15-25 Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal,Vol. 12, No. 1, P.P. Experimental Study of the Performance of Compound Concentrating Qussai Jihad Abdul *,** Department of Mechanical Engineering / ** (Received Abstract The design, construction and investigation of e with tubular absorber have been presented. The performance of CPCs have been evaluated by using outdoor experimental measurements including the instantaneous thermal efficiency. holding them on a common structure. Many different levels. For each truncation the acceptance half angle ( angle for standard CPC is (26o). For the truncation levels for 20o, 26o and 59o, consequently. A significant difference between the instantaneous thermal efficiency of 3.86× CPC (θc=20 o) and 2.32× CPC (θc=26 o), and between that for 3.61× CPC ( the difference between the instantaneous thermal efficiency of 2.32× CPC ( compared with the difference of the first and second cases, the instantaneous thermal efficiency of 2.32× CPC (2 higher than those for other three CPCs. The experimental results show 2.32×CPC (26o) is 0.708, the maximum thermal efficiency of the 3.93×CPC (15 (20o), 3.61× CPC (26o) and 2.32× CPC (59 from (3.93× to 1×), the thermal efficiency, K.m2/W) and (0.494 to 0.797), respectively. Keywords: CPC collector, truncation effect 1. Introduction Compound Parabolic Concentrator consists of two different parabolic reflectors that can reflect both direct and a fraction of the diffuse incident at the entrance aperture onto the absorber in addition to the direct solar radiation directly by the absorber [1]. CPC accept incoming solar radiation over a relatively wide range of incidence angles. By using internal reflections of ray, any radiation entering the collector's aperture within the CPC angle finds its way to the absorber surface located at the bottom of the collector [2]. Since the invention of the compound parabolic concentrator (CPC), many researchers published that deal with a wide range of designs and analysis of this system. However, a close Khwarizmi Engineering Journal,Vol. 12, No. 1, P.P. 15- 25 (2016) Experimental Study of the Performance of Compound Concentrating Solar Collector Qussai Jihad Abdul-Ghafour* Mohammed Aziz Hassan Department of Mechanical Engineering / University of Technology * Email: kaisyqj@yahoo.com ** Email: mohammedeng37@gmail.com (Received 26 April 2015; accepted 4 August 2015) The design, construction and investigation of experimental study of two compound parabolic concentrators with tubular absorber have been presented. The performance of CPCs have been evaluated by using outdoor experimental measurements including the instantaneous thermal efficiency. The two CPCs are tested instantly by holding them on a common structure. Many tests are conducted in the present work by truncating one of them in three different levels. For each truncation the acceptance half angle (θc) was changed. Geometrically, the acceptance half ). For the truncation levels for the other CPC 1, 2 and 3 the acceptance half angle were A significant difference between the instantaneous thermal efficiency of 3.86× CPC ), and between that for 3.61× CPC (θc=26 o) and 2.32× CPC ( the difference between the instantaneous thermal efficiency of 2.32× CPC (θc=59 o) and 2.32× CPC ( compared with the difference of the first and second cases, the instantaneous thermal efficiency of 2.32× CPC (2 higher than those for other three CPCs. The experimental results show that the maximum thermal efficiency of the full ) is 0.708, the maximum thermal efficiency of the 3.93×CPC (15o), when it's truncated to 3.84× CPC ) and 2.32× CPC (59o) are 0.51, 0.52 and 0.66, respectively. As the concentration ratio decreases from (3.93× to 1×), the thermal efficiency, energy losses and optical efficiency increase from (0.47 to 63), (1.58 to 7.2 espectively. truncation effect, thermal performance. Compound Parabolic Concentrator consists of two different parabolic reflectors that can reflect both direct and a fraction of the diffuse radiation incident at the entrance aperture onto the absorber in addition to the direct solar radiation absorbed collectors can radiation over a relatively angles. By using multiple , any radiation entering CPC acceptance angle finds its way to the absorber surface located Since the invention of the compound parabolic researchers have been published that deal with a wide range of designs system. However, a close examination of these researches great majority of them are devoted to the geometrical, optical and thermal analysis of the CPC with a tubular receiver. McIntire, 1979 [3], studied the truncation of non-imaging cusp reflectors which concentrate sunlight onto cylindrical shapes of reflector for truncated having various acceptance angles. concluded that the truncation leads to collector designs which are more cost e substantial reductions in mirror height and length with small reductions in concentration ratios. Gordon, et al., 1985 expressions for the angular acceptance function of two-dimensional CPCs of arbitrary truncation degree. took into account the effect of truncation on both optical and thermal losses in real Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal (2016) Experimental Study of the Performance of Compound Parabolic Mohammed Aziz Hassan** University of Technology study of two compound parabolic concentrators (CPCs) with tubular absorber have been presented. The performance of CPCs have been evaluated by using outdoor The two CPCs are tested instantly by truncating one of them in three ) was changed. Geometrically, the acceptance half the other CPC 1, 2 and 3 the acceptance half angle were A significant difference between the instantaneous thermal efficiency of 3.86× CPC C (θc=26 o). It's noticed that ) and 2.32× CPC (θc=26 o) is small compared with the difference of the first and second cases, the instantaneous thermal efficiency of 2.32× CPC (26o) was that the maximum thermal efficiency of the full ), when it's truncated to 3.84× CPC ) are 0.51, 0.52 and 0.66, respectively. As the concentration ratio decreases losses and optical efficiency increase from (0.47 to 63), (1.58 to 7.2 researches reveals that the great majority of them are devoted to the and thermal analysis of the CPC with a tubular receiver. studied the truncation of p reflectors which concentrate sunlight onto cylindrical absorbers. presented the reflector for truncated CPC concentrators having various acceptance angles. Finally, concluded that the truncation leads to collector designs which are more cost effective through substantial reductions in mirror height and length with small reductions in concentration ratios. [4], derived analytic expressions for the angular acceptance function of dimensional CPCs of arbitrary truncation . took into account the effect of truncation on both optical and thermal losses in real Qussai Jihad Abdul-Ghafour collectors, also evaluated the monthly and yearly collectible energy increasing. C yearly collectible energy increased and average number of reflection reduced with truncation. Suzuki and Kobayashi 1995 [5] optimum acceptance angle of a CPC by the use of an insolation model. The yearly insolation model suggested that the optimum half-acceptance angle at the two-dimensional CPC becomes 26° irrespective of the change of the diffuse radiation fraction. Concluded that, a common CPC could be used as an optimum concentration, the world. Winston and O'Gallagher studied the performance of the non collectors CPC with tubular absorber (evacuated and selective surface), empirically in two groups with different concentrating ratio, the first low (1.1×-1.4×) and the other high (about 5×). They found that the first group don't needed diurnal tracking and its efficiency 40% at 150 second needed monthly tilt adjustment and its efficiency 60% at 220oC. Tang, et al., 2010 developed a mathematical procedure to estimate the annual collectible radiation captured by fixed CPC oriented in east-west direction based monthly horizontal radiation. Results showed that the optimal acceptance half-angle for maximizing CPC's annual energy collection was 25.97 yearly optimal tilt-angle of apertures relative to the horizon was equal to the site latitude. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the performance of the full CPC collector with different truncation levels and comparing the results with standard CPC collector with (26 acceptance half angle. 2. Description of the CPC Two models of CPCs have been manufactured and tested at a totally sunny space. These models consisted of a support structure that allows to position the CPCs at different angles, reflector parts assembly and evacuated tube absorbers as shown in Fig. 1. The evacuated tube is used in this work as the absorber part. It consist of a double glass concentric tubes and the space between them is evacuated in order to reduce the convection losses. The inner tube is treated by a selective coating with specifications tabulated in Table 1. Fig. 2. Show a schematic diagram of the evacuated tube [8]. Geometrical characteristics the designed CPC collector, are given in Table The previous researchers used number of CPCs models, symmetric and axisymmetric, with without transparent cover on the aperture, North Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, No. 16 monthly and yearly Concluded that yearly collectible energy increased and average reduced with truncation. [5], studied the optimum acceptance angle of a CPC by the use of an insolation model. The yearly insolation model acceptance angle dimensional CPC becomes 26° respective of the change of the diffuse radiation a common CPC could be used as an optimum concentration, almost all over and O'Gallagher 2004 [6], studied the performance of the non-imaging solar with tubular absorber (evacuated and selective surface), empirically in two groups with different concentrating ratio, the first low 1.4×) and the other high (about 5×). They found that the first group don't needed diurnal y 40% at 150oC. The second needed monthly tilt adjustment and its C. Tang, et al., 2010 [7], developed a mathematical procedure to estimate the annual collectible radiation captured by fixed west direction based on the monthly horizontal radiation. Results showed that angle for maximizing CPC's annual energy collection was 25.97o, and the angle of apertures relative to the horizon was equal to the site latitude. aim of the present work is to evaluate the performance of the full CPC collector with different truncation levels and comparing the results with standard CPC collector with (26o) Two models of CPCs have been adopted, manufactured and tested at a totally sunny space. These models consisted of a support structure that allows to position the CPCs at different angles, reflector parts assembly and evacuated tube The evacuated tube is used in this work as the absorber part. It consist of a double glass concentric tubes and the space between them is evacuated in order to reduce the convection losses. The inner tube is treated by a ons tabulated in Table 1. Fig. 2. Show a schematic diagram of the eometrical characteristics of , are given in Table 2. The previous researchers used number of CPCs models, symmetric and axisymmetric, with and without transparent cover on the aperture, North- South and East-West axis oriented as shown in Fig. 3. In this present work t symmetric, without transparent cover plate and oriented E-W, south facing. Fig. 1. The schematic of CPC colle Table 1, Evacuated tube specifications Parameters Units Receiver length mm Cover diameter mm Absorber diameter mm Cover Transmittance % Coated surface absorptance % Coated surface emittance % Pressure of vacuum space Pa Heat Loss W/m Insolation Temp. � Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the Evacuated , No. 1, P.P. 15- 25 (2016) West axis oriented as shown in Fig. 3. In this present work the CPCs used are transparent cover plate and W, south facing. Fig. 1. The schematic of CPC collectors. Evacuated tube specifications [8]. Units Values mm 1800 mm 58 mm 47 % 91 % 93 % <8 Pa 5×10-3 W/m2� < 0.8 � 250 Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the Evacuated tube. Qussai Jihad Abdul-Ghafour Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, P.P. 15- 25 (2016) 17 Table 2, The geometrical characteristics of the designed CPC collectors. CPC's support structure consists of two group assemblies: stationary base assembly, in order to undergo the hard weather conditions, and achieve Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the CPC with transparent cover and symmetric axis. The supporting requirement through the solar energy collectors operation. And the other, tilting part assembly where the CPCs supported on, it allows to position the CPCs at different tilt angles. The reflector is designed to set the acceptance half angle 15o and truncated in three levels, to 20o (3.84× CPC), 26o (3.61× CPC) and 59o (2.32× CPC) as illustrated in Fig. 4. A second reflector is designed to set acceptance half angle 26o (2.32× CPC) as illustrated in Fig. 5. Cartesian coordinate system and the optical axis of the concentrator as the y-axis, the two sections: involution and reflection sections of the reflector curves are drawn separately to achieve the ideal concentration ratio as shown in Fig. 6. Any point on the reflector is [9]: � = � sin � − (�)cos� …(1) � = −� cos � − (�) sin � …(2) where : (�) for θm ≤ |θ| ≤ θc + π/2 : (�) = �� + ��� sin �� + �(� + ��) …(3) For θc + π/2 ≤ θ ≤ 3π/4 – θc : (�) = �(��� � � �������� !" ���#$%(����)) &�%'"(����) …(4) X axis (mm) -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 Y a xi s ( m m ) -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 3.84x CPC reflector 3.61x CPC reflector 2.32x CPC reflector 2.32x CPC aperture 3.61x CPC aperture 3.84x CPC aperture Focus point 3.93x CPC reflecotr 3.93x CPC aperture Ig n o re d i n t h e e xp e ri m e n ta l t e st s Ig n o re d i n t h e e xp e ri m e n ta l t e st s 3. 84 x C P C 3. 61 x C P C 2 .3 2 x C P C Fig. 4. Illustration of designed 3.84× CPC. Parameters Units 2.32× CPC 3.84× CPC Acceptance half-angle Deg. 26 15 Truncation Deg. Full CPC 20 26 59 Geometric concentrati on ratio -- 2.32 3.84 3.61 2.32 Aperture area m2 0.512 0.848 0.797 0.51 2 Aperture width m 0.343 0.567 0.533 0.34 3 Length of the CPC m 1.495 1.495 Qussai Jihad Abdul-Ghafour X axis (mm) -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 Y a xi s ( m m ) -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 2.32x CPC reflector Focus point Fig. 5. illustration of designed 2.32× CPC. Fig. 6. Two sections of CPC: (a) Involution (b) Reflection [9]. 3. Experimental Setup and Performance Indexes 3.1. Experimental Setup The experimental unit has the following elements as shown in Fig. 7. : (1)2.32× CPC, (2) 3.84× CPC,(3) Two 48 liter storage tanks, one for each CPC, and (4) Two circulating pumps, with Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, No. 18 100 150 200 . illustration of designed 2.32× CPC. . Two sections of CPC: (a) Involution (b) Experimental Setup and Performance The experimental unit has the following 2.32× CPC, (2) 3.84× CPC,(3) Two 48 liter storage tanks, one for each CPC, and (4) Two circulating pumps, with mass flow rate of 0.02 kg/s, the circulation pump had two functions, which were (i) homogeniz the water temperature in the storage tank breaking up the stratification of the circulating the water through the CPC tube at constant mass flow rate. A flexible tubes are used for conveyance of the investigate the thermal performance of CPCs, the water temperatures at inlet and outlet of the absorber tubes, the temperature of the tank, and solar radiation intensity (beam and diffuse) are measured during the experiments. 3.2. Performance Indexes The optical performance of CPC collectors can be analyzed theoretically, by obtaining values of the optical efficiency and incidence angle modifier (IAM) with respect to incidence angle projections, by using ray tracing evaluate thermal performance of the 2.32×CPC and 3.84× CPC collectors, thermal efficiency must be considered. The data for the beam and diffuse solar radiations and useful heat gain by the CPCs were obtained previously to determine the instantaneous and daily efficiencies 3.2.1. Optical Efficiency Optical efficiency obtained by using three dimensional ray tracing program TRACE PRO [10]. To simulate solar radiation above the plane of the collector, 1000 rays are randomly distributed over the width of the aperture. The fraction of impacted rays on the absorber gives an optical efficiency value for an incidence angle. , No. 1, P.P. 15- 25 (2016) mass flow rate of 0.02 kg/s, the circulation pump had two functions, which were (i) homogenization the water temperature in the storage tank by reaking up the stratification of the water, and (ii) through the CPC absorber constant mass flow rate. A flexible tubes are used for conveyance of the water. To investigate the thermal performance of CPCs, the es at inlet and outlet of the temperature of the storage tank, and solar radiation intensity (beam and diffuse) are measured during the experiments. Indexes The optical performance of CPC collectors can be analyzed theoretically, by obtaining values of the optical efficiency and incidence angle modifier (IAM) with respect to incidence angle projections, by using ray tracing software. And to rformance of the 2.32×CPC and 3.84× CPC collectors, thermal efficiency must be considered. The data for the beam and diffuse solar radiations and useful heat gain by the CPCs were obtained previously to determine the instantaneous and daily efficiencies ηth. Optical Efficiency Optical efficiency obtained by using three dimensional ray tracing program TRACE PRO [10]. To simulate solar radiation above the plane of the collector, 1000 rays are randomly distributed over the width of the aperture. The fraction of impacted rays on the absorber gives an optical efficiency value for an incidence angle. Qussai Jihad Abdul-Ghafour Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, P.P. 15- 25 (2016) 19 Fig. 7. A photograph of CPCs setup. 3.2.2. Thermal Efficiency The CPC instantaneous thermal efficiency of the CPCs for three cases (i) 3.86× CPC (θc=20 o) and 2.32× CPC (θc=26 o), (ii) 3.61× CPC (θc=26 o) and 2.32× CPC (θc=26 o), and (iii) 2.32× CPC (θc=59 o) and 2.32× CPC (θc=26 o), are computed from Eq. (5). ()* = +, -./0 … (5) where Qu, is the heat gain by the collector, and calculated from Eq.(6). [11]: 12 = 34 56(78 − 79) …(6) The thermal efficiency of CPC can be described by ASHRAE Standard 93-2010 [12], as demonstrated in Eq.(5). If the thermal efficiency (The Performance Curve of CPC) from Eq. (5) is plotted against the temperature difference between fluid inlet temperature and ambient temperature in relation with the solar irradiance received. The slope of this line represents the heat losses, and its intersection with the vertical axis is an indicator of the optical efficiency without thermal losses. 4. Results and Discussion The effects of various parameters on the optical and thermal performance of the CPCs are analyzed. The thermal efficiency results were obtained from ray tracing program for optical efficiency, and from outdoor experimental tests through the selected clear-sky days of June, December /2014 and January/2015, for test period extended from 9:00 to 14:00. The mass flow rate used in standard test is in the range between (0.0138-0.0277 kg/s) [12]. The mass flow rate used in the present work is (0.02 kg/s), measured by collecting water in a calibrated cylinder per time measured by a stop watch. 4.1. Analysis of Optical Efficiency Optical efficiencies and the angular acceptance at any given incident angle are shown in Figures 8 and 9, respectively. Fig. 8 presents the variations of optical efficiencies and the angular acceptance as the transversal projection angle θt varies, while θl is kept a constant of zero. For truncation, some rays incident at angles beyond the acceptance half-angle hit the receiver directly and others hit the receiver after reflection from the near side of the CPC while rays incident on the far side of the Qussai Jihad Abdul-Ghafour Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, P.P. 15- 25 (2016) 20 CPC are rejected over the receiver. The optical efficiencies have a similar trend with the angular acceptance. However, the values of optical efficiencies are always lower than that of the angular acceptance at any transversal angle. Average number of reflections has maximum value at normal incidence angle and decreases in the range (0o and ±θc). Transversal projection angle θt (degree) -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 O pt ic al e ff ic ie nc y η o ( θ t ,0 ) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 A ng ul a r a cc e p ta nc e 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Opticla efficieny of 3.84× CPC (θc=20 o) Angular acceptance of 3.84× CPC (θc=20 o) Opticla efficieny of 3.61× CPC (θc=26 o) Angular acceptance of 3.61× CPC (θc=26 o) Opticla efficieny of 2.32× CPC (θc=59 o) Angular acceptance of 2.32× CPC (θc=59 o) Opticla efficieny of 2.32× CPC (θc=260 o) Angular acceptance of 2.32× CPC (θc=26 o) Fig. 8. The optical efficiencies and angular acceptance at different transversal projection angle. Correspondingly, Fig. 9 shows the effects on the optical efficiency as θl varies, while θt is fixed at zero. The major optical effects which might be presented in the longitudinal direction are those related with the angular variation of transmittance, absorptivity properties and with radiation spilling or end-mirror reflection effects. Optical efficiency of 3.84× CPC (20o), 3.61× CPC (26o), 2.32× CPC (59o) and 2.32× CPC (26o) reduces slowly within the range of (-30o and +30o), (-35o and +35o), (- 50o and +50o), and (-40o and +40o), respectively. However, it decreases rapidly beyond this range except the optical efficiency of 3.84× CPC (20o), it decreases in the range (±30 and ±60) more than the decreasing in the range (-30o and +30o). The optical efficiencies of 0.684, 0.685, 0.723 and 0.723 at the normal incident angles can be received within the acceptance limit for the 3.84× CPC (20o), 3.61× CPC (26o), 2.32× CPC (59o) and 2.32× CPC (26o), respectively. The optical efficiency of CPCs has maximum value at normal incident angle due to minimum average number of reflections, and the last increases from (0o to ±90o) leads to decreasing the optical efficiency. Incident angles of CPC collectors results are shown in Fig. 10. Longitudinal projection angle θl (degree) -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 O pt ic al e ff ic ie nc y η o ( 0, θ l ) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Optical efficiency of 3.84× CPC (θc=20 o) Optical efficiency of 3.61× CPC (θc=26 o) Optical efficiency of 2.32× CPC (θc=59 o) Optical efficiency of 2.32× CPC (θc=26 o) Fig. 9. The optical efficiencies at different longitudinal projection angle. Qussai Jihad Abdul-Ghafour Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, P.P. 15- 25 (2016) 21 Solar time (hh:mm) 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 In ci de nt a ng le s (d eg re e) -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Incident angle θ Transversal projection angle θt Longitudinal projection angle θl Fig. 10. Incident angles of CPC collectors versus solar time. 4.2. Analysis of Thermal Efficiency 4.2.1. Instantaneous Thermal Efficiency The efficiency of the CPCs for three cases described previously in section (2.2.1) are plotted in Fig. 11, Fig. 12 and Fig. 13, during the test hours from 09:00 to 14:00 for different days under the same test conditions (inlet temperature, mass flow rate, total solar radiation and ambient temperature). For the first case, Fig. 11 shows that the efficiency of 3.86× CPC (θc=20 o) is almost lower than that of 2.32× CPC (θc=26 o) during whole test hours. Since, the optical efficiency of the 2.32× CPC is much higher than that of the 3.86× CPC. For second case, Fig. 12 shows that the efficiency of 3.61× CPC (θc=26 o) is lower than that of 2.32× CPC (θc=26 o) with difference lower than that in the first case. Here, the optical efficiency of 2.32× CPC is higher than that of 3.61× CPC and the last has optical efficiency little high than that of 3.86× CPC. For the third case, Fig. 13 shows that the efficiency of 2.32× CPC (θc=59 o) is close to that of 2.32× CPC (θc=26 o). So, the optical efficiency of 2.32× CPC (θc=26 o) has a good agreement with that of 2.32× CPC (θc=59 o). Local Time (h) 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 In st a nt a ne o us T he rm a l E ffi ci e nc y η 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 Thermal Efficiency for 2.32x CPC (26o) Thermal Efficiency for 3.84x CPC (20o) 21/01/2015 Fig. 11. Variation of instant. efficiency with time for 3.86× CPC (20o) and 2.32× CPC (26o). Local Time (h) 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 In st a nt a ne o us T he rm a l E ffi ci e nc y η 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 Thermal Efficiency for 2.32x CPC (26o) Thermal Efficiency for 3.61x CPC (26o) 31/12/2014 Fig. 12. Variation of instant. efficiency with time for 3.61× CPC (26o) and 2.32× CPC (26o). Local Time (h) 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 In st a nt a ne o us T he rm a l E ffi ci e nc y η 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 Thermal Efficiency for 2.32x CPC (26o) Thermal Efficiency for 2.32x CPC (59o) 30/12/2014 Fig. 13. Variation of instant. efficiency with time for 2.32× CPC (59o) and 2.32× CPC (26o). Qussai Jihad Abdul-Ghafour Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, P.P. 15- 25 (2016) 22 4.2.2. The Collector Performance Curves of CPCs Before tests, the system is cleaned up and the pump is switched on for one hour until reaching steady state. After that, the temperatures of the inlet and outlet water and solar intensity are recorded. Tests were conducted to generate the thermal efficiency curves of CPCs, two tests for every case. The Performance Curves of 3.86× CPC (20o) and 2.32× CPC (26o) are shown in Fig. 14. The empirical equation of thermal efficiency of 3.86× CPC (20o) can be written as: ()* = −1.8667(79 − 7? @)⁄ ) + 0.5077 …(7) with R2=0.996 The empirical equation of thermal efficiency of 2.32× CPC (26o) can be written as: ()* = −3.4425(79 − 7? @)⁄ ) + 0.7203 …(8) with R2=0.996 (Ti-Ta / I) (K.m 2/ W ) 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 D a ily T he rm a l E ffi ci e nc y η 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Results of 2.32x CPC (26o) Results of 3.84x CPC (20o) η η η η = -3.4425 * (Ti-Ta/ I) + 0.7203 ηηηη = -1.8667 * (Ti-Ta/ I) + 0.5077 Fig. 14. Thermal efficiency curves of 3.86× CPC (20o) and 2.32× CPC (26o). The Performance Curves of 3.61× CPC (26o) and 2.32× CPC (26o) are shown in Fig. 15. The empirical equation of thermal efficiency of 3.61× CPC (26o) can be written as: ()* = −2.0283(79 − 7? @)⁄ ) + 0.5196 ……...(9) with R2=0.966 The empirical equation of thermal efficiency of 2.32× CPC (26o) can be written as: ()* = −3.4449(79 − 7? @)⁄ ) + 0.6672 ……..(10) with R2=0.998 (Ti-Ta / I) (K.m 2/ W ) 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 D a ily T he rm a l E ffi ci e nc y η 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Results of 2.32x CPC (26o) Results of 3.61x CPC (26o) η η η η = -3.4449 * (Ti-Ta/ I) + 0.6672 ηηηη = -2.0283 * (Ti-Ta/ I) + 0.5196 Fig. 15. Thermal efficiency curves of 3.61× CPC (26o) and 2.32× CPC (26o). The Performance Curves of 2.32× CPC (59o) and 2.32× CPC (26o) are shown in Fig. 16. The empirical equation of thermal efficiency of 2.32× CPC (59o) can be written as: ()* = −4.7044(79 − 7? @)⁄ ) + 0.6621 …(11) with R2=0.999 The empirical equation of thermal efficiency of 2.32× CPC (26o) can be written as: ()* = −3.9057(79 − 7? @)⁄ ) + 0.672 …(12) with R2=0.998 Since, the higher thermal efficiency of the 2.32× CPC (26o) can be realized as a result of the better value of optical efficiency. (Ti-Ta / I) (K.m 2/ W ) 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 D a ily T he rm a l E ffi ci e nc y η 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Results of 2.32x CPC (26o) Results of 2.32x CPC (59o) η η η η = -3.9057 * (Ti-Ta/ I) + 0.672 ηηηη = -4.7044 * (Ti-Ta/ I) + 0.6621 Fig. 16. Thermal efficiency curves of 2.32× CPC (59o) and 2.32× CPC (26o). Qussai Jihad Abdul-Ghafour Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, P.P. 15- 25 (2016) 23 4.2.3. The performance curve of 2.32× CPC (26o) The tests have been conducted over six clear sky days to generate the thermal efficiency curve of 2.32× CPC (26o), which is shown in Fig. 17. The empirical equation of thermal efficiency of 2.32× CPC (26o) during six tests, can be written as: ()* = −4.6164(79 − 7? @)⁄ ) + 0.7095 …(13) with R2=0.81 (Ti-Ta / I) (K.m 2/ W ) 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 D a ily T he rm a l E ffi ci e nc y η 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Results of 2.32x CPC (26o) η η η η = -4.6164 * (Ti-Ta/ I) + 0.7095 Fig. 17. Thermal efficiency curve of 2.32× CPC (26o). 4.3. Effect of truncation on the performance of 3.86× CPC (20o) The truncation of CPC and its effect on the performance has been studied, for a number of reasons. First, the acceptance of beam and of diffuse insolation increases with truncation. Second, the average number of reflections decreases, and hence the optical efficiency increases, with truncation. Third, heat losses per aperture area increase with truncation. Fig. 18 shows the variation of thermal efficiency, thermal losses and optical efficiency with the concentration ratio of 3.86× CPC truncated in three levels. As the concentration ratio decreases from (3.93× to 1×). Three empirical equations for thermal efficiency, thermal losses and optical efficiency of 3.86× CPC have been found from experimental tests to predict the performance curve of CPC at any concentration ratio between (1×-3.93×). ()* = −0.0533 ∗ 5 + 0.6837 …(14) IJ = −1.9186 ∗ 5 + 9.1274 …(15) (8 = −0.1036 ∗ 5 + 0.9012 …(16) The empirical equations above, are used for full CPC with acceptance half angle (15o). Concentration Ratio C 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 T he rm a l E ffi ci e nc y η , O p tic a l E ffi ci e nc y η o 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 T he rm a l L o ss e s U L ( K .m 2 /W ) 0 2 4 6 8 Thermal Efficiency Results Thermal Losses Results Optical Efficiency Results η η η η = -0.0533*C+0.6837 UL= -1.9186*C+9.1274 ηηηη οοοο = -0.1036*C+0.9012 Fig. 18. Variation of optical and thermal performance and thermal losses with the concentration ratio of 3.86× CPC (20o). 5. Conclusions From this work, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. The comparative studies have shown that the optimum acceptance half-angle is (θc=26 o) for full CPC, not for truncated one. 2. Experimental results have shown that the maximum thermal efficiency of the full CPC with (C=2.32×) and (θc=26o) is 0.708. 3. The maximum thermal efficiency of the full CPC with (C=3.93×) and (θc=15o), when it's truncated to (C=3.84× and θc=20o), (C=3.61× and θc=26o) and (C=2.32× and θc=59o) are 0.51, 0.52 and 0.66, respectively. 4. The best concentration ratio of 3.93× CPC (θc=15o) is (C=2.32×) and (θc=59o). 5. Comparative studies show that the 2.32× CPC (θc=59o) has a good agreement with the performance of 2.32× CPC (θc=26o). 6. Empirical equations for optical and thermal efficiencies and thermal losses of 3.93× CPC (θc=15o) have been found over the concentration ratio. Qussai Jihad Abdul-Ghafour Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, P.P. 15- 25 (2016) 24 Notation Aa aperture area, m 2 C concentration ratio, dimensionless cp specific heat, J/kg. K It hourly total irradiation, J/m 2 ṁ mass flow rate, kg/s Qu useful heat gain, W Ta ambient temperature, oC Ti receiver inlet temperature, oC To receiver outlet temperature, oC UL heat loss coefficient, m 2.K/W Greek letters ηth thermal efficiency, dimensionless ηo optical efficiency, dimensionless θ incidence ingle, degree θc acceptance half-angle of CPC, degree θl longitudinal projection angle θl transversal projection angle 6. References [1] Rabl A, ''Solar Concentrators with Maximal Concentration for Cylindrical Absorbers''. Applied Optics, vol. 15, pp. 1871-1873, 1976. [2] Kalogirou S. A, ''Solar Energy Engineering Processes and Systems'', (2nd edition), Academic Press, San Diego, 2014. [3] McIntire W. R, ''Truncation of non-imaging cusp concentrators''. Solar Energy, vol. 23, pp. 351-355, 1979. [4] Gordon J. M., Carvalho-Pereira M., Rabl A., and Winston R, '' Truncation of CPC solar collectors and its effect on energy collection''. Solar Energy, vol. 35, pp. 393-399, 1985. 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V*( ا )راتا�#�*� $0 ا�+"R A�#ا ا�W4& ھIع�@"�� Y9�/ 0$ �Zا��)9;*0 وا �ND"Q$ ت�*!"�$ �1[1 &4 . (��\- � ).θc(ا�6+!ل زاو*� �,[��A ا�"@�ع - �& /A�B CD �@? ُ$��4< $)89ا� ُ�)9ِّ;ات�D ا��#��ر*�6+!ل و�,[ زاو*� ا��F !26(ھo .( ت�*!"��,[ زاو*� 3و 2و �D 1)9; ا���S&�"@�ع �ا(�� θc = 20( CPC ×3.86ا�N)ق 0�I ا���Nءة ا�7)ار*� ا���L7D ل ./CD ا�"!ا�& 59o و620o ، 26o+!ل V��9 ا� o ( و CPC×2.32 )(θc = 26 o 0�Iو ،CPC ×3.61 )θc = 26 o (و CPC×2.32 (θc = 26 o) abل . ھ! 4)ق 9+�) ووا ��L7Dءة ا�7)ار*� ا��N0 ا���I ق(Nأن ا� dZ!�CPC × (θc = 59 o) 2.32 CPC×2.32 (θc = 26و o) ار*� ا�(ءة ا�7�Nوا�� ،����Sوا� Cو�eت ا)ق 4& ا��7(N�6ر�� $? ا�$ (�\f ف["Rل ھ! ا ��L7DCPC×2.32 (26o) CD/�9ن أ ��� ا�S]�1 اRe)ى�F9;ات ا�(�D� &"ا� OD- 0$ . ار*� ل(Z ءة�N9 C,�ا�"%)*+�� أن أ ij�"ت ا��(�، أ�,C 0.708ا���$A $�6ارھ� ) CPC×2.32 )26oأظ ، 0.51$�6ارھ� CPC ×2.32 (59o) و CPC ×3.84 (20o) ،CPC ×3.61 (26o)، /��$� *�!ن $6"@#� إ��N9CPC ×3.93 (15o) Cءة Z)ار*� ل ��j) ا�7)ار*� وا���Nءة ا�+,)*� ازدادت $0 )×1ا�6�I)×3.93 C,�ن ��+� ا�")CD/ . 0$ ;�9 ا�"!ا�& 0.66و 0.52Qءة ا�7)ار*�، ا��N(0.47 ، ا�� Cا� (0.63، 1.58) Cا� (7.2 K.m2/W 0.494 و) C0.797).ا�