Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) PEER COUNSELING TRAINING TO IMPROVE THE COMPETENCE OF SOPHOMORE PEER COUNSELORS Ema Zati Baroroh* Islamic Psychology Study Program, IAIN Pontianak, Indonesia Kiki Amalia Islamic Psychology Study Program, IAIN Pontianak, Indonesia Keywords: counseling; peer counselor; training for trainer (TFT); training program Correspondence: e-mail: * Abstract Counseling training programs need to be held because there is still a lack of student skills related to this program. Thus the competence of peer counselors needs to be improved. This training program's purposes are to provide participants with new knowledge and insight regarding the treatment of peer counselors. The research sample was 47 students undergraduate. The experimental design used is One Group Pre-test and Post- test Design. This training was held in two days with different durations. The research methods used here were mixed methods. The qualitative data were gained through a self-reflection form. Then, the quantitative data were taken through a knowledge test. The result of the Quantitative test was based on the analysis of the Paired sample T-Test, the result is p = 0.00 (p < 0.01). This implies that there is a clear difference before and after the training program. As can be seen from the qualitative results, the majority of the participants have experienced positive changes which can be detected in the self-reflection form exclusively in the section of new skills, skill upgrades, insights, and impressions. In the end, this article discusses findings, limitations, and recommendations for further peer counselor research and training program. 2 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Abstrak Program pelatihan konseling perlu diadakan karena masih kurangnya keterampilan siswa terkait program ini. Dengan demikian kompetensi konselor sebaya perlu ditingkatkan. Program pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan baru kepada peserta terhadap konselor sebaya. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 47 mahasiswa. Desain eksperimen ini adalah One Group Pretest and Posttest Design. Pelatihan ini berlangsung selama 2 kali dengan durasi yang berbeda. Pengambilan data pada penelitian ini mengunakan metode kualitatif berupa lembar refleksi diri dan kuantitatif berupa pengukuran pengetahuan. Uji Kuantitatif menunjukkan berdasarkan analisis Uji Paired sample T-Test didapati hasil nilai p = 0,00 (p < 0,01). Hal ini menandakan adanya terdapat perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah program pelatihan. Jika dilihat dari hasil kualitatif secara umum sebagian peserta mengalami perubahan jika dilihat dari lembar refleksi, baik dari keterampilan baru, peningkatan kemampuan, wawasan, dan kesan. Artikel ini juga membahas temuan, keterbatasan dan rekomendasi untuk studi dan pelatihan konselor sebaya selanjutnya. Kata kunci: konseling; konselor teman sebaya; Traning For Trainer (TFT); program pelatihan How to cite this (APA 7th Edition): Baroroh, E. Z. & Amalia, K. (2023). Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors. Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah Dan Komunikasi, 8(1), 1-40, albalagh.v8i1.5833 INTRODUCTION Contemporary college students encounter a multitude of challenges arising from diverse technological advancements and the process of industrialization. The inevitability of technological progress necessitates the acceleration and immediacy of all facets of human existence. Hence, 3Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) we must adjust ourselves to the progress of technology; otherwise, we risk being left in a state of stagnation. Technology plays a pivotal role in facilitating and supporting our various needs. However, conversely, it can pose a potential threat similar to a dual-bladed weapon. The dynamic, as mentioned above, is explained by the perspective of Rajab et al. (2016), which states that the acceleration of activities and various pleasures are the goals of modern progress. Despite this advancement, it causes individuals and societies to depart from their natural state and humanity. Idealistically, modernization must be balanced with humanity and way of life, which should be in accordance with their fitrah (God-desired natural disposition). If technological advancements do not conform to human nature, obstacles and even negative consequences will result. Examples of the negative effects include moral decline, deviations, the dissemination of pornographic material, etc. In addition, information and communication technologies give birth to a number of immoral practices, such as fraud, plagiarism, and the dissemination of pornographic material, which have a negative effect on the nation's morality (Garlick, 2010; Wang, 2014; Astuti & Nurmalita, 2018). The global COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to exacerbate this deviation condition. The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak compels all humans to engage in intensive technological interaction. This dynamic has the potential to bring individuals closer to the previously mentioned negative effects. Clearly, the transition from conventional to digital transformation is novel for Indonesia, particularly in education. The pandemic conditions have affected the higher education education system (Onyema, et al., 2020; Willies, 2023). As the primary focus of higher education, students are at the vanguard of addressing the problems posed by globalization. Nonetheless, students 4 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) encounter numerous academic and non-academic issues. Almost every generational stratum of students faces unique obstacles and difficulties in concluding their studies. Ramadanti et al. (2021) explained about the impact of the pandemic on higher education in Malang which, stated that apart from the unpreparedness of facilities and internet access, students had other complaints, such as a decreasing level of concentration and even cases of sore eyes. Based on this opinion, it can be concluded that students can get adverse effects both directly and indirectly. Decreased motivation is one of the negative effects, causing lethargy to delay work. This effect can hinder the academic achievement of students. Student achievement disruption will become a concern and a burden for students. Unfortunately, students do not comprehend the source of the problem or how to remedy it. Problem-solving must be done effectively by understanding the root of the problem itself. One of the things that can be done is counseling. This is supported by Ulfah's (2020) assertion that through the counseling process, clients who do not comprehend the problem will be assisted in identifying its root and examining potential solutions. One of the most important aspects of the counseling process is assisting the client in locating the origin of the issue. Hartini and Ariana (2016); Kaplan, Tarvydas, & Gladding (2014); and Rajagopal (2013) explained that counseling is professional interaction both individually and in groups who have problems and seek help from a third party, namely a counselor, to get help. The framework for obtaining assistance must remain within the framework of professional services. This professional service is framed with goals and directs the process of achieving these goals. In line with this, counseling is a trained professional service from a counselor to a client in a planned and face-to-face manner to help others (Ulfah, 2020). Thus counseling is a planned professional interaction from the help seeker (counselee) to the counselor, with certain 5Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) agreed goals relating to the provision of help. This is in accordance with the Al-Quran Q.S Al-Maidah verse 3. O ye who believe! Profane not the landmarks of Allah nor any sacred month nor the offering nor the victims with the garlands nor those repairing to the Sacred House seeking the grace of their Lord and His goodwill. And when ye have put off the state of sanctity, ye may chase. And let not the hatred against a people, because they kept you from the Sacred Mosque, incite you to trespass. Assist each other to virtue and piety, and assist not each other to sin and transgression, Fear Allah: verily Allah is Severe in chastising. From the verse above, the Islamic view regarding counseling is a helping behavior. Helping behavior in Islamic guidance is called amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, namely the behavior of helping clients to achieve goodness that Allah blesses. Therefore the counselor not only helps the client to be in a comfortable condition but also allows the client to do good things in accordance with religious teachings. However, in order for the process of helping in counseling to remain in line with applicable scientific principles, it is still necessary to have limitations within the professional framework and scope. Thus, counseling is also a reciprocal relationship within the professional framework of the counselor (guidance) and the counselee (help seeker) with specific goals and systematic steps. The counseling process has certain methods and stages which guide clients to solve their problems through suggestions, advice, and guidance from the counselor. The counselor chooses a variety of counseling approaches/methods that can be applied to direct the counselee to become independent, have a 6 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) positive mindset, and be responsible (Soedarmadji, 2012). In the end, the process framework helps a counselor make the counselee independent in solving their problem. In the long term, the counselor can make the client independent in facing life's challenges. Peers are one of the parties with the best opportunity to help, guide, and mutually support the student environment. Peers in the campus environment are one of the supporting systems that play a vital role, apart from the family. Peers can enrich the development process of an individual. In addition, peers are a comfortable environment because the counselor comes from the same background (status, age, educational path, etc.) as the counselee. In addition, peers have the same understanding of the times, which is undoubtedly different from the eyes of friends and even family members of different ages. Thus, unexcavated personal feelings can be taken. Students are more trusting and comfortable with others. Thus, peer relations are easier for mutual trust to occur. This is in line with the opinion of Maliki (2015) that state some of students often tell, talk about their problems to their peers or friends, and have strong bonds in friendship. Therefore, peers can have a more influential role, if they are properly trained and given a role to become peer counselors. Hartini (Azam, 2016) explained that peer counselor training is a promising alternative solution. Peer counselors involved in the peer counseling process can be interpreted as an effort to create a form of psychological guidance between peers that maintains ethical and systemic values. Peer counselors can be applied at various ages and levels. Besides that, peer counselors do not connote replacing the role of professional counselors. In essence, peer counselors facilitate peers to find solutions to their problems. This is in accordance with the opinion of Maliki (2015) that whatever the name is, the most important thing is how their interaction with each other can be used to enhance their development. 7Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) The key to counseling effectiveness lies in the role of the counselor. The success factor of the counseling process is also determined by the abilities and skills a counselor possesses. Counselors must have sufficient competence to be able to conduct counseling. Thus the need to train counselors becomes very important. This is in line with the opinion of Trisnowati (2016), which states that the most strategic effort is to increase the professional competence of counselors. The essential role of a peer counselor, like counselors in general, lies in the counselor's ability to guide and direct the counseling process. Therefore training must be provided as a support for the competence of peer counselors. This training is important in line with pre-research data conducted through a random survey of 60 psychology student subjects in Pontianak. Students who were asked to fill out the sheet had taken and completed a counseling psychology course. The survey contents were about the knowledge provided in the training materials. Based on the data in the tables and diagrams below, sub-optimal scores were generally found on the subject, whereas most of these scores are still in the average range. This is found in therapeutic communication materials, where the subject category is in the average range of 76% and the lowest at 9%. Besides that, in empathetic communication material, around 66.67% of the subjects are in the average category, and the remaining 6.67% are in the low category. However, there are the most low-level categories in basic counseling material, 73% of which are in the low category. A more precise description can be seen in the following table. 8 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Table 1. Knowledge Catagorization Diagram Based On Material Material Categorization Number of Subjects Percentage Basic Counseling Low 44 73,33% Average 14 23,33% High 2 3,33% Amount 60 100% Therapeutic Communication Low 9 15,00% Average 46 76,67% High 5 8,33% Amount 60 100% Empathic Communication Low 4 6,67% Average 40 66,67% High 16 26,67% Amount 60 100% Figure 1. Knowledge Categorization Diagram Based On The Material Given 9Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Ideally, the competence of peer counselors needs to be improved. It is because being a counselor is one of the critical competencies psychology students must have. This fact refers to Association of Indonesian Psychological Higher Education Providers/Asosiasi Penyelenggara Perguruan Tinggi Psikologi Indonesia (AP2TPI, 2019) that states the future occupation of psychology graduates can be carried, one of which is to become a counselor. In line with the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education No. 2500 in 2018, “the personality of a Bachelor of Islamic Psychology should be kind, knowledgeable and up to date able to carry out as a counselor, designer and development facilitator scientific communities psychology and based on Islamic values. In short, the graduates should have a good personality, be knowledgeable,, up- to-date, capable of carrying out duties, and be responsible based on Islamic teachings and ethics, knowledge and expertise” (Kementerian Agama RI, 2018). Thus practical knowledge and skills related to counseling need to be mastered. Ideally, students who have taken counseling psychology courses should understand and be able to apply counseling skills. So, it is expected that the score found ranges from medium to high. However, the reality is that there are still quite a lot of students who are in the low category with a different distribution of knowledge of the three materials presented in this study. Qualitative data also corroborate this through interviews. In the interviews conducted with two psychology students (F and Y) in Pontianak, it is found that they only possess a general understanding of being a counselor. According to respondent F, it was unclear what direction to study counseling psychology during the counseling psychology course. He also added that after studying in college, he only knew that the point of counseling psychology is that there is a client and a counselor, where the client tells the problem, and then the counselor takes care of the client. However, it is not yet clear what practical steps should be made and how to execute them. The question was then deepened by asking whether counseling psychology lessons were valuable without direct peer 10 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) counseling training. The two respondents also answered in the same way that additional training was needed related to improving counseling skills. Respondent Y said, "If I have a course, it's not enough, ma'am. There should be additional training as well, ma'am." Supported by the opinion of respondent F, it can be concluded that reliance on counseling psychology courses alone is insufficient. The researcher seeks to create a peer training program based on the description above. This training program includes adding basic knowledge about counselors and skills that can be achieved through practice. The program is implemented by integrating several methods, including lecture methods, games, watching videos, role-playing, reflection, and training. These methods offer a unique update in counseling subjects due to their variation. This intended program is a combination of theory and practice through the activeness of the participants. In addition, the treatment design made in this study is quite detailed compared to other similar studies. The first is research by Linayaningsih et al. (2017). The difference between this study and ours is that this research looks at the effect of peer counseling in increasing psychological well-being, while our study refers to increasing counselor competence. In addition, Linayaningsih et al.’s (2017) research focuses on junior high school students located in Maria Mediatrix Semarang, while our research focuses on psychology students in Pontianak. There is also another study of peer counselors in junior high schools. Research from Trisnowati (2016), this study was conducted in the same location as ours, but there are differences in the sample criteria. This research focuses on formulating a training program to improve counseling skills for counselors in carrying out their daily tasks. The research approach used is descriptive-analytic, while our research uses experimental research methods. 11Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Subsequent research from Astiti (2019) is also used here. The focus or objective of this research is to determine the implementation of peer counseling and what factors hinder and support the effectiveness of peer counseling. In comparison, our research focuses on providing capacity building for peer counselors. The next difference is in location and sample criteria, where previous research was conducted on MAN/Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (Islamic Senior High School) Yogyakarta II students, while our research was on psychology students in Pontianak. Previous research is a field research with a qualitative descriptive-analytic approach, while our research uses a mixed method approach. Sharing snippets of previous research above shows that this research is novel to be carried out. It can be viewed from various elements, such as research objectives, focus, research type, and research approach. The location and characteristics of the sample and so on also count as the novel elements that this research offers. Thus, this training program's purposes are to provide participants with new knowledge and insight regarding the treatment of peer counselors. This intervention is useful to help improve their abilities when they graduate. The research hypothesis is that peer counseling training effectively increases peer counselors' competence. This research focuses on studying student groups of the Islamic Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab, and Da’wa, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pontianak as peer counselors. METHODS The design used in this research is the one group pre-test-post-test design. This research is intended to use only one treatment group without a comparison to other groups (Saifuddin, 2019; Marsden & Torgerson, 2012). One group pretest-posttest design was chosen because this research is a preliminary study. In this condition, internal validity, external validity, and several other elements have not been fully controlled. In minimalizing 12 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) the disruption and invalidity of the experiment, the researchers minimized the effect of learning by randomizing the order of the question in both post-test and pre-test sessions. This is because the one group pretest- posttest as a pre-experiment is a design still of incomplete quality. Non-R O1 X O2 Figure 2. One group pretest posttest design Annotation: Non-R : There is no randomization in the research O1 : Measurement before treatment (pretest) O2 : Measurement after treatment (posttest) X : Training The selection of sample in this research used a quota sampling technique. The set of quotas is limited to 40 students. This is due to the effectiveness of the training. The researcher urges the quality in understanding the materials presented and the intensity of the interaction made by both the trainer and co-trainers with the trainee (research sample). The guidance for the participant of this research is through lectures and role-playing. Based on Fauzy (2019), quota sampling techniques must meet the target standard. Therefore, the registration was opened widely and gathered as many as 65 participants. These 65 participants attended the training, but there were only 47 participants who joined the entire session of: pre-test, post-test, a series of training agendas, and qualitative data collection. All 47 participants met this research's criteria: the Islamic psychology study program students who had passed the counseling psychology subject. 13Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) The data collection method uses two data collection techniques; quantitative and qualitative methods. First, knowledge level questionnaire. Objective tests were used to measure the result of the development of participants. The test is in the form of multiple choice based on knowledge about the material. This is in accordance with Khaerudin (2016) that tests in learning can be used to determine the extent of students' mastery of the learning provided. Thus, the measurement of the objective test here is to measure the level of knowledge of the sample. The element that measured is the level of knowledge and the competence of the counselor. The competencies referred to in this study are basic counseling, therapeutic communication, and empathetic communication. The measurement used 36 questions which were constructed from training materials, using multiple choices of a, b, and c. This statement is useful for measuring participants' knowledge about counseling. The data were analyzed by testing the questions' validity, reliability, power differentiation and difficulty level through the SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) program. The results of the analysis showed that of the 36 total question items, 25 items (69%) were declared valid, while 11 items (31%) were declared invalid. In this study, 25 items were used, and the remaining items were dropped. The validity test was carried out using the Product Moment validity method. The validity score of each item was obtained through the Pearson Correlation significance output. The validity score range for each item ranges from 0.301 – 1. Meanwhile, item reliability is categorized as high reliability, with Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.784. Furthermore, testing the discrimination item and the level of difficulty of the items was carried out on 25 items that were valid. The item discriminatory power ranges from 0.301 in the moderate category to 1 in the excellent discriminatory category. First, discriminating the items is divided into 3 categories: very good, good, and sufficient. In the very 14 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) good category there were 3 questions or 12%, in the good category there were 14 questions or 56%, while in the sufficient category there were 8 questions or 32%. Further processing is at the difficulty level of the questions. There were 16 items (64%) in the easy category, 9 items (36%) in the medium category. Second, self reflection. In addition to using quantitative data collection methods, this research also used a qualitative method in the form of a questionnaire. According to Nugrahani (2014), a questionnaire in qualitative research can be defined as a list of open-ended questions that can provide an opportunity for the sample to provide an explanation. The questionnaire used was in the form of a self-reflection sheet after the training. This method was chosen to find out personal opinions regarding the skills acquired during the training, including the provision of material and practice. The points recorded were explanations related to the new skills acquired, the extent to which skill upgrades occurred, the extent to which they gained insight, and the impression of participating in the training. The researcher wrote down questions on this reflection sheet that guided the participants to answer. The questions are as follows: what new skills did the trainees obtain after attending the training (parameter of unable to able)?; update skills trainees obtained after participating in this training (parameter from general to expertise); insights obtained after attending the entire training series; based on trainees’ opinions, describe the phases that are impressive for you in the context of the whole series of events in this training. Peer counseling training is the independent variable, while the counselor's competence is the dependent variable. The intervention carried out in this research was a counseling training program. This training involves one co-trainer (psychology student) and one trainer (psychologist). The training program methods included lecture methods, games, watching videos, role play, reflection, and practice. This training 15Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) lasted for two days, from 08.00-15.00 for day 1 and 08.00-14.00 for day 2. The following is the intervention plan: Table 2. Intervention Design Meeting Session Name Objective Duration 1 Opening 1. Participants understand the training procedures 2. Building participants’ commitment to attend the training regularly 3. Obtaining participants’ pre-test data 30 Minutes Introduction to Material 1 1. Ice-breaking session 2. Brainstorming about the material given 15 Minutes Basic counseling 1. Participants gain knowledge of the basics of counseling 2. Participants understand the basics of counseling 1 Hour Introduction to Material 2 1. Ice-breaking session (In line with therapeutic communication materials) 2. Brainstorming about the material given 15 Minutes Therapeutic Communication 1. Participants understand the helping profession 2. Participants understand the Islamic view of counseling in Islam 3. Participants understand the meaning and purpose of the theoretical relationship 4. Participants understand the counselor's duties 5. Participants understand the essential characteristics and principles of the therapeutic relationship 6. Participants understand the stage of the therapeutic relationship 1 Hour 15 Minutes Introduction to Material 3 1. Ice-breaking session (In line with Empathic communication materials) 2. Brainstorming about the material given 15 Minutes 16 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Meeting Session Name Objective Duration Empathic Communication 1. Participants understand and explain emotion in Neuropsychology 2. Participants understand and explain the Islamic View of empathy 3. Participants understand and explain the pattern of empathic communication 4. Participants understand ways to empathize with other people 5. Participants understand and explain the definition of empathy 6. Participants understand and explain the characteristics of empathic abilities 7. Participants understand and explain the forms of empathy 1 Hour Closing 1. To trigger participants to review the material 2. Close the session 15 Minutes 2 Opening Participants gain a general understanding of the training procedures 15 Minutes Introduction to Training 1 Briefing participants on the exercises 15 Minutes Training 1 Trainee Role Play 1. Participants are able to practice counseling among other participants 2. Participants can evaluate each other's appearance 1 Hour 15 Minutes Introduction to Training 2 Briefing participants on the exercises 15 Minutes Training 2 Involving external clients 1. Participants are able to practice counseling with other people 2. Participants are able to apply appropriate counseling procedures 3. Participants are able to apply therapeutic and empathic communication in counseling 1 Hour Reflection and Closing 1. Getting an overview that participants obtained during the session 2. Getting the post-test 15 Minutes 17Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Research Results The following research results were summarized based on self- reflection collected from an open questionnaire given to participants. Self- reflection sheets were given after the training at the end of two sessions. The following data results from the sample's self-reflection are as follows: Table 3. Sample’s Self-Reflection Results No. Name New Skills Obtained Upgraded Skills Insight Impression Changes 1 S 1 Understanding counseling in terms of material and practice. Building rapport with clients so that clients could consult with me. Gained new experience as a counselor and learned to empathize with and understand the client's problems. Becoming a counselor Yes 2 S 2 Building rapport and doing termination Probing and communication skills as a counselor Everyone has problems and they must be heard and understood. The practice session with clients, both fellow participants and external clients. From that part I learned a lot. Yes 3 S 3 Facing fear when dealing with real cases (fear of being unable to give advice). Speak with eye contact and maintain expression/ gesture. By meeting clients, I feel that my life is easier than others. Dealing with the problems of other people's lives is not easy. The most memorable moment is during the counseling process with clients. Yes 4 S 4 Skills in communicating with clients. Becoming a good listener with empathy. Getting a new experience that has never been experienced before. Becoming a counselor and also a counselee. As a counselor, I learned to listen well to other people's stories and how to respond properly. Yes 5 S 5 Courage to share experiences Communicate, professionality and courage Useful knowledge or theory and impressive, enjoyable practice. Meeting clients Yes 18 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) No. Name New Skills Obtained Upgraded Skills Insight Impression Changes 6 S 6 Putting oneself in empathy for other people's problems. Learn to listen actively to client’s stories. Trained myself to adapt to the people I was dealing with. Communication skills, trained to talk to others even if they are strangers. Skill to be good at choosing to quickly decide on the problems faced and how to handle them. Made me realize there are many problems to study. You have to have the courage to face other people. Newly met a client in counseling, a totally new experience. Yes 7 S 7 The right style of speaking when counseling and the right face expression How to respond well. Gained more knowledge on how to communicate and what to say in counseling to avoid repeating questions or statements. The trainers, committee, and mc have done their best to make the training process very interesting. Yes 8 S 8 Better communication, controlling feelings, building good relationships, and increasing confidence in communication. Building a conducive atmosphere and build client trust. Special problems from clients as learning media for counselors. Facing directly with clients and feel the real counseling process. Yes 9 S 9 Adapting to counselee Focused communication with counselee Creating the theory to be entertaining and developed Facing counselee directly turns out to be a challenge. Yes 10 S 10 Real counseling is not mere sharing session Listening, probing and termination Enhanced counseling skills in various phases Counseling practice Yes 11 S 11 Starting the conversation with the consented objectives. More listening than talking. Digging information. - Acknowledging how to deal with people who have problems. Counseling practice Yes 12 S 12 Understanding and listening to other people better. Becoming a better listener and understanding on how to be a good counselor Knowing how to listen to people's stories or problems well. Part of the learning process to be a good counselor. Yes 13 S 13 Knowledge to be more accepting of clients unconditionally. Learning practically about the science of counseling and learn to observe. Listening skills, sensitivity and empathy. Gaining more experience. Interacted with a client who did not have an emotional connection before. The material presented and the counseling process. Yes 19Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) No. Name New Skills Obtained Upgraded Skills Insight Impression Changes 14 S 14 Becoming a good listener, increased empathy, easier to talk to strangers Increasing empathy, able to be a good listener, able to accept people unconditionally Gaining knowledge, sharpened skills through practice Self-improvement in order to face the challenges in counseling practice Yes 15 S 15 Understanding the process of counseling, learning on how to do proper counseling, showing empathy to clients Counseling practice, since it is the first time to face clients Starting from the basics of counseling to practicing counseling Every phases of training provided is very interesting Yes 16 S 16 Ability to gain information and control voice intonations Consistently active through listening Listening to others’ stories well Gained the opportunity to answer the questions given. Speakers delivered the materials well. Yes 17 S 17 Becoming a good listener, an empath, learning to give suggestions to other people’s issues Learning how to be a counselor and learning to give suggestions New knowledge on counseling psychology Counseling with clients Yes 18 S 18 Understanding how to become a good counselor To be a friendly, responsive, empath and a good listener Gained an astounding experience from lecturers and peers Counseling process Yes 19 S 19 Communicating clients’ feelings well. Controlling emotions when clients share their emotional burdens Communicating well with clients Astounding experience and knowledge Internal role-play Yes 20 S 20 Communicating with strangers, building an adequate rapport, giving suggestions Communicating in front of people well. Able to give empathy and sympathy to strangers. Amazing experience Memorable counseling process and materials Yes 21 S 21 Trying to communicate well. Able to listen to people’s stories Persuading clients to tell their issues. Able to give good suggestions to clients. Learning to respond to others’ stories, either strangers or not. Able to cooperate as a counselor or clients Communication session with clients. Yes 22 S 22 Acknowledging the ways to gain information on people’s issues and participating on giving suggestions and solutions Learning how to communicate in front of the public and to understand the problems faced by others Understanding on how to face people with problems Gaining theories Yes 20 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) No. Name New Skills Obtained Upgraded Skills Insight Impression Changes 23 S 23 Communicating without stuttering. Able to end conversations well and make people understand the message conveyed Curious, learning how to be soft-spoken, understanding people’s feelings 2-way communication or increasing self- appreciate Astounding speakers and the knowledge transfer process were engaged very well. Yes 24 S 24 New knowledge, counseling practice, learning how to be a good listener Learning how to make probing on gaining the root of the issues that the clients faced New beneficial knowledge and practicing the knowledge above on the spot Counseling process Yes 25 S 25 Understanding counseling, the process, and the procedures Being selective about the dictionary used in the counseling process Understanding and not forcing others to share their issues. The counseling process can be done better than before When facing clients that I do not recognize and the problems they face are unpredictable Yes 26 S 26 Empathy, calmer, and to be a good listener Understanding people’s problems with reading non-verbal language. Honing communication skills Learning to be more empathic and gaining new knowledge on facing other people. Doing the right way of communication On-the-spot practice and meeting other people while implementing the principles as a counselor Yes 27 S 27 Able to be consulting openly with newly met people. Able to make people comfortable with opening up and sharing their stories. Gaining experience in counseling Gaining knowledge and understanding other people’s feelings Gaining a lot of knowledge on the phases and process of counseling. Able to acknowledge the procedures of counseling Counseling process Yes 28 S 28 The way of counseling with peers, communicating with newly met people, and the proper way of communicating Being tolerant with newly met people, communicating effectively, and building a rapport Tolerant of newly met people since I learned how to build a rapport with them Counseling process. Yes 29 S 29 Able to adapt or communicate with strangers. Giving solutions to newly met people. Making them comfortable Understanding them, listening well without asking questions To practice more since the application of the theories are quite different in reality Gaining an amazing experience in the counseling process Yes 30 S 30 Communication skills are improved Enhancing communication skills and interacting with newly met people Beneficial materials supported with adequate materials Counseling role play with clients Yes 21Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) No. Name New Skills Obtained Upgraded Skills Insight Impression Changes 31 S 31 Gaining knowledge on how to build a good relationship with newly met people Actively communicating with newly met people Excellent training for future psychologists Becoming a counselor for the first time Yes 32 S 32 Sympathize with the problems others face and eliminate the apathy towards other people’s problems. Learning to be confident to talk to others Gaining live experience with clients How to face unfamiliar clients, adapt to new people, and try to sympathize Yes 33 S 33 Acknowledging the basics of counseling and the behavior To appreciate the experiences of counselees, to be emphatic, and to listen to their stories Beneficial knowledge and amazing experience The counseling process, the materials given, and the speakers’ delivery method are easily understandable. Yes 34 S 34 To build a rapport with the clients to make them comfortable with the counselor To build trust with clients for them to consult and to make clients feel comfortable after counseling Communication could affect the counseling process. Counseling process, especially when we have to listen and to conclude in order to make clients feel validated Yes 35 S 35 To be better in communication To be a better listener To understand a person deeply Doing the practice to understand on how to do a proper counseling Yes 36 S 36 To be more empathetic to others. Listening skills are improved To learn how to be a good counselor in handling clients Gaining new knowledge from the training based on the materials given and the practice sessions The materials delivered are new to me. Being a counselor, handling clients, and giving suggestions and motivations Yes 37 S 37 To be able to handle the clients’ issues and to acknowledge the right assistance method To acknowledge the counseling process To gain the new materials Counseling process Yes 38 S 38 Giving suggestions and solutions to clients as I could. Listening to clients’ consultation on what burdens their minds. To improve skills in order to be better Facing counselees on the spot and to be familiar with them in a short time Yes 39 S 39 Acknowledging the proper process of counseling Assisting when someone consults. To be able to give the feedback the clients expected Various knowledge on how to become a good counselor based on the procedures Feeling of kinship. How the trainers made the situation to be comfortable Yes 40 S 40 To be able to talk to people with problems, be empathetic, observe, and be helpful to others To improve speaking skills, understand the situations well, and train language and verbal skills. To have experience as a counselor. To feel that it is not a trivial matter to be someone to consult. Counseling with clients Yes 22 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) No. Name New Skills Obtained Upgraded Skills Insight Impression Changes 41 S 41 Orientation skills in counseling, controlling intonation and expressions when assisting and facing clients To respond to clients with facial expressions and gestures The experience doing counseling on the spot To face newly met people and how to conduct counseling Yes 42 S 42 Acknowledging the ethics of counseling, being a good listener, controlling emotions when handling clients Knowing how to assist clients, not forcing them to talk To control own emotions, accept and understand client’s burdens, to make clients comfortable in consulting On-the-spot practice with clients, having fun learning while playing games, the materials given provide new insights. Yes 43 S 43 Trying to be an individual with problem-solving skills. To be someone capable of observing In-depth interviews to know what needs to be done. Increasing knowledge of counseling A need to learn and sharpen communication skills, interview clients, and end a conversation as a counselor counseling process Yes 44 S 44 Gaining a beneficial knowledge Understanding the situation and the condition of others To be more attentive and to give suggestions Empathy Yes 45 S 45 To train skills or to measure the skills of individuals To communicate with newly met people, to give instructions, and to give them trust Beneficial knowledge, amazing experience To assist clients and to give instructions or opinion Yes 46 S 46 To adapt to clients politely To increase experience and knowledge and acknowledge that counseling is not easy. Increased knowledge and to know how to be a counselor The material delivery method from the trainees is very detailed and easy to understand Yes 47 S 47 To be relaxed on assisting clients To be a good listener and to respond to clients' problems adequately. Know how to interact and end a conversation on counseling. There is a need to have a mutual understanding between the counselor and the client. The client’s response to what I have suggested has been received well. The client is comfortable and trusting of me as a counselor. Yes Based on the results of the qualitative self-reflection table, there are changes in the four aspects presented. Several conclusions were conveyed that almost all participants were impressed with the training methods provided. During the training, they were not only given theory but were also provided with good practice role-playing with friends or dealing with 23Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) external clients. In addition, participants generally understood the science of counseling and its application, as well as the detailed and interesting material provided. Therefore, participants have an idea of how to be a good counselor. More than that, the participants were more enthusiastic during the practice session, which was held on the second day. Accordingly, based on the participant's responses, all of the participants stated that the practice session was the most interesting. Some of the responses that were conveyed included those where they felt that practice could enhance the knowledge that had been given. The participants also obtained the opportunity to apply the theory that has been given directly. In addition, they are very enthusiastic when they deal directly with clients. Thus, the practice session provided them with a new experience as if they were a “real” counselor for the first time. Activities carried out in groups indirectly affect the success rate of the training. The holding of group-based training can allow the dynamics within the group. This gives rise to mutual discussions and feedback between fellow participants. This is in accordance with the opinion of Maryatun (2013), who states that group activities provide opportunities for participants to learn from each other and work together. In addition, the dynamics in the group lead to the cultivation of mutual support and motivation to learn and practice together in this program. In addition to qualitative data, this research also produces quantitative data. The table 4 is the result of the knowledge level description test. Generally viewed, the majority of participants have experienced changes. The differences in the data are obtained from the difference in scores on the post-test and pre-test. The difference in the data shows the difference in scores before and after the treatment. The table 4 shows the results: 24 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Table 4. Test Results of Description of Knowledge Level No. Intitial Difference In Scores Changes 1 S 1 2 Yes 2 S 2 2 Yes 3 S 3 2 Yes 4 S 4 4 Yes 5 S 5 1 Yes 6 S 6 7 Yes 7 S 7 2 Yes 8 S 8 2 Yes 9 S 9 9 Yes 10 S 10 6 Yes 11 S 11 7 Yes 12 S 12 5 Yes 13 S 13 9 Yes 14 S 14 4 Yes 15 S 15 7 Yes 16 S 16 4 Yes 17 S 17 1 Yes 18 S 18 0 No 19 S 19 6 Yes 20 S 20 6 Yes 21 S 21 7 Yes 22 S 22 7 Yes 23 S 23 4 Yes 24 S 24 4 Yes 25 S 25 1 Yes 26 S 26 4 Yes 27 S 27 0 No 28 S 28 10 Yes 29 S 29 8 Yes 30 S 30 5 Yes 31 S 31 2 Yes 32 S 32 8 Yes 33 S 33 4 Yes 34 S 34 0 No 35 S 35 11 Yes 36 S 36 7 Yes 37 S 37 5 Yes 38 S 38 9 Yes 39 S 39 3 Yes 40 S 40 10 Yes 41 S 41 7 Yes 42 S 42 1 Yes 43 S 43 3 Yes 44 S 44 -8 No 45 S 45 5 Yes 46 S 46 6 Yes 47 S 47 13 Yes 25Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) For sample number 44, the researcher chose to mature it since there was an irregularity where the decline occurred quite far for this sample. This condition made the researcher cross-check the observation data. It was found from these data that during the entire session, sample 44 looked unfocused. It was known that she (sample 44) was pregnant in trimester 1 (a period when a pregnant person tends to experience physical discomfort and an unstable emotional condition). Influenced by other conditions, she might also experience fatigue because her house is very far from the training location. Based on these reasons, the researcher decided not to use the sample’s data. If the data is used, it will significantly impact the overall results, especially the normality of the data. Table 5 is a description of the categorization of knowledge levels on the subject before and after the intervention. Table 5. Description Of Knowledge Level Categorization (N=46) Pre-Post Test Category Score Range Total Sample Percentage Pre-Test Low X < 8 2 4,35 Average 8 ≤ X < 17 36 78,26 High X ≥ 17 8 17,39 Amount 46 100 Post-Test Low X < 8 0 0 Average 8 ≤ X < 17 13 28,26 High X ≥ 17 33 71,74 Amount 46 100 26 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Peer Cou Ema Zati befor test s from categ findin Bas the Shap value of Test data Vol. 8 No. 1 nseling Train Baroroh, Kiki Fi The tables a re and after samples from 78.26% to gory, compar ngs in this st Pretest Posttest sed on the r piro Wilk tes Sig. for a Po a are typicall 1, January – Ju ing To Improv Amalia igure 3. Diag and diagram training in 4 m 4.35% to 28.26%. In red to 17.39% tudy even m Kolmo Statistik .86 .122 results of the st section, it ost Test valu ly distribute Levene S .851 0.0 50.0 100.0 une 2023, pp. ve The Comp gram Of Kno ms above sh 46 samples. 0.00% in th addition, t % before tra more convinc Test O ogorov-Smir Df 46 46 e SPSS analy is known th ue of 0,168 > ed. Test Of tatistic 1 00% 00% 00% Pre T 4.35% 78 Knowla Low A xxxx, DOI: h petence Of So owledge Lev how the diffe Both showe e post-test. the majority aining. This r cing. Table 6. Of Normalit rnox Sig .200* .085* ysis, obtaine hat the Sig. > 0,05 It can Table 7 f Homogene Df 1 Test Po % 0.00 .26% 17.39% ge Catagorizat Avarege H Al-Balagh: Jur https://doi.or ISSN 25 ophomore Pe vel Pre-test a erences in th ed a change Then, at the y of sample result is one ty Sh Statistik .986 .964 ed from the for the Pre be conclude eity df2 90 ost Test 0% 28.26% 71.74% tion High rnal Dakwah rg/10.22515/a 527-5704 (P) I eer Counselor and Post-tes he level of s from a low e average le es were 71.7 e of the thing hapiro-Wilk Df 46 46 "Test of No Test of 0,84 ed that the P Sig .359 h dan Komun albalagh.v8i1 ISSN 2527-568 rs t ample categ w level in the evel, it decre 74% in the gs that make Sig .849 .168 ormality" tab 49 > 0,05 an Pre Test and nikasi .5833 82 (E) gories e pre- eased high es the ble in d the d Post Figure 3. Diagram Of Knowledge Level Pre-test and Post-test The tables and diagrams above show the differences in the level of sample categories before and after training in 46 samples. Both showed a change from a low level in the pre-test samples from 4.35% to 0.00% in the post-test. Then, at the average level, it decreased from 78.26% to 28.26%. In addition, the majority of samples were 71.74% in the high category, compared to 17.39% before training. This result is one of the things that makes the findings in this study even more convincing. Table 6. Test Of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnox Shapiro-Wilk Statistik Df Sig Statistik Df Sig Pretest .86 46 .200* .986 46 .849 Posttest .122 46 .085* .964 46 .168 Based on the results of the SPSS analysis, obtained from the "Test of Normality" table in the Shapiro Wilk test section, it is known that the Sig. for the Pre Test of 0,849 > 0,05 and the value of Sig. for a Post Test value of 0,168 > 0,05 It can be concluded that the Pre Test and Post Test 27Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) data are typically distributed. Table 7 Test Of Homogeneity Levene Statistic Df df2 Sig .851 1 90 .359 Based on the results of the SPSS analysis in the output table above, the Sig. 0,359. Because of the value of Sig. 0.359 > 0.05, it can be concluded that the data variance is the same or can be called Homogenate. Table 8 are the results of the knowledge-level questionnaire with the Paired Sample T-Test analysis. This data analysis is used because these two groups have normally-distributed data. Table 5 shows a significant difference in the level of knowledge at the level of 0.05 before and after receiving the training program (Sig = 0.00, p < 0.01). The Mean value is -5.00000, which indicates the difference between the average Pre-Test (Variable) result and the Post-Test (Variable) result of -5.00000. The following table of data processing results is contained in the table: Table 8. Test Results of Paired Sample T-Test Knowledge Level t Sig. (1-tailed) -10.653 .000 Discussion This study aims to provide participants with new knowledge and insight regarding the treatment of peer counselors. In addition, it provides a better chance in the competence of participants to become peer counselors. This finding aligns with Maliki's (2015) opinion that peer counseling is a deliberate and systematic education that can improve the implementation of skills in providing peer assistance. By providing 28 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) education in the form of training to become peer counselors, it is hoped that participants could implement the given theory to become peer counselors with the expected qualities. The achievement of the first objective can be seen from the quantitative results where most samples experienced changes in the range of numbers personally, although with different ranges (can be seen in Table 3). This fact aligns with the findings on categorizing the hypothetical mean in the sample group changes. This condition shows that after training, most samples are at a high level of 71.74% compared to before training (can be seen in Table 4 and Figure 3). In line with that, there is an increase in the description of the categorization of knowledge- level data on the sample before and after training. During the post-test, the number of samples in the low category was 33 samples, while on the pre-test, there were eight samples. The average category decreased from 36 samples in the pre-test to 13 samples during the post-test. In addition, the high category eight samples in the pre-test increased to 33 samples in the post-test. These findings are supported by qualitative findings viewed per sample, where the majority of samples experienced changes in meaning and insight towards training. All samples generally experienced changes in various ranges of new knowledge and insights (see Table 3). One of the conclusions supporting the achievement of the first objective is that all samples claim that they better understand the science of counseling and its application. This training is especially useful for psychology students to provide enrichment of knowledge and practical experience on becoming a good counselor. Most participants felt that this training helped them understand counseling better, even though they already knew counseling psychology subject at class. It is in accordance with the capacity training function from Devi V and Shaik (2012), where the training function empowers human resources to reach their potential. Thus, psychology students can improve their quality and qualifications to become qualified counselors. 29Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) A competence increase in all samples to become a counselor is also an achievement this study produces. The following is a quote from the reflection sheet given by sample 28. She wrote the impression “Counseling process. I had an amazing experience during the counseling process.” Furthermore, sample 35 conveyed a similar opinion to the previous sample. She conveyed, "Doing the practice session to know more about how to do counseling". One last example on sample 45 who stated, "To be able to deal with clients and give suggestions or opinions." Thus, the implications of practice sessions, both role-playing with friends and dealing with external clients, have a positive impact on providing new experiences for the sample in practicing being a peer counselor. The majority of samples also feel that practice can enhance the knowledge that has been given and the opportunity to apply the material. This is in line with the opinion of Gaho, Telaumbanua, & Laia (2021) that in counseling, using the role play technique enables individuals to exchange information, discuss problems, and exchange experiences, feelings, and knowledge of each other to form active group dynamics or the occurrence of interactions between individuals. Thus, role-play as a training not only helps participants apply theory through concrete steps, but can also build the participants' dynamics during training. This dynamic is of course formed from a combination of role-play with the discussion method. For example, this research provided the samples with two role-playing sessions. After the role-play, they were asked to share their experiences and stories when they (as if) became counselors. Sharing experiences and discussions create momentum to increase the dynamics within the training group. This research confirms the hypothesis given at the introductory section: peer counseling training effectively increases peer counselors' competence. This is indicated by the acquisition of quantitative data (can be seen in Table 8). There is a significant difference in the knowledge level of counseling before and after training (sig = 0.00; p < 0.01). The results 30 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) of the data analysis show that peer counseling training effectively increases the participants' knowledge as counselors. Counseling knowledge is very important for a counselor. Counselors do not just listen to the counselees’ stories but also have to understand the counselee and the whole counseling process thoroughly. It is in line with Pratiwi and Karneli (2021), who state that the better the counselor's self-skills, the individual will be able to experience the benefits of a counselor's services. The professionalism of a counselor in carrying out his duties in helping to solve existing problems is a quality reflection. Theoretically, this research is sufficient to contribute to the development of psychology related to counseling psychology, especially peer counselors. In addition, it can be useful to add to the body of knowledge about intervention models that can be carried out related to peer counseling. With this kind of research, readers can see the materials provided. This training is comprehensive in accommodating the needs of participants regarding counseling psychology (can be seen in Table 2). In addition to being an enrichment, it is also related to using various methods that can be combined into one unit. These multiple things can be a reference for future researchers to develop training related to the competence of peer counselors. These quantitative and qualitative results are supported by the achievement of material targets that are considered good. This is because the material designed has been conveyed as a whole, accompanied by integrating several methods. Integrating the lecture method with applicable examples in the field and playing videos and giving games related to the material offers a novel approach to developing peer counseling programs. In addition, this training also combines various practice sessions to overcome boredom in participants. In the end, participants can enjoy and be enthusiastic about implementing the training. 31Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) This is in line with the results of observations where almost all participants were actively involved in the sessions. In addition, the participant's responses also seemed enthusiastic through their answers whenever asked. It is strengthened by the fact that learning media can build active interactions and utilize students' potential to achieve educational goals (Febrita & Ulfah, 2019). This means that using learning media will make the training more dynamic, including building a two-way interaction between participants and trainers, inviting participants to be actively involved, and bringing out more potential for participants to achieve the training objectives. In this case, the learning media is one element that contributes to achieving the two training objectives above. In addition, providing varied and interactive methods is an important component predicted to impact training outcomes positively. This is in line with the findings of Nurrita (2018) that learning media can be a guide for teachers to design learning objectives by presenting more interesting material to improve the quality of learning and understanding of the material. Therefore, using learning media can attract participants to the training process to support quality improvement and help participants understand the training. The various things above are the novelty of this research. This uniqueness can be seen in the preparation of methods and materials that are quite comprehensive. This research emphasizes the theoretical mastery of counseling basics and improving skills through practice. The simulations session was held at the second meeting, with the first two role- playing practices with friends and handling cases from external clients. Thus, implementing the practice is expected to help the sample easily understand what has been conveyed during the material session. This is in line with the opinion that simulation can help to become equipped in dealing with real situations and enrich the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed in dealing with various social situations, hone creativity and 32 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) increase enthusiasm in the learning process (Listyorini, 2012). Thus, role- play sessions have many benefits when applied in this training program. Besides enriching participants' knowledge and experience, practice can also be a suggestion to apply directly about the experience of being a counselor. With a variety of expertise and experience, peer counselors who have been trained are expected to be able to carry out support functions amid their environment. The difference between the results of this study compared to Risnawaty et al. (2019), whose research is similarly themed, is that this study shows the results through a short questionnaire in the quantitative form of material and instructor evaluations. The current study also uses several knowledge questions compiled from the materials given in the training. It is constructed in line to Syafitri and Rahmah (2021). In addition to numerical measurements, this study is also equipped with qualitative data in the form of sample responses which were filled in on reflection sheets. Qualitative data is useful in providing descriptive and contextual data (can be seen in table 3). Thus, this research is believed to have novelty in terms of enriching other research with similar themes. Humans are social creatures who cannot live without other people. Individuals require others to live their life, for example, to interact, communicate, bond, ask for help, and so on to create mutual interaction and support each other. Thus, the role and the meaning of peers is significant in the psychological development of any individual. Susanto (2018) states that every human being needs to socialize. Humans' potential can only be developed if they interact with other people. It is also closely related to peer counseling, where peer counseling is a very good opportunity to prevent various kinds of psychological disorders and deviations that may occur. When most people face problems or obstacles, they will be more comfortable talking to peers to share their feelings or find solutions than authoritative figures. This dynamic also happens to college 33Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) students. For instance, they will be more comfortable telling stories to their peers on campus than their parents, academic supervisors, heads of study programs, and so on regarding the problems they are experiencing. Thus, peer counseling, especially on campus, is essential for preventing psychological disturbances and deviations in college student behavior, academic obstacles, etc. Hence, peer counseling training programs really need to be developed in various segments of life, for example, teenagers, college students, and even housewives. The crucial role of peer counselors can increase the level of understanding, trust, and mutual support in life. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct peer counseling program training that is increasingly widespread and with appropriate debriefing methods. The counselor's role as life support is concretely manifested through acts of providing enthusiasm, motivation and even solutions in helping clients. This is in line with what is conveyed by Permatasari et al. (2021), that the feeling of wanting to help others is the main motivation that a peer counselor must possess. However, it does not eliminate the important role for experts, professional counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists in dealing with psychological problems. This means that experts in mental health still have a central role in psychological problems, especially for clients who have experienced abnormalities and dysfunction in daily life and already have symptoms that can be classified as psychiatric disorders. Peer counselors can connect adolescent individuals (for example, students) to professional counselors (Maliki, 2015). Thus, peer counselors' role and contributions are useful as a bridge between their friends and experts. Professional counselors act as the final treatment needed to tackle psychological problems, while peer counselors are the preventors (initial treatment) to cope with psychological problems. Peer counselors can refer their clients to seek help from professional counselors if highly needed (Rapisa, 2018). The essence of referring is very important, where it can prevent the client's 34 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) condition from worsening and so that the client gets the right treatment. Conditions when counselors need to refer, according to the American School Counselor Association (Afiati 2017) are clients who have problems such as having the intention to end their life, wanting to do crime, having depression, and having chronic illnesses and drug addiction. Other than the contextual conditions of the clients, peer counselors should also understand the administrative path of referral to help the clients. Thus it becomes important for counselors to understand the right time to refer to mental health experts. The participation of experts and peer counselors is a collaborative effort to improve community mental health. Efforts to increase mental health literacy require collaboration between various parties. This notion is supported by the opinion of Arifin and Satriah (2018), who state that strategies with institutional efforts to establish cooperation or collaboration with elements of society are seen as relevant to improve counseling guidance services quality. It hereby highlights the need for collaboration and support of every societal institution for more effective policies and programs for mental health prevention and treatment. In addition, people need to be encouraged to become more aware of the importance of mental health. One example is always maintaining mental health as well as maintaining physical health. Mental health awareness is still low in Indonesia. There are still many who view taking counseling services is only for “crazy people”. We need to educate people to maintain their mental health. One simple effort that can be done is to express feelings to the people around us. This can be mediated by increasingly promoting counseling facilities in the community. Supported by Baharudin's opinion (2021) that states the existence of guidance and counseling services for the community makes it an excellent means of developing human resources, counseling has a role in finding a way out of every problem or difficulty faced by an individual in society in 35Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) developing their potential. The higher the pressure of life, and social problems, there is fundamental need to create more peer counselors in society. This can be done by providing counseling knowledge and skills to representative members of community groups. Peer counselors can encourage the achievement of optimal mental health. This is in line with the opinion of Syafitri dan Rahmah (2021) that the need for a peer counselor program to improve psychological services through students who are selected and trained in mental health literacy so they can identify psychological disorders that are common in adolescents, and know how to help themselves and others when experiencing certain psychological problems is highly needed. That way, peer counselors can bridge between students or in-between communities in dealing with existing mental health problems. However, it should be noted that mental health awareness has slightly increased in recent years. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Conclusion It can be concluded that all participants generally experienced increased knowledge competence. These competencies include enhanced knowledge and skills in peer counseling. Based on quantitative data processing, there was a significant difference in knowledge before and after training (Sig = 0.00; p < 0.01). When viewed from the qualitative data in the participants' responses on the reflection sheet, it can be concluded that all participants experienced changes in new skills, skill upgrades, and insights after participating in the peer counselor training program. Furthermore, most of them were also impressed with the implementation of this program. Improvement efforts must continue to be made. Some essential development suggestions can be seen in the next section. 36 Peer Counseling Training To Improve The Competence Of Sophomore Peer Counselors Ema Zati Baroroh, Kiki Amalia Al-Balagh: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June 2023, pp. 1 - 40, DOI: ISSN: 2527-5704 (P) ISSN: 2527-5682 (E) Suggestion Researchers admit that there are some weaknesses in this study. Thus there is a need for this kind of research in the future. Some of these weaknesses will be described. First, The author admits that the one- group pretest-posttest design is less convincing in concluding the results. This design was chosen because of the limitations of the researcher, as mentioned in the previous section. Thus, further research is needed to improve the quality of the experimental design. Second, adding one more day on implementation makes it even better. This is to prevent over- crowdedness in the implementation of activities. This condition is also unfavorable, related to the possibility of fatigue in the trainer team and participants. Third, it is also necessary to add other theories or materials. The addition of materials further enhances the sample's understanding of counseling practice. Some materials can be added for example: Counseling techniques; goals setting; identifying client problems; and the counselor's code of ethics. Furthermore, it is necessary to pay more attention to technical matters which also greatly affect the success of the training. 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