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Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4, December, (2020)
P. P. 41- 51
Remote Patient Healthcare Surveillance System Based Real-
Time Vital Signs
Qunoot N. Alsahi* Ali F. Marhoon**
Ali H. Hamad***
*Department of Computer Science/ University of Basrah /Iraq
**Department of Electrical Engineering/ University of Basrah /Iraq
Department of Information and Communication Engineering / Alkhwarizmi College of Engineering / ***
University of Baghdad
(Received 16 August 2020; accepted 20 October 2020)
Today many people suffering from health problems like dysfunction in lungs and cardiac. These
problems often require surveillance and follow up to save patient's health, besides control diseases before
progression. For that, this work has been proposed to design and develop a remote patient surveillance
system, which deals with four vital signs (temperature, SPO�, heart rate, and electrocardiogram ECG).
An adaptive filter has been used to remove any noise from the signal; also, a simple and fast search
algorithm has been designed to find the features of ECG signal such as Q, R, S, and T waves. The
system performs analysis for medical signs that are used to detected abnormal values. The acquire data
from different sensor are sent to the Base-station if it have some medical issues, otherwise new data
window are taken for analysis. In addition, it generates an alarm to the physicians via ringing up mobile
and SMS to overcome the internet disconnected. The system has been designed to achieve precision,
small size, and low energy consumption. Three types of sensors have been used in this work, ECG,
SPO�, and temperature sensors. Also, a sim800L GSM module has been used for communications, the
main controller in this work is ESP32 unit.
Keywords: Remote Healthcare, ECG, SP��, adaptive filter, QRS features, GSM.
1. Introduction
Recently, health issues have increased day
by day in our life, Where chronic diseases
such as (heart disease, lungs, hypertension)
that need continuous monitoring. In addition to
epidemics like (COVID-19, SARS), etc.
constitutes great concerns for people due it
often leads infection transmitted and disease
spread then causing death. So like that cases
need to provide telemedicine concepts
including tracking and real-time monitoring to
health conditions, hence they need frequent
visits to clinics and hospitals[1],[2]. However,
healthcare constitutes an essential and
important part of life. Which require an
attention to the health system and making it
smarter. The traditional health systems
suffering from many issues such as lack of
medical staff and medical equipment, in
Qunoot N. Alsahi Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4, P.P. 41- 51 (2020)
addition to the effort made by physicians and
patients and the cost of money and time. So,
smart healthcare systems prepare means of low
cost and small size to surveillance an
individual's health[3].
ECG measures the rhythm and rate of a
pulse, also introduces indirect proof on the
flowing blood to the heart [4]. Besides, it gives
a perfect picture of the effectiveness and
activity of the individual's heart muscle. Many
abnormalities can be observed as the electrical
signal analyzes each heartbeat. The ECG
signal consists of some basic features such as
P, QRS, and T, where the ECG signal can be
cut into segments are PQ, QRS, and ST-
segment as shown in Fig.1. So, the period of
each segment should be computed to
determine the heart conditions precisely.
Fig. 1. Structure of the ECG signals [14].
In this work, a proposed telemedicine
system monitors the 3-physiological
parameters of the patient's body (ECG, SPO�,
and Temperature). These physiological
parameters are analysed to notify physicians
about any abnormal conditions, besides, these
abnormal states are stored in a system
database. The proposed system uses an alert
system based SIM800L GSM module to
inform the physician about the abnormal status
of patients.
The rest of the paper is organized in the
following sections. In section 2, background
and related works are discussed. In section 3,
proposed system design. In section 4, proposed
system software design. In section 5, result
and discussion. In section 6, conclusion.
2. Related Work
Studies view some papers for healthcare
systems. In 2016, Hossein and Shaikhan [5]
proposed an android application to monitor the
patient's health and medical-application to
show the patient's information based on NFC
tags, and it utilized a web server to store
patients data. In 2017 kale et al [6], proposed a
system aimed to monitor the patient outside
the hospital in a cost-effective manner. The
system handles two vital signs (heart rate,
temperature) besides track patient activity via
an acceleration sensor. Also in 2017 Kaur and
Jasuja [7] proposed a system looking for heart
rate and temperature using raspberry pi and
IoT platform, but it focuses on the cost and
accuracy and discards real visualize of
patient's health that requires more vital signs
such as(respiratory rate and regularity ECG
signal, etc.). In 2017, Alamelu and Mythili [8],
designed the Internet of Health Thing
architecture (IoHT) for a healthcare system
that used wireless sensor networks in IoT
environment for a health monitoring system.
The system consists of a source node that acts
as a sensor node and a sink node represent in
Personal Digital Assistants PDA. The
weakness in this work is the energy
consumption of health monitoring
applications. In 2018, Mehmet Taştan [9]
proposed a system to handle heart rate
variability and temperature besides, a real-time
location of the patient. The system sends E-
mail notification if the values exceeded normal
conditions, this work dependent on the internet
Qunoot N. Alsahi Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4, P.P. 41- 51 (2020)
in alarm. Also In 2019, Shaown et al [10]
designed a system that is frequently
monitoring the ECG signal by using wearable
sensors. Where it notifies the users and
physicians via Email when found any
malformation in ECG which makes [9], [10]
useless in case of internet disconnect. In 2019,
Tamura [11], proposed a system to monitor
blood pressure depended on the IoT platform
to facilitate home-based healthcare. Also in
2020, Acharya and Patil [12], proposed a
system to monitor the vital signs of people to
predict their health using Arduino UNO and
raspberry pi.
3. Proposed System Design
Generally, the proposed system is smart
enough to collect vital signs from patient's
body and analyzed it to predict when
abnormalities occur, then alert physicians and
opened a connection to send data to the Base-
station to save it in patient's medical record.
Basically, the proposed system composes of
three layers that are sense layer, transport
layer, and application layer as shown in Fig.2
Sensing layer: consists of a wearable wireless
body area sensor network that responsible for
data collection from the patient's body then
send to be processed and analyzed in the
processing unit (ESP32).
Transport layer: represented by the
communication protocols (HTTP) that is
responsible for the connection between the
patient side and the server-side.
Application layer: this layer responsible for
the system data view process. This layer is
represented by the web application, which
allows physicians to access and view the
health conditions of their patients.
Fig. 2 General architecture of the healthcare system
Fig. 3 (a) Patient-Node schematic diagram, (b) Patient-Node hardware design.
Qunoot N. Alsahi Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4, P.P. 41- 51 (2020)
The system consists of hardware and
software that works and interacts in
synchronized with each other.
1) Patient-node: the patient node
composes of many units that are connected to
achieve the system-required tasks. Fig.3 shows
a patient unit schematic diagram, these units
consist of:
1.1 Sensing-Unit (WBSN): this unit consists of
several sensors that form Wearable Body Area
Sensor Network (WBASN). This sensor
network attaches to the patient's body to gather
the physical parameters (ECG, SPO_2, and
Temperature). This sensor network should be
configured with a microcontroller to control the
network jobs.
1.1.1 Heart Respond Measurement: The
AD8232 ECG monitoring sensor utilized in this
work is connected with the ESP32
microcontroller through an Analog-to-Digital
Converter (ADC). It has 3-leads (RA: Right
arm, LA: left arm, LL: Left leg) that are fixed
on the various points of the human torso as
shown in Fig. 4. The ECG signal processing
passes via three stages shows in Fig. 5:
Fig. 4 (a) Proper placement of the electrodes, (b) ECG sensor.
Fig. 5. ECG signal-processing stages.
In the Pre-Processing stage, the digital
value of the built-in ADC (Successive
Approximation Register 12 bit type) in ESP32
microcontroller is calibrated into its original
values. The following formula is used to
the digital code into a millivolt values [13].
ECG signal in mV �
���� ���������� �������∗��� ���� �! �"
#$ �
%DC sensitivity �
��� .$/
0011 .+
Where ADC output= ECG data in digital form,
ADC offset = 2060, and Gain =100.
.b In the Filtering stage, an adaptive filter
is applied to eliminate several forms of noise
that distorting the shape and features of the
signal [13].
ecg_adp (nT) =α* ecg_adp (nT-T) + (1-α)*
ecg _raw (nT) … (3)
Where ecg_raw (nT) is the current value of
ECG signal.
ecg_adp (nT) is the filtered ECG signal.
n = 1 ……….∞.
α is the balance coefficient (default is 0.95).
c. In the Feature Extraction stage, a search
algorithm is applied to detect ECG signal
features[13]. The basic principle of the
algorithm is based on a threshold value where
the upper threshold used to find R-peak while
lower threshold are used to find S-peak as
shown in Fig.4 The following formulas are
used to find thresholds:
R_threshold = (max data in 1000 sample/2)
S_threshold = (min data in 1000 sample/2)
Qunoot N. Alsahi Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4, P.P. 41- 51 (2020)
Fig. 6. Upper and lower threshold in ECG signal.
Then, applying a searching algorithm to find
R-Peaks that satisfy the threshold of R-peak for
1000 samples of ECG data. According to the
index of R-peak, the rest (P, Q, S, T) features
are obtained such that: Q-Peak present at 10
points before R-Peaks and S-Peak at 10 points
after R-Peak, so the search algorithm applies at
the window of index[R-15] to [R] to find Q-
Peak and index[R] to[R+١٥] to find S-Peak,
hence QRS complex could be found. While P-
peak and T-Peak present at 100 points of index
R-Peak, then applying search routine at
index[R-100] to [R -25] for finding P-Peak
occurred before R-Peak and for finding T-Peak
occurred after R-Peak applies search algorithm
at index of [R+100] to [R+25]. Then the
intervals of PR, QRS, and QTC are calculated,
in addition to a heart rate that calculates from
equation [14]
HR = Fs*60/ RR interval …(6)
Where HR is the heart rate, Fs = 200Hz is
the sampling rate, and RR is the average RR
intervals. Thus, if any of these parameters
exceed the allowable values (normal value)
classified as abnormal conditions by the system
as shown in Table 1.
Table 1,
Normal values of the medical parameters.
Normal value
Heart rate (HR) 60 – 100 pbm
PR intervals 120 – 200 m sec.
QRS duration 80 – 100 m sec.
QTc 390 – 450 m sec.
Temperature 36 5
SP67 94 - 100%
1.1.2 Oxygen saturation monitoring: Blood
oxygen (SP67) is the mean percentage of
oxygen (67) that must be carried in the blood,
where the normal values are in the range of (94
– 100) [14]. So it is important to measure the
amount of 67 in the blood, since the raising or
lowering ratio of 67 causes several diseases, for
instance, an increase in 67 concentrations
causes some cases of poisoning, and this is due
to a defect in some vital signs of the lungs.
Where the SP67 can be measured using the
Max30100 sensor as shown in Fig. , which is
attached to the fingertip, and can be wired with
the microcontroller via an 879 protocol (SDA
and SCL pins). So when the sensor reading the
SP67 value less than 90 or more than 100, the
system classifies these reads as abnormal values.
Fig. 7. SP:7 sensor.
Qunoot N. Alsahi Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4, P.P. 41- 51 (2020)
1.1.3 Body temperature measurement:
Temperature is one of the essential vital signs
that aid in defining the health issues of the body
vital functions. To measure the temperature
there are four ways are Axillary, Oral,
Tympanic, and Rectal [17,18]. In this work, the
MAX6675 sensor is utilized to measure the
temperature see Fig.8, which is connected with
microcontroller via SPI protocol (SCK, CS,
SO). The normal value of the human body
temperature is 36 5, so when the sensor reading
temperature less than 36 5 or more than 37.5
5, then it will be classified as an abnormal
value by the system.
Fig. 8. Temperature sensor.
1.2 Processing-Unit (ESP32)
The embedded system that is used in the
proposed system relies on a mini-board
named the microcontrollers, which includes
memory, processing units, and Input/ Output
pin [17]. The microcontroller that is utilized
in our work is ESP32; it is an open-source
environment based on easy to utilize software
and hardware [18]. ESP32 can be
programmed via sending the instructions to
the microcontroller to be stored in the
memory. The ESP32 has two type of
communication technologies, which are
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi (which has been used in
this work)
1.3 Alarm-Unit
This unit is an important and essential
issue in the proposed healthcare system due
to its usefulness in the alerting process of
abnormal conditions. It mainly consists of
GSM that is used to alerting physicians in the
manner of calling and SMS that includes all
vital parameters, containing an abnormal
value. In this sense, the physician gets alert
via call and SMS in real-time, anytime, and
anywhere. The GSM SIM800L model
utilized in our system and can be wired with
ESP32 via the serial port as shown in Fig.9.
Fig. 9. SIM800L module.
2) Base- Station: Base-station
coordinates the job of each part inside the
proposed system. This part represents the
intermediate node that connects all parts of the
system see Fig. 2 .A Raspberry pi has been
used as the main server, which is responsible
for storing patients' node data in the hospital
data centres, where it communicates with a
patient's node through HTTP protocol. When
abnormal conditions occurred, the patient node
will send data to the Base-station to notify the
physician via ringing his mobile, and then he
requests the page that view vital signs of the
patient from the server.
4. Proposed System Software Design
The proposed system software design is
represented by Algorithm 1 where different
sensors data are collected by patient-node which
is wears by the patient himself, then process
these data by the ESP32 unit to check if it is a
normal or abnormal data as shown in Table1. If
any abnormality occurs an alert message would
be sent to the physician responsible to that
patient. Algorithm 1 represents the details for
the ECG signal since it considers the most
important signal in the system.
Qunoot N. Alsahi Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4, P.P. 41- 51 (2020)
Algorithm 1
Connected Wi-Fi
Read data from different sensors
according to sampling rate (for each
Read 1000 sample of ecg signal;
Call a routine to analyzed ecg signa;,
Find ecg features P, QRS, and T
Compute heart rate;
If (all vital signs == normal)
status = abnormal;
Else status = normal;
If (status == abnormal) :
Alert doctor by ringing up his
mobile and send SMS contain
medical data value.
Establish a connection and
upload packet to Base-Station
(Server)-show abnormal data in
the web page.
Discard the data packet
5. Results and Discussion
The developed prototype healthcare
monitoring system has trends to be an effective
and practical medical tool in most of the modes
and conditions. This system allows monitoring
the electrical activity of the heart and analyzed
it. Fig. 8, Fig.10 (a) shows the raw data signal
obtained from healthy personal, while 10 (b)
shows the recorded signal after filtering the
noise. The system records the window of ECG
signal with 5 sec that is sufficient to record more
than one pulse, and then check each pulse in this
window to make a decision, which enhances the
accuracy and response time of the proposed
system. In order to give a chance for the
physicians to diagnose heart diseases more
precisely during real-time remote monitoring.
The ECG recorded signal is provided to the
physicians is essential to diagnoses in the ECG
frame rather than depending only on the heart
rate. Besides, provides essential vital signs like
temperature and SPO� see Fig.11. Where
providing this information in anytime-anywhere
in the world, so it used the web page to achieve
this aim. After collecting data from the patient’s
body, the system has been analysed and
diagnosed whether they are abnormal conditions
as shown in Table 2, where it makes a calls the
doctor to inform him that there are emergency
conditions. This alert is made using GSM
technology in order to overcome the problem of
internet disconnection. The abnormal data are
transferred to the base-station (main server) to
be stored using the HTTP protocol (server-client
scheme). This analysing process is
accomplished locally (patient's node), which
reduces the communication time with the server
that reduces the power consumed.
Qunoot N. Alsahi Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4, P.P. 41- 51 (2020)
Fig. 10. (a) ECG signal before the filtering process. (b) ECG signal after applying filter and Feature
Fig. 11 Web-page of vital arameters.
Table 2,
Experimental results of real persons.
The proposed system has been used practically
in real-time with different patients with
different status such elderly people, chronic
diseases, infectious, and critical conditions
(emergency). Table 3. shows different
hardware used with their power consumption.
Normal 60-
100 bpm
Normal 94-
Normal 36 C̊
Gender Age ID
Normal 73 95.60 36.10 Mail 25 1
Normal 65 97.50 36.03 Female 20 2
Abnormal 75 93.50 36.40 Female 42 3
Normal 68 99.00 36.50 Mail 46 4
Abnormal 86 96.05 38.00 Female 55 5
Normal 78 98.20 36.50 Mail 63 6
Qunoot N. Alsahi Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4, P.P. 41- 51 (2020)
Table 3,
Power consumption of hardware design [18],[19].
6. Conclusion
This work is an improvement of most
existing health surveillance systems, where the
designed system considers aspects of precision,
size, energy consumption, and limited resource
in health centres. The system has been designed
to transition to smart systems to provide medical
services better than the traditional form and to
preserve the lives of people. As well as to
reduce death rates because of delays in
providing medical services or discovering
diseases and its access to stages advanced. The
system is smart enough to collect the vital signs
from the patient's body and analysed to detect
the abnormal condition (emergency). Hence, it
can be deciding to alert physicians and
transferring data to the server to enable the
physicians to assess the patient's condition. The
physicians can access the abnormal conditions
via a designed web page for this purpose.
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