Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, PP 27- 36 (2008) Time Series Analysis of Total Suspended Solids Concentrations in Euphrates River in Al-Nasria Province Prof. Dr. Rafa Al-Suhaili Ass.Lecturer. Tariq J.Al-Mosewi Environment Engineering Deptartement/ College of Engineering/ University of Baghdad (Received 6 May 2007; accepted 3 April 2008) Abstract The monthly time series of the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentrations in Euphrates River at Nasria was analyzed as a time series. The data used for the analysis was the monthly series during (1977-2000). The series was tested for nonhomogenity and found to be nonhomogeneous. A significant positive jump was observed after 1988. This nonhomogenity was removed using a method suggested by Yevichevich (7). The homogeneous series was then normalized using Box and Cox (2) transformation. The periodic component of the series was fitted using harmonic analyses, and removed from the series to obtain the dependent stochastic component. This component was then modeled using first order autoregressive model (Markovian chain). The above analysis was conducted using the data for the period (1977-1997), the remaining 3-years (1998-2000) of the observed data was left for the verification of the model. The observed model was used to generate future series. Those series were compared with the observed series using t-test. The comparison indicates the capability of the model to produce acceptable future data. Key words: Total suspended solids, nonhomogeneous, periodic component, and dependent stochastic. Introduction Water quality express the suitability of water to sustain various uses or processes, such as drinking water, irrigation water and nature conservation. Solids can be dispersed in water in both suspended and dissolved forms. Solids suspended in surface water may consist of inorganic particles or of immiscible liquids. Domestic wastewater usually contains large quantities of suspended solids. Suspended solids material may be objectionable in water for several reasons. It is aesthetically displeasing and provides adsorption sites for chemical and biological agents. Suspended organic solids may be degrading biologically resulting in objectionable by products. Biologically active suspended solids may include disease causing organisms as well as organisms such as producing strain of algae. During the last 25 years, Time Series Analysis had become one of the most important and widely used branches of Mathematical Statistics. The technique of time-series analysis uses estimated statistical parameters to build a mathematical model. This model is capable of describing the evolution of possible sequences of events in time, at the site of observations, which have the same statistical properties as the historical sample. In this research, the data of TSS in Euphrates River will be utilized to build the mathematical model to predict the future concentration. Numbers of projects were by now under construction in the southern of Iraq after March 2003, such as water treatment plants and projects related to restoration of marshes and irrigation projects. The modeling of TSS could be used to predict future values, that are useful in the operation of such project. Moreover these data are useful also in planning, design of new projects. Garry L.Grabow et,al. (4) used weekly total suspended solids data to build a mathematical model. The data were collected from a measurement station located downstream of a dairy farm. Two types of statistical methods were used to detect the changes in the TSS concentrations, ANCOVA and ANOVA. Zhiyong Huang and Hiroshi Morimoto(8) designed a structure of input/mixing/output model Rafa Al-Suhaili Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, PP 27-36 (2008) 28 (called it the three-step model) and represented each process of material input, mixing and output by a stochastic numerical methods. Data of BOD and DO concentrations of river Cam used to build the model. The stochastic numerical methods applied in this paper are discrete time approximation methods. Additional equations representing mixing processes and biochemical reactions also used in model. The researcher concluded that the theory of stochastic differential equations is a beneficial tool for studying water pollution. Kadri Yurkel and Ahmet Kurunc (3) had analyzed the daily discharge data of each month from three gauge stations on Cekerek Stream for forecasting using stochastic approaches. Initially non-parametric test (Mann-Kendall) was used to identify the trend during the study period. The two approaches of stochastic modeling, ARIMA and Thomas-Fiering models were used to simulate the monthly-minimum daily discharge data of each month. The error estimates (RMSE and MAE) forecasts from both approaches were compared to identify the most suitable approach for reliable forecast. The two error estimates calculated for two approaches indicate that ARIMA model appear slightly better than Thomas-Fiering model. However, both approaches were identified as an appropriate method for simulating the monthly- minimum daily discharge data of each month from three gauge stations on Cekerek Stream. The use of time series analysis (stochastic analysis) in generating possible future suspended solids concentrations assumes that those concentrations are extracted from a common statistical population, and that the recorded historical data forms a sample from this population. Generally, a hydrologic time series may consist of four components depending on the type of variable and the averaging time interval. In seasonal TSS concentration series four components may exist and the TSS is considered to arise from a combination of those components, which are termed the jump component (Jt), trend component (Tt), periodic or cyclic component (Pt) and stochastic or random component (t).These components may be formulated by: TSSt= Jt +Tt +Pt +t …(1) The first three components represents the deterministic part of the process while the fourth component represents the non-deterministic part, therefore those three components should be detected and identified by suitable formulations and decomposed from the stochastic component. Methodology The procedure used for data analysis may be summarized by the following steps: 1- Filling-in of Missing Data Data of monthly TSS concentration in Euphrates river were mentioned in reports of the Ministry of Water Resources. These reports indicated some months with missing data in irregular years. Table (1) shows the missing readings in TSS in a period from 1977 to 1983. Filling-in the missing data was performed by using the regression relations method. 2- Test and Removal of Non-homogeneity The modeling process required a set data to be homogenous. Hence, the first step before starting the analysis is to test the homogeneity of the data series. If the test indicates non-homogeneity, then this non-homogeneity should be removed. This was achieved by plotting the average monthly data and computing the annual mean and standard deviation for each year then using the spilt-sample approach which divides the entire sample into two sub-samples. Then testing the differences between the means and standard deviations of these two sub-samples at the 95 percent probability level of significance using the t-test method. The data were tested for non-homogeneity and found to be non-homogeneous at year 1988, see figure (1). The calculated t-value is greater than the tabulated t-value. For non-homogeneity removal, Yevjevich (7) suggest fitting linear regression equations for both annual means and annual standard deviations, then applying the following equation:- 22 , , AvSd Sj XjtXj tYj    ...(2) where: j, t= the annual and seasonal positions of the observations, respectively. Y=transformed series(homogeneous) X = historical non-homogeneous series. Av2,Sd2= the average and standard deviation of the second sub –sample respectively, and Xj,Sj= linear regression equations for annual means and standard deviations against years. Thus the data are divided into two sub- samples, the first (12) years long (1977-1988) and the second (9) years long (1989-1997). The first sub-sample will be transformed according to the above equation. The two sub-samples were then tested again using t-test to check the homogeneity. The result of applying the above equation are shown in figure (2) and table (2) below, hence the Rafa Al-Suhaili Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, PP 27-36 (2008) 29 data are homogeneous. Since the calculated t-values is less than tabulated t-value. 3- Transformation to Normally Distributed data It is of common practice in time- series analysis to transform the data to the normal distribution. This means, to remove the skewness in the data and try to make it nearly zero. For the normalization process several transformations may be used to normalize the data, but the most common one is the power transformation. The power transformation used in this research is the one suggested by Box and Cox (2) (see equation (3) below). The application of this transformation begins with the estimation of the transformation coefficient value (). This coefficient has a value between (-1) and (1) and is strongly related to the skewness coefficient (Cs).Table (3) shows values of Cs computed for each transformed series, using different -values. The values above were found to best fitted by a second polynomial equation. =0.0249Cs 2 +0.0132Cs+0.01 …(3) In order to find the λ-value that will normalize the data, the skewness coefficient Cs in the above equation is substituted by zero, which gives a λ value as 0.01. This value will be used to get the transformed series according to the Box and Cox transformation as follows:   )1(   x y …(4) where: y: The transformed Series, x : The original Series Data. Table (4) shows the monthly means and standard deviations for the original and transformed series. 4- Determination of the Independent Stochastic Component The series obtained after the removal of non- homogeneity and non-stationary (periodic component of mean and standard deviation) is termed as the dependent stochastic component of the process and denoted as (p,t ). The values of monthly mean and standard deviations were used to find the value of the independent stochastic component by the following equation:- p,t= t ttp y   , …(5) where: p,t = is the dependent stochastic component. t =is the mean value of yp,t data at position p(month). t =is the standard deviation value of yp,t data at position p(month). The values of p,t may be fitted by a suitable model whose parameters will depend directly or indirectly on the amount of existing correlation represented by the lag rk serial correlation coefficient model (rk) ,figure (3 a). One of the most familiar models, are the autoregressive model. It is preferable to try the first degree model, and then check its adequacy to remove the dependency of the p,t series in the first degree model fails to remove the dependency, the second degree model will be used, and so on. The first degree autoregressive model required the calculation of lag-one (r1) serial correlation coefficient, which was found to be r1=0.664. The model is represented as the relation between the dependent stochastic component (p,t) and the independent stochastic component (p,t). The independent stochastic series (p,t) is a series of random numbers usually with zero mean and unit variance. As mentioned above one of the most used models is the first order autoregressive model (Markov model). This model express the relationship between the p,t and  p,t as follows: p,t=a x p,t-1+ 2 1 a  p,t …(6) where: a= r1 Substituting the value of a =(0.664) in the above equation the independent stochastic component  p,t, could be found using:  p,t =(p,t -0.664 x p,t-1)/0.747 ...(7) In order to test the validity of the proposed first order autoregressive model, the correlogram of the p,t component should be found and tested. This correlogram is shown below which show that the first order autoregressive model, is suitable since the values of the serial correlation coefficient are fluctuated around the zero-values. Hence the proposed model was capable of removing the dependency between the values of p,t, figure (3 b). 5- Model Verification: Upon the completion of the first four steps above, the model parameters were found. As mentioned before the observed data series of TSS was divided into two parts (1977-1997), was used for the analysis (i.e., models parameters Rafa Al-Suhaili Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, PP 27-36 (2008) 30 estimation), the other part (1998-2000), will be used now for model verification. Usually in practice, the model is used to generate future values (series). The model validity will be decided upon the comparison between the statistical properties of the generated series with those of the observed one that was not used in the estimation of the parameters of the model. The Microsoft Excel program was used for generating future series for the TSS-values. Three series were generated as shown in table (5). The generation process begins by generating a standardized normally distributed random series (i.e., with zero mean and unit variance) then, using those as p,t values to generate the p,t values using the first autoregressive model. The TSS values were found using a reverse process of the analysis conducted in steps (2-4). Table (6) shows the generated monthly TSS values using the three generated randomized series, proposed to be for years 1998, 1999 and 2000. The observed TSS concentrations for these 3-years are shown in table (7). Figure (4) shows the values of mean monthly TSS concentrations calculated from the generated series rand 1, rand 2, and rand 3 numbers as well as those calculated using the observed TSS record for the period 1998 to 2000. Table 8 shows the values of the mean, standard deviation and skewness coefficient of observed data and those of the observed one. Table (9) shows the results of the t-test for monthly means of observed and generated TSS Series. Conclusions 1) The series of monthly TSS concentrations in Euphrates River at Al-Nasria Province is non- homogeneous. The non-homogeneity can be attributed to the disposal of effluent wastewater from the constructed treatment plants. 2) The suitable value of the power transformation parameter  that can be used to transform data to the normal distribution was found to be 0.01. 3) The correlogram of the observed independent stochastic component indicate the capability of the first order autoregressive model to model to time-dependency of the dependant stochastic component. 4) The T-test result shows that the obtained model can presence future forecasted values for the monthly TSS values. Table 1 The Missing Data of the Recorded Monthly TSS (mg/l) in a period from 1977 to 1983. Year Month 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Jan. 1056 1417 972 1264 1738 1168 4187.7 Feb.  1518 1204 1301 1728 1325 2011 March. 1145 1421 1222  1557 1650 1912 April.  1322 1209 1290 1578 1578  May. 1160  1248  1730 1730  June. 1416 1667 1584 1491 1545 1545 1511 July.  1273 1528  1194  1601 August. 1366 1412 1293 1658 1145 1600 1780 Sep. 1429 1316 1834 1560 1375  1620 Oct. 1447 1250 1301 1620 1228 1311 1555 Nov. 1457  1633 1720 1253  1858 Dec. 1573 1024 1169 1805 1233 1954 1340  missing data Rafa Al-Suhaili Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, PP 27-36 (2008) 31 Table 2 Mean and Standard Deviation of each Sub-Samples before and after Applying the Procedure of Removal of Non-Homogeneity. Before Removal After Removal Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Set 1 data 1699.60 427.47 2821.42 386.52 Set 2 data 2821.41 386.50 2821.41 386.50 Table 3 Variation of Skewness Coefficient with Box and Cox Transformations Coefficient.  -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Cs 0.005 0.016 0.005 0.039 -0.007 0.010 0.027 0.045 Table 4 Monthly Means and Standard Deviations for the Original Homogeneous series and the Normalized Series in a period from 1977 to 1997. Original Homogeneous Series (x) Normalized Series (y) Mean Standard Deviation Mean Standard Deviation January 2817.434 716.122 108.240 0.243 February 2896.002 726.797 108.263 0.284 March 2980.307 633.320 108.306 0.223 April 2913.758 778.573 108.268 0.286 May 3030.474 669.865 108.322 0.236 June 2722.360 449.878 108.216 0.176 July 2734.419 305.069 108.229 0.117 August 2929.858 426.885 108.300 0.150 September 2824.034 306.742 108.264 0.118 October 2678.520 374.626 108.203 0.140 November 2718.747 343.527 108.220 0.139 December 2611.145 562.362 108.163 0.222 Table 5 Values of Generated Randomized Numbers (p,t) for 1998,1999 and 2000 years. Rand 1 Rand 2 Rand 3 1998 1999 2000 1998 1999 2000 1998 1999 2000 Jan. 0.271 0.359 0.465 0.850 0.150 0.815 0.210 0.041 0.363 Feb. 0.313 0.476 0.559 0.075 0.987 0.184 0.132 0.724 0.944 Mar. 0.188 0.490 0.866 0.844 0.801 0.140 0.218 0.955 0.855 Apr. 0.980 0.807 0.849 0.105 0.848 0.974 0.670 0.173 0.363 May. 0.348 0.223 0.436 0.859 0.619 0.073 0.427 0.267 0.961 June 0.721 0.719 0.290 0.365 0.038 0.599 0.283 0.171 0.053 July. 0.594 0.060 0.727 0.426 0.997 0.727 0.383 0.262 0.953 Aug. 0.388 0.274 0.301 0.475 0.497 0.537 0.824 0.101 0.176 Sep. 0.273 0.277 0.640 0.799 0.893 0.667 0.453 0.278 0.047 Oct. 0.073 0.130 0.390 0.943 0.929 0.094 0.382 0.731 0.266 Nov. 0.295 0.520 0.634 0.295 0.932 0.087 0.568 0.208 0.770 Dec. 0.964 0.650 0.629 0.654 0.783 0.698 0.126 0.471 0.981 Rafa Al-Suhaili Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, PP 27-36 (2008) 32 Table 6 Generated Monthly TSS Concentrations (mg/l) for years (1998, 1999, and 2000). TSS Conc. From Rand 1 Mean TSS Conc. From Rand 2 Mean TSS Conc. From Rand 3 Mean 1998 1999 2000 1998 1999 2000 1998 1999 2000 Jan. 3318 3159 3419 3298 3184 3439 3664 3429 3524 3600 3822 3649 Feb. 3915 3241 3630 3595 3599 3396 3716 3571 3751 3856 4254 3954 Mar. 3563 3206 3407 3392 3355 3332 3818 3502 3713 3670 3670 3685 Apr. 3939 3624 3810 3791 3717 3158 3735 3536 3644 4005 4029 3892 May. 3902 3565 3625 3697 4047 3625 4031 3901 3849 4132 4150 4044 June 3171 3304 3209 3228 3485 3040 3248 3257 3104 3503 3435 3347 July. 3025 3062 3016 3034 3117 3085 3098 3100 2936 3111 3261 3103 Aug. 3392 3477 3361 3410 3547 3322 3308 3392 3121 3484 3727 3444 Sep. 3185 3135 3113 3144 3220 3162 3080 3154 3034 3098 3459 3197 Oct. 3116 2938 3058 3037 3018 3057 2911 2995 2960 3055 3441 3152 Nov. 3096 2931 3192 3073 3187 2997 3031 3071 3064 3038 3340 3147 Dec. 2977 3123 3062 3054 3272 3165 2992 3143 3168 3220 3290 3226 Table 7 Observed TSS Concentrations (mg/l) from Period 1998 to 2000. 1998 1999 2000 January 4870 3535 4470 February 5326 3570 4530 March 5975 3535 3997 April 6094 3680 3608 May 5879 3710 3519 June 5530 3704 4800 July 4320 3620 3355 August 6530 3635 5370 September 5092 3540 3073 October 5928 4416 3376 November 6975 4514 2895 December 7148 4612 3690 Table 8 Overall Properties of Observed Data and Generated Series. Observed data Rand 1 Rand 2 Rand 3 Mean 4512 4425 4456 4654 Standard deviation 422.69 356.93 353.59 460.03 Skewness coefficient 0.6338 0.6915 0.4685 -0.1061 Tables 9 Results of the t-test for Monthly TSS Means, t tabulated= 2.776. T rand 1 T rand 2 T rand 3 January 0.226 0.655 1.402 February 0.535 0.557 1.467 March 0.033 0.221 0.556 April 0.726 0.304 0.882 May 0.735 1.075 1.338 June 0.690 0.591 0.376 July 0.991 1.297 1.200 August 0.741 0.766 0.664 September 0.484 0.503 0.595 October 0.697 0.773 0.477 November 0.581 0.584 0.497 December 1.036 0.917 0.814 Rafa Al-Suhaili Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, PP 27-36 (2008) 33 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 Years A n n u a l m e a n o f T S S c o n c . Fig. 1. Spilt Sample Test of the Original Historical Data. 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 A n n u a l m e a n o f T S S C o n c e n tr a ti o n (m g /l ) Years Fig. 2. Split-Sample Test for the Historical Data After Non-Homogeneity Removal. Set 1 Mean= 1699 Set 2 Mean= 2821 Year 1988 t- calculated = 6.17 t- tabulated = 1.729 Old Set 1 Data Transformed Set 1 Data t- calculated= 0.01 t- tabulated = 1.729 Set 2 Data Rafa Al-Suhaili Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, PP 27-36 (2008) 34 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 lag k rk Fig. 3. a: Corrologram of the Dependent Stochastic Component (p,t), rk is Correlation Coefficient, lag rk is the Time of Creeping of Correlation Coefficient Values . Fig. 3. b: Corrologram of the Independent Stochastic Component ( p,t) Obtained Using First Order Autoregressive Model, rk is Correlation Coefficient, lag rk is the Time of Creeping of Correlation Coefficient Values. 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 A n n u a l m e a n o f T S S c o n c e n tr a ti o n (m g /l ) Month Mean r1 Mean r2 Mean r3 Mean of obseved data Fig. 4. Comparison of Observed Mean Monthly TSS Values, with Those of the Three Generated Series. limit= 0.15 limit= -0.15 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 lag rk rk limit= 0.15 limit = -0.15 lag rk Rafa Al-Suhaili Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, PP 27-36 (2008) 35 References [1] Al-Suhaili R.H., (1985): “Stochastic Analysis of Daily Streamflow of Tigris River", M.Sc. Thesis, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad. [2] Box, G.E.P., and, Jenkins, G.M., "Time Series Analysis,Forcasting and Control". Holdened Day, San Fransisco, 1976. P.575. 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" ، .ٔصاسة انًٕاسد انًبئٍت ، قسى انًذنٕالث انًبئٍت [9] ،"انخحبنٍم انكًٍٍبٌٔت نُٓش انفشاث فً انُبصشٌت .حقبسٌش دٔسٌت Rafa Al-Suhaili Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, PP 27-36 (2008) 36 تحليل البيانات الشهرية لتراكيز الوواد العالقة الكلية لنهر الفرات في هذينة الناصرية طارق جواد كاظن.م.م رافع هاشن السهيلي. د.أ صبيعت بغذاد/ كهٍت انُٓذست/ قسى انُٓذست انبٍئٍت الخالصة حى فً ْزا انبحذ ححهٍم انبٍبَبث انشٓشٌت نخشاكٍض انًٕاد انعبنقت انكهٍت نُٓش انفشاث فً يذٌُت انُبصشٌت، حٍذ حى اخز انًعذل نهشٓشي ( . 2000-1977)نهبٍبَبث انًخٕفشة يٍ سُت ببسخخذاو طشٌقت . 1988فً انبذاٌت حى اخخببس انبٍبَبث نًعشفت فًٍب ارا كبَج يخضبَست أ غٍشيخضبست ٔٔصذ آَب غٍش يخضبَست عُذ سُت Yevichevichرى حى حٕصٌع انبٍبَبث طبٍعٍبًببسخخذاو طشٌقت انعبنًٍٍ . حى اصانت عذو انخضبَس فً انبٍبَبثBox ٔ Cox . بعذ رنك حى اخز انقٍى انًعذنت الصانت انًشكبت انذٔسٌت عُٓب ٔرنك نهحصٕل عهى انذانت انًسخقهت انخً حى ًَزصخٓب بًٕدٌم يٍ َٕع سهسهت Markovian . ( 2000-1998) حٍذ حشكج قٍى انخشاكٍض نهزالد سٍٍُ انًخبقٍت 1997-1977اٌ انخحهٍم اعالِ حى حطبٍقّ عهى انبٍبَبث يٍ سُت .السخخذايٓب فً انخحقق يٍ َخبئش انًٕدٌم ٔقذ بٍُج t-testٔيٍ خالل انًُٕرس انزي حى انخٕصم انٍّ حى حٕنٍذ قٍى نزالد سٍٍُ يسخقبهٍت نًقبسَخٓب يع انقٍى انًقبست ٔببسخخذاو اخخببس . انُخبئش ايكبٍَت االعخًبد عهى انًُٕرس العطبء َخبئش يسخقبهٍت يقبٕنت