Al-Khwarizmi Engineering!!! Journal Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, PP 55 - 67 (2011) Evaluating the Performance of Sharq Dijila Water Treatment Plant Faris Hammoodi Al-Ani Wassel Kadum Department of Building and Construction Engineering/ University of Technology (Received 14 November 2010; accepted 24 May 2011) Abstract The study aims mainly to evaluate the performance of Sharq Dijila water treatment plant in removing turbidity for the period of 1-4-2001 to 31-3-2004. Daily data for turbidity of raw, clarified, filtered, and supplied water were analyzed. The results of the study showed that there is a wide variation in turbidity levels of raw water fluctuating between 10-1000 NTU with mean value of 41.3 NTU. Turbidity values of the clarified water varied between 1.4-77 NTU. Based on the turbidity value of 10 NTU and 20 NTU (the design maximum turbidity) the readings gave an acceptable percentage of 32.4% and 86% respectively. The turbidity of filtered water ranged between 0.2-4.5 NTU which are completely in compliance with Iraqi and WHO standards. In accordance with the American Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and based on the analysis of 2-day moving average of 5 NTU and 30-day moving average of 1 NTU, it was found that the filters operated at acceptable percentage of 100% and 45% respectively. Turbidity value of the supplied water averaged between 0.4-9.5 NTU which is higher than the turbidity of the filtered water due to the mixing of the water from all other filters. Also turbidity values from the unwashed filters are higher than the washed filters and the precipitation in the treated water reservoir. Based on the Iraqi Drinking Water Standard, USEPA 2-day and 30-day moving average, the supplied water was within the permissible limits of 98%, 98.6%, and 98.6% respectively. Key words: Treatment plant, turbidity, Sharq Dijila, raw water, filtered water. 1. Introduction The common impurities in water may be classified as physical impurities, chemical impurities, and bacteriological impurities. Raw water, especially surface water contains impurities in the form of suspended, dissolved and colloidal solids, bacteria, poisonous substances, color, odor and mineral organic matter. Water in reservoirs may be purified to some extent due to storage, but may still contain colloidal matter and bacteria; raw water is undesirable for drinking without treatment. The amount of treatment required depend on the quantity and quality of raw water and required standards of purified water (Raju, 1995). Water leaving the treatment plant must be safe to drink-free from potentially harmful organisms, aesthetically pleasing-without color and/or turbidity, palatable-devoid of unpleasant taste and/or odor, and chemically stable-as far as is possible, non corrosive (Buckley,1984). The performance of each treatment unit affects the efficiency and operation of subsequent units, e.g., increased detention time in flocculation might result in larger flocs formation, better removal in sedimentation, and larger filter runs. The efficiency of a process such as flocculation, sedimentation and filtration depends on the number, size, and mass of the particles in the water to be treated (Rammaley et al., 1981). Turbidity refers to suspended solids, i.e. muddy water, is very turbid. Turbidity is undesirable for three reasons, aesthetic considerations, solids may contain heavy metals and pathogens or other contaminants, and turbidity decreases the effectiveness of water treatment techniques by shielding pathogens from chemical or thermal damage, or in the case of UV (ultra violet) treatment, absorbing the UV lights itself (Cheremisinoff, 2002). Raw water turbidity can vary over a very wide range, from virtually zero to several thousand NTU. Effective treatment should be able to This page was created using Nitro PDF trial software. To purchase, go to Faris Hammoodi Al-Ani Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, PP 55 - 67 (2011) 56 consistently produce final waters with turbidity levels of less than 1 NTU. Turbidity meters are therefore an essential tool in optimizing and controlling water treatment processes (Twort et al., 2009). Some surface waters carry loads of sediment so high that water treatment plants employ a pre- sedimentation step prior to the conventional treatment train. The conventional treatment train can treat a wide range of source waters, some may be so challenging that even conventional treatment requires a form of pretreatment (Letterman, 1999). The main objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of Sharq Dijjla water treatment plant. Turbidity was selected as a main parameter because it is a conventional treatment plant (did not remove dissolved solids) so turbidity is very important tool in the evaluation of performance. 2. Site Description and Treatment Process The Sharq Dijjla water supply project is one of the two large treated water supply systems in Baghdad. It was constructed in 1973 to produce 100 M.G.D and was expanded to 120 M.G.D in 1986 to meet the increasing water demand in Russafa side of Baghdad. Figure1 shows the plan of Sharq Dijila water treatment plant. The description of treatment plant is (Paterson Candy International, 1987). Fig.1. Plan of Sharq Dijjla Water Treatment Plant. This page was created using Nitro PDF trial software. To purchase, go to Faris Hammoodi Al-Ani Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, PP 55 - 67 (2011) 57 Raw water from the Tigris River flows via four bank side intakes, into the raw water pumping station wet sumps. Each intake channel is provided with raked bar screen for the removal of trash and debris. Vertical spindle pumps lift the raw water from the sumps and delivers, via twin raw water mains, to a division chamber where the total flow is equally divided to serve the two groups of clarifiers. In this position alum solution and pre-chlorination are applied. The aluminum sulphate solution is delivered, via two splitter boxes each of which serves five clarifiers. There are ten clariflocculators dividing into two groups. Inside the clariflocculator there is a mixer in order to achieve the required flocculation. Sludge which is discharged from the concentrators and the central chamber of each clarifier, flows under gravity to the sludge pumping station. The filters are divided into two groups, which are rapid sand filters with single filtration media consisting of sand supported by gravel. The chlorination unit passes chlorine gas whenever motive water passes through an associated injector; the vacuum produced at the chlorinator gas outlet connection, will pull gas through the instrument. The gas flow can be manually adjusted to the desired rate by means of a control valve. There are three ground baffled tanks, two of which are similar with a capacity of 40,000 m3 and the third of 50,000 m3. These tanks required detention time for chlorine reaction. 3. Data Analysis and Discussion To evaluate the performance of Sharq Dijila water treatment plant, the raw, clarified, filtered, and supplied water quality are analysed. Turbidity data are used in this analysis because this treatment plant is of the conventional type. The data were collected from daily laboratory water quality analysis reports covering the period from1-4-2001 through 31-3-2004. 3.1. Analysis of Raw Water Turbidity Data Figure 2 shows a plot of time series of raw water turbidity data at the intake. This figure shows the drastic changes of turbidity levels in winter while they are more stable in summer and spring. Table 1 also shows a statistical description of raw water turbidity data. A wide range of turbidity level is observed which ranges from 10 to 1000 NTU with a standard deviation of 59.5. The mean value is found to be 41.3 NTU, this results in Cv of 144.88% which reflects the wide variation in raw water turbidity levels of the Tigris River and indicates the need for pre-settling tanks especially in rainy seasons. Fig.2. Time Plot for Raw Water Turbidity. 100 300 500 700 900 0 200 400 600 800 1000 No. of Observation 100 300 500 700 900 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Ra w W at er Tu rb id ity (N TU ) This page was created using Nitro PDF trial software. To purchase, go to Faris Hammoodi Al-Ani Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, PP 55 - 67 (2011) 58 Clarified Water CLAR No o f o bs 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 <= 0 (0;10] (10;20] (20;30] (30;40] (40;50] (50;60] (60;70] (70;80] > 80 Table 1, Descriptive Statistics for Raw Water Turbidity. N Min. Max. Mean Std. Variance Skewnees Kurtosis Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std.Error Statistic Statistic Statistic Std.Error Statistic Std.Error Turbidity (Raw) Valid (list wise) 890 890 10.00 1000.0 41.368 1.9950 59.518 3542.375 7.846 0.082 92.682 0.164 3.2. Analysis of Clarified Water Turbidity Data Clarified water turbidity is shown in Figure 3, it is clear that turbidity level increases as the turbidity of raw water increased. From the cumulative frequency curve (Figure 4) there are 290 days out of 895 the turbidity levels were below 10 NTU, this gives a probability success of (290/895  0.324) for the clarified water with turbidity levels below or equal to 10 NTU, as recommended by Steel and McGhee (1979). However the probability of compliance with the plant design guarantee of 20 NTU is (771/895=0.861). Table 2 lists the statistical description of the daily turbidity data of the clarified water. The mean value of the turbidity level was found to be 14 NTU with a standard deviation of 6.54 resulting in Cv of 46.5%, this value is somewhat high as confirmed by the range, which is found to be 1.4 to 77 NTU. Fig.3. Time Plot for Clarified Water Turbidity. Fig.4. Cumulative Frequencies for Clarified Water Turbidity. 100 300 500 700 900 0 200 400 600 800 1000 No. of Observation 10 30 50 70 0 20 40 60 80 Cl ari fie rT ur bid ity (N TU ) This page was created using Nitro PDF trial software. To purchase, go to Faris Hammoodi Al-Ani Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, PP 55 - 67 (2011) 59 Filtered Water FILT No o f o bs 0 62 124 186 248 310 372 434 496 558 620 682 744 806 868 930 <= 0 (0;.5] (.5;1] (1;1.5] (1.5;2] (2;2.5] (2.5;3] (3;3.5] (3.5;4] (4;4.5] (4.5;5] Table 2, Descriptive Statistics for Clarified Water Turbidity. N Min. Max. Mean Std. Variance Skewnees Kurtosis Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std.Error Statistic Statistic Statistic Std.Error Statistic Std.Error Turbidity (Clarified) Valid (list wise) 895 895 1.40 77.00 14.059 0.2188 6.5446 42.832 1.765 0.082 9.781 0.163 3.3. Analysis of Filtered Water Turbidity Data Time plot for daily filtered water turbidity data is shown in Figure 5. From Figure 6 it can be seen that there is on the average about 100% compliance with the Iraqi drinking water standards, which calls for 5 NTU. The mean value of the turbidity level of filtered water from table 3 was found to be 1.0588 NTU with a standard deviation of 0.56, resulting in Cv of 52.9%. This value is somewhat high as confirmed by the range 0.2-4.5 NTU. This demonstrates that the performance of the filter has not been affected by the high raw water turbidity because the clarifiers have enough ability to treat raw water of high turbidity. According to the United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) standard limits on drinking water which calls for a maximum of 2-day average of 5 NTU maximum turbidity level, Figures 7 and 8 show a time plot and a cumulative frequency curve for the 2-day moving average and table 4 lists the statistics for a 2-day turbidity average. The mean of 2-day moving average is found to be 1.059 NTU with a standard deviation of 0.464. This gives Cv 43.8%, with a range value of 0.3 to 3.68 NTU. It could be stated that there is100% compliance with this standard as far as turbidity quality is concerned and the filters operate perfectly and according to their design limitations. Fig.5. Time Plot for Filtered Water Turbidity. Fig.6. Cumulative Frequencies for Filtered Water Turbidity. 100 300 500 700 900 0 200 400 600 800 1000 No. of Observation 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Fil ter Tu rbi dit y( NT U) This page was created using Nitro PDF trial software. To purchase, go to Faris Hammoodi Al-Ani Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, PP 55 - 67 (2011) 60 Table 3, Descriptive Statistics for Filtered Water Turbidity. N Min. Max. Mean Std. Variance Skewnees Kurtosis Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std.Error Statistic Statistic Statistic Std.Error Statistic Std.Error Turbidity (Filt.) 896 0.20 4.50 1.0588 0.0189 0.5671 0.322 1.917 0.082 5.308 0.163 Valid (list wise) 896 Fig.7. Time Plot of 2-Day Moving Average for Filtered Water Turbidity. Fig.8. Cumulative Frequency of 2-Day Moving Average for Filtered Water Turbidity. Table 4, Descriptive Statistics of 2-day Moving Average for Filtered Water Turbidity. N Min. Max. Mean Std. Variance Skewnees Kurtosis Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std.Error Statistic Std.Error (Turb.Filter.,2 ,2) 894 0.30 3.68 1.0592 0.4639 0.215 1.681 9.082 4.416 0.163 Valid (list wise) 894 100 300 500 700 900 0 200 400 600 800 1000 No. of Observation 0.50 1.50 2.50 3.50 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Fil ter Tu rb idi ty (N TU ) 2-day Moving Average 2-day Moving Average for Filter Turbidity FILT_2 No o f o bs 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 <= 0 (0;.5] (.5;1] (1;1.5] (1.5;2] (2;2.5] (2.5;3] (3;3.5] (3.5;4] > 4 This page was created using Nitro PDF trial software. To purchase, go to Faris Hammoodi Al-Ani Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, PP 55 - 67 (2011) 61 30-day Moving Average for Filtered Water FILT_30 No o f o bs 0 58 116 174 232 290 348 406 464 522 580 638 696 754 812 870 <= .6 (.6;.8] (.8;1.] (1;1.2] (1.2;1.4] (1.4;1.6] (1.6;1.8] (1.8;2.] > 2 According to the USEPA standards the 30-day moving average (turbidity should be less than 1 NTU, Figures 9 and 10 show a time plot and a cumulative frequency curve for the 30-day moving average. From these figures it can be seen that the probability of success for the filters is equal to 0.5023, and the compliance with this standard limit is not more than 50.23%. This means that there is violation average of this standard limit of about 49.77% in the day of the year. Table 5 gives the statistical description of the 30-day moving average of turbidity for the filtered water. The annual average value of the turbidity of the filtered water is about1.054 NTU with a standard deviation of 0.279. This gives Cv of 26.5% which is somewhat low as confirmed by the range, which is found to be 0.6 to 2 NTU. Fig.9. Time Plot of 30-day Moving Average for Filtered Water Turbidity. Fig.10. Cumulative Frequency of 30-day Moving Average for Filtered Water Turbidity. Table 5, Descriptive Statistics of 30-Day Moving Average for Filtered Water Turbidity. N Min. Max. Mean Std. Variance Skewnees Kurtosis Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std.Error Statistic Std.Error (Turb.Filter.,30, 30) 866 0.60 2.01 1.0544 0.2795 0.078 1.099 0.083 1.134 0.166 Valid (list wise) 866 100 300 500 700 900 0 200 400 600 800 1000 No. of Observation 0.60 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.20 0.40 0.80 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 Fil ter Tu rb idi ty (N TU ) 30-day Moving Average This page was created using Nitro PDF trial software. To purchase, go to Faris Hammoodi Al-Ani Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, PP 55 - 67 (2011) 62 3.4. Analysis of Supplied Water Turbidity Data Sometimes turbidity of the water supplied is slightly more than that of the filtered water as shown in Figure 11 because the samples of filtered water were taken from clean filters that were washed and operated ideally. The unwashed filters provide filtered water with greater turbidity than the former ones. The mixing of filtered water coming from washed and unwashed filters before entering the treated water reservoir increase in supplied water turbidity. From the cumulative frequency graph (Figure 12) there is about 98% compliance with the Iraqi drinking water standards. The violation of this standard limit is in November-December and March-April. It was well known that November-December is the period of the rainy season, while March-April is the period of high river flow resulting from snow melting up in the Tigris river catchment area, both periods contribute to turbidity. The mean value of the turbidity level of the supplied water from table 6 is 1.8 NTU with a standard deviation of 0.8 resulting in Cv of 43.9%. This value is somewhat high as compared with the range, which is found to be 0.4 to 9.5 NTU. Figures 13 and 14 show a time plot and a cumulative frequency curve for the 2-day moving average turbidity. Based on USEPA standard limits of drinking water it can be stated that there is 870/882  98.6% compliance with this standard as far as turbidity quality is concerned. This means that the average violation of this standard is of about 1.4%. Table 7 lists the statistics for a 2-day turbidity average of the supplied water. The mean value is found to be 1.829 NTU, where there is 98.6% the compliance with 2-day moving average turbidity level as set by the EPA. The Cv for the 2-day moving average statistic is estimated to be about 26.45%, with an average ranging from 0.45 to 6 NTU, this is rather good according to this standard. Fig.11. Time Plot for Supplied Water Turbidity. Fig.12. Cumulative Frequencies for Supplied Water Turbidity. 100 300 500 700 900 0 200 400 600 800 1000 No. of Observation 1.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 9.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 Su pp ly Tu rbi dit y( NT U) Supply Water SUPPL No o f o bs 0 62 124 186 248 310 372 434 496 558 620 682 744 806 868 930 <= 0 (0;1] (1;2] (2;3] (3;4] (4;5] (5;6] (6;7] (7;8] (8;9] (9;10] > 10 This page was created using Nitro PDF trial software. To purchase, go to Faris Hammoodi Al-Ani Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, PP 55 - 67 (2011) 63 2-day Moving Average for Supplied Water SUPP_2 No o f o bs 0 59 118 177 236 295 354 413 472 531 590 649 708 767 826 885 <= 0 (0;.5] (.5;1] (1;1.5] (1.5;2] (2;2.5] (2.5;3] (3;3.5] (3.5;4] (4;4.5] (4.5;5] (5;5.5] (5.5;6] (6;6.5] > 6.5 Table 6, Descriptive Statistics for Supplied Water Turbidity. N Min. Max. Mean Std. Variance Skewnees Kurtosis Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std.Error Statistic Statistic Statistic Std.Error Statistic Std.Error Turbidity (Supply.) 884 0.40 9.50 1.8286 0.0270 0.8032 0.645 2.564 0.082 14.890 0.164 Valid (list wise) 884 Fig.13. Time Plot of 2-day Moving Average for Supplied Water Turbidity. Fig.14. Time Plot of 2-day Moving Average for Supplied Water Turbidity. Table 7, Descriptive Statistics of 2-day Moving Average for Supplied Water Turbidity. N Min. Max. Mean Std. Variance Skewnees Kurtosis Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std.Error Statistic Std.Error (Turb. Supp..,2,2) 882 0.45 6.00 1.8294 0.7000 0.490 1.883 0.082 6.547 0.164 Valid (list wise) 882 100 300 500 700 900 0 200 400 600 800 1000 No. of Observation 1.00 3.00 5.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 Su pp ly Tu rbi dit y( NT U) 2-day Supply Water This page was created using Nitro PDF trial software. To purchase, go to Faris Hammoodi Al-Ani Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, PP 55 - 67 (2011) 64 According to the USEPA standard on drinking water quality, which calls for a monthly average of 1 NTU, it can be seen from Figures 15 and 16 that compliance with this standard limit is not more than 1.4%. This means that there is a violation average of this standard limit reaching 98.6% of the days of year. Table 8 gives the statistical description of 30-day moving average of the turbidity data. From this table, it can be seen that the annual average value of the turbidity is about 1.82 NTU with a standard deviation of 0.483. This gives Cv of 26.45% which is somewhat low as compared with the range value which is 0.81 to 3.42 NTU. Fig.15. Time Plot of 30-day Moving Average for Supplied Water. Fig.16. Cumulative Frequency of 30-day Moving Average for Supplied Water Turbidity. Table 8, Descriptive Statistics of 30-day Moving Average for Supplied Water Turbidity. N Min. Max. Mean Std. Variance Skewnees Kurtosis Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std.Error Statistic Std.Error (Turb.Supp.,30, 30) 854 0.81 3.42 1.8290 0.4839 0.234 1.057 0.084 1.318 0.167 Valid (list wise) 854 100 300 500 700 900 0 200 400 600 800 1000 No. of Observation 0.50 1.50 2.50 3.50 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Su pp ly Tu rbi dit y( NT U) 30-day Supply Water 30-day Moving Average for Supplied Water SUPP_30 No o f o bs 0 58 116 174 232 290 348 406 464 522 580 638 696 754 812 870 <= 1 (1;1.5] (1.5;2] (2;2.5] (2.5;3] (3;3.5] > 3.5 This page was created using Nitro PDF trial software. To purchase, go to Faris Hammoodi Al-Ani Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, PP 55 - 67 (2011) 65 3.5. Correlation Between Parameters Through the matrix of correlation between parameters (different turbidities) shown in Table 9, the following can be noticed: 1. There is no significant relationship between the turbidity of raw water values with both the turbidity value of the clarified water, filtered water and the supplied water. Their values are 4.8% 1.5% and 2.1% respectively. They are regarded as values even if they do not approach zero. 2. The significant relationship is noted between the turbidity of the supplied water with both the turbidity of the clarified and the filtered water represented by the values of 27.7% and 26.5% receptively. Table 9, Correlation Matrix Between The Parameters. Turbidity (Raw) Turbidity (clarifier) Turbidity (filter) Turbidity (supply) T u rb id it y (R aw ) Pearson correlation 1 0.048 -0.015 0.021 Sig. (2-tailed) - 0.15 0.663 0.523 No. 890 890 890 884 T u rb id it y (c la ri fi er ) Pearson correlation 0.048 1.0 0.230* 0.277* Sig. (2-tailed) 0.15 - 0.000 0.000 No. 890 895 895 884 T u rb id it y (f il te r) Pearson correlation -0.015 0.23* 1.0 0.265* Sig. (2-tailed) 0.663 0.000 - 0.000 No. 890 895 896 884 T ur bi di ty (s u pp ly ) Pearson correlation 0.021 0.277 0.265* 1.0 Sig. (2-tailed) 0.523 0.000 0.000 - No. 884 884 884 884 * Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). 4. Conclusions Daily data for turbidity of raw, clarified, filtered and supplied water of Sherq Dijjla water treatment plant were analysed to the assess the performance of the plant. The conclusions are as follows: 1. There is a wide variation in turbidity levels of the raw water of Tigris River at the intake. Turbidity levels fluctuate between 10 and 1000 NTU with a mean value of 41 NTU and a coefficient of variation of 1.44. High water turbidity levels were encountered during the rainy season covering the time between November, December, January and February of each year this indicates the need for pre- setting tanks. 2. Turbidity values of the clarified water vary between 1.4 and 77 NTU. On 290 days out of 895 days the turbidity level was below 10 NTU. This gave a probability of compliance of 32.4% according to Steel and McGhee (1979) and 771 days out of 895 turbidity level was below 20 NTU, where the probability of compliance was 86% according to design guarantee of treatment plant. 3. Turbidity data of the filtered water from Sharq Dijjla water treatment plant was completely in compliance with Iraqi and WHO standards with mean turbidity level of 1.05 NTU. This demonstrates that the performance of the filter has not been affected by the high raw turbidity because the clarifiers work efficiently. 4. For 2-day moving average, turbidity data of the filtered water was completely in compliance with USEPA standard because the values were less than 5 NTU. For 30-day moving average of 1 NTU turbidity value of the filtered water, it was found that filters This page was created using Nitro PDF trial software. To purchase, go to Faris Hammoodi Al-Ani Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, PP 55 - 67 (2011) 66 operation violated the USEPA standard by 49.77%. 5. Turbidity of the supplied water in the treated water reservoir was greater than the filtered water turbidity for operational reasons. 6. Supplied water turbidity showed about 98% compliance with the Iraqi drinking water standard, with mean value of 1.8 NTU. On the basis of 2-day water turbidity, the turbidity of the supplied water was 98.6% in compliance with the USEPA standard. While for the 30- day moving average turbidity, the supplied water violated USEPA standard by 98.6%. 5. Recommendations for Operation of Treatment Plant 1. Systematic maintenance of the different treatment units. 2. Operating water treatment plant according to the scientific conventional method and operation manual in terms of dosing chemicals, de-sludging and backwashing process is highly recommended. 3. Continuing monitoring different units to get high water quality. 6. References [1] Buckley, C.B., 1984,”Potable Water Coast Effective Treatment and Control”, J. of Inst.Water Eng. Sci., Vol.38, No.3, PP. 259- 271. [2] Cheremisinoff, N.P., 2002, “Handbook of Water and Wastewater Technologies”, Butterworth-Heinemann Publications. [3] Letterman, R.D., 1999, “Water Quality and Treatment- A Handbook of Community Water Supplies”, McGraw-Hill, (5th Edition). [4] Paterson Candy International Ltd., 1987, “Operating and Maintenance Instructions Manual”, Parts 1&3 for Baghdad Water Supply Administration. [5] Raju, B., 1995,”Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering”, Tata McGraw- Hill, New Delhi. [6] Rammalley, B.L., Lawler, D.F., Wright, W.C., and O Melia, C.R., 1981,”Integral Analysis of Water Plant Performance”, J. of Env. Eng. Div., No. EE3. [7] Steel, E.W., and McGhee, T.J., 1979,”Water Supply and Sewage”, McGraw-Hill. [8] Twort, A.C, Ratnayaka, D.D., and Brandt, M.J., 2009, “ Water Supply”, Butterworth- Heinemann Publications, Binne Black & Veatch, 6th Edition. This page was created using Nitro PDF trial software. To purchase, go to 67 ، صفحة2، العدد 7مجلة الخوارزمي الھندسیة المجلد فارس حمودي محمد - 55 )2011( 67 تقیم اداء محطة ماء شرق دجلة واصل كاظم فارس حمودي محمد عة التكنولوجیةالجام/ واإلنشاءاتقسم ھندسة البناء الخالصة ن من الھدف إن رة م ورة للفت ة العك ة ٢٠٠١-٤-١ھذه الدراسة ھو تقیم اداء محطة تصفیة ماء شرق دجلة في ازال ات ٢٠٠٤-٤-٣١ولغای ل قیاس م تحلی ت ین بینت نتائج الدراسة ان ھناك ا. العكورة للمیاه الخام، المیاه المرسبة، المیاه المرشحة، والمیاه المجھزة ت ب ام تراوح اء الخ ختالف كبیر في درجة العكورة للم ورة ٧٧-١.٤قیم العكورة للمیاه المرسبة كانت . وحدة قیاس العكورة ٤١,٣وبمعدل ١٠٠٠-١ ة عك ى قیم اد عل میمیة ( ٢٠و ١٠وحدة و باالعتم رى ) التص ن دارھا ول مق بة قب ت نس والي % ٨٦و% ٣٢.٤ان القراءات اعط ى الت ورة ل . عل ا العك ین ام ت ب حة فتراوح اه المرش ع ٤.٥-٠.٢لمی ا م ق كلی ي تتواف دة والت وح ر -٢وبالمقارنة مع مواصفة منظمة حمایة البیئة االمریكیة وباالعتماد على تحلیل . ة العالمیةمواصفة القیاسبة العراقیة ومواصفة منظمة الصح دل متغی وم مع ی ین .على التوالي% ٤٥و%١٠٠وجد ان الفالتر تعمل بنسبة قبول قدرھا ) وحدة ١(یوم معدل متغیر -٣٠و) وحدة ٥( ورة ب ت العك زة تراوح واما المیاه المجھ ن وحدة وھي اع ٩.٥-٠.٤ ر م ولة اكب ر مغس لى من عكورة المیاه الراشحة وھذا نتیجة للخلط الحاصل بین میاه جمیع المرشحات كون العكورة للمرشحات الغی ة، . المرشحات المغسولة اضافة للترسبات الطینیة داخل الخزان االرضي للمیاه المجھزة بة العراقی فات القیاس ى المواص اد عل رك، -٢وباالعتم دل متح وم مع ی . ضمن الحدود المسموح بھا على التوالي% ٩٨.٦، %٩٨.٦، %٩٨المجھزة كانت یوم معدل متحرك فأن المیاه -٣٠و This page was created using Nitro PDF trial software. 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