26 Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 4, PP 26-36 (2008) Effect of Chloride Ions on the Corrosion Behavior of Al – Zn Alloy in NaOH Solution at Four Different Temperatures Rana A. Majed , Hanaa A. Al-Kaisy and Hind B. Al-Atrakchy Department of Materials Engineering/ University of Technology (Received 5 September 2007; accepted 13 May 2008) Abstract This research involves study effect of chloride ions in concentration range (0.01 – 0.50 mol.dm -3 ) on the corrosion behavior of Al-Zn alloy in basic media of 1x10 -3 mol.dm -3 NaOH at pH=11 and four different temperatures in the range (298-313 K). Cathodic and anodic Tafel slopes (bc &ba) and transfer coefficients (αc & αa) were calculated and the results interprets according to the variation of the rate – determining steps. The results also indicate that the chloride ions are bonded chemically in the interface as an initial step of formation of different mixed oxohydroxy – and chloro complexes. Polarization resistance (Rp) is calculates and interprets the different polarization behavior because of addition of chloride ions to the basic media. Keywords: Al-Zn alloy, Effect of chloride ion, Corrosion behavior in basic medium. 1. Introduction: Corrosion of aluminum has been a subject of numerous studies due to the importance of this material in contemporary civilization. It is well known that there is a potential region in which the rate of corrosion, even in such aggressive media as chlorides. The relatively complex corrosion mechanism of aluminium has been studies by several authors. Corrosion of aluminium occurs only when the metal protective oxide layer is damaged and when the repair mechanism is prevented by chemical dissolution[1]. Polarization methods have been extensively used to investigate the mechanism of localized corrosion and processes that lead to localized corrosion. In using potentiostatic techniques, the potential variable[2]. Potentiostatic and potentiodynamic techniques have been applied by several authors to study the corrosion of aluminium in different environment[3-8]. The exceptional corrosion resistance of aluminium in many environments is due to its protective oxide film which is relatively inert chemically and so provides the passive behavior of aluminium. However in aggressive environments, particularly in the presence of halide ions, aluminium suffers from localized corrosion by local breakdown of the passive film. Various theories are postulated to explain the mechanism of passivity breakdown in halide solutions but the most common and accepted ones are as follows: a- Penetration theory. b- Flaws and crack/heal theory. c- Localized acidification theory. d- Complex formation theory. 2. Experimental Work: Al – Zn alloy was cut into cylinder shape with (1.2 cm) diameter, and made into electrode by pressing a copper wire into a hole on one side and then insulating all but one side with an epoxy resin. The open side was polished mechanically to a mirror finish, rinsed in distilled water and stored in a desiccator. The analytical composition of alloy was shown in Table (1) which was obtained by chemical analysis in Naser Company. Rana A. Majed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No.4, PP 26-36 (2008) 27 Table 1 The Analytical Compositions of Al-Zn Alloy Which Useful in This Search. Metal Zn Mg Cu Cr Ni Ti Mn Al Wt % 5.70 2.50 1.330 0.22 0.01 0.08 0.06 Bal. The electrochemical glass cell was of the usual type with provision for working electrode (Al-Zn alloy), auxiliary electrode (Pt electrode), and a Luggin capillary for connection with an saturated calomel electrode (reference electrode SCE). The basic solution was 1x10 -3 mol.dm -3 NaOH (obtained by Ferak with M.wt 40 g.mol -1 and purity >99.5%) and distilled water (specific conductivity 1x10 -6 S.m -1 ). To study the effect of chloride ions uses NaCl (obtained by Fluka with M.wt 58.44 g.mol -1 and purity 99.5%) was prepared with seven concentrations (0.01, 0.10, 0.15,0.20,0.25,0.35, and 0.50 mol.dm -3 ). Electrochemical measurements were performed with a potentiostat (Corroscript) which was obtained from Tacussel (France) at a scan rate of 0.3 Volt per minute. The Tafel extrapolation and Linear- polarization techniques are uses to determine the rate of corrosion. The Tafel extrapolation method for determining corrosion rate was used by Wagnar and Traud to verify the mixed-potential theory, the method was shown in figure (1). Tangents to the anodic and cathodic Tafel regions were extrapolated to the point of intersection, from which both the corrosion potentials (Ecorr) and corrosion current density (icorr) were determine using the four-point method [9] cathodic (bc) and anodic (ba) Tafel slopes, transfer coefficients (α), polarization resistances (Rp) together with other data could be derived from the polarization curves by using extrapolation method. Fig.1. Tafel Extrapolation Method. 3. Results and Discussion: Figure (2) represent the polarization curve of Al – Zn alloy in 1x10 -3 NaOH solution (pH=11) in the absence of chloride ions (Cl¯) at 298 K, the section (abc) represented the cathodic polarization region which occur on the metals presumably by migration of electrons through the surface oxide films and subsequent interaction of those electrons with water molecules and dissolved oxygen at the film/solution interface, so the corrosion process is complicated with mass transfer. Corrosion of Al-Zn alloy proceeds similarly by reduction of oxygen and the water molecules will act as the electron acceptor and the rate of corrosion is controlled by the diffusion limited current density for cathodic reduction, the probable reactions are: Al 3+ + 3e → Al O2 + 2H2O + 4e ↔ 4OH¯ H2O + e → 1/2 H2 + OH¯ Thus metals like aluminium and zinc, whose oxides are amphoteric, are thermodynamically unstable in alkaline solutions and will react with water at high pHs with consequent hydrogen evolution and formation of metal anions as shown below: Al + 2H2O → AlOOH + 3/2 H2 Along the section (cde), the metal hydroxide is expected to be formed. The hydroxide soon dissociates into metal oxide (Al2O3) on a surface which behaves as a passive layer (protective film) according to the reaction: Al 3+ + 3H2O → Al2O3 + 6H + The breakdown of passivity began at point (e) and continued along (ef) and this section represent the anodic Tafel region. The presence of Cl¯ effects mainly on anodic polarization. Fig. (3) show the effect addition of 0.01mol.dm -3 Cl¯ on the corrosion behavior, since addition Cl¯ with this concentration penetrates the passive layer but partially destroyed and shifts passive potential (Epass) to more negative values and corrosion current density to lower values. Noble Ecorr Active A p p li e d P o te n ti a l (E ) V o lt icorr Log Current Density Anodic Curve Cathodic Curve Linear Polarization Region Rana A. Majed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No.4, PP 26-36 (2008) 28 Fig.2. Polarization Curve for Corrosion of Al-Zn alloy in 1x10 -3 mol.dm -3 NaOH Solution in the Absence of Chloride Ion at 298K. Fig.3. Polarization Curve for Corrosion of Al-Zn Alloy in 1x10 -3 mol.dm -3 NaOH Solution in the Presence of 0.01 mol.dm -3 Chloride Ion at 298K. Current density (A.cm -2 ) P o te n ti a l (V o lt ) (S C E ) a b c d e f Current density (A.cm -2 ) P o te n ti a l (V o lt ) (S C E ) a b c d e f Rana A. Majed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No.4, PP 26-36 (2008) 29 When add a higher concentration of chloride ion, the passive layer was breakdown and (icorr) value increases with increasing the concentration of Cl¯ in solution as shown in Figs.(4) to (9) where the polarization curve, in general, consist of the cathodic (abc) and anodic (cde) Tafel regions. Fig.4. Polarization Curve for Corrosion of Al-Zn Alloy in 1x10 -3 mol.dm -3 NaOH Solution in the Presence of 0.10 mol.dm -3 Chloride Ion at 298K. Fig.5. Polarization Curve for Corrosion of Al-Zn Alloy in 1x10 -3 mol.dm -3 NaOH Solution in the Presence of 0.15 mol.dm -3 Chloride Ion at 298K. Current density (A.cm -2 ) P o te n ti a l (V o lt ) (S C E ) a b c d e Current density (A.cm -2 ) P o te n ti a l (V o lt ) (S C E ) a b c d e B A Rana A. Majed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No.4, PP 26-36 (2008) 30 Fig.6. Polarization Curve for Corrosion of Al-Zn Alloy in 1x10 -3 mol.dm -3 NaOH Solution in the Presence of 0.20 mol.dm -3 Chloride Ion at 298K. Fig.7. Polarization Curve for Corrosion of Al-Zn Alloy in 1x10 -3 mol.dm -3 NaOH Solution in the Presence of 0.25 mol.dm -3 Chloride Ion at 298K. Current density (A.cm -2 ) P o te n ti a l (V o lt ) (S C E ) a b c d e Current density (A.cm -2 ) P o te n ti a l (V o lt ) (S C E ) a b c d e Rana A. Majed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No.4, PP 26-36 (2008) 31 Fig.8. Polarization Curve for Corrosion of Al-Zn Alloy in 1x10 -3 mol.dm -3 NaOH Solution in the Presence of 0.35 mol.dm -3 Chloride Ion at 298K. Fig.9. Polarization Curve for Corrosion of Al-Zn Alloy in 1x10 -3 mol.dm -3 NaOH Solution in the Presence of 0.50 mol.dm -3 Chloride Ion at 298K. Current density (A.cm -2 ) P o te n ti a l (V o lt ) (S C E ) a b c d e Current density (A.cm -2 ) P o te n ti a l (V o lt ) (S C E ) a c d e b Rana A. Majed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No.4, PP 26-36 (2008) 32 When only hydroxide ions (OH¯) exists in solution (NaOH without additive), aluminium hydroxide Al(OH)3 will be formed and so repairing the passive film on the anode. Moreover the electrolyte at the anode will be replenished again with (OH¯) by migration. But when Cl¯ exists in solution (NaOH with additive), then part of the current will be transported by these ions and since the anode products in alkaline chloride solution is still Al(OH)3, therefore the concentration of chloride ions at the anode will be increased rapidly while the concentration of hydroxide ions decreases to values corresponding to pH values less than (7), solid Al(OH)3 is still formed, but finally the electrolyte becomes so acid that it leads to the formation of soluble anode products rather than solids. This process leads to the breakdown of passivity, the reactions may be given by: Al → Al 3+ + 3e Al + 3H2O ↔ Al(OH)3 + 3H + Under equilibrium condition the rates of production and consuming of protons will be equal. The proton can be consumed by direct reduction: 2H + + 2e ↔ H2 Or by diffusion to the bulk solution: H + (anode) H + (bulk solution) The results of Ecorr, icorr, bc, ba, αc, αa, Rp, and io for Al – Zn alloy in the absence and presence of chloride ions in NaOH solution at four different temperatures have been given in Table (2). From deep analysis of the cathodic and anodic regions of the polarization curves, it was possible to derive data concerning: a- The cathodic (bc) and anodic (ba) Tafel slops. b- The cathodic (αc) and anodic (αa) transfer coefficients. Values of (α) have been calculated from the corresponding values of the Tafel slope (b) using the relation [10,11]: )1...( 303.2  bF RT  where: R: gas constant (8.314 J.mol -1 .K -1 ). T: temperature in Kelvin scale. F: Faraday constant (96500). c- The polarization resistance (Rp) may be defined as [12,13, 14]: )2...( )(    di EEd R corr p where E and Ecorr are the applied corrosion potential (Volt) respectively, I is the current density (A.cm -2 ). For small polarization, one may write approximation [13,14]: )3...( )(    corr corrcorr p i E di EEd R where Ecorr and icorr are the corrosion potential (V) and corrosion current density (A.cm -2 ). The ratio (Ecorr/icorr) thus corresponds to the resistance of the metal/solution interface to charge-transfer reaction. It is also a measure of the resistance of the metal to corrosion in the solution in which the metal is immersed. For low-field polarization [15]: )4...(  o Fi RT i  and )5...(  p ocorr corr R Fi RT i E where η=E-Ecorr and io is the equilibrium exchange current density (A.cm -2 ). The reaction resistance (Rp), which mainly depends upon the equilibrium exchange current density (io) determines what may be termed the polarizability, i.e., what overpotential (η=E-Ecorr) a particular current density needs or produces since: )6...( )( ocorr corrcorr p Fi RT i E di EEd di d R     The polarization resistance (Rp) was also determined in another way from Stern- Geary equation [16,17,18], where: )7...( )(303.2 0           corrca ca i p ibb bb di dE R Diffusion Rana A. Majed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No.4, PP 26-36 (2008) 33 The values of Rp have been calculated from equation (7), which is presented in table (2). The results of Table (2) indicates that the lowest value of (b =0.026 or α=2.4) and the highest value is (b=0.120 or α=0.5). A cathodic Tafel slope of 0.120 (or α=0.5) may be diagnostic of discharge-chemical desorption mechanism for hydrogen evolution reaction of the cathode in which the proton discharge is the rate-determining step. If chemical desorption is the rate- determining step, the rate will then be independent on the overpotential since no charge transfer occur in such step and the rate becomes directly proportional to the concentration or the coverage (θ) of the adsorbed hydrogen atoms, and may occur at coverage ranging from very small values to almost full surface layer formation [19]. Table 2 Values of Corrosion Potential (Ecorr), Corrosion Current Density (icorr), Cathodic and Anodic Tafel Slopes (bc & ba), Cathodic and Anodic Transfer Coefficients (αc & αa), Polarization Resistance (Rp), and Equilibrium Exchange Current Density (io) for Corrosion of Al-Zn Alloy in 1x10 -3 mol.dm -3 NaOH Solution in Absence and Presence of Chloride Ions at Four Different Temperatures. Medium (mol.dm -3 ) T (K) Corrosion b (V.decade -1 ) α Passivity Rp/10 +4 io/10 -6 (A.cm -2 ) -Ecorr (Volt) icorr/10 -6 (A.cm -2 ) -bc +ba αc αa -Epass (Volt) ipass/10 -5 (A.cm -2 ) 1x10 -3 NaOH (pH=11) only 298 1.66 2.916 0.107 - 0.55 - 0.99 0.501 14.910 0.172 303 1.61 3.125 0.100 - 0.60 - 1.20 0.542 13.913 0.187 308 1.56 3.333 0.095 - 0.64 - 1.22 0.581 13.044 0.203 313 1.50 3.750 0.091 - 0.68 - 1.24 0.622 11.594 0.232 pH=11 + 0.01 Cl¯ 298 1.44 0.416 0.061 - 0.97 - 1.21 0.063 104.52 0.024 303 1.39 0.500 0.058 - 1.04 - 1.24 0.071 86.956 0.034 308 1.36 0.541 0.052 - 1.17 - 1.28 0.088 80.366 0.033 313 1.33 0.625 0.042 - 1.45 - 1.30 0.010 69.565 0.002 pH=11 + 0.10 Cl¯ 298 1.39 0.541 0.044 0.120 1.34 0.41 - - 2.584 0.993 303 1.36 0.583 0.034 0.111 1.76 0.55 - - 1.938 1.346 308 1.33 0.625 0.031 0.081 1.97 0.75 - - 1.557 1.703 313 1.31 0.666 0.029 0.062 2.14 1.00 - - 1.288 2.093 pH=11 + 0.15 Cl¯ 298 1.38 0.541 0.054 0.115 1.09 0.51 - - 2.949 0.870 303 1.33 0.583 0.047 0.100 1.27 0.60 - - 2.381 1.096 308 1.32 0.708 0.029 0.071 2.11 0.86 - - 1.262 2.101 313 1.31 0.958 0.026 0.051 2.38 1.21 - - 0.780 3.454 pH=11 + 0.20 Cl¯ 298 1.39 0.666 0.060 0.120 0.98 0.49 - - 2.607 0.984 303 1.37 0.833 0.049 0.093 1.22 0.64 - - 1.672 1.560 308 1.34 0.916 0.042 0.083 1.45 0.73 - - 1.321 2.007 313 1.32 1.416 0.027 0.068 2.29 0.91 - - 0.592 4.550 pH=11 + 0.25 Cl¯ 298 1.39 1.458 0.055 0.100 1.07 0.59 - - 1.056 2.429 303 1.38 2.000 0.049 0.096 1.22 0.62 - - 0.704 3.706 308 1.34 2.083 0.045 0.049 1.35 1.24 - - 0.488 5.426 313 1.33 2.500 0.031 0.036 2.00 1.72 - - 0.289 9.321 pH=11 + 0.35 Cl¯ 298 1.38 1.666 0.052 0.057 1.13 1.03 - - 0.708 3.622 303 1.35 1.875 0.047 0.055 1.27 1.09 - - 0.586 4.447 308 1.33 3.333 0.046 0.050 1.32 1.22 - - 0.312 8.501 313 1.32 3.750 0.042 0.042 1.47 1.47 - - 0.243 11.09 pH=11 + 0.50 Cl¯ 298 1.39 1.875 0.065 0.091 0.91 0.65 - - 0.878 2.923 303 1.38 2.242 0.058 0.081 1.03 0.74 - - 0.654 2.988 308 1.37 3.513 0.051 0.058 1.19 1.05 - - 0.335 7.911 313 1.36 4.445 0.043 0.037 1.44 1.67 - - 0.194 13.88 Rana A. Majed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No.4, PP 26-36 (2008) 34 The expected Tafel slope in such step would then be -0.03V.decade -1 (or =2.0). When electrochemical desorption becomes the rate-determining step for the hydrogen evolution reaction on the cathode, the expected value of bc is -0.05V.decade -1 (or α=1.5). The variation of the cathodic and anodic Tafel slopes or transfer coefficients may be attributed to variation of the rate-determining step in the metals dissolution reaction. Another approach to the problem of the electrochemical corrosion rate measurement is to apply only a small potential difference to the specimen and then measure the current density. The measurement of polarization resistance has very similar requirements to the measurement of full polarization curves and it is particularly useful as a method to rapid identifying corrosion, up-setting and initiating a remedial action[20]. The results of Table (2) indicates that the values of Rp which obtained for the solution at pH=11 and in the (pH=11+0.01 mol.dm -3 Cl¯) system were higher than other media. Generally, the polarization resistance (Rp) in the other media decreases with increasing the concentration of chloride ion in solution because of increases the attack on the bare surface. The higher values of Rp enhanced by presence the passive layer as shown in the polarization curves which attribute to produce aluminium hydroxide Al(OH)3 which transform to protective film (Al2O3) and reduces the expected attack on the surface alloy and lead to more resistance to corrosion as shown in Fig.(2), and to the equilibrium states between Al2O3 and AlCl3 in addition to form Al(OH)3 in (1x10 -3 NaOH + 0.01Cl¯) system as shown in Fig.(3), but when add higher concentrations of Cl¯ there are many soluble complexes to be form according to the following reactions: Al + 3OH¯ → Al(OH)3 + 3e Al(OH)3 + OH¯ → Al(OH)4¯ Al(OH)4¯+ Cl¯ → Al(OH)3Cl¯ + OH¯ Al(OH)3Cl¯+Cl¯ → Al(OH)2Cl2¯ +OH¯ Al(OH)2Cl2¯+Cl¯→ Al(OH)Cl3¯ + OH¯ Al(OH)Cl3¯ + Cl¯ → AlCl4¯ + OH¯ 4. Conclusion: From the present measurements the conclusion indicates that the polarization behavior of Al-Zn alloy in 1x10 -3 mol.dm -3 NaOH solution (pH=11) gives special case in the presence of 1x10 -2 mol.dm -3 Cl¯ and this phenomena may be attributed to occur the equilibrium state between the Al2O3 and AlCl3 in addition to produce Al(OH)3, while the addition of higher concentrations of Cl¯ leads to increase the rate of corrosion of Al-Zn alloy in the basic media. Chloride ion is bonded chemically in the interface as an initial step of the formation of different mixed oxohydroxo- and chloro- complexes according to the following formula[21]: Al[Ox(OH)y(H2O)z]+Cl¯→ Al[Ox(OH)y-1 Cl(H2O)z + OH¯ (AlOOH)4.H2O+ Cl¯→ (AlOOH)3.AlOCl.H2O + OH¯ AlOOH + Cl¯ → AlOCl + OH¯ Al(OH)3 + Cl¯ → Al(OH)2Cl + OH¯ Finally the [AlCl6] 3- complex is produced. The effect of Cl¯ on the polarization curves be more significant in the anodic regions, where can be observe in Figures (5), (6), and (8) anodic polarization observably is marked by two important regions, (A) and (B). The region (A) show a gradual increase in the current density with applied potential [22]. As soon as region (A) is crossed, a sharp rise in the current density is observed. This is characteristic of region (B). The break in the curve is due to the onset of pitting as consequence of breakdown of the oxide layer. But in Figures (4), (7) and (9), decease this phenomena and the increasing in current density is sudden. 5. List of Symbols: b Tafel slope (V.decade-1) E Potential (Volt) F Faraday constant (96500 C.mol-1) i current density (A.cm-2) R gas constant (8.314 J.mol-1.K-1) Rp polarization resistance (Ω.cm-2) T temperature (K) 6. Greek letters: α transfer coefficient η overpotential (Volt) Rana A. 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[22] Zaki A., ANTI-Corrosion, November 1986, P.4-11. 36-26، صفحة 4، اىعذد 4 مجية اىخىارزمي اىهنذسية اىمجيذ رنا عفيف ماجذ (2008) 36 زنل في محيىه هيذرومسيذ -تأثير أيىنات اىنيىريذ عيى سيىك اىتأمو ىسبينة اىمنيىً اىصىديىً عنذ اربع درجات حرارية رنا عفيف ماجذ هناء عرير اىقيسي هنذ باسو األطرقجي انجايؼــت انخكُٕنٕجٛــت /قسـى ُْذسـت انًـٕاد اىخالصـــة ( ΣΔ modulator fractional-N يشسهت باسخؼًال يشكب حشدداث يٍ َٕع GaussianFSK انبحث انٗ حصًٛى ٔيحاكاة ٚٓذف يذٖ انفصم بٍٛ انقُٕاث ،(150kb/s)يٛكا ْشحض، َسبت حذفق انًؼهٕياث ( 900.4 – 869.9) يذٖ انخشدداث انخاسجت: ٔبانًٕاصفاث انخانٛت (500kHz)، حقُٛاث انذٔائش . ْشحض يٍ انخشدد انخاسج10000دٚسبٛم ػُذ (85-)ياٚكشٔ ثاَٛت ٔيسخٕٖ ضٕضاء طٕس٘ 1صيٍ ححٕٚم خٕاص يثم قهت اسخبذاد انقذسة، صغش انحجى ٔ قهت .انحذٚثت ساًْج بشكم فاػم فٙ صٚادة انخكايم نهًشسالث ٔانًسخهًاث الشاساث انشادٕٚ اٌ انخضًٍٛ انًباشش بٕاسطت يشكب انخشدداث يٍ . انكهفت ْٙ انخٙ حؼخبش انًقٛاط انخاص بانخصًٛى ٔانخٙ يٍ خالنٓا ٚخى انحكى ػهٗ اداء انُظاو ٔرنك الٌ ْزِ انطشٚقت حؤيٍ انخٕاص انخٙ َحخاجٓا يثم قهت اسخبذاد انقذسة ٔصغش حى اقخشاحّ فٙ ْزا انبحثΣΔ( Fractional - N)َٕع فٙ دٔسة قفم انطٕس انشقًٙ نهسٛطشة ػهٗ انقًٛت انكسشٚت نًقسى انخشدد ٔبٕاسطخّ ٚخى ٔضؼجΣΔػًهٛت انخضًٍٛ يٍ َٕع . انحجى ٔقهت انكهفت انز٘ حى اسخخذايّ نهحصٕل ػهٗ (Gaussian FSK)َٕع انخضًٍٛ . اصانت انطفٛهٛاث يغ يسخٕٖ طفٛهٛاث اقم ٔيسخٕٖ ضٕضاء طٕس٘ جٛذ انسٛطشة ػٍ بؼذ ، اَظًت االياٌ، اٌ انخطبٛقاث نٓزِ انًشسهت ْٙ قهت كهفت َقم انًؼهٕياث انالسهكٙ. كفاءة طٛفٛت ػانٛت فٙ االشاسة انًضًُت .ٔانؼذاد انالسهكٙ (RF)بٕاسطت اشاساث