliyah or kauniyah through the maximal utilization of the potential of the human mind, also means that Islamic science still refer to the original sources of the Qur'an and the Hadith, not only guided the intellect and human reason, but a blend between dhikr and think, because if it is just common sense and reason as the reference, it is not rarely findings contrary to religious teachings or misused to the things that deviate from the norms and religious teachings. But what they knew is still very limited in the details.8 And so on, so it is very fitting conclusion stated by Dr. Maurice Bucaille in his book, the Qur'an, the Bible and modern science, that not a single verse in the Qur’an as opposed to science. keywords: allah; human; islamic; knowledge; qur'an; science; scientists; surah; technology; verses cache: ajis01-94.pdf plain text: ajis01-94.txt item: #97 of 101 id: ajis01-95 author: Shaleh, Muhammad Abdullah title: Maqașid Al-Syari’a fi Sura Al-Nur: Dirasah fi Manhaj Al-Tafsir Al-Maqasid ‘Inda ‘Ibnu ‘Asyur date: 2016-06-22 words: 4611 flesch: 101 summary: عمَّان: دار النفائس، -3 م(.2001ىـ/1421 ،11ط م، 20/6/1975الشيخ وصفي عاشور أبو زيد ،من مواليدزلافظةكفرالشيخبجمهوريةمصرالعربية، -4 جامعة القاىرة ،التفسَت ادلقاصدي لسور القرآن الكرًن )ورقة حبثية –دكتوراةفيمقاصدالشريعةاإلسبلمية كلية دار العلوم 92 | AJIS: دمشق : دار القلم ،الطبعة األوىل ، روح ادلعاين ُب تفسَت القرآن العظيم والسبع ،الدين زلمود بن عبد اهلل احلسيٍتشهاب ،األلوسي 1415 ،الطبعة األوىل ،طية . keywords: islamic; journal; studies; sura; أبو; أمحد; إىل; األوىل; اإلسبلمية; ابن; ابن عاشور; ادلقاصد; البحث; التفسَت; الدين; الشريعة; الشيخ; الطاىر; الطبعة; القرآن; الكرًن; النور; اليت; اهلل; بَتوت; تفسَته; حفظ; دار; ربقيق; زلمد; زلمد الطاىر; سورة; سورة النور; عاشور; عبد; على; عند; كما; مسلك; مقاصد; وتبُت; ومن cache: ajis01-95.pdf plain text: ajis01-95.txt item: #98 of 101 id: ajis01-953 author: Mukodi, Mukodi title: Islamic Education and Social Transformation: Teenager Corruption Watch (TCW) Modelling in Islamic School date: 2019-12-09 words: 6686 flesch: 41 summary: The marriage, between Islamic education and social transformation, rises the idea of transformative Islamic education. Keywords: Islamic education, social transformation, Islamic school Introduction Crucial problems in Indonesia are still dominated by Islamic identity, social inequality and corruption1. keywords: anti; corruption; education; indonesia; islamic; jurnal; korupsi; model; pendidikan; people; school; tcw; transformation; vol cache: ajis01-953.pdf plain text: ajis01-953.txt item: #99 of 101 id: ajis01-959 author: Istiqomah, Himatul; Sholeh, Muhammad Ihsan title: Projection of Islamic Doctrinal Values in Anime Naruto 1-3 as Character Formation date: 2019-12-09 words: 3034 flesch: 72 summary: Through this descriptive qualitative research, the researcher aims to analyze whatever values of Islamic teaching projected in Naruto anime 1-3 and its influence on develop the character, by roll of note, observation, an documentation. They are not only have entertainments, but also think about the God ways are implied in Naruto anime. keywords: anime; character; hokage; islamic; konohamaru; naruto; values cache: ajis01-959.pdf plain text: ajis01-959.txt item: #100 of 101 id: ajis01-967 author: Saragih, Hendra Maujana title: Dais Responsibility for The Environment of Peat lands In Islamic Perspective date: 2019-12-09 words: 5022 flesch: 54 summary: Air pollution caused by the presence of smoke from forest fires can spread and spread more than tens of kilometers has polluted the air in cities and regions that have forests and can even reach our neighboring countries, namely Singapore and Malaysia. Natural damage and environmental pollution have resulted in many disasters that hit various regions in Indonesia, Even now, they are facing problems that become international issues, namely: damage to forest resources and the environment, poverty of communities in and around forests, negative excesses of timber demand, social conflict and conflicts over forest area use, and haze as a result of fires land and forest. keywords: dai; damage; environment; forest; peat; ِهَّلِل cache: ajis01-967.pdf plain text: ajis01-967.txt item: #101 of 101 id: ajis01-968 author: Harun, Makmur Haji title: The concept of Arabic Absorption Patterns in Indonesian and Malay Language date: 2019-12-09 words: 10031 flesch: 73 summary: The following are Arabic Malay letters according to the order. Indonesian and Melay Modified Letters The Arabic letters are generally derived from Arabic letters or also known as Hijaiyah letters, which are 30 letters of Arabic letters. keywords: absorption; addition; alif; arabic; bahasa; dan; example; form; group; indonesian; islam; ism; jawi; language; latin; letter; malay; malay language; pattern; sound; spelling; term; verb; word; writings cache: ajis01-968.pdf plain text: ajis01-968.txt