YOUTH COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN IN STRENGTHENING DIFABELS THROUGH ICT- BASED PHILANTHROPY Keywords: ableism; communication strategy; ICT; philanthropy Abstract Ableism is a differentiation construction often experienced by entities with disabilities and contributes to discrimination in the fulfillment of personal, economic, and social rights for persons with disabilities. Designfordream (dfd) presents a form of youth awareness that concerns about philanthropic communication innovation strategies on ableism. This study aims to describe Designfordream's communication strategy in delivering communication through philanthropic activities. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. The data collection observed the Designfordream philanthropic activities through interviews with management and makes some documentation for the relevant sources. The results showed that the communication strategy used by Designfordream was through an ICT-based communication campaign. This campaign is carried out by distributing anti-ableism messages and innovating in building market networks to strengthen people with disabilities' entrepreneurial capacity. Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Yuliana Rakhmawati* Rizki Ernaldi Universitas Trunojoyo, Madura, Indonesia Correspondence: e-mail: * 314 Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Abstrak Ableisme merupakan konstruksi pembedaan yang sering dialami oleh entitas penyandang cacat dan turut membentuk diskriminasi dalam pemenuhan hak pribadi, ekonomi, dan sosial pada penyandang cacat. Designfordream (dfd) hadir sebagai bentuk kepedulian pemuda dalam melakukan inovasi dalam strategi komunikasi filantropi terhadap isu ableisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan strategi komunikasi Designfordream dalam menyampaikan komunikasi melalui kegiatan filantropi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan sumber data melalui wawancara kepada pihak manajemen, observasi pada aktivitas filantropi Designfordream, serta dokumentasi terhadap sumber yang relevan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan Designfordream adalah melalui kampanye komunikasi berbasis TIK. Kampanye ini dilakukan dengan mendistribusikan pesan anti-ableisme serta berinovasi dalam membangun jejaring pasar untuk penguatan kapasitas kewirausahaan bagi penyandang disabilitas. How to cite this (APA 7th Edition): Rakhmawati, Y & Ernaldi, R. (2020). Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through ICT-Based Philanthropy. Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah Dan Komunikasi, 5(2), 313–340. al-balagh.v5i2.2203 INTRODUCTION Difabley is a specific physical condition that causes limitations in carrying out personal and collective activities (Sabirin, 2013). This condition often causes diffables to experience discrimination and labeling biomedical, social, and biopsychosocial (Nurdian & Anwar, 2014). The diffable also often experiences further problems in access to education, health, public facilities, and citizens' political rights (Kumalasari, 2017; Fikri, 2016). ableisme; strategi komunikasi; Teknologi, Informasi, dan Komputer; filantropi Kata kunci: 315Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Discrimination against diffables can be linked to the existence of ableism in society (Asyhabuddin, 2008; Loja, Costa, Hughes, & Menezes, 2013). Ableism is a set of beliefs, processes, and practices that construct humans with specific physical standards (Campbell, 2009); (Goodley, 2014). This understanding instructs humans into two groups, namely: an able and unable entity (Hehir, 2002). The construction carried out sustainably in perfect society projects, species-specific, essential, and whole human figure (Wolbring, 2008). Related to the explanations above, there is a preference for adverse treatment given to someone who is labeled as a disturbed party because of their physical abilities(Scurro, 2017). It is considered being their sub-species (physical, mental, neuronal, behavioral, or cognitive) covered by the term disablism (Wolbring, 2012; Bolt, 2012). Based onCampbell (2008) and Siebers (2008), the concept of ableism in substance also approaches other forms of discrimination, one of which is racism. Sensitivity on the issue of inequality experienced by persons with disabilities due to the endemic construction of ableism in society as a concern for all entities with their respective capacities and roles. Education activists have called for inclusion programs to provide access for people with disabilities in the field of education (Hasanah et al., 2019; Budiwati & Sulistyorini, 2018; Wisuda, 2018; Derby, 2016). International institutions ratify persons with disabilities' rights through the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPD) (Edwards, 2014). Regulators, in this case, the country, provide advocacy in making policies that are pro-diffable(Millati, 2016; Pudyatmoko & Dewi, 2017; Pratama, 2019). Besides, non-governmental organizations also pay attention to the theme of discrimination(Madyaningrum, 2017). The involvement of youth as part of society on inequality experienced by diffables has been done a lot. One of the ways to take the role of the youth is through philanthropic activities.The form of youth 316 Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) philanthropy for people with disabilities is carried out through advocacy programs (Sabirin, 2013); provision of counseling (Nuridan & Anwar, 2014); reduction of discrimination in diffables(Al Yusainy et al., 2016); mentoring students with disabilities (Jannah & Sihkabuden, 2017); anxiety reduction with group guidance (Atikasari & Imanti, 2019); self-defense with disabilities (Shofa et al., 2016); and guarding policies that favor the diffable (Maharani et al., 2014). Several studies have shown the role of youth in the context of strengthening economic access to disabilities, such as in economic empowerment (Faozan, 2016; Kusasih & Sumarmawati, 2019); economic resilience of families with disabilities (Taqwarahmah et al., 2017); and strengthening the work productivity of people with disabilities(Fibrianto & Yuniar, 2019). Research that specifically looks at the potential for disability from a communication strategy perspective is still limited. Thus, this research was made as an initiation in communication research for diffable philanthropy. The communication strategy perspective is used to understand the portrait of youth's contribution in utilizing communication technology to deliver philanthropic messages. Based on this communication campaign concept, the message distribution strategy is carried out by a series of communication activities. Based onLittlejohn & Foss (2009), The communication campaign is part of a communication strategy in three major stages: planning, implementation, and evaluation. Design for dream (dfd) is a start-up company based on information communication technology (ICT) that pays attention to diffable issues. This company has a mission of social enterprise sustainable in strengthening the diffable community. Youth activities design for dream in social entrepreneurship combining philanthropic activities using communication technology innovations. The role of youth as performed by design for dream for people with disabilities can be a strategic partner choice for all parties in empowering people with disabilities to fight the stigma of ableism on the broader community. 317Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Figure 1. the display of situs The urgency of research related to strengthening the capacity of people with disabilities for social change can become a treasure trove of scientific and practical literature on youth philanthropic activities. This research is interested in understanding the process and mechanism of designfordream youth participation in designing a communication campaign to strengthen the diffable. Besides, the use of ICT convergence in the design of stream communication strategy can be the positioning of this research. The novelty in this research is to describe the combination of communication campaigns, youth moral movements in philanthropic activities, and ICT-based convergence to strengthen people with disabilities who are discriminated against. METHODS This study used a constructivist paradigm to understand the subject related to the object of research. The object of research is the designfordream communication strategy in implementing philanthropic activities. Limitation on the object is carried out with the focus of research, namely: the selection of communication strategies carried out by designfordream, target selection, segmentation, and the form of the message delivered. Data collection and a technique to confirm the data's validity were carried out through technical triangulation, namely 318 Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) interviews, observation, and documentation. Each data collection method has a function and performance indicators in the study. From each data collection method, technical implementation, and indicator achievement are abstracted in the following matrix: Table 1. Data Collection Techniques and Outcome Indicators Technique Technical implementation, unit of analysis, and outcomes Interview Roles: - Conducted in a semi-structured manner using an interview guide (interview guide) - The subject are also thekey informants that are the management of designfordream, which includes: company leader and founder (CEO and founder), marketing manager. - Additional informants are the design and creative division, designfordream human resources division. Unit of Analysis: Data collected from interviews in the form of words, which were then analyzed Target: Coding on the data displays based on the research objectives Observation Roles: - Conducting non-participatory observations on designfordream activities at the office located in Yogyakarta and making observations on the desingfordream site. - Observations are made by making an observation guide. 319Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Technique Technical implementation, unit of analysis, and outcomes Unit of Analysis: Data collected from observations are in visual or audiovisual form. Documentation in observations is carried out by recording with camera media or field notes. Target: Coding on the observation data display that is following the research objectives Documentation Roles: Documentation is carried out by searching for texts and literature related to the object of research. Target: Manuscripts or documentation from third sources such as journals, textbooks, or visuals. Data analysis was performed using the Miles and Huberman method with the following stages: data reduction, data display, concluding, and verification (Miles & Huberman, 1994). The first stage is data reduction. Reduction or condensation of data is part of the analysis, aiming to sharpen, classify, discard, and organize the used data to assist the process of drawing conclusions and carrying out verification. Data reduction in this research was carried out by selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming data from field notes and interview transcriptions. Data reduction is carried out with the guidance of the conceptual framework, the theme as the research object, research questions, and the selection of data collection techniques that have been carried out. The data process was then continued by writing summaries, coding, developing themes, defining clusters, creating partitions between themes, and making notes. This process takes place continuously during the data collection process. The second step in analyzing the research data was carried out by displaying the data. The technique is done by organizing, compiling 320 Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) information for making conclusions. Data displayed can be in the form of matrices, graphs, and networks. In this research, the data displays help to retrieve data and make it more systematic and possible to be used in the discussion. Furthermore, the third stage in the analysis is carried out by drawing conclusions and verification. From the start of the research, it was done by marking regularities, patterns, explanations, possible configurations, cause-effect flows, and propositions. Drawing conclusions is based on managing the openness of coding and display data. Drawing conclusions is also part of the verification process of data analysis. Verification is needed as a second analysis throughout the writing by reading back the field notes carefully and thoroughly to get intersubjectivity in providing arguments. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION is the first social enterprises-based start-up in Indonesia. It focuses on empowering people with disabilities, the first disabled empowerment platform in Indonesia (First Indonesian Difable Crowdhelping Platform), which supports and creates an inclusive economy for people with disabilities who want to become entrepreneurs and professionals. The establishment of this start-up was based on the idea of the founder and CEO (Dias) and Iman (from Google with disabilities) to collaborate and impact the issue of disabled inclusiveness. “Dfd was bornin July 2017, I met one of my friends, his name was Imam, in Jakarta. Imam had worked at Google disabled for assistants which is a part of Google that works with disabled. I just shared the ideas about disabled, and it turns out our ideas are same. We are decided to work together. - I understand the field and Imam understands the technology, finally the DFD was created, in September I added Jaka and Marta. It was just set in July 2017, and now it has been running for 18 months.” (Interview with CEO, 20-10-18) 321Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Designfordream (dfd) has several units that work together in achieving organizational goals in distributing messages of empowerment with disabilities. The division consists of top management led by chief executive officer and talent, chief marketing officer (CMO), design and creative officer (CDO). All divisions work together to build dfd as a medium. Another purpose is to convey information through design concepts implemented in every campaign and activity from to the public. Dfd creates a communication strategy in order to achieve the inclusiveness goal of people with disabilities. The type of strategy chosen is to use a communication campaign through information communication technology (ICT). In this context, the message design is made on two campaign platforms: an awareness campaign on ableism and crowdfunding to empower disabled friends. “We have a scope in a mission, first is in terms of crowdfunding, second is in terms of e-commerce and third is in terms of awareness. Now, in terms of awareness, it is more likely the general public awareness, clearly, that we can carry out issues related to disabled. We publish to the public in positive, creative and innovative ways by combining technological and social concepts.” (Interview with CEO, 20-10-18). The term campaign in a communication perspective is synonymous with political elements and tends to be expensive (Prihatini, 2011). The health communication dimension also uses communication campaigns as a channel to convey awareness and curative messages. Research from (Chandra, 2014) found that RRS community communication campaign in the literacy of early detection of teen breast cancer in Surabaya. Communication campaigns are also used to distribute messages on the prevention of early marriage with a multistep flow communication model (Subekti & dkk, 2014). Virgiantia & Pratiwi (2019) in their research, they found the use of communication campaigns in reducing the prevalence 322 Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) of malnutrition (stunting) in Indonesia by the Millennium Challenge Account. In practice, the campaign dfd has been done based on technology and philanthropy social enterprises. The campaign theme carried by dfd emphasizes on literacy and access to inclusiveness for disabled friends. The use of communication campaigns by dfd because it is considered as an effective channel to achieve its philanthropic and business goals. The effectiveness of communication campaigns in changing people's attitudes has also been proven in research (Wulandari, Nuraini C, & Nugroho, 2019). Each communication campaign conducted by DFD consists of several stages, namely: planning, implementation, and evaluation. Planning is generally carried out in two stages, including the pre-production stage and the production stage. In the pre-production stage, the communicator identifies the campaign's target audience to map their understanding, beliefs, values, knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions about the campaign topic. The CEO of designfordream conveys the following statemnt: “Our communication strategy uses more methods, with a point of view we have to know what people with disabilities need, as I said at the beginning, for 2 years I have been working on the disabled issue, I have learned first about disabled friends, what they need and we can provide it for them.” (Interview with CEO, 20-10-18) The planning stage is the responsible of top management (chief executive officer dan talent acquisition) division which is in charge of forming, designing concepts and programs for This pre-production stage is an essential part of the communication campaign because it is the initial stage that determines the next communication campaign's design profile. The identification results can be used to create a campaign design that fits the deographic, geographic, and psychographic profile of the audience. 323Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) “Approaching people who want to be helped (with disabilities) in terms of entrepreneurs, we go to the people and we ask what they need, and what we have to tell the public regarding their limitations, what the public needs to know about their world of people with disabilities.” (Interview with AT, 18-11- 18) Furthermore, at the production stage, the message concept is based on the pre-production process's findings. From the evaluation results, a communication campaign design was developed for a larger audience (Silk, 2009). Based on the transtheoretical model (Prochaska & Velicer, 1997), the audience's readiness in receiving messages and the reception process is identified in three stages, namely: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, and action. Each stage requires proficiency in determining the appropriate communication campaign design. This stage is carried out by the division design & creative officer (CDO). This division is responsible for transmitting the ableism literacy and strenghthen the disabled campaign program's ideas in the form of visual graphics. At this stage, accuracy in making message designs and identifying media characters as message distribution channels is needed, as conveyed by the following CMO of dfd: “Formulating messages also requires a creative side, including during the campaign to raise funds for products for disabled, we approach people with disabled who seek for help, we always look for them and ask what they need, and what we have to tell the public abouttheir limitations and what the public needs to know about their world, what kind of stigma they face, from the creative side we want to inform the public about the stigma. “ (Interview with AT, 20-11-18). One theory that can explain campaign message design is the social cognitive theory (SCT) by Albert Bandura. The design and creative division's idea is to approach the SCT proposition about the closeness of the campaign media message to the profile of the campaign's target 324 Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) audience(Conner& Norman, 2005). The communication campaign message is presented not to attack context (coercive) but rather prioritizing a persuasive approach(Pfau & Burgoon, 1988). In this case, the designfrodream was initially aimed at young people so that the messages formed tended to young people's profiles. This message was created with the youth's dynamic and open character in mind. After the message is distributed to the public, the next stage in a communication campaign is evaluation. In the context of social norms (social norms approach), evaluation is carried out in two methods, namely: process and summative(Berkowitz, 2010). Evaluation process is carried out during the campaign to see if the campaign is conducted based on the campaign plan or design. Meanwhile, the overall evaluation is held after the campaign is over to determine the campaign's effectiveness. Blind Awareness Campaign: Youth Philanthropy for Literacy Ableism Figure 2. Campaign #Blindawareness (Sources: The involvement of youth in ICT-based philanthropy contributes to several dimensions of social issues, one of which is as a medium for 325Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) civic participation (Bachen, Raphael, Lynn, McKee, & Philippi, 2008). Designfordream (dfd) initiated the idea to carry out a campaign movement for blind friends or called as' "blind awareness campaign”. Since 2018, this campaign has been distributed through the convergence of affiliated social media channels from designfordream, such as LINE, networking sites, and Instagram. “We are creating an on demand platform, especially used by young people, such as Instagram, we have a dfd shop, which focuses on e-commerce and entrepreneurship, so we don’t want to combine the values from dfd with that, for example a campaign or the stigmas I mentioned earlier.” (Interview RD, 20-11-18) Blind awareness campaign conducted by designfordream as a channel for economic empowerment for blind friends. Economic empowerment with disabilities in several previous researches was carried out in various approaches. The examples are through an integrated rehabilitation approach (Sholehah, 2017); self-help groups (Triono, 2018); transformation of the public space to gather support for disabled (Santoso & Jacky, 2013); entrepreneurial approach (Prasetya & Mawardi, 2019); the community to fulfill the labor rights of people with disabled (Mutiah & Astuti, 2018); a community for disabled productivity (Fibrianto & Yuniar, 2019); community-based rehabilitation for people with disabled (Kristiawan et al., 2016)speech therapy for impaired speech disabilities and down syndrome treatment. In these activities, Sanggar Mutiara Bunda also used the concept of parenting in which every parent and family were involved in training and equipped with the knowledge and ability to perform activities of therapies and activities so that they can carry our themselves at home. By working with the health center that provide physicians and other medical personnel checked regularly the disabled children health. This place also carried out the counseling to motivate more advanced and 326 Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) independent. Design dedication to the empowerment of the disabilities included: 1; as well as disabled-friendly transportation (Hutari, 2019). Dfd holds the value that basically all human beings are empowered and capable of doing (able). Certain physical conditions that are different from the general public's construction only show physiological characteristics and are not a determinant indicator in viewing a person's capacity. The empowerment pattern is considered successful if friends with disabled can sustainably and independently-run and get benefit from economic activities. The independence of friends with disabilities' will improve the quality of life for themselves and their families and ward off ableism stigma in society. “This includes our communication strategy to the community, we are still exploring several times what we want to empower, now forming a database containing certain people with disabilities who have the capacity to become entrepreneurs, the database is made through informal groups such as orphanages, which are the majority of people with disabled, on campus. The approach is still picking up the ball. Hopefully in the future the disabled friends are able to register themselves to join the DFD database.” (Interview with RD, 20-11-18) The dimensions of the disabled empowerment communication campaign from designfordream are projected to reach a wider economic scheme from a business to consumer (B2C) scheme and form business to business (B2B) concept, including social empowerment in it. With a broader and more open pattern, it is hoped that friends with disabilities will have an inclusive place in society. The practice of designfordream philanthropy by initiating strengthening economic access to friends with disabilities is also balanced with identifying target consumers. Given that the production capacity of disabled friends is not yet massive for the products offered through the designfordream social media channel, it is necessary to have the ability to recognize targets and appropriate media channels to use. 327Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) “We still focus on crowdfunding and e-commerce, but it has been more developed, open donations at the walkathon event, to share 1000 lipsticks for disabled people. There are campaign products, because open crowdfunding without products won’t sustain so it relies on content and look for the person. When the product campaign can get the momentbenefit , ] the funds will be raised. It will be saved forlaterThe campaign product can be a saved at, for crowdfunding it has to be a spesific targetr, e -commerce still sells goods with disabilities using a database system, it can be to B2C B2B B2G, so we make an approach to Government for example, we can support their activities.” (Interview with RD, 18-11-18) The concept of business to business (B2B) developed as a form of communication campaign by expanding the market for products for disabled friends. So far, the products of friends with disabilities have been marketed retail directly to the consumers. In its development, the strategy of cooperating with strategic partners was carried out by Designfordream. Products of friends with disabilities are starting to be offered to agencies, companies, and a more open business sector. The B2B scheme's target market is more focused on reinforcing increased production capacity and product quality to meet partner expectations. The B2B concept in start- up business has been going well in developed countries. In Indonesia, B2B practices still face several technical and non-technical (Nirwan & Dhewanto, 2015). Campaign materials are distributed regularly and incidentally to strategic partners and the public. Actively, dfd creates a reciprocal database for disabled communities, stakeholders, private entities, or other parties concerned about ableism issues among disabled friends. It is expected that every campaign carried out can make the community more enthusiastic and more active in contributing to creating more inclusive conditions for friends with disabilities. Every disabled friend product offered by dfd is packed with a narrative message of caring and inclusiveness. Message 328 Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) design is able to provide maximum added value to the product being offered. With a touch of creativity and innovation in advertising, it is expected that the target audience will be more diverse and broader. Now Dreams Sound More Inclusive: ICT for Access to Economy with Disabilities Creating a communication campaign work program to create an inclusive life for disabled friends is carried out based on research data. It is conducted by dfd so that the performance can take place in a suistainable manner. It is not uncommon for start-ups to not recognize the needs and problems in society, in the end, they cannot have a significant sustainable impact, even though they have sufficient potential. “People with disabilities who need to be supported by funds, we channel it through the crowdfunding concept, not only have their photos uploaded on websites and other social media accounts but we also create story-telling to strengthen the content, but we are also still learning how to effectively and efficiently crowdfunding. We are also looking for their channels to distribute their products; and get cash flow.” (Interview with VA, 18-11-18) Dfd develops different values from the communication campaign in similar philanthropic activities. Apart from creating a superior communication campaign and innovation, DFD also includes the community's values in the empowerment scheme of disabled friends. Bring the tagline “now dreams sound more inclusive”designfordream support the rights of friends with disabilities as stated in government regulations in Law No. 8 of 2016 concerning equality of access to disabilities in all dimensions of life, including economic access and decent work. This concept is in line with the Indonesian government's ratification of the instrument of an international convention on persons with disabilities' rights. DFD then carries out the concept of empowerment through a 329Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) value campaign of attachment dimensions of empowerment and equality of economic, social, and cultural access to friends with disabilities. Table 2. Communication Campaign “Now, Dream Sound More Inclusive” No Characteristics Concept 1 Vision dan mission Describe the values, characteristics, and role models of start-ups with basic e-philanthropy. 2 Purpose a. Supporting Indonesia to become a country that is more inclusive of people with disabilities b. Changing the stigma of ableism, that diffable people also have access and make their dreams come true. c. From the perspective of friends with disabilities, they can see themselves and not limited by “differences.” 3 Selection of social media as a campaign channel for diffable issues a. As a medium to increase awareness of diffable issues. With the sticker and broadcast features via the timeline in the LINE application, can maximize the content with visual designs related to people with disabilities. b. Instagram account used as a medium to promote products with disabilities that are feasible and have a selling value. Instagram was chosen because it is the most in-demand media. Based on dfd, the use of ICTs in campaigns for the concern for ableism is to gain several advantages. First, the target audience can be expanded. Second, human resources who are members of Designfordream can maximize capacity in technological and humanitarian practices. Third, youth drivers of change can significantly and positively contribute to eliminating ableism and strengthening friends with disabilities from economic, social, and educational dimensions. Meanwhile, designfordream refers more to a shift in the concept of human resources (human resources) to maximize personal performance (talent acquisition) in a work team. 330 Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) The use of ICT as a channel for strengthening the capacity and quality of individuals, communities, and institutions had a significant impact in various countries. In creating judicial professionalism through e-justice (Cerrillo & Fabra, 2008); learning with e-learning (Perra, 2009; Lubis et al., 2018); through thee-pabelan project (Robinson, 2006); as an innovation in digital media (Preston, 2001). Meanwhile, ICTs in economic activities have advantages in innovation, diffusion, and business development (Osman, 2006). The campaign carried out by DFD is carried out continuously to increase community participation for the issues of friends with disabilities. The campaign message was designed by the chief design officer, a person with disabilities, using a planning and exploration strategy packaged in an attractive visual design. Designfordream provides illustration messages to show the experiences of discrimination experienced by friends with disabilities through this content. “In the product introduction stage, how do we as a marketing team succeed in delivering products according to the dfd values to the wider community, especially people with disabilities, dfd is trusted to empower people with disabilities, right? Because the empowerment programs according to the needs of people with disabilities and people can also contribute, out of contextWe often change strategies, take in and out, yesterday’s blind campaign event for pre-orders was not bad for ordering 20 clothes, production from vendors, crowdfunding from us, so that the character of e-commerce as a disabled product of dfd can be felt.” (Interview with RD, 18-11-18) The designfordream communication campaign is not just a charity activity for friends with disabilities. However, it has further become a spirit of concern for ableism, which is still existed in placing disabled friends. The empowerment campaign is a process that has a philosophical foundation with adjustable execution. DFD carries out the stages in empowering friends with disabilities with the following practices: 331Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Table 3. Designfordream Empowerment Stages on Disabled Friends No Stage Practice 1 Awakening It is done to make people and communities aware of people with disabilities, including growing, mobilizing, and developing. 2 Understanding Provide new understanding and perception of their identity. This understanding process includes learning to appreciate empowerment fully and about what is required of them by the community. 3 Harnessing The condition of the community that already understands the concept of empowerment decides to use it for their community benefit. 4 Using When the community has been empowered, it has skills and abilities. In empowering people with disabilities, disabled can fulfill their daily needs through these abilities and skills. In-depth communication campaign “Now Dreams Sound More Inclusive” conducted by studying the performance of previous e-philanthropic social-based start-ups. Dfd also uses advertising media to distribute campaign messages on various social media channels. The target audience is getting bigger and bigger to initiate wider community enthusiasm in discrimination and ableism. The communication strategy is one of the keys to create and produce messages for this start-up company. According to designfordream management, choosing the right communication strategy will make communication and campaign run effectively. Designfordream understands its position as a start-up company; therefore, according to management, introducing the brand designfordream to the community is also a challenge. This company carries out a communication strategy through audience recognition and message composing. Audience identification is carried out carefully to obtain profiles of subjects (disabled friends) and objects (public audiences) that 332 Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) will target the message. After the audience recognition stage, the next step is composing the message. At this stage, the protocol for preparing the message design is carried out, one of which is to complement the message's substance with a visualization that attracts attention. This concept is carried out to encourage the presence of feedback from the community and other stakeholders. “There are beneficiaries of the program that we have created, and they also cooperate with us as beneficiaries, there is an object that we output, it looks like a lot like yesterday there was batik, wheelchair, it is an output and a socio-preneur. The money we get is divided by the proceeds, dfd takes 5% of the total crowdfunding and 20% of the total product sales.” (Interview with DS, 20-10-18) Dfd is part of a start-up that strives for existence, with an entity primarily formed based on the bright ideas of young people who want to grow and succeed (Salamzadeh & Kesim, 2015). The life cycle character of technology-based companies such as DFD is different from established companies (Miller, Jr., 2008). Some of the problems that start-ups may face are funding, risk, workload, resources, reward and punishment management, personal costs, and the trend of dynamic change (Nesheim, 2000). Choosing a strategic partner in building and developing a start-up company can be one strategy (Dagdeviren, 2018). With the selection of the right partner start-up companies', the performance and sustainabanies will be relatively more sustainable and long lasting. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Conclusion The research findings show that designfordream has the vision to distribute messages of concern on ableism and inclusiveness of access to friends with disabilities. Dfd uses a communication campaign strategy with 333Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) two platforms, namely crowdfunding and strengthening economic access for people with disabilities. The scheme is run with the Blind Awareness Campaign (BAC) as a literacy campaign on the issue of ableism and Now Dreams Sound More Inclusive (NDSMI) to strengthen economic access for friends with disabilities. The communication strategy carried out in youth philanthropic activities in DFD uses information communication technology (ICT). Through social media platforms, they are distributing persuasive messages with a broader target audience. In conducting communication campaigns, these programs are carried out by cooperating with several strategic partners. Dfd uses a communication campaign as an empowerment design with a transformative incubator pattern and changes the mindset. Through the activation of these two patterns, human resources for disabled friends who have the capacity for economic access are generated. Meanwhile, from a societal perspective, it is possible to overcome the psychological and cultural dimensions of ableism discrimination. The choice of empowering friends with disabilities is based not only on humanitarian considerations but also on carrying out a communication campaign for eliminating discrimination in the perspective of ableism to friends with disabilities. Designfordream works with friends with disabilities, stakeholders, and the community to create an inclusive atmosphere for all entities. The communication strategy carried out by Designfordream combines communication campaigns through the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages with the capacity of information technology competencies to get maximum response and exposure. Suggestion As the construction of physically differentiating individuals, ableism is a challenge in itself for society so that it does not spread into 334 Youth Communication Campaign In Strengthening Difabels Through Ict-Based Philanthropy Yuliana Rakhmawati, Rizki Ernaldi Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 5, No. 2, July – December 2020, pp. 313 - 340, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) discrimination. The initiation of youth philanthropy in a movement of concern for social themes has become a catalyst for anti-discrimination attitudes and behaviors in society. Using ICT in philanthropic activities such as designfordream as a start-up company with social enterprises can be an inspiration for similar movements. 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