item: #1 of 562 id: alkej-1 author: Jaffar, Dr. Akram Abood; Abass, Dr.Sadiq Jaffar; Ismael, Mustafa Qusay title: جوانب ميكانيكية احيائية لتمفصلات الكتف والورك: مقارنة لمفصلين من نوع الكرة والتجويف date: 2017-12-02 words: 5182 flesch: 67 summary: Keywords: hip joint, shoulder joint, finite element analysis, biomechanics. 0 20 30 55 90 155 250 360 476 600 750 800 850 800 340330315 240 260 230230 175170168 100 50 00 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Strain (%) S tr e s s (N ) Fig.2: Tension test curve of fixed human shoulder joint. keywords: area; articular; engineering; femur; head; hip; hip joint; humerus; jaffar; joint; scapula; shoulder; shoulder joint; stresses; surfaces; vii; weight cache: alkej-1.pdf plain text: alkej-1.txt item: #2 of 562 id: alkej-10 author: Hadi, Nabil Hassan title: السيطرة على أليه باستخدام المنطق المبهم في محيط زلق date: 2017-12-02 words: 3975 flesch: 58 summary: Fuzzy control of mobile robot in slippery environment Dr.Nabil Hassan Hadi Mechanical Engineering Department/ College of Engineering/ University of Baghdad (Received 20 April 2005; accepted 2 October 2005) Abstract:- This paper describes the application of fuzzy control to a feedback system within slippery environment. keywords: conditions; control; engineering; fuzzy; logic; model; slipping; surface; system; wheel cache: alkej-10.pdf plain text: alkej-10.txt item: #3 of 562 id: alkej-100 author: Abdalla, Mohammed A.; Salim, Khalifa A.; Mohammed, Zinah Jaafar title: دمج شبكة لاسلكية محلية مع شبكة GPRS بشكل آمن date: 2012-02-29 words: 3490 flesch: 60 summary: In this work, an integrated WLAN combined with GPRS network system was implemented and tested to access the internet based on GPRS as a service provider. Only specified clients are allowed to access the SSH server those clients have to be configured with SSH server IP address and port. keywords: access; client; data; fig; gprs; internet; network; rate; server; ssh cache: alkej-100.pdf plain text: alkej-100.txt item: #4 of 562 id: alkej-101 author: Khammas, Ban M. title: تصميم مصحح الأخطاء لنظام حقيقي موزع date: 2012-02-29 words: 3667 flesch: 62 summary: The DFTU is run in each computer automatically with computer system startup as a service. Abstract This paper designed a fault tolerance for soft real time distributed system (FTRTDS). keywords: cftu; computer; connection; dftu; error; fault; step; system; time cache: alkej-101.pdf plain text: alkej-101.txt item: #5 of 562 id: alkej-102 author: Alwan, Iman M.G. title: إزالة الضوضاء من الصور الملونة باستعمال تحويلة المويجة المستقرة ومرشح وينر المتكيّف date: 2012-02-29 words: 3520 flesch: 64 summary: Where ),( yxX and ),( ^ yxX are the original image and denoised image. Stationary wavelet method This section presents the basic principals of the SWT method. keywords: filter; image; method; noise; signal; subband; swt; transform; wavelet; wiener cache: alkej-102.pdf plain text: alkej-102.txt item: #6 of 562 id: alkej-103 author: Kadhim, Inas Jawad title: نظام جديد للأخفاء بالصوت يعتمد على مولد مفتاح- ذاتي date: 2012-02-29 words: 3785 flesch: 64 summary: The first one interested in hiding text in wave cover file called hiding algorithm and the second one is specialized in extracting data from the stego wave file called the extracting algorithm. The data in WAVE files can be of many different types [9]. keywords: algorithm; byte; data; file; format; hiding; key; message; steganography; stego; wave cache: alkej-103.pdf plain text: alkej-103.txt item: #7 of 562 id: alkej-104 author: Jawad, Ali Raad Mohammed title: تأثير خواص الصلب على التشتت الطولي للسوائل في ابراج التفقيع date: 2012-02-29 words: 3296 flesch: 55 summary: Effect of particle diameter (dp) on axial liquid dispersion coefficient (Dax,L) Fig. Abstract Experiments were conducted to study axial liquid dispersion coefficient in slurry bubble column of 0.15 m inside diameter and 1.6 m height using perforated plate gas distributor of 54 holes of a size equal to 1 mm diameter and with a 0.24 free area of holes to the cross sectional area of the column. keywords: bubble; coefficient; dispersion; engineering; gas; liquid; velocity cache: alkej-104.pdf plain text: alkej-104.txt item: #8 of 562 id: alkej-105 author: Abass, Zena Waleed title: تاثير المفصل الانشائي على تصرف العتبات الكونكريتية المسلحة date: 2012-02-29 words: 5177 flesch: 71 summary: Specimens with construction joints at third point failed by cracking through the joints as shown in plate (5) at lower load levels of comparable specimens with construction joint at middle of the beam specimens . In this investigation it is found that beams with construction joints at zero shears perform better than beams with construction joint at the third points of specimens (the percentage of reduction in ultimate load capacity is in range of 2% -15%). keywords: beam; concrete; construction; construction joint; deflection; joint; load; series; stirrups cache: alkej-105.pdf plain text: alkej-105.txt item: #9 of 562 id: alkej-106 author: Ahmed, Sabah Tarik; Chaichan, Miqdam Tariq title: تأثير الرقم السيتاني للوقود على أداء وملوثات العادم لمحرك ديزل متعدد الأسطوانات ذي حقن مباشر date: 2012-02-29 words: 5591 flesch: 67 summary: Increasing fuel CN reduces bsfc, although it is still high at low loads. A kind of cetane number improver has been proposed and tested to be used with diesel fuel as ameans of reducing exhaust emissions. keywords: baseline; cetane; cn=; combustion; concentrations; diesel; effect; emissions; engine; exhaust; fig; fuel; number; speed; variable cache: alkej-106.pdf plain text: alkej-106.txt item: #10 of 562 id: alkej-107 author: Mustafa, Ahmed W.; Ghani, Ihsan Ali title: الحمل الحر في حيز شبة منحرف مسخن جزئيا من الاسفل date: 2012-02-29 words: 4115 flesch: 60 summary: References [1] Iyican L., Bayazitoglu Y., An analytical study of natural convective heat transfer within trapezoidal enclosure, ASME J. Heat Transfer102 (1980) 640–647. The flow features in trapezoidal enclosures are predicted using data collected for rectangular enclosures. keywords: enclosure; number; trapezoidal;  ;   cache: alkej-107.pdf plain text: alkej-107.txt item: #11 of 562 id: alkej-108 author: Rijab, Mustafa Ahmed; Mahdi, Hamid Salih title: تأثير القطع بالليزرعلى دقة الأبعاد وطبيعة الأسطح المثقبة date: 2012-02-29 words: 2362 flesch: 98 summary: اٌزجخش ا١ٌٍضس ؽ١ش رمً ػٕذ ص٠بدح وضبفخ اٌمذسح، ٠ٚزغُ شؼبع ا١ٌٍضس ثخظبئض ِّٙخ ٔز١غخ رؤص١شٖ فٟ اٌّبدح اٌّّزظخ ٌٗ، ؽ١ش رغجت رٍه اٌزؤص١شاد رؾٛالد طٛس٠خ فٟ اٌّبدح، ٚفٟ أؽ١بْ أخشٜ ٠ؾذس وّب أٚضؾذ . اْ و١ّخ اٌّٛاد اٌّزجخشح عٛف رىْٛ وج١شح ثؾ١ش رؼًّ ػٍٝ ؽغت ٚ اِزظبص أشؼخ ا١ٌٍضس ِٓ اٌٛطٛي اٌٝ اٌّبدح ٚثبٌزبٌٟ رمً اٌطبلخ اٌزٟ رظً اٌٝ اٌّبدح، ٚ٘زا ٠ئدٞ اٌٝ ٔمظبْ فٟ اٌطبلخ اٌٛاطٍخ (. 3شىً ) keywords: اٌضمت; اٌغطؼ; اٌّبدح; اٌٝ; ا١ٌٍضس; ص٠بدح; طبلخ; ػٍٝ; ػّك; ػٕذ; ؽ١ش; لطش; وضبفخ cache: alkej-108.pdf plain text: alkej-108.txt item: #12 of 562 id: alkej-109 author: Chaichan, Miqdam T; Ali, Ali J.; Abass, Khaleel I. title: دراسة تجريبية حول تسخين الهواء بالطاقة الشمسية date: 2018-04-08 words: 4462 flesch: 71 summary: <4D6963726F736F667420576F7264202D20E3DECFC7E320E6DAE1ED20E6CEE1EDE120392D312D> Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, March, (2018) P.P. 1-9 Experimental Study on Solar Air Heating Miqdam T Chaichan* Ali J. Ali** Khaleel I. Abass*** * Energy and Renewable Energies Technology Center/ University of Technology/ Baghdad/ Iraq ** Department of Biomedical Engineering/ University of Technology/ Baghdad/ Iraq *** Department of Mechanical Engineering/University of Technology/ Baghdad/ Iraq *E-mail: ** E-mail: ***E-mail: (Received 22 March 2017; accepted 18 July 2017) Abstract A new type of solar air heater was designed, fabricated, and tested in Baghdad, Iraq winter conditions. The suitable solar intensity of Baghdad city makes the use of solar air heater suitable to reduce the electricity and fossil fuels consumption. keywords: air; chaichan; chip; energy; heater; solar; system; temperature; vol; wax cache: alkej-109.pdf plain text: alkej-109.txt item: #13 of 562 id: alkej-11 author: Mahmoud, Walid A.; Al-Turfi, Mohammed N. title: FPGA Realization of Two-Dimensional Wavelet and Wavelet Packet Transform date: 2017-12-26 words: 4908 flesch: 54 summary: All other necessaries represented by the clock evaluation (1 GHz in the circuit designed), the synchronization problems, design problems (Essential hazard, Racing, and Oscillation problems). But the delivery from one stage to the next one must be done under full circuit control synchronization. keywords: adder/; bit; circuit; design; engineering; frequency; journal; khwarizmi; transform; vol.1; wavelet cache: alkej-11.pdf plain text: alkej-11.txt item: #14 of 562 id: alkej-110 author: Hoshi, Hisham Assi title: تحقيق عملي من تأثير نسبة الأنحناء على انتقال الحرارة في مبادل حراري حلزوني مزدوج الأنبوب date: 2018-04-08 words: 3376 flesch: 63 summary: [19] A.N. Dravid, K.A. Smith, E.W. Merrill, P.L.T. Brian, Effect of secondary fluid motion on laminar flow heat transfer in helically coiled tubes, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal 17 (5) 1971 1114-1112. )2018( 10-18، صفحة 1، العدد14دجلة الخوارزمي الهندسية المجلم هشام عاصي حوشي 18 نسبة األنحناء على انتقال الحرارة في مبادل حراري حلزوني مزدوج تحقيق عملي من تأثير األنبوب هشام عاصي حوشي التكنولوجية الجامعة / قسم الهندسة الكهروميكانيكية البريد االلكتروني: الخالصة ملم قطر األنبوب 11) و 0.028 ,0.031 ,0.037مع نسبة انحناء ( ثالث .تم [2] D.G. Prabhanjan, G.S.V. Raghavan, T.J. Rennie, comparison of heat transfer rates between a straight tube heat exchanger and a helically coiled heat exchanger International Communications in, Heat and mass Transfer 29 (2) (2002) 185-191, [3] Y.I.Kim, S.H.Kim, Y.D.Hwang, J.H. Park, Numerical investigation on the similarity of developing laminar flows in helical pipes,Nucl. keywords: coil; curvature; diameter; flow; heat; number; ratio; transfer cache: alkej-110.pdf plain text: alkej-110.txt item: #15 of 562 id: alkej-112 author: Mohmmed, Jabbar Hussein title: Evaluation the Mechanical Properties of Kaolin Particulate Reinforced Epoxy Composites date: 2018-04-08 words: 4707 flesch: 65 summary: 3. Variation in toughness of different particle sizes and weight fractions of kaolin 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 10 20 30 40 F ra c tu re T o u g h n e s s , M P a √ m Kaolin Content, % d ≤ 8 18 ≤ d ≤ 25 33 < d < 45 50 < d < 62 Fig. 4. Variation in fracture toughness of different particle sizes and weight fractions of kaolin The Gc and Kc improvement by the addition of kaolin particles can be due to the formation of small sized crystallites, i.e. spherulites, and the capacity to absorb much energy by the enlarge of portion of matrix. (6) show that the wear rate was less when reinforcing the epoxy resin with kaolin particles in the range of (0-40%). keywords: composite; epoxy; journal; kaolin; particle; properties; toughness; vol cache: alkej-112.pdf plain text: alkej-112.txt item: #16 of 562 id: alkej-113 author: Younis, Karem Muhsin; Jabber, Adil Shbeeb; Abdulrazaq, Mustafa Mohammed title: Experimental Evaluation and Finite Element Simulation to Produce Square Cup by Deep Drawing Process date: 2018-04-09 words: 5433 flesch: 55 summary: therefore modern researches focus on the optimum values of these process parameters for non-symmetrical deep drawing parts ( square, rectangular, triangular and hexagonal shapes), in the field of square deep drawing process more researches have been focused. [6] to investigate the effect of the blank holder force on wall thickness, cup depths, tearing and wrinkling in square deep drawing process experimentally and numerically via the LS-DYNA software are summarized as follows: the wall thickness distributions obtained by experimental and finite element method is seem to be showing generally errors of around 15%, it is observed that thickness of the cup wall gets thinner in the punch profile region and increased in thickness occur toward the edges of the cup section. keywords: blank; cup; die; drawing; drawing process; engineering; parameters; process; profile; punch; radius; sheet; square; thickness cache: alkej-113.pdf plain text: alkej-113.txt item: #17 of 562 id: alkej-114 author: Salman, Rusul AbdulKareem; Ameen, Hani Aziz; Mashloosh, Kadhim Mijbel title: دراسة وسط التشكيل في عملية التشكيل الهيدروليكي لأنبوب النحاس date: 2018-04-09 words: 5081 flesch: 64 summary: Hence it seen that it's higher with rubber and lower with hydraulic medias, industrial rubber higher than natural rubber media, and also the applying loads are altered in case of hydraulic and rubber medias as shown that because in case of rubber media the friction forces with the tube wall is generated . Also similar influences take place for natural rubber media as shown in Fig. 12 and 13, with average discrepancy 1.1848% for ε1 and 1.0426% for ε2, while in case of industrial rubber the results observed have the same behavior as shown in Figs. 14 and 15. keywords: bulging; die; fig; hydraulic; media; pressure; rubber; rubber media; thickness; tube cache: alkej-114.pdf plain text: alkej-114.txt item: #18 of 562 id: alkej-115 author: H. AL-Khafaji, Mohanned Mohammed title: نمذجة قوة القطع ونسبة سمك النحاتة باستخدام الشبكات العصبية اثناء خراطة سبيكة الألمنيوم 7075-T6 date: 2018-04-09 words: 4987 flesch: 72 summary: Three components represent it, namely, the cutting force��� ) which is in the direction of cutting axis, the passive force ���� in the direction of radial axis and feed force ��� � in the direction of feed axis as shown in Fig. The first three networks’ responses are cutting force �� , passive force �� and feed force �� , respectively. keywords: chip; cutting; feed; force; function; layer; machining; network; neural; ratio; thickness; vol cache: alkej-115.pdf plain text: alkej-115.txt item: #19 of 562 id: alkej-116 author: Saeed Al-khayyt, Saad Zaghlul title: خَلْق نقاطِ بينية في الدالة الخطيةِ المندمجة مع مسار القطع المكافىءِ بطريقةِ تحقيقِ الأمثلية date: 2018-04-09 words: 6181 flesch: 65 summary: In this work, it is proposed to engage modified LSPB trajectory with particle swarm optimization (PSO) so as to create through points on the trajectory. The novelty in this work is to modify LSPB trajectory using two coefficients for calculating the time duration of the linear part in LSPB trajectory. keywords: acceleration; journal; linear; lspb; method; optimization; particle; path; points; pso; time; trajectory; velocities; velocity cache: alkej-116.pdf plain text: alkej-116.txt item: #20 of 562 id: alkej-117 author: Lafta, Hameed D.; Murad, Nasrat K.; Khamas, Ihasan J.; Abdalla, Tebin F. title: Construction and Evaluation of a Uniaxial Mechanical Actuated Vibration Shaker date: 2018-04-09 words: 3884 flesch: 51 summary: In designing of vibration shaker, three specifications are of primary importance: the force rating, the power rating, and the stroke rating (maximum displacement). Thus, the design and construction of a vibration shaker was carried out with keep in mind that all the design considerations should be satisfied in order to meet the dynamic specifications of mechanical vibration shakers shown in table 2. keywords: amplitude; damping; fig; frequency; mass; maximum; shaker; system; table; testing; unbalance; vibration cache: alkej-117.pdf plain text: alkej-117.txt item: #21 of 562 id: alkej-119 author: Hadi, Inas Z. title: أعداد برنامج ادارة للسيطرة على التعويضات الحاصلة في مشاريع البناء في العراق date: 2018-04-08 words: 3776 flesch: 58 summary: The analysis of the five selected project data showed that the highest frequent repetition of claim causes, as presented in Table, (4.6) is (variation orders and design errors and omission). This research presents the results of a study of the types, causes, and frequency of construction claims in the emirates of Dubai and Abu Dhabi in UAE using a data from 124 claims for a variety of projects in the two emirates. keywords: causes; claims; construction; contractor; impacts; management; owner; project; table cache: alkej-119.pdf plain text: alkej-119.txt item: #22 of 562 id: alkej-12 author: Saify, Kamal K.M.; Al-Temimy, Adnan N.J.; J.J, Muhsin title: تقنية توموشينكو ثلاثية العتبة لتقدير معامل المرونة الرئيسي للمواد (المتجانسة ثلاثية البعد) date: 2017-12-02 words: 4059 flesch: 60 summary: Pickett G., “Equations for computing elastic constants from flexural and torsional frequencies of vibration of prisms and cylinders.”, Procc. Am. Spinner S. and Tefft W., “A method for determining mechanical resonance frequencies and for calculating elastic moduli from these frequencies. keywords: approach; axis; beam; composite; constants; engineering; journal; khwarizmi; present; results; test cache: alkej-12.pdf plain text: alkej-12.txt item: #23 of 562 id: alkej-120 author: Hamd, Emad Kh.; Alwan, Abbas Sh.; Irthiea, Ihsan Khalaf title: دراسة تأثير الحرارة المتولدة اثناء اللحام على البنية المجهرية، الصلادة، والمتانة لفولاذ AISI 1015 date: 2018-04-08 words: 4020 flesch: 67 summary: MIG welding process overcome the constraint of using small lengths of electrodes as in manual metal arc welding and overcomes the incapability of the submerged arc process to weld in a number of positions. In this work, three main parameters related to MIG welding process are investigated, which are welding current, welding speed, heat input and plate thickness, and to achieve that three groups of plates are employed each one consists of three plates. keywords: current; effect; fig; grain; haz; heat; increase; input; metal; microhardness; speed; welding cache: alkej-120.pdf plain text: alkej-120.txt item: #24 of 562 id: alkej-121 author: Eisa, Mohammed Y.; Abdulmajeed, Basma A.; Hawee, C. K. title: دراسة حركية استخلاص خام فوسفات عكاشات العراقي باستخدام حمض اللبنيك date: 2018-04-08 words: 4135 flesch: 62 summary: However, the results showed the effectiveness of acetic acid, lactic acid, formic acid and succinic acid for leaching of calcareous phosphate ores. Value of reaction rate constant in return to this regression is (2.51�10-4 sec-1). keywords: acid; chemical; engineering; leaching; model; ore; ores; phosphate; rate; reaction cache: alkej-121.pdf plain text: alkej-121.txt item: #25 of 562 id: alkej-122 author: Khaleel, Hind Z. title: حل الكينماتيكا العكسية للروبوت المتعدد المناور باستخدام دمج لـ GA وNN date: 2018-04-08 words: 3145 flesch: 68 summary: The coordinates and the desired orientation of the end- effecter are expressed as: x� � 0:2π , y� � sinx� …(5) ph* � tan #�� y� /x�� …(6) By using the forward kinematics Eq. 1 and Eq. x� � a� cos�TH�� � a� cos�TH� � TH�� �a� cos�TH� � TH� � TH�� y� � a� sin�TH�� � a� sin�TH� � TH�� � a�sin �TH� � TH� � TH�� …(1) Where, (x�, y�) are the coordinates (position) of end effecter for the three link robot and the orientation is �TH�) as in Eq. 2 TH� � TH� � TH� � TH� …(2) keywords: algorithm; angles; end; kinematics; link; robot; trajectory cache: alkej-122.pdf plain text: alkej-122.txt item: #26 of 562 id: alkej-123 author: Karam, Ekhlas H.; Abbass, Ayam M; Abdul-Jaleel, Noor S. title: تصميم مسيطر هجين من الشبكة العصبية مع المسيطر الضبابي لنظام ساق الانسان date: 2018-04-08 words: 3758 flesch: 56 summary: The nonlinear equation of the dynamic model for the robotic human leg can be written as follows [9, 10]: � ������ � � ���� � � � � �� � ����� … (1) Where: Mg �� sinθ is the component of weight, D ��� is the damping torque and � �� ��� # is the inertia torque. (3) is given by: ��8� 9�8� � : ; 8�<=; 8<>?@�; … (4) With parameter given by Table 1, Eq. keywords: controller; engineering; fig; fuzzy; input; leg; model; neural; nonlinear; simulation cache: alkej-123.pdf plain text: alkej-123.txt item: #27 of 562 id: alkej-124 author: Hamza, Ekhlas K.; Alhayani, Heba H. title: Energy Consumption Analyzing in Single hop Transmission and Multi-hop Transmission for using Wireless Sensor Networks date: 2018-04-08 words: 3457 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: Energy-efficient, LEACH, MODLEACH, Network- lifetime, Wireless sensor network 1. [3] J. N. Al-Karaki and A.E. Kamal, Routing techniques in wireless sensor networks: a survey. keywords: data; energy; hop; leach; multi; network; protocol; rounds; routing; sns; wireless cache: alkej-124.pdf plain text: alkej-124.txt item: #28 of 562 id: alkej-125 author: Abdul-Majeed, Wael R.; Jweeg, Muhsin J; Jameel, Adnan N title: تاثير الحافات المحددة من الحركة على ديناميكية الصفائح المرنة حراريا تحت ظروف نهايات مختلفة date: 2012-05-31 words: 4102 flesch: 64 summary: All Edges are Simply Supported The general governing differential equation of free vibration of thermoelastic plate is represented by [6]: …(1) Where )1(12 2 3   Eh D , and the quantities    2/ 2/ )( h h t dzTEN     2/ 2/ )( h h t zdzTEM  …(2) Which represents t he thermal stress resultants . (4) into the governing differential equation of free vibration of thermoelastic plate in Eq.(1) noting that 0Mt , one obtains the following frequency equation. keywords: edges; frequency; mode; plate; temperature cache: alkej-125.pdf plain text: alkej-125.txt item: #29 of 562 id: alkej-126 author: Kattea, Wisam Abed title: دراسة عملية عن تأثير شكل وموقع مولدات الدوامات عند مدخل المبادل الحراري date: 2012-05-31 words: 8311 flesch: 56 summary: The results show that there is an effect for using vortex generators on heat transfer. Also, heat transfer depends on the shape and location. keywords: air; engineering; exchanger; experimental; fin; flow; generators; heat; heat exchanger; heat transfer; journal; location; number; nusselt; reynolds; square; temperature; transfer; tube; vortex; vortex generators cache: alkej-126.pdf plain text: alkej-126.txt item: #30 of 562 id: alkej-127 author: Al-Ansari, Luay S.; Al-Waily, Muhannad; Al-Hajjar, Ali M. H.Yusif title: دراسة تحليلية وعددية لتأثير الشق على التردد الطبيعي للعتبات ذات التثبيط البسيط date: 2012-05-31 words: 4055 flesch: 70 summary: Keywords: Vibration beam, crack beam, health monitoring, experimental vibration beam, cracks effect beam frequency. He used the numerical results to correlate the analytical results for lumped crack beam vibration analysis for aluminum and steel beams with open cracks. keywords: beam; crack; crack depth; crack position; depth; position; results cache: alkej-127.pdf plain text: alkej-127.txt item: #31 of 562 id: alkej-128 author: Abd Al-shaheed, Lekaa' H. title: تأثير انحراف المحور على الخصائص الساكنة للمساند المقعدية ذاتية التزييت المشبعة بمائع ذو أجهاد مزدوج date: 2012-05-31 words: 5340 flesch: 65 summary: Effect of journal misalignment on the static characteristics of porous journal bearings lubricated with couple stress fluid 1 Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 8, No. 2, PP 42 - 53 (2012) Effect of Journal Misalignment on the Static Characteristics of Porous Journal Bearings Lubricated with Couple Stress Fluid Lekaa' H. Abd Al-shaheed Department of Mechanical Engineering /Babylon [15] used a numerical solution to the finite modified Reynolds' equation for couple stress squeeze film lubrication of porous journal bearing. keywords: bearing; couple; journal; misalignment; oil; stress cache: alkej-128.pdf plain text: alkej-128.txt item: #32 of 562 id: alkej-129 author: Al Hariri, Nassir Hassan Abdul Hussain title: حالة الإتزان لإهتزاز هياكل الضاغط date: 2012-05-31 words: 3313 flesch: 69 summary: 5- It is noticed that the effect of pump structure damping is important near the ratio ω/ ωn which is between 0.45 and 1.58. The present research focuses on fluid pump problems, namely, the role played by damping coefficient C, damping factor D and angular speed ω (termed the ratio ( ) n   ) and the determining stability of a centrifugal pump structure. keywords: fluid; pump; speed; stability; structure; values; vibration cache: alkej-129.pdf plain text: alkej-129.txt item: #33 of 562 id: alkej-13 author: Al-Khafaji, Soroor K. Hussain; Al-Rahman, Nihad M. A.; Ahmad Al- Dauod, Zuhair I. title: تصميم نظام مبرمج لتمييز أنماط الفشل وتحليل التأثيرات لمحطة بخارية لتوليد الطاقة الكهربائية اعتمادا على انشاء شجرة تحليل الخطأ date: 2017-12-02 words: 6600 flesch: 62 summary: Soroor K. Hussain Al-Khafaji /Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal ,Vol.1, No. 2,PP 64-85 (2005) ٦٩ Almost all types of faults, which occur in this part of control system, are the failures of cards for the above components due to the failure of the integrated circuits boards. (3) shows the fault tree construction of components failure and the faulty signals for the three parts of control system, and the symbols of this figure are explained in table-D. The top events of the three systems (mechanical, electrical, & control) are related with each other in OR-gate leading to top event of whole unit system (unit shutdown). keywords: /al; control; engineering; event; failure; fault; fig; input; journal; khafaji; khwarizmi; power; system; system failure; tree; unit; vol.1 cache: alkej-13.pdf plain text: alkej-13.txt item: #34 of 562 id: alkej-131 author: Hameed, Khalid W. title: استخلاص البنسلين Vمن ناتج التخمير المصطنع بأستخدام تقنية الغشاء السائل date: 2012-05-31 words: 2939 flesch: 54 summary: After that 300 ml of membrane phase was added to cover the other two phases as shown in Fig.1. The outer beaker was covered with a thin plastic layer to prevent evaporation of membrane phase. keywords: extraction; feed; liquid; membrane; penicillin; phase; receiver; speed cache: alkej-131.pdf plain text: alkej-131.txt item: #35 of 562 id: alkej-132 author: Salim, Khalifa A.; Abdalla, Mohammed A. title: تخمين ألقناة لأغراض ألأتصالات أللاسلكية ألمتكيفة date: 2012-05-31 words: 3453 flesch: 57 summary: The simulation results shows that the channel estimation is sufficient for low Doppler frequency shifts (<30 Hz), while channel prediction is much more suited at high Doppler shifts with same SNR and target BER=10 -4 . Channel Prediction In channel prediction, the future power level of the channel can be estimated using past and present channel samples keywords: ber; channel; doppler; engineering; estimation; fig; frequency; performance; prediction cache: alkej-132.pdf plain text: alkej-132.txt item: #36 of 562 id: alkej-133 author: Basheer, Maan Janan title: دراسة تأثير نسبة طاقة وقود الديزل في وقود ثنائي على أداء محرك اشتعال بالانضغاط date: 2012-05-31 words: 3516 flesch: 97 summary: ثٌؼذ٠ذ ِٓ ؽذٙجس ثٌٍٙخ ثٌّٕضششر دثخً غشفز ثالفضشثق ٚثٌقصٛي ػٍٝ ثفضشثق دصٛسر وفٛءر، ٚدجٌضجٌٟ ص٠جدر ثٌمذسر ثٌٕجصؾز ِٓ ثٌّقشن، أِج ػٕذِج ٠ىْٛ ثٌٛلٛد عجةال فجْ لطشثس ثٌذ٠ضي ال ٠ّىٓ أْ صشغً ف١ض غشفز ثالفضشثق دؤوٍّٙج، 200 300 400 500 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 S p e c if ic f u e l c o n su m p ti o n (g /k W .h r ) diesel fuel energy rate (%) N=1000 rpm, IT=26BTDC, CR=16.21:1 bmep=652kpa bmep=521kpa bmep=433kpa bmep=315kpa bmep=208kpa 10 15 20 25 30 0 20 40 60 80 100 B r a k e t h e r m a l e ff ic ie n c y diesel fuel energy rate N=1000rpm, IT=26BTDC, CR=16.21:1 bmep=652 kpa bmep=5621 kpa bmep=433 kpa bmep=315 kpa bmep=208 kpa (2012) 103-97، انصفحح 2، انعذد8يجهح انخىارزيي انهُذسيح، انًجهذ يعٍ جُاٌ تشير 100 ٠ٕٚضؼ ٌٍٛلٛد ثٌغجصٞ، ٚال صٍذظ أْ صٕخفط ِغ ٔمصجْ ٘زر ٚرٌه الْ ص٠جدر ٔغذز ثٌٛلٛد ثٌغجصٞ فٟ ثٌخ١ٍػ صؤدٞ إٌٝ ثٌٕغذز، ثٔخفجض و١ّز ثٌٙٛثء ثٌذثخً ٌٍّقشن ٔض١ؾز ثٌقؾُ ثٌزٞ ٠شغٍٗ دذال ِٓ ثٌٙٛثء، وّج صغذخ ص٠جدر غٛي فضشر ثٌضؤخ١ش ثٌى١ّ١جة١ز ٌٍخ١ٍػ . keywords: diesel; engine; fuel; kpa; إٌٝ; ثالفضشثق; ثٌذ٠ضي; ثٌطجلز; ثٌغجصٞ; ثٌقشثس٠ز; ثٌىفجءر; ثٌّقشن; ثٌٛلٛد; د٠ضي; ص٠جدر; ػًّ; ػٕذ; و١ّز; ٔغذز; ٚلٛد cache: alkej-133.pdf plain text: alkej-133.txt item: #37 of 562 id: alkej-134 author: Al-Alkawi, Hussain J.; Al-Fattal, Dhafir S.; Ali, Abdul-Jabar H. title: تأثير نوع حصيرة الا لياف الزجاجية على سلوك الكلال للمواد المتراكبة عند نسبة حجميه ثابتة للالياف الزجاجية date: 2012-08-31 words: 3876 flesch: 68 summary: Fatigue Test Results Tables (3-3) to (3-7) show fatigue test results at constant amplitude loads for laminates [CSM]3 , [0/90]3 , [0/90,±45, 0/90] , [0/90, CSM, 0/90] and [CSM, 0/90, CSM] respectively. [3] studied the influence of off-axis loading on fatigue strength of fiber glass – epoxy unidirectional composite; fatigue curves are shown for off-axis angles of 0, 5, 10, 30 and 60 degrees. keywords: composite; csm; fatigue; fiber; glass; laminate; strength; table; tensile cache: alkej-134.pdf plain text: alkej-134.txt item: #38 of 562 id: alkej-135 author: Yousif, Yousif K. title: التحليل النظري والعملي للمادة المركبة (البوليستر ودقائق كاربيد- السيلكون) لعتبة مثبتة date: 2012-08-31 words: 3688 flesch: 67 summary: Keywords: composite beam, FEM, polyester, Silicon-Carbide. The equivalent rigidity of composite beams considering three different loading types was first derived based on equilibrium and curvature compatibility, for full composite sections, the effective section modulus and moment of inertia calculated with the AISC specifications are larger than that of present study. keywords: beam; composite; deflection; element; fig; force; fraction; volume cache: alkej-135.pdf plain text: alkej-135.txt item: #39 of 562 id: alkej-136 author: Fadhil, Hassan Ayad; Al-Ahmed, Ali Hussein Ali title: معادلات وضعية لتحليل البلاطات الخرسانية المسلحة العاملة باتجاهين date: 2012-08-31 words: 4370 flesch: 70 summary: The comparison proof that this simple proposed method gives good results and it can be used in analysis of two-way slabs instead of other methods. In case of panel I (corner panel), the proposed method gives less value of (M+)x & (M-)x, (maximum difference is 14.10% & 18.64% respectively) as compared with other methods for large values of m. While (M+)y and (M-)y are in good agreement with the other methods. keywords: bs method; iii; method; method ii; panel cache: alkej-136.pdf plain text: alkej-136.txt item: #40 of 562 id: alkej-137 author: Abdu-Aljabar, Rana Dhia'a title: تصميم نظام شبكة آمن ضد ديدان الانترنيت date: 2012-08-31 words: 6884 flesch: 58 summary: Rana Dhia'a Abdu-Aljabar Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 8, No.3, PP40 -52 (2012) 47 Imperfect suspicious flow classification or worm sample clustering can produce noise in worm samples which must be eliminated to derive accurate worm signatures. However, the full regular expression is too complex and its numerous syntax rules are not needed for worm detection. keywords: address; algorithm; base; connection; detecting; detection; generation; intrusion; network; noise; samples; signature; sre; vol; worm cache: alkej-137.pdf plain text: alkej-137.txt item: #41 of 562 id: alkej-138 author: Hashim, Ahmed A. title: ضغط صوت كفوء بإستعمال تردد أقل من نايكويست date: 2012-08-31 words: 3839 flesch: 65 summary: (i) It is universal with a variety of sparse signals. Abstract This paper presents the application of a framework of fast and efficient compressive sampling based on the concept of random sampling of sparse Audio signal. keywords: matrix; measurement; reconstruction; sampling; sensing; signal; vector cache: alkej-138.pdf plain text: alkej-138.txt item: #42 of 562 id: alkej-139 author: Channo, Reem J. title: دراسة مدى ملائمة المياه الجوفية لمدينة بغداد للاستهلاك البشري والحيواني والزراعي date: 2012-08-31 words: 4165 flesch: 63 summary: Using the Groundwater as Drinking Water for Human Depending on WQI values which are more than 50, all samples are not to be used for drinking water, because of the high concentrations of one or more of the water parameters which are above the permissible limitation (depending on Iraqi and WHO drinking water standards) this cause increasing in the WQI value, which means decreasing in water quality. Some countries use ground water as a source of water supply, in USA about 50% of its population depend on ground water as a source of drinking water, with 30% delivered by community systems and 20% from domestic wells keywords: concentration; drinking; fig; ground; percentage; quality; samples; standard; values; water cache: alkej-139.pdf plain text: alkej-139.txt item: #43 of 562 id: alkej-14 author: Dawood, Hussain A.; Abdullah, Oday. I. title: تحليل الاهتزاز الحر لتكميم الجساءة لعتبة كابولية date: 2017-12-02 words: 5047 flesch: 67 summary: In this paper the finite element method has been used to determine the free vibration characteristics for cracked cantilever plate (internal flaws), this present work achieved by different position of crack. 3. Results and Discussion Several numerical investigations are conducted to characterize the dynamic detection of cracked cantilever plates under free vibration consideration, comparisons are made between the response of healthy cantilever plate and other cracked ones. keywords: cantilever; crack; engineering; journal; khwarizmi; modulus; plate; reduction; stiffness; variation cache: alkej-14.pdf plain text: alkej-14.txt item: #44 of 562 id: alkej-140 author: Atiya, Zainab Yaquob title: حساب كفاءة الانتقال للكتلة الحجمية للمفاعل البايولوجي date: 2012-08-31 words: 2353 flesch: 65 summary: Two variables, the effect of air flow rate (3-20 L/min) and the effect of stirring speed (250-700rpm) on KLa value were studied. On the other hand it is necessary to minimize air flow rate. keywords: air; flow; kla; mass; oxygen; rate; speed; transfer; water; xanthan cache: alkej-140.pdf plain text: alkej-140.txt item: #45 of 562 id: alkej-141 author: Mahdi, Jasim M. title: إنتقال الحرارة بالحمل الحر في تجويف مربع مائل ذو نهاية مفتوحة و بوجود جزء نشط حرارياً date: 2012-08-31 words: 5665 flesch: 70 summary: The effects of active part length H on flow and temperature fields are shown in figure (3) for Rayleigh number, Ra = 105, inclination angle, φ =0° and position of active part is at middle. Effect of Active Part Location Figure (4) shows the effect of active part position on the streamlines and isotherms patterns at Ra = 105, φ =0°, and dimensionless length of active part, H=0.4. keywords: cavity; convection; fluid; heat; inclination; number; nusselt; open; rayleigh; transfer; wall cache: alkej-141.pdf plain text: alkej-141.txt item: #46 of 562 id: alkej-142 author: Salih, Sahama E.; Al-Jnabi, Mervit M. title: دراسة الخواص الميكانيكية لمتراكبات ذات أساس سبيكة (Al-Cu-Mg) date: 2012-08-31 words: 5700 flesch: 92 summary: بالتشتیت باالصالد من دقائق اضافة خالل من الصالدة زیادة على عالوة دقیقة فضال) 1µm-50μm( بین حبیبیة تتراوح احجام في تحضیر مادة متراكبة ذي اساس ھرت النتائج ان معدالت واظ SiCنسب وزنیة مختلفة من دقائق اما تاثیر . keywords: zro2; االساس; التشكیل; التعتیق; الحبیبي; الحجم; الدقائق; الزركونیا; السبیكة; الشد; الصالدة; العدد; العظمى; المتراكبة; المحلولیة; المضافة; الوزنیة; الى; بعد; بین; تعمل; حیث; خالل; درجة; دقائق; ذات; ذلك; زیادة; سوف; سھامة; على; عملیة; عند; فحص; قیم; كما; للمادة; مدة; مقاومة; نتائج; نسبة; والمعاملة; ھذه cache: alkej-142.pdf plain text: alkej-142.txt item: #47 of 562 id: alkej-143 author: Murtadha, Sulaiman; Ibrahim, Ali. K. title: ضغط الكلام باستخدام تحويل الملتي سيكلرليت date: 2012-12-31 words: 3100 flesch: 71 summary: To obtain best performance in speech compression, wavelet transforms require filters that combine a number of desirable properties, such as orthogonality and symmetry. This paper discusses the effect of using DWT and MCT (one and two dimension) on speech compression. keywords: compression; input; mct; signal; speech; wavelet;  ;   cache: alkej-143.pdf plain text: alkej-143.txt item: #48 of 562 id: alkej-144 author: Hussain, Mohammed Khalil title: تخمين السرعة والموقع لمسوق المحرك الحثي ذو سيطرة توجية المجال المغناطيسي المباشر date: 2012-12-31 words: 4483 flesch: 55 summary: Reduced Order Extended Kalman Filter In practice, so certain exits of the system are measurable (stator currents), it is preferable to use them to reach directly in certain states and to estimate the others by the means of an observer of state of a reduced order. A Review of Previous Work There are a lot of papers dealing with Kalman Filter, especially with Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). keywords: filter; k e; kalman; load; order; position; speed;   cache: alkej-144.pdf plain text: alkej-144.txt item: #49 of 562 id: alkej-145 author: Khalid, Ghaidaa Abdulrahman title: مدى تأثير ظاهرة دوبلر على سرعة تدفق الدم date: 2012-12-31 words: 6329 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: Doppler frequency, blood flow, ultrasonic blood flow meter. Table (3) represents Values of Doppler shift frequency in Carotid artery for normal subject. keywords: blood; blood flow; doppler; doppler angle; doppler frequency; doppler shift; frequencies; frequency; subject; velocity cache: alkej-145.pdf plain text: alkej-145.txt item: #50 of 562 id: alkej-146 author: Abbas, Yasir Khudhair title: تصميم مسيطر تناسبي-تكاملي-تفاضلي بالإعتماد على الخوارزميات الجينية لغرض تتبع دقيق لنظام تموضع كهروإجهادي ذو محورين date: 2012-12-31 words: 4662 flesch: 52 summary: 7. Implementation of GA Based PID Controller To ensure optimal control performance at nominal operating conditions, GA can be applied to the tuning of PID controller gains (where this GA is programmed using m-file [MATLAB File] code). Abstract In this paper, an intelligent tracking control system of both single- and double-axis Piezoelectric Micropositioner stage is designed using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) method for the optimal Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller tuning parameters. keywords: algorithm; axis; control; controller; engineering; fig; micropositioner; pid; piezoelectric; simulation; stage; system; vol cache: alkej-146.pdf plain text: alkej-146.txt item: #51 of 562 id: alkej-147 author: M., Osama Sultan; A., Majid Hmeed; K., Ishraq Abdul Razaq title: دراسة تقييم ما بين البولي استر المقوى بالياف الزجاج والبولي استر المقوى بالياف الكفلر بواسطة طريقة تاكوجي date: 2012-12-31 words: 3798 flesch: 63 summary: Keywords: Fiber reinforced composites, Taguchi method, Tensile strength, Impact strength. The S/N ratio for each level of process parameters is computed based on the S/N analysis. keywords: composites; fiber; impact; level; parameters; strength; table; taguchi; tensile cache: alkej-147.pdf plain text: alkej-147.txt item: #52 of 562 id: alkej-148 author: Hassan, Zainab Hasson; Hanash, Zainab Hassan title: دراسة عملية باستخدام مبردة الهواء التبخيرية لغرض تكييف الهواء شتاءاً في بغداد date: 2012-12-31 words: 4533 flesch: 60 summary: Key words: Evaporative air cooler, Winter air-conditioning, Heat transfer, Heat exchanger. [6] m.m.el-awad and m.m.ahmed; A Preliminary investigation into the use of evaporative air coolers for winter air- conditioning in Khartoum; International Conference and Exhibition on Green Energy & Sustainability for Arid Regions & Mediterranean Countries;(2009);November;pp.10-15. keywords: air; cooler; cooling; dec; exchanger; flow; heat; heat transfer; mass; rate; temperature; transfer; water cache: alkej-148.pdf plain text: alkej-148.txt item: #53 of 562 id: alkej-149 author: Abd, Sundus Hussein title: دراسة عملية لتاثير تغيير الشكل الخارجي للجسم على المعدل الزمني لمعامل انتقال حرارة للحمل الحر والقصري خلال عملية التبريد date: 2012-12-31 words: 4957 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: heat transfer, free convection, force convection, circular cylinder, square cylinder, triangular cylinder. [11] whose equations are: For circular cylinder (4000-40000) Re Nu = 0.1945 Re0.592 Pr0.3 For square cylinder (4000-40000) Re Nu = 0.102 Re0.6٦٨ Pr0.3 For square cylinder (tilted angle450) (4000-40000) Re Nu = 0.246 Re0.588 keywords: circular; convection; cylinder; flow; heat; number; nusselt; reynolds; square; transfer; triangular cache: alkej-149.pdf plain text: alkej-149.txt item: #54 of 562 id: alkej-15 author: Abdul-Hameed, Hayder Mohammed title: التمثيل الرياضي للعوامل الموثرة على عكورة المياه في احواض الترويق في مشروع ماء الكرامة date: 2017-12-02 words: 2535 flesch: 55 summary: Mathematical models for turbidity removal were developed based on the relationships between water turbidity and other water criteria. It is clear that the probability of collision of individual particles with one another and their consequent aggregation depend on their relative velocities i.e. on thermal Brownian motion (and therefore on water temperature). keywords: engineering; model; plant; turbidity; water cache: alkej-15.pdf plain text: alkej-15.txt item: #55 of 562 id: alkej-150 author: Jabur, Khairallah S. title: تحليل تأثيرات القذف بالكريات المفرط على عمر الكلال لسبيكة الالمنيوم 7075 – T6 date: 2012-12-31 words: 2328 flesch: 69 summary: The overall aim of this paper is to study the effects of aggressive shot peening on fatigue life of 7075 – T6 aluminum alloy. The fatigue life reduction factor (LRF) due to the aggressive shot peening was established and empirical relations were proposed to describe the behavior of LRF, roughness and fatigue life. keywords: alloy; aluminum; fatigue; life; peening; roughness; shot; spt; surface cache: alkej-150.pdf plain text: alkej-150.txt item: #56 of 562 id: alkej-151 author: Jryian, Ali Hashim title: نموذج (FPGO) لنظام الاشارات المرورية الذكي الحافظ للطاقة الكهربائية date: 2012-12-31 words: 2975 flesch: 67 summary: Abstract In this paper, a FPGA model of intelligent traffic light system with power saving was built. Keywords: Intelligent Traffic light system, Intelligent Traffic light controllers, Traffic light algorithm, FPGA, Xilinx ISE 9.2i. keywords: light; red; state; std_logic; system; time; traffic; vehicles cache: alkej-151.pdf plain text: alkej-151.txt item: #57 of 562 id: alkej-152 author: Al-Mayah, Ameel Mohammed Rahman; Zair, Zyad Rafaa; Al-Hassani, Maha Hadi title: فصل الماء عن الكحول الاثيلي بتقنية التبخير الجزئي باستعمال غشاء نانو سيلكا hydrophilic السيراميكي date: 2012-12-31 words: 4637 flesch: 59 summary: [16] P. Kaewkannetra, N. Chutinate, S. Moonamart, T. Kamsan, and T.Y. Chiu, “Separation of ethanol from ethanol–water mixture and fermented sweet sorghum juice using pervaporation membrane reactor”, Desalination, vol. 271, pp. Membrane Commercial hydrophilic silica membrane supplied by Pervatech BV (The Netherlands) was used. keywords: concentration; effect; ethanol; feed; fig; flow; flux; journal; membrane; pervaporation; rate; separation; vol; water cache: alkej-152.pdf plain text: alkej-152.txt item: #58 of 562 id: alkej-153 author: Abid AL-Sahib, Nabeel K.; Moosa, Amer A. title: تعظيم تقنية لحام القوس المسماري بواسطة الانتفاع من مقاربة المنطق المظبب date: 2013-03-31 words: 2375 flesch: 60 summary: Usually, to find the influence of controlling parameters on welding process a large number of experiments needed. For an investigation into the possible causes of the undesirable variability in the stud welding process, a cause-and-effect diagram that lists several suspected causes of this variability is shown in Figure (1)[7]. Fig. keywords: arc; factors; process; range; strength; stud; tensile; time; value; welding cache: alkej-153.pdf plain text: alkej-153.txt item: #59 of 562 id: alkej-154 author: Al-Ammri, A. Salam; Taki, Ghaith A. title: تصميم نظام تحكم لذراع انسان الي يحاكي حركة ذراع الانسان date: 2017-12-28 words: 2423 flesch: 67 summary: It was made from four metal parts and four potentiometers (1M Ω) sensing arm joints, base, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and push-button switch for finger joint. The analog voltage of sensing arm wrist joint is converted to the digital voltages of 2-bits and are sent via pin (10), pin (11) of parallel port. keywords: arm; control; fig; hand; joint; motion; robot cache: alkej-154.pdf plain text: alkej-154.txt item: #60 of 562 id: alkej-155 author: Saeed Al-Khayyt, Saad Zaghlul title: موالفة المسيطر التناسبي-التكاملي-التفاضلي بالشبكة العصبية لتتبع مسار ذراع روبوت date: 2017-12-28 words: 3788 flesch: 63 summary: The conventional PID controller in the robot manipulator is replaced by NN self tuning PID controller so as to achieve trajectory tracking with minimum steady-state error and improving the dynamic behavior (overshoot). Abstract Ziegler and Nichols proposed the well-known Ziegler-Nichols method to tune the coefficients of PID controller. keywords: controller; error; link; network; neural; pid; robot; self; time; tuning cache: alkej-155.pdf plain text: alkej-155.txt item: #61 of 562 id: alkej-156 author: Abdulwahab, Emad N.; Atiyah, Qasim A.; Abd Alzahra, Ali Talib title: الاستقرارية الجانبية العرضية للطائرة في الحالات الحرجة حسب نظرية ليبنوف الأسية date: 2017-12-28 words: 2948 flesch: 60 summary: An alternate perspective of wing rock limit cycle may be obtained from a cross plot of sideslip angle with roll angle. A good agreement between the numerical result and published work is obtained for the onset of limit cycle oscillation, almost at( = 20° − 23°). keywords: aircraft; angle; attack; cycle; fig; limit; nonlinear; rock; roll; wing cache: alkej-156.pdf plain text: alkej-156.txt item: #62 of 562 id: alkej-157 author: K. Sabir, Mohannad; K. Muhsin, Noor title: تحليل الطيف الترددي لإشارة تخطيط العضلات باستخدام دالة التطابق الذاتي date: 2017-12-28 words: 2899 flesch: 61 summary: This paper investigates the application of autocorrelation function (ACF) method to decompose EMG signals to their frequency components. EMG signal is a complicated signal in the body that cannot be differentiated easily by the physician because of its shape. keywords: acf; analysis; autocorrelation; emg; fig; frequency; muscle; signal; window cache: alkej-157.pdf plain text: alkej-157.txt item: #63 of 562 id: alkej-158 author: Basil, Mustaffa Mohammed; Masood, Farah Mohammed Ridha title: النمذجة الرياضية لمنظومة السيطرة على سكر الكلوكوز بصيغة المعاملات المتذبذبة date: 2017-12-28 words: 3412 flesch: 65 summary: One of the most important techniques that was developed is the compartmental modeling, which is a description to dynamic behavior of physiological systems in term of differential equations based on mass balance equations; these differential equations represent the relationship between exogenous or endogenous material as inputs and the resulted states of physiological system as outputs. Keywords: glucose regulation system, compartmental modeling, perturbed coefficients. keywords: glucose; response; system; time cache: alkej-158.pdf plain text: alkej-158.txt item: #64 of 562 id: alkej-159 author: Al-Naimi, Safa A.; Salih, Salih A.J.; Mohsin, Hayder A. title: دراسة محاكاة معامل انتقال الكتلة في العمود الفقاعي ثلاثي الأطوار باستخدام الشبكات العصبية الصناعية date: 2017-12-28 words: 4248 flesch: 69 summary: Keyword: slurry bubble column reactor, mass transfer coefficient, neural network 1. The Relation between Gas Velocity and Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient for Alcohol System, 75 kg/m3 Solid Concentration. keywords: coefficient; conc; concentration; fig; gas; mass; transfer cache: alkej-159.pdf plain text: alkej-159.txt item: #65 of 562 id: alkej-16 author: Abdul Ameer Al-Araji, Ahmed Sabah title: المسيطر المتكيف ذو التنغيم التلقائي العصبي للانظمة الديناميكية اللاخطية date: 2017-09-30 words: 5840 flesch: 65 summary: The first stage is learned off-line with two configuration serial-parallel model & parallel model to ensure that model output is equal to actual output of the system & to find the jacobain of the system. The on-line identifier NARMA-L2 model of the plant is used to updated of the weights of the identifier by using (BPA) in order to guarantee that model output approaches the actual output. keywords: + ∂; controller; e ∂; input; k k; model; network; neural; output; plant; ∂ ∂ cache: alkej-16.pdf plain text: alkej-16.txt item: #66 of 562 id: alkej-160 author: Mohamed, Mohamed Jasim; Abbas, Mustaffa Waad title: تجنب العوائق للروبوت النقال باستخدام مجال القوى الاصطناعي المعزز date: 2017-12-28 words: 4847 flesch: 66 summary: The methods to plan a path for mobile robot can be classified into two types: global path planning techniques and local path planning techniques or obstacles avoidance techniques. Introduction The existence of robots in various types became very significant in the industrial sector and especially in the service sector. keywords: algorithm; collision; field; force; mohamed; point; robot; sensors; target cache: alkej-160.pdf plain text: alkej-160.txt item: #67 of 562 id: alkej-161 author: Majed, Rana A.; Abdulmajeed, Majid H.; Mahdy, Mohamed title: الخواص الميكانيكية وسلوك التآكل لملحومات الفولاذ واطيء الكاربون date: 2017-12-28 words: 4625 flesch: 53 summary: Consumable type plays a major role in determining weld metal corrosion rate, and the highest rates of metal loss are normally associated with shielded metal arc electrodes using a basic coating. These data show that the corrosion potentials (Ecorr) values for weldments shift toward active direction compared with unwelded low carbon steel, and the sequence of negativity of corrosion potentials as follow: - Ecorr TIG welding > Arc welding > MIG welding. keywords: arc; carbon; corrosion; heat; heat treatment; metal; mig; steel; tig; treatment; welding; zone cache: alkej-161.pdf plain text: alkej-161.txt item: #68 of 562 id: alkej-162 author: Al-Ghaban, Ahmed M. H. Abdulkadhim title: تأثير زيادة نسبة الكاربون على الخواص الميكانيكية لكاربيد التيتانيوم المنجز بالافلام الرقيقة date: 2017-12-28 words: 2607 flesch: 91 summary: من كل من التیتانیوم والكاربون الصلب العالي درجة ١٤ن عن السطح الواقع في االسفل مقداره النقاوة وبمیال ھذا المیالن یعطي االمكانیة للتحكم . .الغشاء الرقیق من كاربید التیتانیوم بمساحات دائریة بعد عملیة الطالء على سطح من اوكسید االلمنیوم -٢-الشكل The Deposited TiCx Thin Films with Circular Shapes on a Al2O3 Substrate. ) keywords: coatings; films; properties; ticx; vol; التركیب; التیتانیوم; الخواص; الكاربون; الكیمیاوي; المیكانیكیة; الناتج; الى; على; كاربید; نسبة; ھذا; ھذه; یمكن cache: alkej-162.pdf plain text: alkej-162.txt item: #69 of 562 id: alkej-163 author: Abdulateef, Osamah F.; Khalid, Enas A.; Hoss, Amer G. title: تثقيب المادة المركبة (فايبر كلاس) باستخدام النبضة المفردة لليزر النيدميوم – ياك date: 2013-06-30 words: 4017 flesch: 65 summary: The investigation of single pulse laser drilling in this paper was based on theoretical and experimental solutions. Basic material removal mechanism in laser drilling is based on the absorption of laser energy from a series of laser pulses at the same spot. keywords: beam; composite; drilling; fr-4; glass; heating; hole; laser; peak; power; pulse; time; yag cache: alkej-163.pdf plain text: alkej-163.txt item: #70 of 562 id: alkej-164 author: Jasim, Hisham Hassan title: تخمين درجات الحرارة الخارجة من مبادل حراري نوع قشرة – انبوب باستخدام الشبكة العصبية الصناعية اعتمادا على معلومات تطبيقية date: 2013-06-30 words: 3630 flesch: 63 summary: Input parameters for heat exchanger neural network modeling include inlet water temperature iw )T , inlet air temperature ia )T , air flow rate am • . Heat exchangers are commonly used in practice in a wide range of applications, from heating and air conditioning systems in a household, to chemical processing and power production in large plants. keywords: air; data; exchanger; heat; input; network; neural; output; training; validation cache: alkej-164.pdf plain text: alkej-164.txt item: #71 of 562 id: alkej-165 author: Kazem, Aladine Abdulkader; Hussein, Khalid Hameed title: دراسة تأثير انحناء المجمع الشمسي على الاستجابة الديناميكية للمجمع الشمسي date: 2013-06-30 words: 4628 flesch: 56 summary: [9] N. Hosoya and J.A. Peterka,” wind tunnel tests of parabolic trough solar collector”, National renewable energy laboratory, 2008. al. carried out a study to define mean and peak wind loads on parabolic dish solar collectors. keywords: coefficients; collector; curvature; fig; length; loading; numerical; response; results; study; trough; wind cache: alkej-165.pdf plain text: alkej-165.txt item: #72 of 562 id: alkej-166 author: Hilal, Kifah H.; Omran, Salman H.; Abdulla, Muthanna L. title: تأثير خصائص الحشوة الكروية على انتقال الحرارة وفقدان الضغط في مجرى مسامي date: 2013-06-30 words: 4019 flesch: 67 summary: The effects of fluid velocity, particle diameter, constant heat flux imposed on rectangular channel and type of porous media (thermal conductivity) on the convection heat transfer, pressure drop and heat transfer enhancement are investigated. Temperature Profile In general, the variation of temperature distributions across the duct affected by heat flux, Reynolds number, particle diameter and particle conductivity. keywords: air; duct; flux; heat; number; packing; particle; transfer; velocity cache: alkej-166.pdf plain text: alkej-166.txt item: #73 of 562 id: alkej-167 author: Graimed, Bassim Hameed; Abd Ali, Ziad T. title: دراسة الخواص الديناميكية الحرارية والحركية لامتزاز الرصاص (II) من محلول مائي باستخدام البنتونايت والكاربون الفعال date: 2013-06-30 words: 3615 flesch: 63 summary: Effect of Temperature The extent of lead ion adsorption on the bentonite and activated carbon at various temperatures is shown in Figures (6 and 7). Adsorption Experiments keywords: adsorbent; adsorption; bentonite; carbon; lead; pb(ii; solution; temperature cache: alkej-167.pdf plain text: alkej-167.txt item: #74 of 562 id: alkej-168 author: Sulaymon, Abbas Hamid; Hahsim, Emad Talib; Mahdi, Shaymaa Alaulddin title: التكهن بكفاءة الخلية الشمسية وتقييم ادائها في الظروف الجوية لمدينة بغداد date: 2013-06-30 words: 3036 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: Solar cell, photovoltaic performance, fill factor, efficiency. This increase was accompanied by a revitalization of researches considered for the optimization of the energy given by solar cells. keywords: cell; efficiency; maximum; panel; pmax; power; vol cache: alkej-168.pdf plain text: alkej-168.txt item: #75 of 562 id: alkej-169 author: Al-Hassani, Maha H. title: استخدام الخريط كماده مازه لازاله ايونات الرصاص والكادميوم من المحاليل المائيه date: 2013-06-30 words: 3758 flesch: 62 summary: The effect of various parameters including the adsorbent dosage initial of metal ion concentration (single and binary) and contact time were studied onto Al-Khriet powder for removal lead and cadmium ion from aqueous solution. Keywords: Agricultural waste adsorbent, Biosorption, heavy metal ions, isotherm kinetic model. keywords: adsorbent; adsorption; cadmium; cd+2; concentration; equilibrium; ions; khriet; lead; pb+2; removal; solution cache: alkej-169.pdf plain text: alkej-169.txt item: #76 of 562 id: alkej-17 author: Kareem, Azad R. title: هيكلة جديدة للمضخمات التوزيعية باستخدام احمال حثية فعالة date: 2017-12-27 words: 1974 flesch: 66 summary: It is interesting to note that, compared to the conventional CSSDA, the CSSDA with active inductor loads achieve the same results (forward gain S21 the reflection losses S11 and S22) but with smaller inductance. Final2 Azad R. Karee /Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal ,vol.1, no. 1,PP 19-25 (2005) ١٩ Abstract: A modification to cascaded single-stage distributed amplifier (CSSDA) design by using active inductor is proposed. keywords: amplifier; cssda; engineering; gain; inductor; khwarizmi; stage cache: alkej-17.pdf plain text: alkej-17.txt item: #77 of 562 id: alkej-170 author: Abed, Zena A.; Hummady, Muna M. title: تخمين نسبة الاشارة الى الضوضاء متضمنة خطأ التكميم لمستقبل الليدار متعدد الأطوال الموجية date: 2013-06-30 words: 3505 flesch: 61 summary: (λ, ) and is known as lidar ratio. The most important parameter of lidar especially daytime operations is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) which gives some instructions in designing of lidar and it is often limit the effective range. keywords: atmospheric; instrument; laser; lidar; light; noise; ratio; signal cache: alkej-170.pdf plain text: alkej-170.txt item: #78 of 562 id: alkej-171 author: Mahmood, Ibtihal A.; Soud, Wafa A.; Abdullah, Orhan S. title: تأثير الحشوات السيراميكية على خواص البلى للمواد المتراكبة للايبوكسي- كاربون date: 2013-06-30 words: 3534 flesch: 61 summary: This lead to the increasing of loss weight, and finally the increasing of wear rate. The assessments of wear rate with different sliding distance under the testing conditions as shown in fig (10and11). keywords: carbon; composite; effect; epoxy; fiber; fillers; increase; rate; resistance; sliding; volume; wear cache: alkej-171.pdf plain text: alkej-171.txt item: #79 of 562 id: alkej-172 author: A.hassan, Mohammed A sadik; Sallal, Hayder Abbas; kahlol, Kdhim khaion title: تأثير الحجم الحبيبي على مادة متراكبة ذات أساس بوليمري مقواة بدقائق من مادة (Reenia) date: 2013-06-30 words: 5042 flesch: 98 summary: متل ك درج ة عالی ة م ن ال نس تطیع الحص ول علیھ ا م ن الم واد س یرامیكیة ، البولیمری ة ، ك المواد ال( الھندس یة بش كل منف رد لذلك keywords: composite; materials; reenia; size; االنضغاط; ادة; البولي; الحجم; الدقائقي; الشد; الص; الكس; الم; المادة; المتراكبة; المواد; الى; الھندسیة; بین; حیث; ذات; زیادة; عبد; على; عملیة; عند; قیم; كما; مادة; مقاومة; واد; وزني cache: alkej-172.pdf plain text: alkej-172.txt item: #80 of 562 id: alkej-173 author: Tawfik, Mauwafak A.; Abu-Tabikh, Mohammed I.; Hamdoon, Farouk O. title: تحليل سلوك المرونه الهوائيه لشفرة توربين رياح بأستخدام نموذج للتداخل التام بين المائع والهيكل date: 2013-10-31 words: 3910 flesch: 67 summary: Aeroelasticty of wind turbine blade is one of main considerations for the design of wind turbine, because aerodynamic loading causes blade to bend mostly in flapwise direction, and causes blade section to twist to create new fluid fields surrounding the blade. This interaction between aerodynamics and deformation of wind turbine blade may lead to twist to create new fluid fields surrounding the blade. keywords: angle; blade; engineering; time; tower; turbine; velocity; wind cache: alkej-173.pdf plain text: alkej-173.txt item: #81 of 562 id: alkej-174 author: Yasin, Naseer M.; Al-Eedany, Mustafa M. title: تعزيز الاستقرارية العابرة لنظام القدرة بأستخدام المعوض التناسقي المتوالي date: 2013-10-31 words: 4486 flesch: 67 summary: 1. Introduction Rapid development of power systems especially with the increased use of transmission facilities has necessitated new ways of maximizing power transfer in existing transmission facilities while maintaining the same level of stability [1]. The transient stability of power systems is associated with the ability of the generators to remain in synchronism after a severe disturbance [5]. keywords: bus; engineering; flow; ieee; line; power; sssc; stability; system; transmission; vol; voltage cache: alkej-174.pdf plain text: alkej-174.txt item: #82 of 562 id: alkej-175 author: Abbass, Sadiq J.; Ahmed, Furman K.; Mohammed, Zahraa A. title: دراسة نظرية و عملية لجريان الدم في الشريان القلبي المتضيق date: 2013-10-31 words: 7690 flesch: 65 summary: [9] Figure (17) shows the mean velocity waveform of coronary blood flow with a 1.0sec period that was used as the inlet velocity conditions in the computational models. Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 9, No. 3, P.P. 38- 57 (2013) Theoretical and Practical Investigation of Blood Flow through Stenosed Coronary Lad Artery Sadiq J. Abbass * Furman K. Ahmed ** Zahraa A. Mohammed *** * Department of Medical Engineering / College of Engineering / Al-Nahrain University ** Department of Engineering / Nursing Home Hospital *** Department of Biomedical Engineering /Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering / University of Baghdad (Received 14 February 2012; accepted 11 September 2013) keywords: area; artery; blood; engineering; fig; figure; flow; journal; model; pressure; stenosis; study; velocity; vol; wall cache: alkej-175.pdf plain text: alkej-175.txt item: #83 of 562 id: alkej-176 author: Doss, Qasim Mohamed; Abaas, Tahseen Fadhel; Bedan, Aqeel Sabree title: دراسة توزيع التخصر في عمليات التشكيل النقطي المتزايد باستخدام طريقة تحليل العناصر المحددة date: 2013-10-31 words: 2800 flesch: 64 summary: [6] S. Dejardin, S. Thibaud, J.C. Gelin and G. Michel, “Experimental investigations and numerical analysis for improving knowledge of incremental sheet forming process for sheet metal parts”, Elsevier Ltd, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 210 363–36, 2010. )2013( 1-14 ، صفحة3، العدد9مجلة الخوارزمي الھندسیة المجلد قاسم محمد دوس 14 دراسة توزیع The moving locus of forming tool (called as toolpath) in these slices constructed to the finished part was performed by the CNC technology. keywords: engineering; fig; forming; journal; khwarizmi; process; sheet; thickness; tool; vol cache: alkej-176.pdf plain text: alkej-176.txt item: #84 of 562 id: alkej-177 author: Al-Dallal, Ahmed Jawad Ali title: محاكاة لعملية أنتاج حامض الكبريتيك بالطريقة الرطبة (WSA) لاستغلال الغاز الحامضي المفصول من الغاز الطبيعي العماني date: 2013-10-31 words: 4605 flesch: 60 summary: [10].The VK- WSA catalysts are specially developed for use in humid process gases The SO2 oxidation catalyst is based on a silica carrier (diatomeous earth) impregnated with a mixture of sodium, potassium and vanadium[10].The VK- WSA catalysts are specially developed for use in humid process gases keywords: acid; bed; catalyst; conversion; engineering; feed; gas; mole%; process; reactor; so2; sulphuric; wsa cache: alkej-177.pdf plain text: alkej-177.txt item: #85 of 562 id: alkej-178 author: Khalaf, Taha Yaseen title: تأثير الجهد المسلط ودرجة الحرارة على الترسيب الكهربائي لثاني أوكسيد الرصاص date: 2013-10-31 words: 4817 flesch: 55 summary: Effect of Applide Potential and Temperature on The Anodic Current Density For the purpose of obtaining more information, we will study the current term anodic current density versus applied potential and this is what is shown in Figure 3 where the anodic current density increases with the applied potential and temperature. In addition, the increase in temperature will lead to increase the kinetic energy of the ions and make it move more quickly and therefore it will be helpful to increase the speed of precipitation reactions, and this whole is the main reason for the increase in anodic current density. keywords: current; density; dioxide; effect; electrodeposition; increase; lead; potential; solution; t =; temperature cache: alkej-178.pdf plain text: alkej-178.txt item: #86 of 562 id: alkej-179 author: Hassan, Jafar Mehdi; Xue, Yiqin; Oleiwi, Majid Ahmed; Mahdi, Ahmed Fouad title: السيطرة على الضغط باستخدام الصمام الموازر الكهروهيدروليكي وتاثير الخط الناقل للهيدروليك date: 2013-10-31 words: 6816 flesch: 63 summary: Hydraulic systems are also common in aircraft, where their high power- to-weight ratio and precise control make them an ideal choice for actuation of flight surfaces [1]. Dong Zhu and Lu (2010) prove that the long pipeline in hydraulic system has some influence on system performances and causes the system to become unstable. keywords: control; engineering; fig; flapper; flow; fluid; hydraulic; line; pressure; rate; servovalve; spool; system; transmission; value; voltage cache: alkej-179.pdf plain text: alkej-179.txt item: #87 of 562 id: alkej-180 author: Atiya, Mohammed A.; Rahman, Ameel Mohammed; Al-Hassani, Maha H. title: تحسين الرقم الاوكتاني للنافثا العراقية الخفيفة باستعمال العامل المساعد Pt المحمل على الزيولايت HMOR date: 2013-12-31 words: 4328 flesch: 56 summary: These observations are agree well with the results reported by Gauw et al., (2002), Liu et al., (1997), Chao et al., (1996) and Guisnet et al., (1991); Chao et al., 2000. The metal component also helps reduce catalyst deactivation by hydrogenation coke precursors (Gauw et al., 2002; Hollo et al., 2002; Aboul-Gheit et al., 1998; Allian et al., 1997). keywords: catalyst; engineering; et al; hydroisomerization; lhsv; octane; p.p; pressure; reaction; temperature cache: alkej-180.pdf plain text: alkej-180.txt item: #88 of 562 id: alkej-181 author: Al-Baldawi, Ammar; Muallah, Shatha K.; Wünsch, Olaf title: التحقيق الحرارية الريولجية ونمذجة لزوجة ألقص من ألبولي بروبيلين فوق درجة ألانصهار date: 2013-12-31 words: 4589 flesch: 59 summary: 0/ n 170 19000 0.85 4.474e-5 0.68 180 12493 0.5589 4.474e-5 0.68 200 5696.16 0.25483 4.474e-5 0.68 220 2767.99 0.12383 4.474e-5 0.68 240 1422.91 0.06366 4.474e-5 0.68 260 768.901 0.0344 4.474e-5 0.68 280 434.404 0.01943 4.473e-5 0.68 300 255.402 0.01143 4.475e-5 0.68 10 100 1000 10000 0.001 1 1000 PP 170°C pp 180°C PP 200°C PP 220°C PP 240°C PP 260°C PP 280°C PP 300°C Cross 170°C Cross 180°C Cross 200°C Cross 220°C Cross 240°C Cross 260°C Cross 280°C Cross 300°C Ammar Al-Baldawi Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 9, No. 4, P.P. By increasing the measurement temperature e.g. above 200°C, it is preferred to increase the waiting time, this also helps as a Ammar Al-Baldawi Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 9, No. 4, keywords: baldawi; cross; engineering; journal; measurements; model; rate; rheometer; shear; temperature; viscosity; ° c cache: alkej-181.pdf plain text: alkej-181.txt item: #89 of 562 id: alkej-182 author: Haweel, C.Kh.; Abdul-Majeed, Basma A.; Eisa, Mohammed Y. title: تنقية خام فوسفات عكاشات العراقية باستخدام الحوامض العضوية لغرض انتاج حامض الفسفوريك بالطريقة الرطبة date: 2013-12-31 words: 7853 flesch: 54 summary: Increasing the acid concentration decreases the selectivity of acetic acid reaction leading to an undesirable reaction with the required material (apatite) in the ore as shown in the reaction 4 (page4) The main factors investigated by researchers were: leachingreagent, acid concentration, reaction time, liquid/solid ratio (pulpsolid percent); temperature, particle size distribution, stirring speedand type and nature of the ore. keywords: acid; apatite; calcite; carbonate; concentration; conditions; content; engineering; fig; journal; leaching; ore; phosphate; ratio; reaction; time; weight cache: alkej-182.pdf plain text: alkej-182.txt item: #90 of 562 id: alkej-183 author: Mahdi, Alyaa Esam title: لليكند Cr (II) , Pt (II), الدراسة الطيفية للمعقدات البوليميرية لكل من N- Crotonyl -2- Hydroxy-phenylazomethine date: 2013-12-31 words: 2200 flesch: 65 summary: Complexation of polymeric ligand with metal ions as well as the ligand substitution reaction of polymer –metal complexes is utilized to separate metal ions and/or small molecules Coordination polymers are usually known for their thermal stability metal complexes are composed of and metal ions. keywords: complexes; ligand; metal; spectrum; vol cache: alkej-183.pdf plain text: alkej-183.txt item: #91 of 562 id: alkej-184 author: Dagher, Khulood A.; Al-Araji, Ahmed S. title: تصميم مسيطر عصبي (PID) متكيف لخزان مفاعل مستمر الإثارة مبني على أساس أمثلية حشد الجسيمات date: 2013-12-31 words: 3730 flesch: 60 summary: The feedback PID neural controller is very important because it is necessary to stabilize the tracking error of the system when the output of the system is drifted from the reference point. It consists of two control loops, inverse control and PID control. keywords: algorithm; control; controller; cstr; model; network; neural; particle; pid; tuning cache: alkej-184.pdf plain text: alkej-184.txt item: #92 of 562 id: alkej-187 author: T. Petrescu, Florian Ion; Petrescu, Relly Victoria V. title: التركيب الديناميكي للحدبات date: 2017-12-18 words: 10380 flesch: 74 summary: If we increase h, or decrease the angle u, then is tapering cam profile very much. Mechanical efficiency of cam mechanisms was about 4-8%. keywords: cam; cos; dynamic; equation; fig; petrescu; profile; roll; tappet; valve;  ;  ;  ;  ;   cache: alkej-187.pdf plain text: alkej-187.txt item: #93 of 562 id: alkej-188 author: J. Al-Saraf, Abdul Satar; Al-Jumaily, Suhad A. R. title: دراسة تجريبية لخصائص أنبعاث الملوثات من وحدة توربين غازي مصغرة تعمل بوقود ثنائي بحقن الأيثانول في الهواء الداخل للضاغطة date: 2017-12-18 words: 3726 flesch: 61 summary: Gas turbines use large amounts of petroleum-based fuel and cause significant air pollution; nevertheless, they play a very important role in minimizing greenhouse gas emissions as they typically burn lower carbon fuels compared to other types of combustion-based power generation and mechanical drive applications [1]. Particulate matter (PM) is also a primary pollutant for gas turbines using liquid fuels. keywords: air; emission; eth; ethanol; fuel; gas; lpg; nox; power; ratio; turbine cache: alkej-188.pdf plain text: alkej-188.txt item: #94 of 562 id: alkej-189 author: Yasin, Nabil J. Yasin J.; Alwan, Dhia Al-Deen H.; Abdulla, Ayad S. title: دراسة تجريبية للحمل المختلط داخل مغلف ذو سطح علوي متحرك بارد وسطح سفلي ساخن date: 2017-12-18 words: 3948 flesch: 58 summary: The results show that, at a constant value of the Richardson number, average Nusselt number (Nuav.) increases with aspect ratio. (12) Shows the relation between average Nusselt number with dimensionless time for different values of Richardson number (Ri=5 and 10) at constant aspect ratio (AR=1) and constant Grashof number. keywords: convection; enclosure; engineering; fig; flow; heat; number; nusselt; richardson; temperature; wall cache: alkej-189.pdf plain text: alkej-189.txt item: #95 of 562 id: alkej-19 author: Zeyad, Dr. Tarik title: تمييز الاوجه البشرية باستعمال المرشح GABOR وانواع مختلفة من الشبكات العصبية من نوع التنظيم الذاتي date: 2017-12-27 words: 2878 flesch: 60 summary: Keyword: Self-Organizing Map, Gabor filter. Gabor filter showed that there exists a “quantum principle” for information; the conjoint time- frequency domain for 1- D signals must necessarily be quantized so that no signal or filter can occupy less than certain minimal area in it. keywords: engineering; extraction; face; feature; gabor; image; recognition; self; som; stage cache: alkej-19.pdf plain text: alkej-19.txt item: #96 of 562 id: alkej-190 author: Saihod, Ramzy H.; Shakoor, Zaidoon M.; Jawad, Abbas A. title: استخدام النظرية الجينية لإيجاد حركية تفاعلات تهذيب النفثا الثقيلة لوحدة مصفى الدورة date: 2017-12-19 words: 6697 flesch: 60 summary: Usual catalytic reforming consists of multiple reactors (three or four) with heaters between the reactors to maintain reaction temperature at operable levels, since the major reactions in the first reactor dehydrogenation of naphthenes, which are endothermic and very fast, causing a very sharp temperature drop in the first reactor. For this reason, commercial catalytic reformers are designed with multiple reactors and with heaters between the reactors to maintain reaction temperature at operable levels. keywords: algorithm; aromatics; catalyst; kinetic; model; naphtha; naphthenes; optimization; process; reaction; reactor; reforming; results; run; temperature; vol; weight cache: alkej-190.pdf plain text: alkej-190.txt item: #97 of 562 id: alkej-191 author: Mhmood, Ibtihal A.; Mohamed, Adnan dawood; Mohamed, Rawnaq Ahmed title: تحسين مقاومة البليان لسبيكة الالمنيوم A332 المقواة بدقائق سيراميكية ونانوية من الالومينا date: 2017-12-19 words: 4665 flesch: 61 summary: Among these composites, aluminium alloy matrix composites attract much attention due to their lightness, high thermal conductivity, moderate casting temperature, etc.[2,3]. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the nano micro alumina particles on wear behaviour of A332 alloy and develop a fundamental understanding of the wear mechanisms and wear induced micro structural changes of alumina particle reinforced A332 alloy composite during dry sliding at different load and sliding distances. keywords: a332; alloy; alumina; composites; hardness; matrix; particles; sliding; speed; strength; tensile; wear cache: alkej-191.pdf plain text: alkej-191.txt item: #98 of 562 id: alkej-192 author: Al-Araji, Ahmed Sabah title: تصميم مسيطر عصبي تناسبي تكاملي تفاضلي لاخطي للسيطرة على سرعة محرك تيار مستمر ثابت المغناطيسية مبنيا على أساس الخوارزمية الأمثلية date: 2017-03-31 words: 4737 flesch: 64 summary: In order to overcome these problems, many control techniques, include the adaptive control, variable structure control and robust control have been applied in DC motor speed [3]. 72- 82 (2014) 77 From the simulation results, the closed loop time response of the DC motor speed control system with nonlinear PID neural controller based on PSO algorithm is illustrated in Figs. keywords: controller; dc motor; fig; motor; neural; nonlinear; parameters; particle; pid; speed; system; time; vol cache: alkej-192.pdf plain text: alkej-192.txt item: #99 of 562 id: alkej-193 author: Mohammed, Bassim S.; Ahmed, Emad S.; Sateaa, Shahad D. title: آثار التفاعل المتبادل بين معاملات مصفوفة الهوائيات واستقبال إشارات النطاق الترددي date: 2017-03-31 words: 2582 flesch: 55 summary: It is found that the amount of degradation in the output SINR is increased significantly with the increase of array interelement spacing, number of array elements and when the angle of arrival of received signals are closet to end fire. The covariance matrix of a received signal vector is defined as … (11) where “E” is the expected value of random variable Since X (t) is a deterministic signal it has zero mean and it is considered as a stationary process, these assumptions leads to … (12) where is autocorrelation matrix of received signals vector X(t). keywords: adaptive; angle; array; bandwidth; increase; interference; output; signal cache: alkej-193.pdf plain text: alkej-193.txt item: #100 of 562 id: alkej-194 author: Rahman Al-Mayah, Ameel Mohammed; Muallah, Shatha Kadhum; Abd Al-Jabbar, Aseel title: التنبوء بقيم معاملات انتقال الأوكسجين في المفاعلات الحيوية المزودة بزعنفة الخلط من نوع Rushton Turbine في الأوساط المقلدة (غير الميكروبية) date: 2017-12-25 words: 5909 flesch: 59 summary: Abstract The study of oxygen mass transfer was conducted in a laboratory scale 5 liter stirred bioreactor equipped with one Rushton turbine impeller. The following correlations were obtained: Air/water system ( ) V V P ak g l g L 43.1 088.0 4.30       = Air/CMC system (0.5w/v ) ( ) V V P ak g l g L 3.2 06.0 522       = Air/CMC system (1w/v ) ( ) 811 3.2 06.0 g l g L VV P ak       = Air/CMC system (2w/v ) ( ) 1623 3.2 06.0 g l g L VV P ak       = Air/CMC system (3w/v ) ( ) 1576 3.2 06.0 g l g L VV P ak       = Keywords: Stirred bioreactor; oxygen mass transfer coefficient; superficial air velocity; Rushton turbine impeller. keywords: air; bioreactor; cmc; engineering; et al; gas; impeller; kla; liquid; mass; oxygen; system; transfer cache: alkej-194.pdf plain text: alkej-194.txt item: #101 of 562 id: alkej-195 author: Hameed, Ali M.; Hamied, Ramzy S.; Shnain, Zainab Y. title: معامل الاعاقة للسوائل التي تتدفق في الوضع المضطرب خلال خطوط الانابيب date: 2017-12-25 words: 2444 flesch: 58 summary: Effect of Mucilage Concentration on DR Figure.13 represents the variation of %DR with increasing mucilage concentration. An experimental piping rig was used to study the DR properties of the mucilage on water under the effect of varying pipe dimensions and mucilage concentrations. keywords: concentration; drag; effect; increases; mucilage; pipe; reduction; water cache: alkej-195.pdf plain text: alkej-195.txt item: #102 of 562 id: alkej-196 author: Sulaymon, Abbas H.; Abdul-Ahad, Muna Yousif; Alwared, Abeer I. title: ازالة عكورة المياه باستعمال المطاط كوسط ترشيح date: 2017-12-25 words: 3950 flesch: 59 summary: Comparison for %turbidity removal with time between crumb rubber and sand Flow rate affects on removal efficiency and head loss, increasing flow rate cause decreasing in removal efficiency and increase flow rate was 25l/h and influent turbidity was 25NTU for all bed depth gave the best removal efficiency while higher media size and smaller bed depth gave better The optimum removal efficiency and head loss for crumb rubber filter were 92.7% and At constant operating conditions conventional sand filter has little enhancement in removal Comparison for %turbidity removal with time be =0.6mm). keywords: al δ; crumb; filter; m ov; media; ov al; removal; rubber; turbidity cache: alkej-196.pdf plain text: alkej-196.txt item: #103 of 562 id: alkej-197 author: Ali, Alaa Hasan title: مقارنة الخواص الميكانيكة لمواد اللحام الحاوية على الرصاص والخالية منه والمستخدمة في تصنيع الكارتات الألكترونية date: 2017-12-25 words: 5664 flesch: 54 summary: Previous work focus on the variability of solder balls of different alloys and their effect on manufacturing electronic system. Additional work ought to be done to improve the scientific understanding variable properties of solder balls for different alloys so the motives of the present study are to give more understanding how the different balls sizes and Sn elastic and Plastic anisotropy phenomena effect on the strength and ratability of solder joint of manufactured electron system and must be taken into consideration by manufacturer and supplier. keywords: aging; balls; behavior; deformation; figure; hardening; image; lead; loading; microstructure; slip; solder; tin cache: alkej-197.pdf plain text: alkej-197.txt item: #104 of 562 id: alkej-198 author: Moosa, Amer A. title: التنفيع باسلوب العصيبات المضببة لتطوير التشغيل بطريقة التنعيم بالاحتكاك المغناطيسي date: 2017-12-25 words: 3908 flesch: 53 summary: Adaptive for evaluation of a series of experiments an optimized and usefully achieved by obtained results predicted by model simulation and that of direct measure is 2.0222 % Keywords:Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF), adaptive roughness, (RMSE) root mean square error, membership 1. Dai Yang, and Han- Ming Chow, “Study of magnetic abrasive form surface operations using the Taguchi method”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing an Wang, and Dejin Hu, ”Study on the inner surface finishing of tubing by magnetic abrasive finishing”, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol.45 Hwa, and Yan, Tzong Hsu, “Study on cylindrical magnetic abrasive finishing using unbounded magnetic abrasives”, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol.42 T. Mori, K. Hirota, and Y. Kawashima, “Clarification of magnetic abrasive finishing of Materials Processing 144 (2003), pp. keywords: abrasive; anfis; fig; finishing; journal; layer; maf; output; powder; process; surface cache: alkej-198.pdf plain text: alkej-198.txt item: #105 of 562 id: alkej-199 author: M.Alalkawi, Hussain J.; Al Saraf, Saad A. Khuder; Ali, Abdul-Jabar H. title: أتموذج الضرر التراكمي الجديد للتنبؤ بعمر الكلال تحت تأثير معالجة السطوح بالنقر المستمر date: 2017-12-25 words: 2843 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: Cumulative fatigue damage, Shot peening, Non 1. [4] first expressed the concept of cumulative fatigue damage in a mathematical formula as, = = 1 … (1) where, is the cumulative fatigue damage and , are the applied cycles and the number of cycles to failure under i-th constant S-N curve stress level respectively. keywords: damage; experimental; fatigue; life; low; model; peening; prediction; shot; stress cache: alkej-199.pdf plain text: alkej-199.txt item: #106 of 562 id: alkej-2 author: Nacy, Dr. Somer M.; Al-Rawi, Dr.Hikmat; Hasan, Mohammed M. title: A Study Of Strengthening Circular Diaphragm By Ring-Shaped Concentric Ribs date: 2017-12-29 words: 4273 flesch: 64 summary: 2. Study the effect of using clamped ring (built-in with the clamped edges of the diaphragm). To do so, a ring-shaped rib (of the same material as is the diaphragm) with thickness (H = 0.1mm) and radial width (br = 2mm) is used at (25) radial positions, from r = 1mm (bossed material) to r = 49mm (clamped ring) as shown in figures (2-9). keywords: case; diaphragm; engineering; position; ring; surfaces cache: alkej-2.pdf plain text: alkej-2.txt item: #107 of 562 id: alkej-20 author: Hadi, Dr. Suha Mohammed title: طريقة جديدة لتصميم نظام لادارة المعلومات المتعددة باستخدام تكنلوجيا ال XML date: 2017-12-27 words: 2326 flesch: 56 summary: (3): The thematic map concepts The concept or the knowledge of the new proposed model represented as a network of information object that is defined in XML and based on relational database technology. • Second, since XML documents are human-readable, a developer can figure out what the content means by simply inspecting the XML document. keywords: data; documents; engineering; information; objects; schema; technology; xml cache: alkej-20.pdf plain text: alkej-20.txt item: #108 of 562 id: alkej-200 author: Merzah, Amel S.; Hafiz, Mohammed H.; Mohammed, Sarah k. title: حمايه التأكل للفولاذ الكاربوني المدفون بوساطة تغير الوسط date: 2017-05-31 words: 3187 flesch: 50 summary: Metals buried in low resistivity soils will generally be anodic, whereas metals buried in adjacent high resistivity soils will generally be cathode .While the completely free of water has an extremely high resistivity. Soil electrical resistivity is an important parameter in underground corrosion general, the lower the resistivity, the higher the corrosion rate as shown in (Table 1) Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal by Using Mohammed*** media method. keywords: carbon; corrosion; gravel; media; method; rate; resistivity; sand; soil; steel cache: alkej-200.pdf plain text: alkej-200.txt item: #109 of 562 id: alkej-201 author: Mahdi, Hamid S.; Sallomi, Kareem Neamah; Ismail, Hiba Husam title: تحسين الصلادة ومقاومة التآكل للفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ بواسطة الطلاء بمركب نانوي date: 2017-12-02 words: 3940 flesch: 63 summary: The main objective of this paper is to study effect of electroco- deposition method on microhardness and corrosion resistance of stainless steel, and to analyze effect of nanoparticles (Al2O3, ZrO2 , and SiC) on properties of composite coatings. Another recent way to improve its mechanical properties is with surface modification by developing composite coating on its surface. keywords: coatings; composite; corrosion; current; microhardness; sic; steel; surface; zro2 cache: alkej-201.pdf plain text: alkej-201.txt item: #110 of 562 id: alkej-202 author: Al-Khazraji, Ahmed Naif title: النمذجة العملية المثلى لعمر التصدع والصلادة للفولاذ الكاربوني (CK35) تحت تأثير احمال الانبعاج الديناميكية date: 2017-12-26 words: 4691 flesch: 62 summary: While Fig. 5 shows the 3D graph of fatigue life as a function of shot peening time and slenderness ratio. Contour graph of fatigue life as a function of shot peening time (min) and slenderness ratio. keywords: design; fatigue; hardness; life; peening; peening time; ratio; shot; slenderness; time cache: alkej-202.pdf plain text: alkej-202.txt item: #111 of 562 id: alkej-203 author: Ismail, Assma Hassan title: دراسة تحليلية وعملية لأجهادات الانحناء والتمدد في عمود مقوس مصنوع من مادة مركبة ذات طبقات date: 2017-12-26 words: 4218 flesch: 59 summary: Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 10, No. 4, P.P. 21- 32 (2014) Experimental and Analytical Study of Bending Stresses and Deflections in Curved Beam Made of Laminated Composite Material Assma Hassan Ismail Department of Mechanical Engineering / University of Baghdad (Received 21 April 2014; accepted 22 September 2014) Abstract Theoretical and experimental methodologies were assessed to test curved beam made of layered composite material. 1. Section of curved beam. keywords: beam; composite; deflection; direction; engineering; fiber; fig; layer; material; stress;   cache: alkej-203.pdf plain text: alkej-203.txt item: #112 of 562 id: alkej-204 author: Chaichan, Miqdam Tariq title: دراسة عملية لتأثير تدوير الغاز العادم (EGR) وتوقيت الحقن على الملوثات المنبعثة خلال فترة الحياد date: 2017-12-26 words: 6016 flesch: 67 summary: The majority of the carbon products are formed into CO2, so as more fuel is consumed like by increasing engine idle speed, CO2 concentrations increase, as Fig. 9 reveals. 11 shows idle engine speed effect on HC concentrations for several EGR rates. keywords: concentrations; effect; egr; engine; fig; idle; idling; min; o n; rates; rpm; speed; time cache: alkej-204.pdf plain text: alkej-204.txt item: #113 of 562 id: alkej-205 author: Hussein, Abbas Khammas title: تحديد العوامل المثلى للبلى في الفولاذ نوع AISI4340 date: 2017-12-26 words: 3093 flesch: 63 summary: Sliding speed, applying load, and sliding distance were selected as the input factors, whereas wear rate was selected as the response. Percentage contribution of each variable on wear rate Variables Percentage Contribution(%) Load 66.66666667 Speed 30.55555556 Distance 2.777777778 Total 100 Abbas Khammas Hussein Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 10, No. 4, P.P. keywords: parameters; rate; results; sliding; speed; steel; table; taguchi; wear cache: alkej-205.pdf plain text: alkej-205.txt item: #114 of 562 id: alkej-206 author: Hassan, Kharia Salman title: مقاومة التاكل لوصلات لحام بطرق مختلفة لسبيكة المنيوم 6061-T6 في ماء البحر date: 2017-12-26 words: 6016 flesch: 67 summary: The majority of the carbon products are formed into CO2, so as more fuel is consumed like by increasing engine idle speed, CO2 concentrations increase, as Fig. 9 reveals. 11 shows idle engine speed effect on HC concentrations for several EGR rates. keywords: concentrations; effect; egr; engine; fig; idle; idling; min; o n; rates; rpm; speed; time cache: alkej-206.pdf plain text: alkej-206.txt item: #115 of 562 id: alkej-208 author: Al-Qazzaz, Noor Kamal; Abdulazez, Israa F.; Ridha, Salma A. title: تسجيل محاكاة مخطط القلب الكهربائي، مخطط اصوات القلب، مخطط التحجم لأستخراج الخصائص date: 2017-12-26 words: 4777 flesch: 64 summary: 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 -1 0 1 PCG DC drift=-0.0681 second V o lt s PCG Signal after cancellation DC drift and normalization 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 -1 0 1 ECG DC drift=-0.8566 second V o lt s ECG Signal after cancellation DC drift and normalization 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 -1 0 1 PPG DC drift=-1.8135 second V o lt s PPG Signal after cancellation DC drift and normalization 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 -1 0 1 PCG DC drift=-0.0846 second V o lt s PCG Signal after cancellation DC drift and normalization 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 -1 0 1 ECG DC drift=-0.0639 second V o lt s ECG Signal after cancellation DC drift and normalization 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 -1 0 1 PPG DC drift=-0.2616. A. Signal acquisition The ECG, carotid pulse, and PCG signals were recording from three channels with sampling frequency of 1000 Hz. keywords: ecg; heart; pcg; ppg; pressure; signal; sounds; wave cache: alkej-208.pdf plain text: alkej-208.txt item: #116 of 562 id: alkej-209 author: Abdulateef, Osamah F.; Salman, Lara A. title: تحليل المجال الحراري لعمليه التشغيل المائله date: 2015-01-28 words: 5336 flesch: 63 summary: The results show that the temperature relatively decreased when tool obliquity increases at different cutting speeds and feed rates, also it is found mean tool rake face temperature distribution decreases with increase of tool obliquity. temperature relatively decreased when tool obliquity increases at different cutting speeds and feed rates, also it is found mean tool rake face temperature distribution decreases with increase of tool obliquity. keywords: cutting; face; obliquity; rake; rake face; temperature; tool cache: alkej-209.pdf plain text: alkej-209.txt item: #117 of 562 id: alkej-21 author: Zeyad, Dr. Tarik; Hanoon, Ahlam title: ضغط الملفات الصوتية باستعمال تحويل المويجة والتشفير ذو الأستنتاجات الخطية date: 2017-12-02 words: 2610 flesch: 68 summary: YES NO Fig.(2) Flow chart of compression speech signal. Abstract A new algorithm is proposed to compress speech signals using wavelet transform and linear predictive coding. keywords: coefficients; compression; engineering; file; signal; size; speech cache: alkej-21.pdf plain text: alkej-21.txt item: #118 of 562 id: alkej-210 author: Sallom, Maher Yahya; Khaleel, Riyam Neamah title: استقرار فجوة قطب فرن القوس الكهربائي باستخدام منظومة الهيدروليكية الذكية date: 2015-02-28 words: 5736 flesch: 59 summary: T2ط PG2ا� .T�9G/� م�N� ���>درا�� و� PG2ا ا�M8/1)7 ھ U#���, ام�'/��, L�V�/ا�+�ض وا�)Automation Studio 5.2 ( ��ء , �� P�6ر�1;�� و �A(�(G� Yإ� �?�;Z�,�2ي/Rز و�A. :# م =�)�� و #�9ر���N� . [(��)� ∙ ( � − �)/��²] …(9) � � − ��(��)² (��)� = ( � ∙ �� + F) ��⁄⁄ …(10) � = [ �(�� ��)² − (� ��)]⁄⁄ keywords: control; flow; hydraulic; proportional; system; valve cache: alkej-210.pdf plain text: alkej-210.txt item: #119 of 562 id: alkej-211 author: Abass, Basim Ajeel; Sahib, Murtada Mohammed title: تاثير التشوه المرن على التزيت الهديروديناميكي الحراري للمساند المقعدية اللامتمركزة المحاور والمزيتة بزيت حاوي على الفقاعات الهوائية date: 2015-10-28 words: 7920 flesch: 67 summary: ��&� : 7$� ����4 وJ �KP.��4ت [�U%ي ا���(;1�� J' ھRا ا�&;H ز$�دة J' ا�WUG و�� ��� ا�(;��� � �ان ا�.�ر. The following empirical equations proposed by [1] can be used to evaluate the turbulence coefficients Gx and Gz for 1000 ≤ Re ≤ 30,000 as follows: �� = ���#.#�%&∗()∗* keywords: bearing; bubbly; bubbly oil; effect; film; journal; liner; oil; oil film; pressure; temperature; � � cache: alkej-211.pdf plain text: alkej-211.txt item: #120 of 562 id: alkej-213 author: Al-Khazraji, Ahmed Naif; Al-Rabii, Samir Ali; Al-Fahadawy, Samir Zidan title: توليد الاجهادات الضغطية المتبقية بواسطة التفريز السطحي للصلب (AISI 1045) date: 2017-12-17 words: 6260 flesch: 62 summary: [14] Joseph R. D., “Traditional Machining Processes, ASM Handbook – Machining”, Vol. 16, ASM International, 944 p., 1989. )2015( 40- 50، ���� 1، ا�� د11 ا���ارز� ا��� �� ا������� � ا��د �� ف ا��زر�� 50 ����� ���� ا�� ا()�'دات ا�%$��� ا�� #�� !�ا �� ا� �����*)AISI 1045( �+ ا���ر)', ان �0+ ** ��� /� ا��. * ا-�� *** ��� ز �� ا������ ا����������***،**،*� /��� ا�#�!� ا� ����� : ا(�� %و�' ا�&%$�* ��+���� . keywords: cutting; depth; design; feed; model; rate; speed; stress; stresses; surface cache: alkej-213.pdf plain text: alkej-213.txt item: #121 of 562 id: alkej-215 author: Alalkawi, H .J.M; Maajeed, Amer Hameed; Betti, Zainab Azeez title: تداخل تأثير الكلال التراكمي التآكلي مع القذف بالكريات لسبيكة المنيوم 1100-H12 date: 2015-10-28 words: 4423 flesch: 58 summary: �Q&6Rت ا��4ل <�2#� ا�!$� �U و 2�ون ا�&�8 ا�#�,+/ � �Q&6Rت ا�!$� ا��X2 Bَ+ �#2�Z. ����2-�ت �C ر ا��4ل�*C�1 ا!�و'� . �� 1ا���د، ���11 ا���ارز�� ا������� ا������ ��� 72 �3H12-1100ا45 �123& ا��0ل ا�.&ا,�� ا�.-,�� �+ ا�*(ف '���&%�ت ��#��� ا�����م ا�����وي��� ***ز��6 **�7' 8%86 9�%& ���� ���� *��� �� ا����و������� *�� �&'�� &ا�%��$� ا�#��/ ! keywords: alloy; corrosion; fatigue; fatigue life; life; peening; shot; � � cache: alkej-215.pdf plain text: alkej-215.txt item: #122 of 562 id: alkej-216 author: Rahman, Ameel Mohammed; Salman, Mohanned H.; Hammed, Khalid Waleed title: التكسير الحفاز لزيت الوقود العراقي باستعمال الزيولايت ذي الحجم المسامي الكبير والمتوسط date: 2014-12-31 words: 5049 flesch: 61 summary: A higher hydrocarbon yields was obtained for HY zeolite catalyst. Catalytic cracking conversion vs. temperature at LHSV of 0.5h-1 and pressure of 3bar. keywords: catalysts; conversion; cracking; et al; lhsv; p.p; pressure; temperature; zeolite; zsm-11; zsm-22 cache: alkej-216.pdf plain text: alkej-216.txt item: #123 of 562 id: alkej-217 author: Ameen, Hani Aziz; Abd Alameer, Ahlam title: دراسة عملية ونظرية لعملية الاصطدام الحركي اللدن لمعدن CK45 date: 2014-11-01 words: 4374 flesch: 61 summary: ا�I+ھ-ة )��3+,#&#� ?��م ا2*4 +جR ،@A4ا ا�B1 ھC � و)�+ء /.+ز ��را�� �%�ك #N>? �� 1، ا���د�11ا���ارز� ا������� ا������� � ھ�� ��� ا��� � ،2015( 84- 92( 92 ا���ن ����ن #� CK45درا�� ���� و�'#�� ������ ا& %�ام ا� **أ,+م *� ا&��# *ھ�� ��� أ��� � ھ���� ا���ا� *�� )'�اد - ا�&%#� ا�$��#�/ وا� �د � ھ���� **�� ا�0+, � ا�$&����/#� /ا�&.-و,#&+*#( :ا�4-�3 ا�2&$-و*1 : keywords: buckling; deformation; energy; impact; load; plastic; tube cache: alkej-217.pdf plain text: alkej-217.txt item: #124 of 562 id: alkej-219 author: Raafat, Safanah M.; Akmeliawati, Rini title: مسيطرH2/H∞ ذكي متين لمنظومة المحامل المغناطيسية النشطة date: 2015-03-31 words: 6044 flesch: 54 summary: As a result, an ANFIS estimation of uncertainty bounds for an AMB system model was developed and implemented to generate uncertainty weighting functions required for robust controller design. It is clear that these intelligent weighting functions can accurately reflect model uncertainty variations in spite of changes in operating speeds. keywords: anfis; bounds; control; controller; error; estimation; frequency; function; model; order; output; system; uncertainty; weighting;   cache: alkej-219.pdf plain text: alkej-219.txt item: #125 of 562 id: alkej-22 author: Jaffar, Dr. Akram Abood; Abass, Dr. Sadiq Jaffar; Abdullah, Huma Mohamed title: تحليل الاجهادات في عظم الحوض date: 2017-12-27 words: 3698 flesch: 59 summary: The surface areas of the auricular surface, lunate surface, and symphysis pubis were measured in (35) adult hip bones. This supports the idea that the lunate and auricular surfaces are being related in performing a joint task; that is of weight transmission. keywords: area; auricular; bone; engineering; hip; jaffar; joint; journal; khwarizmi; lunate; pubis; stress; surface; vol.1; weight cache: alkej-22.pdf plain text: alkej-22.txt item: #126 of 562 id: alkej-220 author: Anaee, Rana A.; Al-Ghaban, Ahmed M.; Faleh, Russul F. title: السلوك التآكلي للمواد V2AlC و Cr2AlC بالمقارنة مع الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ في هيدروكسيد الصوديوم عند اربع درجات حرارية date: 2014-03-31 words: 3208 flesch: 56 summary: Abstract This work involves the manufacturing of MAX phase materials include V2AlC and Cr2AlC using powder metallurgy as a new class of materials which characterized by regular crystals in lattice. The experiments were carried out in 0.01N of NaOH solution at four temperatures in the range of 30–60 o C. Polarization resistance values which calculated by Stern-Geary equation indicated that the MAX phase materials more resistant than SS 316L. Also cyclic polarization tests confirmed the resistivity of MAX phase materials through disappears of hysteresis loop. keywords: 316l; corrosion; cr2alc; materials; max; phase; polarization; properties; v2alc cache: alkej-220.pdf plain text: alkej-220.txt item: #127 of 562 id: alkej-221 author: Abdul Hussein, Aseel Basim; AL-Hassani, Emad Saadi; Mohamed, Reem Alaa title: تأثير الطلاء لبعض المواد المتراكبة التي اساسها مواد طبيعية على سلوك بلى التعرية لراتنج الايبوكسي المدعم بالالياف الزجاجية date: 2015-03-31 words: 5883 flesch: 62 summary: In order to reveal the facts about erosion wear of polymer matrix composites, this study investigated some of the physical and mechanical properties of composites materials fiber reinforced polymer; then investigating the erosion behavior of these composites. Solid particle erosion is one type of wear that causes. keywords: ash; coating; composites; engineering; epoxy; erosion; fiber; glass; journal; materials; sample; spin; vol; wear; weight cache: alkej-221.pdf plain text: alkej-221.txt item: #128 of 562 id: alkej-222 author: Mousa, Naseer Abdul Razzaq title: دراسة خصائص الجريان وانتقال الحرارة حول سطوح متموجة ذات اشكال هندسية مختلفة date: 2015-03-31 words: 5459 flesch: 57 summary: Examples of corrugated extended surface The goal is to specify the effect of geometry of corrugated extended surface on heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer enhancement. keywords: fig; flow; heat; heat transfer; intensity; number; rectangular; surface; transfer; turbulence; wavy cache: alkej-222.pdf plain text: alkej-222.txt item: #129 of 562 id: alkej-223 author: Daway, Entihaa G. title: دراسة مقاومة الشد و معدل البلى لخليط بوليمري من راتنج البولي استر غير المشبع ومطاط نايترايل بيوتاديين date: 2015-03-31 words: 2460 flesch: 63 summary: Also, it is obviously that there are two regions were found (white and dark) as shown in Fig.(9) where the white region is a brittle material (UPE matrix)while the dark region is (NBR rubber). Wear Test Wear test for binary polymer blend have been conducted using (pin –on –disc) testing according to ASTM G99. keywords: nbr; nitrile; polyester; polymer; resin; rubber; tensile; upe; wear cache: alkej-223.pdf plain text: alkej-223.txt item: #130 of 562 id: alkej-224 author: Abdul Abas, Riad Harwill; Taieh, Nabil Kadhim title: دراسة تجريبية للأنتشارية الحرارية و السعة الحرارية المتعلقة بالفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ المزدوج date: 2015-03-31 words: 3903 flesch: 60 summary: Furthermore, the heat capacity of all samples increases with temperature from room temperature to 473 K, while it decreases with increasing temperature until 1073 K. Then it increases with temperature at higher temperature. It can be seen that the heat capacity increases with the temperature at low temperature and decreases at high temperature up to about 1100 keywords: capacity; diffusivity; duplex; ferrite; heat; ldx; phase; samples; stainless; temperature cache: alkej-224.pdf plain text: alkej-224.txt item: #131 of 562 id: alkej-225 author: Aish, Qais Mohammed title: تأثير درجة الحرارة على انخفاض قدرة وحدات الخلايا الشمسية date: 2015-03-31 words: 4988 flesch: 59 summary: Equation 1, Equation 2 and Equation 3 repent the relationship between solar module power and other environment parameters (solar radiation G, ambient temperature Ta, solar module temperature Tc; which is strongly function with ambient temperature Ta(see Equation 4), and wind speed vf). According to the experimental measurements solar modules powers decrease against temperatures increasing. keywords: cell; maximum; module; o c; output; panel; power; radiation; temperature cache: alkej-225.pdf plain text: alkej-225.txt item: #132 of 562 id: alkej-227 author: Mansour, Tahreer S.; Abdulhussein, Fahad M. title: القيا س المزدوج للحرارة والضغط باستعمال متحسس الليف البصري المحزز نوع براغ date: 2015-03-31 words: 2209 flesch: 66 summary: In this work, uniform FBG was used as pressure sensor based on measuring related Bragg wavelength shift. Pressure applied on FBG sensor will affect its physical dimensions and changes the grating period [2]. keywords: bragg; fbg; fiber; grating; pressure; sensor; temperature; wavelength cache: alkej-227.pdf plain text: alkej-227.txt item: #133 of 562 id: alkej-228 author: Alwan, Qasim H.; Rahman, Ameel Mohammed; Salman, Mohanned Hassib; Ali, Zainab Hassan title: تشخيص الفحم الحيوي المنتج من جريد سعف النخيل العراقي بطريقة التحلل الحراري date: 2015-03-31 words: 5611 flesch: 90 summary: ا١ٍَّ١ٌٍٙٛى، ا١ٌٍٍَٛى ٚاٌٍى١ٕٓ Hassan et al., 2088; Ashwaq et)اٌٍى١ٕٓ < ا١ٍَّ١ٌٍٙٛى al., 2006 .) ِٓ ٌُٚ ،اٌىزٍخ اٌؾ٠ٛ١خِقزٍفخ ِٓ د ِقزٍفخ ٌوفغ ِٚؼلالاٌّبكح األ١ٌٚخ اٍزجمبء أىِٕخٚاٍغ ِٓ ,Ondrˇej et al., 2013(b); Kaige et al) كهعبد اٌؾواهح 2013; Shane et al., 2013; Weiping et al., 2013; Zhengang et al., 2013; Brewer, 2012 (b); ) . keywords: biochar; et al; journal; p.p; production; pyrolysis; ئٌٝ; ئٔزبط; انحُىٌ; اٌزؾًٍ; اٌزوثخ; اٌزٟ; اٌؾواهح; اٌؾ٠ٛ١خ; اٌؾ١ٛٞ; اٌفؾُ; اٌىزٍخ; إٌزوٚع١ٓ; إٌق١ً; حسٍُ; غبى; ػٍٝ; ؽواهح; ؽ١ش; قبسى; كهعبد; كهعخ; وٍفٓ; ٌٍىزٍخ; ٔالؽع; َٔجخ; ٘نٖ; ٠زُ; ٠ّىٓ cache: alkej-228.pdf plain text: alkej-228.txt item: #134 of 562 id: alkej-229 author: Qate’a, Marwa K.; . kadhum, Ali H; Mustafa, Faiz F. title: تأثير نظام الانهاء السطحي بالحك المغناطيسي للسطوح الأسطوانية على خشونة السطح و معدل إزالة المواد date: 2015-06-30 words: 6591 flesch: 66 summary: The relationship between current x5 with MRR y1 and and surface roughness y2 shown in Fig. 10. the biggest influence on MRR (30.18%) followed by Finishing time, Gap, Magnetic poles velocity, Workpiece velocity, Current, Doze, and Grain size powder, respectively. keywords: finishing; mrr; poles; roughness; rpm; surface; value; velocity cache: alkej-229.pdf plain text: alkej-229.txt item: #135 of 562 id: alkej-23 author: Ali, Issam M.; .Jasim, Hani A title: دراسة مختبرية لمنظومة تبريد تحتوي ثلاثة أنابيب شعريةباستخدام نوعين من موانع التثليج (R12-R134a) date: 2017-12-27 words: 3125 flesch: 63 summary: Capillary tubes commonly used as the expansion and refrigerant controlling device. Thus, a need was felt that if database could be created for more commonly used refrigerants with capillary tubes as expansion devices for smaller refrigeration systems, it shall extremely useful for retrofitting the systems with new or alternative refrigerants. keywords: min; rev; temperature; tube cache: alkej-23.pdf plain text: alkej-23.txt item: #136 of 562 id: alkej-230 author: Khalil, Rafal M.; Nacy, Somer M. title: تحليل انحراف ذراع روبوت مرن احادي الوصلة date: 2015-06-30 words: 5139 flesch: 59 summary: [10] M. O. Tokhi and A. K. M. Azad,”Modelling of a single-link flexible manipulator system: theoretical and practical investigations”, Robotica , V.14,No.1,pp.91-102,1996. )2015( 11- 19، ���� 3، ا�� د11 ا���ارز� ا��� �� ا����� � � �لر�ل ���د 19 &���% ا$��اف ذراع رو��ت ��ن ا��دي ا����� %��' داوود *ر)% ���)� ��� ** � ا������ ا��������� ا�)'ارز$#/ ! ���� و��'H5 W8;�.4'ل J $0دة ا�;7:0 � ا�Pراع$�7 ٠.٠٠٤ ^$�7 و�� 7D٠.٠٢ض ، 7�$ ٠.٥:5(0 #> A�;?$ �� `A:'50 ، $� و1'د +�*�a5ا �� ا�72+� ا�?50': :ھ#ھ�0ك ار./$'a�$ A و �$'a�$ �و ا�?A:'50 ا�!�74ة$'a�$ :'50?ا� AK$ا��8;�'�7 و.7ا�� :7ان $;�أ �D@ ذراع ا�7و.'ت keywords: deflection; fig; flexible; link; manipulator; motor; sec; tip cache: alkej-230.pdf plain text: alkej-230.txt item: #137 of 562 id: alkej-236 author: AL-Samarraie, Shibly Ahmed; Badri, Alaq Sabah; Mishary, Mustafa H. title: تصميم مسيطر تكاملي منزلق النمط للسيطرة على صمام الخنق date: 2015-06-30 words: 8147 flesch: 65 summary: In terms of the valve plate position θ, the rotor angular velocity ω, and the current i induced through the dc motor windings, the electronic throttle valve mathematical model is given by [11]; � �� = �� � �� � = − �������� + ������ � − ���� ��� � − ���� ��������� = − ��� − �� � + � ! Motor inductance A Motor resistance *� Positive constant in Coulomb friction 3 Spring offset 4 Spring gain 4� Spring limit stop gain �789 Spring maximum position �7:; Spring minimum position �5 Spring default position To write the ETV model in state space form, define B = � , B� = �� = �� � �� , and BC = �. keywords: 0; �; 6; �; = �; control; e �; f/01 �; mode; system; throttle; valve; � =; � b cache: alkej-236.pdf plain text: alkej-236.txt item: #138 of 562 id: alkej-237 author: Alwan, Iman M.G. title: دمج الصور متعددة التركيز بالاعتماد على أهمية البكسل و تحويلة Counterlet date: 2015-06-30 words: 6538 flesch: 58 summary: H MI FS CORR }~�� �~�� �~�� Proposed 84.3228 58.4854 12.2766 7.2700 9.0737 1.999 0.9918 0.986 0.014 H MI FS CORR }~�� �~�� �~�� Proposed 84.3228 58.4854 12.2766 7.2700 9.0737 1.999 0.9918 0.986 0.0143 1.6769e-005 keywords: counterlet; detail; fusion; image; source; transform; weights; y �; � b cache: alkej-237.pdf plain text: alkej-237.txt item: #139 of 562 id: alkej-238 author: Mohmmed, Jabbar Hussein title: خواص الشد والانضغاط للأيبوكسي المدعم بالكاؤولين date: 2015-06-30 words: 3824 flesch: 62 summary: ��Dاص ا��V درا�� ا� �@ �#(] آX&، ا(CD>8 /#و� . #B ا��&و(� و�Xاص ا,(>V#ط 2 إ6#-� . keywords: epoxy; filler; kaolin; particle; properties; strength cache: alkej-238.pdf plain text: alkej-238.txt item: #140 of 562 id: alkej-24 author: Salman, Dr. Yasin K.; Mohammed, Hussein Ahmed title: تأثير شكل المقيّد على انتقال الحرارة الطباقي بالحمل الطبيعي في انبوب دائري شاقولي date: 2017-12-27 words: 6612 flesch: 63 summary: q= 249 w/m^2 q= 389 w/m^2 q= 762 w/m^2 q= 996 w/m^2 Fig.(5) Variation of surface temperature versus axial distance for sharp-edge restriction 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.90.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 x ( m ) 50 70 90 110 130 150 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 T s ( C ) (6) Variation of surface temperature versus axial distance for bell-mouth restriction Fig. keywords: air; convection; cylinder; fig; flux; heat; number; restriction; surface; temperature; transfer; tube cache: alkej-24.pdf plain text: alkej-24.txt item: #141 of 562 id: alkej-243 author: Hameed, Awham M.; Daway, Entihaa G.; Al Majed, Muaed F. Abd title: المورفولوجيا والخواص الميكانيكية لخليط (الايبوكسي/ بولي كلوريد الفاينيل) date: 2015-06-30 words: 3658 flesch: 66 summary: �X) در�� C-ارة ا��PVC �8-V@ ال % )٠،٥،١٠،١٥،٢٠(>�!G وز%�� &P�O ا��اح �A/ا @� �X�&�� O,-ا� و) ا�&���%�$ ** (,-�: ا/���-و%' ا� * : ا��-,) ا/���-و%'** keywords: blends; epoxy; morphology; polymer; properties; pvc; � � cache: alkej-243.pdf plain text: alkej-243.txt item: #142 of 562 id: alkej-25 author: Mohammed, Dr. Malek Mostafa; a Zair, Zyad Rafa' title: تأثير المكونات من الزيت والمالأت في الفراغية لعوازل بطاريات الرصاص السائلة المصنوعة من البولي اثيلين date: 2017-12-27 words: 3985 flesch: 65 summary: Al Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, vol., no. 1, pp 101-116 (2005) ١٠٨ Table (3) Results of Oil extraction from DOP & Paraffin films. This behavior were also confirm through fixation of oil feed percentage, decreasing in the feed polymer percent, and increasing in the filler percentage where the oil is adsorbed and distributed over higher amount of filler particles leading to an increase in the number of the inner channels occupied by oil which is going to be opened by extraction process, the results were an increase in the porosity. keywords: al khwarizmi; engineering; extraction; feed; filler; film; increase; khwarizmi; oil; porosity cache: alkej-25.pdf plain text: alkej-25.txt item: #143 of 562 id: alkej-254 author: Alalkawi, H. J. M.; Sadkhan, Basim A.; Abed, Noor N. title: الصفع الليزري لسبيكة الالمنيوم 7049 باستخدام الطلاء الاسود للسطوح date: 2015-06-30 words: 3978 flesch: 68 summary: '��K لF��B 8@��4 ?+ ا�?)FLIF( 4� U���/92 ا�1%د -= ��,S+ت ا���',٢.٥٤٣ Aل ٣.٣اF��ر�� �: ا>��Qا]� '+ ���و>� 0G دة�و?+,�� اFSء =�/92 ا�1%د وا,�>ر ادت اA ز. ا������� � ���ن ���م ا�����وي �� 2015( 54- 60، ��� 3، ا�� د11 ا���ارز�� ا���( 60 ا������م � ام ا�*,ء ا���د �� *�ح ٧٠٤٩ا�$�# ا���ري � ���-�./ 6.ن* 4 �3 2.�1 ا����.وي� 1 72.8�./ ** ***�9ر 8 1�9� ���� ��� ھ���� * ����'� ا&��%%$��/ ا�! و� ا) �'� ا+�&�/ .�/ -,�� ا!���� / ��� ھ���� ا+%اد *** ،**� ا) 0و� &�:ا2 .� ا1 * 0و� &�:ا2 .� ا1 ** : keywords: bplp; fatigue; laser; life; peening; specimens; stress cache: alkej-254.pdf plain text: alkej-254.txt item: #144 of 562 id: alkej-259 author: Rashid, Khalid H. title: تأثير حامض الخليك على السلوك الكهروكيمياوي لأنودة وختم مسامات سبيكة المنيوم 2319 في محاليل حامض الفوسفوريك الأليكتروليتية date: 2015-12-31 words: 4562 flesch: 58 summary: ���د أو ?�ون إ�B �7�C* ا�(%�) ��� ا��اR,ة ا�. ? �� ا �: �������3 ا>�����م ا� :6789 ھ4ا ا�3+2 �1 درا�� ا� .-�, �+�* ا�(%�) '%& �%�ك و�AA2319 6%=ام ا���ء ا���) �.? keywords: acid; aluminum; anodizing; corrosion; phosphoric; polarization; potential; sealing cache: alkej-259.pdf plain text: alkej-259.txt item: #145 of 562 id: alkej-26 author: Ismail, Dr. Zainab Ziad title: Removal of Oil From Wastewater Using Walnut-Shell date: 2017-12-27 words: 3004 flesch: 55 summary: 2-Study the efficiency and mechanism of oil removal from wastewater using walnut-shell. The beauty of the walnut- shell application for oil removal from wastewater is that it is ecologically sound and environmentally desirable treatment technique. keywords: adsorption; concentration; engineering; khwarizmi; oil; samples; shell; walnut; wastewater cache: alkej-26.pdf plain text: alkej-26.txt item: #146 of 562 id: alkej-263 author: Abdulmajeed, Majid H.; Ibrahim, Slafa I.; Sheet, Eiman Ali E. title: التأثير ألتآكلي للمحلول المكثف الصناعي المحتوي على خليط مكونات عضوية مختارة على سبائك الألمنيوم date: 2015-12-31 words: 3569 flesch: 52 summary: This mixture indicates the increasing of octane number in previous study and in this study show the increasing in corrosion resistance through the decreasing in corrosion rate values. This mixture ncreasing of octane number in previous study and in this study show the increasing in corrosion resistance through the decreasing in corrosion rate values. keywords: alloys; automotive; corrosion; mixture; presence; solution cache: alkej-263.pdf plain text: alkej-263.txt item: #147 of 562 id: alkej-264 author: Raheem, Firas A.; Khaleel, Hind Z. title: تحسين الاستقرارية الثابتة للهكسابود روبوت باستخدام الخوارزمية الجينية date: 2015-12-31 words: 7697 flesch: 66 summary: Unconstrained Workspace The unconstrained horizontal workspace of hexapod leg is the reachable areas include the sections in the xy plane around the individual coxas and within the mechanical joint limits, the y plane equal (30 cm). The horizontal workspace of hexapod leg is the reachable areas include the sections in the xy plane around the individual coxas, y-plane = 24.25 cm and within the mechanical joint limits but in this case limit joint (half range of coxa angle is taken in order not to the legs collide) so the range is −45 < θ� < 45$ degree. keywords: approach; coordinates; fitness; gait; hexapod; leg; legs; margins; robot; stability cache: alkej-264.pdf plain text: alkej-264.txt item: #148 of 562 id: alkej-27 author: Mohammed, Dr. Ammar J. title: حركية وميكانيكية اكسدة حامض الاوكزاليك بواسطة السيريوم الرباعي date: 2017-12-27 words: 1898 flesch: 66 summary: Therefore the Ce(IV) solution in acidic media is considered as ideal oxidant in oxidation reaction. The reaction was carried out by adding 2.5 ml of Ce(IV) solution of different concentrations in quartz cell (1×1)cm and adding 100 µl of different concentrations oxalic acid solutions. keywords: acid; ce(iv; engineering; khwarizmi; oxidation; rate; reaction cache: alkej-27.pdf plain text: alkej-27.txt item: #149 of 562 id: alkej-270 author: Majeed, Najwa Saber; Alnaama, Asir Abduljabbar title: تصنيع (تركيب ) و وصف الخصائص للزيولايت النانوي-المتبلور نوع ZSM-5 date: 2015-12-31 words: 5244 flesch: 52 summary: ,vol,60,pp.309- 319,Feb.1938. � ا������ � ��وى ��ر ���د �� )2015( 8- 19 ، ����3، ا���د11�ا���ارز�� ا� 19 � ���) � ��� ZSM-5ا��-,��ر !�ع -و و�( ا���)' ��&$�%$# ا��!�ي) **ا � 0,� ا��,ر ا����� *!��ى �. � �� � �و�� *���0�/.� -,#اد /*(�� ا keywords: crystallinity; crystallization; nano; results; surface; temperature; template; time; vol; zeolite; � � cache: alkej-270.pdf plain text: alkej-270.txt item: #150 of 562 id: alkej-271 author: Mohammed, Alaa Kareem title: نمذجة معامل انتقال المادة (KLa) في المفاعل الحيوي ذي الاقراص المثقوبة الدوارة (RPBC) date: 2015-12-31 words: 4644 flesch: 65 summary: ��� 4، ا���د��11 � ا���ارز�� ا������� ا��� � ��ء ��� ����� ،2015( 20- 27( 27 ) %�)'� ��!�& ا%$#!ل ا��!دةKLaا����ي ذ ( &�!� )RPBC(ا�01اص ا��.#�-� ا��وارة ي+� ا�� ��ء ��� ���� DST 9UK;:9 ا<=:>;:9 JWوYZAB>ا D[Y\Bا: “The value of Kp can be evaluated from the probe response to a step change input by transferring the probe from a container of water saturated with dissolved oxygen (C��= C�� ∗ ) to a container of oxygen-free sulfite solution (C��=0) and noting the probe reading”[13]. keywords: coefficient; diameter; discs; kla; mass; oxygen; transfer; value; wastewater cache: alkej-271.pdf plain text: alkej-271.txt item: #151 of 562 id: alkej-272 author: Al-Bayati, Alaa Dhari Jawad title: تصميم وإنشاء مغناطيس كهربائي لتحديد كفاءته ودراسة الشروط المثلى لاستخدامه في إنتاج الماء القاعدي و الماء المغناطيسي ومعاملة مياه البحر لجعلها صالحة للسقي date: 2015-12-31 words: 4771 flesch: 62 summary: (1.5,3,4.5,6,9) V is good for producing magnetic flux suitable for producing magnetic water and the capacity of production magnetic water during 30 minutes is two liters because our tank is of two liters , Studies can be done on large tanks with large circulation rate water pumps. 28-35 Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal,Vol. 11, No. 4, P.P. 2 Design and Construction of and the Optimum Parameters Water and Alaa Dhari Jawad Al Institute of Technology-Baghdad/ (Received 24 March 2015 ; accepted 16 June 2015) Abstract Electrical magnate was designed and constructed, the optimum Magnetic flux and the effect of time on the physical properties of the alkaline (magnetic water) produced from the bottled drinking water keywords: field; flux; ppm; tds; time; treatment; water cache: alkej-272.pdf plain text: alkej-272.txt item: #152 of 562 id: alkej-276 author: Sadoon, Muthanna Hamza; Aziz, Sadiq Jaffar; Jassim, Hiba AbdAli title: الدراسة العملية والعددية لمحاكاة قابلية التشكيل الهيدروليكي لصفائح سبيكة الألمنيوم AA5652 date: 2015-12-31 words: 4007 flesch: 63 summary: ا:<5-/=> ا:7892 4567 123ة /.-ون 81 � ا����رو���� ا������ ����� ا��را� ا� ��� وا� �د ������ة ���ا$��#�م � �� �� AA5652 ' *+*#( )�'ه � �ون', -� ***ھ 2 , � ,�� . + 0�( ��� …(8) In a general state of stress it can be written as [9] ��% keywords: heat; hydroforming; pressure; process; sheet; stress cache: alkej-276.pdf plain text: alkej-276.txt item: #153 of 562 id: alkej-277 author: Shather, Saad kariem; Mousa, Shakir M. title: تأثير العوامل التصميمية والتكنولوجيا على عملية التشطيب بالنحت المغناطيسي date: 2015-12-31 words: 3263 flesch: 60 summary: The R-sq showed that 60.5% of the observed variable in surface roughness for steel was independent variable. For these coefficients, multiple linear regressions (mathematical statistical model) for surface roughness with steel materials could be expressed equation (1). keywords: effect; parameters; roughness; steel; surface cache: alkej-277.pdf plain text: alkej-277.txt item: #154 of 562 id: alkej-279 author: Al-Khazraji, Ahmed Naïf; Al-Rabii, Samir Ali; Al-Khazalli, Hameed Shamkhi title: تحسين مقاومة الانبعاج للاعمدة الطويلة من الصلب المقاوم للصدأ AISI 303 المؤلمنة بطريقة الغمر الساخن (HDA) date: 2016-03-31 words: 7584 flesch: 58 summary: No. ` (mm) `a (mm) 4a�`ad � xcd �z� Pcd �{Z|� 1 260 182 91 9764.33 194.2552 2 280 196 98 8602.489 171.1411 3 300 210 105 7625.835 151.7112 4 320 224 112 6800.153 135.2848 5 340 238 119 6097.662 121.3091 6 360 252 126 5496.088 109.3412 7 380 266 133 4977.642 99.02704 8 400 280 140 4528.094 90.08358 9 420 294 147 4136.02 82.28352 10 440 308 154 3792.199 75.44341 11 460 322 161 3489.142356 69.41429 No. ` (mm) `a (mm) 4a �`ad � xayZ �z� xcd � �N��N��N��N� xayZ/xcd� {S* ( k 1 260 182 91 7422.012644 12233.2698 0.606707182 209523 0.471332517 2 280 196 98 6785.840132 10548.07447 0.643325012 209523 0.533008048 3 300 210 105 6008.29595 9188.544868 0.65388982 209523 0.579730475 4 320 224 112 5301.437603 8075.869513 0.656454094 209523 0.620682717 5 340 238 119 4948.00843 7153.711403 0.691670121 209523 0.696118496 6 360 252 126 4665.265091 6380.933936 0.731125747 209523 0.789296097 Perry Robertson Interaction Formula It is important to evaluate the compressive buckling strength of real columns,���, in the presence of initial mechanical and geometrical imperfections, a Perry Robertson interaction formula [4, 13, 14, and 15] is adopted as follow: ��� = �� … �1� and ��� = � × keywords: buckling; columns; columns type; compression; critical; load; specimens; steel; type; � n cache: alkej-279.pdf plain text: alkej-279.txt item: #155 of 562 id: alkej-28 author: Hadi, Ahmed S. title: أداء الجفرة المسرعة مع بعض المفرقات المقترحة date: 2017-12-03 words: 5493 flesch: 60 summary: The new interleavers are called golden relative prime interleavers, golden interleavers, and dithered golden interleavers. 3.2 Golden Relative Prime Interleavers For golden relative prime interleavers, the interleaver indexes are calculated as follows:  (i)= (s + i.t) modL_info,i=0…L_info-1 (3) where s is an integer starting index, t is an integer index increment, and L_info is the interleaver length. keywords: code; error; golden; interleaver; performance; prime; rate; relative; section; turbo cache: alkej-28.pdf plain text: alkej-28.txt item: #156 of 562 id: alkej-280 author: Abdul-Ghafour, Qussai Jihad; Hassan, Mohammed Aziz title: دراسة تجريبية لأداء مُركِّز شمسي على شكل قطع مُكافئ مُركَّب date: 2016-03-31 words: 6422 flesch: 67 summary: ُ$��4<ا� ُ�)9ِّ;ات-)8�9 وا�5�67 4& درا�� -%)*+�� (0��1 $0 ا�، -� /)ض -,���F يذ &I!+أ� �D�$ .6- �� أداء !-* ����Q��I 0ام ا�����6ت ا�%)*+�� 4& ا��!اء ا�@��I 5D 4& ذ�O ا���Nءة ا�7)ار*� ا���L7Dا��)9;*0 �Fا�. ءة�N9 C,�ا�%)*+�� أن أ ij�ت ا��(�، أ�,C 0.708ا���$A $�6ارھ� ) CPC×2.32 )26oأظ ، keywords: 2.32×; 26o; acceptance; angle; cpc; efficiency; fig; performance; � � cache: alkej-280.pdf plain text: alkej-280.txt item: #157 of 562 id: alkej-281 author: Mutasher, Dheya Ghanim title: دراسة تجريبية على تأثير توزيع انابيب المكثف لثلاجة منزلية date: 2017-12-13 words: 4690 flesch: 54 summary: �� 1، ا���د�12ا������� ا������� ا���ارز� � ���ء ��� ���� 35 1�� �ز&0 ا��/�. ا��-+, �+*(� ��)���'درا�� ��&%�� $�# ���ء ��� ���� �����������'&��/ %$# ا�! The results decreases with elliptical condenser about (8.6% to 11.3%) performance of household refrigerator with an elliptical condenser without fins conventional condenser without fins. keywords: condenser; conventional; elliptical; heat; load; pressure; temperature; tube cache: alkej-281.pdf plain text: alkej-281.txt item: #158 of 562 id: alkej-282 author: Mohammed, Bassim Sayed title: تخمين زاوية الوصول في مستويات متعددة بواسطة مصفوفة الهوائيات الدائرية الطورية المتكيفة date: 2017-12-13 words: 5792 flesch: 59 summary: For k snapshot the received signal vector ���,�,�� � ∑ ������,� �! Where ������,�,�� ,���� signal and the thermal noise vectors of a lengt (1×N) respectively. and in the vector form ;��� � <*# � #*< Where W and X vectors are given by < � :,: ,…. ,:��* # � �,� ,……,���* Signal and noise in the adaptive array antenna system may be described in the terms of statistics properties, so this make possible to evaluate the system by its statistical average where E keywords: angle; array; dahi �; estimation; g �; signals; system; ا �; � bj0; � � cache: alkej-282.pdf plain text: alkej-282.txt item: #159 of 562 id: alkej-283 author: Abbas, Nizar Hadi; saleh, Basma Jumia title: تصميم وحدة سيطرة حركية عصبية لتتبع مسار الروبوتات المتنقلة بعجلات على أساس المحسن الهجين بين خوارزمية اليرعات المضيئة وخوارزمية خلية النحل date: 2017-12-13 words: 8671 flesch: 65 summary: If the fitness of solution �i^*U* is more well than or equal to that of the solution �i^*U*,, �i^*U* will be replaced with �i^*U* and the individual �i^*U*will become a new member of the population and ��6]5Di^*�is reset. Suppose a differential wheeled mobile robot structure which has two wheels with the radius of �� based with a length �1/2 from the mobile robot center: Fig.1. keywords: algorithm; bee; controller; e �; fig; j �; mobile; neural; robot; tracking; trajectory; velocity; � � cache: alkej-283.pdf plain text: alkej-283.txt item: #160 of 562 id: alkej-284 author: Hassan, Mohammed Y.; Ghintab, Shahad S. title: مسيطر قوة- موقع لروبوتات أعادة تأهيل الاطراف السفلية بأستخدام خوارزمية مستعمرة النمل date: 2017-12-13 words: 4766 flesch: 61 summary: More specifically, the desired dynamic relationship between the end effector position � ∈ �� and the vector of contact forces � ∈ �� are specified as follows [10]: F� − F = K��X� − X� + B��X� � − X� � + M��X� � − X� � … (1) Where the parameter �� ∈ ��×� is the stiffness diagonal matrix, �� ∈ ��×� is the damping diagonal matrix and �� ∈ ��×� is the inertia diagonal matrix. The control law of the force that is applied to the dynamic model of robot is [10]: � = ����� �!�� − � + �#��� − � � + ����$ + %� − �$�& + ' … (2) Where � ∈ �( is the control law applied to robot model, ���� ∈ ��×( is the Jacobean matrix and, �!, �# )*+ �$ ∈ ��×� are the position, velocity and force gain matrices respectively. keywords: control; controllers; disturbance; fig; force; position; rehabilitation; robot; trajectory cache: alkej-284.pdf plain text: alkej-284.txt item: #161 of 562 id: alkej-285 author: Mahdi, Ali Salah title: المقارنة بين RLS و E-RLS في تتبع الوسط الناقل المسمى رايلاي من نوع سريع التغير مع الزمن date: 2017-12-13 words: 2667 flesch: 68 summary: The impulse response of a multipath fading channel can be describe as ℎ��� = ∑ �� � � ����� ��� − ��� …(1) Where �, �� , ����� , are respectively the channel length, path loss and Rayleigh fading sequence of the �-th reflector groups, and �� In this event, for each �, assumed the amplitude |����| have a Rayleigh distribution as shown below [9]: �|����� |�|����� |� = |����� | ��|����� |�/�, |����� | ≥ 0 …(2) keywords: fading; rayleigh; rls cache: alkej-285.pdf plain text: alkej-285.txt item: #162 of 562 id: alkej-286 author: Ahmedzeki, Nada S.; Yilmaz, Selahattin; Al-Tabbakh, Ban A. title: تحضير وتشخيص زيولايت Na–Y ذو التركيب البلوري النانوي date: 2017-12-13 words: 5059 flesch: 63 summary: �� 1، ا���د����12 ا���ارزم� ا������� ا� ��م ��ى ���ون ا � ز�� 89 ذو ا�.)��- ا�,��ري ا��+��ي Na–Y'�(�) و'&��% ز#�$# *** ا � 5+ن 4,� ا�) 1 **!3ح ا��#1 #� 0 * ا � ز�� ��ى ���ون ���� ا������و�� *�� ا�� /����� )�'&� %$�اد / !�� ا� ���� ا������و��**�� ا�� / ��()! ز�(<�= HY%�&�'!� ا�;H ا�3!(ري R+ار�� و-� ا)+اء �N!�� ا�*�3دل ا<�(P2!� .9(ل keywords: area; engineering; fig; journal; prepared; surface; zeolite; � � cache: alkej-286.pdf plain text: alkej-286.txt item: #163 of 562 id: alkej-287 author: Ammar, Saad Hanash title: استنبات الطحالب الدقيقة Chlorella vulgaris في مفاعل الرفع الهوائي الحيوي الضوئي لانتاج الكتلة الحيوية بأستخدام سماد NPK التجاري date: 2017-12-13 words: 5217 flesch: 57 summary: �ل ا���[� j�*� .� ���� أ4 ى '�ح� -�Jlا�<25& ا� (= ا��5ا2& ا�5�8ي ;�:- ت &) =mو F%G ح ��)� ا��N�H jوذ�� � ا���Eم ا�� &!)� ��(4�Hر وت9%�^ ا)<- ا�< وف ا���38(���: D'���h ا�)5ا�& ت� / �) �٦) و / ��J ٤٠ت ��] ا��J*��ت و !�ل # ��ن ا��5اء وا�)& : 6����ر وان أ�h3 ا��;�:- � 8)5ى '�7 :�ة ح�3دد � ا')�#�� ا��5�8 ا��)��-٪ ١٠ د�ح3'�% :�� )�5م.�) / s ���� 1، ا� د12 � � ا���ارزم� ا��� ��� ا��� م � ��� ���ر ،2016( 90- 99( 99 ����)� م���* ا�()' ا���ا$� ا����ي ا�%�$� Chlorella vulgarisا�#��ت ا� ���� ا� ا�#��ري NPK�#� ام ���د ب0 /.#�ج ا�,# � ا����+� ��� ���ر � ��� ا����� ا������و� / ا�������� ا��� �� / !�# �) و'&�% �� ا$ا� �� ا��3 6 � ��5ا� 12�34 درا� ت� ا�!�-، ھ*ا (&���7��89 ا��Chlorella vulgaris &) -:�; ا�)�و� يذ ا�<25& ا� (= ا��5ا2& ا�5�8ي&� A')�ج ا��ا4 � وJ*��ت �C(��Hامو ا���)� F%Gا���Eم و ا���Eم ا��(!&'�E�� ھ�� تD8 �!�-ا���)�Cم 5�8يا� �;�:-ا�. ا��5�8 ا��);� ا��Kواط وھ& ت�Nر�� )�ح إ')�#� و ا���5 ! keywords: air; biomass; chlorella; concentration; growth; microalgae; npk; nutrients; rate; vulgaris cache: alkej-287.pdf plain text: alkej-287.txt item: #164 of 562 id: alkej-29 author: Hassan, Ali M. N. title: تصميم وبناء مركب ترددات ذو سرعة تحويل عالية وضوضاء طوري قليل date: 2017-12-30 words: 4596 flesch: 62 summary: 6.Conclusions A frequency synthesizer with frequency range (1.5 – 2.75) GHz using single loop frequency synthesizer was design & implement. Phase noise The phase noise of PLL frequency synthesizer & VCO is shown in the following table: Offset frequency (Hz) PLLfrequency synthesizer VCO 100 keywords: engineering; figure; frequency; journal; khwarizmi; loop; noise; phase; pll; reference; synthesizer; system; vco cache: alkej-29.pdf plain text: alkej-29.txt item: #165 of 562 id: alkej-290 author: Mekkiyah, Haider Mohammed title: تحسين مقاومة القص للتربة الطينية الضعيفة باستخدام رقائق الاحزمة الممزقة date: 2017-12-13 words: 6191 flesch: 66 summary: However, it was revealed that RS content mustn’t exceed the liquid limit level of soft soil. However, it was revealed that RS content mustn’t exceed the liquid limit level of soft soil. keywords: clay; content; mixture; ratio; shear; soil; strain; strength; stress cache: alkej-290.pdf plain text: alkej-290.txt item: #166 of 562 id: alkej-291 author: Albusoda, Bushra S.; Al-Anbary, Laith A. title: تقييم اداء ركيزة في ترب انتفاخية date: 2016-06-30 words: 5390 flesch: 61 summary: ا�!� � ا�� 2���ا� �و�� ����(ه ��'ذجا اداء ت#��� ت��� �* ��� +�ص �@�م ت<��= ت� �:�>.ا��را�� ھ:ه ھ�ف ��2#�7 �6 ا��3�45 ت� *12 �����0 +/ل �- ا��,�+�� ت 4� ا�F ط'ل ���E اي �5��,� ��ط'ال ا����(ة ��'ذجا +'اص ��را��� �,��5�.-�G'� -� )H������دھ� ت� ا�Gھ:ا *� ا ،I2!ا� )H������د � ا�GJا )H��� وا� � درا�� ت�.ا��'�= ذات�LMة،��!� �'ع ت)����ط�E دورات و�Gد �4�ھ� ا�F ا����(ة ط'ل ا�� *� واTU �#<�ن �'حQ.ا����H( ت<�ف F�G ا��O�,P ا� ����اح6 ت� ت<��� �345. �� 2، ا���د����12 ا���ارز � ا���� �� ا���� ���ى ��� ز��ر �� ،9 -1 )2016( 9 ا*(��)�� %�ب &�%$��# اداء ر!� ة **�1ظ# ا/*,�ري-,� ا���+ * ���ى ��� ز��ر ����� ���اد /���� ا� ���� /��� ا� ���� ا������** ،* �و���� : keywords: drying; fig; model; piles; soil; � � cache: alkej-291.pdf plain text: alkej-291.txt item: #167 of 562 id: alkej-292 author: Chyad, Fadhil A.; Hamza, Mohammed S.; Dhary, Zainab I. title: دراسة الخواص الفيزيائية والميكانيكية للفرايت النانوي المطعم date: 2017-12-13 words: 3808 flesch: 58 summary: ا�+)*� ا(�� )و&% ** ��.� ا �5 –ا���ل ( �اد ا�3)ا*2 ا��#&�*� 01)*/� .-)ت ��)*# ذو .$� .+�+% �7 درا�� 7>;�) ا:#�9 وذا7�� ا(. )اق ) ��) ٠.٣٤(&�A @ ?�3 < ا F�3��?3)ا*2#*�)ون H?I ا�@�اص ا ����&#������ واK#* (-L���� [(Li2.5Fe0.5)0.9(Co4Fe2O4)0.1] . �� ا ��� ��اد ��ل �ط�� ��� )2016( 10- 17، ���� 2، ا ��د���12� ا ��ارز�� ا 17 ��� ��ي ا�� ��!ا � ا ������ �$�� وا %�� درا � ا ��اص ا �د�� ���' ()�***ز �2 ا�01�ج (�ري ** �� � �.ب , %ة* * ��/ ا���اد ��� ھ����***،**،*������ �ا�$#!� ا .defchyad_2009@yahoo: ا�+)*� ا(�� )و&%* : keywords: ferrite; fracture; lithium; micro; properties; strength; vol; y2o3 cache: alkej-292.pdf plain text: alkej-292.txt item: #168 of 562 id: alkej-293 author: ALubaidi, Aseel Basim; Abas, Falak O.; Abass, Raghad A.; Abdulredhi, Nazar J. title: السلوك الحراري للنظام المتراكب من مادة الشمع المدعمة بـ البولي فاينييل الكحول date: 2017-12-13 words: 5446 flesch: 56 summary: Studies of thermal energy storage materials have been attracting more and more attention from all over the word. PVOH/ Pw system, thermal energy storage (TES) 1. keywords: base; conductivity; energy; energy storage; heat; journal; materials; paraffin; pvoh; storage; system; thermal; wax cache: alkej-293.pdf plain text: alkej-293.txt item: #169 of 562 id: alkej-294 author: Jalil, Jalal M.; Abbas, Ihab Omar title: محاكاة الدوامة الكبيرة لجريان داخل مجرى date: 2017-12-13 words: 3541 flesch: 62 summary: Abstract In this paper, the problem of developing turbulent flow in rectangular duct is investigated by obtaining numerical results of the velocity profiles in duct by using large eddy simulation model in two dimensions with different Reynolds numbers, filter equations and mesh sizes. Large eddy simulation model has a good agreement with the experimental data Ref keywords: eddy; equations; flow; mesh; model; simulation; velocity cache: alkej-294.pdf plain text: alkej-294.txt item: #170 of 562 id: alkej-295 author: Abd Ali, Ziad T. title: استخدام الكاربون المنشط المطور من بذور تمر النخيل العراقى كجدار تفاعلى نفاذ لمعالجة المياه الجوفيه الملوثه بالنحاس date: 2017-12-13 words: 5185 flesch: 59 summary: Effect of Activated Carbon Dosage The effect of activated carbon dosage on the removal efficiency of the copper was examined at different dosages of activated carbon. Sorption Isotherms The parameters that give the higher removal efficiency of copper at its initial concentration of 50 mg/L on activated carbon were pH of 6, agitation speed of 250 rpm, an equilibrium time of 60 min, and activated carbon dosage of 0.6g/50mL. The results of the sorption experiment were fitted with the previously described linearized form of five isotherm models. keywords: barrier; carbon; concentration; copper; fig; solution; sorption; time; water cache: alkej-295.pdf plain text: alkej-295.txt item: #171 of 562 id: alkej-296 author: Mahdi, Qasim Saleh; Jaffal, Hayder Mohammad title: تحليل الطاقة والطاقة المتاحة على برج تبريد رطب مغلق مطوّر في العراق date: 2017-12-13 words: 7596 flesch: 66 summary: ̊ C Tawb= 20 ̊ C 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 ΔEX ̊water ΔEX ̊air Flow rate of cooling water [ l/min ] E x e rg y c h a n g e [ k W ] m̊a=0.22 kg/s Qsw= 30 l/min Tcwi= 46 ̊ C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Qsw=45 l/min Qsw=35 l/min Qsw=25 l/min Inlet cooling water temperature [ ̊C ] C o o li n g c a p a c it y [ k W ] It is clear that the cooling capacity in inversely proportional with the inlet AWBT for both inlet cooling water 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Qsw=45 l/min Qsw=35 l/min Qsw=25 l/min Inlet cooling water temperature [ ̊C ] T h e rm a l e ff ic ie n c y [ % ] keywords: air; cooling; efficiency; exergy; heat; inlet; min; packing; rate; spray; spray water; temperature; tower; water; water flow; water temperature; 𝑇𝑐𝑤 cache: alkej-296.pdf plain text: alkej-296.txt item: #172 of 562 id: alkej-297 author: Abbas Al Naimi, Ihsan Kadhom title: قابلية اللحام لمادة جديدة من صفائح الفولاذ المركب لتطبيقات المَركَبَات date: 2017-12-13 words: 9622 flesch: 65 summary: Tensile-shearing tests were carried out to evaluate the strength of welding sheets. Macro/micrograph and SEM/EDS examinations were also carried out to analyze welding area and compare the nugget of welding sheets with different welding parameters. keywords: current; electrode; fig; input; journal; nugget; polymer; pulse; resistance; sandwich; sheets; spot; steel; time; welding cache: alkej-297.pdf plain text: alkej-297.txt item: #173 of 562 id: alkej-298 author: Al-Taaie, Arkan K.; Mohammad, Waheeds S.; Jubear, Abbas J. title: نمذجة رقمية لتاثير زاوية المجمع على سلوك الجريان في منظومة مدخنة شمسية لتوليد القدرة date: 2017-12-13 words: 3979 flesch: 62 summary: After it has been to create a geometry where we have one volume where is defined the specify boundary types of solar collector, solar chimney and the base such as the WALL , while the entry and exit zone type is Inlet and Outlet-Pressure. Keywords: solar chimney; solar energy; collector; natural convection. keywords: chimney; collector; fig; flow; h=6; insolation; power; temperature; velocity cache: alkej-298.pdf plain text: alkej-298.txt item: #174 of 562 id: alkej-299 author: Mashi, Hussein Wheeb title: تحسين اداء محطة جنوب بغداد الحرارية date: 2017-12-13 words: 3420 flesch: 71 summary: South Baghdad power planet comprises (6) steam turbine units and (18) gas turbine units .The gas turbine units are composed of two groups: the first group is made up of gas units (1,2), each of capacity (123) MW. The design efficiency of gas turbine units is 32%. keywords: compression; efficiency; fuel; gas; load; power; ratio; steam; turbine; unit cache: alkej-299.pdf plain text: alkej-299.txt item: #175 of 562 id: alkej-30 author: Hassan, Ammarx A. title: بناء مستوى واطئ الكلّفة لخوارزمية الانتشار العكسي date: 2017-12-30 words: 3691 flesch: 60 summary: From this result, when applying this technique in NN algorithm design it can reduce number of LUTs on FPGA and so reduce the over all hardware resources capacity. For 30-bit flotation-point, RAM cost implementation in FPGA 30-bit input and 30- bit output, for each unit in NN algorithm. keywords: algorithm; cell; cost; function; layer; precision; truncation cache: alkej-30.pdf plain text: alkej-30.txt item: #176 of 562 id: alkej-300 author: Mohammed, Mohammed Ali S.; Humaidi, Amjad J.; Al jodah, Ammar A. title: تصميم ومحاكاة مسيطر تكيفي نوع L1 للسيطرة الموضعية لمؤازرات محرك التيار المستمر date: 2017-12-13 words: 4669 flesch: 63 summary: 𝑥 𝑡 𝜎 𝑡 ) 𝑦 𝑡 = 𝑐T 𝑥 𝑡 …(1) where 𝑥 𝑡 ∈ ℝ𝑛 is the system measured state vector; 𝑢 𝑡 ∈ ℝ is the control input, 𝑦 𝑡 ∈ ℝ is the regulated output; 𝑏, 𝑐 ∈ ℝ𝑛 are known constant vectors; 𝐴𝑚 is a known Hurwitz 𝑛 × 𝑛 matrix (all its eigenvalues have negative real values that specifying the desired closed-loop dynamics); 𝜔 ∈ ℝ is an unknown constant (with known sign); 𝜃 𝑡 ∈ ℝ𝑛 is a vector of time- varying unknown parameters; and 𝜎 𝑡 ∈ ℝ models input disturbances. [10] J. E. Hacker, L1 -Adaptive Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Dynamic Constraints: As Applied to Commercial Aircraft Engines, Master Thesis, University of Connecticut, Mechanical Engineering, 2011. keywords: adaptive; case; control; controller; input; mohammed; mrac; responses; signals; 𝐽 𝑅𝑎 cache: alkej-300.pdf plain text: alkej-300.txt item: #177 of 562 id: alkej-301 author: Oleiwi, Majid Ahmed title: التحقق العملي للسيطرة على اداء سرعة اسطوانة باستخدام صمام تناسبي للتحكم بالتدفق بطريقيين نوع (2FRE) date: 2017-12-13 words: 3484 flesch: 61 summary: The hydraulic test bench shows in Figure (3) have been proportional flow control valve. With proportional flow control valve is load independent but with throttle load dependent. keywords: control; cylinder; engineering; flow; hydraulic; journal; load; orifice; pressure; signal; valve; velocity; way cache: alkej-301.pdf plain text: alkej-301.txt item: #178 of 562 id: alkej-302 author: Alwan, Iman M.G.; Jamel, Enas Muzaffer title: العلامة المائية الرقمية بإستعمال تحويلة Arnold و تحويلة Berkeley Wavelet date: 2017-12-13 words: 3424 flesch: 57 summary: Figure (3a) and (3b) displays the test host, and watermark images. Keywords: Berkeley Wavelet Transform, image watermarking, Arnold Transform, watermark attack. keywords: berkeley; host; image; results; transform; watermark; watermarking; wavelet cache: alkej-302.pdf plain text: alkej-302.txt item: #179 of 562 id: alkej-303 author: Faisal, Ayad A.H.; Nassir, Zahraa Saud title: نمذجة ازالة ايونات الكادميوم من المحاليل المائيه على نوى الزيتون باستخدام تقنيه الشبكه العصبيه الاصطناعيه date: 2016-09-30 words: 6028 flesch: 54 summary: � ة��� /M0$د �8A$ت %�N$! $ت�8م >2�ا�� ا�.$د# � و)���� 2A\ ا�; ٠.٩٩٧٩٨#c #$#\ ارA�$ط �0$وي M�$@ا� ���, ا/! � 3، ا 9 &% �$�#� ازا' �ن ,��+��ام ()��% ا+�� �ى ا$ /�� %�0�� �� ا� � ا��$�ت ا &�دم��م م1 ا �% ا4!%����3�� ا �د $�!6 *ا��د � � ا ��ه ����� **زھ6اء � ���� ا����� **،* ����ا�� / �� ا������ !/ keywords: agitation; ann; cd(ii; dosage; ions; network; removal; speed; vol; � � cache: alkej-303.pdf plain text: alkej-303.txt item: #180 of 562 id: alkej-304 author: Sherhan, Bashir Y.; Abbas, Areej D.; Alsalhy, Qusay F.; Rashad, Alaa A.; Rashad, Zahraa W.; Shawkat, Aiden A.; Abbas, Thamera K.; Mahdi, yusra M.; Abdul Kareem, Noura A. title: معالجة الماء المنتج بأستخدام أغشية الترشيح الفائق والترشيح النانوي date: 2017-12-13 words: 4421 flesch: 59 summary: �� 3، ا���د����12 ا�� ارز�� ا������� ا����� 18 ����� ا���ء ا���%- ,�%��ام أ(��� ا�%���$ ا� �)' وا�%���$ ا���# ي� �� ��ھ�ن ��� ***�67١ 34�5 �12 ا����� ** ١أر - د�� �12س * ١ ٢ <�ى ���� ���ي ٢;���ة �89 �12س ? ٢# رة ��2ر �12 ا�@� ٢ا �ن ا� ��F DE ٢زھ�اء و�2 هللا ر��د �٢ن ر��دآAء #�2 �� ا�����١� � �� ا������ ا� ����و�� / و��ة �� ث �� /�� � � � ا�!� �� ا� �$ ا�(��)'/ $#& ا�%� ث ا� ����و�� وا�%�$و #����و�� ٢*� ا��$اق/وزارة ا�(��)� وا����دن / ھ�,ة ا�%�+ وا� �$و3' ا�%$�� : ا�� * **'3و$� :ا�%$�� ا�� �$و3' ا�%$��*** : ا�� �! �=�� �زا�� : �� ا����ه ا��� keywords: membrane; oil; treatment; water; ا � cache: alkej-304.pdf plain text: alkej-304.txt item: #181 of 562 id: alkej-306 author: Chaichan, Miqdam Tariq title: استخدام خلائط تيرنرية من الجازولين والأيثانول والميثانول (GEM) كبديل لوقود الجازولين العراقي لتقليل مكونات الكبريت والرصاص المنبعثة الى البيئة date: 2017-12-17 words: 7873 flesch: 63 summary: 6- Total fuel heat A� ���� �BC5 � 7- Brake thermal efficiency D9�+. � 9: E2 �100 % � ا�ا�0(/� ا.�%�(و-, ا��&�� 89�ض ر��5 ا. keywords: blend; brake; concentrations; e85; effect; engine; ethanol; fig; fuel; gasoline; gem; lead; rpm; speed; sulfur; � � cache: alkej-306.pdf plain text: alkej-306.txt item: #182 of 562 id: alkej-307 author: Abed Al-Razaq, Ibtihal; Shamukh, Mustafa Ziyara title: دراسة تأثير مواد التدعيم على خواص التخميد لمادة متراكبة ذات أساس بوليمري date: 2017-12-17 words: 5643 flesch: 58 summary: �U�> C��@> ����Wا� �FX+ا�� LD�7(�&+اQ�ا� �FX+ا�� P( رة�&Kا�� �*�EF� ،) ا�J�FK ا��&+اLD ذو ا��,� ا��P( TFW )=�ط ا�,%�- �ا وQ&%ز*U V^%ا:- %)١٠و .+ت �د�م ا���� ا�$��$ �(� � �. Q�L وز��� )P( �EF&K ا��#�:a ا����%*� ا��&�P�=��Q �FW ا�XH+ وا�+)�د ا��&=�*+ ( ?�^Q�E;?ا���ف �ر�ون وز�6ج، ا��#�ط ا���را�� �4 ا & �=( JF< نbQ أظ +ت ��F�'ا� d:�&�ا� � � أدىط ا��و�� -��د �4 ا'��و���K&ز*�دة �,� ا� Tا� . keywords: blend; composites; damping; epoxy; fibers; matrix; polysulfide; properties; ratio; � � cache: alkej-307.pdf plain text: alkej-307.txt item: #183 of 562 id: alkej-308 author: Shehab, Saad Najeeb title: محاكاة عملية للحمل الحراري الطبيعي من صفيحة عمودية مزعنفة بزوايا ميل مختلفة date: 2017-12-17 words: 4742 flesch: 59 summary: د �� ��Q [\�5# %;�ر��5 .%;�ر�� <�78.� ا�H��3D ا�$�7د � %20و%$�%= أ�#;�ل [!ارة أ�(! <+�ود �G-V#;�ل ا�+!ارة <��+�= ا�>(�$' ��78.� ا�H��3D �7ع ��ت ا�#&! ز H��53Dھ��5 %785.� ا� ��E5�3�K5 ا��85+� ا�$�7د �5 ا�� H��53D�8ن %: 7859ف ا��#E% نM�F م�E#أ� �V �558-و%7855.� ا�H��553D �755ع#E% �55���> �55.�ت�زاو �55 %�55= ا��855+� ا��$����55 و�55F= %7855.� ا�55Q H��553Dـ� درا��RB55Q �55! keywords: array; base; convection; fins; heat; plate; transfer; vertical cache: alkej-308.pdf plain text: alkej-308.txt item: #184 of 562 id: alkej-309 author: Al-Busoda, Bushra Suhale; Abbase, Hassan Obaid title: الركائز اللولبية المغروسة فى تربة انتفاخية تستند على طبقة رملية date: 2017-12-17 words: 3320 flesch: 67 summary: م$)و�� %()%� ا� F��% ���م�� ���I �8! ٣٠٠ ا�()%� ا+�(F��% ��D!E %. �� 3، ا���د����12 ا���ارز � ا���� �� ا���� ���ى ��� ز��ر �� ،25 -19 )2016( ��� ا��.�-, ا���� �� ا��+�و � ( &��� ا)$��'�� &%$�� #� ط �� ر **1%0 # �� # �س * ���ى ��� ز��ر ��� ا������ /��� ا������ ا������** ، *� %$�اد!م�� / :&ا�-),� ا+�*()و� * keywords: helix; load; movement; piles; soil cache: alkej-309.pdf plain text: alkej-309.txt item: #185 of 562 id: alkej-31 author: Uleiwi, Dr. Jawad Kadhim title: تحليل الأنبعاج للصفائح المركبة الأحادية الأتجاه ذات الأساس البوليمري date: 2017-12-30 words: 3938 flesch: 62 summary: The finite element analysis carried out as part of this work was performed using the ANSYS package in the buckling analysis of composite plate to determine the critical load at which the structure becomes unstable. This study deals with the estimation of critical load of unidirectional polymer matrix composite plates by using experimental and finite element techniques at different fiber angles and fiber volume fraction of the composite plate. keywords: composite; fiber; load;  ;   cache: alkej-31.pdf plain text: alkej-31.txt item: #186 of 562 id: alkej-310 author: Abdul-Hussein, Aseel Basim; Hashim, Fadhel Abbas; Kadhim, Tamara Raad title: تأثير المساحيق النانويه على الخواص الميكانيكية والفيزيائية للمواد المركبة المدعمة بالالياف الزجاج date: 2017-12-17 words: 3732 flesch: 65 summary: �م �� ھذا ا���ث ��� ر �واد ��را��� �وا�ط� طر �� ا��و��� ا� دو � ودرا�� ������� ق �% ٦ و% ٤و TiO2 ا�� ��ن ا����! اظ�رت ��ن ا���6�� �زاد �? ز �د ا���ر ا��'�� .ا �و��� < ر ا���وى ��0ك �واص ا3ل �ن ا��واد ا���را��� ��4د ا'راء ا����رات ا���6 �� .وا����� � ا���ء وا��8دة و���و�� ا ��ء ���� �زداد �? ز �دة ا���ر ا��'�� �? keywords: al2o3; composites; epoxy; sio2; tio2; water cache: alkej-310.pdf plain text: alkej-310.txt item: #187 of 562 id: alkej-312 author: Karamallah, Abdulhassan A.; Habeeb, Laith Jaafer; Asker, Ali Habeeb title: تأثير المجال المغناطيسي مع السوائل متناهية الصغر على انتقال الحرارة في انبوب افقي date: 2017-12-18 words: 4335 flesch: 59 summary: �� �# ا2&/%ل ا ��ارة �0 ا��2ب ا0/�.-, � ا ��%ل ا ��%ط �� �( ا ��ا)' �&�%ھ � ا 4 *��� ا �� ��� ��م هللا ���6 ��� ** �7 6 ج �7 �8��*** �� ا������ ا���������� * ,** ،***� / ��� �#��ا�!� �� ا� @omcahoo.ydr_abdulhassank: ا�(&)� ا'���&و�$ * : ا�(&)� ا'���&و�$ **ا�(&)� ا'���&و�$ ** ـ�ا �: ـ F�E ا��را�� . The volume concentration is evaluated from the following relation in percentage: � = ������ � ���� ������������� � ���� ������� + ������ � ����� × 100 … (1) � = ( � �� )������ !#�$ (� �� )������ !#�$ + (� �� )%�!& × 100 …(2) keywords: concentration; heat; magnetic; nanofluid; number; transfer; � � cache: alkej-312.pdf plain text: alkej-312.txt item: #188 of 562 id: alkej-313 author: Mohammad Saleh, Ahmed A.; Rashid, Taher Abbas title: دراسة عملية و نظرية لتحسين أداء المجمعات الشمسية الهوائية باستخدام سطوح امتصاص مختلفة date: 2017-12-18 words: 4853 flesch: 61 summary: ،�P$&)fins(ص �WS ا,ز(flat plat)، X45 Y��5ا��42$ �-���( &= ا�7%& \.C&(wire mesh) 2�273��ان ا��<�ءة ا� ���5 و&%� ل ا��<�ءة 3� X45 ل��dF ا�Tcث !�� &= &%$0.016) keywords: absorber; air; collector; efficiency; flow; heat; performance; plate; radiation; solar; � � cache: alkej-313.pdf plain text: alkej-313.txt item: #189 of 562 id: alkej-314 author: Nasser, Nawres Jabar title: الخواص الميكانيكية لوصلات لحام القوس الكهربائي (MIG) من سبائك الالمنيوم غير المتشابهة (2024 T351, 6061-T651) date: 2017-12-18 words: 4191 flesch: 63 summary: ا�H ا��3اص ا�)�������- �.1$�*( ا��F: <�G), ا�$6> ا�!اء +.1.- �, ا���Dرب ا��6061-T6 �8�� -��8 ، T3٢٠٢٤-ھ)� ���د��6�TQ, �, ا�1$�*( ا&Jه �.�K6ل &.4 وJQت ا�OD ا�.�6م &.4.وا��6� وا�$��- ا�)M*�KN ، -#!�D ا��L و ا�JKدة�� -�$U��: 200)*100*8( H.� �����+��3ام +.( ��6م ووQ.- اN!ى ��XT ا���د ��ون زاو G(V)!ف در�- ٧٠ ��8ارھ� &)V زاو#- :�F6!#- �, ��- وا�Gة -#٤٠٤٣ ER -#�(G ر��U ن�Uوار -.Qا�� �.N ,� �Uا�.�6م وا��� -�.(& �����ا+]- ��K6\ لJN ,� ز �, ا����ب��� X-ray radiography -#ار!G -.���� ]#!ا� � &�� در�- G!ارة*��!�U ن!\ �\ -.Q�31, ا��: ]�(F: 170 �������ف ازا�- ا���دات ا�.�6م �اءدر�- �_�#- �)�ة �H/ -&�+ ^K ا��$!#� . اظ�!ت ا����*f ا��T3ض \� ا��3اص ا�)�������- �.����ت ا�).��6- ��8ر�- � ��]8- ا��+j �.����ت ا�� ا��)�/.- �i ا�h��$1 ا+�س \ VLTا� id�� 6!ارةوان���� ا�)�]8- ا�)��/!ة \ VLTت ا�).��6- \�8 ظ�! ا������ . keywords: alloys; aluminum; base; fig; metal; properties; specimens; test; welding cache: alkej-314.pdf plain text: alkej-314.txt item: #190 of 562 id: alkej-315 author: AL-Samarraie, Shibly Ahmed; Mishary, Mustafa H. title: تصميم مسيطر (Output feedback) لمنظومة الكهرو-هايدرولك استنادا الى مراقب النمط المنزلق عالي الرتبة date: 2017-12-18 words: 6262 flesch: 59 summary: High Order Sliding Mode Observer- Based Controller Design for Electro- Hydraulic System The mathematical model for electro-hydraulic system that used in this work is described by [15]; ���� = �� ��� = ����,�� + �� �� + �����,�� ��� = ����,�� + �� �� + ����,��,�� � = �� i …�14 where �� is the piston position �j2�2k , �� is the piston velocity �j2�2k/Z2m , �� is the pressure difference �n/j2�2k� , � is the control input (the current) �j� , �, ��, � and �� are the system dynamics nominal terms (includes nominal parameters only) with ��,�� > 0. Now consider the following assumption; Assumption (1): the right hand side of ��� in Eq. (1) is a differentiable function, i.e., ����,�� , �����,�� �� and �����,��, � are smooth functions of ���,��, � . keywords: control; observer; piston; position; sliding; system; � =; � − cache: alkej-315.pdf plain text: alkej-315.txt item: #191 of 562 id: alkej-316 author: Abbas, Nizar Hadi; Ali, Farah Mahdi title: تخطيط مسار الروبوتات المتنقلة على أساس خوارزمية النهم للبكتريا المحسنة date: 2017-12-18 words: 6149 flesch: 62 summary: Where S is the colony size, i is the bacterium’s ID counter from 1 to S, Xi is the ith bacterium’s position of the colony, �� is the maximum number of steps for a single activity of swim, �,-./012 is a counter to determine the fitness improvement for the bacteria positions, F�&'()* is a user defined threshold of the improvement count required, ∆�3�4�56 is the initial directions that generated randomly and ∆�� , ∆���� Nizar Hadi Abbas Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4, List of Symbols Symbol Definition ∆� Random direction � Positive scaling factor λ Robot step length ∅∗ uniformly distributed number between [−1,1] ɸ Best picked direction ∗ Bacterium position � Positive scaling factor � Step size $ Difference cost function $� Positive constant for obstacles d(R) distance from the robot to the obstacle � Sensing range �����/�Fitness improvement threshold ��/��Health goal function �/� Health obstacle function ��/2��Health total function �� Chemotactic no. keywords: algorithm; bacteria; fig; function; obstacles; optimization; path; planning; robot; step cache: alkej-316.pdf plain text: alkej-316.txt item: #192 of 562 id: alkej-317 author: Ibraheem, Ibraheem Kasim; Ajeil, Fatin Hassan title: التنبؤ بأفضل مسار للروبوت المتنقل باستخدام خوارزميات الاسراب الأمثليه date: 2017-12-18 words: 7107 flesch: 55 summary: When used in route forecasting with grid model, the objective function is distance determined as follows: >��,�� � @ �A� � AB� 6 Where g represents the goal node and the next node. 2-after the ants complete their tour, the pheromones trial values are update the following formula: ����� � �� � �1 � �!���� where is the pheromones decay parameter range (0, 1) ∆��� : is the amount of pheromones added by ant. keywords: algorithm; ant; environment; experiment; optimization; path; robot; route cache: alkej-317.pdf plain text: alkej-317.txt item: #193 of 562 id: alkej-318 author: Mohammed, Farag Mahel; Mohammed, Jamal Abdul-Kareem; Jabbar, Mustafa Abdul-Sattar title: استخدام نظام سيطرة ذكي لتحسين اداء منظومات التكييف ذات الوحدات المنفصلة date: 2017-12-18 words: 6007 flesch: 58 summary: #� ا�@� �@�5@�ل ا���ت ا�� )ا:/ ا��#&�ي = 3#����ة �!��� -+@�ر*� ����د ا(K!� ا��< L�@53 MN:Al2O3/Cr2O3 . keywords: al2o3; carbon; cr2o3; density; fracture; mwcnts; nanocomposites; samples; wt%; � � cache: alkej-323.pdf plain text: alkej-323.txt item: #200 of 562 id: alkej-324 author: Ali, Nahedh Mahmood title: دراسة مقارنة لمواصفات أداء وملوثات محرك اشتعال بالشرارة ومحرك إشتعال بالانضغاط ذي شحنة متجانسة (HCCI) date: 2017-12-18 words: 5086 flesch: 61 summary: ��� 4، ا���د����12 ا���ارز � ا������� ا���� �ھ ���د ���� ،110-102 )2016( 110 ��ت أداء و �� �ت ��ر � درا�� � ل '�0 /.�ط�*(�إ �%كو �%ك ا*(��ل '��&%ارة ���ا �3 يذ��) ���* )HCCI( �ھ ���د ��� ��� / ��� ھ���� ا���اد�� ا�!���� ��ا� gmail.comnahidh.mahmood@60: ا�(&)� ا'�!&و$# �� ا��4 �ط )&ى,-$.��$�� /�)9 وا�8ا ��7&6�ت ا.4��ل /��2&ارة و/��7&6�ت . ا4^��ل /��2^&ارة �ت ا���(�<̂^� �:̂^Y /7̂^�ود ^̂a�:̂^� ان ا���ا���: H]��$# أ�6̂^�� ا�!&/̂^�ن، ٧٩.٩١%.ول ا�6̂^�� ا�!&/̂^�ن، % ٨٥.٩٩.6��̂^�� ا���̂^&و �=، % ٩١.٢٧/��̂^Y ا��̂^^̂>� �7̂^&ك ا.4̂^��ل /��2̂^&ارة% ٨٣.٥٦و _ keywords: air; combustion; compression; engine; equivalence; fig; fuel; hcci; ignition; ratio; vol cache: alkej-324.pdf plain text: alkej-324.txt item: #201 of 562 id: alkej-325 author: Abdulrazzaq, Ghassan Hassan title: تقليل عسرة المياه بطريقة الاستقطاب الكهرومغناطيسي date: 2017-12-18 words: 3561 flesch: 59 summary: I�/P'(�> [41إ,)اء ا� �� ا����$ : *WBا� (��K/> -ھ ��.�Sا� �P'(د ���ت ا���\ وا���7 (��K/> �B���+ )ةا���ء إن�ز'�دة *)��@ أو 7 �W�D �<�)'�P ا��P/�0ب ا�(W)و+��Kط��- ھ- ا��)'�P ا�/- '/ CO3وا'=.�ت ا�()<=.�ت ا����Ca 2+ �1 اL/8ال ا'=.�ت ا�(����=م ا��=,�1 +�� '�/E �7; ز'�دة *���P ا���ء �CaCO3/(='�1�1C Iت ا���)ة��ه D- ا�� -2 �ام ��)ا�G/�H� ��ZH+ (S%و,��; أ . keywords: caco3; hardness; precipitation; voltage; water; � � cache: alkej-325.pdf plain text: alkej-325.txt item: #202 of 562 id: alkej-327 author: Jabbar, Saja Mohsen title: تحضير تراكيب اوكسيد النحاس النانوية بطريقتي السول – جل والترسيب date: 2017-12-18 words: 3024 flesch: 51 summary: O>$�# د�+F ز$L� �,R]ا�:+ +� ا)(XRD م�Z د��ا<; و�R ��دة !�ن �W ا���� ھ� ،)در�� 37Z. ��W )٣٨.٩ keywords: chemical; copper; cuo; journal; method; nanoparticles; precipitation; size cache: alkej-327.pdf plain text: alkej-327.txt item: #203 of 562 id: alkej-328 author: Othman, Farhad M.; Abdul-hamead, Alaa A.; Ali, Noor M. title: تصنيع و توصيف اكاسيد ثلاثية معدنية بتقنية الرش الكيميائي الحراري كمتحسس غازي date: 2017-12-18 words: 3988 flesch: 58 summary: Adsorption is only a surface impact and smaller scale stuctured metal oxides have high surface to volume proportion, which upgrades this impact Metal oxide gas sensors enhance their affectability and reaction/recuperation time because of nanocrystalline nature of the material related. Keywords: Zinc stannate, cadmium stannate, gas sensor, ternary metal oxides, spray pyrolysis, pollutant gases, gas sensitivity, XRD. 1. keywords: cd2sno4; films; gas; h2s; journal; metal; oxide; properties; surface; zn2sno4 cache: alkej-328.pdf plain text: alkej-328.txt item: #204 of 562 id: alkej-329 author: Mohammed, Asem Hassan; Behrendt, Frank Behrendt; Methner, Frank Jürgen title: تحويل المواد اللكنوسليلوزية الى سكريات قابلة للتخمر date: 2017-12-18 words: 7713 flesch: 56 summary: Asem Hassan Mohammed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4, P.P. 141- 153(2016) 146 By using statistical program (STATISTICA- program software),relationships were obtained between the expected values of pretreatment yields of different components with pretreatment conditions as follows: �� = +1.72070 − 2.326� − 3 × �� + 5.563� − 3 × �� + 8.232� − 4 × �� − 3.266� − 5 × ���� + 2.2639� − 6 × keywords: biomass; enzymatic; g glucan; glucan; hydrolysis; lignin; pretreatment; raw; temperature; yield cache: alkej-329.pdf plain text: alkej-329.txt item: #205 of 562 id: alkej-33 author: عبود, د.عدنان نعمة; عبد الصاحب, نبيل كاظم; طعمة, عامر عبد الله title: حامل الفولاذ منخفض السبك DIN 15Mo3 بطريقة اللحام النقطي بالقوس المعدني المحمي بالغاز date: 2017-12-30 words: 5422 flesch: 94 summary: حي نفاذية اللحام وعلى قطر نقطة اللحام ( 3,2,1)لإلشكالوعلى قو القص . وعند رستبدال غاز (2mm)بغاز االركون ولنفس السمك يةحظ رن (8sec)ولزمن (240AMP)وتيار ( تكون رصغر حةما ..منطقة اللحام )شكل وكسر حةمي بلغ (13.9µm) وبحةم حبيبي حي قيمة الصةد وقو ارتفا ( م 58.1) يوحر اللحام بغاز االركون منطقة خالية من القص. . keywords: 2sec; 4sec; 8sec; amp; current; journal; spot; steel; welding; التيار; القص; اللحااام; اللحام; المجلد; الهندسية; الى; بين; تيار; تيرير; د.عدنان; رستخدام; زمن; زياد; سمك; عبود; على; عند; غاز; قطر; قيمة; لسمك; مجلة; منطقة; نعمة; نقطة; وعند cache: alkej-33.pdf plain text: alkej-33.txt item: #206 of 562 id: alkej-330 author: Al-Khafaji, Hussein M.; Jweeg, Muhsin J. title: حل معكوس المعادلة الكينماتيكية لرجل آلي ذي أذرع مرنة باستخدام الشبكات العصبية date: 2017-12-31 words: 8217 flesch: 66 summary: ���� �� ���� � ��� 1، ا�� د13 ا��� ��� ا� ����� ا���ارز�� ،25-13 )2017( 25 � !� ���#$ �!�2 1$��0 ام ا�.+$ت ا��,+�� ذي أذرع آ� �� ���س ا� �$د�� ا��� $� ���� ا���� ����* 34� ! As shown in Figure 4, the total kinematic equation of flexible robot of two degrees of freedom is: T)*+, � T�CN' T!C�' …(21) Hussein M. Al-Khafaji Al The transformation matrix of robot in general form is: T)*+, � � OP GP QP RPOS GS QS RSOT GT QT RT0 0 0 1 � Where: Fig. 4. keywords: cd �; cα �; d �; equation; inverse; network; neural; robot; sd �; � cos; � δx; � δy; � � cache: alkej-330.pdf plain text: alkej-330.txt item: #207 of 562 id: alkej-331 author: Al-Khazraji, Ahmed Naif; Al-Rabii, Samir Ali; Al-Khazaali, Hameed Shamkhi title: تحسين سلوك الانبعاج الديناميكي لأعمدة الصلب المقاوم للصدأ المؤلمنة لمتوسطة الطول date: 2017-03-31 words: 8769 flesch: 57 summary: � ����. ��� {���. ����� 456.576 530.4 329.749 570.719 510 317.066 970.223 489.6 304.384 513.648 408 253.653 913.151 367.2 228.287 513.648 408 253.653 342.432 489.6 304.384 285.359 469.2 291.701 399.504 448.8 279.018 856.079 489.6 304.384 342.432 571.2 355.114 456.575 489.6 304.384 513.648 469.2 291.701 513.648 367.2 228.287 399.504 346.8 215.605 456.576 408 253.653 456.576 448.8 279.018 456.576 408 253.653 570.719 408 253.653 513.648 408 253.653 570.719 428.4 266.335 456.576 428.4 266.335 570.719 408 253.653 627.792 346.8 215.605 570.719 448.8 279.018 slenderness ratio relation for stainless steel 303 AISI columns (type 1) under Ahmed Naif Al-Khazraji Al Fig. 10. ا���ر�� �� �� 1، ا�� د13 ��� ا���ارزم� ا��� ��� ا����ما���� ،41-26 )2017( 41 ��م�-� ,+� ة ا�%�( ا��)�وم ��% أ ا��#���� ����!� ا�!�ل 4�2�3 ���ك ا0�/��ج ا� ** ���6 +�� ا����56 *�� ا���ر��ا�� ���7 ��65 ا���+�� ���*** ��� ا������ ا���������� * /������ ا��! � ا���� ��� ا������ ا���������� ** / ������ ا��! � ا���� ���ا���! �� / ��� ا����&% وا�� �ات *** ���� /'(�� ,+�اد -ا��! � ا��(��� ا� : ا��0.1 ا/���.و�-* : keywords: bending; buckling; columns; dynamic; k �; modulus; type; � � cache: alkej-331.pdf plain text: alkej-331.txt item: #208 of 562 id: alkej-332 author: Abdullah, Orhan S. title: دراسة عملية لتاثير اضافة دقائق طبيعية لراتنج البولي أستر غير المشبع لمادة متراكبة بوليمرية date: 2017-03-31 words: 3937 flesch: 58 summary: E59 ا ��5ا �� 8�� ��دا 3 G و��3ر ا ���ن ا) ��6>�H 53 و�5�9م ) (J5����3%, 7%, 10% ا �و��5 وا��?�<��5 ا �5ء �5��Hر وز���5 ، ��5دة ت5 (�� (D57 �����5 ا �67�8� �����9(50µ m, 100 µ m, 150 µ m) ورھ�ن �������� �� ا�� ����/��� ا���� ا ����� ا ا� ���و� ��� �ا � ا��4 ��# ھ ا � � أ��� ت.-�� ا,��� د��+* ت (�� ط����� درا�� ت $ ا �� �ات�0 ا ��1 3�2ا ��4 ���5 ��567�8 و(���ا>���5ر ت�5 درا��5 . keywords: husk; material; modulus; particles; tensile; water; � � cache: alkej-332.pdf plain text: alkej-332.txt item: #209 of 562 id: alkej-333 author: AL-Samarraie, Shibly A.; Hamzah, Mohsin N.; Abdulsahib, Imad A. title: تخميد الاهتزازات للعتبة الكابولية الذكية مع المخمن المنزلق الشكل باستخدام اثنين من المواد الكهروضغطية date: 2017-03-31 words: 11176 flesch: 66 summary: Eventually, the single input single output state space model of the smart beam is given by Equations (26) and (28): ��R � �� ��� � sr���� � t���� u …(29) with Shibly A. AL-Samarraie Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 13, No. 1, P.P. F � 1G2G/G��3 455 56 156 22#F 54 :13#F22#F 4#F� 13#F :3#F�54 13#F 156 :22#F:13#F :3#F� :22#F 4#F� ;< <<= …(8) >F � ?G @G/ A 455 56 12 6#F :12 6#F6#F 4#F� :6#F 2#F�:12 :6#F 12 :6#F6#F 2#F� :6#F 4#F� ;< <<= …(9) In which �� � �* �* � 2�F �F is the flexural rigidity and �� � H��*�* � 2�F�F ) is the mass per unit length, �F is the thickness of PZT patches, and �F � * IA�� � H�J K IL 0� M�. keywords: beam; control; e �; g �; model; piezoelectric; q �; qg �; system; tg �; uj �; ª �; ℛ �; � f; � t; � ×; � � cache: alkej-333.pdf plain text: alkej-333.txt item: #210 of 562 id: alkej-334 author: Ismeal, Mustafa K.; Hassan, Kharia S.; Hussian, Hussian A. title: سلوك التآكل لسبيكة الالمنيوم – سيليكون ) (Al-9wt% Si المقواة مع الانابيب النانوية CNTs date: 2017-03-31 words: 4909 flesch: 61 summary: �� ا������ �� �� 1، ا���د��13 � ا���ارز�� ا������� ا��� � ���� ،2017( 73-66( 73 ا���0اة �. ا� ز$��� �Al-9wt%Si �4ط-, $ و��8 ���%ت M7 M7\4 �8 ا�! دة ا�!�+ا7-� ا������ � ر$�ا(M ���ل M7\4 اذا � 4!; ا�! ً ن -�)-��� ا%�!�� م�A�Dء وا,^��D�� م -�(����AA6061-T6 . keywords: aa6061; alloy; aluminum; cnts; coating; corrosion; mwnts; specimens; vol cache: alkej-334.pdf plain text: alkej-334.txt item: #211 of 562 id: alkej-335 author: Mohammed, Farag M. title: تحليل الخواص الميكانيكية للمواد المركبة عند تغيير عوامل مختلفة date: 2017-03-31 words: 4744 flesch: 60 summary: The mechanical properties, weight and cost are the basis criteria of fiber volume fraction, fillers and type of fiber selection. 74- 83 (2017) Properties Investigation of Composite Material Under Different Parameters Variations Farag M. Mohammed Electromechanical Engineering/ Universityof Technology Email: (Received 30 May 2016; accepted 7 September 2016) is to design and select a composite plate to be used in fabricating The mechanical properties, weight and cost are the basis criteria of fiber volume fraction, fillers and type of fiber with three levels for each were considered to optimize the composite plate inite element method was used to investigate the stress distribution on the wing at cruise keywords: combination; composite; cost; density; fiber; filler; fraction; parameters; properties; table; volume; weight cache: alkej-335.pdf plain text: alkej-335.txt item: #212 of 562 id: alkej-337 author: Al-Alalawy, Ahmed Faiq; Abbas, Talib Rashid; Mohammed, Hadeer Kadhim title: دراسة مقارنة لمحاليل السحب العضوية واللاعضوية في عملية التنافذ الامامي date: 2017-03-31 words: 5756 flesch: 57 summary: � ا����ي � � �� 1، ا���د13���� ا���ارزم� ا������� ا� ��م ا��� ،102-94 )2017( 102 ��) ا�'�& ا���!� وا�$#�!� � درا�� م ر������ م��+� �* ا(م ا �� # � ا����يأ� � � **ط �& ر/�� #. س *��*ھ�!4 3 ظ1 م و�� *** ،* ��� �� ���اد / ���� ا������ /��� ا������ ا�� � ** / هدا#ة ا� ��� وا�����%�� وزارة ا���%م وا�& : ا,� &و+* ا� ��* : ا,� &و+* ا� �� ** : ا,� &و+* ا� ��*** �� ا��$ ��0 ���ف ا� .-. keywords: draw; flux; forward; h7 �; membrane; osmosis; solution; water; � k; � � cache: alkej-337.pdf plain text: alkej-337.txt item: #213 of 562 id: alkej-338 author: Obyed, Saleem Mohammed title: تحضير مقاطع وقود خفيفة من زيت الغاز الفراغي الثقيل بواسطة تفاعل التكسير الحراري date: 2017-03-31 words: 3410 flesch: 62 summary: وز�' ا & ز� Kط ب ���ل در�� ا &�� ن ��ه ا �,� V وذ Kط �3 ب .ا �,[? ت �B\ ا =0*M4ا� وا ��? ا ��84، �,�2 ا ��4\، �,�2 ا�����S، ا 4زندر�� ا &�� ن، ��I�4 (�-+ ا ����ا *�)� ?�� وا ���� ن، ا 4زن ا 6)�[�Q� �2 ا,� (V وذ K� �� ت �, ر�*M4ا� ا��� 6 ر�� ا ,���=�ا� ت ا �0 ��8ا��� أ�+ در ا �� ت ا�� ;� ا 40ل T�8 . ء;,��2 ا LCO.( - �;(6( ��ور م٢٢٠ ° T إKط ز ا �,��2 ا 46ي �8 ط��9) ا ��)�� وا ���و��� وز�' ا & ز(ا =*�*� ا �,��. - V �ا ��)�� وا ���و��� ( �, طKا �,��2,; �2 ;�� �ه ا �ي ;� ا 40ل T���>��8 ا �,��2 ر�� �� WQل �� ز ا �,��2 ا 46ي �� أ�+ ) keywords: cracking; gas; gas oil; oil; temperature; vacuum; ا � cache: alkej-338.pdf plain text: alkej-338.txt item: #214 of 562 id: alkej-339 author: Alwash, Atheel title: دراسة كفاءة السيريوم اوكسايد كعامل مساعد في تحطيم صبغة الاورانج ج بواسطة عملية الاكسدة date: 2017-03-31 words: 5314 flesch: 49 summary: ����A Yءة ازا�� ا�: #L�.& #�TZ9 �$� (+ا� [:�A+�6#ات ا�+& !& --���&] ا����:- ا��G%D �9 درا;� ا��� H�IJ+ا� ���2�- ا;+���ل :� Sل و�`a ن [:�A+و&%$� ا� ،�c���&] ا����:- �- و7�S ا�Y . ج ��ا� &���' �( ��)* � درا�� +�(ءة ا *�.,�م او+*(,� +�( ا#+*�ة أ��� ���ش �م /��� ا������ء���� ا�%$#!/ ��� ا�&�' ()ا�.#- ا,��+#و: ��2� ا �د ا���#;�درا;� :���� ��819 6.7� ا,ورا(4 ج 2� ا�.01$-ف '��م او ��- ا�%�(�ي ط� :���� ا, �-ة 2 @A7�2BA1&ي اCوا� ��%D9 �9@ !: keywords: catalyst; ceo2; cerium; dye; orange; oxide; reaction; temperature; vol cache: alkej-339.pdf plain text: alkej-339.txt item: #215 of 562 id: alkej-340 author: Samaan, Sama Salam title: تصميم وتنفيذ نظام قاعدة بيانات لإدارة مذخر ادوية date: 2017-03-31 words: 4158 flesch: 60 summary: $����ت �دارة � �� ادو*1� ة $����ت *�5)3 �����4ت %3 ط�%�� 14� *���>ت �; ا�) ��، ا�)�,:�3، ا�)�ظ3�0، ا� �7%�ت و��6ھ�,� � 3� ة ا������ت * ر$A . ���� 1، ا���د�13� � ا���ارزم� ا������� ا��� م ��� ����ن ��م ،2017( 128-118( 128 م$,+ ادو*� (دارة%)��' و%���$ �#�م �!�ة �����ت ��� ��م ����ن ا����� ا��������� /�� ھ� � ا�����ب ا�����و����� keywords: database; fig; inventory; medications; system; user cache: alkej-340.pdf plain text: alkej-340.txt item: #216 of 562 id: alkej-341 author: Klim, Sahar Mahdie; Klim, Sahar Mahdie title: إدارة البيانات الضخمة باستخدام تقنية المابريديوس على الحوسبة السحابية: دراسة حالة، بيانات صور المخططات التحليل العصبي date: 2017-03-31 words: 6109 flesch: 58 summary: In this study, we utilized the utilization of the MapReduce strategy on Hadoop server to process EEG big data and make the dispersion on cloud. Experimental Results Hit Rates vs Miss Rates The previous figures demonstrates the pattern of the reply time for the experimental results, demonstrating the improved reply time of the proposed ap.proach in correlation with the conventional strategy for data structure. keywords: big; data; database; eeg; framework; hadoop; information; journal; time; way cache: alkej-341.pdf plain text: alkej-341.txt item: #217 of 562 id: alkej-342 author: Hamoudi, Ahmed Khalaf; Abdul Rahman, Noora Off title: تصميم مسيطر تكاملي منزلق النمط للسيطرة على الأنظمة اللا خطية date: 2017-03-31 words: 5145 flesch: 66 summary: By substituting equation (2) in (1), the control law can be rewritten as: � � ��� � ��� ������ … �3 The sliding surface characterized as: � � �� � �� ; � � 0 … �4 where, λ is a constant parameter with a positive value. sinE�� � ! keywords: control; controller; equation; ismc; mode; system; time cache: alkej-342.pdf plain text: alkej-342.txt item: #218 of 562 id: alkej-343 author: Khudhur, Noor Ahmed title: الذكية RFID خطة طوارئ لتوزيع الوقود باستخدام بطاقات date: 2017-03-31 words: 5584 flesch: 58 summary: Rationing has been historically used for and other resources that are In the past few years, petrol most countries rationing systems economical breakdown 1.3.2 Automatic Identification With recent technological advancement, Automatic identification or Auto-ID is starting to replace tokens and coupons used previously in rationing systems. keywords: card; database; fuel; rationing; rations; rfid; security; system; vol; � � cache: alkej-343.pdf plain text: alkej-343.txt item: #219 of 562 id: alkej-344 author: Al-Khazraji, Ahmed Naif; Amin, Samir Ali; Al-Warmizyari, Husam Ahmed title: تأثير العمر التشغيلي لفترات زمنية طويلة على الخصائص لسبيكة الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ الاوستنايتي من النوع H والتي تعمل بدرجات حرارة عالية321 date: 2017-12-11 words: 4720 flesch: 48 summary: Because of the rarity works on austenitic stainless steel material type AISI 321H, in this work, ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, hardness, and absorbed energy by impact are Samples of tubes are extracted from furnace belong to used to make comparisons between these properties. Because of the rarity works on austenitic stainless steel material type AISI 321H, in this work, ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, evaluated based on experimental data obtained from mechanical testing. keywords: 321h; hardness; impact; material; mechanical; properties; steel; strength; temperature; tensile; test; type cache: alkej-344.pdf plain text: alkej-344.txt item: #220 of 562 id: alkej-345 author: Mousa, Shakir M title: المدخلات الامثل لعملية الحك الممغنط باستخدام طريقة تاكوشي لتحسين جودة خشونة السطح date: 2017-12-11 words: 4709 flesch: 53 summary: In addition, the µm that means high level of surface roughness, Taguchi was capability to of tool, ferromagnetic , one can control magnetic brush, that the topography of magnetic flux in MAF is a modern relatively process of polishing begin in US in1930s, magnetic abrasive finishing MAF are This process was developed and Many advantages of (MAF) process, it is more successful to produce different complex shapes and suitable for finishing flat surface as well as inner and outer Wei Changet et al.[5] have clarified the principle working of MAF rocess and the finishing characteristics by using abrasive powder consist of a mechanical mixture of ferromagnetic particles and silicon carbide (SiC) abrasive with lubricant as unbounded Moriet et al.[6] have PDF created with pdfFactory trial version Shakir M. Mousa Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 13, No. 2, P.P. 11- 19 (2017) 12 studied the characteristics of magnetic field, and explained the mechanism of MAF process for stainless steel ferromagnetic material work piece, using abrasive powder that was sintered from an total of alumina particles and iron .Taguchi design of experiments (DOE) is utilized on(MAF) process. In addition, the of the work piece decreased from 1.130 to 0.370µm that means high level of surface roughness (0.760)µm. MINITAB software, parameters, Signal-to-Noise ratio, surface roughness In MAF process, the working gap between the work piece is particles MAPs, as bonded or unbounded onded are prepared ferromagnetic particles and abrasive Magnetic abrasive finishing MAF because the ability of MAF to remove microchips, help to relief layer gives higher surface MAF process was universal, d the quality of surface MAF effective economic environment. keywords: abrasive; finishing; gap; maf; parameters; process; ratio; roughness; surface; table; working cache: alkej-345.pdf plain text: alkej-345.txt item: #221 of 562 id: alkej-346 author: Abd Ali, Nabel k.; Farhan, Malia. M.; . Moosa, Abbas S title: تحسين المواصفات الميكانيكية والانسيابية للمطاط الطبيعي المستخدم في تطبيقات مقاومة الاهتزاز date: 2017-12-11 words: 3848 flesch: 56 summary: وتحس��ینھا ھ��ذا البح��ث إل��ى دراس�ة المواص��فات التخمیدی��ة للمط��اط المق��اوم لالھت�زازیھ�دف تم إجراء االختب�ارات المیكانیكی�ة . سة ش�كل الت�رابط ب�ین الخالئ�ط المختلف�ةلدرا (SEM ) ـال أیضا إجراء فحصتم و. keywords: effect; engineering; material; properties; results; rubber; sbr; stock; table; test; vibration; vol cache: alkej-346.pdf plain text: alkej-346.txt item: #222 of 562 id: alkej-347 author: Hussein, Asmaa Ali title: بحث عملي وعددي على الاهتزاز الناتج عن الجريان في الصمامات date: 2017-12-11 words: 4684 flesch: 47 summary: 4. Make a precise correlation between the numerical results of structure vibration and flow characteristics to find the real reasons of structure vibration. 5. Make precise comparisons between the results of structure vibration obtained from experimental tests and numerical simulations. keywords: flow; numerical; piping; simulation; structure; system; valve; vibration; water; way; ∂ ∂ cache: alkej-347.pdf plain text: alkej-347.txt item: #223 of 562 id: alkej-348 author: Karem, Iman Salih; A.Wahabt, Talal A. Jabbar; Yahyh, Mawadah Jlaa title: تصميم وتنفيذ روبوت نوع سكارا ثلاثي درجات الحرية معتمدا مسيطر المنطق المبرمج date: 2017-12-11 words: 5069 flesch: 53 summary: �� �� 0 00 0 1 ��0 0 0 1 �*� �� −�� 0 ���� �� 1 00 0 0 00 0 0 1 �* �1 0 0 ��0 1 0 00 0 1 −��0 0 0 1 � = � ��� − ��� −���� − ���� 0 �������� + ���� −��� + ��� 0 ����0 0 1 ��0 0 0 1 � ∗ �1 0 0 ��0 1 0 00 0 1 −��0 0 0 1 � = ���� −��� 0 ����� + ������� ��� 0 ����� + ����0 0 1 −�� + ��0 0 0 1 � ���= ���,���= ���,���= 0,���= −���,���= ���,��� = 0,��� = 0,���= 0,��� =1 �� = ����� + ���� ...(3.1) �� = ����� + ���� ...(3.2) �� = �� − �� ...(3.3) [3] ALAVUDEEN A., VENKATESHWARAN N., “Computer Integrated Manufacturing ”, PHI Learning Private Limited [4] William B., “Programmable logic controls”, book 4�� edition, Newnes 2006. keywords: controller; design; engineering; figure; motion; plc; robot; scara; trajectory; ̇ �; ⃗ �; ⎢⎡ �; � =; � � cache: alkej-348.pdf plain text: alkej-348.txt item: #224 of 562 id: alkej-349 author: Aziz, Ghada Adel title: نموذج محاكاة لنظام سيطرة على قدرة توربينات الرياح مع منظمات ضبابية بواسطة خوارزمية ممداني ولارسن date: 2017-12-11 words: 5591 flesch: 60 summary: Model wind turbine power control system in the application of fuzzy inference algorithm is shown in fig. Introduction The development of wind power, combined with energy conservation measures in the field of wind energy in 2030 will be able to provide 29% of electricity demand in the world, because the statistical view has been showed this forecasting during the last 15 years especially the last one in the global annual installed wind capacity in 2015 has been reached to 63,013 MW. keywords: angle; blade; control; controller; engineering; fig; logic; nacelle; output; power; speed; system; turbine; wind cache: alkej-349.pdf plain text: alkej-349.txt item: #225 of 562 id: alkej-35 author: Ameen, Hani Aziz; Ismail, Asma Hassan; Hassan, Khairia Salman title: تأثير المعاملة الحرارية المحلولية على الخواص الميكانيكية لسبيكة ألمنيوم- نحاس (2024-T3) باستعمال عملية الدرفلة date: 2011-06-30 words: 2924 flesch: 63 summary: Table 5, Mechanical properties of alloy after rolling without heat treatment Rolling force N Yield stress Mpa Maximum tensile stress Mpa Brinill rigidity Number of passing Thickness Mm Specimen symbol 781293.65111061.557A 1521277.6390.5100.541.4B1 2130304.342611061.275B2 2840339474.7123101.2B3 3481365.8512133121.1B4 Table 6, Mechanical properties of heat treatment alloy after rolling Rolling force N Yield stress Mpa Maximum tensile stress Mpa Brinill rigidity Number of passing Thickness Mm Specimen symbol 608253355911.557A 60829140810541.557C1 6082663739641.557C2 60831744411541.557C3 60830638210341.557C4 608295401.75104.7541.557C average Where the heat treatment alloys C1, C2, C3 and C4 are corresponding to B1, B2, B3 and B4 respectively with constant thickness, number of passing and rolling force. It has been seen that good mechanical properties are evident in the alloy without heat treatment due to the strain hardening and also the mechanical properties are improved after heat treatment and rolling process but with lower forces and stresses when compared with the untreated. keywords: alloy; engineering; heat;; mechanical; process; properties; rolling; sheet; treatment cache: alkej-35.pdf plain text: alkej-35.txt item: #226 of 562 id: alkej-350 author: Abdulsattar, Mahmood A. K; Ali, Samer Hussein title: الخوارزميات التكيفية الهجينة المقترحة لتحديد هوية الأنظمة التكيفية المتناثرة date: 2017-12-11 words: 5211 flesch: 66 summary: � ��� � ��� ���� � �� P LMS 0.0078 ℓ�-LMS 0.0078 2.5 ∗ 10�� 5 ZA-LMS 0.0078 6 ∗ 10�� RZA-LMS 0.0078 2.5 ∗ 10�� 10 p-LMS 0.0078 8 ∗ 10�� 0.6 ℓ�-ZA-LMS 0.0078 8 ∗ 10�� 5 8 ∗ 10�� ℓ�-RZA-LMS 0.0078 8 ∗ 10�� 5 2 ∗ 10�� 10 p-ZA-LMS 0.0078 8 ∗ 10�� 8 ∗ 10�� 0.6 p-RZA-LMS 0.0078 6 ∗ 10�� 10 2.5 ∗ 10�� 0.6 Fig. � ��|�� (�)| Where ��� = ���� is a parameter stabilize the estimation of error and the constraint, parameter β is a positive value that is applied to define the area of zero attraction [4], sgn (∙)is a component-wise sign function defined as , P.P. keywords: algorithms; lms; sparse; system; � -za; � � cache: alkej-350.pdf plain text: alkej-350.txt item: #227 of 562 id: alkej-351 author: Merzah, Amel S. title: الخصائص الفيزيائية والحرارية لحراريات مصنعة من صخور البوكسايت والبورسلينات العراقية date: 2017-12-11 words: 3890 flesch: 53 summary: Table 3, Mixing ratios in weight percentages of starting materials to prepare Bauxite based refractory. Table (3) shows the mixing ratios in weight percentages of starting materials to prepare Bauxite based refractory, using the largest percentages of Bauxite in order to get the glassy phase or liquid phase and increase the shrinkage and density after sintering the samples, these results were appeared from table (5), which shows the physical and thermal properties for the bauxite based prepared refractory, the denser compound is the alumina as seem in sample number 1 which has the greater density 2.16 gm/cm3, while sample number 3 has the lowest. keywords: alumina; bauxite; density; materials; porcelanite; porosity; properties; refractory; rocks; sample; table; thermal cache: alkej-351.pdf plain text: alkej-351.txt item: #228 of 562 id: alkej-352 author: Dawood, Sahar A. title: دراسة خصائص امكانية مزج بوليمر مع مواد تقليل الشد اسطحي وتاثيرها على ظاهرة تقليل الاحتكاك باستخدام نظام انابيب جريان date: 2017-12-11 words: 4763 flesch: 50 summary: [24] Anees, A. K, and Ali, A. A, Performance of polyacrylamide as drag reduction polymer of crude petroleum flow, Ainshams Engineering Journal, 5, pp. 861-865, 2014. In addition, critical micelle concentration, the onset of drag reduction, and the interactions between the mixed additives were discussed. keywords: cmc; concentration; drag; drag reduction; figure; flow; pipe; polymer; ppm; rate; reduction; solution; surfactant cache: alkej-352.pdf plain text: alkej-352.txt item: #229 of 562 id: alkej-353 author: Jasim, Haider Hadi title: تقويم أداء طلاء الايبوكسي لخزانات مياه الشرب باستخدام طريقة الممانعة الكهروكيميائية الطيفية date: 2017-12-11 words: 6638 flesch: 57 summary: Polyamides curing epoxy coating layers are much more open in terms of their chemi structure because of their large distances between amine groups in the chemical chain. The low porosity of the model A coating reduces the extent of surface charging, which may contribute to the observed increase in Polyamides curing epoxy coating layers are much more open in terms of their chemical structure because of their large distances between amine groups in the chemical chain. keywords: coatings; coats; corrosion; eis; epoxy; epoxy coatings; frequency; impedance; layer; model; porosity; resistance; steel; test; water cache: alkej-353.pdf plain text: alkej-353.txt item: #230 of 562 id: alkej-354 author: Shukur, Hayat Kareem; Sachit, Dawood E. title: تصميم طول شريحة الغطاء النباتي باستعمال VFSMOD_W موديل للحد من الرواسب والمبيدات الحشرية date: 2017-12-12 words: 3101 flesch: 61 summary: The amount of the rainfall and runoff of the designated field was larger than the infiltration capacity of filter strips, which resulted in low trapping efficiency for pesticide and water. [6] concluded that the width of filter strips is an important element affecting the performance of VFSs. keywords: efficiency; field; filter; length; pesticide; runoff; sediment; strips; vfs; water cache: alkej-354.pdf plain text: alkej-354.txt item: #231 of 562 id: alkej-355 author: Lutfy, Omar Farouq; Dawood, Maryam Hassan title: نظام سيطرة متكيف ذو موديل مرجعي مبني على شبكة عصبية مويجية ذاتية التكرار باستخدام أنظمة المناعة الصناعية الدقيقة date: 2017-12-12 words: 10486 flesch: 49 summary: ������� � �� … (6) where dj Subsequently, In order to deduce the control law, it is assumed that Equation (1) above is invertible resulting in the following equation: (�) = ℎ��� (� + 1), �(�), �(� − 1), … , �(� −� + 1), �(� − 1), … , �(� − � + 1)� …(2) Where,�� (� + 1) represents the output of the reference model at time instant (k + 1) and ℎ(. ) keywords: algorithm; control; controller; layer; model; mrac; network; neural; nonlinear; plant; reference; srwnn; system; time; vol; wavelet; � − cache: alkej-355.pdf plain text: alkej-355.txt item: #232 of 562 id: alkej-356 author: Midhat, Bashar Fateh; Humaidi, Amjad Jaleel title: مقارنة الاداء بين مسيطرات متقدمة للسيطرة على مستوى السكر في الجسم البشري تحت تاثير الاضطراب الغذائي date: 2017-12-13 words: 5464 flesch: 65 summary: In the present work, nonlinear three-state minimal model of Bergman is considered [7]; �� ��� = −������ − �������� + �� � + ℎ��� � ��� = −�� ��� + ������ �� ��� = −������� + �� � + ���� ��⁄ …(1) Where G(t) is plasma glucose deviation, [mg/dL], X(t) is remote compartment insulin utilization, [13]: �� ��� = −������ − ���� ��������� + �� � + ℎ��� �� ��� = −������� + �� � + ���� ��⁄ …(2) keywords: control; controller; disturbance; glucose; insulin; level; u �; ||' �; � | cache: alkej-356.pdf plain text: alkej-356.txt item: #233 of 562 id: alkej-357 author: Abd Al-Wahed, Mohammed E.; Abdullateef, Osamah F. title: نمذجة الخلية الفوتوفولتائية احاديه الكريستالين أخذين بنظرالأعتبارالظروف الجوية في مدينة بغداد date: 2017-09-30 words: 3234 flesch: 57 summary: The ambient temperature has a strong influence on performance of PV solar cells when the ambient increase, the cell temperature increase, therefore decreasing in voltage will occur, causing drop in the power of PV solar cell. Simulink model of weather factors effect on performance of PV solar cell. Fig. keywords: cell; power; radiation; temperature; value; voltage cache: alkej-357.pdf plain text: alkej-357.txt item: #234 of 562 id: alkej-358 author: Chaichan, Miqdam T.; Hussein, Rasha Mohammed; Jawad, Aida Mohammed title: تحسين الموصلية الحرارية لشمع البرافيين العراقي المنشأ باضافة الألومينا النانوية المنشأ date: 2017-09-30 words: 3957 flesch: 62 summary: The enhanced of thermal conductivity of PCMS causes advancements in its thermal qualities [15]. The results indicated that thermal conductivity was improved with increasing the nanofillers mass fraction. keywords: al2o3; change; conductivity; energy; fig; heat; materials; nano; paraffin; paraffin wax; phase; storage; vol; wax cache: alkej-358.pdf plain text: alkej-358.txt item: #235 of 562 id: alkej-359 author: Hamza, Mustafa M.; Fahad, Besma M. title: تحسين مقاومة الانضغاط للملاط باستخدام توزيع مختلف من الياف الزجاج ومستحلب الستايرين بيوتادايين date: 2017-12-13 words: 4573 flesch: 65 summary: The density was directly proportional to the weight according to the density rule which is the weight divided by the volume, the light weight glass fibers made the specimens lighter than control specimens and consequently reduced the density.[14] • Random glass fibers addition showed higher reduction in density of mortar (10.6%) than layers glass fibers (8.56%) compared with control specimens. • Random and layered glass-fiber addition with 7% SBR caused lower reduction in density than glass fibers addition without SBR. keywords: addition; compressive; days; density; fibers; glass; glass fibers; layers; mortar; sbr; strength cache: alkej-359.pdf plain text: alkej-359.txt item: #236 of 562 id: alkej-36 author: Tolephih, Moneer Hammed; Mashloosh, Kadhim M.; Waheed, Zainab title: دراسة مقارنة للخصائص الميكانيكية للحام الخلط الأحتكاكي والقوس المحمي بالغاز الخامل لسبيكة الألمنيوم (AA7020-T6) date: 2011-06-30 words: 6402 flesch: 62 summary: The essences of present output findings were concentrated upon the FSW samples in respect to that MIG ones which can be summarized in the increase of the ultimate tensile strength for FSW was 340 MPa while it was 232 MPa for MIG welding, where it was for base metal 400 MPa. The FSW produce 2470 N higher than MIG welding in the bending test and a decrease in the localized grain size for FSW in the stirred zone 12 µm keywords: alloy; aluminum; fsw; hardness;; mig; min; properties; speed; tensile; travel; welding cache: alkej-36.pdf plain text: alkej-36.txt item: #237 of 562 id: alkej-360 author: Al-Araji, Ahmed S.; Yousif, Noor Q. title: تصميم خوارزمية هجينة مدركة لتنغيم مسيطر لاخطي لتتابع مسار لعجلة الإنسان آلي متنقل date: 2017-09-30 words: 5333 flesch: 62 summary: The response of angular velocity of the left and right wheels of the platform Eddie wheeled mobile robot can be shown in Fig. 11 have smoothness response which are generated from nonlinear neural controller while the angular velocities of the left and right as shown in Fig. 64- 73 (2017) 66 +��� = �.�$%&�'(����&�()����* � …(14) )1()(cos)]()([5.0)( −+∆+= kxtkkwlkwrrkx θ ...(15) )1()(sin)]()([5.0)( −+∆+= kytkkwlkwrrky θ ...(16) )1()]()([)( −+∆−= ktkwlkwr L r k θθ …(17) where � is total linear force; � is total angular torque; ������ is linear acceleration; ��� �� is angular acceleration; ���� is linear velocity; � �� is angular velocity; + is angular velocity of the left wheel; # is angular velocity of the right wheel; )(),(),( kkykx θ are the pose of the mobile robot at each step kth of the movement and t∆ is the sampling time. keywords: algorithm; bees; controller; fig; mobile; neural; nonlinear; robot; tracking cache: alkej-360.pdf plain text: alkej-360.txt item: #238 of 562 id: alkej-361 author: Sadiq, Ahmed T.; Raheem, Firas A. title: تخطيط المسار لذراع الروبوت باستخدام تقنية سرب الطيور المعدلة إعتماداً على خوارزمية D* date: 2017-09-30 words: 5724 flesch: 63 summary: The two possible solutions for �� can be obtained by writing as: �� = tan��( √����� � � ) ... − *+,-. … (5) *+,-.4�� = *+,-.4 + /0)-.4�� … (6) Where 8� and 8� are the cognitive coefficients (8�+8�<=4), *10,2-. keywords: algorithm; arm; cartesian; link; particle; path; planning; pso; robot; space cache: alkej-361.pdf plain text: alkej-361.txt item: #239 of 562 id: alkej-362 author: Hamza, Ekhlas K.; Hadi, Russul H. title: تمثيل نظام إرسال Zigbee بالأعتماد على معيار IEEE 802.5.4 الخاص بشبكات المستشعر اللاسلكي date: 2017-09-30 words: 2765 flesch: 62 summary: The system has been designed indirectly from scratch using OQPSK modulation technique with half sine pulse-shaping method. Section 3 introduces an overview of digital modulation techniques. keywords: data; fig; ieee; modulation; phase; signal; sine; zigbee cache: alkej-362.pdf plain text: alkej-362.txt item: #240 of 562 id: alkej-363 author: Abed, Aseel Hamad; Bedan, Aqeel Sabree; Noori, Mohanad Faeq title: دراسة ﺗﺄﺛﻴﺮ التشكيل اﻟﻨﻘﻄﻲاﻟﺘﺰاﻳﺪيﻟﻠﺼﻔﺎﺋﺢ المتعددة على الاجهادات المتبقية في الطبقة السفلية date: 2017-09-30 words: 3053 flesch: 66 summary: Abstract Knowing the amount of residual stresses and find technological solutions to minimize and control them during the production operation are an important task because great levels of deformation which occurs in single point incremental forming (SPIF), this induce highly non-uniform residual stresses. In this papera propose of a method for multilayer single point incremental forming with change in thickness of the top plate (0.5, 0.7, 0.9) mm and lubrication or material between two plates(polymer, grease, grease with graphite, mos2) to knowing an effect of this method and parameters on residual stresses for the bottom plates. keywords: fig; forming; grease; lubrication; material; plates; stresses; thickness cache: alkej-363.pdf plain text: alkej-363.txt item: #241 of 562 id: alkej-364 author: Alalkawi, Hussain J. M; Hamdany, Aseel A.; Alasadi, Abbas Ahmed title: تاتير حبيبات المادة النانوية المقواة (Al2O3) على عمر ومقاومة الكلال لمركب ذي الاساس المعدني date: 2017-09-30 words: 3243 flesch: 60 summary: 91- 98(2017) 96 and fatigue properties .Porosity should be kept to minimum level [18]. Good thermal bounding between the 6061 Al. alloy and the reinforced material the attribute to enhance fatigue behaviour keywords: al2o3; alloy; fatigue; matrix; mechanical; metal; nanocomposite; properties; table cache: alkej-364.pdf plain text: alkej-364.txt item: #242 of 562 id: alkej-365 author: Salman, Sami D.; Abd Alsaheb, Ramzi Ata title: دراسة عددية للتدفق الحراري للموائع في الأنبوب ذي النتوءات date: 2017-09-30 words: 3139 flesch: 53 summary: In addition, the highest value in heat transfer enhancement was obtained at Re= 200 and 5% v/v nanoparticle with 43.9% enhancement compared with base fluid. [12] reported a numerical simulation on heat transfer enhancement of nanofluids in circular micro tube using different nanoparticles CuO, Al2O3, ZnO and SiO2, with different concentration (1% to 4% ) and different nanoparticle size (25 nm to 80 nm with ethylene glycol base fluid. keywords: heat; nanofluids; nanoparticles; number; nusselt; ribs; transfer; tube; ∂ ∂ cache: alkej-365.pdf plain text: alkej-365.txt item: #243 of 562 id: alkej-367 author: Ammar, Saad H.; Khodhair, Sadiq Riyadh title: الهضم اللاهوائي المفرد والمشترك للطحالب الدقيقة كلوريللا فولكيرس مع حمأ مياه الصرف الصحي ومخلفات الماشية لانتاج الغاز الحيوي date: 2017-09-30 words: 3353 flesch: 56 summary: 18- 26 (2017) 19 stages of biogas production and many bio- chemical reactions are take place in these stages (Fig.1). This rule has attracted us to investigate the ability of wastewater sludge and dairy manure waste as high C/N ratio substrates for biogas production when co-digested with microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris biomass. keywords: anaerobic; biogas; dairy; digestion; dmw; manure; microalgae; production; sludge; system; wastewater cache: alkej-367.pdf plain text: alkej-367.txt item: #244 of 562 id: alkej-368 author: Al-Mesaody, Amer title: برمجة تسلسل العمليات الهوائية المعتمدة على المتحكم المنطقي القابل للبرمجة بالعرض العملي date: 2017-09-30 words: 3452 flesch: 61 summary: Add step button is used to save system frames (system frame is the information that consist of the cylinders positions and solenoids statuses and it is represented by the two bytes IB0.0.0 and QB0.1.0 respectively), Record Sequence button is used to reset the last sequence and record the new sequence. These eight sensors are connected to the PLC as input byte, where this byte represents the cylinders statuses and called input system input frame or step. keywords: control; cylinder; frame; input; plc; pps; program; sensors; sequence; system cache: alkej-368.pdf plain text: alkej-368.txt item: #245 of 562 id: alkej-369 author: Hammadi, Mohammed Qasim; Yassen, Rabiha Saleh; Abid, Kadhim Noori title: استرجاع البلاتين والبلاديوم من مخلفات المحول الحفاز في السيارات date: 2017-09-30 words: 5121 flesch: 53 summary: NO � 2H�O �E˚ � 0.96V� … (3) H�O� � 2H � �2e� .⇔ 2H�O �E˚ � 1.77V� … (4) Mohammed Qasim Hammadi Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 13, No. 3, P.P. 131- 141 (2017) 133 Electrode potentials for the half reactions of chloro complexes are [13]: PtCl��� � 4e� .⇔ V. Thus, better oxidizers can be used as oxidizing agents are HNO3 and H2O2[2]: NO�� � 4H� � 3e� .⇔ keywords: aqua; converter; efficiency; experiments; leaching; metals; palladium; platinum; powder; ratio; recovery; regia; solution; time cache: alkej-369.pdf plain text: alkej-369.txt item: #246 of 562 id: alkej-37 author: Hassan, Alaa Abdulameer title: تحسين أداء تقديرات القناة باستعمال الشبكة العصبية لتدريب خوارزمية تكرار أقل الأجزاء لتقدير العنصر في أنظمة مزج تقسيمات التردد المتعامد المتعدد الادخالات المتعدد الاخراجات date: 2011-06-30 words: 5610 flesch: 51 summary: At the transmission time n, a binary data block b is modulated and then passed through the serial-to- parallel converter and a complex data matrix S with a length K×N is obtained, where N is the total number of OFDM symbols and K is the total number of subcarriers [3, 15].Then the complex data is passed through the MIMO encoder to produce Ntdata streams, ( , ) for i = 1,…,Nt , for transmission over the multipleantennas. The need to this transform is to mitigate theserious interferences, ISI and ICI appeared while usingthe FFT; also there is no need to insert a cyclic prefix between OFDM symbols and then this will eliminate the bandwidth. keywords: antennas; channel; estimation; frequency;; mimo; network; neural; ofdm; rls; signal; system; time; vol cache: alkej-37.pdf plain text: alkej-37.txt item: #247 of 562 id: alkej-370 author: Mahdi, Yasmeen Salih; Mohammed, Asem Hassan; Mohammed, Alaa Kareem title: ازالة اللكنين من سعف نخيل التمربأستخدام طريقة المذيب العضوي المعدله date: 2017-09-30 words: 3844 flesch: 63 summary: In this process, solvent (organic)-water is brought into contact with the lignocellulosic biomass at high temperature, using stainless steel reactor (digester). In the experimental work, the values of independent variables, which were temperature, ethanol: water ratio and digesting time, were selected according to Central Composite Design (CCD). keywords: biomass; content; ethanol; lignin; min; percent; process; ratio; temperature; time; vol; water cache: alkej-370.pdf plain text: alkej-370.txt item: #248 of 562 id: alkej-379 author: Haleel, Aseel Jameel title: Optimization Drilling Parameters of Aluminum Alloy Based on Taguchi Method date: 2019-03-12 words: 3104 flesch: 64 summary: DF Degrees of Freedom �� �� ! [9] Tamta N., Jadoun R. S., “Parametric Optimization of Drilling Machining Process for Surface Roughness on Aluminum Alloy 6082 Using Taguchi Method” ,International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG- IJME), Volume2, Issue7, 2015. keywords: cutting; drilling; feed; ratio; roughness; surface; table; taguchi cache: alkej-379.pdf plain text: alkej-379.txt item: #249 of 562 id: alkej-380 author: Abaas, Tahseen Fadhel; Younis, Karem Mohsen; Mansor, Khalida kadhim title: تصميم وتنفيذ قالب مرن لعملية التشكيل المتعدد النقاط date: 2019-03-12 words: 2632 flesch: 61 summary: CAD-design and the product manufacturing using multi-point forming die (A) CAD-design (B) forming die (C) final product without blank holder (D) final product using blank holder. Conclusions This work proposed a new design of multi- point forming die to control the displacement and force that applied on each punch to increase the flexibility of forming process and reduce adjusting time required for each product, this study demonstrated the following: 1. keywords: die; engineering; forming; plate; point; process; punch; spring cache: alkej-380.pdf plain text: alkej-380.txt item: #250 of 562 id: alkej-381 author: Akbar, Ahmed Ali Akbar; Ajeel, Sami Abualnoun A; Hassoni, Safaa Mohammed title: امثلية وصلات الربط الانتشاري للنحاس خالي الأوكسجين عالي الموصلية مع الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ 304L: . date: 2019-03-12 words: 4414 flesch: 64 summary: 3. (A) A set of diffusion bonding joints at different bonding conditions. ( B) Fracture of diffusion bonding joints. keywords: akbar; bonding; copper; diffusion; duration; joints; mpa; steel; strength; temperature; time; value cache: alkej-381.pdf plain text: alkej-381.txt item: #251 of 562 id: alkej-388 author: Jabber, Adil Shbeeb title: Investigation the Effect of Process Variables on the Formability of Parts Processed by Single Point Incremental Forming date: 2019-03-13 words: 5739 flesch: 60 summary: The figure (13) shown the strain distributions over the length of formed sheet for all experiments in two forming angles used in this study. When reviewing previous literatures with regard to incremental sheet metal forming process reveal that ISF method is well investigation, but there are still some issues not well understood in incremental forming like strain distribution on the sheet over the length of deformation, therefore author focused on this field. keywords: angle; effect; engineering; figure; forming; incremental; process; shape; sheet; strain; test; tool cache: alkej-388.pdf plain text: alkej-388.txt item: #252 of 562 id: alkej-389 author: Murtadha, Talib K.; Salih, Hussien M M. S; Salman, Ali D. title: تحليل السلوك غير المستقر لطاقة الأشعة الشمسية المخزنة في المادة ثنائية الطور المدعمة برغوة النحاس باستخدام طريقة السعة الحرارية المكافئة كنموذج خزن date: 2019-03-13 words: 4414 flesch: 64 summary: 3. (A) A set of diffusion bonding joints at different bonding conditions. ( B) Fracture of diffusion bonding joints. keywords: akbar; bonding; copper; diffusion; duration; joints; mpa; steel; strength; temperature; time; value cache: alkej-389.pdf plain text: alkej-389.txt item: #253 of 562 id: alkej-393 author: Raheem, Firas A.; Flayyih, Murtadha Khudhair title: تحليل و محاكاة روبوت رباعي الارجل في حالة المشي date: 2019-03-14 words: 7217 flesch: 73 summary: To calculate �� : �� = O� � E� � 42 ∗ O ∗ E5cos 4��5 Thus: �� = ����� PQG6NG�RG�∗Q∗N S …(15) Where: F is the length of Femur link. In the same method and by multiplication Equations (7) by (6) 4��3 ∗ ���5 ∗ � � yielding equation (8): ���4��� 5 ����� ��� � ��4��� 5 � ��4����6��5��4��� 5 ��4��� 5 �� � ��4��� 5 � ��4����6��5��� 0 �4��� 50 0 � 4��� 5 � �2�2 � ��0 1 …(8) Where: �� = ����� and �� = ����� , for i=1,2, and 3. 4��� 5= cos 4�� � � 5 4��� 5= sin 4�� � � 5 From the Figure (3) and by using the equation (8), the coordinate position of each leg-tip can be calculated as the following: �� = �����4� 4������ 5 � 4�������6��55 (9) =� = �����4� 4������ 5 � 4�������6��55 (10) �� = � 4������ 5 � ������� � �� (11) keywords: 5 �; = �; gait; leg; quadruped; robot; tuv �; � h4x; � t; � xjkl; � yjkl; � � cache: alkej-393.pdf plain text: alkej-393.txt item: #254 of 562 id: alkej-394 author: Mahdi, Yasmeen Salih; Mohammed, Asem Hassan; Mohammed, Alaa Kareem title: أذابة ألياف السيليلوز في المحاليل القاعدية date: 2022-01-02 words: 4020 flesch: 60 summary: 3.1.4 Effect of Urea Addition The effect of adding urea to NaOH solution on cellulose fibers dissolution was studied, a solution of NaOH and urea with proportion (6%NaOH and 4% urea) was used to enhance cellulose fibers dissolution or stimulate crystalline polymerization [17].Figure (9) shows that at temperature -15oC the maximum cellulose fibers dissolution was 62% for the samples which treated with Fenton's reagent and 35% for untreated. [16] Y. Wang, “Cellulose fiber dissolution in sodium hydroxide solution at low temperature: Dissolution kinetics and solubility improvement,” p. 133, 2008. keywords: cellulose; cellulose dissolution; concentration; dissolution; fenton; fibers; fig; naoh; reagent; sample; temperature; urea; vol cache: alkej-394.pdf plain text: alkej-394.txt item: #255 of 562 id: alkej-395 author: Mahdi, Yasmeen Salih; Mohammed, Asem Hassan; Mohammed, Alaa Kareem title: أذابة ألياف السيليلوز في المحاليل القاعدية date: 2019-03-14 words: 4020 flesch: 60 summary: 3.1.4 Effect of Urea Addition The effect of adding urea to NaOH solution on cellulose fibers dissolution was studied, a solution of NaOH and urea with proportion (6%NaOH and 4% urea) was used to enhance cellulose fibers dissolution or stimulate crystalline polymerization [17].Figure (9) shows that at temperature -15oC the maximum cellulose fibers dissolution was 62% for the samples which treated with Fenton's reagent and 35% for untreated. [16] Y. Wang, “Cellulose fiber dissolution in sodium hydroxide solution at low temperature: Dissolution kinetics and solubility improvement,” p. 133, 2008. keywords: cellulose; cellulose dissolution; concentration; dissolution; fenton; fibers; fig; naoh; reagent; sample; temperature; urea; vol cache: alkej-395.pdf plain text: alkej-395.txt item: #256 of 562 id: alkej-397 author: Ibrahim, Salah S.; Ameen, Noor A. Mohammad title: تحلية المياة عالية الملوحة باستخدام غشاء التقطير ذي الاتصال المباشر date: 2019-03-15 words: 2707 flesch: 53 summary: [5] Gryta M., Influence of polypropylene membrane surface porosity on the performance of membrane distillation process, Journal of Membrane Science, 287, PP. Keywords: Membrane distillation, Desalination, DCMD process. keywords: concentration; distillation; feed; flux; membrane; permeate; process; temperature; water cache: alkej-397.pdf plain text: alkej-397.txt item: #257 of 562 id: alkej-399 author: Hadi, Faeza Mahdi title: دراسة عملية ونظرية لتدفق الطاقة لمثلج امتزازي ذي أربعة مولدات ومرحلتين ملخص date: 2019-03-15 words: 3511 flesch: 64 summary: The effect of water temperature on the cooling capacity (CC), specific cooling capacity (SCP) and Cofficient of performance (COP) is studied in this work. Figure (6) presents cooling water temperature and its effect on COP and (CC). keywords: adsorption; capacity; chiller; cooling; cop; cycle; heat; temperature; water cache: alkej-399.pdf plain text: alkej-399.txt item: #258 of 562 id: alkej-4 author: Kadhim, Deah J.; Hussain, Walid K. title: Design and Implementation of a Proposal Network Firewall date: 2017-12-29 words: 4887 flesch: 62 summary: 9.1 The Main Window of Firewall System Figure (4) shows the main window of proposed firewall system, that displays the public parts of this system. The proposed firewall system contains more than one window to display the parts of the system; the following sections will describe these parts with its job in firewall system work. keywords: address; database; firewall; internet; ip address; network; packet; port number; step; system cache: alkej-4.pdf plain text: alkej-4.txt item: #259 of 562 id: alkej-400 author: Saleh, Ahmed Abd Mohammed; Shabeeb, Ali Reyadh title: التخمين النظري للتوزيع الامثل للماء المثلج في الوحدات الطرفية في منظومة التكييف المركزية date: 2019-03-15 words: 4182 flesch: 62 summary: To do that we suggested two factors (��) & (��) and the target of optimization is to find the maximum value of (�� ∗ ��) where: �� = 1 − � �¡�¢ � … (24) Ahmed Abd Mohammed Saleh Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2, P.P. 137- 146 (2018) 141 �� = 1 − �£�¤�� � … (25) ¥n¦§¨§©ª¦§�« �ª¬¦�� = �� ∗ �� … (26) 5. Results and Discussion 5.1 Total Heat Rate Figure (3) shows that the total heat rate of terminal units at different total water flow rates (0.06, 0.08, 0.1 and 0.12 kg/s) and various water supply temperatures were (8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 °C) at 100% valves opening: (valve 1=100%, valve 2=100% and valve 3=100%), The hydraulic and energy equations governing the performance of unit solved with the aid of FORTRAN code with considering the following parameters: total water flow rate, chilled water supply temperature, and variable valve opening. keywords: flow; heat; opening; rate; supply; temperature; terminal; valve; valve opening; water cache: alkej-400.pdf plain text: alkej-400.txt item: #260 of 562 id: alkej-401 author: Mohammed, Al-Alkawi Hussain Jasim; Al- Rasiaq, Abthal Abd; Al- Jaafari, Mamoon A. A. title: دراسة تاثير النسب الوزنية المختلفة للمادة النانوية في المركبات النانوية على المواصفات الميكانيكية date: 2019-03-15 words: 3005 flesch: 63 summary: [16] V.Tsakiris, W. Kappel, Eenescu, G. alecu, F. albu, F.grigore, V. marinescu, M. Lungu Characterization of Al. matrix composites reinforced with alumina nanoparticles obtained by PM method Journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials, Vol.13, No.9, pp.1172-1175, 2011. )2018( 147-153، صفحة2د، العد14دجلة الخوارزمي الهندسية المجلم حسين جاسم محمد العلكاوي 153 دراسة تاثير النسب الوزنية المختلفة للمادة النانوية في المركبات النانوية على المواصفات الميكانيكية ***مأمون علي الجعفري **ابتهال عبد الرزاق *حسين جاسم محمد العلكاوي الكهروميكانيكية/ The expermantal analysis indicated that the composite exhibited higher mechanical properties such as yield and ultimate stress [8]. keywords: al2o3; composites; hardness; material; matrix; properties; strength cache: alkej-401.pdf plain text: alkej-401.txt item: #261 of 562 id: alkej-405 author: Al-Khazraji, Ahmed N. title: تاثير زمن السفع بالكرات المثالي على عمر الكلال لسبيكة الالمنيوم 6061-T651 date: 2019-03-18 words: 3738 flesch: 71 summary: The gain obtained of fatigue life due to this method for notched shot peened specimens compared with notched un peened specimens was (71.4%),calculated according to the following equation[2]: Gain = (σl( notched&peened)) – σl (notched &unpeened))/((σl(smooth as received) –σl(notched &unpeened)) It is clear from table.(9) a (13) tests were carried out according to (RSM) for each studied case(un notched & notched),and also observed for each S.P.T. the fatigue life obtained and level of fatigue stress. keywords: fatigue; life; notch; peening; results; shot; specimens; stress; table; time cache: alkej-405.pdf plain text: alkej-405.txt item: #262 of 562 id: alkej-406 author: Al-Khafaji, Hussein M. H. title: المستوى الافضل لحمولة الالتواء الحرج لهيكل رقيق الجدران دائري معرض للانحناء date: 2019-03-18 words: 4052 flesch: 67 summary: Each value of critical buckling load in the fifth column of Table 3 is obtained from the calculating of average value for analyzing the finite elements model to three times for each parameters set and corresponding levels (raw in the table). resulting critical buckling load No. of tests No. of Stiffeners ( Ns ) shape of stiffeners ( h/ts ) keywords: analysis; buckling; element; finite; load; parameters; stiffeners; structure; thickness; vol cache: alkej-406.pdf plain text: alkej-406.txt item: #263 of 562 id: alkej-407 author: Kadhum, Ali H.; Murad, Hanan H. title: ايجاد القيم المثلى للمعدن المزال وللحرارة خلال عملية التشغيل بالحك المغناطيسي لمعدن الفولاذ 304 date: 2019-03-19 words: 3680 flesch: 64 summary: The main effect of each parameter with four levels on the mean and S/N ratio for MRR stainless steel 304 are calculated and listed in the Table 5. Table 7, ANOVA for MRR stainless steel 304. keywords: maf; mrr; parameters; process; ratio; steel; surface; temperature; working cache: alkej-407.pdf plain text: alkej-407.txt item: #264 of 562 id: alkej-408 author: Shehab, Saad Najeeb title: ظاهرة الحمل الطبيعي من أنبوب عمودي مسخن مزعنف: تحليل تجريبي date: 2019-03-20 words: 4230 flesch: 51 summary: ����� = ℎ�� �� (���� − �� ) … (6) The average natural-convection heat transfer coefficient (hav) can be calculated as: ℎ�� = � � � � − ���� �� (���� − �� ) … (7) The influence of fins shape, fins number, fin height, and surface heat flux on the thermal performance of the natural-convection phenomenon is taken into consideration. keywords: average; convection; finned; fins; heat; number; surface; transfer; tube cache: alkej-408.pdf plain text: alkej-408.txt item: #265 of 562 id: alkej-409 author: Al-Jabery, Falah F. F. title: تحسين اداء المبادل الحراري باستخدام الانابيب المندبة date: 2019-03-20 words: 4204 flesch: 61 summary: The test section is one of the main components in an experimental test facility which consisted of a tube in tube heat exchanger in cross flow configuration. Two dimpled arrangements along the tube were investigated, these are inline and staggered at constant pitch ratio X/d=4, the test results showed that Nusselts number (heat transfer) of the staggered array is higher than the inline array by 13%. keywords: diameter; enhancement; flow; heat; heat transfer; ratio; test; transfer; tube cache: alkej-409.pdf plain text: alkej-409.txt item: #266 of 562 id: alkej-410 author: M., Alalkawi H. J.; Khenyab, Ali Yousuf K; Ali, Abduljabar H. title: تحسين الخصائص الميكانيكية و الكلال لسبيكة المنيوم 7049 باستخدام تقنية المركبات النانوية date: 2019-03-20 words: 4139 flesch: 59 summary: Hardness (HB) result with different � �% of ZrO2. �% ZrO2 only to find the improvement for fatigue properties. keywords: alloy; aluminum; composite; fatigue; improvement; matrix; metal; nano; properties; strength; stress; zro2 cache: alkej-410.pdf plain text: alkej-410.txt item: #267 of 562 id: alkej-411 author: Kadhim, Riadh Adnan title: تصميم ومحاكاة محول Boost ذي دائرة مغلقة مسيطر عليه بوساطة PI وعاكس ثلاثي الطور للتطبيقات الضوئية date: 2019-03-20 words: 5527 flesch: 64 summary: Photocurrent ( I�� ) is the function of cell temperature and solar radiation can be described as: I�� � � In this period, the voltage across the inductor is become � � . keywords: boost; controller; converter; current; design; engineering; fig; inverter; journal; output; power; system; voltage cache: alkej-411.pdf plain text: alkej-411.txt item: #268 of 562 id: alkej-412 author: Abdul Raheem, Abdul Kareem Kasim title: تصميم مولد طاقة شمسية يستخدم تقنية MPPT للسيطرة على محول (تيارمستمر- تيارمستمر) ذي مدخل مفرد/ مخرج متعدد date: 2019-03-01 words: 4815 flesch: 65 summary: Then the current ripple can be expressed as: ∆�t = &|(t �1 − z�� …(24) , then: ∆. = ∆�� … (27) Then from (24) and (26): ∆. keywords: buck; cell; converter; current; journal; maximum; module; output; power; simulink; voltage cache: alkej-412.pdf plain text: alkej-412.txt item: #269 of 562 id: alkej-416 author: Shehab, Saad Najeeb title: دراسة تجريبية للحمل القسري من مصفوفة زعانف مستطيلة أفقية داخل مجرى هواء date: 2019-03-01 words: 4978 flesch: 55 summary: Three several configurations of rectangular fins array have been employed. It consists of air duct, rectangular fins array, air fan, digital voltage regulator and instruments of measurement namely, digital voltage-current reader, metal vane anemometer model (YK-80AM) to measure the inlet velocity of air flow in a duct, twelve-channels data logger thermometer and K-type of thermocouples wires. keywords: air; array; convection; duct; fins; heat; notches; number; perforations; rectangular; surface cache: alkej-416.pdf plain text: alkej-416.txt item: #270 of 562 id: alkej-417 author: Majeed, Widad I.; Abed, Zainab Abdul Kareem title: تحليل الانبعاج والاهتزاز لصفائح مركبة طبقية مع ظروف أسناد عامة date: 2019-03-01 words: 5543 flesch: 72 summary: The governing equation is derived by using CPLT, [8]: D�� ������ + �2D� + 4D�� ������ ��� + D ������ +I� ������ = N� ������ ... (1) Where, stress resultants are expressed in dis- placement form from below: Where k�: k�� and k�: k�� are the transitional stiffness of spring,K�: K��and K�:, K�� are the rotations stiffness of spring. keywords: 4d �; buckling; conditions; k �; plate; α �; −d �; � y; � � cache: alkej-417.pdf plain text: alkej-417.txt item: #271 of 562 id: alkej-418 author: Duroobi, Ahmed A. A.; Obaeed, Nareen Hafidh; Ghazi, Safaa Kadhim title: تمثيل الهندسة العكسية عن طريق استخدام المعالجات الصورية date: 2019-03-01 words: 2827 flesch: 63 summary: Almost all of the proposed solutions for RE are realized in two proceedings; In the first step, the physical portion is measured or digitized by a measuring instrument such as a coordinate measuring machine (CMM), and surface points are captured in 3D coordinates. In the reverse engineering approach, a massive amount of point data is gathered together during data acquisition and this leads to larger file sizes and longer information data handling time. keywords: curve; engineering; equation; method; points cache: alkej-418.pdf plain text: alkej-418.txt item: #272 of 562 id: alkej-419 author: Subhi, Akeel Dhahir; Abd, Adnan Mohsen title: تحسين خواص البلى لسبيكة المنيوم 392 باستخدام السباكة بالطرد المركزي date: 2019-03-01 words: 2990 flesch: 63 summary: Al-19% Si-5% Mg alloy. This mould rotational speed led to give higher centrifugal force, which results in clear gradation of primary Si particles in the matrix with volume fraction 25% and average particle of 14% µ m at the inner regain. keywords: alloy; mould; particles; wear cache: alkej-419.pdf plain text: alkej-419.txt item: #273 of 562 id: alkej-42 author: Saleh, Adel Mahmoud title: دراسة تأثير اضافة الايثانول الى الكازولين على شدّة الضوضاء الناتجة من محرك أحادي الاسطوانة يعمل بالشرارة date: 2011-06-30 words: 2568 flesch: 84 summary: ،راغ ما بینھماوجدار الزجاج والف زل بحیث تكون قیمة الضوضاء عوبیان ارتفاع كفاءة ال ،المحرك .ضمن كالھواء(تسبب الموجات الضغطیة في وسط مرن زات تسبب ویولد بواسطة اھتزاز أجزاء المحرك، ھذة االھتزا ذن أالى نبضات ضغط في الھواء، وھذة النبضات تنقل الطاقة االنسان، وكلما زادت الطاقة المنقولة، ارتفع الضجیج، ولحسن الحظ ان االذن البشریة لیست حساسة جدا، ولذلك فان المقیاس الكمي ھو مقیاس لوغارتمي بوحدات دیسیبل، فللمحادثة االعتیادیة یل، وتبدأ االذن باالحساس بااللم بدیس ٥٥صوت بحدود المستوى قوانین الیل، والعدید من بدیس ١١٥عند بلوغ الصوت مستوى ١١٠سمحت بضجیج لغایة وحددت الصوت لغرف المحركات .(Guide to Acoustics, 2006) دیسیبل إن حساسیة االذن البشریة مرتبطة بشكل كبیر بذبذبة لعالمیة الى ثالث فئاتالصوت، ولھذا السبب، تقسم المعاییر ا A ،B وC ،كل واحدة منھا مرتبطة بمجال محدد من الذبذبات ، حدد مستوى المقبول للضجیج اثناء قیادة ففي الوالیات المتحدة بة عند وھذا المعیار یجب العمل. keywords: engine;; noise; page; software; sound; trial; اضافة; الصوت; الضوضاء; العالقة; المحرك; الى; بین; صالح; ضغط; عادل; عازل; عدد; على; عند; محمود; مستوى cache: alkej-42.pdf plain text: alkej-42.txt item: #274 of 562 id: alkej-421 author: Zainulabdeen, Ahmed Ameed title: دراسة مقطع كسر الكلال للفولاذ المطاوع المستخدم في صناعة السيارات date: 2019-03-01 words: 2440 flesch: 67 summary: However, a lot of these parts are very liable to fatigue failure, which happened without any prior warning, because of the elevation levels of cyclic loading that encounter normal use [2, 3]. Hardness and tensile tests were carried out to determine the properties of used steel. keywords: engineering; failure; fatigue; fig; fracture; journal; specimen; steel; stress; zone cache: alkej-421.pdf plain text: alkej-421.txt item: #275 of 562 id: alkej-423 author: Othman, Farhad M.; Abdul-hamead, Alaa A.; Hmeed, Noor A. title: تصنيع مونة الاسمنت المتقدمة لتطبيقات البناء المضادة للبكتريا date: 2019-03-01 words: 3402 flesch: 52 summary: 3.3 Density, Porosity and Water Absorption Results As shown in figure 2A, in sample containing (0.5 wt%) percent nanoparticles relative to the sample of ordinary cement mortar, the structure of cement mortar has become denser and the voids decreased but still large crystals of Ca(OH)2 are observed. Experimental results showed that after the addition of Nano powders in cement mortar, the structural properties improved significantly with the development of hydration of cement mortar at early age, reduction of porosity and the increase of density as well as enhancement in compressive and anti-bacteria properties that make the preparation of nano material very suitable for protection against bacteria. keywords: bacteria; cement; compressive; engineering; mortar; nano; properties; strength; tio2; vol; water cache: alkej-423.pdf plain text: alkej-423.txt item: #276 of 562 id: alkej-424 author: Hammad, Massara Mustafa Ha; Hameed, Khalid W.; Sabti, Hussein A. title: خفض الملوثات من مياه فضلات البلدية بأستخدام الطحالب المجهرية Chlorella vulgaris date: 2019-03-01 words: 5205 flesch: 67 summary: PO4 Pollutant concentration with time at T = 25oC, pH 7, wastewater/(Algae broth) ratio = 1, and sterilized wastewater. COD Pollutant concentration with time at T= 25oC, pH 7, wastewater/(Algae broth) ratio = 1, and sterilized wastewater. keywords: broth; effect; fig; microalgae; packing; pollutants; ratio; removal; time; wastewater cache: alkej-424.pdf plain text: alkej-424.txt item: #277 of 562 id: alkej-425 author: Sharef, Enas M.; Ali, Jamal M. A title: تأثير المواد المايكروية والنانوية على تحسين تدفق الحرارة الحرجة date: 2019-03-01 words: 3644 flesch: 64 summary: Before each boiling test of nano fluid, the experiment's vessel is carefully washed by using D.water this ensures that the vessel of the experiment is unpolluted by nano particles from the previous experiment. The essential fluids typically have low thermal conductivity, nano particles can be dispersed in the primary liquid and stay suspended in these liquids for a longer period compare with micro size particles. keywords: boiling; chf; fluids; heat; heater; micro; nano; particles; surface; zno cache: alkej-425.pdf plain text: alkej-425.txt item: #278 of 562 id: alkej-426 author: Albayati, Talib M.; Jassam, Abd Alkadir A. title: دراسة تجريبية لنظام توصيل دواء البريدنيزولون المحمل والمحرر من قبل السليكا MCM-41 date: 2019-03-01 words: 3549 flesch: 62 summary: The drug release behavior of PRD drug was studied in water media with value of pH 6.8 at body temperature (35°C). The cumulative release quantity of PRD form MCM-41 could reach up to 69.4% after 24 h. Talib M. Albayati Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, P.P.117- 124 (2019) 121 Fig. keywords: delivery; drug; journal; loading; mcm-41; mesoporous; prd; prednisolone; release; silica; water cache: alkej-426.pdf plain text: alkej-426.txt item: #279 of 562 id: alkej-43 author: Hadi, Nabil Hassan; Ameen, Kayser Aziz title: تاثير الانخلاعات على الاهتزازات الحرة للصفائح المركبة المتعددة باستعمال نظرية القص ذات الرتب العالية date: 2011-06-30 words: 7396 flesch: 57 summary: Conclusion The geometrically nonlinear free vibration analysis of composite plate with and without containing the delamination is investigated using nonlinear finite element method in the framework of a higher order shear deformation theory in Green-Lagrange sense. The effect of different orthotropicity ratio, boundary condition and delamination size on the non-dimenational fundamental frequency and frequency ratios of plate for different stacking sequences are studied. keywords:  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;   cache: alkej-43.pdf plain text: alkej-43.txt item: #280 of 562 id: alkej-432 author: Marie, Mehdi J.; Gaied, Khalaf S.; Ajel, Ahmed R. title: منظومة شبكة السيطرة اللاسلكية للمرسبة الكهروستاتيكية المستخدمة في معامل السمنت date: 2018-12-01 words: 3674 flesch: 64 summary: 50- 57 (2017) 55 A wireless technology used for control systems often provides a range of meters to few kilometres. ***Email: (Received 8 September 2016; accepted 26 April 2017) Abstract Wireless control networks (WCNs), based on distributed control systems of wireless sensor and actuator networks, integrate four technologies: control, computer network and wireless communications. keywords: control; engineering; esp; fig; model; network; operation; system; voltage; wireless cache: alkej-432.pdf plain text: alkej-432.txt item: #281 of 562 id: alkej-433 author: Kadhim, Kamil J.; Abbas, Abbas Allawi; Hussein, Maher Ali H title: تأثير طلاء(Ti/AlTiN) متعدد الطبقات على عملية تأكل عدة القطع وخصائص الاحتكاك على سطحها date: 2018-12-01 words: 3867 flesch: 68 summary: Dimensional accuracy of the work piece, and also the surface finish will be reducing by tool wear. According to [1], tool wear is a gradual change in the shape of the machine tool as a result of material loss. keywords: altin; coating; crater; cutting; figure; journal; machine; machining; process; thickness; tool; vol; wear cache: alkej-433.pdf plain text: alkej-433.txt item: #282 of 562 id: alkej-435 author: Jabbar, Noor Mohsen; Kadhim, Estabriq Hasan; Mohammed, Alaa Kareem title: التحلل البايولوجي للديزل المُلوث للتربة باستخدام سلالات بكتيرية بصورة منفردة وبشكل اتحاد بكتيري مختلط date: 2018-12-01 words: 4446 flesch: 57 summary: Bacterial strain % of diesel oil degradation E. cloacae 74 S.aureus 79 S. paucimobilis 85.1 Single ability to degrade 1.0 % (v/v) of diesel oil in he individual.bacterial.isolates culture. keywords: bacterial; biodegradation; culture; diesel; hydrocarbons; oil; paucimobilis; pentoae; soil; vol cache: alkej-435.pdf plain text: alkej-435.txt item: #283 of 562 id: alkej-437 author: Abed, Aseel Hamad; Zaboon, Anwar Hassan title: تأثير الشد المسبق واتجاهية المعدن على سلوك ظاهرة الرجوعية في صفيحة النحاس الاصفر date: 2019-12-01 words: 3679 flesch: 66 summary: [4] S. K. Panthi, N. Ramakrishnan, M. Ahmed, S. S. Singh, and M. D. Goel, “Finite element analysis of sheet metal bending process to predict the springback,” Mater. Abstract One of the most important phenomenon that occurs in sheet metal forming processes is the spring-back, which causes several geometrical alterations in the parts. keywords: angle; bending; direction; effect; fig; metal; pre; rolling; sheet; springback; tension; vol cache: alkej-437.pdf plain text: alkej-437.txt item: #284 of 562 id: alkej-439 author: Salman, Sami D.; Abd Alsaheb, Ramzi Ata title: تحسين الأنتقال الحراري للموائع النانوية في أنبوب دائري مجهز بصفيحة ملتوية ذات الأجنحة لتوليد الدوامات date: 2018-12-01 words: 3779 flesch: 63 summary: The present research reports a numerical study for heat transfer improvement in a tube with baffled winged twist tape (BTT) with various ratio of twisting (y = 2.93, 3.91, and 4.89) and various baffle inclination angle (β= 0°, -30°, and 30) conjugated with 1%, 1.5% and 2% volume fraction of ZnO nanofluid are accounted. 1. (a) Baffle winged twist tape with baffle inclination angle (β= 0º) (b) Baffle winged twist tape with baffle inclination angle (β= 30º). keywords: baffle; friction; heat; number; tape; transfer; tube; twist; vol; y=2.93 cache: alkej-439.pdf plain text: alkej-439.txt item: #285 of 562 id: alkej-440 author: Al-Zaidi, Bashir Y. Sherhan title: أستقصاء مورفولوجيا السطوح المسامية بوساطة استخدام مجهر القوة الذري date: 2018-12-01 words: 5471 flesch: 65 summary: Effect of mean roughness of the outer surface of hollow fiber membranes on the pure water permeability (PWP). From this Figure, it is perceived that as an increase the mean roughness of the outer surface, the PWP of blend fibers is increased. keywords: afm; blend; content; fiber; mean; membranes; nodules; pore; roughness; size; surface; wt.%; wt.% ps cache: alkej-440.pdf plain text: alkej-440.txt item: #286 of 562 id: alkej-441 author: Al-allaq, Ali Amer title: محاكاة ديناميكية الموائع الحسابية لمرض الغرغرينا في القدم السكرية date: 2018-12-01 words: 7759 flesch: 55 summary: The disease of gangrene and artery stenosis in diabetic foot has been investigated by using a using four models with (75%, 90%) stenosis from healthy patient case are presented and compared with present and healthy case (without multi stenosis in superficial femoral artery for diabetic foot, and by assuming the blood to be a Newtonian fluid, a significant increase in the blood velocity and wall shear stress in the area of stenosis compared with non stenosis region. ا!�'c zW,Tم ) ٢(و / h2L3! <25�c٤٢,٤ ٪)<2!��12b z5 ا!H'$> ا!9P=ى ). keywords: ali; area; artery; artery stenosis; blood; case; diabetes; disease; flow; foot; gangrene; shear; stenosis; stress; velocity; vol; wall cache: alkej-441.pdf plain text: alkej-441.txt item: #287 of 562 id: alkej-442 author: Raheem, Firas A.; Hussain, Asmaa A. title: تطبيق خوارزمية A* لتخطيط المسار على تحليل C-SPACE المعدل date: 2018-12-01 words: 4584 flesch: 73 summary: Where �� is the circle description, and ! ≥ % … �5 Where: d��� = -./ 0./ ; #��� =tan .� - 0 ; … �6 '�, *�: First link end effector coordinate ), %: Point obstacle coordinate Firas A. Raheem Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 13, No. 4, P.P. 124- 136 (2017) 126 2ᶿ Point Obstacle First Link Reachability Circle 1ᶿ obsᶿ Fig. keywords: fig; link; map; obstacle; path; point; robot; space cache: alkej-442.pdf plain text: alkej-442.txt item: #288 of 562 id: alkej-446 author: Rasheed, Zena Kamil; Abid, Maysoon Basheer title: نموذج عددي لحركة الماء من أنابيب سيراميك مدفونة بشكل عمودي من خلال الترب الخشنة date: 2018-12-01 words: 3628 flesch: 56 summary: �10 where: ��ℎ water content as a function of pressure head, L3/ L3, �� residual water content, L3/ L3, �' saturated water content, L3/ L3, � volumetric soil water content, L3/ L3, ��ℎ unsaturated hydraulic conductivity as a function of pressure head, L/T, �+ saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil, L/T, : pore conductivity parameter, dimensionless, 9 pore size distribution index, dimensionless, ,- effective saturation, dimensionless, and ; inverse of the air entry value, L -1 . Keywords: Numerical modeling, HYDRUS, soil water content, wetting patterns, HYDRUS, vertical ceramic pipe. keywords: content; depth; hydraulic; irrigation; pipe; soil; water; wetting cache: alkej-446.pdf plain text: alkej-446.txt item: #289 of 562 id: alkej-447 author: Chaichan, Miqdam T.; Abaas, Khalil I; Mohammed, Bashar A title: دراسة عملية لتاثير نوع الوقود على الملوثات المنبعثة من محرك اشتعال بالشرارة خلال فترة الحياد date: 2018-12-01 words: 4575 flesch: 66 summary: ا���$�V� �F�ر � �U ا�$��#3 ا�����ز T�1 N� CO ،CO2 ،HC ����#�ت 1���� �ON = 82 (3(إ�/ ا�$��#3 ا���دي ����ع ا�)��د و ����U ا �اع ا����د ا���رو �W��� �X.3 ا��. �� 1، ا���د13���� ا���ارز�� ا������� ا����� � �ام ط�رق ����ن �� ،12-1 )2017( 12 درا�� ����0 �'�.�$ �3ع ا���1د �0/ ا����.�ت ا���,�+� �* ��$ك ا)'��ل &��%$ارة ! keywords: engine; f �; fig; fuels; gasoline; idle; idling; speed; � ام; � � cache: alkej-447.pdf plain text: alkej-447.txt item: #290 of 562 id: alkej-448 author: Ghadban, Abdullah J.; Ibrahim, Abbas F. title: دراسة تجريبية في عوامل التنعيم الكهروكيميائي على الصلادة ومعدل ازالة المواد للفولاذ امقاوم للصدأ 316 date: 2019-12-01 words: 3077 flesch: 63 summary: [10] and material removal rate: is one of the most important criterions to determine the machining efficiency in ECG process determined by ��� = � � , (g/min) …(1) Where: � = �� − � …(2) [12] R. Garg “Effect of process parameters on performance measures of wire electrical discharge machining” Ph.D. Thesis Mechanical Engineering Department National Institute of Technology Haryana, India. 2010. keywords: concentration; current; electrolyte; fig; gap; grinding; hardness; mrr; process; speed cache: alkej-448.pdf plain text: alkej-448.txt item: #291 of 562 id: alkej-449 author: Al-Khazraji, Ahmed N.; Mutasher, Ammar A. title: تاثير العصف بالليزر على سلوك الكلال و الخواص الميكانيكية للمواد المتراكبة date: 2019-12-01 words: 4029 flesch: 61 summary: Unsaturated polyester resin as a matrix was selected and Aluminum powder with micro particles as a reinforcement material was used with different volume fraction (2.5%, 5% and 7.5%). [11] studied the effect of ultraviolet on the fatigue behavior of composite materials, by using epoxy with SiO� nanoparticles and different volume fractions (1%,3%,5%,7% and 10%) reinforced with 6 layers of chopped mat E-glass fiber. keywords: composite; fatigue; fraction; laser; materials; mechanical; peening; properties; strength; volume cache: alkej-449.pdf plain text: alkej-449.txt item: #292 of 562 id: alkej-452 author: Kadhem, Hassan Ali; Hussein, Ahmed Abdul title: تأثير سرعة الرياح على تخميد أهتزاز جناح مركب ذو بروفويل نوع NACA 0012 date: 2019-09-01 words: 2880 flesch: 63 summary: transducers are used as sensors and actuators in vibration control systems. The composite woven wing has high resistance more than composite random wing. keywords: control; engineering; fig; model; pzt; suppression; velocity; vibration; vol; wind; wing; woven cache: alkej-452.pdf plain text: alkej-452.txt item: #293 of 562 id: alkej-453 author: Al-Khazraji, Ahmed N.; M. Shareef, Mahdi N. title: Comparison of Fatigue Life Behavior between Two Different Composite Materials Subjected to Shot Peening at Different Times date: 2014-09-01 words: 4229 flesch: 63 summary: Their results showed that fatigue strength of shot peened specimens were higher than for unpeened specimen at the same number of cycle to failure. [7] for fiber glass composites and aluminum powder composites, respectively as shown in Figures (1-a) and (1-b). keywords: aluminum; composites; fatigue; fiber; glass; min; peening; shot cache: alkej-453.pdf plain text: alkej-453.txt item: #294 of 562 id: alkej-457 author: Mohammad, Wahid S.; Murtadha, Talib K.; Ahmed, Karrar A. title: إستخدام نظام الترمودَك للتبريد/ التسخين الأوّلي للسّيطرة على الظروف الداخلية للبناية date: 2014-09-01 words: 5161 flesch: 67 summary: Other studies have developed numerical models to simulate the thermal properties and estimate the system performance of hollow core slab systems under particular conditions. Fifteen thermocouples were fixed on the inlet, middle and outlet of hollow core slab channel to read air hollow core temperatures along the hole . keywords: air; inlet; load; slab; temperature; time; velocity cache: alkej-457.pdf plain text: alkej-457.txt item: #295 of 562 id: alkej-458 author: Kadim, Alaulddin Abdulqader title: دراسة عملية لتأثير انبثاق الدوامات على كفاءة المجمع الشمسي date: 2014-09-01 words: 4166 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: Vortex shedding, solar collector efficiency, useful heat gain. Systems with light structures and low cost technology for process heat applications up to 400 ̊C could be obtained with parabolic through solar collectors (PTSC). keywords: angle; attack; collector; efficiency; excitation; shedding; trough; velocity; vibration; vortex; wind cache: alkej-458.pdf plain text: alkej-458.txt item: #296 of 562 id: alkej-459 author: Tawfik, Mouwafak A.; Abdulwahb, Emad N.; Swadi, Salah M. title: سيطرة تتبع الأثر للروبوتات المتحركة بعجلات باستخدام المسيطر الجزئي نوع PID date: 2014-09-01 words: 4352 flesch: 53 summary: In this work a dynamics model of mobile robot was driven for the case where the centroid of mobile robot platform is not coincide with reference frame of mobile robot (i.e. reference frame is located at midpoint of driven wheels axis), while the inertia is counted for. The control algorithm based on the errors in postures of mobile robot which feed to FOPID controller to generate correction signals that transport to torque for each driven wheel, and by means of dynamics model of mobile robot these torques used to compute the linear and angular speed to reach the desired pose. keywords: controller; engineering; error; fig; fopid; journal; matrix; mobile; posture; robot; tracking; trajectory; vector cache: alkej-459.pdf plain text: alkej-459.txt item: #297 of 562 id: alkej-460 author: Mustafa, Yasmin A.; Alwared, Abeer I.; Ebrahim, Mothana title: Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Degradation for Treatment of Oil from Wastewater date: 2014-09-01 words: 3464 flesch: 58 summary:  Heavy hydrocarbons, fuels and tars including the crude oils, diesel oils, gas oil and asphalt. The paraffinic fraction composition of gas oil was identified by gas chromatography and revealed more than 66 alkane compounds, Fig.2. keywords: journal; oil; order; photocatalytic; process; tio2; vol; wastewater cache: alkej-460.pdf plain text: alkej-460.txt item: #298 of 562 id: alkej-461 author: Mohammed, Alaa Kareem; Ali, Safaa Abalrassol; Jiyad, Jameel Hadi title: انتاج الايثانول الحيوي من نفايات البطاطا date: 2014-09-01 words: 2202 flesch: 63 summary: The best temperature for fermentation process was found to be about 35 o C. Also it was noticed that ethanol production was increased as time of fermentation increased but after 48 hr further increase in fermentation time did not have appreciable effect. The sugary substrates available are comparatively expensive than molasses but can be easily used for ethanol production with some modification in the process. keywords: concentration; effect; ethanol; fermentation; potato; process; production; time cache: alkej-461.pdf plain text: alkej-461.txt item: #299 of 562 id: alkej-462 author: Atiya, Mohammed A.; Lattieff, Farkad A.; Al-Hemiri, Adil A. title: Experimental Performance of a Finned-tube Silica Gel Adsorption Chiller for Air-Conditioning Application date: 2014-09-01 words: 4477 flesch: 60 summary: To demonstrate the effect of mass and heat transfer on the SCP and COP, a laboratory prototype of adsorption cooling machine has been designed by Wang and his team. They found that the desorption phase is faster than the adsorption one and this should considered as a routine case for adsorption refrigeration cycle, probably, because adsorption occurs at higher temperature and pressure and hence, they suggested practical recommendation to rationally reallocate the duration of adsorption and desorption phases keywords: adsorbent; adsorption; bed; cooling; cop; cycle; heat; performance; temperature; time; water cache: alkej-462.pdf plain text: alkej-462.txt item: #300 of 562 id: alkej-463 author: Abdulkareem, Mishaal Abdulameer title: تحري عددي لتوصيل الحرارة المتغير مع الزمن خلال عازل للحرارة ذات خواص حرارية متغيرة مع درجة الحرارة date: 2014-09-01 words: 5976 flesch: 55 summary: Discretization of 1-D model The governing One-Dimensional energy equation is:     21, 1 RrR r T Trk rrt T TC               ...(1) Multiply Equation (1) by  dtdV. ,  dzdrdrdV ...        ./50,5.0,8.0,2 ./64,5.0,2.0,1 keywords: heat; temperature;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;   cache: alkej-463.pdf plain text: alkej-463.txt item: #301 of 562 id: alkej-464 author: Muhsin, Noor K. title: إزالة ضوضاءِ التي تَستعملُ أقلّ تكراريةً الخوارزمياتِ المربّعةِ date: 2011-03-01 words: 3525 flesch: 65 summary: As illustrated in section 3.1 and table 1 the FIR filter order (5) while IIR filter order (10) because FIR filter output is calculated using the current and past input, but not previous values of the output and produce more placental results at the selected order but IIR filters are recursive filters that use the surrounding input and previous output values together and the selected order introduce good results. To compare between the standard deviation of the two outputs the results shown that std of FIR output of HFN is approximately similar to std of the desired signal and less than of IIR output std but approximately similar to std of desired signal that mean that the deviation of the results from the true curve is smaller in case of FIR filters to remove both noises than the IIR filters. keywords: adaptive; filter; fir;; iir; output; rls; signal; weights cache: alkej-464.pdf plain text: alkej-464.txt item: #302 of 562 id: alkej-465 author: Hussein, Abbas Kh.; Abbas, Laith K.; Hasan, Wisam N. title: تأثير اختلاف وسط التقسية على السلوك الميكانيكي لفولاذ مقاوم للصدأ مارتنسياتي date: 2019-05-12 words: 4756 flesch: 57 summary: Abstract The purpose of this study is designate quenching and tempering heat treatment by using Taguchi technique to determine optimal factors of heat treatment (austenitizing temperature, percentage of nanoparticles, type of base media, nanoparticles type and soaking time) for increasing hardness, wear rate and impact energy properties of 420 martensitic stainless steel. ANOVA Analysis Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze the influence of parameters (austenitizing temperature, percentage of nanoparticles, type of base media, nanoparticles type and soaking time) on the hardness, wear rate and impact energy properties of 420 martensitic stainless steel. keywords: base; energy; engineering; hardness; heat; impact; journal; media; nanoparticles; percentage; rate; soaking; temperature; type; wear cache: alkej-465.pdf plain text: alkej-465.txt item: #303 of 562 id: alkej-466 author: Alwan, Hassan Mohammad; Rashid, Zaid Hikmat title: السيطرة على حركة روبوت ذراع مناور ذي ثلاثة روابط (النوع المفتوح) مع معصم كروي date: 2019-05-12 words: 4460 flesch: 77 summary: [ ]1 2 3 T q q q q= [ ]1 2 3( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) T f q f q f q f q= , Which can be taken from Pw vector in equation (3). An inverse dynamic method is applied to find the dynamic response of joints variables ,q q& . keywords: control; manipulator; robot; t t; ∂ ∂ cache: alkej-466.pdf plain text: alkej-466.txt item: #304 of 562 id: alkej-467 author: Abaas, Khalil Ibrahim title: مقارنة عملية لملوثات CO الناتجة من محرك اشتعال بالشرارة أحادي الاسطوانة يعمل بأنواع مختلفة من الوقود الهيدروكاربوني والهيدروجين date: 2019-03-01 words: 3631 flesch: 57 summary: CO concentrations were little at lean ratios; it appeared to be effected a little with equivalence ratio in this side, at rich side its values became higher, and it appeared to be effected by equivalence ratio highly, the results showed that CO emissions resulted from gasoline engine were higher than that resulted from using LPG and NG all the time; while hydrogen engine emitted extremely low CO concentrations. In each case CO concentrations were measured for wide range of equivalence ratios with changing spark timing as mentioned earlier. keywords: concentrations; emissions; engine; equivalence; fuel; gasoline;; hydrogen; lpg; spark; speed cache: alkej-467.pdf plain text: alkej-467.txt item: #305 of 562 id: alkej-468 author: Chaichan, Miqdam Tariq title: تأثير نوع القاعدة على درجات حرارة مدخنة هوائية في أجواء مدينة بغداد- العراق date: 2019-03-01 words: 3979 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: Solar chimney, basement effect, concrete, pebbles, storage efficiency. The first studies on solar chimneys were reported in 1993 by Bansal et al. keywords: air; basement; chimney; collector; concrete; efficiency; energy; ground;; journal; temperature; tower; vol cache: alkej-468.pdf plain text: alkej-468.txt item: #306 of 562 id: alkej-469 author: Putrus, Karima M. title: استخدام نظام السيطره بالشبكه العصبيه للسيطره على مفاعل ذو الخلط المستمر date: 2019-03-01 words: 5182 flesch: 57 summary: From the Comparison of the Process Reaction Curve method with Frequency Analysis Curve method, it is concluded that the tuning by using Frequency Analysis Curve method is worse than Process Reaction Curve method because Frequency Analysis Curve method depends on closed loop system; while Process Reaction Curve method depends on open loop system and also the proportional gains are larger for the Process Reaction Curve method. [13] Luyben M. L. and Lnybem W. L., Essentials of Process Control, McGraw Hill, New York. keywords: control; controller; curve; engineering;;; method; network; predictive; process; reaction; reactor; time; vol cache: alkej-469.pdf plain text: alkej-469.txt item: #307 of 562 id: alkej-47 author: Abd Al-Kareem, Mahmood Sami; AL-Mukhtar, Mumtaz title: نظام النهرين التعليمي المتنقل (NMLS) date: 2011-06-30 words: 3763 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: Nahrain mobile learning system; short message service; wireless application protocols; multimedia messaging service; mobile learning; personal digital assistant; wireless fidelity; general packet radio service; extensible hypertext markup language; java database connectivity. Introduction The rapid development of wireless infrastructure and the advent of mobile devices in everyday life of people push the research to combine those two domains, which results in the emerging of mobile learning keywords:; information; instructor; layer; learning; mobile; nmls; questions; service; student; system cache: alkej-47.pdf plain text: alkej-47.txt item: #308 of 562 id: alkej-470 author: Abdullah, Oday I. title: التحليل باستخدام نظرية العناصر المحددة لريشة مركبة دوارة متضررة date: 2019-03-01 words: 7873 flesch: 66 summary: a) Effect of Rotational Speed The variations of Von-Mises stresses with non-dimensional speed (Ω=0.25, 0.5, 0.75 & 1) for two models of damaged composite blade is compared with non-damaged composite blade. To purchase, go to Oday I. Abdullah Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, PP 56 - 75 (2011) 66 c) Effect of Skew Angle Also the stresses computed for the same models of damaged composite blades have different combination of skew angles (0o, 10o, 20o, 30o, 40o, and 45o). keywords: angle; blade; case; composite; element; frequencies;;; model; shell; stresses;  ;   cache: alkej-470.pdf plain text: alkej-470.txt item: #309 of 562 id: alkej-471 author: Khuder, Abdul wahab H.; Ebraheam, Esam J. title: دراسة العوامل المؤثرة على وصلة اللحام لمعادن مختلفة date: 2019-03-01 words: 2131 flesch: 72 summary: It has been given many names for example (MIG Welding, Co2 welding, Fin wire welding, Spray arc welding, Pals arc welding, Dip transfer welding, Short circuit arc welding and various trade names) and current from (180Amp to220), no welding happens, because this period of welding time is not enough for thermal energy to pass through metal; see figures (2 & 4). keywords: current; gas; metal; min; spot; steel; welding cache: alkej-471.pdf plain text: alkej-471.txt item: #310 of 562 id: alkej-472 author: Ibraheem, Ibraheem Kasim title: تصميم منظم فولتية متناوبة رقمي للمولد التزامني باستخدام طريقة التربيع الخطي date: 2019-03-01 words: 4827 flesch: 58 summary: With the emergence of digital technology, digital based excitation systems are being evolved and this development has added to the AC and ST types of excitation control systems Many attempts have been done in the last years regarding the design of excitation control systems. keywords: avr; control; design; digital; engineering; excitation;; ibraheem; power; state; system; voltage;   cache: alkej-472.pdf plain text: alkej-472.txt item: #311 of 562 id: alkej-473 author: Abdul-Hamead, Alaa A. title: دراسة تأثير إضافة طين كاؤولين دويخلة والاومينا إلى البوكسايت العراقي على بعض الخواص الفيزياوية والميكانيكية والحرارية date: 2019-03-01 words: 4485 flesch: 94 summary: 0.0001(بعد وزنھا بمیزان حساس بدقة) 1( (20gm) فحص إجراء ،)1( للنموذج الواحد كما موضح بالشكل Sievingبواسطة طریقة التحلیل المنخلي ألحجميالتدرج analysis 2(الجدول رقمو) 2(و كما ھو موضح بالشكل( .للخلیط ألحجميیوضح نتائج التحلیل 105 ، صفحة1، العدد 7مجلة الخوارزمي الھندسیة المجلد = [(S – D)/ V] * 100 ...(4) 105 ، صفحة1، العدد 7مجلة الخوارزمي الھندسیة المجلد االء عالء الدین - 95 )(2011 98 Water Absorption (A) = keywords: -شكل; mullite; االء; االولیة; البوكسایت; التقلص; التوصیل; التي; الحبیبات; الحجم; الحراري; الحرق; الدین; الظاھریة; العدد; الكثافة; الكلیة; الماء; المجلد; المسامیة; الموالیت; الى; الھندسیة; بین; زیادة; عالء; على; فحص; قیم; للعینات; نتائج; نسبة; وامتصاص cache: alkej-473.pdf plain text: alkej-473.txt item: #312 of 562 id: alkej-476 author: Al-Haleem, Ayad A.; Abdulah, Hamed H.; Saeed, Essam Abdul-Jalil title: مكونات ومعالجات الماء المنتج من الحقول النفطية date: 2010-03-01 words: 3121 flesch: 48 summary: Samples of produced water from five locations in Rumaila oilfield/in south of Iraq were taken and analyzed for their contents of brine, some heavy metals, total suspended solids and oil and grease. The results showed that the environmental impact of produced water arises from its chemical composition; i.e., its salt content, its heavy metals, and hydrocarbon contents. keywords: costs; engineering; environmental; gas;; oil; oilfield; production; treatment; water cache: alkej-476.pdf plain text: alkej-476.txt item: #313 of 562 id: alkej-477 author: Abdul-Ameer, Hussam K. title: طريقة مقترحة باعتماد (Bionics) لتتبع الأجسام للاستخدام في تطبيقات الإنسان الآلي date: 2010-03-01 words: 8405 flesch: 69 summary: The references [13] and [14] demonstrated multi-sensor fusion in object tracking algorithms, where in [13], the cooperation method of cameras for object tracking was introduced, while [14], presented the localization and object tracking problems using audiovisual measurements, where two microphones are used beside CCD camera to achieve target localization. Abstract In this paper, an approach for object tracking that is inspired from human oculomotor system is proposed and verified experimentally. keywords: case; e g; fovea;; lu e; n g; nil; object; pan; phase; tilt; tracking; values cache: alkej-477.pdf plain text: alkej-477.txt item: #314 of 562 id: alkej-478 author: Hussien, Mukheled A.; Abass, Falak O.; Abass, Raghad O. title: الأكياس النسيجية كألياف تقوية مركبة مع اللواصق المتصلدة date: 2010-03-01 words: 9462 flesch: 61 summary: [13] who noticed that factors like processing conditions/techniques have significant influence on the mechanical properties of fiber reinforced composites. This depends on processing conditions/ techniques that has significant influence on the mechanical properties of fiber reinforced composites [12, 13]. keywords: blend; composites; conductivity; effect; epoxy; fibers; impact; matrix; polyester; properties; ratios; sack; samples; standard; strength cache: alkej-478.pdf plain text: alkej-478.txt item: #315 of 562 id: alkej-48 author: Al-Ani, Faris Hammoodi; Kadum, Wassel title: تقيم اداء محطة ماء شرق دجلة date: 2011-06-30 words: 4747 flesch: 65 summary: Raw water turbidity can vary over a very wide range, from virtually zero to several thousand NTU. The mean value is found to be 41.3 NTU, this results in Cv of 144.88% which reflects the wide variation in raw water turbidity levels of the Tigris River and indicates the need for pre-settling tanks especially in rainy seasons. keywords: average; day;; moving; ntu; statistic statistic; statistic std.error; turbidity; water; water turbidity cache: alkej-48.pdf plain text: alkej-48.txt item: #316 of 562 id: alkej-481 author: H. Jassim, Bassim M.; Ali, Tagreed M. title: نمذجة ومحاكاة محرك تيار مستمر مسيطر عليه بواسطة مغير تيار مستمر خافض للفولتيه وبدون متحسس سرعه date: 2010-03-01 words: 4474 flesch: 66 summary: The proposed algorithm assumes that the reference speed is equal to the actual speed, so if there is a two dimension look-up table in which the first field represents motor speed, the second field represents the armature current and the third one represents the duty ratio; then the required duty ratio can be calculated for a given reference speed and motor load which is estimated by the armature current. The proposed algorithm assumes that the reference speed is equal to the actual speed, so if there is a two dimension look-up table in which the first field represents motor speed, the second field represents the armature current and the third one represents the duty ratio; then the required duty ratio can be calculated for a given reference speed and motor load which is estimated by the armature current. keywords: armature; buck; control; converter; current; motor; speed; system; voltage cache: alkej-481.pdf plain text: alkej-481.txt item: #317 of 562 id: alkej-484 author: Ghlaim, Kadhim H.; Waseem, Hatem R. title: خواص الاهتزازات للصفائح المنبعجة بأضافة او عدم اضافة الاطار الهيكلي date: 2010-06-01 words: 3126 flesch: 64 summary: Curved shell elements may provide a more accurate facility for the finite element modeling of curved blades. The nodal dynamic equation for oblate shell is ....) keywords: dish; element; frequencies; mode; oblate; plane; shell; stress; structure; vol cache: alkej-484.pdf plain text: alkej-484.txt item: #318 of 562 id: alkej-485 author: Chaichan, Miqdam T.; Abass, Qahtan A. title: دراسة ملوثات NOx لمحرك اشتعال بالشرارة يعمل بأنواع مختلفة من الوقود الهيدروكاربوني والهيدروجين date: 2010-06-01 words: 4417 flesch: 51 summary: Continued research is needed to provide more light on their suitability as engine fuels and understand better the roles of the many factors that control their behavior so as to achieve in practice the many potential superior benefits associated with their applications as engine fuels. With hydrogen as engine fuel, changing spark timing from the optimum timing cause abnormal combustion, so the work will be limited with optimum timing, except for very lean equivalence ratios less than Ø =0.7, retarding spark timing appears its usual effect. keywords: concentrations; effect; engine; equivalence; fuel; gas;; hydrogen; nox; ratios; spark; timing cache: alkej-485.pdf plain text: alkej-485.txt item: #319 of 562 id: alkej-486 author: Al-Azzi, Ali Abdul-Rahman; S. Al-Kuffe, Laith S. title: تأثير قطر الأنبوب الداخلي على سلوك تشغيل مفاعلات تدوير الهواء date: 2010-06-01 words: 4301 flesch: 62 summary: The purpose of this study is to clarify experimentally the effects of the draft tube to reactor diameter ratio on gas mass transfer coefficient and mixing time for the case when air is sparged into the base of the draft tube. Abstract The ratio of draft tube to reactor diameters is of decisive importance for the operation behavior of air lift loop reactors. keywords: diameter; draft; flow; gas;; liquid; mixing; ratio; reactor; time; tube cache: alkej-486.pdf plain text: alkej-486.txt item: #320 of 562 id: alkej-487 author: Ahmed Zeki, Nada S.; Al-Hassani, Maha H.; Al-Jendeel, Haider A. title: دراسة حركية تفاعل الاسترة date: 2010-06-01 words: 4201 flesch: 60 summary: The equilibrium constant of esterification reactions have values ~1~10, which implies that considerable amounts of reactants exist in the equilibrium mixture. [12] Neil E. Small, 2004; “Using activity for reaction kinetics” Chem. keywords: acetic; acid; eries; esterification; etoh;; ideal; ratio; reaction; system cache: alkej-487.pdf plain text: alkej-487.txt item: #321 of 562 id: alkej-488 author: Fadhil, Aqeel S.; Al-Dergazly, Anwaar A.; Al-Dahan, Ziad T. title: توليد التوافق الثالث 355 نانومتر لليزر النديميوم-ياك باستخدام زيت الزيتون date: 2010-06-01 words: 2920 flesch: 64 summary: The minimum threshold incident intensity to obtain THG intensity are equal Iω=7530 mW/cm 2 at L=1mm and Iω= 6220 mW/cm 2 at L=10mm. Kewords: Olive oil, Third harmonic generation, THG intensity. keywords: angle; beam;; incident; intensity; oil; power; thg cache: alkej-488.pdf plain text: alkej-488.txt item: #322 of 562 id: alkej-489 author: Muhsin, Noor K. title: المقارنه بين خوارزمية (اقل معدل تربيع) و خوارزمية (تكرار اقل تربيع) لازالة ضوضاء قدرة الخط ألتداخلي من اشارة تخطيط القلب date: 2010-06-01 words: 5022 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: Filters, adaptive filters, LMS algorithm, RLS algorithm, power line interference noise, ECG signals. Adaptive techniques is mainly used in filtering of 50Hz line frequency from ECG signals, enhancing P waves and improves the time duration of QRS wave. keywords: adaptive; algorithm; ecg; error; filter;; input; lms; matrix; noise; output; rls; signal; squares; vector cache: alkej-489.pdf plain text: alkej-489.txt item: #323 of 562 id: alkej-49 author: Ammar, Saad H.; Abdul-Nabi, Waqar Abdul-Wahid; Rasheed, Musaab Khadem title: أستخلاص أيونات النحاس والزنك بأستخدام انظمة المحاليل المائية ثنائية الطور المتكونة من بولي اثلين كلايكول (3000) - ملح كلوريد البوتاسيوم date: 2011-06-30 words: 2898 flesch: 55 summary: The results indicated that the percent extraction of metal ions increase with increasing of salt concentration and phase ratio, and slightly decrease with increasing of initial metal ion concentration. Effect of Concentration of KCl Figure (5) shows the percent extraction of metal ions (Zn(II) and Cu(II)) as a function of concentration of KCl in the stock solution (10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% (w/w) KCl) at phase ratio of 1 and initial metal ion concentration of 0.5 mL of 1 keywords: concentration; extraction; ions; kcl; metal; peg; phase; salt; species cache: alkej-49.pdf plain text: alkej-49.txt item: #324 of 562 id: alkej-490 author: Naji Al-azzawi, Yarub O.; Mohammed Al-Duleimi, Ra'ad K. title: تحسين أداء منظومة رافعة date: 2010-06-01 words: 2639 flesch: 60 summary: Key Words: Hoisting systems, mechatronics system, automatic system. 4. Automation Technique: Automation system is represented by a computer that is programmed to instruct the actuator to decide the value of the radius r1 depending on the amount of mass M (given by the operator to the computer) that is to be lifted. keywords: automation; figure; hoisting;;; lifting; mass; system cache: alkej-490.pdf plain text: alkej-490.txt item: #325 of 562 id: alkej-491 author: Al-Bassam, Bassam F. title: تحليل التغير في الغطاء الارضي باستخدام بيانات التحسس النائي: حالة الدراسة منطقة جينغ جو, مقاطعة خنان, الصين date: 2010-06-01 words: 4142 flesch: 62 summary: The geometric errors of the Lansat TM data were corrected by using ground control points before the analysis of land cover change. 2) Cultivated land area declined from 3253.85 km2 in 1988 to 3244.2 km2 in 2006. keywords: area; bassam; change; classification; cover; data;; image; land; land use; study; use; water; zhengzhou cache: alkej-491.pdf plain text: alkej-491.txt item: #326 of 562 id: alkej-492 author: Al-Atraqji, Hind Basil; Al.Kaisy, Hanaa Arer title: Study the Structure Properties of Semiconductor Film Multilayered date: 2010-06-01 words: 2336 flesch: 83 summary: من خالل استخدام Pb+2یتطلب من خاللھا حساب لكن یبدأ الحساب من الطبقة keywords:;; page; software; trial; الحجم; السمك; الطاقة; الطبقات; الغشاء; حساب; حیث; خالل; زیادة; عدد; فجوة; قیم; متوسط cache: alkej-492.pdf plain text: alkej-492.txt item: #327 of 562 id: alkej-494 author: Hammed, Mohammed B.; Majeed, Widad I. title: تحليل الاهتزاز الحر للصفائح المركبة ذات الدعامات المرنة ذات الحدود العامة تحت الحمل الحراري الأولي date: 2019-12-01 words: 5113 flesch: 61 summary: Where, W[�, W[� JG9 WV�, WV� are the stiffness of the rotational spring, @ [] M N 1NONQPZ 9O 9Q … �2.5 ∆E=0 or E= Constant … �2.6 BD = 12 ` a 2313 9O 9Q … �2.7 2.3 Boundary Conditions The twisting and bending shear forces can be expressed in displacement function as; [4]. cV = −L�� N 1NO − L� N 1NQ … �2.8 c[ = −L N 1NQ − L� N 1NO … �2.9 cV[ = −2L�� N 1NONQ … �2.10 fV = −L�� N�1NO� − �L� + 4L�� N �1NQ NO … �2.11 f keywords: boundary; buckling; conditions; frequency; journal; load; plate; temperature; vibration; � l; � o cache: alkej-494.pdf plain text: alkej-494.txt item: #328 of 562 id: alkej-495 author: Sukkar, Khalid A.; Karamalluh, Abullhassan A.; Jaber, Thulfiqar N. title: الخصائص الريولوجية والحرارية لزيوت التزييت المحسنة بوسطاة تأثير المضافات النانوية أوكسيد النحاس و أكاسيد التيتانيوم date: 2019-05-15 words: 5004 flesch: 57 summary: The production of lubricating oils regards an important process in the petroleum refineries to produce high-efficiency lubricants for many engines [2]. [20], the principal function of lubricating oils are to protect two metal surfaces wetted thus reducing friction, and avoiding wear [21]. keywords: concentration; conductivity; cuo; engine; lubricants; nanoparticles; nps; oil; oils; point; properties; tio2; viscosity cache: alkej-495.pdf plain text: alkej-495.txt item: #329 of 562 id: alkej-496 author: Albayati, Talib M.; AlKafajy, Ali M. title: السليكا المساميَة MCM-41 مادة ناقلة لعلاج النستاتين لنظام تسليم الدواء date: 2019-05-15 words: 4218 flesch: 59 summary: 2.2 Preparation of Mesoporous MCM-41 =0.14gm, observed that at intermediate concentration of NYS drug at Talib M. Albayati Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, P.P. keywords: concentration; delivery; drug; fig; journal; loading; mcm-41; mesoporous; nys; release; silica; surface cache: alkej-496.pdf plain text: alkej-496.txt item: #330 of 562 id: alkej-497 author: Chasib Al-Jiboury, Khalid F.; abd al-Hassan, Moayad title: أستخلاص الهيدروكاربونات الأروماتية ذات الحلقة الأحادية من المنتجات النفطية بأستخدام السلفولين كمذيب صناعي date: 2010-09-01 words: 5929 flesch: 65 summary: [3] Lee, S.; Kim, H., Liquid Liquid Equilibria of the Ternary Systems Sulfolane + Octane + Benzene, Sulfolane + Octane + Toluene and Sulfolane + Octane + p-Xylene at Elevated Temperatures, J. Chem. Moreover, viscosity of the combination of sulfolane + MeOH system is very low relative to the viscosity of pure sulfolane (sulfolane = 10.286 cP, MeOH = 0.538 at 30 oC), which should improve the extraction efficiency. keywords: data;; liquid; octane; selectivity; solvent; sulfolane; systems; tie; toluene; water cache: alkej-497.pdf plain text: alkej-497.txt item: #331 of 562 id: alkej-498 author: Jaafar, Khalidah A. title: انتاج الغاز الحيوي من الهضم اللاهوائي لمخلفات لب التمر date: 2010-09-01 words: 3174 flesch: 61 summary: The aim of present work is to investigate usage of date palm biomass as a resource of bio energy. In respect to biogas production, a ratio of 67% methane of the total gas produced and a yield of 0.6 lit/g VS substrate, in addition to the short time cycle of biogas production can be considered very promising results for date palm fruits biomass to be of a great potential. keywords: addition; anaerobic; biogas; biomass; ch4; date; digestion; gas;; methane; palm; substrate cache: alkej-498.pdf plain text: alkej-498.txt item: #332 of 562 id: alkej-499 author: Majeed, Najwa S. title: تخميين معدل ازالة التكلسات المترسبة في انابيب اجهزة المبادلات الحرارية باستخدام علاقات التناظر بين الكتلة والزخم date: 2010-09-01 words: 2756 flesch: 61 summary: Correlation for the variation of Sherwood number ( or mass transfer rate ) with Reynolds’s number have been obtained . The results of CaCO3 scale removal or (mass transfer rate) (as it is the controlling process) are compared with proposed model of prandtl’s and Taylor particularly based on the concept of analogy among momentum and mass transfer. keywords:; mass; number; rate; removal; reynolds; scale; solution; time; transfer cache: alkej-499.pdf plain text: alkej-499.txt item: #333 of 562 id: alkej-5 author: Abbas, N. H. title: ايجاد الاتجاه باستخدام خوارزمية GHA مع الشبكات العصبية date: 2017-12-02 words: 3803 flesch: 70 summary: This phenomena is applicable for laminar flow (131 < Re <431) , since in turbulent flow increasing of velocity of solvent have little effect on extraction rate [ 14 ]. The percentage of extracted chlorophyll was calculated using the following relationship : Amount of chlorophyll dissolved % extracted chlorophyll = ------------- ---------------------------------------- Total amount of chlorophyll in Dehydrated alfalfa meal 6. keywords: e n; n c; o n; s o cache: alkej-5.pdf plain text: alkej-5.txt item: #334 of 562 id: alkej-50 author: Moosa, Ahmed A. title: تاثير اضافة معدن اللنثانيوم على خصائص سبيكة المغنسيوم - 4% المنيوم date: 2011-06-30 words: 3849 flesch: 65 summary: [11] Y. Fan , G. Wu , H. Gao , G. Li , C. Zhai, Influence of lanthanum on the microstructure, mechanical property and corrosion resistance of magnesium alloy , J. Mater Sci, Vol. 41,2006, pp. Abstract This research was to determine the effect of rare earth metal (REM) on the as-cast microstructure of Mg-4Al alloy. keywords: alloy; earth; grain;; magnesium; mg-4al; microstructure; phase; vol cache: alkej-50.pdf plain text: alkej-50.txt item: #335 of 562 id: alkej-500 author: Ali, Alaa' Mshjel title: دراسة تأثير الكاولين كمادة مضافة لزيت الوقود على منع التآكل بجانب الاحتراق الخارجي لانابيب المرجل البخاري المحمص date: 2010-09-01 words: 3610 flesch: 61 summary: During combustion, sodium reacts with the sulfur to form sulfate, which deposited on boiler tubes surfaces causing high temperature corrosion. It is clearly shown that increasing temperature range leads to higher corrosion rate, and this increase confirm the exponential relationship. keywords: additive; ash; corrosion; effect; fuel;; kaolin; metal; rate; temperature; time cache: alkej-500.pdf plain text: alkej-500.txt item: #336 of 562 id: alkej-501 author: Abid Al- Sahib, Nabeel K.; Jasim, Ahmed Rahman title: تَوجيه الانسان الآلي النقَّال بتَطبيق النظريةِ الضبابيةِ على محتسّساتِ السونارِ date: 2010-09-01 words: 3745 flesch: 61 summary: Conclusions Studying mobile robot control by FLC leads to many conclusions, as follows: Abstract This study describes how fuzzy logic control FLC can be applied to sonars of mobile robot. keywords: avoidance; control; function; goal;; membership; mobile; obstacle; robot; software; sonar cache: alkej-501.pdf plain text: alkej-501.txt item: #337 of 562 id: alkej-503 author: Abass, Basim Ajeel; K., Mustafa Mohammed title: تأثير خشونة السطح على الاداء الحراري للمساند المقعدية منحرفة المحاور date: 2010-09-01 words: 6457 flesch: 57 summary: Abstract In this work an approach has been developed to investigate the influence of surface roughness on thermohydrodynamic performance in aligned and misaligned journal bearings by considering an average flow model and deriving the shear flow factor for various roughness configurations, similar to the pressure flow factor. Keywords: Thermohydrodynamic performance, surface roughness, misalignment, journal bearing 1. keywords: bearing; eccentricity; film; flow;; journal; journal bearing; maximum; misalignment; pressure; ratio; roughness; surface; temperature; vol cache: alkej-503.pdf plain text: alkej-503.txt item: #338 of 562 id: alkej-504 author: Abdulmageed, Majid H.; Ibrahim, Slafa I. title: سلوك التأكل لسبيكة Ti-6Al-4V في اوساط مختلفة date: 2010-09-01 words: 3008 flesch: 53 summary: The corrosion of Ti-6Al-4V alloy in sodium oxalate solution has highest negative value of corrosion potential which was thermodynamic parameter. Corrosion Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy in Different Media Majid H. Abdulmageed* Slafa I. Ibrahim ** keywords: alloy; cell; corrosion;; nacl; oxalate; polarization; sodium; solution; ti-6al-4v cache: alkej-504.pdf plain text: alkej-504.txt item: #339 of 562 id: alkej-505 author: Jaffar, Akram A.; Abass, Sadiq J.; M. Mukhtar, Summer S. title: توزيع الأجهاد على مفصل النامية المقرنية للفقرة القطنية من قبل برنامج ANSYS date: 2010-09-01 words: 3077 flesch: 62 summary: The vertebral body of the lumbar spine appears as the same level with vertebral arch in the ANSYS program, in addition to narrow the vertebral body in model analysis. The Stress Distribution on the Zygapophyseal Joint of Lumbar Vertebra by ANSYS Program Akram A. Jaffar * Sadiq J. Abass** Summer S. M. Mukhtar** * Department of Human Anatomy/ College of Medicine/ University of Al-Nahrain ** Department of Medical Engineering/ College of Engineering/ University of Al-Nahrain (Received 23 May 2007; Accepted 22 September 2010) Abstract Zygapophyseal joints (or facet joints), are a plane synovial joint which located between the articular facet processes of the vertebral arch which is freely guided movable joints. keywords: analysis; body; facet; forces;; joints; lumbar; model; spine; stress cache: alkej-505.pdf plain text: alkej-505.txt item: #340 of 562 id: alkej-506 author: Assi, Abdullah Dhayea title: دراسة نمو الشق الطولي والعرضي لعظم الانسان باستخدام طريقة العناصر المحدودة بوساطة الماثلاب date: 2019-05-16 words: 1766 flesch: 64 summary: Table 1, List of fracture toughness value longitudinal crack. Transverse crack case. keywords: bone; case; crack; fracture; stress; toughness cache: alkej-506.pdf plain text: alkej-506.txt item: #341 of 562 id: alkej-507 author: Al-Ammri, A. Salam; Ahmed, Iman title: السيطرة على حركة انسان آلي نقال متعدد الاتجاهات date: 2010-12-01 words: 4088 flesch: 71 summary: Conventional wheel mobile robots (WMRs) are restricted in their motion because they cannot move sideways without a preliminary maneuvering [1]. The design shows that the four design criterion, modularity, ease of use and construction, low cost, an emphasis on straightforward control, which were considered in construction of the robot hardware, were satisfied of robot platform. keywords: direction;; mobile; motion; omni; robot; search; wheels cache: alkej-507.pdf plain text: alkej-507.txt item: #342 of 562 id: alkej-508 author: Hamad, Yahya M. title: Improvement of Surface Roughness Quality for Stainless Steel 420 Plate Using Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Method date: 2010-12-01 words: 4489 flesch: 55 summary: Abstract An experimental study was carried out to improve the surface roughness quality of the stainless steel 420 using magnetic abrasive finishing method (MAF). [13] L. Ko, Yu M. Baron, and J.I. Park,”Micro deburring for precision parts using magnetic abrasive finishing method”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology Vols.187–188 (2007), pp. keywords: abrasive; finishing; gap;; journal; maf; surface; table; values; working; workpiece; δra cache: alkej-508.pdf plain text: alkej-508.txt item: #343 of 562 id: alkej-509 author: Sulaymon, Abbas H.; Abbas, Ammar S.; Salman, Rasha H. title: التنبؤ بمعامل الخلط عند التوازن وزمن الخلط الامثل لثلاثة مواد صلبة في عمود التميع date: 2010-12-01 words: 4561 flesch: 54 summary: The statistical analysis of the obtained theoretical mixing index versus experimental mixing index shows that the standard error is 0.92 % (about 1 %) with correlation coefficient of 0.9857 and total residual of 0.002 for the ninth observation of the mixing index (theoretical versus experimental) over 95% confidence level. Keywords: Rate of mixing, equilibrium mixing index, fluidized bed. keywords: air; equilibrium;; index; mixing; particle; rate; time; velocity cache: alkej-509.pdf plain text: alkej-509.txt item: #344 of 562 id: alkej-510 author: Haleem, Azhar M.; Abdulgafoor, Enas A. title: الامتصاص الحيوي لايونات الكروم سداسية التكافؤ من المحلول المائي بأستخدام الياف نخيل التمر date: 2010-12-01 words: 1989 flesch: 62 summary: The residual concentration of heavy metal ions have been analyzed calorimetrically at different time (1, 2,3,24 and 48) hrs respectively .The amount of metal ions biosorbed from solution was determined by difference in concentration .The removal efficiency of Cr (VI) was calculated as: Removal% = 100 (Ci-Ce)/Ci Ci = the initial metal ion concentration (mg/ml) All experiments were carried out in 0.5 L round plastic bottles in duplicate, containing 2 gm of date palm fibers with 100 mg/L of Cr (VI) dissolved in 100 ml double distilled water .The initial pH value of heavy metal ions solution was 5.6, for chemical analysis 1 ml sample was taken out from each bottle at different time (1, 2, 3, 24 and 48) hrs. keywords: biosorption; concentration; date; metal; palm; time cache: alkej-510.pdf plain text: alkej-510.txt item: #345 of 562 id: alkej-511 author: Baqer, Zainab T. title: Finite Element Based Solution of Laplace's Equation Applied to Electrical Activity of the Human Body date: 2010-12-01 words: 6813 flesch: 63 summary: Element by Element Method In element by element methods Element by element methods lead naturally to a parallel solution strategy that may be applied to all the general problem types. keywords: algorithm; block; element; engineering; heart;; matrix; mesh; method; node; number; software; surface; system; trial;   cache: alkej-511.pdf plain text: alkej-511.txt item: #346 of 562 id: alkej-512 author: Kazem, Bahaa I.; Abdulla, Mohammed Najm; Raouf, Jalal B.; Colin, Jean- Noël; Levine, Barry title: تصميم وتنفيذ المكتبة العراقية الافتراضية date: 2010-12-01 words: 4495 flesch: 51 summary: In theory it would be possible to check every single access to the site based on the user's credentials, but for thousands of users, managing individual user access quickly becomes difficult. The Virtual Library – User Connection In IVL distributed system, code representing business operations is hosted on the server. keywords: access; directory;; information; ivl; ivl system; java; library; publishers; security; server; system; user cache: alkej-512.pdf plain text: alkej-512.txt item: #347 of 562 id: alkej-513 author: Al-Shamma, Fathi; Mustafa, Faiz F.; Saliman, Sahar M. title: التصميم الامثل لاليات الحدبة والتابع المتدحرج والتأثير المشترك لأحمال الصدمة وأحمال التماس العالية date: 2010-12-01 words: 4838 flesch: 59 summary: In cam follower system the cam size minimization is one of the important topics in cam mechanism design. These problems have been solved by many methods using graphical methods [1, 2], which take the effect of cam motion on the curvature of the cam profile and the amount of offset of the follower that need in a specific design. keywords: acceleration; angle; cam; contact; design; follower;; impact; motion; pressure; return; rise; stress cache: alkej-513.pdf plain text: alkej-513.txt item: #348 of 562 id: alkej-514 author: Jweeg, Muhsin J.; Abd, Abdul Rahman Najim; Abdulrazzag, Nowfal A. title: حساب الخصائص الميكانيكيةِ للمركّباتِ الجزيئيةِ date: 2010-12-01 words: 3950 flesch: 67 summary: % % D en si ty g /c m 3 100 MPa 150 MPa 400 MPa 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 0 5 10 15 20 25 Vol. keywords: compaction; density;; increases; mpa; particles; pressure; size; vol cache: alkej-514.pdf plain text: alkej-514.txt item: #349 of 562 id: alkej-515 author: Fawzi, Nada Mahdi; Mohammed, ZainAbdeen; Adia, Luma Ahamed title: الخواص الهندسية للخرسانة عالية الاداء date: 2010-12-01 words: 3441 flesch: 99 summary: مث ع الم رة م ة ھي التي تتفاعل مباش یوم ید الكالس ع ھیدروكس ًا ة النب ن منطق انیة م ة الخرس ن للخلط ام خش تخدام keywords:; software; trial; اؤولین; الخرس; الخلط; الس; المیتاكاؤولین; انة; محتوى; منت cache: alkej-515.pdf plain text: alkej-515.txt item: #350 of 562 id: alkej-516 author: A. G. AL-Bahri, Mohammed B.; AL-Naimi, Safa A.; Ahammed, Sundus H. title: الظروف المثلى لإنتاج ببتون الصويا بواسطة التميئ ألحامضي لبروتين الصويا date: 2009-03-01 words: 6027 flesch: 58 summary: Abstract This study was carried out to obtain the optimum conditions necessary for the process of soya protein hydrolysis by using hydrochloric acid (as a chemical catalyst) instead of the papain enzyme (as a biological catalyst), for the production of soya peptone. By following the procedure of the present study, the optimum conditions for the process of soya proteins hydrolysis have been reached in present study are:  Optimum concentration for the hydrochloric acid solution is 1N.  Optimum hydrolysis process temperature ranged between 50-53C.  Optimum period of hydrolysis time ranged between 17.189-19.97 hr. keywords: concentration; degree; engineering; hydrolysis; peptone; process; product; protein; soya cache: alkej-516.pdf plain text: alkej-516.txt item: #351 of 562 id: alkej-517 author: Hameed, Khalid W.; Khadom, Anees Abdullah; Rahman, Ameel Mohammed title: معامل انتقال المادة خلال الحماية الكاثودية لحديد واطئ الكاربون في مياه البحر date: 2009-03-01 words: 5128 flesch: 63 summary: 3. Results and Discussion I. Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection System: Zinc consumption rate: Before calculation of mass transfer coefficient, kd, it must measure the zinc consumption rate in order to show variables effect on corrosion, where kd is an indication to reaction rate (corrosion rate). = icorr is indication for corrosion rate, where the high value Khalid W. Hameed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, PP 20-32 (2009) 26 of iL means the high corrosion and vise versa. keywords: cathodic; corrosion; current; polarization; rate; temperature cache: alkej-517.pdf plain text: alkej-517.txt item: #352 of 562 id: alkej-518 author: M. Kridi, Ahmed F. title: الحسابات العددية في المنطقة الصوتية الحرجة لعوامل ديناميكا الهواء لمقذوفه سلاح المدفعية date: 2009-03-01 words: 5020 flesch: 64 summary: Numerical capabilities have been developed primarily using Euler equation computational techniques and have been used to compute flow over slender bodies of revolution at transonic speeds. 4. Body fitted coordinates have succeeded in the prediction of flow characteristic through the complex boundary. keywords: boundary; flow; projectile; socbt;   cache: alkej-518.pdf plain text: alkej-518.txt item: #353 of 562 id: alkej-519 author: Abdulateef, Osamah F. title: أستقصاء توزيع الأجهادات الحرارية في عملية اللحام النقطي بالليزر date: 2009-03-01 words: 4285 flesch: 57 summary: Laser beam welding has a number of desirable attributes. The numerical analysis based on 3-D finite element analysis of heat flow during laser spot welding taken into account the temperature dependence of the physical properties and latent heat of transformations using ANSYS code V.10.0 to simulate the laser welding process. keywords: analysis; beam; heat; laser; material; process; sec; spot; stresses; temperature; welding cache: alkej-519.pdf plain text: alkej-519.txt item: #354 of 562 id: alkej-52 author: Amin, Samir Ali; Hassan, Ali Yasser title: دراسة عملية وتحليل العناصر المحددة لتاثير التسخين على قوة الانسلاخ لسلك النيتينول مغمور داخل بولي اثيلين خطي منخفض الكثافة date: 2018-11-22 words: 3384 flesch: 65 summary: The aim of this study is to investigate the pull-out tests to check the interfacial strength of the polymer composite in two cases, with activation NiTinol wire and without activation. The testing is classified into two types, the first test is the pull-out test without activation NiTinol wire, and the second test is the pull-out test with activation NiTinol wire. keywords: activation; composite; engineering; force; matrix; nitinol; pull; shear; stress; test; wire cache: alkej-52.pdf plain text: alkej-52.txt item: #355 of 562 id: alkej-520 author: Abid Al-Sahib, Nabeel K.; Abdul Ameer, Hussam K.; Faisal Ibrahim, Saif Ghazy title: Monitoring and Quality Control of Stud Welding date: 2009-03-01 words: 8764 flesch: 61 summary: In case finding a visible variation in current peak value, this leads to doubt in welding quality and that means welding process should be altered for more investigations and troubleshooting. Fig.2. On the other hand, two feed-forward neural networks have been developed for monitoring and control arc stud welding quality. keywords: current; diameter; inspection; monitoring; non; parameters; peak; process; quality; run; stud; table; test; time; torque; trial; value; welding cache: alkej-520.pdf plain text: alkej-520.txt item: #356 of 562 id: alkej-521 author: Ali Al Timemy, Ali Hussian; Abid, Shetha K.; Ghaeb, Nebras H. title: مقترح خوارزمية لتقنية الذكاء الاصطناعي لتقييم اولويات الخطورة للاجهزة والمعدات الطبية في المستشفيات العراقية date: 2009-03-01 words: 4806 flesch: 58 summary: Static risk factor components (equipment function and physical risk) and dynamics risk components (maintenance requirements and risk points) have been calculated. Abstract This paper presents a robust algorithm for the assessment of risk priority for medical equipment based on the calculation of static and dynamic risk factors and Kohnen Self Organization Maps (SOM). keywords: algorithm; ali; components; data; engineering; equipment; input; journal; management; network; neural; risk; som cache: alkej-521.pdf plain text: alkej-521.txt item: #357 of 562 id: alkej-522 author: H. AL-Helali, Riyadh A.; R. Al-Hashemy, Bakir A. title: Multidimensional Systolic Arrays of LMS Algorithm Adaptive (FIR) Digital Filters date: 2009-03-01 words: 5053 flesch: 62 summary: Unlike the other structures, the throughput is independent of the filter length, implying that LMS adaptive FIR filter systolic array with several hundreds of filter coefficients can be represented by a word-level systolic arrays (multibit numbers). Systolic arrays have been one of the more interesting paradigms for reconfigurable computing in recent times because the design process creates an excellent paradigm for implementing algorithms via space and time transformations [4]. keywords: algorithm; array; filter; latency; lms; rate; signal; systolic; throughput; time; vector; vol cache: alkej-522.pdf plain text: alkej-522.txt item: #358 of 562 id: alkej-523 author: Alwan, Ali Hussein title: نمذجة خواص الانحناء لصفائح الصلب المقاوم للصدأ 304 الملحومة بعملية لحام التنكستن مع الغاز الخامل date: 2019-12-01 words: 5248 flesch: 61 summary: The final equation of maximum bending force in terms of the actual factors: Maximum bending force = - 6662.92284 + 110.59167 * Current + 243.54321* Pressure -7.87500 * The tensile strength and maximum bending force of the received base material are 622 MPa and 410 N, respectively. keywords: current; design; force; gas; input; maximum; parameters; pressure; steel; tensile; tig; welding cache: alkej-523.pdf plain text: alkej-523.txt item: #359 of 562 id: alkej-526 author: Atiya, Mohammed A.; Kadhim, Fadhil S. title: تأكل أنابيب الصلب الكربوني في منظومة الجريان لمحطة تحليه المياه date: 2008-03-01 words: 2172 flesch: 65 summary: (13) Fadhil,S,Kadihim,M.Sc.,Thesis”Investi gation of carbon steel corrosion under two phase and Multi- phase flow in horizontal pipes”, Petroleum Eng. On the other hand the variation of corrosion rate with temperature in the range of (293–333 oC) was found to follow Arrhenius equation and the activation energy approximately the same except at low Reynolds number. keywords: carbon; corrosion; rate; reynolds; steel; temperature; water cache: alkej-526.pdf plain text: alkej-526.txt item: #360 of 562 id: alkej-528 author: Ali, Ahmed Abdul Hussain title: تقليل الخطاء في الذراع الألي (الروبوت) على أساس التصميم الأمثل ولنسبة جساءة الى وزن عالية date: 2008-03-01 words: 7693 flesch: 55 summary: Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4 , No.1 , pp 17- 26 (2008 ) Minimizing error in robot arm based on design optimization for high stiffness to weight ratio. The robot is modeled in the MathCAD package and the optimization problem is formulated as to determine the dimension of robot arm in order to minimize the weight and maximize stiffness this formulation can be interpreted as to design the cheapest possible robot that will still meets the design demands. keywords: arm; deflection; robot; robot arm; section; tri; tube; tube section; weight cache: alkej-528.pdf plain text: alkej-528.txt item: #361 of 562 id: alkej-53 author: Khaled, Ali Jamal; Hussain, Ahmed Abdul title: نمو الصدوع وتصرفها خلال جدران الانابيب المعرضة لأحمال صدمية ومحيط حار ورطب date: 2018-12-01 words: 3132 flesch: 71 summary: �����K�F�`�X .(�)P`�X(�)N 0���(���)√. F���(�)7 … (23) ���? = (~�(|}) ∗ �56({) ∗ ��)/({ ∗ ��) …(24) �? = )�pp.���S ���? = �?��L … (25) 6. Keywords: Cracks, crack initiation, crack growth, hygyothermal, pipes failure. keywords: 10q; crack; fig; growth; length; load; stress; table cache: alkej-53.pdf plain text: alkej-53.txt item: #362 of 562 id: alkej-532 author: Hasan Al-Jumaily, Mohammed Abbas title: تقييم الجير المطفأ كمادة مالئة في الخلطات الاسفلتية date: 2008-03-01 words: 10770 flesch: 51 summary: Marshall properties of different asphalt mixture types at optimum asphalt content SCRB specifications Asphalt mixture type Property D66SSD66PCD66HLD47SSD47PCD47HL Min. 8 KN 9.58.610.712.911.314.4Marshall stability (KN) 2-4 mm3. flow(mm) 3-5 % in total mix (%) Min. 1415.915.114.816.916.615.7 Voids in mineral aggregate (%) 65-85 %73.673.576.472.874.175.8 Voids filled with asphalt (%) 4-6 %5.484. Optimum asphalt content (%) Mohammed Abbas Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4 , No. 1 PP 68- 79 (2008) 77 Table 8: Chemical fractions and Gaestel index values of original and recovered asphalt cement types Asphalt cement Original D47 Original D66 Recovered asphalt cement types D47HL D47PC D47SS D66HL D66PC D66SS 0.075 % Passing 100 95 83 59 43 13 7 Table 6: The code for the six asphalt mixture types Asphalt mixture code Description D47HL Daurah 47 pen.asphalt with hydrated lime filler D47PC Daurah 47 pen.asphalt with Portland cement filler D47SS Daurah 47 pen.asphalt with soft sandstone filler D66HL Daurah 66 pen.asphalt with hydrated lime filler D66PC Daurah 66 pen.asphalt with Portland cement filler D66SS Daurah 66 pen.asphalt with soft sandstone filler Table 7 : Marshall properties of different asphalt mixture types at optimum asphalt content SCRB specifications Asphalt mixture type Property D66SS D66PC D66HL D47SS D47PC D47HL Min. 8 KN 9.5 8.6 10.7 12.9 11.3 14.4 Marshall stability (KN) 2-4 mm 3.4 3.7 3.1 3.2 3.6 2.8 Marshall flow(mm) 3-5 % 4.2 4.0 3.5 4.6 4.3 3.8 Voids in total mix (%) keywords: asphalt; asphalt cement; asphalt mixture; cement filler; effect; filler; filler portland; filler type; lime filler; mineral; mineral filler; mixes; mixture; properties; sandstone filler; scrb; stiffness; strength; test; types cache: alkej-532.pdf plain text: alkej-532.txt item: #363 of 562 id: alkej-534 author: Radhaa, Majid S.; Sukkar, Khalid A.; Ali, Jamal M.; Shakoor, Zaidoon M.; Manwel, Niran title: دراســــة سلوكيــــة وانتقال الكتلة والحرارة في أعمدة التقطـــير ذات المفاعـــل date: 2008-06-01 words: 4013 flesch: 55 summary: This is attributed to the high surface area available for liquid vapour contact in packed type column, which leads to increasing mass transfer rates. This is attributed to the high surface area available for liquid vapour contact in packed type column, which leads to increase in the rates of mass transfer. keywords: acid; catalyst; column; conversion; distillation; distribution; esterification; ethyl; mode; operation; reaction; reflux; temperature cache: alkej-534.pdf plain text: alkej-534.txt item: #364 of 562 id: alkej-536 author: Abdul–Hameed, Hayder Mohammed title: Two Domain Flow Method for Leachate Prediction Through Municipal Solid Waste Layers in Al–Amari Landfill Site date: 2018-12-01 words: 3479 flesch: 54 summary: Moisture flow Through Municipal Solid Waste: Patterns and Characteristics. 3. Specify effective storage moisture content, ES, for the entire layer. keywords: cells; flow; infiltration; leachate; matrix; moisture; storage; time; waste cache: alkej-536.pdf plain text: alkej-536.txt item: #365 of 562 id: alkej-537 author: Al-Suhaili, Rafa; Al-Mosewi, Tariq J. title: تحليل البيانات الشهرية لتراكيز المواد العالقة الكلية لنهر الفرات في مدينة الناصرية date: 2018-12-01 words: 3987 flesch: 66 summary: t =is the mean value of yp,t data at position p(month). t =is the standard deviation value of yp,t data at position p(month). keywords: component; data; mean; model; series; stochastic; tss; values cache: alkej-537.pdf plain text: alkej-537.txt item: #366 of 562 id: alkej-538 author: Abdulrazaq, Mustafa Mohammed; Gazi, Safaa Kadhum; Ibraheem, Marwa Qasim title: دراسة تأثير متغيرات عملية التشكيل احادية التماس على الاجهادات المتبقية للأسطح الزاوية بالاعتماد على مسار العدة الايزو بلانار date: 2019-05-27 words: 3730 flesch: 64 summary: It found that residual stresses was raised up with increasing the step over and feed rate values, the effect of these variables studied on two slope angles. Keywords: Incremental Sheet Metal Forming, Residual stresses, Taguchi, single point incremental forming. keywords: feed; forming; incremental; journal; process; shape; sheet; step; stresses; tool; vol cache: alkej-538.pdf plain text: alkej-538.txt item: #367 of 562 id: alkej-539 author: Kazaal, Reem S.; Hamdan, Wisam K. title: تحقيق ألامثلية لعوامل التشغيل للخشونة السطحية في السطوح المعقدة للمواد المركبة date: 2019-05-27 words: 5085 flesch: 56 summary: Analyzing the results using main effect plot and SN ratio to know the affect each paramet from low to high level Fig (7.a) and (7 main effect plot of surface roughness and for SN ratios in five Graphs and affect the chosen five machining parameters on surface roughness of free form surface. The aim of this research is to investigation the optimization of the machining parameters (spindle speed, feed rate, depth of cut, diameter of cutter and number of flutes of cutter) of surface roughness for free- material (Aluminum 6061 reinforced boron carbide) by using HSS uncoated flat end mill cutters which are rare use of form surface. keywords: cutter; engineering; form; journal; machining; milling; parameters; roughness; surface; surface roughness cache: alkej-539.pdf plain text: alkej-539.txt item: #368 of 562 id: alkej-54 author: Dahad, Haydar Abed; Hasan, Sameh Fareed; Alwan, Ali Hussein title: دراسة تاثير اضافة المواد الطبيعية (نوى التمر وقشور البرتقال) والصناعية (الكاربون والسليكا) على الخواص الميكانيكية والحرارية للمواد المركبة البولمرية date: 2018-11-26 words: 3530 flesch: 52 summary: The purpose of the present work was to study the effect of adding natural material (Orange peels and Date seeds) with particle size 98 μm to polyester resin on the mechanical and thermal properties compared with composite material made from industrial material (carbon and silica) with particle size 98 μm and polyester because the natural materials are cheap and not harmful to the people. Thermal Conductivity coefficient results for natural composite material for different weight ratio. keywords: composite; conductivity; date; material; maximum; natural; orange; peels; polyester; ratio; seeds; weight cache: alkej-54.pdf plain text: alkej-54.txt item: #369 of 562 id: alkej-540 author: Alwan, G. M. title: مشاكل السيطرة على الحامضية في محطات معالجة المياه الصناعية date: 2018-12-01 words: 2735 flesch: 60 summary: PH process control is widely used as the end point control in the wastewater treatment plants Shinsky, (1973). [8] Stephanopouls, G.Chemical process control, an introduction to theory and practice , Prentis-Hall, 2 nd edition, N.G., (1984). keywords: control; metals; process; system; time; treatment; wastewater cache: alkej-540.pdf plain text: alkej-540.txt item: #370 of 562 id: alkej-541 author: Al-Taee, Hatem H.; Al-Moosawy, Adil A.; Al-Shojary, Mohammed A. title: التصميم الأمثل لتراكيب الصفائح المقواة المعرضة الى حمل ساكن date: 2018-12-01 words: 6353 flesch: 68 summary: The Morphing ESO was examined in this research to be applied on stiffened plate structures. The research work dealing with the optimum design of stiffened plate structures is an issue that has not yet been addressed adequately by the scientific community. keywords: design; element; fig; index; number; optimization; plate; state; stress; structure; von; weight;   cache: alkej-541.pdf plain text: alkej-541.txt item: #371 of 562 id: alkej-542 author: Ismail, Laith W. title: بحث توزيع الحمل والضغط على الجناح مع التفاف دوامات الأثر لطائرة ذات سرعة واطئة date: 2018-12-01 words: 3401 flesch: 69 summary: Abstract The presented work shows a preliminary analytic method for estimation of load and pressure distributions on low speed wings with flow separation and wake rollup phenomena’s. 59- 68 (2008) Investigation of Load and Pressure Distribution on Wing with Wake Rollup for Low Speed Aircraft Laith W. Ismail Department of Materials Engineering/ University of Technology (Received 8 April 2008; accepted 22 Julay 2008) keywords: aspect; flow; journal; lift; method; pressure; separation; vortex; wake; wing cache: alkej-542.pdf plain text: alkej-542.txt item: #372 of 562 id: alkej-543 author: Jebur, Qusai H. title: التحليل الديناميكي للقشريات الاسطوانية والكروية الخفيفة المصنوعة من مواد مركبة date: 2018-12-01 words: 3604 flesch: 62 summary: The review of literature reveals that the governing equations for thin spherical shells are not available. 8.921 16.627 12.176 16.638 12.240 Present Work 11.847 9.002 16.634 11.811 16.643 11.798 FEM 11.011 8.201 16.001 11.310 15.885 11.023 Discrepancy% 7.06 8.97 3.807 4.11 4.55 6.33 Table 2 Nondimensionalized fundamental frequencies versus Radius-to-side length ratios of cylindrical shell. keywords:  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;   cache: alkej-543.pdf plain text: alkej-543.txt item: #373 of 562 id: alkej-544 author: Naji Al-Azzawi, Yarub Omer title: الإخماد الشبه فعال لأنظمة الإهتزازات الميكانيكية بإستخدام جهاز متغير الجسائة date: 2018-12-01 words: 2698 flesch: 63 summary: Keywords: Semi-active system, vibrations damping, active filters, variable stiffness actuator 1. Semi-active systems are dependent systems now days keywords: control; damping; frequency; response; spring; stiffness; system; vibration cache: alkej-544.pdf plain text: alkej-544.txt item: #374 of 562 id: alkej-545 author: Abbas, Muna K; Al-Maliky, Abdul Hussain G.; Alkhafajy, Ahlam Abid Ameer title: Simulation of Temperature Distribution in TIG Spot Welds of (Al-Mg) Alloy Using Finite Element Method date: 2018-12-01 words: 4647 flesch: 99 summary: اٌؼاللح ت١ٓ صِٓ اٌٍؽاَ ٚلطش ٔمطح اٌٍؽاَ ٚػّك اٌٍؽاَ ؼ١س ٠ضداد لطش (70Amp (ػٍٝ اٌرٛاٌٟ ػٕذ ذ١اسشاتد ِمذاسٖ ٔمطح اٌٍؽاَ ٚػّك اٌٍؽاَ ِغ ص٠ادج صِٓ اٌٍؽاَ ِّا ٠ٛدٞ اٌٝ . ذ١اساخ ِخرٍفح آخ اٌث١ا١ٔح ٌٍرٛص٠غ اٌؽشاسٞ ق اٌؼال(10 ,9) ٠ٛضػ اٌشىالْ ٠ٛضؽاْ خالي لطش ٔمطح اٌٍؽاَ ٚػّك اٌٍؽاَ ػٍٝ اٌرٛاٌٟ ؼ١س اْ ٕ٘اٌه ػاللح طشد٠ح ت١ٓ لطش إٌمطح ٚاٌر١اس ٚوزٌه ت١ٓ عّه ٠ّىٓ أْ ٔؽذد ِٕطمح اٌٍؽاَ ٚإٌّطمح اٌّرأششج keywords: sec; spot; welding; إٌٝ; الصفحة; العدد; المجلد; الهندسية; انحشاسة; انهحاو; اٌؼٕاطش; اٌؽشاسج; اٌٍؽاَ; إٌرائط; خضير; دسظاخ; صِٓ; ص٠ادج; ػٍٝ; ػٕذ; مجلة; منى; ٔمطح cache: alkej-545.pdf plain text: alkej-545.txt item: #375 of 562 id: alkej-546 author: Atiya, Mohammed A. title: انتاج انزيم البروتيز من نخالة الحنطة date: 2018-12-01 words: 2764 flesch: 57 summary: The results indicated that at 1:3 hydrations ratio enzymes production with highest yield and activity of 790 units per g substrate and 1240 unit per mg protein respectively. Table 1 Hydration ratio effect on enzyme activity and enzyme yield at constant temperature of 32°C, incubation period of 100 hours and pH = 2. Hydration ratio Enzyme activity (×100) keywords: activity; effect; enzyme; hydration; incubation; temperature; time cache: alkej-546.pdf plain text: alkej-546.txt item: #376 of 562 id: alkej-547 author: Abbas, Tahseen Fadhil; Younis, Karem Mohsen; Mansor, Khalida kadhim title: تخمين متغيرات عملية التشكيل متعدد النقاط التي تؤثر على خشونة السطح باستخدام خوارزمية تحليل التباين date: 2019-05-27 words: 5646 flesch: 60 summary: �� 2د، ا�������15 ا���ارز ا������� ا���� 79 �ؤ�ر ��� ��و � ا��ط� �����دام ����ن ����رات ����� ا�����ل ���دد ا� ��ط ا��� �وارز��� �!��ل ا�����ن ***� )ور ��ظم ���دة ** �و س �!�ن �ر�م * ���س $�#ل �!��ن *،**،***� �� ��� / وا����دن ا����ج ھ��� ا��!� � ��� ا� * :ا��!�#و�% ا�$# : ن > &!'7 ، #�.; D#21 ط @���E; 2!��1 د ��� ع �2 ا����ذج I ا�� ة ��� Hدي ا�: ;(3�& ز�2 ا����ج وا��% ;� � دة � �!�ن� #�� Lا�2 ا���3��ت واطJ� ا�!3,� و �����ت ����#و�� ، 3(��5 �, @ا���ج 2� M; %وا�� ��3�1 %< �� �D ;. keywords: forming; holder; parameters; process; roughness; speed; surface; thickness; � � cache: alkej-547.pdf plain text: alkej-547.txt item: #377 of 562 id: alkej-548 author: Abdulsattar, Noor N. N.; Mustafa, Faiz F.; Hadi, Suha M. title: تصميم وتنفيذ نظام تحكم اشرافي لخط انتاج السكر date: 2019-05-27 words: 2850 flesch: 61 summary: Today SCADA systems include operator-level software applications for viewing, supervising and troubleshooting local machines and process activities. SCADA used were, current and temperature of the drives have been observed by SCADA system in current instant. keywords: control; engineering; hmi; plc; process; production; scada; system; temperature; vol cache: alkej-548.pdf plain text: alkej-548.txt item: #378 of 562 id: alkej-549 author: Mahdi, Mahmoud Maustafa; Gaddoa, A. A. title: تأثير استعمال شبكة موجة الهواء امام المكثف على اداء منظومة تبريد السيارات date: 2019-05-27 words: 6182 flesch: 61 summary: That means the A/C system without air guide net consumes a higher power than that the A/C system with air guide net. For the second type of test, the experiment was carried out with three different size of air guide net, three different circular diameters (2, 3 and 3.5 cm) and a common air passage area. keywords: air guide; angle; c system; c.o.p; compressor; condenser; cycle; effect; guide net; heat; inclination; performance; power; sample cache: alkej-549.pdf plain text: alkej-549.txt item: #379 of 562 id: alkej-55 author: Mohammed, Ahmed Abed; Abduljabbar, Raed Ayad title: تحسين الاداء لنظام التبريد الشمسي الهجين باستخدام ستراتيجية سيطرة جديدة date: 2018-12-01 words: 3837 flesch: 57 summary: Abstract Enhancement of the performance for hybrid solar air conditioning system was presented in this paper. [3] estimated the optimum refrigerant temperature entering the condenser in hybrid solar air conditioner system by proposing a by-pass line together with a three-way proportional control valve that installed after the compressor to control the refrigerant flow rate and enhance the performance of the system, results show that the average COP by using the optimal set-point values is higher than the commonly-used design by 6.7%. keywords: air; condenser; control; fig; power; refrigerant; system; temperature; time; valve cache: alkej-55.pdf plain text: alkej-55.txt item: #380 of 562 id: alkej-551 author: Raheem, Firas A.; Hameed, Umniah I. title: Heuristic D* Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for Path Planning of Two-Link Robot Arm in Dynamic Environment date: 2019-05-28 words: 5938 flesch: 62 summary: In each iteration of PSO technique, the 9():; and <=�:,; ? vectors of particle i is modified in each dimension j in order to lead the particle i toward either the personal best vector (9@=)*:;) or the swarm’s best vector (A@=)*:;) vel4,B C�� � w × The planar manipulators have � �and � � as their link lengths and � � and � � represent joint angles with x and y as task coordinates. keywords: algorithm; arm; elbow; engineering; environment; figure; link; path; planning; pso; robot cache: alkej-551.pdf plain text: alkej-551.txt item: #381 of 562 id: alkej-552 author: Idan, Fatimah Kadhim I; Obyed, Saleem Mohammed title: معالجة المتبقي من مستخلص زيوت التزييت بالتكسير باستخدام عامل مساعد لإنتاج مقاطع خفيفة date: 2019-05-28 words: 4453 flesch: 62 summary: Toluene, 1,3-dimethylbenzene, and isobutyl benzene are the aromatic compounds that present in produced gasoline and those have high RON which is 111, 115, and 112 RON, respectively for each of them while isoparaffin compounds have high octane numbers (85-100) And so on, hydrotreated or paraffinic feedstocks yield higher gasoline as compared with non-hydrotreated or aromatic feeds. keywords: boiling; cracking; extract; gasoline; oil; point; sample; table; temperature; vol; yield cache: alkej-552.pdf plain text: alkej-552.txt item: #382 of 562 id: alkej-554 author: Abou-Loukh, Sadiq J. title: النمذجة والترشيح لمتابعة الأهداف المناورة date: 2009-06-01 words: 4532 flesch: 63 summary: This secondary system is blended with the pervious two state per coordinate target model Eq.(1) to obtain the overall augmented target model which is driven by a white noise w(t) as follows : )(.) This fact leads to incorrect choice of m  and hence degradation in filter tracking accuracy. keywords: filter; target; tracking;  ;   cache: alkej-554.pdf plain text: alkej-554.txt item: #383 of 562 id: alkej-555 author: N. Jasim, Ali Abdul-Rahman title: تأثير اضافة الكحولات وسرعة الغاز على زمن احتجاز الغاز ومعامل انتقال الكتلة في العمود الفقاعي ذو الانبوب الداخلي date: 2009-06-01 words: 3413 flesch: 68 summary: The liquid phase flow pattern in bubble column was qualitatively described by Kawagoe K, (1976) and by Schumpe A, and Grund, G.R. (1986), who identified the existence of two streams in the column: one heading upwards driven by the buoyancy of gas bubbles and the other carrying the liquid down. The study includes the effect of gas velocity and the addition of alcohols on gas hold-up and mass transfer coefficient in bubble column with draught tube when the length of the column is 1.5m and the ratio of the draught tube diameter to the column diameter equals 0.5 and the air dispersion into the base of the draught tube using a multi hole tuyere is equivalent to a diameter of 0.15 mm and has a free sectional distributor area of 61%. keywords: bubble; column; flow; gas; hold; liquid; mass; phase; transfer; water cache: alkej-555.pdf plain text: alkej-555.txt item: #384 of 562 id: alkej-556 author: Dawood, Munqith S.; Mohammed, Ahmed Ali title: تشخيص اورام الثدي باستخدام ليزرالدايود date: 2009-06-01 words: 5782 flesch: 57 summary: Consequently, to establish a better basis for optical detection and diagnosis based on differential functional contrast, the optical properties of normal breast tissue must be carefully examined and characterized. The results in each figure are presented by four curves: one for normal breast tissue and three for different breast tumors (DCIS, Fibroadinoma and Invasive Carcinoma). keywords: absorption; breast; frequency; laser; modulation; phase; photon; scattering; source; tissue; tumor; wavelength cache: alkej-556.pdf plain text: alkej-556.txt item: #385 of 562 id: alkej-558 author: Kadhum, Ali H.; Hatem, Huda title: قسم هندسة عمليات التصنيع/ كلية هندسة الخوارزمي/ جامعة بغداد date: 2009-06-01 words: 3285 flesch: 56 summary: The theoretical values of Ro (Ra, Rz, Rmax) are realized only at high cutting speed. Optimum values improved mechanical properties (wear, fatigue, strength …) and gave better productivity. keywords: condition; cutting; engineering; feed; machine; machining; optimum; speed; system; tool; values cache: alkej-558.pdf plain text: alkej-558.txt item: #386 of 562 id: alkej-559 author: Hanoon, Ahlam title: تكبير الصورة باستخدام التحويل المويل المعاكس date: 2009-06-01 words: 3663 flesch: 64 summary: This paper introduces a proposed method of image zooming based upon inverse slantlet transform and image scaling. Comparison of image zooming using inverses SLT by box and Bartlett filters, found that, because of the linear interpolation done by using Bartlett the image appears to be smoother than the image obtained using a box filter. keywords: bartlett; box; filter; filterbank; image; inverse; scaling; slantlet; transform cache: alkej-559.pdf plain text: alkej-559.txt item: #387 of 562 id: alkej-56 author: Sadiq, Ibtehal Abbas; Bawa, Kani Hussein title: تحليل الاهتزازات تحت تاثير الاجهاد الاولي باستخدام نظرية اللوحة المكررة date: 2018-12-01 words: 5796 flesch: 76 summary: Q y yy S = ∑ c O # # # B P g$!}~�!}�i�& Q � ���� � S = ∑ c O # # # B P $ g$!}~�!}�i�& Q � ���� � S = ∑ c O # # # B P U g$!}~�!}�i�& X� !��!� Y = ∑ c 8B + �w� � + w� �� +w� ���δw� � + �w� � + w� �� + w� ���δw� � + �w� � +w� �� + w� ���δw� ��� dx dy …(12) Where: x�& ‚�- ‚�* ‚�' ‚�) ‚ �� z =c �2Gn2G �1‚ $‚ $-‚ U�$�‚ $U�$�‚ [U�$�]- � g$ 2.3 Equation of Motion The Euler-Lagrange is obtained by substituting equation(8 - 12) into equation (6), then setting the coefficient of (d , d�, d�� ‚d��� ‚ d���) of Eq.(6) to zero separately, this give five equations of motion as follows: δu ∶ 8� 8< + 8� ¡8B = I&u¢ keywords: &äâ �; plate; w �; � +; � =; � t; � âã cache: alkej-56.pdf plain text: alkej-56.txt item: #388 of 562 id: alkej-560 author: Bayoumi, A. M.; Al Alawi, Aziz title: نموذج تحليل الإجهادات داخل قلب الإنسان date: 2009-06-01 words: 2241 flesch: 67 summary: Stress in left ventricular wall The left ventricular can probably be described as a prolated spheroid, noting that the equatorial region can be well approximated as a thick walled cylinder [3]. (1989) dynamic of left ventricular wall and mitral valve mechanics. keywords: heart; pressure; stresses; surface; ventricle; wall cache: alkej-560.pdf plain text: alkej-560.txt item: #389 of 562 id: alkej-561 author: Abbas, Rula Abdul Khider; Sahib, Muzher Ali; Hamza, Muhammad Slab title: Study the Effect Different Radioactive Dose on Mechanical Properties of Composite Material from Novolak Resin Exposure to High – Energy Radiation date: 2009-06-01 words: 5088 flesch: 98 summary: 1- Formaldehyde Modified) ٚرٌه ثئراثخ خ١ٍؾ (HMTA Novolak-) ٚصٔبً ِٓ اٌّبدح (%10)رٚ ٔغجخ فٟ وؾٛي اال٠ضبٔٛي ثبعزؼّبي خالؽ رٚ (HMTA)اٌّظٍذح عشػخ ػب١ٌخ ثؼذ٘ب ٟ٘ وغش اٌّبدح ٚاٌضب١ٔخ ٟ٘ اٌفشً اٌؾبطً فٟ األ١ٌبف ٚ٘ٛ (Matrix)األعـبط األ١ٌبف أٚ رؼبٟٔ (Tear)ٔٛػبْ فئِب أْ رزّضق ٚفٟ اٌّشؽٍخ اٌضب١ٔخ ٠ىْٛ , ِٓ اٌّبدح األعبط (Pullout)أغالخبً 82 - 72، طفحح 2، اٌؼذد 5ِجٍح keywords: strength; vol; أشؼخ; إٌٝ; اإلشؼبػ١خ; االٔؾٕبء; اخزجبس; اٌخؼش; اٌزٟ; اٌضٕٟ; اٌظالدح; اٌظذِخ; اٌّادج; اٌّبدح; اٌّزشاوجخ; اٌّؾؼشح; ا١ٌّىب١ٔى١خ; ث١ٓ; دسعخ; راد; رمذس; سوال; ص٠بدح; ػثاط; ػثذ; ػٍٝ; ػٕذ; ؽشاسح; ٌىػح; ٌٍّٕىرج; ِمبِٚخ; ٘زٖ cache: alkej-561.pdf plain text: alkej-561.txt item: #390 of 562 id: alkej-562 author: qasim, heba saad; Aghdeab, Shukry H. title: المقارنة بين تاثير كلوريد الصوديوم وكبريتات الصوديوم كمحلول الكتروليتي على عملية التشغيل الكهروكيميائي date: 2019-12-01 words: 3687 flesch: 61 summary: Fig.12 explains the effect of current (2,5,10) A, and voltage (20V), maximum material removal rate for NaCl is (0.038)g/min, and minimum value is(0.01) This study aims to compare the effect of using different electrolyte solution including sodium chloride (NaCl) and sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) on the surface roughness (Ra) and material removal rate (MRR). keywords: concentration; current; machining; material; nacl; rate; removal; roughness; solution; surface; value; voltage cache: alkej-562.pdf plain text: alkej-562.txt item: #391 of 562 id: alkej-564 author: Abid Al-Sahib, Nabeel K.; Abdulateef, Osamah F.; Hamza, Ahmed Samir title: الأستقصاء عن أنظمة المراقبة و السيطــــره على عمليات اللحـــام بالقوس الكهربائي date: 2009-09-01 words: 4875 flesch: 58 summary: Experimental Work Experimental work was carried out according to a plan developed to monitor and control fusion arc welding process, as shown in figure (1). Each kind of arc welding process is characterized by certain shapes of the welding voltage and the current typical for the process. keywords: arc; bending; current; journal; monitoring; process; quality; speed; strength; value; voltage; welding cache: alkej-564.pdf plain text: alkej-564.txt item: #392 of 562 id: alkej-566 author: Al-Jumaily, A. M; Al-Ammri, A. Salam title: تحليل تقدم الموجات في تشخيص أمراض الشريان الأبهر بوساطة تقسيمه الى عدة مناطق date: 2009-09-01 words: 3334 flesch: 55 summary: It is found that there is a significant change brachial artery pressure waveforms and strain on the pneumatic cuff outer wall contours for part 2 (lumps 5-8) of the aorta from the other parts. All these variations affect the pattern of pressure waves. keywords: aorta; aortic; artery; lumps; pressure; radius; time cache: alkej-566.pdf plain text: alkej-566.txt item: #393 of 562 id: alkej-568 author: Ragib, Ahmed Mahrous title: مراقب عدد دقات القلب واطئ الكلفة باستخدام متحسس الثنائي الباعث للضوء date: 2009-09-01 words: 2328 flesch: 63 summary: Variations in the intensity of detected light are caused by blood volume changes underneath the probe.[1] The PPG signal has two components: a dc component, which is a relatively constant voltage, but changes in magnitude depending on the nature of the tissue through which the light passes (skin, cartilage, venous blood, etc) and an ac or pulsatile component synchronous with heart rate (HR) and related to arterial blood volume. Abstract A high sensitivity, low power and low cost sensor has been developed for photoplethysmography (PPG) measurement. keywords: blood; detector; diode; figure; light; microcontroller; ppg; signal; time cache: alkej-568.pdf plain text: alkej-568.txt item: #394 of 562 id: alkej-569 author: Yousuf, Louay S. title: تنبؤ الوقت للتصرف الديناميكي لالياف الزجاج المقواة مع مادة البوليستر المركبة الخاضعة لتقلبات درجات الحرارة المختلفة date: 2009-09-01 words: 3963 flesch: 52 summary: Table 6 shows the comparison of maximum percent overshoot of composite plate before and after temperature effect varies with different boundary condition. Fig. 4 shows a comparison of the amplitudes before and after temperatures effects vary with time for CFCF boundary condition. keywords: composite; conditions; effect; fiber; frequency; journal; modulus; plate; temperatures; time; vibration cache: alkej-569.pdf plain text: alkej-569.txt item: #395 of 562 id: alkej-57 author: Kamal, Hamza M.; Kadhim, Mohammed J.; Mohammed, Raeid K. title: تأثير المعاملة القاعدية للمواد الطبيعية المعادة على خواص متراكبات راتنجات الايبوكسي date: 2018-12-01 words: 3478 flesch: 54 summary: This behavior lead to poor resistant to the moisture and high water absorption which result in degradation in the mechanical properties of prepared composite and the interfacial bonding between natural jute fibers and polyester resin as shown in fig.11. Natural fibers have mechanical and physical properties that differs from fiber to fiber and due to its good mechanical properties such as the specific strength, addition with, non-abrasive, eco- friendly keywords: composite; epoxy; fibers; jute; materials; mechanical; properties; resin; strength; weight cache: alkej-57.pdf plain text: alkej-57.txt item: #396 of 562 id: alkej-570 author: Shuka, Hayder Al-; Wajidi, Wisam ِ Al- title: تحليل الإجهاد لموجهات سكك المصاعد date: 2009-09-01 words: 3488 flesch: 68 summary: Therefore, a recommended calculation method for guide rails is presented to be an acceptable method for analysis of guide rail. Therefore, a theoretical analysis is achieved at two operating conditions for guide rails (1) safety gear operation, and (2) running condition with the loads unevenly distributed on the elevator car. keywords: bending; efb; field; guide; moment; rails cache: alkej-570.pdf plain text: alkej-570.txt item: #397 of 562 id: alkej-571 author: Alkaissi, Zainab Ahmed; Al Khafagy, Duraid Ali title: ميكانيكية انتشار الشقوق في التبليط المركب date: 2009-09-01 words: 2871 flesch: 58 summary: Key Words: Finite element; pavement model; crack propagation; composite pavement; stress intensity factor; stress distribution; crack initiation; horizontal tensile stress. The input material properties for composite pavement layers are shown in Table(1). keywords: asphalt; crack; element; factor; intensity; layer; pavement; stress cache: alkej-571.pdf plain text: alkej-571.txt item: #398 of 562 id: alkej-572 author: Ali, Jamal M.; Abbas, Qasim M. title: التأكل والتصرف الغلفاني لمزدوجات النحاس،الحديد والزنك في محلول كلوريد الصوديوم بتركيز(wt 3.5 %) date: 2009-09-01 words: 4197 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: Corrosion behavior in copper, galvanic corrosion 1. The larger the potential difference, the greater the probability of galvanic corrosion. keywords: area; corrosion; current; density; galvanic; metal; potential; ratio cache: alkej-572.pdf plain text: alkej-572.txt item: #399 of 562 id: alkej-573 author: Salman, Mohammed Sadeq title: إزالة الكبريتات من المياه المخلفة باستخدام الفحم المنشط date: 2009-09-01 words: 1906 flesch: 62 summary: qe : adsorption capacity (mg/g) V : volume of Sample (ml) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 mass of activated carbon mg E q u l i b r u i m C o n c . (John, 1995) a Ce abqe Ce  1 ...(1) where Ce is the concentration of sulfate at equilibrium (mg/l) , a is constant monolayer adsorption capacity (mg/g) b is constant related to energy of adsorption (l/g) qe is adsorption capacity (mg/g). keywords: adsorption; carbon; sulfate; water cache: alkej-573.pdf plain text: alkej-573.txt item: #400 of 562 id: alkej-574 author: Ali, Ahmed J.; Rahman, Ameel Mohammed title: تشخيص تشتت المعدن لبعض العوامل المساعدة المستخدمة في تهذيب النافثا بتفاعل إزالة الهيدروجين لمثيل سيكلو هكسان date: 2009-09-01 words: 3849 flesch: 58 summary: It is clearly appeared from above discussion that the Pt–Ir catalysts behave like Pt catalysts as found by Ramaswamy et al. This behavior was observed for supported Pt catalysts, where at temperatures  600°C the catalysts can be sintered in a short time up to a value never obtained in hydrogen atmosphere [21] . keywords: catalysts; dehydrogenation; dispersion; metal; platinum; reaction; reduction; temperature cache: alkej-574.pdf plain text: alkej-574.txt item: #401 of 562 id: alkej-575 author: Hussein, Hussein Jabbar; Al-Kaisy, Hanaa A.; Elie, Saad M. title: دراسة تأثير ازألة الزنك في سبيكة البراص على خواص الكلال date: 2009-09-01 words: 3041 flesch: 95 summary: والتــي تكــون مــع خواصــه تضــاف اليــه النحاس سبائك النحاس والتــي تقســم إلــى مجــاميع اهمهــا مجموعــة حيــث تتعــرض ســبائك البــراص ]١[البــراص ومجموعــة البرونــز األصفر لعده أنــواع مــن التآكــل مــن أهمهــا هــو التآكــل االجهــادي والتآكل االختيــاري والتآكــل الموضــعي والنحــت ومــن أهــم أنــواع التي تحدث لـــــــــسبائك الـــــــــبراص األصــفر هــو التآكــل التآكل االختــــــــــــياري او مايـــــــــــــعرف بعملــــــــــــــية إزالـــــــــــة ) .dezincificationالزنك( Namboodhiri, Chaudhary, Prakash)قام البــاحثون ،ويالحــظ مــن الشــكل زيــادة عــدد 4العينات والموضحة بالشكل ( دورات الفشل كلما قلت سعة اإلجهاد المسلط. keywords: brass; cycles; dezincification; إزالة; إلى; األصــفر; األوساط; اإلزالة; البراص; البــراص; التآكــل; التآكل; التي; الزنــك; الزنك; العينات; العينة; الكالل; النحاس; الهندسية; الوسط; حسين; حيــث; دراسة; سبائك; علــى; على; عملية; ــة; ــد; فحص; فــي; مــن cache: alkej-575.pdf plain text: alkej-575.txt item: #402 of 562 id: alkej-577 author: Mahdi, Iman Hahider title: دراسة التشتت المحوري لعمود الطبقة الثابته من المبادلات الايونية date: 2009-12-01 words: 5379 flesch: 50 summary: Abstract A mathematical model is developed which predicates the performance of cylindrical ion exchange bed involving comparing of axial dispersion model for cation exchange column with different assumption, this model permits the performance to predicate the residence time within the bed with the variance, axial dispersion and Pecklet No. to indicated deviation from plug flow model. Several workers studied dispersion with porous media, the first who deal with axial dispersion O. Levenspiel 1958 when he study the commercial application of step experiment and he design chart to ease the calculation of axial dispersion, H. Dunck 1966 study he effect of axial dispersion on the elution band of nonlinear equilibrium chromatography and the effect change in axial dispersion coffin with elution velocity , O .Levenspiel 1972 found the c-curve in closed vassal for various extend of back mixing as predicated the dispersion model , C.Y. Wen, T. Tfan l.t. 1975 point that the axial dispersion provides satisfactory description only of mixing model that not deviated significantly from plug flow, R. Shinnar 1987emphasized that the application of axial dispersion model for Pe No. value for less than 10 is not advised, Iman Hahider Mahdi Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4, PP 1-12 (2009) 2 C. T. Tan1987 the value of dispersion coefficient are either assumed or calculated from molecular diffusivity and radial pore velocity prior to incorporation into the model the radial dispersion R. Y. A. Ofoli, 1991 reported that axial dispersion model is suitable for analysis of reactor up to 30% conversion , Y. Tsaur and D. Shallcross 1997 developed a model to simulate ion exchange performances with fixed annular bed which take into account the radial dispersion in effect in both solution and exchange phases, however the model assumes instantaneous equilibrium between ions in the solution and exchange phases existed throughout the exchanger, M. A. Barros and Aszpla 2002 analyze the Cr +3 ion to exchange in NaA zeolite in presence of K + ,Cu +3 ion in binary and ternary cation exchange with evaluate the dimensionless variance of Breakthrough curve which useful to estimate the axial dispersion of the bed, M. Doung and D. Shallcross 2002 developed theoretical model of fixed bed ion exchange and obtained the model for pure dispersion without ion exchange performance, I. M. Abu-Reesh and B.l F. Abu- Sharkh 2003 make a comparison of axial dispersion and tank-in-series models for simulating the performance reactors they found that tank-in-series models presents computational advantages compared to dispersion model , Doung M. and Shallcross D.2005 made a series of experiment in wedge-shape cell ion exchange for both Na-and H- form bed with different flow rate lead to indicated dispersion coefficient function of pore velocity and radial distant of the wall. keywords: bed; column; concentration; dispersion; engineering; exchange; flow; model; nacl; rate; resin; solution; time cache: alkej-577.pdf plain text: alkej-577.txt item: #403 of 562 id: alkej-578 author: Abdul-Hameed, Hayder Mohammed title: دراسة عملية الامتزاز لأيوني الكادميوم والرصاص من محلول مائي باستخدام الكاربون المنشط date: 2009-12-01 words: 2361 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: Adsorption, heavy metal ions, aqueous solution, activated carbon 1. Since the pollution of the environment with heavy metals is important and as result of many human industrial, agricultural and petroleum activities, it means that these effluents would carry heavy metal ions in solution. 3. Materials and Method All materials used are from the Iraqi market, a solution of Cd(NO3)2.2H2O and Pb(NO3)2.4H2O were prepared with initial concentration of 1000 mg/l by the dissolving 2.75 gm of Pb(NO3)2.4H2O in 2.5 l of distilled water and 1.82 gm of Cd(NO3)2.2H2O in 2.2 l distilled water. keywords: adsorption; carbon; equation; ions; metal; time cache: alkej-578.pdf plain text: alkej-578.txt item: #404 of 562 id: alkej-579 author: Mohammed, Malek M.; H. Radhi, Mazin A.; Nasir, Ali Yasseen title: دراسة العوامل المؤثرة على انسيابية العامل المساعد (Al2O3 (ZnO – CuO/ مع مزج مزيتات مختلفة خلال القمع date: 2009-12-01 words: 2317 flesch: 63 summary: Figures (5 – 8) show that, the mass flow rate at (0.6 mm) reach to the maximum value because the size of catalyst particles increased the effect of lubricants in the flow becomes clear than the cut of small size., and then fall down because the flow depend mostly on the particles size of catalyst, the diameter of hole of the hopper which is (2 cm) is fixed and the size of particles became larger (0.72 mm), therefore, the particles were crowded and do not able to flow through hopper. Abstract One of the most important problems in tablet process is to control the flow of the catalyst through the hopper; Controlling the flow can be done either by changing the size of particles or added the different lubricant (stearic acid, starch, graphite) or blending of different lubricants. keywords: acid; catalyst; flow; graphite; lubricants; particles; starch; stearic cache: alkej-579.pdf plain text: alkej-579.txt item: #405 of 562 id: alkej-58 author: Hamidi, Saad Tami; Mohammed, Jamal Abdul-Kareem; Reda, Laith Muhsin title: تَصميم وتنفيذ تَحكّم آلي لمنظومة تَتبع ذاتُ محورين لتطبيقات الطاقة الحرارية الشمسية المُرَّكزة date: 2018-12-01 words: 4692 flesch: 62 summary: [9] H. Mousazadeh, A. Keyhani, A. Javadi, H. Mobli, K. Abrinia, and A. Sharifi, “A review of principle and sun-tracking methods for maximizing solar systems output,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13, 2009, pp. 1800-1818. The experimental tests have been done on the PTSC system to investigate its thermal performance in two cases, with tracking system (case 1) and without tracking system (case 2). keywords: axis; collector; energy; fig; power; ptsc; radiation; sun; system; time; tracker; tracking; tracking system; water cache: alkej-58.pdf plain text: alkej-58.txt item: #406 of 562 id: alkej-581 author: AL-Bahri, Mohammed B.; AL-Naimi, Safa A.; Ahammed, Sundus H. title: دراسة تأثير متغيرات عملية التمييء على إنتاج بروتين الصويا المتميئ date: 2019-03-01 words: 4863 flesch: 61 summary: [(AN of hydrolysis protein – AN of protein) / Protein was added with 33% HCl in a 1:1 ratio by weight, the conditions of protein hydrolysis was Mohammed B. Al-Bahri Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4, PP 25 -38 (2009) 28 in a reactor with 130 C, 2.5 atm , for 4 hr [13].On the other hand, Al-Aaragi (1994) treated sample of soybean flour with 6 N HCl at 110 C in an evacuated tube for 24 hr, to determine the amino acid composition of soya proteins , above conditions, it is necessary to complete hydrolysis of soybean protein according to Toffer procedure for analysis[14]. keywords: acid; amino; concentration; degree; effect; hydrolysis; process; protein; soya; temperature; time cache: alkej-581.pdf plain text: alkej-581.txt item: #407 of 562 id: alkej-582 author: Aziz, Jabir S.; Hussein, Osama A. title: تصميم وتنفيذ نظام جمع بيانات لتطبيقات بيئية date: 2019-03-01 words: 3271 flesch: 58 summary: a. Remote Unit The remote unit for this scenario consists of data collection section connected to the parallel port of a PC, Web server application is installed on the PC (Apache server) thus the stored data can be accessed using browsing technology. The circuit shown in figure (3) was build to achieve the functions of sensing, data collection and signal conditioning, in which LM35 is used as a linear temperature sensor, A/D 0804 and OP- AMP are used as the data collection and signal conditioning section. keywords: data; gprs; master; network; remote; scenario; section; system; telemetry; unit cache: alkej-582.pdf plain text: alkej-582.txt item: #408 of 562 id: alkej-583 author: Miry, Mohammed H. title: تطوير تخمين معيار معلومات Akaike بالأعتماد على أزالة التشويه لحزمة مرشح مربع المرأة date: 2019-03-01 words: 3103 flesch: 61 summary: If there are q signal sources, the largest q eigenvalues correspond to the q sources and the first q columns of the unitary matrix UX span the signal subspace. It plays a very important role in the denoising of signals since it gives an effective, informative and compact description of the analyzed signals. keywords: aic; noise; number; qmf; signal; sources; system; wavelet cache: alkej-583.pdf plain text: alkej-583.txt item: #409 of 562 id: alkej-584 author: Hadi, Nabil H.; Rashed, Iqbal A. title: Health Monitoring For Cantilever Crane Frame Using Residual Error Method date: 2019-03-01 words: 4425 flesch: 68 summary: “Evaluation of structural damage identification methods based on dynamic characteristics”. The method based on changes in the dynamics characteristics of the beam structures are examined and evaluated for damage scenarios. keywords: beam; crack; damage; element; matrix; method; mode; stiffness;   cache: alkej-584.pdf plain text: alkej-584.txt item: #410 of 562 id: alkej-585 author: Athab, Omar A.; Hadi, Ahmed S.; Faraj, Sufyan T. title: موجه شبكات لتطبيقات خاصة بالاعتماد على نظام وندوز date: 2019-03-01 words: 13082 flesch: 59 summary: Switch Ware Active Network Architecture [12], consists of three layers: active packets, active extensions and a secure active router infrastructure. Active packets carry programs consisting of code and data to replace both the header and payload of traditional packets. keywords: adapter; anep; architecture; code; component; driver; engineering; field; function; journal; khwarizmi; module; network; packet; processing; router; service; test; user; vol cache: alkej-585.pdf plain text: alkej-585.txt item: #411 of 562 id: alkej-586 author: Abbas, Muna Khedier; Thamir, Amin Dway; Abbas, Ahmed Salloum title: الطلاء الكهربائي بالكروم الصلد وتحسين الخواص بالمعاملات الحرارية الكيمياوية (الكربنه الصلبة) لفولاذ منخفض الكاربون date: 2019-03-01 words: 4636 flesch: 98 summary: رزؼشع اٌؼذ٠ذ ِٓ ِٓ األعضاء إٌٙذع١خ ٌّؼذالد رشغ١ً ػب١ٌخ ِّب ٠ٌٛذ ِٓ اٌؼ١ٕبد اٌّط١ٍخ ثؼذ لطؼٙب ثبعزخذاَ ٚرُ رٕؼ١ّٙب . keywords: اعشاء; انخىارزيً; انخىارزيً انهُذسٍح; انؼذد; انهُذسٍح; انهُذسٍح انًجهذ; انًجهذ; انًجهذ يُى; اٌجٍٝ; اٌطالء; اٌظٍجخ; اٌظٍذ; اٌىبسثْٛ; اٌىشثٕخ; اٌىشَٚ; اٌّط١ٍخ; اٌٝ; ثبٌىشَٚ; ثؼذ; خضٍر; طفحح; ػثاش; ػٍٝ; ػ١ٍّخ; ؽجمخ; يُى; يُى خضٍر cache: alkej-586.pdf plain text: alkej-586.txt item: #412 of 562 id: alkej-587 author: Mohammed, Imaad Sedeeq; Juaad, Salah Karem title: تقدير أداء شغل المبدل الحراري بواسطة اسلوب التبريد التبخيري date: 2019-03-01 words: 5950 flesch: 103 summary: ِٓ ثٔضمجي ثٌقشثسر ِٓ ثٌٙٛثء ثٌٝ ثٌّجء ٚصض٠ذ ِٓ ثٌفمذ ثٌقشثسٞ ثٌّقغٛط ٌٍٙٛثء ٌزٌه ٚدجٌضجٌٟ ِّٚج . ثٌضذش٠ذ ِٓ غ١ش صالِظ د١ٓ ٚ٘زٖ ثٌؼ١ٍّز صغّٝ keywords: ثٌشىً; ثٌضذش٠ذ; ثٌطجلز; ثٌغشػز; ثٌؼاللز; ثٌقشثسر; ثٌمٕٛثس; ثٌّجء; ثٌّذجدي; ثٌٕشجسر; ثٌٙٛثء; ثٔضمجي; دسؽز; ص٠جدر; عشػز; عطٛؿ; ػٍٝ; ف١ظ; ٌٍٙٛثء; ٘زٖ cache: alkej-587.pdf plain text: alkej-587.txt item: #413 of 562 id: alkej-588 author: Noori Hasan, Ali Mohammed title: تصميم ومحاكاة Gaussian FSK مرسلة باستعمال مركب ترددات من نوع ΣΔ Modulator Fractional-N date: 2008-09-01 words: 3355 flesch: 60 summary: Thus, the signal to noise ratio at low frequencies is higher than in a first-order modulator.  Low phase noise contributions are lowered by 20log (L), where L is the fractional modulus. keywords: accumulator; data; figure; fractional; frequency; modulation; noise; output; phase; synthesizer; transmitter cache: alkej-588.pdf plain text: alkej-588.txt item: #414 of 562 id: alkej-589 author: Ketan, Hussein S.; Al-Zuheri, Atiya Kadhim title: تصحيح أوضاع العمل في مهام تجميع مضخة ألماء بإستخدام نظام تحليل العمل ((OWAS )) date: 2008-09-01 words: 3387 flesch: 56 summary: This study with OWAS, analyzed working postures for manual material handling of laminations at stacking workstation for water pump assembly line in Electrical Industrial Company (EICO) / Baghdad. This system enables the user to observe working postures continuously or intermittently. keywords: action; analysis; engineering; handling; journal; khwarizmi; owas; postures; system; working; workstation cache: alkej-589.pdf plain text: alkej-589.txt item: #415 of 562 id: alkej-59 author: Hoshi, Hisham Assi; Ahmed, Israa S.; Abdulmunem, Abdulmunem R. title: تأثير استخدام المركب لفوهة مربعة ذو جنيح مع شريط حلزوني على الخصائص الحرارية في أنبوب مبادل حراري date: 2018-11-28 words: 2890 flesch: 66 summary: References [1] S. Eiamsa-ard, K.Wongcharee, P.Eiamsa- ard,C.Thianpong, Heat transfer enhancement in a tube using delta-winglet twisted tape inserts, Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 310–318 [2] S.W. Chang, K.W. Yu, M.H. Lu, Heat transfer in tubes fitted with single, twin and triple twisted tapes, J. Exp. Numerous investigations using insertion of various turbulators configurations on the improvement of heat transfer were performed. keywords: combination; fig; heat; nozzle; number; nusselt; transfer; tube; winglets cache: alkej-59.pdf plain text: alkej-59.txt item: #416 of 562 id: alkej-590 author: Salim, Khalifa Abboud; R. Kadhim, Abdul-Karim A.; Ahmad, Adil H. title: طريقة جديدة للاتصالات المتكيفة على قناة عالية التردد date: 2008-09-01 words: 4438 flesch: 57 summary: II- System Model A communication link which consists of a transmitter, a receiver, HF channel and feedback channel as shown in Fig.(1) was considered. Various techniques are used to combat HF channel impairments such as diversity reception which is commonly used at HF installations, hence improves the reliability of HF channel [2]. keywords: ber; channel; communication; data; engineering; frequency; journal; khwarizmi; modulation; performance; rate; signal; vol cache: alkej-590.pdf plain text: alkej-590.txt item: #417 of 562 id: alkej-592 author: Ali, Jawad K. title: تصميم مرشح امرار نطاقي ذي شريحة دقيقة متولد من الترتيب الهندسي الجزئي المبني على اساس المرنان الحلقي المربع ثنائي النمط لمنظومات الاتصالات اللاسلكية date: 2019-03-01 words: 3791 flesch: 59 summary: Abstract A novel fractal design scheme has been introduced in this paper to generate microstrip bandpass filter designs with miniaturized sizes for wireless applications. Conclusions In this paper, a novel fractal design scheme has been presented as a new technique for microstrip bandpass filter design based on dual- mode square ring resonator. keywords: bandpass; design; fig; filter; fractal; frequency; iteration; microstrip; mode; resonator; ring; square cache: alkej-592.pdf plain text: alkej-592.txt item: #418 of 562 id: alkej-593 author: Zghair, Haidir Raheem; Zghair, Haidir Raheem; Zghair, Haidir Raheem; Zghair, Haidir Raheem; Yaqoub, Zaid Hikmat; Barzan, Amjad title: تصميم خوارزميه لاتمته تخطيط انظمه التثبيت لقطعه العمل المتعددة السطوح المتناسقه date: 2019-03-01 words: 4542 flesch: 48 summary: Applied to process planning a part, feature recognition system would distinguish features of a part based on the geometric and topological information stored in the CAD database. Feature-based design, by contrast, aims at building a product model with a predefined set of design features. keywords: contact; face; feature; fixturing; locating; location; number; setup; system; workpiece cache: alkej-593.pdf plain text: alkej-593.txt item: #419 of 562 id: alkej-594 author: Ali, Jawad K. title: هوائي جديد ثنائي القطب مطبوع مبني على اساس الترتيب الهندسي الجزئي لتحويلات دالة الخيمة لتطبيقات الاتصالات اللاسلكية date: 2019-03-01 words: 3771 flesch: 63 summary: [18] K. J. Vinoy, K. A. Jose, V. K. Varadan, and V. V. Varadan, “Resonant frequency of Hilbert curve fractal antennas,” in Proc. Dig. Keywords: Fractal antenna, antenna miniaturization, multi-band antenna, printed dipole antenna, IFS (iteration function system). keywords: antenna; curve; dimension; dipole; fractal; frequency; function; generation; length; tent cache: alkej-594.pdf plain text: alkej-594.txt item: #420 of 562 id: alkej-596 author: M., Alaa K. title: Mass-Transfer Characteristics of Air- Suction Type Fermentors date: 2019-03-01 words: 3339 flesch: 67 summary: The effect of impeller submergence on the value of mass transfer coefficient (KLa) is not much pronounced. S= 0.5D to S=2D. From Figure (5), it can be seen that the effect of impeller submergence on the value of mass transfer coefficient (KLa) is not much pronounced. keywords: coefficient; effect; impeller; kla; liquid; mass; oxygen; submergence; transfer cache: alkej-596.pdf plain text: alkej-596.txt item: #421 of 562 id: alkej-597 author: Hassan, Karim H.; Khammas, Zuhair A-A; Rahman, Ameel M. title: تحضير العامل المساعد اوكسيد الزنك المستخدم لازالة كبريتيد الهيدروجين، فحص الفعالية ودراسة الحركية date: 2019-03-01 words: 4727 flesch: 57 summary: Many methods have been used for preparation of ZnO catalysts, but the most common were allocated between the thermal and chemical treatments. In addition to ZnO catalyst, other sulfur compounds removal catalysts were studied by several investigators. keywords: catalyst; engineering; gas; h2s; hydrogen; rate; removal; sulfide; temperature; zinc; zno cache: alkej-597.pdf plain text: alkej-597.txt item: #422 of 562 id: alkej-598 author: Hamza, Mohammed Sellab title: دراسة تأثير الكسرالحجمي لألياف الزجاج على الموصلية الحرارية للمواد المتراكبة البوليمرية date: 2019-03-01 words: 4690 flesch: 50 summary: The percentage of increasing of experimental thermal conductivity was 96.91% for parallel arrangement and 13.33% for perpendicular arrangement comparison with its original value before the using of glass fibers. 2- The minimum value of experimental thermal conductivity for perpendicular arrangement was (0.172 W/m. C) at fiber volume fraction (3%) and the percentage of improvement and the increasing of the experimental thermal conductivity was 13.77% while the maximum value of experimental thermal conductivity for parallel arrangement was (0.237 W/m. C) 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 T h e rm a l C o n d u c ti v it y ( W /m .C ) Theoretical Experimental Parallel Direction Perpendicular Direction 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 T h e rm a l C o n d u c ti v it y ( W /m . keywords: conductivity; direction; experimental; fiber; fraction; parallel; perpendicular; volume; volume fraction cache: alkej-598.pdf plain text: alkej-598.txt item: #423 of 562 id: alkej-599 author: Mustafa, Faiz F. title: النموذج الحراري والانصهاري الناتج من الحزمة الليزرية على المواد الصلبة date: 2019-03-01 words: 4088 flesch: 64 summary: The thermal analysis was conducted using temperature dependent thermal material properties the values of these properties for aluminum 2519 T87and stainless steel 304 are shown in Table 2 were taken from [10-11]. A nonlinear transient thermal analysis was performed using temperature dependent material properties used to evaluate temperature distribution The computations of the depth profile and time evolution of the temperature before melting as well as after melting are carried out for the two materials, the variation of the melt depth with time, the effects of the laser power density on the melt depth and the irradiation time on melting and vaporization are calculated. keywords: aluminum; depth; element; finite; heat; laser; material; melting; power; temperature; time cache: alkej-599.pdf plain text: alkej-599.txt item: #424 of 562 id: alkej-6 author: hamed, Ali hussein title: تصميم و بناء دائرة معالج دقيق للسيطرة على منظومة التجفيف الضؤي للأسنان date: 2017-12-29 words: 1948 flesch: 63 summary: 4.The Neural Estimator In the last years several papers dealing with PCA neural networks [3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[11]and [12] have discussed the advantages ,problems, and difficulties of such neural network (which is shown in figure 2) .In Thus by the use of PCA neural network we neglect part of the noise, due to the neglecting of the noise subspace. keywords: capon; engineering; network; neural; pca; signal; subspace cache: alkej-6.pdf plain text: alkej-6.txt item: #425 of 562 id: alkej-60 author: Ismail, May M.; Salman, Sami D.; Muallah, Shatha K. title: التحقيق التجريبي والعددي لمحاكاة الخصائص الحرارية الحرارية للبوليمر الذائب بوليبروبيلين 575 في الطارد ذي البرغي الواحد date: 2018-12-01 words: 3484 flesch: 60 summary: The numerical simulation using CFD models for single screw extruder and the polymer extrusion was analysed for parameters such as (thermal conductivity, specific heat, density and viscosity) reveals a high degree of similarity to experimental data measured. The experiments were conducted using Chinese extruder in Babil governorate, this part of the work involves conducting the practical experiments on the polypropylene 575 and simulating these experiments, then validates the results with the experimental work, table (1) Shows the overall data of single screw extruder. keywords: engineering; extruder; fig; heat; polymer; screw; temperature; ∂ ∂ cache: alkej-60.pdf plain text: alkej-60.txt item: #426 of 562 id: alkej-600 author: Gheab, Nebras Hussain; Saleem, Sadeem Nabeel title: دراسة مقارنة لاشارة التخطيط العضلي باستخدام المويجة و الشبكات العصبية date: 2019-03-01 words: 3855 flesch: 57 summary: [2] M. B. I. Reaz, M. S. Hussain and F. Mohd- Yasin, Techniques of EMG signal analysis: detection, processing, classification and applications, Biol. EMG signal acquires noise while traveling through different tissues. keywords: analysis; emg; engineering; families; fig; properties; signal; time; transform; wavelet cache: alkej-600.pdf plain text: alkej-600.txt item: #427 of 562 id: alkej-601 author: Al-Jobouri, Hadeel Kassim; Khamiss Al-Ani, Nasser N. title: تحليل أشارة التخطيط الكهربائي للقلب المعتمد على الحاسوب ونظام المراقبة date: 2019-03-01 words: 4115 flesch: 65 summary: The proposed system gives a new concept of ECG signal manipulation, storing, and editing. This system was tested for different ECG signals, some of them are abnormal and the other is normal, and the results show that the system has a good quality of diagnosis identification. keywords: d b; ecg; p b; signal; system cache: alkej-601.pdf plain text: alkej-601.txt item: #428 of 562 id: alkej-602 author: Al-Ammri, A. Salam; Kadim, Bahaa I.; Al-Azzawi, Yarub O. title: يد انسان آلي صغيرة ثنائية الأصابع تقاد بواسطة مشغلات الأسلاك العضلية date: 2019-03-01 words: 4218 flesch: 61 summary: Abstract In this research, a modified artificial hand with direct control has been designed using electrical artificial muscle wires that receive direct sensory impulses through human hand instead of using the mechanical action to open and close this artificial hand. [1] developed a robot hand having equal number of DOF to human hand. keywords: control; engineering; figure; finger; hand; length; muscle; mws; robot cache: alkej-602.pdf plain text: alkej-602.txt item: #429 of 562 id: alkej-603 author: Miry, Ali Hussien title: استخدام متعدد تحويل المويج وطريقة الاستكمال لضغط الصور الملونة date: 2019-03-01 words: 3095 flesch: 55 summary: The aim of image compression is to reduce the size of an image with or without loss of information (lossy or lossless compression). Algorithms based on wavelets have been shown to work well in image compression. keywords: compression; image; multiwavelet;  ;  ;   cache: alkej-603.pdf plain text: alkej-603.txt item: #430 of 562 id: alkej-604 author: Mohammed, Alaa K.; Hussen, Hassanin Ali; Abid Al-Rassul, Safa title: اداء المفاعلات الحيوية ذات الخلاطات المزدوجة الساحبة للهواء date: 2008-12-01 words: 2899 flesch: 72 summary: The ratio of impeller diameter to tank diameter (D/T) and the submergence (S) of upper impeller from the top were varied. The ratio of impeller diameter to vessel diameter (D/T) was varied from 0.15 to 0.35 .The keywords: clearance; diameter; gas; impeller; inducing; induction; liquid; rate; submergence cache: alkej-604.pdf plain text: alkej-604.txt item: #431 of 562 id: alkej-605 author: Abdullah, Mahmoud Omar; Al-Jiboury, Khalid Farhod; Yaseen, Bushra title: Extraction of Phenol From Industrial Water Using Different Solvents date: 2008-12-01 words: 5396 flesch: 57 summary: Evaluation of the Consistency of the Experimental Tie-Lines: The accuracy of the experimental data for the six ternary systems at 30 o C was checked by plotting in figures 10 and 11, the Othmer-Tobias correlation (Othmer and Tobias, 1942): )3...( 1 log 1 log  n X -X m X -X SS SS WW WW Mahmoud Omar Abdullah Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No.4, PP 9-25 (2008) 14 Figures 10 and 11 can be useful to check whether experimental data have a regular or not. The NRTL model for the activity coefficients of ternary liquid systems gives a good representation of liquid- liquid equilibria for the systems under study. keywords: data; distribution; equilibrium; liquid; model; nrtl; parameters; phenol; system; system water; ternary; uniquac; water cache: alkej-605.pdf plain text: alkej-605.txt item: #432 of 562 id: alkej-606 author: Majed, Rana A.; Al-Kaisy, Hanaa A.; Al-Atrakchy, Hind B. title: تأثير أيونات الكلوريد على سلوك التأكل لسبيكة المنيوم-زنك في محلول هيدروكسيد الصوديوم عند اربع درجات حرارية date: 2008-12-01 words: 3912 flesch: 60 summary: (3) show the effect addition of -3 Cl¯ on the corrosion behavior, since addition Cl¯ with this concentration penetrates the passive layer but partially destroyed and shifts passive potential (Epass) to more negative values and corrosion current density to lower values. 26 Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 4, PP 26-36 (2008) Effect of Chloride Ions on the Corrosion Behavior of Al – keywords: alloy; chloride; corrosion; current; density;; polarization; solution cache: alkej-606.pdf plain text: alkej-606.txt item: #433 of 562 id: alkej-607 author: Shnean, Zanaib Y. title: Effect of Grain and Calcinations Kaolin Additives on Some Mechanical and Physical properties on Low Density Polyethylene Composites date: 2019-03-01 words: 4085 flesch: 60 summary: Calcinations kaolin filler produces better mechanical properties , than grain kaolin fillers. From this figure it is clearly seen that the tensile strength at break decrease with increasing wt% of kaolin filler. keywords: composite; filler; fraction; grain; kaolin; ldpe; material; properties; strength; tensile; test; weight cache: alkej-607.pdf plain text: alkej-607.txt item: #434 of 562 id: alkej-608 author: Al-Hafidh, Manal H. title: أنتقال الحرارة بالحمل المختلط والأشعاع خلال قناة مستطيلة مائلة مع أنبوب داخلي date: 2019-03-01 words: 6065 flesch: 73 summary: Combined natural convection- conduction and radiation heat transfer in discretely open cavity was studied by (Dehgham et al, 1996) and (Bello-Ochende and Adegun, 2002) also worked on combined convective and radiative heat transfer in a tilted, rotating, uniformly heated square duct with a centered circular cylinder. Each of the governing equations can be rewritten in a general form as:                         )16...(,,1,,1,, ,1,,1,,. keywords: heat; radiation; transfer cache: alkej-608.pdf plain text: alkej-608.txt item: #435 of 562 id: alkej-609 author: Yousif, Albert E. title: تأثير الاضافات على سلوك المحامل date: 2019-03-01 words: 5560 flesch: 69 summary: Nomenclatures: R Outside radius of bearing r / R dimensionless radial radius 1 r r1 / R dimensionless radius of step o r ro / R dimensionless hole radius z z / R dimensionless axial coordinate h h / R dimensionless film thickness  Film thickness ratio         2 22 z u r p r v       0 2 2 z v      0 z p where the variation in pressure in the z-direction is negligible and the equation of continuity is:         0 1 z w r ru r The simplified momentum equations, in dimensionless form, reduce to:           1 4 4 2 22 z uk z u r p r vS         0 4 4 2 2 z v k z v     0 z p and the equation of continuity is:       0 z w r u r u R r  h w 2 ro Region   Region  z r  Albert E. Yousif Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No.4, PP 57-70 (2008) 59 where k = /*R2 ,  = Pr/* , r PRS 22   The volume flow rate Q can be evaluated from the integral   2 0 h zdurQ   keywords: concentration; effect; fig; pressure cache: alkej-609.pdf plain text: alkej-609.txt item: #436 of 562 id: alkej-61 author: Farhan, Duaa A.; Lattieff, Farkad A.; Atiya, Mohammed A. title: الهضم المشترك (الثنائي) للشمبلان مع النفايات المختلفة كمصدر لإنتاج الغاز الحيوي date: 2018-12-01 words: 4718 flesch: 60 summary: [21] reported higher biogas production (471 mlCH4/gmVS) with higher C.demersum/inoculum ratio of 1:10. The highest methane content was not synchronized with highest biogas production. keywords: anaerobic; biogas; digestion; food; methane; paper; production; shumblan; wastes; yield cache: alkej-61.pdf plain text: alkej-61.txt item: #437 of 562 id: alkej-610 author: Hussain, Imad A.; Lafta, Hameed D.; Hussain, Rafa'a D. title: التحليل الحراري المرن- اللدن للأجسام المدورة المتناظرة باستخدام معيارية فون- ميسيز المطورة date: 2019-03-01 words: 5839 flesch: 64 summary: (A.6.a) and (A.6.b) into Eq. (A.2) and integrating with respect to r then, the general stress equations are given by: (2008 )81-71، صفحة 4، العذد 4 مجلة الخىارزمي الهنذسية المجلذ عماد احمذ حسيه 79         )7...( 81 23 12121 22 22 21 aAr rr CC v v Trdr v E vv E r a r                                 )7...( 81 21 1 12121 22 2 2 21 bA v v Trdr v E v TE vv E r r r CC r a                                 (A.7.c) 211211 22 1        rC v v v TE vv vE z    7.2. Thus Eq. (5) are given by :     (10.a)...lnln 1 1 11 2 2 2 2 2 22 222 2 2                                      brc r b c c p pccccr r b T r r bc bcR r b A                                                b r b v v c c p pcccc r b T r r bc bcR r b A 1lnln 1 1 23 21 11 2 2 2 2 2 22 222 2 2      where: 1 2   c c c P A , c b c  , P P c o c  81 23 2  v v R p      oip TTT v TE T     , ln12   3. Results & Discussion: A numerical technique was used to solve the derived equations of stress distribution throughout the cylinder wall. keywords: plastic;  ;  ;  ;  ;   cache: alkej-610.pdf plain text: alkej-610.txt item: #438 of 562 id: alkej-611 author: Hassan, Ahmed K. title: تقليل نسبة القدرة العضمى الى القدرة المعدلة لاشارة مقسم التردد العامودي باستخدام طريقتي التقييم والمعالجة المتكررة date: 2019-03-01 words: 2855 flesch: 54 summary: Abstract 82 Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 4, PP 82-90 (2008) Peak to Average Power Ratio Reduction of OFDM Signals Using Clipping and Iterative Processing Methods Ahmed K. Hassan Electromechanical Engineering Department/ University of Technology (Received 5 March 2008; accepted 10 September 2008) This paper presents an efficient PAPR reduction method for OFDM signal. keywords: ber; frequency; iterative; method; ofdm; papr; peak; processing; signal; symbol; system cache: alkej-611.pdf plain text: alkej-611.txt item: #439 of 562 id: alkej-613 author: Ali, Alaa Hassan title: تأثير شروط التشكيل مثل السرعة على غلق الفجوات بقوالب الطرق المفتوحة date: 2019-03-01 words: 2577 flesch: 74 summary: (4, 11, 20, 29, 37, 45, 54, 65, 73), highest stress concentrated near central void for highest closure speed (20 mm/min) for all ratios and also highest void closure. When compare the result shown in figs.(16, 25, 34, 42, 54, 63, 72, 81) for strain in (y) direction it can observed with same conditions that the highest ( y  ) happened on the highest speed at highest third ratio which also cause highest void closure . keywords: fig; ratio; speed; void cache: alkej-613.pdf plain text: alkej-613.txt item: #440 of 562 id: alkej-614 author: Muhammed, Sawsan H.; Hadi, Karem Khalaf title: تأثير زوايا الانفراج لمنشآت تحويل المقطع على النحر الحاصل في مؤخر المنشأ date: 2019-03-01 words: 1996 flesch: 98 summary: رم١ًٍ ع١ٍّخ إٌحش فٟ ِؤخش إٌّشؤ عٍّبً اْ ٕ٘بن فٟ إٌّشآد ا١ٌٙذس١ٌٚى١خ ِٕشؤ رح٠ًٛ فٟ اٌّمذَ ٚآخش فٟ اٌّؤخش ربص١ش ٚاظح (Froud Number)ِٚٓ رح١ًٍ إٌزبئظ رج١ٓ اْ ٌشلُ فشاٚد ِمذاس شذح اٌزغ١ش ٠ضداد غشد٠ب ِع ل١ّخ صا٠ٚخ االٔفشاط :لائًت انريٕز. 6 وانتصرٌف 3 Q ثا / h عُعّك اٌّبء فٟ اٌمٕبح عّك اٌّبء فٛق اٌحبفخ اٌحبدح ٌٍغذ اٌغبغظ َ H ( ع25ُ)عّك اٌّبء عٍٝ ثعذ لجً إٌّشؤ Y1عُ Y2عُ عّك اٌّبء فٟ ٔٙب٠خ إٌّشؤ (ع20ُ)عّك اٌّبء keywords: اٌّمطع; إٌّشؤ; إٌحش; رح٠ًٛ; صا٠ٚخ; عّك; غٛي; يجهت cache: alkej-614.pdf plain text: alkej-614.txt item: #441 of 562 id: alkej-615 author: Khleif, Ali Abbar; Elias, Rasha R.; Kashkul, Lujain Hussein title: دراسة العوامل المؤثرة في عملية الخراطة date: 2019-12-01 words: 3681 flesch: 68 summary: In this research Taguchi‟s technique is used to show the role of process conditions like, spindle speed, feed, tool inclination angle and workpiece material on surface quality of work material on the other hand, turning with cutting tools and getting an optimum combination of conditions may result in best surface quality [3]. depth of cut, Spindle speed and Feed on surface finish of AISI 1020 mild steel bar in turning was studied and analyzed to reveal best surface quality. keywords: angle; means; parameters; speed; spindle; surface; table; tool cache: alkej-615.pdf plain text: alkej-615.txt item: #442 of 562 id: alkej-616 author: Kazem, Bahaa Ibraheem; Hadi, Samer Yahya title: الحل العكسي لذراع انسان الي متعدد زوايا الوصول بأستخدام الشبكات العصبية date: 2007-03-01 words: 4433 flesch: 67 summary: Intermediate point on the point-to-point path. The segment between the number pm of intermediate points and the final point can be described by quitic polynomial as: ( ) t ibit ibi bit ibit ibibitx ii 5544 322101, ++ +++=+ (14) where (i= pm) and the constraints are given as: bixi 0= (15) T ibiT ibi T ibiT ibiT ibibixi 5544 3322101 ++ +++=+ (16) bixi 0=& (17) T ibiT ibi T ibiT ibibixi 455344 2332211 + +++=+& (18) bixi 22=&& (19) Dr. Bahaa Ibraheem Kazem /Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal ,Vol.3, No.1, PP 1-11 (2007) ٤ T ibiT ibi T ibibixi 35202412 36221 + ++=+&& (20) and these constraints specify a linear set of six equations with six unknowns whose solution is: keywords: + +; end; inverse; kinematics; neural; point; robot; time; trajectory cache: alkej-616.pdf plain text: alkej-616.txt item: #443 of 562 id: alkej-617 author: Jweeg, Muhsin J.; Al-Beiruti, Ahamed A.; Al-Kinani, Kadhim K. title: تصميم و تحليل قدم اصطناعي جديد للمبتورة اطرافهم date: 2007-03-01 words: 4315 flesch: 62 summary: The stored energy return are 13.14 , 58.9 for SACH foot and NEW foot respectively , table ( 3 ). Finally , the characteristics of SACH foot was compared with new foot by mathematical solution and used visual basic program and experimental method by different tests. keywords: design; energy; engineering; fatigue; foot;;; journal; sach; test;  ;   cache: alkej-617.pdf plain text: alkej-617.txt item: #444 of 562 id: alkej-618 author: Abass, Basim A.; Alwan, Adel A.; Hunain, Mustafa B. title: دراسة أداء سلوك المساند عكسية الدوران ذات الحلقة العائمة تحت ظروف عمل مختلفة date: 2007-03-01 words: 3727 flesch: 64 summary: Absract: The steady state performance of the counter rotating floating ring Journal bearing is analyzed with isothermal finite bearing theory. The decrease in the clearance ratio (c1/c2) increases the ring speed, suggesting that the coefficient of friction becomes lower when the ring be closer to the journal Conclusions: The steady state performance of the counter rotating floating ring journal bearing is analyzed with isothermal finite bearing theory. keywords: bearing; film;; journal; ratio; ring; speed cache: alkej-618.pdf plain text: alkej-618.txt item: #445 of 562 id: alkej-619 author: Jweeg, Muhsin J.; Radhi, Samira K.; Neama, Haider F. title: دراسة تجريبية لمقارنة بين وقب البولي بروبلين والمواد المركبة للطرف السفلي البديل ( الصناعي). date: 2007-03-01 words: 2716 flesch: 60 summary: Prosthetic laminated sockets in Iraq are costly to be manufactured while polypropylene socket is relatively cheap in comparing with the laminates. Joshua et. al.[3], developed a new rapid prototyping method for fabrication of prosthetic socket. keywords: compression; flexural;; material; no.1; no.5; polypropylene; socket; stiffness; tensile; test cache: alkej-619.pdf plain text: alkej-619.txt item: #446 of 562 id: alkej-62 author: Mohammed, Sura Jasem; Kadhum, Khalid Jaber; Hameed, Khalid waleed title: تحديد الظروف المثلى للوسط المنتج للبرودجيوسين من عزله محليه لبكتريا Serratia marcescens باستخدام الطريقه التقليديه و الاحصائيه date: 2018-12-01 words: 4720 flesch: 49 summary: The best concentration ratio of carbon to nitrogen sources that maximize prodigiosin production was studied using different ratios of (C/N) (9/1, 8/2, 7/3, 6/4, 1/1, 4/6, 3/7, 2/8, 1/9). 2.5 Growth kinetics Study of Serratia Marcescens The behavior of Serratia marcescens in ‘terms of growth and substrate consumption with time as well as prodigiosin production in the optimized and un-optimized medium was studied. keywords: concentration; growth; journal; marcescens; maximum; medium; nitrogen; optimization; prodigiosin; prodigiosin production; production; response; sources cache: alkej-62.pdf plain text: alkej-62.txt item: #447 of 562 id: alkej-620 author: Ali, Firas title: استعادة الصور باستخدام الترشيح المنظم المعكوس و إزالة الضوضاء بطريقة التحويل المويجي ذو العتبة العتبة المتكيفة date: 2007-03-01 words: 5014 flesch: 50 summary: Here, to prove the efficiency of this method in image restoration , we have compared this with various restoration methods like Wiener filter alone and inverse filter. This paper is organized as follows: A brief review of Generalized Inverse Filter for image restoration is provided in section 2. keywords: denoising; engineering; filtering;;; image; inverse; method; noise; restoration; thresholding; wavelet; wiener cache: alkej-620.pdf plain text: alkej-620.txt item: #448 of 562 id: alkej-621 author: Muhadi, Ala′a Abbas title: انتقال الحرارة بالحمل الطبيعي الطباقي لموائع نيوتونية وغير نيوتونية في وسط مغلق مثلث الشكل date: 2007-03-01 words: 6667 flesch: 66 summary: They also show that the average Nusselt number is a strong function of modified Rayleigh number, modified Prandtl number, non-dimensional parameter, and the boundary conditions. aaff Δ(Δ       and the first derivative central difference are: r jijiji ji xax fafaf x f ΔΔ 2 ,1 2 , 2 ,1 , )1( )(       where, (a) and (b) are factors representing the degree of non – uniformity and the values of these factors equal to (1) for regular mesh, and calculated from equation of line for irregular mesh. keywords: case; era;; number;  ;  ;   cache: alkej-621.pdf plain text: alkej-621.txt item: #449 of 562 id: alkej-622 author: Hassan, Ammar A. title: بناء مستوى واطئ الكلّفة لخوارزمية الانتشار العكسي date: 2007-03-01 words: 3766 flesch: 59 summary: This work has shown capability choice of different transfer functions for NN algorithm that are suitable to reduce the hardware cost with an optimal choice of precision value, by applying proposed truncation algorithm to reduced precision value from 30-bit to 10-bit with minimum possible error. From this result, when applying this technique in NN algorithm design it can reduce number of LUTs on FPGA and so reduce the over all hardware resources capacity. keywords: algorithm; cell; cost; function;; layer; truncation cache: alkej-622.pdf plain text: alkej-622.txt item: #450 of 562 id: alkej-623 author: Zaghar, Dhafer r. title: تقليل مستوى الخطأ لبناء الشبكة العصبية date: 2007-06-01 words: 2957 flesch: 59 summary: Example This example discus the effect of the reduction of the error in a single neuron from the hidden layer in a neural network that has 54 nodes in input layer (M=6), 30 nodes in hidden layer and 10 nodes in output layer and use 8-bit data bus (k=8) for all nodes. (6) The result of error in output in range from 210 -K ) to (M  with positive average equal to 2 1 1   -K ) (M and the mean square error (MSE) equal to 21 322  K-)(M However, the number of data inputs in ANN is varied from 5 to 1000, that is mean the value of M is varied generally between 3 to 10 and it can be writen as: 4. Reduction of the Error There are three suggestion steps to reduce the total error in the output of the hardware neuron as follows: keywords: bit; error;; layer; output; software; stage; value cache: alkej-623.pdf plain text: alkej-623.txt item: #451 of 562 id: alkej-624 author: Abd-Alkarim, Shereen F. title: تطبيقات المنطق الغامض للمحرك المؤازر date: 2007-06-01 words: 2413 flesch: 56 summary: Since the fuzzy logic controller requires less complex mathematical operations than classical controllers, its implementation does not require very high- speed processors [4]. DC-servomotor control is a suitable application area for fuzzy control Successful applications have been reported in a number of papers using fuzzy control as such or in conjunction with classical controllers [6-11] and that fuzzy controller is more robust to plant parameter value changes than a classical control algorithm and has better noise rejection capabilities . keywords: control; controller; engineering;; journal; khwarizmi; logic; system cache: alkej-624.pdf plain text: alkej-624.txt item: #452 of 562 id: alkej-625 author: Habeeb, Sattar j. title: بحث ظاهرة انتقال الحرارة وتصرف الجريان حول جزء إلكتروني date: 2007-06-01 words: 5356 flesch: 50 summary: Also they solved three-dimensional Laplace equation for heat flow in homogenous solids in PCB and they solved boundary layer equations over the PCB based on Blasius’s solution and coupling their solution to find temperature field in solid and flow domains. In general for laminar flow and especially for turbulent flow, these procedures introduced under titles of CFD technique and its flexibility to solve these equations, with some studied for experimental analyses. keywords: chip; electronic; engineering; flow; heat;;; laminar; number; transfer; turbulent; wall cache: alkej-625.pdf plain text: alkej-625.txt item: #453 of 562 id: alkej-626 author: AL-sahib, Nabeel K. title: تأثيرات الاجهادات الميكانيكية والحرارية للمراوح الدوارة date: 2007-06-01 words: 4161 flesch: 69 summary: Abstract: Rotating blades are the important parts in gas turbines. So, the thermal stresses due to high pressure and temperature are studies, also determine the steady state stresses and deformations of rotating blades due to mechanical effect. keywords: blades; engineering; fig;;; khwarizmi; stresses;   cache: alkej-626.pdf plain text: alkej-626.txt item: #454 of 562 id: alkej-627 author: Chasib Al-Jiboury, Khalid Farhod title: علاقات رياضية لتمثيل بيانات توازن بخار – سائل للأنظمة المتعددة وللتنبؤ بحالة الأيزوتروب date: 2007-06-01 words: 8610 flesch: 54 summary: The distribution of the experimental vapor- liquid equilibrium data for ternary systems in the composition triangle diagram may be readily appreciated. And, The value of the parameter of equation 1 and comparison between experimental and calculated temperature for ternary systems are illustrated in table 4. 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 T ( C ) 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 T ( C ) o ca lc . o expt. keywords: binary; boiling; data; equilibrium; hexane;; liquid; phase; propanol; system; temperature; ternary; vapor;   cache: alkej-627.pdf plain text: alkej-627.txt item: #455 of 562 id: alkej-629 author: Amori, Karima E. title: دراسة متغيرات السلوك الحراري لجدران غرفة الدفع بوجود مجاري التبريد date: 2007-09-01 words: 3190 flesch: 57 summary: Karima E. Amori 1 Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.3, No3,pp 1-12, (2007) Parametric study of thermal behavior of thrust chamber cooling channels Dr. Karima E. Amori Mech. Highest temperature values indicated at lines located far from cooling channel, while the coldest lines are those pass through it due to cooling process. keywords: chamber; channel; cooling; heat; temperature; thrust; wall cache: alkej-629.pdf plain text: alkej-629.txt item: #456 of 562 id: alkej-630 author: Hasan, Mohammed M. title: التصميم الأمثل للصفائح المربعة المقواة بأضلاع طولية ومربعة date: 2007-09-01 words: 4187 flesch: 64 summary: In addition to the advantages already found in using them, there should be no doubt that stiffened plates designed with optimization techniques will be bring many benefits like swings in material usage, cost, better performance, etc. In many of the available references on the analysis of stiffened plates, the approximate method proposed by Huber is used. keywords: constraints; design; engineering; journal; mm t; plate; rib; ribs cache: alkej-630.pdf plain text: alkej-630.txt item: #457 of 562 id: alkej-631 author: Salman, Yasin K.; Mohammed, Hussein A. title: انتقال الحرارة بالحمل الحر باستخدام مقاطع مختلفة الاطوال وموضوعةعند مخرج انبوب دائري شاقولي معرض لفيض حراري ثابت date: 2007-09-01 words: 9103 flesch: 61 summary: average heat transfer correlation The general correlation obtained from dimensional analysis for heat transfer by free convection available in Incropera and Dewitt (2003): n 1Nu f ( Gr, Pr )= ………………(23) An FEM computer code was applied for analyzing the influence of various parameters on the flow structure and heat transfer. keywords: air; convection; fig; heat; heat transfer; length; m^2; m^2 q; number; q =; restriction; surface; temperature; transfer; tube cache: alkej-631.pdf plain text: alkej-631.txt item: #458 of 562 id: alkej-632 author: Jabir, Kusay H. title: حدود سرعة الرفرفة للصفائح المسلوبة و المستطيلة الناتئة date: 2007-09-01 words: 3888 flesch: 70 summary: Abstract: The aerodynamic and elastic forces may cause an oscillation of the structure such as the high frequency of the airfoil surfaces and the dynamic instability occurring in an aircraft in flight and failure may occur at a speed called flutter speed. Different design parameters were investigated such as aspect ratio, thickness and their effects on flutter velocity. keywords: flutter; speed;  ;  ;   cache: alkej-632.pdf plain text: alkej-632.txt item: #459 of 562 id: alkej-633 author: Fayed, Ikhlase M. title: تأثير الإثارة الصوتية الداخلية على تحسين الخصائص الديناهوائية على الجنيح date: 2007-09-01 words: 2723 flesch: 58 summary: Abstract: The effect of internal acoustic excitation on the leading-edge, separated boundary layers and the aerodynamic performance of NACA23015 cross section airfoil are examined as a function of excitation location with ranging frequency range (50-400) Key Words: internal excitation , separation control , NACA 1. keywords: engineering; engineering journal; excitation; ikhlase; journal; m.fayed/al-khwarizmi; pp(2007; vol.3 cache: alkej-633.pdf plain text: alkej-633.txt item: #460 of 562 id: alkej-634 author: Younis, Mohammed I.; Majeed, Ghassan H. title: طريقة الكترونية كاملة لحفظ نسخة احتياطية من ملف ترتيب الموجه date: 2007-09-01 words: 2403 flesch: 66 summary: Also some literature suggested to use object originated programming for router configuration in terms of modular design but still have limitation of using CLI[8][9][10]. All these settings are saved under one file (called configuration file). keywords: configuration; copy; engineering; file; method; router; text cache: alkej-634.pdf plain text: alkej-634.txt item: #461 of 562 id: alkej-635 author: Ali, Alaa H. title: دراسة تأثير الشكل الهندسي لمادة التقوية على الاجهادات الداخلية للمواد المتراكبة date: 2007-09-01 words: 2216 flesch: 98 summary: اىَشمت ٍِ اىَبدح االعبط ٍٗبدح - 2 اىزق٘ٝخ ثْفظ اىق٘ح ٗاىزٜ ٝنُ٘ رغٞش اىشنو اىْٖذعٜ ىَبدح اىزق٘ٝخ شنو قذقيذ (Von-misses)ّغذ أُ األعٖبداد (7) ثشنو ٍيح٘ظ ػيٚ ٍبدح األعبط ٗأّحغش ( ، 8)األعٖبد keywords: االعبط; االىٞبف; انخىارمً; انصفحت; انمجهذ; اىزق٘ٝخ; اىشنو; اىَبدح; اىَزشامجخ; حسن; عالء; عهً.د; ػيٚ; ٍبدح cache: alkej-635.pdf plain text: alkej-635.txt item: #462 of 562 id: alkej-636 author: Ataiwi, Ali Hussein; Uleiwi, Jawad Kadhim; elIa, Saad M. title: دراسة الخصائص الميكانيكيـة لمـادة مركبة ذات أساس بوليمري مقواة (Al2O3) أو (Al) بدقائق من date: 2007-09-01 words: 3299 flesch: 97 summary: اٌّمٛاح ثذلبئك ِٓ األ١ٌَّٕٛ فٟ ؽبٌخ اٌجٌٟٛ اعزش (.MPa 31)اٌشذ لذ اٌّؼبفخ ، ٚصٌٍّٟٔبدح رزؤصش ثٕٛع اٌذلبئك ٚاٌىغش اي ؽ١ش اِزٍىذ اٌؼ١ٕبد اٌّمٛاح ثذلبئك األ١ٌَّٕٛ أػٍٝ ِمبِٚخ 12.5) keywords: al2o3; إٌٝ; األ١ٌَّٕٛ; اٌجٌٟٛ; اٌشذ; اٌىغش; اٌّبدح; اٌّشوجخ; اٌّمٛاح; ثذلبئك; دلبئك; ص٠بدح; ػٍٝ; ػٕذ; وغش; ِمبِٚخ cache: alkej-636.pdf plain text: alkej-636.txt item: #463 of 562 id: alkej-640 author: Alwindawi, Alla Fikrat; UÇAN, Osman Nuri; Morad, Ameer Hussein title: Wearable Detection Systems for Epileptic Seizure: A review date: 2020-06-01 words: 7701 flesch: 58 summary: [Cogan, D., Nourani, M., Harvey, J., & Nagaraddi, V., Epileptic seizure detection using wristworn biosensors. [23] G. Shamim, Y. U. Khan, M. Sarfraz, & O. Farooq, “Epileptic seizure detection using heart rate variability,”. keywords: acm; data; detection; ecg; eeg; engineering; epilepsy; epileptic; et al; ieee; international; journal; monitoring; rate; seizures; sensitivity; sensors; system cache: alkej-640.pdf plain text: alkej-640.txt item: #464 of 562 id: alkej-642 author: Mohammed Hasan, Kawthar A.; Kadhum, Ali H.; Morad, Ameer H. title: تقييم وتحسين نظام تصنيعي باستخدام برنامج الكمبيوتر ارينا date: 2019-12-01 words: 3277 flesch: 55 summary: Figures (8), (9), (10), (11), and (13) show input data for the simulation model for system processes entering, filling, covering, sealing, and exiting respectively. Introduction Simulation is a powerful tool to evaluate and improve of actual production line systems without disturbing its operation by builds a simulation model using computer. keywords: analysis; arena; data; engineering; fig; journal; model; process; production; simulation; system; time cache: alkej-642.pdf plain text: alkej-642.txt item: #465 of 562 id: alkej-645 author: Mohammed, Jamal Abdul-Kareem; Mohammed, Farag Mahel; A. Ali, Raghda'a Ahmed title: تَصميم وتحقيق التصميم الامثل للمحرك الخطي التزامني ذو المغناطيس الدائم المُثّبَت على السطح باستخدام برامج ماكسويل أنسزز date: 2019-08-21 words: 5648 flesch: 66 summary: While, the magnetic flux linked with the armature winding may be given as: � � � ������������ℜ� ℜ��⁄ ( ���� ���ℜ��/ℜ�� $� ℜ��⁄ %' !'&( …(8) The relation between the velocity and frequency represented by [17] υs= 2τƒ …(9) �∆�� � Q��z�?�. keywords: cogging; core; design; engineering; fig; flux; force; journal; khwarizmi; linear; magnet; model; motor; phase; thrust; vol; ℜ � cache: alkej-645.pdf plain text: alkej-645.txt item: #466 of 562 id: alkej-646 author: Mohammed, Israa Q.; Kadhum, Ali H. title: إيجاد المثالية لمتغيرات عملية القطع بالسلك الحراري لتحسين خواص فوم البولسترين date: 2019-08-22 words: 4000 flesch: 60 summary: [8] studied the Influence of process parameters on the surface Jroughness in hotwire of variable lamination manufacturing (VLM-S) for EPS foam such as cutting angle and compositions of expandable polystyrene EPS, the apparatus is four- axis automatic cutter and the specimen is thin foam. Keywords: Hot-wire cutting, polystyrene, foam cutting, taguchi, MINITAB1, material removal. keywords: cutting; engineering; foam; journal; material; parameters; process; ratio; wire cache: alkej-646.pdf plain text: alkej-646.txt item: #467 of 562 id: alkej-648 author: Obyed, Saleem Mohammed title: دراسة تاثير زمن المكوث على التكسير الحراري لمادة الاكسترات المتخلفة من استخلاص زيوت التزييت date: 2019-09-01 words: 3630 flesch: 68 summary: The distillation process of extract phase feed and cracked extract phase liquid were done in a distillation device which behaves as one tray and the distillation is done at atmospheric pressure. Table 1, Atmospheric distillation for extract phase feed and various cracked extract feed. keywords: cracking; extract; extract phase; feed; oil; phase; point; residence; time cache: alkej-648.pdf plain text: alkej-648.txt item: #468 of 562 id: alkej-650 author: Khalid, Marah W.; Salman, Sami D. title: أمتزاز المعادن الثقيلة من محلول مائي على كاربون منشط منتج من نشارة الخشب date: 2019-09-01 words: 4463 flesch: 63 summary: Similar trend of heavy metal adsorption, as a function of initial concentration, has also been reported previously by Igberase [19] and Trang [20]. Fig. The linear form of the Langmuir [6] model is: � � = � � + � ��� � ��� …(2) where Ce (mg/L) is the concentration of the lead at equilibrium; qe (mg/g) is the equilibrium adsorption capacity; qm is the adsorption capacity for a complete monolayer (mg/g); Ka (L/mg) is the constant of adsorption equilibrium. keywords: activation; adsorption; carbon; equilibrium; lead; model; sdac; surface; vol cache: alkej-650.pdf plain text: alkej-650.txt item: #469 of 562 id: alkej-652 author: Kadhim, Mohammed J.; Sukkar, Khalid A.; Abbas, Ahmed S. title: ألطلاء الكهربائي المتعدد الطبقات من النيكل والفضة على معدن النحاس ,والمرسب على حبيبات النحاس النانوي والمستخدم في السطوح الماصة date: 2019-09-01 words: 4369 flesch: 57 summary: From the topographic results, it can be noted that the substrate preparation and time coating plays an important role affected by both grain size and average surface roughness as present in table (6) that shows the values of grain size, average surface roughness, and root mean square values for copper thin film prepared with different thickness. 2 min. Table 6, Grain size distribution and roughness data values of copper thin film. keywords: coating; copper; cunp; electroplating; engineering; fig; film; journal; nanoparticles; nickel; silver; substrate; surface; thermal; vol cache: alkej-652.pdf plain text: alkej-652.txt item: #470 of 562 id: alkej-655 author: Ghazi, Safaa K.; Abdulrazaq, Mustafa M.; Sultan, Abdulrahman S.; Muhi, Firyal S. title: دراسة تأثير متغيرات التشغيل على الخشونة السطحية للسطوح الحرة باستخدام طريقة تاكوشي date: 2019-09-01 words: 2846 flesch: 65 summary: Keywords: feeds, surface finish, surface roughness, taguchi. The average surface roughness (Ra) was select as characteristics of surface roughness in operation of turning, which is the mostly utilized standard variable of surfaces finish. keywords: cutting; feed; fig; finish; machining; roughness; speed; surface; turning cache: alkej-655.pdf plain text: alkej-655.txt item: #471 of 562 id: alkej-657 author: Abdul-Razaq, Faten F.; Al-Zubaidi, Sawsan S.; Kassam, AllaEldin H. title: عملية التحليل الهرمي المضبب للحد من المخاطر المضمنة في اختيار قرار التخطيط الصحيح date: 2019-09-01 words: 6832 flesch: 55 summary: [26] V., Sangaiah, A.K., Sakhuja, S. et al. Jain, Supplier Selection Using Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS: Meanwhile, there are different ways of dealing with the fuzzy deciding issues, for instance, Fuzzy AHP methodology keywords: ahp; alternatives; criteria; decision; engineering; fuzzy; journal; making; method; priority; process; selection; step; supplier; vol; weights cache: alkej-657.pdf plain text: alkej-657.txt item: #472 of 562 id: alkej-66 author: Kadhim, Zeyad D.; Abdulrazzaq, Mohammed Abdulraoof; Hussain, Wassan Suheil title: الخواص الميكانيكية للصلب المصقول نوع AISI 1008 date: 2018-12-01 words: 4608 flesch: 63 summary: Increasing feed value of burnishing process led to decrease surface roughness value. Increasing speed value of burnishing process led to decrease surface roughness value. keywords: burnishing; fatigue; feed; hardness; process; roughness; rpm; speed; surface; value cache: alkej-66.pdf plain text: alkej-66.txt item: #473 of 562 id: alkej-67 author: Jalal Abdi, Aslan Sabahaldeen title: التحقق من خواص الحالة المستقرة للمحرك الحثي التقليدي ثلاثي الأطوار عندما يغذى من مصدر غير متساوي (متوازن) الفولتيات date: 2011-09-30 words: 4780 flesch: 59 summary: The simulation model is introduced to support and enhance electrical engineers with a complete understanding for the steady state performance of a fully loaded induction motor operating from unbalanced supply voltages. Keywords: Three phase induction motor, unbalanced supply voltage, MATLAB/simulink. keywords: circuit; induction; motor; phase; speed; state; stator; supply; torque; unbalance; voltage cache: alkej-67.pdf plain text: alkej-67.txt item: #474 of 562 id: alkej-671 author: Nayyef, Ibrahim Kh. Kh.; Shammari, Ahmed Z. M. title: english date: 2020-12-01 words: 3691 flesch: 65 summary: � ھ: ����= � �� �. ��* ، � 9�.6 G ]، �9 ا����ام ا ��3.� ا #%3F � W� �/%ل ا+ ا 5ي �$�T$� X آ � ا �3+9 ا $�دي #% �� � #%����ام ھ5ا ا �W%ز �� ��3-� �*دد ا *اد-� و#$��A Q%ت ��#%3 $ �+�.� ا �� �9 ا����ا��% �� PAHO.%ت ا Y$.%ن �XY و#$AWS �+� Qھ5ه ا (ا MQTT *$R�F� H�F- *$R�F�) � %` *$R�F� �� I 9 ا����ام�? إ H ا \#�ن. %�� �W%ت و`%� �F��ى ا=:�H �? keywords: assembling; cloud; cnc; machine; manufacturing; process; rfid; sensor; ام � cache: alkej-671.pdf plain text: alkej-671.txt item: #475 of 562 id: alkej-674 author: Ibraheem, Marwa Qasim title: التنبؤ بقوى القطع في عملية الخراطة باستخدام الشبكة العصبية الاصطناعية date: 2020-06-01 words: 5091 flesch: 67 summary: Keywords: Cutting force, ANN, turning operation. This paper aims to build a neural network model to link the cutting variables, work piece hardness, cutting speed, cutting depth, feed rate, to the machining Force during machining of AISI 52100 bearing steel and providing an accurate model for modeling cutting forces faster relying on operating parameters and creating a rule that connects inputs and outputs through training operations. keywords: cutting; ee ee; feed; force; network; rrrr; ssss cache: alkej-674.pdf plain text: alkej-674.txt item: #476 of 562 id: alkej-676 author: Mohammed, Reem Alaa; Abdul Raheem, Ruaa Haitham; Khazaal, Shaymaa Hasan title: أداء سلوك البلى للانسجة البوليمرية المركبة باستخدام تجارب تاكوجي date: 2019-12-01 words: 5096 flesch: 62 summary: Events prove the fiber content parameter was a major effect on wear rate and also with the increase in fiber content comes the increase in resistance wear rate. [24] J. K. Oleiwi,A study of wear rate behavior of polyester reinforced by silica (sio2) particles, the Iraqi Journal for Mechanical And Material Engineering, No.1, Vol.10, PP.108-118, 2010. )2019( 33- 44، صفحة 4عددال، 15دجلة الخوارزمي الهندسية المجلمريم عالء محمد 44 لبوليمرية المركبة باستخدام تجارب تاكوجيأداء سلوك البلى لالنسجة keywords: behavior; eggshell; engineering; fiber; filler; husk; journal; rate; rice; sliding; specimens; time; wear; wear rate cache: alkej-676.pdf plain text: alkej-676.txt item: #477 of 562 id: alkej-678 author: Mohammed, Iyden Kamil; Al-Timemy, Ali Hussein; Escudero, Javier title: تصنيف على مرحلتين للمؤشرات الحيوية لأورام الثدي للنساء العراقيات date: 2020-09-01 words: 5294 flesch: 64 summary: U'��_�م ا�37�. ����, U'�� ��o'O د � ا�37� :pd�7�3�U!^ ٢٪ �)/R0)� ١٠٠٪ �)/R0)� اVو�S و ٩٤ا�!Naïve Bayes .0ىLVا �wD?ا��0ق ا� S(T ا�`ي �\$ق kذ� Sإ� �B�hx�, دت�R ، CFS J! 0ة'+y �'T0B �T$/z!/�ت�ا� NnB��7رھ� أT�,�/Lت�/� N) J', J!٢٠ �/� Sو�Vا J'7(R0/ا� J! N8� .وا�?�5'� �O� :�yD%ا�o'O�� �� J'أھ/'� ا��0و� �nً;ھ`ه ا��را�� أ pd�75 0&_� .ا�/�08 �$رم ا�?�ي F'%G7ا� J'��� �B ة�T��/��, �-� �7وا� �'��T U'� د � �3 CA15-3 �50ط��ا� �n7�/7$ى ا��! k�`)ا�)-�ب وا��م و �B ا��م �B ورام ا�?�ي�|, X��7(. 07حO/ا� U'�N'(�� �B ا��B�G87 �)-?$ر S(T أNnB ا�/'mات (CFS) ا7L'�ر ا�/'mات ا�/�7��ة إ�S ا2ر���ط أداء 5_�م ا�37 J'7(R0! S(T keywords: attributes; bayes; breast; ca15; cancer; classification; stage; tumor; vol; � b; � � cache: alkej-678.pdf plain text: alkej-678.txt item: #478 of 562 id: alkej-679 author: Buniya, A.; Al-Timemy, Ali H.; Aldoori, A.; Khushaba, Rami N. title: تحليل انماط مختلفة لقبضة اليد و الاصابع عن طريق تسجيل اشارات العضلات و جهاز مقياس قبضة اليد date: 2020-06-01 words: 4435 flesch: 72 summary: To the best of our knowledge, only power grip was investigated with EMG recorded from different muscles, with different %MVC, while no other types of grips were considered, such as the fine pinch or tripod grip. The main aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between EMG signal recorded from 3 muscles namely, FCR, FDS and, APB; and four different hand grips under different %MVC (10- 100%). keywords: activity; emg; fcr; fds; grip; hand; mean; muscles; mvc cache: alkej-679.pdf plain text: alkej-679.txt item: #479 of 562 id: alkej-68 author: Al-Azzawi, Yarub Omer Naji title: التحكم الضبابي بقوة مسك يد الإنسان الآلي باستخدام مشغل الأسلاك العضلية date: 2011-09-30 words: 2316 flesch: 66 summary: Keywords: Muscle wires, shape memory alloy, robotics hands. Abstract The aim of this research is controlling the amount of the robotic hand catching force using the artificial muscle wire as an actuator to achieve the desired response of the robotic hand in order to catch different things without destroying or dropping them; where the process is to be similar to that of human hand catching way. keywords: control; force; hand; muscle; piece; wires cache: alkej-68.pdf plain text: alkej-68.txt item: #480 of 562 id: alkej-685 author: Ghaeb, Nebras H. title: دراسة مكونات السرعة الشعاعية والمماسية لشفاء النسيج الطلائي بعد جراحة اصلاح قرنية العين البشرية date: 2020-12-01 words: 6589 flesch: 70 summary: The modified differential equations (based on equations (3) and customized for the epithelial corneal region) are: �� �� = ∇. ����� ∇� + �� � �� − � ��� − �� (4a) �� �� = �� ∇�� + ��� − ℎ�� � − �� (4b) Where Dn(c): is the cell diffusion coefficient, h(c): cellular degradation, �, k, Dc and λ are positive constants. P ����.��� � sin ��MM − �MM …(14) Where noo and coo are the cell density and EGF concentration calculated from the above equations (9) and (10), as mentioned above for the state of constant speed of healing. keywords: cell; concentration; egf; epithelial; healing; hours; iss; speed; vol cache: alkej-685.pdf plain text: alkej-685.txt item: #481 of 562 id: alkej-688 author: Abdul-Kareem, Mohammed B.; Faisal, Ayad A.H. title: Permeable Reactive Barrier of Coated Sand by Iron Oxide for Treatment of Groundwater Contaminated with Cadmium and Copper Ions date: 2020-06-01 words: 3745 flesch: 58 summary: The constants �� and 1/� are Freundlich constants which reflect the adsorption capacity and intensity respectively. 3894(00)00278-8 � ا����� �� )2020( 47- 55، ��� 2ا���د، �16��� ا���ارز�� ا� ����� ا����� ���� � 55 ا�����0 ا���/�� ا���#ه ���#��� ا����� �-و+*�� �(��� ر�#ل �' ا����ن ا���#ذ ا�$�# �� ا��#! keywords: cadmium; concentration; copper; csio; iron; oxide; removal; sand; water cache: alkej-688.pdf plain text: alkej-688.txt item: #482 of 562 id: alkej-69 author: Hussain, Hussain K.; Ali, Salah M.; Ali, Yazan M. title: رفع خواص نفط خام شرقي بغداد الثقيل date: 2011-09-30 words: 3201 flesch: 61 summary: Figures 11 and 12 shows the effect of increasing the solvent to oil ratio on API of DAO and synthetic crude oil respectively. The purpose of distillation is to separate the light distillates (light fractions) which represent 35% of heavy crude oil, and to obtain the reduced crude oil. keywords: api; asphaltenes; crude; effect; hussain; oil; ratio; solvent; temperature cache: alkej-69.pdf plain text: alkej-69.txt item: #483 of 562 id: alkej-691 author: Abdullah, Orhan S.; Hassan, Shaker S.; Al-Khazraji, Ahmed N. title: التنبؤ بالضرر الناتج من تداخل الزحف مع الكلال لمتراكبات البولي أمايد 6,6 date: 2020-09-01 words: 6028 flesch: 58 summary: '9,** *أورھ�ن ��ح ���هللا ����� /ا������ ا����������*،**،***���� $# ا�!� �� ا� :&�*ا�+)* The ratio of n�/N�� will be 0.2, while the ratio of t#/t$ will be equal to 0.1. keywords: 6,6; creep; damage; fatigue; fatigue interaction; interaction; polyamide; test; time; � � cache: alkej-691.pdf plain text: alkej-691.txt item: #484 of 562 id: alkej-692 author: Albdairy, Ali M.; Al-Duroobi, Ahmed A. A.; Tawfiq, Maan A. title: المعالجة المسبقة لسحابة النقاط واعادة تركيب السطوح بالاعتماد على خوارزمية تقنية زاوية الوتر date: 2020-09-01 words: 4162 flesch: 62 summary: ، ا1%,�م 0GHG& ا:/��د ، و�23P (- =3ن ھ(�ك /�^ ا� [F'�0& وF4)دات ا� Dا� cK; 2ل2T ا� &B,)اھا��?�� Q0& وL�V2V ط�O)\) cإ� &o7#O 7 ا�P22ارز04& زاو<& ا�D� �ًOت ٧٥.٠١٪) و (٨١.٥٢�$�0Bط ا��O$ د(; A��٪) 4= إ1 &0SO)ا� &/�F,ا� AQ&0'ا�)را &��FK� Aا�#2ا� cK; &0$�Eوا� cا:و�. keywords: algorithm; angle; case; chord; cloud; data; engineering; points; study cache: alkej-692.pdf plain text: alkej-692.txt item: #485 of 562 id: alkej-693 author: Abaas, Tahseen F.; Khleif, Ali A.; Abbood, Mohanad Q. title: التحليل الحركي العكسي والمحاكاة لذراع روبوت ذو خمس درجات لحرية الحركة بأستخدام MATLAB date: 2020-03-12 words: 3142 flesch: 67 summary: The 4 link articulated robot [9]. From figure (3), the wrist angle relative to the reference coordinate (θ234) represents the relation between (θ2, θ3, and θ4): �� � �� + � + � …(8) where �� can be calculated based on pitch wrist orientation angle ∅ 90 � �� � ±∅ …(9) � � !� ∗ cos ∅ …(10) :�; � :� � � cos �� � <= …(11) :>; � :> � � sin �� � A= …(12) :�; � :� + !� sin ∅ � B= …(13) �= � C:�� + :>� � � � C:�;� + :>;� …(14) D � CE:�; � !�F� + �=� …(15) Fig. *�+ � ��,�, ��,�, ��,�, ��,�, *�+ � � �� 0�� 0 �� 0��� 00 10 0 0 !� 0 1 � …(2) *�� � � �� ����� �� 0 #���0 #���0 00 0 1 00 1 � …(3) * � � � � �� � � 0 # � 0 # � 0 00 0 1 00 1 � …(4) * � � � 0� 0 � 0�� 00 10 0 0 0 0 1 � …(5) *� � � �� ����� �� 0 00 00 00 0 1 !�0 1 � …(6) And the global matrix *�+: *50 � *10 *21 *32*43*54 *50 � 111 112121 122 113 114123 124131 1320 0 keywords: analysis; arm; journal; kinematics; matlab; position cache: alkej-693.pdf plain text: alkej-693.txt item: #486 of 562 id: alkej-694 author: Aghdeab, Shukry H.; Abdulameer, Ahmed Ghazi; Abdulameer, Lujain Hussein; Mohammed, Atheer Rasim title: امثيلية تاثير تغير مادة القطب على اداء عملية التشغيل بالشرارة الكهربائية(EDM) باستخدام طريقة تاكوشي date: 2020-03-12 words: 4534 flesch: 68 summary: In tested the influence of the electrical discharge machining parameters like, Pulse on Time (Ton), Pulse off Time (Toff), and Current (I) on Material Removal Rate (MRR) for stainless steel, the results were resolved by using variance analysis and Mohannad R. Ghanim Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 15, No. 4, P.P. 11- 21 (2020) 12 response graphs, it has been different collections of EDM process parameters are obtain higher MRR and better surface roughness (Ra) [7] studied the effect of EDM parameters such as current, pulsation on time and pulsation off time on surface roughness of steel 304 with dielectric solution of gas oil by supplied DC current values (10, 20, and 30A). keywords: brass; copper; current; electrode; machining; mrr; parameters; pulse; time; toff; ton cache: alkej-694.pdf plain text: alkej-694.txt item: #487 of 562 id: alkej-695 author: Abdulrazaq, Mustafa Mohammed title: تأثير متغيرات عملية التفريز للاسطح الحرة على الخشونة السطحية date: 2020-03-12 words: 4123 flesch: 65 summary: The objective of the present work is the investigation of milling parameters for the sculptured surfaces that effecting of surface roughness during machining of Al-alloy. The analysis of variance approach ANOVA showed that the strategy of tool paths was the most affecting variables on surface roughness with percentage of contribution of (42.25 %). keywords: engineering; feed; machining; milling; parameters; path; process; roughness; strategy; surface; tool; zig cache: alkej-695.pdf plain text: alkej-695.txt item: #488 of 562 id: alkej-696 author: Ghanim, Mohannad R.; Ahmed, Sabah T. title: اختيار افضل موقع لنظام الحاجز الاشعاعي في السقوف المهواة مزدوجة الطبقة date: 2020-03-12 words: 4668 flesch: 67 summary: Keywords: Passive cooling, double skin roof, ventilated roof, radiant barrier system. Double skin roof is a high- performance passive cooling system. keywords: fig; heat; model; plate; radiation; roof; skin; surface; temperature; � � cache: alkej-696.pdf plain text: alkej-696.txt item: #489 of 562 id: alkej-7 author: Kamal, Isam; Jawad, Dr.Ahmed; Al-Jomaily, Ali Khalid Khudair title: أستخلاص الكلوروفيل من نبات الجت date: 2017-12-02 words: 2385 flesch: 79 summary: Also a new control card is designed while considering advantages of microcontroller systems the time of curing was controlled automatically by preset values which were input from a push-button switch. Al-khawarizmi College of Engineering University of Baghdad (Received 14 August 2005; accepted 4 April 2006) Abstract:- In this paper, a microcontroller-based electronic circuit have been designed and implemented for dental curing system using 8-bit MCS-51 microcontroller. keywords: sec; system cache: alkej-7.pdf plain text: alkej-7.txt item: #490 of 562 id: alkej-70 author: Abed Dhahad, Hayder Abed title: تأثير الشحنة المطبقة ونسبة الوقود / الهواء على كفاءة دورة محرك الاحتراق الداخلي ( ICADE ) date: 2011-09-30 words: 5084 flesch: 66 summary: Otto cycle (constant volume cycle ) Keywords: I.C. engine cycle, isolated combustion, diluted expansion, cycle efficiency. keywords: air; combustion; compression; cycle; efficiency; engine; icade; otto; ratio cache: alkej-70.pdf plain text: alkej-70.txt item: #491 of 562 id: alkej-71 author: I. Ibrahim, Sarmad title: دراسة تأثير إضافة دقائق كل من الالومينا (Al2O3) والزركونيا (ZrO2) على بعض الخواص الميكانيكية لمتراكبات ذات أساس من سبيكة (Al-Si-Mg) date: 2011-09-30 words: 7817 flesch: 103 summary: AlFeSi(الط ور للسبیكة االساس بعد اجراء المعاملة الحراری ة المحلولی ة والتعتی ق عن د ق یم الص الدة العظم ى، حی ث یالح ظ ان الس بیكة عب ارة ع ن حبیبات ناعمة ومتجانسة نوع ُا م ا وت ؤدي المعامل ة الحراری ة ال ى عدة ة الكیمیائی ة الت ي تمت از بھ ا الل دائن وك ذلك . keywords: alloy; إلى; األساس; االلومینا; ادة; افة; البلى; التعتیق; الزركونیا; الس; الص; الصالدة; الط; الم; المتراكبة; المجلد; المضافة; الھندسیة; بعد; حرارة; حیث; دقائق; زیادة; على; عند; قیم; للسبیكة; واد cache: alkej-71.pdf plain text: alkej-71.txt item: #492 of 562 id: alkej-710 author: A. Al-Isawi, Malik M.; Attiya, Adnan J.; ADOGHE, Julius O. title: تحكم الطائرات بدون طيار على أساس مزدوج المنظم الخطي التربيعي ومتحكم بي آي دي الضبابي date: 2020-09-01 words: 5502 flesch: 70 summary: � � ��� � 0 0 0 0 � �� ��� 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1� � � � � , � � �� �� � �� �� ��� � ��� � #$ %� 0�� �� ��� � &�� � $'( %� 0 � � � 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 �$'( %� �#$ %� 0 &� sin�%�� � �� cos �%�� 0� �� �� � , . [24, 25]: ��� � �� � �� …(1) where � � � � � ���� 0 0 00 keywords: control; controller; fig; lqr; pid; uav; � � cache: alkej-710.pdf plain text: alkej-710.txt item: #493 of 562 id: alkej-711 author: Assi, Abdullah Dhayea title: دراسة تاثير التعتيق الحراري على مقاومة التآكل الكيميائي النقري للفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ المارتنسيتي date: 2021-03-01 words: 5649 flesch: 60 summary: Click forms in aging samples at different time temperatures Figures (17) to (19) show microscopic images of aging samples at different aging temperatures and times tested by accelerated testing. Microscopic images of aging samples for 4 hours at different aging temperatures. keywords: aging; austenite; chemical; corrosion; hours; martensitic; rate; samples; temperature cache: alkej-711.pdf plain text: alkej-711.txt item: #494 of 562 id: alkej-714 author: Hacham, Wisam S.; Hiji, Faisal S. title: Impact of using Double Layers Perforated Liners on the Acoustic Treatments of the Combustor Systems date: 2020-12-01 words: 4451 flesch: 63 summary: -19)2020( 26 ��3/�ر.���ت ا�2�ز� ��01 ا /��ام .-�,�ت *دو(� )'&� %�$ ا��!�# ا�!� �� **�7!6 ���5 ��4 *و �م ��ي ���� ��اد*��� ھ���� ا ������و���/ ��� ا ����� �ا &%ارز / !� �� **!� �� ھ�ل ، ھ�ل ، HU6 7RX ، ا ����� ا �()�ة ** -�,�ا ا/ �(�و�: *ا -�,� ا/ �(�و�: ** ا��8�� ا �?�ر ا �<�� =%>�ء ا ( ���; ��: ا ���5-���9ت ا �(�85 دا01 �5�7 ا/1(�اق 5 ا �)� �ت ا (%ر����� و��2 ا ا �%اء ��2 ا (�ا01�(-� , �) ��ا/����ر ، وز,�دة اھP)از ا ��%��ت، وز,�دة ��ل ,Oدي إ L ا�&�Kض 5 أداء ا ��(ك �Hم ا�(�Fار ا/@(�اق. وھDا ,��2 أنA-� 5 ا ا/@(�اق و ��-A ا�(�Qر ا (8FQ ��)�ك ا ������� R��� ي ,)�ث اD از اP2 ا/ھ( � ��TU� ��5 L دي إO, يD اء ا�!Vا W���, �,�F� ن أيX5 ، �) ��(�ددات �H ��. keywords: liner; loss; sound; transmission; tu �; ا �; � k; � ام; � � cache: alkej-714.pdf plain text: alkej-714.txt item: #495 of 562 id: alkej-715 author: Bunyan, Sadiq Talal; Hasan, Abed Al-Khadhim M. title: Experimental Study of the Influence of Nanoparticles Additive to Diesel Fuel on the Emission Characteristics date: 2021-03-01 words: 2599 flesch: 57 summary: The influence of nanoparticles doses level and types on CO emission for diesel fuel is shown in figure (2) and figure (3).The figures reveal that the CO emission decreases with adding TiO2 and Al2O3 nanoparticles; especially with TiO2 may be because of the delay period of titanium oxide is shorter than alumina which leads to complete combustion [10]. The influence of nanoparticles doses level and types on NOx emission for diesel fuel is shown in figure (4) and figure (5).The two figures reveal that the NOx emission decreases with adding the dose 25 ppm of TiO2 nanoparticles at all loads. keywords: al2o3; diesel; doses; emissions; engineering; fuel; nanoparticles; oxide; ppm; tio2 cache: alkej-715.pdf plain text: alkej-715.txt item: #496 of 562 id: alkej-717 author: Jaafer, Sumai Hamad title: علامات هيرست و إنتروبيا تساليس لاكتشاف الصرع عند الطفال date: 2021-03-01 words: 4523 flesch: 54 summary: However, EEG is not very efficient for diagnosing, and classification of different conditions such as normal, predictive, and psychological conditions, which are relatively difficult due to the instability of EEG signals and the length of the recording period. It can be noted that the H of epileptic children EEG signals is slightly higher than that of normal EEG signals in frontal, temporal and occipital regions. keywords: brain; children; detection; eeg; engineering; entropy; epilepsy; signal; vol cache: alkej-717.pdf plain text: alkej-717.txt item: #497 of 562 id: alkej-72 author: Numan Mohammed, Sanaa title: تحليل توزيع درجات الحرارة والاجهادات المتبقية في صفائح الالمنيوم 6061 الملحومة باليزر باستخدام طريقة العناصر المحددة date: 2011-09-30 words: 3933 flesch: 55 summary: Finite Element Analysis In laser welding process the focal spot is targeted on the workpiece surface which will be welded. The accurate calculation of temperatures is critical in laser welding because bending variables of stress and strain are dependent on temperatures. keywords: analysis; element; figure; finite; heat; laser; plate; stresses; surface; temperature; thermal; welding cache: alkej-72.pdf plain text: alkej-72.txt item: #498 of 562 id: alkej-724 author: Alsahi, Qunoot N.; Marhoon, Ali F.; Hamad, Ali H. title: Remote Patient Healthcare surveillance system based real-time vital signs date: 2020-12-01 words: 4280 flesch: 73 summary: An adaptive filter has been used to remove any noise from the signal; also, a simple and fast search algorithm has been designed to find the features of ECG signal such as Q, R, S, and T waves. (1-α)* ecg _raw (nT) … (3) Where ecg_raw (nT) is the current value of ECG signal. keywords: data; ecg; fig; health; monitoring; patient; sensor; signal; system; vol cache: alkej-724.pdf plain text: alkej-724.txt item: #499 of 562 id: alkej-73 author: N. Slaiman, Ezzat; M. Al-Qamaje, Haidar; Z. Atta, Shahad title: تاثير النسب الوزنية ودرجة الحرارة على الحجم الزائد للاساسات زيت التزليق بوجود المضافات الهيدركاربونية (زيت الغاز+ التلوين + الريفورميت) date: 2011-09-30 words: 4198 flesch: 70 summary: Temperatures in the range of 30-40 °C have a minor effect on excess volume of heavy oil-stock binary mixture thus, insignificant expansion or shrinkage is observed by increasing the temperature this effect becomes more significant although the heavy oil-stocks is spiked with hydrocarbons like (gas oil, toluene and reformate). The API gravity of heavy oil-stocks has an effect on excess volume when the oil-stocks spiked with hydrocarbons like (gas oil, toluene and reformate). keywords: excess; gas; mixtures; oil; properties; reformate; stock; temperature; toluene; volume; ° c cache: alkej-73.pdf plain text: alkej-73.txt item: #500 of 562 id: alkej-730 author: Mohsin, Esraa M.; Abdulateef, Osamah F.; Al-Ashaab, Ahmed title: تطبيق منحنى المقايضة لدعم مجموعة التصاميم الهندسية المتزامنة في شركة للطائرات date: 2020-12-01 words: 4300 flesch: 65 summary: P�.�� '�$ل ������ ،PD��6�ر.� ���Z.ا��%[ص وأ�D5�� ا @�� ��� .وا )�(��D��@ ا ��4، ا $�� إ 9*�$ذج �/@ ��ء :���P ����� ا ���4�ت ��� . ��� 4، ا���د��16 � ا���ارز�� ا������� ا��� � أ� اء ���� ����� ،10 -1 )2020( 10 ات� ! keywords: design; engine; engineering; noise; set; trade; trent; � ام cache: alkej-730.pdf plain text: alkej-730.txt item: #501 of 562 id: alkej-732 author: Fadhil, Omar H. Fadhil H.; Eisa, Mohammed Y.; Salih, Dina Abdalrahman; Nafeaa, Ziad R. title: امتزاز صبغة كارمن النيلية بأستخدام اوراق الذرة كمادة مازة طبيعية date: 2021-03-01 words: 3305 flesch: 61 summary: Adsorption kinetics was shown in Figure 8 as the change in percentage of dye removal with time. The equilibrium concentrations of IC dye were determined by measuring the absorbance using UV-visible spectrophotometer (Shimadzu 1800) device at a wavelength of 610 nm. keywords: adsorbent; adsorption; concentration; corn; dye; efficiency; leaves; order; removal; time cache: alkej-732.pdf plain text: alkej-732.txt item: #502 of 562 id: alkej-733 author: Najah, Ahmed; Mustafa, Faiz F.; Hacham, Wisam S. title: بناء نظام فحص نوعية عالي الدقة مبني على التعلم بالنقل بكلف قليلة date: 2021-03-01 words: 6309 flesch: 54 summary: In this research, we present an adopted approach based on convolutional neural networks to design a system for quality inspection with high level of accuracy and low cost. Keywords: Backpropagation Algorithm, convolutional neural networks, computer vision, deep learning, image classification, quality inspection, transfer learning. keywords: accuracy; convolutional; data; engineering; gears; images; inspection; issue; layers; learning; model; network; neural; pooling; system; training; transfer; vision; vol cache: alkej-733.pdf plain text: alkej-733.txt item: #503 of 562 id: alkej-734 author: Najah, Ahmed; Mustafa, Faiz F.; Hacham, Wisam S. title: تأثير العوامل البيئية على دقة نظام فحص جودة مبني على التعلم بالنقل date: 2021-06-01 words: 3366 flesch: 54 summary: Good lighting (used lighting) was a minimum of 6.6Watt and poor lighting was below that minimum value. [5] Y.J. Cruz, M. Rivas, R. Quiza, G. Beruvides and R. E. Haber, “Computer vision system for welding inspection of liquefied petroleum gas pressure vessels based on combined digital image processing and deep learning techniques,” Sensors, vol. keywords: data; factors; inspection; learning; lighting; model; performance; system; transfer; vision; vol cache: alkej-734.pdf plain text: alkej-734.txt item: #504 of 562 id: alkej-736 author: Abdulateef, Osamah F. title: التنبؤ بخشونة سطح الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ (DSS) بعد عملية الخراطة date: 2021-06-01 words: 4158 flesch: 56 summary: P. P. 8-17 Prediction of Surface Roughness after Turning of Duplex Stainless Steel (DSS) Osamah F. Abdulateef Department of Automated Manufacturing Engineering / Al-Khwairzmi College of Engineering/ University of Baghdad/ Iraq Email: (Received 8 December 2020 ; Revised 4 January 2021; Accepted 19 January 2021) Abstract Feed Forward Back Propagation artificial neural network (ANN) model utilizing the MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox is designed for the prediction of surface roughness of Duplex Stainless Steel during orthogonal turning with uncoated carbide insert tool. The outcome of this study showed that ANN is a versatile tool for prediction of surface roughness and may be easily extended with greater confidence to various metal cutting processes. keywords: ann; cutting; feed; parameters; rate; roughness; speed; surface; turning; vol cache: alkej-736.pdf plain text: alkej-736.txt item: #505 of 562 id: alkej-739 author: Mushatet, Adil Fadhil; Tawfeeq, Shelan Khasro title: نمذجة ومحاكاة لتقييم الإداء لقنوات الأتصال الكمية في منظومات توزيع المفتاح الكمي date: 2021-06-01 words: 5854 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: Optical quantum channel, modeling, quantum bit error rate, quantum key distribution. The Structured Flow of the Modeling Process and the Methodology Used The purpose of optical quantum channel modeling is to efficiently relate the system’s practical considerations, software design with the theoretical fundamentals such as the optical pulse generation and transmission, the optical pulse properties, the operation principles of the optical components and the system environment conditions. keywords: attenuation; channel; fiber; model; modeling; optical; pulses; qkd; quantum; quantum channel; simulation; system; vol; 𝐸 𝐸 cache: alkej-739.pdf plain text: alkej-739.txt item: #506 of 562 id: alkej-74 author: Khadhier Mageed, Alyaa title: دراسة تأثير تحميل مادة الصلب على عملية امتصاص غاز ثنائي اوكسيد الكربون في العمود الفقاعي date: 2011-09-30 words: 3124 flesch: 61 summary: Abstract In the present work experiments were conducted to study the effect of solid loading (1,5 and 9 vol.%) on the enhancement of carbon dioxide absorption in bubble column at various volumetric gas flow rate (0.75, 1 and 1.5 m3/h) and absorbent concentration (caustic soda)( 0.1,0.5 and 1 M ). Keywords: Carbon dioxide absorption, bubble column, danckwerts method, mass transfer coefficients and interfacial area. keywords: absorption; area; bubble; carbon; concentration; dioxide; gas; liquid; mass; rate; transfer cache: alkej-74.pdf plain text: alkej-74.txt item: #507 of 562 id: alkej-740 author: Hammood, Sami Abbas title: امثلية متغيرات عملية القطع بالتفريز لسبيكة المنيوم (4032) باستخدام طريقة تاكوشي مع التحليل العلائقي الرمادي date: 2021-09-13 words: 5001 flesch: 56 summary: In this study, the effect of cutting parameters (spindle speed, feed and depth) is investigated combining with tool material and geometry on the multi-performance of the end milling process (low surface roughness and micro-hardness, high metal removal rate), through analyzing the measurement of the outputs by used grey relational analysis based on Taguchi method for Al- alloys. This indicates that the optimum combination of milling process parameters is sufficient to cover the requirement of surface quality (reduced surface roughness and micro-hardness), but the productivity (max metal removal rate) is reduced because in this study the metal removal rate is quantity value depended on end milling process parameters and number of flute for tool according equation (1). keywords: analysis; cutting; engineering; grade; grey; journal; milling; parameters; process; rate; surface; table; vol cache: alkej-740.pdf plain text: alkej-740.txt item: #508 of 562 id: alkej-745 author: Ahmed, Maryam Sadeq; Mary, Ali Hussien M; Jasim, Hisham Hassan title: التحكم المتين في متحكم عزم دوران ذراع الانسان الالي date: 2021-09-29 words: 2845 flesch: 60 summary: CTC is an efficient control used in robotic control problem. Tables 1 and 2 list the 𝐼𝐴𝐸 for proposed control scheme and CTC methods for Link1 and Link2 respectively. keywords: 𝐶 𝑞; 𝐶𝑞 𝐹; 𝐹 𝐺; 𝐺 𝑀; 𝑀 𝑆; 𝑆 𝑀𝑆; 𝑆 𝑀𝑞 cache: alkej-745.pdf plain text: alkej-745.txt item: #509 of 562 id: alkej-746 author: Al-Hayali, Niaam Kh.; Nacy, Somer M. ; Chiad, Jumaa S. ; O. Hussein title: Analysis and Evaluation of a Quasi-Passive Lower Limb Exoskeleton for Gait Rehabilitation date: 2021-12-29 words: 5143 flesch: 65 summary: [6] M. Lyu, W. Chen, X. Ding, J. Wang, S. Bai, and H. Ren, “Design of a biologically inspired lower limb exoskeleton for human gait rehabilitation,” Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. In 2020, Y. M. Pirjade et al. designed and fabricated eight degrees of freedom lower extremity exoskeleton for gait training. keywords: doi; emg; exoskeleton; flexion; gait; hip; joint; knee; leg; limb; motor; muscles; rehabilitation; vol; walking cache: alkej-746.pdf plain text: alkej-746.txt item: #510 of 562 id: alkej-749 author: Al-Baldawi, Israa Abdulwahab; Sheikh Abdullah, Siti Rozaimah; Ismail, Nur’ Izzati; Almanso, Asia Fadhile; Jasim, Salwa Shamran title: السمية النباتية لسالفينيا موليستا في التعرض للديزل date: 2021-09-26 words: 3610 flesch: 58 summary: Salvinia molesta, an aquatic plant, is chosen in this study to determine its ability to degrade diesel as the pollutant in synthetic wastewater with different diesel concentrations (0, 8,700, 17,400, and 26,100 mg/L) for 14 days. Design of phytotoxicity test at different diesel concentrations. keywords: concentrations; diesel; fig; molesta; plant; tph; vol; wastewater; water cache: alkej-749.pdf plain text: alkej-749.txt item: #511 of 562 id: alkej-75 author: M. Shabe, Kadhum; E. Salah, Suhama; M. Janbi, Mervit title: دراسة أداء كل من الشب والبولي ألمنيوم كلورايد مع دبق الحلبة في معالجة مخلفات المياه الناجمة عن معامل الورق date: 2011-09-30 words: 3222 flesch: 60 summary: The experiments were carried out in jar tests with alum, PACl and Fenugreek mucilage dosages range of 50-2000 mg/L, rapid mixing at 200 rpm for 2 min, followed by slow mixing at 40 rpm for 15 min and settling time of 30 min. The turbidity reduction and COD reduction efficiencies increase with the increase in coagulant dosage and pH till it reaches its highest value after which the reduction and removal efficiencies start to Kadhum M. Shabe Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, PP 39 - 47 (2011) 42 decrease. keywords: alum; cod; dosage; fenugreek; mucilage; pacl; reduction; turbidity; wastewater cache: alkej-75.pdf plain text: alkej-75.txt item: #512 of 562 id: alkej-750 author: Kamal, Hadeer Ali ; Salloom, Maher Yahya title: ال صمام تحكم اتجاهي يكون مغلقا في العاده: Magnetorheological normally close directional control valve date: 2021-12-29 words: 3835 flesch: 66 summary: Keywords: Magneto-rheological (MR) fluid, MR valve, FEMM magnetic programming, normally close (NC)MR valve. It can be utilized in MR valves with 4/3 directional control, making it smaller than the exemplary one. keywords: current; field; flow; fluid; flux; magnetic; mr valve; pressure; valve cache: alkej-750.pdf plain text: alkej-750.txt item: #513 of 562 id: alkej-755 author: Taha , Maha ; Abdulwahab Al-Baldawi, Israa ; Sheikh Abdullah, Siti Rozaimah ; Ismail, Nur ’Izzati ; Shamran Jasim, Salwa title: ال اختبار نسبة الكتلة للمعالجة النباتية للنيكل من مياه الصرف الصحي date: 2022-03-19 words: 4378 flesch: 66 summary: = × … (1) Where, MP is the mass of plant in (g), MNi is the mass of nickel in (g/L), Niww is the concentration of nickel in wastewater in (g/L) Vww is the volume of wastewater in (L), Table 1, Plant mass planted in each aquarium with respect to Ni concentration 2.2 Physical Parameters Monitoring During 21 days of experimental work, samples were taken from taps in each aquarium (Figure 2) at days 0, 7, 16, and 21. During the exposure period, the removal of Ni concentrations (2, 5 and 10 mg/L) for two mass ratio (2,800 and 34,000) were (83.6%, 77.2%, 78.0%) and (86.8%, 97% and 95.6%), respectively. keywords: concentration; d ay; mass; mass ratio; nickel; plant; ratio; removal; vol; water cache: alkej-755.pdf plain text: alkej-755.txt item: #514 of 562 id: alkej-756 author: Matar, Hanan B.; Al-Zubaidi, Sawsan S. ; Al-Kindi, Luma A. title: Evaluation of the Main Causes of Diesel Engine Injector Failure using Fault Tree Analysis date: 2021-12-29 words: 3809 flesch: 63 summary: [4] Two equations are used according to the type of gate (AND or OR) for quantitative analysis[11]: For AND gate out fault event Eo is given by: … ( 1 ) and for OR gate out fault event Xo is given by : …( 2 ) Table (1) lists the main problems and sub-causes events that cause the injector to stop working in order to draw a fault tree which represente the qualitative assessment as shown in Fig.4. keywords: analysis; causes; engineering; event; failure; fault; fta; fuel; injector; maintenance; probability; tree cache: alkej-756.pdf plain text: alkej-756.txt item: #515 of 562 id: alkej-76 author: Abid Al- Sahib, Nabeel K.; Salih, Amenah A.H. title: السيطرة على المسار المخطط لأنسان آلي متحرك date: 2011-12-31 words: 6721 flesch: 61 summary: (a) Modified upper path (b) Modified lower path for small s for small s (c) Optimal path for large s Fig.3. Finally, we will get two new paths, the first resulted from the upper path which is called modified upper path and the other resulted from the lower path which is called modified lower path. keywords: algorithm; case; case study; environment; goal; image; oac; obstacles; path; point; robot; study; upper cache: alkej-76.pdf plain text: alkej-76.txt item: #516 of 562 id: alkej-766 author: Hummady, Muna M. ; Hussein Morad, Ameer title: Enhancement of System Security by Using LSB and RSA Algorithms date: 2022-03-19 words: 3859 flesch: 61 summary: 4 Encrypt secret message using RSA encipher 5 Replace one by one each LSB pixel of cover image (gray or RGB color) with secret message bits. Firstly, hiding secret message bits one by one into a one bit of pixels of cover image like in 1 st LSB, 2 nd LSB, 3 rd LSB or 8 th LSB. keywords: cover; cryptography; image; information; journal; lsb; message; steganography; stego; vol cache: alkej-766.pdf plain text: alkej-766.txt item: #517 of 562 id: alkej-77 author: Jweeg, Mohsen J.; Ismail, Mahmud R.; Yousif, Albert E. title: تخمين تجريبي لسرع الانبعاج ألحرجه للأنابيب الناقلة للموائع ذات الطاقة المحفوظة date: 2018-01-11 words: 3835 flesch: 61 summary: In the case of PVC pipe models a digital thermometer was used to record the operating temperature since their mechanical properties are temperature dependant .The sensor of the thermometer was fitted on to the pipe outer surface. Long [8] carried out many experiments on pinned–pinned pipes to show the effect of the fluid velocity on the natural frequencies .Benjamin keywords: fluid; frequencies; models; pipe; velocities cache: alkej-77.pdf plain text: alkej-77.txt item: #518 of 562 id: alkej-770 author: Awad, Asmaa J.; Ahmed, Ahmed A. ; Abdulateef , Osamah F. title: Estimate and Analysis the Availability of Generator in Electric Power Plant Using ANN date: 2022-06-16 words: 4241 flesch: 55 summary: There are 24 training models considered for ANN availability modeling. To [hr.] Estimating Availability by ANN A(t) 1 35000 35064 0.111788 2 35064 35164 0.111783 3 35164 35264 0.111776 4 35264 35364 0.111769 5 35364 35464 0.111763 6 35464 35564 0.111756 7 35564 35664 0.11175 8 35664 35764 0.111745 9 35764 35864 0.111739 10 35864 35964 0.111734 11 35964 36064 0.111729 12 36064 36164 0.111724 13 36164 36264 0.111719 14 36264 36364 0.111715 15 36364 36464 0.11171 16 36464 36564 0.111706 17 36564 36664 0.111702 18 36664 36764 0.111698 19 36764 36864 0.111695 20 36864 36964 0.111691 21 36964 37064 0.111688 22 37064 37164 0.111685 23 37164 37264 0.111681 24 37264 37364 0.111679 25 37364 37464 0.111676 26 37464 37564 0.111673 27 37564 37664 0.11167 28 37664 37764 0.111668 29 37764 37864 0.111665 30 37864 37964 0.111663 31 37964 38064 0.111661 32 38064 38164 0.111659 33 38164 38264 0.111657 34 38264 38364 0.111655 35 38364 38464 0.111653 36 38464 38564 0.111651 37 38564 38664 0.111649 38 38664 38764 0.111647 39 38764 38864 0.111646 40 38864 38964 0.111644 41 38964 39064 0.111643 42 39064 39164 0.111641 43 39164 39264 0.11164 44 39264 39364 0.111639 45 39364 39464 0.111637 46 39464 39564 0.111636 47 39564 39664 0.111635 48 39664 39764 0.111634 49 39764 39864 0.111633 50 39864 39964 0.111632 51 39964 40064 0.111631 keywords: ann; availability; data; engineering; mechanical; model; network; power; system; vol cache: alkej-770.pdf plain text: alkej-770.txt item: #519 of 562 id: alkej-775 author: Abbas, Tahseen Fadhil ; Shabeeb, Alaa Hassan title: Path Planning, Obstacle Avoidanc Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance of a Mobile Robot based on GWO Algorithm date: 2022-06-16 words: 5312 flesch: 65 summary: Path planning can be considered a problem of optimization since it's aimed at finding a path with the shortest distance beneath certain restrictions such as the given environment with motion MATLAB R2019b programming language used to create the simulation code for path planning using tested on Intel(R) core i7, 2.2 GHz CPU, 8.00 GB RAM system. keywords: algorithm; case; engineering; gwo; iterations; mobile; path; planning; point; results; robot; simulation; time cache: alkej-775.pdf plain text: alkej-775.txt item: #520 of 562 id: alkej-78 author: Tawfik, Mauwafak A.; Mohsin, Mohammed I.; Abd Al-Amir, Hayder S. title: السيطرة على رفرفة جناح ثنائي الأبعاد باستخدام مسيطر عصبي لا خطي متكيف date: 2018-01-11 words: 6189 flesch: 65 summary: The general back propagation algorithm is used to learn the feed forward neural controller and the neural identifier. The fist stage of operation is to set the position (plunging motion) and orientation about the elastic axis (pitch angle) neural network identifier. keywords: + ∂; = ∂; controller; flutter; model; network; neural; nonlinear; output; sec; system; wing; × ∂; ∂ +; ∂ =; ∂ ∂ cache: alkej-78.pdf plain text: alkej-78.txt item: #521 of 562 id: alkej-781 author: Majeed, Mariam; H.Khadum, Ali; Al-Zubaidi, Salah title: Study of the Effect of Magnetic Abrasive Finishing on the Material Removal of AA1100 Aluminum Alloy date: 2023-03-01 words: 4404 flesch: 58 summary: [9] Shrikant Thote, Diwesh Meshram, Kapil Pakhare, and Swapnil Gawande Effect of the process parameters on the surface roughness during magnetic abrasive finishing process on ferromagnetic stainless steel workpiece International Journal of Mechanical Eng, pp. [11] Wu, J.; Zou, Y. Study on mechanism of magnetic abrasive finishing process using low-frequency alternating magnetic field International Conference on Electromechanical Control Technology and Transportation (ICECTT 2015). keywords: abrasive; current; finishing; maf; magnetic; material; process; removal; speed; surface; time; vol cache: alkej-781.pdf plain text: alkej-781.txt item: #522 of 562 id: alkej-783 author: Hadi Abdulridha, Hind ; Qasim Ibraheem, Marwa ; Ghazi Abdulameer, Ahmed title: Performance Prediction in EDM Process for Al 6061 Alloy Using Response Surface Methodology and Genetic Algorithm date: 2022-09-08 words: 4359 flesch: 60 summary: The experimental results demonstrate that capacitance, discharge voltage, and electrode rotation speed all have an impact on MRR parameters, whereas pulse on time, capacitance, and electrode rotation speed influence side gap width. [14] analyzed MRR, electrode wear ratio, and workpiece surface finish on process parameters during the manufacture of SKD61 by electrical discharge machining (EDM). keywords: current; edm; machining; mrr; parameters; process; pulse; rate; time; toff; ton cache: alkej-783.pdf plain text: alkej-783.txt item: #523 of 562 id: alkej-79 author: Mohammed, Adnan D.; Ibraham, Hawraa S. title: تقدير طاقة الاهتزاز لصفيحتين متصلتين (ملحومة) باستعمال طريقة تحليل الطاقة الإحصائي date: 2011-12-31 words: 5754 flesch: 68 summary: The equation for the net power transmitted from sub-systems i to j is׃­ jjiiijijtrans EEP ωηωη −=, … (4) Where, ijη , jiη is the coupling loss factor from sub-systems i to j and from sub-systems j to i respectively and it depends on the type of connection between sub-systems, the material properties, the dimensions of the system and the center frequency of the band, ω (rad/sec) Ref. The power balance equation means that the input power into sub-system i equals to the summation of power dissipated due to damping in sub-system i, idissP , and the power transmitted from sub-systems i to sub-system j, ijtransP , , due to coupling loss factor between sub-systems. keywords: band; center; energy; factor; frequency; loss; plate; power; results; s.e.a; sub; system cache: alkej-79.pdf plain text: alkej-79.txt item: #524 of 562 id: alkej-792 author: M. Jasim, Fatima; M. Ali, Malik ; H. Hamad, Ali title: تصميم وتحليل روبوت رش date: 2022-09-08 words: 4848 flesch: 68 summary: The transformation matrix of the end-effector to the reference frame is concluded by multiplying the previous matrices, so ��� = ��� × ��� × ��� …(1) ��� = �1 0 0 ��0 1 0 ��00 00 10 ��1 � Where ��, ��, ��� �� are the joint space of each link. Joint velocity and acceleration of end-effector are determined with respect to the base frame, hence: ���= �� �� − �� �� + �� �� …(2) ��� = (�� �−g) � − �� ��+ �� �� …(3) Where g is the gravitational acceleration, �� is the joint velocity of links, and �� is the joint acceleration. keywords: engineering; fig; journal; khwarizmi; link; model; position; robot; vol; � � cache: alkej-792.pdf plain text: alkej-792.txt item: #525 of 562 id: alkej-793 author: Al Banna, Ahmed title: Design a radio receiver for solar activity observation in VLF band date: 2023-03-01 words: 2560 flesch: 66 summary: Introduction The philosophy behind designing a very low frequency (VLF) receiver with a bandwidth of 10 to 40 KHz is to monitor the flare event indirectly by receiving the signals of distant VLF transmitters worldwide that are used for marine navigation and studying natural phenomena [5] P. Dola , O. Cristea , V. Dascal ,T. Palade,”4th of January 2011 Solar Eclipse Induced Disturbance in VLF Radio Waves Propagation”,10th International Conference on Telecommunication in Modern Satellite Cable and Broadcasting Services(TELSIKS) , Serbia , 2011. keywords: design; fig; frequency; khwarizmi; receiver; vin; vlf cache: alkej-793.pdf plain text: alkej-793.txt item: #526 of 562 id: alkej-794 author: Abdulameer , Lwaa Faisal; Sripati, U.; Kulkarni, Muralidhar title: تحسين اداء منظومة الاتصالات الفوضوية الثنائية باستخدام تقنية الهوائيات المتعددة date: 2022-12-01 words: 4809 flesch: 67 summary: 3,4, 5, and 6, we observed that chaotic maps give highly distinct sequences as 1.85 1.855 1.86 1.865 1.87 1.875 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 x 10 4 Bit energy n 0 . [8] suggest M- map chaotic system for cryptography applications. keywords: ber; chaos; engineering; journal; logistic; map; maps; p.p; system; tent; vol cache: alkej-794.pdf plain text: alkej-794.txt item: #527 of 562 id: alkej-8 author: Mahmoud, Walid .A.; barsoum, Dr.A.; Mahos, Entather title: تصنيف الصور الطبية باستخدام تقنية التحويل المويجي مع المضبب date: 2017-12-26 words: 3427 flesch: 62 summary: Fuzzy neural networks (FWNs) make use of base mother matrix (such as Dr.A.barsoum Electrical Engineering Department University of technology Entather Mahos Electrical Engineering Department University of technology This page was created using Nitro PDF trial software. [4] Chang, P.R., Yeh, B.F.,“Nonlinear communication channel equalization using wavelet neural network“, Proc. keywords: data; engineering; function;; layer; networks; rules; wavelet cache: alkej-8.pdf plain text: alkej-8.txt item: #528 of 562 id: alkej-80 author: Mohammad Ridha, Taghreed M.; Kadhum, Mina Qais; Mahdi, Shaima Mahmou title: مسيطر تناسبي-تكاملي-تفاضلي- مستند على الخطوات التراجعية مصمم لنموذج بنكرياس صناعي date: 2011-12-31 words: 2490 flesch: 51 summary: [10] L. Kovács, B. Paláncz, E. Borbély, B. Benyó and Z. Benyó, robust control algorithms for blood glucose control using mathematica,ActaElectrotechnica et Informatica, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2010, 10–15. Automatic control of insulin infusion rate especially for type I diabetes proved its ability to give satisfactory results. keywords: backstepping; control; controller; diabetes; glucose; infusion; insulin; model; pid cache: alkej-80.pdf plain text: alkej-80.txt item: #529 of 562 id: alkej-801 author: Zahraa A.kadhim, Zahraa; H. Abbar, Ali title: Kinetics of Electrochemical Removal of Nickel using Bio-electrochemical Reactor with Packed Bed Rotating Cylinder Cathode date: 2022-09-08 words: 4518 flesch: 63 summary: The effects of applied voltage, initial nickel concentration, the rotation speed of the cathode, and pH on the reaction rate constant (k) were studied. The rate constant was found to be dependent on the applied voltage, initial nickel concentration, pH, and rotation speed. keywords: cathode; concentration; constant; kinetics; nickel; rate; removal; rotation; voltage cache: alkej-801.pdf plain text: alkej-801.txt item: #530 of 562 id: alkej-806 author: Abd-almohi, Hussein H. ; Alismaeel, Ziad T. ; M-Ridha, Mohanad J. title: دراسة أداء خلية تحلية المياه الميكروبية؛ كفاءة توليد الطاقة وتحلية المياه باستخدام الأكسجين النقي في غرفة الكاثود date: 2022-09-08 words: 4135 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Microbial desalination cell (MDC), Biocathode, oxygen cathode, Voltage, external resistance. 37- 47 (2022) 42 Table 1, Comparing the performance of microbial desalination cell (MDC). keywords: cathode; cell; chamber; desalination; doi; mdc; microbial; resistance; vol; water cache: alkej-806.pdf plain text: alkej-806.txt item: #531 of 562 id: alkej-81 author: Atiya, Mohammed A.; Rahman, Ameel Mohammed; Abd Al-Jabbar, Aseel title: محاكاة انتقال الاوكسجين في مفاعل Airlift ذو حقة الخلط الداخلي باستعمال موديل التشتت المحوري date: 2011-12-31 words: 7152 flesch: 59 summary: Riser section For gas phase oxygen concentration: Downcomer section For gas phase oxygen concentration: keywords: airlift; alr; concentration; downcomer; gas; liquid; mass; model; oxygen; phase; reactor; riser; transfer; velocity; ∂ ∂ cache: alkej-81.pdf plain text: alkej-81.txt item: #532 of 562 id: alkej-812 author: Hameed, Hadeel Faroak; Mohammed, Alaa K.; Zageer, Dheaa S. title: تحضير وتشخيص مسحوق للكشف عن البصمة الوراثية الكامنة لتطبيقات الادلة الجنائية date: 2022-12-01 words: 4951 flesch: 62 summary: The objective of this work is to compare the performance of both commercial charcoal and activated carbon powder derived from the Alhagi plant to reveal latent fingerprints from different non-porous surfaces (cardboard, plain glass, aluminum foil sheet, China Dish, Plastic, and Switch). Another purpose is to determine the characteristics of Alhagi activated carbon under different influential factors such as impregnation ratio, activation temperature, and activation time keywords: aac; activation; alhagi; carbon; charcoal; engineering; fingerprints; impregnation; powder; ratio; surfaces; temperature; time; vol; yield cache: alkej-812.pdf plain text: alkej-812.txt item: #533 of 562 id: alkej-814 author: Khidhir, Yahya Ghufran; Morad, Ameer Hussein title: مقارنة نماذج التعلم النقل من النهاية الى النهاية لسيارات الذاتية القيادة date: 2022-12-01 words: 6565 flesch: 64 summary: In [9], the researchers designed DL models for the input image size of (70x160x3) in order to carry out longitudinal and lateral vehicle control. In addition, another group of researchers [10] developed a lightweight DNN model (J-Net) for car steering angle control and compared this model to two other models, AlexNet and Nvidia's model. keywords: angle; car; data; densenet121; driving; end; image; journal; khwarizmi; learning; models; network; performance; resnet18; steering; track; training; vol cache: alkej-814.pdf plain text: alkej-814.txt item: #534 of 562 id: alkej-816 author: Ahmed, Wasan Mahmood; Ahmed, Ahmed Abdulrasool; Abdulateef, Osamah Fadhil title: A Methodology for Evaluating and Scheduling Preventive Maintenance for a Thermo-Electric Unit Using Artificial Intelligence date: 2023-03-01 words: 5548 flesch: 57 summary: The methodology proposed in this thesis can be applied to all systems operating in maintenance systems, and it gives an excellent indication to the different departments on developing appropriate action plans and what is expected. This thesis resulted in two methods for improving system reliability and availability to reduce maintenance costs and also developed optimization models for PM schedules. keywords: ahmed; algorithm; ann; data; engineering; failure; journal; khwarizmi; maintenance; mechanical; production; reliability; results; system; time; vol cache: alkej-816.pdf plain text: alkej-816.txt item: #535 of 562 id: alkej-819 author: Awla, Naznaz Jalal; Khdir, Younis Khalid title: Mechanical PropertiesInvestigation of Unidirectional Woven Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Matrix Composite date: 2023-03-01 words: 4301 flesch: 68 summary: Fiber glass % Layers of composite A1-0, B1-0, C1-0 0 0 This is a point that can be noted which has a good effect for increasing the toughness of the sample by this small range of fiber glass layers. keywords: carbon; composite; epoxy; fiber; glass; tensile; test; udwc cache: alkej-819.pdf plain text: alkej-819.txt item: #536 of 562 id: alkej-82 author: Mahdi, Shaimaa A.; Abdul Redha, Zeina A. title: مشغل الزعنفة الكهروميكانيكي الخطي واللاخطي date: 2018-01-11 words: 2600 flesch: 63 summary: Fig.(6) shows the velocity unit–step response with time for linear model model when ζ is between( 0.4 - 0.8), the max value of velocity is between ( 90 – 60) rad/sec. , while For nonlinear model the maximum overshoot is about 5%, rising time is 0.26 sec. keywords: linear; model; response; sec; step; system; time; unit cache: alkej-82.pdf plain text: alkej-82.txt item: #537 of 562 id: alkej-820 author: Jawad, Ameer; K. Muallah, Shatha; Hammud, Kafa Khalaf title: استخدام الكولكساسلين والاموكسسلين و السيفلكسين كمثبطات لصدأ سبائك الحديد ذات نسبة الكاربون المنخفضة date: 2023-03-01 words: 4436 flesch: 62 summary: It has been found that one of the preferable ways of keeping metals from corrosion comprises the use of expired antibiotics as corrosion inhibitors. Perfectly the drugs soluble in the water besides their high purity and inexpensively as expired antibiotics are important factors in choosing expired drugs as corrosion inhibitors [6]. keywords: blank; carbon; cloxacillin; concentration; corrosion; engineering; inhibitor; journal; khwarizmi; p.p; steel; vol cache: alkej-820.pdf plain text: alkej-820.txt item: #538 of 562 id: alkej-83 author: Al-Mosawi, Ali I.; Mahmood, Abbas A.; Salaman, Ali J.; Alwash, Naser A. title: استعمال تقنية الطلاء بمعيقات اللّهب لحماية المنشآت المدنية والصناعية من الحرائق date: 2011-12-31 words: 2739 flesch: 87 summary: تحضیر وتصنیع مادة معیقة لّلھب مكونة من رابع ُأوكسید األنتیمون لھا القدرة على إعاقة إنتشار الّلھب وبالتالي إخماده مما یقلل من األخطار المتولدة . ٢.٢ تتكون نماذج إختبار التعریة الحراریة من طبقتین ، األولى ، تلیھا 3mm)(متكونة من رابع ُأوكسید األنتیمون وتكون keywords: flame; أستر; ألیاف; إختبار; إلى; األنتیمون; البولي; التعریة; التي; الحراریة; الكاربون; المادة; المتراكبة; المعیقة; المواد; الّلھب; حیث; درجة; رابع; راتنج; رقم; زیادة; على; ُأوكسید; ھذه cache: alkej-83.pdf plain text: alkej-83.txt item: #539 of 562 id: alkej-830 author: Abd Alsaheb, Ramzi A.; Mohammed, Malik Mustafa; Abdullah, Jaafar Kamil; Abbas, Azza Hashim title: Citric Acid Production: Raw Material, Microbial Production, Fermentation Strategy and Global Market: Critical Review date: 2023-06-05 words: 7809 flesch: 57 summary: Different processes for citric acid production [68]. From other side, As shown in Fig 3 there are many of the variables effective on productivity of citric acid include: Carbon source [69], Nitrogen and phosphate limitations The most important finding was that A. niger thrived in pH ranges of 2.5 to 3.5 and that high sugar concentrations promoted citric acid production [4]. keywords: acid; acid production; aspergillus; biotechnology; citric; doi; engineering; fermentation; food; journal; niger; production; state; vol cache: alkej-830.pdf plain text: alkej-830.txt item: #540 of 562 id: alkej-831 author: Abd Alsaheb, Ramzi A.; A. Atyia, Mohammed; Kamil Abdullah , Jaafar; Abbas, Azza Hashim title: Succinic acid Production Strategy: Raw material, Organisms and Recent Applications in pharmaceutical and Food: Critical Review date: 2023-03-01 words: 5259 flesch: 52 summary: The current review attempt is a step toward comprehending all the conditions surrounding succinic acid production from raw materials, microorganisms, and fermentation methods. 5. Conclusion This review paper reviewed 72 papers of succinic acid production. keywords: acid; acid production; applications; bio; doi; engineering; fermentation; journal; market; production; succinic; vol cache: alkej-831.pdf plain text: alkej-831.txt item: #541 of 562 id: alkej-836 author: Saad, Hassan; M. Shammari, Ahmed Z.; AlKareem, Salah S. Abed title: ﺻﻨﺎﻋﺔ وﺗﺤﻠﯿﻞ ﻗﺎﻋﺪة ﻗﺎﻟﺐ اﺳﻨﺎن ﺑﺎﺳﺘﺨﺪام ﻋﻤﻠﯿﺔ اﻟﺘﺸﻜﯿﻞ اﻟﻨﻘﻄﻲ ﻟﻠﺼﻔﺎﺋﺢ date: 2023-06-05 words: 5216 flesch: 56 summary: The type 316L is one of the most widely used materials in biomedical applications, however, there has never been a study about this material in incremental sheet forming applications. [6] G. Ambrogio, L. De Napoli, L. Filice, F. Gagliardi, and M. Muzzupappa, “Application of incremental forming process for high customized medical product manufacturing,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. keywords: denture; engineering; forming; incremental; journal; manufacturing; plate; process; sheet; steel; thickness; tool; vol cache: alkej-836.pdf plain text: alkej-836.txt item: #542 of 562 id: alkej-838 author: Mhmood, Tiba Raed; Al-Karkhi, Nazar Kais title: A Review of the Stereo lithography 3D Printing Process and the Effect of Parameters on Quality date: 2023-06-05 words: 7387 flesch: 54 summary: The most suitable layer thickness setting affects SLA process accuracy and performance. [48] evaluated the effect of SLA print layer thickness on the clinical acceptability of 3D printed models. keywords: accuracy; exposure; hatch; journal; layer; layer thickness; lithography; parameters; printing; process; resin; sla; stereo; surface; thickness; time cache: alkej-838.pdf plain text: alkej-838.txt item: #543 of 562 id: alkej-84 author: Raheem, Dina title: تأثير خليط مثبطات التآكل في منظومة خزان التبريد date: 2011-12-31 words: 4532 flesch: 53 summary: 7 Dina Raheem Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 86- 97(2011) 81 The efficiency of mixture corrosion inhibitors and scales dispersant (sodium phosphate and sodium glocunate) were calculated ,by using make up water(raw water) without corrosion inhibitor then calculated the corrosion rate for (1,2,3 and 5) days with corrosion inhibitor as shown in Fig. Introduction The term “corrosion” (in a cooling water system) is defined as the electrochemical deterioration of a metal that is in contact with cooling water. keywords: corrosion; inhibitor; metal; mixture; ppm; rate; scale; sodium; steel; water cache: alkej-84.pdf plain text: alkej-84.txt item: #544 of 562 id: alkej-844 author: AL-aridhee, Sameer Teref Azeez; Moghiman, Mohammad title: Yearly Energy, Exergy, and Environmental (3E) Analyses of A Photovoltaic Thermal Module and Solar Thermal Collector in Series date: 2023-03-01 words: 9280 flesch: 63 summary: Keywords: Photovoltaic thermal system, solar thermal collector, environmental analysis, energy and exergy analyses, CO2 reduction. A thermal performance-enhancing strategy of photovoltaic thermal systems by applying surface area partially covered by solar cells. keywords: cover; electrical; energy; fig; flow; flow rate; glass; mass; mass flow; power; pvt; rate; system; temperature cache: alkej-844.pdf plain text: alkej-844.txt item: #545 of 562 id: alkej-847 author: Talib, Khatab Emad; Salman, Sami D. title: Removal of Malachite Green from Aqueous Solution using Ficus Benjamina Activated Carbon-Nonmetal Oxide synthesized by pyro Carbonic Acid Microwave date: 2023-06-05 words: 5887 flesch: 62 summary: 2. Langmuir isotherm model for MG adsorption by AC-SiO2. Fig. Table 5, Freundlich and Langmuir coefficients for MG adsorption on AC-SiO2 3.3 Kinetics of Adsorption The adsorption process mechanism of MG on AC-SiO2 can be represented by several kinetic models. keywords: adsorbent; adsorption; carbon; concentration; doi; dye; green; malachite; removal; sio2; surface; time; vol; water cache: alkej-847.pdf plain text: alkej-847.txt item: #546 of 562 id: alkej-85 author: Amin, Samir Ali; Hanna, Mohannad Yousif; Mohamed, Alhamza Farooq title: دراسة تأثير تصميم عدة اللحام بالخلط الاحتكاكي نوع (Bobbin) على الخواص الميكانيكية لسبيكة المنيوم (6061-T6) date: 2018-08-15 words: 5375 flesch: 66 summary: The bobbin friction stir welding tools were fabricated by conventional lathe and milling machines. [8] M. K. Sued, D. Pons, J. Lavroff, and E. H. Wong, “Design features for bobbin friction stir welding tools: Development of a conceptual model linking the underlying physics to the production process”, Materials and Design 54 (2014) pp. keywords: alloy; bobbin; design; flats; friction; material; mechanical; properties; stir; straight; test; tool; vol; welding cache: alkej-85.pdf plain text: alkej-85.txt item: #547 of 562 id: alkej-852 author: Ridha, Aula. I.; J. M-Ridha, Mohanad title: Determination of the Optimum Conditions for Removal of Congo Red Dye by Peroxidase Enzyme Plant date: 2023-06-05 words: 4086 flesch: 48 summary: Keywords: Peroxidase enzyme, Congo red dye, Plant enzyme, Decolorization. 1. then used in degradation of Congo red dye [19; 20]. 2.3. keywords: concentration; congo; decolorization; dye; efficiency; engineering; enzyme; journal; peroxidase; red; red dye; removal; vol cache: alkej-852.pdf plain text: alkej-852.txt item: #548 of 562 id: alkej-854 author: Mahdi, Hawraa A.; Hameed, Khalid W.; A. Ali, Abdul-Jabbar title: استخلاص البومين مصل الأبقار بنظام ثنائي الطورالمائي باستخدام PEG4000 / سترات الصوديوم و PEG8000 / فوسفات الصوديوم date: 2023-06-05 words: 6935 flesch: 68 summary: In Aqueous Two-Phase Systems, many factors influence the Partition coefficient, K, (which is the ratio of protein concentration in the top phase to that in the bottom phase) and the Recovery percentage (Rec%). Figures 3.1 Hawraa A. Mahdi Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2, P.P. 39- 51 (2023) 43 and 3.2 show the effect of temperature for systems PEG4000/ SC and PEG4000/ SPH respectively. keywords: concentration; doi; nacl; partition; peg; peg4000; phase; protein; rec%; recovery; sodium; sph; system; vol cache: alkej-854.pdf plain text: alkej-854.txt item: #549 of 562 id: alkej-856 author: Jiad, Marwa M.; Abbar, Ali H. title: Treatment of Petroleum Refinery Wastewater by Sono Fenton Process Utilizing the in-Situ Generated Hydrogen Peroxide date: 2023-06-05 words: 7717 flesch: 58 summary: [66] For US/ 2O2/H 2+Fe RE%=40 EC=216kWh 3m/ =30mM2+Fe pH=7,time=180 min temperature =30º C Ozone (O3) and sono (US) based advanced oxidation processes for the removal of color, COD for landfill leachate [67] RE%=84.25 =102+/Fe2O2H pH=3, time=10 min Treatment of petroleum effluents using the combined ultrasound and Fenton oxidation process [5] Abdulredha, M. M., Aslina, H. S., & Luqman, C. A. (2020). keywords: cod; dosage; engineering; fe2; fenton; h2o2; journal; model; petroleum; process; removal; sono; time; treatment; ultrasound; wastewater cache: alkej-856.pdf plain text: alkej-856.txt item: #550 of 562 id: alkej-86 author: Majeed, Majid H.; Kareem, Mohamed Abdul; Ali, Esraa H. title: Construction and Characterization of Organic Solar Cell and Study the Operational Properties date: 2018-08-15 words: 3768 flesch: 69 summary: #.X%q = 8.472� 10 0Z mA/W ���� � �r� � %.%XR ��� ���� � W#. [3] The fill factor FF refers to the ratio of actual maximum power output (� �� � to the theoretical power output that represents the product of short- circuit current and open-circuit voltage. keywords: cell; efficiency; engineering; fig; pce; polymer; power; response; rpm; sample; spin cache: alkej-86.pdf plain text: alkej-86.txt item: #551 of 562 id: alkej-88 author: Mohammed, Farag Mahel; Mohammed, Jamal Abdul-Kareem; Nouri, Rasha Ali title: تحسين كفاءةِ اللوح الشمسي المقتفي ثنائي المحاور بإستخدام الماء المتدفق ضمن غطائه الزجاجي المزدوجِ date: 2018-08-27 words: 8747 flesch: 60 summary: Solar PV panel specifications WFDG system specification Parameter Value Parameter Value Type Mono-Si Glazing chamber Rated maximum power, Pmax 28W Chamber dimensions (43×42×1.5)cm Operating voltage, Vmp 21V Material Acrylic glass Operating current, Imp 1.33A Number of sheets Two sheets Open-circuit voltage, VOC 23.12V Sheet thickness 2mm Short-circuit current, ISC 1.515A Optimal Factors Factors Optimal levels Experimental values Predicted values Error, % Irradiance efficiency, % PV panel temperature, ˚C PV panel voltage, V A1 B3 C1 A3 B2 C1 A2 B3 C1 98.47 40.6 keywords: chamber; cooling; efficiency; energy; factor; flow; glazing; heat; irradiance; panel; panel temperature; pv panel; solar; system; temperature; water; wfdg cache: alkej-88.pdf plain text: alkej-88.txt item: #552 of 562 id: alkej-89 author: Jabbar, Noor Mohsen; Kadhim, Estabriq Hasan; Mohammed, Alaa Kareem title: المعالجة البايولوجية للتربة الملوثة بالديزل باستخدام منظومة Biopile date: 2018-08-15 words: 4518 flesch: 59 summary: Also, between branched and straight chain alkanes, Time (days) Total petroleum hydrocarbons (mg/kg soil) Amended soil Unamended soil (control) 0th day 2140 2140 7th. day 1524 2000 14th day 1256 1800 21th day 1228 1650 28th day 1200 1545 35th day 520 1430 Characteristics Values Nutrients Concentration (mg/kg soil) Total nitrogen (mg N/ kg) 51 Phosphate (mg P/ kg) 9.2 Potassium (mg K/ kg) 153 Soil texture 12% sand, 20% clay, 68% silt Silty clay soil CaCo3 22.3 % Soil pH 7.4 Water holding capacity 16.85 % In bio piling, contaminated soils are accumulating above ground, and then the biological processes are motivating through aeration followed by addition of water and nutrient besides controlling temperature and pH keywords: bacterial; biodegradation; bioremediation; control; day; diesel; engineering; hydrocarbons; journal; moisture; petroleum; soil; water cache: alkej-89.pdf plain text: alkej-89.txt item: #553 of 562 id: alkej-9 author: Zeyad, Dr. Tarik title: تمييز الوجه البشري باستخدام تحويل المويجة date: 2017-12-02 words: 2718 flesch: 62 summary: 4. Wavelet Neural Networks A wavelet neural network (WNN) shown in figure (3), is a network layer with two layers whose output nodes form a linear combination of wavelet basis functions that are calculated in the hidden layer of the network. The WSOM is a feed forward network that estimates optimized wavelet based for the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) on the basis of the distribution of the input data, where wavelet basis transforms are used as activation function. keywords: face; input; layer; network; neural; recognition; som; transform; wavelet cache: alkej-9.pdf plain text: alkej-9.txt item: #554 of 562 id: alkej-90 author: AL Mukhtar, Riyadh S.; AL Hemeri, Shurooq T.; Mahmood, Lina W. title: دراسة المحتوى الحراري لتفكك الكلاثريت (لغاز التبریدR134a الرطب) بالنظامين الثنائي والثلاثي date: 2018-08-15 words: 5129 flesch: 52 summary: ,[8] who performed the experimental measurements to conditions of gas hydrates dissociation were undertaken at range of temperatures and pressures , by using binary and ternary system which consist of refrigerant gases as (R134a, R410a, and R507) with salt aqueous solutions for various salt concentrations. The heat of hydrate dissociation (ΔHd) can be identified through two methods direct and indirect, in the direct method the calorimetric was used to measure the heat of dissociation. keywords: clathrate; data; dissociation; equation; gas; hydrate; presence; pressure; r134a; refrigerant; salt; system; temperature; water cache: alkej-90.pdf plain text: alkej-90.txt item: #555 of 562 id: alkej-91 author: Al-kaissi, Zainab Ahmed; Mohammed, Mohammed Hashim; Kareem, Nabaa Sattar title: دراسة تجريبية في مفاصل التمدد الموتّدة على سلوك التبليط الخرساني غير المسلح date: 2018-08-27 words: 5270 flesch: 68 summary: Abstract This paper deals with load-deflection behavior the jointed plain concrete pavement system using steel dowel bars as a mechanism to transmit load across the expansion joints. Keywords: Steel dowel bars, jointed plain concrete pavement, load-deflection behavior, subgrade soil. keywords: bar; concrete; deflection; dowel; load; models; pavement; slab; soil cache: alkej-91.pdf plain text: alkej-91.txt item: #556 of 562 id: alkej-92 author: Ali, Maytham Mahmood; Yassen, Rabiha Saleh title: استرجاع الألمنيوم من المخلفات الصناعية )الخبث) بواسطة عملية الصهر وعملية التنقية date: 2018-09-03 words: 4924 flesch: 57 summary: Effect of Adding KAlF4 flux The effect of adding KAlF4 flux on the melting of aluminum slag was studied, and the ratio of adding KAlF4 flux is in the range of (0 - 10). Extraction of aluminum starts with bauxite mining, bauxite is processed into alumina, and then alumina is processed into aluminum metal. keywords: aluminum; flux; fluxes; journal; kalf4; kcl; melting; molten; nacl; process; slag; table; temperature; weight cache: alkej-92.pdf plain text: alkej-92.txt item: #557 of 562 id: alkej-94 author: Oleiwi, Jawad Kadhim; Hamad, Qahtan Adnan title: دراسة الخصائص الميكانيكية لمادة قاعدة طقم الأسنان مصنعة من مواد متراكبة بوليمرية date: 2018-09-04 words: 6033 flesch: 55 summary: The results of this study showed that the values of tensile modulus of elasticity, compressive strength and hardness properties increased with increasing the volume fraction of these particles in PMMA composite materials. Also, the addition of (nano-ZrO2) particles showed greater effect than that of (micro-lignin) particles in some properties of PMMA composite materials for prosthesis denture base materials specimens, while they have lower effect for the other properties. keywords: base; composite; denture; lignin; materials; micro; nano; particles; pmma; strength; tensile; test; zro2 cache: alkej-94.pdf plain text: alkej-94.txt item: #558 of 562 id: alkej-95 author: Akbar, Ahmed A.; Shwaish, Raed R.; Hadi, Naba D. title: دراسة تاثير معاملات التشغيل على توزيع درجة الحرارة وعمر الاداة اثناء تشغيل الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ316L date: 2018-09-04 words: 4828 flesch: 68 summary: P�= F�V� = ! [4] Studied finite difference method-based simulation of temperature fields for application to orthogonal cutting of AISI 1045 steel with coated tools. keywords: chip; cutting; feed; fig; heat; increase; life; speed; spindle; temperature; tool cache: alkej-95.pdf plain text: alkej-95.txt item: #559 of 562 id: alkej-96 author: Alyas, Rasha Ramiz title: تأثير متغيرات التشغيل في مكائن التفريز المبرمجة على الخشونة السطحية date: 2018-09-04 words: 2318 flesch: 63 summary: Introduction Producing components with complex surfaces don’t like producing parts with regular surfaces. The results and relations indicate that the rate of feed is very important factor for modeling surface roughness. keywords: cutting; feed; machining; milling; roughness; speed; surface; value cache: alkej-96.pdf plain text: alkej-96.txt item: #560 of 562 id: alkej-97 author: Dagher, Khulood E. title: تصميم مسيطر تناسبي تكاملي تفاضلي عصبي ايلمن المعدل لنظام محول خافض التيار المستمر مبنيا على أساس أمثلية الدولفين لتحديد الموقع بالصدى date: 2018-09-04 words: 4968 flesch: 62 summary: 5. Open loop response for output voltage of Buck converter system. The structure of MENN-PID controller for Buck converter equation model. keywords: algorithm; buck; controller; converter; engineering; output; pid; system; voltage cache: alkej-97.pdf plain text: alkej-97.txt item: #561 of 562 id: alkej-98 author: Jadallah, Abdullateef A.; Farag, Sahar R.; Hamdi, Jinan D. title: تعزيز أداء التوربين الريحي عمودي محور الادارة باستخدام منظومة معبر هواء تقاربي date: 2018-09-06 words: 2971 flesch: 62 summary: Boundary condition for convergent duct wind turbine summarized in table (2). Area at each section may be calculated as: A�=��- 2(�� -��) ��� + (�� − �� �� � …�4 Where �� = ���� + ∆�. keywords: convergent; duct; fig; inlet; power; turbine; velocity; wind cache: alkej-98.pdf plain text: alkej-98.txt item: #562 of 562 id: alkej-99 author: Kashan, Jenan S.; Hamdan, Wisam K.; Fakhri, Baha title: دراسة معالجة الفشل في العظام باستخدام مادة مركبة متعددة ذات اساس من البوليمر باستخدام نموذج حيواني date: 2018-09-06 words: 2550 flesch: 50 summary: [1] Many investigations were taken place, to develop biomaterial systems which can be used to repair or replace, natural bone just in case of complicated fracture, previous folks suffer from accidently, fractures, and bone cancer patients [2] At present, bone grafts and replacement, poses challenge to develop biomaterials for scaffold applications This might be achieved via any of either, endogenous or exogenous materials: auto graft, allograft or a xenograft 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Mechanical Properties Measured mechanical properties for implants as comparison with that of natural bone are listed in table 1. keywords: al2o3; biomaterials; bone; implants; journal; peek; properties; tio2; tissue; vol cache: alkej-99.pdf plain text: alkej-99.txt