د عامر Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, P.P. Utilizing a Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Technique (M Adaptive Department of Automated Manufacturing Engineering / Alkhwarzmi College of Engineering/ University of Baghdad E-mail: amermoosa@kecbu.uobaghdad.edu.iq (Received 3 October Abstract An experimental study was conducted for abrasive finishing technique (MAF) on brass process where the cost is high and much more susceptible to surface damage as compared to other materials. Four operation parameters were studied, the gap between the work generate the flux, the rotational Spindale speed and amount of abrasive powder size considering constant linear feed movement between machine head and workpiece. Adaptive for evaluation of a series of experiments an optimized and usefully achieved by obtained results predicted by model simulation and that of direct measure is 2.0222 % Keywords:Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF), adaptive roughness, (RMSE) root mean square error, membership 1. Introduction Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) is a super finishing method comparing with the other traditional operation of surface finishing grading, lapping etc., due to the attitude magnetic flux controlling to its cutting force combining with flexibility of magnetic and brush shape which minimize the possibility micro cracks on the surface of the workpiec (MAF) the workpiece is held between the machine table that imposed to directional feed rate and the magnetic poles of the head nose (inductor) where the gap between the workpiece nose is filled with abrasive particle powder that shaped by the flux. This configuration act as smooth grinding brush and behaves multipoint cutting tool operation [1][2].Wang Hu [3] described the principle of the process Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, P.P. 49- 56 (2014) Utilizing a Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Technique (MAF Adaptive Nero Fuzzy(ANFIS) Amer A. Moosa Department of Automated Manufacturing Engineering / Alkhwarzmi College of Engineering/ University of Baghdad amermoosa@kecbu.uobaghdad.edu.iq 3 October 2013; accepted 15 April 2014) for measuring the quality of surface finishing roughness plate which is very difficult to be polish by a conventional machining is high and much more susceptible to surface damage as compared to other materials. Four gap between the work piece and the electromagnetic inductor speed and amount of abrasive powder size considering constant linear feed head and workpiece. Adaptive Neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) nd a verification with respect to specimen roughness obtained results were an average of the error between the surface roughne t of direct measure is 2.0222 %. finishing (MAF), adaptive Neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), (AR) average membership function (MF). (MAF) is a super the other finishing like attitude of the magnetic flux controlling to its cutting force powder e possibility of the surface of the workpiece. At between the t imposed to directional feed rate (inductor) and the powder that This configuration act as smooth grinding brush and behaves like Wang and of the process and finishing characteristics of unbounded magnetic abrasive within internal tubing finishing. They also deal with the design and fabrication of MAF setup for finishing three kinds of materials tubing, such as (Ly12) aluminum alloy, ( steel and (H62) brass. Geeng et a described the process principles and its characteristics of unbounded magnetic abrasive within cylindrical magnetic abrasive finishing. They investigated the finishing characteristics on surface roughness and material removal as well as their mechanisms.Mori et al. [5] examined the magnetic field, acting forces and provides a fundamental understanding of the process mechanism. A planar type process for a non magnetic material, stainless steel, was introduced.Maiboroda and Khomenko [6] investigated how the frictional force between magnetic-abrasive powders and(Ti Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal AF) Via Department of Automated Manufacturing Engineering / Alkhwarzmi College of Engineering/ University of Baghdad roughness using magnetic conventional machining is high and much more susceptible to surface damage as compared to other materials. Four piece and the electromagnetic inductor, the current that speed and amount of abrasive powder size considering constant linear feed (ANFIS) was implemented change has been between the surface roughness (ANFIS), (AR) average finishing characteristics of unbounded magnetic rasive within internal tubing finishing. They also deal with the design and fabrication of MAF setup for finishing three kinds of materials tubing, (316L) stainless Geeng et al. [4] Also and its finishing characteristics of unbounded magnetic abrasive within cylindrical magnetic abrasive finishing. They investigated the finishing characteristics on surface roughness and material removal as well as al. [5] examined the magnetic field, acting forces and provides a fundamental understanding of the process mechanism. A planar type process for a non- magnetic material, stainless steel, was introduced.Maiboroda and Khomenko [6] onal force between Ti) alloy surface mailto:amermoosa@kecbu.uobaghdad.edu.iq mailto:amermoosa@kecbu.uobaghdad.edu.iq Amer A. Moosa Al-Khwarizmi Engineeri varies during magnetic-abrasive machining in relation to the technological parameters. They studied experimentally the effects of five types of powders with different grain sizes. Dhirendra et al. [7] Reported the experimental findings about the forces acting during MAF and provides correlation between the surface finish and the forces. Nazar [8]Reported the experimental findings the forces acting during MAF and provides correlation between the surface finish and this force. It is concluded that forces and the change in surface roughness (ΔRa) increase with increasing of the current value impose electromagnet (or magnetic flux density) and decreasing in the working gap. The researchers filled the working gap with a homogeneous mixture of silicon carbide abrasives and ferromagnetic iron particles at a ratio of 25:75 weight, respectively. In this paper a model based on (ANFIS) for (AMF) process was performed using brass metal workpieces to estimate its surface roughness an adoption of objective simulation is carried to optimize the solution obtained by the model. 2. Experiments An electromagnetic inductor was designed and manufactured to implement (MAF) on workpiece by milling machine as shown in Fig. 1. Consist of (1) inductor of steel road wrapped with a coil of wire (2) work piece (brass) (3) D.C power supply (4) machine spindle (5) inductor body (6) shank (7) milling table. While Fig. 2. Shows (1) magnetic powder particle(2) abrasive brush (3) gap between head nose and work piece. The inductor material is low carbon steel (C15) with a cross section of (A) =14cm2 and long of (L)is (75mm) and copper wire diameter of (ø)=1mm and number of turns is (N 2400) while the powder is (40%) iron and (60%) quartz centered in (1200 c°) and then were crushed to (150μm) of approximated diameter shows under SEM, JSM-6360 LV scanning microscope in Fig. 3. The process parameters has been changed during the operation as follows: the working gap from (10 to 20)mm,current responsible to change the flux from (1.5 to 3.5) Amp, volume of the powder from (2 to 4) cm3 and the rotation speed from (175 to 5250) RPM with a feed rate of (30) mm/min. Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, P.P. 50 abrasive machining in relation to the technological parameters. They studied experimentally the effects of five types of the experimental findings about the forces acting during MAF and provides correlation between the surface finish the experimental findings of the forces acting during MAF and provides tween the surface finish and this change in surface roughness (ΔRa) increase with the value impose to the electromagnet (or magnetic flux density) and the The researchers with a homogeneous mixture of silicon carbide abrasives and of 25:75 in In this paper a model based on (ANFIS) for (AMF) process was performed using brass metal ghness and carried out solution obtained by the model. An electromagnetic inductor was designed and manufactured to implement (MAF) on workpiece by milling machine as shown in Fig. 1. Consist of (1) inductor of steel road wrapped with a coil of wire (2) work piece (brass) (3) D.C power supply le (5) inductor body (6) shank (7) milling table. While Fig. 2. Shows (1) magnetic powder particle(2) abrasive brush (3) The inductor material is low carbon steel (C15) with a cross section of (A) =14cm2 and long of L)is (75mm) and copper wire diameter of 1mm and number of turns is (N 2400) while the powder is (40%) iron and (60%) quartz ) and then were crushed to m) of approximated diameter shows under 6360 LV scanning microscope shown The process parameters has been changed during the operation as follows: the working gap from (10 to 20)mm,current responsible to change the flux from (1.5 to 3.5) Amp, volume of the powder from (2 to 4) cm3 and the rotation speed 75 to 5250) RPM with a feed rate of (30) Fig. 1. Magnetic abrasive Devices. Fig. 2. Magnetic brush of electromagnet poles. Fig. 3. SEM (X 100) of magnetic abrasive particles. 3 2 ng Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, P.P. 49- 56 (2014) Fig. 1. Magnetic abrasive Devices. Fig. 2. Magnetic brush of electromagnet poles. Fig. 3. SEM (X 100) of magnetic abrasive particles. 1 Amer A. Moosa Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, P.P. 49- 56 (2014) 51 The work piece is divided into nine parts represent the three level configuration as shown in Tables (1and 2) respectively. Some of them were operated traditionally and the other has been simulated as an artificial intelligent base of (ANFIS) (Fig. 4.) Each piece is fixed in such a way that the center of the work piece coincides with the center of the head nose. The required gap between them is filled with powder abrasive particles. After each experiment, the change in surface roughness value (ΔRA) is determined by measuring (RA) via tester TR220 (Fig. 5). Table 1, Three Level parameters. Table 2, Parameters configuration. Fig. 4. Photo of some of the work pieces. Fig. 5. Surface roughness tester, (TR-220). 3. ANFIS Optimization Technique ANFIS is a hybrid predictive method that combines the neural network tool to the fuzzy approaches to generate mapping scheme between input parameters and output results. The structure of this model consist of five layers, each layer is constructed by several nods. ANFIS behave just like the neural network where the structure of each layer is obtained by the node of the previous layers as shown in Fig. 6.A Numbers of initiating data among all data set have been selected as training data, and then the trained network was validated by other data set. The root mean square error (RMSE) is applied to this work for inspection purposes of the trained model as follows : RMSE = √ [1/Tr∑ TRi = 1(ti − Yi)^2] …(1) Where (Tr) are the total number of training samples, (ti)is the real output value, and (Yi) is the ANFIS output value in training from matlab Parameters Units Levels Rotational speed (P1) Rpm 175 - 350 - 525 Coil current (P2) Amp 1.5 - 2.5 - 3.5 Volume of powder (P3) cm 3 2.0 – 3.0 – 4.0 Working gap (P4) Mm 1.0 - 1.5 - 2.0 Exp. Factors Rotati- onal speed (P1) (rpm) Coil current (P2) (Amp) Volume of powder (P3) (Cm3) Worki ng gap (P4) (mm) 1 175 1.5 2 2 2 350 2.5 3 3 3 525 3.5 4 4 4 350 1.5 4 4 5 525 2.5 2 2 6 175 3.5 3 3 7 525 1.5 3 3 8 175 2.5 4 4 9 350 3.5 2 2 Amer A. Moosa Al-Khwarizmi Engineeri platform using fuzzy tool representing by ANFIS guide user interface with the adoption the attitude of E AND C. A fuzzy inference system of sugeno model is conducted as follows: A two rule sugeno ANFIS has rules of the form If x is A1 and y1 is B1 THEN f = p1 x + q1 y +r1 If x is A2 and y2 is B2 THEN f = p2 x + q2 y + r2 For the training network fig 3E the RMSE was set to (0.02) and the iteration number was (30)epochs where the layers act as follow: Layer 1 (Fuzzification layer): It transforms the crisp inputs (Xi) to linguistic labels ( , like small, medium, large etc.) with a degree of membership. The output of node (Oij) or could represent by (ki) is expressed as follows: Oij1=Ok1= μij(Xi) , i= 1...m , j = 1...n- Where (μij)is the (jth) membership function the input (Xi). Layer 2 (Product layer): For each node (k) in this layer, the The output represents a weighting factor (e) (firing strength) of the rule (k). The output (Wk) is the product of all its inputs as follows: Fig. 6. 4. Results and Discussion After using several types of member function, the Gaussian function Fig. 7. W selected to be more accumulate with modeling behavior as follows: Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, P.P. 52 platform using fuzzy tool representing by ANFIS guide user interface with the adoption the attitude f sugeno A two rule sugeno ANFIS has rules of the …(2) …(3) For the training network fig 3E the RMSE was set to (0.02) and the iteration number was (30)epochs Layer 1 (Fuzzification layer): It transforms the , like small, medium, large etc.) with a degree of membership. The output of node (Oij) or could represent by (ki) is …(4) th) membership function for Layer 2 (Product layer): For each node (k) in this The output represents a weighting factor (e) (k). The output (Wk) is the product of all its Ok2 = Wk = u1e1(X1)u2e2(X2)…um em K=1…n ,e1,e2…em , =1…n Layer 3 (Normalized layer): The output of each node (k) in This layer represents the normalized weighting factor (Wk|) of the (kth) rule as follows: Ok3 = Wk| = (Wk) / (W1+W2+…Wn) Layer 4 (De-fuzzification layer): Each node of this layer gives a weighted output of the first order TSK-type fuzzy if then rule as follows: Ok4 = Wk| fk Where fk represents the output of (kth) TSK (Takagi-sugeno-Kang)-type fuzzy rules. Layer 5 (Output layer): This single represents the overall output (Y) of the network as the sum of all weighted outputs of the rules: O5 = Y = ∑ nk = 1 (Wk| fk) It is inevitable to consider that the fuzzy set is a decision-making process comparison with ANFIS, which raise the ability of the knowledge base decision-making system with its capability to produce the rules for simulation process. Fig. 6. ANFIS network structure. embership Fig. 7. Was selected to be more accumulate with modeling U(x)=exp[-(x-c)^2/2σ^2] Where: U(X) represents the MF input and x, parameters for Gaussian function shape selected from the platform. ng Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, P.P. 49- 56 (2014) Ok2 = Wk = u1e1(X1)u2e2(X2)…um em(Xm) …(5) Layer 3 (Normalized layer): The output of each This layer represents the normalized weighting Ok3 = Wk| = (Wk) / (W1+W2+…Wn) …(6) fuzzification layer): Each node of this layer gives a weighted output of the first order type fuzzy if then rule as follows: …(7) Where fk represents the output of (kth) TSK type fuzzy rules. Layer 5 (Output layer): This single-node layer represents the overall output (Y) of the network as the sum of all weighted outputs of the rules: …(8) It is inevitable to consider that the fuzzy set is a making process comparison with ANFIS, which raise the ability of the knowledge base making system with its capability to simulation process. …(9) the MF input and x,σ,c are function shape that Amer A. Moosa Al-Khwarizmi Engineeri Fig. 7. The experimental data are mapped to ANFIS and evaluates as patterns tanning/testing vectors where the training and testi performance for ANFIS was checked by equation number (1). The topology of the number of sets and epoch dedicates the number of rules used by ANFIS that reach 81 rules and its relate to the number of data and a comparison of experimental training /testing measured with those estimated by Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, P.P. 53 Gaussian function selection box. to ANFIS /testing formed and testing ked by the The topology of the number of sets and epochs used by sugeno and its relate to the experimental training /testing measured with those estimated by ANFIS network as shown in F respectively. It is obvious to recognize the simulation fitting that shows good agreement for a wide range of acceptability and reliability. Table 3. Show the RMSE process result of ANFIS model for a different type Fig. 10. Show the training error curve. After carrying out the process some of work pieces are shown in Fig. 11. Fig. 8. Training session. ng Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, P.P. 49- 56 (2014) Fig. (8 and 9) simulation fitting a wide range of the RMSE process result of a different type of MF. Where the training error curve. carrying out the process some of work Amer A. Moosa Al-Khwarizmi Engineeri Fig. Fig. 10. The error curve during the ANFIS process Table 3, Parameters results of ANFIS model . Current mAmp Gap mmm Powder cc 1.5 1 2 1.75 1.12 2.25 2 1.24 2.5 2.25 1.36 2.75 2.5 1.48 3 2.75 1.6 3.25 3 1.72 3.5 3.25 1.84 3.75 3.5 2 4 Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, P.P. 54 Fig. 9. Verification session. Fig. 10. The error curve during the ANFIS process. Powder cc Speed r/rev Rf u error 175 0.13 2.1 218.75 0.21 2.4 262.5 0.16 2.2 306.25 0.111 1.7 350 0.136 1.2 393.75 0.123 2.6 437.4 0.113 2.1 481.25 0.209 1.4 525 0.117 2.5 Sum.18.2 18.2/9=2.02 ng Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, P.P. 49- 56 (2014) Sum.18.2 18.2/9=2.02 Amer A. Moosa Al-Khwarizmi Engineeri Fig. 11. Pieces show the location of smooth mirror 5. Conclusion and Future Work The most effective factor acting on ANFIS the accuracy of the simulation model which is depend on the type of MF of Gaussian shape and the value of RMSE which is presume to be low on this operation which is mean more reliability acceptability.The value number of Gaussian MF is twice the number of inputs, which are current research and need to be examining to find if this happened by chance or there is a case of correlation. To explain this phenomenon, the researcher intends to approve in future work.The number of RMSE is dedicated to make the training epochs continue until it become the target and that corresponding to the amount of epochs been settled and this arise the question the epochs cycle change with the respect to time series how could this situation effect the prediction confidence.This neuro fuzzy model enhance the result with respect to other model such as the traditional neural network because its rabidadaptation too bserve the structure process, also it is adapted to the increasing or adding of new inputs parameters regards to the expansion ability of fuzzy sets numbers and learning rules.More expected future result evaluating a good (quality and quantity) data sampling to obtain smaller results error (less than the acquired value of 0.022) in addition to how the flux shape could effect the powder figuration. Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, P.P. 55 show the location of smooth mirror. on ANFIS is the accuracy of the simulation model which is Gaussian shape and to be low on reliability and Gaussian MF is inputs, which are four for examining more by chance or there is a ain this phenomenon, in future s dedicated to make continue until it become below amount of arise the question if the respect to time fect the euro fuzzy model enhance the result with respect to other model because of structure of the also it is adapted to the increasing or regards to the s numbers and expected future result is to a good (quality and quantity) data results error (less than in addition to how ld effect the powder figuration. 6. Reference [1] S.C. Jayswal, V.K. Jain, and P.M. 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