امنة Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP1-16 (2011) Path Planning Control for Mobile Robot Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib Amenah A.H. Salih Department of Mechatronics Engineering/ Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering/University of Baghdad Email:dr-nabeelalsahib@hotmal.com (Received 16 February 2011; Accepted 20September 2011) Abstract Autonomous motion planning is important area of robotics research. This type of planning relieves human operator from tedious job of motion planning. This reduces the possibility of human error and increase efficiency of whole process. This research presents a new algorithm to plan path for autonomous mobile robot based on image processing techniques by using wireless camera that provides the desired image for the unknown environment . The proposed algorithm is applied on this image to obtain a optimal path for the robot. It is based on the observation and analysis of the obstacles that lying in the straight path between the start and the goal point by detecting these obstacles, analyzing and studying their shapes, positions and points of intersection with the straight path to find the nearly optimal path which connects the start and the goal point. This work has theoretical part and experimental part. The theoretical part includes building a MATLAB program which is applied to environment image to find the nearly optimal path .MATLAB - C++.NET interface is accomplished then to supply the path information for C++.NET program which is done for programming the pioneer mobile robot to achieve the desired path. The experimental part includes using wireless camera that takes an image for the environment and send it to the computer which processes this image and sends ( by wireless connection ) the resulted path information to robot which programmed in C++.NET program to walk according to this path. So, the overall system can be represented by: Wireless camera – computer – wireless connection for the mobile robot . The experimental work including some experiments shows that the developed mobile robot (pioneer p3-dx ) travels successfully from the start point and reach the goal point across the optimal path (according to time and power) which is obtained as result of the proposed path planning algorithm introduced in this paper. Keywords:Path planning algorithms, Pioneer P3-DX mobile robot, Image processing, Minimum time and power. 1. Introduction Mobile robots must know where they are and specify a suitable path to the goal to navigate reliably in indoor environments; this is the task of navigation and path planning to enable the robot to reach the goal point with optimal path without any knowledge about the environment, by using wireless camera as feedback sensor. So it is obvious that an efficient control of the mobile robot needs: • A local level based completely on the information of different sensors covering the close circle of the robot. • A high-level for path planning using a global description of the world with possibly incomplete and/or imperfect knowledge. This allows having a safe navigation to modulate continuously the path and eventually to update the map. This work deals with global path planning in which the robot is sent to completely unknown environment (unknown environment's dimensions, obstacle's shape, position and dimension, number of obstacles, distribution of obstacles or any other information), and as soon as the robot reachs to this environment, a wireless camera will send it information as an image by wireless connection to mailto:Email:dr-nabeelalsahib@hotmal.com Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 1 -16 (2011) 2 computer, the computer finds the required path and the information of this path will send to the robot to do it's task to reach the goal point in an approximately optimal path [1]. 2. Pioneer Mobile Robot The platform used in work is Pioneer3 DX which is a family of two wheels mobile robots, the newest Pioneer3 DX is used for university research and the platform shares a common architecture and foundation with all other MOBILE ROBOT platforms including AmigoBot™, PeopleBot™ V1, Performance PeopleBot™ and PowerBot™ mobile robots. The robot is built completely with a strong aluminum body; a balanced drive system (two- wheel differential with free caster wheel), reversible DC motors, motor-control and drive electronics, high-resolution motion encoders, and battery power, all are managed by an onboard microcontroller and mobile-robot server software. The software includes foundation Advanced Robotics Interface for Applications (ARIA) and AR Networking Pioneer3 robot has a variety of expansion power and I/O ports for attachment and close integration of a client PC, sensors, and a variety of accessories, all are accessible through a common application interface to the robot’s server software [2]. The mobile platform robot (Pioneer3 DX) used is shown in figure (1). Fig.1. Pioneer Mobile Robot [2]. 3. OAC Path Planning Algorithm This work present an algorithm for planning the path for the robot which is based on detailed analysis and observation of the obstacles lying in the supposed straight line path between start and goal point. When the robot detect on obstacle in its straight direction, the path will be out of this direction and it tends to turn around the obstacle (either clockwise or counterclockwise) until it reach the straight direction again. The phenomena that the path follows it to achieve this movement result from observing the obstacle shape, its dimensions and the points of intersection with straight direction that connects start and goal point. This comes from detailed analysis for these obstacles and all possible cases of intersection that could be found the upper and lower forms of paths. This phenomenon is based on the observation, analysis and conclusion, we can call the algorithm proposed here and which depends on the principles the observation, analysis and conclusion based algorithms. For this reason this algorithm can be called (OAC) algorithm according to the first letters of its principles. 4. OAC Algorithm Explanation and Definition In this research, it is intendended to find the optimal or nearly optimal path that connects the start and goal point without collision with the obstacles which are found in its direction .If we suppose that there is no obstacle in the straight direction between the start and goal points the path will be purely straight line as shown in fig. (2-a). If an obstacle is located between the start and goal points, it will intersect with this straight line. At this point this straight path must change its direction in order to avoid collision with the obstacle, this is done by making the path turning around the obstacle (adjacently with edges either clockwise or counter clockwise) until it exceeds the obstacle and return again to its straight direction towards the goal point , this behavior is always repeated with any other obstacle located an its straight direction . Finally two paths resulted from this behavior: - The upper path : is the path that resulted as a combination between two merged paths, the first one is represented by a straight line (in the no- obstacle area) and the other represents the surrounded part of the path that is surrounding the obstacles in clockwise manner as shown in figure(2-b). Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 1 -16 (2011) 3 - The lower path : is the path resulted as a combination between two merged paths, the first one is represented by a straight line (in the no- obstacle area) and the other represents the surrounded part of the path that is surrounding the obstacles (in the area that contains obstacles) in counter clockwise manner as shown in fig. (2-c ). (a) The supposed straight line b) The upper path (c) The lower path (d) Modified upper path (e) Intermediate Lower (f) Modified Lower Path Path Fig .2. All the Possible Paths. Note: Red point represents the start point. Blue point represents the goal point. Black rectangular represents the obstacle. Red area represents the clearance (Explained later). Yellow circle represents the robot radius. As shown in figures (2-b, c), the upper and lower paths are not the optimal path. In order to find the optimal path, we follow the following steps: • Categorize the indiviual lines that form the upper and lower paths into two groups: Group A: it is the group of all segments (individual lines) of the upper or lower path found from straight line equation (the parts of the path in space or for obstacles area). Group B: it is the gr oup of a ll segments (individual lines) of the upper or lower path forming a surrounded path around the obstacles. • Finding the Resultant: If any line from group A is followed by a line (or successive lines) from group B, they will be replaced by the resultant of them. In opposite, if any line (or successive lines) from group B is followed by any line from the group A, they will be replaced by the resultant of them. • Finding Tested path: it is the path that results from finding successive resultants for each n- line (from the upper or lower paths), so the tested path is combined from these individual resultants. This path is called according to (OAC) algorithm the tested path because it must submit to a specific test to judge if it is the optimal ,nearly optimal or not. An important condition must be satisfied when finding each individual resultant that it must be checked (according to environment's image), if there is an obstacle intersects with it on or not. The specific test is summarized in the following stages: • If there is an obstacle in the direction of the resultant, this resultant must resolved to its original components, these components are recognized as forbidden lines (referring to its inability to be replaced with its resultant). • If the direction of this resultant is free- obstacle this resultant is kept and takes its position in the tested path and it is known as unforbidden lines. • The resulted path from step 1 and 2 can be retested again by finding the resultant for only unforbidden lines (while keeping forbidden lines). • Step 3 continues until there is no resultant to be found (mostly this occurs one or two times). Finally, we will get two new paths, the first resulted from the upper path which is called modified upper path and the other resulted from the lower path which is called modified lower path. These two paths with addition to original upper and lower path and all the resulted intermediate paths are examined and the results of the examination are compared with each other in order to determine the optimal path. Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 1 -16 (2011) 4 For example, the upper and the lower paths which are shown in fig. (2-b, c) are submitted to the previous test. So, the upper path will converted into modified upper path as shown in fig. (3-d) and the lower path will be converted into intermediate lower path and then into amodified lower path as shown in fig.( 2-e,f). 5. The Specific Examination for Finding Optimal Path The following examination is done on all the resulted paths from (OAC) in order to find the optimal path which is accomplished by checking all the resulted paths with respect to: ß Length of each path: The length of the path is considered an important factor in determining the best path because the robot will consume less time to reach the goal point when the path is shorter. ß Number of segments: The number of segments of the resulted path is associated with number of turns that the robot must do to access the desired path. It is considered an important factor in finding the best path because the robot's motors will consume less power to reach the goal point when the path contains less number of segments, because it requires less number of turning to change its direction to follow the next segment direction. 5.1 Clearance Factor (C) It is worth mentioning that the size of the obstacles which are submitted to (OAC) algorithm is larger than their actual size because a factor which is called clearance factor is added to their dimensions in order to prevent the robot from penetrating the obstacles or being in contact with them. The clearance ( c ) is: c =R + t + s where: R = radiuas of the plateform robot . t = thickness of the wheels of the robot. s = safety factor . 5.1.1 The Effective Role for Factor (S) Factor ( s ) is assumed by ( OAC ) algorithm in order to ensure that the robot when it is turning around the obstacle to follow the specific planned path, it will never penetrate the obstacles or be in contact with their edges, so it must be added to the obstacle's dimensions. The value of this factor is free and is left for the programmer of the robot who decides this value with respect to the environment, robot dimensions, the obstacles' dimensions and their distribution within the environment which the robot must navigate within it. According to the properties of the environment, pioneer mobile robot and the obstacles which are used in this experimental work, the value of factor ( s ) ranging ( from 5 to 10 cm) and this is considered its normal value in most of other cases. The free selection of the factor ( s ) value gives it an importance which clearly appeared in some complex environments that contain large number of close obstacles. This type of environments is called crowded environments. In this environments the distances between the obstacles are enough for the robot to navigate between them according to the planned paths, but these paths are not practical, because they have large number of curves and large length as shown in figures ( 3 – a ,b). So, with clever selection of factor ( s ), we can conclude these distance and merge these obstacles with each other to form a single irregular obstacle which can be regulated ( by converting it into single rectangular obstacle ) and then this obstacle is submitted to ( OAC ) algorithm to find the optimal path as shown in figure ( 3.c) . (a) Modified upper path (b) Modified lower path for small s for small s (c) Optimal path for large s Fig.3. Crowded Environment. Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 1 -16 (2011) 5 6. Obstacle Regulation To make the (OAC) algorithm capable of being applied for all obstacles, it is suggested that their shapes must be converted into regular shapes (it is a supposed term that refer to the specific shape which can be submitted to (OAC) algorithm which is the rectangular shape only while all other shapes such as atriangle is considered irregular shape), so any other shape must be converted into a rectangular shape. We regulate the obstacle's shape by building a MATLAB subprogram which is part of (OAC) algorithm. 7. MRL and MRS As explained previously, the (OAC) algorithm gives us a number of paths. The modified upper and the modified lower path (the optimal path is one of them) are resulted from achieve modifications on the upper and lower paths respectively. This modification is done either in the lengths of these paths or on the number of the individual lines (segments) which form them. We suggest two formulas to find the value of these modifications for each case study: Modification rate with respect to path length (MRL); (MRL) = %100* lengthpath Largest length path smallest -lengthpath Largest Modification rate with respect to no. of segment (MRS); (MRS)= %100* segment of no.path Largest segment of no.path smallest -segment of no.path Largest 8. OAC Flow Chart Figure (4) shows the flowchart of both MATLAB and C++.NET programs to implement OAC algorithm with all the required details. Start Robot initialization Read mobile robot start point ( x1, y1) Input goal point (xg, yg) Read environment's image received from wireless camera in color representation Convert the coulured image to gray scale image and then to binary image ( 0,1) matrix Remove noise from the resulted image using median filter Detect all the obstacles in the environment Examine all the obstacles' shapes M Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 1 -16 (2011) 6 Fig.4. The Program Flowchart. Figure (4) Continued 9. Simulation and Experimental Work The work in this paper can be divided into two parts: • Simulation: It enables us to see the original image, the processed image, the (OAC) algorithm steps and all the resulted paths .This is accomplished by MATLAB program. • Experimental work: This part include the programming of the robot with C++.NET program by wireless connection in order to reach the goal point according to optimal path. M Are the obstacles' shapes regular? Adding a border = clearance (c) around all the obstacles Regulate it No Ye s Select it as the modified upper and lower path N Find the upper and lower path Can be modified? Find the intermediate upper path Can be modified ? No Yes Yes No N Select the optimal path with respect to time and power Upload the resulted optimal path to C++ .net program by MATLAB/ C++.net interface C++ .net program send the robot to reach the goal point according to the optimal path by wireless connection Is the robot reached the goal point? End No Yes Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 1 -16 (2011) 7 9.1. Simulation Using MATLAB In order to get a complete the image about the overall work, and be able to see all the results before the order is being sent to robot, the process can be simulated so that we can see the original environment's image, the noised image, the converting steps of this image, the filtered image, the OAC algorithm steps and all the resulted paths and the optimal path. MATLAB program which is built in order to achieve image processing and the (OAC) algorithm steps can also be used as a simulation tool to display all the above information to be clear for the programmer. This is considered important requirement to enable the programmer to see the results, to modify the program if required and to explore the error if it is found and determine in which stage of the process it happened. 9.2. Experimental Work The (OAC) algorithm required the environment's image to be processed to and find the optimal path instantaneously. This required a camera as shown in figure (5) ready in any moment to offer the image of environment. For this purpose a wireless camera is used here to accomplish this task. After the image is sent to MATLAB program (by camera – computer wireless connection) and as soon as the approximately optimal path is found, the path information is processed by the built C++.NET program in order to program move according to this path until it reach the goal point without collision with obstacles found on its way . This task represents the experimental side of this work. Fig.5. Wireless Camera. In work, we use this camera by fixing it above any unknown environment, with a suitable height that offer the required image requirement and cover nearly all the area of the work which is nearly (2.4 m x 3.2 m) square area. The wireless camera is suited above the environment by using aluminum bar with length of (4 meter) as shown in figure (6) and the group is fixed on height of (5 meter). Fig.6. Modeling Camera – Aluminum Bar Connection. 9.3. Model Environment The environment is chosen to be a rectangular area with dimensions (2.4 m x 3.2 m) depending on the wireless camera specification .The group of environment, wireless camera, pioneer mobile robot and obstacles can be modeled as in figure (7). Fig.7. Model Environment. Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 1 -16 (2011) 8 10. Path Planning Cases Studies A number of experiments were carried out (see table 1) as shown in figures (8-16), to test the ability of the mobile robot to reach its goal with approximately optimal path found according to (OAC) algorithm. These experiments, represented by the cases studies explained in the next section, are done depending on the built MATLAB program to find the optimal paths and then these results are transferred by MATLAB – C++.NET Interface to the C++.NET program in order to program the pioneer mobile robot to take this path through its navigation from the start point to reach the goal point. Table 1, Different Cases Studies Fig.8. Case Study 1 Fig.9. Case Study 2 Fig.10. Case Study 3 Fig.11. Case Study 4 Fig.12. Case Study 5 Fig.13. Case Study 6 Fig.14. Case Study 7 Fig.15. Case Study 8 Fig.16. Case Study 9 Description Case Study Index An environment with single obstacle Case study 1 1 An environment with two obstacles Case study 2 2 An environment with two irregular obstacles Case study 3 3 An environment with three obstacles Case study 4 4 An environment with three obstacles / for different start and goal points Case study 5 5 An environment with three obstacles including irregular shapes Case study 6 6 An environment with four obstacles Case study 7 7 An environment with six obstacles Case study 8 8 An environment with crowded obstacles Case study 9 9 Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 1 -16 (2011) 9 One of these case studies (case study 6) will be explained in details as follow: 11. An Environment with Three Obstacles Including Irregular Shapes The environment which is shown in figure (17) of dimensions (2.4m X 3.2m) contains three obstacles one of them is regular (rectangular 20 cm X 30 cm in area) and the others are irregular (triangle shape is considered irregular according to OAC algorithm principles of 20 cm height and 30 cm base), the start and goal point are (437, 53) and (159, 465) respectively. This image is sent by wireless connection to the MATLAB program to apply OAC algorithm on it, so the results are as follows: • Convert this colored image into a gray scale image as shown in figure (18). • Convert this grayscale image into binary image (0, 1 representation) by selecting suitable threshold as shown in figure (19), note that the image is noised with pepper noise. • Remov noise from the image and regulate the obstacle's shape. Since the image is highly contemplating with noise it is required to be applied to the filter twice in order to remove the noise completely as shown in figure (20). • Add a border of thickness = c = 67 pixels (as previously explained in chapter 3) to ensure that the robot will not be in contact with any obstacle through its navigation according to the specified path as shown in figure (21). • Detect the obstacle edges by building programming steps to find it as shown in figure (22). • Find the upper path, note that the path is at a distance = c (represented by red color) from the obstacle in order to prevent the robot to touch obstacle and to enable it to move according to its path freely. From this path the intermediate and modified upper path are found as shown in figure (23). • Find the upper path, note that the path is at a distance = c (represented by red color) from the obstacle in order to prevent the robot from touching the obstacle and to enable it to move according to its path freely. From this path the intermediate and modified upper path are found as shown in figure (23). Fig.17. the Environment Fig.18. The gray Scale Image Image Fig.19.Binary Image Fig.20.The Filtered and Regulated Image Fig.21. The Resulted Fig.22. Detect the Image After Adding Edges of Obstacle a Border = c Fig.23. The All Resulted Paths According to OAC Algorithm. Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 1 -16 (2011) 10 As shown, five paths resulted in this case study and according to the criteria of determining the optimal path with respect to (OAC) algorithm the optimal path is the modified lower path because it is the smallest one in length and in number of segments, see table (1). The above results represent the MATLAB simulation of this case. When the optimal path is sent for pioneer mobile robot, it successfully reaches the goal point without collision with any obstacle in the area as shown in figure (24). Fig.24. The Robot Navigation According to the Optimal Path 12. Results and Discussion The results were for different cases by taking different images and comparing between the behavior of path and navigation of the robot in unknown environment, changing obstacles number and positions and their effectiveness on the resulted paths (specially the optimal path), time required and power consumed for each path. The experimental work includes the following specifications: 1. The motion along the straight segments with constant speed (zero acceleration). This constant speed is 0.375 m / sec. 2. The motion at turning parts of the path with constant acceleration which is 0.1875 m / sec 2 . 3. Radius of drive wheels r = 8.25 cm = 0.0825 m. 4. Robot width b = 425 mm = 0.425m. 5. Robot mass m = 9 Kg. 6. No-load speed V max = 24.7 m/sec. 7. The connection type is a wireless Ethernet-to- serial * is connected directly to robot’s microcontroller; it works by automatically translating network-based Ethernet packet communications TCP/IP into streaming serial for the robot microcontroller and back again. 8. Battery = 12 volt. According to (OAC) algorithm the table of results for all cases studies is shown in table (2) and the optimal paths for all cases studies are shown in table (3). Table 2, Resulted for All Cases Studies in Details Case study No. of paths Resulted path total length cm Time sec No. of segment K.E Joul Case study 1 1 Upper path 244 9.5 4 0.563K 2 Modified upper path 240* 7.5 2 * 0.1875 K 3 Lower path 423 16.28 6 0.938 K 4 Intermediate lower path 320 11.53 4 0.563 K 5 Modified lower path 308 10.2 3 0.375 K Case study 2 1 Upper path 304 14.11 7 1.125 K 2 Modified upper path 276 * 9.36 3 * 0.375 K 3 Lower path 628 26.75 11 1.875 K 4 Intermediate lower path 412 16 6 0.938 K 5 Modified lower path 356 12.5 4 0.563 K Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 1 -16 (2011) 11 Case study 3 1 Straight line path 252 6.72 1 zero K Case study 4 / a 1 Upper path 252 10.72 5 0.75 K 2 Modified upper path 200 7.33 3* 0.375 K 3 Lower path 220 9.86 5 0.75 K 4 Modified lower path 184* 7 3* 0.375 K Case study 4 / b 1 Upper path 384 18.24 9 1.5 K 2 Intermediate upper path 304 14.1 7 1.125 K 3 Modified upper path 278 10.25 4 0.563 K 4 Lower path 764 28.4 9 1.5 K 5 1'st intermediate lower path 304 12.1 5 0.75 K 6 2'nd intermediate lower path 280 10.46 4 0.563 K 7 Modified lower path 276* 9.36 3* 0.375 K Case study5 /a 1 Upper path 212 9.65 5 0.75 K 2 Modified upper path 180 * 6.8 3* 0.375 K 3 Lower path 220 9.87 5 0.75 K 4 Modified lower path 188 7 3* 0.375 K Case study5 /b 1 Upper path 192 9.12 5 0.75 K 2 Modified upper path 160 * 6.27 3* 0.375 K 3 Lower path 192 9.12 5 0.75 K 4 Modified lower path 160 * 6.27 3* 0.375 K Case study5 /c 1 Upper path 284 11.57 5 0.75 K 2 Modified upper path 236 8.3 3 0.375 K 3 Lower path 260 11 5 0.75 K 4 Intermediate lower path 224 9 3 0.375 K 5 Modified lower path 200 * 6.34 2 * 0.1875 K Case study5 /d 1 Lower path 384 17.24 8 1.3125 K 2 Modified lower path 328 * 11.75 4 * 0.563 K 3 Upper path 512 22.65 10 1.688 K 4 Intermediate upper path 424 16.31 6 0.938 K 5 Modified upper path 356 12.5 4 * 0.563 K Case study6 / a 1 Upper path 396 15.56 6 0.938 K 2 Intermediate upper path 312 11.32 4 0.563 K 3 Modified upper path 300 9 2 * 0.1875 K 4 Lower path 280 10.47 4 0.563 K 5 Modified lower path 260 * 8 2 * 0.1875 K Case study6 /b 1 Upper path 592 23.79 9 1.5 K 2 Intermediate upper path 420 15.2 5 0.75 K 3 Modified upper path 396 * 12.56 3 * 0.375 K 4 Lower path 604 24.11 9 1.5 K 5 Modified lower path 528 20.1 7 1.125 K Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 1 -16 (2011) 12 Note : the star sign refers to the optimal selection. Table 3. Optimal Path Information for All Cases Studies. Case study7 1 Upper path 376 17 8 1.3125 K 2 Modified upper path 308 * 11.2 4 0.563 K 3 Lower path 429 20.44 10 1.688 K 4 Intermediate Lower path 376 13.03 4 0.563 K 5 Modified lower path 340 11.07 3 * 0.375 K Case study8 1 Upper path 384 14.24 5 0.75 K 2 Modified upper path 296 * 9.9 3 * 0.375 K 3 Lower path 456 16.16 5 0.75 K 4 Modified lower path 356 11.5 3 * 0.375 K Case study9 / small s 1 Upper path 742 39.8 21 3.75 K 2 Intermediate upper path 404 20.77 11 1.875 K 3 Modified upper path 435 * 14.66 5 * 0.75 K 4 Lower path 720 39.2 21 3.75 K 5 Intermediate Lower path 476 22.7 11 1.875 K 6 Modified lower path 465 20.4 9 1.5 K Case study 9 / large s 1 Upper path 436 15.63 5 0.75 K 2 Intermediate upper path 429 13.44 3 0.375 K 3 Modified upper path 425 * 12.33 2 * 0.1875 K 4 Lower path 515 17.73 5 0.75 K 5 Modified lower path 483 14.88 3 0375 K Case study Optimal path Total length (cm) time (sec) No. of segment K.E Joul MLR % MLS % MSC TS case study 1 Modified upper path 240 7.5 2 0.1875 K 43 67 1 5 case study 2 Modified upper path 276 9.36 3 0.375 K 56 73 1 5 case study 3 Straight line path 252 6.72 1 ZERO 0 0 0 1 case study 4/a Modified lower path 184 7 3 0.375 K 27 40 1 4 case study 4/b Modified upper path 272 10.25 4 0.5625K 65 67 2 7 case study 5/a Modified upper path 180 6.8 3 0.375 K 18 40 1 4 case study 5/b Modified upper & lower path 160 6.26 3 0.375 K 17 40 1 4 case study 5/c Modified lower path 200 6.34 2 0.1875 K 30 60 2 5 Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 1 -16 (2011) 13 where and Constant depend on the DC motor parameters (K). 12.1. Modification step cycle (MSC) It is the processing time (during programming) which is required for modifying the path from one form to another according to (OAC) algorithm (for example converting the lower into an intermediate lower path or into a modified lower path directly). 12.2. Selecting time (TS) It is the processing time (during the programming) which is required for selecting the optimal path among all the resulted paths according to (OAC) algorithm. 13. Length and Number of Segments of Resulted Paths In all previous case studies, the resulted paths is different from each to other as a result of optimal path criteria which try to modify the upper and lower paths to get the optimal path either with respect to length or number of segments ( as explained in previous chapters). The modification level is different from one case to other depending on number of obstacles, position and distribution of them with respect to start and goal point's positions, size of obstacles …, etc. However the value of this level in all experiments is that the resulted paths are modified with respect to their length and number of segments. Figure (25) show how in case study 5, the length and number of segments of resulted paths are decreased with increasing the index of paths. (a) Path Length With (b) Path No. of Respect to Path Index Segments with Respect to Lower Path Index (c) Path no. of Segments with Respect to Path Upper Index. Fig. 25. Path length and no. of Segments Variation for Case Study 6 . case study 5/d Modified upper path 328 11.75 4 0.5625K 36 60 1 5 case study 6/a Modified lower path 260 8 2 0.1875 K 35 67 1 5 case study 6/b Modified upper path 396 12.56 3 0.375 K 35 67 2 5 case study 7 Modified upper path 308 11.2 4 0.5625K 28 40 2 5 case study 8 Modified upper path 296 9.9 3 0.375 K 35 70 1 4 case study 9/ small s Modified upper path 400 14.66 5 0.75 K 46 76 2 6 case study 9 / large s Modified upper path 425 12.33 2 0.1875 K 18 60 2 4 Nabeel K. Abid Al- Sahib Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 1 -16 (2011) 14 14. Conclusion A proposed path planning algorithm which is called (OAC) algorithm is proposed in this work and it is applied to pioneer p3-dx mobile robot to obtain the optimal path ( in time and power ) in 2- D static environment. The building algorithm is based on the observation , analysis of the obstacles that intersects with the supposed straight path that connects the start and goal point and conclude the resulted paths and select the better one among them according to lengths and the number of the individual lines which form them. It is worthy to mention that this algorithm can be applied for dynamic environments by progranning the cammera to provide an instantaneous image for the environment for each spesific time and make the program repeat itself consequently in intervals. This algorithm requires less computations power than most of other algorithms, because the selection of the optimal power is applied maximally among six or seven paths. The optimal path selection is not submitted to known optimization criteria , but it is found by a teqnique that give us the better path which is not only the shortest one but also the less one in consuming power. This with addition to advantages of the (OAC) algorithm gives it enough strength that qualifies it to compete with all other path planning algorithm and excel on some of them. The advantages of ( OAC) algorithm are : • The possibility of changing the start and goal points for any values and from any direction. This is considered a constraint for some path planning algorithms which do not have this ability. • This algorithm can be applied for different shapes of obstacles by creating new suggestion which said that " all different shapes of obstacles can be regulated by converting them into square or rectangular shapes only ". This is considered a treatment for some path planning algorithms which is constrainted by the shape of the obstacles. • The resulted optimal path is the shortest one in length as compared with the other paths which resulted acccording to OAC algorithm (and so in time that the robot required to accomplish this path ) when it compared with some path planning algorithms such as genetic algorithms and the potential field algorithms [3] as shown in figure (26-a). • The resulted optimal path consummes less the power and it is required to change its direction in the curved parts in the resulted path ( because it is smooth and contains small number of curves ) as compared with potential algorithm as shown in figure (26-a ). This resulted path is considered more economic as shown in figure (26-b). Fig.26. Comparison Between OAC Path and Potential Field Path 15. References [1] Steven M. cavalle, 'Planning Algorithm', Cambridge University Press 2006. 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