anita anngraeni & cynantia rachmijati 34 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) volume 5, nomor 1, februari 2020 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) investigating the approaches of english teachers in fostering efl students’ language proficiency anita anggraeni 1 & cynantia rachmijati 2, institut keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan siliwangi, indonesia abstract this research is qualitatively descriptive, intending to define the efforts of english teachers at boarding school and hereinafter referred to as pesantren (al-fatah) to develop students’ english language proficiency. subjects of this study are two english teachers and students at pesantren al-falah. this study also investigates the way of english teaching methods or strategies in the classroom. there are two main instruments to collect data, those are observation and interview guidelines. the result of the study indicates that the most teaching methods used are still a teacher-centered, direct method and habituation. this is due to the influence of the traditional arabic learning model which is still largely focused on what is conveyed by the teacher in the classroom. but this pesantren also implemented a communicative approach to develop the speaking skill of the students. one of the challenges faced is students' negative perceptions of english which assume that english is a western culture that is synonymous with negative things. therefore, to further strengthen the development of english language skills, english teachers need to be more exposed to english by offering their students even more usual practice and the right media and literature to minimize negative perceptions of western culture. keywords: pesantren; teaching methods; english language proficiency. a. introduction pesantren is an islamic educational institution that has a long history and still survives in indonesia (mubarock, 2015). pesantren are also part of a unique education system. persevere in the traditional form, thick with the nuances of religion and participate actively in the spread of islam and are led by kiai or ustad and produce graduates of the students or then referred to as santri. based on the data collection of pesantren in 2019 from the ministry of religion (taken from, there are 28194 pesantren scattered anita anngraeni & cynantia rachmijati 35 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) throughout indonesia. the total number of santri even reaches more than 3 million people. in the beginning, pesantren was managed simply and traditionally. there are no class classification, no curriculum, nor are there any fixed rules in it. as a medium of religious learning, there has never been a contract or request from santri to the ustad or teacher to provide a book or learning module, the teachers let alone regulate in detail the materials to be taught. everything depends on the teachers as the axis of the pesantren learning system. starting from the schedule, methods, even what to be taught, all are the authority of a ustad in full (haedani, 2004). two well-known learning models at the beginning of the pesantren were the non-classical wetonan learning system and the sorogan system. the wetonan/bandongan system is a study conducted by a kiai or ustad, followed by santri with no age limit or a measure of intelligence. this model of learning system, reportedly is a method taken from the learning patterns of arabic scholars. in this system, kiai or ustad reads the book, while the santri each hold their own book by listening to the kiai or ustad statement to condemn or interpret the bare book. another with the recitation of wetonan, sorogan recitation is done one by one, where a santri read the book one by one in front of kiai or ustad then they correct students’ mistakes. in this sorogan learning, a santri makes it possible to have a dialogue with the kiai or ustad regarding the problems being taught. unfortunately, a lot of time consuming and inefficient to taught to senior students only. basically, in traditional pesantren, the level of knowledge taught depends more on the scholarship, the acceptance of students and the type of book used. the weakness of this system is that there are no clear gaps and stages that must be followed by students. there is also no separation between beginner, intermediate and advance level. even kiai or ustad only repeats one book to be taught to his students. (haedani, 2004). according to amien rais (1987), there are some weaknesses of pesantren that need to be addressed immediately, including: the alumni who generally have a narrow mind and are not confident when in contact with real life society that develops in line with the progress of science and technology. another weakness is that pesantren in general do not equip their students with the various skills needed to face the challenges of life in modern times. and another weakness is that pesantren are generally closed to anita anngraeni & cynantia rachmijati 36 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) accept changes therefore it is difficult to keep up with the times. pesantren are considered as the roots of islamic education in indonesia, also considered as one of the original education systems in indonesia that is still developing today. during this time, in the community there is an ambiguous view of the pesantren. on one side of pesantren is identical with "traditionalism" in a negative sense (left and old-fashioned), but some other circles view pesantren as a separate entity with characteristics that are not owned by other institutions, including the education system that is currently running. learning methods that are rooted in based of islamic learning are also considered unique, one of which is the bandongan method, the lecture method. in this method the students will take part in learning where they will sit around kiai or ustad and explain the material presented. (afriza, 2013). with the various demands and changes of the times, of course one way is to renew or modernize islamic education. finally, many pesantren have improved, added a lot of expertise and taught foreign languages, including english in order to follow the development of globalization and the development of education (andika, 2017). some are still trying to follow the traditional roots, but there are also those who have tried to develop, for example, to provide learning in a foreign language, namely english. a number of pesantren also began to incorporate skills lessons as one of the materials taught. there are skills in farming, farming, sewing, trading and so on (haedani, 2004) even though almost everyone knows the importance of mastering a foreign language, the awareness to learn it does not always run linearly, especially those identified as traditional pesantren. there are several reasons why foreign languages other than arabic have received less attention among the pesantren community. first, there is a psychological obstacle in the form of fear to learn it. during this time when people talk about english for example, what appears in the assumption later is that english is very difficult to learn. second, there are cultural constraints in the sense that learning english in a pesantren is considered not a norm. third, lack of access. fourth, lack of adequate human resources to develop english. fourth, a very basic factor is ideological biases where language is understood as part of a particular religion. for example, arabic is considered as the language of islam, english as the language of christians, chinese as a representation of the language of confucianism and so on. anita anngraeni & cynantia rachmijati 37 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) therefore, it can be seen that pesantren which trying to be more modern and develop their english language skills are sometimes hit by perceptions, opinions and fears in using the language. as stated by baekani et al (2017) that most pesantren residents feel they don't need to use english and don't even know english at all. ihsan on his finding (2011) also stated that in the use of everyday language, students are generally faced with various patterns of choice in language activities namely indonesian, arabic, and regional languages. but generally the students or santri are more inclined in using local languages. initially, pesantren al-fatah which is located in gunung halu, west bandung, only taught islamic religious sciences and studying specifically the bare book that became a reference for islamic scientific traditions in the pesantren. but along with the development era and there are also demands from the community to hold formal education whose alumni are recognized by the government with the same diploma as the general diploma, pesantren al-fatah finally organizes more formal educational institutions as a madrasah while still maintaining the characteristics of traditional pesantren but also balanced with the introduction and development of science and technology, and one of the efforts to develop them is by fostering english language prificiency. anto. et al (2018) in their research stated that in a pesantren environment, especially the modern ones , students are required to be accustomed to using several languages that have become standard in using language as a means of communication. the obligation to use multi-language is intended to improve the competence and language skills of students. with adequate foreign language skills, students are expected to be able to compete in competitions when they have graduated and are ready to enter the community. therefore, it is important to address on how the pesantren al fatah would do to fostering their students’ english skill. departing from the problem, therefore the problems that can be formulated in this study are: how is the learning model and strategies to fostering english skill in pesantren al fatah bandung? what are the driving forces and obstacles in the process of fostering english in pesantren al fatah bandung?. anita anngraeni & cynantia rachmijati 38 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) b. research method this research approach is a qualitative descriptive, because the data will be presented in descriptive analysis. whereas qualitative research itself according to bogdan and taylor as cited by lexy.j. moleong (2006), is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words from the people and actors observed. the research location is in gununghalu village, gununghalu district, west bandung regency, west java province, indonesia. primary data sources are data that is directly accessed by researchers (sugiyono, 2006). in this study the data taken data from observations to english classes and the observational data are the teacher and students. secondary data sources in this study were drawn from literature studies and related books. the tools to collect data in this study are interviews, observation and documents. data obtained from interviews will be combined with data from observation data and documents. those intruments are used to invetigate in detail how the learning process conducted in the classroom. data analysis methods use inductive methods, namely data reduction, data presentation and data verification. in analyzing the data will be used with a literature review on english language learning. the interpretation of the findings will be interpreted based on the literature review and conclusions based on the results of the interpretation that has been prepared. d. findings and discussion in pesantren al fatah, there are two english teachers. based on observations in class, there are a number of english learning strategies, those were giving and introducing vocabulary. the teacher reads the vocabulary then followed by the student in a loud voice. the next activity is making conversation activity where students are asked to talk with the other person. the third activity is reading and writing activities and usually the teacher gives worksheets. the students in the class around 40 to 42 students. the teacher focused on the vocabulary lists and then discussing the meaning and the synonym of the vocabulary. after explaining material, english teachers then proceed gave the students the worksheet which is usually a text to be read and translated. after the students finished discussing and translating the text and then the anita anngraeni & cynantia rachmijati 39 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) students presented in the class of their finished work. here on this part the student was practicing speaking also listening skill where their peers were presenting their work. the lesson end with teacher summarized the lesson and revising the grammar and vocabulary that were given that day. the teaching method and strategies were similar to the wetonan/bandongan system where kiai or ustad reads the book while the students each hold their own book by listening to the teacher's statement to condemn or interpret the bare book. based on interviews with english teachers, they stated that the lack of students in english was, among others: students still have a low vocabulary, lack of speaking skills due to low self-confidence and lack of mastering grammar. the teachers try to improve coaching by providing remedial and additional training and even direct communication with students so that students' english skills become better. learning strategy according to kemp (kemp, 1977) is a learning activity that must be carried out by teachers and students in order that learning objectives can be achieved effectively and efficiently. the efforts to implement lesson plans that have been prepared in real activities therefore the objectives that have been prepared can be achieved optimally, need a method to realize the strategies. strategies used can vary, for example through question and answer or lectures. the approach can be interpreted as a starting point or point of view of a learning process. roy killen (killen, 1998) notes that there are two approaches to learning, namely teacher centered approaches and students centered approaches. for teacher centered approaches teachers usually reduce direct learning while student centered is called discovery learning. based on the above explanation, it can be concluded that the learning model and strategies to fostering english skill in pesantren al fatah bandung are: 1. communicative method learning english using a communicative approach can motivate learners, if the steps taken can be used as a forum for learners to practice the language learned for example, dialogue / interact in small groups by utilizing the material available in textbooks and from sources. other. to achieve the goal of communicative english learning there needs to be a methodical didactic change that leads to social interaction and invites learners to get involved in the teaching anita anngraeni & cynantia rachmijati 40 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) and learning process. teaching and learning process as above is more directed to cbsa (active student learning methods). on this method usually teachers let the students to discuss after giving an issue and then they will be having conversation and discussion among their peers where they reached a conclusion and agreement after the students practice their speaking skills. on this communicative method were used in the way of the teacher given the materials and reading aloud the vocabularies then the students were instructed to discussed and translated an english text in a group or working their worksheets. 2. direct method direct method is a method of teaching foreign languages by directly using the foreign language as the language of instruction, and without using the first language of students in teaching. if there are words that are difficult for them to understand, then the teacher can interpret using props, demonstrating, describing and others. using this method, the teacher used english directly to the students on each lesson and therefore make students get used to the english exposure. this is the most method that the teacher used since most of the lesson used are teacher centered. this is also where the teacher emphasized on the vocabularies, the definition and the synonym of the word. for example, where the teacher explained the word “complicated”, the teacher urged the students to found out the meaning of the word and then the synonym of the word. therefore, the students used “difficult”, “hard to digest” and other synonyms to describe the words. 3. habituation technique another thing that is done in the english learning method at pesantren al fatah is through training and habituation activities. the teacher provides training activities especially speaking at the time before class starts or there are certain days where english day is held so that students are accustomed to using english. it can be concluded that the english learning model and strategies which are used in pesantren al fatah bandung to fostering their students’ english skill are teacher centered, communicative method,direct method and anita anngraeni & cynantia rachmijati 41 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) also habituation where the teacher is given the materials and students followed along. maghfiroh's (2016) research results stated that the language discipline in the pesantren slowly but surely can shape the character of the santri language, namely by accustoming the use of language in their daily life eventually the santri will get used to the target language. it is similar result with this study which stated that practice and habituation can be one of the fostering of language skills method that are applied in the pesantren environment. the observation and interview results revealed some driving forces and obstacles in the process of fostering students’ english proficiency in pesantren al fatah. the obstacles were quite clear, most of the students and teachers put arabic language as the most special therefore they do not think that english was special or tend to think as “second class language”. other obstacles were the perceptions of the students towards english. the students believed that arabic language was enough and therefore studying english language is seen as something strange. and most students also identified english with westerners and therefore have negative assumptions about it. the strong ideology of islam and the suspicion of the west and the negative effects on english also influence the development and teaching of english. the last perception especially from the students that believed english is difficult and the students weren’t as excited in studying english compared to arabic. based on the results of interviews with english teachers and observations, the driving force is the existence of adequate facilities and infrastructure to advance the students to improve their english language skills, especially in speaking skills. this can be seen by the implementation of english day on certain days where students are required to speak in english. therefore, it can be concluded that the driving force is the adequate facilities and qualified infrastructure, and the obstacles is students’ negative perceptions on english language who they believed were westernized and difficult to learn. the results of this study are in line with what was stated by solichin (solichin, 2013) that pesantren should integrate english with islamic studies to follow the development of civilization and culture thus grow into modern people. anita anngraeni & cynantia rachmijati 42 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) d. conclusion pesantren at first who was focus on only religion now has transformed into a better educational institute that also follow the development of globalization. pesantren al fatah is one of those who keeps trying to improve their educational system especially in english. in fostering english skill, it can be concluded that the english learning model and strategies which are used in class are teacher centered, communicative method, direct method and practice of habitual in applying english day. the driving forces in the fostering english skill is the adequate facilities and qualified infrastructure the obstacles in fostering english skill is the student’s negative perception on english language. therefore, in order to further improve fostering students’ english language skills, a higher exposure is needed related to english. in addition to habituation, introducing appropriate media and literature and other activities such as speeches and debates to reduce negative perceptions related to english. in the end, the success of teaching and developing foreign languages, especially english in pesantren, is determined by many factors, ranging from changing perceptions, methods, availability of facilities and infrastructure. but the most decisive factor is actually the willingness of the pesantren themselves to be open to accept and realize the importance of english for development. references afriza, h. 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(1992). sejarah pendidikan islam. jakarta: bumi aksara. nanik handayani taufik available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 12 volume 6, no. 1, february 2021 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) conservation buru language: preservation efforts to local language nanik handayani taufik universitas iqra buru, indonesia abstract: the condition of the hurried language is increasingly experiencing shifts that can lead to extinction. this study aims to (1) reveal the buru language condition during society, (2) determine the factors causing the change in the buru language, and (3) find solutions to tackle the buru language from the threat of extinction. this study is a type of field research with a qualitative approach and uses phenomenology design. this study was conducted in namlea district, buru regency. data are collected by means of interviewing, recording, and documentation techniques then analyzed using reduction, presentation, verification, and conclusion methods. the results show that the condition of the language rushed from time to time has experienced a shift. of course, this impacts the purity of the buru language itself if it is not addressed immediately. one of the causes of the change in buru's speech is that most of the interviewed informants stated that they no longer used hastened language in their life. based on this, the solution that can be done to save the buru language from the threat of extinction is to conserve the buru language by intensifying the buru language's use in various aspects of life. keywords: shift; buru language; conservation; preservation a. introduction language is also called the identity of a nation, as well as regional languages in indonesia. local languages have a vital role, namely, apart from being the identity of a diverse community group, regional languages are also a means of communication between community groups (sudarsana, 2017; huri, 2017). this characteristic should be preserved and preserved, employing preservation so that a nation can avoid the loss of identity or identity-shift with another nation or group's identity. almost every region in indonesia has its regional language and dialect (taufik, 2018). these languages and dialects are used to communicate among the people in each of these areas. its use is influenced by social and situational factors (yanda, 2014). through language, people can identify specific groups of people, recognize the nanik handayani taufik available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 13 speakers' behaviour and personalities, and recognize their culture. regional language is the language used as the language of interregional or interracial communication other than indonesian. it is used to support literature and regional culture or ethnic communities in the republic of indonesia. although regional languages are not the language that unites the nation, like indonesian, regional languages also play the same important role as indonesian itself (primadesi, 2012; pontoh, 2013). however, nowadays, regional languages are experiencing a decline, which leads to extinction. six symptoms mark the cessation of language in the future, namely (1) drastic reduction in the number of active speakers, (2) the reduced domain of language use, (3) neglect or elimination of the mother tongue by young speakers, (4) efforts to maintain ethnic identity without using their mother tongue, (5) speakers of the last generation are no longer proficient in using their mother tongue, meaning that they remain passive mastery (understanding without speaking), and (6) examples of the extinction of one language dialects, the acuity of creole and language password (grimes, 2000). furthermore, the summer institute of linguistics mentions at least twelve factors related to language extinction, namely (1) the small number of speakers, (2) the age of the speakers, (3) the use-or-no use of the mother tongue by children, ( 4) regular use of other languages in diverse cultural settings, (5) feelings of ethnic identity and attitudes towards language in general, (6) urbanization of youth, (7) government policies, (8) use of language in education, (9) economic intrusion and exploitation, (10) literacy, (11) literature, and (12) dynamics of speakers in reading and writing literature (sil, 2008). besides, there is also dominant language pressure in a multilingual community area. this is following the opinion of several experts who emphasize the things that affect the shift to regional languages' extinction. several factors namely caused this extinction: (a) due to language interference that occurred in a very long time frame, it resulted in language shift and language extinction (widianto, 2015); (b) caused by political factors. the policy on the use of the national language, which was previously known as the politics of the national language, has also more or less affected the marginalization of regional languages (budhiono h, 2009); (c) regional languages are only used as the language of instruction in education as stated in law no. 20, 2003, nanik handayani taufik available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 14 article 33 paragraph 2, namely that regional languages can be used as the language of instruction in the early stages of education if it is needed in the delivery of specific knowledge and skills; (d) the symptoms are a drastic decrease in the number of active speakers, the decreasing of the realm of language use, neglect and elimination of mother tongue by young speakers, efforts to maintain ethnic identity without their mother tongue, speakers of the last generation are no longer proficient in using their mother tongue, meaning that they are left with passive mastery (understanding without speaking), examples of the increasing extinction of the dialects of one creole and code language (grimes, 2000); (e) compound social environment (tribe). the task field is relatively unstable, and parents are of different ethnicities (darwis, 1985). the term language maintenance is always associated with language shift. language preservation arises due to language shift. language preservation is an effort to maintain language so that it continues to be used in a language society (widianto, 2018). these efforts are carried out with various strategies. several strategies for language maintenance are as follows: 1) strengthening bilingualism as the primary choice, 2) intertwining the substance of education, research, and language service, 3) institutional cooperation and empowerment of traditional institutions, 4) translation, writing, and technology of cultural treasures nusantara (mbete, 2010). based on data from the ministry of education and culture in 2018, 11 languages out of 652 regional languages have been declared extinct. most of the language extinctions occurred in papua. the extinction was caused by a shift in language and culture and modernization, especially with the development of the industrial revolution era 4.0, which was so fast that it reduced the use of regional languages in everyday life and reduced the number of speakers of these languages. besides, in ethnologic: the language of the world (2005), in indonesia, there are 742 languages, 737 of which are stated to exist still or are still used by their speakers. this also occurs in regional languages in maluku. based on data from the maluku language office in ambon, 54 regional languages spread throughout the maluku archipelago. of these 54 languages, several languages are experiencing extinction, including piru in west seram and kaiely in buru regency. the cause of the expiration of the local language is because no more speakers use it. this impacts the loss of one of the nation's cultural properties and the loss of an nanik handayani taufik available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 15 area's regional identity characteristics. therefore, there needs to be an effort to overcome the regional languages that still exist. given that several speeches have undergone a shift. one of them is the buru language in buru regency. the phenomenon of the current shift in the buru regional language is a very dominant factor threatening the extinction of its people's identity (bin-tahir, s. z., & rinantanti, 2016). of the total population of the buru district of 132,100 people, only about 14,000 know the language of buru, and only about 5,000 people are able and active to communicate using the buru language (bps-buru, 2018). this is caused by various factors that must be investigated and observed to find the right solution in preserving and accentuating regional identity and cultural assets. the condition of a multiethnic society is followed by inter-ethnic contact. it includes language contact, can lead to various linguistic phenomena, such as bilingualism or even multilingualism and interculturalism that often occur in minority language groups (bin tahir, 2017). this language contact can also result in language shift, even extinction, namely changes in a person's language choice for daily communication, especially due to migration, acculturation, or language change, namely language changes, throughout a period (kridalaksana, 1993). based on the above conditions, this study examines the buru language conditions, including the factors causing the shift that impact the extinction, and steps or strategies to prevent the expiration of the buru language. this research is quite important to do considering that there are still few studies that raise studies like this before, especially on the subject and object being studied by the researcher. this research is also considered important to address the issue of the fading of local languages such as the buru language. therefore, this research is expected to contribute ideas about the buru language condition and deal with the buru language from extinction. b. research method this study uses a qualitative approach and phenomenology design. the aim is to describe the phenomena connected with the shift in regional languages in namlea district, buru regency. the subjects of this study were the people of the island of buru nanik handayani taufik available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 16 in namlea sub-district with the criteria that the issue was a native of buru island who knew and mastered the buru language. in the process of collecting data in the field, the method used is observation. this method is intended to observe something intentionally and systematically about linguistic phenomena or symptoms in namlea. research using observation or observation (observation research) is carried out to track in a structured and direct manner the signs of communication-related to society's social, political, and cultural issues (pawito, 2008). the observation method is supported by the interview, record, and documentation techniques. these techniques are used to gather the data accurately according to what happens in the field. the data collected were analyzed using a threestage model technique consisting of reduction, data presentation, and verification or conclusion and presented descriptively. c. findings and discussion findings based on the observations and data analysis results, the conditions and causes of the shift in hunting language and the countermeasures. the data will be display in the table. table 1. the use of buru language no place and conditions of use of buru language often sometimes never 1 at home √ 2 in the market √ 3 at school / campus √ 4 in the office √ 5 during a family event √ data source: observation results for 2020 the above table shows that buru's use no longer is the language used in everyday people buru itself. there is no longer using the buru language at home, market, school or campus, and work. the next generation of the buru community, from the ages of children to adulthood, no longer uses the buru language as an introduction to communication between each other. the buru language is sometimes used during family events when older people or the elderly are present. its use is only limited to its nanik handayani taufik available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 17 peers. the interaction between the younger generation and the parents is no longer using the buru language. discussion conditions of buru language as a regional language and one of the people on buru island's local identities, currently, the language of hunting is only a symbol and pride for its inhabitants. we can see from the decreasing number of buru speakers from time to time. of the total population of buru's population of 161,828, only no more than 14,000 speak the buru language. we can see during the data collection process in the field. the researcher has never heard of using hunting language by either the respondent or the community around the research location. of course, it will impact the massive shift in hunting language, leading to the extinction of the regional language. causative factors several external and internal factors cause the shift in the buru language's use to the buru-speaking community. aspect from the outside of which is the number of information sources through online media and print media who speak indonesian, which shifts in buru language in society. consumption spectacle and book with the language of indonesia makes people say the national language and malay-ambon. other factors from outside are broader communication with the internet allows them to communicate with that from other areas, forcing them to use indonesian. factor from within which there are many migrant communities in the speaker environment. the island of buru, which was the destination for transmigration, also resulted in many community members from other areas joining the native-speaking community. it then puts indonesia's language as the language of communication in the first level of socialization, and buru's language just language of history. the next factor is the broadcast of soap operas and favourite shows on national television with slang, causing them to imitate and adopt the language. the condition assumes that the languages are not “cool” when chatting with friends among the younger generation. the most significant factor is that the area of use of regional languages is getting reduced. the use of local languages in classrooms, discussions in public spaces such as seminars, workshops, or conferences with community leaders is not widely practiced. nanik handayani taufik available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 18 another supporting factor supporting buru's regional language neglects is that there is no speaker generalization because the local language as the mother tongue is no longer use. only passive speakers (understanding without being able to speak) left who are no longer proficient in using the buru language. solutions from several factors described above, several steps can take to prevent the extinction of the buru language. compile buru words in a dictionary. the buru regency government made this effort in 2018. vocabulary is obtained based on interviews with people who speak the buru language and several others under informant standards. however, not all the words in the buru language have been published in the dictionary. of course, this is homework for language observers. another effort that can do is holding competitions using the buru language. these contests can be in the form of speeches, reading poetry, folk tales, etc. this competition can, of course, followed by all people who use the buru language. another way to protect the buru language is to create a creative video competition using the buru language. many people are enthusiastic about participating in these competitions, then as the winner of the game will be given a large enough prize. students and students will provide scholarships. we can also solve the buru language from extinction by including the buru language into compulsory subjects taught in schools. we can do this solution by paying more attention to pursuing a second language for students (nakamura, 2018). it can also develop bilingual education (banegas, 2020); (briggs, 2018). in this way, the younger generation will continue to learn the buru language because it is part of the school curriculum. to facilitate the learning process of the buru language, we must compile textbooks. another effort to save the buru language from extinction is to make the buru language a supporting language in regular meetings. besides, it can also use it as the language of instruction in regular events held in the buru regency area. in this way, the younger generation will quickly hear the buru language used in these events. to nationalize buru's language, things to do are to create online media by using indonesia and buru's language. that is because online media has become a habit for some people, gradually changing how they interact with one another (cocarascu, nanik handayani taufik available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 19 2018; botturi, 2018). the aim is that people outside the island rush, a genuine descendant of buru island, can also obtain readings and resources buru language. the media online, of course, can make them will always remember the regional language. another solution for saving the buru language from extinction is by instilling a sense of love and pride for buru island people for their local language. that way, the community will continue to use the buru language in daily communication in every aspect of life. table 2. conditions, causes, and solutions for buru language buru language conditions causative factor solution the buru language is no longer spoken at home, markets, schools or colleges, and offices. the buru language is sometimes used during family events when parents or the elderly are present. there are many online media in the indonesian more using indonesian and ambon malay dialects to communicate a large number of immigrant communities in the speaker environment there are tv shows that always use slang the area of use of regional languages is decreasing the lack of use of the buru language in various environments there is no regeneration of buru language users formulation of the buru language dictionary hold competitions such as speech competitions, poetry competitions, folk story competitions using the buru language incorporate the buru language into the school curriculum making the buru language the language of instruction in every scientific and sociocultural meeting in buru regency launching online media using the buru language instil a sense of pride in the island community of buru towards regional languages this study's results are based on observations of the state or condition of the buru language by paying close attention to user informants in interacting with the community at home, market, school, and several other public places and various situations. nanik handayani taufik available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 20 d. conclusion from the results of this study, the shift in the buru language in namlea is getting more and more alarming. this is due to ambonese malay's dominance in daily communication in every aspect of people's lives. this cannot be denied because of the development of information technology and the large number of transmigrants who came to buru island. besides, there is a lack of awareness from the public to continue to preserve regional languages as their regional identity. based on the above, some solutions that can be done are compiling a dictionary of the buru language, making the buru language part of the school curriculum taught at the early school level, holding buru language competitions. in addition, what is no less important is fostering a love for the local language so that the buru language is still used at every opportunity in the community so that the buru language is preserved for generations. this research is still limited to describing the conditions, causes, and solutions for the shift in the buru language in namlea. therefore, further analysis can be carried out related to direct efforts to improve the buru language. references banegas, d. l., poole, p. m., & corrales, k. a. 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english students in translation subject. the results showed that, efl students in the sixth and seventh semester of english education department of megarezky university in translating words, phrases, texts, paragraphs had to recheck and rearrange to get a good translation by their own understandings. machine translation (mt) becomes another option to recognize the meaning of foreign language. machine translation can be used as dictionary as well. mt is incredibly useful and helpful, it can provide a general description to the users, it gives an inspiration or consideration to the users to understand the meaning. keywords: efl students’ perception; machine translation tools. a. introduction when the machine translation became on the market online, it has drawn the attraction of professional translators and different communities. there have been discussions for its attainable implication to their desires. the translation community's adoption of machine translation had been undertaken by several researchers in numerous countries from the start of the 2000s (bhattacharyya & jha, 2016). machine translation (mt), which refers to the attempt to automate the process of translating text or speech from one language to another, and it has become the leading technology in the sujarwo 231 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) current age of information technology (arnold et al., 1994). as the demand for translation has increased tremendously, mt is now widely used worldwide (almutawa & izwaini, 2015 as cited in sabtan, 2020). within the past, language learners used a dictionary to induce meanings of unknown words within the target language. looking up, traditional dictionaries are time-consuming, and l2 learners might get any difficulties in interpreting the meaning of some words. nowadays, a world of omnipresent wi-fi connections, laptops, tablets, smartphones, foreign language teachers or lecturers, and students has fingertips a broad collection of free online resources for translators (forts), including powerful of mt websites and apps. these online resources have made life easier than before (alkhatnai, 2019). for this purpose, previous investigations on the use of mt for efl teaching and learning are explored before discussing their implications for the language class along with some practical examples of using mt for language teaching purposes. the article concludes with the results of a survey study about the perceptions of language learners and language tutors on the use of mt and free online mt for language tuition. with the advanced and innovative development of information and communication technologies (icts), various internet-based tools such as facebook, wikis, and blogs provide a social and interactive platform on which students have more opportunities to practice their writing, create discussion, share their thoughts, and receive instant feedback—formal or informal—to their writing. google, used as an online corpusderived engine, has also been widely used for quick and straightforward information searches (tsai, 2019). all the contributions to technology's theoretical and empirical aspects are implemented in pedagogy for second instruction and translation studies. the very fact that new tools area unit seldom among the creation of recent teaching and coaching approaches is remarked upon, as an excessive amount of recent effort has been placed into tools and deficient has been dedicated to dynamic teaching strategies and approaches (warschauer and meskill 2000 as cited in (carrió-pastor, 2016). perception is also recognized as a process of receiving, selecting, organizing, interpreting, testing, and giving a reaction to an object, event, or problem (davidoff, 1998). perception is a process that is preceded by sensing, which is a stimulus received by an individual through a receptor, namely the senses. studies show that student perceptions are crucial factors of student behavior, and it may be a basis for designing sujarwo 232 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) the teaching model that optimizing the training outcomes. students' perceptions reflect how, why, and what students learn. the other studies show that investigation on student perception is crucial in efl teaching. in other words, the period when paper dictionaries dominated the reference world has gradually expired and e-dictionaries rather than traditional paper products have eventually become prominent in word reference and nowadays, in an era of internet and new media technology expansion, digital dictionaries are well under way of development and popularity (jin & deifell, 2013 as cited in le & dao, 2019). as previously stated, the aim of this study is to research the student's perception on translation. the student has totally different opinions regarding the course, its content and objectives, the level of issue, the time students invested with inside the course, adults' learning, and the teacher's role. wang also suggests that translation is a useful gizmo or tool in learning, and there should be more translation exercises. however, such perceptions correspond to a frequently reported premature bias, which may a minimum of partly disappear as students start interacting with mt and understand how it works (rossi & chevrot, 2019). as hutchins says, an mt is that the software related to computer systems within the interpretation of text messaging, from one familiar language straight into another, and mt is the automatic conversion of text/speech from one language to a different (kunchukuttan, 2006 as cited in marito & ashari, 2017). ghazala asserts that translation includes both the processes similarly because translators' methods to convey the meaning. he rightly states that for an accurate and appropriate translation, translators need to understand the meaning of the source text fully. in line with him, all aspects of language like meaning, grammar, style, and sounds enjoy equal importance within the translation, where failing to watch anybody of them will cause distorting of meaning (hassan, 2020). these new utterly different from traditional translation models have also expedited what translators do since they need accelerating the interpretation method and redoubled productivity still as developing cooperation skills (pym, 2003). they, thus, can use mt to assist them in meeting such demands, as mt systems can save them time and effort. sujarwo 233 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) mt systems will be wont to provide rough translations that might be post-edited by translators to provide an accurate translation (sabtan, 2020). as emphasized before, the blending of the technology into the interpretation teaching has modified the means translator follows throughout the interpretation method, which influenced the abilities expected of them (odacıoglu & kokturk, 2015). b. research method this study applied qualitative descriptive research method. qualitative research method is called as a new method, because its popularity is new, planted post positivistic because based on the philosophy of post positivism (sugiyono, 2018). this method is also referred to as an artistic method, because research is more sebi (less patterned), and is called an interpretive method because the research results are more concerned with the interpretation of data found in the field. in addition that qualitative strategies have faith in text and image knowledge, have distinctive steps in k nowledge analysis, and draw on numerous styles (creswell, 2009). this research was conducted at the sixth and seventh semester of english department students of megarezky university. the total number of students as the sample in this study were 13 students who had studied translation subject. the survey of student perception was managed by online-questionnaire (google form). the questionnaire consisted of 18 closed-ended questionnaires that allow for indepth information from the students’ perception on utilizing machine translation (mt). the data collection can be divided into six sections that draw the students’ perception on importance of english subject matters in translation; students’ experience on translation assignment, the utility of translation skill; most popular translation ways and material; translation learning methods; students’ disposition and course length expectation. with intensive literature review, a table of specification with the initial things was created to guide item construction for developing the dimensions; we tend ready to establish students’ perception and expectation on translation in teaching and learning process. the responses were analyzed as bodgan 1998 states in (sugiyono, 2018) data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, field notes, and different materials that you just accumulate to extend your sujarwo 234 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) own understanding of them and to change you to gift what you have got discovered to others. c. findings and discussion findings after collecting data by using questionnaires, the researcher got the results of this research through some data as follows: q1. have you ever used machine translation? the students chose yes. it means that machine translation enables students to translate sentence or words from source language to target language. q2. how often do you use the machine translation? the students dominantly use machine translation when they find difficult words. they can know part of speech of the words so that they can place right words into target language. q3. have you ever used machine translation online based? actually the students have ever used machine translation such as google tran slate. it is easy to acces it. the students can get the result of translation although they have to rearrange grammar manually. q4. what type of language do you generally search for in a machine translation? type of language generally used are english-indonesian and indonesian-english. sometimes, students type indonesian (source language) then translate into english (target language) and vise-versa. q5. have you used translation as a learning devices or tools? the students used translation as a learning devices or tools to enable in translating difficult words. generally, they use it when finding unfamiliar words. q6. does machine translation help you on translation class? the students chose machine translation that can help translating words including unfamiliar words. machine translation providing the result of translation fast. sometimes, assignment can be finished by using machine translation in the class. q7. what is the role of machine translation for you? students used machine translation because it helps to translate from source language to sujarwo 235 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) target language fast and find the new words including unfamiliar words. q8. do you find it easy to use? students think that machine translation can be used everywhere and anywhere. these can be used in offline so that students are not worry to use this machine translation. q9. how is importance machine translation on your english studies? the machine translation helps for students. they can know the meaning of unfamiliar word and translate both into indonesian-english and into english-indonesian. this machine translation is very important for students. q10. what are the benefits of using machine translation? the machine translation gives benefits for students especially in translation subject. students can search unfamiliar word fast, help in translating long sentence, easy and simple to use it. q11. what is the easier one between englishindonesian and indonesian – english translation? students always use english-indonesian through machine translation. these is flexible, automatically words appear into target language. in addition, there are part of speech and sound. q12. what are the effects use machine translations? students chose machine translation that help to find more words as a positive effect and negative effect is to decrease their interest to open dictionary. in addition, machine translation can help students to solve the problem in english. q13. does machine translation reduce the interest on learning english? machine translation can not reduce students’ interest on learning eglish. this can help students to increase new vocabulary. q14. which one do you usually use online or offline machine translation? students install offline machine translation. it is caused that this machine can be used anywhere although inadequate network. q15. can you find all of the words that you are looking for in machine translation? students sometimes find all words needed through machine translation. one thing that make difficult to find it is terms.the students should find in other references. q16: what are the problems that usually faced on using machine translation? sujarwo 236 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) students think that there is a problem when using machine translation. one of them is no correlation meaning and incorrect grammar found in the result of translation. there is translation of word by word. q18. what will you do to solve if you found the different result of machine translation from the principle of translation? when students found different result of machine translation, they recheck and rearrange to get a good translation by their own understanding. furthermore, they ask the expert and friends. discussion data of questionnaires were collected and processed, the researcher got some results. these describe that all of efl students had ever utilized machine translation (mt). they required machine translation for various reasons to use it. they used it for the aims; to identify all meanings that they wanted to know, it indicated that they suspected about their vocabulary mastery. the students applied machine translation when they found difficult or unfamiliar words to translate into target language. this machine enables students to provide new words as new vocabulary for students. machine translation commonly used by students are google translate and offline dictionary. this machine was used as instead of dictionary in which it can be used anywhere and everywhere. efl students who had no confidential and efforts to complement their vocabulary, they simply relied on mt. students rechecked and rearranged to get a good translation by their own understanding. they utilized mt to translate, word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, and even text. it absolutely was hazardous for them, because it could make them be hit or killed by mt, it absolutely was not a decent situation for them as students of english education department, also it absolutely was harmful for them after they had to try and do direct conversation where there was no time to browse internet about which one do you usually use online or offline machine translation? their response was using offline mt was better than offline mt. most of students utilized computational linguistics or machine translation when they found the difficult and new words. their answers were more dominant on looking for english and indonesian. but when the researcher asked about is the language utilized in machine translation simple to comprehend? they responded sometimes it meant that they did sujarwo 237 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) not comprehend all the words that searched. they translated some word by using mt need more investigation because the researcher was out of control the sort of word that they translated the simple familiar word or unfamiliar words. it becomes as a phenomenon too, because they said that all of students utilized mt to translate word by word. when it is compared to the theory of translation, it had been not the most effective translation result, because context can change the meaning of word. using mt was helpful. supported the students’ answers, its most useful laid on the practice, it was relevance with rossi & chevrot (2019) stated that perceptions of mt have a strong impact on both perceived usefulness and actual use. by using mt, they might get a description meaning about, words, phrases, sentences, or maybe paragraphs faster than looking up dictionary. it meant that the students put mt as another variety of dictionary and as a comparison translation result. they assumed that english – indonesian was easier than indonesian – english translation. it could be predicted because indonesian is their own language, in order that they might predict the meaning supported the sentence context. so, this answer was influenced by the language richness of the users. then when the researcher asked about what is the role of machine translation for you? they answered mt helped to translate and to find the new words, both of options were same because mt was easy to use. based on the students’ answer, the consequences of using mt, there were three; positive, negatives and no effects, the effect of using mt, and they knew that mt had the positive effect it helps to find more words and negative effect is it decrease our interest to open dictionary and the result of translation sometimes irrelevant. so the positive side, it focused on practicing. they got a general description about acceptation, it just needed context understanding, but mt leaded them to a confused situation, because sometimes did not have correlation meaning and incorrect grammar from what they knew and it was difficult to use if there was no network. it made them confused deciding the proper one. beside it, they said that dictionary made them became lazier to open it. this dependence made them lazy to memorize new words. and therefore, the last was no effect, but the researcher are doubt about this answer, it is going to be caused by their unsureness a few researches. it made two different answers that mt can reduce learning interest; yes and no. sujarwo 238 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) all of the words may be found in mt, but it was debatable. because they were not asked further about styles of word, they were searching by using mt. meanwhile a number of them answered yes, it's same as too or they were searching the word not meaning by using key words. it means it becomes because the next work to create it more detail. actually, the issues would be faced during mt, it depends the user to resolve it, for example; grammar and structure, style of words and meaning. they will be solved by the user knowledge. so, when the solution was no problem, so it may be predicted that the user was superb or very bad in english. it had been good once they could connect the interpretation text into the context, meanwhile it had been very bad because they did not know the correct one, or in another word that they had no choice unless accepted it. the funny answer was due to losing internet connectivity, and it had been unacceptable answer. to resolve the issues they faced, they consulted them to dictionary. even though they sometimes faced some problems or difficulties, they assumed that mt was very useful, because it could make their task easier and more practice by having a general meaning of a translation text, further they use dictionary made it clearer. and after knowing the effect of machine translation (mt), the students just used it if it was necessary, so they knew mt was not too important for them. also, it can be seen in table 20 about what will you do to solve if you found the different result of machine translation from the principle of translation? the students’ response was rechecked and rearranged to get a good translation by their own understanding, ask the expert and friends and check it back and find in dictionary. so that efl students in the sixth and seventh semester of english education department universitas megarezky in translating words, phrase, text, paragraph has to recheck and rearrange to get a good translation by their own understanding and ask the experts or their friends because mt sometimes did not have correlation meaning and incorrect grammar from what they knew. d. conclusions based on description above, it can be concluded that as the product of technology, machine translation (mt) becomes another option to recognize the meaning of foreign language. machine translation can be used as dictionary, too. mt is incredibly useful and helpful, it can provide a general description to the users, it gives an inspiration or consideration to the users to understand the meaning. so that, sujarwo 239 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) efl students in the sixth and seventh semester of english education department universitas megarezky in 2019/2020 academic year in efl students’ perception to translate. mt sometimes do not have correlation meaning and incorrect grammar from what they know in translating words, phrase, text, paragraph has to recheck and arrange to induce a decent translation by their own and live a private student’s perception of an entire category, as distinct from students’ perception of their own roles within the classroom and out the classroom in translating by machine translation (mt). then, mt basically can be used not only for translating. mt too can be used to learn sounds or pronunciation. and for further research, it is recommended to be able to analyze in depth about the results of translations by mt conducted by students. this matter provides feedback and consideration of students’ perception. sujarwo 240 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) references alkhatnai, m. 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(2018). metode penelitian kuantitatif,. bandung: alfabeta. tsai, s. c. (2019). using google translate in efl drafts: a preliminary investigation. computer assisted language learning, 32(5–6), 510–526. rahmawati, ernita fariani sinaga, anjelia saragih & sukutenta br sembiring available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 58 volume 6, no. 1, february 2021 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) the students’ ability in writing skill: using personal pronoun in narrative text rahmawati universitas prima indonesia, indonesia ernita fariani sinaga (corresponding author) universitas prima indonesia, indonesia anjelia saragih universitas prima indonesia, indonesia sukutenta br sembiring universitas prima indonesia, indonesia abstract: this study aims to determine the efl students’ ability to use personal pronouns in narrative text. the subject of this study are students of second grade and the object of this study was the students' ability to use pronouns in narrative text. the sample of this study are 16 students. data collection techniques in this study use test and interviews. based on the data analyzed, the researchers concluded that the students' ability to use pronouns in the narrative text was 68.43% and the students' ability to use personal pronouns in the narrative text is 62.93%. the study concludes that the difficulty affecting students in using pronouns was a lack of understanding of pronouns and narrative text even though they had been taught by the teacher and the lack of grammar books. keywords: writing skills; narrative text; personal pronouns a. introduction in writing, mastering grammar is essential. this is the basis of mastery of written language. without mastering grammar, it is hard for the students in this context to build their writing product readable. grammar is a description of a language's structure and how linguistic units such as words and phrases are combined to produce sentences in a language (hodgson, 2020; huddleston et al., 1988; knapp & watkins, 2005; riley, rahmawati, ernita fariani sinaga, anjelia saragih & sukutenta br sembiring available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 59 1997). it means that language ability, whether spoken or written, can be evaluated based on the grammar used. even the use of grammar influence language meaning. according to jones & quinn (2014), there are eight parts of speech in english grammar: noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, and interjection. there are four types of writing, namely descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive or argumentative (almacıoğlu & okan, 2018; watcharapunyawong & usaha, 2013). each text has its’ social function, language features, paragraph structure (abbaszadeh, 2013; martin, 1992; phichiensathien, 2018). learning a text type in english can be separated with grammatical and one of the crucial things is english pronouns. we must pay attention to several writing ways, especially in the narrative text which tells about a fairytale story. the subject of the narrative text consists of narrating events, action or movement in the narrative. sentences are usually arranged according to time order. according to ferarri (2015) narrative paragraphs tell a series of related events: first this happened, then this happened, then this happened. in this research, the researcher’s discuss about pronoun mostly personal pronouns. personal pronouns has eight types: personal pronouns (subject and object pronouns), possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, relative pronouns, indefinite pronouns, and reciprocal pronouns. in this case, the researcher’s take subject pronouns and complement pronouns (objects pronouns) in narrative text. personal pronoun is part of grammar. it is crucial in teaching and learning english. according to carey (2015) and mpiranya (2020) personal pronoun are indicated by three forms, i.e. do they refer to the speaker, who was spoken to, or is being discussed. in this research, personal pronouns mean the words used in place of nouns, like as: i, you, we, they, him, her, his, it, etc. it is vital to know. if you ignore the personal pronouns in the text, you have to repeat the same person's name or nouns in a sentence, that's why we have to change their pronouns because we don't know what should we put in a sentence. according to carey (2015) and berry (2018) pronouns are words used instead of nouns when we don't want someone's name or something directly, for example, subjects and objects pronouns. rahmawati, ernita fariani sinaga, anjelia saragih & sukutenta br sembiring available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 60 according to (mpiranya, 2020; rounds, 1987; stormbom, 2019; uz, 2014) there are kinds of personal pronouns. they are personal pronouns agreement with noun, agreement with indefinite pronouns, agreement with collective nouns. as an english learner, the material about pronouns should not be underestimated. the use of pronouns in a text has a crucial position in determining which sentences are legible and the meaning contained in them can be captured (qi, 2010). therefore, the researcher considers that research that studies english pronouns should also receive important attention for researchers. several previous studies examined english pronouns such as (anderson, 1998; che hassan et al., 2019; kitagawa & lehrer, 1990; qi, 2010; uz, 2014). those studies concern on how personal pronouns used in different context, while this present study discuss about the use of pronoun in academic writing in the form of narrative text. the subject of this study also focused on junior high school students, so it make a little different with previous research mentioned above. according to the problems found by the researchers related to the use of english pronouns, this study aims to explore further about the ability of efl students in this case junior high school students in using pronouns in writing narrative text. furthermore, the researcher also aims to determine the obstacles faced by students in the learning process, especially material related to english pronouns. b. research method research design this research used quantitave descriptive ti describe the score of students and qualitative approach to depply understanding the students’ obstacles in learning or using english pronoun in writing. this seeting of the research took place in junior high school of talitakum medan. the subject of the research was the students of smp talitakum. the object of the research was the students’ ability by using personal pronouns in narrative text. the sample of this research was the students at second grade, amounting to 16 students. rahmawati, ernita fariani sinaga, anjelia saragih & sukutenta br sembiring available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 61 instruments for collecting the data there are two main instruments for collecting data in this study, those are test and interviewed guideline. test aimed to collect data about students' ability to use personal pronouns in narrative text. the researcher’s used five aspect’s of writing to measure the ability of students’ to use pronouns. interview guideline was open-endeed question and record the answers. the researcher’s then transcribe and types the data into a computer file for analysis. in this step, the researcher’s conducted interview about the students’ obstacels in using personal pronoun in narrative text. technique of data analysis the data collected form test result were analyzed and interpreted by using qualitative scores to get summary (creswell, 2014; silverman, 2004) in this case, the researcher’s use 5 categories: very good, good, enough, less and bad. then the data from interviews were transcribed and interpreted using huberman theory (matthew b.m., a.m huberman, saldana, 2014). the formula used to describe the data quantitatively as follows; % p = percentage f = number of frequency n = number of respondents in order to find out the categories of students ability by using personal pronouns in narrative, the researcher’s presents class friction of the scores are as follow : very good (a) : 80-100 good (b) : 70-79 enough(c) : 60-69 less (d) :50-59 bad (e) : 049 rahmawati, ernita fariani sinaga, anjelia saragih & sukutenta br sembiring available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 62 mx = mx = mean or average score ∑x = the sum of score and frequency n = number of case c. findings and discussion findings data presentation the research data was taken from the results of students' test scores on the use of pronouns in narrative texts. there were 16 students who were the subjects in this research. in data collection, the researcher’s used writing tests as data instruments. the researcher’s gave 2 narrative text story titles, namely mouse deer & crocodile, and hunter & woodcutter. and then the researcher’s asked the students to choose one of the titles to make a narrative text as a result of research data. the students ability in using personal pronoun in narrative text table i. the students’ score in using subject pronouns in narrative text no students scores category 1. as 56 less 2. as 67 enough 3. bm 75 good 4. dg 87 very good 5. fo 58 less 6. gs 60 enough 7. hs 60 enough 8. jm 62 enough 9. jn 89 very good 10. kn 85 very good 11. ls 75 good 12. mt 78 good 13. ps 74 good 14. pp 74 good 15. pp 30 bad 16. rh 65 enough rahmawati, ernita fariani sinaga, anjelia saragih & sukutenta br sembiring available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 63 table 2. table percentage of subject pronoun no category frequency percentages 1. very good 3 18,75 2. good 5 31,25 3. enough 5 31,25 4. less 2 12,5 5. bad 1 6,25 total 16 100% table 3. the students’ score in using object pronouns in narrative text no students scores category 1. as 50 less 2. as 60 enough 3. bm 70 good 4. dg 75 good 5. fo 50 less 6. gs 58 less 7. hs 60 enough 8. jm 55 less 9. jn 90 very good 10. kn 85 very good 11. ls 60 enough 12. mt 70 good 13. ps 60 enough 14. pp 75 good 15. pp 20 bad 16. rh 69 enough table 4. table percentage of object pronoun no category frequency percentages 1. very good 2 12,5 2. good 4 25 3. enough 5 31,25 4. less 4 25 5. bad 1 6,25 total 16 100% rahmawati, ernita fariani sinaga, anjelia saragih & sukutenta br sembiring available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 64 tabel 5. the students’ score ability in using personal pronoun in narrative text no. students kinds of personal pronoun amount average category subject object 1. as 56 50 106 53 less 2. as 67 60 127 63,5 enough 3. bm 75 70 145 72,5 good 4. dg 87 75 162 81 very good 5. fo 58 50 108 54 less 6. gs 60 58 118 59 less 7. hs 60 60 120 60 enough 8. jm 62 55 117 58,5 less 9. jn 89 90 179 89,5 very good 10. kn 85 85 170 85 very good 11. ls 75 60 135 67,5 enough 12. mt 78 70 148 74 good 13. ps 74 60 134 67 enough 14. pp 74 75 149 74,5 good 15. pp 30 20 50 25 bad 16. rh 65 69 134 67 enough the difficulties of the students’ ability in using personal pronouns in narrative text after the students completed the test, the researcher’s conducted interviews with 5 students about the students' abilities in using personal pronouns in narrative text at smp talitakum. which aims to know the difficulties that affect students in using personal pronouns in narrative text. to get the results of the interview data, there researcher’s asked the students several questions and recorded the results of the interview. the following is a conversation between students and researchers: conversation 1 teacher : ” do you like studying english?” students 1 : “ yes, i do” teacher : “ do you know narrative text and personal pronouns?” students 1 : “ yes, i do” teacher : “what is the meaning of personal pronoun and narrative text?” student 1 : “a personal pronoun is a pronoun used for a specific person, animal, object or thing. this pronoun depends on the role (subject, object, rahmawati, ernita fariani sinaga, anjelia saragih & sukutenta br sembiring available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 65 possessive), number, person-th, and gender of the noun being replaced. narrative text is a non-fiction story that can take the form of fairy tales, myths, folk tales, animal stories, and so on” techer : “ what are personal pronouns based on your understanding?” student 1 : “ personal pronouns consist of subject and object. they are i, you, we, they, him, her, us, them, me.” teacher : “ do you find any difficulties in studying personal pronouns?” what are they?” student 2 : “ yes, i do. i can not differentiated between them.” teacher : “ do you find any difficulties in arranging narrative paragraph?” student 2 : “ yes, i do” teacher : “ what are your difficulties in arranging narrative paragraph?” student 2 : “ i don’t know and i can not arrange narrative.” teacher : “do you understand what your teacher taught about personal pronoun and narrative text?” student 2 : “ yes, i do” teacher : “ do you have grammar book?” student 2 : “ yes, i do” conversation 2 teacher : ” do you like studying english?” student 3 : “yes” teacher : “ do you know narrative text and personal pronouns?” student 3 : “yes” teacher : “what is the meaning of personal pronoun and narrative text?” student 3 : teacher : “ what are personal pronouns based on your understanding?” student 3 : “personal pronoun is subject and object” teacher : “ do you find any difficulties in studying personal pronouns?” what are they?” student 3 : “no” teacher : “ do you find any difficulties in arranging narrative paragraph?” student 3 : “yes” teacher : “ what are your difficulties in arranging narrative paragraph?” student 3 : “the meaning about narrative” teacher : “do you understand what your teacher taught about personal pronoun and narrative text?” student 3 : “yes” teacher : “ do you have grammar book?” student 3 : “no” based on the above conversation, the researcher’s concluded that it is difficult what affects students in using personal pronouns is in learning personal pronouns because there are no grammar books for students and they don't understand what rahmawati, ernita fariani sinaga, anjelia saragih & sukutenta br sembiring available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 66 personal pronoun and narrative text are even though they have been explained by the field teacher. data analysis the students’ ability in using personal pronouns in narrative text data analysis was done by formula : a) the students who scores in the very good category are in number 4, 9, 10. = 18,75 b) the students who scores in the good category are in number 3,12,14 = 18,75 c) the students who scores in the enough category are in number 2,7,11,13,16 d) the students who scores in the less category are in number 1,5,6,8 e) the students who score in the bad category is in number 15 after the data were analyzed, the authors concluded that the percentage of students' ability to use pronouns in narrative paragraphs is: table 6. the percentage of students’ ability no. category score frequency percentage 1. very good 80-100 3 18,75% 2. good 70-79 3 18,75% 3. enough 60-69 5 31,25% 4. less 50-59 4 25% 5. bad 0-49 1 6,25% total 16 100% based on the table above, there are 16 students who took the writing test, 3 students (18.75%) were in the very good category, 5 students (31.25%) were in the good category, 3 (18.75%) students were in the enough category, 4 (25%) students were in the less category, and 1 student (6.25%) was in the bad category. it can be concluded that the level ability of the second year in smp talitakum is in the middle category. this finding can be ilusrated as the diagram bellow: rahmawati, ernita fariani sinaga, anjelia saragih & sukutenta br sembiring available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 67 a. the student’s ability in using subject pronouns in narrative is 68,43 b. the student’s ability in using object pronouns in narrative is 62,93 the difficulties of the students’ ability in using personal pronouns in narrative text based on the results of the dialogue above, after the researcher conducted interviews with several second grade students, the researcher concluded that the difficulty affecting the students' ability to use pronouns was the lack of understanding of personal pronouns and understanding of narrative text even though it had been taught by the subject teacher and the lack of books was one of the obstacles students in understanding personal pronouns and narrative texts. discussion during the research, the researchers found that the students' ability in understanding personal pronouns, namely using and knowing i, you, we, they, him, her and it were in the enough category. in accordance with what was found by mellie and paniene (1976 in nurislami, 2004: 7) the pronoun person is displayed in 3 forms, 18,75% 18,75% 31,25% 25% 6,25% percentage very good good enough less bad 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 a. subject b. object rahmawati, ernita fariani sinaga, anjelia saragih & sukutenta br sembiring available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 68 namely whether it refers to the speaker, who is being talked to, or who is being discussed. in this study, personal pronouns mean words that are used to replace nouns, such as: i, you, we, they, him, her, his, it, etc. because this is very important to know. if you don't pay attention to the personal pronoun in the text, then you have to repeat the same person's name or noun in a sentence, therefore we have to replace the person's pronoun because we don't know what to put in the sentence. in this study, a personal pronoun is associated with narrative text. the researchers found that the students' ability in making narrative text was still in the less category. this is due to the students' lack of understanding about narrative text according to glatthorn's (1980 in nurhidayati, 2006: 3) narrative paragraphs telling a series of related events: first this happened, then this happened, then this happened. the researchers found that the ability to read narrative text of the second grade students of smp talitakum medan in reading narrative text was in the enough category. in collecting data, researchers used two techniques, namely tests and interviews. after collecting data, the researcher found that the students' ability to use pronouns in narrative text was in the enough category because the students' ability to use pronouns in the subjects in the text was 68.43% and the students' ability to use noun pronouns in the narrative text is 62.93%. d. conclusion based on the research above, it can concluded that the students' ability to use pronouns in narrative text is in enough category, because from the overall test results students don't understand pronouns in narrative text. the results showed that the students 'ability to use pronouns in narrative text subject matter was categorized as "enough" with a score of 68.43%, and the students' ability to use object pronouns in narrative text was categorized as "sufficient" with a score of 62.93%. from these results, that the students' ability to understand pronouns is sufficient. this is due to the difficulties experienced by students, namely the lack of understanding of personal pronouns in narrative texts even though they have been taught by the teacher, and also the lack of grammar books that students have. based on the research results, the researcher wants to provide some suggestions to put forward. they are as follows: students must be more active in the classroom during rahmawati, ernita fariani sinaga, anjelia saragih & sukutenta br sembiring available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 69 the learning time, teachers must pay more attention to students, in order to recognize and improve students' abilities, students are advised to practice alone at home to improve their respective abilities, teachers often provide exercises and assignments to students about pronouns in narrative texts, students are required to have and study books. english books, especially grammar books and notebooks, and for future researchers, this research can be used as a reference for researchers who are interested in conducting further research related to personal pronouns in text narrative. references abbaszadeh, z. 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(2013). thai efl students’ writing errors in different text types: the interference of the first language. english language teaching. ©mohamad ahmad saleem khasawneh available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 225 volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) the use of reading speed strategy in promoting reading comprehension among efl students with learning disabilities mohamad ahmad saleem khasawneh king khalid university, saudi arabia abstract: this study explored the effect of developing reading comprehension among english language students with learning disabilities using the reading speed strategy, identifying the effect of both gender, and teaching method on developing reading comprehension. to achieve the aim of the study, a test was prepared to measure reading comprehension after ensuring its validity and reliability. the study population consisted of all (200) students studying english language in the schools of the directorate of education for the second irbid region for the second semester of the academic year 2020/2021. the study was applied to a sample of (80) male and female students, who were selected in the simple method. the participants were distributed into two experimental groups, which received the training, and another two control groups, which studied the same educational material in the traditional method. the test was applied to the study groups before starting the implementation of the study to ensure the equality of groups. the results showed clear differences in the mean scores of the experimental group students and those of the control group students, and in favor of the experimental group. the results also showed that there were no differences between the mean scores of the students' scores attributed to gender. keywords: reading comprehension; efl students; learning disabilities; reading speed. a. introduction reading comprehension is the heart of the reading process. the educational system, with all its categories, seeks to provide students with this skill to help them increase the level of awareness and to be owners of basic reading skills that enable them to understand vocabulary. reading comprehension also helps students to perceive the different meanings of the read text, and the ability to analyze and evaluate. reading comprehension skills are very important in determining the success or failure of the student in academic life. the development of reading speed skills for students is important in the basic stages, as the student in these stages is expected to be able to read ©mohamad ahmad saleem khasawneh available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 226 quickly, and they are expected to read to benefit from new information (elizabeth, juliana & bloom, 2010). students who read slowly due to their lack of speed in reading will not develop reading speed as other students who read quickly (anderson, wilson, and fielding, 2010). because reading speed is so important to students, they should be trained to acquire this skill to achieve understanding. the faster the comprehension increases, the faster students can access important information, or obtain quick facts. there is no doubt that every student needs this kind of reading to keep pace with the rapid developments in this era (bani issa, 2010). because of using traditional methods in schools to teach reading, a generation appeared that had reading difficulties, and many skills that students must master in reading are missing. reading disability, if not addressed early, prevent students’ progress and continued with them into other grades (khasawneh, 2021). reading comprehension is a product of conscious reading that broadens and develops students' experiences, activates their intellectual skills, and provides students with the necessary information to solve many personal problems, to identify tendencies and increase them in breadth and depth, and develop a sense of self and the selves of others. it is appropriate for them, and pushes the mind to curiosity, reflection, and thinking, raises the level of understanding in social issues, raises the spirit of criticism for books, magazines, and newspapers, and makes the individual feel a sense of belonging to culture (raslan, 2015). students face many difficulties in reading in english language, which constitutes an obstacle to their education and limits their activities and tendencies towards learning. therefore, it is important to find more effective methods through the use of methods that attract their attention and excite them, and to eliminate the problems that they may face in learning to read (rahimi & babaei, 2021). the problem of weakness in reading speed is one of the biggest problems that students face, especially in the basic education stages. this creates negative effects represented in the weak level of comprehension among students. addressing this problem still needs more action to be take. several studies tackled such an issue in a different context, but few arabic studies have been conducted on developing reading speed skills. therefore, there is an urgent need to develop an experimental program to improve reading speed skills for students with learning disabilities to present results on ©mohamad ahmad saleem khasawneh available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 227 which educational applications are based to raise the level of students in reading speed and then raising their level of understanding and comprehension. therefore, it is hoped that the current study will contribute to filling a gap in this area (quinn, wagner, petscher, roberts, menzel, & schatschneider, 2020). reading comprehension should elevate students to the level of awareness and cognition so that they become readers who possess reading skills that enable them to comprehend the linguistic units at advanced levels. it also helps students to raise their ability to accurately comprehend the reading, understand the vocabulary, the perception of the surface and deep meaning, and the ability to understand the aim and significance of the writer to make objective judgments about the text. abu riach (2009) defined reading comprehension as the process by which previous experiences and features of the reader are used to form meaningful meanings for each reader in a specific context, and that process includes selecting specific ideas and understanding them in one sentence. fadlallah (2015) stated that comprehending the reading material, especially in educational situations, is a guarantee of upgrading the learner's language, providing him with rich ideas, being familiar with useful information, acquiring the skills of criticism, and accustoming him to expressing opinions and passing judgments, and helping him to pursue everything new. jad (2013) defined reading comprehension as a complex process that goes on at different levels, requires mental capabilities and abilities, and needs a lot of practice, training, interpretation, analysis, balance, and criticism. it is clear from the above that reading comprehension is important for students, and that it is the main goal of the reading process. indeed, some educators regard reading and comprehension as one thing. therefore, reading comprehension skills must be present in the curriculum and the classroom due to the importance of comprehension in language communication, and understanding the linguistic message between the writer and the reader (harthi, 2020). several studies have been conducted to investigate reading comprehension among students, and these studies have come up with different results. bani issa (2010) conducted a study aimed at identifying the effect of paul skelly's method of reading speed and reading comprehension among outstanding students in the elementary stage in jordan. the study sample consisted of (60) students. the results of the study showed ©mohamad ahmad saleem khasawneh available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 228 differences in reading comprehension skills and differences in reading speed skills on the two tests due to paul skelly's method and in favor of the experimental group. randy, andrea, christine, & emily (2011) conducted a study aimed at accelerating the reading ability of children with slow reading ability. reading was the first element among all groups, as children with low reading ability showed low goals in speed compared to their children's counterparts, and it indicated that the speed component was negatively associated with adult age. babayigit (2019) examined the speed of reading texts students in the primary stage. the study used the survey of quantitative research methods. the sample of the study included 732 students. the study collected data from three primary schools in the areas of yozgat province during 2018. the instrument of the study depended on measuring the number of words a student can reads in a minute. the results indicated the presence of clear difference in the reading rates of the text, especially between lower cased and upper cases letters. the results revealed that reading lowercase letters text was 13% higher than reading capital letters. the results also showed that secondary school students scored higher in reading aloud better than primary school students did. durukan (2020) investigated the effectiveness of a training based on fast reading on comprehension skills among secondary school students. the study was applied to a sample of 40 students from the 8th grade in trabzon city. the study was based on the experimental approach, for which a pretest-posttest method was applied to one group. before applying the study, the reading speed and comprehension levels of the students were identified. the participants received 20 hours of speed-reading training every other day for 5 days. the results of the study indicated significant improvement in the level of students after the implementation of the study. deniz and yavuz (2020) investigated the types of reading error and reading speeds among students with special learning difficulties. the study used the case study model and was applied to a sample of 34 students from grades 3–8. these students were identified as students with lds in konya in the 2019–2020 academic year. the results of the study revealed different types of errors students with lds have shown. these errors included misreading, hesitating while reading, repeating, omitting a word or skipping a line, substituting a sound/syllable or a word, pausing while reading, correction and reversing sounds. ©mohamad ahmad saleem khasawneh available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 229 this study aims to identify the effect of using the reading speed strategy on developing the reading comprehension of students with learning disabilities in english language compared to the traditional methods. the present study seeks to answer to the following research questions: are there any differences in reading comprehension between the mean scores of students with learning disabilities due to the teaching method (reading speed, the traditional method)? are there any differences in reading comprehension between the mean scores of students with learning disabilities due to the student's gender? b. research method population and sample the study population consisted of all students of the fifth grade of primary school in government schools in the second irbid district. the sample of the study was (80) male and female students. table (1) shows the demographic information of the study sample. table 1. demographic distribution of the study sample group males females total experimental 20 20 40 control 20 20 40 total 40 40 80 research instrument the reading comprehension test: the test consisted of (20) items of a multiplechoice type and each item was assigned one mark. the test time was determined to be (40) minutes, and the pre-test was used to ensure the equivalence of the study groups. the same test was used after the completion of the implementation of the work plan. validity and reliability of the instrument to ensure the validity of the instrument, the correlation coefficient was calculated. the correlation coefficients are shown in table (2) below. table 2. the correlation coefficients of the study instrument item no. correlation coefficient item no. correlation coefficient 1. 0.637** 23. 0.661** 2. 0.736** 24. 0.633** ©mohamad ahmad saleem khasawneh available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 230 3. 0.725** 25. 0.730** 4. 0.648** 26. 0.790** 5. 0.832** 27. 0.825** 6. 0.694** 28. 0.763** 7. 0.816** 29. 0.779** 8. 0.836** 30. 0.852** 9. 0.820** 10. 0.747** 11. 0.887** 12. 0.754** 13. 0.814** 14. 0.811** 15. 0.542** 16. 0.887** 17. 0.908** 18. 0.824** 19. 0.899** 20. 0.876** 21. 0.617** 22. 0.705** overall **0.822 as illustrated in table (2), the correlation coefficient for all the test items was above 0.40, and the overall correlation coefficient for the test was 0.822, which means that the test was valid to administer in the jordanian environment. to ensure the reliability of the test, the internal consistency was calculated using the (cronbach alpha) statistical method to verify the consistency of the students’ responses. the internal consistency results revealed that the cronbach alpha of the responses was (0.96.8), and this value is acceptable to accept the reliability of the test. c. findings and discussion findings to answer the questions of the study, the mean scores and standard deviations of the sample's marks were calculated on the reading comprehension test as shown in table below: table 3. the mean scores and standard deviations of the sample's scores in the post-test according to gender group gender control experimental standard deviation means score standard deviation means score 4.00 14.39 3.56 19. 18 males ©mohamad ahmad saleem khasawneh available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 231 4.47 14.28 3.08 9020, females 4.24 14.33 3.32 20.35 total it is evident from table (3) that the mean score of the experimental group of male students was (19.81) with a standard deviation (3.56). the mean score of the female from the experimental group was (20.90) with a standard deviation (3.08). on the other hand, the mean score of the control group of male students was (14.39) with a standard deviation (4.00), and the mean score of the control group of females was (14.28) with a standard deviation (4.47). the experimental group of males and females reached (20.35) with a standard deviation (3.32), while the total sum of the mean score of the control group was (14.33) with a standard deviation (4.24). it is noticed that there are apparent differences between the mean scores of the groups of the study. to verify the statistical significance of these differences, the twoway anova analysis was used as shown in table (4). table 4. results of the two-way anova analysis for the post-test according to the gender and method source of variance sum of squares freedom value mean square f-value sig. method 405,1236 1 405,1236 657,93 000,0 * gender 438,5 1 438,5 412,0 522,0 interaction between method and gender 417,14 1 741,14 11,1 292,0 error 805,1821 139 201,13 total 280,3378 142 * statistically significant at (α = 0.05) it is clear from table (4) that the results were as follows: it is evident from table (4) that the calculated f-value was (93.657) with a level of significance (0,000). this indicates the existence of statistically significant differences at (α = 0.05) on the reading ©mohamad ahmad saleem khasawneh available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 232 comprehension test attributable to the teaching method (speed reading, traditional method) in favor of the experimental group that studied using speed reading strategy. discussion the reason for this result is that the use of speed-reading in teaching is considered a different method from the usual ways in which students learn to read. the change in the method of teaching led to great activity, suspense among students, and a tendency towards learning to read. perhaps the reason for this result is that the speed-reading program is characterized by providing the student with the opportunity to participate in the learning and teaching process, being self-reliant and increasing self-confidence, which in turn increases motivation, interaction, and participation in the learning process. it is evident from table (4) that there are no statistically significant differences due to the gender of students, as the calculated f-value was (0.412) and its level of significance was (0.522), which is not statistically significant at (α = 0.05). the reason for this may be that the speed-reading strategy included educational units from the arabic language book for the sixth grade, prepared by the ministry, and intended to be taught to students, whether males or females. this result can also be attributed to the fact that the speed-reading action plan is designed to suit both genders. it provides elements of excitement for male and female students, and it attracts the attention and involvement of the student in the learning process through exercises that are suitable for students of the basic sixth grade of both genders. this strategy also increases their motivation towards learning, as the speedreading action plan is concerned with developing reading skills for all students, male and female, and it did not target a specific group of students, but rather viewed the student as an educated individual with abilities and skills seeking to develop and improve them. the reason for this result can be attributed to the tendency of students of both genders to get rid of the routine method and shift to modern methods, which makes them serious in their dealing with the speed-reading strategy. it helps students realize that they are facing a method that increases their activity and level of motivation, and opens up horizons of knowledge for them. ©mohamad ahmad saleem khasawneh available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 233 d. conclusion in light of the findings of the study, the researcher recommends the diversification of teaching methods to be suitable with the educational position, with a focus on the method of speed-reading, which the study revealed its positive effect. the study also recommends paying more attention and focus on helping students to develop their attitudes towards speed-reading, from teachers and parents, by encouraging students to speed-reading, and increasing their demand for it, as this has a positive impact on their reading comprehension. acknowledgments the authors extend their 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(2015). teaching arabic language. cairo: house of culture for publishing and distribution. meilan nirmala shinta & besse darmawati available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 1 volume 6, no. 1, february 2021 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) nonverbal communication of supervisors in the mentoring thesis process: perceptions of english students meilan nirmala shinta (corresponding author) halu oleo university, kendari, indonesia besse darmawati balai bahasa sulawesi selatan, makassar, indonesia abstract: the study examines students' perceptions on the thesis mentoring process regarding their nonverbal communication patterns in the english study program, fkip of halu oleo university. the scope and focus are kinesics, proxemics, oculesics, chronemics, paralanguage, and physical appearance.this study apply a qualitative approach. the data obtained employing interview and documentation are then analyzed by miles and huberman's theory using reduction, reporting, and verification. the subjects of the study are eight graduated students and two students in the mentoring process. the study results shows that the six types of nonverbal which are most likely to be experienced more often and influentially are ‘kinesics’, which is like the supervisor's attitude serving the students. other nonverbal types continue to take on roles but are not as influential as kinesics. this study reveals that the importance of communication is able to increase student attention and motivation in constructing ideas gained from their supervisors when the communication process is going well and vice versa. keywords: nonverbal communication; students’ perception; thesis mentoring a. introduction the importance of ‘communication’ in learning or classroom environment was just one of the many domains we usually encounter and meet. this opinion is reinforced by (indrawan et al., 2017; ranta & harmawati, 2017; lustig, myron w, 2010). they generally stated that communication is an essential contact for all human and an integral part of human life. people communicate in different ways to express their thoughts, feelings, knowledge, skills, and ideas we wish to convey and understand the message. therefore, all experts develop communication into two forms, namely verbal and nonverbal communications. meilan nirmala shinta & besse darmawati available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 2 in particular, verbal communication uses words in conversation or speech to provoke students’ feeling, specific emotion, and distinct function in their comments to penetrate their students, instead of nonverbal communication is wordless communication (lustig, myron w, 2010). thus, in this study, the researchers focus on nonverbal communication only due to the aim to find a comprehensive explanation of english students’ perception of nonverbal communication supervisors in the mentoring thesis process. nonverbal communication was an interdisciplinary field of science. in linguistics and applied linguistics, this science can be a part of intercultural competence (cross culture understanding) discourse analysis because it analyzes the communication process according to its context and relates to general communication science from several references. it has been mentioned clearly by mahmud (2017) and lusting and koester (2010). in the nonverbal communication section, especially for teaching english as a foreign language in the classroom, this type of communication process always accompanies verbal communication such as body language, eye contact, facial mimic, body posture, dressing style, voice intonation, and others. this condition is following the opinion of negi (1970). in terms of meaning, some opinions from experts/scholars do not explicitly categorize nonverbal communication, but they only explain per small parts. as a result, from their description, it can be concluded that the process of non-verbal communication, if seen more deeply, can be interpreted from three sides (mandal, 2014; patterson, 2016). first, the use of types of communication. this is related to the context such as time, interlocutor or communication, and place (mahmud, 2017). second, nonverbal communication reveals body movements and is also referred to as nonlinguistic, in which each type is carried out to convey someone's meaning to others without verbal language (buck & vanlear, 2002; ranta & harmawati, 2017). this is interpreted as a media representing the message as well. third, nonverbal communication has various functions and roles in affecting the meaning of the nonverbal communication process: accent, complement, contradictory, regulates, or substitute for verbal messages (lustig, myron w, 2010). nonverbal communication in terms of the types is indeed diverse. each expert, including the researchers here, also classify it varied; for example, lustig and koester meilan nirmala shinta & besse darmawati available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 3 (2010) sorted them (emblems, adapters, effect displays, chemical fragrance, regulators, etc.) much more diverse and detailed. from other experts, the justification for mentioning nonverbal communication in groups is more straightforward. knap (1972) stated that the ways of nonverbal communication could be different in to nine types, namely (1) bodily contact, which is in the form of touching; (2) proxemics, that is the ways of approaching someone; (3) orientation, that is how to face someone; (4) appearance, that is in the form of hair, clothes, skin, height, weight, etc.; (5) head nods; (6) facial expressions such as eyebrow position, eye shape, mouth shape, and nostril size; (7) gestures of the hand and arms; (8) posture in the forms of sitting, standing, and lying; and (9) eye movement and eye contact. on the other hand, barabar and kivanc (2016) explained nonverbal communication into seven types. first, kinesics is a nonverbal message applied in the form of sign language by members of the body such as facial, hand, and head expression as supported by various experts' opinions (lustig, myron w, 2010) and (kendon, 2018). second, proxemics is related to space divided into four spatial meanings, namely intimate, social, personal, and public space (ballendat et al., 2010; danesi, 2006; greenberg et al., 2011). third, oculesics is body language that is more language-focused on eye contact (cruz, 2001; sullivan, 2012). fourth, haptics is a nonverbal language that concerns physical contact, for example, shaking hands, touching, and others (frati & prattichizzo, 2011; indrawan et al., 2017; schneider et al., 2017). fifth, chronemic refers to the use of time (döring & pöschl, 2017). sixth, paralanguage is a nonverbal language that relates to voice intonation. seventh, physical appearance includes the appearance of a person's body, for example, weight, thin, beautiful, and others (luangrath et al., 2017; poyatos, 2002). nonverbal communication was an exciting thing because it was said to be a silent language without words. still, its impact and role have a more significant influence in interpreting the verbal language itself. therefore, nonverbal studies have been carried out by many experts and scholars. peng hong li (2011) reported that most researchers have found that it is necessary for teachers to learn in using nonverbal behaviour to enhance classroom teaching quality. they found that 82% of the notions used in a classroom by the teacher are nonverbal, while only 18% are verbal. to convey the 18% verbal message better to students, qi pan argued that some research findings are concerned with verbal fashion, while some are from what is observed nonverbally. meilan nirmala shinta & besse darmawati available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 4 nonverbal communication is only one facet of the giant field of communication, and yet it has been claimed that 65% of meaning is conveyed through nonverbal communication (pan, 2014). almost all previous studies have concluded that the benefits of nonverbal communication in the classroom context increased student motivation in learning. it means that it can be interpreted as an influential domain role because, implicitly, there is a character-building that the teacher wants to build and shape the educating process. the different side of this study lies in the communication process in students and supervisors' thesis coaching process. the two-way communication model will describe another situation that is different when the process occurs between one lecturer and the number of collective students in the class. this study refers to the types of nonverbal communication by barabar & caganaga (2016): kinesics, proxemics, oculesics, haptics, chronemics, paralanguage, and olfactics, and physical appearance. the thesis was the final task that students must carry out to obtain their degree. based on interviews conducted with students who are preparing a thesis, many finalyear students have difficulties compiling a thesis, including finding and formulate problems, determining the title, composing a research proposal, arranging thesis systematics, and others alike. thesis guidance/mentoring is a means for students to get direction, assistance, advice, and correction of the thesis that is being compiled. currently, thesis guidance can be done in various ways. students do not have to meet face-to-face, but they can also use electronic media to communicate, such as mobile phones and the internet. so, students can do thesis guidance via message, telephone or chatting application. besides, to save expenses, significantly to reduce the costs used to print the draft thesis, students can send their thesis files via email. due to the previous explanations of the importance of nonverbal communication in the learning environment, the researchers then formulated the question in the study: how is the process of nonverbal communication between supervisors and students and the impact of nonverbal communication on students’ guidance? in line with this, the purpose of this study was to provide information and describe the types of nonverbal communication in the context of thesis guidance and to explore and strengthen the impact of nonverbal communication on students’ guidance. meilan nirmala shinta & besse darmawati available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 5 b. research method the design of this study was descriptive qualitative design, where the entire contents of the data were presented verbally without quantifying the numbers and analyzed based on the findings obtained for the detailed meaning of the strings (moleong, 2017); (atmowardoyo, 2008); (creswell, 2012). the subjects of the study were students who are categorized as students and have passed or guided their thesis. there is ten number of participants. all students are they who consist of different classes, namely students of 2015, 2016 and 2014. data were gathered by using interview techniques (in-depth interview) with the same procedures. interview data obtained by email media and contact, each student, is given or sent several questions (indirect interview). on the other hand, the researchers were doing direct interviews when contact is done. students are free to answer freely according to the category of questions after they answer. the researchers were passive observers because the data was gathered through the students' or respondents’ photos or documentation of their attendance consultations. data were analyzed according to the stages of miles and huberman (2014). the analysis consisted of three activities that coincided, (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) conclusion/verification. in the stage of data reduction, data were gathered from the respondents’ answers. it then was reviewed based on the types of nonverbal communication by making columns that have been labelled respectively. the opinions of respondents who are not under the classification of nonverbal communication are not included in the type group but become a reference in the explanatory factors. in the data presentation stage, the data set that has been grouped then be reviewed to be described in tabular form to facilitate the description of the data after going through the data interpretation and analysis process. lastly, in the stage of conclusion or verification, before the results of the data analysis conclude, the researchers compare and clarify the data that has been verified with respondents, relevant research, relevant references to the lecturers who are experts in the field of nonverbal or verbal communication in the teaching of language. through this process, the conclusions begin summarized. meilan nirmala shinta & besse darmawati available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 6 c. findings and discussion findings the following table described the example of nonverbal communication employed by both supervisors and their students in their interaction. table 1. types of nonverbal communication types of nonverbal more preferable less disliked kinesics smile, friendly, interactive less interactive, less friendly and smell proxemic smile, friendly, interactive lectures’ room, at lecture’s home, classroom oculasic eye contact not too eye-to-eye (more focus on scribbling/revising thesis) chronemic in the morning in the afternoon and evening paralanguage moderate (not high or low intonation) intonation voice is high or too low olfactic clean and tidy look less neat physical appearance clean and polite there were ten students as participants, eight students had passed the thesis mentoring process, and two were in the process. data interpretation in table 1 above illustrated six types of nonverbal communication, those are (1) kinesics, (2) proxemics, (3) chronemics, (4) paralanguage, (5) olfatics, and (6) physical appearance. all these types would describe one by one as a whole. first, kinesics showed that all participants shared friendly, smiling, and interactive facial expressions in the coaching process, which made students motivated and felt comfortable in communication, particularly in expressing their opinions. on the contrary, all participants who shared a view on communication that showed an unfriendly attitude, flat or cold, and not enthusiastic or no interactive harmed students in expressing their opinions. second, the type of proxemics illustrated that there are variations in answers, including dominant students, prefer the consultation process to occur in the private lecturer room because the impact can make them more focused. however, some feel comfortable consulting collective lecturers or shared spaces like seminar rooms because they thought similar phases were seen from other friends (regarding the same boat). on the other hand, several rooms make students less meilan nirmala shinta & besse darmawati available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 7 comfortable, such as on the street, in the classroom, and at home. these places made the lecturers' concentration not so harmful in improving the thesis because it is divided by the interests of other lecturers. third, chronemics related to the dominant time usage in the morning due to the mood effects for supervisors and students in still fresh members and accept input. fourth, paralanguage referred to terms of voice intonation. some students choose moderate but clear voices because they seem to communicate well. high intonation sounds made students afraid or discouraged from consulting, while small voices confused students because it is rather difficult to digest or receive information well. fifth, olfactics is related to dominant students. students preferred their supervisor to look clean and neat because the coaching process is better. on the other hand, a tangled appearance made students think of a personality that cannot be emulated mostly in a formal situation. sixth, physical appearance related to the outside appearance of lecturers for students is not a problem in the lecturer's body shape, face shape or the like because the main thing is the integrity of the lecturer and the lecturer's personality more than just the external appearance. discussion students and supervisors sent and received both consciously and unconsciously a lot of nonverbal message cues in the mentoring process. supervisors expressed many messages through facial expression, vocal intonation, gestures, and the use of space. the realization of nonverbal communication in mentoring interaction in lectures and students perspectives was in the forms of nonverbal immediacy behaviours and nonverbal behaviours accompanying verbal messages. nonverbal immediacy behaviours include kinesics, proxemics, paralanguage, and chronemics in interpersonal attitudes' nonverbal communication. the supervisor mostly employed some nonverbal cues such as positive responses or vice versa. those were expressed in some gestures while talking to proxemics context, for instance, in a classroom, lectures or supervisor room, or others. it was typical that students in efl communication through gestures and cues are essential. the supervisors used their body language to help students understand the information, messages, or instructions. they used appropriate gestures to transmit their minds. for instance, when a lecture wanted to show their enthusiasm, they expressed their expressions of the face, readiness of physical appearance to serve time and meilan nirmala shinta & besse darmawati available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 8 themselves by transmitting their ideas. it is indicated that focusing on eye contact is known as the meaning of severe attention or supervising process. the impact could make the communication process run well, and students' response in understanding the guidance is better. on the other hand, it was considered as obstacles in nonverbal cues when in the mentoring process. for instance, lack of positive responded by the lectures, posture of olfactics (good/bad looking, how to dress neatly and cleanly), and the intonation of voice would not be precise, selecting the inappropriate place and time in the mentoring process, and others. therefore, lectures or supervisors knew how to utilize different facial expressions to deal with different situations in mentoring to create an excellent consulting atmosphere and enhance their positive communication effect. for instance, when a student gave a wrong answer, the lectures encouraged their students to smile. the lectures or supervisors need to keep students enthusiastic and joyful in the mentoring process. a warm smile could give students felt comfortable studying. to do this, some teachers made some jokes. hence, lecturers or supervisors and students kept their relationships in a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. the appropriate distance between interlocutors was considered as positive feedback and communication. in their interaction, the teachers were standing in different positions at the proper distance to make students feel attentiveness and thoughtfulness. as the research subject, all the students argued that used vocal varieties by the lectures when talking interaction was also essential to make the mentoring process more conducive. they realized that the role of paralinguistic features in the communication process was also important. the paralinguistic component refers to how to say the words, the tone, pacing and volume of voices, and sentence stress. some lectures or supervisors employed inappropriate paralanguage by using law tone and volume. it made the students felt ambiguous and confusing to receive their supervisors' input and correction. these nonverbal messages had been shown to stimulate meanings of attentiveness and responsiveness. the students showed positive nonverbal communication clues when they directly responded to their supervisors' instruction or input without any objections. the students tended to employ positive communication and give respect and feel close to their lectures or supervisors. meilan nirmala shinta & besse darmawati available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 9 moreover, the limitation of the linguistic ability of students had contributed to produce nonverbal expression. sometimes, the students used silent expression in their responses to their lectures response or attitudes because of inadequate nonverbal cues. nonverbal behaviours accompanying verbal messages were other vital consideration in this study. there was a tendency to be more communicative if a verbal message is accompanied by nonverbal messages, and both should be congruent. besides, nonverbal messages accompanying verbal message could emphasize, support, substitute, add, and complement the intended message. appropriateness of verbal expression can be measured from the etiquette of nonverbal behaviour going along with it. in verbal terms, a good communication process in different speech acts employed by the lectures or supervisors and students in mentoring interaction was mostly emphasized and supported with appropriate nonverbal expressions in various behaviours. d. conclusion in conclusion, this study's results have similarities in previous studies related to verbal and nonverbal communication. the result showed that nonverbal communication impacts two things, namely, positive and negative effects. positive impact in improving communication; on the contrary, the communication process's adverse effects did not work well because student motivation decreased as students' intensity to consult with their supervisor. they became hampered and could require more duration long ago. it arrived at the level of completion of the student. references atmowardoyo, h. 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semi-structured interview to know how applicable the formative peer feedback for undergraduate students, which part that students interested in when they assess their friends, and identify students’ feelings when used the formative peer feedback in public speaking class. concerning the results of the study, the writers discovered that formative peer feedback is very beneficial for the undergraduate student in the learning process of the public speaking class. while doing the assessment, most undergraduate students seem more interested in assessing their peer's body language and speech content. in addition, the result that the writers got from the investigation was 62.5% that claimed their peer’s feedback was very objective. other than that, when using the formative peer feedback in the public speaking class, 65.6% of undergraduate learners were feeling satisfied. keywords: formative peer feedback; undergraduate students; speaking ability. a. introduction formative peer feedback is certainly one of the alternative formative assessments that students can utilize in pairs to explore, strengthen, and recognize their capability within the course. formative peer feedback is assessing among students that are meant to strengthen their learning. students might have the ability to feel free in expressing their ideas to each and every other. moreover, sari & setiawan (2018) argued that formative feedback is defined as communicative information for novices that might be erniyanti nur fatahhela dewi, nidyah hasanah & muhammad faishol nurul huda available online at 117 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) purposed to modify their considering or behavior to reinforce learning. additionally, formative peer feedback has been used in english language courses to grasp the beginner’s newbies’ language efficiency within the four abilities, reminiscent of listening, speaking, reading and writing (leenknecht & prins, 2018). wanner and palmer (2018) asserted that peer feedback requires appropriate design form and implementation in order to decide an efficient instrument for formative assessment procedures. furthermore, formative peer feedback also creates students’ capability to offer feedback, and the teacher’s intervention is crucial for formative peer feedback. moreover, it seems interesting to observe formative peer feedback in enhancing the students' speaking ability since speaking is one of the subject matters in the department of english education. nevertheless, many other teachers in indonesia seem to find it challenging to provide a way of assessing the speaking skills of students, so they commonly use traditional methods. to illustrate, teachers ask each student to deliver individually in front of the class and provide them with the score, and it needs to spend more time assessing students' speaking ability as almost every class in indonesia comprises even more than 30 students. according to flucher (2018), speaking assessment in any foreign language is among the most challenging assessment activities suffered by teachers due to the students' amount and the time for learning. in light of the formative peer feedback on students' speaking ability, it is going to assist students in minimizing the anxiousness of them. formative peer feedback also is assumed to offer an impact on investigating the students' speaking ability. therefore, gikandi and morrow (2016) assumed that formative peer feedback motivates students to participate actively within the finding out process. regardless of increasing evidence that formative peer feedback forms helpful in making improvements to speaking abilities in students, comparable in deciding greater accountability for their learning process, creating a better understanding of the course, assessment requirements with their standards and evaluations, and creating important reflective and speaking abilities (wanner and palmer (2018). against this, needs analysis of formative peer feedback as the assessment, attitudes of students to this tradition on undergraduate students' degree has no longer been investigated. hence, gathering students' perceptions towards the use of formative peer feedback in exploring their speaking ability seems fascinating to be carried out in detail. erniyanti nur fatahhela dewi, nidyah hasanah & muhammad faishol nurul huda available online at 118 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) regarding this topic, some previous related studies discussed formative peer feedback, as mentioned by elizondo-garcia, schunn, and gallardo (2019), who examined the connection between high-quality pedagogical design peer feedback. in this regard, the observation was once carried out amongst 230 participants from latini, the united states, within the crisis preparedness. each qualitative and quantitative approach used to be carried out within the study. the qualitative design was carried out first to reveal the education practitioner's views and illustrate peer feedback aspects. subsequently, the quantitative design was once used to check courses in keeping with peer feedback comments. the measurement instruments used have been a semistructure interview, demographic data survey, and peer feedback comments. furthermore, the study results have supported the concept that educational design features, basically the guide structures and center of attention, decide the type of feedback that participants will produce and hence receive. sridaran and boud (2019) researched the direct impact of formative efficiency and the interceding the results of praise and criticism in peer feedback messages on improving group work and self-assessment skills. this study attempts to defeat whether peer feedback leads to improving teamwork behavior and self-assessment abilities. regarding this matter, this research pattern includes a quantitative and qualitative approach from 98 students. students enrolled in the company are programmed using certain forms of collaborative teamwork. besides, this study found a direct constructive relationship between formative efficiency scores and summative self-assessment abilities. against this, the compliment negatively mediates the relationship between formative efficiency scores and summative group work. in the other study, peters, körndle, and narciss (2018) investigated a formative assessment script (fas) to promote vocational high school students in producing feedback to their peer and their performance. the study examined producing peer feedback benefits the next generation vocational students from internal feedback. in this regard, the study was investigated concerning quantitative and qualitative peer characteristics and internal feedback produced by vocational students. it also conducted a quasi-experimental design. the study was involved 75 vocational students who created an individual assignment in writing a typical technical planning task as erniyanti nur fatahhela dewi, nidyah hasanah & muhammad faishol nurul huda available online at 119 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) participants. furthermore, the result showed that fas forced students to explore more critical ideas and omit fewer wrong elements in their choices. overall, those studies seem to indicate that formative peer feedback could positively impact students' learning experience and performance. however, those studies did not specifically discuss how undergraduate students' perceptions of implementing formative peer feedback improve speaking ability. therefore, different from those previous studies, this current study would focus on investigating undergraduate students' perceptions of formative peer feedback in improving undergraduate students' speaking skills. furthermore, the present study is aimed to address exploring the undergraduate students' perceptions using formative peer feedback towards speaking skills. to regard this study, collecting data will be gathered through a semi-structured interviewed questionnaire and measured by the qualitative method. b. research method a descriptive qualitative study was conducted in the study. it described the undergraduate students' perception who had experience in speaking class that conduct formative peer feedback. the description included undergraduate students' perceptions regarding their experiences in applying the formative peer feedback such as how applicable the formative peer feedback for undergraduate students, which part students like when they assess their friends and students' feelings. in this regard, thirty-two undergraduate students who had experience in using formative peer feedback invited to be a participant in the study. additionally, the writers selected thirty-two undergraduate students of syarif hidayatullah state islamic university jakarta as the participants. it was due to the writers' consideration since the writers graduated from syarif hidayatullah state islamic university. the writers had proximity emotional to undergraduate students that were used as the participants. therefore, the writers had chosen the selected undergraduate students of syarif hidayatullah state islamic university jakarta. since the main data of the study perception, so that the authors used an online questionnaire (google form) to gather undergraduate students' perception about the implementation perceptions of formative peer feedback in assessing their formative erniyanti nur fatahhela dewi, nidyah hasanah & muhammad faishol nurul huda available online at 120 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) public speaking class. an online questionnaire with open-ended questions distributed to students, how applicable the formative peer feedback for undergraduate students, which part that students like when they assess their friends' and students' feelings. the questionnaire adopted from munoz and alvarez (2007) and the data from this recent study were analyzed using descriptive analysis. the writer also conducted a semistructured interview in order to measure participants' responses. c. findings and discussion findings participants in this research conducted a questionnaire that addressed undergraduate students’ formative peer feedback perception in their capacity to speak in public speaking courses. five open questions specifically addressed the reasons, perceptions, aspects of undergraduate students and their feedback on the implementation of peer feedback in public-speaking classrooms. it emerged after evaluating the questionnaire response and commonalities that are considered important and relevant to this research. in addition, the important topics arising from this research were that formative peer feedback help strengthen future performance, enhance motivation and stimulate them during their speaking performance, and enhance communication between undergraduate students and others. these topics are discussed below and arranged from the significance of the peer feedback questionnaire by each issue. there are five basic questions asked for accompanying opinions concerning the peer feedback and below the outcome the authors briefly explain the answer of each issue to the participants. first, participants were asked about their views on implementing formative peer feedback in teaching and learning process, especially public speaking course. the result was presented as follows: figure 1. views on implementing formative peer feedback erniyanti nur fatahhela dewi, nidyah hasanah & muhammad faishol nurul huda available online at 121 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) the result of the data in chart above of 32 participants, 26 (81.3%) asserted that they thought formative peer-feedback was very useful for them. there are four main reasons of the participant. first, through the formative peer feedback, it gave feedback for their peer. it meaned they were evaluating themselves. second, formative peer feedback could improve participants’ critical thinking. their peer will stimulate to force them in improving their speaking performace. by their peer feedback, undergraduate students feel challenged to think more critically then that will produce more brilliant ideas than usual. third, through the formative peer feedback, participants would be more confident since they know who assessed was their own friend, not the lecturer. participants also stated that they were happy. they also aserted that they felt their confidence emerged in place of their speaking anxiety. fourth, the participant thought that formative peer feedback could help them to realize their speaking ability. it could stimulate them to enhance their future performance so that participants could be more responsible for improving their speaking performance. however, 6 (18.8%) participants chose that formative peer feedback was somewhat useful for them. as participants who asserted the formative peer feedback was beneficial, the six participants also had some reasons to choose it. writers categorized the reasons into two. first, the participant felt that their pair’ ability was lower than him. it resulted that theirpeer feedback was not useful enough. second, participants stated that the formative peer feedback who assessed by their friends could not be objective since they had an unpleasant feeling in criticizing. however, participant who chose somewhat useful were still recommend this peer feedback as optional assessment in the public speaking course. second, participants were asked about part that participants like most when they score their friends. the result was presented as follows: figure 2. the part that participants like most when they score their friends erniyanti nur fatahhela dewi, nidyah hasanah & muhammad faishol nurul huda available online at 122 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) the question two indicated the aspect in which students like to assess through peer feedback. from 32 participants, 11 of participants or 34.4% marked body language. there are various reasons stated by participants. therefore, the writers categorize into four. first, participants said that body language showed the speaker’s self-confident. second, participants stated that using body language, the message would be easily delivered and understood by the audiences. in other words, body language helped the speakers’ explanation. third, participants mentioned that when the content which delivered was less attractive, the body language will support the speech. so, it will attract the audiences’ attention. fourth, the participant argued that since english was a foreign language, so, body language was very beneficial. moreover, 2 participants which is 6.3% from all participants chose eye contact. participants reasoned that they like to see their peer’s eyes. through eye contact emission, they can see someone confidence clearly. on the other hand, introduction also chose by 3 participants and it was about 9.4%, the participants argued that a good beginning significantly influenced the readiness of the audiences. it will stimulate the audiences continue listening to the presenter’s talk. participants also asserted that the introduction section is an "eye-catching" or something distinctive in general. therefore, it can capture someone’s interest in listening to that person’s public speaking. the presentation which they presented was interesting if used the body language appropriately. another aspect that chose by 4 participants (12.5%) is presenter added variety. participants asserted that they chose this aspect since they felt when someone spoke would not even feel monotonous and could broaden their horizons. they knew whether or not the presenter mastered the content interestingly by combining other data. another reason was because it could make viewers not easily bored in seeing the presentation delivered. in addition, demonstrated planning chose by 9.4% participants or about 3 persons. they mentioned that because the participants are visual learners, they chose this aspect. moreover, it because they were more understanding when someone described visualization, and they can remember well the information provided than just describing it. another reason is the way the presenter demonstrates it will be essential for the audience to understand the content presented. erniyanti nur fatahhela dewi, nidyah hasanah & muhammad faishol nurul huda available online at 123 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) the last aspect is content that chose by 9 participants (28.1%). as other aspect before, undergraduate students who chose this aspect have several reasons. first, participants argued that content aspect was an essential thing in carrying out the communication process. the communication process could be successful and wellreceived if the audience captured the meaning of the content which conveyed by the speaker. second, the way to deliver the content of each person was different, so that the part was made participants interested in listening to the content, was what information conveyed while conducting an assessment in public speaking. third, in assessing the content part, the evaluator would give the feedback that the presenter will know how much the influence of the speech and what part that should be more increased. third, participants were asked about whether they are objective or not when they score their friends. the result was presented as follows: figure 3. when i score my friend using the rubric, i am in response to question three, 20 (62.5%) of the participants responded very objective. morever, 12 (37.5%) participants responded somewhat objective, and no participants responded, not objective. almost every undergraduate student indicated that they were very objective to assess their friends’ performance using the peer feedback rubric. they realized that the result of the assessment did not only turn into a pile of garbage. it would become good suggestions so that they would undoubtedly have assigned the recommendations for improving their speaking ability. in other words, it used for knowing their weaknesses and making them better in speaking performance for the future chance. however, 12 participants chose somewhat objective because they felt inadequate to their friends to say honestly. besides, if the friend who had not good performance enough, it was hard to comment on bad words. erniyanti nur fatahhela dewi, nidyah hasanah & muhammad faishol nurul huda available online at 124 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) fourth, participants were asked about their assumptions about whether their friends score their performance objectively or not. the result was presented as follows: figure 4. my friend’s feedback from the 32 participants who responded from the questionnaire that we provided, we have examined it and obtained outcomes of 19 (59.4%) participants who chose friend’s feedback is somewhat objective. when we gave direct interviews after collecting a questionnaire that we have shared, the friend’s feedback was between objective and not objective, so most of them chose somewhat objective. they felt inadequate to their friends to say honestly and comment on bad words. furthermore, 13 (40.6%) of undergraduate students chose that students' feedback is not objective, because they believe that their abilities with each other were same, so that when their friends assess them, they felt doubtful to their friends, or sometimes they feel not objective because their friends assessed not from what they produced, but assessed them because just a friend. fifth, participants were asked about their feeling when using formative peer feedback in teaching and learning process, especially public speaking course. the result was presented as follows: figure 5. paticipants’ feeling when using formative peer feedback erniyanti nur fatahhela dewi, nidyah hasanah & muhammad faishol nurul huda available online at 125 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) from 32 participants’ responses that writers have already given the questionnaire, 34.4% undergraduate students chose somewhat happy to give the score to their friends using peer feedback instruments, they reasoned that they were happier and felt more comfortable when the teacher who gave them the formative assessment. besides, we also had the results of 65.6% of responses who chose very happy because they gave the reason that using formative peer feedback was a new thing that they occasionally used to assess each other’s friends, and they felt that if their friend gave an assessment, they feel freer to respond to each other’s friends. discussion the present study highlighted the obtained data on how the perception of undergraduate students in evaluating their speaking ability towards the enactment of formative peer feedback. the ideas among all the respondents showed that the formative peer feedback was very helpful to them because most of them figured that the peer feedback stimulated them to recognize how far their ability in oral performance. when students propose and give the feedback, students interact with their pairs. therefore, it influenced the independent learning. it is also evidenced by yeh, tseng and chen (2019) who asserted that peer feedback effects discussion between students, their own taks reflection, and setting the approriate strategy to improve their abilities. it all resulted independent learning. participants also believe that using peer feedback makes them expand their understanding so they can assess their friends. as stated by comer, clark and canelas (2014) that peer feedback is information that allow students to exploretheir intention to modify their reflections or habits. in other case, it enhances student knowledge and expertise. additionally, typical sequence of actions in peer feedback are efficiency and task completion, learn from one another, write and send feedback, receive feedback from others, and revise tasks. moreover, the study results also demonstrated that formative peer feedback could improve communication between undergraduate students with their peers since the peerassessment process that allowed students to have clarification and feedback from their friends. through this process, undergraduate students may ask or discuss with their friend about some standards that they are still low at. for instance, when students assess the oral performance of their friend, some of them found that they were still low in pronouncing the words. thus, students discuss it with their friend to have some erniyanti nur fatahhela dewi, nidyah hasanah & muhammad faishol nurul huda available online at 126 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) feedback on whether they should have electives to exercise or ask their friend to practice together in order to rehearse their pronunciation. this is significant since it is supported by usher and barak (2017), who found that engaging in peer assessment typically entails essential pondering and the implementation of high-level cognitive skills in producing thoughts and ideas. in addition, the formative peer feedback also improves the students’ incentive to achieve better performance, particularly oral performance. through formative peer feedback, students can freely assess each other to know how far they accomplish or obtain the requirements. therefore, it may increase their motivation to become a better for another performance chances. it is supported by joo (2016), who said that peer feedback motivate students to show the better oral performances. by students’ motivation, it influenced students to be more active in participating discussion. they will truly encourage the discussion by giving quention and answer. in accordance, ortoleva and brètancourt (2016), farias, hastie, and mesquita (2018), nicolini and cole (2019), and cook (2019) agreed that students are able to generate new options in peer feedback actions that allow students to have questions and discussion. d. conclusions based on research finding, formative assessment is taken into account one of the vital necessary ways to enhance instructing and learning processes. it is performed to evaluate undergraduate students’ understanding, learning wants, and learning progress regarding a selected unit of learning materials. giving feedback in formative assessment is not only come and conducted by the lecturers, but also it may come from the students. formative peer feedback is an alternative assessment that can be done by undergraduate students in evaluating, exploring, developing, and knowing their capability and knowledge. since the implementation of formative peer feedback in indonesia is still substitutive, it seems to indicate outstanding knowing undergraduate students’ perception toward the implementation of formative peer feedback. hence, in the present study, writers distributed the questionnaire and did a semi-structured interview to measure participants’ responses. concerning the results of the study, the writers discovered that formative peer feedback could be very useful for the undergraduate students within the learning technique of public speaking class. while doing the assessment, most undergraduate erniyanti nur fatahhela dewi, nidyah hasanah & muhammad faishol nurul huda available online at 127 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) students like assessing the peer’s body language and the content of the speech. what is more, 62.5% of the participants also assessed very objective. however, they felt their friend’s feedback was somewhat objective. in addition, 65.6% undergraduate students felt pleased when using the formative peer feedback in public speaking class. erniyanti nur fatahhela dewi, nidyah hasanah & muhammad faishol nurul huda available online at 128 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) references comer, d. k., clark, c. r., & canelas, d. a. 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(2019). using online peer feedback through blogs to promote speaking performance. journal of educational technology & society, 22(1), 1-14. ©dhion meitreya vidhiasi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 167 volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) an analysis of appraisal system of paw patrol lyric dhion meitreya vidhiasi akademi maritim nusantara cilacap, indonesia abstract: hero-themed children’s films are always fun for children. the paw patrol film series is a spectacle aimed at pre-school-age children. the film’s main characters are one 10-year-old child and six puppies. this study aimed to look at the appraisal system contained in the lyrics of the opening song of the paw patrol series, which aired on the nickjr channel. the researcher wanted to find the dominant appraisal system in the lyrics. the researcher also wanted to know how the lyricist positioned the listeners and viewers of the film through the song’s lyrics. the data analyzed were the lyric of the opening song of the paw patrol film series. the data were then analyzed using martin and white’s appraisal system theory. researchers used qualitative descriptive methods in analyzing the data. the results showed the three appraisal sub-systems; attitude, engagement, and graduation, are found in the lyrics of the paw patrol opening song. the dominant appraisal system was graduation. listeners or moviegoers are positioned as people who receive the image of the heroic act shown in the song's lyrics. keywords: appraisal system; attitudes; engagement; graduation; paw patrol a. introduction the world of children is very different from what is experienced by adults. often, children’s imaginations are difficult for adults to understand. a child’s imagination can be built in many ways, one of which is through cartoons. cartoon films that are intended for toddlers are very varied. one of these variations is a film with a heroic theme. animated film series with the theme of heroism is still easy to follow, namely the paw patrol film series. keith chapman’s paw patrol is a canadian, computer-animated preschool tv program. it is made with animation from the guru studio by spin master entertainment. the series, initially seen in the august 2013 previews in canada, is shown mainly on tvokids. on august 12, 2013, the series was broadcast on nickelodeon. the story concentrates on a young kid named ryder, who heads the paw patrol team of search and rescue canines. they operate jointly on missions to safeguard the adventure ©dhion meitreya vidhiasi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 168 bay shoreline and its surroundings. each dog has specific talents, such as a fireman, police officer, and aircraft pilot based on an emerging service occupation. they all lie in doghouses, which are turned into bespoke cars or ‘pup mobiles for their missions.’ they are also outfitted with “pup packs,” which include instruments relating to the duties of the pups. the show became a media property, on which an ongoing line of toys was developed. paw patrol toy sales generated millions of dollars and increased spin master's status in pre-school toy markets. moreover, the show received many prizes and nominations from organizations like the canadian cinema and television academy and the academy of television arts and sciences. episodes of paw patrol have a similar format with repeated themes. typically, episodes start with a scene depicting the dogs' daily routine, playing with dog toys, and participating in local playground activities. ryder, a 10-yearold child, knows a problem, whether to seek help or to experience himself. his most often caller is cap'n turbot, an accident-prone sea scientist who knows many things about adventure bay creatures. with their flashing pet tags, ryder always alerts the dogs. the members of the group report the lookout and the elevator on their base. marshall is always the last dog that comes, and the other dogs giggle when the elevator goes up. the situation is funny. they make a straight line when they get to the top floor. chase deems the team ready to take action, and ryder tells the pups what happened. he picks numerous team members to resolve each problem, generally two initial responders. by driving a slide down to their automobiles, they complete their mission. when they’re done, ryder says, “whenever you’re in trouble, just yelp for help!” and congratulates the puppies. the depiction of a person's character in real or in a film can be conveyed through music. music connoisseurs can often assess the lyrics, rhythm, and word choices used in the song. this also applies to the opening song lyrics of children's films. children's movie song lyrics always describe how the nature and characters in the film. to encompass evaluation attitudes transmitted by written or spoken discourse martin (2000) created appraisal.’ it means that he believes our thoughts, views, and attitudes towards one or two of us based on our feeling are evaluated, judged, and appreciated. for example, some people have ideas about things and the world representing ideology, beliefs, and cultures evident in speech choice. appraisal, said ulfah (2020), has to do with the negotiation of meanings among real or potential interlocutors. every utterance enters into processes of ©dhion meitreya vidhiasi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 169 alignment or misalignment with others, directing us to understand the levels and types of ideology with their readers. according to pusparini, djatmika, and santosa (2017), appraisal theory relates to language sources where the writer/speaker can express, negotiate, and naturalize the inter-subjective part and ultimately position the ideology. the appraisal is linked to the sfl language model within the social context, which recognizes the three general social functions we use to which language is used; (i) establishing our social relations; (ii) reflecting each other's experience; and (iii) organizing our actions and representations as meaningful words. (srinon: 2020) white (1998) observes that linguistic techniques are central to the notion of evaluation. it expresses, negotiates, and naturalizes various intersubjective perspectives and mainly political ones. martin (2002) says the same thing in a different way. he emphasizes that the assessment method includes an emotional element, explores our social interactions, and tells our listeners or authors how we feel about questions and persons. thus, the evaluation framework may presume to reflect our views in a written or spoken sentence. the assessment of the attitude included in the text is defined as an interpersonal system of meaning by martin & rose (2003) as to how an individual communicates how strongly he feels about something and how values are produced in the text. attitudes can be seen as “blame,” meaning that they imply a judgment of the subject, location, situation, and position in a good or negative sense. there are various ways of complimenting, criticizing, or understanding what we do more straightforward or less easy to many individuals. three types of attitudes exist effect, judgment, and appreciation. the effect is an assessment of the human subjective reaction. this assessment is the emotional way individuals respond to the problem, the circumstance, and the scenario. the specific circumstance may also be openly or indirectly stated. abuhasan (2021) said that affect includes resources for the expression of emotional reactions. this includes, for instance, the use of adverbs (modal adjuncts) such as sadly, adjectives (epithet or attributes) such as sad, as well as verbs (referred to as processes in sfl) such as to upset someone. affect has been classified by james r martin & white (2005) into six factors: (1) positive or negative; (2) behavioral process or mental process; (3) direct or indirect reaction; (4) feeling graduation; (5) realistic or unrealistic; and (6) un/happiness, in/security, dis/satisfaction. the judgment deals with people’s behavior. james r martin ©dhion meitreya vidhiasi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 170 & white (2005) classify judgment into two kinds: social esteem and social sanction. the judgment of esteem deals with “normality”, “capacity”, and “tenacity”. in contrast, the judgment of sanction deals with “veracity” and “propriety”. white (1998) initiated an assessment of the shape, appearance, composition, effect, significance, etc., of human things, natural objects, and human persons by referring to esthetic elements and other systems of social value (but not human behavior). it can focus on the qualities of composition. for instance, harmonious, proportionate, fair, and balanced. they are also at a low to a high level, e.g., gorgeous, fabulous, and exquisite. james r martin & white (2005) indicate that engagement addresses how the speaker/author stands on the exciting function of resources in quoting/publishing as a forecast, mode, polarity, compromise, and a different statement. engagement refers to the sort of sentence which constitutes the difference between the author/speaker. engagement also applies to the term which corresponds to the listener’s emotional interests. the mono-gloss and hetero-gloss are two different forms of engagement. the mono-gloss type is the fundamental statement without variations, while changes are required to declare the hetero-gloss type. the hetero-gloss type is broken down into two different types: dialogic contraction and dialogue. dialogical contractions are alternately employed to dispute, refute or limit this form’s scope. dialogical expansion, by contrast, is a degree of pronunciation that actively permits different roles and voices connected to dialogs. in other words, the room for dialogical contraction ends, whereas dialogical expansion gives way to other perspectives. both of them are defined by some recorded speech. the distinction is that there is a dialogical contraction and dialogical expansion with verbs for evaluating reporting. james r martin & white (2005) suggest that the contraction of dialogue is split into two subtypes. the object of the disclaimer is rejection, replacement, and firing. the denial and counter-expect are two forms of proclaim. denial means that the alternative positive stance in the debate, then rejecting. it can also be said that denial is the negative response to a statement, maybe introduced and thus recognized. the counter-planned form includes replacing and deleting a plan in place. the graduation value is linked to the system of importance. the scaling system is employed in two ways. james r martin & white (2005) say the force or strength system and the proto-typical system define category boundaries (focus). zappavigna and martin (2017) summarized that attitude is concerned ©dhion meitreya vidhiasi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 171 with types of feeling, graduation with their strength and boundedness, engagement with their sourcing, and acknowledging alternative voices with the feeling being negotiated. several researchers have researched the appraisal system, including hadidi and parvin (2015), agata (2016), vidhiasi (2021), j. sutomo (2014), harti, and kurniawati (2020), and hamdani (2021). agata (2016) examined the prevalence and frequency of application of attitudinal judgment in british publicity texts. judgment is one of the critical types of attitudes in the semantical discourse assessment model (martin & white, 2005) with the judgment of the character and conduct of the human being. the essay concentrates on the categories of assessment of capacity and property, as the presented study suggests that these categories of judgment take place the most frequently. in explicit and implicit expression, several typical cases of encoding ability and property are explored. the paper illustrates that the ability of advertising and the inventiveness of the advertising language typically participates in double attitude codings. it is believed that social factors highly drive capacity and propriety: they force ideals upon the potential customer and, thus, on society, creating a social function for the advertising participants. agata (2016) then said that appraisal constitutes a unique technique for exploration, description, and explanation of language to assess, take positions, build textual persons, and regulate the positioning and connections between persons. sutomo (2014) discusses the 2014 apec speech by president jokowi. sutomo claimed in his studies that president jokowi was equivalent to other leaders of the state. the numerous behaviors utilized by jokowi to make his speech are indicative of his assertion. jokowi can also portray the listener as getting jokowi to evaluate indonesia's infrastructure's state and growth plans. the appraisal system of song texts of the gogo dino series was analyzed in vidhiasi (2021). the outcomes achieved are that the creator of the lyrics utilizes more judgment. the execution of the judgment reveals a person or a superhero, in this case, is valued by the parameters of their behavior. the effects of a person’s behavior reaction might result from the behavior parameters. harti and kurniawati (2020) researched student’s expressions of attitude on covid-19. they say that based on the theory of appraisal, the study reveals that the composition of the students comprises a range of attitude markers, which represent the most significant proportion of affection; affect values indicate the student's insecurity and discontent with the subject under discussion. these models should be ©dhion meitreya vidhiasi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 172 viewed instead of as a precursor because of numerous reasons. another research on the appraisal system done by hamdani (2021) his object of research was an instagram account named @officialbistainmadina, particularly concerning the latest 15 comments out of a total of 47 comments made on november 4, 2020. the reference equivalent technique was utilized in this investigation. the results of the study showed that the different types of attitude in these observations tend to utilize one of the three aspects as attitudes, namely the aspect "like", "delicious", "tempting". every animated series always begins with an opening song. this song then made the audience, especially children, more interested in watching the show. moreover, the song always describes the film, and the paw patrol series is no exception. with the implementation of the appraisal system theory in analyzing a children's movie song lyrics, the researcher can then make predictions about the content delivered in the film. this can make it easier for parents to choose the proper spectacle for their children. accordingly, this paper aims to find out the appraisal system contained in the paw patrol lyrics and look for the most dominant appraisal system. b. research method the data utilized comes as an introductory song text in the paw patrol animated series displayed in nickjr. therefore, data will be observed and collected through music lyric documentation. the data is then analyzed by martin and white using the appraisal theory. sudaryanto (2015) said that the observation method is a method to collect data by observing the language used in the data. figure 1. paw patrol opening song lyric ©dhion meitreya vidhiasi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 173 figure 2. appraisal theory (martin and white: 2005) the researcher uses descriptive approaches. polit and beck (2004) announced that a short investigation would discover the typical event elements and identify and record them. a complete account of the event, situation, or scenario using quantitative, qualitative, or methodological combinations is given in the descriptive analysis. existing data is then analyzed with various steps, namely: (1) data is segmented into words/phrases depending on what is to be explained; (2) identifying words/phrases based on the appraisal system theory; (3) classifying the sentences or words/phrases according to the appraisal system as proposed by martin and white (2005). (4). tabulating the categorized appraisals. (5). interpreting the findings using the theory proposed by martin and white (2005). c. findings and discussion findings the researcher found that the three types of appraisal systems, namely attitude, engagement, and graduation, were used in the lyrics of paw patrol. the frequency of use of each type is shown in table 1 below. tabel 1. appraisal system no. type frequency % 1 attitude 2 25% 2 engagement 2 25% 3 graduation 4 50% total 8 100% ©dhion meitreya vidhiasi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 174 of the three types of attitude that martin and white, namely affect, have described, judgment and appreciation, only appreciation is found in the lyrics of paw patrol. dialogic contraction, a type of engagement, is found 2 (two) times in the lyrics. as for graduation, the researcher found a sub-type of force in the lyrics of paw patrol. tabel 2. attitude appraisal system sub-system freq % attitude affect 0 0 judgement 0 0 appreciation 2 100% total 100% it can be seen in table 2 that appreciation dominates in the three existing subsystems. the two sub-systems can be found in the sentence: “whenever there’s a problem” “whenever you’re in trouble” appreciation is a form of someone’s assessment of aesthetics, the process of something happening, or natural phenomena. as for the three appreciation sub-systems, the two phrases “a problem” and “in trouble” are forms of composition. something can be said to be “dangerous (problem/trouble)” concerning how one perceives it. that is, the assessment is a person’s perception of something. likewise, in the lyrics of paw patrol, listeners are given the concept that when someone is faced with a dangerous situation, there will be a paw patrol who will help. or in real life concept, there is always help for those in need. tabel 3. engagement – dialogic contraction engagement – dialogic contraction frequency % disclaim deny 2 100% counter 0 0% total 2 100% it is known that there are 2 (two) sub-systems of engagement, namely monoglossic and heteroglossic. disclaim is a sub-system of heteroglossic. however, in the lyrics of paw patrol, only 2 (two) heteroglosses are found, namely the use of the deny (denial) type. this usage can be seen in the phrase: “no job’s too big” ©dhion meitreya vidhiasi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 175 “no pup’s too small” the word “no” implies that no work or difficulty is too great and cannot be solved. although there is a kind of contradiction in real life, there will always be significant difficulties. however, the lyricist wants the audience of the show to have thoughts not to give up. the author also points out a contradiction between the phrases “no pup’s” and “too small” as the size of a puppy is always tiny. no matter how big the dog breed is. however, the lyricist wants to show that physical size is not a problem to help others. tabel 4. graduation appraisal system sub-system ∑ % graduation force intensification quality 2 50% process 0 0% quantification 2 50% focus 0 0% total 4 100% the researcher found that there were 4 (four) graduation systems found in the lyrics of paw patrol. however, only the sub-system force is found in the lyrics. the researcher found that the sub-system quality and quantity share an equal amount. the sub-system can be seen in: “we’ll be there on the double” (2x) “no job’s too big” “no pup’s too small” the phrase “on the double” is categorized in the sub-system quantity. the lyricist wanted to point out that paw patrol will immediately help those in need. they will come as soon as possible. the phrases “too big” and “too small” are categorized in the subsystem quality. coupled with the form of denial at the beginning of the phrase, the lyricist wants to show that size is not helping someone or looking at a problem. discussion in the paw patrol film series, there are seven main characters. they are ryder, chase, marshall, skye, rocky, zuma, and rubble. paw patrol leader ryder is ten years old. chase is a german shepherd that acts as a spy dog and police dog. smell and vision are ©dhion meitreya vidhiasi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 176 excellent sensations. he is also allergic to cats and plumage. the police cruiser is his vehicle of the blue tint. marshall is a timid but skilled dalmatian, a dog of fire and paramedics. it is also the most commonly utilized pup in most episodes. his fire truck is his car. skye is the air pup, and she is a cockapoo. she possesses a helicopter. rocky is a grey-and-white schnauzer/scottish terrier mix that works as a recycling and handyman dog. he is in charge of the recycling truck. zuma is a chocolate labrador retriever that works as a water rescue dog. his vehicle is an orange hovercraft that can travel on both land and water. rubble is a bulldog that works on construction sites. the bulldozer is his mode of transportation. the lyrics of the opening song of paw patrol can indirectly lift the spirits of the audience. the existence of the graduation sub-system evidences this. the lyricist gives a level both in terms of the quantity of action and the quality of the size of the problem and the size of the thing. the opening song lyrics then teach children to focus not on the problem at hand but on the actions that must be taken to help someone when they are in trouble. with the implementation of the graduation system, listeners are taught to understand that whatever is done to help someone is vast and meaningful. the relationship between the lyrics and the film is very synchronous. the paw patrol characters are tiny puppies and can help a lot of people. even though the puppies have the equipment they can always use, the focus remains that helping people is not a size matter. the audience is then positioned as the person who receives and enjoys the lyrics and the paw patrol show. d. conclusion researchers found there are 3 (three) types of appraisal systems in the lyrics of the opening song of the animated series paw patrol. the three systems are attitude, engagement, and graduation. there is only 1 (one) sub-system of attitude, namely appreciation, found in the lyrics, which explains a form of evaluation of something. likewise, with engagement, only found sub-system denial in the lyrics. of the three systems, the most dominant system is graduation. lyric writers and filmmakers prefer to show the quality and quantity of a problem or the act of helping someone. therefore, ©dhion meitreya vidhiasi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 177 listeners and viewers are positioned as people who receive the heroic act shown in the song’s lyrics. appraisal system research is fascinating because the researcher can see the meaning behind a word or utterance. this research is still limited to research on the lyrics of children's songs. subsequent 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(2018). discourse and diversionary justice: an analysis of youth ©muhammad safdar bhatti, alvons habibie, shaista noreen, sabir hussain & shahla bajwa available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 157 volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) realia-mediated instruction: an effective tool for improving young learners' vocabulary skills muhammad safdar bhatti (corresponding author) the islamia university of bahawalpur, pakistan alvons habibie iain sultan amai gorontalo, indonesia shaista noreen the islamia university of bahawalpur, pakistan sabir hussain badar din-pakistan, pakistan shahla bajwa saqe, bahawalpur, pakistan abstract: a foreign language teacher often employs realia to strengthen pupils' association between words and objects. the current study investigates real-life activities that improve vocabulary learning in the english language and the impact of realia on improving students' vocabulary learning performance. it was an experimental study with only post-test design. forty students participated in the study. the data were collected and analyzed statistically. the results revealed that vital activities used for vocabulary development were menu selection, game recognition, picture identification, activity identification, magazine adds understanding, and identification of cities and map reading, respectively. it was evident that the experimental group performed better when compared with the control group. the study suggested that students may focus their attention, stimulate their interest, give them real impact, make them aware, and modernize their language learning through vocabulary improvement. keywords: realia media; vocabulary learning; learning objects; tactile; innovative. a. introduction vocabulary is the primary thing that should be taught to the learners because they will adapt nothing without enough jargon (dan suastika yulia riska, 2018; ghalebi et al., 2021). the learners need to have a broad scope of jargon to acquire english ©muhammad safdar bhatti, alvons habibie, shaista noreen, sabir hussain & shahla bajwa available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 158 language abilities. learning vocabulary is a prime language aspect for students to learn with the best listening, reading, speaking, and writing abilities. learning vocabulary is not meant to memorize only words (chen, chen, et al., 2019) but to understand their meaning (chen, liu, et al., 2019) and use in the language. when students have mastered vocabulary, they may express their concepts in writing, speaking, and other forms (sari, 2018). the english language has two types of skills. they are receptive and productive skills. receptive skills include reading and listening skills, and productive skills contain writing and speaking (mundhe, 2015). language learning is a dynamic and living cycle. there is no restriction in the field of language learning exercises. as language is a vital piece of our social and ordinary relations, it is better if the exercises and activities of the language homeroom are not restricted to the reading material just, somewhat taken from our everyday encounters. in this way, alongside regular writings, realia can encourage learning in enormous ways since it associates the homeroom exercises to genuine encounters (harmawan et al., 2019). it assists with making a language class more extensive, more extravagant, and that is only the tip of the iceberg utilitarian (aiman et al., 2020). it can fill in as a valuable academic apparatus as it may be taken from different sources and pertinent in a huge number of exercises. utilizing realia can make the learning cycle significant and more vital for the students as they can interface it with their reality; consequently, adding another measurement in the language learning measure (lalian et al., 2019). they feel persuaded and engage with the learning cycle as they can apply their insight in ordinary circumstances. nonetheless, picking fitting materials can be trying for the educators as they need to think about the multifaceted nature and nature of the materials, remembering the students' capability level and social foundation. in any case, above all, instructors need to pick materials that serve their educating destinations and the students' functional requirements (bably & nusrat, 2017). in english language teaching, vocabulary is a vital thing to learn (ghalebi et al., 2021; zhang & graham, 2020). with decent vocabulary, learners can see well what the instructor says during the learning cycle. subsequently, learners can get the material better. next to this, great vocabulary makes it conceivable to the understudy to make discussion. be that as it may, truth be told, it is troublesome to instruct english to youthful students. the youthful students nearly have no concentration in the exercise. ©muhammad safdar bhatti, alvons habibie, shaista noreen, sabir hussain & shahla bajwa available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 159 they are hard to control. it is because of their excessively young ages. in the learning cycle, they ordinarily talk with one another and joke with their companions without concentrating on their educator. this issue must be addressed quickly to make the learning better (argawati, 2009). the teachers should utilize realia when training jargon to youthful students if they invest the more significant part of their energy contemplating language. their english will not improve without a doubt. you will see the most improvement on the off chance that you learn more words and articulations. you can say next to no with language structure, yet you can say nearly anything with words (thornbury, 2002). instructing jargon to the youthful student is totally different from educating jargon to grown-up. it is anything but simple work since it is the first run-through to get language learning, and they are not used to previously. consequently, the educator is recommended that he make an intriguing learning movement to the understudy that they can see well and the learning cycle can run well. as per turner (2020), realia alludes to valid items from genuine that one uses in the homeroom to show a particular idea. realia can be both physical and virtual, as long as it is a pre-owned thing in reality (instead of made explicitly for an esl class). chris soames (2010) proposes that, in the tefl homeroom, the word realia signifies "utilizing real things found in regular day-to-day existence as a guide to instructing english. utilizing realia assists with making english exercises significant by connecting the items and the word or expressions they address. according to afdiyani (2013), in her exploration, there are five favorable circumstances of realia in showing jargon: (a) realia can be utilized at any phase of exercises to help the students introduce another language. (b) realia, no need to bother with any exceptional readiness. it is reasonable since it is accessible in our environment. (c) a great reality is not utilized just a single time but again and again. (d) realia will raise the learners' interest. (e) the learners can utilize their five human senses. (f) the students can learn such that they can be in contact with the stable climate. utilizing realia animates the brain, and it supports inventiveness by including the faculties in the learning cycle. realia saves time, as students can perceive an item promptly. in this manner, extensive clarifications are not, at this point, fundamental. realia can be an ©muhammad safdar bhatti, alvons habibie, shaista noreen, sabir hussain & shahla bajwa available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 160 essential asset that encourages innovative and dynamic learning and advances inspiration (bably & majid, 2011). realia for esl can make the learning experience more critical and associations among items and jargon words or other language ideas. this can make it simpler to review data. for in-person classes, it adds a sensation component for individuals who learn better with active exercises. for online classes, it gives a visual guide to connect with learners. moreover, realia is unique than a composed word or cheat sheet used to show an idea (turner, 2020). realia is an object in the class since it adds interest and relates language to the genuine world. the utilization of realia falls into three fundamental zones, first, for depictions, and second, as props in the show and another sort of movement is an inventive reasoning activity, finding various utilizations for the object; for example, a ruler could be a weapon, instrument, and image of power. realia is a term that refers to photographs of objects from a country where the target language is spoken, but it has a broader definition that includes photographs of objects from any country. a close relationship exists between the two meanings as a result of the support that many different types of libraries provide to educational endeavors. an educator of an unknown dialect regularly utilizes realia to reinforce learners' affiliations between words for ordinary articles and the actual item. in unfamiliar language guidance, the realia has more extensive importance, which incorporates photographs of articles from a country where the objective language is spoken. the two implications are firmly related due to the help numerous kinds of libraries provide for instructive undertakings. it is important to teach english with correct and improved vocabulary at all levels, but it is mandatory for primary level students (akbari, 2018). the current study was based on exploring the adequate tools for improving young learners' vocabulary skills. it will determine the indicators of actual life activities that improve the english vocabulary learning strategies. in addition, to investigate the impact of realia in improving students' vocabulary learning performance in english when they are taught with traditional method in comparison with using realia. the study answered the following questions: (1) what indicators of real-life activities improve vocabulary learning in the english language? (2) what is the impact of realia on improving students' vocabulary learning performance in english when they are taught with the traditional method and using realia in the post-test? ©muhammad safdar bhatti, alvons habibie, shaista noreen, sabir hussain & shahla bajwa available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 161 b. research method research design the study was experimental in nature with a post-test-only experimental research design. the respondents were randomly assigned groups based on their prior class results. first of all, they have introduced the understanding of the realia concept and the process of working and conducted the test keeping in view the importance of realia. then a syllabus outline was shared with students, and the experiment started that continued for three weeks (four days a week with a two-hour class). the post-test was conducted, and their result was compiled. population, sample, and sampling technique the study was conducted among all the elementary level students belong to govt. girls alpina school, bahawalpur. the participants were selected based on random sampling techniques from four classes. a sample of 40 participants was selected and divided into experimental and control groups. research tools lesson plans with each test were used as tools. after teaching each lesson to students, the test was conducted based on the same lesson and recorded results. in this way, the students were tested 24 times in the entire experiment. their collected results were compiled, and finally, the mean achievement score was recorded and compared with the control group result. the test consisted of pictorial activities, and the students have identified those activities by seeing pictures like the teacher is (standing) in the classroom. the teacher is (cleaning) the whiteboard. the teacher is (asking) the questions. the students identify the picture and select the correct word in the brackets. c. results and discussion results this section presents the findings of this study. the findings include two things, the first is an indicator that is considered to be a factor that improves students' english vocabulary skills. the second finding is about the differences in students' abilities who are taught with realia media and conventional methods. rq: 1. what are the indicators of real-life activities that improve vocabulary learning in the english language? ©muhammad safdar bhatti, alvons habibie, shaista noreen, sabir hussain & shahla bajwa available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 162 table: 1. results of students' performance when they use real-life activities in vocabulary development in d ic a to rs p ic tu re id e n ti fi c a ti o n a c ti v it y id e n ti fi c a ti o n g a m e re c o g n it io n id e n ti fi c a ti o n o f c it y o n m a p m a g a z in e a d d s u n d e rs ta n d in g m e n u se le c ti o n mean 8.52 7.64 8.71 5.62 5.71 8.76 sd. 1.74 .92 1.24 1.59 1.23 .65 table 1 revealed that there were different activities that students rated when they developed vocabulary. the most vital activity used for vocabulary development was menu selection. the second indicator of vocabulary learning was game recognition. the third indicator was picture identification. the fourth indicator of vocabulary learning was activity identification. the fifth indicator of vocabulary learning was magazine adds understanding, and the last indicator was identifying cities and map reading. it was also evident from the data results that students were eager to learn vocabulary and select those activities most interested them, like menu selection. it was depicted from the graph below. rq: 2. what is the impact of realia on improving students' vocabulary learning performance in english when they are taught with the traditional method and using realia in post-test? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 mean sd. ©muhammad safdar bhatti, alvons habibie, shaista noreen, sabir hussain & shahla bajwa available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 163 table: 2. posttest result of t-test for control and experimental groups score control group experimental group n=20 df t mean sd 56.48 1.358 70.56 1.821 38 -15.6** **p<0.01 the result of the t-test in table 2 showed a statistically significant difference between control and experimental groups in post-test. it was evident that the experimental group performed better with mean = 70.54 and sd = 1.821 when compared with the control group mean = 56.48 and sd = 1.358. it was concluded that realia had improved much vocabulary in learning the english language. so, the research question about the impact of realia on improving students' vocabulary learning performance in english when they are taught with the traditional method and using realia in post-test answered in positive. discussion realia is most suitable for english language learners. it is crucial to make the learning experiences better understandable, memorable and helps in creating links between natural objects and vocabulary words in the english language. this is suitable for making information easier. realia is also a kinesthetic element for learners to learn better with hands-on activities. in an online class, it helps in visual aids to engage pupils. the realia is more dynamic than written words used by teachers to teach the concepts (turner, 2020). many previous studies support the current results in many ways. the knowledge of vocabulary skills is the fundamental aspect of literacy skills (pulido & hambrick, 2008; sedau, 2004). the study revealed that there were different activities that students rated when they develop vocabulary. the most vital activity used for vocabulary development was menu selection. the second indicator of vocabulary learning was game recognition. the third indicator was picture identification. the fourth indicator of vocabulary learning was activity identification. the fifth indicator of vocabulary learning was magazine adds understanding, and the last indicator was identifying cities and map reading. the oral communication skills depend on vocabulary learning activities from conducting meetings, giving oral presentations, talking about different tasks, and participating in discussion (kassim & ali, 2010; kaewpet, 2009; reimer, 2007). it was also evident from the data results that students are eager to learn vocabulary and select ©muhammad safdar bhatti, alvons habibie, shaista noreen, sabir hussain & shahla bajwa available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 164 those activities most interested to them, like menu selection was one of them. prior studies showed that vocabulary acquisition has a long debate among learners and teachers of efl. research has investigated students' levels of receptive and productive vocabulary. efl students turned their receptive vocabulary into productive skills by practice (faraj, 2015). realia strengthens skills of language and motivates both kinesthetic and visual learners. the teachers use realia to determine the meaning and vocabulary of words. perceive the differences between teaching students using words for fruit versus the real things to tell the names. the strategy may be helpful when teaching to students whose native language is l1 (turner, 2020). the students love real-life activities to solidify the lessons. it will help vocabulary memorable and involve the students to apply what they have learned. according to mongkol (2008), vocabulary learning seems easy in language learning but is the most challenging job to complete. in an artificial context, the students' vocabulary learning strategies are more complicated than students who learn in real-life situations. language learning needs motivation, opportunities, and exposure to using a language. task-based learning inspires and makes students use language with purpose in realworld situations (ganta, 2015). it was evident that the experimental group performed better when compared with the control group. it was concluded that realia had improved much vocabulary in learning the english language. in the viewpoint of zhang (2009), esl learners are often equipped with limited chances to develop english vocabulary skills outside the classrooms. it should be the duty of teachers to provide ample opportunities and tasks for pupils to their skill. different vocabulary learning activities and games are needed to practice words to improve english vocabulary (mundhe, 2015). other studies revealed significant improvements in oral proficiency among learners with better vocabulary (shantha & mekala, 2017). d. conclusion the use of realia media in the classroom provides a powerful way to connect students with vocabulary by allowing them to directly see and feel the objects. the results revealed that vital activities used for vocabulary development were menu selection, game recognition, 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speech proposed by abrams and harpham (2015). results showed four types of figurative language used in kaur’s selected poems: personification, nine instances; simile, six occurrences; hyperbole, six occurrences; and metaphor, three examples. keywords: rupi kaur’s poems; figurative language; simile; personification; hyperbole; metaphor a. introduction human beings create various forms to interact and declare their feelings to others through conversation and written form using language. language is one of the human beings' needs to live their lives, and we use language to communicate and exchange information. can you visualize if there is no language? how can we interact with others? harmer (2007) states that people from different places tend to speak different languages; thus, they use language to connect and communicate. language has a significant role in forming relationships with others; therefore, we need to communicate, interact, and get information (hariyanto, 2017). bonvillain (2019) argues that someone uses language to speak daily conversation with someone else. even if we can communicate with others, we still encounter intricacies in expressing and understanding ideas, thoughts, and feelings through a language (dewi, hidayat, & alek, 2020). a case like this occurs because of the use of figurative language. ©ayuni kabobu heda & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 147 creating a literary work is one of the ways people use language. kennedy and gioia (2013) mentioned, “literature is often described as written work and has many definitions.” literature is premediated as a representation of people's lives in the form of words. consistently, literature is interpreted as an imitation of humans’ lives that represent life's reflection over a society consisting of conflict and achievement. thus, the literature contains many aspects of the most profound human desires. literature is one of the beautiful things people made. it has many interpretations and aphorism values of life that folks savor by enjoying literature, humankind experience the distinctive concepts of humans’ attributes, attempts, senses, and passions. novels, short stories, poetry, song lyrics, essays, and dramas are literary works. terminologically, a poem is a literary work that is difficult to understand because of figurative language. the power of language arranged in a poem contains profound meaning. wordsworth states, “poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling, expression of emotion and it is always concerned with ordinary human concerns, with the daily matters of one’s life” (cited in robinson (2010). it means that a poem is a tool the author uses to express their feelings, moods, and expression in natural and spontaneous expression in written language. a poem usually uses figurative language to beautify the lines. sometimes, the use of figurative language makes the readers confuse because their lines are too unreal. figurative language is not meant to confuse the readers; however, to make it clear. it also sharpens the readers’ perceptions, allows a complete understanding of a pleasure poem, and creates form and meaning. figurative language is a branch of semantics that makes use of various forms of language. this language style uses phrases of a sentence with meaning distinct from the apparent meaning (wibowo & akbar, 2017), and it is usually found in literary works; one of them is in the poem. wibowo and akbar (2017) mention that poems denote thoughts, feelings, ideas, and action in figurative language. the utterance or phrase has a different meaning depending on the individual. according to padni (2012), sometimes people are difficult to understand the thought and message of a poem. each individual has a specific interpretation of a poem. figurative language is used to make the poem more dramatic and magnificent. tjahjono (2011) mentions that figurative language plays an essential role in poetry. ©ayuni kabobu heda & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 148 there are ten kinds of figurative language (abrams & harpham, 2015; dancygier & sweetser, 2014; kennedy & gioia, 2013; knickerbocker, reninger, & leggett, 1963). figurative language has been portrayed in terms of types: allegory, paradox, metaphor, simile, metonymy, hyperbole, synecdoche, personification, and irony. previously, syafitri and marlinton (2018) discussed the figurative language used in edgar allan poe’s poems and showed that there are 96 uses of figurative language in his poems, including personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, irony, paradox, metonymy, and symbol. wibowo and akbar (2017) explored the figurative language in the room of life poem by anne sexton and still, i rise’s poem by maya angelou and found that the dominant figurative language used in the poems are personification, simile, and metaphor. in their study, nuraeni and peron (2017) revealed several kinds of figurative language in kelly darrow’s poems, such as hyperbole, irony, personification, metaphor, and simile. to enrich and confirm the findings of previous studies, the researchers would, therefore, explore figurative language or figures of speech, such as simile, personification, metaphor, and hyperbole used in kaur’s poems, focusing on figurative language in poems that reveal a story about sexual abuse and women's point of view of intrigue. the researchers aim to find out kaur's types of figurative language in seven poems, published the book entitled the sun and her flowers written by kaur (2017). the research question is formulated as follows: what figurative language is used in kaur’s selected poems? b. research method this study uses the descriptive qualitative method. according to moleong (2009), descriptive qualitative be fraught with sentences or confession of one object and does not exhibit the arithmetic calculation and statistic details. the objects of this study were the seven selected poems entitled home, long-distance, time, self-hate, self-love, it is so full here in myself, and the construction site of our future, written by rupi kaur, an indian canadian poet, illustrator, and author. the poems used in this study are from kaur’s (2017) second book entitled the sun and her flowers. it was published by andrews mcmcel publishing (usa) and by simon and schuster (uk) in 2017. her poems delve into liaison, immigrant experiences, and sexual abuse. ©ayuni kabobu heda & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 149 in this study, library research was used to collect the data. the researchers took some steps to answer the research question: what figurative language is used in kaur’s selected poems? first, the researchers repeatedly read the book and chose some poems to explore, read the selected poems repeatedly, and highlighted the lines which contain figurative language. third, the researchers applied the related theory to classify and analyze the types of figurative language. fourth, the researchers wrote the result and concluded the research. based on abrams and harpham’s (2015) categories of figurative language or figures of speech, the researchers explored types of figurative language, particularly personification, metaphor, simile, and hyperbole. the reasons for exploring the four kinds of figurative language seemed to occur frequently in kaur’s poems, and they appeared to be expected in daily lives. c. findings and discussion findings after analyzing the seven poems, the researchers identified four kinds of figurative language, namely the personification, simile, hyperbole, and metaphor, in kaur’s poems entitled home, self-love, self-hate, long-distance, time, the construction site of our future, and it is so full here in myself. the findings are summarized in table 1. table 1. figurative language no. figurative langauge occurrence 1 personification 9 2 simile 6 3 hyperbole 6 4 metaphor 3 total 24 datum 1: poem 1: home: sunlight kissed my eyelids good morning the researchers classified the line as personification because the author describes the word ‘sunlight,’ a non-human thing with a role as a human being that gives a morning kiss to someone. abrams (1999) states that personification is where inanimate objects or abstract concepts are portrayed as endowed with life, human attributes, and feelings. datum 2: poem 1: home: i was a hundred and ten pounds of fresh meat this line above is categorized as a metaphor. the author describes herself as a hundred and ten pounds of fresh meat. the word ‘fresh meat’ refers to her body in the literal meaning. ©ayuni kabobu heda & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 150 datum 3: poem 1: home: you skinned and gutted with your fingers like you were scraping the inside of cantaloupe clean the author wants to show a comparison or a simile between the two lines. it is implicit because the author uses the word ‘like’ to compare those two things. datum 4: poem 1: home: you nailed my wrists to the ground turned my breasts into bruised fruit the food is rotten from head to foot i am layered in dust the researchers classified the lines into hyperbole because the author exaggerates the facts or possibilities. it is stated above that from head to foot i am layered in dust. it is impossible if someone is covered by dust that much. datum 5: poem 1: home: the truth comes like sunlight the author uses a simile to express the message. the author compares the fact that comes like sunlight, or we can say that the truth appears like sunlight in a cloudy. datum 6: poem 1: home: i decorated myself like the walls of my home were decorated here, the author shows that the actor has decorated herself like the walls. the author uses a simile to compare two things. datum 7: poem 1: home: eyes glinting with starvation like you hadn’t eaten in weeks the second line above is classified as hyperbole because the author uses the phrase hadn’t eaten in weeks. the author overstates the situation. it is rare if someone can survive without eating something for a long time. datum 8: poem 1: self-love: i went for my words, the i can'ts—the i won'ts. then i’m not good enough. i line them up and shot them dead personification is a figurative language that gives inanimate things an attribute or feeling like they are humans. in this poem, the author supposes that the words could shoot. nevertheless, the one who could shoot is an animate thing, in this case, is human. the semantic feature must be (+animate), but the word is (-animate). thus, in the literal meaning, the word must not be able to shoot. the author uses this personification to give a profound effect to the readers. ©ayuni kabobu heda & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 151 datum 9: poem 2: self-love: i wove a linen cloth out of my hair metaphor tends to provoke thought and feeling to a greater extent than literal descriptions do (griffiths, 2006). here, the author uses “hair” as a metaphor. the word ‘hair means any of the fine threadlike strands growing from the skin of humans, mammals, and some other animals. however, in this poem, hair means vigor. hair is skinny, but a lot equals vigor. sometimes, human only has vigors in life, but they could gain another vigor elsewhere. thus, in the end, they would gather that vigor into great strength. it is made from fragile yarn like a cloth, but after passing a long process, including weaving, that thin yarn would transform into a cloth. datum 10: poem 2: self-love: carried it in my knees i began to wipe my mind clean the researchers concluded this line as a personification because the mind is not a thing like a room or something which can be wiped. datum 11: poem 3: self-hate: i peeled my skin off just to feel awake, wore it inside out sprinkled it with salt to punish myself hyperbole is a figure of speech that emphasis something by exaggerated ideas or utterances. hyperbole is used in the poem effectively to emphasize the feeling of i, how depressed he/she is. he/she thinks her/his life is useless. datum 12: poem 3: self-hate: but the dirt recoiled you have already rooted it said, there is nothing left for me to do personification is a figure of speech in which an idea or thing is given human attributes or feelings as if it were a human. the semantic feature of dirt is (-movement) and (-animate) it means the dirt could not move by itself and is a non-living entity. it means the semantic feature of humans is (+movement) and (+animate). datum 13: poem 4: time: rise said the moon and the new day came the show must go on, said the sun as we can see in the lines above, the author imagines the moon and the sun could talk to each other; meanwhile, they are (-animate) things. the poet uses personification. datum 14: poem 4: time: life does not stop for anybody it drags you by the legs whether you want to move forward or not ©ayuni kabobu heda & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 152 according to tairako (2018) and ko (2018), personification is an attribution of human characteristics and/or emotions to non-humans, inanimate objects, or abstract ideas. in the lines, life is portrayed as a human being that could drag someone by the legs. the author use personification to create dramatic lines. datum 15: poem 4: time: your skin will shed till there is not a single part of you left they’ve touched your eyes finally just your eyes hyperbole is used to overstate something. the author said your skim would sheed till there is not a single part of you left in this line. the author exaggerated the lines to compose a dramatic story. datum 16: poem 5: long-distance: if i had a walk to get to you it would take a hundred and twenty-six hours the lines above contain hyperbole because the author illustrates i, which walk for a long time. in real life, no one could take a walk that long. the author dramatizes the line to profound the readers. this hyperbole figure is used by someone who desires and hopes for something that happens to make an object more remarkable than the actual object (alm-arvius, 2003; wood, 2017). datum 17: poem 5: long-distance: it feels like being stuck in the train station the line above uses a simile because the author compares two things using the word ‘like.’ she makes a parallel between those phrases. no intimacy is described as being stuck in the train station. datum 18: poem 5: long-distance: but the sun still burns shamelessly on yours the line above is classified as personification because the author describes the sun, a non-human thing that feels like having human attributes, saying that it burns shamelessly. datum 19: poem 5: long-distance: i crumble knowing even our skies are different in this universe, we have only one sky. in this line, the author mentions our skies, which means more than one sky in this world. the researchers classify this line as hyperbole because it overstates something which is actually not. datum 20: poem 6: the construction site of our future: the bricks will grow tired of waiting and crumble ©ayuni kabobu heda & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 153 if something can grow, it refers to an animate thing. bricks are used as a material to construct a building. in this line, the author considers the brick as an animate thing that can feel tired – as personification. datum 21: poem 6: the construction site of our future: the planks of wood are stiff in their boxes using personification, the author portrays the planks as an animate thing that needs to be nailed as soon as possible. they can express their feelings like living things. datum 22: poem 7: it is so full here in myself: have your eyes ever fallen upon a beast like me in the line above, the actor calls himself a beast. the author uses a type of figurative language known as a simile to beautify the line of the poem. datum 23: poem 7: it is so full here in myself: i have the spine of a mulberry tree the neck of a sunflower sometimes i am the desert at times the rainforest but always the wild it is evident in the lines, and the author portrays the word i as a desert and a rain forest. the author used a metaphor to compare the two things without using ‘like’ and ‘as.’ datum 24: poem 7: it is so full here in myself: each strand of hair frizzing out like a lifeline the line in datum 24 is a simile, as shown in the word ‘like’ to show a comparison. abrams (1999) and prasetyo (2017) say that “in a simile, a comparison between two distinctly different things is explicitly indicated by the word ‘like’ or ‘as.’” the author imagines the strand of hair frizzing is like a lifeline. discussion from the findings data above, it can be seen the researchers identified four kinds of figurative language in kaur’s selected poems. the researchers used seven poems to be analyzed. in poem 1, entitled home, the researchers elaborated on seven data containing various selected types of figurative language such as personification (1), simile (3), metaphor (1), and hyperbole (2). in the second poem entitled self-love, the researchers ©ayuni kabobu heda & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 154 identified two types of figurative language: personification (2) and metaphor (1). the following poem designates self-hate; it consists of two figurative languages known as hyperbole (1) and personification (1). then, in the fourth poem, baptized time, the researchers found two categories of figurative language. they are personification (2) and hyperbole (1). the fifth poem is long distance, and it encompasses three types of figurative language know as hyperbole (2), simile (1), and personification (1). the following poem, entitled the construction site of our future, encloses a figurative language such as personification (2). lastly, the poem named it is so packed here in myself has two kinds of figurative language known as a simile (2) and metaphor (1). based on the findings, the researchers found examples of simile, metaphor, personification, and hyperbole in kaur’s selected poems. personification figure of speech is the most frequently used in the selected poems. wibowo and akbar (2017), in their research, also found that personification was more dominant than other types. in addition, budiargo and haryanto (2020) discovered that personification got a higher percentage among other figures of speech in alan poe’s poems. however, this study also has differences from budiargo and haryanto's (2020) analysis of the figurative language used in ‘the raven’ by edgar alan poe. their study identified eight types of figurative language from one poem: imagery, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, alliteration, allusion, onomatopoeia, and simile. on the other hand, this study only focused on four kinds of figurative language, namely personification, hyperbole, simile, and metaphor. the objects of the study are seven poems written by kaur. alm-arvius (2003) stated that the author uses figurative language because it influences how they can determine the ingenuity of language. the data analysis covered the characteristics of the understanding of the types of figurative language. from the data analysis, which refers to abrams's (1999) theory, it can be understood that the seven poems used in this study utilize phrases that are complicated to recognize; hence the readers must be seen them from the context of the sentences and poem theme. d. conclusion figurative language is used to beautify a poem. the researchers analyzed figurative language in kaur’s selected poems from the sun and her flowers in this study. the researchers discovered that four types of figurative language, namely a simile, ©ayuni kabobu heda & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 155 personification, metaphor, and hyperbole, were used in kaur’s poems. personification is the most common figurative language used in kaur’s poems, followed by simile and hyperbole, and the last is a metaphor. kaur used figurative language in her poems to presuppose her experiences of sexual abuse. the poet used figurative language to convey the allusion meaning of the message that she wants the readers to know. even though her poems were primarily about affairs and sexual contexts, many harsh phrases should be used. however, she used figurative language to beautify the harsh phrases to present a positive atmosphere among the readers. as this research has many limitations, future researchers can investigate more poems in the book and cover all types of figurative language. references 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memecahkan kesulitan pembelajaran yang masih menjadi hambatan baik oleh pengajar dan pebelajar bahasa arab di indonesia. tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah mengkaji aplikasi macromedia flash 8 dalam pembelajaran kosakata bahasa arab. penelitian ini menggunaka metode rancang bangun berupa analisis kebutuhan, desain aplikasi, implementasi aplikasi, pengujian aplikasi, dan validasi aplikasi. subjek penelitian adalah siswa mts kelas ix. hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi macromedia flash 8 efektif meningkatkan kosa kata siswa khususnya yang berkaitan dengan materi puasa, idul adha, dan hobi yang disajikan dengan memanfaatkan teks, grafik, gambar, dan animasi. kata kunci : aplikasi; macromedia flash 8; kosakata bahasa arab. abstract language learning in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 is also influenced by technology information development, for example, on using an application in the teaching and learning process. the application is usually using as a medium for improving language skills or language components, such as vocabulary. one application is efficient and effective in teaching the arabic language, especially arabic language vocabulary is a macromedia flash 8 application. the application can be used to solve the problem which still constraint the arabic teacher and also the students. this article aims to research the macromedia flash 8 application in learning arabic vocabularies. this research used a research design method with procedures, need analysis, application design, application implementation, application evaluation, and application validation. the subject of this research was islamic junior student's grade ix. the result showed that macromedia flash 8 application was effective in improving students’ vocabulary, especially related to islamic fasting, ied al-adha, and hobby. they were presented using text, graphics, and animation. keywords: application; macromedia flash 8; arabic language vocabulary. muhammad yusuf & eka dewi rahmawati 18 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) a. pendahuluan dinamisnya kehidupan menuntut segala aspek didalamnya untuk selalu ditinjau, tidak terkecuali ilmu kebahasaan.di indonesia kata bahasa yang melekat pada fakultas pendidikan bahasa diposisikan sebagai alat. dengan kata lain, secara inhern pendidikan bahasa arab bertujuan untuk mengarahkan siswa untuk mengoptimalkan alat tersebut sesuai dengan kepentingannya yang berkaitan dengan kapasitas dan kapabiltasnya dalam menjawab aneka problematika yang ada di masyarakat, baik berkaitan dengan realitas sosial, ekonomi, politik identitas, budaya, maupun agama (mujib, 2010: 73). dengan demikian, adagium yang menyatakan bahwa bahasa adalah alat membangun peradaban bangsa dapat terbukti kebenarannya. dalam konteks nasional transfer pengetahuan bukan satu-satunya orientasi pembelajaran bahasa arab. ada beragam orientasi lain didalamnya, antara lain orientasi religius, akademis, profesionalisme atau praktis, dan orientasi ideologisekonomis (nuha, 2012: 55; dan maksudin, 2018: 193-194). kendati demikian, prinsip instrumental pembelajaran bahasa arab secara global hanya terdiri dari dua komponen. pertama, maharah al-lughowiyah. kedua, anasir al-lughoh (asrori, 2013: 5). bagaimanapun orientasinya, keterampilan dalam mengoperasionalkan bahasa arab baik secara visual maupun verbal menjadi poin yang harus diberikan atensi. dalam diskursus keterampilan bahasa arab, terdapat perbedaan perspektif dikalangan ahli mengenai faktor strategis yang mempengaruhi keterampilan berbahasa arab siswa. dalam perspektif tarigan, penguasaan keterampilan berbahasa seseorang mempunyai interelasi dengan penguasaan mufradat yang dimilikinya. probabilitas keterampilan berbahasa siswa berbanding lurus dengan penguasaan kosakatanya. instrumen yang harus dijadikan pertimbangan dalam mengambil kebijakan mengenai gradasi siswa merupakan kualitas kemampuan berbahasa mereka. sementara kualitas tersebut merupakan implikasi dari baiknya kompetensimufradatsiswa (tarigan, 2015: 2). sementara itu muhammad ismail shiny (dalam fatricia, 2018: 43) menyatakan bahwa mempelajari kosakata mempunyai posisi penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab.hal tersebut dikarenakan mufradat merupakan komponen asasi dalam sebuah bahasa. narasi yang lain disampaikan oleh ahmad qomaruddin (2017: 21) yang menyatakan bahwa mempelajari kosakata mempunyai signifikansi yang tinggi terhadap keterampilan berbahasa siswa. adapun dalam perspektif syaiful musthofa, sintaksis muhammad yusuf & eka dewi rahmawati 19 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) dan mufradat menjadi aspek penting dalam mempengaruhi penguasaan keterampilan berbahasa siswa (mustofa, 2011: 4).adapun artikulasi yang lebih komprehensif disampaikan oleh permatasari dan masri’ah (2019: 6) yang menyatakan bahwa selain sintaksis, morfologis, dan fonetik, kosakata merupakan salah satu komponen strategis dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab. di indonesia sudah sedari dulu pembelajaran bahasa arab dilaksanakan, namun hasilnya sampai sejauh ini belum optimal. ragam problem masih terus mewarnai, bahkan terkesan menghegemoni. proses identifikasi problem tersebut dapat berangkat misalnya dari keunikan bahasa arab sendiri yang berimplikasi pada sulitnya merumuskan metodologi. sehingga disamping siswa memang kurang siap juga karena tidak mudahnya siswa dalam meresap pengetahuan di dalamnya. selain itu juga disebabkan ragam karya mahasiswa bahasa arab dirasa kurang kreatif dan inovatif. karya ilmiah yang dibuat tidak menjawab tantangan keilmuan dan kelembagaan pendidikan bahasa arab. hal tersebut diperparah oleh kompetensi profesional, pedagogi, metodologi, pun kompetensi penelitian tenaga pendidik bahasa arab yang cenderung kurang (mujib, 2011: 6). dalam narasi yang lain, renti yasmar (2017: 202) mengatakan bahwa salah satu faktor penghambat proses pembelajaran bahasa arab berkaitan dengan operasionalisasi media pembelajaran. sejauh ini optimalisasi media tradisional seperti buku pelajaran, papan tulis, dan spidol dirasa kurang kompatibel untuk menyajikan materi agar menarik. oleh karenanya perlu inovasi baru berkaitan dengan media pembelajaran bahasa arab sebagai bahasa asing yang dirasa adaptabel bagi siswa di indonesia.terlebih peran media konvensional dirasa tidak adaptable dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa pada konteks kekinian. dalam kaitan tersebut, perlu kiranya memadukan tekhnologi mutakhir dalam komputer untuk dijadikan media pembelajaran. berdasarkan beberapa kajian yang telah dilakukan, penggunaan multimedia dapat mempermudah peran guru dalam metodologi pengajaran bahasa arab(yasmar, 2017: 202). lebih lanjut abdul hamid (2008: 194196) berpendapat bahwa optimalisasi tekhnologi akan berimplikasi pada naiknya ketertarikan dan motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa arab. disamping itu lebih memberikan kesempatan siswa untuk independent dalam belajar, bahkan memberikan kesempatan kepada mereka untuk mengeksplorasi hal-hal yang baru. adapun salah satu formula yang ditawarkan berkaitan dengan pengembangan media berbasis pada muhammad yusuf & eka dewi rahmawati 20 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) tekhnologi adalah program macromedia flash. macromedia flash merupakan akumulasi audio, gambar, animasi yang diproyeksikan menciptakan inovasi dalam pendidikan. sehingga proses edukasi bersifat menarik, tidak stagnan, dan memudahkan proses presentasi materi di dalamnya. selain itu dengan multimedia terciptalah independensi siswa dalam belajar materi bahasa arab. dapat dikatakan bahwasannya fitur multimedia mempunyai garansi lebih tinggi untuk membelajarkan secara efektif dan efesien daripada media tradisional (yasmar, 2017: 203). hal ini seperti hasil penelitian rachman azizi dkk, (dalma sari, dkk, 2016: 27) yang menjelaskan bahwa penggunaan multimedia yang interaktif dapat menaikkan kualitas proses pun hasil belajar siswa. dengan demikian terbukti bahwa multimedia interaktif memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan bagi tercapainya kompetensi dasar pun inti siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. bertitik dari narasi di atas, dalam penelitian ini penulis akan menawarkan multimedia pembelajaran kosakata bahasa arab unutuk siswa mts kelas ix semester ganjil. adapun multimedia yang dikehendaki disini adalah multimedia interaktif atau macromedia flash 8. multimedia tersebut disinyalir dapat membantu menyampaikan materi mufradat yang notabenenya merupakan aspek strategis dalam penguasaan keterampilan berbahasa arab siswa secara efektif dan efesien. b. metode penelitian dalam kajian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode rancang bangun. dalam perspektif pressman (dalam buchori, dkk, 2015: 1), rancang bangun merupakan metode yang bermuara pada penciptaan atau perbaikan sesuatu yang sudah ada dengan cara mengidentifikasinya dan menerjemahkan hasilnya ke dalam bentuk perangkat lunak. dalam penelitian ini peneliti berangkat dari analisis kebutuhan dalam pembelajaran mufradat yang dirasa perlu didialogkan dengan tekhnologi mutakhir, yaitu macromedia flash 8. media ini berdasarkan kajian yang telah dilakukan oleh beberapa ahli dapat meningkatkan efektifitas dan efesiensi dalam proses pembelajaran kosakata, khususnya pada siswa mts kelas ix. adapun penelitian ini menggunakan model waterfall yang secara operasional terdiri dari: pertama, analisa kebutuhan. dalam hal ini peneliti menganalisa kebutuhan siswa dengan berdasar pada buku dan jurnal terkait yang menyatakan bahwa perlu memberikan tawaran baru dalam proses pembelajaran muhammad yusuf & eka dewi rahmawati 21 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) mufradat pada siswa kelas ix, tawaran tersebut penulis terjemahkan dengan mencoba menciptakan aplikasi macromedia flash 8. selain itu, peneliti menganalisa materi pembelajaran mufradat pada siswa mts kelas ix yang terdiridarimateriberkaitandenganpuasa, harirayaidul adha, dan hobi. kedua, desain aplikasi yang terdiri dari representasi interface aplikasi. dalam konteks ini, peneliti akan mendesain aplikasi dengan memasukkan unsur-unsur pembelajaran mufradat di dalamnya. ketiga, implementasi aplikasi. operasionalisasi langkah ketiga ini adalah dengan cara menginternalisasikan desain aplikasi yang telah didialogkan dengan unsur pembelajaran kosakata pada siswa mts kelas ix kedalam perangkat lunak yang terdiri dari windows, dan macromedia flash8. keempat, pengujian aplikasi. dalam hal ini peneliti meminta kepada mahasiswa pascasarjana uin sunan kalijaga program studi pendidikan bahasa arab untuk menguji aplikasi yang telah peneliti tawarkan. kelima, proses validasi. adapun ahli yang menvalidasi aplikasi ini adalah dosen media pembelajaran pada program pascasarjana uin sunan kalijaga yogyakarta. c. hasil dan pembahasan secara terminologi, terdapat sedikit distingsi antara media pembelajaran dan multimedia pembelajaran. media pembelajaran adalah tekhnologi pembawa pesan yang dapat difungsikan dalam kelas-kelas pembelajaran misalnya dalam bentuk audio, video, film, buku, dan sebagainya (asrori, 2015: 3). sementara multimedia merupakan akumulasi dari beragamkomponen yang meliputi teks, grafik, audio, gambar, dan animasi dalam komputer atau lainnya yang dioptimalkan untuk menyampaikan materi dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa arab (mubarok, 2018: 70). berdasarkan pengertian antara dua terma di atas, dapat diambil sintesis bahwa secara mendasar perbedaan antara keduanya berada pada struktur komponennya, dalam hal ini unsur multimedia lebih beraneka. dengan kata lain, terma media lebih umum daripada multimedia. adapun karakterisasi dalam pembuatan multimedia interaktif pembelajaran bahasa arab adalah sebagai berikut: 1. kejelasan urain materi dalam blue print pembelajaran, eksistensi materi harus diformulasikan berdasarkan komposisi yang sesuai dalam sebuah kemasan. kejelasan dan mudah difahami adalah sesuatu yang harus dihadirkan dalam presentasi materi. akumulasi dari beragam elemen muhammad yusuf & eka dewi rahmawati 22 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) yang meliputi fakta, prinsip, konsep, dan prosedur pembelajaran bahasa arab membutuhkan kompetensi profesionalitas pengkonsep dalam menyajikan materi. 2. daya tarik soft file multimedia interaktif perpaduan teks, huruf, warna, gambar, animasi, audio dan video berpotensi besar dapat mendorong siswa untuk tertarik terhadap proses pembelajaran dalam kelas. 3. efesiensi pembelajaran multimedia interaktifsengaja didesain sedemikian rupa agar proses pembelajaran dapat berjalan efektif dan efesien. dalam arti ia dibuat agar siswa dapat belajar secara mandiri kapan dan dimana saja. dengan demikian pembelajaran akan lebih humanis dan demokratis. 4. motivasi belajar bahasa arab salah satu indikator multimedia yang baik mempunyai kekhasan yang tidak dimiliki multimedia yang lain, seperti menampilkan gambar dengan tema tertentu. hal ini secara tidak langsung akan menyentuh sisi psikologis siswa untuk terus termotivasi dalam belajar dengan menggunakan multimedia ini. 5. kemenarikan gambar/animasi indikator lain yang berkaitan dengan baiknya kualitas multimedia adalah kemenarikan gambar atau animasi di dalamnya. gambar yang menarik misalnya dengan menyajikan tokoh kartun kegemaran siswa. adapun animasi bisa dikatakan optimalisasi gambar dengan agar lebih menghidupkan daya imaginasi dalam durasi tertentu. 6. warna secara fungsional, elemen visual berperan agar pembelajaran lebih menarik dan dapat memberikan stimulus terhadap imagi siswa. warna berfungsi secara fisik bila visualisasinya mampu memperjelas indera penglihatan dalam menangkap objek yang dipresentasikan. normalnya akan ada konstras antara objek dan backgroundnya. sementara itu, fungsi psikologis warna akan eksis bila penampilannya berimplikasi pada munculnya emosi tertentu, misalnya sedih, gembira, tenang, sejuk, ceria, dan lain sebagainya. oleh karenanya prinsip kreatifitas menjadi hal yang asasi dalam menyeleksi aneka warna yang sesuai dengan tema sekaligus tingkat perkembangan psikologi siswa sebagai subjek dari multimedia. normalnya, anak remaja menyukai sesuatu yang terang dan cerah seperti biru laut, hijau daun, dan orange. muhammad yusuf & eka dewi rahmawati 23 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 7. motivasi mengerjakan latihan adanya umpan balik berupa skor misalnya, dalam respon jawaban yang diberikan siswa akan menjadikannya termotivasi untuk mendapat jawaban yang benar(ningsih, dkk, 2014: 68-70). macromedia flash 8 program macromedia flash 8 merupakan salah satu aplikasi yang berisi suatu program animasi yang telah banyak difungsikan designer untuk memproduksi dan mengkreasikan design yang profesional. program ini bila dibandingkan dengan yang lain dirasa lebih fleksibel untuk mendesain animasi, sehingga tidak sedikit yang mengoptimalkan fungsi program tersebut. pembuatan animasi interaktif atau noninteraktif bisa dengan menggunakan program macro media flash ini. bagi seniman misalnya, program ini sangat membantu kinerja mereka sebab perannya sebagai tekhnologi yang bisa menghasilkan animasi visual yang bergerak (andi, 2006: 1-2). secara umum, macro media flash dioptimalkan untuk menghasilkan animasi web yang akan dipresentasikan dalam sebuah situs internet, dan pembuatan beragam animasi yang lain seperti animasi iklan dan film. disamping itu, salah satu kelebihan dari program ini adalah bisa dikombinasikan dengan program lain seperti adobe photoshop, frontpage, macromedia dreamweaver, corel draw, dan lain sebagainya dalam rangka menghasilkan desain animasi yang menarik. lebih lanjut andi mengatakan bahwa keistimewaan program ini dibandingkan dengan program lain yang semisal di antaranya: 1) mampu membuat tombol-tombol interaktif dengan sebuah film ataupun objek yang lain, 2) mampu mentransformasikan transparansi warna dalam film, 3) mampu mentransformasikan suatu animasi kedalam bentuk yang lain, 4) mampu membuat gerakan animasi dengan berdasar pada pola yang telah ditetapkan, 5) mampu dikonversi dan dipublikasikan ke dalam beberapa format, misalnya: mov, swf, html, gif, jpg, pngg, exe, dan lain sebagainya(andi, 2006: 1-2). flash dapat digunakan untuk membuat objek gambar menjadi animasi seolaholah gambar itu bergerak di sepanjang stage. selain menggerakkannya sebagai animasi objek juga bisa diubah ukuran, warna, memutar, maupun mengubah opacity (kenampakan suatu objek dari jelas hingga lenyap). animasi pada flash dapat dilakukan dengan cara frame by frame dimana harus terlebih dahulu membuat gambar pada masing-masing frame, maupun dengan cara tweened animation atau animasi berantara. muhammad yusuf & eka dewi rahmawati 24 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) pada cara yang kedua ini hanya perlu membuat dua objek, yaitu objek awal dan objek akhir, sedang antara keduanya akan diselesaikan oleh flash (yudhiantoro, 2003: 8). adapun istilah-istilah umum dalam program flash adalah sebagai berikut (andi, 2006: 4). tabel 1. istilah umum program flash istilah keterangan properties bagian intruksi dari intruksi yang lain animasi objek gerak yang didesain agar nampak lebih menarik action script intruksi pada suatu frame agar menjadi interaktif movie clip kombinasi animasi frame bagian layer yang berfungsi untuk mengatur desain animasi scene layar yang berfungsi untuk menyusun beragam objem, baik tulisan pun gambar. time line penampung layar masking suatu intruksi yang berfungsi menghilangkan sebuah konten dari layer dimana isi layer tersebut akan tampak saat movie dijalankan layer simbol tempat yang berfungsi menampung satu gerakan objek sehingga bilahendak membuat gerakan lebih dari satu objek sebaiknya diletakkan pada layer tersendiri keyframe tanda yang berfungsi membatasigerakan animasi berikut ini adalah bagian-bagian dan fungsi dari elemen-elemen macromedia flash (andi, 2006: 7). tabel 2. bagian dan fungsi elemen macromedia flash nama elemen keterangan toolbox bagian yang dapat difungsikan sebagai media untuk mengambar dan memformat gambar panel/jendela properties bagian yang difungsikan sebagai instruktur tambahan dari objek yang menjadi pilihan. tampilan jendela properties bersifat relatif timeline bagian yang digunakan untuk mengatur susunan layer layer bagian yang difungsikan untuk mengatur susunan dari objek yangtampak di stage panel/jendela actions bagian aplikasi yang dapat difungsikan sebagai instruktur script pada objek yang menjadi pilihan. muhammad yusuf & eka dewi rahmawati 25 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) presentasi jendela actions bersifat relatif menu beberapa intruksi yang difungsikan untuk mendesain atau membuat objek, animasi, layar, dan lain sebagainya. scane/stage layar yang dapat difungsikan untuk mengatur dan menyusun objek teks, gambar, animasi, ataupun movie frame bagian layer yang dapat difungsikan sebagai pengatur gerakan animasi panel/jendela color mixer bagian yang dapat difungsikan sebagai medium untuk mewarnai objek, baik solid pun gradasi. components tombol yang difungsikan sebagai daya tampung data pembelajaran kosakata bahasa arab kelas ix pembelajaran dalam perspektif oemar hamalik (1995: 37)merupakan transformasi tingkah laku individu sebab proses interaksi dengan lingkungannya. sementara menurut yatim riyanto (2009: 5), pembelajaran merupakan akumulasidari proses mengamati, membaca, meniru, mengeksplorasi, mendengar, dan mengikutiarah tertentu. dalamnarasi yang lain, abdul majid (2012: 109) berpendapat pembelajaran bermakna upaya untuk membelajarkan seorang atausekelompok orang melalui aneka usaha dengan menggunakan berbagai strategi, metode, dan pendekatan untuk mendapatkan tujuan yang telah direncanakan. berdasarkan pengertian ahli di atas dapat diambil sintesis bahwa pembelajaran merupakan serangkaian aktivitas yang dilakukan siswa dengan berdasar pada instruksi guru yang telah memformulasikan tujuan, pendekatan, metode, dan strategi dalam kegiatan tersebut. adapun kosakata atau dalam bahasa arab disebut mufrodat, dalam bahasa inggrisnya vocabulary adalah himpunan kata atau khazanah kata yang diketahui oleh seseorang atau entitas lain yang merupakan bagian dari suatu bahasa tertentu. kosakata ada yang mendefinisikan sebagai himpunan semua kata-kata yang dimiliki seorang individu yang berpotensi digunakan untuk menyusun kalimat baru. khazanah kosakata dapat dijadikan indikator tingkat intelligensi seorang individu. oleh karenanya, ia merupakan unsur asasi yang menentukan perkembangan kemampuan bahasa arab siswa (zaenudin, 2005: 89). dalam kontesk siswa mts kelas ix, berikut materi pokok pembelajaran kosakata yang disusun oleh kementerian agama republik indonesia: idul adha, puasa romadlon, hijrah nabi, maulid nabi, hobi, murid yang pandai, dan hari libur muhammad yusuf & eka dewi rahmawati 26 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) (hidayat, 2016). namun dalam kajian ini, penulis hanya mengambil materi tentang puasa ramadhan, idul adha, dan hobi untuk dijadikan sampel dalam proses pembuatan multimedia interaktif. perancangan pembuatan multimedia ini diawali dengan membuat skema awal yang akan dijadikan dasar oleh penulis dalam menghasilkan multimedia interaktif dengan menggunakan macromedia flash 8. berikut visualisasi perancangangan multimedia dalam kajian ini: gambar 1 perancangan. gambar 1. perancangan setelah perancangan dilakukan, maka tahap selanjutnya adalah membuat multimedia dengan menggunakan adobe flash. menu utama tampilan pada menu utama terdapat dua scene, yaitu scene loading dan scene menu. pada tampilan scene loading terdapat animasi movie clip tanpa action script karena akan langsung berpindah ke scene menu dan memainkannya. muhammad yusuf & eka dewi rahmawati 27 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) gambar 2 menu utama tujuan pembelajaran scene ini berisi tujuan pembelajaran, yaitu: 1. siswa mengenal mufradat baru yang berhubungan dengan materi-materi yang telah ditampilkan. 2. siswa memahami arti dan maksud dari mufradat yang telah ditampilkan. 3. siswa dapat mengerjakan latihan-latihan untuk mengetahui skor pemahaman siswa mengenai maufradat-mufradat yang telah ditampilkan. gambar 3. tujuan pembelajaran materi 1 pada menu ‘materi 1’ ini terdapat beberapa frame, frame pertama berisi halaman judul ‘idul adha’. dan terdapat dua tombol yaitu tombol home dan tombol next. adapun actionscript pada tombol ‘home’ adalah sebagaimana yang telah disebutkan, dan actionsript pada tombol ‘next’ adalah sebagai berikut. on (release) {nextframe();}. jika diklik maka akan masuk pada frame selanjutnya yang berisi tentang beragam kosakata yang berkaitan dengan topik materi i. muhammad yusuf & eka dewi rahmawati 28 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) gambar 4. materi 1 materi 2 materi dua ini teridiri dari sepuluh frame yang berisi tentang materi kedua yakni ‘puasa ramadhan’. frame pertama merupakan halaman judul yang berisi dua tombol, yaitu tombol ‘home’ yang jika diklik akan kembali pada menu utama dan tombol’next’ yang jika diklik akan menuju frame selanjutnya. gambar 5. materi 2 materi 3 pada scene ‘materi 3’ ini, terdapat sebelas frame yang berisi judul dan materi mufradat untuk materi yang ketiga yaitu tentang hobi-hobi. pada frame pertama terdapat judul materi ketiga yaitu hobi-hobi, dilengkapi dengan tombol “home’ dan tombol ‘next’ sebagaimana pada scene-scene sebelumnya. muhammad yusuf & eka dewi rahmawati 29 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) gambar 6. materi 3 latihan 1 latihan 1 ini berisi petunjuk mengerjakan soal dan soal-soal yang berkaitan dengan materi 1 tentang idul adha. a. frame pertama berisi petunjuk mengerjakan soal sebagai berikut: b. frame kedua berisi tombol ‘mulai’ dengan action script: on (release) {nextframe();} c. frame ketiga berisi soal pertama beserta lima tombol pilihan jawaban. gambar 6. latihan 1 latihan 2 pada scene latihan 2 initerdapat sembilan frame, latihan 2 ini berisi petunjuk mengerjakan soal dan soal-soal yang berkaitan dengan materi kedua yakni puasa ramadhan. a. frame pertamaberisipetunjukmengerjakansoalsebagaiberikut: b. frame keduaberisitombol ‘mulai’ denganactionscript: on (release) {nextframe();} muhammad yusuf & eka dewi rahmawati 30 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) c. frame ketiga berisi soal pertama beserta lima tombol pilihan jawaban. gambar 7. latihan 2 latihan 3 latihan 3 ini berisi petunjuk mengerjakan soal dan soal-soal yang berkaitan dengan materi ketiga tentang hobbi. a. frame pertama berisi petunjuk mengerjakan soal sebagai berikut: b. frame kedua beri sitombol ‘mulai’ dengan actions cript: on (release) {nextframe();} c. frame ketiga berisi soal pertama beserta lima tombol pilihan jawaban. gambar 8. latihan 3 pilihan keluar ketika mengklik tombol keluar pada menu home, maka akan masuk terlebih dahulu pada halaman ‘keluar’ yang berisi ucapan terimakasih sebagaimana berikut. pada frame ini terdapat satu tombol yaitu tombol ‘power’ dengan action: on(release){fscommand("quit",true). apabila diklik tombol ‘power’, maka 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qualitative research. the data were sentences in the original novel and its indonesian translation. the data were collected using content analysis technique and analyzed using larson theory of naturalness in translation and supported by other theories. this research does not mean to judge the translator but it is intended to give contribution to the development of translation by analyzing the naturalness of the translation. the finding showed that there are four levels of naturalness found in the translation of the novel, such as (1) highly natural (171 data or 78.1 %), (2) natural (33 data or 15.1 %), (3) less natural (13 data or 5.9 %), and (4) unnatural (2 data or 0.9 %). keywords: naturalness; translation quality; novel. a. introduction translation takes an important role in learning foreign language. it deals with transferring the writer’s idea from source language into target language (newmark, 1987). house (2018: 9), catford (1965: 20), and larson (1998) state almost similar definition about translation that it refers to seeking for the equivalence between the source text and the target text. the equivalence should be semantically and pragmatically. jacobson (1959/2004: 139 in munday, 2008: 5) stated that translation refers to several definitions, namely translation as a general subject field, as a product, and as a process. translation as a subject field refers to teaching and learning of translation in the academic field. translation as a product refers to the text that has been translated into the target language. translation as a process means the act of producing siti aisyah & dwi harjanti 201 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) the translation (ibid). it means that translation centralizes on the role of the translator in picking the source text (st) and transforming it into a text in target language (suttleworth and cowie, 1997: 181 in hatim and munday, 2004). in translating a text, the translator should take some considerations to make the result of the translation has a good quality. the considerations are related to the culture (especially the source language), syntactical terms, and the message of the text. besides, the other important things that should be paid attention by translator such as: first, the process of translation. it deals with the source text reading, target text writing, and the process itself (schaeffer and carl, 2015). the translator first reads the source text, and then produces the target text through a process. nababan (2008: 25) mentions three steps in translation process, namely: (1) analyzing the source text where the translator reads the original text and comprehends the message; (2) transferring the message in which the translator transfers the content and the message of the original text to the target text (it is still in the translator mind); and (3) re-structuring in which the translator changes the original text into the target text by considering to find the equal message between the source language and the target language. larson (1998: 3-4) states that translation process consists of studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of the source text; determining the meaning by analyzing it; and then reconstructing this same meaning using lexicon and grammatical structure which are appropriate in a receptor language and its cultural context. here is the process of translation according to larson (1998): chart 1. the process of translating source language receptor language discover the meaning re-express the meaning text to be translated translation meaning siti aisyah & dwi harjanti 202 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) second, the procedure of translation. nida (1964 in ordudari) mentions two kinds of translation procedure, such as (1) technical procedures which cover analyzing both the source and target languages; studying the source language text before translate it; and making judgments of semantic and syntactic approximation; (2) organizational procedures which contain some activities like constant reevaluation of the attempt made; contrasting the translation with the existing translation of the same text done by other translators; and checking the text’s communicative effectiveness by asking the target language readers to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness and to know their reactions. third, techniques of translation. in order to make the translation product of the target text equivalent with the source text, the translator does some techniques. mona and albir (2002: 509 in rahmawati, nababan, & santosa, 20016) mention some techniques in translation such as adaptation, amplification, borrowing, calques, compensation, description, discursive creation, established equivalence, generalization, linguistics amplification, linguistic comprehension, literal translation, modulation, particularization, reduction, substitution, transposition, and variation. the quality of translation can be identified through some assessments. according to larson (1998: 529), the aim of assessing translation is to ensure that it is accurate, clear, and natural. he (1998: 533) explains ways of assessing translation such as: (1) comparison with the source to check whether or not the information content in tl equivalence with the sl; (2) back-translation into the source language which is done by asking someone else who masters the source and the target language well to read the translation and write the meaning he gets from it back into the source language again; (3) comprehension checks to know whether or not the speakers of the tl understand it correctly although they do not read it before; (4) naturalness and readability testing is to know if the form of the translation is natural and the style appropriate; and (5) consistency checks to check the consistency of the use of lexical equivalent for some key terms. the kinds of assessment can be applied to any kinds of translation. one of a very interesting field of translation is literary work such as, novel, film, poetry, and short story. related to the background of the study above, this research is going to discuss the siti aisyah & dwi harjanti 203 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) translation quality assessment which is focused on the naturalness quality. it will analyze the naturalness of translation of a very famous novel by j. k. rowling entitle “harry potter and the half blood prince” which has been translated into indonesian “harry potter dan pangeran berdarah campuran”. this novel has been translated into many languages and spread to all over the world. not only children who like this novel, but also young people and the older ones. the acceptance of many people to this novel make it become interesting object to study, especially about its naturalness quality. there are some researches about naturalness, among others are: first, baharuddin (2015) conducted a research investigating the naturalness of the indonesian language used by the translator in the translation of anna frank’s the diary of a young girl into indonesian. the result of the research was that there are two things caused the translation unnatural in the text; they are the text structure and the meaning and sense. second, dewi (2015) analyzed the naturalness of translation of short story drupadi from indonesian into english. they found that the translation has a highly natural quality, so that it can be used as a teaching material in language classes. third, safei and salija (2018) analyzed the naturalness and accuracy of english short story translation into indonesian. the research showed that the students’ translation of short story entitled the proud lion gained the score 7-8. it is called ‘almost completely successful’ classification from 30 students. this study differs from the above previous studies. the differences are in the focus being studied and the subject. this study is focused on naturalness of the translation of j. k. rowling’s harry potter and the half blood into indonesian harry potter dan pangeran berdarah campuran. the problem to be discussed is how the naturalness quality of the translation is. by this research, it is expected that it will become reference to other researchers who are interested in translation and its development. it can give the illustration on how translator should translate the literary work by considering the naturalness of the translation product in order to make the readers understand it easily. in literary translation, naturalness becomes urgent to gain the equivalence meaning between source language and target language. newmark (1988: 24, 26 in safi and syarifi, 1997) states that translation is natural when it uses common structure or siti aisyah & dwi harjanti 204 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) grammar, idioms and words that meets the situation. there are two features of naturalness in translation (ibid). they are primary feature (intelligibility and accessibility / readability); and secondary feature (well-formedness, acceptability, idiomaticity, authenticity and contemporaneity). intelligibility means the clarity of the translation that makes the readers comprehend it easily (yusof, aziz, & darus, 2017). accessibility or readability refers to the clarity of the translation due to the style of writing (klare, 1963 in ghoreishi & aminzadeh, 2016). well-formedness relates to the consistency of the translation to the tl grammar rules without any interference from the sl syntactic rules. acceptability is the appropriateness of the translation with the tl linguistic and cultural norm. idiomaticity is the inclination of using certain established formulas in the tl culture like proverbs, idioms and collocation. authenticity means that the translation is free from linguistic and cultural interferences of sl. contemporaneity characterized by the use of contemporary words instead of archaic ones (yusof, aziz, & darus, 2017). naturalness test is done to know if the form of the translation is natural and the style appropriate. it can be done by asking a reviewer to read it, making comments and giving suggestions. it will be better if the reviewer is one who is bilinguals in source language and target language. the first step done by reviewer is by reading the whole section of the translation at one time. the purpose of this step is to know the flow of the translation, and the whole meaning of the text. while reading, the reviewer mark any place where it is hard to read or it looks unnatural or unclear. if he feels hesitated and has to go back, and reread to understand, this should be marked. after finishing reading the translation, then he should go back and study carefully to the marker he makes. then he can write some additional suggestions on it (larson, 1998: 533-544). then the reviewer can make some criteria to assess the naturalness of the translation. the following table is the criteria in assessing translation (dewi,, 2015 adapted from larson, 1988: 531-532): siti aisyah & dwi harjanti 205 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) table 1. criteria in assessing naturalness scale level criteria 4 highly natural make sense and read naturally (written in ordinary language, common grammar, proper idioms and words) 3 natural correct meaning, using appropriate idioms and words, but there are some error structures. 2 less natural make sense with minimum unnatural words, grammar, phrase, or idioms. 1 unnatural unnatural form, with awkward language, ungrammatical structure, and inappropriate words. b. research method this study is descriptive qualitative research. qualitative research refers to a research which study how people deal with ‘their concrete real-life experiences in their own minds and in their own words’ (cropley, 2019). it does not use statistical procedure as in quantitative research. one of the characteristics of qualitative research is the data are in the form of sentences and analyzed descriptively. the data in this research are in the form of sentences in the source text harry potter and the half blood prince and its indonesian translation. harry potter’s novel was chosen because it is very popular and has been translated into many languages. thus, it is very interesting to analyze the extent of the naturalness of the translation that make the readers of any ages understand it easily and then love it. the data are collected by using documentation technique. the authors read the sentences in the source text and choose the corpus language. next, the authors compare them to the indonesian translation and analyzed descriptively by using the theory of naturalness. c. findings and discussion findings there are 219 data the writer used taken from the novel. this research found that the naturalness level of the translation can be categorized as highly natural (171 data or 78.1 %), natural (33 data or 15.1 %), less natural (13 data or 5.9 %) and unnatural (2 data or 0.9 %). the translation is called having highly natural quality if it makes sense siti aisyah & dwi harjanti 206 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) and read naturally or written in ordinary language, common grammar, proper idioms and words. translation is categorized as natural if it has correct meaning, using appropriate idioms and words, but there are some error structures. translation is called less natural if it makes sense with minimum unnatural words, grammar, phrase, or idioms. meanwhile, translation is called unnatural if it has unnatural form, with awkward language, ungrammatical structure, and inappropriate words. here are the explanations of some data: 1. unnatural level translation is categorized as unnatural if it has unnatural form, with awkward language, ungrammatical structure, and inappropriate words. the data showed that there are 2 unnatural translations which occur in the novel. here they are: st: and was it his fault that one of his junior ministers, herbert chorley, had chosen this week to act so peculiarly that he was now going to be pending a lot more time with his family? (p. 8) tt: dan salahnyakah jika salah satu menteri mudanya, herbert chorley, telah memilih minggu ini untuk bersikap begitu ganjil sehingga sekarang dia akan melewatkan jauh lebih banyak waktu bersama keluarganya? (p. 10) as stated by larson, translation is called natural if it is easy to read and not hard to understand. meanwhile in this data, the translation is hard to understand especially in the sentence “telah memilih minggu ini untuk bersikap begitu ganjil sehingga dia melewatkan jauh lebih banyak waktu bersama keluarganya”. there is an ambiguity reference of the pronoun “dia”. does it refer to the prime minister or to the junior minister, herbert chorley? it is unclear and makes the sentence unnatural. related to the naturalness of translation, tytler (1907: 9 in roger, 1999) and nida (1964: 164 in ibid) states that translation should have natural and easy form of expression, so that it is read like the original text and not like a translation. the above translation is still using awkward language and still like a translation. in natural translation, translator is free to add or retrench the original text if it is needed in order to make it ease to comprehend (tytler, 1779 in fadaee, 2011). in this translation, there is no addition or reduction to make it more natural and easily understand. st: “good grief, so it’s your fault those people were killed and i’m having to answer questions about rusted rigging and corroded expansion joints and i don’t know what else!” said the prime minister furiously. (p. 21) tt: “astaga, jadi kesalahan anda-lah orang-orang ini terbunuh dan saya harus menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang tiang penyangga berkarat dan siti aisyah & dwi harjanti 207 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) perpanjangan-sendi keropos dan entah apa lagi!” kata perdana menteri (p.23) in this data, the translator translates the sentence corroded expansion joints into perpanjangan-sendi keropos. in target language the translation is difficult to understand and seems strange. it has no intelligibility based on newmarks criteria of natural translation. the translation does not make the readers comprehend it easily. it sound unnatural and make the readers should think twice to understand. 2. less natural level translation belongs to less natural if it makes sense with minimum unnatural word, grammar, phrase, or idioms. there are 13 data or 5.9 % categorized as having less natural quality. here are the examples: st: …, it was to find hermione sitting at the kitchen table in great agitation, while mrs weasley tried to lessen her remembrance to half a panda. (p.123) tt: …, hermione sedang duduk di kursi meja makan dengan sangat gelisah, sementara mrs weasley berusaha mengurangi kemiripannya dengan separo-panda. (p.131) the data show that a phrase in the source text ‘half a panda’ is translated literally correct to ‘separo panda’, but it belongs to less natural because it is uncommon phrase. the readers will be difficult to understand what ‘separo panda’ mean because this phrase is not ordinary use in target language. there is no panda which is only separo (a half), so it will make the readers confuse. although the word separo panda is uncommon, but actually if the translator does not use the word separo, the readers will more understand, so it belongs to less natural translation. st: harry followed his gaze up the carefully tended front path and felt his heart sink. the front door was hanging off its hinges. (p.79) tt: harry mengikuti pandangannya melewati jalan setapak dan hatinya mencelos. pintu depan menggantung pada engselnya. (p.86) the translation belongs to less natural because it uses unnatural words. in this example, the target word mencelos is rarely used in daily conversation, so it can be categorized as unnatural word. it does not make the readers understand. this word is an archaic word, as stated by newman that if translation use archaic words, so it is less natural. siti aisyah & dwi harjanti 208 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 3. natural level translation is categorized as natural if it has correct meaning, using appropriate idioms and words, but there are some error structures. there 33 data or 15.1 % which are categorized as having natural quality of translation. the natural translation will be identified from the meaning which is equivalent, the appropriate idioms and common words. however, there is a small mistake related to the sentence structure, for example: st: an immense chimney, relic of a disused mill, reared up, shadowy and ominous (p.29) tt: sebuah cerobong besar, peninggalan penggilingan yang sudah tak terpakai, menjulang, seperti bayangan yang mengerikan (p.32). this translation can be said as having natural level because almost all the words are common words. the meaning of the translation are closest to the original text, however there is one word which make it strange, the word relic is translated into peninggalan, in which combined with the word penggilingan that need more than once to read in order to get the meaning. it is only a small mistake related to the structure of the sentence. st: fudge took a great, deep breath and said, “prime minister, i am very sorry to have to tell you that he’s back. he-who-must-not-be-named is back.” (p.19) tt: fudge menarik napas dalam-dalam dan berkata, “perdana menteri, saya sungguh menyesal terpaksa harus memberitahu anda bahwa dia yang namanya tak boleh disebut telah kembali.” (p.21) in this data, the meaning of the source text and the target text is closest; however there is a difference structure between the two texts. in the source text there are two direct speeches using two words ‘back’, but in the target language the direct speech is only one sentence with one ‘kembali’. although there is no strangeness in this translation and it can be understand easily or called natural, but there occurs a different structure between two sentences. 4. highly natural level translation is called having highly natural quality if it makes sense and read naturally or written in ordinary language, common grammar, proper idioms and words. there are 171 data or 78.1 % belong to highly natural translation. it can be said that more than a half data show that the translation is natural. the readers will read and understand it easily as if it is the original text. here are the examples: siti aisyah & dwi harjanti 209 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) st: “i’m not getting rid of kingsley shacklebolt, if that’s what you’re suggesting!” said the prime minister hotly. (p. 27) tt: “saya tidak bersedia memberhentikan kingsley shackebolt, kalau itu yang akan anda usulkan!” kata perdana menteri panas. (p.29) the data above show that the translation uses ordinary language. it can be understood easily. it also uses common grammar, correct use of capital letter and punctuation. the words used are not awkward. this translation can be categorized as having high level of naturalness. the all result of the findings is summarized as in the following table: table 2: the naturalness of translation in the novel level data percentage unnatural less natural natural highly natural 2 13 33 171 0.9 % 5.9 % 15.1 % 78.1 % total data 219 100% discussion a major character in every translation work is the translation (final product) should be sounded natural. before stating the features of the product the naturalness of translation proposed by the great translation authorities, and then mention the types of translations unnatural translations, a distinction must be made between natural language, ordinary language, and basic language. "natural language is a language which readable by everyone and it is formal. ordinary language is a plain, non-technical language used by oxford. philosopher's explanation. basic language is somewhere between formal and informal, easily understood, and it's made of the languages that are the most common people are frequently used" (newmark, 1988:87). according to belloc (1931: 30), "natural and good translation must consciously attempt the original spirit at the letter's expense. this is much like saying that the translator needs to be original talent; he has to create himself: he has to have his own power, not just to offer a one to one translation”. bates (1943: 121) says that; "if you want to translate a book naturally, you should know that, the translator’s task is not siti aisyah & dwi harjanti 210 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) confined to transferring of one sentence into a similar sentence in the target language, but that he/she is expected to search inconsistencies in the two languages, tackle them, and to overcome the deficiencies of his/her own language in respect of the unique characteristics found in the source language". the final translation of the two novels of j. k. rowling’s novel harry potter and the half blood prince into indonesian showed that the translator provided highly naturalness with 78.1 % of the whole translation. it means that the translator success to make the text readable, understood what kind of audience the original author had in mind when writing (nida, 1943), made readers do not recognize it as translation at all (rahimi, 2004), and used communicative translation more than semantic translation (newmark, 1988). d. conclusions translation relates to the transfer of messages from source language to equivalent messages in target text. translation is done through some process to get a good result and quality. some method take by translator in the process of translation will give impact to the better translation. to know the quality of translation, some assessment can be done in a study. one example is by assessing the naturalness quality of the translation product. there are four levels of translation found, such as: highly natural, natural, less natural and unnatural level. by this study, it is hoped that other researchers can used it as reference in their research in field of translation. some quality of translation which is needed to analyzed such accuracy, readability and acceptability. siti aisyah & dwi harjanti 211 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) references baharudin. 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lecturers include three arabic language education lecturers and three english language education lecturers with roughly five years of teaching experience. the data collection instrument is an interview guideline. the findings indicated that instructors acknowledged the importance of integrating culture into fl classrooms via various strategies and methods. their statements include the following: they are frequently compelled to keep to textbook activities and activities previously prepared for the textbook since they have little time in class to address cultural concerns due to the syllabi's high expectations. keywords: intercultural competence; awareness; language classroom. a. introduction it is possible to characterize as intercultural competence the interactions that take place between teachers and students during the language acquisition process in the classroom. cultural background, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, religious belief system, and even educational degree are all factors that contribute to this (jackson, 2019; mirzaei & forouzandeh, 2013). differential findings across various circumstances send a message that disparities are commonplace and that everyone should be aware of them. not only that, but the process of interaction between students in the classroom, particularly when students from a variety of backgrounds congregate in the same class, may be considered a component of intercultural competency. ©muh. arif & harni jusuf available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 65 among the many reasons for this, recent research has reinforced the requirement and importance of developing the global perspectives and intercultural awareness of foreign language teachers (róg et al., 2020; wyant et al., 2019), among other things. in short, fostering intercultural competency in the classroom should be an important aspect of all language education, regardless of the type of language education being provided. some of the most well-known and commonly accepted models of intercultural learning in fl education have been proposed by bennett (2009) and byram (2020), who acknowledge the importance of fostering intercultural discourse between societies in order to improve learning outcomes. as a process of being more aware of and having a greater understanding of one's own culture as well as other cultures all over the world, intercultural awareness can be thought of as a way of life (burden et al., 2013; hashemian & farhang-ju, 2020; mirzaei & forouzandeh, 2013; sevilla-pavón, 2019; vuksanovic, 2018). its primary goal is to promote greater international and cross-cultural understanding and cooperation (maharaja, 2018; róg et al., 2020; wolff & borzikowsky, 2018). intercultural awareness is a collection of attitudes and skills that can be considered and better thought of as competence in and of itself (ferreira-lopes et al., 2018; lieberman & gamst, 2015; shadiev et al., 2020; wang, 2020), according to (gómez-parra, 2020; king et al., 2013). these are some examples: the skills of (a) observing, (b) identifying and recording, (c) comparing and contrasting, (d) negotiating meaning, (e) dealing with or tolerating ambiguity, (f) effectively interpreting messages, (g) limiting the possibility of misinterpretation, (h) defending one's own point of view while acknowledging the legitimacy of others, and (i) accepting difference are all required. the essence of actual classroom teaching practice in grasping the idea of culture and its reciprocal link with language is becoming increasingly apparent (barnatt et al., 2020; behrnd & porzelt, 2012; holmes & o’neill, 2012; pinto, 2018). however, further investigation is demanded to define the extent to which fl teachers emphasize culture in their classrooms and the methods by which they do so. these variables combined give the impetus for this study, which sought to determine whether or not language teachers are aware of how, when, and to what extent they use culture in their language sessions to improve student learning. ©muh. arif & harni jusuf available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 66 b. research method a deeper insight into the views of language teachers on the concept of culture and how they shape their classroom practices to develop appropriate intercultural competencies is the main object of study in this research. the research team invited six language lecturers to obtain these data, consisting of three arabic language lecturers and three other english language lecturers. the six lecturers were then coded with al 1 to 3 for arabic language education lecturers and el 1 to 3 for english language education lecturers. the six volunteer lecturers were asked to provide an overview of their views on intercultural competence in foreign language learning in their classrooms so far. the interview guide in this study asked the following questions: 1. how do arabic and english lecturers define culture in the practice of language learning in the classroom? 2. how important is the integration of cultural knowledge in language learning in the classroom? 3. what methods and techniques are suitable for teaching language classes with diverse backgrounds? 4. what materials or topics are suitable to be taught for these diverse language classes? 5. how do lecturers increase intercultural awareness in their students? 6. do the reference books used in teaching include intercultural competence so far? 7. is there a reason for lecturers not to teach intercultural competence in language learning in today's class? 8. how have students reacted so far in understanding culture in the context of the language material being taught? these questions were asked face to face to the lecturers who volunteered in this research. the lecturer's answer is directly written on the research team's paper. the research data will be analyzed using content analysis. content analysis is a research technique that allows for examining specific words or significant concepts included within texts (ihm, 2020; lustig, myron w, 2010). the relationships and meanings between these words or ideas were studied using this technique, and probable inferences were drawn from the investigation. the text was divided into categories, and then ©muh. arif & harni jusuf available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 67 linguistic components such as words, word phrases, sentences, and themes were extracted and studied from the text to carry out the content analysis technique (ridder et al., 2014). c. findings and discussion findings definition of culture according to arabic and english teaching lecturers in teaching language in the classroom. this question 1-2 aims to explore culture according to the lecturer of arabic language education and english education. lecturers are asked to write down their concept of culture and practice in language learning that has been done so far. table 1. concept of culture concept of culture lecturer’s responses 1. culture is a person's identity and becomes a differentiator in social strata. 2. culture is the creation of values and behavior in the context of social interaction. al1, al3, el1, el2, el3 al2, al3, el2, el3 integration culture in language teaching 1. it is important to instill cultural concepts in language learners in the classroom 2. the awareness of different cultures among students in the classroom needs to be emphasized and encouraged. al1, al2, al3, el1, el2, el3 al3, el2, el3 from further interviews, arabic and english education instructors principally have the same perspective regarding culture. as part of self-identity, language learners and instructors cannot deny the existence of cultural variation between them. therefore, cultural awareness in the context of language learning in the classroom is needed to acclimate the materials and learning methods to the cultural setting in question. understanding arab and english culture helps students and teachers understand how a language should be acquired. the learning objectives that inspire students to speak orally and in writing may be reached optimally. so in this research inquiry, arabic and english education professors agree that language acquisition cannot be divorced from the culture of the language being spoken. ©muh. arif & harni jusuf available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 68 what methods and techniques are suitable for teaching language classes with diverse backgrounds? the six lecturers were asked to write down appropriate learning methods or techniques for language classes with diverse student cultural backgrounds. these results are depicted in the following table: tabel 2. teaching methods and techniques no teaching methods lecturer’s responses 1 participatory approach al3, el2 2 culture content integration al1, al2, el1, el2 3 equitable pedagogy al2, al3, el1, el3 4 cooperative learning al1, al2, al3, el1, el2, el3 basically, the methods used by lecturers in the language learning process in the classroom have so far paid attention to the differences or characteristics of the students themselves. learning english and arabic as foreign languages in indonesia cannot be separated from the origin of the two languages, so learning techniques or methods must be able to adapt to cultural content. of the four culture-based learning methods, lecturers try to elaborate each method into their language learning classes. this is intended so that students are aware that cultural knowledge is important to understand so that learning content can also run in accordance with the objectives of language learning itself. what materials or topics are suitable to be taught for these diverse language classes? in this question section. lecturers are asked to write about material that is suitable for integration in a multicultural language class. from these results, the researchers then tabulated in the following table form: tabel 3. materials/topics for language learning no material/topics for language learning lecturer’s responses 1 integration of cultural values. al1, al3, el1, el2, el3 2 understanding cross-regional and even national culture al1, al2, el2, el3 3 empathy towards cultural differences al1, al2, al3, el1, el2, el3 4 critical understanding of various cultures in society. al1, al2, al3, el1, el2, el3 5 cultural demonstration and preservation al1, al2, el1, el3 ©muh. arif & harni jusuf available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 69 most of them seem to integrate cultural material in every language learning material. however, in the context of language learning, several lecturers in both english and arabic chose to integrate cultural values more dominantly than other materials. this is considered important, because the cultural values that are instilled make the material easier to understand if it is related to a certain cultural context. these cultural values are an important emphasis for strengthening language learning materials in the classroom. how do lecturers increase intercultural awareness in their students? tabel 4. the way to increase intercultural awareness no the way to increase intercultural awareness lecturer’s responses 1 visualization of cultural content. al1, al2, al3, el1, el3 2 involvement of social media in introducing the importance of understanding culture. al1, al2, el1, el2, el3 3 emphasizing that culture is an identity that must be maintained al2, al3, el1, el2, el3 difference and diversity are something natural. every person, every nation, has its own uniqueness. even though the world feels like it's getting smaller and smaller, national boundaries due to technological advances, differences and diversity will remain. many argue that globalization can homogenize existing cultures and there is no need to worry too much about existing cultural differences. still, the author believes that cultural differences and diversity will definitely exist. differences and diversity actually add to the splendor of life and are the nation's wealth. intercultural awareness and competence in language learners must continue to be maintained and developed. the potential for differences and conflicts in the name of culture can be minimized as early as possible. intercultural competence must live and become one of the important competencies in every language learner. no more barriers limit students' space and creativity in exploring language skills both inside and outside the classroom. ©muh. arif & harni jusuf available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 70 do the reference books used in teaching include intercultural competence so far? table 5. intercultural competence integrated to reference books used no intercultural competence integrated to reference books used in teaching learning lecture’s responses 1 yes, it was already integrated and considered intercultural competence in any books used in teaching language learning in classroom el1, el2, el3 2 not yet. intercultural competence has not been fully integrated into every material or reference book used in the language learning process so far. al1, al2, al3 3 absolutely nothing. books used as teaching materials in the classroom do not mention intercultural competence at all the arabic language lecturer stated that the intercultural competence in the various literatures used in the classroom did not fully involve the competence in question. arabic learning materials are more in contact with the structure and rules of the arabic language itself. meanwhile, the english lecturer stated that the language learning materials in the reference books used had taken into account intercultural competence in each material. it's just that english lecturers need more effort to understand these competencies to students. is there a reason for lecturers not to teach intercultural competence in language learning in today's class? table 6. reasons for not involving intercultural in language learning no reasons for not involving intercultural competence in language learning lecturer’s responses there is no reason not to integrate intercultural competence in language learning today. all respondents agreed learning a foreign language entails more than just learning linguistic characteristics and developing the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing); it also necessitates an awareness of the country's culture in which the language is being studied. experts suggest that a higher emphasis should be placed on developing the ability to communicate in the target language when this culture is introduced, particularly in language learning environments. it has been shown that including cultural elements in the process of learning a foreign language can help to lessen the likelihood of misunderstandings occurring during the ongoing communication process. ©muh. arif & harni jusuf available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 71 how have students reacted so far in understanding culture in the context of the language material being taught? table 7. students’ react in understanding culture no students’ react in understanding culture lecturers’ responses 1 promoting language learning based on intercultural competence is important because it can foster a humanistic tolerance. al1, al2, al3, el1, el2, el3 2 language learning that is integrated with cultural competence has not been maximized and there is no student awareness. al1, al3, el2 3 students think that language learning does not need to be integrated with culture because language and culture are different things. all respondents stated the students has a positive perspective of the relation between language and culture student awareness of the importance of mastering current cultural competence shows a positive thing. the experience of the six lecturers stated that the students strongly agreed that language learning should always be linked to culture, because culture and language are a package that cannot be separated from each other. learning english and arabic cannot be separated from where the language was born, so learning english and arabic should not only focus on aspects of the language as a whole, but it is important to combine knowledge of the culture where the language was born so that there is no misconception of terms in the two languages. discussion the fundamental goal of language education and learning is to speak a foreign language with confidence. it should be noted that communication is not only a subject of language and vocabulary; it is also an issue of culture (lustig, myron w, 2010). every communication a human being expresses through language is communicated in the context of a particular cultural tradition (king et al., 2013). it is cultures that influence how language is constructed as well as the ways in which language is used (jackson, 2019). a language learner who has simply learned the grammar and vocabulary of a language is, as a result, ill-prepared to communicate effectively in that particular language (dagbaeva et al., 2020). when people begin to transmit messages in a foreign language, they not only start to exploit the language's functions, but they also begin to act within the cultural environment in which they are communicating. as a result, learners require ©muh. arif & harni jusuf available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 72 cultural understanding as much as they do grammatical and vocabulary knowledge. most of the time, native speakers are tolerant of grammatical or vocabulary errors. still, problems of cultural mismatch frequently cause significant communication and social relationship difficulties, largely because people are much less aware of their cultural rules for interaction than they are of other aspects of language. cultural knowledge cannot be taught or learned in a classroom setting. in fact, cultural differences may often go unnoticed by learners until they become a source of contention (dalib et al., 2019; de hei et al., 2020; peng et al., 2020). learners need to be assisted in recognizing when their culture differs from others' for them to realize this before it leads to problems. this is where language teachers must employ explicit instruction to call their students' attention to culture and the various ways in which different cultures function. intercultural competence (ic) has been promoted due to the current trend in language education (particularly foreign languages), which emphasizes the development of communicative language abilities. this has prompted language teachers to develop intercultural competence (ic) in their students. because humans, in general, carry out cultural behaviors, particularly through language, ic becomes a significant factor in their lives. when it comes to cross-language communication, intercultural communication (ic) serves as a link between the culture of the language learner and the culture of the target language being studied. the meaning of the ic idea can be found in various contexts. (lustig, myron w, 2010) asserts that whenever we utilize language and culture simultaneously, we are engaging in cultural practice. when interculturally competent, you feel like you are in the "third place." this "third place" can be compared to a place (or rather a position) where language learners can act as both a "outsider" and a "insider" at the same time, gaining a "etic" perspective (as an outsider) as well as a "emic" perspective (as an insider) on their own culture as well as the culture of the language they are learning. when language learners are able to improve cultural sensitivity, ic manifests itself as a shift from "viewing reality simply from the point of view of their own culture" to "realizing that there are many other points of view in this world." in connection with this, bennet, bennet, and (lieberman & gamst, 2015) claim that intercultural competence (ic) ©muh. arif & harni jusuf available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 73 is the ability to evolve from a "ethnocentric" perspective to an attitude of respect for other cultures, eventually leading to the ability to behave correctly in a culture or cultures. d. conclusion in foreign language teaching and learning, it appears that knowledge of culture is essential. on the other hand, teachers should have proper training on how to deal with cultural difficulties and how to include cultural elements into their teaching practices. it is feasible to deduce from the data collected through the interviews that all of the instructors recognize the need to integrate culture into fl classrooms through the use of various strategies and resources. their statements include the following: most of the time. they are required to stick to textbook activities and activities in the already prepared textbook since they have minimal time to deal with cultural issues in class due to the excessive demands of the syllabi. consequently, in addition to the linguistic component, a more complex cultural component with carefully crafted teaching methods and procedures should be incorporated into the flt curriculum for it to be taught in an integrated manner. this component is also critical in assisting learners in increasing their cultural awareness, embracing feelings such as empathy and tolerance, demonstrating respect for other cultures, broadening their perspectives, and appreciating the similarities and differences between different cultures. to put it another way, intercultural activities and courses must be accorded the same prominence in the curriculum as the other language-related activities. references barnatt, j., andries d’souza, l., gleeson, a. m., mitchell viesca, k., & wery, j. 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idioms; translation technique; personification. a. introduction people can use written language to represent their feelings and thoughts. some composers can use figurative language to arrange beautiful sentences in writing their songs. tarigan (1985:179) stated that figurative language is the language used imaginatively and not literary. verbal forms of languages can consist of speech sounds, clauses that can be configured into larger forms. humans can create new expressions and novel utterances by manipulating the linguistics resources in describing new objects and situations (bloch and trager, 1942). this research will discuss the figurative languages found in the poem. bloc and tragger (1942) stated that a language is the system of an arbitrary vocal symbol through which a social group cooperates. words or expressions ©i made juliarta & i gede nika wirawan available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 198 are used in figurative language with a meaning that is different from the literal translation. interpretation is needed to understand the message that is represented. we can also see that figurative language can be applied in short fiction, poetry, and drama in literary works. syafitri and marlinton (2018) stated that in poems, ideas and feelings are packed into a few lines. as we can see, there are some types of figurative languages: metaphor, simile, hyperbole, personification, sarcasm, irony, idiomatic expression, metonymy, etc. each type of figurative language has different characteristics and has a different meaning, too. by understanding the figurative language, we can get the meaning and message, even in the poem. this study focuses on the use of figurative language in the poem. the purpose of analyzing the figurative language in a poem is to know the intended meaning. idioms are expressions that have symbolic meanings that cannot be derived from the phrase's literal meaning (jay, 1992). it is described that the idiomatic expression has its meaning that cannot be replaced by one another. the sentence can be described that it has an idiom meaning when it has the intended message. the researcher, by the online idiomatic dictionary, can find the meaning of the idiomatic expression. the translation processes can imply how a translator produces equivalences between a text and portions of a text into another language (evans & guo, 2016; vandepitte, 2008). the translation process can be meant that decoding the meaning of the source text and re-encoding or translating this meaning in the target language (nida, 2012; wæraas & nielsen, 2016). something can be described and compared to different things to make the situation clearer by figurative language. the idiomatic expression can be related to the figurative sense. the speakers and addressees can share the same knowledge of the expression. for example, he has a good head. synecdoche is the figure of speech in which a word refers to a part of something that is substituted to stand in for the whole (chrzanowskakluczewska, 2013). synecdoche can be meant as a subset of metonymy. in other words, synecdoche is a word that refers to a part of something to mean the whole. for example, she said it to my face. idioms are mostly made up of famous words. all languages have idiom, especially the english language, which is rich in vocabulary. all classes of people and common to both standard and non-standard speech use them. an idiom is also stated as a common word or phrase that means something different from its literal translation (hubers et al., 2020; kessler et al., 2020). the meaning in idiom also can not be ©i made juliarta & i gede nika wirawan available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 199 understood from the dictionary definitions of each word taken. idioms can be classified as figurative language. a hyperbole is a metonymy or synecdoche with more said that the writer intended the reader to understand. hyperbole is stated as a figure of speech in which an author purposely exaggerates to an extreme (aljadaan, 2018; burgers et al., 2016). the speaker uses hyperbole to emphasize the meaning of the data source. it is stated that hyperbole is used the day to day speech. hyperbole can use exaggeration in order to emphasize a specific characteristic of something. hyperbole can fill advertisements, movies, music, and tv shows (huang, 2020). for example, they turned the world upside down. the word simile means similar. in the simile, the comparison is always explicit (meaning clearly stated). it can be seen that according to song (song, 2020), a simile is an explicit comparison by using like or the simile is stated as a figure of speech that compares two different things. similes can be one of the most common forms in figurative languages. similes can also be used in the literature to make writing more vivid and powerful (ashby et al., 2018). similes can also be used to get the meaning quickly and effectively. similes can be great tools to use in creative language. it is stated that similes are different from hyperbole (bayat & kuz, 2020) in which in simile use the words “like” or “as”. for example, the moon is like a blood. this study aims to find out the types of figurative language found in david campbell’s poem “night sowing” and their translation “menyemai di malam hari” and to find out the meanings of the figurative language found in david campbell’s poem “night sowing” and their translation “menyemai di malam hari”. we can see that based on the explanation above, there are two problems in this study, those are: what types of figurative languages found in david campbell’s poem “night sowing” and their translation “menyemai di malam hari”?. this study focuses on the types of figurative languages found in the story. then, it was analyzed by using the theory proposed by larson. the researcher analyzed the figurative languages found in the story and analyzed the translation analysis as well. the translation was analyzed to know whether the meaning is still maintained in translating from the source language into the target language. in the idiomatic analysis, jay (1999) states that idioms have figurative meanings that cannot be derived from the literal meaning of the phrase. the idiomatic expression is analyzed by using the theory proposed by jay(1992). in translating the ©i made juliarta & i gede nika wirawan available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 200 idiomatic expression, the translator needs to use the proper strategy so that the meaning in the source language can still be maintained. the researcher also used the oxford dictionary to analyze the proper meaning in translating from the source language into the target language. some types of figurative speech are idiomatic expressions based on larson (1998), discussed in this study: metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, similes, and idioms. metonymy is also the theoretical strategy of describing something indirectly by referring to things around it. lawler et al. (1983) stated that metonymy uses a familiar aspect of an object. the intended meaning of the expression of metonymy depends on the context. b. research method the research in this study was qualitative. all the data were collected directly from the source and emphasize the descriptive explanation because the qualitative research data customarily uses words in a sentence rather than numbers of quantity. the data source is data that contains information about a specific database. according to the need for analysis, this study's data were taken from the poem by david campbell’s poem entitled “night sowing” and translated into menyemai di malam hari. this study focused on types of english figurative languages found in the sl poem based on larson’s theory in his book entitled meaning based translation, which university press of america published in 1998. the methods applied in this study were library research method and the data were collected in some steps to obtain appropriate and sufficient data. the steps of collecting the data of this writing were explained as follows: the data were collected through reading attentively and accurately with the focus on the figurative languages in the poem. all of the figurative languages found in the poem then noted and written down to make the identification process more accessible. some of the figurative languages noted were taken to be analyzed. after collecting the data, it continued with the method and technique of analyzing. there were some steps in analyzing the data. the collected data was classified into its types: metonymy, synecdoche, idioms, euphemism, hyperbole, metaphor, or simile. the data had already been classified was analyzed by explaining the meaning of figurative language found in the poem. in giving more understanding about this topic, there are some concepts described. those are the concepts of translation, idiomatic expression, and equivalence. ©i made juliarta & i gede nika wirawan available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 201 when we speak of the form of a language, we refer to the actual words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. according to larson (1998; verity & larson, 1986), in translation, the form of the source language is replaced by the form of the receptor (target language). c. findings and discussion findings the poem in the sl above is being used figuratively, such as idiom, simile, hyperbole, metonymy, and personification. this study uses the theory of larson (larson, 1998), those are: 1. metonymy metonymy is stated as a figurative of speech in which one word is substituted for another. metonymy is also theoretical strategy in describing something directly. metonymy and figurative language can be stated as typical in everyday speech and writing. some figurative language uses can be understood as both metonymy and metaphor. the analysis of metonymy as a part of figurative languages can be seen as follows: datum 1. metonymy source language target language o gentle, gentle land o bumi yang lembut, gemulai in translating the figurative languages above, the translator changes the form and the message of the words by using metonymy. we can see the example from the first line “o gentle, gentle land” the translator translated it into “o bumi yang lembut, gemulai”. the word “land”, the translator translated it into “bumi” which actually is “earth” in english. he chose “bumi” instead of “tanah” because “land” or “tanah” in indonesian is the part of “earth” in general. it can be seen from the text above that gentle is translated into lembut. and land is also translated into bumi. the use of figurative language is to make the reader interested in reading the poem, and the reader can imagine how beautiful the poem is. that is appropriate since the translation seems more familiar and natural if it is compared with the translation in a literal way. in this example, the translator uses the concept in the source language (sl) known (shared) in the target language (tl), specifically in the way of using reciprocal lexical items as equivalence. according lawler et al (lawler et al., 1983), metonymy is the tactic of using a familiar aspect of an object. ©i made juliarta & i gede nika wirawan available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 202 the intended meaning of the expression of metonymy is found in the context. the speakers and addressees share the same knowledge of the expression. 2. idioms idioms are a language unit whose meaning cannot be reached from the grammatical restriction of its language. jay (1992) stated that idioms are expressions that have figurative meanings that cannot be derived from the phrase's literal meaning. the idiomatic expression has a meaning which cannot be replaced by one another. the sentence can be said that it has an idiom meaning when it has the intended message. the researchers by online idiomatic dictionary found the meaning of the idiomatic expressions. the analysis of idiom as a part of idiomatic expression can be seen as follows: datum 2. idiom source language target language where the green ear shall grow tempat benih hijau bersemi this expression is one of the idioms found in the poem. the idiomatic expression of the green ear in the example above can not be understood by the literal meaning of the word composed the expression. this expression consists of two words; the word green has meant having the color of grass (oxford (7th:195), and the word ear has meaning part of the body on each side of the head used for hearing (oxford (7th:141). idioms are a language unit whose meaning cannot be reached from the grammatical restriction of its language. according to jay (1999), idioms are expressions that have figurative meanings that cannot be derived from the literal meaning of the phrase. idiomatic expression is stated to have a meaning which cannot be replaced by one another. the sentence can be said that it has an idiom meaning when it has the intended message. the researchers by online idiomatic dictionary could find the meaning of the idiomatic expressions. the translator already translated the idiomatic expression the green ear into benih hijau. datum 3. idiom source language target language the furrows run with night malam mengalir sepanjang tanah bajakan the meaning of the idiomatic expression the furrows run with night can not be predicted from the words combined. it will not be acceptable if this expression is translated literally, such as alur berjalan pada malam hari into the target language. so the translator considered using figurative meaning. idioms are a language unit whose ©i made juliarta & i gede nika wirawan available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 203 meaning cannot be reached from the grammatical restriction of its language. according to jay (1992), idioms are expressions that have figurative meanings that cannot be derived from the literal meaning of the phrase. idiomatic expression is stated to have a meaning which cannot be replaced by one another. the sentence can be said that it has an idiom meaning when it has the intended message. the researchers by online idiomatic dictionary could find the meaning of the idiomatic expressions. the translator already translated the idiomatic expression from the source language into the target language. the expression the furrows run with night was translated idiomatically into figurative expression malam mengalir sepanjang tanah bajakan. datum 4. idiom source language target language the moon has crisped the fallow bulan mengerontangkan tanah yang dibalikkan the meaning of the idiomatic expression the moon has crisped the fallow can not be predicted from the words that combined them. it will not be accepted if this expression is translated literally, such as bulan mengerontang tanah yang dibalikkan in the target language. therefore, the translator considered using figurative meaning. the expression the moon has crisped the fallow was translated idiomatically into figurative expression bulan mengerontangkan tanah yang dibalikkan. besides, some expressions show personification, attributing animation to something inanimate, treating a thing or abstract quality as though it was a person. idioms can be meant as a language unit whose meaning cannot be reached from the grammatical restriction of its language. according to jay (1992), idioms are expressions that have figurative meanings that cannot be derived from the literal meaning of the phrase. idiomatic expression is stated to have a meaning which cannot be replaced by one another. the sentence can be said that it has an idiom meaning when it has the intended message. the researchers by online idiomatic dictionary could find the meaning of the idiomatic expressions. the translator already translated the idiomatic expression the moon has crisped the fallow into bulan mengerontang tanah yang dibalikkan. personification can serve the purpose of giving deeper meanings found in literary texts. writers can rely on personification to bring inanimate things to life. personification is a figure of speech in which no-living objects can be described to seem like people. the art also states that personification can represent on the non-human thing ©i made juliarta & i gede nika wirawan available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 204 as if it were human. personification can also be found in the animals' stories. it can be seen that there are some figures of speeches which show personification, as follows: datum 5. idiom source language target language o gentle, gentle land o, bumi yang lembut, gemulai considering the definition of personification in the above data shows that the land is treated as human. the word ‘gentle’ is translated into ‘lembut’ and ‘gemulai. based on the oxford online dictionary (press, 2014) the word gentle is defined as having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character or moderate in action, effect, or degree; not firm or violent. it can be seen that gentle is the word to signify the character of humans. however, this translation is acceptable in the target language because the meaning in the sl has been transferred to the tl. besides, this personification expression is the way to attract the target reader and adding the value of the beauty of the language in this particular poem. datum 6. idiom source language target language stars draw their harrows over bintang-bintang menyeret garunya as per the above data, it can be seen that the action verb ‘draw’ is translated into the action verb in bahasa indonesia ‘menyeret’. commonly, this action verb is used by the animate subject while as it is known that stars are inanimate subjects. in this case, the inanimate subjects can use the action verbs because it belongs to personification expression which treats the inanimate thing as the animate one. however, the message in the sl is retained in the tl, and personification expression gives a more profound sense of the language in the target text. it is stated that personification can serve the purpose of giving deeper meanings found in literary texts. from the above data, we can also see that writers can rely on personification to bring inanimate things to life. personification can be described as a figure of speech in which no-living objects can be described to seem like people. it is also stated on art that personification can represent on a non-human thing as if it were human. personification can also be found in the animals' stories as the draw is translated into menyeret. ©i made juliarta & i gede nika wirawan available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 205 datum 7. idiom source language target language dews send their melting rain embun mengirimkan lelehan hujan the above data does not make sense when the dews can send the melting rain because it is inanimate. however, it makes sense in this case because it is traced through the personification expression point of view. the verb send is translated into mengirimkan which is an action verb used by the animate subject. however, as defined in personification expression, this way is chosen especially for the language of poems to attract the target reader to read and show the beauty of the poetic language. as we can see, personification can give deeper meanings found in literary texts. writers can rely on personification to bring inanimate things to life. personification is a figure of speech in which no-living objects can be described to seem like people. the art also states that personification can represent on the non-human thing as if it were human. personification can also be found in the animals' stories. it can be seen that the verb send is translated into mengirimkan. discussion metonymy and idiom are types of figurative languages found in the data source. they are analyzed by using the theory proposed by larson (1998). translation analysis was also discussed in finding the proper meaning in translating the source language into the target language. personification is the type of figurative language found in the data source. it can be seen from figurative dews send their melting rain. it can be seen that the verb send is translated into mengirimkan, which is an action verb used by the animate subject. however, as defined in personification expression, this way is chosen especially for the language of poems to attract the target reader to read and show the beauty of the poetic language. as we can see, personification can give deeper meanings found in literary texts. writers can rely on personification to bring inanimate things to life. personification is a figure of speech in which no-living objects can be described to seem like people. the art also states that personification can represent the non-human thing as if it were human. the meaning of translation from the source language into the target language can be analyzed using the oxford dictionary. it can be seen from the idiomatic expression of the green ear. this expression consists of two words, the word green that has the meaning having the color of grass (“oxford english dictionary online,” 2011), and the word ear ©i made juliarta & i gede nika wirawan available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 206 that has meaning part of the body on each side of the head that is used for hearing (“oxford english dictionary online,” 2011). meanwhile, the translation analysis is seen from the figurative analysis in “o gentle, gentle land”. here, the translator already translated it into “o bumi yang lembut, gemulai”. the word “land” was translated into “bumi” which is “earth” in english. the word “bumi” was chosen instead of “tanah” because “land” or “tanah” in indonesian is part of “earth” in general. it can be seen from the text above that gentle is translated into lembut. it can be seen from the analysis that the meaning of the idiomatic expression the moon has crisped the fallow can not be predicted from the words that combined them. it will not be acceptable when this expression is translated literally, such as bulan mengerontang tanah yang dibalikkan in the target language. therefore, the translator considered using figurative meaning. the expression the moon has crisped the fallow was translated idiomatically into figurative expression bulan mengerontangkan tanah yang dibalikkan. besides, some expressions show personification, attributing animation to something inanimate, treating a thing or abstract quality as though it was a person. idioms can be meant as a language unit whose meaning cannot be reached from the grammatical restriction of its language. jay (1992) stated that idioms are expressions that have figurative meanings that cannot be derived from the phrase's literal meaning. idiomatic expression is stated to have a meaning which cannot be replaced by one another. this study is different from other studies as this research study analyzed types of figurative languages and their translation. d. conclusion this study analyzes the types of figurative languages found in the story. then, it was analyzed by using the theory proposed by larson. the researcher analyzed the figurative languages found in the story and analyzed the translation analysis as well. the translation was analyzed to know whether the meaning is still maintained in translating from the source language into the target language. the idiomatic expression is analyzed by using the theory proposed by jay (1992). in translating the idiomatic expression, the translator needs the proper strategy so that the meaning in the source language can still be maintained. the researcher also used the oxford dictionary to analyze the proper meaning of translating the source language into the target language. it is suggested for future experiments that the researchers can analyze the types of figurative languages by using ©i made juliarta & i gede nika wirawan available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 207 the proper translation strategy. therefore, the researcher can analyze the meaning in translating from the source language into the target language. meanwhile, this study already analyzed the types of figurative languages by using the translation theory proposed by larson. the translation theory proposed by larson (1998) is considered the best translation method in analyzing the translation meaning from the source language into the target language. for future analysis, it is hoped that the researcher can analyze the figurative languages by using the other translation theories that can examine the proper meaning from the source language into the target language. the researcher can also check the proper meaning in the translation for 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(2016). translation theory ‘translated’: three perspectives on translation in organizational research. international journal of management reviews, 18(3). ©santi andriyani & syafiul anam available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 51 volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) exploring the relationship between project-based learning and collaborative skills: efl learners' voices santi andriyani (corresponding author) universitas islam nahdlatul ulama jepara, indonesia syafiul anam universitas negeri surabaya, indonesia abstract: this research aims to measure efl learners' perceived projectbased learning and examine whether there is a correlation between projectbased learning and efl learners' collaborative skills. this research used a correlational study using spearman product moment based on non-parametric data. the data were gathered using a closed-ended questionnaire. the sample consisted of 100 (17 male and 83 female) indonesian university efl learners recruited using convenience sampling. the findings indicated that more than 70% of learners' perceptions of project-based learning positively impact their collaborative skills. the benefits of project-based learning include enhancing learners' motivation, teamwork, communication, creativity, and problemsolving abilities. the next finding is a strong correlation between projectbased learning, which significantly generated sig. (p-value) = 0.000 < α = 0.05. some previous studies reported that project-based learning positively correlates with collaborative skills. keywords: efl learners; project-based learning; collaborative skills. a. introduction creativity and innovation are essential keywords to ensure indonesia's sustainable development. students currently studying in tertiary institutions or advanced must be prepared to become natural learners who are skilled, flexible, and tenacious (agile learners). the freedom in learning launched by the minister of education and culture is a framework to prepare students to become strong scholars, relevant to the needs of the times, and ready to become leaders with a high national spirit. freedom in learning provides challenges and opportunities for the development of creativity (daly, mosyjowski, oprea, huang-saad, & seifert, 2016) (jahnke, haertel, & wildt, 2017), ©santi andriyani & syafiul anam available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 52 capacity, personality, and student needs, as well as developing independence in seeking and finding knowledge through reality (the guideline book of mbkm :2020). one of the aspects that can accelerate the freedom in learning is critical performance indicators of the university. based on the decree of the minister of education and culture number 754/p/2020, it is a new performance measurement for universities to realize adaptive higher education with a more concrete outcome (ri, 2020). one of the indicators is facilitating the collaborative and participative classes to improve students' creativity and innovation. however, these skills-related goals are not easy to achieve as traditional learning plays a dominant role where teachers are "the transmitter of the knowledge." at the same time, students act as "the receptor of the information. as a result, it is difficult for students to fully engage in educational practices, which may lead to a superficial understanding of disciplinary knowledge. the next problem is the difficulties generating ideas (heong et al., 2012) and solving the problems (reddy & panacharoensawad, 2017). in addition, in reality, many problems still occur to students, including learning independence, which will make it challenging to manage time in learning and cannot set targets in completing assignments. the lack of students in independent learning can be proven by students who are not motivated to learn independently, are not tenacious in learning, are not severe, are not disciplined, and are not responsible for what they do. the research results showed that 64.06% of students had difficulty solving problems; 53.13% had trouble finding alternative solutions to the issues given (sugiyanto & suryandari: 2020). collaboration is one of the challenges of 21st-century skills (esfratia, 2014). collaborative skill is now considered essential in almost all areas of life. collaborating enhances the students' motivation and promotes active learning (mora, signes-pont, fuster-guilló, & pertegal-felices, 2020). in addition, this method can be beneficial and time-saving for instructors in managing large groups. collaborative learning is an educational approach to teaching and learning involving groups of learners working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a product. in the collaborative learning environment, the learners are challenged both socially and emotionally as they listen to different perspectives and are required to articulate and defend their ideas (laal & ghodsi, 2012). project-based learning can promote students' collaboration. there is an ©santi andriyani & syafiul anam available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 53 influence of project-based learning models on student collaboration skills (rasyid & khoirunnisa, 2021). in order to change this situation, it is suggested that students are provided with the opportunity to participate in real problem-solving and knowledge construction in authentic professional contexts. one attractive way to achieve this goal is project-based learning (pbl). pbl is a comprehensive instructional approach that engages students in an organized and cooperative manner to investigate and resolve a particular problem (musa, mufti, latiff, & amin, 2011). students drive their learning through inquiry and work collaboratively to research and create projects that reflect their knowledge (setia dewi, 2020). thus, students need to learn higher-order thinking skills to address the difficulty in generating ideas. some findings prove the advantages of project-based learning. using pbl gives some positive feelings of lecturers (development of students' competencies, a collaboration between a lecturer and a student, lecturer's professional development) create conditions for their professional self-realization and continuous improvement (rao, 2019). pbl model also supports the teaching and english learning processes. through this method, students engage in purposeful communication to complete authentic activities tasks that are relevant to and useful in the real world. as a result, they have the opportunity to use language in a relatively natural context and participate in meaningful activities that require authentic language use (lam, 2011). the students' reasoning and creativity are improved (ngadiso, sarosa, asrori, drajati, & handayani, 2021). in addition, using project-based learning in english as a foreign language instruction increases efl learners' motivation, interest, and performance (tsiplakides & fragoulis, 2009). some findings prove the positive effects of project-based learning on collaborative skills for efl learners. project-based learning can promote students' collaboration (rasyid & khoirunnisa, 2021), engage motivations to learn english (wongdaeng & hajihama, 2018), allow sharing of students' ideas (rao, 2019). this study aims to analyze the learners' perception of project-based learning; 2) examine the relationship between project-based learning and collaborative skills of efl learners. therefore, the research questions are (a) how do learners' perceive project-based learning?; b) is there any correlation between students' perception of project-based learning to collaborative skills? ©santi andriyani & syafiul anam available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 54 b. research method design this correlational research design measures the relationship between project-based learning and collaborative skill. this study used a statistical approach to analyze the reliability and validity of the instrument and to answer the research questions. participants this study recruited 100 indonesian efl learners, comprising both males (n = 17) and females (n = 83). the participant age from 17-20 (n = 56) whereas the participant age from 21-25 ( n = 86). convenience sampling was employed to recruit all participants. it means the participants were selected based on their availability. setting and research instrument this research was taken place at the islamic university of nahdlatul ulama jepara. it will be obtained from students of english language education departments involved in project-based english learning. the researcher used a questionnaire to determine the students' perception of project-based learning to collaborative skills. the questionnaire is prepared using five-point likert scales (from strongly disagree to agree strongly). the dependent variable is students' collaborative skills, measured by the questioners adopted from musa. et al. (2016). the questioners are adopted from (alyani, 2021). the independent variables are the components of project-based learning. they are; 1) questioning, designing, scheduling, monitoring, assessing, and evaluating. the next step was to assess the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. the cronbach's alpha was .879, suggesting high internal consistency in terms of overall reliability. therefore, the questionnaire was suitable for measuring the concept of pbl and collaborative skills. several experts in the field were consulted to evaluate its accuracy to ensure content validity. all the items included in this instrument were collectively negotiated and agreed upon by all the invited experts. data analysis technique due to the limited number of research participants, therefore normality and heterogeneity of the sample were not statistically met. henceforth, non-parametric statistical analysis was employed to analyze the data. the quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. spearman rank test was used to investigate whether there is a relationship between pbl and collaborative skill. ©santi andriyani & syafiul anam available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 55 c. findings and discussion findings the characteristics of the efl learners as respondents are summarized in table 1 below. the e-questionnaire using google from was filled up by 100 students ,comprised of 17% male students (n = 17) and 83% female students (n = 83). the students’ age between 17-20 are 56% (n=56) and 21-25 are 44 % (n= 44) table 1 : information of participants participants characteristicts n (%) male 17 (17%) female 83 (83%) students’ aged between 17-20 56 (56%) students’ aged between 21-25 44 (44%) efl learners' perceive project-based learning efl learners' perception of project-based learning is measured by 17 items using a 5-point likert scale. item 1 and 3 focused on questioning component of pbl, items 3, 4,5,6,7 concentrated on designing a component of pbl, item 8,9,10 focused on scheduling component of pbl, items 11,12,13 focused on monitoring component of pbl, item 14, 15 focused on assessing component of pbl, and item 16, 17 focused on evaluating part of pbl. table 2: the efl learners perceive project-based learning item statement strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree questioning 1 i found that brainstorming helps to activate students’ past knowledge and interest and motivate them to learn more about the subject 18 (18%) 79 (79%) 3 (3%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 the driving question keeps the students focus on the project which is relevant with their real life situation and makes them more active and successfully solve the problem 17 (17%) 77 (77%) 5 (5%) 1 (1%) 0 (0%) ©santi andriyani & syafiul anam available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 56 item 1 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 18% (n=18), followed by agree statement 79% (n=79), uncertain 3% (n=3), and no one considered disagree and strongly disagree. item 2 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 17% (n=17), followed by agree statement 77% (n=77), uncertain 5% (n=5), disagree 1% (n=1), and no one considered strongly disagree. item statement strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree designing 3 discussing the steps of activities along with students help them taking ownership of the project 19 (19%) 75 (75%) 6 (6%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 as students are divided into several groups for the project, it improves their collaboration skills as they engage and share understandings of scientific ideas with their classmates 27 (27%) 64 (64%) 8 (8%) 1 (1%) 0 (0%) 5 helping students carry out the project, it encourages them to be more creative and independent 24 (24%) 68 (68%) 8 (8%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 6 facilitating the students with a group discussion about designing the project improves their collaboration and communication skills 28 (28%) 66 (66%) 6 (6%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 7 designing the project takes up too much time 15 (15%) 58 (58%) 22 (22%) 5 (5%) 0 (0%) ©santi andriyani & syafiul anam available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 57 item 3 showed that efl learners choose strongly agree 19% (n=19), followed by agree statement 75% (n=75), uncertain 6% (n=6), and no one considered disagree and strongly disagree. item 4 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 27% (n=27), followed by agree statement 64% (n=64), uncertain 8% (n=8), disagree 1% (n=1), and no one considered strongly disagree. item 5 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 24% (n=24), followed by agree statement 68% (n=68), uncertain 8% (n=8), and no one considered disagree and strongly disagree. item 6 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 28% (n=28), followed by agree statement 66% (n=66), uncertain 6% (n=6), and no one considered disagree and strongly disagree. item 7 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 15% (n=15), followed by agree statement 58% (n=58), uncertain 22% (n=22), disagree 5% (n=5), and no one considered strongly disagree. item statement strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree scheduling 8 guiding the students in creating a project and time preparation provides learning experience and practice in organizing projects and making allocation time for the students 16 (16%) 77 (77%) 6 (6%) 1 (1%) 0 (0%) 9 helping the students in discussing the deadline for projects promotes students’ skill in managing time 20 (20%) 67 (67%) 12 (12%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%) 10 helping students in discussing the timeline for completing the project promotes students’ skill in managing time 13 (!3%) 80 (80%) 7 (7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) item 8 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 16% (n=16), followed by agree statement 77% (n=77), uncertain 6% (n=6), disagree 1% (n=1), and no one ©santi andriyani & syafiul anam available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 58 considered strongly disagree. item 9 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 20% (n=20), followed by agree statement 67% (n=67), uncertain 12% (n=12), on one considered disagree, and strongly disagree 1% (n=1). item 10 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 13% (n=13), followed by agree statement 80% (n=80), uncertain 7% (n=7), and no one considered disagree and strongly disagree. item statement strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree monitoring 11 monitoring students help them to be more independent and discipline of the project 26 (26%) 67 (67%) 7 (7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 12 some students with weaknesses in gathering information have difficulties in the learning process 17 (17%) 68 (68%) 13 (13%) 2 (2%) 0 (0%) 13 in the learning process, some students are less active in group work 16 (16%) 62 (62%) 16 (16%) 5 (5%) 1 (1%) the monitoring component related to item 11, 12, and 13. item 11 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 26% (n=26), followed by agree statement 67% (n=67), uncertain 7% (n=7), and no one considered disagree and strongly disagree. item 12 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 17% (n=17), followed by agree statement 68% (n=68), uncertain 13% (n=13), disagree 2% (n=2), and no one considered strongly disagree. item 13 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 16% (n=16), followed by agree statement 62% (n=62), uncertain 16% (n=16), disagree 5% (n=5), and strongly disagree 1% (n=1). item statement strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree assessing 14 assessment helps me to measure students’ achievement and supports me in 19 (19%) 78 (78%) 3 (3%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) ©santi andriyani & syafiul anam available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 59 planning the next learning method 15 assessment provides feedback on the amount of understanding students have acquired, and shows their knowledge of related projects 14 (14%) 79 (79%) 7 (7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) the assessing component related to item 14 and 15. item 14 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 19% (n=19), followed by agree statement 78% (n=78), uncertain 3% (n=3), and no one considered disagree and strongly disagree. item 15 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 14% (n=14), followed by agree statement 79% (n=79), uncertain 7% (n=7), and no one considered disagree and strongly disagree. item statement strongly agree agree uncertain disagree strongly disagree evaluating 16 guiding students to conduct selfassessment using a study journal helps them to improve their performance 13 (13%) 71 (71%) 15 (15%) 1 (1%) 0 (0%) 17 letting students expressing their experiences during project preparation and/or asking questions about the project keep them motivated and feel pleased about what they have accomplished 20 (20%) 75 (75%) 5 (5%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) item 16 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 13% (n=13), followed by agree statement 71% (n=71), uncertain 15% (n=15), disagree 1% (n=1), and no one considered strongly. item 17 showed that the efl learners choose strongly agree 20% ©santi andriyani & syafiul anam available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 60 (n=20), followed by agree statement 75% (n=75), uncertain 5% (n=5), and no one considered disagree and strongly disagree. relationship between project-based learning and collaborative skills for efl learners spearman rank test was used to investigate a correlation between project-based learning and collaborative skills. the quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. due to the limited number of research participants, therefore normality and heterogeneity of the sample were not statically met. henceforth, non-parametric statistical analysis was employed to analyze the data. table 3 correlation analysis the table above showed that the relationship between project based-learning (as measured by rank-pjbl) and collaborative skills (as measured by the rank-collaborative) was investigated using spearman rank test. it was clear that the value of significant generated sig. (p-value) = 0.000 < α = 0.05. it meant ha was accepted. based on the computation, it could be concluded that there was a correlation between project-based learning and efl learners' collaborative skills at university in indonesia. the strongest correlation coefficient for project-based learning was with collaborative skill: rho (100) = 0.696, p<.001. discussion the first finding of this research set out to measure efl learners' perception of project-based learning. the statistical results indicate that the learners' perception of pbl is positive. this evidence adds to the consistent findings of past research on pbl perceptions. using or implementing pbl could promote learners' motivation and active ©santi andriyani & syafiul anam available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 61 learning (rasyid & khoirunnisa, 2021). it also encourages collaboration (kurniawati, susanto, & munir, 2019), communication (musa, mufti, latiff, & amin, 2012), and independent learning. pbl also improves efl learners' knowledge (almulla, 2020), problem-solving skills (wahyuni, 2014), time management skills, and creativity (yamin, permanasari, redjeki, & sopandi, 2020) (wijayati, sumarni, & supanti, 2020), and leadership skill (musa et al., 2011). in addition, using pbl can give a new atmosphere to increase critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity or 4cs skills (karyawati & ashadi, 2018). the second finding of this research is to examine the relationship between projectbased learning and learners' collaborative skill. the statistical findings indicate a strong relationship between project-based learning and learners' collaborative skill. some previous studies support this evidence. using project-based learning positively impacts collaborative skills in higher education (lou & kim macgregor, 2004) (kurniawati et al., 2019). this finding also showed some indicators of collaborative skills such as teamwork, cooperative learning, and brainstorming related to project-based learning for efl learners. some findings reported the positive correlation between teamwork or group work and motivation between project-based learning (filippatou & kaldi, 2010) and cooperative learning (boondee, kidrakarn, & sa-ngiamvibool, 2011). d. conclusion the purposes of the current study were: (1) to measure efl learners' perceived project-based learning, (2) to examine whether project-based learning was related to leaners' collaborative skills. the finding showed that more than 70% of learners perceived project-based learning for efl classrooms. the results indicated that using pbl positively impacts efl learners, improving learners' motivation, communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. the subsequent finding is related to the second research question. based on the statistical result of correlation research, it concluded that there is a strong correlation between pbl and collaborative skill for efl learners at university. ©santi andriyani & syafiul anam available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 62 references almulla, m. a. 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consisting of three dimensions: macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure. the data were collected from online news entitled banjir jakarta: normalisasi yang terlambat dan hasil naturalisasi yang belum terlihat (jakarta flood: delayed normalization and unseen naturalization results) (, 2020). the study found that used direct diction to present the text and took a stand in the opposition to the jakarta governor policy. it was implicitly derived from the sentences and paragraphs analyzed from cda perspectives. the study concluded that the news provides information to readers and spread thought or understanding of the ideology adopted by journalists themselves. keywords: critical discourse analysis; headline news; linguistics; van dijk theory a. introduction language is an essential element in our lives that is used to convey ideas that we have both orally and in writing (evans & gunn, 2012). besides, we can also influence everyone from how we convey our ideas to language. language is the process of learning and every person's experience while interacting with individuals in daily life. language passes through the mental and natural mind of the people who use it, and they make the process of absorbing it by conscious nature (corballis, 2017, p. 232). human putra thoip nasution, didin nuruddin hidayat & alek available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 23 language is different from other creatures where humans use language to gain knowledge and experience. today, many linguists analyse newspaper language containing a lack of independence, which affiliates with one of the major political parties (glaeser, gentzkow, & goldin, 2006, p. 190). what is more, readers have an increased awareness of how the news is manipulated to lead opinions. that is why it needs some assessment or comparison with other sources. newspapers, in view of the discourse analysis the presentation of news in the newspaper has a political and social perspective (sivandi & dowlatabadi, 2016, p. 94). the newspaper has its own mission conveyed to the readers with the news presenter’s political and social perspective. additionally, the news is very vulnerable to manipulation by the information presenter for that reason (marwick & lewis, 2017). discourse analysis is an approach to language analysis that considers texts as part of certain social practices and has political implications on status, solidarity, and distribution of goods and social power (gee, 1999, p. 9). in fact, cda examines how texts represent and construct reality in certain ideological systems through implicit messages based on what is said and left unrevealed (han, 2015). montejo and adriano (2018) explored two types of rhetorical strategies, and the rhetoric of both newspapers applied to multiply ideologies. the results showed that small newspapers use the headline to become the main story. likewise, journalists' subjective approach influences how they present and write headlines using rhetorical strategies. in the last few years, social media has become everyone's favorite. everyone uses language to communicate with others around the world. they also use social media to find information, give information, or entertain themselves (poushter et al., 2018; ratnasari et al., 2019). mustika and mardikantoro (2018) state that news is information presenting about the events that occur in the midst of society and intends to be recognized by many people. the selection of of this discourse is due to as one of the information media widely read by the indonesian people. it can be seen with the award received by kompas as the best media in 2017. besides, kompas is updated in providing the latest information about politics, social, economy, culture, education, entertainment, and others. additionally, kompas also provides online and offline putra thoip nasution, didin nuruddin hidayat & alek available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 24 information throughout indonesia from the regional areas to the city center. the information is also published in various areas of the kompas office. hence, the readers can read the news available through information published in their regions. the most helpful part is the readers can easily find the latest information on the compass daily online. people only need to type the keyword kompas on google and enjoy as much information as available readers can also download it for free through google playstore. last year, a massive flood hit jakarta and the sorrounding cities, and it resulted in submerging many residents' homes, roads, public facilities and several vehicles were also carried by the swift flow of water. rainfall was extremely high, and it made some subdistricts in jakarta quickly inundated by turbid water, especially those near the river. flooding in jakarta is very common every year because the jakarta area is a low-lying area, and it is close to the coast. unfortunately, this problem is still complicated to overcome by every governor even though they promised that it is possible to solve with this flood in the regional head election campaign. however, in fact, until now, no one can handle it perfectly. what is more, some efforts have been made to overcome it, such as normalization and naturalization, and these two methods are considered among the most effective methods to eliminate floods. unfortunately, both programs have not been realized properly. for example, normalisation, has not been fully implemented, but can only be partially applied. a great number of residents complained about this situation because this incident was very detrimental to the people, both economic and health. many of the residents’ furniture is certainly submerged, and some of it are damaged and cannot be utilized anymore. besides, residents also really need food supplies because they have fled to safe places, and of course, they cannot do many activities. therefore, many organizations and community groups work hand in hand to help flood victims. however, this accident shows how good the brotherhood and the unity of the people of flood victims are. some are willing to spend their time and give some their wealth to help the citizens of jakarta. furthermore, it is ironic that there are still many actors that relate to prior regional heads' politics and choices in that condition. some people shamelessly instigate others that this is due to a mistake in electing a leader. they do not help but instead make the putra thoip nasution, didin nuruddin hidayat & alek available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 25 atmosphere more turbid. they are campaigning to bring down other groups above the sufferings of the people. this makes the citizens continue to divide because of the lack of empathy for those suffering from the disaster. independent media needs to report real information because they are the ones who determine the direction of people's thinking with the content presented. several attempts have been made to study of critical discourse analysis in online news. putra and triyono (2018) described the micro, mezzo, and macro and the social, political, and cultural situation from the linguistic aspect in gerakan #2019gantipresiden di antara ambiguitas dan syahwat politik text. the research found that headline #2019gantipresiden has direct diction used in presenting the information. in addition, the movement of #2019gantipresident is considered as a force to destroy the image of the incumbent because its political rivals always prevent the development of this movement. is seen supporting the government as an incumbent by using diction that weakens the incumbent's opponents in presenting the news. another study from lombardi (2018) investigated a language used in online news headlines to report the stoneman douglas high school shooting. this study attempts to analyze 50 online news headlines published by five of the most populer newspapers and the purpose is to know how journalists have chosen the words. the research combined fairclough's critical discourse analysis with van dijk’s sociocultural approach. the study showed that despite journalists trying to keep professional values such as integrity and objectivity, hidden meaning and ideologies still appear to describe the violent event and present the victims and attacker. along the lines of the above argument, the researchers attempt to explore how journalists deliver the jakarta flood news: normalisasi yang terlambat dan hasil naturalisasi yang belum terlihat (jakarta flood: delayed normalization and unseen naturalization results) (, 2020). the use of words and phrases present in this news is analyzed through the meaning of sentences used in van dijk (1997) theory. the purpose is to reveal the message conveyed more profoundly and the ideology used in the news to influence the readers. suppose both previous studies above show that there putra thoip nasution, didin nuruddin hidayat & alek available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 26 is no objectivity of the journalist in presenting the news. in that case, as the researchers, we want to reveal the meaning and purpose of the information in this headline news. discourse is an interaction that occurs through a broadcast site both in writing and orally provided for readers and listeners (bax, 2011; brandmayr, 2020). discourse usually presents information only in one direction to the reader. it tends not to be given a response or comment, but online mass media provides space for readers to respond with the current technological developments. this mass media is obtained through reading, and listening encourages us to be more critical in receiving the information provided. some of the written information does not describe what actually happened in the field but there is manipulation and spread of certain ideologies (bax, 2011). the study of discourse has recently become popular among intellectuals across disciplines, both in linguistic science, sociology, psychology, cultural studies, and so on (phillips, sewell, & jaynes, 2008, p. 770). initiated from linguistic studies, the development of this interdisciplinary discourse resulted in a variety of concepts and interpretations of the discourse due to the different perspectives of each of these disciplines. with scientific developments change dynamically, the conception of discourse in a scientific discipline is also developing and diverse. rahimi (2010) emphasizes that the purpose of the cda is to develop students' thinking abilities in seeing the world carefully or changing things they think are inappropriate. however, cda is usually used in learning foreign languages such as english, for example, in indonesia. the weakness of the conception of discourse developed by intellectuals was criticized and reconstructed by other scholars. this resulted in the conceptualization of the discourse never ends (munfarida, 2014). itani and bahous (2019) state that with the development and the progress of the mass media, it needs a more in-depth discourse analysis of the newspaper's information. van dijk (1997) uses a mix of content analysis or structural analysis to find solutions to social problems and their correlations. discourse is synonymous with the use of language in social, especially relating to the use of diction in language, modality, society, basic semiotic, or dialogue used in daily life (abdullah, 2014; eco, 2018). the table below presents the discourse analysis structure of van dijk (1997) theory: putra thoip nasution, didin nuruddin hidayat & alek available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 27 table 1. discourse analysis structure of van dijk (1997) theory discourse structure case element macro structure theme: how the topic is presented in the news headline topic superstructure scheme: how the part of the text is arranged scheme micro structure semantic and syntax background, detail, presupposition, and nominalization macrostructure discusses the general meaning of the text; it is analyzed by reading and understanding the theme. superstructure discusses the scheme or the structure of the text, such as, introduction, content, and conclusion. furthermore, microstructure elaborates certain meanings of journalists' words in presenting the text news, such as word choice, sentence structure, and rhetoric. b. research method it is a descriptive qualitative research to critically describe the structure of the text within online news discourse. qualitative descriptive research aims to obtain complete data and describe the comprehensive result in every event experienced by a person (creswell, 2014; mayring, 2014). at the data analysis stage, the researchers conducted several steps. in the beginning, researchers read the text from the internet. while reading the texts, the researchers tried to analyze the text critically. next, the researchers attempted to arrange the data. then, the researchers took notes and analyzing the discourse using cda model from van dijk. finally, the researchers interpreted the data and presented them in paragraphs. analysing the news entitled jakarta banjir: normalisasi yang terlambat dan hasil naturalisasi yang belum terlihat (, 2020) was interesting. this title attracts many readers attention by giving comments containing pros and cons to the governor's policy in dealing with floods. besides, readers’ comments belong to this headline containing blasphemy to attack the government of anies baswedan in which putra thoip nasution, didin nuruddin hidayat & alek available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 28 the cons group brought it to the political elements. in kompas news online, the readers can find a comment room where readers can give their thoughts after reading the news, and it is frequently found the debates among readers in this column. some people relate the status of the newspaper itself with the government authorities. this makes this news headline is interesting for further exploration. furthermore, the researchers applied the theory of van dijk (1997) discourse analysis. it analyzed the text’s structure from the theme, content, and conclusion, in other words, microstructure, superstructure, and macrostructure. what is more, this study elaborated each step of van dijk’s scheme in a paragraph and presented it in a clear and detail explanation. the researchers presented each paragraph of the text in this study, particularly for the paragraph which contains the humiliate or command sentence because it has certain meanings more than the literal meanings. the researchers also looked into the eye-catching words and sentences that a writer or editor used in presenting the headline because selecting suitable words can encourage readers’ feeling and attention to read entire news. then, researchers analysed the words and phrase of the text deeply to reveal the true meaning. c. findings and discussion in this section, the researchers attempted to elaborate on each stage of the van dijk (1997) scheme in discourse analysis. it discusses three steps in describing and conducting the finding of the text of headline news 1. macrostructure table 2. macrostructure no topic subtopic news quotations 1 banjir jakarta: normalisasi yang terlambat dan hasil naturalisasi yang belum terlihat (jakarta flood: delayed normalization and unseen naturalization results) building public opinion to accuse the government of jakarta on the issue of the flash flood. 1. mentri hadimuljono mengatakan salah satu sungai yang akan di normalisasi adalah sungai ciliwung. tapi sayangnya sampai saat ini proses normalisasi itu belum sepenuhnya bisa dilakukan. saat ini masih setengahnya yang sudah terlaksanakan. (minister hadimuljono said one of the rivers that will be normalized was the ciliwung river. unfortunately, until now, the normalization process has not been fully putra thoip nasution, didin nuruddin hidayat & alek available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 29 carried out. at present, only half have been carried out). 2. pada awalnya proses normalisasi ini dilakukan oleh pihak provinsi dki jakarta sesuai dengan peraturan daerah yang telah ditetapkan. dalam definisi normalisasi tersebut dijelaskan bahwa normalisasi dilakukan untuk melebarkan sungai agar kapasitas air yang datang dari hulu bisa ditampung saat curah hujan lagi tinggi. (initially, the normalization process was carried out by the dki jakarta provincial government in accordance with the enacted local regulations. normalization is done to widen the river so that water’s capacity coming from upstream can be accommodated when the rainfall is high). 3. ketika banjir melanda sejumlah wilayah dki jakarta sekitar maret-april 2019 lalu, basuki hadimuljono dan anies baswedan sempat berdebat mengenai persoalan pengendalian banjir di ibukota. belakangan, basuki mengaku, memang telah beberapa kali bertemu anies dan memintanya untuk datang ke kantor kementarian pupr untuk menjelaskan konsep naturalisasi yang digagasnya. namun, dua undangan yang dilayangkan basuki ke anies tak ditangggapi secara serius. (when floods hit some of dki jakarta areas around march-april 2019, basuki hadimuljono and anies baswedan argued about flood control issues in the capital. later, basuki admitted that he had met anies several times and invited him to the ministry of pupr's office to explain the naturalisation concept that he initiated. however, two invitations sent by basuki to anis were not responded to seriously). 4. hal ini juga dibenarkan direktur jenderal sumber daya air hari suprayogi. menurut dia, pemerintah pusat siap membantu pemprov dki jakarta dalam upaya menanggulangi banjir yang kerap terjadi. namun pemerintah pusat peerlu mendengarkan penjelasan pemprov dki jakarta terlebih dahulu mengenai naturalisasi yang dimaksud. tujuannya, agar tidak terjadi benturan di dalam wewenang dan pelakssanaanya. “naturalisasi monggo, kami dukung dan harus kolaborasi.saya hanya baca di putra thoip nasution, didin nuruddin hidayat & alek available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 30 medsos, air jangan dibuang ke laut, tapi dimasukkan ketanah. nah, kalau musim banjir susah juga. saya sendiri belum jelas,” ucap hari. (this was also confirmed by the director general of water resources hari suprayogi. according to hari, the central government is ready to help the dki jakarta provincial government cope with frequent flooding. however, the central government needs to listen first to explaining the dki jakarta provincial government concerning the intended naturalization. the goal is to avoid a conflict in authority and the implementation. "we allow naturalization. we support and must collaborate. i only read it on social media. water should not be flown into the sea but into the ground. well, if the flood season comes, it is difficult. i am not sure, "said hari). 5. pada akhirnya, baik pemprov dki jakarta dan pemerintah pusat menjalankan program masing -masing. kementerian pupr tetap menjalankan program normalisasi yakni salah satunya dengan menyelesaikan pembangunan bendungan ciawi dan bendungan sukamahi. (finally, both the dki jakarta provincial government and the central government carried out their own programs. the ministry of public works continues to carry out the normalization program by completing the construction of the ciawi dam and sukamahi dam). referring to the data provided above, taken from, for news text, it seems there is a problem in jakarta, namely the problem of flooding. in addition, the efforts which are made by the government to overcome flash flooding have not yet been successful. it can be seen by reading the title of the text normalisasi yang terlambat dan hasil naturalisasi yang belum terlihat (jakarta flood: delayed normalization and unseen naturalization results). furthermore, this newspaper explains two methods used by the government in tackling the flood disaster in jakarta, but none of them are working as expected. in the headline news, there are a number of paragraphs related to drive an opinion that the jakarta government has not made efforts to overcome the city’s flood problem. putra thoip nasution, didin nuruddin hidayat & alek available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 31 it showed in the first paragraph the normalization program has been carried out for 33 kilometers. however, the program which has been implemented is still 16 km, meaning it has been conducted only about half of it. the second paragraph states that normalization is an obligation of the dki jakarta government under the regional law, meaning that the normalization program does not work because of the governor's mistake. furthermore, in the third point, there was a disagreement between the minister of pupr and the governor anis baswedan; there was no agreement between the governor and the minister on the normalization program. governor anis baswedan offered naturalization while the minister wanted to carry out normalization. as a result, the agenda of normalization did not work because of the lack of cooperation between governor and minister. however, the government supported anis baswedan’s idea, but the governor should thoroughly explain his naturalization idea. finally, it was mentioned that the central government program and the dki jakarta government run individually. generally, this report showed that anies baswedan is reluctant to work accordance to the central government’s idea. finally, the accident of fash flooding is accused of being the governor’s mistake. 2. superstructure table 3. superstructure superstructure scheme how the part of the text is arranged the text starts with the general explanation then it is followed with the cause of the flash flood and the controversial argument between minister and governor. finally, it closes with the idea of the governor about the naturalisation. based on the superstructure analysis above, the first section of the text is presented by explaining floods in jakarta in general. then, the journalists present the cause of floods which always occur every year, due to the absence normalization program in last years. there was a controversy argument between the pupr minister and governor regarding flash floods handling in the middle of the text. furthermore, there is an accusation from the minister to the governor who caused this heavy flood. at the end of putra thoip nasution, didin nuruddin hidayat & alek available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 32 the text, the governor's idea is presented about naturalization and its impact on the environment. 3. microstructure in this section, the researchers present the microstructure news text about the banjir jakarta published on the online newspaper. in this section, the researchers want to uncover the semantic meaning of the headline news content in banjir jakarta. the text presented by is considered to have semantic meaning in some paragraphs of this text. it is needed to understand the text comprehensively. from the title of headline news banjir jakarta: normalisasi yang terhambat dan hasil naturalisasi yang belum terlihat it can be analysed that kompas wants to reveal the poor policy of jakarta governor. it can be seen that the title has a judgemental meaning to jakarta government where the leader is weak and has no effort to resolve the problem. in short, the title has negative meaning to the reader. likewise, the text’s content has some experts’ comments about the cause of flood and tells the governor’s reluctance to do the action. it is ironic that the news only presents the policy of anis baswedan on solving the flash flood. readers must tell the history of floods in jakarta every year. it is known that this year flood is not the first time happening in jakarta, but it has already happened for a long time. it seems kompas has a negative impression of the governor. the text above indicates that attempts to blame the governor’s policy of banjir jakarta. it can be seen that all programs of the ministry of public works are shown in this paper. this text’s content attaches some controversial arguments about coming up the flood in jakarta. likewise, in one paragraph of this text tries to accuse the governor of leaving the agenda of normalization of the river. it seems to indicate that normalization is one best solution to solve the problem. otherwise, the governor of the capital city of indonesia also has another solution; it is naturalization. unfortunately, the idea of naturalization does not present clearly in this news online; even the idea is underestimated by taking the comments of people who do not stand with anis baswedan. it is considered that is an opposition media for the jakarta government. it can be seen from the headline, which has a negative meaning of the sentence. putra thoip nasution, didin nuruddin hidayat & alek available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 33 furthermore, this study's result of jakarta banjir found that jakarta did not yet have an extraordinary method for dealing with floods. just look at the late normalization and naturalization results do not show results. it means that both have not had a positive impact on flood resolution in the capital. there are several comments that state the governor anis baswedan did not carry out the normalization. it can be seen that it was not finished yet as planned. at other times, governor anis baswedan offers the idea of naturalization, which is to put water into the ground and make the surrounding environment return green and certainly useful. some paragraphs in this text contain the meaning of blaming anies baswedan as the governor of dki jakarta because both the normalization and naturalization programs have not been successful. the journalist adds that the provincial government's relationship was not good with the central government, marked by the center’s lack of assistance. d. conclusion the finding discussion concluded that the online media took the position to be the opposition to anies baswedan as jakarta’s governor. the text presented that anis was not successful in resolving the flood disaster. however, the statement was not conveyed clearly. instead, it was delivered implicitly. from the results above, it can be concluded that the news is not only providing information to readers, but the media can also spread thought or understanding of the ideology adopted by the journalists themselves. manipulating information with the needs desired by journalists is very easy to do. the media can also make news as a means to attack someone, such as to lower down the personal image or destroy his career. there is no doubt that understanding discourse analysis is quite necessary to receive information more critically and comprehensively. discourse analysis teaches readers to get information and provide comments or feedback on the issues presented. references abdullah, f. s. 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(1997). critical discourse analysis. in discourse as structure and process of discourse studies: a multidisciplinary introduction: vol. i. sage publications. online news entitled banjir jakarta: normalisasi yang terlambat dan hasil naturalisasi yang belum terlihat (jakarta flood: delayed normalization and unseen naturalization results) riki bugis, moh. saleh tuharea & zulkifli akhmad available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 112 volume 6, no. 1, february 2021 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) exploring efl teachers’ classroom management approaches and students responses to male and female teachers riki bugis (corresponding author) universitas iqra buru, indonesia moh. saleh tuharea sma negeri 1 buru, indonesia zulkifli akhmad iain sultan amai gorontalo, indonesia abstract: the goal of this study is to explore the efl classroom management approaches and how students respond to classroom management by the male and female english teacher. the subjects of the research were two english teachers and 60 students. this research is based on qualitative research. the data analysis was carried out in three phases: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. this study finds four types of classroom management by male english teachers and female english teachers. the first is the seating arrangements, the second is the rules and procedures, the third is the discipline, and the final is the teachers' appearance. meanwhile, questionnaires and interviews show that there is a positive response to classroom management that has been carried out by english teachers, both male and female. keywords: classroom management; teaching english; gender perspective a. introduction english has been the universal language of the world for decades. it is hard to find a country where learning english has not become the norm (mahu, 2012). as a global language, english certainly offers a variety of benefits for its users. however, for nonspeaking english countries, english becomes a second language and a foreign language that requires more effort to learn (larsen-freeman, 1991). in indonesia, english as a foreign language is certainly not used in everyday life. it is only taught in english classes in various schools ranging from elementary school to college level. this condition allows students to get practical english-speaking riki bugis, moh. saleh tuharea & zulkifli akhmad available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 113 opportunities if there are english classes or by taking courses outside of school (ababneh, 2012; gultom & saun, 2016). efl classrooms and other classrooms require certain elements necessary to make it useful and exciting for both the teacher and the learners (ababneh, 2012). the right teaching technique and media primarily dictates students' progress in learning a language (barnard et al., 2002; fathi, 2018; kumaravadivelu, 2005). teachers are expected to consider the essential components of learning practices in the classroom. teachers are also expected to understand and study the philosophy of teaching themselves (benson, 2007; gauker, 1987; johnson, 2003). teaching is about transferring information and a variety of habits that would be proprietary to students (briefing & series, 2002; harris & harris, 2019; hismanoglu & hismanoglu, 2011). so efl teachers must bear in mind that neither control nor discipline but setting an appropriate climate for learning in their class is their most important task for classroom management (ababneh, 2012). in general, classroom management refers to how a teacher regulates and controls student movements, behavior, and interactions during lessons (habibi et al., 2018). the teacher's task in the classroom is to create the conditions in which effective learning can occur (khan, 2011). to make learning effective, a teacher must have the skills to manage the class. that can be done through positive attitudes, intentions, teacher personality, and good relationships between teachers and students. (bugis, et all. 2018). it also requires certain organizational skills such as task organization, learning organization, and engineering. paramita (2013) states that when teachers do not have sufficient knowledge about classroom management, they cannot easily maintain their class and provide a good model for their learning. she also added that if classrooms are not appropriately managed, learning ineffectiveness will be a loss for teacher achievement. classroom management includes grouping and seating, organizing activities, time management, teacher control, good start and end of lessons, maintaining discipline, using appropriate tools and techniques, providing instruction, and monitoring (aliakbari & heidarzadi, 2015; brown, 2007; richards, 2015). classroom management as one crucial feature of the curriculum has attracted many scholars to research this area (kang, 2013; kazemi & soleimani, 2016; marashi & riki bugis, moh. saleh tuharea & zulkifli akhmad available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 114 assgar, 2019; rahimi & asadollahi, 2012; sakui, 2007). those researches mostly discussed efl classrooms related to another field. the difference between this study and previous studies is by adding a gender perspective, where students are asked to respond to classroom management conducted by male teachers and female teachers. apart from classroom management factors, gender or gender factors also affect teaching english. murray (1992) in his article " you just don't understand: women and men in conversation," has seen the differences in language style between men and women. one example is that there is a tendency for men to use language to maintain their independence and maintain their position in the group. instead, women use language to make connections and identities. from some of the previous views, researchers were interested to explore the efl teachers’ classroom management approaches in teaching and learning process. this study also intended to get students responses on the way of learning of the male and female teachers in implementation classroom management in mts miftahul khair namlea. b. research method this research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. descriptive qualitative research is data collection research to test research questions or hypotheses related to current circumstances and events and report the state of the object or subject that is accurate (cresswell, 2008). primary data used in this research is obtained directly from the source by using observation and in-depth interviews. secondary data used is data from the school where the researcher conducted the study. the data source of this research was students of mts miftahul khair namlea. the reason for choosing this school is that there are 2 english teachers of different genders to make it easier for researchers to conduct research. triangulation is used as a technique to check the validity of the data. triangulation is a data validity checking technique that uses something else in comparing the results of interviews with the object of research (moleong, 2017). the data collection technique used observation, giving questionnaires, and interviews. the observation was made to determine how to implement classroom management by male english teacher and female english teacher in teaching english at riki bugis, moh. saleh tuharea & zulkifli akhmad available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 115 mts. miftahul khair. giving the questionnaire aims to assess the response of students to the implementation of classroom management. interview techniques are used to obtain more accurate data and be synchronized with the questionnaire's answers. to analyze the data obtained, use the following steps; (a) data reduction; the data reduction is the process of selecting, focusing on simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the "rough" data that emerge from records in the field; (b) presentation of data (data display), presentation of data is preparing a group of information that gives the possibility of drawing conclusions and taking action; (c) concluding/verification. c. findings and discussion findings implementation of classroom management in teaching english a. seating arrangement the teacher's position in the classroom is a crucial factor in classroom management. to communicate with all students in the classroom, teachers sometimes need to move from one place to another, which requires some free space in the class. the following table describes the model of seating arrangement in mts. miftahul khair namlea. table 1. seating arrangement in mts. miftahul khair namlea no classroom management description male teacher female teacher 1 seating arrangement he does an orderly raws model in the teaching and learning process she was using orderly raws in the teaching and learning process a. rules and procedures rules and procedures are fundamental to be applied. this expectation deals with any behavior that allows the teacher to respect the students and decrease disruptive behavior that could negatively impact the development of the students' learning. riki bugis, moh. saleh tuharea & zulkifli akhmad available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 116 table 2. rules and procedures no classroom management description male teacher female teacher 1 rules and procedure students should not come late. students must not misbehave in the classroom students can speak in the classroom if they got permission from the teacher students should not come late. students are not allowed to eat nor to use mobile phone in the classroom students must not misbehave in the classroom students can speak in the classroom if they got permission from the teacher b. managing discipline discipline is all about the rules teachers apply to decrease students' misbehave and make the classroom environment suitable for the smooth running of the teaching and learning process. every teacher has their own rules and procedures that they cannot accept to be broken by the students. however, if the students did not obey the rules and procedures, the teacher may warn them. table 3. managing discipline no classroom management description male teacher female teacher 1 managing discipline students are expected to follow the rule given by the teacher students are not allowed to leave the classroom without permission from the teacher. treat others with respect students are expected to follow the rule given by the teacher students are not allowed to leave the classroom without permission from the teacher. treat others with respect c. teacher's appearance the dress is nothing concerning the learning of students. but, the teacher's outlook creates a learning impression into the minds of students at first look or first riki bugis, moh. saleh tuharea & zulkifli akhmad available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 117 sight. the well-dressed teacher is considered to be knowledgeable and well prepared in the teaching and learning process. the teacher who wore informal clothing was seen as friendlier, flexible, sympathetic, fair, and enthusiastic. the following tab;e describes the teacher's appearance in entering the classroom at mts. miftahul khair namlea tabel 4. teachers' appearances no classroom management description male teacher female teacher appearance wear uniform on monday, batik, shirt, long pants, and formal shoes on other days. well dressed. wearing uniform on monday, while the other day, she tends to wear batik that is adjusted to the color of hijab students' response on classroom management in teaching english the question from the questionnaire is formulated based on the implementation of classroom management by the english teacher. the form of the questionnaire is closeended, which means the researcher already provided the question. eighteen questions consist of four questions related to seating arrangement, five questions for rules and procedures, six questions of managing discipline, and the teachers' appearance composed of three questions.. a. seating arrangement table 5. i feel comfortable studying in the classroom (statement 1) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 15 15 0 0 0 2 female teacher 10 20 0 0 0 total 25 35 0 0 0 based on table 5 above, 25 students strongly agree, and 35 students agree with the statement that they feel comfortable studying in the classroom. table 6. i like the seating arrangement designed by the teacher (statement 2) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 10 18 2 0 0 2 female teacher 9 19 2 0 0 total 15 37 4 5 0 riki bugis, moh. saleh tuharea & zulkifli akhmad available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 118 based on table 6, there were 15 who strongly agree with the statement they like the seating arrangement designed by the english teacher. at the same time, 37 say that they agreed, four students tend to be neutral, and five disagree with the statement above. table 7. my class is stuffy (statement 3) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 0 0 0 23 7 2 female teacher 0 0 0 26 4 total 0 0 0 49 11 table 7 above shows that they were mostly disagree with the statement they class is stuffy. it can be shown that 49 students disagree while 11 students strogly diasgree with the statement. table 8. i feel comfortable with the seating arrangement (statement 4) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 8 20 2 0 0 2 female teacher 5 18 2 5 0 total 13 38 4 5 0 table 8 shows that mostly students tend to agree with statement 4. it is they feel comfortable with the seating arrangement. it can be seen from the result of questionnaire that there were 13 students who strongly agree, 38 students agree, four students remain neutral. in contrast, five students prefer to disagree. b. rules and procedure table 9. the teachers give punishment for the students who were not discipline (statement 5) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 7 18 0 5 0 2 female teacher 9 21 0 0 0 total riki bugis, moh. saleh tuharea & zulkifli akhmad available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 119 table 9 shows that most students agree that the teacher punishes the students who were not disciplined. there were only five students who disagree with the statement. table 10. students must not use cellphones in the classroom (statement 6) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 13 14 0 3 0 2 female teacher 11 17 0 0 2 total 24 31 0 3 2 it can be seen that 24 students strongly agree, and 31 students agree that students must not use cellphones in the classroom. in comparison, the rest disagree with the statement. table 11. students who are always come in and out during the teaching and learning process will be punished (statement 7) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 12 18 0 0 0 2 female teacher 5 25 0 0 0 total table 11 shows that most students agree that students who are always come in and out during the teaching and learning process will be punished. in contrast, there were no students who disagree with the statement. table 12. students are not allowed to speak with their friends during the teaching and learning process (statement 8) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 7 21 0 0 2 2 female teacher 3 25 2 0 0 total 10 46 2 0 2 table 12 shows that ten students strongly agree, and 46 students agree that the students are not allowed to speak up with their friends during the teaching and learning process. in contrast, the rest tend to choose neutral and disagree. riki bugis, moh. saleh tuharea & zulkifli akhmad available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 120 table 13. the teacher admonishes the students who come late (statement 9) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 10 20 0 0 0 2 female teacher 0 27 0 2 1 total 10 47 0 2 1 in statement nine, where the teacher admonishes the students who come late, three students prefer to disagree while the rest agree with that statement. c. managing discipline table 14. the teacher gives punishment for the students who have bad behavior in the classroom (teasing their friend, make fun, and joke with their friend during the teaching and learning process) (statement 10) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 12 18 0 0 0 2 female teacher 9 21 0 0 0 total 21 39 0 0 0 based on statement 10, where the teacher punishes the students who have bad behavior in the classroom (teasing their friends, making fun, and jokes with their friends during the teaching and learning process) got good responses from the students. table 15. students are not allowed to cheat during the examination (statement 11) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 2 28 0 0 0 2 female teacher 8 22 0 0 0 total 10 50 0 0 0 table 15 shows that most students agree that students are not allowed to cheat during the examination. in contrast, none of the students gave a negative response to the statement above. riki bugis, moh. saleh tuharea & zulkifli akhmad available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 121 table 16. students who frequently skip school will be penalized (statement 12) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 12 18 0 0 0 2 female teacher 5 25 0 0 0 total 17 43 0 0 0 table 16 above shows that 17 students strongly agree, and 43 students agree that students who frequently skip school will be penalized. table 17. students who fought will be penalized (statement 13) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 10 20 0 0 0 2 female teacher 5 25 0 0 0 total 15 45 0 0 0 in statement 13, students who fought will be penalized got a good response from the students. it can be seen from table 4.13, where most of the students agree with the statement above. table 18. students are not allowed to smoke (statement 14) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 1 29 0 0 0 2 female teacher 12 18 0 0 0 total 13 47 0 0 0 table 18 shows that 13 students strongly agree, and 47 students agree that students are not allowed to smoke. while none of the student who gave a negative response from the statement. table 19. students are not allowed to eat something in the class during the teaching and learning process (statement 15) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 11 17 0 2 0 2 female teacher 8 21 0 1 0 total 19 38 0 3 0 riki bugis, moh. saleh tuharea & zulkifli akhmad available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 122 in statement no 15, students cannot eat something in the class during the teaching and learning process got a good response where 57 students agree while none of the students disagree with the statement. d. teachers' appearance table 20. i like a well-dressed teacher (statement 16) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 5 25 0 0 0 2 female teacher 13 17 0 0 0 total 18 42 0 0 0 the table above shows that most of the students in mts miftahul khair like a teacher who well-dressed, 60 students agree with the statement. table 21. the teacher's attractive and fun appearance made me feel comfortable in the classroom (statement 17) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 0 27 3 0 0 2 female teacher 13 17 0 0 0 total 13 44 3 0 0 table 21 shows that most students agree that the teacher's attractive and fun appearance made them feel comfortable in the classroom. it can be seen from the table above that 13 students strongly agree, 44 students agree, while the rest three students tend to choose to be neutral. table 22. i like a teacher who dressed modestly (statement 18) no sex sa a n da sda 1 male teacher 12 18 0 0 0 2 female teacher 3 27 0 0 0 total 15 45 0 0 0 in statement 18, the students like the teacher who dressed modestly got the students' best response. all students agree with the statement, while none of the students choose to disagree or strongly disagree. riki bugis, moh. saleh tuharea & zulkifli akhmad available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 123 discussion implementation of classroom management teachers in carrying out their duties professionally have a function as executors in classroom management. this task is related to the teacher's activities in carrying out the learning process in the classroom. teachers face several students who come from different social and emotional environments. therefore teachers are expected to be able to manage the classroom properly and effectively. in the classroom teaching and learning process, a teacher needs to strive for or create good teaching and learning conditions. class as the smallest school community can influence student interaction and learning activities, which can affect the classroom atmosphere and student achievement. a conducive classroom atmosphere will be able to lead to the academic and non-academic achievement of students, as well as to the class as a whole. every teaching and learning process in this condition must be planned and endeavored by the teacher deliberately to avoid aggravated conditions and develop into a conducive situation. in implementing classroom management, every teacher has their own way of managing their classroom. the researcher divided classroom management into four: seating arrangement, rules and procedures, managing discipline, and teacher's appearance. in arranging seating arrangements for the students, male teachers tend to use orderly rows, while female teachers prefer orderly rows and horseshoes. they both have reason to choose it. the male teacher used the orderly row model because he didn't want to be complicated with seating arrangements. besides, setting up seats also takes time, while they only have 120 minutes to teach. another reason is that the number of students is too large, making it difficult for him to arrange seats as harmer (2015) stated that the orderly raws model is suitable for medium to large class. he adds that both teachers and students can see each other clearly in this type of seating arrangement, and they can have eye contact. it makes the teacher more comfortable to maintain discipline with this type of seating arrangement. female teachers prefer to change the seating model from orderly raws to horseshoes, and vice versa. we need a new atmosphere in the teaching and learning process, one of which can be done by changing seating arrangements. for example, riki bugis, moh. saleh tuharea & zulkifli akhmad available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 124 seating arrangements are horseshoes where students do not hesitate to talk or discuss. as harmer (2007) explained, the advantage of this type of seating arrangement is that students can face each other so that they can eliminate their awkwardness when discussing. discipline is about the rules teachers apply to decrease students' misbehave. every teacher has their own rules and procedure which they are not acceptable to be broken by the students. however, if the students did not obey the teachers' rules, teachers may have them warn. rules and procedures are fundamental to be applied. a teacher must do this to control students' behavior. this statement is in line with oliver and reschly (2007), who claimed that teachers should be aware of the students' negative and positive actions and prepare feedback for each behavior. in addition, evertson (2011) asserts that teachers' achievement could be reached by explaining the objectives of the rules and objectives behind using them so that the students will acknowledge and respect them. english teachers also did this at mts miftahul khair to reduce students' negative behavior. they make rules that all students must obey. such as students are not allowed to smoke, eat in class, talk during the teaching and learning process, etc. an appearance is a form of self-image that radiates from a person and a means of communication between an individual and another individual. appearance is one of the teacher's personalities. a teacher must be a fun attraction for students, for example, in his actions, speech, dress, and problems. in the learning process, the teacher plays a significant role in generating or increasing all students' attention. with great concentration, students will perform better so that the learning process and results will be better. therefore, teachers should always make sure that students always pay great attention to learning activities. teachers behavior is expected to be a good and attractive appearance such as his temperament, how to speak, and how to dress (kang, 2013; rivkin et al., 2005; “teach. matter attracting, dev. retaining eff. teach.,” 2008) students' response on classroom management in teaching english for the results of seating arrangements carried out by male teachers, they received positive responses from students, while for female teachers. however, many students gave positive responses, and some students did not agree with these seating arrangements. based on these students' interviews, they prefer the type of orderly rows riki bugis, moh. saleh tuharea & zulkifli akhmad available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 125 because they are familiar and comfortable with this type of seating arrangement, as what ahsan (2019) says that basically, everyone likes things that include comfort. these things can consist of relationships, the environment, and other things that make them feel at home. this feeling is called the comfort zone. when in a comfort zone, it makes people feel relaxed, free from pressure, flexible, happy, and free. the comfort zone makes people not want to get out of the area and want to continue to be there because they feel comfortable. based on the results of a questionnaire on managing discipline and rules and procedure, either for male teachers or female teachers, students were more likely to choose to agree with the statement. even though these statements received disagreement responses from some students, for example, in the statement "students are not allowed to use cellphones in the classroom". the interview results revealed that they used cellphones to find out the meaning of vocabulary that they did not know. meanwhile, the questionnaire's result about students 'responses to teachers' appearance was that almost 100 percent of students agreed that they like a well-dressed teacher. beijaard (2004) and selvi (2010) stated that the students would quickly pay attention to and receive every lesson from the teacher who has good characteristics, various teaching styles, communication styles, and well-dressed. d. conclusion based on the findings and discussion in the previous section, it can be concluded that in implementing classroom management by male english teachers and female english teachers, four categories of implemented classroom management can be taken. the first is the seating arrangement, the second rules, and procedures, the third is managing discipline, and the last is the teachers' appearance. the results of questionnaires and interviews showed that there is a positive response to classroom management implemented by english teachers, both male and female. references ababneh, s. m. o. 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(quantitative approach)الباحثة بالمنهج الكمي ولتحليل البيانات الباحثة . والتوثيقةلجمع البيانات فهي طريقة اإلستبيان والمشاهدة مومين والنسبة المائوية وفق على تستخدم األساليب اإلحصائية هي برموز فرودوك إن إنجاز تعلم : ونتائج هذا البحث هي .موضوع البحث يعني البحث اإلرتباط السبي تكون على دراجة . المتوسطة نور اإلسالم تنجارانبمدرسة اللغة العربيةلدى طالب وأما .العالية ألن أكثرهم تنال النتيجة العالية او أكبر من الحد األدنى اكتمال معاير اختبار الفرضية فأنه هناك األثر من إنجاز تعلم اللغة العربية علي قدرة حفظ القرآن نظرا إلى تحصيل البحث الذي .المتوسطة نور اإلسالم تنجارانبمدرسة لدى طالب ainy faizah 45 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) ٠,۸٩۱(=rxy)حصلت نتيجة , اإلحصاء برموز فروداك مومن تحليل بأسلوب وأما رتب .٤٤٩,٠هو ٥%في رتب المغزي , ٤٣=nووافقت بجدول فروداك مومن أو بكلمة أخرى (r) أكثر من جدول( rxy)ومن ذلك نتيجة .٣٤٤,٠هو ۱%المغزي (۸٩۱,٤٤٩,٠>٣٤٤,٠>٠(. قدرة حفظ القرآن ,اللغة العربية ,إنجاز تعلم: لكلمة الرئيسيةا abstract this study attempts to find out the impact of the achievement of learning the arabic language on the ability to memorize the holy qur’an among the students at smpit of nurul islam tengaran. the method used in this study is quantitative. data were collected through a questionnaire, observation sheet, and students’ achievement documentation. statistical technique to analyze the data uses pearson product moment symbols and the percentage according to the subject of the research means the correlation. the results of this study revealed that the arabic skills of the students were above average or could be classified as high. most students get scores above the full threshold for completeness. hypothesis testing shows that there is an effect on students ' ability to memorize arabic content. this is illustrated by the results of the statistical tests using the pearson product moment correlation test, where the value (rxy) was 0.891 with 34 samples at a significant level of 5 percent at 0.339 and a significant level of 1 percent at 0.436. this implies that the value of r is statistically greater than the value of r the table. keywords : students’ arabic learning achievement; the ability to memorize the holy qur’an ainy faizah 46 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) المقدمة. ١ كما ازدادت أهمية اللغة , بين لغات في العالمإن اللغة العربيةلها مكانة خاصة العوامل التى تؤثر أهمية اللغة . العربية يوما بعد يوم في عصرنا الحاضر إن اللغة العربية هي اللغة التى نزل .لغة القرآن الكريم , أوال: منها,العربية ر و كل مسلم ليقرأ أو يفهمه الذي يستمد منه المسلم األوام ,بها القرآن الكريم و نزل هللا تعالى كتبه إلى األنبياء و المرسلين . النواهي و األحكام الشرعية ألساس حياة الناس و القرآن الكريم هي كالم هللا المنزل عل رسوله محّمد اللغة العربية هي , ثانيا(.٢۱. ص,۱٩٩٣المناع القطان )ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص المتعبد بتالوته , ثالثا.سلم أن يؤدي الصالة فعليه أن يؤديها بالعربيةإذا أراد كل م. لغة الصالة اللغة العربية هي لغة أحاديث الرسول الكريم صلى هللا عليه و سلم وإذا أراد .كل مسلم أن يقرأ هذه األحاديث و يستوعبه فعليه أن يعرف اللغة العربية م البخارى اإلما") خيركم من تعلم القرآن و علمه"قال النبى ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص البد على المسلمين أن يتعلموا القرآن وعلموه في , (٣٢٤.ص,۱٩٩٢الجعفى ألنه الكتاب المنزل للمسلمين ليكون المسلمين لنيل السعادة في , حياة اليوميات الدنيا و األخرة بشرط أن يكون القرآن مصدر الحياة في الدنيا ليقوم الوظائف .ات هللا تعالىبخليفةاألرض وليعبد هللا وابتغاء مرض أن اللغة العربية وديننا اإلسالم لها ارتباط واثق حيث ال يكون , كما عرفنا اإلسالم كامال بغياب العربية كما ال يكون اإلسالم كامال بغياب القرآن الكريم وهو شامل يتناول مظاهر الحياة في دولة و وطن أو حكومة و أمة ورحمة .لدنيا و األخرةوعدالة وثقافة و فنون فسعادة في ا كما أنه ميسر , من خصائص القرآن أنه كتاب ميسر للحفظ و االستظهار ْكِر فََهْل :"للذكر و الفهم و قال هللا تعالى في كتابه الكريم َولَقَْد يَسَّْرنَا القرآَن ِللذِّ , ويسرنا معناه, أى ولقد سهلنا لفظه: معنى تلك اآلية(.۱٤:القمر" )ِمْن ُمدَِّكرِ ْر فَإِنَّ "ويتدبر من أراد , ليتعظ به من شاء, بأنواع العبر والمواعظ مألناه َوذَ ّكِ ْكَرى تَْنفَُع المؤِمنِْينَ ِكتَاُب أَْنَزْلنَاهُ إِلَْيَك ُمبَاَرٌك ِليَدَبَُّروا : "ونحو اآلية قوله". الذِّ َر بِِه الُمتَِّقْيَن فَإِنَّما يَسَّْرنَ: "وقوله, "آيَاتِِه و ِليَتَذَكََّر أُولُوا األَلبَابِ اهُ بِِلَسانَِك ِلتُبَّشِ لوال أن هللا يسره على : روى الضحاك عن ابن عباس قال, "وتُْنِذَربِِه قَوًما لُدَّا فهل . )لسان اآلدميين ما استطاع أحد من الخلق أن يتكلم بكالم هللا عز وجل , تذكر بهأى ماأقل من , مزدجر عن معاصية, أى فهل من متعظ به( من مدّكر َولَقَْد يَسَّْرنَا القرآَن (.)۸٥.ص, ه۱٤٤٥,المراغى)واتعظ بأمره ونهيه ْكرِ متعظ به وحافظ له (فََهْل ِمْن ُمدَِّكرِ )سهلناه للحفظ وهيأناه للتذكر (ِللذِّ واإلستفهام بمعنى األمر أى احفظوه واتعظوا به وليس يحفظ من كتب هللا عن ainy faizah 47 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) إن تلك األية بيّنت أن تعلم اللغة (. ٣٤۸.ص.۱٩٩۱,الجليلين)ظهر القلب غيره , العربية هو شروط لفهم القرآن و كان تعلم القرآن الكريم تعلم اللغة العربية .فكانت اللغة العربية والقرآن الوحدة متالزمين و متوصلين و متربطين النتيجة هي عملية تعلم التعليم عن .اإلنجاز هو دليل على الجهود التى تحققت إذا كانت النتيجة مقررا نتيجة بشرط التحقيق الهدف الخاص , التدريس المواد . اإلنجاز هو النتيجة التي تمت تحقيقها كدليل على الجهود التي تبدل.المذكور ألنها . وفي التربية نتيجة التالميذ من أغراض مهمة في عملية تعليم المتعلم ذلك تستطيع أن تعطي ومع. تستطيع أن تصبح ميزانا في عملية التعلم من قبل وسيعرف المعلم نتيجة التالميذ في . صور عن الطريقة المستعملة تناسب أم ال .عملية التعليم باإلمتحان أو األخر قال صلح عبد العزيز وعبد المجيد إن التعلم هو التغيير في ذهن التعلم يطراء أن(. ۱٤٩.ص٢٠۱٢, أبدين)على خبرة سابق فيحدث فيها تغييرا جديدا التعلم هو النشاط الذي يمكن أن يتولد إلى تغير السلوك الجديد بإكمالهعلى وجوده واستقر نفسه من خالل التفاعل مع البيئة كنتيجة من التدريب أو يمكن اإلستبتاج أن إنجاز تعلم هو , إستنادا إلى األراء على ماسبق.الخبرة تعلم في فترة معينة نتيجة الدراسة التي حصلها التالميذ من الخالل حضور ال في مؤسسة تعليمية حيث النتيجة من خالل التقييم الذي يمكن أنتتجسد مع .أرقام أو رموز أخرى , العوامل التي تؤثر وتشجع في إنجاز تعلم اللغة العربية تتكون من عاملين (۱٩٩۱:٥٤, سلمطا)وهما عامل داخلى و عامل خارجى العوامل الداخلى( أ :كثير منها والعوامل الداخلية ويشمل هذا . العامل الجسمي سواء كان من الصفة الفطرية أم من المطلوب.۱ .كمريض ومتخلف جسديا وتشوهات, العامل حواس كسيح العامل السيكولوجي سواء كان من الصفة الفطرية أم من المطلوب يشمل .٢ ويشمل ال فكريا كعادة و رخبة حاجة , عامل فكريا كماهر كل الدرس مزايا .ودوافع وعواطف العامل النضوج الجسميةهذا العامل الداخلي مصدر من شخصية المرء .٤ الذي يستطيع أن يساعد أو يشجع في إعطاء عزيمة إليه أن يصبح نشيطا في وبالدفع . الدفع الداخلي يرتبط بحالة شخصية المتعلمين. التعلم ليصل ما أراده وكلما قوي الدفع . عزمه وأرادهالداخلى سيشعر المرء بسهولة أو يعمل ما .الداخلي حسنت طبقة النشط في الدراسة والعكس ainy faizah 48 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) العوامل الخارجية( ب :العوامل الخارجية منها بيئة األسرة.۱ في . األسرة لها دور مهم و كبير في إنجاز تعلم األوالد ألنها مسكنة المرء ع أن تدفع إلى تعطي اهتمامها عن التربية يستطياألسرة المودة واألسرة التي التعامل بين الولد والوالد : األشياء تؤثر تربية األوالد في األسرة منها. أوالدها .الحالة اإلقتصادية اهتمام الوالد إلى أوالده طبقة تربية الوالد في األسرة بيئة المدرسة.٢ بل في هذا العصري كثير من , المدرسة لها دور كبير أيضا في التربية , ون و يدخلون في المدرسة أو الجامعة ألجل مقامة المدرسةالمتعلمين يجلس المادة : األشياء التي تتأثر في التعلم منها. متكاملة وغيرها, بناية جميلة: مثال ألة المدراسة , التعامل بين األستاذ والمتعلم, الحالة في المدرسة, والطريقة .طبقة الثقال التي تعطى إلى المتعلمين, المستعملة يئة المجتمعالب.٤ ألن اللغة . السيما في تعلم اللغة, المجتمع أو رفيق اللعب يؤثر في نتيجة التعلم ال تستطيع أن تنكر بأن البيئة . ال تستطيع أن يخلع من عناصر اإلجتماع ألجل ذلك في تعلم اللغة مصنوع البيئة اللغوية , اللغوية مهمة (.۱٩٩۱:٥٤, سلمطا)اإلصتناعية الم هللا المنزل على نبيه دمحم صلي هللا عليه وسلم بوسيلة معني القرآن هو ك جبريل المعجز بلفظه المتعبد بتالوته المنقول إلينا بالتواتر المكتوب فى أولى خصائص . ورة الفاتحة إلى آخره سورة الناسالمصاحف من أول س الذي يتضمن كلماته إلى خاتم رسله وأنبيائه دمحم, أنه كتاب هللا تعالى: القرآن أو حاه إلى رسوله , فهو يصدر من هللا لفظا أو معنا. عليه الصالة والسالم جبريل ( الرسول الملكي)وهو نزول ( الوحي الجلي)ونبيه دمحم ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص عن طريق وليس عن طرق الوحي األخرى من اإللهام أو , دمحم( الرسول البشري)على القرضاوى )أو غيرها ,ومن الرؤيا الصادقة, النفث في الروع (.۱٩.ص,۱٩٩۸ إن من أعظم األعمال التي يمكن أن يتقرب بها إلى هللا هو حفظ القرآن :فضائل حفظ القرآن الكريم, الكريم القرأن الكريم يرفع أهله ( أ إذا , "إن هللا يرفع بهذا الكتاب أقواما ويضع به آخرين"ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص -يقول رسول هللا أما . الحديث سنجد أن الرفعة تكون في الدنيا و اآلخرة كلتيهماتأملنا في هذا ainy faizah 49 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) قال . في الحياة الدنيا فيكون ألهل القرآن الكريم مكانة كبيرة في قلوب الناس فكيف ستكون مكانة أهل , "أهل القرآن هم أهل هللا وخصاته: "ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص -رسول هللا .ة رفيعة و عاليةال شك أنها سيكون في منزل, هللا في الجنة مضاِعف للحسنات ( ب و الحسنة , من قرأ حرفا من كتاب هللا فله به حسنة", ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص -يقول رسول هللا , ولكن ألف حرف, ال أقول آلم حرف, وهللا يضاعف لمن يشاء, بعشر أمثالها والمكانة , بذلك يكون قد حّصل األجر و الثواب". وميم حرف, والم حرف .وم القيامةالعظيمة ي يشفع ألصحابه( ج إقرءوا القرآن فإنه يأتي : "سمعت رسول هللا ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص يقول: عن أبي أمامة يقول (٢٠۱٣, ۱٥:عمر الفارقي(. )رواه مسلم")يوم القيامة شفيعا ألصحابه يكون في منزلة المالئكة( د الماهر بالقرآن مع السفرة الكرام ", ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص -يقول رسول هللا:عن عائشةَ قالتْ ( ۱٥.ص,٢٠۱٣:عمر الفارقي(. )رواه بخارى و مسلم")البررة ثواب لوالديه( ه من قرأ القرآن وعمل بما فيه ألبس واليه تاجا يوم ", ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص -يقول رسول هللا ".من ضوء الشمس في بيوت الدنيا ضوؤه أحسن, القيامة حافظ القرآن ال تحرقه النار ( و لو أن القرآن جعل في إهاب ثم ألقي في : "قال, ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص -ففي حديث عن رسول هللا معنى الحديث أنه من تعلم القرآن وحفظه لم تحرقه نار , "النار ما احترق .كاإلهاب لهحيث جعل جسم حافظ القرآن الكريم , اآلخرة أهل القرآن خير األمة و أفضلها( ز " خيركم من تعلم القرآن و علمه: "قال, عن النبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص, عن عثمان ابِن عفّان وهم األحق باإلمامة واألحق , وأهل القرآن هم أحباب هللا(. بخارىه روا) .وذلك لرفعة مكانتهم, وهم الذين يقدمون في اللحد, باإلمارة ر خطوات كبيرة في حفظ القرآنعش ( أ (إدارة الوقت)الوقت الخاصة والمكان المناسب( ۱ ٣تحصيص الوقت المثالي لتحقيق الهدف المتوسط اليومي صفحة واحدة هي وساعتين إلعادة النظر في , مع تفاصيل من ساعتين لتسجيل جديدة, ساعات تعديلها مع اإلدارة اإلستفادة من الوقت يمكن . اآية التي تم تخزينها مسبقا .المطلوبة من قبل كل حارس المراعى :المكان المناسب لحفظ القرآن هو المكان الذي يحقق المعايير التالية ainy faizah 50 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) تهوية كافية ( ج) .نظيفة ونقية من قذارة ونجس( ب).بعيدا عن الضوضاء( أ) لديه درجة ( و) .إضاءة كافية( ه) .ال ضيقة جدا( د) .لضمان تغيير الهواء أي بعيدا , ال تسمع بظهور االضطرابات( ز. )الحرارة التي تناسب احتياجاتك .أو حيث ال يكون المكان المعتاد للدردشة, عن الهاتف المعيشة إبدأ من الجزء السهلة( ٢ ولقد يسرنا : "سهولة حفظ القرآن الكريم فقد تكفله هللا بوعد كالمه تعالىان لماذا ينبغي لنا أن نبدأ الحفظ , هنا(.۱٤:رالقم")القرآن للذكر فهل من المدكر آياتها قد سمعت في كثير من األحيان مثال عند ( أ):من الجزء السهولة عدد آياتها في كل ( ج.)بإستثناء سورة البينة, آياتها قصيرة( ب. )الصالة سورة البقرة و ال ( د.)مما يجعل سهولة قراءتها في الصالة. السورة قليلة في يوهم القيامة سوف ندافع عن ( ه. )ى عديد من القصصعمران يحتوى عل .حفظة القرآن كرر ما تحفظه من القرآن ,كّرر القراءة أية الى عشرين او ثالثين مرة (٤ .باستمرار إذان كلما أكثر نقرأ و نسمع . الحفظ هو حفظ النتائج علي القرأءة و السمع يوم احرص على االستماع ففي كل .إنشاء هللا سوف سيتم تسجيلها في العقل وكرر االستماع إليها، وبعد حفظها ( أو صفحة من سورة)إلى سورة محددة اقرأها في الصالة ثم توضأ في الليل وقف وصلي ركعتين قيام الليل وتقرأ ما ثم كرر ما . حفظته خالل النهار، وستحّس بلذة عجيبة وتشعر بحالوة اإليمان وبعد االستيقاظ مباشرة، فهذه الطريقة ترسخ حفظته أيضاً قبل النوم مباشرة، وعليك بالتفكير باآليات . الحفظ في عقلك الباطن فال تنسى منه شيئاً بإذن هللا التي تقرأها قبل النوم، وهذه الطريقة ستفتح قلبك وعقلك وتطور مداركك، إذانوكرر ما (٢٣:دمحم" )َهاأَفاََل يَتَدَبَُّروَن اْلقُْرآََن أَْم َعلَى قُلُوٍب أَْقفَالُ :"يقول تعالى .تحفظه مراراً وتكراراً إيداع ظهر قلب الي المشرف التحفيظ( ٣ وجود مشرف للتحفيظ يسهلنا و يساعدنا في الحفظ ألن خضوره لتجنب من ووجود مشرف التحفيظ يمكن أن يكون من التشجيع , األخطاء عند الحفظ وقال هللا تعالى في . مقصرينعندما تعبنا و أذكر دائما عندما نحن في حالة ال (.٢:المائدة" )َوتَعَاونُوا على البّر و التَْقوى: "كتابه الكريم ينبغي على كل اإلنسان من يحفظ القرآن , يفضل حفظ من المصحف واحد(٥ .بأن تستعمل القرآن واحد وال يجوز أن يبدل أو يستعمل بالقرآن اآلخر يل القرآن وتجويدهاحرص على ترتدائما مع القرآن الكريم و(٤ ainy faizah 51 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) من أجمل األشياء التي تساعدك على القراءة لفترات طويلة أن تقرأ القرآن بصوت حسن وترتله ترتيالًكما أمرنا هللا سبحانه وتعالى بذلك فالقراءة بصوت مرتفع قليالً (. ٣:المزمل" )َوَرتِِّل اْلقُْرآََن تَْرتِياًل :"فقال وحاول أن تقلد , بلذة القراءة والحفظوبتجويد الصوت وترتيله تجعلك تحس أحكام التجويد كما تسمعها من المقرئ من خالل المسجل أو الجوال أو الكمبيوتر أو التلفزيون أو الراديو، فكلها وسائل سخرها هللا لتساعدنا على ْكِر فََهْل ِمْن :"يقول تعالى.حفظ القرآن َولَقَْد يَسَّْرنَا اْلقُْرآََن ِللذِّ وحاول أن تركز انتباهك في كل كلمة تسمعها وتعيش (. ۱٤:القمر")ُمدَِّكرٍ .وكرر ما تحفظه مراراً وتكراراً . معها وتحلق بخيالك مع معاني اآليات أثناء حفظ للقرآن ينبغي أن تعلم أن القرآن , الحفاظ على صالة الجماعة( ٤ لتجارب وقد أثبتت ا, يحوي علوم الدنيا واآلخرة والقرآن فيه شفاء لكل شيء والمشاهدات أن الذي يحفظ القرآن يكون أقل عرضة لإلصابة باألمراض وبخاصة األمراض النفسية و كثير اإلستماع من القرآن, تبدأ القراءة مقدما بعد ذلك إضافة ظهر قلب( ۸ قبل حفظ إن سماع القرآن أفضل وسيلة إلتقان أحكام التجويد، والسماع ال فقط، ( فَاْستَِمعُوا لَهُ )ات، ولذلك لم يقل تعالى يكفي بل يجب اإلصغاء واإلنص َوإِذَا قُِرَئ اْلقُْرآَُن فَاْستَِمعُوا لَهُ َوأَْنِصتُوا لَعَلَُّكْم :"بل قال واإلنصات نوع من أنواع التدبر والتأمل في ( ٢٠٣:األعراف")تُْرَحُمونَ مع طريقة لفظ الكلمات كما نسمعها ونحاول تقليد ما نسمع ونكرر اآليات المقرئ الذي نسمع صوته من خالل آلة التسجيل أو الكمبيوتر أو التلفزيون أو .الجوال بالطريقة فهم :أوال, كيفية تذكلر اآلية مشابهات, الحظ اآلية مشابهات( ٩ بالطريقة : ثالثا, بالطريقة إيالء اإلهتمام الحروف في الجملة: ثانيا, معناها زاء معينةنفهم أن كلمة فقط في السورة أوبأج إتبع مسابقة حفظ القرآن لبناء روح المنافسة و لصقل عن ظهر قلب ( ۱٠ و بعد أن يتبع مسابقة حفظ القرآن فسوف نعرف الجزء , حفظ القرآن أن لدينا (. ۱٢٩.ص,٢٠۱٣:الفارقي)الذي يحتاج إلى المراجعة :ومن أساليب التحفيظ القرآن الكريم منها,وخالصة تعاريف السابقة وهي تجريد النية والدعاء والذهن المتفرغ والتوبة وترك : ما قبل التحفيظ منها( أ أثناء . المعاصى واختيار الشيخ و تخصيص وقت و تهيئة مكان الحفظ و البيئة الحفظ الداتي بالقراءة والتكرار و التلقين ما قبل الشيخ للطالب : التحفيظ منها ainy faizah 52 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) وهنا الطريقة , خلف القارئ و التلقين البصرى و تكرار السماع والترديد .المختارة إبدأ بأية واحدة مع التدبّر وكّرر القراءة أية الى : أثناء حفظ القرآن( ب عشرين او ثالثين مرةوإقرأ أية بسرعة وإربطها بكلمة أولى من اآلية التالية واستدكر اآلية غيّبا وتكرر ذلك مع كل آية حتى تنتهى الصفحة وإقرأ الصفحة .ظهر القلب أو غيّباكاملة عن التردم بالصفحة واالستماع لقارئ لنفس الصفحة حتي : ما بعد التحفيظ منها أيام و اليوم السابع ( ٤)التشبع و صل نها والحفظ صفحة صفحة لستّة مراجعة و عدم االستعجال والنفس الطويل و الصبر طريقة البحث. ب نجاز تعلم اللغة العربية وهذا البحث من إحدى المحاوالت لمعرفة دور أثر إ تستخدم . علي قدرة حفظ القرآن بمدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم تنجاران وأما الطريقة التي تستخدم . (quantitative approach)الكمي الباحثة بالمنهج ولتحليل . الباحثة لجمع البيانات فهي طريقة اإلستبيان والمشاهدةوالتوثيقة األساليب اإلحصائية هي برموز فرودوك مومين البيانات الباحثة تستخدم تقع مدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم تنجاران في شارع و . والنسبة المائوية , دون المنطقة تنجاران, قرية كليرا, كالي غندو ٠۸صولو كيلومتر -سالتيجا : رقم البريد/الهاتف, ٥٠٤٤٥جاوى الوسطى , وصاية على العرش سمارنغ البريد و(.قع الوب ومو, (٠٢٩۸)٤٣٠٥۱۸۸ وقد بنيت هذه المدرسة على (اإللكترونّي .مترا مربعا ٩٤٠مترا مربعا و بناءها ۱۱٤٩٠األرض التى سعتها حوالى . الكاتبة عدد الطرق لتناول البيانات و المعلومات في كتابة هذا البحثتستعمل :وهي كما يلى الجماعى و العينية. ۱ (. ۱٠٤الصفحة ,۱٩۸٤أريكنطى)الجماعىهو كل أعضاء الرعية المبحوثون .أ أما الرعية في هذا البحث فهي كل تالميذ في المدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم .تنجاران بعض من الجماعى الذي جعل ظرف البحث أو من كل العينية هي .ب ۱٠٠إذا كان الجماعى ناقصا من (. ۱٠٣. ص,۱٩۸٤أريكنطى)الجماعى % ٢٥-٢٠۰أو % ۱٥-%۱٠فأخذ بين ۱٠٠وإذا كان أكثرمن , فأخذ كلهم وأما الرعية هذا البحث فهي بعض تالميذ (. ۱٢٠.ص,۱٩۸٤أريكنطى)أكثر وعدد , وهي بعض التالميذ, م تنجارانفي المدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسال ainy faizah 53 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) ٤٣وتكون ٢٠۰طالب وأخذت الباحثة ۱٤٢الطالب في فصل الثامن .طالب طريقة جمع البيانات.٢ :كمايلى , استعمال الكاتبة كثير من الطرق لجميع كل البيانات في هذا البحث طريقة اإلستبيانهو جدول السؤال الذى سيسيل على المستجيب تتكون على .أ وهذه الطريقة ألخذ البيانات و . الصفوف و األعمدة ليملؤ بجواب السؤل .المعلومات عن إنجاز تعلم اللغة العربية وأثره فى قدرة حفظ القرآن طريقة المشاهدةوهو جمع البيانات التكلم عن احوال المدرسة من األساتيذ .ب .تنجاران والتالميد وغيرهما مما كان في المدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم طريقة التوثيقةهذه الطريقة استعملت لنيل وثائق التربية في المدرسة مثل .ج ودفتر عدد األساتيذ و , صورة عن بمدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم تنجاران .التالميذ والجدول ودفتر النتيجة في االمتحان وغير ذلك طريقة تحليل البيانات.٤ عن إنجاز تعلم اللغة ( x)التحليل األولوفي هذه الطريقة يفصل الباحثة بين عن قدرة حفظ القرآن بمدرسة المتوسطة نور ( y)و التحليل الثاني, العربة .اإلسالم تنجاران التحليل األول ( أ . و هذه الطريقة حللت البيانات موافقة بأغراض البحث كما أرادت الباحثة :ولنجاح العرض األول و الثاني الباحثة يستعمل رموز p=f x 100% n :اإليضاح p :النسبة المئوية f :التردد/فركونس n : نتيجة/جملة من العينية التحليل الثاثي ( ب و لمعرفة أثر إنجاز تعلم اللغة العربية علي قدرة حفظ القرآن لدى طالب ولذلك اخذت الباحثة . الصف الثامن بمدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم تنجاران :ورموز المستعمل هي. مومنبرموز فروداك rxy = nσxy – (σx) (σy) √{nσx² – (σx)²} {nσy 2 – (σy) 2 } :اإليضاح ainy faizah 54 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) rxy :معاملة اإلرتباط بين إنجاز تعلم اللغة العربية و قدرة حفظ القرآن الكريم x :متغير إنجاز تعلم اللغة العربية y :متغير قدرة حفظ القرآن الكريم xy : حاصل الضرب منxوy x² :التربيع منx y² :التربيع منy n:جملة العينية σ( :الجملة) النتائج والمناقشة . ج التحليل عن المتغير األول. ۱ وفي هذا التحليل يبحث الباحثة عن المتغير األول وهو لمعرفة إنجاز . العربية لدى الطالب بمدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم تنجارانتعلم اللغة .وأخذت الباحثة هذه البيانات من نتيجة اإلمتحان ٤۱و المنخفضة هي ٩٠ومن الجدول المذكور تعرف النتيجة العالية هي ويقرر الباحثة :الفاصلة باستعمال الرموز وهو :اإليضاح الفاصلة xt العاليةالنتيجة xr لنتيجة المنخفضة ki درجة الفترة ٩٠ ٤۱ ٣ ۵ ainy faizah 55 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) و تقسم الباحثةالنتيجة إلى ٥من هذا الرموز ينال البحث الفاصلة وهي ومن ذلك الجدول يعرف . نقيص, كافي, جيد, أربعة طبقات هي جيد جدا :التكرار كما في الجدول اآلتي التوزيع التكراري من النتيجة اإلمتحان في اللغة العربية . ۱الجدول التكراري الفاصلة درجة الفترة النمرة ۱٤ ٩٠-۸٤ جيد جدا ۱ ۱۱ ۸٥-۸۱ جيد ٢ ٥ ۸٠-٤٤ كافي ٤ ٥ ٤٥-٤۱ نقيص ٣ ٤٣ الجملة ثم بحثت الباحثة المائة التكرارية عن النتيجة و الدرجة حول تطبيق :الطريقة المباشرة بإستخدام الرموز كما يلي :المعلومات p=النسبة المئوية f=فركونس n=عدد من المجيبين المستجيبين ۱٤و كان ٩٠-۸٤جعلت النتيجة" جيد جدا"طبقة . ۱ ۱٤ ٤٣ ٤۸ ٤ المستجيبين ۱۱و كان۸٥-۸۱جعلت النتيجة " جيد"طبقة .٢ ۱۱ ٤٣ ٤ ٤٢ المستجيبين ٥و كان ۸٠-٤٤جعلت النتيجة " كافي"طبقة .٤ ٥ ٤٣ ۱٤ ٣ المستجيبين ٥و كان ٤٥-٤۱جعلت النتيجة " نقيص"طبقة .٣ ainy faizah 56 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) ٥ ٤٣ ۱٤ ٣ :وواضع لنا المئوية التكرارية في الجدول اآلتي توزيع المائة التكرارية من نتيجة اإلمتحان في اللغة العربية . ٢الجدول المائة التكراري الفاصلة درجة الفترة النمرة ٤ ٤۸ ۱٤ ٩٠-۸٤ جيد جدا ۱ ٤ ٤٢ ۱۱ ۸٥-۸۱ جيد ٢ ٤ ۱٣ ٥ ۸٠-٤٤ كافي ٤ ٤ ۱٣ ٥ ٤٥-٤۱ نقيص ٣ ۱٠٠ ٤٣ الجملة التحليل عن المتغير الثاني. ٢ سوف ينال ممكنة .سؤاال ٢٠اإلستبيان المستعمل في الطريقة المباشرة وأما .٥٤وأما أسفل النتيجة هي ٤٤أرفع النتيجة من األجوبة هي والنتيجة المنخفضة هي ٤٤ومن الجدول المذكور تعرف النتيجة العالية هي :ويقرر الباحثة الفاصلة بإستعمال الرموز وهو٥٤ :اإليضاح i =الفاصلة xt = العاليةالنتيجة xr =النتيجة المنخفضة ki =درجة الفترة ٤٢ ٥٤ ٣ ٣ و يقسم الباحثة النتيجة إلى ٣من هذا الرموز ينال البحث الفاصلة وهي ذلك الجدول يعرف ومن . نقيص, كافي, جيد, أربعة طبقات هي جيد جدا :التكرار كما في الجدول اآلتي ainy faizah 57 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) التوزيع التكراري عن النتيجة و الدرجة حول تطبيق الطريقة . ٤الجدول المباشرة التكراري الفاصلة درجة الفترة النمرة ٩ ٤٩-٤٢ جيد جدا ۱ ۸ ٤٥-٤۸ جيد ٢ ۸ ٤۱-٤٣ كافي ٤ ٩ ٥٤-٤٠ نقيص ٣ ٤٣ الجملة المائة التكرارية عن النتيجة و الدرجة حول تطبيق الطريقة ثم بحثت الباحثة :المباشرة بإستخدام الرموز كما يلي :المعلومات p=النسبة المئوية f=فركونس n=عدد من المجيبين المستجيبين ٩و كان ٤٩-٤٢جعلت النتيجة " جيد جدا"طبقة . ۱ ٩ ٤٣ ٥ ٢٤ المستجيبين ۸و كان ٤٥-٤۸جعلت النتيجة " جيد"طبقة .٢ ۸ ٤٣ ٥ ٢٤ المستجيبين ۸و كان ٤۱-٤٣جعلت النتيجة " كافي"طبقة .٤ ۸ ٤٣ ٥ ٢٤ المستجيبين ٩و كان ٥٤-٤٠جعلت النتيجة " نقيص"طبقة .٣ ٩ ٤٣ ٥ ٢٤ :الجدول اآلتيوواضع لنا المئوية التكرارية في توزيع المائة التكرارية من نتيجة تطبيق الطريقة المباشرة. ٣الجدول ainy faizah 58 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) المائة التكراري الفاصلة درجة الفترة النمرة ٥ ٢٤ ٩ ٤٩-٤٢ جيد جدا ۱ ٥ ٢٤ ۸ ٤٥-٤۸ جيد ٢ ٥ ٢٤ ۸ ٤۱-٤٣ كافي ٤ ٥ ٢٤ ٩ ٥٤-٤٠ نقيص ٣ ۱٠٠ ٤٣ الجملة األول و الثانيالتحليل بين المتغير . ٤ أثر إنجاز تعلم اللغةالعربية " كان هدف التحليل الثالث في هذا البحث لمعرفة ". علي قدرة حفظ القرآن لدى طالب بمدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم تنجاران أو لتدّل تصحيح الفرضية المقترحة فهي وجود أثر إنجاز تعلم اللغةالعربية .علي قدرة حفظ القرآن الباحثة البيانات التي قد علمت في التحليل األول و الثاني الذين قد علما فتعلق في السابق يعنى نتيجة اإلمتحان في اللغة العربية وحصول األجوبة من .اإلستبيان عن طريقة المباشرة علي قدرة حفظ القرآن rxy = nσxy – (σx) (σy) √{nσx² – (σx)²} {nσy 2 – (σy) 2 } rxy = ٤٣x۱۸٢٠٥٠ – (٢۸۱٥) (٢۱٩٠) √{٤٣x٢٤٣٠۱٥ – (٢۸۱٥)²} {٤٣x۱٣۱٤٤٠– (٢۱٩٠) 2 } rxy = ٠,۸٩۱ حصلت نتيجة , بعد التحليل البيانات برموز فروداك مومن (rxy=)۸٩۱,ووافقت بجدول فروداك مومن ٠n=في رتب المغزي , ٤٣ أكبر ( rxy)إذا كان . ٣٤٤٣٠هو ۱%وأما رتب المغزي . ٤٤٩,٠هو ٥% .جدول فروداك مومن فا مقبول الفرضية المقترحة( r)من :جدول فروداك مومن هو( r)بالنسبة إلى ( rxy)حتي يقال بأن ۱%في رتب المغزي٣٤٤٣٠<٠,۸٩۱(۱ ainy faizah 59 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) ٥%في رتب المغزي ٤٤٩,٠<٠,۸٩۱( ٢ يوجد أثر إنجاز تعلم اللغةالعربية "الفرضية ومن التحليل السابق تعرف أن علي قدرة حفظ القرآن لدى طالب بمدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم أي يوجد أثر إنجاز تعلم اللغةالعربية علي قدرة حفظ القرآن . مقبول"تنجاران .لدى طالب بمدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم تنجاران اإلختتام . د تعلم اللغةالعربية علي قدرة حفظ القرآن لدى بعد أن تبحث الباحثة أثر إنجاز طالب بمدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم تنجاران فاستخلصت على األمور :اآلتية أثر إنجازتعلم اللغةالعربيةلدى طالب بمدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم . ۱ ۱٤عدد التكرار " جيّد جدا"تنال طبقة : فتعرف الخالصة كما يلي, تنجاران أو الدرجة ۱۱عدد التكرار " جيّد"طبقة , ٤٣٤۸% المئويةأو الدرجة ٤ ۱٣أو الدرجة المئوية ٥عدد التكرار " كافي"طبقة , ٤ ٤٢المئوية ٤ ۱٣أو الدرجة المئوية ۱٤عدد التكرار " نقيص"طبقة , , قدرة حفظ القرآن لدى طالب بمدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم تنجاران. ٢ المئوية أو الدرجة ٩عدد التكرار " جيّد جدا"تنال طبقة : فيعرف كما يلي طبقة , ٥ ٢٤أو الدرجة المئوية ۸عدد التكرار " جيّد"طبقة , ٥ ٢٤ عدد " نقيص"طبقة , ٥ ٢٤أو الدرجة المئوية ۸عدد التكرار " كافي" ٥ ٢٤أو الدرجة المئوية ٩التكرار ainy faizah 60 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) حفظ القرآن لدى طالب بمدرسة أثر إنجاز تعلم اللغةالعربية علي قدرة . ٤ ومن حصول البحث الذي : فيعرف كمايلي, المتوسطة نور اإلسالم تنجاران حصلت نتيجة , تتحلل الباحثة بطريقة اإلحصاء برموز فروداك مومن (rxy=)۸٩۱,ووافقت بجدول فروداك مومن ٠n=في رتب المغزي , ٤٣ أكبر ( rxy) إذا كان. ٣٤٤٣٠هو ۱%وأما رتب المغزي . ٤٤٩,٠هو ٥% .جدول فروداك مومن فا مقبول الفرضية المقترحة( r)من :جدول فروداك مومن هو( r)بالنسبة إلى ( rxy)حتي يقال بأن ۱%في رتب المغزي ٣٤٤٣٠<٠,۸٩۱( ۱ ٥%في رتب المغزي ٤٤٩,٠<٠,۸٩۱( ٢ , (r )< (rxy)جدول /( r)أكبر من ( rxy)ومن التحليل السابق يعرف أن لى ذلك تعرف بأّن توجد أثر إنجاز تعلم اللغةالعربية علي قدرة حفظ تأسيسا ع لذلك كانت . القرآنلدى طالب بمدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم تنجاران يعني أثر إنجاز تعلم اللغةالعربية علي , الفرضية التي قدمها الباحثة مقبول .قدرة حفظ القرآنلدى طالب بمدرسة المتوسطة نور اإلسالم تنجاران ainy faizah 61 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) المصادر والمراجع القرآن الكريم فوستكا : سماراثغ. تفسير القرآن الكريم الجاللين.اإلمامين ..م۱٩٩۱ ,الجليلين , العلومية دار : سعودية. كيف نتعامل مع القرآن الكريم .يوسف .م۱٩٩۸ ,لقرضاوى , الشروق تفسير المراغى صاحب الفضيلة األستاذ .احمد المراغى .ه۱٤٤٥ ,مصطفى , بكلية دار العلوم سابق: القاهرة .الكبير المرحوم الجزء العاشر المجلد الرابع تفسير المراغى صاحب الفضيلة األستاذ . احمد المراغى . ه۱٤٤٥ ,مصطفى , بكلية دار العلوم سابق: القاهرة .الكبير المرحوم الجزء العاشر المجلد التاسع , دار المشرق: لبنان. المنجد في اللغة و األعالم .لويس .م۱٩٠۸ ,فمعلو . أساسيات تعليم اللغة العربية والتربية الدينية .م۱٩۸۱ .يونس على فتحى ,دار الثقافة للطباقة والنشر: هرةالقا ainy faizah 62 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) alfaruqi, umar. 2014. 10 jurus dahsyat hafal al-quran rahasia sukses gemilang para hafizh quran. surakarta: ziyad book. alqaththan, manna. 1994. pengantar studi ilmu al-qur’an. jakarta :pustaka alkautsar. arifin, zainal. 2009. evaluasi pembelajaran. bandung: pt remaja rosdakarya. arikunto, suharsimi. 2010. prosedur penelitian: suatu pendekatan praktik. jakarta: pt rineka cipta, ash-shabuni, ali, muhammad. 2001. ikhtisar ulumul qur’an 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appears as a crucial phase of writing. moreover, it is caused by the emptiness of words set that are perfectly synonymous and can be interchangeable. in order that it leads the needed for meaning, sense and evocative value identification in the choice of the lexicon. furthermore, the main objective of this research is to examine the value (sense) of several lexicons, which means 'talking a lot' such as talkative, loquacious, chatty, gossipy, garrulous, talky, and conversational, by using cognitive-linguistic and corpus linguistic approaches. in this case, the researcher examined the lexicon values based on the distinguishing semantic features and semantic prosody of the lexicons. as a linguistic corpus study, this study involved a number of data derived from coca (corpus of contemporary american english), the oxford dictionary (online), and the merriam-webster dictionary (online). hence, this study found that the distinctive features of the lexicons are the subject, the object, the type of communication, the type of information, and the causes. therefore, the semantic prosody in translation practices applies in corpus-based approach translation. it can facilitate a translator to comprehend new words and improve the quality of translation work. keywords: semantic prosody; translation approach; coca; corpus; collocation. a. introduction vocabulary is a part of lexicogrammar that always represents the word choice of language user, and the ability of language user to mean a word (okeeffe et al., 2007). furthermore, the development of languages in the world appeared by the increasingly of vocabulary diversity. this diversity eventually led to the emergence of various words that have same relation meaning or synonym. the words, in addition, can be used to explain the same meaning, but cannot be truly exchanged one another. according to bloomfield (potter & ullmann, 1963), each form of language has a constant and andiani rezkita nabu 183 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) specific meaning. then, if the forms of language are phonemically different, they also have different meanings. in order that, the hypothesis about the existence of absolute synonym will be incompatible with the general view of language. consequently, it happens as the result of there are no synonym pairs that are perfectly same in meaning, which can be exchanged in all contexts without changing their objective meaning, taste, or evocative value (potter & ullmann, 1963). on the other hand, the lexicon choice is a very crucial part in formatting a sentence. this lexicon choice can lead to the emergence of positive or negative meanings. moreover, the existence of near synonym words sometimes leads to the vagueness in choosing words of arranging a sentence, especially for efl students. in addition, it will make efl students more complicated to arrange sentences. hence, it should lead to the needed of meaning, sense and evocative value identification in the choice of lexicon. regarding to differentiate each near synonym words, many researchers use the idea of semantic prosody or semantic preference through the collocation to help identifying the broad meaning of words (mcenery & wilson, 2001; nugroho, 2018; partington, 2004; prihantoro, 2015; xiao & mcenery, 2006). semantic prosody or semantic preference is a relationship between word lexeme and its meaning and it usually affects to the collocation and emotional factor of the hearer (partington, 2004; stubbs, 2001). in order that, semantic prosody also purposes for expressing language users’ attitude through words (biber & reppen, 2015). as far as the discussion about semantic prosody emerges, the corpus linguistic became a best source of data used for this problem (liu, 2010; nugroho, 2018; partington, 2004). instead of using other source of data, every words can be studied easily in corpora by concerning the words phraseological structure, words genre, words variety, and words frequency (charles, 2011). furthermore, the studies about differentiating near synonym had been done by many researchers. the first study is a study conducted by liu (2010) entitled “is it a chief, main, major, primary, or principal concern?: a corpus-based behavioral profile study of the near-synonyms”. this study is intended to examine the internal semantic feature of five near synonym words namely chief, main, major, primary, and principal. this study finally affirmed the use of behavioral profile approach in corpus study. andiani rezkita nabu 184 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) prihantoro (2015) with his study entitled "semantic prosody of words of effects in indonesian". this study aimed to examine the semantic prosody of the meaningful entries of words mean ‘effects’ such as hasil, efek, konsekuensi, dampak and akibat by using corpus linguistic approach . from this research, it was found that only the word hasil has a positive prosody. meanwhile, the word konsekuensi has a positive, and the derivation of akibat, dampak, and efek has a positive and negative prosody. however, akibat, dampak, and efek are more likely to have a negative tendency than positive tendency (prihantoro, 2015). in addition, another research has also been done by yuliawati (2016) with her research entitled “profil semantik nomina perempuan dalam korpus majalah berbahasa sunda (majalah mangle, 1958 – 2013)”. this study discussed the collocation and meaning of some sundanese words such as awewe, istri, mojang, pemajikan, and wanoja by using corpus linguistic approach. as a corpus linguistic study, this study found that the use of words has different frequencies. however, by considering the collocations, each word is always associated with certain topics (yuliawati, 2016). nugroho (2018) in his study also give another example of semantic prosody study through corpus. the study entitled “a corpus linguistics investigation of two nearsynonymous words: rich and wealthy” is emerged from the english learners’ confusion to some near synonym words. in order that, although rich and wealthy shared some semantic features but they cannot exchangeable in certain context (nugroho, 2018). another research has been carried out by zahradeen (2020) entitled “componential analysis of english ‘crying’ terms”. this study was intended to find out the distinctive features of ‘crying’ terms through componential analysis. therefore, the presence and absence of features can influence the meaning of words (tijjani zahradeen, 2020). the development of semantic prosody studies also has been done by sanguan-boon & tangkiengsirsin (2019) entitled “a semantic prosody and grammatical patterns analysis of near-synonym pair quit and stop in the coca”. this study aimed to find out the semantic prosody and grammatical pattern of near synonym words namely quit and stop. therefore, the study found that quit and stop had neutral semantic prosody, but they cannot be used interchangeably because they had some different grammatical patterns (treechayawong et al., 2019). andiani rezkita nabu 185 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) hwungsookkasem & sompong (2019) (in treechayawong et al., 2019) in their study entitled “a corpus-based study of english synonym: goal, purpose, and aim” is another newest study about semantic prosody through near synonym words. this study focused on investigating the similarities and differences of three synonym words namely goal, purpose, and aim. the similarities and differences of the words were examined by concerning the meaning aspects, grammatical patterns, and collocations of words. in this case, the data from corpus of contemporary american english (coca) were compared with lexical meaning in some dictionaries. finally, it found that the synonym word namely goal, purpose, and aim had some shared similar grammatical patterns and collocations. however, they also had some different grammatical patterns and special collocations for each word. based on the description above, the study entitled semantic prosody analysis of ‘talking a lot’ words is different with some previous study above. therefore, this study aimed to examine and focus on the lexicon values of words ‘talking a lot’, such as talkative, loquacious, chatty, gossipy, garrulous, talky, and conversational. the lexicon values will be concerned on distinguishing semantic features and semantic prosody of the lexicon. in order that, this study will give a new insight of the use of near synonym words ‘talking a lot’ based on the aura of the lexicon through the appropriate genre and appropriate context. b. research method the term of prosody in corpus linguistic studies refers to the tendency of a word towards positive or negative meaning (mcenery & hardie, 2011). meanwhile, the attribute 'semantics' is usually added to the word 'prosody' for emphasizing that the prosody depends on the context of the sentence, and it is also influenced by word features and their collocation (prihantoro, 2015). hence, louw (stewart, 2009) states that semantic prosody is the aura of meaning that is consistently formed based on the collocation of words and determined by the lexicon or grammar. in providing data, researchers used data from corpus of contemporary american english (coca) (corpus of contemporary american-english (coca), n.d.) and compile it with the data from the oxford dictionary online (definitions, meanings, synonyms, and grammar by oxford dictionary on, n.d.) and the andiani rezkita nabu 186 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) merriam-webster dictionary online (dictionary by merriam-webster: america’s most-trusted online dictionary, n.d.). in this case, corpus of contemporary american english (coca) became the primary source of data, and the oxford dictionary online & the merriam-webster dictionary online became the secondary data to support the data from coca. additionally, the dictionaries were used for bring the literal meaning into the discussions. in order to use another corpus data, this study preferred using coca based on some considerations. firstly, coca is the largest english corpus that contains amount of data in different genres such as spoken language, academic writing, newspapers, fiction, magazines, and etc. however it contains million corpus data, it is free and accessible by every people. besides, the corpus data are updated regularly in order that it suits as a main source of data, especially for studying the current use of english words in many genres. furthermore, the data are analyzed in two ways, namely analyzing the words by using componential analysis, and analyzing the collocation that exists between lexicons. in the first step, this study used componential analysis to find out the meaning and the distinctive meaning between words. moreover, the meaning of words from the oxford dictionary online and the merriam-webster dictionary online will be analyzed by concerning the distinctive feature of words. after that, to make the deep analysis of words this study compiles it with collocation analysis in coca. in this case, the semantic prosody will be seen in lexical index and lexical profiles which are in corpus linguistics. in exploring the corpus, the investigation will focus on identifying semantic collocations and preferences that are usually accessed through word profiles or concordance. according to hoey (stewart, 2009), collocation is a term used to describe the relationship between a lexical part and parts that appear regularly in a textual context. in other words, firth (stewart, 2009) implied that collocation is basically quantitative, entailing statistical significance and not only a juxtaposition. after that, the data can be analyzed at the level of semantic prosody. finally, the results and discussions will be presented in a combination of simple statistics, tables, collocation data, and qualitative descriptions. andiani rezkita nabu 187 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) c. findings and discussion findings based on searches in the merriam-webster and oxford dictionaries, it was found that the meaning of talkative, loquacious, chatty, gossipy, garrulous, conversational, and talky lexicon can be seen in the table below. table 1.the meaning of lexicons 'talking a lot' from the data collections, it was found that the characteristics of shared meaning components in the lexicon of talkative , loquacious, chatty, gossipy, garrulous, conversational, talky, were [+subject animate] [+subject single-plural] [animate-inanimate object] [single-plural object] [one way communication]. in other side, some distinctive features that distinguish the near-synonym words that mean ' talking a lot', were in words meaning 1 (merriamwebster) meaning 2 (oxford) talkative tending to talk a lot or to enjoy having conversations with people fond of or given to talking. loquacious liking to talk and talking smoothly and easily tending to talk a great deal talkative. chatty tending to talk a lot; fond of chatting, having an informal style that is similar to friendly speech readily engaging in informal talk; (of a conversation, letter, etc.) informal and lively. gossipy characterized by, full of, or given to gossip characterized by casual conversation or reports about other people; derogatory enjoying talking about other people's private lives garrulous fond of talking or conversation pointlessly or annoyingly talkative excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters conversational tending to do informal talk involving two people or a small group of people as used in conversation not formal; consisting of or relating to conversation. talky tending or wanting to talk having a lot of talking (of a film, play, novel, etc.) containing a great deal of talk or dialogue; (of a person) inclined to talk at length; talkative andiani rezkita nabu 188 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) terms of the subject (actor), object (patient), type of communication, and the type of information involved, and causes of communication as shown in the appendix 1. discussion semantic prosody to determine the semantic prosody of the lexicon such as talkative, loquacious, chatty, gossipy, garrulous, conversational, talky, the data are analyzed by looking at the collocation around the lexicon. as louw (stewart, 2009) stated that a semantic prosody is established through some familiar themes such as the consistency of semantic collocation, and the attitudinal function of semantic prosody. in other words, a semantic prosody appears as the result of the relationship between the word and the collocates. in this case, three types of prosody were found in this study, namely positive prosody, negative prosody, and neutral prosody. a. positive prosody (amelioration) positive prosody as the meaning that generated in speech which is positive or as same as its expected (prihantoro, 2015) . in this case the lexicon that has a positive sense or prosody among others is talkative, loquacious, chatty, and talky. in the coca corpus, the word talkative is widely used in fiction and newspapers genre rather than in oral, magazine, and academic genre. furthermore, by considering its significant collocates, it can be grouped into a number of forms, for instance, those which is related to gender (lady), and manner means (friendly, lively, cooperative, cheerful, energetic, relaxed). consequently, it shows that talkative is relate to woman more than to man. andiani rezkita nabu 189 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) figure 1. general collocates of talkative on the other hand, the data about top twenty collocates of talkative shows that it collocates with some adjectives such as friendly, outgoing, cooperative, lively, energetic, and cheerful. the collocation in this lexicon shows that the collocations are positive in extreme, because it does not collaborate with negative meaningful adjectives. as a result, talkative can be categorized as in positive prosody (amelioration). the same thing is also seen in loquacious, which is more widely used in the genre of magazines and newspapers than in spoken, fiction, and academic genre. the general collocates of loquacious can be seen on the table below. figure 2. general collocates of loquacious andiani rezkita nabu 190 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) in addition, by considering the general collocates above, collocates can be grouped into several groups such as, words related to gender (i.e ladies), words related to speech (i.e articulate, silent, affable, speechless, candid, pause, normally, loud), and words related to communication objects (i.e vendor, companion). in order that, it shows that loquacious is an adjective which relates to woman than man. furthermore, it usually speaks of something in real with normal articulation and occurs in two way communication. specifically, loquacious looks more collocating with other adjectives, such as articulate, candid, affable, silent, and speechless. in order that, there is not negative meaningful words are found around this lexicon. as well as talkative and loquacious, chatty is also categorized in positive prosody. it usually used in fiction and newsletters genre, compared to spoken, magazines, and academic genre. then, the general collocates of chatty can be seen on the table below. figure 3. general collocation of chatty furthermore, by considering the general collocates above, collocates can be grouped into several groups such as, words related to the subject (i.e. girl, guy, driver, letters, phone), words related to speech (i.e. friendly, normally, outgoing, relaxed, casual), and words related to the object of conversation (i.e. mood, style). based on this classification, it shows that chatty is not only related to women, but also men. the andiani rezkita nabu 191 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) meaning of the speech in this adjective is a simple and familiar style of speech. in order, the conversation is becoming relaxed. specifically, lexicon chatty more collocating with other adjectives such as, friendly, cheerful, charming, casual, downright, outgoing. as a result, it categorized in positive prosody because it is surrounded by positive meaningful adjectives. finally, another lexicon that has a positive prosody is talky. this lexicon is more widely used in magazines and fiction genre than in spoken language, letter, and academic genre. the general collocates of talky can be seen on the table below. figure 4. general collocation of talky moreover, by considering the general collocates of talky, they can be grouped in words related to purpose (i.e. play, socialism), words related to the way (i.e. long, static, engaging, surprisingly, along, badinage-based), words related to object form (i.e. comedy, over the heads, anecdote-shares-in, docudrama),and words related to the subject (i.e. somebody, aides). in order that, talky emphasizes the features speaking method used rather than the gender preferences of subject. then, it usually relates to the objects of comedy, anecdotes and drama. additionally, the adjectives collocations of talky are only static, long, engaging, talky, walky. moreover the adjectives only contained positive meanings. therefore, talky is categorized as a positive prosody lexicon. andiani rezkita nabu 192 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) b. neutral prosody prihantoro (2015) states that the neutral prosody is an aura meaning which is neutral generated. based on the data, it was found that some lexicon 'talking a lot' which has neutral prosody are garrulous and conversational. firstly, garrulous is more used in fiction and magazine genre than in other genres. the general collocates of garrulous can be seen on the table below. figure 5. general collocates of garrulous as a result of considering the general collocates of garrulous, they can be grouped into several groups such as words related to the cause of the conversation (i.e. nature, drunk, personality), words related to the subject conversation (i.e. old, man, veteran, uncle), words related to speech (i.e. articulate, positively, vague, relaxed, sociable, friendly), and words related to the frequency of events (i.e. usual, normally, extraordinarily).in order that, it shows that garrulous is mostly done by older men than women. usually this trait arises purely because of the personality of the object. however, specifically the adjectives around garrulous are usual, friendly, relaxed, old, drunk. on the other hand, there are three adjectives in positive meaning, namely usual, friendly, and relaxed. meanwhile old, drunk, are considered in negative meaning. in order that, garrulous can be a flexible lexicon because it can be positive or negative. therefore, this lexicon is categorized as a neutral prosody lexicon. andiani rezkita nabu 193 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) figure 6. general collocates of conversational as well as garrulous, conversational is also categorized in neutral prosody. this lexicon is more widely used in the academic magazines genre rather than others. this lexicon is surrounded by its significant collocates that can be grouped into words related to speech features (i.e. tone, speech, style, language, skills, voice, topic), words related to speech forms (i.e. narrative, samples, interaction, interview, task, gambits), words related to place (i.e. interface), and words related to language (i.e. english, spanish). in order that, conversational emphasizes the speaking features used rather than the gender preferences. then, the general collocates of conversational can be seen on the table below. in addition, the surrounded adjectives of conversational are english, spanish. in order that, conversational lexicon tends to be neutral in nature because it is surrounded by adjectives that are neither positive nor negative. hence, it cannot be in positive or negative prosody adjectives, but rather in neutral. andiani rezkita nabu 194 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) c. negative prosody (pejoration) negative prosody refers to an aura of lexicon which has negative meaning or not as expected. in this study, it was found that there is only one lexicon that has negative prosody, namely gossipy. gossipy is used more in fiction and magazine genre than other genre. as a result of considering the general collocates of gossipy, they can be grouped into words related to place (i.e. magazine, lunches, book, account, industry), words related to the form of conversation (i.e. conversation, written, writing), words related to subject of conversation (i.e. seller, neighbor), and words related to negative issues (i.e. tidbits, fussy, notoriously, superficial, erotic, weakness). in order that, it shows that gossipy is mostly done in the neighborhood and sellers. in this lexicon, gender preference is not dominant. furthermore, the speech form is not only in oral form, but also in written form. moreover, the content of this talk is usually negative issue based on the general collocations. however, gossipy categorized in negative prosody as a result of the negative adjective collocations around it. in addition, the adjectives are superficial, erotic, and fussy. the implications of semantic prosodies through translation practices talking about the aura of near-synonym or words semantic prosody is always related to translation studies and practices. in this case, the implication of semantic prosody can be seen in the use of corpus-based approach in translation practice. it can figure 7. general collocates of gossipy andiani rezkita nabu 195 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) be used in world level translation and also above word level translation. corpus-based approach in translation is usually not only used for investigating the difference between the source language text and target language text, but how genres affect the translation work (zanettin, 2014). as well as above, the semantic prosody’s implication through translation practice also shows in the analysis of semantic prosody in near-synonym ‘talking a lot’ words. in this talk, the collocations of words can show some systematic features of words. furthermore, the aura or connotative meaning of near-synonym words obtained by corpus-based approach is indirectly showed that the corpus-based approach can be used well as an option in translation practice. therefore, the translators cannot only transfer word per word meanings, but also the values and cultures within the words. due to above, the corpus-based approach is not only able to detect and analyze the systematic features of translation, but also can identify and provide the appropriate tools to test norms and regularities hypotheses in translated texts (zanettin, 2014). the example of corpus-based approach in translating practice ‘talking a lot’ word can be seen on the table below. table 2. example of gossipy corpus-based translation word collocation related to place related to conversation form related to conversation subject related to negative issues gossipy magazine, lunches, book, account, industry conversation, written, writing seller, neighbor tidbits, fussy, notoriously, superficial, erotic, weakness the word gossipy above is not only translated as a casual conversation, but it transfers some values and auras of word such as its genre, form, subject, and negative values. in order that, gossipy can be translated as a casual conversation which is used more in magazine genre than other genre. it has usually done by the neighbor and sellers, meanwhile the content always relates to negative issue. along with the discussion of semantic prosody implication through translation practice was emerged, the corpus methodology in translation practice was first introduced by baker in 1993 (baker, 2018). baker suggested that translation study and andiani rezkita nabu 196 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) practice can be done well by elucidating translated text through its construction, in order that the observations can be done through the relative frequencies of specific words, word classes, collocations and lexico-syntactic structures (malmkjær, 2018). however, the translation approach is not basically well-developed in indonesia translation practice. this is because it requires more technologies in translating text, such as some corpus data (coca, bnc, coha, glowbe), computer-assisted rranslation software, antconc, sketch engine, and etc. in addition, the corpus-based approach is generally mastered by advanced translators more than by beginner translators. hence, corpusbased approach is very feasible to use in indonesia translation studies and practice. for this reason, it is useful to facilitate foreign language learner and foreign language translator in comprehending new words. identically, corpus-based approach can improve the quality of translation work, especially the accuracy level in meaning transference. d. conclusions to sum up, all near-synonym adjectives which mean ‘talking a lot’ are not in perfect synonym. they have to be used agree with the context. based on the research above, it can be concluded that the distinctive features of the adjectives mean 'talking a lot' are subjects, objects, types of communication, types of information, and causes of communication. besides, some lexicon such as talkative, loquacious, chatty, and talky are categorized as lexicon which have positive prosody in extreme. moreover, garrulous and conversational are neutral, because they can be positive or negative depending on the context. on the other hand, gossipy is the only lexicon that tends to have negative prosody. hence, the words semantic prosody is always related to translation studies and practices through corpus-based approach. it 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + furqon edi wibowo 213 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) volume 5, nomor 2, agustus 2020 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) mind mapping: a strategy to enhance students’ english grammatical structure furqon edi wibowo iain surakarta, indonesia abstract the goal of this review was to study about the implementation of mind mapping in teaching grammar in the second semester of students of the department of english education at iain surakarta. observation and documentation were the instruments for collecting the data. these instruments were used to collect data on the mind mapping process in grammar teaching, problems and solutions. the data analysis technique started with data reduction, data display and verification. first, the findings revealed that the implementation of mind mapping in teaching grammar was only used to provide an overview of the material. it was developed by elaborating, questioning, and responding techniques or methods for transferring the material. mind mapping made the students active in giving feedback and become a measure in assessing how far the students understood the material during the teaching-learning process, the students were very eager to analyze the material using mind mapping. it could be seen from their direct reactions during the teaching-learning process and observed the work of the student in the classroom. second, there are some advantages to using mind mapping in grammar teaching. they were; (1) giving students an overview of the concept of grammar material; (2) making grammar easier to understand; and (3) helping students to easily memorize the concept of english grammatical structure. keywords : mind mapping; english grammar. a. introduction the effective way of how to teach grammar has become a crucial attention in the language teaching and learning history. many practitioners have been considering the issue of what the best way of teaching grammar to the students (suseno & setyawan 2014). english grammar, as one of the english components, is very important in learning language. when the students master the english grammar well, they will be able to construct correct sentences and to communicate effectively. moreover, without furqon edi wibowo 214 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) adequate grammar knowledge, learners’ language development will be severely constrained. grammar is the system of structural devices by which a language organizes meaning. concerning with the structure, it is the basic knowledge and skill for understanding the language naturally constructed and used. it involves the combination and arrangement of the phrases, clauses or sentences. in our daily speaking and writing we can not deny that structure leads us to construct sentences which are grammatically correct to convey our message, ideas, and information. a student must know for certain that he speaks correct and good english or to know whether or not the sentence pattern is correct, he must know the rules of english or its grammar because english grammar is the key to proficiency. it indicates that grammar plays a significant role in communication since it shows how language is used (ismail, 2010). grammar, regardless of the country or the language, is the foundation for communication. it means the better the grammar, the clearer the message, the more likelihood of understanding the message’s intent and meaning. his opinion is logical because if learners master english grammar, they will send good messages which can be accepted well by readers (bradshaw, 2013). teaching grammar has always been one of the most controversial and least understood aspects of language teaching. few teachers mean indifferent to grammar and many teachers become obsessed by it (nunan, 2003). in recent years, teaching grammar has regained its rightful place in language curriculum. people agree that grammar is too important to be ignored and that without a good knowledge of grammar, learner’s language development will be severely contained (richard, 2002). however, most students of indonesia have difficulties in learning grammar. as stated by onesty and fitrawati (2013), grammar is central to the teaching and learning of languages yet it also one of the most difficult aspects of language that is not easy to be taught. according to richard and reppen (2014), language learners may have spent many times for practicing the rules of correct sentence formation yet they still lack the ability of using grammar as a resource in communication. realizing the obstacles of learning grammar, many researchers proposed interesting ways to teach english grammar to the students. commonly, the use of media or the use of certain techniques is commonly used by practitioners as variation of furqon edi wibowo 215 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) teaching to help students’ learning. in the efl context, practically in grammar teaching, the students are taught rules of language using grammar translation method, in which the learners are provided with the grammar rules and the examples and are told to memorize them, and then are asked to apply the rules to the other examples (widodo, 2006). based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that grammar is the foundation for communication. it is the system of structural devices by which a language organizes meaning.teaching grammar is important and not easy. it is the basic skill for lecturer to improve the students writing and speaking skill in english. students can be bored if the lecturer used wrong technique to teach them. one of interesting techniques that can be apllied to teach it is mind mapping. it is very interesting technique to teach grammar. mind mapping is usually used by lecturer to teach writing due to generating the idea. however, it can be apllied in teaching grammar. mind mapping was first introduced by tony buzan, a british popular psychologist, in 1970 based on his reasearch of how brain works. it is a thinking tool or a concept which ilustrates how the human brain processes various thoughts and information that are related to each other (buzan 2005; davies 2011). it is a diagram used to visually portray the realtionship between ideas, words, or other items around a central idea or keyword. it has structure that radiates from the center, using curved lines, symbols, words, color, and images. it starts with a central key idea drawn in the center of paper. other thoughts related to the key idea are arranged around the center with lines branching out from the main idea to the subtopics to show that they are linked to one another. by focusing on key ideas written down by the students’ own words, and then looking for connections related to the key ideas, in which colors, images, symbols, and curved lines are used, the students are able to map their knowledge in a manner which can help them understand and remember new information. hence, teachers could use mind mapping in a number of practical ways to make teaching and learning easier and more enjoyable (suseno & setyawan 2014). mind maps encourage a brainstorming approach to planning and organizational tasks freely. though the branches of a mind map represent hierarchical tree structures, their radial arrangement disrupts the prioritizing of concepts typically associated with hierarchies presented with more linear visual cues. this orientation towards furqon edi wibowo 216 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) brainstorming encourages users to enumerate and connect concepts without a tendency to begin within a particular conceptual framework (suyanto, 2015). in addition, mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing. buzan and abbot (2010) stated that mind mapping is an easy way to place information to brain and take information out from brain. so, mind mapping is creative and effective way to transfer information from write and will map your mind by a simple way. when we study on grammar, we need our writing skill and reading skill to analysis the structure of grammar material. using mind mapping method in grammar will increase writing and reading ability because mind map helps students to learn, arrange, and store information in their brain. information can be illustrated with symbols, words, color, image, links and attachments’ to add context. actually, every student cannot depress in understanding the structure of grammar material. mind mapping can help children in memorizing, making a better notes in their text book, rising the idea, saving their time in order understand the material, and rising their concentration with the material. all mind mapping is using color and the form is radiant thinking. all mind maps have nature structure which sprays from the center. by lines, symbols, words, or pictures which related in simply, basic, nature series with brain. using mind map, long list information could change into colorful diagram, well regulate and easy to memorize (buzan, 2005). mind maps or graphic organizer identifies important elements of an event or story the connections among those elements. since it involves association of ideas, this graphic organizer can evoke a great deal of information and helps student’s group ideas (roberts, 2004). according to buzan (2010), there are numerous studies providing overwhelming evidence verifying the science behind mind mapping. it is the striking combination of imagery, color and visual-spatial arrangement, which is proven to significantly improve information recall, compared to conventional method of note taking learning. mind mapping can help children recall words more effectively that using list, with improvements in memory of up to 32%. so, the students can use mind mapping methods to get deep meaning the grammar structure. furqon edi wibowo 217 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) mind mapping has been used in a variety of language teaching. yen (2010) implemented mind map in his teaching learning process as a visual media that allowed the student to brainstorm, arrange, memorize new information and helped the students stimulate their logic of thinking practices. he further said that mind mapping could help the students alleviate their language anxiety. another research by riswanto and putra (2012) investigated the use of mind mapping on the students’ writing achievement at sman 3 bengkulu, indonesia. the result reported that the use of mind mapping significantly improved the students’ writing achievement. a study by al-jarf (2009) confirms that mind mapping software offers a powerful approach for improving the ability of anyone to generate, visualize and organize ideas. the subject taking part in the study reported that the mind mapping tool encouraged creative thinking and they became faster at generating and organizing ideas for their writing. furthermore, al-jarf (2011), in his research, explained how mind mapping software could be integrated in efl courses in order to help the students improve their pronunciation skills. another research aimed at investigating the effectiveness of mind mapping on vocabularies learning and exploring the students’ attitude towards the use of mind mapping was carried out by munsakorn (2012). the result from this research revealed that mind mapping had a significant effect on vocabulary learning, and it also encouraged the students to learn english language. however, although there are a number of researches concerning the use of mind mapping in language teaching, it seems that the implementation of mind mapping in teaching grammar still lack of empirical studies.this technique usualy applies in teaching writing and reading. mind mapping is one of teaching technique that can be applied in grammar activity in order to make students easy to remember the structure of the material. for that, it is why the researcher is very interested in studying mind mapping in teaching grammar. the research question of the current study was formulated as “how is the implementation of mind mapping to enhance students’ english grammatical structure?” furqon edi wibowo 218 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) b. research method in this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research that focused on mind mapping in teaching grammar. the researcher collected the data, made an analysis and conclusion. qualitative research is a type of research which does not include any calculation or numbering. it is a research procedure, which produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words from people and their behavior that are observed (moleong, 2004). qualitative research attacks issues differently from the way outlined above. it is based on the fundamental idea that “reality” is subjective: every human being constructs an individual, personal view of the world on the basis of his or her specific interactions with the external world (including the people who are part of this world). as a result, much of what a person, including researchers, regards as reality actually consists of a set of impressions, inferences and opinions in the person’s mind (cropley, 2019). the data are analyzed by using content analysis. according to guba and lincoln (2004) content analysis is an analysis using any technique that is used to draw a conclusion by discovering message characteristics objectively and systematically. according to leedy (1980) research is the manner in which we attempt to solve problems in a systematic effort to push back the frontiers of human ignorance or to confirm the validity of the solution. it means that research is a way of thinking. it is way of looking at accumulate fact so that those data can become meaningful in the total process of discovering. content analysis is a widely used qualitative research technique. rather than being a single method, current applications of content analysis show three distinct approaches: conventional, directed, or summative. all three approaches are used to interpret meaning from the content of text data and, hence, adhere to the naturalistic paradigm. the major differences among the approaches are coding schemes, origins of codes, and threats to trustworthiness. in conventional content analysis, coding categories are derived directly from the text data. with a directed approach, analysis starts with a theory or relevant research findings as guidance for initial codes. a summative content analysis involves counting and comparisons, usually of keywords or furqon edi wibowo 219 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) content, followed by the interpretation of the underlying context (hsieh and shanon, 2005). based on the definition of the qualitative research above, the researcher will describe the concept of mind mapping in teaching grammar and find out the advantages of it to the students. the data of this research are in the form of words. the researcher takes the data from the grammar class in the second semester students. the researcher used observation, interview and documents as the methods of collecting the data. the researcher used descriptive analysis as the methods of data analysis. according miles and huberman (1984: 21-23), there are three kinds activity of data analysis; they are reduction, data display, anddrawing conclusion. these components cannot be separated. they bond each other in the data collecting process. once the researcher makes a complete field note, the researcher does data reduction, and continues to develop temporary data display. by examining data display in matrices, table, or graphic, the researcher attempts consideration to reach temporary conclusion. these processes flexibility continue and develop until the steadines and confidence of data and reiteration are reached. descriptive analyses are central to almost every research project. whether the goal is to identify and describe trends and variation in populations, create new measures of key phenomena, or simply describe samples in studies aimed at identifying causal effects, descriptive analyses are part of almost every empirical paper and report. some studies provide excellent descriptive analyses that are clearly focused on relevant aspects of a phenomenon. unfortunately, other descriptive studies do little to provide relevant information, instead presentinga range off acts only tangentially related to the topic athand. to beuseful as an applicationof the scientific method both the goals and the findings of descriptive work should be clear (loeb and susan, 2017). c. findings and discussion findings this part consisted of research findings and discussions of the research. the researcher examined the data and explained the data based on the theory provided. the data source were taken from the observation, interview and document in teaching furqon edi wibowo 220 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) learning process of the grammar class at the second semester students of english education department. to find the result, the data describe the process of mind mapping in teaching grammar that was used by lecturer at the second semester students of english education department. the researcher described the implementation of mind mapping in teaching grammar. the researcher analyzed the process of the teaching learning using mind mapping and the researcher explained the advantages of it for the students. the use of mind mapping technique was as a help to give an overview the grammar material. in fact, students were easy to understand the concept of the grammar material and helped them to understand thematerial rapidly and easily. a. the process of mind mapping in teaching grammar 1) classroom activity in the previous part that has been mentioned, richard and renandya (2002) stated that people agree that grammar is too important to be ignored and that without a good knowledge of grammar, learner’s language development will be severely contained. grammar is very difficult to be understood by the students when they do not know the function of the grammar itself in the english language application. so, lecturer should have effective technique to teach and transfer information from the grammar material, such as by using mind mapping. buzan and abbot (2010) state that mind mapping is an easy way to transfer information to brain and take information out from brain. before the researcher analyzed the process of teaching grammar using mind mapping, researcher wanted to describe the process of the teaching learning in the classroom. it started from opening, main activity and closing as bellow: table 1. learning activity name activities identification time opening a. greeting lecturer said salam “assalamualaikum.wr.wb” to all students and they answered it “wassalamualaikum.wr.wb” 15 minutes b. praying together the lecturer asked the students to pray together before checking the furqon edi wibowo 221 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) attendance of the students c. checking the attendance of the students the lecturer called one by one the name of students, then the students raised their hand or say “presence or yes, sir” to code them there d. focusing on the topic and giving them the concept of mind mapping the lecturer reviewed the previous material and then told the specific topic in this meeting and wrote the concept of mind mapping on the white board e. explaining the purpose of the learning after the lecturer had written down the material, the lecturer explained more about concept of mind mapping related to the specific material main activity lecturer activity students activity 60 minutes 1. observing the lecturer delivered a mind mapping to give them a brief overview related to the material that would be discussed 1. observing the students tried to analyze the concept of mind mapping 2. questioning the lecturer asked some questions to know how far their understanding the concept of mind mapping; 2. questioning the students tried to give the feedback about it 3. exploring the lecturer expalined in detail about the concept of mind mapping related to the specific material; 3. exploring the students tried to get understanding about the material that is explained by the lecturer; 4. associating the lecturer gave some exercises related to the material and did a discussion about it; 4. associating the students practiced the exercise that were lied in the book and do a discussion with the lecturer; 5. communicating the lecturer ordered the students to give some notes about the problems related to the materials. 5. communicatng the students took some notes related to the material so that they will clearly understand about it. furqon edi wibowo 222 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) closing a. reviewing materials lecturer asked the students about the material, it is to know students understand or not. then students answered or asked again for the difficult material which they can’t be understood. 15 minutes b. giving an overview about the next topic lecturer gave explanation again for the topic and asked them to study anymore about the material in their home. then lecturer gives overview for the next topic. c. praying and salam lecturer asked to the students to pray together and close the meeting. lecturer say “wassalamualaikum wr wb” based on the table above, it can be explainedthat the process of the teaching learning in the classroom run effectively. based on the lesson plan, it can be said that the lecturer made the students more active and creative in the classroom. the lecturer gave the material using mind mapping to give a brief overview for the student. it is necessary for english lecturer to make grammar material interested so that the students can improve their grammatical structure. the lecturer also asked some questions in the main activity. those made the students active and he would know well how far the students understood the material. the mind mapping gave smart description about the material easily. they just wrote the main point for the material and the students could explore the material. if students are confused, the lecturer explained in details about the material started from the definition, characteristic, etc. 2) mind mapping guidelines then researcher explains about the mind mapping process in teaching learning grammar compare with the theory. the guidelines as follow: furqon edi wibowo 223 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) table 2. mind mapping guidelines no. busan guidelines yes no 1. beginning in the center with an image of the topic, using at least 3 colors. v 2. use image, symbols, codes, and dimensions throughout your mind map. v 3. select key words and print using upper or lower case letters. v 4. each word/image is best alone and sitting on its own line. v 5. the lines should be connected, starting from the central image. the central lines are thicker, organic and thinner as they radiate out from the center. v 6. make the lines the same length as the word/image they support. v 7. use multiple colors throughout the mind map for visual stimulation and also to encode or group. v 8. develop your own personal style of mind mapping. v 9. use emphasis and shoe associations in your mind map. v 10. keep the mind map clear by using radial hierarchy, numerical order or outlines embrace your branches v based on the table, the process of mind mapping started from the center ideas and works in one center and some line to transfer main idea but in grammar class the lecturer didn’t use a picture to transfer the material. the lecturer used three different colors of boardmarker to explain the material. the colors were used to give a visual stimulation to make the material easy to understand. the lined was representation of the specific topic and sub topic in the material. transferring these visual ideas into words, phrase or structure of grammar became easier to memorize and made them clearly to understand the material. 3) characteristic of mind mapping table 3. characteristic of mind mapping no. four important characteristic of mind mapping 1. the subject is represented by a central image. 2. the main themes of the subject radiate from the central image. 3. minor themes are linked to the main themes. 4. all the branches are connected forming a modal structure. furqon edi wibowo 224 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) the characteristic of mind mapping in the grammar class used words symbol, color and linked by lines but without a picture. the lecturer just represented the material using word symbols, lines and different colors of boardmarker. 4) mind mapping in teaching grammar picture 1. diagram of mind mapping in teaching grammar picture 2. diagram of mind mapping in teaching grammar furqon edi wibowo 225 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) based on the images above, it can be concluded that the lecturer gave a brief overview related to the material. the lecturer gave some pointsto make the students interesting in the material and explained more by combining other techniques. in fact, using mind mapping, the material of the grammatical structure had been easier to understand for the students. the lecturer also emphasized the difficulty of the material in grammar and asked some questions to know how far their understanding about the material. the aimed was that the students could give a feedback of the material. if the students didn’t understand the concept of grammar material by using mind mapping, the lecturer expalined it again. discussion mind mapping is one of a good technique in teaching grammar. the researcher found that mind mapping could be appliedwell in the grammar class at the second semester student of english education department. based on the basic competence for the second semester of english education department at grammar class, the students dealed withsome kinds of grammar materials such as: noun phrase; adjective phrase; verb phrase; gender and infinitive; participial phrase; present tense; past tense; and future tense. students must have all capabilities in grammar. they should be able to memorize the conceptof mind mapping in the grammar materials. mind mapping is an easy way to place information to brain and take information out from brain. mind map helped students to learn, arrange, and store information in their brain. information can be illustrated with symbols, words, color, image, links and attachments’ to add context. it is helpful for visual learners as they illustrated tools that assist with managing thought, directing learning, and making connections. based on the data above, the researcher analyzed the process of mind mapping technique and it was comparedby the theory. the data were compared with the observation and the lesson plan. in the data, the students used mind mapping startedfrom the central ideas and worked in one line to explore the main idea. in teaching learning process the lecturer used three different colors of boardmaker to create the line or draw the reflection of each imaginative line represented to the topic. in grammar class the lecturer also wrote the main topic and gave the important points to give an overview the material. the lecturer explained the material started from the definition, characteristic, pattern and etc. mind mapping was stimulated the students to furqon edi wibowo 226 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) learn more interesting in line with the material. then lecturer also asked some questions to know how far their understanding the material and students tried to give the feedbacks. after the students understoodthe material, the lecturer also gave some exercises related to the material and started to give a discussion with the students about it. the students practiced the exercises and start to discuss about it. mind mapping could be combined with lecturing, questioning and responding (active learning) in classroom activity. mind mapping was applied in grammar only to give them a brief description and make the material easy to be transfered. in fact, mind mapping helped the student understand easily the material. d. conclusions after finishing this research, the researcher found that mind mapping could be applied in teaching grammar. this technique was very helpful for the students to memorize and understand the concept of the grammar material. mind mapping could be applied in any levels of the students. by delivering the mind mapping in teaching grammar, in fact the students were very enthusiastic during the teaching learning process. after analyzing the data, the researcher found that mind mapping was very interested to be applied in teaching grammar. in fact, the mind mapping made students active to give a feedback and it could be known as well how far the students understood the material. during the teaching learning process, the students were very enthusiastic to analyze the material using mind mapping. it could be seen from their direct responses during teaching learning process and analyzed the student’s work in classroom. there are some advantages using mind mapping in teaching grammar. they were;1) it gave the students an overview the concept of grammar material, 2) it made the grammar easier to understand, and 3) it helped the students to memorize easily the concept of english grmmatical structure. furqon edi wibowo 227 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) references al-jarf, r. 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(2010). our language clicked: shakespeare in efl classes. asian efl journal, 12(4), 33-50. ©riska amalia hafid, serliana, gusnawaty & ikhwan m. said available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 37 volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) teenagers language politeness strategy on social media whatsapp based on level of education riska amalia hafid hasanuddin university, indonesia serliana (corresponding author) hasanuddin university, indonesia gusnawaty hasanuddin university, indonesia ikhwan m. said hasanuddin university, indonesia abstract: language politeness in social media is still often ignored. the article aims to describe teenagers' politeness strategies in social media conversations, especially in the whatsapp group of junior high schools, senior high schools, and colleges. the research was quantitative and qualitative descriptive, and the population was complete sentences in whatsapp group conversations. the period of recording the conversation with each group is during september 2021. the data collection technique is by exporting the conversation data to ms. words. the data were arranged based on the entry date, then coded using brown & levinson's politeness theory. the interpretation of the data classification results used the approach of makassar's cultural perspective. the findings showed that in social media whatsapp, the teenagers talked more frequently used three kinds of politeness strategies. 1) bald on record involving questions, commands, and requests. teenagers use this strategy from three-level of education. 2) positive strategies involve jokes, identity, and paying attention. the college and high schools teenagers use jokes and identity. however, paying attention's strategy is just used by college teenagers. 3) negative strategies include apologies, be-thankful, and questions. college and high schools teenagers use the apology and thank strategies. nevertheless, teenagers from the high school level only used negative politeness in asking questions. in conclusion, the level of education of teenagers determines the use of politeness strategy in social media. the implication is that teachers and stakeholders pay more attention to students' language politeness building, especially in speaking politely to others, so their interaction is harmonious with their communities. keywords: character education; whatsapp; politeness strategies; education level. ©riska amalia hafid, serliana, gusnawaty & ikhwan m. said available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 38 a. introduction recently, language politeness in social media has been facing threat acts. therefore, many researchers are interested in investigating them. researchers have researched and found various cases of it. for example, the whatsapp application's conversation among lecturers and administrative staff used most utterances to represent obedience to the politeness maxim (chandra, 2021). the people interacting on the who instagram's official account used four politeness strategies in their utterances (mulyana, 2021). also, most smp negeri 3 babat students used favorable terms of the maxims of generosity and facial expression at whatsapp interaction (yono, 2021). then, husna & arief (2020) found that students' most widely used negative politeness strategy to their lecturers. furthermore, purnamasari, nurmansyah, & fitriani (2021) found that student utterance in offline learning ignores differences in social status and distance or intimacy because it maximizes the face threat of the interlocutor. on the other hand, while online learning through whatsapp, students try to respect or save the face of the interlocutor because of differences in social status and distance. even, yaqien & haeri (2021) found that the highest level of dominance of students in the group was more likely to use the maxim of sympathy in the form of attention, affection, and motivation. besides. setiawan's research (2020) found that many students still lay in placing appropriate utterances that must be said to lecturers and what utterances to their peers. also, some students seem to organize and dictate or manage the lecturer's schedule. as yus (2011:256) stated, politeness is typical and essential in internet-mediated communication, and it is typically called netiquette (from internet/net and etiquette). however, this internet-mediated communication or social media interaction is becoming challenging. because internet-mediated communication lacks physical co-presence and contextual support, leading to a lack of self-control and parallel lack of linguistic markers of politeness (yus, 2011:262) and politeness strategies (brown & levinson, 1987). furthermore, according to kasper (2007) furthermore, according to gunarwan (2007: 85), the speaker needs to expand their politeness strategy by answering three questions. first, is the purpose that the speaker wants to express that can threaten the face of the interlocutor? second, what is the relative weight of the force of speech to be expressed in the culture in question? finally, does the speaker have the pragmatic competence to ©riska amalia hafid, serliana, gusnawaty & ikhwan m. said available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 39 reduce the impact of the face-threatening act so that what comes out of the speaker's mouth is an action that protects the face, which can be interpreted as politeness? generally, humans interact by using social media. this has become a habit in everyday life because social media is a medium that allows users to represent themselves and interact, work together, share, communicate with other users to form virtual social bonds (nasrullah, 2015). therefore, the use of social media completely revolutionized the way information is shared and consumed and has become a relevant part of government agencies and companies (kaplan & haenlein, 2010). the social media that are widely used are youtube, facebook, instagram, twitter, line, pinterest, whatsapp, fb messenger, tik-tok (douyin), reddit, linkedin, skype, and snapchat. the social media that is most widely used interactively mostly is whatsapp. the latest research reveals that the population of social media users uses whatsapp, 87,7% of the total population in indonesia (hootsuite, 2021). although considerable research has been devoted to language politeness in social media, relatively little attention has been paid to comparing teenagers' language politeness strategies from their education level in the whatsapp group. at the same time, it is essential to research this problem because politeness is a social connection expression and part of efforts to establish and maintain social relations (brown & levinson, 1987). moreover, at the same time, politeness manifests local wisdom and local culture. the purpose of this article is to describe the teenager’s language politeness strategies on whatsapp social media based on their education level and to find and classify language politeness strategies by each level of education. the researcher used brown and sc levinson's (brown & levinson, 1987) five politeness strategies and makassar’s culture perspectives as indicators. the five politeness strategies are: 1) bald on record. the speaker used this strategy to convey their meaning as efficiently as possible. both parties know this situation, so face protection is no longer needed; 2) positive politeness strategies. the politeness is maintained positive face politeness of speaker. it means a positive face refers to a person's self-image that everything related to him is worthy of respect (which, if not appreciated, the person concerned can lose face). that is, this strategy represents the desire to be liked by others. according to yule (2006: 111), positive politeness refers to a speech strategy by highlighting closeness, intimacy, good relations between speakers and speech partners; ©riska amalia hafid, serliana, gusnawaty & ikhwan m. said available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 40 3) negative politeness strategies. this politeness strategy in speaking to keep a negative face. a negative face is a person's self-image related to actions that ones to be free or undisturbed (which, if blocked, the person concerned can lose face). according to negative politeness refers to the strategy of speaking by showing the existence of social distance between the speaker and the speech partner (yule, 2006:112). ; 4) vague strategy (of the record) or conveying unclear signals; and last, 5) strategy of not commenting or not speaking. b. research method the type of research used is pragmatic research with qualitative and quantitative approaches. the research population is all utterances in whatsapp conversations in the college, high school, and junior high school groups. the sample of this study consisted of three groups: one group university level, one group high school level, and one group junior high school level. the sampling technique used was purposive sampling because not all data represent complete conversations. this technique is used so that researchers can obtain a representative sample. the data analysis technique is processed based on miles, huberman & saldana (2014, p. 14) with stages 1). coding based on politeness characteristic indicators, at this stage, the researcher encodes whatsapp group conversation data at each level of education based on politeness characteristic indicators brown levinson, 2). then the next step is to calculate the frequency of occurrence of each politeness strategy in each whatsapp conversation group 3). the last stage is the interpretation of politeness strategies in whatsapp using the same approach as the makassar cultural perspective. c. findings and discussion findings data analysis found that teenagers prefer to use three types of the five politeness strategies in their conversations on whatsapp. these were bald on record, positive, and negative politeness strategies. the table below shows the type and frequency of using politeness strategies from the teenagers at each level of education. ©riska amalia hafid, serliana, gusnawaty & ikhwan m. said available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 41 table: type and its frequency of teenagers politeness strategies based on their level education on social media whatsapp the result shows that teenagers from all levels of education use bald on record, positive, and negative politeness strategies in their conversation on whatsapp, respectively. it appears that teenagers at junior high schools are the highest users of the bald on record strategy in the form of questions. however, teenagers from colleges use more positive politeness strategies in-jokes. discussion bald on record bald on record strategy is defined as the most direct way of saying something (brown & levinson, 1987). there are three ways of using this strategy from the teenagers of all education levels. 1. questions the table above shows that the use of bald of record strategies in the form of questions was the most widely used in whatsapp conversations at the junior high school level, while those who used the method the least were at the high school level. this shows that junior high schoolers have a relatively high sense of curiosity. someone at the junior high school level has entered his early teens. the indonesian ministry of health's data and information center related to adolescent reproductive health (2015) said that one of the distinctive characteristics possessed by adolescents is having a high curiosity. examples of bald of record use on record politeness strategies in the form of questions in whatsapp conversations by each level of education can be seen in the following utterances. utterances from college's student represent by number (1), high schools freq. perc. freq. perc. freq. perc. questions 10 6,45 8 5,16 45 29,03 63 reign 8 5,16 11 7,10 15 9,68 34 ask 8 5,16 2 1,29 1 0,65 11 joke 19 12,26 9 5,81 0 0,00 28 identity 5 3,23 2 1,29 0 0,00 7 attention 5 3,23 0 0,00 0 0,00 5 apologies 2 1,29 1 0,65 0 0,00 3 be thankful 3 1,94 0 0,00 0 0,00 3 questions 0 0,00 1 0,65 0 0,00 1 155 100 108 40 7 total perc. 69,68 25,81 4,52 positive negative level of education of speaker totalpoliteness strategies colleges high schools junior high schools bald on record subtotal ©riska amalia hafid, serliana, gusnawaty & ikhwan m. said available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 42 student's number (2), and junior high schools student's number (3) below: extract conversation from college’s student's (1): (1). a: "di kampusmako?" 'are you on campus already?' extract conversation from high schools student's (2): (2). a: “wee tamae mkohh” 'where have you been?' extract conversation from junior schools student's (3): (3). a: "di mana ko?" 'where are you?' b: "di rumah" ‘at my house’ the three utterances above are included in the bald on record politeness strategy. the three of them asked directly without using a preamble. each of these utterances uses the pronoun "-ko, " indicating that they have a close relationship with their friends. however, in bugis-makassar’s culture, the use of the pronominal "-ko" is a form of impoliteness in a person's utterance. so, it can be said that the three examples of statements above include a declaration that is impolite. 2. reign the results in the table above show that direct politeness strategies in the form of commands were the most widely used in whatsapp conversations at the junior high school level, while those who used the technique the least were at the college level. this shows that students still have a high enough ego at the junior high school level that they like to command others. examples of bald use on record politeness strategies in the form of ordering in whatsapp conversations by each level of education can be seen in the following utterances. utterances from college's student represent by number (4), high schools student's number (5), and junior high schools student's number (6) extract conversation from college’s student's (4): (4). a: “kirimmi cepat videonya” (quickly send the video) extract conversation from high schools student's (5): (5). b: “we… besok cepatmako ke sekolah” 'well…you have to hurry to school tomorrow.’ extract conversation from junior schools student's (6): (6). c: “oe pergiko ke lapangan e” 'ehh… go to the yard…!' the three statements above are included in the strategy of bald on record politeness. the three ruled directly without using pleasantries or politeness markers before ordering. small talk or features when ordering are significant so that the utterance partner can well ©riska amalia hafid, serliana, gusnawaty & ikhwan m. said available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 43 receive the command. in line with the results of saeful's research (2021), one strategy in ordering so that the power can be received well by the utterance partner without threatening the faces of both parties is to use politeness markers. the politeness markers referred to in bugis language are addampengengka (forgive me), tulungngak (please), tabek (sorry). 3. asking the table above shows that the use of bald of record in the form of requests was the most widely used in whatsapp conversations at the college level, while those who used the technique the least were at the junior high school level. examples of the use of bald on record politeness strategies in the form of asking in whatsapp conversations by each level of education can be seen in the following utterances. utterances from college's student represent by number (7), high schools student's number (8), and junior high schools student's number (9) extract conversation from college’s student's (7): (7). a: “club dulue” 'let us go to the club, guys' extract conversation from high schools student's (8): (8). b: “respond dulu nde” 'reply me…!' extract conversation from junior schools student's (9): (9). c: “kasi ka waldi ee.. audio nu” 'give me your audio, waldi' the three above statements use bald on record strategies and are less polite. this is indicated by using the utterance asking directly without using pleasantries first. so that the three utterances can be said to be less polite because they seem forced, do not give a choice to the utterance partner or to his friend. positive politeness strategy the following is a discussion about positive politeness strategies, as shown in the table above. it seems that university students, senior and junior high school students have their way of interacting with their friends. as shown in the examples below. 1. jokes the table above shows that positive politeness strategies in-jokes were the most widely used in college-level whatsapp conversations. in contrast, they did not use this strategy in the junior high school-level discussions. this shows that they have a relatively high sense of humor at the university level. although this strategy seems impolite, it is a form of intimacy shown through jokes. so, this strategy is one way to strengthen friendships. this is in line with the opinion of spero (2013), which says that laughter ©riska amalia hafid, serliana, gusnawaty & ikhwan m. said available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 44 occurs when each individual feels comfortable with each other and when they feel open and accessible. the more laughter, the stronger the bonds in a group. examples of positive politeness strategies in the form of jokes in whatsapp conversations by college students and high school students’ education levels can be seen in the following utterances. utterances from college's student represent by number (10) and high schools student's number (11). extract conversation from college’s a student (10): (10). a1: “teman orang kayaku” ‘this is my rich friend..’ a2: “mirip satek cuman beda nasibki” 'similar to satek’s face, but they have different fates.' in the context of the conversation above, “a” sent a photo of a girl from law school who has just finished her exam results. incidentally, the image is similar to satek face. the above statement includes a positive politeness strategy in the form of a joke. the utterance with the tricks designs directly shows the intimacy between the speaker and the utterance partner. in this conversation, a is joking by using a humiliating technique of touches of humor. this can be seen in a's utterance, “similar to satek face but different fates.” he compares his friend's face to satek, but he reaches social status. this might offend others, but because sate' and a have a close relationship, a's utterance has only become a laughing stock for the group. extract conversation from high schools student's (11): (11). b: “laki-laki jam seven perempuanna jam 12” 'for boys, it's 7 o'clock, while for girls it's 12 o'clock.' the context in the above utterance, all students should go to school to clean up in their classroom. at that time, one of the students asked what time they should go to school. so, b immediately said, "men at 7 o'clock and women at 12 ", meaning that men must go to school at seven while it is okay for women to go to school at 12 o'clock. this statement is included in the positive politeness strategy in the form of humor. the use of humor techniques in the utterances can make friends laugh aloud. 2. identity the table above also shows social identities in their conversation. the results of the study show in graph two that the use of positive politeness strategies in the form of identity is the most widely used. meanwhile, at the junior high school level, they did not use positive politeness strategies in identity in whatsapp conversations. data whatsapp conversations at college's students level use various forms of greeting to show identities, for example, beb, bro, and chika. so it can be said that the level of ©riska amalia hafid, serliana, gusnawaty & ikhwan m. said available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 45 solidarity and intimacy owned at the university level is quite good. this is in line with ermitati's opinion (2012, p. 5) that speakers can express appreciation, solidarity, kinship, and intimacy towards their interlocutors by using different greeting words. examples of positive politeness strategies in the form of identity in whatsapp conversations by college students and high school students’ education levels can be seen in the following utterances. utterances from college's student represent by number (12) and high schools student's number (13). (12). a: "masya allah, makasih banyak bebku. semoga dimudahkan juga urusannya sama allah.” 'masya allah, thank you very much my baby. may allah make things easy for you' extract conversation from high schools student's (13): (13). b: “jam 7 berangkat mi besok cika'” 'tomorrow you depart at 7 cika' the two statements above include positive politeness strategies in the form of identity. this is indicated by the use of greetings in the utterances. greeting "bebku" at the college level and the greeting "cika'" at the high school level utterances is a form of showing the speaker's closeness to the utterance partner. 3. attention the results show in the table above that positive politeness strategy in attention was only used in college-level whatsapp conversations. positive politeness strategies in the form of engagement used in college-level discussions show that the level of sensitivity at that level is higher than at the level of education below it. the sensitivity shown in the form of attention is one of the attitudes that is reflected in the business concept according to gusnawaty & nurwati (2019), namely the idea of sipakatau (mutual respect), sipakaraja (mutual respect), and sipakalebbi (mutual glorification). examples of positive politeness strategies in the form of attention in whatsapp conversations by college students’ education levels can be seen in the following utterances. utterances from college's students represent by number (14). extract conversation from college’s student's (14): (14). a: "semoga bisa s.s. tahun ini semuanya teman-teman, semangat" ‘i hope all of you could finish your school this year, friends’ the above statement includes a positive politeness strategy in the form of attention. this is marked by giving prayers and encouragement to friends. this attention shows the closeness between the speaker and the utterance partner. ©riska amalia hafid, serliana, gusnawaty & ikhwan m. said available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 46 negative politeness strategy 1. apologizing the results (table above) above show the negative politeness strategy of apologizing used in college-level whatsapp conversations. this indicates that they have a reasonably high sensitivity compared to other levels of education. this is under the definition of sensitivity (kbbi, 2016) which means easy to feel. examples of negative politeness strategies in the form of apologizing in whatsapp conversations by college students and high schools students’ education levels can be seen in the following utterances. utterances from college's student represent by number (15) and high schools student's number (16). extract conversation from college’s student's (15): (15) a: “sorry bro, baruka bangun, capek sekalika seharian dari pagi pp rs.” 'sorry, bro, i just woke up. i'm fatigued from going back and forth to the hospital.' context: the whatsapp conversation was related to the graduation moment of one of his friends. a did not attend his friend's graduation. after all, he was fatigued because his family was sick at the hospital. the above statement includes a negative politeness strategy by apologizing. the apology strategy is seen in a's utterance. the use of a's phrase with the word "sorry" shows that a feels sad and regrets not attending his friend's graduation because of his situation. the term "bro" in a utterance is a marked closeness. extract conversation from high schools student's (16): (16). a: “maff di.. minroa nakke�” 'sorry, i went back early.’ context: conditions at that time, all students in the group were supposed to come to school for community service (cleaning class) as they promised, but many of them couldn't come even though they came to school, still going back early. the utterance (16) shows regret to her friend because he could not wait long at school to do the cleaning and go back early. he realizes his fault and says sorry. this behavior is indicative of negative politeness strategies. the speaker, in his utterance, apologized to the interlocutor for leaving school so that he did not participate in community service. the speaker speaks the word sorry as an expression of guilt to his friends. 2. thanking the results (table above) show that negative politeness strategies in apologizing were used only at the conversation whatsapp college level. this indicates that they have a high ©riska amalia hafid, serliana, gusnawaty & ikhwan m. said available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 47 sense of solidarity at the university level by using the word thank you so that their friendship remains harmonious. this is in line with allen's opinion (2001, p. 2) that the expression of gratitude in daily communication is one example of the many politeness strategies that humans use to cultivate and maintain social relationships. examples of negative politeness strategies in the form of thanking in whatsapp conversations by college students’ education levels can be seen in the following utterances. utterances from college's students represent by number (17) below. (17). a: "terima aksih sodara" ' thank you friend' the above statement includes negative politeness strategies. this is indicated by gratitude, which shows that the speaker is very happy or grateful for what the interlocutor has done to him. 3. questions the results (table above) showed that negative politeness strategies in the form of questions beginning with the words 'assalamualaikum' and 'tabe' were only used in high school level whatsapp conversations. examples of negative politeness strategies in the form of whatsapp conversations by high school students’ education levels can be seen in the following utterances. utterances from high school student’s represent by number (18) below. (18). a: "assalamualaikum tabe' jadijaki pergi di sekolah yah atau tidak?" the above statement uses a negative politeness strategy. this can be seen from the word tabe', which means excuse me. for the bugis-makassar people, the word tabe' is a word that shows a high level of politeness. there are similarities and differences at each level in using the three strategies. they have in common is that the bald on record politeness strategy of commanding, asking, and asking is used by all levels of education. the difference is that college and high school only use positive politeness strategies, in-jokes, and highlighting identity. in contrast, positive politeness strategies in the form of attention are only used at the college level. then the second difference, negative politeness strategies in the form of apologies, are only used by college and high school. negative politeness strategies in the form of questions are only used by high school. lastly, negative politeness strategies in thanking are only used at the college level. the findings above show that each level of education has a different level of ©riska amalia hafid, serliana, gusnawaty & ikhwan m. said available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 48 politeness. politeness strategies that tend to be used at each level of education are bald on record politeness strategies and positive politeness strategies. these show that the utterance in the whatsapp conversation group at all levels of education tends to be less polite. while the least used politeness strategies are positive politeness strategies in the form of attention and negative politeness strategies in the form of thanks, apologizing, and questions. this strategy is only used at the tertiary and high schools, but the tertiary level is more likely to use this strategy than the high schools. these showed that politeness at the tertiary level is better than high school and junior high school education. the findings align with the assumption that the more educated, the more polite. d. conclusion based on the discussion results above, the utterances in conversations group whatsapp at all levels of education, namely: college, high school, and junior high school, tend to use bald on record strategies and positive politeness strategies. these showed that utterance in the group whatsapp at all levels of education tends to be less polite, especially if the speaker and listener have close social distance. another finding showed that junior high school students never used or paid attention, apologized, and thanked them in their utterance. high school students have used the word "sorry" in their communication, and college students have explored all three: apologizing, thanking, and paying attention to the interlocutor. politeness strategies in the form of attention, apologizing, and gratitude signifies a person's sensitivity or empathy for others. this is important for all of us to pay attention to for life's benefit and social harmony. as the bugis-makassar cultural concepts of sipakatau (mutual humanity), sipakaraja (mutual respect), and sipakalebbi (mutual honoring). (gusnawaty & nurwati, 2019). the research has been done on whatsapp conversational politeness strategies based on education level. recommendation: 1) research related to this topic still needs to be studied more deeply. 2) parents, teachers, and all stakeholders should pay attention to the language behavior of the young generation, especially junior high school and below, due to these findings. 3) the researcher suggests seeing it from a gender perspective for colleagues interested in exploring similar issues. the last but minor recommendation is ©riska amalia hafid, serliana, gusnawaty & ikhwan m. said available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 49 to examine several schools and universities in indonesia to understand the young generation's politeness strategies while interacting online. references allen, s. 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(wardhaugh, 1992: 106) stated that code-mixing occurs when conversant uses both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance. it means that code-mixing occurs in a single utterance or even sentence. code mixing is found when the speaker speaks in two languages, but it occurs in one sentence. it means that the speaker produces utterance in two languages, but these two languages occur in one sentence. in one sentence, there will be pieces or some words in other languages. code-mixing is not only a common occurrence but also a communicational requirement. we can communicate in any language. but for clear and effective communication, code-mixing is necessary. naturally, while communicating feelings or messages exactly and effectively, the speaker makes use of code-mixing. it is, therefore, not the weakness of the speaker who makes use of code-mixing; on the other hand, it is the strong point of the speaker who uses such a code-mixed word, which conveys his meaning more effectively. but sometimes, the speakers use the code-mixing when the speaker has restricted vocabulary. when the speaker uses a particular language, he/she finds himself/herself in such a position that he/she does not have an appropriate word to express in that language. therefore, he/she uses code-mixing because of his restricted vocabulary. besides, code-mixing occurs when code-mixing is the most important feature and wellstudied speech processes in multilingual communities. definitions vary, but both utilize the term “code” adopted by linguists from the field of communication technology (gardner-chloros, 2009:11). on the other hand, code-mixing refers to “embedding of various linguistic units such as affixes (bound morphemes) words (unbound agus rahmat available online at 132 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) morphemes, phrases, and clauses that participants to infer what is intended, must reconcile what they hear with what they understand (bokamba, 1989). code-mixing occurs when lexical items and grammatical features of two or more languages exist in the same sentence (muysken, 2000). muysken (2000, cited in liu, 2008: 6) establishes three major categories of code-mixing: “(a) insertion: the insertion of well defined chunks of language b into a sentence that otherwise belongs to language a; (b) alternation: the succession of fragments in language a and b in a sentence, which is overall not identifiable as belonging to either a or b; (c) congruent lexicalization: the use of elements from either language in a structure that is wholly or partly shared by language a and b”.therefore, based on these categories from the expert, the researcher is interested in searching for and finding out the code mixing used in the multilingual society. but this time, the researcher restricted the code-mixing used by the english teacher in efl (english as a foreign language) classroom. brock-utne and holmarsdottir (2002) observe that teachers who have been trained in subjects than language subjects are normally more concerned about teaching the subject matter to students. they often do a code-mixing to make students understand the content. besides that, it is similar to (appel and muysken, 1987: 118) said that one of the functions of code mixing is 'referential' which implies that the motivation behind code mixing is the lack of an appropriate word or item in a language. they also delineated 'directive function' which presupposes to include or exclude the interlocutor using a particular code, 'expressive function' to exhibit identity, 'phatic or metaphorical function' to manifest change in the talk. they also discussed 'meta-linguistic codeswitching,' which has its function of impressing the interlocutors. using jacobson's (1960) and halliday's (1964) works, they proposed code-mixing functions. some researchers have researched code-mixing, the researcher chooses some literature in the previous research relevant to this research. the first researcher is dorina nur kartika sari (2017) in her thesis entitled “an analysis of code mixing applied by the presenter of black spot segment of black in news program on antv (a sociolinguistics approach)”. in her research, she analyzed indonesia-english codemixing in a news program on antv. her research also applies descriptive qualitative research and uses muysken theory in her research, but the research object is different. agus rahmat available online at 133 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) she focuses on the presenter of the black spot segment of black in a news program on antv and her research discusses the sociolinguistics context. in contrast, this research focuses on the english teacher of smk negeri 1 makassar and this research discusses the learning and teaching process context in the efl classroom. the second researcher is namely japhet johannes (2017). his dissertation entitles, “the influence of code-switching and code-mixing on learning english language in secondary schools.” his study focuses on two terms; they are code-switching and code-mixing. he found that code-switching and code-mixing influenced student’s failure to learn the english language, and the teachers were the main cause of code-switching and code-mixing because they were the ones that could have limited the situation. furthermore, ways to avoid code-switching and code-mixing were discussed, such as teachers not engaging in code-switching and code-mixing for students to emulate. the similarity of his study and this research is that both discuss the learning and teaching context, particularly in the english classroom. still, this research focuses on the code-mixing term. some universal factors can motivate or trigger code-mixing in all contexts; therefore, kim (2006) found out why bilinguals switch on so many factors, including interlocutors, situations, messages, attitudes, and emotions towards a particular code (kim, 2006). according to bhatia and ritchie (2013), a code-mixing choice is also determined by the interlocutors' relationship. this solely determines when, where, and why a bilingual will switch code. either to include or exclude the interlocutors for one code is more appropriate for a certain situation. in efl classrooms as well as code mixing is led by specific motivations and to fulfill specific functions. the studies in efl classrooms have highlighted that code mixing performs the functions which prove fruitful for the learning process. in this research, the researcher observes one of smk negeri 1 makassar's english teacher while learning and teaching process in the efl classroom. the english teacher of this school uses english while teaching english in the classroom. this school is located at jl. andi mangerangi no. 38, bongaya, makassar city, south sulawesi. the objectives of this research were to find out the category of code-mixing used by the english teacher and the code-mixing category dominantly used by the english agus rahmat available online at 134 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) teacher in teaching efl (english as a foreign language) of smk negeri 1 makassar based on the category of code-mixing according to muysken (2000). hopefully, the gathered data can answer the objectives of this research to give a little contribution to the research world, particularly in the efl classroom context. b. research method this research employed a descriptive qualitative research design to analyze the teacher’s code-mixing in makassar's efl classrooms. the qualitative research method was used in the condition of a natural setting, and the researcher is the main instrument (sugiono, 2009:15). the researcher applied a descriptive method to answer the research questions. nevertheless, this research's main purposes were to find out the category of code-mixing are used by the teacher and the code-mixing categories are dominantly used by the teacher in teaching english as a foreign language of smk negeri 1 makassar. this research participant was one of all the english teachers of smk negeri 1 makassar. this participant is taken by using the purposive sampling technique. it is appropriate for sugiono to say that “purposive technique sampling is one of the technique used to determine the participants by using considering something (sugiono,2009:124).” so the participant of this research was just a person. the instruments of this research were observation and audio recording. in this research, the researcher used passive participation observation. passive participation is one of the participant observation. according to sugiyono (2009: 312), passive participation is the writer present at the scene of actions, but the writer does not interact or participate in it. besides, the researcher also conducted a data recording by using a handphone to record the participant's voice while teaching and learning process during five meetings in the classroom. the procedures of collecting the data, firstly, the researcher asked permission to the teacher concerned. after getting permission, the researcher recorded the learning-teaching process and took some pictures of the teacher in the classrooms many as five meetings based on the teacher's schedules that were considered adequate for representing the code-mixing used by the teacher in teaching efl. finally, the data gathered were transcribed, classified, translated, and analyzed based on the participant's code-mixing. agus rahmat available online at 135 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) c. findings and discussion findings this section comprises of result and discussion. the context of this section derived from the instruments were used by the researcher, they are observation and also audio recording. both of these instruments conducted by the researcher while learning and teaching process in efl classroom start from the beginning until the end of the meeting as many as five meetings at smk negeri 1 makassar. the data gathered about code mixing category used by the teacher in teaching efl classroom are as follow: according to muysken (2000, cited in liu, 2008: 6) establishes three major categories of code-mixing: “(a) insertion: the insertion of well defined chunks of language b into a sentence that otherwise belongs to language a; (b) alternation: the succession of fragments in language a and b in a sentence, which is overall not identifiable as belonging to either a or b; (c) congruent lexicalization: the use of elements from either language in a structure that is wholly or partly shared by language a and b”. this research was conducted based on the expert above regarding with the categories of code mixing. a. insertion extract 1 based on the extract one, the first language is used by the participant and the participant mixes the code by adding the target language (english) “you know” in the conversation. teacher : yang mana disitu, where is this opinion? (which one is there. where is the opinion) students : gadis… cantik… kecil…… (girl........beautiful........small) teacher : eeee…. gini gini pemandangan opini itu. opini you know opini. cantik, cantik bagi saya itu adalah relatif. mungkin ikram ya, ikram we say that beautiful, ica is a beautiful also i also beautiful, sometimes we say ica is not beautiful. ( this, that is opinion. opinion, do you know what is opinion? beautiful, for me beautiful is relative. maybe ikram says that is beautiful, ica is a beautiful, i’m also beautiful but sometimes we say ica is not beautiful) agus rahmat available online at 136 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) extract 2 in the extract two, the participant looks like describes the meaning of the sentence into indonesian to the students but the participant still uses a word “translate” as belongs to english in the sentence. extract 3 in extract three, the participant uses two words in the sentence, one word is indonesian and one word is english. beforehand, the participant uses english fully in the conversation. it means that, the participant mixes the first language into the target language. extract 4 teacher : please, translate word for word. silahkan translate kata demi kata(please translate word by word) students : i buy new tv (laughing) i buy tv new big flat datar teacher : okey, now, we make it good sentence kalimat yang bagus, ururtan yang bagus ya, good sentence. we have also like d or ed okey, eee and then. okey, opinion i and then flat and then okey. students : ribut,,, beautiful color hahahah. i buy new thing color, bisa ditambah kata-katanya. (noise....beautiful color hahaha. i buy the new thing color, can be added the words) teacher : okey, please check it, a good sentence. okey, for english one, which one in there opinion, yang mana disini yang kamu anggap opini dulu (okay, please check it, a good sentence. okay, for english one, which one is the opinion there?) students : hmmmmm teacher : apakah flat, apakah big, apakah new ( is it flat?, is it big?, is it big?) students : tv…. baru…. new… teacher : okay, kalau didapat opininya bilang ya, kalua tidak ada tinggalkan and then move to the next formula ( okay, if you get the opinion, please say, if the opinion is not exist, leave it and then move to the next formula) t : okay coba, please mention the good sentence, coba i buy a good s : i buy a good tv flat, new tv, big, bahasa inggrisnya. i buy a good tv flat new big t : could you write it? bisa kamu tulis,, ya,, bisa ini t : bukan, bukan, buang saja itu, nda usa pake y (no, no, waste it. don’t use y) agus rahmat available online at 137 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) the participant uses english in the sentences. but the words “coba” as many as two times as belong to indonesian are inserted in the sentences. extract 5 in the extract five, the participant uses the word “ada” as belongs to indonesian in the sentence. so the participant mixes the code of the first language into the target language. extract 6 teacher :okey, ada yang mau bertanya bagaimana cara mengurutkan benda-benda atau hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan describing .apa sudah mengerti semua, okey we just remember the formula okey. kamu hanya mengingat saja rumusnya supaya itu akan memudahkan kamu untuk membuatnya atau membuat kalimat yang bagus like this, susunan yang bagus. okey, gimana andi, any question andi, any question for my explanation. ada example maybe….. (okay, any students want to ask about how the way to sequence the things and somethings are regarding with describing? do you already understand? okay, we just remember the formula. you just remember the formula in order to make you easy in making or creating the good sentence. okay how about you andi? any question andi? any question for my explanation? there is an example maybe) students : table… eee mana bisa, hahaha. perfect, table, aaaa saya andi.. wiiii ko memang, masa i put a table.. from java, masa dari jawa ( table... eee how can? hahaha. pefect, table, aaaaa i’m andi. wiii you indeed, how can i put a table. from java) teacher : okay teacher : eeee tulis cepat itu pr. please write your homework and then we can go home (eee please write your homework quickly) students : pulang sir, (ribut) (come back sir) teacher : okay, tomorrow, tomorrow bisa, listen every body i mean please bring a poster , actris poster. students : berapa sir? (how many sir?) teacher : ya depends on you, you buy on market, at home agus rahmat available online at 138 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) in this extract, the participant mixes the first language into the target language. the word “bisa” is inserted by the participant as belongs to indonesian in the sentence. extract 7 in the extract seven, the participant uses the first language in the sentence. but, the participant mixes the code by using the word “ birth place” as belongs to the target language in the sentence. extract 8 in the extract eight, the first language is used by the participant in the sentence. but,there are two words in the target language “from” and “until” are inserted in the sentence as a code mixing. extract 9 teacher : karang-karang saja. err, maybe you can add, tambah mungkin birth place, tanggal lahir atau tempat tanggal lahir. (write down based on your mind. maybe you can add, adding birth place or date) students : pake hape sir, utk translateji. (using handphone sir for tranlating) teacher : boleh boleh. ok, nah sekarang gini. jadi, listen listen. your assign, yah you have.. (yes okay. like this, so listen carefully. you have an assignment students : (noisy) teacher : okay listen. i forgot that we have two meetings in a week. okay we have two meetings in a week yah. okay we have two meetings in our class. friday and saturday. so, the first presentation you must be ready for the first name until tenth yah, the tenth name. jadi kamu harus siap nama pertama sampai yang kesepuluh., yah hari jumat. from ananda until ndk tahu spa namanya. teacher :good. a paper .. selembar( ada siswa yang masuk tanpa salam) hei, if you enter the class please saysalam. i dont hear. keluar dulu baru salam (good. a paper..a piece (there is a student come in to the classroom without greeting) hai, if you enter the class please say greeting) student :sudah ka sir (i’m already do that sir) agus rahmat available online at 139 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) based on the extract nine, the word “ salam” as belongs to the first language is mixed in the sentence of the target language. extract 10 in the extract ten, the participant uses the first language in the sentence but the participant mixes the the code by using “five minutes” as belongs to the target language in the conversation. extract 11 in the extract eleven, the participant translates the meaning of the sentence into the first language but during the translation, the participant still using english as the target language in the sentence. extract 12 teacher :i dont hear. berdiri di pintu sana five minutes. ( i don’t hear. please stand up five minutes there, in the door) students :beh sir, jangan sir (beuh sir, don’t do that sir) teacher :if you enter the class dont forget to say salam, please. students :salamualaikum sir... teacher :yup, you must use “a” to this word become a cat. students :a cat, owh jadi selain a,i,u,e,o pake “a” yah sir (a cat, oughh so beside a,i,u,e,o use “a” sir? teacher :oke we move to plural. how to change singular to plural. oke, bagaimana caranya mengubah dari singular ke plural (okay good) now we move to plural. how to change singlar to plural? okay, how to change from singlar to plural) teacher :nah ada lagi noun yang berakhiran “x” for example box menjadi boxes (there is noun with ending ‘x’) students :bagaimana kalaw sh sir? wash,,, wash mencuci sir (how about ‘sh’ sir? teacher :it is not noun yah,,,wash is kata kerja. (it’s not noun, wash is verb) agus rahmat available online at 140 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) in the extract twelve, the participant answers the question from the students. the participant explains well in english but mixing the code between the first and the target language in the sentence. extract 13 in the extract thirteen, the participant uses english as the target language. but the word “menjadi” as belongs to the first language is inserted in the sentence. so, the code is mixed in the conversation. extract 14 in the fourteen extract, the participant inserts the first language in the target language. the words “ satu benar” as belongs to the first language is mixed with the target language in the sentence. extract 15 in the extract fifteen, the participant uses the first language (indonesian) in the sentence but the participant mixes “exercise” as the target language (english) in the sentence. teacher :and then if you find noun in the end letter double ss you must add “es”. contohnya glass ,, menjadi students :glasses... teacher :what else??? city menjadi cities. y berubah menjadi i dan di tambah es. (city becomes cities. y change become i and added es) student :assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh teacher :waalaikum salam oke the next lesson is command and request expression. anyone knows what is command and request ? who is can answer it, i will give you score. student :apa sir ... command?command itu komentar sir and request itu permintaan. (what is sir, command? command is comment sir and request is permintaan teacher :oke good. your answer satu benar. teacher :bagi dua bukunya yah now open your book on page sixty eight. untuk exercise nya (divide your book becomes two parts) agus rahmat available online at 141 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) extract 16 in extract sixteen, the participant uses the target language in the sentences, the words “ ayoo” as belong to the first language are mixed in both of sentences. extract 17 in extract sixteen, the participant uses the target language in the conversation but the participant adds the word “yang” as belongs to the first language in the sentence. b. alternation extract 1 based on extract 1, the participant/the teacher mixes the first language (indonesian) into the target language (english) in one sentence. the participant often adds “ya” in the end of the sentence as belong to the first language. in the extract 1, as teacher :eeeeeee….okeyeeeebismillahirahmanirahim.assalamualaikum wr.wb students : walaikumsalam wr.wb. teacher :okey ya eeee. we start our lesson today ya. okey like this. ya when we describe eeee something eeee like age or people okey. there are something we must know okey and next week we study about how to describe something okey and there are something that we must know the basic how to describe. the first, we study about eeee okey weeee how to mention about color ya, what is this, (?), material, profession, physical of experience. and today we eeee study how to make eeee sentences using them ya okey. there are three times to describe ya. like this ya. okey. students :jadi bagaimana sir? (so, how is that, sir) teacher :jadi yang benar, please empty the basket in the kitchen. (so, the true one, please empty the basket in the kitchen) students :owh,,, teacher :yang di thirty seven like tidy, rack, living room students :halaman enam delapan sir? (page sixty eight sir) teacher : ayoo open on page sixty eight. and exercise thirty four,,, there are ten numbers and then you move to... agus rahmat available online at 142 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) many as five times mixes the two languages in the sentences and most of the conversation during the meeting the participant uses “ya” in the end of the sentence. extract 2 there are two sentences in extract two. in the first sentence, the participant inserts the first language “nya dia” into the target language and the participant uses the target language “please” to mix the first language in the sentence. c. congruent lexicalization extract 1 based on the extract one, the participant mixes the words “okey ya” in the target language or english sentence. the word of “okey ya” as a code mixing here is not clear in the sentence whether its belong to the first language or the target language. extract 2 in the extract two, the participant commands to the students in ordert to translate the first language into the target language. but in the sentence, the participant uses an abbreviation “tv”, the word is not clear, whether the word is abbreviation from “television” as belongs to the target language or just abbreviation from “televisi” as belongs to thefirst language. teacher : okey, please silence.okey ya lets’ look the long sentence. silahkan liat kalimat yang ketiga. (okay, please silence, okey ya. let’s look the lomg sentence. please look at the third setence) student : apa itu…. tv itu kak, saya membeli yang baru besar berbentuk datar. (what is that...that’s tv elder brother, i bought the new one, big and flat form) teacher : you make it, okey. i have indonesian sentence make it english sentence okey, saya membeli sebuah tv yang baru besar berbentuk datar teacher :okay, look at this. this is pattern nya dia.pleaseduluan, trus kata kerjanya langsung.for exampleplease, turn on the light. tolong nyalakan lampunya. (okay, look at this. this is the pattern. please is first and the the verb is next. for example: please. turn on the light!) students :apa itu,, ahh susahna.tunggu dulu sir (what is that, ah it’s so difficult. wait sir) agus rahmat available online at 143 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) discussion in this part, discussion deals with the interpretation of findings derived from the result of findings are based on the research questions of this research. the research questions are regarding with the code mixing category according to muysken (2000, cited in liu, 2008: 6). he said that “there are three major categories of code-mixing: “(a) insertion: the insertion of well defined chunks of language b into a sentence that otherwise belongs to language a; (b) alternation: the succession of fragments in language a and b in a sentence, which is overall not identifiable as belonging to either a or b; (c) congruent lexicalization: the use of elements from either language in a structure that is wholly or partly shared by language a and b”. based on the description of the data collection through recorder instrument while learning and teaching process in efl classroom. it shows that there are sixteen insertion category of code mixing used by the teacher in efl classroom during five meetings in the classroom. this category is the most dominant used by the teacher among others. there are eight examples of insertion category which insert the chunks of the target language (english) into indonesian sentence. it’s different with the insertion of chunks from indonesian into the target language (english), there are nine examples of insertion category. the insertion of indonesian into english is more than the target language (english ) into indonesian in the sentence used by the teacher in teaching efl classroom. it’s appropriate with huang (2004) reports that insertion of words, especially nouns, accounted for the highest number of code switches and code mixes in the emails exchanged by his participants. moreover, given the chatting characteristics of the msn messenger© program where written language follows the features of spoken language (short sentences, grammatically incorrect sentences, individual words used in response to complete utterances, among others). the similarity of huang reports that the insertion category is the highest number of code mixing but huang’s reports focus on the chatting in the email while this research focuses on the interaction in efl classroom. while the alternation category, there are two examples of code mixing in this category, the fragments of indonesian “yah” and “nya” are always inserted in the target language (english) in teaching efl classroom. it’s also similar with the last agus rahmat available online at 144 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) category, there are also two examples in the congruent lexicalization categories. the words of “okey” and the abbreviation of “tv”. the word “okey” here is not clear weather “okay” in english or “oke” in indonesian and also the abbreviation of “tv” it’s not clear also that “tv” here the abbreviation of “television” in english or “televisi” in indonesian. both of examples of congruent lexicalizations are not clear weather it belongs to indonesian or the target language (english). this study is relevant to the findings of huang (2004) in which he reported that the possibilities for categories such as alternation and congruent lexicalization to occur are limited. the findings of alternation and congruent lexicalization are limited in learning efl classroom context because both of them need a high skill in speaking, it’s relevant with ritchie and bhatia (2013) state that code-switching and code-mixing are marked by ‘creativity and complexity’ and ‘innovative multi-functions’ thus leading to the idea that there might be some societal basis for mixing language. this is in contrast with the strongly held perceptions of people who regard any type of language mixing a threat to the purity of the concerned language and think that it is due to linguistic difficulty and lack in lexical treasure that leads bilinguals to switch or mix code. such a perception attributes ‘language-mixing’ a negative light and bilinguals are merely seen as incompetent speakers who are not better in any of the languages. ritchie and bhatia (2013) dismiss such a view and conclude that there might be other motivations behind ‘language mixing’. d. conclusions based on the research findings and discussions, the researcher concludes that he english teacher of smk negeri 1 makassar used all of the categories that categorized by muysken (2000, cited in liu, 2008: 6) in teaching efl classroom, they are insertion, alternation and congruent lexicalization. there are seventeen examples of insertion category, two examples of alternation category and there are also two examples of congruent lexicalization category used by the english teacher in teaching efl classroom. the use of insertion category is the highest number than others. at the same time, the type of alternation and congruent lexicalization need a creative and innovative speaker to produce some sentences like that. however, ritchie and bhatia (2013) dismissed such perception that the code-mixing occurs because of the incompetent of agus rahmat available online at 145 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) the speakers. the category of code-mixing dominantly used by the english teacher of smk negeri 1 makassar is insertion category in teaching efl classroom. this finding is similar with huang (2004) reports that the insertion category is the highest number of category in chatting from the email and this research in learning efl context also found that this category is the first level among others. the results of this study are limited to the dominant categories and uses of codemixing. further research is suggested to explore information on the reasons and motivation of english teachers doing code-mixing in the classroom as well as its effect on students' english skills. agus rahmat available online at 146 © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) references appel r., muysken. p. 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(1992). an introduction to sociolinguistics. 2nd ed. oxford: blackwell publishers. heni verawati & uswatun hasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 71 volume 6, no. 1, february 2021 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) the modern reform of arabic learning paradigm and its’ contribution toward the development of islamic studies heni verawati (corresponding author) islamic state university of raden intan lampung, indonesia uswatun hasanah islamic state university of raden intan lampung, indonesia abstract: arabic learning is positively associated with the growth of islamic studies. the better comprehension and mastery of arabic, the faster and the greater the standard of islamic studies would be. it can also be considered an effort to avoid any misconceptions or misinterpretations in understanding islam's primary sources (quran and hadits) written in arabic. therefore, there is a need for more in-depth and continuous study to develop effective arabic language learning, especially in a modern context. this paper aims to examine some of the previous discussions and research on reforming arabic language learning to develop islamic studies in a modern context. arabic learners today are different from learners in the past who focus more on routine activities by relying on written sources. in this modern era, learners have complete access and freedom to determine the direction of learning they want and need for themselves. moreover, the main priority in improving arabic learning quality is by optimizing modern media and technology. therefore, arabic language experts need to partner and synergize with competent human resources to develop modern arabic education and learning technology to produce a better education system in arabic learning and support islamic studies' development. keywords: modern reform; arabic learning; islamic studies a. introduction arabic has an excellent position for a muslim's life, both in academic and spiritual life. arabic as the primary language in studying islam from its main source, al qur'an hadith, is not only used for worship rituals but is also used to study various kinds of islamic knowledge and literature as a fundamental source of higher scientific development. moreover, the absoluteness of arabic as the language of the qur'an makes it an absolute and immutable language in the whole muslims’ life (asy’ari, 2016). heni verawati & uswatun hasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 72 learning arabic also helps a person to have a better understanding and internalizing the teachings of islam well since it can be cited and understood directly from the sources, which are the al-qur'an and the sunnah, and avoid any misconceptions or misinterpretations in the understanding of these sources (husen, 2016; miftah w., 2017; satrio, 2018). understanding these primary sources of islam requires a sufficiently high mastery of arabic, leading to a need for the ongoing study of arabic. besides, muslims' belief regarding arabic as the god-language makes it more reasonable to be mastered by every muslim (satrio, 2018). in recent developments, arabic has finally got very significant attention from scientists and reviewers of islamic studies in many fields. many of these studies were related to the innovation of strategies in teaching arabic in different contexts and language skills (w. astuti, 2016; baharudin, 2017; fajriah, 2017; m. khalilullah, 2011; sangid & muhib, 2019); approaches or teaching designs (muradi, 2014; shodiq, 2018; ummi & mulyaningsih, 2016); media (azhari, 2015; iswanto, 2017; mahmudah, 2018); and some external influences in teaching and learning arabic (abdullah et al., 2015; kassim et al., 2017; wekke, 2016) which have been included as a part of formal and non-formal education curriculum. these institutions made a significant contribution to the development of arabic language, which also impacted the rapid increase of the development of islamic studies. arabic has two main uses simultaneously. the first is as a language of faith that is used in the process of worship and unifies the identity of muslims around the world. the second is an international language of communication recognized by other nations, especially in the united nations. this proves that mastery of the arabic language is needed to achieve the target of happiness in the hereafter and as a key in living in the real world. therefore, a muslim should learn arabic seriously and teach it to his family and surrounding communities to achieve success in the world and the hereafter (wijaya, 2017). arabic is not a particular language only for arabs or muslims. still, arabic is the critical language in mastering islamic sources and studying the entire history of islamic development, which has dramatically influenced religious scholarship and general islamic studies. experts and researchers also consider arabic to have high linguistic heni verawati & uswatun hasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 73 standards that open many opportunities to explore and analyze, especially on language elements. therefore, studies and research in the arabic language are still much needed (f. astuti, 2016). learning arabic and islamic studies' development are closely related to one another and cannot be separated. learning arabic is a mandatory requirement in mastering the contents of the qur'an and the sunnah, which are also the primary sources in the development of islamic studies. furthermore, arabic also has an essential role in international communication for both formal and non-formal forms in academic and non-academic life while also can be considered a means of communication as a human being towards the almighty god (miftah w., 2017). however, there are some misconceptions in society that learning arabic can only be learned traditionally in islamic boarding schools. arabic learning in formal school is only limited to additional subjects that are not tested nationally. it does not affect the graduation and selection process of well-known universities. thus, it then made the students’ motivation and interest in learning arabic very low (o. l. a. wahab, 2013). arabic learning has not yet got a special place in the general education curriculum in formal education which emphasizes more in general subjects while neglecting the optimization of religious learning, especially arabic learning. arabic is also considered inferior to other languages such as english, mandarin, german and so on. this makes arabic learning less developed informal educational (azzuhri, 2009). this condition is exacerbated by the government's policy, which is not very supportive of learning arabic, both in the provision of arabic language learning facilities and in increasing arabic language skills for educators (hizbullah & mardiah, 2015). this significantly impacts the development of learning methods and teaching systems that tend to be outdated in learning and teaching arabic in formal schools. this problem also occurs in formal islamic education institutions or madrasas which do not focus on the development of arabic learning so that it ultimately disrupts and reduces the effectiveness of learning islamic studies such as in understanding the qur'an and hadith, islamic law and islamic history (sagala, 2016; o. l. a. wahab, 2013). these problems also continue to rise with learners' difficulties in understanding every element of the arabic language. the arabic is quite complex in terms of lexis and heni verawati & uswatun hasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 74 meaning. in contrast to other languages such as english, which pays very significant attention to language learning, countries that use arabic are less concerned with innovation and arabic language learning variation. besides, the less conducive environment for learning arabic in formal schools also increase the problem of learning arabic to another level (azzuhri, 2009). as there are many obstructions to learning arabic in general, the development of communication and technology encourages the rapid development of islamic studies followed by formal and non-formal islamic institutions. however, this development of islamic studies has not been supported by a significant development of arabic language learning, resulting in a lack of basic understanding of critical arabic terms as the key to understanding islamic studies. with the demands of the increasing quality and quantity of islamic studies, this provides a strong impetus for islamic scholars to continue to improve and optimize efforts in arabic learning innovation (satrio, 2018). language studies, especially arabic, have proven that language development would significantly affect knowledge, especially in islamic studies. islamic scholars must continue to increase their efforts to study arabic more in-depth because these studies would greatly affect the islamic religion's development. literally and contextually, studying arabic would be able to provide protection of various misconceptions in the interpretation of the qur'an and the sunnah that endanger the unity of muslims and also reduce the potential for justifying the interests of another group's identity on the pretext of interpretation (andriani, 2015). in exploring and developing islamic studies, detailed arabic learning is needed, especially in developing vocabulary, syntax, semantics, and other arabic elements, often leading to differences and multiple meanings. with the exploration and in-depth understanding of arabic, it would prevent misconceptions and misinterpretations of every sentence or verse. it would be able to provide precise explanations to minimize the possibility of attempts to misuse the meaning of verses and hadiths taken for the benefit of a group (humaidi, 2017). from the overall explanation above, it can be concluded that learning arabic has dramatically influenced the development of islamic studies. therefore, there is a need for more in-depth and continuous analysis to develop effective arabic language heni verawati & uswatun hasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 75 learning, especially in the modern context. this paper aims to examine some of the previous discussions and research on reforming arabic language learning to develop islamic studies in a modern context. b. research method this research is library research using a descriptive approach. library study is a research approach of collecting library data, reading and taking notes and processing research materials. zed (2014) states that library research utilizes library sources in collecting research data without doing any field research. in library research, there are at least four main characteristics that the authors need to pay attention; those are researchers use knowledge from text or numerical data, not from what would happen in the field, researchers do not go directly to the field because researchers are dealing directly with existing data sources, library or online sources. in addition, researchers also collect and obtain second-hand data and not original data from the first data in the field (supriyadi, 2017). several studies were selected as primary sources based on their direct connection toward the topic of this research, such as the development of arabic and islamic studies (husen, 2016; satrio, 2018; wahyuni, 2017) and modern approach and strategies in arabic teaching (asy’ari, 2019; setyawan & anwar, 2020; wahab, 2015; wijaya, 2017). at the same time, some studies were selected to support these ideas and other relevant information (w. astuti, 2016; azhari, 2015; hizbullah & mardiah, 2015; humaidi, 2017; husen, 2016; miftah w., 2017). c. findings and discussion the role of arabic toward the development of islamic studies as the advancement of technology and communication continues to rise, islamic studies' development requires islamic scholars and researchers to master the arabic language because it would lead to the understanding and adequately interpreting alquran and hadiths. if islamic scholars' arabic language skills are low, this would disrupt islamic scientific study, which comes from arabic. therefore, the most essential heni verawati & uswatun hasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 76 function of arabic is not only as a means of daily communication between individuals but also as a scientific language that would determine the development of islamic studies in the future (satrio, 2018). a better of understanding the qur'an and its interpretation is also one of the main benefits in coordinating arabic learning and islamic learning, especially in understanding and memorizing important terms in religious rituals and also reducing the potential for misinterpretation, especially regarding ambiguous words and avoiding mistakes in providing meaning or interpretation. on the other hand, the development of arabic language skills can also improve critical thinking ability in general and influence morals in daily life (pane, 2018). learning arabic can also be considered an essential key to exploring other religions, social, political, economic, and cultural (andriani, 2015). many phenomenal works of scholars in various fields are written in arabic and require a more profound study to develop islamic studies. therefore it is significant for muslims, mostly muslim academics, to always improve their ability to master arabic to establish islamic studies as a whole. there are at least four main reasons why arabic is vital to be mastered by muslim scholars concerning islamic studies. first, the original and main sources of islamic teachings, al-qur'an and hadith, were written in arabic. second, many of the books written by great scholars influence muslims' development and thought in tafsir, hadith, fiqh, aqidah, and tasawuf and are registered in arabic. third, the source of islamic religious studies would be more academic and have a better quality when taken from original references in arabic. the fourth is that the lack of islamic scholars who have high arabic language skills. in this case, the development and implementation of arabic learning are significant in producing religious expert. another reason why arabic is needed in islamic studies is that islamic institutions, especially islamic universities, have received considerable attention from people who want to develop general abilities as well as religious understanding at the same time (husen, 2016). therefore, the optimization of arabic learning would be able to help achieve these goals. good mastery of arabic would also decrease the difficulties for a muslim to study and produce islamic studies. this mastery includes the ability to read, write and heni verawati & uswatun hasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 77 understand the everyday language used in arabic. also, the ability to speak arabic would be able to help in memorizing the qur'an and hadith more quickly and accurately as the primary sources of islamic study. learning arabic also increases the motivation for learners to study islamic studies independently based on each student's interests and abilities (husen, 2016). the development of general science, philosophy and medical science was translated into arabic when the west (europe) was experiencing a period of decline. at the same time, the eastern showed a glorious period in the islamic world as the existence of the koran and hadith had become the focus of scientists' attention, so they are required to study and research developing science and technology. in this condition, arabic becomes necessary because arabic literature is studied in depth with the support of various arabic knowledge types (wahyuni, 2017). in the historical view of the development of the islamic religion in indonesia, arabic has become a critical role because it has become part of the subjects in informal, formal and non-formal forms of education. arabic is not only one of the school subjects studied at islamic educational institutions as islamic boarding schools or in islamic communities' daily activities, but arabic has broadened outside the institution. at the same time, it also develops the national language of indonesia, especially in the development of morphology, syntax, phonology and semantics. people's habits become affected by the urgency of the arabic language in their lives. as a result of community interaction using arabic, it was covered in some indonesian terms (wahyuni, 2017). overall, arabic has an important role in fulfilling human life needs, especially muslims in the fields of religion, science, technology, culture, and communication, which takes place between communities in the form of interaction in every community, including muslims. religious aspects are naturally related to scientific, cultural, and communication aspects (wahyuni, 2017). arabic learning expectation and direction in the modern era the primary orientation in learning arabic in the modern era is a communication approach assisted by learning media and modern technology. arabic learners are expected to be able to communicate well in both formal and non-formal contexts as well as to produce scientific works that are useful in the development of islamic studies and heni verawati & uswatun hasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 78 arabic studies. as a means of communication, arabic would also be significantly influenced by the development of modern technology. therefore, arabic learning must also be optimized with innovative technology-based learning methods that can provide more effective arabic learning, increasing students’ learning motivation (wijaya, 2017). each field of study has a main orientation or purpose so that its implementation can be more focused and directed. in arabic language learning, four main orientations should be promoted: (1) religious orientation, which is about learning arabic to understand islamic teachings (fahm al-maqru '). this orientation can be learning passive skills (listening and reading) and active skills (speaking and writing). (2) academic orientation, which is about learning arabic to understand arabic language knowledge and skills (istima ', kalam, qira'ah, and kitabah). this orientation tends to place arabic as a discipline or object of study that must be mastered academically. this orientation is usually synchronized with arabic language studies at the arabic education department, arabic language and literature, postgraduate programs and other scientific institutions. (3) professional / practical and pragmatic orientation is about learning arabic for professional, practical or pragmatic interests, such as communicating orally (muhadatsah) in arabic to become an international worker, diplomat, tourist, trade mission, or to continue studies in arabic countries. and (4) ideological and economic orientation, which is about learning arabic to understand and use it as a medium for the interests of orientalism, capitalism, imperialism, and so on (yahya et al., 2020). this orientation can be seen from the opening of several arabic language course institutions in western countries. as an international language, arabic has been recognized by the world. of course, this would have a significant role in improvisation and competition at the international level. this change should be supported by aspects of language development and linguistics and the improvisation and innovation on the methodological aspects and learning techniques. this statement can certainly be proven concretely and factually in arabic learning activities. recently, there have been many interactive and innovative arabic learning models and techniques that increase students' enthusiasm for learning arabic simultaneously and continuously. this of course must be optimized by educators in the real classroom actively and creatively so that the arabic learning process can be conducted optimally, and the learning objectives can be achieved (asy’ari, 2019). heni verawati & uswatun hasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 79 the theme of teaching and learning materials in learning arabic can also be directed to daily-informal conversations at home, school, at markets, airports, hospitals, and other public places. learners can also be provided with arabic language skills related to worship, such as umrah and hajj, which would later be useful for themselves and their families. besides, at a higher level, arabic learning materials can also be provided more formally, which can be taken from various types of works and contexts so that future islamic learners can internalize arabic learning in their daily lives (setyawan & anwar, 2020). practically, language center in each islamic institution can design a more structured learning system by establishing several arabic teaching and learning principles. first, establishing and developing a particular curriculum based on clear scientific standards is discussed and finalized in joint meetings and deliberations. second, the preparation of syllabi and teaching materials based on research and other sources combined with modern technology and other media. third, uploading syllabus and teaching materials in a database/website as the central storage and development of the evaluation process. fourth, enrichment and development of teaching materials into adequate books or scientific works. and the last, an increase in the number of scientific papers for publication (wahab, 2015). modern educational technologies in arabic teaching and learning the development of the technological revolution in the modern era demands a learning process that can utilize and develop technology-based media effectively and efficiently. in this case, modern arabic learning innovations need to be optimized and tested with various updated media that continues to evolve, creating enthusiasm and desire for learners to improve further and master arabic to study islamic studies. the effective use of technology and learning innovations would make it easier for islamic scholars to understand and master arabic and islamic studies (setyawan & anwar, 2020). one of the main technological innovations that can be used in learning arabic is optimizing the internet and the electronic devices that support it. with the internet, access to information throughout the world is opened widely. it can be used as a material in learning arabic, for example, digital newspapers and literature books that heni verawati & uswatun hasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 80 can be used as sources of islamic studies. learning videos provided on the internet may also be used to optimize arabic learning and create some insights into using this language in a non-formal approach with more fun and exciting method. arabic learning materials can also be combined with learners' soft skills and hard skills in a variety of skills as future assets for islamic learners in the future. the combination of learning arabic and the work skill in society it would prepare islamic learners to prepare for a better future (setyawan & anwar, 2020). the internet is a necessity that cannot be separated from everyday life, including arabic learning. the emergence of various apps or software in learning arabic would lead to more exciting and practical understanding. multiple kinds of internet products, such as e-news, e-journal, e-library, e-dictionary, e-book, and others, constitute positive innovations for education due to advances in the development of information and communication technology. these innovations are also considered to have made a massive contribution to learning arabic, such as finding arabic vocabularies that are currently easier and faster with e-dictionary. even if someone wants to get information or learning references, everything is possible with the internet. even e-books as electronic books, are now considered the main research sources. therefore, e-learning is a solution and an alternative to learning problems, especially learning arabic (iswanto, 2017). e-learning would bring about a change in learning for a better future (transformation), especially in the 21st century, which is just the beginning of the digital era. arabic learning innovations can also be focused on the learning methodology used by teachers. as technology and communication continue to advance, many learning methodologies can be implemented, such as suggestopedia, quantum teaching, brainbased learning and various other interactive approach methods. also, optimizing the variation in learning media, especially technology-based media and the internet, can provide a new alternative for students to master arabic more optimally. for example, a youtube video is an excellent source with a wide variety and quantity of material. with good management, it would be a useful arabic learning material. besides, internet media would provide a real picture and example of arabic expressions, both informal and everyday versions. in this case, many islamic education institutions have tried to establish many internet-based learning platforms, such as google classrooms or other heni verawati & uswatun hasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 81 features of e-learning. with these efforts to optimize technology-based arabic learning, islamic studies' development would automatically improve continuously (setyawan & anwar, 2020). arabic learning media is about using videos and recorded conversations in arabic but can be done directly face-to-face using some internet devices with native arabic speakers. technology and learning media combined with communication technology would provide a real learning environment so that the learning quality process may be fully optimized. the types of digital media for teaching and learning arabic would continue to develop, starting from vcds, dvd lyrics, which later evolved into video conferences and through website-based interactive portfolios. also, many other onlinebased learning media can be developed and innovated to improve arabic learning activities. d. conclusion based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that arabic learners today are different from learners in the past who focus more on routine activities by relying on written sources. in this modern era, learners have complete access and freedom to determine the direction of learning they want and need for themselves. however, they still need to have control from a language teacher or instructor so that all learning activities can be fully wellimplemented. moreover, although modern learning media can optimize the potential of learning arabic, the traditional use of arabic language strategies and approaches should not be abandoned. the combination of learning with traditional approaches and modern learning would provide a good variety of learning to increase student interest and motivation in learning arabic. besides, the main priority in improving the quality of arabic learning is by optimizing modern media and technology. since arabic linguists and scholars are considered to have the lower capability in creating media and technology of arabic learning than other languages, the general arabic learning process has not yet achieved the modernity principles such as: easy, fast, precise, and useful. therefore, arabic education institutions must improve the quality and quantity of a whole arabic teaching system and learning. in other 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(2020) de-sakralisasi dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di indonesia: analisis bahasa sebagai identitas agama. jurnal lingua applicata, 3 (2) 57-70 tira nur fitria 164 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) volume 5, nomor 2, agustus 2020 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) error analysis of english abstract in international journal of economics, business, and accounting research (ijebar) tira nur fitria institut teknologi bisnis aas indonesia abstract this study aims to determine the types of errors and the most dominant type of errors in the international journal of economics, business, and accounting research (ijebar) stie aas surakarta, published in 2018. this study employed a qualitative method. the author used documents to collect data and analyzed the data by identifying errors, classifying errors, explanation errors, and tabulating errors. the research findings showed that the type of errors in ijebar was related to some aspects of writing, such as grammar, punctuation, and spelling. in the grammar aspect, there were 36 data or 50.70 %, which consist of some errors in class words (part of speech), for example in determiner/article (22 data or 61.11 %), verb (11 data or 30.56 %), preposition (2 data or 5.56 %), and noun (1 data or 2.78 %). there were 21 data or 29.58 % in the punctuation aspect, and in the spelling aspect, there are 14 data or 19.72 %. the most dominant type of errors found in ijebar is the aspect of grammar, as 36 data or 50.70%. errors can be caused by a lack of language skills such as the learner's lack of knowledge of the target language's correct rules or an error in translating using specific translation tools. therefore, in writing english abstract well and correctly, it should follow the language (english) rule, which refers to the correct grammatical, punctuation, and spelling aspect. keywords: error analysis; abstract journal; grammar; punctuation; spelling. a. introduction one of the most important parts of a scientific article is the abstract (mckee, 2020). day & gastel (2006, p. 52) states that an abstract also usually viewed as a miniature version of the paper. it is a summarization of the important keys and points in a scientific paper, such as in thesis, dissertation, paper, report, journal, and article (fitria, 2018c). an abstract is very important and necessary because it is part of the section of a paper that is written. helmenstine (2019) states that an abstract is a concise summary of an experiment or research project. it should be written shortly or briefly. the abstract tira nur fitria 165 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) should provide an overview of the whole research described (oliver, 2004, p. 13) and (powner, 2014, p. 207). the purpose of the abstract is to summarize the research paper by stating the goal/purpose of the research, the research method, the result/findings, and the last is a conclusion. abstract should be brief and specific as possible, but still writing complete sentences that follow one another logically (matthews et al., 2000, p. 68). in other words, the readers who read an abstract should be able to understand why the writers conduct the study/research, how the writer conducts it, what the writer finds, and why the writer’s work is important and necessary. brown (2019) states that almost everyone knows what an abstract is. it is a short synopsis that precedes the short text of the journal article. the readers can find the article and maybe determined and decided whether they read it or not based on the abstract’s wording (bly, 2009, p. 5). this statement also supported by kolin (2013, p. 696) that the readers maybe do not read entire the report, but almost the readers will read the abstract. in the academic world, this abstract is used by educational institutions/institutions/ organizations as initial information on a study when it is included in the thesis, dissertation, journals, conferences, workshops, seminars, or others. patrick (2014) defines that the abstract explains and describes both an unpublished or published research study in a certain form. it is a brief overview of the investigation or invention, so the other researchers can comprehend the content of the research. the information which usually provided in the abstract must be sufficient to help the other researchers in deciding whether the research is relevant to his/her interest or not. therefore, abstract should be brief but not lacking in important elements necessary for the understanding of the research conducted. the abstract also helps the researchers decide whether to read the research paper in its entirety or not, even they can download it for necessity. the journal’s abstracts are usually presented in english, or the combination of two languages, such as the indonesian and english (wulandari, 2014). an abstract is a complete summary and explains the entire contents of scientific article. an abstract usually is placed at the beginning of the scientific article. good abstract writing needs to be considered considering this section is part of the article that is read after the title. it is reasonable, whether or not a scientific article is read depends on the impression the reader gets when reading the abstract. the hardest part of the tira nur fitria 166 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) article to work on is abstract. an abstract in english is an absolute necessity that must exist (requirements in the accreditation of scientific journals). the overall goal of the abstract is to show how the proposed study will extend prior research in the area (chasan-taber, 2014, p. 287). an abstract must be informative and descriptive, meaning that any information contained in the abstract must be based on facts. in other words, it is not permissible to include information that is not, in fact, clear in the content of an article in an abstract. the abstracts for an article should describe the topic, the purpose, thesis, or organizing construct and the scope of the article; the sources used and the conclusions (klimova, 2013). allen & hougland (2020) state that the abstract is written when a research is finished. an abstract usually is more appropriate for articles and research reports (dumaine & healey, 2003, p. 2). scientific paper usually requires writing abstract english for each published text. scriptwriters, in general, have completed their manuscripts with the intended abstract even though they are not all in english. from the abstracts compiled by the authors, perhaps still there are some problems and errors that need to be corrected or corrected for grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, or other aspects. therefore, the correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are important in writing english abstract (fitria, 2018a). the recent studies also focus on error analysis, such as first research entitled error analysis found in the students’ writing composition of simple future tense written by fitria (2018) and second research entitled errors in students’ writing composition in simple present tense “my daily activity” written by fitria (2019). both of them, the research focus on error analysis in tenses such as simple present and simple future tense. those research also have the same goal of the research, is to analysis the aspects of grammatical, punctuation, and spelling error. other previous studies also written by novita (2018) entitled “an error analysis on undergraduate thesis abstracts of english language education students of sanata dharma university”. this study to find out the mechanical and grammatical errors found in the undergraduate thesis abstracts. concerning this study, the writer wants to study error analysis of english abstracts which has published in an international journal to find the errors. tira nur fitria 167 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) error analysis has occupied an important key in linguistic (spillner, 2017, p. 10). error analysis also related to the process of deciding and determining the incidence, event, nature, cause, and effect/impact of an unsuccessful language (james, 2013). according to (hamzah, 2012), the basis of the severity of errors can affect communication. errors can be caused by lack of language skills such as the learner's lack of knowledge of the correct rules of the target language or an error in translating using certain translation tools. ijebar is an international journal of economics, business, and accounting research (ijebar). it is a peer-reviewed and open-access international scientific journal in the areas of economic, business, and accounting theme. this analysis of research only focuses on a journal which published in 2018. therefore, the researcher is interested to do the research analysis entitled “error analysis in the international journal of economics, business, and accounting research (ijebar)”. thus, based on the analysis problems, this study aims to find out the types of error and the most dominant type of errors found in the international journal of economics, business, and accounting research (ijebar) stie aas surakarta published in 2018. b. research method this research employs descriptive qualitative research. in general, basic qualitative research is providing a descriptive account to understand a phenomenon by using data that be collected in several ways (ary et al., 2018). he also adds that the qualitative researcher focuses on how people make sense of or interpret the experience (ary et al., 2009). data in this research were abstract. an abstract is a complete summary and explains the entire contents of scientific articles in a journal. while data source in this research is taken from international journal of economics, business, and accounting research (ijebar) stie aas surakarta which published in 2018, they are 1) volume 2, no 01 (2018), 2) volume 2, no 02 (2018), 3) volume 2, no 03 (2018), 4) volume 2, no 04 (2018). from that volume journal in 2018, there are 24 abstracts to be analyzed in this research. the researcher uses the documentation for collecting data. according to arikunto (2002), documentation is the technique to look for data about things or variables in tira nur fitria 168 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) some forms of fieldnotes, books, reports, newspapers, magazines, transcripts, inscriptions, dairy, and agendas for information under investigation. the purpose of documentation is to collect and complement and analyze the data that is not mentioned by the subject/object of the research and to know about how much data would be accounted for in the research. according to patton (2002), data analysis related to the process of selecting and arranging the order of the data, organize into a pattern, category, and description of each basic unit. in this research, the researcher analyses the errors found in ijebar journal published in 2018. the descriptions as follow: (1) identifying errors. in this step, the researcher identifies the errors in ijebar journal published in 2018. (2) classifying errors. in this step, the researcher classifies the errors into some writing aspects such as grammar, punctuation, and spelling. (3) explanation errors. in this step, the researcher explains the source of error found. the writer tries to figure out the source of errors by predicting it if needed. (4) tabulating of errors. in this step, the researcher draws the errors into a table/chart based on the classification of errors to tabulate the number of errors found in the journal and then figures out the most dominant errors in the journal. in tabulation data, the researcher uses a simple statistical analytical method, the proportion as a whole (100%) then divided by the types of errors found in the journal. then, the researcher counts the percentage frequency of each error occurrence by using the following formula below: which: pi = the proportion of the errors’ frequency fi = frequency of each type of error n = the total number of errors analyzed c. findings and discussion findings some writing errors are very common and frequently seen in abstract journals/articles. this research will explain details of the most common and easily avoidable writing errors such as spelling, punctuation, and grammar aspect. in ijebar journal published in 2018, there are some errors found in the aspect of spelling, punctuation, and grammar as follows: tira nur fitria 169 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) grammar grammar is the study of how to form words that has certain forms into a proper sentence. or in other words, grammar is a collection of structural rules that set the composition of words, phrases, and clauses in natural languages given. in this research, there are some errors found in ijebar journal in the aspect of grammar as follow: verb nordquist (2018b) defines that a verb is one of the parts of speech that describes an action or occurrence. it also can indicate a state of being. from three examples above show that there are some errors in the aspect of grammar, especially the verb. verb error data 1 shows that the singular verb “has” does not fit with the plural subject “variables”. it should be changed to the verb form for a suitable subject-verb agreement. then, the correct form should be written: “have”. in verb error data 2 shows that the verb “have” does not seem to agree with the subject “the percentage”. it should be changed into an appropriate verb form. then, the correct form should be written “has”. while the verb error data 3 example shows that the singular verb “states” does not agree with the plural subject “results”. it should be changed to the verb form for a suitable subject-verb agreement. then, the correct form should be written “state”. verb error data 1 …two independent variables has a positive effect on the value of the company. verb error data 2 the percentage based on variable empathy t test and responsiveness have a significant positive effect on member satisfaction,.. verb error data 2 the results of this study states that the orientation of innovation and competitive… verb error data 4 …in order to obtains a sample of 10 chemical companies… tira nur fitria 170 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) the data above show that there are some errors in the aspect of grammar, especially the using of main verb. the verb error data 4 shows that the verb “obtains” should be in the base form to-infinitive following “in order”. it should be changed into the appropriate form. then, the correct form should be written: “obtain”. while the verb error data 5 shows that the verb “analyze” should be in the to-infinitive form. it should be added by the appropriate form. then, the correct form should be written: “to analyze”. the data above show that there are some errors in the aspect of grammar, especially the verb. verb error data 6 appears that the form of the verb “use” does not work with “was” in this sentence. it should be changed into an appropriate verb in the form participle (v3) to make a passive form in this context. then, the correct form should be written “was used”. the data above show that there are some errors in the aspect of grammar, especially the verb. the verb error data 7 shows that the verb “were” does agree with the subject “the number of samples in this study”. it should be changed into the appropriate verb. then, the correct form should be written “was”. the data above show that there are some errors in the aspect of grammar, especially the verb. the verb error data 8 shows that the verb “go” is written into the verb error data 5 in this study aims analyze the effect of financial ratios on the performance of cigarette companies listed on the idx. verb error data 6 the purpose of this study was use to examine the effect of good corporate governance on company value. verb error data 7 the number of samples in this study were 45 samples. verb error data 8 …in predicting financial distress in go public company automotive sub sector and component 2012-2016 periods. tira nur fitria 171 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) wrong form after the preposition “in”. it should be changed into the gerund form (v+ing). then, the correct form should be written: “going”. determiner/article determiner/article is a word or a group of words that specifies, identifies, or quantifies the noun or the noun phrase that follows it (nordquist, 2018a). the four examples above show that there are some errors in the aspect of grammar, especially determiner/article. from four examples above show that the noun phrase which is written bold seems to be missing a determiner/article before it. it should be added by the appropriate article “a” or “the”. in the first example, the noun phrase “qualitative method” should be written “a qualitative method” or “the qualitative method”. in the third example, the noun phrase “f test” should be written “an f test” or “the f test”. in the fifth example, the noun phrase “application of sharia principles and service” should be written “an application of sharia principles and service” or “the application of sharia principles and service”. then, in the thirteenth example, the noun phrase “performance audit” should be written “a performance audit” or “the performance audit”. determiner error data 1 this research uses qualitative method that is by obtaining company data then compare the method used. determiner error data 2 based on hypothesis test by using significant level α = 0,05 result of f test,.. determiner error data 3 …means independent variable that is application of sharia principles and service determiner error data 4 this study examines the effect of performance audit of the government… tira nur fitria 172 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) noun a noun is a part of speech that names or identifies a person, place, and thing, it also can identify a quality, idea, thought, or activity. the example above shows that there is an error in the aspect of grammar, especially in the noun. the example above shows that the singular verb shows do not appear to agree with the plural subject “results”. therefore, it should be changed into an appropriate verb form of the subject-verb agreement. the correct form should be written “show”. preposition nordquist (2018c) defines that preposition is a word that refers to the relationship between a noun, pronoun, and other words in a sentence. the two examples above show that there are some errors in the aspect of grammar. in the first example shows that there is a missing preposition after the word “value”. it should be added by the preposition, then it is written “value of”. while the second example shows that there is a missing preposition after the word “determined”. it should be added by the correct preposition, then the correct form should be written: “determined by”. punctuation punctuation is a system of signs or symbols given to readers to show how sentences are made and how they should be read. english punctuation which is most commonly used includes full stop, comma (point), an ellipsis (dots), colon, semicolon, question mark (question mark), an exclamation mark (sign exciting), quotation marks (hyphen), a hyphen, slash, parentheses (brackets), an apostrophe. noun error data 1 the results shows that there was a difference between company method and full costing method,… preposition error data 1 …or can be seen from the significance value 0.172> = 0.05. preposition error data 2 the purpose sampling method was used and determined 100 samples. punctuation error data 1 in this study the influence of pritability is activity while liquidity and solvency do not affect profitability. tira nur fitria 173 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) the example above shows that there are some errors in the aspect of grammar. in the 1st example appears that there is missed a comma after the introductory phrase of “in this study”. it should be added by a comma, then the correct form should be written: “in this study, …”. while in the 17th example appears that there is missed a comma after the introductory phrase “in the year 2015”. it should be added by a comma, then the correct form should be written: “in the year 2015, …”. the example above shows that there are some errors in the aspect of grammar. in the 3rd example appears that the word “t-test” is missing a hyphen. it should be added by the hyphen(s). therefore, the correct form should be written “t-test”. in the 15th example appears that the word “city regions” is missing a hyphen. it should be added by the hyphen(s). therefore, the correct form should be written “city-regions”. while in the 15th example appears that the word “sub sector” is missing a hyphen. it should be added by the hyphen(s). therefore, the correct form should be written “sub-sector”. spelling spelling is the rules of how to describe sounds (words, phrases, sentences, etc.). english spelling includes the addition or fusion of letters in a word ending in a certain letter, abbreviated writing with correct punctuation. punctuation error data 2 in the year 2015 there are 2 companies i.e. imas, gdyr and 2016 year whereas lpin is gdyr, imas and pras. punctuation error data 3 while testing the hypothesis using f test for simultaneous test and t test partially,… punctuation error data 4 …a significant effect on the original revenue of district / city regions in the surakarta residency. punctuation error data 5 …in predicting financial distress in go public company automotive sub sector and component 2012-2016 periods. spelling error data 1 to determine the effect of cash flows from operating activities, cash flows from investment activities and cash flows… tira nur fitria 174 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) the examples above show that there are some errors in the aspect of spelling. in the 2nd example appears that the word “investment” does not seem to fit in this context. it should be replaced with a different one. therefore, the correct form should be written: “investing”. while in the 3rd example appears that the word “relation” also does not seem to fit in this context. it should be replaced with a different one. therefore, the correct form should be written “relationship”. in the 5th example appears that the word “againts” is not in the dictionary or perhaps the spelling is incorrect. it should be replaced with the appropriate word to prevent future alerts. therefore, the correct form should be written “against”. in the 9th example appears that the word “significance” does not seem fit in this context. therefore, the correct form should be written “significant”. in the 10th example appears that the word “purpose” does not seem fit in this context. therefore, the correct form should be written “purposive”. while in the 12th example appears that the word “shiftshare” is not in the dictionary. therefore, the correct form should be written by adding space between “shift” and “share” to be “shift share”. spelling error data 2 …show that together regression model can be used to explain the relation between return on asset,… spelling error data 3 the application effect of sharia principles and service againts customer satisfaction level… spelling error data 4 based on the f test shows that the significance number is… spelling error data 5 the purpose sampling method was used and determined 100 samples. spelling error data 6 the method used to analyze the leading sectors in this research is location quotient and shiftshare analysis… tira nur fitria 175 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) from the examples above shows that there are some errors in the aspect of spelling. the spelling error data 7 appears that the word “pay out” seems to be miswritten in this context. it should be replaced with appropriate word to fit in this sentence. therefore, the correct form should be written without spacing between “pay” and “out” into “payout”. discussion some points of good writing usually include grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization (macmillan, 2017). by mastering these rules and conventions, it makes the writing easier to be understood by the readers. this research will identify the type of errors and find out the most dominant type of errors written in ijebar journal published in 2018. below the table of the result of students’ writing composition, it is found of errors, such as in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. the table as follow: table 1. frequency of error in abstract of ijebar journal aspect aspect of error analysis grammar punctuation 21 spelling 14 determiner/ article verb preposition noun 22 61.11 % 11 30.56 % 2 5.56 % 1 2.78 % total 36 % 50.70 % 29.58 % 19.72 % from the table above, it shows that the type errors in ijebar journal published in 2018 include writing aspects, they are grammar, punctuation, and spelling. in grammar aspect, it is found = 36 data or 50.70 %, which show some errors in class words (part of speech) such as in part of determiner/article (22 data or 61.11 %), verb (11 data or 30.56 %), preposition (2 data or 5.56 %), and noun (1 data or 2.78 %). in the punctuation aspect, it is found 21 data or 29.58 %, and in the spelling aspect, it is found 14 data or 19.72 %. while, the most dominant type of errors found in ijebar journal published in 2018 is an aspect of grammar, there are 36 data or 50.70%. in punctuation as 21 data or spelling error data 7 …earnings per share and dividend pay out ratio to stock returns on manufacturing companies… tira nur fitria 176 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 29.58, then in spelling as 14 data or 19.72 %. below the description of the students’ writing composition as follow: grammar is related to the system of the language itself. not only understanding how language works but by learning the grammar of a language, it will make better writing. grammar errors in english that often occur are related to the inability of learners to process and arrange the sentences they make. in this research, there are some errors in the aspect of grammar, such as in some parts of speech (class word). first, in determiner, some noun phrases are written bold seem to be missing a determiner/article before it. therefore, it should be added by the appropriate article “a” or “the”. for example, in the noun phrase “qualitative method”, “application of sharia principles and service” and “performance audit”. the other examples are must be written into correct word with determiner/article “a” or “the”, like in “the cost”, “the full”, “the writer”, “an independent”, “a partially”, “the price”, “a stock”, “a simple”, “the economic”, “an expert”, or “the audit”. in verb, there are some singular verb does not fit with the plural subject or vice versa. therefore, it should be changed to the other verb form for appropriate subject-verb agreement. for example, the singular “the plural subject “variables” should be changed into “have”, the verb “have” does not seem to agree with the subject “the percentage”. therefore, it should be changed into “has”, and the singular verb “states” do not agree with the plural subject “results”. therefore, it should be changed to “state”. in preposition, there is a missing preposition after the word “value” and “determined”. it should be added by the preposition, then it is written “value of” and “determined by”. punctuation is a sign of how structure, organization, intonation, and pauses can be observed in reading. punctuation means giving the right punctuation in the right place to show the exact length of the sentence and its meaning. providing proper punctuation in english is important to make it easier for readers to understand what is written. in this research, there are some errors in the aspect of punctuation. there is missing a comma after the introductory phrase of “in this study” and “in the year 2015”. it should be added by a comma, then the correct form should be written “in this study” and “in the year 2015, …”. then, the other example shows that there are some words are missing a hyphen, such as “t test”, “city regions” and “sub sector”. therefore, it should be added tira nur fitria 177 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) by the hyphen(s). therefore, the correct form should be written “t-test”, “city-regions” and “sub-sector”. spelling is the rules of how to describe sounds (words, phrases, sentences, etc.) in the form of writing and the use of punctuation. it includes vowel, consonant, silent letter, prefix, suffix, contraction, homonym, synonym, etc. in this research, there are some errors in the aspect of spelling. there are some words do not seem to fit in this context of the sentence. for example, the word “investment”, should be written, “investing”. the word “relation” should be written “relationship”. the word “significance” should be written “significant”. the word “purpose” should be written “purposive”. the word “againts” is not in the dictionary or perhaps the spelling is incorrect. it should be replaced and written “against”. then, the word “pay out” seems to be miswritten in this context. it should be written without spacing between “pay” and “out” into “payout”. errors can be caused by a lack of language skills such as the learner's lack of knowledge of the target language's correct rules or an error in translating using certain translation tools. as stated by heydari & bagheri (2012) that the errors made by the students can be from both from the intra-language and interlanguage interference. this is while the errors caused by mother tongue interference were in a small proportion. interlingual errors include errors in choosing vocabulary and composing sentences caused by the influence of the native language. while intralingual errors in the form of omissions or improper additions to the form of words or sentence forms. interlingual errors are caused by the process/mechanism of transfer and borrowing from the learners' li to l2. intralingual errors are attributed to the processes/mechanisms of some factors. d. conclusions based on the analysis, it shows that the type errors found in the international journal of economics, business, and accounting research (ijebar) stie aas surakarta published in 2018 covers of three important aspects of writing, such as in grammar (structure), punctuation, and spelling aspect. in the grammar aspect, it is found 36 data or 50.70 %, which consist of some errors in class words (part of speech) especially in determiner/article (22 data or 61.11 %), verb (11 data or 30.56 %), preposition (2 data or 5.56 %), and noun (1 data or 2.78 %). in the punctuation aspect, it tira nur fitria 178 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) is found 21 data or 29.58 %, and in the spelling aspect, it is found 14 data or 19.72 %. while the most dominant type of errors found in ijebar journal published in 2018 is an aspect of grammar, it is found 36 data or 50.70%. errors can be caused by lack of language skills such as the learner's lack of knowledge of the target language's correct rules or an error in translating using certain translation tools. related to the analysis in this research, the writer offers some suggestions related to the error analysis. it would be better for the authors if making an abstract of english is done at the final stage, where all parts of the article for publication have been completed in abstract writing in english. the part that is often a standard error of the writers/authors in translating abstract english is the incorrect use of language, punctuation, and correct spelling. for the other researchers. the result of this study may be used as reference and information to conduct further researches with the same topic. this research can also contribute to writing a good and proper abstract based on the language (english) rule, which refers to the correct grammatical, punctuation, and spelling. tira nur fitria 179 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) references allen, j. m., & hougland, s. 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(2014). grammatical errors found in articles’ abstracts of indonesian scholarly journals. jeels (journal of english education and linguistics studies), 1(1). dhion meitreya vidhiasi 148 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) volume 5, nomor 2, agustus 2020 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) the analysis of political discourse in anies baswedan interview with the sydney morning herald dhion meitreya vidhiasi akademi maritim nusantara cilacap, indonesia abstract indeed, the political world is never free of whatever smells of controversy. news that is still widely debated is an article in the australian newspaper, the sydney morning herald, written by james masolla dated may 7, 2020. the article was a conclusion from his interview with anies rasyid baswedan, governor of dki jakarta. this study aims at analyzing the political discourse contained in the video interview with james masolla given by governor anies by seeing the persuasive strategy used by both people. the data obtained were then analyzed by employing the theory of persuasive strategy. researchers used descriptive methods to tell the results of the analysis of this study. the findings of this study show that the interview with james masolla by anies attracted a lot of different perspectives within the audience. james’ skill in supporting and directing anies has also earned anies supporters’ respect for the governor. the quality of the argument given by anies is excellent because it can provide a probability claim and provide a desirably claim. this has been shown that the usage of the persuasion approach allows clarifying the meaning behind an argument. persuasive techniques may also be utilized to forecast the reaction and the behavior the interlocutors want. there is potential for what anies did to guide him in the contestation of the presidential election in 2024, although it is still too early to talk about it. anies’ interview, however, showed that there was a problem between dki jakarta’s provincial government and the national government. keywords: anies rasyid baswedan; james masolla; persuasive strategy; political discourse. a. introduction the latest news that is still hotly discussed is the interview of the governor of dki jakarta with one of the australian media named the sydney morning herald. james massola, as a correspondent, later concluded the results of his interview in an article dated may 7, 2020, entitled “not allowed to do testing”: governor says jakarta was tracking covid-19 cases in january “. the article then raises a variety of positive and negative responses. especially with the number of positive cases of covid-19 in dki dhion meitreya vidhiasi 149 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) jakarta as of may 12, 2020, which reached 5303 cases, making the public see the battle between the provincial government and the central government. james massola is south-east asia correspondent based in jakarta. he was previously chief political correspondent, based in canberra. he has been a walkley and quills finalist on three occasions, won a kennedy award for outstanding foreign correspondent and is the author of the great cave rescue. talk about politics, there is a saying that there are no eternal friends or opponents in politics. bayram (2010:24) said that politics is a struggle for power to put specific political, economic, and social ideas into practice. language plays a crucial role in every political action. language is closely linked to our childhood social and cognitive development, and to the formation of our identity. a listener may take a different speaker’s attitude. language attitudes have been described by trudgill (1992:44) as the attitudes which people have towards different languages, dialects, accents, and speakers. such attitudes may range from very favorable to very unfavorable. they may be manifested in subjective judgments about correctness, worth and aesthetic qualities of varieties, as well as the personal qualities for their speakers. bayram (2010:25) explained two kinds of view toward language attitude; those are mentalist and behaviorist view. fasold and connor (2006:147) observed that most language research is focused on a mentalist perception of attitude as a readiness state: “an intervening variable between a stimulus affecting a person and that person’s response.” bayram (2010:25) said that from a behaviorist view, attitudes could be identified clearly in the responses people provide to social circumstances. holmes (2001:344) said that language attitudes reflect attitudes towards users and language usages. in culture, the regular variety has a “hidden reputation”. giles and coupland (1991) commented on the evaluation of regular american speakers, and kentucky accented them. the study reported kentucky’s accented speakers displayed high unity, low rank. the specific outcome showed that american standard speakers scored low on unity, great on standing. likewise, in their study, coupland et al. (1994) found that teachers in wales classified carmarthen english (characterized as the welsh version of rp by one teacher) relatively high not only for dhion meitreya vidhiasi 150 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) reputation but also for dynamism, pleasantness and “welshness.” on the other side, rp scored strongly at prestige and, in all other respects, very low. such studies have shown that attitudes towards speech can define the social and cultural personality, social status, and perceptions of legitimacy and unity of others and that attitudes towards expression and its various varieties may be influenced by a variety of users’ individual expression influences. this article focuses primarily on the interview with james masolla of the sydney morning herald by jakarta governor anies rasyid baswedan, which focuses on the realization of power in the context of language use. skvortsova (2017) considered political discourse as a specific kind of discourse. it comprises all types of interaction of an individual and society, creating worldview. political discourse reveals the way cultural values and social order are imposed in different societies. political discourse is often practiced by those who have the intention of wanting to influence others. this practice is often seen when seeing a politician speak in response to an event or when they make a speech. it has been known that discourse can describe someone through language. according to van dijk’s clarification (1997:12), their actors or writers describe political discourse, viz. policymakers. political discourse is about the text and professional or government bodies thinking about it. another clarification from amaglobeli (2017:20) is that political discourse can be defined as a deliberate act that is intended to achieve specific goals in each case and that these goals are, as a rule, real. political discourse may be said to be used to convince, defend, or de-construct certain things. in other words, in political discourse, ideology plays an important role. schaffner in bayram (2010:27) said it was possible to split political discourse into two criteria; those are practical and thematic. political discourse plays various purposes, depending on the specific political activities. the objective is driven by one political cause or theme, such as political action, political ideas, and international relations. an influential person can quickly be influencing others. bayram (2010:27) described power as a complex, abstract concept that has a significant influence on human life. power is the capacity of its holders to demand other individuals’ conformity or obedience to their will. language once again plays a vital role in making social life exchange of values and turning power into right, and compliance into an obligation. dhion meitreya vidhiasi 151 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) rousseau in bayram (2010:27) states that the best is only strong enough to always be monarch without altering his power to loyalty in right and obligation. the reaction that comes from people to statements from someone can vary. edwards (2006:324) said people do not respond to the environment based on sensory information, but rather on the sense of what we interpret the data. for example, when ahok apologized for his case of blasphemy, many people said it was a fake apology, while some said it was a genuine apology. hearing a particular variation is a mechanism or stimulation that evokes cognitive expectations or beliefs or stereotypes about the community that is assumed to be the speaker. politics is concerned with a power that is the ability to make decisions, control resources, control the actions of others, and also control their values. politicians have achieved popularity over the centuries, according to jones and peccei in bayram (2010:28), thanks to their “skillful use of rhetoric,” that seeks to convince their public of the legitimacy of their views by using elegant and convincing words sensitively and deliberately. rhetoric is the art of utilizing language to persuade or affect others; a speaker or writer will obey a set of guidelines such that it communicates it eloquently. according to van dijk (2006:733), political circumstances involve a cognitive partnership between conditions and speech or text, that is to say, meaning. these circumstances indicate the political discourse includes not only political debate structures but also political backgrounds. two viewpoints, which are micro-level and macro-level, can be used to analyze the political discourse. micro-level research can be achieved by looking at word usage, and so on, whereas from the communicative case, macro-level can be seen. language usage, voice, verbal expression, and communication are part of the social order microlevel. the study of the macro-levels involves control, domination, and inequality between social classes. van dijk (2003:354) explained that critical discourse analysis could theoretically bridge the gap between micro and macro approaches, which is a distinction that is a sociological construct in its own right. the critical discourse analysis (cda) was mostly linked to the ideas of norman fairclough, ruth wodak, and teun van dijk. bayram (2010:31) said that cda could be used to describe, interpret, analyze, and criticize social life reflected in the text. cda seeks to investigate the interaction between discursive activities, texts, and occurrences dhion meitreya vidhiasi 152 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) as well as more comprehensive frameworks, connections, and procedures of social and cultural matters. the political discourse is not just about communication. it brings its clear objectives and specific participants together. the primary purpose of political discourse is to win and deduct power, with political and social participation (kenzhekanova, 2015). the power of an immediate manipulative impact on the minds of the public is achieved through certain political discourse representation tactics and strategies. speech strategies are unique in this respect (sukhanov, 2018). renkema and schubert (2018:278) explain that the consistency of the argument has two aspects: the power of the argument (the predicted result probability) and the valence of the argument (this outcome’s desirability). so, in arguing for or against an issue (e.g., “you should stop smoking”), one can improve the argument quality by providing a probability claim (“it is statistically proved that people who don’t stop smoking run a higher risk of dying of lung cancer”) or by providing a desirability claim (“if you stop smoking you will feel much healthier”). this work will give the reader exposure to the technique of self-expression (creating a politician’s image). according to titova (2018), the technique includes tactics of fair treatment with others (demonstrating that one belongs to this social and political group) as well as tactics of resistance. two persuasive methods are presented by kochneva and titova (2019): 1) arguments technique (by presenting facts to convince a recipient). this substrategy consists of the following few tactics: a) established appraisal techniques (when a speaker tries to analyze and explain something); b) contrast analysis tactics (confrontation and comparison of facts, events, outcome); c) strategies of showing perspectives (predictive event growth, report on potential objectives); and d) tactics of illustration (examples, facts). 2) propagation strategy (the strategy of influencing people’s behavior by making them do something, make a choice), which includes the tactics of promise and the tactics of appeal dhion meitreya vidhiasi 153 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) language both shapes and is shaped by society. cda is not so much interested in language use itself, but the linguistic character of social and cultural processes and structures. blommaert (2019), kochneva and titova (2019), and qaiwer (2020) researched political discourse. blommaert examines language in twitter usage, while kochneva and titova discuss the use of political discourse in a film. qaiwaer examines the use of ironic utterances in political discourse. those researchers agreed that the way someone spoke determined the purpose behind the statement. that way of speaking is then called speech strategy. this study aims to examine how the speech strategy used by anies baswedan and james masolla as a form of political discourse implementation. the researcher sees the figure of anies baswedan as a very influential figure. moreover, the effects of the interviews conducted were quite noisy for indonesians. anies baswedan was also predicted as a presidential candidate in the presidential election contestation in 2024. b. research method in this part, the author presented an analytical unit, data collection method, and data analysis. in this study, the analytical unit used is the “move,” which can be a word, a phrase, a sentence, or sentences. it is stated by webster new world college dictionary (1997) that the word is a speech sound, or series, that communicates meaning, and consists, with or without a prefix or suffix, of at least one basic morpheme. a phrase is then a sequence of two or more words that convey or create a separate part of a sentence but which does not include a subject and predicate. it also states that a sentence is a standard unit of interdependent speech or writing that usually contains a subject and a predicate. sutomo (2016:24) notes that the term “jump”, a written or spoken word, is the unified functional sense of a sentence or group of sentences. in this study, words/phrases/sentences are mainly segmented text discourse from the youtube downloaded interview of anies baswedan. the researcher acknowledges the data verbatim and there is no alteration of the data as conclusive findings must be found in data analysis and interpretation. dhion meitreya vidhiasi 154 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) data sources for the present study are written data as the researcher attempts to explain in an interview with anies baswedan the phenomena of written data in connection with the appraisal system. the data were collected through the following steps: (1) browsing the website; (2) finding the anies baswedan’s interview with james masolla; (3) downloading the video of the interview from; (4) transcribe the interview. the data were accessed on 12 may 2020, and they were treated verbatim. descriptive research methods are the approach used in this analysis. polit and beck (2004:192) announce that descriptive work aims at witnessing, identifying, and recording aspects of a natural situation. in describing the research, an event, condition, or situation is described in detail using quantitative, qualitative, or combined methods. the author was using the key aspects of linguistic analysis in this study: content collection, contrast, interpretation, and explanation of the results. the author always looks at the language, taking lexical units, and conceptual sense into account. c. findings and discussion findings it is no longer a secret that the interview of the governor of dki jakarta, anies rasyid baswedan with a contributor named james masolla from the sydney morning herald’s newspaper, was a warm discussion discussed by every element of the community. many of his supporters said that the interview was perfect because the interview showed that the governor of dki jakarta was more responsive than the minister of health, especially the national government. however, not a few consider that what anies delivered in the interview was an attempt to “seek the stage” for the presidential election contest in 2024. the interview strategies used by both anies baswedan and james masolla vary. mr. anies often uses strategies where he wants to prove his evaluation of something. this is evidenced by providing data in the form of numbers, narrating the sequence of events, and using words that can support his statement. anies also often used illustrations in these interviews. mr. anies also often provides a comparison, in this dhion meitreya vidhiasi 155 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) case, comparing the attitude of mr. anies as the governor of dki jakarta with the attitude of the government in handling covid19. one interesting thing is that both mr. anies and mr. james are both using a propagation strategy, which can make someone do something unnoticed. this has been shown that the usage of the persuasion approach allows to clarify the meaning behind an argument. persuasive techniques may also be utilized to forecast the reaction and the behavior the interlocutors want. discussion the use of appraisal techniques is often used by anies in an interview with james masolla. this is intended to confirm something. anies: and then number two with the number of the real cases. on the real cases, i’m referring to funeral services. as you know, that the funeral services in march, in the month of march and april is quite high. anies tried to convince james that the data provided was accurate. the use of the phrase “quite high” was said by anies by providing a further explanation to strengthen his argument about the number of actual positive cases. anies: and, let me, let me check the number just a minute. in the month of april, it is also around 4590 funerals in that month. and that is four weeks. in the month of march, most of those service is in the third or fourth week. and the number is around 4300. picture 1. funeral chart with the permanent procedure of covid-19 handling ( dhion meitreya vidhiasi 156 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) something is interesting with the numbers given by anies to james. if you look at the page, the accumulation of funeral data with the covid-19 handling procedure recorded up to 31 march 2020, touched more than 2000 figures but not up to 3000. while on 28 april 2020, 1597 bodies were buried with the covid-19 handling protocol. even so, the strategy anies used in giving his argument was responded well by james. james: bapak governor, what i was asking you is we ask for the information of the burial information for april, we had to go to through the national government. are they blocking your government or they ask your government not to release the april data? the question posed by james shows that james clashed the dki jakarta government with the national government. this shows that james agrees with the figures presented by anies even though it looks different from the data showed on the page. the use of tactics of contrast analysis is also used to strengthen anies’s argument further. anies: they are not asking us not to release, but they have been discouraging people to rely on our number. james: okay right. anies: they are saying that those are not a covid cases and it is true that we cannot say they are covid cases but average burial services is about 2700 per month and then suddenly it jumped to more than 4000 so it raised an eyebrow. james: yes of course, that’s exactly the point of mine of course. the use of the words “okay right” and “yes, of course” is a form of a statement that represents the proposition as highly warrantable. james’s answer emphasized that what anies said with the figures presented was indeed something that could be justified. the phrase “okay right” also confirms that there is an attempt by the national government to influence people to distrust the figures given by anies. so, no wonder, the pros, and cons of the data provided by anies are even greater among the people. the use of an argument strengthening strategy by making comparisons was also carried out by james. it can be seen from his words that praising the dki jakarta provincial government’s corona page is better than the national government’s. james masolla said: dhion meitreya vidhiasi 157 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) james: so, looking on the jakarta website, the jakarta corona website, which by the way so much better than the national government’s website, more information and more useful. the choice of the phrase “so much better” can be categorized as a form of praise for something. that phrase is an assessment of the degree of intensity that operates over quality. james masolla, as a correspondent, seems to be very good at trying to win the hearts of governor anies. the addition of the phrases “more information” and “more useful” shows that the covid19 information page owned by the national government does not provide sufficient information and usefulness when compared to pages owned by the dki jakarta government. hhh picture 2. data of covid-19 from the website of dki jakarta ( dhion meitreya vidhiasi 158 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) picture 3. data of covid-19 from the website of national government ( if we look at the comparison of the website of the dki jakarta provincial government with the website of the national government, more or less, the information shown is the same. picture 2 and picture 3 are the initial screenshots for each page. from the results of the comparison, both pages provide easy-to-read information. the only difference is that the distribution map is shown on a page owned by the national government. the dispute between the government of dki jakarta and the national government was increasingly apparent when anies openly shared her differing views with the minister of health, which was then greeted with a propagation strategy carried out by james. anies: and we have different paradigm on that. the ministry of health don’t share that view. that’s more of the tension. from our side, being transparent and telling what to do is providing sense of security, but the ministry of health the other way around. being transparent, will create panics. and that’s not our view. anies’s statement about the paradigm differences about “transparency” between anies and the minister of health shows that there is something that is being hidden both from the dki jakarta government and by the minister of health. anies opinion about being transparent at the beginning of the covid19 case was detected as an act to dhion meitreya vidhiasi 159 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) provide a sense of security proved to be inappropriate. this is evident by the scarcity of finding a variety of personal protective equipment such as masks at pharmacies and minimarkets. the high price of a firing thermometer is also evidence that at that time, people were panicked by the findings of covid19 cases. residents flocked to hoard masks and shot thermometers for themselves. surgical masks and n95 masks that are needed by medical staff are also rare in the market. panic also occurs when residents flock to hoard groceries for their supplies at home. anies: so that’s why we asked for authority to do restrictions, and then when the authority is not there, we have started anyway. and we did that without asking for authority to do all those restrictions. james: we had to anies: we had to do that. the contradiction between anies and the minister of health was increasingly apparent when anies made a unilateral territorial restriction regulation. the covid19 case, which has been determined as a national disaster, makes everything that is done by the local government must be coordinated with the national government. however, it seems that anies was brave enough to conduct territorial restrictions without coordination with the national government. this became even more “justified” when james replied anies’s statement with the statement “we had to”. james’s statement, which is a propagation strategy, was welcomed by anies, who affirmed the statement “we had to do that”. anies’s counter-statement can be interpreted that what anies is doing is the right thing and can be continued even though it has the potential to cause conflict with the national government. james: it’s interesting. every time, i tweeted something about you, i get thousands and thousands of shares and likes, actually praising in social media. i think a lot of jakartans are very very happy with your performance and not so happy with bapak jokowi. it’s true. there is an interesting statement made by james. he made a comparison between anies and president jokowi. another attempt made by james to win anies’ heart. president jokowi’s performance, which is said to be no less good than anies, emphasizes that james is confident in everything that anies made. james is implicitly convinced that anies has done something right. dhion meitreya vidhiasi 160 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) anies: in the month of april, it is also around 4590 funerals in that month. and that is four the month of march, most of those service is in the third or fourth week. and the number is around, if we assume, that case fatality rate is between 5 – 10 %, then the real cases out there is between 8000, 9000, sorry 40.000 to 80.000 perhaps. something is interesting here, namely the use of the words “assume” and “perhaps”. choosing these two words may mean governor anies is in a condition that is uncertain of what has been said. those words make the statement of anies is open for alternative positions in the dialogue. the word ‘perhaps’ suggests the lack of attention to the true meaning of the proposals. anies’s strategy is categorized in tactics of showing perspectives. anies predicted the actual number of positive covid19 cases. anies: pak james, this is the time in which policymakers need to trust science. this is the time to prove that our public policy is based on the scientific findings. and i’m going to continue to rely on science to tell us about this issue. james: that’s an excellent policy governor. i wish there are more government around the world that will doing that some are but not all of them. anies reiterated his argument by making a plan. when viewed from anies’s statement, the plan that anies made did indeed look right by trusting science. as we know that scientific discovery requires in-depth research by the scientific field. however, james’s reply to anies’s statement made it seem as if what had been done by the national government was not based on scientific research. james showed his hope that he wanted more governments to emulate anies’s steps. by saying “government” instead of “local government” shows that the national government does not use opinions or scientific results in determining its steps to deal with the covid-19 outbreak. praise given by james reinforces anies’s plan. anies: let me give you an illustration. on march 30, we closed down intercity terminals. the jakarta government did that. and then it’s overruled. unfortunately. last year, just an illustration, 7 million people did mudik. let me give you an illustration. when we heard about the cases in wuhan, late december, early january. on the 6 th of january, we already started to have meetings with all hospitals in jakarta. to give you an illustration. total icu that we have is around 12.000. we have 12000 icu, however only around 900 were filled with patients. in anies’s interview with james masolla, anies gave 4 (four) illustrations. anies shows the steps anies has taken in dealing with the covid-19 outbreak. but dhion meitreya vidhiasi 161 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) unfortunately, anies again showed that there were problems that occurred between the dki jakarta government and the national government. this is indicated by the use of the words “overruled” and “unfortunately”. anies’s decision to close the inter-city bus terminal was met with the cancellation of the decision. the only government that can overturn this decision is the national government. the cancellation implies that there is no good coordination between the dki jakarta government and the national government. james: you’ve won a lot of praise for your handling of this crisis; i wouldn’t argue you are in the front row for the 2024 presidential election. is that something what you think about in the back of your mind? anies: no, no. this is too early to talk about anything which is still going on for the next 4 years. …….. hopefully it’s over soon and then we can discuss more general including an election. propagation strategy was again used by james to get anies to do or admit something. although anies initially refused to discuss everything related to the 2024 presidential election, in the end, anies also agreed to james’s “invitation” to discuss the presidential election after the covid-19 outbreak was over. this shows that implicitly, anies does have a purpose that leads to the presidential election in 2024. d. conclusions an interview by the governor of dki jakarta, anies rasyid baswedan, with a contributor from the sydney morning herald named james masolla, indeed captured the attention of the people of indonesia. the quality of the argument given by anies is excellent because it can provide a probability claim and provide a desirably claim. anies, who is also considered a strong candidate in the 2024 presidential election contestation, used the overall persuasion strategy put forward by kochneva and titova. the study in the political discourse of persuasion theory is a complex and coherent entity that covers many aspects of our lives. the topical issue that occupies the minds of the entire nations is frequently used because political strategies may be reflected. the usage of the persuasive approach has been found to help in interpreting the meaning of an argument. persuasive techniques may often be used to anticipate the reaction and what the interlocutors intend to do. dhion meitreya vidhiasi 162 online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal 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(2021), based on their differences, mall is more likely to do business using mobile devices or smartphones, while call is more likely to conduct business using computers, such as desktop or laptop computers. the mall in question is a language translator (hereafter, lt). without an internet connection, the extreme lt might be engaged. for added convenience, students must download the app from the android market and choose indonesian as the target language for translation, since english is automatic featured in the program's source language list as a requirement to utilize it. additionally, lt supports over 100 languages worldwide. as a market leader, it includes elements from a written text and auditory and visual sources, resulting in a more comprehensive experience. for example, the translation may result in a text with aspects of the original language's speech. to put it another way, voice translation, like other translation services with limited capabilities, is also available to the public. a large body of research on mall as a practical application, particularly for improving english proficiency or ability, has already been conducted; this is a good starting point. to show this, amalia (2020) used an experimental study to demonstrate the usefulness of using mall adapted by kepham from android to teach pronunciation in a secondary school in banten. three researches, for example, looked at students' perceptions of mall to increase english learning, similar to the findings mentioned above. darsih & asikin (2020) reported that over 100 university students in jawa barat ©danti pudjiati, sianna & tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 3 expressed their opinions on mall usage and deemed it valuable, beneficial to their learning, and simple to use. in addition, ekinci & ekinci (2017) studied mall surveyed university students in turkey to determine how they felt about the company. their research observed that it helps pupils feel more motivated while learning a language and makes learning more efficient, especially when it comes to vocabulary acquisition. besides, islam & hasan (2020) researched higher education students to determine the influence of mall on english language listening abilities. an electronic search of the york university library database, google scholar, or peer-reviewed online journals yielded the articles in question. it was established that they were helpful in teaching and developing esl/efl listening skills. further research shows the powerful of mall in english teaching. the use of gadgets in the learning process, especially language learning, deserves to be elaborated with other learning methods or media. in the era of technological sophistication, the presence of smartphones requires teachers to be more creative in using various applications and content attached to this gadget. current students cannot be separated from smartphones. the result of this study shows how smartphones are tools that enable better language competency in students, but of course, with proper and wise supervision and use (habibie, 2021). according to taj et al. (2016), mall has emerged as a potentially valuable tool in the complex process of language acquisition. it is now being tested. the purpose of this meta-analysis was to gather all the knowledge gained so far in the field of multi-level learning. the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the mall platform in the context of efl education. according to abusa’aleek (2014), the study of the effect of mobile devices on english language abilities should be carried out as soon as possible to maximize the advantages of mobile devices for english language learning and teaching. as a result of the essential characteristics of mobile technology, including mobility, social interaction, context-sensitivity, connection, uniqueness, and immediacy, mobile technology has played a significant role in the learning of new languages. considering prior study and, more particular, those researchers looked at the usefulness of mall in enhancing english learning and students' perceptions of it. in other words, this might imply that academics focused on mall for translation in the area of efl learners and their perceptions of it are on the right track. to address these weaknesses of previous research, in line with the usage of mall, this research was undertaken which focused ©danti pudjiati, sianna & tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 4 on the concentration of translation text from english to indonesian utilizing mall by english education students, as well as the students' opinions on mall, which many researchers do not yet explore. translation practice experience in translating an english text using a mobile device, in this instance for pre-service teachers, is a significant event since practically everyone has had prior experience with machine translation (fitria, 2021b). this form of translation is available for free on the internet, is simple to use, and produces accurate results in a matter of seconds (fitria, 2021a). as a result, such information may be regarded new to several students. therefore, the urgency to conduct a research of mall for translation is the mall development may take into account the students' perceptions of the mobile's performance as a valuable input for improving the function, particularly for the benefit of efl learners in translation tasks. we researched the use of mall to translate text from english to indonesian and the students' views of the application based on the above. the text's argument for translation for this research was then related to the new criterion about covid-19's influence. in april 2021, the researchers grabbed articles from the guardian website with one purpose in mind: to acquaint students with authentic translation training material. this study aimed to explore what students (pre-service teachers) thought about utilizing mall to improve their capacity to translate a text from english to indonesian and evaluate the results of the text translation. in a nutshell, four research areas are being investigated to solve this issue: the following questions were addressed: 1) is using mall to improve students' translating abilities effective?, 2) how do students perceive mall in terms of assisting them in translating a text from english to indonesian?, 3) how does mall help them cope with language competency when translating a text from english to indonesian?, and 4) what challenges do students face when using mall to translate a text from english to indonesian?. b. research method research design the researchers employed a one-group pretest-posttest design in conjunction with a pre-experimental design to conduct their study. due to the lack of group control of another variable, pre-experimental design is pathetic. it is only employed seldom in ©danti pudjiati, sianna & tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 5 educational research for substantive and academic reasons (rukminingsih et al., 2020). consequently, we chose this design for engaging and assessing students' translation text results in a careful manner that necessitates equal expertise capability and time management in the coordination of study participants. as a result, tests were used as instruments in this study to address the first research question. however, since our findings are meant to determine if the value of mall for translation as a learning aid for students warrants future examination, this research was classified as an exploratory study (abbuhl, 2015). an online survey, a semi-structured interview, and document analysis were utilized to gather students' perspectives to answer the second, third, and fourth research questions. using more than one technique or resource for triangulation (data gathering), such as surveys and interviews, may assist researchers in getting feedback from a more significant number of people, which raises the credibility of the study results (creswell, 2014). respondents and settings of research 85 female and male students from east jakarta and south sulawesi participated in the event, with 49 from east jakarta and 36 from south sulawesi. their ages ranged between 21 and 24 years, and all were enrolled in english education programs. we employed an information-oriented sample to choose the participant. we concentrated on the academic context, namely on students who had previously finished the semester six translation course and their readiness to engage in our study voluntarily. among the subject's primary objectives is to educate students on translating a variety of literature from english to indonesian. the course's working language is a combination of english and indonesian. this study was performed in a diverse context. two indonesian higher education institutions were the college of teacher training and education (stkip) kusuma negara in east jakarta and the university of muhammadiyah pare-pare in south sulawesi. another factor is that such institutes are in charge of english language education. given these realities, these study locations are appropriate for assisting researchers in determining their research questions and gathering data. data collecting technique the researchers devised two methods for gathering data. quantitative data was the first kind. we divided the data collection into three parts of online mode. the ©danti pudjiati, sianna & tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 6 participants were given the task of translating an article on coronavirus published on the guardian website in april 2021. the article was then recomposed into 15 sentences with three purposes in mind: (1) to make it easier for participants to translate the material, (2) to make it easier for researchers to assess the translation result, and (3) to aid researchers in identifying simple, compound, and complicated phrases. the pretest was represented by 15 questions, which may be viewed in their entirety in the description below. the pretest stipulated that they translate the material independently at the start of may 2021. 1) they could check up the dictionary, according to the instructions. 2) they may seek advice from other people. 3) it was forbidden for them to employ machine translation. the participants in the second phase received therapy through an online learning session in mid-may 2021. this session's content was recorded as a video that may be seen on the voa channel, and the topic covered: a. an introduction to installation on the lt application. after the online learning session, the participants are comfortable and fully understand how to use lt for translation in the final phase. they had to translate the exact 15 phrases in the pretest, but the instructions were modified; they did it with lt aid and finished it in late may. as a result, all participants could successfully install this program on their mobile phones. the questions for the posttest were labeled as such. online surveys, closed-ended questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis were used to acquire qualitative data. students were requested to submit online questionnaires expressing their opinions of the lt translation tool and the issues they faced. google forms was used to create the survey. all participants checked the boxes next to the options they preferred in response to all of the questionnaire questions. semi-structured interviews with ten students and interview questions were also used to elicit students' comments on the lt application. they agreed to share their ideas on their experience with lt and to reflect on what they believed had helped them improve their translating abilities during the online interview. they also discussed the challenges they had when translating the content using lt. the document analysis of posttest findings in terms of the language competence they enhanced was also looked at. to summarize, the following data gathering techniques were used to answer study questions. ©danti pudjiati, sianna & tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 7 data analysis technique the researchers used a mix of quantitative and qualitative methodologies to analyze the study data. it was determined whether or not the students' translations were correct using a nababan accuracy-rating instrument, which ranged from one to four points on a one-to-four scale. the scale measured how well they translated the material from the source text into the target text. translation scores from the pretest and posttest were included in the quantitative data. we received 85 translations from all participants at the beginning of june. however, we examined their 46 translations at random. initially, nababan (2003) requested that their pretest and posttest translations be scaled, as seen in figure 1. nonetheless, nababan (2003) advice, which is translated into a scale in the company of its definition, is used as a reference for this study since it is simple and easy to implement. in a nutshell, this tqm may be found in the table below: table 1. translation assessment the scale of the translation result ranges from 60 to 15, with 60 being the enormous scale and 15 being the lowest scale. the translation scale was then transformed to a raw score, then turned to a grade. a paired-sample t-test, also known as a repeated-measures t-test or a dependent t-test, was used to compare participants' pretest and posttest grades (roever & phakiti, 2017). although every effort was made, the quantitative data, comprised of numbers, was analyzed by dividing students' replies into positive and negative categories based on the number of percentages they got. the following criteria were used to characterize their responses: each "yes" answer was classified as a positive response. each "no" response was classified as a negative response in a series of survey questions. participants have ©danti pudjiati, sianna & tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 8 the option of selecting several options. following that, the responses were divided into four groups: self-regulation (sr), pedagogical contributions (pc), time efficiency (te), and learning performance (lp). a thematic analysis was used for the data analysis of the qualitative data. the interviews were first transcribed in a semi-structured format. after then, the data was examined for meaning units (or constructions) (bryman, 2015). the constructs in this instance relate to the many subjects or themes based on the results (e.g., language competency, difficulties utilizing mall). on the other hand, the themes were derived from both the interview and questionnaire data. the study paper's constructions were reported in primary topics based on the research questions. in summary, data description, presentation, and verification were used to examine qualitative data, including student answers, interviews, and document analysis. c. findings and discussion findings according to the stated research goals, the outcomes of this study examined student accomplishment first, followed by students' impressions of using mall for translation and their judgments of the hindrances associated with mall use. to address the first study question, we examined students' pretest and posttest results after they participated in online learning and the use of lt. the paired samples t-test was used to investigate the statistical significance of the pretest and posttest scores. the results revealed a statistically significant difference between these two tests (t (46) = 12.8 and p.001), with a modest effect size (cohen's d = 1.89). as a result, it's possible to deduce that students' translation skills might increase after utilizing mall. table 2 paired samples t-test paired samples t-test 95% confidence interval statistic df p mean differe nce se differe nce lower upper effect size post test pre test stude nt's t 12. 8 45. 0 < .00 1 11.3 0.877 9.79 inf coh en's d 1.89 ©danti pudjiati, sianna & tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 9 as evidenced by the change in mean scores shown in the table below, the students appeared to have done better on their post-test. the mean posttest score was 86.4, whereas the pretest score was 75.1. although the posttest's mean score was higher, the standard deviation revealed that the posttest results were less homogeneous students seemed to have more significant impacts in their posttest based on descriptive statistics. according to an online poll conducted using a google form, 85 students responded to mall's request for translation. the following is a detailed discussion of what we have discussed. students' opinions of mall as a tool for assisting them in translating a text from english to indonesian students responded to five categorizations pc stands for pedagogical contribution, sr for self-regulation, lp for learning performance, te for time efficiency, and pt for a professional translator (pt). the deductions from the interview supported up those five categorizations' responses. figure 4 depicts the students' replies, revealing that most of the students gave good responses to the mall for assisting them in translating a text from english to indonesian. the students mostly gave positive reactions to all of the categorizations. they expressed favorably with the maximum proportion of 95 percent for pedagogical contribution, i.e., it was easy to accomplish the translation task using lt, and they had sufficient time to practice independently. they said in an interview that lt was an excellent and helpful tool for a multitude of reasons, including its ability to translate both online and offline. it may, however, translate from word to phrase and listen to the pronunciation of the word. table 3 participants’ performance on the posttest and pretest n mean median sd se posttest 46 86.4 87.0 3.49 0.514 pretest 46 75.1 77.0 6.28 0.926 ©danti pudjiati, sianna & tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 10 the second-highest proportion, self-regulation, scored 89.6 percent, and students stated that using lt helped them perform effectively on translation-related activities. as a result of the interview, it was discovered that lt was convenient since it could be used offline. furthermore, the word arrangement in lt was more structured than that of google translate. the third percentage, which went to learning performance, was 87 percent. the students believed that their comprehension of the translation work had improved. the dialogue revealed that they were comfortable using lt and using its advantages. for time efficiency, the fourth percentage was 80.5 percent. after the online class, the students said they had a lot of time discussing the course topic. they affirmed that lt is regarded as a particular program during the discussion due to its speed in providing translation results. however, it was their first time using this tool to practice translation. it indicated that they were unaware of it before. on the other hand, the students expressed reservations about lt's ability to prepare them for a career as a professional translation. during the interview, they felt that with enough practice, they could become a professional translator, but the others were unsure since they believed that becoming a professional translation was a lengthy process. the proportion reached was precisely 47 percent, less than 50 percent. figure 1 students’ perceptions about mall assistance from mall in assessing students' language ability to translate a text from english to indonesian mall supported students in assessing their linguistic ability while translating a document from english to indonesian by categorizing it into three categories: fundamental phrase, word choice, and word order, as seen in figure 5. simple phrases were selected by 18% of students, whereas word options were selected by 37% of ©danti pudjiati, sianna & tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 11 students. the majority of students, 45 percent in total, said that mall benefited them in identifying the word order in a text translation. figure 2 mall assistance of students' linguistic competence the document analysis discovered that the students accepted five basic phrases, five-word ordering, and five-word selections from the lt as the translation result while dealing with the text's subject, i.e., coronavirus. this explained the students' reliance on lt for translation, as seen in the examples below. table 4 simple sentences no source text (st) target text (tt) 1. new variants of concern have changed the game. varian baru yang menjadi perhatian telah mengubah permainan. 2. we need to accelerate the vaccine program in all countries. kita perlu mempercepat program vaksin di semua negara. 3. no one is truly safe from covid-19. tidak ada yang benar-benar aman dari covid19 4. we call for urgent action. kami menyerukan tindakan segera. 5. global rollout of vaccines is no longer a guarantee of victory over covid-19. peluncuran vaksin secara global bukan lagi jaminan kemenangan atas covid-19 table 5 word choice no source text (st) target text (tt) 1. in a race berpacu 2. rollout peluncuran 3. immunity kekebalan 4. taskforce gugus tugas 5. genomic surveillance pengawasan genomik table 6 word order no source text (st) target text (tt) 1. global transmission rates tingkat transmisi global 2. strong public health measures langkah-langkah kesehatan masyarakat yang kuat 3. in an equitable way secara adil ©danti pudjiati, sianna & tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 12 4. a successful global rollout of current vaccines peluncuran vaksin global yang sukses 5. current pandemic control efforts upaya pengendalian pandemi saat ini the following result is related to baleghizadeh & oladrostam (2010) research. the researchers tried to identify if mall might be used to help efl students improve their grammatical skills. the experimental group utilized their phones to record their voices during class talks designed to elicit the needed grammatical elements. then, they assessed and commented on their spoken errors during an out-of-class exercise the following session. according to the findings, individuals who got mobile-assisted learning performed much better than those in the control group on a multiple-choice grammar posttest. gharehblagh (2020) concurs with this conclusion. individuals in both groups significantly improved on posttests of immediate and delayed writing; however, the experimental mall group outperformed the control group on average. as expected, the therapy group produced fewer errors with the targeted grammatical structures. students' issues with mall-based english-to-indonesian translation the students encountered two sorts of challenges when using mall to translate the material from english to indonesia, as indicated in figure 6: technical issues and guide availability. according to 53% of students, technical concerns are more challenging than guide availability. the remaining students (47 percent) said they need guidance to utilize the lt as a mall. according to the interview results, they had technical issues such as 1) not being able to access their translation history. 2) it took a long time to load when utilized online. 3) at the time of download, internet data and a comparable program had the same name. furthermore, several students said they still wanted assistance for the first time they used lt since it was their first time. some of them, though, made contradicting statements. they had a great understanding of how to utilize lt since they had participated in an online session led by researchers. ©danti pudjiati, sianna & tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 13 figure 3 the students' difficulties discussion mobile technology has been helpful in language acquisition because of the mall's inherent characteristics of mobility, social interaction, context sensitivity, connectivity, distinctiveness, and immediacy. this is supported by interview data, which reveal that respondents had a favorable impression of the mall. students are asked eight questions, and the following are the most often given responses to each. to fully exploit the advantages of mobile devices for english language learning and teaching, the study proposes that their influence on english language competence be investigated. according to previous research/studies, mall has emerged as a potentially effective aid in the complex process of language acquisition (taj et al., 2016). the purpose of this meta-analysis was to summarize what has been discovered so far about mall. the findings indicate that the mall platform is useful for efl instruction abusa’aleek (2014). however, a technological issue, such as the lack of availability of the google translation (gt) speaker setting option, became one of the issues that the students had to deal with about the mall. when students hear the native speaker voice of gt sputtering, it makes it difficult for them to use it. moreover, refer to brindley (1998), the biggest challenge in hearing is the listener's inability to regulate the speaker's pace. this was in line with (herlina et al., 2019; rahmannia & triyono, 2019) studies. the result of the study revealed that gt may be useful to help translate few words, phrase, and particular sentence in general, and also gives a general comprehension in translating text. however, it may not give an adequate result as a fine translation product. ©danti pudjiati, sianna & tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 14 d. conclusion the results and discussion indicate that using lt as mall has a beneficial effect on students' capacity to translate a text from english to indonesian. this is shown by the pupils' ability to translate material on coronaviruses from english to indonesian. the paired samples t-test revealed a significant difference between pretest and posttest (t (46) = 12.8 and p.001), with a moderate effect size (cohens d = 1.89) indicating that the students' translation abilities may have improved as a result of utilizing mall. an online poll and semi-structured interviews have also yielded encouraging results for the students. they feel that mall aids them in translating material because of its speed, simplicity of use, and ability to translate up to one paragraph. mall also teaches children how to put words in the right sequence and compose sentences. however, they determined that mall could not vouch for them as a competent translator due to the lengthy procedure. this research suggests employing another text type of source language, such as from literary works to be translated through mall by students. they will experience another function of mall. therefore, the comparison of the students' difficulty in translating the literary text and reporting text might be considered. references abbuhl, r. 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materials should be based on the students' unique needs, which are addressed in english for specific purposes (esp). this research aimed to describe nursing students' needs for english instructional material in university context. this study employed mix method. the data collection techniques used were document, interview, and questionnaire. the document analysis revealed that the learning materials did not meet the needs of nursing students seeking to advance their careers. additionally, the questionnaire and interview analysis results demonstrate the critical nature of developing english teaching materials for nursing students. as a result, english teaching materials for nursing students are needed to assist them in mastering the english language skills necessary to support their professional careers. keywords: need analysis; english instructional material; nursing students a. introduction the english course for nursing students is a subject that aims at enhancing their competence in communicating english concerning the field they are engaged in (lu, 2018). chang (syukur & nugraha, 2019) stated that english for nursing is intensive training for prospective nurses that focuses on professional teaching and learning to master english and develop the necessary skills. it may assist them in sustaining their professional careers, as some health institutions require employees to have a high level of language proficiency. according to the researcher's previous study, 69,5 percent of nursing students have low proficiency in english. one reason for their low english proficiency is a lack of teaching materials, such as books and modules, that support and accommodate their needs (asrial et ©yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 129 al., 2019). as brown (brown, 2006) stated, a teaching theory consistent with a shared understanding of students and the subject matter to be studied will point the way to a successful procedure in days provided to students under various specific learning context constraints. in this case, the lecturer should provide effective teaching materials that directly impact the learning process and the students' learning outcomes. generally, lecturers in the nursing department use books or modules of general english to teach their students. students are expected to comprehend general english rather than master health science terminologies or communicative competence (crawford & candlin, 2013). the materials were also underdeveloped and continuously used by the lecturers over in years. therefore, it is necessary to develop esp-based materials to improve the overall quality of the teaching and learning process in the nursing department so that reliable and competent human resources in their respective fields can be produced and utilized. the most important criterion is that esp is almost always goal-directed (hasan j. r., habibie. a., ismail. a.k., 2019). the need analysis process, which aims to determine as accurately as possible what students should do through the media, serves as the foundation for the esp course (robinson, 1991). typically, instructional materials are those materials that are integrated into textbooks, modules, audio, video, and other learning sources, among other things (lau et al., 2018a). teaching materials can be divided into two categories based on their subject matter: materials specifically designed for learning and materials that are not explicitly designed for learning but can be used for education (such as newspaper clippings, news, film, etc.) (richards, 2010). in terms of its function as a media, teaching materials can be divided into printed materials, audio, multimedia, and web (lau et al., 2018b). in this research, the researchers will mainly investigate the students' needs then design the teaching materials for nursing students that contain general english materials and esp-based materials. esp is a general term that refers to a method of learning english with a specific purpose tailored to the needs of a particular science field or occupation (nimasari, 2018). hutchinson and waters define esp as an approach to learning a language based on the learner's needs (hutchinson & waters, 1987). basturkmen said that the stage where the esp teacher identifies language needs and what special skills the learner needs is called needs analysis (basturkmen, 2010). chatsungneon & paweena stated that the three main factors of the development of the esp program are (1) the improvement of the need for specific ©yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 130 professional english learning, (2) the improvement of language, (3) the improvement of learning method and strategy (chatsungnoen & paweena, 2015). moreover, they stated that the particular traits of the esp program are as follow: 1) authentic materials; the specific goals of the esp program that focus on students' need and their career support require the use of authentic materials. 2) orientation to learning objectives; an esp program predominantly refers to role-playing based on the communication context. for instance, in the english for nursing subject, the students are asked to perform a simulation about asking-answering the patient demographic data. 3) an esp program is adjusted to the need and its function. when composing an esp-based learning material, close collaboration between an english lecturer, an educational expert, and a science lecturer is necessary (wang et al., 2019). these are the procedures that the researchers will execute to design learning materials that the lecturers have never accomplished in the universities of gorontalo province. the steps are designing the syllabus, selecting and organizing materials, and planning learning activities. it refers to bracaj statement about the essential points that have to be considered in developing esp-based materials (bracaj, 2014), as follow: 1) selecting material; good material should be taken from various sources, and it has to be able to develop language skills simultaneously. it also can exemplify learning activities. 2) learning activities; learning activities are closely related to the selection of materials. the most important thing is that all the activities should be suitable for learning objectives. 3) learning environment; an esp lecturer has to create an attractive learning environment that can significantly motivate the students to achieve learning objectives. in developing esp materials, the team has to focus on the activity of students (learnercentered). b. research method in this research, the researchers conducted mixed-method. according to creswell, the mixed method involves collecting and mixing or integrating qualitative and quantitative data in a study (creswell, 2017). ©yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 131 the researchers applied document study, interview, and questionnaire (sugiyono, 2010). the researchers evaluated the documents, such as the syllabus and learning materials, to see the adjustments, activities, and objectives. the researchers also interviewed six english lecturers in the nursing department and distributed questionnaires to nursing students to know the students' responses to developing esp-based materials. the questions of the needs analysis questionnaire were in the form of multiple-choice. it consisted of 27 questions. the purpose of the questionnaire was to find out the target needs and learning needs of students. meanwhile, the questionnaire of materials evaluation was proposed by using four options based on the likert scale that is frequently used in asking for opinions and attitudes (joshi et al., 2015). they were four points strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree. the subjects in this study were students department of nursing from three universities in gorontalo. the number of students at the universitas negeri gorontalo is 40, the universitas muhammadiyah gorontalo is 30, and 40 students of politeknik kesehatan gorontalo. c. findings and discussion findings 1. the result of documents analysis the aspects evaluated on english teaching materials and lesson plan for nursing are the suitability of the material with the expected competencies. the usefulness of the material with the evaluation of the assessment, the presentation of illustrations supporting the material, the use of learning media, language rules, assignments, and exercises based on the expected competencies. based on the evaluation results conducted, in general, it was found that there were some similarities in the characteristics of teaching materials used by teaching lecturers of english for nursing at universities in gorontalo. the result of the analysis of the documents is presented in the following table. table 1 the result of document analysis no. evaluated aspects categories very good good fair poor very poor 1. material selection and specific learning outcomes adjustment √ 2. material selection and evaluation adjustment √ 3. material selection and lesson plan √ ©yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 132 adjustment 4. the illustration of additional learning material √ 5. the use of teaching media √ 6. grammar √ 7. assignments and exercises based on the expected competency √ 8. procedures of teaching √ 9. evaluation √ 2. the result of questionnaire analysis this section will be the basis for analyzing student responses to the development of teaching materials / learning modules for english for nursing. diagram 1. frequency of student's need of english for nursing materials the diagram above shows that as many as 18% 77% of students assume that english learning materials related to nursing science are very crucial. meanwhile, there are approximately 5% of students chose to disagree with this. it means most participants in this research wish to learn english learning materials for nursing science. diagram 2. frequency of students who assume that english for nursing materials will support their career in the future the students' materials have to be well designed to develop their skills in their job. so that, it is necessary for lecturer to improve the quality of teaching by choosing and designing appropriate materials based on the need of the students. the diagram above 84% 16% 0% 0% 0% do you think that english for nursing materials will support your career in the future? strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree 77% 18% 5% 0% 0% do you need to study english material that is related to nursing science? strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree strongly disagree ©yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 133 shows that 16% -84% assume that material of english for nursingsubject is meaningful for developing their professional career in the future. diagram 3. frequency of students who assume that speaking material is important to support their career the diagram above shows that around 22% 67% of students assume that the appropriate speaking material can significantly affect their professional career advancement. speaking skill is essential to be developed because nurses interact with the patients every time and meet local patients and foreigners. it prosecuted the nurses for speaking english well and being understandable. diagram 4. frequency of the need of english reading texts about nursing in english for nursing, the students have to practice reading the english texts because most health book references are written in english. the students have to comprehend the english reading texts to improve their insights about nursing science knowledge. approximately 15% 85% of students ascribe the importance of english reading texts about nursing science. 85% 15% 0% 0% 0% reading texts about nursing are insightful for nursing students strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree strongly disagree 73% 23% 4% 0% 0% listening to conversation about nursing is necessary to practice pronunciation strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree 67% 22% 9% 2% 0% speaking material about nursing science is important to support the students' career strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree strongly disagree yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 134 diagram 5. frequency of students' need of listening materials in english for nursingsubject the diagram above shows that approximately 23% 73% of students think that listening comprehension material related to nursing is vital to be provided by the lecturer in english for nursing subjects. the need to listen to native speakers' conversation audio can improve their comprehension and pronunciation. diagram 6. frequency of the students' need of english writing material in english for nursing subject the diagram above shows that around 17% 81% of students wish english writing material related to nursing science to develop their english writing skills. the lecturer of english in english for nursing subject has to know the students' need, especially the aspects that support their skill improvement in english. the research team also asked for the students' english competence in english for nursing subjects in this questionnaire. the result of the analysis is as follow: diagram 7. frequency of students' perception about their speaking skill approximately 87% of students concede that their speaking skill is below average. there is only around three percent of students who think that they have good speaking skills. it indicates that the students are lack of practicing speaking english. a lecturer has to give chances to students to practice speaking english with exciting topics to discuss and that are closely related to nursing students. 81% 17% 2% 0% 0% material of writing about nursing is really helpful to develop english writing skill strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree strongly disagree 0% 3% 87% 5% 5% how is your speaking skill? excellent good below average poor very poor ©yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 135 diagram 8. frequency of students' perception about their reading comprehension skill the diagram above shows that approximately 81% of students admit their reading comprehension skill is below average, and about 11% of students concede that they have good comprehension skills. providing many opportunities to students to read different kinds of texts can significantly improve their competence in reading english texts related to nursing science. diagram 9. frequency of students' perception about their listening comprehension skill approximately 75% of students admit that their listening comprehension skill is poor, and there are only about 2% of students have reasonable competence in listening skills. they reveal the data based on the result of their listening comprehension test. diagram 10. frequency of students' perception about their writing skill 0%2% 17% 75% 6% how is your listening comprehension skill? excellent good below average poor very poor 0% 11% 81% 8% 0% how is your reading comprehension skill? excellent good below average poor very poor 0%2% 18% 73% 7% how is your writing skill? excellent good below average poor very poor yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 136 the diagram above shows that about 73% admit that they have poor competence in writing in english. in the interview session, their lecturer also said that they are challenging in writing simple english text. in the book/module that the research team will design, the students will be provided materials and exercises to improve their writing skills, such as writing chronological order and report text. diagram 11. frequency of students' perception about the improvement of interest in learning english the diagram above shows that approximately 18% 72% of students feel that english materials about nursing science can significantly improve their interest in learning english, and only about 10% of students are slightly agreeing. diagram 12. students' perception about the improvement of motivation in learning english the same thing can be seen in the diagram above that approximately 75% of students strongly agree that english material about nursing science can significantly improve their motivation in learning english. so far, the students are mostly faced with material about grammar that they think is very complicated. they wish that they will learn materials appropriate with their majority and support their professional career in the future. based on this data, the research team will soon design appropriate learning materials in english for nursing students subject that can meet the target to improve the english communicative skill of nursing students in gorontalo province. 72% 18% 10% 0% 0% english materials about nursing science will improve your interest in learning strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree strongly disagree 75% 25% 0% 0% 0% english material about nursing science can improve your motivation in learning english strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree strongly disagree ©yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 137 in increasing students' interest and motivation for english learning, it should be considered to incorporate exciting topics into the english for nursing subject. the following diagrams (13a, 13b, 13c, and 13d) illustrate students' perceptions of issues included in the english for nursing subject materials. diagram 13a. students' perception about the importance of dialogues in nursing contexts diagram 13b. students' perception about the importance of audio and video in english for nursingsubject diagram 13c. students' perception about the importance of basic grammar and vocabularies/terminologies about nursing 12% 88% 0% 0%0% do you agree if the topics in english for nursing contain: a. dialogues about nursing contexts strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree 25% 75% 0% 0% 0% b. audio dan video about nursing strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree 44% 56% 0% 0% 0% d. reading texts about nursing strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree strongly disagree 51%49% 0% 0% 0% c. basic grammar and vocabularies / terminologies about nursing strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree strongly disagree ©yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 138 diagram 13d. students' perceptions about the importance of reading texts about nursing science by the four diagrams above, it can be concluded that the students wished integrated materials about dialogues/conversation in the contexts of nursing science, interesting audio and video about nursing, basic grammar, and vocabulary related to nursing science, and reading texts about the world of nursing. those materials aim to improve the four primary english language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. in addition, the students express the method that they wish the lecturer to apply in english for nursing subject, as listed in the following diagrams. diagram 14a. students' perception about the importance of book references about nursing diagram 14b. students perception about the importance of explanation from lecturer 55% 45% 0% 0% 0% how are the learning acitivities you wish to do? a. using book references related to nursing science strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree strongly disagree 58% 42% 0% 0% 0% b. explanation from lecturer strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree strongly disagree ©yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 139 65% 35% 0% 0% 0% the roles of lecturer that you want a. the lecturer can motivate the students in learning english strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree diagram 14c. students' perception about both the use of book references and the explanation from the lecturer based on the diagrams above ( 14a, 14b, and 14c), it can be concluded that the students want a meaningful learning activity. they want both the use of book references related to nursing science and the explanation from the lecturer. discussing meaningful learning activities and the quality of the teaching and learning process is inextricably linked to the teacher's role in the classroom. the diagrams below depict students' perceptions of the lecturer roles they desire when teaching english for nursing. diagram 15a. students' perception about the role of lecturer in giving motivation diagram 15b. students perception about the role of lecturer in presenting appropriate materials to nursing students 79% 21% 0% 0% 0% c. using book reference and explanation from the lecturer strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree strongly disagree 62% 38% 0% 0% 0% b. the lecturer presents appropriate english materials to nursing students strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree ©yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 140 diagram 15c. students perception about the role of lecturer in presenting interesting materials based on the diagrams above, the students want the lecturer to motivate learning english to students, presenting appropriate and interesting english learning material to nursing students to enjoy the learning activities and encourage them to study english. in designing english materials that are appropriate to the students' needs, there should be considerations to its objectives, whether or not they can significantly improve their skills and english communicative competence. the following diagram is the students' perception about improving their english language skills when using appropriate teaching materials that suit their needs. diagram 16. students' perceptions about the improvement of language skills the diagram above shows that approximately 55% of students agree that the use of appropriate teaching materials can significantly improve their english language skills, speaking, reading, listening, and writing. 3. the result of interview analysis in this research, the research team had interviewed six lecturers of english for nursing subject in the department of nursing at gorontalo province. experience in teaching esp (english for specific purpose) "i have taught english several times in non-english departments and use the esp approach" (participant 1) "i teach english in the department of nursing at my college and use the esp method" (participant 6) 74% 26% 0% 0% 0% c. lecturer presents interesting learning materials strongly agree agree slightly agree disagree 45% 55% 0% 0% 0% the appropriate teaching materials can significantly improve speaking, reading, listening and writing sangat setuju setuju kurang setuju tidak setuju sangat tidak setuju ©yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 141 all the interviewed lecturers use esp in teaching english to students of nursing. characteristics of english teaching materials "i use teaching materials/books that i get on the internet and some handouts that i distribute to students, and then i develop them according to the lesson plans that i made. in the sourcebook, most of the students were given material about part of speech and tenses so that they are no longer confused about using it." (participant 2) "i developed english materials that i used to teach english courses for nursing students with other teaching teams. we want students to be able to master english competence because it can support their careers and professions as nurses" (participant 3) the result of the students learning outcomes "most of the students have difficulty in mastering english, especially in speaking and listening aspects. when they are asked to talk or have a dialogue with their friends, they are a bit difficult to talk. likewise, with their listening competence, they are complicated to understand what the native speaker is saying so that they answer the questions that must be answered." (participant 4) "most of my students have difficulty in listening and writing. for writing personal experiences, they have difficulty using correct grammar, so i really emphasize understanding grammar so that they can produce well-structured writing." (participant 6). this is supported by questionnaire data about students' abilities in four english skills: speaking, listening, writing, and listening skills. in speaking ability, approximately 87% of students feel that they have poor speaking skills, while only about 3% feel they have good speaking skills. approximately 81% of students think their reading ability is very lacking in reading skills, and 11% think they have good skills. while 75% of students feel that their listening skills are not good, only about 2% of students have good skills in listening to conversations and audio in english. and lastly, there are approximately 73% of students stated that they have poor skills in writing english texts. this is also explained by the teaching lecturer, that students have difficulties when asked to write english texts, even for beginner level texts. discussion english for nursing students subjects is essential to improve the students' english communication skills, which can support their professional career. for this reason, the students have to be equipped with good english language skills. the students also have to be exposed to appropriate language contexts, such as presenting reading text or practicing dialogue in the hospitals or other public health services. based on the document evaluation results, it can be seen that several aspects are still in the trimmer and good category. in the teaching materials, both handouts and modules are ©yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 142 used. the dominant material is english grammar in general. students are taught basic english grammar that they must master and only a few texts related to their profession as nurses. the rest are available language texts. the purpose of the english language course is essential to improve english language skills for the nursing profession, which can support the profession's quality in the future. for this reason, nursing students must be equipped with good english language skills that they can use. the context taught must be adapted to the needs of their profession, such as presenting conversational texts in a hospital or conducting patient examinations. the general competencies of nursing students that are expected to be following the curriculum design are students who have good english competence/skills, both orally and in writing, which can support the quality of their profession. however, in the handout, the material provided is only general english material. for example, in the vocabulary building aspect, the vocabulary provided does not include vocabulary related to the world of health but english vocabulary in general. it is, of course, can affect the achievement of competencies that must be achieved. this refers to the statement by (febriyanti, 2018) that the needs of students must be the focus of the english for specific purpose (esp) approach and make students and their needs the primary consideration in determining the process and direction of learning to achieve effective and efficient teaching goals. in the document evaluation, it can also be seen that the aspect of the suitability of the material with the learning design is still considered lacking. this is based on the incompatibility of the rps prepared with the material and learning steps in the classroom. for example, in the lesson plan, it is stated that in meeting three, the material that should be taught is asking and showing direction, but it turns out that what is taught in class is introducing yourself to others. this is certainly not following what is stated in the lesson plan. the basic competence of nursing students based on the curriculum design is to master english language skills that can support their professional career development. the general english materials are predominantly given to students. for example, in vocabulary building sessions, the students are provided known english vocabularies than terminologies in health science. it can straightforwardly affect the learning outcomes. this data is supported by robinson's statement that emphasizes the importance of needs analysis in define esp. the definition is based on two key definitions criteria and several important characteristics aspects for esp. the key criterion is that "esp usually" is goal-directed. the esp course evolves from the need analysis, which aims to determine as closely as possible what students should ©yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 143 do through the media english (robinson, 1991). in the third aspect, material selection and lesson plan adjustment are considered insufficient. many topics do not match appropriately with the lesson plan. so, the lecturer has to be able to select the material based on the lesson plan. the result of questionnaire analysis will be the basis for the research team to design english materials for english for nursing subjects. from the questionnaire analysis, it was found that most students wanted a material that was under the field they were studying, namely nursing. the material obtained in college supports students to develop their skills so that they can be applied in the world of work. as many as 16% -84% of students think that english for nursing material is critical because it can support their profession and work in the future. from the four skills in english, the lowest ability is speaking. this can be sorted from the highest presentation: speaking 87% less well, reading 81% not good, listening 75%, and 73% of the writing is not good. this is different from febriany's research which in the questionnaire results, most of the students had a reasonably good ability in four skills. because of the lack of skills in english, appropriate teaching materials are significant to motivate students to be interested in learning english. conversational topics about nursing, suitable reading materials, and knowledge can significantly improve their ability to understand english texts related to nursing. in the book designed by the research team, students will be equipped with writing skills such as writing chronological order and report text. there should be an effort to develop english learning material to improve the students' learning outcomes because most of the students still lack basic english skills. the development process has to consider the students' needs and support their development of a professional career in the future. many english lecturers think that basic grammar is the essential aspect to be taught, so they primarily teach basic grammar to students for almost all meetings in the class. grammar material cannot be ignored in teaching english, but we cannot use all the sessions to teach grammar. the result is the students feel bored and less motivated in learning english. this is in line with the opinion of mackay and a.j (roza, 2013) that english teaching at the university level that is still emphasized to the grammatical structure can make the students disappointed and become skeptical of their language skills. the students' difficulties may be due to the quality of the teaching and learning process, including the method, material selection, and activities in class. a good lecturer has to be aware more to improve their quality of teaching that can significantly affect the students learning outcomes. ©yulan m. puluhulawa, ana mariana & rona febriyona mansur available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 144 d. conclusion the document analysis results indicate a need to develop teaching materials for english lecturers in the nursing department, as existing materials have failed to meet the needs of students. this can be seen in the students' low learning outcomes and inability to communicate effectively in english as measured by the questionnaire. the questionnaire analysis of student responses regarding the development of esp-based english teaching materials also reveals that students desire english instruction tailored to the conditions they will encounter in the workplace. they expect a learning environment that is compatible with their professional background. according to the research findings, it is hoped that esp-based english instruction takes several critical factors into account when developing learning designs and instructional materials. it encompassed student utility and potential, scientific structure, and material relevance to student needs and environmental demands, most notably those associated with the world of work. references asrial, a., syahrial, s., kurniawan, d. a., subandiyo, m., & amalina, n. 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(2019). trialing project-based learning in a new eap esp course: a collaborative reflective practice of three college english teachers. hidayatul khoiriyah 96 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) volume 5, nomor 1, februari 2020 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) deskripsi pengembangan kurikulum pembelajaran bahasa arab di malaysia hidayatul khoiriyah universitas islam negeri sunan kalijaga, yogyakarta, indonesia abstrak tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan sistem pengembangan kurikulum pembelajaran bahasa arab di malaysia yang ditinjau dari tujuan, metode, dan evaluasi. penelitian ini adalah penelitian berbentuk kajian pustaka bersifat kualitatif. data dikumpulkan melalui dokumen kurikulum pembelajaran bahasa arab di malaysia. arsip-arsip tersebut diakses melalui internet pada laman kementerian pendidikan malaysia. selain dokumen, data juga dikumpulkan melalui beberapa artikel yang berkaitan dengan kajian penelitian. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kurikulum pembelajaran bahasa arab di malaysia memiliki tujuan untuk menguasai empat kemahiran berbahasa, yaitu berbicara, membaca, menulis, dan mendengarkan. namun dalam prakteknya, siswa belum sampai pada tahap berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi, baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. metode pembelajaran yang digunakan pada pembelajaran bahasa arab di malaysia pada umumnya yaitu metode inquiry, kooperatif, metode komunikatif, metode discoverry learning, dan lain-lain. evaluasi dalam sistem pengembangan kurikulum pembelajaran bahasa arab di malaysia dilaksanakan dalam penilaian sumatif dan formatif. kata kunci : pengembangan; bahasa arab; kurikulum malaysia. abstract the purpose of this study is to describe the education system and find out the arabic learning curriculum in malaysia in terms of objectives, methods, and evaluation. this research is a research in the form of library research that is qualitative in nature and takes the object of curriculum research documents in arabic learning in malaysia. the data used as a source of writing are archives from the ministry of education of malaysia which are accessed by internet, and several articles relating to the study. the results of the study indicate that the arabic language learning curriculum in malaysia aims to have four language skills, but has not yet reached the stage of interacting and communicating, both verbally and in writing. the method used in malaysia is the inquiry method, cooperative, etc. evaluation in malaysia’s curriculum system was carried out through summative and formative assessments. keywords : development; arabic language; malaysia’s curriculum. hidayatul khoiriyah 97 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) a. pendahuluan dalam kehidupan yang semakin modern ini, pendidikan mutlak diperlukan. pendidikan yang seperti apa, tentunya pendidikan yang mampu membekali peserta didik dengan kemampuan, keterampilan, serta kompetensi dalam menghadapi persaingan global di masa mendatang. pendidikan juga merupakan sebuah kunci utama dalam kemajuan sebuah peradaban. dimana semakin baik kualitas pendidikannya tentu semakin maju peradaban sebuah bangsa. pendidikan merupakan salah satu upaya dalam mewariskan nilai, yang akan menjadi pedoman dalam menjalani kehidupan manusia. dengan pendidikan, manusia diharapkan dapat mengembangkan potensi diri melalui kegiatan pengajaran atau dengan cara lain yang diakui oleh masyarakat luas. dengan pendidikan, manusia juga diharapkan dapat menghadapi dan menyelesaikan problematika kehidupan yang dilaluinya. pendidikan memiliki berbagai macam komponen, salah satunya adalah kurikulum. faktor yang sangat menentukan dalam mensukseskan pendidikan sebagai motor penggerak pembentukan karakter bangsa adalah pengembangan kurikulum. abdul wahab (2016) berpendapat bahwakurikulum (manhaj) merupakan “jantung” institusi pendidikan atau sistem pembelajaran.sedangkan menurut muhaimin (2009), kurikulum merupakan salah satu komponen pokok aktivitas pendidikan, dan merupakan penjabaran dari idealisme, cita-cita, tuntutan masyarakat, atau kebutuhan tertentu.dari kurikulum inilah akan diketahui arah pendidikan, alternatif pendidikan, fungsi pendidikan serta hasil pendidikan yang hendak dicapai dari aktivitas pendidikan. karena itu, kurikulum selalu menjadi bahan perbincangan yang menarik dan aktual, bahkan di kalangan masyarakat pendidikan sering muncul ungkapan bahwa “ganti materi ganti kurikulum”, walaupun dalam kenyataannya tidak demikian. karena itu, pengembangan kurikulum merupakan suatu keniscayaan, termasuk pengembangan kurikulum bahasa arab, sesuai dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, tuntutan sosial masyarakat, dan perkembangan global. kurikulum dapat dipahami sebagai alat sentral bagi keberhasilan pendidikan. peran ini menjadi kunci bagaimana pendidikan akan diarahkan. oleh karena itu, kurikulum harus dibangun dengan sedemikian rupa, sehingga mampu mencakup segala kebutuhan peserta didik, dan tujuan pendidikan dapat dicapai secara maksimal. hidayatul khoiriyah 98 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) kurikulum mencakup semua elemen yang diperlukan dalam sebuah pembelajaran mulai dari tujuan, proses pembelajaran, waktu, guru, pembelajar dan lembaga itu sendiri, sehingga proses pembelajaran ada yang mengarahkan pada suatu pencapaian yang maksimal. kurikulum bersifat dinamis, artinya dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu disesuaikan dengan perkembangan zaman, serta didasarkan pada apa yang diharapkan masyarakat dari pendidikan itu sendiri. khairul azrin (2011) menyatakan bahwa perubahan dan pengembangan kurikulum pendidikan tidak hanya terjadi di indonesia, di negara lain seperti malaysia yang menjadi fokus penelitian ini juga demikian. sebelum malaysia merdeka dan sebelum masa penjajahan, kurikulum pendidikan formal belum ditetapkan. ketika itu baru ada bentuk pendidikan islam di pondok dan surau. sementara ketika masa penjajahan inggris di malaysia kurikulum disesuaikan dengan kebangsaan masing-masing, seperti pekerja dari cina menggunakan sistem pendidikan yang diadopsi dari cina seperti halnya pekerja dari india membawa sistem pendidikannya ke malaysia. selepas merdeka, malaysia kemudian menerapkan kurikulum yang juga terus mengalami perkembangan, mulai dari didirikannya komite kesepakatan umum tentang silabus dan time table, pendirian pusat perkembangan kurikulum di bawah kementerian pendidikan malaysia, sampai dengan dicetuskannya kurikulum baru sekolah rendah (kbsr) dan kurikulum bersepadu sekolah menengah (kbsm). saat ini malaysia menggunakan kurikulum yang sudah dikembangkan yaitu kurikulum standar sekolah rendah (kssr) dan kurikulum standar sekolah menengah (kssm). perkembangan kurikulum yang terus disempurnakan dari waktu ke waktu tersebut menunjukkan betapa pentingnya peran kurikulum dalam pendidikan di suatu negara. pengembangan kurikulum umumnya dilakukan sebagai hasil evaluasi dari kurikulum sebelumnya. diantara problematika yang dihadapi oleh malaysia dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab adalah sebagai berikut: pengajaran berbasis pada guru, pengajaran didasarkan pada terjemahan teks, kurang latihan dan pertanyaan, kurangnya penggunaan bahasa, kurangnya aktivitas yang dapat membantu penguasaan bahasa, sikap pasif peserta didik dalam pembelajaran, dan kurangnya komunikasi menggunakan bahasa arab. hidayatul khoiriyah 99 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) terdapat beberapa hal yang mendasari pemilihan malaysia sebagai latar penelitian ini. di samping dari segi pembelajaran terkait problematika pembelajaran bahasa arab, juga karena di malaysia 64% dari total penduduknya beragama islam. hal ini berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan pendidikan islam terlebih terhadap pembelajaran bahasa arab di malaysia. karena bahasa arab pada awalnya sama-sama digunakan untuk mempelajari ajaran islam. berbicara mengenai kurikulum, tentu tidak lepas dari empat komponen utamanya, yaitu tujuan, materi, metode, dan evaluasi. dari keempat komponen tersebut nantinya dapat menggambarkan bagaimana kurikulum yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di malaysia. penelitian ini berfokus pada analisis isi dokumen kurikulum pendidikan khususnya bahasa arab di malaysia untuk kelas awal (i-iii). peneliti berharap dengan mengetahui kurikulum di malaysia dapat menjadi acuan dalam pengembangan kurikulum bahasa arab di masa mendatang. penulisan artikel ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran penerapan sistem pendidikan dan kurikulum, khususnya kurikulum pengembangan pembelajaran bahasa arab di malaysia sebagai bahan refleksi pengembangan kurikulum di indonesia. b. hasil dan pembahasan sistem pendidikan sistem pendidikan merupakan satu kesatuan yang saling terkait dalam upaya mencapai tujuan pendidikan. secara garis besar, konsep pendidikan memiliki dua pengertian, yaitu pengertian secara sempit dan pengertian secara luas. pengertian secara sempit adalah usaha yang dilakukan secara terencana, terorganisir, dan dilaksanakan secara formal dalam jangka waktu tertentu untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. berdasarkan dari pengertian tersebut sistem pendidikan meliputi komponen-komponen yang terdiri dari tujuan pendidikan, kurikulum, tenaga kependidikan, dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam kegiatan pendidikan (stakeholder). sedangkan pendidikan dalam arti luas adalah segala tindakan yang bertujuan untuk merubah perilaku manusia menuju ke arah yang lebih baik. dengan demikian, sistem pendidikan itu sendiri merupakan bagian dari sistem sosial. hidayatul khoiriyah 100 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) sistem pendidikan di malaysia adalah sistem pendidikan kebangsaan. kurikulum yang digunakan adalah kurikulum kebangsaan, yaitu memadukan penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan, kerohanian, nasionalisme dan patriotisme, dan sikap dan tindakan yang terpuji (nilai sivik). bahasa utama yang digunakan dalam proses pendidikan yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah adalah bahasa melayu dan inggris. aslindah (2015) menambahkan sistem pendidikan di malaysia pada dasarnya mengadopsi sistem pendidikan yang digunakan oleh inggris, secara umum di sana lebih maju. kunci utama majunya sistem pendidikan di malaysia adalah: 1) bersedia belajar dari negara yang lebih maju, 2) alokasi anggaran pendidikan yang cukup memadai, dan 3) membuat perencanaan pendidikan jangka panjang yang sistematis dijalankan dengan konsekuen. pendidikan bersifat wajib bagi anak-anak usia sekolah, yaitu antara usia 6 sampai dengan 17 tahunan. pendidikan yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah meliputi pendidikan umum dan pendidikan agama. pendidikan umum sangat dipengaruhi oleh sistem pendidikan negeri inggris. sejak tahun 1982, pemerintah malaysia menerapkan kurikulum bersepadu sekolah menengah yang disebut kbsm menggantikan kurikulum lama sekolah menengah (klsm) yang masih digunakan sampai sekarang dengan terus melakukan revisi-revisi perbaikan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan zaman. pendidikan dimulai dari pra sekolah, sekolah dasar (rendah) dan sekolah menengah, kemudian sekolah tinggi. pendidikan pra sekolah tidak ada aturan yang tetap pada saat anak memulai pendidikan pra sekolah, secara umum anak-anak masuk pra sekolah mulai usia 3-6 tahun. pendidikan pra sekolah biasanya berlangsung selama 2 tahun, pendidikan ini dilaksanakan sebelum anak-anak masuk ke sekolah dasar. malaysia menerapkan pendidikan rendah/dasar selama 6 tahun yang dimulai pada usia 7 tahun. kemudian dilanjutkan pendidikan menengah selama 5 tahun. pendidikan menengah ini terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu pendidikan menengah rendah dilaksanakan selama 3 tahun, dimulai dari tingkatan i sampai tingkatan iii, setelah itu siswa melanjutkan ke jenjang selanjutnya yaitu sekolah menengah tinggi. pada tingkatan ini siswa menempuh pendidikan selama 2 tahun, yang terdiri dari tingkatan iv dan v. dengan demikian pengelolaan sekolah menengah rendah dan sekolah menengah tinggi menjadi satu kesatuan manajemen, siswa dididik dalam lingkungan hidayatul khoiriyah 101 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) yang sama, sehingga guru dapat memantau proses perkembangan anak baik secara psikologis maupun perkembangan intelektual. nur’aeni marta (2015)menyatakan bahwa berdasarkan falsafah pendidikan kebangsaan, pendidikan di malaysia adalah suatu usaha yang berkelanjutan (berterusan) ke arah lebih memperkembangkan potensi individu secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu untuk melahirkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani berdasarkan kepercayaan dan kepatuhan kepada tuhan. pendidikan di malaysia dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan warga negara malaysia yang berilmu pengetahuan, berketerampilan, berakhlak mulia, bertanggung jawab dan berkemampuan mencapai kesejahteraan diri serta memberikan sumbangan terhadap keharmonisan dan kemakmuran keluarga, masyarakat dan negara. tujuan pendidikan yang dirumuskan secara jelas tersebut, menjadikan arahan dan petunjuk yang mudah difahami dan dilaksanakan oleh guru-guru selaku pelaksanan pendidikan di lapangan. struktur kurikulum pendidikan kurikulum merupakan alat untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan, karena di dalam kurikulum terdapat komponen-komponen yang mencakup tujuan pendidikan, materi pelajaran, media dan sumber belajar, serta sistem evaluasi. berdasarkan peraturan kementerian pendidikan malaysia (2014) kurikulum pendidikan malaysia adalah kurikulum kebangsaan. kurikulum kebangsaan ini bertujuan untuk melahirkan murid yang seimbang, berdaya tahan, bersifat ingin tahu, berprinsip, bermaklumat, dan patriotik serta mempunyai kemahiran berfikir, berkomunikasi dan bekerja sama. sebagai upaya untuk menghadapi abad 21, maka pendidikan berupaya mempersiapkan daya saing siswa pada tataran global sebagaimana digariskan dalam pembangunan pendidikan malaysia, yaitu setiap siswa memiliki kemahiran memimpin, kemahiran dwibahasa, etika dan kerohanian, identitas sosial, pengetahuan dan kemahiran berfikir. nur’aeni menyatakan (2015) bahwa sejak tahun 1982, pendidikan sekolah menengah di malaysia menggunakan kurikulum bersepadu sekolah menengah (kbsm). kurikulum yang dikembangkan di malaysia adalah kurikulum yang menekankan pada pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa (student centered) dan pendekatan konstruktivistik. guru berperan sebagai fasilitator, yaitu memfasilitasi kegiatan pembelajaran bukan penyampai pengetahuan, sumber belajar bukan hanya berasal dari hidayatul khoiriyah 102 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) guru dan buku teks, tetapi siswa didorong agar dapat memanfaatkan lingkungannya sebagai sumber belajar. pendekatan konstruktivistik ini membantu siswa membangun sendiri makna pengetahuan yang diperolehnya berdasarkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang dimiliki siswa. perubahan kurikulum mengacu kepada usaha memperbaiki program pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan murid dalam mencapau enam aspirasi yaitu pengetahuan, kemahiran berfikir, kemahiran memimpin, kemahiran dwibahasa, etika dan kerohanian serta identitas nasional seperti yang dituangkan dalam peran pembangunan pendidikan malaysia (pppm) 2013-2015. dalam peraturan kementerian pendidikan malaysia (2016)dijelaskan bahwa dalam bagi memastikan kesinambungan pendidikan rendah dengan pendidikan menengah, transformasi kurikulum dilaksanakan ke atas kurikulum bersepadu sekolah menengah (kbsm). kbsm diperlukan dan ditambah baik bagi memastikan kurikulum senantiasa relevan dengan keperluan semasa dan cabaran abad ke-21 serta selari dengan pelan transformasi kerajaan. kurikulum baharu ini dikenali sebagai kurikulum standard sekolah rendah (kssr) dan kurikulum standard sekolah menengah (kssm). kurikulum pengajaran bahasa arab di malaysia pengajaran bahasa arab di malaysia telah meletakkan matlamat membolehkan pelajar menguasai empat kemahiran bahasa yaitu kemahiran mendengar, bertutur, membaca, dan menulis. di malaysia pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa arab masih belum berada di tahap yang memuaskan. kenyataan ini diteguhkan dengan pernyataan muhammad pisol dalam ab. halim mohammad (2009) yaitu kelemahan pelajar ipta dalam menguasai bahasa arab sudah diketahui umum dan amat mendukacitakan. mereka juga kurang membaca dan memahami bahasa surat kabar. selain itu, prestasi belajar dalam penguasaan bahasa arab khususnya tata bahasa arab didapati semakin merosot.oleh karena yang demikian, ada beberapa tantangan yang harus dihadapi. diantaranya dengan melihat kembali permasalahan yang menjadi batu sandungan dan berusaha mengatasinya. hidayatul khoiriyah 103 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) masalah kurikulum bahasa arab di malaysia a. pengajaran berbasis kepada guru kebanyakan sekolah-sekolah arab masih berorientasi proses pengajaran yang berpusat pada guru semata-mata. siswa hanya mendengarkan dan mencatat apa yang perlu untuk mereka. pandangan dan kontribusi mereka dalam proses tersebut tidak diberi penekanan. ada juga siswa yang tidak pernah membaca langsung kutipan di dalam kelas. begitu juga mereka tidak pernah bertanya atau ditanya. ada juga siswa yang tidak pernah mengeluarkan pendapatnya atau memberi kesimpulan terhadap apa yang dipelajarinya. hasil dari proses pengajaran seperti ini siswa menjadi lembab dan tidak aktif khususnya untuk menyuarakan pendapat dan pandangan. ini jelas terlihat ketika diajukan pertanyaan kepada mereka. dampak dari proses ini juga siswa tidak memiliki keyakinan diri dalam memahami pelajaran yang dipelajarinya secara mandiri. mereka hanya mengandalkan guru saja. dampak yang buruk kepada mereka adalah kurangnya keterampilan berkomunikasi dan keterampilan diri. guru-guru pula ada yang berpendapat bahwa proses pengajaran satu arah ini perlu karena pengetahuan siswa terlalu terbatas. mereka tidak mampu untuk berbicara dan mengeluarkan isi diskusi pada teks. begitu juga mereka tidak dapat memahami teks dengan membaca sendirian. mereka membutuhkan terjemahan murni yang harus diberikan oleh guru. sebenarnya proses pengajaran yang berpusat pada siswa dapat dilaksanakan dengan bimbingan dari guru. siswa harus diberi kesempatan untuk berinteraksi dan mengemukakan pandangan. begitu juga mereka harus diajukan beberapa persoalan yang terkait dengan subjek mereka. guru hanya berperan sebagai fasilitator saja di dalam kelas. b. pengajaran berteraskan kepada terjemahan teks proses terjemahan ini mengambil masa yang banyak dalam proses pengajaran. boleh dikatakan ke semua sekolah arab berpegang kepada terjemahan bagi memudahkan proses pengajaran dan pelajar dapat memahami subjek yang dipelajari dengan mudah. proses terjemahan ini berlaku dengan sebab pengajian lebih berpusat kepada guru. terjemahan ini tidak membantu pelajar untuk menguasai ilmu yang mereka belajar dengan sendiri dan juga tidak hidayatul khoiriyah 104 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) membantu untuk aktif dan berinteraksi di dalam kelas. ia lebih menyumbang kepada bersifat pasif. terjemahan ini tidak boleh diatasi dengan memberi tugas kepada pelajar bagi mencari isi penting atau membentangkan kefahaman mereka. begitu juga penggunaan kamus yang efektif boleh membantu pelajar untuk coba memahami sendiri subjek yang dipelajari. bagi guru-guru yang menggunakan proses terjemahan ini pula, mereka berpendapat bahwa siswa tidak memiliki kemampuan sendiri untuk membaca dan memahami. hasil dari tanggapan mereka inilah proses terjemahan berlangsung sampai hari ini. sewajarnya siswa harus diberi tugas dan kesempatan untuk berinteraksi dalam kelas untuk menyuntikkan keyakinan ke dalam jiwa mereka. untuk menggantikan terjemahan ini, pendekatan harus diperkenalkan. pendekatan tersebut harus dapat memberikan efek yang baik dalam penguasaan ilmu. antara pendekatan yang bisa diaplikasikan adalah pengajaran harus berpusat kepada siswa. siswa harus didedahkan dengan strategi mandiri sehingga mereka dapat melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran dengan sendiri. guru harus memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk membaca, mencari makna, membuat pemahaman, kesimpulan dan presentasi. peran guru hanyalah membahas isi penting yang disajikan oleh siswa. proses pembelajaran berlangsung dengan diskusi di antara siswa yang dipimpin oleh guru. dengan banyak berusaha sendiri siswa akan dapat menguasai ilmu dengan cepat dan baik. c. kurang latihan dan pertanyaan latihan dan pertanyaan merupakan unsur utama dalam menyukseskan proses pembelajaran. ini merupakan pilar untuk mengetahui efektivitas pembelajaran. setiap periode pembelajaran harus diadakan latihan dan pertanyaan untuk menguji prestasi siswa. latihan dan pertanyaan juga merupakan dorongan untuk siswa terus belajar dan menanamkan semangat untuk terus sukses. ini dapat merangsang dan mengaktifkan siswa. begitu juga ia dapat membentuk sikap positif di kalangan siswa. guru harus selalu memberikan pelatihan kepada siswa terhadap mata pelajaran yang dipelajarinya dan memperbaiki pelatihan tersebut untuk memberi paparan siswa terhadap kesalahan yang biasa dilakukan. dari kesalahan ini siswa hidayatul khoiriyah 105 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) akan dapat meningkatkan penguasaan ilmu mereka. tes mendadak juga perlu untuk menyuntikkan kesadaran dan kepekaan terhadap subjek yang dipelajari. siswa akan selalu berada dalam kondisi siap untuk menghadapi tes tersebut. persoalan juga harus selalu dikemukakan oleh guru kepada siswa di dalam kelas secara acak untuk menimbulkan minat dan perihatin mereka. untuk menyukseskan kegiatan pembelajaran, guru disarankan agar memperbanyak latihan kepada siswa di dalam kelas. pertanyaan ini akan dapat memberi perhatian dan juga kesadaran kepada siswa untuk terus belajar. begitu juga ia dapat menambahkan pengetahuan dan usaha siswa untuk terus belajar. d. kurang penggunaan alat bantu mengajar dan bahan bacaan tambahan untuk menarik minat dan menambah pengetahuan dan penguasaan siswa, alat bantu mengajar harus digunakan dan juga bahan bacaan luar harus diversifikasi. alat bantu mengajar yang selalu digunakan oleh guru-guru di sekolah-sekolah tersebut adalah papan putih atau hitam saja untuk memperjelas dan menguraikan subjek yang diajarkan. penggunaan laboratorium bahasa untuk meningkatkan bahasa kurang digunakan. begitu juga alat-alat ict bantu mengajar yang lain. sebagaimana yang diungkapkan oleh abu bakar zainuddin dkk, (2007), pada hari ini ict menjadi kebutuhan bagi semua lapisan masyarakat untuk mendapatkan dan menyalurkan informasi. begitu juga ia menjadi satu kebutuhan dalam bidang kehidupan modern saat ini seperti bisnis, perdagangan, industri, hiburan, medis dan administrasi. begitu juga kebutuhannya dalam bidang pendidikan tidak terbantahkan. e. kurang aktivitas untuk membantu siswa menguasai bahasa berbagai kegiatan bahasa harus diadakan. aktivitas ini dapat membantu siswa untuk membangun identitas diri dan jati diri. ilmu yang dipelajari harus mengupas untuk membangun keterampilan komunikasi. begitu juga penggunaan bahasa dapat dicapai melalui kegiatan bahasa. aktivitas ini dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dalam kelas dengan mengadakan kelompok. begitu juga ia dapat dilakukan melalui kuis. aktivitas juga bisa diadakan di luar kelas seperti berkemah dan sebagainya. begitu juga akting atau pementasan memiliki manfaat yang besar hidayatul khoiriyah 106 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) dalam menyumbang keterampilan komunikasi dan kemasyarakatan. aktivitas perdebatan juga banyak membantu siswa dalam membangun pemikiran kritis dan kreatif. guru harus banyak berperan dalam menyukseskan kegiatan seperti ini. siswa akan dapat itu terjadi melalui dorongan guru. setiap kegiatan harus disertai oleh siswa yang berbeda untuk memberi kesempatan kepada mereka, serta turut menjadi favorit mereka kegiatan study tour. f. kurang komunikasi arab lingkungan yang tidak membantu dalam pembelajaran bahasa adalah tidak menggunakan bahasa arab dalam berkomunikasi. persekiran berkomunikasi bahasa arab akan diciptakan untuk membantu penguasaan bahasa yang baik. lingkungan ini dapat dibentuk melalui penyampaian subjek di dalam kelas, reuni siswa dengan guru dan interaksi sesama siswa dan guru. siswa yang belajar bahasa akan dapat menggunakan bahasa tersebut saat berkomunikasi. lingkungan ini akan dapat membantu siswa untuk memahirkan penggunaan bahasa dalam situasi yang berbeda. penggunaan bahasa arab dalam proses pengajaran adalah penting bagi memahirkan siswa dengan bahasa, siswa yang selalu mendengarkan kata dan ayat yang selalu digunakan oleh guru akan dapat menguasainya dengan lebih baik. guru harus menggunakan bahasa arab dalam kelas dan di luar kelas. dengan penggunaan ini siswa juga akan turut menggunakannya. dengan adanya penggunaan dari kedua belah pihak, suasana berkomunikasi dalam bahasa arab akan dapat dihidupkan. pengembangan kurikulum bahasa arab pengembangan berarti tindak lanjut dari pertumbuhan. dalam kamus besar bahasa indonesia kata pengembangan diberi makna “proses, cara, perbuatan mengembangkan”. menurutmuhaimin (2009), istilah pengembangan dapat bermakna kuantitatif dan kualitatif, yang bisa dalam bentuk: 1) memperkaya nuansa pemikiran dan teori yang sudah ada; atau 2) merevisi dan menyempurnakan pemikiran dan teori yang sudah ada; atau 3) mengganti pemikiran dan teori lama dengan pemikiran dan teori baru; atau 4) menciptakan pemikiran dan teori yang belum ada sebelumnya. dalam narasi yang lain, abdul wahab (2016) menjelaskan bahwa kurikulum merupakan seperangkat pengalaman dan program pendidikan yang terencana yang didesain dan diberikan oleh institusi pendidikan kepada peserta didik dengan tujuan hidayatul khoiriyah 107 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) membantu mereka tumbuh dan berkembang secara terpadu (fisik, mental, intelektual, emosional, spiritual, sosial, dan sebagainya) sehingga mampu beradaptasi dan berkreasi dalam menghadapi berbagai persoalan kehidupan mereka. oleh karena itu, dapat dipahami bahwa kurikulum (manhaj) merupakan “jantung” institusi pendidikan atau sistem pembelajaran. sementara itu, ismail muhammad (1997) menyatakan bahwa kurikulum pembelajaran bahasa arab menjadi sangat urgent untuk dikembangkan agar proses pembelajaran (bahasa arab) menjadi lebih bermutu, mengikuti perkembangan keilmuan (relevansi intelektual) dan kebutuhan masyarakat, serta output yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan tuntutan pasar (relevansi sosial). sehingga dengan pengembangan kurikulum, tujuan pembelajaran, isi (content), metode, media, interaksi, dan evaluasi pembelajaranpembelajaran bahasa menjadi jelas, terarah, dan terukur. ahmad thu’aimah (2001) menyatakan bahwa pengembangan kurikulum bahasa arab sama dengan pengembangan kurikulum lainnya. oleh karena itu, mau tidak mau harus bersentuhan dengan asas-asas pengembangan kurikulum secara umum, yaitu: landasan linguistik, landasan edukatif, landasan psikologis, dan landasan sosial. bahasa arab dan pembelajarannya pembelajaran adalah proses yang sengaja dirancang untuk menciptakan terjadinya aktivitas belajar dalam diri individu. dengan kata lain, pembelajaran merupakan sesuatu hal yang bersifat eksternal dan sengaja dirancang untuk mendukung terjadinya proses belajar internal dalam diri individu. walter dick dan lou carey (2005) mengidentifikasi pembelajaran sebagai rangkaian peristiwa atau kegiatan yang disampaikan secara terstruktur dan terencana dengan menggunakan sebuah atau beberapa jenis media. proses pembelajaran mempunyai tujuan agar siswa dapat mencapai kompetensi seperti yang diharapkan. untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut proses pembelajaran perlu dirancang secara sistematik dan sistemik. menurut a.akrom malibary dkk, (1976) sebenarnya bahasa adalah sistem lambanglambang berupa bunyi yang digunakan oleh segolongan masyarakat tertentu untuk berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi. sementara itu, menurut fatwiah noor (2018), bahasa arab adalah salah satu hal yang sangat penting dalam sebuah kehidupan manusia. sebab dengan bahasa itulah manusia bisa berkomunikasi dan menyampaikan semua gagasan dan isi pikirannya, memenuhi hidayatul khoiriyah 108 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) semua kebutuhan hidupnya dan mewarnai kehidupannya. adapun makna bahasa beragam, tergantung pada perspektif yang memberi makna terhadap bahasa tersebut dan motif yang ingin dicapainya. seperti yang sudah dijelaskan di atas, sebuah pembelajaran merupakan upaya membelajarkan siswa. kegiatan pengupayaan ini akan mengakibatkan siswa dapat mempelajari sesuatu dengan cara efektif dan efisien. upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan dapat berupa analisis tujuan dan karakteristik studi dan siswa, analisis sumber belajar, menetapkan strategi pengorganisasian, isi pembelajaran, menetapkan strategi penyampaian pembelajaran, menetapkan strategi pengelolaan pembelajaran, dan menetapkan prosedur pengukuran hasil pembelajaran. oleh karena itu, setiap pengajar harus memiliki keterampilan dalam memilih strategi pembelajaran yang tepat dalam setiap jenis kegiatan pembelajaran, diharapkan pencapaian tujuan belajar dapat terpenuhi. dalam hal ini peran pengajar lebih erat kaitannya dengan keberhasilan pembelajar, terutama berkenaan dengan kemampuan pengajar dalam menetapkan strategi pembelajaran. pembelajaran yang baik memerlukan suatu proses perencanaan yang disusun secara matang dan sesuai dengan standar proses pendidikan kesetaraan yang meliputi: perencanaan proses pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, penilaian proses, hasil pembelajaran dan pengawasan proses pembelajaran. belajar bahasa pada hakikatnya adalah belajar komunikasi. oleh karena itu, pembelajaran bahasa adalah upaya membelajarkan siswa bagaimana cara berkomunikasi dalam hal ini dikhususkan untuk pembelajaran berkomunikasi dengan bahasa arab. pembelajaran diarahkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pembelajar dalam berkomunikasi bahasa arab, baik lisan maupun tulis. menyimak dan berbicara adalah dua keterampilan yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan bahasa arab secara lisan, sedangkan membaca dan menulis adalah dua keterampilan yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan bahasa arab secara tulisan. muhammad waly (1998) menyatakan bahwa selain empat keterampilan di atas, ada aspek lain yang tidak kalah pentingnya dan ikut mempengaruhi ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran bahasa arab secara komprehensif. aspek tersebut adalah unsur-unsur bahasa (al-‘anāsir al-lughawiyyah), yaitu fonologi (ashwat), morfologi (sharaf), sintaksis/kalimat (nahwu), semantik (dalālah), dan kosakata (mufrādat). hidayatul khoiriyah 109 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) desain pengembangan kurikulum bahasa arab di malaysia tujuan kurikulum pembelajaran bahasa arab 1. tujuan umum tujuan umum adalah tujuan pembelajaran bahasa arab yang tercantum dalam kurikulum. tujuan umum ini antara lain: a. pembelajaran bahasa arab sebagai tujuan, dimaksudkan untuk membina ahli bahasa arab, yang meliputi bidang ilmu bahasa (linguistik), bidang pembelajaran bahasa dan bidang sastra. b. pembelajaran bahasa arab sebagai alat, dimaksudkan untuk memberikan kepada siswa kemahiran dalam bahasa arab dalam aspek tertentu sebagai alat untuk keperluan tertentu pula. misalnya, sebagai alait komunikasi dalam pergaulan sehari-hari, sebagai alat untuk memahami buku-buku berbahasa arab, sebagai alat pembantu keahlian lain (supplementary), sebagai alat pembantu teknik (rocational). 2. tujuan khusus yang dimaksud tujuan khusus ialah tujuan untuk masing-masing langkah (steps) pada setiap pokok bahasan. tujuan khusus ini hendaknya cukup operasional dan spesifik sehingga dapat dijadikan dasar untuk menetapkan jenis tes yang akan digunakan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tujuan-tujuan yang diinginkan anak dari aspek fisik bahasa dapat tercapai. tarigan (1989) menjelaskan bahwa adapun tujuan akhir dari pembelajaran bahasa arab ialah agar siswa terampil berbahasa: terampil menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. selain pengklasifikasian di atas, tujuan pembelajaran bahasa arab secara umum dibagi menjadi dua yaitu: a. tujuan pembelajaran bahasa arab secara umum tujuan umum adalah tujuan pembelajaran bahasa arab yang tercantum dalam kurikulum, baik itu di sekolah, perguruan tinggi maupun lembagalembaga pendidikan islam lainnya. tujuan umum ini antara lain: menurut abu bakar (1981), tujuan umum ialah tujuan dari pelajaran itu sendiri dan yang bertalian dengan bahan pelajaran tersebut. tujuan umum sulit dicapai tanpa dijabarkan secara operasional dan spesifik. dalam narasai hidayatul khoiriyah 110 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) yang lain, hermawan (2011) menyatakan bahwa tujuan umum pembelajaran bahasa arab adalah sebagai berikut: 1. tujuan religius yaitu belajar bahasa arab dengan tujuan memahami dan mengajarkan ajaran agama islam yang termaktub dalam al-qur’ān dan al-hadīs. orientasi ini adalah berupa keterampilan pasif, yaitu mendengar dan membaca, juga keterampilan aktif, yaitu berbicara dan menulis. 2. tujuan akademis yaitu belajar bahasa arab untuk tujuan akademis guna memahami ilmuilmu yang ditulis menggunakan bahasa arab. atau guna memahami dan menguasai keterampilan berbahasa (al-istimā’, al-kalām, al-qirā’ah, dan alkitābah). orientasi dan tujuan ini lebih mengarah pada penempatan bahasa arab sebagai disiplin ilmu yang dijadikan mata pelajaran atau mata kuliah yang harus dikuasai. hal seperti ini biasanya identik pada studi bahasa arab yang terdapat di lembaga-lembaga pendidikan, seperti pendidikan bahasa arab, sastra arab, program pascasarjana dan lembaga ilmiah lainnya. 3. tujuan profesionalisme atau praktis yang dimaksud disini adalah belajar bahasa arab untuk tujuan profesi, praktis dan pragmatis. yaitu untuk bisa berbicara dan berkomunikasi dengan bahasa arab. biasanya, tujuan seperti ini ditempuh oleh orang-orang yang ingin menjadi tki di wilayah timur tengah, diplomat, turis, berdagang atau untuk melanjutkan studi ke wilayah timur tengah. 4. tujuan ideologis dan ekonomis yaitu mempelajari bahasa arab dengan tujuan untuk memahami dan menggunakan bahasa arab sebagai media dan alat untuk kepentingan orientalisme, kapitalisme, imperialisme dan lain-lain. hal semacam ini ditandai dengan banyaknya lembaga khusus mempelajari bahasa arab di dunia barat. dari beberapa orientasi dan tujuan yang telah dipaparkan di atas, maka proses pembelajaran bahasa arab pada hakikatnya dapat disimpulkan paling tidak menjadi dua macam tujuan utama yaitu pembelajaran bahasa arab yaitu: sebagai alat bantu bagi peningkatan keahlian lain yang harus dipelajari dan sebagai tujuan yakni bertujuan hidayatul khoiriyah 111 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) untuk menghasilkan ahli bahasa dan sastra arab agar mampu mengajarkan bahasa arab itu sendiri dan menguasai dan mampu mengajarkan bahasa arab. b. tujuan pembelajaran bahasa arab secara khusus tujuan khusus ialah tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari mata pelajaran atau mata kuliah saat itu yang biasa disebut dengan tujuan jangka pendek. tujuan kurikulum merupakan arah dan sasaran yang harus dicapai oleh setiap upaya pendidikan. tujuan kurikulum bahasa arab sebagai matlamat komunikasi yang mengacu pada falsafah pendidikan kebangsaan. diantara yang termasuk dalam tujuan pembelajaran bahasa arab sesuai dengan kurikulum di malaysia adalah: mendengarkan huruf, kata, kalimat, dan paragraf serta memahaminya; mengucapkan huruf dan kalimat dengan benar; berbicara; membaca, kata, kalimat, dan paragraf dengan benar; menulis kata, kalimat, dan paragraf dengan benar; menerapkan dasar-dasar qawā’id dalam berbicara maupun menulis; latihan menggunakan bahasa arab fusha dalam ucapan maupun tulisan; dan menerapkan nilai-nilai luhur dan pembentukan karakter demi mengabdi pada agama dan masyarakat. materi implementasi kurikulum pembelajaran bahasa arab dapat dilihat dari sisi/substansi materi pembelajaran bahasa arab yang diberikan di sekolah. a. materi pembelajaran bahasa arab di tingkat i huruf hijaiyyah: ش، ع، ص، أ، ب، ت، م، ج، د، ك، ن، ل، ي، و، س، ه، ر، ف، ط، ق، خ، .ز، ح، ث، ذ، ظ، غ، ض kata/kalimat: .صباح، مساء، النور، الخير daftar murodat: perkenalan, peralatan sekolah, benda-benda di kelas, lingkungan sekolah, nama-nama hari, anggota keluarga, ruangan di dalam rumah. angka dan bilangan 1-10. b. materi pembelajaran bahasa arab di tingkat ii hidayatul khoiriyah 112 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) huruf hijaiyyah: .ل، ي، و، س، ه، ر،ق،ط daftar mufradat: anggota tubuh, anggota keluarga, macam-macam warna, benda di dalam rumah, perlengkapan belajar, lingkungan sekolah, nama-nama bulan dalam hijriyyah. angka dan bilangan 11-19. kalimat ungkapan: .شكرا، عفوا، اسمح بي، من فضلك، عيد سعيد c. materi pembelajaran bahasa arab di tingkat iii materi pembelajaran di tingkat iii terdapat beberapa kategori, huruf hijaiyyah : .خ، ش، ع، ص، ز، ح، ث، ذ، ظ، غ، ض daftar mufradat: jenis-jenis pakaian, benda-benda di dalam kelas, orang-orang di sekolah, jenis ruangan di rumah, jenis makanan dan minuman, nama buah-buahan, nama bulan-bulan masehi. angka dan bilangan : puluhan, 20, 30, 40, 50, dst. isim isyarah: هنا، هناك kalimat ungkapan: . بارك هللا، ممتاز، جزاك هللا، احسنت qawaid .هذا، هذه، ذلك، تلك، مذكر، مؤنث metode pembelajaran pengembangan metode pembelajaran sangat bergantung pada kreativitas guru dalam merancang, mengolah dan melaksanakan pendekatan, kaedah, teknik secara terpadu dan sistematik. orientasi pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa sehingga guru ditekankan merancang pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang mendorong keterlibatan siswa secara aktif dalam proses pembelajaran agar tercipta suasana pembelajaran yang menyenangkan. beberapa metode pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab yaitu: hidayatul khoiriyah 113 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 1. pembelajaran berbasis inquiry (inquiry based learning) ini merupakan pendekatan pembelajaran yang melibatkan proses eksplorasi alam dan didasarkan pada lima tahap, yaitu bertanya, meneliti, menciptakan, mendiskusikan, dan membuat refleksi. 2. pembelajaran kooperatif metode ini memerlukan kerjasama siswa yang mempunyai berbagai kemampuan untuk mencapai tujuan yangg sama. peranan setiap siswa perlu ditunjukkan untuk menyelesaikan setiap tugas yang diberikan sesuai dengan kemampuan siswa masing-masing. pengalaman yang didapatkan dari proses pembelajaran ini dapat mendorong siswa untuk saling bekerja sama dalam mencapai suatu tujuan pembelajaran. 3. pembelajaran di luar kelas aktifitas ini merupakan pembelajaran tambahan yang mampu menjadikan siswa lebih mengingat apa yang telah dipelajari. selain itu, aktivitas pembelajaran di luar kelas juga dapat menghilangkan rasa bosan siswa ketika belajar. evaluasi dalam kurikulum standar sekolah rendah, evaluasi atau penilaian disebut dengan pentaksiran sekolah. sama dengan indonesia, penilaian dilakukan secara formatif dan sumatif. pentaksiran dilaksanakan secara berterusan untuk memastikan perkembangan dan pencapaian pembelajaran murid. guru menilai sejauh mana murid menguasai standar pembelajaran dengan merujuk kepada standar prestasi yang ditetapkan. perkembangan dan pencapaian tahap penguasaan murid dicatat dan dilaporkan secara deskriptif kepada murid dan orang tua. dalam penilaian dengan mengacu pada kerangka berikut, yakni : pertama, penilaian dilaksanakan dengan menilai materi yang sudah disampaikan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana materi tersebut dapat dipahami oleh siswa. kedua, penilaian dilaksanakan seiring berjalannya proses pembelajaran dengan observasi, pemberian tugas proyek, dll. ketiga, penilaian bersifat adil untuk semua siswa. dan yang terakhir harus mencakup aspek kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor. c. simpulan hidayatul khoiriyah 114 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) pada dasarnya sistem pendidikan di malaysia dan indonesia tidak jauh berbeda. pendidikan dimulai dari pra sekolah, pendidikan dasar, pendidikan menengah dan pendidikan tinggi. perbedaan yang menonjol dari pendidikan kedua negara tersebut pada nama jenjang kedua negara. tingkatan jenjang pendidikan juga berbeda contohnya pada jenjang sekolah menengah dimana sekolah menengah malaysia ditempuh dalam jenjang waktu 5 tahun, sedangkan di indonesia 6 tahun. di malaysia tidak mengenal lembaga sekolah menengah pertama (smp) dan sekolah menengah atas (sma). negara malaysia cenderung lebih maju di bidang pendidikan karena kurikulum yang dipakai cenderung relatif stabil dan tidak sering ada pergantian kurikulum. berbeda dengan kurikulum di indonesia yang sering terjadi perubahan tergantung pada kebijakan pemerintah yang berkuasa, sehingga cenderung ganti penguasa ganti kurikulum, sehingga pelaksanaan teknis kurikulum di indonesia cenderung lambat untuk berkembang karena perlu waktu untuk pengajaran dan sosialisasi pada guru-guru sebagai pelaksana kurikulum di lapangan. alasan lain yang berpengaruh dalam kemajuan pendidikan di kedua negara adalah bekas negara jajahan yang berbeda. hal ini sedikitnya mempengaruhi sistem pendidikan di kedua negara tersebut. daftar pustaka anuar bin sopian.isu dan tantangan pembelajaran bahasa arab di malaysia. akademi pengajian bahasa universitas teknologi mara (uitm). aslindah, andi. 2015. pendidikan islam di malaysia: jenjang, kebijakan, dan tujuan pendidikan. lentera pendidikan. vol. 8. no. 1. azrin, mior khairul. 2011. “sistem pendidikan di malaysia; dasar, cabaran, dan pelaksanaan ke arah perpaduan nasional”. jurnal sosiohumanika. vol.4. no.1. dick, walter dkk. 2005. the systemic design of instruction. new york : pearson. hermawan, acep. 2011. metodologi pembelajaran bahasa arab. bandung: remaja rosdakarya. kementerian pendidikan malaysia.draf kurikulumstandard sekolah rendah: dokumen standard kurikulum dan pentaksiran. hidayatul khoiriyah 115 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) kementerian pendidikan malaysia. 2016. buku penerangan kurikulum standard sekolah menengah. kuala lumpur: bahagian pembangunan kurikulum kementerian pendidikan malaysia. malibary, a.akrom dkk. 1976. pedoman pengajaran bahasa arab pada perguruan tinggi agama islam iain. jakarta: depag ri. marta, nur’aeni. 2015. “kurikulum pendidikan sejarah di malaysia: sebagai bahan refleksi pengembangan kurikulum sejarah di indonesia”. jurnal pendidikan sejarah. vol. 4. no.1. mohammad, ab. halim. 2009. “tahap komunikasi dalam bahasa arab dalam kalangan pelajar sarjana muda bahasa arab di ipta malaysia”. journal of islamic and arabic education. 1(1). muhaimin. 2007. pengembangan kurikulum pendidikan agama islam di sekolah, madrasah dan perguruan tinggi. jakarta: pt. raja grafindo persada. muhammad, ‘ali ismāil. 1997. al-manhaj fī al-lughah al-‘arabiyyah. kairo: maktabah wahdah. muhammad, abu bakar. 1981. metode khusus pembelajaran bahasa arab. surabaya: usaha nasional. noor, fatwiah. 2018. “kurikulum pembelajaran bahasa arab di perguruan 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opportunities and challenges aulia mustika ilmiani (corresponding author) iain palangka raya, indonesia ahmadi iain palangka raya, indonesia abstract: the arabic language has peculiarity and differentiating characteristics that distinguish it from other foreign languages. this study investigates the existence of arabic language learning during the pandemic period by conducting a thorough review of the arabic language learning process from both an internal and an external standpoint. the method of writing this article is based on a study of literature comparison. the author conducts an online search for primary literature using valid criteria, and a reputable source—data analysis is performed using the content analysis paradigm. this study demonstrated the positive impact on the internal environment: 1) lecturers and students gained greater proficiency in using applications that can be integrated into the learning process. 2) the assignment method changes from academic to project-based assignments, 3) students become more proficient in using social media as tools for learning. 4) arabic learning occurs from any location and at any time of day. the internal negative consequences are as follows: 1) memorizing qawaid or tashrif, in which case it is not easy to assess students' abilities through online instruction without face-to-face interaction; 2) explanation of the material when face to face is considered more straightforward; 3) unstable networks cause the inability to concentrate and focus. the external consequences are as follows: 1) a large number of linguistic webinars about arabic, 2) the number of research references, research articles, and scientific journals are growing; 3) it is becoming easier to hold memorandums of understanding between collages from different regions. keywords: covid-19; existence; opportunities; learning arabic; challenges a. introduction covid-19 pandemic is a health crisis that has infected millions of people in more than 200 countries globally and caused many deaths (shereen et al., 2020). the disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 or sars-cov-2 was first reported in wuhan, hubei province, china (cluver et al., 2020). world health ©aulia mustika ilmiani & ahmadi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 180 organization (who) has declared covid-19 a global pandemic (fauzi et al., 2020). covid-19 pandemic affects almost all aspects of life, including education. in this condition, education's role and position in values are crucial (bakhtiar, 2016). many countries have decided to eliminate learning in schools (george w. contreras, 2020). education is one of the sectors that has been dramatically affected by covid-19. almost all countries eliminate activities at school where students and teachers can act as carriers and spreaders of disease without an indication. based on the abc news report on march 7, 2020, school closings occurred in more than dozens of countries due to covid-19. according to the united nations educational, scientific, and cultural organization (unesco) data, 39 countries have closed schools with 421,388,462 students affected. in contrast, the number of students in universities at risk of being affected is 86,034,287 people. in indonesia, many campuses and schools have implemented policies for distance learning activities or online lectures. previously, both in indonesia and globally, the government announced that the national examination in 2020 was officially abolished, starting from elementary school to senior high school levels. all levels of education from elementary school to universities under the ministry of education and culture of the republic of indonesia and those under the ministry of religion of the republic of indonesia have felt a significant impact. thus, in april 2020, more than 400 million students worldwide are required to study at home. school administrators, teachers, and students make efforts in various ways to adapt to the new online learning environment (stacey, et al., 2004). the impact of physically closing educational institutions and replacing learning from home as a government policy changes the learning system from face-to-face to distance learning (arora & srinivasan, 2020). education managers, teaching staff, and students must migrate to digital or online learning systems, better known as e-learning (wahyono et al., 2020) or online learning. the use of information technology is constructive in the online learning process due to covid-19. advances in information technology can connect students with teachers through e-learning. especially at colleges, various efforts are made so that the learning process can still be carried out. mixed media are used to support the learning process, such as whatsapp group, google classroom, google docs, google form, or zoom. the learning process has unavoidable ©aulia mustika ilmiani & ahmadi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 181 changes. the use of technology is needed from various aspects. the creativity of teachers in managing distance classes is also important. facilities and infrastructure are benchmarks for success (ilmiani, hamidah, et al., 2020). similar to learning arabic in indonesia, the characteristics of arabic, which are unique and different from other foreign languages, have become a scourge for the entire academic community, especially with the conditions during the covid-19 pandemic, both teachers and students feel the impact in terms of education. the positive and negative effects become two sides of the coin. this study is significant and needs to be carried out to anticipate the challenges of learning arabic in the future and an opportunity to transform learning that is sensitive to the times, developments in science and technology, and the context. the covid-19 pandemic can be a starting point in developing the potential for learning arabic. this article aims to explore learning arabic in collages during the covid-19 pandemic in terms of two different sides, its positive and negative impacts, as well as the challenges and opportunities in learning arabic at this time. many previous studies on online learning in collages, such as jamaluddin's research, stated that more than six learning media were used during this pandemic, and the majority (60%) used google classroom. more than 60% of respondents are accustomed to learning with an online system. hence, as many as 50% stated that an online system could simplify learning and mentoring in current conditions (jamaluddin et al., 2020). it was also stated in tabiin's research that the advantage of using the google classroom application was that it made it easier for teachers to create, share and group each assignment without using paper (tabiin, n.d.). this activity makes learning more effective, teachers and students can interact at any time through the google classroom online class, and students can learn, listen, read, send assignments from a distance (wicaksono & rachmadyanti, 2017). according to astini, what makes google classroom so popular is making automatic copies of assignments that students have created. teachers can also check every assignment that students have collected in the virtual class. (astini, 2020). besides the google classroom application, video conferencing is also the primary communication alternative so the learning process can be carried out optimally (kusuma et al., 2020). the zoom application is the learning media in video ©aulia mustika ilmiani & ahmadi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 182 conferencing, which is often used in the learning process. the results of brahma's research (brahma, 2020) show that the zoom application is an alternative learning media that can accommodate the needs of teachers and students to meet face to face quickly in the learning process. since covid-19 spread, the use of the zoom app is growing up to 80% faster than usual. likewise, the whatsapp application, one of the most popular communication media used today, suddenly changes its function as a practical and easy-to-use learning media whenever and wherever it is (baishya & maheshwari, 2020). whatsapp is developing and updating features; various features in this application include webbased whatsapp for computers. this feature makes it easy for users to share specific files and synchronize with smartphones and computers. teachers use it to share learning material and collect students' assignments sent back into the whatsapp group (anwar & riadi, 2017). the use of video tutorials, as research conducted by batubara (batubara & batubara, 2020), can also be used as a learning medium. his research stated that using video tutorials as a learning medium obtained a response assessment with a score of 4.09, which means very good. the assessment of the response includes: relative advantage, which is worth 4.29 (outstanding), suitability which is worth 4.20 (good); a complexity which is valued at 3.83 (good); the trial, which is worth 3.84 (good), and the observability is good—worth 4.28 (very good). from the data above, they explain that even in pandemic conditions, the learning situation that must change drastically in a short time has a significant impact on the learning model, which requires us to take advantage of learning technology. besides, the development of various learning media platforms also allows teachers to be more creative, responsive and maximize any media used in the distance learning process. it is known that one of the keys to the effectiveness of an online learning system is, how a teacher remains creative to present (online) learning in a fun and easy to understand manner so that students do not feel bored and remain productive learning from home (nasir et al., 2020). distance learning using various methods, strategies, and media has been proven to be effective so that the learning process can run properly. a survey conducted by hikmah et al. in her article stated that online learning using the zoom and whatsapp applications was effectively carried out for theoretical courses (hikmat et al., 2020). ©aulia mustika ilmiani & ahmadi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 183 the use of whatsapp for learning purposes is also considered adequate to positively impact combining it with other methods or strategies in the online learning process (darmalaksana et al., 2020). google classroom is an application that is often used because it is effective, flexible, practical, and can improve learning outcomes. (lestari, n.d.). the results obtained from hasanah's research (hasanah et al., 2020) also show that students' online learning activities during the covid-19 emergency response period over the policy of studying at home are "quite good". a variety of online media has never been used before, making students adapt to technology and mastery of media. the most popular online learning media are whatsapp and google classroom (zhafira et al., 2020). besides, yulianto said that online learning adapted the concept of community of inquiry compared to face-to-face learning. it indicates that students feel the teacher's presence more in online learning than face-to-face learning. the close relationship between students and teachers is considered an indicator of quality for online learning and is very important in the success and retention of learners (yulianto et al., 2020). this is because short online discussions are easier to understand and make participants feel comfortable talking in online conversations. however, in the middle of the spread of various learning media, obstacles and hindrances have to be faced due to online learning. different perceptions appear, including those expressed by aswasulasikin related to student responses about online learning activities carried out for approximately three months. he used a response questionnaire that was distributed to students randomly. the data shows that online activities are saturated and dull, so it is hoped that lecturers will be more creative and innovative in utilizing the media used to make the learning process more enjoyable (aswasulasikin, 2020). online using a variety of advanced features cannot replace the role of lecturers through face-to-face lectures because it provides more motivation and enthusiasm for students to learn than taking courses through online patterns. when students are asked about their understanding of the material, it can be understood as many as one student answers very well understood, 23 students answered understood, 34 students, answered sometimes understood, and four students answered not understood. all of the students, or 100%, choose face-to-face courses compared to online lectures (anhusadar, 2020). according to research (satrianingrum & prasetyo, 2020), inadequate facilities and infrastructure, insufficient material delivery, the burden ©aulia mustika ilmiani & ahmadi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 184 of purchasing internet quota, slow internet connection, visual learning styles, and teachers unable to control student activities were significantly challenging. these two sides are representations of our current learning conditions. the learning system is "forced" to change in a short time. some people can adapt quickly, but some people struggle and get stuck. some assume it is a challenge, and others take this chance as an opportunity. in this regard, this article aims to explore learning arabic during this pandemic, especially in arabic learning activities in collages during the covid-19 pandemic. learning arabic, which previously had unique problems that were more complex, then what about the situation in its current condition. this review will focus on learning arabic during the covid-19 pandemic in indonesian collages, alongside the challenges and opportunities faced and strategic solutions in the future. b. research method this article was written using the comparative literature and content analysis study. literature analysis is carried out to reveal various theories and information relevant to the topic being studied. the stages of research approach and research design used in the study comparative literature studies are conducted by browsing primary literature online, namely journals, research reports, activity reports, books, magazines, news media, and other sources with valid and reputable criteria. the journals, proceedings, and books used are prioritized from the scopus database ( and the eric institute of education ( literature is also obtained from google scholar (, specifically indonesian language literature, literature published in indonesia, and literature written by indonesian authors. other literature is searched using the google search engine. the keywords used to explore the literature use english, namely covid-19, covid and education, pandemic and education, outbreak and learning, teaching in the pandemic, outbreak and education, and learning technology and the pandemic era. the keywords used to browse the literature use indonesian, namely covid-19 di indonesia, pembelajaran dan covid-19, pendidikan masa bencana, pembelajaran masa wabah, dosen, mahasiswa dan covid19, tantangan pendidikan masa depan, dan pembelajaran daring dan covid-19. ©aulia mustika ilmiani & ahmadi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 185 the stages in the comparative literature used in making this article refer to zed (2004) and khatibah (khatibah, 2011). four steps must be taken, namely (1) preparing equipment for assessment: in the form of a pencil/pen, notebook, and computer/laptop connected to the internal network; (2) compiling selected or appropriate (actually used) bibliographies; (3) managing time and focus on activities to reduce or even avoid refraction; and (4) read carefully, take notes, and write down the results. data analysis using the content analysis paradigm. presentation of data using informal presentation methods. the informal presentation method presents data in formulations with familiar words/phrases following linguistic rules. in presenting the data, the authors include quotes from various references used, in the form of analysis results, mentioning sources and illustrated based on a summary or essence of information (which may be in different paraphrases but still the same meaning) for each topic analyzed. this is done in the context of critical thinking and in-depth analysis of information. c. findings and discussion findings the covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the transition from face-to-face learning to distance learning, making more excellent technology use. arabic education, particularly in indonesian colleges, has both positive and negative consequences both internally and externally. according to the findings of the study, the covid-19 pandemic has had the following impact on the learning of arabic, particularly in indonesian colleges: first and foremost, the process of learning arabic in lectures has a potentially hazardous impact on the individual. in this instance, both lecturers and students experience the euphoria of learning arabic and their difficulties while participating in distance learning. the following are examples of the positive impact that lecturers and students of the arabic language education study program have experienced: first, media becomes more familiar to lecturers and students. various applications can be used as learning media in a variety of situations. the learning process activities become more diverse as a result of the use of learning technology tools. the google classroom application is used to keep track of all of the assignments and make sure they are completed on time. face-to-face instruction is carried out through the zoom meeting application, and communication is carried out through the ©aulia mustika ilmiani & ahmadi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 186 whatsapp group application. a variety of learning applications can be used simultaneously, and numerous other platforms can be used as a forum for learning to supplement this. this information has been gathered through various types of research, which has been uploaded in (arti 2020; astini 2020; darmalaksana et al. 2020; machfauzia 2020; suwandi 2020). second, arabic assignment methods are becoming more diverse, whereas traditionally, lecturers' assignments are limited to practicing theoretical questions. they have evolved into more practical and applicable project assignments, such as creating interactive videos, online learning media, and e-modules. students can create scientific papers or assignments in the form of interactive videos, as several lecturers have done in research (ahmadi and ilmiani 2020). according to this study, the assignment was created using a project-based approach, and the assessment was conducted using google classroom media. thirdly, students can improve their social media usage. instagram has the potential to be used as a teaching tool. because the content created on youtube is used as part of lecture assignments, it becomes a medium for developing teaching materials. finally, arabic learning can occur anywhere and anytime, without regard for time or place constraints. lecturers and students can both benefit from learning while performing other tasks. the use of youtube media can serve as a resource for students. additionally, it can serve as a forum for students to share completed assignments. while lecturers and students of arabic language education study programs experience the following negative consequences: first, teaching arabic language courses via learning media such as the google classroom application, whatsapp groups, and zoom meetings is a "new thing" for lectures. this is because arabic language instruction continues to be taught through traditional or passive methods that require face-to-face contact. not without reason, but because arabic language courses, such as the nahwu and sharf courses, are notoriously tricky, a teacher may occasionally require students to memorize qawaid or tashrif. in this case, conducting business online without meeting in person is difficult. additionally, students believe that learning nahwu and sharf is challenging to explain online. students are less adaptable in their questioning about nahwu and sharf learning, and their level of concentration is lower than in face-to-face nahwu and sharf learning. this is also supported by marsiah et al. research (marsiah, mubarak, and audina 2021). second, students enrolled in various ©aulia mustika ilmiani & ahmadi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 187 arabic language education study programs express dissatisfaction with online learning. this source is derived from research findings (jundi 2020; supendi 2021). they believe that certain language courses, such as nahwu and sharf courses, are better suited for direct instruction. third, students become dissatisfied and frustrated with distance learning, which is attributed to visual monotone learning, an inability to facilitate interactions between lecturers and students, as well as between students themselves, and also to the fact that teaching materials are not provided concurrently, resulting in decreased concentration. this source is taken from the results of research (kosim et al. 2020). the last, network instability; they cannot participate in online classes when wifi or network is not connected quota which is the primary need in online learning made improvident. this source is taken from the results of research (astini 2020; darmalaksana et al. 2020). second, the impact of the covid-19 on learning arabic in higher education in external is as follows: first, many online webinars (web seminars) are held by each university, such as training, national seminars, international seminars, book reviews, studies, board appointments, and even meetings. in learning arabic, especially under the auspices of the imla organization (ittihadu mudaris al-lughah al-arabiyyah), many universities are working together to carry out national and international seminars. this webinar activity is widely held considering much cheaper costs because it does not require transportation or consumption and can also be attended by participants outside the region and even abroad. since march 2020 various webinars have been carried out by universities collaborate with the imla (association of arabic teachers in indonesia) including: table 1. online seminars on arabic teaching and learning no types of seminar organizer cooperation theme of the seminar invited speakers 1 international imla center abu sholih anis luqman an-nadwi 2 international imla center map of the teaching arabic as a second language walid al-sayed (director of the al diwan center for teaching arabic to speakers of other languages and coordinator of the arabic department at sultan ©aulia mustika ilmiani & ahmadi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 188 muhammad alfatih endowment university in turkey 3 international imla center international evaluation standards dr. islam yasri ali alhadiqi turkey 4 international pba uin suska riau prof. dr. ahmad mosthafa azizi (professor of the emirates arabiyah university abu dhabi) and abdul aziz abdul shomad (arabic fusha activist from saudi arabia) 5 international faculty of language and arts, the state university of jakarta in collaboration with the arabic and middle east language study program, faculty of languages and linguistics universiti malaya dr. haji mohammad bin seman (universiti malaya), dr. shafruddin tajuddin, m. a (state university of jakarta) and prof. dr. zuriyati, m. pd. (state university of jakarta) 6 international padjadjaran university welcoming arabic language learning in the post-pandemic covid-19 era 7 international iain pontianak ust. dr. sholeh sabu'i from sultan sharif ali islamic university, brunei darussalam and dr. median mukhlas the second, many studies, scientific papers, and published articles related to learning arabic during the covid-19 pandemic, among others: learning arabic online: problems, solutions, and hopes by kosim, nanang, and turmudi, imam and maryani, novy and hadi, abdul (2020). the effectiveness of online learning models in arabic language lectures at the islamic institute of sunan kalijogo malang by sholihatul atik hikmawati islamic institute of sunan kalijogo malang (2020). use of video tutorials to support online learning during the corona virus pandemic by hamdan husein batubara, delila sari batubara (2020). application of electronic media in learning arabic by luluk humairo pimada and muhammad afif amrulloh, (2020). it is easy to hold a collaboration (mou) between arabic language education study ©aulia mustika ilmiani & ahmadi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 189 programs with other colleges outside the region and also abroad because it does not require transportation costs and can also communicate via email and whatsapp. discussion learning through new technology has been going on for decades. arabic language activists must adapt to digital era technology. learning in the future will be more modern. however, it can be said that the expected transformational impact has not been achieved. the online learning process transformed the teacher into a conduit for knowledge transmission and a leader and companion through practical guidance and communication. these two objects resemble two metal sides placed side by side. the covid-19 pandemic is not only a disaster but also a teaching moment. our current condition is a challenge and an opportunity to create opportunities to develop and prepare for better arabic learning. according to wijaya the various impacts of the covid-19 pandemic allow us to study more deeply as a reference in preparing for future arabic lessons. (astini, 2020; wijaya et al., 2020). talk about effects, then talk about two different sides. the first is a positive impact, and the second is a negative impact. a significant positive effect is felt in the process of learning arabic internally. this is directly related to the lecture process between lecturers and students of the arabic language education study program. in this condition, arabic language learning has changed in terms of delivery and learning media. online learning changes the arabic learning style, which previously the majority used conventional methods and media. lecturers and students are required to adapt. pba lecturers adopt various kinds of learning media by utilizing learning technology, and students quickly adapt to learning media (ilmiani, ahmadi, et al., 2020) and (ahmadi, 2014). this shows that pba lecturers have become more competent, creative, and productive in making teaching materials. in his research, luh revealed that online learning allows lecturers and students to be more innovative and creative (luh sri damayanti, 2020). technology use is hoped that effective and exciting learning will be born so that the learning process can occur optimally. the project-based assignment method is also more interesting for students than the theoretical-based assignment (pujiasih, 2020). according to sudiran et al., online assignments or project-based assignments will be more useful in the future for students (building optimism, hacking new lives in a world of education, n.d.). therefore, students will be free to develop their creativity ©aulia mustika ilmiani & ahmadi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 190 according to their talents and interests (hasanah et al., 2020). and the most important thing in online learning can save time and space because it can be done anytime and anywhere. lecturers and students can interact even when far apart (darmalaksana et al., 2020) and (moore et al., 2011). but in the middle of online learning optimization efforts, of course, there are constraints and negative impacts felt by pba lecturers and students. online learning cannot be done intensively; arabic learning has unique characteristics. in the arabic language course, the teaching skills of seeing the condition of students are needed to teach several essential points in arabic courses (rahmawati & putri, 2020) and (wajdi et al., 2020). meanwhile, not all senior lecturers are proficient in using it. the majority of senior teachers face problems when using technology. they are more bothered with preparing the media than teaching effectiveness (fuadi et al., 2020). this lack of teacher readiness also has an impact on the psychological condition of students. they are starting to get bored with the learning process that is only done virtually. there is no two-way communication between lecturers and students. students only become passive listeners, and it is difficult to control the activities of students during distance learning (azzahra, 2020) and (gikas & grant, 2013). a significant impact was also felt in learning arabic externally, the appearance of various webinars during the pandemic since the implementation of wfh (work from home) to stay active and productive at home. many educational institutions take advantage of this opportunity to carry out activities, such as workshops or seminars, without gathering many people in one place. webinars are website programs that provide communication media from one person to communicate with many people as an audience. in this case, a speaker can convey information to many participants, even though they are not in the same place. webinars are a place for seminars and interactive conversation features that each participant can carry out with the speaker (george w. contreras, 2020). in this webinar, each participant can ask questions about the previous speaker's material so that the discussion between them can be well established. of course, this interactive service is supported by each device's intelligent equipment, such as a microphone for recording sound and a camera as an image recorder that can function correctly. one of the benefits of a webinar program is that it can be played back. we can easily find webinar events searched only by using google ©aulia mustika ilmiani & ahmadi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 191 because webinars are also designed with seo optimization to make searching easier. that way, we can revisit the seminar topics, discussions, and conclusions obtained from the seminar. arabic webinar activities can be held and present native speakers or speakers only by using the internet. this is, of course, very profitable because it is without expense. research about covid-19, effects of covid-19, and handling of covid-19 have been ongoing since the first time this outbreak spread (wardhana, 2020). in-depth policy review in various scientific disciplines and the essential thing about crossdisciplinary studies can minimize policy contradictions. at the same time, the study of education and learning during a pandemic needs attention—especially the study of learning arabic. various research articles, scientific journals, papers, and research are conducted during a pandemic (johnson, 2000; takao, 2020). euphoria about studies and writings on learning during the pandemic will be an interesting reference and have significant progress. making mou among collages is also easier. communication via email and whatsapp helps accelerate the follow-up of cooperation without physical interaction (mulyanto, 2020). the arabic language education program does not miss this opportunity to expand mou and consolidate academic relations at domestic and foreign universities. d. conclusion amid the covid-19 pandemic, our education system must be ready to leap to transform online learning for all teachers and students. we are entering a new era to build creativity, hone skills, and improve self-quality by changing our interaction systems, perspectives, and patterns with technology. learning arabic faces several real challenges that must be immediately resolved, technological imbalances, limited competence of teachers or students in the use of learning applications, and limited resources for learning technology such as the internet and quotas. our education, especially in learning arabic which must catch up with online learning rapidly. in fact, not all technically and systems are ready. so far, online learning is only a concept, as a technical tool, not as a way of thinking, as a learning paradigm. online learning is not a method for changing face-to-face learning with digital applications, nor is it burdening ©aulia mustika ilmiani & ahmadi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 192 students with tasks that pile up every day. online learning should encourage teachers and students to be creative, access as many sources of knowledge as possible, produce works, hone insights, and ultimately shape students into lifelong learners. from these challenges, we must dare to take steps to make online learning an opportunity to transform our arabic learning. so that learning arabic is not left behind and one of the opportunities for academics to improve the quality of learning arabic, both theoretically and practically. the researcher realizes that in making this scientific paper, there are still many shortcomings. therefore, it is hoped that further research can add to other findings related to the opportunities and challenges of learning arabic over a distance. references ahmadi, ahmadi, and aulia mustika ilmiani. 2020. “the use of teaching media in arabic language teaching during covid-19 pandemic.” dinamika ilmu 20(2):307–22. ahmadi, a. 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(2020). persepsi mahasiswa terhadap perkuliahan daring sebagai sarana pembelajaran. jurnal bisnis dan kajian strategi manajemen, 4(1), article 1. ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 36 volume 6, no. 1, february 2021 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) investigating students’ experiences and preferences on tools and activities in emergency remote learning amidst covid-19 pandemic ratnawati (corresponding author) universitas galuh, indonesia indah nurhasanah universitas galuh, indonesia abstract: the study investigates students’ recognition, students’ preferences, and students’ reasons for learning platforms, tools, and activities in the emergency remote teaching (ert) context. the intrinsic case study is used in the present study, which fully expected the quality of improvement and case evaluation can be carried out. the purposive sampling was used with 25 students of third-year class at a private university in west java at english language education study program. in collecting the data, mixed questionnaire, participant classroom observation, and online semi-structured interview were distributed and conducted during the meetings, then analysed descriptively and thematically. the research findings point out that students positively responded to utilising google classroom for written synchronous and zoom cloud meeting for virtual synchronous. to sum up, both platforms are recommended to be utilized in the online atmosphere for ert. further actions call for other researchers and educators to utilize them in classroom activities with similar backgrounds and problems. besides, it is recommended for other researchers to conduct further studies related to the present field. keywords: covid-19 pandemic; emergency remote teaching; online learning; preferences a. introduction nowadays, the term “emergency remote teaching”, starting now is abbreviated as ert, has become an interesting issue that practitioners and researchers have widely discussed in the educational context during the covid-19 pandemic. to describe the full implementation of the online learning process with importunate academic and nonacademic preparation required to accomplish learning objectives amidst difficult circumstances, which is also similarly defined for founding the present study. first, hodges et al. (2020) elaborate that it is a rapid and temporary transition in education that is carried out suddenly from regular meeting to online learning, aiming to ensure ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 37 classroom activities happened in emergencies. rahiem (2020) then writes that all teaching and learning processes conducted by teachers and students in schools, colleges, universities during school closure by utilizing familiar and accessible technology. furthermore, ert can be defined as a learning process conducted in abnormal and emergencies, covid-19 pandemic, which entirely shifts from offline to a virtual meeting. the types of activities can be online learning, radio, television, and blended (university of people, 2020). finally, petillion & mcneil (2020) interpret that ert is a transitional situation in overcoming covid-19 in the educational field where schools, academics and campuses and their students are required to replace a face-to-face model with an online model. it means rashly without pedagogical preparation and training, infrastructure, and digital competences to cover the learning process in an emergency. from aforementioned opinions, the authors sum up that these teaching is as a teaching and learning instruction shift during school shutdowns to break the track of the covid19 virus from offline to online or blended with the utilization of well-known technology by teachers and students to maintain teaching and learning activities. in indonesia, ert was also implemented simultaneously from sabang, aceh to merauke, papua, after the world health organization had officially announced that the covid-19 had been infected the indonesian population. the minister of education and culture of the republic of indonesia, nadiem makarim emphasized that teaching and learning activities will be carried out at home starting from early childhood education, junior and senior high schools, and university levels. it is an effort to prevent the covid19 pandemic, which data found that increasing numbers of indonesians virus exposed every day. responding to this issue, the government actualized preparing some scenarios and programs to run effectively, and the viruses are totally ended. home learning, a lively broadcast from national television and radio, internet access, and connection subsidy, offers several programs to facilitate this learning (cnn indonesia, 2020). regarding this policy, several research data shows how ert is implemented in indonesia, especially in universities. first, rahiem (2020) found two types of learning in ert implemented in indonesia: blended learning and paradoxical learning. in blended learning, the implementation concerns e-learning, m-learning, and conventional learning, whereas in contradictory learning, it comprises flexible and challenging learning. various activities are described in e-learning and m-learning: ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 38 reading e-books & e-journal, youtube & video, online meeting (zoom or google meet), browsing educational website, podcast, google classroom, whatsapp, social media and audio call. in contrast, conventional learning refers to several activities which focus on assigning, note-taking, and module addressing. furthermore, she put the term “paradoxical learning” to illustrate the students’ perspective on the implementation. flexible learning can be seen from time management, family time, exercise, comfortable & quiet place, break & rest, refreshing. meanwhile, challenging perspectives include technology barriers, cost of internet, overload assignments, trouble finding materials, tiring, noisy & disturbing. furthermore, amin & sundari (2020) write students’ preferences of 140 students at jakarta and aceh in ert toward cisco webex, google classroom, and whatsapp. these platforms gain positive responses in every aspect of the assessment. students agree that the platform is especially effective for its originality and focus on learning on the cisco webex platform. meanwhile, the use of gc and wa received a positive response to the ease of use in ert, the focus of learning and its authenticity. furthermore, the students gave their best answer to wa's use for learning in terms of learning focus, student preference, and ease of use. meanwhile, seen from the positive effects, all three have low impact, so it can be concluded that full online learning is not the best choice for them. they still need face-to-face or mixed meetings. according to the findings above, the implementation of ert in indonesia still needs improvement. in terms of infrastructure that the government must provide, educators' competence so that the quality of learning in the covid-19 pandemic runs effectively. several previous findings have examined the implementation of ert amidst the covid-19 pandemic (amin & sundari, 2020); (jeffery & bauer, 2020); (petillion & mcneil, 2020); and (rahiem, 2020). similar points among the researches are research settings conducted in the university context, and a questionnaire to explore students’ perceptions and responses to their experiences in the current atmosphere, but (rahiem, 2020) instructed her students to write diaries reflective essays. furthermore, in qualitative data analysis, the researchers used thematic analysis to identify students’ experiences and responses toward ert application. however, none of the above studies has carried out a case study to investigate students’ interest in ert learning activities ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 39 during the covid-19 pandemic, so the present study reveals “how and why” in depth and detail on their preferences. for this case, the investigation of how and why in describing students’ interest in using platforms, activities and applications during ert. this is very beneficiary at the moment to be conducted so that researchers may analyse, find out, improve, and provide several tools, activities, and platforms based on their interests in the teaching and learning process (stake, 1995). on the one hand, by paying attention to the results of this study, the authors hope to facilitate student interest and motivation during the learning process. this is, of course, in line with an educator's role in designing instructional ways to ensure the involvement of students during the teaching and learning process either authentically and productively (saeed & zyngier, 2012). also, qualitative instruments from previous data were only distributed to collect data with the same deepness level in detail as a quantitative one. the reasons and students’ explanations have not been found. also, the current research focuses on discussing how and why, in particular, they are preferencing learning tools, activities, and platforms on classroom activities in the ert atmosphere. still, other researchers limited three platforms only in their investigation. from these considerations, the authors post three research intentions on (1) how students recognize learning activities, tools, and platform in ert context; (2) how students prefer learning activities, tools, and platform in ert context and (3) why they prefer utilizing these activities, platforms, and learning tools in ert. b. research methods research design the intrinsic case study is the research methodology used in this study. this design particularly emphasizes the researchers to learn from a particular case to understand it in detail, and it is required to generalize the data gained (stake, 1995). this means that the present design case must really have been carefully considered to achieve the authors’ goals. thus, the design also has the objective of understanding indepth the current circumstances toward the particular case and finding out the causes and impacts so that quality of improvement and case evaluation can be carried out. contextually, with the research being carried out at this time, the authors have chosen a particular case, the students’ preferences on learning activities and tools used in ert ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 40 situations so that by legitimating results of the present study, the authors observe and evaluate students’ preferences as constructive and evaluative inputs for teaching and learning process preparation and implementation on the upcoming semester. research setting and duration the present study was actively participated by a third-year class at a private university in west java at english language education study program, which prepares and develops students’ academic, pedagogical, practical, and professional competences to be english educators and entrepreneurs. it was also conducted in the current semester with data collection duration during 7 (seven) weeks. during the period of data collection, the authors distributed all research instruments: questionnaires (2 nd meeting), observations (3 rd -7 th meeting), and interview (midst of these meeting). the present study collected interview data through online discussions by authors’ member from selected students. one of the considerations of using the student as a data collector is communication, flexibility, and embarrassment so that research participants shared their experiences, perspectives and reasons without awkward feeling. research scope the present study investigated a specific case, students’ preferences in learning activities and tools used during the teaching and learning process in ert. the issue is currently considered in one of the pre-service teacher classes in the english language education study program. learning activities and their tools are crucial to be analysed because variations in designing, developing and implementing learning activities have a positive and effective impact on online classes. the use of the application also distinguishes the result (mcleod et al., 2018). refer to the previous statement. the authors expect that the present findings provide betterment action for improvement in either a similar course in the upcoming year or different courses in the next semester. research participants the present study engaged fully third-year students with total class members, 25 students. it comprises nine male students and 16 female students. this study used purposive sampling, a research participant selection technique with several research considerations to research data to meet the authors’ needs (cohen, louis, 2007). relating to its sampling, some considerations are determined from researchers: (1) the writer believes that the class provides detailed data in data exploration and investigation ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 41 to answer all research questions optimally. (2) students' background for the sampling is heterogeneous; it can be seen from demographic and proficiency factors so that the data dynamics provided are more diverse. (3) the level of cooperation and students’ participation in the class is good so that authors explore their feedback and perspectives easily to collect and analyse research data. research procedures the present study was conducted for seven weeks from september -the midst of october. the authors classified three steps for conducting the research. firstly, preactivity dealt with the preparation needed during the study. as actualization of this activity, the research case selection, research instrument selection and development, and research participant announcement. in research case selection, the authors referred to the research objectives that aim to evaluate the program for doing betterment in upcoming semesters teaching and learning process. related to research instruments selection and development, the authors concerned with yin’s theory (2003) emphasise using multiple data collection to enrich the data gained. the present study was modified and developed three research instruments: the mixed questionnaire (5 likert-scale and open-ended questionnaire), semi-structured interview, and participant observation. the research participants were then asked about their willingness to research activities run down. all these activities were implemented at the beginning of two weeks out of the whole research duration. the core activity consisted of data gathering from research participants coming up to the next research procedures phase. questionnaires were distributed in week three, which utilized google form as media and inputted to their learning platform to facilitate access ease. based on their perspectives and responses, the authors conducted a semistructured interview in week 4. the interview items are closely related to previous instrument data because collecting this qualitative data was to deepen the information gained. thus, the interview session is also conducted in the indonesian language to gather the data as informative as possible, then authors transcribed and translated it into the english version. whilst the previous data collected, participant observations were also done during classroom activities from week 3 to week 7. finally, as post-activity, the data collected, both qualitative and quantitative, were analysed by intended applications. besides, the authors interpreted the data and ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 42 concluded regarding the case that had been researched. the implications and limitations have already considered and written in the upcoming part of this article. research instruments the present study administered three research instruments to collect the data from referred research objectives. first, a mixed questionnaire, the mixture of a close and open-ended questionnaire, allowed authors to gain informative data about students’ preferences: learning activities and ert atmosphere tools. it was classified into four parts: personal identity, the experience of using learning tools and activities, preferences of implementing it, and their expectation in classroom activities. based on the data collected, the questionnaire was filled out by 23 students out of 25 students, and two students did not fill it out due to demographic factor where the area she lived in had no internet network. second, according to the research objectives, semi-structured interviews are used to investigate how and why particular cases are happening in the class. these items explored data from participants on their experiences in implementing learning activities and utilizing ert applications and their reasons why they chose them. six students were interviewed, consisting of three male and female students with heterogeneous cognitive background: low, middle, and high proficiency students to obtain rich and informative data. third, the authors used participant observation suggested by (creswell & poth, 2018), where they are actively involved in the data collection process, and it contributed to the naturality of obtained data. data analysis technique the present study analysed questionnaire data descriptively. it is similar to using the data analysis by (ratnawati et al., 2018) to investigate students’ experiences in the learning process in academic writing classes. technically, authors had examined descriptively using spss. moreover, in analysing interview and observation data, authors used thematic analysis, which was also carried out (fereday & muir-cochrane, 2006). before the examination of the data, the data are contextualized, coded, classified and interpreted. in line with the analysis process, authors used the nvivo application to analyse both interview and observation data. ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 43 c. findings and discussion findings students’ recognition and experience on tools and activities in ert to measure students’ recognition and experience using and learning platforms, applications, and activities ert context, the authors have distributed a questionnaire. the questionnaire distributed at the almost beginning of the meeting and observed the class to explore how they used these learning platforms, tools, and activities in the classroom practices contextually. based on the questionnaire data that has been analysed, it has been found that students’ experiences and responses toward using them are varied. from the questionnaire data, in general, the authors asked several questions such as their experiences on learning tools utilized in ert, the learning activities implemented, and problems faced by ert during the teaching and learning process. the questionnaire data also asked how their experiences had been felt through virtual faceto-face and non-face-to-face/written meetings. these terms will be later stated as virtual synchronous and written synchronous (means et al., 2014). besides, applications and complementary learning tools that facilitate and engage students to participate are also analysed. table. 1. students’ recognition on tools and activities in ert no questionnaires items percentage (%) 1 learning platform and tool utilization in ert google classroom 59 edmodo 26 canvas 13 web blog 2 2 students’ experience of ert activity virtual synchronous 51 written synchronous 46 without synchronous 3 3 students’ experience on platform for virtual synchronous google meet 28 zoom cloud meeting 72 4 students’ perspective on platform effectiveness for written synchronous google classroom 74 whatsapp 22 ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 44 telegram 4 5 problems found in ert no internet connection 5 there is an internet connection but no signal 48 no internet connection and no signal 47 from the aforementioned data of table 1, google classroom is the most wellknown learning platform and is commonly used by students with 59% of presentations instead of utilising the web blog (2%) as the least used learning platform teaching and learning process. meanwhile, in the classroom teaching process, they also used edmodo (26%) and (13%) on the canvas learning platform. observational data support this; at the 3 rd meeting observation, students are looked more familiar with google classroom as their learning platform in ert context. this can be found that students at observation time did not need explanations and simulations on how to operate the platform. they could directly follow how to fill out the attendance list, discuss, access material and submit assignments during the learning process. furthermore, in terms of ert activities, the teaching and learning process, virtual synchronous and written synchronous meetings are commonly experienced with a percentage value of 51% and 46%, respectively. however, only one student responded that there is no meeting in the teaching and learning process. observational data also shows that virtual synchronous meetings have been conducted using the zoom cloud meeting application and written synchronous meetings using google classroom. the second term of meeting commonly provides the material with video recording, written discussion and elaboration to overcome some obstacles in the virtual synchronous meeting. regarding the experience felt by students in the learning process of virtual synchronous meeting, students respond that the zoom cloud meeting learning platform (72%) was more comfortable to use in the learning process than google meet (28%). this result came from the observational data and several questionnaire items in the open-ended form. most students are accustomed to using it. some convenience is found in the teaching and learning process, especially in external factors. the use of this application is less distracting than the use of google meet. based on the data, the disturbances they often encountered were unstable and noisy during the activity. also, ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 45 in the written synchronous meeting, students argue that the use google classroom platform (74%) provides convenience and effectiveness in ert compared to the use of whatsapp group (22%) and telegram (4%) in the learning and teaching process. data of observation also supports the questionnaire data results, which means the features in the google classroom facilitate and ease students in carrying out discussion, elaboration, and assignments working compared to the other two types of applications. for doing so, the organization of materials and activities is more structured, wellorganized and friendly-used. to provide learning experiences of reinforcement, participation activation, and easiness in the ert context, a lecturer, usually used several learning support applications so that the constraints encountered during the learning and teaching process are meaningless. these applications have several functions: data storage, video player, task sender, video maker, communication tool, assignment production, and class interaction tools. in the present study, the authors asked about students’ experiences in utilising the 16 (sixteen) applications. the data shows that students’ responses vary, which means they are familiar with almost all learning support applications and use them in the learning process. this means that students have an adequate literacy and application recognition level, as seen in the distribution of presentations as in figure 1. the data shows that the highest percentage is 11% in several applications: google drive, microsoft word and whatsapp; otherwise, the lowest rate is for the bbc podcast, powtoon, screencastify, and e-dictionary. this data is different from the results of classroom observations at the 5 th meeting that they used for the bbc podcast learning resources on the material being taught at the moment. this happens because the questionnaire is distributed before the observation activities were conducted, so it is highly recommended that further research examine students' understanding and experience in utilizing some of the learning tools above that have been mentioned. ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 46 figure 1. proponent learning tools in ert on the other hand, it is ubiquitous that there must be some obstacles encountered in a particular case. in the ert context, 48% of students have the problem that they have internet connection pulse, but they are not in a signal location, so that the learning process cannot be followed properly. this is fully influenced by the students' demographic background, where the research participants mostly live in rural and remote areas. focusing on this problem, they also revealed that during the learning process, they often received message notifications from the teacher or delayed class discussions, could not play videos, when zooming had no sound, and unstable images. the following problem found is, 47% of student state that they did not have a signal and did not have an internet connection pulse so that the successful learning process on ert was hampered. however, 5% of students responded that their online learning obstacle at ert did not have an internet connection pulse. in this case, the government and institutions have decided on several policies. those are (1) distributing subsidies for purchasing students’ internet connection voucher so that they can participate in ert well, and (2) providing an internet connection subsidy of 50 gb (giga bytes) consisting of 45 gb of multimedia and 5 gb of main pulses as an effort to resolve the present problem. discussion based on the data analysis and interpretation presented in the previous section, the present study supports the research finding from (rahiem, 2020) which focused on several applications that students in the learning process have used in the ert context. the data also shows the similarities that both students have experienced using google classroom and zoom cloud meetings as learning and teaching process applications and 17 20 8 16 20 19 20 19 9 13 12 2 9 1 1 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 g o o g le d ri v e w h a ts a p p in st a g ra m g m a il m ic ro so ft w o rd m ic ro so ft … e zp u zz le g o o g le f o rm f a ce b o o k c a n v a k a h o o t b b c p o d ca st p a d le t p o w to o n s cr e e n ca st e d ic ti o n a ry ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 47 platforms. previous research also implemented several activities and applications learning supports, such as educational websites, podcasts, whatsapp, social media, and audio calls in classroom practices. unlike previous studies, the current research is more diverse in using proponent learning applications in managing classroom interactions and class communication. furthermore, she explicitly revealed students’ experiences in a varied and detailed manner, while the present study only focuses on virtual synchronous and written synchronous activities. thus, the authors recommend examining these activities in detail with the same research approach. students’ preferences on tools and activities in ert to answer the authors’ curiosity in the present study, they distributed questionnaires and conducted classroom observations. this questionnaire consists of 3 questions part. the first session asked their choices about their most favourite and least favourite learning platforms, their most and least favourite activities. they are the most and least preferred supporting applications and the most preferred method in the learning process in the ert context. these questions aim to determine the types of platforms, activities, and methods that students chose so that authors enable utilising these applications and platforms from the results of students’ responses. the next session was about their choice of learning platforms, activities and supporting applications in virtual and written synchronous learning. these items are asked to explore in detail the platforms, activities in virtual synchronous learning. this additional question session also focuses on supporting applications that they favour in the teaching and learning process so that authors enable to use them in the learning and teaching process because it is hoped that their motivation and participation will increase even in the context of ert. furthermore, in the last session, the authors insisted on their favourite applications, platforms, and activities in written synchronous meetings to utilise them in the following semester. as a part of need analysis, the authors asked about their expectations of the teaching and learning process in the ert context. this question asked about students' learning needs so that the next semester and program's learning preparation can be appropriately planned. in addition to the data questionnaire previously described, they also used classroom observations that had been carried out during the lecture duration. ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 48 students’ preferences on learning platforms in ert concerning previous findings that figure out students’ experiences in using platforms in the learning and teaching process in ert, these questions asked more detail about the learning platform's choice. based on data analysis, students responded positively to the use of google classroom in the teaching and learning process. research participants made this platform the most favoured than the canvas platform, with a percentage of 96% and 4%, respectively. to get data triangulation, authors asked the least preferred learning platform in online learning in the context of ert, the majority of them answered that canvas (44%) was the least preferred platform, followed by edmodo and the web blog (similar at 22%) and last google classroom (4%). from the data that has been mentioned, the authors conclude that google classroom is indeed the learning platform that is most popular and deemed to be an effective platform for students. table 2. students’ most and least favourite on learning platforms in ert no questionnaire items percentage (%) 1 most favourite learning platforms in ert google classroom 96 canvas 4 2 least favourite learning platforms in ert google classroom 4 edmodo 22 canvas 44 web blog 26 i spring 4 students’ preferences on learning activities and methods in ert table 3. students’ preferences on learning activities and methods in ert no questionnaire items percentage (%) 3 most favourite activity in ert virtual synchronous 45 written synchronous 50 no meeting 5 4 most favourable method in ert individual project 31 ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 49 group project 26 lecturing 39 assignments 4 based on the data from table 3, we see that students' data is quite diverse and insignificant in one significant activity or method. some activities that have been offered above can also be used as alternatives even though they are not the most favourite activities. concerning the data that has been analysed, written synchronously is the favourite choice for students (50%) followed by virtual synchronous (45%), which means that the authors can implement both activity types in the learning process. observation data found that external constraints are experienced when they perform virtual synchronous meeting, such as using the zoom cloud meeting application, which requires large bandwidth, internet connection instability, so that they tend to be more confused with application problems, not the core of learning itself. furthermore, the present study also asked in detail about their choices of how the lecturers apply several methods. the responses given were quite varied, with the highest numbers being lectures (39%), individual projects (31%), and group projects (26%). lectures found the highest numbers because they were accustomed to getting material both visually and videos quickly from various sources (fell, 2018). likewise, the observational data was also found that presenting image media is also one of the strategies implemented in the teaching and learning process, particularly for writing class (irikawati, 2017). as a learning stimulation, students must obtain comprehensible input and then ask them to carry out various learning activities that remain activities to student-centred learning. according to classroom observations, students also receive individual projects and group projects to improve their ability to achieve 4c’s skills in 21st-century education. specifically, they can provide positive and entirely collaborative feedback. it can be seen from the portfolio results they submit that almost 80% of students submit projects according to the activity's expectations and objectives. specifically, which is concerned technically, in individual project activities, students explore the projects given at the end of the meeting in accordance with the material and objectives of the meeting by using familiar applications to complete their tasks correctly. furthermore, in the project group section, they are given projects in ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 50 groups so that students’ achievement can be monitored and teamwork. of course, with challenges that contrast to project completion in offline, face-to-face meetings. on the other hand, the data shows that students do not like direct assignments (5%) without explaining how and what to do and feedback on the assignment. students also pinned several hopes on lectures both in virtual and written synchronous meetings about the things that have been stated above. the majority of them revealed that the lecture pattern should have classroom interaction both in writing and directing, preparing material with explanations, adequate learning resources, clarity of the assignment and the appropriateness of the time for submitting tasks. students’ preferences on proponent learning tools in ert from the results of the questionnaire's data analysis still, the most choices were in the use of edpuzzle (48%) in the teaching and learning process and were followed by whatsapp's use as much as 32%. meanwhile, the microsoft powerpoint application received the third-highest response at 8%. on average supporting applications that the research participants least preferred are microsoft word, google forms, and kahoot with a percentage of 4% each. as an effort in data triangulation, the authors conducted the implementation of classroom observations that have been carried out at several meetings. the data in the questionnaire also asked students about some of the applications they considered less impressive during the learning process in the context of ert. the data shows that students’ feedback on edpuzzle, gmail, microsoft word, and instagram has received positive responses from students. this means that they consider that students like the supporting applications mentioned above. in contrast, canva and facebook are considered the least attractive in online classroom activities, with a percentage of 21% each. the use of padlet received an unfavourable response from research participants with a presentation size of 9% percent and followed by whatsapp and kahoot with a large percentage of 4% in a row also less attractive to students during the teaching and learning process. however, from the following figure,, the students’ response is 13%, which states that there are no learning support applications that are uninteresting. this means that all learning support applications are attractive to students and benefit the learning and teaching process. the next point that gives a different response from the two questions in the questionnaire is that the use of kahoot is not preferable but exciting in the ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 51 learning and teaching process from the student’s point of view. based on data from classroom observations,, kahoot implementation used the gamification concept where students were asked to fill out a quiz so that the interaction between lecturers and students took place from the activity and of course the participation rate was high in the activity. but this application is one that is not liked because of its operation which makes it difficult for students to open another page and cannot be accessed using a link. brief data can be seen in the figures below. figure 2. proponent learning tools in ert figure 3. least interesting proponent applications in ert 48% 32% 4% 4% 8% 4% most favourite proponent learning tools edpuzzle whatsapp microsoft word google form microsoft power point kahoot 21% 4% 9% 8% 21% 8% 4% 4% 4% 4% 13% least interesting proponent applications in ert facebook instagram padlet whatsapp canva kahoot microsoft word edpuzzle gmail canvas tidak ada ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 52 students’ preferences on virtual and written synchronous in ert based on the questionnaire data that had been analysed, students gave feedback and responses that the results of their preferences were the same as their recognition and experience of using platforms in previous part on applications and learning tools in the learning process both virtual and written synchronous in ert. the data shows that the zoom cloud meeting platform is the application of choice and is considered the most effective with a percentage of 92%, the same as the previous results that google classroom also received a positive response from students in the learning process followed by whatsapp group and telegram with a number of percentages 74%, 22% and 4%respectively. besides the results of the data are the same as the previous data, interestingly the authors find the same data between the choices of time duration both virtually (61%) and written (67%) on 30 minutes every single meeting. supported by the results of classroom observations during online learning, average students can interact well in class with around 30-45 minutes in the class: opening process (greeting) for about 10 minutes, watching and studying videos along with discussions (30 minutes) and closing activity about 5 minutes. the following table shows detailed data. table 4. preferences on virtual and written synchronous in ert no questionnaire items 1 most favourite tools virtual synchronous % written synchronous % google meet 8 google classroom 74 zoom cloud 92 whatsapp group 22 telegram 4 2 time allotment virtual synchronous % written synchronous % 30 61 30 67 60 35 60 28 90 4 90 5 in the practical process in class, especially written synchronous meetings, this transition process of course cannot be apart from several problems. based on the data that has been presented in the following figure below. the authors divided two problems into pedagogical and technical problems. pedagogically, 34% of students stated that the lecturers’ explanation was less than optimal and 8% of misunderstandings ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 53 between lecturers and students coloured the classroom practices. in addition, there are several technical problems that were revealed in this study: internet connection problem (4%), late notification (8%), error application (4%), and no signal (29%). figure 4. least interesting proponent applications in ert in connection with the data analysis discussed in the previous section, based on students’ responses and perspectives related to their preferences of platforms, applications, and learning activities, google classroom are the most favourite platforms for written synchronous and zoom cloud meeting for virtual synchronous. this is similar to previous research by (amin & sundari, 2020) where google classroom gets positive agreement from participants on the criteria on language learning potential, meaning focus and highest score of authenticity. furthermore, this platform is also considered effective in terms of class management (abid azhar & iqbal, 2018). next, the effectiveness of zoom cloud meeting revealed positively and well-impact on instructional transformation in business education programme. (ogwunte, 2020). students’ considerations on tools and activities preferences to obtain data on the stated research objectives, the authors conducted online semi-structure interviews to 6 (six) research participants who were randomly selected based on academic considerations. in this section, they classified several data findings: students’ preference on zoom cloud meeting in virtual synchronous, students’ preference on google classroom in written synchronous, and group project in methods or online activities in the ert context. 4% 34% 9% 8% 4% 29% 8% 4% no money for buying internet data less understanding of lecturer explanation there is no notification misunderstanding technical problem in application no internet connection phones problems no problems ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 54 zoom cloud meeting this platform is considered to be most effective and familiar to students in the learning process during the covid-19 pandemic. this present finding support to previous research from (ogwunte, 2020) which states that the platform has various features that make it easier for students to have face-to-face virtual meetings because it is equipped with a share screen for sharing both visual and audiovisual media, asking questions via chat features, and so on. moving into the discussion on interview in detail about why they chose using zoom cloud meeting over other applications. they commented that the learning application was well-known to them. abey (pseudonym) commented on this point: zoom is already 50% almost approaching us to real time lecturing, it just feels good like offline meeting. i also get immediate feedback and each student participates well using this platform in addition to the popular platform among them, this platform also offers several conveniences. bian (pseudonym) gave his arguments for this issue: then, for example, if i want to ask questions. i don’t need to call the lecturers repeatedly; i only use the “raise your hand” feature. google classroom in the written synchronous session, the majority of students also responded positively to the use of google classroom in online learning in ert context. according to the results of data analysis from interview, the data shows that why they prefer this platform over other platforms is the convenience offered from google classroom. these results are the same as research conducted by (shaharanee et al., 2016) which states that the platform provides several conveniences such as access, easy to use, simple interaction and communication and material delivery ease. focusing on the result of the interview, charles (pseudonym) commented on this case: with the utilization of google classroom, it provides benefits and makes it easier for us to learn and also in delivering and receiving lessons delivered by the teacher. besides that, the platform is easier and more flexible so that we can access lectures anywhere and anytime. furthermore, besides the convenience offered, this platform is also effective and efficient to use. abey (psedonym) comments on this issue as follows: ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 55 google classroom provides complete and very effective facilities for students. from uploading materials, submitting assignments, facilitating examinations, and inputting various links, videos and audios. students’ activities in online ert according to the results of the data in the previous section, in general, students gave the most feedback on lecturing for their favorite activities. however, as the demands of 21 st century learning, a lecturer must be a facilitator and give freedom to students in carrying out all learning activities with a student-centered learning approach (ncrel and metiri group. 2003), so in this session, the authors concentrate on the reasons and how they carry out the group project in the learning process in ert context. students’ responses stated that they applied group communication in completing projects, determining group leaders, dividing assignments, and arranging these tasks into a good package of project. based on the data analysis of interview, chindy (pseudonym) explained how her group carried out the group project at ert: the first thing we do in preparation for the group project is to create a communication group and determine the group leader. after that, the material was divided according to the portion of each member. after that, the leader of the group decides on the duties of each member. after each member completes his / her assignment, the group leader collects again and combine the tasks into one package of project. from the result of the data above, students not only learn according to pedagogical competencies but also, they learn 4cs’ skills (communication, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration). in terms of communication, before doing the task, they communicate what must be done so as to produce a maximum project, and this will not happen if the activities carried out are individual projects. creativity is also very important because students learn how to package group work into single video that are interesting for their classmates to see and learn. furthermore, critical thinking is such an important issue because they determine the group leader with various considerations, if students are not critical then they do not have the considerations that were expressed in the interview. finally, collaboration is an important issue in this project because without good collaboration for each member, it will not produce a project according to the expectations of each member. ratnawati & indah nurhasanah available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 56 d. conclusion the results of the present study implied that particular condition of a course for third year class include experiences and preferences on learning platforms, tools and activities in ert context. from the questionnaire, classroom observation, and online semi-structure interview data, efl students’, especially in a private university in learning a course for their professional development on preparing teaching practice have been elaborated. in addition to identifying target experiences and preferences on utilizing these platforms, tools and activities, this present study specifically sought to investigate students’ reasons their preferences and experience which they had felt and preferred in the current course and evaluate all the result for doing betterment in prospective courses. the research participants found google classroom is efficient and simply using in their written synchronous and zoom cloud meeting is beneficiary for virtual synchronous meeting. as a part of transition process, the present classroom activities cannot be apart from problems. the problems found during ert in covid-19 pandemic are internet connection stability, teachers’ styles approach, unreadiness of 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(carrasquillo, 2013, p. 131) states that listening is an active and conscious process. listening is included in passive skills. this means that we do not need to produce english speech. listening ability is the ability to use the sense of hearing to understand or comprehend discourse or voice in english. to practice it, we have to frequently listen to english exposure, for example listening to english songs, watching english films, listening to english dialogues or monologues. this will train our ears to be able to understand discourse in english. listening is as tricky as any other skill (davies & pearse, 2000, p. 75). the learners often find it hard to understand coursebook cassettes specially designed for listening. listening is one of the skills or abilities of english, which application is by listening to vocabulary in english sentences (dakhi & fitria, 2019). by listening, we will indirectly be familiar with english terms and also be able to understand what other people say when speaking in english. some language learning focuses on one listening skill, such as listening to english through film, music, news, presentation (such as ted talks), and youtube (rost & wilson, 2013). new technology also provides many choices for listening to music from local to foreign music on music player media such as joox, spotify, and so on (astuti et al., 2019, p. 144). it is also supported by (anggraeni, 2019, p. 83) that most learners listen to an online application that provides various kinds of music just by connecting to the internet without downloading it. examples of online music applications used by learners are spotify, joox, and soundcloud. there are many ways learners can improve it. one of them is by using learning media tailored to their interests and preferences. learning does not have to be monotonous with continuous theory and always uses textbooks. especially if we learn listening skills, we have to practice a lot rather than theory. besides, learning listening skills can be made more fun, so we do not get bored quickly. one of the keys to successful learning is to use a variety of learning media. listening in english is one of the english topics, so we have to comprehend what people are telling us (fitria, 2021). we must comprehend the words we hear to be able to learn to listen. listening exercises can be carried out using interesting listening strategies when learning english. in this situation, whether listening instruction is delivered successfully depends on the teacher who practices listening. the researcher is interested in investigating any technologies such as platforms or software for english language teaching and learning, especially in listening skills. b. research method this research model is qualitative content analysis. this content analysis or content is usually available in qualitative analysis. the content analysis views data as a representation, not of physical events but texts, images, and expressions created to be ©tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 211 seen, read, interpreted, and acted on for their meanings and then analyzed with uses of mind (krippendorff, 2004). the analysis can analyze all forms of communication such as newspapers, radio news, television advertisements, and all other documentation materials. therefore, the method of collecting data in this research is by using document analysis. dingwall & staniland (2020, p. 141) stated that document analysis is often under-valued as a form of qualitative research. tracy (2012) states that document analysis can be in the form of paper or electronic. document analysis is used in several ways to support and strengthen research. this analysis has also used the document as the primary data collection method. the documents used here are taken from several published articles related to listening skills in teaching and learning. several articles were taken from google scholar both national and international journal. the method of analyzing data in this research by using some steps, they are 1) selecting some previous studies related to listening skill in google scholar by writing keywords related to the topic of the research such as “listening skill using joox and spotify, listening skill using youtube, and listening skill using podcasts”, 2) selecting the several articles published from year 2013 up to 2021, 3) categorizing the articles into table, 4) analyzing the articles and concluding the result descriptively. c. findings and discussion findings from the findings, some technologies include applications and platforms that provide many choices for practicing and improving the english listening skill as follow: 1. joox and spotify some related studies show that joox and spotify can be used for teaching, practicing, or improving listening to english, for example: table 1. previous studies of using joox in listening skill no previous studies findings 1. students’ perceptions: the use of joox to enhance vocabulary and listening skill” (anggraini & fauzi, 2019) music streaming applications such as the joox music streaming application are options that may make the listening class more interesting. the songs make it simpler for children to learn new vocabulary since they are read aloud to them. the participants in this research are 25 students in the english department study program at tidar university, each given nine statements to consider. the statements that have been provided are regarding the effect of utilizing joox on their vocabulary and listening skills, as measured by a likert scale. as a result of the questionnaire, it was discovered that students had a favorable attitude about the usage of joox to improve their vocabulary and listening skills. 2. the student's perception of the use of the joox app in listening skills at iain palangka raya (mahendra, 2020) joox has been shown to have positive benefits when used as a learning aid for improving listening skills. students were encouraged to study english when they used the joox app because it provided lyrics and let them listen to music. students had a favorable impression of joox because they believe it helps them enhance their listening skills while practicing their pronunciation. students are more interested in their listening skills after using the ©tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 212 joox app, and they can expand their vocabulary by listening to songs 3. the use of joox application to improve students’ listening ability by applying dictogloss technique (a pre-experimental research at the eleventh grade of ma assalam timbuseng in the academic year 2020/2021) (fitra, 2021) the study results revealed that the students' scores before and after using the joox application in conjunction with the dictogloss method were statistically substantially different. as a result, there was a statistically significant difference in students' listening abilities before and after using the joox program in conjunction with the dictogloss method. the results support the conclusion that the joox application and the dictogloss method successfully improved students' listening skills in the eleventh grade of ma assalamtimbuseng during the academic year 2020/2021. the table of previous studies shows that joox has a positive impact on the students’ listening skills. as stated by anggraini & fauzi (2019). it is possible that using music streaming apps, such as the joox music streaming application, makes the listening class more engaging because the songs are read aloud to the youngsters. hence, they make it easier for them to pick up on a new language as well. the participant comments pertain to the impact of using joox on their vocabulary and listening abilities. the students had a positive attitude about the use of joox to enhance their vocabulary and listening comprehension abilities. this is also supported by mahendra (2020) that the use of joox as a learning tool for developing listening abilities has beneficial effects. while using the joox app, students were motivated to study english since the program supplied them with lyrics and allowed them to listen to music while they were doing it. the students had a favorable opinion of joox since they think it assists them in improving their listening abilities while also honing their pronunciation. as a result of utilizing the joox app, students are more engaged in improving their listening abilities, and they may also improve their vocabulary by listening to music. fitra (2021) also states that the students' scores before and after using the joox application can be combined with the dictogloss technique were statistically significantly different. there was a statistically significant difference in students' listening skills before and after using the joox software in combination with the dictogloss technique. table 2. previous studies of using spotify in listening skill no previous studies findings 1. the use of spotify to increase english listening skills” (bona, 2017) the results show that the use of spotify in english listening classes successfully improves students' listening skills. the daily use of spotify can assist students in their english listening classes and other english courses to improve their english listening abilities of students. spotify is beneficial for students. 2. the use of spotify application to improve students ability in listening through english song (akib & ma’ruf, 2018) the results show that using t-test indications in the students' t-test listening ability in listening to an english song. the researchers discovered that the students' t-test listening ability was higher than t–table 25.1>2.06. finally, based on the results and discussion above, the researcher concluded that the students' listening skills via an english song utilizing spotify were statistically significant. ©tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 213 3. the effectiveness of using spotify to teach listening comprehension in narrative podcast (a pre-experimental research at the ninth grade of mts assalafi susukan in the academic year 2020/2021) (rahma, 2020) the statistical analysis performed using the t-test revealed that the significant value (sig-2 tailed) is 0,038, which is lower than the 0.05 threshold (0.038 0.05). it shows a statistically significant difference in listening comprehension mastery between students of mts assalafi susukan who were taught using the spotify application before and after the application was used. in summary, according to the findings, spotify is an excellent tool for teaching listening comprehension to students at mts assalafi susukan. the table of previous studies shows that spotify also positively impacts the students’ listening skills. as stated by bona (2017), the usage of spotify in english listening courses effectively enhances students' listening abilities. students' ability to develop their english listening skills may be enhanced by using spotify regularly in their english listening lessons and other english courses. so, spotify is very beneficial to students in their english listening classes and other english courses. it is supported by akib & ma’ruf (2018) that the students' t-test listening ability was more significant than t–table 25.1>2.06 when they used t-test indicators in the students' t-test listening skill while they were listening to an english song, so the improvement of the students' listening abilities via the usage of an english song played through the spotify application was statistically significant. rahma (2020) also has similar proof that the statistical analysis performed using the t-test revealed that the significant value (sig-2 tailed) is 0,038, which is lower than the 0.05 threshold. the t-test result revealed that the significant value (sig-2 tailed) is lower than the 0.05 threshold (0.038 0.05). students were taught using the spotify application before and after the application was utilized, showing statistically significant differences in listening comprehension mastery. the results are presented in the following table. as a result, students may benefit remarkably from the spotify application, which was discovered to be a fantastic instrument for teaching them listening skills. 2. youtube some related studies show that youtube can be used for teaching, practicing, or improving listening to english, for example: table 3. previous studies of using youtube in listening skill no previous studies findings 1. improving students’ listening comprehension on narrative text through youtube video for the students of sma batik 1 surakarta in 2010/2011). (rahayuningsih, 2010) this research is written to explain whether or not youtube videos can increase the listening understanding of students and to what extent. the mean score changed from the pre-test to the test in cycle 2. the students obtained 52.89 in the pre-test, 70.43 in the cycle 1 test, and 81.34 in the cycle two exam. in the pre-test, only 11.43 % of students achieved a passing score of 70.0. there were 97.14 % of students who achieved the passing grade after the study in the cycle test. 2. the effect of using youtube as a teaching media on the students’ the findings indicate that youtube is more powerful than audio for students' listening skills for ikip pgri-pontianak students. the lecturer is recommended to use youtube as a medium or to support ©tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 214 listening skill” (rizkan et al., 2019) their students' media in listening to the teaching. 3. youtube videos on efl college students’ listening comprehension (chien et al., 2020) entitled “ this paper was to explore the impact of using youtube for efl college students as additional content. the paired t-test was used in this analysis to assess if there was a substantial difference before and after treatment and confirm the pre-specified outcome. it was proposed that students did higher on the listening comprehension test after instruction in combining the computer-assisted learning technique and conventional pedagogy than without the treatment before. the table of previous studies shows that youtube has a positive impact on the students’ listening skills. rahayuningsih (2010) stated that in cycle 2, the mean score differed from the pre-test to the test results. after scoring 52.89 on the pretest, 70.43 on the cycle 1 test, and 81.34 on the cycle 2 test, the students advanced to the next level. only 11.43 percent of pupils received a passing score of 70.0 on the pre-test. after the trial, 97.14 percent of pupils received a passing mark on the cycle exam, indicating that youtube videos can increase the listening understanding of students. these findings were also supported by chien et al. (2020) that using youtube as an additional source of material for efl college students was the purpose of this study, which sought to determine its effect. the paired t-test was employed to determine whether or not there was a statistically significant difference between before and after therapy and to validate the pre-specified result. it was suggested that students performed better on the listening comprehension exam after receiving instruction using a mix of computer-assisted learning techniques and traditional pedagogy than they did before receiving the treatment. rizkan et al. (2019) also state that youtube is more effective than audio in improving students' listening abilities in ikip pgri-pontianak high schools. so, it is suggested that lecturers utilize youtube as a medium or assist their students' media in listening to the instruction. 3. podcasts some related studies show that podcasts can be used for teaching, practicing, or improving listening to english, for example: table 4. previous studies of using podcasts in listening skill no previous studies findings 1. improving students’ listening skills through podcasts at smp bopkri 1 yogyakarta in the academic year of 2012/2013. (permatasari, 2013) the first cycle results revealed that the listening skill of the students increased along with a lot of listening activities. the results of the second cycle reveal that the introduction of the podcast enhances the listening capacity of the students, especially their pronunciation, mastery of vocabulary, and encouragement, by supplying them with a lot of listening activities. the measures of the implementation's progress are: (1) the students were more enthusiastic about english sounds and spelling; (2) the students were more enthusiastic and doing the listening. the results were also confirmed by the listening score of the students, which increased from 70.22 in the pre-test to 76.59 in the post-test. 2. effects of videopodcasts on listening comprehension of this research aims to examine the impact of integrating video and podcasts on listening comprehension to improve listening skills. the 120 english primary male students from a saudi arabian university ©tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 215 saudi efl learners (shahid & ali, 2017) who participated in both the control and experimental groups were used to study. after doing an ancova analysis, it was discovered that the video-podcast group substantially outperformed the control group on the post-test metric. according to the results, video podcasts are a helpful resource for improving the listening comprehension of efl learners in general. 3. the impact of podcasts on efl students’ listening comprehension (abdulrahman et al., 2018) entitled“ this study examines the listening skills of students through the use of efl classroom podcasts. data review using anova revealed the meaning of relevance (sig. 0.010) lower than < 0.05, which perceived podcasts to impact students' listening skills significantly. the questionnaire outcome showed that students had a good outlook about podcasts in the classroom of listening. students perceived that podcasts presented credible content, engaging experiences such as listening exercises and practical assignments, so they were more inspired to learn english. 4. the use of english podcasts to improve students’ ability in listening skill at eighth grade of mtsn kabanjahe (nursyahdiyah, 2018) the study shows the improvements in students’ skills to listen effectively. from the pre-test results, it was discovered that the mean was 4,29, the mean of the post-test in the first cycle was 5,86, and the mean of the post-test in the second cycle was 7,12. the percentage of students' scores in the pre-test who received an 8,0 or higher was 5 of 38 students (13,16 %), while the percentage of students' scores in the post-test in the first cycle who received an 8,0 or higher was 9 of 38 students (13,16 %) and (23,68 %). it translates to a 10,52 percent increase in overall performance. next, the proportion of students who scored 8,0 or above on the post-test of the second cycle was 16 out of 38 students who took part in the post-test (42,11 %). it shows an increase of about 18,43% in performance. in the statistics, using english podcasts to enhance listening skills was successful. based on the data, students' competence in listening skills has increased after using english podcasts as a learning medium. by utilizing podcasts as a learning medium, the students seemed to be engaged and passionate in listening to and understanding what was being taught. 5. podcast impacts on students’ listening skill: a case study based on students’ perceptions (harahap, 2020) the result shows that the students moderately involve themselves in improving their english skills, mainly listening skills, via technological encounters. the majority of participants stated that they like podcasts because they were helpful in their english language development. podcasts offered a wealth of subjects and activities that allowed both instructors and students to broaden their knowledge while also improving their english language abilities for educational reasons. the table of previous studies shows that youtube has a positive impact on the students’ listening skills. as stated by (permatasari, 2013), the findings of the first cycle showed that, as a consequence of participating in many listening exercises, the students' listening ability improved. in the second cycle, the findings show that the introduction of the podcast improves the listening capacity of the students, particularly their pronunciation, knowledge of vocabulary, and encouragement, by providing them with a large number of listening exercises. the following criteria must be met to evaluate the implementation's success: (1) students were more passionate about english sounds and spelling; (2) students were more eager and participated in the listening exercises. furthermore, the students' listening scores improved from 70.22 in the pre-test to 76.59 in the post-test, indicating accurate findings. (shahid & ali, 2017) state that the videopodcast group beat the control group on the post-test measure by a significant margin by ©tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 216 using an anova analysis. it seems that video podcasts are a valuable resource for enhancing the listening comprehension of efl learners in general, based on the findings of this study. this proof is also supported by abdulrahman et al. (2018) that the results of the anova showed that the significance of relevance (sig. 0.010) was lower than 0.05, indicating that students believed podcasts had a substantial effect on their listening skills. the significance of relevance (the questionnaire results) revealed that students had a positive attitude toward using podcasts in the classroom of listening instruction. in their opinion, students viewed podcasts as delivering credible material and exciting experiences such as listening exercises and practical tasks, which encouraged them to pursue english as a second language more actively. the findings of the research demonstrate that students' ability to listen properly has improved. the mean of the pretest results was 4,29, the mean of the post-test results in the first cycle was 5,86, and the mean of the post-test results in the second cycle was 7,12. the mean of the post-test results in the second cycle was 7,12. in terms of total performance, this amounts to a 10,52 percent improvement. statistics show that utilizing english podcasts to improve listening abilities has been effective, and it can be concluded from the data that students' competency in listening skills has improved as a consequence of using english podcasts as a learning medium. because of the use of podcasts as a learning medium, the students seemed to be more engaged and enthusiastic about the process of listening to and comprehending the information being presented to them. harahap (2020) also state that the findings indicate that students are somewhat engaged in the process of improving their english language abilities, especially their listening skills, via technology interactions. the majority of those who took part in the survey said that they like podcasts because they were beneficial in improving their english language skills. for both teachers and students, podcasts provided an abundance of topics and activities that enabled them to expand their knowledge while also enhancing their english language skills for educational purposes. 4. website some related studies show that podcasts can be used for teaching, practicing, or improving listening to english, for example: table 5. previous studies of using website in listening skill no previous studies findings 1. using website as a tool for practicing english listening skill (surayatika, 2017) with the appropriate software, the internet is an excellent location to practice language skills. it provides the opportunity to simultaneously use visual and audio resources, mixing sounds and pictures as would be encountered during authentic communication scenarios in real life. however, the website may be beneficial in a learning setting only if the sources are carefully chosen and organized. an abundance of instructional information is available online and may be found by using search engines on the internet. so, utilizing websites for listening practice may be a useful tool for students who want to improve their listening skills while also learning a new language. ©tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 217 2. the use of lyricstraining website to improve student’s listening comprehension in senior high school (azhari & adnan, 2018). the result shows that online website. this website uses music videos as a more engaging learning tool to help students improve their english language abilities, particularly their listening skills. listening study resources derived from different kinds of music videos on youtube are provided by lyricstraining, which is genuine, comprehensive, fresh, and fascinating. in addition to students, the instructor may create their materials by registering for a free account on the website. the authors offer listening learning material to inspire students and encourage them to use english in their everyday lives as a second language. 3. the use of elica website: a web-based learning in listening learning (muhammad et al., 2020) this study aims to investigate how the usage of the elica website, a custom-made website, may aid in the development of listening skills. this investigation had been decided to undertake a case study. one hundred twelve students from the english education program agreed to participate in this study. an online survey, an interview, and observation were all used to gather information on the students' attitudes about the website's usage. according to the findings, the elica website in the listening learning process has some beneficial consequences, particularly student involvement in the learning process. the table of previous studies shows that youtube has a positive impact on the students’ listening skills. as stated by surayatika (2017), it is possible to use both visual and audio resources simultaneously on the internet, mixing sounds and pictures in the same way that would be encountered during authentic communication scenarios in real life, provided that appropriate software is used. the internet is an excellent location to practice language skills because it allows you to use both visual and audio resources simultaneously, mixing sounds and pictures in the same way that would be encountered during authentic communication scenarios in real life. however, the website may be helpful in an educational environment provided the materials are appropriately selected and arranged. a plethora of educational material is accessible online and may be discovered by searching for it on the internet using search engines such as google or yahoo. as a result, students who wish to enhance their listening abilities while simultaneously learning a new language may find it beneficial to utilize websites for listening exercises. besides, azhari & adnan (2018) states that the result reveals that the internet website exists. students' english language abilities, especially their listening skills, may improve via music videos on this website, which serves as a more exciting learning tool for them. lyricstraining provides authentic, complete, new, and interesting listening study materials drawn from various music videos on youtube. lyricstraining's resources are genuine, comprehensive, new, and fascinating. along with students, instructors may develop materials by creating a free account on the website and uploading them to the lyricstraining website. the writers provide students with listening learning materials that will excite them and encourage them to utilize english in their daily lives as a second language and in academic settings. while another website from muhammad et al. (2020) shows that the use of the elica website, which was created specifically for this purpose, may help ©tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 218 develop listening skills. to collect information on the students' views about using the website, an online survey, an interview, and observation were all conducted. so that using the elica website during the listening learning process has some positive effects, especially in terms of student participation in the learning process. discussion the findings stated above show several options for practicing and improving the students’ listening skills, such as music applications (joox and spotify), youtube, podcasts, and websites. the descriptions are as follow: the first is music application. several applications of listening to music are joox and spotify. music often elicits emotions and arousal from listeners (tan et al., 2013). on the music channel, listening to music is an immersive process. in listening skills, the music platform recommends a song for us. we can also select a range of acts such as suggestions for the music platform such as pause, listen, download, collect, etc. (shi et al., 2017, p. 174). using these platforms can introduce new vocabulary terms, elements, or concepts. this helps students make musical and non-musical connections and challenges them to listen deeply and in ways they might have yet experienced (kerchner, 2013). it is interesting to listen to songs that use english as lyrics to learn english. by using songs as a platform, we will learn four components of learning to listen at once. this is an approach to developing the ability to listen in english and inspiring students to develop their ability to listen in english. this method is perfect for learners who like to listen to music. this way we can improve our listening skills and do things you like. this kind of learning method will usually be easily accepted by the brain because it is not under pressure. you can collect lots of different western songs to listen to every day. the second is youtube. youtube is a platform for original content creators, producers, and individuals worldwide to interact, teach and inspire others. (openshaw, 2014). youtube is the ideal platform for video (meyerson, 2010, p. 104). they own the online video market and provide an inclusive playing field for amateur and professional productions alike. at the same time, a youtube channel is a brand/channel name or channel containing video content. on youtube, there is a lot of english material that we can learn. learning through the youtube channel can be an alternative to improve your english skills, for example listening. according to durlani & limon (2020, p. 107), exploring the use of youtube videos is a way to practice listening inside and outside the classroom. bin (2012, p. 117) supports that youtube is one of the components of listening task exercises. the instructor may ask students to record their reflections on the practice of listening. students are expected to listen to the audio files, complete the exercise, and post web page screenshots demonstrating their listening ability. currently, many best youtube channels for learning english listening with hundreds of complete videos and many subscribers, such as 1) voice of america (voa), a youtube channel for learning english with american style. 2) bbc learning english is a youtube channel created by the british broadcasting corporation to learn american english and british english style. 3)learn english with tv series. this ©tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 219 channel captures footage of tv series and films with subtitles in english. some words will be highlighted in the subtitle. these words will be explained further, both in terms of meaning, pronunciation, and usage. 4) english with lucy. the ilucy channel shares the knowledge of english. besides, lucy teaches english in various accents, such as american, british, and australian. 5) oxford online english. this youtube channel is recommended for learning british accents. we can learn new vocabulary words that may have the same pronunciation but have different meanings. students will get the motivation to develop english, especially speaking and listening skills. the third is podcasts. a podcast is a shortened form of an ipod broadcast. the term podcast is created by merging apple’s ipod and broadcast (solomon & schrum, 2007, p. 57). it means both the delivery of content and the method. the prefix ‘pod’ comes from ‘play on-demand. a podcast is a digital/multimedia file created and released on the internet that can be played back on a handheld device or personal computer at a suitable time for listeners. (erben et al., 2008). it is also supported by the statement from (payack, 2012) that podcast is a digital audio file transmitted over the internet for playback on devices or portable machines by using syndication feeds. while, according to (rank et al., 2011, p. 165), podcast is meant initially as a file (usually audio or sometimes video) stored on a website then broadcast using a web feed, now used more loosely to describe an audio file found on a website. the length of a podcast is a relevant aspect based on its acceptance (elizabeth & philippa, 2009). length can be decided by the intent of the podcasts and contents, but general guidelines recommend short podcasts. solomon & schrum, (2007, p. 57) define that podcasting as a method of sharing on mobile devices and personal computers audio files such as music or voice over the internet for playback. there are many podcasts already online. erben et al. (2008) state that podcasts are unique to language acquisition, and some are targeted at listeners who are native speakers. the key thing is that podcasts tailored for native-speaking listeners offer endless chances for english language learning (ell) to listen to authentic english used in several ways. a podcast is structured to provide theme-based discussions, english language hints, grammar lessons, history, vocabulary, and regular conversations for language learning. while, podcasts available for native-speaking audiences include science reposts, news, documentaries, theatre, history, comedy, politics, sports, film reviews, education topics, etc. according to (michael, 2009, p. 355), two podcasts may be used; those produced to teach languages and those documented simply in the target language. low (2014, p. 164) states that some english teaching and learning podcasts. this is a podcast dedicated to teaching and learning english. they are available from the bbc (british english) and esl podcast (american english). these podcasts are in british and american english, respectively, and can raise awareness and improve these two varieties of english in speaking and listening skills. michael (2009) states that a podcast is a device that increases the mastery of listening ability. students can be motivated to use appropriate techniques by downloading audio files and listening to them to ©tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 220 supplement classroom instruction. lohumi (2015, p. 243) supported that podcasts are most useful for extensive listening to motivating and arouse students’ interest in listening to english. the podcasts help bridge the gap between formal and informal english as they provide listening materials other than those available in the classroom and in textbooks. the additional listening material provides the students with extra listening practice. rose & mohammed (2010, p. 183) states that both bbc (british broadcasting corporation) and voa (voice of america) offer podcasts in listening english. voa can be accessed on bbc can be accessed on both bbc radio program and voa can improve pronunciation, listening skills, and other analytical skills in english (nakata, 2006, p. 15). the other podcasts that can be chosen for the learners are: 1) the english we speak. the presentation of information through this podcast focuses on phrases and idioms commonly used in the uk. we will listen to english spoken by native speakers and naturally improve english skills. access the english we speak at 2) podcast in english. podcasts in english provide content specifically for english language education and materials specially grouped for beginners, intermediate to advanced. they even have segments for specific purposes such as business. the content is presented in a chat format between two native speakers. the topics covered include common things in everyday life, such as facebook, sharing experiences with the latest news. access podcasts in english at 3) better at english. better at english is a podcast content provider that provides the best content to improve english skills. the presentation of information in this podcast is based on the concept of a talk show with native speakers covering various topics ranging from light to heavy material. listening to native speaker conversations is one additional material needed to improve speaking skills in english and learn in class and through books. however, the advantage of learning through podcasts is that you can learn about idioms and expressions commonly used by native speakers. better english is excellent if you have some basic english because their podcasts' intonation and speech rate are presented at average speeds. however, they also provide transcripts of the conversations and vocabulary used in the conversations. access better at english at 4) luke’s english podcast. luke thompson's podcast discusses a british accent. this content is because it discusses english, for example, grammar or expressions in english. luke's english podcast is suitable for listening to learners with low-intermediate to advanced levels of english. access luke’s english podcast at 5) espresso english podcast. the podcaster of espresso english podcast speaks slowly and clearly. it also does not use foreign expressions and idioms. this podcast is perfect for a beginner! access espresso english podcast at 6) ©tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 221 the fourth is the website or sites. a website is a list of pages on an internet domain generated and interconnected for a particular reason that can be viewed broadly through the home page using a website url browser. some quite representative in practicing our english listening skills are,,,,,,,,,,, and many more. d. conclusion there are several options for practicing and improving the students’ listening skills, such as music applications (joox and spotify), youtube, podcasts, and websites. music applications such as joox and spotify are music streaming application enables the students to listen to the different types of music legally such as in english song. this can be used to practice and improve their listening skills and other skills such as pronunciation and speaking. on youtube, there is a lot of english material that students can be selected. they only open youtube and write anything they want, such as music videos or films, to practice and improve their listening skills. there are also many best youtube channels for learning english listening, with hundreds of complete videos and many subscribers. students also can access english vlogs (video blogs) where vloggers will usually talk about their personal lives, tutorials, and so on through a short video. in podcasts, the videos are usually structured to provide theme-based discussions, english language hints, grammar lessons, history, vocabulary, and regular conversations for language learning. some podcast service providers have many users and have various segments ranging from science, business, fashion to hobbies, and most importantly, we can listen to podcasts for free. in addition to gaining knowledge, listening to podcasts can also be a medium for learning english. some of the benefits of listening to podcasts include honing our listening skills, pronunciation, vocabulary, accents, and slang. both bbc (british broadcasting corporation) and voa (voice of america) offer podcasts in listening english. these podcasts are in british and american english, respectively, and can raise awareness and improve these two varieties of english in speaking and listening skills. on the website, some sites or websites are pretty representative in practicing our english listening skills. learning english through several applications above can be an alternative for students in practicing and improving their english listening skills. ©tira nur fitria available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 6, no. 2, august 2021 222 references abdulrahman, t., basalama, n., & widodo, m. r. 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(2012). qualitative research methods: collecting evidence, crafting analysis, communicating impact. john wiley & sons. ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 85 volume 6, no. 1, february 2021 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) الفروق الضبطية بين الرسم المصحفى والرسم اإلمالئي ibnu rawandhy n. hula (corresponding author) iain sultan amai gorontalo, indonesia agussalim beddu malla universitas muslim indonesia abstract: this study is related to the differences in diacritic marks used in writing the al-quran (rasm mushaf) and conventional writing (rasm imla’i). this study aims to find aspects of the similarities and differences between the diacritic marks in two types of rasm, which are limited to five things. namely: the sign of ya at the end of the word, the sign of sukun/silence, the position of the kasrah in tasydid, the position of the hamzah in a line of kasrah above the letter ya, and a long reading sign (madd). the type of research used is descriptive qualitative, with the literature and documentation method, which is carried out by reading books and various articles related to this research. the results showed the differences in diacritic marks between writing the al-quran (rasm mushaf) and conventional writing (rasm imla’i). it consisted of several things, namely: 1) there is a similarity in writing between the rasm mushaf writing pattern and the conventional rasm pattern on letter differentiation, except for the writing of the letter ya at the end of the word, which is ignored in the writing of the mushaf (الهدى). 2) there are similarities in punctuation, especially in harakat, tasydid and hamzah, between the writing of the rasm mushaf and conventional writing, and this is unquestionably and acceptable. 3) there is a difference in the manuscripts printed in the eastern region, using the head of kha’ as a sign of sukun, ( ), whereas the ancient manuscripts use a circle like the one used by arithmetic people to denote the number zero ( ْ (. 4) there are similarities in the writing of tasydid in the rasm mushaf and conventional rasm (imla’i), but the place for the kasrah mark with tasydid in the writing of the mushaf is under the letter (ــــّـــ) , 5) specifically for the hamzah sign that is in the middle and lined up in the kasrah, written ya on the rasm mushaf, by placing the head of the letter ‘ain with the vowel under ya' ( ) and this does not apply to the conventional rasm pattern/imla’ i الفَائُِزْون ) ). 6)the use of a long/madd sign (_ ۤ _) above the madd letter, if there is a hamzah or a letter marked with sukun, it indicates an addition to the writing of the mushaf ( ُالقُْرَءان), meanwhile in use it is in a conventional rasm pattern (imla’i) such as which is in books, it shows hamzah mamdudah ( ُالقُْرآن) keywords: diacritic marks; rasm mushaf; conventional writing/rasm imla’i ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 86 : مقدمة ال . أ من فى العصور األولى خالية کان رسم المصاحف العثمانية ف وحربها بين التُميُِّز التيمن ُصورة كتابية ومجردة ،الشكليةالعالمات ووجد علماء التابعين ومن جاء بعدهم .المتشابهة فى القراءة أو فى الكتابة الحاجة إلى إلحاق عالمات تدل على الحركات وتمييز الحروف المتشابهة في الصورة؛ لتساعد القارئ على القراءة الصحيحة، وانتهت جهودهم إلى تأسيس بلوغ الغاية في حفظ أي( الحزم و الحفظ)فى اللغة الضبط .علم الضبط الذي يبحث في طريقة نقط وأما اصطالحا هو علم (daif, 2004, p. 491).الشيء عجام، وما يتعلق بذل من اإل أو نطق براعاإلنقط إما الحروف القرآنية، العالمات الدالة على تل العوارض من حيث والمراد بذل . رموز وحركات تل استعمال فىو (hula, 2020).ومحلها ولونهاوكيفيتها ا وضعها وتركه في رسم المصحف والكتابة قد تطورت مراحلها وتنوعت مذاهبها العالمات واختص رسم المصحف بعالمات ال تتطابق تماما . القياسية واإلمالئيةالعربية مع ما هو مستعمل من تل العالمات في الكتابة العربية في غير المصاحف، الكتابة وهذه كلها بسبب. اء في القراءةوقد يكون ذل سببا لتعثر بعض القرّ العربية في عصر صدر اإلسالم مجردة من تل العالمات، وكتبت المصاحف العثمانية مجردة كذل ، ولم يمض وقت طويل حتى احتاج قراء القرآن الكريم إلى تقييد الكتابة بتل العالمات للمساعدة في إتقان القراءة، واجتهد علماء وكان (muhammad, 2018)حقق ذل ،التابعين في اختراع العالمات الكتابية التي ت للداللة على الحركات اءقد استعمل النقاط الحمر( ه96: ت)أبو األسود الدؤلي ، ويحيى بن (ه ۰۹: ت)والتنوين، وينسب إلى تلميذيه نصر بن عاصم الليثي قاط اإلعجام على الحروف المتشابهة نوضع ( ه۰۹ت قبل )يعمر العدواني نقاط اإلعراب ( ه۰۷۹: ت)في الصورة، وغير الخليل بن أحمد الفراهيدي لصغيرة للداللة على الحركات، التي اخترعها أبو األسود الدؤلي بالحروف ا (al-kirmani, 2012, p. 178).ووضع عالمة للتشديد والهمز ونحوهما ُل ما استعِملَت في المصاحف، واستعملها واستُْعِملَْت تل العالمات أوَّ الناس في کتابتهم في غير المصاحف أيضا، ومنهم من حرص على استيفاء تََخفََّف في فيما يكتب، وهم أهل اللغة والنحو، ومنهم َمْن أو تل العالمات استعمالها، وهم ُكتَّاُب الدواوين، ومنهم َمْن توسط في ذل ، فََضبََط ما يُشكل، وتمخَّض عن جهود العلماء في اختراع .وهم المشتغلون بالعلوم األخرى وظهرت (haj, thabit ahmed abul, 2014)،(العالمات الكتابية علم النقط والشكل ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 87 ( علم الضبط)د المتأخرين إطالق مصطلح عشرات المؤلفات فيه، وغلب عن وهي , هناك عدة الفاظ متقاربة تدل على الضبط, بالنظر إلى أنواعها .عليه ة مستديرالعالمة ال على يدل المقصود بالنقط . والشكل و اإلعجام, النقط وأما الشكل . الصغيرة التي توضع فوق حرف المعجم وتحته لتمير عن غيره الحروف أو تحتها من العالمة الدالة على الحركة هو الحط ما يوضع فوق هو الدال على ذات الحرف، وتمييز الحروف والمراد باإلعجام . المخصوصة -g. q. al).المتماثلة في الرسم من بعضها؛ بوضع نقط يمنع العجمة واللبس hamd, 2012, pp. 5–6) قد أوضح العلماء بين الرسم والضبط من حيث تعريفه وتاريخه و : وهي ( وجمعه ُرسوم رْسما -يرُسم -رسم )أما تعريف الرسم لغة . اعتماده بورو السطرو الكتابةو الخطو األثر) أي بمعنى الخط ) الّرقمو النقشو الزُّ والرسم , وهي الرسم المصحفى أو العثماني, وقد قسمه إلى ثالثة أقسام المصحفى سمأما الر (hula et al., 2020).اإلمالئي أو القياسي والرسم العروضي اَْلَوْضُع الَِّذي كما قال الزرقاني أن الرسم المصحفى هو فى االصطالح ُعثَْمان رضي هللا عنه َوَمْن َكاَن َمعَهُ ِمَن الصََّحابَِة فِي ِكتَابَِة َكِلَماِت اْرتََضاهُ افِقاً تََماَم اْلُمَوافَقَِة َواأْلَْصُل فِي اْلَمْكتُْوِب أَْن يَُكْوَن ُموَ . اْلقُْرآِن َوُحْرْوفِهِ َولَِكنَّ اْلَمَصاِحَف , َوالَ تَْبِدْيٍل َوالَ تَْغيِْيرٍ , نُْقَصانٍ ِلْلَمْنُطْوِق، ِمْن َغْيِر ِزيَادَةٍ َوالَ فَُوِجدَْت بَِها ُحُرْوفُهُ َكثِْيَرةٌ َجاَء َرْسُمَها , اْلعُثَْمانِيَّةَ قَْد أَْهَمَل فِْيَها َهذَا اأْلَْصلَ وكذل ما (al-zarqani, 2001, p. 311).َخاِلفًا ألَدَاِء اْلنُّْطِق َوذَِلَ أِلَْغَراِض الشَِّرْيفَةِ مُ من الكلمات القرآنية فى المصحف العثماني ه الصحابةُ ما كتبَ : عّرفه القادر .muhaysin, 2002, p).(القياسية)على هيئة مخصوصة ال تتفق مع قواعد الكتابة وقد استخدم فى الداللة على رسم المصحف أكثر من استخدامه فى الداللة (93 . على القواعد الكتابية التي صاغها علماء العربية والمعنى ال يدّل ( أَْملَى)فهو مصدر من الفعل ( اإلْمالء)وأما مصطلح فإنه ال يكون . بالكتابة( أْملى)لكن لعالقة معنى الفعل , على قواعد الكتابة وليس المقصود بالرسم ( اإلْمالء)وصار مصطلح . إمالء إال مع الكتابة خط الثلثي والنسخ اإلمالئي نوع الخط الكتابي على وفق األنواع المعروفة ك , وإنما الغالب فى زماننا للداللة على قواعد الكتابة (zaidan, 2013).والدواني هو العلم الذي يبحث . واستخدم عنوانا لعدد من الرسائل المؤلفة فى الموضوع ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 88 فى معرفة خط الحرف و النص بطريقة كتابتها والقواعد المتبعة فيها قياسيا يادة من غير ز, أن تكتب الكلمة كما ينطق بها تماما :قال إسماعيل, وعثمانيا sya’ban)اوال نقصان وال تبديل وال تغيير مع مراعاة اإلبتداء و الوقف عليه muhammad isma’il, 2012, p. 10). أو , بمعنى لزوم الشيء لزوما شديدا ال يفارقه( الضبط)وتعريف لكلمة و . حفظه بالحزم( ضبط الشيئ)يقال ذل .بلوغ الغاية فى إحكام حفظ الشيئ , الضم, الفتح)فى اإلصطالح علم يعرف به ما يدل على عوارض الحروف وأطلق العلماء قديما (al-dhabba’, 2008, p. 119)(السكون والشدة والمد, الكسر فعرف عندهم , على علم الضبط مصالحات أخرى قبل أن يشتهر بعلم الضبط (.الشكل والتنقيط واإلعجام)بالمصطلح وعلم الضبط مرتبط بالقرأن الكريم ارتباطا وثيقا إذ أنه استخدم واستعمل (adel & eldeib, 2020).لرفع اللبس والخطأ عن لسان القارئ ومن تل التعريفات عرفنا أن علم الرسم وعلم الضبط ِعْلَماِن وثيقة الرتباطهما بكلمات القرآن و الكتابة التقليدية العامة المستعملة فى , الصلة إال أن بينهما فروقا وألن , كتابة الُكتب والمقالة والرسالة والمجلة وغير ذل . حف وغير المصحفكل واحد منهما يتناول جانبا من جوانب كتابة المص لضبط يأتي بعد علم الرسم؛ ألن الرسم متعلق ا فعلموإذا فرقنا بالتوضيح الضبط يتعلق بما يعرض أما بحروف الكلمة إثباتا وحذفا وقطعا ووصال، و ولما كان الوصف . وذل وصف الحرف ,والسكونلهذه الحروف من الحركة ط بعد معرفة علم أن تكون معرفة علم الضب ناسب يجيء بعد الموصوف، (hula, 2016, p. 178) .الرسم علم الرسم مبني على (أ) ور األتيةماألعلى الفروق بينهما يعتمد و وعلم الضبط مبني على مراعاة , مراعاة اإلبتداء بالكلمة والوقف عليها علم الرسم قام بالصحابة وعلم الضبط قام به ( ب. )الوصل إال ما استثنى علم الرسم توقيفي ال يجوز تغيره وأُجمع على اإللتزام ( ج)علماء المتأخرين اديُّ لم يجمع على عدم مخالفته أما علم الضبط اجته, به وعدم مخالفته علم الرسم أساسه حروف الهجاء وهي ال تزيد ( د. )واإللتزام به ويجوز تغيره أما علم الضبط عالمات اجتََهدَ فيها , وال تنقص وال مجال فيها لالجتهاد علم الرسم ُمْعِجٌز وترك علم الرسم ( ه. )العلماء قد تزيد وتنقص بل قد تتغير كثير من القراءات وأحد األركان التالوة الصحيحة وعلم يؤدي إلى ترك ال ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 89 الضبط غير معجز فال ئؤدي تركه إلى ترك القراءت وليس من أركان (al-dhabba’, 2008, p. 119). التالوة الصحيحية كن هناك عالمات خاصة بالرسم المصحفي، كذل لم تكن هناك ولم ت عالمات خاصة بالرسم اإلمالئي، فقد كانت العالمات تعمل في المصحف وغيره بطريقة واحدة، ولكن تعدد مذاهب العلماء في استعمال تل العالمات، و مرور قرون طويلة من االستعمال، أظهر اختالف في استعمال عدد من ي الرسم المصحفي عنها في الرسم اإلمالئي، مما يجعل من يقرأ العالمات ف في المصحف يلحظ ذل االختالف بين ما اعتاده في الكتابة القياسية وما يجده ومن أمثال .في المصحف، وقد يؤدي ذل إلى الوقوع في الخطأ عند التالوة 96: لت األية المجردة من الضبط كما ورد فى فصّ ٮحسر اعدا اللـه الى الٮار ڡهم وٮوم بدون الضبط ٮورعوں البيان الفروق الضبطية نافع ما عدا ويعقوب َوَيْومَ ي ْحَشر أْعداء هللاِ إلى النَّاِر فَُهْم يُوَزُعونَ –بالفعل المجهول نائب الفاعل َوَيْومَ نَْحش ر أْعداءَ هللاِ إلى النَّاِر فَُهْم نافع ويعقوب يُوَزُعونَ –بالفعل المعلوم مفعول به الفروقهذا البحث إلى حصر مواضع بالنسبة إلى األمثلة أعاله فهدُف ل ، وتتبُّع تاريخ استعمال مالئيرسم المصحف والرسم اإلالبين يةالضبط العالمات المختلف فيها، ويحاول أن يستنتج إمكان مراجعة استعمال بعض تجاوز االختالف ومعرفة ،مالئياإلالعالمات في الرسم المصحفي أو الرسم وإذا نظرنا إلى حقول الضبط وجدنا عدة العالمات المتنوعة التي . المشار إليه , ضبط المختلس, ضبط الحركات: )ومثيرة إلى التحليلتتطلب إلى التفصيل , ضبط عالمة المد, ضبط عالمة التشديد, ضبط عالمة السكون, ضبط المنون ضبط األلف , ضبط الهمزات, بط المظهر والمدغمض, ضبط النون الساكنة ضبط , ضبط اإليجاز, ضبط اإلختصار, والياء و الواو موضعها الهمزة ضبط الدارة على الحروف الزاوئد , ضبط النقص والمزيد رسما, التخفيف , ضبط الملحق مما حذف من الرسم, والحروف والمخففة وأصلها معناها (. ضبط الالم واأللف وأحكامها ,ضبط ألف الوصل وما جاء بالنقل ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 90 لم أجد من تقدمني في بحث وبعد أن فتّْشُت بعض البحوث المتعلقة وغانم ،الدقيقة إال ما كتبه أيمن رشدي سويد الموضوع من هذه الناحية ومن ثم فإنه قد تعتوره .فلم أنسج هذا البحث على مثال سابق ,القدوري الحمد يرا من المصاحف التي يحتاج إليها بعض جوانب النقص، والسيما أن كث . البحث في تتبع تطور بعض العالمات ال يزال بعيدا عن متناول يد الدارسين وأما بنوع المقالة العلمية وجدت البحث الذي كتبه شهر الدين بموضوع : وقدم الباحث سؤاال أساسيا " أوجه التوجيه ظواهر الرسم القرآني"البحث ي التوجيه تتعلق باإلعجاز، أم أن أوجه توجيه تل هل للرسم القرآني أوجه ف الظواهر في الرسم القرآني ال عالقة لها باإلعجاز، إنما هي تعليالت ترجع كتبها شهبة وكذل المقالة التي din, 2020)-(al.إلى اللغة وإلى اجتهاد الصحابة اختالفات الرسم القرأني عن الرسم اإلمالئي دراسة "رشيد بالموضوع ركز هذه المقالة إلى اإلختالفات بين كتابة بعض الكلمات بقواعدها " إحصائية الّستة وهي الحذف والزيادة والهمز والبدل والوصل والفصل ومافيه وكذل المقالة التي كتبها خالد فؤاد وأصحابه تحت )sahaba, 2018(.قراءتان " qur’anic code for a"’uthmani)-representing the holly qur’an (rasm alالموضوع على الرغم من و الهدف لهذا البحث بناء على نظام يترجم القرآن إلى رموز (foda et al., 2013).أن حقيقة بعض األحرف المستخدمة ليس لها تمثيل مقابل وأما فى إندونيسيا وجدت معض المقالة العلمية المتعلقة بالرسم طريقة البحث فى "تحت الموضوع كما كتبه عبد الحاكم, القرآني وضبطه كذل (hakim, 2018).(الرسم والقراءات والوقف والضبط" )المصحف العتيق حواريات علوم القرءان عن "زين العارفين المذكور الذي كتب المقالة بعنوان ولكن بعد ما أن قرأت تل المقاالت (madzkur, 2015)."بط والرسم العثمانيالض مازالت مباحثها فى النظريات العامة مع تحليلها المقارنة بين الضبط الناحية الجديدة –ولذل , المصحفي في المغرب والمملكة السعودية وإندونسيا لهذه المقالة تتّجه إلى المقارنة بين الرسمين واستِْظهار الفروق الضبطية فى . العامة التقليدية عدها المشهورة واستعمالها فى الكتابةقوا :منهجية البحث . ب نوع البحث المستخدم في هذه الدراسة فهو البحث الوصفي وأما والطريقة التي استعملها الباحث هي الطريقة المكتبية والطريقة ,النوعي . الوثائقية، بوسائل قراءة الكتب والمقاالت المتنوعة المتعلقة بهذه الدراسة المصاحف ومصدر البيانات يتكون من المصدر األساسي الذي يحتوي على ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 91 العثمانية مثل مصحف المدينة النبوية وبعص الكتب المتعلقة بالرسم المصادر الثانوية وهي المصادرأما و .نصوصيةالمعلومات الالمصحفى و ككتب ةدر األساسياالتي تحتوي على المعلومات المتعلقة بالمص اإلضافية والكتب اللغوية رسم والضبط و كتب القراءة التسعة وكتب قواعد اإلمالء ال وطريقة جمع البيانات هي التسجيل والمالحظة من المصدر .وهلّم جرا المقارنة بين الضبط المصحفي األساسي وتحليل البيانات عن طريقة تحليل . واإلمالئي : نتائج البحث . ت استعمال العالمات في الكتابة العربيةعن لمحة وجيزة. 9 كانت الكتابة العربية في عصر صدر اإلسالم مجردة من النقاط والحركات، وكتبت المصاحف العثمانية مجردة، ونقل الداني عن يحيى بن -al)،"كان القرآن مجردة في المصاحف»: أنه قال( ه ۰۲۰: ت)أبي كثير dani, 1960, p. 2) ولم تكن العرب أصحاب نقط وال شكل،(abu ’amar al-dani, c.e., p. 31) لكن انتشار اإلسالم وإقبال الناس على قراءة القرآن، وظهور تحمل العلماء على (aqsho, 2016)،اللحن في لسان العرب وفي قراءة القرآن للحركات وتمييز الحروف التفكير في ضبط الكتابة العربية باختراع عالمات (al-zabidi, 1973, p. 11).المتشابهة في الصورة، ووضع قواعد النحو ولدينا عدد من الروايات التاريخية التي بين جهود العلماء في القرنين اختراع الوسائل التي حققت من خاللها الكتابة األول والثاني الهجريين في العربية تمثيل األصوات التي ليس لها رموز کتابية، وتمييز الحروف المتشابهة في الصورة، ولدينا أيضا مجموعة من الوثائق الخطية التي تؤكد ما فرغم الحقيقة التاريخيّة أّن المصاحف (zen, 2017).ورد في تل الروايات العثمانية لَـْم يُكتَْب لها البقاُء، فكثيًرا ما يصّرح علماء الرسم القدامى مواضع بمشاهدتهم بعض هذه المصاحف، فمنهم َمْن دّون ما عايَنَهُ فيها من خاّصة فـي الرسم وما الَحَظه من ظواهر كتابيّة فيه، وبعضهم أَْدلَـى بِـَما .(umar, 2017)ٱّطلع عليه وطالعه روايةً، فُرويت عنهم أقواٌل بهذا الصدد وال يتسع البحث لعرض جميع تل الروايات، وتحليلها، وموازنتها بالوثائق المخطوطة، وسوف أكتفي باإلشارة إلى النقاط البارزة المتعلقة بالموضوع، بما يمهد للحديث عن فكرة البحث األساسية، وهي عقد موازنة نة بين الضبط في الرسم المصحفي والرسم اإلمالئي، ويتطلب عقد تل المواز ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 92 بيان أصول العالمات في الرسمين على نحو موجز من خالل الحديث عن .عالمات الحركات، ونقاط اإلعجام، والعالمات األخرى إذا نظرنا إلى عهد الصحابة لم تكن المصاحف منقوطة وال مضبوطة وقد كان ذل إلنهم كانوا عربا خلصا يقرؤون بفْهِمهم أكثر مما , بالشكل (ُكمْ َءاتَْين ) = (يَْقتُلُْونَ ) = مثل , يقرؤون بالحروف الماثلة أمامهم (anwar jaraf, 2010, p. 9) خون إلى ثالث م : راحل وقسم المَؤِرّ فقد كان مكتوبا بالرسم فقط ( : شكل المصحف) المرحلة األولى –أ ولكن بعد اتساع . أي جسم الكلمة دون الضبط أي النتقيط والتشكيل الفتوحات واخطالط العرب بالعجم ودخل اللحن فى لسان األحفاد فقرر المسلمون بأمر أمير المؤمنين معاوية بن , وتأثرها فى القراءات ع التشكيل للمصاحف تبين عالمة أبي سفيان إلبي األسود الدؤلي بوض . اإلعراب وبعد أن أمن المسلمون من ( تنقيط الحروف) المرحلة الثانية -ب ظهر نوع آخر من الخطأ وهو , اللحن بعد وضع عالمات اإلعراب ييز بين الحروف التي تتحد وتتشابه صورتها بدون التنقيط مثل مالت حجاج كال من يحيى بن يعمر فأمر بهذا السبب ال( التاء, الباء, الياء) العمراني و نصر بن عاصم الليثي بإعجام الحروف المتشابهة بوضع . بقيت صورها إلى يومنا هذا, النقاط عليها فى هذه ( إعادة صياغة النقاط وتحسينها) المرحلة الثالثة -ج المرحلة قام الخليل بن أحمد الفراهدي بإعادة صياغة نقاط اإلعراب الضبط عالمات الحركات المذهب األول النقط المدور المذهب الثاني الشكل المستطيل حدث بعد اإلسالم الحركات قبل يرجع إلى ما اإلسالم نقط اإلعجام ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 93 ات المعروفة اآلن حتى ال يقع خلط بين نقط اإلعراب ونقط إلى العالم (ibnu rawandhy hula, 2020).اإلعجام روايات متعددة فى نشأة ضبط القرآن وسبب ذل تعددت أقوالهم نقل العلماء , فنسبوا إلى أكثر متن واحد من العلماء أنه أول من بدأ به, فى أول من بدأ به (sahar, 2016): فيما يلي ذكر أهم من نُِسَب إليه ذل مالئيوالرسم اإلمظاهر االتفاق واالختالف في الضبط بين الرسم المصحفي . 2 إذا كان الرسم اإلمالئي ال يتوافق مع الرسم المصحفي في عدد من الظواهر الكتابية، مثل الحذف، والزيادة، والبدل، والهمز، والفصل والوصل، ألن (rahman, 2016)فإن األصل في الضبط أن يكون واحدة في الرسمين، أصوله وضعها العلماء من التابعين ومن جاء بعدهم، واستعملت في أبو األ سود دؤال لي ناصر بن عاصم الليثي يحي بن يعمر العدا ني عبد الرحمن بن عبد هللا الحضرامي هرمز الحضرامي الخليل بن أحمد الفراهيدي هـ 919 هـ 996 هـ 921 هـ 926 هـ 69 هـ 96 الحركات نقط اإلعجام مراحل الضبط شكل الحروف أبو األسود الدؤلي يحيى بن يعمر العمراني نصر بن عاصم يثيالل تنقيط الحروف إعادة صياغة النقاط الخليل بن أحمد الفراهدي ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 94 وأسهمت .المصاحف وغيرها من المدونات في الكتابة العربية بطريقة واحدة عوامل متعددة في إظهار اختالفات في الضبط بين الرسم المصحفي والرسم :ومن تل العوامل (shodiqoh, 2019)اإلمالئي على مدى العصور، ، فأصول الرسم وإن كانت واحدة إال أن نَ يْ طِ اقِ النَّ بُ اهِ ذَ مَ دُ دُّ عَ تَ (9) عددا من العلماء اختار طرائق في الضبط تخالف ما أخذ به جمهور الناقطين، بطريقة ما، وأخذ غيرهم بطريقة أخرى، حتى إن وربما أخذاب المصاحف طِ قْ نَ مُ لْ هذا کتاب عِ »: الداني أشار إلى ذل في صدر كتابه المحكم، إذ قال وكيفيته على صيغ التالوة ومذاهب القراءة، في ما اتفقوا عليه وما فِ احِ صَ لمَ اْ (al-dani, 1960 p. 1).«...اختلفوا فيه في ، فللمشارقة طريقة مْ هِ انِ دَ لْ اختالف مذاهب الناقطين باختالف بُ (2) ويشير .(al-najjah, 2009, p. 66)ضبط بعض المواضع، وللمغاربة طريقة أخرى طريقة ضبطه تْ ذَ خِ وأُ »: إلى ذل ما ورد في آخر مصحف المدينة النبوية الطراز في ضبط )الضبط على حسب ما ورد في کتاب علماءُ هُ رَ رَّ ا قَ مَّ مِ لإلمام التنسي وغيره من الكتب، مع األخذ بعالمات الخليل بن أحمد، ( الخراز .« وأتباعه من المشارقة غالبا، بدال من عالمات األندلسيين والمغاربة اختالف الضبط باختالف تقدير المحذوف من الرسم في المصحف (3) إحدى األلفين أو الواوين أو الياءين، وكذل في تقدير أي مما وقع فيه حذف ( مْ هُ تَ رْ ذَ نْ أَ ءَ : )مثال ذل قوله تعالى. الطرفين في الالم ألف هو الهمزة هذا الضرب على قراءة من حقق طُ قْ نَ وأما»: ، قال الداني[9: البقرة] الهمزتين معا فهو أن تجعل الهمزة األولى نقطة بالصفراء وحركتها عليها الهمزة الثانية نقطة بالصفراء لُ عَ جْ ، وتُ ةِ رَ َصوَّ نقطة بالحمراء قبل األلف الم وحركتها عليها في األلف المصورة، هذا على قول من قال إن الهمزة األولى وعلى قول من قال إن الهمزة الثانية هي المحذوف ... ا هي المحذوف صورته صورتها تجعل الهمزة األولى وحركتها في األلف المصورة، وتجعل الهمزة (al-dani, 1960, p. 209)«...الثانية وحركتها بعد تل األلف اختالف الزمان قد يؤدي إلى ظهور اختالف في طريقة الضبط (4) بين الرسم المصحفي والرسم اإلمالئي، وقد يكون ذل االختالف بين الضبط في المصاحف في عصرين مختلفين، وفي غير المصاحف أيضا في عصرين .مختلفين ومن األمثلة الواضحة على ذل ما يسمى بالرقم الذي ذكره ابن والنقط على »: في قوله( كتاب المخاب)في كتابه ( ـه 341:ت)درستويه ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 95 نقط محض، كنقط الباء والتاء والثاء والياء والنون، وضرب قد : ضربين يجري مجرى النقط کرقم الحاء والراء والسين والصاد والعين، وفي كل من (g. q. al-hamd, 1982, p. 555).«النقط والرقم ما يقع فوق الحرف وما يقع تحته صفحة من مصحف ابن البواب الذي كتبه في بغداد إلىفإذا نظرنا سنجد عالمات الرقم واضحة على الحروف غير المعجمة، ( هـــ 369)سنة :وهذه صورة لصفحة منه الحروف التي يظهر عليها الرقم عليها الرقمالحروف التي يظهر  صغيرة تحت الحرف( ح)وعالمته : الحاء.  وعالمته رأس صاد صغيرة تحت الحرف: الصاد .  في ( أحد)وعالمته نقطة تحت الدال في كلمة : الدال .سورة اإلخالص  وعالمته عين صغيرة تحت الحرف: العين .  هكذا(۷)وعالمته شولة كالرقم : الراء ، ( :v ) فوق .الحرف  هكذا(۷)وعالمته شولة كالرقم :السين ،( :v ) فوق الحرف، ووضع ثالث نقاط تحت الحرف في سورة .الناس وإذا وازنا بين الضبط في مصحف ابن البواب والمصاحف المطبوعة في عصرنا سنجد االختالف واضحة؛ ألن المصاحف الحديثة استغنت عن هم إال في الرقم أيضا، اللّ قم، وكذل استغني الرسم اإلمالئي المعاصر عن رال وإذا وازنا بين الضبط في مصحف ابن البواب والضبط في كتابات .الكاف ذل العصر في غير المصحف لوجدنا تشابهة واضحة، فقد كان الكتاب يراعون الرقم في ذل الوقت في ما يكتبون، ولم يكن خاتنا بالمصحف، كما ه وهي صفحة من 494ة بسنة يظهر ذل في كتابة البن البواب نفسه مؤرخ ديوان سالمة بن جندل، و تظهر فيها الحروف المهملة وعليها عالمات الرقم .التي أشرنا إليها .مالئيبين الرسم المصحفي والرسم اإل تحليل الفروق الضبطية . 3 في هاالخمسة لالختالف الفروق الضبطيةلتحليل تناول هذا المبحث با الرسم المصحفي، كما يبدو في مصحف المدينة النبوية، وغيره من کا يتمثل في المطبوعات مالئياإلالمصاحف المطبوعة في زماننا، والرسم ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 96 وسوف أتتبع .المعاصرة في الكتب اللغوية ونحوها التي عرضنا نماذج منها خمسة، األصول األولى لكل عالمة من العالمات التي تتعلق بها المظاهر ال وتطورها عبر العصور، باالعتماد على المصادر، والوثائق الخطية من مصاحف وغيرها، والكشف عن مذاهب الناقطين والكتاب والخطاطين في .استعمال كل عالمة من تل العالمات َم بعض العلماء الشكل إلى عام و خاص، فالعام هو دوالُّ سَّ قَ قد وأما .الحركات الثالث والسكون والتشديد، فيجري ذل في جميع الحروف الخاص فهو ما يختص بالحرف األخير من الكلمة، وهو التنوين، وهمزة الصور التي إلىوإذا نظرنا (al-huriniy, 1990).ةُ القطع، وهمزة الوصل، والمدَّ وجوه االتفاق واالختالف في ْصرُ نقلناها في الصفحات السابقة أمكننا حَ : استعمال العالمات من النوعين على النحو اآلتي ال ر قم االتفاق واالختالف عالمته المصطلح اتفاق __َ_ الفتحة 9 اتفاق __ُ_ الضمة 2 اتفاق __ِ_ الكسرة 3 ) (ففي المصحف عالمة السكون رأس خاء : اختالف __ْ_ السكون 4 . (_ْ)من غير نقطة، وفي غيره دائرة صغيرة اتفاق في عالمة التشديد، واختالف في موضع الكسرة معه، __ّ_ التشديد 5 ففي المصحف تكون عالمة التشديد فوق الحرف والكسرة تحته، وكذل هي في كتاب النوادر، أما في المعجم الوجيز لكنها فوق واإلتقان فإن الكسرة مع عالمة التشديد تحتها، .الحرف اتفاق إال في موضع الهمزة المكسورة على الياء فانها ترسم ء همزة القطع 9 ، وهي في غير في المصحف تحت الياء کما في .المصحف فوق الياء همزة 1 الوصل اتفاق اتفاق في الصورة، واختالف في الداللة، ففي المصحف آ ة المدّ 4 على حروف المد إذا وقع بعدها همزة أو توضع عالمة المد حرف مشددة، داللة على إطالتها في النطق، وفي غير المصحف تستعمل عالمة المدة للداللة على اجتماع همزة (.والقرآن( رآخَ : )بعدها ألف في مثل ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 97 اتفاق، إال في حالة اإلخفاء واإلدغام فإن التنوين في المصحف _ٌ_ٍ_ً نوينالتّ 6 متتابعة، وهو في غير المصحف متراكب في جميع يرسم .حاالته أما ما يتعلق بنقاط اإلعجام فإنها ال اختالف في استعمالها بين المصاحف وغيرها، إال في حذف نقطتي الياء المتطرفة في المصحف، وهناك عالمات خاصة (hairudin, 2020) .وإثباتها أو حذفها في غير المصحف بالمصاحف، وال تستعمل في غيرها، وهي تدل على حاالت نطقية معينة، أو تشير إلى بعض خصوصيات الرسم العثماني، تتكفل ببيانها عادة الصفحات المخصصة للتعريف بالمصحف في آخره، ومنها عالمة الحرف المزيد في مكان ما حذف منها من الرسم، وحروف المد الصغيرة التي توضع في الرسم، وعالمة اإلمالة واإلشهام، وعالمة السكتات، ونحو ذل مما اختصت به المصاحف، وال نجد لها أثر في الرسم اإلمالئي، لعدم الحاجة إليها، وليس .هناك ضرورة للحديث عنها هنا وال يخفى على القارئ أن هناك اتفاقا في أكثر العالمات بين الرسم ، وأن وجوه االختالف معدودة، وتتلخص في مالئيوالرسم اإل المصحفي :اآلتيةهيكالت ال إعجام الياء المتطرفة وإهمالها: أوال تَُصنَُّف الياء مع الحروف األربعة التي قال عنها المصنفون األوائل ط إذا تطرفت أو قْ من النَّ لُ مَ هْ في حال االبتداء بها أو توسطها، وتُ طُ قَ نْ إنها تُ ألنها حسب تعليل المتقدمين من ( الفاء والقاف والنون والياء)انفصلت، وهي ، لكن الحروف الثالثة سوى أهل الضبط التشتبه بغيرها في حالة انفصالها الياء صارت نقط عند المتأخرين في جميع حاالتها، أما الياء فظلت تعامل .حسب هذه القاعدة القديمة االختالف إعجام الياء المتطرفة .وإهمالها عالمة السكون موضع الكسرة من الشدة موضع الهمزة المكسورة من الياء عالمة المدة ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 98 وأقدم وصف إلعجام الحروف مروي عن الخليل بن أحمد الفراهيدي، ، ومن المفيد نقل ما يتصل بالحروف «المحكم»كما أورده الداني في كتابه وروي عن الخليل بن أحمد ": (al-dani, 1960, pp. 35–36)الدانيالمذكورة، قال :أنه قال البيان الحروف ليس عليها شيء من النقط، ألنها ال تالبسها صورة األلف ا أخرى إذا ُوصلت فوقها واحدة، وإذا انفصلت لم تنقط؛ ألنها ال اءالفَ ف يالبسها شيء من الصور إذا وصلت فتحتها واحدة، وقد تقطها ناس من فوقها القاف ق فإذا قلت له قط، ألن صورتها أعظم من صورة اثنتين، الواو، فاستغنوا بعظم صورتها عن النقط ال تنقط ألنها أعظم من الدال والذال الكاف ك إذا وصلتها فوقها واحدة، ألنها تلتبس بالباء والتاء النون ن والثاء، فإذا ق لت لم نقط، استغنوا بعظم صورتها، ألن والزايصورتها أعظم من الراء إذا وصلت قطت تحتها اثنتين، لئال تلتبس بها مضى، الياء ي فإذا صلت لم تنقط وقد يتعجب القارئ من النظائر التي وردت في هذا النص، أعني الحروف التي ذكرها الخليل وقال إنها قد تلتبس بغيرها، فالقاف تلتبس بالواو بالراء والزاي، ألن القارئ اعتاد والكاف تلتبس بالدال والذال، والنون تلتبس أن يرى القاف قريبة من الفاء، والكاف قريبة من الالم، والنون قريبة من ولكن عجب القارئ يزول إذا علم أن الخليل يتحدث عن هذه الحروف .التاء في الخط الكوفي الذي كان غالبا على خطوط القرون الثالثة األولى، وهذه :مأخوذة من مصحف جامع الحسين في القاهرةصورة للحروف المذكورة الصورة الحروف الرقم القديمة الصورة الحروف القديمة الكاف ك 9 الواو و النون ن الدال والذال ذ -د 2 ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 99 القاف ق 3 -ر ز الراء والزاي الفاء ف 4 الياء ي المستقيمة وتحولت األقالم من الخط الكوفي اليابس ذي الخطوط والزوايا القائمة إلى الخط اللين الذي عرف بالنسخ، في القرن الرابع الهجري، وما بعده، لكن الحروف األربعة ظلت ذكر على أنها ال تنقط إذا عن اْستُْغنِــيَ ا ومنها مَ »(: هـ 341:ت)انفصلت عنا بعدها، قال ابن درستويه قط نرة عند انفراده، وألزم النقطه في حال انفراده لمخالفته غيره في الصو : عند اتصال ما بعده به الشتباهه في هذه الحالة بغيره، وذل أربعة أحرف (harun, 1977, p. 99)«الفاء والقاف والنون والياء لِ وُّ حَ الحروف األربعة في حالة اإلفراد والتركيب بعد تَ طُ قْ نَوشاع 493: ت)األقالم إلى الخطوط اللينة، كما يبدو ذل في مصحف ابن البواب و في غيره، ولكن علماء الرسم ظلوا يحرصون على التذكير بأن الحروف ( ه : ت)األربعة ال تنقط في حالة التطرف أو االنفراد، كما فعل القلقشندي وهو يتحدث عن الحروف التي يلزم نقطها ( صبح األعشی)في كتابه ( ه۱۲۰ : والتي ال يلزم نقطها، ونقل قول أبي حيان األندلسي حالة اإلفراد على صورتها ُكتِبَاولذل ينبغي أن القاف والنون إذا " ، ألنه ال شبه بينهما وال يشبهان غيرهما، فيكونان إذ ذاك انقتالخاصة بها ال ين (al-qalqasyandi, 1922, p. 128).«كالكاف والالم اإلشارة إلى قول رَ َكرَّ كل حرف من اإلعجام، و وذكر القلقشندي حقَّ أبي حيان، لكنه ذكر أن بعض الكتاب صار ينقط الحروف األربعة تغليبة وأما النون فإنها تنقط »: لحالة التركيب فيها، فقال وهو يتحدث عن النون قط بحالة التركيب ابتداء أو نبواحدة من أعالها، وكان ينبغي اختصاص ال الحروف، والياء آخر الحروف، وسطا اللتباسها حينئذ بالباء والثاء أوائل بخالف حالة اإلفراد والتطرف في التركيب أخيرة، فإنها تختص بصورة فال إال أنها لبت فيها -رحمه هللا -تلتبس، كما أشار إليه الشيخ أثير الدين أبو حيان (al-qalqasyandi, 1922, p. 129).«حالة التركيب وعيت وأما الياء فإنها تنقط بنقطتين من »: وقال وهو يتحدث عن نقط الياء أسفلها، وإن كانت في حالة اإلفراد والتطرف في التركيب لها صورة تخصها، ألنها في حالة التركيب في االبتداء والتوسط تشابه الباء والتاء والثاء ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 100 قط لتغليب حالة التركيب على حالة اإلفراد، كما نإلى بيانها بال جُ اتَ حْ يُ والنون، فَ في النون، وربما نقطها بعض الكتاب في حالة اإلفراد بنقطتين في بطنها، (al-qalqasyandi, 1922, p. 128).«وهللا سبحانه وتعالى أعلم زمانه صاروا ينقطون الحروف ُكتَّابَ ويظهر من حديث القلقشندي أن اب مترددين بين مراعاة ماتَّ األربعة في حالة اإلفراد والتركيب، ولكن ظل الكُ عليه أهل الرسم من عدم نقطها إذ تطرفت، ومراعاة ما اعتاد عليه نَصَّ .من نقطها في جميع أحوالها ابتَّ الكُ في ( الفاء والقاف والنون)واستقر األمر على نقط الحروف الثالثة جميع أحوالها في الكتب المطبوعة، أما الياء فبقيت وحدها مترددة بين النوادر )األمرين، ففي بعض الكتب ثقط الياء المتطرفة، كما الحظنا في كتاب للسيوطي، وفي بعضها بقيت ( م القرآناإلتقان في علو)، وكتاب (ألبي زيد (.المعجم الوجيز)الياء المتطرفة من غير إعجام کما في طُ قَ نْ تُ أما في المصاحف المطبوعة في زماننا فإن الياء المتطرفة ال على الحركات التي تسبق الياء دُ مَ تَ عْ ا بمذهب البادئين بنقط اإلعجام، ويُ التزامً المتطرفة أو الحركات التي توضع عليها اإلرشاد القارئ إلى كيفية النطق .بالياء، ألنها تحتمل أن تكون ياء أو ألف مقصورة، كما في الكليات اآلتية الياء المتوسطة في عدد من طَ قْ نَو المصاحف في زماننا اطُ وأهمل خطّ : الكلمات التي في آخرها همزة وقبلها الياء، وذل في مثل الهمزة عن حكم جُ رِ خْ ويبدو أنهم عدوا الهمزة بمنزلة الشكل الذي ال يُ ضع والش في أن عدم و .التطرف، السيما أنها مرسومة بصورة الياء المتطرفة نقطتي الياء المتطرفة في المصحف يستند إلى أصل ثابت في كتب الضبط والرسم، ومذهب مأخوذ به في الضبط في المصحف وغيره قديما وحديثا، لكن هناك عدد من :المالحظات يمكن تسجيلها بشأن إعجام الياء، منها بعدم ( اءُ يَ الْ وَ نُ وْ النُّ وَ افُ قَ الْ وَ اءُ فَ لْ اَ )إن تخصيص الحروف األربعة .9 في حالة االنفراد مبني على محور هذه الحروف القديمة في طِ قْ نَّ ال الخط الكوفي، وحين تحولت األقالم إلى الخط اللين تغيرت عالقة .هذه الحروف بغيرها ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 101 يبدو أن االلتزام بعدم نقط الحروف األربعة قد خف بعد تحول .2 لتي كتبها األقالم إلى الخط اللين، كما نالحظ ذل في النصوص ا ابن البواب، ونص المتأخرون، کا فعل القلقشندي، على تغليب نقط .هذه الحروف في حالة التركيب على حالة االنفراد، ومنها الياء طُ قْ نَّ الفَ »األصل أن ينقط أحد الحرفين المشتبهين في الصورة، .3 وإذا نظرنا (al-qalqasyandi, 1922, p. 148)،«ِس بَ اللَّ فِ وْ خَ دَ نْ عِ بٌ وْ لُ طْ مَ إلى الياء المتطرفة في آخر الكلمات من أسماء وأفعال وحروف وجدنا أنها تنطق ياء حينا و ألفا حينا، ألن األلف المتطرفة ترسم ياء في عدد من الكلمات في العربية، ويستدعي ذل وضع نقطتي الياء .تمييزها عن األلف المرسومة ياء، والتي تهم عادة بغير نقطتين الحرف بنفسه على الصوت الذي يمثله، سواء كان لَّ دُ أن يَ األصل .4 ا مَ هُ عُ وْ مُ جْ مَ طُ قْ نَّ الوَ ةُ رَ وْ الصُّ » ، ألنَّ طٍ وْ قُ نْ مَ رُ يْ غَ وْ أَ اطً وْ قُ نْ الحرف مَ ، لكن داللة حرف الياء على الصوت الذي «فٍ رْ حَ لِّ ى كُ لَ عَ ال دَ يجعل القارئ يمثله مرتبط بالحركات التي تسبقه أو تلحقه، مما عليه الحرف المكتوب، وقد في موضعين ليدرك ما يدلّ هُ رَ ظَ نَ لُ ْعمَ يُ يقع بعض المبتدئين في القراءة بسبب ذل في الخطأ فيخلطون بين (g. q. al-hamd, 2012).الياء واأللف عالمة السكون: ثانيا ّ مَ يُ الَ وَ هُ فَ ةِ ركَ لحَ اْ مُ دَ عَ نُ وْ كُ لسُّ اَ (g. q. al-hamd, 2004)،ةٌ نَيَّ عَ مَ تٌ اوَ صْ أَ لُ ثِ اق ال يضعون للسكون عالمة رَ العِ اطِ ولعل ذل هو الذي جعل بعض نقَّ جمهور النقاط استعملوا للسكون عالمة، لكن (al-marigni, 2005, p. 97)،أصالً لتمييز الحرف المحرك من غيره، واستعمل الخليل وسيبويه للسكون رأس ، لكن ظهرت عالمات (al-najjah, 2009, p. 47) (خفيف)خاء، أخذوه من أول وذكر الداني أربع .شتغلت في المصاحف للداللة على السكوناأخرى : عالمات للسكون، هي .جرة فوق الحرف المسكن، وهو مذهب أهل األندلس 1. يجعله أهل الحساب دارة صغيرة فوق الحرف، وهي الصفر الذي . 2 .على العدد المعدوم، وهو مذهب أهل المدينة ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 102 (رأس خاء، مأخوذة من أول خفيف. 3 1 : ، وهو مذهب أهل العربية .الخليل وسيبويه ومن تابعهما (al-dhabba’, 2008, p. 566) .هاء، وهو مذهب بعض أهل العربية. 4 واختار أبو داود سليمان بن نجاح أن تكون عالمة السكون دارة، مثل وذكر أن الخليل (al-najjah, 2009, p. 46)الصفر الذي يستعمله أهل الحساب، وسيبويه، وعامة أصحابها يجعلون عالمة السكون خاء، يريدون بذل أول ,.al-tunisi, n.d).«غير أني ال أستجيزه في المصحف»: ، ثم قال(خفيف)كلمة p. 95) واقتصر في عالمة السكون على الدارة »: وقال التنسي في شرحه اعتمادا على اختيار أبي داود، واقتداء بمدينة النبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ألن أكثر نقّاطها على وفيه مذاهب أخرى لم يتكلم عليها الناظم، لكون المتأخرين تركوا ... ذل تاب يجعلون والمتأخرون من النقاط والك (al-tunisi, n.d., p. 96)..."العمل بها وجری بذل عمل »: قال المارغني (al-watsiq, 2011, p. 179)،"السكون دارة ، وكذل هو في الكتب (al-marigni, 2005, p. 345)«المتأخرين، وعليه عملنا اآلن المخطوطة والمطبوعة، فالسكون في مصحف ابن البواب الذي كتبه سنة ه دارة صغيرة، وكذل هو في ديوان سالمة بن جندل الذي خطه سنة ۱۰۰ ونقل مورتيز في مجموعة الخط العربي التي نشرها صورة من . ه 494 مصاحف مخطوطة في دار الكتب المصرية ترجع إلى قرون متعددة ظهر ، وآخر ( ه۹۰۰فيها السكون دارة صغيرة، منها صورة مصحف مؤرخ بسنة ، ومصحف مؤرخ بسنة ( ه935، ومصحف مؤرخ بسنة (ه991خ بسنة مؤرّ ، "ه۰۹۹۹ه، ومصحف مؤرخ بسنة 495، ومصحف مؤرخ بسنة ه 499 (al-najjah, 2010, p. 45).ه9999ومصحف مؤرخ بسنة لسكون هذه في المصاحف التركية المتأخرة، مثل والحظُت عالمة ا ، ومصحف حافظ دمحم (ه ۰۰۰۹: ت)مصحف الخطاط التركي حافظ عثمان ه، وقامت وزارة األوقاف في العراق ۰۲۱۰أمين الرشدي الذي كتبه سنة .ه 9349بطبعه سنة وغير متيسر للبحث تتبع استعمال رأس الخاء للداللة على السكون في متأخرة لكن من الواضح أن الذي أعاد هذه العالمة إلى المصاحف ال ه، 9342المصاحف بقوة هو المصحف األميري المطبوع في القاهرة سنة 1 ن درستويه أن عالمة الحرف الساكن جيم غير معقفة وال محققة مأخوذة من أول جيم الجزم كتاب بذکر ا (.45ص )، وأشار إلى ذل أبو داود في كتاب أصول الضبط (۰۱التماب ص ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 103 وأُخذت طريقة ضبطه مما قرره : "وجاء في التعريف بالمصحف مانصه ( الطراز على ضبط الخراز)علماء الضبط على حسب ما ورد في كتاب عالمات األندلسيين والمغاربة بعالمات الخليل بن لإلمام التنسي، مع إبدال ثم ورد في بيان عالمات (.al-tunisi, n.d)،«أحمد وأتباعه من المشارقة فوق أي حرف يدل على ( بدون نقطة)ووضع رأس خاء صغيرة »: المصحف (.al-mahdawi, n.d)....سكون ذل الحرف واشتهر المصحف األميري في العالم اإلسالمي، ويبدو أن اللجنة التي أشرفت على طباعة مصحف المدينة النبوية قد تأثرت به، فقد جاءت في ألميري التي تبدأ ب ه الفقرة التي نقلناها من المصحف ا 9495خاتمة طبعة ، وكذل الفقرة التي فيها بيان عالمة السكون في «....وأخذت طريقة ضبطه» المصحف، وبقيت الصيغة نفسها في الطبعات الالحقة لمصحف المدينة .ه9426النبوية، كما يظهر ذل في خاتمة طبعة والش في أن اللجنة التي أشرفت على المصحف األميري لو الدارة الصغيرة التخذت المصاحف الالحقة التي ائتمت به استعملت للسكون .الدارة عالمة للسكون وإذا كان التوافق بين الضبط في الرسم المصحفي وفي الرسم اإلمالئي أمر مفيدة و مرغوب فيه فإن استعمال الدارة عالمة للسكون في المصاحف يمكن أن يتم التوافق بين الضبطين من غير خروج عن مذاهب لسلف في الضبط، وقد يكون استعمال الدارة عالمة للسكون أشهر من رأس ا الخاء، كما تقدم في النصوص التي نقلناهاعن أبي داود سليمان بن نجاح وغيره، ومن الطريف أن اللجان التي أشرفت على طباعة المصحف األميري ذا ومصحف المدينة النبوية مم ت بترجيح رأي أبي داود على رأي الداني إ اختلفا في الرسم، لكنها عكست القضية في موضوع الضبط؟ موضع الكسرة من الشدة : ثالثا (al-humaid, 2010, p. 129):للتشديد عالمتان عند المتقدمين نقاط، فوق الحرف، وهي التي اخترعها رأس شين من غير : األولى ختارها أبو داود إذا كان وا (harun, 1977, p. 169)الخليل وذكرها سيبويه، المصحف يضبط بالشكل الذي اخترعه الخليل، يعني بالحركات المأخوذة من (al-khatib, p. 55)".حروف المد ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 104 دال فوق الحرف إذا كان مفتوحة، وتحته إذا كان مكسورة، : الثانية وأمامه إذا كان مضموما، وبعضهم يجعل مع الشدة عالمات الحركات، وهو مذهب أهل المدينة، وتابعهم عليه أهل األندلس، ووصف ابن وثيق هذه (iwadi, 2015’). العالمة بأنها مثل قالمة الظفر واشتهرت العالمة األولى عند المشارقة في المصاحف وغيرها، ونّص الداني وتلميذه أبو داود على أن رأس الشين تكون فوق الحرف، فإن كان الحرف مفتوح جعلت عالمة الفتحة فوق الشدة، وإن كان مضمومة رف مکسورة جعلت الشدة فوق الحرف وعالمة جعلتها أمامه، وإن كان الح (al-qalqasyandi, 1922) .الكسرة تحت الحرف أن بعضهم جعل الكسرة أسفل الشدة ( ه۱۲۰: ت)وذكر القلقشندي إذا كان الحرف المشدد مكسورة فل »: فوق الحرف، وقال نصر الهوريني تضعها تحت الحرف، وهو إما أن : في وضع الخفضة تحت الشدة طريقان أحسن، أخذا من قول الدؤلى المتقدم، وإما أن تضعها فوق الحرف وتحت الشدة، وهذه الطريقة الثانية للمشارقة فقط في المكسور، وهي طريقة المغاربة في المفتوح والمضموم يجعلون الفتحة والضمة فوق الحرف وتحت الشدة، المكسور عندنا على الطريقة فيكون شكل المفتوح عندهم على صورة شكل (al-najjah, 2009 p. 5).«...الثانية، فتنبه لهذا والغالب في المصاحف وضع الشدة فوق الحرف، والكسرة تحت األخرى المخطوطة الحرف، کما في مصحف ابن البواب والمصاحف والمطبوعة التي أشرت إليها من قبل، أما في الكتب فقد انقسمت على قسمين، فمن الكتب المطبوعة ما وافق ضبط المصاحف فجاءت الكسرة تحت الحرف، وعالمة الشدة فوقه، كما في كتاب النوادر ألبي زيد، وجاءت الكسرة من طبعة ( وجيزالمعجم ال)تحت الشدة فوق الحرف في كتب أخرى مثل للسيوطي، ( اإلتقان في علوم القرآن)مجمع اللغة العربية في القاهرة، وكتاب وقد يكون جمع الكسرة .من طبعة مجمع المل فهد لطباعة المصحف الشريف مع الشدة فوق الحرف أسرع إلى فهم القارئ لعدم حاجته إلى نقل نظره إلى .لحاسوب في زمانناأسفل الحرف، و هو عليه نظام الطباعة في ا موضع الهمزة من الياء: رابعا إذا كانت الياء صورة للهمزة، وكانت الهمزة متوسطة مكسورة فإن لامثالفي تحليلها المذهب المشهور جعل الهمزة وحركتها تحت الياء، وذل :اآلتي ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 105 السورة اآلية صورو الهمزة بالياء َّنت زت زتيب رت ٱُّٱ [994:البقرة] : آل عمران] َّزتٍّ َّ ُّ ِّ ّٰ ُّٱ ۰9۷] َّ زت زت زت زت ُّٱ [۱۰: البقرة] َّ زت زت زت زت زت ُّٱ [99:النمل] أن بعضهم مما جعل الهمزة بأعلى ( ه۱۲۰: ت)وذكر القلقشندي وتنوع (al-qalqasyandi, 1922 p. 163).بأسفله( أي الكسرة)الحرف والخفضة ضبط هذه الهمزة في المصاحف المخطوطة والمطبوعة، وفي الكتب أيضا :على ثالثة مذاهب، هي جعل الهمزة وحركتها تحت الياء، كما في مصحف ابن البواب (9) والمصحف األميري، ومصحف المدينة النبوية ومصاحف .أخرى الهمزة فوق الياء، وحركتها تحت الياء، كما في مصحف جعل (2) .الحافظ عثمان، و مصحف الحاج حافظ دمحم أمين الرشدي جعل الهمزة وحركتها تحتها فوق الحرف، کما في مصحف (3) جامعة برنستون، وهو بخط شمس الدين عبد هللا، وعليه وقفية ه۰۰۷5مؤرخه بسنة نموذجا للموازنة فإن بعضها جعل أما الكتب المطبوعة التي اتخذناها الهمزة فوق الياء والكسرة تحت الياء، كما في المعجم الوجيز وكتاب النوادر للسيوطي ژيمني الهمزة فوق ( ألبي زيد، وفي کتاب اإلتقان في علوم القرآن الياء، وفي كثير من األحيان ال ترسم عالمة الكسرة، فإن مت فإنها توضع .تحت الياء أقرب إلى المذهب الثاني الذي يجعل « المحكم»وعبارة الداني في الضرب طَ قِ نُ وإذا »: الهمزة فوق الياء والكسرة تحت الياء، وذل حيث قال الثاني الذي تقع الهمزة فيه في الياء نفسها جعلت الهمزة نقطة بالصفراء فيها، ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 106 ن تحتها إن وجعلت حرکتها نقطة بالحمراء من فوقها إن كانت مفتوحة، وم كانت مكسورة، ومن أمامها إن كانت مضمومة، وجعل على الساكنة عالمة (al-dani, 1960, p. 137).«السكون وإذا أبدلنا عالمة الهمزة عند الداني، وهي النقطة الصفراء بعالمة الخليل وهي رأس العين، فإنها ال يمكن أن تكون في الياء نفسها، فإما أن تجعل فوقها أو تحتها، ووضعها فوق الياء سواء كانت حركتها الفتحة أو ضمة أو الكسرة هو األقرب إلى مذهب الداني، واستثناء المكسورة بجعلها ال تحت الياء هي وحركتها أحد احتالين لكالم الداني، واألرجح وضع الهمزة في مكان واحد، وهو فوق الياء، ووضع الكسرة تحت الياء، أو تحت الهمزة فوق .الياء، وقد أخذ بهذا بعض المؤلفين وبعض الناقطين عالمة المدة: خامسا إذا وقع بعد أحد حروف المد الثالثة الواو والياء واأللف همزة أو جعلوا فوق حروف المد مطة حمراء داللة على طِ قْ نَّ حرف ساکن فإن أهل ال : التالي نحوالفي تحليلها وذل (al-zahrani, 2017)زيادة تمكينهن، صورو الهمزة بالياء السورة اآلية َّ زت زتمس زت زت زت ُّٱ َّ زت ُّٱ [43: النساء] َّ زتىب يب رت ُّٱ َّرت ُّٱ [۰۷:النساء] َّزت زت زت زت زت زت زت ُّٱ َّ زت ُّٱ [35: النور] ٍَّّ َّ ُّ ِّ ّٰ ُّٱ َّّٰ ُّٱ [1: الفاتحة] لُ عَ جْ تَ مدِّ لَ اْ ةَ رَ وْ صُ نَّ أَ مْ لَ اعْ وَ »: بقوله ةوثيق عالمة المدّ الووصف ابن وقد . «(...مد)ا ذَ ى هكَ رَ غْ صُ الَّ ا دَ هَ رِ ي آخِ ة، فِ دَ وْ دُ مْ ى مَ رَ غْ الص مِ يْ مِ الْ كَ ةِ رَ مْ حَ الْ بِ يكون هذا هو أصل عالمة المد، لكن لم تعد الميم والدال متميزتين في هذه يجعلون وذكر الداني أن عامة نقاط أهل العراق ال (al-watsiq, 2011) .العالمة ، لكن ظهرت عالمة المد في مصحف ابن البواب "في المصاحف عالمة للمد يزاد فى ، َّ ّٰ ُّٱفي المد الواجب المتصل في مثل( ۰۱۰۰)البغدادي الذي كتبه سنة الضمير ( إِلَْي َ )جمع اإلشارة واٌو بعد الهمزة للفرق بينه وبين ( أُولئِ َ ) ولم تختلف .(al-dani, 1960)َّ ّٰ ُّٱوالكلمي المثقل في مثل (kadzim, 2007).المجرورة ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 107 المصاحف المخطوطة والمطبوعة في إثبات عالمة المد التي صارت رسم .د في المصاحفاستعمال األلوان المتعدّ ِركَ بلون مداد الكتابة، بعد أن تُ ولم يشتهر استعمال عالمة المد في الرسم اإلمالئي في الموضع الذي المصاحف، ولكنها استعملت للداللة على الهمزة التي تليها تستعمل فيه في .ألف في مثل وهذه الكلمات ترسم في أكثر المصاحف الرسم اإلمالئي الرسم المصحفي السورة األية َّ ٌٍّّ زت زت زت زت ىي ُّٱ َّ ٌٍّّ ُّٱ (رَ آخَ ) [69: حجرال] َّ هبجت مب خب حب جب ُّٱ َّ جت مب ُّٱ (نَ آمَ ) [۰٣:بقرةال] َّ زت ُّٱ (آنُ رْ القُ ) َّ زت زت زت ُّٱ [۰58:بقرةال] وذكر ابن درستويه عالمة المد و قصد بها الداللة على األلف التي ... واعلم أن هذه العالمات إنما احتيج إليها للفرق»: بعدها همزة، فقد قال وكذل الممدود ألنه في اللفظ ألفان، وهو ال يكتب إال واحدة، فلوال عالمة المد ، والمعنى الذي «السماء، والرداء: المقصور، وذل نحوما فرق بينه وبين قصده ابن درستويه هنا أقرب إلى داللة هذه العالمة في الرسم اإلمالئي منها .في الرسم المصحفي في الكتب المطبوعة التي رجعنا إليها واستعملت عالمة المد للموازنة في هذا البحث للداللة على الهمزة الممدودة، أعني همزة بعدها ألف، ويبدو أن استعمال المدة في هذا الموضع صار جزءا من قواعد رسم الهمزة، ففي کراسة قواعد اإلمالء التي أصدرها مجمع اللغة العربية في دمشق سنة :نجد القاعدة اآلتية( م۲۹۹۲ -ه ۰۰۲۹) إذا توالت همزتان في أول الكلمة أوالهما مفتوحة والثانية ساكنة " عوض عنها بألف فوقها إشارة المد تخفيفا للنطق، ويقع هذا في عدد من آه، وآكل، : الهمزة المسبوقة بهمزة المتكلم في الفعل، نحو: المواضع، منها ي صيغة فاعل مم تا بألف فوقها وإذا وقعت الهمزة قبل ألف المد ف.. وآخ (g. q. al-hamd, 2016).«...لٌ ، آكِ أگلَ : إشارة المد، أمثلة وهذا االستعمال مطرد اآلن في الرسم اإلمالئي، وقد ترد عليه وألف بدال من بهمزة ( اتٌ اءَ رَ قِ ( )ةٌ اءَ رَ قِ )استثناءات قليلة جدة، مثل رسم جمع وليس من السهولة التقريب .ا من توالي ألفين في كلمة واحدة، فرارً (اآتٌ رَ قِ ) ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 108 ، وليس هناك بين الرسم المصحفي والرسم اإلمالئي في استعمال عالمة المدّ ين، ال في ميدانه االستعمالَ الَ كأي غضاضة في بقاء :الخالصة . ث :وبيّن البحث الحقائق اآلتية اتفاق الرسم المصحفي والرسم اإلمالئي في إعجام الحروف إال (9) في الياء المتطرفة، فإنها أهملت في الرسم المصحفي، في حين أنها تأتي معجمة حينا ومهملة حينا آخر في الرسم اإلمالئي في الكتب المطبوعة، وبين البحث األصول التاريخية إلعجام الياء في المصادر والمخطوطات، وأظهر اتفاق العالمات (2) .البحث إمكان إعجام الياء المتطرفة في المصحف وغيره الخاصة بالحركات والتشديد والهمز في الرسم المصحفي والرسم اإلمالئي، تميزت المصاحف المشرقية (3) .اتملسوالش في أن هذه القضية من الم حين استعملت المطبوعة في زماننا باستعمال رأس الخاء عالمة للسكون، في المصاحف القديمة الدارة التي يستعملها أهل الحساب للداللة على الصفر، اتفقت عالمة التشديد (4) .وكذل استعملت هذه العالمة في الكتب المطبوعة في الرسم المصحفي والرسم اإلمالئي، لكن موضع الكسرة من الشدة في لشدة أو تحت المصاحف وقع تحت الحرف، في حين وضع الكسرة تحت ا اختصت الهمزة المتوسطة المكسورة (5) .الحرف في الكتب المطبوعة المرسومة ياء في المصحف بوضع رأس العين مع حركتها تحت الياء، وهو ما لم يؤخذ به في الرسم اإلمالئي، فهي موضوعة فوق الياء وحركتها تحتها إذا فوق حروف المدّ وأخيرا استعملت عالمة المدّ (9) .أو تحت الحرف وقعت بعدها همزة أو حرف ساکن، داللة على زيادة مدهن في المصحف، في حين استعملت في الرسم اإلمالئي المستعمل في الكتب المطبوعة للداللة على ونحوها، ( قرآن)و ( آمن)الهمزة الممدودة، أي التي يأتي بعدها ألف في مثل .وهو استعمال مختلف دعوة لتغيير الضبط المستعمل في لُ َشكَّ هذا البحث ال يُ إن ما تقدم في المصاحف، ولكنه يضع بين أيدي الخطاطين والمهتمين بطباعة المصحف مجموعة من الحقائق المتعلقة بعدد من العالمات المستعملة في المصاحف، ويوازن بينها وبين نظائرها في الرسم اإلمالئي المستعمل في الكتب، لتكوين . اضحة لديهم حول كل عالمة من تل العالمات، و تاريخ استعمالهارؤية و وإنني أود أن أؤكد في خاتمة هذا البحث أن أي تفكير في مراجعة العالمات : في المصحف ينبغي أال يخرج عن األسس اآلتية ibnu rawandhy n. hula & agussalim beddu malla available online at ©al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 109 أن يكون الهدف من المراجعة توحيد الضبط في الرسم المصحفي (9) أن تستند المراجعة إلى (2) .راءة في المصحفوالرسم اإلمالئي لتسهيل الق العالمات التي استعملها السلف في المصاحف 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salah satu kegiatan yang dapat memotivasi siswa dalam berbicara. hal ini dikarenakan warming up memiliki beberapa jenis kegiatan di dalamnya. misalnya chit-chat, permainanan atau bernyanyi. selain itu, hasil juga menunjukan bahwa siswa memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap yatama english meeting club sebagai salah satu ekstrakurikuler di sma pesantren putri yatama mandiri. kata kunci :yatama english meeting club, keterampilanberbicara, minatsiswa abstract speaking is one of the important skill in learning a foreign language. this research aimed to determine which type of activity in yatama english meeting club that can encourage students in speaking and to find out the students’ interest toward yatama english meeting club. the design of the research in this research was qualitative descriptive. the participants of this research were the all students of sma pesantren putri yatama mandiri who joined english meeting club as one of extracurricular in their school and 1 teacher who is responsible for conducting it. the result of the research shows that warming up is a kind of activity in yatama english meeting club that can encourage students to speak. it occurred since warming up consisted of various activities, such as chit-chat, game or singing. in addition, students gave positive responses to yatama english meeting club. it indicate that they have interest toward this english meeting club as an extracurricular in sma pesantren putri yatama mandiri. keyword :yatama english meeting club, speaking, students’ interest 2 a. introduction nowadays, the modern world of media, mass communication, and internet demands a good knowledge of english, especially of spoken english. every person wants to get the benefits of modern education, research, science, trade, fashion, art, etc. a person without oral communication skills will suffer in this era; he may find it difficult to achieve a higher position in his career. in indonesia, the students are expected to be able to communicate fluently and accurately based on the social context. in spoken english, students are expected to be able to convey meanings and various spoken texts that have certain communicative purpose. speaking is the primary competence to be developed. crystal (2013),states that speaking is used as a tool of communication among many countries. for this reason, some countries decide to input english as compulsory foreign language subject in their education curriculum, including indonesia. brown (2007), stated that the first visible of one’s language quality can be seen from his speaking ability. however, murcia and olshtain in juan & flor (2006), said that from the four language skills, speaking is multifarious practice in building meaning. it means that one will measure another’s language ability from his verbal communication because speaking is noticeable and something complicated in constructing a meaning. according to widiati &cahyono (2006), the speaking problems of indonesian learners can be related not only to their linguistic factor (e.g lack of grammatical knowledge and/or vocabulary limitations) and the personality factor (e.g lack of self confidence in using english), but also the types of teaching approach/instructions and classroom task provided by the teachers. fitrianingsih (2012), indonesians are still very poor in speaking english; it is because the goal of english teaching in secondary school in indonesia is the acquisition of communicative competence with an emphasis on reading skill, and not speaking, because speaking is not easy to be scored, on the contrary, reading is more objectively measured; it is easy to administered and documented (brown, 2007). there are many researchers who had been conducted the research about speaking. among of them are handayani(2006), had conducted her research entitled “the role of bpec (bentengpanynyua english club) to improve the members’ speaking activity.the result of her research indicated that english meeting club was a very well way to improve english speaking ability and could activate and motivate members of bpec on good speaking. most of the learners were interested to the programs that presented in bpec. the english learners had high motivation to practice their english speaking in discussion session. 3 nurlailah (2012),conducted her research under the title effective learning strategies applied by the english learners in al-markaz for khudi enlightening studies (makes).the result of the research showed that the members of makes applied several of learning strategies; social strategies, compensation strategies, metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, and affective strategies. various programs and policies that were implemented in makes, learning environment and atmosphere, members’ motivation and attitude, and the study habits of the members are the factor that contributes to the members’ success in learning english. rosmiaty (2012), conducted her research about the contribution of pemcc (pioneer english meeting conversation club) toward the participant’s speaking skill.she found that the factors that contributed to the improvement of participant’s speaking skill were learning model, comfortable atmosphere of learning, and participant’s motivation. in this current research, the researcher attempts to do the research about english meeting club (emc) considering the phenomenon that emc became one of the solutions to improve one’s speaking ability. the aim of the research were to determine which type of activity in yatama english meeting club that can encourage students in speaking and to find out the students’ interest toward yatama english meeting club. b. research methodology research design in this study, the researcher used qualitative study. qualitative research is the collection, analysis, and interpretation of comprehensive narrative and visual (nonnumeric) data in order to gain insights into a particular phenomenon of interest (gay et al., 2006). the main purpose of this study was to determine which type of activity in yatama english meeting club that can encourage students in speaking. role of the researcher this research applied nonparticipant observation. it means that the researcher observed yatama english meeting club activities without engaging in them directly (freeman & long, 1991). the researcher was not included in the situation of which this research takes place. research participant the participants of this research were the all students of sma pesantren putri yatama mandiri who joined english meeting club as one of extracurricular in their school and 1 teacher who is responsible for conducting it. 4 instrument of collecting data in collecting the data, the researcher used several kinds of instruments namely observation, questionnaire and interview. the observation was carried out to the meeting process. this is a nonparticipant observation. the researcher observed students activity by employing field notes. the questionnaire was given to the students after observation. the instrument was given to find out the responses shown by the students that indicate their perception toward the english meeting club. the researcher conducted interview to get supporting data about the session of english meeting club that enhance students’ perception and the responses toward english. it was designed to the students. there were some questions formulated by the researcher that were asked to the students to get need data. the researcher used structure interview. structure interview is used as a technique of collecting data if the researcher knows about the wanted information (sugiyono, 2015). technique of data analysis the data from observation was written in the form of field note then described students’ activity along the meeting process. the researcher analyzed the data from the questionnaire to see the students’ attitude toward english meeting club as their extracurricular program. their attitudes revealed their perception in joining english meeting club. the researcher conducted an interview with participant. then the researcher transcripted the data of audio recording interview and coded the data transcription. c. findings the result shows that yatama english meeting club (yemc) held routine activities every meeting. the meeting was conducted twice in a week at four o’clock. every meeting must be guided by a master of ceremony (mc), the mc was appointed in the previous meeting by the board of yemc. the list of activities were opening speech, reciting holy alquran, self-introduction, warming up, discussion, closing speech and the last is announcement. the data finding from the students’ questionnaire also shows that almost all of the students agree that english meeting club as one of extracurricular in their school. it were 65% students like to join english meeting club and 65% students feel enjoy in joining english meeting club while 85% students revealed that this activity is advantageous in improving their speaking skill. almost all of the students revealed that through english meeting club, they can improve their self-confidence. 5 discussion the research shows the activity that was joined by participants in yatama english meeting club. the list of activities actually was the adaptation from others general english meeting club in makassar, such as bentengpannyua english club (bpec), al-markaz for khudi enlightening studies (makes), and pioneer english meeting conversation club (pemcc). the observation that conducted by the researcher started from first till tenth observation showed that the meeting was always guided by a master of ceremony and the list of activities were same, they are opening speech, reciting holy qur’an, self-introduction, warming up, discussion or debate, closing speech and announcement except in tenth observation, the participants watched a movie and discussed about it. however, the content of warming up and discussion was always different. the result means that half of twenty students were still hard to decide whether discussion session is enjoyable. when the researcher tries to dig information about their hesitancy, he found that discussion has huge contribution to their speaking skill, however the topic of discussion somewhat difficult for the participants to deliver. they had limited knowledge about the topic. instead, still from interview the participants prefered warming up rather than discussion as the most enjoyable session due to warming up session contains chit-chat, game, or singing which was made them more fun to speak up. it also could be seen from the data that researcher found through questionnaire where 80% students revealed that the most enjoyable session was warming up. the participants of english meeting club in school absolutely specialize for students. thus, the guidance from instructor is necessary. whereas in general english meeting club the attendance of english meeting board is enough, without an instructor. this fact is matched with vgotsky’s theory (the social-cultural of learning), says that one learns from his interaction to adult or the same age as him who has more capability than him. the data from unstructured question, a respondent from 2 nd class said that join with students at higher classes made her more motivated to study and she get more knowledge. respondent zb:”it is more interested study with senior, so we are more spirit and we got new knowledge from them”. respondent zb says her feeling and experience about her increasing of knowledge due to her collaboration with her senior who has more knowledge than her. this statement is relevant to vgotsky’s theory (1978) in chaiklin (2003), quoted “the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of 6 potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration withmore capable peers”. d. conclusion and suggestion based on the data findings regarding the problem statements which were formulated before, it can be concluded that warming up is type of program in yatama english meeting club that can encourage students to speak. it occurred since warming up consisted of various activities, such as chit-chat, game or singing. students had positive responses to yatama english meeting club that indicate their interest toward this english meeting club. english meeting club as an extracurricular in sma pesantren putri yatama mandiri reached positive response from the students. they think that this activity can increase their self-confidence, motivation to learn english and practice their english. based on the data findings and what this research intended to, it is suggested that the activity in yatama english meeting club must be more fun. as suggestion from interviewers, they expected that yatama english meeting club able to create another interesting activity. extracurricular for school is accomplished as ruled in government regulation no. 62/2014 on national education standards. even so, english language improvement does not lie on recommended kind of activities in that regulation. this research recommend to put english meeting club as one of activity for school in indonesia as an extracurricular in order to encourage students to practice their speaking skill. 7 references brown h. d . (2007). teaching by principles: an approach to language pedagogy (3 rd ed). white plains, ny: pearson education. chaiklin s. (2003). the zone of proximal development in vygotsky’s analysis of learning and instruction. journal of cross-disciplinary perspectives in education vol. 1, no. 1 (may 2003) 59 67 crystal. (2013). english as global languange, 2 nd ed. cambridege university press: new york fitrianingsih.(2012). the effects of teaching communication strategies on learners’ speaking performance.unpublished master thesis. makassar: hasanuddin university. freemen d. & long m. h. (1991).an introduction to second language acquisition research. new york: longman. gay al. (2006).educational research;competencies for analysis and applications. eight edition. new jersey: pearson precentise hall. handayani d. a. (2006).the role of bpec to improve the members’ speaking activity.unpublished graduated thesis. makassar: alauddin state islamic university. juan e.&flor. (2006). current trends in the development and teaching of the four language skills. walter de gruyter gmbh & co, berlin. nurlailah. (2012). effective learning strategies applied by the english learners in al markaz for khudi enlightening studies (makes). unpublished master thesis. makassar: state university of makassar. rosmiaty. (2012). the contribution of pemcc ( pioneer english meeting conversation club) toward the participant’s speaking skill. unpublished master thesis. makassar: state university of makassar. sugiyono.(2015). metode penelitian pendidikan (pendekatan kuatitatif, kualitatif, dan r & d. bandung.alfabeta. widiati u. &cahyono b. y. (2006).the teaching of efl speaking in indonesian context: the state of the art. asean journal vol 5.accessed internet on 22 february 2015. microsoft word project based learning-1 journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 16 project-based learning an alternative method of tesol adriansyah a. katili dosen universitas negeri gorontalo abstract this paper is aimed at proposing the project-based learning as an alternative method of learning. this paper discussed why this method can be considered as an alternative method. some discussions from some experts are presented. artikel ini bertujuan mengajukan metode pembelajaran project based learning sebagai sebuah alternative metode pembelajaran. artikel ini membahas mengapa metode ini dapat dianggap sebagai sebuah metode alternative. pembahasan dari beberapa ahli diuraikan dalam artikel ini. key words: project-based learning, students' role. teacher's role. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 17 a. introduction what is project-based learning? what is the project that should be done by learners? what is the aim of the project? there are the questions that may arise in our minds. projectbased learning, as nelson (1988) says is a problem-based learning is an instructional methodology which is based on presenting the students an "ill-defined" problem for which they are to collaboratively research and propose potential solutions. ill-defined problem means a problem with multiple possible solutions. the key words in the above definition is problem solving. this implies that learners have a problem and they need to find the solution. however, there is no one single solution, they are some possible solution. this means that learners must find the most possible solution. the word research implies that this method is also an inquirybased learning. learners are learning collaboratively to solve the problem. by doing this they will find new information or new knowledge. in other words, this is alsolearning by doing activity in which learners learn new thing by doing it. this is also known as constructivis how do they find the solution to solve the problem? it is found in the next key word, i.e. collaborative research. therefore, project-based learning is conducted to solve the learners’ problem by doing collaborative learning. therefore, this method is a collaborative learning. in this method of learning they can share their new knowledge and experience. what is the teacher’s role in this method of teaching? s/he plays role as suggested by nelson ( as follows) follows: 1. facilitator. teacher plays this role by creating real realistic and authentic problem and materials such as memos, letters, charts, articles, etc.this will facilitate students to think critically the problem (stepien& gallagher in nelson, 1993. 2. model. after providing the problem and materials, teacher acts as the model to think, such as: what do we need to know more about? where did you find that information? what searching strategies did you use on the internet to locate that fact? how did your team effectively communicate? teacher must answer this question by creating more questions which will push the students to answer the questions. while the students are thinking to find the answer and the solution for the problems, the teacher fades into the background. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 18 3. assistant, i.e. assisting students to information of the answer, but not answering the questions per see. this is to activate students to find the answer by themselves and so they can learn collaboratively and encourage them to think critically. what are the students’ role in project-based learning? there are some students’ roles: 1. doing the learning activity collaboratively. 2. thinking critically during the learning process. this leads them to produce critical questions and finding the answer by doing research. 3. communicating ideas and findings to the others. 4. debating ideas freely. 5. creating artifact. ( b. method how to apply project-based learning? the first step isdoing need analysis. in this step teacher raises a question: “what have my students already known about the topic? what do my students need to know and to master? what is their problem related to their need?” perhaps they need to express their ideas in english, however, they lack of to do this? gaer (1998) suggested listening to students to find their problem and to pay attention to what they read, write, and say about their life, family, job, etc. the second step is determining the objectives. this step is based on the need analysis done in the first step. so, if the students need to improve the writing skill, then the objective will be to enable the students to write well in english. the objectives may be set by referring to blooms’ taxonomies. the third step is creating real and authentic problem and material. the material can be article, memos, short stories, novel, and any other things that can be used as the learning resources. the realistic and authentic problem must force the students to do a mini research. this will lead students to construct their findings and experience as their new knowledge fourth, implementing the project-based learning in learning activity. in this step students and teacher will do their role. students will learn along with the plan, while teacher facilitates students by managing the activity. the fifth step is doing assessment. in project-based learning assessment is conducted in ongoing process. it is aimed at measuring the success of students’ learning and at the same time is aimed at improving the process of learning. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 19 the last is reflection. in this step teacher reflect the process of learning that has been recently conducted. teacher raises some questions related to the process that has been conducted such as: 1. were the students happy? 2. were they active in doing the learning? 3. did they learn new things? 4. what lacked in the learning process? 5. what can i do to improve the learning process? these questions are to improve the project-based learning. c. discussions two reports on project-based learning the implementation of project-based learning has been reported as a successful one. gaer (1998) reported that she applied this method in her class activity at the visalia adult school in central california in 1989 with immigrants from southeast asian lao, hmong, mien, and lahu refugees who had been in beginning-level esol classes since their arrival in the united states in the early 1980s as the students. gaer has identified that her students need to express their own culture in english. after the negotiation, she and the students agreed to write the receipt from their countries in english. they brought the ingredients to school and doing the cook, practiced the cooking and then complied the receipt they have written into a book. this helped them to build the sense of community which led them to learn collaboratively. after the activity of writing receipt, the class had another activity, i.e. writing folktale. gaer has noticed that the students needed to write the folktale from their countries, and tell them to their children. this idea was based on the fact that the students had minimal reading and writing skills but very strong oral traditions. she did this project in collaboration with middle school in california, and the district librarian. she contacted the appropriate teacher who would like to join it enthusiastically.gaer’s students told the stories to the middle school students while the middle school students would write and illustrate them. gaer’s students would read it and criticize it for the accuracy. what was the librarian’s role? she provided the some information of how american tales were written in book and tells them in gaer’s class using oral and various ways such as journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 20 body languages, puppet, and role play when the students doubted that their english skills could convey the story. this is reported as the very successful learning process which improves the students’ oral and written english skills. the second project-based learning is that conducted by baş (2011) who investigated the effect of project-based learning on students’ academic achievement and the attitudes towards english lesson of 9th grade students in a high school in nigde, turkey. this research engaged 60 students distributed into two classes, i.e. control group and experimental group. this research found that project-based learning is more effective in the positive development of the students’ academic achievement levels. at the end, it found that students educated by project-based learning were more successful and had a higher attitude toward the lesson than the students who were educated by instruction based on student textbook. the superiorities of project-based learning what are the superiorities of project-based learning in english class? the above discussion implicitly shows that there are some its superiorities. first, it is a student-centered learning. since it is a student-centered learning, it is based on students’ need. if the students need to improve their writing skill, then the class activity must be assigned to improve their writing skill. secondly, students are active learning and doing research. this leads them to learn to do the inquiry and so they will never forget easily the new things they have learnt. thus, it is unlike learning in traditional way in which teacher is active to give instruction, transfer information which they can forget easily. thirdly, students learn collaboratively. learning collaboratively requires communication among group members. in english class this is a good way of increasing communication. the students can increase their language competence in english if the teacher assigns them to communicate in english. gaer’s report on her activity shows how her students communicate in english when writing the folktale. she reports that her students had successfully learned english. the same also happened to bas’s experiment. fourthly, it can motivate students’ to learn. bas’s experiment shows that the students became highly motivated when they were learning in project-based learning method. it is because they are very active which is different if they are treated in traditional way in which they are sitting passively and listening to the teacher talking all the time. in project-based learning they can express their ideas, debate freely, and show their existence. they are not treated as an empty vessel as the traditional teacher assumes. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 21 students treated as the empty vessels are very passive. because they are empty, the teacher must fill them with information. this implies that it is the teacher who is very active while the students must be passive. in project-based learning students are assumed to have prior knowledge and so they can do something when triggered by the teacher. gaer’s experience discussed previously showed that her students have the prior knowledge of their folktale and they want to express it in english. our students, even who are at elementary school, have prior knowledge which can be triggered to the new knowledge by activating it in a project which will increase their knowledge and skills in english. in short, the superiorities of project-based learning lies on the practice of learning by doing. students will not forget the new things they have learned if they learn it and at the same time practice it. project-based learning in our class activity perhaps, we have been practicing project-based learning in our class activities. we often assign our students to do some activities in order that they can learn new thing. for example, we assign them to write a simple essay about their opinion of current issue, let say national examination. they can write whatever they think about this topic. or, perhaps some of us show them a picture, or a series of pictures. every student will write a simple story based on the pictures. every student will have different story according to the perception of each student. we do not want them to have the same because the most important thing is that they are able to express their idea in english freely. also, at the beginning we tolerate their language error because we want to motivate them to learn. and then will have them read their story in class. finally we will publish the stories in class book, or put them in school tabloid managed by the students. this motivates them because everybody will be proud if his or her work is published and read by many people. i am sure that some of us have been implementing this method. however, do not realize that it is a project-based learning. if we have been implementing it, we can go on on doing some improving based on the reflection we do after the activity.; in my class, at the english department of gorontalo state university, i have been practicing this method. in my class of poetry, i assign them to read poems and explain it in a short simple essay which consists of a brief analysis. then i choose randomly some of them to present their analysis in class which leads them to a class discussion. this method makes every student be prepared and make his or her best. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 22 after analyzing poems, i assign every body to compose his or her own poem. in 2009 i took my students from two classes to the beach of olele with a project, i.e. everybody will write a poem about sea. all the students’ poems will be compiled in a book. the students seemed to be happy with the project. everybody wanted to compose a good poem. my point here is that every student will be creative, that they are not only able to analyze poems but also be able to compose poems and so they can express ideas in aesthetic language. my point is that perhaps we have been applying project-based learning in our class activities without realizing that it is project-based learning. however, perhaps something lacks, i.e. we do not assign our students to produce a product at the end of course. the product might be a film, poem, a short story, or a simple essay which will be published. what is the purpose of this producing product? it is aimed at enabling students to learn from their product. we also have practiced the traditional method of teaching, such as explaining the topic all the time—the students were passive. we have been treated them as the empty vessel who must be passive and the teacher were loading them actively. or perhaps we applied grammatical method in which students were taught the grammatical rule of english. at the end of course we tested ttheir mastery of grammar. however, we ignore the use of language as a mean of communication. if yes, now we need to change it. and then let us compare them. in traditional method, students are not facilitated to apply their knowledge in real life. in english class they cannot practice their english. this in line with moss who says that project-based learning functions as a bridge between using english in class and using english in real life situations outside of class (fried-booth, 1997). it does this by placing learners in situations that require authentic use of language in order to communicate (e.g., being part of a team or interviewing others). when learners work in pairs or in teams, they find they need skills to plan, organize, negotiate, make their points, and arrive at a consensus about issues such as what tasks to perform, who will be responsible for each task, and how information will be researched and presented(1998). d. conclussion as discussed previously, there are some superiorities of project-based learning. students are engaged actively in collaborative learning to solve a problem. this facilitates them to communicate actively in the language being learned. it facilitated students to apply journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 23 their knowledge of language in real communication during the classroom activity. teacher plays the role as facilitator who guides students to be active. an implementer, gaer and an expert bas have proven that project-based learning has worked successfully. gaer has implemented this method to increase her students’ writing and speaking skills and it worked. bas, in his experiment, has proven that project-based learning has increased the students’ achievement in english class, and at the same time has increased their positive attitude to english. from the discussion, i think that project-based learning is an alternative method in tesol to improve the students’ achievement in learning english. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 24 references gökhan baş. investigating the effects of project-based learning on students’ academic achievement and attitudes towards english lesson in “tojned : the online journal of new horizons in education october 2011, volume 1, issue 4” ( gaer, susan less, teaching and more learning in “focus on basicsvolume 2, issue d :: december 1998” moss, donna and carol van duzer, 1998. project-based learning for adult english language learners. nelson, clark j. 1998. problem-based learning (pbl) in the foreign language classroom journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 35 determining the influence of power point slide toward students motivation in learning english enni akhmad, noning t. rivai jurusan tadris bahasa inggris fakultas ilmu tarbiyah dan keguruan iain sultan amai gorontalo abstract this study aims to determine the influence of the using power point slides on the motivation of students in learning english. the study formulated into research question “is there influence of using power point toward students’ motivation?” this study used quantitative research by taking sample 37 students at mts negeri model limboto through random sampling technique. the instrument of this study was questionnaire. the data analyzed through the formula pearson product moment and correlation product moment. the result of this study shown that there is strong influence of using power point slide toward students’ motivation in learning english. the significant influence can be seen in the result of data analyzed, where penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh penggunaan powerpoint slide terhadap motivasi siswa dalam kegiatan belajar bahasa inggris. pertanyaan penelitian dirumuskan dalam bentuk pertanyaan yaitu “apakah terdapat pengaruh penggunaan power metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan mengambil 37 orang siswa mts negeri model limboto melalui teknik sampling acak. instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuisionaire. data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan rumus pearson product moment dan correlation product moment. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang kuat penggunaan power point slide terhadap motivasi siswa belajar bahasa inggris. pengaruh signifikan terlihat dari hasil analisis data yaitu keywords: powerpoint slide as media, motivation journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 36 a. introduction adapting technology in teaching and learning process had been done many years ago since computer system introduced. the operational system of computer has been proved that the process of teaching and learning is easy to run through applying those systems. the computer system contains some examples which need to make teaching and learning process effective. to copy the document, there are printed facilities, to save the material, there are directory file facilities, to calculate the students’ achievement, there is microsoft excel facility, and to present the lesson material into several point of ideas, there is power point facility. benefits of using microsoft power point slide in teaching and learning have been determined through research (ex: hoffsterr, 2013, munir, 2012, rudi susilana dan cepi riyana, 2007, verawati, 2008). the benefits are (1) the material presented is becoming more attractive, (2) the material presented is easy to understand, (3) the material presented clearly, (4) assist in the manufacture of the slide, outline presentations, electronic presentations displaying dynamic slide, including clip art interesting, all of which is displayed on the screen, (5) enhance the digestibility of students to the information or material provided. microsoft power point slide also give beneficial function to teacher, namely (1) facilitate the teacher to explain the learning material or abstract objects (not real) into concrete (real), (2) make it easy for teachers to provide a real and direct experience, because students can communicate and interact with the environment in which learning, (3) it can attract the attention of students, arousing interest, motivation, activity, learning and creativity in the teaching and learning. attracting students’ motivation in learning is one of important factor. according to sardiman motivate is the driving force from the inside to perform activities to achieve objectives. motivation is the process of encouraging direction and persistence of behavior. motivation can serve as a spur to effort and achievement. someone does something because of the motivation business. there are two types of motivation, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. intrinsic motivation is motivation arising from within the private individuals themselves without the influence of outside individuals. extrinsic motivation is journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 37 a boost to the behavior of someone who is outside the act of doing. intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation is very important for students in the learning process, with the emergence of intrinsic motivation can lead to the spirit of learning. based on two principles that microsoft power point slide as the facility on computer which enable to attract students’ attention in learning and the theory said that students’ motivation can be influenced by the extrinsic factor, thus logically variables microsoft power point slide influence students motivation in learning. therefore, the question should be answered is there influence of using microsoft power point slide toward students’ motivation to study english. thus, the aim of the research is to determine the influence of using power point toward students’ motivation in learning english. the implication is to strengthen the theory that microsoft power point slide is effective to attract students’ attention and automatically influence students’ motivation. b. literature review microsoft power point is a presentation program for a computer developed by microsoft in the computer application package. it helps preparing a presentation in order to make effective learning. microsoft powerpoint slide typically consist of graphics, movies, sounds, objects, clipart, as well as images and text. according to susilana (2009:99) microsoft powerpoint is a presentation application program in computer. verawati (2008: 9) said microsoft powerpoint is software created specifically to handle the design of graphical presentations easily and quickly intervening. microsoft power point as the application for presentation can be used in many situations such lecturing, training, seminars, and workshops. microsoft power point slide is also website based. in this pattern it can be formatted into a web (html) so that the program appears in the form of a browser that can display internet. this is supported by the facilities of the powerpoint to publish the results of work into the web. hoffsterr, 2013, munir, 2012, rudi susilana dan cepi riyana, 2007, verawati, 2008). the benefits are (1) the material presented is becoming more attractive, (2) the material presented is easy to understand, (3) the material presented clearly, (4) assist in the manufacture of the slide, outline presentations, electronic presentations displaying dynamic slide, including clip art journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 38 interesting, all of which is displayed on the screen, (5) enhance the digestibility of students to the information or material provided. microsoft power point slide also give beneficial function to teacher, namely (1) facilitate the teacher to explain the learning material or abstract objects (not real) into concrete (real), (2) make it easy for teachers to provide a real and direct experience, because students can communicate and interact with the environment in which learning, (3) it can attract the attention of students, arousing interest, motivation, activity, learning and creativity in the teaching and learning. underlying the point that microsoft power point slide can attract the attention of students, arousing interest, motivation, activity, learning and creativity in the teaching and learning, thus motivation can be regarded as the driving force from the inside and in the subject to perform the activity specific activities order to achieve a goal. motivation is the driving force from the inside to perform activities to achieve objectives. motivation is the process of encouraging direction and persistence of behavior. it should be emphasized that the motivation coincides with a purpose. motivation to learn is necessary, because someone who does not have the motivation learn, not possible to implement learning activities. in the process of learning, motivation is required in determining the intensity of the effort of learning for students. according to oemar hamalik in martinis yamin (2006:170) mentions that there are three functions of motivation namely, (1) encourage people to do, so as a driver or motorcycle which releases energy, (2) determine the direction of action towards the goals to be achieved, (3) selecting actions, which determine the actions that must be done to match in order to achieve the goal, to put aside the deeds that are not useful for that purpose. the nature of motivation to learn is internal and external encouragement to students who are learning to make changes in behavior, in general, with several indicators that support. hamzah b. uno (2006:23) classifies the indicators of motivation to learn (1) the desire and the desire to succeed, (2) the encouragement and needs in learning, (3) the hopes and dreams of the future, (4) the existence of awards in the study, (5) there activity interest in learning, (6) the existence of a conducive learn environment, thus enabling a student can learn well. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 39 motivation to learn is not only arise from within the students, but also from outside the student. extrinsic motivation has important role, according to max darsono, et al (2000: 65) there are several factors that influence the motivation to learn items, namely: (1) ideals or aspirations of students. ideals or aspiration is a target to be achieved. ideals will strengthen the motivation to learning. (2) study skills, it required a wide range of capabilities. this capability includes some psychological aspects contained in students, for example, savings, attention, memory, think the power, fantasy. (3) conditions student, students are creatures composed of psychophysical unity. the conditions that affect motivation students to learn here with regard to the physical and psychological condition. (4) environmental conditions, they are elements that come from outside the student. healthy environmental conditions, harmony life, social order needs to be enhanced quality with a safe environment. (5) dynamic elements in learning are elements whose presence in the learning process is not stable, sometimes strong, the sometimes weak and even disappear altogether. (6) the efforts of teachers in student learning. efforts question is how to prepare teachers in teaching students ranging from mastery of the material, how attentive the students, evaluate student learning outcomes, and others. c. method of research this research used quantitative method. there were 74 students of mts n model limboto taken as population and 37 students chose as sample by using random sampling. the research instrument was questionnaires. they were consisted of 20 statements (questionnaire for microsoft power point) and 20 statements (questionnaire of motivation). they used into likert scale. data analysis were using correlation product moment, in determining the percentage level the researchers used a formula to calculate the frequency distribution using spss 16. d. finding and discussion the questionnaires of using microsoft power point slides showed the result through the data display., when question was analyzed one by one. the students always attend an english class when power point slide used. there 70,3 percentage sample agree with the statement, 13,5 percentage strongly agreed, 16,2 percentage rate quite agree with the statement. the students prefer the spirit of learning english by using an animated display that journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 40 draws on power point slides. there were 2,7 percentage of samples disagreed with the statement, 40,5 percentage rate agreed, 32,4 strongly agree. the students easily digest english class when using an animated display moves on power point. there were 43,2 percentage rate samples agreed with the statement, 35,1 percentage rate strongly agree. display attractive animations can help me to understand english lessons, 51,4 percentage rate strongly agree and only 10,8 percentage rate quietly agree. the student enthusiasm for learning english in school if using animation in powerpoint media, 40,5 percentage agree, 35,1 percentage strongly agree, 24,3 percentage quietly agree, and no sample voted less agree and disagree. using a power point application in learning english is very interesting when using animated display, 51,4 percentage strongly agree, 29,7 percentage agree, 16,2 percentage quite agree, 2,7 less percentage agree. power point presented such animations so i was interested to learn, 40, 5 percentage rate strongly agreed, 37,8 percentage agreed and, 21,6 percentage quite agree. the students interested in learning english when using the display of images on a power point slide, 45,9 percentage strongly agree and 5,4 percentage less agree. learning english by using an attractive appearance makes my enthusiasm for learning, 73,0 percentage strongly agreed with the statement and 2,7 percentage less agree. learning english in the classroom fun when using the display of images on power point, 43,2 percentage agreed, 35,1 percentage rate strongly agree, and 5,4 percentage less agree. learning english to use your powerpoint images on the media makes me happy, 37,8 percentage strongly agree and disagree, and 2,7 percentage less agree. the students glad to learn english at school using video views on power point, 45,9 percentage agreed with the statement, 27,0 percentage strongly agree and quite agree, and none less agree. by using the image display when learning english makes student excited, 43,2 percentage agree, 21,6 percentage quite agree, and 35,1 percentage rate with statement strongly agree. learning to use the image of education make student has pleased to learn english, 48,6 percentage agree, 2.7 percentage not agree, 21,6 percentage strongly agreed, and 27,0 percentage quite agree. learning english using video display powerpoint slides are very interesting and easy to understand, 43, 2 percentage agree, 2, 7 percentage less agree, 18,9 revelation quite agree. it was easier to digest english class journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 41 when using video display draws on power point slides, 40, 5 percentage strongly agreed and 8, 1 percentage less agree. the students do not feel bored learn english by using video on powerpoint media, 56,8 percentage strongly agreed, 5,4 percentage quite agree and disagree. the student has pleased to learn english by using the video display on the power point slides as easy to understand, 43,2 percentage agree and 8,1 percentage less agree. the student glad to learn english at school using video views on power point slide, 37, 8 percentage quite agree 8,1 percentage less agree, 32,4 percentage strongly agree, and 21,6 percentage agree. it was easier to digest english lessons when using the strong views education video on power point slides, 56,8 percentage strongly agreed, and 5,4 quite agree and disagree. the finding of students’ motivation displayed in these data showed the increase of students’ achievement, because they have high interest in involving teaching and learning using power point. the student can memorize english vocabulary of more than 100 vocabulary, 64,9 percentage strongly agree, 10,8 percentage quite agree, and 24,3 percentage agree. the student can working task english easily, 43,2 percentage agree, 54 percentage less agree, 32,4 percentage quite agree, and 18,9 percentage strongly agree. the student will continue to learn english so that i get good grades, 43, 2 percentage agree, 10,8 strongly agree and disagree, and 35,1 quite agree. the students believe will get good score in the subjects of english, 32,4 percentage strongly agree, agree, and quite agree, and 2,7 percentage less agree. the students want to be subjects of english extracurricular lessons, 37,8 percentage agree, 5,4 percentage less agree with the statement, 29,7 strongly agree and agree. the students want more developed english lessons to be easy to learn, 43,2 percentage quite agree, 24,3 percentage strongly agree, and 32,4 percentage agree. the students want to learn english to develop my potential, 37,8 percentage strongly agree, 27,0 percentage agree, and 35,1 percentage quite agree. the students want to be a lot of time to learn english, 40,5 percentage strongly agree with the statement, 32,4 percentage agree, and 24,3 percentage quite agree. praise given teacher for student be more active learning english, 54, 1 percent strongly agree 18,9 percentage agree, and 27,0 percentage quite agree. the students task with a maximum of english in order to get good grades, 43,2 percentage agree, 5,4 percentage less agree, 35,1 percentage strongly agree, and 16,2 percentage quite agree. by giving student a good value journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 42 even harder to learn english, 37,8 percentage strongly agree and agree, 2,7 percentage less agree, and 21 percentage quite agree. the student followed the subjects of english because students want to become fluent english language, 37,8 percentage quite agree, 8,1 percentage less agree. the level of significance of the variables x and y is 0,05. if the error rate of 0.05 (95% confidence level) and n = 37, then the price r table = 0,325. by looking at the table r count correlation = 0,375, then r count greater than r table or r count > r table, so ho rejected and ha accepted. thus, there was a positive influence and significant correlation between the use of powerpoint toward student motivation in learning english, at 0,375. based on the display data above, using microsoft power point slide proved has influence to students motivation. hoffsterr, 2013, munir, 2012, rudi susilana dan cepi riyana, 2007, verawati, 2008). the benefits are (1) the material presented is becoming more attractive, (2) the material presented is easy to understand, (3) the material presented clearly, (4) assist in the manufacture of the slide, outline presentations, electronic presentations displaying dynamic slide, including clip art interesting, all of which is displayed on the screen, (5) enhance the digestibility of students to the information or material provided. microsoft power point slide also give beneficial function to teacher, namely (1) facilitate the teacher to explain the learning material or abstract objects (not real) into concrete (real), (2) make it easy for teachers to provide a real and direct experience, because students can communicate and interact with the environment in which learning, (3) it can attract the attention of students, arousing interest, motivation, activity, learning and creativity in the teaching and learning. the theory proved the data were collected through questionnaire. it contains 20 questions. the item of questions refers to the using of microsoft power point in teaching and learning process, 99 percentage samples strongly agree that lesson material will more easy and attractive when presenting through microsoft power point. it can present in modification, such as in personal presentation: commonly used for powerpoint presentations in class classical learning. such as lectures, trainings, seminars, workshops, and others. stand alone: on the pattern of this presentation, powerpoint can be tailored to individual learning interactive, although the interactive content is not too high, but powerpoint is capable of displaying the journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 43 feedback that has been in the program. web-based: in this pattern powerpoint files can be formatted into a web (html) so that the program appears in the form of a browser that can display internet. this is supported by powerpoint facilities to publish the work to the web. e. conclusion the level of significance of the variables x and y is 0,05. if the error rate of 0.05 (95% confidence level) and n = 37, then the price r table = 0,325. by looking at the table r count correlation = 0,375, then r count greater than r table or r count > r table, so ho rejected and ha accepted. thus, there was a positive influence and significant correlation between the use of powerpoint toward student motivation in learning english, at 0,375. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 44 references arikunto, s. prosedur penelitian suatu pendekatan praktik. 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(bandung: cv wacana prima,2007), hlm 99. sumadi suryabrata. psikologi pendidikan, (jakarta: rajawali pers, 2013), hlm. 70. slameto. belajar dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi, (jakarta: rineka cipta, 2013), hlm. 74. sugiyono. metode penelitian dan pengembangan r&d, (bandung: alfabeta, 2015. sardiman a.m. interaksi dan motivasi belajar mengajar, (jakarta: rajawali pers, 2014), hlm. 73. verawati, erhans. microsoft powerpoint 2007. (jakarta: pt. ercontara rajawali,2008), hlm 9. 1 understanding the rules of language acquisition in children based on “natural grammar” theory by chomsky: a review of literature ani agus riani applied linguistics program, state university of yogyakarta email: abstract rules of language acquisition in children based on "natural grammar" theory by chomsky discuss about how real the language acquisition in children happens, how the real mastery and production of language happens in order to determine the comprehension of children processing of sound into a message. finally, the children be able to obtain the messages themselves into the language. it is based on the approach of chomsky's theory that is a theory of natural grammar (a grammar truth of god). the results in child's language acquisition has been conditioned in the memory so that the child is ready to learn the rules of the language. key words: rules, understanding, speech and language, production abstrak aturan pemerolehan bahasa anak-anak yang didasarkan pada teori " natural grammar " oleh chomsky membahas tentang bagaimana real bahasa akuisisi pada anak-anak terjadi, bagaimana nyata penguasaan dan produksi bahasa terjadi untuk menentukan pemahaman anak dalam memproses suara ke dalam sebuah pesan. akhirnya, anak-anak dapat memperoleh pesan itu sendiri ke dalam bahasa. hal ini didasarkan pada pendekatan teori chomsky natural grammar (a grammar truth of god). hasil dalam pemerolehan bahasa anak telah dikondisikan dalam memori sehingga si anak sudah siap untuk mempelajari aturan bahasa. kata kunci: aturan-aturan, pemaahaman, ujaran dan bahasa, produksi 2 a. introduction human growth and development requires a long time and a long and consists of the phases that have their own characteristics. among the phases, the initial growth phase or the growth rate of children is a phase that need a great attention because it has significance for human growth and development in the next period, especially in the aspects of language acquisition. considering that language acquisition is an important aspect that marks the phase of growth and development of a child, dardjowidjojo (1996) conducted a research of language acquisition in his own grandson named echa. echa language acquisition research starts from the age of 0-5 years. talk about language acquisition in children is more interesting to be discussed considering not many people observe (especially the ordinary people including parents who raise their children). how the actual language acquisition in children occurred. we just know suddenly when a child is able to speak. never previously imagined how utterances were acquired and ultimately used by a child as a tool to communicate. b. natural grammar: a grammar truth of god linguists' truth of god tries to explain the language in relation to psychology. this is in contrast with the hocus pocus-game approach or ' math ', this approach using artificial intelligence theories therefore the theory demonstrated the ability of the speaker is not in human terms (as a creature who uses feeling) but the term computer process (operation). a calculator can solve math problems that humans do, without wanting to overcome that artificial intelligence theory is of no use. according to this theory the child's linguistic ability is done through a process of competence i.e. mastery of grammatical competence unconsciously. these competencies include three language proficiency i.e., phonology, syntax, and semantic. the performance process is divided into two, namely understanding and generating sentences. natural grammar theories depart from the principles of grammar developed in the 3 absence of sound production and comprehension of the language first developed from the speech production. there are many children who are born mute. people like this are born with crippled (due to brain injuries) or on some other abnormalities found in the organs of articulation as the tool said. a child who silent but heard can develop the ability to produce speech, however, how the child can understand a sentence? well, they can understand a sentence that reflects the main characteristics of the language, i.e. the understanding of a number of sentence grammar is not limited. comprehension and production process that always tries to follow the understanding because the children acquire a language aspect in understanding, then the children can try to figure out how to use it in production. therefore, the children try to harmonize the language production with linking system which has been developed to be understood (clark and hecht in steinberg, 2001:37). huttenlocher (steinberg, 2001:37) conducted a research of four children aged 10-13 months and above the six-month period. he found that children can understand the sound at a level beyond that which they have developed in the production. it can be concluded that for normal children, such as children who are mute, speech understanding is the basis for the formation of grammar in mind, this is not to say that the production is not a sound that is not important. clearly, however, the production is the process of optional and this is possibly derived from the grammar based on the principal process of speech understanding. understanding of the grammatical truth of god-the next basic natural grammar performance will look like a speech understanding of the schemes below: speech sound grammar understanding 4 c. child language acquisition based on natural grammar chomsky (1986) stated that language does not exist in world (in any scientific sense) but resides in the heads of individual users. hence there is no external target of learning, and hence no “learnability” in the traditional sense. based on natural grammar by chomsky, child language acquisition has been conditioned in the memory so that the child is ready to learn the rules of the language. furthermore, the rules of speech comprehension developed in language and ultimately capable of producing speech language. on the basis of these rules, the principles of natural language is as follows: children trying to understand their own worlds newborn child found himself (entities) in the external and internal physical world, each trying to be understood. babies know the physical world through their feelings and understand some basic unity, objects, events, and circumstances. through the implementation of psychology, infant complete and assess an entity. the entity is known generally. the task is understanding the psychology of babies by seeking the understanding of mental understanding about hunger, thirst, pain, formulate encouragement, etc. this proposition as predicates, arguments, bookmark, and relationships with other arguments that others become the essence of a system of regular and can be modified in different ways. the rule applies in general (universal) for all human beings. after the baby has a perception about various aspects of the world, they begin to learn the language. children start when learning through hearing speech in the form of objects, situations, and the introduction of environment. in turn, the motivation of children to the proposition and the structure of the grammar in understanding the meaning of the other speech be better. meaning 5 the basic mental existence comes from the physical world let's think about some basic mental unity which relates to the physical world that will be studied. these are some examples of each use of attached terms in quotation marks, the single thing that shows the idea: (1) objects: mother, father, hand, dog, blanket, ball, bananas; (2) the supplementary object (bookmark properties): large, black, small, soft, stinking; (3) event that shows objects involved in an action or movement: mother is running, barking dog, spinning ball: (4) circumstances indicate the object involved in the relationship are static (not active): banana on the table, dogs were in the back seat, mom was standing near the door, (5) attribute words to determine the nature and the evaluation of the events and circumstances, so many variety of attributes, modifications and evaluation, such as ' good for me ' and ' bad for me ' can be determined by events and circumstances. understanding the child against physical world reality to build basic mental form, like ‘a dog barking’, ‘that's banana on the table’, so the idea of involving the object as the argument developed in the child accompanied by the child's attitude, evaluation, and others from words that help a knowledge network which covers many things, steinberg (2001:37). children be aware of and understand their mental world. at the same time, child trying to make sense of the outside world, they are also trying to understand and organize the subjective world as a part of mental experience and thought. they learn to distinguish certain ideas concerning certain experience such as heat, cold, itching, sores, taste, comfortable. they also formulate the mind (not to be confused with the sentence, which reflects their thinking) by using these ideas or any other they could pick from the experience of their world. children combining and organizing the knowledge of the physical and mental world 6 as time passed and the longer children experience more and more, children combine a lot of knowledge about the physical world. children learn to recognize the diversity of objects, attributes and how they describe into events and circumstances. this further ideas and thoughts are relating to the child experiences. like animals, children can learn a lot about the environment even in the absence of language. however, as time goes on, a unique overview of the environment that drew the attention of the child was the sound of speech. children pay attention to objects, events and conditions in their environment, interpret the sound of speech as a danger or the sound of speech as a challenge to look out. d. the development of grammar the formation of vocabulary in observing the environment, the children basically wonder why people make speech sounds they do and they are looking to make sense of this phenomenon. they look for uniformity and in the end they notice that certain speech sounds occur in close relation to certain objects, events or circumstances that is foreign to them. for example, they noticed that the sound of the ' banana ' is uttered by a person when the bananas given to them, then the sound of ' mama ' is created when a certain woman walked into the room, the children especially learn words whose meaning is already there in his mind as an example, the concept; the cat. a child who has no idea about ' cat ' or other ideas could not be expected to gain meaning. the sound of the voice of the ' cat ' it doesn't matter how many times it is said to them without an object (cat) or the some instructions to them. even on the idea of belonging to the child, such as ' cat ' idea of what can be shown. children need some relationship towards the sound of the voice that is observed from before the child can begin to connect the sense at the sound of it. when children learn to understand the meaning of spoken words such as ' dog ', ' run ', and ' jump ' their store of knowledge of the language in a ' mental lexicon includes not only words but phrases and sentences, such as ' bread and butter ', ' good boy, ' don't touch ', and 'come here’. at first, the child is a recipient of the 7 passive voice that sounds, such as ' cats ', with one way, from the sound of the concept. so, on the vocabulary in the children minds are basically of the form: consequently, when a child hears a strange sign in the physical world, children can discover the concept in a way shows the sound of a voice that has he keeps in his mind. in this way, not only the meaning of words but of the whole phrases and sentences can be understood by directly without grammatical process. for foreign things and objects, an analysis of the language is required. the development of morphology at the time of sound through the experience and analysis of children against physical environment dam soul, children learn to understand the meaning of common words, children learn the parts and understand the variety section of the word constantly, phrase and morpheme, related to words. this lesson is based on the analysis of input of speech sound. children make a hypothesis relating to the sound he heard and by using hypothesis related to the sound he heard and by using hypothesis on the origin of the sound, form the origin of the meaning of the morpheme. these are the basic rules that are used when the child then tried to speak. once the child begins to speak, the error often indicates the child understanding statement regarding morphology. therefore, if a child says something like ‘breaked, ‘goed’, ‘mouses’, and ‘sheeps’, it shows the mental children against the rules that underlie the rules of tense (past tense) and plural (plural and singular). therefore, when we use production data to demonstrate knowledge of understanding, it must always be present in memory that the sound vocabulary entries speech sound + concept 8 production data is a reflection of the best of the knowledge of abstract language that has been previously acquired by children through understanding. the development of syntax in his memory, children have thoughts and insights on the environment and themselves. children forever thinking about their own world, objects, and life in it. therefore what should be done with the child in learning to understand the syntactic structure of utterances, it is recognized: (1) the predicate-verb, adjective and pleases with prepositions and conjunctions; (2) the argument-noun and noun phrases with the semantic role, (3) hypothesis, the syntax for these elements, the elements of a sentence is expressed. knowledge of the meaning of noun before is very important because without knowledge that the child will have little chance in guessing the predicate relations expressed in sound preposition. nouns, structure words and preposition as indicators of roles and argument. as a language, english is generally rely on the meaning of nouns (clause sentences) to signify an argument and structure of words and prepositions to indicate the nature of a particular argument. example in the sentence: 'john gives candy to the bear'; john, candies and bear is a noun or object phrase with meaning that indicates the status of argument. each (phrases objects) present role distinct verb predicate 'give', a description structure of the child that the object phrase come first before the verb, 'john' is an argument, the object phrase directly follow the verb and the prepositions , candy, is an object of argument, whereas the noun phrase follows the verb and the preposition ‘to’ bear is the argument receiver. at first, the child can only interpret some of the syntactic sign and rely on the meaning of a noun and a verb, so with a common sentence structure i.e. verb + noun phrase + (noun phrase). , for example, ' the dog is jumping ', ' cat ' hunting dogs, as well as for the 9 argument of self identification name, the meaning of the preposition as well as order of noun phrase must be learned. e. other function words and inflections this context tries to understand the phrases and sentences that vary with the function of other prepositions. the introduction of something with the event or situation that is felt in the environment, children have to guess the meaning and function words. this includes the auxiliary verb (will, can), factor (the, a, this), said auxiliary (do, be, have) and conjunctions (and, but, if). it has long to be understood. speech that does not have the intended effect, it could make a child make another hypothesis. getting to know the language and intent of others. in this sense, the production, the secondary (second) may have a good effect / result in a better understanding of the second process. f. the development of complex structures children learn to understand the underlying complexity of a negative sentence, phrase questions, sentences with relative clauses, passive, and others. then the process of guessing the meaning of unknown sound arrangement, only then the child can record how meaning is expressed in speech. this is a sentence structure that relation to the relevant objects, events, and circumstances in an environment that gives the child a sense. at the time of the child hypotheses regarding principles and rules of sound events. in this case knowledge of the structure of syntactic complexity were formed into the grammar in the child's memory. it must be noted that the grammar is equipped with understanding. there is no hint in which the sound is given as input to the grammar so that meaning in conjunction with the framework of a proposition can be given as output. once children understand the many negative form, the picture will appear in the production. because children advance in knowledge understanding of syntax, then progress will be reflected in the quality of its negative speech. then, the process of understanding the process of formation in basic natural grammar is as follows: speech 10 g. speech production vocabulary as i have previously written for vocabulary comprehension, vocabulary was originally the inclusion in the speech and ends with meaning, namely: soundmeaning. vocabulary should be prepared based on the voice to sound a clear purpose. sound sequences that are similar or different from the other and the other will be registered on a base. to understand speech spoken in a normal value, which is quite right, people should have spoken in the normal value, people should have access speech or it would be unlikely to be found. instead, a vocabulary that is prepared for the purpose of production should give a sensearrangement basis. people who would like to say a sentence would have the vocabulary associated with it means that speech can be seen clearly similar to the production. for production purposes, we will access using proportional framework, as a guide. we know what we think into revealed but we have to find a way to pronounce the sound. we want our vocabulary for listing on the basis of meaning, namely: sense sound. actually, we need all kinds of mental or soul. we can say that the inclusion of vocabulary related to sound and meaning, and it's not a clue what to wear. in fact we heard more noise than the sound we make sense of the relationship. grammar understanding meaning 11 however, in order to produce the sound of a voice, a sense sound, we need to access the same vocabulary. however, the meaning must be arranged with respect to a variety of communication and semantic field. that means that the network must be able to accept the notion of meaning and it gained a voice that was imported by the meaning. the development of articulation and sound development stages there are many variables such as when the children began to utter the words. a child could possibly say his first words at the age of 5 months while others can not say his first word until about 2 years. this fact is not the way that shows the children who possess delayed a little conceptual arrangement of the world or to understand a few words. without a doubt, some of the variables should be made with the physical development with regard to the pronunciation of the sound and its relationship should be formed in the brain (bates et al .., 1992) which states that it is not easy to make the sound of a particular sound. the brain child should establish relations to select a series of words and to pronounce it in a stage. understanding speech sound is not difficult because the stage itself is given as input. a child entering a level word or a number of single words is separated (scolion 1976, bloom, 1973) production of understanding: development of a word production an auxiliary verb as a syntax that is based on the understanding of wear due to allow the production of sound is important for children to produce many sentences. this is not a subject of reversal functions, operations, and this rule (function / operation / principles) that will not provide the intended results. this is a production to the understanding of grammar and interactions that allow the child to produce a sound sentence syntactically. because knowledge of the science of language in children in increasing the understanding of grammar, children tried to use that knowledge in production. g. conclusion 12 based on chomsky’s natural grammar theory, child language acquisition has been conditioned in memory so it's ready to learn the rules of the language further developed in language and speech understanding could ultimately produce the speech language. there are some way in children to learn the language rules (1) the child trying to understand the "world" them; (2) form the basis of mental derived from the physical world; (3) children be aware and understand his own mental world (4) children combine and organize the knowledge of the physical and mental world. the development of children's grammar develops through; (1) formation of vocabulary; (2) the development of morphology; (3) development of syntax; and (4) noun, wording, prepositions as indicators and the role of the phrase objects and arguments. while the development of children's language develops speech production through: (1) vocabulary; (2) the development of articulation and developmentally sound; and (3) the production of understanding the development of a production auxiliary verb. 13 references anit, dubey. 2013. the influence of discourse on syntax a psycholinguistics model of sentence processing. cambridge: mit press bates, elizabeth et al. 2001. psycholinguistics: a cross language-perspective. california: center for research in language benjamin, aaron. 2007. skill and strategy in memory use. oxford: jordan hill 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(corresponding author) iain sultan amai gorontalo, indonesia aleeyah masae yala rajabhat university, thailand abstract: the digital transformation of higher education institutions is a critical concern that several stakeholders in education must address; however, abilities to apply ict in all spheres of life are still evolving, most notably web-based tests to assess students' english proficiency. this research aims to produce a web-based english proficiency test for the english education study program in state institute of islamic studies (iain) sultan amai gorontalo. the type of this research was research and development (r&d). the researcher modified borg and gall's development research model, which consisted of five steps:(1) evaluation of material and media experts, (2) one-on-one trial, (3) small group trial, (4) field trial, and (5) the final product.the evaluation was conducted by a media and material expert. the trial subjects consisted of 40 students: 12 students of one-to-one trial, 20 students of small group trial, and 40 students of field trial (including those in one-to-one and small group trial students). the data collection instrumentsused was an evaluation sheet for material expert, media expert, and a questionnaire for students involved in the display and the web system aspects. the data were analyzed by using descriptive quantitative, and qualitative techniques. the research result revealed that the web-based test of english proficiency for english program,developed determined by the media expert, indicated that the web display aspect assessed “good” (4,07). meanwhile, the evaluation result from media expertsshowed from the system aspect considered “good” (4,10). the final product of this research was a web-based test for english proficiency with the domain address keywords: web-based; english proficiency; english program a. introduction online learning has become more critical due to the widespread acceptance of the world health organization's social distancing policy, which was announced as a measure to fight the spread of covid-19 and has pushed schools and universities to stop ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 18 all their activities. the state institute of islamic studies sultan amai gorontalo is one of the institutes affected by the covid-19 virus outbreak. the most noticeable impact is the shift in learning strategies and methods previously carried out face-to-face but must now be carried out online. therefore, the lecturers should be more adaptable to online learning applications for the lecture process to run smoothly. considering that the courses taught are skills, the english education department (later known as the department) moves quickly by utilizing existing online learning platforms such as zoom, google meet, google classroom, and other similar applications. however, the department must run one program and requires active participation from lecturers and students, namely the english program. overall, the learning process for the evaluation went smoothly. however, problems occurred when most students complained that their grades did not match their abilities. after the department reevaluated the program, the issues discovered that the source of the problem was the use of online exam applications. the department used google forms to conduct the test, which meant that the students were not well controlled. some students were still asking questions and searching for answers on the internet. in terms of assessment effectiveness, one of the most visible and tangible aspects is the use of technology as a medium for online assessment (qu & zhang, 2013). the internet is a cutting-edge technical medium that can assist classroom learning with all its benefits. the internet has made access to authentic materials, vast linguistic resources, and an exhaustive range of materials in all languages easier (ciptaningrum, 2017). moreover, the technology dominates the daily lives of people interaction, how the lecturers can leverage those interactions to the benefit of the students, and how we can engage them in learning experiences to encourage them to practice language extensively (kessler, 2018). one of the technology goals is to take advantage of the potential of web-based tests (wbts) to expand the assessment quality. the department should make excellent use of the technology-based test to enhance the online test process in english program. some web-based test systems have been developed for the same purpose, such as wes (web-based examination system) that can serve as an effective solution for mass education evaluation and offers many novel features that cannot be implemented in paper-based systems, such as real-time data collection, management, and analysis, ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 19 distributed and interactive assessment towards promoting distance education (abass et al., 2017). furthermore, barekar et al (2021) published the results of their research, which discussed the use of the online test system. this study focuses more specifically on the practicality of online tests. online test results can be taken at any time and do not require higher costs than traditional exam scenarios, as no documents are required (e.g., printing out testpapers, preparing documents for admission). the online test fee will be almost zero once the online test system is set up and if maintenance costs are not considered.the more specific research conducted by rokhaniyah & putra (2021), webbased testing revealed that web-based online test could optimize learners’ excitement to assess their ielts proficiency. due to the description of the problem and the results of scientific research related to the implementation of online tests, the researcheris interested in developing a web-based online test system. the distinction between this research and the prior studies is in the investigation's focus. for example, bodmann& robinson's research focuses only on comparing web-based and paper-based tests. in comparison to bodmann& robinson, praful barekar focuses on the feasibility of administering the web-based test. furthermore, rokhaniah focuses on how ielts competency can maximize students' enthusiasm for reading. meanwhile, this research is focused on developing a web-based standardized test system.therefore, the web-based test (wbt) development is expected to help overcome the student's english proficiency test implementation. furthermore, this wbt can be used to complete the basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. based on the research background, the problems in the research can be formulated as follows: "how to develop a web-based proficiency test model for english programs in the department of english education with quality in terms of material, web display, and system aspects?" b. research method development model in this study, the researcher used the borg & gall (1988) development model and adapted it to the researcher's development steps. the following is a description of the model. ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 20 chart1. borg & gall development model meanwhile, the researcher used mcintire's (2000) model development test. mcintire proposed ten stages for test development (2000). however, in this research, only four stages of the test development plan are written: planning the test development, arranging the question items, doing the small-scale trial, and revising the test. the stages are presented in chart 2 below: chart 2. the stages of the test development these four stages were chosen because several steps in developing the test could be combined. development procedure web-based test development research procedures for the english program consisted of five stages. they were: (1) needs analysis, (2) product development planning, (3) product development, (4) product evaluation stages, and (5) final product. need analysis planning composing draft expert validation revision ii tryout ii revision i tryout i tryout iii revision iii product implementation planning the test development arranging the test items small-scale trial revising the test ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 21 the first was the needs analysis. this process included a literature review and a field study. a literature review was conducted to gather information about which aspects of competence were included in a web-based test. the literature review was carried out by reading the english education department's curriculum, syllabus, and test material-related textbooks, books on the theory that underpins web development, journals, and reports on research results on the use of the web in assessment. meanwhile, observations and interviews were both included in field studies. the observations were conducted to ascertain the department's current state, particularly internet connectivity and computer facilities in the language lab. meanwhile, the interviews were used to elicit more detailed information about students' and lecturers' readiness to accept and use a web-based assessment system and their access to resources (access to computers and the internet). the second was product development planning. after going through a series of literature and field studies, the next stepswere: the first, planning test development. at this point, the researcher developed a grid of questions and a scoring system. the test construct was generated by analyzing the fundamental competencies or components of the theory/test material under consideration. the second step involved creating test items. the researcher organized questions according to the grid of previously composed questions at this stage. the final step involved validating the reviewer's questions. the reviewer assessed the material, construction, and language aspects. the third was product development. in this section, there were four steps to be done. the first was constructing a flowchart outlining the web design process. the second step was collecting the supporting materials. the third step was to package the english proficiency test into the web. the final step was producing the product. the fourth stage was product evaluation. after developing the product, the researcher distributed the evaluation sheets to material experts, media experts, and research subjects. the students determined the product's feasibility as the research subjects in one-on-one trials, small group trials, and large group trials.the fifth was the final product. the final product was a media ready to use as a web-based english proficiency test in the english program. research subjects the subjects of this research were 40 students of the english education department iain sultan amai gorontalo. they were 12 students for a one-on-one trial, 20 students ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 22 for a small-scale trial, and 40 students (including one-on-one and small-scale trial subjects) for a wide-scale test (field test). however, the selection of the subjects in this research was determined by random sampling because the topics selected had relatively diverse knowledge and competencies of english. data collection techniques and research instruments the researcher collected research data through expert evaluation sheets and questionnaires. the evaluation sheet was used to measure and assess the quality of the product from the material, web appearance, and system aspect, which was completed by both web and material experts. meanwhile, the questionnaire sheets measured and evaluated product quality from the displays and the system's components. the last instrument was interview. it was used to obtain in-depth data about research product quality from lecturers and students. data analysis technique the data obtained from evaluating material, media, and product trials, including one-on-one, small group, and large group, were analyzed quantitatively. the results of the data analysis were used as a basis for revising the research product. the quantitative data collected through questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively and then converted to qualitative data using a five-point scale, as seen in table 1. table 1. score conversion (adapted from sukardjo, 2005: 53) value scores criteria a x> xi + 1,80 sbi very good b 𝑋𝑖 + 0,60 𝑆𝐵𝑖 < 𝑋 ≤ 𝑋𝑖 + 1,80 𝑆𝐵𝑖 good c 𝑋𝑖 − 0,60 𝑆𝐵𝑖 < 𝑋 ≤ 𝑋𝑖 + 1,80 𝑆𝐵 enough d 𝑋𝑖 − 0,60 𝑆𝐵𝑖 < 𝑋 ≤ 𝑋𝑖 − 1,80 𝑆𝐵 less e 𝑋 ≤ 𝑋𝑖 −1,80 sbi very less the conversion guideline above was used to determine the eligibility criteria for the research product. the product for the english program was considered feasible as a media or test tool if the results of the field trial assessment were included in good criteria (b). in this research, a minimum product feasibility value of "b" was determined, with the "good" category, as a result of assessments from material experts, web experts, and students. if the final assessment results of all aspects had a minimum score of "b" (good), then the research product was suitable forthe english proficiency test in the english program at english education department iain sultan amai gorontalo. ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 23 c. findings and discussion findings this section presents the descriptions of need analysis, initial product development, product evaluation, and the analysis of trial products. the descriptions of need analysis needs analysis is divided into two stages: literature study and field study. the data obtained through the literature study results from an analysis of the material used in the learning process in the english education department. the analysis then becomes the basis for preparing a grid of questions and a set of tests. furthermore, the researcher distributes the observation sheets and questionnaires to lecturers and students at the english education department in the field study. the observation aims to get the actual situation of the english education department in real-time, particularly the availability of internet connections and computer facilities in the language lab. moreover, the questionnaire incites information about students' and lecturers' readiness to accept and use a web-based test system and access to resources (availability of computers and the internet). the questionnaire results indicated that students and lecturers were ready and able to use the web-based test as a medium for the english proficiency test in english program. the descriptions of initial product development the initial product produced is an english proficiency test consisting of basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. the description of english proficiency test the english proficiency test is a multiple-choice test consisting of 40 questions divided into ten listening questions, fifteen grammar questions, and fifteen reading questions. the items are derived from the toefl questions in bruce rogers's (2004) book as the material used in the english program's learning process. the description web-based test a programmer who developed the eptesteeis an expert in developing the system. the developed system comprises a front page, a registration page, a question page, and an exam results page. the web-based test is designed in html and php, and the database is mysql, with the domain name ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 24 the home page is divided into four sections: about eptestee, our team, official guide, and contact. the "home" button contains information about eptestee and their utility in online examinations. meanwhile, the "about eptestee" button provides information about eptestee. the "our team" button contains a profile of the developer/researcher. the "official guide" button includes detailed instructions on using and operating the eptestee. furthermore, the "contact" button consists of the institution's address and the researcher's contact information. picture 1. home page picture 2. about eptestee page ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 25 picture 3. official guide page picture 4. our team page picture 5. contact us page ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 26 the description of the trial product analysis several data sets were obtained in this research, including data from material expert evaluations, media expert evaluations, one-on-one trials (12 subjects), small group trials (20 subjects), and field trials (40 subjects). the information gathered results from material and media experts' responses and students to web-based english proficiency tests. the data obtained from material and media experts is then used to improve the product before being tested on a larger scale. in evaluating products, materials experts and media experts play distinct roles. material experts examine the presented questions' material, construction, and linguistic components. meanwhile, media experts analyze the system's appearance and its operational characteristics. furthermore, one-on-one and small group trials were conducted to collect data as the foundation and reference for the product's revision. additionally, the data collected during these stages is used to identify underlying issues that do not manifest themselves during field trials. the explanation of the steps is as follows: material evaluation data description at this stage, the material expert is given a previously prepared test (items from the english proficiency test) and a likert scale questionnaire covering material, construction, and language aspects. the evaluation of the results is described on the following table: table 2. material aspect evaluation by material expert no. indicators scores criteria material 1 the suitability of the questions with the indicators 4 good 2 deterrence function 4 good 3 each question has one correct answer 4 good 4 the suitability of the boundaries of the question and the expected answer is clear 4 good 5 suitability of questions with learning objectives 5 very good construction 6 the formulation of the subject matter is clear and firm 4 good 7 the formulation of the questions and the selection of answers are only necessary statements 4 good 8 the subject matter does not give a clue to the correct answer 4 good 9 the subject matter does not contain double negative statements 4 good 10 selection of homogeneous and logical answers in 4 good ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 27 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 very less less enough good very good 0 0 0 76,47 23,53 p e rc e n ta g e criteria terms of material 11 the suitability of the length of the answer choice formulation 4 good 12 the suitability of the answer choices that do not contain the statement "all of the answer choices above are correct" or "all of the answer choices above are incorrect". 4 good 13 the suitability and functioning of images, graphs, tables, diagrams, and discourses contained in the questions 4 good 14 the item of the question does not depend on the answer to the previous question 4 good language 15 the suitability of each question with english grammar 5 very good 16 use of communicative language 5 very good 17 the choice of answers does not repeat words/phrases that are not a unified meaning 5 very good total 72 very good average score 4,23 based on the table, the material expert evaluation result is 4, 23, categorized as “very good.” the result indicated that the test items are worth using as the english proficiency test.furthermore, the indicators consisted of 17 statements as presented in the table. there are 4 statements (23,53%) assessed “very good” and 13 statements (76,47%) assessed ”good”. these results are clearly described on the chart below: chart 1.material aspect evaluation result media expert evaluation data description in evaluating the web-based test, the media expertuses a questionnaire that includes two aspects: the web display and the web system. the expert evaluates the general view ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 28 and presentation of questions that have been developed. the media expert's evaluation results can be seen in the following table. table 3. display aspect evaluation no indicators scores criteria general display 1 the interesting home page design 4 good 2 color selection accuracy on the login page 4 good 3 text color selection accuracy 4 good 4 font selection accuracy 4 good 5 color compatibility of the button with the background 4 good 6 button consistency 4 good 7 button size accuracy 4 good 8 button location accuracy 4 good 9 the attractiveness of the menu display 4 good the question display 10 the accuracy of the text size used 4 good 11 readability and clarity of questions 5 very good 12 the attractiveness of the text used 4 good 13 match the text color used 4 good 14 the attractiveness of the text color with the background color used 4 good total 57 good average score 4,07 as seen in the table above, there are 14 indicators of display aspect evaluation. one indicator (7, 14%) is assessed “very good” from those indicators. meanwhile, 13 arrows (92,86%) are considered “good.” the detailed analysis result is presented in the following chart. chart aspect evaluation result meanwhile, in evaluating the web system, the expert focuses on various aspects of the web system. the result of the evaluation is presented in the following table. 0 20 40 60 80 100 very less less enough good very good 0 0 0 92,86 7,14 p e rc e n ta g e criteria ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 29 0 20 40 60 80 100 very less less enough good very good 0 0 0 10 90 p e rc e n ta g e criteria table 4.web system evaluation no indicators scores criteria 1 ease of using the system 4 good 2 complete menu to support operations 4 good 3 ease of selecting the menu on the system 4 good 4 ease of interacting with the system 4 good 5 easy to understand navigation structure 4 good 6 key function speed (navigation performance) 4 good 7 button reaction accuracy (navigator buttons) 4 good 8 easy to use navigation for links between components 5 very good 9 system security 4 good 10 sufficient time during the exam 4 good total 41 average score 4,10 good based on the table above, there are ten indicators of web system evaluation. one indicator (10%) is assessed as “very good,” and 9 indicators (90%) are considered “good”. the result is presented in the following chart. chart 3.web aspect evaluation result the result of a media expert's evaluation categorizes both the display and web system aspects as "good." the display aspect evaluation result (as shown in table 3) is 4, 07, while the web system evaluation result (as shown in table 4) is 4, 10. the evaluation result indicated that the web-based english proficiency test is feasible for product trials. product trial results the product trials consist of one-on-one trials, small group trials, andfield trials. the one-on-one trial is a step in identifying the fundamental problems in the developed ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 30 product; therefore, the issues can be reduced in the subsequent trial. the one-on-one trial is a step in identifying the fundamental problems that occurred; therefore, the problems can be reduced in the subsequent trial. in this trial, the research subjects are instructed to evaluate the display and the web system aspects through the questionnaire. the scores obtained from both display and the web system aspects are 3,51 (good) and 3, 50 (good). meanwhile, in the small group trial, the results are 4, 24, and 4, 36 for both the display and the web system aspects. the one-on-one trial and small group trial wereincluded in the “good” category. therefore, the web-based english proficiency test can be applied in the field trial. furthermore, the field trial concludes a series of product trials conducted in this research. this trial is conducted to determine the feasibility of the produced product. as with prior trials, data on product quality were gathered at this stage using likert scale questionnaires and in-depth interviews with trial subjects.this trial discloses information about the display and the web system aspects. the data and information gathered during this trial phase are used to revise any remaining product components. additionally, questionnaires and interviews were used to complement or reinforce data collected from the trial subjects through a likert scale. it is expected that this trial will result in a high-quality product that is acceptable for use as an online test system. the description of the field trial is shown in the following tables. table 5. display aspect evaluation no. indicators average scores criteria general display 1 the interesting home page design 4,44 very good 2 color selection accuracy on the login page 3,44 very good 3 text color selection accuracy 4,21 good 4 font selection accuracy 4,06 good 5 color compatibility of the button with the background 4,24 very good 6 button consistency 3,91 good 7 button size accuracy 4,06 good 8 button location accuracy 4,12 good 9 the attractiveness of the menu display 4,26 very good the question display 10 the interesting home page design 4,38 very good 11 color selection accuracy on the login page 4,47 very good 12 text color selection accuracy 4,18 good ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 31 based on the table above, the field trial result is 4,25. this score is categorized into “very good.”furthermore, the indicators of display aspect evaluation consist of 14 indicators. there are eight indicators (57,14%) that are assessed as “very good,” and six indicators (42,86%) are considered as “good.” the following chart describes the result. chart aspect evaluation result meanwhile, in the web system aspect, the field trial result is 4,33, which is categorized into “very good.” the result can be seen in the following table. table 6. web system aspect evaluation no. indicators average scores criteria 1 ease of using the system 4,32 very good 2 complete menu to support operations 4,38 very good 3 ease of selecting the menu on the system 4,41 very good 4 ease of interacting with the system 4,68 very good 5 easy to understand navigation structure 4,38 very good 6 key function speed (navigation performance) 4,26 very good 7 button reaction accuracy (navigator buttons) 3,97 baik 8 easy to use navigation for links between components 4,35 very good 9 system security 4,24 very good 10 sufficient time during the exam 4,26 very good total 43,26 average score 4,33 very good 13 font selection accuracy 4,44 very good 14 color compatibility of the button with the background 4,29 very good total 59,50 average score 4,25 very good 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 very less less enough good very good 0 0 0 42,86 57,14 p e rc e n ta g e criteria ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 32 based on the table, there are ten indicators of the web system aspect. from those indicators, nine indicators (90%) are assessed as “very good,” and one indicator (10%) is setas “good”.the analysis result is shown in the following chart. chart 5.web aspect evaluation result each of tables 5 and 6 received a score of 4.25 and 4.33 for the display and system aspects, respectively. overall, the average score was 4.29. this score is included in the "very good" criteria based on the qualitative data conversion. therefore, tables 5 and 6 demonstrated that the web-based english proficiency test deserved a web-based test. discussion web or the internet was a reliable source of information for many of us. as a learning tool to support the program and deliver online learning instruction, the web has become increasingly popular in the academic context. the web-based test format provided increased opportunities for innovation in the assessment. it was created to align with the powerful assessment concept by selecting the question format, the approach to philosophy embedded in the question, and the cognitive level of the question. when used correctly, online tests can be a valuable tool for assessing students’ english proficiency. the outcome of this research is the web-based english proficiency test model. due to a series of evaluation processes, such as material and media evaluation and trial stages ranging from one-on-one trials to small group trials to field trials, this product is suitable for english proficiency test media for the english program at iain sultan amai gorontalo. before coming on the trial processes, the test items were validated by the material expert. the aspects assessed were material, construction, and language. the validation 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 very less less enough good very good 0 0 0 10 90 p e rc e n ta g e criteria ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 33 result was 4.23. the test items were valid as the english proficiency test based on the development. after the validation process was done, the researcher conducted the product trial. the test trials, material evaluations, media evaluations, one-on-one trials, small group trials, and field trials demonstrated the product's feasibility. the material evaluations achieved a score of 4.23 (very good), the display aspect received a score of 4.07 (good), and the system aspect received 4.10 (good).meanwhile, the results of the field trials evaluation were 4.25 (excellent) in terms of the appearance aspect and 4.33 (excellent) in terms of the system aspect (very good). according to the defined product quality criteria, the product generated declared feasible if the aspects of the product that have been evaluated receive a minimum value of "b" or "good." according to the findings, this product deserves to be used as a web-based english proficiency test medium for the english program at the iain sultan amai gorontalo's english education department. the final product of this research is a web-based test of english proficiency. it can be accessed anytime through a computer and smartphone with an internet connection. this tool enables the students to have better language competency (hasan et al., 2021) therefore, a web-based test developed in this research optimize the smartphone during the product trials. the more effective way is using smartphones because the students now cannot be separated from those tools. according to the field trial findings, it could be seen that the trial subjects were incredibly enthusiastic about the product, likewise with the results of interviews conducted on the trial subjects after the field trial process was carried out. they stated that this web-based system was feasibly used for the english line with this result, hajebi found that learners’ perception improves by incorporating web-based instruction in language learning classrooms (hajebi et al., 2018). however, the use of the web-based was different, but it indicated that the assessment process permitted the students to have an accurate score. the web-based of english proficiency test provided more accurate and fast feedback. the same result was found by pertamasari, whoused the web-based in the learning processes. the study revealed that the application generated individual assignments, marked student responses, supplied students with rapid feedback, and recorded student activities (permatasari et al., 2019). moreover, diaz (2018) stated that ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 34 the web-based test guaranteed immediate results and feedback, provided a more accurate assessment of the test taker’s ability, secured improved test security, and created a more positive attitude to tests overall. according to the cong-lem the role of language instructors in web-based technology implementation was also found to be crucial, e.g., monitoring l2 learners’ learning progress and providing feedback (conglem, 2018). therefore, in this case, the lecturers were easy to control the students’ improvement. compared to other research, this web-based of english proficiency test assessed three skills: listening, reading, and structure. meanwhile, the same research only assessed one skill (azmi, 2020; rokhaniyah & putra, 2021) that evaluated the reading skill and (cong-lem, 2018) that focused on assessing the students' speaking performance. however, these studies reflected that web-based development could measure english proficiency. the disadvantages of this product could only be accessed online by students connected to a reliable internet connection. the available bandwidth/availability of the internet network also impacted the smoothness of access to the web-based test, making the online testing process more difficult. other studies also revealed that raja & nagasubramani (2018) found that the online test system depended on an internet connection and software. if any of these components failed, learners could not take the exam. d. conclusion administering a web-based test to students to evaluate their academic abilities is becoming more prevalent in the digital realm. students can complete the test online at their own pace and on their devices, regardless of their location. all required is an internet connection and a web browser to function correctly. the web-based english proficiency test model is feasible based on the research result. the feasibility is based on the evaluation results of material assessment experts and media experts, who evaluated the material aspect "very good" and the display and system characteristics as "good." meanwhile, the evaluation results of the trial subjects in the field trialare 4.25 (very good) for the appearance aspect and 4.33 for the system aspect (very good). ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 35 it is suggested that: a) other studies may consider conducting additional research to develop a web-based english proficiency test by more thoroughly investigating the product's effectiveness using experimental methodology; b) lecturers are recommended to use this product as listening, reading, and english structure tests in the final examination. references abass, o. a., olajide, s. a., & samuel, b. o. 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(2013). the analysis of summative assessment and formative assessment and their roles in college english assessment system. journal of language teaching and research. ©hasan ayuba & aleeyah masae available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 36 rokhaniyah, h., & putra, o. v. (2021). developing web-based online test system to boost. 9(2), 235–244. ©dayan domisianus toar & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 1 volume 8, no. 1, february 2023 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) similes of woman and man in the book of song of songs dayan domisianus toar sanata dharma university, yogyakarta, indonesia barli bram (corresponding author) sanata dharma university, yogyakarta, indonesia abstract: the study aimed to identify the types of similes of woman and man in the bible book, song of songs, and their underlying principal metaphor. while the songs of songs’ figurative language is commonly analyzed through the lens of historical and pure literary approaches, the authors analyzed it using the cognitive linguistics framework. qualitative content analysis was employed as the method. the findings showed that the similes of the woman (35) outnumbered similes of the man (12), and they grouped into 7 types, namely architectural, artefactual, botanical, celestial, comestible, topographic, and zoomorphic. the similes are mostly zoomorphic (13) and botanical (12). the similes represented the woman mainly as a protected city, while the man as a city protector. it was argued that the underlying metaphor of all similes of woman and man in the song of songs is love is protection. the findings may contribute as an alternative way of reading and understanding figurative language in the song of songs. keywords: cognitive linguistics; conceptual metaphor theory; simile; song of songs. a. introduction language is created and developed by human beings to communicate with other human beings what they think, feel, or aspire to. many definitions of language have been suggested. mkandawire (2018) defined language as any system that utilizes organized codes, symbols, or signs for communicating and interacting orally or by writing. language is expressed in the forms of writing, speech, or gestures. how humans speak, write, and display gestures might be a compelling subject to be investigated. those aspects of human language are being studied in linguistics. article info: received: 06 december 2022 accepted: 27 february 2023 published: 28 february 2023 how to cite: toar, d. d & bram, b. (2023). similes of woman and man in the book of song of songs. al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (ejournal), 8(1), 1–12. ©dayan domisianus toar & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 2 linguistics is the study of language, as a complex, social communication tool system (shaykhislamov & makhmudov, 2020). the study of language, however, had come to a road fork with the emergence of cognitive linguistics in the 1970s. cognitive linguistics is a branch of linguistics that views language as an integral part of the human cognitive system (nyord, 2015). it was born as the formal approach to languages, such as generative grammar and formal semantics, brought dissatisfaction. ronald langacker, george lakoff, and leonard talmy are regarded as the first cognitive linguists (evans, 2019). inspired by concepts and findings from the science of mind and cognitive psychology, cognitive linguistics is an enterprise, not a single theory, which offers an approach to language and the mind (evans, 2012). in the case of figurative language, for example, cognitive linguistics would examine how metaphors and metonymy are formulated as the product of human cognitive mechanisms (nyord, 2015). the bible is one of the literary writings that contain figurative language, such as metaphors and similes. bamidele (2021) underscored that the bible often employs metaphors to deliver truths to the recipients. one of the most used metaphors in the bible is the comparison of the faithful with plants. god’s command to be fruitful, reference to just man as a tree planted by the river, and children as olive trees around their father’s table are examples of biblical metaphors and similes. weiss (2012) found that the metaphors in the bible function to 2 extents, namely rhetorical and theological. on the rhetorical leverage, the biblical metaphors provoke listeners' or readers’ curiosity and attention as well as surprise and delight; while on the theological stage, they represent the complex relationship between god and human beings. moreover, barbiero (2011) suggested not an allegorical, but a metaphorical reading of the song of songs. jindo (2018) argued that there are four types of biblical metaphors research: first, theoryoriented, exploring the theoretical issues of the biblical metaphors; second, metaphororiented, discussing specific metaphors throughout the bible; third, method-oriented, evolving an exegetical method that promote the better understanding of the biblical metaphors; fourth, text-oriented, investigating various metaphors in a particular text. the present study tends to be text-oriented research since it limits itself to the exploration of the similes in the book song of songs. ©dayan domisianus toar & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 3 there are several ways to group similes in the bible. the present research will employ the categorization of hunt. hunt (2008) categorizes the similes in the song of songs into eight object types, namely zoomorphic (where the thing compared is animalized), botanical (where the thing compared is a plant, flower, tree or spice), architectural (where the thing compared is structuralized), topographic (where the thing compared is contextualized to a landscape), artefactual (where the thing compared is treasured as an object of wealth or status), celestial (where the thing compared is heavenly), comestible (where the thing compared is something edible), and other. meanwhile, watson, (1994) highlighted that similes may operate purposes of opening or closing parts or stanzas (structuring) and to sustain interest, emphasize motif, express vividness, emotive intent, and ornaments (non-structuring). biblical metaphors are commonly analyzed within exegetical frameworks, especially the historical or literary approach (jindo, 2018). lancaster (2021) stressed that although the book of song of songs is abundant with metaphors, it has not been the target of biblical metaphor studies. similarly, gault (2019) pinpointed that despite its particularity in the bible, the metaphors in the song of songs have not been researched using the comparative approach. here, the authors offer the cognitive perspective on understanding biblical metaphors such ones in the book song of songs. the metaphors, especially the similes, in the song of songs in this study are being investigated using the cognitive linguistic approach, especially using conceptual metaphor theory (cmt). the metaphor was traditionally considered a purely linguistic phenomenon that facilitates its rhetoric, but then on the rise of cognitive linguistics in the 1970s, it was recognized as a mechanism that allows the conception of abstract categories such as thoughts and emotion (van loon, 2018). lakoff and johnson (1980) in their seminal study entitled “metaphor we live by” (1980) coined the term ‘conceptual metaphor’. they argued that metaphors are conceptual, not literary. whereas metaphor has often been treated as an ornament of literary writings, which evokes imagination, lakoff and johnson (2008) opined that metaphors are implemented in our daily conversations, and pioneered what is then known as conceptual metaphor theory (cmt). they pinpointed that we not only speak in metaphor continuously, but we act by them. ©dayan domisianus toar & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 4 moreover, in the manner of cmt, we speak and act metaphorically because we think metaphorically as well. metaphor is not only the figure of speech but also the figure of thought. conforming to cmt, a metaphorical operation is a conceptualization of what is “concrete” (e.g. physical experience), named “source”. therefore, it is called “conceptual metaphor”: metaphor produces a set of conceptual relationships, named “mapping”, between a conceptual component of the source and the conceptual component of the target. the celebrated example is the conceptual metaphor argument is war. this metaphor is manifested in our everyday expressions, such as “he attacked every weak point in my argument”, “his criticisms were right on target”, “i demolished his argument”, “you disagree? okay, shoot!” (lakoff & johnson, 1980). the illustration of this mapping displayed in figure 1 below. figure 1. mapping of argument is war lakoff and johnson also started the practice of writing conceptual metaphors in small caps. the concepts in the source domain represent concepts in the target domain. there is a body of research on the similes in the song of songs (gault, 2019; hunt, 2008; james, 2017; landy, 2020; verde, 2018). hunt (2008) underlined that the function of the similes in the song of songs is non-structural, which means that they were not intended to provide an opening or closing to poetry parts. the similes were to display motifs of virility and precious value; and vivacity in abundant imagery by human senses. meanwhile, james (2017) highlighted that the motif of the metaphors on man and woman is to emphasize the imagery of woman as a city. woman-as-afortified-city metaphor was also pinpointed by verde (2018). in his analysis of song of songs chapter 4:4, verde discovered that the simile of the woman’s neck as a weapon tower functions to depict the woman as possessing attractiveness and matching the man’s courtship. moreover, gault (2019), analyzing the song of songs’ body metaphors, concluded that the metaphors portrayed the forms and functions of the lovers’ bodies as well as the beauty concept in ancient israel. landy (2020) unearthed source domain: war a. two armies b. defensive position c. attacking, defending d. weapons e. strategies target domain: argument a’. two speakers b’. intellectual position c’. assertion/counter assertion d’. facts e’. propositions mapping ©dayan domisianus toar & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 5 the facts that the song of songs communicated the good looks of the lovers and their world via lovely language. the authors of the present study found that the investigations applying conceptual metaphor theory that focus on the similes of man and woman in the whole songs of songs are still scant. the previous studies on the song of songs have discussed the metaphors and similes in terms of other themes, like body imagery (gault, 2019), sacred landscapes (landy, 2020), of certain verses, like songs 4,4 (verde, 2016, 2018), or of its functions, like to display motif of virility (hunt, 2008). the authors opted to explore deeply the similes of woman and man in the song of songs, as (watson, 1994) pinpointed that similes represent most of the figurative language in hebrew literature. the discussion of the similes in this study has two main contributions. first, it would contribute to the figurative language literature on how ancient people employed figurative language using the realities in their living environment, such as vineyards, gazelles fortified city, and so on. second, the readers might have an overview on how the issues of equality and complementarity of woman and man were being addressed through the employment of similes in a single literary work. hence, the authors propose the following research question: 1. what are the types of similes between woman and man in the song of songs? 2. what is the underlying metaphor being conveyed through the similes on man and woman in the song of songs? b. research method the present study administered a qualitative content analysis as its method. krippendorff, (2018) stated that content analysis is “a research technique for making replicable and valid inferences from texts (or other meaningful matter) to the contexts of their use” (p. 24). it characterizes by openness and the comprehension of meaning (kuckartz, 2019). in designing a qualitative approach, we should be reflective and consistent (stasik & gendźwiłł, 2018). being reflective concerns realizing how, why, and what we conduct specific research. meanwhile, being consistent means that in establishing the research problem and particular theoretical frameworks, we on decide the proper tools and data gathering and analysis techniques consistent with the purpose of the study. ©dayan domisianus toar & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 6 the bible translation version used in this research was the new international version (niv), which is arguably the most balanced english translation: not too literal, not too dynamic (fields, 2018). data was gathered by applying the observational method of the non-participatory type. in observing activity as a scientific undertaking, researchers watch, assess, infer, and make remarks on the object that is being observed (ciesielska et al., 2018). having determined a particular “area” to be observed, an observer finds out how to access the certain “area” to get the data. the standard text of the song of songs was obtained virtually before the authors proceeded with data collection and data analysis. the authors read first the whole book of song of songs once, then in the second and third readings listed the similes on man and woman found throughout the book. after that, the authors compartmentalized the similes found into eight categories of hunt (2008). subsequently, the authors decoded the similes of woman and man into two unifying themes. lastly, the authors identified and explained the underlying metaphors of man and woman in the song of song applying the conceptual metaphor theory. c. findings and discussion findings similes on woman and man in song of songs the observation of the text results in the listing of the similes of man and woman in the whole book. the first glance the findings indicated that woman is highly illustrated in the song through the similes compared to man. table 1. similes of man and woman in the song of songs man woman no. verses quantity verses quantity 1. 2:3 1 1:5 2 2. 2:9 1 1:7 1 3. 2:17 2 1:9 1 4. 5:12 2 2:2 1 5. 5:13 2 4:1 1 6. 5.14 1 4:2 1 7. 5:15 1 4:3 2 8. 8:14 2 4:4 1 9. n/a n/a 4:5 2 10. n/a n/a 6:4 3 11. n/a n/a 6:5 1 12. n/a n/a 6:6 1 13. n/a n/a 6:7 1 14. n/a n/a 6:10 4 15. n/a n/a 7:1 1 ©dayan domisianus toar & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 7 man woman no. verses quantity verses quantity 16. n/a n/a 7:3 2 17. n/a n/a 7:4 2 18. n/a n/a 7:5 2 19. n/a n/a 7:7 2 20. n/a n/a 7:8 2 21. n/a n/a 7:9 1 22. n/a n/a 8:10 1 total 12 total 35 note: n/a means not applicable. the authors observed an intention to put forward woman through the majority of similes. her beauty, her bodily perfection, and her sturdiness indicated that the woman in the song of songs has strength in herself and is powerful enough to ‘conquer’ the man and even to ‘protect’ him. her beautiful and strong appearance is attractive to men. arbel (2000) declared that the woman in the song audaciously proclaims her corporeal beauty. that is why there are so many similes on bodily charm, particularly as attraction and desire to augment the appreciation of beauty. the authors classified the similes found according to hunt's (2008) object category, as shown in table 2 below. it can be seen that most of the woman and man similes were zoomorphic (13 times) and botanical (12 times). while the least similes found in the song were comestible (4 times), that is food or something edible. the authors noticed that woman and man here were compared more to living creatures, which is animals and plants. it might represent the liveliness, dynamics and durability of the woman and man relationship and dialectic. the authors found the zoomorphic and botanical similes may symbolize the growth and vigor of woman and man as they communicate and intend for each other. these findings echoed the findings of hunt (2008) who concluded that the similes in the song were to present motifs, such as fertility and virility, and vividness displayed in rich body imagery. table 2. types of the similes of man and woman in the song of songs type quantity verses architectural 5 1:5b, 4:4, 7:4a, 7:4b, 8:10 artefactual 7 1:5b, 4:3a, 7:1, 7:4a, 7:5, 8:6(2) botanical 12 2:2, 2:3, 4:3b, 5:13(2), 5:14, 5:15, 6:7, 7:7(2), 7:8a, 7:8b celestial 5 6:4, 6:10a, 6:10b(3) comestible 4 4:11a, 7:8a, 7:8b, 7:9 topographic 7 4:1, 4:11b, 5:15, 6:4(2), 7:4, 7:5 zoomorphic 13 1:9, 2:9, 2:17(2), 4:1, 4:2, 4:5, 5:12, 6:5, 6:6, 7:3, 8:14(2) ©dayan domisianus toar & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 8 the underlying metaphor of the woman and man similes in song of songs having analyzed the types and functions of woman and man similes, the authors proceed to find out the possible single metaphor that can encapsulate an integrated message of similes on woman and man. i opined that the woman was primarily portrayed as a walled city, while the man was depicted as a protector or conqueror of the city. both concepts proofed by a cluster of verses as it is described in table 3 below. table 3. clusters of woman and man similes and underlying metaphors similes verses 4:4, 6:4, 7:4, 7:5, 8:9, 8:10 2:3, 2:9, 2:17, 5:13, 5:14, 5:15, 6:12, 8:14 cluster of similes woman as a protected city man as a protector of the city underlying metaphor love is protection woman was represented as “the tower of david, built with courses of stone” (4:4), “as tirzah, my darling, as lovely as jerusalem” (6:4). “your neck is like an ivory tower” (7:4), “your nose is like the tower of lebanon” (7:5), “breasts are like towers” (8:10). the authors of the present study hold that the similes on the woman in the songs illustrated mainly woman as a protected city, as a strong city as tirzah and jerusalem. she is a city with walls and towers that could provide safety to its inhabitants, but at the same as a city that is vulnerable to attack from the enemies. thus, the woman also needs some protection. this finding was affirmative to the one of james (2017) who opined that the city in the songs presented metaphorically female beauty and was imagined as a house for living together. she also stated that the comparison of the woman as a city recalled the twin themes of protection and the need to be protected (james, 2017). discussion hunt (2008) underscored that it was very scant in the bible that physical beauty was lauded as something eternal through extravagant similes. the findings of this study also corroborated the study of landy (2020) that woman in the song was described as more active and dynamic than man. she further evidenced that the woman is the center of the poetry and the more commanding character. the book started with her aspiration (1:2) and ended with her dismissal of her lover. the woman has more utterances in the song, she was the focus of effective. although the man was portrayed as a king (1:4; 6:9-10), ©dayan domisianus toar & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 9 he was vulnerable to captivity (7:5). hence, landy was assertive regarding the female authorship of the song of songs. she viewed this poetical composition as a breakthrough for it countered the patriarchal mentality of the time. (nissinen, 2019) as well indicated that some authors proposed that a woman is the author of the songs. nissinen further confirmed the patriarchal setting of the songs by highlighting the woman’s brothers’ authoritative roles twice. however, he asserted that the woman’s voice is more dominant in the poem. moreover, the superiority of the woman in the song was also emphasized by gault (2019). he notified that there were only seven verses to depict man’s outlook (5:10-16), compared to three descriptive songs consigned to woman. her physical appearance’ portrait was central in the songs and her dominant speech is noticeable (gault, 2019). meanwhile, the man in the song of songs was compared to “an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my beloved among the young men. i delight to sit in his shade.” (2:3), “a gazelle or a young stag” (2:9), “a gazelle or like a young stag” (2:17). as for the man, the authors argued that the man was mainly represented as the protector of the city. man is expected to conquer the city and thus, give a sense of security to the city as the city becomes a safer place after the conquest. he was imagined as an apple tree under which shade she would feel comfortable. he was also so unique among his peers in terms of his sturdy and attractive physical outlook. the descriptive song on the man (5: 10-16) affirmed this concept. she wanted the man as her leader in public (2:4). however, at the same time, it is the wall that city who can provide safety for the man after his wandering as a gazelle outside the city wall. his addressing her as tirzah and jerusalem (6:4), two strongholds of israel, was assertive to the idea. this finding supported the similar findings of verde (2020) who viewed the man who was supposed to be the conqueror was conquered by the woman. verde (2020) declared that the man in the song was metaphorically represented as the warrior who lost his dominance and whose power was restricted. ©dayan domisianus toar & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 10 figure 2. mapping of love is protection figure 2 above illustrates the conceptual metaphor love is protection as it has been claimed by authors as the underlying metaphor of the similes of woman and man in the songs. protection involves the protector and the protected, while love presupposes the lover and the loved one. the action in the realm of protection is protecting and defending, while in the realm of love is caring. those actions produce the feeling of security for protection and the feeling of safety and comfort for love. the undertaking of protection and love was facilitated by the solid physical structures and solid attractive body respectively. in the songs, the act of protection is reciprocal as the act of love. the woman longs for protection and the chosen man provides it, but at the same time, the man longs to stay inside the city to enjoy a protected environment. the reciprocity implies the contradictory status of the woman and the man: each of them is the protector that needs to be protected at the same time. love compels the act of caring for each other, each part needs the protective activity operated by the other. d. conclusion the present study explores the similes in the song of songs from a cognitive linguistic point of view. this investigation is purposed to notice the kinds of similes between woman and man and their unifying metaphor. the results of qualitative content analysis yielded that most of the similes are zoomorphic and botanical ones. it was unearthed that the metaphor love is protection underlined the clusters of similes woman as protected city and man as the city protector. both woman and man were reciprocally protecting as the manifestation of their love. this study bridged the gap in the literature by offering another alternative manner of reading poetry, such as song of songs. the application of the conceptual metaphor theory (cmt) in reading poetry might become a useful update in linguistics. it might be beneficial for efl source domain: protection a. the protector and the protected b. protecting and defending c. feeling secure d. solid physical structures target domain: love a’. the lover and the loved one b’. caring c’. feeling safe and comfortable d’. solid attractive body mapping ©dayan domisianus toar & barli bram available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 11 teachers, efl learners, the linguists to enrich their linguistic knowledge, especially on figurative language in the forms of similes and metaphors. however, the present study bore some limitations. first, the discussion of the similes in the song of songs was limited to the identification and explanation of the similes using the english translation of the original text in hebrew. the discussion did not include the explication of hebrew words or expressions used in the similes. second, the intertextuality or the parallelism with other books in the bible or with other ancient near east texts was not covered in the discussion. hence, future researchers might want to explore and explain more similes and metaphors used in the songs of songs or other ancient literary works by exploring the meanings in their original languages such as hebrew or greek. the research in the future might also incorporate parallelism and intertextuality in the discussion of the figurative language of the text. references arbel, d. 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(2012). motives behind biblical mixed metaphors.” making a difference: essays on the bible and judaism in honor of tamara cohn eskenazi, 317–328. ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 112 volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) english varieties: students’ perceptions through their multiculturalism perspectives fadhlan saini institut agama islam negeri manado, indonesia abstract: this research aimed at finding out the students’ perceptions toward their awareness in multiculturalism and to reveal the correlation of their perceptions on the use of their english varieties. to obtain the data, it was employed mix-method design by going through some steps. seen through qualitative side, it was utilized descriptive qualitative method in which the researcher figured out the description of students’ awareness of multiculturalism and its position to the use of their english varieties. meanwhile, in quantitative side, the researcher employed the calculation of the questionnaire by passing the spss program to measure out correlation of them both. it was intended to figure out the calculation of the questionnaire results between both perceptions, if there was any relationship. findings showed that their perceptions were vary. it can be seen by the reflection of their activities of the external and internal activities of their own. those activities were linked to explain that, by having multicultural awareness, students could define the methodology in enhancing their expression of english varieties. additionally, within these activities, students could try to socialize and expand their ability in expressing english language variety by confidently as well as pleasantly. keywords: students’ awareness of multiculturalism; english variety; sociolinguistics a. introduction naturally, languages consist of lots of considerations in which speakers are used to a particular group of places. it can be seen from the various styles of the way people uttered. the diversity of languages continuously reflects certain cases that might not be changed over time. consequently, this common language issue is linked with social circumstances called sociolinguistics. the name sociolinguistics, in which linguists emphasized the use of language in society, brought a lot of functions to synthesize the characteristics of the use of language. said by (siregar, 2017), sociolinguistics is ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 113 classified as a study related to society. it was on a large scale and can be employed to reveal points of view of such a language. to be more specific, (morgan, 2007) put forward that the relevancy of studying a language in a social context refers to the use of speech community in which people or users of a language operate by sharing beliefs, systems of their own culture, history as well as general communication. being discussed as the problems, it can be found in a certain area whose members share a particular variety of language, norms, rules or another that appropriate through social context. budiarsa (2017) said that speech community differentiation has many causes. one of them stated the social status of the speakers. they can be categorized as teachers, social workers, religious leaders, doctors, traders, and other communities. to be used, the examples may influence language choice in communication. these phenomena synthesize people to be aware of utilizing their languages on behalf of their platform. in other words, it is undoubtedly considered that whoever is involved in a certain communication or speech activity must carefully express a language. once people lose the way to express their expression, it could become an impolite language. to avoid awkward english speech expression, it needs the aspect of proper pronunciation. for this reason, (siregar, 2017) explained that there are several important factors that speakers of languages should imply, such as accent, stress, intonation, rhythm, motivation, exposure, attitude, instruction, age, personality and the influence of their mother tongue. within them, the elements always have to be integrated. for some moments, on the other hand, those factors cannot be applied due to some declines, issues from the speakers themselves, or a piece of linguistic knowledge. a study also shows that english learners faced their own problems in speaking proper english everywhere, mostly found around, are their mother tongue influence (al hosni, 2014). generally speaking, speakers or students (as language learners) feel unpleasant because of problems with fluency in other languages like english. moreover, as seen as the current phenomenon, local accents or language variations are specific to be identified while speaking other than their own languages. the amount of multiculturalism people commonly causes this. according to (lubis, 2004), the issue of multiculturalism today cannot be ignored because every time we are faced with problems will eventually relate to multicultural issues. but, since indonesia (all over the provinces) have the right motto as bhineka ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 114 tunggal ikha, attitudes toward multiculturalism can be controlled. consequently, multiculturalism is not something society can choose to have or avoid (nye, 2007). besides, multiculturalism can be declared to enhance solidarity, ethics, and cultures. also, it can cause the importance of human values in communities to emerge. most importantly, multiculturalism can anticipate conflicts (zarbaliyev, 2017). concerning this research topic, multiculturalism clearly discusses the users' cultural identity transformation. in the meantime, the notion of learning a language in multicultural places is not accessible. several previous studies can be mentioned in this research, such as research from (ohazuruike et al., 2019). they synthesize that people, in general, are naturally interested in the related topics of their culture due to their ownership of the relevant one. however, people also like to learn a new language due to its significant source of communication (nishanthi, 2018). in relation to research conducted by (riani, 2016), children basically wonder why people make speech sounds they do and are trying to look to make sense of this phenomenon. in other words, language learners are not only specific to children but also to the different ages that they want to learn. meanwhile, (mykhailyuk & pohlod, 2015) believe that it is never easy to learn a new language (especially one not closely related to those you know), and it looks to require more attention to a new set of distinctions. for this reason, there are many opportunities for indonesians to consider using english to communicate, although it is now stated as a foreign language. therefore, incorporating english language culture is needed in the efl classroom. from this point, (lauder, 2008) ensured that potentially a lot of people for indonesians could use english to communicate. having discussed the awareness of multiculturalism, the researcher intended to find out the relationship with the english language, particularly in sociolinguistics study in the form of english variety. consequently, the awareness of using english as a multicultural language is often unnecessary. in this case, a number of the students, according to (resmini, 2019), feel uncomfortable using english since the teacher primarily used the indonesian language. this was observed that the problems occurred not only before the pandemic but also during this current pandemic. the variation of using standard english in iain manado was unstable. sometimes, students prefer to use the american. otherwise, students like to act by using british ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 115 english variety (ladegaard & sachdev, 2006). being an english education study program gave the students extra time to learn and adjust to the culture and environment. it is due to the problem that english is only taught in schools, but it is not in social life (agus & narty, 2020). mostly, the students revealed difficulty producing english just because of their specific background, like having different ethnic backgrounds, being born in different family cultures, living in a full-local language, not adapting to international understanding and feeling insecure about getting better at using appropriate english language. those variations influence the students to be good english language users since they aim to be english teachers or something related to english-speaking occupations. within this case, the novelty of this research can be declared about students' perceptions concerning using their english varieties. then, this research aims to find out the students’ perceptions toward their awareness of multiculturalism and the position of the following perceptions toward the use of their english varieties. b. research method this research utilized a mixed-method design. having seen through the qualitative side, the researcher investigated students' perceptions of multiculturalism awareness in studying at iain manado. the researcher used observation, interview, and documentation to collect the data. to support the data, instruments were; filed notes, interview guidelines, and a voice recorder. the data that the researcher used in the qualitative method was going through 10 students in the english education study program of the faculty of tarbiyah and teacher training, manado state institute of islamic studies. those respondents were chosen purposively. the reason to pick these respondents was due to particular things such as capable students and being talk active among their friends. this technique of sampling was mainly used in qualitative data (teddlie & yu, 2007). in analyzing the data, the researcher followed some steps from miles and huberman (cited by (shinta & darmawati, 2021), namely data reduction, data display and conclusion. the data were gathered from the respondents' responses after seeing the stages. it was then classified based on the needed dominant, undominant, and core answers. the answers which are not classified were not essential to be displayed. yet, to show the necessary current ones, the researcher figured out ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 116 some answers that related to their phenomenon of studying and experiencing. in the last stage, the researcher concluded by narrating the sentences in the form of paragraphs. on the other hand, to see the results by quantitative method, the researcher showed some analysis techniques using spps application to test the descriptive statistics like mean score and standard deviation and its’ correlation. in this part, data were collected through a questionnaire as an instrument of 15 questions delivered to the respondents. the questionnaire indicator covers multicultural awareness and the position of the following multiculturalism awareness on learning english varieties. to see the classification of the data, the researcher formulated numbers 5 (as strongly agree), 4 (agree), 3 (neutral), 2 (disagree) and 1 (strongly disagree). consequently, validity testing accomplished by the researcher can be concluded can be seen in the following table. table 1. validity testing the respondents who filled out the form were 55 students. they were chosen by going through purposive sampling. additionally, they were selected because they had already passed the sociolinguistics subject. this kind of method used simple variables in relation to (shi & conrad, 2009), saying that research of correlation between two variables is called simple, while more than two variables may be partial or multiple. accordingly, the researcher used two variables: multiculturalism awareness and english variety. this statistical method used to analyze shows the data in the form of normality and correlation tests. c. findings and discussion findings qualitative findings to answer the research questions, the researcher synthesized some detailed findings to support this. they are already concluded into the following; firstly, it was about case processing summary n % case s valid 55 100.0 excludeda 0 .0 total 55 100.0 a. listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 117 observation in which the researcher tried to figure out the current phenomenon. it occurred from september to october 2020 for about one month. based on the problems, the researcher found that the participants (respondents) were unaware of putting the term multiculturalism into function themselves. it was previously detected when the researcher looked at the cultural identities and pictures of situational activities. for instance, the students did not realize using the appropriate languages to be involved in talks, intercommunication, and interaction among their friends or related. some cases explained that students in iain manado are often insecure in expressing themselves among others due to the different cultures of each. fortunately, this was supported by their friendship or relationship actions. some factors appeared when the researcher figured out the phenomenon, such as students’ not being aware of speaking bad words in public, students’ feeling insecure in delivering the idea, students confronted with miscommunication among their friends, and students facing multi-characteristics and confused to get in. the researcher interviewed some respondents in the english education study program of faculty of tarbiyah and teacher training, manado state institute of islamic studies, to support the data. the researcher purposively selected the respondents to keep the results of the questionnaire. respondents selected are named based on their initial letters, as rl stated in the process of her interview. she felt that the questions could make me think deeply and clear to understand. that statement was also supported by ad and il, which described the supportive comments to enhance their understanding of multicultural awareness. they both stated; the questions were about to dig out our understanding and opened our mind. i think those were absolutely true. in starting to discuss their opinions, the researcher asked about the impact of multiculturalism on their social life; one message from ad, she said that: i received a lot of impacts when i was started coming in. it wasn’t easy. it was indeed challenging. the first thing i felt was about to accept the differences and cover them in the form of tolerance. what i mean is, to start understanding others, is the main key. additionally, the way people uttered in this city, sometime cannot be followed. i usually speak based on my lexical understanding and rarely to speak bravely to another language in this case, manadomalay. ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 118 according to the previous statements, it can be said that one of their friends faced a bunch of problematic issues about multicultural. il supported by giving her view, such as; i personally thought to myself that i couldn’t socialize at first. it took time for me to adapt. many of us (like my friends in my classroom) came from different background which normally from other classes in high school before. yet, this one was significantly impacted me to socialize to one another. the power of giving and taking, somehow, does not happen when we first met. factors of ages, and psychological feeling of each may be happened too. to recognize students’ multicultural awareness, the researcher looked for information related to their perception in the form of language acquisition. yet, students’ awareness of multiculturalism seemed to be the most challenging part to be understood. in line with the observation, people tended to have their own characteristics and found it challenging to accept one another, especially regarding language background. some students revealed that they did not understand the way their different other region friends talked. for instance, they were only comfortable and understandable if some of their regional friends talked in which the speakers indeed spoke similar accents or languages. however, throughout their journey in the english education study program, awareness of themselves was good enough and provided. just like the statements from; fb: i’m feeling grateful to socialize with iain manado people, especially my friends in english education study program. i knew it was awkward in the beginning. but now, i realized that i was also accepted by my friends to learn together. so, i psychologically happy. np: being in multicultural campus as a slogan in manado is a good one. many students’ association provide us a media to learn and interact. besides, the position of their perceptions of multicultural awareness toward the importance of english varies. many placed themselves in the correct position that they could use english based on their version. recalling the observation, many students faced some difficulties in speaking english. that is why they met a lot of issues to study. the issues varied. one might have happened when communication was created. most respondents said that the reasons for selecting english education study program were based on their needs and wants. besides, they felt that multiculturalism in their area delivered negative perceptions and positive reactions. ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 119 md, as one of their friends, said; i accepted many different characteristics of my friends. once they started speaking, i got a positive reaction and learned from them. languages built my bravery to talk, such as the way their tongue moved, lips and gestures to express something for example in english fb said that; negative perceptions i got in campus that i could not succeed my study in english and i could not speak english properly based on those positive reactions, students maintained their confidence. it was in line with the data the researcher had identified, which is rl, il, and an considered that languages spoken by their friends built their self-confidence in socializing and interacting. advances during their study were improved just the way they talked every day. on the other hand, english helped them try to elaborate themselves in seeking more information in detail. like something formed them throughout subjects in the place they were studying. being socialized informed them to improve their learned language and their interest in other languages such as korean, arabic, and some kinds of asian slang that they would like to express. not only those cases but also they can respectfully appreciate genders among them. rl synthesized that english which being spoken while learning with my friends was even invited me to elaborate my interest to learn another language. my association helped me went through. i can learn english among my friends, and other medias that they used to. other than that, kb figured out that learning english is not only having socialized by surroundings. it can be based on ourselves. just like the way that mostly people did through self-learning by using media (movie, song, and papers). she said that; i studied in depth about my skills in english by using watching movies in other words, the way of learning english is not only literally socialized among friends and society but also by independent learning. furthermore, the identification of students who mainly used to focus on language varieties was used only. it was considered an american variety rather than others. for instance; ak and kb said; we used to learn american english variety just in campus. in addition, we support it by using learning media such as movies having studied english variety has always been a struggle for students. it some of the time disturbed their time, confidence, and accuracy. somehow, places where they lived affect the use of english variety. like ak revealed; i took my hard time learning english especially my english variety. my environment sometime did not support. i forced my self only in campus to study ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 120 to be better. multiculturalism in campus environmentally gave a lot contributions for me to speak. cultural identities of others taught me to be confidence of my own kinds of english variety used by primary students displayed in different criteria, they spoke confidently to: np : american english variety ak : american english variety fw : american english variety fb : american english variety vy : american english variety kb : american english variety ad : american english variety rl : american english variety mp : american english variety il : american english variety instead of having american english variety as the number one option, there are students also said that; i can’t lie, asian english accent (or asian english variety) also being the most effect for me. (stated by ak and kb). in other words, it cannot be denied that several students needed to improve their skills in uttering their english speaking through their english variety. the reasons the students prefer american english were due to the following statements; np : american english variety is easy to understand. i can pronounce literally like their own. ak : many variations of english that familiar to my ear is american english variety. i can understand their regional accents based on my experiences by using american movies. fw : american english variety is relaxed. i am often trying to not be formal to anyone by using american english variety. fb : the more i listen the more i practice. somehow, it literally guided me to imitate them. they are american english variety vy : i like americans. their language is easy to understand. i once used it when i met with one of them. kb : i tried to practice with british english, but i can’t. american english is so much better. they are also full of nice people. ad : my teachers’ performance was mostly used in american english variety. so am i. i usually follow the way people talk. rl : since american language was used me to study english, i prefer to american english variety. mp : vocabularies of american english variety is easy to understand. il : i like to study english grammar. when i saw other varieties, it made me dizzy so i chose american english variety to support my other english skills. ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 121 quantitative findings in this part, the researcher performed the data in a questionnaire. the questionnaire was distributed to 55 students in the english education study program, faculty of tarbiyah, and teacher training. it was delivered in the form of an online questionnaire through google forms. the presentation was counted by using mean, standard deviation, and correlation. the below charts display it. the data, in this case, were started with student number 1 to student number 55 as the respondents. of this finding, it can be seen that the questionnaire is in a fluctuating phase. each student decided wisely their choice without coercion. based on the content of the chart presentation, respondent number 2, number 13, number 20, number 21, number 30, number 36, number 41, number 42, number 49, number 50, and number 53 occupied a high total average as60 to 66. in addition, those in the second high position are number 1, number 3, number 4, number 5, number 6, number 7, number 8, number 10, number 11, number 12, number 14, number 15, number 16 , number 19, number 22, number 23, number 24, number 26, number 28, number 31, number 33, number 34, number 35, number 37, number 38, number 39, number 40, number 44, number 45, number 48, number 51, number 52, number 54, and number 55. these numbers belonged to the total number 50 to 59 for each. besides that, the rests on the medium to low criterion are respondents number 9, number 17, number 18, number 25, number 29, number 32, number 43, number 46, and also number 47. yet, the researcher displayed the next chart below to see the classification of strongly agree until strongly disagree. 52 62 53555250 59 51 47 565855 66 5655 59 4846 5960625856 5249 55 49 57 47 6159 48 545556 67 565557 51 6162 46 5356 4949 53 6063 5454 61 5253 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 variable 1 series1 series2 chart 1. the result of students' perception ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 122 it can be clearly said that variable one was mostly filled by agree option compared to others. in total, it placed 443 as the real data. furthermore, the following finding for variable two is presented. they are; chart 3. multiculturalism perspectives in brief, it can be said that variable two also has a similar up-and-down situation for the respondents to fill out the form. eighteen numbers filled by 60 to 69 have the most positions among the others. in this variable section, 29 numbers occupy the 50s position. in this case, the following variable 2 has less than variable one from a side of 50’s position. in addition, seven numbers occupy the 40s position. in other words, in variable 2, many favor the number 60s compared to variable 1. a high position like this 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 variable 2 number of students total 100 443 204 67 12 total classification of the results of variable 1 strongly agree agree neutral dissagree strongly disagree chart 2. classification of student's perception ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 123 can indicate that the respondent's answers vary. to see the presentation, the graphic below is presented; chart 4. classification of multiculturalism perspectives table 2. correlations result it was then going to test the correlation. based on the data, the correlation results could be seen. in the meantime, the researcher tried to perform the descriptive statistics calculation in order to support the correlation data. from the correlation test table, it can be seen that the value of sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 is smaller than 0.05. in brief, there was a relationship between students correlations multiculturalis m awareness english variety multiculturalism awareness pearson correlation 1 .519** sig. (2-tailed) .000 n 55 55 english variety pearson correlation .519** 1 sig. (2-tailed) .000 n 55 55 **. correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). table 3. descriptive statistics mean std. deviation n multiculturalism awareness 55.07 5.044 55 english variety 56.20 5.788 55 76 496 221 29 0 total classification of the results of variable 2 strongly agree agree neutral dissagree strongly disagree ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 124 perceptions’ on their multicultural awareness and english variety. in addition, the large value of the pearson correlation, r, is 0.519, indicating a moderate relationship between students' perceptions and english variety. discussion having learned such as english in indonesia is not easy. it was taught as a foreign language on many levels. a lot of private schools, even public schools, added english to their curriculum just to put into account that english has been a need to be involved. yet, it is not the entire people who show satisfactory agreement. most english users revealed the same reaction that it can only be used in a particular place or time. notably, the position of english over the world has become a popular language in today’s multicultural activities. the increasing english needs and wants have already influenced cultural identities among multicultural people, especially at the university level. the teenagers in this research emphasized that english was a need for them and could be their future income too. the reasons they came to iain manado were undoubtedly to learn and achieve a better future through some options of the study programs. according to the data, the researcher found that the multiculturalism situation in iain manado seemed in good shape. it was in line with iain manado's vision as a multicultural campus. the students, in particular, have received the proper understanding and encountered the appropriate treatment. yet, having it appropriately did not seem like a good run. students felt insecure in the way they did, often interacted only with their regional friends, and this affected their abilities to express such english. in relation to the interview, students’ awareness of multiculturalism can be seen in the following distinctions; internal activities, such as (1) students enlarged their activities and socialization by following some organizations, (2) students socialized with close friends, regional friends even in the same faculty or other faculties, (3) students appreciate their gender especially with peers, (4) students respect their own or other spoken mother tongues among their friends, (5) students accept and provide to understand each other’s characteristics, and (6) students keep the values of friendship and harmony. 2) external activities, namely (1) students faced multicultural fusion and differences in their hometown and boarding house, (2) the exchange social group of ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 125 people sometimes brought some difficulties to adjust, (3) students’ ethnicity is not related, so they still try to understand each other, (4) students lack language understand both in verbal or written one, hence they met some conflicts around, (5) students thought that they were introvert and extrovert. they looked like they could not socialize in better conditions, (6) students’ keep the values of friendship and harmony. according to the description, it can be identified that students’ cultural awareness is in a good position. they tend to familiarize themselves with the situations being held. their awareness is not only applied in internal activities but also to external ones. implementing such an activity, acquired obstacles and challenges. those can be found when the students had their first time entering iain manado. additionally, the students figured out some distinctions in their life while studying in iain manado. especially in english education study program, the students revealed ups and downs experiences. having multicultural awareness, for this reason, brought positive and negative impacts. the correlation of multiculturalism awareness provided significant advantages to the chosen topic, like english variety. the data indicated that the students were moderate in linking their understanding to the use of english variety. the data shows clearly that multiculturalism awareness's position toward english variety is related. it can be identified through the following table. table 4. multiculturalism awareness toward english variety positive impacts negative impacts multiculturalism supported the students in learning english variety multiculturalism made students confused in learning english variety social group supported they styles in studying english variety a lot of social group activities sometime display unnecessary things to learning english variety getting support by the families getting stereotype by the families able to diagnose kinds of english varieties through socialization among english language learnes for introvert people, there have many struggles to avoid getting motivated by people / english language learners getting unmotivated by non english language learners receive social supportive by surroundings for many times, students revealed emotional due to unsupported social people social skills of themselves promote them to meet international friends getting refused to develop language skills gender identification can inform the way the speakers talk can only be cooperated with the same gender religious understanding is good multicultural people in iain manado ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 126 taught a lesson to be confidence in speaking english variety multiculturalism expose their understanding in learning english variety based on the perceptions, their awareness of english variety is considered fine due to some aspects: they could establish good teamwork by socializing and learning together. in this statement, the students organize their time to learn to speak english together. they used the media by following english learning area and english corner. by understanding and receiving other characteristics, students remark their opportunities by sharing knowledge of each other, trying to engage in speaking by telling their needs, wants and vocabularies. students establish and maintain harmony and friendship. in this case, the more enjoyable they learn, the more they receive and understand how they communicate. students talk by using english variety with free expressions, no hesitation, and confidence in speaking english. by appreciating each other, students reveal that they can freely express american english variety with no afraid. they can talk, share, correct, and build deals to correct each other. related to previous studies, such as (hermini, 2019), this research can enlarge the statement that someone used to speak american english if they are exposed the following language. it showed examples like students willingly conveying american english rather than british and their easy exposure to american english variety. it is linked to another research conducted by (safa, 2015), who eventually stated that it depends on the influence of variations in their exposure. likewise, it is seen in iain manado students that they are exposed to understanding language varieties due to studying english varieties in the course of intercultural subjects and tasks that they have been going through (pavlína stelzerová, 2014). d. conclusion in conclusion, seeing by qualitative side, students’ perceptions of their awareness in multiculturalism can be said by going through internal and external activities. these activities explain that their awareness of multiculturalism varies. accordingly, they need to be more aware of their situations in trying to take and give one another. meanwhile, seen by the quantitative side, the correlation shows that their awareness of ©fadhlan saini available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 127 multiculturalism relates to how they learn to speak english with varieties. categorization and consideration of this relationship can not only be studied locally but also internationally. in this case, indonesian students' perspectives could further understand that multiculturalism affects social understanding, including english language improvement as the international language. for further experiments, this research is suggested to link multiculturalism awareness with multicultural education among multicultural people. besides, in this case, english needs to be realized and accepted to be employed by indonesians, although it still needs regulations to be applied. likewise, varieties of english can be widely used. references agus, g., & narty, a. 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(2017). multiculturalism in globalization era: history and challenge for indonesia. international journal of scientific studies, 13(1), 1–16. ©alfinda febriani & rahayu kuswardani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 225 volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) high school efl students’ attitudes towards learning english using blended learning during the pandemic alfinda febriani (corresponding author) universitas negeri surabaya, indonesia rahayu kuswardani universitas negeri surabaya, indonesia abstract: after the covid-19 cases were reduced, blended learning was used as a learning method in indonesia. this study aimed to determine high school efl students' attitudes about using blended learning to aid them in learning english during the pandemic. this research used a quantitative research design with a survey questionnaire as a data collection method and a likert scale as the data measurement. the participants were collected by convenience sampling method. they are consisted of 32 senior high school students from sman 16 surabaya, sman 20 surabaya and sma muhammadiyah 2 surabaya. this study used descriptive analysis to analyze the findings. the result showed that high school efl students in surabaya presented a neutral attitude toward blended learning. in addition, the students showed the best results for the teacher's learning media and the lowest effects for virtual learning. based on these findings, high school english teachers should improve their online learning practice since the results showed students’ disinterest in it. keywords: blended learning; english as a foreign language; efl students; attitudes a. introduction in september 2021, after the joint decree of the minister of education and culture, minister of religion, minister of health, and minister of home affairs of the republic of indonesia about guidelines for the implementation of learning during the covid-19 pandemic, schools in surabaya used blended learning as a teaching method. the teaching and learning activities were conducted by combining online and face-to-face learning. blended learning is the solution to help prevent the spread of the virus and keep students having the opportunity to learn from their teachers face-to-face (wright, 2017). high school efl students in surabaya had experienced blended learning for one ©alfinda febriani & rahayu kuswardani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 226 semester. these students may have an opinion about how the mixed-learning method is used in their school, especially when learning english. these attitudes occurred due to their familiarity with learning english using blended learning (kenneth s. bordens irwin a. horowitz, 2008). blended learning is a teaching method that combines traditional (face-to-face classroom) with online lessons (beaver, j.k. hallar, brittan h, 2014; hrastinski, 2019). even though this method is well-known, it is still relatively new and evolving. there are five elements of blended learning; time, pace, place, path, and teacher-of-record. the time of blended learning is flexible; students manage their time at home for studying. students can set their own pace in studying; they can take more time when needed or take less time if they feel like they can understand the material quickly. students can also learn anywhere outside the classroom. the instructional approach for the learning activity can be varied. teachers teach their students face-to-face and virtually. the concept of blended learning is appropriate for use in the pandemic era because it limits face-to-face interaction between students and teachers (beaver, j.k. hallar, brittan h, 2014). hence, after using blended learning to learn english for a semester, efl students must have a certain attitude towards it. attitude is a mental and neurological state of readiness formed by experience that exerts a directive or dynamic impact on the reaction of the person to all things and circumstances with which it is associated (kenneth s. bordens irwin a. horowitz, 2008). in the context of research and practice, an attitude may be described as how likely one is to use a particular activity favorably or positively (fishman et al., 2021). attitude is commonly interpreted as an underlying variable or theoretical notion. due to its impassability to direct observation, it must be inferred through measurable responses, which, due to the nature of the construct, must represent positive or negative assessments of the attitude object. there are various subcategories of attitude-relevant responses. the most common classification approach categorizes reactions as cognition, affect, and behavior. responses in the cognitive category represent information and opinions about the attitude object. attitudes are cognitive in the sense that they involve or are made up of concepts about life and the relationships between socially meaningful elements.the affective response is related to how you feel about the attitude object. attitudes are ©alfinda febriani & rahayu kuswardani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 227 effective because they elicit emotions about the topics covered by the attitude. this affective aspect of attitudes measures desirability and desirability, or how much we like or dislike the attitude object. behavioral inclinations, intents, commitments, and actions are examples of behavioral responses to an attitude object. finally, the behavioral perspective on attitudes examines how we tend to act, which may or may not correspond to our cognitive and emotional judgments (garrett, 2010; grubor, 2021). because of the unfair use of traditional methodologies in the language teaching context previously, blended learning is a revolution in teaching and learning efl. moreover, while student-centered learning is a concern for most institutions, it is not widely used. as a result, aspects of using blended learning will also facilitate studentcentered learning by providing learners with collaborative tasks and assisting teachers in designing more student-centered learning activities. within the context of efl education, the blended learning strategy promotes learning english anytime and anywhere. in contrast, the flexible learning platform is a challenging teaching and learning module in twenty-first-century education (rahim, 2019). as a result, the blended learning approach gives efl teachers this chance and encourages them to practice the language both within and outside the classroom (rahim, 2019). blended learning in english lessons during the covid-19 pandemic, such as virtual synchronous classes, online tests, and learning materials displayed on blackboard, benefited efl students by improving their writing skills and encouraging them to search more broadly online (dahmash, 2020). through the interchange of written information and access to numerous online reading materials, blended learning assists students in developing their written communication skills, self-esteem, and interest in learning english writing (rahman et al., 2020). rather than taking direct instruction, blended learning pushes students to the more independent practice of english writing. using an online learning environment to teach writing can be meaningful and studentcentered (alrouji, 2020). previous research revealed that efl students had shown a good attitude towards the usefulness of blended learning and supported the implementation of blended learning (munir, maemuna muhayyang, sunarlia limbong, 2021). students viewed face-to-face lessons as helpful for their comprehension, while online lessons were for the flexibility of time, place, and learning pace (wright, 2017). students gave a positive attitude and ©alfinda febriani & rahayu kuswardani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 228 revealed that blended learning could develop an effective learning environment (wang et al., 2021). students perceived blended learning positively and improved their english skills (simbolon, 2021). these studies revealed that university efl students had positive feedback on implementing blended learning, and that blended learning was essential to help them learn distantly. in previous studies, students gave positive feedback towards blended learning. however, all were studying university students, and there was no information about high school students’ attitudes toward blended learning during the pandemic. (bordoloi et al., 2021; munir, maemuna muhayyang, sunarlia limbong, 2021; pinto-llorente et al., 2017; simbolon, 2021; wang et al., 2021; wright, 2017). understanding high school students' views toward blended learning are essential for high school teachers and people in the education field to help improve instructional design and teachers' performance. this research intends to know the demeanor of high school efl learners when they learn english during the pandemic using blended learning to give some information to people in the education field and future researchers. therefore, this research seeks to answer “how do high school efl students' attitudes toward learning english using blended learning during the covid-19 pandemic?” b. research method study design this study used a quantitative research method, and the data was primarily collected to answer the research question. quantitative method was used in this research to gather the sample data online to determine students' attitudes towards blended learning (sugiyono, 2013). the subjects of the research the subject of this study was grade 10 high school efl learners in surabaya. these students encountered blended learning in their first semester. thus, from their experience, we analyzed their attitude. the number of participants was 32 students from 3 different high schools; sman 16 surabaya, sman 20 surabaya and sma muhammadiyah 2 surabaya. the samples were collected by using the convenience sampling method. ©alfinda febriani & rahayu kuswardani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 229 research instruments the research instrument used in this research was a questionnaire. the questionnaire was made based on the three attitude responses theory; cognitive, affective, and behavior (garrett, 2010). there are eight cognitive, four affective, and two conative questions. in the questionnaire, the research participants were asked to choose from scales ranging from 1, strongly disagree, to 5, strongly agree. the more they agree with the statement, the higher the score. all the questions have passed the validity tests with a score above 0.01 and the reliability tests with a cronbach’s alpha score of 0.601 (khidzir et al., 2018; pallant, 2016). table 1. corelation result cog1 cog2 cog3 cog4 cog5 cog6 cog7 cog8 pearson correlation .649** .540** .520** .485** .423* .827** .717** .658** sig. (2tailed) .000 .001 .002 .005 .016 .000 .000 .000 n 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 aff1 aff2 aff3 aff4 aff1 con1 con2 total lall pearson correlation .623** .571** .617** .627** .623** .770** .840** 1 sig. (2tailed) .000 .001 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 n 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 *. correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). **. correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). table 2. reliability test cronbach's alpha n of items .601 15 data collection techniques to collect the data, researchers used google forms as the media for the participants to fill out the questionnaire. after the google form was made, the researchers contacted the teachers from the school to ask their permission to use their students as the participants. afterward, the google form link was delivered to the class representatives, ©alfinda febriani & rahayu kuswardani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 230 who then sent it to the students. we collected the data in the second semester when high school students in surabaya started whole face-to-face learning. data analysis techniques this study used a likert scale in the questionnaire to measure the data. the answer choices were: strongly disagree with 1 point; disagree with 2 points; neutral, 3 points; agree, 4 points; strongly agree, 5 points. we compute the collected data using descriptive analysis in spss which afterward, the mean result is determined by this scale: table 3. result catogorization scale category 1.00 – 1.80 very bad 1.81 – 2.60 bad 2.61 – 3.40 fair/neutral 3.41 – 4.20 good 4.21 – 5.00 very good (sugiyono, 2013). c. findings and discussion findings the findings were based on the data collected by google form and the analysis by the spss program. this research use tables to present each part of the questionnaire. the tables contain the questions, the results of each answer, and the mean.the mean is the indicator of attitudes, which is explained down below. cognitive responses the statements in the cognitive section asked how high school efl students view blended learning after learning english with it for one and a half semesters. as shown in table 1, the highest result was for the second question about the blended method’s learning environment. the lowest was the question about assignments and teacher communication. the rest of this section received moderate results. table 4. cognitive responses results no. statement sd d n a sa mea n indica tor 1. blended/hybrid learning provides a flexible pace of 6.3% 12.5 % 40.6 % 31.3 % 9.4 % 3.25 neutral ©alfinda febriani & rahayu kuswardani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 231 learning english 2. blended/hybrid learning can take place anywhere. (at home, in the library, cafe) 0% 3.1 % 15.6 % 46.9 % 34. 4% 4.13 good 3. the learning media used during blended/hybrid learning vary (quizizz, kahoot, jamboard, youtube, etc). 9.4% 9.4 % 9.4 % 40.6 % 31. 3% 3.75 good 4. the english lesson was taught with blended learning and teaching techniques that fit my ability. 3.1% 9.4 % 34.4 % 40.6 % 12. 5% 3.5 good 5. blended or hybrid learning makes me more active in contributing to class activities (answering/asking questions). 3.1% 21.9 % 40.6 % 15.6 % 18. 8% 3.25 neutral 6. blended or hybrid learning makes working on english assignments easier. 6.3% 12.5 % 50% 18.8 % 12. 5% 3.19 neutral 7. communication with my english teacher was carried out well during blended/hybrid learning. 9.4% 6.3 % 50% 25% 9.4 % 3.19 neutral 8. communication with classmates when working on english assignments using the blended/hybrid method was carried out well. 3.10 % 18,8 % 31.3 % 28.1 % 18. 8% 3.41 good sd=strongly disagree;d=disagree;n=neutral;a=agree;sa=strongly agree the first statement about learning pace earned the highest score at neutral (40.6%) and the lowest at strongly disagree (6.3%). the second statement about learning places received 46.9% of agreeing on answers as the highest score and 0 strongly disagree as ©alfinda febriani & rahayu kuswardani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 232 the lowest. the highest score that the third statement about learning media received was 40.6% agree, while strongly disagree, disagree, and neutral received an equal score of 9.4%. participants gave the highest score of 40.6% in the fourth statement about teaching methods and students' learning capability and the lowest score of 3.1% in strongly disagreeing. the fifth statement about class contribution received the highest score at neutral with a 40.6% score and the lowest at strongly disagree with a 3.1% score. in the sixth statement about assignments, 50% of high school efl students gave neutral answers as the highest score, and 6.3% of students gave strongly disagree as the lowest. the seventh statement about communication between teacher and students received the highest result at neutral with a 50% score and the lowest at disagree with 6.3%. the last statement got the highest score of 31.3% for neutral and the lowest score of 3.10 % for strongly disagree. the mean score for the first statement was 3.25, which indicates a neutral attitude. the second statement's mean result was 4.13, which indicated a good attitude. the third statement's mean result was 3.75, which means a good attitude. the fourth statement result indicated a good attitude with a mean of 3.5. the mean result for the fifth statement was 3.2, which indicated a neutral attitude. for the sixth statement, the mean result was 3.19, which signifies a neutral attitude. the seventh statement means result was 3.19, which indicates a neutral attitude. finally, the eighth statement signified a good attitude with a 3.41. overall, the findings of the cognitive response indicated that the students believed that blended learning could be taken anywhere (for remote learning). their teacher's learning media varied; the teaching method was suitable for their learning level, and the communication was good. they do not, however, have a strong opinion about the pace of blended learning. when it comes to assignments and class contribution, they thought blended learning did not have much effect on it. the communication between them and their teachers was also not bad. affective responses the affective response section questioned how high school efl students felt about implementing blended learning in learning english. as shown in table 2, the highest mean score was for the statement about taking an exam in a blended way. meanwhile, the statement about remote learning received the lowest mean score. ©alfinda febriani & rahayu kuswardani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 233 table 5. affective responses results no. statement sd d n a sa mean indicator 1. i like to learn english remotely. 9.4 % 9.4% 46.9 % 31.3 % 3.1% 3.09 neutral 2. i like the media that the teacher uses when teaching english using blended/hybrid method. 0% 25% 31.3 % 34.4 % 9.4% 3.28 neutral 3 i like to do english assignments given in a blended/hybrid method. 3.1 % 15.6 % 40.6 % 25% 15.6 % 3.34 neutral 4. i like taking the english exam given in a blended/hybrid way 0% 9.4% 43.8 % 12.5 % 34.4 % 3.72 good sd=strongly disagree;d=disagree;n=neutral;a=agree;sa=strongly agree the first effective response statement received the highest score at neutral with 46.9%, followed by agreeing with 31.3%, and the lowest at strongly agree with a 3.1% score. the second statement about the learning media their teacher used received the highest agree score with 34.4% and 0% strongly-disagree as the lowest. the highest score for the third statement about assignments was "neutral," with 40.6%, and the lowest score was "strongly disagree," with 3.1%. finally, the fourth statement about the exam received the highest result at neutral with a 43.8% score, followed by strongly agree with a 34.4% score, and 0% strongly disagree as the lowest. the mean result for the first affective response statement was 3.09, which indicates a neutral attitude. for the second statement, the mean result was 3.28, which signifies a neutral attitude. the third statement’s mean result was 3.34, which indicates neutral attitudes. finally, the last effective response statement’s mean result was 3.72, which signifies a good attitude. ©alfinda febriani & rahayu kuswardani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 234 in brief, the participants of this research neither like nor dislike learning english remotely, the learning media their teacher used, or working on their assignment in a blended way. however, they liked the exam that was taken in a blended mode. behavioral responses the behavioral response section questions how high school efl students would act towards the implementation of blended learning. half of the participants gave neutral answers to the statements in this section. table 6. behavioral response results no. statement sd d n a sa mean indicator 1. i am able to support if blended learning is used to learn english 0% 18.8 % 50 % 12.5 % 18.8 % 3.31 neutral 2. i am able to improve my english skills using the blended method. 6.3 % 15.6 % 50 % 15.6 % 12.5 % 3.13 neutral sd=strongly disagree;d=disagree;n=neutral;a=agree;sa=strongly agree the first behavioral response statement about supporting blended learning as a method to learn english received 50% neutral as the highest result, and 0% strongly disagree as the lowest. the last statement about improving english skills using a blended method received 50% neutral as the highest and 6.3% strongly-disagree as the lowest. the mean result of the first behavioral response statement was 3.31, which indicates a neutral attitude. the second statement's mean result was 3.13, which signifies a neutral attitude. thus, the participants of this study would not act or commit to implementing blended learning. discussion the students’ cognitive responses about their beliefs in blended learning are somewhat positive. most students do not firmly believe how fast or slow their english lessons went when they used blended learning. this can be seen as a sign that they are ok with it. meanwhile, they showed a positive attitude towards their teachers' learning media. this means that they believed the learning media were varied and interesting. the teaching technique that the teachers used also received a positive attitude from the students. however, the students have a neutral attitude toward communication between students and teachers. this might be because they were trying to adapt to their new ©alfinda febriani & rahayu kuswardani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 235 school environment. the research participants showed a good attitude towards communication during blended learning. since they could meet their classmates after a month of online classes, the face-to-face meeting helped them communicate better. for the affective responses, the students displayed impartial attitudes. they appeared to be fine with implementing blended learning, and their attitude towards taking exams in a blended format was positive. however, their response to the implementation of remote learning was the lowest of the entire questions. the reason for this attitude might be that they had started learning in a full face-to-face class. as a result, they might have felt comfortable and preferred their current learning method. all students presented a fair attitude in the behavioral responses. the students seemed not to want to commit to implementing blended learning, considering that they had started full face-to-face learning at school when the questionnaire was given. the students also think that their english skills remain the same by using blended learning. this is shown by the results, where most students gave a low mean score of 3.13. based on the results of this study, nine out of fourteen statements received a neutral outcome. from the two lowest scores, this research discovered that students were not fond of remote class (score 3.09), and blended learning did not give a big difference in their english language skills (score 3.13). therefore, we can conclude that high school english as a foreign language (efl) students in surabaya had a neutral view of using blended learning to learn english at their school. the students’ attitude towards blended learning was neither negative nor positive. this result came out to be different from the previous studies, where the results of the students’ attitudes were positive (bordoloi et al., 2021; munir, maemuna muhayyang, sunarlia limbong, 2021; pinto-llorente et al., 2017; simbolon, 2021; wang et al., 2021; wright, 2017). thus, students’ fair attitude towards learning english using the blended learning method in all responses can be seen as a sign that they were fine with it. they accepted the blending method, although they might prefer their current learning method. d. conclusion the overall result of this study showed that high school efl students had neutral attitudes towards blended learning. the result of the cognitive response section indicates that the students' beliefs about blended learning were good. the affective response ©alfinda febriani & rahayu kuswardani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 236 section’s result indicated that they were fine with it. however, despite still being regarded as neutral attitudes, the students scored the lowest on the statement about online learning. this can be a suggestion for teachers to improve their online meeting teaching techniques. finally, the behavioral response section indicates that the students’ did not have any interest in the continuation of blended learning. since blended learning has been taken out of schools in indonesia, it is suggested that research be done to compare how students feel when they are learning in a blended setting and when they are learning in a full face-to-face setting. references alrouji, o. 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(de beaugrande, r.a. & dressler, w.u: 1986, h. 12). by contrast, in the united kingdom uses of both distinguished. the text refers to written, while the discourse refers to spoken language. there are concerns that the text implies the non-interactive monologs, while the discourse implies interactive discourse. the text could be long and short, while the discourse implies a certain length. the text is a purely linguistic phenomenon, while the discourse is the phenomenon of language use (text) and context. third, the term "discourse" distinguished with "a sentence or clause." this definition is only used in linguistics, descriptive linguistics, included in indonesia. (michael stubbs, m: 1983, h.10). it stated as follows. discourse is "organization of language on top of the sentence or clause; in other words the linguistic units larger than a sentence or clause, such as exchange-the exchange of conversation or written texts" it is also found in the view of david crystal (1991, h. 96) as follows. the discourse was "a series of ongoing process language (especially oral) wider than the sentence" both have the same view about the stratification of the discourse that is above a sentence or clause. the two statements above have a different, stubbs explained the scope of discourse can be either oral or in writing, and crystal is more emphasized on the oral realm of discourse. fourth, the term "discourse" which refers to the supreme unit, full, lingual and or intact." this refers to the concept of kridalaksana and samsuri as following. “the discourse was "complete language units; in the grammatical hierarchy of grammatical unit is the highest or largest”. this discourse is realized in the form of whole articles (novel, books, a 4 series encyclopedia and others), paragraphs, sentences, or words that carry the full mandate (kridalaksana: 1984, h. 208). fifth, the term "discourse" is differentiated by "ideology". this was done by many linguists are critical. roger fowler stated as follows. discourse is speech or writing seen from the point of view of the beliefs, values, and categories which it embodies; these beliefs etc. constitute a way of looking at the world, an organization or representation of experience—“ideology” in the neutral non-pejorative sense. different modes of discourse encode different representations of experience; and the source of these representations is the communicative context within which the discourse is embedded (mills, sara: 1997, h. 6). fowler emphasized the concept of "point of view" of things implied also in view of the jorgensen & phillips (2002) that discourse is "a particular way to discuss and understand this world, it’s important to make a difference between the two terms above (discourse analysis and critical discourse analysis). on the next discussion, it will be discussed more those terms based on some views of linguists. b. discussions 1. discourse analysis the term “discourse” then is utter a variety of experts interpretation. clark in his article discourse in production published in the handbook of psycholinguistics describes “discourse” as the use of language as a whole exceeded the level of sounds, words, and sentences. these opinions were expressed by kridalaksana with related to the discourse as the complete language units in the grammatical hierarchy of grammatical unit. the complete language units could be a sequence of sentences. it is inter-related and capable of connecting, existing proposition into a unified. these whole definitions are the definition of a conventionally that put discourse as a neutral and independent construction value (moeliono 2013). a little different with these opinions, fowler et., al, fairclough, van dijk, van leeuweun and wodak defines critical discourse by placing the discourse as a construction which is not neutral and has not value-free. the discourse is a manifestation of social action which produced a goal to be achieved by the speaker. discourse analysis was originally initiated by zellig harris in 1952 with his article called discourse analysis. the linguist on the era preoccupied is just reviewing the language from the level of the sentence. harris writes about more 5 extensive analysis towards a language that does not stop at the level of the internal linguistic (sentence), but it further examines the external landscape surrounding the internal landscape, i.e. the link between text with the context. the discourse analysis is just starting a lot done by experts in the 1960s brown and yule also revealed that the discourse analysis means to do an analysis of the language used. van dijk in his news discourse explained that analysis is the process of discourse analysis of language use and language goal in obtaining a description more explicitly and systematically regarding what is delivered. cook added that in the analysis of discourse is not enough to just analyze the linguistic elements, but also take into account the context of the discourse that builds up. 2. critical discourse analysis the presence of the context that is associated with the linguistic factor was not quite satisfactory for the process of discourse analysis. the influence of the critical paradigm presents breakthrough called critical discourse analysis. the experts of discourse analysis extended discourse with the term more broadly. a group of teachers from the university of east anglia, i.e. fowler, hodge and kress, trew, conducts critical linguistic approaches. they interpret the discourse as a social practice which has a specific purpose. discourse is not immediately present, but it comes with a specific purpose that wishes to deliver the audience. the text is never viewed as something of a non-neutral value. critical discourse analysis sees language as an action. the main duty of critical discourse analysis is to elaborate relationship of power, dominance, and inequality produced in discourse. a critical discourse analysis of language seems as a critical factor as the embodiment of particular power. a text produced particular ideology. the development of critical discourse analysis creates various theories and approach which also used in the research field. fowler, hodge and kress, trew (1979) applied the theory of functional grammar to perform critical discourse analysis. the theory stated that the language has three main functions, namely; communicating all process of occasion in the world (the ideational function); expressing the attitude of the speaker toward the proposition that is already compiled and express the relationships between speakers and listeners (interpersonal function); and serving the expression coherensive and adequately via text (textual function). fowler, hodge and kress trew (fairclough, n: 1995, h. 10), applying, the analysis of the 3 functions of language to dissecting the ideology in discourse. the analysis was 6 conducted only in text, namely; analyzing the elements of the vocabulary used in the text; nominalization; and choice sentences are used. van den week (van leeuwen: 2008, h. 28-29) in his book entitled discourse and practice used the exclusion and inclusion approach to analyzing how the actor in discourse is been displayed, whether the actor is shown as a whole, only partially or even eliminated. exclusion or removal expenses is an actor of a discourse. the process of exclusion is realized through three strategies, namely passives (removal of the actor in the discourse of the most commonly performed using a passive phrase to describe an event), nominalization (the process of change the verb into a noun) and replacement of subordinate clauses. the opposite of exclusion, inclusion is concerned with how the actors inserted or presented in discourse. inclusion process is realized through differentiation strategies, i.e. six-diverifications (presenting the actors or other events as a comparison), objective-abstraction, nomination, nomination-categorization, identification, determination of-undetermination and assimilation-individualization. this type of approach allows to review more in detail about the position of the actors in the discourse, but to see how the formation of discourse as a whole is still not detailed because van leeuwen is only conducting his analysis on the text. in line with the van leeuweun, mills on his paper entitled critical discourse analysis, it is conducted by focusing on how the actors displayed in the discourse. what separates the two is the focus of the studies they do, i.e. mills is famous for his feminism discourse studies. he wanted to examine how media bias in showing women are so marginal on it. critical discourse analysis model of mills attempted to link the social actor's position and the position was an event to reveal the presence of marginalization. the position of the subject and object in that event are examined in depth by him to see which actors have a higher position and the power to determine the discourse that will be thrown at the public. the actor who plays the role of the subject is assumed as an actor who has a chance to define and perform imaging against him. on the other hand, the actor who became the object of a party is defined and described his presence by others. an analysis of the position of the subject-object contains a certain ideology charge of mills. the excess of critical discourse approach was to take into account the position of the reader in the text. the news is not solely as a result of production from senior news and readers may 7 not necessarily be placed as a target. mills considers negotiating as a result of news between the news and the preacher to his readers. in contrast to van leeuwen monday and mills, critical discourse analysis approach of van dijk, known as its approach to social cognition, include an analysis of the cognition of discourse in the process of formation of discourse maker and linguistic analyses. it is involved in more depth to dismantle relationships of power and domination that was produced in the discourse. van dijk, classifying, elements of the discourse into three, namely, text, social cognition and social context. the text is divided into level 3, i.e. macro-structures, microstructure, and superstructure. macrostructure is the outer frame structure discourse with regard to schematic superstructure discourse. microstructure includes the linguistic elements that are used in discourse. van dijk set 4 linguistic elements are examined in the microstructure, i.e. the element syntax, semantic difference, stylistic and rhetorical. social cognition is present to bridge between the text and the context. social cognition deals with mental processes and cognition maker discourse in the production process of discourse. the existence of social cognition analysis submitted to the makers of discourse will further clarify how the discourse produced and context as what affected him. an analysis of the social context is done through the study of intertextuality, i.e. linking a discourse with the discourse of the related existing before and after. the link between social cognition, text and social context are reflecting the tendency of a discourse. the advantages of the process analysis of the discourse made by van dijk is how it connects between the text and the context of the social cognition through the manufacture of the discourse. similar statements by van dijk, a critical discourse analysis of fairclough in his book critical discourse analysis used intermediaries in linking between text and context, i.e. through the practice of discourse. critical discourse analysis approach to three-dimensional model classify that discourse consists of text, discourse, and socio-culture practice. the dimensions of the text simultaneously have three functions, namely the representation, relationships, and identity. the function of representation is closely related to how social reality is displayed in text form. the practice of discourse according to fairclough is staging with regard how to produce a discourse, a discourse in the form of mass media relates to how the media (news author) produce a text. this relates to the author's own personal as a newsmaker, 8 working relationship with fellow workers of other media, place of media institutions the author of refuge, how coverage news, news writing until it becomes news in the media. sociocultural practice is divided into three levels, namely the level of situational (situation builders discourse), institutional (institutional influence) and social (social influence society). the difference between van dijk and fairclough lies in the analysis of the text. although fairclough has already done with his analysis of the linguistic elements that are more comprehensively, but those are still not detailed because he did not clearly classify linguistic elements. in the analysis of discourse either critical or not, those are basically having the same point from language side or language used. there are three differences how language is seen in the discourse analysis (whether critical or not). the first view, represented by the empirical positivism, they see language as a bridge between man and object outside themselves. human experiences deemed to be directly expressed through the use of a language without any constraints or distortions, so far as he expressed by wearing the logical statements, syntax (the grammar of the sentence), and has a relationship with empirical experience. one feature of this view is the separation between thought and reality. in connection with the discourse analysis, people don't need to know the meanings of the subject or the underlying value from a statement, because the important thing is whether the statement was made correctly according to the syntactic and semantic rules (grammarly correct). the second view referred to as constructivism. this view rejects the view of positivism-empirical separating subject and object (thought and reality). in the view of constructivism, language is not just seen as a tool to understand the mere objective reality and separated from the subject as the messenger, but instead, consider the subject as a central factor in the activities of discourse and social relations. the subject has the capability to control certain purposes in any discourse, and languages are regulated and switched on by statements that have aims. each assertion is essential to mean, i.e. the creation of actions, the actions of selfformation as well as the disclosure of the identity of the speaker. while the third view, referred to as a critical view. this view wants to proofread a constructivism view of less sensitive on the production process and the meaning of reproduction going on historically as well as institutional (institutional in 9 nature). the view of constructivism is also still not analyze factors inherent power relations (closely related) in any discourse, which in turn was instrumental in shaping the kinds of a specific subject along with his behavior. in view of the critical emphasis on constellations the power that occur in the process of production and reproduction of the meaning. the individual is not considered a neutral subject who can interpret freely in accordance with his thoughts because of it deeply connected and influenced by the social power that exist in society. the language in these critical understood as a representation of a role in shaping a particular subject, the themes of a particular discourse, as well as the strategies. therefore, the analysis of the discourse in this view is used to unload the power that exists in every process of language: constraints of what is allowed into the discourse, the perspective should be used, what topics are discussed; and see the language has always been involved in power relations, especially in the formation of the subject, and various actions contained in the representation of the society. based on some of the views above, we can classify where critical discourse analysis and is not critical. the discourse analysis that used third-category view (critical view) is called the critical discourse analysis. while taking the first and second view categories called discourse analysis. in critical discourse analysis, language is analyzed not by mere linguistic aspect, but also connects with the context and as a social practice of shaping them. the context here means that language is used for its intended purpose and certain practices, including the practice of power. describing discourse as social practice lead to dialectical relations between discursive events (distorted) with certain situations, institutions, and social structures that formed it. the practice of discourse can also display the effects of ideology, for example, he can produce and reproduce the power relations that does not draw between social classes, men and women, the majority and minority groups through which differences represented in social position are shown. through discourse, for example, state that racist, sexist, or inequality of social life are seen as a common sense, fairness or natural and indeed like that fact. a critical discourse analysis of language seen as important factors, example, how language is used to look at inequality came in society appear, even we can investigate how existing social groups fought each other and filed their each version. 10 how to understand these cases, the author will present the five (5) characteristics of critical discourse analysis at next sub-topic. 3. critical discourse analysis of characteristics below is characterizes critical discourse analysis according to fairclough (eriyanto: 2009,h. 8-13). a. discourse understood as an action. it means that discourse as a form of associate interaction, for example, people who speak or write are not construed as he wrote or spoke. in such an understanding, there are some consequences of how discourse should be viewed. first, the discourse is seen as something that aimed to influence, persuade, argue, support, react, and others. someone talking or writing has a specific meaning, both large and small. second, the discourse is understood something that expressed a conscious, controlled, not something outside the control of consciousness. b. critical discourse analysis considering the context of discourse, such as backgrounds, situations, events, and conditions. in addition, critical discourse analysis also examined the context of communications: "who is communicating with whom and why; in this type of situation and what audiences; through what medium; how is the difference type of communication development; and associated to each "party". please note that not all contexts are included in the analysis, only the relevant over production and interpretation of texts that are included in the analysis. there is some context that is important because it affects the production of discourse. first, participants of discourse, who is producing the discourse, gender, age, education, social class, ethnicity, religion, in many respects relevant in describing the discourse. second, certain social settings, such as place, time, position the speaker and the listener or the physical environment that constitutes a useful context for understanding a discourse. c. one important aspect to be able to understand the text is put in a certain historical discourse. for example, we analyze some leaflet made by students who opposed mr. president/suharto regime. understanding of the discourse from this text will only be obtained if we could provide the historical context in which the text was created, how the situation of political space, the atmosphere at the time, and why the language style used. d. a critical discourse analysis is also considering elements of the throne (power) in analyzing discourse. here, every discourse that comes in the form of text, 11 conversation, or whatever, is not seen as something natural, reasonable and neutral but it is a form of power combat. the concept of power is one of the key relationships between discourse and public. as a teacher to his students. this implies that critical discourse analysis views do not limit themselves to the details of the text or discourse structure but also connects with the strength and condition of social, economic, political, and cultural. on the concept of power in relation to discourse produces namely "control" or foucault term "disciplined body” both mentally/psychic and repressive. e. ideology is the central concept in this analysis, due to text, conversation, and another form of ideology or practice. in classical ideology theories, stated that the ideology was built by the dominant group aimed to reproduce and legitimize their domination. one of the main strategy is to create awareness to the mob that dominance was accepted in taken for granted, through what is called by gramsci hegemony and create a false consciousness. ideology makes a member of a group will act in the same situation, be able to connect their problems, and contributing in the form of solidarity and cohesion within the group. in this perspective the ideology has some important implications: first, ideology is inherently social, not personal or individual; second, the ideology of social nature, although he used internally among members of a group or community. therefore, the ideology not only provided the function coherence and cohesion but also it formed the identity of the group and difference among groups. in view of this kind of discourse, then not understood as something neutral and takes place naturally, as in any discourse necessarily contained ideology to predominate and jockeying for influence. from the characteristics of critical discourse analysis above, we may examine the discourse produced by the elites who created many of the social inequality, implies the false consciousness of the community through disinformation, and the ecstasy of communication they made. 12 4. critical discourse analysis approach some approaches that are commonly used in critical discourse analysis are: a. critical linguistics approach a critical linguistic approach is emphasizing its analysis on language in relation to ideology. in this case, the ideology has been analyzed from the angle of word choice and sentence structure are used, in other words, the aspect of ideology observed the choice of the language and the structure of the grammar used. b. french approach the french approach assumes that language is a domain of dominant fight. through the meanings that are created in the discourse, the various groups of mutual attempts to infuse his belief and understanding to other groups. through words and meanings, they created a battle opinion, including the power to determine and establish the position of dominance on the other. in this approach, the language and ideology agree on language use and language materialistic on ideology, both, words used and their meaning. this is the approach used by sara mills with the perspective his feminism. c. social cognition approach this approach was developed by teun van dijk that focuses on the issue of ethnicity, racism, and refugees. this approach is referred to as social cognition, because of an important element of cognition factor in the production of discourse. therefore, according to this approach, the analysis of discourse can be used to find out the position of the social groups, both as the ruler/dominant and marginal groups. d. socio-cultural change approach this approach focuses on how the discourse and social change. the discourse here is seen as a social practice. thus, there is a dialectical relationship between the discursive practices with identity and social relations. discourse is also inherent in the situation, institution, and certain social classes. approach social change looked as discourse practices of power. according to this approach, the discourse has three effects in social change, namely (a) gives participation in the construction of social identity and position of the subject, (b) contribute to the construction of social relationships, (c) contributed in the construction of the system of knowledge and belief. 13 e. historical discourse approach according to this approach, the analysis of discourse should pay attention to historical context. the discourse here is called wodak because according to historical analysis of discourse should include the historical context how the discourse a group or community is described (wodak r. and meyer, m. 2001). in the critical paradigm, the media are seen as the dominant group that has a power. because the media is controlled by the dominant group, a reality that has actually been distorted and false. c. conclusions 1. the discourse is a unit of language that most concerned to sentence and a grammatical unit that is highest in the hierarchy of grammatical. while the analysis of discourse is the study of the structure of a message in a communication or an examination regarding various functions (pragmatics). 2. there are three perspectives on discourse, for such empirical positivism-view, the constructivism-view, and critical-view. 3. critical discourse analysis is an effort or parsing process to give an explanation of a text (social reality) and being reviewed by a person or a group of dominant tendency who has a specific purpose. critical discourse analysis has some characteristics, those are historical, context, action, power, and ideology. 4. critical discourse analysis approaches according to eriyanto consists of five parts, namely critical linguistics approach, french approach, social cognition approach, socio-cultural change approach, and historical discourse approach. 14 references crystal, d. 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(2001). methods of critical discourse analysis. london: sage. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 23 sentence errors on students’ bachelor thesis of english education department diana s. rahman (mahasiswa pascasarjana universitas negeri jogyakarta) email: abstract the aims of this research are to find out the common sentence errors on students’ bachelor thesis of english education department and to find out the amount of sentence errors on students’ bachelor thesis of english education department. those should be the reference material in evaluating and teaching english subject. this research used the qualitative method by technic of collecting the data such as observation sheet and documentation. the researcher used surface strategy taxonomy to analysis the datum. that consists of omission, addition, misfomation, and misordering. the result of research showed that the biggest error in writing sentence on students’ bachelor thesis of english education department was addition by 81 sentences. the second error was misformation by 30 sentences. then, omission was 19 sentences. thus, the smallest error in writing sentences on students’ bachelor thesis was misordering by 17 sentences. tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan kesalahan-kesalahan kalimat yang umum terjadi pada skripsi mahasiswa pendidikan bahasa inggris dan menemukan jumlah kesalahan-kesalahan kalimat pada skripsi mahasiswa pendidikan bahasa inggris. hal ini dapat menjadi bahan acuan atau rujukan untuk pembelajaran bahasa inggris. penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan tehnik pengumpulan data berupa lembar observasi dan dokumentasi. peneliti menggunakan strategi siasat permukaan (surface strategy taxonomy) untuk menganalisis data. strategi siasat permukaan terdiri dari penghilangan, penambahan, salah formasi, dan salah susun. hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan terbesar menulis kalimat pada skripsi mahasiswa pendidikan bahasa inggris adalah penambahan dengan 81 kalimat. kesalahan kedua adalah salah formasi dengan 30 kalimat. kemudian, penghilangan dengan 19 kalimat. dengan demikian kesalahan terkecil adalah salah susun dengan 17 kalimat. keywords: analysis, surface strategy taxonomy, students’ bachelor thesis, sentence errors. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 24 a. introduction bachelor thesis is the scholarly paper that discuss about the problem or phenomena in the specific science by using the right rules. the observation of problem or phenomena can be found on the education environment. it will be written or arranged through the planning activity and realization activity until finding the result of research based on the analysis of datum. because students are arranged or written not only as the form of academic assignment but also compulsory as the part of the requirement of education to get the success or passing. the research is operational of scientific method. it is the effort to solve the problem based on the steps on scientific method. therefore, bachelor thesis has the purpose to enable the student to write the research in accordance to academic writing. the research has the aims to develop the science from the various knowledge. thus, the result can use to define new theories, to prove theories, and to develop theories. based on the aims above, thus bachelor thesis becomes the obviously for college and university to get their scholar. students’ custom to do the research and to describe phenomena based on research and academic writing. however, many students find difficulties in doing good bachelor thesis. one of the difficulties is using academic writing especially when they write in english language. the writing of bachelor thesis that uses english language is not easy for everyone. the knowledge about english grammar and sentence is very important to write the bachelor thesis. thus, the writer is not only easy to arrange the sentence but also it can be understood by the reader. because of that, the right sentence is one of the requirements in academic writing included bachelor thesis. therefore, the sentence must arrange grammatically based on grammar rules in english. the students should be able to understand how to write english sentence a good order on composing their bachelor thesis. sentence error analysis, then make the students learn how to identify or to analysis their error in writing. the researcher wants to observe some bachelor thesis in order to find out the general error of students when they write their bachelor thesis. there were four types of sentences commonly. they are omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. the researcher interested to do error analysis on students’ bachelor thesis of english education department because some reasons that i said above. the students demand to be able to compose grammatical sentence on their bachelor thesis. however, in the pre-observation research, the researcher found some bachelor thesis containing many sentence errors. therefore, it is important to know the common error which students made bachelor thesis. b. research method the method of this research is qualitative research. it is based on the research focus; to analysis the sentence errors on students’ bachelor thesis of english department at iain sultan amai gorontalo. the research also used the content analysis. content analysis is a research technique for making inferences journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 25 by systematically and abjectly identifying specified characteristics within a text. in another definition by bernald barelson, content analysis is defined as “a research technique for the objective, system and quantitative description of manifest content of communication. the requirement of the technique to be “objective” and “systematic” is of course subsumed under the requirement of reliability in our definition (klaus krippendorff, content analysis,volume 5 : 21). then the same definition argued by fred n. kerlinger, “content analysis is a method of studying and analyzing communications in a systematic, objective, and qualitative manner to measure variables.”( soejono and abdurrahman, 2005 : 12) the subject of this research is the students’ bachelor thesis of english department in iain sultan amai gorontalo. a number of bachelor thesis that become subject were 16 bachelor thesis because there are many errors on those bachelor thesis when the researcher did the free observation. then, the researcher took 2 bachelor thesis every year. this research used the purposive sampling to take the samples (suharsimi arikunto, 2013 : 83) the technic of data collecting in this research used observation and documentation. this research will use the stage of observation according to spradly such as: a) description observation, b) focused observation, c) selected observation. by doing observation, the researcher can see and record the sentence errors on students’ bachelor thesis. then, there are three activities to analysis data; data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification (sugiyono, 2015 : 245-246) then, researcher used the surface strategy taxonomy to analysis and identify the sentence errors on students’ bachelor thesis. c. discussions a. the types of sentence errors on students’ bachelor thesis of english education department table 4.1 omission errors no. types of error (omission) sentence errors 1. omission of subject 1. motive can not detect directly but can intreped in their attitude or behavior 2. so will create a harmonious two-way relationship between teachers and students 3. so have to make the library study 4. but can not to write. 5. will increase the researchers’ knowledge 6. is expected to increase the vocabulary 2. omission of verb 1. the process of conducting the learning system between teacher and students at the school 2. when the teacher teaching in front of the class 3. while use of media in the process of learning english journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 26 very supportive 4. the learning process using the right media 5. then from this case i choice a method 6. as for other countries using english as a second language 7. the significant of this research the effect of picture media 8. such as articles, present and continous, preposition of time, past tense, present perfect tense, indirect speech, past continous tense, yes/no question in past tense, connectives, simple past forms of “be”, simple past forms of reguler verbs, simple past forms of irreguler verbs, relational voice (simple past), question tags, reported speech (a review), causative “have”. (ommision verb). 3. omission of determiner 1. a teacher should be doing planning and evaluation of all actions to be taken 4. omission of preposition 1. the teacher should give the guidance and motivation about important improving reading interest 2. even though for us indonesia society show that education 3. i try give an idea to a teacher as collaborator 5. omission of punctuation 1. so as a researcher i am doing to research does the picture media influence to student’s vocabulary mastery at smp n 4 limboto? table 4.2 addition errors no. types of error (addition) sentence errors 1. simple addition 1. it cause in writing students are given time to analyzed it’s word 2. which must analyzed to lesson the error of translation result 3. the students to reading fom itself 4. so the researcher want to know what are causes that make them get high achievement of study 5. the teacher have to increase 6. the teacher have to know the all characters and functions as the teacher 7. from the result of research that have gotten in class vii bp 1 at mts. negeri model limboto 8. teacher use in teaching process 9. teacher need to apply the mode or learning journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 27 10. the researcher need to do 11. teacher help the young learner to acquire or practice the language. 12. teacher of the young learner have to create a good atmosphere 13. the teacher duty in learning and studying process consits of pedagogies duty and administration duty. 14. because teacher have creativity 15. the writer suggest some maters 16. the teacher must used the different method in teaching vocabulary 17. one approach to instructional media that have a level of active student learning 18. picture are medium or media in the forms of posters, paintings, photographs, caricatures, etc. 19. data were analized by three ways namely data reduction, data display. 20. overcoming barries to increased use of picture student learning 21. an alternative to teaching vocabulary in english 22. the students must mastered the four basic language skills 23. the fourth is used to respond to or create a discourse in public life 24. the learner could not communicate to other clearly, could not understand to read books, could not to write and could not understant in listening 25. when student have more vocabulary 26. student could not to speak 27. this research want look 28. the educational and economic problem was caused of country progres 29. as author i addressed that both of method of learning are have relation meaning 30. these could proved with the result of observation 31. i wanting to increase about 75% students get 70%achievement 32. many students doesn’t have interest in reading 33. other researchers to doing advanced research and development 34. other researchers to doing advanced research and development 35. the four skills were used to respond to or create discourse in public life. 36. this is some factors that influence the person or the people can not to speak. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 28 37. the people can not to speak 38. the four skills were used to respond to or create discourse in public life. 39. the researcher make conclusion 40. the teacher give example of biography muhammad yamin 41. the researcher make some suggestion for english teacher, students, and institution 42. for the students if students want to reading comprehention 43. researcher does several obsevation in class, to observed the students speaking skills during the learning process in teaching english 44. the researcher explain about vocabulary 45. the researcher make conclusion 46. students in middle scholl still has a limited vocabulary 47. for example to doing conversation with all the people in the world 48. the reasearch want to analyzed the students’ competence 49. the research have a suggestion after did this research 50. the researcher want to discuss about question taqs (taq question) 51. the reasearch want to analyzed the students’ competence 2. double markings 1. they learn tranfer from thinking to be writing language 2. because the students in this scholl are have motivation in learn especially english learning process. 3. the implemention of good method and strategy are will get the quality of education 4. good method and learning strategy are will getting improving study achievement of students 5. it is depend on the method 6. they need play with words 7. the important duty of teacher is do some activities or agenda 8. the teacher creativity must be have to motivate student 9. the students didn’t found punishment from mahkamatul lugho 10. 1’m not took explain what the relation are but only tool for a research theme instead 11. there could be understand about the term 12. i want to try to apply 13. i formulated for aim of my research is to know does the application of relo-play method can be increase the students’ speaking ability journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 29 14. that is was proves by their activity in role playing 15. then the method influences to learning process 16. this research want look same with other 17. the interest in reading and ability hopeful could gave implication theoretical and practical. 18. the many interest reading can help increase vocabulary 19. confused to diction that must used in context that different 20. or can to express but can not to write. 21. they are not have confident 22. they are not have self confidence to speak in front of class or their friends. 23. they are not have ability to speak 24. they are feel shy, and be afraid 25. this research is expected increase students’ speaking ability 26. teachers are also required to can develop the skills 27. they just want to learn is by planning 28. that students can to improve students’ vocabulary 3. double subject 1. the most difficult it will be for them to perform the activity of language. 2. guessing game it is strategy to interest table 4.3 misformation errors no. types of error (misformation ) sentence errors 1. archi-forms 1. there is some various students’ ability on translation and grammatical mastery 2. of course reading is not the one of way for that 3. there are two variable 4. i present some suggestion 5. english subject matter is one of subject 6. beside personality of the teacher it selves 7. one of the factor to get succes in the learning process 8. mts. negeri model limboto is one of the best school in gorontalo province 9. it has some conclusion as shown below 10. picture is one of the media 11. teachers and students itself that do it. 12. in the teaching learning process the teacher also must use some kind of approaches 13. the important duty of teacher is do some activities or journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 30 agenda 14. this factor can be divided to two factor 15. vocabulary is one of the important aspect in learning a foreing language 16. the students can take some information to identify their speaking ability 17. the population is the all student at class xi and to take the sample used the purposive sampling technique 18. in this research the population is the all student at second grade 19. this research there is two variable 20. some factor that influence the person or the people 21. the researcher make some suggestion for english teacher, students, and institution 22. the goal of improving some aspect of comprehention 23. from two suggestion above 2. regulation 1. the one of main reason why the studentd not get success in teaching learning process 2. who not have expert to do activities or duty as a teacher 3. we saw there many govermnets’ program to develop country’s quality 3. misformation of verb 1. students’ can tell everything they thing 2. the researcher hope the teacher soul give help for the student 4. misformation of spelling 1. the teacher can improve and develop the vocabury mastery 5. misformation of subject 1. the research hope this suggetion can be attetion for everyone table 4.4 misordering errors no. types of error (misordering) sentence errors 1. misordering of adverb 1. based on above opinion can be known that reading is a process for obtain the information 2. based on above condition, the writer performs a research 3. based on the above exposure 4. based on the above description of an attempt to improve the english 2. misordering of aphostrophe 1. by speaking students’ can tell everything 2. that the students ‘vocabulary is still very low 3. that the students ‘vocabulary is still very low 3. misoredring of noun phrase 1. as for other countries using english as a second language as malaysia country and india 2. to improve student’s vocabulary trough games quartet in seventh grade junior high school journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 31 3. question taqs must be studied because if we would like to ask with giving affirmation we can be used question taqs. we usually use question taqs in conversation. 4. a question taq consists of two words. 5. the using of question taqs for the students of junior high school is a new thing. 6. that the use of question taqs is not easy. 7. the students’ competence on question taqs in smp negeri 3 bolangintang barat. 8. so the researcher would like to do a research about “an analysis of students’ competence on question taqs” 9. the aim of research of this observation is to know is the students’ competence on question taqs 10. to improve student’s vocabulary trough games quartet in seventh grade junior high school b. the amount of sentence errors on students’ bachelor thesis of english education department table 4.5 the amount of sentence errors no. the year of bache lor thesis the title of bachelor thesis the types of error o m issio n a d d itio n m isfo r m a tio n m iso r d e r in g 1 2009 1. the tenses analysis of translation result in english sentences 2. a correlation between students’ reading interest and their achievement in english learning at the first grade students of man limboto 1 4 4 2 2 2010 1. the using of picture to develop english vocabulary for young learner 2. the implementation of active learning method in improving student’s motivation at class vii bina prestasi 1 of mts. negeri model limboto 2 15 7 journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 32 3 2011 1. the teacher’s creativity in teaching vocabulary at the second grade of mts. al-falah 2. the effectiveness of picture in english learning process at mts alyusra gorontalo 4 12 5 1 4 2012 1. the application of role play method to increase students’ speaking ability 2. the correlation between using discussion method and students’ speaking ability 4 17 5 5 2013 1. the influence of interest in reading english book toward the result of reading comprehension 2. the influence of self confidence toward english speaking ability 4 17 2 1 6 2014 1. improving the student’s reading comprehension thinking activity (drta) 2. improving the english vocabulary through scramble method 2 5 2 1 7 2015 1. the influence of picture media toward student’s vocabulary mastery 2. improving students’ speaking ability guessing game strategy 2 6 2 3 8 2016 1. an analysis of students’ competence on question tags 2. improving student’s vocabulary trough quartet game on seventh grade of smp 2 pulubala 5 3 9 9. the amount of errors 19 81 30 18 d. conclussion based on the finding and discussion, the researcher can conclude some of the conclusion as follows: the biggest error in writing sentences on students’ bachelor thesis of english education department is addition.the smallest error in writing sentences on students’ bachelor thesis of english education department is misordering.there are sentences error on students’ bachelor thesis of english education department include 81 sentences of addition, 30 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obtained from the subject conversation in a video form. the recording process consists of two phases. the first phase, the subject is let to speak naturaly which is intended to know phonological and syntaxtical of the subject. the second phase, the subject is stimulated to speak in order to know the difference between phonological and syntaxtical of the subject. the result of the research are: a) the phonological and syntaxtical acquisition of the subjectare revolving on the unmeaningfull words. the words occured in this phase are pronoun. b) after being simulated, the phonological and syntaxtical acquisition of the subjectare revolving on meaningfull words which encompass nouns, one word-utterance, two words-utterance, and diftongs. keyword: aquisition, fonological, syntaxtical abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis dari seorang anak berumur dua tahun. jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian studi kasus. data penelitian berupa rekaman pembicaraan yang didapatkan dari percakapan subyek penelitian dalam sebuah video. pengambilan rekaman terdiri dari dua fae. fase yang pertama, subyek pada penelitian ini dibiarkan secara natural dan direkam fonologi dan sintaksis yang dia hasilkan. fase kedua adalah dengan merangsang subyek pada penelitian ini untuk berbicara. hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa; (a) pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis pada fase pertama ini menghasilkan kata kata yang tidak mempunyai makna, kata kata yang paling banyak muncul pada fase ini adalah jenis kata ganti orang/pronoun, (b) setelah dilakukan treatment berupa rangsangan untuk berbicara, hasil pada fase kedua ini adalah, subyek penelitian sudah mampu menghasilkan kata-kata yang mempunyai makna dan juga menghasilkan beberapa jenis kata diantaranya, kata benda yang diujar sampai dua, tiga kata dalam sekali ujaran dan beberapa diptong. kata kunci: pemerolehan, fonologi, sintaksis a. pendahuluan kita sering melihat dan menyaksikan sendiri bagaimana anak mengujarkan sebuah kata, apakah kata itu bermakna atau tidak, kita dengan sendirinya dapat memahami apa yang anak maksudkan. melalui gerakan tangannya, matanya, serta gerakan mulutnya yang lucu, anak berusaha untuk menyampaikan pesan kepada orang-orang yang berada di sekitarnya. itulah keunikan yang ada pada anak, yaitu keunikan yang tidak dimiliki oleh makhluk lain selain manusia. keunikan ini merupakan kemampuan yang luar biasa yang dianugerahkan kepada setiap anak manusia yang lahir ke alam dunia. beberapa ahli linguistik menyatakan bahwa sesungguhnya bahasa tidak dapat diajarkan kepada makhluk selain manusia dan hanya manusialah yang mampu berbahasa. karena memang, kodrat bahasa hanya dapat dimiliki oleh manusia (chomsky dalam dardjowijodjo, 2003: 236). dalam teorinya, chomsky menyatakan bahwa anak dilahirkan sudah dibekali dengan piranti pemerolehan bahasa atau yang dinamakan dengan language acquition device (lad) (dardjowidjojo, 2003: 232). dengan piranti inilah anak dapat dengan mudah memperoleh bahasa. bahasa, pada tatanan ini diperoleh anak secara alamiah (nature). berbeda dengan chomsky, skinner (dalam tahun dardjowijodjo, 2003:235) menyatakan bahwa pemerolehan bahasa pada anak lebih dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan (nurture). bahasa, menurut skinner, tidak lain hanyalah merupakan seperangkat kebiasaan. kebiasaan hanya diperoleh melalui latihan yang bertubi-tubi. terlepas dari perbedaan pemerolehan bahasa oleh para ahli di atas, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa baik faktor alamiah (nature) maupun faktor lingkungan (nurture), keduanya tidak bisa dipisahkan antara satu dengan lainnya. nature diperlukan karena tanpa bekal kodrati makhluk tidak mungkin dapat berbahasa. nurture juga diperlukan karena tanpa adanya input dari alam sekitar bekal kodrati tersebut tidak akan terwujud. terkait dengan piranti pemerolehan bahasa, sebagaimana yang diungkapakn oleh chomsky di atas, diperkuat oleh beberapa hal, yakni: (1). pemerolehan bahasa anak mengikuti tahap-tahap sama;(2).tidak ada hubungan pemerolehan bahasa anak dengan tingkat kecerdasan;(3). pemerolehan bahasa tidak terpengaruh oleh emosi maupun motivasi; dan (4). pada masa pemerolehan tata bahasa anak di seluruh dunia sama saja. si anak akan mampu mengucapkan suatu kalimat yang belum pernah didengar sebelumnya dengan menerapkan kaidah-kaidah tata bahasa yang tidak sadar diketahuinya. sejatinya, masih banyak pertanyaan yang perlu dijawab tentang bagaimana sebenarnya anak-anak memperoleh bahasa. bagaimana cara mereka menentukan apa makna kata-kata atau bagaimana cara menghasilkan ujaran yang bersifat gramatika yang belum pernah mereka dengar atau yang diproduksi sebelumnya?apakah anak-anak belajar bahasa karena orang dewasa mengajarkannya kepada mereka? atau karena mereka diprogramkan secara genetik untuk memperoleh bahasa? apakah mereka belajar dalam rangka memenuhi beberapa kebutuhan untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain? telah banyak penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para ahli bahasa dalam rangka menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas. dan hasilnya pun sungguh luar biasa. banyak fakta ditemukan oleh para peneliti terkait pemerolehan bahasa pada anak, yang kemudian diterbitkan dalam bentuk buku. melalui buku-buku inilah, banyak para peneliti dapat memecahkan misteri pemerolehan bahasa pada anak. begitu pula dengan penelitian mini ini(mini research) yang penulis ketengahkan kepada para pembaca. dalam penelitian ini, penulis mencoba untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana cara anak dalam memperoleh bahasa pertamanya. penelitian ini dilakakukan pada seorang anak yang bernama rafandra ishak. rafandra ishak, untuk selanjutnya disebut sebagai subyek, adalah anak pertama dari pasangan uyan ishak dan irmawati bagu. bahasa sehari-hari yang dipakai oleh kedua orang tua subyek adalah bahasa manado dan bahasa gorontalo. begitu pula dengan orang-orang yang berada di lingkungannya. meskipun orang di sekitar subyek memakai dua bahasa, tapi subyek lebih dominan memperoleh bahasa manado. sehingga, bahasa manado menjadi bahasa pertama subyek. alasan peneliti memilih subyek sebagai subjek penelitian adalah disebabkan oleh subyek pada usianya yang sudah menginjak 2 tahun, penguasaan kosa katanya masih sangat terbatas. berdasarkan fokus penelitian di atas, maka pertanyaan penelitian dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut: a) bagaimana perkembangan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis tahap pertama pada anak usia 2 tahun? b) bagaimana perkembangan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis tahap kedua pada anak usia 2 tahun? c) apa perbedaan antara perkembangan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis tahap pertama dan tahap kedua pada anak usia 2 tahun? ada pun tujuan penelitian ini adalah:a) untuk mengetahui perkembangan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis tahap pertama pada anak usia 2 tahun. b) untuk mengetahuiperkembangan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis tahap kedua pada anak usia 2 tahun. c) untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara perkembangan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis tahap pertama dan tahap kedua pada anak usia 2 tahun. b. metode penelitian metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus.bassey (1999: 25) menyatakan bahwa “case study methods involve the collection and recording of data about a case or cases…” pernyataan ini dapat diartikan bahwa metode-metode studi kasus termasuk di dalamnya adalah pengumpulan dan perekaman data tentang satu kasus atau lebih. sehingga melalui metode kualitatif ini akan dideskripsikan perbedaan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis pada anak usia 2 tahun. data penelitian ini berupa data kebahasaan lisan yang direkam (spoken teks). data ini berbentuk wacana interaksional. data-data tersebut diperoleh dari kegiatan percakapan antara subjek penelitian dan teman penulis yang berbentuk rekaman video. data pada penelitian ini diperoleh melalui metode stimulus – respon terhadap subyek. di mana stimulus – respon ini dilakukan dalam dua tahap. tahap pertama, subyek dibiarkan bercakap-cakap secara alamiah untuk mengetahui pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis subyek. tahap kedua, subyek distimulus dengan lebih intens merespon apa yang subyek ujarkan, sehingga dengan tahaptahap ini dapat diketahui perbedaan antara pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis subyek. selanjutnya, data dalam penelitian mini ini diperoleh melalui teknik perekaman, yaitu perekaman dilakukan pada saat subyek sedang bermain, makan, berinteraksi dengan keluarga, dan aktifitas-aktifitas subyek secara keseluruhan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. langkah yang dilakukan adalah data yang berupa rekaman ditranskripsikan ke dalam bentuk tulisan. c. hasil dan pembahasan pada pembahasan ini akan diuraikan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis yang dibagi kedalam dua tahap, yakni perkembangan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis tahap pertama dan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis tahap kedua. pembagian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis subyek pada saat sebelum dilakukan stimulus dan pada saat setelah dilakukan stimulus. 1. pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis (tahap pertama) a. pemerolehan fonologi fonologi adalah salah satu bidang ilmu bahasa yang membahas tentang bunyi-bunyi suatu bahasa tertentu menurut fungsinya untuk membedakan makna leksikal dalam bahasa tersebut (verhaar,1995:36). selanjutnya, dalam bunyi yang diamati adalah bunyi yang dapat membedakan arti yang dikenal dengan fonem. lebih jelas lagi, yang dimaksud dengan fonem adalah satuan bunyi terkecil yang mampu menunjukkan perbedaan makna (kridalaksana, 1993:56). misalnya, perbedaan bunyi [p] dan bunyi [b] pada kata [paru] dan [baru]. dalam bahasa inggris, misalnya, kata light dan right, lot dan rot. dari pasangan kata ini, yang menyebabkan berbedanya makna,yaitu pada fonem [l] dan [r]. pada tahap ini, subjek sudah bisa memproduksi beberapa fonem, di antaranya adalah fonem [p], [b], [t], [m], [k], dan [w] untuk bunyi konsonan. sementara untuk bunyi vokal, dia sudah bisa memproduksi fonem [a], [e], [i], dan [o]. fonem yang paling sering muncul diantara keempat fonem tersebut adalah fonem [a] dan fonem [e]. kedua fonem ini selalu muncul pada setiap situasi, baik ketika ia bermain, makan, dan aktivitas lainnya. fonem [i] pada tahap ini hanya beberapa kali muncul, yaitu ketika subek ingin ikut bersama ibunya, dia mengucapkan kata /yi/ untuk pergi, dan pada saat ia sedang bermain, dia mengucapkan “ati...ti...ti...”, maksudnya adalah ia menyuruh kakaknya untuk mengambil bola. sedangkan untuk fonem [o] hanya sekali muncul, yaitu ketika ia sedang bermain di ruang tengah bersama kakaknya. fonem ini muncul begitu saja bersama dengan bunyi hambat bilabial [p], dan pada situasi-situasi berikutnya, fonem ini sudah tidak pernah muncul lagi. selanjutnya, dalam hal konsonan, pada perkembangannya subyek tampaknya sudah mengikuti konsep universal yang diungkapkan oleh jakobson, bahwa urutan pemerolehan konsonan hambat adalah dari bilabial ke alveolar, dan akhirnya ke velar. dalam hal ini subyek sudah bisa mengeluarkan bunyi hambat bilabial [p] dan velar ringan [t]. hal ini tampak pada setiap situasi kedua fonem ini selalu muncul bersamaan seperti yang tergambar pada situasi berikut ini: r: (subyek) r : (sedang berada di atas ranjang) “” “waw..” (sambil memainkan pengikat rambut kakaknya) “pete...pete...”(kata-kata ini terus dia ulangi. kemudian dia turun dari ranjang) “akaa...waw...waw...waw...” (masih terus memainkan pengikat rambut kakaknya).“”(memanggil ibunya) “kaka....mama...” (ia meminta kakaknya supaya diantar pulang kepada ibunya). dari situasi di atas dapat dilihat bahwa kata “pete...pete” sering dia ucapkan meskipun dari segi semantik kata ini tidak bermakna. sementara untuk bunyi velar [k] pada kata /kaka/ seperti yang tampak di atas, sudah dengan lancar dapat ia ucapkan dan bunyi nasal [m] pada kata /mama/. bunyi hambat bilabial [b] hanya satu kali muncul, yaitu pada kata /ebe..ebe.../. kata ini muncul ketika subjek kesal karena tidak dihiraukan oleh kakaknya. sedangkan bunyi semivokal [w] dalam tahap ini muncul berulang-ulang ketika subyek mengekspresikan kata /waw/ yang selalu ia dengar dari kakaknya. untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan tabel pemerolehan fonologi subyek di bawah ini: bentuk fonem fonem dalam bentuk kata makna kata keterangan [p] /pete-pete/ tidak bermakna [b] /ebe-ebe/, (bernada mencibir) [t] /ati/ tidak bermakna [m] /mama/ (ibu) [k] /kaka/ (kakak) [w] /waw/ (ekspresi) [a] /kaka/, /mama/, /ati/ (kakak), (ibu), (-)* *) tidak bermakna [e] /ebe-ebe/, /eee/pete-pete/ tidak bermakna [i] /ati/, /ti..ti/ ,/yi/* *) pergi tidak bermakna [o] /ooo..poo/ tidak bermakna tabel 1. pemerolehan fononologi tahap pertama b. pemerolehan sintaksis dalam teori pemerolehan bahasa pada anak, penguasaan sintaksis berlangsung secara bertahap, yaitu, dimulai dari tahap satu kata, dua kata, dan tiga kata atau lebih. dalam pemerolehan sintaksis, para peneliti tidak memulai kajian dari tahap holofrasis karena, menurut greenfield dan smith (dalam chaer, 2009) bahwa ucapan-ucapan holofrasis sukar ditafsirkan atau dipahami. untuk bisa menafsirkannya peneliti harus merujuk kepada situasi dan konteks di mana holofrasis itu diucapkan. namun, clark dan garman (chaer, op.cit.) menyatakan bahwa tahap holofrasis ini mungkin dapat memberikan beberapa gambaran batin mengenai perkembangan sintaksis. oleh karena itu, ada baiknya diikutsertakan dalam satu teori pemerolehan sintaksis. a. ujaran satu suku kata dalam ujaran satu suku kata ini, subyek sudah mengeluarkan kata-kata yang sebagian dari kata-kata tersebut belum mempunyai makna. misalnya, katakata berikut ini: [pete-pete] [ebe] [ati] [ti] [oopo po] jika ditinjau dari segi semantik, kata-kata ini tampak lebih bersifat latihan motoris. tidak ada referen yang dapat dikaitkan dengan apa yang subyek katakan, meskipun sebenarnya pada umurnya yang sudah dua tahun ini subyek sudah seharusnya dapat mengujarkan lebih banyak kata. echa pada umurnya 2:6 tahun sudah dapat mengujarkan kata-kata yang bersuku dua. misalnya, untuk kata layang-layang dia sudah dapat memilih suku kata terakhir yaitu [yaŋ] (dardjowidjojo, 2000:125), dan masih banyak lagi kata lainnya yang sudah echa kuasai. di samping kata-kata yang telah disebutkan di atas, pada tahap ini terdapat beberapa kata yang sudah dapat diproduksi oleh subyek dengan baik, misalnya, untuk kata /mama/ dan /kakak/ subyek tidak mengalami masalah. karena memang kata-kata ini sudah familiar baginya . meskipun terkadang pada saat mengujarkan kata [mama] dia sering menggunakan kata /ma/ dan /ka/ untuk kata [kakak]. 1. ujaran dua suku kata seperti yang telah di uraikan di atas, ada beberapa kata yang sudah membentuk ujaran dua suku kata yang muncul ketika subyek berujar. di antaranya adalah kata [pete//pete]. namun, kata ini tidak termasuk ke dalam ujaran dua suku kata yang sesuai dengan teori generatif transformatif chomsky. dalam teori ini dinyatakan bahwa terdapat hubungan subject-ofyang dirumuskan seperti pada bagan berikut: k fn + fv keterangan: k = kalimat fn = frase nomina fv = frase verbal sehubungan dengan rumus di atas, mc. neil (dalam chaer, 2009) menyatakan bahwa ucapan-ucapan dua kata atau lebih dari kanak-kanak dapat dianalisis berdasarkan hubungan-hubungan yang digambarkan dalam rumus itu karena ucapan dua kata itu sesungguhnya mempunyai struktur. jika didasarkan pada teori ini, kata [pete//pete] tidak termasuk dalam ujaran dua suku kata sebagaimana yang dimaksud. karena kata ini tidak tergolong baik dalam frase nomina atau pun dalam frase verbal. namun, sudah ada kata yang membentuk ujaran dua suku kata yang muncul pada tahap ini, meskipun kemunculan kata ini hanya dua kali. pertama, ketika subjek melihat ibunya akan pergi, dia mengucapkan [kaka//yi], maksudnya adalah dia ingin pergi bersama ibunya. kedua, saat dia minta kepada kakaknya untuk diantar pulang ke rumahnya, dia mengucapkan [kaka//mama]. kedua kata ini, [kaka//yi] dan [kaka// mama], mempunyai ciri-ciri usk (ujaran dua kata) atau dalam istilah asingnya adalah twu (two word utterance) di mana salah satu cirinya adalah anak sudah mulai mengujarkan dua kata yang diselingi oleh jeda sehingga seolah-olah dua kata itu terpisah. untuk menyatakan bahwa subyek ingin pergi, dia tidak mengatakan [kakayi], akan tetapi [kaka//yi] “kakak pergi” dengan jeda di antara kakak dan pergi. 2. pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis (tahap kedua) a. pemerolehan fonologi pada pemerolehan tahap kedua ini, kemampuan fonologi subjek menunjukkan peningkatan yang cukup signifikan, karena pada tahap ini rafa distimulus untuk mengujarkan kata yang telah diperolehnya. jika pada sebelumnya subjek dapat mengujarkan beberapa bunyi konsonan [p], [b], [t], [m], [k], dan [w], maka pada tahap ini bertambah dua bunyi konsonan yaitu, bunyi alveolar [d], dan alveo-palatal [y]. munculnya bunyi alveolar [d] ketika dia sedang diajak berbicara oleh kakaknya seperti yang terdapat pada dialog mereka berikut ini: keterangan: n (kakak subyek) r (subyek) n: “ti mama ada di mana?” / ibu di mana?/ r: “paati...” (sambil menunjuk ke arah rumahnya) n: “hah...?” (bingung dengan jawaban r) r: “pati...” n: “pati?...ada pati iti?” / oh, ada sama bibi fitri?/ r: “aaa.. (mengangkat kedua tangannya) ...dias” n: “apa itu “dias”? (bingung ketika r menjawab dengan kata “dias”) r: (diam tak menjawab) dari dialog di atas, kata “dias” adalah kata yang tidak memiliki makna, karena kata tersebut tidak sesuai dengan pertanyaan yang diutarakan oleh kakaknya. kata ini keluar dengan spontan. namun begitu, bunyi [d] pada kata “dias” menandakan bahwa subyek sudah bisa mengujarkan bunyi [d]. tidak hanya kata“dias”, ada beberapa kata yang subjek ujarkan mengandung bunyi konsonan [d], diantaranya adalah pada saat dia diminta untuk mengujarkan kata /andi/, dia mengujarkannya dengan kata /adi/, dan /pade/ untuk kata /fadel/. sementara itu, untuk alveo-palatal [y] muncul ketika subyek sedang bersama dengan ibunya. saat itu subyek diminta untuk menyebutkan nama-nama kakaknya. untuk kata /debi/, dia mengucapkannya dengan /yi/ dan /fitri/ dia mengucapkannya dengan /yiti/. seperti yang terdapat dalam dialog mereka di bawah ini: keterangan: ir = (ibu subyek) r = (subyek) ir: “kakdebi....” (meminta r untuk menyebutkan nama kakaknya) r: “aaa? (bertanya) ir: “kakdebi....” (mengulangi sekali lagi) r: “aka...” ir: “debi...” r: “yii.....” (maksudnya debi) ir: “panggefitri...” /panggil fitri/ (menyuruh rafa untuk mengucapkan kata “fitri”) r: “yiti...” (maksudnya adalah “fitri”) berdasarkan dialog di atas, subjek tampak selalu mengganti bunyi vokal [i] dengan gabungan konsonan + vokal yaitu [yi], baik yang terdapat pada awal kata maupun pada akhir kata. misalnya, pada akhiran kata dari kata /debi/ yaitu /bi/, dia mengucapkannya dengan /yi/ dan pada awal kata dari kata /fitri/, yaitu /fi/, dia mengucapkannya dengan /yi/ pula. hal ini juga membuktikan bahwa subyek belum bisa mengujarkan bunyi frikatif [ f] dan bunyi getar [r] seperti pada kata /fitri/. subjek lebih memilih mengucapkan /yi/ untuk bunyi frikatif [f] dan bunyi getar [r] dengan langsung mengucapkan /ti/. selanjutnya, untuk bunyi vokal, pada tahap ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan tahap awal. namun, pada tahap ini, subjek sudah dapat memproduksi dua gabungan vokal atau yang disebut diftong. dalam pengambilan data yang berlangsung kurang lebih satu bulan ini (pada tahap dua, yaitu bulan oktober), ditemukan dua diftong yang muncul dalam ujaran subjek, yaitu, /ae/ dan /ua/. diftong /ae/ muncul ketika dia ditanyai kakaknya kalau sedang melakukan apa, kemudian dia menjawab dengan kata /mae/, maksudnya adalah dia sedang bermain. untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan dialog mereka berikut ini: n: “ada ba apa ti nunu?”/ rafa sedang melakukan apa?/ (ketika melihat r sedang memegang “mouse” laptop) r: “mae...” (maksudnya adalah dia sedang bermain) kata /mae/ pada dialog ini maksudnya adalah /main/. kemudian, diftong /ua/ muncul pada kata gula-gula(dalam bahasa indonesia adalah permen) dan kata /dua/. pada kata gula-gula, dia mengujarkannya dengan /wua-wua/, sementara pada kata /dua/ dia mengujarkannya dengan benar yaitu /dua/. 1. pemerolehan sintaksis perkembangan sintaksis subjek pada tahap ini sudah makin baik, terutama pada tahap satu kata. seperti halnya dengan ujaran satu suku kata pada tahap pertama, wujud sintaksisnya masih sederhana, namun semantiknya sudah kompleks. seperti kata-kata seperti [kaka] “kakak,” [mae] “main,” dan [dua] “dua,” ” masing-masing merujuk pada etentitas, keadaan, dan perbuatan yang berbeda-beda. kata [kaka], misalnya subyek ucapkan ketika dia melihat sepatu, sehingga barangkali subyek sedang mengatakan bahwa itu sepatu kakak, atau ketika dia memandangi sebuah foto dia ingin mengatakan bahwa itu adalah kakak. sementara itu, kata [mae] dia keluarkan ketika subyek sedang memainkan mouse laptop. dari konteksnya kata [dua] subyek ujarkan ketika dia sedang berbicara dengan neneknya lewat handphone. saat itu subyek meminta neneknya untuk membelikan dua botol susu untuknya. dari berbagai kata yang telah dikuasai subjek, verba dan ajektiva yang belum muncul. sementara yang mendominasi adalah nomina, yaitu berkisar pada nama-nama orang yang berada di sekitarnya seperti berikut ini: [yi] “debi” [pade] “fadel” [yiti] “fitri” [tata] “kakak” [adi] “andi” selanjutnya, untuk ujaran dua suku kata pada tahap ini muncul pada beberapa situasi. misalnya, pada kata [ma dua] muncul ketika dia sedang berbicara dengan neneknya melalui handphone. dalam situasi ini kata [ma dua] yang dia ujarkan muncul dengan alami meskipun sebelumnya dia sempat diberikan petunjuk oleh ibunya. seperti yang tampak dalam dialog mereka berikut ini: keterarangan: nr (nenek subjek) r (subjek) nr: (suara neneknya melalui handphone) “halo”... r: “ma, dua...” (maksudnya dia ingin dibelikan dua blek susu oleh neneknya) nr: “suruh bili apa ti nunu?”/ rafa mau dibelikan apa?/ (tanya neneknya) r: “dua...” nr: “apa?” r: “dua...dua...” kata [ma] pada dialog di atas bukan bermakna /mama/ akan tetapi bermakna /oma/. dari dialog ini pula tampak bahwa subjek sudah bisa merespon pertanyaan yang diajukan kepadanya dengan baik. meskipun jawabannya masih dalam bentuk ujaran dua kata bahkan satu kata, baginya dan bagi anak pada umumnya kata ini sudah memiliki makna yang kompleks. ujaran dua kata selanjutnya muncul pada saat dia menemukan sebuah rp. 500-, yang kemudian meminta kakaknya agar uang tersebut dibelikan permen, seperti yang terdapat pada potongan dialog mereka berikut ini: keterangan: r: (subjek) n: (kakak subjek) r: (mengembalikan sepatu tersebut ke tempatnya semula. ketika berbalik, r melihat uang rp. 500 di tepi ranjang. diambilnya uang itu dan diperlihatkan kepada n)) n: “barapa itu?”/berapa itu?/ (bertanya kepada r berapa nominal uang itu). r: “hmmm...” (memperlihatkan uang itu kepada n) n: “mo bili akan apa itu?, mo ba bili akan gula-gula?/ untuk apa itu uang?, untuk membeli gula-gula?/ (gula-gula adalah bahasa manado, dalam bahasa indonesia adalah permen). r: “wa...” (maksudnya adalah gula-gula /permen) n: “ mo bili akan apa?”/mau dibelikan apa?/ r: “uwa...” n: “ mo bili akan apa?”/mau dibelikan apa?/ (terus bertanya agar r bisa mengucapkan “gula-gula”) r: “wuwa-wuwa...” n: “apa...?” r: “wuuwwa...” (menekan dan menaikkan nada suaranya) n: “gula-gula...” r: “wuwa...” kata [wuwa-wuwa]atau “gula-gula” (dalam bahasa manado), dalam bahasa indonesia yang berati “permen” adalah hasil dari stimulus yang dilakukan berulang kali sehingga ujaran ini muncul meskipun pada akhirnya kembali pada bentuk satu suku kata yaitu [wuwa]. hal yang menarik dalam dialog di atas adalah upaya subjek untuk mengujarkan kata [gula-gula]. di mana ketika dia terus diminta untuk mengulangi kata tersebut dia menaikkan nada suaranya sehingga menghasilkan ujaran [wuuwwa]. ujaran ini bukan pertanda bahwa dia jengkel ketika diminta untuk terus mengulangi ujaran tersebut, akan tetapi ujaran ini merupakan ujaran ekspresif yang dia tunjukkan ketika meminta sesuatu. 3. perbedaan antara pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis (tahap pertama dan tahap kedua) dari uraian pembahasan di atas, terdapat perbedaan antara perkembangan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis (tahap pertama dan tahap kedua). yaitu: a. pertama, tahap (sebelum diadakan stimulus) pada perkembangan fonologi, subjek sudah dapat mengujarkan beberapa bunyi konsonan, di antaranya adalah fonem [p], [b], [t], [m], [k], dan [w]. sementara untuk bunyi vokal, dia sudah bisa memproduksi fonem [a], [e], [i], dan [o]. pada tahap ini, kemunculan semua fonem dihasilkan dari ujaran-ujaran yang tidak bermakna. misalnya, fonem [p], [t] dan [e] muncul pada kata [petepete]. sementara itu, pada perkembangan fonologi tahap kedua (setelah diadakan stimulus), bunyi konsonan subjek bertambah yaitu fonem [d] dan [y]. munculnya fonem-fonem ini berasal dari ujaran yang telah memiliki makna. misalnya, fonem [d] muncul pada kata [andi], subjek mengujarkannya dengan [adi] dan fonem [y] pada kata [fitri] subjek mengujarkannya dengan [yiti]. pada tahap ini, subjek sudah banyak mengujarkan ujaran kombinasi kvkv (konsonan + vokal). misalnya, pada kata-kata seperti: [mama] [pade] “fadel” [papa] [yiti] “fitri” [tata] [wuwa] “gula-gula” (permen) [bibi] [pama] “paman” [kaka] “kakak” di samping itu juga, subjek sudah dapat memproduksi gabungan dua vokal atau diftong yaitu, /ae/ dan /ua/. diftong /ae/ muncul pada kata [main], subjek mengujarkannya dengan /mae/ dan diftong /ua/ muncul pada kata [gula-gula], subjek mengujarkannya dengan /wua-wua/. b. kedua, dalam perkembangan sintaksis tahap pertama, subjek sudah dapat mengujarkan ujaran satu suku kata dan ujaran dua suku kata. ujaran satu suku kata subjek masih berkisar pada pronomina, yaitu [kaka] untuk “kakak” dan [ma] untuk “mama”. selebihnya yang muncul adalah katakata yang tidak mengandung makna, seperti [pete], [pa] dan [ye]. sementara untuk ujaran dua suku kata, subjek sudah dapat mengujarkan [kaka//mama] dan [kaka/yi]. ujaran [kaka//mama] mengandung arti bahwa subjek ingin kakaknya mengantarkan dia untuk pulang ke rumah ibunya, sementara ujaran [kaka/yi], bermakna bahwa subjek ingin ikut bersama ibunya. selanjutnya tahap kedua, yaitu perkembangan sintaksis subjek setelah diadakan stimulus. jika dibandingkan dengan tahap pertama, pada tahap ini subjek sudah dapat mengujarkan beragam kata. selain ujaran satu suku kata, ujaran dua suku kata, dan pronomina, subjek sudah dapat mengujarkan nomina. di antaranya adalah nama-nama orang yang berada di sekitarnya. di samping itu pula subjek sudah mampu untuk mengekspresikan istilah yang berasala dari bahasa gorontalo yaitu, kata “ate”. kata “ate” sebenarnya berasal dari kata yilate. “yilate” yang berarti mati. sekarang kata itu telah menjadi populer di kalangan para muda-mudi bahkan pada anak-anak tak kala mengepresikan sesuatu yang bersifat negative. contohnya, seperti melihat orang yang megalami kecelakaan, melihat orang jatuh, orang yang mengalami kesialan, dll. lebih spesifik lagi kata yilate berarti “mati kamu”. kata ini subjek ekspresikan dua kali yaitu ketika penjepit rambut yang kakaknya letakkan di atas kepala subjek jatuh dan pada saat subjek memperlihatkan sebuah koin yang subjek temukan di tepi ranjang tapi kemudian koin itu pun lepas dari genggamannya. dengan refleks subjek mengucapkan kata “ate”. d. simpulan dan saran berdasarkan uraian pembahasan di atas, maka perkembangan pemerolehan bahasa anak usia dua tahun pada tataran fonologi dan sintaksis dapat disimpulkan bahwa a) pada tahap pertama (sebelum diadakan stimulus), perkembangan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis subjek berkisar pada kata-kata yang tidak bermakna. kata-kata yang muncul pada tahap ini baik fonologi maupun sintaksis masih berupa pronomina. b) pada tahap kedua (setelah diadakan stimulus), perkembangan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis subjek sudah berkisar pada kata-kata yang bermakna, baik berupa nomina, ujaran satu suku kata, ujaran dua suku kata, dan diftong. c) perbedaan antara pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis tahap pertama dan tahap kedua (baik sebelum diadakan stimulus maupun setelah diadakan stimulus) adalah pada tahap pertama, pemerolehan bahasa subjek baik pada tataran fonologi maupun sintaksis masih sangat terbatas. ujaran subjek pada tahap ini didominasi oleh kata-kata yang tidak bermakna. sementara pada tahap kedua, pemerolehan bahasa subjek baik pada tataran fonologi maupun sintaksis sudah didominasi oleh kata-kata yang bermakna. karena pada tahap ini subjek distimulus untuk mengujarkan kata-kata, sehingga kata-kata yang subjek produksi lebih banyak jika dibandingkan dengan tahap yang pertama. daftar pustaka bassey, michael. 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(1995). pengantarlinguistik.yogyakarta: gadjahmada univ. press. individual characteritics in second language acquisition susiati abas faculty of applied linguistics program, state university of yogyakarta email: abstract this paper explores the theoretical framework of the role individual characteristic in language acquisition. in other words, this paper specifies on promoting theoretical justifications of the role individual characteristics in second language acquisition. language acquisition is very similar to the process children use in acquiring first and second languages. it requires meaningful interaction in the target language-natural communication in which speaker are concerned not with the form on their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding those characteristics are age, gender, intelligence, aptitude, motivation and attitude, personality, learning styles and environment. the development those factors could be conducted via formal and informal language environment. wherein, informal environment can be quite beneficial for adult second language acquisition. formal environment are also beneficial. key word: individual characteristics, formal and informal environment, language acquisition kajian ini membahas mengenai kerangka teoritis peran karakteristik individu dalam pemerolehan bahasa. dengan kata lain, kajian ini menekankan pada teori pembenaran mengenai peran karakteristik individu dalam pemerolehan bahasa kedua. pemerolehan bahasa ini sangat mirip dengan proses pada saat anak menggunakan bahasa pertama dan bahasa kedua. hal ini memerlukan interaksi yang bermakna dalam bahasa target-alam komunikasi yang fokus pembicaraan tidak lagi pada bentuk-bentuk ujaran but lebih pada makna atau pesan yang disampaikan dan memahami karakteristik tersebut seperti usia, jenis kelamin, intelijen, bakat, motivasi dan sikap, kepribadian, gaya belajar dan lingkungan. perkembangan faktor-faktor tersebut bisa dilakukan melalui lingkungan bahasa formal dan informal. dimana, lingkungan informal bisa sangat bermanfaat untuk pemerolehan bahasa kedua oleh orang dewasa. lingkungan yang formal juga bermanfaat a. introduction language is a tool for communication. every human have ability to acquire the language. the first way acquires a language when the children develop their ability in first language. when get to acquire the language are usually not aware of the fact acquiring a language, but the result they are using language for communication. language acquisition too give a result to get to acquire competence, is also subconscious. generally, the children are not aware of the rules of the language have acquired. even if, have feel correctness. sometime grammatical sentence “sound” right or ‘feel” right, and errors feel wrong. it is not consciously know what rules was violated. other ways of describing acquisition include implicit learning, informal learning, and natural learning. acquisition came after the first language has been learnt. in non-technical language, acquisition is ‘picking up” a language. some second language theory has assumed that children acquire, while adults can only learn. the acquisition learning hypothesis claim, however, that adult also acquire. that the ability to “pick up’ language does not disappear at puberty. the term ‘critical period’ is used to refer to the general phenomenon of declining competence over increasing age of exposure and is used to state that there is a period when language acquisition can take place naturally and effortlessly, but after a certain age the brain is no longer able to process language input in this way (ellis, 1986, p. 107). the most frequently understood period referred to is reflected in scovel’s definition: in brief, the critical period hypothesis is the notion that language is best learned during the early years of childhood, and that after about the first dozen years of life, everyone faces certain constraints in the ability to pick up a new language (1988, p. 2). in reference to the statement above, could be concluded that every human has an individual characteristics or personal characteristic that can contribute in the language acquisition. those characteristics are age, gender, intelligence, aptitude, motivation and attitude, personality, learning styles and environment etc. with regard to it, this paper attempts to explore the theoretical framework of the role individual characteristic in language acquisition. in other words, this paper specifies on promoting theoretical justifications of the role individual characteristics in second language acquisition. b. individual characteristics individual differences among second language learner are a prominent feature of sla, because a great deal of the variation in language outcomes is attributable to various learner characteristics. 1. age the effect of age on learning a second language, commonly known as the critical period hypothesis (hph), is perhaps one of the most controversial research topics in the area of second language (l2) acquisition. the concept of cph is conceptualized by the general public as “earlier is the better” in l2 attainment and is so entrenched that it appears to have become a folk psychology theory (becky, 2013). the age variable examined in l2 studies is usually the age of first exposure to the target l2. in studied examining immigrant populations, this is typically indexed by the participants’ age of arrival (aoa) in the host country. previous country has suggested that aoa is apparently an important determinant of overall degree of foreign accent in the l2. (flege, munro, & mackay, 1995a). as well as degree of accuracy in producing particular l2 consonants and vowels .(flege, munro, & mackay, 1996). age effect have also been reported for learning of english morph syntax (johnson & newport, 1989). the observation of age effect on the l2 performance of adults-even those who are experienced in their l2 has suggested to some researchers that ability to acquire an l2 effectively is limited by a critical period. in reference to the definitions above, could be summarized that the age effect on second language acquisition. successful learners of a second language who started sla after puberty and have been able to achieve native proficiency. 2. gender the concept of gender is brought into being when it is matter of performance by butler (1990) in john’s article.. gender is therefore not something you acquire once and for at all stage of life, but an ongoing accomplishment produced by your repeated actions (cameron,2004). language scholar has claimed that gender differences in communication mirror and reproduce broader political inequalities between the sexes (john, 1997:89). a more moderate definition is proposed by oktay aslan, the scholar (especially postmodernist) believes that gender is a completely different concept from sex and it is not a biological fact at all (2009). although the words gender and sex both have the sense ‘the state of being male or female’, they are typically used in slightly different ways; sex tends to refer to biological differences, while gender refers to culture or social ones. in line with oxford dictionaries, language matter, 2014). consequently social context, culture and principle of each society shape gender identity of people accompanied with unique individual experience. contrary with the current study, the term gender is used following this conceptualization of gender which is defined as culturally constructed male identity and female identity, not the biological differences between male and female.(leyla, 2015). in language acquisition, parents may have followed stereotype that girls are more emotional than boys (brody, 1985 in ana aznar, 2014:153). girls may be socialized early into a socioemotional orientation emphasizing emotional expressivity making them more socially mature than boys. indeed, parents may have responded differently to children at this age because of the greater proclivity that 3 to 4 year old girls show compared to boys in understanding display rules that affect emotional reactions. evidence of this proposed by robin lakoft an american linguist, argued that woman’s speech lacks authority because, in order to become “feminine”, woman must learn to adopt an unassertive style of communication. that is, they must learn to denude their statement of declarative force (john, 1997:90). in general that men’s speech more frequently uses language reflecting a dominance hierarchy, such as use of quantitative terms and negative or judgmental adjectives. women tend to use language that reflects a communal, non-confrontation environment, such that women’s speech contains characteristics such as the use of hedge and emotional references (karen, 20015:418). lackoff (1975) in mohmoud’s article, shows differences between the speech of male and female. he claims that women use more grammatical elements than men, and their use the lexical category is to somehow different from that of men. brown (1980) in mohmoud’s article studied the use of particles between men and women, and came to this conclusion that women use more particles when they communicate with their same gender. he shows the type of gender effects on choosing the type of particles. tennen (1995) in mohmoud’s article, believes male students have more participation in class discourse than female students; male students prefer to ask more questions that their female counterpart; they have more relationship with their teachers. tennen claims that the cause of this participation in class discourses is that the society expect them to play this role in real life, so the male students are practicing the role which they should undertake in future. wardhaugh (2006) believes that the differences between male and female speeches are the result of the social differences between the male and female. he cites the tendency of both type of gender in choosing the topic of conversation is related to their gender interests., he dismisses any vigorous remarks on comparison and contrast between men and women paying attention to context (mohmoud, 2015:54). 3. intelligence the term ‘intelligence’ has traditionally been used to refer to performance on certain kinds of tests. these tests are often associated with success in school and a link between intelligence and second language learning has sometimes been reported. over the years, some research has shown that iq scores were a good means of predicting success in second language learning. however, as suggested above, iq test may be more strongly related to meta linguistic knowledge than to communicative ability. indeed, many students whose general academic performance is weak experience considerable success in second language learning if they are given the right opportunity. in recent years, many educators have been influenced by howard gardnes’s (1991). proposal that individuals have ‘multiple intelligence’ and that traditional iq tests have assessed only a limited range of abilities. among the multiple intelligences gardner includes abilities in the areas of music, interpersonal relations, and athletics, as well as the verbal intelligence that is most often associated with success in school. 4. aptitude specific abilities thought to predict success in language learning have been studied under the titles of language learning ‘aptitude’. one of the pioneers in this area, john carroll (1991), has characterized aptitude in term of the ability to learn quickly. thus, we may hypothesize that a learner with high aptitude may learn with greater ease and speed but that other learners may also be successful if they persevere. over several decades, the most widely used aptitude test have been the modern language aptitude (mlat) (carroll and sapon 1959) and the pimsleur language aptitude battery (plab) (pimsler 1996). recently, paul meare (2005a) and his colleagues has developed test that are taken on computer. peter skehan (1989) argues that successful language learners may not be strong in all of the components of aptitude. for example, some individuals may have strong memories but only average abilities in language analysis. learners’ strengths and weakness in these different components may account for their ability to succeed in different types of instructional programs. 5. motivation and attitudes robert gardner and his colleagues have carried out a program of research an the relationship between a learner’s attitudes toward the second or foreign language learning language and its community, and success in second language learning. (masgorat and gardner 2003). as suggested above, it is difficult to know whether positive attitudes produce successful learning engenders positive attitudes, or whether both are affected by others factors. although the research cannot prove that positive attitudes and motivation cause success in learning, there is ample evidence that positive motivation is associated with a willingness to keep learning. motivation in second language learning is a complex phenomenon. it has been defined in terms of two factors: on the one hand, learners’ communicative needs, and on the other, their attitudes towards the second language community. instrumental motivational (language learning for more immediate or practical goals) and integrative motivation (language learning for personal growth and cultural enrichment). next definition from zoltan dornyei (2001a) developed a process-oriented model of motivation that consist of three phase. the first phase; ‘choice motivation” refers to getting started and to setting goals, the second; “executive motivation”, is about carrying out the necessary task to maintain motivation, and the third phase; “motivation retrospection”, refers to students’ appraisal of and reaction to their performance. social factors at a more general level can affect motivation, attitudes, and language learning success. one such factor is social dynamic or power relationship between the language. children as well as adults are sensitive to social dynamic and power relationship. l2 classroom evidence attests to the fact that motivation is a key factor in successfully learning a language (brown, 2001). in line with bardovi-harlig dornyei’s (1998) seminal study showed the advantage of the esl over the efl environment in attaining pragmatic ability, particularly in terms of the motivation that positive experiences in the tl community gave to the esl learners. 6. learning styles the term ‘learning style’ has been used to describes an individual’ natural. habitual and preferred way of absorbing, processing, and retaining new information and skill (reid, 1995). for others, referred to as ‘kinesthetic’ learner, physical action such as miming and role-play learning style. seem to help learning process. these are referred to as perceptually-based learning style. considerable research has also focused on distinction between different cognitive learning styles. individuals have been described as field independent or field dependent. for example of years, it was widely that there was strong relationship between field independence and success in second language learning. instead, we should encourage learners to use all means available to them. at a minimum, research on learning style should make us skeptical of claims that a single teaching method or textbook will suit the need of all learners. the challenge is to find instructional approaches that meet the needs of learners with a variety of aptitude and learning style profiles. such exceptional learners suggest that an aptitude for language learning is at least partly independent of cognitive, social, and personality characteristic that are often associated with successful learning. 7. personality a number of personality characteristics have been proposed as likely to affect second language learning, but it is not been easy to demonstrate their effects in empirical studies. as with other research investigating the effect of individual characteristic on second language learning, deferent studies measuring a similar personality trait produce different results. for example, it is often argued that an extroverted person is well suited to language learning. another aspect of personality that has been studied is inhabitation. it has been suggested that inhabitation discourage risk-taking, which is necessary for progress in language learning. this is often considered to be particular problem for adolescents, who are more self-conscious than younger learners. while result such as these is interesting, they have note to do with performance than with learning. we may also note, in passing, that when larger doses of alcohol were administered, pronunciation rapidly deteriorated. learner anxiety-feelings of worry, nervousness, and stress that many students experience when learning a second language has been extensively investigated. for a long time, researcher thought of anxiety as a permanent feature of a learner’s personality. in fact, the majority of language anxiety scales, like the foreign language classroom anxiety schale (horwitz, and cope 1986) measure anxiety in this way. more recent research investigating learning anxiety is more likely to be dynamic and dependent on particular situations and circumstances. this permits distinction to be made between for example, a student who feels anxious when giving an oral presentation in front of the whole class but not when interacting with peers in group-work. experience anxiety before a test or an oral presentation can provide the right combination of motivation and focus to success on it. because anxiety is often considered to be a negative term, some researcher has chosen to use other terms they consider to be more neutral. according to some researcher, learners who willingly communicate in a wide range of conversational interactions are able to do so because ‘their prior language learning has led to development of self-confidence, which is based on the lack of anxiety combine with a sufficient level of communicative competence, arising from a series of reasonably pleasant (second language) experiences’ (maclntyre, clement, dörney, and noels, 1998:548). 8. environment two sorts of linguistics environments are constructed: artificial. or formal environments, found for the most part in the classroom, and natural or informal environment. formal instructions (e.g. deductive presentation of rules) are not common to all teaching methods and, while their presence may sometimes be catalytic, are not necessary for learning to take place. krashen and seliger also noted that these features (rule isolation and feedback) do not seem to be present in informal environments. several studies, which will be considered in some detail below, suggest that adults can not only increase their second language proficiency in informal environments, but may do as well as or better than learners who have spent a comparable amount of time in formal situations. contribution of formal and informal environment, it is not simply the case that informal environments provide the necessary input for acquisition while the classroom aids increasing learned competence. the reinterpretation of the krashen at all, series as well as the friedlander at all. data described above suggests, first of all that informal environment must be intensive and involve the learner directly in order to be affective. second, it seems plausible that classroom can accomplish both learning and acquisition simultaneously. in other words, the classroom may serve an “intake” informal environment as well as a formal linguistic environment. in particular, do levels of pragmatic ability differ between l2 and fl learner? to date, most studies have shown greater pragmatic awareness among l2 student than fl student (e.g,. bardovi-harlig & dornyei, 1998; schuer, 2006; tagashira, yamato, & isoda, @011), thus indicating that the tl environment has a positive influence on the appropriate use of sociopragmatic. l2 learners invariably receive more pragmatic input in their daily lives if they are motivated to interact with the tl community and have positive social interactions. in additional, question about language use in context naturally arise in a safe l2 classroom environment when student bring in their outside experiences, for example, and ask why something happened to them in a particular way when communicating with an ns, or if a tl community and have positive social interaction. in the tl environment with exposure to authentic input would better help pragmatic ability develop in l2 learners than in their fl peers(e.g., niezgoda & rover, 2011; taguchi, 2008). (lauren, 2015). others evidence proposed by susan levine from her new study that growth in syntax as well as growth in vocabulary are influenced greatly by environmental factors and the critical input may consist of such activities that are more likely to occur at school than at home (levine, 2007:1). c. second language acquisition a second language learner is different from a very young child acquiring a first language. children often exhibit non-adult-like interpretation of a given linguistic expression. in such case, there are two possibilities: 1). children have not yet acquired the linguistic knowledge that is required to implement the full, adult-like representation of the given expression; 2). children do possess the linguistic knowledge required for the full representation of the given expression, but are not yet able to successfully utilize it, incorporating all the necessary information into the actual processing/computation of the meaning. (utako, 2015:288) a more definition i proposed by harley second language acquisition happen when a child and adult has already become competence at a language and then attempt to learn another. there are a number of reasons why a person makes find this difficult. first, we can saw that some aspects of language learning particularly, involving syntax, are more difficult outside the critical period. second, older children and adult often have less time and motivation to learn second language. third, there will of course be similarities and differences between the first (l1) (harley, 2001:146). in line with definition above, steinberg argue when the child learns a first language, we may said that the child learn the language under natural conditions. such a learning situation generally differs greatly from artificial once, with the most common one used in second language learning being the school classroom. not all second language can be learned under natural condition, for example, children who are taking to live in foreign country may learn a second language without formal instruction by associating with speaker of the foreign language playmate, and household personal. thus, a second language can be learned under either natural or planned condition (1982:166). a comprehensive definition from krashen who stated that language acquisition is very similar to the process children use in acquiring first and second languages. it requires meaningful interactions in the target language-natural communication in which speaker are concerned not with the form on their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding (1981:1). the assume that children are better than adults only in certain areas of sla: at acquiring accent and basic interpersonal communication skills. the strong version of this hypothesis states that an authentic accent is not available unless sla begins before the critical age (the ‘joseph conrad phenomenon’). the practical question raised against this strong version is whether there are exceptions that contradict the case. scovel (1988, p. 176) in lang’s article, admits that the existence of even a few exceptional adults who can pass as native speakers of a language which they have acquired after their adolescence challenges the strong version of the critical period hypothesis. two projects aimed to challenge the strong version of the critical period hypothesis by identifying successful learners of a second language who started sla after puberty and have been able to achieve native proficiency (nikolov, 1994, 1995, 2000a; bongaerts et al., 1997) in lang’s article. the earlier one was conducted in hungary and it consisted of two studies. in the first study, out of 20 adult speakers of hungarian with various first languages, who started learning the target language after puberty, two were generally, and four were often mistaken for native speakers in a listening task by three groups of hungarian judges. in the second study involving 13 hungarian speakers of english one was generally, and four others were mistaken for a native speaker by half of the native judges. the other project also involved two studies; they both examined highly successful dutch learners of english. similarly to the previous project, native judges were used. in the first study 22, and in the second 33 adults were involved. in both studies native judges were typically unable to tell native speakers of english from dutch speakers of english. the findings of these two projects and another study investigating two successful learners of egyptian arabic (ioup et al., 1994) have rovided further evidence against the strong version of the critical period hypothesis. as far as the original hypothesis is concerned, according to which young learners are better in certain areas of sla, singleton (1989) in lang’s article, reexamines the studies that indicated greater success for younger learners on phonetic/phonological performance and points out that even in studies which seem to indicate that younger learners acquire native accent the evidence is for a trend rather than for a rule. as for the acquisition of basic interpersonal communication skills, he concludes that a large number of studies are not very obviously supportive of the notion that younger learners acquire bics more readily than older learners. in reference to the claim according to which young children are generally better at acquiring bics than calp, singleton’s conclusion contrasts younger learners with adults and not child acquisition of the two types of skills. to sum up the findings concerning the third position, the evidence does not consistently support the hypothesis that younger learners are inevitably more efficient than older learners in the phonetic/phonological domain. (lang, 2002: 17 – 63). d. conclusion in reference to the discussion, it is evident that individual characteristics are great factors in second language acquisition. this implies that the development of individual characteristics could improve the second language acquisition. the development those factors could be conducted via formal and informal language environment. wherein, informal environment can be quite beneficial for adult second language acquisition. formal environment are also beneficial. references ana aznar and harriet r. tenenbaum. (2014). gender and age differences in parent-child emotion talk. british journal of developmental psychology. 33, 148-155. becky h. huang. (2013). the effects of age on second language grammar and speech production. © springer science+business media. new york. published online: 23 august 2013. harley, trevor. (2001). the psychology of language from data to theory. new york: psychology press. ltd. james emil flege and grace h. yeni-komshian. 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(1982). psycholinguistics language, mind, and world. new york: longman inc. ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 76 volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) hierarchy of arthur’s needs: a reflection of psychological and social problems in joker movie indah wardaty saud (corresponding author) institut agama islam negeri manado, indonesia indah diah utari mahajani universitas muhammadiyah gorontalo, indonesia abstract: the film brings a cultural instrument that educates people. people can see the psychological aspects through the characters and social situation, which influences the characterization in the film. this study examines joker (2019) a movie containing the psychological conflicts and the society problems of discrimination system in this era which affects much on the character of arthur who suffers pseudobulbar affect. the researchers used maslow’s theory of human needs to analyze arthur’s need to reflect society’s problem needs. a descriptive qualitative method was used in this study because it focused on the human needs of the main character. the primary data was taken from the dialogue in the film, while the secondary data was from articles discussing arthur fleck and society as the film's setting. the technique of collecting data was documentation while analyzing data was divided into three stages. first was data reduction; the researcher classified the data of arthur ‘s needs and explained why they are classified into those categories. the second was data display; the data is structured and presented so that it is easier to be understood. then, the researchers presented the data into the display categorized on each dialogue that reflected arthur’s needs levels and the social problems faced by arthur. finally, the conclusion was delivered by describing maslow's data and theory of human needs and elaborating the description of social issues at that era. the result revealed arthur fleck had difficulty fulfilling his basic human needs such as physiological, safety, love and belongingness and esteem needs because of the government's broken system and how society treats a person who suffers mental health disorder like arthur fleck. the failure to fulfill those needs has made arthur actualize himself as the coldblooded clown, the joker. then, it helps him to be recognized and being acknowledged by others. keywords: human needs; psychological and social problems; maslow; arthur. ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 77 a. introduction joker, directed by todd phillips, is one film that delivers a great message to the audience. the dark story of the joker, the evil clown from gotham city, succeeds in attracting the world's attention, including indonesia. joker has become a trending topic on all social media portals since the release date. sad, tragic, and deep madness are three things that the audiences can see in almost every part of this movie. the story of joker becomes the beginning of chaos in gotham city. it explains who the joker is, how arthur fleck becomes joker, and how he presents batman’s eternal enemy in gotham. if in the previous dc movies, the audiences were always served by gotham as a city that was destroyed and failed, here the audiences will see how it all started. the joker is a crazy villain, bruce wayne or batman as a hero of the story is much more lovable, but by releasing this film, todd phillips tries to bring us to stand in joker’s perception. literary work studies discussed the psychological aspects of joker had been focused on the types of personality disorders and the causes of joker's experiences with a personality disorder. as (rahman, 2020) used theodore millon‘s theory to analyze arthur fleck's characterization and showed that arthur has several personality disorders. psychological and environmental factors trigger personality disorder in arthur's character. the five types of personality disorder experienced by arthur are borderline personality disorder, depressive personality disorder, sadistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and negativistic personality disorder. another was (permatasari, 2020), who explored the characteristics of joker by using altruism and altruistic love theory by focusing on fleck as the main character. his characteristics have dramatically changed through tragically unpleasant experiences he passed on from a kind-hearted person and became a cruel and impulsive man as he has been disappointed by his mother who lied to him, backstabbed by his friend, and got bullied for his mental condition. s. even though he is depicted as a cruel and impulsive person, arthur still has altruistic sides. his altruistic side appears in terms of sincerity and solidarity aspects. he didn’t kill his friend, gary, and set him free as he thought that gary never treated him bad, betrayed him, and was always nice to him. fitriani (2019) analyzed the main characters in the movie “joker” by todd phillips. this research used the theory of the psychological aspect is based on sigmund freud's ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 78 view, such as the id, ego, and superego. the main character’s id was about his negative thought about the unfair life due to the negative response from his surroundings. it was a pleasure principle that worked through the primary process of thinking. the main character’s ego was about killing the wrong people. a reality principle worked to satisfy the id’s demands through secondary process thinking. the main character’s superego was keeping good people to be alive. it was a moral principle that reflected an idealistic standard through the rules of parents and society. furthermore, baharuddin & gosal (2021) elaborated on the forms of exploitation social discrimination in joker's film and the impacts of the exploitation and social discrimination in the film. this study used one of the branches of marxism's sociological theory, class contradiction analysis, and the theory of communication science called critical discourse analysis to analyze the issue of news media coverage in this film. the results of this study indicate that the form of exploitation and social discrimination in the joker film is divided into three areas, namely (1) the health sector, (2) the labor sector, and (3) the media news sector. similarly, this present study described psychology using the hierarchy of human needs theory of maslow. maslow was very interested in human potential. he believed that the only type inspected was a very healthy person for checking psychological condition. he was critical to freud and other psychological experts' theories of behaviorism, who only understood the natural behavior by only inspecting neurotics and other people with many or great problems. maslow summarized that every human being was born with automatic needs. universal needs push us to grow up and for selfactualization. studies on human needs in literary works vary from one another. the first was the hierarchy of human needs through the main character in hitch film (andini, 2017). this study observed the main character in hitch movie by analyzing his characteristics and defining them through abraham maslow's theory of the hierarchy of human needs. the result shows that hitch, as the main character, can fulfill all of the five levels of needs physiological needs, safety needs, love needs, esteem needs, and selfactualization needs. an opposite result showed by (haifa, 2015) in “a main character analysis of “ralph” in wreckit ralph film using hierarchy of human needs by abraham h. maslow”. it revealed that the main character is unconfident and decided to change his life to be like another man. he thought that being a hero or a ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 79 winner could make his life perfect. he just wanted to be like felix, his partner in his work, who always got a prize and loved the people. just because he does not feel confident in himself, who works as a wrecker, or his people say he is a bad guy, he has to face a long journey to find what he needs in his life. he tried to pursue his esteem needs and actualize himself to make his perfection of life. in the middle of his pursuit, he realized that being another man wa s bad because he had lo st ever yth in g he already had before. finally, he felt that being truly him is better. he decided to serve forever in his job, peaked his needs, and actualized his life in his career. maslow constructed the human needs by five rungs: physiological need, safety need, love and belongingness need, esteem need, self-actualization need. psychological, security, social, and self-esteem are deficiency needs that arise due to deprivation. satisfying these lower-level needs is important to avoid unpleasant feelings or consequences. maslow termed the highest pyramid level as growth needs, also known as needs b-needs. growth needs do not stem from a lack of something but rather from a desire to grow as a person (cherry in haifa, 2015). physiological needs are usually taken as the starting point for motivation theory are the so-called physiological drives. two recent lines of research make it necessary to revise our customary notions about these needs: first, the development of the concept of homeostasis, and second, the finding that appetites (preferential choices among foods) are a fairly efficient indication of actual needs or lacks in the body. homeostasis refers to the body’s automatic efforts to maintain a constant, normal bloodstream state. additional, physiological needs consist of oxygen, food, water, and this list could extend to include other hormones, vitamins, etc. a person who lacks food, safety, love, and esteem would most probably hunger for food more strongly than for anything else (andini, 2017). if the physiological needs are relatively well gratified, there then emerges a new set of requirements, which we may categorize roughly as the safety needs (security; stability; dependency; protection; freedom from fear, anxiety, and chaos; the need for structure, order, limits; strength in the protector; and so on). they may serve as the almost exclusive organizers of behavior, recruiting all the capacities of the organism in their service, and we may then fairly describe the whole organism as a safety-seeking mechanism (andini, 2017). ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 80 suppose both the physiological and the safety needs are fairly well gratified. in that case, there will emerge the love and affection and belongingness needs, and the whole cycle already described will repeat itself with this new center. as never before, we will feel keen, the absence of friends, or a sweetheart, or a wife, or children. we will hunger for affectionate relations with people in general, namely, for a place in our group or family, and we will strive with great intensity to achieve this goal. we will want to attain such a place more than anything else in the world and may even forget that once we were hungry, we sneered at love as unreal, unnecessary, or unimportant. we will sharply feel loneliness, ostracism, rejection, friendlessness, or rootlessness. the fact that the love needs involve both giving and receiving love (andini, 2017). as human beings, we need or desire a stable, firmly based, usually high evaluation of ourselves for self-respect, or self-esteem, and the esteem of others. these needs may therefore be classified into two subsidiary sets. first, these are the desire for strength, achievement, adequacy, mastery and competence, confidence in the face of the world, and independence and freedom. second, we have what we may call the desire for reputation or prestige (defining it as respect or esteem from other people), status, fame and glory, dominance, recognition, attention, importance, dignity, or appreciation. satisfaction of the self-esteem need leads to self-confidence, worth, strength, capability, and adequacy of being useful and necessary in the world (andini, 2017). finally, maslow emphasizes that psychological growth is carried out through selfactualization work. self-actualization implies the duration, constant involvement in the work of growth, and the development of abilities to the maximum possible, not satisfied with less laziness or lack of self-confidence. a teacher should teach, a songwriter writes lyrics, and an artist must perform if he is ultimately at peace with himself. what a man can be, he must be. he must be true to his own nature. this need we may call selfactualization (andini, 2017). however, the process of self-actualization may be limited: the negative influence of experience and the resulting habits that close us to unproductive behavior; social influences and group pressure, which often acts against our tastes and judgments; internal defenses that tear us away from ourselves (nikadambaeva, 2021). ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 81 b. research method this study uses qualitative research methodology to analyze human needs as psychological phenomena by elaborating on social aspects in the film. the technique of collecting data was documentation while analyzing data was divided into three stages. first was data reduction; the researcher classified the data of arthur ‘s needs and explained why they are classified into those categories. the second was data display; the data is structured and presented so that it is easier to be understood. then, the researchers presented the data into the display categorized on each dialogue that reflected the arthur’s needs levels and the society problems faced by arthur. finally, the conclusion was delivered by describing the data and theory of human needs by maslow and elaborating on the description of social issues at that era. c. findings and discussion findings physiological need the researchers show some of the four needs stages before reaching selfactualization, the physiological needs. according to maslow (trivedi, 2019) and (in kaur, 2013), physiological needs are usually the starting point for fulfilling human needs. thus, physiological needs are the basic needs for oxygen, food, water, and relatively constant body temperature. physiological needs are the strongest needs because if a person is deprived of all needs, the physiological needs will come first in the person’s search for satisfaction. arthur fleck is a grown man who still lives with his mother in an apartment in the corner of gotham city. todd phillips as the director of this movie never showed how hard arthur fleck fulfills his needs of oxygen, food, water, etc. he has food to eat, water to drink, no problem breathing, and a place to sleep. however, the physiological needs and how to satisfy them vary in every person. as a person with a mental disorder, arthur's physiological conditions covered the need to consume some medicines. datum 1 arthur fleck : i was wondering if you could ask the doctor to increase my medication. social worker : arthur, you are on seven different of medications. surely, they must be doing something. arthur fleck : i just don’t want to feel so bad anymore. (in minutes 00:07:19 – 00:07:3) ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 82 the conversation above in datum 1 happened when arthur met a social worker (50’s), african american. this 40-years-old man who works as a clown for a living has a free consultation schedule he regularly does for an examination for his mental health condition. it shows that he has a history of mental illness. he has a prior hospital stay in history; he is on seven different medications and has some mood dysregulation. datum 2 social worker : arthur, i have some bad news for you. they’ve cut our funding. we’re closing down our offices next week. the city’s cut funding across the board. social services are part of that. this is the last time we’ll be meeting. (in minutes 00:40:19 – 00:41:35) datum 3 arthur fleck : how am i supposed to get my medication now? who do i talk to? social worker : i’m sorry, arthur. (in minutes 00:42:02 – 00:42:13) after the sad news that he could not increase his medication, in datum 2 and 3 reflected the other scene, arthur made another appointment with the social worker. arthur sits in front of that woman and shares his daily life story with a cigarette in his right hand, but she arrogantly cut his words with other sad news. gotham city will stop funding for the program, so the social worker will not be available to continue arthur’s therapy. the audiences can see from the beginning of the movie that arthur fleck suffers from a mental health disorder, and he needs medicine to help him lessen or even prevent him from being stressed out of his illness. still, no one seems to want to allow him to satisfy his needs. in other words, arthur’s physiological needs were not fulfilled. 1. safety need the second level is the need for safety, such as needs; security, stability, protection, freedom, fear, chaos, neat or well organized, strong in defense, and so on. maslow also shows many indications that lack of safety is found in adults. the indication exhibit behaviors that tend to seek protection to stronger people or systems, or to people who can provide a sense of security. this behavior is very similar to children who are afraid and react to a dangerous situation. ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 83 datum 4 street gang : hey! hey you guys! let’s go! we got the board! arthur fleck : stop them! make them stop! stop, that’s not your board! give it back! street gang : hey clown head! come on! he is weak! beat him up, come on! he can do nothing! (in minutes 00:40:19 – 00:41:35) datum 4 shows how a man like arthur is treated in society. he is an adult but gets bullied easily by a group of teenagers, causing him to chase them into an alley where they broke the sign on him and beat him violently. it is brutal and vicious, but a clown barreling down the street has got to be a joke. everyone is watching, but nobody on the street stops to help. datum 5 arthur fleck : (laughing) wall street guy : what’s so fucking funny, asshole? arthur fleck : no, please don’t! wall street guy : hold him! hold him! arthur fleck : hey, stop! wall street guy : you like kicking, huh? hold him tight. (in minutes 00:31:57 – 00:32:18) in another scene, in datum 5, arthur gets on the subway home after getting fired for bringing a gun to work. he gets on the subway home. in the subway, he watched how three young wealthy wall street stockbrokers harassed a young woman from wayne enterprises as one of them was asking her if she wanted french fries. seeking to save her, arthur bursts out in his uncontrollable laughter. he gets the attention of the brokers as the woman moves to a different cart. they ask arthur why he was laughing. arthur tries to show his license out of his bag, but instead, one of them takes his load away from him, and then they start to attack arthur as he tries to fight back. then one grabs him from behind, and the other hit him to the ground. as arthur is on the ground, all three start kicking him. based on these interpretations, it concluded that arthur’s safety needs were not fulfilled as well. 2. love and belongingness need datum 6 sophie dumond : were you following me today? arthur fleck : yeah. sophie dumond : i thought that was you, i was hoping you’d come in and rob the place. arthur fleck : i have a gun. i could come by tomorrow. sophie dumond : you are so funny, arthur. ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 84 arthur fleck : you know, i do a stand-up comedy. you should maybe come see a show sometime. sophie dumond : i could do that. arthur fleck : yeah? sophiedumond : you will let me know when? arthur fleck : yeah. (in minutes 00:27:10 – 00:27:57) the datum six above shows how happy arthur is when he is with sophia. sophia’s companion has made arthur more affectionate to her. he feels alive. he feels loved. despite his failure and attempts to take care of his mother in their shared small rotten apartment in gotham, he developed an obsession with a cynical young woman named shopie dumond, a banker and single mother, after he met her in an elevator. one of this movie's big twists occurs when arthur “dates” sophie only to find out that those flirty conversations were completely in his imagination. datum 7 thomas wayne : can i help you, pal? arthur fleck : what? yeah. no i, i thomas wayne : you need to get in here or something? arthur : dad. it's me. thomas wayne : excuse me? arthur fleck : my name is arthur. i'm penny's son. i, i know everything. and i don't want anything from you. well... maybe a hug. thomas wayne : look pal, i'm not your father. what's wrong with you? (in minutes 01:05:24 – 01:05:50) the conversation above happens when arthur comes to wayne hall to meet thomas wayne and confront him all the facts he had just found out. it's all very emotional for him, but thomas looks at him like crazy. as someone who grew up fatherless, all he wants is a little bit of warmth or a hug, he never meant to make anyone feel uncomfortable. still, instead of makes a reunion scene between a father and a son, thomas wayne rudely tells him that arthur is not his son. he tells arthur that he was adopted. when arthur was four years old, penny was arrested and committed to arkham state hospital. not only that, but thomas wayne also punched him on the face as a good-bye sign. arthur has no idea why everyone is so rude to him, but it seems like this cruel world forces him to take all of that. 3. esteem need the fourth level that came up after the third is esteem need. like other human beings, arthur fleck, as the main character, also has the desire for a stable and firmly ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 85 based, and it is usually high evaluation of him for self-respect or self-esteem and the esteem of others. if it is not fulfilled, the main character feels inferiority, weakness, and helplessness. datum 8 woman on bus : can you please stop bothering my kids? arthur fleck : i wasn’t bothering him, i was… woman on bus : just stop. arthur suddenly starts to laugh. he covers his mouth trying to hide it. he shakes his head, laughter pausing for a moment, but then it comes on stronger. his eyes are sad. it actually looks like the laughter causes him pain. woman on bus : you think it’s funny? arthur shakes his head no, but he can't stop laughing. he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small card. he hands it to the woman. the card itself reads: "forgive my laughter. i have a condition (more on back)". she turns the card over and there is a bunch of information in small writing, "it's a medical condition causing sudden, frequent, uncontrollable laughter that doesn’t match how you feel. it can happen in people with a brain injury or certain neurological conditions." she doesn't read it. she just shakes her head annoyed and throws the card on the ground. arthur fleck : i’m sorry. (in minutes 01:12:07 – 01:13:04) the conversation above happened when arthur was sitting in the back of a crowded bus, looking out the window at the city passing him by. he feels somebody staring turns to see a sad-eyed three-year-old boy, face puffy from crying, sitting on his knees looking at him. his mother’s facing forward, but you can tell she is angry even from behind. arthur does not know where to look, feeling conscious and small. he gets back into character, smiling like a clown and, covers his face with his hands, starts playing the peek-a-boo game with him. the boy stares back at him for a moment then giggles, but unfortunately, this boy’s mom hates it and starts to scold arthur datum 9 arthur fleck : you don't listen, do you? i don't think you ever really hear me. you just ask the same questions every week. "how's your job?" "are you having any negative thoughts?" all i have are negative thoughts. but you don't listen anyway. i said, "for my whole life i didn't know if i even really existed." but i do. and people are starting to notice. (in minutes 00:40:45 – 00:41:21) it’s important to understand that mental illnesses are real illnesses. mental illnesses are health problems that affect how we think about ourselves, relate to others, and interact with the world around us. they affect our thoughts, feelings, abilities, and ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 86 behaviors. suffer from mental illness is never easy for arthur fleck. it is hard for him to express his feelings to other people, and to get free social services helped him enough to survive. he finally has someone to talk to; he expects to share everything he feels with the social worker. no one wants to listen to him, even the social worker. all arthur fleck needs are to be heard and understood, but by seeing the data above, it seems like it is too much to ask. 4. self-actualization needs the ultimately called self-actualization, the tendency for people to become actualized in what they are. this tendency may be phrased as the desire to become everything that people are capable. the clear appearance usually rests upon some prior satisfaction of the physiological, safety, love and belongingness, and esteem needs. datum 10 arthur fleck : hey, penny. penny fleck. i always hate that name. you used to tell me that my laugh is a condition, that there is nothing wrong with me. you are right, that is me. happy. i haven’t been happy for one minute of my entire fucking life. but you know what’s funny? you know what really makes me laugh? i used to think my life was nothing but a tragedy, but now, now i realize it's all just a fucking comedy. (in minutes 01:20:02 – 01:21:18) arthur already considers his life a disaster, and he is seeking a zone where he always tried to find he is not waste. still, each attempt makes it contradictory and more intense about negative thoughts, as he mentioned when he talked to the social worker, “all i have are negative thoughts.” penny had been asking him to be happy but without doing anything right for him. when he found that his mom also betrayed him by hiding the truth from the beginning, he thought she was useless and had no right to live. after finishing his hurtful speech, arthur kills his mother, suffocating her with a pillow, then fully descends into madness, no longer tethered to any friends or family. datum 11 joker : have you seen what it's like out there, murray? do you ever actually leave this studio? everybody just yells and screams at each other. nobody's civil anymore. nobody thinks what it's like to be the other guy. you think men like thomas wayne ever think what it's like to be a guy like me? to be anybody but themselves. they don't. they think we'll all just sit there and take it like good little boys. that we won't go wild. ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 87 murray franklin : you finish? so much self-pity, arthur. you sound like you're making excuses for killing three young men. not everybody's awful. joker : you're awful, murray. there is no more laughter. the audience is watching this exchange with full attention. murray franklin : me? how am i awful? joker : playing my video, inviting me on the show,-you just wanted to make fun of me. you're just like the rest of them, murray. everything comes too easy for you. murray franklin : (on the spot; defensive) you don't know the first thing about me, pal. look what happened because of what you did, what it led to. there are riots out there. two policemen are in critical condition, someone was killed today. joker : how about another joke, murray? murray franklin : no, i think we've had enough of your jokes joker : what do you get when you cross a mentally-ill loner with a system that abandons him and treats him like trash? (pulling the gun) i'll tell you what you get. you get what you fucking deserve… (in minutes 01:43:34 – 01:45:13) arthur shows up at murray franklin’s show dressed in his joker best and asks murray to refer to him with that soon-to-be-infamous moniker. while the show is on air, joker admits to killing the wall street guys and blasts the world for not caring about people like him. he then pulls out his gun and shoots murray as payback for embarrassing him on air. discussion arthur fleck is a grown man who still lives with his mother never showed any difficulties in fulfilling the needs of oxygen, food, water, etc. he has food to eat, water to drink, no problem breathing, and a place to sleep. however, as a person with a mental disorder, arthur's physiological needs covered the need to consume some medicines. it follows the statement that additionally, physiological conditions consist of needs for oxygen, food, water, and this list could extend to include other hormones, vitamins, etc. (maslow in (andini, 2017). it means that consuming some vitamins and medicines was regarded as the physiological need for certain people and it is what arthur needed in his life. when there was an obstacle to obtaining the medication, arthur was distracted by his sleepless nights. he had to consume the medicines to help him feel relaxed. in datum 1, “i was wondering if you could ask the doctor to increase my medication.” the data shows us how arthur begged the social worker to increase his medication so he could feel better. as (agisa et al., 2021) argued, arthur suffered from neuroticism, a ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 88 personality that experiences negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, irritability, depression, and an uncomfortable feeling that impacts the inability to adapt. for some people, medications are a short-term solution to get them over an immediate crisis. it helps some people lead the kind of lives they want to lead, without relapses and readmissions to hospital, but the social worker refuses to give him what he really needs on this scene. further, the government also decided to stop distributing medicines for arthur’s therapy. it could be seen that there are discriminative phenomena where the health insurance that should have been given to the people is finally cut off unilaterally by the government. it shows that the government does not bring welfare and equality. this eventually causes arthur's mental sickness is getting worse. to link this with the problem of society in that era, it was evident that the government made the most devastating change that drastically altered american society: the closing of the hospitals for the mentally ill. the rapid closure of the fare cut and the closure of the asylums left thousands of mentally unstable patients on the streets, dramatically increasing unemployment and homelessness (anisha, 2021). thus, the society, in this case, the government, affected the failure of arthur in fulfilling the physiological need, and it leads arthur to feel difficult to achieve the next level of human needs. ironically, arthur did not obtain the safety need as well. as a poor citizen having a certain health condition and living with his delusional mother, arthur always faced bullying by people surrounding him. he is an adult but gets bullied easily by a group of teenagers, causing him to chase them into an alley where they broke the sign on him and beat him violently. it is brutal and vicious, but a clown barreling down the street has got to be a joke. everyone is watching, but nobody on the street stops to help. this is in line with the result of another study that proved that the street children stole his board sign in the beginning of the story, hardly hit his face with the board and beat him up until he became physically weak (permatasari). furthermore, (william & winduwati, 2021) described verbal abuses experienced by arthur were no respect and unfair treatment of lower-class society. this explained that jobs in the informal sector (like comedians) do not get legal protection from the government. the government only appreciates and protects human rights to those in the elite class and work in the formal sector. thereby, it indicates the social discrimination of the two classes between those who work as government elites in routine jobs and ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 89 those who only work in informal jobs. for instance, the insecurity of casual workers also happened in thailand. million informal workers had injuries or accidents from work in 2012. it was about ten times higher than that experienced by formal workers. most of them had sharp cuts or wounds, falls, being hit by an object, burns, vehicle accidents, exposure to harmful chemicals, and electric shock (kongtip et al., 2015). it concluded that insecurity of informal workers truly occurred in society, and the government was responsible for minimizing the criminal and bullying in informal sectors. thus, as a representative of informal worker from lower class society who was a clown, arthur did not get the safety needs for himself. love and belongingness were tried to get by arthur through the imagination of having a conversation and lovely moment with sophia, the career woman who lived in the same department. additionally, he was struggling to find his father's love, which was told by his delusive mom, penny. loves that were wanted in his life were not real. they were all only the result of imagination. this was in line with the impact of the study that arthur was characterized as a person who wanted to be admitted because he always felt lonely (yuliana & am, 2019). in other words, arthur did not fulfill the need for love and belongingness. feeling that no one truly loved and cared about him affected his personality became depressive; as stated by (rahman, 2020), the personality disorder performed by arthur was depressive. he reacts like a sad, discouraged, pessimistic, and brooding. similarly, (permatasari, 2020), in her study, revealed the depression of arthur “that the medical records showed that his mother had been committed to the insane asylum. the files stated that she often had delusions about thomas’s secret love, and there were adoption records for an unnamed baby. after successfully finding out what happened to his past life, arthur was so depressed and disappointed”. to relate this with the social phenomena, the lower class people had no right to get close and relationship with upperclass people. in the film, penny reflected it as a lower-class woman who admired much on wyne from an upper close man. she asked for help because wyne would help them for a better life because she has worked for that family for years (marwati, et.el, 2021). it reflected how oppression people were depended on superiors. moreover, in performing self-esteem needs, arthur was also failed, and the effect of this was the character feeling inferiority, weakness, and helplessness. this film ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 90 illustrated the criminal behavior that can be carried out by someone who is physically and mentally stronger than the victim. arthur was tortured until he was helpless (rosita & prathisara, 2021). the suffering mental disorder was not easy for arthur to carry out problems in his life. he did not have a good self-image as a human. as a result, arthur had a borderline personality disorder, an illness marked by an ongoing pattern of varying moods, unstable self-image, and behavior. the symptoms often result in impulsive actions and relationship problems (rahman, 2020). as a result of all the failure to fulfill four basic human needs, arthur extremely actualized his personality to be different, from the weak person to a strong one. a kind-hearted person changed into a sadistic one. in society reflection, as stated by (agung et. el, 2020), joker represents the dark side of humans and even the hidden desires of humans that have been alienated from normality dominated by certain power classes. the joker characters then became symbols of class resistance that emerged from a life controlled by the construction norms of the power class society. he felt satisfied by dominating, intimidating, and humiliating others. he killed penny because of the lies for his whole life. his unkind friends betrayed him and shot murray live on tv because he embarrassed arthur at the previous show. these changes were regarded as negative self-actualization processes portrayed by arthur because he was not successful in fulfilling the physiological, safety, love, and self-esteem needs. he had been through much negative experiences in live. this was as a symbol of the struggle of lower people in getting respect and position from upper class people. d. conclusion the conclusion of the entire analysis in this study is the researcher has found that arthur fleck had difficulty in fulfilling his basic human needs such as physiological, safety, love and belongingness, and esteem needs because of the broken system of the government and how the society treats a person who suffers mental health disorder like arthur fleck. the unfulfilled of those basic human needs made arthur actualize himself as the cold-blooded clown; the joker. it helps him to be recognized; being acknowledged by others. this study limited on the discussion on the analysis of arthur’s needs and social problems in that era; thus, it is suggested to further researchers to explore more about linguistics aspect inside the joker film ©indah wardaty saud & indah diah utari mahajani available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 1, february 2022 91 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(2019). the portrayal of the arthur’s characterization, impicit meaning, and moral value found in joker movie (2019). journal of english education and entrepreneurship, 8(5), 55. ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 93 volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) a pragmatic equivalence of violating maxims in novel translation of divergent wuri rahmawati (corresponding author) muhammadiyah university of surakarta, indonesia dwi haryanti muhammadiyah university of surakarta, indonesia malikatul laila muhammadiyah university of surakarta, indonesia abstract: this study covers the pragmatics equivalence and violation maxims in the divergent novel. classifying the forms of grice maxim violations and describing the pragmatic equivalence of violation maxims in the divergent novel are the objectives of this study. it is a qualitative paper that examines violation maxims and pragmatic equivalence in the novel divergent. the data were direct-utterances infraction maxims in english and indonesian. there are two types of data analysis techniques employed in this study. the analysis began with a document review, followed by an evaluation of the translation's quality based on pragmatic equivalence. as a result of the research, the following findings were discovered: 139 data were classified as violation maxims. the majority of the results (45,32.4%) involved violations of the quality standard. second, based on the qualitative parameter of pragmatic equivalence, a total of 137 out of 139 data points were deemed "accurate translation" and two out of 139 (1,43%) data might be regarded as "less accurate translation." this investigation uncovered no translations that may be deemed inaccurate. keywords: pragmatics; equivalence; translation; violation; maxim. a. introduction translation is an effort to find the equivalence of meaning between the source language and target language. baker (2018: 59) underlines the term "equivalence" because of the meaning transferred in the target language. in this case, translators face text as a unit of meaning in the form of sets of words or sentences. therefore, the translator should be capable of choosing suitable translation techniques or strategies to cope with the problem of translating the utterances. catford (1965) and haryanti (2013) ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 94 classified several kinds of strategies to achieve equivalence: shift, the addition of information, deletion of information, adoption, and adaptation. translators must be proficient in both their native language and the target language. newmark (1988:5) defined translation as the process of conveying the meaning of a work into another language in the manner the author intended. this case is also addressed within the discipline of pragmatics. pragmatics examines the meaning and context of language. it is used to analyse the intent behind what people say and the context of their communication. the study of the link between language and context, as defined by levinson (1983:21). the meaning of the speaker can be inferred not only from the statement but also from the context of the dialogue. moreover, not all of the conversations run well as expected. many people try to hide the truth information from other people and only understand the surface meaning of the speaker’s words. yule (2014:146) explained that the implicature term indicates the speaker's intention, meaning that the speaker is not saying. as a result, their conversations cannot go well and smoothly. it is called violation maxims. when the listeners do maxim violation, the conversation between the speakers and the listeners can be unsuccessful since they will misunderstand each other. in violation of the maxim thomas (2013) pointed out, speakers often use implicature in the conversation to misunderstand the listener if there is a misunderstanding between the speaker and the listener. cutting (2000: 40) states that when a listener does not fulfil or obey the maxims, a listener is said to “violate” them. violation is the condition in which the listeners do not purposefully fulfil a particular maxim. since pragmatic equivalence plays an essential role in translation, consequently, giving the knowledge of pragmatic equivalence is necessary for a translator. she also describes that violating can happen in four sub principles of maxim.there are violations of quantity, quality, relation, and manner. grice (1975:49) stated the speaker “will be liable to mislead” the listener. violating the maxim lets the listeners misunderstand the information. violation maxim of relation happens when the speaker does not answer the question relevantly to the topic of the conversation. violation maxims aim to distract the listener and change the topic. tupan and natalia (2008: 68) were already set up violation markers based on grice’s theory of the cooperative principle. they were also proposed several reasons ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 95 people violate maxims, such as saving face, covering up the secret, hiding the truth, pleasing the hearer, and envying other people. fahmi (2016) explores what factors cause the violation of gricean maxims and which of gricean maxims are often violated in daily conversation. linyan fu (2017) tries to analyze the semantic equivalence problem in englishchinese translation from five aspects: theory connotation, influencing factors, reliability, relativity and countermeasures of semantic equivalence and proves equivalence theory is of extensive significance as the standard and principle in translation. triki (2013) explores the interface between pragmatism and translation, explicitly referring to english-arabic / arabic-english translations. arezou and saghebi (2014) aimed to investigate new ways of understanding the non-cooperative attitudes of the speakers and the violation of cooperative principal maxims in actual iranian psychological consulting sessions. al-qaderi (2015) focused on violating conversational maxims. the researcher displayed that the gricean theory of conversational implicature can be applied to arabic, particularly the yemeni dialect. it means that the current research is different to what is concerned by al-qaderi (2015). wu (2017) dealt with research on the pragmatic meaning equivalence of translation in terms of associative meaning and the meaning equivalence of translation from two levels lexical equivalence and textual equivalence. alwazna (2017) argued that following specific procedures of explications in the target language will equip the target reader with the relevant contextual information needed to draw the appropriate inferences from the utterance concerned, making the correct interpretation. baker (2018: 205-206) stated that equivalence of cohesion and implicature in a text so that the translation results have the same effect of meaning and with the same context as the source text. he has chosen two that are believed to be particularly helpful in exploring the question of how a given text comes to make sense to a given readership and highlighting areas of difficulty in cross-cultural communication. these are coherence and implicature equivalence between targets to the source text. nida and taber (1982: 12) stated that translation is to reproduce in the recipient’s language the natural equivalent of the message in the source language. in this analysis, baker's (2018) theory of pragmatic equivalence is combined with nababan, nuraeni, and sumardiono's (2012) idea of translation quality. according to ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 96 nababan (2012), three factors must be considered in evaluating translation quality elements: correctness, acceptance, and readability. translation accuracy relates closely to equivalence and refers to the proper message in the target language. the translation is deemed acceptable when the original text is readable in the target language regarding grammar and culture. a translation may be included and legible when it can be easily read and understood by the intended audience. based on the description, both theories can be blended, as nababan's translation quality attempts to achieve message equivalence between the target and source languages and encompasses all texts. the detailed discussion of pragmatic equivalence by baker (2018) and the theory of three translation quality aspects by nababan can complement one another. the aim of this discussion regarding the translational equivalence of pragmatics and the emphasis of this study are cooperative principles centred on maxims of violation. b. research method this study is a descriptive qualitative approach through the pragmatic equivalence and translation on divergent novel. the objects of this study are violations of grice of translation and pragmatic equivalence in novel translation. the data were english and indonesia violations of grice maxims’ cooperative principle found in novel translation of divergent. the data source in this research was an original english novel of divergent written by veronica roth (2011) published by harper collins, and novel translation of divergent written by veronica roth and translated into indonesia by prameswari (2014). mizan published it with the same title: divergent. there are two kinds of techniques for analyzing data used in this research. first, the analysis used document review, and the second is assessing/rating/judging the translation quality dealing with pragmatic equivalence. the analysis of the data was conducted through the following steps: (1) determining the types of english and indonesia violations of grice maxims’ cooperative principle in novel translation. (2) classifying the equivalence, less equivalence, and not-equivalence translations of novel translations in divergent by used combines theory of baker’s (2018) theory of pragmatic equivalence and nababan, nuraeni and sumardiono’s (2012) theory of accuracy. (3) classifying the strategy of translation by catford (1965) and haryanti (2013) used by translator in transferring the violations of grice maxims’ cooperative principle of the novel translation of divergent. ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 97 in addition, the second technique of analyzing data, rating the quality of the translation is associated with pragmatic equivalence. in this step, this current study is done as follows: (1) the data of novel translation was decided to assess the pragmatic equivalence based on the parameter as explained. (2) synchronize the inter-ratters assessment of the pragmatic equivalence with the final judgment of translation equivalence. (3) conclude. c. findings and discussion findings after collecting 139 data found in the divergent novel translation, those data were classified into four types of violation maxim: violation maxim of quantity, violation maxim of quality, violation maxim of relevance, and violation maxim of manner. the research finding also described the pragmatic equivalence that has been rated based on the pragmatic equivalence proposed in the previous explanation. types of violations maxim found in the novel of divergent the following table shows the result of counting the number of violations maxim of grice’s maxims by each character in the novel divergent. the researcher found 139 utterances violated maxims such as quantity, quality, relevance, and manner. table 1. types of violation conversation maxims in novel of divergent no maxims total of utterances percentage 1. quantity (vmq1) 25 18.0% 2. quality (vmq2) 45 32.4% 3. relevance (vmr) 32 23.0% 4. manner (vmm) 37 26.6% total 139 100 as table 1 presents the maxim of quality with allocating 45 times (32.4%) of utterance is the most violated in this novel by the characters of divergent. the other maxims are manner violations with 37 times (26.6%), followed by violation maxim of relevance 32 utterances with a percentage of 23.0%. the last one is the violation of quantity has 25 utterances (18.9%). from the table above, most of the characters disobey the maxim is quality. this study found four types of violations maxim that had been translated. the elaboration of the research findings was follows. ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 98 violation maxim of quantity the utterance can be categorized as a violation maxim of quantity when the utterance has some reasons that the speaker failed to observe the maxim of quantity if the speaker talks not to the point, is uninformative, talks too short or too much and repeat certain words. table 1 shows 25 data of violation maxim of quantity in the novel divergent. a) talk not to the point regarding violation maxim of quantity with the reason to talk not to the point has 7 data. one of the examples likes below: sl beatrice: wait, so you have no idea what my aptitude is? tl beatrice: tunggu, jadi kamu tidak tahu apa bakat kecakapanku? sl tori: yes and no, my conclusion. is that you display equal aptitude for abnegation, dauntless, and erudite. people who get this kind of result as divergent. tl tori: ya dan tidak, kesimpulanku. kau menunjukkan tingkat kecakapan yang seimbang antara abnegation, dauntles, dan euridite. mereka yang memiliki hasil seperti ini adalah divergent. the data above indicates talk is not to the point, tori is confused about explaining the aptitude test result to beatrice. she did not clarify that beatrice is divergent directly. she explains more about the characteristic of divergent before. the beatrice’s question is “wait, so you have no idea what my aptitude is?” and tori’s explanation is “yes and no, my conclusion. is that you display equal aptitude for abnegation, dauntless, and erudite. people who get this kind of result as divergent.” it is translated into “tunggu, jadi kamu tidak tahu apa bakat kecakapanku?” and “ya dan tidak, kesimpulanku. kau menunjukkan tingkat kecakapan yang seimbang antara abnegation, dauntles, dan euridite. mereka yang memiliki hasil seperti ini adalah divergent.” the utterances are talk to the point, and the translation strategy is a literal translation. the translator translates a word or an expression word by word. b) uninformative uninformative is one of the reasons for violation maxim of quantity. in this novel, it has 7 data from 25 data of violation maxim quantity. the example is as follows: sl tori: drink this! tl tori: minum ini! sl beatrice: what is this? what’s going to happen? tl beatrice: apa ini? apa yang akan terjadi? sl tori: can’t tell you that. just trust me. tl tori: tak bisa ku beri tahu. percayalah padaku. ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 99 the datum above prefers an uninformative utterance in violation of maxim quantity. depended on the dialogue above tori asks beatrice to drink some water to the aptitude test. beatrice is curious about the formula. then, she asks to tori, but she does not explain to beatrice that it is serum formulation. so, tori did not give information detail to beatrice, it means the dialogue preferred to violation maxim of quantity. the utterances are “what is this? what’s going to happen?” and “can’t tell you that. just trust me.” translated into “apa ini? apa yang akan terjadi?” and “tak bisa ku beri tahu. percayalah padaku.” the conversation above applies the strategy of translation use literal translation that focuses on each word. c) repeats certain words repeating certain words is one of the reasons for violation maxim of quality. in this case, speakers repeat their utterances with the same meaning. there are 6 data. the analysis of repeating certain words is: sl al: you okay, triss? you look a little …. tl al: kau baik-baik saja tris? kelihatannya kau sedikit …. sl beatrice: a little what? tl beatrice: sedikit apa? the example above shows repeats certain words utterance that belongs to violation maxim quantity utterances. the utterances stated by al and beatrice. the al’s utterace is “al: you okay, triss? you look a little ….” and beatrice’s replay is “beatrice: a little what?” depend on the utterances before beatrice repeats “a little” to make clear the al’s question. furthermore, the utterance is translated into “kau baik-baik saja tris? kelihatannya kau sedikit ….” and “sedikit apa?” the translator focuses on looks for the literal equivalent for every word in the source language that is conveyed into target language. there is no change in the word order from the source language into the target language. 1) violation maxim of quality according to the data, the violation maxim of quality has 45 data with a percentage is 32.4%. there are some reasons for the violation maxim of quality in the novel divergent such as: a) lies or says something that is believed to be false a lie is one of the reasons for violation maxim of quality. almost of the utterances of lies or says beatrice does something believed to be false. this reason has 16 utterances; the example is below. ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 100 sl caleb: beatrice? what happened? are you all right? tl caleb: beatrice? apa yang terjadi? kamu baik-baik saja? sl beatrice: i’m fine. when the test was over, i got sick. must been have that liquid they gave us. i feel better now, though. tl betrice: aku baik-baik saja. saat tesnya selesai aku tidak enak badan. mungkin karena cairan yang mereka berikan. tapi sekarang, aku sudah baikan. the datum above shows a quality violation because beatrice lies to caleb about her condition after the aptitude test. she leaved the test early, because she is not sick. but beatrice wants to hide her result to other people that she is divergent. caleb’s question is “beatrice? what happened? are you all right?” the beatrice’s answers “i’m fine. when the test was over, i got sick. must been have that liquid they gave us. i feel better now, though.” it can be translated into caleb’s question “beatrice? apa yang terjadi? kamu baik-baik saja?” and beatrice’s answers “aku baik-baik saja. saat tesnya selesai aku tidak enak badan. mungkin karena cairan yang mereka berikan. tapi sekarang, aku sudah baikan.” the utterances before applied literal translation and free translation. the example of free translation is “i feel better now, though.” translated into “tapi sekarang, aku sudah baikan.” the sentence structure has the same, and the translator paraphrase “though” become “tapi sekarang.” b) denies something denies something is one reason for violating the maxim of quality. based on the table, denies something gets 12 data. the following is an example of denying something in violation of maxim quality: sl four: you’re divergent. tl four: kau divergent. sl beatrice: what’s divergent? tl beatrice: apa itu divergent? sl four: don’t play stupid. i suspected it last time, but this time it’s obvious. you manipulated the simulation; you’re divergent. i’ll delete the footage, but useless you want to wind up dead at the bottom of the chasm, you’ll figure out how to hide it during the simulation! now, if you’ll excuse me. tl four: jangan pura-pura bodoh. tadinya akau sudah menduga, tapi kali ini jelas sekali. kau memanipulasi simulasi. kau seorang divergent. aku akan menghapus catatanya. kecuali, kau mau berakhir mati dilempar dari tebing, lebih baik kau mencari cara bagaimana cara menyembunyikannya selama simulasi! the data is classified as a quality violation because the utterances deny something. beatrice denies to four that she is divergent and tries to ask about the characteristic of ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 101 divergent. beatrice wants to hide her identity, but four gives some statements that she can understand. the dialogues are four’s statement “you’re divergent.” then, beatrice’s denies “what’s divergent?” four gives more explanation to beatrice “don’t play stupid. i suspected it last time, but this time it’s obvious. you manipulated the simulation; you’re divergent. i’ll delete the footage, but useless you want to wind up dead at the bottom of the chasm, you’ll figure out how to hide it during the simulation! now, if you’ll excuse me.” the translators applied the deletion strategy to translate the utterance. depending on the dialogue above, the sentence “now, if you’ll excuse me.” is not translated. 2) violation maxim of relevance based on the analysis, the violation maxim has 32 data, and the percentage is 23.0%. in this novel, the reasons for violation maxim of relevance have 5 data. a) the conversation unmatched with topic the conversation unmatched with the topic means the question, answer, statement and comment are different. based on the analysis the conversation odd with the topic has 5 data. the following is an example: sl christina: what is it with you today? tl christina: ada apa dengamu hari ini? sl beatrice: oh, you know. sun shining. birds chirping. tl beatrice: oh, tahu kan? matahari bersinar cerah. burung-burung berkicau merdu. the example above shows the conversation unmatched with the topic in violation of relevance. christina and will ask about beatrice's feelings. on the other hand, beatrice did not give attention to them. she even describes the weather at the time to show her feeling. then, the question and the answer are unmatched. the utterance of christina’s question “what is it with you today?” and beatrice’s response “oh, you know. sun shining. birds chirping.” the translator applied literal translation, because the translator focuses on the form and structure of the word without any addition to the target language. b) changes conversation topic abruptly in this section, the study presents one of the reasons the violation maxims indicated violation relevance. based on the analysis of the data, this study noted that there are 7 data. ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 102 sl four: four, its nice to meet you. tl four: four, senang bertemu dengan anda. sl beatrice’s mother: four, is that a nickname? tl beatrice’s mother: four. apa itu nama panggilan? sl four: yes. your daughter is doing well here. i’ve been overseeing her training. tl four: ya. putri anda melakukan semuanya dengan baik disini. saya mengawasi pelatihannya. the above example shows changes in conversation topic abruptly utterance that belongs to violation maxim of relevance. the utterance of four’s greeting, “four, its nice to meet you.” and beatrice’s mother question “four, is that a nickname?” then, four’s answer is “yes. your daughter is doing well here. i’ve been overseeing her training.” based the four’s response, he just said “yes” about his name and did not explain his name detail. but, four tried to change conversation abruptly by explaining beatrice’s exercise more. c) avoid talking about something avoid talking about something reasons in violation maxim of relevance has 7 data. the following example is: sl beatrice: is this because i’m a …. tl beatrice: apa ini karena aku seorang …. sl beatrice’s mother: don’t say that word. ever. tl beatrice’s mother: jangan pernah menyebut kata itu. the above example shows a avoid talking about something utterance that belongs to violation maxim of relevance. beatrice and her mother state the utterance. the dialogue of beatrice’s statement is “is this because i’m a ….” and her mother’s answer is “don’t say that word. ever.” based on the dialogue before, beatrice’s mother wants to avoid the conversation that beatrice is divergent. so beatrice’s mother stops beatrice’s question about divergent. d) hides something or hides a fact hiding something or hiding a fact is classified as a violation of relevance. therefore, the speaker tries to hide the truth from the interlocutors. this reason gets 10 data. sl beatrice: were you transfer too? tl beatrice: apa kau pindahan juga? sl four: i thought i would only have trouble with the candor asking for many questions. now, i’ve got stiffs, too? tl four: aku pikir, aku hanya akan bermasalah dengan orang candor yang bertanya terlalu banyak. dan aku juga harus menghadapi si kaku juga? ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 103 the data above is categorized as a violation maxim of relevance to hide something. the dialogues above tell that beatrice asks four’s former faction. but he doesn’t want to tell himself. the utterance of beatrice’s question is “were you transfer too?” and four’s answer is “i thought i would only have trouble with the candor asking for many questions. now, i’ve got stiffs, too?” based on the four’s answer indicates that four did not want to give information about the four’s former faction. the utterance is translated into “apa kau pindahan juga?” and “aku pikir, aku hanya akan bermasalah dengan orang candor yang bertanya terlalu banyak. dan aku juga harus menghadapi si kaku juga?" therefore, the indonesian version can also be categorized as a violation maxim of relevance. 3) violation maxim of manner in this study violation, the maxim of manner gets 37 data, and the percentage is 26.6%. a) uses ambiguous language using ambiguous language makes the speaker's meaning difficult to understand. using vague language gets 1 data; the following is an example of using imprecise language. sl beatrice: we … just weren’t supposed to hurt people. tl beatrice: hanya saja, kita … tak seharusnya memiliki hati orang lain. sl christina: i like to think i’m helping them by hating them. tl christina: aku lebih suka menganggap kalau aku menolong mereka dengan cara membenci mereka. the data above is one of the utterances that uses ambiguous language in violation maxim of manner. the speakers are beatrice and christina when they do some battle exercises. some initiation gets battle on the arena while christina and beatrice talk about peter and their friends for their former faction. beatrice’s statement is “we … just weren’t supposed to hurt people.” and christina’s responses “i like to think i’m helping them by hating them.” both of them give their statements depending on themselves. the utterance is difficult to understand, furthermore, the utterance is translated into “hanya saja, kita … tak seharusnya memiliki hati orang lain.” and “aku lebih suka menganggap kalau aku menolong mereka dengan cara membenci mereka.” the indonesia version can also be categorized as a violation maxim of manner. the translator applied additional translation to give the reader a more precise meaning. ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 104 b) uses slang using slang is also part of the reason in violation maxim of manner; slang is a way to distinguish you as part of a group or separate from another group. the characters uses slang to show their independence from their parents and give them and their friends a language they can call their own. this novel uses slang and has 8 data. the dialogues below are an example of uses of slang. sl will: what took you so long? tl will: kenapa kalian lama sekali? sl christina: stumpy legs over here turned into an old lady overnight. tl christina: cewek kaki kuat ini berubah menjadi nenek-nenek dalam waktu semalam. the dialogue before was categorized as a manner violation because the reason uses slang. the speakers are will, christina, and beatrice. will waits beatrice and christina when the train moves quickly. christina states the characteristic older man is pour that it is on beatrice. it uses slang spoken by christina. the utterance is “stumpy legs over here turned into an old lady overnight.” it can be translated into “cewek kaki kuat ini berubah menjadi nenek-nenek dalam waktu semalam.” c) multiple ways of interpretation multiple ways of interpretation are one of the reasons in violation maxim of manner. sl uriah: scared of the dark, mar? tl uriah: takut gelap, mar? sl marlene: if you want to step on broken glass, uriah, be my guest. tl marlene: kalau kau mau mengijak pecahan kaca, uriah, silahkan saja. the data shows the reason for violation maxim of manner. the reason is multiple ways of interpretation. the dialogue above tells that marlene uses a flashlight to direct the light to the ways. the english utterance is from uriah’s question, “scared of the dark, mar?” and marlene’s answer is “if you want to step on broken glass, uriah, be my guest.” based on the utterances before, marlene’s answer indicates the multiple ways of interpretation in violation maxim of manner. marlene brings a flashlight to protect her. additionally, the utterance is translated into “takut gelap, mar?” and “kalau kau mau mengijak pecahan kaca, uriah, silahkan saja.” the translators use literal translation to translate utterances before. ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 105 a. pragmatic equivalence of the novel translation of divergent the data were judged or rated based on its pragmatic equivalence. this is one of the techniques to assess translation quality. therefore, the following is the analysis of the data. 1) accurate translation the accurate translation parameter includes the meaning of the word, technical term, phrase, clause, sentence or source language text that is transferred accurately into target-language text. dealing with pragmatic aspect, an accurate translation should represent a coherent and cohesive translation. the following is an example. sl tori: drink this! tl tori: minum ini! sl beatrice: what is this? what’s going to happen? tl beatrice: apa ini? apa yang akan terjadi? sl tori: can’t tell you that. just trust me. tl tori: tak bisa ku beri tahu. percayalah padaku. the datum above is an accurate translation. since this study noted that single element, whether meaning of the word, phrase, clause or sentence of source language, text is transferred accurately into target language. the translation is coherent and cohesive. it also represents the intended meaning of the english speaker. for example, the english version of beatrice’s utterance is “what is this? what’s going to happen?” and tori’s explanation is “can’t tell you that. just trust me.” the translator transfers the english utterance into “apa ini? apa yang akan terjadi?” and “tak bisa ku beri tahu. percayalah padaku.” the technique of the translation is literal translation strategy. every word is translated into indonesian without any strategy of shift. based on the investigation, 137 data (98.56%) can be classified as “accurate translation.” 2) less accurate translation in this parameter, the meaning of the word, technical term, phrase, clause, sentence or source language text is mostly transferred accurately into target-language text. however, distorted or equivocal meaning is still deleted, and it distracts the wholeness of the message. the following is an example. sl christina: sorry, am i being rude? i’m used to just saying whatever is on my mind. mom used to say that politeness is deception in pretty packaging. tl christina: apakah aku kasar? aku terbiasa mengucapkan apa pun yang ada di pikiranku. ibuku pernah bilang sopan santun adalah kepalsuan yang dikemas dengan cantik. ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 106 the data before is less accurate. it is due to the english violation maxim of manner utterance is not translated into indonesian by the translator. in this case, the untranslated english violation maxim utterance diverts the translation. the translator did not solve the word “sorry” that christina speaks it. the target language translated “am i being rude?” without asking for forgiveness. nevertheless, there is a possibility for the reader to just the whole meaning of the utterance. from 139 data, this study noted that there is two data (1.43%) that can be categorized as “less accurate translation.” 3) not accurate translation a translation can be classified as inaccurate when the meaning of the word, technical term, phrase, clause, sentence or source language text is not accurately transferred into the target language text or deleted. the pragmatic element of the source language text is not translated accurately into the target language text, so it causes misunderstanding (pragmatic failure). the translation, then, is not coherent and cohesive. additionally, the implied speaker’s intention is not translated accurately. based on this study's analysis, no translation was rated or judged as “not accurate translation.” nevertheless, several data show that the utterances are not translated into indonesian utterances; they still represent the whole speaker’s meaning or intention. the following chart shows the data of pragmatic equivalence of divergent movie subtitle. chart 1. pragmatic equivalence of novel translation of divergent 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% accurate translation less accurate translation not accurate translation accurate translation less accurate translation not accurate translation discussion some of the research presented in this study focused on pragmatism, violating maxims, or, more broadly, pragmatism. some of them highlighted the term pragmatic ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 107 equivalence, which is identical to the current investigation. in addition, the research was conducted using the same document-based method. however, what distinguishes this study from others are its purpose, data, and data source, as well as crucial parts of its method for data analysis and its conclusion. comparing this study to several previous researchers, al-qaderi (2015) focused on violating conversational maxims. the researcher displayed that gricean theory of conversational implicature can be applied to the arabic language, particularly the yameni dialect. it means that the current research is different to what is concerned by al-qaderi (2015). this present study focused on the data of violation maxim proposed by grice’s theory of maxims (1975). furthermore, to analyse the data's pragmatic equivalence, the current study uses the combination of two theories at the same time: translation quality, especially equivalence (nababan et al, 2012) and pragmatic equivalence (baker, 2018). based on the analyzed data, this current study found 139 data from the novel translation of divergent. the data had been categorized as a cooperative principle in violation maxims. the data showed four types of violation maxims from english utterances translated into indonesian utterances. the data showed no significant shift in the english version translated into indonesia since the findings were violation maxim of quantity, violation maxim of quality, violation maxim of relevance, and violation maxim of manner. grice (1975:49) said that the speaker “will be liable to mislead” the listener. violating the maxim lets the listeners have misunderstood the information. violating can also happen in four subprinciples of maxim. there are violations of quantity, quality, relation, and manner. this study confirms the theory since the study found all those types inside. according to cutting (2002: 40), a speaker might violate the principle of quality by being insincere and providing incorrect information to an audience. the violation of the quality utterance maxim has many purposes. it not only functions as a lie or a statement that is considered untrue but also does irony or makes sardonic and sarcastic statements, as detailed in the preceding section. the data represented a unique adaptation of divergent. there are four types of violation maxims, as previously mentioned. the dominant data in the novel violates the quality maximum; there are 45 data. the translator ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 108 rendered them as violation maxims such as violation maxim number, violation maxim quality, manner violation maxim, and relevance violation maxim. pragmatic equivalence refers to words in both languages having the same effect on the readers in both languages. baker (2018:235) selects two of the numerous concepts central to this particular field of language study that are believed to be especially useful for exploring the question of how a given text becomes comprehensible to a given readership and highlighting areas of difficulty in cross-cultural communication. these are coherence and implicature. this study combines baker’s (2018) theory of pragmatic equivalence and nababan, nuraeni and sumardiono’s (2012) theory of accuracy. nababan (2012) states that three aspects need to be considered in assessing translation quality: accuracy, acceptability, and readability. the concept of translation quality assessment (i.e. accuracy) manifested into a particular instrument that deals with that aspect. the assessment is in the form of judging or scoring. the term pragmatic equivalence deals with two theories simultaneously: the theory of equivalence translation generally and pragmatic equivalence. regarding to the novel translation of divergent, the 139 data were rated or judged by an expert based on three parameters: accurate translation, less accurate translation, and not precise translation. there was the idea of the qualitative parameters of pragmatic equivalence. furthermore, from 139 data, this study noted that there were 137 data of 98.56% that could be judged or rated as accurate translation based on the qualitative parameter of pragmatic equivalence. but unfortunately, this study noted one piece of data as “less accurate translation” for some reasons. a translation can be rated as equivalence when the meaning of the word, technical term, phrase, clause, sentence or source language text are transferred accurately into target language text; there is no meaning distortion. the pragmatic element of the source language text is also moved accurately into the target language text. the translation represents a coherent and cohesive translation. the speaker's utterance is represented accurately as intended in the target language text. this study argues that the tl text fulfils all of the criteria or parameters. the subsequent discussion is about a less accurate translation. in this study, two pieces of data could be categorized as a less precise translation since there was a deletion to the tl text, which means that the translator did not translate the sl into tl. ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 109 in some cases, the tl would be equivalent since the information was omitted; however, the sentence was deleted or not translated. for example, an sl utterance, violation maxims or sentence was not translated to reach equivalent, but the information was included in the previous or the following tl text. a less accurate translation is when the meaning of the word, technical term, phrase, clause, sentence or source language text is transferred accurately into target-language text. but there is still a distorted purpose or uncertain meaning that is deleted, and it distracts the wholeness of the message. the pragmatic element of the source language text is translated accurately into the target language text, but there are such misinterpretations in the target language (e.g. cultural understanding). some translations take into account as coherent and cohesive, but some others do not. the translation does not fully represent the implied meaning of the speaker’s intention. it was just a minor “less accurate translation” since this study noted that two data could be rated according to the qualitative parameter of pragmatic equivalence. so, there are two data or 1,43% data that belonged to this classification from overall data (139 data). this study did not find any translation that could be rated as not accurate. this study argues that the translator considers any indonesian language norms or principles regarding to grammar. in this categorization, a translation would not be valid when the meaning of the word, technical term, phrase, clause, sentence or source language text is not accurately transferred into target language text or deleted. the pragmatic element text so it makes misunderstanding (pragmatic failure). the translation, then, is not coherent and cohesive. the implied speaker’s intention is not translated accurately. this study noted no exact equivalence word, sentence or utterance from sl to tl. therefore, a translator should give the touch of strategy to achieve equivalence. d. conclusion based on the above analysis, it can be concluded as follows. firstly, this current study found 139 data from the novel translation of divergent categorized as cooperative principle in violation maxims. the findings were dominated by violation maxim of quality. there had been found 45 data violation maxims of quality in novel translation. secondly, in the novel translation, from 139 data, there were 137 data of 98.56% that could be judged or rated as “accurate translation” based on the qualitative parameter of ©wuri rahmawati, dwi haryanti, & malikatul laila available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 110 pragmatic equivalence. two data from 139 (1,43% ) could be rated as “less accurate translation” according to the qualitative parameter of pragmatic equivalence. this study did not find any translation could be rated as not accurate. this research limits on the analysis of violation maxim and pragmatic equivalence in the divergent novel. therefore, further researchers need to explore or discuss more pragmatic aspects of divergent novel. references alwazna, r. y. 2017. pragmatic aspect of translation: the interpretation-based inference and its implications for translation. arab world english journal for translation & literary studies, 1 (4), 39-51. al-qaderi, isaa ali umar. 2015. a pragmatic analysis of applying violating the maxims to the 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hasanuddin university abstract interference of malay manado language in formal spoken indonesian language: “a case study at indonesian language studies, gorontalo state university” .this research aims to elaborate the kinds of interference in malay manado language toward indonesian language on students’ speech in class discussion performance and to describe the most frequent of interference that students produced in class discussion performance by students in indonesian language studies. besides, the purpose of this research is to disclose the students deal with the interference on their speech in class discussion performance.the research was conducted in indonesian language studies, gorontalo state university. the data were collected from students’ speech in class discussion performance by using recording technique. the samples were 30 respondents. two methods in analyzing data, namely descriptive quantitative and qualitative methods. there are three kinds of interference that students produced on students’ speech in class discussion performance namely phonological interference, morphological interference, and lexical interference. firstly, in phonological interference can be categorized into assimilation, merger colescence or diftong, syncope, apocope, compression, and vowel modification. in morphological interference, they produced prefix addition, imperative form, reduplication, compounding form, and negation form. in lexical interference, they created nine types of interference namely verb, noun, adjective, pronoun, adverb, question form, language particle, possesive, and preposition. secondly, the most frequent type of interference on students’ speech in class discussion performance is lexical interference. it is about 193 in the percentage 59.38 %. lastly, there are some factors that causing interference on students’ speech. they are, bilingualism, the lack of using indonesian language, needs for synonyms and the last is students’ high prestige. interferensi bahasa melayu manado terhadap bahasa indonesia pada tuturan mahasiswa di universitas negeri gorontalo. tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguraikan jenis-jenis interferensi yang terjadi pada tuturan mahasiswa dalam kelas diskusi oleh mahasiswa jurusan bahasa indonesia dan mendeskripsikan frequensi interferensi yang paling banyak diproduksi oleh mahasiswa dalam proses diskusi di dalam kelas. data dikumpulkan dari tuturan mahasiswa di dalam kelas diskusi dengan menggunakan dua tehnik yaitu tehnik rekaman dan metode simak. sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 30 responden. peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif dalam menganalisis data. terdapat tiga jenis interferensi yang diproduksi oleh mahasiswa pada tuturannya di dalam kelas diskusi yaitu interferensi fonologi, interferensi morfologi, dan interferensi leksikal. pertama, interferensi fonologi dapat dikelompokkan menjadi asimilasi, penggabungan koalisi atau diftong, syncope, apocope, compression, dan modifikasi vokal. dalam interferensi morfologi mereka memproduksi penambahan prefix, betuk perintah biasa, reduplikasi, pemajemukan,dan bentuk negasi. terdapat sembilan jenis interferensi yaitu interferensi pada kata kerja, benda, kata sifat, kata ganti orang atau benda, kata keterangan, bentuk pertanyaan, partikel bahasa, bentuk kepunyaan, dan kata depan. kedua, frekuensi interferensi yang tertinggi pada tuturan mahasiswa di kelas diskusi adalah interferensi leksikal. interferensi tersebut sekitar 193 dengan persentase 59.38 %. ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya interferensi pada tuturan mahasiswa yaitu adanya kedwibahasaan, kurangnya pemakaian bahasa indonesia, kebutuhan akan sinonim dan prestise yang menyebabkan tingginya tingkat interferensi. keywords: malay manado language, indonesian language, phonological, morphological, lexical interference journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 2 a. introduction indonesian society is bilingual in spoken, meaning many people used two languages. in the communication process, indonesian is used as a national language than local language in each area. both languages are sometimes used in their daily life in the same time, both orally and in written. this situation enables the influence of language contact. mutual influence can be seen in the use of the indonesian language inserted into the local language vocabulary or in reverse that includes all levels. the researcher found out the same statement or problem above, also occurs in the communication activities in daily life in gorontalo city, especially on students’ in gorontalo state university. they used indonesian language where get interference of malay manado language in their interaction even in formal and non formal situation. the phenomena of interference came from language contact. suwito (1983), states that the existence of irregularities does not mean the destruction of language. interference is a phenomenon of linguistic rules deviation caused by one person mastering two languages or more. besides, interferences are deviation because the element is absorbed by an already existing language in the language equivalent absorbent. thus, the manifestation caused of the interference is the ability to use language by the speakers in particular. in terms of language, interference can be divided in two categories, namely interference in form and interference in meaning. according to poedjisoudarmo (1982), interference form includes elements of language and language variations, while the interference meaning includes lexical, morphological, and syntactical interference. interference according to nababan (1991), is an error that occurs because of the speech habits of the local language or dialect entering a language or the second dialect. similarly, chaer et al (1995), argue that interference is the norm of deviation events from one language to another. the existence of bilingualism will also cause interference and language integration. language interference is linguistic norm deviations that occur in bilingual speech because of its familiarity to more than one language often due to language contact. furthermore language contact factor is causing interference according to weinreich in weda (1998), states that in sufficient vocabulary of a language in the face of progress and reform. additionally, the disappearance of words that are rarely used depends on them being synonymous and on the prestige of the source language. bilingual speaker and lack of loyalty to the recipient language are also as the factor contributing to the interference. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 3 the research about interference has been done by many researchers in this world such as suindartini (2013), investigated the interference in balinese and foreign languages in oral stories in indonesian language in junior high school students, grade vii smp 10 denpasar. the results showed that in balinese language interference, there are four types of interference namely phonological interference, morphological, syntactic, and semantic interference. while the interference of foreign language she got interference of syntax and semantic. besides, weda (1998), focused his research on inter-language phonology: stress shifts of english utterances made by indonesian speakers of english. he tried to describe english stress shifts which occur in english utterances made by indonesian speakers of english. while in gorontalo, a study on interference was carried out by some researchers, one of them is pidu (2011), examineds the language interference of malay manado dialect in gorontalo language in the south dulomo, in family domain. findings show that the use of other dialect, namely malay manado dialect in the family domain are intensifying pressure on gorontalo language, and the mixing of ethnic groups in the village becomes a major factor affecting the reduction in the use of gorontalo language. different from several previous studies above, this study described and elaborated on the kinds of the interference form malay manado language toward indonesian language that focuses on phonological, morphological and lexical interferences by students’ speech in gorontalo state university. generally, gorontalo people only use malay manado language to communicate each other in their daily life, and usually occur among children, teenagers, adults, and even in the family domain, education domain, and in the gorontalo society domain. it always happens because of the indonesian speech community and malay manado people stay coexists in gorontalo province. therefore the interference occurs both of these languages. hence, the focus of this study is the interference of malay manado language toward indonesian language in indonesian language studies. it is because of the best of researcher’s knowledge so far, students in indonesian language studies get interference when had class discussion performance. therefore, one of the aims of this study was to elaborate the kinds of interference that influence indonesian language on students’ speech in indonesian language studies. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 4 b. method this research used descriptive qualitative method. the descriptive qualitative method is to obtain information about phenomenon when research is conducted (furchan, 2004). the population was students in gorontalo state university, indonesian language studies. the sample was 30 respondents in indonesian language studies. in collecting data, the researcher used three steps of collecting data. the first step is simak method. simak method is a method which is performed when the researcher is “hearing” students’ discussion. the second step is technique of recording data which means a technique that use tape-recorder in order to get the data. according to mahsun (2012), when the first and the second technique used, recording data can be done as well with tape-recorder as a tool. the last step is technique of note taking. technique of note taking can be defined as an activity to write the data that recorded. firstly, the researcher started made a transcription of all data (such as class discussion performance “speech”). then, the researcher identified the interference occurred. secondly, the kinds of interference in the data were recorded. the researcher classified the collect data by tabulating them into table and describes them. third, the researcher used descriptive qualitative terms in analyzing the data. the researcher explained the various kinds of interference malay manado language toward indonesian language. fourth, the types of interference made by respondents would be classified. lastly, the researcher draw conclusions about the kinds of interference of malay manado language toward indonesian language that occurred by students’ speech in class discussion performance, and the most frequent interference produced by the students. c. findings and discussion based on the data collected, the researcher found 325 kinds of interference. they are found 60 sounds having phonological interference, there are found 72 morphology interference and lasty there are found 193 having lexical interference from students class discussion performance. phonological processes and types of sound change the types of processes in phonological interference in this changing were namely assimilation, merger coalescence or diftong, syncope, apocope, compression and vowel modification. the following is the explanation concerning the findings data of students’ interference of malay manado language toward indonesian language in phonological aspect. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 5 assimilation assimilation is when one sound makes another sound change. based on data findings there are some words occurred in assimilation process. in this study, the assimilation process happened in the sounds vowel /3/ become vowel /a/ and sometimes become vowel /u/ between consonant, because in phonetic rules, the position both of them are middle-low. so, the vowel /3/ changed become vowel /a/. the sounds change can be seen on some data below: phonological data /kesana/  [kasana] /berapa/  [barapa] /belum/  [bulum] /semua/ [samua] /sebentar/ [sabantar] merger coalescence or diphthong merger coalescence or diphthong is two vowel sounds pronounced as one syllable. it usually happened in the last phoneme of the words. this process also occured on students’ speech in class discussion performance. it can be seen on data below: 1) /au/  [o] / # /kalau/  [kalo] /mau/  [mo] /kau/  [ko] 2) /ai/  [e]/ # /sampai/  [sampe] /dipakai/  [dipake] /ramai/  [rame] 3) /ia/ [a]/ c c /siapa/  [sapa] 4) /ai/  [i]/ c c /bagaimana/  [bagimana] syncope syncope refers to the loss of unstressed vowels in the middle of words. it is syncope which often produces consonant clusters in languages that did not formerly have them. syncope had been done by samples. data instance can be seen below: /terima/  [trima] /karena/  [karna] journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 6 /sekali/  [skali] /sedikit/ [sadiki] /sekalian/  [skalian] /sekarang/ [ skarang] apocope apocope is loss of the final segment of the word and final vowels. this is a very common change in languages. missing the final segment of the word was occurred in malay manado language toward indonesian language. look at the following changes that occurred in samples: /tempat/  [tampa] /ikut/  [iko] /ikut-ikut/  [iko-iko] /pendek/  [ pende] /lidah/  [lida] /tambah/  [tamba] compression compression is the process of dropping off one or more syllables from the end or middle of a word. look at the following changes that occurred in data: /jangan/  [ jang] /coba/  [co] /sudah/  [so] /terima kasih/  [makasih] vowel modification vowel modification is a change in vowel as a result of the influence other sounds that follow. in data findings, some of students produced vowel modification. in this vowel modification process, there are some variations changed process happened. there are middle –low vowel /e/ become high front vowel /i/, middle –low vowel /e/ become high back vowel /u/, sometimes phoneme addition in last words, and high back vowel /u/, become high back vowel /o/. the complete data changed can be seen bellow: */e/ [ i/] / c_c /kenapa/  [kinapa] */e/  [u] / c_c /terus/ .[turus] *ø[n] / _ # /cuma/  [cuman] journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 7 */u/ [o] / c_c /hidup/  [hidop] */a/  [o] / _ # morphological processes in this study, one of morphological processes was prefix. prefix in malay manado language are, ba-, ta-,ma-, or mo. look at the following changes of the prefix from students’ speech in indonesian language toward malay manado language that occurred: data 1 tadi kita ba dengar….. adv 1st ps pref dengar…. ‘tadi saya mendegarkan…’ ‘i was listening’ imperative form imperative form is the form of a verb that is usually used for giving orders. on students’ speech in class discussion performance, the researcher found this fenomena. the data can be seen below: data 2 pertanyaan selanjutnya, wey, capat jo! pertanyaan selanjutnya, part, cepat part ‘pertanyaan selanjutnya, hei cepat saja!’ ‘the next question, hei be quickly please! reduplication reduplication is when a word an element of a word, or phrase is repeated. it can often result in change of meaning or tune. the researcher found some reduplication form in students’ speech. for instance: data 3 dia suka ba baca puisi di tampa-tampa yang rame 3rd ps suka pref baca puisi di red yang ramai ‘dia suka membaca puisi di tempat-tempat yang ramai’ ‘he/she like to read a poem in a crowded places’ journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 8 compounding form compounding is the process of word formation that creates compound lexems. it occurs when two or more words are joined to make one longer word. it can be seen bellow: data 4 kalo orang menulis puisi berdasarkan torang pe saki hati misalnya kalo orang menulis puisi berdasarkan 1st ppl poss comp misalnya ‘kalau orang menulis puisi berdasarkan sakit hatinya kita misalnya’ ‘ for example, if people write a poem base on our broken heart’ negation form negative form interference also occurred in students’ speech class discussion performance. the data cen be seen below: data 5 saya bulum mangarti dengan isi dari karya ilmiah itu saya neg mengerti dengan isi dari karya ilmiah itu ‘saya belum mengerti isi karya ilmiah itu’ ‘ i do not understand yet the content of that scientific writing’ lexical process based on data analysis, the researcher found some kinds of lexical interference of malay manado language toward indonesian language that occurred . they are in verb, noun, adjective, personal pronoun, adverb, question form, language particle, possessive and preposition. a) verb data 6 kalo tidak cumu universitas dalam puisi, pendengar akan menafsirkan….. kalau tidak verb universitas dalam puisi,pendengar akan menafsirkan ‘kalau tidak menyebut universitas dalam puisi pendengar akan menafsirkan…’ ‘if you/we do not mention university in a poem,the listener will give definition….’ b) noun data 7 jadi talinga juga tidak bisa ba dengar. jadi noun juga tidak bisa pref dengar journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 9 ‘jadi telinga juga tidak bisa mendengar’ so, i can not listen well” c) adjective data 8 depe ujung lida itu kurang panjang ada yang depe lidah cuma pende poss ujung lidah itu kurang panjang ada yang poss lidah hanya adj ‘ujung lidahnya itu kurang panjang ada yang lidahnya hanya pendek’ ‘the top tongue is not long, there is human has a short tongue’ d) personal pronouns data 9 ngana jawab kasana saja supaya tida ba tunggu bagini 2nd ps jawab kasana saja supaya tidak pref tunggu part ‘kamu jawab saja, agar tidak menunggu seperti ini’ ‘just please you answer it, so we do not keep wating like this’ e) adverb data 10 tidak sampe dipenyimpangan puisi tidak adv dipenyimpangan puisi ‘tidak sampai pada penyimpangan puisi’ ‘it is not until on the deviation of poem’ f) question form data 11 sapa so moderator? ques part moderator? ‘siapa ya moderator?’ ‘who is actually moderator?’ g) possesive data 12 begitu saya pe maksud! begitu saya poss maksud! ‘begitu maksud saya’ ‘that is, i mean’ data 13 penjelasannya tidak tepat! depe jawaban agak rancu penjelasannya tidak tepat! poss jawaban agak rancu ‘penjelasannya tidak tepat! jawabannya agak rancu’ ‘the explanation is not clear, the answer are wrong’ h) language particle ‘pa’ data 14 tolong diulangi modrator! kurang jelas tadi pa saya soalnya ba ribut. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 10 tolong diulangi moderator! kurang jelas tadi part saya soalnya pref ribut ‘tolong diulangi moderator! kurang jelas pada saya karena ribut’ ‘moderator, repeat please! it is unclear on me because its very crowded’ ‘mo’ data 15 kalo bukunya masih mo dipesan kalau bukunya masih part dipesan ‘kalau untuk bukunya masih mau dipesan’ ‘the books still on the ordering’ ‘vor’ or ‘for’ data 16 dia suka sesuatu itu, ada untung ndak vor dia. 3rd ps suka sesuatu itu, ada untung part part 3rd ps ‘dia suka sesuatu itu, ada untung tidak buat dia' ‘he/she likes something, is there adventages or not for her/him’ ‘nyanda’ data 17 nyanda ada pengertian-pengertian neg ada pengertian-pengertian ‘tidak ada bicara definisinya’ ‘no talking definition here!’ ‘lebe’ kalo romeo dan juliet dengan uda dan dara lebe dulu yang mana? kalau romeo dan juliet dengan uda dan dara part part yang mana? ‘kalau romeo dan juliet dengan uda dan dara lebih dahulu yang mana? ‘which one the first published between romeo and juliet or uda dan dara’ ‘dapa’ data 19 jangan yang hanya dapa nilai 100 yang di apresiasi. jangan yang hanya part nilai 100 yang di apresiasi ‘jangan yang hanya dapat nilai 100 yang di apresiasi’ ‘you can not give appreciation just for the student got a best score(100)’ ‘so’ data 20 ok. trima kasih so bagitu ok. terima kasih part part ok. terima kasih sudah seperi itu ‘ok, thank you. like that’ ‘baku’ data 21 tidak apa-apa baku maso juga… journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 11 tidak apa-apa part masuk juga ‘tidak masalah, saling berhubungan juga…’ ‘it is ok. it is releated to…’ ‘cuma’ or ‘cuman’ data 22 bukan cuman ngana. bagitu saya pe maksud.pokoknya yang ba bagitu. bukan part 2nd ps. part saya poss maksud pokonya yang pref part ‘bukan hanya kamu. begitu maksud saya. pokoknya yang seperti itu’ ‘not only you. it is i mean. just like that’ ‘stou’ data 23 tentang teorinya….apa stou…slide yang ka dua (2) tentang teorinya….apa part…slide yang prep dua(2) ‘tentang teorinya….apa ya…slide yang ke dua(2)’ ’about the theory…what is..second slide please’ ‘bagitu’ data 24 bagitu saya pe maksud part saya poss maksud ‘begitu maksud saya’ ‘that is i mean!’ ‘bagini’ data 25 tidak ada yang lain? macam bagini..bagitu..dan lain-lain? tidak ada yang lain? macam part …part…dan lainlain? ‘tidak ada yang lainnya? seperti begini…begitu…dan lain-lain?’ ‘what about the others? like that..and so on?’ ‘jo’ data 26 biar jo! supaya dia bertanya biar part! supaya 3rd ps bertanya ‘biarkan saja agar dia bertanya’ ‘let him in order he give question’ ‘kase’ data 27 tiga-tiga ini kase satu atau? tigatiga ini part satu atau? ‘tiga-tiganya dsatukan atau? ‘these three will be one or?’ ‘napa’ napa dang! mana itu? journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 12 part part! mana itu? ‘ini dia, mana itu? ‘here it is.where is it?’ ‘sampe’ data 29 ini kelompok dua, jangan sampe macam kelompok ini ya! ini kelompok dua, jangan part macam kelompok ini ya! ini kelompok dua, jangan sampai macam kelompok ini ya! ‘for group two, i do not like you seems like this group’ ‘toh’ data 30 sastra itu puisi toh? sastra itu puisi part? ‘satra itu puisi kan? ‘art is a poem right? ‘dulu’ data 31 apa dulu?...e… apa part ? …e.. ‘apa ya?...e…’ ‘what is?..emm…’ ‘dang’ data 32 maksudnya dapat dipertanggung jawabkan dasar-dasar depe fakta dang maksudnya dapat dipertanggung jawabkan dasar-dasar poss fakta part ‘maksudnya dapat dipertanggung jawabkan dasar-dasar faktanya ya’ ‘it is mean that we can responsible with the main fact. isn’t it? ‘co’ data 33 co anda jelaskan kembali tentang remedial? part anda jelaskan kembali tentang remedial? coba anda jelaskan kembali tentang remedial? ‘please you just explain again about remedial?’ ‘trus’ data 34 trus hasil pengetahuan itu apa? part hasil pengetahuan itu apa? ‘terus hasil pengetahuan itu apa?’ ‘and than, what is the result of the knowledge?’ journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 13 preposition data 35 yang ka dua apa? yang prep dua apa? ‘yang ke dua apa?’ ‘what is the second? this study found that there are many kinds and several forms of interference of malay manado language toward indonesian language, in phonological, morphological, and lexical which presents all the time on students’ speech in class discussion performance. the data shows that, most of students in indonesian language studies in gorontalo state university made several kinds of interferences when they had class discussion performance. it seems that, they do not mastery indonesian language well, especially in phonological and lexical. the researcher found the high interference on students speech between phonological, morphological and lexical interference was in lexical interference. when the researcher did research on students in indonesian language studies, most of students have a capability to speak indonesian well. but, when they had a class discussion especially in giving question and answer sesion they got interference from malay manado language without repairing the language. it happens regularly in each discussion and in every groups in class discussion performance. they had interference in phonological aspect that is assimilation, syncope, apocope, vowel modification, compression, and diftong. while in morphology aspect, they got interference in prefix addition, imperative form, reduplication, compounding form and negation form. lastly , in lexical interference they had interference in verb, noun, adjective, adverb, personal pronoun, question form, language particle, possessive and preposition. d. conclusions the conclusion from this study is most of students in gorontalo state university in indonesian language studies still make several kinds of interference on their speech in class discussion performance such as phonological interference, morphological inteference, and lexical interference. where in phonological interference the students produced type of interference namely assimilation, merger coalescence or diphthong, syncope, apocope, compression, and lastly modification vowel. in morphological interference they produced prefix addition, imperative form, reduplication, compounding form and negation form. in journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 14 lexical interference, they created nine types of interference namely verb, noun, adjective, pronoun, adverb, question form, language particle, possessive, and the last is preposition. referring these conclusions, this study suggests that it is important for the students in indonesian language studies to pay attention and make different between the use of indonesian language and malay manado language in formal and non formal situation especially in class discussion performance. the lecturer should give some comments or repairing students speech, when they produced interference from other language in a wrong way during in students’ class discussion performance. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1 -februari 2018 15 references chaer & agustina. 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(1998). interlanguage phonology: stress shifts of english utterances made by indonesian speakers of english (tesis). makassar: universitas hasanuddin. ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 182 volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) teachers’ gestures in efl classroom nihla afdaliah sekolah tinggi agama islam negeri majene, indonesia abstract: the research analyzed the teachers’ gestures in efl classrooms. it covered the teachers’ gestures, the functions of the teachers’ gestures, and the effect of the teachers’ gestures on the students. the research applied a qualitative research design. the subjects of the research were 2 english teachers and 14 students of a senior high school in majene. the research instruments were classroom observation, teachers’ and students interviews. the results of this research revealed that the teachers performed hand gestures and head gestures in the classroom. the hand gestures were pointing, beckoning/inviting, giving examples, clapping hands, knocking on the table, hitting the whiteboard, illustrating, and numbering. in contrast, for head gestures, they used nodding and shaking head. the teachers used the gestures mainly regarding management, regulation, input, and instruction. but in some meetings, one of the teachers used head gestures combined with a smile when rewarding students and showing affection. these teachers’ gestures were primarily used in conjunction with words or verbal messages (speech-related gestures) to complement, accentuate, and repeat the words. on the other hand, a small number of gestures are also used to substitute words. these gestures are stand-alone or are called speech-independent gestures. teachers' use of gestures in the classroom consciously and unconsciously affects students and the learning process. students agreed that using gestures by the teacher could improve their understanding of the material. however, using improper or too many gestures can distract their focus, making it difficult for them, to be nervous and difficult to engage in the learning process. so, it is urgent for the teachers to understand that some gestures should be increased or decreased to create a better learning atmosphere. keywords: hand gestures; head gestures; efl classroom a. introduction communication is an integral part of human life. it takes various forms, and one of them is oral or speech. when people speak, they normally use their hands, head, eyes, facial expression, bodily postures, and symbols to communicate, which always accompany oral discourse-intended or not; the impact of these nonlinguistic cues in ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 183 conversation is called nonverbal communication (negi, 2009). thus, during communication, people deliver two kinds of communication: verbal and nonverbal communication. verbal communication (vc) is a form of communication that uses spoken and written words. in contrast, nonverbal communication (nvc) is a form of communication that is done without words orally (paralanguage) and nonorally (posture and gesture, facial expression and eye contact, voice, proximity, appearance, etc.). although verbal and nonverbal messages differ in many ways, these have to be considered together to understand the conveyed messages (hall et al., 2019). nvc is essential, considering people tend to use more nvc in sharing their feeling or emotion than verbal ones. mehrabian (1972) claimed that 7% of message relating to feelings and attitudes is conveyed through words or verbally, and the rest 93%, is conveyed nonverbally. therefore, nonverbal signals are crucial to be understood in faceto-face interactions to interpret what someone exactly intended and how well the words are being received. having a greater understanding of nonverbal communication will enhance the quality of life and give the ability to relate to others with greater understanding, empathy, sympathy, and compassion (calero, 2005). moreover, some nonverbal cues are interpreted differently in other cultures. for instance, nodding is associated with positivity, and shaking heads denotes negativity, but the meaning is reversed in bulgarian culture; that is, nodding means “no,” and shaking heads means “yes” (andonova & taylor, 2012). these kinds of nonverbal cues may create misunderstandings and ambiguities, so knowing about nonverbal communication across cultures is important. understanding nvc is very important for teachers in the teaching and learning process. the teacher’s nonverbal behavior may convey many messages and create a positive or negative classroom atmosphere. teacher’s appearance, gestures and posture, face and eye contact, voice, touching, and proximity will play an important role in the student-teacher relationship. it may further affect the students’ motivation and understanding of learning. richmond (2002) stated that when the teacher improves affect through effective nonverbal behavior, the students tend to listen more, learn more, and have a more positive attitude about school. effective classroom communication between teacher and student is the key to a positive effect on students' affective and cognitive learning. similarly, witt and wheeless (1999) suggested that when teachers ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 184 engage in nonverbally immediate behavior, students are more satisfied and learn more. nonverbal behaviors adopted by a classroom teacher, such as communicating from a close distance, smiling, engaging in eye contact, and making gestures, increase the learners’ commitment level. a gesture is one of the teacher's most commonly used nvc in the classroom (annisah, 2013). according to adler and rodman (2006), gestures are a fundamental element of communication: movements in which one part of the body. a gesture is an expressive motion or action, usually made with the hands and arms, the head or even the whole body (bunglowala & bunglowala, 2015). there are many different types of gestures and variations of these types, but the most frequently studied are the following: (1) speech-independent gesture. when viewed independently of speech, these gestures have a well-known verbal translation in their usage community, usually consisting of a word or phrase. the gestures used to represent okay or peace are examples of speech-independent gestures. (2) speechrelated gesture. these gestures are directly tied to or accompany speech and often illustrate what is being said verbally. these movements may accent or emphasize a word or phrase, sketch a path of thought, point to present objects, depict a spatial relationship, depict the rhythm or pacing of an event, draw a picture of a referent, depict a bodily action, or serve as commentary on the regulation and organization of the interactive process (knapp et al. 2013) the teachers’ gestures can be very meaningful and helpful for the students in teaching and learning. using hand gestures like thumbs up or hand clapping as a reward after students’ performance will make students feel more appreciated for their work. when a student seems nervous or hesitant to do something like a performance in front of the class, the touch from the teacher on the student’s shoulder will assure that he/she is able to do it. having a relaxed body posture and proper gestures are positively and significantly associated with students’ motivation to learn english (hsu, 2010). those were supported by hanif et al. (2014). the findings showed that the teachers who use their body language properly in the classroom enhanced the level of students’ motivation, retention, and understanding; students can easily understand through symbols and gestures rather than words. furthermore, kusanagi (2005) identified that a ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 185 teacher’s kinesics behavior, especially gesture, operates in five domains. these are (1) management, (2) instruction, (3) input, (4) regulation, and (5) affect. on the contrary, at the same time, the teacher’s gesture may also give barriers to the students’ learning process (mahmud, 2014). some teachers try to calm their students by banging the table when a class is considered too noisy. this kind of habit should be stopped. it will be better if the teacher uses her finger in front of the lips or claps his/her hands to ask the students to be quiet instead of banging the table or whiteboard. understanding the role of gestures is important because they are very tightly linked to spoken language and are used in everyday communication. so, suppose a teacher has to be aware of the importance of proper gestures in teaching. in that case, any learner who wishes to become competent in a foreign language must also become adept in interpreting the gestures that accompany it as well (antes, 1996). in sum, if the teacher’s nvc is vivid and alive, it will be helpful for the students to understand and be motivated in learning english, and it is also much easier for students to engage in the learning process. furthermore, the proper use of facial expressions, body movements, eye contact, voice pitch, and spatial distance helps the teachers better understand the students' learning outcomes (bunglowala and bunglowala, 2015). however, nonverbal communication like gestures tends to be neglected or poorly understood and controlled by most teachers (kožić, žunac, & bakić-tomić, 2013). neglecting it makes effective classroom communication impossible, which is considered essential for a better understanding of classroom instructions. some studies have been conducted related to this issue. rahmat (2018) tried to figure out the kinds of gestures used by the teacher in the efl classroom through qualitative descriptive research and found that the most dominant used of gestures by the teacher is natural hand gestures that accompany speech. meanwhile, cao and chen (2017) conducted library research about the role of gestures in esl classrooms. it showed that the presence of gestures could bring a positive outcome for the learners and can be used as a teaching strategy in esl teaching and classroom management. in addition, syahrir (2019) investigated the teachers’ gestures that can be used to strengthen the students’ understanding of the concept and ideas of mathematics. the findings showed that the mathematics teachers use pointing gestures, symbolic gestures, ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 186 and writing gestures, which have the power that leads the students to understand the learning materialsdelivered by the teachers quickly. the previous studies above offered this study's different kinds of research design, research subjects and objectives. the present study tried to find out the kinds and functions of gestures and the effect of the teachers’ gestures from the students’ perspective. the data was collected qualitatively and presented by using the descriptive method. the study's expected result can raise the teachers’ awareness of the importance of gestures in efl teaching. b. research method this research employed descriptive qualitative research. it aimed to figure out the role of the teachers ‘gestures in the efl classroom. the research was conducted in sman 1 pamboang, majene, west sulawesi. the subjects of the research were two english teachers and fourteen students of the school. the study applied purposive sampling technique to select the teacher and the student participants. the researcher selected those with the longest teaching experience, teacher r and teacher w while fourteen students were chosen from their classes. the research subjects asked for anonymity, so for the sake of research ethics, the researcher decided to hide the subjects’ identities by only putting their initials. the data were collected through observation and interview and followed some procedures. first, the researcher analyzed the data using the model proposed by miles and huberman (1994), which consists of three concurrent flows of activity, those are data reduction, data display, and conclusion. the researcher performed classroom observation of the teachers’ teaching process. in addition, the researcher used a camcorder to record the classroom meeting and an audio recorder to record the interview process. both of them were observed and transcribed. the classroom observation was carried out for four classroom meetings. in this stage, the researcher recorded the proses of teaching and learning activity from opening to closing. the researcher then observed, transcribed, and analyzed the video recording. the result would be presented descriptively and be the interview guide material for the teachers and students. the interview session was performed after the data from video recordings had been analyzed. the researcher employed an interview guide that contains the data of the ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 187 teachers’ gestures and their potential function based on the theory and the researcher’s point of view. the teachers’ interview was carried out to clarify the function of the teachers’ gestures or in this case, whether or not those were performed consciously by the teachers to assist them in the efl classroom. meanwhile, the students’ interview session was performed to find out the effect of the teachers’ gestures on the students. the students were asked what they felt and thought about the teachers’ gestures on this occasion. the questions were linked to the data found from classroom observation. c. findings and discussion findings kinds and function of teachers’ gestures the researcher has analyzed the video recordings of teachers’ teaching activities and found that both teachers frequently used gestures in efl classrooms. some were stand-alone or utilized to substitute the words; most were not stand-alone or combined and followed particular verbal messages. the findings have been summarized in the table below: table 1. kinds and function of teachers’ gestures teacher kinds of gestures hand gesture head gesture function function related to verbal message teacher r pointing ✓ management complementing substituting beckoning/ inviting ✓ regulation complementing giving example ✓ input complementing clapping hand ✓ management accenting knocking on the table ✓ management complementing hitting the whiteboard ✓ management complementing nodding ✓ regulation management complementing shaking head ✓ input repeating and accenting teacher w pointing ✓ regulation complementing beckoning/ inviting ✓ regulation complementing ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 188 illustrating ✓ regulation and input management complementing numbering ✓ instruction and input accenting nodding ✓ instruction and affect complementing meanwhile, below is the table of percentage of the head and hand gestures used by bothteachers during learning process. this table inform how often the teachers performed the gestures. table 2. percentage of gestures used by the teachers in learning process kinds of gestures hand gesture head gesture percentage (%) pointing ✓ 49% beckoning/ inviting ✓ 14.9% giving example ✓ 3.2% illustrating 7.4 % numbering 4.25% clapping hand ✓ 1% knocking on the table ✓ 5.3% hitting the whiteboard ✓ 1% nodding ✓ 10.6% shaking head ✓ 3.2 % there are two kinds of gestures commonly used by the teachers, those are hand gestures and head gestures. 1) hand gesture both teachers performed various hand gestures when teaching. they used those hand gestures not only in explaining material but also in managing the classroom. the data presented below were chosen and taken from teachers’ classroom recordings. a) pointing both teachers ranked this gesture as the most frequently used gesture. in four meetings, pointing dominated up to 49% of the total gestures. this gesture was performed in the classroom management and regulation domain. teacher r frequently used this hand gesture to manage the classroom. for example, in the first meeting, the teacher asked a student who still moved around to sit on his seat back. the teacher pointed and said,“back to your seat!”. she also performed this in the fourth meeting, she raised her right hand and pointed to the student who is standing in front of the door. at that time, two students were reading a dialog while another student ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 189 came late knocking on the door. the teacher signaled the student to enter the class using hand gestures instead of words, so she did not interrupt the teaching and learning activity. the hand gesture was used to substitute the teacher’s verbal messages, while the first-hand gesture was used to complement the teacher’s verbal messages. however, both were used in classroom management. this hand gesture was also performed by teacher w in her teaching activity, but she used it for different functions. in the fourth meeting, teacher w pointed to a student by using her index finger. the teacher asked a student to read her answer and said “yeah, you!”. the teacher used the hand gesture to regulate the conversational flow and asked for the student’s participation. it was clarified by the statement of the teacher w: teacher w …for example, if we ask a question to the students, we appoint a student or we tell a student’s turn to answer. the students must stand by to be appointed. yes of course the use of gesture is very useful b) beckoning/inviting beckoning/inviting gesture reached 14.9% of the total gestures used by the teachers. this gesture is effective in inviting the students’ participation. in the second meeting, teacher r asked a question to the students and then the students answered the question with a hesitant and quiet voice. she raised her right hand and moved it back and forward, saying “what? come on, make it clear, ya what? what? what is the meaning?”. it is shown in the following extract: extract 1 teacher : okay, the next, simple past tense. so, if i say simple past tense, what is the meaning of simple past tense a student : the event hmmm teacher : what? come on, make it clear,ya what? what? what is the meaning? a student : the events that occurred in the past in this case, the teacher tried encouraging the students to speak up (regulation). she asked them to answer her question while using hand gestures. she used a hand gesture to complement/reinforce her verbal message. this kind of hand gesture was also performed by teacher w for the same purpose. c) giving example the use of this gesture reached 3.2 % of the total gestures. the teachers performed this when they tried to give examples. for instance, in the second meeting, teacher 1 hold a marker and showed it to the students by raising her right hand. she said, “for ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 190 example, i say i have a pen”. at that time, the teacher was trying to explain the teaching material to the students, as shown in the following extract: extract 2 teacher : okay, before i continue, please remember this, have or has can be used as auxiliary and can be defined as? if it is followed by noun, what does it mean? students : possess teacher : yes possess. for example, i say i have a pen. it means i possess a pen. because pen is a noun, so it is not functioned as auxiliary but? students : possess, verb. the gesture was used to complement or reinforce her verbal message. in this case, the gesture function referred to input, because the teacher used hand gestures to understand the students better. this is in line with the statement of teacher r, as follows: teacher r “well, just like what i’ve said, in teaching, for example descriptive text, i often use it (hand gesture) to point directly to my body (to give example) or to appoint students, so that it complements verbal message. using gesture is important so that the students can understand” d) illustrating the use of this gesture was up to 7.4% of the total gestures. teacherw used this hand gesture in the second meeting. she was saying “when express the events in writing yah” while using hand her hand to illustrate writing and expressing, this is used to make the student understand the material faster (regulation and input) as shown in the following extract: extract 3 teacher : the last, what is the meaning? use vivid language in narrative event. we have to use vivid language when express the events in writing yah. the story or the story of life. hmmm i want to ask you, the biography. what is the genre of biography? a student : descriptive in addition, this kind of hand gesture was also used in classroom management. teacher w performed the hand gesture to complement her verbal message. the teacher used hand gesture to illustrate a circle (group). she used her hand and said “come on, make a group, please!”. e) clapping hands in the first meeting the teacher r asked the students the meaning of the verb. there was no answer from the students. they were even busy talking to each other and paid ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 191 less attention to their teacher. the teacher then clapped her hands to ask the students’ attention while repeating her question, “hey! what is the meaning of verb!”, as shown in the following extract: extract 4 teacher : okay, let’s check it out, simple past tense. the pattern of simple past tense is subject plus verb two. what is irregular verb? you don’t know that? how could you? what is the meaning of irregular verb? and how about the regular verb?oh my god, how about verb?hey! what is the meaning of verb? students : verb teacher : how about adjective ? students : hmmm… the teacher used a hand gesture to accentuate/amplify her verbal message, and the function of the gesture referred to management, where the teacher tried to control students’ behaviors and interactions. the teachers rarely used this kind of gesture. its usage was only about 1% of the total gestures. f) numbering teacherw used hand gesture in the first meeting when explained the material. she used her two fingers while said“there are two types of biography”. it can be seen in the following extract: extract 5 teacher : please, read the background, you can see there on page sixty five, this is about the biography of ki hajar dewantara, isn’t? ehm… so there are two types of biography yah. there are long biography and? students : shooort teacher :if we see this, look at the picture, please! ki hajar dewantoro, hmmm is this long or short biography? students : looooong in this case, the teacher used hand gestures to accentuate her verbal message that there are two types of biography. the function of teacher’s gesture referred to instruction and input because the teacher used the representational gesture in teaching to understand the students better. the statement of teacher w below also supported it: teacher w yes, i think it (gesture) is very helpful… it will be more attractive for the students if it (explanation) is followed by hand gesture g) knocking the able and hitting the whiteboard knocking on the table and hitting the whiteboard gesture reached 5.3% dan 1 %, respectively. they were used to discipline the students. in the fourth meeting, teacher r ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 192 asked some students to read a conversation, but the rests were very noisy and did not pay attention to their friends. the teacher then knocked on the table and shouted to calm down the students by saying, “silent, please!”. the teacher used a hand gesture to complement her verbal messages. it was used to control the students’ behavior. it is shown in the following extract: extract 6 teacher : okay, once more, i want the girls reading it once more, who wants to be orville? a student: i want to be the host ma’am teacher : okay you’re host, orvilleyou, afrianti! and suriyani as wilbur okay, start from now! silent, please!listen to your friend! look at your book! in the next meeting, the teacher also hit the whiteboard to calm down the students. these hand gestures are performed to discipline the students so these are operated in the management domain. 2) head gesture a) nodding this head gesture was the second primarily used gesture by the teachers. it was up to 10.6 % of the total gestures. this gesture was also the one that performed in four different domains; they were management, regulation, instruction and affection domain. in the first meeting, teacher r used a head gesture. the teacher asked a student to read a paragraph. she nodded while saying “yah the next, you. paragraph two!” she looked at the student, and then she nodded to signal the student to start reading the paragraph so that the function of the gesture referred to regulation. teacher w also performed this head gesture in different domains. she tended to achieve this every time her students answered her questions right. she nodded and smiled at the students as a reward and showing affection. b) shaking head in this meeting, teacher r used a head gesture while explaining the material. she said “the word that have not been added, have not been added by affixes” while shook her head. she used head gesture to repeat her verbal message. it was shown in the following extract: extract 7 teacher : yeah the root, the basic! do you know the meaning of root word? what? a student: the word that have not been added by affixes ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 193 teacher :yah, the word that have not been added, have not been added by affixes. okay, verb two! verb two can be called as? a student : past tense a. the effect of the teachers’ gestures on students the result of classroom observation led the researcher to compose an interview guide for students. the researcher conducted the interview to determine the effect of teacher gestures on students. the researcher attained at least seven important points from the students’ interview session. 1) the students agree that some of teachers’ hand gestures can help them to understand the material 2) the students are easy to memorize vocabularies if the teacher illustrates them using hand gestures 3) the students agreed that the teachers’ gestures can help them to understand the instruction better 4) the students feel appreciated if the teacher use gestures such as clapping hand, thumb up or nodded combined with smile as reward 5) the students feel more appreciated when the teacher appoint them by using palm instead of index finger. 6) the students are scared, nervous and uncomfortable when the teacher reprimand them by hitting the table or whiteboard 7) the students state that too many unnecessary hand movements can distract their focus on material. discussion based on the findings, both teachers used hand and head gestures in their teaching activity. those were pointing, beckoning, illustrating, clapping hands, numbering, knocking table/hitting the whiteboard, nodding and shaking head. pointing was the mostly used gesture by the teachers during four recorded meetings. both teachers performed this to manage the classroom and regulate conversation or facilitate turntaking. meanwhile, nodding gesture was suprisingly performed very often by the teachers and operated in four domains. furthermore, the teachers’ gestures mostly complement or reinforce their verbal messages when explaining the material and managing the classroom. hand gesture ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 194 makes their verbal messages better and more attractive. besides that, they also use hand gestures to accentuate their verbal messages many times. the teachers tried to accentuate the important parts of her verbal messages. based on the teachers’ statement and supported by the students’ statement, some gestures are usually used to make students understand the lesson easier (giving examples, illustrating, numbering, etc.). kusanagi (2005, p. 386), she stated that “gestures provide complimentary input to the speech…when a gestural explanation succeeds, students understand the new language well, and as a result, their better understanding may increase their motivation and learning” in addition, both teachers used some gestures to facilitate turn-taking or control the students’ interaction (pointing and nodding), to manage the classroom (pointing, clapping hands, and knocking table), and to give rewards and affection (nodded). teacher r also used gestures to substitute her verbal messages. she preferred using hand gestures (pointing) and head gestures (nodding) combined with eye contact than words. she performed the gestures when she wanted a student to do something without interrupting the learning process or the other students. she also performed hand gestures to encourage students to speak (beckoning). on the other hand, teacher w used hand gestures to regulate the conversational flow many times. she used her index finger to control the classroom interaction (pointing). based on the analysis of students’ interviews, most students agreed that a teacher who uses gestures to explain the material, especially hand gestures, increases their learning motivation and understanding. the hand gestures that the teachers mostly use are to accentuate and complement their verbal messages. therefore, these kinds of hand gestures are beneficial for the students to understand the teachers’ explanations. this is in line with the research findings of zeki (2009), who found that the gesture performed by the teacher is significant for students’ understanding and motivation; it helps them understand the topic better. however, some students stated that the use of gestures could distract the students’ focus. a teacher who uses repeated hand movement too often can make the students lose track of what the teacher is talking. some student also stated that the use of teacher gestures in the classroom affect the learning atmosphere in the classroom. for example, they tend to be nervous when the teacher knocks on the table or hits the whiteboard ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 195 while shouting to discipline them. furthermore, the students also felt unappreciated when the teacher appointed them using her index finger. instead of using the index finger, some students feel better if the teacher uses her palm or thumb or calls their names directly. d. conclusion both teachers at sman 1 pamboang performed hand and head gestures in the teaching and learning process. for hand gestures, the teacher used pointing, beckoning/inviting, giving examples, clapping hands, knocking on the table, hitting the whiteboard, illustrating, and numbering. while for head gestures, they use nodding and shaking their head. the teachers used hand gestures mostly in terms of management, such as directing students, controlling student attitudes and disciplining the students. the second is in terms of regulation. teachers performed it to invite students’ participation. the third is in terms of input and instruction. the teacher used a representational hand gesture to make it easier for students to remember and understand the material. as with hand gestures, head gestures are also used in the same domain such as in management, regulation, instruction, and input. but in some meetings, one of the teachers used a head gesture combined with a smile when rewarding students and showing affection. the teachers’ gestures are mostly used in conjunction with words or this case, named speech-related gestures. the teacher used these gestures to complement, accentuate, and repeat the words. on the other hand, a small number of gestures also used to substitute the words. these gestures are stand-alone or are called as speech-independent gestures. the teacher consciously and unconsciously uses gestures in the classroom affects students and the learning process. students agreed that using gestures by the teacher could improve their understanding and motivation in learning. however, using too many or improper gestures can distract their focus and affect the learning atmosphere in the classroom. this study showed the teachers’ awareness of gestures in efl classrooms is important. however, what teachers intend to accomplish by using gestures in their teaching activity is not always in sync with what the students perceive. so, teachers must understand what they should and should not do in efl classrooms to create a better learning atmosphere. however, this study needs to be followed up to explore ©nihla afdaliah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 196 more deeply what skills or language components can be improved or influenced by using appropriate gestures in efl teaching. references adler, r. b., & rodman, g. 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(2009). the importance of non-verbal communication in classroom management procedia social and behavioral sciences(1), 1443–1449. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2009.01.254 ©leona nine angga dewi & ignatius tri endarto available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 129 volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) metacognitive reading strategies and l2 reading achievements: a correlational study of efl in indonesia leona nine angga dewi universitas kristen duta wacanayogyakarta, indonesia ignatius tri endarto (corresponding author) universitas kristen duta wacanayogyakarta, indonesia abstract: this study aimed to investigate how metacognitive reading strategies correlate with efl learners’ achievement. three types of metacognitive reading strategies were measured in this study, namely: global reading strategies, problem-solving reading strategies, and support reading strategies. the data collection was conducted with 56 participants from an esp reading class at a private university in yogyakarta. this study found that problem-solving reading strategies and global reading strategies correlated positively with students’ achievement, while support reading strategies correlated negatively with their achievement. however, those correlations were not statistically significant. therefore, it indicates insufficient evidence to suggest that the same correlations also happened in the population or that the observed correlations might have occurred by chance. despite the correlations not being statistically significant, in this research, the participants were sampled from the population with a 95% confidence level and a margin of error of addition to the findings, this study provides teachers with an example of a framework for a needs analysis to measure their students’ metacognitive reading strategies and help them plan more informed reading instruction. keywords: global reading strategies; problem-solving reading strategies; support reading strategies; metacognitive reading strategies a. introduction despite its seemingly simple guise, reading is a complex process of meaningmaking that involves interactions between a reader and the text, not to mention the context. in fact, the skill facilitates the development of the other three skills (anderson, 2003). due to its complex nature, its mastery often entails the significant use of reading strategies. ghafournia (2014) stated that reading strategies are essential techniques ©leona nine angga dewi & ignatius tri endarto available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 130 employed by students to remember, understand, and use information effectively for language learning purposes. with reading strategies, second language learning can be done more quickly because there are techniques that can help them memorize and understand new information from their reading materials. reading strategies can be classified into several groups, such as cognitive reading strategies, socio-affective reading strategies, and metacognitive reading strategies (ahmadian and pasand, 2017; anggraini et al., 2022; fahim and hoominian, 2014). for example, students use cognitive strategies to manipulate or remodel the language, while socio-affective strategies improve self-encouragement and lower anxiety (mohammadi et al., 2012; nasab and motlagh, 2015). on the other hand, metacognitive reading strategies are portrayed as thought processes for self-control and self-regulation, with which readers can choose between various reading strategies in various contexts and for various reading purposes (anderson, 2003; khan and khan,2013; mokhtari and reichard, 2002; nguyen,2022). in addition to cognitive and socio-affective reading strategies, metacognitive strategies are believed to be significant in helping improve students’ reading proficiency (pammu et al., 2014). the significance of metacognition has been confirmed by mokhtari and reichard (2002) by stating that it provides mechanisms of self-control and awareness of one’s cognition about reading, both of which are vital to skilled reading. these strategies involve both metacognitive experiences and metacognitive knowledge. as defined by iwai (2011), metacognitive experiences are learners’ internal responses to their metacognitive processes. in contrast, metacognitive knowledge consists of beliefs about what variables might affect the outcome and the course of cognitive efforts. in accordance with flavell (1979), as cited in sheorey and mokhtari, 2001), awareness of metacognitive strategies, no matter in l1 or l2, is indeed an integral factor that one needs to have in order to comprehend reading text effectively. in this study, the leading theory of metacognitive reading strategies used is that of mokhtari and reichard (2002). according to mokhtari and reichard (2002), metacognitive reading strategies can be grouped mainly into three types, namely problem-solving, global reading, and support reading. problem-solving strategies are pertinent to students’ efforts to deal with reading difficulties when they are reading complex text. these strategies include changing the reading speed, reading aloud, ©leona nine angga dewi & ignatius tri endarto available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 131 rereading, and guessing word meaning (deliyani and cahyono, 2020; mokhtari and reichard, 2002). global reading strategies guide students to have purposes when they are reading. these strategies include activities such as increasing the target vocabulary and finding more information on particular topics (ali and razali, 2019; mokhtari and reichard, 2002). finally, support reading strategies include using dictionaries, notetaking and highlighting specific sentences, asking questions about the text, and paraphrasing paragraphs (ali and razali, 2019; mokhtari and reichard, 2002). according to ali and razali (2019), metacognitive strategies can facilitate language instructors to understand their students’ various styles of reading and select the most suitable reading strategies to teach in their classrooms. the connection between reading achievement and the use of metacognitive reading strategies has been scrutinized by a number of researchers around the world with various emphases. metacognitive reading strategies are considered effective in aiding students in dealing with difficulties in reading (yüksel and yüksel, 2012). aziz et al. (2019) posited that metacognitive reading strategies are intended to improve readers' control and awareness to face reading difficulties through these strategies. similarly, sheorey and mokhtari (2001) said that students might become more responsive by being aware of their metacognitive reading strategies. according to annury et al. (2019), when students are conscious of their metacognitive reading strategies, they become aware of their goals because then they would be able to monitor their reading process and organize, evaluate, and adjust their reading strategies. meanwhile, the study conducted by aisah et al. (2021) investigated how an introverted student used metacognitive reading strategies and found that the strategies enhanced the student’s motivation and self-confidence in reading comprehension. additionally, ismail and tawalbeh (2015) conducted a quasi-experiment to examine the effects of metacognitive reading strategies on underperforming efl readers. they discovered that through training on how to use these strategies, students could be facilitated to improve their reading comprehension. studies of metacognition show that metacognitive reading strategies are strongly linked to successful learning of a second language or foreign language. as stated by koda (2007), successful language learners need to be able to monitor, assess and control their thinking. through metacognitive reading strategies, a reader will pay much more ©leona nine angga dewi & ignatius tri endarto available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 132 profound attention to his/her reading process (pressley, 2002). cotterall and murray (2009) affirmed that metacognitive strategies are essential for students’ success in learning. taraban, keer, and rynearson (2004) asserted that undergraduates are aware of choosing and applying reading strategies geared toward college success and achievement. despite all these studies examining how metacognitive reading strategies were correlated with reading achievement, correlational research into the connection between the two variables was still rarely conducted in indonesia. thus, this research was undertaken. due to the limited amount of research on how metacognitive reading strategies are used in the indonesian context (deliyani and cahyono, 2020; rianto, 2021), this study focused on scrutinizing the topic further. moreover, as inquiries into how metacognitive reading strategies are correlated with reading achievement in indonesian efl classes are still rare, this present study aimed to apply a quantitative method to explore the english reading class students’ achievement and how it was correlated with their metacognitive reading strategies at one of the private universities in yogyakarta. this research investigated three types of metacognitive reading strategies: global reading, problem-solving, and support reading. to address the above-mentioned objective, six research questions (rqs) regarding the metacognitive reading strategies and how they were correlated with indonesian efl learners’ achievement were formulated as follows: 1. how often did the learners use global reading strategies? 2. how often did the learners use problem-solving reading strategies? 3. how often did the learners use to support reading strategies? 4. what was the relationship between the learners’ use of global reading strategies and their english (l2) reading achievement? 5. what was the relationship between their use of problem-solving reading strategies and their l2 reading achievement? 6. what was the relationship between their support reading strategies and l2 reading achievement? as posited by pammu et al. (2014), metacognitive strategies are believed to help improve students’ reading proficiency. this research provides a way for students to assess their use of metacognitive strategies to understand better how they read and how ©leona nine angga dewi & ignatius tri endarto available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 133 their reading strategies might affect their achievement. for teachers or educators, it provides a framework to assess their students’ metacognitive reading strategies, which might contribute to their reading achievement in the class. by identifying those strategies and relating them to the students’ achievement, the teachers can then use their own data to design lessons that facilitate their students’ preferred metacognitive strategies. thus, the teachers will know how to overcome and help the students with their reading difficulties using metacognitive strategies. moreover, this study provides some findings that might benefit further discussion on related topics. b. research method this study is quantitative in nature and employed a correlational research design. creswell (2014) stated that the quantitative method is a type of empirical research that examines variables’ relationships to test objective theories by analyzing statistical data. this study conducted a correlational analysis to examine the correlation between students’ reading achievement and their metacognitive reading strategies. the research participants were non-english major students at one of the private universities in yogyakarta, indonesia. fifty-six out of sixty students were selected, and they belonged to an esp reading class. since the classification of metacognitive reading strategies in this study was based on mokhtari and reichard (2002), the instrument in this research was also modified from their instrument. to collect the research data, a questionnaire was adapted from mokhtari and reichard (2002) and translated into bahasa indonesia (indonesian language). it consists of three parts with 30 questions assessing the students’ use of global reading strategies (13 questions), problem-solving reading strategies (9 questions), and support reading strategies (8 questions). those 30 items yielded cronbach’s alpha of 0.82, indicating a good reliability level. descriptive statistics were then used to analyze the questionnaire results and answer research questions 1 to 3. in addition to the questionnaire results, data about the students’ reading achievement were gathered from reading scores provided by the lecturer. the participant's responses to the questionnaire and their reading scores were finally analyzed using spss 21 to answer research questions 4 to 6 and identify any relationships between metacognitive reading strategies and students’ reading achievement. ©leona nine angga dewi & ignatius tri endarto available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 134 c. findings and discussion findings rq 1: learners’ use of global reading strategies table 1 shows the extent to which the research participants used global reading strategies. the table shows that the participants’ responses to all 13 items belonged to the high usage category (mean > 2.5). this indicates that, on average, most of those students often used global reading strategies because all the items possessed mean values of more than or close to 3, which, according to the questionnaire scale, can be categorized into the “often” category. in alignment with ali and razali (2019), this high usage category of global reading strategies also means that the students were primarily aware of their reading purposes. table 1. learners’ use of global reading strategies questionnaire item n mean q1.1: having an aim in mind when reading 56 3.23 notes: those means were calculated from the questionnaire results containing items with the following scale of 1-4: 1 = almost never 2 = rarely 3 = often 4 = almost always q1.2: thinking of what is known to help understand the content 56 3.39 q1.3: doing preview before reading 56 3.07 q1.4: thinking of whether the content fits the reading purpose 56 2.89 q1.5: skimming the text first 56 3.00 q1.6: deciding which to read and which to ignore 56 3.04 q1.7: using figures, tables, and pictures 56 2.91 q1.8: making use of context clues 56 3.00 q1.9: making use of typographical aids 56 3.13 q1.10: doing critical analysis and evaluation of the text 56 2.84 q1.11: using conflicting information to check understanding 56 3.11 q1.12: guessing what the text is about 56 3.29 q1.13: checking the accuracy of the guesses 56 3.18 valid n (listwise) 56 3.08 these results bear some similarities and differences to the previous studies. in terms of similarities, this study found that the students’ use of global reading strategies belonged to the high usage category, resembling yüksel and yüksel (2012), where ©leona nine angga dewi & ignatius tri endarto available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 135 global reading was reported to be one of the most frequently used types of strategies and deliyani and cahyono (2020) which stated that their participants demonstrated high awareness of global reading strategies. few items in the questionnaire, however, were observed by some other studies (karbalaei, 2010; pammu et al., 2014) to produce results in either medium or low usage categories. these differences in the usage categories of a few items in the questionnaire results were likely to be caused by different backgrounds and proficiency of the research participants. for example, this study involved 56 non-english major students in an esp reading class at a private university in yogyakarta. on the other hand, karbalaei (2010) involved 93 indians and 96 iranians who were freshmen and sophomores majoring in english translation and literature, while pammu et al. (2014) involved 40 less proficient efl learners in the english department of a public university in indonesia. rq 2: learners’ use of support reading strategies table 2 summarizes the extent to which the research participants used to support reading strategies. as indicated in the table, the students’ responses to all 9 items were also in the high usage category (mean > 2.5). it signifies that, on average, the students used to support reading strategies quite often. based on the questionnaire scale, when all the items had mean values more than or close to 3, they belonged to the “often” category. this high usage of support reading strategies shows that the students were familiar with reference materials, such as dictionaries and notes, and techniques that can help support their reading (ali & razali, 2019). table 2. learners’ use of support reading strategies questionnaire item n mean q2.1: taking notes during the process of reading 56 3.07 notes: those means were calculated from the questionnaire results containing items with the following scale of 1-4: 1 = almost never 2 = rarely 3 = often 4 = almost always q2.2: reading aloud when the text difficulty level increases 56 2.77 q2.3: writing summaries to reflect on key ideas 56 2.84 q2.4: discussing the content of reading with other people 56 2.73 q2.5: highlighting/circling information in the text 56 3.55 q2.6: using reference materials (e.g., dictionaries) 56 3.38 q2.7: paraphrasing the text 56 3.11 ©leona nine angga dewi & ignatius tri endarto available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 136 q2.8: going back and forth in the reading text to identify connections between ideas 56 3.02 q2.9: asking questions to guide the reading 56 2.84 valid n (listwise) 56 3.03 since all the mean scores of questionnaire items pertaining to support reading strategies can be regarded as homogeneously belonging to the high usage category, this study produced slightly different results compared to those of karbalaei (2010). in karbalaei (2010), some questionnaire items on support reading strategies were reported to be in the medium and even low categories. the differences might have occurred due to the participants' different sample sizes and backgrounds. however, out of the nine support reading strategies listed in the table above, item q2.5, “highlighting/circling information in the text,” and item q2.6, “using reference materials (e.g., dictionaries)” were the two most frequently used strategies. it is in line with deliyani and cahyono (2020), who also found that those two were the most frequently used support reading strategies by their participants. rq 3: learners’ use of problem-solving reading strategies table 3 lists the mean scores of students’ responses to questionnaire items concerning support reading strategies. from the data, it can be concluded that the extent to which the students used to support reading strategies was in the high usage category (mean > 2.5). students’ responses indicate this to all the 8 items, which were more than or close to 3 (3 = “often”). the high usage of problem-solving reading strategies indicates that the students frequently employed various techniques to solve the difficulties they encountered during reading (deliyani and cahyono, 2020). table 3. learners’ use of problem-solving reading strategies questionnaire item n mean q3.1: reading slowly but carefully to ensure comprehension 56 3.09 notes: those means were calculated from the questionnaire results containing items with the following scale of 1-4: 1 = almost never 2 = rarely 3 = often q3.2: attempting to be back on track when starting to lose concentration 56 3.38 q3.3: adjusting the reading speed as needed 56 3.21 q3.4: paying closer attention when the text difficulty level increases 56 3.34 ©leona nine angga dewi & ignatius tri endarto available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 137 q3.5: stopping from time to time to think 56 3.21 4 = almost always q3.6: trying to picture and visualize information 56 2.75 q3.7: rereading the text when it becomes difficult 56 3.30 q3.8: trying to guess the meaning of unknown vocabulary 56 3.27 valid n (listwise) 56 3.19 even though all the mean scores of students’ use of problem-solving reading strategies were in the high usage category, item q3.6, “trying to picture and visualize information,” was recorded to possess the lowest mean compared to the others. this indicates that despite the high frequency of its usage, picturing and visualizing information was the least preferred strategy compared to the other problem-solving reading strategies. it is in agreement with magee (2018), who found out that picturing and visualizing information was one of the least preferred strategies used by his research participants. however, compared to this study which involved indonesian efl learners, magee’s research took a different setting by involving first-year students at a japanese university as his participants. out of the eight problem-solving reading strategies listed above, the items q3.2 “attempting to be back on track when starting to lose concentration”, q3.4 “paying closer attention when the text difficulty level increases,” and q3.7 “rereading the text when it becomes difficult” were the three most preferred strategies used by the students in this research. similar findings were also observed by maasum and maarof (2012). their study on 41 undergraduate students at a public university in malaysia also found that those items were the three most regularly utilized problem-solving reading strategies. rq 4: the relationship between students’ use of global reading strategies and their l2 reading achievement the pearson correlation coefficient was utilized concerning the quantitative data to examine the correlation between the use of metacognitive reading strategies and indonesian efl learners’ reading achievement. those quantitative data comprise the students’ reading scores and questionnaire results about the students’ use of metacognitive reading strategies. ©leona nine angga dewi & ignatius tri endarto available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 138 firstly, quantitative data on students’ use of global reading strategies and their l2 reading achievement manifested through reading scores were gathered and analyzed to identify any correlation coefficient. table 4. correlation between global reading strategies and reading achievement the results in table 4 above identified a positive correlation between global reading strategies and participants’ reading achievement. it can be interpreted that the higher the participants’ use of global reading strategies was, the higher their reading scores tended to be. however, the correlation was weak, r (56) = 0.057. it can also be identified from the results that the correlation was statistically not significant (p ˃ 0.05). therefore, it might imply that the correlation just occurred by chance, and there was not enough evidence to suggest that the correlation in the sample also existed in the population. in comparison with the previous study by sutiyatno and sukarno (2019), where the correlation between global reading strategies and participants’ l2 reading achievement was positive, substantial, and significant, this study yields a different result in terms of its strength and statistical significance. this might have been caused by the context differences between english department students and non-english department students. in this case, the english department students might have relatively more advanced l2 reading skills due to their more intensive english study than those from the non-english department. rq 5: the relationship between students’ use of support reading strategies and their l2 reading achievement next, quantitative data on students’ use of support reading strategies and their l2 reading achievement shown through their reading scores were collected and analyzed using spss. finally, statistical analysis was employed to examine any correlation between the use of support reading strategies and the students’ reading achievement. ©leona nine angga dewi & ignatius tri endarto available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 139 table 5. correlation between support reading strategies and reading achievement table 5 shows a negative correlation between support reading strategies and the participants’ l2 reading achievement. it can be interpreted that the higher the participants’ use of support reading strategies was, the lower the reading scores they were inclined to have. however, the correlation was weak, r (56) = -0.026. furthermore, as seen in table 5, the negative correlation between support reading strategies and participants’ reading achievement was also statistically insignificant (p ˃ 0.05). this also indicates that the correlation might have occurred by chance, and there was not enough evidence to say that the observed correlation also existed in the population. compared to the previous research by sutiyatno and sukarno (2019), where the correlation between support reading strategies and participants’ l2 reading achievement was positive, strong, and significant, the correlation identified in this study was negative, weak, and not significant. this result is also different from the study by fitrisia et al. (2015), which demonstrated a weak and significant positive correlation. the different results might have arisen because of the participants' different levels/grades and fields of study, even though they were all from indonesia. the participants in the sutiyatno and sukarno (2019) sample were 55 students from an english department of a state university in central java. in contrast, fitrisia et al. (2015) samples were 38 third-grade students from five different secondary schools in aceh. rq 6: the relationship between students’ use of problem-solving reading strategies and their l2 reading achievement lastly, quantitative data on students’ use of problem-solving reading strategies collected through the questionnaire and the students’ l2 reading achievement demonstrated through their reading scores were analyzed statistically using spss. the analysis was utilized to examine whether there was any correlation between the use of problem-solving reading strategies and the students’ reading achievement. ©leona nine angga dewi & ignatius tri endarto available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 140 table 6. correlation between problem-solving reading strategies and reading achievement table 6 above reveals the relationship between problem-solving reading strategies and participants’ l2 reading achievement. as shown in the table, a positive correlation between problem-solving reading strategies and the students’ reading achievement was identified. it can be interpreted that the higher the participants’ use of problem-solving reading strategies was, the higher their reading scores tended to be. however, the correlation was weak, r (56) = 0.076. the result also shows no significant positive correlation between problem-solving reading strategies and participants’ reading achievement (p ˃ 0.05). compared to the previous study by sutiyatno and sukarno (2019), which found a strong and significant positive correlation between problemsolving reading strategies and participants’ reading achievement, this study yields a different result in terms of its strength and significance. this might have happened because of the different fields of study between the two groups of participants. based on the pearson product-moment correlation coefficient employed to identify the relationship between the students’ l2 reading achievement and the three metacognitive reading strategies, it can be concluded that all the correlations were insignificant. out of the three types of metacognitive reading strategies, the closest correlation to statistical significance was shown by the problem-solving reading strategies. this finding is in keeping with a study by pammu et al. (2014), which shows that the participants demonstrated a high awareness of problem-solving strategies among the other metacognitive strategies. besides that, a similar study conducted by dündar (2016) in poland also found an interesting case where the respondents only used one metacognitive strategy, namely problem-solving strategies. according to djudin (2017), problem-solving strategies are highly implemented in learning processes. ©leona nine angga dewi & ignatius tri endarto available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 141 d. conclusion consistent with the research findings, at least two main points can be wrapped up as part of the conclusion. firstly, based on the questionnaire results, the extent to which the participants used global reading strategies, problem-solving reading strategies, and support reading strategies were all in the high usage category. secondly, it was found that the correlations between the use of those three metacognitive reading strategies and the learners’ l2 reading achievement were not statistically significant. regarding correlational directions, both global reading and problem-solving reading strategies had positive correlations, whereas support reading strategies had a negative correlation. it means that the higher the participants’ use of global and problem-solving reading strategies was, the higher their reading scores tended to be. on the contrary, the higher the participants’ use of support reading strategies was, the lower the reading scores they were inclined to have. concerning the correlational strength, weak correlations were identified between using all three metacognitive reading strategies and the learners’ l2 reading achievement. the limitation of this study is that the correlational results were not statistically significant.this indicates that the correlations might have occurred by chance or that there was insufficient evidence to claim that the same correlations existed in the population. however, despite the correlations not being statistically significant, 56 participants out of 60 were sampled to represent the population with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%. as it is possible that the number of participants in this study might not be large enough to yield the required significance for the correlations, it is recommended for future studies to gain a larger number of participants to investigate whether similar results also occur with different sample sizes. this research provides teachers and students with a framework to measure the use of metacognitive reading strategies. by identifying those strategies, students can strategically reflect on their reading experience, and teachers can use the data to design lessons that facilitate their students’ preferred metacognitive strategies. this study also provides some findings that might be beneficial to further research on related topics. references ahmadian, m., & pasand, p. g. 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pragmeme; yorùbá; ààlè; communication a. introduction in cultural discourse, ààlè is seen as a symbolic means of disseminating information among the yorùbá. yorùbá has a rich cultural heritage which reflects in their symbolic means of communicating their intended messages the moment the symbols are used. despite the advancement in information communication technology (ict), the yorùbá in the rural areas still makes use of ààlè to express their messages. it ©festus moses onipede available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 146 is a common assumption among the yorùbá that ààlè features diabolic elements, which makes its use effective. hence, its use abounds among the farmers. ààlè is a symbolic component of àrokò. while àrokò has several ways of communication, ààlè concentrates on only one aspect of communication. several objects can be used to represent the intended meaning. an object can be used in communication in certain settings from place to place. ààlè is also described as "a symbolic object placed on a property to prevent it from being stolen or forbidden any form of trespass on a such property (okunola and ojo, 2011, p. 83). mey's (2001) pragmatic act evolves due to j. l austin's (1962) speech acts failure to situate speech acts to words in isolation. pragmatic act theory allows a speaker to co-opt others, set them up, influence them through conversations, and deny certain claims without betraying such acts through lexical choices (mey, 2001, p. 216). the meaning of a word can only be understood in a context, not a word pointing out a particular act. a pragmatic act is instantiated through an "ipra" or "a pract" which realizes "a pragmeme" as "every pract is at the same time an allopract that is a concrete instantiation of a particular pragmeme" (mey, 2001: 224). in this theory, a pract is only determined by a particular knowledge of the interactional situation and the effect of the pract in a particular context. mey (2001: 221) opines that "what is realized as a pract under pragmeme as an allopract of its own, is wholly determined by the understanding an interactional or individual has of the situation, and by effects of these practs have or may in a particular context. pragmatic acts consider the term 'implied identification’ which does not focus on the "said '' but on the "unsaid" the hearers or readers/receivers are either set up, co-opted, or denied to achieve the speaker's or writer's acts. in this kind of situation, the act is not made explicit, and there is the absence of a speech act to reveal a pragmatic act. it is therefore left for the receivers to look out for it. the interaction of the textual and activity part realizes the pragmeme. the activity part consists of choices such as speech acts, and indirect speech acts, conversational acts (dialogue), psychological acts (emotions), prosody (intonation, stress), and physical acts, among others. the activity part allows speakers to carry out any function of choice. hence, for pragmatic functions to be realized in a given communicative event, there must be focus on activity part and the textual part referring to (inf); inference, (ref); ©festus moses onipede available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 147 reference (rel); (vce); voice (ssk); shared situational (or dialogue); knowledge, which relies on the context for the meaning potential to be realized by interacts. semiotics is concerned with the study of signs. wale (1990) defines semiotics as the analysis of signs of human use in different societies and cultures. peirce (1931) sees semiotics as the process of sign interpretation. the relationship between the signifier and the signified that formed the sign must be learned concerning the context of its use. peirce sees the sign as situated within the social context, social semiotics. cuddon (1991) modernized peirce’s work and redefined the triadic relationships in semiotics as (1) the iconic: this is a sign that resembles its referent, e. g, red light for a stop on roads. (2) the indexical: this is when the sign is associated with the referent, e. g, smoke is associated with fire. (3) the symbolic: this concerns an arbitrary relationship the sign and referent have. signs comprise the signifier (the form the signs take) and the signified (the concept the sign represents). the sign is the whole that results from the signifier's and signified's association (saussure, 1983, p. 67). working on the pragmatics of sign, morris (1938: 6-7) sees semiotics as traditional branches of linguistics that entail semantics (the relationship between the signified and what it stands for), syntax (the formal structural relationship between signs), and pragmatics (the relationship of sign to the interpreter). symbols are signs used for communication between a sender and a receiver. symbols stand for an event or situation. they are meant to pass across information as well as focus the mind on an idea or ideal (udechukwa, 2019). according to otute (1979: 179), symbols are agents impregnated with messages and an invitation to conform and act. symbols can be contextualized in relation to social and cultural context for cognitive and emotional meaning. symbols are overt expressions of what is behind the veil of direct perception (nabifa: 1996). for proper understanding and acceptance, symbol must possess the following characteristics, as mentioned by udechukwa (2019): one, it must be meaningful through the setting in life; that is, it must consider the people for whom the symbol is proper. two, there must be consensus about the meaning, that is, the meaning attached to it in society. three, the symbol as a mediator and giver of the meaning of things and events is the meaning conveyed by the presence of a given object and its best use by an individual. ©festus moses onipede available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 148 symbols can be culturally used to communicate using symbolic objects that are conventionally accepted among the people. cultural symbol is something that expresses or stands for people's beliefs, identities, traits, moral values, ethical ideas, virtues, religion, signs, sacrifices, arts, civilization, and the likes (nwaorgu, 2001: 3). cultural symbols in yoruba land include palm fronds, sticks, sand and leaves, cutlass, cotton wool, snail shell, corn cob, gourd, a stick of broom, calabash, gun, blood, cowries shell, fly whisk, chewing stick, etc. cowries are objects of beauty and adornment. if two cowries are found facing each other, it means agreement; three cowries sent to someone means disagreement or confusion. six cowries tied together mean the sender is longing to see the receiver. a cowry shell sent with a string depicts an unpleasant situation. if an empty calabash is sent to someone, especially a king, he should leave the throne or commit suicide. palm fronds are used on farmland to stop anybody that wishes to trespass the land. chewing sticks are used to profess one's love for another or acceptance. cutlass or knife, sword and red cloth signify disagreement and war. whenever a weapon is wrapped in a leaf and sent to someone, it means invitation for the receiver to go into exile. a comb is a symbol of the irreconcilable end of a relationship. we should note that the above objects can be used as ààlè which can only be understood based on their contextual interpretation. language is a process for the production of meaning by at least two people, which may occur either as spoken or written and which functions in contexts of situation and culture (daramola, 2019: 40). from the wording of the above definition, the following words: process, meaning, people, spoken/written, functions, contexts, situation, and culture need to be expatriated to know the whole essence of communication. process is synonymous with a tool and realizes the medium or channel of communication. meaning is the nucleus of language use; that is, it shows the essence of language for its realization of expression. before a sender and a receiver can understand each other, meaning must come into being. the reference to people in the definition shows that language is purely a human attribute which differentiates him from other mammals. this corroborates sapir's (1923) definition of language as a "purely human and noninstinctive way of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires employing voluntarily produced symbols." language as spoken/written is an aspect of verbal communication that uses pictures, drawings, signs, gestures, etc. for functions, language is used to play ©festus moses onipede available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 149 some roles or functions which halliday's (1978) identifies as ideational, interpersonal, and textual metafunctions. the context specifies the environment where language is used to express certain meaning. situation considers the formal or informal modes through which language comes into being. lastly, culture concerns the worldview, mannerisms and ways of life of people who use the language. language and culture are inextricably intertwined because the former cannot be discussed in the absence of the latter. culture is the determinant of code, symbols, signs, context, and meaning of language, while language is the 'life wire and social lubricant' of any society (ademola and okunola, 2013). one cannot study one's language without considering one's culture. according to leigh and stanb (1991: 2), culture is a mixture that incorporates behavior (thoughts, actions and language), knowledge, beliefs, morals, law, custom, and other qualities acquired by a man as a social being." it is obvious from the argument that the culture of a language user shapes his/her behavior, knowledge, and other qualities. according to odebunmi (2008), the four components of culture in sociological literature are: values, norms, instructions and artifacts. while values control other components of culture and deal with what a society attaches importance to, norm relates to behavior patterns in a particular situation. and while instructions relate to the divisions of a society where values and norms are applied, artifacts are objects produced from a culture's values and norms. the context of language use can never be overlooked if the meaning is realized in communication. the context of ààlè as a symbolic means of communication considers the setting or environment of its use. we can conclude here that language is culture and vice versa. various scholars have different definitions of culture (see levinson 1983; thomas 1995; yule 1996; palmer 1996; mey, 2001, 2009, and others). context refers to an environment or setting in which language is used. it is the totality of the environment in which a word is used (mey, 2001). adegbite (2000) sees context as an abstract category employed by language scholars to provide a link between linguistic items and the social and situational factors of communication. context helps in the interpretation of the meaning of words and the central feature of meaning (odebunmi, 2006). moreover, malinowski's (1923) and firth's (1972) concept of context of the situation is mainly concerned with meaning-making in terms of context. ©festus moses onipede available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 150 while adegbite (2000) identifies the two types of context, odebunmi (2006) identifies the two levels of context manifest. the two types of context by adegbite are verbal and situational context. verbal context is concerned with interpreting linguistic items in terms of their linkage and relationship. verbal context aids the reduction of instances of syntactic or lexical ambiguity that may emanate from a word used in isolation. odebunmi's two levels of context manifestation language and situation level see the former as having a possibility if the same language of communication is at the disposal of interactions. the latter is concerned with assumptions that are based on the shared code (linguistic or non-linguistic) and experience of the communications. there exist three important features of context. they have shared knowledge of subjects or topics, shared knowledge of word choices, references, and shared socio-cultural experience. in the context of ààlè, a culturally approved communication pattern is used. previous studies on ààlè have been generally discussed under àrokòwhich focuses on issues peculiar to its symbolic means of passing information from one person to another. many scholars have worked on àrokò (ogundeji, 1997; ojo, 2013; orimoogunje, 2015; abdullahi-idiagbon, 2009; akanbi et al, 2014). perhaps, okunola and ojo (2011) carried out research that is related to the present. they examined the symbolism of ààlè as a quest for anthropological criminology and the utility of traditional crime prevention methods. they reveal that ààlè is still effective in protecting property from theft and trespasses among those rural dwellers. therefore, they recommend the extension of the uses of ààlè into urban areas. the study provides insights into the present research endeavor. therefore, the present study differs from the existing studies; it seeks to fill the gap in symbolic means of communication among the yoruba. thus, the paper seeks to fill this gap by analyzing the select ààlè used on different farms in yoruba land. this intends to examine the pragmatic pract in ààlè, its context of use, and its symbolic components. the focus of this paper is to examine the pragmatic pract in ààlè, its context of use, and its symbolic components. b. research method this paper adopted a descriptive method to arrive at the findings and conclusions of the study adequately. firstly, the data sources were through participant observation, ©festus moses onipede available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 151 informal questions technique, and samples from the farmlands where the ààlè were placed. secondly, the method of data collection allowed the researcher, through participant observation, to snap the samples of ààlè used on various farmlands. the collection had been going on for six months. favorable items that met the researcher's needs were chosen for analysis. eight (8) samples of ààlè were selected by snapping with the help of a camera and grouped into figures1-8. aale that have similar functions to the ones previously selected were discarded to avoid repetition. table 1. ààlè with their context features and practs ààlè context features pract symbols figure 1 sck, ssk warning sand wrapped in fresh leaves, placed on fire woods figure 2 sck, ssk warning three sticks of palm fronds erected on the maize farm figure 3 sck, ssk warning two sticks representing danger sign figure 4 sck, ssk warning two sticks representing danger sign figure 5 sck, ssk warning a fairly used cutlass tied with red cloth, placed at the farm entrance figure 6 sck, ssk warning cotton wool attached to a stick figure 7 sck, ssk warning opara inserted inside an erected stuck figure 8 sck, ssk, reference warning two sticks with two small piece of stick forming a multiplication sign finally, the analytical procedure adopted in this study focused on the pragmasemiotic analysis of ààlè. therefore, analysis and discussion provide answers to the research questions. in order to answer the research questions convincingly and account for the study's aims, an eclectic approach, namely the pragma-semiotic framework, is used to explicate the data. the pragmatics and semiotics framework is used to analyze both pictures and communicative functions found in the data. thus, the pragmasemiotic analytical method is adopted using mey's (2001) pragmatic acts and peirce's (1931) framework, respectively. a pragmatic act is instantiated through an "ipra" or "a pract" which realizes "a pragmeme" as "every pract is at the same time an allopract that is concrete instantiation of a particular pragmeme" (mey, 2001: 224). in this theory, a ©festus moses onipede available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 152 pract is only determined by a particular knowledge of the interactional situation and the effect of the pract in a particular context. mey (2001: 221) opines that "what is realized as a pract under pragmeme as an allopract of its own, is wholly determined by the understanding an interactional or individual has of the situation, and by effects of these practs have or may in a particular context. peirce sees sign as situated within social context, social semiotics. cuddon (1991) modernized peirce’s work and redefined the triadic relationships in semiotics as: 1). the iconic (his is a sign that resembles its referent, e. g, red light for a stop on roads; 2) the indexical (this is when the sign is associated with the referent, e. g, smoke is associated with fire); and 3) the symbolic (which concerns an arbitrary relationship the sign and referent have). signs comprise signifiers (the form the signs take) and the signified (the concept the sign represents). c. findings and discussion findings in this paper, the focus is on the visual signs used in ààlè. the visual signs used in the component of ààlè are leaves, sand, palm fronds, red cloth, sticks, fairly used or unused cutlass, and cotton wool. from time immemorial, yoruba cannot read and write, but they have a symbolic way of communicating among themselves. hence, the signs used here do not need any level of education. it is only a cultural and conventional communication among the yoruba through the contextual features of ssk, sck, rel and inf. all the symbolic signs used in the selected ààlè are mainly meant for caution or warning. the findings revealed that the pract of warning in a given ààlè. discussion the study revealed that ààlè is used in traditionally motivated contexts characterized by a pract of warning or caution and response that portrays the issue of culture. the indirect acts are employed through contextual features such as reference, shared situational and cultural knowledge, inference and relevance. from the findings above, the pract is primarily performed in the traditional situation as the symbols entail contextual features of sck, ssk, ref, inf and rel. the practs are examined thus: ©festus moses onipede available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 153 warning warning found in the ààlè in traditional yorùbá setting (context) deal with the issues of culture through socio-cultural knowledge (sck), socio-situational knowledge (ssk), reference (ref), inference (inf), relevance (rel). the selected data are discussed below. source: photo taken by the researcher on 4/4/2022 5.10 pm nigeria time picture 1. sand wrapped inside leaves placed on a bundle of firewood to prevent theft at èbúté igbóorò village yewa north local government area, ogun state, nigeria. to communicate the intended meaning of the selected ààlè, the setting of the cultural symbol is surrounded by different types of non-verbal interactions. in the first picture (picture 1), sand is wrapped in leaves and placed on firewood to chase a thief who dares to steal the owner's property. applying the sck and ssk of traditional and cultural meaning within this context, the pract of warning and capturing the firewood owner's intentions is communicated. it is obvious from the context of this ààlè that whoever steals the firewood will die, as presented in appendix 1. it is a common belief that, in the book of genesis, chapter 2:12, human beings are made from dust and will one day die and turn to dust. hence, the effect of this ààlè is death. the context of this ààlè tells the victim (the thief) to beware of death if s/he steals the firewood. ©festus moses onipede available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 154 source: photo taken by the researcher on 4/04/2022. 5.20 pm nigeria time picture 2. aale (palm front) placed on the maize farm to prevent theft at èbútéigbóorò, yewa north local government area, ogun state, nigeria. another example of the pract of warning is in picture 2, where palm fronds are spread all over the farmland. applying the sck and ssk of the ààlè, as presented in appendix 1, shows that the farm owner does not want anybody to enter his corn farm. therefore, the pragmatic act is a warning/caution from the farmer to anyone who trespasses his/her warning. again, the application of sck, ssk of yorùbá cultural belief is important for understanding this pract of warning. in every society or community, color terms have different meanings. source: photo taken by the researcher on 4/4/2022,5.45 pm nigeria time). picture 3. aale (piece of red clothe and sticks) placed on a beans farm to prevent theft at abúlé ègbá village, yewa north local government area, ogun state, nigeria. red cloth tied on each stick is placed on a beans farm. in yorùbá land, red is associated with danger. its use on farmlands as ààlè warns anyone that moves closer to the farm to avoid women observing their menstruation not to enter the farm. the effect ©festus moses onipede available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 155 of their entering will cause the bean flower to either. this is evident in the interview results presented in appendix 1. hence, wherever red cloth is placed, it reminds women to observe their menstruation, not to come closer. the red cloth also symbolizes death from sàngo (god of thunder). furthermore, picture 4 has two sticks erected on the ground crossing each other to make a danger sign. source: photo taken by the researcher on 03/5/2022, 2.30 pm nigeria time). pictue 4. aale (two pieces of stick crossing each other) placed on an animal trap to prevent people from being trapped by it at olópè-mèta, village, yewa north local government area, ogun state, nigeria. picture 4 is another example of ààlè that is used by a hunter who has set a trap (pàkúté) for any animal that passes within the vicinity. as contained in appendix 1, it is an ààlè that tells anybody that approaches where the trap is set to warn him/her that a trap has been set there. the recipient or viewer of this ààlè can only understand this message via the application of yorùbá ssk and sck, inference and relevance. source: photo taken by the researcher on 04/05/2022, 3.30 pm nigeria time ©festus moses onipede available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 156 picture 5. aale (old cutlass, piece of red cloth) placed at the entrance of a palm tree plantation to prevent theft at ìmèdú, village, yewa north local government area, ogun state, nigeria. picture 5 shows a fairly used/unused cutlass tied at the entrance of a palm plantation. the ààlè used in figure 5 is found in yorùbá traditional context to portray culture through sck, ssk, ref, and rel. the ààlè of fairly-used cutlass is a reference to ògún lákáayé osìnmolè, a yoruba god of iron. the yoruba believe that whoever does terrible things would be killed by ògún. therefore, cutlass as a component of this ààlè tells that ògún will kill anybody that disregards the user of the ààlè intended warning/message. the red cloth stands for danger. the death penalty is not stated here, but it infers that such a person can be killed by a car, motorcycle, gunshot, or any mishap. in addition, figure 6 presents cotton wool inserted into a small stick placed very close to a coconut tree. source: photo taken by the researcher on 04/5/2022, 4.30 pm nigeria time picture 6. ààlè (cotton wool attached to a stick placed on a coconut tree to prevent theft at rèfùrèfù, village, yewa north local government area, ogun state, nigeria. in yorùbá culture, the ssk and the ssk application infers that cotton wool inserted in a stick infers the effect of not taking caution. the indirect act of warning and responding pract is inferential in traditional yorùbá land. according to the interview result, as contained in appendix 1, yorùbá believes that if cotton wool is used as a component of ààlè, and the viewer does not take warning, he or she will fall sick. cotton wool will start growing out of his/her body. in yorùbá land, this kind of ailment is called tèfútèfú. ©festus moses onipede available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 157 source: photo taken by the researcher on 05/05/2022, 4.30 pm nigeria time). picture 7a & b. paluko apara (an indigenous type of leguminous plant) inserted inside an erected stickplaced on palm tree and beans farm to prevent theft at ìyálóde, village, yewa north local government area, ogun state, nigeria. picture 7a & b present òpàráseed bud, popularly known as "òsánpón ñ kákò" in yewa (ketu land) area of ogun state. it means let me fold when it's noon." the intention of placing this ààlè on palm fruits and beans farm is to tell viewers who may wish to steal any of the farms produce that as òpàrá folds in the noon so shall it be for whoever steals the owner’s farm produce (as stated in the appendix). it is a cultural belief among the yoruba that when òpàrá is placed on any farm produce, nobody should steal it. therefore, if anybody tries it, it is either s/he has a stomach ache or gets folded like òpàrá. source: photo taken by the researcher on 09/05/2022, 6.30 pm nigeria time picture 8. two sticks with two small pieces of stick forming a multiplication sign placed on a beans farm to prevent trespassers at ìmèdú, yewa north local government area, ogun state, nigeria. ©festus moses onipede available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 158 picture 8 presents two sticks that are inserted as symbols of ààlè. the ààlè is placed on farmland to communicate the owner's intended message. based on the interview information, the context of this ààlè shows that nobody should cultivate the land. applying contextual features of reference, ssk, sck, and inference, the viewer will quickly interpret the message without any challenge. in yorùbá culture, all the signs together bring out their cultural beliefs and practices. a sign is used to represent something or a concept. it stands for something or someone else (danesi, 2004). ààlè serves as a signifier in yorùbá land, and the meaning and idea it portrays is signified (saussure', 1983). likewise, peirce sees the symbolic semiotic sign as the relationship between the signifier and signified that comprises the sign that must be learned concerning its use context. d. conclusion this study has examined the pragma-semiotic analysis of yorùbá concept of ààlè. the ààlè is a super-ordinate of àrokò, a nonverbal form of yorùbá communication, and it is rich in yorùbá cultural norms and practices. based on mey's theory of pragmeme, the findings revealed the pract of warning/caution. this pract, through interaction with the contextual features of share situational knowledge (ssk), socio-cultural knowledge (sck), inference (inf), and reference (ref), addresses the issue of warning the trespassers. based on our analysis so far, we can say that the significance of ààlè in yorùbá community is to pass across information in the form of a warning in its respective context of use. unlike previous studies on aroko which are generally meant for communication, the use of ààlè is restricted to farmland, where appropriate interpretation could be given based on the symbolic component of ààlè. therefore, the study is relevant to cultural means of communication in rural and urban areas if the necessary context is put in place. failure to use appreciated context will lead to misinterpretation. the semiotic signate that features in the ààlè are visual (non-verbal) in the form of leaves, sand, palm fronds, sticks, red cloth, fairly used or unused cutlass, and cotton wool, which show the 'signification' that is common and unique to the yorùbá culture and world view. it should be 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(tari, et al. 2013). indonesia had implemented school-based curriculum which accommodates the actual needs and condition of the school. this curriculum provides space to include the local needs as well as the national standard as developed by the department of national education. among a list of subjects, english is considered as one of the most important subject. in a university, english is a general course that should be taught in all departments. the objective of teaching english is to provide the students with communicative ability in order that the students are able to communicate. there are four skills that should be mastered by the students in order to be able to speak english well, those are listening, reading, writing and speaking. among of those, speaking skill perhaps the most important skill for success in learning a language. however, in mastering speaking is not easy as we thought. mogrovejo and ayabaca (2013) in adnyaniet al (2013), revealed that speaking is one of the skill which most difficult to be developed by the students because of some factors such as pronunciation, grammar structure, lack of vocabulary, or just because of the low motivation. as happened at iqra buru university, the only one university which is located in buru island, maluku province where english speaking subject is presented into four semesters. however, the students at iqra buru university still have problem with speaking. based on the observation at english and literature department of university of iqra buru journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 81 (uniqbu) in buru island, maluku province, researcher gets some problems occur, such as: (1) many students cannot communicate each other in english either in the classroom or outside the classroom. they are frequently vacuum and passive in english communication; (2) many students are not interested in joining the speaking class. the students’ lack of opportunity to practice, and some lecturers are hardly to choose and to create teaching techniques and teaching activities. rasyid in jabu (1995), states that the factors that cause the english teaching failure are: (1) the big number of students in each class more than 20, (2) the minimum of meeting frequency, (3) the unavailability of learning source center, the library which prepares authentic materials for the students, (4) the unavailability of multimedia, (5) the low motivation of students, and (6) the unprofessional english teacher. in solving those problems, teacher should provide effective plans or strategies to fulfill students’ needs, whose general purposes to communicate using the language being learnt. it means teacher have responsible to make students speak english by employing suitable teaching strategies. the means of teaching strategies in this research is not only refers to teaching methodology but also classroom management, or how the teachers manage their classroom. generally, classroom management refers to the process where a teacher organizes and controls students’ movement, behavior and interaction during a lesson. teacher’s job in the classroom is to create the conditions in which effective learning can take place. in order to make a course effective, a teacher should have the skill to manage the classroom, and it can be done through teacher’s positive attitude, intentions, personality and a good relationship between teacher and the students. it also requires certain organizational skills such as task organization, lesson organization and techniques, wright (1987:51) oliver and reshchly (2007:44) define classroom management as the ability of teacher to organize classrooms and manage the behavior of their student to achieve positive educational outcomes. in addition, effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a poorly managed classroom. in contrast, well managed classroom provide an environment in which teaching and learning can flourish. (marzano and pickering 2003:1) tsui (2003:138) assumed that classroom management is refer to aspects of classroom organization, such as conducting individuals, pairs, or group work , maintaining order; dealing with disruptive behavior, and handling daily business, such as collecting journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 82 assignment and taking roll class. paramita (2013), states that when the teacher does not have any sufficient knowledge about classroom management, they could not easy to maintain their cl ass and give a good model for students for their learning. she also added, if the classroom is not managed properly, ineffectiveness of learning will become disadvantage for the teacher’s achievement. classroom management includes grouping and seating, setting up activities, time management, teacher’s control, proper start and end the lesson, maintaining discipline, using proper tool and techniques, giving instruction, monitoring, etc. when managing the classroom, it is important for teacher to manage all the aspects that refers to the right circumstances which will help them in developing teaching and learning process. bachar (2010: 3) outlined that there are four aspects in managing classrooms. they are physical environment, managing learning, procedures and rules, and managing discipline. managing physical environment where teaching and learning process take place is very important because a good progression and effective interaction of both students and teachers cannot take place without appropriate atmosphere and well managed environment. ming tak and wai-shing (2008:47) outlined that physical environment involves the management of floor space, wall space, countertop space, shelf, cupboard and closet space and the general ambience. managing learning is the teachers’ responsibility and it is the main role can any teachers play. teachers are required to prepare validity lessons with the necessary materials and audio-visual aids in addition to assessing both students’ progression and material used as well as the good planning for the sequences of the lessons’ parts in the allotted time. managing learning can include managing activities which are the main issues that make students involve and interact in the classroom. teacher must set up their principle from the beginning to do not let the students go out of their control and disturb the learning process. oliver and reschly, (2007:07) claim that teacher should be aware of the students’ negative and positive behavior and must prepare the right feedback for each behavior. these expectation deal with any kind of behaviors allow teachers to get the respect of the students and to decrease disruptive behavior that could have a bad impact on the development of the students’ learning. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 83 rules and procedure are very important to be applied. brophy and evertson (1986:16) asserts that teachers’ achievement could be reached by the explanation of the objectives of the rules and the objectives behind using them, so students will acknowledge and respect them. discipline is about the rules teachers apply in order to decrease students’ misbehavior and make the classroom environment suitable for the smooth running of the teaching and learning process. every teacher has their own procedures and rules which they are not acceptable to be broken by the students. however if the students did not obey the teacher’s rule, teachers may have them warm. as mentioned above that one of the classroom management is physical environment. one of the most parts of physical environment is seating arrangement. seating arrangement is a very important factor in the process of beginning a lesson smoothly and promptly (laslett& smith, 2008). it also plays an important role to make the learners more involved in the class and also can help students in interacting with different people. moreover, students who are weaker have less chance of hiding themselves and the students who are stronger have less chance to dominate in the classroom. b. literature review seating arrangements are the main part in teaching plan for classroom management. baron (1992:13) believed that seating arrangement should be treated as a priority when thinking of classroom with maximum on task behavior. teacher’s position in the classroom is very important factor of classroom management. to communicate with all students in the classroom, teacher sometimes need to move from one place to another place which requires some free space in class. jones (2000) in ming-tak and wai-shing,(2008:49) stated that leaving sufficient space in the classroom is very important to give teachers easy and efficient access to different groups of the students. he added that movement areas of the classroom should be free from congestion to avoid disruptive behavior. harmer (1998:31-32) suggest three types of seating arrangements. those are: 1. orderly rows in orderly rows seating arrangement, both teacher and students can see each other clearly and can have eye contacts. maintaining discipline is easier in this seating arrangement. teacher can also walk up and down if there is an aisle and can have personal interaction with the students. this type of arrangement is suitable for watching a video, using journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 84 the board, explaining a grammar point, demonstrating text organization etc. where the teacher can work with the whole class. teacher needs to engage the whole class while working with them in this arrangement and for this teacher must move round. orderly row is best suited for medium to large classrooms. however, there are some disadvantages of this seating arrangement. in this kind of seating arrangement, the teacher could not maintain the students’ behavior. besides, the teacher could not move easily from one place to one place to watch the students’ movement or attitude during the lesson given. 2. circles and horseshoes in smaller classes, many teachers and students prefer circles or horseshoes. in a horseshoe, the teacher will probably be at the open end of the arrangement since that may well be where the board, overhead projector and/or computer are situated. in a circle, the teacher’s position where the board is situated is less dominating. classes which are arranged in a circle make quite a strong statement about what the teacher and the students believe in. the round table in the british and french legends about king arthur was specially designed so that there would not be arguments about who was more important than who and that included the king himself when they were in a meeting. so it is in classrooms. with all the people in the room sitting in a circle, there is a far greater feeling of equality than when the teacher stays out at the front. this may not be quite so true of the horseshoe shape where the teacher is often located in a commanding position but, even here, the rigidity that comes with orderly rows, for example, is lessened. if, therefore, teachers believe in lowering the barriers between themselves and their students, this kind of seating arrangement will help. there are other advantages too, chief among which is the fact that all the students can see each other. in an ‘orderly row’ classroom, you have to turn round that is, away from the teacher if you want to make eye contact with someone behind you. in a circle or a horseshoe, no such disruption is necessary. the classroom is thus a more intimate place and the potential for students to share feelings and information through talking, eye contact or expressive body movements (eyebrow-raising, shoulder-shrugging, etc) is far greater. 3. separate tables. even circles and horseshoes seem rather formal compared to classes where students are seated in small groups at individual tables. in such classrooms, you might see the teacher walking around checking the students’ work and helping out if they are having difficulties prompting the students at this table, or explaining something to the students at that table in journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 85 the corner. when students sit in small groups at individual tables, it is much easier for the teacher to work at one table while the others get on with their own work. this is especially useful in mixed-ability classes where different groups of students can benefit from concentrating on managing the classroom different tasks (designed for different ability levels). separate table seating is also appropriate if students are working around a computer screen, for example where students are engaged in collaborative writing or where they are listening to different audio tracks in a jigsaw listening exercise however, this arrangement is not without its own problems. in the first place, students may not always want to be with the same colleagues; indeed, their preferences may change over time. secondly, it makes ‘whole-class’ teaching more difficult, since the students are more diffuse and separated. ramsden (1999:3), proposed five common types of seating arrangement which can be used by the teachers. those are: 4. cluster clusters are scattered in different places of the classroom and there is enough space between two clusters so that the chairs do not smack each other and the teacher can easily move from one place to another. this seating arrangement consist of four to five desk together facing each other. 5. desk rows desk rows are the traditional seating arrangement. in this seating arrangement, desk are placed in several rows facing towards the front of the classroom. there is a gap between each desk so the teacher can walk back and forth without moving anything. 6. table rows long tables are placed in rows vertically from the front to back of the room. students sit next to each other. it is suitable for group work because the purpose of this seating arrangement is collaborative learning. 7. semi-circle semi-circle seating arrangement consists of few desks touching each other placed in semi-circle shape. all desks are faced in front of classroom. in this arrangement, both teacher and students can see each other. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 86 8. pairs pairs consists of two desks are placed together. each pair of desks is away from other pairs. students are faced towards the front of the class in this seating. teacher in this seating arrangement, can walk around the whole class and monitor the students easily. c. research method this research aimed to determine existence of casual relationship between two research variables. the research was designed in quasi-experimental type in which there were a control and an experimental group. as in this research, the circle seating arrangement was treated to the experimental group, while the control group had orderly rows seating arrangement of teaching. at the end, the result of pre-test and post-test from control and experimental groups were compared to seek the significant difference. the population of the research was english speaking lecturer and english department students of letters faculty in iqra buru university, buru island, maluku province. the students consisted of one class and the number of the students was 30 students. in this case, the researcher chose the sample by using purpossive technique sampling in which one class acted as the control group, while the other class was the experimental group, and each class consisted of 15students. to ensure that the sample of this research was in the same level of competence, the researcher did small talk with a lecturer who taught speaking subject and the lecturer gave information about the students’ level of ability. furthermore, in choosing sample, the researcher took from the studentspre-test’ score. here the researcher steps in choosing the sample: 1. the first step, the researcher scored the students’ writing narrative text from pre-test score and put them from the highest to the lowest score. 2. after that, the researcher chose the students who had odd number as a sample. in collecting the data, the researcher employed two kinds of research instrument, speaking test and recorder. speaking test was used to assess the students’ speaking skills in term of accuracy, fluency and comprehensibility. it was applied in pre-test and post-test. the pre-test was intended to find out the prior level of the students’ speaking skills before giving treatment, while post-test was aimed to find out the improvement of the students’ speaking skills after giving treatment. and recorder was used to record the students’ speaking. in this journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 87 case, according to heaton (1988: 88), recorder functions to provide accurate analysis based on information that is expressed by the speaker. independent variable was the variable that causes a change, and in this research it referred to the kinds of seating arrangement. while dependent variable was the variable that changes as the effect from independent variable itself. students’ achievement in speaking was the dependent variable of this research. in avoiding the subjectivity in assessing students’ speaking score, the researcher used three inter-raters to score the students’ speaking. the scoring of the tests (pretestposttest) can range from an impression mark to a mark arrived at on the basis of a fairly detailed marking schemes in present day use. the students’ speaking on several pretests and posttests will be recorded, transcribed, and rated them. the transcription and score are subject to analyze using the following criteria level introduced by heaton (1988: 100). the final scores of the students’ speaking skill convert by using the score from heaton score 1 up to 6 and the depdiknas score of students divided by the top of heaton’s band score (6) multiplied by the two of depdiknas’s score (100). in calculating the mean score and standard deviation of the students speaking skill (accuracy, fluency, and comprehensibility), the researcher used spss program version 20.0. in calculating the correlation score, the researcher used jonathan’s interval correlation to find out whether the data are correlated each other or not d. finding and discussion the students’ speaking achievement deals with seating arrangement, the lecturer applied two kinds of seating arrangement for two groups. they were circle and horseshoes for experimental group and orderly rows for control group. the result shows that students under the guidance of experimental group which applied circle and horseshoes performed significantly better than students in control group which applied orderly rows. the experimental group shows score of post-test was greater than control group by gaining mean score 74.48 and control group gained mean score 72.20. the data also computed and analyzed by using statistical package for service solution (spss) version 20. the normality test of the data shows that it was normally distributed where (p > 0.5). thus, parametric was used which covered independent t-test to analyze for a statistically significant difference between control group and experimental group, and pair t-test to look for a statistically significant difference in a prejournal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 88 test and post-test. furthermore, the result of independent t-test in pre-test shows that the significance gained was 0.604. the data indicates that there was no significance different between control and experimental group in pre-test. it means that h0 is accepted since p > 0.5. in contrast with the result of independent t-test for post-test in which, it shows that the significance gained was .000. the data indicates that there was a significant difference between control and experimental group in post-test. it means that h1 is accepted and h0 is rejected because p < 0.5. the data also was computed to know the result of pair ttest for control and experimental groups where control group shows that the significance gained was 0.000. the data indicates that p < 0.5. for experimental group also indicates that p < 0.05 by gaining .000, which means that h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted. there was significant different between pre-test and post-test for both of control and experimental groups. the finding showed that there was significance improvement of the students’ speaking skills at english and literature department of university of iqra buru in aspect of accuracy, fluency, and comprehensibility through seating arrangement. it is proved by α (0.05) value of the students’ posttests are higher than p-value (0.00), it supported by gay (2006: 358) stated that there is significant between pretests and posttests if the p-value or sig. (2-tailed) is less than or equal to α (0.05). the description of the data collected through the test as explained in the previous section shows the students who are treated by circle seating arrangement perform better than the students who are treated by orderly rows. it is supported by the mean score of the students’ pretest in orderly rows was 54.70 and posttest was 72.15. while the mean score of students’ pretest in circle was 56.07 and posttest was 77.73. in this research, there are three items that researcher try to find out, they are accuracy (74.47), fluency (75.60), and comprehensibility (82.53). the highest score was comprehensibility. comprehensibility in speaking means that people can understand what we say and we can understand what they say. harmer (1998: 107) says that if two people want to make communication to each other, they have to speak because they have different information. if there is a ‘gap’ between them, it is not a good communication if the people still confuse with what they say. to avoid from the gap, the speaker should pay attention to the process of constructing meaning. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 89 an interactive process of constructing meaning involves producing, receiving and processing information (burn and joyce, 1997: 63). its form and meaning are dependent on the context in which it occurs, including the participants themselves, their collective experiences, the physical environment, an acceptable level of language, and the purposes for speaking. even though comprehensibility was the highest score but most students get problems in speaking to express their ideas so that the speaker can understand their intention and those caused of inhabitation, lack of vocabularies or nothing to say, and the influence of mother tongue or first language (ur, 1996). therefore, to solve students’ inhabitation, lack of vocabularies, and mother tongue, the teacher should pay much attention in teaching and learning activities such as monologue, dialogue, question and answer, and speaking game. another problem faced by the students in expressing their ideas was pronunciation. pronunciation is one of the important components that a good english speaker uses when he/she expresses his/her ideas in an interaction in order to have a good communication. in fact, the students made some mistakes in pronouncing some english words. they found it hard to pronounce some english words because mostly they were influenced by the use of their mother tongue. this is in line also with wenden (1987) said that to be successful language leaner, one should use the language as often as possible, think with the target language, and live and study in an environment here the target language is spoken. therefore, to get students’ good pronunciation, the teacher should pay much attention in teaching and learning process. students’ score in term of comprehensibility were higher than fluency and accuracy because fluency and accuracy did not lie totally only on mastering the language system but it also lays on the vocabularies as using the language system communicatively, and without too much hesitation. as richard and rodgers (2001: 90) stated that fluency is the ability to produce written or spoken language easily. this indicates that spoken language is produced naturally with hurtles. they also added fluency is the ability to speak with a good but necessarily perfect command of intonation, vocabulary and grammar. so the lack of vocabularies and grammar or mastering language system has become hindrances and obstacles for the students to speak fluently and accuratively. that caused of the students have low achievement in fluency and accuracy. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 90 although the students got high score in posttests in term of accuracy, fluency, and comprehensibility then in pretests, it did not mean that they are good to communicate in english or it did not show that they were perfect without any deficiencies and mistakes they have done especially in term of accuracy, fluency, and comprehensibility. e. conclusions based on the research findings and discussion, the researcher comes to the following conclusions: the implementation of seating arrangement can improve students’ speaking skill in term of accuracy, fluency and comprehensibility. it is supported by the mean score of the students’ posttests (74.48) was higher than pretests (56.07). the result of finding shows that there are strong correlation among of accuracy, fluency and comprehensibility in speaking. it is proved by the probability value from these three elements were higher than 0.05 with the interval score was 1. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 91 references adnyani n.w.s. et al. 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(2008) bahwa bahasa mengacu kepada kemampuan menerima respon, mengekspresikan ide, pikiran, emosi, dan keyakinan.jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahasa adalah suatu alat verbal yang berupa lambang bunyi yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi, berinteraksi, mengidentifikasi diri serta mengekspresikan ide, pikiran, emosi dan keyakinan. seorang ibu bisa melakukan beberapa hal sebagai stimulasi perkembangan otakmaupun bahasa anak, seperti mengajak anak berbicara dan memperdengarkan lagu-lagu yang memiliki muatan positif.hal ini sejalan dengan pendapat trelease (2006: 19-37) bahwa agarperkembangan bahasa dan kognitif anak dapat optimal, sebaiknya stimulasi verbal dilakukan sedini mungkin yaitu sejak anak masih berada di dalam kandungan.sejalan dengan hal tersebut, altmann (dalam dardjowidjojo, 2000) menyatakan bahwa sejak bayi berumur 7 bulan dalam kandungan, seorang bayi telah memiliki sistem pendengaran yang telah berfungsi. 4 pendapat tersebut didukung oleh silberg (2004: 33) yang menyatakan bahwa ketika masih di dalam rahim, bayi sudah mampu membedakan suara manusia.lebih lanjut silberg (2004: 135) menyatakan bahwa perjalanan bahasa dimulai dari rahim, pada saat janin terus menerus mendengar suara ibunya.hal ini didukung oleh pendapat papalia, et. al.(2008: 248-249)bahwaorang tua memainkan peran penting pada setiap perkembangan bahasa.orang tua sebaiknya mulai berkomunikasi dengan anaknya bahkan sejak anaknya masih bayi, yang dapat dilakukan dengan membaca buku cerita. dari beberapa pendapat di atas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa stimulasi dari orang tua sebaiknyadilakukan sejak bayidi dalam kandungan, karena ia sudah memiliki sistem pendengaran yang telah berfungsi, sehingga bisa mendeteksi suara yang ia dengarkan. hal tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan oleh orang tua dalam memberikan rangsangan positif bagi si bayi dengan cara mengajak bayi berbicara atau memperdengarkan musik-musik lembut. semakin sering orang tua mengajak bayi berbicara, maka kosa kata yang didapatkan si bayiakan semakin bertambah dan hal tersebut dapat menjadi rangsangan untuk membantu bayi belajar berbicara. hal ini sesuai dengan yang dinyatakan oleh silberg (2004: 51) yang menyatakan bahwa berbicara dan bernyanyi untuk bayi secara berarti mempercepat prosesnya mempelajari katakata baru. lebih lanjut silberg (2004: 81) berpendapat bahwa berbicara dengan si kecil sejak usia dini akan membantu anak-anak belajar bicara.disini terlihat bahwa orang tua sangat berperan dalam membantu mengoptimalkan bahasa anak. pada dasarnya orang tua memang memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalammendampingi dan membimbing perkembangan bahasa anak, karena orang tua khususnya ibu adalah orang terdekat bagi anak.ibu dan anak sudah berkomunikasisejak anak di dalam kandungan sampai ia dilahirkan. tahapan dari ketika anak dilahirkan sampai dengan anak bisa berbicara adalah tahapan yang paling penting dalam masa pemerolehan bahasa.tahapan tersebut biasa disebut dengan fasegolden age.fasegolden agemerupakan tahapan proses pemerolehan bahasa anak yang cukup baik, karena pada tahapan ini, otak anak mulai berkembang dan bisa menyerap berbagai macam rangsangan yang ada di sekitarnya. 5 hal ini sejalan dengan pendapat kosasih (2008) yang menyatakan bahwa ‘the golden age’ adalah masa emas yang tepat untuk diberikan stimulasi.pada masa ini perkembangan motorik anak semakin baik, sejalan dengan perkembangan kognitifnya yang mulai kreatif dan imajinatif.anak-anak memperoleh bahasa pertamanya dari apa yang mereka dengar dan lihat, sehingga orang tua harus bisa mengoptimalkan pemerolehan bahasa anak tersebut, dikarenakan pemerolehan bahasa pertama akan berdampak pada tahapan perkembangan bahasa selanjutnya. pendapat tersebut sejalan dengan soetjiningsih (2003: 29-31, 62-70) yang menyatakan bahwa dalam perkembangan anak terdapat masa kritis, sehingga diperlukan rangsangan atau stimulasi yang berguna agar potensi anak berkembang secara optimal. anak yang mendapat stimulasi yang terarah dan teratur akan lebih cepat berkembang dibandingkan dengan anak yang kurang atau tidak mendapat stimulasi. pada periode ini stimulasi verbal sangat penting untuk perkembangan bahasa anak. lebih lanjut berdasarkan data dari departemen kesehatan republik indonesia (2005), stimulasi verbal yang dapat dilakukan orang tua untuk mengembangkan kemampuan bicara dan bahasa anak diantaranya adalah dengan bernyanyi dan menceritakan sajak-sajak kepada anak, menonton televisi, banyak berbicara kepada anak dalam kalimat-kalimat pendek, serta membacakan buku cerita kepada anak setiap hari.hal ini didukung oleh pendapat dari silberg (2004: 113) yang menyatakan bahwa anak-anak belajar tata bahasa dengan lebih mudah dengan mendengarkan kalimat-kalimat pendek. oleh karena itu, fase golden age harus benar-benar dimanfaatkan oleh orang tua, karena masa pemerolehan bahasa terbaik anak adalah di tahapan tersebut. hal ini sejalan dengan pendapat dari hidayat (2006) yang menyatakan bahwa pada usia dini adalah usia emas anak untuk mempelajari suatu bahasa, sehingga peran orang-orang di sekitarnya sangat membantu pemerolehan dan penguasaan bahasa anak. ibu yang kurang berperan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasar anak mempunyai dampak pada perkembangan anak yaitu terganggunya perkembangan bahasa anak untuk tahapan selanjutnya. orang tua (ibu) adalah orang pertama yang mengajak anak untuk berkomunikasi, sehingga anak mengerti 6 bagaimana cara berinteraksi dengan orang lain menggunakan bahasa. lingkungan (keluarga) adalah salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi tumbuh kembang anak.hal yang serupa juga dinyatakan oleh glenn doman (institutes for the achievment of human potential) (dalam syahid, 2008)bahwa kunci keberhasilan dari berlangsungnya stimulasi terletak di tangan para orang tua.lebih lanjut oofuka masaru (dalam syahid, 2008) menyatakan bahwa ibu sangat berperan penting dalam pemberian stimulasi kepada anak, karena anak lebih peka dan cepat dalam menangkap bahasa ibu, gerakan ibu dan suasana hati ibu.sentuhan dan pelukan serta kebersamaan dengan anak merupakan modal utama dalam pemberian stimulasi. hal ini diperkuat oleh pendapat dari cipto mangunkusumo (dalam hariwijaya: 2010: 13) yang menyatakan bahwa pendidikan dimulai di pangkuan ibu, setiap kata yang diucapkan dan didengar anak-anak kecil cenderung membentuk wataknya. dalam hal ini orang tua tidak hanya memperhatikanbanyaknya kata yang bisa dikuasai oleh anak, tetapi kandungan moral di dalam kata-kata tersebut. ibu harus bisa memilih kata sebaik mungkin, karena kata-kata yang disampaikan oleh orang tua akan terekam dan ditirukan oleh anak.setiap kata yang diucapkan orang tua merupakaan jelmaan dari pendidikan karakter yang ditanamkan kepada anak. oleh karena itu orang tua khususnya ibu harus mampu memilih kata dan bisa menyampaikannya dengan cara yang terbaik yang bisa membuat anak berbicara dengan kata-kata yang baik pula.karena pada masa ini anak-anak masih dalam proses peniruan. ia akan meniru apa yang didengar dan dilihat di sekitarnya. sejalan dengan pendapat azhim (2007) menyatakan bahwa keluarga mempengaruhi perkembangan bahasa anak dalam pemilihan kosakata dan jenis kosakata. keluarga khususnya ibu yang memotivasi anak dan menyediakan lingkungan berbahasa yang sesuai, maka anak akan lebih maju daripada teman sebayanya dalam menguasai keterampilan berbahasa dan pemakaiannya. selain itu ibumemberikan kebutuhan dasar pada anak untuk tumbuh kembang.asuh dan asih menyebabkan konstitusi anak atau fungsi organ tubuh, terutama otak menjadi baik, sehingga anak dapat mencerna stimulasi yang diberikan. (jaenudin, 2000)dengan demikian perkembangan anak dapat berjalan secara optimal.lebih lanjut silberg (2004: 111) menambahkan bahwakemampuan dan kapasitas 7 berbahasa di masa mendatang paling baik berkembang pada lingkungan yang kaya dengan bahasa percakapan. dari beberapa pendapat di atas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa peran ibu sangat penting dalam optimalisasi perkembangan bahasa anak. pemberian stimulus yang baik akan mendukung kemampuan anak dalam menguasai bahasa. stimulasi yang dapat diberikan oleh ibu atau keluarga adalah dengan selalu mengajak anak berbicara, membacakan cerita, memperdengarkan lagu anak-anak atau bisa dengan bernyanyi.hal tersebut bisa merangsang penguasaan kosa kata anak. kosa kata yang banyak akan membuat anakberkomunikasi dengan lancar. kenyataan yang ditemui selama ini dalamkehidupan sehari-hari,para orang tua belum sepenuhnya memahami tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak dan hal apa saja yang harus dilakukan dalam menyikapi setiap tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak tersebut. ketika anak balita belum bisa menyebutkan kata, sebaiknya orang tua tidak mengajari anak untuk menyebutkan suatu kata, karena itu termasuk pemaksaan dan melampaui tahapan perkembangan bahasa balita tersebut.lalu, seperti apakah tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak?bagaimana pendampingan yang seharusnya dilakukan orang tuadi setiap tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak tersebut?dan bagaimana dengan orang tua yang memiliki pola asuh yang berbeda?makalah ini mencoba menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut. dengan kata lain bahwa makalah ini fokus pada pembahasan tentang tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak dan bagaimana peran orang tua pada setiap tahapan tersebut. b. tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak fase golden age perkembangan bahasa dimulai dari ketika anak dilahirkan sampai dengan ia bisa berbicara.the american speech-language-hearingassociation (dalam levey and polirstok, 2011: 133-134)menyatakan bahwa tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak sebagai berikut: 1. birth to 3 months (lahir sampai usia 3 bulan) children make pleasure sounds (e.g., cooing, going), cries differently for different needs and smiles when sees you. (anak-anak senang membuat suara seperti mendengkur), menangis untuk kebutuhan yang berbeda dan tersenyum ketika melihatmu) 8 2. 4 to 6 months(4 sampai 6 bulan) babbling sounds more speech-like with many different sounds, including p, b, and m, chuckles and laughs, vocalizes excitement and displeasure, and makes gurgling sounds when left alone and when playing with you. (berbicara dalam berbagai macam bunyi, termasuk p, b dan m, tertawa, menyuarakan kegembiraan dan perasaan tidak senang, dan mendenguk ketika sendirian dan ketika bermain bersamamu) 3. 7 months to 1 years(7 bulan sampai 1 tahun) babbling has both long and short groups of sounds, such as ‘tata upup bibibibi’, use speech or noncrying sounds to get and keep attention, uses gestures to communicate (e.g., waving, holding arms to be picked up), imitates different speech sounds, and has one or two words (e.g., hi, dog, dada, mama) around first birthday, although sounds may not be clear. (babbling memiliki bunyi yang panjang dan pendek, seperti ‘tata upup bibibibi’, bicara atau seperti menangis untuk mendapatkan perhatian, menggunakan gerak isyarat untuk berkomunikasi (seperti melambai, memegang lengan untuk diangkat, menirukan bunyi yang berbeda, dan memiliki satu atau dua kata seperti hi, dog, dada, mama yang berada di sekitarnya sejak lahir, meskipun bunyinya belum terlalu jelas). 4. 1 to 2 years(1 sampai 2 tahun) says more words every month, uses some oneor two-word questions (e.g., “where kitty?” “go bye-bye?” “what’s that?”), puts two words together (e.g., “more cookie,” “no juice”. “mommy book”), and uses many different consonant sounds at the beginning of words. (bayi sudah bisa mengatakan banyak kata di setiap bulannya, menggunakan satu atau dua kata untuk bertanya, (seperti “dimana kitty?” “bay-bay” “apa itu”), mengambil dua kata secara bersama (seperti “kuenya lagi” “tidak ada jus” ‘ibu, buku”), dan menggunakan banyak bunyi konsonan yang berbeda di awal kata). 5. 2 to 3 years(2 sampai 3 tahun) a. has a word for almost everything, use two or three words to talk about and ask for things, uses k, g, f, t, d, and n sounds, speech is understood by familiar listeners most of the time, and often asks for or directs attention to objects by 9 naming them. (memiliki kata untuk setiap hal, menggunakan dua atau tiga kata untuk berbicara atau bertanya terkait sesuatu dengan menggunakan bunyi k, g, f, t, d dan n, bisa memahami pembicaraan orang yang dikenal sepanjang waktu dan seringkali bertanya terkait benda yang menarik perhatiannya) b. understands differences in meaning (e.g., “go-stop”, “in-on”, “big-little”, “up-down”), follows two requests (e.g., “get the book and put it on the table”), and listens to and enjoys hearing stories for longer periods of time. (mengerti perbedaan perbedaan suatu arti, misalnya “go-stop”, “in-on”, “big-little”, “updown”, mengikuti dua permintaan misalnya “ambil buku itu dan taruh di meja.” lebih lanjut dalam buku language development understanding language diversity in the classroom (2011: 134) karya levey dan polirstok disebutkan bahwa tahapan perkembangan bahasa bayi dan anak sebagai berikut: 1. babblesat about 8 months (e.g., “bababababa”) 2. produces two words at about 12 months 3. uses gestures (e.g., waving) at 12 months 4. produces early words by 15 months (e.g., “mama”) 5. produces about 20 words at 18 months 6. imitate two-word utterences at about 18 months 7. points of items of interest (e.g., dogs, bicycles, and toys) by 20 months 8. understands simple directions at 21 months 9. produces about 50 words and word combinations by 24 months 10. can understand speech by 30 months maksud dari kutipan di atas adalah pada usia 8 bulan bayi mengoceh “bababababa”, dan pada usia 12 bulan memproduksi dua kata dan menggunakan gerak isyarat seperti melambai. selanjutnya pada usia 15 bulanbayimemproduksi kata pertama seperti ‘mama’ dan pada usia 18 bulan bayi memproduksi sekitar 20 kata dan menirukan 2 rangkaian kata. bayi menunjuk benda-benda yang menarik seperti anjing, sepeda, dan mainan pada usia 20 bulan. pada usia 21 bulan bayi sudah bisa memahami arahan sederhana. selanjutnya bayi sudah bisa memproduksi sekitar 50 kata dan mengkombinasi kata pada usia 24 bulan, sedangkan pada usia 30 bulan bayi sudah bisa memahami suatu pembicaraan. 10 lebih lanjut piaget dan vygotsky (dalam tarigan, 1988) memberikan istilahistilah di setiap tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak. tahapan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: usia tahapan perkembangan bahasa 0,0-0,5 tahap meraban (pralinguistik) pertama 0,5-1,0 tahap meraban (pralinguistik) kedua: kata nonsense 1,0-2,0 tahap linguistik i: holofrastik; kalimat satu kata 2,0-3,0 tahap linguistik ii: kalimat dua kata 3,0-4,0 tahap linguistik iii: pengembangan tata bahasa 4,0-5,0 tahap linguistik iv: tata bahasa pra-dewasa 5,0 tahap linguistik v: kompetensi penuh dari tabel tersebut dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: 1. tahap meraban (pralinguistik) pertama (0,0-0,5) clark (1977) menyatakan bahwa anak pada tahap meraban pertama sudah bisa berkomunikasi walalupun hanya dengan cara menoleh, menangis atau tersenyum. dengan demikian orang tua dan anak sudah berkomunikasi dengan baik sebelum anak dapat berbicara. 2. tahap meraban kedua:(0,5-1,0) menurut clark (1977) dari segi komprehensi kemampuan bahasa anak semakin baik dan luas.anak semakin mengerti beberapa makna kata, misal: nama (diri sendiri atau panggilan ayah dan ibunya), larangan, perintah, dan ajakan (misal permainan ciluk baa). lebih lanjut, tarigan (1985) menambahkan bahwa tahap ini disebut tahap kata tanpa makna. ciri-ciri lain tahapan ini yaitu ocehan, seringkali dihasilkan dengan intonasi, kadang-kadang dengan tekanan menurun yang ada hubungannya dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan. pada tahap mengoceh (babbling) bayi mengeluarkan bunyi-bunyi yang makin bertambah variasinya dan semakin kompleks kombinasinya.mereka mengkombinasikan vokal dengan konsonan menjadi struktur yang mirip dengan silabik (suku kata), misal ma-ma-ma, ba-baba, pa-pa-pa, da-da-da-da dsb. 11 hal tersebut sejalan dengan pendapat goldman (dalam saxton: 2010) yang menyatakan bahwa “a word like mama is relatively easy for the 12-month-old to pronounce. in fact, it often arises spontaneously in the child’s babbling some time before its appearance as a word. this may happen because is composed of simple sounds, arranged into repetitive strings of simple syllables”. maksud dari pertanyaan tersebut adalah sebuah kata seperti ‘mama’ relative mudah untuk diucapkan pada usia 12 bulan. pada kenyataannya, seringkali anak-anak secara spontan mengoceh sebelum ia bisa menyebutkan kata tersebut. hal itu terjadi karena mama tersusun dari bunyi yang sederhana dan diadakan menjadi rangkaian berulang dari silabik yang sederhana. lebih lanjut tarigan (1985) menyatakan bahwausia 7 sampai 8 bulan anakanak sudah bisa mengenal bunyi kata untuk obyek yang sering diajarkan dan dikenalkan secara berulang-ulang. selanjutnya usia8bulan sampai 1 tahun anak mulai mencoba mengucapkan segmen-segmen fonetik berupa suku kata kemudian berupa kata. misal, bunyi “bu” kemudian “bubu” dan terakhir baru dapat mengucapkan kata “ibu”.pada tahap ini anak sudah berinisiatif memulai komunikasi dan menggunakan bahasa isyarat untuk menunjuk atau meraih bendabenda. 3. tahap holofrastik: tahap linguistik pertama (1,0-2,0) tahap ini adalah anak sudah mengucapkan satu kata.menurut tarigan (1985) ucapan-ucapan satu kata pada periode ini disebut holofrase/holofrastik karena anak-anak menyatakan makna keseluruhan frase atau kalimat dalam satu kata yang diucapkannya itu.contohnya kata ‘asi’ (maksudnya nasi) dapat berarti dia ingin makan nasi, dia sudah makan nasi, nasi tidak enak apakah ibu mau makan nasi?dan sebagainya 4. tahap linguistik ii: kalimat dua kata (2,0-3,0) anak sudah mampu mengucapkan dua kata.hal ini sejalan dengan pendapat tarigan (1985) bahwatahap ini disebut juga tahap kata omong kosong, tahap kata tanpa makna. ciri-ciri lain yang menarik selain yang telah disebutkan tadi adalah: ocehan, seringkali dihasilkan dengan intonasi, kadang-kadang dengan tekanan 12 menurun yang ada hubungannya dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan. pada tahap mengoceh (babbling) bayi mengeluarkan bunyi-bunyi yang makin bertambah variasinya dan semakin kompleks kombinasinya. mereka mengkombinasikan vokal dengan konsonan menjadi struktur yang mirip dengan silabik (suku kata) misal: ma-ma-ma, ba-ba-ba, pa-pa-pa, da-da-da-da dan sebagainya. ocehan ini tidak memiliki makna danada kemungkinan tidak dipakai setelah anak dapat berbicara (mengucapkan kata atau kalimat). ocehan ini akan semakin bertambah sehingga anak mampu memproduksi perkataan pertama atau periode satu kata, yang muncul sekitar usia satu tahun. 5. tahap linguistik ii: kalimat dua kata (3,0-4,0) menurut tarigan (1980)tahapan linguistik kedua ini biasanya mulai menjelang hari ulang tahun kedua.kanak-kanan memasuki tahap ini dengan pertama kali mengucapkan dua holofrase dalam rangkaian yang cepat.misalnya mama masak, adik minum, papa pigi (ayah pergi), baju kakak dan sebagainya.ucapan-ucapan ini pun mula-mula tidak jelas seperti ‘di’ maksudnya adik, kemudian anak berhenti sejenak, lalu melanjutkan ‘num’ maksudnya minum, maka berikutnya muncul kalimat “adik minum”.pada akhir tahapan ini anak sudah bisa bertanya dan meminta. kata-kata yang digunakan untuk itu sama seperti perkembangan awal yaitu sini, sana, lihat, itu, ini, lagi, mau dan minta. 6. tahap linguistik iii: pengembangan tata bahasa (4,0-5,0) tahap ini dimulai sekitar usia 2,6 bulan tetapi ada juga sebagian anak yang memasuki tahap ini ketika memasuki usia 2,0 tahun, bahkan ada juga anak yang lambat yaitu ketika anak berumur 3,0 tahun. pada umumnya, pada tahap ini, anakanak telah mulai menggunakan elemen-elemen tata bahasa yang lebih rumit, seperti pola-pola kalimat sederhana, kata-kata tugas (di, ke, dari, ini, itu, dan sebagainya), penjamakan, pengimbuhan, terutama awalan dan akhiran yang mudah dan bentuknya sederhana (hartati, 2000). 13 7. tahap linguistik kompetensi penuh (5,0-7,0) tarigan (1988) menyatakan bahwa salah satu perluasan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi yang harus mendapat perhatian khusus di sekolah dasar adalah pengembangan baca tulis (melek huruf).jadi, pada tahapan ini anak sudah bisa dikenalkan dan diajarkan untuk menulis. menurut izzaty, dkk (2013: 106)belajar membaca dan menulis membebaskan anak-anak dari keterbatasan untuk berkomunikasi langsung. menulis merupakan tugas yang dirasa lebih sulit daripada membaca bagi anak.cara belajar menulis dilakukan setahap demi setahap dengan latihan dan seiring dengan perkembangan membaca.membaca memiliki peran penting dalam pengembangan bahasa. berdasarkan pembagian tahapan perkembangan bahasa dari beberapa ahli sebagaimana dipaparkan di atas, maka untuk pembahasan lebih lanjut, tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak dibagi dalam tujuh tahapan.dapat diketahui bahwa setiap tahapan perkembangan bahasa memiliki karakteristiknya masingmasing.oleh karena itu, semua orang tua harus bisa memahami hal tersebut agar bisa memberikan stimulasi yang tepat sehingga mampu mengoptimalkan perkembangan bahasa anaknya.urutan tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak sebagai berikut: 1. tahapan pertama (dari lahir sampai 1 tahun) anak-anak sudah bisa berkomunikasi dengan orang tua melalui tangisan, senyuman, mendengkur dan mengoceh (babbling) sepeerti “bababababa” dan pada akhir tahapan ini anak sudah mulai bisa menyebutkan kata ibu atau bapak. 2. tahapan kedua (1 sampai 2 tahun) pada tahapan ini anak sudah mampu mengucapkan satu kata yang mana kata tersebut mewakili keseluruhan frase atau kalimat.kata yang diucapkan biasanya berupa objek atau kejadian yang biasa ia lihat atau dengar dan dilakukan berulang-ulang. kata tersebut juga dikombinasikan dengan gerak isyarat berupa permintaan, pertanyaan, perintah, pemberitahuan, penolakan dan lain-lain yang membantu anak dalam berkomunikasi.pada tahap ini anak juga masih kesulitan 14 mengucapkan kata r, s, k j, dan t. hal itu disebabkan karena alat ucap anak belum matang. 3. tahapan ketiga (2 sampai 3 tahun) anak-anak sudah bisa mengucapkan dua kata dalam rangkaian yang cepat. 4. tahapan keempat (3 sampai 4 tahun) pada tahapan ini anak-anak sudah mulai menggunakan bagian-bagian tata bahasa, seperti pola-pla kalimat sederhana, kata-kata tugas, dan lain-lain. 5. tahapan kelima (4 sampai 5 tahun) pada tahapan ini anak-anak sudah terampil bercakap-cakap dan mulai menggunakan tata bahasa yang lebih rumit.misalnya kaliamat mejemuk sederhaan seperti “aku mau nonton sambil makan”. 6. tahapan keenam(5 sampai 6 tahun) pada tahapan ini anak-anak telah menguasai bagian-bagian sintaksis bahasa ibunya serta memiliki kompetensi untuk memahami dan memproduksi bahasa secara memadai.selama periode ini, anak-anak dihadapkan pada tugas utama mempelajari bahasa tulis.hal tersebut dimungkinkan anak-anak menguasai bahasa lisan. 7. tahapan ketujuh (6 sampai 7 tahun) pada tahapan ini anak-anak sudah menggunakan kalimat yang lebih kompleks. anak-anak sudah dihadapkan untuk mempelajari bahasa tulis, perkembangan bahasa pada usia sekolah dasar ini meningkat dari bahasa lisan ke bahasa tulis.selanjutnya, bagaimana stimulasi dan pendampingan yang harus dilakukan orang tua untuk mengoptimalkan perkembangan bahasa anak? 15 c. peran orang tua dalam tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak 1. tahapan perkembangan pertama (0 sampai 1 tahun) hal yang harus dilakukan orang tua pada tahapan ini adalah mengenalkan nama anak dan sebutan untuk ayah serta ibu. hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengancara sering menyebutkan nama anak ketika sedang berkomunikasi dengannya. contoh: “halo razita”, “razita cantik mandi dulu yaaa? “ibu sayang sama razita” kata tersebut diucapkan sambil mencium dan memeluknya. lalu ketika ayah berangkat kerja, “itu ayah mau pergi kerja, salaman dulu ya sama ayah” anak didekatkan kepada ayah atau meminta ayah menggendongnya dan memeluknya. cara lain yang ditawarkan olehsilberg (2004: 10)yaituketika anak terlentang di dalam boksnya, bicaralah dari pinggir tempat tidur dan panggillah namanya, terus ucapkan namanya sampai ia menggerakkan mata atau kepalanya ke sumber suara. hal tersebut bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan nama bayi tersebut. pada tahapan ini pula orang tua harus mengenalkan nama benda sebanyak mungkin secara berulang-ulang, karena pada tahapan ini anak meraban disertai dengan memperlihatkan atau mengangkat barang-barang. hal tersebut harus diberitanggapan dandimanfaatkan oleh orang tua, agar penguasaan kosakata anak bisa bertambah. hal ini sesuai dengan pendapat silberg (2004: hal 49) yang menyatakan bahwa jumlah kata yang didengar seorang bayi setiap hari mempengaruhi kecerdasannya di masa depan, kebaikan sosial, dan prestasi belajarnya.hal ini dapat dilakukan denganmulailah percakapan dengan si kecil. ucapkan kalimat singkat, seperti “hari ini indah” bila ia merespon dengan tangis atau isakan, berhenti bicara dan tatap matanya. sewaktu si kecil bicara, jawablah dengan anggukan kepala atau senyum.ini menunjukkan pada si kecil bahwa kita mendengarkan dan menikmati suaranya. lanjutkan dengan kalimat lain. selalu berhenti dan dengarkan responsnya. bila kita membiarkan si kecil tahu bahwa kita memperhatikannya dan senang dengan apa yang ia katakana, kita mengembangkan keterampilan bahasa dan kepercayaan dirinya.silberg (2004: 97) menambahkanbahwa memberikan jeda antarkata saat berbicara akan membantu bayi berkonsentrasi pada bunyi bahasa. 16 2. tahapan perkembangan kedua (1 sampai 2 tahun) hal yang harus dilakukan orang tua adalah mencermati situasi dan keadaan pada saat anak mengucapkan sebuah kata. orang tua harus segera menanggapi dengan caramendengarkan dan menanyakan kembali apa yang dimaksud oleh si anak. misalnya ketika anak mengatakan ‘aus’ yang hal tersebut bisa berarti ‘haus’, dilihat dari gerakan anak tersebut dan biasanya akan menunjuk benda yang berhubungan dengan kata yang disampaikannya.selain itu orang tua sudah bisa menyebutkan nama-nama benda yang ada di rumah dan meminta anak menunjuk benda tersebut.pada tahapan ini anak juga senang ketika orang tua atau orang –orang terdekatnya membacakan cerita. hal lain yang bisa dilakukan pada tahapan ini adalah sesuai dengan pendapat silberg (2004: 131) yang menyatakan bahwameniru adalah keterampilan alami yang dapat dilakukan bayi dengan sangat baik. ucapkan satu kata dan doronglah si kecil untuk meniru kita. pilih kata-kata yang ia kenali dan mulailah dengan suku kata. anda mungkin telah melakukan ini dengan mengajarkan padanya “apa yang dikatakan si sapi?” setiap saat si kecil mengulangi ucapan anda, pujilah ia dan beri pelukan. beberapa kata-kata yang gampang adalah bayi, ayah, mami, apel, sinar, meong dan dah-dah. 3. tahapan perkembangan ketiga (2 sampai 3 tahun) pada tahapan ini anak sudah bisa diajak menyebutkan angka-angka dasar, seperti angka satu, dua, tiga sampai sepuluh.ketika orang tua berbicara kepada anakharus dengan perlahan dan ucapan yang jelas supaya anak dapat membedakan setiap kata.penekankan atau pengulangan setiap kata juga akan membantu. ungkapan-ungkapan pendek yang diucapkan orang tua pun akanmenajdi stimulusyang baik bagi anak dan supaya anak bisa cepat memahami sebaiknya diberi pengulangan.menurut silberg (2004: 39) ungkapan pendek mempercepat perkembangan proses bahasa. misalnya. duduklah di depan cermin dengan si kecil di pangkuan, lalu katakanlah “siapa bayi itu?”, lambaikan tangan si kecil dan ucapkan “halo bayi” dan gerakan-gerakan yang lainnya disertai dengan ungkapan-ungkapan yang disesuaikan dengan gerakan tersebut. 17 4. tahapan perkembangan keempat (3 sampai 4 tahun) pada tahapan ini orang tua terus mengajak anak berbicara pada setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan bersama, misalnya pada saat makan, mandi, berpakaian, bermain dan lain sebagainya, karena pada saat ini anak sudah mengetahu tentang kegunaan suatu benda.orang tua pun dapat mengajak anak untuk menceritakan cerita-cerita lucu atau pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang mengandung humor. hal ini sejalan dengan pendapatsilberg (2004: 29) yang menyatakan bahwa anak-anak yang tumbuh di lingkungan yang kaya akan bahasa biasanya selalu lancar berbahasa pada pada usia tiga tahun. orang yang sewaktu kecil terisolasi dari bahasa akan sulit menguasai bahasa pada saat dewasa meskipun mereka pintar dan dilatih dengan intensif.). pada tahapan ini sesering mungkin orang tua mengajak anak untuk berinterkasi dengan membicarakan hal-hal yang dijumpai atau dialami si anak. hal tersebutakanmerangsang anak untuk berbicara, baik bercerita maupun bertanya tentang sesuatu hal. hal ini sesuai dengan pendapat a. gultom, budi susilo dan m. shelly (dalam ratnawati, 2000: 11) bahwa bentuk interaksi yang dimaksudkan antara lain bermain bersama anak, memberi kesempatan dan mendorong anak untuk melakukan pekerjaan tertentu di sekitar rumah, dan mendorong atau merangsang anak untuk lebih banyak bertanya. tampaknya interaksi verbal merupakan bentuk yang sangat penting dan bermanfaat terutama dalam usaha mendorong anak bertanya.lebih lanjut disampaikan bahwa anak yang banyak mengajukan pertanyaan cenderung lebih cerdas disbanding yang sebaliknya. 5. tahapan perkembangan kelima (4 sampai 5 tahun) silberg (2004: 104) menyatakan bahwa anak-anak mempelajari bahasa dengan mendengarkan kata-kata yang diulang-ulang. karenanya, semakin awal kita berbicara dengannya, hasilnya akan lebih baik. selain itu, anak-anak bisa diajak ke tempat-tempat umum, seperti pasar, taman bermain, tempat wisata, kebun binatang agar anak dapat mengenal hal-hal lain di sekitarnya dan memperkaya kosakatanya. selain itu, orang tua bisa membiasakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan apa yang dilihat atau 18 yang dialami, agar anak terbiasa merangkai kata-kata dan terlibat di dalam sebuah percakapan. 6. tahapan perkembangan keenam (5 sampai 6 tahun) pada tahapan ini orang tua membacakan cerita-cerita teladan atau hal-hal yang terkait dunia anak-anak.selain itu orang tua harus memilih buku cerita yang memiliki lebih banyak gambar, agar anak dapat mengeksplorasi dan mengembangkan imajinasinya terkait gambar yang dilihatnya. setelah anak mendengar cerita, mintalah anak untuk mengulang kembali cerita yang didengarkan agar anak bisa belajar untuk mengungkapkan apa yang dipahami.silberg (2004: 67) mengemukakan bahwa semakin banyak kata yang anak dengar, semakin cepat ia belajar bahasa. bunyi kata menciptakan sirkuit neuron yang penting untuk perkembangan kemampuan berbahasa anak.lebih lanjut silberg (2004: 113) menyatakan bahwa anak-anak belajar tata bahasa dengan lebih mudah dengan mendengarkan kalimat-kalimat pendek. meskipun demikian, anak-anak yang orang tuanya mengucapkan banyak anak kalimat (“karena” dan “yang”), belajar menggunakannya lebih awal dibanding anak-anak yang lain. 7. tahapan perkembangan ketujuh (6 sampai 7 tahun) silberg (2004: 98) menyatakan bahwaluangkan waktu khusus setiap hari untuk buku.waktu tidur juga baik.pilihlah buku dengan kalimat-kalimat pendek dan ilustrasi yang sederhana.biarkan si kecil memegang buku dan membalikkan halamannya.sebutkan gambar-gambar. cerita akan muncul begitu saja kemudian. berhenti dan bicarakan tentang apa saja yang menarik bagi si kecil. sebuah gambar mungkin mengingatkannya tentang hal lain. lanjutkan percakapan dan gunakan kata-kata yang deskriptif. yang paling penting: ulangi, ulangi, ulangi. si kecil akan mau membaca buku yang sama berulang kali. semakin sering diulangi, semakin otak terangkai. lebih lanjut silberg (2004: 28) mengemukakan bahwa membacakan cerita pada anak dapat merangsang imajinasi dan memperkaya pemahaman mereka tentang dunia.aktivitas ini juga mengasah kemampuan membaca dan mendengar 19 serta menyiapkan mereka untuk memahami kata-kata tertulis. selain itu anak bisa diminta untuk menceritakan terkait pengalamannya bersama teman-temannya atau hal-hal yang ia temui dalam kehidupannya. hal ini akan merangsang anak untuk mengeksplorasi dan menggunakan kosa kata yang telah diperoleh selama tahapan perkembangan sebelumnya. d. kesimpulan dari beberapa pembahasan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak dibagi dalam tujuh tahapan, yaitu 1) tahapan pertama(dari lahir sampai 1 tahun); 2) tahapan kedua (dari 1 sampai 2 tahun); 3) tahapan ketiga (dari 2 sampai 3 tahun); 4) tahapan keempat (dari 3 sampai 4 tahun); 5) tahapan kelima (dari 4 sampai 5 tahun); 6) tahapan keenam (dari 5 sampai 6 tahun); 7) tahapan ketujuh (dari 6 sampai 7 tahun). setiap tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak, orang tua disarankan melakukan tindakan yang sesuai dengan kemampuan atau tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak. orang tua disarankan untuk memperhatikan dan memahami tahapan perkembangan bahasa anak 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(2023). utilizing english videos as listening instructional media to promote efl students' listening proficiency. al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), 8(1), 3344. © intan dewi rakhmawati, sayit abdul karim, & punta riyadi suryantara available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 34 a. introduction videos as one of the media for learning english may be utilized to enhance students' listening ability. it may be used in english language learning and teaching as a method for practicing listening skills. according to wallace et al., (2004), being able to listen effectively is important because it allows learners to successfully communicate with others and develop insights, understanding, knowledge, and information. meanwhile, harmer (2001), confirms that english-based video can facilitate students' learning of english both providing feedback and evaluating their listening performance. the existence of ict-based teaching media may help students in listening (mustofa & sari, 2020). internet search-based engines such as youtube, and other online sites can be used as authentic sources of teaching material (fakhruddin et al., 2020). meanwhile, (hamad et al., 2019), state that youtube has a significant role in language teaching and learning. english-based videos may be great alternative learning sources since they include conversations with native speakers of english which can help learners understand how to pronounce words and train their listening skills in class. listening is important and the most crucial language skill that students should have in social interactions (luo, 2008). listening can help students improve their ability to communicate. furthermore, english videos as learning sources may boost students' interest and motivation in studying english, especially listening subjects. video as relevant resources may be implemented as an alternative instructional method for teaching listening. according to qomariyah et al., (2021), youtube videos are authentic and used for fun and educational purposes. according to sabinus et al., (2013), videos are available for any level of learners and topics for all domains of instruction. according to amalia (2014), the appropriate use of videos at the right time and the right place make it possible to give a positive contribution to language learning. the importance of listening skills has been addressed by several experts, for instance, nunan (1997), listening is very important for learners in foreign language classrooms. according to richards and (renandya & richards, 2022), students will learn to listen before they learn to speak, read, and write. meanwhile, (gilbert & procter, 2006), believes that the skills of listening comprehension and pronunciation are interdependent. © intan dewi rakhmawati, sayit abdul karim, & punta riyadi suryantara available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 35 our preliminary observation in the english listening class at smk n 1 pleret showed that students have difficulties understanding the learning instructions and they were not interested in listening to english subjects. using the appropriate learning media to attract students' interest in learning listening subjects might be one of the ways to enhance their listening ability. therefore some efl teachers at smkn i pleret utilized english basedvideos in their listening course, for instance, english for you (efu) teacher provided the video, and asked students to listen. then, students did the exercises provided on their book and practice the pronunciation. english videos may be a good learning resource since they include conversations with native speakers of english, which can help students understand intonation, word stress, and how to pronounce the word easily. the present study focuses on examining the ability and perceptions of eleventh-grade students of smk n 1 pleret yogyakarta using videos as media for learning listening subjects. the findings of the current research are expected to bring insights into the existing body of knowledge in english language teaching (elt), especially listening skills. researchers in the present study is interested in examining students' listening ability and perceptions of using english videos as media for learning listening english subject. therefore, the research questions are set as follows: 1) what is the student's ability in listening using videos as media for learning a listening subject; 2) what are the students’ perceptions of using english video as media for learning a listening subject? some previous studies were conducted in this topic, for instance, ismaili, bajrami (2016), kurniawati (2016), hsu, et al., (2012), woottipong (2014), riftiningsih (2018), and thuy dung (2021) were mostly discussed about the utilization of videos to improve learning and teaching process, students’ attitude of learning english, and achievement in the tertiary level of education. a few studies to the best of the authors' knowledge were conducted to focus on the utilization of videos as media for learning listening subjects to enhance students' listening ability at the senior high school level. despite the plethora of the aforementioned studies, the present study is worth conducting to confirm the previous findings and to fill in gaps on similar issues regarding the utilization of video to enhance students' language skills, especially in listening skills at the secondary level of education. the objectives of this research are to examine students’ listening ability and figure out students’ perceptions of utilizing videos as media © intan dewi rakhmawati, sayit abdul karim, & punta riyadi suryantara available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 36 for learning english listening subjects. b. research method the quantittaive research design was applied in the present study since the data were in the form of quantitative both test and questionnaire, the participants of this present study were 25 students in the eleventh grade at smk n 1 pleret yogyakarta who joined listening course subject. since there are 3 classes, then they were selected using convenience random sampling technique. in this present study, the researchers utilized a test of the listening subject as an instrument to find out students listening ability by using a video from the video on youtube 'listen and find the correct picture' which can be watched through, with a total duration is about 12:07 minutes. the function of this test is to find out students’ listening ability in learning listening english subjects. meanwhile, a questionnaire was used to find out students' perceptions of learning listening english subjects through video. in this present study, the researchers used a set of a test consisting of ten (10) questions, the test items can be seen in table 1 as follows: tabel 1. the description and test items (question) no description questions 1 picture number one describes about a woman who is calling her friend that might be late to the café because, there is an accident outside. she tells him that she is driving on the highway at the moment. where is the women? 2 picture number two describes about an american tourist who ask the women next to him about what train that go to the oxford. what time is the next train to oxford? 3 picture number three describes about a woman who gives an attention to the class for going to the playground about two hours when the bell rings leave for the fire drill. where should people go? 4 picture number four describes about a woman who tells john that her house is easy to find. she also gives some clues like her house is sees a avenue, she doesn’t have a pool, isn’t terraced house either, just a simple detached house. which house is she talking about? 5 picture number five describes about a mom who asks her son to tidy up his room because it is so messy. and her son say he will do it later because he takes a shower. where is adam? © intan dewi rakhmawati, sayit abdul karim, & punta riyadi suryantara available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 37 6 picture number six describes about a woman who talks harry about the dishwasher that does not working properly, so she ask harry to come and repair it. harry say he can do it on wednesday. when is harry repairing the dishwasher? 7 picture number seven describes about a man who invites a woman to go for a dinner in the park by the river. where are they going for a dinner? 8 picture number eight describes about a boy who calls his girlfriend and tell her if his mom doesn’t agree if they go to the disco, and house isn’t clean enough. so the boy ask her to go bowling at 6:00 for his birthday party. where is john’s party? 9 picture number nine describe about a woman who orders two pizzas, three bottles of cokes, and some salad at eight o’clock. which is the correct picture? 10 picture number ten describes about the speaker who give an attention to do not enter the water beyond the red flags that area, and no swimming around the boats. who is the speaker? apart from the test, students were also administered five (5) qestionnaires. the questionnaire uses 4 rating scales, rabgin from strongly agree (4) to strongly disagree (1). the questionnaire items can be seen in table 2 as follows: table 2. questionnaire items no statements rating scales sa (4) a (3) d (2) sd (1) 1. i found it easy to complete the test because i watch the video as media for learning to listening 2. i like to watch english videos when i learn english, especially listening subject 3. the speakers in the videos speak english too fast so i could not catch the ideas 4. the english videos enhance my english, especially my english listening ability 5. i like the videos used as media for learning listening subject the test was used to figure out the students' listening ability and the questionnaire is used to find out the student's perceptions of learning listening english subject. the procedures conducted after gathering the data needed from students’ test results and the questionnaire, were the researchers analysed the data by using a scoring rubric, found out the results, and draw the conclusion. the students’ scores will be determined by the © intan dewi rakhmawati, sayit abdul karim, & punta riyadi suryantara available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 38 number of students’ correct answers. if a student can answer all the 10 questions, she/he would get 100. if a student only can answer 5 questions then he/she would get 50. the result of each student’s score was calculated by using the following formula as purposed by kothari(2004) as follows: ss = ca × 100 10 where: ss = score of the student, ca = correct answer, 10 = number of items. × 100. the researchers presented this study used scores and predicate to measure students' learning ability as seen in table 3 as follows: table 3. the scoring rubric interval predicate level of achievement 90 100 a very good 80 – 89 b good 70 – 79 c fair < 70 d less adopted from kemendikbud (2017) c. findings and discussion findings students’ ability to listening using videos as media of learning the present study was conducted to figure out the students’ listening ability and students’ perceptions of learning listening english subjects through watching videos. after gathering the students’ work, the researchers did the scoring and provided the results as presented in table 4 as follows: chart 1. students’ test results b f a i a f r a b h a s w b a e ib f k d p a y w a d w f n f ia h m r d n c n a b p a b k e k i f a r k n m n a m b n r m z f r a m m f u h b m y a p 0 20 40 60 80 100 d d d d d d d c b b b b b b a a a a a a a a a a a s c o r e predicate © intan dewi rakhmawati, sayit abdul karim, & punta riyadi suryantara available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 39 table 4 shows the scores of twenty-five students’ test results of the eleventh-grade students at smk n 1 pleret yogyakarta. after gathering students’ work, then the researchers did the scoring on each student's work. the findings showed that four students (ai, afr, abh, asw) gained a score of 50 since they correctly answered five test items. meanwhile, there are six students (ayw, adw, fnf, iah, mrdnc, nabp) gained a score of 80 on the test since they could answer eight test items correctly. another result showed that nine students (abk, eki, far, kn, mna, mbnr, mfu, mzf, ram) gained a score of 90 on the test because they could answer nine test items correctly. there is one student (bf) who gained a score of 40 on the test was given because she could only answer four test items correctly. there are two students (ba, and eibf) gained a score of 60, one student (kdp) gained a score of 70, and two students (hb, and myap) obtained a score of 100 as they could answer all the test items given correctly. from the data gained, the highest score is 100 and the lowest score is 40. the total mean score (𝒙 ̅) of the students' test results is 76,8. the score from the highest to the lowest based on students' test results at smk n 1 pleret yogyakarta is presented in table 5 as follows: table 4. the highest to the lowest score of students’ test results score respondent's initial name 100 hb, and myap 90 abk, eki, far, kn, mna, mbnr, mfu, mzf, and ram 80 ayw, adw, fnf, iah, mrdnc, and nabp 70 kdp 60 ba, and eibf 50 ai, afr, abh, and asw 40 bf table 5 shows the highest score to the lowest score of students' test results from the ten questions test items. the highest score is 100 and the lowest score is 40. the findings showed that the majority of students gained a score of 90 and 80, then a score of 50 in the third position. the researchers grouped the students' scores to find out the student's grades and level of achievement, as presented in table 4 as follows: there are eleven students out of twenty-five students who are in a very good level of achievement, therefore, they are categorized into predicate a. the other six students of the twenty-five students are categorized into a good level of achievement, and they are categorized into predicate b. meanwhile, there is only one student out of twenty-five © intan dewi rakhmawati, sayit abdul karim, & punta riyadi suryantara available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 40 students with a fair level of achievement, therefore, she is categorized into predicate c. there are seven students of twenty-five students are in a less level of achievement, therefore they are categorized in predicate d. from the calculation of the total mean score (76.8) of the students’ test result, it indicates that the eleventh-grade students' listening ability is categorized into “fair” level of achievement. students’ perceptions of the use of videos as media of learning listening subject the second research question in the present study may be guided by using qualitative data in the form of students’ responses to five items of the questionnaire provided. the questionnaire was distributed to twenty-five students of smk n 1 pleret yogyakarta. the summary of students’ responses to the questionnaire is presented in table 6 as follows: table 5. the summary of students’ responses to the questionnaire no statements rating scales sa (4) a (3) d (2) sd (1) 1. i found it easy to complete the test because i watch the video as media for learning to listening 2 10 13 2. i like to watch english videos when i learn english, especially listening subject 6 17 2 3. the speakers in the videos speak english too fast so i could not catch the ideas 4 10 11 4. the english videos enhance my english, especially my english listening ability 8 15 2 5. i like the videos used as media for learning listening subject 7 9 8 1 table 6 shows students’ responses to the five items in the questionnaire. the findings showed that the majority of the respondents possess positive perceptions of using videos as media for learning english listening may enhance their listening ability. it can be known from students' responses to items 2, 3. 4, and 5. however, students' responses to item 1 showed the opposite views. for instance, in item 1 “i found it easy to complete the test because i watch the video as media of learning listening”. there twelve students have a positive view of the statement, meanwhile, there are thirteen students have negative perceptions. another interesting finding can be shown from students' responses to item 5 “i like the videos used as media of learning listening subject” that there are seven students strongly agree, and nine agree and have a positive view of the statement. however, eight students disagree, and one student strongly disagree about the statement “i like the videos used as media of learning listening subject”. © intan dewi rakhmawati, sayit abdul karim, & punta riyadi suryantara available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 41 discussion the results of the present study revealed that the majority of students have positive views about the utilization of videos as media for learning english listening because it could enhance their listening ability. the quantitative data showed that the total mean score (𝒙 ̅) of the students' test results is 76,8 of twenty-five students. furthermore, there are seven slots for students' scores, namely 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, and 40. the highest student score is 100 and the lowest score is 40. the data from students' achievement revealed that of twenty-five students, eleven students were in the level 'very good' category, six students were in the level 'good' category, one student in the level 'fair' category, and there are seven students in the level of 'less category. apart from quantitative data, the qualitative data gathered from the questionnaire revealed that the majority of respondents have positive views about the use of videos as media for learning listening may enhance their listening ability. it can be known from students' responses, for instance, the students respond to item 2 "i like to watch the english videos when i learn english, especially listening subjects". the results showed that twenty-three students have positive perceptions of using videos as media for learning english material. however, two students have negative views about the statement. we can conclude that the majority of the respondents agree about the statement that they like to watch english videos when they learn english, especially listening subjects. the present study supports the findings of (silviyanti, 2014), who found that the highest motive for students to use youtube is because it is interesting and relevant to their learning needs, as well as motivated them to study english. youtube, for english learners, is a motivating learning tool because it creates an exciting and interactive classroom environment (chien et al., 2020). in response to item 3 “the speakers in the videos speak english too fast so that i still can catch some points” showed that there are four students strongly agreed, and ten students strongly agreed about the statement. although the speaker speak too fast, they could understand some points because the use of the audio-visual system in the videos made it possible for them to get some of the messages delivered by the speakers. in response to item 4 "the english videos enhance my english, especially my english listening ability" showed that there are twenty-three students who have positive perceptions about the use of videos can enhance their listening ability. only two students © intan dewi rakhmawati, sayit abdul karim, & punta riyadi suryantara available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 42 have opposite views of the statements. therefore, we can conclude that the majority of students agree about the statement that the use of videos as learning media can enhance their listening ability. muslem et al., (2018) confirm that students make use of visual clues to comprehend the language in use and meaning. according to polat & eri̇şti̇, (2019), authentic videos including audio-visual elements are used as authentic materials to develop listening skills. in response to item 5, "i like the videos used as media of learning listening subject”. the data showed that there are seven students strongly agreed, and nine agree about the statement. of 25 students, eight students disagree and one strongly disagree about the statement. it means that sixteen students have positive views about the utilization of video as media for learning listening skills. meanwhile, nine students have negative views that the use of video as media for learning to listen. in other words, nine students prefer other learning platforms as media for learning and listening other than videos. the findings revealed that the use of english videos as media for learning listening subjects brings a positive contribution to enhancing students' listening ability. video resources can be used as an alternative method for teaching practical listening since they contain various words and expressions, and audio-visual information used in everyday language by english speakers (ayu, 2016; kim, 2015) meanwhile, (hasibuan & male, 2022), state that learning media can encourage students to think critically, use their imaginations, and develop their abilities. listening skills can be honed by extensive listening practices beyond the classroom (gonulal, 2020). d. conclusion several necessary points are to be highlighted in connection with the results of the present study namely: 1) the use of english videos as media for learning the listening subject may enhance students listening ability of eleventh-grade students. by watching english videos, students will be more enthusiastic about participating in their classes. besides, videos provide a wide range of opportunities to learn and explore more about any topic they prefer to focus on. 2) the majority of respondents have positive perceptions of using videos because videos provide visual elements, which can be the key element in assisting students to enhance their listening ability. in addition, the visual components made the material easier for students to understand. english videos provide a wide range of chances to sharpen their listening ability over time. the present study has its © intan dewi rakhmawati, sayit abdul karim, & punta riyadi suryantara available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 43 shortcoming, therefore, it is recommended the future researchers to carried out a similar study, for instance, to further explore students' perceptions of using other learning platforms by involving more respondents using survey design to improve students' other language skills. acknowledgement we would like to express our gratitude to the rector of universitas teknologi yogyakarta, and the school principle of smk n 1 pleret for their financial support and the research facilities provided. our deepest gratitude to the respondents for their willingness to participate during the data-gathering process. references amalia, r. 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(2023). critical discourse analysis of moral values in efl textbook for senior high school. al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), 8(1), 45-61. ©m.a. silmi mahrudin, didin nuruddin hidayat, nida husna, & alek available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 46 in class. textbook also creates teaching materials to communicate between students, teachers, and the instructional resources listed in it. textbooks also contain proper values for students that can be practised in the community. textbook is viewed as an ideological message, namely the community's dominant values and beliefs (opoku-amankwa et al., 2011). therefore, textbook has a moral message to teach students and can be practised in the community. widodo (2018) asserts that textbooks carry messages or values not known by teachers and students, described in visual and verbal texts. mandarani et al. (2021) argue that textbooks represent their character values. according to xiong (2012), moral values are very high-quality educational values because these values are signs of social humanity or civilized culture, such as caring, a sense of responsibility, and concern. moral messages can be used as teaching materials delivered to students in language teaching, especially english. teaching english is also suitable. some values are helpful for students. moral values and discipline values in teaching english are contained in it. shaaban (2005) expressed that english classes also have disciplinary and moral values in their learning, one of which is contained in textbooks that can be instilled into students and practised in the community. thus, english textbooks contain many moral values and discipline in which the teacher gives an ideological message that can shape students' character to have good personalities in learning english. this indicates that the textbook conveys the material and other values listed in it. sukma et al. (2021) believed textbooks include religious beliefs, honesty, tolerance, discipline, work ethic, creativity, independence, democracy, patriotism, nationalism, respect, friendliness, peace, reading, environmental and social care, and a sense of responsibility. responsibility and many more moral values and discipline are in it. this textbook contains a moral message, especially in learning english. moral values and discipline are tried to be integrated into english learning, which helps teachers convey to students that language learning is not just a theory and ideology but its moral values. according to galina and ryan (2016), moral messages have been integrated into language textbooks and used as guidelines for teacher delivery to every student in the class. in other words, the teacher conveys the material, and the moral values that can build a better personality need to be conveyed to every student. thus, today's english textbooks have integrated moral values into them. english textbooks have been integrated with the character/moral education contained in them (mambu, 2015). therefore, one of the goals ©m.a. silmi mahrudin, didin nuruddin hidayat, nida husna, & alek available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 47 of character or moral education is to shape the character or morals of students to have a good personality. moral value is a measure of whether or not a person's behaviour is in the view of society. mahendra and amelia (2020) mention that moral values are related to good and bad actions that form the basis of human life and society. so, the moral values raised here need to be known in english learning textbooks. according to ngammuk (2011), language learning does not only teach the material, but there are moral values such as honesty, discipline, responsibility, and courtesy. that is, the textbook does not only focus on the material but some moral values are given in it. these moral values must be considered, especially in teaching and learning. in english learning textbooks, moral values such as honesty, discipline, courtesy, humility, and responsibility are conveyed. honesty is a feeling of loyalty to oneself, especially in tasks (ngammuk, 2011). a discipline is a person who has a high responsibility, politeness is polite behaviour characterized by humility in any situation and high moral values, and responsibility is the behaviour of someone who has awareness in terms of the trust given. according to puspitasari et al. (2021), the learning process using textbooks not only displays knowledge and skills but hidden moral values in education have been in demand for the last 15 years. according to destelita et al. (2022), moral values need to be instilled to have a civilized character in education because it will shape the students' character in their environment. in addition, engelen et al. (2018) said that instilling moral values in young students requires a process. this is very important to convey because it relates to the growth of their characteristics in the future. thus, the explanation of these moral values contains beneficial meanings for students, especially in terms of learning english which does not only contain material but moral education to build students' character for the better. a textbook is a book on specific subjects used in teaching and learning for students. radić-bojanić et al. (2016) asserted that textbooks are certain subject books teachers use. based on this definition, the english textbook given to students aims to convey the necessary knowledge, skills, and information about certain materials as learning materials to prepare themselves for the cultural backgrounds in every community environment. textbook aims to prepare students to face every situation in the community. on the other hand, textbooks are a teacher's teaching tool, especially in teaching english, which is ©m.a. silmi mahrudin, didin nuruddin hidayat, nida husna, & alek available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 48 universally widespread. millions of books are published every year. textbooks are used as a teacher's reference material for teaching and learning situations and have relevance in the textbook. according to radić-bojanić et al. (2016), textbooks have interrelationships in the material's content, so textbooks are a teacher's reference tool to convey material to students. similarly, sheldon (1988) argues that textbook gives a signal or symbol to symbolize the heart of students' teaching and learning process in the classroom, especially in language teaching. thus, this textbook depends not only on the approach and teaching methods provided but also on the expectations of students and general views on the subject textbooks in student culture. moral values have been implemented and integrated into the national curriculum and every subject at all levels of formal education. according to doan (2005), moral values are often integrated into every subject at all levels of formal education. moral values provide students with knowledge of specific moral norms and socially acceptable behaviour towards other ethnic groups and teach how to communicate with the surrounding community well, especially with parents. meanwhile, khoirunnisa et al. (2021) said that moral values provide knowledge to students to teach how to communicate well, especially in the social environment and with parents. therefore, moral values have been integrated with the curriculum of subjects that can shape one's feelings and behaviour. some examples of moral values are responsibility, care, and concern. english textbooks have listed these values since the 2013 curriculum was enacted. based on sulistiyo et al. (2020) stated that moral values that aim to develop student character have been listed in textbooks since the 2013 curriculum was enacted. liu (2005) asserts moral values include deviance, respect, responsibility, humility, tolerance, and honesty. thus, these moral values state that students are taught to learn, and what values are contained in the textbook. they teach students to respect each other and encourage them to have moral values and a personality that the public emulates. in the indonesian education system, every citizen has the right to equal opportunities to become teachers, employees, and students and to receive an education regardless of ethnicity, religion, and gender. likewise, khoirunnisa et al. (2021) said that in indonesia's education context, all citizens have the right to equal opportunities to obtain education, educational values or norms, and certain professions. thus, the explanation has been illustrated in english textbooks. ©m.a. silmi mahrudin, didin nuruddin hidayat, nida husna, & alek available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 49 since this english textbook is the main source in this research, many previous studies have investigated the representation of multicultural values in english textbooks. according to setyono and widodo (2019), studies using english textbooks as research material found representations of multicultural values, gender bias, and stereotypes. according to sukma et al. (2021), it explains how moral values are carried out or practiced by students. thus, in this research, it is essential to reveal moral values such as a sense of responsibility, caring, and attention hidden in english textbooks for class xi. thus, this study investigates moral values in english textbook. b. research method research method and design this study uses critical discourse analysis using qualitative methods. this research analyses how moral values are described and arranged in english textbooks. critical discourse analysis was chosen as an analysis tool because this class xi english textbook is seen as a textbook that contains a myriad of discursive meanings found through verbal and nonverbal language. according to widodo (2018), cda is an analytical tool because it can help find a myriad of discourse meanings, both verbally and non-verbally. this critical discourse analysis aims to analyze the hidden, opaque, and visible structures of domination, discrimination, power, and control as manifested in language. according to wodak and meyer (2008), cda aims to analyze hidden things as manifested in language. thus, research will be conducted to understand the moral values in the national english textbooks that the ministry of education and culture of the republic of indonesia legalizes. analytical procedures to answer this research question, the researchers try to classify the visual representations of the moral values listed in the textbooks. then, the researchers selected each chapter for analysis. then, the researchers selected several verbal texts in each chapter to be analyzed as a visual depiction of moral values. meanwhile, because the researchers felt there was limited space, the researchers only chose a few visual objects and texts to be analyzed and discussed. grammar learning can be used as the leading theory to analyze moral values kress & leeuwen (2006). according to martin and white (2005), in learning english, language assessment is used to analyze verbal texts in textbooks that represent moral values. ©m.a. silmi mahrudin, didin nuruddin hidayat, nida husna, & alek available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 50 participants the researchers used a national english textbook approved by the ministry of education and culture of the republic of indonesia. this textbook was chosen because the presentation of its content uses english language learning based on both oral and written approaches using english as a learning communication tool. the english textbook emphasizes the importance of attitude, knowledge, and skill competencies. based on the approach contained in the book, the text states that the curriculum used is the 2013 curriculum in which students learn to seek other learning resources. the textbook is used because the indonesian ministry of national education inaugurated it. one of the core competencies in this textbook includes understanding values and moral attitudes contained in verbal and non-verbal texts. the textbook entitled bahasa inggris was written based on the 2013 curriculum. the author is mahrukh bashir. this textbook consists of 8 chapters and 177 pages. most high school students in indonesia use textbooks. this book was chosen because it uses a text-based learning approach, both oral and written, by placing english as a form of communication. then, this textbook is part of the 2013 curriculum, which emphasizes the competence of attitudes, knowledge, and skills in english. on the other hand, students are asked to look for other sources, and this textbook is used nationally and approved by the ministry of national education. one of the core competencies in this textbook is understanding values and moral attitudes. source: pin school picture 1. textbook cover ©m.a. silmi mahrudin, didin nuruddin hidayat, nida husna, & alek available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 51 data analysis this study uses critical discourse analysis to analyze the hidden moral values in verbal texts. this discourse analysis is divided into several stages, including text description, interpretation of the relationship between text and interaction, and explaining the relationship between interaction and social context contained in english textbooks approved by the ministry of education and culture of the republic of indonesia. thus, the researcher tries to obtain the moral values embedded in the verbal text. c. findings and discussion findings the present study attempts to analyze the english textbook to reveal hidden values teachers and students need to know. then, the researcher tries to discover the moral values contained in the text or conversation in this english textbook in a social context or around the environment. that is because moral values cannot be separated in the social environment. therefore, the researchers show the moral values of this textbook, such as a sense of responsibility, caring, and empathy. the analysis below focuses on the moral values expressed visually and verbally in this textbook. due to the limitations of the text in several chapters, the researchers only chose a few themes that contained moral values in the textbook. table 1. moral values in english textbook unit chapter theme visual artifact page values items 1 offers and suggestions learning p. 3 responsibility, care 2 opinions and thoughts issues and activities pp. 19 empathy, care, and learning together 3 party time informati on related n/a n/a ©m.a. silmi mahrudin, didin nuruddin hidayat, nida husna, & alek available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 52 to invitation 4 natural disasters-an exposition informati on about a phenomen on. p.46, 54 moral values in different environment and care 5 letter writing text of a personal letter to someone. n/a n/a 6 cause and effect news and learning pp. 75 care about one another 7 meaning through music creativity n/a n/a 8 explain this natural disaster p. 100 environmental care, responsiveness , responsibility visual depiction of moral values based on the selected textbook, the author of the textbook indirectly explains that there are moral values, as in the visuals listed on the english package book cover. on the book cover, the sentence "stop bullying now" illustrates how dangerous it is when bullying often occurs among students or in their home environment. bullying often occurs in schools, making students feel intimidated, cornered, and often alone. bullying must be stopped, especially in the community environment, because it can cause big problems. ©m.a. silmi mahrudin, didin nuruddin hidayat, nida husna, & alek available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 53 even parents tend to defend their bullied children, and eventually, conflict arises between people. therefore, this english book's cover gives students or readers a moral message so that this does not happen. based on chapter 4, on page 46, there is a photo illustrating the impact of global warming on the earth. this global warming has an impact on all sectors, especially on nature. the term "sensitive to the environment" is often echoed or heard and needs to be instilled in students' character or instilled moral values towards the surrounding environment. because the effect of global warming is inseparable from human behaviour, which has an impact on nature and makes changes to conditions in nature, as shown in the picture. there are two photos, and the first is of the mountains in nepal in 1978, which makes the glaciers above the mountains look still a lot. meanwhile, the second photo of the mountains above shows that in 2004, the glaciers had melted compared to the photo above. this incident is due to the effects of global warming that occur yearly. human behaviour is the centre of attention so nature can grow fresh and beautiful. therefore, this textbook conveys that it is necessary to change human behaviour to instill moral values towards the nature around them. picture 2. global warming ©m.a. silmi mahrudin, didin nuruddin hidayat, nida husna, & alek available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 54 whereas in chapter 8, on page 100 of the textbook, there is a picture showing a picture of natural disaster that occurred in a place. if it is the same, it is observed that the occurrence of natural disasters needs to be used as a lesson to foster a sense of concern for victims whose disasters have struck. therefore, in this picture, students need to cultivate a sense of concern and empathy among others if a disaster has hit victims like in the picture. the two selected visual illustrations above show that visual text means something other than no value can be taken from it. however, the present study indirectly tries to convey moral values so that they grow to teachers and students through the visual text. in this case, the researchers use the existing scientific background to analyze the values contained in the visual text. thus, visual text can be used as a source of education as moral values that need to grow within students and teachers towards the social context in their surroundings. picture 3. earthquake depiction of moral values in verbal texts in this textbook, there are also moral values presented in verbal texts. the verbal text consists of spoken and written text. according to meyer et al. (2018), verbal texts include written documents and usually oral recordings. on this occasion, in analyzing english ©m.a. silmi mahrudin, didin nuruddin hidayat, nida husna, & alek available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 55 textbooks, we return to written texts in a conversational form. therefore, the researchers try to analyze this written text by selecting several chapters in this english textbook. thus, researchers find moral values in english textbooks by analyzing each verbal or visual text by observing the contents of the verbal text. then conclude what moral values are contained in the verbal text. the verbal text on page 3 in the textbook shows two women having a dialogue about asking about the activities being carried out. siti started the dialogue by asking what activity siti was doing at that time and looked tired. later, siti offered to help jane because jane was busy doing her project and had to finish it tomorrow. but it asked for help from jane so that siti's task could be completed quickly. it can be seen that siti shows concern and concern for jane. this needs to be known by some people that the form of attention and concern for someone or the surrounding environment needs to be known by students and teachers. as illustrated by jane's question, jane has the awareness to help her friend who looks tired because she has to finish it tomorrow. this shows an attitude of caring and helping each other that needs to be instilled in every student and teacher because life cannot be alone and need help from others. picture 4. responsibility and care in chapter 2, on page 19, a verbal text discusses bullying where two people are having a dialogue between siti and jane. siti started the conversation by asking about jane's ©m.a. silmi mahrudin, didin nuruddin hidayat, nida husna, & alek available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 56 condition, where jane explained the explanation of "bullying" and that the "bullying" incident was very concerning for those affected by the bullying case. in chapter four on page 54 and chapter 6 on page 75, two people discuss the dangers of smoking. student a and student b are shown in figure 6 below, where student a starts the dialogue by asking student b about the dangers of smoking. meanwhile, figure 7 explains the same thing about the dangers of smoking for the health of the body. it can be seen from the two forms of conversation that student b and jane have different characters, where student b ignores the words of student a. meanwhile, in picture 7, when jane asks about the dangers of smoking, ray helps explain, and jane receives the message conveyed by ra. this shows that the attitude shown by student b is highly discouraged from being imitated by students and teachers because any advice given by others for their own suitable needs to be heard. picture 6: care picture 7. care about another one ©m.a. silmi mahrudin, didin nuruddin hidayat, nida husna, & alek available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 57 therefore, this attitude needs to be eliminated, and the attitude of student a and ray needs to be emulated, which shows a form of caring and concern for one another. discussion in high school class xi english textbooks, moral values are contained therein, such as a sense of responsibility, care, and concern. based on previous research, based on sukma et al. (2021), the moral values contained in it need to be taught to students because many moral values are beneficial to students. therefore, researchers reviewing english textbooks are significant because teachers need to instill moral values in students. thus, this research needs to be redeveloped to pay more attention to the hidden values in english textbooks by conveying more of the content and moral attitudes in every verbal or visual text. almost all chapter units describe a sense of concern and responsibility for oneself and others to discover the moral values contained in english textbooks. this moral value needs to be instilled in every student and teacher. according to ariyanti (2016), moral values are significant for all aspects of human life, individually and in groups. from this statement, moral values must be practised throughout society, especially for students and teachers with groupings in a class or school environment. because when at school, they interact with each other both with students and students, students with teachers, or teachers with teachers. hence, with hidden moral values in this english textbook, teachers need to convey this so that students know what values are contained in it visually, verbally, etc. this means that in every textbook, there are moral values. kusramadhani et al. (2022) state that every textbook has moral values. this shows that material is presented, and many moral values are usually kept secret. the moral values expressed in this textbook, such as caring, responsibility, and concern for one another, need to be instilled. thus, most of the descriptions of moral values in this english textbook are evident in social events, in the context of activities, information, and so on. rindawati et al. (2014) mention the moral values hidden in textbooks are a picture of real life both in an individual and social context. thus, in english textbooks, a sense of care and responsibility is found in this textbook as student knowledge when studying in class or can be applied in the school or community environment. this is shown in this english textbook on the cover of the book. moral ©m.a. silmi mahrudin, didin nuruddin hidayat, nida husna, & alek available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 58 values must be respected, namely forbidding students to mock each other, not respecting differences, cornering other people, etc. students must stop such actions when they interact and meet each other, either with the teacher or with other students. this is so that the character of students does not harm others. because the environment influences the growth of the student's character, moral values can also affect students' intelligence levels in behaviour, solving problems, interacting, learning achievement, and others. sari (2013) states that moral values can affect students' emotional intelligence. besides, they affect when students solve problems and interact with others, significantly affecting student achievement at school. thus, this textbook provides a positive message regarding the moral values contained therein, such as a sense of care, concern, responsibility, and others, so that the goal of character and teacher growth can positively impact both individually and in groups in the community. there are several ways to find moral values in this english textbook. they were looking for valuable keywords in the text, looking at the form of images that can be used as moral values, and determining the topic of discourse in a text. this was done to find the moral values listed in the verbal text of the pictures in the english book. most importantly, some hidden moral values in this english textbook were found and analyzed based on the moral values found in the textbook. thus, the ideological content in the textbook emphasizes behaviour towards others or parents, caring for others, and responsibility for oneself or others. khoirunnisa et al. (2021) argue textbooks consist of behaviour toward parents or others, concern, a sense of responsibility, and others. all of that is presented in it, which aims to continue to apply good attitudes, such as a sense of caring, a sense of responsibility, and others. thus, the textbook authors strive to provide social expectations that become positive values for most students in the class. therefore, visual and verbal texts written in textbooks describe specific values. according to sukma et al. (2021), moral values are depicted in visuals and verbal texts. therefore, educators or students must understand the interpretation of moral values from these texts because the context of this textbook is full of moral values. to pay attention to these values, teachers need to provide provisions to their students based on experiences related to values embedded in textbooks of caring for one another, responsibility for oneself, and respecting parents and others. in the end, students can apply moral values individually and in groups. ©m.a. silmi mahrudin, didin nuruddin hidayat, nida husna, & alek available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 59 d. conclusion this research has revealed the meaning of moral values contained in english textbooks. this analysis does not focus on learning, but this study reveals the meaning of moral values depicted in visual and verbal texts. textbooks also provide messages about values explicitly conveyed by the authors of the textbooks, such as students learning about independence, respecting one another, and describing other values related to social contexts. in addition, the values contained in textbooks are also shown through several verbal texts such as interpersonal interactions, visual texts, and others. the interpersonal interaction text chosen as the discourse analysis describes several caring attitudes and a sense of responsibility to oneself or others. then, as a comprehensive analysis of moral values based on english textbooks, this research helps readers to understand what values are contained in english textbooks. then, this research provides an empirical basis that aims to promote character development in english textbooks. finally, the findings of this study can be used by the textbook authors as evaluation material because the authors of these textbooks need to provide and be able to instill moral values in the context of teaching english. references ariyanti. 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(2) pola kalimat dan bentuk sintaksis. pola kalimat terdiri atas unsur-unsur kalimat, sedangkan bentuk sintaksis terdapat bentuk pengulangan (paralelisme), bentuk pembalikan, dan bentuk penghilangan. (3) bentuk semantik, pengkajiannya lebih pada majas dan macammacamnya. hampir semua jenis majas digunakan oleh pengarang dalam novel ini. penggunaan majas tersebut telah memperkuat makna pesan yang disampaikan pengarang. hal ini terbukti dengan masuknya novel “moga bunda disayang allah” sebagai novel best seller. kata kunci: gaya, retorika, stilistika abstract the use of the language style reviewed in rhetoric and stilistic adds to growing language field. this suggests that the language used to express the thoughts and ideas of the author through his works. it is as done by tere liye in his novel “moga bunda disayang allah”, making the novel as his best novel ever made. study on the style of observation focused on three parts namely (1) the words choice, this is divided into: (a) concrete word, (b) specific words, (c) abstract word, and (d) common word. (2) sentence patterns and forms of syntax. sentence patterns composed of elements of sentence syntactic form, whereas there is a form of repetition (parallelism), form reversal, and the form of omission. (3) the form of semantics, was more on the majo and types. almost all types of majo is used by the author in the novel. the use of the majo has reinforced the meaning of the message author. this is evident with the introduction of the novel “moga bunda disayang allah” as a novel best seller. keywords: style, rhetoric, stilistica 2 a. pendahuluan sastra merupakan sebuah karangan imajinatif yang mengandung nilai-nilai estetis. karya sastra diciptakan agar dapat dinikmati oleh pembaca. maka seorang pengarang menciptakan suatu karya tidak melepaskan diri dari aspek-aspek kebahasaan dan juga unsur-unsur keindahan yang ada dalam karya sastra. karya sastra diciptakan berdasarkan pemikiran, pengalaman, ide dan perasaan pengarang. karya sastra yang dihasilkan memiliki keindahan atau unsur estetis. kata sastra di indonesia merujuk pada bahasa sansekerta yang berarti kehidupan. akar kata bahasa sansekerta adalah sas yang berarti mengarahkan, mengajar, memberi petunjuk atau instruksi. sementara itu, akhiran tra biasanya menunjukkan alat atau sarana. dengan demikian, sastra berarti alat untuk mengajar atau buku petunjuk, atau buku instruksi, atau buku pengajaran. di samping kata sastra, kerap juga digunakan kata susastra dalam beberapa tulisan, yang berarti bahasa yang indah, sebab awalan su pada kata susastra mengacu pada arti indah (emzir dan rohman, 2015:5). dalam karya sastra ada unsur-unsur keindahan, unsur-unsur keindahan tersebut terdapat pada gaya bahasa si pengarang dalam menciptakan karyanya. gaya bahasa inilah yang dikenal dengan istilah stilistika. stilistika (stylistics) merujuk kepada pengertian studi tentang stile, kajian terhadap wujud kajian kebahasaan. kajian stilistika dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara bahasa dengan fungsi artistik dan maknanya, menentukan seberapa jauh dan dalam bahasa yang digunakan memperlihatkan penyimpangan, serta bagaimana penyair mempergunakan tanda-tanda linguistik untuk memperoleh efek khusus (nurgiantoro, 2007: 279). terkait dengan stilistika, di dalam sastra dibahas pula tentang retorika yang tetap mengacu pada keindahan karya sastra. dikatakan demikian karena masuknya unsur retorika di dalam sastra semakin memperkuat makna yang dikandung suatu karya sastra. bahkan dari berbagai cabang ilmu yang mengkaji kegiatan bertutur dan berbahasa, ada beberapa diantaranya yang dekat sekali gejalanya dengan retorika 3 seperti; logika, tatabahasa dan sastra. wilayah kajian retorika seringkali dikaburkan dengan masalah-masalah logika, tatabahasa dan sastra. batas-batas ketiga ilmu tersebut seringkali bersinggungan dengan kajian retorika, bahkan bisa pada unsur yang sama. misalnya dalam retorika, juga menempatkan analogi (logika), struktur dan makna kalimat (tatabahasa) dan diksi (sastra) sebagai unsur karakteristik retorika. keterkaitan semacam ini sebagaimana dikatakan oleh roland barthes bahwa “rhetoric must always be read in its structural interplay with its neighbors, grammar, logic, poetics and philodopy”. kajian bahasan retorika kaitannya dengan sastra, oleh luxemburg menggunakan istilah stilistika, yakni melingkupi unsur-unsur gaya bahasa dalam karya sastra. lebih lanjut luxemburg mengemukakan bahwa pengamatan gaya dibagi dalam tiga bidang yaitu: (1) pilihan kata, (2) pola kalimat dan bentuk sintaksis, (3) bentuk semantik (luxemburg, 1984: 167). berdasarkan pengelompokkan gaya yang akan digunakan oleh pengarang di dalam meramu karyanya, maka akan memberikan nuansa atau ciri khas yang berbeda antara pengarang yang satu dengan yang lainnya. hal ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh pemahaman dan penguasaan pengarang terhadap ketiga hal tersebut. adanya pemahaman yang berbeda-beda pada setiap pengarang, menghasilkan karya yang berbeda pula dari aspek pilihan kata, pola kalimat dan bentuk sintaksis, serta bentuk semantik. berdasarkan paparan di atas, maka pada bagian ini akan dikaji novel sebagai bagian dari genre sastra. hal yang akan dikaji adalah penggunaan pilihan kata, pola kalimat dan bentuk sintaksis, serta bentuk semantik dalam novel “moga bunda disayang allah” karya tere liye. melalui kajian ini akan diidentifikasi ketiga gaya kepenulisan, sehingga akan memberikan gambaran gaya kepengarangan tere liye di dalam novel tersebut. dengan demikian, kajian ini dalam bentuk mini research berjudul “gaya kepengarangan tere liye dalam ‘novel moga bunda disayang allah’ tinjauan retorika-stilistika”. 4 permasalahan kajian ini dipaparkan berdasarkan penggunaan pilihan kata, pola kalimat dan bentuk sintaksis, serta bentuk semantik. untuk itu, permasalahan yang akan dikaji adalah (1) bagaimana pilihan kata dalam novel “moga bunda disayang allah” karya tere liye? (2) bagaimana pola kalimat dan bentuk sintaksis dalam novel “moga bunda disayang allah” karya tere liye? (3) bagaimana bentuk semantik dalam novel “moga bunda disayang allah” karya tere liye? b. kajian teori retorika dan stilistika sama-sama berfokus pada penggunaan gaya bahasa dalam karya sastra, sehingga karya yang dihasilkan memiliki unsur-unsur keindahan. walaupun memiliki fokus yang sama, dalam pembahasan ini tetap akan dipisahkan dengan maksud agar diperoleh pemahaman yang komprehensif. retorika seringkali pengertian retorika tidak bisa dilepaskan dari pengertian persuasi atau bujukan dan seringkali dianggap sama dengan gaya bahasa. oleh sebab itu dalam kajian ini diperlukan pemaparan pengertian dasar retorika, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan ilmu sastra. dalam ilmu sastra, sejak dulu pemakaian bahasa yang istimewa sangat ditonjolkan. hal ini dapat terlihat dari apa yang dikatakan oleh teeuw bahwa sastra menggunakan bahasa yang khas, spesial dan istimewa yang dianggap menyimpang dari bahasa sehari-hari dan menyimpang dari bahasa normal (teeuw, 2013:56). sejalan dengan pendapat tersebut, burhan juga menyatakan bahwa retorika merupakan suatu cara penggunaan bahasa untuk memperoleh efek estetis (nurgiantoro, 2007:295). dengan demikian dapat dipahami bahwa retorika merupakan penggunaan bahasa yang dianggap istimewa dan memiliki unsur estetis dengan tujuan untuk mempengaruhi orang lain. perbedaan-perbedaan dalam penggunaan bahasa dalam karya sastra tersebut merupakan ciri khas kesistimewaan karya sastra itu sendiri. 5 retorika kaitannya dengan sastra corbett (2004:142) menggunakan istilah figures of speech ‘kiasan’. kiasan merupakan rahmat bahasa sebagai "balutan pemikiran". dikatakan perhiasan karena sesungguhnya kiasan "menghiasi" prosa dan memberikan "gaya" dalam arti modiste. hal ini menandakan bahwa di dalam retorika digunakan kata atau kelompok kata untuk melukiskan sesuatu yang disebut metafora. metafora, menurut aristoteles, tidak hanya memberikan "pesona dan perbedaan" untuk ekspresi kita; tapi bahkan lebih dari itu, metafora adalah cara lain untuk memberikan "kejelasan" dan "keaktifan" ekspresi pikiran kita. sementara itu, burhan mengatakan bahwa retorika berkaitan dengan pendayagunaan semua unsur bahasa, baik yang menyangkut dengan masalah pemilihan kata dan ungkapan, struktur kalimat, segmentasi, penyusunan dan penggunaan bahasa kias, pemanfaatan bentuk citraan, dan lain-lain yang semuanya disesuaikan dengan situasi dan tujuan penutur. sejalan dengan hal tersebut lanham mengatakan bahwa permainan retorika merupakan salah satu pola "tacit bargaining", pola yang secara tersirat menyarankan suatu hasil tertentu (lanham, 2004:177). penggunaan unsur kekhasan tersebut sebenarnya sangat ditentukan oleh kemampuan imajinasi dan kreatfitas pengarang dalam menyiasati gagasan dan bahasa yang akan menentukan keefektifan wacana yang dihasilkan. senada dengan pandangan abrams, corbett melalui tulisannya classical rhetoric menggunakan istilah figures of speech ‘kiasan’. kiasan digunakan sebagai istilah umum untuk setiap penyimpangan berseni dari modus berbicara atau menulis. kiasan tersebut dibagi menjadi dua kelompok utama, yakni: skema dan kiasan. sebuah skema (yunani: schema, bentuk) melibatkan penyimpangan dari pola biasa atau susunan kata-kata. sebuah kiasan (yunani: tropein, untuk mengubah) melibatkan penyimpangan dari makna biasa dan makna pokok kata. stilistika istilah “stilistika” diserap dari bahasa inggris stylistic yang diturunkan dari kata style yang berarti ‘gaya’. menurut ratna bahwa stilistika sebagai bagian dari 6 ilmu sastra, lebih sempit lagi ilmu gaya bahasa dalam kaitannya dengan aspek-aspek keindahan (ratna, 2009:9). lebih lanjut teeuw (1988:61) mengemukakan bahwa stilistika atau ilmu gaya bahasa pada umumnya membicarakan pemakaian bahasa yang khas atau istimewa, yang merupakan ciri khas seorang penulis, aliran sastra, atau pula penyimpangan dari bahasa sehari-hari atau dari bahasa yang normal atau baku, dan sebagainya. kajian stilistika melingkupi unsur-unsur gaya bahasa dalam karya sastra. menurut luxemburg bahwa pengamatan gaya dibagi dalam tiga bidang yaitu: (1) pilihan kata, (2) pola kalimat dan bentuk sintaksis, (3) bentuk semantik. 1. pilihan kata dalam bahasa indonesia, kata diksi berasal dari kata dictionary (bahasa inggris yang kata dasarnya diction) berarti perihal pemilihan kata. diksi atau pilihan kata mempersoalkan cocok tidaknya pemakaian kata, frasa, atau klausa tertentu untuk menghadapi situasi tertentu. luxemburg berpendapat bahwa dalam mengnalisis pilihan kata yang pertama dilakukan ialah pengamatan bahwa sebuah teks berisi katakata konkret dan khusus atau berisi kata-kata abstrak dan umum. a. kata konkret kata konkrit adalah kata yang menunjuk pada sesuatu yang dapat dilihat ataudirasakan oleh satu atau lebih dari pancaindra. kata-kata konkrit menunjukkepada barang yang aktual dan spesifik dalam pengalaman. kata konkritdigunakan untuk menyajikan gambaran yang hidup dalam pikiran pembacamelebihi kata-kata yang lain. b. kata khusus kata khusus adalah kata-kata yang mengacu kepada pengarahan-pengarahan yang khusus dan konkrit. kata khusus memperlihatkan kepada objek yang khusus. c. kata abstrak 7 kata abstrak adalah kata yang mempunyai referen berupa konsep, kata abstrak sukar digambarkan karena referensinya tidak dapat diserap dengan panca indra manusia. kata-kata abstrak merujuk kepada kualitas (panas, dingin, baik, buruk), pertalian (kuantitas, jumlah, tingkatan), dan pemikiran (kecurigaan, penetapan, kepercayaan). kata-kata abstrak sering dipakai untuk menjelaskan pikiran yang bersifat teknis dan khusus. d. kata umum kata umum adalah kata yang mempunyai cakupan ruang lingkup yang luas. kata-kata umum menunjuk kepada banyak hal, kepada himpunan, dan kepada keseluruhan. 2. pola kalimat dan bentuk sintaksis kalimat yaitu rangkaian kata yang dapat mengungkapkan gagasan, pikiran, atau perasaan. kalimat merupakan satuan bahasa terkecil yang mengungkapkan pikiran yang utuh, baik dengan cara lisan maupun tulisan. pada kalimat sekurang kurangnya harus memiliki subjek (s) dan predikat (p). bila tidak memiliki subjek dan predikat maka bukan disebut kalimat tetapi disebut frasa. selain itu ada unsur lainnya yaitu pelengkap (p) dan keterangan (k). subjek adalah unsur pokok yang terdapat pada sebuah kalimat di samping unsur predikat.predikat juga merupakan unsur utama suatu kalimat di samping subjek. predikat berfungsi menjelaskan subjek, sedangkan objek yaitu keterangan predikat yang memiliki hubungan erat dengan predikat. unsur kalimat ini bersifat wajib dalam susunan kalimat aktif transitif yaitu kalimat yang sedikitnya mempunyai tiga unsur utama, subjek, predikat, dan objek. pelengkap merupakan unsur kalimat yang dapat bersifat wajib ada karena melengkapi makna verba predikat kalimat.keterangan merupakan unsur kalimat yang memberikan informasi lebih lanjut tentang suatu yang dinyatakan dalam kalimat pola kalimat dan bentuk sintaksis merupakan salah satu bidang kajian yang sangat perlu mendapat perhatian. kalimat lebih penting dan bermakna daripada 8 sekadar kata-kata walaupun kegayaan kalimat dalam banyak hal juga dipengaruhi oleh pilihan kata. bentuk sintaksis atas bentuk pengulangan, pembalikan, dan penghilangan. a. bentuk pengulangan (paralelisme) paralelisme adalah semacam gaya bahasa yang berusaha mencapai kesejajaran dalam pemakaian kata-kata atau frasa-frasa yang menduduki fungsi yang sama dalam bentuk gramatikal yang sama (keraf, 1981:126). b. bentuk pembalikan (inversi) dalam bentuk pembalikan atau inversi, urutan kata yang normal dalam kalimat diubah. c. bentuk penghilangan penghilanngan atau elips menampilkan adaanya bagian tertentu di hilangkan, sehingga menjadi tidak lengkap. 3. bentuk semantik gaya semantis merujuk pada makna kata, bagian kalimat, dan kalimat dan secara umum disebut majas. majas ialah bahasa yang maknanya melampaui batas lazim. majas dapat dibagi menjadi: a. majas perbandingan majas perbandingan ialah kata-kata berkias yang menyatakan perbandingan untuk meningkatkan kesan dan pengaruhnya terhadap pendengar atau pembaca”. ditinjau dari cara pengambilan perbandingannya, majas perbandingan dibagi menjadi: 1) asosiasi atau perumpamaan majas asosiasi atau perumpamaan adalah perbandingan dua hal yang pada hakikatnya berbeda, tetapi sengaja dianggap sama. majas ini ditandai oleh penggunaan kata bagai, bagaikan, seumpama, seperti, dan laksana. 2) metafora 9 metafora adalah majas yang mengungkapkan ungkapan secara langsung berupa perbandingan analogis. 3) personifikasi personifikasi adalah majas yang membandingkan benda-benda tak bernyawa seolah-olah mempunyai sifat seperti manusia. 4) alegori alegori adalah menyatakan dengan cara lain, melalui kiasan atau penggambaran. alegori: majas perbandingan yang bertautan satu dan yang lainnya dalam kesatuan yang utuh. 5) simbolik simbolik adalah majas yang melukiskan sesuatu dengan mempergunakan benda, binatang, atau tumbuhan sebagai simbol atau lambang. 6) metonimia metonimia adalah majas yang menggunakan ciri atau lebel dari sebuah benda untuk menggantikan benda tersebut.pengungkapan tersebut berupa penggunaan nama untuk benda lain yang menjadi merek, ciri khas, atau atribut. 7) sinekdok sinekdok adalah majas yang menyebutkan bagian untuk menggantikan benda secara keseluruhan atau sebaliknya. 8) simile: pengungkapan dengan perbandingan eksplisit yang dinyatakan dengan kata depan dan penghubung, seperti layaknya, bagaikan, " umpama", "ibarat","bak", bagai". b. majas pertentangan majas pertentangan adalah “kata-kata berkias yang menyatakan pertentangan dengan yang dimaksudkan sebenarnya oleh pembicara atau penulis dengan maksud untuk memperhebat atau meningkatkan kesan dan pengaruhnya kepada pembaca atau pendengar”. macam-macam majas pertentangan dibedakan menjadi berikut. 1) antitesis 10 antitesis adalah majas yang mempergunakan pasangan kata yang berlawanan artinya. 2) paradoks paradoks adalah majas yang mengandung pertentangan antara pernyataan dan fakta yang ada. 3) hiperbola majas hiperbola adalah majas yang berupa pernyataan berlebihan dari kenyataannya dengan maksud memberikan kesan mendalam atau meminta perhatian. 4) litotes litotes adalah majas yang menyatakan sesuatu dengan cara yang berlawanan dari kenyataannya dengan mengecilkan atau menguranginya. tujuannya untuk merendahkan diri. c. majas penegasan majas perbandingan ialah kata-kata berkias yang menyatakan penegasan untuk meningkatkan kesan dan pengaruhnya terhadap pendengar atau pembaca”.majas penegasan terdiri atas tujuh bentuk berikut. 1) repetisi repetisi adalah majas perulangan kata-kata sebagai penegasan. 2) paralelisme paralelisme adalah majas perulangan yang biasanya ada di dalam puisi. 3) tautologi tautologi adalah majas penegasan dengan mengulang beberapa kali sebuah kata dalam sebuah kalimat dengan maksud menegaskan. kadang pengulangan itu menggunakan kata bersinonim. 4) klimaks 11 klimaks adalah majas yang menyatakan beberapa hal berturutturut dan makin lama makin meningkat. antiklimaks adalah majas yang menyatakan beberapa hal berturutturut yang makin lama menurun. 5) retorik retorik adalah majas yang berupa kalimat tanya namun tak memerlukan jawaban. tujuannya memberikan penegasan, sindiran, atau menggugah. d. majas sindiran majas sindiran ialah kata-kata berkias yang menyatakan sindiran untuk meningkatkan kesan dan pengaruhnya terhadap pendengar atau pembaca”. majas sindirian dibagi menjadi: 1) ironi ironi adalah majas yang menyatakan hal yang bertentangan denganmaksud menyindir. 2) sinisme sinisme adalah majas yang menyatakan sindiran secara langsung. 3) sarkasme sarkasme adalah majas sindiran yang paling kasar. majas ini biasanya diucapkan oleh orang yang sedang marah. memperhatikan beberapa pengelompokkan gaya bahasa di atas, maka seorang pengarang dapat memilih gaya yang akan digunakan sehingga menjadikan karyanya penuh makna dan unsur keindahan. penggunaan gaya bahasa di dalam karya sastra tidak terlepas adanya kaitan antara kata dengan objek. wellek membagi gaya menjadi gaya konseptual dan gaya indrawi, ringkas atau bertele-tele, merendahkan atau melebih-lebihkan, jelas atau kabur, tenang atau menggebu-gebu, tinggi atau rendah, sederhana atau berbunga-bunga. berdasarkan hubungan antarkata, gaya diklasifikasikan menjadi gaya tegang atau lepas, halus atau kasar, tak berwarna atau berwarna-warni. berdasarkan kaitan kata dengan sistem total bahasa, gaya bisa dibagi 12 menjadi gaya lisan atau tulisan, klise atau unik; dan berdasarkan hubungan kata dengan pengarangnya, ada gaya objektif dan gaya subjektif. c. metode penelitian penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, yakni penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis fenomena, peristiwa, sikap, dan pemikiran seseorang. dalam hal ini mendeskripsikan penggunaan pilihan kata, pola kalimat dan bentuk sintaksis, serta bentuk semantik dalam novel “moga bunda disayang allah” karya tere liye. pendekatan yang digunakan yakni stilistika-retorika. hal ini dilakukan mengingat aspek keindahan dalam karya sastra kaitannya dengan gaya bahasa dibahas melalui kedua pendekatan dimaksud. melalui pendekatan stilistika-retorika dibahas gaya kepengarangan tere liye dalam novel “moga bunda disayang allah”. berdasarkan data primer tersebut, selanjutnya dilakukan pengumpulan data melalui metode bacaan, yakni membaca novel sambil mengidentifikasi data terkait dengan penggunaan pilihan kata, pola kalimat dan bentuk sintaksis, serta bentuk semantik. kemudian dilakukan analisis dan pembahasan berdasarkan data yang teridentifikasi dalam novel ini. d. hasil kajian dan pembahasan 1. pilihan kata penggunaan pilihan kata sangat menetukan mutu karya sastra. demikian halnya dengan novel yang menjadi kajian ini. umumnya terdapat empat jenis pilihan kata yang akan dibahas dalam tulisan ini, yakni kata konkret, kata abstrak, kata umum, dan kata khusus. melalui penggunaan pilihan kata itu, pengarang dapat menyampaikan pesan secara baik kepada pembacanya. berikut ini temuan penulis terkait dengan penggunaan pilihan kata pengarang. 13 a. kata konkret kata konkret merupakan kata-yang dapat dilihat dan dirasakan. pada bab “merah.kuning.hijau”terdapat kata-kata “langit kelam. petir menyambar. ombak bergelombang susul menyusul menghantam perahu nelayang berkapasitas empat puluh orang”. (tere liye, 2006:19). kata-kata langit kelam. petir menyambar. ombak bergelombang menggambarkan akan turun hujan, terlihat keterkaitan kalimatnya bahwa tempat terjadinya berada di pantai. kata langit kelam menandakan langit terlihat gelap, petir menyambar memperlihatkan kilatan, cahaya di atas langit. ombak terlihat mulai menyambar ke darat, menggulung-gulung dengan indahnya sehingga mengahantam perahu yang di pakai oleh karang dan rombongan lainnya. suasana saat itu sangat menegangkan, semuanya tampak takut dengan keadaan seperti itu. “ibu-ibu gendut itu berusaha mengambil tempat air plastik yang mulai gemetaran dalam genggaman pemuda tersebut” (tere liye, 2006:21).tempat air plastik merupakan suatu benda yang digunakan oleh ibu-ibu gendut untuk menuangkan air untuk diminumdan kemudian diserahkan kepada karang. “lengang. rumah besar super-mewah di lereng perbukitan itu legang”.( tere liye, 2006:25). rumah besar penuh dengan kemewahan yang terletak diperbukitan itu tampaknya legang. kata legang menandakan suasana sunyi, sepi, tidak banyak orang sehingga rumah yang besar “karang , pemuda di atas ranjang tua itu mengernyit dalam tidurnya”. (tere liye, 2006:30). karang merebahkan tubuhnya di atas ranjang tua atau tempat tidur untuk istirahat karena telah lelah melakukan aktifitas. “berputar-putar. seekor kunang-kunang tersesat terbang berputar kebingungan. kunang-kunang? terbang di dalam kamarnya.(tere liye, 2006:31) seekor kunang-kunang merupakan binatang kecil sebesar lalat yang mengeluarkan cahaya berkelip-kelip pada malam hari terlihat berputar-putar mengelilingi kamar karang tetapi karang tidak begitu peduli dengan pemandangan yang indah itu. 14 b. kata khusus kata khusus adalah kata-kata yang digambarkan secara khusus. kata khusus ini dapat dilihat pada bab “tiga tahun lalu”. berikut penggalan-penggalan ceritanya: “ada satu-dua pasangan kekasih yang berjalan-jalan di atas pasir lembut yang bak es krim saat diinjak”.(tere liye, 2006:51)kata pasangan merupakan dua benda yang kembar atau yang saling melengkapi, belum diketahui kata pasangan merujuk pada pasangan seperti apa. setelah kata pasangan dilekati kata kekasih setelahnya maka kata-kata tersebut menjadi satu kalimatyaitu pasangan kekasih yang kita tahu bahwa pasangan kekasih adalah dua insan yang sedang memadu kasih dan sayang. dua insan yang merasakan indahnya cinta. “semalam ia pulang persis saat adzan shubuh berkumandang”.(tere liye, 2006:51) karang yang semalaman bergadang tak menentu, mabuk-mabukkan sampai lupa untuk pulang, menyebabkan ia harus pulang saat adzan subuh dikumandanngkan. adzanitubermacam-macam ada adzan dikumandangkan saat magrib, ada saat adzan isya, dan adzan dhuhur, tetpi pengarang lebih mengkhususkan pada adzan subuh yang menandakan pagi akan menyapa bumi tetapi karang belum sempat istirahat atau untuk tidur malam. “mulutnya yang terbuka memamerkan gigi kecil. di tangannya tergenggam sebuah boneka panda...”. (tere liye, 2006:53). boneka panda siapa yang tidak menyukai boneka, boneka dalam bentuk apapun. lebih-lebih anak perempuan sangat suka dengan boneka. karang yang mengerti dan menyadari bahwa melati tidak jauh berbeda dengan qintan langsung memberikan boneka kesayangan qintan pada melati dengan maksud melati akan menyadari bahwa tidak semua barang yang dipegang, disentuh harus dibuang begitu saja. “tangannya meremas-remas, tepatnya mengacak-acak, nasi goreng spesial buatan salamah”. (tere liye, 2006: 55). terdapat kata nasi goreng lebih dikhususkan yang dimakan melati adalah nasi goreng, bukan nasi putih, nasi kuning, nasi uduk dan lain-lainnya. nasi goreng khusus dibuatkan oleh salamah untuk melati. 15 “karang merintis mimpi-mimpi besarnya. menukar seluruh masa kecilnya yang menyedihkan”. masa kecil merupakan masa-masa yang indah, masa di mana kita belajar, ingin tahu tentang sesuatu dan masa ingin mencoba melakukan sesuatu yang belum pernah ia lakukan. beranjak masa remaja tentu berbeda lagi suasana yang kita rasakan begitu juga setelah kita menginjak masa dewasa. c. kata abstrak kata abstrak yang umumnya kata-kata sulit untuk kita maknai, tidak dapat diterima oleh pancaindera kita, bahkan di kamus bahasa indonesia sulit untuk kita temukan. “begitu indah ketika semburat matahari muncul di kejauhan horizon cakrawala. membuat jingga hamparan laut yang beriak tenang”. (tere liye. 2006:1). “hutan hujan tropis lebat perbukitan. bagai sehelai beledru hijau sepanjang mata menatap”. (tere liye. 2006:1). “lihat saja pagi ini, kabut putih sempurna mengungkunghijaunya dedaunan”.(tere liye. 2006:2). “pemilik ruko-rukojugamulai membuka partisi depan. bunyi pintu aluminium didorong terdengar c”.(tere liye. 2006:3). “air jeruk panas membuatk kuyup selimut. tangan bunda gemetar menyingkapnya”.(tere liye. 2006:13) “melati terus meraba-raba. tidak peduli. tidak mendengar. tiba di tepi ranjang, menyibak bantal”.(tere liye. 2006:14) kata-kata horizon, beledru, mengungkung, mengungkung, menyingkapnya, menyibak pada penggalan cerita di atas sulit kita maknai maksud dari kata-kata tersebut. penulis menggunakan kata-kata sukar sehingga kita sebagai pembaca yang belum mengenal kata-kata tersebut atau sebutlah orang awan akan sulit memahaminya, memang penggunaan kata-kata yang digunakan oleh pengarang 16 menggunakan kata-kata ilmiah atau kata-kata sastra yang belum begitu ada publikasinya. d. kata umum pada bab ”ribuan kunang-kunang”. terdapat kata-kata umum yang memberikan gambaran bahwa dalam certia ini terdapat kata-kata umum, yang memberikan gambaran secara jelas terhadap objek yang dituju. “di sini kunang-kunang, tidak hanya seekor, ribuan malah. juga tersesat”. (tere liye. 2006:33). dalam penggalan cerita ini kunang-kunang bukan hanya satu, dua ekor saja tetapi ribuan ekor. sehingga menjadi kumpulan kunang-kunang. “sebenarnya dua hari lalu aku sudah mau berkunjung, menjenguk..tapi masih ada keperluan mengurus izin praktik”.(tere liye. 2006:34).tidak digambarkan secaara jelas kinasih mengurus izinpraktikapa. hanya disebutkan mengurus izin praktik. “bunda berseru-seru panik. tuan hk berusaha mencengkram salah satu dokter karena dokter itu berusaha mencengkram melati untuk menagkapnya”. (tere liye. 2006:37). dokter bisa saja yang diundang oleh mereka adalah dokter ahli mata, dokter ahli pendengaran atau bahkan dokter dari rumah sakit jiwa untuk dapat mengobati penyakit melati. “sepanjang sisa umurnya, ia sibuk merawat rumah warisan suaminya”. (tere liye. 2006:41). selama ini ibu-ibu gendut selalu sabar dan setia merawat rumah warisan suaminya begitu juga dengan anak asuh mereka karang yang kini berbeda waktu suaminya ad bersama mereka. kata sisa bisa merujuk pada banyak hal, bisa sisa makanan, sisa minuman, bisa sisa kenangan dan masih banyak lagi. 2. pola kalimat dan bentuk sintaksis ada pun unsur-unsur kalimat diantaranya: a. subjek (s) pada bab “satu minggu berlalu” dapat ditemukan kata-kata yang berpola subjek 17 “karang tiba di rumah besar lereng bukit”. (tere liye, 2006: 123) “aku menginginkan kamar terpisah dari kalian”. (tere liye, 2006: 124). kata karang dan kata aku merupakan kata yang berpola subjek ini sudah jelas bahwa setiap subjek berada di depan sebuah kalimat. “kamar itu tidak sebesar kamar milik di rumah ibu-ibu gendut”.(tere liye, 2006: 125) yang menjadi subjek pada penggalan cerita ini yaitu kata kamar karena disertai dengan kata itu setelahnya. “ apa pun yang nyonya lihat atas apa yang aku lakukan, yakinlah itu belum tentu seperti yang nyonya bayangkan”. (tere liye, 2006: 124). di samping subjek disertai kata itu, subjek juga diberi penghubung yang sehingga jelas bahwa subjek di sini adalah nyonya. b. predikat (p) “ sudah lama ia tidak tidur lelap”. (tere liye, 2006: 130). yang menjadi predikat pada penggalan cerita ini yaitu kata tidur. jelas bahwa kata ia merupakan subjeknya. “ia tidak mengerti apa itu menangis”. (tere liye, 2006: 135) mengerti merupakan predikatnya, mengapa demikian? karena terdapat bentuk pengingkaran dengan kata tidak di atas. “ibu, semua urusan ini sedikit pun belum terlihat ujung terangnya”. ”. (tere liye, 2006: 150). kata-kata sudah dan belum merupakanbentuk predikat verba karena kata-kata tersebut termasuk dalam kata-kata aspek dalam predikat. c. objek (o) “gadis lesung pipit” pada bab ini kita akan menemukan pola kalimat berobjek. kalimat berobjek sudah jelas terlihat bahwa kalimat itu telah berpola subjek dan predikat pasti di belakang predikat itulah objek, hal ini terlihat pada penggalanpenggalan cerita di bawah ini “karang yang sedetik lalu baru turun dari mobil”. (tere liye, 2006,151). 18 “kinasih sudah bersandar pada pintu mobil yang terbuka”. (tere liye, 2006,153). “bunda menyuapi melati di kamarnya”. (tere liye, 2006,15). d. pelengkap (p) “suster tya tersenyum lebar sepanjang hari”. (tere liye, 2006,155). itu juga”“salamah nyengir senang”. (tere liye, 2006,157). “tuan hk ingin pulang saat itu juga”. (tere liye, 2006,157). “tuan hk merasa tidak perlu berbasa-basi lagi”. (tere liye, 2006,158). “bunda terdiam sambil menelan ludah”. (tere liye, 2006,159). e. keterangan (k) "“aku akan mengusirnya malam ini juga”. (tere liye, 2006,160).“tinggal dua hari lagi”. (tere liye, 2006,160).malam ini dan dua harimenunjukkan pola kalimat keterangan waktu. “tuan hk terdiam sejenak demi melihat ekspresi wajah istrinya”. (tere liye, 2006,161). pola kalimat ini membentuk pola keterangan sebab, karena ingin melihat bagaimana respo bunda terhadap keputusnnya untuk mengusir karang dari rumah mereka. selanjutnya bentuk-bentuk sintaksis yang terdapat dalam novel ini digambarkan pada uraian berikut. a. bentuk pengulangan bab”keterbatasan melati” kita akan temukan bentuk pengulangan kata dan frasa yang mengalami pengulanngan, adapun penggalannya sebagai berikut: “sialnya angin yang menderu-deru membuat semakin kelam dan tegang suasana”. (tere liye, 2006: 73). deru adalah tiruan bunyi angin ribut menderu adalahberbunyi keras gemuruh spt bunyi angin ribut (gelombang besar, mesin, dsb), jadi menderu-deru adalah berbunyi berulang kali. 19 “terangkat ke atas ujung-ujung gelombang lautan”. (tere liye, 2006: 73). kata ujung merupakanbagian penghabisan dari suatu benda. kata ujung-ujung di atas menerangkan bahwa gelombang itu berada pada paling ujung lautan “penting? omong kosong! nyonya tidak akan meninggalkannya walau sekejap jika putri nyonya memang amat penting bagi nyonya”. (tere liye, 2006: 84). pada paragraf ini kata nyonya sering disebut oleh salamah untuk menyakinkan bunda bahwa melati adalah anak yang patut untuk mendapatkan kasih sayang dari siapa pun. b. bentuk pembalikan dalam novel ini sulit ditemukan kata-kata yang terbalik. pengarang sengaja tidak menggunakan kata-kata pembalikan agar pembaca juga tidak merasa ada sesuatu yang tidak dimengerti. pengarang lebih pada memberikan gambaran secara langsung tanpa memberikan keraguan pada pembaca terhadap interpretasinya mereka terhadap ceritanya. c. penghilangan “pertemuan pertama” pada bab ini dapat ditemukan ada kata dan kalimat yang seharusnya dilengkapi atau diteruskan oleh pengarang tetapi pengarang menyembunyikan maksud dari kata dan kalimat selanjutnya itu dengan kata lain pengarang mengharap agar pembaca dapat menerka sendiri apa maksudnya. memang pengarang tidak melanjutkan kata dan kalimat yang seharusnya ditulis cerita tersebut, tetapi setelh dibaca, di baca kita juga akan menemukan maksudnya seperti yang terjadi pada penggalan cerita ini”ergh, orangnya seram, bu_” salamah menyeringai”. (tere liye, 2006:95) “tuan hk ber-oo pendek, tidak bertanya lagi”. (tere liye, 2006:96). seharusnya tuan hk berkata bukan ber-oo. dengan tuan hk berkata maka jelas apa yang dimaksud tanpa harus mempersingkat dengan kata ber-oo. pada kata dan kalimat yang dihilangan dalam cerita ini kita dapat mengetahuinya dengan melihat yang menggunakan simbol (--). dengan simbol ini sudah jelas kata dan kalimat selanjutnya tidak lagi ditulis dan digambarkan oleh 20 pengarang. untuk mengetahui kata dan kalimat apa yang seharusnya dilengkapi kita dapat membaca bait selanjutnya yang memilki hubungan dengan kata dan kalimat yang dihilangkan. 3.bentuk semantik bentuk semantik dalam novel dapat dipahami melalui penggunaan majas oleh pengarang. penggunaan majas telah memperkuat makna pesan yang hendak disampaikan oleh tere liye. untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut dipaparkan jenis-jenis majas yang digunakan pengarang. 1) setidaknya hari ini, pagi ini, biarlah kami bergembira atas kabar baik ini. (tere liye 2006:182) kata ini pada kalimat diatas menunjukan bahwa peristiwa yang menyenangkan tentang kabar baik berlangsung pada pagi hari ini. kalimat ini termasuk majas repetisi dimana pengulangannya terdapat pada kata ini. 2) “baaaa....maaa!” melati berteriak marah. bagai mesin diesel yang mulai panas,kanak-kanak itu kembali mengamuk. (tere liye 2006:185) kalimat di atas mengandung majas antropomofisme karena membandingkan manusia dan benda mati. kata marah dibandingkan dengan mesin diesel yang mulai panas (benda mati). 3) wajah yang tadi pagi begitu senang. riang. seolah-olah kabar baik itu bagai gelombang air besar. yang bisa membasahi seluruh kekeringan sela tiga tahun terakhir (tere liye 2006:185) uraian ini termasuk majas asindeton karena menyebutkan secara berturut suasana hati bunda. pagi begitu senang. riang. seolah-olah kabar baik itu bagai gelombang air besar. 4) keterbatasan melati mulai datang satu per satu. seperti eksekusi pengadilan yang amat menyakitkan. seperti menguliti bawang sehelai demi sehelai, membuat mata pedih berair. (tere liye 2006:203) 21 kalimat di atas mengandung majas asosiasi karena menggunakan kata eksekusi sebagai perumpamaan. kata esekusi juga diartikan putusan berupa cobaan darinya yang harus dijalani oleh mereka 5) kaki-kaki kecilnya yang tanpa alas, sempurna menuju tumpukan pecah-belah celengan yang terhampar bak ladang ranjau. (tere liye 2006:209) kalimat di atas menggunakan majas simile yang menggunakan kata bak sebagai kata perbandingan. 6) sementara yang lainnya hanya ditutup perban setelah diberikan disinfektan (tere liye 2006:212) disenfektan adalah obat pencegah terjadinya infeksi. menurut kami disinfektan merupakan majas metonimia karena menggunakan nama merek untuk mengganti barang tersebut. 7) kinasih berkata pelan. saking pelannya hampir kalah dengan desau angin malam. (tere liye 2006:215) kalimat di atas merupakan majas hiperbola. karena terjadi penglebihan pada kalimat saking pelannya hampir kalah dengan desau angin malam yang artinya suara kinasih pelan seperti suara angin, padahal kita tahu angin itu tidak bisa didengar. 8) tiga hari terakhir karang mengumpulkan benda apa saja. mulai dari yang lembut,kasar,tajam,tumpul,besar,kecil, apa saja. (tere liye 2006:240) kalimat ini termasuk majas antitesis karena menggunakan pasangan kata berlawanan. kalimat ini menegaskan benda-benda yang digunakan pada saat itu. 9) mukanya mengernyit. berpikir cepat bagai desing peluru. (tere liye 2006:242) kalimat ini termasuk majas personifikasi. berpikir adalah bagian dari cara manusia, sedangkan desingan peluru adalah pembandingan dalam hal ini benda mati. 10) “kau pergi sekarang juga!” desisan tuan hk bagai seekor ular kobra yang penuh oleh gelembung kemarahan. (tere liye 2006:267) 22 kalimat di atas termasuk majas asosiasi, bagai seekor digunakan sebagai perbandingan. desisan tuan hk bagai seekor ular kobra yang penuh oleh gelembung kemarahan diartikan kemarahan yang tak terkontrol. 11) jika kami bisa melihat kasih sayang itu bak pendar cahaya,maka kau sungguh membuat kemilau indah tiada tara di langit-langit taman rumput itu sekarang. (tere liye 2006:272) kalimat ini termasuk majas simile. jika kami bisa melihat kasih sayang itu bak pendar cahaya diartikan pengharapan karang agar saat keajaiban tuhan berkenan datang kembali dapat dilihat seperti cahaya (kunang-kunang) yang selalu menghiasi taman rumput itu setiap malam. 12) berdua sekarang berdiri di tepi pelabuhan. menatap lurus kedepan, ke arah lima kapal pesiar yang membuang sauh persis di tengah-tengah teluk. kapal-kapal itu terlihat gemerlap oleh cahaya. pemandangan yang hebat. apalagi bintanggemintang berserakan di atas sana, bersama bulan sabit menjadi kanvas pertunjukan. (tere liye 2006: 294) kalimat ini termasuk majas enumerasio dimana menjelaskan beberapa peristiwa menjadi satu kesatuan agar dalam eseluruhannya tampak jelas. perisitiwa di atas menjelaskan mereka berdua menikmati malam di tepi pelabuhan. e. simpulan stilistika atau ilmu gaya bahasa pada umumnya membicarakan pemakaian bahasa yang khas atau istimewa, yang merupakan ciri khas seorang penulis, aliran sastra, atau pula penyimpangan dari bahasa sehari-hari atau dari bahasa yang normal atau baku, dan sebagainya. gaya bahasa atau penggunaan bahasa yang khas dalam sastra juga bagian dari pembahasan retorika. untuk itu, antara stilistika dan retorika memiliki kesamaan dalam pengkajian sastra pada aspek gaya bahasa sastra yang terdapat di dalamnya. 23 kajian pada gaya pengamatan difokuskan pada tiga bagian yaitu (1) pilihan kata. pada pilihan kata dibagi lagi atas: (a)kata konkret, (b) kata khusus, (c) kata abstrak dan (d) kata umum. (2) pola kalimat dan bentuk sintaksis. pola kalimat terdiri atas unsur-unsur kalimat, sedangkan bentuk sintaksis terdapat bentuk pengulangan (paralelisme), bentuk pembalikan, dan bentuk penghilangan. (3) bentuk semantik, pengkajiannya lebih pada majas dan macam-macamnya. hampir semua jenis majas digunakan oleh pengarang dalam novel ini. penggunaan majas tersebut telah memperkuat makna pesan yang disampaikan pengarang. hal ini terbukti dengan masuknya novel “moga bunda disayang allah” sebagai novel best seller. 24 daftar pustaka corbett, e. p. (2004). classical rhetoric. in j. rivkin , & m. ryan, literary theori: an anthology, second edition (pp. 142-161). oxford, uk: blackwell publishing. culler, j. (2000). literary theory: a very short introduction. new york: oxford university press. dobbie, a. b. (2012). theory into practice: an introduction to literary critism, third edition. canada: wadsworth cengage learning. eagleton, t. (2005). literary theory an introduction, second edition. oxford, uk: blackwell publishing. emzir, & rohman, s. (2015). teori dan pengajaran sastra. jakarta: pt raja grafindo persada. lanham, r. (2004). tacit persuasion patterns. in j. rivkin, & m. ryan, literary theori: an anthology, second edition (pp. 177-194). oxford, uk: blackwell publishing. liye, tere. (2006). moga bunda disayang allah: novel. republika: jakarta nurgiantoro, b. (2007). teori pengkajian fiksi. yogyakarta: gaja mada university press. ratna, kutha nyoman. (2006). teori, metode dan teknik penelitian sastra. yogyakarta: pustaka pelajar teeuw, a. (2013). sastra dan ilmu sastra: pengantar teori sastra. bandung: pustaka jaya. wellek, rene dan austin warren. teori kesusastraan. diterjemahkan oleh melani budianta. jakarta: pt. gramedia pustaka utama journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 45 understanding personality harni jusuf (mahasiswa pascasarjana universitas negeri makassar) abstract educational can not be separeted from learning. to support the successful of teaching learning process, it must be supported by some apsects, such as: learning syles, teaching strategies, affective factors, and socio-cultural factors. one of the affective factors that must be pay attention in language learning is personality. personality is a term in psychology which is depict the character of a person in everyday life. as human beings experience growth and development, personality also experiences development and change. that is why personality can be measured. one way to measure personality is by using psychometric. pendidikan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari yang namanya pembelajaran. ada beberapa aspek yang mendukung kesuksesan proses pembelajaran yakni, gaya belajar, strategi pengajaran dan faktor sikap dan sosial budaya. faktor sikap dalam hal ini lebih ditekankan pada personaliti atau kepribadian seorang pembelajar bahasa. kepribadian merupakan istilah psikologi yang digambarkan sebagai karakter seseorang dalam kesehariannya. sama halnya dengan manusia yang tumbuh dan berkembang, kepribadian seseorang juga mengalami perkembangan. oleh sebab itu kepribadian dapan diukur. salah satu cara untuk mengukur kepribadian adalah dengan menggunakan psikometrik. keywords: personality, personality development, personality change, and personality measurement journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 46 a. introduction talking about personality will never be endless. personality has always been an interesting topic to discuss. it is undeniable that one’s success in work, study, home, and so on is influenced by personality. personality is a term in psychology which is depict the character of a person in everyday life. according to long (2000:99), personality refers to: “those stable characteristics by which individuals differ from each other and which acts as the basis for what they do. it is a label normally applied to interpersonal behaviour and we would for instance typically say that a person who is socially outgoing has an extraverted personality”. according to pervin and john (2001) in dornyei, standard definition, “personality represents those characteristics of the person that account for consistent patterns of feeling, thinking, and behaving”. based on these two definitions, it can be seen that both of the experts emphasize on behavior. it means that personality can be separated from behavior, or someone behavior shown his/her personality. mcadams (2005 : 15) stated that personality is: a unique variation on the general design of human nature. human nature itself—what we human beings have in common with each other by virtue of the fact that we are all human beings—is a product of our species’ evolution. whereas personality develops across the individual life course, from birth through old age, human nature has “developed” over millions of years of evolutionary history. and it continues to develop, of course, for evolution never goes away. from the definition of personality according to mcadams, it can be seen that someone personality develops throughout his/her life. in regards to personality, the holly qur’an also describe the importance of personality, good and bad personality, and the model of human personalities. many researchs over the worlds also have been conducted to see the affect of personalities, and/ or the role of personalities in second language learning. zhang, su, and liu (2013 : 58) conducted a research of chinese efl learners’ personality traits and motivation in relation to their contributions to achievement in english at the tertiary level. the research result revealed that: ......(3) the personality traits were significantly related to all or many of the motivation measures; and (4) most of the personality and motivation scales were significantly correlated with the students’ attainment journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 47 in english, among which, language requirement, intrinsic motivation, psychoticism and lie were good predictors of the latter. in this theoretical studies, this article purposes to describe 3 things related to understand personality, namely: (1) personality development; (2) personality change; and (3) measuring personality. b. discussion personality development personality development can be defined as the continuities, consistencies, and stabilities in people over time and the ways in which people change over time. each of these two facets—stability and change—requires definitions and qualifications (randy j. larsen and david m. buss, 2008 : 138). in fact, there are some theories of personality development, such as personality development in person centered theory, the developmental theories of erikson and levinson, and psychoanalitic developmental theories. in terms of personality development, this paper discuss the developmental theories of erikson. cited from personality development, pearce and simanowitz (2003 : 30-42) explained the developmental theories of erikson. one of erikson’s most significant contributions to developmental theory is the emphasis he placed on the relationship of society and the interpersonal to the unfolding of personality. erikson writes personality can be said to develop according to steps predetermined in the human organism’s readiness to be driven towards, to be aware of, and to interact with widening social radius, beginning with the dim image of a mother and ending with mankind, or at any rate that segment of mankind which counts in the particular individual’s life. erikson integrates these developmental ideas into his theory encompassing an overview of the human life cycle, in the eight discrete stages. at each stage of life erikson seeks to describe how baby, child or adult encounters his/her environment. each stage involves a crisis because ‘incipient growth goes together with a shift in instinctual energy, yet causes specific vulnerability’. in the following are the eight stages of personality development according to erikson. a. stage 1. infancy: trust versus mistrust erikson considers that basic trust is the cornerstone of the healthy personality. the need for taking in food through the mouth is overwhelming in early babyhood, but the visual and tactile senses are also important. erikson refers to this stage as the incorporative stage; journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 48 the baby is receptive to what is being offered. after 6 months the baby has to learn to seek the nipple without biting and to get used to a form of mutual regulation. at this stage there may be a sense of loss as complete unity with the mother is gradually destroyed. ‘when/if the baby has the impression of being deprived; divided or abandoned, a residue of mistrust can form.’ however, erikson highlights that the cultural aspects may be as significant as the instinctual ones. some cultures swaddle the baby; others leave limbs free. what is good for children and what may happen to them depends on what they are supposed to become and where. although the establishment of trust is the first task of maternal care, erikson concludes that in the current times of change mothers have often lost their own sense of trust in themselves. b. stage 2. early childhood: autonomy versus shame and doubt (2 to 4 years) freud called this stage the anal stage, but erikson sees it as a time when there is emphasis on general muscular achievement and not just on sphincter control. at this stage the infant battles for autonomy and ‘the growing ability to hold on and let go, with discretion, to stand “on his own feet”. shame and doubt, the negative consequences of seeking autonomy, are associated with ‘being completely exposed and conscious of being looked at’. doubt is linked particularly with having ‘a back, an area behind which one cannot see but which may be the source of evil and decay – it is the source of fear of attack from behind. at this stage erikson thinks the adult needs to be firm but tolerant, but that the dignity and autonomy of the child are often dependent on the parents’ dignity within the social hierarchy. he considers that much of the ‘shame and doubt, the indignity and uncertainty which is aroused in children are a consequence of the parents’ frustrations in marriage, work and citizenship. c. stages 3 and 4. play age: initiative versus guilt (4 to 5 years); school age: industry versus inferiority (5 to 12 years) by this stage the child has often identified herself as a little person, but must find out what kind of person she wants to be. concurrent with the development of movement, language and imagination, the child develops a sense of unbroken initiative. the child often becomes intrusive, invading others’ space, sometimes by physical attack, and acquiring knowledge with a consuming curiosity. the child can perform ‘acts of aggressive manipulation and coercion’. this evokes a reaction from significant others and can make the journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 49 child aware of the hazards in the environment. a sense of badness and fear of punishment evolves, and thus a sense of guilt is born. this is the stage in which children develop ‘a sense of industry’ and learn to ‘win recognition by producing things’. they often feel ‘i am what i learn’. children want to be shown how to get busy with something and how to get busy alongside others. trends in educational philosophy have varied between making schools ‘an extension of grim adulthood emphasizing self-restraint and a strict sense of duty’ and a place where children can learn by doing what they like to do. erikson thinks that different children can thrive in both these approaches and that schools need to steer a middle course between work and play. play can help a child ‘restore a sense of mastery and introduce a child to a world shared with others’. it helps a child ‘master experience by meditating, experimenting, planning and sharing’. there is a danger at this stage of the development of a sense of inferiority, particularly if the previous conflicts of the earlier stages have not been resolved. children may still want the mother or they may not be acknowledged by the teacher for what they have learned to do well earlier at home. the calibre of teachers and the degree to which they understand the child’s behaviour are vitally important factors in a child’s development. d. stage 5. adolescence: identity versus identity diffusion (12–18 years) the need for ego identity erikson affirms that in human existence there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of ego identity. this term ‘identity’ is the one most associated with erikson’s work. adolescence is the period when the young person often attempts to form a lasting ego identity which is ‘the accrued experience of the ego’s ability to integrate all identifications with the vicissitudes of the libido, with the aptitudes developed out of endowment, and with the opportunities offered in social roles’. they need to develop a sense of ego identity such that they do not feel a discrepancy between their own sense of who they are and their concept of how they appear to others. ego identity develops from a gradual integration of all earlier identifications, but the whole has a different quality to the sum of its parts. erikson asserts that a lasting ego identity cannot exist without the trust of the first oral stage and that the establishment of a confident sense of identity rests on the ongoing promise of fulfilment from significant adult figures in the person’s life. the dangers of identity diffusion erikson recognizes that a watering down journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 50 of the emergent sense of identity, by what he calls ‘identity diffusion’, causes many of the problems experienced by adolescents. this can happen when the adolescent is assailed by doubts about her ethnic, sexual, religious or class identity. e. stage 6: early adulthood: intimacy versus self-absorption erikson was one of the first theorists to identify and focus on life stages in adulthood, and thus gave a lead to later writers such as david levinson and naomi golan. he asserts that it is only after a young person has established a real sense of identity that true intimacy with another can occur. intimacy is ‘the capacity to commit. relationships and marriage can often be the abortive attempt to find the self through finding another. the alternative to intimacy is distantiation, the readiness to destroy those people and forces that seem to threaten one’s own identity. this kind of behaviour can be an extension of reactive adolescent intolerance of difference; it often surfaces and is exploited in politics and war. sometimes intimate, competitive and combative relations can be experienced with and against the self-same people. f. stage 7. adulthood: generativity versus stagnation erikson thinks that sexual mates who have a fulfilled sexual relationship ‘will soon wish to combine their personalities and energies in the production and care of offspring’; he calls this generativity. he considers this stage a crucial one because it is the link between generations. again, his focus on the heterosexual couple excludes alternative lifestyles. if people do not engage with this stage ‘they can experience an obsessive need for pseudointimacy with a pervading sense of stagnation and interpersonal impoverishment’. such stagnation is important because it affects successive generations. g. stage 8. old age: integrity versus despair erikson is one of the few theorists of personality development who saw old age as a separate life stage with its own tasks and crises and who lived to experience it and reflect upon it personally (he lived to the age of 92). integrity in the later stages of life is the culmination of the seven stages. it can be achieved ‘only in him who in some way has taken care of people and things and has adapted himself to the triumphs and disappointments adherent to being the originator of others or the generator of products and ideas’. erikson claims that people who have achieved this state accept their life cycles and those of significant others. they no longer wish that their parents were different and they journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 51 accept that they are responsible for their own lives. people at this stage have a sense of connection with other human beings who have come before them and who have created ‘order, objects and sayings conveying human dignity and love’. erikson adds that clinically he has found that despair and a fear of death signify the lack or loss of this ego integration. this despair can take the form of disgust, misanthropy and contempt for institutions and people, and it reflects the individual’s own contempt for themself. ego integration implies emotional integration, which includes dependency as well as leadership. it involves an awareness of ‘the relativity of all the various life styles’ but also a readiness ‘to defend the dignity of his own life style against all physical and economic threats’. it applies to all aspects of living and all fields of human activity. personality change like achievement and motivation, personality also can change. according to larsen and buss (randy j. larsen and david m. buss, 141), personality change has two defining qualities. first, the changes are typ ically internal to the person, not merely changes in the external surroundings, such as walking into another room. second, the changes are relatively enduring over time, rather than being merely temporary. a. moderators of change personality change itself can be affected by some factors. costa and mccrae said that there are 3 kinds moderators of change. they are as follow. 1. psychological characterisitcs one approach is to look for those characteristics of people that might make certain individuals susceptible to change. mccrae examined several of these. one obvious candidate is personality itself—especially the dimension of openness to experience. some people are much more willing to explore their world, to listen to different views, and to reflect on their own feelings. perhaps this continued processing of new information might lead to changes in emotional maturity or patterns of social interaction, or dedication to goals—to changes in personality from which the closed individual would be insulated. the changes might be in either direction: some open people might discover reasons to become more sociable, whereas others might find new meaning in solitude. the former would become more extraverted; the latter, more introverted. we would not, therefore, expect an overall increase or decrease. but journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 52 we would expect that people high in openness would be less predictable over time: retest correlations should be lower for them than for people low in openness. mccrae (1993) used the same design with three other variables that were potential moderators of change. private self-consciousness refers to a tendency to be introspective and interested in understanding oneself. (this construct must be distinguished from neurotic self-consciousness, which refers to feelings of discomfort in social situations.) because people high in private selfconsciousness know themselves well, they may be more consistent in their self-descriptions and thus show higher stability coefficients. personal agency is a cognitive construct that concerns the way people think about their own behavior. people high in personal agency view behaviors as steps toward long-term goals, whereas people low in personal agency take a more immediate and concrete view. self-monitoring is the tendency to watch what one is doing and modify it to fit the situation. at best, high self-monitors are socially sensitive and functionally flexible people; at worst, they are other-directed chameleons without any enduring principles of their own. because they can change to suit the occasion, high self-monitors might be expected to be lower in trait stability. 2. life events perhaps a more likely candidate for a moderator of change is some external event that alters one’s life and thus one’s personality traits. costa, herbst, and colleagues (2000) conducted exploratory analyses based on this premise. in their large midlife study, they asked participants to report which of 30 specific life events they had experienced in the past 6years. events included got married, your parent died, and your spouse was fired. individual events were relatively rare in this sample, so an index of total life events was created by summing across the 30 events. contrary to the hypothesis, there was no evidence that more events led to more change in personality traits from before the 6-year period to after it. however, analyses of selected events did show small effects. a small group of people (4% of the sample) were fired from a job; compared to the group of people who were promoted during the same period, these individuals increased in neuroticism and decreased in conscientiousness. again, women who were divorced became a bit higher in extraversion and openness journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 53 compared to women who got married. it remains to be seen how replicable these findings are and how enduring the changes may be. 3. physical and mental health there is one last category of potential moderators of personality change: health status. there is, however, a more direct test of this hypothesis. in collaboration with a blsa physician, we examined the medical histories of men and women on whom we had beforeand-after personality measures (costa, metter, & mccrae, 1994). initially, 153 volunteers were considered healthy, 93 had a minor disease (e.g., treated hypertension), and 27 had a major disease (e.g., a history of cancer). over time, 175 volunteers stayed the same or improved in health whereas 98 had worse health status. these two groups did not differ in longitudinal changes in any of the five personality traits, and retest correlations were equally high in both groups. deterioration in physical health status was unrelated to change in personality in this group. it should be noted, however, that all of the subjects in this study were sufficiently well at the second administration to complete a personality questionnaire. more serious illness might have affected personality scores. b. two universal observations of personality change in contrast to the aforementioned theoretical impossibilities, most theories of personality cite two observations, which they assert are nearly always involved in personality change. they are 1) major personality change involves some sort of intense affective or feeling process occurring in the individual; 2) major personality change occurs nearly always in the context of an ongoing personal relationship. for more clearly, the two universal observation of personality change (eugene t. gendlin, 1964 : 5-7) will explain in the following. 1. the feeling process when major personality change occurs, intense, emotional, inwardly felt events are usually observed. i would like to give the name "feeling process" to this affective dimension of personality change. the word "feeling" is preferable to "affective," because "feeling" usually refers to something concretely sensed by an individual. in personality change the individual directly feels an inward reworking. his own concepts and constructs become partly unstructured and his felt experiencing at times exceeds his intellectual grasp. in various contexts it has been noted that major personality change requires not only intellectual or actional operations, but also this felt process. for instance, psychotherapists (of whatever orientation) often discuss the presence or absence of this feeling process in a journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 54 particular case. they discuss whether the individual, in a given psychotherapy hour, is engaged in "merely" intellectualizing, or whether (as they phrase it) he is "really" engaged in psychotherapy. the former they consider a waste of time or a defense, and they predict that no major personality change will result from it. the latter they consider promising of personality change. now, although this difference is universally discussed, it is most often phrased so unclearly, and the words following "merely" ("merely" intellectualizing, defending, avoiding, externalizing, etc.), and the words following "really" ("really" engaged, facing, dealing with) are so undefined that we may as well simply refer to this difference as the difference between "merely" and "really." although it may not be phrased well, what is always meant of referred to by "really" is a feeling process which is absent when something is termed "merely." a similar distinction between "merely" and "really" is talked about in education: there has always been much concern with the contrast between "mere" rote learnings of facts and "really" learning something (making it one's own, becoming able to "integrate," "apply," and "creatively elaborate" it). "really" learning is predicted to result in observable behavior changes, while "mere" rote learning is predicted to result in little (or different) behavior change. the learning process is said to differ in the two instances, depending upon the degree of the individual's "internal motivation," his way of "taking the new material in," his "application of himself to what he learns," his genuine grasp of meanings. these metaphoric phrases indicate that, here again during learning, the difference between "really" and "merely" refers to a certain participation of the individual's feelings in the learning process. 2. the personal relationship just as the feeling process is observed as essential in personality change-while little is said to delineate, observably define, or theoretically account for it-so also the personal relationship is always cited. can theory define this enormous and critical difference which it makes to the individual to live in relation to another person? we observe that when the individual thinks about his experiences and emotions by himself, there is often little change. we observe that when he speaks about these things to some other people, equally little change occurs. however, when we come to the "therapeutic" or "effective" personal relationship, we say that "suggestion," or "libidinal support," or "approval and reinforcement," or the other journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 55 person's "therapeutic attitudes," or the "conversation between the two unconsciousnesses," somehow obviates the factors which otherwise shape all his experiences and personal relations to keep the individual as he is. somehow, now, he is said to "become aware" of what he previously could not be aware of, he is "influenced" by suggestions, he "overcomes" the transference, his "libidinal balance" is altered, he somehow now "perceives the attitudes" of the therapist, where he has always distorted and anticipated the attitudes of others. this is really the problem, not the explanation, of personality change. rogers discovered how, in practice, the individual can be helped to overcome the repression model. his discovery is that defensiveness and resistance are obviated when one responds to an individual "within his own internal frame of reference." this phrase means that the psychotherapist's response always refers to something which is directly present in the individual's own momentary awareness. rogers at first found that even if the therapist did nothing, more than to rephrase the patient's communication-that is to say, if the therapist clearly showed that he was receiving and exactly understanding the patient's moment-by moment communications-a very deep and self-propelled change process began and continued in the patient. something happens in an individual when he is understood in this way. some change takes place in what he momentarily confronts. something releases. he then has something else, further, to say; and if this, again, is received and understood, something still further emerges which ;he individual would not even have thought of (nor was capable of thinking), had not such a sequence of expressions and responses taken place. but we do observe that almost always these changes occur in the context of a personal relationship. some definitions of the kind of relationship which does (and the kind which does not) effect personality change have been offered (rogers, 1957, 1959b). very little has been said about how relationship events affect the conditions making for repression and the nature of contents, so that these alter. measuring personality measuring personality is one of the areas studied in personality. to measure personality, we can use psychometric. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 56 “the word psychometric originates from the terms ‘psycho’ referring to mind, and ‘metric’ meaning measurement, and simply means measurement of the mind, or measurement of an aspect of the mind. examples include the measurement of intelligence, attitudes and personality, and would typically involve the use of questionnaires or tests” (abbot, 2001:11). meanwhile, mathews (2009:13) states that “psychometrics provides statistical techniques which tell us how good a measuring tool a particular questionnaire is, just as we might assess the accuracy of a thermometer or balance in the physicalsciences. the sophistication of modern techniques, and the number-crunching power afforded by computers, provide the contemporary researcher with powers of data analysis far beyond those envisaged by the pioneering trait researchers”. in social and personality development, abbot (2001:6-7) states that historically, research into personality has tended to be split between two approaches: the idiographic approach and the nomothetic approach. this division reflects an important difference of opinion in the way psychologists view people as the subject matter. when studied idiographically people are seen as unique individuals, whereas taking a nomothetic approach assumes that people are essentially similar and share characteristics with each other. the difference between these two approaches is discussed in more detail below. 1. idiographic approaches the idiographic approach (from the greek ‘idios’ meaning personal or private) takes the view that we are unique individuals and should be studied as such. this means that we cannot rely on descriptions of common behaviours to describe certain types of people, such as people who are shy or people who are aggressive, but should treat each person as uniquely different from any other. so how can this approach be applied to the study of personality? taking a purely idiographic approach would require a detailed analysis of an individual’s thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and would not assume that the resulting profile could be applied to anybody else. the idea of universal features or general behaviours put forward to explain human behaviour does not belong to, and is not the language of an idiographic approach. the main advocates of the idiographic approach are from the humanistic school of thought. this school includes prominent theorists such as carl rogers who took a personjournal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 57 centred approach to therapy, george kelly who developed the personal construct theory, and gordon allport who described people as possessing ‘unique personal characteristics’. sigmund freud was another theorist who took an idiographic approach, by focusing on the individual as the main unit of study. freud’s personality theory was developed from case studies of his patients. a final example is eric erikson, who put forward a whole life theory of psychosocial stages, through which each person must pass during their lifetime. both freud and erikson will be discussed in detail later in the book. to conclude, taking an idiographic approach means researching a theory or phenomena by studying people individually and recognising their uniqueness, without trying to categorise them. 2. nomothetic approaches the nomothetic approach (from the greek ‘nomos’ meaning law) relies on the assumption that we share many characteristics with our fellow human beings, and that the study of behaviours we hold in common will lead to a more useful understanding of people. it is typically characterised by the use of experimental methods, such as measuring individuals on a scale, or carrying out controlled studies where variables can be isolated, in order to uncover universal laws that can be applied to everyone. taking a nomothetic approach involves categorising people in order to describe or uncover the causes of common behaviours, such as sociability or generosity. this approach has been employed by cognitive psychologists such as raymond cattell and hans eysenck, both of whom believe that the basic core of human personality is made up of a number of traits or dimensions. as a well-known example, eysenck put forward introversion/extroversion as a universal personality dimension that can be employed to describe and measure part of any individual’s personality in varying degrees. c. conclusions based on the two discussions of personality above, it can be concluded that understanding personality development is an important thing for everyone, especially both for parents and teachers. for parents, they have to emphasize on stage 1 to 5, and, for the teachers, they should pay attention on stage 3 to 5. personality as one of the areas studied in psycholinguistic not only affect learning, but also affect the lives of every human being in all aspects. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 58 personality also not stable. it can change because of some moderators, such as psychological characters, life events, and physical and mental health. understanding personality measurement is also important for those who want to conduct research, particularly in considering which approach will be used based on the type of research. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 59 references abbot, tina. 2001. social and personality development. usa: routledge, taylor & francis group. dornyei, zoltan. 2005. the psychology of the language learners. london; lea. gendlin, eugene t. 1964. a theory of personality change in philip worchel & donn byrne (eds.), personality change. new york: john wiley & sons. larsen, randy j and david m. buss. 2008. personality psychology: domainss of knowledge about human nature, 3 rd ed. boston: mcgraw hill. long, martin. 2000. the psychology of education. london: routledge/falmer. mathews, gerald, ian j. deary, and martha c. whiteman. 2009. personality traits, 3 rd ed. uk: cambridge university press. mcadams, dan p. 2015. the art and science of personality development. new york: guilford press. mccrae, robert r. and paul t. costa jr. 2006. personality in adulhood: a five factors theory perspective, 2nd ed. new york: the guilford press. simanowitz, valeria, and peter pearce. 2003. perssonality development. london: open university press. zhang, wenxia, danli su, and meihua liu. 2013. personality traits, motivation and foreign language attainment. journal of language teaching and research, 4 (1), doi:10.4304/jltr.4.1.58-66 journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 60 the students’ priority skill of english needs by the eleventh grade students at smk toraja wisata markus deli girik allo, herni pabisa 1), 2) 1,2) universitas kristen indonesia toraja abstract the objective of the research is to find out the student's priority skill of english needs by the eleventh grade students of smk toraja wisata. this research employed nonexperimental design. the population of this research was the eleventh grade students of smk toraja wisata academic year 2015/2016, there were 20 students as a population and divided into two department are perhotelan and kesehatan department, the sample of the research was the students of perhotelan department, the researcher used random sampling technique with the numbers of sample was 10 students of perhotelan department from the eleventh grade students and the writer used one only instrument, namely questionnaire. the result of data analysis collected through the questionnaire showed that from the15 items questionnaire, there are 12 items which speaking occupy the first priority with average value: for questionnaire 1 until 6 with average values 4.50 was important, 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.80 and 4.75 were very important. in the questionnaire 7 and 8 speaking not occupy the first priority because listening and reading occupy the first priority with the average value of 4.70 was very important, and questionnaire 8 with average value 4.60 was very important. then questionnaire 9 until 12 with average values 4.55 of 4.80, 4.70 were very important, and 4.10 were important. next questionnaire 13 speaking also not occupy the first priority because listening is occupy the first priority with average value of 4.70 was very important. and the last questionnaire 14 and 15 speaking occupy the first priority with average values 4.90 and 4.90 were very important classification. based on the data analysis above, it is inferred that the student's priority skill of english needs by the eleventh grade students at smk toraja wisata is speaking. key words: students' priority skill, english needs journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 61 a. introduction english for specific purposes (esp), was specialized english for teaching english language including business english, technical english, scientific english, english for medical professionals, english for waiters, english for tourism, and english for art purposes. english for tourism to teaching about improve their overall english communication skills, develop english language skills for working in the tourism; develop their knowledge and understanding of tourism the communication skills needed to work in the tourism industry. skill is the combination of ability, knowledge, and experience that enables a person to do something well. in english, there are four major skills such as speaking, listening, writing and reading. speaking is the productive skill. it could not be separated from listening. when we speak we produce the text and it should be meaningful. in the nature of communication, we can find the speaker, the listener, the message and the feedback. speaking could not be separated from pronunciation as it encourages learners to learn the english sounds. listening is the process of understanding speech in a first or second language. it means that listening is one of major skill that every english student must have. practically, there are still many people who have lack of listening skill than other skill, especially it is the common problem the mostly student had. for example when the student could speak english fluently but she could not identify what the native speaker said. it could be influenced by neither the speed of speech that is too fast nor the low responses skill of what they heard. writing is the ability to put pen and paper to express ideas through symbols, this way, representations on the paper will have meaning and content that could be communicated to other people by the writer. and reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning (reading comprehension). it is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information and ideas. like all language, it is a complex interaction between the text and the reader which is shaped by the reader’s prior knowledge, experiences, attitude, and language. when students of smk pariwisata are learning english, they will learn language skills, but usually, teachers do not teach skills suitable to the student's needs, it is because the curriculum sometimes is different to the students needs of learning english or teachers do not know what exactly skills that the students need to learn english. because the skill is needed in each school or department is different. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 62 therefore, skill in english is needed by the students and the main priorities especially in english at smk pariwisata. english teaching in smk pariwisata teach about specific english for hotel, tour guides, and restaurant, which can help students who have the interest to work in the world of tourism. by considering the explanation above, the researcher wants to know what priority skill that students need to english is. whether speaking, listening, writing or reading. therefore, the researcher chose the title “the students' priority skill of english needs by the eleventh-grade students at smk toraja wisata". b. review of literature 1. need analysis the term ‘need analysis’ has featured prominently in the literature of language teaching in last 1920s (example. hutchinson and waters 1987 at all) most of them have focused on learners’ communicative needs but teachers' needs are treated as a part of the situational analysis that is general parameters of a language program. in the 1970s the formal concept of needs analysis was largely established by council of europe modern language project group in the field of esp. this group aimed to promote language learning in europe and offered guidance and support to many ‘partner for learning’ whose cooperation was necessary for creation to the needs of the learners as well as of the society. there are some opinions and definitions of needs such as " richards (2001: 54) ‘needs' is the term used to refer to “want, desires, demands, expectation, motivation, lacks, constraints, and requirements”. it was introduced largely through esp movement” the demand for specialized language program grew and applied linguistics increasingly began to employ needs analysis procedures in language teaching in the 1960s, then in 1980s, in many parts of the world a" need-based philosophy ” emerged in language teaching, particularly in relation to esp and vocational oriented program design”. brindly (1984: 28), the term ‘needs' is something used to refers wants, desires, demands, expectations, and motivating lack constraints, and requirements. needs are often described in term of a linguistic deficiency, it means that describing the distinguishing between what he or she should be able to do. it means that ‘needs' have real objectives and wait to be identified and analyzed. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 63 robinson (1991) states out “five different meanings and types of needs” : (1) needs can refer to students' study or job requirement, that is, what they are going to do at the end of their language study. it means that it is a goal-oriented of needs, (2) needs can mean what the user of institutions or society regards as desirable to be learned from a program of language instruction, (3) the consideration to what the students need to do actually acquire the language. that is a process-oriented meaning of needs and related to transitional behavior, the means of learning. and (4) needs is what the students themselves would like to get from the language course. this view of needs implies that students or jobs, and (finally) needs to be interpreted as lack, that is, what the students do not know or cannot do in language”. hutchinson and waters (1987: 54 ) divided “needs” into two divisions ‘target need and learning need’ where target needs are what the learners' needs to do in the target situation, and learning needs are what the learners' needs to do in order to learn. target needs include necessities, lack, and want. necessities refer to the type of needs determined by the demand of target situation, that is what the learner has to know in order to function effectively in the target situation, lack refers to the gaps between what the learner knows, and wants are interpreted as what are the learner think their needs”. based on the definition above, the writer concludes that the needs are term refer used to refers wants, desires, demands, expectations, and motivating lack constraints, and requirements. 2. the objective of need analysis the term ‘need' is not straight forward as it might appear, and hence the term is sometimes used to refer to wants desire, demands, expectation, motivation, lacks, constrains, and requirements (brindley 1984:28). need are often described in term of a linguistic deficiency, that is, describing the different between what a learner can presently do in a language and what he or she should be able to do. this suggests that need objective reality and are simply they are waiting to be identified and analyzed. porccher (1977, in brinley, 1984:29). often does different perspective: the need is not a thing that exists and makes the encountered ready-made on the street. it is a thing that constructed the center conceptual network and the product of a number of epistemology call choices (which are not innocent themselves, of course).” need often described in term of language needs, that is, as a language needed to survive in an english dominant society. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 64 according to richard (2001:55), the need analysis can do for several of different users. for example, when do need analysis to help revise secondary english curriculum in the country, the last user includes: 1. curriculum official at service education that possible want uses that information to evaluate syllabus, curriculum, and the material. 2. the teacher who will teach from the new curriculum, 3. the student who will be taught from curriculum, 4. the writer who is preparing the new learning book, 5. testing personnel, who are involved in developing end-of-school assessments 6. the staff of tertiary institutions, who are interested in knowing what the expected level will be of the students existing the schools and what problem they face. 3. the concept of language languages are generally taught and assessed in terms of the ‘four skills’: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. listening and reading are known as ‘receptive’ skills while speaking and writing are known as ‘productive’ skills. all language learners will need to develop their skills in each of these areas, and your language classes should incorporate activities related to all these skills. below are some practical steps you can take to develop these skills outside the classroom – remember you will also want to think about your current language level and priorities for learning in each area”. in accordance with helen (2013) when we learn a language, there are four skills that we need for complete communication. when we learn our native language, we usually learn to listen first, then to speak, then to read and finally to write. therefore, language is the ability to acquire and use complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so, and a language is any specific example of such a system. orwig (1999) argues that there are four basic skills in the english language. they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing, it is illustrated as follows: 1) listening listening is the language skill which learners usually find the most difficult skill because they feel under unnecessary pressure to understand every word. listening comprehension is the receptive skill in the oral mode. when people speak of listening what they really mean is listening and understanding what they hear. in the first language, people have all the skills journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 65 and background knowledge they need to understand what they hear. further, he classifies it into two kinds of listening situations: a) interactive b) non-interactive interactive listening situations include face-to-face conversations and telephone calls, in which the learners alternately listen and speak, and people have a chance to ask for clarification, repetition, or slower speech from our conversation partner. some noninteractive listening situations are listening to the radio, tv, films, or lectures. 2) speaking speaking is the productive skill in the oral mode. it is classified into three speaking situations: a) interactive, b) partially interactive c) non-interactive furthermore, he put forward the three speaking situations. interactive speaking situations include face-to-face conversations and telephone calls, in this case, the speakers alternately exchange messages and they have chances to ask for clarification or repetition. some speaking situations are partially interactive, such as when giving a speech to a live audience. the speaker nevertheless can see the audience and judge from the expressions on their faces and body language whether or not he or she is being understood. noninteractive speaking is when the speaker giving a speech, not to a live audience, such as the speakers in radio or tv. 3) reading reading is the receptive skill in the written mode. it can develop independently of listening and speaking skills but often develops along with them, especially in societies with a highly-developed literary tradition. reading can help build the vocabulary that further helps listening comprehension, particularly at the later stages. 4) writing writing is the productive skill in the written mode. it is more complicated than it seems at first and often seems to be the hardest of the skills, even for native speakers of a journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 66 language, since it involves not just a graphic representation of speech, but the development and presentation of thoughts in a structured way. c. research method in this research, the writer used quantitative research. it aims to find out the description of the students' priority skill of english needs by the eleventh-grade students at smk toraja wisata. the number of the eleventh-grade students at smk toraja wisata academic year 2015/2016 was too large, so the researcher used the random sampling technique to choose the sample. the research chose the perhotelan department in the class eleventh grade students as the respondent of this research. there were 10 students in the department. research instrument of this study was the questionnaire. questionnaire aimed to find out the students' priority skill of english needs by the eleventh-grade students at smk toraja wisata. data that are obtained from questionnaires then was analyzed qualitatively. in order to find out the answer of research questions, then the writer analyzed the data by classifying it into score level, with the following procedure: the ‘importance score’ of english skills used in the classroom, the researcher gives a score one to five, with the following level. table 3.1: score level score important level 1 unimportant 2 less important 3 undecided 4 important 5 very important journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 67 in this research the writer used descriptive analysis technique to find out the average score students, by using the following formula: (gay 2006:320) n x x   where:    score total x scoremean x n = number of respondent the average score of the respondents' perception of the student's needs for english then was converted into the following scale: 0.00 – 1.50 unimportant 1.51 – 2.50 less important 2.513.50 undecided 3.51 – 4.50 important 4.515.00 very important d. discussion in order to find out the answer to research questions, then the writer analyzed the data by classifying it into score level, with the following description: priority scale questionnaire 1: this item deals with the tourism students expected to use english skills in learning english. all of the respondents recognized the importance of reading, writing, speaking and listening in learning english, as displayed in the following diagram: journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 68 diagram 4.1 the average score of important of english for tourism students based on the data above the description of the questionnaire 1, it is obvious that the tourism student expected to use english skills in learning english at smk toraja wisata based on the diagram analysis, the first priority is speaking with average value 4.50. the second priority is listening with average value 4.10 and the third priority is reading with average value 3.80 and the last priority is writing with average value 3.60. questionnaire 2: this questionnaire deals with the important to success in course of studying english abilities for tourism students. part of respondents recognized that listening and reading is important to success in course of studying english abilities, but writing is undecided. the other respondents recognized that speaking is very important to success in course of studying english abilities, as displayed in the following diagram: diagram 4.2 the average score of important to success in study the following skills abilities the important to success in course of studying english abilities for tourism students at smk toraja wisata based on the diagram. the first priority is speaking with average value 4.70. the second priority is listening with average value 3.90 and the third priority is reading, with average value 3.60 and the last priority is writing with average value 3.40. 4.10 4.50 3.80 3.60 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 listening speaking reading writing 0.00 5.00 listening speaking reading writing 3.90 4.70 3.60 3.40 journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 69 questionnaire 3: this item deals with the important use of skills for looking information about tourism industry for tourism students. part of respondents recognized that listening is important, reading and writing is undecided to success in course of studying english abilities. the other respondents recognized that speaking is very important to use the following skill for looking a job in the hotel. as displayed in the following diagram: diagram 4.3 the average score of important use the following skills, for looking information about tourism industry the important to use the following skills for looking information about tourism industry for tourism students at smk toraja wisata based on the table analysis, the first priority is speaking with average value 4.60. the second priority is listening with average value 4.10 and the third priority are reading and writing with average value 3.50 questionnaire 4: this item deals with the important use of the following skills for looking a job in the hotel for tourism students. part of respondents recognized that speaking, listening, reading and writing is important for looking a job in the hotel. as displayed in the following diagram diagram 4.4 the average score of important use of the following skills, for looking a job in the hotel 4.10 4.60 3.50 3.50 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 listening speaking reading writing 4.50 4.50 3.60 4.20 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 listening speaking reading writing journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 70 the important to use of the following skills for looking a job in the hotel for tourism students at smk toraja wisata based on the diagram analysis, the first priority is speaking and listening with average value 4.50. the second priority is writing, with average value 4.20 and the third priority is reading with average value 3.60. questionnaire 5: this item deals with the important use of skills for looking a job in the restaurant for tourism students. part of respondents recognized that listening, reading and writing is important for looking a job in the restaurant. the other respondents recognized that speaking and listening is very important to use the following skill for looking a job in the restaurant. as displayed in the following diagram: diagram 4.5 the average score important use the following skills, for looking a job in the restaurant the important to use of skills for looking a job in the restaurant for tourism students at smk toraja wisata based on the diagram analysis, the first priority is speaking with average value 4.80. the second priority is listening with average value 4.30 and the third priority is writing with average value 4.00 and the last priority is reading with average value 3.90. questionnaire 6: question number 6 described information about the important use the skills in tourism industry especially guide. part of respondents recognized that listening, writing and reading is important in tourism industry especially guide. the other respondents recognized that speaking is very important to use the following in tourism industry especially guide, as displayed in the following diagram: 4.30 4.80 3.90 4.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 listening speaking reading writing journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 71 diagram 4.6 the average score of important use the following skills, in tourism industry especially guide the important to use the following skills in tourism industry especially guide for tourism students at smk toraja wisata based on the diagram analysis, the first priority is speaking with average value 4.70. the second priority is listening with average value 4.40 and the third priority is writing with average value 3.80 and the last priority is reading with average value 3.80. questionnaire 7: this question deals with the important use of skills in tourism industry especially travel agency. part of respondents recognized that reading, writing, and speaking is important in tourism industry especially travel agency. the other respondents recognized that listening is very important to use the following in tourism industry especially travel agency. as displayed in the following diagram diagram 4.7 the average score of important use the following skills in tourism industry especially travel agency based on the data above the description of item 7, it can be presented as follows: the important to use the skills in tourism industry especially guide for tourism students at smk toraja wisata based on the diagram analysis, the first priority is listening with average 4.40 4.75 3.70 3.95 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 listening speaking reading writing 4.70 4.40 4.20 4.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 listening speaking reading writing journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 72 value 4.70. the second priority is speaking with average value 4.40 and the third priority is reading with average value 4.20 and the last priority is writing with average value 4.00. q questionnaire 8: this question deals with the important use of skills as a chef in the restaurant. part of respondents recognized that listening and speaking is important and writing is undecided as a chef in the restaurant. the other respondents recognized that reading is very important as a chef in the restaurant. as displayed in the following chart: diagram 4.8 the average score of important use the following skills as a chef in the restaurant the important to use the following as a chef in the restaurant for tourism students at smk toraja wisata based on the diagram analysis, the first priority is reading with average value 4.60. the second priority is speaking with average value 4.40 and the third priority is listening with average value 4.20 and the last priority is writing with average value 2.60. questionnaire 9 described information deals with the important use the following skills as a waiter in the restaurant. part of respondents recognized that listening, speaking, reading and writing is important as a waiter in the restaurant. as displayed in the following diagram: diagram 4.9 the average score of important use the following skills as a waiter in the restaurant 4.20 4.40 4.60 2.60 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 listening speaking reading writing 4.45 4.55 4.05 4.00 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 listening speaking reading writing journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 73 the important to use the following as a waiter in the restaurant for tourism students at smk toraja wisata based on the table analysis, the first priority is speaking with average value 4.50. the second priority is listening with average value 4.40 and the third priority is speaking with average value 4.30 and the last priority is writing with average value 3.60. questionnaire 10: questionnaire 10 deals with the important use the following skills as a waiter in the hotel. part of respondents recognized that listening, reading, and writing are important as a waiter in the restaurant. the other respondents recognized that listening and speaking is very important as a waiter in the restaurant. as displayed in the following diagram: diagram 4.10 the average score of important use the following skills, as a waiter in the hotel the important to use the following as a waiter in the hotel for tourism students at smk toraja wisata based on the diagram analysis, the first priority is speaking with average value 4.80. the second priority is listening with average value 4.60 and the third priority is speaking with average value 4.10 and the last priority is writing with average value 4.00. questionnaire 11: this item deals with the important use the following skills as a receptionist in the restaurant. part of respondents recognized that listening, reading and writing is important as a receptionist in the restaurant. the other respondents recognized that speaking is very important as a receptionist in the restaurant. as displayed in the following diagram: 4.60 4.80 4.10 4.00 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 listening speaking reading writing journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 74 diagram 4.11 the average score of important use the following skills, as a receptionist in the restaurant the important to use the following as a receptionist in the restaurant for tourism students at smk toraja wisata based on the diagram analysis, the first priority is speaking with average value 4.70. the second priority is writing with average value 4.40 next the third priority is listening with average value 4.30 and the last priority is reading with average value 3.90. questionnaire 12: described information deals with the important use the following skills as a receptionist in the hotel. part of respondents recognized that speaking, listening, reading and writing is important as a receptionist in the hotel. as displayed in the following table: diagram 4.12 the average score of important use the following skills, as a receptionist in the hotel the important to use the skills as a receptionist in the hotel for tourism students at smk toraja wisata based on the diagram analysis, the first priority is speaking with average value 4.10. the second priority is reading with average value 4.00 and the third priority is writing with average value 3.80 and the last priority is listening to average value 3.70. 4.30 4.70 3.90 4.40 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 listening speaking reading writing 3.70 4.10 4.00 3.80 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.20 listening speaking reading writing journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 75 questionnaire 13: described information deals with the important use the following skills as a manager in the restaurant. part of respondents recognized that speaking, reading, and writing is important as a receptionist in the restaurant. the other respondents recognized that listening is very important as a manager in the restaurant. as displayed in the following diagram: diagram 4.13 the average score of important use the following skills, as manager in the restaurant the important to use the skills as a receptionist in the restaurant for tourism students at smk toraja wisata based on the table analysis, the first priority is listening with average value 4.70. the second priority is speaking with average value 4.40 and the third priority is reading and writing with average value 4.30. questionnaire 14: this question deals with the important use of skills as a manager in the hotel. part of respondents recognized that listening, reading, and writing are important as a receptionist in the hotel. the other respondents recognized that speaking, reading, and speaking is very important as a manager in the hotel. as displayed in the following diagram: diagram 4.14 the average score of important use the following skills, as a manager in the hotel the important to use the following as a manager in the hotel for tourism students at smk toraja wisata based on the table analysis, the first priority is speaking with average value 4.90. the second priority is reading with average value 4.30 and the third 4.70 4.40 4.30 4.30 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 listening speaking reading writing 4.20 4.90 4.30 4.50 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 listening speaking reading writing journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 76 priority is listening with average value 4.20 and the last priority is listening to average value 4.00. questionnaire 15: this item deals with the important use the following skills work in government tourism office. part of respondents recognized that listening and writing are important as a receptionist in the hotel. the other respondents recognized that speaking and reading are very important as a manager in the hotel. as displayed in the following diagram: diagram 4.15 the average score of important use the following skills, work in government tourism office the important to use the following as a manager in the hotel for tourism students at smk toraja wisata based on the table analysis, the first priority is speaking with average value 4.90. the second priority is reading with average value 4.60 and the third priority is writing with average value 4.50, and the last priority is listening with average value 3.80. this section deals with the discussion of the result of the data analysis. the analysis aims at describing the student's priority skill of english needs by the eleventh-grade students of smk toraja wisata. need are often described in term of a linguistic deficiency, that is, describing the different between what a learner can presently do in a language and what he or she should be able to do. this suggests that need objective reality and are simply they are waiting to be identified and analyzed. porccher (1977, in brinley, 1984:29). often does different perspective: the need is not a thing that exists and makes the encountered ready-made on the street. it is a thing that constructed the center conceptual network and the product of a number of epistemology call choices (which are not innocent themselves, of course).”need often describes in term of language needs, that is, as a language needed to survive in an english dominant society. 3.80 4.90 4.60 4.50 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 listening speaking reading writing journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 77 the student’s priority skill of english needs by the eleventh-grade students of smk toraja wisata is speaking. it can be proved from the mean score gathered from the 15 items questionnaire; there are 12 items which speaking occupies priority 1, with average value: for questionnaire 1 until 6 with average values 4.50 was important, 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.80 and 4.75 were very important. in the questionnaire 7 and 8 speaking not occupy the first priority because listening and reading occupy the first priority with the average value of 4.70 was very important, and questionnaire 8 with average value 4.60 was very important. then questionnaire 9 until 12 with average values 4.55 of 4.80, 4.70 were very important, and 4.10 were important. next questionnaire 13 speaking also not occupy the first priority because listening is occupied the first priority with the average value of 4.70 was very important. and the last questionnaire 14 and 15 speaking occupy the first priority with average values 4.90 and 4.90 were very important classification. therefore, from 15 items questionnaire, speaking occupy the first priority from 12 items questionnaire were: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15. and then listening occupies the first priority from 2 items were item 7 and 13. and the last reading occupies the first priority from 1 item was item 8. e. conclusion based on the findings and discussions of the previous chapter, the writer concluded that the student's priority skill of english needs by the eleventh-grade students at smk toraja wisata is speaking. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 78 references amiruddin, wachid in objectivematerials.html accessed, november 6. 2015 brindley, g.1984. needs analysis and objective setting in the adult migrant education program. sydney: nsw adult migrant education service. gay, l. r. 2006. educational research: competencies for analysis & application (8th ed). new jersey: merril prentice hall. geok helen .2013. the four skills. retrieved november 8, 2015 hutchinson, t and waters,a 1987. english for specific purposes' a learning-centered approach’ new york: cambridge university press. misuzu, m. and john t. .2005. needs analysis for nursing students utilizing questionnaires and interview. kawasaki journal of medical welfare orwig, carol j. 1999. guidelines for a language and cultural learning program version 3.5. pongsapan nehru p. 2015. english for specific purposes’ english education department: christian university of indonesia toraja. richard, jack.2001.curriculum development in language teaching. usa; cambridge university press. robinson, p. 1991. esp today: a practitioner's guide. prentice hall. uk: prentice hall international (uk) ltd. triyuana, esti kurniasari .2013. an analysis of the learners’ needs of english for specific purposes at smk tri guna bhakti surabaya’ retain | vol 1, no 3, (2013) journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 68 pengaruh penggunaan materi bacaan berbasis kearifan lokal pada mata kuliah reading for information sukmawatiyasim & rusdiah & program studi pendidikan bahasa inggris, universitas sulawesi barat, majene. , abstract this study aims to determine (1) the extent of the influence of the use of local wisdom-based reading material in reading for information courses; (2) student perceptions of the use of local wisdom-based reading material in reading for information courses. the population of this research is the second semester students in the study program of english language education, faculty of social and political sciences, university of west sulawesi with a sample of 34 students. this research method is pre-experimental research consisting of pre-test, 6 treatments, and post-test. data retrieval through two instruments: multiple choice and ranking. data analysis using spss. the results of this study indicate that the t-test and student scores in the post-test were p <0.05. there were significant differences in student scores between the pre-test and post-test after treatment with local wisdom reading material in the reading for information course. questionnaire analysis showed that students' perceptions of the use of local wisdom reading material in the reading for information course were influential. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) sejauh mana pengaruh penggunaan materi bacaan berbasis kearifan lokal pada mata kuliah reading for information; (2) persepsi mahasiswa terhada ppenggunaan materi bacaan berbasis kearifan lokal pada mata kuliah reading for information.populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester ii di program studi pendidikan bahasa inggris, fakultas ilmu sosial dan ilmu politik, universitas sulawesi barat dengan sampel 34 mahasiswa. metode penelitian ini adalah pre-experimental research terdiridari pre-test, 6 kali perlakuan, dan post-test. pengambilan data melalui dua instrument: multiple choice danangket. analisis data dengan menggunakan spss. hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai t-test dan skor mahasiswa pada post-test adalah p< 0.05.ada perbedaan siknifikan skor mahasiswa antara pre-test dan post-test setelah perlakuan dengan materi bacaan kearifan lokal pada mata kuliah reading for information. analisis kuisioner menunjukkan bahwa persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan materi bacaan kearifan lokal pada matakuliah reading for information berpengaruh. keywords: reading material, local wisdom, reading for information journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 69 a. pendahuluan kurikulum program studi pendidikan bahasa inggris mengalami sedikit perubahan dalam hal nama mata kuliah khususnya dari reading ii menjadi reading for information. untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menyerap informasi. salah satu cara dalam meningkatkan hal tersebut adalah dengan menanamkan kebiasaan membaca informasi dalam bahasa inggris karena kemampuan membaca akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan mahasiswa dalam kegiatan perkuliahan dan bersaing didalam dunia kerja baik regional, nasional bahkan internasional..bagi mahasiswa program studi pendidikan bahasa inggris, matakuliah membaca masih merupakan matakuliah yang dianggap sulit.hal ini terlihat apabila mereka diberikan sebuah teks, banyak mahasiswa yang belum dapat menjawab pertanyaan tentang teks itu dengan baik. namun, banyak peneliti baru-baru ini menunjukkan bahwa membaca bukan sekadar aktivitas menerima informasi dari teks.ini tidak hanya memahami satuan kata, kalimat atau bagian.membaca adalah aktivitas yang cukup kompleks.ini melibatkan kerja otak untuk mengolah pemahaman (huang, 2009: 138). ada dua proses yaitu multi-statiform dan proses interaktif dalam membaca pemahaman, kedua proses ini berhubungan dengan kognisi manusia. multi-statiform adalah proses dimana pembaca menggunakan berbagai tingkat bahasa mereka. semakin tinggi tingkat bahasa yang mereka miliki, semakin besar kemungkinan mereka dapat memahami teks dengan baik. dalam proses interaktif, teks tersebut mempengaruhi pembaca melalui katakata, struktur dan juga konten yang mendorong mereka untuk menggunakan latar belakang pengetahuan (background knowledge) mereka untuk bertindak sesuai dengan teks. dengan kata lain, dalam proses interaktif, pembaca tidak hanya menggunakan bahasa mereka tapi juga latar belakangnya pengetahuan untuk memahami teks pengetahuan latar belakang mereka membuat mereka lebih mudah memahami teksnya. peran background knowledge dari pembaca untuk memahami teks dijelaskan dalam "schema theory". anderson percaya bahwa kata-kata, kalimat atau bagian dalam teks tidak membawa makna dengan sendirinya, mereka membutuhkan kemampuan mahasiswa untuk menghubungkan apa yang tertulis dalam teks dengan pengetahuan mereka sebelumnya. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 70 schemata dapat didefinisikan sebagai formula yang mewakili pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang dikelola dalam pikiran (brown, 2007: 358). ada dua jenis skema: skema konten dan skema formal. skema isi atau skema konten mengacu pada latar belakang pembaca atau pengetahuan dunia tentang area konten teks seperti yang dikutip oleh carrel dan eisterhold di shuying an (2013: 130) yang berarti semua pengetahuan bahwa pembaca memiliki pengetahuan lama atau pengetahuan baru saling terkait.untuk membentuk makna tentang satu topik dalam sebuah teks.ini berarti semakin besar pengetahuan yang dimiliki mahasiswa tentang dunia (termasuk budaya), semakin besar kemungkinan mahasiswa memahami makna teks yang mereka baca. ini membantu mahasiswa dengan mudah menghubungkan apa yang sudah ada dalam pikiran dengan apa yang mereka baca. skema formal mengacu pada bentuk organisasi dan struktur retoris dari teks-teks yang dapat memudahkan mahasiswa mengenali jenis teks yang mereka miliki. ini berarti ketika para mahasiswa memiliki pengenalan yang baik terhadap beberapa jenis atau genre teks, akan lebih mudah bagi mereka untuk memahami teks yang sama yang ada dalam pikiran mereka. tentu saja, tingkat bahasa yang dikatakan di halaman sebelumnya juga berkontribusi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memahami teks itu. alasan mengapa memilih nilai kearifan lokal untuk dimasukkan ke dalam bahan bacaan adalah karena ada beberapa nilai berharga yang dibawa oleh kearifan lokal yang sebenarnya mulai memudar dalam kehidupan kita, terutama bagi mahasiswa padaprogram studi pendidikan bahasa inggris,universitas sulawesi barat. dalam data awal penelitian (piloting),peneliti menemukan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa berpikir bahwa membaca adalah semacam aktivitas yang tidak menarik yang membuat mereka tidak termotivasi untuk membaca. selain itu, hanya sedikit mahasiswa yang tahu tentang kearifan lokal, budaya mandar yang berarti bahwa mahasiswa masih kurang pengetahuan tentang kearifan lokal.hal ini terjadi karena pengaruh pesatnya pertumbuhan teknologi dan informasi yang membuat mereka kecanduan budaya barat dan cenderung mengabaikan kearifan lokal budaya mereka. kearifan lokal termasuk kekayaan budaya masyarakat.kearifan lokal adalah nilai atau aturan tak tertulis yang menjadi prinsip dari generasi ke generasi dan mengilhami mereka journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 71 untuk bertahan dalam kehidupan.kearifan lokal bisa mencakup kebiasaan, tradisi, kutipan dan pepatah atau perkataan bahwa orang percaya sebagai benar. kearifan lokal muncul sebagai manifestasi terhadap kebutuhan nilai, norma atau peraturan yang kemudian menjadi model dalam melakukan sesuatu. idris (2012: 2) menyatakan bahwa kearifan lokal merupakan salah satu sumber pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan agama, sejarah, tradisi dan pendidikan. kearifan lokal adalah pengetahuan dasar yang berasal dari pengalaman atau kebenaran dalam hidup yang berhubungan dengan budaya dan bisa bersifat abstrak dan konkret.hikmat ini kemudian menggabungkan tubuh, semangat dan lingkungan untuk membuat keseimbangan hidup kita dengan alam.yang penting, kearifan lokal membuat orang selalu menghormati orang tua dan pengalaman hidup mereka.selanjutnya, nakorntrap mengklaim bahwa kearifan lokal mengandung lebih banyak nilai moral daripada hal-hal materi (mungmachon, 2011: 176). kearifan lokal sangat penting untuk dijadikan filter di era globalisasi ini. hal itu sangat didukung oleh na thalang di mungmachon (2012: 177) bahwa masalah terbesar yang dihadapi manusia saat ini adalah ketidakmampuan untuk hidup bersama secara harmonis dengan orang lain. masalah ini bisa diatasi dengan belajar dan mengadaptasi kearifan lokal dalam segala situasi.ini menekankan bahwa kearifan lokal adalah salah satu hal penting yang harus diajarkan pada institusi ataupun lembaga pendidikan yang ada. peneliti bermaksud untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar mata kuliah reading for information berbasis kearifan lokal. selain itu, penelitian ini juga ingin mengenalkan apa yang disebut kearifan lokal kepada para mahasiswa. berdasarkan penjelasan dan alasan dalam melaksanakan penelitian ini, peneliti akan melakukan penelitian dengan judul "pengaruh penggunaan materi bacaan berbasis kearifan lokal pada mata kuliah reading for information”. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 72 b. landasan teori 1. kearifan lokal dikutip dari darwis hamzah dalam kasitowati (2011), mandar berasal dari bahasa ulu salu daerah pegunungan, yang berarti manda’ yang sama dengan makassa’ atau masse’ yang berarti kuat. mandar adalah sebuah suku bangsa yang ada di sulawesi barat, pasca pemekaran propinsi sulawesi selatan, dan berdiam di dua wilayah yakni pesisiran dan pegunungan atau pedalaman dan berada di bagian barat pulau sulawesi atau pesisir utara propinsi sulawesi selatan. suku mandar adalah salah satu suku yang menetap di pulau sulawesi bagian barat.suku ini menetap di wilayah kabupaten polewali, mandar dan majene. nama suku mandar senantiasa disejajarkan dengan suku bugis, suku makassar, atau suku bajo (kasitowati,2011). struktur masyarakat di daerah mandar pada dasarnya sama dengan susunan masyarakat di seluruh daerah di sulawesi selatan, yang berdasarkan penilaian daerah menurut ukuran makro, yaitu 1) golongan bangsawan raja, 2) golongan bangsawan hadat atau tau pia, 3) golongan tau maradeka yakni orang biasa, dan 4) golongan budak atau batua. golongan bangsawan hadat merupakan golongan yang paling banyak jumlahnya.mereka tidak boleh kawin dengan turunan bangsawan raja supaya ada pemisahan. raja hanya sebagai lambang sedangkan hadat memegang kekuasaan 2. reading for information nuttal (2008:1) menyatakanbahwa membaca adalah sebuah proses yang melibatkan tanda baca yang bertujuan untuk memahami maksud orang lain. meece and grellet memberi penjelasan lebih, bahwa membaca bukanlah sepenuhnya keterampilan pasif.keterampilan ini meminta siswa untuk membaca dan menulis sekumpulan kata atau tanda baca dalam sebuah wacana, mencoba mengerti, memahami dan juga memprediksi makna dalam wacana dan pada akhirnya memperoleh informasi dari isi wacana. (moges, 2011:6). menurut grobe dan stoller (2009) membaca adalah sebuah kemampuan untuk memahami makna dari teks bacaan dan menerjemahkan informasi tersebut dengan tepat. dengan kata lain, membaca adalah hasil dari interaksi antara persepsi tanda grapik yang mewakili bahasa dan keterampilan bahasa pembaca. grobe (2009:15) mendefenisikan membaca sebagai sebuah proses strategi dalam sejumlah keterampilan dan proses yang dibutuhkan oleh pembaca sebagai bagian yang dibutuhkan oleh journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 73 pembaca dengan harapan mengetahui lebih dulu informasi, mengatur dan meringkas informasi, memonitor pemahaman memperbaiki rincian pemahaman. isu pemahaman bacaan dan hubungannya dengan pengetahuan latar belakang diteliti oleh carrel di huang (2009: 139) tentang peran schemata (latar belakang pengetahuan) dalam pemahaman bacaandan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa schemata mempengaruhi pemahaman pembaca di mana para peserta memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik dan dapat mengingat bagian yang serupa dengan budaya asli mereka. liu (2011) melakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana latar belakang pengetahuan budaya pembaca mempengaruhi pemahaman bacaan mereka dan juga untuk mengetahui pengaruh background knowledge tentang pemahaman bacaan. penelitian ini menggunakan teori skema, terutama skema budaya.liu percaya bahwa skema dikembangkan dengan kehidupan mereka dipengaruhi oleh budaya di mana seseorang hidup.subyek penelitiannya adalah 39 mahasiswa esl dengan latar belakang budaya islam china dan menggunakan metode kuantitatif (eksperimental).instrumen penelitian adalah tes bacaan pilihan berganda dan kuesioner. hasil data menunjukkan bahwa ratarata skor mahasiswa budaya cina lebih tinggi dalam tes pemahaman budaya cina (6,53) dibandingkan dengan tes pemahaman tentang budaya muslim (5.89). viceversa, nilai rata-rata mahasiswa budaya islam lebih tinggi dalam tes pemahaman tentang budaya muslim (6.5) daripada tentang budaya tionghoa (5.9). hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap materi bacaan budaya dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang budayanya.mahasiswa dengan latar belakang budaya tionghoa tampil lebih baik dalam tes pemahaman dalam membaca materi yang berkaitan dengan budaya asli mereka dan mahasiswa islam memahami materi bacaan yang berkaitan dengan budaya mereka sendiri lebih baik daripada budaya asing. pada tahun 2013, jafari melakukan penelitian untuk menyelidiki apakah skema budaya memiliki pengaruh dalam pemahaman bacaan dan juga untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan seperangkat aktivitas membaca dapat mengurangi latar belakang pengetahuan budaya mahasiswa. penelitian ini melibatkan 80 mahasiswa turki / persia di universitas tersebut, yang dibagi menjadi empat kelompok, dua kelompok kontrol dan dua kelompok eksperimen.dalam penelitian ini, peneliti tersebut menerapkan metode kuantitatif dan quasi-eksperimental.instrumen penelitiannya adalah membaca teks dan tes membaca.teks tersebut merupakan cerita pendek dari turki dan tesnya terdiri dari pre-test dan post-test.hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa latar belakang budaya (schema) mahasiswa memiliki pengaruh besar dalam pemahaman bacaan.meski serangkaian aktivitas membaca juga memberi pengaruh dalam pemahaman namun kurang dari pengaruh skema budaya para mahasiswa. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 74 sabatin (2013) melakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh latar belakang pengetahuan budaya belajar bahasa inggris. penelitian ini mengikuti metode eksperimen.penelitian ini menggunakan teori skema budaya.dia berasumsi bahwa seorang pelajar diharapkan membaca dengan sedikit kompromi jika dia tidak memiliki latar belakang pengetahuan budaya yang memadai.penelitian ini melibatkan 60 mahasiswa dari semester pertama di universitas hebron, wanita dan pria.subyek penelitian dibagi menjadi empat kelompok, dua kelompok eksperimen dan dua kelompok kontrol.semua subjek bukan penutur asli bahasa inggris.instrumen penelitian ini adalah tes pilihan ganda. kelompok eksperimen pertama diberi lima ceramah tentang leksis dan sintaksis, sedangkan kelompok kontrol pertama tidak diberikan ceramah. kelompok eksperimen kedua diberi lima ceramah tentang budaya amerika, sedangkan kelompok kontrol kedua tidak diberi ceramah. skor rata-rata mahasiswa pada kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi (0,717) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (0,538).hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan kinerja yang signifikan secara statistik dalam pemahaman bacaan antara subyek yang memiliki pengetahuan latar belakang budaya dan mereka yang tidak memiliki pengetahuan. mata kuliah reading for infromation atau reading 2 merupakan mata kuliah yang berisi pokok bahasan yang berkaitan dengan jenis-jenis bacaan general dn istilh-istilah khusus, format pargraph, ekspositori, strategi pemahaman, strategi membaca kritis , menemukan hubungan, dan pembelajran kosa kata dalam konteks. melalui mata kuliah ini diharapkan pmebaca, khususnya mahasiswa s1 pendiidkan bahasa inggris memiliki kemampuan memahami informasi dalam bahasa inggris. (iswahyuni et al, 2014) dikutip dari west bloomfield township public library, reading for information is a life-long skill. hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan membaca informasi adalah keterampilan sepanjang hidup.dengan memanfaatkan rasa penassaran mahasiswa, informasi yang berasala dari dalam buku maupun sumber lainnya mampu dipahami.termasuk informasi yang berkaitan dengan kearifan lokal mandar. c. metode penelitian tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh materi bacaan yang berbasis kearifan lokal terhadap kemampuan membaca mahasiswa. penelitian ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai penelitian kuantitatif. gay (2006:9) menjelaskan bahwa penelitian kuantitatif adalah kumpulan dan analisis data berupa bilangan untuk menjelaskan, memprediksi journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 75 dan/atau mengontrol phenomena minat. penelitian ini diklasifikasikan sebagai salah satu jenis eksperimental desain, yaitu desain pre-eksperimental. tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji hipotesis yang berhubungan dengan variable, dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana variable independen mempengaruhi variable lain. prosedur penelitian terdiri dari satu grup pre-test (o), perlakuan (x) dan post-test (o).perlakuan dinyatakan berhasil dari hasil perbandingan antara pre-test dan post-test. penelitian ini mempunyai dua variable yaitu variable independen dan variable dependen.variable indepen dalam penelitian ini adalah materi bacaan berbasis kearifan lokal sedangkan dependent variable dalam penelitian ini adalah kemampua membaca mahasiswa. 1. waktu dantempat penelitian ini dimulai pada februari 2018 yang terdiri dari 6 kali pertemuan. pertemuan pertama, peneliti mendistribusikan pre-test untuk mengukur kemampuan awal mahasiswa yang memprogramkan mata kuliah reading for information pada kelas yang menjadi sample dilanjutkan pertemuan berikutnya adalah perlakuan sebanyak 6 kali pertemuan. di akhir pertemuan, mahasiswa diberikan post-test sebagai alat untuk mengukur pengaruh bacaan kearifak lokal mandar terhadap membaca kemmapuan mahasiswa. lokasi penelitian ini diadakan di universitas sulawesi barat yang beralamat di jalan. prof. baharuddin lopa. kec.banggae timur kab.majene. 2. populasi dan sampel penelitian a. population populasi dari penelitian ini sebanyak 132 mahasiswa yang terbagi di dalam empat kelas.kelas a terdiri dari 34 mahasiswa. kelas b terdiridari 31 mahasiswa. kelas c terdiri dari 32 mahasiswa .kelas d terdiri dari 35 mahasiswa. b. sample penelitian ini menggunakan purposive ampling dimana kelas a dipilih sebab kelas yang terdiri dari 34 orang ini memiliki penguasaan kosa kata yan glebih banyak dibandingkan dengan kelas lain. rata-rata mahasiswa ini berusia 18-19 tahun. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 76 d. hasil dan pembahasan sebelum memberikan treatment selama 6 kali pertemuan, peneliti mendistribusikan pratest untuk mengetahui skor mahasiswa dalam reading. terdapat enam topik bacaan lokal yang didistribusikan pada enam pertemuan. judul bacaan kearifan lokal mandar yaitu runtuhnya kerajaan passokkorang, maraqdia mongeq makaqdo, asal mula kerajaan banggae, asal mula campalagian,messawe totamma, dan maraqdia mongeq makaqdo (raja sakit keras). di akhir pertemuan, pasca-test dibagikan untuk mengukur pengaruh bacaan kearifan lokal mandar terhadap kemampuan membaca mahasiswa. hasil dari post-test diklasifikasikan dengan menggunkan lima tingkat atau level kempuan membaca oleh nunan(1991) sebagai konten budaya kerajaan materi bacaan berbasis kearifn lokal pra-membaca sementara membaca setelah membaca mahasiswa semester 2 program studi pendidikan bahasa inggris universitas sulawesi barat peningkatan kemampuan membaca mahasiswa journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 77 berikut: dalam penelitian pre-experimental, maka terdapat berbandingan hasil test berupa pre-test dan post-test sebagai berikut: type of the test mean score standard deviation pre-test 46 6,78 post-test 69 8,31 pada tabel diatas menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan nilai hasil olah data antara pretest dan post test. nilai rata-rata mahasiswa dalam pre-test yakni 46 mengalami peningkatan menjadi 69. untuk menentukan adanya peningkatan atau tidak adanya peningkatan kemampuan membaca mahasiswa prodi pendidikan bahasa inggris universitas sulawesi barat melalui bacaan kearifan lokal setelah dilakukan uji hipotesis dapat dilihat pada tabel dibawah ini: hasil tersebut menandakan bahwa apabila t-value lebih tinggi dari pada t-table maka hipotesis alternative diterima, sedangkan apabila t-value lebih rendah dari pada t-table maka hipotesis alternatef ditolah atau hipotesis nihil diterima, sehingga data diatas dapat diinterpretasikan bahwa penerapan kearifan lokal memberikan peningkatan kemampuan membaca mahasiswa. hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan membaca dengan menerapkan teks bacaan tentang kearifan lokal mandar pada pembelajaran reading for information di prodi pendidikan bahasa inggris universitas sulawesi barat. setelah mengukur peningakatan kemampuan mahasiswa, penelitian kemudian mendistribusikan angket guna memperoleh data engenai persepsi mahasiswa terhadap n o . interval score classification 1 81–100 very good 2 61 – 80 good 3 41 – 60 fair 4 21 – 40 poor 5 0 – 20 very poor journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 78 penggunaan materi bacaan berbasis kearifan lokal mandar. hal ini diukur dengan memanfaatkan skala likert sebagai berikut: positive statement negative statement score category score category 5 strongly agree 1 strongly agree 4 agree 2 agree 3 undecided 3 undecided 2 disagree 4 disagree 1 strongly disagree 5 strongly disagree gay, et al (2006) angket yang terdiri dari 15 pertanyaan dibagikan kepada 34 sample dengan kategori sangat setuju, setuju, setuju, tidak memutuskan, tidak setuju, sangat tidak setuju. pada bagian pernyataan negative ini memiliki kategori yang sama namun dengan skor yang tersusun secara berlawanan yaitu 5,4,3,2, 1 untuk pernyataan positif dan 1,2,3,4,5 pernyataan negative. adapun kategori persepsi menurut gay et al (2006) yang dinilai berdasarkan table berikut ini: interval score perception category 64-75 very positive 51-63 positive 39-50 moderate 27-38 negative 15-26 very negative dari angket persepsi tersebut, maka diperoleh hasil yang digambarkan sebagai berikut: category frequency percentage very positive 6 17,65% positive 25 73,53% moderate 3 8,82% negative very negative total 34 100% tabel di atas menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas mahasiswa persen memberikan tanggapan yang positif terhadap penggunaan materi bacaan berbasis kearifan lokal hal ini dibuktikan dengan persenatse mencapai hamper 74 persen. terdapat pula sejumlah mahasiswa yang memberikan penilaian yang sangat positif. oleh karena itu, materi bacaan berbasis kearifan lokal journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 79 mandar direkomendasikan untuk digunakan dmei meningkatkan kemmapuan membaca mahasiswa pendidikan bahasa inggris di universitas sulawesi barat pada khususnya. e. kesimpulan penelitian ini meneliti tentang pengaruh bahan bacaan berbasis kearifan lokal untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca mahasiswa dan menilai persepsi mereka terhadap pelaksanaan tersebut. tujuannya untuk mengembangkan dan mendukung temuan penelitian sebelumnya yang terkait dengan penggunaan bahan bacaan berbasis kearifan lokal. berdasarkan temuan yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini, dapat ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut: berdasarkan skor reading mahasiswa membuktikan bahwa bacaan berbasis kearifan local secara positif mempengaruhi pemahaman membaca mahasiswa. terbukti dari skor mahasiswa dalam pre-test dan post-test. nilai rata-rata mahasiswa dalam pre-test meningkat dari 45.00 yang dikategorikan sebagai kemampuan membaca seimbang 69,95 dalam post-test yang dikaterokan menjadi kemampuan membaca “baik”. dari data statistik ini dapa disimpulkan bahwa bahan bacaan berbasis kearifan lokal mempengaruhi secara positif terhadap skor pemahaman membaca mahasiswa. sebagian besar mahasiswa memberi respon positif terhadap penggunaan bahan bacaan berbasis kearifan local. dapat dibuktikan dengan analisis data dari angket. hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa dari total jumlah mahasiswa (34), ada sekitar 74,78% mahasiswa member respon positif terhadap materi yang diterapkan. sebagian besar mahasiswa mendapat pengetahuan baru dari materi yang diberikan. bahan bacaan berbasis kearifan local berhasil memperkaya pengetahuan mahasiswa, terutama pengetahuan tentang kearifan local budaya mereka. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 80 daftar pustaka an, shuying. 2013. schema theory in reading. china: changchun university of science and technology. huang, qian. 2009. background knowledge and reading teaching: a journal of asian social scince. china; college english department of dezhou university. asian social science journal. 5. 138-142 kartawinata, ade. m. 2011. bunga rampai kearifan lokal di tengahtengah modernisasi. jakarta : kementrian kebudayaan dan pariwisata republik indonesia. kluckhohn, c & kreober, a. l. 1952. culture:a critical review of concepts and definitions. cambridge: harvard university liu, xin. 2011. a thesis: the effect of cultural background on esl college students’ performance on reading comprehension and recall of culturally oriented texts. usa: texas tech university nuttal, c. 2008.teaching reading skills in a foreign language. avalaible from gay, et al. 2006. educational research competencies for analysis and application. eight edition grobe, w and f.l stoller.2009.teaching and researching reading.england: pearson education ©triya fadhilah dhianty putri, rinaldi supriadi, & mohamad zaka al farisi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 62 volume 8, no. 1, february 2023 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) readability analysis of arabic book based on character values triya fadhilah dhianty putri (corresponding author) universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia rinaldi supriadi universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia mohamad zaka al farisi universitas pendidikan indonesia, indonesia abstract: one strategy in determining the success of learning is textbooks or schoolbooks. however, we often find books that are not up to standard and impact student understanding. understanding the book’s contents is so closely related to the ease or difficulty of the material, or is called readability that the contents of the text need to be evaluated and adjusted to the competence of students so that learning objectives are achieved not only increase in the academic field but also students' moral behavior. this research aims to describe the readability of discourse based on the fog index formula statistically and compiled descriptively and then to analyze the character values based on the profile of pancasila students published by the standards, curriculum, and education assessment agency (bskap). this research was designed using a qualitative descriptive method with a content analysis model. the results of the study readability level in this book are 2.44, which means that this value belongs to the very easy-to-read category. this book fulfills the character values of the pancasila students’ profile; namely: (1) having faith, fearing god almighty, and having noble characters, (2) global diversity, (3) working together, (4) being independent, (5) critical reasoning, and (6) being creative. keywords: arabic book; character values; fog index; pancasila students’ profile; readability. a. introduction one of the determining tools for the success of learning is textbooks, or what is known among schools are texts because books act as a bridge of knowledge from teachers article info: received: 10 january 2023 accepted: 26 february 2023 published: 28 february 2023 how to cite: putri, t. f. d., supriadi, r. & al farisi, m. z. (2023). readability analysis of arabic book based on character values. allisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), 8(1), 62-78. mailto:rinaldisupriadi@upi.edu2 ©triya fadhilah dhianty putri, rinaldi supriadi, & mohamad zaka al farisi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 63 to students to obtain learning resources and become part of the strategy used in the teaching and learning process (imam & laksono, 2018, p. 595; supriadi & fitriyani, 2021, p. 106). books are carefully designed, written, and prepared by experts in certain branches of knowledge based on national education standards and the applicable curriculum so that students in schools or colleges can easily understand learning (tarigan, 2019, p. 12). learning using textbooks is a place for students to increase learning motivation and distraction in learning other than the teacher; the structure arranged in the book makes it easier for students to understand lessons, introduces primary forms of learning, provides good examples, stimulates analytical thinking, provides situations without pressure to students (pebriana, 2021, p. 29). learning textbooks also provide opportunities for students to increase experience, competence, skills, values, and attitudes that will make their lives even better, therefore textbooks are the most influential factor, so it is essential to increase readability (al shaye & al dhefeiri, 2021). in the regulation of the minister of education, culture, research and technology of the republic of indonesia number 22 of 2022 concerning book quality standards, process standards, and rules for the acquisition of manuscripts, as well as process standards and book publishing rules, article 13 "general book quality standards consist of; material standards, presentation standards, design standards, and graphic standards." (permendikbudristek republik indonesia, 2022). according to thua'imah in supriadi & fitriyani (2021) in relation to the four book standards, the material standards have a large share, namely as much as 34% compared to other textbook assessment standards. the material standards in textbooks need to be considered: conformity in competency standards and basic subject abilities, individual development and social needs of students, scientific potential in survival, knowledge to continue advancing, developing, and understanding social values (kusuma, 2018, p. 15). government regulation of the republic of indonesia number 4 of 2022 concerning amendments to regulation number 57 of 2021 concerning national education standards article 6 paragraph 2 states that "competency standards of graduates in general secondary education units at the general secondary education level are focused on (a) preparation of students to become members of society who believe and fear god almighty and have a noble character, (b) inculcation of character according to the values of pancasila and (c) ©triya fadhilah dhianty putri, rinaldi supriadi, & mohamad zaka al farisi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 64 knowledge to increase the competence of students so that they can live independently and take part in further education carry on." (peraturan pemerintah republik indonesia, 2022). thus, the students are not only good in the academic or knowledge fields but also the character values of students need to be instilled through teaching materials at the educational level. currently, there are many problems with books that do not meet the standards for book assessment, resulting in student confusion in the learning process (susilo & mulawarman, 2022). this is because there are still textbooks that are considered not to have a good or high readability level. suppose these books are to be used as teaching materials in class. in that case, educators need to adjust the text first to the level of reading power of students (pebriana, 2021, p. 29). therefore, the evaluation of textbooks needs to be carried out periodically so that they are suitable for the age, skills, linguistic, and intellectual abilities of students, but beforehand they need to be assessed for readability (al shaye & al dhefeiri, 2021, p. 198). readability is the level of difficulty or ease of reading material in textbooks that has an impact on students' understanding levels (harzulī et al., 2022, p. 6). many things become factors in readability, including students' reading power, qawaid suitability, style of language used, and word diction. therefore, before a book is printed and published, it is essential to measure the readability of the contents of the book (hidayah et al., 2018, p. 48; sitepu, 2012, p. 119). to measure readability, there are three ways. first, calculating readability with second student input, legibility formulas such as the fog index formula, fry graphs, flesch, bi, and smog (yasa et al., 2013, p. 3); third, readability as a machine learning model (al shaye & al dhefeiri, 2021, p. 200). the formula for legibility of the fog index originates from observations by gunning (1952); when observing a newspaper phenomenon in america, some discourses are easy and difficult to understand, and newspapers that are easy to understand tend to sell well in the market. fog is a depiction of readers who are hindered from understanding the discourse. index means amount or number. the amount of fog will make it more challenging to understand the lesson. so, he wrote a book the technique of clear writing (putra, 2013, p. 43). in reading the text there are various kinds of discourse according to abdul (2006, p. 26). discourse groupings are categorized based on one point of view, one of which is seen ©triya fadhilah dhianty putri, rinaldi supriadi, & mohamad zaka al farisi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 65 from the number of participants, namely (1) monologue discourse, namely discourse that communicates with only one speaker, such as news texts, sermons, letters, and others (2) dialogue discourse is a discourse that communicates between two parties through interviews, telephone conversations, and others (3) polylogue discourse communicates between two or more parties, such as drama texts or the like. instilling character values in students can be obtained through the contents of textbooks or discourse; this is considered adequate because textbooks are the primary source of learning (zulfida, 2021, p. 42). same, according to (meindl et al., 2018, p. 6), character education/moral learning through the contents of textbooks can improve students' ethical behavior. thus, readability affects students' understanding of the characters or values contained in the book. research related to readability based on the fog index of textbooks is one of the studies conducted by supriadi & fitriyani (2021); they investigated the suitability analysis of readability-based arabic textbooks using the fog index. the selected book is al-lughah al-'arabiyah high school arabic language and equivalent; from the three chosen discourses, the readability results are based on the provisions of the fog index value of 2.36, which means it is effortless to read and based on the reader's response with the gap filling technique indicating the level of the book with instructional reading. in addition, based on research, silalahi & lubis (2017) analyze of the readability level of indonesian language textbooks for class vii curriculum 2013 revision 2017 using the fog index to obtain an average value of 3.53, including text that is easy to understand or has high readability. after that, research by imam & laksono (2018) using the fry chart and the cloze test found books with low readability or texts difficult for students to understand in grade vi of elementary school. therefore, a teacher should consider the book that will be used by students. then research on the values of character education in textbooks was also investigated by haerudin & darajat (2021); they examined the content of values regarding character education in sundanese language textbooks for class x sma/smk/ma/mak students. these values refer to the 18 values of character education; after being analyzed, the sundanese language translation textbooks have religious character values, tolerance, honesty, creativity, discipline, independence, friendship/communication, social care, environmental care, hard work, responsibility, fond of reading, curiosity, love of the ©triya fadhilah dhianty putri, rinaldi supriadi, & mohamad zaka al farisi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 66 motherland, national spirit, and respect for achievement. besides, research conducted by zulfida (2021) regarding the content of character values in arabic textbooks, with the results of the study showing that they met the ppk (strengthening character education) criteria according to the 2013 curriculum with a percentage of 29.33% independent character, 5.6% integrity character, 18.20% religious’ character, 25.28% nationalism character, and 11.13% cooperation character. by looking at all the previous research that has been described above, this research is different in terms of character-based books and in assessing character values referring to the standards, curriculum and education assessment agency (bskap), which is believed to have not been researched from the level of readability to character values in the class xii character-based arabic book, and with this can contribute to the world of education, especially regarding readability and character values that are inseparable from the contents of the book in order to achieve the goals expected by students and educators. therefore, it is necessary to be examined as a consideration in adjusting the readability of textbooks to students' abilities and being able to actualize these character values in everyday life (pebriana, 2021, p. 29). based on this, the researchers were interested in studying the readability level of arabic book based on character values class xii by maspalah et al. (2018), and hope to be able to describe the level of legibility by using the fog index. in the character-based assessment, the researcher refers to the profile of pancasila students in the 2022 independent curriculum, and for character values, the profile of pancasila students taken are (1) having faith, fearing god almighty, and having noble characters, (2) global diversity, (3) working together (4) being independent (5) critical reasoning (6) being creative. the researchers only focus on these character values in order that the discussion is more detailed and structured according to what was published by the standards, curriculum, and education assessment agency (bskap). b. research method this research was designed using a qualitative descriptive method with a content analysis model obtained from data collected through the fog index technique and then analyzed with measurements/statistics so that the level of readability can be seen. moreover, the book was analyzed deeply to know and describe the values of character education in it in order to make conclusions objectively (zulfida, 2021, p. 43). in addition, ©triya fadhilah dhianty putri, rinaldi supriadi, & mohamad zaka al farisi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 67 (krippendorff, 2004, p. 83) said that content analysis focuses on how to explain certain phenomena to draw conclusions from all types of data by means of unitizing, sampling, recording, reducing data, inferring, narrating, and one approach is by means of discourse analysis. the object of this research used by researchers is an arabic language book based on character values class xii by maspalah et al. (2018). the researchers choose this book because there are character-based values that it is believed that no one has examined from the level of readability to the character values according to bskap. researchers used random samples taken from several objects as samples in the book and are expected to be able to describe other objects. random sampling was from text objects taken from three discourses, namely dialogue discourse, polylogue discourse, and monologue discourse which are at the beginning, middle, and end to calculate their readability (abidin, 2012, p. 55). arabic language book based on character values class xii senior high school by maspalah and five other authors, heni hernawati, agus salam rahmat, ade rahmat, rinaldi supriadi, and ahmad faqih. royyan press, jalancagak, and subang published this book. editor by maman abdurrahman and yayan nurbayan. layout by asep irfan fadillah and cover design by cepi budiawan. in this study, researchers analyzed the first printed book in 2018. in calculating the fog index readability formula, it is necessary to carry out systematic steps. according to (sitepu, 2012, p. 121), practical steps in implementing the fog index formula are as follows: 1. the sample consists of three discourses, namely selected from the beginning of the book, then the middle of the book, and the end of the book chapter, which will measure the readability value. 2. each discourse (the entire paragraph or part of it) will be selected to be approximately 100 words long and not omit a single sentence. with steps; words that are repeated and understood to have one meaning are counted as two words, words that are used more than once in discourse are counted as one word, words that stand for abbreviations or show numbers are counted as one word, words in chapter titles or subchapters are not counted. ©triya fadhilah dhianty putri, rinaldi supriadi, & mohamad zaka al farisi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 68 3. calculate the average sentence length in each discourse, with steps; calculate the number of complete and perfect sentences in approximately 100 words sampled in one discourse; and calculate the average sentence length by dividing the number of complete sentence words by the number of complete sentences. 4. counting difficult words (complex words) / difficult words using the number of syllables or word fragments that have a total of three syllables or more than three syllables. it does not count if the proper name, place, compound word (a combination of two words that creates a new meaning), or the like results from a morphological process (the process of forming/changing words). 5. to find the percentage of difficult words, namely dividing the number of complex words by all the words arranged in the sample discourse. 6. added the average sentence length with the percentage of difficult words. 7. multiply the result of step five by 0.4. the description of these steps is found in the following formula: 𝐹𝑜𝑔 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = 0.4 [ ( 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠 ) + ( 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑥 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠 ) ] or simply 𝐹𝑜𝑔 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = 0.4(𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ + 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑡 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠) the calculation of the fog index formula is in accordance with (klare, 1984, p. 65). then, when the results are obtained, they are entered into the fog index readability category. if the result is > 12, it means that the readability level of the discourse is categorized as very difficult, if it is between 8 < x < 12, the discourse is considered difficult, if the result is 3 < x < 7, it is easy, and the last, if it is < 3, the reading is categorized very easy (sitepu, 2012, p. 121). after that, the researchers identified the character values in the discourse contained in the book with indicators of pancasila student profiles compiled by bskap. ©triya fadhilah dhianty putri, rinaldi supriadi, & mohamad zaka al farisi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 69 c. findings and discussion findings readability level analysis results based on the fog index formula the first discourse (the beginning of the book) this first discourse is in the form of dialogue because it is a conversation between two people only and is taken from chapter 1, "hope, prayer, and congratulations," in unit 1, "expressing hope," page 3. determine the average length of the first discourse sentence. the number of sentences in the first discourse is 13 complete sentences and 80 words. however, after being adjusted to the provisions of the fog index, it becomes 52 words. then put it in the formula average sentence length 52 divided by 13 equals 4. the percentage of first discourse difficult words. after counting the number of words according to the fog index, the syllables are determined; if there are three or more syllables, the words are difficult/difficult words. in this first discourse, there are 12 difficult words. then put it in the formula, the percentage of complex 12 divided by 52 equals 0.23. to find out the readability of the first discourse, the average value of sentence length and the percentage of difficult words is entered into the fog index formula 0.4(4+0.23) equals 1.69. if you look at the fog index readability level category, the score equation is at a very easy level because it is below three. the second discourse (the middle of the book) this second discourse is in the form of polylogue discourse because the conversation involves more than two people and is taken from chapter 4 "ordering and forbidding" in unit 1, "leave time activities" page 73. determine the average length of the second discourse sentence. the number of sentences in the second discourse is 22 complete sentences and has a total of 112 words. however, after adjusting to the provisions of the fog index, it is 77 words. then input into the formula average sentence length 77 divided by 22 equals 3.5. the percentage of difficult words in the second discourse. after counting the number of words according to the provisions of the fog index, then the syllables are determined. in this second discourse, there are 18 difficult words. then put it in the formula, the percentage of difficult words 18 divided by 77 equals 0.23. to find out the readability of the second discourse, the average value of sentence length and the percentage of difficult words is entered into the fog index formula 0.4(3.5+0.23) equals 1.49. if you look at the fog index readability level category, then the ©triya fadhilah dhianty putri, rinaldi supriadi, & mohamad zaka al farisi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 70 score equation that has been calculated is at a very easy level; even though the number of words is more than in the initial discourse, the sentences are simple and more numerous, so they are easier to understand. the third discourse (the end of the book) this third discourse is in the form of monologue discourse, namely one-way communication, such as telling stories, sermons, and storytelling. this discourse is taken from chapter 7 "exemplary stories" in unit 3 "courage" page 147. determine the average length of the third discourse sentence. the number of sentences in this third discourse is ten complete sentences, totaling 184 words. however, after being adjusted to the provisions of the fog index, it became 100 words. then input into the formula average sentence length 100 divided by 10 equals 10—the percentage of difficult words in the third discourse. after counting the number of words according to the provisions of the fog index, then the syllables are determined. in this third discourse, there are 45 difficult words. then put it in the formula the percentage of difficult words 45 divided by 100 equals 0.45. to determine the readability of the third discourse, the average value of sentence length and the percentage of difficult words is entered into the fog index formula 0.4(10+0.45) equals 4.18. suppose you look at the fog index readability level category. in that case, the score equation that has been calculated is at the easy level, the number of words presented is more, the sentences are more complex, and the number of difficult words is more. still, when calculated in the readability formula, it is included in the easylevel category. the results of the research on readability levels of arabic book based on character values for sma class xii by maspalah et al. based on the fog index table 1: the readability level of character-based arabic book for class xii sma by maspalah et al. is based on the fog index no discourse position discourse type discourse title average sentence length the percentage of difficult words 1 beginning dialogue ِصُل ِبال َّ الُعَمر َيت َجوَّ 4 0.23 2 middle polylogue َجَرس ْ ِ ال َبيَل َرن ُ 0.23 3.5 ق 3 end monologue ُاع جَّ 0.45 10 الِطْفُل الش amount 17.5 0.91 ©triya fadhilah dhianty putri, rinaldi supriadi, & mohamad zaka al farisi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 71 average 5.8 0.3 result 0.4 (5.8 + 0.3) 2.44 based on table 1 above, there are three discourses that have been rated on the average sentence length and the percentage of difficult words. it is known that the average number of sentence lengths in three lessons in textbooks is 5.8, and the rate of complicated words is 0.3. if accumulated and entered into the fog index readability formula, it will produce 0.4 (5.8 + 0.3) = 2.44. so, this book does not only pay attention to aspects of the content but also pays attention to the level of readability (ghani et al., 2021, p. 161). therefore, the discourse in the textbook is included in the "very easy" category because it is less than three. textbook character values results after conducting a content analysis on the class xii high school character-based arabic language book, it was found that the character values were contained in the learning instructions and the textbook's contents. this step is in accordance with that disclosed by (subekti & widayati, 2019, p. 105) namely by deeply analyzing the character values contained in the book. generally contain character values, namely profiles of pancasila students published by the bskap in 2022. more clearly, seen in the analysis and discussion of the following research: learning guide this section is essential in directing students to achieve their goals and contains the character values of the pancasila students’ profile as follows. “sharpen your thinking skills by exploring and analyzing the examples of texts you are studying. then compare it with other texts from various sources so that it allows you to be able to find and correct existing deficiencies and be able to produce new texts. (page 1)”. this sentence invites students to behave and work independently, not only reading but exploring a text and not limited to one source but given the freedom to look for other sources so that they can be developed. this sentence invites students to train in critical thinking in obtaining and processing information so that it can be analyzed and evaluated. finally, students can conclude the material that has been taught. this sentence invites students to create original ideas so that they are not just fixated on textbooks but have flexibility in thinking to solve problems. ©triya fadhilah dhianty putri, rinaldi supriadi, & mohamad zaka al farisi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 72 “in the last lesson, you already had knowledge and skills about ordering and forbidding, especially those related to activities at home and at school as well as in your spare time. (page 89)”. in this sentence, students need to know how to order and forbid. when you want to call or ask for help, politeness is needed in speaking so that communication goes well. “by mastering this material, we will be able to convey short messages or make announcements in arabic. this can make it easier for us to communicate with native speakers, namely arabs. (page 119)”. this sentence teaches students to be able to socialize globally with foreign communication and interaction. “a good story is a story that contains a good message and should be used as an example. this exemplary story can also be one of our sources in behaving, getting used to good things, and doing good to fellow creatures. (page 135)”. having faith, fearing god almighty, and having noble characters. this sentence invites students to emulate stories that contain moral messages and should be used as examples such as doing good to others, empathizing, and respecting each other and others. contents of textbooks in chapter 1 there are character values: (a) religious morals, namely expressing hope and prayer to god almighty; (b) morals towards humans, namely using polite and gentle words; and (c) independence by showing the character's initiative in working independently or complete tasks independently of others (santika, 2020, p. 11). in chapter 2, there are character values: (a) working together in the form of achieving common goals through communication; (b) global diversity, visible values of patience through the texts presented, mutual respect for differences, and fostering mutual respect; (c) reason critically by evaluating and reflecting on his ideas. in chapter 3, there are lessons not to keep wasting time on things that are not useful and show some conversations with tourists, character values that can be taken: (a) being creative by using the time to find a hobby and produce a work; (b) being independent in recognizing interests and own talent so that they can solve the challenges they face; (c) global diversity by communicating and interacting with foreign speakers. in chapter 4, character values reflect everyday life, asking permission from parents, learning to be independent in doing things, (a) being independent, (b) reasoning critically, (c) morals towards humans. ©triya fadhilah dhianty putri, rinaldi supriadi, & mohamad zaka al farisi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 73 in chapter 5, 6, and 7, there are more character values because short stories, announcements, and stories have been observed to have pancasila profile character values: (a) global diversity, (b) working together, (c) being independent, (d) being creative, and (e) critical reasoning. discussion considering textbooks’ role and function, teachers must be selective in choosing books that are good for students and can adapt them to the national education curriculum so that the expected competencies are achieved and formed (imam & laksono, 2018, p. 595). moreover, most teachers in each education unit use at least one textbook as a guide in the learning process. thus, assessing texts is crucial to know the book’s quality (susilo & mulawarman, 2022, p. 708). completeness of book presentation includes a preface, table of contents, glossary, concept maps, understanding vocabulary (mufrodat), explanation of grammar, evaluation, and a proper proportion of pictures and text. in the foreword, the author hopes this book will be one of the solutions to developing innovative and communicative arabic textbooks that can be understood well and improve students’ mastery of arabic. (maspalah et al., 2018). this book contains basic competency standards (kd) that make it easier for teachers to design the learning indicators to be achieved (mutaqin et al., 2021, p. 462). this book contains valuable concept maps to find out the flow of material and presents illustrated pictures, and is equipped with practice questions to help students understand and apply the lessons that have been delivered. the number of pages in this book is 172 pages, and there are seven chapters with three lessons for each chapter; in one lesson, there are activities of listening and reading the text, revealing the contents of the text, namely questions about the text that has been presented, analyzing linguistic elements, namely a collection of vocabulary (mufrodat) and grammar. the language is discussed in the text, and finally, closing with exercises on composing spoken and written texts (maspalah et al., 2018). presenting text or discourse in this book varies from dialogue discourse, polylogue discourse, and monologue discourse to make students more interactive and participatory in reading the lesson. however, there are a few typos of vowels and word errors in the command sentences. in addition, there are inconsistencies in the arrangement of each ©triya fadhilah dhianty putri, rinaldi supriadi, & mohamad zaka al farisi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 74 chapter. therefore, reading material greatly influences the interest and understanding of students and it is the teacher's task to determine indicators of good reading material (saenal & darmawati, 2022, p. 28). even so, overall, this character-based arabic book presents it in a light, concise manner and there are explanations in indonesian that will make it easier for students to understand the lesson. based on the findings of the fog index readability calculation, each discourse shows its readability is very easy. this is good for students to be able to understand textbook discourse (sitepu, 2012). in the first part, the dialogue discourse has an average sentence length of about four words and several difficult words. the result of the readability score of 1.69 is included in the very easy-to-read category for students. in the second part, the polylogue discourse has a higher number of sentences than before, but the average sentence length is around three to four words; even though the sentences increase, the sentence length remains simple, then the number of difficult words increases from the previous discourse, and the readability results in this second discourse is 1.49 which means it is in the very easy to read category. in the third part, the number of words increases, and the average sentence length reaches ten words, making sentences look more complex and more difficult words increase than before so that the result of the readability calculation is 4.18 is easy to read. seeing the relevance of each discourse, it can be concluded that a reading can be said to be very easy to read if the sentence is simple, only has a few wordings that can be understood perfectly, and has few difficult words, but if a sentence has more wordings and has more difficult words, then the sentence is complex and needs to be understood slowly. this is in accordance with what was stated by (abidin, 2012, p. 52) that the more words, the longer the sentence, and the more difficult a text is to be understood. and conversely, the fewer words, the shorter the sentences, and the easier it is to read a passage. so it can be concluded that the readability level of character-based arabic language book for sma class xii by maspalah et al. is generally very easy to read. based on the findings of the analysis of character values, this book is the arabic language based character values for class xii sma this book fulfills the character values of the pancasila students’ profile, namely first, having faith, fearing god almighty, and having noble characters, second, global diversity, third, working together, fourth, being independent, fifth, critical reasoning and sixth, being creative. these six student ©triya fadhilah dhianty putri, rinaldi supriadi, & mohamad zaka al farisi available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 75 profiles form a single unit for the character of lifelong learners from an early age, namely behavior, and the character of pancasila values and competence. however, in its development, it adapts to students' cognitive and psychological development. in line with the opinion of (muchtar & suryani, 2019, p. 56) that an education system based on character education can be carried out by instilling character values that grow from the nation's culture by adjusting various aspects of cognition, behavior, and feelings to god almighty, to the nation, to society or to oneself. if examined in depth, these character values can indirectly form the attitudes and behavior of students slowly. this is in line with research conducted by (haerudin & darajat, 2021, p. 82) that the integration of character values in this textbook, even though it looks trivial, can slowly be instilled in students so that learning is expected to be more meaningful, and students can maximally optimize the potential that exists within them in a positive direction. d. conclusion this arabic language book based on character values class xii sma by maspalah et al. is composed of various types of discourse such as dialogue discourse, polylogue discourse, and monologue discourse. completeness of book presentation includes a preface, table of contents, glossary, concept maps, understanding vocabulary (mufrodat), explanation of grammar, evaluation, and a proper proportion of pictures and text. however, there are a few typos of vowels and word errors in the command sentences. in addition, there are inconsistencies in the arrangement of each chapter. even so, overall, this character-based arabic book presents it in a light, concise manner and there are explanations in indonesian that will make it easier for students to understand the lesson. if you look at the results of the fog index legibility formula, this book produces a score of 2.44, which means that this book is included in the category of books that are very easy to read. this book fulfills the character values of the pancasila students’ profile, namely first, having faith, fearing god almighty, and having noble characters; 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(2021). analisis nilai-nilai karakter pada buku ajar bahasa arab. jurnal penelitian pendidikan bahasa dan sastra, 6(1), 41–46. ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 161 volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) contrastive study on differences in sentence aspects between arabic, tamil, and english languages m.s. zunoomy (corresponding author) south eastern university of sri lanka, sri lanka u. israth south eastern university of sri lanka, sri lanka a.m.m. aaqil south eastern university of sri lanka, sri lanka abstract: this research focuses on studying differences in sentence elements between arabic, english, and tamil by exposing similarities and dissimilarities. it uses a descriptive contrastive methodology. this research is based on a theory of linguistics. according to this, the researchers used books, articles, theses, and website articles to obtain the necessary information for secondary data. it finds that arabic, english, and tamil belong to different linguistic families. the arabic language belongs to the semitic languages, no matter what, tamil language belongs to dravidian, and english belongs to the indo-european family. in this case, they specialize in specific sentence elements according to their linguistic components. based on this, there are more differences than similarities. for example, there are differences in gender, numeral, tense, pronouns, adjectives, genitives, and articles. these things affect learning a language as a foreign or second language. this study helps the learners to get the differences between the languages. learners of arabic, a foreign language, should pay attention to their own language grammar in order to be fluent in both languages to study the arabic linguistic system in contrast to the tamil language for learning a language in the best way and to learn tamil language in the best way, regardless of their mother tongue to learn arabic fluently. keywords: translation; sentence; arabic; tamil; english; linguistics a. introduction a complete sentence, which expresses the simplest complete mental forms on which it is intolerable, consists of three main elements: subject, verb, and predication. there are various sentence elements in every language. the sentences contain elements that build a meaningful sentence. based on this, arabic is one of the semitic language ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 162 families among the popular languages spread worldwide (shathifa & zunoomy, 2022). it is the language spoken by more than two billion people universally. the arabic is the language of wordings, syntax, and morphology as it is concerned with the wealthy of its sounds and the word derivations and its competing eloquence characterized by flexibility and diversity in its sentence structures, even though each letter in arabic has a value and every symbol (harakat) has a special purpose (hisham, 2017). almubarridh is the first person to use the term “sentence” from the beginning, so he divided it into nominal and verbal sentences. al-zamakhshari divided it into nominal, verbal, conditional, and adverbial sentences. some split it into three types: ibn hisham and those who followed him: nominal, verbal and conditional (muslih, 2016). based on this, the sentence elements of arabic distinguish by their structure and formation. the tamil language is one of the classical languages in the whole world. it is mentioned at the 20th rank on the anthropology list of the most spoken languages around the world. it belongs to the family of dravidian languages (halima, 2019). spoken predominantly by tamils in india, sri lanka, malaysia, and singapore, it has smaller communities of speakers in many other countries. as of 1996, it was the eighteenth most spoken language, with over 74 million speakers worldwide. it is one of the official languages of india, singapore, and sri lanka. tamil has nominal sentences only. it includes three kinds of sentence elements: simple, compound, and complex (zunoomy, munas, 2021). while english, a language of english origin, is the primary language in the united kingdom, the united states, and many other countries, including the west germanic language family. this language originated from a combination of several local languages spoken by norwegians, danes, and anglo saxons from the 6th to 10th centuries (rizvi, saujan, & munas, 2021). english is the first language in the united states, antigua and barbuda, australia, bahamas, barbados, bermuda, united kingdom, guyana, jamaica, saint kitts and nevis, new zealand, and trinidad and tobago. in addition, english is also one of the official languages of international organizations such as the united nations and the international olympic committee, as well as official languages in various countries, such as in south africa, belize, philippines, hong kong, ireland, canada, nigeria, singapore, and so on. (rizvi, saujan, & munas, 2021). at the same time, english ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 163 language has four types of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compoundcomplex. arabic, english, and tamil languages belong to a different language families. therefore, learners of arabic as a foreign language face difficulties and make mistakes in identifying the meanings of sentences and their translation between these languages due to lack of knowledge and clarity in the linguistic pattern. to determine the similarities and dissimilarities in sentence elements between arabic, english and tamil languages, there are several pieces of research on the sentence elements of the arabic language, in contrast with other languages such as english, indonesian language, hausa language, and others. according to the researchers, there were contrast studies between arabic and tamil languages in some of the specific topics, which exclude the contrastive study in the linguistic system. it is worth noting that this research is necessary to improve the field of teaching arabic as a foreign language and translate it better. a contrast study between arabic and the hausa language in pronouns, abd abdullah, a thesis submitted for a master's degree in arts in arabic from the university of jezira, in 2017. the study aims to analyze and research the pronouns through a contrastive study between arabic and hausa. the pronouns of hausa language have a particular feature, unique and different from the arabic language, but from many languages. the pronouns constituted a fundamental difficulty for the language learner of arabic from the children of the hausa, so the researcher decided to study the system of pronouns in the two languages, arabic and hausa, a contrastive study to identify similarities and differences. on the other hand, to clarify the problems that may occur when teaching pronouns among learners of the arabic language from the children of hausa. he used in the study the descriptive analytical approach. the study reached several results, the most important of which are: that the sentence structure in the hausa language is entirely different from the sentence structure in arabic, whereby the hausa requires that the subject precedes the verb and then the object, and it is not permissible for the thing to precede the verb and the subject, and this is the opposite of what is precedent to arabic. it is acceptable for arabic, and this rule has made many who write in arabic use the nominal sentence because it is closer to his mother tongue. the researchers were able to clarify the structure of sentences in arabic with the use of ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 164 pronouns and to identify methods that help reveal the similarities and differences between the two languages.this study differs from the mentioned study because this study compares eight differences among three languages: english, tamil, and arabic conjunctions and its uses in arabic and tamil languages a contrastive study by shathifa bint muhammad cassim and shaheqa farwinn bint abdul rahim, a paper presented at the faculty of arts and culture symposium at the university of south eastern of sri lanka in 2015, this research seek about conjunctions through their structure, function, and status in sentences and its significance in arabic language and tamil language. the research is concerned with studying the similarities and differences between the arabic language and the tamil language. the researchers benefited from the paper to define the two languages and know the uses of conjunctions in tamil language from the structure of sentences and their function. this study also differs from the mentioned study because it briefly discussed convergence. however, in this case, the conjunction is one of eight. demonstrative pronouns in arabic and english: a contrastive study by sulaiman bin omar al-suhaibani, 2015. this research deals with the study of demonstrative pronouns in arabic and english as a contrastive study. where contrastive linguistics is one of the oldest methods of modern linguistics and one of the most critical studies in the field of linguistics. it is interested in studying the linguistic system in the various languages, contrasting them with each other, and highlighting their similarities and differences. the research dealt with the demonstrative pronouns in their classification in speech, mentioning the demonstrative pronouns in both arabic and english, explaining the common ones, their functions and their uses in speech, then analyzing some of the qur’anic verses in which the demonstrative pronouns are mentioned, and looking at their translation. in order to show aspects of similarity and difference between the two languages. the researchers used this study to determine the uses of demonstrative pronouns in arabic sentences and the problems in their translation. this research aims to identify similarities and dissimilarities in arabic, english, and tamil sentence elements. this research, therefore, included this question. what are the similarities and dissimilarities in sentence elements between arabic, english, and tamil? ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 165 b. research method the researchers used descriptive and contrastive methods to implement this study and achieve its objectives. the researcher used the descriptive method to illustrate what the arabic, english, and tamil languages contain. on the other hand, the researcher used the comparative method to compare arabic, english, and tamil to discover similarities and differences. furthermore, they constructed their theoretical work using primary data. and collected data by reviewing research articles, proceedings, and grammar books. finally, they analyzed and systematically compared them. c. findings and discussion findings sentence elements in arabic, english and tamil the sentence in arabic originates from several words, according to a specified pattern under syntax, which means parsing and grammatical factors, and the rules for the structure of the sentence are nominal or verbal, affirmaive or negative, informative or constructive. it studies the relationships from the sentence itself and the relations before it and what follows after. the advantages in the grammar of arabic language are that they are subordinate to the purposes of expression and meaning, and this is clearly demonstrated by the flourishing of the phenomenon of parsing in arabic language (naasir, 2013). differences in the sentence elements between arabic, english and tamil these differences affect in the sentence elements between arabic, english and tamil languages, whether it is a simple sentence, a compound sentence, or a complex sentence (ayoob, 1985). 1. differences in gender table 1. the sentence elements between arabic, english and tamil differences in gender arabic language english language tamil language two types gender 1. masculine 2. feminine it has three symbols ✓ taa marboota ✓ al-alif al-muqshoora three types of gender 1. masculine 2. feminine 3. neuter five types of gender 1. /ɑːɳ pɑːl/ " masculine" 2. /pɛɳ pɑːl/ "feminine 3. / pələr pɑːl/ “the sane plural is for masculine or ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 166 ✓ al-alif al mamdhoodha feminine, 4. /ʷond̺ʳən pɑːl/ "insane noun" 5. pələʋɪn pɑːl/ "insane noun" the word varies in arabic language with regard to gender into two types: masculine and feminine. as for the masculine noun, it does not need a sign to indicate it, while the feminine has three symbols; taa marboota /t̪a: al-marbu:t̪ˁa:/ such as /niʕma:/ and /qud̪ra:/, al-alif al-muqshoora /al-alif al-maqsˁu:ra:/ (short alif) such as /ʕuðra:/ and /fud̪ˁla:/, al-alif al mamdhoodha /al-alif al-mamd̪u:d̪a:/ (long alif) such as /sawd̪a:ʔu/ and /bajd̪ˁa:ʔu/. each of these symbols must be added at the end of the word, as every noun that is ended in one of them is called feminine. in the tamil language, gender is divided into five, namely: i. /ɑːɳ pɑːl/ " masculine" if the name is sane and singular, for example: /sɪɾʉʋən/ "boy". the symbol for gender is at the end of the verbs, for example: /sɪɾʉʋən ʋən̪d̪ɑːn/ "the boy came." here the morpheme /ɑːn/ represents the gender. ii. /pɛɳ pɑːl/ "feminine" if the noun is sane and singular, for example: /t̪ɑːj/ "mother". the sign of gender is at the end of the verbs, for example: /t̪ɑːj ʋən̪d̪ɑːɭ/ "the mother came." the morpheme /ɑːɭ/ represents the gender in this sentence. iii. / pələr pɑːl/ “the sane plural is for masculine or feminine,” for example: / sɪɾʉʋərgəɭ/ “boys” and / ɑːsɪɾɪjəjgəɭ/ “female teachers”. the symbol of gender is at the end of the verbs, for example: / sɪɾʉʋərgəɭ / ɑːsɪɾɪjəjgəɭ ʋən̪d̪ɑːrgəɭ/ “the boys and the teachers came”. the morpheme / ɑːrgəɭ/ represents the gender in the plural. iv. /ʷond̺ʳən pɑːl/ "insane noun" if it is singular, for example: மரம் /məɾəm/ "tree". the symbol of gender is at the end of the verbs, for example: /məɾəm ʋɪɻʉn̪d̪əd̪ʉ/ "the tree fell." the morpheme /əd̪ʉ/ represents the gender. v. pələʋɪn pɑːl/ "insane noun" if it is a plural, for example: /mɑːɖʉgəɭ/ "cows". the symbol of gender is at the end of the verbs, for example: /mɑːɖʉgəɭ ʋən̪d̪ənə/ “the cows came”. here the morpheme / ənə / represents the gender (ayoob, 1985) at the same time, english language has three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter. in general, we can say that nouns denoting sex are masculine or feminine and that other nouns are neuter. (declerck, 1991) i. masculine: it refers to words for a male figure or male member of a species (i.e., man, boy, actor, horse, ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 167 ii. feminine: it refers to female figures or female members of a species (i.e., woman, girl, actress, mare, etc.) iii. neuter: it refers to things that have no gender (i.e., rock, table, pencil, etc.) 2. the difference in numeral table 2. the difference in numeral between arabic, english and tamil the difference in numeral arabic language english language tamil language three types of numbers 1. singular 2. double 3. plural two types of numbers 1. singular number 2. plural number two types of numbers 1. singular 2. plural arabic language has a specified number system, versa the number system in tamil language, where the number in arabic is from the singular, the double and the plural, and in the tamil language from the singular and plural only. this language takes everything that is not singular as a plural and does not differentiate between one, two and three except with specificity and mention the number, for example: i. /ʷoɾʉ mənɪd̪ər ʋən̪d̪ɑːr/ “a man came” ii. /ʲɪɾʉ mənɪd̪ərgəɭ ʋən̪d̪ɑːrgəɭ/ "two men came" iii. /muːnd̺ʳʉ mənɪd̪ərgəɭ ʋən̪d̪ɑːrgəɭ/"threemencame" in english, have two numbers: 1) the singular number, and 2) the plural number. number as a grammatical category of nouns in english. in english, nouns in the singular number are always used either with the numeral one or with an article, the indefinite article a / an which is semantically equal to the numeral one, and the definite article the : i. one / a student or one / an apple ii. the student or the apple in english nouns in the singular number may not be used without an article or without the numeral one. forms such as student or apple, used without the abovementioned functional words, are grammatically unacceptable. proper nouns and uncountable nouns, such as tom, william, jane, james, london, washington, love, courage, peace, water, bread, sugar, milk, furniture, etc., are, of course, an exception to the rule. proper nouns do not take the numeral one nor the indefinite article a / an , but they can be used with the definite article them. (canta, 2016). ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 168 3. differences in tense table 3. the difference in tenses between arabic, english and tamil differences in tense arabic language english language tamil language three types of tenses 1. past tense 2. present tense 3. imperative tense 12 types of tenses 1. simple past tense 2. past perfect tense 3. past continuous tense 4. past perfect continuous 5. simple present tense 6. present perfect tense 7. present continuous tense: 8. present perfect continuous tense 9. simple future tense 10. future perfect tense 11. future continuous tense 12. future perfect continuous three types of tenses 1. past tense 2. present tense 3. future tense the word in arabic language is divided according to the tense into three parts, namely: past, present and imperative tenses i. past tense: is a word that indicates the meaning and time in the past, for example:/fahima al-t̪ˁa:lib al-d̪arsa/ "the student understood the lesson." ii. present tense: it is a word that indicates the meaning and time, both immediately and presenting, for example: /jafraħu mud̪arrisuka bi nadʒaħika/ "your teacher happies in your success." the present tense must be the beginning of /hamza, nu:n, t̪a: or ja:/ and these letters are called as "letters of present tense". iii. imperative tense: it is a word that requires verb and time in the future, for example: "write a letter to your brother." verbs are defined in arabic language by one of four symbols: i. /qad̪/; comes on the past and present verbs, for example: /qad̪ na:ma zajd̪/ “zaid has slept” and /qad̪ jaqu:mu:/ “he may wake up”. ii. /si:n wa sawfa/; each of them comes in the present tense only, for example: /sajaqu:mu & sawfa jaqu:mu/ “he will wake up”. iii. /t̪a: al-t̪aʔni:θ sa:kina:/; relate to past verbs only, ex: /qa:mat̪ d̪ˁarabat̪/ “she woke up and hit”. ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 169 iv. /ja: al-muxat̪ˁaba:/; the indication of the verb itself on the request for feminine and it is in importive tense only, for example: /qu:mi: wad̪ˁribi:/ “get up and hit”. verbs in tamil are divided into three tenses, which are: 1. past tense: it indicates action in the past tense, for example: /sɪɾʉʋən pɑːɖət̪t̪əj ʋɑːsɪt̪t̪ɑːn/ "the boy read the lesson". the past tense is known by different symbols: / t̪ , ʈ , r /. examples: i. /t̪ pəɖɪ+ ( t̪ ) + ʲeːn = pəɖɪt̪t̪eːn/ "i studied". ii. /ʈ ʷʊɳ+ ( ʈ ) + ʲeːn = ʷʊɳɖeːn/ "i ate". iii. /r kəl+ ( r ) + ʲeːn = kət̺t̺ʳeːn/ "i learned". 2. present tense: it indicates action in the present time, for example: /sɪɾʉʋən pɑːɖəm pəɖɪkkɪnd̺ʳɑːn/ "the boy reads the lesson". two morphemes are used in present tense /kɪnd̺ʳʉ , kɪɾʉ/ and both of them enter the present verb, it indicates the verb in the present only, for example: i. /kɪnd̺ʳʉ ʋəɾʉ + ( kɪnd̺ʳʉ ) + ɑːn = ʋəɾʉgɪnd̺ʳɑːn/ "he comes (now)". ii. /kɪɾʉ sɛl ( kɪɾʉ ) + ʲeːn =tʃɛlgɪɾeːn/ "i go (now)". 3. future tense: it indicates action in the future tense, for example: /sɪɾʉʋən pɑːɖəm ʋɑːsɪppɑːn/ "the boy will read the lesson". here the two morphemes வ், ப் /ʋ, p/ and each of them denote the future verb only, and they have a future function, for example: i. /ʋ ʋəɾʉ + ( ʋ ) + ɑːn = ʋəɾʉʋɑːn/ "he will come" ii. /p pɑːr + ( p ) + ɑːn = pɑːrppɑːn/ "he will see" imporative tense as in arabic indicates requesting an act in the future, for example: /ʷʊnəd̪ʉ pɑːɖət̪t̪əj ʋɑːsɪˑ/ "read your lesson". meanwhile, in english language there are 12 tenses by combining both tense and aspect system as follow: i. simple past tense: it used to describe action that happened in the past or were habitual ex. i played tennis yesterday ii. past perfect tense: it used to describe an event that was completed before another took place. ex: sam had left before we got there ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 170 iii. past continuous tense: it used to describe events or situation that “were going on at time when another action took place. ex: while we were studying english, it began to rain. iv. past perfect continuous:it used to show the order of two past events. the past perfect shows the earlier action and the past simple shows the later action. ex:when the police arrived, the thief had escaped. v. simple present tense: it used to denote general action or events or to describe habitual events. ex: the earth goes round the sun vi. present perfect tense: it used to denote situation that happened in the past and continues until the present time. ex: we have lived in canada for 20 years. vii. present continuous tense: it used to denote that the action is going on just now, that is happening at the same time of speaking or writing.ex: she is having lunch now. viii. present perfect continuous tense: it used to express the duration of an action up to the present tense with using expressions or words such as: since or for. ex: i have been learning english for three years. ix. simple future tense: it used to refer to actions or states that begin and end in the future. ex: i will write you next week x. future perfect tense: it used to refer a completed action in the future. ex: by the next time i see you, i shall have graduated. xi. future continuous tense: it used to talk about future events that will be in progress at a specific time in the future. ex: i shall be writing my new story next week. xii. future perfect continuous: it used to describe actions that will continue up until a point in the future. ex: i will have been sleeping for two hours by the time he gets home (boultiah & boultiah, 2011-2012) 4. differences in pronoun table 4. the difference in numeral between arabic, english and tamil differences in pronoun arabic language english language tamil language 12 types of pronouns 1. /ʔna/ 2. /naħnu/ 3. /ʔnt̪a/ 4. /ʔnt̪i/ 7 types of tenses 1. i 2. you 3. we 4. they 9 types of pronouns 1. /nɑːn/ 2. /nɑːm/ 3. /niˑ/ 4. /niːŋgəɭ/ ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 171 5. /ʔnt̪uma:/ 6. /ʔnt̪um/ 7. /ʔnt̪unna/ 8. /huwa/ 9. /hija/ 10. /huma:/ 11. /hum/ 12. /hunna/ 5. he 6. she 7. it 5. /əʋən/ 6. /əʋəɭ/ 7. /əʋərgəɭ/ 8. /əd̪ʉ/ 9. /əʋə/ pronouns in arabic are divided into three parts: /mut̪akallim/ first person, /muxat̪ˁab/ second person and /ɣa:ʔib/ third person. the following table (5) shows pronouns in arabic language: table 5. pronouns in arabic language the following table (6) shows pronouns in tamil language: table 6. pronouns in arabic language pronoun place numeral gender /nɑːn/ first person singular masculine/ feminine /nɑːm/ first person plural masculine/ feminine /niˑ/ second person singular masculine/ feminine /niːŋgəɭ/ second person plural masculine/ feminine /əʋən/ third person singular masculine /əʋəɭ/ third person singular feminine /əʋərgəɭ/ third person plural masculine/ feminine /əd̪ʉ/ third person singular masculine/ feminine /əʋə/ third person plural masculine/ feminine pronouns in english can be divided in one of three “persons.” a first-person pronoun refers to the speaker, a second-person pronoun refers to the person being pronoun place numeral gender /ʔna/ first person singular masculine/ feminine /naħnu/ first person dual / plural masculine/ feminine /ʔnt̪a/ second person singular masculine /ʔnt̪i/ second person singular feminine /ʔnt̪uma:/ second person dual masculine/ feminine /ʔnt̪um/ second person plural masculine /ʔnt̪unna/ second person plural feminine /huwa/ third person singular masculine /hija/ third person singular feminine /huma:/ third person dual masculine/ feminine /hum/ third person plural masculine /hunna/ third person plural feminine ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 172 spoken to, and a third-person pronoun refers to the person being spoken of. for each of these three grammatical persons, there is a plural as well. table 7. pronouns in englis pronoun place numeral gender i first person singular masculine/ feminine you second person singular/plural masculine/ feminine we first person plural masculine/ feminine they third person plural masculine/ feminine he third person singular masculine she third person singular feminine it third person singular masculine/ feminine there is no difference between first person pronouns among the languages. as for second person pronouns, there are special forms of singular and non-singular in both languages. there is no difference between the masculine and the feminine, whether singular or not, and between rational and irrational in tamil. at the same time, in arabic language, there is a difference between the masculine and the feminine in the singular and the plural without dual. the two languages agree in third person pronouns in the use of the singular pronouns to the masculine and the feminine. in the plural, arabic differentiates as masculine and feminine, while tamil language does not differentiate between them. likewise, tamil language like arabic is distinguished by the distinction between the sane in the use of their person pronouns. in tamil, there are specific pronouns for the singular and plural third person pronouns for insane, but it does not differentiate between masculine and feminine. 5. differences in kinds of pronoun: the following table (8) shows kinds of pronoun in arabic language: table 8. kinds of pronoun in arabic language subject pronouns arabic /ʔna/ , /naħnu/ , /ʔnt̪a/ , /ʔnt̪i/ , /ʔnt̪uma:/ , /ʔnt̪um/ , /ʔnt̪unna/ , /huwa/ , /hija/ , /huma:/ , /hum/ , /hunna/ english i , we , you , he , she , it , they tamil /nɑːn/ , /nɑːm/ , /niˑ/ , /niːŋgəɭ/ , /əʋən , /əʋəɭ/ , /əʋərgəɭ/ , /əd̪ʉ/ , /əʋə/ object pronouns arabic /ni:/ , /na:/ , /ka/ , /ki/ , /kuma:/ , /kum/ , /kunna/ , /hu/ , /ha:/ , /huma:/ , /hum/ , /hunna/ english me, us , you , him , her , it , them tamil /ʲɛnnəj/ , /ʲɛŋgəɭəj/ , /ʷʊnnəj/ , /ʷʊŋgəɭəj/ , /əʋənəj/ , /əʋəɭəj/ , /əʋərgəɭəj/ , /əd̪əj/ , /əʋəjgəɭəj/ possessive arabic /e/ , /na:/ , /ka/ , /ki/ , /kuma:/ , /kum/ , /kunna/ , /hu/ , ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 173 pronouns /ha:/ , /huma:/ , /hum/ , /hunna/ english mine , ours , yours , his , hers , not used , theirs tamil /ʲɛnnʉɖəjjə/ , /ʲɛŋgəɭʉɖəjjə/ , /ʷʊnnʉɖəjjə/ , /ʷʊŋgəɭʉɖəjjə/ , /əʋənʉɖəjjə/ , /əʋəɭʉɖəjjə/ , /ɑːʋərgəɭʉɖəjjə/ , /əd̪ənʉɖəjjə/ , /əʋəjgəɭʉɖəjjə/ possessive adjectives english my , our , your , his , her , its , their reflexive pronoun english myself , ourself , yourself, your selves , him self , herself , itself , themselves table 9. kinds of pronoun in arabic language subject pronouns object pronouns possessive pronouns /ʔna/ /ni:/ /e/ /naħnu/ /na:/ /na:/ /ʔnt̪a/ /ka/ /ka/ /ʔnt̪i/ /ki/ /ki/ /ʔnt̪uma:/ /kuma:/ /kuma:/ /ʔnt̪um/ /kum/ /kum/ /ʔnt̪unna/ /kunna/ /kunna/ /huwa/ /hu/ /hu/ /hija/ /ha:/ /ha:/ /huma:/ /huma:/ /huma:/ /hum/ /hum/ /hum/ /hunna/ /hunna/ /hunna/ the following table (10) shows kinds of pronoun in tamil language: table 10. kinds of pronoun in tamil language subject pronouns object pronouns possessive pronuns /nɑːn/ /ʲɛnnəj/ /ʲɛnnʉɖəjjə/ /nɑːm/ /ʲɛŋgəɭəj/ /ʲɛŋgəɭʉɖəjjə/ /niˑ/ /ʷʊnnəj/ /ʷʊnnʉɖəjjə/ /niːŋgəɭ/ /ʷʊŋgəɭəj/ /ʷʊŋgəɭʉɖəjjə/ /əʋən/ /əʋənəj/ /əʋənʉɖəjjə/ /əʋəɭ/ /əʋəɭəj/ /əʋəɭʉɖəjjə/ /əʋərgəɭ/ /əʋərgəɭəj/ /ɑːʋərgəɭʉɖəjjə/ /əd̪ʉ/ /əd̪əj/ /əd̪ənʉɖəjjə/ /əʋə/ /əʋəjgəɭəj/ /əʋəjgəɭʉɖəjjə/ kinds of pronouns in english there are many types and subtypes of pronouns in english. this paper shall identify and discuss with copious types of pronouns. they are as follows: ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 174 table 11. pronouns in english subject pronoun object pronoun possessive adjectives possessive pronoun reflexive pronoun i me my mine myself we us our ours ourself you you your yours yourself, your selves he him his his him self she her her hers herself it it its not used itself they them their theirs themselves (nkopuruk & odusina, 2018) kinds of pronoun in arabic language as the subject, for example: /huwa jana:mu/ “he is sleeping”, as objective caes, possessor in the sentence, for example: /ʔaʃuruka/ “i thank you”, /qalami: dʒad̪i: d̪un/ “my pen is new” kinds of pronoun in tamil language as the subject, for example: /əʋən ʲɛɻʉn̪d̪ʉɭɭɑːn/"he is standing", as objective caes, possessor in the sentence, for example: /mʊɦəmmət̪ əʋənəj əɖɪt̪t̪ɑːn/“muhammad hit him”, /ʲɛnəd̪ʉ pʊt̪t̪əgəm pʊd̪ɪjəd̪ʉ/ "my book is new". 6. the difference in adjective: table 12. difference in adjective between arabic, english and tamil language the difference in adjective arabic language english language tamil language adjectives come after the noun adjectives are usually placed before the nouns adjective followsthe noun the adjective precedes the noun in tamil language. for example: /nɑːn pɛɾɪjəd̪oɾʉ ʋəɾəjn̪d̪eːn/ "i drew a big fish". at the same time, adjective follows the noun, for example: /ʔna rasamt̪u samkan kabi:ran/ “i drew a big fish”. at the same time the english language, adjective consist of single words or someone collection. according to language terminology when several adjectives come before a noun (or when nouns are used modify another noun), the usually have to put in particular order. in grammar, we say the adjectives 'modify' nouns. the word 'modify ' means ' “change a little” adjective give a little different meaning to a noun: ex: cold weather, hot weather, nice weather, bad weather. it comes in three forms: absolute, comparative and superlative like cool-cooler-coolest. examples: a. i don't like cold weather. (adjective) + (noun) ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 175 b. alex is a happy child. (adjective) + (noun) c. the hungry boy has a fresh apple. (adjective) + (noun) (adj.)+(noun) (nurhayati, 2012) arabic adjectives are words that describe or modify a person or thing in a sentence. their placement is quite different from english where the adjectives come before the noun, as in “beautiful girl”. in arabic their placement is reversed: fataah jameela = girl beautiful. 7. the difference in genitive: table 12. difference in genitive between arabic, english and tamil language the difference in genitive arabic language english language tamil language 1 type of possessive 1. the possessed precedes the possessor three types possessive 1. possessive nouns 2. possessive pronouns 3. possessive determiners 1 type of possessive 1. the possessor precedes the possessed the possessed precedes the possessor in arabic. at the same time, the possessor precedes the possessed in tamil. for example: in arabic: /kit̪a:bu muħammad̪in/ "the book of muhammad". here, the possessed is /kit̪a:bu/ and the possessor is /muhammadh/. in tamil: /mʊɦəmməd̪ʉɖəjjə pʊt̪t̪əgəm/. here, the possessor /mʊɦəmməd̪ʉɖəjjə/ precedes the possessed /pʊt̪t̪əgəm/. /ʕala:mat̪ul dʒarri/ the genitive case, the deletion of the definite article “ʔl”, the deletion of the indefinite article /tanwin/, the deletion of the signs of dual and plural /no:n/ are signs of genitive in arabic language, while /ʷʊɖəjjə , ʲɪn/are used in tamil to denote genitive with them. for example: /mɑːɳəʋənʉɖəjjə peːnəj, mɑːɳəʋənɪn peːnəj/ "student’s pen". in english, the genitive case is a grammatical case for nouns and pronouns. it is most commonly used for showing possession. it has three types possessive case i. possessive nouns: it usually shown by preceding it with "of" or by adding 's (or just ') to the end. ii. possessive pronouns: the possessive-case pronouns are "mine," "yours," "his," "hers," "its," "ours," and "theirs." iii. possessive determiners: the possessive-case determiners are "my," "your," "his," "her," "its," "our," and "their." (the possessive determiners are known as ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 176 possessive adjectives in traditional grammar.) (shrives, n.d.) (sabrina, 2009/2010) 8. the difference in article: table 13. difference in article between arabic, english and tamil language the difference in article arabic language english language tamil language 1 type of article 1. /ʔl/ three types article 1. a 2. an 3. the 2 types of possessives 1. / ʷoɾʉ/ 2. / pələ/ /ʔl/ is one of the definite articles in arabic language. when it occurs on indefinite noun, it will be a definite noun. example: /kit̪a:bun/ “a book” --/ʔl/ + / kit̪a:bun/ = /ʔlkit̪a:bu/ “the book” while tamil language differs from arabic language, where indefinite article in tamil comes at the beginning of the word instead of the definite article /ʔl/ "the" in arabic language. this article differs according to the number only without the type, so the article / ʷoɾʉ/ for the singular, / pələ/for the plural, for example: /ʷoɾʉ sɪɾʉʋən/"a boy", /pələ sɪɾʉʋərgəɭ/"boys". in english there are three types of articles: a, an, and the. these used before nouns or noun equivalents. articles differ as definite articles and indefinite articles. the definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. the indefinite article (a, an) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known. there are certain situations in which a noun takes no article. examples: the (before a singular or plural noun) ex: the boy sitting next to me raised his hand. a (before a singular noun beginning with a consonant sound) ex: i own a cat and two dogs. an (before a singular noun beginning with a vowel sound)ex:i think an animal is in the garage (sentance, 2006), discussions researchers discovered that sentence aspects have different types and structures in arabic, tamil, and english languages in this study titled "contrastive study on differences in sentence aspects between arabic, tamil, and english languages." this research focuses on eight sentence aspects: gender, numeral, tense, pronoun, adjective, genitive, and article. researchers funded some outcomes at the end of this research that ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 177 all three languages have masculine and feminine genders, but english has an extra one, namely neuter. simultaneously, the tamil language has three more. every language has two types of numerals, except arabic, which has an extra one, namely the double numeral. in tense, arabic and tamil have three types, but english has twelve types. when it comes to adjectives, both english and tamil place them before nouns, whereas arabic only places them after nouns. at the same time, by considering the pronoun, all three languages have the same three types of persons, namely first person, second person, and third person. however, there are some structural differences in usage. similarly, each language has its own set of rules and theories for constructing sentence structure. researchers believe that a variety of language families influence these differences. d. conclusion according to the discussion part of this research; arabic, english and tamil languages belong to different linguistic families. as for the arabic language, it belongs to the semitic languages, no matter what tamil language belongs to dravidian and english belongs to the indo-european family. according to this case, they specialize in specific sentence elements according to their linguistic components. based on this, there are more differences than similarities. there are differences in gender, numeral, tense, pronouns, kinds of pronouns, adjectives, genitive and articles. these things effect in learning a language as a foreign or second language. this study will help the learners to get the differences among the languages. learners of arabic a foreign language should pay attention to their own language grammar in order to be fluent in both languages to study the arabic linguistic system in contrast to tamil language for learning a language in the best way and to learn tamil language in the best way, regardless of their mother tongue to learn arabic fluently. by considering the limitations of this study, it is organized around eight aspects of sentence structure in english, tamil, and arabic languages. this research study on eight aspects of sentences in one paper, but doing research in the future under separate headings will help the readers find more clarity on this matter. the results will be colorful by researching all aspects of speech in different articles. the researches should be done in translation difficulties among the trilingual. researches on problems faced by the second language ©m.s. zunoomy, u. israth, & a.m.m. aaqil available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 178 learners when learning these sentence aspects should be done in the various academic level such school, college, university levels references aaqil, a. m. m., sainulabdeen, z. m., & razick, a. m. 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addition, those activities will benefit in nearfuture for the contextual of living in society. finally, as the premier program, arabic language will expands students’s skill and confident to explore islamic horizon of knowledge. keywords: madrasah, arabic language, muslim minority. madrasah atau pesantren menggambarkan perjalanan sejarah yang panjang dalam masyarakat indonesia. termasuk tidak dibatasi pada keterlibatan minoritas muslim dalam pengembangan institusi keagamaan. hal itu menjangkau kegiatan keislaman sampai kepada pemberdayaan masyarakat. untuk itu, artikel ini akan menkaji bagaimana pembelajaran bahasa dapat mengkonstruksi karakter pembelajar. selama proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, santri (siswa) akan mempunyai kebiasaan tertentu dalam menguasai bahasa. selanjutnya, kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran bahasa dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan lingkungan pesantren sebagai sumber belajar. itu juga berfungsi sekaligus sebagai media. selanjutnya, aktivitas tersebut akan memberikan manfaat di masa datang dalam kehidupan kontekstual di masyarakat. akhirnya, sebagai program utama, bahasa arab akan mengembangkan ketermapilan siswa dan kepercayaan diri untuk mengkaji cakrawala pengetahuan keislaman. * artikel ini berawal dari penelitian yang dilaksanakan ketika menerima undangan sebagai visiting lecturer di mahidol university, thailand, selama bulan januari 2014. terima kasih kepada center for religious studies mahidol university atas dukungan dan fasilitas perpustakaan selama kegiatan berlangsung. demikian pula kepada lembaga persada papua yang menjadi fasilitator terlaksananya kegiatan. kata kunci: madrasah, bahasa arab, minoritas muslim. pendahuluan lembaga pendidikan seperti pesantren sudah melampaui harapan ketika fase awal pendirian. awalnya hanya dimaksudkan sebagai lembaga yang khusus mengadakan pembelajaran dalam rangka transformasi khazanah keagamaan, dalam hal ini islam. tetapi, wujud hari ini menjadi sebuah gerakan yang tidak saja dalam konteks pendidikan semata. pesantren membuka diri terhadap wacana globalisasi dan bersentuhan dengan perkembangan teknologi terkini. 1 perkembangan yang dinamis, perjumpaan dengan ide-ide global, sinergitas pelbagai komponen dalam manajemen pendidikan, menjadikan faktor-faktor ini mendorong modernisasi pesantren. 2 penguatan pesantren seperti ini justru mengukuhan keberadaan pesantren termasuk dalam peran memberdayakan lingkungan yang ada dalam wilayah sekitarnya. jangkauan pesantren tidak lagi sebatas pada komponen santri dan ustadz, tetapi sudah membangun kesadaran sinergitas dengan sekitarnya. lingkungan pesantren menjadi sebuah kelas yang berlangsung selama dua puluh empat jam. tidak terbatas pada ruang kelas saja, tetapi masjid, asrama, pendopo, dan semua sarana yang tersedia menjadi pendukung proses pembelajaran. penciptaan lingkungan pesantren ini sebagaimana dalam pandangan moos bahwa dukungan lingkungan beserta dengan segala atributnya yang kemudian disebut tradisi ketika melembaga, menjadi sebuah unsur yang memungkinkan pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan 3 . dengan demikian, diperlukan sebuah usaha kreatif untuk senantiasa menjadikan lingkungan ini sebagai pendukung pembelajaran. ada integrasi dari bagian-bagian yang ada sehingga saling berkaitan satu sama lain. budaya yang terbentuk dalam lingkaran 1 zubaidi habibullah as’ary, moralitas pendidikan pesantren (yogyakarta: pt. kurnia kalam semesta, 1996), h. 3. 2 yasmadi, modernisasi pesantren(jakarta: ciputat press, 2005), h. 3. 3 r. h. moos, evaluating educational environments (san fransisco:josey-bass publishers, 1979), h. 18. pesantren justru ditampilkan utama memberikan pola bagi perilaku santri. lingkungan sekaligus menjadi sumber belajar untuk melengkapi keberadaan guru sebagai sumber belajar utama. pembentukan atribut dalam lingkungan internal pesantren tidak lagi homogen, perjumpaan dengan pelbagai ragam etnis dan tradisi kemudian menyatu. inilah yang menjadi wahana pembelajaran yang tak ternilai, dimana sebuah keyakinan agama memayungi perbedaanperbedaan yang ada. pada saat yang sama dapat saja menerima semua ketidaksamaan itu dalam bentuk penghargaan terhadap sesama. menumbuhkan kesadaran seperti ini menjadi sebuah tantangan tersendiri, sehingga pesantren menjadi kunci untuk melembagakan kemauan untuk menerima perbedaan. raihani menegaskan bahwa proses yang intensif di luar kelas dengan interaksi yang berlangsung selama dalam proses pendidikan akan membentuk persepsi tentang perbedaan, sekaligus memainkan peran untuk tidak menjadikan itu sebagai sebuah permasalahan untuk berkonflik. sebaliknya, apa yang dimiliki kemudian menjadi identitas dengan tidak menafikan keberadaan pihak lain 4 . pelibatan diri dalam kegiatan sehari-hari menjadi sebuah pendekatan dalam pemaknaan dan juga kesadaran. ini menjadi sarana dalam pembentukan dan penekanan sehingga menjadi aplikasi keilmuan. sebagai lembaga kajian ilmu agama, kelangsungan pesantren beriringan dengan perkembangan kajian untuk mengenal bahasa arab. dimana bahasa arab merupakan pilihan pembelajaran sebagai pintu utama dalam memahami islam. di saat pilihan allah menjadikan bahasa arab sebagai wahyu, maka saat itulah bahasa itu menjadi bahasa pertama yang dijadikan sebagai sandaran untuk lebih memaknai al-quran dan hadis. demikian pula doa, dan tradisi keislaman lain yang termaktub juga dalam bahasa arab. maka, tidak ada pilihan kecuali menjadikan bahasa arab sebagai kemampuan dasar untuk lebih mendalami khazanah keilmuan islam. tantangan ini yang kemudian berusaha untuk dijawab 4 raihani, report on multicultural education in pesantren, journal of comparative and international education compare, vol. 42 no. 4. 2012, h. 585-605. pesantren dengan inovasi pembelajaran moderen dalam penguasaan bahasa arab. keberhasilan pembelajaran bahasa tidak dapat dilepaskan dari kemampuan pengajar untuk menjadikan pola belajar sebagai karakter santri. dengan karakter yang dibangun ini, akan menjadi sebagai bagian dari proses belajar. dalam temuan penelitian izfanna dan hisyam bahwa pesantren menjadi tempat untuk menyemai karakter (akhlak) secara menyeluruh 5 . tidak saja dalam bentuk pemahaman semata, tetapi lebih dari itu sudah menjangkau penerapan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. untuk itu, maka artikel ini bermaksud untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian “bagaimana lingkungan digunakan sebagai bagian dalam belajar bahasa arab, dan sekaligus mengkonstruksinya dalam pembentukan karakter santri? tinjauan penelitian madrasah pesantren menjadi sebuah kajian yang menyemarakkan khazanah akademik. tidak saja dari lingkungan internal warga pesantren, bahkan penelitian dengan kajian khusus pada subyek pesantren juga menjadi perhatian sarjana perguruan tinggi luar negeri.anggapan tentang madrasah sebagai “breeding grounds for terrorist” dan lembaga pendidikan yang mendorong penggunaan kekerasan sebagai jihad untuk menegakkan agama, tidak melihat secara keseluruhan 6 . dugaan tentang madrasah sebagai persemaian ideologi-keagamaan radikal, semata-mata menjelaskan hubungan yang tidak berkaitan. pertumbuhan dan perkembangan madrasah menunjukkan sebagai lembaga yang pantas disebut sebagai lokomotif perdamaian dengan menjadikan pendidikan sebagai aktivitas keutamaan. selanjutnya juga integrasi dengan dimensi kehidupan yang lain. lukens-bull menolak jika pesantren dikaitkan 5 duna izfanna dan nik muhammad hisyam, a comprehensive approach in developing akhlaq, multicultural education and technologhy journal, vol. 6 no. 6. 2012, h. 77. 6 farish noor, yoginder sikand, martin van bruenessen, madrasa in asia, political activism and transnational linkage (amsterdam: amsterdam university press, 2009), h. 11-12. dengan terorisme, justru menyebutnya “jihad damai”, ini berkaitan dengan pesantren semata-mata sebagai tempat untuk menimba ilmu bagi umat islam 7 . menempuh perjalanan dari jauh, meninggalkan keluarga, menempa diri dengan kegiatan hanya untuk memperoleh pengetahuan, sekaligus berusaha untuk turut dalam pengembangan wilayah di sekitar pondok, menjadi bukti yang tidak terbantahkan betapa madrasah membentuk seorang pribadi muslim untuk selalu dalam ketaatan. justru jihad yang ditunjukkan kalangan pesantren adalah kesungguhan yang tidak melepaskan diri dari unsur kemanusiaan. maka, tidaklah tepat untuk menempelkan cap kepada pesantren sebagai tempat bersemainya individu yang radikal yang kemudian berkembang menjadi teroris. dalam khazanah madrasah indonesia, identitas yang terbangun dalam diri seorang muslim justru bisa beriringan dengan kondisi global. kehadiran modern berdampingan dengan yang sudah hadir dalam bentuk tradisional. kemunculan pendidikan modern dengan mengusung istilah modern sesungguhnya bukanlah untuk menerabas yang sudah ada sebelumnya. ini menjadi sebuah kemampuan pesantren untuk senantiasa mengadaptasikan dirinya dalam tuntutan terkini masyarakat. perpaduan antara tradisional dan modern itulah selanjutnya menjadi kekayaan lembaga pendidikan indonesia. walaupun ada pertentangan dalam istilah tetapi sesungguhnya kemunculan istilah modern merupakan sebuah inovasi yang menjadi praktik untuk melengkapi kehadiran tradisional yang lebih dulu wujud. penelitian millie menunjukkan bahwa partisipasi muslim indonesia dalam peristilahan tradisional dan modern semata-mata hanya soal komunitas saja dan tidak merefleksikan sebuah dikotomi 8 . begitu juga, keduanya kemudian saling bersinergi dengan dinamika kehidupan umat. masing-masing tetap dengan program yang ada 7 ronald alan lukens bull, a peaceful jihad: javanese islamic education and religious identity construction, disertasi (arizona: arizona state university, 1997), h. 2. 8 julian millie, the situated listener as problem: 'modern' and 'traditional' subjects in muslim indonesia, international journal of cultural studies, vol. 16 no. 3. 2013, h. 271. sehingga saling bersisian dalam memandu umat dalam memahami agama dengan lebih baik. ulama terkemuka dalam dunia pesantren sudah menunjukkan bagaimana praktik islam yang dapat menerima wacana global seperti demokrasi. diantara ulama ini, hasyim asy’ari dapat menjadi sebuah contoh 9 . dengan keteguhan islam yang diyakininya sebagai sebuah pegangan hidup sekaligus amal, tetap juga menjadikan politik dengan bentuk demokrasi sebagai sistem yang diikuti untuk turut berkontribusi dalam kehidupan kebangsaan melaluijalur politik. sementara kalangan santri yang lain wahid hasyim juga menunjukkan dalam saat yang sama tetap menjadikan lembaga pendidikan sebagai sarana untuk menyebarkan ilmu pengetahuan dengan tidak membawa pilihan politik itu sendiri 10 . sekaligus menjembatani perbedaan antara tradisional dengan tuntutan modernitas. dari pengalaman sejarah ini, bahwa stereotype tentang adanya pengelompokan tradisional dan modern sesungguhnya hanya pada soal bagaimana memilih domain. bentuk modernisasi yang diterapkan di madrasah lebih karena tuntutan masyarakat dan keinginan pesantren untuk turut dalam kontribusi yang lebih luas. 11 madrasah dalam bentuk pesantren merupakan lembaga yang berkembang dalam alam indonesia secara khas. walaupun madrasah juga tumbuh di negara islam lainnya, tetapi model pesantren merupakan sebuah proses panjang yang membentuk kesadaran akan bentuk kelembagaan dan segala aktivitas yang melingkupinya. walaupun ini digugat oleh steenbrink dan bruinessen. alasan steenbrink menyatakan bahwa pesantren yang ada di indonesia saat ini tidak lebih dari sebuah proses adopsi dri tradisi di india. alasan yang dijadikan sebagai argumen 9 lathiful khuluq, k. h. hasyim asy’ari religious thought and political activtitis (1871-1947),tesis (montreal: institute of islamic studies mcgill university, 1997), h. 2. 10 achmad zaini, kiyai abdul wahid hasyim: his contribution to muslim educational reform and to indonesian nationalism during the twentieth century,tesis (montreal: institute of islamic studies mcgill university, 1998), h. 5. 11 suprayetno wagiman, the modernization of the pesantren’s educational system to meet the needs of indonesian communities, tesis (montreal: institute of islamic studies mcgill university, 1997), h. 119-120. adalah kesamaan terminologi dan juga bentuk. kelaziman mengaji dan pondok, juga digunakan di india. sementara agama hindu juga sudah memperkenalkan bagaimana sebuah lembaga yang mengabdikan diri sepenuhnya pada agama, tidak dikenal istilah gaji, dan adanya penghormatan peserta didik kepada gurunya. 12 sementara bruinessen mengemukakan bahwa asal muasal lembaga ini justru berasal dari arab. dengan menunjuk kepada kitab kuning, ini sudah dilakukan sejak awal di mekkah dan medinah. tradisi kitab kuning dipandangnya hanya berasal dari dunia arab. adapun pesantren yang ada merupakan bentuk dari madrasah dan zawiyah yang juga sudah ada sebelumnya di timur tengah. perbedaan antara madrasah dengan zawiyah terletak pada lokasi. madrasah bertempat di luar masjid, sementara zawiyah justru berada di sudut-sudut masjid. ketika kembali ke tanah air, ulama indonesia yang sebelumnya menempuh pendidikan dengan pola ini kemudian mengembangkannya dalam bentuk yang serupa. 13 berkenaan dengan penjelasan ini, paling tidak ada dua juga sarjana indonesia yang mengemukakan argumentasi. pertama, nurcholish madjid memberikan uraian bahwa dalam kelangsungan pendidikan pesantren di jawa, ada istilah yang dominan sudah digunakan seperti santri, kiai, ngaji, dan njenggoti. cantrik dalam bahasa jawa adalah sebuah proses belajar dimana seorang murid mengikuti gurunya kemanapun pergi. kesempatan ini digunakan untuk senantiasa bertanya dan berdiskusi dengan sang guru selama perjalanan berlangsung. sementara kiai adalah panggilan terhadap orang tua. dimana dengan menjadi santri, maka seorang murid menjadikan dirinya sebagai anak ideologis dari gurunya. sementara dua kata terakhir digunakan dalam aktivitas mengaji kitab. karena buku berbahasa arab, maka kiyai kemudian menerjemahkan dalam bahasa jawa. saat itulah santri 12 karel a. steenbrink, pesantren, madrasah, dan sekolah: pendidikan islam dalam kurun modern (jakarta: lp3es, 1986), h. 20-21. 13 martin van bruinessen, kitab kuning, pesantren, dan tarekat: tradisitradisi islam di indonesia (bandung: mizan, 1995), h. 22. menuliskan arti kata dalam bahasa arab yang tergantung di halaman buku layaknya seperti janggut 14 . tumbuhnya keempat istilah ini mengisyaratkan bahwa dalam tradisi lokal sudah ada bentuk pembelajaran yang menjadi pemaknaan sebagaimana adanya kosakata dalam bahasa jawa. kekhasan ini dapat dijadikan sebagai argumen awal bahwa pesantren justru tumbuh dalam budaya indonesia yang dimulai di jawa. adapun tentang kitab kuning yang dijadikan sebagai salah satu materi belajar, dalam catatan mahmud yunus justru baru saja dimulai di awal 1900-an. sebelum menggunakan kitab-kitab yang berasal dari timur tengah, kiyai sudah menulis kitab-kitab yang dijadikan sebagai bahan belajar. saat perkembangan teknologi percetakan dan terkirimnya buku-buku dari kawasan lain, kemudian tersebar di toko buku yang mulai didirikan, saat itulah kitab kuning menjadi bagian dari proses belajar di pesantren. walaupun buku tersebut berasal dari arab tetapi penulisnya justru banyak juga yang berasal dari indonesia seperti syaikh ahmad khatib minangkabau, syaikh banjari, dan syaikh nawawi banten 15 . keberadaan buku yang awalnya memang sudah ada dari tulisan para kiyai serta kitab yang juga merupakan tulisan para syaikh yang berasal dari indonesia menjadi bukti bahwa pesantren tetaplah merupakan inisiatif keagamaan yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai khas indonesia. gambaran tersebut di atas, menunjukkan betapa ada kekhasan pesantren. keunikan dan tipikal pesantren yang menemukan tempat sesuai dengan perkembangan kebutuhan masyarakat yang ada di sekitarnya 16 . kehadiran pesantrenkemudian menjadi sebuah gerakan sosial di masyarakat. dalam keadaan darurat, pesantren hadir untuk 14 nurcholish madjid, bilik-bilik pesantren: sebuah potret perjalanan (jakarta: paramadina, 1997), h. 19-21. 15 mahmud yunus, sejarah pendidikan islam di indonesia (jakarta: mutiara, 1979), h. 53-55. 16 abdullah aly, pendidikan islam multikultural di pesantren (yogyakarta: pustaka pelajar, 2011), h. 159 menjadi bagian dari penanggulangan bencana 17 . kesadaran akan pelestarian alam dan menjaga lingkungan, juga merupakan bagian dari ajaran keilmuan islam yang diaplikasikan 18 . termasuk keterlibatan dalam membangun demokratisasi melalui kesadaran akan masyarakat madani 19 . kesemuanya kemudian menjadi pembuktian bahwa pesantren telah menjadi bagian masyarakat indonesia. sehingga selalu saja senantiasa mempertahankan kepedulian dalam bentuk relevansi dan kontekstual dengan masyarakat yang menjadi pendukungnya. pesantren di minoritas muslim jika awalnya, pesantren selalu dimulai dari kewibawaan dan keluasan ilmu seorang kiyai, maka lembaga pendidikan di minoritas muslim justru dimulai dari warga biasa. itupun juga bukanlah alumni pondok pesantren atau cendekiawan. semata-mata hanya karena keinginan memberikan sarana pendidikan bagi umat islam di kawasan itu. untuk menopang keberlangsungan lembaga tersebut, maka kelompok kerja yang kemudian disebut manajemen menjadi pendukung utama. pembagian kerja, pendelegasian wewenang, dan kerjasama tim, menjadi unsur-unsur dalam pola kerja dalam mengurus keseharian pesantren. dengan kehadiran orang tua santri dalam bentuk komite madrasah, menjadikan perhimpunan ide dan tenaga yang dihasilkan dari komunitas sendiri semakin mengokohkan akan kelangsungan pesantren. walaupun mereka bukanlah orang-orang yang ahli dalam bidang keagamaan secara khusus, tetapi dengan perhatian, tenaga dan keputusan yang diambil dengan proses diskusi, tetap saja dapat menjadi sebuah kepemimpinan dalam menyelenggarakan pesantren. tantangan utama masyarakat muslim di wilayah minoritas seperti bali, manado, sumatera utara, papua dan papua barat, tentang soal 17 s. vignato, devices of oblivion: how islamic schools rescue ‘orphaned’ children from traumatic experiences in aceh (indonesia), south east asia research, vol. 20 no. 2. juni 2012, h. 239. 18 a. saniotis, muslims and ecology: fostering islamic environmental ethics, contemporary islam, vol. 6 no. 2. juli 2012, h. 155. 19 m. sirry, the public expression of traditional islam: the pesantren and civil society in post-suharto indonesia, muslim world, vol. 100 no. 1. 2010, h. 60. identitas muslim. ini juga menjadi temuan penelitian mahmood dimana soal pendidikan selalu menjadi perhatian minoritas muslim. 20 dengan lembaga pendidikan, maka kesempatan untuk melakukan penguatan identitas menjadi terbuka. dimana sebuah permasalahan akan timbul jika mengirim keluarga untuk sekolah, sementara di tempat tersebut tidak tersedia guru agama islam. begitu juga dengan sekolah dengan guru agama islam yang diampuh oleh guru non-muslim. secara terbatas sekalipun, masyarakat muslim berusaha untuk membentuk komunitas dengan orientasi kepada pendidikan. masjid dan mushallah menjadi pilihan juga untuk menjadi sarana pembelajaran. tidak terbatas untuk anak-anak saja tetapi juga bagi orang dewasa. program-program yang dibuat secara berkesinambungan dilakukan. terutama dalam bulan suci ramadhan, masjid dan mushallah masing-masing melaksanakan program terpadu sebagai waktu untuk mengukuhkan kesadaran beragama. kehadiran masyarakat dengan perbedaan agama di sekeliling pesantren menjadi sebuah tantang dan sekaligus peluang. dalam komunitas protestan dan katolik di manado, justru kehadiran pondok karya pembangunan menjadi sebuah sinergi antara pesantren dengan lingkungan yang ada. pesantren justru berkembang dan senantiasa mendapatkan dukungan dari warga. sebaliknya santri secara bersamasama dengan warga lain juga turut untuk menjadi bagian dari komunitas. kerjasama dalam olahraga, menjaga keamanan kampung, mitigasi bencana, dan gotong royong dalam hari besar nasional, menjadi interaksi antara warga pondok. di saat warga pesantren mengalami keadaan darurat, warga sekitarpun juga mengulurkan tangan dan memberikan bantuan. kesadaran seperti ini ditumbuhkan untuk senantiasa menjadikan agama hanyalah sebagai pilihan individual. tetapi semangat untuk menjadikan keamanan lingkungan dan harmoni sosial merupakan komitmen yang terus dijaga. masih dalam kondisi yang sama, tetapi berbeda tempat, lembaga bali bina insani di denpasar dapat menjadi contoh lain. pesantren tegak 20 saleha s mahmood, a word about ourselves, journal of muslim minority affairs, vol. 31 no. 1. 2011, h. 1-3. diantara masyarakat hindu. saat perayaan hari raya nyepi yang justru bersamaan dengan pelaksanaan shalat jumat, warga sekitar mempersilahkan warga pesantren untuk tetap menunaikan ibadah jumat, sementara mereka mengundurkan pelaksanaan nyepi. ini semata-mata demi menjaga respek terhadap santri dan guru di pesantren. sementara nyepi dapat diundurkan, adapun ibadah jumat hanya dapat dilaksanakan di hari jumat saja. sebaliknya saat perayaan galungan ataupun kuningan, pesantren menyediakan anggaran khusus dengan memberikan bingkisan kepada penduduk yang ada di lokasi pesantren. kebersamaan yang ada ini menunjukkan adanya sebuah pola yang terbangun sejak awal. komunikasi antara pengasuh pondok dengan warga yang mendiami lingkungan pesantren menjadi sebuah energi bagi menjaga kewajiban masing-masing tanpa menghalangi kewajiban orang lain. sementara di papua dan papua barat, pembangunan sebuah pesantren justru mendapatkan bantuan dari penganut protestan dan katolik. sesuai dengan kadar kemampuan masing-masing, mereka membantu. diantaranya ada yang membantu dengan bahan bangunan, dan juga ada yang bahkan ikut menjadi tukang batu dengan menyediakan tenaga tanpa meminta bayaran sama sekali. ekspresi “satu tungku tiga batu” menjadi sebuah falsafah kehidupan. dalam satu keluarga terdiri atas pilihan beragama yang berbeda. dalam satu keluarga, bisa saja terdapat tiga agama. sementara di kabupaten raja ampatyang menjadi wilayah administrasi papua barat dimana penganut kepercayaan masih wujud, dikenal falsafah “satu rumah empat pintu”. dalam sebuah keluarga, ada empat agama yaitu islam, protestan, katolik, dan animisme. kesemuanya dapat hidup berdampingan. dalam beberapa kesempatan, pendirian madrasah justru dibantu dalam penyediaan lahan dari keluarga yang bukan dari warga muslim. pesantren melengkapi diri dengan program yang merupakan unggulan kelembagaan. setiap pesantren secara khusus memilih fokus yang dijadikan sebagai kegiatan yang akan diimpelementasikan. seperti di pesantren nurul yaqin kemampuan berbahasa asing yaitu arab dan inggris dijadikan sebagai kegiatan inti pondok. tetapi kemampuan hafalan (tahfidz) dan melagu (tilawah) juga dimasukkan sebagai komponen pendamping. dengan target ini, maka santri dalam jam belajar akan berada di sekolah formal dengan kurikulum yang sudah ditentukan oleh kementerian pendidikan dan kebudayaan, dan kementerian agama. adapun seusai jam sekolah, pesantren sudah menetapkan sebuah kurikulum yang khusus melengkapi kemampuan santri pada keterampilan berbahasa, tahfidz, dan tilawah. program ini dijalankan bersama dengan ekstra kurikuler yang lain seperti pramuka, drum band, dan pencak silat. sementara di pesantren rodlotul khuffadz, seorang santri dibekali dengan kemampuan tambahan yaitu pertanian, peternakan, dan perikanan. sore hari setelah belajar secara formal di madrasah santri dengan kelompok kecil yang ditentukan akan mengelola lahan pondok yang disiapkan untuk pertanian. sesuai dengan pilihan santri tersedia pula kesempatan untuk mengasah diri dalam peternakan dengan memelihara bebek dan ayam kampung. adapun perikanan, sumbangan awal dari dinas perikanan kabupaten sorong berupa ikan hias dan ikan nila menjadi awal untuk mengembangkan kedua bibit itu dalam akuarium dan kolam. pelbagai pilihan ini, dimaksudkan sejak awal untuk memperkenalkan santri dengan aktivitas kewirausahaan sekaligus untuk menopang pendanaan pondok. santri tidak dikenakan pembayaran sama sekali, tetapi mereka harus memilih salah satu dari tiga program yang ada. hasil yang didapatkan dari usaha tersebut tetap menjadi milik pondok yang dikembalikan untuk kesejahteraan santri terutama dalam pemeliharaan bangunan, pembayaran listrik, dan pembelian lauk pauk. pilihan program ini, sebagai usaha untuk menjadikan santri ketika lulus dari bangku sekolah formal untuk memiliki keterampilan yang relevan dengan lingkungan yang ada. kesesuaian dengan alam papua yang dominan pada kesempatan untuk pengembangan pertanian, peternakan, dan perikanan, menjadi pertimbangan utama ketika memilih program yang akan dilaksanakan. pemberdayaan masyarakat menjadi kunci bagi kelangsungan program. pelibatan masyarakat sekitar pondok untuk turut menjadi tutor dan sumber belajar bagi program yang dijalankan santri. secara berkala pula, penyuluh pertanian diundang untuk turut mendidik santri. kesemuanya dilaksanakan dengan pola swadaya. sehingga tidak memerlukan pembiayaan tambahan. fasilitas yang sudah disediakan pemerintah, atau kesempatan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai mitra akan menjadi sumber belajar bagi santri. tidak perlu dalam bentuk formal tetapi kelompok tani sekalipun dilibatkan untuk menjadi mitra belajar santri. sementara praktik di pesantren minhajut talibin dilaksanakan dalam pola yang berbeda. jaringan kelembagaan dengan nahdatul ulama menjadi kekuatan tersendiri. tidak secara khusus melaksanakan kegiatan yang dimasukkan dalam program tetapi bersinergi dengan organisasi kemasyarakatan untuk penguatan kapasitas santri dan masyarakat. termasuk pembentukan kelompok majelis taklim yang diikuti muslimat di wilayah aimas. pengasuh pondok secara aktif mendorong kegiatan keagamaan melalui lembaga bentukan pemerintah seperti majelis ulama indonesia dan lembaga pengembangan tilawatil quran. kesempatan seperti ini dijadikan untuk memperkuat pengetahuan beragama sekaligus membekali keterampilan yang dibutuhkan dalam kehidupan rumah tangga, seperti keterampilan memasak, menjahit, atau hiburan. dengan mengambil pola jamaah dengan memulai dari shalat lima waktu yang dilaksanakan secara berjamaah dengan “kewajiban” individual, pesantren hidayatullah menyebar ke pelosok tanah papua. mulai dari sorong di barat sampai ke tanah merah di imur, mulai dari kaimana di selatan sampai ke numfor di utara. pemanfaatan lahan pertanian menjadi pilihan utama pengembangan. kawasan yang justru dianggap oleh penduduk sekitarnya merupakan lahan mati, inilah kemudian yang dibangkitkan dan justru diolah untuk menjadi areal pertanian yan produktif. santri sepenuhnya tidak dikenakan pembiayaan sesenpun. bahkan mereka disediakan modal untuk bertani, sementara yang masih usia sekolah didukung untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke tingkat tertinggi yang diinginkan. semuanya tanpa perlu mengeluarkan biaya. dukungan dari produksi pertanian ini mencukupi untuk dijadikan sebagai pembiayaan bagi warga yang ada. dengan menjadikan jamaah sebagai sebuah spirit, islam melembagakan kerja keras, usaha berkesinambungan, dan sinergi dengan alam, sebagai kekuatan dalam menunjukkan jati diri islam. uraian tentang kelangsungan madrasah di lokasi-lokasi yan ditempat minoritas muslim menggambarkan bahwa muslim menjadikan pendidikan sebagai sarana utama untuk membentuk identitas keluarga. dengan segala keterbatasan yang ada, proses pendidikan tetap berlangsung. sekalipun itu hanya dilaksanakan di mushollah keluarga. pilihan ini semata-mata didasari bahwa beragama haruslah dengan ilmu keagamaan. tanpa itu, maka seluruh prosesi ibadah akan sia-sia semata. dengan demikian, setiap keluarga berusaha mewujudkan dengan kemampuan terbaik yang dimiliki untuk menghadirkan sebuah lembaga pendidikan yang mampu mentransformasikan seorang muslim untuk menjadi individu yang saleh dengan bekal ilmu agama yang paripurna. tradisi belajar bahasa arab di pesantren sebagai lembaga keagamaan, maka faktor penguasaan pemahaman agama menjadi tujuan utama. sementara itu, bahasa arab adalah media yang digunakan untuk memahami kitab dan juga al-quran. untuk itu, bahasa arab yang menjadi target belajar sejak awal ditetapkan sebagai bahasa yang harus dikuasai. maka, alokasi waku yang disiapkan khusus untuk mempelajarinya menempati posisi yang dominan dalam pembagian jadwal pelajaran. jika fikih, hafalan quran, dan tilawah dialokasikan dua kali dalam sepekan, maka bahasa arab justru dijadwalkan setiap hari. ini berarti bahwa dengan pola pembelajaran, diharapkan kemahiran terhadap bahasa arab akan lebih dominan. dengan demikian akan mendukung penguasaan terhadap mata pelajaran lainnya. waktu setelah menunaikan shalat maghrib dan ashar dikhususkan sepenuhnya sebagai alokasi untuk belajar bahasa arab. kemampuan menggunakan kosakata dalam sebuah kalimat lengkap lebih diutamakan daripada penjelasan tentang tata bahasa. maka, tidak diajarkan qawaid dan pengertian-pengertian yang hanya semata-mata sebagai identifikasi istilah. apalagi i’rab bukanlah merupakan tuntutan utama. santri dilatih untuk mengenal kosakata sebagaimana yang ada dalam lingkungan, kemudian menempatkan kosakata pada sebuah ungkapan. hanya pengenalan singkat tata bahasa akan diberikan, itupun sebatas untuk kelas lanjutan di saat pelatihan untuk menulis. santri yang baru memulai belajar bahasa hanya diminta untuk berlatih dengan lebih banyak dalam hal pengucapan dan melafalkan kosakata yang diajarkan. sakralitas bahasa arab ini kemudian menjadikan awalnya pesantren tetap saja mempertahankan penggunaan kitab kuning yang berasal dari timur tengah untuk dijadikan sebagai sumber utama. hanya saja karena kitab-kitab tersebut tidak dalam konteks penutur bahasa arab sebagai bahasa asing, maka selalu saja ada kesulitan untuk menggunakannya sebagai media pemahaman islam yang lebih baik. kemampuan yang didapatkanpun semata-mata hanya pada soal menerjemahkan dan memahami bahasa dari segi kaidah saja. sementara keterampilan memproduksi bahasa dalam bentuk ujaran dan menggunakan dalam suasana dan percakapan non-formal tidak dapat terlaksana. tradisionalisme pendidikan dalam islam indonesia seperti ini terbentuk dengan pola wetonan, sorogan dan bandongan. namun, dengan menyesuaikan kebutuhan yang ada, maka lembaga pendidikan dapat saja mempertahankan ini. dengan tujuan pencapaian kemampuan peserta didik yang akan lebih fokus dalam kajian studi islam dari khazanah klasik. mungkin saja perhatian dalam bahasa inggris tidak ada, tetapi tidak demikian dengan bahasa arab. justru bahasa arablah yang menjadi penopang. bukan tentang dimulai dari penguasaan keterampilan yang wujud dalam bentuk ujaran, tetapi paling utama adalah bagaimana bahasa arab dikuasai untuk dijadikan sebagai alat dalam memahami al-quran dan sumber keilmuan lainnya. kitab yang dijadikan rujukan oleh kalangan pesantren semuanya dalam bahasa arab. sekalipun ditulis oleh kiyai yang berasal dari indonesia, tetap saja kitab itu tertulis dalam bahasa arab. setelah perjumpaan dengan sarjana eropa dan amerika utara, mulai dikenal referensi keilmuan islam dalam bahasa inggris. tetapi itu terbatas dalam lingkup perguruan tinggi. tidak sampai diajarkan sebagai buku teks di pesantren. dalam proses belajar, lingkungan dijadikan sebagai sebuah media berbahasa. interaksi yang terjadi antara santri dengan warga kampus lainnya kemudian diekspresikan dalam bentuk bahasa arab. komunikasi yang berlangsung adalah bentuk yang senyatanya. ini semuanya didukung dengan mulai menunjukkan kosakata mulai dari benda-benda yang ada di sekitar tempat belajar. mengenalkan kosakata dilaksanakan dalam pelbagai bentuk, masjid, ruang kelas, dapur, lapangan, dan kamar. dengan mulai belajar bahasa yang wujud dalam bentuk kedekatan akan memudahkan santri untuk menghapal kosakata tersebut. begitu juga saat mulai menyebut kosakata itu dalam bahasa arab tidak digunakan terjemahan sama sekali. hanya dengan menunjukkan benda yang dimaksud. penggunaan bahasa ibu, tidak dijadikan sebagai strategi pembelajaran. di tempat-tempat yang menjadi pusat aktivitas seperti masjid, pendopo, dapur, dan lapangan, disediakan sebuah papan tulis. secara terjadwal papan tulis ini dijadikan sebagai alat untuk menuliskan kosakata. santri berkewajiban menulis kosakata yang ada kemudian menghapalkannya. dalam sebuah pertemuan belajar bahasa, maka kosakata ini akan dijadikan sebagai latihan. santri akan diuji ketika sebelum masuk kamar saat pulang dari kelas waktu belajar malam. mereka, tidak boleh masuk kamar sebelum menyelesaikan hapalan. ini berarti kesempatan untuk beristirahat akan terlambat jika mereka tidak melaksanakan tugas yang diberikan. untuk menegakkan ketentuan tentang aturan kewajiban berbahasa, maka diterapkan sebuah sistem penghargaan dan denda. ketika tenaga pengajar menemukan pelanggaran, maka cukup diinventaris terlebih dahulu. jika ujaran bahasa itu belum diajarkan sama sekali, maka kewajiban bagi tenaga pengajar untuk lansung mengajar pada kesempatan pertama. sementara jika materinya sudah diajarkan berulang dan santri justru menggunakan bahasa ibu atau bahasa daerah, ini merupakan pelanggaran. seusai shalat isya, nama-nama pelanggar akan diumumkan di masjid. mereka diminta datang ke ruangan almahkamah al-lughawiyah (pengadilan bahasa) untuk belajar kembali. sekaligus mendapatkan penugasan untuk mengawasi kawan-kawan sebayanya dalam penggunaan bahasa arab. hanya istilah pengadilan saja yang mungkin menyeramkan. tetapi proses yang berlangsung didalamnya semata-mata hanyalah remedial kemampuan bahasa. menyegarkan kembali ingatan santri akan pelajaran yang sudah ditempuh sebelumnya. ditambah dengan kewajiban untuk bekerja sesuai dengan porsi yang ditentukan seperti memungut sampah. selanjutnya, mereka juga diberikan tugas tambahan untuk menghapal kosakata baru. dengan pola ini, maka pengadilan menjadi sebuah instrumen untuk melaksanakan kewajiban berbahasa sekaligus memberikan latihan bagi para santri yang belum menaati aturan. pelajaran menulis (insya) akan menjadi latihan bagi santri dalam merefleksikan pikiran dalam bentuk tertulis. untuk itu, santri diperkenalkan beberapa tata bahasa dasar yang sesungguhnya juga sudah diperkenalkan dalam bentuk ungkapan dan penggunaan dalam kalimat. setiap tiga hari, santri diminta untuk mengumpulkan sebuah tulisan dengan tema yang sudah ditentukan oleh pengajar. hasil koreksi dikembalikan lagi dan selanjutnya digunakan untuk memandu kembali proses menulis. adapun tulisan terbaik akan dipampang di majalah dinding untuk menjadi contoh bagi santri yang lain. santri yang sudah mahir menulis, akan menjadi tutor sebaya dalam membimbing rekanrekan menguasai kemahiran menulis. sebagai tenaga pendamping, tutor juga akan memandu santri yang lain dalam pengayaan kosakata sehingga diksi yang dituliskan akan lebih beragam. ketelitian dan logika menjadi dasar bagi penguasaan keterampilan ini. sehingga santri yang diberikan tugas untuk menulis hanya dimulai ketika santri sudah duduk di tingkatan aliyah. buku yang digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar sudah disusun dengan menggunakan pola belajar bahasa secara modern. buku tersebut ditulis imam zarkasyi dengan pendekatan belajar produktif. hanya latihan yang menyertai setiap pokok bahasan. tidak ditempatkan secara khusus penjelasan tentang tata bahasa. ini dimaksudkan, karena santri akan belajar menggunakan bahasa, tetapi bukan tentang bahasa arab. buku inipun disesuaikan dengan konteks indonesia. berbeda dengan kitab-kitab lainnya yang disusun di timur tengah, maka ini tidak dapat menempatkan sosiokultural indonesia sebagai materi pelajaran. akibatnya, akan ada jarak antara santri dengan materi belajar yang dikaji. dengan menggunakan buku durus al-lughah al-arabiyah, bahasa arab yang dipelajari disesuaikan dengan alam lingkungan indonesia yang ditemui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. konstruksi karakter santri aktivitas yang dijalankan selama dua puluh empat jam, dengan segala aktivitas yang melingkupi proses pembelajaran, menjadikan perlunya spirit yang kuat sehingga apapun proses belajar yang sudah ditetapkan manajemen pondok akan diikuti oleh santri. jika spirit ini menjadi faktor utama, maka akan tumbuh semangat bagi santri dalam menekuni semua mata pelajaran yang disediakan. hanya dengan alasan bahwa bahasa arab adalah wahyu dan dengan menguasainya akan mudah untuk memaknai kitab suci, maka ketekunan dan ketelatenan senantiasa akan menjadi “kayu bakar” untuk mendorong santri dalam belajar. semangat belajar ini, senantiasa harus tetap dipelihara, karena bagaimanapun struktur belajar yang menyenangkan, pada titik tertentu santri akan mengalami kebosanan juga. olehnya, menjaga agar spirit ini tetap terjaga harus senantiasa ditumbuhkembangkan, sekaligus memberikan pemahaman akan tujuan yang hendak dicapai dengan semua pengorbanan itu. selanjutnya, pada lingkunganlah berlangsung sebuah konteks pembelajaran yang sebenarnya. dengan menjadikan lingkungan sebagai sumber dan sarana belajar, maka akan meluaskan pandangan. santri dibentuk untuk tidak memaknai proses belajar mengajar di dalam kelas saja tetapi suasana belajar harus dikembangkan dalam kelas secara luas. mencintai kegiatan belajar berarti membekali kepribadian santri akan aktivitas keilmuan. dimana dengan menjadikan ilmu sebagai pilar utama kehidupan akan berkaitan dengan semua lini kehidupan. kunci hidup ini, jikalau sudah ada kemauan untuk mencari dan menempuh jalan ilmu, berarti akan ada kemauan untuk bertanya, berbagi, menyadari diri, dan selalu merasa kurang. keikhlasan dan ketekunan untuk meraih sebuah pemahaman akan ilmu dijadikan sebagai landasan dalam perjalanan ini. walaupun menjadikan aktivitas pembelajaran bahasa arab sebagai kegiatan pokok di pesantren, tetapi tidak digunakan sebagai sarana untuk menjadi proyek arabisasi. walaupun datangnya dari padang pasir, justru dengan melintasi sempadan daerah lain menjadikan islam hanya hadir dalam bentuk kebudayaan setempat. proses akulturasi ini memunculkan bahasa arab dengan nuansa lokal yang dikenal dengan pegon. ini membuktikan bahwa dengan kreativitas yang ada, selalu berusaha untuk memberikan sebuah cara yang lebih mudah dalam memahami bahasa, sekaligus ini akan mempercepat dalam pengertian tentang agama. bukan bertumpu pada bahasanya semata, karena ini hanyalah sebagai alat untuk sampai kepada islam yang seksama. kepercayaan diri akan mendorong terbentuknya sikap amanah, menghargai orang lain, percaya akan kemampuan sendiri, dan kesediaan untuk berbagi dengan sesama. bentuk-bentuk aktivitas seperti kelompok belajar, perlombaan kemampuan pidato, dan juga setoran hapalan yang diwajibkan menjadi sebuah siklus bagi pembelajaran. wawasan ilmu sejak awal diperkenalkan sebagai sebuah aktivitas untuk senantiasa dikuasai. dengan kemampuan ilmu dan teknologi sebagai dasar dalam mengembangkan kehidupan serta turut dalam peranan sosial di masyarakat. adanya kecintaan terhadap ilmu akan menjadi landasan dalam ibadah dan amal saleh. maka, santri terbiasa untuk menjadikan ibadah dan amal saleh yang dilandasi oleh pengetahuan akan apa yang dilakukannya. pada sisi ini, santri akan memiliki tanggung jawab dan menghindarkan diri dari ikut-ikutan kepada sesuatu yang tidak memiliki dasar sama sekali. kesadaran dengan menjadikan proses belajar sebagai tumpuan kegiatan sehari-hari, pada titik tertentu akan menyadarkan santri untuk senantiasa teguh dalam pendirian terutama yang berhubungan dengan prinsip islam. sementara itu, melihat benda-benda hanyalah sebagai bagian dari belajar. ini akan menghindarkan santri dari perilaku untuk menjadikan benda sebagai keutamaan. apalagi kekuasaan sebagai maksud dan tujuan kehidupan. kemuliaan seorang santri semata-mata hanya diukur dari kemampuannya untuk belajar, bermanfaat bagi sesama, kemaslahatan dalam agama, dan ketaqwaan dalam menjalani segala aturan yang digariskan agama dalam bentuk larangan dan perintah. melaksanakan kewajiban akan mendatangkan sebuah penghargaan. saat menghapal kosakata, mereka akan memiliki waktu istirahat yang lebih panjang. tidak mendapatkan kewajiban membersihkan sampah dan memungut kotoran. sementara bagi yang malas dan tidak memperhatikan kewajiban belajar akan mendapatkan tugas tambahan. di samping tetap harus menghapal kosakata yang ada, demikian pula mengerjakan tugas pekerjaan rumah, bagi santri yang melanggar ada tugas tambahan hapalan kosakata. secara bersama-sama dengan santri lain yang tidak mengindahkan aturan diwajibkan untuk bekerja dengan menyumbangkan tenaga untuk kebutuhan bersama. pandangan ini diberlakukan dalam hal penghargaan dan hukuman bagi aktivitas belajar. dengan demikian, santri senantiasa berusaha untuk turut dalam kelangsungan belajar sehingga terhindar dari hukuman dan akan mendapatkan penghargaan. ketaatan terhadap aturan, sekalipun tidak ada yang mengawasi menjadi salah satu sasaran dalam belajar bahasa. walaupun tidak menjadi pokok pelajaran tetapi aturan tata bahasa tetap perlu diterapkan dalam menggunakan kosakata dalam sederetan kalimat. ini tetap berlaku, sekalipun tidak ada santri senior atau pengawas yang ada di sekeliling penutur. ketaatan terhadap asas, dan konsistensi untuk terus memedomani aturan yang ada merupakan sikap yang dicapai seorang yang belajar bahasa. demikian pula dengan aturan berbahasa asing dan menggunakan bahasa arab pada hari yang ditentukan. ini menjadi keterampilan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. bahwa aturan tetaplah sebuah aturan. tidak diperlukan seorang polisi untuk menegakkan aturan itu, ketika seorang anggota masyarakat sudah dengan kesadaran individual untuk menjadi seorang warga yang senantiasa menjadikan kehidupannya yang dipandu dengan aturan hukum yang sudah ditetapkan untuk kepentingan bersama. pendidikan sebaya menjadi sebuah pola transfer keterampilan. seorang santri senior diberikan tugasuntuk membimbing santri yunior. santri yang melanggar ketentuan berbahasa sehari sebelumnya, akan menjadi petugas untuk mengawasi pelaksanaan kewajiban berbahasa. semua kegiatan ini sejak awal akan menanamkan kepada santri kesadaran bahwa belajar bisa didapatkan dimana dan darimana saja. tidak mesti dari orang yang lebih tua. tetapi dari teman sebaya dan bahkan orang yang lebih muda usianya dapat menjadi sumber belajar dalam kapasitas tertentu. sekaligus dengan menjadikan santri lain bertugas secara bergiliran untuk memantau praktik berbahasa, maka ada kewajiban untuk saling mengawasi, berbagi tanggung jawab, penegakan aturan, dan menciptakan lingkungan belajar dalam kebersamaan. siklus yang berlangsung seperti ini, secara otomatis akan membentuk pola pikir untuk menjadikan lingkungan sendiri sebagai sarana belajar bersama dengan tidak perlu canggung untuk merasa kurang daripada yang lain. dalam kesempatan berbeda, akan tampil lagi untuk menjadi sebagai sumber belajar. berbekal tangungjawab ini santri kemudian secara bergiliran akan mengatur jadwal pembelajaran, mereka juga akan membagi habis jadwal dalam sepekan untuk mengganti kosakata di papan tulis yang sudah disiapkan. mengawasi santri yunior dan kawan sebaya untuk pengawasan belajar di malam hari. mereka juga ditanamkan sejak awal kemampuan untuk mengorganisasikan diri. kehidupan, tidak akan pernah melepaskan diri dengan keberadaan orang lain. untuk itu, kebiasaan dalam menjadi tenaga sukarela dalam melayani kepentingan orang banyak adalah aktivitas yang sudah dilaksanakan sejak masih di bangku madrasah. sekalipun itu dalam skala yang terbatas. kesemuanya akan menjadi landasan dalam memupuk sikap gotong royong, kerjasama kelompok, menghargai perbedaan pilihan pada metode, dan kemauan untuk mendengarkan orang lain. kemampuan berbicara dengan menggunakan bahasa asing menjadi sebuah kesempatan tersendiri. bagi seorang santri dengan menguasai bahasa arab akan terbentuk keterampilan untuk menelusuri informasi yang lebih luas. tidak terbatas pada sumber sekunder melainkan juga dapat langsung mengakses sumber-sumber primer. akses terhadap sumber keilmuan yang paling dasar menjadi pondasi untuk pengembangan keilmuan lanjut. ini akan membuka cakrawala seorang pembelajar dalam penguasaan ilmu dalam rumpun kajian islam. keterbiasaan mengungkapkan pikiran dan makna dalam bahasa asing berarti juga membiasakan untuk mendalami cita rasa kebahasaan. kemampuan seperti ini menjadi daya dukung dalam kehidupan sosial lebih luas. memaknai kata dalam konteks tertentu merupakan karakter yang menjadi keunggulan pribadi untuk menempatkan diri di masyarakat. akhirnya, islamlah yang menjadi sumbu segala-galanya. ini menjadi daya gerak bagi tumbuhnya keinginan untuk medalami ilmu keagamaan sebagai sarana mendekatkan diri kepada allah. dengan mengiatkan diri untuk belajar bahasa arab, maka ini menjadi jalan yang mudah dalam menjadi seorang muslim. keinginan untuk menjadi muslim yang paripurna dapat dimulai dengan mulai menumbuhkan kegemaran dalam belajar bahasa. tidak saja untuk kepentingan urusan duniawi, melainkan bagaimana beraktivitas dalam nuansa transendental. implikasi teoritis pesantren sudah menjadi lembaga yang multidimensi. sebagai lembaga keagamaan, pesantren sudah menunjukkan peran sebagai mata air untuk kelahiran ulama-ulama. sementara sebagai lembaga pendidikan, para pengajar, pelatih, dosen, guru, dan instruktur juga dibentuk dari pesantren. namun tidak terbatas dari sisi itu saja, bahkan kepedulian akan lingkungan dan gerakan konservasipun sudah menjadi isu yang diajarkan di pesantren 21 . ini membuktikan bahwa pesantren memiliki 21 fachruddin majeri mangunjaya, developing environmental awareness and conservation through islamic teaching, journal of islamic studies, vol. 22 no. 1. 2010, h. 36-49. kemampuan untuk mengadopsi isu-isu mutakhir. sejatinya pesantren tetap saja memainkan peran-peran eksternal yang lebih luas. tidak membatasi diri dengan hanya soal agama saja. namun agama dijadikan sebagai sebuah sumbu untuk melayani kemanusiaan. karakter untuk menerima perbedaan menjadi hasil penelitian ini. dengan belajar bahasa, santri akan menyadari dan senantiasa menjadikan ini sebagai sebuah nilai bahwa bahasa sesungguhnya hanyalah alat ekspresi. sementara aturan tata bahasa menjadi sebuah keperluan untuk menjadikan bahasa itu dapat dipahami oleh mitra tutur. sebagaimana dalam penelitian baier dengan penjelasan bahwa keberagamaan dimulai dari keinginan untuk senantiasa belajar 22 . ini yang menjadi sikap beragama yang asasi dimana ada kemauan untuk belajar. seperti di palestina, walaupun mereka dalam keadaan yang diliputi ketidakpastian, maka mereka tetap saja memelihara semangat untuk belajar 23 . sebagaimana dalam tradisi india juga, islam justru hadir dalam bentuk lokal masing-masing daerah 24 . dengan demikian, dalam kondisi apapun belajar menjadi sebuah keperluan bagi memelihara kehidupan manusia. begitu juga, penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa hanya dengan kemampuan dialog dan negoisasi akan menjadikan hidup ini akan semakin menemukan makna. sebagaimana dalam pembelajaran agama di sekolah finlandia, rissanen mengemukakan bahwa perbedaan budaya dan juga beragamnya keyakinan keagamaan menjadikan masyarakat dapat saling hidup berdampingan. dimulai dari proses negoisasi dan berakhir pada penerimaan. walaupun ini tidak mudah, tetapi adanya sebuah tahapan dalam bermasyarakat akan menjadi sebuah hubungan yang saling menguntungkan. agama justru menjadi sebuah komitmen 22 d. baier, the influence of religiosity on violent behavior of adolescents: a comparison of christian and muslim religiosity, journal of interpersonal violence, vol. 29 no. 1. januari 2014, h. 102-127. 23 ayman k. agbaria dan muhamad mustafa, the case of palestinian civil society in israel: islam, civil society, and educational activism, critical studies in education, vol. 55 no. 1. 2014, h. 44-57. 24 baladas goshal, arabization: the changing face of islam in asia, india quarterly: a journal of international affairs, vol. 66 no. 1. 2010, h. 69-89. untuk membangun hubungan dengan sesama walaupun itu berbeda pilihan iman 25 . kondisi minoritas tidak menjadi penghalang bagi tumbuhnya keinginan untuk terus belajar. justru dalam kondisi seperti menjadi sebuah kompetisi untuk turut menunjukkan bagaimana kemampuan seorang muslim dalam hal penguasaan bahasa asing. begitu juga yang ditunjukkan oleh jaffe bahwa dalam masyarakat minoritas ada keinginan untuk memperlihatkan identitas, ideologi, dan komunitas yang mempraktikkan bahasa yang dipelajari 26 . dengan lingkungan yang dimiliknya justru menjadi sebuah keunggulan untuk mewujudkan pembelajaran secara kontekstual. dalam pengalaman grainger, latar belakang sosiokultural di jepang justru menjadi pendoron bagi lahirnya strategi-strategi untuk belajar bahasa asing lebih baik 27 . begini pulalah kondisi minoritas muslim yang selalu mendorong adanya adaptasi dari belajar bahasa arab untuk keterampilan yang lebih baik. kesimpulan kewujudan pesantren yang berawal dari lembaga pendidikan keagamaan menjadi sebuah lembaga dengan tradisi yang mengakar kuat dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman keagamaan tidak dapat dicapai dengan sempurna tanpa penguasaan akan alat. selanjutnya, transformasi lingkungan yang berada di sekeliling pesantren tidak dijadikan hanya sebagai tempat tinggal saja. lebih dari itu, ini juga menjadi sebuah sarana belajar santri. dengan strukturisasi lingkungan, maka belajar bahasa arab tidak lagi menjadi sebuah momok yang menakutkan. justru berkembang sebagai aktivitas yang menyenangkan. 25 inkeri rissanen, teaching islamic education in finnish schools: a field of negotiations, teaching and teacher education, vol. 28. 2012, h. 740. 26 alexandra jaffe, minority language learning and communicative competence: models of identity and participation in corsican adult language courses, language & communication, vol. 33. 2013, h. 450–462. 27 peter grainger, the impact of cultural background on the choice of language learning strategies in the jfl context, system, vol. 40. 2012, h. 483-493. pendidikan islam bukanlah semata-mata dilangsungkan untuk ilmu pengetahuan itu sendiri. tetapi sebenarnya tidak dipisahkan dari proses kehidupan dalam rangkaian keselarasan dan keseimbangan. keterlibatan dalam lingkungan akan memberikan andil dalam pribadi seorang santri. maka, interaksi antara santri dengan kiyai dalam lingkungan pesantren akan melahirkan keterpaduan dalam hal rohani. pada perkembangan selanjutnya akan menumbuhkan kualitas pribadi yang tampak dalam karakter. internalisasi nilai-nilai tersebut dalam fungsional menjadikan ajaran agama terlaksana secara aktif. berdasarkan pencapaian santri dalam bahasa akan memberikan arah bagi tumbuhnya kesadaran. sebagai landasan, perilaku yang selalu diacu dalam keseharian dalam lingkungan pesantren tersusun menjadi sebuah nilai yang sumbernya adalah ajaran agama. pada akhirnya, daya tahan, adaptasi, dan keteguhan menjadi modal dalam menghadapi tantangan dan perubahan yang berlangsung dinamis. daftar pustaka agbaria, ayman k. dan mustafa, muhamad. 2014. the case of palestinian civil society in israel: islam, civil society, and educational activism.critical studies in education.vol. 55 no. 1. 44-57. aly, abdullah. 2011. pendidikan islam 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former studies have demonstrated that the success of language learning is influenced by several factors such as cognitive, affective, and social factors. learners with high motivation in learning will surely influence their success in language learning. on the other hand, those who have a poor motivation to learn will result in poor academic achievement. one of the affective factors that have also affected learners’ progress in language learning is boredom in language learning. drawing on the qualitative lens, the current study has attempted to investigate factors underlying this notion at the secondary school level. six learners voluntarily participated in this study as the research participants. in the meantime, a written reflection (wr) and focus-group discussion (fgd) were distributed to them so as to know such factors underlying their boredom in learning english. the findings indicated that factors underlying learners’ boredom in language learning include classroom factors, linguistic factors, teaching and learning factors, and environmental factors. these findings have given an empirical contribution to the school. suggestions are also put forward at the end of this paper. keywords: boredom; language learning; efl students. a. introduction it is true that learning the english language in the current era is of critical importance. since this language becomes an international and common language (matsuda and friedrich 2011; yulia 2011; matsuda 2018; mckay 2018), learners in both global and local settings need to learn this for the sake of a better future. as has been claimed by gui, chen, and verspoor (2021) and rautenbach, man, and ryneveld (2018) that the purpose of learning english is not only for academic purposes but also for occupational purposes. the policy for learning this language has also been article info: received: 24 december 2022 accepted: 26 february 2023 published: 28 february 2023 how to cite: kholili, a. (2023). investigating factors underlying boredom in learning english: the case of secondary school. al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), 8(1), 13-32. ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 14 introduced by the government, including in indonesia in terms of the significance of learning english from the lower level to the upper level (yulia, 2013). therefore, learning english is of paramount importance because this is placed in a strong position as an international language in communication. following that, the learning of english, in this case, is also influenced by some factors, such as cognitive factors, affective factors, and social factors (renandya, 2013). the learners with high motivation in learning (affective factors), for example, might influence the success of their language learning (oroujlou & vahedi 2011; renandya 2013; kormos & préfontaine 2016). on the contrary, those who have low motivation in learning english will result in poor academic achievement (karande & kulkarni, 2005). hence, motivation, in this case, is one of the essential factors influencing the learners’ language achievement (rana et al., 2015). other factors that might also influence the learners’ language performance include educational factors such as english teachers, and learning situations as well as social factors, like native speakers, learners’ parents, classmates, etc. (getie, 2020). to date, studies with respect to the factors affecting learners' success in language learning have been carried out by some researchers whether it is affective factors (seikkula leino 2008; lee & lee, 2020; getie 2020), social factors (khasinah 2014; sirin & sahin, 2020), and emotional factors (dewaele 2005; shao, pekrun, and nicholson 2019) in language learning. the results of this have a dramatic impact on language learning in which affective, social, and emotional factors are interchangeable with one another. based on the initial observation at ma plus al-mashduqiyah, the researcher found that the learners at ma plus al-mashduqiah have encountered unmotivated and bored with learning english. the teacher confirmed that the learners often run into trouble when learning english, some claimed that english is a boring, hard subject to learn, leading them to boredom in learning english. these conditions were caused by many factors for sure. since this was the case, the researcher perceived that it is of value to investigate. previous studies focusing on boredom have also been undertaken to date. first of all, a study on the relationship between teacher boredom, learners perceived teacher boredom, and learning motivation was conducted by tam et al (2020). they, in this regard, took 437 learners as the sample of this study. they conducted the 3 study using ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 15 an experience sampling study in which the participants filled in a two-week diary. in this case, the researchers employed an online questionnaire. this was distributed to the teachers before the study period. however, during the study, the participating teachers had to complete a short questionnaire on teacher boredom in qualtrics, containing a 6point likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree). in the meantime, throughout the 10 teaching days, the students were instructed to fill out a short questionnaire revealing their boredom level, perceived teacher boredom, and inclass learning motivation. using multilevel modeling in analysis, the study showcased that teacher boredom was negatively correlated to learners’ motivation. nevertheless, the relationship between teacher boredom and learners’ perceived teacher boredom was not significant, indicating that learners did not accurately feel whether their teacher was bored. the results further indicated that learners’ perspectives on teacher boredom predicted learners’ learning motivation. in other words, perceiving teachers as being bored promoted learners’ own feelings of boredom, which in turn reduced their learning motivation. next, a study on boredom in language learning has also been conducted by derakhshan et al (2021). in this case, they attempted to investigate the boredom experienced by iranian efl students in learning english online. this existing study explored the causes and solutions to boredom. the learning has been done online and has been urged by the covid-19 health crisis. as many as 208 english teachers were recruited as the sample of the study. through written and open-ended questionnaires, the study indicated that teachers’ long, monotonous monologues, lack of learner participation, logistical problems, and giddily selected, reiterative tasks were the main sources of boredom, while the solutions centered on making the class livelier through more teacher-learner interaction, enhancing personal relationships, and solving technology issues. alongside that, a study on boredom in english language learning was also carried out by shehzad et al (2020). they explored the relationship between boredom with reading comprehension achievement in the efl context using reading boredom coping strategies. a cross-sectional and correlational research design was executed in the existing study. 360 saudi efl learners were taken out in this study to fill in the questionnaire and complete a reading comprehension test as the data collection. the ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 16 findings revealed a significant but negative correlation with reading comprehension performance. in the meantime, reading boredom was positively and significantly correlated to reading boredom coping strategies. furthermore, reading boredom and coping strategies indicated a positive and significant relationship with reading comprehension performance. lastly, the results demonstrated that reading boredom coping strategies mediated the relationship between reading boredom and reading comprehension performance. furthermore, another quite recent study was also conducted by coşkun & yüksel (2022). they, in this case, inspected the level of boredom experienced by high school efl learners in turkey. 680 high school efl learners were invited to complete 23 likert-scale items, in which the items concentrate on learners’ perception of time, lack of stimulation, the monotonous nature of the lessons, reluctance to involve in the activities, and behaviors that are not concerned with the activities. the data were then analyzed using spss. then, the results showcased that the general causes of boredom are the dead-alive nature of the english lessons and the dissatisfaction of the participants with this lesson. while no significant difference was observed in the level of boredom depending on the gender variable, learners' grade level and the chosen academic track led to significant differences. the highest level of boredom was revealed for final-year learners and for those who chose the science track. last but not least, a study on boredom in l2 class was also conducted by nakamura et al (2021). this study focused on the antecedents of boredom in l2 classes among thai university students. a whole-class survey was distributed to the students to obtain learners’ boredom experiences in a particular class over a 7-week course. in the meantime, a focus group interview was carried out five times to gain indepth views of boredom and its antecedents in the l2 learning contexts in general. the survey yielded nine – thematic factors as the antecedents of boredom, supported by the interview findings, including activity mismatch, lack of comprehension, insufficient l2 skills, task difficulty, input overload, and lack of ideas were shown to create conditions under which internal and external factors were ill-balanced, leading to the emergence of boredom. furthermore, learners’ physical fatigue, unfavorable appraisals of classroom tasks, and negative behavior of classmates were also identified as the antecedents of boredom. ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 17 after reviewing these former studies, the researcher concluded that the earlier studies on boredom in language learning so far have mostly been done in the international context. they, for the most part, employed questionnaires as their study instruments. however, a study centering on factors underlying boredom in learning english, particularly in the local context or in the indonesian context has not been undertaken thus far. it means that this notion received little attention in this local context. as has been noted by pawlak, zawodniak, et al (2020) that boredom is a concept that has so far received little attention in the area of second and foreign (l2) language teaching and learning, as opposed to such individual difference (id) factors, for instance, motivation, anxiety or language learning strategies. therefore, the researcher attempts to fill this void. the goal of this study is to provide a holistic view of the factors underlying learners’ boredom in learning english. hopefully, it makes a substantial contribution to the school. what makes this study distinct from the former ones is the context and the data triangulation used by the researcher, in which this study is done in maplus al-mashduqiah and employs multiple data sources: written reflection (wr) and focus-group discussion (fgd). b. research me thod a case study was employed in the current study. the reason why using this case study is due to the fact that it is appropriate since it deals with the case happening in the school, that is, learners’ boredom with learning english. as stated by mills and gay (2016) that a case study is precise when the researcher would like to address descriptive questions like (what happens) and explanatory questions like (how and why something happens). the steps in conducting this case study involve stating the purpose of the research, developing initial research questions, reviewing related literature, developing a rationale for the selection of the case, including sample selection, determining data collection strategies, and conducting data analysis and interpretation (mills & gay, 2016). first of all, in stating the aim of this study, the researcher formulates research objectives related to the phenomena under study. then the researcher develops initial research questions. the questions raised in this study are associated with factors underlying learners’ boredom in learning english and how to overcome these matters. afterward, the researcher reviewed literature related to boredom in learning english, ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 18 and then he selected the research participants of this study. the participants were those who experience boredom in learning english at ma plus al-mashduqiyah. next, the researcher gathers the data by using written reflection (wr) and focus-group discussion (fgd). after collecting the data, the researcher analyzes the data and does the interpretation. the following is clearer information regarding the methodological approach. research participants research participants are important to use qualitative case sampling so to assist the researcher comprehends the phenomenon under study. in picking out the research participants, purposive sampling was drawn on in this case. according to lodico et al (2010) purposive sampling is a procedure where the researcher attempts to recognize key informants: persons who have a particular knowledge of the topic being explored. there are six learners who become the research participants in the current study. the learners belong to the first grade 10) at the level of senior high school. the learners are purposively recruited since they experience boredom in learning english and it is also based on their english scores and the attendance list. the research participants, in this case, are recruited based on their willingness, and only those who sign the research consent that voluntarily becomes the research participants. in this case, the names are anonymized to keep their confidentiality. table 1. research participants pseudonyms gender senior high school age class roni male ma 16 10th grader andi male ma 17 10th grader ratna female ma 16 10th grader rani female ma 17 10th grader bambang male ma 17 10th grader ferdi male ma 16 10th grader data collection in gathering the data, the researchers employ written reflection (wr) and focus group discussion (fgd). written reflection (wr) is specifically designed by the researcher by providing five research questions to maintain the focus of reflection. the ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 19 learners, in this case, were asked to respond to the questions provided in that the questions focus on their boredom in learning english. meanwhile, focus group discussion (fgd) was administered by the researchers to ask new questions, re-ask unanswered questions, give unique responses to unique answers, and clarify or confirm the answers. the focus group discussion (fgd) was done by starting with an opening phase, in which the researcher (moderator) greets the research participants, elaborates the purpose of the discussion and sets the parameters of the interview with regard to length and confidentiality during the interview (dornyei, 2007). data analysis in analyzing the data, the researcher used thematic analysis. the process of thematic analysis involves familiarizing with the data, generating initial codes, seeking themes, reviewing themes, and defining and naming themes (braun & clarke, 2006). first of all, the researcher read the data again and again critically. when it was done, the researcher continued with establishing initial codes and looking for themes. in this seeking themes phase, it incorporates sorting and collating all the potentially applicable coded data extracts into themes (braun & clarke, 2006). after finding the themes, the researcher subsequently reviewed themes. during this stage, the researcher went over the coded data extracts for each theme to consider whether they emerge to establish a reasonable tone (nowell et al., 2017). the validity of individual themes will be regarded to determine whether the themes accurately reflect the meanings evident in the data set as a whole (braun & clarke, 2006). last, the researcher conducted defining and naming themes and continued with making the final report. c. findings and discussion findings within this section, the researcher re-unfold the factors underlying learners’ boredom in learning english. in this case, there are four main factors affecting learners’ boredom in learning english: classroom factors, linguistic factors, teaching and learning factors, and environmental factors. their differences were showcased in table 2 in the following. ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 20 table 2. a sample of coding results theme sub-theme codes sample excerpts factors affecting students’ boredom with learning english classroom factor classroom climate issues “yes, because the classroom condition is not comfortable” lack of air in the classroom, resulting in an english boring class the classroom atmosphere is not fun. the situation is quiet. linguistic factors having difficulties reading english “i feel bored when learning english because i do not know how to read it correctly.” language issues “studying english is boring and uninteresting because the language is hard to memorize and hard to understand.” teaching and learning factors teaching demotivation “the teacher also seems unmotivated to teach english in the classroom.” learning demotivation “i also do not have a good motivation to learn english.” “the students always get sleep in the class when the english teaching and learning begins.” no technology integration in teaching the teachers do not make use of technology into teaching english in the classroom. in fact, providing ppt, and youtube as the support platform for learning english is very helpful. i like learning english from youtube. the teachers only do dictation and use the whiteboard only ineffective teaching styles “…and the way the teacher teaches also makes me bored.” monotonous english lesson “second, when the teacher teaches english lessons, he always teaches basic english grammar like present tense, past tense, continuous tense, narrative text or descriptive text…” ineffective online language learning “third, when the pandemic developed in 2021, the learning of english, which was previously offline, was changed into online learning. all students were required to study english at home through whatsapp. this approach seems not effective.” unclear teaching explanation the teachers do not clearly explain the materials. therefore, i get bored then ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 21 environmental factor unsupportive environment they rarely come to class. what’s more, the situation in my islamic boarding school, especially the use of english for english communication, is not utilized. based on the analysis of written reflection (wr) and focus-group discussion (fgd), four significant factors were found: classroom factors, linguistic factors, teaching and learning factors, and environmental factors. 1. classroom factors some students, like roni, ratna, and ferdi have claimed that issues related to the classroom climate have been the main factors underlying their boredom in learning english. in this regard, the situation in the class is discomfort since the class is dirty and hot. this has been experienced by roni when learning english takes place. yes, because the classroom condition is not comfortable (roni #1, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). he subsequently claims further in the focus-group interview that the class is dirty and hot. the classroom atmosphere is hot. in addition, the students are so many that the class is subsequently crowded and not fun. the class is also dirty. (roni #1, focus-group interview, dec 5th, 2022). in the meantime, rina demonstrated that the classroom atmosphere is also discomfort because students are idle and the class, therefore, becomes quiet and passive. it indeed makes ratna and her friends bored with learning english. see the following: the classroom atmosphere is not fun. the situation is quiet. (ratna #3, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). similar to ratna, ferdi also experienced boredom in language learning because of classroom climate issues. he claims that the situation in the class is passive. the teachers are careless about this condition. furthermore, he wrote that there is no classroom decoration in the classroom that can make students highly motivated to learn and warmly invited. the class is often passive. some students are silent when there is english learning in the class (ferdi #6, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). the class also does not incorporate classroom decoration which is helpful for some students. it makes me bored learning english in the classroom (ferdi #6, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). 2. linguistic factors other factors that have also influenced learners’ boredom in learning english are ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 22 linguistic factors. the learners, like roni, andi, ratna, bambang, and ferdi reveal that they have difficulties in reading, speaking, and writing english. they regard english as a hard language to study even though they have tried to english again and again. in the meantime, ratna has gotten bored learning english since she has no adequate vocabulary to speak. these factors have driven them boredom with learning english. i have difficulties reading english. i have difficulties understanding english texts. i often get bored when i still have to search for the meaning of english in a dictionary (andi #2, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). i also have a limited vocabulary in english. therefore, i cannot speak english well. i feel bored then. (ratna #3, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022) the english language is hard. the language is different from my first language. i have difficulties in reading, speaking, and writing english. (bambang #5, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). i feel bored learning english since english is a difficult language. (ferdi #6, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). we do not like english because english is extremely hard. (roni #1, bambang#5, ferdi#6, focus-group discussion, des 5th, 2022). 3. teaching and learning factors in terms of teaching and learning factors, almost all learners experience boredom because of such matters. in this case, factors underlying learners’ boredom in learning english involve teachers’ factors and learners’ factors themselves. the teachers undergo demotivation in teaching english. all learners reveal that the teachers rarely come to the class and seem unmotivated to teach english. therefore, it affects learners’ motivation to learn english more. furthermore, learners also become unmotivated to study english since english is regarded as a hard language. this situation belongs to learning demotivation. the teacher also seems unmotivated to teach english in the classroom (roni #1, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). i do not have a good motivation to learn english anymore (roni #1, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). yes, i get bored learning because the teachers scarcely come into the class. (ratna #3, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022) yes, i feel bored learning english since my teachers do not teach english ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 23 effectively. they sometimes do not come to class. they also do not teach english interestingly. that case makes me bored with learning english. (rani #4, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). in the meantime, ineffective teaching styles, monotonous english lessons, as well as unavailability of using technology in the classroom have brought the learners boredom in learning english. the learners claim that the teachers sometimes get angry when learning english occurs. they just come, teach and deliver a task almost in every meeting. the teachers also teach english like present tense, past tense, and narrative text monotonously. indeed, it has made them bored learning english. apart from it, they do not employ technology in teaching english in class such as the use of ppt or providing a supporting platform like youtube in the process of teaching and learning english in the classroom. the way the teacher teaches is not fun. also, the teachers always get angry in class. (andi #2, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). the teachers come and sit in the classroom. the students are strictly prohibited to talk. the teachers also give tasks on. (roni#1, andi#2, ratna #3, focusgroup discussion, des 5th, 2022). the teachers also teach english monotonously. they teach present tense, past tense, past continuous tense, and descriptive text, which have previously learned by me. (ratna #3, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). there is no technology used in the class. the teachers do not make use of technology into teaching english in the classroom. in fact, providing ppt, and youtube as the support platform for learning english is very helpful. i like learning english from youtube. the teachers only do dictation and use the whiteboard only. (ferdi #6, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). alongside that, factors underlying learners’ boredom in learning english are due to unclear teaching explanations from the teachers and ineffective online language learning during the pandemic 2021. the teachers sometimes do not explain the materials clearly in class. (bambang #5, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022) i also got bored especially when online learning came in 2021 during the pandemic. the teachers, most of them, used whatsapps as a learning platform for teaching and learning english. i needed to look at the platform most of the time and saw some redundant posts within the groups. it, indeed, made me bored with learning english. (ferdi #6, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). 4. environmental factor last but not least, a factor that has influenced learners’ boredom in learning english is the environmental factor. in this case, learners do not employ english as a means of communication in their daily life, most of whom used bahasa indonesia for ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 24 communication. it indeed decreases learners’ motivation to learn since there is no support from the environment in the school. what’s more, the situation in my islamic boarding school, especially the use of english for english communication, is not utilized (andi #2, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). my friends do not even use english for communication after their learning is finished. i feel a bit bored learning english because of this. (bambang #5, written reflection, nov 23rd, 2022). discussion the current study has attempted to investigate the learners’ boredom with learning english at the secondary school level. drawing on the poststructuralist view, especially the qualitative lens, the current study has embarked on the questions of what factors underlie boredom in learning english as well as how to overcome such factors. the results have indicated that there are a number of factors which has predisposed learners to be bored in learning english, including classroom factors, linguistic factors, teaching and learning factors, and environmental factors in common. these findings have appeared surprising in which these should be tackled by the teachers in the school. these dramatic findings can be the main significant factors influencing the learners’ boredom in learning english. as a result, it also affects their progress in learning english as a foreign language. first of all, the learners experience boredom in learning english because of classroom factors. the learners have claimed that the classroom atmosphere is discomfort. this situation is experienced by students, including roni and ratna. they perceived that the classroom was not fun and discomfort whether it was related to mental or physical aspects of the classroom such as lack of air in the class and the situation is also quiet, which means that some students were not active when the learning process started. as such, the mental condition of the classroom is poor and not appealing. hence, the students get bored learning english because of this situation. a former study conducted by (widiastuti et al., 2020) has revealed how classroom design impacts student learning comfort. the results indicated that cleanliness, circulation, adequate and supportive facilities, as well as quietness, affect students’ comfort in the classroom. they further note that learning comfort will be found when the learning atmosphere or environment is supportive. (puteh et al., 2015) have stated that the classroom physical environment is one of the elements in creating a conducive and ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 25 stimulating atmosphere or environment. a conducive learning environment can create a comfortable teaching environment. it means that a comfortable learning experience would be gained by the learners if the teachers can provide a good learning style and attractive classroom design (puteh et al., 2015). this situation would bring students more opportunities to learn, relieve boredom in learning, as well as reach the expected educational goals. second, the factor affecting students’ boredom in learning english is that from the language they study. almost students in the school argue that the english language is a hard language to learn. they, for the most part, reveal that reading, speaking, and writing english are the main issues faced by them in studying english in school. as a result, their boredom with learning grows gradually because of this. when this happened, some of the students went outside in order to avoid such learning. as kruk & zawodniak (2015) demonstrates that high level of boredom can lead to dissatisfaction and inattention. a number of former studies have also confirmed that aspects of language such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking have brought problems for indonesian efl students to learn (sundari, 2018; sultra & baharuddin, 2020; rahman et al., 2021). besides, in terms of speaking skills, most indonesian efl learners encounter difficulties in speaking english, which include linguistic and non-linguistic problems (soreh et al., 2022). in this regard, linguistic issues are related to poor grammar, lack of vocabulary as well as lack of pronunciation, while non-linguistic problems involve shyness and lack of confidence. this thing happens to the students at ma plus al-mashduqiah. the teacher must be able to tackle these problems down. next, the students experienced boredom in school because of the teaching and learning factors. these factors consist of teaching demotivation, learning demotivation, no technology integration in teaching, ineffective teaching style, monotonous english lessons, ineffective online language learning, as well as unclear teaching explanation from the teachers. at first, the students experienced boredom due to the teacher’s demotivation in teaching english. the students, like roni, andi, ratna, and rani have encountered boredom in learning english because of this matter. they perceived that the teachers seemed not motivated to teach english in the class or scarcely come into the class, driving some students bored and also demotivated to study english further. the teachers, in this case, should be aware of this since this issue comes from the ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 26 teachers themselves. a study conducted by (mauliya et al., 2020) has revealed that a lack of motivation factors can lead to poor academic achievement. furthermore, aguistiani., (2016) notices that teachers’ motivation affects students’ academic achievement. it means that if the teacher has been demotivated to attend the class and teach their students, the students, for sure, will also be unmotivated to learn or they will get bored learning english as the students above have experienced. as the students above experienced that their motivation poor in learning english. it indeed will shape their attitudes toward learning english onwards. dilshad et al., (2019) have informed us about the sources of unmotivated students in learning english. they confirmed that factors such as lack of confidence, problems in speaking english as well as poor grammar knowledge were the considerable factors underlying students’ demotivation in learning english. further, the students also run into boredom in learning english because of having no technology in the class. a student, like ferdi has revealed that integrating technology in teaching english in the class is of advantage since it can increase motivation to learn and provide visual images which can lead to easiness in the learning process. ferdi has encountered that his teachers always do dictation in teaching and use only a whiteboard as the learning media. for sure, it has driven ferdi to boredom with learning english for so long. the teachers, in this case, lack tpack (technological, pedagogical content knowledge) in the classroom. in fact, teaching english with technology in this 21 century is a huge consideration. as a student, like ferdi, needs to explore several platforms or technologies that can support their language learning processes such as ppt and several english learning videos from youtube that can boost his learning motivation and enrich his technological knowledge. former studies have indicated that teachers’ use of technology in teaching english can increase students’ motivation to learn (solanki et al., 2012; ahmadi, 2018; a-mofareh, 2019). furthermore, a-mofareh (2019) has studied the students’ satisfaction with technology in elt. his findings of the study indicate that students are more enthusiastic and interactive when modern technologies are utilized by teachers more than 90%. it can be concluded that teachers need to make use of technology in english language teaching so that the students are away from boredom and more motivated to learn english in class. ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 27 subsequently, the students experienced boredom in language learning because of the ways the teachers themselves teach. they perceive that the teachers only teach them the materials by writing them on a whiteboard and doing some dictations to the students. some students get bored learning english because of this poor condition. it can be concluded that teachers’ teaching strategies or teaching styles are not effective. effective teachers indeed should have the knowledge, prepare and manage instruction, promote learning and help students grow so they can learn independently (saroyan et al., 2009). what’s more, (fuhrman et al., 2010) also showcased that effective teachers show passion for their subject, knowledgeable about and care for students, use a variety of teaching strategies and help students appreciate the relevance of the information to their own context. students also get bored learning english due to the materials the teachers talk over in the classroom. the teachers seem not upgraded in teaching english; they teach english like present tense, past tense, narrative text, and the like in which all of which have been previously learned by students in the school. this activity is called a monotonous english lesson. therefore, it causes students bored with learning english. the teachers should be able to improve their teaching methods and also upgrade the materials they teach in the school which is best suited to students’ needs. a study conducted by (pawlak, kruk, et al., 2020) has revealed that factors responsible for boredom in class include disengagement, monotony, and repetitiveness, as well as a lack of satisfaction. the next boredom experienced by the students is when online learning took place during the pandemic 2021 a few years ago. the students claim that online learning has made them bored since the platform used by their teachers were only whatsapp in this moment. the students have undergone boredom in learning since they had to look at the platform for too long and saw superfluous materials in the platform. the results of this study has been in line with a study conducted by kholili (2021) which reveals that the use of whatsapp for teaching and learning english during the pandemic has resulted in boredom for students because they need to look at the materials online and saw some redundant posts within the groups. another teaching factor that has also led students to boredom in learning english is unclear teaching explanations from the teachers. the teachers, in this case, are not able ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 28 to clearly explain the materials, resulting in boredom for efl learners in the school. as a matter of fact, the students require more explanation from the teachers. this finding has also been in congruence with the previous studies conducted by (pawlak, kruk, et al., 2020; coşkun & yüksel, 2022) that dissatisfaction and disengagement of students with the materials the teacher teaches will result in boredom for them. last but not least, a factor that has affected students’ boredom with learning english is the environmental factor, in which some students reveal that the use of english for communication in the surroundings is not in effect. in other words, some students only used bahasa indonesia as a means of communication. this made some students unencouraged and unmotivated even they get bored learning english. it has been demonstrated by andi and bambang in the written reflection (wr) results. former studies have showcased that social and academic factors affect students’ english language learning progress (baroto, 2016; bangash, 2021; amiri & el-karfa, 2021). this study has implied that teachers should be aware of the factors underlying students’ boredom in learning english, including classroom factors, linguistic factors, teaching and learning factors, and environmental factors in order to keep their students motivated to learn. by being aware of the factors above, the students can be more encouraged and can alleviate their boredom in learning english. the teachers, for example, can discuss and team up with other teachers or parties to upgrade themselves and make their class more attractive for the sake of students’ development in english language learning. the current study has only been conducted at the senior high school setting with the six research participants using a qualitative paradigm. further studies on factors underlying boredom in language learning in other contexts could be carried out. this aims to shed light on the comprehensive pictures regarding the elements that contribute to learners’ demotivation and boredom in the language learning process, especially in the efl context. d. conclusion it can be concluded that classroom factors, linguistic factors, teaching and learning factors, and environmental factor have influenced learners’ boredom with language learning. these factors must be tackled by the teachers in the school since teachers’ aim is to develop learners’ language skills. with regard to classroom factors, the teachers ©achmad kholili available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 8, no.1, february 2023 29 might provide some ac in each class and decorate their classroom so that their learners can be more motivated to learn and warmly welcomed. meanwhile, the teachers can encourage their learners and exemplify to speak english in class so that learners’ motivation to learn english is gradually high. it is important to solve since linguistic factors become significant issues in the process of language learning. the teachers should also consider using technology in the classroom, being enthusiastic to attend the class, providing a clearer explanation of the materials, and supplying some platforms for learning english both for online and offline learning so that learners are highly motivated and they, therefore, can alleviate their boredom in the efl class. last but not least, teachers can enact an english-speaking environment surrounding the school so that their learners are actively involved in learning english and accessible to them for learning english further for the sake of their language learning development. references aguistiani, m. 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switching and situational code switching. tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengambarkan bentuk-bentuk alih kode yang digunakan oleh guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa inggris. rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apa tipe-tipe alih kode yang digunakan di dalam kelas. penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan mengumpulkan data melalui observasi dan dokumentasi, berupa rekaman percakapan guru dan siswa di kelas. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada dua tipe alih kode yang paling sering digunakan oleh guru dan siswa di kelas yaitu alih kode metaforik dan alih kode situasional. keywords: teacher, code switching journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 59 a. introduction code switching is a phenomenon in using language to communicate, where a speaker changes one language to another in the same utterance or conversation. code switching is mostly happened in bilingual or multilingual society. grosjean, 1982 and hamers and blanc, 1989 defined that bilingual or multilingual is a person whose linguistic ability in two or more language is similar to that of a native speaker. because of the globalization era and technology information development, it is difficult to escape to not use two or more language in the same conversation, such as utterance in social media, daily conversation, and also in the classroom. the influence of english as international language is very strong in contributing code switching using especially in nowadays society. english has been studied in indonesia as a subject in school since many decades. it is studied as foreign language, therefore there is a term teaching english as foreign language (tefl). because it is a foreign language, then generally it finds the teacher and also the students use code switching when they interact each other in teaching and learning process. mostly, it is used for clarifying the code which convey in english where the students do not understand the meaning. crystal (dalam skiba, 1997) stated that code switching using is influenced by some factors: the speaker cannot say the code or the sentences in his/her language, so he/she turn to another code. the speaker wants to emphasize the meaning he/she wants to convey, to state his/her solidarity, and also to express his/her feeling to the listener. referring to the using of code switching in the classroom, the teacher mostly use it because of the listener (the students) cannot understand the teacher utterance when he/she convey in english. for example, the classroom where i teach, even though i tried too much to speak english from the most beginning of the teaching process, but code switching is still happened because i have to accommodate the students’ who have no capability to understand english well. therefore, it is interesting to observe how the teacher uses code switching in the classroom. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 60 b. literature review code switching code switching is a phenomenon of language shift that occurs among people who have more than one language. according to appel argue that “code switching is a phenomenon transition because the changing situations of language usage”. haugen’s added “code switching is overlapping of two language” different from appel statement say code switching that occured between language, then hymes said that “the code switching not only occur between language but also occur between varieties or styles contained in a common language”. hymes said more details that “code switching has become a common term for alternate us of two or more language, varieties of language, or even speech styles”. then gal say’s “code switching is a conversational strategy used to establish, cross or destroy group boundaries; to create, evoke or change interpersonal relations with their obligations.” while hudson defines “code switching as the speaker’s use of different verities of the same language at . according to appel, hymes,gal and hudson can get the point that code switching not only used when the changing social situation but code switching already become a speech style. another opinion from mayers, he said that “code switching occurs when bilingual or multilingual individual switches from one language to another. the term is used when identifying alternations of linguistic verities within the same conversation”. grosjean also argue that “code switching can be a communicative resource because it reveals the speaker’s sensitivity to both formal function aspects of language”. while bokamba say that “code switching is the mixing word, phrases and sentences from two distinct grammatical system across sentence boundaries within the same speech” alvarez say that “code switching is an alternation of languages that occurs during bilingual conversation in which participants have at least one language in common . based on statement above i conclude that code switching is a communicative resources that expresses sensitivities speaker by using two language or more. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 61 the type of code switching bloom and gumperz identified two type of code switching; situational code switching and methaporical code switching. situational code switching depends on a situation. in situational code switching, one language is used in social situation, and the other language is used in another social situation. then gumperz and bloom said that “situational code switching, where alternation between varieties redefines a situation, being a change in governing norms. talking about redefine situation wardaugh adds the explanation redefine the situation formal to informal, official to personal, serious to humorous, and politeness to solidarity.” not only redefine situation but also wardaugh adds that situational code switching occurs when the languages used change according to the situational in which the conversant find themselves. metaporical code switching, the switching occurs in the same situation with the same individuals. bloom and gumperz state that “metaphorical switching allows one speaker to share two or more different with the same interlocutor. the other definition from bloom and gumperz’s about situational code switching and metaphorical code switching quoted from an article, namely: situational code switching in a multilingual society arise because of the lexical requirements, this occurs when a person wants to express something that exists only meaning in a particular language or dissatisfaction someone in the use of language when expressing one or more words. code-switching also occurs due to follow the situation in the issues discussed topic changes, or also be intentional weeks to create a secret code so that other people do not understand the contents of the conversation. the code switching also influenced by age, social status, educational background and gender. metaphorical code switching is the code switching within a single situation but added significance for a number of components as a rule to be expressed and has a specific purpose. the transfer of a change to involve the option of introducing themselves(identification) to the listener in certain situations. multilingual community in bilingual, switching metaphors-code refers to the tendency to switch codes (language or language variety) in a conversation to discuss topics that would typically fall into another domain. where conversation alternates between varieties change the situation, be the change journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 62 in the set of norms, and switching metaphorically, where alternative enrich a situation, allowing for more than a metaphor for social relations in the situation. metaphorical switching referred to change in the speaker’s language choice when the situational remained the same. for some people switch in this case was thought to convey special communicative intent. the factor of code switching if you search the factor of code switching, then we must retrun to the subject of sociolinguistic. fishman said that “who speak what language to whom and when”. in chaer’s book fishman said more details that is “ who speak , what language, to whom, when, and what the purpose”. in the published literature of linguistic, in general the factor of code switching was mentioned as follows : a. the speaker a speaker often do over the code to gain an advantage or benefit of actions it.example, mr. a after a while talking to mr. b on the proposal promotion had just found out that mr. b was derived from the same area with him and also have the same mother tongue. so, with the intention that his business quickly sorted him to switch the code from indonesian into a local language. suppose mr. b took the bait to use local languages, it can be expected to be a smooth affair. but if mr. b was not moved and continue to use the indonesian language, the official language for work, then the matter may be not smooth, because of the similarity of the speech community who wants his conditioned did not work, which causes a lack of a sense of familiarity. in real life we often encounter a lot of government offices were deliberately using local languages with officials he met to benefit from the sense of the similarity of the speech community. a sense of familiarity with the local language is more easily forged than using indonesian. rather code to gain an advantage in typically done by speakers in the event said it expects assistance opponent he said. b. the listener listener can cause code switching, for example, the speaker wants to compensate for the ability to speak the opponents said it. in this case the ability to speak the opponent's usually said less or some what less because it may not first language, if the opponents said the background of the same language as the speaker, then the code journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 63 switching that occurs only in the form of transitional variant. if the opponents said speaking backgrounds were not the same as the speakers, then there is over the language. for example, ani prmuniaga a souvenir shop, a foreign tourist arrival of guests, which invites conversation in indonesian. when then the tourists seem to run out of words to continue to speaking indonesian, then ani quickly switch the code to converse in english, so that then the conversation becomes smooth again. c. change in the situation since the third person the presence of a third person or another person who is nota background of the same language with the language being used by speakers and opponents said could cause code switching. d. formal to informal changes in the situation may cause code switching. as illustrated below some students were sitting up front classrooms while chatting in a relaxed language. suddenly came a lecturer and intervened, so now it’s the students by using the code switch indonesian formal variety. when the course starts so the situation becomes formal,but by the time the course ended the situation becomes more formal. so that the transfer of the code of indonesian formal variety to variety of indonesian relaxed. e. change the topic changing the topic can also cause code switching. when teacher changes the topic, he needs a good way or using mother language to make it clear. thus, they will use other language or their mother language to avoid misunderstanding of their students. c. research method the method use in this research is descriptive qualitative. the subjects was english department students in third semester at tarbiyah and teacher training faculty iain sultan amai gorontalo. this research collected the data on the types of code switching by used the field notes observations and recording then analyzed by selecting and sorting out which types of code switching and were used in the classroom. d. findings and discussions the data is displayed on the table above shown that code switching is happened in classroom mostly metaphorical and situational code switching. metaphorical code switching, the switching occurs in the same situation with the same individuals. bloom journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 64 and gumperz state that “metaphorical switching allows one speaker to share two or more different with the same interlocutor. the code switching within a single situation but added significance for a number of components as a rule to be expressed and has a specific purpose. the transfer of a change to involve the option of introducing themselves (identification) to the listener in certain situations. multilingual community in bilingual, switching metaphors-code refers to the tendency to switch codes (language or language variety) in a conversation to discuss topics that would typically fall into another domain. where conversation alternates between varieties change the situation, be the change in the set of norms, and switching metaphorically, where alternative enrich a situation, allowing for more than a metaphor for social relations in the situation. metaphorical switching referred to change in the speaker’s language choice when the situational remained the same. in this research metaphorical switching, the teacher used in the same situation with the same individuals and to convey special communicative t : aslm alaikum wr wb s : wslm wr.wb t : good morning s : morning t : how are you today? s : i’m fine t : ok good. jadi kita kemarin sudah membahas tentang idiom tapi belum terlalu mendalam. so, for today we will disccus about idiom. jadi hari ini kita akan belajar tentang idiom. t : nah buat adik-adik saya mau bertanya what’s the meaning idiom according to you? please raise your hand! yang tau raise your hand. in the conversation the teacher first is using indonesian language talk with student but when teacher asked the student, teacher switches the code to english and then switches to indonesian to make stronger the instruction. s1 : idiom is sentense to show our expresion and the meaning is keep from the other atau bisa kita katakan bahasa arti yang tersembunyi. t : any else? journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 65 s2: nothing. in the conversation, the student explained about idiom using english and then using indonesian to make clear his explanation, so in conversation, the student switches his code to convey special meaning. t: jadi jawaban dari teman kalian itu benar ya! idiom is a collection of some of the word phrases or sentenses for spesial meaning or definition some word are made. jadi maksudnya idiom adalah sekumpulan dari kata, kalimatatau yang membentuk makna khusus atau defenisi dari kata-kata yang dibuat. in the conversation (4), the teacher switches from indonesian to english to make the student understood. t : misalnya, for example long face. s3 : bu bacaannya longpace? t: salah. jadi bacaanya itu long face ya. whats the meaning long? s: panjang. [long] t: and then face? what’s the meaning face? s : wajah t : ok, good. so, artinya adalah? s : wajah yang panjang. t : wajah panjang. itu menurut kalian. but the real meaning of long face in idiom is sedih. jadi ini artinya bukan panjang wajah yaitu adalah sedih. ini maksud dari idiom itu sendiri. idiom itu kumpulan dari kata-kata yang membentuk makna tersendiri. nah kalau how to say in english sedih? sedih? s : sad. in the conversation, conversation begin with indonesian language then the teacher switches to english language, every time the teacher convey the core topic teacher switches the code. e. conclusions based on the result of this research, the type of code switching happened in the classroom is metaphorical code switching. from the data analysis, the type of code switching which mostly was used by the teacher and the student during learning process journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 66 was metaphorical code switching. the teacher and the student always switched their code to convey communicative in special intent. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 67 references ayeomoni. 2006. code switching and code mixing:style of language use in childhood in yoruba speech comunity. chaer, abdul & leonie agustina. 2010. sosiolinguistic pengantar awal. jakarta: pt rineka cipta. inna afni fitriyah, 2012. a descriptive analysis of english-indonesian code switching spoken by the english teacher of mts nu salatiga in academic year of 20112012. khalil el-saghir, 2010. code switching in sociolinguistic studies: review and analysis in wayne state university. maria cecillia velasquez. 2010. language and identity: bilingual code switching in spanish-english interviews. metzeger, melanie. 2000. bilingualism and identity in deafcomunitie. washington, d.c: gallaudet university. moleong. 2007. metodologi penelitian kual;itatif. bandung: pt remaja rosdakarya. nitasari, nassia ika. interaksi dalam pembelajaran. 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(online). http;// (acces 11 november 2015. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 93 improving students’ pronunciation through western movie media (a classroom action research at 4 th semester in english education of iain sultan amai gorontalo) mohammad syarif hidayatullah jurusan tadris bahasa inggris fakultas ilmu tarbiyah dan keguruan iain sultan amai gorontalo email: abstract this research aims to determine how does western movie media improve the students’ pronunciation. this research uses a class action research (car). the subject of this research is the four semester of english education at iain sultan amai gorontalo. there were 30 students consisting of 10 male students and 20 female students. the instruments of data collection were observation sheet on teacher’s and students’ activity, and pronunciation test. the action research carried out in three cycles. there were 16 students got 75 in the first cycle, second cycle increased 18 students, and in third cycle 28 students. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana media film barat dapat meningkatkan pengucapan atau pelafalan siswa. penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas (ptk). subjek dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester 4 pendidikan bahasa inggris di iain sultan amai gorontalo. jumlah mahasiswa keseluruhan adalah 30 orang yang terdiri dari 10 siswa laki-laki dan 20 siswa perempuan. alat pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru, lembar pengamatan aktivitas siswa dan tes pengucapan. dari data penelitian ini dianalisis dengan quantitatif dalam bentuk presentase dan penjelasan data diperlihatkan dalam deskriptif data. dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dalam tiga siklus selama proses pembelajaran dengan melalui media ffilm barat, pengucapan pada mahasiswa semester 4 iain sultan amai gorontalo meningkat dari 36 % pada tes awal atau 11 orang menjadi 46% (16 orang) pada siklus i dan kemudian pada siklus ii meningkat menjadi 60% (18 orang) dan pada siklus iii menjadi 93%(28 orang). keywords: pronunciation, western movie media journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 94 a. introduction pronunciation is one aspect in supporting the english language skills due to speak in english needed a good pronunciation of the language in order to be delivered clearly understand able because when either the pronunciation would change the meaning of that, actually cause the other person will feel confused. most of the students find it difficult to pronounce the sentence in the english language due to the absence of habituation and the right media yet many adult learners find pronunciation one of the most difficult aspects of english to acquire, and need explicit help from the teacher (morley 1994; fraser 2000). in this case the teachers are very active role in finding techniques and media that can be applied in the classroom to enhance students' pronunciation skills in a way that is not boring to support a good learning required a medium appropriate and affordable because the media is a tool used in a study without a media, the classroom becomes less than the maximum there are many ways and media that students can use to improve pronunciation skills in english language one of which is by using media that is already popular today is the western or foreign movie media so students will be able to see and hear firsthand how the sentences in the english language is spoken correctly and clearly so that students learn the pronunciation in english in a good way. nowadays movie are much in demand to be watched is the western movie or foreign movie. western movie or foreign movie favored by many people, especially in adolescent essay. in addition to an interesting story, western movie or foreign movie also use english. in the field of english language education is very important. as for the language used in western movie or foreign movie can also affect mastery in english. usually someone who often watch western movie or foreign movie a good mastery of the english language. (prambudi, 2013) says that the most effective way to learn english is to listen and watch movies seriously. in this way the control of their pronunciation is easily understood. one can imitate the pronunciation of western or foreign movie so that a long time will get used to say (prambudi, 2013). the students needed to find the good media and western movie media that can be an alternative for students to improve their english language skills in particular pronunciation in english, in this case the researchers will examine the students’ pronunciation skill through journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 95 western movie media. the research questions in this research is: does the western movie media improve students’ pronunciation? b. literature review 1. the nature of learning media the term of media comes from the latin of language and is the plural of the word "medium". literally media can be understood as central, intermediate, or introduction. in this case the medium is the medium to convey the message. thus, in a simple media can be understood as any form or conduit used to convey messages / information to the other. gagne (1970) states that the learning media are different types of components in the environment of the learners who can motivate students to learn. learning media can be understood as well as everything that can be used to deliver messages from the teacher to the students so as to stimulate their thoughts, feelings, interests, and attention of students to the learning process can take place effectively. learning media can also be understood as a means, methods, techniques used in order to further streamline the communication in the learning process (drs. syaiful bahri djamarah, drs. aswan zain, 1995 : 120) the media as a tool in the learning process is a reality that cannot be denied. because it is the teacher who is willing to assist the teacher in delivering the message of the lesson material provided by the teacher to the students.( drs. syaiful bahri djamarah, drs. aswan zain, 1995 : 121) teachers are aware that without the help of the media, then the lesson material is difficult to digest and understood by all students, especially teaching materials that complicated or complex. each of the subject matter would have a varying degree of difficulty. on the one hand there is the need of teaching materials in the form of media teaching aids such as globes, charts, drawings, and so on. teaching materials with a high degree of difficulty is certainly difficult to be processed by the students. especially for students who are less fond of teaching materials delivered it. students quickly feel tired and exhausted of course they could not avoid, due to the teacher's explanations are difficult to digest and understand. wise teacher certainly aware that boredom and fatigue of the students are given an explanation stems from the teacher maze, no focus on the problems. this of course and must find a way out. if the teacher does not have the ability to describe a material with good way. what is wrong if a media as a teaching tool in order to achieve the goals set before the implementation of the teaching. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 96 as a tool, the media has a function pave the way towards achieving the goal of teaching. it is based on the belief that learning with helping by the media and heightens the learning activities of the students within the time limit long enough. that means the learning activities of the students with the help of the media and the process will produce better learning outcomes than without the help of the media (drs. syaiful bahri djamarah, drs. aswan zain, 1995 : 122). however, the use of media as a tool cannot be any according to the inclinations of teachers. but must pay attention to and consider the purpose. media that can support the achievement of the goal of teaching is certainly more attention. while the media do not support the course must be removed away for a while. competence of teachers themselves should be used as the calculation. whether capable or not to use the media. if not, then do not use it, because it would be futile. in fact, can disrupt their nets lerned teaching process. finally, it is understood that the media is a tool in the process of teaching lerned. and the teachers who use it to teach students to achieve teaching objectives. learning is a process that processes a number of values to be consumed by all students. those values do not come by itself, but drawn from a variety of sources. learning resources which actually means a lot once found everywhere; at school, in the courtyard, in the city center, in the countryside, and so on. udin saripudin and winataputra (199: 65) classifying learning resources into five categories, namely humans, books / library, mass media, environment, and media education. therefore, a learning resource is anything that can be used as a place where there is a teaching materials or to learn a person's origin. media education as a learning resource teacher helped enrich the knowledge of students. various forms and types of educational media used by the teacher becomes a source of knowledge for students. in light of an object, the teacher can bring the object directly to the presence of students in the class. by presenting the object along with a description of the object, then the object was used as a learning resource. if in education in the past, the teacher is the only source of learning for the students. so that educational activities are likely still traditional. the device technology is still very limited distribution and have not yet entered the world of education. but it is different now, the technology already exists everywhere. growth and development, almost uncontrollably, so that outbreaks was infiltrated into the world of education. in schools now, especially in big journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 97 cities, the technology, which was agreed as the media, not only as a tool, but also as a source of learning in the learning process. the media as a source of learning is recognized as a tool for auditory, visual, and audiovisual. the use of three types of learning resources is not arbitrary, but must be adapted to the formulation of instructional goals, and of course with the competence of teachers themselves, and so on. suggestion to use the media in learning is sometimes difficult to implement, due to limited funds to buy them. realizing this, it is suggested back in order not to force myself to buy it, but enough to make a simple educational media for supporting the achievement of the objectives of teaching. quite a lot of raw materials for the purposes of making use of educational media and with adequate skills. to achieve the goal of teaching should not be seen from the expensiveness of a media, can also achieve simple, as long as the teachers are good at using it. so the clever use of the media teacher is a teacher who can manipulate the media as a source of learning and as a conduit of information from the material presented to students in the learning process. media divided into: visual media is media that only rely on the sense of sight. the existing visual media that displays still images such as strip (film rope), slides (film frame) photographs, drawings or paintings, and prints some visual media that displays images or symbols that moves like a silent movie, and the movie card. audiovisual media is media that has elements of sound and image elements. these media types have the ability better, because both types of media which includes first and second. as explained above, that each medium of instruction has the efficacy of each, it is expected to teachers in order to make their choice according to need during a time of meeting. it is intended not to use a barrier media learning process for teachers do in the classroom. great hope of course that the media into a tool that can accelerate / facilitate the achievement of the goals of teaching. when a media will be chosen, when a media will be used, which is when some principles need to be a teacher noticed and considered? each medium has certain characteristics, both in terms of potency, how to make, and how to use it. understanding the characteristics of various teaching media are basic skills that should be possessed of teachers in relation to the selection of skills of teaching media. besides, it provides the possibility for teachers to use different types of media teaching journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 98 varies. whereas if less understand the characteristics of the media, the teacher will be faced with difficulties and tend to be speculative. selector is essentially a decision-making process of the various alternatives. teachers can determine the choice of which media will be used if there are some media which can be compared. while teaching media if there is only one, then the teacher cannot choose, but the use it. in using the media should pay attention to the teacher a certain number of principles for the use of the media can achieve good results. those principles, according dr.nana sudjana (1991: 104) are: a. determine what type of media to the right; that is to say, should teachers choose beforehand which of in accordance with the purpose and teaching materials that will be taught. b. establish or take into account the subject appropriately; that is to say, it should be taken into account whether the use of the media in accordance with the level of maturity / capability of the students. c. presenting media appropriately; means, techniques and methods of use of media in teaching must be adapted to the purpose, method of materials, time, and existing facilities. d. placing or show the media at the time, the place and the right situation. that is, when and in which situations the media are used when teaching. certainly not at any time or during the learning process continually demonstrate or explain something to the medium of instruction. these four principles should be considered by the teacher when he began using the medium of instruction. 2. the nature of pronunciation pronunciation refers to the production of sounds that we use to make meaning. it includes attention to the particular sounds of a language (segments), aspects of speech beyond the level of the individual sound, such as intonation, phrasing, stress, timing, rhythm (suprasegmental aspects), how the voice is projected (voice quality) and, in its broadest definition, attention to gestures and expressions that are closely related to the way we speak a language. each of these aspects of pronunciation is briefly outlined below, and references for further study are suggested (dr. lynda yates, 2015 : 1). journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 99 precisely speaking, great pronunciation competence in english is able to make others understand easily; whereas, english pronunciation inferior to basic level increases the misunderstanding among conversations with others (gilakjani, 2011; jahan, 2011). it is not necessary to speak english like a native speaker but “well enough to be understood” (jesry, 2005). pronunciation is a particular way of uttering words in general. there are differences of english pronunciation; there are also individual peculiarities for which it is difficult or impossible to understand. pronunciation is a noun, way in which a language or a particular word or sound is spoken. among these sounds there are some who have an extremely close so it is very difficult to be interpreted when heard by non-native speakers. how to pronounce the sound of a word in english is called as the pronunciation is usually written with symbols in a slash. these components range from the individual sounds that make up speech, to the way in which pitch-rise and fall of the voice. it is use to convey meaning. a word can be spoken in different ways by various individuals or groups, depending on many factors, such as: the area in which they grew up, the area in which they now live, if they have a speech or voice disorder, their ethnic group, their social class, or their education. spelling words in english is challenging work. as a matter of fact, many native speakers of english have problems with spelling correctly. one of the main reasons for this is that many, many english words are not spelled as they are spoken. this difference between pronunciation and spelling causes a lot of confusion. derwing and munro said having a good pronunciation of the language can help in normal communication, particularly, intelligibility. however, that is not only reason for developing a stable pronunciation of a new language. the aim should be speak english which is both intelligible and acceptable to the recipients, those who listen to the pronunciation. the both criteria are important, especially when so much emphasis is given to communication nowadays.( jerry abbott, 1985 : 38). barbara seidlhofer said pronunciation plays a central role in both our personal and our social lives: as individuals, we project our identity through the way we speak, and also indicate our membership or particular communities. at the same time or sometimes also in conflict with this identity function, our pronunciation is responsible for intelligibility: whatever or not we can convey our meaning (r.carter and d.nunan, 2001 : 56). journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 100 in english sound system, there are many styles of speak for each individual is influence by a variety of causes such as locality, early influences, and social surroundings. the pronunciation of english involves the production of individual or isolated sounds and the utterance of words, phrases, and sentences with correct spelling and stressing and/or rhythm intonation. pronunciation can also be helped through a deliberate focus on individual sounds, consonants clusters, and supra-segmentals. fluency activities may also have a role to play in the improvement pronunciation. because fluency and accuracy effect each other, working on very easy tasks to improve fluency may also have a positive effect on pronunciation accuracy, although this remains to be researched (i.s.p nation and jonathan newton, 2009 : 96). cook said, pronunciation is a set of habits of producing sounds. the habit of producing a sound is acquired by repeating it over and over again and by being corrected when it is pronounced wrongly. learning to pronounce a second language means building up new pronunciation habits and overcome the bias of the first language (abbas pourhosein gilakjani, 2012 : 96). english pronunciation involves the production of each sound and pronunciation of words, phrases, and sentences with correct spelling, compressing and/or correct intonation. in addition, there is a way how to read the word correctly called ‘phonetic transcription’ ((phonetic transcript), which is defined as a kind of alphabetic writing where each letter represent a sound. phonetic transcript aim is to provide clear and unambiguous to the language learner, for example, the sound of which one should be used on a word or phrase, and in what order to use the sound the sound systems in english language are divided into three groups, namely: a) vocals (vowel) vocals are defined as vowels in the formation of air out through the throat an mouth, without restriction and narrowing so that no friction is heard. there are 12 vowels in english are divided into three groups: front vowels (i:, i, e, æ), and vocal cord (a:, ɒ, ɔ,:, u, u:). ˄, ɜ:, ə vocal center (vocal division depends on the tongue and lips). positions lips include: closed-lips widened, lips neutral, open-rounded lips, and the lips closed-rounded. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 101 b) diphthong a diphthong is a glide from one vowel to another, and the whole glide acts like one of the long (joseph desmond o’connor, 1989 : 86). c) consonants (consonant) consonant is a sound or letter (letter on or off) that the production of air does not come out smoothly through the mouth and throat, but have problems or narrowing that sound of friction. consonants can be classified according to (i) the point of articulation, and (ii) how to articulate. 1) according to the point of articulation a. labial, the sound to the point of articulation of the lips. divided labial, bilabial, that sounds articulated by the two lips (p, b, m), and labio-dental, the sound between the lower lip to the upper teeth (f, v). b. dental, which sound articulated by the tip of the tongue to the front teeth (ɵ,ǒ) c. alveolar that sounds articulated by the tip of the tongue to the gums (t, d) d. palatal-alveolar that sound articulated by the tongue to the palate ( tʃ, dʒ) e. palatal that sounds articulated by the front of the tongue to the front of palate (j). f. velar that sounds articulated by the back of the tongue to the back of the palate (k, g, ɳ). g. glottal, the sound produced at the glottis. 2) according to the of articulation a. plosive, the sound produce by closing the air cavity completely (p, b). b. affricate, the sounds like a plosive but separation articulator organs do not particularly fast (t, ʃ, dʒ) c. nassal, mouth fully enclosed, rear ceiling remain low so that air passes freely cavity (m, n,ɳ) d. lateral, obstacle lies in the middle of the mouth, air freely out (i) e. rolled, the sound generated by the rapid movement of a number of organs that are elastic (r). f. flapped sounds that resemble rolled consonants but consist of only one quick movement only(r) g. fricative, noise created by narrowing the air cavity so that air discharge causing hissing sound (f, v, 0, ǒ, s, z, ʃ, ɜ, h). journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 102 h. semi-vowel, the sound produced by the rapid movement of the vocal organs of speak covered to some other vowel. d) clusters (cluster) clusters are a number of words read in one breath, for example, movies, spending, struggle, knuckle and pronunciation. produce such a sound english, speech organ to move properly. in the production of sound, the air coming from the lungs through the air cavity (trachea), and then pass through the esophagus, throat, and oral cavity are governed by the organs of speech. furthermore, the vocal cords located in the throat; resembles two lips. ribbon can be separated and can also be enclosed so as to fully cover the air cavity. when the vocal cords closer together, and air is pushed to the channel, the vocal cords vibrate, thus producing sound known as’ voiced”. when, the vocal cords apart and through the air, the sound produced is known as breathed”, and the sound generated in the middle of the glottis as whisper. the pronunciation including the ability to using english with the correct pronunciation, it is understandable and acceptable. with the correct pronunciation, of the different sound of language, syllables, words, phrases, and sentence discourse in general, thought content revealed a language user will be able to understand without any misunderstanding, confusion or strange feeling on the part of those who listen. according to the relationship between the components of the evaluation of learning outcomes with learning activities, pronunciation skills test should test should be conducted with a variety of targets based on the elements that are part of the ability to recite. the elements that include: (a). the clarity of pronunciation (intelligibility) intelligibility ‘the extent to which a listener actually understands an utterance’ or is able to decode a message (lynda yates, beth zielinski, elizabeth pryor, 2008 : 5). (b). pronunciation fluency (fluency) as lennon, fluency is an impression on the listener’s part that the psycholinguistic processes of speech planning and speech production are functioning easily and efficiency. in identifying which performance qualities (measures of utterance fluency) relate to the listener’s impression of fluency (perceived fluency). (c). pronunciation accuracy (accuracy) journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 103 the three elements and the ability to recite the details based on the level ability can be seen in the following table: 3. the nature of movies movie is a motion picture images in a frame in which a frame-by-frame projected through the projector lens mechanically so that the screen looks a picture of it alive. the movie moves quickly and alternately so as to provide continuous visual or movie is a series of images projected onto the screen at a certain speed so as to make the order levels continue to describe the movement that seems normal. the film is essentially a new discovery in the teaching and learning interactions that to connected two kinds of senses at the same time. the movie is meant here is the audio-visual movie as a tool for instruction, illumination, or counseling. many things can be explained through the movie, among others, about the processes occurring in our body or occurring in an industry, the events in nature, ways of life in a foreign country, various industries and mining, teach a skill, the history of life the people are great, and so forth definition of movie according to republic act number 8 of article 1 of 1992 on movie, are works of art and culture is the mass communication seeing-hearing media are made based on the principles of cinematography with recorded on celluloid, video tape, video disk, and the material findings of other technologies in all forms, types, and sizes through chemical processes, electronic process, or other processes, with or without sound. it can be shown and aired with mechanical and electronic projection system. movie, collectively, often called cinema. cinema itself derived from the word kinematics or motion. the movie also is actually a liquid layers of cellulose, commonly known as the celluloid world movie makers. understanding literally movie (cinema) is cinematography derived from cinema + tho = phytos (light) + graphie = graph (writing = image = image), so the sense is "motion painting with light '. a. distribution of movies by type and duration based kind, the movie can be divided into several types such as: 1. fiction movies example: drama, action, animation, etc. 2. documentary movies the documentary is a film that presents a reality based on objective facts concerning the life of the environment and the real situation. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 104 example: portrait, features, profiles, biographies, history, diary, inventions, reconstruction, instructional, etc. 3. community movies community movies is a movie produced by a particular community or group of issues or problems related to the environment of the community is good for the community and outsiders with a specific purpose. example: video participation, folk video, proposals video, etc. while based on the duration or length of a movie can be divided as follows: 1. short movie movies with a duration of less than 60 minutes. 2. length movie movies with a duration of more than 60 minutes. using movie in education and teaching in the classroom is very useful mainly for : a. develop thoughts and opinions of the students. b. adding memory to the lesson. c. develop a power fantasy to the students d. growing interest and motivation to learn. carpenter and greenhill (1956) in reviewing the results of research on the film concludes as follows: 1. the movie produced well, when used either alone or in a series can be applied as a primary tool for teaching the skills (performance) is certain and to convey some kind of factual data. 2. tests after watching will boost the study, if the student has to be told what must be noticed in the movie, and that they will be tested on the content of the movie. 3. students will learn more if given a study guide for each movie that is used in teaching and learning activities. 4. record while watching a movie should be avoided, because it would disrupt the reactor students' attention the movie itself. 5. performing on the movie alternately can enhance learning. 6. short movies can be cut into the movie continued and useful for the benefit of a practice or workout. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 105 7. students can watch a movie for an hour without reducing the effectiveness of the purpose of the meeting. 8. the effectiveness of learning through the movie to be evaluated. 9. after a movie was shown, and the main points of the contents explained and discussed, will reduce misunderstandings among students. 10. follow-up activities after watching the movie should be promoted in order to enable a more complete understanding. the movies should be chosen to match the lesson that is being given. for that teachers should know the movies available and the first to see it to know the benefits for the lesson. after the movies was shown there should be a discussion, which also needs to be prepare earlier. there are times when certain movies need to be screened twice or more weeks to pay attention to certain aspects. so that children do not just look at the movies as entertainment, before they are assigned to pay attention to certain things. then it can be tested how much they can catch from the movie. there are several steps to be taken in the use of film as a medium of instruction. the steps are as follows: teacher preparation: first of all teachers have to prepare a unit of study in advance. and then choosing the right movies to achieve teaching objectives expected. also keep in mind the length of the movie, the movie recommendation level, the production as well as a description of the movie. besides the movie explicitly tested contains a plan on how to connect the movie stretcher with other activities. class preparation: the audience prepared beforehand so that they get answers to questions that arise in their minds while watching the movie. for it can do the following things: explain the purpose of making the movie, briefly describes the content of the movie, explaining the parts that should receive special attention when watching movies, it must be explained why there is incompatibility with the opinion of the content of the movie section when encountered discrepancies. step presentation: once the audience is prepared before the movie is playing. in this presentation should be prepared equipment required such as: projector, screen, speakers, power cords, movies, extra roll, and a projector. teachers must pay attention to the dark room or not, and also teachers can connect with a variety of other tools. and also the teacher prepares the model of the movie like:animation movies (cartoon movie) such as, avatar the legend of korra book one journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 106 part 1, avatar the legend of korra book one part 2, and avatar the legend of korra book one part 3 c. method of research this classroom action research was conducted at four semesters in english department of iain sultan amai gorontalo. the subjects of research were 30 students, 20 male and 10 female. the design of classroom action research (car) used mctaggart model. the data of this research collected from test and observation sheet. test used to know students’ pronunciation through western movie media and observation sheet of teacher’s and students’ activities. the data analyzed by using the following formula: note: nm: number of checking aspects n : total of assessment aspects d. discussions the result of english learning especially pronunciation of students in iain sultan amai gorontalo at five semester in english education before action has done the action may be said to have maximal effect of the lack of attention and knowledge and lack of students involvement in learning pronunciation, and tend to be students as passive recipients. it is evident that most students cannot pronounce well. in the cycle i, there were some problems: (1) in the learning process, teachers are still not optimal in applying the western movie media. (2) teachers are still lacking to explain journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 107 how good pronunciation training or guiding students in their pronunciation. (3) teachers still less give more motivation to the students. (4) teachers still difficult to provide an assessment to the students. (5) students do not understand the importance of learning pronunciation. (6) in the learning process, students are still lacking participate in each meeting. (7) students are still afraid of the performance to speak english because they are still stiff in pronunciation. in the cycle ii, the problems were: (1). the students were shy to express the sentence because they didn’t know how to pronouncing the words. (2) they were motivated by the researcher that they had to pronounce and intonation correctly because if they were wrong in pronunciation they will get wrong to meaning the movie. (3) the students had not fun feeling because the class condition is not conducive. they couldn’t spelling the words same like the actor on the movie. but problems from cycle 1 are repaired, on the cycle 2 the teacher is optimal to using western movie media and explaining to the students about pronunciation and on the cycle 2 the teacher always motivated the students. and on the last cycle is cycle iii the researcher repair all of the mistake from cycle 1 and cycle 2, the teacher do all of the activities on the observation sheet of teacher activities like using media, explaining the material with clear pronunciation, motivated the students, guiding the students until the students get a satisfy score and reach the successful indicators.improving learning pronunciation student’s achievement during three cycles can be explained as follows: cycle i the implementation of learning pronunciation through western movie media on cycle i with the subject matter is movie. this media is used to motivated students to learn pronunciation. however the method was used new and some students seemed confused in starting activities. this leads to the learning process by using western movie media on cycle i can be classified into the category of poor. the statement above can be seen in the average score of the analysis of learning by using western movie media on cycle i that result of final test (posttest) measures the cycle i, obtained an average grade 46. the highest score was 8 and the lowest score are 3. learning achievement has not been achieved according to the criteria of success defined action. acquisition value of the cycle i increase slightly from the test result before the journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 108 action. students who completed in the pretest or before action were 11 from 30 students (36.66%) and after cycle i was 14 students or (46.66%). increased success of students learning quite a lot that is from 11 students become 14 students. despite an increase in cycle i but, still not achieve the specified learning exhaustiveness that at least 75% students get value >80. cycle ii implementation of the students’ pronunciation through western movie media on the cycle ii by movie of “avatar the legend of korra”. in the cycle ii, implementation is basically the same as the cycle i. because in the cycle i the standard target have not achieved. so it must be improve on cycle ii. on the cycle ii emphasized how the students more motivated, more activity and more provoked so they can enhance their pronunciation skill to pronounce well. because the cycle i most students are still confuse when asked pronounced. and in the cycle ii still not achieved the specified learning same with cycle i. although, on cycle ii have change more good than cycle i but based on the result post test on the cycle ii standard target not achieved. the statement above can be seen in the average score of the students’ pronunciation by using western movie media on the cycle ii. the last result of final test (posttest) earned an average 60. the highest score was 8 and the lowest score 4. cycle iii implementation of the pronunciation through western movie media on the cycle iii, aspect material namely same with previously cycle but more focus on pronouncing. the three cycles is only performed repairs on the basis of reflection on the cycle i and ii. because in the cycle i and ii the standard target have not achieved. so it must be improved on cycle iii. on the cycle iii emphasized how the students more motivated and active as well as more provoked so they can enhance their pronunciation skill. because the cycle ii most students are still confused also when make sentence same with on cycle ii. and in the cycle ii obtained maximum result and the result is success. the statement above can be seen in the average score of the analysis of learning by western movie media on the cycle iii. the last result of final test (posttest) earned an average grade 93. the highest score was 8 and the lowest score 5. learning achievement has achieved according to the criteria of success defined action. grade of cycle iii increased journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 109 slightly from the test result before the action and increased when compared with the first action e. conclusions based on the data of result students’ pronunciation at the post test in the cycle 1 is 36% from 30 students’ 11 students get value 80. based on the result of the pronunciation assessment, the researcher continued to the next cycle because the students that achieved minimum standard just 36% from 30 students. while, the minimum standard of this research is 75% students get value >80. the cycle 2 the researcher be found that this cycle had increase although not yet achieved the minimum standard of this research is 75% students get value >80. for the next, the researcher that achieved minimum standard just 46% from 30 students. the cycle 3 gotten the data that the students who could got the passing grade minimum 93% or 28 students from 30 students. it means that successful indicators on the cycle 3 had achieved. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 1 -februari 2018 110 references abbott jerry and friends, the teaching of english as an international language, a practical guide,( london: guildfrod, 1985), chen lin, liang, understanding pronunciation variations facing esl students,texas a&m: (cipta,jakarta, 1995) carter r. and nunan d., the cambridge guide to teaching english to speaker of other language,(cambridge: cambridge university press, 2001) dr. yates, lynda, adult migrant english program research centre. 2002. pronunciation djiwandono, tes bahasa, pegangan bagi pengajar bahasa (jakarta:indeks, 2008) yates lynda, beth zielinski, elizabeth pryor, the assessment of pronunciation an new ielts pronunciation scale (australia, macquarie 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students’ ability in pronouncing word class at english amai press iain gorontalo,2008) pronunciation.html uage al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 13 implementation of prezi media to improve understanding of students in english learning eka resty novieta sari (1) , rizal ula ananta fauzi (2) (1) , (2) informatics engineering department, faculty of engineering pgri university of madiun (1) management department, business economic faculty pgri university of madiun (2) abstract this study aims to apply the learning model by using prezi to improve understanding of english courses. this research was conducted at the pgri university of madiun in the academic year of 2017/2018. the research subjects were students of primary school teacher education. this study uses a classroom action research design. it was used to solve learning problems in the classroom that seeks to study and reflect in depth some aspects of learning. this research was divided into two cycles that are adjusted to the time allocation and topic chosen. based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that the implementation of prezi media can improve understanding of english class 2b material, primary school teacher education study program. this increase was shown by the achievement of the average understanding of the concept of the first cycle of 73 with 69% completeness and in the second cycle of 83 with 94% completeness. so it can be concluded that there has been an increase of 25%. this shows that the application of the learning model using this prezi media can improve students' understanding. keywords: english learning, prezi learning model, prezi media abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran dengan menggunakan prezi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman kursus bahasa inggris. penelitian ini dilakukan di universitas pgri madiun pada tahun akademik 2017/2018. subjek penelitian adalah siswa pendidikan guru sekolah dasar. penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian tindakan kelas (penelitian tindakan kelas) dengan dua siklus yang disesuaikan dengan alokasi waktu dan topik yang dipilih. kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa penerapan media prezi dapat meningkatkan pemahaman materi kelas 2b bahasa inggris, program studi pendidikan guru sekolah dasar. peningkatan ini ditunjukkan dengan pencapaian pemahaman rata-rata konsep siklus pertama 73 dengan ketuntasan 69% dan pada siklus kedua 83 dengan ketuntasan 94%. maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan sebesar 25%. hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran menggunakan media prezi ini dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. kata kunci: pembelajaran bahasa inggris, model pembelajaran prezi, media prezi al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 14 a. introduction teaching and learning of english is one of the important factors in improving the ability of human resources in indonesia. in the globalization era it is now very important to master english because a lot of science and technology are presented in english. however, not all students master english. as a result many students still have difficulty absorbing knowledge and technology from the west. in general, students have a poor understanding of english courses. students assume that english courses are difficult. many factors make them do not understand english. as a result, many of them received poor grades. for this reason, interesting learning is needed so that they are more interested in participating in english learning. to help clarify the delivery of material, it is necessary to have the right learning media so that students are more motivated. learning media can stimulate students to be more effective. learning media will facilitate students to receive or remember the material that has been delivered. another benefit is to facilitate the lecturer in delivering the material, because it can be directed directly to students. therefore, the use of learning media can stimulate students to learn. the accuracy in choosing learning media that will be used in the teaching and learning process is very influential on the effectiveness of achieving the learning objectives to be achieved. learning media is very varied along with the rapid development of science and technology. one of them is the use of prezi is an interactive and internet-based learning media that has a slide with the zooming user interface (zui) view. this learning media is a new breakthrough in learning, where the prezi media can be used as a tool to explore and share ideas on virtual canvas. this zooming user interface (zui) display allows users to prezi to zoom in and out on their presentation media. in addition the prezi is used to make presentations in linear form or in the form of mind maps. in this prezi media, text, images, videos, and other presentation media are placed on the presentation canvas and can be grouped into the frame provided. from the description above, it is important to conduct research that focuses on the use of innovative learning media so that students' understanding of english learning increases. in this study prezi media was used to improve understanding of english learning. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 15 learning is a process of creating conducive conditions for interaction between teaching and learning between teachers, students, and other learning components to achieve certain goals. (rusman, et al, 2012: 15-16). gagne and briggs (in arsyad, 2011: 4) define learning media implicitly, namely a tool that is physically used to convey the content of teaching material, which consists of books, tape recorders, cassettes, video cameras, video recorders, films, slides (picture frames), photos, pictures, graphics, television, and computers. in other words, the media is a component of learning resources or physical vehicles that contain instructional material in the student environment that can stimulate students to learn. tarr (in embi, 2011: 129) argues that prezi media has the advantage that (1) has more factors than other slides, (2) it does not need to move from one slide to another. enough with one large canvas that can be inserted with images, ideas, data, and so on. so for presentations with prezi you don't need lots of slides, just 1 slide, (3) it's easy to combine images, sounds and videos in one view, (4) it's very easy to use. the learning model with prezi media is a new innovation in the world of information technology-based education. prezi media can display an idea or idea in an interrelated view in a slide show with another slide. in this case, the prezi media can focus on the desired slides so that it can facilitate understanding the contents of each slide. the presence of zoom out and zoom in features can make students become more interested in following english learning and students are easier to capture material so that student achievement is better. b. research method this research was conducted at the pgri university of madiun in the academic year of 2017/2018. the research subjects were students of primary school teacher education. research time starts from preparation to preparation of classroom action research reports starting from may 2018. this study uses a classroom action research design that is used to solve learning problems in the classroom. in general, this study aims to improve the understanding of students of the primary school teacher education study program on english language courses using prezi media. according to kemmis and mc taggart in (fitrianti, 2016: 22-23) there are four components in a cycle including: (1) planning, (2) action, (3) observation, and (4) al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 16 reflection. after a cycle has been implemented and reflected, then it is followed by replanning carried out in a separate cycle. data collection techniques in this study are tests and non-tests. data collection techniques are how to obtain the data needed. according to sugiyono (2012: 193) "data collection techniques are the most strategic step in research because the aim of the research is to obtain data." this study uses a test with written techniques in the form of evaluation sheets done after learning english using prezi which aims to measure understanding students are held at each meeting in each cycle. non-test techniques are observation. data from observations and researcher notes were analyzed descriptively to determine the quality of the teaching and learning process. to find out the improvement of learning outcomes is done by comparing the scores of students with previous tests. student understanding data is analyzed on cognitive aspects. data analysis for cognitive aspects was done by descriptive statistical analysis and gain score. the level of mastery of the material is analyzed by gain score by determining the gain score normalized. according to hake 1999 (in yuliati, 2005: 92) the normalized gain score (9) is a good method for analyzing the results of the pre-test and post-test. gain score is a good indicator to show the level of effectiveness of learning that is carried out in terms of the pre-test and post-test scores. according to hake, the gain score normalized can be determined by the formula: < 𝑔 >= (< 𝑆𝑓 > − < 𝑆𝑖 >) (100−< 𝑆𝑖 >) (hake in yuliati, 2005: 92) information : : gain score normalized s_f : post-test mean score s_i : average pre-test score gain score category: g-high : with ()> 0.7 g-medium: with 0.7 ≥ () ≥ 0.3 g-low : with () <0.3 al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 17 c. findings and discussions findings pre-action findings 1. understanding of english language material for students of elementary school teacher education study programs is still lacking. this is reflected in the results of midterm test, only a few who scored above 60, and others still under 60. 2. students are less active both in the learning process and in working on the given questions. they did not dare to ask questions. students are less concentrated in participating in learning. at the beginning of learning students seemed to concentrate on learning. but that didn't last long. many students don't pay attention, there are those who play cell phones while learning takes place. 3. lecturers still use power point media when learning. the learning method applied by the lecturer is lecture. data cycle i exposure based on the results of the observation, the data obtained from the observations of the lecturers' actions were obtained from the learning implementation sheet. the success of the lecturers' actions in learning in cycle i is 75%. the results of the evaluation of understanding by applying the prezi media on learning cycle i can be seen in table 1. below: table 1. data frequency of value of postes understanding cycle i no. interval frekuensi (fi) mid score (xi) fi.xi percentage (%) 1. 60-65 5 62,5 313 16 2. 66-71 4 68,5 274 13 3. 72-77 15 74,5 1118 47 4. 78-83 3 80,5 242 9 5. 84-89 4 86,5 346 13 6. 90-95 1 93,5 94 3 total 32 466 2385 100 average class = 73 completeness = 69% top value = 90 lowest value = 62 al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 18 a summary of data on the pre-test results of understanding the concept of students in cycle i can be seen in table 2. below: table 2. percentage of learning completeness of students in the pre-test of cycle i study completeness students all student percentage complete study 6 32 19% not complete learning 26 32 81% the following is a summary of post-test understanding data in cycle i can be seen in the table below: table 3. percentage of student completeness in post-test cycle i study completeness students all student percentage complete study 23 32 72% not complete learning 9 32 28% students concept comprehension tests were carried out at the beginning and end of cycle i. based on these data, a percentage of students' understanding of the concept of grade 2b in the first cycle can be compiled in table 4. below: table 4. achievement of students' understanding in cycle i average pretest average post-test gain score 66 75 0,26 cycle ii data exposure observation activities were carried out by observers. recapitulation of the results of observations of lecturers' actions was 76.59%. the results of evaluation of understanding of future tense material by applying prezi media on learning cycle ii can be seen in table 6. below : table 6. data frequency of cycle ii postes understanding value no. interval frekuensi (fi) central value (xi) fi.xi percentage(%) 1. 68-72 2 70,0 140 6 2. 73-77 5 75 375 16 3. 78-82 9 80 720 28 4. 83-87 5 85 425 16 5. 88-92 9 90 810 28 al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 19 6. 93-97 2 95 190 6 total 32 495 2660 100 average class = 73 completeness = 69% top value = 90 lowest value = 62 the description of the data obtained from the second cycle of the application of the learning model using prezi media is as follows. table 7. percentage of student completeness in the pre-test of cycle ii study completeness ∑students ∑all student percentage complete study 22 32 69 not complete learning 10 32 31 summary of student post-test results in the second cycle can be seen in table 8. below: table 8. summary of cycle ii student post-test results data study completeness ∑students ∑all student percentage complete study 30 32 94 not complete learning 2 32 6 student understanding tests are carried out at the beginning and end of cycle ii. based on the data, the percentage of students' understanding of achievement in cycle ii can be compiled in the table below. table 9. achievement of student understanding in cycle ii average of pre-test average post-test gain score 54 83 0,62 based on table 9. above it can be seen that the calculation of the gain score in cycle ii is 0.62. the gain score shows that learning with media prezi has a very good success rate because it is included in the g-medium level. learning activities in cycle ii are carried out based on the findings in cycle i. from the findings, improvements are made so that the learning activities in cycle ii run better than cycle i. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 20 the development of student learning comprehension from the initial conditions to the second cycle can be seen in the following table 10. below: table 10. development of student learning understanding action total student complete percentage (%) pre action 6 19 cycle 1 22 69 cycle ii 30 94 discussions based on data analysis conducted, in the first cycle showed an average test score of 75 with completeness of 72%. in this first cycle, some students have not been able to achieve classical completeness. the factors that led to the achievement of classical completeness in the first cycle was due to (1) there were still few students who dared to ask questions, (2) there were still some students who played mobile phones during the learning process, (3) there were several students who were crowded especially those who sat behind, (4) during the delivery of the material, there were still students who did not pay attention, (5) there were some students who were not actively discussing the practice questions, (6) the ability of students to present the answers was low. in the second cycle the average score of understanding increased to 83 with a classical completeness of 94%. this shows that the application of learning media using this prezi media can improve students' understanding. the increasing understanding of students in the second cycle was due to the increase in student activity. this increase was marked by (1) the discussion went well, (2) students no longer played cell phones during the learning process, (3) students took the lecturers' explanations well. the level of effectiveness of learning in this study was calculated using the gain score. gain score increased from cycle 1 by 0.26 to 0.62 in cycle ii. this shows that learning using media prezi can improve students' understanding of the material. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 21 d. conclusions based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that the application of prezi media can improve understanding of english language material in class 2b, the primary school teacher education study program. this increase was shown by the achievement of the average understanding of the concept of the first cycle of 75 with a completeness of 72% and in the second cycle of 83 with 94% completeness. b. suggestion the results of this study have not fulfilled the actual objectives so it is necessary to include discussion of research findings based on research findings and existing theories. in addition, research needs to be done by developing media prezi with all teaching material in 1 semester, in order to produce a better understanding. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 22 references arsyad, azhar. 2011. media pembelajaran. pt raja grafindo persada: jakarta embi, muhammad. 2011. aplikasi web 2.0 dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. selangor: universiti kebangsaan selangor. fitrianti. 2016. sukses profesi guru dengan penelitian tindakan kelas. deepublish: yogyakarta. rusman, dkk. 2012. pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi: mengembangkan profesionalitas guru. pt. raja grafindo persada: jakarta. sugiyono. 2012. metode penelitian kuantitatif kualitatif dan r&d. alfabeta: bandung. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 36 study of professional development and career english teacher (case study of junior high school teachers in the urban and rural areas of southeast sulawesi) meilan nirmala shinta halu oleo university abstract this study aims: 1). describe the process of teachers in fulfilling their professional qualifications and career development process 2). searching information inhibiting things by the teacher in fulfilling professional and career development. the scope of the research focuses 2 of 4 competencies that must be possessed by a teacher namely: pedagogic competence and professional competence. the method of this research is descriptive qualitative with case study approach. the subject of this study using the principle of purposive sampling that there are 3 english teachers who became the subject in this study. interview (deep interview) and observation (passive observer). the results of this study illustrate that: 1). pedagogic competence: for teachers who have attended a learning-based it training tend to apply a scientific approach in learning english in class k13 than teachers who have never followed it, teachers use it media in teaching in the form of lcd and material from the internet, and be creative according to facilities and infrastructure which exists; professional competence: mgmp activities for urban municipal teachers in kendari show that the activity is active, whereas for teachers teaching in villages in other districts the activities are not routine, ptk research is based on the needs of the rank and prerequisite of certain activities not based on teacher needs, training activities and workshops show as activities that are generally followed by teachers. 2). things that become obstacles include: pedagogic competence: systemic that is a periodic indepth workshop curriculum so that the understanding of teachers that still need to be upgraded must be dealing with the implementation of the curriculum that must be run, facilities that are not yet sufficient to assist in learning in class, which is still low especially in the regions; obstacles to the professional competence of mgmp activities that are not routine in the regions, mgmp instructors who trained are not appropriate in their fields, the burden of teacher responsibility and so many become one of the ptk factors is not a priority of teachers implement it, there is no system that is presenting the results of teacher ptk not only as admisnistrasi requirements alone. the conclusion is still need to improve the system of teacher competency activities in the pedagogic and professional sections so that the process of professionalism improvement and career of teacher can be more meaningful and useful in developing teacher task. penelitian ini bertujuan: 1). menggambarkan proses guru dalam memenuhi kualifikasi profesional dan proses pengembangan karir 2). mencari informasi hal-hal yang menghambat guru dalam memenuhi pengembangan profesional dan karir. ruang lingkup penelitian ini memfokuskan 2 dari 4 kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang guru yaitu: kompetensi pedagogik dan kompetensi profesional. metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. subjek penelitian ini menggunakan prinsip purposive sampling yaitu ada 3 guru bahasa inggris yang menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini. wawancara mendalam dan observasi (pengamat pasif). hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa: 1). kompetensi pedagogik: bagi guru yang telah mengikuti pelatihan it berbasis pembelajaran cenderung menerapkan pendekatan ilmiah dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris di kelas k13 daripada guru yang tidak pernah mengikutinya, guru menggunakan media it dalam mengajar dalam bentuk journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 37 lcd dan materi dari internet dan berkreasi sesuai dengan sarana dan prasarana yang ada; kompetensi profesional: kegiatan mgmp untuk guru perkotaan di kendari menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan ini aktif, sedangkan untuk guru yang mengajar di desa-desa di kabupaten lain kegiatannya tidak rutin, penelitian ptk didasarkan pada kebutuhan pangkat dan prasyarat dari kegiatan tertentu yang tidak berdasarkan pada kebutuhan guru, kegiatan pelatihan dan lokakarya merupakan kegiatan yang umumnya diikuti oleh guru. 2). hal-hal yang menjadi kendala antara lain: kompetensi pedagogik: sistemik yang merupakan kurikulum lokakarya mendalam secara periodik sehingga pemahaman guru yang masih perlu ditingkatkan harus berhadapan dengan pelaksanaan kurikulum yang harus dijalankan, fasilitas yang belum cukup untuk membantu dalam pembelajaran di kelas, masih rendah terutama di daerah; hambatan terhadap kompetensi profesional kegiatan mgmp yang tidak rutin di daerah, instruktur mgmp yang terlatih tidak sesuai di bidangnya, beban tanggung jawab guru dan banyak yang menjadi salah satu faktor ptk bukanlah prioritas guru mengimplementasikannya, tidak ada sistem yang mempresentasikan hasil dari guru ptk tidak hanya sebagai persyaratan admisnistrasi saja. kesimpulannya masih perlu meningkatkan sistem kegiatan kompetensi guru di bagian pedagogik dan profesional sehingga proses peningkatan profesionalisme dan karir guru dapat lebih bermakna dan bermanfaat dalam mengembangkan tugas guru. keywords: development, professionalism, career, mgmp, ptk. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 38 a. introduction the teacher certification phenomenon in (2007) is through the emergence of government regulation in 2005 which launched law no. 14, the fresh winds for teachers and lecturers begin to be felt by the state servants, the aim of teacher certification with an additional 1 time basic salary is expected to have an impact on improving the quality of education, moreover the prerequisite of getting a certification salary for teachers is to collect a portfolio of about 850 points which means the teacher must be smart archive all documents such as certificates, decrees, diplomas, assignment letters, etc. and the teacher must have a high teaching hours, aka a long teaching period. all of these things are indicators and barometers for determining whether or not to get additional benefits. another picture that is often found is, activities following educational seminars, curriculum development seminars, or non-education seminars as a form of archival support are prerequisites for certification of teachers, at one time the experience of researchers there was a teacher who, when viewed as senior, what was surprising when he revealed that the opportunity to attend educational seminars was very rarely followed because he had never been sent from school for example. in addition, researchers who happened to handle 'education profession' courses, through interview assignments with civil servant teachers by students, there were several teacher data reports that rarely attended educational / non-education seminar activities that were independent in themselves. another opportunity was when researchers interviewed teachers in one district in southeast sulawesi in another research activity, one of the content questions asked to the teacher was "is it always the teacher working group activity?" some teachers in certain fields of study revealed that they were not participating in these activities and indeed there are no such activities in their area. these things are ironic because career development guidelines for teachers in order to improve the quality of their performance both as classroom teachers and also to improve teachers' scientific insights must be through activities that are structured both in groups and independently participating in activities. the aim of all of them is to improve the quality of education that has an effect on the quality of student learning, classroom management, and personal competence of course. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 39 according to statistical data, there are only around 5% of teachers who have the opportunity to participate in various development programs that are institutionalized by a type of training. in reality, many teachers do not have access to education, training and institutional development programs other than civil servant pre-service training or want to become full civil servants and teacher certification training (sudaryawan danim, 2012). on the other hand, as the times change, especially since the issuance of law no.14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers, slowly shows that the teaching profession has progressed in terms of the development of its professionalism along with welfare rights that have undergone a change from its past. teacher demands in terms of competence are the main thing. according to sudarwan danim and khairil (2011) in his book said that the existence of the law supported by other related legal products was also born was a real indication that the teaching profession entered its golden age. suciptoardi (2009) said the issue of teacher certification is expected not to be merely a matter of formality in order to obtain the quota, government policies on qualifications, competencies, and teacher certification that implement it continue to process are expected to also have a direct impact with improving the quality of education in general. so that teachers are demanded instead towards being more competitive and dynamic to keep abreast of developments in science, technology, and information in other words the long life education principle applies. if judged by diera 70s, suparlan (2010) correlates that at this time from the directorate of education has formulated there are 10 competencies that teachers must have such as: having a teacher's personality, mastering the foundation of education, mastering teaching material, arranging teaching programs, carrying out the teaching and learning process, carry out educational assessments, carry out guidance, carry out school administration, collaborate with peers, and carry out simple research. then in the 2000s, three components of teacher competence were formulated, namely: management of learning, professional developers, and academic mastery. and then in 2005 the formulation of teacher competencies metamorphosed into 4 components: personality, pedagogic, professional, and social components. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 40 2. problem formulation the following formulation of the problem that formulated the research is: 1. what is the description of professional development and english teacher career in southeast sulawesi? 2. what factors are obstacles to professional development and teacher careers in southeast sulawesi? b. literature review 1. teachers and professional education according to the ancient javanese view (suciptoardi, 2009) the word 'teacher' sociocultural teacher is a respectable profession of the word digugu which means embraced or imitated. teachers are respected professions and become role models and examples for the community as well as being exemplary. on the other hand, according to e. mulyasa (2010) said that a 'teacher' is a form of competence in intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, and creativity intelligence, and spiritual intelligence of their students. based on the circular of the minister of education and culture and the head of bakn number 57686 / mpk / 1989 (suparlan. 2010) referred to as "the teacher is a civil servant (pns) who is given duties, authorities and responsibilities by officials who are authorized to carry out education in schools, including attached to office ". furthermore, it was explained about the definition of the teacher contained in law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system, namely the teacher is an educator who is appointed according to the legislation in force and works professionally with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, evaluating, and evaluating students on formal education paths from the basic education level , middle, paud, and upper middle. and currently the expansion of the meaning of the teaching profession in government regulation (pp) no. & 4 of 2008. 2. teacher law (ri law no. 14 of 2005) ri law no. 14 of 2005 chapter ii (position, function and purpose) article 2 (1) the teacher has a position as a professional staff at the level of primary education, secondary education, and early childhood education in the formal education system that journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 41 is appointed in accordance with the legislation (2) recognition of the position of teacher as professional staff as referred to in paragraph (1) is proven by an educator certificate c. research design the research design used in this study is qualitative descriptive, in qualitative research which is the main subject in the study is the researcher itself, on the other hand the main data source in this study is the english education teachers who have devoted themselves in urban and rural areas for some time assuming the devotion period is closely related to experience their dedication as educators. as the principle in qualitative research rules, there are 3 teachers who are the subjects in this study, there are some of the informants (teachers) are: senior teacher who has more than 10 years of teaching, teachers who have served under 10 years, teachers are those who serve in urban areas and sub-districts of kendari, southeast sulawesi; and 1 teacher serving in the village / city area in the district of buton, southeast sulawesi. techniques data collection by interview and, data analysis technique qualitative data analysis was obtained through interviews, while research applied data analysis model miles and huberman (sugiyono, 2008) with 3 stages: data reduction, verification and conclusion. d. findings and discussions pedagogic competence is a basic competence that must be owned and mastered by the teachers, the data shows that the 3 teachers are aware of their duties and responsibilities in carrying out the tasks of learning and teaching in class, some of the data obtained are: 1. first teacher understanding of students for the teacher (1st informant) is actually a senior teacher who has taught over 10 years, for him facing students with a background is a challenge for him so that it affects the choice of teaching strategies that are suitable for the characteristics of students they face, likewise in terms of designing learning and evaluation as well as developing the potential of students, for example by changing the methods and media used to adapt to the current curriculum, curriculum changes that have taken place several times have given him a challenge so as to overcome problems the problem was that he participated in several trainings or workshops and also through teacher forums for study subjects such as mgmp to share and gain knowledge of journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 42 knowledge. the constraints he faced were some material presentations and the activities of students are currently predominantly based on e-learning or it, this is a difficulty in the presentation so that he needs to always update the material and forms of student work that are appropriate and in accordance with current curriculum procedures . 2. second teacher the teacher has ever forgiven subjects outside of his specifications as an english subject teacher. he had taught sbk subjects due to lack of availability of these teachers in his school, for teaching english he felt able to carry out his competence properly, which was a problem for him when there was a curriculum change that occurred in the transition process several problems faced, for example: presented in textbooks is sometimes confusing for students so that for them it takes extra effort to prepare additional material and assistance to make the learning process acceptable and run well, the process of curriculum socialization from the try out to the implementation process makes it not enough for them to say they understand well and differentiating from the previous curriculum so that what happens is they still apply the principle of ktsp curriculum learning rather than k13 curriculum, it-based language learning is quite interesting for him to apply only when the media is not supported by fas the ability of schools is sometimes an obstacle to implementation. so according to this teacher, ktsp is easier for him to apply than k13 especially with the characteristics of students he faces and the environment that has not fully supported to be able to run properly. 3. third teacher this teacher has moved the workplace 3 times, starting from teaching in rural areas to the city of sub-districts in buton regency, while the background of students to english is very lacking, almost every teaching he uses is normative or conventional methods, learning media is minimal from utilizing e-learning is caused by the ability of students to have gadgets, school skills, and difficult signal factors. moreover, the current k13 curriculum for him is quite difficult for him to apply several factors: training coordination for teachers is delegate, for him this is inadequate to obtain complete knowledge with the k13 concept itself, besides that the distance between 1 socialization activities for subsequent activities far enough so that demands that want to journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 43 be implemented as soon as possible in the field are reversed with the expected reality, so for him to teach with the ktsp curriculum concept he still uses it more. professional competence data showing english teachers on professional competence are: informan pgri seminar/workshop mgmp karya ilmiah (ptk) teacher 1 teacher 2 teacher 3 active occasionally but not active never and inactive several times several times several times several times active active active once (inactive condition factor) ever ever not yet not yet ever “ “ several factors and obstacles in improving teacher professionalism namely: 1. writing scientific papers and ptk is made due to the factor of rank demands so that it is very pragmatic, this point is not a workload that must be valid annually or as a participant, so that for those when ptk is made to fulfill the promotion requirements, it makes it the enthusiasm of teachers to create works is intrinsically less. 2. mgmp activities, especially for teachers in the district, experience obstacles, including: the implementation of mgmp is collective, meaning that all teachers in the study area gather once at the same time and activities so that the impact of the english teacher is less effective to improve knowledge ability. and his skills as a teacher in english language subjects, for him is very ironic when the english subject teachers are bombed by teachers who are not the same discipline, therefore this activity does not continue, the effect that can be felt for the teacher has a great impact on development his duties and responsibilities in terms of improving his pedagogical competence itself, for him the english teachers need to be continually improved their knowledge through mgmp (subject teacher meetings). journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 44 e. conclusions the pedagogic competence of the english subject teachers will run well and increase if the teacher's professional competence also supports, because changes in knowledge, curriculum, media, and the continuous development of technology require that language teachers must follow these changes, the reality in the field shows teacher competence in the pedagogic field has some obstacles, especially in the application of curriculum and media concepts that originate from the procedural activities of teachers outside the school environment is very lacking so that it influences their teaching and learning process in schools. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 45 references arikunto, suharsimi. 2010. prosedur penelitian. suatu pendekatan praktik. penerbit rineka cipta: jakarta badan pusat statistik konawe selatan. 2014. konaweselatan dalam angka. breemer, jacobs. 2014. hubungan supervisi kepala sekolah dan kompetensi profesional guru dengan kinerja guru sekolah dasar di 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problem of the sibawaih study source in the study method of his nahu, then we see a reference to the method of knowledge of sibawaih teachers, namely al-qur'an and his qira’at, arabic poetry and language (arabic badwi). sibawaih is also a central figure of the basarah flow and he follows many of the methods used by his teacher, and has a very strong influence on his time. he is able to bring this flow of knowledge to the peak of maturity and perfection. the main source that is used as sibawaih take as a method base he follows the teacher's opinion more, as obtained in his essay as alkitab. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 2 a. pendahuluan ketika berbicara masalah sumber kajian si>bawaih dalam metode kajian nahunya, maka kami melihat rujukan metode ilmu nahu guru-guru si>bawaih, yaitu al-qur’an dan qira’a-tnya, puisi arab dan bahasa (arab badwi). sibawaih juga merupakan tokoh sentral aliran bas}rah dan dia banyak mengikuti metode yang digunakan oleh gurunya, serta memiliki pengaruh yang sangat kuat pada masanya. dia mampu membawa aliran nahu ini mencapai puncak kematangan dan kesempurnaanya. sumber utama yang dijadikan si>bawaih sebagai landasan metodenya ia lebih banyak mengikuti pendapat gurunya, seperti yang didapat pada karanganya dengan sebutan al-kita>b. si>bawaih menjadikan al-qur’an sebagai refrensi utama yang sangat pentingn pada kaiian metodenya dalam ilmu nahu dan tidak ada satu pun tokoh nahu memperselisihkan untuk dijadikan al-qur’an sebagai refrensi utama dalam melakukan kajian ilmu nahu, karena sesungguhnya al-qur’an diturunkan kepada nabinya, memiliki uslub arab yang sangat tinggi, serta keindahan bahasa yang sangat luar biasa. aliran bas}rah telah sepakat untuk menjadikan al-qur’an sebagai dali>l dalam kajian ilmu nahu dan kebahasaan. namun hanya pada qira>’ah mutawa>tirah(abd al-‘a>>l sa>li>m makram, al-qur’a>n al-karim wa-as|ruhu fi dira>sa>t al-nahwiyyah, 1965 : 96) dan qira’a>h ahadiyah. berbeda dalam bukunya abd ‘a>l al-sa>l>im makra>m, berpendapat bahwa aliran bas}rah tidak menjadikan dali>l qira>’ah di dalam kajian ilmu nahu kecuali ada syair atau ungkapan orang arab yang mendukungnya.( abd al-‘al sa>lim makram, 1965 : 97) menurut penulis bahwa qira>’ah bisa dijadikan dasar atau d}ali>l di dalam kajian ilmu nahu, selama qira>’ah tersebut diriwayatkan melalui jalur periwayatan yang sangat terpercaya, kemudian disepakati oleh ahli qira>’ah dan diperkuat oleh ungkapan orang arab badwi yang tinggal di pedalaman. si>bawaih tidak menjadikan hadis, riwayatkan secara ma‘nawi sebagai rujukan untuk menetapkan kaidah metode ilmu nahu, karena penulis melihat banyak hadis, diriwayatkan secara ma‘nawi yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang ‘ajam., pada hal dia tidak memiliki kefasihan dalam berbahasa. kemudian si>bawaih menjadikan hadis, diriwayatkan secara lafz}i sebagai ungkapan orang-orang arab yang paling fasih. abu hasan bin al-d}ai telah mengatakan, di dalam buku journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 3 fi> syarhi>l al-jama>l: (periwayatan secara ma‘na memiliki suatu sebab, tetapi itu tidak terlalu penting, karena si>bawaih telah menjadikan hadis sebagai istisyha>d di dalam kajian kebahasaan, sedangkan para ulama menjadikan al-qur’an sebagai sandaran yang paling akurat di dalam menukil bahasanya sebagai bahasa arab yang paling fasih, tetapi sebahagian ulama tidak menjadikan hadis yang diriwayatkan secara ma‘na itu sebagai landasan metode di dalam ilmu nahu, karena dia menganggap tidak memiliki kefasihan di dalam berbahasa, pada hal yang diutamakan adalah kefasihan bahasa, karena sesungguhnya ungkapan nabi adalah ungkapan yang sangat fasih di antara ungkapan orang-orang arab). b. pembahasan si>bawaih salah satu ulama aliran bas}rah yang menjadikan qira>’ah-qira>’ah alqur’an, sebagai rujukan metodenya di dalam kajian ilmu nahu, karena ia menganggap bahwa bahasa al-qur’an memiliki bahasa yang paling fasih dan tidak dapat diabaikan oleh ahli nahu dan para tokoh linguistik, atas dasar seperti ini si>bawaih berpendapat bahwa fi‘il (kata kerja) yang telah dibuang itu, apabila muncul kepermukaan tidak dapat dipergunakan. sebagaimana contoh yang terdapat dalam firman allah yaitu: allahab (qs al-lahab (111): 4) menurut bacaan para ulama yang membacanya nas}ab terhadap kata محا لة karena ia mengangap, bahwa kata محا لة bukanlah khabar dari kata امراته akan tetapi seakan-akan dia mengatakan اخلطب اذكر محالة (ingatlah wanita pembawa kayu bakar itu), sebagai bentuk celaan terhadapnya, sekalipun memperlihatkan, bahwa kata kerja udzkur yang ada di sini tidak dapat dipergunakan lagi. (si>bawaih, al-kita>b yang di syarah oleh abdul sala>m muhammad harun, juz ii : 70) dalam kerangka inilah si>bawaih membuat kaidah-kaidah umum, seperti (sesungguhnya qira>’ah tidak bertentangan dengan bacaan al-qur’an, sebab qira>’ah adalah tradisi). hal ini merupakan penegasan dan peranan yang dimainkan oleh berbagai teks-teks al-qur’an dengan berbagai ragam qira>’at-nya di dalam mempengaruhi bangunan ilmu nahu. dalam konteks yang journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 4 lain si>bawaih membuat kaidah yang intinya adalah (semakin banyak kata-kata yang disimpan (id}mar), maka kalimat itu semakin lemah), khususnya dalam konteks interpretasi terhadap formula-formula atau struktur-struktur bangunan ilmu nahu yang telah mapan, seperti apa yang ada di dalam kata-kata ريا وإن شرا فشراإن خريا فخ . ini artinya bahwa menyimpan (id}ma>r) dan membuang (hazf) hanya sekedar merupakan sarana-sarana interpretatif, sarana-sarana sekunder bagi ‘a>mil, perangkat interpretatif pokok dalam ilmu nahu. semua ini menegaskan bahwa serangan ibn mad}a terhadap ahli nahu dan konsep ‘amil dan segala konsep dari ‘amil yang muncul kemudian merupakan kritik yang membangun telah menekankan, bahwa konsep ‘a>mil itu sendiri merupakan formula kaidah ilmu nahu yang merupakan bagian dari persoalan budaya. kalau merujuk kepada ayat allah swt. yang berbunyi (qsal-qamar (54):49) dapat dipahami dari arah ucapannya, bahwa qira>’ah tidak bertentangan, sebab qira>’ah merupakan tradisi. dia mengatakan sebenarnya firman tersebut, sebagaimana ucapan merupakan bahasa arab yang banyak digunakan.’ perhatian di sini bahwa dia .زيدا ضربته mengaitkannya dengan keberlakuan umum. setelah itu, ia memberikan komentar terhadap hal tesebut dengan mengajukan sebagai bukti, bahwa bacaan nas}ab dalam ayat yang ia pergunakan untuk membuktikan bacaan rafa‘ dalam teks di atas –perhatikanlah penilaian sebagai yang lebih baik. ia mengatakan: sebagian di antara mereka membaca ayat (qs al-fussilat (41):17) namun demikian, qira>’ah tidak bertentangan, sebab qira>’ah adalah tradisi. penegasan dari si>bawaih sebagaimana yang telah dijelaskan, bahwa qira>’ah tidak bertentangan itu merefleksikan sifat problematika yang dihadapi oleh para ahli nahu klasik, problamatika yang tidak didasari oleh sarjana kontemporer di dalam mengkritik ulama nahu klasik. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 5 si>bawaih di sini memiliki dua sikap yang berbeda terhadap firman allah swt. وأما مثود همفهدينا ia menegaskan, bahwa di sini bacaan rafa‘ dan tidak memberikan komentar terhadap bacaan nas}ab. ia hanya mengetengahkannya saja dalam menilai bacaan nas}ab merupakan bahasa arab yang banyak digunakan, dan bacaan rafa‘ lebih bagus. terhadap firman allah swt.إان كل شيئ خلقناه بقدر. ia mendasarkan pada pernyatannya, bahwa qira>’ah adalah tradisi, ia tidak menyimpang, sikap ini tidak mungkin dijelaskan kecuali bahwa ayat tersebut merupakan salah satu ayat kontroversial. sandaran dari masing-masing kelompok tampaknya terkait dengan adanya d{ami>r yang lebih mengutamakan salah satu dari dua bacaan. komentar al-si>ra>fiy terhadap al-kita>b menegaskan kenyataan ini: jika ada orang yang berkata: bahwa anda berasumsi tentang apa yang ada dalam contoh ini, yaitu: dalam posisi biasa kata zaid dibaca rafa‘ (d}}amma), karena ia merupakan إين زيد كلمته jumlah sebagai khabar (jumlah yang terdiri dari subyek dan predikat). akan tetapi mengapa yang dipilih adalah nas}ab, yaitu fathah dalam ayat yang terdapat dalam firman allah swt. yaitu: كل إان sementara firman allah swt. lebih utama untuk dipilih? jawabannya adalah bahwa شيئ خلقناه بقدر nas}ab di sini menunjukkan, bahwa tidak memiliki ma‘na apabilah dibaca rafa‘. sebab apabilah dibaca nas}ab ungkapan tersebut diperkirakan إان خلقناه كل شيئ خلقناه بقدر .bacaan seperti ini menyebabkan be-ma‘na umum, sebab kalimat khalqnahu bisa menjadi na‘t atau sifat bagi kata syai dan kata biqadr sebagai khabarnya (kull) dalam hal ini ma‘na yang ditekankan bukan كل pada penciptaan pada segalah sesuatu yang dia ciptakan, dengan qadar. hal senada yang telah disebutkan oleh al-zajja>j di dalam suatu qira>’ah ayat alqur’an, bahwa si>bawaih tidak membaca rafa‘ terhadap kata (ألسارق) walaupun di dalam naskah tersebut telah me-rafa‘-kan keduanya, karena kedua kata-kata itu berada pada posisi mubtada’ dan khabar, tetapi yang ada di dalam kata-kata (فأقطعوا أيديهما) bukanla itu yang dikehendaki, seandainya hal itu yang dikehendaki, maka wajib dinas}ab, seperti anda mengatakan زيدا أضربه bahkan nas}ab yang dikehendaki di sini adalah seakan-akan anda mengatakan terhadap apa yang ada dalam kata-kata seperti ini: فا قطع يده من سرق . journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 6 dalam pandangan al-zajja>j, bahwa kata-kata (السارق) merupakan suatu pilihan di dalam sebuah qira>’ah yang telah mapan, karena keduanya telah di nas}ab oleh kata-kata: أقطعوا السارق ,karena mengutamakan fi‘il ‘amar yang masuk pada wilayah ungkapan orang-orang arab والسارقة menurut pandangan si>bawaih, sebagaimana anda mengatakan أضربه زيدا bacaan nas}}ab di sini lebih umum dibandingkan rafa‘. menurut penulis, bahwa bacaan nas}ab terhadap kata-kata yang ada di atas merupakan bahasa yang banyak digunakan, tetapi bacaan rafa‘ merupakanالسارق bacaan yang lebih bagus, karena dia berada pada posisi mubtada‘ dan khabar. contoh lain, yaitu qira>’ah hamzah tentang diberikan harakat kasrah pada akhir kata dalam ayat األرحام (qs. al-nisa’i (4): 1) sebagian ulama nahu aliran bas}rah menolak qira>’ah tersebut, bahkan menurut si>bawaihi (tokoh nahu yang paling berpengaruh di bas}rah pada masanya, sebagaimana dikutip oleh abu hayyan) “qira>’ah seperti itu tercela kecuali di dalam syair”. menurut ahmad makkiy al-ans}ariy, si>bawaihi mengambil pendapat itu dari gurunya al-khali>l bin ahmad alfara>hi>diy. dialah orang pertama yang mengatakan demikian. yang menjadi permasalahan oleh para ulama nahu dalam bacaan tersebut ialah bacaan huruf terakhir pada lafaz|} األرحام yakni berbaris di bawah (kasrah), karena mengikuti harakat sebelumnya yang pada hakekatnya juga kasrah. padahal menurut kaidah nahu pola susunan seperti itu tidak boleh, kecuali dengan mengulang kata bantu h}arf al-jarr-nya, yaitu الباء. dengan demikian jika ingin me-lafaz|}-kannya berbaris kasrah, maka susunannya menjadi تساء لون به ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِِ ِِ ِِ ِِ ِ ِِ ِِ ini baru sesuai dengan kaidah nahu. demikian pendapat sebahagian besar ,وابألرحاِم pendapat ulama bas}rah. sebaliknya ulama nahu ku>fah membolehkan saja harakat kasrah, journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 7 tanpa perlu mengulang h}arf al-jarr. dalam hal ini al-farra>’ menolak qira>’ah tersebut dengan alasan, bahwa orang arab yang fasih tidak meng-at}af-kan ism z}}ahir (ظاهر) terhadap kata ganti yang majru>r tanpa mengulang kembali huruf jarr. dalam konteks yang lain, si>bawaih membuat kaidah (dugaan) lantaran kedekatannya, sekalipun tidak sejalan dengan kaidah dan sistem, seperti firman allah swt. (qs al-munafiqun (63)10 kata kerja yang pertama dibaca nas}ab, sementara kata kerja yang kedua jazm فأصدق وأكن من الصا حلني yang di-ataf-kan kepada yang pertama. si>bawaih bertanya kepada al-khali>l bin ahmad alfara>hi>diy mengenai ta‘wil terhadap hal itu. al-khalil bin ahmad al-fara>hi>diy menjawabnya: ini seperti syair zuhairy: ُ َبدا يَل أنّ ِ م درِكَ لس يائشيًئا إذا كان جا ما َمضى وال سابِق mereka mebacanya jarr, karena yang pertama telah dimasuki huruf ba mereka mendatangkan yang ke dua. seolah-seolah menetapkan di awal huruf ب (ba) merupakan hurf jarr. demikian pula halnya dengan ayat di atas. ketika kata kerja sebelumnya bisa jadi jazm, dan tidak ada ف (fa)’ di sini (sebab ia merupakan jawab syarat}) maka mereka mengucapkannya pada yang kedua. seolah-seolah mereka men-jazm-kan sebelumnya. atas dasar ini mereka menduga-duga atau memberikan suatu anggapan. kaidah-kaidah tersebut hanyalah kaidah sekunder untuk men-ta‘wil-kan berbagai qira>’ah-qira>’ah di dalam al-qur’an, karena ia merupakan rujukan yang disandarkan si>bawaih di dalam menetapkan kaidah ilmu nahu. kaidah-kaidah tersebut tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai analog, sekalipun menjadi keharusan bagi ahli nahu untuk men-ta‘wil-kannya sebagaimana yang telah dipaparkan di atas. 2. bahasa arab badwi bahasa arab badwi bagi aliran bas}rah, khususnya si>bawaih merupakan sumber terpenting dalam menetapkan metode ilmu nahu. tetapi tidak semua kabilah arab boleh journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 8 dijadikan bahasanya sebagai dalil, karena menurut aliran ini tidak sama tingkat kefasihan bahasanya. bahasa yang menjadi rujukan utama di dalam kajian ilmu nahu adalah arab kammpung (arab badwi) yang tertutup dengan dunia luar atau padang s}aha>ra yang jauh dari pengaruh asing, sehingga bahasa yang dimiliki oleh mereka tetap terjaga kemurniannya, karena tidak bercampur dengan bahasa yang lainnya. di antara ulama ada yang membuat batasan bahwa untuk dapat diterima hujjah dengan dasar sima>‘i yang dianggap fasih bahasanya ini dibagi dua daerah, yaitu pertama, daerah perkotaan yang dibatasi pada akhir abad ke 2 h, ke dua arab kampung (arab badwi) sampai akhir abad ke empat (4) h. menurut penelitian penulis, bahwa dalam pembentukan pola kaidah bahasa, selain si>bawaih merujuk kepada arab kampung (arab badwi) dia juga menyeleksi sangat ketat dan teliti di dalam menerima kesahihan suatu riwayat, dalam usaha mengumpulkan dali>l-dal>il kebahasaan. mereka menolak untuk menjadikan suatu dali>l, jika hanya diriwayatkan oleh satu orang saja, tetapi mereka akan menerima suatu dali>l, jika sekiranya diriwayatkan secara mutawa>tir dan dia pun menganggap, bahwa bahasa arab dari arab kampung(arab badwi) memiliki hak dan otoritas di dalam menentukan kevalidan suatu bahasa yang dijadikan sebagai rujukan, bahkan dia pergi ke lingkungan arab kampung (arab badwi), tiada lain hanya untuk mencari informasi dengan cara mendengarkan bahasa mereka secara lisan. hal itu banyak didapat di dalam bukunya menggunakan ungkapan bahasa masyarakat (arab badwi) di dalam meriwayatkan suatu bahasa dalam kajian ilmu nahu, seperti dikutip dibawah ini: قد )و( عريب جيد)و( عريب كثري)و ( كثري يف مجيع لغات العرب)وهو( مسعنا من العرب)و( مسعنا العرب تنشد هذا الشعر)و( مسعنا بعض العرب يقول) )يوثق بعربيتهمسعنا من العرب من )و( قال قوم من العرب ترضي عربيتهم)و( مسعناهم perkataan yang ada di atas, menujukkan bahwa si>bawaih perna ke lembah nejed dan hija>s, seperti apa yang dilakukan oleh gurunya al-khali>l bin ahmad al-farahi>diy. alkisa>’iy pernah bertanya kepada al-khali>l bin ahmad al-fara>hi>diy,: journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 9 من بوادى احلجاز: من أين أخذت علمك هذا؟ فقال “dari mana anda mengambil ilmu ini? al-khali>l bin ahmad al-fara>hi>diy menjawab: saya mendapatkannya dari perkampungan hija>z”. kemudian al-kisa>’iy keluar dari bas}rah, dan akhirnya kembali lagi ke bas}rah, sehingga menurut riwayat, ia telah menghabiskan 15 botol tinta untuk keperluan, menulis dari orang arab, selain ilmu yang telah dihafalnya. bahasa kabilah-kabilah arab yang dijadikan sebagai dali>l bagi ulama nahu aliran bas}rah, khususnya si>bawaih adalah quraisy, qays, tamim, asad, huzayl sebahagian dari kinanah dan thay. sibawaih banyak mengikuti metode dan merujuk kepada pandanganpandangan gurunya, seperti apa yang terdapat dalam al-kita>b, yaitu ungkapan al-khali>l bin ahmad al-fara>hidiy dia mengatakan, bahwa sesungguhnya ال رجل di sini adalah mubtada’ karena dia berada pada tempatnya ism yang marfu’ seperti kamu mengatakan: ال رجل أفضل منك seakan-akan kamu mengatakan: زيد أفضل منك . demikian pula halnya, si>bawaih dalam menetapkan suatu metode kaidah ilmu nahu, dia banyak merujuk kepada bahasa masyarakat arab pedalaman (arab badwi), sebagaimna yang pernah dilakukan oleh para pendahulunya, seperti al-khali>l bin ahmad al-fara>hi>diy, bahkan dia senantiasa pergi ke tempat arab kampung (arab badwi) tiada lain hanya untuk mencari imformasi yang valid, seperti perkataan orang arab yang dia kutip di dalam al-kita>b, yaitu ما karena sesungguhnya dia berada pada wilayah من كان أمك sebagaimana dia berkata جاءت حاجاتك masal atau perumpamaan, maka mereka menetapkan ada ta seperti mereka ketahui bahwa ada ال sebagai harf jarr apa yang ada pada kata لعمر هللا يف اليمن maka yu>nus berasumsi bahwa dia mendengar dari ru’bat mengatakan حاجتكما جاءت maka dia me-rafa‘nya. maksudnya di sini adalah kata-kata حاجاتك merupakan فاعل dari kata جاءت . 3. puisi-puisi arab tidak ada satu pun bangsa di dunia ini yang menunjukkan apresiasi yang sedemikian besar terhadap ungkapan bernuansa puitis dan sangat tersentuh oleh kata-kata, baik lisan maupun journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 10 tulisan, selain bangsa arab. sangat sulit menemukan bahasa yang mampu mempengaruhi pikiran para penggunanya sedemikian dalam selain bahasa arab. karena syair bagi bangsa arab dianggap sebagai bentuk pembicaraan yang mulia. karena itu mereka menjadikannya sebagai pembendaharaan, diwan ilmu dan sejarah mereka, keterangan yang mereka anggap benar atau salah, dan prinsip-prinsip dasar refrensi bagi sebagian ilmu dan hikmah mereka. kemahiran berpuisi benar-benar telah mengakar di kalangan mereka, seperti semua ke ahlian yang lain. dan keahlian bahasa arab hanya dapat diperoleh melalui kecakapan tekhnis dan praktek yang kostan dalam berbicara bahasa arab, sehingga sebahagian jejak keahlian puisi bisa diperoleh. dalam buku al-nah}w al-‘arabiy ibn abbas berkata bahwa apabila kamu membaca sesuatu dalam al-quran yang tidak kamu pahami, maka carilah dalam syair arab. karena sesungguhnya puisi arab merupakan diwan bahasa bagi bangsa arab, dan sya‘ir arab adalah merupakan ruh bagi kehidupan mereka karena ia merupakan medium pengungkapan yang paling dikenal oleh orang arab dan merupakan produksi kebahasaan pertama (al-intaj al-lughawi alawal) dalam masyarakat arab, di mana tradisi ummi (tidak kenal baca tulis) menguasai mereka, dan oleh karena itu kebudayaannya adalah kebudayaan lisan. maka dianggaplah syair arab itu sebagai sumber utama bagi si>bawaih dalam menetapkan suatu metode ilmu nahu. para tokoh aliran bas}rah mempunyai sikap yang sama terhadap puisi arab, tidak semua puisi arab boleh dijadikan hujjah dalam menetapkan kaidah-kaidah al-nah}w dan kebahasaan. batasan zaman jahiliyah adalah 150 tahun sebelum kedatangan islam. selama ini banyak orang menamai bahwa zaman jahiliyah meliputi seluruh waktu dan masa sebelum islam atau yang disebut masa pra islam. tetapi bagi para pengkaji sastra arab, masa jahiliyah dapat dilacak sampai 150 tahun sebelum kenabian. para pengkaji sastra tidak memasukkan fase sebelum itu tetapi memfokuskan masa 150 tahun sebelum kenabian, suatu masa di mana bahasa arab mengalami kematangan dan puisi jahiliyah menggunakan bahasa priode itu. al-jahid mengatakan puisi arab berusia muda, yang pertama memperkenalkan puisi jahilīy kepada kita adalah imru al-qais ibn hujr dan muhalhil ibn rabiah. aliran bas}rah mengelompokkan penyair-penyair arab atas empat tingkatan yaitu: alsyu‘arā al-jāhiliyyūn, al-syu‘arā al-mukhadramūn, al-syu‘arā a-islāmiyyūn, al-syu‘arā almuwalladūn wa al-syu‘arā al-muhdas}ūn. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 11 a. al-syu‘arā al-jāhiliyyūn, yaitu penyair-penyair arab jahilīy, seperti imru al-qays, al-nābigah, al-dubyānīy, zuhayr bin abī sulmā, labid dan lain-lain. a. al-syu‘arā al-mukhadramūn, yaitu penyair-penyair arab yang hidup di dua zaman yaitu zaman jahilīy dan zaman islam, seperti al-khansā’, hassān bin s|ābit dan lain-lain b. al-syu‘arā al-islāmiyyūn, yaitu penyair-penyair arab yang hidup pada zaman islam, seperti jarīr, al-farazdaq, al-kumait, zū al-rummah, dan lain-lain c. al-syu‘arā al-muwalladūn wa al-muhdas|ūn, yaitu penyair-penyair yang hidup setelah penyair al-syu‘arā al-islāmiyyūn sampai sekarang, seperti basysyār bin burd, abū nawās dan penyair-penyair yang sezaman dengannya, begitu pula penyair-penyair yang hidup sesudahnya. para tokoh aliran bas}rah sepakat untuk menjadikan al-syu‘arā al-jāhiliyyūn dan alsyu‘arā al-mukhadramūn sebagai hujjah terhadap kaidah al-nah}w dan kebahasaan. bahasa arab yang digunakan penyair-penyair jahilīy masih terpelihara dari kesalahan dan dari unsur-unsur bahasa lain, karena mereka tidak berhubungan dengan bangsa yang bukan orang arab. begitu pula penyair-penyair mukhadram, mereka hidup di tengah-tengah masyarakat arab yang asli serta kesan gaya bahasa alquran pada puisi mereka. dan sebaliknya menolak puisi al-syu‘arā alislāmiyyūn, al-syu‘arā al-muwalladūn wa al-syu‘arā al-muh}das|ūn sebagai hujjah terhadap kajian al-nah}w dan kebahasaan. sementara syair arab yang diriwayatkan oleh si>bawaih, sering tidak mengungkapkan identitas para ahli syair, karena si>bawaih enggan juga mengunkapkan suatu syair pribadi seseorang, tetapi sebahagian syair diriwayatkan oleh para ahli syair dan sebahagian juga yang lain tidak diketahui apakah hal tersebut diriwayatkan ahli syair atau tidak, karena masa lebih mendahuluinya. di dalam al-kita>b sebahagian syair atau bait diriwayatkan oleh para ahli syair, kemudian disandarkan atau dinisbahkan nasyidnya kepada gurunya, seperti dia mengatakan: أنشد yaitu: kami meriwayatkan syair ini dari al-khali>l bin ahmad al-fara>hi>diy dan dia juga ان mengatakan: أنشدان يونس kami meriwayatkan syair ini dari yu>nus demikianlah cara periwayatan yang dilakukan oleh sibawaih, seperti yang diceritakan oleh abi> khattab dan orang yang mengambil pelajaran darinya. sering juga si>bawaih mengatakan أنشد ان أعريب فصيح kami journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 12 meriwaytkan syair ini dari orang arab yang sangat fasih bahasanya, hal tersebut menunjukkan kepada sebahagian ulama melihat syair ini berasumsi bahwa dalam kitab si>bawaih terdapat bait-bait tidak diketahui sumbernya. pada hal kitab si>bawaih sudah sampai kepada ummat dan para ulama telah terfokus untuk melakukan penelitian secara mendetail terhadap ilmu yang ada di dalam al-kita>b, walau pun telah diketahui, bahwa tidak ada seorang ulama klasik memberikan celaan dan orang yang dapat menperlihatkan syair yang bersifat diingkari. kemudian di dalam al-kita>b terdapat banyak rangkaian syair-syair orang arab yang diriwayatkan oleh orang yang s}iqah dan dapat dijadikan refrensi yang akurat dalam kajian kebahasaan. syair-syair tersebut terdiri dari beberapa syair yang dihasilkan oleh para penyair yang dijadikan sebagai sandaran metode ilmu nahu, seperti1 pada ism ma‘rifah yang tidak berfungsi, ketika menempati posisi nakirah dalam masalah yang ada pada bab ini, sebab ”ال” di sini tidak perna ber-amal terhadap ma‘rifah, sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam bait puisi yang dimiliki seorang penyair yang berbunyi: َطى للمَ الليلةَ مَ ثَ ي ال ه kata ”haytsam” dijadikan sebagai nakirah, seolah-olah ia mengatakan لكم رةً ص ال بَ :contoh ini sama dengan ungkapan نيَ مِ ثَ ي من الَ مَ ثَ ي ال هَ ibnu zubair al-asadi mengatakan: ِِ عند أيب أرى احلاجاتِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ابلبالدِ ةَ مي وال أ نَ كد نَ خ بَ ي ب anda mengatakanقضية وال أاب حسن لا. kata aba hasan dijadikan sebagai kata nakirah saya katakan: bagaimana mungkin itu terjadi, sementara yang dimaksudkan adalah ali. al-khali>>l bin ahmad al-farahi>diy mengatakan: karena sesungguhnya tidak dibolehkan anda meng ‘amal-kan (la) pada kata ma‘rifah, ia hanya ber-’amal pada ism nakirah. jika anda menjadikan abu> hasan sebagai ism nakirah, maka hal itu sesuatu yang baik, kalau anda meng-‘amal-kan (la), karena sasaran pembicaraan telah diketahui, bahwa termasuk yang dinakirahkan adalah ali. jika anda mengatakan: sesungguhnya yang dimaksudkan bukan me-nafi-kan semua orang yang namanya ’ali? tetapi yang dimaksudkan adalah me-nafi-kan seluruh nama-nama yang dinakirah-kan dalam persoalan yang dimiliki ’ali, seolah-olah ia mengatakan: ال أمثال علي لذه القضية ".ungkapan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa persoalan tersebut bukan milik ali, maka ia dinakirah-kan. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 13 metode yang digunakan si>bawaih dalam merujuk sya‘ir di atas, menurut penulis, bahwa ada taqdi>r yang merupakan alat penting pada tataran gramatikal dan tataran semantik sekaligus. perumpamaan si>bawaih berkaitan dengan ma‘na melalui ungkap ال أمثال علي لذه القضبة" . " .mengisyaratkan bahwa taqdi>r ini memiliki sifat berlaku secara umum bagi semua ism-nama diri-yang ke-ma‘rifah-anya mengalami perubahan, atau yang diambil oleh penyair dari proses pemaknaan tertentu untuk menunjukkan kondisi umum yang membuat nama tersebut secara fungsioanal dapat melakukan fungsi nakirah. sedangkang dari sisi yang lain muncullah syair puisi abu al-najm al-jilli yang dicelah oleh si>bawaih yang tidak sesuai dengan sistem kaidah bahasa arab yang telah mereka tetapkan sebelumnya, maka dia menetapkan hukumnya melalui proses syadz, yaitu menyalahi sistem kaidah yang sudah ditetapkan, sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam ungkapannya yaitu: ُ امُّ اخلِياِر تد عِ نَ ا كلُّه مل أص ي عّلى ذن بً عِ قد أصبَح si>bawaih melukiskan bacaan kullu sebagai bacaan yang lemah, sebab kata kerja أصنع tidak isytiga>l dengan d}amir yang menjadikannya pantas untuk dijadikan sebagai mubtada’ atau dalam istilah si>bawaih untuk dijadikan dasar ia mengatakan: dalam puisi tersebut tidaklah baik menjadikan kata kerja (fi‘il) di dasarkan pada ism dan tidak menyebut (id}ma>r), yang berisytigal kepada ism yang berada pada posisi awal sebagai mubtada’ dan keluar dari ism yang tidak meng-‘amal-kan dari mendasarkan ism padanya. selain itu juga membuatnya isytiga>l dengan selain yang pertama, sehingga tidak mungkin ber‘amal kepadanya, tetapi bisa jadi hal itu dibolehkan dalam puisi, tetapi lemah dalam ungkapan (biasa). penyair mengatakan bait puisi, seperti itu adalah lemah, sebab ia berada dalam kedudukan di luar puisi, sebab bacaan nas}ab tidak merusak puisi dan tidak menghadirkan ha’ tidak membuatnya tercela. seolah-olah ia mengatakan. كله غري مصنوع menilai bacaan rafa‘ dalam kata kull sebagai lemah dalam pandangan si>bawaih didasarkan pada kenyataan bahwa tidak ada d{arurah syi‘riyah, karena si>bawaih menyadari adanya karateristik puisi, bukan hanya tataran d}aru>rah syi‘riyyah saja, tetapi juga pada tataran struktur dan ma‘na. ia mengatakan dalam konteks lain, ketika membandingkan antara puisi dengan al-qur’an yang berkaitan dengan journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 14 qafiyah dan fasiilah, bahwa semua yang tidak boleh dibuang dalam al-qur’an dan dapat dipilih untuk dibuang dalam fashilah dan qafiyah. bacaan kull dengan rafa‘ sebenarnya sama dengan bacaan nas}ab terhadapnya dari كل sisi, bahwa bacaan tersebut tidak mengubah sedikitpun watak puisi. penjelasan mengenai alasan ini mereflesikan teori formalisme puisi, maksudnya puisi dari segi wasan (timbangan dan model kata) dan qafiyah saja. akan tetapi menarik perhatian adalah bahwa s>i>bawaih menangkap ma‘na dari bacaan rafa‘ dalam bait tersebut. ma‘na ini tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh bacaan nas}ab. ia mengatakan: seolah-olah ia mengatakan: semuanya tidak dilakukan”. ma‘na inilah menjadi pusat perdebatan panjang yang digulirkan abdul al-qa>hir al-jurja>niy untuk menyanggah orang yang menyalahkan bait puisi tersebut. bahakan, abdul qa>hir nyaris mengulang-ngulang ucapan si>bawaih sebelum ia memeberikan sanggahan secara sinir terhadap teori formalisme terhadap puisi. c. kesimpulan setelah membahas mengenai sibawaih dan metode ilmu nahunya, maka penuklis dapat menjadikan dasar analisis penelitian yang telah dikemukakan pada tulisantulisan terdahulu dapat ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1. refernsi yang sangat penting bagi si>bawaih menyusun metode ilmu nahu, yaitu al-qur’an diturunkan mengunakan bahasa arab yang sangat fasih, meskipun tidak menjadikan hadis yang secara ma‘nawi sebagai landasan metodenya pada kajian ilmu nahu, karena banyak hadis yang diriwayatkan secara ma‘nawi oleh orangorang ‘ajam yang tidak fasih bahasanya, menurut standar bahasa yang digunakan oleh nabi, 2. sibawaih tidak menjadikan hadis yang secara ma‘nawi sebagai landasan metodenya pada kajian ilmu nahu, karena banyak hadis yang diriwayatkan secara ma‘nawi oleh orang-orang ‘ajam yang tidak fasih bahasanya, menurut standar bahasa yang digunakan oleh nabi, journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 15 dijadikan syair arab sebagai rujukan utama melalui seleksi yang sangat ketat dan dia memasukan hadis secara lafshi dalam ungkapan bahasa (arab badwi) sebagai bahasa yang dianggap sangat fasih di dalam kaidah ilmu nahu dan bahasanya dianggap tidak terpengaruh dari pengaruh bahasa orang asing yang dapat merusak bahasanya. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 16 daftar pustaka ahmad dayrah, al-mukhtār dirāsah fī al-nah}w al-kūfīy min khilāl ma‘ānīy alqur’ān li al farrā’ (cet. i; beirut, 1991 al-ans}ārīy, ahmad makkīy. abū zakariyā al-farrā>’ wa mazhabuh fî al-nah}w wa al lugah (cairo: al-majlis al-a’lā li al-ri‘āyāt al-funūn wa adāb wa al ‘ulūm al ijtimā‘iyyah, 1964 1 &item=25. al-baqrīy, ahmad māhir. al-nah}w al-‘arabīy syawāhiduhūwa muqaddimātuh. alnāsyir: muwassasāt syabāb al-jāmi‘ah, 1988 baidan, nasruddin. metode penafsiran al-qur’an, kajian teoritis terhadap ayatayat yang beredaksi mirip , cet i; yokyakarta: pustaka pelajar, 2002. d}aif, syawqiy al-mada>ris al-nahwiyah, cet. iii; cairo: da>r al-ma‘a>rif 1976. al-farrā’. ma‘a>ni> al-qur’an, tahqiq muhammad ali al-najja>r juz i, cet. ii; cairo: al hay’ah al-mis}riyah alammah li al-kita>b, 1980. al-al-haytiy,abdul qa>di>r rahi>m jadiy>. abu> ‘abdillah al-qurt}ubiy, wa juhu>duhu> fi> al-nahw wa al-lugah fi>> kita>bi>hi> al-jami‘ li ahka>m alqur’a>n cet. i; bairut: dar al-basyir, 1996. ibnu khaldum. mukaddimah, diterjamahkan oleh ahmadie thoha, cet. iv; jakarta: pustaka pirdaus, 2000. al-jurja>ni>y abdul qa>hi>r. dala>i’il al-i‘ja>s, ditahkik mahmud muhammd sya>kir cairoh: makhtaba al-khanaji, 1984. kari>m, khali>l abdul. quraisy min al-qabi>lah ila> ad-dawlah al-markaziyyah, cet. i; cairo: siyna lil-nasyr 1993. hitti philip, k. history of the arab; diterjemahkan r. cecep lukman yasin dan dedi slamet riyadh, cet.i; jakarta: pt. ikrar mandiriabadi, 2006. ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 198 volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) developing mobile learning application as instructional media for reading comprehension ahmad thoyyib shofi (corresponding author) qomaruddin university, indonesia wardatul jannah qomaruddin university, indonesia abstract: students nowadays are no longer enjoy reading printed books. they mostly read from their mobile phone or computers' screens. teachers need to encourage students to read and comprehend texts. teachers should adopt and adapt technology in teaching reading comprehension to students in light of the rapidly changing existence of technology. the purpose of this research is to develop appropriate media for learning reading. this research has employed research and development design based on addie model. this model is used for media development by requiring 5 stages, namely: 1) analysis, 2) design, 3) development, 4) implementation, and 5) evaluation. the research subjects are the tenth graders and the english teacher. both the media and language experts validated the developed product. the instruments used in the needs analysis are questionnaires for the students and interviews with the english teacher. the final result is in the form of a mobile application that suits the needs of teachers and students. this media consists of 63 slides. the size of this mobile application is 52 mb. the developed application consists of three main menus and eleven sub-menus. they are the intro page, loading section, menu page, materials page, core competence page, vocabulary building page, learning summary page, exercise page, glossary page, verb form page, user’s guide page, lesson plan page, description of the product page, and exit page. the result of this research could be seen in the enthusiasm, development, and students’ interest in mobile application media. therefore, it is recommended for teachers to use mobile applications in teaching reading and for other developers to develop applications for the learning process. keywords: reading comprehension; research and development; mobile learning application ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 199 a. introduction the use of technology in the learning process, especially internet access to explore students' knowledge and willingness to participate in educational resources, is common in education in order to create an effective and efficient learning process. one of the great benefits of education technology is the enhanced use of learning media in the classroom. technology-based learning media to support students' learning is essential because it can help them understand the material and reduce. as a result, the primary purpose of learning media is to assist students in comprehending the learning materials (khan et al., 2016; lowerison et al., 2006). the use of technology in english teaching english is not new. with the previous pandemic occurrence, using technology is essential. most online classes must use technology to deliver language classes through synchronous or asynchronous learning. the concern is how or what is the best way to get students to learn online despite the challenges of devices and network service. according to (metruk, 2022), a modern era is characterized by the widespread use of technology, it is unsurprising that technology has found its way into the field of education on a global scale. most educational institutions have now incorporated a significant amount of technology into current and future curricula (ranjbari et al., 2021). teachers will benefit students' learning achievement when they use proper and enjoyable new technology in the learning process. one example is a mobile phone, which has an application that can increase student motivation in the learning process (zaim & hum, 2016). mobile phones empower education because they are viewed as media that provide learners with a wide range of information that the teacher may not have control (muhfiyanti et al., 2021). in other words, learning does not have to occur in a classroom because these technologies allow learning to occur somewhere (ypsilandis, 2019). these technologies also give the learner control over their learning process. a mobile phone can help to improve teaching and learning. students can use mobile phones to share more information and to develop literacy skills, such as critical literacy skills. it is a valuable tool for research, composition, and depression at senior high school, teaching english, especially in teaching reading as a second language in indonesia, is classified as teaching reading comprehension. it aims to improve the skills of students who have been able to read in the first language and efl ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 200 in understanding the meaning of the written text. teaching reading focuses on helping the students acquire the skills needed to try to construct meaning. the teacher has an essential role in assisting students to acquire the necessary skills from experience to written material. the teacher should motivate the students to actively participate in the reading class (pardosi et al., 2021). however, in reality, many efl students struggle to overcome their reading comprehension problems. students face many issues in understanding the text, such as vocabulary knowledge, background knowledge, problem’s grammatical knowledge and poor reading strategies, which are fundamental to reducing the difficulty. the teacher must also pay attention to the given text model in teaching reading. most students have problems comprehending english texts because the teachers do not provide many model texts for them. the teachers sometimes only use model texts from the students worksheet that the school provides rather than looking for model texts from various sources (khalif rizqon et al., 2021). related to the use of media to solve the problem in the teaching and learning of reading, cobb (2015) argued that teachers could use technology to improve their teaching strategies by using attractive learning media. this way can help teachers in teaching reading so that the class becomes more attractive. if the teacher only relies upon the textbook, the learning process will result in monotonous learning (agustini et al., 2018; tomlinson, 2013). the students will also be familiar with textbooks and if one day they are faced with digital learning it will not be easy. for all these reasons, technology is needed to improve the quality of the learning process, especially in learning english. technology plays a vital role in the learning process not only for students but teachers are also required to optimize the existence of this advanced technology to create a learning environment that is not boring. there is a tremendous amount of previous research about developing android-based learning related to the current study. setiadi (2015) developed an android application for teaching listening. the research found that the use of mobile-based learning media can be applied to learning english and improve student learning outcomes. in addition, using this media can also increase student interest in learning in terms of pleasure, attention, interest, and student involvement. the other research was from dwiaji (2016), who developed an m-learning application for improving speaking skills. in his study, ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 201 several activities in the application encourage the students to practice the language orally as well as possible. it was considered good and useful to be used as one of the supporting media to learn, especially in speaking for students. the next research from (abdalqadir, 2017) who had developed a mobile application to teach english, and the result was that the application should make it easy to learn english as a second language. rahmanita et al (2021) have also suggested that developing english learning mobile android-based applications helps students interested in learning english language quickly and efficiently because of its coupled interactive features, which have been shown to be very effective in mobile learning activities. hence, this recent research has developed appropriate mobile learning applications as media in reading comprehension for tenth graders based on the addie model of development (drljača et al., 2017). b. research method the researcher employed the research and development (r&d) method in developing mobile learning as media in reading comprehension of the tenth graders of sma al-muniroh ujung pangkah in the second semester of the academic year 2020/2021. the reading media was developed using addie (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation) model (maharcika et al., 2021; mz & syafi’i, 2021; thim-mabrey, 2006). the stages of the development are presented below: picture 1. the stages of the development ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 202 need analysis the first stage was analysing basic information about tenth graders and the english teacher using questionnaires and interviews (haque, 2014; indrasari, 2016). the researcher gave a questionnaire to the english teacher and tenth graders. both the instruments had different contents. the teacher’s questionnaire consisted of 43 questions which were divided into eight aspects. the first aspect was the teacher’s background consisting of nine questions. the second aspect was learning sources consisting of five questions. the third aspect was teaching reading composed of 8 questions. the fourth aspect was problem in teaching reading. the fifth aspect was student condition in reading class consisting of seven questions. the sixth aspect was activity in teaching reading consisting of 2 questions. the seventh aspect was media in teaching reading consisting of five questions. the last aspect was application as media consisting of six questions. students’ questionnaires had 30 questions divided into 8 aspects. the first aspect was the student’s background. the second was student’s opinion in english consisting of five questions. the third aspect was the students' reading learning process consisting of three questions. the fourth aspect was difficulties in reading consisting of two questions. the fifth aspect was activities in reading consisting of two questions. the sixth aspect was reading materials consisting of three questions. the seventh aspect was reading media consisting of four questions. the last aspect was student’s opinion about the application consisting of 10 questions. the second instrument was an interview. the interview was conducted with an english teacher in the tenth grade. the interview was formed in semi-structured to support detailed data collection. it also allowed for unexpected additions to questions. this interview consisted of 30 questions which were divided into five aspects. the first aspect was the student’s background consisting of two questions. the second aspect was teaching reading process consisting of 12 questions. the third aspect was problems in teaching reading consisting of seven questions. the fourth aspect was media in teaching reading consisting of four questions. the last aspect was application as media consisting of five questions. ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 203 designing four steps must be done, designing templates, mapping the materials, designing the materials and validation. 1. designing template the researcher designed an application template/layout using powerpoint. the application display was created and customized to make it easier to use. the component of the template also contained the activities that were used in. in this step required ispring suite 9 to make it easier to create the more interactive template. 2. mapping the materials the researcher mapped the materials based on effective weeks in learning english. the researcher also mapped the activities according to the number of meetings in reading skills. the syllabus and content standards are also required for the mapping process. the syllabus and content standards were obtained from schools based on the 2013 curriculum. 3. designing the materials after mapping the materials, the next step was designing the materials. after obtaining information to map the materials, the researcher made an outline the materials and forms of activity to be made. this step was used to make it easier for the researcher to design the materials into an application. 4. validation i the last step was validation. three experts carried it out: a language expert, a design expert, and an english teacher. two qomaruddin university lecturers carried out expert validation. first, an it lecturer validated the design aspect, who assessed the template and application design. the language aspect was validated by one of the lecturer who has been teaching reading and english for a long time at the high school level and above. the last validator was from the english teacher of al muniroh high school, who teaches tenth grade. she assessed several aspects of the suitability of the materials. development the next stage was development. there were several steps: finding the materials, selecting the materials, arranging vocabulary building activities, typing materials, converting, validation, and re-converting. ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 204 1) finding the materials the materials were taken from several sources. the first was offline sources from “english for sma/ma”. the materials were also searched in online sources from six website online such as “”, “”, “”, “and”, “”, “”. all activities were based on the 2013 revised 2018 curriculum. main activities were arranged based on student needs and motivation. 2) selecting the materials after finding the material, the researcher selected the material used. in selecting the materials, the researcher arranged and divided the materials in each unit. the purpose of this step was to make it easier for the researcher to group each materials. 3) vocabulary building activity vocabulary building activity was the third step. this step was designed to help students understand specific vocabulary in each material. 4) typing the materials typing the materials was the fourth step. all the selected materials are organised in each part of the application template. all the obtained data in the form of information or materials was included in the template created before. in this step, the researcher used ispring9 to make an activity menu. ispring9 can make the student’s activity more enjoyable. 5) converting i the fifth step, the researchers converted the product from powerpoint into an application. product in form of powerpoint was converted into html 5 with support from ispring suite 9. after becoming html 5, it was converted into an application using website 2 apk builder. 6) validation ii the researcher validated the materials and product in the sixth step. after the product was in the application form, the product must first be validated by the experts. they were a media expert, a language expert, and an english teacher. they installed an application and then validate it. each expert gave an assessment in questionnaire about several aspects. ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 205 7) revision i the results of validation were used as a reference for revising the product. the researchers revised the seventh stage. at this stage, she made several revisions given by the validator—modified aspects in the form of media, language, and material content. 8) converting ii the last step was reconverting. after validating and revising the product, the researcher re-converted the product into an application. product in the form of powerpoint was converted into html 5 with support from ispring suite 9. after becoming html 5, it was converted into an application using website 2 apk builder. implementation the next stage was implementation. at this stage, the media was implemented in the classroom. after the implementation in the classroom, an evaluation was given to provide feedback on the learning media. there were five steps in the implementation stage: try-out i, revision, converting, try-out ii, and final product. these steps were explained as follows: 1. try-out i in this step, the application was implemented for students in class. each student installed the application on their smartphone. the teacher also had to install the application. the aim of the try-out is to determine the materials' suitability and effectiveness. the application was implemented in the classroom. at this step, the researcher as an observer and used several instruments to observe the class. at this stage, the teacher and students were given a questionnaire to get responses and suggestions for the application. the results of the try-out, observations and questionnaire form was determined in the next stage. 2. revision ii after doing the try-out, the researcher revised the application. this revision was conducted based on data from the try-out i. inappropriate aspects in the application were revised. 3. converting iii the last step was converting. after revising the product, the researcher converted the product back into an application. product in the form of powerpoint ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 206 was converted into html 5 with support from ispring suite 9. after becoming html 5, it was converted into an application using website 2 apk builder. 4. try-out ii after second revision, the researcher conducted the try-out ii. at this stage, if the students score above the passing grade (kkm), the materials were in accordance with the teacher and students’ needs. 5. final product the last one was the final product. after taking various steps, the final product was produced. the researcher made some improvements to the application media. some components were fixed such as color, image, location, size, etc. it was to provide a better visual of this application media. evaluation the last stage was evaluation. this evaluation was called summative evaluation. at this stage, the researcher measured the results of using application media by comparing student results from tryout one and the final results. the comparison between tryout one and two resulted in differences in the average achievement of students. c. findings and discussion findings need analysis the researcher conducted a need analysis in the early stage of developing media by, interviewing the teacher and giving a questionnaire to the students. the interview for the teacher consisted of 43 questions and was divided into eight aspects. these aspects included teacher’s background, student learning resources, teaching reading process, problems faced in teaching reading, condition of students in reading class, activities in reading class, reading media and opinions about applications as learning media. the interview resulted in the english teacher graduating from english language education study program. she usually teaches reading skills once or twice a week. therefore, there were 10 reading lessons in one semester with 45 minutes each meeting. in teaching reading, the teacher often uses scanning and skimming techniques by applying reading aloud, giving multiple choices, and providing necessary vocabulary. in the aspect of problems in teaching reading, students had difficulty reading lengthy text. some students did not read the text and answered the questions directly. students argued ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 207 that if the teacher gave a long reading text, it made them difficult and lazy to read. at the same time, the teacher gave reading materials that followed the current curriculum and assignment instruction. in teaching reading, the teacher often uses video as a learning medium. students were more interested in different visual media. however, it also had obstacles. sometimes teacher had to ensure that the sound speaker was ready to use. there were also several suitable media in teaching reading, such as powerpoint, video, and android. thus, the teacher also believed that in this digital era, students needed to give mobile learning applications as media, especially in the reading activity. the last aspect was the application as a learning media. the teacher said that students would respond well to mobile learning application. during the covid-19 pandemic, students do online learning so they often used mobile phone. thus, students would easily operate media applications on their mobile phones. the teacher also suggested that the english learning application should be adapted to the materials. other offers were about the colour and font size of the application. in addition, the students’ english mastery was at a moderate level. in the summative test, many students still had scores below the lowest passing grade score, or they still had score under 75. the result was presented below: table 1. the score of the summative test no. name summative test unit 6 1 2 3 4 1 aha 72 60 80 70 2 afl 79 80 80 80 3 ara 72 60 80 70 4 dar 79 80 80 80 5 hz 65 60 100 60 6 ir 65 80 80 70 7 lfs 86 100 100 70 8 mum 65 60 80 80 9 mi 65 80 80 70 10 nr 86 80 100 80 11 nhm 72 80 80 70 12 wk 86 80 100 90 13 sni 79 60 80 60 14 ak 86 80 80 70 15 aff 65 60 80 90 16 akw 86 80 100 80 ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 208 17 bkz 72 60 80 60 18 ff 79 100 80 80 19 hi 79 80 100 80 20 ms 72 80 80 80 21 mar 65 60 80 70 22 ns 86 80 100 80 23 pna 72 60 80 70 24 sr 79 100 80 80 25 sna 65 60 80 60 26 tr 79 80 100 80 27 uf 79 80 80 90 28 tru 58 60 80 50 total score 2093 2080 2400 2070 mean acore 74,75 74,29 85,71 73,93 the english teacher of this high school also stated that this problem happened since the media and materials from the book were not under the students' needs, and also, students lacked vocabulary. therefore, the teacher looked for suitable materials from the internet and youtube. the teacher never compiled the materials for teaching by herself but more often looked for it from other sources. teachers also rarely used different media. to help students in the learning process, sometimes the teacher gave questions through google forms to make it easier for students to do their assignments. sometimes the teacher gave a video as a medium for teaching recount and other texts. overall, students were more interested in media that included different visuals.the teacher had also provided learning media in the form of powerpoint, but the teacher had never provided learning media based on android applications. the following instrument for collecting the need analysis data was a student questionnaire. the result was presented below: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 app media in teaching chart 1. app media in teaching reading disagree neutral agree 0 5 10 15 20 25 inpact of using app chart 2. impact of using app slightly motivated motivated highly motivated ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 209 there were 16 students said 'normally' if there was an application media, but 12 students said that they were 'delighted' if there was an application media. then, they gave an opinion about the impact of using the application. 23 students said that they would be ‘highly motivated’by the used of the application, four said 'motivated' and only one said ‘slightly motivated'. in the aspect of reading applications, 10 students said that the reading text consisted of paragraphs, 10 chose to read text with pictures, and eight wanted the reading text accompanied by a vocabulary list. then the students asked about the supporting pictures. there were 15 students said that the display of pictures would be very important to support understanding of the materials, 11 students said that 'moderately important'and 2 others selected‘not important’ in having pictures in supporting the understanding. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 reading application chart 3. reading application apperance with paragraph with pictures with vocabulary list 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 supporting picture chart 4. app media in teaching reading not important moderately important very important ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 210 the next aspect was the application layout design. these 23 students said that the application layout should be able to “motivate learning”, two students said it should be 'interesting', and one said it should have the “appropriate combination’. the buttons in the application were also according to the wishes of students. twelve students said that when the button was touched, it had to make a sound, ten students said that the application had a contrasting colour, and two suggested using symbols. four students suggested giving a good combination. students suggested colours with a predominance of green. in the process, the application was given the appropriate font, and size and had a suitable variety for the application design. designing media and materials in designing the template, the researchers designed the template based on the limitations of the product and the students’ and teacher’s questionnaires to suit students' needs and interests. at this stage, the most crucial point was the font selection, font size, animation, audio, colour, picture and, picture’s size. some of the fonts used such as times new roman, calibri, arial unicode ms, britannic bold, arial black, bernard mt condensed, candara and, berlin sans fb. the image consisted of a background image, buttons, icons, and several other supporting images. the image fitted to the theme and colour on the background of each menu. some of the images used include icon applications, logos, schools, clouds, windows, doors, books, people, the background of travelling, battle, temple, and war. the use of colour was not far from the students’ choices. in the questionnaire, most students’ chose green as a feature of this 0 5 10 15 20 25 layout desigh chart 5. lay out design motivate learning interesting appropriate combination 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 button chart 6. button of the application touched contracting color using symbol good combination ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 211 learning application. however, different options from other students were used in another menu. in some aspects, the researcher gave animation effects to support the visuals of the product. likewise, the audio did not use loud voices because it would interfere with the learning process. in addition, the most important aspect was the size. images and fonts had to pay attention to the screen's size to make it look proportional. some of the fonts’ size used such as 12 pt, 14 pt, 16 pt, 18 pt, 20 pt and 24 pt. the researchers mapped the materials and collected information about the syllabus and effective week. from the teacher's questionnaire results, it was found that there were ten meetings for learning reading in one semester. in semester two, each unit had one or two reading meetings depending on the materials being taught in four units. syllabus came from a school based on the latest 2013 curriculum. it could be seen in the table 2: table 2. mapping the materials unit titles objectives indicators 1. trip to borobudur temple ● to build the students' knowledge about how to used past tense and perfect tense ● to give the students practice of reading using past tense and perfect tense students were able to: ● understand the form of past tense and perfect tense in recount text ● identify the word of past tense based on recount text 2. history of bung tomo ● to build the students' knowledge about the historical event and biographical recount text ● to give the students practice of reading historical event and biographical recount text students were able to: ● understand the text about historical events ● understand the text about biographical recount 3. once upon a time ago ● to build the students' knowledge about the legend (narrative text) in indonesia ● to give the students practice of reading legend (narrative text) in indonesia students were able to: ● understand the narrative text about the legend in indonesia 4. sing a song ● to build the students' knowledge about song ● to give the students practice of reading a song students were able to: ● understand of song at designing the materials, the researcher made an outline of the materials for making activities. the researcher suited activities from teacher’s and students’ questionnaires. the researcher also chose several activities that according to the ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 212 activities chosen by the teacher. these activities were selected based on the model activity from brown (2004). they read aloud, written responses, multiple choice, picture-cued items, matching tasks, gap filling tasks, closed tasks, and short answer tasks. some activities that students chose were multiple choices, fill-in-blank, true or false. the researcher also matched activities to the syllabus, content competencies and basic competencies based on the curriculum. here is the materials design table: table 3. designing the materials unit titles activities 1. trip to borobudur temple 1 identify the verb according to the recount text. 2 choose the correct verb according to the previous text. 3 give statement true or false according to recount text about holiday. 4 give statement true or false in form verb question according to the text before. 2. history of bung tomo 1 answer the question based on the biographical text of bung tomo. 2 match the vocabulary with the correct definition. 3 choose the correct answer with past form. 4 arrange the sentences became a good paragraph. 3. once upon a time ago 1 match the picture with a simple definition of the legend story. 2 give statement true or false in form verb question according to the text before. 3 answer the question based on the legend narrative text. 4 choose the correct answer based on the legend narrative text. 4. sing a song 1 categorize verbs according to their respective tenses based on the song's lyric about peace. 2 answer the question based on the song's lyrics about peace. 3 give statement true or false based on the song's lyrics about peace. 4 choose the correct answer based on the song's lyrics about nature. developing media the next stage was media development. there were eight steps at this stage. they were finding the materials, selecting the materials, vocabulary-building activities, typing the materials, converting i, validation ii, revision i, and converting ii. ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 213 the researcher looked for materials from several sources. they were from offline and online. off-line learning resource was from the students’ workbook for senior high school published by medali. the researcher also taken online sources from several websites. they were, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”. finally, the researcher looked for materials appropriate to the lesson in class 10, semester two. after finding the appropriate materials, the researcher copied them into microsoft word and then proceeded to the next stage. after finding the materials, the next step was choosing materials that matched the syllabus and basic competencies. materials selection also fitted the results of students’ questionnaires. students chose many words in reading activities. most of them decided the 100 200 word range, while others chose the 200-300 or 300-400 word range. after selecting the materials, several sources of online and offline materials were obtained. the researchers chose the appropriate materials from all the books and websites. in addition, there was a vocabulary-building activities stage in the development media. there were several steps to make vocabulary-building activities: vocabulary selection, downloading the audio vocabulary, merging the audio files, and compressing audio. in the vocabulary selection stage, the researcher looked for about 30 english vocabulary words in each unit. then, the english teacher selected whether one should be included or not. unselected vocabulary was still included in the glossary menu. after selecting the vocabulary, the researcher looked for the pronunciation audio on the online website. “”. the researcher chose a female voice with an american accent. on the website, the researcher changed several settings to maximise the audio quality. the downloaded audio format was wav. there were two audio versions downloaded. they were english and indonesian audio. after all the audio were collected, the english and indonesian audio were merged with the ‘filmora’ application. english audio was played at the beginning of the sound, then indonesian audio. after merging the audio, the researcher compressed the audio so that the application capacity was not too large. the researcher used the online website “” to reduce the size of the audio. after that, the researcher inserted the audio in powerpoint. after the process was completed, the researchers audited linguists to assess the quality of audio pronunciation ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 214 then typed all the materials into powerpoint and converted it to app. after completing all the stages, the experts validated the media and the materials. the first validation was about the design template. the expert assessed the media template used as a learning media in this validation. in the second validation, the media expert assessed the application design. the media expert validated from the first page to the end page of the application. media experts argued that the design of this application was good with a few small things that had to be revised before the next process. the result is as follow: table 4. validation of design and template no. indicators scale note poor fair good 1. the screen display is clear √ 2. the screen display is proportional √ 3. the color variation used is harmonious √ 4. the images in this multimedia is appropriate √ 5. the text in this multimedia is appropriate √ 6. the typeface used in this application is appropriate. √ 7. the font size used in the text is not too big or too small. √ 8. the text and image layout √ 9. the navigation buttons on this multimedia are placed consistently. √ 10. the navigation buttons on this multimedia are easy to use. √ change the symbol of “back” button because it is like “refresh” button symbol. 11. existing navigation buttons work well. √ 12. there are shortcut keys such as to return to the main menu and exit this application. √ the second validation was carried out to assess the language of the materials. language expert validated the language of the materials with several aspects. they were the content of the materials, the language of the materials and the suitability of the media. for the content of the materials aspect, the language expert rated it as 'fair' for each indicator. she gave notes to add activities in the form of differentiating grammar between past tense and present perfect, and some activities had to be reduced in number of questions because there were too many. language expert also suggested to be more varied in making activity models. for the language aspect, she assessed all indicators as ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 215 'good', meaning that the grammar used was easy and clear to understand at the high school level. regarding media suitability, language experts rated all indicators as 'good'. she judged that the design, graphics, text and all aspects of the application were appropriate and attracted students' learning motivation. table 5. validation of language of the materials 1. content aspect no. indicators scale note poor fair good 1. the content of the material will be easily understood by students. √ 2. the activities in each material will have an impact on students' motivation to read. √ add some tasks about simple past and present perfect 3. the activities in the material are already organized in a logical progression from easy to difficult. √ there are too much number in each activity 4. the materials are relevance to the worksheet √ give more worksheet variation 2. language aspect no. indicators scale note poor fair good 1. the language used is easily understood. √ 2. the instructions for each activity are clear and easy to understand. √ 3. the language used is appropriate for the ability level of high school students. √ 4. the language used uses proper grammar. √ 3. appropriate media aspect n o indicators scale note poor fair good 1 . the design used can attract student motivation. √ 2 . the design of the application media is in accordance with the material. √ 3 . the material image is clearly visible. √ 4 . the picture is in accordance with the activity developed. √ 5 . the text on the app is clear to see. √ 6 . the overall visual design is attractive. √ ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 216 the third validation was carried out for audio vocabulary. the audio quality assessed by language expert consisted of five indicators. they were clarity, appropriateness, speed, compatibility with native speakers, and audio rhythm. the result was presented below: table 6. validation of audio vocabulary no . indicators scale note poor fair good 1. the clarity of the audio vocabulary √ fix some unclear audio 2. audio is in accordance to the vocabulary √ 3. audio/pronunciation speed √ 4. the speaker is similar to the native √ 5. audio rhythm √ on the audio clarity indicator, a language expert rated it as 'fair' with a note to replace the audio because there were some less clear audio. on the indicator of compatibility with native speakers, she rated it as 'fair' because the bot's voice did not precisely match a real human's voice. language experts rated three other indicators as 'good': compatibility with vocabulary, pronunciation speed and rhythm. the implementation of the tryout 1 tryout 1 was conducted for two days, on 23 and 24 june 2021. the tryout was conducted face-to-face or offline at school. there were four units being tried out, each unit consisted of four activities. the following was the schedule and the result of tryout 1; tabl 7. the schedule of tryout 1 date units (title) task 23rd of june 2021 trip to borobudur temple 1 identify the verb form (verb 2 and verb 3) 2 choose the correct verb form according to the tense. 3 give statement true or false according to recount text about holiday. 4 give statement same or different form verb question according to the text before. history of bung tomo 1 answer the question based on the biographical text of bung tomo. 2 match the vocabulary with the correct definition. 3 choose the correct answer with past form. 4 arrange the sentences became a good paragraph. 24th of june 2021 once upon a time ago sing a song 1 match the picture with a simple definition of the legend story. 2 give statement true or false in form verb question according to the text before. ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 217 table 8. result of tryout 1 no. name unit mean score 6 7 8 9 1 aha 60 60 75 80 68,75 2 afl 80 60 100 100 85 3 ara 60 80 100 80 80 4 dar 80 80 100 100 90 5 hz 60 60 80 80 70 6 ir 80 60 80 100 80 7 lfs 70 88 100 100 89,5 8 mum 60 68 80 80 72 9 mi 80 60 80 100 80 10 nr 80 80 100 80 85 11 nhm 80 60 100 100 85 12 wk 80 85 100 100 91,25 13 sni 60 80 80 100 80 14 ak 80 60 80 100 80 15 aff 60 80 100 80 80 16 akw 80 80 100 100 90 17 bkz 60 80 80 100 80 18 ff 100 60 100 100 90 19 hi 80 80 80 80 80 20 ms 80 100 80 80 85 21 mar 60 60 100 100 80 22 ns 80 80 80 100 85 23 pna 60 100 80 100 85 24 sr 100 60 80 100 85 25 sna 60 80 100 80 80 26 tr 80 60 100 100 85 27 uf 80 80 100 100 90 3 answer the question based on the legend narrative text. 4 choose the correct answer based on the legend narrative text. sing a song 1 category verbs according to their respective tenses 2 answer the question based on the song's lyrics about peace. 3 give statement true or false based on the song's lyrics about peace. 4 choose the correct answer based on the song's lyrics about nature. ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 218 28 tru 60 60 70 80 67,5 the implementation of the tryout 2 the second tryout was carried out for only one day because only five activities were tested. the subjects of the tryout were the tenth graders of sma al muniroh, with a total of28 students consisting of 12 science class students and 16 social science class students.the tried-out activities were activity 1, 2, 4 unit 6, activity 4 unit 7, and activity 1 unit 9. all activities were tried at once according to the sequence of units. table 9. the schedule of try-out 2 there were five activities that were tried out in try out two, including activities 1, 2, and 4 in unit 6, activity 4 in unit 7, and activity 1 in unit 9. in activity 1 unit 6, students got an average score 92.07. in activity 2 unit 6, the average score of students was around 90. in activity 4 unit 6, students got an average score of 87.14. in activity 4 unit 7, students got an average score of 88.57. in activity 1 unit 9, students got an average score of 94.64. in this tryout, the students' average results reached 90.49 of the students' success scores in answering the questions. thus, students completed all activities in this tryout well. picture 2. result of try out 2 in unit 6, the average of students’ results in tryout 1 was 77.17 with each activity having an average of 74.75 – 74.29 – 85.71 – 73.93. while in the final result, the average of students’ results in unit 6 was 88,73 with each activity having an average date units (title) task 22nd of july 2021 trip to borobudur temple 1 identify the verb form (verb 2 and verb 3) based on the texts. 2 choose the correct verb based on previous text. 4 give statement of true or false based on previous text. recount text 4 arrange the sentences became a good paragraph. sing a song 1 categorize verbs based on their respective tenses relates to the song's lyric about peace 9 2 ,0 7 9 4 ,6 4 9 0 ,0 0 8 7 ,1 4 8 8 ,5 7 u n i t 6 u n i t 7 u n i t 9 activity 1 activity 2 ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 219 of92,07 – 90 – 85,71 – 87,14. in unit 7, the average of students’ results in tryout 1 was 84,46, with each activity having an average of 86.43 – 86.43 – 90,71 – 74,29. while in the final results, the average of student results in unit 7 was 88,04, with each activity having an average of 86,43 – 86.43 – 90,71 – 88,57. in unit 8, the average of students’ results in unit 8 students was 93,21, with each activity having an average of 100 – 90 – 87,86 – 95. in this unit, students did not do tryout 2 because they had reached the minimum score. in unit 9, the average of student result in tryout 1 was 87,10 with each activity having an average of 74,82 – 88,57 – 92,14 – 92,86. while in the final result, the average of student result in unit 9 was 92,02 with 94,64 – 88,57 – 92,14 – 92,86. in tryout 2, students got an average increase in several units. some activities in 3 units was re-tested in tryout 2. in unit 6, researchers re-tested several activities, such as activities 1, 2 and 4. therefore, students got an average increase in unit 6 by 6%. in unit 7, the researcher re-tested activity 4. as a result, students got an average increase in unit 7 by 2%. in unit 8, students did not re-test because students got scores above the minimum score. in unit 9, the researcher re-tested activity 1. hence, students got an average increase in unit 9 by 2%. students got increase the results in each unit, thus the use of application media in the learning process was effective for students, especially in reading material. the final product the product produced in this research was a learning media in the form of a mobile application called “readme apps”. the researcher made this product for the english subject of class 10 semester 2 sma al – muniroh ujung pangkah, especially on reading comprehension. the researcher provided learning products that experts and teachers had validated. therefore, the products that students used followed expert's and teacher instructions. the product was produced using three software, namely powerpoint, ispring9, and website apk 2 builder. this final product consisted of 63 pages consisted of an intro page, loading section, menu page, materials page, ki or kd page, vocabulary building page, learning summary page, exercise page, user's guide page, teacher’s guide page, lesson plan page, description of the product page, and exit page. the size of this product was 52 mb and the android version that could be used was at least version 5.0 (lollipop). several supporting elements were such as font, animation, audio, colour, image and size suitted ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 220 to the suggestions from students, teachers, and experts. the supporting element data on the application media is as follows; table 10. the component of media application fonts animation audio color picture size times new roman float in (from top) animation original from powerpoint click on (original from powerpoint) green all the picture credit from and edited in photoshop. original shape from powerpoint 12pt 14pt 16pt 18pt 20pt 24pt (all the size off original font from powerpoint calibri light blue arial unicode ms orange britannic bold red arial black yellow bernard mt condensed all the color original from powerpoint candara berlin sans fb all the fonts original from powerpoint each page on the application media had different elements. the intro page consisted of the icon, the application's name, the logos, and the developer's name. the loading section consisted of a rotating circular shape and the ‘loading’ word. in the menu page, it consisted of several buttons such as materials, user's guide, glossary, verb form, description of the product and exit menu. each button directed the user to the intended menu. the display of the main menu is as follows: ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 221 picture 3. intro page picture 4. loading section picture 5. menu page in this product, it consisted of 4 units. each unit consisted of ki or kd, vocabulary building activities, learning summary, and exercise. in the ki or kd menu, the learning objectives and activities to be provided were shown. in vocabulary building consisted of 15 vocabularies related to the materials. in addition, there were audios in each vocabulary so that students could practice the pronunciation. the researcher developed the materials in each unit suit with the syllabus and k13. each unit consisted of 4 activities. the researcher used activities based on (brown, 2007). the activities include reading aloud, multiple choice, picture cued, matching tasks, and short answer questions. there was a “glossary” menu consisting of vocabularies and their meaning from all units. there was also a “verb form” menu consisting of changes to verb 1-2-3 and their purposes. in the user's guide menu, the researcher provided instructions for using each button. in this menu, there was a menu for teacher, namely the lesson plan menu. this menu purposed to make it easier for teacher to carry out the learning process. there was also a menu about the apps. this menu contained descriptions of products in english and indonesian. in the exit menu, the researcher gave the option to exit the application media or not. the researcher developed the media application appropriate with the needs of students and teacher. this product was designed as attractive as possible. therefore, ©ahmad thoyyib shofi & wardatul jannah available online at al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal), volume 7, no. 2, august 2022 222 students could increase their motivation in reading process. this product also had a process of data analysis, product design, expert validation, and a long revision process. therefore, the product in the form of learning media in this application was considered inappropriate with the needs of teacher and students of tenth grade in semester 2 at sma al -muniroh, especially in learning reading comprehension. d. conclusion the feasibility/quality of the mobile learning application to teach english reading comprehension based on expert judgement; digital media expert, language expert, and audio vocabulary experts concluded that this media was excellent. as a result, this mobile application was competent in enhancing the reading comprehension of sma almuniroh tenth graders. the material and content of the product suit students' needs, interests, and abilities. the selection criteria also suit the syllabus, curriculum, and questionnaires. the materials consist of 4 units and four activities in each unit. the sources are taken online and offline. all visual and audio presentations of the product are suited to the results of the analysis and conformity to all elements. students were engaged in active learning through application media in the learning process. the teacher advised students on how to work well on the questions to answer the task efficiently. the final result of the tryout shows an increasing score of the students. they also show a good response to learning media based on android applications. it means that the product is suitable and effective in terms of understanding, materials, and visual quality.the researcher believed that the media was very good as a whole. there were four indicators in this aspect: the design and visuals, the use of language in media; the instructions; and the pictures. all of these indicators were rated as "good" and had been implemented in the tryout stage. in addition, the teacher also said that the glossary menu and the vocabulary list had a good impact on students. this makes the students easily learn vocabulary and understand verbs. however, this research developed an android application using app ispring9, so it had to be done online and tested before bringing it online. it also has some limitations if we use the free software without purchasing it. for example, during 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in slip of tongue. audio recording was used to identify the students’ pronunciation, data analyzing was done by transcribing their error pronunciation. the result shown from six of eight types of slips of the tongue occurred on students’ pronunciation, namely shift, anticipation, perseveration, addition, deletion and substitution, the main slip of tongue occurred on students’ pronunciation was substitution. salah satu indikator untuk bisa berbicara adalah memiliki pengucapan yang baik. keseleo lidah adalah salah satu faktor yang menghalangi pengucapan yang baik. penelitian ini menginvestigasi jenis-jenis keseleo lidah yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dalam melafalkan bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa asing. ada 5 siswa semester tujuh di program studi pendidikan bahasa inggris 2017/2018 iain sultan amai gorontalo, sebagai subyek penelitian ini. penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menggambarkan jenis kesalahan pada pelafalan siswa, terutama ketika mereka membuat kesalahan pelafalan. rekaman audio digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi pelafalan mahasiswa, analisis data dilakukan dengan menyalin pelafalan kesalahan mereka. hasil yang ditunjukkan dari enam dari delapan jenis keseleo lidah terjadi pada pengucapan mahasiswa, yaitu shift, antisipasi, ketekunan, penambahan, penghapusan dan substitusi, namun yang utama adalah substitusi. key words: error, slips of the tongue, pronunciation. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 47 a. introduction pronuciation is one of indicators used to score the ability of speaking (arthur hughes : 2003). pronunciation is a set of habits of producing sounds. the habit of producing a sound is acquired by repeating it over and over again and by being corrected when it is pronounced wrongly. learning to pronounce a second language means building up new pronunciation habits and overcome the bias of the first language (abbas pourhosein gilakjani, 2015). english pronunciation involves the production of each sound and pronunciation of words, phrases, and sentences with correct spelling, compressing and/or correct intonation. in addition, there is a way how to read the word correctly called ‘phonetic transcription’ ((phonetic transcript), which is defined as a kind of alphabetic writing where each letter represent a sound. phonetic transcript aim is to provide clear and unambiguous to the language learner, for example, the sound of which one should be used on a word or phrase, and in what order to use the sound. for the non-native speakers, pronunciation is one of the most important parts in english communication because by using good pronunciation, we can avoid misunderstanding between the speakers (harmer: 2000, dalton: 1998, angelina tieneke sugiarto: 2013, syarif hidayatullah: 2016). pronunciation errors occur in such a way, for instance because of slip of tongue. slip of tongue is a psychological problem of speaker. freud proposed that somebody misspeaks; it is an accidental expression of expressed thoughts or feeling (in david. w. carrol : 1985). slip of the tongue is occurred when the speaker’s actual utterance differs in some way from the intended utterance. the following utterances are categorized into slips of the tongue, namely shift exchange, anticipation, perseveration, addition, deletion, substitution, blend. those types of slips of tongue identified were occurred in english foreign language (efl) classroom (angelina tieneke sugiarto: 2013). the research focused on pronunciation error which included the slip of tongue, while this research focused on the types of slip of tongue faced by english department students in the classroom. therefore, the research question formulated as: what types are slip of the tongue occcured on students’ of english department pronunciation? journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 48 b. literature review everyone needs to convey their message, idea, feelings or information to make a conversation to other people, so that they produce their speech. there are four stages of production: conceptualizing, formulating, articulating, and self-monitoring. to pass the steps, we ofte do errors consciously or subcociously, either i first language or secod language. erdogan (p. 5) explains that the errors may occur because the learner does not know what is correct, and thus it cannot be self-corrected. error analysis, on the other hand, deals with the learners' performance in terms of the cognitive processes they make use of in recognizing or coding the input they receive from the target language. the errors in pronouncing english may be viewed as a part of learning english process to the people who speak english as a foreign language. because by the errors, they will learn how to correct pronounce in english. lado (1996) states common errors in english is usually occur in every linguistics aspect namely; syntax, lexicon, phonology and morphological errors. slips occur when the speaker’s actual utterance differs in some way from the intended utterance unintentionally. slip of the tongue is occurred when the speaker’s actual utterance differs in some way from the intended utterance. freud proposed that somebody misspeaks; it is an accidental expression of expressed thoughts or feeling. although speech errors cover a wide range of semantic content, there appear to be only a small number of basic types, namely: shift, exchange, anticipation, perseveration, addition, deletion, substitution, and blend. shift, occurs when one speech segment disappears from its appropriate location and appears somewhere else, for example (fromkin) misderivations is the speaker somehow attaches the wrong suffix or prefix to the word. for example: that’s so she’ll be ready in case she decides [dɪˈsaɪds] to hit [hɪt] it becomes that’s so she’ll be ready in case she decide [dɪˈsaɪd] to hits [hɪts]it. it can be seen that the word "hit" [hɪt] there is the addition of the suffix -s. the addition of the suffix -s is not in the proper place because after the infinitive "to" always follows the original verb. suffix -s is supposed to be added to the word "decide" [dɪˈsaɪd]. exchanges are, in effect, double shifts, in which two linguistic units exchange places. for example: fancy getting your nose [nǝʊz] remodeled [rɪˈmɒdled]becomes fancy getting your model [ˈmɒdl] renosed [rɪnǝʊzd]. there is an exchanging between two sounds; there journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 49 are /n/ and /m/. the speaker utters “fancy getting your model renosed [fensɪ geting ju:r mɒdl rɪnǝʊzd]”. it should be said “fancy getting your nose remodeled [fensɪ getting ju:r nǝʊzrɪˈmɒdled]”. anticipations occur when a later segment takes the place of an earlier one. they differ from shifts in that the segment that intrudes on another also remains in its correct location and thus is used twice. for example:take [teɪk] my bike becomes bake [beɪk] mybike. the speaker intended to say take my bike [teɪk maɪ baɪk], but said instead bake my bike [beɪk maɪ baɪk], “anticipating” the sound /b/ at the beginning of bike in his pronunciation of take, (the arrow means “was mispronounced as”). in this example take is said to be the target word, and bike is said to be the origin of the error (since that is where the b came from). perseverations occur when an earlier segment replaces a later item. he pulled a tantrum [ˈtæntrǝm] becomes pulled a pantrum [pæntrǝm]john gave the boy [bͻi] a ball becomes john gave the goy [gͻi] a ball. the speaker intends to say ‘pulled a tantrum’ [pʊld ǝˈtæntrǝm], but he said instead ‘pulled a pantrum’[pʊld ǝ pæntrǝm ], the speaker has perseveration the sound /p/ at the beginning of ‘pulled’ in his pronunciation of ‘tantrum’. in this example ‘pulled’ is said to be the target word and ‘tantrum’ is said to be the origin of the error since that is where the sound /p/ of ‘pulled’ came after the origin (“tantrum” “pantrum”) (an earlier segment that is ‘pulled’ replaces a later item). according to fromkin, garrett, shattuck-hufnagel, in carroll, additions add linguistic material. for example: i didn’t explain this carefully [keǝ(r)fʊli] enough becomes i didn’t explain this clarefully [kla(r)fʊli]enough. based on the example above, we can see that in the statement “i didn’t explain this clarefully enough” [aɪ ˈdɪdnt ɪkˈspleɪn ðɪs kla(r)fʊli ɪˈnλf] there is an addition the soun /l/ in the word “clarefully” [kla(r)fʊli]. it is supposed to say the word “carefully”[keǝ(r)fʊli]. deletions leave something out, according to fromkin, garrett, shattuck-hufnagel, in carroll. for example: i’ll just get up and mutter unintelligibly [λnɪnˈtelɪdӡǝblɪ]becomes i’ll just get up and mutter intelligibly [ɪnˈtelɪdӡǝblɪ] based on the example above, we can see in the statement “i’ll just get up and mutter intelligibly” [aɪ’l dӡλst get λp ǝnd ˈmλtǝ(r) ɪnˈtelɪdӡǝblɪ] there is a deletion occurs, in this case is deletion of the prefix “un” in word “intelligibly”. so, it is supposed to say “i’ll just get up and mutter unintelligibly” [aɪ’l dӡλst get λp ǝnd ˈmλtǝ(r) λnɪnˈtelɪdӡǝblɪ]. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 50 according to fromkin substitutions occur when one segment is replaced by an intruder. these differ from previously described slips in that the source of the intrusion may not be in the sentence. before the place close [klǝʊs] becomes before the place open [ˈǝʊpǝn] at low speeds, it’s too heavy [ˈhevɪ] becomes at low speeds it’s too light[laɪt] based on the two examples above, there are substitutions of word that each of them has relation either semantically or phonologically. in the first example, the speaker intends to say “before the place close” [bɪˈfͻ:(r) ðǝ pleɪs klǝʊs]. in fact, the speaker said the word “open” [ ǝʊpǝn] in his/her statement which is has close relation and it is the antonym of the intended word, in this case the word “close”. in the second example, the speaker intends to say “at low speeds it’s too heavy” [ǝt lǝʊ spi:d ɪts tu: ˈhevi]. in fact, the speaker said the word “light” [laɪt] not the word “heavy” [ˈhevi]. there are two possibilities about this case. the first one is, because both of the word “light” and “heavy” are from the same group of word class which is a s a noun make the speaker confuses and tend to makes the error. and the second one is, if we look at the statement “at low speeds it’s too light” [ ǝt lǝʊ spi:d ɪts tu: laɪt], it relates with a crowded road which is full of lights from the street lamps. so that’s why the speaker used the word “light”. fromkin states that in word substitutions, the speaker produces a word that is wrong, but typically related either semantically or phonologically to the intended word. slips of the tongue also tell us a great deal about the structure and organization of the mental dictionary. blends the speaker leaves out a short stretch of speech. blends apparently occurs when more than one word is being considered and the two intended items “fuse” or “blend” into a single item. for examples: fried [fraɪd] + potatoes [pǝˈteɪtǝʊs] becomes fries[fraɪs]. post [pǝʊst] + toasties [tǝʊstis] becomes posties[pǝʊstis] we can see from the examples of blends/ haplologies above, two words are combining into a single word. at the first one the speaker is combining the word “fried” [fraɪd] with the word “potatoes” [ pǝˈteɪtǝʊs] become the word “fries”. the second one is combining process of the word “post “[pǝʊst] and the word “toasties” [tǝʊstis] become into the word “posties” [ pǝʊstis]. slips of the tongue in l1 speech have been widely studied in detail as they can provide evidence about particular aspects of the speech production process and, in the case of slips produced by children, about language development. however, until now very little research journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 51 has been done on slips of the tongue in l2 learner speech production, even though l2 slips might well provide evidence of the language development of l2 learners. in some research there are statement showed that slips of the tongue in l1 speech production are also valid for l2 learner speech. in a research by poulisse, in her data, 2000 l2 slips and l1 slips were included which were collected by tape-recording and carefully re-examined by two trained researchers. as is common in l1 slip research, the slips were classified in terms of the linguistic level involved (e.g. syntactic, lexical, morphological and phonological) and slip type. the most important slip types are substitutions, anticipations, perseverations, exchanges, additions, deletions and blends. she compared l1 slip data with l2 slip data in order to find if they are the same or different, and to what extent. the analysis of the data showed there are many similarities between the l1 and the l2 slip data. for instance, one of the findings supporting the frame-and-slot mechanism is that slips of the tongue adhere to the” syntactic category constraint”: nouns replace nouns, verbs replace verbs, and prepositions replace prepositions, and so on. c. research method this research used qualitative descriptive method. it used to analyze the students’ pronunciation of slip of tongue and served the research finding by data’s description. the location of this research was in english education department of state institute of islamic studies sultan amai gorontalo. the subject of research was 5 students at seventh semester academic year 2017/2018 as the. it used purposive sampling, under the principle of sow ball. thus, the research interviewed ad tested one student before going to another student. only 5 students were taking, because the types of slip of tongue almost occurred o the. document ad interview were used to get the data. in this research, researcher used students’ transcription and the topic was daily conversation (introduction, family, daily activities, home town).interview is a meeting of two persons to exchange information and idea through question and responses, resulting in communication and joint construction of meaning about a particular topic. this interview used only to clarify that the participants error is happen because of their error in performance. the researcher analyzed the data systematically by using the following steps: first, the researcher made the transcription from the utterances, and then the researcher presented the data that contain the pronunciation errors that happened in journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 52 their speech. second, the researcher analyzed slip of the tongue based on fromkin’s theory in table 3.2. third, the researcher described and discussed the findings that are related to the objective of the study. finally, the researcher made general conclusion by relating to the theory and research finding about pronunciation errors happened in seventh semester student of english department. d. findings and discussions slips of the tongue analysis in presenting the presentation on the slips of the tongue and pronunciation problems, there were 5 participants as the data sources in this research which were observed. and the pseudonyms were also used in the presentation of this analysis; they are student 1, student 2, student 3, student 4, and student 5. the frequency of appearance of types of slips of the tongue would be presented in table 4.2 table 4.2 types of slip of tongue appearance no. type of slip of tongue frequency 1. shift 1 2. exchange 3. anticipation 3 4. perseveration 3 5. addition 28 6. deletion 33 7. substitution 52 8. blend total 120 a) in others word… in other words is i wanna be a success girl (student 1) based the utterances, the speaker pronounced the word in others word in her utterances. it should be pronounced “in other words”, it could be proved because of there was a repairing process from the speaker. the error happened because the student makes a shift on (s) letters, she pronounces in others word in her utterances which changing the meaning of the sentences. it is should located in the end of the word “word” to get the meaning. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 53 a) i was born on tweny nine february ninety ninety six (student 1) in this utterance which made by student 1, the student was getting anticipate and more focused on second word that is “ninety”. so, she made slip between which should pronounce nineteen or ninety. b) i was born in limboto three mart, three marts in ninety ninety six (student 2) based on the utterance, the same slip of tongue was made by the student 2. therefore, in the segment “in ninety ninety six”the suffix -ty in the second ninety take place in the early word which should be pronounce nineteen. based on the utterance, the same slip of tongue was made by the student 2. therefore, in the segment “in ninety ninety six”the suffix -ty in the second ninety take place in the early word which should be pronounce nineteen. c) and i was born in tote on twenty five june nine...ninety ninety six (student 4) based on the utterance during typing this transcription, i found that most of the student make a slip when pronouncing their own date of birth especially in pronouncing -teen and -ty suffix. a) alhamdulillah.. my fathers and my mothers (addition – s)… still complete. based on the utterance, in this case the speaker definitely get slip when pronouncing her parent by mentioned they’re like “my fathers and my mothers” with an addition -s in those words and it was inappropriate location. this -s suffix addition is not appropriate because the adding sound /s/ showed a quantity of an object “my fathers and my mothers” is a singular noun which belong to the speaker itself. it could be seen when the speaker renews her sentence into “my father and my mother”. b) so my farthers (addition – r,s) do everything. based on the utterances, the speaker pronounces it in a hurry. there is an unnecessary addition sound /r/ & /s/ that makes the word heard unclearly. it should be pronounced “so my father do everything” c)my second little brothers (addition – s). based on the utterances, the -s suffix addition is not appropriate because the adding sound /s/ showed a quantity of an object. it should be pronounced without -s “my second little brother”, because her second little brother just 1 in this world. a) it is very difficult for me to reach. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 54 based on the utterance, the speaker omitted the word “it” from the sentences. this error happened when the speaker hurried to close the sentences. the speaker immediately repaired his utterance when he realized that it was inappropriate. b) okay.. i…i … just.. i’ll just tell you. based on the utterance, it is a same case with the sentence above. in this section, the speaker also in a hurry situation and little confused about what is she going to say. then, the speaker immediately repaired his utterance when he realized that it was omitted or uncompleted. c) i’am so slowly in work. based on the utterance, the speaker omitted suffix -ing in the last word “work” whether it should be “working” because the -ing suffixes is perform as a complement. d) surfing internet, or.. watching some movie. based on the utterances, there are determiner “the” deletion in sequence [surfing internet] while it should pronounce [surfing the internet] because internet is a medium just like water, ground, & air. a) i know can’t te.. told you..i can’t told it.. i can’t tell you, it’s a secret. based on utterance above, it could be seen that the speaker made an error. he substituted the word “tell” into the word “told”. the speaker intended to pronounce an utterance which was contained present form. b) ef (substitution of).. of their mystery. in this section, the speaker substitute word “of” but she made slip when pronouncing vowel /o/ it’s changing into /e/. c) if someone.. ask him to uh.. to do building(subtitution – should make or built a) he will do it. in this sentence, the speaker choose inappropriate verb to fill the sentences. for this case the sentence should pronounce“if someone ask him to uh.. to built a building he will do it.” d) if someone ask him to what.. gardening (subtitution – should farming) he will do it. this is same case with above sentence. in this section, the sentence should journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 55 pronounce“if someone ask him to farming he will do it”. e) my father and my mother..still complete. based on the utterances above, word “complete” should change into “alive” because the speaker intended to give means that her parents still slive. f) while my mother’s job is marbot masjid based on the utterance, the speaker also changes or substitute an english with her first language. therefore, she should pronounce “while my mother’s job is a caretaker of mosque” e. conclusion kinds of pronunciation error found in the seventh semester students at english education program academic year 2017/2018 contain six kinds of slip of the tongue. the six kinds of slip of the tongue, they are shift, anticipation, perseveration, deletion, addition, and substitution. there are only six of them were found, because the appearance of each type of slips of the tongue is relate to their speech, and there are no case showing the rest of other types. next, substitution is dominantly occurred than the other types. it is happened because slip of tongue also known as freudian slips. a freudian slip is a bit more complicated because there is believed to be more meaning behind the word error that is made. a freudian slip is a verbal mistake that is believed to be linked to the unconscious mind. so, the mistake is not considered a mistake at all, but instead an unconscious thought that is coming out in speech. often freudian slips are not with words that sound alike at all, like with a slip of the tongue. a common example of a freudian slip would be calling one’s boyfriend or girlfriend by your mother or father’s name. a freudian slip gets its name from the psychiatrist sigmund freud. he believed mistakes we make when speaking has meaning and aren’t really mistakes at all, but our unconscious mind slipping through into our speech. when the students pronounced the english words in hurry, less of vocabulary and monitoring condition which make their unconscious mind crawling into their speech and substituted some english words to others. the five students also produce pronunciation problems such as the uncompleted word and the unclear pronunciation. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 56 references adhwaul bayan, muhammad al amin asy syinqithi, 3/238, dar 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about the needs of learners in englih learning especially non english department students surroundings of tarbiyah and teacher training faculty of iain sultan amai gorontalo, the results of the analysis of data obtained via the questionaire form as the main instrument. based on the data analysis, it was obtained information that the english material should be submitted by using the strategies varied, english has four skills with more emphasized on a competency-based vocabulary , this is because learners expected through vocabulary they can understand a textbook material on other subjects which is very useful for them in job field. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang kebutuhan peserta didik dalam belajar bahasa inggris khususnya peserta didik non program studi pendidikan bahasa inggris dilingkungan fakultas ilmu tarbiyah dan keguruan iain sultan amai gorontalo, hasil analisis data yang didapat melalui angket sebagai instrument utama diperoleh informasi bahwa materi bahasa inggris hendaknya disampaiakn dengan menggunakan strategi yang bervariasi, materi bahasa inggris meliputi empat ketrampilan dengan lebih memberi bobot pada kosa kata berbasis kompetensi, hal ini dikarenakan peserta didik mengharapkan dengan kosa kata tersebut mereka bisa memahami materi materi buku teks pada mata kuliah lainnya yang berbasis kompetensi juga bisa menjadi bekal mereka dalam dunia kerja nanti keywords: need analysis, learning english, non english department journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 82 a. introduction the history of english empire has contributed significantly to the spread of english worldwide, geographically and culturally. geohistorically, english has spread in three ways such as inner circle refers to nations using the language as their mother tongue, in example us, canada, australia, and new zealand. the “outer circle” includes those are from some 55 ex british colonial countries, where english may be the language of the court, the medium of instruction at least in some levels of education, the press, or the government and is usually the official language, the third is expanding circle ; it is includes the nations that recognize the importance of english as an international language, included studying and history of nations. in addition, the global status of english cannot be separated from its other popular role as the language of science and technology. advancements in sciences and technologies that relate to a wide range of human needs including the press, transportation and communication in research, experiments and inventions have been report as knowledge. the continuous advancement of commerce and technology has created the need for students and professionals to master the language of commerce and technology not only for academic purposes but also for occupational purposes. the role of english in commerce and technology has been widely recognized and english courses which cater for this need have been and will continue to play a significant role in the development of commerce and technology. unlike english courses for general purposes, english for specific purposes is different in the way the course is designed. in indonesia, although english is not as widely and accurately use as native speakers naturally, the language is relatively ubiquitous and it is use actively in some cases. at least two english newspaper ( i.e the jakarta post and the indonesia observer) are nationally distributed. five national television and many radio stations broadcast a version of their news or current affairs in english once daily in the morning or evening, in addition to their entertainment programs involve songs and movies in english. in cities, it is common to see and meet english speaking tourists, these are the mirrors of the using english as global status in the world. therefore in indonesia, english is one of the most important subjects in which it has been teach in every stage of education, include islamic higher education. it has been generally accepted that the success of language teaching program depend on some important aspects such as teacher competent, curriculum and students readiness toward journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 83 learning and teaching material. the role of teaching materials has been recognized for decades. renandya argue that teaching material is a key component in most language program. they said that whether the teacher uses textbook, institutionally prepared materials or make use of his own materials instructional materials serve as the basis for much of the language input learners receive and the language practice that occurs in classroom (j. c.,renandya, w, 2002: 65) a good and competent teacher is encouraged to make his/her own instructional materials to fit the need of their learner. however, in developing or designing his/her own materials there are some factors that the teacher should pay attention to. in developing teaching materials a teacher, according to mcdonough & shaw should be guided by syllabus, syllabus is derived from the goals which want to be achieved in the language program. the goals are formed by the nature context of the language teaching program which are the learners themselves and the educational setting where the teaching will occur (mcdonough, j. & shaw, c , 2003: 4). by considering the idea of mcdonough & shaw above it is clear that the analysis on the context, that is where and who the learners will be, is very crucial in developing teaching material. the writing of instructional materials used in iain sultan amai, an islamic college operating in gorontalo province, needs to be increased in anticipation of the growing number of students studying there and need to suit the teaching material with the needs of the students like mukhtar said that in the islamic hgher education level, learning transformation might be contributed and provided the aims of teaching and learning process of high education clearly, it should be suitable with students’ need, it means that in arrange the materials it should be better based on the students’ need include in arrange english materials (carter ronal & nunan,david, 2002 : 131). as the one of subject, english materials at iain sultan amai gorontalo should be based on the students neecd. in this framework of thinking the english taught in iain can be called english for special purposes (esp). according to evans (carter &nunan) the key defining feature of english for special purposes is that the teaching and materials are founded on the results of need analysis. he says that in developing a material for esp the teacher should be guided by the questions: “what do the students need to do with english?, which of the skills do they need to master and how well and which genre do they need to master?”( wello, b. & nur. h. a. j, 2008: 6). journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 84 with regard of the guidelines by evans above the english taught in iain should be english for special purposes (esp), in this case the english for specific purposes should based on the faculty competence. in support with this claim is what wello and nur claim that absolute characteristics of esp are: “designed to meet specific need of the learner, related in content to particular discipline, occupation and activities also centered on the language appropriate to those activities in syntax, lexis, discourse, semantics and need analysis”. iain sultan amai gorontalo has four faculties namely tarbiyah and teacher training faculty, tarbiyah and teacher training faculty, ushuluddin faculty and bussiness and economic faculty. it means that it should be better in english teaching learning and process, the english materials based on the esp. based on the researcher’s pre observation, especially in tarbiyah and teacher training faculty, it is found that english subject has been taught at the first semester, the english lecturers use available book as their handbook in teaching and learning process. based on the interview, they said that they have difficulties to find out the book that related with the faculty competence. this fact encourages the researchers to make a research to find out how are students’ needs in learning english, the researches formulating it in the title “analysis students’ need in learning english for non english program at tarbiyah and teacher training faculty”. the research question in this research is how are the students’ in learning english for non english program at tarbiyah and teacher training faculty? b. literature review 1. english specific purpose (esp) in the first phase of esp history, (the 1960s and the early 1970s), esp researchers and teachers concentrated on the sentence-level characteristics of the types of english identified as useful to their students. they discovered, among many others things, that english of science and technology (est) favors the present simple tense, the passive, and noun compounds ; they also discovered that business letters contain a set formal, many formulaic expressions, a limited vocabulary, and a limited set of conjunctions. after careful analysis of identified spoken or written discourse, practitioners organize their grammar based curricula around the features of these social registers. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 85 in the second phase of esp (late 1970s and early 1980s), have modernizing influences on register analysis, such as those which integrate grammatical form with rhetorical functions (relatively frequent use of “passive” in est as compared to ge), in this phase the focus of register analysis became more rhetorical. in the third phase the researches concentrated upon systematic analysis of the target situation in which students are found to be employing spoken english, in an attempt to make a notional functional curriculum to central focus namely the communicative purpose of a speaker/writer, the setting of language use and the mode of communication and language use. recently, the fourth phase, rather than centering on the discourse, the communicative situation or the learners’ communicative process, the focus is upon the strategies which learners employ to acquire the target language and emphasis need assessment. from historical description about esp above it is clear that esp concentrates more on language in context than on teaching grammar and language structures. the esp vocal point is that english is not taught as a subject separated from the students’ real world (or wishes); instead, it is integrated into a subject matter area important to the learners. in esp it is a need analysis that determines which language skills are most needed by the learners and the syllabus is designed accordingly, in this matter esp can be say that esp have highly motivating the learners because the learners are able to apply what they learn in their english class to their main field of study, they are able to use the vocabulary and structures that they learn in meaningful context. the term “specific” in esp refers to the specific purpose for learning english. the learners approach the study of english through a field that is already know and relevant to them. this means that the learners are able to use what they learn in esp classroom right away in their work and studies. the esp approach enhances the relevance of what the learners are learning and enables them to use the english they know to learn even more english, since their interest in their field will motivate them to interact with speakers and texts. robinson writes” during the period of roughly ten years a wealth of terms has grown up. lsp (language for special purpose) is the international terms and although most of work on languages for special purposes has been on the english language, a consideration of some lsp research provides a useful insight into some shortcomings and preoccupations (robinson. p. c, 1984 : 5)”. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 86 this allegation of robinson above shows that english for special purpose is one of international terms referring to the kind of language learned by learners to achieve certain purpose. apart from english, there are many other languages learnt for special purposes. streven (wello&nur) propose two categories on esp. the first is absolute categories and the second is variable categories. absolute categories include it is designed to meet specific needs of the learners, it is related in content to particular discipline and it is centered on the language appropriate to those activities in syntax, lexis, discourse and analysis of this discourse (wello, b. & dollah s, 2008 : 14). it is obvious that by referring to the idea of robinson and strevens above the english taught in islamic colleges should be called english for special purpose. point three by robinson clearly says that one the characteristic of esp is that it is used for academic or professional study such as engineering, islamic studies and so on. similarly, point two of strevens’s idea says that esp related in content to particular discipline. further strevens (wello & nur) said that “esp may be, but not necessarily, restricted as to the language skills to be learned, e.g reading only not taught according to any pre-ordained methodology (wello, b. & dollah s, 2008 : 14)”. according to wello & nur esp can be subcategorized into english for occupational purpose (eop) and english for academic purpose (eap). eop involves mostly work-related needs and training while eap involves academic and study needs (wello, b. & dollah s, 2008 : 14). to sum up, english taught in islamic college can be categorized as english for special purpose. hence, the materials to be developed for the teaching should be designed into english catering special purpose for students’ in this case academic needs of students. 2. need analysis esp courses set out to teach the language and communication skills that specific groups of language learners need or will need to function effectively in their disciplines of study, professions or workplaces. because esp focuses on teaching specific language and communication skills, esp course design usually includes a stage in which the course developers identify what specific language and skills the group of language learners will need. the identification of language and skills is used in determining and refining the content for the esp course. it can also be used to assess learners and learning at the end of the course. this process is termed ‘needs analysis’. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 87 needs analysis in esp refers to a course development process. in this process the language and skills that the learners will use in their target professional or vocational workplace or in their study areas are identified and considered in relation to the present state of knowledge of the learners, their perceptions of their needs and the practical possibilities and constraints of the teaching context. the information obtained from this process is used in determining and refining the content and method of the esp course. wello and dollah ( 2008 ; 65) stated that “ need analysis or need assessment in a language program is often viewed simply as identification of the language forms that the students will likely need to use in the target language when they are required to actually understand and to produce the language (wello, b. & dollah s, 2008 : 14) “. the above theory means need analysis is to establishing the how and what of a course, it is a continuous process, since a materials developer modify his/her teaching as he/she come to learn more about his/her learners, and in this way it actually shades into evaluation – the means of establishing the effectiveness of a course. needs is actually an umbrella term that embraces many aspects, incorporating learners’ goals and backgrounds, their language proficiencies, their reasons for taking the course, their teaching and learning preferences, and the situations they will need to communicate in. needs could involve what learners know, don’t know or want to know, and can be collected and analyzed in a variety of ways. need analysis procedures may involve interviews with students to determine perceptions of their major language difficulties, interviews with lecturers and instructors, observation of students in class to observe how well they can carry their assignments, examination of their lecture notes, essays, and so on to determine their difficulties, as well as tests of different kinds to determine students level of proficiency in reading, writing and note taking. the aims of a need analysis are thus to determine the types of situational in which learners will be using english, the tasks and activities they are expected to carry out or take part in english and their existing language skills or abilities with respect to those tasks. practical guidelines to needs assessment is proposed by isaac and michael (in wello and dollah,) as follows : a. identity the students-oriented goals (needs are based on goals). b. rank the importance of these goals without regard to performance levels which are categorized as high, moderate, or low importance. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 88 c. asses the level of performance for each of the goals. the performance level for each goal is categorized as high, moderate, or low d. establish a priority for each student’s goal, considering both importance and performance (wello, b. & dollah s, 2008 : 66). in assessing need, in this research the researchers will use approach to need analysis is learning-centered approach that learning is totally determined by the learner. in this approach involve target needs (what the learner needs to do in the target situation) and learning needs ( what the learner needs to learn). for target needs hutchinson and waters consider that the information necessary for the course designer should be obtained by posing detailed questions : a. why is the language needed? b. how will the language be used? c. what will the content areas be? d. who will the learners use the language with? e. where will the language be used? f. when will the language be used? similarly, they also pose questions to analyze learning needs : a. why are the learners taking the course? b. how do the learners learn? c. what resources are available? d. who are the learners? e. where will the esp course take place? f. when will the esp course take place? (hutchinson tom & waters alan, 1990:59) c. research method this research is designed as in qualitative method. according to creswell qualitative procedures demonstrate different approach to scientific inquiry than quantitative research method. its inquiry occupate different assumption philosophically such as: strategies of inquiry; methods of data collection, analysis, and interpretation. the participants were the students of tarbiyah and teacher training faculty, they were one hundred students from pai, mpi, piaud, pgmi and pba program which twenty students for each program. they answered the questioner as main instrument in this research that covered items of : journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 89 1. the students’ need in english learning 2. the students’ reasons to learn english 3. the students’ preference in english be used 4. the students’ preference for the teacher way in teaching english 5. the students’ preference in learning reading text 6. the students’ preference the content of english materials 7. the students’ preference to use english language with ? 8. the students’ area in the language be used? 9. the students’ preference about the time to study english 10. the students’ way to learn english 11. the students’ preference to do homework 12. the students’ preference to spend the time 13. the students’ preference to learning english from? 14. the students’ preference about useful activities in learning english d. findings and discussion based on the analysis the data, i found that the students’ needs in learning english for reading literature, it supported by the students’ first priority to the question number 1, in which they chosen for reading literature was 40%, the students’ answer to question number 2 about the students’ reason in learning english, in which for the question their first priority was to find specific vocabularies with scores 49%. for students preference in english be used, the students chosen to understanding the literature was 40% this was first priority, the students’ preference for the teacher way in teaching english, the students chosen use variety of strategic as their first priority, it was 40%, the students’ preference in learning reading text, their score was 42% for reading text based on the competence as first priority, the students’ preference the content of english materials, they chosen covers four skills namely, writing, reading, listening, and speaking, and it was completed with exercises that the students have to do whether in class or in their house as homework, whether in individually task or group, as their first priory with score 42%. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 90 to presenting the material, the english lecturer used face to face technique in big group, for the students who have difficulties in understanding the material, the lecturer gave the remedial in small group, this is to respect the students preferences about learning english style, in which in this case their first priority in big group by guiding the lecturer in 72% and second priority in small group was 68%. the time used to teach the material at once in a week in 2 1 /2 hours. in presenting the materials, the english lecturer has to use english and indonesian language sometimes use verbal language to make students more understood to the material, this is to recommended the students’ preferences about the english lecturer method in teaching the material, in which in this question their first priority was english and indonesia also verbal in 51% scores. in teaching and learning process to make the english lecturer easy in presenting the materials, it should be better if the english lecturer used handbook for her/himself also gave the students book package so the students have direction about the material that they have to study . for reading material of this products, the english lecturers should prepared reading materials based on the faculty, in this case like a text of short reading, this based on the students preferences toward reading materials, in which in this case, their priority was reading based on the faculty in a short text form as first priority and the english lecturer can use reading comprehension technique. to improve students speaking ability, the material used retelling technique, in this case retell about the content of reading text, this is to fulfill the students responses through question number 14 about their preferences toward method in teaching speaking, in which in this case their first priority was retell in 51% scores, also sometimes english lecturer may ask students to read the text of reading as their second priority. for writing skill, to improve students writing skill, the english lecturers must give their focus in using grammar exercise like ask students to make sentence toward grammar in focus, ask students to make conclusion about the content of reading or about something through audio visual. in improving students listening skill, in the material prepared dictation method by english lecturer whether in classroom or in language laboratory. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 91 e. conclusions based on the data analysis, it is clear that the students’ needs in studying english for reading literature completed with specific vocabularies, because by knowing and using specific vocabularies, it can help the students to understand their text book, this is suitable with the students’ answer to question number 2 about their priority in learning english, in which for the question their first priority was to find specific vocabularies with scores 49%. the english material should involves four skills namely, writing, reading, listening, and speaking, and it was completed with exercises that the students have to do whether in class or in their house as homework, whether in individually task or group, to presenting the material, the english lecturer used face to face technique in bog group, for the students who have difficulties in understanding the material, the lecturer gave the remedial in small group, this is to respect the students preferences about learning english style, in which in this case their first priority in big group by guiding the lecturer in 72% and second priority in small group was 68%. the time used to teach the material at once in a week in1/2 hours. in presenting the materials, the english lecturer has to use english and indonesian language sometimes use verbal language to make students more understood to the material, this is to recommended the students’ preferences about the english lecturer method in teaching the material, in which in this question their first priority was english and indonesia also verbal in 51% scores. in teaching and learning process to make the english lecturer easy in presenting the materials, it should be better if the english lecturer used handbook for her/himself also gave the students book package so the students have direction about the material that they have to study in a semester, but in this research, i did not make book package for the students, it depend on the english lecturer who will use this materials to make book package based on his/her creativity. for reading material should be based on the faculty, in this case like a text of short reading, this based on the students preferences toward reading materials, in which in this case, their priority was reading based on the faculty in a short text form as first priority and the english lecturer can use reading comprehension technique. to improve students speaking ability, the material used retelling technique, in this case retell about the content of reading text, this is to fulfill the students responses through question number 14 about their preferences toward method in teaching speaking, in which in journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 92 this case their first priority was retell in 51% scores, also sometimes english lecturer may ask students to read the text of reading as their second priority. for writing skill, to improve students writing skill, in the material of this exercise also ask students to make sentence toward grammar in focus, ask students to make conclusion about the content of reading or about something through audio visual. in improving students listening skill, in the material prepared dictation method by english lecturer whether in classroom or in language laboratory. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 93 references crawford, j. (2002) how authentic is the language in our classroom? prospect 6(1) 4754 carter ronal & nunan,david (2002) teaching english to speakers of other language. cambridge : university press hutchinson tom & waters alan. (1990). english for specific purposes. a learning-centred approach. cambridge : university press mcdonough, j. & shaw, c.(2003). materials and methods in elt. blackwell publishing. robinson. p. c, (1984). english for special purpose. pergamon press. oxford j. c.,renandya, w. (2002) methodology in language teaching: an anthology of current practice.cambridge university press tomlinson.b., (2003). developing materials for language teaching. continuum. new york tomlinson (2003) developing language course materials. seameo regional language centre. singapore wello, b. & nur. h. a. j,(2008). an introduction to esp. badan penerbit universitas makassar wello, b. & dollah s. (2008) fundamental aspect of english for special purpose. badan penerbituniversitas makassar. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 1 role play in video to accelerate non-english students’ mastery of speaking competence asna usman dilo (1) , la aba (2) (1) , (2) iain sultan amai gorontalo abstract to teach english to non-english major students in islamic university is unique. this perception is also applied among lecturers and to stimulate a conversation situation in which students might find and give them an opportunity to practice and develop their speaking ability. therefore, the use of role play that involved in short film documenter or video is used in this study to make their english creatively, not only to practice speaking ability but the students can explore their acting. this study is an action research study, where pre-test and posttest are administered to obtain the data, in addition to observation and literature study. this research is carried out in two cycles, every cycle there are four components they are: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. the result of this research showed that used role play in video can accelerate the nonenglish students’ department mastery of speaking competence. it showed the first cycle showed that only 10 or 40% students were competent. while in the second cycle, there were 25 or 88% students gained the score more than 80. it means that the indicator of success has reached. keyword: role play in video, speaking competence, non-english students abstrak mengajarkan bahasa inggris pada mahasiswa non jurusan bahasa inggris di perguruan tinggi islam adalah unik. pemahaman ini juga diterapkan pada semua dosen dan untuk merangsang situasi percakapan dimana mahasiswa menemukan dan memberikan mereka kesempatan untuk melatih dan mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara. karena itu, penggunaan bermain peran yang dibuat dalam film pendek atau video yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat bahasa inggris lebih kreatif. tidak hanya melatih kemampuan berbicara tetapi mahasiswa dan menggali kemampuan akting. penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas, untuk memperoleh data digunakan pre-test dan posttest, ditambah observasi dan studi literature. penelitian ini dibuat dua siklus. setiap siklus terdiri empat komponen : perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, refleksi. hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bermain peran yang di videokan dapat mempercepat penguasaan berbicara bagi mahasiswa non bahasa inggris. ini ditunjukkan pada siklus pertama hanya 10 orang atau 40 % yang menguasai. sedangkan pada siklus kedua terdapat 25 atau 88 % mahasiswa memperoleh skor lebih dari 80. menunjukkan indikator kesuksesan tercapai. kata kunci: bermain peran, video, koterampilan berbicara, mahasiswa non bahasa inggris al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 2 a. introduction english language is the international language or global language, spoken approximately thousand of millions of people around the world as a tool of communication. english language as a second or foreign language it is difficult for the students to learn at the first time, because it might influenced by many factors one of them might be their mother tongue to reach a successful english learner. one of the main important keys to success in english is enhanced the students come to love the learning process. students are able to communicate in english by mastering the four english skills such as listening, reading, writing and speaking. however, it is not easy to master all the skills; there must be one important skill that covers the whole skills. based on the statement above speaking or oral communication is the most important skill that should be mastered by students in order to communicate in english fluently. in this case, the students must study hard to master it and the teacher should create a good atmosphere in class. however, it is contrary to the real situation in class. speaking activities do not work in class because many factors prevent students from speaking english with their friends. they are afraid of making mistakes, of being laughed at by his or her friends and of having lack of confidence in their ability. there are some problems related to speaking activities in class and helping students to improve their speaking skill is part of the teacher’s job. lecturers are expected to have right teaching techniques to accelerate their english mastery with appropriate teaching materials and to create a positive classroom environment. therefore, the students will have opportunity to use english among themselves. the teaching curriculum and learning process should not only take place between lecturers and students but also between students and students. one of the earliest definitions of role play is provided by mann (in purwanto, 2008:2) where a person is asked to perform a role which is not normally his own, or is explicitly asked to perform a normal role but not in a setting where is it normally taken. larsen and freeman (2000:135) said that role plays are very important in communicative language teaching (ctl) because they give student an opportunity to practice communicating in different social contexts and different social role, similarly to johnson and morrow (1986:137) also said that role plays are very important in the al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 3 communicative approach therefore they give the students an opportunity to practice communicating in different social contexts. johnson and morrow (1987:126) said that among classroom activities, role play and simulations rate highly suitable vehicles to use in a communicative approach to language teaching. they can reduce the artificiality of the classroom, provide a reason for talking and allow the learner to talk meaningfully to other learner. according to topkins (2008: 1) role playing is an extremely valuable method for learning. it encourage thinking and creativity, lets students develop and practice new language and behavioral skills in a relatively no threatening setting, and can create the motivation and involvement necessary for learning to occur”. similarity livingstone (1983:6) said that role play is a classroom activity which gives students the opportunity to practice the language, the aspects of role behavior, and the actual roles he may need outside the classroom. most students will not need to fulfill in the foreign language the wide range of roles they fulfill in the mother tongue, unless, of course, they intend to live and work in the foreign language environment for an extended period of time. further, amto and several experts agreed that role play has high appeal for students because it allows them to be creative and to put themselves in another person’s place for a while (amto 2003). the explanations above indicate that role play is perhaps the liveliest form to get the class involved in speaking. role play brings situation from real life into the classroom. students imagine and assume roles they create a pretend situation, and they pretend to be some different persons, the following researcher would like to explain about successful classroom and speaking assessment. role play in video means that the students record what they are talking and have done based on the script. in the classroom the students learn through study of complex, real word practices that are captured and represented through digital video media. implication for the design of video based environments and activities for classroom learning and lectures professional development are also addressed. role play and video are as type of teaching media. in regard to this media topic, hamalik (2011) that divide classifications of teaching media into four types are: (1) visual media, such as filmstrip, transparency, micro projection, bulletin board, pictures, illustration, chart, graphic, poster, map, and globe; (2) audited media, such as phonograph record, electric transcript, radio, recorder al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 4 of tape recorder; (3) audio visual media, such as film, tv, and three dimensions things; and (4) dramatization, role play, socio drama, etc the use of video is suggested as a learning medium. there are many reasons why the use of video is suggested as a learning medium. as suggested by harmer (2004: 282) stated that some of the reasons as to why the language teacher is advised to use video as a medium of learning and teaching, are: (1) language learners not only hear the language they learn, but they also look at the context directly from the video being played. video will be a marvelous medium that represents expressions, gestures and other visual forms; (2) the knowledge of cultural differences. video will enable students to see situations outside the classroom without having to leave the classroom; (3) learning material in the media would be easy to remember because it is fun; and (4) the video can enhance students' motivation and interest in learning. it is as described previously that students not only learn how to see, but also listen, and it will be interesting for them so their motivation to learn will also increase. b. research method the research takes place at in economic and islamic business faculty at iain sultan amai gorontalo. the subject of this study is the third semester of islamic banking department with 33 students. this study is a classroom action research (car) as it serves the purpose of the study to accelerate the mastery of non-english students’ of speaking competence. it will conduct for six weeks, starting from the first week of october 2018 up to the third week of november 2018. in this study the data are collected applying role play in video. research findings describe which are gathered from the conduct of this action research. data is the process implementation of role playing process based on the observation. the second data is students’ speaking competence, which is gained from the observation to the students when the role playing applied in the dialogues. the research is conducted in two cycles, where each cycle consists of 6 meetings. research subjects are divided into 6 (six) groups then prepare dialogue or script of the text based on the theme islamic banking activities. at end of each cycle, lecturers’ achievement is measured using collected through a rubric of fluency as a general term of oral language proficiency. so the main point to access students’ ability by using language proficiency as one of the analytic rating scales. the rubric was used to assess al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 5 or evaluate the students’ speaking ability. schmidt (1992) believes that fluency is processing power in really using the language. skehan in richard (2003) also emphasizes speaking that fluency cannot be separated from the meaning of the language, for it reflects learners’ ability to deal with real communication in different contexts can be seen in table 1 below. table 1. the features and description of language proficiency features description pronunciation pronunciation of individual sounds and words, of sentences including the right intonation and stress grammar language use: accurate use of structure,or how the learners get his/ her utterances correct vocabulary the learner’s ability in choosing appropriate words for the intended meaning, and how to solve the problems when he/she connot find suitable words fluency the ability to keep the expression going smoothly, e.g. read a text without hesitation/ in appropriate pauses, or without repeating the words/line ccomprehensibility the ability to get the meaning across to the listener. confidence the ability to speak confidently with proper intonation to show feeling. in collecting the students’ speaking ability in performing the learning tasks, i rated the holistic scoring on a five-point scale for each elements of fluency. they are : excellent (5); very good (4); good (3); fair (2); poor (1). after the students’ score were analyzed based the scales and their description, i accumulated the totality of the students’ scores gained in speaking assessments. then i calculated the students’ own score to get their learning result in each cycle. the result was then classified into five criteria, they were extremely competent, competent, enough al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 6 competent, incompetent, and extremely incompetent. based on the statement, i modified the criteria of the students’ learning achievement values as shown in table 2. table 2. the criteria and the value of the students’ learning achievement no criteria intervals of value 1. extremely competent 90 – 100 2. competent 70 – 89 3. enough competent 60 – 69 4. incompetent 40 – 59 5. extremely incompetent 0 – 39 the table above interprets that if students gain values more than 90, they are called extremely competent students. students who obtained values 70 to 89, they are called competent students. when the students have values between 60 and 69, they are enough competent students. however, if they obtained the intervals of values between 40 and 59, it called categorized incompetent students. whereas, values less than 39, it is extremely incompetent students. it can be claimed that the students are called successful in learning if the participants have reached the score of at least 70 or they have the classification of value competent at least. c. findings and discussions findings first cycle at the first meeting the students divided into six groups and choose the theme. the theme revolves around islamic banking activities like selling and buying, market, banking activities. and then they discuss with their group to enactive the title of dialogue, make draft script of dialogue; destine the place and who are actor in this section. lecturers give them opportunity for three weeks to apply role play into video. next section the students show that into the classroom with a time has decided. in each meeting, one group present their video, lecturers observed the students’ ability in the presentation, therefore each student was expected to speak fluently. the result of the first cycle, a few group that the students’ speaking fluency ability in this meeting shows al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 7 that some of them still less fluent when they speak, some students are nervous; not dominate the script. it became the students’ learning achievement in the first cycle. after analyzing the students’ speaking fluency in the first cycle, founded that the students’ speaking fluency based on the elements of speaking in the first cycle can be seen in table 3 below: table 3. data of the students’ speaking fluency in the first cycle based on the elements of speaking for all groups: no the elements of speaking total score 1 fluency 17 2 grammar 20 3 pronunciation 21 4 comprehensibility 23 5 vocabulary 23 6 confidence 21 total 67,89% the table above shows that in the first cycle only 67.89%. this result is yet to meet the standard achievement set as the indicator of this study. it means after cycle 1 was done students’ speaking fluency seemed to be increased compare to the preliminary study. when the scores of the students’ speaking ability were classified into the criteria of value, it presents in table 4. table 4. data of the students’ speaking fluency in the first cycle based on the criteria of value no criteria interval of value frequency percentage 1 extremely competent 90-100 0 0 2 competent 70-89 6 18,2 3 enough competent 60-69 19 57,6 4 incompetent 40-59 8 24.2 5 extremely incompetent 0-39 0 0 total 33 100 al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 8 data in table 4 shows that no one student is classified into extremely competent criteria. there were only six students or 18,2% have competent criteria because they obtain values between 70 and 89. nineteen students or 57, 6% are enough competent criteria because their values are between 60 and 69. eight students or 24.2% were in incompetent criteria. it means after cycle 1 was done students’ speaking fluency seemed to be increased compare to the preliminary study. second cycle in this section lecturers explain the result of video each group and what a lack of each actors, sound, backdrop of stage, their speech is not clear, errors grammatical. lecturers give them opportunity for two weeks to record then apply again role play into video with observe all aspect. they also prepare similar materials in the script. lectures corrected the script with identify grammatical errors. the next section they have presenting again the video. the result of the second cycle show that the student’s speech is clear, they have confidents to talk with their friends, their acting seemly natural, grammar is correct, a word corrected pronounced, the audience could understand everything student said and express, uses appropriated vocabulary, there are speaking confidently with proper intonation to show feeling. all score can be shown at table 5 below. table 5. data of the students’ speaking fluency in the first cycle based on the elements of speaking for all group: no the elements of speaking total score 1 fluency 30 2 grammar 30 3 pronunciation 31 4 comprehensibility 29 5 vocabulary 31 6 confidence 30 total 86,30% based on calculating the result of the score shows that in the second cycle reach 86.30%. its means the standard achievement set as the indicator of this study. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 9 when the scores of the students’ speaking ability were classified into the criteria of value, it presents in table 6. table 6. data of the students’ speaking fluency in the first cycle based on the criteria of value no criteria interval of value frequency percentage 1 extremely competent 90-100 0 0 2 competent 70-89 12 27,5 3 enough competent 60-69 21 63,6 4 incompetent 40-59 0 0 5 extremely incompetent 0-39 0 0 total 33 100 in table 6 shows that twelve students or 27,5% have competent criteria. twenty one students or 63,6% are enough competent criteria, there no students were in incompetent criteria. considering the value above, the indicator for the completion of this study have reached. discussion as seen in the findings above, the role play in video is able to accelerate the students’ speaking competence from the average of 67,9 to 86,3 at the second cycle. like pageyasa (2004) states that mastery of speaking theory is not main purpose in teaching speaking. the important things are students are able to speak agreeing to contexts and the teaching of speaking must be oriented to aspect of language use, not to language rules. the other hand harmer (2007) said that “filmed extracts can be used as a main focus of a lesson sequence or as parts of other longer sequences.” students are used to watching film at home, and they enjoyed those things. as english lectures we need to be sure that we provide the students with good viewing and listening tasks so that they give their full attention to what they are seeing and hearing. by role play in video the student determine his or her own personal strengths and weaknesses. the other researcher is zhihong lu, etc (2010) in her study found that audio-video as media to teach the students in speaking. relating to media like video, irma manda al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 10 (2017) make a research about the use of audio visual media in teaching english for nonenglish majors. the subject of these researches is having different background or composite students from senior high school and islamic school. and it influence the result of study, in addition to make the participant easy make dialogue is a material or theme familiar with them because all subject of lesson almost talking about islamic banking. lecturers need created another instrument for farranging advantage of using video in accelerating the english mastery of non-english students at iain sultan amai gorontalo. in addition we should to found the other approach or media that interesting for the students to learn english lesson so they have motivate to follow the english lesson more than it to increase english mastery. as a lesson learned, role play in video can be claimed can accelerate the students’ speaking competence by using closer theme with their core of study or students department. it implies that lectures should role play in video as approach to beneficial in increasing their english language mastery. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 11 d. conclusion as we go through this study, speaking fluency on one language can help us to communicate, interact and socializing with others. to speak english fluency, than there are some important parts of the languages that we have to master such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency and even confidence. this study has argued that role play recorded in video can be used as a technique that provide opportunities for lectures and students feedback and motivate students because of their engaging qualities. the way lectures should correct in speaking fluency activities, not interrupting while they are going on, but giving feedback later. there may be times when teachers need to help an activity along through 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(2002). project work: a means to promote language and content. in j. c. richards & w. a. renandya (eds.), methodology in language teaching: an antohology of current practice. cambridge: cambridge university press, 107-119 al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 17 an identification of students’ difficulties in pronunciation nikita lasabuda english education department of tarbiyah and teacher training faculty the state institute of islamic studies (iain) sultan amai gorontalo, indonesia abstract this research aims to identify the difficulties of students‘ pronunciation in 4th semester of the english education department of iain sultan amai gorontalo. this research uses a qualitative method. the subject of this research is 4th semester students of english education department and focus of this research is on 15 students. the location of this research is in iain sultan amai gorontalo. this research was conducted for 3 months with data collection technique using interview and documentation. the technique of data identification using triangulation. the results of this research indicate that pronunciation and intonation required students to facilitate pronunciation while learning to speak in english. in this study the difficulties experienced by students in pronunciation is difficult to distinguish words that almost the same pronunciation, rarely practice in english, lack of vocabulary, often carried by local accent, shame, difficult to say sentences rarely found, nervous and less understanding of the contents of the context intended. keywords: difficulties in pronunciation. abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kesulitan pelafalan mahasiswa di semester empat jurusan bahasa inggris iain sultan amai gorontalo. penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester 4 jurusan pendidikan bahasa inggris dan fokus penelitian ini pada 15 mahasiswa. lokasi penelitian ini di kampus iain sultan amai gorontalo. penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 3 bulan dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan teknik analisis data triangulasi. hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelafalan dan intonasi dibutuhkan mahasiswa untuk memperlancar pronunciation saat belajar berbicara dalam bahasa inggris. pada penelitian ini kesulitan yang dialami siswa dalam pelafalan adalah sulit membedakan kata-kata yang hampir sama pengucapannya, jarang berlatih dalam bahasa inggris, kekurangan kosakata, sering terbawa logat daerah, malu, sulit mengucapkan kalimat jarang ditemukan, gugup dan kurang paham terhadap isi konteks yang dimaksud. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 18 a. introduction language is the basic skill that is needed for real communication among people. by using language, we are able to express our ideas and feeling. in indonesia, english learned by the students as a foreign language. english must be taught as early as possible because it is a compulsory subject from kindergarten until the university. for the junior high school student, english is very important to be learnt. especially with pronunciation, the students are expected to be able to mastery in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. kelly gerald (2000), states that pronunciation is one of the important things in learning english in order to make a good communication. to make a good communication needs to pronounce the words correctly. the pronunciation is when we use all the same organs of speech to produce the sounds in particular away. furthermore, corder (1980) explained pronunciation is the way in which a word is pronounced. pronunciation is not an optimal extra for the learners anymore than grammar, vocabulary or any other aspect of language. to pronounce the words correctly, we should know how the sounds are produced. our voice is produced by vibration of our vocals cords. according to sahulata ―sounds are vibrations with characteristic of frequency, intensity and duration which produce certain sensation audibility when striking the ear‖. the sounds of speech can be studied from various points of view. one can investigate the physical of speech sounds as they are transmitted through the air, measuring the amount of energy present in the acoustic signal, its distribution over the frequency spectrum, how this measurement change in the course of an utterance.11 in this case the writer would like to explain how english is pronounced in the accent normally chosen as the standard for people learning the spoken english. unfortunately, numerous teachers are not aware of the importance of pronunciation. in the first place, they emphasize the role of grammar and vocabulary al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 19 learning in the acquisition of a foreign language. the overwhelming majority of english language teachers help students become competent above all in listening and reading. secondly, many of them think that pronunciation study is too difficult and worse, boring for young learners. besides, teachers complain about the lack of high quality and suitable teaching and learning materials and about the lack of time to practice pronunciation (harmer, 2001). however, the acquisition of reasonable pronunciation by some students without any effort from the side of the teacher depends on a number of factors. specifies some of them, in particular the phonetic abilities of learners, integrative motivation and ‗achievement motivation.‘ equally, it appears that the number of students who appreciate the importance of good pronunciation is limited. taking these facts into account, teachers ought to convince their students of the need to study pronunciation rigorously and help them to learn how to pronounce english sounds correctly (kenworthy, 1987). however, it is tempting to suggest that the very first english lesson should deal with pronunciation. if students do not have an opportunity to practice good pronunciation at the beginning of their learning, they may build their habits in the wrong way. for this reason, learning words without pronunciation during beginning lessons is potentially damaging to their overall success. pronunciation is important because it does not matter how good a learner‘s vocabulary or grammar is if no one can understand them when they speak! and to be understood, a learner needs a practical mastery of the sounds, rhythms and cadences of english and how they fit together in connected speech. learners with good pronunciation will be understood even if they make errors in other areas, while those with unintelligible pronunciation will remain unintelligible, even if they have expressed themselves using an extensive vocabulary and perfect grammar. what is more, people are likely to assume that they don‘t know much english, and – worse – that they are incompetent or even stupid (lynda yates & beth zielinski, 2009). al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 20 b. method the method of this study tried to describe the object of study is based on data and facts, as well as trying to analyze the concepts previously developed by the researches as the instrument itself in solving the problem (lexy j. moleong, 2002). this research subject is the 4th semester student majoring in english at the iain sultan amai gorontalo. in this research used three data collection techniques, namely: 1. interview, burns (1999), contends that interviews are a popular and widely used means of collecting qualitative data.‖ to this end, the researcher wants to get firsthand information directly from some knowledgeable informants. 2. documentation, bogdan (sugiyono, 2015)argued in most tradition of qualitative research, the phrase personal document is used broadly to refer to any first person narrative produced by an individual who describes his or her own actions, experience and belief. the process of analysis begins by examining all data starting by reviewing all available sources of interviews and recorder. after observing, the data obtained are still random, and then the next step is to conduct data reduction. data reduction is a process of assessment, formulation of attention, simplification, validation and transformation of data that has been written. c. result and discussion the data are taken from the fourth semester in english department of iain sultan amai gorontalo. from twenty three students four semesters, researchers only take the data students who often use english as much as fifteen people based on the results of interviews and documentation. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 21 based on the interview there are three aspects of students‘ difficulties in pronunciation, those are: 1. pronunciation based on the theory that tested the pronunciation, the researchers found some students have difficulty in pronunciation such as, it is difficult to distinguish words that are almost the same pronunciation, rarely practice, lack vocabulary, carried regional accent, shame and difficult to say sentences rarely found. based on interviews conducted by researchers obtained from 15 students studied, 6 students have similar difficulties. 2. intonation based on the theory that tested the intonation, the researchers found some students who are difficult in adjusting intonation such as, nervous, often carried away regional accent, lack of understanding of the content in question. based on interviews conducted by researchers obtained from 15 students studied, 5 students have similar difficulties. 3. liaisons based on the theory that examined the liaison, the researchers found 4 students who had no difficulty in liaison. they tend not to eliminate liaison when speaking in english and interact with friends. while on documentation researcher obtained students‘ data from tests distributed to their pronunciation. in this research, the researcher observed 5 times by observing the students activity in speaking english by getting the result that is 6 students that difficulties in pronunciation from 15 students under study. 5 students have difficulty in intonation and 4 others do not eliminate liaisons when speaking. in this study the researchers added data to obtain more accurate information by taking data based on the english test distributed to students. this research use to answer the research question of my research about factors of students‘ difficulties in pronunciation, the research found it as follows: al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 22 1. factors of students‘ difficulties in pronunciation in this pronunciation, researchers get the results of research students' difficulties in learning pronunciation, such as: a. difficult to distinguish the vocabulary almost the same way of mentioning b. rarely practice speaking in english so when talking the mention is still wrong. c. lack of vocabulary so that when met with new words have difficulty in mentioning it. d. when speaking in english often carried the regional accent so that the mention of the word in english is wrong. e. it's hard to say a new word. 2. factors of students‘ difficulties in intonation in this strategy, the researcher for research results that students use to learn skills, such as: a. nervous or less confident when speaking english for fear of being wrong, so it causes intonation to change. b. when speaking in english, it is often carried by regional accents. c. often have difficulty when speaking english but do not understand the contents of the sentence. 3. factors of students‘ difficulties in liaisons based on the research, in the liaisons section 20% of students do not eliminate liaisons when speaking in english. according to them liaisons is very important in a sentence so that the sentence to be discussed more regularly. that's the result of research obtained by researchers from the analysis of difficulty of pronunciation in students based on research instruments used by researchers. in addition, in this study researchers analyze that pronunciation, intonation and liaisons is very important because they think these three aspects are very influential in speaking in english. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 23 d. conclusions the researcher can conclude some of the conclusion as follows: in the pronunciation aspect of this study was found difficult to distinguish words that are almost the same pronunciation, rarely practice, lack vocabulary, carried regional accent, shame and difficult to say sentences rarely found which students experience in pronunciation. in the intonation aspect of this study was found nervous, often carried away regional accent, lack of understanding of the content in question which students experience in intonation. and the aspect of liaisons in this study include talking to themselves or with friends without removing liaisons on the sentence. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 24 references burns, anne. (1999). collaborative action research for english language teachers. cambridge: cup corder, s. pit. (1980). research of second language errors. oxford; oxford. jeremy harmer. (2001). the practice of english language teaching (four edition; cambridge. uk; longman. tth). j. kenworthy. (1987). teaching english pronunciation. london: longman. kelly gerald . (2000). how to teach pronunciation. essex longman. lexy j. moleong. (2000). metodologi penelitian kualitatif. bandung: remajarosdakarya. lynda yates & beth zielinski, 2009. give it a go: teaching pronunciation to adults, australia. sugiyono. (2015). metode penelitian pendidikan (pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif, dan r&d). bandung: alfabeta. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 10 identifying teacher’s strategies in teaching writing irikawati english education department of tarbiyah and teacher training faculty the state institute of islamic studies (iain) sultan amai gorontalo, indonesia abstract this research discusses about “identifying teacher’s strategies in teaching writing”. then, the problem research are what is the teacher’s strategy in writing and how to identify teacher strategy in teaching writing. the purpose of this study is to determine the teacher’s strategy in teaching writing and identifying the teachers’s strategy in teaching writing. this research is carried out in class xi m.a nuruttaqwa limboto. the method used in this research is qualitative method. respondent in this research is english teacher and student of class xi m.a nuruttaqwa limboto. the instrument used to identify the teacher’s strategy in teaching writing is observation and interview. the results of the research indicate the identification of the strategy of english education teacher in teaching writing, there are several strategies used and almost all the steps in the strategy is conducted and implemented well by the english teacher. key words: teacher strategy, teaching writing abstrak penelitian ini membahas tentang “mengidentifikasi strategi guru dalam mengajar menulis”. adapun penelitian ini mengangkat pokok permasalahan yaitu, apa strategi guru dalam mengajar menulis dan bagaimana mengidentifikasi strategi guru dalam mengajar menulis. tujuan penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui strategi guru dalam mengajar menulis dan mengidentifikasi strategi guru dalam mengajar menulis. penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas xi m.a nuruttaqwa limboto. metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. responden dalam penelitian ini adalah guru bahasa inggris dan siswa kelas xi m.a nuruttaqwa limboto. instrument yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi strategi guru dalam mengajar menulis adalah observasi dan wawancara. hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari identifikasi strategi guru pendidikan bahasa inggris dalam mengajar menulis, terdapat lima strategi yang digunakan dan hampir semua langkah-langkah dalam strategi tersebut dilakukan. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 11 a. introduction strategy is an overall approach relating to the execution of the idea, planning, and execution of an activity within a certain period of time. strategy is an overall approach relating to the execution of the idea, planning, and execution of an activity within a certain period of time. in the world of education, strategy can be defined as a plan, method, or series of activities designed to achieve a particular education goal. so the learning strategy is a plan that contains about a series of activities designed to achieve certain educational goals. it could also be said that the learning strategy is the plan and the way the teacher will do the teaching by setting the main steps of teaching in accordance with the teaching objectives to be achieved and has been outlined. in the context of teaching, sabri ahmad (2007), state that the strategy is intended as a teacher's effort in creating an environment system that enables the teaching process so that the learning objectives that have been formulated can be achieved and succeeded. so a teacher is required to have the ability to organize in general the components of learning, so interrelated function between learning components in question. in the learning process requires a strategy in improving the performance of a teacher. because the teacher is the subject in implementing the learning strategy. but before we review more about this it will be advanced in advance about the understanding of learn and learning strategies. learning is an activity done to know things that are not understood or just to increase knowledge. learning is done by itself or in groups as in the process of learning in the classroom. syaiful dan aswan (2013), explained that learning is essentially a change that takes place inside a person after the end of a learning activity. not all changes are included in the learning category. for example, physical changes, insanity, and so on. according to said and budimanjaya andi (2015), that school institution is a collection of learners who are at the age of growth and development for learning. gravity of student learning centered on the brain. the super teacher is when the al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 12 teacher taught the students the learning process. because not necessarily when teachers teach learners. teaching and learning are two different processes. writing skills is one of the teaching and learning processes. it is very important skill in life both in educational life and in community life. writing is one of four aspects of language skills that students must possess. learning to write is the second thing that the child should master after reading. writing is a skill used to communicate indirectly. the writing activity is identical to the use of graphic symbols, a combination of letters associated with spoken language sounds. the symbols need to be compiled and in accordance with the appropriate provisions, either in forming words, composing words into sentences, composing sentences into paragraphs, or arrange paragraphs into a text. according to asul (2004), argue that wrote writing has two meanings. first, writing means turning the audibled sound into visible signs. second, the word writing means the activity of expressing the idea in writing. karim and rachmadi (2015), writing is to convey ideas in a piece of paper where this activity aims to produce a good article by each writer in this case that is meant students. writing as one of the productive skills, that must mastered by students or writers is a process of delivering ideas in a piece of paper. produce a good writing that meets the rules of writing is the goal of every author or student because it is very important for the success of every student or writer in learning the language. based on some opinions above can be concluded that, writing is an activity that is performed and is one of the skills in language. good writing is to write with sincerity and use the heart and also use simple words and phrases to be easily understood and understood by the reader. good writing is to give a message and a good impression in a writing, which can be useful and be a role model and example for the people. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 13 b. method research method used in this research is qualitative research method. nana (2007), says qualitative research is a study aimed at describing and analyzing the phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and thoughts of individuals and groups. this study researchers conducted data collection techniques with: 1. observations, is a complex process. 2. interview, is used as data collection techniques if the researcher wants to do a preliminary study to find the problems to be researched, and also if the researcher wants to know the things from the more indepth respondent and the number of respondents is little/small (sugiyono, 2016). data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative data analysis following concept given by milles and huberman. activity in qualitative data analysis is done interactively and continuously with data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing / verification (imam gunawan, (2014). c. result and discussion the data in this study included data identifying teacher strategies in teaching writing. the object of data collection from this research is the teacher of english class xi in m.a nuruttaqwa limboto who have difficulty in learning english especially in writing. data were collected by observation and interview with english teacher and students in class xi. so from the existing problem of this research is to identify teacher strategy in teaching writing. based on the results of field observation and also in-depth interview conducted by the researcher, it can illustrate some of the strategies commonly used in writing skills of students conducted by english teacher grade xi in m.a nuruttaqwa limboto, district of gorontalo, as follows: 1. strategy by using image media from the observation seen that in teaching teachers using the media images in learning media benefits to help students view and express the image in a post. in the al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 14 use of this strategy the teacher does all the steps but adds a bit, ie asks the student to read in front of the class the form of the suggested suggestion and the bid that has been written first, to foster the confidence of each student bravely deliver the results of his work. 2. strategy by using the environment as a learning resource from the observation it can be seen that english teachers use this strategy when teaching material about describes an object which is a type of descriptive writing style, which describes an object, character and others. with the source of learning environment by the teacher to enrich the insight and knowledge of students because they learn not only limited to a room and the truth is more accurate, because children can be directly involved. the benefit is that the learning activities become more interesting and not boring and also improve students' learning motivation. 3. roundtable strategy in this strategy, researchers found that students more explored as well as express opinions, views as well as thoughts. from the research, teachers use this strategy when teaching material about a write a story in which it will make the writing process easier and building team spirit of the students, also affects students' self-confidence. 4. strategy by using the game from the results of observations the researchers found that one of the strategies used by teachers to teach the strategy by using the game on the topic of learning vocabulary. this is done to make learning more interesting, especially in training students' writing skills. with the use of these strategies then students are better able to understand the lessons easily because they feel comfortable, fun and the students also learn actively because there is discussion in it. 5. self-editing and self-correcting strategies from the results of observation in the use of this strategy, where students are required to be able to edit and correct their own mistakes. at the beginning of the learning process the teacher redistributes the students' writing that has been marked by their mistakes and asks the students to correct their own mistakes. after they have finished al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 15 correcting their own mistakes, then the teacher reaffirms what the writing should be. with the use of this strategy on invitation material it appears that students are more energetic and active. utilized for students to be able to correct their own mistakes. there are some students who have not been able to correct themselves and the teacher gives them a special understanding. of all the strategies used by english teachers in m.a nuruttaqwa limboto have their own goals and benefits depending on the topic of what material is taught. from the results of observation researchers, that the strategy often used by teachers in teaching is a strategy using the media images. because this strategy is considered more attract more learners to learn and also eliminate the boredom when learning by using learning strategies. the benefits of learning media are also to help students view and express the image in a written form. utilize the existing media effectively, efficiently and as well as possible, and of course see the situation when in implementing the learning process both in terms of student characteristics and availability of media especially the media images. d. conclusions based on the finding and discussion, researchers can conclude that there are five strategies used by english teachers in m.a nuruttaqwa limboto in teaching writing and almost all the steps of each strategy are implemented by the teacher in the class. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 16 references asul wiyanto. (2004). terampil menulis paragraf. jakarta: pt grasindo. imam gunawan. (2014). metode penelitian kualitatif. jakarta: bumi aksara. karim and rachmadi. (2015). journal universitas pendidikan ganesha jurusan administrasi pendidikan. volume : vol: 6 no: 1. nana syaodih sukmadinata. (2007). metode penelitian pendidikan. bandung: remaja rosdakarya. sabri ahmad. (2007). strategi belajar mengajar & micro teaching. padang: quantum teaching. said alamsyah and budimanjaya andi. (2015). 95 strategi mengajar multiple intelligences. jakarta: prenadamedia. sugiyono. (2016). metode penelitian pendidikan (pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif, dan r&d). bandung: alfabeta. syaiful bahri djamarah and aswan zain .(2013). strategi belajar mengajar. jakarta: rineka cipta. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 46 identifying the slip of tongue in efl classroom: one error that blocked students’s fluency in speaking moh. ali imron mustofa & enni akhmad english education department, tarbiyah and teacher training faculty the state institute of islamic studies iain sultan amai gorontalo abstarct one indicator of being able to speak is having good pronunciation. slip of tongue is one factor that is blocking good pronunciation. this research investigates the types of slip of tongue which doe by students in pronouncing english as a foreign language. there were 5 students of seventh semester at english education program academic year 2017/2018 iain sultan amai gorontalo, as the subjects of this research. it used qualitative method in order to describe the kinds of error on students’ pronunciation, especially when they are in slip of tongue. audio recording was used to identify the students’ pronunciation, data analyzing was done by transcribing their error pronunciation. the result shown from six of eight types of slips of the tongue occurred on students’ pronunciation, namely shift, anticipation, perseveration, addition, deletion and substitution, the main slip of tongue occurred on students’ pronunciation was substitution. salah satu indikator untuk bisa berbicara adalah memiliki pengucapan yang baik. keseleo lidah adalah salah satu faktor yang menghalangi pengucapan yang baik. penelitian ini menginvestigasi jenis-jenis keseleo lidah yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dalam melafalkan bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa asing. ada 5 siswa semester tujuh di program studi pendidikan bahasa inggris 2017/2018 iain sultan amai gorontalo, sebagai subyek penelitian ini. penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menggambarkan jenis kesalahan pada pelafalan siswa, terutama ketika mereka membuat kesalahan pelafalan. rekaman audio digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi pelafalan mahasiswa, analisis data dilakukan dengan menyalin pelafalan kesalahan mereka. hasil yang ditunjukkan dari enam dari delapan jenis keseleo lidah terjadi pada pengucapan mahasiswa, yaitu shift, antisipasi, ketekunan, penambahan, penghapusan dan substitusi, namun yang utama adalah substitusi. key words: error, slips of the tongue, pronunciation. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 47 a. introduction pronuciation is one of indicators used to score the ability of speaking (arthur hughes : 2003). pronunciation is a set of habits of producing sounds. the habit of producing a sound is acquired by repeating it over and over again and by being corrected when it is pronounced wrongly. learning to pronounce a second language means building up new pronunciation habits and overcome the bias of the first language (abbas pourhosein gilakjani, 2015). english pronunciation involves the production of each sound and pronunciation of words, phrases, and sentences with correct spelling, compressing and/or correct intonation. in addition, there is a way how to read the word correctly called ‘phonetic transcription’ ((phonetic transcript), which is defined as a kind of alphabetic writing where each letter represent a sound. phonetic transcript aim is to provide clear and unambiguous to the language learner, for example, the sound of which one should be used on a word or phrase, and in what order to use the sound. for the non-native speakers, pronunciation is one of the most important parts in english communication because by using good pronunciation, we can avoid misunderstanding between the speakers (harmer: 2000, dalton: 1998, angelina tieneke sugiarto: 2013, syarif hidayatullah: 2016). pronunciation errors occur in such a way, for instance because of slip of tongue. slip of tongue is a psychological problem of speaker. freud proposed that somebody misspeaks; it is an accidental expression of expressed thoughts or feeling (in david. w. carrol : 1985). slip of the tongue is occurred when the speaker’s actual utterance differs in some way from the intended utterance. the following utterances are categorized into slips of the tongue, namely shift exchange, anticipation, perseveration, addition, deletion, substitution, blend. those types of slips of tongue identified were occurred in english foreign language (efl) classroom (angelina tieneke sugiarto: 2013). the research focused on pronunciation error which included the slip of tongue, while this research focused on the types of slip of tongue faced by english department students in the classroom. therefore, the research question formulated as: what types are slip of the tongue occcured on students’ of english department pronunciation? journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 48 b. literature review everyone needs to convey their message, idea, feelings or information to make a conversation to other people, so that they produce their speech. there are four stages of production: conceptualizing, formulating, articulating, and self-monitoring. to pass the steps, we ofte do errors consciously or subcociously, either i first language or secod language. erdogan (p. 5) explains that the errors may occur because the learner does not know what is correct, and thus it cannot be self-corrected. error analysis, on the other hand, deals with the learners' performance in terms of the cognitive processes they make use of in recognizing or coding the input they receive from the target language. the errors in pronouncing english may be viewed as a part of learning english process to the people who speak english as a foreign language. because by the errors, they will learn how to correct pronounce in english. lado (1996) states common errors in english is usually occur in every linguistics aspect namely; syntax, lexicon, phonology and morphological errors. slips occur when the speaker’s actual utterance differs in some way from the intended utterance unintentionally. slip of the tongue is occurred when the speaker’s actual utterance differs in some way from the intended utterance. freud proposed that somebody misspeaks; it is an accidental expression of expressed thoughts or feeling. although speech errors cover a wide range of semantic content, there appear to be only a small number of basic types, namely: shift, exchange, anticipation, perseveration, addition, deletion, substitution, and blend. shift, occurs when one speech segment disappears from its appropriate location and appears somewhere else, for example (fromkin) misderivations is the speaker somehow attaches the wrong suffix or prefix to the word. for example: that’s so she’ll be ready in case she decides [dɪˈsaɪds] to hit [hɪt] it becomes that’s so she’ll be ready in case she decide [dɪˈsaɪd] to hits [hɪts]it. it can be seen that the word "hit" [hɪt] there is the addition of the suffix -s. the addition of the suffix -s is not in the proper place because after the infinitive "to" always follows the original verb. suffix -s is supposed to be added to the word "decide" [dɪˈsaɪd]. exchanges are, in effect, double shifts, in which two linguistic units exchange places. for example: fancy getting your nose [nǝʊz] remodeled [rɪˈmɒdled]becomes fancy getting your model [ˈmɒdl] renosed [rɪnǝʊzd]. there is an exchanging between two sounds; there journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 49 are /n/ and /m/. the speaker utters “fancy getting your model renosed [fensɪ geting ju:r mɒdl rɪnǝʊzd]”. it should be said “fancy getting your nose remodeled [fensɪ getting ju:r nǝʊzrɪˈmɒdled]”. anticipations occur when a later segment takes the place of an earlier one. they differ from shifts in that the segment that intrudes on another also remains in its correct location and thus is used twice. for example:take [teɪk] my bike becomes bake [beɪk] mybike. the speaker intended to say take my bike [teɪk maɪ baɪk], but said instead bake my bike [beɪk maɪ baɪk], “anticipating” the sound /b/ at the beginning of bike in his pronunciation of take, (the arrow means “was mispronounced as”). in this example take is said to be the target word, and bike is said to be the origin of the error (since that is where the b came from). perseverations occur when an earlier segment replaces a later item. he pulled a tantrum [ˈtæntrǝm] becomes pulled a pantrum [pæntrǝm]john gave the boy [bͻi] a ball becomes john gave the goy [gͻi] a ball. the speaker intends to say ‘pulled a tantrum’ [pʊld ǝˈtæntrǝm], but he said instead ‘pulled a pantrum’[pʊld ǝ pæntrǝm ], the speaker has perseveration the sound /p/ at the beginning of ‘pulled’ in his pronunciation of ‘tantrum’. in this example ‘pulled’ is said to be the target word and ‘tantrum’ is said to be the origin of the error since that is where the sound /p/ of ‘pulled’ came after the origin (“tantrum” “pantrum”) (an earlier segment that is ‘pulled’ replaces a later item). according to fromkin, garrett, shattuck-hufnagel, in carroll, additions add linguistic material. for example: i didn’t explain this carefully [keǝ(r)fʊli] enough becomes i didn’t explain this clarefully [kla(r)fʊli]enough. based on the example above, we can see that in the statement “i didn’t explain this clarefully enough” [aɪ ˈdɪdnt ɪkˈspleɪn ðɪs kla(r)fʊli ɪˈnλf] there is an addition the soun /l/ in the word “clarefully” [kla(r)fʊli]. it is supposed to say the word “carefully”[keǝ(r)fʊli]. deletions leave something out, according to fromkin, garrett, shattuck-hufnagel, in carroll. for example: i’ll just get up and mutter unintelligibly [λnɪnˈtelɪdӡǝblɪ]becomes i’ll just get up and mutter intelligibly [ɪnˈtelɪdӡǝblɪ] based on the example above, we can see in the statement “i’ll just get up and mutter intelligibly” [aɪ’l dӡλst get λp ǝnd ˈmλtǝ(r) ɪnˈtelɪdӡǝblɪ] there is a deletion occurs, in this case is deletion of the prefix “un” in word “intelligibly”. so, it is supposed to say “i’ll just get up and mutter unintelligibly” [aɪ’l dӡλst get λp ǝnd ˈmλtǝ(r) λnɪnˈtelɪdӡǝblɪ]. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 50 according to fromkin substitutions occur when one segment is replaced by an intruder. these differ from previously described slips in that the source of the intrusion may not be in the sentence. before the place close [klǝʊs] becomes before the place open [ˈǝʊpǝn] at low speeds, it’s too heavy [ˈhevɪ] becomes at low speeds it’s too light[laɪt] based on the two examples above, there are substitutions of word that each of them has relation either semantically or phonologically. in the first example, the speaker intends to say “before the place close” [bɪˈfͻ:(r) ðǝ pleɪs klǝʊs]. in fact, the speaker said the word “open” [ ǝʊpǝn] in his/her statement which is has close relation and it is the antonym of the intended word, in this case the word “close”. in the second example, the speaker intends to say “at low speeds it’s too heavy” [ǝt lǝʊ spi:d ɪts tu: ˈhevi]. in fact, the speaker said the word “light” [laɪt] not the word “heavy” [ˈhevi]. there are two possibilities about this case. the first one is, because both of the word “light” and “heavy” are from the same group of word class which is a s a noun make the speaker confuses and tend to makes the error. and the second one is, if we look at the statement “at low speeds it’s too light” [ ǝt lǝʊ spi:d ɪts tu: laɪt], it relates with a crowded road which is full of lights from the street lamps. so that’s why the speaker used the word “light”. fromkin states that in word substitutions, the speaker produces a word that is wrong, but typically related either semantically or phonologically to the intended word. slips of the tongue also tell us a great deal about the structure and organization of the mental dictionary. blends the speaker leaves out a short stretch of speech. blends apparently occurs when more than one word is being considered and the two intended items “fuse” or “blend” into a single item. for examples: fried [fraɪd] + potatoes [pǝˈteɪtǝʊs] becomes fries[fraɪs]. post [pǝʊst] + toasties [tǝʊstis] becomes posties[pǝʊstis] we can see from the examples of blends/ haplologies above, two words are combining into a single word. at the first one the speaker is combining the word “fried” [fraɪd] with the word “potatoes” [ pǝˈteɪtǝʊs] become the word “fries”. the second one is combining process of the word “post “[pǝʊst] and the word “toasties” [tǝʊstis] become into the word “posties” [ pǝʊstis]. slips of the tongue in l1 speech have been widely studied in detail as they can provide evidence about particular aspects of the speech production process and, in the case of slips produced by children, about language development. however, until now very little research journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 51 has been done on slips of the tongue in l2 learner speech production, even though l2 slips might well provide evidence of the language development of l2 learners. in some research there are statement showed that slips of the tongue in l1 speech production are also valid for l2 learner speech. in a research by poulisse, in her data, 2000 l2 slips and l1 slips were included which were collected by tape-recording and carefully re-examined by two trained researchers. as is common in l1 slip research, the slips were classified in terms of the linguistic level involved (e.g. syntactic, lexical, morphological and phonological) and slip type. the most important slip types are substitutions, anticipations, perseverations, exchanges, additions, deletions and blends. she compared l1 slip data with l2 slip data in order to find if they are the same or different, and to what extent. the analysis of the data showed there are many similarities between the l1 and the l2 slip data. for instance, one of the findings supporting the frame-and-slot mechanism is that slips of the tongue adhere to the” syntactic category constraint”: nouns replace nouns, verbs replace verbs, and prepositions replace prepositions, and so on. c. research method this research used qualitative descriptive method. it used to analyze the students’ pronunciation of slip of tongue and served the research finding by data’s description. the location of this research was in english education department of state institute of islamic studies sultan amai gorontalo. the subject of research was 5 students at seventh semester academic year 2017/2018 as the. it used purposive sampling, under the principle of sow ball. thus, the research interviewed ad tested one student before going to another student. only 5 students were taking, because the types of slip of tongue almost occurred o the. document ad interview were used to get the data. in this research, researcher used students’ transcription and the topic was daily conversation (introduction, family, daily activities, home town).interview is a meeting of two persons to exchange information and idea through question and responses, resulting in communication and joint construction of meaning about a particular topic. this interview used only to clarify that the participants error is happen because of their error in performance. the researcher analyzed the data systematically by using the following steps: first, the researcher made the transcription from the utterances, and then the researcher presented the data that contain the pronunciation errors that happened in journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 52 their speech. second, the researcher analyzed slip of the tongue based on fromkin’s theory in table 3.2. third, the researcher described and discussed the findings that are related to the objective of the study. finally, the researcher made general conclusion by relating to the theory and research finding about pronunciation errors happened in seventh semester student of english department. d. findings and discussions slips of the tongue analysis in presenting the presentation on the slips of the tongue and pronunciation problems, there were 5 participants as the data sources in this research which were observed. and the pseudonyms were also used in the presentation of this analysis; they are student 1, student 2, student 3, student 4, and student 5. the frequency of appearance of types of slips of the tongue would be presented in table 4.2 table 4.2 types of slip of tongue appearance no. type of slip of tongue frequency 1. shift 1 2. exchange 3. anticipation 3 4. perseveration 3 5. addition 28 6. deletion 33 7. substitution 52 8. blend total 120 a) in others word… in other words is i wanna be a success girl (student 1) based the utterances, the speaker pronounced the word in others word in her utterances. it should be pronounced “in other words”, it could be proved because of there was a repairing process from the speaker. the error happened because the student makes a shift on (s) letters, she pronounces in others word in her utterances which changing the meaning of the sentences. it is should located in the end of the word “word” to get the meaning. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 53 a) i was born on tweny nine february ninety ninety six (student 1) in this utterance which made by student 1, the student was getting anticipate and more focused on second word that is “ninety”. so, she made slip between which should pronounce nineteen or ninety. b) i was born in limboto three mart, three marts in ninety ninety six (student 2) based on the utterance, the same slip of tongue was made by the student 2. therefore, in the segment “in ninety ninety six”the suffix -ty in the second ninety take place in the early word which should be pronounce nineteen. based on the utterance, the same slip of tongue was made by the student 2. therefore, in the segment “in ninety ninety six”the suffix -ty in the second ninety take place in the early word which should be pronounce nineteen. c) and i was born in tote on twenty five june nine...ninety ninety six (student 4) based on the utterance during typing this transcription, i found that most of the student make a slip when pronouncing their own date of birth especially in pronouncing -teen and -ty suffix. a) alhamdulillah.. my fathers and my mothers (addition – s)… still complete. based on the utterance, in this case the speaker definitely get slip when pronouncing her parent by mentioned they’re like “my fathers and my mothers” with an addition -s in those words and it was inappropriate location. this -s suffix addition is not appropriate because the adding sound /s/ showed a quantity of an object “my fathers and my mothers” is a singular noun which belong to the speaker itself. it could be seen when the speaker renews her sentence into “my father and my mother”. b) so my farthers (addition – r,s) do everything. based on the utterances, the speaker pronounces it in a hurry. there is an unnecessary addition sound /r/ & /s/ that makes the word heard unclearly. it should be pronounced “so my father do everything” c)my second little brothers (addition – s). based on the utterances, the -s suffix addition is not appropriate because the adding sound /s/ showed a quantity of an object. it should be pronounced without -s “my second little brother”, because her second little brother just 1 in this world. a) it is very difficult for me to reach. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 54 based on the utterance, the speaker omitted the word “it” from the sentences. this error happened when the speaker hurried to close the sentences. the speaker immediately repaired his utterance when he realized that it was inappropriate. b) okay.. i…i … just.. i’ll just tell you. based on the utterance, it is a same case with the sentence above. in this section, the speaker also in a hurry situation and little confused about what is she going to say. then, the speaker immediately repaired his utterance when he realized that it was omitted or uncompleted. c) i’am so slowly in work. based on the utterance, the speaker omitted suffix -ing in the last word “work” whether it should be “working” because the -ing suffixes is perform as a complement. d) surfing internet, or.. watching some movie. based on the utterances, there are determiner “the” deletion in sequence [surfing internet] while it should pronounce [surfing the internet] because internet is a medium just like water, ground, & air. a) i know can’t te.. told you..i can’t told it.. i can’t tell you, it’s a secret. based on utterance above, it could be seen that the speaker made an error. he substituted the word “tell” into the word “told”. the speaker intended to pronounce an utterance which was contained present form. b) ef (substitution of).. of their mystery. in this section, the speaker substitute word “of” but she made slip when pronouncing vowel /o/ it’s changing into /e/. c) if someone.. ask him to uh.. to do building(subtitution – should make or built a) he will do it. in this sentence, the speaker choose inappropriate verb to fill the sentences. for this case the sentence should pronounce“if someone ask him to uh.. to built a building he will do it.” d) if someone ask him to what.. gardening (subtitution – should farming) he will do it. this is same case with above sentence. in this section, the sentence should journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 55 pronounce“if someone ask him to farming he will do it”. e) my father and my mother..still complete. based on the utterances above, word “complete” should change into “alive” because the speaker intended to give means that her parents still slive. f) while my mother’s job is marbot masjid based on the utterance, the speaker also changes or substitute an english with her first language. therefore, she should pronounce “while my mother’s job is a caretaker of mosque” e. conclusion kinds of pronunciation error found in the seventh semester students at english education program academic year 2017/2018 contain six kinds of slip of the tongue. the six kinds of slip of the tongue, they are shift, anticipation, perseveration, deletion, addition, and substitution. there are only six of them were found, because the appearance of each type of slips of the tongue is relate to their speech, and there are no case showing the rest of other types. next, substitution is dominantly occurred than the other types. it is happened because slip of tongue also known as freudian slips. a freudian slip is a bit more complicated because there is believed to be more meaning behind the word error that is made. a freudian slip is a verbal mistake that is believed to be linked to the unconscious mind. so, the mistake is not considered a mistake at all, but instead an unconscious thought that is coming out in speech. often freudian slips are not with words that sound alike at all, like with a slip of the tongue. a common example of a freudian slip would be calling one’s boyfriend or girlfriend by your mother or father’s name. a freudian slip gets its name from the psychiatrist sigmund freud. he believed mistakes we make when speaking has meaning and aren’t really mistakes at all, but our unconscious mind slipping through into our speech. when the students pronounced the english words in hurry, less of vocabulary and monitoring condition which make their unconscious mind crawling into their speech and substituted some english words to others. the five students also produce pronunciation problems such as the uncompleted word and the unclear pronunciation. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 56 references adhwaul bayan, muhammad al amin asy syinqithi, 3/238, dar ilmi al fawaid brown, h. d. principles of language learning and teaching, 3rd ed. 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analyze the translations method in translating label product that used by the student at eight semester english department and to find out the dominant method that used in translating label product by the students at the eight semester english department in iain sultan amai gorontalo those should be the reference material in evaluating and teaching english subject. this research used qualitative method by technique of collecting the data such as student‟s worksheet and documentations. in the technique the analyzing the data, the researcher does the steps that is reading, classifying, explaining, and drawing conclusion. the translation methods that classifying that is wordfor-word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, semantic translation, adaptation translation, free translation, idiomatic translation, communicative translation, pragmatic translation, dynamic translation, esthetic-poetic translation, and linguistic translation. the result of research showed of the methods that used in student‟ translation in label product are word-for-word translation is 13 sentences, literal translation is 24 sentences, free translation is 29 sentences, pragmatic translation is 6 sentences, and idiomatic translation is 5 sentences. thus, the dominant method that used in student‟s translation is free translation by 29 sentences. keywords: analysis, label product, student’s translation, method of translation. abstrak tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis metode-metode yang digunakan mahasiswa bahasa inggris semester delapan dalam menerjemahkan label produk dan menemukan metode apa yang paling banyak digunakan mahasiswa bahasa inggris semester delapan dalam menerjemahkan label produk, hal ini dapat menjdadi acuan atau rujukan untuk pembelajaran bahasa inggris. peneltian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan tehknik pengumpulan data berupa lembar kerja mahasiswa dan dokumentasi. dalam menganalisis data, peneliti melakukan langkah-langkah yaitu membaca, mengklasifikasikan, menjelaskan, dan menggambarkan kesimpulan. metode-metode penerjemahan yang diklasifikasikan adalah penerjemahan kata demi kata, penerjemahan harfiah, penerjemahan setia, penerjemahan semantik, penerjemahan adaptasi, penerjemahan bebas, penerjemahan idiomatik, penerjemahan komunikatif, penerjemahan pragmatik, penerjemahan dinamik, penerjemahan estetik-puitik, dan penerjemahan linguistik. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa metode-metode menerjemahkan label produk adalah metode penerjemahan katademi-kata 13 kalimat, metode penerjemahan harfiah 24 kalimat, metode penerjemahan bebas 29 kalimat, metode penerjemahan pragmatik 6 kalimat, dan metode penerjemahan idiomatik 5 kalimat. oleh karena itu, metode yang paling banyak digunakan adalah metode penerjemahan bebas sebanyak 29 kalimat. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 39 a. introduction translation is useful in any aspects. many people need translation to do their activities in those aspects. since there are many appliances used in english then indonesian need their translations in order to get understand the meaning of its appliances. therefore, highly qualified translators who have good knowledge about the target language (tl) and the language they have to transform as source language (sl) are required. to produce a good translation, a qualified translator has been able to understand ideas and thought including the message expressed in the sl and representing it in the tl. according to oxford (2008), the term of „translation‟ is derived from word “translate”, it is means that put written or spoken into a different language. basil and jeremi (2004), said that translation is a phenomenon that has a huge effect on everyday life. this can range from the translation of a key international treaty to the following multilingual poster that welcomes customer to a small restaurant near to the home of one of the authors. furthermore, catford (1965) quoted by rudolf, defines that translation as the process of replacing a source language text with the target language text. he also interpreted translation as a substitution of the source language text material with the target language. and juliane (2015), define translation as the process of replacing a source language text with the target language text. he also interpreted translation as a substitution of the source language text material with the target language. based on the explanations, it can be conclude that translation is redirect source language to target language both in term of meaning or intent. language transfer can be oral or written. from the purpose of translation, the translation has an important role for transferring technology and literature in indonesia. because, variations of indonesian structure or grammar that mastered, make it difficult for us to do the transferring into english. it is not an easy thing. a translator must give the translation accurately in therefore a translator should master source language and have knowledge about the al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 40 target language to do the translation process easily. we must learn the ways or methods in translating such as word by word translation, literal translation, faithful translation semantic translation, free translation and etc. according to peter newmark (1988), said that there are eight translation methods. the methods in this context are principles which provide the basis of the way people translating text which obviously headed to the kinds of translation. translation can be done by choosing one of the eight methods. the methods can be classified into two: four of them are oriented in source language (sl emphasis) and the other four are oriented in target language (tl emphasis). it can be seen in the figure below: sl emphasis tl emphasis word for word translation adaptation translation literal translation free translation faithful translation idiomatic translation semantic transl communicative transl v diagram source: newmark, peter. 1988. today there is a big number of information around the world related to entertainment, sport, education, games, politic and information such as information in label product. translating label product is very important because label product is communication media for producer to consumer. label is an identity about a product. the consumers get the information about the product by the label. by the label, the consumers can distinguish between one product and another. the consumers can choose the product that they need. the existence of product labels can also dispel doubts in buying a product. thus, the correct, clear and complete about translation of label product is very important. marianne and sandra quoted by syukrianti mukhtar and muchammad nurif (2015), says labels are usually made of paper or plastic film with or without adhesives, the label explains some of the things about the product who made it, where it was made, when it was made, what it was, how it was used and how to use it safely. furthermore, ministry of education and culture (2015), explains al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 41 that the drug / food / drink label is the text shown on the pack / product packaging containing detailed descriptions of the product as well as how to use it. in english education department, there is a lecture about translation. the students get the lectures about translation that are theory of translation, translation practice, literal translation and translation and interpretation. by the lectures, the students get the knowledge about the theory and how to practice in translation. the lecturer gives various kinds of text for training students to increase the skill of translating. translation is not easy for students if they don‟t have the ability to translate the indonesian text to english text. many methods in translation make many using methods in student‟s translation in one object translation. this case was found in students of eighth semester english department in iain sultan amai gorontalo in translating label product. the researcher found that many methods using in translating label product. b. method descriptive qualitative method was used in this research to analysis the problem. it is a research method to describe the subject or object of the research based on the fact. then, this method describes population and evidence of the data systematically, and accurately. qualitative research is an approach to study of social phenomena. this research is used on the natural setting, so called also as the naturalistic research method. beside that the qualitative research is called as ethnography method then called the qualitative method (sugiyono, 2008). the term of naturalistic shows that the research is natural, on the normal situation without manipulate the condition, emphasize on the natural description. the process of taken the data or phenomena called as “taking of the data naturally (sugiyono, 2008). based on the explanation above, this study is designed by formulating the problem, colleting the data, analyzing the data and drawing conclusion. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 42 c. result and discussion the researcher stated that the data of research were about the the translation methods that used on label product of eighth semester english education departmen at iain sultan amai gorontalo. 1. the translation methods that used on label product of english education department a) word-for-word translation method the researcher found 13 sentences used word-for-word translation method. the word-for-word method in translation sentences on label product had a types that was: tied to a word equivalent and did not change the word order. b). literal translation method the researcher found 24 sentences used literal translation method. the literal translation method in translation sentences on label product had a types that was: tied to a word equivalent, and the grammar adapt to target language. c). free translation method the researcher found 29 sentences used free translation method. the free translation method in translation sentences on label product had a types that was: did not tied to a word equivalent, give priority to the content than text form of source language. d). pragmatic translation method the researcher found 6 sentences used pragmatic translation method. the pragmatic translation method in translation sentences on label product had a types that was: the form of language is noticed, emphasize the accuracy of information, the form of the language is noticed the and add information to make translations more clear. e). idiomatic translation method al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 43 the researcher found 5 sentences used idiomatic translation method. the idiomatic translation method in translation sentences on label product had a type that was producing target language messages with a more natural and familiar than the source language. 2. the amount of students‟ translation method that used in label product english education department based on the data, that has been discovered by the researcher that analyzed of theory of translation method to describe then explain the method that used in label product of english education department. the amount of the sentence errors can be seen in the following table: number translation methods quantity 1 word for word translation 13 2 literal translation 24 3 free translation 29 4 pragmatic translation 6 5 idiomatic translation 5 total 77 students translation method that used in label product eighth semester english education department consist of word-for-word method, literal method, free method, pragmatic method, and idiomatic method . the word-for-word method were 13 sentences, the literal method were 24 sentences, free method were 29 sentences, the pragmatic method were 6 sentences, and the idiomatic 47 method were 5 sentences. thus, the most frequent method in students‟ translation method that used in label product at eighth semester in english education department was free translation method and the least frequent translation method that used in label product at eighth semester in english education department was idiomatic translation. in classification the method, al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 44 the researcher used types of translation method. the word-for-word method had types that was: tied to a word equivalent and did not change the word order. the literal method had types that was: tied to a word equivalent, and the grammar adapt to target language. the free translation method had types that was: did not tied to a word equivalent, give priority to the content than text form of source language. the pragmatic had types that was: the form of language is noticed, emphasize the accuracy of information, the form of the language is noticed the and add information to make translations more clear. the idiomatic method had type that was producing target language messages with a more natural and familiar than the source language. d. conclusions the researcher can conclude some of the conclusion are; there are translation method that used in label product at eighth semester english education department include 13 sentences of word-for-word method, 24 sentences of literal method, 29 sentences of free method, 6 sentences of pragmatic method, and 5 sentences of idiomatic method. then, the most frequent method that used in students‟ translation in label product of english education department is free translation method and the least frequent method that used in students‟ translation in label product of english education department is idiomatic translation method. the result of this research indicates to existence inconsistent in the translation method to translate the text. the translation not only uses one method but also some methods to translate one text. we will difficult to find one text of translation that only uses one translation method. therefore, inconsistent translation methods for translating the text were showed in this research. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 45 references basil hatim and jeremi munday. (2004). translation an advanced resource book. new york: routledge. buku bahasa inggris. (2015). think globally act locally : buku guru. jakarta: kementrian pendidikan dan kebudayaan. juliane house. (2015). translation quality assessment. new york: routledge. oxford. (2008). oxford learner’s pocket dictionary. new york: oxford university press. peter newmark. (1988). a textbook of translation. new york: prentice hall international. rudofl, nababan. (2008). teori menerjemahkan bahasa inggris. yogyakarta: pustaka pelajar. sugiyono. (2008). metode penelitian kualitatif. bandung: alfabeta. ----------. (2008). metode penelitian kuantitatif, kualitatif, r&d. bandung: alfabeta. syukrianti mukhtar and muchammad nurif. (2015). peranan packaging dalam meningkatkan hasil produksi terhadap konsumen. jurnal sosial humaniora, 8, 2, 185. 161 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) iain sultan amai gorontalo volume 4, nomor 2, agustus 2019 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) analisis kesulitan belajar bahasa arab (studi di mts. n. 1 bandar lampung) faturahman fuad uin sunan kalijaga, yogyakarta abstrak tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan dan mendeskripsikan kesulitan siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa arab. jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, kurangnya minat dan motivasi siswa untuk mempelajari bahasa arab, kedua, sulitnya siswa membaca dan memahami arti dari setiap kosa kata bahasa arab, ketiga, perhatian orangtua terhadap hasil belajar bahasa arab siswa yang kurang, keempat, metode penyampaian materi oleh guru monoton dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, terakhir, penggunaan media belajar yang kurang variatif. abstract the purpose of this study is to find out and describe the difficulties of students in learning arabic. this type of research is qualitative research. the results showed that first, the lack of interest and motivation of students to learn arabic, second, the difficulty of students in reading and understanding the meaning of each arabic vocabulary, third, parental attention to students' arabic learning outcomes is lacking, fourth, the method of delivering material is still monotonous, the teachers only used the lecture method, finally, the use of learning media is less varied. a. pendahuluan belajar adalah suatu kata yang sudah akrab dengan semua lapisan masyarakat. bagi siswa atau mahasiswa kata “belajar” merupakan kata yang tidak asing,bahkan sudah merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari semua kegiatan mereka dalam menuntut ilmu di lembaga formal maupun non formal. kegiatan belajar mereka lakukan dimanapun dan kapanpun serta belajar itu tidak mengenal usia. keywords: analysis student’s difficulties; arabic learning 162 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) setiap anak didik berhak meraih prestasi yang baik jika mereka dapat belajar secara wajar, terhindar dari berbagai hambatan dan gangguan. namun yang terjadi pada kenyataanya hambatan dan gangguan dialami oleh anak didik tertentu, sehingga mereka mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar. pada tingkat tertentu memang ada anak didik yang dapat mengatasi kesulitan belajarnya tanpa harus melibatkan orang lain. tetapi pada kasus-kasus tertentu, karena anak didik belum mampu mengatasi kesulitan belajarnya, maka bantuanguru atau orang lain sangat diperlukan oleh anakdidik. seperti yang kita ketahui pada suatu lembaga pendidikan sudah semestinya jika bahasa arab itu diajarkan karena bahasa arab dipandang sangat relevan dengan kebutuhan masyarkat indonesia yang mayoritas beragama islam khususnya lembaga pendidikan islam seperti madrasah atau pesantren, bahasa arab merupakan salah satu bahasa dari sekian banyak bahasa di dunia dan seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa bahasa arab adalah bahasa al-qur’an dan hadist yang menjadi sumber hokum islam sehingga tanpa memahaminya kita akan sulit untuk mengerti dan faham akan isi dari al-qur’an dan hadist,oleh karenanya salah satu kebijakan pemerintah di bawah naungan departemen agama, bahasa arab adalah mata pelajaran wajib yang harus dipelajari di lembaga pendidikan islam dari jenjang madrasah ibtidaiyah sampai sekolah tinggi islam. mempelajari bahasa arab sebagai bahasa al-qur’an dan hadist maupun literature islam sangat dianjurkan bagi umat muslim, banyak dari ayat al-qur’an yang berbicara pentingnya mempelajari bahasa arab, salah satunya seperti firman allah yang berbunyi: ا لَّعَلَُّكۡم تَۡعِقلُوَن نًا َعَربِي ّٗ هُ قُۡرَءَٰ ٢إِنَّآ أَنَزۡلنََٰ artinya :“sesungguhnya kami menurunkannya berupa al-qur’an dengan berbahasa arab agar kamu memahaminya“ (q.s. yusuf : 1 ) ayat diatas telah memaparkan secara jelas bahwa perintah umat muslim untuk mempelajari bahasa arab adalah wajib, tidak ada lagi alas an untu ktidak mempelajari dan memahami bahasa arab, sedangkan untuk memahami dan menguasai bahasa arab memerlukan minat dan ketekunan belajar yang tinggi 163 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) sehingga ini adalah tugas untuk para guru yang dituntut untuk memecahkan masalah kesulitan belajar bahasa arab dengan mengembangkan profesionalitas dan kreatifitas dalam prosespembelajaran. dalam hal ini peneliti menemukan sebuah permasalahan kesulitandalam belajar bahasa arab, bahwasanya banyak sekali siswa yang masih belum menguasai pelajaran dasar bahasa arab seperti kesulitan dalam membaca, menyimak, berbicara dan menulis bahasa arab serta mereka kesulitan untuk menghafal mufrodat (kosa kata) sehingga siswa merasa kesusahan untuk merangkai sebuah kata ataupun kalimat sederhana. proses pembelajaran bahasa arab di mtsn 1bandar lampung secara umum mempunyai tujuan yaitu agar para siswa menguasai dan bisa mempraktikkan 4 keterampilan bahasa, adapaun 4 keterampilan bahasa itu meliputi istima’ (mendengar/listening), qiro’ah (membaca/reading), kitabah (menulis/writing) dan kalam (berbicara/speaking). kebanyakan siswa menilai bahwa bahasa arab itu susah maka dari itu perlu adanya proses pendampingan untuk mengubah mindset siswa agar mereka termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa arab, terlebih siswa kelas x yang merupakan siswa kelas lahir yang memiliki segudang permasalahan yang mereka hadapi, baik proses pembelajaran yang membosankan, rasa ketakut anak pada ujian nasioanal maupun tekanan sosial dari orang tua dan keluarga serta masyarakat sekitar yang mensyaratkan lulus ujian nasional dengan baik, selain itu ada juga permasalahan psikologis dan biologisnya yang menginjak usia remaja dewasa hal ini banyak menyita banyak waktu dan pemikiran yang bisa menghilangkan konsentrasi belajar. berdasarkan gambaran umum permasalahan yang terdapatdi mts n.1 bandar lampung maka penulis terdorong melakukan penelitian dengan judul “analisis kesulitan belajar bahasa arab siswa kelas x mts n. 1 bandar lampung”. tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kesulitan belajar bahasa arab di mts n.1 bandar lampung, faktor kesulitan belajar bahasa arab dan upaya guru untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar bahasa arab di mts n.1 bandar lampung. 164 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) b. metode penelitian penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan yang bersifat deskriptif kualitatif, data yang dikumpulkan adalah berupa kata-kata, gambar dan informasi lainnya, hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya penerapan metode kualitatif. selain itu, semua yang di kumpulkan berkemungkinan menjadi kunci terhadap apa yang sudah diteliti. jenis penelitian yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research), dimana penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan data dari permasalahan yang konkrit di lapangan berupa informasi bentuk kalimat yang memberi gambaran, sikap, dan antusias ketika mengikuti pembelajaran. sumber data utamanya diperoleh dengan melakukan observasi langsung di lapangan yaitu pada guru dan siswa mts n.1 bandar lampung. sedangkan penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian kualitatif yang dikembangkan oleh madzhab baden yang bersinergi dengan aliran filsafat fenomenologi menghendaki pelaksanaan penelitian berdasarkan pada situasi wajar (natural setting) sehingga orang kerap juga menyebutnya sebagai metode naturalistik. secara sederhana dapat dinyatakan bahwa penelitian kualitatif adalah meneliti informan sebagai subjek penelitian dalam lingkungan kesehariannya. informan penelitian adalah subjek yang memahami informasi objek penelitian sebagai pelaku maupun orang lain yang memahami objek penelitian. dalam penelitian kualitatif ini, teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling yaitu teknik pengambilan sampel sumber data dengan pertimbangan tertentu. pertimbangan tertentu ini misalnya orang tersebut yang dianggap paling tahu tetang apa yang kita harapkan, atau mungkin dia sebagai penguasa sehingga akan memudahkan peneliti menjelajahi obyek/situasi sosial yang diteliti. teknik pengmpulan data dalam penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan pada natural setting (kondisi yang alamiah) maka pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara : 1. wawancara wawancara merupakan pertemuan dua orang untuk bertukar informasi dan ide melalui tanya jawab sehigga dapat dikonstruksikan makna dalam suatu topik 165 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) tertentu dengan atau tanpa menggunakan pedoman wawancara dan dapat dilakukam secara mendalam dan dikembangkan sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisidilapangan.wawancara akan dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak terkait yaitu guru bahasa arab dan siswa kelas x untuk mendapatkan sumber data tentang permasalahan yang dialami oleh siswa kelas x pada pembelajaran bahasa arab di mts n. 1bandar lampung. 2. observasi observasi merupakan metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan untuk menghimpun data penelitian melalui pengamatan dan pengindraan. metode observasi ini digunakan untuk melihat dan mengamati keadaan dilapangan secara jelas, peneliti datang ke lokasi serta mengikuti semua kegiatan yang berlangsung, dan mencatat segala sesuatu yang terjadi pada saat berlangsungnya proses belajar mengajar bahasa arab di mts n.1 bandar lampung. c. hasil dan pembahasan hasil kognitif (ranah cipta) menurut hasil wawancara beberapa siswa mengenai aspek kognitif (ranah cipta) dalam belajar bahasa arab ditemukan bahwa sebagian besar dari siswa memiliki latar belakang pendidikan lulusan dari sd yang artinya mereka masih asing terhadap bahasa arab. hal ini menunjukkan bahwa minat dan bakat siswapun juga sangat rendah, bahkan tidak ada minat sama sekali untuk mempelajari bahasa arab lebih dalam. seperti yang dikemukakakn oleh informan dari pihak sekolah atau selaku guru bahasa arab. afektif (ranah rasa) menurut hasil wawancara beberapa siswa mengenai aspek afektif (ranah rasa) dalam belajar bahasa arab, ditemukan bahwa sedikit dari mereka yang memiliki ketretarikan untuk mempelajari bahasa arab karena sebagian dari mereka memiliki motivasi yang rendah dalam belajar bahasa arab, disisi lain mereka jarang ada yang mempunyai managemen waktu belajar sendiri, kebanyakan dari mereka hanya akan 166 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) belajar ketika keesokan harinya ada tugas ataupun ulangan harian atau ketika disuruh sama orang tuanya. psikomotorik (ranah karsa) dari hasil wawancara dengan beberapa responden terkait dengan aspek psikomotorik (ranah karsa) didapati bahwa sebagian besar dari mereka tidak ada yang memiliki gangguan kesehatan ataupun gangguan fungsi alat indra, hal itu menunjukkan bahwa aspek psikomotorik ini bukan menjadi faktor kesulitan belajar bahasa arab siswa. lingkungan keluarga atau rumah menurut hasil wawancara beberapa siswa didapati bahwa fakto rkeluarga yakni dalam hal ini adalah perhatian orang tua terhadap belajar anak dirumah cukup beragam, ada orang tua yang cenderung cuek dan tidak memperhatikan proses belajar anaknya, ada juga yang sering mengingatkan anaknya untuk belajar. kemudian sebagian siswa ketika mengerjakan tugas dirumah khususnya bahasa arab ada yang meminta tolongbantuan dari ibunya, ada juga yang mandiri mencari sediri dengan kamus maupun dengan bantuan smartphone. terlihat jelas pemaparan diatas bahwa sebagian besar siswa jarang melakukan pengulangan kosa kata maupun materi bahasa arab yang sudah diajarkan di sekolah dikarenakan memang mereka tidak pernah belajar ketika dirumah. lingkungan sekolah dari hasil wawancara beberapa responden mengenai lingkungan sekolah maka dapat digambarkan bahwa metode guru yang digunakan kebanyakan adalah dengan metode ceramah saja hal ini senada dengan pernyataan narasumber selaku guru bahasa arab di mts n.1 bandar lampung yang menyatakan bahwa metode mubasyaroh atau ceramah adalah metode yang sering digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa arab dalam kelas. media yang digunakan berupa lcd dan buku-buku pelajaran yang sudah tersedia di sekolah. pembahasan berdasarkan data dari hasil observasi dan wawancara yang peneliti sajikan diatas maka peneliti membagi faktor kesulitan belajar bahasa arab siswa kelas x di madrasah tsnawiyah negeri 1 bandar lampung terbagi menjadi dua bagian, yang 167 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) pertama, faktor internal yang mencangkup tiga aspek penting yaitu aspek kognitif (ranah cipta), aspek afektif (ranah karsa) dan aspek psikomotorik (ranah karsa); kemudian yang kedua yaitu faktor eksternal yang mencangkup tiga bagian penting juga yaitu lingkungan keluarga, dan lingkungan sekolah. selain faktor penyebab kesulitan belajar, disini penulis juga akan memaparkan bagaimana cara siswa mengatasi kesulitan belajarnya. berdasarkan hasil pembahasan sebelumnya, factor internal penyebab kesulitan belajar siswa dapat ditemukan di aspek kognitif dan aspek afektif. pada aspek kognitif ada riwayat pendidikan sebelumnya yang lebih banyak berasal dari sd yang otomatis tingkat pengetahuan tentang bahasa arabnya sedikit kemudian susahnya membaca dan memahami arti dari bacaaan bacaan bahasa arab, sedangkan di aspek afektif adalah rendahnya minat dan motivasi siswa untuk mendalami bahasa arab, bagaimana mungkin akan mudah belajar jika minat dan motivasi belajar saja tidak ditumbuhkan, disamping itu konsentrasi siswa juga rendah, hal ini menyebabkan sulitnya siswa untuk mempelajari bahasa arab. berdasarkan hasil pembahasan sebelumnya, faktor eksternal penyebab kesulitan belajar siswa dapat ditemukan di lingkungan keluarga yang terdiri dari kurangnya sikap dan dorongan untuk belajar. kemudian aspek dilingkungan sekolah yang terdiri dari sikap guru, metode, media yang digunakan peneliti menemukan bahwa monotonnya metode yang digunakan oleh guru menjadi salah satu faktor kesuliatan belajar siswa, disisi lain media yang sering digunakan adalah buku dan kurangnya praktik secara langsung, susasana kelas yang ramai dan tidak kondusif juga bisa menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab kesulitan belajar siswa, selain itu dari segi fasilitas disekolah siswa merasa kurang mendukung. d. simpulan berangkat dari hasil penelitian, analisis data dan pembahasan tentang analisis kesulitan belajar bahasa arab di mtsn 1bandar lampung dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa yang menjadi faktor siswa kesulitan belajar bahasa arab adalah pertama kurangnya minat dan motivasi dari dalam diri siswa untuk mempelajari bahasa arab, kedua yaitu sulitnya siswa membaca dan memahami arti dari setiap kosa kata bahasa arab, ketiga adalah perhatian orang tua terhadap siswa tentang kesadaran 168 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) dan dorongan belajar di luar sekolah, keempat adalah metode penyampaian guru yang terlalu monoton yaitu hanya menggunakan metode ceramah dan penggunaan media belajarnya hanya menggunakan buku saja sehingga siswa merasa tidak tertarik untuk belajar bahasa arab lebih dalam. 169 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 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(2004). analisis kontrastif bahasa arab dan bahasa indonesia (telaah dalam bentuk morfologi). jakarta : pt.pustaka al-husna baru. rajenah. (2006). kesulitan belajar mengajar bahasa arab di man yogyakarta ii. skripsi, yogyakarta : uin sunan kalijaga. sugiyono. (2010). metode penelitian kuantitatif kualitatif dan r&d. bandung: alfabeta. muhibbin s. (2013). psikologi belajar. jakarta: rajawali press. zulfikar, a. korelasi antara kemampuan berbahasa arab dengan pemahaman teks al-qur’an mahasiswa pondok pesantren universitas islam indonesia yogyakarta. skripsi. yogyakarta: universitas islam indonesia. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 1 the descriptive study of self-directed learner in speaking english at non-english department in iain sultan amai gorontalo amrain mahmud smp negeri 1 paguyaman, gorontalo abstract speaking ability is to express the idea and thought by orally in class context, school, and surroundings. but, speaking ability will be difficult if not unstinting. self-directed learning are increase knowledge, skill, accomplishment, or personal development that an individual selects and brings about by his or her own efforts using any method, in any circumstances, at any time. the aim this research is to describe how the ways self-directed learners in speaking english done by non-english department. the subjects of research are five students non english department 2 nd semester of perbankan syariah in iain sultan amai gorontalo by using qualitative method and collected data by using interview unstructured and documentation. the result of research that is self-directed learning of students in speaking english ability is by doing the element essential of self-directed learning. keywords: speaking english, self-directed learning abstrak tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan bagaimana cara mahasiswa yang bukan jurusan bahasa inggris melakukan belajar mandiri dalam berbicara bahasa inggris. rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana cara mahasiswa (yang bukan jurusan bahasa inggris) belajarsecara mandiri untuk berbicara bahasa inggris. dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan wawancara terstruktur dan dokumentasi, subjek dalam penelitian berjumlah lima orang mahasiswa jurusan perbankan syariah semester 2 fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis islam di iain sultan amai gorontalo. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa mahasiswa dalam belajar mandiri mendapatkan hasil yang baik dengan menggunakan aspek-aspek belajar mandiri, seperti: mahasiswa mengontrol pengalaman belajarnya, perkembangan keterampilan, mengubah diri pada kinerja yang paling baik, motivasi diri dan penilaian diri, serta manajemen diri. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 2 a. introduction self-directed learning is any increase in knowledge, skill, accomplishment, or personal development that an individual selects and brings about by his or her own efforts using any method in any circumstances at any time. a student, for example, the student would be a good speaker and got inspires learn english well. the students go on the internet, contact the teacher and friend, consult about the students learned be succeed. long (1989), stated that self directed learning is a mental process that is usually accompanied and supported by behavioral activities that include identification and information retrieval. in self directed learning, students deliberately accept responsibility for making decisions about their goals and efforts so that they themselves become agents of change in learning. according to tough (1971), advanced understanding of the self-directed learner by developing an interview protocol with which he collected descriptions of the number, duration, and scope of learning projects of numerous self-directed learners. furthermore guglielmino (1977), explained that a highly self-directed learner is one who exhibits initiative, independence, and persistence in learning; one who accepts responsibility for his or her own learning and views problems as challenges, not obstacles; one who is capable of self-discipline and has a high degree of curiosity; one who has a strong desire to learn or change and is self-confident; one who is able to use basic study skills, organize his or her time, set an appropriate pace for learning, and to develop a plan for completing work; one who enjoys learning and has a tendency to be goal-oriented the importance of self-directed learning to learn to speak is not enough to be studied in the classroom, but outside the classroom. in the class is not effective because of insufficient time and many students in the classroom, this learning process if in the form of groups, chances are enough time but not effective for others, because among groups who can speak only one or two people who can speak. this time to learn to speak is not maximal and does not get more attention to students. therefore, everyone should learn independently to learn english speaking to be able to adjust to al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 3 friends who can speak. speaking has formed an indicator of english language and always practice by using the language, in order that could be the good speaker in english. speaking is a kind of either productive or active skill. though the four skills are equally important, speaking becomes the most important tool to communicate that needs to be accomplished. in other words, the goal of language is communication and the aim of speaking in a language context is to promote communicative efficiency. there are several ways of improving speaking skill, like speak with own-self by used english language, speak with friends, listening to the native speaker, gather with the english club, consistent in practice. furthermore, gather with english club or selfstudy is one of concept self-directed learning. riniwidiastuti (2007), stated that speaking basically is the ability to pull out of ideas or thoughts to others thoughts is medium of spoken language. speaking is an evolving in language skill in a child’s life, which only preceded by listening skill and that moment ability to speak was studied. the four skills in english language divided into two main skills in active language and passive language. speaking included in active language, and many say it also includes the ability of speaking a bit difficult between the other skills. speaking is one of the important and essential skills that must be practiced to communicate orally. by speaking people are able to know what kind of situation the world. people who have ability in speaking will be better in sending and receiving information or message to another. speaking is the process of building contexts. similarly, rober lado (2004), argue that speaking ability is described as the ability to express oneself in life situations, or the ability to report acts or situation in precise words, or the ability to converse, or to express a sequence of ideas fluently. furthermore, june revell (2008), said that the speakers say words to the listener not only to express what in her mind but also to express what he needs whether information service. most people might spend of their everyday life in communicating with other. revell defines communication as follow: “communication, of ideas, of opinion, of feeling. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 4 b. method this research was conducted using descriptive qualitative research is the research try to serve with systematic and accurate the actual facts and specific population and using no the calculation (lexy j. moleong, 2000). in rather specific, this qualitative research have the system in case study or the research that result the data of descriptive like written words or oral from persons and the behavior that capable of control the directed to individual or organization in variable and hypothesis, but then look on as a part of some totality. the kind of research target is research how is student speaking ability in english by self-directed learner. technique of the data collecting is the important strategy in the research. because of the main purpose from this research for getting the data the methods will be used to get the data in this research as follows; 1. interview, in broad outline there are two kinds of interview are: a) interview unstructured is the interview manual that only loading broad outline would ask, b) interview structured is the interview manual that structured in details like check list. furthermore, interviewer only punctuated √ (check) in suitably of number (suharsimi, 2013). 2. documentation is the past event note. usually document written note, picture, or monumental creation from someone (sugiyono, 2014). in this research, would use the documentation like recording voice. talking about the document, bogdan argued in most tradition of qualitative research, the phrase personal document is used broadly to refer to any first person narrative produced by an individual who describes his or her own actions, experience and belief. c. result and discussion self-directed learner did each different way but almost similar. in this research took 5 students as the subject of research, and they did different way to study speaking english by their selves. for instance, student 01: she did skill development by doing watching youtube, movie, buy the english book, sharing with grandfather, and searching on google. she control over learning by watching english movie al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 5 indonesian subtitle, and doing task good performance and high motivation to be the best. she challenges self by doing challenges increasingly provide self to know better than yesterday and everything will definitely want a good performance. she has selfmotivation and assessment by doing circumnavigate the world and often self-evaluate by repeating the vocabulary, especially on how to pronounce it. she did selfmanagement by doing alone day must learn english and write vocabulary and then put on the wall so as not to forget. student 02:she did skill development by reading, because reading can find a scientific vocabulary, learning pronunciation and interacts with others in english and doing task with good performance and high motivation to be the best. she control over learning by doing more active learning because it is not always under constant and not always also above and interacting with people who know more and ask more questions. she challenge self by keeping challenges must be resisted, so that we always struggle to know something we do not know yet with that challenge there must be a good achievement. she has self-motivation and assessment by learning english is to cultivate a desire that does not feel the most unaware, so try be better and can compete with other friends, gain inspiration from friends and interacting, so that our knowledge increases. she did self-management by doing erratic to manage the way of learning but in that day although only one, two important words have learned english. student 03: he did skill development by doing implement in daily life a common vocabulary in english and did the task was given. he control over learning by mastering english language cause is the window of the world by doing reading, and talking to friends. he challenges self by doing learning english used to interact with friend. he has self-motivation and assessment by mastering english speaking because want to be a teacher. he did self-management by doing searching vocabulary and implementing, have self-confidence. student 04: she did skill development by interacting with friends who speak is already pretty good and listening to english songs and find out the meaning of the al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 6 song. she control over learning by doing listening english songs and presented task in english to be the best. she challenges self by encouraged to learn and pass the challenge well and must be better than ever especially in learning pronunciation. she has self-motivation and assessment by getting motivate from teacher and own-selflistening to english songs and interacting with classmates to be able to know the error in pronunciation. she did self-management by not interfere with other activities learn english and enjoy it. student 05: she did skill development by making the course class as a learning container and with english can be successful and apply to hear english songs and watch more. she control over learning by continuing to train speaking in public being confident. she challenges self by not too burdensome, just try the best learning english, because the english is unique. she has self-motivation and assessment by want to visiting places abroad and must learning by memorizing vocabulary and make notes. she did self-management by evaluating self-knowledge and memorizing vocabularies that are up to 30 vocabularies and put into practice. based on the investigation, there are several things that can be done by the self-directed learner in the way of learning that is with aspects that exist in selfdirected learning according to gibbons theory: skill development indicators, student 01: immediately implement. student 02: interacting with friends using english. student 03: train yourself, implement in daily life. student 04: interact with friends, listen to english songs and find out the meaning of the song. student 05: apply by listening to english songs and watching many english movies. student control over indicators, student 01: have a decision to learn, define, train yourself, and do the task. student 02: have a principle to learn, ask a lot. student 03: have principles, read and talk with friends. student 04: having a principle, listening to many english songs, doing assignments. student 05: having a principle, learning more vocabulary, confidence. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 7 students challenge themselves indicators, student 01: likes to challenge self. student 02: likes to challenge self. student 03: not too challenging. student 04: likes to challenge self. student 05: like, but not too burdensome. self-motivation and assessment indicators, student 01: have own motivation, self-evaluate. student 02: motivated by friends, interacting with friends. student 03: have self-motivation and self-evaluate. student 04: motivated from a teacher, interacting with friends. student 05: have self-motivation, memorize vocabulary and repeat back and then coupled into a sentence. self-management indicators, student 01: the minimum in a day must learn english; use the time to learn english. student 02: uncertainly to manage time, but in a day one or two vocabularies are learned. student 03: uncertain how many times a day to learn english. student 04: can still use the time, because learning english does not take time to learn it. student 05: can self-manage, a day memorized 30 vocabularies and practiced. finally, these essentials element could help the students in easier, faster, and more enjoyable ways to master speaking and really support the students’ speaking improvement. in this research, the students at non english department 2nd semester perbankan syariah students in iain sultan amai gorontalo implemented that importance, they were implemented the importance of speaking english. the findings of this study could vividly answer the research question in chapter i, that the students non-english department do self-directed learner in speaking english and to identify the way students non-english department does selfdirected learner to speaking english could improve the students’ speaking skill significantly. it also indicated that the stated in chapter i, the speaking english at non english department can be improved through self-directed learner was finally accepted. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 8 d. conclusions this research investigated the uses of at non english department by students. the students are learning by using self-directed learning could identify the place to improve their english language in speaking english. the self-directed learners appeared to engage in language learning in the class through the use of browsing and recreational speaking. but although self-directed language learning is evident in this research, the presence of language learner autonomy is intermediate. the students have essential elements of themselves. the students learning english speaking used the essential elements of selfdirected learning toward speaking such as: skill development are such as implementing and interacting with friends to speaking english, listening to english songs. student control over learning are watching english movie and doing task with good performance and high motivation to be the best, ask a lot and learning more vocabulary. students’ learning to challenge themselves is such as the best possible performance. self-motivation and assessment are such as to circumnavigate the world, repeating the vocabulary, have own motivation and evaluation by interacting with friends. student self-management is such as one day must learn english and practice, memorize, 30 vocabularies. the weakness in this research is the absence of an observations, it could cause bias in the research, because after all the results of the research if only given the interview, let alone to the subject directly, it can cause bias. bias is not the data given by the respondent, because of direct interviews on the subject of this research, so the researcher should require a more objective observation and have observation sheet to cross-check whether it is true what was delivered at that time as he did. therefore, the future researchers hope that for further research is expected to improve research methods. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 9 references june revell. (2008). teaching technique for communicative english. london macmillan: pres ltd. lexy j. moleong. (2000). metodologi penelitian kualitatif, (bandung: remajarosdakarya). guglielmino, l m. (1977).development of the self-directed learning readiness scale (doctoral dissertation, university of georgia). long, h b. (1989). self-directed learning: emerging theory and practice riniwidiastuti. (2007). teaching speaking through dialogue to the eleventh year student: a case study at smk muhammadiyah 1 jatinom, skripsi. surakarta: university muhammadiyah. rober lado. (2004). essential speaking skill. london: newyork press. suharsimi arikunto. (2013). prosedur penelitian suatupendekatanstatistik. jakarta: rineke cipta. sugiyono.(2014). memahami peneletian kualitatif. bandung: alfabeta. tough, a. (1971).the adult’s learning project. toronto: ontario institute for studies in education. penelitian al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 44 metode langsung (direct method) dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab muh. arif email: iain sultan amai gorontalo abstrak penerapan metode langsung (direct method) dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di pesantren al-falah dipandang relevan dengan ciri-ciri dan prosedur penerapannya, bahkan untuk mendukung keberhasilan pembelajaran bahasa arab di pesantren tersebut diterapkan sistem bi’ah lughawiyah. adapun faktor yang mendukung keberhasilan penerapan metode langsung (direct method) dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren al-falah telah menunjukkan bahwa: minat dan motivasi siswa sangat tinggi untuk belajar agama dan bahasa arab. begitu pula metode pembelajaran yang dipakai dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren al-falah membuat siswa mudah memahami dan menguasai pelajaran. selain itu telah didukung dengan penerapan sistem bi’ah lughawiyah (penciptaan lingkungan bernuansa arab) yang dilaksanakan sepanjang waktu mulai bangun tidur santri hingga tidur kembali. sedangkan faktor yang menghambat keberhasilan penerapan metode langsung (direct method) dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren al-falah ini, antara lain berkaitan dengan problematika umum dalam penerapan metode langsung, seperti kebebasan berbicara pada situasi yang tidak diprogramkan, mencampuradukkan antara bahasa asing dan bahasa ibu, ketidaksiapan tenaga pengajar, dan penciptaan bi’ah lughawiyah yang belum maksimal. kata kunci: metode langsung, bi’ah lughawiyah, pembelajaran bahasa arab abstract the implementation of the direct method in arabic learning in the al-falah islamic boarding school was seen as relevant to the characteristics and procedures of its implementation, even to support the success of the arabic language learning in the boarding school, the bi'ah lughawiyah system was applied. the factors that support the successful implementation of the direct method in arabic learning at al-falah islamic boarding school have shown that: students' interests and motivations are very high for learning religion and arabic. similarly, the learning methods used in learning arabic at the al-falah islamic boarding school make it easy for students to understand and master the lessons. in addition, it has been supported by the implementation of the bi'ah lughawiyah system (the creation of an arab-nuanced environment) which is carried out all the time from waking up to to sleeping again. while the factors that hinder the successful implementation of the direct method in arabic learning at al-falah islamic boarding school are, among others, related to general problems in applying direct methods, such as freedom of speech in non-programmed situations, confusing foreign languages and languages. the mother, the unpreparedness of the teaching staff, and the creation of a bad lughawiyah. keywords: direct method, bi’ah lughawiyah arabic learning al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 45 a. pendahuluan belajar dan memahami bahasa asing menjadi kebutuhan saat ini, baik karena tuntutan karier maupun karena kebutuhan dalam dunia akademik, termasuk mempelajari bahasa arab yang menjadi kebutuhan mendasar bagi setiap orang yang sedang belajar di sebuah lembaga pendidikan (terutama lembaga pendidikan islam) karena di antara fungsi bahasa arab adalah sebagai alat untuk meningkatkan intensitas penghayatan keagamaan dan pengembangan keilmuan islam. sebagaimana diketahui, bahwa sumber pokok ajaran islam (al-qur’an dan al-sunnah) dan literatur-literatur yang menjadi bahan rujukan keilmuan islam ditulis dan dibukukan dalam bahasa arab. oleh karena itu, para peminat studi islam, baik di lembaga pendidikan umum maupun lembaga pendidikan agama, wajib mempelajari dan memahami bahasa arab. ada banyak faktor yang menyebabkan sukses dan tidaknya seseorang belajar bahasa arab (dan belajar bahasa asing pada umumnya). faktor-faktor yang sering disebut oleh para pakar bahasa adalah faktor bakat, inteligensi, minat dan motivasi, metode belajar, dan faktor guru, lingkungan, dan sebagainya. berkaitan dengan metode belajar, para linguis telah berupaya merumuskan metode dan teknik yang praktis untuk mempelajari bahasa asing (termasuk bahasa arab). william francis m. mencatat terdapat sekitar 15 (lima belas) metode dalam pembelajaran bahasa. (sumardi mulyanto, 1979: 32) salah satu metode yang dianggap efektif dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab adalah metode langsung (thorîqat al-mubâsyarah/direct method). metode langsung muncul sebagai reaksi metode qawaid-terjemah yang memperlakukan bahasa sebagai sesuatu yang mati. metode langsung memprioritaskan keterampilan berbicara (kalam) dan memperlakukan bahasa sebagai sesuatu yang hidup. oleh karena itu, dalam mempelajari bahasa arab terdapat dua lembaga pendidikan (khususnya di indonesia) yang senantiasa berseteru dalam penggunaan metode, yang masing-masing mengklaim sebagai yang terbaik. kedua lembaga pendidikan tersebut adalah pondok-pondok pesantren salaf yang masih menggunakan metode qawaid-terjemah, dan pondokpondok pesantren modern yang menggunakan metode langsung. salah satu pondok pesantren modern, seperti pondok pesantren gontor di jawa timur, yang menggunakan metode langsung dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab dengan sistem bi’ah lughawiyah (penciptaan lingkungan bernuansa arab) adalah pondok al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 46 pesantren al-falah yang terletak di kabupaten gorontalo. di pondok pesantren al-falah ini, para santri belajar agama dan bahasa arab dibimbing oleh para ustadz yang merupakan alumni pondok pesantren gontor. oleh karena itu, tak salah jika disebut bahwa pondok pesantren al-falah sangat mengidamkan kesuksesan penerapan metode langsung sebagaimana yang telah diberlakukan di pondok pesantren gontor dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab bagi santri-santrinya. namun, ada pepatah yang mengatakan lain ladang lain belalang, begitu juga dengan penerapan sebuah metode yang secara kontekstual sangat tergantung pada tujuan pembelajaran dan lingkungannya. untuk itu, berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan lebih dalam tentang penerapan metode langsung (thorîqat al-mubâsyarah/direct method) khususnya di pondok pesantren al-falah kabupaten gorontalo. hasil penelitian ini sejalan dengan adanya reformasi metodologi pembelajaran bahasa arab yang tengah digalakkan di beberapa lembaga pendidikan agama, mulai dari sekolah usia dini hingga tingkat perguruan tinggi, terutama dari sistem pembelajaran yang menggunakan metode gramatika-terjemah ke metode-metode yang memprioritaskan penguasaan kemampuan berbicara (kalam); juga adanya penerapan program ma’had di beberapa perguruan tinggi islam yang notabenenya merupakan upaya untuk menciptakan bi’ah lughawiyah yang diharapkan menjadi tempat belajar yang efektif dan intensif dalam penggunaan bahasa arab sehari-hari. selanjutnya, dengan penelitian ini ditemukan sistem pembelajaran bahasa arab yang secara kontekstual sesuai dengan tujuan dan lingkungannya. penelitian tentang “penerapan metode langsung dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren al-falah kabupaten gorontalo” ini penting dilaksanakan, karena hasil penelitian ini diharapkan mempunyai manfaat dan kegunaan praktis sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran bahasa arab, dan efektivitas keberhasilan penerapan metode langsung dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab pada sebuah lembaga pendidikan (terutama lembaga pendidikan yang berbasis ma’had); dan bermanfaat secara teoretis sebagai salah satu sumber rujukan yang akan memperkaya kepustakaan khususnya tentang penerapan metode langsung dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab dan bahasa asing pada umumnya. pada bagian ini, diuraikan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan penerapan sebuah metode dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab, yakni: pengertian pendekatan, metode dan al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 47 teknik; macam-macam metode pembelajaran bahasa arab, dan deskripsi tentang metode langsung dan penerapannya dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab. 1. pengertian pendekatan, metode dan teknik a. pendekatan (approach atau مدخل) pendekatan adalah suatu pernyataan pendirian, filsafat dan keyakinan. pendekatan ialah suatu aksioma (jelas kebenarannya) yang diyakini, walaupun kebenaran itu tidak mesti dapat dibuktikan. kongkretnya, pendekatan dalam pengajaran bahasa terdiri dari serangkaian asumsi mengenai hakikat bahasa dan pembelajarannya. misalnya, asumsi dari aoral-oral approach yang menyatakan bahwa bahasa adalah apa yang didengar dan diucapkan, sedangkan tulisan merupakan representasi dari ucapan itu; juga asumsi yang menyatakan bahwa keterampilan menyimak dan berbicara harus diprioritaskan dari pada keterampilan membaca dan menulis, adalah dua contoh yang merupakan pernyataan keyakinan, pendirian dan filsafat yang jelas kebenarannya. rusydi thoimah mengemukakan bahwa ada empat macam pendekatan dalam pengajaran bahasa asing, yaitu: 1) pendekatan manusiawi (humanistic approach/الوذخل اإلنساني), yakni pendekatan yang menekankan pada perhatian terhadap peserta didik sebagai anak manusia, bukan sebagai alat atau benda yang menerima stimulus dan meresponnya. pendekatan ini sangat memperhatikan kepuasan kebutuhan psikologis peserta didik dari pada menyambut aspirasi pikiran mereka. 2) pendekatan sarana dasar (media-based approach/ yakni pende-katan ,(الوذخل اللتقيّي yang mengasumsikan bahwa dalam mengajar bahasa asing harus mengandalkan kepada sarana dan teknik mengajar. sebagaimana diketahui bahwa sarana atau alat peraga mempunyai peranan yang besar dalam menyampaikan keahlian dan mengubahnya dari keahlian abstrak ke yang kongkrit. 3) pendekatan analisis dan non-analisis (analytical approach/ -dan non الوذخل اللحليلي anaytical approach/ الوذخل غير اللحليلي ). a. pendekatan analisis adalah pendekatan yang berlandaskan kepada pertimbangan kebahasaan yang bersifat sosioliguistik, semantik, aktivitas bicara, analisis sistem dan pengertian-pengertian pikiran serta fungsi. b. pendekatan non-analisis adalah pendekatan yang berlandaskan kepada pertimbangan kebahasaan yang bersifat psikolinguistik. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 48 4) pendekatan komunikatif (comunicative approach/الوذخل االتصالي ), yakni pende-katan yang berasumsi bahwa bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi, sehingga sasaran pembelajarannya adalah supaya peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi aktif dan praktis. menurut pendekatan ini fungsi utama bahasa antara lain: fungsi manfaat, fungsi regulatori, fungsi interaksi, fungsi pribadi, fungsi heuristik, fungsi imajinasi, dan fungsi representasi. (rusydi ahmad thaimah, 1989:70) b. metode (method/ ( الطريقة metode (method/ dapat diartikan sebagai aturan yang bersifat umum yang ( الطريتت dipedomani oleh guru setelah mempersiapkan segala teknik dan cara yang akan dilakukan. (hidayat, 1986: 5). definisi ini sejalan dengan definisi yang dikemukakan oleh j. anthony yang memberi pengertian metode sebagai prosedur atau rencana menyeluruh yang berhubungan dengan penyajian materi pelajaran secara teratur dan serasi serta tidak saling bertentangan satu sama lain berdasar suatu pendekatan tertentu. (anthony j, 1976: 63 berdasarkan pengertian di atas, dapat dipahami bahwa pendekatan bersifat aksioma, dan metode bersifat prosedural. dalam sebuah pendekatan dapat saja digunakan beberapa metode. sebagai contoh, dalam comunicative approach dapat menggunakan metode langsung dan metode natural. penerapan sebuah metode sangat tergantung pada tujuan, materi dan peserta didik. kalau tujuan belajar bahasa untuk membaca (pemahaman), maka metode yang tepat adalah metode gramatika-terjemah atau metode membaca (reading method). kalau tujuan belajar bahasa untuk keterampilan berbicara, maka metode yang paling tepat digunakan adalah metode langsung (direct method). c. teknik (technik/ ( األسلوب metode (method / -dapat didefinisikan sebagai pengaturan dan langkah ( األسلىب langkah prosedural yang digunakan untuk mencapai sasaran proses pembelajaran. definisi lain menyebutkan bahwa teknik adalah strategi dan praktik operasional yang terjadi di kelas (lapangan). kedua pengertian di atas, jelaslah bahwa teknik adalah langkah operasional dan prosedural yang harus konsisten dengan metode dan pendekatan. dengan kata lain, prinsip-prinsip penggunaan teknik tidak boleh bertentangan dengan metode dan pendekatan, supaya sasaran pembelajaran dapat tercapai secara efektif, karena al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 49 pendekatan merupakan landasan berpijak bagi metode, dan metode adalah landasan bagi teknik. sebagai contoh, kalau seorang guru menggunakan pendekatan komunikatif dan metode langsung, maka teknik yang tepat digunakan dalam pembelajaran di kelas adalah teknik tanya-jawab (dapat juga teknik lain yang tentunya harus sesuai dengan pendekatan dan metode yang digunakan). 2. macam-macam metode pembelajaran bahasa arab ada banyak faktor yang menyebabkan sukses dan tidaknya seseorang belajar bahasa arab (dan belajar bahasa asing pada umumnya). faktor-faktor yang sering disebut oleh para pakar bahasa adalah faktor bakat, inteligensi, minat dan motivasi, metode belajar, dan faktor guru dan lingkungan, dan sebagainya. berkaitan dengan metode belajar, para linguis telah berupaya merumuskan metode dan teknik yang praktis untuk mempelajari bahasa asing, termasuk bahasa arab. william francis m. mencatat terdapat sekitar 15 (lima belas) metode dalam pembelajaran bahasa. metode-metode tersebut yaitu: 1. metode langsung (direct method) 2. metode alamiah (natural method) 3. metode psikologis (psychological method) 4. metode fonetik (phonetic method) 5. metode membaca (reading method) 6. metode gramatika (grammar method) 7. metode terjemah (translation method) 8. metode gramatika-terjemah (grammar-translation method) 9. metode eklektik (eclectic method) 10. metode unit (unit method) 11. metode kontrol bahasa (control-language method) 12. metode mendengar dan menghafal (mimicry-memorization method) 13. metode teori dan praktek (practice-theory method) 14. metode peniruan (cognate method) 15. metode dwibahasa (dual language method). (sumardi mulyanto, 1979: 32-39) al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 50 3. metode langsung (direct method) dan penerapannya dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab metode langsung (al-thariqah al-mubasyirah/direct method) dikembangkan oleh charles berlitz, seorang ahli dalam pengajaran bahasa, di jerman menjelang abad ke-19. (acep hermawan, 2011: 175) metode langsung adalah metode yang menekankan pada penggunaan bahasa sasaran (bahasa yang dipelajari) dalam pembelajaran bahasa dan tidak diperkenankan menggunakan bahasa ibu (sumardi mulyanto, 1979: 32). selain itu, metode langsung dapat diartikan bahwa suatu cara menyajikan materi pembelajaran bahasa asing yaitu guru langsung menerapkannya bahasa asing tersebut sebagai bahasa pengantar tanpa menggunakan bahasa peserta didik sedikitpun dalam pembelajaran, jika ada satu kata yang sulit dimengerti oleh peserta didik, maka guru dapat mengartikan dengan menggunakan alat peraga, mendemonstrasikan, menggambarkan dan lain-lain. (sumardi mulyanto, 1979: 32) metode langsung muncul pada tahun 850 m sebagai reaksi metode qawaidterjemah yang memperlakukan bahasa sebagai sesuatu yang mati. kemunculan metode ini menyerukan adanya perubahan-perubahan mendasar dalam mengajarkan bahasa asing dan memperlakukannya sebagai bahasa yang hidup. di antara ciri-ciri khusus metode langsung adalah: 1. memprioritaskan keterampilan berbicara sebagai ganti keterampilan membaca, menulis dan menterjemah. 2. menjauhi dan menganggap tidak perlu menerjemahkan ke dalam bahasa ibu. dengan kata lain, bahasa ibu tidak ada tempat sama sekali. 3. menerangkan makna kata atau kalimat yang sulit dengan bahasa arab lagi melalui berbagai cara. di antaranya menjelaskan maksud kata/kalimat, menyebut sinonimnya atau lawannya dan sebagainya. 4. menggunakan perbandingan langsung antara kata dan maknanya (dalam bahasa arab lagi). juga perbandingan langsung antara kalimat dan situasinya. 5. menggunakan teknik menirukan dan hafalan, di mana peserta didik mengulangulang kalimat-kalimat, lagu-lagu dan percakapan yang membantu mereka memantapkan bahasa sasarannya. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 51 dengan memperhatikan ciri-ciri khusus di atas, maka prosedur penerapan metode langsung dalam pembelajaran bahasa mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut: 1. semua kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan bahasa asing (arab). 2. dalam menjelaskan makna kata, diupayakan dengan teknik-teknik, antara lain: a) menunjukkan benda-benda kongkrit yang merupakan makna-makna kata yang dimaksud, seperti pulpen, buku dan sebagainya untuk menjelaskan makna .dsb ,كلاب، قلن b) mendemonstrasikan dengan perbuatan untuk menjelaskan makna kalimat, sebagai contoh: guru membuka pintu untuk menjelaskan kalimat فلح الباب. c) main peran (drama). d) menyebut lawan kata. e) menyebut sinonim. f) asosiasi, seperti menyebut kata yang mengingatkan pikiran menyebutkan kata lain, seperti ketika menyebut kata أســـرة terpanggil kata أوالد – أمّي – أب dan sebagainya. g) menyebut induk kalimat dan musytaqnya, seperti هجاهذة berasal dari جهذ. h) menjelaskan maksud kata atau kalimat, seperti kata ذ صلّيى هللا عليه وسلّين وأظهر الخضىع والتبىل لها: الوسـلن هى هن صذق برســالت هحوّي i) menerjemahkan ke dalam bahasa pengantar. dengan prosedur dan teknik seperti di atas, metode langsung memiliki kelebihan dalam menampilkan bahasa pada situasi hidup dengan cara dialog dan praktis dalam menggunakan kosa kata, struktur dan ungkapan-ungkapan bahasa sasaran, sehingga peserta didik mudah dan cepat dalam menggunakan bahasa asing (arab) dalam percakapan sehari-hari. namun, problema utama yang muncul dalam penerapan metode langsung adalah: 1. metode ini kadang-kadang memberikan kebebasan berbicara pada situasi yang tidak diprogramkan. biasanya siswa mencampur-adukkan antara bahasa asing dan bahasa ibu. 2. bahasa ibu diasingkan dari bahasa kedua, akibatnya peserta didik hanya mengetahui makna struktur dari konteks saja. sedangkan memahami struktur melalui konteks hanya dapat dilakukan oleh peserta didik yang cerdas saja. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 52 3. banyak tenaga pengajar yang tidak siap untuk melaksanakan penerapan metode langsung di kelas, karena asas manfaat bercakap bahasa arab di negara kita (indonesia) sangat terbatas. artinya, harus ada penciptaan lingkungan yang mendukung penerapan metode ini. b. pembahasan 1. penerapan metode langsung (direct method) pada pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren al-falah kabupaten gorontalo pada dasarnya pembelajaran bahasa arab di pesantren al-falah tidak jauh berbeda dengan pembelajaran bahasa arab di pesantren-pesantren lain yang nota benenya merupakan pesantren modern. namun, di pesantren ini untuk mempercepat perolehan kompetensi berbicara dalam bahasa arab diterapkan metode langsung yang didukung oleh sistem bi’ah lughawiyah (penciptaan lingkungan bernuansa arab). berikut beberapa hal yang penting dikemukakan sebagai hasil pengamatan langsung terhadap pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren al-falah di kabupaten gorontalo. pembelajaran bahasa arab dengan metode langsung ini dilaksanakan pada setiap hari setelah melaksanakan shalat subuh selama 1.5 jam. kegiatan pembelajaran ini dibimbing langsung oleh ustadz drs. juwaini. peserta kegiatan adalah dikategorikan dalam dua kelompok, yakni (1) santri-santri yang senior, yakni para santri lama yang telah menetap dan mengikuti kegiatan pondok di atas satu tahun), dan (2) santri-santri yunior, yakni para santri baru atau santri yang telah menetap dan mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa arab di bawah satu tahun). adapun prosedur penerapan metode langsung dalam pembelajaran bahasa di pesantren al-falah mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut: 1) semua kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan bahasa asing (arab). 2) dalam menjelaskan makna kata, diupayakan dengan teknik-teknik, antara lain: a. menunjukkan benda-benda konkret yang merupakan makna-makna kata yang dimaksud, seperti pulpen, buku dan sebagainya untuk menjelaskan makna ،كلاب .dsb ,قلن b. mendemonstrasikan dengan perbuatan untuk menjelaskan makna kalimat, sebagai contoh: guru membuka pintu untuk menjelaskan kalimat فلح الباب. c. main peran (drama). al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 53 d. menyebut lawan kata. e. menyebut sinonim. 3) asosiasi, seperti menyebut kata yang mengingatkan pikiran menyebutkan kata lain, seperti ketika menyebut kata أســـرة terpanggil kata أوالد – أمّي – أب dan sebagainya. 4) menyebut induk kalimat dan musytaqnya, seperti هجاهذة berasal dari جهذ. 5) menjelaskan maksud kata atau kalimat, seperti kata ذ صلّيى هللا عليه وسلّين وأظهر الخضىع والتبىل لها: الوسـلن هى هن صذق برســالت هحوّي 6) menerjemahkan ke dalam bahasa pengantar. adapun sistem bi’ah lughawiyah (penciptaan lingkungan bernuansa arab) dilaksanakan sepanjang waktu mulai bangun tidur hingga tidur kembali. namun, pelaksanaannya bersifat fleksible mengingat para santri juga tercatat sebagai siswa madrasah (di mts atau di ma yang ada di lingkungan pesantren al-falah) yang diharuskan mengikuti beberapa mata pelajaran umum dan bertemu dengan para guru bidang studi umum yang rata-rata menggunakan bahasa pengantar bahasa indonesia. dalam hal yang demikian ini, para santri diperbolehkan menggunakan bahasa indonesia sesuai bidang yang dikajinya (khususnya di ruang kelas saat jam-jam sekolah). 2. faktor pendukung dan penghambat penerapan metode langsung (direct method) adapun faktor-faktor yang mendukung keberhasilan penerapan metode langsung (direct method) dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren alfalah, antara lain: a) dari sisi siswa. meskipun input pondok pesantren al-falah tidak semuanya merupakan siswa yang berbakat dan berinteligensi tinggi, namun minat dan motivasi siswa yang tinggi untuk belajar agama dan bahasa arab sangat mendukung keberhasilan program. b) dari sisi metode belajar siswa. metode pembelajaran yang dipakai dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren al-falah membuat siswa mudah memahami dan menguasai pelajaran. c) dari sisi guru/tenaga pengajar. para ustadz di pondok pesantren al-falah adalah para alumni pondok pesantren gontor, selain para alumni pesantren al-falah sendiri yang sudah berpengalaman membimbing pembelajaran bahasa arab. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 54 d) dari sisi lingkungan. sistem bi’ah lughawiyah (penciptaan lingkungan bernuansa arab) yang dilaksanakan sepanjang waktu mulai bangun tidur hingga tidur kembali di pondok pesantren al-falah juga merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan pembelajaran bahasa arab. adapun faktor-faktor yang menghambat keberhasilan penerapan metode langsung (direct method) dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren alfalah ini, antara lain berkaitan dengan problematika umum dalam penerapan metode langsung, seperti kebebasan berbicara pada situasi yang tidak diprogramkan, mencampuradukkan antara bahasa asing dan bahasa ibu, ketidaksiapan tenaga pengajar, dan penciptaan bi’ah lughawiyah yang belum maksimal, juga tampak di pondok pesantren al-falah. namun, problematika itu masih dalam taraf yang wajar dan tidak begitu berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan yang telah dicapai pesantren al-falah sebagai pesantren modern yang telah menerapkan bahasa arab sebagai bahasa sehari-hari di lingkungan pesantren. selanjutnya untuk mengatasi faktor-faktor yang menghambat tersebut, pihak pesantren telah melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1) problema kebebasan berbicara pada situasi yang tidak diprogramkan, diatasi dengan membuat program-program yang terbimbing, yakni guru menyajikan materi-materi percakapan yang terbimbing (al-hiwar al-muwajjah), sementara untuk bercakap bebas (hiwar al-hurr) diterapkan pada kelas yang telah mahir. 2) siswa mencampuradukkan antara bahasa asing dan bahasa ibu. problema ini diatasi dengan adanya sanksi-sanksi akademik dengan menulis atau mencari padanan kata yang tidak diketahuinya dalam bahasa arab di kamus. 3) ketidaksiapan tenaga pengajar, diatasi dengan mengikutsertakan para guru tersebut dalam pelatihan-pelatihan baik yang dilaksanakan oleh pihak pesantren sendiri atau pihak di luar pesantren. 4) problema penciptaan bi’ah lughawiyah yang belum maksimal, diatasi secara bertahap dengan komitmen yang kuat untuk melaksanakan pemakaian bahasa arab dan istilah-istilah bahasa arab baik oleh santri maupun oleh para pengelola pondok pesantren al-falah (mulai dari pimpinan pondok, ustadz/ustadzah, dan hingga para pengelola bidang urusan rumah tangga yang lain, seperti pengelola kantin, cleaning service, dsb.) al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 55 c. kesimpulan penerapan metode langsung (direct method) dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di pesantren al-falah telah sesuai dengan ciri-ciri dan prosedur penerapannya, bahkan untuk mendukung keberhasilan pembelajaran bahasa arab di pesantren tersebut diterapkan sistem bi’ah lughawiyah. faktor-faktor yang mendukung keberhasilan penerapan metode langsung (direct method) dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren al-falah, yaitu: (1) minat dan motivasi siswa yang tinggi untuk belajar agama dan bahasa arab, (2) metode pembelajaran yang dipakai dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren al-falah membuat siswa mudah memahami dan menguasai pelajaran, (3) para ustadz di pondok pesantren al-falah adalah para alumni pondok pesantren gontor, selain itu para alumni pesantren al-falah yang sudah berpengalaman membimbing pembelajaran bahasa arab, (4) lingkungan, yakni penerapan sistem bi’ah lughawiyah (penciptaan lingkungan bernuansa arab) yang dilaksanakan sepanjang waktu mulai bangun tidur hingga tidur kembali. faktor-faktor yang menghambat keberhasilan penerapan metode langsung (direct method) dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren al-falah ini, antara lain berkaitan dengan problematika umum dalam penerapan metode langsung, seperti kebebasan berbicara pada situasi yang tidak diprogramkan, mencampuradukkan antara bahasa asing dan bahasa ibu, ketidaksiapan tenaga pengajar, dan penciptaan bi’ah lughawiyah yang belum maksimal. untuk mengatasi faktor-faktor yang menghambat tersebut, pihak pondok pesantren al-falah telah melaksanakan beberapa cara, di antaranya: (1) pemberian materi-materi percakapan yang terbimbing (al-hiwar al-muwajjah), (2) pemberian sanksi-sanksi yang bersifat akademik, (3) mengikutsertakan para guru tersebut dalam pelatihan-pelatihan, dan (4) menumbuhkan komitmen yang kuat untuk penciptaan bi’ah lughawiyah yang maksimal. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 56 daftar pustaka al-araby, shalah abdul majid. ta’allum al-lughât al-hayyat wa ta’lîmuhâ 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situated in makassar. the method of this research was pre-experimental. in collecting data, the researcher used speaking test in pretest and post-test. the population of the research was 737 students. in this research, the researcher used purposive sampling technique which consisted of 25 students. the results of this research showed that the mean score of pre-test were 62,17 and 75,15 in post-test and the value of t-test was 7,23 which is greater than t-table 2.05 at the level of significance (α) = 0.05, so the null hypotheses was rejected, and alternative hypotheses (h1) was accepted. the researcher concluded that there was significant difference of the students‟ speaking ability of easy speak after giving treatment using guided questions. keywords: guided questions, tutorial system, speaking ability. abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan pertanyaan terpandu dalam sistem tutorial meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa dari easy speak. easy speak adalah kursus bahasa inggris yang berlokasi di makassar. metode penelitian ini adalah pra-eksperimental. dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan tes berbicara pada saat pre-test dan post-test. populasi penelitian adalah 737 siswa. dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yang terdiri dari 25 siswa. hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata pre-test adalah 62,17 dan 75,15 pada post-test dan nilai ttest adalah 7,23 yang lebih besar dari t-tabel 2,05 pada tingkat signifikansi. (α) = 0,05, sehingga hipotesis nol (h0) ditolak, dan hipotesis alternatif (h1) diterima. peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan dari kemampuan berbicara easy speak siswa setelah dilakukan perlakuan dengan menggunakan pertanyaan terpandu. kata kunci: pertanyaan terpandu, sistem tutorial, keterampilan berbicara. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 94 a. introduction speaking is one of the skills in english and plays an important role in learning a foreign can measure the success of people in terms of ability to take conversation in the language, so, people can communicate one each other by using english, and people who learn english as a foreign language can compete to communicate in target language. it is more often frequently used in communication subject for some countries. especially in indonesia, it has become compulsory subject for elementary school up to tertiary level of education that aims to the four languages. moreover, speaking english becomes the most important requirement to be qualified in some jobs vacancies. furthermore, speaking is considered as the most difficult among other skills faced by students, because of shyness or having less self-confidence and inaduquate vocabulary, so the students can not communicate verbally on english . it needs effort to guide students to express themselves to speak english. chanstain in nur hikmah (1996:7) states that learning to speak is abviously more difficult , more effort is required on the part of teacher. it can also be seen that many students are passive to speak english. usually, the students do not participate actively in speaking, probably because they are lack of knowledge or have no idea toward the subject matter being taught or discussed. river argues that the teachers or tutors will need to give the students opportunity to practice their speaking skills. she further states that if the students were able to practice a new speech through out the day as a child did in his native language. the problems of the speaking fluency of the foreign language would be decreased . this means that practice is really needed to overcome the problems of speaking that faced by students who learn a foreign language. in this sense, the the reseacher is interested to find a technique in teaching speaking english which can stimulate the students to use the language communicatively and confidently. moreover, there are many ways which can be used in teaching speaking. the reseacher is interested to use guided questions. guided questions method is one of the way of successful teaching in improving students‟ skill. hulse in nunung 1993 stated that on effective teaching and learning that guided questions is very important and it‟s a powerful tool of controlling behaviour of students and it needs al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 95 feedback or reinforcement. if the teachers or tutors praise students‟ responses immediately and the students increase correct responses. to make students more focus on learning “speaking”, the reseacher is interested to undertake her research at easy speak. it is a consulting english institution which provides a method to make someone can be good at english especially speaking. it has also face to face method which is called tutorial system. so, the guided questions technique will be applied there to make the students can give their full responses directly . accordingly, the researcher is interested to research “does the use of guided questions in tutorial system improve the students‟ speaking ability?” the major purpose of this research is to investigate whether or not the guided questions in tutorial system improve the students‟ speaking ability of easy speak. ilham (2000) conducted a research on activating the students to ask question in speaking class reported that semester four of the students of english department of fbs of state university of makassar are very interested in studying speaking by using questioning techniques in speaking class. the researcher will focus on guided question in tutorial system as an assessment opportunities which are highly authentic and difficult to fake. richard et noni (2003) on commmunication between teacherstudents interraction found that one form of teacherstudent interaction is through questions.question consists of utterances, which are commonly used by teachers in their foreign language classroom. the way the teachers ask question influences the students‟ attainment and the way of thinking .asking question spur thinking that positively influences students‟ classroom. therefore the teachers need to understand and posses the question technique.there are three aspects os questions that lead to meaningful communication in their foreign language classroom , namely types of questions, modofication of questions, and pattern of questions. student tutorials are generally more academically challenging and rigorous than standard lecture and test format courses, because during each session students are expected to orally communicate, defend, analyze, and critique the ideas of others as well as their own in conversations with the professor and fellow-students. as a pedagogic model, the tutorial system has great value because it creates learning and assessment opportunities which are highly authentic and difficult to fake. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 96 input materialsa process learning process through guided questions output speaking ability in learning english for communicative purpose, it is expected that classroom as the main environment provides as much as possible communicative activities to make students active in speaking. there are many ways that can be expected to develop have the students‟ speaking skills. one of them is guided questions. guided questions that applied here provide more opportunity for students in speaking, so they can speak more and more. in the diagram above, input output are briefly classified as follows: a) input refers to the teaching speaking materials that covers some topics such as drugs and smoking b) process refers to the learning speaking through guided questions c) output refers to the development of the students speaking ability through guided questions. b. research method the method of the research was pre-experimental with one group pre-test and post-test design. the design involved one group with pre-test design, and expose to the treatment while a post-test was exposed to measure the success of treatment. accuracy fluency comprehensibility al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 97 the design is presented as follows: the population of the research was the students of easy speak. there were 147 active students and 590 passive students. so , the total of easy speak students was 737 students.this research used purposive sampling by taking 25 students . the writer chose them as the sample of this research based on their assumption that their knowledge and ability were the same. the data was collected by using interview is the form of speaking perfomance test as the instrument of the research. the speaking test consisted of pre-test and post-test. the pre-test was given to find out the initial ability before presenting the guided questions methode. the post-test was given to find out the improvement of students‟ sepaking ability after guided questions process. the data was analyzed through quantitative analysis test, which was distributed to the sample, provided with ordinal data changed into interval data. meanwhile to get the speaking score, the writer used scoring scale,whichincluded the accuracy, fluency, and comprehensibility on the students‟ speaking. to measure the students‟ speaking skills, there were three components observed.the data was tabulated by using speaking test referring to scoring system used by easy speak (2008) as follows: treatment (t) post – test (02) pre – test (01) al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 98 accuracy score classification criteria 100 90-99 80-89 60-79 0-59 excellent very good good average poor pronunciation is only slightly influenced by mother tongue. two or there minor grammatical and lexical errors. pronunciation seriously influenced by mother tongue. a few minor grammatical and lexical errors but most utterances are correct. pronunciation seriously influenced by mother tongue but only a few serious phonological errors. several grammatical and lexical errors, two or more major error causing confusion. pronunciation seriously influenced by mother tongue with the errors causing a breakdown in communication. many “basic” grammatical and lexical errors. serious pronunciation errors as well as many “basic” grammatical and lexical errors. no evidence of having mastered any language skills. fluency score classification criteria 100 excellent speak without too greater effort with fairly wide range of expression. searchers for word occasionally but only one or two unnatural pauses. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 99 90-99 80-89 60-79 0-59 very good good average poor he has to make an effort and search for words. nevertheless, smooth delivery on the whole and only a few unnatural pauses. he has to make an effort and search for words; there are not many unnatural pauses. occasionally halting delivery and fragmentary but success in conveying the general meaning. long pauses while he researches for the desired meaning frequently fragmentary and halting delivery. almost gives up making the effort at time. full of unnatural pauses, very halting and fragmentary delivery. at times gives up making the effort. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 100 comprehensibility score classification criteria 100 90-99 80-89 60-79 excellent very good good average the speakers, intention and general meaning are fairly clear. a few interruptions by the listener for the sake of clarification are necessary. most of the speaker‟s is easy to follow. his intention is always clear but several interruptions are necessary to help him to convey message or to seek clarification. the listener can understand much of what is. but he must constantly seek clarification. cannot understand may of the speaker more complex or longer sentences. only small bits (usually short sentences and phrase) can be understood and then with considerable effort by someone who is said can be understood. even when listener makes a great effort or interrupts, the speaker is unable to clarify anything he seems to have said. hardly anything of what is said can be understood. even when listener makes a great effort or interrupts, the speaker is unable to clarify anything he seems to have said. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 101 0-59 poor the band and converted scores score classification 100 90-99 80-89 60-79 0-59 excellent very good good average poor (easy speak 2008) c. findings and discussions findings based on the data analysis, it was found that the use of guided questions improved the students‟ speaking ability of easy speak. this improvement was indicated by the means score, frequency and rate percentage of pre-test and post-test that can be seen as in the following tables: table 1. the students‟ mean score of pre-test and post-test test mean score standard deviation pre-test 62.17 15.47 post-test 75.15 11.77 al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 102 table 1 shows that post test of the research increased as pre test reached 75,15 of which standard deviation was 11,77 from the pre test which just reached 62,17 of which standard deviation is 15,47. therefore, it means that the use of guided questions improved the students‟ speaking ability. table 2. the t-test of the students variable x2x1 ttest value 7,23 ttable 2.064 table 3 shows that the use of guided questions significantly improved the students‟ speaking abilityof easy speak as indicated by t -test value = 7,23 and t-table value=2.064 in which the value of t-test were greater than t-table (7,23 >2.064). it means that alternative hypothesis was accepted and null hypothesis was rejected. the description of students‟speaking ability improvement covering three elements of speaking, they are accuracy, fluency and comprehensibility. 1. accuracy based on the data analysis, it was found that the use of guided questions improved the students‟ accuracy in speaking that can be seen in the following table: table 3. the mean score and standard deviation of the student‟s speaking ability in terms of accuracy in pre-test and post-test test mean score standard deviation pre-test 60,96 12,1 post-test 72,04 15,2 the mean score and standard deviation also presented in the following table: table 4. t-test value and t-table value of accuracy accuracy t-test t-table 7.5 2.064 al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 103 table 6 shows the use of guided questions significantly improved the students‟ speaking accuracy of easy speak as indicated by t -test value = 7,5 and t-table value=2.064 in which the value of t-test were greater than t-table (7,5>2.064). it means that there is significant difference between the pretest and posttest of the students‟ accuracy of speaking after using guided questions. 2. fluency based on the data analysis, it was found that the use of guided questions improved the students‟ fluency in speaking that can be seen in the following table: table 5. the mean score and standard deviation of the student‟s speaking ability in terms of fluency in pre-test and post-test. test mean score standard deviation pretest 64.24 16.4 posttest 76.12 14.6 table 7 shows that the students‟ fluency significantly improved where on the pre test, it was just reached 64,24 of which the standard deviation was 16,4 while on the post test, it was reached 76,12 of which the stadard deviation was 14,6. hypothesis testing to test the hypothesis of freedom (df), the researcher used the following formula: df= n-1 df= 25-1 = 24 the mean score and standard deviation also presented in the following table: table 6. ttest value and t-table value of fluency. fluency t-test t-table 7.87 2.064 the table above shows the use of guided questions significantly improved the students‟ speaking fluency of easy speak as indicated by t -test value = 7,87 and t-table value=2.052 in which the value of t-test were greater than t-table (7,87>2.064). it means that there is significant difference between the pretest and posttest of the students‟ fluency of speaking after using guided questions. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 104 3. comprehensibility based on the data analysis, it was found that the use of guided questions improved the students‟ fluency in speaking that can be seen in the following table: table 7.the mean score and standard deviation of the student‟s speaking ability in terms of comprehensibility in pre-test and post-test. test mean score standarddeviation pre-test 61.32 14.8 posttest 77.28 8.6 table 10 shows that the students‟ comprehensibility significantly improved where on the pre test, it was just reached 61,32 of which the standard deviation was 14,8 while on the post test, it was reached 77,28 of which the stadard deviation was 8,6. hypothesis testing to test the hypothesis of freedom (df), the researcher used the following formula: df= n-1 df= 25-1 = 24 the mean score and standard deviation also presented in the following table: table 8. t-test value and t-table value of comprehensibility comprehensibility t-test t-table 6.34 2.064 table 12 shows the use of guided questions tutorial system significantly improved the speaking comprehensibility of the students of easy speak as indicated by t -test value =6,34 and t-table value=2.064 in which the value of t-test were greater than t-table (6,34>2.064). it means that there is significant difference between the pretest and posttest of the students‟ comprehensibility of speaking after using guided questions. from the data analysis above, the researcher concluded that there is significance difference between the pretest and posttest in improving the students speaking ability of easy speak, using guided questions after giving treatment. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 105 discussions this part presented the result of the students‟speaking achievement of easy speak by using guided questions. in the pre-test, the writer gave some questions to the students without any correcting,the writer wanted to know the students‟ speaking ability before giving the treatment. the students‟ speaking ability was not very good. this condition might be caused by less confidence and practice from the students. therefore , the students could not significantly improve their speaking ability. after knowing the score of the students‟ pre-test was still low, the students were given some questions and the writer corrected their mistaken which the students made during they were speaking which covering the students accuracy, fluency, comprehensibility.the procedure of treatment were : a).the writer explained to the students about directed activities, b). the writer explained to the students‟ about the first topic , and asked the students to give their idea and comment about the topic, c).the writer corrected the mistaken which were found when the students were speaking.. during the treatment, the students got different effect. in the first meeting (reasons of learning english), the students were more interested and easily understood and directly gave their respons well about the topic. in the second meeting, (the role of english), the writer asked the students about the role of english for their jobs, and then the students explained and explored their idea. on the third meeting, the writer asked a question to the students (talking about job) and the students gave full responses. there fore , the writer concluded that the use of guided questions was more interesting to the the students in which the could improve their speaking ab the description of student‟s speaking ability in general from pre-test, treatment and post-test covering three elements of speaking ability can be seen in the following data. 1. the students speaking accuracy basically, the student‟s speaking accuracy was classified average in pre-test. the researcher found that there were some factors influencing the student‟s accuracy, namely their mother tongue, mispronunciation, grammar and word choice (see: table 5). the main component that influences students in speaking ability was their pronunciation, grammar and word choice. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 106 a. pronunciation pronunciation is the act or manner of pronouncing words with reference to the pronunciation of sound, the placing of stress, intonation, etc. it influences the quality of students‟ perfomance to speak english. the students who has good pronunciation will have good perfomance in speaking compared with the students who has pronunciation. however, mostly they were influenced by their first language and the scarcity of focusing the matter of pronunciation but only in a certain subject. some of typical mistakes that the students made in some aspects of pronunciation as illustrated in the following : the types of pronunciation problems appeared in the students‟ speaking performance in term of speaking accuracy can be seen such in the following : a. / ʃ / becomes / s / example : english/englis/ should be /ɪɳ:lɪʃ/ b. / ə / becomes / o / example : important/importin/ should be /ɪm’pə:tnt/ c. / i: / becomes / e / example : repeat/ripet/ should be /rɪ’pi:t/ d. / ii / becomes /i/ example : employee/employi should be /im’pləɪi:/ e. / ɜ / becomes / o / example : conversation/komporsisien should be /kɒn‟vɜ:snt / after giving more practising of guided question, it was influenced and encouraged the students to improve their fluency as well. on the post test, the writer gave the same questions to the students on the pre-test to find out the students‟ progress in speaking by using this guided questions. basically, the student‟s speaking ability classified average and poor (see table 2). the researcher found that there were some factors influenced the student‟s speaking ability, they are mispronunciation, the topic is not familiar to the students and they did not know how to make their sentences easy to understand. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 107 based on their poor classification, the researcher gave treatment using guided questions. by treatment, the researcher gave topic to the students to generate into many ideas. when there were no more new ideas, the researcher discussed the listed ideas and identified the better ideas. finally, the researcher confirmed the student‟s decision and that all support the final choice. all of students gave contributions in this research by expressing their ideas and organizing the existing knowledge by their own minds. it helped the students felt more confident in making intelligent guesses. the result of student‟s post-test shown that their speaking ability was improved (see table 2) therefore, some mispronunciations appeared when the students pronounced the words because they were influenced by the mother tongue as their first language. for example: b. grammar the researcher found some errors in student‟s grammar in speaking ry performance test, for example: we can tc communicate should be we can communicate english is very important to me…. should beenglish is very important for me, c. word choice the examples of errors in word choice are: try to learn english into different media such as join english course,… should be try to learn english with different way such as… we must relax when we study english should be we must enjoy english subject. based on the description above, the researcher gave interesting topic so they interested to discussed and focused on the treatment,by using guided questions, it invited the students to organize existing knowledge by their own minds. at this point, the students were oriented to the topic and better motivated to fill the gaps in their knowledge. the result of post-test showed that the student‟s accuracy was increased (see: table 5). it can be concluded that guided questions can help the students to improve their speaking accuracy. 2. the students speaking fluency low achievement of the student‟s speaking fluency sometimes caused by the topic is not familiar for the students, for example: al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 108 the way of learning english the role of english in the pre-test, the writer found that most of students were not fluentin speaking when they have not prepared for the topic discussed. it can be shown that their speaking fluency in pretest was fair. most of easy speak students‟ job used english, so the students doing much practice in real situation. so, by the treatment the researcher allowed students to express their idea and information based on interested topic. the improvement of student‟s speaking fluency showed in table 8. it can be concluded that using guided questions in learning activity can help the students to learn to take risks. there are no „right‟ or „wrong‟ answers in guided questions and no danger of teacher correction. much practice is important. 3. the students speaking comprehensibility some of the students did not know how to make their sentences easy to understand. the researcher found that the low achievement of the students (see table 11) in speaking class were influenced by the topic that not interesting for the students. for example, ee...i plan to work in multinational thank you.. english is used for trading, studying in the world,,i’m planning to take ee in abroad... the writer used guided questions for the treatment to improve the students speaking ability, because by seeing a technique, the students are easy to express their ideas. therefore, the result of post-test showed that the student‟s speaking comprehensibility was increased (see table 11). guided questions allow the students to create a context for the subsequent speaking task. relevant existing knowledge (content schema) can be called up from memory and can provide a context which supports comprehension and production in the subsequent speaking task. the good students made intelligent guesses, but the language often works against this. because of nervousness or fear of tutor correction, many students are afraid of using language unless they are sure that it is totally correct. this stops them making intelligent guesses and slows down learning. to sum up, the writer concluded that the achievement of the students speaking ability is significantly improve, it is proved by the mean score, standard deviation, and t-test value. the al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 109 implementation of guided questions in speaking is how the teacher begins to create tutorial sytem in order to make the students interesting in learning. the findings show that teaching speaking through guided questions can improve the students‟ speaking ability of easy speak. d. conclusions based on the findings and discussions of the study, it is concluded that teaching speaking through guided questions significantly improved the students‟ speaking ability. based on the result of data analysis and conclusion, the researcher put forward suggestions as follows: a) the english tutors are suggested to use guided questions as one of alternative of teaching approach to present speaking, to encourage students to speak up to improve students speaking ability. b) the using topics must be interested to be discussed to get full responses of students. c) the writer suggests next researchers to conduct further research about guided questions in teaching other skills of english. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 110 references brown , h.d. 1994. teaching by principles : attractive approach to language `pedagogy. englewood 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(mateng) muhammad shofiyuddin (1) santi andriyani (2) universitas islam nahdlatul ulama (unisnu), jepara abstrak penguasaan tenses merupakan kemampuan yang harus dimiliki oleh mahasiswa pembelajar bahasa asing guna meningkatkan keterampilan bahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan. tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi model pembelajaran tenses berbasis rumus mateng (mathematic english) di prodi pbi universitas muria kudus. metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1) implementasi model pembelajaran tenses menggunakan rumus mateng (mathematic english) meliputi 3 aspek ; penguasaan nama 16 tenses, fungsi dan rumusnya; 2) proses pembelajaran tenses dimulai dari apersepsi, kemudian aktivitas utama menggunakan metode ppp, dan tugas mandiri untuk mahasiswa; 3) respon mahasiswa terhadap implementasi model pembelajaran tenses menggunakan rumus mateng dinyatakan sangat baik. abstract tenses mastery is an ability that must be possessed by students to improve their english skills both oral and written. the aim of this study is to find out the implementation of tenses learning based on mateng (mathematic-english) formula in the english education study program at muria kudus university. the method used is descriptive method. the results showed that: 1) the implementation of the learning model tenses using the mateng formula (mathematic english) includes 3 aspects; mastery of the names of 16 tenses, functions and formulas; 2) the learning process of tenses starts from appraisal, then main activity used the ppp method, and individual tasks for students; 3) the students’ response to the implementation of the learning model tenses using the mateng formula is stated to be very good. keywords: english tenses; mathematic english formula 213 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) a. pendahuluan bahasa inggris merupakan salah satu bahasa internasional yang paling banyak dipelajari dan digunakan dalam berkomunikasi antar bangsa. ini sesuai dengan peran bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa global seperti yang dikemukakan oleh crystal (2003: 3) bahwa bahasa inggris berperan sebagai bahasa global atau dunia karena bahasa inggris dipelajari dan dijadikan sarana berkomunikasi di berbagai negara baik sebagai bahasa pertama, bahasa kedua, maupun sebagai bahasa asing. di indonesia, bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa asing pertama yang dipelajari sebagai mata pelajaran wajib dari sekolah menengah pertama hingga perguruan tinggi. seiring dengan kebutuhan akan penguasaan bahasa inggris, pemerintah indonesia menetapkan undang-undang no. 20 tentang sistem pendidikan nasional pasal 37 ayat 1 tahun 2003 bahwa bahasa inggris menjadi satu-satunya bahasa asing yang wajib dipelajari siswa dari jenjang sekolah menengah pertama (smp) sampai perguruan tinggi. berdasarkan keputusan menteri pendidikan nasional ri no: 232/u/200 telah menetapkan bahwa kurikulum pt di indonesia terdiri dari kurikulum inti dan institusional. dalam kurikulum institusional, terdapat beberapa mata kuliah yang harus dipelajari mahasiswa salah satunya adalah mata kuliah bahasa inggris sebagai antisipasi menghadapi era globalisasi. perguruan tinggi yang memiliki prodi pendidikan bahasa inggris memiliki peran dan tanggungjawab yang lebih dalam mempersiapkan mahasiswa untuk cakap berkomunikasi bahasa inggris. kewajiban prodi pbi melaksanakan segala kegiatan akademik dalam rangka mengantarkan mahasiswanya menjadi seorang guru bahasa inggris yang professional di sekolah dasar, menengah pertama dan atas. agar mampu menjadi seorang guru bahasa inggris yang professional, mahasiswa perlu dibekali kemampuan berkomunikasi lisan maupun tulisan yang baik. komunikasi lisan dan tulisan dalam bahasa membutuhkan pemahaman terhadap pemahaman struktur atau tata bahasa yang baik dan benar. oleh karena itu, prodi pbi di setiap perguruan tinggi umumnya mewajibkan mahasiswa menempuh mata kuliah structure (tata bahasa) yang terdiri dari basic structure, intermediate structure, dan advanced structure. semua mata kuliah tersebut ditempuh oleh mahasiswa dimulai dari semester 1 hingga 4. 214 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) pentingnya penguasaan tenses atau tata bahasa inggris bagi mahasiswa pbi sebagaimana diutarakan oleh penny dalam chang (2010: 13) bahwa grammar adalah seperangkat aturan yang menentukan bagaimana kata (atau bagian dari kata) digabungkan atau diubah untuk membentuk unit makna yang dapat diterima dalam suatu bahasa. sirod dalam falah (2011: 10) juga menyatakan bahwa kompetensi gramatikal adalah konsep payung yang mencakup peningkatan keahlian dalam tata bahasa (morfologi dan sintaks), kosakata, dan pola. untuk menyampaikan makna, peserta harus memiliki pengetahuan tentang kata-kata dan kalimat. sehingga penguasaan bahasa inggris tidak dapat dikuasai dengan baik tanpa adanya tata bahasa khususnya tenses. kajian penelitian terdahulu yang berjudul penggunaan present perfect tense bahasa inggris oleh siswa smk kesehatan bakti nusantara gorontalo (sebuah analisis kesalahan) yang dilakukan oleh pungki wulansakti antula (2016) . hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh siswa dalam penggunaan present perfect tense . adapun kesalahannya meliputi 3 kategori yaitu : (1) omission; (2) misinformation; dan (3) misordering. selanjutnya penelitian yang dilakukan oleh rino pribadi (2013) dengan judul aplikasi structure tenses dalam pembelajaranbahasa inggris berbasis j2me, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi structure tenses dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris pada media telepon selular. aplikasistructure tenses untuk siswa sma n 6 surakarta kelas x ini layak dijadikan acuan untuk media alternatif belajar pada siswa. dari deskripsi di atas, penting adanya sebuah model pembelajaran tenses yang menarik dan efektif sehingga mahasiswa akan mudah memahami materi dan mudah mengaplikasikannya dalam berbagai topik kalimat. rumus mateng merupakan perpaduan antara rumus matematika dasar dengan rumus tenses. dengan penggabungan kedua rumus tersebut menjadikan 16 tenses dapat dipelajari secara lebih sederhana, mudah dan efektif karena dalam konsep penerapan rumus mateng dapat membantu mahasiswa mempelajari ke 16 tenses dalam waktu yang lebih singkat. 16 tenses yang biasanya dipelajari dalam waktu sedikitnya satu semester, dengan penggunaan rumus mateng diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menguasai 16 tenses hanya dalam waktu 1-3 pertemuan. sehingga waktu penguasaan lebih efektif dan waktu perkuliahan dapat dimanfaatkan lebih banyak untuk praktik dan mendalami materi lebih jauh. 215 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) berangkat dari deskripsi di atas, peneliti akan mencoba menggali lebih dalam mengenai implementasi model pembelajaran tenses berbasis rumus mateng ( mathematic english) yang dilaksanakan di prodi pbi universitas muria kudus. b. metode penelitian sesuai dengan tujuan dari penelitian ini, maka penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. sugiono (2012: 9) menyatakan penelitian kualitatif sebagai metode penelitian yang berlandaskan pada filsafat postpositivisme, digunakan untuk meneliti pada kondisi objek alamiah. oleh karena itu, penelitian ini berusaha untuk meneliti secara mendalam tentang proses impelementasi kodel pembelajaran tenses menggunakan rumus mateng (mathematic english). subjek pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester 4 prodi pendidikan bahasa inggris universitas muria kudus berjumlah 40 mahasiswa. teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan observasi dan kuisioner. obervasi yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah observasi langsung. ini berarti bahwa peneliti mengamati secara langsung segala bentuk perilaku dan proses pembelajaran tenses yang dilaksanakan pada kelas tersebut. marshall dalam sugiono (2010: 310) menyatakan bahwa “through observation, the researcher learn about behavior and he meaning attached to those behavior”. sedangkan kuisioner digunakan untuk mengetahui respon dari subjek penelitian mengenai implementasi model pembelajaran tenses menggunakan rumus mateng untuk kemudian hasilnya dideskripsikan oleh peneliti. teknik analisis data yang dilakukan adalah dengan mengorganisasikan data ke dalam kategori, memilih dan memilah data yang sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian, kemudian membuat kesimpulan. analisis data dalam penelitian kualitatif dilakukan sejak sebelum memasuki lapangan, selama di lapangan dan setelah selesai di lapangan (sugiono: 2009) c. hasil dan pembahasan hasil implementasi model pembelajaran grammar berbasis rumus mateng berdasarkan hasil observasi yang telah dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa implementasiproses pembelajarantenses menggunakan rumus mateng meliputi tiga 216 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) aspek, yaitu penguasaan nama 16 tenses, fungsi dan rumusnya.sebelum masuk dalam pembahasan 16 tenses melalui rumus mateng, mahasiswa diharuskan telah menguasai jenis, bentuk, dan penggunaan verb sebagai dasar dan inti dari tenses. untuk mengetahui bahwa mahasiswa telah menguasai verb, kemudiandiberikan beberapa pertanyaan atau kuis kepada mereka, mulai dari jenis verb, fungsi verb dan bentukbentuk verb yang akan digunakan pada rumus tenses. setelah dapat dipastikan bahwa mahasiswa telah menguasai verb, pembelajaran 16 tenses melalui rumus mateng dimulai. proses pembelajaran dilakukan menggunakan metode ppp ditambah dengan kuis yang diawali dengan brainstorming. pertama, pembelajaran diawali dengan guiding question dan brainstorming. kemudian dilanjut dengan pemaparan materi dan penggunaan rumus mateng dalam penguasaan 16 tenses, dimulai dari nama, fungsi dan terakhir adalah rumusnya. setelah pemaparan materi setiapbagian, mahasiswa diminta untuk mengulanginya bersama-sama. dan yang terakhir adalah praktik secara mandiri untuk mempraktikkan implementasi rumus mateng di depan kelas dan mereka diminta untuk mempraktikkannya diluar kelas. penguasaan nama 16 tenses langkah awal penggunaan rumus mateng pada pembelajaran tenses dimulai dari penguasaan nama 16 tenses yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan metode jarimatika, yaitu menghafalkan nama 16 tenses dengan cara menggabungkan kelompok nama waktu dan kelompok nama kejadian, masing-masing berjumlah empat nama. kelompok nama waktu dituliskan pada empat jari tangan kiri, dari telunjuk sampai dengan kelingking. sedangkan kelompok nama kejadian dtuliskan pada tangan kanan pada empat jari tersebut. berikut gambar ilustrasi rumus : gambar 1. rumus mateng menggunakan jarimatika 217 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) penggabungan nama dengan cara penjumlahan sebagaimana penjumlahan pada aritmatika. contoh: simple (kejadian) + present (waktu) = simple present, past + continuous = past continuous, future + prefect = future perfect, dan seterusnya. adapun nama urutan penggabungan sebagaimana angka yang tertera pada gambar. simple memiliki angka satu yang berarti pada penggabungannya, simple akan selalu berada di depan. sedangkan continuous, perfect dan perfect continuous selalu pada urutan kedua. pertama, mahasiswa diminta untuk mengamati dan memahami materi yang disampaikan melalui power point. setelah mereka memahaminya, peneliti meminta mereka untuk mempraktikkannya bersama-sama, dan yang terakhir adalah uji coba mahasiswa untuk praktik secara mandiri. proses penguasaan nama 16 tenses melalui rumus mateng hanya membutuhkan waktu 10 menit. penguasaan fungsi 16 tenses pembelajaran fungsi 16 tenses dilakukan sebagaimana proses penguasaan nama 16 tenses, yaitu dengan metode jarimatika dan prinsip penjumlahan aritmatika. urutan penjumlah juga sama dengan penjumlahan atau penggabungan nama tenses. contoh: simple = rutinitas atau fakta dan present = saat ini. sehingga simple present digunakan untuk menyatakan rutinitas atau fakta saat ini; past = masa lampau dan continuous = sedang dilakukan, sehingga past continuous digunakan untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang sedang dilakukan atau sesuatu yang sedang terjadi pada masa lampau, dan seterusnya. setelah memahami penggabungan tersebut, mahasiswa juga diminta untuk mempraktikkanya bersama-sama dan individu. penguasaan fungsi 16 tenses proses terakhir penggunaan rumus mateng adalah penguasaan rumus 16 tenses. proses ini sedikit berbeda dengan proses penguasaan nama dan fungsi 16 tenses. meskipun pendekatan atau prinsip yang digunakan sama namun prinsip artimatika diterapkan dan lebih ditekankan pada proses ini. 218 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) bagan 1. prinsip aritmatika pada rumus 16 tenses melalui rumus mateng. pembelajaran rumus 16 tenses tidak hanya dilakukan dengan menggabungkan nama dari kelompok waktu dan nama dari kelompok kejadian saja, namun penggabungan rumus dasar 16 tenses yang berjumlah lima rumus, sebagaimana pada tabel berikut. tabel 1. rumus tenses waktu bentukkejadian present simple bentuk1 x (tidak memiliki rumus/ mengikutiwaktunya) past continuous bentuk2 to be + v ing future perfect will/shall + v0 have/ has + bentuk 3 lima rumus dasar tenses tersebut kemudian digabungkan dengan menggunakan prinsip penjumlahan pada aritmatika. misalnya, present continuous yaitu gabungan dari prsent dan continuous dimana rumus present adalah bentuk atau verb satu dan rumus continuous adalah be + v-ing sehingga rumus dari present continuous adalah bentuk 1 dari be = is/am/are + v-ing. untuk lebih jelasnya dapat diperhatikan contoh berikut. 219 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) implementasi rumus mateng pada pembelajaran tenses tersebut menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa dapat memahami dan menguasai 16 tenses dengan mudah, yaitu hanya dalam satu pertemuan saja, dengan penguasaan nama, fungsi dan rumus 16 tenses dari bentuk kalimat verbal, nominal dan passive voice dalam bentuk kalimat positif, negatif dan interrogatif. respon terhadap implementasi pembelajaran tenses menggunakan rumus mateng setelah proses pembelajaran berakhir, kami menyebarkan kuisioner kepada siswa untuk disi . hal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan program. angket ini berisi 10 pernyataan tentang konsep , implementasi , serta manfaat yang dirasaan setelah pembelajaran. hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar memberikan tanggapan yang sangat baik pada keseluruhan item yang tersedia. berikut hasil olah data dari pengisian kuisioner. 220 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) dari bagan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam konstruksi konsep, keberfungsian produk, dan efektifitas mencapai score lebih dari 4, oleh karena itu implementasi model pembelajaran tenses menggunakan rumus mateng (mathematic english) dinyatakan sangat baik. pembahasan pembelajaran tenses merupakan salah satu materi bahasa inggris yang utama bagi pembelajar bahasa asing. karena dalam konteks berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tulis, selalu berkaitan dengan konsep waktu. nofriani (2016) menyatakan bahwa tenses adalah bentuk kata kerja yang berhubungan dengan waktu. oleh karena itu, dengan adanya tenses maka perubahan waktu juga akan mempengaruhi kata kerja/verb yang akan digunakan. penggunaan model pembelajaran yang tepat akan sangat membantu dalam proses pembelajaran (megawati: 2019). berdasarkan hasil penelitian diatas, menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran tenses menggunakan rumus mateng (mathematic english) dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa mengenai tenses. model pembelajaran tenses yang inovatif dapat memberikan dampak yang positif dalam mempelajari tenses. ini sesuai dengan beberapa hasil penelitian. pertama penelitian yang dilakukan oleh hafid (2016), menunjukkan bahwa the crossing formulas of tenses table memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan tenses siswa kelas xii ma madani alaudin poopao. selanjutnya penelitian yang dilakukan oleh hasibuan (2012) menunjukkan 4,75 4,285 4,58 konstruks i konsep efektivita s produk keberfun gsian produk respon user terhadap implementasi konsep series1 series2 221 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) hasil bahwa pembelajaran past tense menggunakan metode cooperative learning memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan siswa. respon user (pengguna) terhadap model pembelajaran tenses menggunakan rumus mateng dinyatakan sangat baik dengan score lebih dari 4. ini menunjukkan bahwa dari mulai proses pembelajaran, pemahaman konsep rumus mateng, sampai pada evaluasi memiliki dampak terhadap peningkatan pemahaman tenses mahasiswa. dengan mempelajari tenses secara praktis dan efektif, maka mahasiswa tidak dirumitkan dengan berbagai hafalan tenses dan time signal karena sudah disajikan formula tenses yang praktis yaitu integrasi antara matematika dasar dan english. d. simpulan implementasi model pembelajaran tenses menggunakan rumus mateng (mathematic english) yang meliputi 3 aspek ; penguasaan nama 16 tenses, fungsi dan rumusnya. proses pemembelajaran tenses dimulai dari appersepsi, kemudian main activity menggunakan metode ppp, dan individual task untuk mahasiswa. respon mahasiswa terhadap impelementasi model pembelajaran tenses menggunakan rumus mateng dinyatakan sangat baik. 222 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) daftar pustaka antula, p. w. (2016). penggunaan present perfect tense bahasa inggris oleh siswa smk kesehatan bakti nusantara gorontalo (sebuah analisis kesalahan). jurnal elektronik fakultas sastra universitas sam ratulangi, 4(2). chang, s-c. (2010). a contrastive study of grammar translation method and communicative approach in teaching english grammar. published by canadian center of science and education. doi:10.5539/elt.v4n2p13. crystal, d. (2003). english as a global language. cambridge: cambridge university press. falah, m. (2011). the english grammar mastery of lba students of ma nu tbs taught by using aralish contrastive analysis in academic year 20102011. kudus. umk. hafid, a. g. (2016). the effectiveness of using crossing formulas of tenses table in learning english 16 tenses at xii grade students of ma madani alauddin paopao in academic year of 2015/2016. eternal (english, teaching, learning, and research journal), 2(1), 96-109. hasibuan, b. (2012). teaching simple past tense by using cooperative learning: an experimental study at seconde of mts pembangunan uin jakarta. megawati, e. (2019). penggunaan model pembelajaran peer teaching dalam pengajaran tenses pada mahasiswa efl. deiksis, 11(01), 39-50. pribadi, r. (2013). aplikasi structure tenses dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris berbasis j2me (doctoral dissertation, universitas muhammadiyah surakarta). sugiyono. (2009). metode penelitian kuantitatif, kualitatif dan r&d, bandung : alfabeta. sugiyono. (2010). metode penelitian kuantitatif, kualitatif dan r&d, bandung : alfabeta,. sugiyono. (2012). metode penelitian kuantitatif kualitatif dan r&d. bandung: alfabeta,. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 25 a study on students’ difficulties in listening at students class xi in ma al-munawwarah paguyaman nur fitriyani rahim ma al munawarah, paguyaman abstract the objective of this research was to find the cause of students’ difficulties in listening grade xi in ma al-munawwarah paguyaman. this type of research was descriptive qualitative method by using qualitative approach (qualitative research). this research was conducted at ma al-munawwarah paguyaman. the subject of research were the students of grade xi consist of 16 people. data collection techniques used structured interviews and interviews guideline. data analysis in this research used interactive model analysis. the result revealed that students have difficulty in listening to english text on linguistic factors and nonlinguistic factors such as lack of motivation, material duration, and difficulty concentrating. keywords: listening, difficulty, english subtitle abstrak tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan penyebab kesulitan siswa dalam menyimak pada siswa kelas xi di ma al-munawwarah paguyaman. jenis penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif (qualitative research). penelitian ini dilaksanakan di ma al-munawwarah paguyaman, subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas xi berjumlah 16 orang. tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara terstruktur yang menggunakan pedoman wawancara. analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis model interactive. hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa siswa memiliki kesulitan dalam menyimak text berbahasa inggris pada faktor linguistik dan faktor non-linguistik. faktor linguistic seperti kurangnya penguasaan kosakata, aksen, dan kurangnya pemahaman pada text. faktor non linguistik seperti kurangnya motivasi, kualitas materi, durasi materi, dan sulit berkosentrasi. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 26 a. introduction the first communication skill we engage in the moment we are born is listening. it is how we learn and acquire language. speaking and listening, then, are always interrelated. however, although it is our first communicative behavior, listening is usually our most underdeveloped communication skill. lisa (2008), says listening skill is viewed as the most common communicative action in routine life. morley points out "we can expect to listen twice as much as we speak, four times more than we read, and five times more than we write. listening is the key to all effective communication, because we understand purpose after listen them. when we can not listen correctly, we may have a poor understanding (ur, p, 1984). rost (2004), also says that listening is an active process requiring participation on the part of the listener. it seems that the communication involves the speaker and the listener. the listeners can understand well if they can hear what the speaker says. in the other words, long (1989), argued that the communication will run well since there is an understanding lecturer the speaker and listener. furthermore, listening is important skill and it is needed by the students ‟ to improve their english skills”. according to permendiknas the objective of teaching listening for senior high school is students‟ comprehend 2 the meaning in oral functional text and simple monologue in descriptive and procedure to interact each other. however, there are some common problems faced by students in learning listening skill. one of them is they are not familiar with the spoken words and foremost they miss catch the word. hassan said that the differences of the sound system between the (li) and the (l2), the inconsistency of some sounds in english language, the mother tongue interference and the influence of spelling on pronunciation. besides, they are lack of understanding the whole spoken text. in this case, listening becomes complex skill since they are lack of ability to catch the word, grab the meaning of the word, and also comprehend the spoken text. the students‟ also cannot hear the pronunciation clearly and it becomes problem for them. in fact there are some common problems students’ faces in learning to listening. one is that they are not familiar with the spoken words and especially they al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 27 miss the word catch. hassan says that the difference between the sound system (li) and (l2), inconsistency of some sounds in english, mother language disorder and spelling effect on pronunciation. in this case, listening to be a complex skill because they lack the ability to capture the word, understand the meaning of the word, and also understand the spoken text. the students "also cannot hear the pronunciation clearly and this is a problem for them (wang zhanming, 2014). previously the researcher has conducted research on the place of observation that is already planned. according to the observation of the condition of the troubled child in listening can be seen from the learning situation in the classroom. for example when teachers say the word "ship" they mean "sheep", besides that most of the students do not know the meaning of the word in english which is spoken or heard because of the limitations of their english vocabulary, and not the concentration on the material being heard. b. method the research about study on students’ difficulties in listening included in field research is a study conducted by doing a review to the field or research location. this research using qualitative research and type of research is qualitative descriptive. the qualitative research is called as ethnography method then called the qualitative method (sugiyono, 2008). technique of data collection in this research are interview and documentation. and data analysis by patton cited by sugiyono data analysis is the process of searching and compile systematically data obtained from interviews, field notes, and documentation by organizing data into the pattern, choosing which is important and that will be studied, and make conclusions so easily understood by yourself and other people. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 28 c. result and discussion researcher conducted interviews with students at ma al-munawwarah paguyaman class xi totaling 16th students each student was given sixteen the same question, the results of the interviews every student described follows as: the first question is "do you interested in learning english? on the first question the results obtained that from 16th students there were 12nd students interested in learning english. they answered that they interested learning english because a non linguistic factors, a way of explaining the teacher who easily understood, and the future goals to become an english teacher. then 4th students answered not interested in learning the english language because linguistic factors, such a difficult learning tense and lack of vocabulary which became the cause of they were not interested in learning english. based on the answers can be concluded that the ability of the teacher to explain the material to become a causes for students feels interested in learning english. next on the second question "do you interested in learning listening?" from the result interview was conducted that of 16th students there were 10th students interested in learning. they were interested in learning listening because the non linguistic aspects as well as, like the songs, stories, and conversation in english. then there are 5th students answered sometimes like the english lessons, the reason is because it was difficult in learning listening, but interest learning listening when the text given in the english-language songs, and some were answered, be interested learning listening when the material given the short duration. then 1th student answered that he did not like learning listening because lack of controlled vocabulary so unable to understand the content of the text. from the answers it can be concluded that the existence of the interest of students in learning listening because the interest is the primary base needed someone in particular learning listen to english or other foreign languages. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 29 the third question: "do the teacher use record is clearly while teaching listening?" the answers to these questions obtained from that of 16th students, there were 3rd people answer yes, they answered that teachers often use a recording with good quality while teaching listening processed. in addition to the answers of the students there are 13rd students given different answers sometimes teachers provide audio material with not clearly when studying listening. from the answers given, the number of students were answered sometimes a lot more than the number of students answered often. the recording quality is a factor when a person is required to listen to the foreign text. listeners will easily understand and listen when recording quality is good and clear but if the quality of the record is low it will be difficult by the listener understand the foreign text. next the fourth question: "do you able to hear and understand the content of dialogue or monologue in english when low recording quality?" on this question the answer is obtained that all students answered yes, that difficult listen because the quality of the recording is low, they can't listen to the content of the dialog by either making it difficult to understand the meaning of the text with good when listening to the dialogue or monologue in english. so listeners can listen well when given good quality recordings. the fifth question: "do you listen to dialogue or monologue in english that uses native speakers?" there were 4th students answered often listen to dialogue or monologue in english when they studied in the class and at the home. when they are at the home they listen to english songs only. then there were 12nd students answered that they follow the dialogues or monologue in english only when learning listening in schools only and never listen to dialogue or monologue to speak english at home. from these answers can be defined that most students don't conducted listening text in english at the time was outside the school. although on previous question they stated that they are interested in learning listening in class but their interest in learning the listening in schools only. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 30 then sixth question "do you understand the content of dialogue or monologue in english that uses native speakers?” from 16th students, there were 12nd students answered that they can understand the content of dialogue or monologue in english if the material to be heard is the short duration of the material, a little foreign vocabulary, and the clear accents of native speakers. furthermore there were 4th students answered that they were difficult to hear and understand the content of dialogue or monologue in english if you use native speakers because of the accents change they could be difficult to translate it. for example the word first is sometimes pronounced fist, fest. they will be able to understand when heard through a non native speaker or teacher. next question number seven is “do you find unfamiliar vocabulary when listening to dialogue or monologue in english while learning listening?" on this question the results obtained that all students answered yes, they answered that there were many foreign vocabulary or vocabulary that is the first time they hear that often found on text when learning listening. the number of foreign vocabulary that is found in a text listening to 6th foreign vocabularies usually appears on the material like news, announcements, and stories. other vocabulary is the vocabulary they have ever heard but they don’t known means. mastery of the vocabulary needed in skills listening text in english and other foreign language text. then the eighth question: "do you able to understand the content of dialogue or monologue in english if you find unfamiliar vocabulary when learn listening?" from the results interview that of 16th students, there were 3rd students answered that can sometimes understand the content of the materials if foreign vocabulary in text is little. then there were 13rd the students answered no, they cannot understand because foreign because so many foreign vocabulary so they do not understand the meaning of text". al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 31 the ninth question ""do you listen to dialogue or monologue in english with the contents of text length and speed?" there were 3rd students answered yes, namely dion, yuliyanti, and fitri answered they listen to dialogue or monologue in english with the contents of text length and speed learning listening processed and when outside the school. then 13rd students answered sometimes, they follow the english text with the contents of text length and speed if teachers provided such material at the moment learning listening in class only. in listening text will be easier when they were familiar with text a listener is said to have good listening skills are not only able to listen to and understand text feature quickly. a listener is said to have good listening skills in being able to hear and understand the length and speed of dialogue or monologue. to achieve this it should be getting used to and often trained skills in listening to english with text that lasts long and fast delivery too. the tenth question: "do you listening english dialogue or monologues with the contents of text length and speed?” all of students answered yes, they have difficult to concentrate because the material was a long and difficult to understand the meaning text because the material is fast. such cases in accordance with the opinion of azmi bingol, celik, yidiz, and tugrul mart is very difficult for lower level students to listen more than three minutes long and complete the listening tasks. the eleventh question is "do you listening to the well english dialogue or monologues when learning listening?” from the obtained results that 7th students namely answered yes, and 9th students answered sometimes, they sometimes are able to listen to good text in the material record, short duration. then the twelfth question is “do you having a difficulty concentrate when listening?" all students answered yes, because of the long duration of the material and the amount of foreign vocabulary in dialogue or monologue given when learning listening so difficult to concentrate when students listen. the thirteenth question "do teacher when teaching listening play recordings of dialogue or monologue over one time?" on this question the results obtained that al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 32 all students answered yes, when teaching listening the teacher play the material up to two times. after researchers feel dissatisfied with the subsequent answers researchers continue to mention the next question. the fourteen question "do you can understand the english dialogue or monologues if you listen only one time? on this question the all students said yes, because at the moment listening to dialogue or monologue in english first foreign vocabulary, there are many who heard so teachers have to replay the material so that students have time to listen back the vocabulary not understood clearly in order for can to translate the meaning of the material properly. when the researcher was conducted documentation, the researcher found the results of the research with the view and retrieves a list of the value students daily. in this listening test, the students were asked to do some assignments. the topic of the first daily test was narrative story. the assignments were based on some recording. there were five assignments in the test. the assignments consisted of checking the right picture, multiple choices, true-false statements, and circling the right vocabulary. the teacher had score table to gather all of the students’ score in every type of assignments. the value of daily test on second day was conducted on friday with the topic was recount story. the students were asked to answer the assignments the same as in the value of daily test on tuesday 24th april 2017 there were four assignments in test. the assignments consisted of checking the right picture, multiple choices, true-false statements, and circling the right vocabulary. to assess the students’ listening skill the teacher also made a score table. the teacher had different column for each type of assignments. the students’ listening scores in the value of daily result on tuesday 24th april 2017 can be seen in the appendix. based on the teacher assessment, it was found that the mean of the students’ listening skill score was 64,5. from that assessment, it can be inferred that the al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 33 students’ listening skill was low because the minimum passing criteria (kkm/ kriteria ketuntasan minimum) of english subject in this school was 7,5. in the value of daily test on tuesday 27th april 201, th7e teacher assessed the students’ listening skill scores by using the same score table. the result of the students’ listening scores in the 64,5 value of daily test on friday 27th april 2017 can be seen in the appendix. based on the daily test result on friday 27th april 2017 from the teacher’s assessment, it was found that the mean of the students’ listening skill score was 66,6. thus, almost the students had passed the minimum passing grade (kkm). from that result, it could be concluded that the students’ listening skill had improved since the means of the students’ listening skill score had improved. the table shows that the mean is 64,5 on tuesday 24th april 2017, while in on friday 27th april 2017 t is 66,6. based on the results of structured interviews that was conducted using the interview guideline refers to the 8th difficulty students according to the experts, that is made up of 7 indicators and 14th questions where each indicator has 2nd questions that is already provided by the researchers in order to discover whether these 6 factor to be the problems faced by students. 1. quality of material the quality of the material is important in supporting the ability to listen, if the quality of the recording is don’t clearly then the listener will hardly understand the contents of the material. azmi bingol, literate, yidiz, and tugrul mart are of the opinion that the quality of sound system can impact the comprehending of learners’ listening. based on the interview question number 3 rd , namely "do teachers use high quality recordings while teaching listening?" from 16 th students there are 12 nd students answer that the teachers sometimes use the audio is don’t clearly when learning listening. 2. the unfamiliar accent speakers’ accent is the difficulty in capturing according to munro and derwin unfamiliar accent both native and non-native can cause serious problems in listening al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 34 comprehension and familiarity with an accent helps learners listening comprehension based on questions number six "do you understand the dialogue or monologue in english that uses native speakers?" from 16 th students there are 12 nd students answering sometimes difficult and 4 th students namely riski, cindy, irawaty, and yusni answered difficult. 3. the lack of vocabulary mastery of vocabulary is very important in understanding the content of the reading english text if we have a mastery of the vocabulary is good then we are able to follow the english text properly. according to amzi bingol, celik, yidiz, and tugrual mart, when listening contain known words it would be very easy for students to them. if students know the meaning of words this can arouse their interest and motivation and can have a positive impact on the students’ listening comprehension ability. from the results of the interview question number seven "do you find a foreign vocabulary when listening to dialogue or monologue in english while learning listening?" all students answered their many find foreign vocabulary when learning listening. the question number 8 th "do you be able to understand the content of dialogue or monologue in english when finding foreign vocabulary when learning listening?" researcher found 5 th students answered sometimes, and 11 st students answered the difficult understanding of the interview results can be concluded that the grade xi difficult listen because of the lack of vocabulary. 4. the length and speed of the material short listening passages make easy listening comprehension for learners and reduce their tiredness. according to underwood speed can make listening passage difficult. if the speakers speak to fast students may serious problems to understand l2 words. in this situation, listeners are not able to control the speed of speakers and this can create critical problems with listening comprehension. based on question number ten "do you hard just listening to dialogue or monologue long duration and delivery fast?" there were 15 th students answered difficult, and 1 st students answered al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 35 sometimes. this means that that all students class xi difficult listening if the given material when listening is length and speed of material. 5. the difficult to concentrate concentration is required in regard to a listening text in english. according to underwood sometimes a shortest break in attention can prevent comprehension. if the listening passage is interesting for listeners, concentration will be easy for them. based on the results of the interview question number twelfth "do you have difficulty when listening to concentrate material when learning listening?" in getting the answers that the 11 st students answered sometimes. it can be concluded that the students of class xi is still difficult to concentrate in just listening to english. 6. the difficult listening if the listening material is only one time according underwood teachers decided what and when to repeat listening text and it is very difficult for teachers to know whether not learners understood what they have heard. based on the interview questions number sixteenth "do you difficult understanding the content the recording of dialogue or monologue if hear it only once? all students answered difficult to listen and comprehend english text if only heard once. d. conclusions this research examines the difficulties students in the listening. it was revealed that the students of class xi in madrasah aliyah al-munawwarah paguyaman has some difficulty in listening to the structured interview based on a student's difficulty in referring to listen based on the experts. the difficult are; the first students are difficult to listen to and understand the content of the text the first caused by the lack of interest of students in learning, second, difficult to listen to and understand the content of the text due to the low quality of the recording is used, the third student is difficult to listen and understand a text using native speakers, the fourth student difficult to listen to and understand the content of the text when the al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 36 students find foreign vocabulary in the text . the fourth students are difficult to listen to and understand the contents of the text with material that length and speed. the fifth, students difficult to concentrate when listening, the sixth students are difficult to listen to and understand the content of the text when they have only heard one time or they can not repeat the text. the sixth, students are hard to listen to and understand the contents of the text because students have difficulty in listening to when they learn listening. al-lisan. journal bahasa issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 2 nomor 2agustus 2017 37 references lisa. j dows. (2008). listening skill training. maryland: victor graphics. long, d. r. (1989). second language listening comprehension: a schematheoretical perspective. modern language journa. republik indonesia, peraturan menteri pendidikan nasional republik indonesia nomor 22 tahun 2006 rost , m. (2004). introducing listening. london: penguin. sugiyono. (2008). metode penelitian kualitatif. bandung: alfabeta. ur, p. (1984). teaching listening comprehension. cambridge: cambridge university press. wang zhanming. (2014). review of the influence of l1 in l2 acquisition. vol. 9, no. 2. 170 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) iain sultan amai gorontalo volume 4, nomor 2, agustus 2019 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) flashcards as a media in teaching english vocabulary la aba iain sultan amai gorontalo abstract this article aims to observe the using of flashcard as media in teaching english vocabulary. the importance of language element is vocabulary because it is the vital organ of language. teaching language needs media to deliver material to motivate the students and to put material easy to be understood. therefore, this article examines two questions, namely how flashcard was used as media in teaching english vocabulary and is flashcards media effective in teaching english vocabulary. classroom action research was used as a research method in this research. the result showed that the flashcard was prepared by teacher according to his/her creativity, such as the size and the content of words on the flashcards. the teacher used models of teaching vocabulary using flashcards, namely rhyme and lines flashcards, vocabulary introduction, find the pictures, story cards, categorizing vocabulary, and flashcard memory game. all the models have their steps. the result of research also showed that flashcard as a media is sufficient to improve the students' vocabulary. it is indicated through the achievement of a pretest, where only two (2) students have 500 words. however, 6 (six) students got 1200 words in the posttest. abstrak tulisan ini bertujuan meneliti penggunaan kartu kata sebagai media dalam pengajaran kosa kata bahasa inggris. kosa kata adalah unsur penting dari bahasa, karena merupakan organ vital dalam sebuah bahasa. pengajaran bahasa membutuhkan media untuk menyampaikan materi dalam rangka memotivasi siswa dan membuat materi yang disampaikan lebih mudah dipahami. oleh karena itu, tulisan ini menjawab dua pertanyaan penelitian yaitu, bagaimana kartu kata digunakan sebagai media dalam mengajarkan kosa kata bahasa inggris dan apakah media kartu kata efektif digunakan dalam pengajaran kosa kata bahasa inggris. penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kartu kata dipersiapkan sesuai dengan kreativitas guru. misalnya dari segi ukuran dan kata-kata yang digunakan pada kata tersebut. guru menggunakan model-model pengajaran kosa kata menggunakan kartu kata, yaitu, kartu kata irama dan garis, kartu kata pengantar kosa kata, keywords: flashcard media;english vocabulary; rhyme and line flashcard 171 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) kartu kata menemukan gambar-gambar, kartu kata cerita, kartu kata mengelompokkan kosa kata dan kartu kata permainan memori. setiap model-model tersebut mempunyai langkah-langkah pengajarannya tersendiri. selain itu, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kartu kata efektif digunakan dalam meningkatkan jumlah kosa kata siswa. hasil pretest menunjukkan terdapat 2 siswa yang mempunyai kosa kata 500, tetapi hasil posttest menunjukkan terdapat 6 siswa yang mempunyai kosa kata 1200. a. introduction a teaching and learning process needs to fulfill the requirements of the teaching and learning process itself. they are a method, media, and content material. those items will keep the teaching and learning run well and success. they are known as the teaching components. they have an essential role in teaching and learning because they support and relate to each other. the teaching method is method and technique which are used by the teacher in doing his/her instruction to the students, to deliver the content material and the students get knowledge about the material given. content material is a set of knowledge material which are consisted of fact, concept, principle, and generalization, which is based on the curriculum. the other components of teaching and learning are the media. media has a function to help the teaching and learning goes well because it is directing students’ motivation and making achievement in the classroom. teaching media should be various and qualified. teaching media is as graphic tools, photographic, or electronic to catch process and reconstruct information visually or verbally. learning media is media, which is deliver instructional message or information. in using various media, a teacher needs a creative mind. media is created according to students’ need by considering students’ interest, and facilities are prepared. some good media criteria are durable, interesting form and colorful, simple and easy to be applied, fix size, give the real concept, picture, or diagram, stimulate students’ abstract thinking, elicit students to be active in manipulating the media. in teaching the english language mainly in elementary school and primary school, media has a crucial role because it gives motivation to students. why motivation is fundamental in these levels because elementary and primary students do not have internal motivation, they study english because it is on their school curriculum. 172 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) therefore, their internal motivation should be elicited, one way to do is creating teaching and learning media which can attract their interest and easy to be used. talking about english teaching and learning, language element is vital to be taught is vocabulary. jeremy harmer in his book the practice of english language teaching (1992) said that if language structures make up the skeleton of language, then it is vocabularies that provide the vital organs and the flesh. when structure allows us to generate sentences, then vocabulary helps us to express our meaning and thought. however, the level of an english learner, they need to study vocabulary. patsy and nina spada (2009) said that the first element of language acquisition is vocabulary. learning vocabulary can be delivered in teaching through the media of flashcards. flashcards is a set of picture cards which are equipped with a word. it is introduced by glenn doman, a brain surgery from philadelphia, pennsylvania. the pictures on the cards can be classified into animal, fruits, clothes, color, shapes, and numbers. the contents of the flashcards can be modified according to the level of students, whether they are basic, intermediate, or advanced. those paragraph above indicate that vocabulary is important to be learned when someone learn the language, however to make it easy to be understood and to attract the students’ motivation, it should be used media. flashcard becomes one of the popular media in teaching english vocabulary. therefore, this research answers the question of how flashcards were used in teaching english vocabulary and are the flashcard effective in teaching english vocabulary. this article aims to describe the process of using flashcards in teaching english vocabulary. b. research method this research used classroom action research (car) referring to the model of john elliot with four steps, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. the syllabus and the lesson plan were prepared in the planning stage and the model of teaching english vocabulary using flashcards was included. the action was applied in two cycles, four meetings in first cycle and four meetings in second cycle. every meeting was conducted in one hour and thirty minutes. the observation step was conducted during the classroom action. based on the observation and posttest in the first cycle, the reflection step was done. the result of reflection in the first cycle was used to 173 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) come to the second cycle by repairing the action step. the students’ vocabulary did not achieve the minimum standard have been determined, where at least 50% of students master 1200 words. they need additional meetings. in the second cycle, the step of research directly went to action, observation, and reflection. the observation was still done in the second cycle to check the students’ response to the activity in applying flashcard. the reflection step was done to determine whether the process of using flashcard was right. there were ten students be the samples of this research. they are at the junior high school level. c. result and discussion result the planning step both in first cycle and in the second cycle was done by preparing 6 (six) models of teaching vocabulary by using flashcards. they are listed on the lesson plan as follows: 1. rhyme and lines flashcards course : basic vocabulary grade level : beginner objectives : to learn vocabulary through short story method : group time : 90 minutes preparation : 10-15 minutes, to print and laminate the cards media needed : flashcards, lcd content material : legend of “malin kundang” description : present story with key vocabulary and pictures using flashcards and encourage your learners to interact both verbally and non-verbally through actions, mime and repetition. show the flashcard pictures as they are mentioned in the story. let the students to watch the story again, this time you only show the cards. 2. vocabulary introduction course : basic vocabulary grade level : beginner/intermediate objectives : to learn vocabulary through short story method : group 174 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) time : 90 minutes preparation : 10-15 minutes, to print and laminate the cards media needed : flashcards content material :legend of “rabbit and crocodiles” description : introduce each vocabulary item with the flashcards and ask the students to explain/describe additional details (e.g. explain what an elephant looks like, how it moves, what sound it makes). 3. find the picture course : basic vocabulary grade level : beginner/intermediate objectives : to learn vocabulary through short story method : group time : 90 minutes preparation : 10-15 minutes, to print and laminate the cards media needed : picture flashcards content material : mixed picture on noun description : place the flashcards around the classroom (on the wall, door, window, chairs, floor) and ask your students to point to, or go up to the correct flashcard when they hear it. 4. story cards course : basic vocabulary grade level : beginner/intermediate objectives : to learn vocabulary through short story method : group time : 90 minutes preparation : 10-15 minutes, to print and laminate the cards media needed : picture flashcards content material : mixed picture on legend story. description : place the cards on the table and ask the students to tell you a story connecting all the pictures. 5. categorizing vocabulary course : basic vocabulary 175 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) grade level : beginner/intermediate/advanced/adult objectives : to learn vocabulary through short story method : group time : 90 minutes preparation : 10-15 minutes, to print and laminate the cards media needed : picture flashcards content material : mixed pictures on animal, fruits, and household the story is “monkey and turtle” description : give each group a set of flashcards and ask the students to sort them into categories. for young children, a mix of different flashcards can be categorized into colors. for older children and adult students, use more difficult categories. for example: animal flashcards – sorted into four legs, two legs; those that can fly those that can’t. food cards can be sorted into fruits, vegetables, sweet and sour, to be eaten cooked or raw. household items can be sorted into wood, plastic, solvents and fabrics. 6. flashcard memory game course : basic vocabulary grade level : beginner/intermediate/advanced/adult objectives : to learn vocabulary through short story method : group time : 90 minutes preparation : 10-15 minutes, to print and laminate the cards media needed : picture flashcards content material : food pictures flashcard description : give each group of students a set of flashcards with two copies of each card. spread the cards face down on the table. in turn, each player turns up two cards and says what they are. if they turn up the same cards, they keep the pair and have another go. if the cards are different, they replace them and the next player has a go. the player with the most pairs is the winner. 176 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) discussion the action, both in first cycle and in the second cycle was done in accordance to the model above. however, the result of posttest in the first cycle showed that the students did not achieve the minimal standard of vocabulary have been determined, namely 1200 words. the reflection result in first cycle showed that the students needed additional meetings. therefore, the second cycle was done. however, the observation sheet, both in the first cycle and in the second cycle showed that the students have high motivation in following the activity, because it is like playing game. they were put in group, and the end of action, the teacher made a competition between groups by presenting a quiz about the vocabulary have just learned. before doing the action, the students done pretest to know their prior ability. the pretest result showed that five (5) students have 100 words, three (3) students have 450 words, and two (2) students have 500 words. the result of posttest in the first cycle showed that three (3) students have 500 words, two (2) students have 800 words, and five (5) students have 1000 words. in the second cycle the result of posttest showed that two (2) students have 800 words, two (2) students have 1000 words, and six (6) students have 1200 words. the result in the first cycle and in the second cycle proven that the students will easy to remember the words given when constucting into proper media for them. it is also proven that the students will get good impression about the material, when the content material is a story. besides, it can attract the students interest, maintance the students’ memory, and increase their motivation. the impressed moment has very good impact on students’ long term memory. moreover, flashcard and legend short story material is easy to be applicated in teaching and learning process. the students can independently make his/her own flashcard and browse or download the legend short story according to their own preference. the important thing is the teacher give guidance to them to make the flashcard and to browse the story. the students who we were given treatment, got ttheir very good progress in vocabulary, because they did not only study during the teaching and learning process, but also carried their own flashcard at their house. in other words, they study independently. vocabulary is the content of language, because it is building the skeleton of 177 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) language. in doing function of language as mean of communication, we need words which are giving meaning to our communication. if we are going to describe how we feel at this very moment, we have to be able to find a word which reflects the complexity of the feeling. the words we choose to use when we want to invite someone out-especially if we think they may be reluctant-can make all the difference between acceptance and refusal. teaching vocabulary is not as easy as we image, because vocabulary or word has its own component. they are meaning, pronunciation, usage, and diction. one of the problems of vocabulary teaching is how to select what words to teach. dictionaries for upper intermediate students frequently have 55,000 words or more and there may be many meanings for a word. a word is representing a small fraction of all the possible words in a language. therefore, we have to make sense of this huge list and reduce it to manageable proportions for the learners. a general principle in the past has been to teach more concrete words at lower levels and gradually become more abstract. words are such as ‘table’, ‘chair’, ‘book’, etc are easy to be introduced and understood by the students, because they appear in front of the students. the idea of teaching vocabulary by selecting words is on the track with the children development of acquiring their first language. some theories about how language is acquired have almost the same claim that language need is learned by preparing stimulus and response as stephen krashen theory in behaviorist theory, because they already have competence to say the language. it is said by noam chomsky with cognitive theory. there are some methods can be used to teach vocabulary such as using pictures, realia, etc. to direct the method then the teacher need media. one of media is teaching and learning vocabulary is flashcards. flashcard is introduced by glenn doman, a brain surgery from philadelphia, pennsylvania. nowadays, it becomes very popular as teaching media particularly for teaching english language. we can find it in many kinds of book resources and also in online references. some website offers the flashcard to teach and learn english for example, 178 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) d. conclusion from the discussion above, some conclusion can be drawn as follows: flashcard is effective media to teach vocabulary because it can be modified in accordance to what the students need. flashcard is effective in maintaining the students’ interest and motivation in learning, because it is designed colorful and well-structured. legend short story is able to attract the students’ motivation to involve effectively in teaching and learning process. legend short story can be used to keep students’ long term memory, thus they will easy to memorize the vocabulary give 179 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) references blundell, s., & synonyms, e. 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(neville grant, ed.). new york: longman. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 111 central determiner in abstracts journal aries fitriani (1) , winantu kurnianingtyas sri agung (2) (1) , (2) iain ponorogo abstract central determiner is as the main component in constructing noun phrase element as subject, objects, and complement in writing compositions. meanwhile, determiner affects the meaning of noun. this research investigates the constructions of central determiners in abstracts of journal al-tahrir volume 17 no.1 tahun 2017 and the reasons in applying those determiners in that journal. in gaining related information, types of central determiners, three diagram and table bracket were used. qualitative research and syntactical analysis was conducted to analyze the data. the research finding revealed that central determiners were used in sentences of the abstracts. the terms of central determiners in subject were constructed through 7 determiners such demonstrative article, personal pronoun, possessive pronoun, indefinite pronoun, demonstrative article, definite article, and indefinite article. having the function of object, central determiners were defined in 5 terms namely possessive pronoun, indefinite pronoun, demonstrative article, definite and indefinite article. then, they were also used in sentences of the abstracts as complement. here, central determiners were defined in terms of reflective pronoun, personal pronoun, possessive pronoun, indefinite pronoun, interrogative pronoun, definite and indefinite article. keywords: central determiner, abstract, journal abstrak central determiner adalah sebagai komponen utama dalam membangun elemen frase nomina sebagai subjek, objek, dan pelengkap dalam komposisi penulisan. sementara itu, determiner mempengaruhi arti kata benda. penelitian ini menyelidiki konstruksi central determiner dalam abstrak jurnal al-tahrir volume 17 no.1 tahun 2017 dan alasan dalam menerapkan central determiner tersebut dalam jurnal itu. dalam mendapatkan informasi terkait, jenis central determiner, tiga diagram dan braket tabel digunakan. penelitian kualitatif dan analisis sintaksis dilakukan untuk menganalisis data. temuan penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa central determiner digunakan dalam kalimat abstrak. istilah central determiner dalam subjek dikonstruksi melalui 7 determinan seperti artikel demonstratif, kata ganti orang, kata ganti posesif, kata ganti tidak pasti, artikel demonstratif, artikel pasti, dan artikel tidak pasti. memiliki fungsi objek, central determiner didefinisikan dalam 5 istilah yaitu kata ganti posesif, kata ganti tidak pasti, artikel demonstratif, artikel pasti dan tidak terbatas. kemudian, juga digunakan dalam kalimat abstrak sebagai pelengkap. di sini, central determiner didefinisikan dalam hal kata ganti reflektif, kata ganti orang, kata ganti posesif, kata ganti tidak pasti, kata ganti tanya, artikel pasti dan tidak pasti. kata kunci: central determiner, abstak, jurnal al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 112 a. introduction writing composition is constructed from simple sentences to compound complex sentences. there, writers should be able to choose appropriate words due to their written become meaningful. the using of word choices in writing affects writers’ language style. each writer has distinctive characteristics. indeed, cali and bowen argued that how a writer chooses words and structures sentences to achieve a certain effect are also an element of style cali k and bowen, 2003). this means that determining appropriate words and constructing sentences accurately support the highest contribution components in writing. for instance, a good writer will also use adjectives in moderation and instead of using adverbs frequently allow nouns and verbs to do the expression of their thought or idea (adebola adebileje, 2016: 45-49). on the other word, noun usages are as productive as adjectives, adverbs, and verbs in writing. according to the explanation above, it can be summed up that there are two linguistic elements that affect writing namely semantics (word choices) and syntax (sentence structure). both semantics and syntax have different perspective in analyzing a product of writing but they are enclosed and cannot be separated. syntax, for instance, see the elements of writing especially english toward subjects, verbs, objects, and complements. meanwhile, three of those elements are usually defined in form of nouns and or noun phrase. on the other hand, nouns along with verbs are a dominant part of speech, and that the semantic content of sentences is borne mostly by nouns (b. aarts and c. meyer, 1995). hence, it is crucial discussion in conducting noun phrase as a research because noun phrase is a dominant part of speech in writing and it has some functions in sentence such subject, object, and or complement. sydney greenbaum and gerald nelson (2002:48) noun phrase systematically represents several elements such determiner, pre-modifier, and post-modifier such the following table table 1. the construction of noun phrase determiners pre-modifier noun postmodifier based on the chart above, it can be concluded that the basic form of noun phrase is a noun then modified by determiner (all, that, a, the), pre-modifier, and followed postal-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 113 modifier. here, the researcher focused on determiner because it is the first construction of noun phrase that determined the meaning of noun in sentences. the determiner position in a noun phrase is usually filled by one of two kinds of expression: determiner can be determinative and also accompanied by their own modifier, making a determinative phrase and the determiner may have the form of a genitive noun phrase such the following examples that was taken from journal attahrir vol.17 no.1 tahun 2017 these philosophers delivered some convincing and satisfying arguments the example above shows that sentence has two noun phrases that constructed by two determiners these and some. those determiners affect noun phrase becoming determinative phrase. the first construction of noun phrase these philosophers is deictic/demonstrative article + noun. deictic is one kinds of central determiner. these philosophers np demonstrative noun these philosophers chart 1. philosophers of noun moreover, that noun phrase has a function as subject in sentence. according to the explanations and also the examples as proven, it can be underlined that noun phrase usages in writing is crucial elements and mostly writings delivered noun phrase, eventhough, it has distinctive functions. furthermore, why does noun phrase become a crucial element to be conducted in research? because noun phrase is as the main components in constructing the elements of subject, object, and complement in writing. meanwhile, determiner affects the meaning of noun. because of that reason, the researcher needed to conduct a research related to central determiner of noun phrase. indeed, the kind of phenomena is also defined in abstracts of at-tahrir journal. the researcher decided to choose journal at-tahrir as an al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 114 object in this research because there is none journals at iain ponorogo that have been accredited by higher education decree and the minister of education and culture except at-tahrir furthermore, the authors in at-tahrir journal come from different institution that point out islamic studies through their own perspective. as the result, the authors must have distinctive style in writing and can be identified through the word choices especially noun phrase. hence, the researchers decide to conduct the research entitled analysis of central determiner in abstracts of at-tahrir journal vol.17 no.1 tahun 2017 since it journal is the first publication in this year during the researchers conduct this research. in addition, the authors of this journal translated their abstracts by themselves. as the consideration, the authors of at-tahrir journal only concern on islamic studies and the editors do not change the content of their articles. consequently, the authors have different style in expressing their ideas. the elements of noun phrase the typical of noun phrase systematically is represented into several elements of structure namely determiner, premodifier, head, and post modifier. those elements hang up together in constructing noun phrase. furthermore, each element in noun phrase can be broken down into some parts (daniel kies, 2016) as the following chart al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 115 chart 2. noun phrase according to the chart above, it can be seen that determiner is one of grammatical elements that specified the types of noun. moreover, central determiner mostly defined at the beginning of noun. central determiner according to halliday in kies (2016), central determiner is classified into three components a. article means types of function word and english has two types of word functions (hilde hasselgard, 2012) as follow 1. definite the first function is definite. this article is defined in a noun phrase that marked by the, a demonstrative determiner or a possessive determiner (hilde: 2012) for instance the article concludes that mostly, theological heterodoxy was inspired by philosophy such plato, aristotle and plotinus this article elaborates philosophy that runs into islamic theology al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 116 as well a way for students to acquire useful knowledge after he returned to his hometown respectively according to the examples above, the articles the and this have functions as subject in sentence. meanwhile, his is taken place as indirect object. 2. indefinite. indefinite articles in english are a and an. those depend on the following words whether consonants or vowel sounds. there is no plural indefinite article in english (hilde:2012). it means that indefinite article only occurs with countable noun in the singular form such the following examples tjokroaminoto is a national hero and one of the pioneers of indonesia’s independence b. pronoun a pronoun is a word that takes the place of a common noun or a proper noun to refer to somebody or something (seaton and mew,2007: 44). in hand, pronouns constitute a fairly small class of words distinguished from other nouns most clearly by their inability to combine with determiners (huddleston and geoffrey, 2007:4). in this case, pronoun can be identified through 1. reflective reflective pronouns are unique groups of pronouns that always end in either – self or –selves (lester, 2008: 81). they cannot stand without by themselves and meaningless because they reflect related pronouns that come previous. 2. personal personal pronoun is used to replace one or more than one noun or compound noun. usually pronoun refers to specific person or thing. the following table represents the form of personal pronoun (lester, 2008:77) table 2. personal pronoun form number singular plural first-person subject object possessive pronominal i me mine we us ours al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 117 possessive adjectival my our second-person subject object possessive pronominal possessive adjectival you you yours your you you yours your third-person subject object possessive pronominal possessive adjectival he, she, it him, her, it his, hers, its his, her, its they them theirs their 3. indefinite indefinite pronoun means a pronoun which refers to a non-specific thing, phenomenon, or person (hasselgard, 2012). the indefinite pronouns are anybody, anything, anyone, everybody, everything, everyone, nobody, nothing, no-one, somebody, something, someone, as well as one, some, any, all, every, each, both, either, neither, many, much, a lot of, few, little and others used as pronouns 4. interrogative its pronoun is used in forming question-word questions. 5. demonstrative demonstrative pronouns are a small class of just four words this, that, these and those (lester, 2008:85). c. negative negative determiner is different from other kinds of determiner. negative form refers to no. huddleson and geiffrey argued that no does occur in the fused determiner head construction, but it finds a difference in inflection, with the form none occurring in the fused-head construction, and everywhere else such the following example kim had [no money], and pat also had [none]. in this research, the researchers use this theory than other relevance theories because halliday demonstrated and categorized the distinctive terms of central determiners. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 118 previous studies the previous study taken from thesis written by shahla’a raheem shalal entitled a linguistics study of central determiners in english. he underlined that determiners are words which specify the range of reference of a noun as being specific such as definite article; generic such as indefinite article. determiners can be sub-classified into three classes which are pre-determiners, central determiners and post determiners. moreover, the researcher also takes jane e gressang entitled a frequency and error analysis of the use of determiners, the relationships between noun phrases, and the structure of discourse in english essays by native english writers and native chinese, taiwanese, and korean learners of english as a second language. in his thesis, he concluded that on average 70% of the word types in the native essays appeared only one time. overall, computational linguists are focused on what people typically do, and create descriptions of language use that can usually be exploited for practical use (search engines, voice recognition software, and more). linguistic outliers and strange constructions are problems. for theoretical linguists, linguistic outliers and strange constructions are often also problems, but they in turn help determine the limits of what is possible in human language. theoretical linguists are not typically interested in frequency data because extremely specific examples are often needed to validate a hypothesis or possible structure. based on the previous studies above, it can be summed up that conducted researcher here is purely researchers ideas. here some differences between this research and the previous are in the previous research was conducted by shahla’a only determined the types of english determiners in general, and the second research written by jane analyzed the error in using determiners through computational linguistics. meanwhile, in this research, the researcher tries to explore the forms central determiners that are found in the abstracts of at-tahrir journal vol.17 no.1 tahun 2017. b. reserach method this research was library study that focused on central determiner of noun phrase in at-tahrir journal vol.17 no.1 tahun 2017. because of that reason, this research tried to analyze some variables such the construction of central determiner and the reasons in using those construction. hence, this research was categorized into al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 119 descriptive qualitative research since qualitative research is an umbrella term for a wide variety of approaches to and methods for the study of natural social life (saldana, 2011). furthermore, the sentences contained central determiners in abstracts of at-tahrir journal were collected as the data in term of documentation. then, those data were analyzed through syntactical analysis. in order to analyze the data, the researchers applied three stages namely reduction, display, and verification. c. findings and discussions findings the researchers manifest the constructions of central determiner of noun phrase used in abstracts of at-tahrir journal volume 17 no.1 tahun 2017. the researchers underlined three significant reasons in conducting this research. the first principal is the crucial functions of noun phrase in sentence. in line, aarts and meyer (1995) argued that nouns along with verbs are a dominant part of speech, and that the semantic content of sentences is borne mostly by nouns. it means that sentence, mostly was constructed by noun phrase because it is able to use in subjects, objects, and complements. the next major is central determiners. determiner affects the meaning of noun. the types of central determiners are as proven that the different determiners described the distinctive forms of noun in sentence. then, the last is abstracts in journal. abstract also become the major reasons in conducting this research because abstract describes powerful statements that explain a larger work. furthermore, abstract allows readers who may be interested in a longer work to quickly decide whether is worth their time to read it (abstract – the writing center accessed in it means that abstract describes the whole contents of someone work in short passages. based on those reasons, the researchers assume that analyzing central determiners in abstract is a crucial issue. moreover, in analyzing central determiners, distinctive strategies are applied in this research namely three diagram and label bracket. those strategies are distinguished with previous studies in which they analyzed determiners by identifying the types and using computational analysis. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 120 in journal at-tahrir vol 17 no.1 tahun 2017, the researchers identified that there were 11 abstracts constructed through 49 sentences in terms of simple, compound, complex and compound complex sentences. furthermore, the researcher also found that central determiner occurred on whether subject, object, and complement in each sentences of those abstract in that journal. then the description of those determiners constructions were explained in the following findings greater in depth. discussions central determiner as subject the first pattern of central determiner was defined in the abstracts taken the position of subject. here, the researchers found 7 terms of central determiner namely demonstrative article, personal pronoun, possessive pronoun, indefinite pronoun, demonstrative article, definite article, and indefinite article. 1. demonstrative article demonstrative article here has the functions as determiner because they come before a noun. then, in these abstracts, demonstrative article of this and these were found such the following findings datum ab1/s1 this article elaborates philosophy that runs into islamic theology this datum showed that demonstrative article occurred in subject of that sentence. here, this is used to indicate something which has already been known by others being referred to. hence its term is usually known as definite article. in this case, the usage of the word this was to emphasize the noun article. the author in the first abstract clearly identified only his writing not others by using the noun phrase this article. furthermore, demonstrative article this indicated that the following noun in this article was in term of singular form. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 121 2. personal pronoun personal pronoun is used to replace one or more than one noun or compound noun and its pronoun usually represents specific person or thing. datum ab1/s5 they also consider that others were fault chart 3. personal pronoun in that sentence, it is clearly mentioned that they was used to represent personal pronoun and this word took place as subject pronoun. they are anaphoric reference that refers to theological orthodoxy arguments. 3. possessive pronoun the term of possessive adjective is usually called as possessive determiner. it has the function to modify a noun by showing a form of possession of belonging to a person or think. this construction occurred in datum ab4/s6 and it was explained clearly in the following discussions its supernatural powers capable of changing the paradigm of society and pave the way to spread the teachings of islam chart 4. possesive pronoun lexeme its is one of pronoun indicated possessive adjective. it is used to show possession or ownership of something. the function of its is the possessive adjective of it. here, noun phrase does not stay alone but modified by adjective phrase. adjective al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 122 phrase consists of adjective hangs out together with other elements which modify it. in addition, its phrase can be used to modify noun inside noun phrase the sentence above showed that adjective phrase was used to modify noun inside noun phrase. the noun phrase in the sentence has the noun power as its head, and the adjective phrase supernatural serves as a modifier. it can be summed up that the function of adjective phrases is referred to as attributive. 4. indefinite pronoun indefinite pronoun is used to mention non specific pronoun. in this journal, this phenomenon found in datum (ab1/s4) that used indefinite pronoun form such in the following sentence theological orthodoxy argued that each argument of divinity was token from the revelation chart 5. indefinite pronoun indefinite pronoun in that sentence was shown by the word each. pronoun each must be always referred by singular pronoun and its pronoun is typically unspecific. in that sentence, each is followed by singular pronoun argument. that represents such an unclear argument, as the consequence, embedded information is needed to explain the pronoun specifically. in hence, prepositional phrase is distributed after in creating specific information towards noun. 5. demonstrative article in general, demonstrative article is used to point to something in a situation. this construction can be seen in datum (ab7/s2) as follow this peaceful da’wa has given birth to the moderate islam for indonesian al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 123 chart 6. demonstrative article this datum showed that demonstrative article occurred in subject of that sentence. here, this is used to indicate something which has already been known by others being referred to. hence its term is usually known as definite article. in this case, the usage of the word this was to emphasize the noun da’wa. furthermore, demonstrative article this indicated that the following noun in this article was in term of singular form. in this case, adjective phrase was used when reference is made to a specific individual or a specific group of individuals or specific instances of abstract concepts a nominal head whether a noun or a pronoun. the noun phrase in the sentence has the noun da’wa as its head, and the adjective phrase peaceful serves as a modifier. 6. definite article the function of definite article is to precede noun when the writer believes that the reader already knows what he is referring to. the common word in english indicated definite article is the. eventhough, definite article precede noun, it does not mean that the noun should be specific. in hence, the term of prepositional phrase must be added after noun datum ab2/s2 in addition, the claims of heterodoxy-orthodoxy existed since the emergence of islamic religious discourse itself until now, through many studies ie quranic interpretation (tafsir), theology (kalam), mysticism (tasawuf), islamic law (fiqih), etc al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 124 chart 7. definite article in the sentence above, definite article the was used when the author assumed there was just one of something in that place, even if it had not been mentioned before. the head noun in this sentence is claims. this noun does not mention in the previous sentences. as the consequence, central determiner of definite article the must be added before head noun claims. since unclear information of head noun, embedded information in term of prepositional phrase is needed to make the head noun clearly. 7. indefinite article the construction of indefinite article can be seen in datum (ab3/s7) as follow finally, factors that causing the emergence of a cult is not only a matter of heresy, but also sociological and psychological chart 8. indefinite articles in the sentence above, definite article the was used to point out a noun which has already been mentioned before. the head noun in this sentence is emergence. since the head noun was unclear stated, embedded information was needed in creating brief sentence. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 125 the other construction of central determiner is indefinite article. it is used to show the thing is one of a group. here, indefinite article a was used to underline cult. central determiner as object the second pattern of central determiner was defined in the abstracts taken the position of object. here, the researchers found five central determiners namely possessive pronoun, indefinite pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, definite and indefinite article. 1. possessive pronoun this pattern occurred in datum (ab8/s2) and it took a place as object in the following sentence they are the first orthodox takfiri in islam and their motto is who did not punish his law, they were among those unbeliever chart 9. posseisve pronoun the possessive adjective in the sentence above referred to people. it is more in the sense of relationship than ownership. in this case, possessive adjective his is followed by head noun law in constructing noun phrase and indicated third person singular. 2. indefinite pronoun indefinite pronoun is used to mention non specific pronoun. in this abstract, this construction found in datum (ab1/s9) that used indefinite pronoun form such in the following sentence these philosophers delivered some convincing and satisfying arguments about god chart 10. indefinite pronoun al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 126 indefinite pronoun in that sentence was shown by the word some. the pronoun some is followed by noun that refers to indefinite quantities. in that sentence, some is followed by plural pronoun. the head noun in this sentence was arguments. its noun was modified by adverb convincing and satisfying. 3. demonstrative pronoun the construction of demonstrative pronoun was defined in datum (ab4/s7) as the following sentence da’wah multicultural evidenced by not impose his religion on others who are different chart 11. indefinite pronoun the possessive adjective in the sentence above referred to people. it is more in the sense of relationship than ownership. in this case, possessive adjective his is followed by head noun religious in constructing noun phrase. the word others is used as a pronoun refers more than one person or things. and it took the plural form. 4. definite article the function of definite article is to precede noun when the writer believes that the reader already knows what he is referring to. the common word in english indicated definite article is the. this construction can be seen in the following sentence the existence of various religious discourses is caused by the differences of interpretation chart 12. definite article al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 127 in the sentence above, definite article the was used when the author assumed there was just one of something in that place, even if it had not been mentioned before. the head nouns in this sentence were differences. this noun does not mention in the previous sentences. as the consequence, central determiner of definite article the must be added before those head nouns. 5. indefinite article the construction of indefinite article in at-tahrir journal was found in the following sentence furthermore, he said that if there is a domination, it will arise a resistance chart 13. indefinite article in the sentence above, indefinite article a was used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known. the head noun in this sentence was resistant. central determiner as complement the second pattern of central determiner was defined in the abstracts taken the position of complement. here, the researchers found 7 central determiners such reflective pronoun, possessive pronoun, indefinite pronoun, interrogative pronoun, demonstrative article, definite and indefinite article. those were constructed in abstracts of at-tahrir journal. 1. reflective pronoun this pattern was defined in datum (ab5/s6) as the following sentence the barakah interpreted as increasing the value of kindness and becoming positive energy in developing self concept and how to emulate the personality and make kiai as al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 128 moral role models, as well a way for students to acquire useful knowledge after he returned to his hometown respectively chart 14. reflective pronoun definite article the was used when the author assumed there was just one of something in that place, even if it had not been mentioned before. the head noun in this sentence is value. 2. possessive pronoun the construction of this central determiner occurred in datuma (ab5/s6) as the following sentence the barakah interpreted as increasing the value of kindness and becoming positive energy in developing self concept and how to emulate the personality and make kiai as moral role models, as well a way for students to acquire useful knowledge after he returned to his hometown respectively chart 15. possesive pronoun in the sentence above, the possessive adjective his showed who owns the noun home own. this possessive adjective was used to represent third person singular 3. indefinite pronoun al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 129 indefinite pronoun is used to mention non specific pronoun. this construction found in datum (ab1/s2) as follow islamic theology could not be separated from all outer side chart 16. indefinite pronoun indefinite pronoun in that sentence was shown by the word all. pronoun all must be always referred by plural countable or uncountable noun and its pronoun is used to mention the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing. in that sentence, all is followed by singular pronoun side and modified by adjective outer. the other example of indefinite pronoun was explained below 4. interrogative pronoun this pattern occurred in datum (ab10/s4) in the following sentence this paper is intended to analyze how far the metamorphosis (in the sense of releasing its past heretic, and its use of new paradigm) of ldii as religious social movement was influenced by islamic jamaah, that is between polemics, dissemination, orthodoxy, and the acceptance of its ideology chart 17. interrogative pronoun interrogative pronoun is a pronoun which is used to make asking questions. this pronoun is used to ask distance of things. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 130 5. demonstrative article demonstrative article here has the functions as determiner because they come before a noun. this pattern defined in datum ab2/s7 in this perspective, foucault’s theory called with the relationship between power and discourse / knowledge chart 18. demonstrative article this datum showed that demonstrative article occurred in subject of that sentence. here, this is used to indicate something which has already been known by others being referred to. hence its term is usually known as definite article. in this case, the usage of the word this was to emphasize the noun perspective. the author in the first abstract clearly identified only his writing not others by using the noun phrase this perspective. furthermore, demonstrative article this indicated that the following noun in this article was in term of singular form. 6. definite article the function of definite article is to precede noun when the writer believes that the reader already knows what he is referring to. the common word in english indicated definite article is the. this construction occurred on datum ab1/s4 theological orthodoxy argued that each argument of divinity was token from the revelation chart 19. definite article al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 131 in the sentence above, definite article the was used when the author assumed there was just one of something in that place, even if it had not been mentioned before. the head noun in this sentence is revelation. 7. indefinite article this construction occurred in datum ab2/s8 as follow he clarify that discourse / knowledge is an instrument to dominate others chart 20. indefinite article indefinite article an was used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known. the head noun in this sentence was instrument. d. conclusion the researchers sum up that central determiners are defined in abstracts of attahrir journal and central determiners of noun phrase take place in each sentence as subject, object, and complement. the terms of central determiners in subject are constructed through 7 determiners such demonstrative article, personal pronoun, possessive pronoun, indefinite pronoun, demonstrative article, definite article, and indefinite article. furthermore, central determiner is also occurred in the abstracts as object. having the function of object, central determiners are defined in 5 terms namely possessive pronoun, indefinite pronoun, demonstrative article, definite and indefinite article. besides, central determiners are used in sentences of the abstracts as complement. here, central determiners are defined in terms of reflective pronoun, personal pronoun, possessive pronoun, indefinite pronoun, interrogative pronoun, negative form, definite and indefinite article. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 132 references adebileje, adebola. 2016. forms and functions of the english noun phrase in selected nigerian texts, journal of humanities and social science (online) volume 21, issue 2. pp 45-49. accessed on at-tahrir jurnal pemikiran islam iain ponorogo. djojosuroto, kinayati & m. l. a. sumaryati. 2000. prinsip-prinsip dasar penelitian bahasa sastra. bandung: nuansa yayasan nuansa cendekia. given, lisa m. 2008. the sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods. california: sage publications, inc. hasselgard, hilde et. al. 2012. glossary of grammatical terms used in english grammar: theory and use 2 nd edition. oslo: universitetsforlaget. huddleston, rodney and geoffrey k. pullum. 2007. a student’s introduction to english grammar. cambridge: cambridge university. kies, daniel. 2016. modern english grammar. department of english college of dupage accesed on lester, mark. 2008. mcgraw-hill’s essential esl grammar: a handbook for intermediate and advavanced esl students. united states of america: the mcgraw-hill companies. moloeng, lexy j. 2000. metodologi penelitian kualitatif. bandung: pt remaja rosdakarya. pinnegar, stefinee & mary lynn hamilton. 2009. self-study of practice as a genre of qualitative research. new york: springer dordrecht heidelberg. s, petrakis and klenner m, learning, 2011, theories for noun-phrase sentiment composition, zurich open repository archive, university of zurich. accessed on seaton, anne and y.h. mew. 2007. basic english grammar for english language learnear. united states of america: saddleback educational publishing. stake, robert e. 2010. qualitative research: studying how things work. new york: the guilford press. sutopo, h. b. 2006. metode penelitian kualitatif. surakarta: uns press. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 17 the models of checklist method in evaluating elt textbooks harni jusuf english education department of tarbiyah and teacher training faculty the state institute of islamic studies (iain) sultan amai gorontalo, indonesia abstract there are four interrelated aspects in teaching learning process that is teacher, students, materials, and evaluation and assessment. the things that should be paid attention related to materials are materials selection, materials development and design, and materials evaluation or textbook evaluation. regarding to textbook evaluation, this article aims to describe one of the three methods of textbook evaluation, checklist method. it discusses what checklist method is and some suggested checklist method that can be used in evaluating textbook. there are fifth different checklist models displayed in this article. they include tucker (1975), daoud and celce-murcia (1979), william (1983), sheldon (1988), and cunningsworth (1995). the fifth models are quoted from journals and books. ada empat aspek yang saling terkait dalam proses belajar mengajar yaitu guru, siswa, materi, dan evaluasi dan penilaian. hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan terkait materi adalah pemilihan bahan, pengembangan dan desain material, dan evaluasi bahan atau evaluasi buku teks. mengenai evaluasi buku teks, artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan salah satu dari tiga metode evaluasi buku teks, metode daftar periksa. ini membahas metode checklist apa dan beberapa metode checklist yang disarankan yang dapat digunakan dalam mengevaluasi buku teks. ada lima model checklist berbeda yang ditampilkan dalam artikel ini. mereka termasuk tucker (1975), daoud dan celce-murcia (1979), william (1983), sheldon (1988), dan cunningsworth (1995). model kelima dikutip dari jurnal dan buku. key words: teaching learning process, textbook evaluation, checklist method journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 18 a. introduction in teaching learning process, textbook has an important role because it leads teachers in conveying materials to be taught over a period of time. also, for students, textbook make them easier to understand what are being taught. with textbook, students can learn the lesson/topic at home. regarding to the importance of textbook, cunningsworth as cited in demir states that the roles of elt course book are serving to present the written and spoken materials, promoting interaction, serving as reference of vocabulary and grammar, acting as a source for classroom activities and offering selfaccess work or self-directed learning. talking about textbook, there is one interesting thing to be discussed, that is textbook evaluation. according to ahour, towhidiyan, and saeidi, “textbook evaluation is a requisite to qualifying the content of the textbook and homogenizing it with the teaching/learning requirements in efl/esl settings”. textbook itself should be evaluated because of some reasons. hutchinson and waters as cited in ahour, towhidiyan, and saeidi say that the aim of textbook evaluation is “to determine the suitability of the materials to our particular purpose”. cunningsworth cited in alshehri argues that the reasons for evaluating textbook are to adopt new course books, to find out the particular strengths and weakness, and to aid in the development of teachers and provide insights into a textbook’s various components. contrary to the both former experts, tomlinson says that why textbook should be evaluated because it provides teachers with insights into the application of language theories. b. literature review in the light of textbook evaluation, many researches over the worlds have been carried out in different content and perspectives. a study conducted by sarem, hamidi, and mahmoudie (2013) evaluate the specialized book of english for international tourism based on the checklist developed by daoud and celce-murcia. the obtained results showed that the current book can be used as an acceptable textbook to teach to students who are interested in studying tourism. two studies in the same year (2014) conducted by ahour, towhidiyan, and saeidi, and rashidi and kehtarfard. ahour, towhidiyan, and saeidi investigate the appropriateness of “english textbook 2” for iranian efl second grade high school journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 19 students from the teachers’ perspectives. the participants of the study consisted of 25 english teachers (8 females and 17 males) randomly selected from different high schools in boukan, iran. the evaluation of the textbook was conducted quantitatively through an adapted checklist developed by litz. the results of the study revealed that teachers’ perceptions about these criteria were not favorable in general. rashidi and kehtarfard (2014) reports on the findings of a study conducted to evaluate an english textbook (the third-grade high school english book), which is being used in all state high schools in iran by using a needs analysis framework. the results of the textbook evaluation revealed that although all language skills and components were almost important for the majority of the students, the textbook could not fully support all of them together. another study, alshehri (2016), evaluate cutting edge, a textbook which is currently being taught at najran university‘s preparatory year programme. twelve efl instructors were asked to share their perspectives about the target textbook, and a forty-item questionnaire, which was developed by litz was used for the purposes of the evaluation. the study‘s findings revealed that the instructors were largely satisfied with a majority of the textbook‘s features. they were most satisfied with the textbook‘s layout and design (mean score=3.74), followed by its subject and content (3.65), its skills component (3.63), its activities (3.55) and its language type (3.51). by contrast, the respondents' opinions of the textbook‘s practical considerations were unclear. meanwhile, hussin, nimehchisalem, kalajahi, and yunus (2016) evaluate the presentation of new vocabulary items in the form three english language textbook used in secondary schools in malaysia. a group of purposively selected teachers (n = 5) used a checklist to evaluate the presentation of vocabulary items in the textbook. the findings showed that the textbook is weak in vocabulary presentation. it was found that no specific method was followed to teach the new vocabulary. there was no index of the new vocabulary at the end of the textbook. the results have implications for the learners, english language teachers as well as textbook developers. bouzid, erguig, and yeou (2016) conducted a study which investigate ways in which textbook evaluation can help in implementing a positive change in efl teachers’ professional careers. it draws the attention of moroccan high school english language journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 20 practitioners to the viability of using textbook evaluation as a reflective practice to enhance teachers’ professional development. a survey was designed to explore the attitudes of moroccan high school english language teachers towards the suggested model of textbook evaluation and its ability to promote teachers’ professional development. the findings demonstrated that the teachers were in favor of the suggested textbook evaluation model. a study entitled “a comparison of teaching materials (school textbooks vs authentic materials) from the perspective of english teachers and educational supervisors in saudi arabia” was conducted by allehyani, burnapp, and wilson (2017). they explore english teachers’ and educational supervisors’ attitudes to using school textbooks and authentic materials in saudi boys’ schools. specifically, it aims to determine the preferred teaching materials (either textbooks or authentic materials which are not usually recommended in the current textbooks (or which are additional to the contents of the current textbooks) from the participants’ points of view. a mixed research approach quantitative and qualitative was used to investigate the favored teaching materials, while the contrastive research approach allowed both types to be evaluated. the results showed that the participants had positive attitudes to using authentic materials and that most teachers preferred them to school textbooks. one of the seventh previous researches (demir, 2014) is a development research in which he designed the eclectic checklist for elt course book evaluation. meanwhile, the others are based research. the difference of this study with the others that is this study is a library research which focus on suggested checklist method that can be used in evaluating textbook. in this theoretical studies, this article purposes to describe 2 things related to textbook evaluation, namely: (1) what checklist method is; and (2) various models of checklist method. c. research method the method used in writing this article is descriptive qualitative method. the using of this method aims to describe two things, namely checklist method to evaluate book text and some models of checklist method. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 21 d. findings and discussion 1. checklist as the method of textbook evaluation one of the three methods that can be used in evaluating textbook is checklist method. the checklist method is an instrument that helps practitioners evaluate course books in an effective and practical way. meanwhile, sarem, hamidi, and mahmoudie state that checklist is an instrument that provides the evaluator with a list of features of successful learning-teaching materials. according to these criteria, evaluators like teachers, researchers, as well as students can rate the quality of material. based on these definitions, i conclude that checklist is an instrument to assess the worth of materials along with some determined aspects. according to mcgrath, there are four advantages of checklist method as follow. 1) it is systematic, ensuring that all elements that are deemed to be important are considered. 2) it is effective, permitting a good deal of information to be recorded in a relatively short space of time. 3) the information is recorded in a convenient format, allowing for easy comparison between competing sets of material. 4) it is explicit, and, provided the categories are well understood by all involved in the evaluation. 2. various models of checklist method 1) tucker (1975) tucker divides his checklist into two main criteria. external criteria and internal criteria, which is consists of 3 categories. the third categories of internal criteria are pronunciation criteria, grammar criteria, and content criteria. the special features of this checklist are: a. tucker uses terms value scale (importance in context) and merit scale (quality) to assess the textbook. b. value scale range from 0-5 and merit scale range from 0-4. c. the checklist has vmp (value merit product), the multiplication result of vs and ms. the scores from multiplication not only an arithmetical total but also a graph in which the actual and ideal profiles can be displayed journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 22 tucker’s checklist model of textbook evaluation method is as follow. table 1. tucker’s elt textbook evaluation checklist no. criteria vs ms mvp i. internal criteria a. pronunciation criteria 1. completeness of presentation 2. appropriateness of presentation 3. adequacy of practice b. grammar criteria 4. adequacy of pattern inventory 5. appropriate sequencing 6. adequacy of drill model and pattern displayed 7. adequacy of practice c. content criteria 8. functional load 9. rate and manner of entry and re-entry 10. appropriate of contents and situations ii. external criteria 11. authenticity of language 12. availability of supplementary materials 13. adequate guidance for non-native teachers 14. competence of the author 15. appropriate level for integration 16. durability 17. quality of editing and publishing 18. price and value vs: value scale ms: merit scale vmp: value merit product 2) daoud and celce-murcia (1979) marianne celce-murcia is a professor emerita of applied linguistics at the university of california, los angeles (ucla). her interests include english grammar and pronunciation. she has been (co)editor on all four editions of tes/fl (4 th edition, forthcoming, national geographic-heinle) as well as co-editing a fivevolume textbook series with m. sokolik. celce-murcia has served as a member-atlarge on the boards of both teachers of english to speakers of other language (international tesol) and the american association for applied linguistics (aaal). daoud and celce-murcia checklist for textbook evaluation consists of five aspects. the first is subject matter, the second is vocabulary and structures, the third journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 23 is exercises, the fourth is illustrations, and the fifth is physical make-up. the total items of the five aspects are 25. table 2. daoud and celce-murcia elt textbook evaluation checklist no item response sd d u a sa a. subject matter 1. does the subject matter cover a variety of topics appropriate to the interests of the learners for whom the text book is intended (urban or rural environment; child or adult learners; male and/or female students)? 2. is the ordering of materials done by topics or themes that are arranged in a logical fashion? 3. is the content graded according to the needs of the students or the requirements of the existing syllabus (if there is one)? 4. is the material accurate and up-to-date? b. vocabulary and structures 5. does the vocabulary load (i.e., the number of new words introduced every lesson) seem to be reasonable for the students of that level? 6. are the vocabulary items controlled to ensure systematic gradation from simple to complex items? 7. is the new vocabulary repeated in subsequent lessons for reinforcement? 8. does the sentence length seem reasonable for the students of that level? 9. is the number of grammatical points as well as their sequence appropriate? 10. does the structure gradually increase in complexity to suit the growing reading ability of the students? 11. does the writer use current everyday language, and sentence structures that follow normal word order? 12. do the sentences and paragraphs follow one another in a logical sequence? 13. are linguistic items introduced in meaningful situations to facilitate understanding and ensure assimilation and consolidation? c. exercises 14. do the exercises develop comprehension and test knowledge of main ideas, details, and sequence of ideas? 15. do the exercises involve vocabulary and structures journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 24 which build up the learners’ repertoire? 16. do the exercises provide practice in different types of written work (sentence completion, spelling and dictation, guided composition)? 17. does the book provide a pattern of review within lessons and cumulatively test new material? 18. do the exercises promote meaningful communication by referring to realistic activities and situations? d. illustrations 19. do illustrations create a favorable atmosphere for practice in reading and spelling by depicting realism and action? 20. are the illustrations clear, simple, and free of unnecessary details that may confuse the learner? 21. are the illustrations printed close enough to the extent and directly related to the content to help the learner understand the printed text? e. physical make-up 22. is the cover of the book durable enough to withstand wear? 23. is the text attractive (i.e., cover, page appearance, binding)? 24. does the size of the book seem convenient for the students to handle? 25. is the type size appropriate for the intended learners? 1: strongly disagree 2: disagree u: undecided a: agree sa: strongly agree 3) williams (1983) david williams is a senior lecturer and head of the language arts section in the department of education, ahmadu bello university, nigeria. he holds a doctorate in education from the university of malaya. his current research interests include reading comprehension, the teaching of literature, and attitudes towards varieties of spoken and written nigerian english. williams splits his elt textbook checklist into 7 criteria. the seventh criteria are general, speech, grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and technical. the special features of his textbook checklist are: a. column for weighting on the left of the checklist. weighting can be indicated by numbers or letters (e.g. 4: very useful, 3: quite useful, 2: fairly useful, and 1: not so useful). this left column can be used for weighting items according to their journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 25 usefulness in a particular second-language context, or at a particular educational level. b. the 5-point numerical rating scale on the right of the checklist. it can be used for adapting evaluative items to suit the particular demands of the teaching situation. the numbers given in the right-hand column indicate the extent to which a given textbook satisfies each criterion on the checklist. c. sets of criteria can be evolved for comparative evaluations by multiplying the weighting of each item by the rating on each item. in the following is the table of williams’ elt textbook evaluation checklist. table 3. williams’ elt textbook evaluation checklist title of textbook: this textbook: rating weight a. general 4 3 2 1 0 1. takes into account currently accepted methods of esl/efl teaching. 2. gives guidance in the presentation of language items. 3. caters for individual differences in home language background. 4. relates content to the learners' culture and environment. b. speech 5. is based on a contrastive analysis of english and li sound systems. 6. suggests ways of demonstrating and practising speech items. 7. includes speech situations relevant to the pupils* background. 8. allows for variation in the accents of non-native speakers of english c. grammar 9. stresses communicative competence in teaching structural items. 10. provides adequate models featuring the structures to be taught. 11. shows clearly the kinds of responses required in drills (e.g. substitution). 12. selects structures with regard to differences between li and l2 cultures. d. vocabulary 13. selects vocabulary on the basis of frequency, functional load, etc. 14. distinguishes between receptive and productive skills in vocabulary teaching. 15. presents vocabulary in appropriate contexts and situations. 16. focuses on problems of usage related to social background. e. reading journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 26 17. offers exercises for understanding of plain sense and implied meaning. 18. relates reading passages to the learners' background. 19. selects passages within the vocabulary range of the pupils. 20. selects passages reflecting a variety of styles of contemporary english. f. writing 21. relates written work to structures and vocabulary practiced orally. 22. gives practice in controlled and guided composition in the early stages. 23. relates written work to the pupils' age, interests, and environment. 24. demonstrates techniques for handling aspects of composition teaching. g. technical 25. is up-to-date in the technical aspects of textbook production and design. 26. shows quality in editing and publishing (cover, typeface, illustrations, etc.). 27. is datable, and not too expensive. 28. has authenticity in language and style of writing. 0: not at all 1: just barely 2: to some extent 3: to a large extent 4: to the greatest extent 4) sheldon (1988) leslie sheldon is director of elt, pitman education and training ltd. he has taught at schools, universities, and teacher-training establishments in canada, iran, algeria, italy, sweden and the uk, as well as having been an esp consultant. in 1989 dr sheldon directed a british council specialist seminar held in the uk, entitled ‘elt textbooks and materials: evaluation, exploitation, adaptation and design’. sheldon designed his textbook checklist into 17 factors. the total items of the seventeenth factors are 53. the special features of his checklist are: (1) factual details (at the top of the checklist), (2) column comment for adding our comment about each factor, and (3) column for rating, which can be scored with pluses and minuses, or stars, etc.), but, in this article i use poor, fair, good, and excellent for the rating scale. sheldon textbook evaluation checklist can be seen as follow. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 27 table 4. sheldon’s elt textbook evaluation checklist factual details title: ......................................................... author(s): .................................................... publisher:. ...................................... price:. ...... isbn: .......................................... no. of pages: components: sb/tb/wb/tests/cassettes/video/call/other ....... level: .......................................... physical size: ………………………….. length: ........ units. ........ lessons/sections ......... hours target skills: ........................................... target learners: ............................................... target teachers: ............................................... assessment (* poor ** fair *** good **** excellent) no. factors rating comments p f g e a. rationale 1. why was the book written in first place, and what gaps is it intended to fill? 2. are you given information about the needs analysis or classroom piloting that was undertaken? 3. are the objectives spelt out? b. availability 4. is it easy to obtain sample copies and support material for inspection? 5. can you contact the publisher’s representatives in case you want further information about the content, approach, or pedagogical detail of the book? c. user definition 6. is there a clear specification of the target age range, culture, assumed background, probable learning preferences, and educational expectations? 7. are entry/exit language levels precisely defined, e.g. by reference to international ‘standards’ such as the elts, actfl or council of europe scales, or by reference to local or country-specific examination requirements? 8. in the case of an esp textbook, what degree of specialist knowledge is assumed (of both learners and teacher)? d. layout/graphics 9. is there an optimum density and mix of text and graphical material on each page, or is the impression one of clutter? 10. are the artwork and typefaces functional? colorful? appealing? e. accessibility 11. is the material clearly organized? 12. can the student find his or her location in the material at any point, i.e. is it possible to have a clear view of the ‘progress’ made, and how much still needs to be journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 28 covered? 13. are there indexes, vocabulary lists, section headings, and other methods of signposting the content that allow the student to use the material easily, especially for revision or self-study purposes? 14. is the learner (as opposed to the teacher) given clear advice about how the book and its contents could be most effectively exploited? f. linkage 15. do the units and exercises connect in terms of theme, situation, topic, pattern of skill development, or grammatical/lexical ‘progression’? 16. is the nature of such connection made obvious, for example by placing input texts and supporting exercises in close proximity? 17. does the textbook cohere both internally and externally (e.g. with other books in a series)? g. selection/grading 18. does the introduction, practice, and recycling of new linguistic items seem to be shallow/steep enough for your students? 19. is there a discernible system at work in the selection and grading of these items (e.g. on the basis of frequency counts, or on the basis of useful comparisons between the learner’s mother tongue and english)? 20. is the linguistic inventory presented appropriate for your purposes, bearing in mind the l1 background(s) of your learners? h. physical characteristics 21. is there space to write in the book? 22. is the book robust? too large? too heavy? 23. is the spine labeled? 24. is it a book that could be used more than once, especially if it is marked by previous students? i. appropriacy 25. is the material substantial enough or interesting enough to hold the attention of learners? 26. is it pitched at the right level of maturity and language, and (particularly in the case of esp situations), at the right conceptual level? 27. is it topical? j. authenticity 28. is the content obviously realistic, being taken from l1 material not initially intended for elt purposes? 29. do the tasks exploit language in a communicative or ‘real-world’ way? 30. if not, are the texts unacceptably simplified or artificial (for instance, in the use of whole-sentence dialogues)? journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 29 k. sufficiency 31. is the book complete enough to stand on its own, or must the teacher produce a lot of ancillary bridging material to make it workable? 32. can you teach the course using only the student’s book, or must all the attendant aids (e.g. cassettes) be deployed? l. cultural bias 33. are different and appropriate religious and social environments catered for, both in terms of the topics/situations presented and of those left out? 34. are students’ expectations in regard to content, methodology, and format successfully accommodated? 35. if not, would the book be able to wean students away from their preconceived notions? 36. is the author’s sense of humor or philosophy obvious or appropriate? 37. does the course book enshrine stereotyped, inaccurate, condescending or offensive images of gender, race, social class, or nationality? 38. are accurate or ‘sanitized’ views of the usa or britain presented; are uncomfortable social realities (e.g. unemployment, poverty, family breakdowns, and racism) left out? m. educational validity 39. does the textbook take account of, and seem to be in tune with, broader educational concerns (e.g. the nature and role of learning skills, concept development in younger learners, the function of ‘knowledge of the world’, the exploitation of sensitive issues, and the value of metaphor as a powerful cognitive learning device)? n. stimulus/practice/revision 40. is the course material interactive, and are there sufficient opportunities for the learner to use his or her english so that effective consolidation takes place? 41. is the material likely to be retained/ remembered by learners? 42. is allowance made for revision, testing, and on-going evaluation/marking of exercises and activities, especially in large-group situations; are ready-made achievement tests provided for the course book, or is test development left for the hard-pressed teacher? are ‘selfchecks’ provided? o. flexibility 43. can the book accommodate the practical constraints with which you must deal, or are assumptions made about such things as the availability of audio-visual equipment, pictorial material, class size, and classroom geography; does the material make too many demands journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 30 on teachers’ preparation time and students’ homework time? 44. can the material be exploited or modified as required by local circumstances, or is it too rigid in format, structure, and approach? 45. is there a full range of supplementary aids available? p. guidance 46. are the teacher’s notes useful and explicit? english? 47. has there been an inordinate delay between the publication of the student’s and teacher’s books which has meant that teachers have had to fend for themselves in exploiting the material? 48. is there advice about how to supplement the course book, or to present the lessons in different ways? 49. is there enough/too much ‘hand-holding’? 50. are tape scripts, answer keys, ‘technical notes’ (in the case of esp textbooks), vocabulary lists, structural/functional inventories, and lesson summaries provided in the teacher’s book? 51. is allowance made for the perspectives, expectations, and preferences of non-native teachers of english? q. overall value for money 52. quite simply, is the course book cost-effective, easy to use, and successful money in your teaching situation, in terms of time, labor, and money? 53. to what extent has it realized its stated objectives? 1: poor 2: fair 3: good 4: excellent 5) cunningsworth (1995) cunningsworth checklist for textbook evaluation consists of eight aspects. they are aim and approaches, design and organization, language content, skills, topic, methodology, teachers’ books, and practical consideration. the total items of the eighth aspects are 44. the special feature of his checklist is using yes/no questions. table 5. cunningsworth’s elt textbook evaluation checklist no. items yes no a. aims and approaches 1. do the aims of the course book correspond closely with the aims of the teaching programme and with the needs of the learner? 2. is the course book suited to the learning/teaching situation? 3. how comprehensive is the course book? does it cover most of all of what is needed? is it a good resource for students and teachers? 4. is the course book flexible? does it allow different teaching and learning journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 31 styles? b. design and organization 5. what components make up the total course package (e.g., students’ books, teacher’s books, workbooks, cassettes)? 6. how is the content organized (e.g., according to structures, functions, topics, skills, etc.)? 7. how is the content sequenced (e.g., on the basis complexity, “learnability,” usefulness, etc.)? 8. is the grading and progression suitable for the learners? does it allow them to complete the work needed to meet any external syllabus requirements? 9. are the reference sections for grammar, etc.? is some of the material suitable for individual study? 10. is it easy to find your way around the course book? is the layout clear? c. language content 11. does the course book cover the main grammar items appropriate to each level, taking learners’ needs into account? 12. is material for vocabulary teaching adequate in terms of quantity and range of vocabulary, emphasis placed on vocabulary development, strategies for individual learning? 13. does the course book include material for pronunciation work? if so, what is covered: individual sounds, word stress, sentence stress, intonation? 14. does the course book deal with the structuring and conventions of language use above sentence level, for example, how to take part in conversations, how to structure a piece of extended writing, how to identify the main points in a reading passage? (more relevant at intermediate and advanced levels). 15. are style and appropriacy dealt with? if so, is language style matched so social situation? d. skills 16. are all four skills adequately covered, bearing in mind your course aims and syllabus requirements? 17. is there material for integrated skill work? 18. are reading passages and associated activities suitable for your students’ level, interests, etc.? is there sufficient reading material? 19. is listening material well recorded, as authentic as possible, accompanied by background information, questions, and activities which help comprehension? 20. is material for spoken english (dialogues, role plays, etc.) well designed to equip learners for real-life interactions? 21. are writing activities suitable in terms of amount of guidance/control, degree of accuracy, organization of longer pieces of writing (e.g., paragraphing) and use of appropriate styles? e. topic 22. is there sufficient material of genuine interest to learners? 23. is there enough variety and range of topic? 24. will the topics help expand students’ awareness and enrich their experience? 25. are the topic sophisticated enough in content, yet within the learners’ journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 32 language level? 26. will your students be able to relate to the social and cultural contexts presented in the course book? 27. are women portrayed and represented equally with men? 28. are other groups represented, with reference to ethnic origin, occupation, disability, etc.? f. methodology 29. what approach/approaches to language learning are taken by the course book? is this appropriate to the learning/teaching situation? 30. what level of active learner involvement can be expected? does this match your students’ learning styles and expectations? 31. what techniques are used for presenting/practicing new language items? are they suitable for your learners? 32. how are the different skills taught? 33. how are communicative abilities developed? 34. does the material include any advice/help to students on study skills and learning strategies? 35. are students expected to take a degree of responsibility for their own learning (e.g., by setting their own individual learning targets)? g. teachers’ books 36. is there adequate guidance for the teachers who will be using the course book and its supporting materials? 37. are the teachers’ books comprehensive and supportive? 38. do they adequately cover teaching techniques, language items such as grammar rules and culture-specific information? 39. do the writers set out and justify the basic premises and principles underlying the material? 40. are keys to exercises given? e. practical consideration 41. what does the whole package cost? does this represent good value for money? 42. are the books strong and long-lasting? are they attractive in appearance? 43. are they easy to obtain? can further supplies be obtained at short notice? 44. do any parts of the package require particular equipment, such as a language laboratory, listening centre, or video player? if so, do you have the equipment available for use and is it reliable? e. conclusions based on the discussions of checklist model above, it can be concluded that everyone can use the desired checklist model of textbook evaluation that suits his/her needs. we also can make our questionnaire by modifying the existing models or design it by ourselves through research. evaluation of textbooks is necessary to do as worthy input or not a textbook is used in the learning process. however, the determination of journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 33 whether or not the book deserves depends not only on the judgment of someone or several person, but on some consideration. the eighth checklist models have similarities and differences. the designers of checklist models create their questionnaire based on some principles. the other adapt and/or revise the formers design by adding, deleting, or reword the items of questionnaire. even though the checklist model has advantages, it also has weakness. the checklist cannot give the descriptive reasons why respondents give a such score on the item/s in the questionnaire. journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 34 references ahour, t., towhidiyan, b., & saedi, m. (2014). the evaluation of “english textbook 2” taught in iranian high schools from teachers’ perspectives. english language teaching, 7(3), 150-158. doi:10.5539/elt.v7n3p150 ait bouzid, h., erguig, r., & yeou, m. (2016). towards a reflective textbook evaluation model. efl journal, 1(3), 219-233. doi: allehyani, b., burnapp, d., & wilson, j. (2017). a comparison of teaching materials (school textbooks vs authentic materials) from the perspective of english teachers and educational supervisors in saudi arabia. international journal of english language and linguistic research, 5(2), 1-14 alshehri, a. (2016). textbook evaluation: teachers’ perspectives on cutting edge. international journal of english language education, 4(2), 91-106. doi:10.5296/ijele.v4i2.9743 chegeni, n. (2016). looking english textbook evaluation: a closer look at “four corners”. theory and practice in language studies, 6(12), 2325-2330. doi: demir, y. 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(2013). a critical look at textbook evaluation: a case study of evaluating an esp course-book: english for international tourism. international research journal of applied and basic science (irjabs), 4(2), 372-380 sheldon, l. e. (1988). evaluating elt textbooks and materials. elt journal, 42(4), 237-246 journal al-lisan issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 3 nomor 2 agustus 2018 35 williams, d. (1983). developing criteria for textbook evaluation. elt journal, 37(3), 251-255 199 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) iain sultan amai gorontalo volume 4, nomor 2, agustus 2019 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) eksplorasi strategi guru dalam meningkatkan maharah al-kalam siswa (studi di madrasah aliyah bolaang mongondow utara) moh. sultan dama uin sunan kalijaga, yogyakarta abstrak beberapa masalah yang terjadi di lapangan yaitu: siswa tidak mampu memahami kosa-kata bahasa arab, sebagian siswa merupakan tamatan sekolah umum, bukan madrasah atau pondok pesantren sehingga menjadi penyebab kesulitan siswa pada maharah al-kalam, serta kurangnya fasilitas seperti buku pelajaran, dan tidak adanya laboratorium bahasa. berdasarakan permasalahan yang dihadapi di atas, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan strategi apa yang dilakukan oleh guru dalam meningkatkan kemampuan maharah alkalam siswa. metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat beberapa strategi yang dilakukan oleh guru yakni; guru memadukan berbagai metode dan strategi dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa arab seperti qowaid, nahwu sharf dan tarjamah. guru juga memberikan bimbingan ekstrakurikuler dengan membentuk taman belajar baca tulis al-qur’an sebagai wadah siswa untuk belajar membaca dan juga memperlancar bacaan al-qur’an. abstract some problems are found that: (1) students are not able to understand arabic vocabulary; (2) some students are graduates of public schools, this causes difficulties for students to speak arabic; (3) lack of facilities such as textbooks and the absence of language laboratories. based on the problems faced above, this study aims to find out what strategies are carried out by the teacher in improving the ability of the students in speaking arabic. the research method used is a descriptive qualitative. the results of the study show that the teachers combine various methods and strategies in the process of learning arabic such as qowaid, nahwu sharf and lectures. the teachers also guide extracurricular activities through the al-qur'an reading and writing park formed by the school. this place accommodates students to learn, to read and also expedite the reading of the qur'an. keywords: maharah alkalam; qowaid, nahwu, sharf; tarjamah strategy; reading and writing al-qur’an 200 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) a. pendahuluan tujuan utama pembelajaran bahasa khususnya bahasa arab di madrasah adalah siswa diharapkan mampu menguasai empat mahārāt (keterampilan berbahasa) yang diajarkan secara integral, yaitu: (1) al-istimā’; (2) al-kalām; (3) al-qirāah; dan (4) alkitābah. dari keempat jenis keterampilan di atas, maharah al kalam mendapatkan porsi perhatian lebih oleh guru dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa arab di kelas. peningkatan maharah al-kalam siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab menjadi cerminan keberhasilan seorang guru dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa arab itu sendiri. upaya meningkatkan keterampilan berbabahasa arab baik lisan maupun tulisan tidak terlepas dari seberapa baik strategi, metode dan media yang digunakan oleh guru dalam proses pembelajaran. penggunaan strategi, metode dan media yang tepat oleh guru tentu saja dapat memberikan efek positif pada keterampilan berbahasa arab siswa. sebaliknya penggunaan strategi yang tidak sesuai dengan karakter belajar siswa berdampak negatif terhadap keterampilan bahkan motivasi siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa arab. untuk mendalami dan mengetahui jenis-jensi metode atau strategi yang pakai oleh guru, khususnya strategi yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan maharah al kalam perlu dilakukan kajian mendalam dan komprenhensif, karena berdasarkan observasi awal penulis di lapangan bahwa kelemahan siswa kelas iia di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara adalah kebanyakan dari siswa hanya tamatan smp bukan mts sehingga pelajaran yang diberikan susah untuk di pahami. beberapa upaya untuk mengatasi masalah di atas sudah dilakukan oleh guru bahasa arab dan pihak sekolah/madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara yakni dengan memberikan sangsi kepada siswa yang bolos dan malas belajar. menurut hemat peneliti bahwa untuk menunjukan upaya peningkatan kualitas lulusan siswa madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara yang berkualitas, masalah diatas sangatlah penting untuk segera dapat diatasi secara serius melalui kajian secara komprehensif tentang pembelajaran bahasa arab utamanya dalam bidang maharah al-kalam. karena jika kondisi ini dibiarkan berlarut-larut maka tujuan dari madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara sangat sulit untuk dicapai, dalam pendidikan pada umumnya, dan dalam proses belajar mengajar khususnya. metode pembelajaran memiliki kedudukan dan peran yang sangat penting, artinya bahwa keberhasilan kegiatan belajar mengajar tidak hanya ditentukan oleh 201 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) penguasaan materi atau kualitas kurikulum tetapi faktor dan komponen pendidikan lainnya juga ikut mempengaruhi keberhasilan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam. namun, peran yang paling besar untuk mencapai keberhasilan itu terletak pada guru. mengingat betapa pentingnya faktor guru untuk menunjang keberhasilan pembelajaran, penelitian ini akan difokuskan pada aspek siswa dan guru bahasa arab dalam kaitannya dengan penggunaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam bagi siswa kelas iia di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara. sehingganya, dari deskripsi singkat di atas, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan dan menguraikan strategi guru dalam meningkatkan kemampuan maharah al-kalam siswa khususnya dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. b. metode peneltian penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. bogdan dan taylor dalam moloeng (2007) mendefinisikan penelitian kualitatif sebagai prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang diamati dari fenomena yang terjadi. lebih lanjut moleong (2007) mengemukakan bahwa penelitian deskriptif menekankan pada data berupa kata-kata, gambar, dan bukan angka-angka yang disebabkan oleh adanya penerapan metode kualitatif. lokasi penelitian ini di madrasah aliyah bolaang mongondow utara, provisi sulawesi utara. sedangkan yang menjadi subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas iia. fokus penelitian ini adalah menemukan penggunaan metode atau strategi yang dilakukan oleh guru dalam meningkatkan kemampuan maharah alkalam siswa. c. hasil dan pembahasan hasil strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab tidak hanya dapat dipahamai sebagai pencapaian target materi, namun di samping hal itu, guru pendidikan bahasa arab mempunyai tanggung jawab besar terhadap strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam bagi siswa kelas iia di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara. penggunaan strategi guna meningkatkan 202 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) maharah al-kalam dalam bahasa arab harus dapat mendukung tujuan pendidikan yang diharapkan. hal ini dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan perencanaan, strategi, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi strategi maharah al-kalam yang tepat. sebagaimana pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh peneliti tentang strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam bagi siswa kelas iia di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara yaitu: 1. mengadakan percakapan (muhadatsah) bahasa arab di pagi dan sore hari, 2. mempraktekkan setiap kosa-kata yang sudah diberikan dalam bentuk percakapan (muhadtsah) sehari-hari baik dalam lingkungan sekolah mapun di luar lingkungan sekolah, 3. menempelkan kosa-kata (mufradat) di setiap dinding sekolah, 4. memberikan bimbingan dan pelajaran bahasa arab setiap pulang sekolah seperti pelajaran nahwu dan sorf. 5. menulis kosa-kata yang di temukan di sekitar lingkungan sekolah ataupun rumah, 6. menghafal teks drama bahasa arab, kemudian mempraktekkannya bersama teman di depan kelas, 7. melatih siswa dalam mempraktekkan percakapan bahasa arab setiap hari, 8. mengevaluasi hasil belajar siswa. 9. memberikan sangsi kepada siswa yang melanggar peraturan bahasa arab. hal ini dibuktikan dengan ungkapan responden a tentang “strategi maharah alkalam yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa arab sangat baik antara lain dengan mengadakan percakapan (muhadatsah) bahasa arab di dalam sekolah maupun di luar sekolah dan menghafal minimal 5 kosa-kata setiap masuk kelas. dari pendapat di atas penulis mencoba mencocokkan dengan pendapat responden lainnya “hal ini terbukti bahwasanya strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam bagi siswa sudah maksimal, karena dilihat dari strategi guru bahasa arab dalam memberikan pelajaran bahasa arab, baik materi percakapan, menghafal kosa-kata, memberikan bimbingan, menuliskan kosa-kata di lingkungan sekitar sekolah semua sudah sangat mendukung proses kegiatan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam. hal itu dibenarkan oleh responden d “strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam sudah berjalan dengan baik karena strategi guru bahasa arab dalam menjalankan 203 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) strategi maharah al-kalam dapat membuktikan siswa mahir dalam berbicara (muhadatsah) bahasa arab dan hal ini di dukung dengan adanya kreatifitas guru antara lain seperti: 1. guru memadukan berbagai strategi pada pelajaran bahasa arab, 2. guru memberikan bimbingan ekstrakulikuler di luar jam sekolah seperti; taman belajar baca tulis al-qur’an atau yang di sebut dengan (tbtq), 3. guru memberikan tugas hafalan 5 kosa-kata pada siswa 4. memberikan pemahaman terhadap kosa-kata, serta 5. melatih dan mengevaluasi siswa. menanggapi hal tersebut, menurut guru pendidikan bahasa arab madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara, bahwa strategi dalam meningkatkan maharah al-kalam dilakukan dengan baik, karena strategi yang diterapkan sangat mendukung minat belajar siswa, siswa menjadi lebih bersemangat dan termotivasi. hal ini juga didukung oleh kefasihan guru tersebut dalam menggunakan bahasa arab karena kebetulan guru tersebut pernah mondok di pondok pesantren sehingga mampu dalam menjalankan strategi untuk meningkatkan maharah al-kalam. beberapa pendapat dari informan yang penulis temui di sela-sela kesibukan mereka sedang ujian semester, dapat dikatakan bahwa strategi dalam meningkatkan maharah al-kalam siswa disebabka oleh adanya ide strategi dan pemahaman yang baik bahwa meningkatkan maharah al-kalam sangatlah penting, maka guru pendidikan bahasa arab haruslah mampu menjalankan strategi maharah al-kalam ini, sehingga guru bahasa arab tahu persis strategi maharah al-kalam yang dijalankannya serta mampu mengelola strategi maharah al-kalam sehingga dapat mencapai target yang diinginkan. menyikapi hal itu kepala madrasah membenarkan tentang strategi maharah alkalam yang digunakan oleh guru pendidikan bahasa arab di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara “guru bahasa arab memiliki basic pendidikan s-1 pai. “walaupun beliau lulusan s-1 pai, tapi beliau mampu menjalankan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam melalui kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa arab. sejak sekolah pertama kali didirikan kami hanya memiliki guru bahasa arab satu-satunya dari beliau honorer daerah hingga beliau menjadi pegawai negeri sipil (pns) saat ini”. 204 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) berdasarkan pendapat kepala sekolah tersebut, penulis mencoba menggali lagi informasi dari wakil kepala sekolah bidang kurikulum dan kesiswaan “sejak pertama kali didirikan sekolah yayasan ini hanya satu guru bahasa arab yang membidangi pelajaran bahasa arab sampai saat ini, walaupun beliau lulusan s-1 pai tapi beliau yakin dan mampu menjalankan strategi maharah al-kalam dalam kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa arab”. di sisi lain, keefektifan kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa arab juga harus didukung oleh iklim penyelenggaraan pendidikan, lingkungan sekolah, fasilitas media pembelajaran, serta kualitas dan kuantitas buku ajar maupun buku bacaan yang memadai. di bawah ini dipaparkan hasil pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh peneliti serta hasil wawancara dengan kepala sekolah serta guru bahasa arab tentang kreatifitas kegiatan pembelajaran strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam bagi siswa kelas iia di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara terhadap guru pendidikan bahasa arab (pba) di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara. perencanaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam. perencanaan merupakan fungsi sentral dari strategi meningkatkan maharah alkalam, karena berhubungan dengan pengambilan dan pembuatan keputusan tentang proses strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam. disinilah guru sebagai manager strategi maharah al-kalam mampu melakukan berbagai pilihan menuju tercapainya tujuan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam bagi siswa kelas iia di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara. sebagaimana penjelasan kepala sekolah yakni perencanaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam merupakan kegiatan memutuskan tujuan dari strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam, bersamaan pula terhadap analisis bagaimana komponen penunjang dalam pelaksanaan proses strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam yang dapat mencapai tujuan sesuai yang direncanakan, oleh karena itu dalam perencanaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam, saya menekankan adanya perencanaan strategi maharah al-kalam, yaitu sesuai dengan latar belakang siswa, materi pelajaran dan standar isi kurikulum. selain itu saya mengarahkan pula agar dalam penyusunan perencanaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam dapat dibuat oleh guru bahasa arab, untuk melihat sejauh mana kreatifitas guru menyusun perencanaan strategi 205 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) meningkatkan maharah al-kalam antara lain yaitu : 1). guru memadukan berbagai strategi pada pelajaran bahasa arab, 2). memberikan pemahaman terhadap kosa-kata, serta, 3). melatih dan mengevaluasi siswa. kaitannya dengan penjelasan kepala sekolah di atas, demikian pula yang dijelaskan oleh narasumber lainnya “dalam pengelolaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam utamanya kegiatan perencanaan yang meliputi kegiatan penyusunan silabus dan rpp. kepada kepala sekolah memberikan arahan, agar silabus dan rpp tidak hanya sekedar menyusun administrasi perencanaan pengeloaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam, namun terutama adalah administrasi perencanaan pengelolaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam tersebut dibuat berdasarkan kesesuaian kondisi sekolah, dan menunjukan adanya kemampuan kreativitas sehingga selain menarik juga dapat menimbulkan semangat terhadap pelaksanaan pengeloaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam”. menyikapi penjelasan kepala sekolah dan wakil kepala sekolah kurikulum dan kesiswaan, demikian juga apa yang diungkapkan oleh guru bahasa arab “perencanaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam, yakni meliputi perencanaan silabus dan rpp kami susun berdasarkan standar kurikulum 13 (k13), dan menyesuaikan dengan kemampuan masing-masing individu siswa, serta sarana pendukung yang tersedia, terutama dalam strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam yang sudah direncanakan. selain itu pula hartono husain “kami selalu berusaha menyediakan kebutuhankebutuhan guru-guru dalam rangka menunjang strategi meningkatkan maharah alkalam. hal itu kami upayakan demi terealisasinya perencanaan pengeloaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam, yang sesuai dengan standar kurikulum, kemampuan belajar siswa, dan sesuai dengan sumber daya yang tersedia. serta utamanya adalah kemampuan guru dalam mencapai tujuan yang direncanakan”. dalam merealisasikan perencanaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam, lebih lanjut dikatakan oleh guru bahasa arab “dalam pelaksanaan rpp dan silabus kami senantiasa bekerja sama agar lebih maksimal, terutama jika ada hal-hal yang kurang dipahami tentang strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam, saya tidak segan-segan berkonsultasi dengan rekan-rekan guru senior, maupun kepada kepala sekolah dalam hal strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam”. 206 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) berdasarkan uraian di atas, dapat diketahui bahwa perencanaan guru pba bagi siswa kelas iia di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara dalam mengelola strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam, khususnya pada taraf perencanaan baik dalam silabus dan rpp, memiliki hubungan dengan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam, hal ini dapat diketahui dengan adanya bimbingan serta arahan kepala sekolah terhadap strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam. dalam rangka meningkatkan kreatifitas guru khususnya dalam perancanaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam antara lain berupa silabus dan rpp, juga memberikan pemahaman terhadap kosa-kata, serta melatih dan mengevaluasi siswa hal ini dilaksanakan seobjektif mungkin melalui profesionalisme pada guru bahas arab, namun tetap memiliki asas demokratisdan kooperatif, yakni berupa adanya konsultasi atau guru bertanya kepada kepala sekolah maupun guru senior lainnya yang berhubungan dengan adanya hasil dari pengeloaan strategi meningkatkan maharah alkalam bagi siswa kelas iia di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara. analisis terhadap uraian di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa perencanaan pengeloaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam yang dilakukan oleh guru pba di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara telah optimal sebagaimana tuntutan kurikulum, hal tersebut berdasarkan dari berbagai penjelasan guru, dan kepala sekolah, demikian pula sesuai pengamatan dilapangan baik perencanaan secara teradministrasi maupun sesuai pelaksanaan dalam strategimeningkatkan maharah alkalam. pengorganisasian strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam. sebagaimana uraian sebelumnya menunjukan bahwa perencanaan berkenaan dengan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam pada pendidikan bahasa arab di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara telah dilakukan secara baik. hal itu sebagaimana yang dikatakan oleh rikap patilima “sehubungan dengan rencana strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam pada mata pelajaran bahasa arab, kami telah mempersiapkan kelompok belajar bagi siswa dengan memberikan materi tentang strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam seperti bercakap-cakap bahasa arab (muhadatsah) di depan kelas dengan teman kelompoknya. hal ini dapat mengurangi rasa grogi ketika maju di depan kelas”. 207 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) dari uraian di atas peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa, strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam bagi siswa kelas iia di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara dengan mengadakan kelompok belajar siswa dapat meminimalisir rasa takut mereka ketika maju di depan kelas. di sisi lain kami menyadari bahwa guru pendidikan bahasa arab (pba) yang ada di sekolah ini walaupun beliau s-1 pai, namun beliau mendapat sertifikasi untuk menjadi guru bahasa arab, sehingga walaupun demikian beliau sangat cerdas dalam berbahasa arab (fasih), karena sebelumnya beliau lulusan dari pondok pesantren, oleh karena itu beliau mudah dalam menjalankan strategi maharah al-kalam terhadap siswa di kelas maupun di luar kelas”. menyikapi hal tersebut menurut siti safira isingga “kami akui kami sering kesulitan dalam menjalankan strategi maharah al-kalam seperti : guru memberikan bimbingan dan pengajaran kepada siswa, guru memberikan hafalan kosa kata kepada siswa, guru memberikan sangsi yang melanggar paraturan dalam bercakap-cakap bahasa arab (muhadatsah), karena kami tidak mengerti akan makna dari setiap kosa-kata yang diberikan oleh guru bahasa arab, akan tetapi kami sangat senang dengan pelajaran bahasa arab dan sangsi yang diberikan, hal ini dapat memotivasi kami agar lebih giat lagi dalam belajar bahasa arab. kami yang awalnya sulit dalam berbicara, menulis, mendengar.namun dengan adanya guru bahasa arab dan strategi maharah al-kalam ini kami jadi mengerti sedikit demi sedikit, jadi tau membaca al-qur’an. disisi lain adapun metode dan strategi yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa arab yaitu salah-satunya mengadakan percakapan bahasa arab (muhadatsah) pada pagi dan sore hari, memberikan bimbingan dan pelajaran bahasa arab”. sehingga menurut penulis, guru pba di m.a bukokecamatan pinogaluman kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara sudah melakukan perencanaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam bagi siswa kelas iia di m.a buko dengan maksimal. pelaksanaan strategi dalam meningkatkan maharah al-kalam pelaksanaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam, merupakan bagian dari strategi pembelajaran secara langsung di dalam kelas, oleh karena itu, pelaksanaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam dapat dipahami bahwa kegiatan dimana guru melaksanakan tugas pokoknya yaitu pembelajaran dan pendidikan. kegiatan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam pada pendidikan bahasa arab (pba) di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara, merupakan suatu keadaan yang 208 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) mengindikasikan adanya interaksi dalam situasi belajar siswa melalui keaktifan belajar siswa yang dirangsang oleh guru melalui pertanyaan sesuai materi pelajaran yang diberikan khusunya strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam. hal demikian sesuai dengan penjelasan rikap patilima “ pengeloaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam dalam kegiatan belajar di kelas, yang dilaksanakan guru, saya sarankan agar strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam dapat meningkatkan partisipasi aktif belajar siswa, dan memiliki kemampuan dalam mewujudkan hasil belajar siswa sesuai standar kurikulum agar lebih optimal terhadap potensi akademik maupun kompetensi siswa”. demikian pula menurut ismi pakaya “pelaksanaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam yang saya laksanakan berdasarkan silabus dan rpp, dan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam, tetapi untuk optimalnya pencapaian tujuan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam, saya tetap berorientasi pada keadaan atau situasi belajar siswa. hal ini saya lakukan agar siswa dapat maksimal belajar dengan giat serta lebih memahami strategi maharah al-kalam yang di berikan. dan ternyata hal itu lebih efektif terhadap optimalisasi strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam terutama capaian hasil evaluasi belajar siswa”. hal ini juga terbukti dengan pendapat para siswa siti safira isingga bahwa “kami sangat senang, karena guru bahasa arab sangat memahami kondisi ataupun keadaan kami, pelajaran yang diajarkan sangat bagus dan menyenangkan, walaupun kadangkala kami merasa kesulitan dalam memahami makna dari masing-masing kosa-kata yang diberikan oleh guru bahasa arab. akan tetapi demikian bukan menjadi penghambat bagi kami untuk terus belajar bahasa arab, karena kami tau bahasa arab adalah bahasa alqur’an, maka dari itu kami harus belajar sebisa mungkin untuk dapat memahami setiap strategi maharah al-kalam diantaranya menghafal kosa-kata bahasa arab”. berdasarkan penjelasan di atas dapat diketahui bahwa dalam kegiatan pelaksanaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam sudah cukup maksimal walaupun ada beberapa kendala yang di hadapi oleh para guru ataupun siswa. namun itu bukan berarti mereka menjadi tidak semangat untuk tetap belajar bahasa arab, malahan sebaliknya mereka terlihat bersemangat bukan hanya pada strategi dan metode pelajarannya, namun pada guru bahasa arab. 209 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) pengawasan/evaluasi strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam pengawasan dapat pula dipahami sebagai evaluasi, dengan demikian evaluasi yang dilakukan terhadap pengeloaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam adalah merupakan totalitas aktivitas mengajar guru terhadap kemampuan dalam hal managerial, agar strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam lebih optimal dan terkendali terutama terhadap hasil evaluasi hasil belajar dan strategi meningkatkan maharah alkalam. guru sebagai manager dan evaluator, sesuai pengamatan dan hasil wawancara dapat diketahui cukup optimal dalam menjalankan strategi meningkatkan maharah alkalam pada siswa. hal demikian sesuai dengan iklim pembelajaran strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam yang kondusif baik terhadap guru maupun utamanya tehadap siswa, sesuai dengan penjelasan risman samheda bahwa “akumulasi optimalnya kegiatan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam dapat diketahui pada hasil belajar siswa, dan untuk menciptakan hasil belajar siswa yang optimal dapat diwujudkan melalui strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam, baik dalam pelaksanaan strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam maupun evaluasi hasil belajar. oleh karena itu saya senantiasa mengingatkan para guru agar tidak hanya optimal dalam perencanaan dan pelaksaan pembelajaran, tetapi juga harus optimal terhadap hasil evaluasi strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam bagi siswa kelas iia di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara”. senada dengan penjelasan risman samheda, ismi pakaya mengemukakan “fungsi pengawasan yakni dengan memberikan penugasan baik tugas secara lisan atau tulisan maupun praktik-praktik kemudian dari hasil yang diperoleh tidak hanya dari hasil proses pembelajaran strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam di sekolah akan tetapi dari segi tingkah laku dan kehidupan siswa dilingkungan masyarakat maupun keluarga. dan tentunya melibatkan orang tua atau wali dari siswa yang bersangkutan. hal ini berkenaan dengan pendapat siswa annisa fitri hulalango bahwa “hasil belajar yang kami rasakan saat ini, kami mendapatkan nilai yang maksimal, karena selama ini kami mengakui bahwa keikutsertaan kami pada proses pembelajaran strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam sebagian besar hanya semata-mata untuk medapatkan nilai yang maksimal dan memuaskan, dan hal ini terjadi karena selama proses 210 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) pembelajaran strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam selama ini kami ikuti dengan serius, selalu mendapatkan nilai yang maksimal dan memuaskan”. berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, dapat dipahami bahwa guru pendidikan bahasa arab (pba) di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara, dalam kegiatan pengendalian atau evaluasi hasil strategi meningkatkan maharah alkalam, senantiasa mengupayakan untuk lebih optimalnya hasil belajar berdasarkan tujuan pembelajaran strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam bagi siswa kelas iia di madrasah aliyah buko kabupaten bolaang mongondow utara. d. simpulan berdasarkan penelitian yang telah di bahas dan diuraikan sebelumnya maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi meningkatkan maharah al-kalam yang diterapkan oleh guru bahasa arab perlu ditingkatkan, diantaranya: mengadakan percakapan (muhadatsah) bahasa arab di pagi dan sore hari, mempraktekkan setiap kosa-kata yang sudah diberikan dalam bentuk percakapan (muhadtsah) sehari-hari baik dalam lingkungan sekolah mapun di luar lingkungan sekolah, menempelkan kosa-kata (mufradat) di setiap dinding sekolah, memberikan bimbingan dan pelajaran bahasa arab setiap pulang sekolah seperti pelajaran nahwu dan sorf, menulis kosa-kata yang di temukan di sekitar lingkungan sekolah ataupun rumah, menghafal teks drama bahasa arab, kemudian mempraktekkannya bersama teman di depan kelas, melatih siswa dalam mempraktekkan percakapan bahasa arab setiap hari, mengevaluasi hasil belajar siswa dan memberikan sangsi kepada siswa yang melanggar peraturan bahasa arab mengadakan percakapan bahasa arab (muhadastah). adapun yang menjadi perhatian utamanya bagi lembaga pendidikan dan guru bahwa siswa sering mengalami kobosanan belajar, bolos sekolah, seingga diperlukan perhatian dan pengwasan yang lebih dari semua unsur terkait, baik dari pihak sekolah, lingkungan sekitar dan juga keluarga. kerja sama yang baik antar pihak ini bisa dapat menginkatkan kualitas pendidikan di sekolah terutama tujuan-tujuan pembelajaran, yang dalam konteks kajian ini terutama dapat meningkatkan maharah al-kalam siswa 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(gemei & mahmoud, 2006). gemei & mahmoud (2006) mendefinisikan kolokasi sebagai asosiasi yang mengikuti kebiasaan antara dua atau lebih kata-kata untuk menandakan arti tertentu. ini merupakan suatu fenomena linguistik yang ada di dalam arab seperti halnya di dalam bahasa-bahasa yang lain dan dibahas dalam ilmu semantik, leksikografi, tatabahasa, terjemahan, dan ilmu semantik teori. hal ini telah dipelajari sebagai bagian dari masingmasing bidang dan diberi nama yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan bidang yang mempelajarinya. sebagaimana telah disebutkan di atas pada dasarnya setiap bahasa, mempunyai karekteristik kolokasi tersendiri. misalnya dalam bahasa indonesia kita mengatakan ‘saya hanya mau minum air bening, air putih, atau air biasa’.pilihan kata setelah kata air lebih tepat menggunakan putih, walaupun kenyataannya air berwarna bening. contoh lainnya “kucing mati lebih tepat jika dibandingkan dengan kucing meninggal. sebab kata “mati” hanya tepat jika disandingkan dengan kata “kucing” atau jenis hewan lainnya. kemampuan menyandingkan kata dan memahami kata yang sudah disandingkan merupakan dambaan pembelajar bahasa arab, akan tetapi akan menjadi sulit dan bahkan membuat frustrasi jika pembelajar bahasa arab kurang memiliki kemampuan menyandingkan dan memahami kata yang sudah disandingkan dengan kata lainnya. nation (2001) menyatakan, “knowing what words can occur with other words contributes to the fluency which with language can be used”. pernyatan ini dapat dipahami kata-kata yang bisa berpasangan dengan kata-kata yang lainnya membantu kefasihan dalam penggunaan bahasa tersebut. kolokasi merupakan fenomena universal yang ada dalam setiap bahasa dan memiliki karakteristik tersendiri yang berbeda antara satu bahasa dan lainnya. karena keunikannya itulah maka kolokasi menjadi objek yang sangat menarik untuk dikaji. 225 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) tidak salah jika dikatakan bahwa kolokasi termasuk persoalan pelik yang mendapat perhatian serius terutama bagi para pembelajar bahasa terutama bahasa arab. oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini akan dideskripsikan tentang pengertian kolokasi dan bagaimana kolokasi dalam bahasa arab dengan pengambilan sampel dari kamus-kamus bahasa arab dan buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan bahasa arab. b. metode penelitian penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian pustaka (library research) yakni mendeskripsikan suatu penelitian yang dilakukan semata-mata berdasarkan fakta atau fenomena yang terdapat pada data. istilah “metode” dalam penelitian linguistik mencakup kesatuan dari rangkaian proses: penetuan, kerangka pikiran, perumusan hipotesa atau perumusan masalah, penentuan populasi, penentuan sampel, data tehnik pemerolehan data, analisis data. jadi metode itu baru tampak dalam tehnik pemeroleh data analisis data (subroto: 1992). adapun metode pengumpulan data adalah dengan tehnik pustka. sumber data dapat berwujud majalah, surat kabar, karya sastra, buku bacaan umum, karya ilmiyah yang pakai (subroto: 1992). sumber data diambil dari kamus arab indonesia (yunus: 1989), kamus almunawwir: arab indonesia terlengkap (al-munawwir: 1997), kamus kontemporer arab-indonesia (atabik, ali dan muhdlor, a zuhdi: 1998) dan buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan bahasa arab dengan pendekatan semantik gramatikal dan leksikal. sedangkan teknik yang digunakan untuk analisis data adalah tehnik urai langsung ialah mengurai suatu kontruksi morfologi atau sintaksis tertentu kedalam unsur-unsur langsung berdasarkan intuisi yang didukung oleh penanda lahir (intonasi) peneliti dapat menentukan unsur langsung suatu konstruksi, seperti َْعلَى yang terdiri dari فََرَض verbaفرضberdampingan dengan preposisiعلى (subroto: 1992). c. hasil dan pembahasan 226 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) hasil kolokasi dalam bahasa arab adalah ْتضام(bālbaki, 1990). menurutnya kolokasi adalah: ْ ت ع َمال َرىْف ىاإلس َْكل ماتْأُخ َعةُْالَكل َمةْإلَىْالتضمامْإلىْالكلمةْأو اللُّغَو ىنَز yang dapat dimaknai kolokasi (tadhāmma) adalah kecondongan kata untuk bergabung dengan kata lainnya dalam pemakaian bahasa (balbaki, 1990). barfield dan gyllstad (2010) mengemukakan, “for everyone learning or teaching a second language, collocation is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating (and at time frustrating) challenges that they face”. konsep mengenai kolokasi pertama kali diidentifikasi oleh palmer pada tahun 1933 (nation, 2001) yang mengatakan bahwa: “each [collocation] … must or should be learnt, or is best or most conveniently learnt as an integral whole or independent entity, rather than by the process of piecing together their component parts”. misalnya, kata ‘menanak’ dapat berkolokasi dengan ‘nasi’, tetapi tidak dapat berkolokasi dengan ‘ikan’ atau ‘sayur’. adapun yang mempopulerkan istilah kolokasi adalah firth seorang linguis inggris, dalam slogan yang cukup populer ia mengatakan "you shall judge a word by the company it keep" dapat dimaknai 'anda akan menilai sebuah kata dengan menyandingkannya'. firth dalam modes of meaning (1957) memaparkan bahwa meaning by collocation'pemaknaan berdasarkan kolokasi' bermanfaat untuk mendekati makna secara formal dan konseptual (al-farisi, 2011). sedangkan menurut kridalaksana (2008) kolokasi adalah “asosiasi yang tetap antara kata dengan yang lain yang berdampingan dalam kalimat; misalnya: antara kata ‘keras’ dan ‘kepala’ dalam ‘kami sulit menyakinkan orang yang keras kepala’. definisi kolokasi menurut baker (1997) sebagai kecenderungan sejumlah kata untuk bergabung secara teratur dalam suatu bahasa, tetapi kata yang mana dapat berkolokasi dengan kata apa tidak ada hubungannya secara logis. kolokasi berbeda dengan idiom. idiom adalah ungkapan yang kalau diterjemahkan secara harfiah tidak masuk akal atau ungkapan yang maknanya tidak dapat ditelusuri melalui kata per kata dan membentuk kata baru. misalnya, idiom dalam bahasa indonesia ‘cuci tangan’ dalam kalimat ‘mereka cuci tangan atas masalah itu’. 227 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) idiom ‘cuci tangan’ tidak bisa dipahami melalui kata ‘cuci’ dan kata ‘tangan’, tetapi harus dipahami sebagai satu kesatuan. dalam bahasa arab pun demikian. misalnya ْا ب ُن بْ ‘artinya ‘anakابن ,tidak bisa kita pahami kata perkata (pandai berperang)ال َحر sedangkan الحربartinya ‘perang’. ْي ق ْالطَّر ُع عُْ tidak bisa pahami (perampok)قَاط قَاط ‘yang memotong’ dan الطريقartinya ‘jalan’. contoh lainnya seperti kata ْ أع َطى ُرهُْ ُرهُْ memberikan’ sedangkan‘ أع َطي tidak bisa dipahami kataَظه ’punggungnya‘ َظه tidak bisa diartikan dia memberikan punggungnya akan tetapi idiom yang berupa klausa tersebut dimaknai ‘tidak mengindahkan dan tidak memperhatikan. sebaliknya, kolokasi adalah gabungan kata yang maknanya dapat ditelusuri melalui kata per kata, tetapi tidak membentuk kata baru. misalnya dalam bahasa indonesia gabungan kata ‘memanjat pohon’ dapat dipahami maknanya melalui kata ‘memanjat’ dan kata ‘pohon’. adapun dalam bahasa arab, ketika seorang penutur bahasa arab memikirkan minuman, misalnya, ia dapat menggunakan verba yang umum seperti يشرب. pendengar dapat memprediksikan sejumlah besar kemungkinan kata yang berkolokasi dengan verba tersebut, seperti: ُّْالشَّاي ‘teh’, ال َحل يب ‘susu’, القهوة ‘kopi’, تقَال ي ُرال بُر jus jeruk’, tetapi sama sekali pendengar tidak akan‘َعص memprediksikan kata-kata ْك ي رْ ,’oli mesin‘ َزي تُال ُمَحر minyak ‘ َزي تُا لَبن ز bensin,شامبو‘syampo’ يتيك ب ر ُضا لك .’asam belerang‘ َحام menurut benson, dan ilson (1997) kolokasi terdiri atas dua kategori, yaitu kolokasi gramatikal dan kolokasi leksikal. kolokasi gramatikal ialah gabungan kata yang terdiri atas kata dominan (nomina, ajektiva, verba) dan kata depan (preposisi), misalnya ‘menyimpang dari’,‘senang dengan’, ‘terdiri atas’, dan kolokasi leksikal ialah gabungan kata yang terdiri atas nomina, verba, adjektiva, dan adverba, misalnya ‘minum obat’, ‘teh tawar’, ‘menanak nasi’, ‘mengumbar janji’, ‘berjalan cepat’. kolokasi adalah kecenderungan sejumlah kata atau sekelompok kata untuk bergabung secara teratur guna menghasilkan bicara dan atau tulisan yang terdengar 228 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) lazim dan berterima dalam suatu bahasa. setiap bahasa mempunyai kebiasaannya masing-masing. misalnya, dalam bahasa indonesia kata ’mati’ dapat bersanding dengan lampu menjadi ’lampu mati’. kata ’mati’ bersinonim dengan kata ’meninggal dunia’, ’mangkat’, ’berpulang ke rahmatullah’, tetapi sinonim kata ’mati’ tidak lazim bergabung dengan kata ’lampu’. dalam bahasa indonesia, tidak lazim dikatakan “lampu meninggal dunia (mangkat, wafat, gugur, atau berpulang ke rahmatulah)”. seperti yang telah diuraikan di atas, kolokasi dapat diuraikan dalam dua kategori, yakni kolokasi gramatikal dan leksikal. untuk itu, dalam pembahasan kali ini akan diuraikan sedikit tentang kolokasi dalam bahasa arab dilihat dari segi kolokasi gramatikal dan leksikal. dalam bahasa arab kolokasi secara gramatikal misalnya verba َْاَل َزمberdampingan dengan preposisi ْبmenjadi ْْب ,yang dimaknai mengharuskan, mewajibkan (aliاَل زَم atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). verba َْأتبع(menggabungkan) berdampingan dengan preposisi ْبmenjadi yang dimaknai menggabungkan (ali, atabik & muhdlor, aأَت بََعْبْ zuhdi. 1998). verba بَاض(bertelur) berdampingan dengan preposisi ْب(dengan) menjadi ْباَض .yang dimaknai diam, berdomisili (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998: 294)بْ selanjutnya verba فرض(menentukan) berdampingan dengan preposisiعلىmenjadiفََرَضَْعلَىyang dimaknai mewajibkan (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). verba غاب(menghilang) berdampingan dengan preposisi َْعن(dengan) menjadi َْعنْ .yang dimaknai menghilangkan (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdiَغاَب 1998). selanjutnyaَْا ب تَعَد(menjadi jauh) berdampingan dengan preposisi َْعن(tentang) menjadi َْعنْ & yang dimaknai menceraikan atau memisahkan (ali, atabikا ب تَعَدَ muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). verba ُْيَئ س(putus asa) berdampingan dengan preposisi ْن يَئ ُسْ menjadi (dari)م نْ yang dimaknai berputus asa (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). contohم 229 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) selanjutnya verba حاد(condong) berdampingan dengan preposisi ْعنyang dimaknai condong atau menyimpang (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). selanjutnya verba ََْحَصل(berjalan, terjadi) berdampingan dengan preposisi ْلْ menjadi (untuk)لْ & yang dimaknai mengenai, atau terjadi (ali, atabikَحَصل muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). dan jika verbaََْحَصل(berjalan, terjadi) berdampingan dengan preposisi ْن نْ menjadi (dari)م ْم ,yang dimaknai muncul dari atau hasil dari (aliَحَصل atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). sedangkan verba ََْحَصل(berjalan, terjadi) berdampingan dengan preposisi على(atas) menjadi َْعلَى yang dimaknaiَحَصَل mendapatkan atau memperoleh (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). selanjutnya verba ََْخَرج(keluar) jika berdampingan dengan preposisi ْب(dengan) menjadi َْخَرَجْبyang dimaknai mengeluarkan. kemudian jika verba ََْخَرج(keluar) jika berdampingan dengan preposisi َعلَى(diatas) menjadi َْعلَى yang dimaknaiَخَرَج memberontak, menyerang. selanjutnya verba ََْخَرج(keluar) jika berdampingan dengan preposisi َْعن(tentang) menjadi َْخَرَجَْعنyang dimaknai membelok, perkecualian dari atau melampaui (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). selanjutnya verba دَعا(memanggil, mengundang) jika berdampingan dengan preposisi ْب(dengan) menjadi ْْب .yang dimaknai mengundang, atau menamakanدَعا kemudian verba دَعا(memanggil, mengundang) jika berdampingan dengan preposisi ْإلى menjadi (ke)إلى yang dimaknai mengundang. kemudian jika verbaدَعا (untuk)لْ jika berdampingan dengan preposisi (memanggil, mengundang)دَعا menjadi yang dimaknai menyebabkan, mendatangkan (ali, atabik & muhdlor, aدعاْلْ zuhdi. 1998). verba َْراغ(menyimpang) jika berdampingan dengan dengan preposisi ْن danم نْ menjadiَعنْ dimaknai menghindang aau mengelak. sedangkan jikaراغْعنْ danَراَغْم berdampingan dengan preposisi إلىmenjadi راغْإلىdimaknai cenderung atau berpihak dengan sembunyi-sembunyi (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). 230 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) selanjutnya verba ََْسلَّم(menyerahkan, memberikan) jika berdampingan dengan preposisi إلى(ke) menjadi ْإلى dimaknai tunduk dan mengajukan. tetapi jika diَسلََّم sandingan dengan preposisi ْن نْ makan akan menjadi (dari)م ْم yang dimaknaiسلََّم menyelamatkan, menjaga, dan jika disandingkan dengan preposisi علَى(diatas) maka akan menjadi َْعلَى yang dimaknai memberi hormat atau salam. kemudian jikaَسلََّم disandingkan dengan preposisi ْبmakan akan menjadi ْْب ,yang dimaknai relaَسلََّم mengakui atau menetapkan (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). kemudian verba ََْسما(naik, tinggi) jika disandingkan dengan preposisi yang dimaknai memandang rendah, dan jika dibandingkanَسماَْعنْ menjadi (tentang)َعنْ dengan preposisi ْب(dengan) menjadi ْْب dimaknai menaikkan. selanjutnya jikaَسماَ disandingkan dengan preposisi إلى(ke) menjadi َْْإلى dimaknai mengangkat atauَسما berhasrat kepada (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998) kemudian klausa ُْن ه disandingkan (memperoleh)يَدَى berasal dari kata verbaيَدَىْم dengan preposisi ْن yang dimaknai memperoleh kebaikan (dia)ـهdan pronomina (dari)م darinya (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). kemudian prasa بة ر تَْ merupakan gabungan dari adverbiaتح تْتج di bawahتَح dan nomina بة ر yang diartikan percobaan. jika disandingkan kedua kata tersebutتَج diterjemahkan secara harfiyah di dalam kekuasaan dan diterjemahkan secara maknawi diartikan dalam percobaan. klausa ْيده تَْ berasal dari adverbiaتحت dan (tangan)يَدَىَّْ dan nominaتح pronominaـه(dia) yang dimaknai di dibawah kekuasannya (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). selanjutnya preposisi َعلى(di atas) jika disandingkan dengan nomina ْيَد(tangan) menjadi ْعلىْيدdimaknai atas perbuatannya. selanjutnya jika preposisi َْعن(tentang) jika disandingkan dengan nomina ْيَد(tangan) menjadi ْْيد dimaknai atas bantuannyaعن (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). 231 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) kemudian preposisi َْعن(tentang) dan preposisi ْمن(dari) jika disandingkan dengan nomina ْي د ْبعيدْ menjadiبَع َْبعيدْ danَعن ن yang dimaknai dari jauh (ali, atabikم & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). lebih jelasnya di bawah ini diuraikan contoh kolokasi dalam bentuk tabel. tabel 1. pembentukan kolokasi gramatikel nn kolokasi gramatikal terjemahan maknawi kategori 1 (ب)الزمْ (aljama bi) mengharuskan verba+ preposisi 2 (ب)أتبَعْ (atba’a bi) menggabungkan verba + preposisi 3 (ب)باض (bâ’dhabi) berdomisili verba + preposisi 4 (على)فرضْ (faradha ‘alâ) mewajibkan verba + preposisi 5 (عن)غابْ (ghâba ‘an) menghilang dari verba + preposisi 6 (عن)ابتعدْ (ibta’ada ‘an) menceraikan verba + preposisi 7 نْ )يئس (م (ya’isu min) berputus asa ajektiva +preposis i 8 (ْلْ )َحَصل (chashala li) mengenai atau terjadi verba + preposisi 9 ( نْ )َحَصلْ م (chashala min) muncul dari verba + preposisi 10 (َعلَى)َحَصلَْ (chashala ‘alâ) memperoleh verba + preposisi 11 ( بْ )َخَرجَْ (kharaja bi) mengeluarkan verba + preposisi 12 (َعلَى)َخَرجَْ (kharaja ‘alâ) menyerang verba + preposisi 13 (َعنْ )َخَرجَْ (kharaja ‘an) membelok verba + preposisi 14 (بْ )دَعا mengundang/menamakan verba + preposisi 232 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) (da’â bi) 15 (إلى)دَعا (da’â ‘alâ) mengundang verba + preposisi 16 (لْ )دعا (da’â li) menyebabkan, mendatangkan verba + preposisi 17 نْ )َراغَْ (م (râgha min) menghindar, mengelak verba + preposisi 18 (َعنْ )َراغَْ (râgha an) menghindar, mengelak verba + preposisi 19 (إلى)راغ (râgha ilâ) cenderung, berpihak verba + preposisi 20 (إلى)َسلَّمَْ (sallama ilâ) mengajukan, tunduk verba + preposisi 21 نْ )سلَّمَْ (م (sallama min) menyelamatkan verba + preposisi 22 (َعلَى)َسلَّمَْ (sallama ‘alâ) memberi hormat verba + preposisi 23 (بْ )َسلَّمَْ (sallama bi) mengakui, menetapkan verba + preposisi 24 ( عنْ )َسماَْ (samâ‘an) memandang rendah verba + preposisi 25 ( بْ )َسماَْ (samâ bin) menaikkan verba + preposisi 26 (إلىَْ)َسما (samâ ilâ) mengangkat, berhasrat kepada verba + preposisi 27 (منه)يدى (yadâ minchu) memperoleh kebaikan darinya nomina + preposisi + pronomin a 28 تَتجربة تَح (tachtatajribah) dalam percobaan adverbia + nomina 29 (يده)تحت (tachta yadahu) dibawah kekuasaanya adverbia+ nomina 30 يدْ (على) (a’ala yadin) atas perbuatan preposisi + nomina + pronomin a 31 يدْ (عن) (‘an yadin) atas bantuannya preposisi + nomina 233 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 32 بعيدْ (عن) (‘an ba’îdin) dari jauh preposisi + nomina 33 بعيدْ (من) (min ba’îdin) dari jauh preposisi + nomina kolokasi secara leksikal, seperti yang telah diuraikan di atas ialah gabungan kata yang terdiri atas nomina, verba, adjektiva, dan adverbia. misalnya: prasa ْالقَُرى ,أُمُّ nomina أمartinya induk sedangkan القرىartinya desa-desa, jika disandingkan kedua nomina tersebut diterjemahkan secara harfiyah induk dari desa, dan diterjemahkan secara maknawi menunjuk pada suatu tempat yakni kota mekkah al-mukarramah (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). begitu juga dengan ُّْْأُم أس الرَّ kata ُّْ أُمّ artinya induk sedangakan الرأسartinya kepala. jika disandingkankan kedua nomina tersebut diterjemahkan secara harfiyah artinya induk dari kepala dan diterjemahkan secara maknawi artinya otak (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). selanjutnya prasa ْالكتاب artinya indukأم merupakan gabungan dari nominaأم sedangkan الكتابartinya buku, al-qur’an. jika disandingkan kedua nomina tersebut diterjemahkan secara harfiyah artinya induk dari al-qur’an, dan diterjemahkan secara maknawi artinya surat al-fathichah (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). kemudian prasa ح ْْأم م الرُّ merupakan gabungan dari nomina أمartinya induk sedangkanْ ح م artinya lembing. jika disandingkan kedua nomina tersebutالرُّ diterjemahkan secara harfiyah artinya pokok lembing dan terjemahan secara maknawi artinya bendera. selanjutnya ْس ر ْالج ُس artinya kepalaَرأسُْ merupakan gabungan dari nominaَرأ sedangkan الجس رartinya jembatan dan jika disandingkan kedua nomina tersebut diterjemahkan secara harfiyah artinya kepala jembatan dan terjemahan secara maknawi ujung jembatan. kemudian frasa ْال َمالْ ُس merupakan gabungan dari nominaَرأ 234 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) yang artinya harta, dan jika disandingkanالمالُْ artinya kepala, sedangkan nominaَرأسُْ kedua nomina tersebut diterjamahkan secara harfiyah artinya kepala harta dan terjemahan secara maknawi artinya modal (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). kemudian frasa ُْا لبَابْ َْعتَبَة merupakan gabungan nominaَُْعتَبَةyang artinya tangga sedangkan nomina البَابartinya pintu, jika disandingkan kedua nomina tersebut diterjemahkan secara harfiyah tangga pintu, dan terjemahan secara maknawi ambang pintu (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). kemudian frasa ُْت رْ َْصو ال َمك ُسو merupakan gabungan nomina صوتyang artinya suara dan nomina ْر artinya rusak, jika disandingkan kedua nomina tersebutال َمك ُسو terjamahan harfiyahnya suara rusak dan terjamahan secara maknawi suara yang lunak (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). selanjutnya frasa ُْي ُْْصل ب أ الرَّ merupakan gabungan nomina ُُْصل بyang artinya artinya baja dan nomina ُْأ ي artinya pemikiran, pendapat. jika disandingkan keduaالرَّ nomina tersebut terjemahan harfiyahnya keras pendapat yang diterjamahkan secara maknawi keras kepala (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). selanjutnya frasa ُْا ألَدَبْ ْقَل ي ل merupakan gabungan nomina ُْقَل ي لartinya sedikit, dan artinya adab, sopan santun. jika disandingkan kedua nomina tersebut terjemahanاألدب harfiyahnya sedikit adab dan terjemahan maknawi tidak punya sopan santun (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). selanjutnya frasa ُْل ا لبَالْ َْمش غُو merupakan gabungan nomina ل artinya sibukَمش غُو dan nomina ُْالبَالartinya keadaan jika disandingkan kedua nomina tersebut terjemahan harfiyahnya sibuk keadaan dan terjemahan maknawi gundah, gelisah (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). kemudian frasa ُْبَالْ ا لَْخال ي merupakan gabungan nomina خاليartinya kosong, bebas danُْا لبَالyang artinya keadaan jika disandingkan kedua nomina tersebut 235 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) terjemahan harfiyahnya keadaan yang kosong dan terjemahan maknawi tenang, damai (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). kemudian frasa ُْيَاح ي كْ ْص الد merupakan gabungan nomina ُْيَاح artinya suaraص dan ْي ك yang diartikan ayam jantan. jika disandingkan kedua nomina tersebutالد diterjemahkan secara harfiyah suara ayam jantan yang dimaknai ayam berkokok (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). kemudian frasa ذوْبالmerupakan gabungan nominaذوartinya mempunyai dan yang diartikan keadaan. jika disandingkan kedua nomina tersebut diterjemahkanبَالْ secara harfiyah artinya mempunyai keadaan, dan terjemahan maknawi yang penting, menarik perhatian (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). kemudian prasa غيرْذيْبالmerupakan gabungan dari nomina غيرyang diartikan tidak, bukan dan prasaذيْبالyang diartikan mempunyai keadaan jika di terjemahkan secara harfiyah tidak mempunyai keadaan, secara maknawi diartikan yang tidak penting (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). kemudian prasa ُْطاَرَْصوابُهmerupakan gabungan dari verba َْطاَرartinya terbang dan َْصوابartinya kesadaran. jika disandingkan kedua kata tersebut diterjemahkan secara harfiyah artinya terbang kesadaran, dan terjemahan yang maknawi artinya hilang kesadaran (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). kemudian prasa ْ طاَرْفَرحاmerupakan gabungan dari verba َْطاَرartinya terbang dan ْ فَرحاartinya senang. jika disandingkan kedua kata tersebut diterjemahkan secara harfiyah artinya terbang senang, dan terjemahan yang maknawi artinya bersuka ria (ali, atabik & muhdlor, a zuhdi. 1998). untuk lebih memberikan pemahaman di bawah diuraikan contoh-contoh kolokasi secara leksikal dalam bentuk tabel. tabel 2. pembentukan kolokasi leksikal no kolokasi leksikal terjemahan maknawi kategori 236 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) أمْالقرى 1 (‘ummu al-qurâ) makkah al-mukarramah nomina + nomina مح 2 أمْالر (‘ummu al-ramchi) bendera nomina + nomina أمْالرأس 3 (ummu al-ra’si) otak nomina + nomina أمْالكتاب 4 (ummul-kitâbi) surat al-fatihah nomina + nomina ح ْْأم 5 م الرُّ (ummu al-rumhi) bendera nomina + nomina رأسْالمالْ 6 (ra’su al-mâli) modal nomina + nomina عتبةْالباب 7 (‘utabatu-l-bâb) ambang pintu nomina + nomina صوتْالمكسور 8 (shawtu al-maksûr) suara yang lunak nomina + nomina صلبْالرأي 9 (shalaba al-ra’yi) keras kepala nomina + nomina قليلْاألدب 10 (qalîlu al-‘adabi) tidak tahu adab (sopan) ajektiva + nomina مشغولْالبال 11 (masyghûlu al-bâli) gundah ajektiva + nomina خاليْالبال 12 (khâliyu al-bâli) tenang nomina + nomina صياحْالديك 13 (shiyâchu al-dîku) ayam berkokok nomina + nomina ذوْبال 14 (dzûbâlin) penting nomina + nomina غيرْذيْبال 15 (ghairudzîbâlin) tidak penting nomina + nomina طاَرَْصوابُهُْ 16 (thâra shawâbuhu) kehilangan kontrol verba + nomina فَرحا ْْطارَْ 17 (thâra shawâbuhu) bersuka ria verba + nomina d. simpulan berdasarkan pembahasan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa kolokasi dibentuk dari dalam dua kategori, yakni kolokasi gramatikal dan kolokasi leksikal yang terdiri dari 237 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) dua kata atau lebih yang salah satu unsur kata tersebut memiliki hubungan dengan anggota kata lain. adapun karakteristik kolokasi gramatikal pada penelitian ini, bahwasanya preposisi bisa didampingkan dengan verba dan nomina, dimana preposisi yang digunakan yakni preposisi في(fî), إلى(ilâ), على(alâ), ْعن(an), ْل(li) dan ْب(bi) serta adverbia َْت sedangkan kolokasi leksikal adalah kolokasi yang terbentuk dari .تَح nomina, verba, adjektiva, yang digunakan untuk kata tertentu saja. penelitian kolokasi dalam bahasa arab sesungguhnya sangat penting dalam mempelajaran bahasa arab dan juga dalam penerjemahan. penulis meyakini kajian mengenai kolokasi dalam bahasa arab dapat dikaji lebih lanjut sebagai bagian dalam mengembangkan khasanah keilmuan khususnya dalam bidang bahasa. daftar pustaka ali, a. & muhdlor, a z. 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(2006). encyclopedia of arabic language and linguistics, vol. 1, general editor kees versteegh. leiden – boston: brill. pp. 434-439 al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 57 english teaching method applied by teachers in mts negeri model limboto nur wahidah pido (1) , erliana dewi (2) (1) , (2) english education department, iain sultan amai gorontalo abstract the objectives of this research are: (1) to identify the methods that implemented in teaching english process at 7 th grade of mts negeri model kabupaten gorontalo, (2) to know the procedures of english teaching method that implemented in english teaching process of 7 th grade of mts negeri 1 kabupaten gorontalo. the research used qualitative descriptive method, to describe the method that implemented by the teacher in english teaching process.the subjects of this research were english teacher and the students of 7 th grade. instrument used in this research were observation, interview, and documentation. the technique of analyzing data was identifying by reducing, displaying, and drawing conclusion of the data.the results of this research shown that there are four types of language teaching method that used by the english teacher. those are discovery learning, total physical response, communicative language teaching (role play), and direct method. the teacher implemented the language teaching methods by modifying the procedures of language teaching method. key words: english language teaching, language teaching methods abstrak tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk mengidentifikasi metode yang diterapkan dalam proses pengajaran bahasa inggris di kelas 7 mts negeri model kabupaten gorontalo, (2) untuk mengetahui prosedur metode pengajaran bahasa inggris yang diterapkan dalam proses pengajaran bahasa inggris kelas 7 mts negeri model kabupaten gorontalo. penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, untuk menggambarkan metode yang diterapkan oleh guru dalam proses pengajaran bahasa inggris. subjek penelitian ini adalah guru bahasa inggris dan siswa kelas 7. instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. teknik menganalisis data adalah mengidentifikasi dengan mengurangi, menampilkan, dan menggambar kesimpulan data. hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada empat jenis metode pengajaran bahasa yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa inggris yakni, discovery learning, total physical response, role play, dan direct method. guru menerapkan metode pengajaran bahasa dengan memodifikasi prosedur metode pengajaran bahasa. kata kunci: pembelajaran bahasa inggris, metode pembalajaran bahasa inggris al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 58 a. introduction english teaching-learning in junior or senior high schools in indonesia has been done when indonesia still in dutch occupation. after indonesia getting its freedom, the policy continued by indonesia’ government, that policy showed that the government realize the important of english language and assume it needs to teach for children in high schools. this is reflected among others from decision of minister of education and culture no. 096/1967 on december 12 th 1967 about the function and purpose of teaching english in high schools. the main content of the decision of the minister above among others is that: 1. english language is first foreign language that teaching in high school. 2. the purpose of english language pursuit is communicative ability of students. 3. english language skill that developed includes four skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking. the main purpose or general purpose of english learning that stated by government is in order to students able to communicate in english language well, both orally and in writing. but between four skills of english languages itself, speaking skill as a main skill that have to mastered by student. in the local contents curriculum in 2006, stated that the aim of english language learning in order that students have skills as follows: akhmad sutiyono (2014: 3) a. develop communicate competence in limited oral to accompany the action (language accompanying action) in the school context. b. has awareness about the important of english language to increase the competitiveness of the nation in global society. its means that the graduation of elementary school have learning english language as local contents subject is expected has basic skill in english language orally that expected able to well developed when they enter the higher education levels. besides that students are expected have high awareness about the important of english language mastery in mastering knowledge and technology. the drive to master english language has to show with continues efforts to learn english language and practice it in daily life. similarly, the purpose of learning english in the secondary school is in order to students has ability to develop competence both orally and writing. as stated in al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 59 national education act no. 2 in 1989 that the high school graduations have to high english competence. english language skills in the junior high school as first foreign language that have to master by students in high school, and also english is one of subject is included in national examination. it is said to be also more detailed that, the purpose of learning english in high school is to develop students’ potency in order to have communicative competence in interpersonal, transactional, and functional discourse by using variety of english texts either orally or writing, coherently by using linguistic elements that are accurate and acceptable about variety of factual and procedural knowledge, and instill the noble values of the nation’s character, in the context of life in the home, school and community. government effort to measure the english learning achievement result in school by set the competency standards of graduates (csg), csg is a qualification of graduate competencies covering cognitive, affective and psychomotor. csg in primary education level aims to lay the foundation of intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character and skills to live independently and follow further education. csg for secondary school used as assessment guidelines in determining students’ graduation. the competency standard of english subject graduates (csg) permendiknas no. 23 ( 2006) as follows: 1. listening: understanding meanings of simple interpersonal and transactional discourse, formally and informally, in form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, and report in everyday life. 2. speaking: expressing verbal meaning in simple interpersonal and transactional discourse, formally and informally, in form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, and report in everyday life. 3. reading: understanding the meaning of written interpersonal and transactional discourse, formally and informally, in form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, and report in the context of everyday life. 4. writing: expressing the meaning in writing in the simple interpersonal and transactional discourse, formally and informally, in form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, and report in the context of everyday life. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 60 itje chodidjah a councilman of british council says that until now the english teachers are not success yet being a good example of english employer. that ensue to achievement of students in learning english, so that why teaching method have to be developed and modified as best and as attractive as possible in their application by teacher, because by good and appropriate method will make students interest and make them understand well about english lesson that delivered by teacher. by good teaching method, good response from students will be gotten. b. research method this research used qualitative descriptive method, to describe the method that implemented by the teacher in english teaching process.the subjects of this research were english teacher and the students of 7 th grade. instrument used in this research were observation, interview, and documentation. the technique of analyzing data was identifying by reducing, displaying, and drawing conclusion of the data. c. findings and discussions finding when researcher conducted the field observations, the researcher noted that the english teaching method which applied by the teacher found as follows: 1. finding method in first and second observation in first and second observation, the researcher found that the english teacher applied discovery learning, total physical response (tpr) and direct method as her english teaching method. the verification of discovery learning method found in teacher’ lesson plan and she said that was consistent with the method has been determined in lesson plan as a teacher of 7th grade yunita fransiska anis, m.pd said that even tough, she sometimes modified the method. it is also strengthened by verification to students, they said that the teacher always asked them to work task in pair or group and they presented it to classmates this show that the discovery learning as her main method in teaching. the other method was tpr which verified from her interview. she said that she used tpr because the material in odd semester focuses to on how to enable students to master some vocabulary related with things, animals or building around al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 61 the students. the teacher applied tpr to make students faster in understanding and remembering the vocabularies well. the researcher also did verification to students and they said that in teaching the teacher never look so angry, she is usually very humorous in explaining or giving command. that made students like and enjoy to learning english, even not all of them love that lesson. latest method is direct method, the researcher found this method by virtue on its own characteristic in observation sheets (theory). at the heart of the matter, this method that found had suitable characteristics on observation sheet. this also strengthened by the teacher’ clarification, she said that in teacher’s guideline book the english teacher demanded to build up communication skill carefully even just through question-answer session. when the researcher saw in her teaching process (in first and second field observation), the teacher applied her teaching method as follows: the teacher began the lesson with stimulation. in first observation, she stimulated her students by asked them to pay attention and opened their textbook to ask them some director questions related with the lesson to make them think actively. then, the teacher asked the topic of lesson to a few students and re-named it together to make them remember and understand the topic well. while in second observation, the teacher stimulated students by sang some songs and asked them to guess what kind of song, the singer and the topic. in giving command or asking questions, the teacher always tried to use english language carefully, and asked students to answer it in english too as able as they could. furthermore, the teacher read the names of thing/animal or lyric (on textbook) with simple funny gesture (perform the actions) of them and asked a few students to repeat them after her. after that few students did it correctly, the teacher gave other students to have an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding together with re mention the vocabulary or lyric with perform the action. besides that, she also corrected students’ pronunciation. for things and animals topic, the teacher asked them one by one to mention some animals based on their surroundings to make students more understood, next step was the teacher gave students tasks and grouped them into some groups. they asked to collecting data from textbook; processed the task based on the al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 62 command (on textbook); discussed their results or answers to other groups to get new answers or data as their new knowledge; and they asked to present their results or answers from their seat or in front of the class. the teacher never forgot to give reinforcement when students participated actively in learning process by gave praise words (good, excellent or right) or applause. last, teacher scored students’ results. afterwards, the teacher gave simple explanation or correction to students’ error in arranging simple sentences by explained and wrote it on whiteboard. the teacher also gave students chance to pose questions if they didn’t understand yet. before closing the class, she concluded the lesson and did reflection in order to know the students’ understanding or to know her teaching method progress. 2. finding method in third, fourth, and fifth observation in these field observations, the researcher still found that the discovery learning method as teacher’ main method (method attached on lesson plan), little used of tpr and also direct method as one of her teaching method. while new method that found was communicative language teaching (role play), this method recognized by the english teacher in her interview. she applied clt, because in even semester, students demanded can play a role related with the lesson in order to make them faster in remembering and understanding it. because, especially in even semester students hoped can indentify, praise or criticize in communicating each other. following is the procedure of the teacher in applying her teaching method that saw by the researcher directly (the teacher teaching process): in the beginning of class, the teacher started by commanded students to open their textbook and started stimulating them by asked some director questions related with the topic of lesson. next, the teacher asked the topic of lesson to a few students and re-named it together to make students remember and understand the topic well. the teacher never forgot to correct the students’ pronunciation and punctuation because in even semester the lesson more content of conversations. afterwards, the teacher asked students to pay attention and listen carefully when she read the conversation on textbook and also they asked to repeat the conversations after the teacher per-sentence loudly, correctly and clearly for three times. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 63 furthermore, the teacher grouped students into some groups and every group asked to play role (simple role play) in front of the class based on the conversations (on textbook). when whole group finished it, she commanded them to work in group and studied carefully the task (on textbook) by followed the example. after students completed their task, the teacher asked each group to read their results loudly on their own seat and she collected it to score. last, the teacher commanded students to sit back to their own seat. latest, the teacher re-explained and corrected students’ error in arranging simple sentences. besides that, she also never forgot to give chance to her students in addressed questions. before closing the class, the teacher gave a game called hang man to refresh students’ mood. after that, she concluded the lesson as usual and did reflection. in the third observation, before closing the class, the researcher saw that the teacher informed her students that in every meeting of even semester, students would be often to play a role of conversation. so, the teacher hoped that all of students could practice and express them well. discussion based on the explanation of finding above, the researcher found that there are four english teaching methods which applied by the teacher in her teaching processes as follows: 1. discovery learning in applying this method, the teacher did the procedures as follows: the teacher stimulated the students in the beginning of the class in order to make them to state their idea or solving the answer by asked some questions that direct to the lesson. burner in syaiful djamarah and aswan zain do the stimulation, such as: the teacher has to do stimulation. it is the teacher uses question-answer technique to make students do exploration or thought. next, the teacher grouped the students and gave them tasks to work in group. she asked her students to explore and collect the datum from textbook, complete some incomplete sentences or make new sentences based on the topic, share their answers with other group to get and collect new knowledge and present it in front of al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 64 the class. it is based on the theory argued by hosnan, two of the characteristics of discovery learning are students exploring and solving problems to create, combine and generalize knowledge and also the activities to combine new knowledge and existing knowledge. furthermore, in applying her teaching method, teacher more focuses to students (learning activity centered to students), it is seen from the teacher always made students to more active in the class. it is suitable with second characteristics of this method, it is centered on students. based on the teacher’ procedure in teaching and the characteristics from theory, we can see that the teacher applied the method based on procedure of theory itself. just in applying it, not maximally yet, because based on the researcher verification on textbook there were some topic that need outdoor observation have to do by students directly. while in this case, the teacher always conducted teaching learning process indoor and the source just depend on textbook. 2. total physical response (tpr) for tpr method, following is the teacher’ procedure in applying the method in her teaching process: in the beginning of lesson, teacher gave the students some vocabularies, topic or sentences that would learn by modeling by command the students to re-mention and re-action after her. it is appropriate with the theory argued by james asher (developer of tpr) in norland & pruett-said that the teacher give commands and the students complete the action of those commands deborah l. norland ph.d. et al ( 2014: 28) brown also argued that commands were an easy way to get learners to move about and to loosen up. in another words, richards & rodgers also state that students in tpr have the primary roles of listener and performer. they listen attentively and respond physically to commands given by the teacher. again, freeman & anderson suggest that in applying tpr the first phase of a lesson is one of modeling by issuing commands to a few students, then, performs the action with them. these same students demonstrate that they can understand the commands by performing them alone. modeling in this case means teacher commands the students to not speak at first and they will just listen to her and do as teacher do. the teacher gives students a command to do something in target language, al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 65 and students will do the actions along with teacher and ask some volunteers to help teacher with the lesson. however, those modeling and commands could appropriate with modeling of the english teacher of 7 th grade of mts negeri 1 kabupaten gorontalo, just in applying it the students were not just following the teacher’s command but they also asked to mention it while they acted it. the teacher asked one by one some students from their seat to mentioning and acting (the action was fun) the vocabulary or topic together after her in order to make the students to remembering and understanding the lesson well. in giving all students understood, the english teacher (the english teacher of 7 th grade) gave chance to them to mention and performing the action (action of topi vocabulary or sentence) together. it is also argued by freeman & anderson that the observers also have an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding. this demonstration means that the teacher approaches the other students who have been sitting observing her and the volunteer students to listen and do as the teacher commands. this strengthened by richards & rodgers, they state that in doing the teacher’s command students are required to respond both individually and collectively. but, the teacher (english teacher of bp71) never gave students chance to become the ones who issue the command. because the students had been mention at all in once with its action when the teacher commanded them. freeman & anderson continue their characteristic that after learning to respond some oral commands, the students learn to read and write them. in the middle step of the lesson, this thing also did by the english teacher of bp71, that she gave the students task (pair or group) that whole related with the lesson by asking them to re-read the example of task and write it down on their task’ book. seen from the teacher’s way in teaching and the characteristics from some theory, we can conclude that the teacher applied this method also procedurally even a few not maximal yet. it because the teacher said in interview section that she just applied it in simple way, because for skits or games, it is unsuitable yet with the students’ level. brown says that this method seemed to be especially effective in the beginning levels of language proficiency. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 66 3. communicative language teaching (role play) while, in clt the teacher applied her teaching method as follows: teacher always tried to use english language in the class maximally even sometimes she had to translate it into mother language. this showed that almost everything is done is done with communicative intent, this is argued by freeman & anderson. in another words, finocchiaro & brumfit in richards & rodgers also interpreted some major distinctive features of clt, both of them are language learning is learning to communicate and translation may be used where learners need or benefit from it. in answering teacher’ question and did her command, students demanded to try to deliver it in english. the teacher always grouped the students in completed their task or practice conversation used english language (in its practice). those argued by freeman & anderson that students use the language a great deal through communicative activities such as games, role-plays, and problem-solving tasks and the activities often carried out by students in small groups. small numbers of students interacting are favored in order to maximize the time allotted to each student for communicating. these also strengthened by finocchiaro & brumfit that learners are expected to interact through pair and group work, or in their writings and also the teacher helps learners in any way that motivates them to work with the language. based on the teacher’s procedure in teaching and based on the method characteristics that argued by some experts, we can say that teacher applied the method appropriated with the characteristics, even the characteristics didn’t applied whole, it was because those characteristics were not suitable yet with students’ level. 4. direct method in implementing this method in her teaching class, teacher did the steps as follows: in conveying new topic of lesson to students indirectly, teacher did modeling to make them more active in thinking. it is suggested by richards & rogers in brown that new teaching points were thought through modeling and practice. next, in teaching vocabulary, the teacher used objects or pictures on textbook to make students to more remember the vocabulary, while for abstract vocabulary just by proposed ideas. this thing also argued by richards & rodgers that concrete al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 67 vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures; abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas. it is strengthened by freeman & anderson that when the teacher introduces a new target language word or phrase, he demonstrates its meaning through the use of realia, pictures, or pantomime. demonstration here has same meanings that show picture to students and start to ask them some questions that related with the lesson. the english teacher of bp71 (setting of research) always tried to speak in english language during the teaching process, even sometimes she had to translate it in indonesia to make her students more understood. this strengthened by richards & theodore that classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in target language. just brown says that this exclusively target language means second language learning should be more like first language learning-lots of oral interaction, spontaneous use of the language, no translation between first and second languages, and little or no analysis of grammatical rules. freeman & anderson also say that the teacher never translates it into the students’ native language. until this main characteristic was not implemented maximally yet by the english teacher of bp71. the teacher of bp71 also always asked the students to try to answer or address questions in target language in large class. according to richards and rodgers, this thing also shows that oral communication skills were built up in a carefully traded progression organized around question-answer exchanges between teacher and students in small, intensive classes. teacher never forgot to correct student’ pronunciation and punctuation in conversation or simple question-answer session also re-explained and corrected error simple grammar did by students in the end of class, and its grammar just taught or re explain when students asked, there was new rules in sentences or when students made mistake. richards and rodgers also argued two of direct method characteristics are correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized and also its grammar was taught inductively. this strengthened by freeman & anderson that grammar is taught inductively means students are presented with examples and they figure out the rule or generalization from the examples. an explicit grammar rule may never be given. just in odd semester the material just not about vocabulary and sentences but also al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 68 conversations. so, based on the teacher’ procedure in teaching and also the characteristics of direct method itself from some experts, we can conclude that the teacher implemented the method almost maximally. just in the using of target language fully were not maximal yet. d. conclusion in implementing the discovery learning method the teacher did the steps as follows: stimulate the students; asked students to exploring, collecting data and also completing the tasks (on textbook); asked them to discuss the answer/results to other group; last teacher asked students to present their data in front of the class. furthermore, in the last-chapter of odd semester, the teacher modified it with tpr in some ways, namely; she modified it with tpr in order to easier in remembering and understanding new words (in order to easier students to do their tasks in collecting data); and gave students task that next method was discovery learning, so commonly the tpr was using by the teacher in beginning of teaching process. while when she modified it with role-play (clt) was when there was conversation in the lesson, especially in even semester; after playing a role in group the students would continued the teaching process by doing tasks that used discovery learning procedure as researcher stated above about it. whereas for direct method itself in implementing it the teacher did modifying with discovery learning, one of them was stimulate students by modeling or showed the picture related with lesson directly; the teacher always corrected students’ error in pronunciation, punctuation or grammar and tried to built up in a carefully communication around question-answer exchanges between teacher and students. thus, in implementing those methods’ procedure the teacher modified it with her main method (discovery learning) on lesson plan in order to make students fun, enjoy and faster to understand the lesson during teaching process. however because the teacher said that she used discovery learning as her teaching method consistently, but it was not maximal yet with the theory’s of discovery learning, that aim is students have to more interact directly with their surrounding environment in learning to make them more understand. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 69 references a’yun, silva nadhifatul & kurnia, yoga pria. makalah mata kuliah pengembangan pembelajaran ipa sd (program studi pendidikan dasar pasca sarjana. semarang, unnes, 2017. muhammad ashim, lc; mustofa aini, lc; zuhdi amin, lc, , jakarta: darul haq, 2016. al-quran arrahim, surah ibrahim/14 verse 4. kementerian agama republik indonesia, cv. pustaka ilmu. as-sa’di, syaikh abdurrahman bin nashir. tafsir al-qur’an (surat ar-ra’du – al-hajj) jilid 4, translation by muhammad iqbal, lc; izzudin karimi, lc; brown, h. douglass. teaching by principles (2nd ed.). san 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digali secara mendalam berdasarkan pada perspektif jean piaget dan lev s. vygotsky. artikel ini bercorak kajian kepustakaan, data digali melalui studi pustaka dan dianalisis melalui analisis konten. hasil analisis artikel ini menemukan bahwa teori kognitif berimplikasi dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab pada beberapa aspek, yaitu:aspek tujuan pembelajaran, aspek lingkungan bahasa, aspek penggunaan media, aspek kultur, aspek tingkatan pembelajaran dan aspek model pembelajaran. abstract so many number of learning theories, one of which is widely studied is cognitive theory. this article aims to examine cognitive learning theory and its implications in learning arabic. the cognitive theory will be explored in depth based on the perspective of jean piaget and lev s. vygotsky. this article has a pattern of library research, data is explored through literature and analyzed through content analysis. the results of the analysis of this article found that cognitive theory has implications in learning arabic in several aspects, namely: aspects of learning objectives, environmental aspects of language, aspects of media use, aspects of culture, aspects of learning levels and aspects of learning models. keywords: cognitive learning; arabic teaching and learning 181 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) a. pendahuluan menurut ahmad fuad effendy (2012), rancangan pembelajaran bahasa arab didasarkan pada sebuah pendekatan-aksiomatik mengenai hakikat bahasa (linguistik) dan hakikat belajar (psikologi). muhajir (2019) menjelaskan sifat aksiomatik itu berupa seperangkat asumsi mengenai hakikat bahasa dan belajar-mengajar bahasa yang baku dan tidak dapat lagi dibantah kebenarannya. mengenai hal ini richard & rodgers (2002) menjelaskan bahwa,”...approach refers to theories about the nature of language and language learning that serve as the source of practices and principle in language teaching.”. sementara itu nurhadi (2010) menambahkan, teori belajar bahasa disebut sebagai psikolinguistik yakni perpaduan antara teori bahasa dan teori belajar yang menjadi landasan bagi teori belajar bahasa. menurut margaret e. gredler (2013), ada beberapa karakteristik agar suatu teori belajar diterima. paling tidak ada empat kriteria, tiga diantaranya mendeskripsikan komponen esensial dari suatu teori. pertama, adalah seperangkat asumsi eksplisit yang merupakan keyakinan dasar teoritisi tentang suatu fenomena yang akan dibahas. kedua, suatu teori harus mencakup definisi yang eksplisit mengenai istilah penting. ketiga, membentuk tubuh teori yang merupakan proses penarikan prinsip spesifik dari asumsi yang diuji melalui riset. keempat, yang merupakan karakteristik tersendiri bagi teori belajar, yakni teori yang ada mampu menjelaskan dinamika psikologis dasar dari kejadian yang memengaruhi belajar. permasalahannya adalah terdapat banyak sekali teori belajar yang berkembang di dunia. perkembangan tersebut menurut b. r hergenhahn dan matthew h. olson (2012) sudah dimulai sejak 427-347 sm oleh plato, aristoteles 384-322 sm, era psikologi modern yang diawali oleh rene descartes (15961650), hingga teori belajar kontemporer dimulai tahun 1990 berpangkal pada teori yang telah diperbaharui sebagaimana pendapat knud illeris (2011). asumsi mengenai bahasa banyak ragamnya, munir (2018) berpendapat bahasa sebagai kebiasaan, bahasa sebagai suatu sistem komunikasi yang dilisankan, dan ada pula yang menggap bahasa sebagai seperangkat kaidah, norma dan aturan. selanjutnya asumsi tersebut akan memengaruhi pendekatan yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa. 182 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) b. r hergenhahn dan matthew h. olson (2012) menyebut empat tokoh kognitif yaitu; max wertheimer (1880-1943) pendiri psikologi gestalt, jean piaget 1896 teori epistemologi genetik,edward chace tolman (1886-1959) dengan teori behaviorisme purposif, albert bandura 1925 teoritisi belajar obeservasional, dan masih ditambah satu lagi sumber lain yang menyebutkan lev s. vygotsky teori perkembangan psikologi kultural-historis. mulyanto sumardi (dkk) dalam abdul halim hanafi dan amrina (2013), menyebut dua tujuan belajar bahasa arab, yaitu (1) tujuan pengajaran bahasa arab sebagai alat bantu dan (2) tujuan pengajaran bahasa arab untuk menjadi tenaga ahli. dalam rangka mencapai tujuan tersebut menurut ali ahmad madzkur (1991) setiap pembelajar arus menguasai empat kemahiran dasar berbahasa, yakni kemahiran reseptif (mendengar dan membaca) dan kemahiran produktif (berbicara dan menulis). toni pransiska (2015) menjelaskan yang termasuk reseptif adalah mendengar dan membaca sementara kemahiran produktif adalah berbicara dan menulis. sementara itu, menurut fitrah wahyudi, dkk (2015) secara spesifik tujuan pengajaran bahasa arab di madrasah-madrasah di indonesia terbagi menjadi dua macam yaitu tujuan pendidikan nasional; yakni meningkatkan kualitas keimanan dan ketakwaan terhadap tuhan yang maha esa; dan tujuan kurikuler; dijelaskan dalam garis-garis besar program pengajaran mata pelajaran bahasa arab disebutkan bahwa bahasa arab berfungsi sebagai alat komunikasi, memahami al-qur’an dan hadits, memahami buku-buku agama, dan menguasai sejumlah perbendaharaan kata tertentu. permasalahan terbesar yang hendak digali artikel ini adalah bagaimana merumuskan titik temu antara teori kognitif dengan pembelajaran bahasa arab sehingga pada akhirnya dapat dirumuskan implikasi teori kognitif terhadap pembelajaran bahasa arab. sebab tidak mudah untuk memutuskan teoritisi yang tepat dengan tingkat kedekatan paling tinggi terhadap pembelajaran bahasa, khususnya bahasa arab. menurut penulis permasalahan ini dapat diselesaikan dengan menentukan beberapa asumsi. pertama, melacak teoritisi manakah yang secara eksplisit mengemukakan epistemologi teorinya mengenai hubungan antara bahasa dan proses koginitif. kedua, dilihat dari segi kematangan teoritisi dalam menjabarkan perkembangan kognitif. dari dua alasan ini artikel akhirnya memilih dua nama teoritisi kognitif yang tersebut diatas. 183 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) hasil literature review yang dilakukan oleh penulis menunjukkan belum ada yang mengkaji implikasi teori kognitif dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab. hal ini ditunjukkan oleh beberapa artikel berikut. pertama, perkembangan kognitif: teori jean piaget yang ditulis oleh fatimah ibda tahun 2015. artikel ini sekedar membahas perkembangan kognitif menurut jean piaget. pembahasan difokuskan pada perkembangan; kognitif, intelekual, tahap perkembangan intelektual, tingkatan perkembangan intelektual, serta beberapa kritik terhadap teori piaget. kedua, penelitian oleh puspo nugroho dengan judul pandangan kognitifisme dan aplikasinya dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam anak usia dini tahun 2015. artikel ini membahas penerapan teori kognitif perspektif bruner, ausubel dan piaget dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran agama islam pada pendidikan anak usia dini (paud) yang menghasilkan beberapa temuan berikut; aplikasi teori dalam pembel pai paud pertama, bruner: proses belajar lebih ditentukan bagaimana guru mampu mengatur pembelajaran sesuai dengan gaya belajar siswa. discovery learning, murid mengorganisasi bahan pelajaran yang dipelajari sesuai dengan tingkat kemajuan dan perkembangan anak tsb. kedua, ausubel: pembelajaran harus bermakna dimana informasi baru diuhubungkan dengan struktur konsep yang relevan, struktur kognif yang sudah dimiliki. ketiga, piaget: anak mengembangkan kemampuan berpikirnya menurut tahap yang teratur, setiap tahap ttt akan muncul skema/struktur yang keberhasilannya bergantung pada tahap sebelumnya. prinsip pembelajaran piaget: belajar aktif, belajar lewat interaksi sosial, belajar lewat pengalaman sendiri. ketiga, penelitian oleh adi nur cahyono dengan judul vygotskian perspektive: proses scaffolding untuk mencapai zone of proximal development (zpd) peserta didik dalam pembelajaran matematika tahun 2010.menurut cahyono dengan scaffolding guru berinteraksi dengan siswanya sehingga siswa mampu membentuk pemahaman konsepnya sendiri melalui interaksi dalam suatu lingkungan sosial serta menumbuhkan nilai-nilai budaya dan karakter bangsa dalam kehidupan sosial. sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah kajian yang membahas teori kognitif beserta implikasinya dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab secara fokus. oleh karena itu penulis melakukan artikel berbasis studi pustaka guna mengembangkan kegunaan teori kognitif dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab. 184 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) b. metode penelitian metode penelitian library research digunakan dalam artikel ini. sumber data diambil dari eksplorasi literatur kepustakaan terkait kajian dan akhirnya akan dianalisa secara kritis dan mendalam melalui triangulasi data; reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. c. hasil dan pembahasan hasil teori belajar kognitif menurut puspo nugroho (2015), definisi “cognitive” berasal dari kata “cognition” yang memiliki persamaan dengan “knowing” yang berarti mengetahui. dalam arti yang luas kognisi adalah perolehan, penataan, dan penggunaan pengetahuan.tingkah laku seseorang menurut teori psikologi kognitif, tidak semata dipengaruhi oleh “reward” dan “reinforcement”. moh. sholeh (2014) menjelaskan tingkah laku seseorang didasarkan pada kognisi, maksudnya tindakan mengenal sekaligus memikirkan situasi dimana tingkah laku terjadi. dalam situasi belajar, seorang terlibat langsung dalam situasi tersebut dan memperoleh “insight” untuk pemecahan masalah. sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, knud illeris (2011) menjelaskan bahwa,”juga penting untuk disebutkan bahwa setiap dimensi [pembelajaran] mencakup segi mental di samping segi jasmaniah.”piaget dalam knud illeris (2011) lebih terperinci mengatakan, sejatinya pembelajaran dimulai dari tubuh dan berlangsung melalui otak, yang juga bagian dari tubuh, dan hanya secara berangsur-angsur segi mental memisah sebagai satu area atau fungsi tersendiri namun tidak pernah independen. puspo nugroho (2015) menyebutkan lima ciri aliran kognitifisme, yaitu: 1) mementingkan apa yang terjadi dalam diri anak, 2) mementingkan keseluruhan daripada bagian-bagian, 3) mementingkan peranan kognitif, 4) mementingkan kondisi waktu sekarang, dan 5) mementingkan pembentukan struktur kognitif. adapun beberapa tahapan kognitif dimulai dari pengkodean (coding)penyimpanan (storing)-perolehan kembali (retreiving)-pemindahan informasi (transfering information). 185 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa belajar menurut teori kognitif adalah perubahan persepsi dan pemahaman, yang tidak selalu dapat terlihat sebagai tingkah laku. gagasan utama teori ini adalah bagian-bagian situasi tertentu saling berhubungan dengan konteks seluruh situai tersebut.menurut abdullah helmy (2011), belajar merupakan porses internal yang mencakup: ingatan, retensi, pengolahan informasi, emosi dan faktor-faktor lain. jean piaget jean piaget (dalam gredler, 2013), menjelaskan bahwa,”untuk memahami gagasan tentang belajar yang memadai, kita pertama-tama harus menjelaskan bagaimana individu bisa mengonstruksi dan menciptakan, bukan hanya bagaimana dia mengulang dan meniru.” fatimah ibda (2015), menjelaskan teori piaget tersebut dikenal dengan genetic epistemologi (epistemologi genetik) yakni sebuah kerangka yang ditujukan untuk melacak perkembangan kemampuan intelektual. hal ini menandakan bahwa pengetahuan dan kecerdasan bukan kuantitas statis. kebalikannya, gredler (2013) menjelaskan, mengetahui adalah sebuah proses yang berkembang melalui adaptasi individu terhadap lingkungannya dan terus-menerus berubah. oleh karena itu, proses pemerolehan pengetahuan baru seseorang tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan lingkungan hidupnya. dengan kata lain pengetahuan menurut piaget dalam fatimah ibda (2015) adalah genetic artinya pengetahuan itu berkembang atau developmental bukan sesuatu yang diwariskan secara biologis. sehingga, pengetahuan dalam pandangan piaget (dalam puspo nugroho, 2015) datang dari tindakan yang berimplikasi pada perkembangan kognitifnya. hal ini dipengaruhi oleh sebarapa jauh individu aktif memanipulasi dan aktif berinteraksi dengan lingkungannya. perubahan kualitatif dalam proses penalaran fatimah ibda (2015) menjelaskan fase perkembanan kognitif menurut piaget dibagi menjdi empat tahap, yaitu: tahap sensori motor (0-1,5 tahun), tahap praoperasional (1,5-6 tahun), tahap operasional konkrit (6-12 tahun), dan tahap operasional formal (12 tahun ke atas).perkembangan ini terus berlanjut bahkan hingga memasuki masa tua. hal ini berdasarkan hasil penelitian colin rose dan malcolm j. nicholl (2012:89) dari universitas california, los angelos, yang menyatakan bahwa bagian 186 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) otak yang berfungsi memahami kata-kata (werrnicke) jumlah dendrit mempunyai korelasi dengan kuantitas belajar.hal ini menguatkan teori piaget, alih-alih semakin berkurang, kecerdasan manusia akan semakin berkembang ketika manusia terus belajar. proses fundamental menurut margaret e. gredler (2013), terdapat empat faktor yang memengaruhi perkembangan kognitif dari satu bentuk ke bentuk lainnya, yaitu: lingkungan fisik, kematangan, pengaruh sosial, dan proses penyeimbangan.sementara proses fundamental perkembangan yang terjadi adalah asimilasi, akomodasi, ekuilibrasi,dan b. r hergenhahn dan matthew h. olson (2011) menambahkan proses interiorisasi. fatimah ibda (2015), menjelaskan asimilasi terjadi ketika pengintegrasian informasi, persepsi, konsep dan pengalaman baru ke dalam struktur yang sudah ada dalam benak seseorang. margaret e. gredler (2013) menambahkan, terjadi penggabungan elemen eksternal (objek atau kejadian) ke dalam sensorimotor atau skema konseptual subjek. dapat pula dipahami sebagai respon internal berupa pengubahan struktur skema informasi yang diperoleh dengan skema konspetual pengetahuan yang sudah dimiliki oleh seseorang. akomodasi menurut margaret e. gredler (2013) terjadi ketika struktur internal menyesuaikan diri dengan dengan karakteristik tertentu dari objek dan peristiwa.sebagai proses penyesuaian atau penyusunan yang membentuk skema ke dalam situaasi baru sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh fatimah ibda (2015). ekuilibrasi bagi willis f. everten dan jeanette mccarthy gallagher (1977) merupakan proses yang dilakukan dalam memelihara keadaan yang tetap saat perubahan terus berlangsung. proses ini menurut margaret e. gredler (2013:337-339) merupakan proses yang kompleks dan dinamis yang mengatur perilaku secara terus-menerus.hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya abstraksi reflektifyang terjadi akibat adanya konflik kognitif yang berimplikasi adanya reorganisasi cara berpiki individu ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi. sementara menurut b. r hergenhahn dan matthew h. olson (2011) proses ekuilibrasi terjadi karena adanya aspek unik dari suatu kejadian yang tidak dapat direspon oleh pengetahuan yang sudah ada sebelumnya yang berakibat ada ketidakseimbangan kognitif. karena ada kebutuhan bawaan untuk mencapai harmoni 187 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) (ekuilibrium), struktur mental organisme berubah agar dapat memasukkan aspek unik dari pengalaman ini dan menyebabkan upaya penyeimbangan kognitif kembali. interiorisasi manurut b. r hergenhahn dan matthew h. olson (2011) terjadi ketika individu memiliki struktur kognitif yang berkembang dan dapat memecahkan permasalahan yang lebih komplek. sehingga tumpukan informasi yang berasal dari pengalaman sebelumnya menjadikan individu mengalami penurunan ketergantungan pada lingkungan fisik dan meningkatnya penggunaan struktur kogntif. lev s. vygotsky gredler (2013) menjelaskanepistemologi teori vygotsky dipengaruhi oleh tiga filsuf, yaitu benedict spinoza, g. w. f hegel, karl marx dan frederic engels.pengaruh spinoza terdapat pada teori vygotsky yang mendeskripsikan penguasaan atas perilaku seseorang melalui perkembangan kapabilitas mental rasional (fungsi mental). kedua, hegel, vygotsky mendeskripsikan proses perkembangan kognitif sebagai proses dialektika yang komplek. ketiga, pengaruh marx dan engelspada vygotsky muncul pada konsep perangkat psikologis. hal ini merupakan hubungan antara penggunaan alat (simbol) dan perkembangan kognitif yang didasarkan pada pendapatnya bahwa tanda dan simbol kultural (dalam perkembangan atensi, abstraksi, bahasa, memori,operasi numerik, dan penalaran)sebagai perangkat biologis yang melahirkan transformasi kesadaran manusia. tahapan penggunaan lambang margaret e. gredler (2013) menjelaskan, terdapat empat tahap penggunaan lambang yang dimulai ketika masa anak-anak dan meluas sampai ke masa remaja. empat tahap tersebut ialah: tahap primitif, tahap psikologi naif, tahap penggunaan lambang eksternal, dan tahap penggunaan lambang internal. tahap alamiah margaret e. gredler (2013) terjadi ketika anak mengandalkan pada proses mental elementer. tahap psikologi naif terjadi ketika anak berusaha menggunakan stimuli bantuan yang ada, namun tidak mengetahui hubungan psikologis yang diperlukan antara stimuli dan tugas. tahap penggunaan lambang eksternal (usia sekolah) terjadi ketika anak secara hati-hati memilih atau menata stimuli eksternal berkenaan dengan kebutuhan tugas. dan tahap penggunaan lambang internal terjadi ketika subjek (individu) mengandalkan pada stimuli internal yang dibuat sendiri. proses 188 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) pengintegrasian lambang-lambang ke dalam pemikiran seseorang meupakan hal langkah penting untuk mengembangkan bentuk kognisi yang lebih tinggi. perkembangan wicara pada mulanya wicara digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi dan sosialisasi namun kemudian berkembang menjadi alat berpikir.lev vygotsky (1986) menyebut bahwa,”...interrelation between thought and language...that arises is that of intellect and affect...since it makes the thought process appear as an autonomous flow...” isu sentral dalam perkembangan wicara adalah hubungan pemikiran dengan kata. wicara mulai berkembang terlepas dari pemikiran kemudian pada titik tertentu, keduanya bertemu; pemikiran menjadi verbal dan ucapan intelektual.lev vygotsky (1986) menambahkan,”...the multiform concrete relations between thought and language that arise in the course of the development and functioning of verbal thought in its various aspect...” beberapa aspek wicara tersebut dibagi menjadi empat tahap pemikiran.pertama, wicara pra-intelektual,margaret e. gredler (2013) dicirikan dengan alat kontak sosial di tahun pertama kehidupan; termasuk tertawa, mengocek, menunjuk, dan memberi isyarat. kedua, bicara otonom dicirikan dengan “kata” yang diucapkan anak untuk menyebut suatu objek konkret yang tampak; namun, ia tidak dipakai secara konsisten. ketiga, psikologi naif dicirikan dengan wicara dan pemikiran mulai berbarengan di tahun kedua kehidupan saat anak menemukan hal-hal yang memiliki nama; banyak kata digunakan tanpa dipahami makna sebenarnya, (misalnya, karena, tetai, ketika).ketiga, dominasi bicara eksternal (egosentris –komunikatif)dicirikan dengan wicara memenuhi fungsi sosial. pembicaraan pertama mengiringi tindakan anak dalam perencanaan dan memecahkan masalah, kemudian ia menjadi esensial dalam perencanaan,”penghubung tengah” di antara wicara eksternal dan internal. keempat, wicara batin (tahap intelektual) dicirikan dengan operasi eksternal bergerak ke tataran internal dan mengalami banyak perubahan; wicara menjadi di batin saja. perbandingan teori kognitif perspektif piaget dan vygotsky baik piaget maupun vygotsky keduanya memfokuskan pemikirannya pada perkembangan kognitif (perkembangan berpikir). namun terdapat beberapa perbedaan mendasar diantara keduanya. margaret e. gredler (2013) mendedahkan perbedaan tersebut. pertama, piaget memfokuskan pada pemikiran logis yang berpuncak pada 189 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) kapabilitas untuk memecahkan permasalahan multifaktor dipandang dari segi sebabakibat. sementara vygotsky berfokus pada perkembangan atensi, persepsi, dan memori, dimana penguasaan sistem simbol (lambang) dan pemikiran konseptual merupakan hal yang sangat penting.kedua, piaget memandang bahwa bayi dan anak kecil sebagai tertutup dalam dirinya sendiri (egocentrism), menerima objek dan orang disekitarnya sebagai bagian dari dirinya sendiri. hal ini disebabkan oleh ketidakmampuan bayi dan anak untuk melihat sudut pandang orang lain. secara perlahan, pemikiran (wicara) egosentris ini akan hilang setelah anak tersosialisasikan dengan cara berpikir orang dewasa. sementara vygotsky memandang bahwa pemikiran anak berawal dari interaksi sosial dengan orang dewasa. kemudian pemikirannya dirubah dari pertukaran sosial menjadi pemikiran individual. pembelajaran bahasa arab pembelajaran bahasa arab di indonesia bagi cecep jaenudin (2018) menempati posisi yang strategis sebagai bahasa agama sebab mayoritas penduduknya beragama islam bahkan pembelajaran bahasa arab di indonesia sudah berlangsung sebelum zaman kemerdekaan.selain itu, menurut syarifuddin hasyim (2016) bahasa arab juga berupa bahasa kehidupan (bahasa komunikasi). azman ismail (2016) menambahkanbahasa arab telah dipelajari masyarakat indonesia mulai dari sekolah dasar, menengah dan universitas. zaid sulaiman dan muhammad fawaid al-hawamidah (2015) menjelaskan, pembelajaran adalah seperangkat aktivitas yang dilaksanakan oleh pengajar dalam konteks pembelajaran untuk membantu pembelajar dalam menggapai tujuan pembelajaran yang telah ditentukan. supaya proses pembelajaran dapat berhasil maka diperlukan adanya media dan potensi, serta menggunakan metode dan strategi yang disesuaikan untuk mengapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan.proses pembelajaran tidak bisa dilepaskan dari tujuan instruksional. sebab, menurut lorin w. anderson dan david r. krathwohl (2010) tujuan instruksional lebih spesifik dibandingkan dengan tujuan pendidikan yang diterjemahkan oleh guru dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas. metode dalam proses pembelajaran menurut syahruddin (2015) perlu memerhatikan prinsipprinsip berikut, yaitu: berpusat pada anak didik (student oriented), belajar dengan melakukan (learning by doing), mengembangkan kemampuan sosial, mengembangkan 190 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) keingintahuan dan imajinasi, dan mengembangkan kreativitas dan keterampilan memecahkan masalah. sementara itu, proses teknis di dalam kelas tidak terlepas dari peran metodologi pengajaran bahasa arab. istilah metodologi tercakup di dalamnya pendekatan, metode dan teknik sebagai tahap implementasi dari interpretasi guru terhadap kurikulum yang telah ditetapkan. strategi belajar bahasa menurut umi baroroh (2018) berkaitan dengan pemroresan (processing), penyimpanan (storage), mendapatkan kembali (retreival), dan mengambil pengetahuan dan pesan yang lain. menurut oxford dalam umi baroroh terdapat dua jenis strategi belajar bahasa, yaitu strategi langsung dan strategi tidak langsung. strategi langsung terdiri dari tiga kelompok yaitu: strategi memori, strategi kognitif, dan strategi kompensasi. sementara strategi tidak langsung terdiri dari strategi metakognitif, strategi afektif dan strategi sosial. menurut penulis ragam strategi tersebut tidak terlepas dari pandangan teori kognitif. sebab, sebagaimana menurut dian maulidiah (2016) bidang pengembangan kognitif meliputi perkembangan auditori, visual, taktil, dan kinestetik. menurut colin rose dan malcolm j. nicholl (2012), terdapat tiga bagian otak yang mengiringi strategi diatas yaitu batang otak, sistem limbik, dan neokorteks. batang otak mengontrol banyak fungsi dasar seperti pernafasan ,detak jantung, dan insting. sistem limbik berfungsi mengendalikan emosi. sementara neokorteks berhubungan dengan melihat, mendengar, mencipta, berfikir, dan berbicara.dengan kata lain, di dalam otaklah segala keputusan mengenai tindakan kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik dirumuskan dan diputuskan melalui hormon-hormon motorik. implikasi teori kognitif dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab teori kognitif bagi margaret e. gredler (2013) merupakan sebuah teori pembelajaran yang memfokuskan pada proses belajar berupa proses pencarian informasi, pengingatan, pengelolaan belajar, dan pemecahan masalah.berdasarkan uraian diatas penulis dapat memutuskan-paling tidaktujuh poin implikasidari teori kognitif terhadap pembelajaran bahasa arab. adapun tujuh implikasi tersebut yaitu: tujuan pembelajaran teori kognitif piaget mendasarkan pada proses asimilasi, akomodasi, ekuilibrasi dan interiorisasi, vygotsky lebih memfokuskan padapada perkembangan atensi, 191 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) persepsi, dan memori, serta pemikiran konseptual ataspenguasaan sistem simbol (bahasa).baik piaget maupun vygotsky keduanya secara umum mendasarkan perkembangan kognitifnya pada “interaksi” antara individu dengan lingkungannya sehingga terjadi perkembangan tingkat kognitif anak. atas dasar itu pembelajaran bahasa arab yang bercorak kognitifistik hendaknya ditujukan untuk penguasaan komunikatif atas empat kemahiran dasar berbahasa arab.hal ini disebabkan oleh penguasaan atas simbol (bahasa) yang telah diperoleh melalui proses atensi, persepsi dan memori perlu dikontekstualisasikan supaya terjadi proses asimilasi, akomodasi, ekuilibrasi, maupun interiorisasi. nazri syakur (2010) menyebutkan ada dua hal yang harus dikuasai pembelajar dalam tujuan komunikatif yaitu kompetensi dan performansi. kompetensi mengacu pada pengetahuan mendasar seseorang tentang sistem, peristiwa atau fakta, sesuatu yang tak kasat mata, kemampuan ideal bagaimana melakukan sesuatu. sementara itu performansi bersifat kasat mata, pengejawantahan sesungguhnya atau realisasi dari kompetensi atau pelaksanaan dari suatu pekerjaan, seperti berjalan, menyanyi, menari dan berbicara. menurut nazri syakur (2010) terdapat empat kompetensi komunikatif yang harus dikuasai oleh setiap pembelajar bahasa, yaitu: kompetensi gramatikal, kompetensi sosio-linguistik, kompetensi wacana dan kompetensi strategi. kompetensi gramatikal adalah kompetensi linguistik. kompetensi sosio-linguistik adalah pemahaman mengenai konteks sosial dimana bahasa digunakan: peserta peran (participant). kompetensi wacana adalah kemampuan untuk menafsirkan rangkaian kalimat atau ungkapan dalam rangka membangun keutuhan makna dan keterpaduan teks sesuai dengan konteksnya. kompetensi strategi adalah kemampuan menguasai strategi komunikasi verbal dan non verbal untuk keperluan mengatasi kemacetan komunikasi yang terjadi karena kondisi tertentu. lingkungan bahasa piaget menyatakan bahwa anak menerima objek dan orang disekitarnya sebagai bagian dari dirinya sendiri. sementara vygotsky berpendapat bahwapemikiran anak berawal dari interaksi sosial dengan orang dewasa. dapat disimpulkan baik piaget maupun vygotski keduanya mensyaratkan adanya lingkungan yang memastikan terjadinya interaksi sehingga perkembangan 192 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) kognitif dapat mencapai puncaknya.sebab inti dari bahasa adalah alat komunikasi. sebagaimana menurut rappe (2015), manusia dan bahasa tidak dapat dipisahkan, hal ini disebabkan manusia dan sesamanya berinteraksi dengan media bahasa, baik bahasa verbal maupun nonverbal. berkaitan dengan tujuan komunikatif ini, maka dibutuhkan lingkungan bahasa agar terjadi perkembangan kognitif melalui pemerolehan maupun pembelajaran bahasa. hal ini sebagaimana disampaikan oleh stephen d. krashen (1981) menyatakan bahwa,”...two sorts of linguistic environments are constrasted: arficial, or formal environments, found for the most part in the classroom, and natural or informal environments...”lebih jauh stephen d. krashen (1981) mendefinisikan, the informal environment can be efficiently utilized by the adult second language learner. formal study, or its essential characteristics, is significantly more efficient than informal exposure in increasing second language proficiency in adults. lingkungan formal maupun informal keduanya sangatlah penting, yang pertama mengindikasikan pemerolehan bahasa secara alamiah, sementara yang kedua menandakan proses sadar belajar bahasa di ruang kelas mengenai kebahasaan. sehingga untuk membentuk sebuah pembelajaran bahasa arab yang kognitivistik diperlukan lingkungan bahasa arab yang memadai. penggunaan media konsep perangkat psikologis vygotsky memandang adanya hubungan antara penggunaan alat (simbol) dan perkembangan kognitif yang didasarkan pada pendapatnya bahwa tanda dan simbol kultural (dalam perkembangan atensi, abstraksi, bahasa, memori,operasi numerik, dan penalaran). media yang dimaksud disini adalah penggunaan simbol-simbol bahasa memiliki kedudukan sangat penting untuk meningkatkan proses perkembangan kognitif. media memungkinkan penalaran kognitif oleh individu atas suatu objek maupun peristiwa. sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh vygostki bahwa otak akan menjalankan proses penguasaan melalui lambang yang mana lambang-lambang ini akan memediasi perkembangan kemampuan kognitif. munir (2017) menjelaskan bahwa media pembelajaran adalah media komunikasi yang dipakai dalam berbagai lapangan pembelajaran yang berbeda-beda, dan 193 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) mengandung beberapa unsur yang prinsip dalam proses komunikasi pembelajaran.menurut bermawy munthe (2009) penggunaan media harus disertai dengan seorang guru yang memahami dirinya dan pembelajar dalam upaya memberikan pelayanan untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaranmisalnya mind mapping dan thinking map. kultur kultur disini merupakan basis dari epistemologi vygotskian mengenai proses perkembangan kognisi yang ditandai dengan simbol atau bahasa. mempelajari bahasa tidak terlepas dari mempelajari bagaimana bahasa digunakan dalam kehiupan seharihari. dalam kaitannya dengan pembelajaran bahasa arab penguasaan kompetensi interkultural menduduki posisi strategis. afdol tharik wastono (2017:4)menjelaskan bahwa, mengembangkan kompetensi interkultural mampu memunculkan sensitivitas budaya yang ditandai dengan perubahan dari yang tadinya “melihat realitas hanya dari sudut pandang budayanya sendiri” menuju pada “menyadari akan adanya banyak sudut pandang lain dalam budaya dunia ini”. kompetensi interkultural merupakan sebuah kemampuan untuk bergerak dari sikap “etnosentrik” menuju sikap menghargai budaya lain, sehingga menimbulkan kemampuan untuk berperilaku secara tepat dalam sebuah budaya yang berbeda. hal ini didasari pada kenyataan bahwa bahasa merupakan bagian dari sebuah produk budaya masyarakat tertentu.pada taraf selanjutnya, menurut hamka ( 2013) siswa yang telah memahami kultur bahasa arab akan mampu memandang masyarakat sebagai satu jaringan kerjasama kelompok yang saling membutuhkan satu sama lain dalam sistem yang harmonis.sehingga belajar kultur masyarakat pengguna bahasa arab asli sangat ditekankan dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab kognitivistik. tingkatan pembelajaran tingkatan pembelajaran dibagi oleh piaget menjadi beberapa tahap, yaitu:tahap sensori motor (0-1,5 tahun), tahap pra-operasional (1,5-6 tahun), tahap operasional konkrit (6-12 tahun), dan tahap operasional formal (12 tahun ke atas).sementara vygotsky tahapan vygotksky adalahtahap alamiah terjadi ketika anak mengandalkan pada proses mental elementer. tahap psikologi naif terjadi ketika anak berusaha menggunakan stimuli bantuan yang ada. tahap penggunaan lambang eksternal (usia 194 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) sekolah) terjadi ketika anak secara hati-hati memilih atau menata stimuli eksternal berkenaan dengan kebutuhan tugas. dan tahap penggunaan lambang internal terjadi ketika subjek (individu) mengandalkan pada stimuli internal yang dibuat sendiri. dalam pembelajaran kognitifistik sudah sepatutnya guru menyajikan proses pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan tingkat perkembangan kognitif anak. hal ini bertujuan agar pembelajar mengembangkan kemampuan kognitifnya secara maksimal serta mengantarkan mereka menuju pada tahap kognitif pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi. model pembelajaran dalam pengajaran bahasa, moh. sholeh (2014) menyebut wacana scaffolding vygotskian sering diterapkan oleh para guru, yakni suatu bentuk bantuan yang diberikan oleh guru selama tahap-tahap awal pembelajaran dan kemudian mengurangi bantuan tersebut dan memberikan kesempatan kepada anak mengambil alih tanggungjawab yang semakin besar segera setelah mampu mengerjakan sendiri. model pembelajaran kognitifistik yang perlu dikembangkan oleh guru, menurut julia jasmine (2007) harus disertai dengan pengenalan, pengakuan, dan penghargaan terhadap setiap atau berbagai cara pembelajar belajar, disamping pengenalan, pengakuan dan penghargaan terhadap setiap minat dan bakat masing-masing pembelajar.untuk itu, bagi buhori muslim (2016:108) guru didorong memiliki kreativitas yang tinggi untuk merancang strategi pembelajaran bahasa arab yang kreatif, inovatif dan produktif. “pencapaian konsep” dalam pembelajaran kognitifistik sebagaimana bruce joyce (2011:125), merupakan proses mencari dan mendaftar sifat-sifat yang dapat digunakan untuk membedakan contoh-contoh yang tepat dengan contoh-contoh yang tidak tepat dari berbagai kategori, sementara “pembentukan konsep" merupakan proses yang mengharuskan siswa menentukan dasar dimana mereka akan membangun kategori, dan “penemuan konsep” mengharuskan pembelajar menggambarkan sifat-sifat dari suatu kategori yang sudah terbentuk dalam pikiran orang lain dengan cara membandingkan dan membedakan contoh-contoh yang berisi karakteristik dari contohcontoh dan contoh yang tidak mengandung karakteristik dari contoh-contoh. sementara itu,umi baroroh (2018) telah menyusun beberapa teori model belajar bahasa arab yang disesuaikan dengan empat keterampilan bahasa. hal ini sangat penting diketahui oleh guru agar pengajaran disesuaikan dengan teori model belajar 195 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) pembelajar ini. pertama, model belajar bahasa arab untuk kompetensi reseptif, yaitu: model niteni bunyi, model niteni tulisan, model niteni kaidah, model membaca dan mengembangkan literatur, model siap belajar, model dicari guru, model mengerjakan tugas dengan sungguh-sungguh, model auotodidak, dan model tasyji’ al-lughah. kedua, model-model belajar bahasa arab untuk kompetensi produktif, yaitu: model menirukan bunyi, model menirukan tulisan, model menirukan struktur, model menulis diary, model khitobah, model teater, model membaca nyaring, dan lainnya. terdapat dua modus pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran kognitifistik. sebagaimana yang dijelaskan oleh m. hosnan (2014) yaitu strategi pembelajaran langsung, maksudnya proses pendidikan dimana peserta didik mengembangkan pengetahuan, kemampuan berpikir dan keterampilan psikomotorik melalui interaksi langsung dengan sumber belajar yang dirancang dalam silabus dan rpp. kedua, strategi pembelajaran tidak langsung, maksudnya adalah proses pendidikan yang terjadi selama proses pembelajaran langsung, tetapi tidak dirancang dalam kegiatan khusus. pembelajaran tidak langsung berkenaan dengan nilai dan sikap. berbeda dengan pengetahuan nilai dan sikap yang dilakukan dalam pembelajaran langsung oleh mata pelajaran tertentu. d. simpulan berdasarkan peneitian ini dapat dikatakan bahwa pembelajaran bahasa arab merupakan pembelajaran yang bersifat kognitivistik sebab berkaitan erat dengan proses pengembangan kognitif pemelajar. hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil artikel bahwa teori kognitif mengandung implikasi secara langsung terhadap pembelajaran bahasa arab dilihat dari sudut pandang piaget dan vygotsky dengan masing-masing karakteristiknya. teori kognitif dari keduanya berimplikasi pada beberapa aspek pembelajaran bahasa arab yaitu:aspek tujuan pembelajaran, aspek lingkungan bahasa, aspek penggunaan media, aspek kultur, aspek tingkatan pembelajaran dan aspek model pembelajaran. namun yang menjadi pertanyaan lanjutan adalah apakah pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di sekolah-sekolah sudah menerapkan prinsip teori kognitif dengan maksimal?. pertanyaan semacam ini hanya dapat dijawab dengan melakukan kajian lebih lanjut. 196 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) daftar pustaka anderson, l. w. & david r. k. 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(kokom, 2014) model pengajaran dan pembelajaran kontekstual atau contextual teaching learning (ctl) merupakan suatu konsepsi yang membantu guru mengaitkan konten mata pelajaran dengan situasi dunia nyata dan memotivasi siswa membuat hubungan antara pengetahuan dan penerapannya dalam kehidupn mereka sebagai anggota keluarga, warga negara, dan tenaga kerja. pengajaran kontekstual adalah pengajaran yang memungkinkan siswa-siswi tk sampai dengan sma untuk menguatkan, memperluas, dan menerapkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan akademik mereka dalam berbagai macam tatanan dalam sekolah dan luar sekolah agar dapat memecahkan masalah-masalah yang disimulasikan (trianto, 2013). salah satu strategi yang dianggap kontekstual dengan mendekatkan anak didik kepada proses alamiah pembelajaran, disebut dengan pendekatan kontekstual (contextual teaching and learning). pendekatan ctl menurut direktorat jenderal pendidikan dasar dan menengah, direktorat pendidikan lanjutan pertama depdiknas, disebutkan bahwa yang dimaksud dengan contextual teaching and learning merupakan konsep belajar yang membantu guru mengaitkan antara materi yang diajarkannya dengan situasi dunia nyata siswa dan mendorong siswa membuat hubungan antara pengetahuan yang dimilikinya dengan penerapannya dalam kehidupan mereka sebagai anggota keluarga dan masyarakat. perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat saat ini tidak bisa dihindari lagi pengaruhnya terhadap dunia pendidikan. tuntutan global menuntut dunia pendidikan untuk selalu senantiasa menyesuaikan perkembangan teknologi terhadap 135 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) usaha dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan, terutama penyesuaian penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi bagi dunia pendidikan khususnya dalam proses pembelajaran (rusman, 2013) adapun makna menguasai yang berkaitan dengan bahasa berarti dapat menggunakan (w.j.s, :1999). sedangkan mufradat adalah kosa kata atau kata-kata (a.w, 1997). jadi penguasaan mufradat berarti kesanggupan seseorang dalam menggunakan kosa kata arab dalam merangkai kalimat untuk berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan. pengajaran kosa kata hendaknya mempertimbangkan dari aspek penggunaannya bagi peserta didik, yaitu diawali dengan memberikan materi kosa kata yang banyak digunakan dalam keseharian dan berupa kata dasar. berdasarkan hasil pra observasi dalam pembelajaran guru masih menggunakan metode atau model pembelajaran lama seperti guru hanya menggunakan metode ceramah, sedangkan siswa hanya duduk diam dan mendengarkan penjelasan guru. guru juga hanya terpaku pada buku paket. hal ini membuat pembelajaran menjadi membosankan dan menimbulkan rasa malas pada siswa yang pada akhirnya berpengaruh pada nilai prestasi belajar siswa. keadaan semacam ini juga mempengaruhi tingkat pemahaman siswa pada apa yang sedang dipelajari. siswa hanya akan paham selama materi itu disampaikan. namun sesudahnya siswa akan lupa begitu saja karena konsep yang tertanam dalam pikiran siswa kurang begitu kuat. hal ini mengakibatkan rendahnya nilai hasil belajar siswa yang masih di bawah kriteria ketuntasan maksmal (kkm). dari sinilah perlu adanya perubahan pada proses pembelajaran yang dapat membuat siswa merasa bahwa apa yang mereka pelajari menjadi lebih bermakna dan tidak mudah hilang meski waktu pelaksanaan pembelajaran sudah lewat. untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut khususnya dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata peserta didik, penulis dalam penelitian ini mengangkat model pembelajaran contextual teaching and learning (ctl) berbasis informasi teknologi (it) untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata (mufradat) siswa kelas vii. model pembelajaran ctl merupakan konsep belajar yang membantu guru mengaitkan antara materi yang diajarkan dengan situasi dunia nyata siswa dan mendorong siswa membuat hubungan antara pengetahuan yang dimilikinya dengan penerapannya dalam kehidupan mereka sebagai anggota keluarga dan masyarakat. hal ini dimaksudkan agar siswa lebih tertarik 136 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) dengan apa yang sedang dipelajari, memperkuat daya ingat siswa pada apa yang dipelajari dan membantu siswa dalam memahami apa yang sedang dipelajari. a. metode penelitian jenis penelitian penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (ptk).penelitian tindakan kelas berkembang dari penelitian tindakan. menurut burns penelitian tindakan adalah penerapan berbagai fakta yang ditemukan untuk memecahkan masalah dalam situasi sosial untuk meningkatkan kualitas tindakan yang dilakukan dengan melibatkan kolaborasi dan kerja sama peneliti dan praktisi. penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research) adalah sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh guru di kelasnya sendiri dengan jalan merencanakan, melaksanakan, dan merefleksikan tindakan secara kolaboratif dan partisipatif dengan tujuan untuk memperbaiki kinerjanya sebagai guru, sehingga hasil belajar siswa dapat meningkat.(sanjaya, 2013) desain penelitian penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang berfokus pada upaya untuk merubah kondisi ril sekarang ke-arah kondisi yang diharapkan. penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas vii. setiap siklus tindakan meliputi perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. dalam penelitian ini langkah-langkah yang dilaksanakan mengacu pada model john elliot setiap siklus atau tahapan tindakan meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. gambar 1: model siklus john elliot 137 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) tahap persiapan penelitian kelas pada tahap awal peneliti mengamati keadaan dan kemampuan siswa melalui observasi, antara lain bagaimana gambaran, perilaku siswa baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas, perhatian dan keterlibatan siswa dalam pembelajaran, kemampuan guru mengajar, sikap siswa terhadap mata pelajaran, penggunaan metode guru dalam mengajar, kurikulum yang digunakan, hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran bahasa arab. tahap perencanaan tindakan sesuai karakteristik pembelajaran dengan pendekatan realistik, maka rencana tindakan yang dilakukan adalah: 1) pendahuluan. pendidik menyampaikan topik yang akan dipelajari. 2) peserta didik diberi pertanyaan dan diberi kesempatan untuk mengingat pengalaman yang dialaminya saat liburan, dan kemudian diminta untuk menyampaikan dalam bentuk cerita atau dialog berpasangan. 3) kemudian pendidik menyampaikan teks dengan suatu judul di atas dan menghubungkan pengalaman-pengalaman peserta didik dengan teks yang akan diajarkan. tahap pelaksanaan tindakan berdasarkan hasil observasi bahwa kurikulum yang diterapkan di mts al-falah adalah menggunakan kurikulum 2013. pelaksanaan tindakan di kelas didasarkan rencana tindakan yang dituangkan pada rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (rpp) yang telah disusun. oleh karena itu pelaksanaan tindakan diupayakan tidak menyimpang dari rencana tindakan. pada tahap pelaksanaan pembelajaran meliputi kegiatan awal, kegiatan inti, dan kegiatan penutup serta pelaksanaannya mengikuti alur satuan acara pembelajaran kurikulum 2013 yang sedang berlaku di sekolah sekarang. monitoring (observasi) monitoring atau observasi adalah mengamati proses pembelajaran yaitu interaksi guru-siswa di kelas. kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian adalah observasi guru mengajar dengan menggunakan pedoman pemantauan proses belajar yang disusun bersama-sama dengan guru mata pelajaran bahasa arab. dalam hal ini pengamatan 138 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) dilakukan oleh peneliti dibantu oleh seorang observer agar dalam pelaksanaan tindakan guru selaku praktisi dapat menjalankan prosesnya dengan baik agar hasilnya maksimal. refleksi refleksi merupakan kegiatan mengevaluasi proses dan hasil tindakan oleh peneliti dan guru beserta obsever ii yang terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan yang dilaksanakan. refleksi dalam penelitian tindakan adalah mengkaji apa yang telah dihasilkan atau yang belum tuntas dengan tindakan perbaikan yang telah dilakukan. berdasarkan hasil refleksi, maka tindakan berikutnya dapat ditentukan. b. hasil dan pembahasan hasil sebelum melaksanakan tindakan, peneliti mengadakan pertemuan awal dengan kepala sekolah dan guru bahasa arab yang mengajar di kelas vii madrasah tsanawiyah al-falah kab. gorontalo. pada tahap ini peneliti mendiskusikan instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian. salah satunya adalah pemberian tes sebagai instrumen dalam mengukur kemampuan awal dan akhir siswa, selain itu juga peneliti menyodorkan format observasi untuk didiskusikan bersama dengan guru bahasa arab. hal yang pertama dilakukan adalah memberikan pre-tes (tes awal) pada siswa. pre tes pada penelitian ini diberikan kepada 20 orang peserta didik kelas vii d madrasah tsanawiyah al-falah. berdasarkan hasil analisis pada tes pertama atau pre tes, diperoleh informasi bahwa pada umumnya kemampuan peserta didik dalam penguasaan kosa kata sangat rendah bahkan belum ada yang tuntas. untuk lebih jelas dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut: tabel i hasil analisis pre tes penguasaan kosa kata (mufradat) no rentang nilai kategori penilaian jumlah siswa presentase (%) keterangan 1 90-100 istimewa 2 75-89 baik 3 60-74 cukup 3 orang 15% t. tuntas 139 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 4 40-59 rendah 9 orang 45% t. tuntas 5 0-39 sangat rendah 8 orang 40% t. tuntas jumlah 20 orang 100% % ketuntasan siswa 20 orang 0% t. tuntas 0 orang sumber data: olahan data pre tes siklus i. berdasarkan tabel i menunjukan bahwa penguasaan kosa kata kelas vii d madrasah tsanawiyah al-falah masih rendah. oleh karena itu perlu adanya tindakan pada siklus i. sebagai usaha meningkatkan penguasaan mufradat peserta didik kelas vii d madrasah tsanawiyah al-falah dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kontekstual berbasis it. dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dua siklus yaitu tindakan siklus i dan siklus ii yang masing-masing siklus terdiri dari 2 kali pertemuan. tahap perencanan kegiatan berdasarkan hasil pre tes sebelumnya menunjukan bahwa penguasaan kosa kata (mufadat) peserta didik kelas vii d madrasah tsanawiyah al-falah sangat rendah, maka kegiatan ini dilanjutkan ke siklus ke i. kegiatan siklus ke i terlebih dahulu dimulai dengan tahap perencanaan adapun perencanaan tersebut yaitu: menyusun langkah-langkah pembelajaran yang tertuang dalam rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (rpp). pada tindakan siklus ke i ini peneliti mengajar selama 2 kali pertemuan dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kontekstual berbasi it untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata, kegiatan yang dilakukan selama 2 kali pertemuan tersebut dapat dilihat di rpp. untuk memudahkan pengamatan proses pelaksanaan tindakan peneliti dibantu oleh seorang pendidik bahasa arab yang bertindak sebagai observer. tahap pelaksanaan tindakan pertemuan siklus i ini dimulai dengan kegiatan awal/pendahuluan, kegiatan inti dan kegiatan akhir/penutup, dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kontekstual berbasis it untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata (mufadat). observasi pelaksanaan obsevarsi dilakukan pada saat poroses pembelajaran berlangsung yaitu observasi kegiatan pendidik dan kegiatan peserta didik sebagai berikut: 140 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) hasil observasi kegiatan guru hasil observasi kegiatan guru pada proses pembelajaran siklus i setelah dianalisis presentase keberhasilan tindakan masih ada yang kurang, yaitu 5 dari 14 kriteria kurang atau mencapai 36 %. dan kriteria cukup 7 dari 14 mencapai 50%.sedangkan kriteria 2 dari 14 kriteria atau menacapai 14%. ini berarti bahwa target keberhasilan siklus pertama belum tercapai. oleh karena itu perlu ditingkatkan lagi melalui tindakan siklus berikutnya. hasil observasi kegiatan peserta didik observasi kegiatan peserta didik ini diadakan untuk melihat peningkatan kalam peserta didik kelas vii d madrasah tsanawiyah al-falah melalui model pembelajaran kontekstual berbasis it. adapun hasil observasi kegiatan peserta didik kelas vii d madrasah tsanawiyah al-falah, kegiatan peserta didik pada siklus i memiliki kriteria nilai cukup yaitu 3 dari 5 kriteria cukup mencapai 60% dan yang memilki kriteria nilai kurang yaitu 2 dari 5 kriteria atau mencapai 40%, pada tabel ini juga ada tiga kriteria memiliki nilai 0% oleh karena itu perlu ditingkatkan melalui siklus berikutnya. setelah dua kali pertemuan pada siklus i maka peneliti memberikan pos tes kepada peserta didik untuk mengukur sejauh mana peningkatanmufradat dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab. data peningkatanmufradat peserta didik tersebut diambil dengan menggunakan instrument yang sama, yang diberikan pada waktu pengumpulan data awal pre tes. instrument tersebut diberikan pada setiap akhir pelaksanaan tindakan. hasil perolehan nilai pada tindakan siklus i dapat dilihat pada table berikut ini: tabel ii hasil tindakan post tes siklus i no rentang nilai kategori penilaian jumlah peserta didik presentase (%) keterangan 1 90-100 sangat baik 1 orang 5% 2 75-89 baik 6 orang 30% tuntas 3 60-74 cukup 4 orang 20% tidak tuntas 4 40-59 rendah 7 orang 35% tidak tuntas 5 0-39 sangat rendah 2 orang 10% 141 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) jumlah 20 orang % ketuntasan peserta didik 13 orang 65% tidak tuntas 7 orang 35% tuntas sumber data: olahan data pos tes siklus i berdasarkan table ii di atas menunjukan bahwa penguasaan kosa kata (mufradat) peserta didik kelas vii d belum meningkat. dimana jumlah peserta didik yang memiliki kategori nilai sangat baik 1 orang peserta didik (5%) berkisar pada nilai 90-100, 6 orang peserta didik (30%) yang kategori nilai baik atau berkisar pada nilai 75-89, 4 orang peserta didik (20%). kategori nilai cukup atau berkisar 60-74, 7 orang peserta didik (35%). kategori nilai rendah atau berkisar 40-59, 2 orang peserta didik (10%), dan kategori nilai sangat rendah atau berkisar 0-39. refleksi berdasarkan hasil siklus i tersebut dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa penguasaan kosa kata peserta didik kelas vii d belum mencapai 75%. hal ini disebabkan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pendidik dan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran belum maksimal seperti yang kita lihat pada hasil observasi pendidik dan peserta didik. dalam hasil observasi pendidik keberhasilan tindakan masih ada yang kurang, yaitu 5 dari 14 kriteria atau mencapai 36 %, kriteria cukup 7 dari 20 mencapai 50%. sedangkan kriteria baik 2 dari 14 kriteria atau 14%, sedangkan kriteria sangat baik 0%. hal ini berarti bahwa target keberhasilan siklus pertama belum tercapai. sehingga peneliti melanjutkan tindakan ini pada siklus ii. dengan beberapa perbaikan sebagai berikut. a) pendidik memberikan bantuan dan bimbingan untuk mempermudah peserta didik dalam menigkatkan penguasaan kosa kata dalam bahasa arab. b) memberikan penjelasan yang lebih matang lagi tentang materi yang diajarkan agar peserta didik menguasai materi tersebut. c) mengubah materi yang akan digunakan yaitu materi tentang بيتي kegiatan siklus ii tahap perencanaan kegiatan dalam pelaksanaan tindakan pada siklus ii peneliti menyusun kembali rancangan tindakan yang akan dilaksanakan yaitu: menyusun kembali langkah-langkah pembelajaran yang tertuang dalam rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (rpp), 142 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) mempersiapakan lembar obsevasi, mempersiapakan sarana dengan materi yang akan digunakan dalam pembelajaran, dan tindakan yang disusun pada siklus ii ini mengacu pada perbaikan-perbaikan masalah yang terdapat pada refleksi. tahap pelaksanaan tindakan dalam pelaksanaan tindakan pada siklus ii peneliti masih bersama pendidik sebagai kolaborator melakukan observasi selama pembelajaran berlanjut. tahap-tahap pembelajaran pada siklus ini sedikit berbeda dengan tahap-tahap pada siklus i yaitu kegiatan inti dengan menggunakan materi tentang بيتي . observasi pelaksanaan observasi dilakukan pada saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung yaitu obsevasi kegiatan pendidik dan kegiatan peserta didik sebagai berikut: hasil obsevasi kegiatan pendidik obsevasi kegiatan peserta didik ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi seperti yang dilakukan pada siklus i untuk mengamati proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh pendidik. lembar observasi juga masih tetap berdasarkan penilaian observasi terhadap kegiatan peneliti yang bertindak sebagai pendidik. pada proses pembelajaran siklus ii maka hasilnya dapat menunjukan bahwa kegiatan pendidik pada proses pembelajaran siklus ii setelah dianalisis presentase keberhasilan sudah meningkat sebab dalam kriteria yang ada pada hasil observasi sudah tidak ada kegiatan pendidik pada kriteria kurang sekali, kurang mencapi 0% dan kriteria baik mencapai 50% juga, kriteria baik sekali 57%. hasil observasi kegiatan peserta didik observasi kegiatan peserta didik ini diadakan melalui dalam peningkatkan kalam bahasa arab peserta didik kelas vii d madrasah tsanawiyah al-falah, dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kontekstual berbasis it. adapun hasil observasi kegiatan peserta didik kelas vii d madrasah tsanawiyah al-falah bahwa kegiatan peserta didik pada proses pembelajaran siklus ii setelah dianalisis presentase keberhasilan sudah mencapai indikator yang diinginkan sebab dalam kriteria yang ada pada hasil observasi sudah tidak ada kegiatan peserta didik pada kriteria cukup, kurang, sekali atau mencapai 0%. 143 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) setelah tiga kali pertemuan pada siklus ii maka peneliti memberikan tes yang diberikan setiap akhir siklus dan hasil perolehan nilai dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut ini: tabel iii hasil analisis tindakan pos tes siklus ii no rentang nilai kategori penilaian jumlah peserta didik presentase (%) keterangan 1 90-100 sangat baik 9 orang 45% tuntas 2 75-89 baik 9 orang 45% tuntas 3 60-74 cukup 2 orang 10% tidak tuntas 4 40-59 rendah 5 0-39 sangat rendah jumlah 20 orang 100% % ketuntasan peserta didik 18 orang 90% tuntas 2 orang 10% tidak tuntas sumber data: olahan data pos tes siklus ii berdasarkan tabel iii di atas menunjukan bahwa penguasaan mufradat dalam bahasa arab peserta didik sudah mencapai 90%. jumlah peserta didik yang memiliki kategori nilai sangat baik yaitu 9 orang peserta didik (45%) berkisar pada nilai 90-100, ada 9 orang peserta didik (45%) yang kategori nilai baik atau berkisar pada nilai 75-89, dan 2 orang peserta didik (10%) memiliki kategori yang cukup atau berkisar 60-74. sedangkan peserta didik memiliki kategori nilai rendah dan nilai sangat rendah itu sudah tidak ada lagi (0%). refleksi pada siklus ii terjadi peningkatan yang sangat baik, yaitu sejumlah 18 orang peserta didik tuntas dalam penguasaan mufradat, dan hanya 2 orang peserta didik masih belum tuntas, sekalipun meningkat tapi belum mencapai ketuntasan. peningkatan jumlah peserta didik yang mendapatkan nilai yang baik menunjukan bahwa peserta didik tidak hanya dapat meningkatkan jumlah mufradatyang mereka miliki, awalnya sebagian belum menguasai mufradat dengan baik yang ada dalam instrument dan setelah diadakannya kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh peneliti, maka peserta didik telah mengetahui peningkatan mufradat. 144 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) peneliti mengamati bahwa kegiatan yang dilakukan selama dua siklus telah membuahkan hasil yang positif, ketelitian pendidik dalam mengajar serta kerja sama yang baik antara peserta didik dengan pendidik melalui strategi penerapan model pembelajaran kontekstual berbasis it ,dengan materi بيتي. berdasarkan hasil tindakan siklus ii dapat disimpulkan bahwa peserta didik kelas vii d madrasah tsanawiyah al-falah berhasil dan mencapai nilai 90% dalam penguasaan mufradat. oleh sebab itu penelitian tindakan kelas ini hanya sampai tindakan siklus ii. pembahasan kegiatan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan di kelas vii d madrasah tsanawiyah al-falah kecamatan limboto barat kabupaten gorontalo dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata dilakukan dengan 3 tahap tindakan meliputi observasi awal atau pre tes, siklus i dan siklus ii diperoleh sebagaimana yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. adapun tindakan refleksinya atau analisis dan evaluasi kegiatan observasi dan evaluasi kegiatan observasi awal atau pre tes, siklus i dan siklus ii dari penelitian tindakan kelas ini dapat dilihat dalam tabel berikut: tabel. iv presentase ketuntasan penguasaan (mufradat) kelas vii d madrasah tsanawiyah al-falah. siklus jumlah peserta didik tuntas jumlah peserta didik tidak tuntas presentase % ketuntasan pre tes 20 orang 0% i 7 orang 13 35% ii 18 orang 2 orang 90% berdasarkan tabel iv terlihat bahwa presentase ketuntasan pada observasi awal atau pre tes hanya 0% (tidak ada peserta didik yang tuntas), pada pre tes hasil nilai ini yang diperoleh peserta didik berkisar pada rentang nilai 0-65. setelah dianalisis hasil observasi awal atau pre tes, diperoleh infomasi bahwa pada umumnya mereka kesulitan dalam meningkatkan kosa kata(mufradat), baik dalam penguasaan mufradat itu sendiri. dari beberapa soal, itupun masih terdapat kesalahan dalam menjawab. kesalahan 145 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) menjawab ini bukan hanya pada satu dua orang saja tetapi rata-rata dari 20 orang peserta didik kelas vii d madrasah tsanawiyah al-falah hampir semua mereka salah menjawab soal. pada siklus i terlebih dahulu pendidik melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa arab dengan langkah-langkah sebagai kegiatan awal di mulai dengan membaca doa dan mengecek kehadiran peserta didik, pendidik bersama peserta didik mengecek kesiapan perangkat pemebelajaran, pendidik menyampaikan informasi tentang informasi yang akan disampaikan, meliputi kompotensi dasar, indikator pencapaian dan pada kegiatan inti pendidik menjelaskan materi tentang بيتي. setelah diberi tindakan pada siklus i maka dalam meningkatkan kosa kata(mufradat)meningkat 35% dengan pencapaian nilai 35% seperti yang dilihat pada tabel xiv, hasil analisis dari pos tes yang telah diberikan pada akhir siklus i, sebagian besar peserta didik belum paham dalam meningkatkan kosa kata(mufradat) dengan benar. tindakan yang dilakukan pada siklus ii ini lebih mengarah pada pembimbingan dan melatih peserta didik terus menerus untuk meningkatkanpenguasaan kosa kata dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab dengan meteri yang berbeda yaitu tentang يتي ب strategi yang digunakan pada siklus ii. berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapaan model pembelajaran kontekstual berbasis it dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata (mufradat)peserta didik kelas vii d madrasah tsanawiyah al-falah, seperti yang telah dijabarkan sebelumnya. c. simpulan dari hasil penelitian, dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran bahasa arab di mts alfalah, dengan penerapan model pembelajaran kontekstual berbasisi it, dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata bahasa arab (mufradat). selain itu, pembelajaran bahasa arab yang dikemas dalam model pembelajaran konstekstual berbasis it memberikan dampak yang baik pada saat proses pembelajaran. peserta didik menjadi lebih aktif, baik itu dalam hal memahami, menganalisis, serta bertanya terhadap materi yang diajarkan. kondisi belajar menjadi menyenangkan dan tidak membosankan bagi peserta didik, serta yang lebih penting lagi materi yang diajarkan dapat diterima dengan 146 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) baik oleh peserta didik itu sendiri. walaupun belum sepenuhnya berjalan secara optimal. hal ini terlihat dari hasil capaian peserta didik yang tidak semua mampu meraih hasil yang baik dari serangkaian tes penilaian yang diberikan oleh peneliti, dan tidak semua peserta didik mampu menguasai mufradat yang diberikan secara baik yang berdampak pada nilai yang mereka peroleh. namun jika melihat statistik pencapain nilai, terjadi peningkatan yang singnifikan karena peserta didik telah mampu memperoleh nilai yang baik atau telah mencapai standar nilai kelulusan, walaupun ada beberapa peserta didik saja yang belum mampu meraih nilai yang baik. akan tetapi jika melihat rata-rata dari keseluruhan nilai, hampir 80% peserta didik lulus dan 20% peserta didik yang hanya memperoleh nilai standard dan tidak lulus. 147 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) daftar pustaka arsyad a. 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(1997). kamus al-munawir,surabaya; pustaka progressif. 148 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) iain sultan amai gorontalo volume 4, nomor 2, agustus 2019 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) kontribusi al-khalil bin ahmad al-farahidi dalam ilmu-ilmu bahasa arab damhuri dj. noor (1) muhtar i. miolo (2) iain sultan amai gorontalo abstrak artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang perkembangan ilmuilmu bahasa arab di tangan al-khalil bin ahmad al-farahidi. meskipun bukan perintis pertama ilmu nahwu dan sharf, namun dia dipandang sebagai peletak kaidah-kaidah formal nahwu dan sharf. sumbangsih al-khalil dalam bidang nahwu dan sharf, antara lain melakukan kodifikasi semua kasus kebahasaan yang telah dilakukan pendahulnya, kemudian menyempurnakan kaidah-kaidah analogi, merumuskan istilah-istilah teknis ilmu nahwu dan sharf, melakukan formulasi kaidah-kaidah morfologi dan menciptakan tanda baca dalam bahasa arab. selain pakar dalam bidang ilmu-ilmu kebahasaan, dia juga memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang ilmu-ilmu syariat dan matematika. lebih dari itu, dia memiliki bakat luar bisa dalam bidang seni musik dan merangkai nada. kecerdasannya dalam kedua bidang terakhir ini membantunya dalam menciptakan kaidah-kaidah ilmu al‘arudh dan al-qawafi. abstract this article seeks to explain the development of arabic linguistics in the hands of al-khalil bin ahmad al-farahidi. although not the first pioneers of the science of nahwu and sharf, he was seen as the layer of the formal rules of nahwu and sharf. his contribution in the nahwu and sharf field includes, codified all linguistic cases that had been carried out by the predecessor. he then perfected the analogous rules, formulated technical terms nahwu and sharf, formulated morphological rules, and created punctuation in arabic. in addition to having expertise in the field of linguistics, he also has extensive knowledge in the sciences of sharia and mathematics. more than that, he has an extraordinary talent in the field of music arts and stringing. his intelligence in the last two areas helped him in creating the principles of the science of al-udarudh and al-qawafi. keywords: al-khalil bin ahmad alfarahidi; nahwu and sharf; linguistics; aludarudh and alqawafi 149 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) a. pendahuluan sebuah disiplin ilmu tidaklah lahir sekaligus di tangan seseorang. sebuah ilmu mencapai kematangannya melalui sejarah panjang dan usaha yang berkesinambungan dari para tokohnya. hal ini pula berlaku pada disiplin ilmu-ilmu bahasa arab, khususnya ilmu nahwu dan sharf. meskipun sebuah disiplin ilmu tidak lahir sekaligus di tangan seorang ulama, namun dapat dikatakan bahwa al-khalil adalah tokoh sebenarnya yang meletakkan kaidah-kaidah dasar ilmu nahwu, sharf, dan ‘arudh (prosedi), yang selanjutnya menjadi referensi ulama-ulama berikutnya dalam mengembangkan kajian-kajian kebahasaan dan kesusasteraan. al-khalil adalah sosok yang senantiasa haus dengan ilmu pengetahuan. hal itulah yang memotivasinya berpetualang ke bagdad dan khurasan untuk berguru dari ulama-ulama populer pada saat itu. kepakaran al-khalil bukan hanya dalam disiplin ilmu kebahasaan, tapi juga dalam ilmu-ilmu keislaman lainnya. sebagai seorang tokoh, al-khalil melahirkan sejumlah ulama besar yang populer, khususnya dalam bidang kebahasaan, di antaranya: sibawaih, al-ashmu’i dan al-nadhr bin syumail. sebagai seorang yang berjiwa akademisi, al-khalil termasuk ulama sangat produktif dalam menulis. oleh sebab itu, al-khalil melahirkan sejumlah karya kebahasaan yang monumental, di antaranya kitab al-‘ain. karya-karya besar yang pernah ia lahirkan, sebagian sampai ke tangan kita, dan sebagian lainnya tidak diketahui jejaknya. sumbangsih al-khalil dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan menyebabkan ia mendapatkan apresiasi cukup besar dari para ulama sesudahnya, dan menjadi rujukan keilmuan dalam bidang kebahasaan dan kesusasteraan arab, khususnya ilmu nahwu, sharf, dan ilmu ‘arudh. dari uraian di atas, kajian ini membahas tentang biografi seorang al-khalil bin ahmad al-farahidi. selain itu, kajian ini juga menelisik lebih jauh mengenai perkembangan ilmu-ilmu bahasa arab di tangan al-khalil bin ahmad al-farahidi. biografi al-khalil nama lengkapnya ialah al-khalil bin ahmad bin ‘amru bin tamim abu ‘abd al-rahman al-bashri al-farahidi al-nahwi (al-yamani, 1986). ia dilahirkan di kota oman, tepatnya di daerah pantai teluk persia, tahun 100 h. dalam usianya yang sangat muda, ia diboyong oleh keluarganya ke basrah. di sana ia dibesarkan dan mengecap pendidikan pertamanya. al-khalil termasuk salah seorang ulama yang memiliki garis keturunan arab asli. ia memiliki jalur nasab dari farhud dari kabilah al-azd. meskipun ia popular dengan gelar al-farahidi, namun sebagian sejarawan menyebutnya dengan al-farhudi, yang diatributkan kepada farhud (al-farahidi, 2003). 150 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) sejak usia dini, al-khalil sudah mengasah kecerdasannya melalui berbagai forum-forum kajian ilmiah yang gelar oleh ulama hadis, fikih, ahli bahasa dan nahwu. ia mencurahkan waktunya untuk belajar dari isa bin ‘amru dan abu ‘amr bin al-‘ala’. selain itu, ia gemar belajar ilmu-ilmu dari bangsa-bangsa non arab, khususnya matematika. al-khalil memiliki persahabatan yang sangat akrab dengan ibn almuqaffa’. ia membaca semua ilmu yang diterjemahkan oleh ibnu al-muqaffa’, khususnya logika aristoteles. selain itu, ia gemar membaca hasil terjemahan orang lain, khususnya dalam seni musik yang berasal dari yunani. hasil pembacaan tersebut membuat ia mahir dalam seni musik (dheef, 1968). terdapat berbagai pendapat tentang pandangan teologisnya. ada yang mengatakan bahwa al-khalil menganut paham khariji atau ‘ibadhi (al-ibadhiyah) atau shufri. adapula yang mengatakan bahwa al-khalil menganut paham syiah imamiyah. hal ini didasarkan pada informasi bahwa al-khalil adalah sahabat karib dari imam alshadiq (khaqani, 1425 h.). al-khalil termasuk orang yang tidak beruntung dari segi materi. kesibukannya dalam menuntut ilmu dan mengembangkan kemampuan intelektualnya, menyebabkan ia tidak memiliki ambisi untuk mengejar kesenangan duniawi (al-farahidi, 2003). jalan hidup sederhana yang ia pilih bukan karena tidak memiliki akses untuk menjadi orang kaya. pilihan itu lebih dipengaruhi oleh keinginannya untuk bebas dari belenggu kesenangan duniawi (ya’qub, 2006). dalam sebuah riwayat disinyalir bahwa suatu hari, gubernur sulaiman bin abdul malik mengirim utusan untuk tinggal bersamanya di istana dan menjadi guru bagi putranya. namun, ia menolak dengan argumen bahwa ia bukan sosok yang terbuai dengan harta dan kesenangan duniawi. ketika utusan gubernur bertandan ke rumahnya, ia menjamunya dengan roti kering lalu mempersilahkan makan. ia berkata: “saya tidak memiliki lebih dari itu. selama saya masih mampu memperoleh roti seperti itu, maka tidak ada kebutuhan saya untuk memenuhi ajakan gubernur”. mendengar sikap alkhalil tersebut, utusan gubernur berkata: “apa yang saya harus katakan kepada gubernur?. selanjutnya, al-khalil melantunkan bait-bait syair sebagai berikut (alsairafi, 1995): َوفِي ِغنًى َغْيَر أَنِِّْي لَْسُت ذَا أَْبِلْغ ُسِلْيَماَن أَنِِّْي َعْنَك فِْي َسعَة َمال يَُمْوُت ُهْزالً َوالَ يَْبقَى على َحال َسخَّى بِنَْفِسَي أَنِِّي الَ أََرى أََحدًا sampaikan kepada gubernur sulaiman, saya sangat lapang dan kaya tanpa kamu 151 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) meskipun saya bukan orang yang berharta saya merasa lapang dengan diriku saya tidak melihat ada orang yang mati karena kurus dan tidak melihat ada orang abadi dalam suatu keadaan tampaknya al-khalil menyadari bahwa kesenangan duniawi sangat potensial untuk meninabobokkan seseorang dan menyebabkan hatinya lalai dari pola hidup yang produktif. al-khalil adalah sosok yang sangat cerdas dan senantiasa merasa haus dengan ilmu pengetahuan. kehausan ilmiah tersebut mendorongnya berpetualang dari satu daerah ke daerah lain untuk memuaskan hasratnya tersebut. pertama, ia berangkat menuju bagdad untuk bertemu dengan khalifah al-mahdi. kemudian ia melanjutkan perjalannya menuju khurasan dan menemui al-laits bin rafi’ (gubernur khurasan). persahabatan tersebut mendorong al-khalil untuk memberikan hadiah kepada al-laits. namun ia menyadari bahwa hadiah dalam bentuk materi tidak akan berarti apa-apa di sisi al-laits. oleh sebab itu, ia menulis kitab al-‘ain dan menghadiahkannya kepadanya al-laits. selanjutnya, ia berangkat menuju al-ahwaz. namun ia tidak tinggal lama di sana akibat ketidakpuasannya dengan imbalan yang diberikan oleh sulaiman bin habib, gubernur ahwaz, yang lebih sedikit dibanding dengan ilmuan lainnya (ya’qub, 2006). al-khalil menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir di basrah. mengenai tahun wafatnya, terdapat beberapa versi. ada pendapat yang mengatakan tahun 175 h., dan adapula yang mengatakan tahun 160 h., serta ada yang berpendapat tahun 130 h. tentang sebab kematiannya, juga dijumpai beberapa versi. ada yang mengatakan bahwa ia berpikir untuk menciptakan cara berhitung untuk memudahkannya dalam berbagai hal. untuk mewujudkan ide tersebut, ia masuk ke sebuah masjid dan memulai menciptakan rumus-rumus matematika. tiba-tiba ia diserang stroke yang menyebabkan kematiaannya. adapula yang mengatakan bahwa ia sedang menyusun rumus pemenggalan bait-bait syair (maqtha’ bahr) (ya’qub, 2006). murid al-khalil yang paling populer adalah sibawaih. karya sibawaih dalam ilmu bahasa arab mencerminkan keakrabannya dengan al-khalil. sebagian besar informasi tentang kaidah kebahasaan, dikutip oleh sibawaih dari al-khalil. selain sibawaih, murid-murid al-khalil antara lain: al-ashmu’i dan al-nadhr bin syumail. sedangkan gurunya antara lain: ayyub dan ‘ashim al-ahwal (al-suyuthi, 1979). ulama-ulama yang lahir di tangan al-khalil menunjukkan kepakarannya, khususnya dalam ilmu-ilmu kebahasaan. sumbangsih al-khalil dalam bidang nahwu dan sharf 152 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) sebuah ilmu pengetahuan tidaklah sempurna secara spontan, tetapi melalui fasefase panjang sampai menemukan bentuknya yang formal. panjangnya sejarah yang dilalui sebuah ilmu pengetahuan menyebabkan sering terjadi kekaburan tentang orang yang pertama kali merintis ilmu tertentu. hal ini juga terjadi dalam bidang nahwu. dijumpai sejumlah versi tentang orang yang pertama kali meletakkan kaidah-kaidah nahwu. sebagian berpendapat adalah nashr bin ashim, sementara yang lain menyebut abd al-rahman bin hurmuz, dan mayoritas ulama mengatakan abu al-aswad alduwali. al-khalil bukanlah orang pertama yang merintis formulasi kaidah-kaidah nahwu dan sharf. ia hanya melanjutkan proyek besar dalam ilmu nahwu yang telah dirintis oleh para ahli nahwu sejak abu al-aswad al-duwali sampai masa al-khalil. dalam upaya formalisasi ilmu nahwu dan sharf, al-khalil merupakan simbol nyata berkembangnya ilmu nahwu dan sharf. bahkan al-khalil dipandang oleh sebagian ulama sebagai peletak sebenarnya dari ilmu nahwu secara formal sebagaimana dikenal saat ini (al-rajihi, 1980). adapun langkah-langkah yang ditempuh dalam mengkodifikasi kaidah nahwu dan sharf, antara lain sebagai berikut: a. mengumpulkan semua kasus yang terkait dengan kaidah kebahasaan yang telah dirintis pendahulunya, kemudian meluruskan dan menyempurnakan kaidahkaidah analogi dalam berbagai masalah nahwu. al-khalil memiliki rasa bahasa yang sangat kuat yang menyebabkan ia memiliki pengetahuan mendalam tentang rahasia-rahasia ungkapan dan kata dalam bahasa arab yang belum dimiliki ulama sezamannya. ia memandang bahwa usaha-usaha yang ia lakukan bersama para pendahulunya sebagai karya dan perjuangan besar. oleh sebab itu, ia berkata bahwa “ulama-ulama sezamannya merupakan wali allah. jika mereka tidak tergolong sebagai ilmuan dan wali allah, maka siapa lagi yang patut menyandang gelar waliyullah (al-sairafi, 1995). tidak disangsikan bahwa sibawaih adalah tokoh yang menyempurnakan kaidah ilmu nahwu dan sharf. namun tidak dipungkiri bahwa al-khalil adalah sosok yang memperluas kerangka ilmu nahwu dan sharf. b. merumuskan sejumlah istilah teknis dalam ilmu nahwu dan sharf yang belum dirumuskan pendahulunya. di antara istilah teknis yang diciptakan al-khalil adalah: al-mubtada’, al-khabar, kana dan inna wa akhawatuha, al-af’al allazimah dan al-muta’ddiyah ila maf’ulin wahid aw maf’ulain aw mafa’il, alfa’il, maf’ul dalam berbagai bentuknya, al-hal, al-tamyiz, al-tawabi’, al-nida, alnudbah, al-istigashah, al-tarkhim, al-mamnu’ min al-sharf, tashrif al-af’al, al153 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) maqshur, al-mamdud, al-mahmuz, al-mudhmar, al-muzakkar, al-muannats, almu’rab dan al-mabni (dheef, 1968). c. merumuskan istilah teknis yang terkait dengan tanda i’rab. ia yang menciptakan istilah tanda i’rab pada isim yang dinekal dengan istilah al-raf’u, al-nashab, dan al-khafdh. ia pula yang memberi nama bagi harakat mabni dengan nama dhammah, fathah, dan kasrah. sedang yang sukun ia namai dengan waqf. kasrah yang tidak bertanwin ia sebut dengan jar, sebagaimana ia sebut sukun di akhir fi’il mudhari’ yang majzum dengan nama jazam. ia berpendapat bahwa alif, ya, dan waw pada bentuk mutsanna dan jamak muzakkar salim sekaligus berfungsi sebagai tanda i’rab. pandangan ini bertentangan dengan pandangan almazni, al-mubarrid, dan al-akhfasy sa’id bin mas’adah yang memandang bahwa huruf-huruf tersebut hanyalah indikator i’rab tetapi bukan sebagai huruf i’rab dan bukan pula tanda i’rab (al-zajjaji, d. melakukan klasifikasi kata berdasarkan keaslian hurufnya. dalam hal ini, ia membagi kelompok kata menjadi mujarrad dan mazid. selanjutnya, ia meletakkan al-mizan al-sharfi untuk kelompok kata mujarrad dan mazid, yang populer dalam ilmu sharf sampai hari ini. dari mizan yang disusun oleh alkhalil, selanjutnya menginspirasi lahirnya kaidah i'lal dan ibdal dalam ilmu sharf e. menciptakan teori al-‘awamil dan al-ma’mûlât. hal ini berangkat dari asumsi alkhalil bahwa semua unsur kalimat yang marfû’, manshûb, majzûm, dan makhfûdh, pasti ada unsur lain yang bekerja secara fungsional sehinga menyebabkan kata tersebut seperti itu, baik sifatnya maknawi maupun lafzhi. f. merintis lahirnya nahwu analitik (al-nahw al-tahlilî). setiap menemukan kasus nahwu yang tampak bertentangan dengan kaidah, ia berusaha menakwilkannya dengan menggunakan argument yang logis. g. meletakkan kaidah umum dalam mengukur validitas sebuah kasus nahwu. dalam hal ini, ia menempuh metode simâ’i (pendengaran), ta’lîl (analisis), dan qiyas (analogi) dalam menetapkan keshahihan sebuah kaidah (dheef, 1968). selain melakukan formulasi kaidah-kaidah nahwu dan sharf yang telah dirintis pendahulunya, ia juga melahirkan beberapa pemikiran yang melengkapi kajian-kajian nahwu, antara lain: a. melakukan formulasi kaidah fonologi, dan mengelompokkannya menjadi tiga aspek, yaitu: 1) cara mengetahui bunyi pada huruf dengan jalan membuka mulut dengan alif mahmûzah (alif yang berhamzah) kemudian diikuti dengan huruf yang akan diketahui bunyinya dengan sukun, seperti: ْأَْب، أَت, dan seterusnya. 154 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) 2) mendeskripsikan ajras al-shautiyah bagi huruf seperti: hams, jahr, syiddah, rakhâwah, dan isti’lâ. 3) perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi pada fonem dalam bangunan kata yang berwujud al-qalb, al-hazf, al-i’lal, dan sebagainya. b. menciptakan tanda baca. huruf mad ditandai dengan huruf kecil. dhammah misalnya ditandai dengan waw kecil di atas huruf, kasrah ditandai dengan ya bersambung di bawah huruf, dan fathah ditandai dengan alif kecil di atas huruf (ya’qub/5, 2006: 392 ). al-khalil adalah guru dari sibawaih. kebanyakan hikayat yang dinukilkan oleh sibawaih dalam al-kitâb berasal dari sibawaih. bahkan menurut al-sairafi, semua ungkapan sibawaih yang menyatakan bahwa “ َُسأَْلتُه” atau “قَال” tanpa menyebutkan orangnya, maka ia maksudkan adalah al-khalil (al-sairafi, 1995: 31). hal ini menujukkan besarnya pengaruh al-khalil dalam diri sibawaih. bahkan disinyalir bahwa sibawaih hanyalah menukilkan duplikasi dari pikiran-pikiran al-khalil dalam masalah nahwu dan sharf. sumbangsih al-khalil dalam bidang prosedi (‘arudh) syair merupakan sebuah seni yang indah. ia memiliki kemampuan menggerakkan dan mempengaruhi nurani untuk cenderung kepada alur pikiran yang menjadi tema sebuah. kemampuan dalam memberikan pengaruh dalam jiwa tersebut yang membedakannya dengan prosa. para penyair sebelum al-khalil memiliki kecerdasan berbahasa secara alamiah. hal itu membantu mereka untuk mengungkapkan segala pikirannya dalam bentuk syair yang indah yang disertai wazan-wazan nazhm yang benar. kaidah-kaidah wazan tersebut menjadi pengetahuan mereka secara alamiah. hanya saja, perjalanan waktu dan perbedaan tingkat kecerdasan seni para penyair yang datang kemudian, menyebabkan sebagian penyair mengabaikan konsistensi terhadap kaidah-kaidah syair. hal itu berpengaruh terhadap rusaknya wazan-wazan syair, akibat melemahnya kompetensi kepenyairan sebagian penyair. keadaan tersebut membuat al-khalil cemas akan punahnya salah satu ilmu bahasa arab. maka rasa cemas tersebut mendorongnya untuk meluruskan kaidah wazan syair dan menciptakan satu ilmu baru yang dikenal dengan ilmu arudh (al-farahidi, 2014). berdasarkan informasi yang terekam dalam kitab-kitab sejarah kesusasteraan arab, bahwa setelah al-khalil merasa cemas dengan kondisi syair arab yang sudah mulai menyimpang dari kaidah yang populer sebelumnya, ia tawaf di ka’bah dan memohon kepada allah agar diilhami semua ilmu yang belum diilhami oleh ulama pendahulunya. setelah itu, ia melakukan uzlah (pengasingan diri) dan memulai 155 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) memfokuskan segala waktunya untuk mengumpulkan syair-syair arab dan melakukan penelitian mendalam, sampai akhirnya ia menemukan semua wazan syair yang populer (al-khalil, 2004). al-khalil adalah tokoh yang pertama kali meletakkan kaidah-kaidah ilmu ‘arudh dan mengelompokkannya menjadi lima dawair yaitu: al-mukhtalaf atau al-thawil, al-mu’talaf atau al-wafir, al-mujtalab atau al-hazaj, al-musytabah atau al-sari’, dan al-muttafaq atau al-mutaqarib. selanjutnya, ia mengembangkan kelima dawair ini menjadi 15 bahr, yaitu: al-thawil, al-madid, al-basit, al-wafir, al-kamil, alhazaj, al-rajaz, al-sari’, al-munsharih, al-khafif, al-mudhara’, al-muqtadhab, almujtash, al-ramal, dan al-mutaqarab. selanjutnya, ditambah oleh al-akhfasy (murid alkhalil) satu bahr yang ia namakan bahr al-mutadarik. sehingga menjadi 16 bahr. terdapat berbagai spekulasi tentang diabaikannya bahr al-mutadarik oleh alkhalil. ada yang berpendapat bahwa kemungkinan bahr ini diabaikan karena tidak terlalu populer pada zamannya. sementara itu ada yang berpendapat bahwa sebenarnya bahr ini tidak diabaikan. hanya saja kesibukannya di akhir hayatnya dalam merumuskan teori matematika, sehingga ajal menjemputnya sebelum bahr ini dimasukkan dalam deretan bahr yang dirumuskannya (muhammad khaqani, 1425 h). selanjutnya, al-khalil memberi nama bagi setiap wazan kasidah. sebelum alkhalil, orang-orang arab belum mengenal nama-nama ‘arudh tersebut dan belum mengenal nama-nama wazan. ia menciptakan nama-nama wazan, seperti al-thawil, albasith, al-madid, al-wafir, al-kamil, dan seterusnya (ya’qub, 2006). setelah alkhalil wafat, ilmu arud selanjutnya menjadi materi yang dipelajari para pembelajar bahasa arab sampai saat ini. ilmu arudh yang susun oleh al-khalil sampai saat ini tidak mengalami perubahan yang berarti. upaya ulama selanjutnya adalah melakukan pensyarahan dan interpretasi terhadap yang telah disusun oleh al-khalil. selain itu, terdapat beberapa penyempurnaan, khususnya beberapa wazan yang dipandang ulama sesudahnya diabaikan oleh al-khalil, meskipun tidak menyimpang dari kaidah umum yang ditetapkan oleh al-khalil. karya cerdas yang dihasilkan al-khalil, selanjutnya mengilhami para ulama sesudahnya untuk menjadikan arudh syair sebagai media untuk memudahkan dalam menghapal kaidah-kaidah-kaidah bahasa arab, ilmu-ilmu agama (al-shan’ani, 6) dan ilmu qira’at. hal ini juga menjadi pembantu dalam melestarikan kaidah-kaidah arud sampai saat ini. kepakaran al-khalil dalam ilmu seni musik mendapat apresiasi berbagai pihak, baik peneliti klasik maupun modern. ibnu nadim memandang al-khalil sebagai orang pertama menciptakan seni musik dalam islam. kepakarannya tersebut tercermin dalam kitab musik yang disusunnya yang berjudul kitâb al-nagm dan kitâb al-‘arûdh (al156 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) nadim/2, 49). sementara itu, henry g. palmer mengatakan bahwa al-khalil adalah tokoh aliran basrah yang sangat poluler, dan satu-satunya ahli di bidang seni musik pada zamannya (khaqani, 2014). ditinjau dari segi tradisi perkembangan sebuah ilmu, tampak bahwa ilmu arudh memiliki keunikan tersendiri yang berbeda dengan ilmu lain. jika ilmu-ilmu kebahasaaraban lainnya lahir setelah melalui fase panjang dan berbagai perbaikan dan penyempurnaan, maka ilmu ‘arudh lahir sekaligus dalam bentuk yang sempurna. ia tidak melewati fase-fase perkembangan dan penyempurnaan. hal ini terbukti bahwa ilmu arudh yang sampai ke tangan kita sekarang tetap konsisten dengan kaidah yang dirintis oleh al-khalil sebelumnya. meskipun disinyalir bahwa terdapat beberapa ulama yang datang sesudahnya yang memunculkan perbedaan dengan al-khalil dalam masalah-masalah tertentu dalam ilmu ‘arud, seperti abu ishaq al-zajjaj dan abu nasr ismail bin hamad al-jawhari, namun perbedaan-perbedaan tersebut sifatnya tidak prinsipil, dan hanya sifatnya kasuistik (khaqani, 1425). nyaris tidak dijumpai kritik tentang formulasi yang telah dirumuskan al-khalil. yang ada hanyalah sedikit penyempurnaan, sebagaimana yang dilakukan muridnya. karya-karya al-khalil al-khalil tergolong ulama yang produktif dan memiliki kecerdasan luar biasa untuk ukuran zamannya. kepakarannya tampak sangat jelas dalam karya-karya yang ditulis oleh sibawaih (muridnya). sibawaih cukup banyak menukilkan pandanganpandangan al-khalil. karena akrabnya dengan nukilan-nukilan yang bersumber dari alkhalil, menyebabkan sebagian kritikus berkesimpulan bahwa sibawaih tidak lebih sekedar menukilkan pandangan gurunya (al-khalil). itulah sebabnya sehingga sebagian orientalis memandang kedua ulama ini (al-khalil dan sibawaih) sebagai tokoh utama aliran basrah (al-farahidi, 2003: 8). al-khalil tidak hanya pakar dalam bidang ilmu-ilmu kebahasaan, namun ia juga memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang ilmu-ilmu syariat dan matematika. lebih dari itu, ia memiliki bakat luar bisa dalam bidang seni musik dan merangkai nada. kecerdasannya dalam kedua bidang terakhir ini membantu dalam menciptakan kaidahkaidah ilmu arudh dan qawafi. al-khalil melahirkan sejumlah karya monumental. sebagian karyanya sampai ke tangan kita, dan sebagian lain tidak diketahui jejaknya. di antara karyanya sebagai berikut: a. kitâb al-‘aîn kitab ini merupakan karya monumental al-khalil. hanya saja, beberapa ulama menyangsikan keaslian kitab yang sampai di tangan kita. ibnu jinni dan abu 157 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) ‘ali al-qaliy mengatakan bahwa dalam kitab ini sudah terjadi percampuran antara tulisan al-khalil dengan tulisan orang lain. menurutnya, semua masalah tentang ma’ani al-nahw di dalamnya adalah pandangan ulama-ulama kufah yang disandarkan oleh sibawaih kepada al-khalil. pandangan-pandangan tersebut bertentangan dengan pandangan ulama basrah yang merupakan aliran al-khalil. pandangan tersebut bisa saja terjadi. sebab, kitab al-‘ain tidak sempat dirampungkan oleh al-khalil semasa hidupnya. menurut sebagian riwayat, kitab ini dirampungkan oleh al-nadr bin syumail. kitab ini juga telah diikhtisar dan ditahqiq oleh al-zubaid (w. 379 h.) dan tidak menisbatkannya kepada al-khalil. hasil ikhtisar tersebut diterbitkan di maroko oleh ‘ilal alfarisiy dan muhammad bin s|abit al-tanjiy, juga tanpa penisbatan kepada alkhalil (ya’qub/5, 2006: 392). b. ma’âni al-hurûf c. jumlat ‘alât al-i’râb d. tafsîr hurûf al-lugah e. al-‘arûdh f. al-naqt wa al-syakl g. al-nagm h. al-syawâhid i. al-iqâ’ j. al-jumal fi al-nahw k. fâit al-‘aîn l. al-‘awâmil m. syarh sharf al-khalîl n. al-ushul wa al-masaâl fi al-kitâb li al-khalîl sumbangsih al-khalil dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan menyebabkan ia mendapatkan penghargaan dan apresiasi cukup besar dari para ulama sesuadahnya. ibnu al-muqaffa’ misalnya berkata: “saya menemukan sosok ulama yang akalnya lebih besar dari ilmunya”. khalf bin al-mutsanna menghikayatkan bahwa telah terjadi sebuah pertemuan di basrah yang dihadiri oleh sepuluh orang ulama besar dengan berbagai disiplin ilmu. yang paling hebat di antara mereka adalah al-khalil, kemudian yang kedua adalah basysyâr bin bard ….”. demikian pula, hamzah bin hasan al-ashfahani berkata: “tidak ada umat islam yang paling cerdas dari al-khalil. kecerdasannya dalam ilmu-ilmu keislaman terbukti dengan lahirnya tiga orang tokoh besar, yaitu sibawaih dalam ilmu nahwu, al-nadhr bin syumail dalam bahasa arab, dan muarrij al-sadusi dalam ilmu hadis (al-farahidi, 2003: 10). apreasiasi ulama-ulama besar terhadap 158 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) kecerdasan al-khalil menguatkan eksistensinya sebagai ulama bahasa arab yang sangat cerdas. b. kesimpulan berdasarkan pembahasan di atas, dikemukakan kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1. nama lengkapnya al-khalil adalah al-khalîl bin ahmad bin ‘amru bin tamîm abu ‘abd al-rahmân al-bashri al-farâhidî al-nahwî. ia dilahirkan di kota oman tahun 100 h. ia mengecap pendidikan pertamanya di basrah. sejak usia dini, ia aktif mengikuti berbagai halaqah ilmiah dan membaca semua ilmu yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa arab, seperti logika aristoteles dan ilmu seni musik yang berasal dari yunani. kesibukannya dalam menuntut ilmu menyebabkan ia tidak memiliki ambisi untuk mengejar kesenangan duniawi. al-khalil menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir di basrah, sekitar tahun 175 h., menurut pendapat populer. 2. al-khalil bukanlah orang pertama yang merintis formulasi kaidah-kaidah nahwu dan sharf sebagai kelanjutan proyek besar dalam ilmu nahwu yang telah dirintis oleh para ahli nahwu sejak abu al-aswad al-duwali sampai masa al-khalil. dalam upaya formalisasi ilmu nahwu dan sharf, al-khalil merupakan simbol nyata berkembangnya ilmu nahwu dan sharf dan dipandang oleh sebagian ulama sebagai peletak sebenarnya dari ilmu nahwu secara formal. adapun sumbangsih nyata alkhalil dalam bidang nahwu dan sharf, antara lain: 1) mengumpulkan semua kasus kaidah kebahasaan yang telah dilakukan pendahulnya, kemudian meluruskan dan menyempurnakan kaidah-kaidah analogi dalam berbagai masalah nahwu. 2) merumuskan sejumlah istilah teknis dalam ilmu nahwu dan sharf yang belum dirumuskan pendahulunya. 3) merumuskan istilah teknis yang terkait dengan tanda i’rab. 4) melakukan klasifikasi kata berdasarkan keaslian hurufnya. 5) menciptakan teori al-‘awamil dan al-ma’mulat. 6) merintis lahirnya nahwu analitik (al-nahw altahlili). 7) meletakkan kaidah umum dalam mengukur keshahihan sebuah kasus nahwu. dalam hal ini, ia menempuh metode sima’i, ta’lil, dan qiyas (analogi) dalam menetapkan kesahahihan sebuah kaidah. selain melakukan formulasi kaidah nahwu dan sharf yang dirintis pendahulunya, ia juga melahirkan beberapa pemikiran yang melengkapi kajian-kajian nahwu, seperti: formulasi kaidah fonologi, menciptakan tanda baca. 3. para penyair sebelum al-khalil memiliki kecerdasan berbahasa secara alamiah dalam mengungkapkan segala pikirannya dalam bentuk syair yang disertai wazan-wazan nazm yang benar. namun, perjalanan waktu menyebabkan sebagian penyair mengabaikan konsistensi terhadap kaidah-kaidah syair. hal itu berpengaruh terhadap rusaknya wazan-wazan syair, akibat melemahnya kompetensi kepenyairan sebagian penyair. keadaan tersebut membuat al-khalil cemas akan punahnya salah satu ilmu 159 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) bahasa arab. maka rasa cemas tersebut mendorongnya untuk meluruskan kaidah wazan syair dan menciptakan satu ilmu baru yang dikenal dengan ilmu arudh. 4. al-khalil tergolong ulama yang produktif dan memiliki kecerdasan luar biasa untuk ukuran zamannya. al-khalil tidak hanya pakar dalam bidang ilmu-ilmu kebahasaan, namun ia juga memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang ilmu-ilmu syariat dan matematika. lebih dari itu, ia memiliki bakat luar bisa dalam bidang seni musik dan merangkai nada. kecerdasannya dalam kedua bidang terakhir ini membantu dalam menciptakan kaidah-kaidah ilmu arudh dan qawafi. al-khalil melahirkan sejumlah karya monumental. sebagian karyanya sampai ke tangan kita, dan sebagian lain tidak diketahui jejaknya. 160 ©2019 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) daftar pustaka al-aqili, h., baha’ al-d. ‘a. bin ‘a. (1980). syarh ibn ‘aqil, juz i. cet. 20; kairo: dar al-turats. deef, s. (1968). al-madaris al-nahwiyah. cet. 7; kairo: dar al-ma’arif. al-farahidi, al-k. bin a. (2003). kitab al-‘ain murattaban ‘ala huruf al-mu’jam, ditahqiq oleh ‘abd al-hamid handawi, juz 1. cet. i; beirut: dar al-kutub al-‘ilmiyah. khaqani, m. al-khalil bin ahmad al-farahidiy fi mizan al-‘aqliyat al-farisiyah, majallah al-‘ulum al-insaniyah, edisi 11 tahun 1425 h. al-nadim, m. bin i. al-fihrasat, juz 2, ditahqiq oleh ridha tajaddud (td.). al-rajihi, ‘a. (1980). durusun fi al-mazahib al-nahwiyyah. beirut: dar al-nahdhat al‘arabiyah. al-sairafi, a. s. al-h. bin ‘a. (1995). akhbar al-nahwiyyin al-bashriyyin, ditahqiq oleh thaha muhammad al-zaini dan muhammad ‘abd al-mun’im khafaji. cet. 1; mesir: mushtafa al-bab al-halibi wa awladuh. al-shan’ani, m. bin i. al-a. al-h. manzumat bulug al-maram min adillat al-ahkam, ditahqiq oleh muhammad bin muhammad bin yahya bin abdillah zabarat al-husainiy al-shan’ani (td.). al-suyuthi, j. al-d. (1979). bugyat al-wu’at fi thabaqat al-lugawiyyin wa al-nuhat, ditahqiq oleh muhammad abu al-fadl ibrahim, juz i. cet. 2; beirut: dar alfikr. al-thanthawi, a. nasy’at al-nahw wa tarikh asyhar al-nuhat. cet. 3; kairo: dar alma’arif, ya’qub, e. b. (2006). mausu’at ‘ulum al-lugat al-‘arabiyah, juz 5. cet. 1; beirut: dar al-kutub al-‘ilmiyah. yamaniy, ‘a. al-b. bin ‘a. al-m. (1986). itsarat al-ta’yin wa tarajim al-nuhat wa allugawiyyin, ditahqiq oleh ‘abd al-maid diyab. cet. i; al-mamlakah al‘arabiyah al-su’udiyah. zajjaji, a. al-q. ‘a. al-r. bin i. al-idah fi ‘ilal al-nahw (td.). al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 23 pengembangan bahan ajar berupa modul basics english grammar untuk mahasiswa tadris bahasa inggris fitk iain sultan amai gorontalo jhems richard hasan (1) , alvons habibie (2) , abdul kadir ismail (3) (1) , (2) , (3) tadris bahasa inggris, fitk iain sultan amai gorontalo abstrak tujuan penelitian ini dirancang untuk: (1) mengembangkan bahan ajar berbentuk modul basics english grammar untuk mahasiswa tadris bahasa inggris fitk iain sultan amai gorontalo; (2) mengetahui kelayakan bahan ajar berbentuk modul basics english grammar. penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (research and development). desain penelitian yang digunakan mengacu pada model pengembangan four-d (4d) models dengan empat tahapan pokok yaitu, (1) define; (2) design; (3) develop; (4) disseminate. teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan angket dan fgd. hasil riset ini berupa : (1) pengembangan bahan ajar berbentuk modul basic english grammar sesuai dengan model pengembangan four-d models. define, diperoleh hasil bahwa mahasiswa membutuhkan bahan ajar yang dapat meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa, serta membantu belajar mandiri. design, diperoleh hasil bahan ajar yang sesuai kebutuhan mahasiswa berupa modul basic english grammar. develop, dilakukan validasi oleh ahli, revisi sesuai saran ahli, serta uji coba pengembangan di semester 3 tadris bahasa inggris. disseminate, dilakukan penyebaran modul kepada mahasiswa tadris bahasa inggris (2) kelayakan bahan ajar berbentuk modul berdasarkan penilaian: ahli materi diperoleh rerata skor 3,93 (layak), ahli media diperoleh rerata skor 4,02 (layak), dan praktisi pembelajaran/dosen pengampu mata kuliah grammar diperoleh rerata skor 4,03 (layak); (3) penilaian mahasiswa terhadap bahan ajar berbentuk modul basic english grammar diperoleh rerata skor 4,33 (sangat layak). kata kunci: bahan ajar, modul basic english grammar, model pengembangan four-d abstract the purposes of this study were designed to: (1) develop teaching and learning materials in the form of a basics english grammar module for students of the english department, faculty of teacher training iain sultan amai gorontalo; (2) find out the feasibility of teaching and learning materials in the form of a basics english grammar module. this study is research and development in nature. the research design used refers to the four-d (4d) models of development with four main stages namely, (1) define; (2) design; (3) develop; (4) disseminate. data collection techniques in this study were using questionnaires and fgd. the results of this study are: (1) development of basic english grammar module teaching materials in accordance with the four-d model development model. in the fisrt step of the model define, the results show that students need teaching materials that can improve student competence, as well as help independent learning. design, the results of teaching materials that are suitable for students' needs are in the form of basic english grammar modules. develop, carried out validation by experts, revised according to expert advice, and trial development in the 3rd semester of english education department. disseminate, the module is disseminated to english education students (2) feasibility of module-based teaching materials based on assessment: material experts obtained a mean score of 3.93 (feasible), media experts obtained a mean score of 4.02 (appropriate), and learning practitioners / lecturers the average grammar subject is 4.03 (feasible); (3) student's assessment of teaching materials in the form of basic english grammar modules obtained a mean score of 4.33 (very feasible). keywords:teaching and learning material, basic english grammar module, four-d model. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 24 a. pendahuluan menurut uu no. 20 tahun 2003 tentang sisdiknas pasal 1 ayat 20, pembelajaran merupakan proses interaksi peserta didik dengan pendidik dan sumber belajar pada suatu lingkungan belajar. definisi in menggambarkan pentingnya proses penciptaan interaksi yang dilakukan oleh guru terhadap muridnya begitupula sebaliknya. proses interaksi ini tentu memerlukan sebuah alat bantu untuk menjembatani proses pembelajaran di dalam kelas untuk mencapai tujuan dari proses pembelajaran itu sendiri. alat bantu yang dimaksud adalah bahan ajar. sebagaimana yang dikemukakan oleh suhertian (2004) bahwa bahan ajar mengambil peranan penting dalam mewujudkan tujuan pembelajaran yang berkualitas, dari hasil penelitiannya menyimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar mempunyai pengaruh yang siginifikan terhadap hasil belajar. ini berarti pembelajaran yang menggunakan bahan ajar cenderung memperoleh hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan yang tidak menggunakan bahan ajar. dari hasil observasi awal, penulis menemukan beberapa fakta mengenai proses pembelajaran basic english grammar di lingkungan iain sultan amai, khususnya di jurusan tadris bahasa inggris; (1) proses pembelajaran selama ini belum menggunakan bahan ajar yang sama, masing masing dosen mempunyai bahan ajar berbeda-beda. dari hasil wawancara dosen bahasa inggris, ditemukan bahwa penyusunan bahan ajar hanya berdasarkan pemikiran dosen masing-masing dan sumber materi hanya mengambil dari internet dan buku-buku bahasa inggris yang sudah jadi. (2) materi yang diajarkan dan dituangkan dalam silabus atau rpp selama ini juga berbeda-beda, bahkan materi atau topik juga berbeda tiap tahunnya. (3) mahasiswa belum pernah pernah mempunyai buku pegangan yang bisa digunakan sebagai bahan belajarnya ketika ada di rumah, selama ini materi hanya dijelaskan mengggunakan metode tradisional yaitu menuliskan materinya di papan tulis selama proses pembelajaran di kelas berlangsung. (4) sistem evaluasi terkadang tidak berdasarkan pada acuan materi atau topik yang telah diajarkan. (5) mata kuliah grammar menjadi mata kuliah paling banyak yang tidak disukai oleh mahasiswa. masalah tersebut di atas tentu sedikit memberi gambaran bahwa pembelajaran basic english grammar di tadris bahasa inggris perlu dan penting untuk dicarikan solusinya. pembelajaran grammar merupakan aspek penting penopang empat skill utama dalam bahasa. keterampilan bahasa berupa speaking, listening, reading dan writing tidak dapat dipisahkan dari proses pembelajaran grammar itu sendiri. proses al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 25 pembelajaran grammar yang dimaksud adalah pembelajaran yang mampu meningkatkan motivasi dan minat mahasiswa untuk mendalami serta menekuni mata kuliah grammar, khususnya pada tataran basic, intermediate, dan advance. agar membuat pembelajaran basic english grammar lebih terarah dan menyenangkan, maka dipandang perlu untuk dibuatkan sebuah buku ajar yang komunikatif dan mampu membangkitkan gairah belajar mahasiswa. oleh karena itu penulis bermaksud melakukan riset dan pengembangan materi ajar basic english grammar yang digunakan sebagai modul pegangan dosen dan mahasiwa pada semester tiga tadris bahasa inggris iain sultan amai gorontalo. sebelum mengembangkan modul atau materi ajar, perlu adanya bangunan teoritis yang kuat untuk mendukung penelitian ini. beberapa definisi ahli mengenai bahan ajar atau materi ajar didefinisikan sebagai berikut. menurut tomlinson (1998:2) materi ajar adalah segala sesatu yang digunakan oleh guru dan siswa dalam upaya memudahkan belajar bahasa sehingga dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan atau penglaman berbahasa. dick, carey, dan carey (2009: 230) menambahkan bahwa instructional material contain the conten either written, mediated, or facilitated by an instructor that a student as use to achieve the objective also include information thet the learners will use to guide the progress. berdasarkan ungkapan dick, carey, dan carey dapat diketahui bahwa bahan ajar berisi konten yang perlu dipelajari oleh siswa baik berbentuk cetak atau yang difasilitasi oleh pengajar untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. iskandarwassid dan dadang sunendar (2011: 171) mengungkapkan bahwa bahan ajar merupakan seperangkat informasi yang harus diserap peserta didik melalui pembelajaran yang menyenangkan. hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam penyusunan bahan ajar diharapkan siswa benar-benar merasakan manfaat bahan ajar atau materi itu setelah ia mempelajarinya. yana wardhana (2010: 29) menambahkan bahwa bahan ajar merupakan suatu media untuk mencapai keinginan atau tujuan yang akan dicapai oleh peserta didik. sedangkan menurut opara dan oguzor (2011: 66) mengungkapkan bahwa instructional materials are the audio visual materials (software/hardware) which can be used as alternative channels of communication in the teaching-learning process. bahan ajar merupakan sumber belajar berupa visual maupun audiovisual yang dapat digunakan sebagai saluran alternatif pada komunikasi di dalam proses pembelajaran. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 26 berdasarkan kajian di atas, istilah bahan ajar yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah suatu bahan/ materi pelajaran yang disusun secara sistematis yang digunakan dosen dan mahasiswa dalam pemebelajaran basic english grammar untuk mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan. pengembangan suatu bahan ajar harus didasarkan pada analisis kebutuhan siswa/mahasiswa. terdapat sejumlah alasan mengapa perlu dilakukan pengembangan bahan ajar, seperti yang disebutkan oleh direktorat pembinaan sekolah menengah atas (2008: 8-9) sebagai berikut. a. ketersediaan bahan sesuai tuntutan kurikulum, artinya bahan belajar yang dikembangkan harus sesuai dengan kurikulum b. karakteristik sasaran, artinya bahan ajar yang dikembangkan dapat disesuaikan dengan karakteristik siswa/mahasiswa sebagai sasaran, karakteristik tersebut meliputi lingkungan sosial, budaya, geografis maupun tahapan perkembangan siswa/mahasiswa c. pengembangan bahan ajar harus dapat menjawab atau memecahkan masalah atau kesulitan dalam belajar. dengan demikian, pengembangan bahan ajar di sekolah atau perguruan tinggi perlu memperhatikan karakteristik siswa/mahasiswa dan kebutuhan siswa/mahasiswa sesuai kurikulum, yaitu menuntut adanya partisipasi dan aktifitas siswa lebih banyak dalam pembelajaran. pengembangan lembar kegiatan siswa menjadi salah satu alternatif bahan ajar yang akan bermanfaat bagi siswa menguasai kompetensi tertentu, karena lembar kegiatan siswa dapat membantu siswa menambah informasi tentang materi yang dipelajari melalui kegiatan belajar secara sistematis secara umum bahan ajar dapat dibedakan ke dalam bahan ajar cetak dan noncetak. bahan ajar cetak dapat berupa, handout, buku, modul, brosur, dan lembar kerja siswa. sedangkan bahan ajar noncetak meliputi, bahan ajar audio seperti, kaset, radio, piringan hitam, dan compact disc audio. bahan ajar audio visual seperti, cai (computer assisted instruction), dan bahan ajar berbasis web (web based learning materials) (ika lestari, 2013: 5). lebih lanjut mulyasa (2006: 96) menambahkan bahwa bentuk bahan ajar atau materi pembelajaran antara lain adalah bahan cetak (hand out, buku, modul, lks, brosur, dan leaflet), audio (radio, kaset, cd audio), visual (foto atau gambar), audio al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 27 visual (seperti; video/ film atau vcd) dan multi media (seperti; cd interaktif, computer based, dan internet). bahan ajar yang dimaksud dalam kajian ini lebih ke bahan ajar cetak berupa buku teks. hal ini dikarenakan, buku teks sangat erat kaitannya dengan kurikulum, silabus, standard kompetensi, dan kompetensi dasar. rudi susilana (2008: 14) mengungkapkan bahwa buku teks adalah buku tentang suatu bidang studi atau ilmu tertentu yang disusun untuk memudahkan para guru dan siswa dalam upaya mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. buku teks mempunyai peran penting dalam pencapaian tujuan pendidikan nasional. hutchinson & torres (1994) mengungkapkan bahwa the textbook is an almost universal element of [english language] teaching. millions of copies are sold every year, and numerous aid projects have been set up to produce them in [various] countries…no teaching-learning situation, it seems, is complete until it has its relevant textbook. buku teks merupakan salah satu unsure yang dibutuhkan dalam pengajaran. buku teks dapat juga menjadi wadah untuk menuliskan ide-ide terkait kebudayaan nasional suatu bangsa. sebagaimana yang diungkapkan pingel (2009: 7) bahwa textbooks are one of the most important educational inputs: texts reflect basic ideas about a national culture, and are often a flashpoint of cultural struggle and controversy. proses pembelajaran grammar mengambil peran penting dalam mendukung keempat keterampilan berbahasa inggris pada umumnya. asumsi bahwa pembelajaran bahasa berfokus pada pemaknaan atau komunikasi dipandang belum cukup untuk mencapai kompetensi kebahasaan secara menyeluruh. di bawah ini penulis mencoba menjabarkan mengenai grammar berrdasarkan pada teori-teori pakar bahasa. menurut harmer (2001:142), tata bahasa merupakan penjelasan cara bagaimana kata kata diubah dan digabungkan pada kalimat di dalam suatu bahasa (grammar is the description of the ways in which words can change their forms and can be combined into sentences in that language). tata bahasa adalah salah satu aspek yang paling penting dalam penerjemahan senada dengan itu, swan (2005:19), mendefinisikan grammar “the rules that show how words are combined, arranged or changed to show certain kinds of al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 28 meaning.”(grammar adalah aturan yang menerangkan bagaimana kata digabungkan, disusun atau diubah untuk menunjukkan beberapa jenis makna). selain definisi yang umum seperti di atas, ada beberapa pakar bahasa yang mendefinisikan grammar dengan gaya yang berbeda seperti greenbaum dan leech. leech dkk (1982:3) mendefinisikan grammar sebagai:“reference to the mechanism according to which language works when it is used to communicate with other people. grammar is a mechanism for putting words together, but we have said little about sound of meaning.”(makna grammar adalah referensi mekanisme menurut fungsi bahasa ketika digunakan dalam komunikasi dengan orang lain. grammar adalah aturan untuk penggabungan kata, tetapi kami telah menjelaskan sedikit tentang bunyi suatu makna). sedangkan tata bahasa (grammar) menurut gerot dan wignell (1995: 2), “grammar is a theory of language, of how language is put together and how it works”. dari beberapa kutipan penjelasan menurut pakar bahasa di atas dapat bahasakan kembali bahwa grammar (tata bahasa) merupakan aturan dalam suatu bahasa yang menggabungkan kata sehingga menjadi susunan yang dapat dipahami penerapan dan cara kerjanya. menurut gerot dan wignell (1995) dalam bukunya “making sense of functional grammar terdapat tiga grammar yang dipelajari di dunia pendidikan abad ini, yaitu: 1. tata bahasa tradisional (traditional grammar) bertujuan menggambarkan standarisasi grammar bahasa inggris yang dibandingkan dengan latin. tata bahasa tradisional lebih fokus pada peraturan-peraturan dalam memproduksi kalimat yang benar. 2. tata bahasa formal (formal grammar) bertujuan menggambarkan strukturstruktur kalimat. pertanyaan yang tepat yang dapat terjawab oleh tata bahasa formal yaitu “how is this sentence structured? 3. tata bahasa fungsional (functional grammar) menggambarkan bahasa sebagai makna yang terfokus pada teks dan konteks. tata bahasa fungsional diawali dengan pertanyaan “how are the meanings of this text realized?” dari ketiga model tersebut yang dikemukakan gerot dan wignell di atas, penelitian ini mengambil ketiga model tersebut untuk diramu dan dikembangkan menjadi sebuah modul pembelajaran yang komunikatif dengan menampilkan pembelajaran tata bahasa berbasis gambar. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 29 penelitian terdahulu yang relevan penelitian terdahulu yang relevan dengan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: pengembangan bahan ajar grammar one berbasis mobile learning di lembaga kursus global english pare – kediri. dari kajian penelitian yang dilakukan oleh syahrul mubaroq pada tahun 2015, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar grammar one berbasis mobile learning dengan menggunakan model pengembangan lee & owens. sedangkan penelitian yang dilakukan peneliti adalah pengembangan modul pembelajaran grammar dengan penjelasan materi berbasis gambar dengan menggunakan model pengembangan borg & gall. hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa produk pengembangan bahan ajar grammar one ini dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran sebagai pelengkap pembelajaran di kelas maupun dapat dijadikan sumber belajar secara mandiri. penelitian selanjutnya adalah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh hendra eka putra & ridianto tahun 2016 dengan judul pengembangan model materi ajar mata kuliah bahasa inggris 2 berbasis kebutuhan mahasiswa program studi akuntansi syariah stain batusangkar. tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendesain model pembelajaran bahasa inggris yang difokuskan pada keterampilan membaca. perbedaan antara penelitian ini dan penelitian yang peneliti lakukan adalah pada objek dan subjek penelitian yang dikembangkan. b. metode penelitian penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan research & development (penelitian dan pengembangan). penelitian ini merupakan suatu proses atau langkah-langkah untuk mengembangkan suatu produk baru atau menyempurnakan produk yang sudah ada dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. penelitian ini mengacu pada model penelitian dan pengembangan 4d (four-d) yang dikemukakan oleh thiagarajan, semmel dan semmel (dalam trianto, 2010: 189). model pengembangan ini terdiri dari 4 tahap yaitu pendefinisian (define), perancangan (design), pengembangan (develop), dan penyebaran (disseminate). lokasi penelitian adalah di jurusan tadris bahasa inggris, fakultas ilmu tarbiyah dan keguruan, iain sultan amai gorontalo al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 30 subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa tadris bahasa inggris yang akan dbagi ke dalam dua kelompok uji coba, yaitu uji coba kelompok kecil dan uji coba kelompok besar. prosedur penelitian ini mengadapsi prosedur penelitian pengembangan yang dikembangkan oleh thiagarajan, semmel dan semmel dengan skema berikut: untuk mengetahui kualitas produk yang dikembangkan, maka diperlukan data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. data kualitatif berupa kritik, saran, dan masukan dari para ahli, dosen, dan mahasiswa untuk perbaikan modul basic english grammar. data kuantitatif berupa skor tanggapan tentang kualitas produk baik dari pakar, dosen, dan mahasiswa. pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan beberapa membuat angket. penggunaan angket ini dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan data tentang kelayakan modul pembelajaran basic english grammar. angket yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ada dua macam, yakni: a) angket untuk penilaian produk oleh ahli materi dan media; b) angket penerimaan dan respon praktisi pembelajaran dan mahasiswa. teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskrptif kuantitatif. data yang dianalisis meliputi analisis kelayakan, respon siswa, analisis kelayakan modul oleh ahli, dosen, dan mahasiswa. analisis kelayakan produk. data untuk analisis kelayakan produk didapat dari angket validasi oleh ahli materi, dosen ahli media dan praktisi pembelajaran akuntansi. angket tersebut terdiri dari lima pilihan jawaban dengan skala interval 1 sampai 5. teknik analisis ini dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah berikut: a) tabulasi data; b) menghitung skor rata-rata; c) mengubah skor rata-rata menjadi nilai dengan kategori. c. hasil dan pembahasan hasil pengembangan bahan ajar berupa modul dalam penelitian ini merujuk pada model atau prosedur pengembangan yang dikembangkan oleh thiagarajan dan semmel yang dikenal dengan istilah four-d (4d) models. tahap-tahap ini meliputi: (a) define atau pendefinsiai, (b) design atau perancangan, (c) develop atau pengembangan dan (d) define design develop disseminate al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 31 disseminate atau tahap penyebaran produk. adapun temuan dari setiap tahapan teserbut dijabarkan sebagai berikut: 1. define (pendefinisian) langkah awal pada tahap ini adalah mengumpulkan informasi dan menganalisis kebutuhan mahasiswa dan dosen bahasa inggris di lingkungan fakultas ilmu tarbiyah dan keguruan iain sultan amai gorontalo. pengumpulan informasi kebutuhan terhadap pengembangan produk berupa modul atau bahan ajar pada mata kuliah basic english grammar ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan angket kebutuhan dan melalui focus group discussion (fgd). dari hasil angket dan kegiatan focus group discussion ini kemudian diuraikan dan dianalisis segala bentuk kebutuhan dosen dan mahasiswa sebagai langkah awal dalam mengembangkan produk berupa modul atau bahan ajar pada mata kuliah basic english grammar di jurusan tadris bahasa inggris fitk iain sultan amai gorontalo. a. hasil angket angket yang disebarkan ke beberapa mahasiswa bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan dasar mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran pada mata kuliah english basic grammar. dari hasil angket ini didapati informasi mengenai proses pembelajaran dan kemampuan awal mahasiswa serta kebutuhan dasar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah english basic grammar sebagai berikut: 1). proses pembelajaran english basic grammar di semester iii tadris bahasa inggris selama ini menggunakan metode konvensional atau tradisional, dimana dosen mentik beratkan pengajaran pada aspek materi yang berisi tentang hapalan-hapalan rumus yang banyak dan cukup membingungkan mahasiswa. 2). buku ajar sebagai media dalam proses pembelajaran tidak dibagikan, namun hanya disampaikan melalui pembahasan langsung dalam kelas, bahkan referensi buku yang dirujuk hanya bersumber pada salah satu buku grammar saja. 3). hasil pembelajaran hanya berfokus pada sejauhmana mahasiwa dapat menghafalkan rumus-rumus dalam membentuk kalimat bahasa inggris dengan baik dan tepat sesuai kaidah tata bahasa yang berlaku. 4). sistem evaluasi pembelajaran tidak mampu mengukur kemampuan mahasiswa yang sebenarnya. atau dengan kata lain, alat evaluasi yang digunakan tidak sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran basic english grammar itu sendiri. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 32 5). secara umum kemampuan tata bahasa mahasiswa pada level dasar atau basic masih dapat dikategorikan sedang. hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah tersebut dimana sebagian besar mahasiswa mendapatkan nilai di bawah 3.50 (a-). 6). pada aspek mengenai harapan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran basic english grammar, sebagian besar mahasiswa mengharapkan adanya sebuah produk atau media pembelajaran berupa modul atau bahan ajar yang baku dan dibagikan kepada mahasiswa. b. hasil focus group discussion (fgd) kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk melihat dan mendengarkan langsung mengenai keluhan dan merumuskan solusi dalam pembelajaran basic english grammar. kegiatan ini melibatkan dosen pengajar dan mahasiwa tadris bahasa inggris. dosen pengajar yang diundang adalah dosen yang memang bergelut dalam bidang english grammar sebanyak 2 orang wakil dosen. mahasiwa bahasa inggris yang mewakili tiga angkatan mulai dari angkatan 2015 sampai angkatan 2017, dan kami sebagai peneliti berjumlah 3 orang. dalam diskusi ini, kami sebagai peneliti mengarahkan topik diskusi pada (1) apa saja keluhan yang dirasakan dan dialami langsung oleh dosen dan mahasiswa dalam proses pembelajaran yang berlangsung di dalam kelas. (2) apa yang diharapakan? atau kebutuhan dosen dan mahasiswa apa yang paling dibutuhkan dalam pembelajaran basic english grammar?. dari hasil pertemuan merumuskan beberapa hasil kesepakatan bersama antara peneliti, dosen dan mahasiswa sebagai berikut: a. produk pembelajaran atau media pembelajaran berupa modul atau bahan ajar yang baku sangat diharapkan ada atau tersedia dalam bentuk cetak. b. materi pembelajaran agar disesuaikan dengan komptensi dasar yang ingin dicapai, atau dengan kata lain, materi harus mencerminkan segala aspek yang dibutuhkan mahasiswa pada level dasar pada mata kuliah basic english grammar itu sendiri. c. materi pembelajaran agar mudah dipahami dan dilengkapi dengan ilustrasi atau gambar-gambar yang menarik dan bisa membangkitkan gairah belajar mahasiswa. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 33 d. materi pembelajaran grammar agar lebih aplikatif atau dapat diterpakan langusung dan tidak menitik beratkan pada hafalan-hafalan rumus dan kosa kata e. bahasa yang digunakan dalam modul menggunakan bahasa inggris sederhana atau bahasa indonesia sehingga memudahkan mahasiswa dalam memahami setiap penjelasan dan instruksi dalam modul secara mandiri f. mengurangi atau menyederhanakan setiap penjelasan atau instruksi dalam modul, sehingga tidak membuat mahasiswa bosan untuk membacanya. g. penjelasan setiap materi terdapat ilustrasi sederhana berupa gambar atau tabel sederhana yang mampu memberikan gambaran dan pemahaman langsung tanpa harus membaca keseluruhan uraian. h. alat evaluasi yang digunakan beragam dan posisinya pada setiap akhir topik pembelajaran dari hasil analisis kebutuhan dosen dan mahasiswa melalui dua cara tersebut di atas, tim peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa penting untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar berupa modul basic english grammar pada mahasiswa tadris bahasa inggris khususnya pada semester iii. produk yang dikembangkan merupakan pengembangan lanjutan dari berbagai bahan ajar yang sudah tersedia baik secara online maupun offline, namun dengan memperhatikan dan mempertimbangkan segala aspek yang dibutuhkan mahasiswa sehingga proses pembelajaran menggunakan modul ini sesuai dengan karakter dan kebutuhan bersama dosen dan mahasiswa. ciri khas utama modul yang dikembangkan adalah terletak pada ilustrasi grambar dan tabel yang ditampilkan pada setiap topik sehingga memudahkan mahasiswa dalam memahami setiap materi dengan baik. serta alat evaluasi yang variatif dan menantang namun menarik. langkah kedua adalah telaah pustaka atau dokumen. pada tahap ini tim peneliti melakukan kajian terhadap modul atau buku ajar yang sudah beredar baik dalam bentuk e-modul atau printed modul. dari hasil kajian dari beberapa modul tersebut, tim peneliti menemukan bahwa terdapat berbagai bentuk sajian atau format modul itu sendiri. keberagaman dalam tampilan isi modul ini juga menambah khasanah tim peneliti dalam mengembangakan modul english basic grammar. namun, perbedaan itu juga yang menginspirasi tim peneliti untuk mengembangkan produk berupa bahan ajar atau modul dengan ciri khas berupa tampilan gambar dan tabel-tabel sehingga memudahkan al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 34 pembaca atau pembelajar itu sendiri. tampilan atau format yang disajikan sederhana namun padat dan jelas. pada langkah ini pula tim peneliti banyak mendapatkan inspirasi dalam membuat evaluasi atau latihan-latihan soal pada setiap materinya. model evaluasi atau latihan dibuat beragam dan mendorong mahasiswa untuk belajar menyelesaikan setiap model latihan tersebut. langkah ketiga, setelah melakukan telaah pustaka atau dokumen di atas, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah menentukan cakupan materi. cakupan materi tersebut disesuaikan dengan kurikulum dan tingkat kemampuan mahasiswa. berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan mahasiswa dan telaah pustaka atau dokumen di atas, materi yang dituangkan dalam modul pada penelitian ini adalah materi dasar grammar yang mencakup parts of speech. materi ini sangat penting untuk dikuasai terlebih dahalu bagi seorang pembelajar bahasa, khususnya pada komptensi kebahasaan berupa tata bahasa. langkah keempat, tahap ini dilakukan untuk merumuskan hasil telaah pustaka atau dokumen dan analisis materi yang sebelumnya telah dilakukan. indikator yang muncul dari analisis kurikulum dan analisis materi akan menjadi tujuan pembelajaran sekaligus sebagai dasar penyusunan butir soal. berdasarkan telaah pustaka atau dokumen dan analisis materi, diperoleh spesifikasi tujuan dari masing-masing kompetensi dasar. 2. design (perancangan) tahap perancangan dilakukan untuk merancang bahan ajar yang dikembangkan. terdapat empat langkah yang dilakukan pada tahap perancangan ini, yaitu: a. penyusunan tes soal tes termuat dalam satu paket soal praktik yang terdiri dari lembar soal dan lembar kerja. lembar soal yang diberikan terdiri dari informasi umum, instruksi mengerjakan soal dan soal pemahaman tentang part of speech dalam bentuk pilihan ganda. b. pemilihan media pemilihan media dilakukan untuk menentukan media yang tepat dalam penyajian materi pembelajaran serta sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran. pemilihan media ini didasarkan pada analisis yang dilakukan sebelumnya pada tahap define. berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan diperoleh informasi bahwa pada mata kuliah english basic grammar diperlukan pengembangan bahan ajar yang dapat digunakan mahasiswa untuk al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 35 belajar secara mandiri dan dapat meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa. dengan demikian, media yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahan ajar grammar berbentuk modul. alasan pemilihan modul karena modul merupakan bahan ajar yang disusun secara sistematis sesuai tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa agar dapat digunakan belajar secara mandiri oleh mahasiswa. bentuk dari bahan ajar grammar berbentuk modul yang dikembangkan adalah media cetak. c. pemilihan format pemilihan format dilakukan dengan memilih format dari media yang dikembangkan dengan mengkaji format-format yang sudah ada dan sudah dikembangkan. format yang dimaksudkan dalam penelitian ini adalah komponenkomponen yang harus ada dalam penyusunan modul sesuai dengan kajian pustaka yang telah dilakukan. berdasarkan analisis kajian teori yang telah dilakukan, maka format dari bahan ajar english basic grammar berbentuk modul memuat hal-hal berikut: 1) bagian pembuka a) halaman sampul b) kata pengantar c) daftar isi, daftar tabel, daftar gambar 2) kegiatan belajar a) pengantar b) uraian materi beserta contoh dan latihan c) rangkuman d) tes formatif e) tugas f) lembar kerja g) kunci jawaban 5) evaluasi 6) daftar pustaka d. penulisan naskah penulisan naskah dilakukan dengan tahap berikut: 1) menetapkan judul modul judul modul yang dikembangkan adalah “basic english grammar; practical and understandable” al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 36 2) menetapkan tujuan akhir dan antara 3) menyusun garis-garis besar konten modul 4) mengembangkan materi 3. develop (pengembangan) tahap pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk akhir dengan melewati beberapa tahap sebagai berikut: a. validasi ahli hasil rancangan modul oleh tim peneliti pada tahap sebelumnya harus melalui validasi ahli sebelum diujicobakan pada kelompok kecil. tujuan validasi ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan modul yang telah dikembangkan. validator dalam peelitian ini terdiri dari validator materi, validator media dan dosen pengampu mk basic english grammar. validator memberikan penilaian dan saran berdasarkan lembar penilian yang telah disediakan oleh tim peneliti. 1) hasil uji kelayakan ahli materi materi modul dalam penelitian ini diuji dengan menggunakan format penilaian berbentuk angket dengan skala 5. angket berisi 31 butir pernyataan yang dikelompokkan dalam 3 aspek yaitu kelayakan isi, penggunaan bahasa dan penyajian. hasil rata-rata penilaian disajikan dalam tabel berikut: tabel 1. uji kelayakan ahli materi no aspek penilaian rata-rata skor kategori 1 isi 4,00 layak 2 penggunaan bahasa 3,91 layak 3 penyajian 3,89 layak rata-rata skor ahli materi 3,93 layak dari hasil validasi oleh ahli materi di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan produk tahap awal oleh tim peneliti mendapatkan skor rata-rata 3,93. hal ini berarti produk dapat dikategorikan layak dan dapat diujicobakan. 2) hasil uji kelayakan ahli media materi modul dalam penelitian ini diuji dengan menggunakan format penilaian berbentuk angket dengan skala 5. angket berisi 36 butir pernyataan yang dikelompokkan dalam 6 aspek yaitu konsistensi, bentuk dan ukuran huruf, format, pengorganisasian, daya tarik, ruang (spasi kosong). hasil rekapitulasi dapat dilihat selengkapnya dalam lampiran. hasil rata-rata penilain disajikan dalam tabel berikut: al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 37 tabel 2. uji kelayakan ahli media no aspek penilaian rata-rata skor kategori 1 konsistensi 4,40 layak 2 bentuk dan ukuran huruf 3,86 layak 3 format 4,00 layak 4 pengorganisasian 3,88 layak 5 daya tarik 4,00 layak 6 spasi kosong 4,00 layak rata-rata skor ahli media 4,02 layak dari hasil validasi oleh ahli media di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan produk tahap awal oleh tim peneliti mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,02. hal ini berarti produk dapat dikategorikan layak dan dapat diujicobakan. 3) hasil uji kelayakan oleh praktisi pengajaran materi modul dalam penelitian ini diuji dengan menggunakan format penilaian berbentuk angket dengan skala 5. angket berisi 36 butir pernyataan yang dikelompokkan dalam 4 aspek yaitu kelayakan isi, penggunaan bahasa, penyajian dan kegrafikan. hasil rekapitulasi dapat dilihat selengkapnya dalam lampiran. hasil rata-rata penilaian disajikan dalam tabel berikut: tabel 3. uji kelayakan oleh praktisi pengajaran no aspek penilaian rata-rata skor kategori 1 isi 3,91 layak 2 penggunaan bahasa 4,00 layak 3 penyajian 3,89 layak 4 kegrafikan 4,33 sangat layak rata-rata skor praktisi pengajaran 4,03 layak dari hasil validasi oleh praktisi pengajaran di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan produk tahap awal oleh tim peneliti mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,03. hal ini berarti produk dapat dikategorikan layak dan dapat diujicobakan. b. revisi produk setelah mendapatkan penilaian dan masukan dari ahli materi, ahli media dan praktisi pembelajaran di atas, tim peneliti kemudian merevisi produk awal dengan memperhatikan beberapa masukan dan koreksi dari tim ahli di atas. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 38 c. uji coba pengembangan uji coba pengembangan dilakukan pada kelompok kecil dan kelompok besar. pada tahap ini peserta dimintai responnya terhadap produk yang dikembangkan. respon mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan modul basic english grammar bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi dan masukan pada rancangan akhir produk berupa modul pembelajaran. 1) data uji coba kelompok kecil uji coba kelopok kecil dilakukan terhadap 10 orang mahasiswa. uji coba diawali dengan pembagian draft modul yang sudah direvisi dan dinyatakan layak oleh ahli. setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan penjelasan singkat mengenai isi modul. selanjutnya mahasiswa diberikan waktu untuk melihat dan membaca draft modul dan pada saat yang bersamaan mahasiswa diberikan format penilaian berupa angket dengan skala 5. angket berisi 25 butir pernyataan yang dikelompokkan dalam 4 aspek yaitu kelayakan isi, penggunaan bahasa, penyajian dan kegrafikan. hasil rekapitulasi dapat dilihat selengkapnya dalam lampiran. hasil rata-rata penilain disajikan dalam tabel berikut: tabel 4. uji coba kelompok kecil no aspek penilaian rata-rata skor kategori 1 isi 4,33 sangat layak 2 penggunaan bahasa 4,45 sangat layak 3 penyajian 4,40 sangat layak 4 kegrafikan 4,60 sangat layak rata-rata skor respon mahasiswa 4,45 sangat layak dari hasil di atas, respon mahasiswa terhadap draft modul pada kelompok kecil menunjukkan bahwa modul berada pada kategori sangat layak dengan rata-rata skor 4,45. dari hasil ini tim peneliti melakukan revisi pada beberapa bagian modul untuk kemudian dapat diujicobakan pada taha selanjutnya. 2) data uji coba kelompok besar uji coba kelompok besar ini dilakukan terhadap 21 orang mahasiswa. uji coba diawali dengan pembagian draft modul yang sudah direvisi dan dinyatakan layak oleh ahli. setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan penjelasan singkat mengenai isi modul. selanjutnya mahasiswa diberikan waktu untuk melihat dan membaca draft modul dan pada saat yang bersamaan mahasiswa diberikan format penilaian berupa angket dengan skala 5. angket berisi 25 butir pernyataan yang dikelompokkan dalam 4 aspek yaitu kelayakan isi, al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 39 penggunaan bahasa, penyajian dan kegrafikan. hasil rekapitulasi dapat dilihat selengkapnya dalam lampiran. hasil rata-rata penilain disajikan dalam tabel berikut: tabel 5. uji coba kelompok besar no aspek penilaian rata-rata skor kategori 1 isi 4,80 sangat layak 2 penggunaan bahasa 4,75 sangat layak 3 penyajian 4,90 sangat layak 4 kegrafikan 4,75 sangat layak rata-rata skor respon mahasiswa 4,80 sangat layak dari hasil di atas, respon mahasiswa terhadap draft modul pada kelompok besar menunjukkan bahwa modul berada pada kategori sangat layak dengan rata-rata skor 4,80. dari hasil ini tim peneliti melakukan revisi dan kemundian menghasilkan produk akhir dari pengembangan modul pembelajaran basic english grammar yang diperuntukan bagi mahasiswa semester tiga tadris bahasa inggris. b. pembahasan pengembangan bahan ajar english grammar berbentuk modul menggunakan model pengembangan four-d yang dikembangkan oleh thiagarajan dan semmel. penelitian pengembangan ini dilakukan melalui empat tahap yaitu pendefinisian (define), perancangan (design), pengembangan (develop), dan penyebaran (disseminate). 1. define (pendefinisian) langkah awal pada tahap ini adalah mengumpulkan informasi dan menganalisis kebutuhan mahasiswa dan dosen bahasa inggris di lingkungan fakultas ilmu tarbiyah dan keguruan iain sultan amai gorontalo. pengumpulan informasi kebutuhan terhadap pengembangan produk berupa modul atau bahan ajar pada mata kuliah basic english grammar ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan angket kebutuhan dan melalui focus group discussion (fgd). dari hasil angket dan kegiatan focus group discussion ini kemudian diuraikan dan dianalisis segala bentuk kebutuhan dosen dan mahasiswa sebagai langkah awal dalam mengembangkan produk berupa modul atau bahan ajar pada mata kuliah basic english grammar di jurusan tadris bahasa inggris fitk iain sultan amai gorontalo. hasil analisis pada tahap ini dapat digambarkan bahwa mahasiswa memerlukan modul atau buku pegangan selama proses pembelajaran. modul al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 40 yang baku dan sesuai dengan standar kompetensi juga menyesuaikan dengan karakteristik mahasiswa itu sendiri. 2. design (perancangan) pada tahap design, tim peneliti menyusun tes, memilih media yang tepat, dan memilih format yang akan digunakan dalam pengembangan media, serta menulis naskah modul. penyusunan tes merupakan langkah awal yang memhubungkan antara tahap define dan tahap design. penyusunan tes digunakan untuk mengukur pencapaian kompetensi mahasiswa mata kuliah english grammar pada level basic. bentuk tes yang digunakan adalah option test. pemilihan bentuk tes ini didasarkan pada tujuan akhir yang ingin dicapai bahwa mahasiswa mampu menguasai dan memahami tata bahasa inggris sederhana khsusunya pada materi parts of speech dan determiner. tahap selanjutnya adalah pemilihan media, pemilihan media didasarkan pada analisis yang dilakukan pada tahap define. berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan pada tahap define, mahasiswa membutuhkan bahan ajar yang dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk belajar mandiri, serta dapat meningkatkan pencapaian kompetensi mahasiswa pada mk english grammar. sehingga, media yang dipilih berupa bahan ajar english grammar berbentuk modul. format modul terdiri dari komponen-komponen yang harus ada dalam modul. format modul disusun dengan memperhatikan komponen-komponen modul yang dikemukakan oleh depdiknas (2008). komponen utama dalam modul merupakan kegiatan belajar. kegiatan belajar merupakan kunci utama tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran pada setiap kompetensi dasar yang mana kegiatan belajar tersebut berisi uraian materi beserta contoh dan penyelesaian, rangkuman, tes formatif, dan tugas. selanjutnya penulisan modul. modul yang ditulis berjudul basic english grammar; mudah & praktis. penulisan modul didasarkan pada garis besar konten modul dengan memperhatikan elemen mutu modul yang dikemukakan depdiknas (2008) dan azhar arsyad (2014). modul ditulis secara runtut sesuai dengan kompetensi dasar, dengan desain menarik dan berwarna. modul yang disusun merupakan satu kesatuan bahan ajar yang didesain untuk dapat digunakan belajar mandiri mahasiswa serta meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa pada mata kuliah english grammar. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 41 3. develop (pengembangan) pada tahap develop, tim peneliti melakukan validasi dan uji coba pengembangan. bahan ajar english grammar berbentuk modul yang telah dicetak kemudian diuji kelayakannya oleh ahli materi, ahli media, dan praktisi pengajaran. hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar english grammar berbentuk modul layak diujicobakan. kategori layak diartikan bahwa bahan ajar english grammar berbentuk modul dari segi materi memiliki kualitas isi, kebahasaan, dan penyajian yang baik untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran. dari segi media memiliki daya tarik, format serta konsistensi dalam layout modul yang baik dengan pemilihan bentuk dan ukuran huruf yang tepat, serta pengorganisasian yang memudahkan mahasiswa yang dilengkapi dengan ruang (spasi kosong) untuk menjawab soal dan pemisah antar unit. 4. disseminate (penyebarluasan) pada tahap ini, tim peneliti membagikan produk kepada mahasiswa yang berbentuk cetak. tim peneliti juga akan memberikan produk ini untuk dijadikan salah satu arsip pada persputakaan kampus atau prodi. pada tahap ini pula tim peneliti akan menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian ini melalui jurnal nasional. d. kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, dapat disimpulkan beberapa hal sebagai berikut: pengembangan bahan ajar basic english grammar pada dikembangkan menggunakan model four-d yang dilakukan melalui 4 tahapan pokok yaitu pendefinisian (define), perancangan (design), pengembangan (develop), dan penyebaran (diseseminate). 1. define, pada tahap ini, diperoleh hasil bahwa mahasiswa membutuhkan bahan ajar yang dapat meningkatkan kompetensi mahasiswa pada mata kuliah english grammar, serta dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk belajar mandiri. 2. design, pada tahap ini, diperoleh hasil bahwa bahan ajar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa yakni, modul basic english grammar. 3. develop, pada tahap ini modul disusun berdasarkan kedua tahap di atas dan divalidasi oleh ahli materi, media dan praktisi pembelajaran. 4. disseminate, pada tahap ini modul dibagikan kepada mahasiswa dan hasil penelitian akan disebarkan melalui jurnal nasional. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 42 daftar pustaka atwi-suparman, m..(2012). desain intruksional modern. jakarta : erlangga depdiknas 2003. pedoman penulisan modul. jakarta: direktorat plp, ditjen dikdasmen. depdiknas. depdiknas. 2008. panduan pengembangan bahan ajar. departemen pendidikan nasional. dick, w., carey, l.,dan carey, j.o. 2009. the systematic design of instruction. new jersey: pearson. 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this study is to identify the pattern of the text‟s structure by analyzing its meta-functions comprising the textual, interpersonal, and ideational functions. the main data used in this study is the text of oath for engineers as subscribed by the members of professional engineers in usa and canada (introduction to engineering, 1989: 49-50). the result of data analysis shows that the text has special features characterizing the genre of oath and its purpose as indicated by 1) the predominance of declarative clauses, 2) the equal usage of marked and unmarked themes representing the setting and reaction phases in the text, 3) the typical form of zig-zag pattern of the thematic organization, and 4) the dominant use of material processes indicating that the text construes the world more in terms of action with engineers at its center, 5) the validity of proposition of the oath for the present time when the engineers subscribe to the oath and to the actual situation for the future time as indicated by the tense of the clauses in the text. thus, unfolding the discourse of oath in english for engineering class is beneficial to increase learning interactions in which reading is treated as the focus of the teaching as well as enhancing students‟ individual development as a part of character education. keywords: systemic functional linguistic; language meta-functions; oath for engineers abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki struktur bahasa sumpah untuk insinyur dalam sistemic functional linguistic dan memeriksa bagaimana sumpah tersebut di tekstualisasikan untuk mencapai peran dan tujuannya sebagai prinsip panduan yang menetapkan cita-cita dan kewajiban seorang insinyur profesional. oleh karena itu, tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pola struktur teks dengan menganalisis metafunctions yang terdiri dari fungsi tekstual, interpersonal, dan ideasional. data utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teks sumpah untuk insinyur seperti yang dilanggan oleh anggota insinyur profesional di as dan kanada (pengantar teknik, 1989: 49-50). hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa teks memiliki fitur khusus yang mencirikan genre sumpah dan tujuannya sebagaimana ditunjukkan oleh 1) dominasi klausa deklaratif, 2) penggunaan yang sama dari tema yang ditandai dan tidak ditandai yang mewakili fase pengaturan dan reaksi dalam teks. 3) bentuk khas pola zig-zag dari organisasi tematik, dan 4) penggunaan dominan dari proses material yang menunjukkan bahwa teks lebih banyak mengartikan dunia dalam hal tindakan dengan para insinyur di pusatnya, 5) validitas proposisi dari sumpah untuk saat ini ketika para insinyur berlangganan sumpah dan situasi aktual untuk waktu mendatang seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh tegang dari klausa dalam teks. dengan demikian, mengungkap wacana sumpah dalam bahasa inggris untuk kelas teknik bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan interaksi pembelajaran di mana membaca diperlakukan sebagai fokus pengajaran serta meningkatkan pengembangan individu siswa sebagai bagian dari pendidikan karakter. kata kunci: sistemik fungsional linguistik, metafungsi bahasa, sumpah insinyur al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 72 a. introduction professional oath can be defined as a solemn sworn formally, publicly and submitted to the formulated guidelines for professional ethical conduct for moral community. the oath commonly comprises professional, societal, environmental responsibilities by holding firmly on honesty, integrity, and moral gravity. national society of professional engineers published the oath for engineers in june 1954 to be formally sworn by the graduated engineers in america. the oath aims at upholding devotion to the standards and dignity of the engineering profession. the text of the oath can be categorized as a kind of literate text which is projected to be difficult to be understood by novice non-native english speaker as indonesian students having basic proficiency in english. using the text of the oath for engineers as reading text material of the teaching of english for engineering class by unfolding the discourse of oath in is beneficial to increase learning interactions in which reading is treated as the focus of the teaching as well as enhancing students‟ individual development as a part of character education. literate text is characterized by lexical density (the density of information resulted from the tightness of the content words in sentences) andbriefsyntactic structure and special expressions related to grammar for delivering the message of the text. in addition, nominalization as a the actualization of lexical density which is a grammatical process that enables the writer to compact a great deal of information into one noun phrase (celce-murcia,2000: 129) potentially causes reading difficulties. texts in the oath for engineers might share some of these characteristics because they are actually written for the native engineers and are appropriate for the intermediate and advance foreign language learner so that the characteristics possessed by these texts potentially cause difficulties to novice learners. thus, these texts can be categorized as indonesian students. in fact, language patterns are rarely become the focus of attention of students and teachers since, commonly, their attention is on the content of the texts being read not on how language interprets and constructs that content (schleppegrell, 2004: 2). in fact, rhetorical awareness of the texts and text purposes, as well as linguistic knowledge, provide readers with more „cognitive control‟ in their comprehension process (abdollahzadeh, 2009: 115). al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 73 to overcome problems that might be caused by the language structure of the text, seeking the most appropriate approach for analysing text is needed. the notional or functional approach at its best is a very fruitful method of bringing together lexical items that co-occur naturally in describing the notion of structure of language (dudleyevans, 2001:4). thus, one of the tools which are appropriate to be used for analysing linguistic pattern and the structure of language and text aimed at seeking ways to help students in comprehending reading text is in the of light of functional model of grammar which is commonly known as systemic functional linguistics (henceforth sfl). halliday (1993: 93) asserts that functional grammar facilitates us to analyse any passage and relate it to its context, and also to the general background of the text: who it is written for, what is its angle on the subject matter, and so on. furthermore, he asserts, grammatical analysis is a fairly technical exercise, and not something that students can be expected to undertake for themselves unless they are specializing in language. in the perspective of sfl, the focus is on analysing the forms in which knowledge is construed through language. therefore, functional text analysis can enlighten pedagogical practice and enable teachers to explicitly explore and explain the ways in which meanings are made. structurally, the text of the oath for engineers aims at presenting and describing the ideals and obligation which the engineers intend to subscribe and accomplish in their professional careers. the macro organization of this text is organized as a list of prescriptive behaviors of a professional engineer as formulated by the society of professional engineers. thus, this text can be further classified into the genre of textbook and norm. in terms of the „field‟, this text is categorized as a literate text which describes and discusses topic related to the field of engineering. the „tenor‟ of this text shows the relationship between the addresser (the writer) and addressee (readers of this text – engineers subscribing to the oath). in addition, the „mode‟ shows the contextual coherence of the text as it is a written text. furthermore, it can be categorized as a kind of academic discourse since it is written by engineering specialistsaimed to introduce the characteristics and responsibilities of professional engineers to the novice engineering students. if structural analysis of the organization of texts can provide a macro-perspective of the texts, lexico-grammatical analysis in the following sections provides a microal-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 74 perspective of the texts to complete the analysis since the specific purpose of the oath characterizes the language of the oath and the usage of structural and lexico-grammatical resources in the oath text. thus, this paper presents the analysis of discourse pattern comprising the experiential, interpersonal, and textual functions of the text and the logical dependency relation of clauses within the text. it is believed that people produce text when they speak and write. to grammarian, text is rich and it can be used to reveal language system by relating itto the linguistic system as a whole; and equally, we cannot use it as a window onthe system unless we understand what it means and why (halliday andmatthiessen, 2004: 3). grammar can be defined as the principles organization oflanguage. however, along the history, the ideas of language have been differed.some linguists, such as chomsky and bloomfield, have tried to explain andinterpret the formal aspects of grammar separated from meanings and context.some other linguists who believe language as a social communicationsystem have extremely different methods and goals for analyzing language. whorf argued that a society‟s perception of reality is determined by the languageof that society (bloor and bloor, 1995: 241). furthermore, prague school linguistsproposed the concepts of theme and rheme while firth and malinowski emphasize on the importance of context of situation and language as action. thoseconcepts are used as a starting point for halliday in developing theories offunctional grammar which was originated by simon dik and concerned with integration of sociolinguistics factors in the grammar. the detailed concept offunctional grammar is presented in the following paragraphs. the theory of functional grammar known as systemic functional linguistics(henceforth sfl and the “functional” is often omitted) approach emphasizes onthe application of contexts and explores how language is used. there are for maintheoretical claims about language in systemic approach namely that language isfunctional; that its function is to make meanings; that these meanings areinfluenced by the social and cultural context in which they are exchanged; andthat the process of using language is a semiotic process, a process of makingmeanings by choosing (eggins, 1994:2). in short, it can be concluded thatlanguage use is functional, semantic, contextual, and semiotic so that systemicapproach is viewed as functional-semantic approach to language.this notion of language shows that a full understanding of text is al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 75 difficultto be obtained without any reference to the context in which it occurs. a text is “aharmonious collection of meaning appropriate to its context” (butt, et al., 2000).there are two perspectives of context namely context of culture and context ofsituation. on the level of context of culture, the concern is on how people uselanguage to achieve culturally appropriate goals through the concept of genre(eggins, 1994: 25). on the other hand, register functions on the level of context ofsituation. in this case, register means functional-grammatical varieties of text.the features of social context that grammarhelps to represent include what is talked about (field), the relationship between thespeaker/hearer/reader (tenor), and expectations for how particular text type should be organized (halliday, 1994 in schleppegrell, 2004: 18). grammar is the central processing unit of language, the powerhouse wheremeanings are created; it is natural that the systems of sound and of writingthrough which these meanings are expressed should reflect the structuralarrangement of the grammar (halliday and matthiessen, 2004:21).from this point of view, grammar becomes a study of how meanings are built upthrough the use of words and other linguistic forms and this may seem fairly tomost people since it accords with commonsense view of language, but not alllinguist have been concerned with meaning in such a direct way as halliday(bloor and bloor, 1995:1-2). more specifically, sfl (systemic functionallinguistic) and/or functional grammar describe grammar as a resource of tools touse rather than a set of rules. it describes language structure as the outcomes ofchoices made by the language users, and it describes the relationship between textand their context of use. the concern is on the real language use, not languagewhich is made as examples of language that can be found in exercises, worksheetsor traditional grammar books. in functional grammar, clause is the central resource for makingmeanings and the logical functions enables us to produce more complexconfigurations in which two or more clauses are joined into a larger whole(thomson, 2004: 195). thus, analyzing clause structure is important since itprovides the „frame of reference for interpreting our experiences of what goes on(halliday, 1985: 101). in addition, it is concerned with resources for combiningclauses into clause complexes (sentences). the technical term of “clausecomplex” in functional grammar is identical with „sentence‟ in the formalgrammar. in addition, functional grammar looks closely at the al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 76 differentcontributions made by clause, phrase and group and word structure to a functional grammar, there are three aspects reflecting the three mainfunctions, namely ideational, interpersonal and textual. these three functionsalways exist in each sentence. ideational function refers to the use of language torepresent experience and it is influenced by field. the sub functions of ideationalfunction comprise the experiential, which is concerned with content and ideas,and the logical, which is concerned with the relationship between ideas. next, theinterpersonal function which refers the use of language to enact socialrelationships and it is influenced by tenor. the textual function, in addition,enables people to construct and organize text which is relevance to its context andit is influenced by mode. language reflects our view of the world consisting of going-on (verbs)involving thing (nouns) which may have attributes (adjectives) and which go onagainst background details of place, time, manner, etc. (adverbials) (thompson,2004:86). experiential function focuses on the content of discourse covering theactivities and the participants in the activities being described. the term used inhere is transitivity, a way to distinguish not only between verbs that have object ornot, but also it refers to a system for describing the whole clause. in functionalgrammar, the content of clauses that we have said is located in the processeswhich contain participants in certain circumstances.the analysis of clause structure involves identifying the representation of the three components of processes: „the process itself; participants in the process; and circumstances associated with the process‟ (halliday, 1985: 101). briefly,participants identify the „who or what of the process‟. processes identify „what isgoing on‟, that is, the doing (action/material process), sensing (mental process),and being (relational process) (halliday,1985: 102-130). finally, circumstancesprovide information about where (place), when (time), how (manner), whyreason/cause), with whom (accompaniment) in relation to the process (halliday,1985: 137). interpersonal function deals with communication and that language evolves to serve the functions that we need.its concern is on the use of language to exchange meanings, thus some units of grammar of the clause are labelled based on their role toexchange meaning. grammar provides us with the basic resource for expressingspeech functions, in the form of a highly generalized set of clause systemsreferred to as mood (matthiessen and halliday, 1997). in functional al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 77 grammar,the composition of clause consists of mood and residue. in detail, clause structure comprises the subject, complement, finite, predicator,and adjunct. however, in mood-residue analysis, each adjunct is treateddifferently. textual function deals with the structure and organization of message inlanguage used by the speaker and how the thematic organization contributes to thecohesive development of text. in functional grammar, clause is a unit whichserves the structure of message in the text consisting of a theme which is accompanied by a rheme. these two terms are borrowed fromthe terminologyproposed by prague school of linguistics. theme is the element functioning asthe point of departure for the message and it carries the previous information intext which gives the background knowledge of the text. the new informationabout the point of departure in which theme is developed is called rheme. it hasfunction to describe and explain the context or topic presented by theme. themeis located at the initial position in the clause while rheme is at the position following the initial position. analyzing theme and rheme provides the frame for analyzing the text structure as well as interpreting the rest of the message. b. research method to describe how the text is structured, the qualitative approach is used in this study rather than the quantitative approach. it is believed that the result of analysis using qualitative approach is more holistic since it is not isolated from context and this will give a comprehensive description of language as a means of communication covering its meaning, purpose, function in academic context and indicates varieties on how language items and structures relate to each other in creating the communicative value. this study requires the identificationof groups, phrases, and clauses, the special characteristics of which are describedthrough inferences. by employing content analysis, this study identified the pattern of text structure beginning from the smallest to largest part of the contentof text namely word rank, group rank, and clause rank.thus, from this perspective, content analysis facilitates the analysis ofwords of the text and gives better understanding from the perspective of theproducer of the words. content analysis will involve the specific and basic contentcharacteristics of texts of the oath for engineersand the application ofexplicit rules based on functional grammar for identifying and, next, recordingthese characteristics. in this content analysis, the researcher is the key al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 78 instrumentfor analyzing and collecting the data. the text of the oath for engineers was obtained from the oath published by the national society of professional engineers published in 1954. the data analysis process of the study was carried out by analysing the groups, phrases, and clauses complexes were analyzed in terms of their structures and functions covering the experiential function (the use of language to represent experiences), interpersonal functions (language used to enact social relationships), and textual functions (language used to construct logical and coherent texts).in analysing groups, phrases, and clause complexes, the first focus is on studying how groups, phrases, and clauses are structured and linked to one another. the next focus is on the various methods of combining clauses together, and how they are used to establish the relationship between ideas, issues, and event in a text. data analysis was started by reading the data and the relation between categoriesand checking research question and, next, followed by establishing criteria forselection in order to build explicit coding rules and marks for each category ofgroup, phrase, and clause. at this stage, the coding system is developed based onthe research questions of this study. afterward, each group/phrase is labelledaccording to their each type of function at each rank. the data are sortedaccordingly to classify clauses into clause simplexes and clause complexes. thetally sheets with the specific categories are listed at the top of each sheet, then theclauses are read and each time the clauses fit the criteria of clause simplexes andclause complexes, their location will be recorded. at the subsequent step, each structure of groups, phrases and clauses inclause simplexes, and clause complexes will be identified. their each pattern ofstructure will be considered as minimum three occurrences of types of clausecomplexes. next, the pattern of logical dependency used in clause complexeswill be identified. each categorical pattern of group, phrases, and clausecomplexes will be explained and interpreted by consulting to the pattern offindings in light of functional grammar theories and previous studies. finally,conclusion on the structure of text will be drawn by noting patterns and making comparison, contrast, and clustering. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 79 c. findings and discussions findings this section aims at presenting the findings of the language structure of the oathfor engineers inscribed in ideals and obligation of professional engineers in the light of systemic functional linguistics and examining how the oath is textualized to accomplish its roles and objectives as the guiding principle which sets the ideals and obligation of professional engineers. hence, the main objective of this study is to identify the pattern of the text‟s structure by analyzing its meta-functions comprising the textual, interpersonal, and ideational functions. textual function textual function of the text deals with the organization of messages in the clauses in order to form a coherence text as well as to develop the interpersonal and experiential functions. the message of this text is structured in such a way to fulfill its aim as it belongs to the genre of oath. the message organization of the text is developed through a series of phases representing the ideals and obligations of professional engineers. phases in text illustrate the wave of information consisting of one or more messages and variable segments which afterward realize the generic stage of the text (rose, 2006:2). the analysis of stages, phases, and themes of the text is presented in the following table. (note: marked themes are in bold and textual themes are in italic). table 1. phases and themes in the oath text for engineers clause stage/ phase theme rheme 1.1 orientation / setting as a professional engineer i dedicate my professional knowledge and skill to the advancement and betterment of human welfare. 1.2 orientation/ reaction i pledge:  to give the utmost of performance  to participate in none but honest enterprise  to live and work according to the laws of man and the highest standards of professional conduct.  to place service before profit, the honor and standing of the profession before personal advantage and the public welfare above all other considerations. 1.3 orientation/ in humility and with i make this pledge al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 80 setting need for divine guidance 2.1.1 orientation/ event i am an engineer. 2.1.2a orientation/ setting in my profession i take deep pride, but without vainglory 2.1.2b orientation/ setting to it i owe solemn obligations 2.1.2c orientation/ reaction that, i am eager to fulfill. 2.2.1 orientation/ setting as an engineer i will participate in none but honest enterprise 2.2.2 orientation/ setting to him that has engaged my services , as employer or client, i will give the utmost of performance and fidelity. 2.3.1a orientation/ setting when, (it) (is ) needed 2.3.1b orientation/ reaction my skill and knowledge shall be given without reservation for the public good 2.3.2a orientation/ setting from special capacity springs the obligation to use it well in the service to humanity; 2.3.2b orientation/ reaction and, i accept the challenge 2.3.2c orientation/ reaction that, this implies. 2.4.1a orientation/ reaction jealous of the high repute of my calling i will strive to protect the interests and the good name of any engineer 2.4.1b orientation/ reaction that, i know to be deserving 2.4.1c orientation reaction / but, i will not shrink, 2.4.1d orientation/ reaction (what) should duty dictatefrom disclosing the truth regarding anyone 2.4.1e orientation/ reaction that; but unscrupulous act has shown himself unworthy of the profession. 2.5.1 orientation/ event since the age of stone human progress has been conditioned by the genius of my professional forebears. 2.5.2 orientation/ by them have been rendered usable to mankind nature‟s vast al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 81 event resources of material and energy 2.5.3 orientation/ event by them have been vitalized and turned to practical account the principles of science and the revelations of technology. 2.5.4 orientation/ setting except for this heritage of accumulated experience my effort would be feeble 2.5.5 orientation/ reaction i dedicate myself to the dissemination of engineering knowledge, and especially to the instruction of younger members of my profession in all its arts and traditions. 2.6.1a orientation/ setting to my fellow i pledge, in the same full measure, 2.6.1b orientation/ reaction i ask of them, integrity and fair dealing, tolerance and respect, and devotion to the standards and the dignity of our profession; 2.6.1c orientation/ setting with the consciousness always, that our special expertness carries with it the obligation to serve humanity with complete sincerity. from the result of analysis in the above table, the theme choices of the text shows the equal usage of topical and both marked and unmarked themes by employing the circumstantial element and the participant serving as the subject of the clause as the themes. the themes organization in the text is in the form of zig-zag pattern which is indicated by the changing topics from the marked themes presenting contextual framework of the clauses to the unmarked themes pointing out the engineer as the center of message departure. the marked themes in the text realize the circumstances or settings which will be encountered by the engineers in their future career and they are followed by the reaction to the setting in the subsequent clauses. the themes develop the organization of the text which is divided into some stages − predictable segments in genre − and phases – variable segments within each stage − representing hierarchy of periodicity of message in the text (rose, 2006:2). analyzing stages and phases enable the unfolding of ideation of clauses − the interpretation of sequences activity in text. the orientation stage in this text develops the organization of message in the whole text by involving the setting and reaction phases as the pattern which is expected to be repeated at the all level of orientation stages. the boundary of stages in this oath text is indicated by the placement of clauses into one paragraph and sub-paragraph. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 82 the marked themes functioning for specifying the contextual framework for the interpretation of the clauses in the text indicate the setting phases which present the contexts comprising identities, purposes and activities. the unmarked themes, on the other hand, carry out the behavioral/attitudinal outcome as reaction which will be done in accordance to the specific setting presented by the previous clauses. according to rose, 2006:2, on the scale of phases, the first and final sentences in a paragraph/ phase of written text may function as its hypertheme and hypernew, that predict and distil the field of the paragraph whereas, on the scale of the genre, the first and last paragraphs of a written text may function as its macrotheme and macronew, predicting and distilling the field of the text. the first paragraph of the oath text serves as the macro theme since it contains the main content of the oath for engineers and shows the purpose of making this pledge. on the other hand, the second paragraph has a role to present the macro new describing further detail information related to the macro theme – the special qualities owned by the professional engineer. the first clause – as a professional engineer, i dedicate my professional knowledge and skill to the advancement and betterment of human welfare – functions as the hyper theme which signifies the main field of the paragraph emphasizing on the actions which have to be done by the engineer in the framework of being a professional engineer. on the other hand, the final clause − in humility and with need for divine guidance, i make this pledge − serves as the hyper new carrying new information related to the hyper theme. in addition, this clause presents the circumstance of making this engineering pledge comprising the information that the engineer declares and commits to this pledge with the absence of any feelings of being better than others and the essential necessity for godly direction in bringing the messages included in this pledge into reality. in terms of stage, the orientation stage in the first paragraph begins with a setting phase pointing out the identities of the engineer as a professional engineer. this setting, as shown in clause 1.2, is followed by the expected range of activities and behavioral attitude of the engineer covering the pledge to give the highest and greatest degree of performance, the commitment to take part merely in honest enterprise, the commitment to obey the laws of man and the highest standards of professional conduct in living and working, and the pledge for setting the priority and placing the highest concern for al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 83 public benefit. the next setting in the first paragraph gives certain emphasize on the circumstance of the subscription of this oath in addition to the first setting as has been mentioned in the previous paragraph. in addition, the second paragraph specifies the further detail description of actions to be completed by the engineers. in this paragraph, the hyper theme of the statement subscribed by the engineers – i am an engineer – gives an emphasis on the identity of the oath subscribers as an engineer while the hyper new in clause 2.6.1 provides the description of the engineer‟s attitude toward his fellow concerning with the appraisal of integrity, fair dealing, tolerance and respect, and devotion. furthermore, event in clause 2.1.1 at the beginning of the second paragraph presents the transition between the first and the second orientation since it provides information that the following orientation stages describe the faith of the engineering as the detail continuation of the main oath presented in the previous paragraph and gives emphasize on the succeeding events pointing out the subscriber‟s identity as being an engineer. this event is followed by two settings which extend the reaction for the following phase as shown in clause 2.1.2 which consists of three sub-clause complexes. the first two sub-clause complexes pointing out the settings by marking the themes “in my profession” and “to it” and the usage of “that” as conjunction which represents sequences of phases within one clause complexes and indicate the changing phases from setting to reaction. this clause complex provides new information that in the engineers are really proud with the engineering profession but without arrogance, self admiration and egotism as shown in clause 2.1.2a and they have moral obligation to be fulfilled in their profession. the next sub-paragraph of the second paragraph is intended to give emphasize on the settings which are continued in the next orientation indicated by the conjunction of “when” followed by the reaction in the subsequent clause. next, the clause complex 2.3.2 carries setting and reactions phases in one clause complexes by employing the marked themes in setting phase and conjunction and unmarked theme in reaction phases. however, clauses 2.2.1 to 2.3.2 primarily provide further new information describing the main oath in paragraph one by providing more detail engineer‟s action and attitude and reason for obeying the obligation in setting and reaction phrases. this fact indicates the importance of clause 1.2 and the emphasizing on it for presenting the main essential action and behavior of professional engineer. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 84 clause 2.4.illustrates another pattern of themes characterizing phases. this clause complex consists of five clauses marked with conjunction at the beginning of each clause which indicates the sequences of reaction phases. having the clause jealous of the high repute of my calling as the marked theme, this clause presents the actions to be done by the engineers in that particular context and circumstance by giving additive addition realized by conjunction that and adversative addition in clause complex 2.4.1. furthermore, the combination of event, setting, and reaction phases is presented in the fifth sub-paragraph of the second paragraph. the clause 2.5.1, 2.5.2, and 2.5.3 provide truthful information or events addressing the fact concerning with the role of professional engineers since the age of stone. these clauses are followed by setting and reaction phases dealing with the action that the engineer should accomplish in accordance to the setting. the clause complex in the last sub-paragraph employs marked themes to signify the setting or framework for interpreting the following clause containing unmarked theme which indicate the reaction phase. however, clause 2.5.4 serves as the main point this sub-paragraph since it gives a mark that event in clause 2.5.1, 2.5.2, and 2.5. they present new information that the engineer‟s effort would be weak and deficient without any inherited experience acquired from the predecessor heritage of accumulated experience. thus, it can be concluded that the patterns of themes and phases discussed in this section show the characteristic of organization of clause as message within a text in the genre of oath. interpersonal function in this section, the profound discussion dealing with the functional text analysis of the interpersonal meaning is presented. the focus of interpersonal meaning is on language as a way of acting and how the writers interact with readers through the construction of mood and residue comprising subject, finite, predicator, complement and adjunct. in terms of mood, all the clauses in this text are construed in positive polarity of declarative mood which has a speech role as statements declared by the engineers and concerning with the ideals and obligations of professional engineers. based on the analysis of mood in the text, the subjects of the clauses are dominantly in the form of ngs (nominal groups) which employ only the thing element referring to i or the engineer who present him/herself in the oath. some of the subjects in the clauses al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 85 are in the form of pronoun and empty noun, but these subjects still refer to the proceeding ngs. this fact shows that although the finite and residue have moved on to some new proposition and new claims, the subject remains the same since i (the engineer) is the central subject who is subscribing to the oath and will take the action based on the new proposition and claims stated in the oath. by employing declarative clause, the clause in the oath introduces an entity (subject), shows certain claim about the entity and indicates the degree of validity of claim and proposition through the finite of the clause (thompson, 2004: 53). from this perspective, it can be concluded that the oath text is making claim about the dominance subject − „i‟ referring to the engineer. in addition, when subscribing to the pledge, the readers (the engineers) are expected to give agreement, acceptance, commitment, and undertaking to realize the content of the oathso that the statements in the oath can be categorized as claims although it may seem unusual to categorize statement as claim. in terms of finite, the clauses in the text are dominantly in present tense indicating that the propositions in the text are valid for the present time and actual situation in the present and the future as shown by the usage of will in some clauses. the mood analysis of this text reveals the equal usage of explicit finite by employing auxiliary am, has and have been and implicit finite which is embedded in lexical verb. it is assumed that the underlying reason for the usage of explicit finite is based on the necessity to explicitly show the negotiation which is done by the subject and finite in the mood element in building, developing and presenting the proposition in clause. implicit finite, on the other hand, shows that the finite is being attached in the lexical item in residue and it indicates that the writer makes the validity claims implicit as in all clauses of the first paragraph and clauses 2.1.2, 2.3.2, 2.5.5, and 2.6.1. in addition, all clauses in the oath text have positive polarity which indicates that the structure of finite has a role to prove the positive validity of propositions and claims existed in the text as well as to show positive attitude of writer and the intended reader toward the existing propositions and claims. table 2. mood choices in the text of oath for engineers clause mood speech role subject finite 1.1 dec statement i (pronoun) present (dedicate) al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 86 1.2 dec statement i (pronoun) present (pledge) 1.3 dec statement i (pronoun) present (make) 2.1.1 dec statement i (pronoun) present: am 2.1.2a dec statement i (pronoun) present: (owe) 2.1.2b dec statement i (pronoun) present (take) 2.1.2c dec statement i (pronoun) present: am 2.2.1 dec statement i (pronoun) present: will 2.2.2 dec statement i (pronoun) present: will 2.3.1a dec statement it (pronoun) present: is 2.3.2a dec statement present (springs) 2.3.2b dec statement i (pronoun) present (accept) 2.3.2b dec statement this (pronoun) present (implies) 2.4.1a dec statement i (pronoun) present: will 2.4.1b dec statement i (pronoun) present (know) 2.4.1c dec statement i (pronoun) present: will 2.4.1d dec statement (what) (pronoun) present:should 2.4.1e dec statement unscrupulous act (ng) present: has 2.5.1 dec statement human progress (ng) present: has been 2.5.2 dec statement them (pronoun) present: have been 2.5.3 dec statement them (pronoun) present: have been 2.5.4 dec statement my effort (ng) present: would be 2.5.5 dec statement i (pronoun) present (dedicate) 2.6.1a dec statement i (pronoun) present (pledge) 2.6.1b dec statement i (pronoun) present (ask) 2.6.1c dec statement our special expertness (ng) present (carries) furthermore, the dominant usage of active clauses in almost all clauses shows that the oath text gives a high degree of emphasize on the engineer as the subject of the clause who does the action. on the other hand, passive clauses as in clause 2.3.1 and 2.5.3 indicate that the clauses give emphasize on the action which is done by the subject. it should be noted that there is one clause, clause2.3.2a, from special capacitysprings the obligation, having no subjects but the circumstantial adjuncts, realized in the form of prepositional phrase, and it is placed at the subject position of the clause. in this case, it assumed that the speaker is making a claim about the obligation which is valid for the present time and actual situation if it is examined from the special capacity owned by the engineers. the passive clauses 2.5.2 and 2.5.3, repeat the same al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 87 “them” twice to give an emphasizing on the role of engineers in utilizing natural resources and developing technology since the age of stone. in the residue, clause predicators which express the action, happening etc in this text has function to specify the active and passive voice of the clause and half of them serve as secondary tense since the element of finite are attached in the predicators. in addition, frequent usage of circumstantial adjunct explains the circumstance of propositions and claims made in the mood. in terms of appraisal, many clauses in the text show affect focusing on the emotive feeling of the appraiser as in eager to fulfill and my effort would be feeble and appreciation aimed to demonstrate the qualities owned by the appraised thing, action and event as shown by deep pride, solemn obligations, the utmost of performance, from special capacities, unscrupulous act, the genius of my professional forebears andspecial expertness. from the dominance appraisal in the text, the writer shows his/her thinking and attitude towards the appraised thing, action, and event which is appraised for having good values and qualities. finally, the discussion of interpersonal analysis of the oath text in this section comes into conclusion that the oath is primary functioned for guaranteeing the truth and efficacy of language. the oath, then, seems to be a linguistic act intended to confirm a meaningful proposition (a dictum), whose truth or effectiveness it guarantees, and whose correctness and implications we must verify (agamben, 2011: 15). experiential function language reflects our view of the world consisting of going-on (verbs) involving thing (nouns) which may have attributes (adjectives) and which go on against background details of place, time, manner, etc. (adverbials) (thompson, 2004:86). experiential function focuses on the content of discourse covering the activities and the participants in the activities being described through the structure of transitivity −processes, participants, and circumstances. the transitivity structure of clause express representational meaning: what the clause is about, which is typically some processes, with associated participants and circumstances (halliday and matthiessen, 2004: 309). here is the extract of text oath taken from introduction al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 88 to engineering book. (note: participants underlined; processes in bold; circumstantial in italics; clauses are numbered for later reference). (1.1)as a professional engineer, idedicatemy professional knowledge and skillto the advancement and betterment of human welfare. (1.2) ipledge: to give the utmost of performance to participate in none but honest enterprise to live and work according to the laws of man and the highest standards of professional conduct to place service before profit, the honor and standing of the profession before personal advantage and the public welfare above all other considerations. (1.3)in humility and with need for divine guidance, imake this pledge. (2.1.1) iaman engineer. (2.1.2a)in my profession, itakedeep pride, but without vainglory; (2.1.2b) to it iowesolemn obligations (2.1.2c) that iam eager to fulfill. (2.2.1)as an engineer, iwill participate in none but honest enterprise. (2.2.2)to him that has engagedmy services, as employer or client, iwill givethe utmost of performance and fidelity. (2.3.1a)when needed, (2.3.1b)my skill and knowledgeshall be given without reservation for the public good. (2.3.2a)from special capacity springs the obligation to use it well in the service to humanity; (2.3.2b) and iacceptthe challenge(2.3.2c) that thisimplies. (2.4.1a) jealous of the high repute of my calling, iwill strive to protect the interests and the good name of any engineer (2.4.1b) that iknow to be deserving; (2.4.1c) but iwill not shrink, (2.4.1d) should duty dictate, from disclosing the truth regarding anyone (2.4.1e) that, but unscrupulous act,has shown himself unworthy of the profession. (2.5.1)since the age of stone, human progresshas been conditioned by the genius of my professional forebears. (2.5.2)bythemhave been rendered usable to mankind nature’s vast resources of material and energy. (2.5.3)bythemhave been vitalized and turned to practical account the al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 89 principles of science and the revelations of technology. (2.5.4) except for this heritage of accumulated experience, my effortwould be feeble. (2.5.5)idedicatemyself to the dissemination of engineering knowledge, and especially to the instruction of younger members of my profession in all its arts and traditions. (2.6.1a) to my fellow ipledge, in the same full measure, (2.6.2b)iask of them, integrity and fair dealing, tolerance and respect, and devotion to the standards and the dignity of our profession; (2.6.1c) with the consciousness, always, that our special expertnesscarries with it the obligation to serve humanity with complete sincerity. from the analysis above, the most frequent process type is material process apart from the two relational clauses and two mental clauses. the material processes in the text are realized by such processes namely dedicate, pledge, make, take, owe, will participate, give, shall be given, accept, implies, will strive, will not shrink, and should duty dictate. in addition, the material processes in the text are dominantly employed by actor and goal as the participants of each clause. however, some materials processes, namely give, shall be given, and accept indicates the employment of agent and recipient as the participants. the most frequent participant of the text is i which refers to the engineer who subscribes to the oath. since material process involving physical action, the dominant usage of material process indicates that the text construes the world more in terms of action or action oriented with engineers as its central actor by depicting engineer as someone who fulfill and bring the action into the reality. in addition, there are two attributive relational and identifying relational processes. the attributive relational process represents the attributive relation between the carrier and attribute as the participants while identifying relational process showing the identification of the both participants which carry token and value as the participants. the attributive relational process in clause 2.3.2a employs attribute (obligation) as participant with the absence of carrier which is left unidentified. however, the clause indicates that there is a relationship between the attribute (the obligation) and circumstance (from special capacities) by employing springs as a process which signifies the causal relation between circumstance and attribute. the relational process (springs) characterizes the aspect that the obligation is as the outcome al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 90 of the special capacity owned by the engineer. thus, “spring” has a role to make a distinctive contribution of the identification of the both participants – token and value. by means of attributive processes, in this clause, the writer provides the information related to the specific attributes and the characteristics of the absence carriers. thus, it can be concluded that the function of attributive relational clause is mainly for describing condition. furthermore, the identifying relational process employs token and value as in clause 2.1.1. clause 2.1.1, i am an engineer, identifies that the most frequent participant, i, is an engineer objectively and identifiable by not attaching subjective attribute to the carrier (i). in short, identifying relational in this particular clause has a role to sum up the known condition or value depicted in the text to identify the participant serving as the token. furthermore, the mental clauses encode the meaning of thinking and feeling and employ senser and phenomenon as the participants. there are two types of mental clauses existed in the oath text, cognitive and perceptive. according to halliday and matthiessen (2004: 210), cognitive is realized through verb representing thinking, knowing, and understanding, for example in clause 2.4.1b while perceptive is realized through verbs of seeing and hearing, for example in clause 2.4.1e. in terms of circumstances, the text employs circumstantial elements to enhance and extend the clause by providing additional information related to the process and participant and employing the circumstance of time place, quality, condition, comitative and guise as listed in the following table. table 3. types of circumstances in the text of oath for engineers (adopted from halliday and matthiessen, 2004: 262) types wh-item examples of realization enhancing 1 location place where? [there, here] in the service of profession time when? [then, now] when it is needed 2 manner quality how? [thus] in humility, according to the laws of man, without vainglory, in none but honest enterprise, extending 3 accompaniment condition why? jealous of high repute of my calling comitative who/what with? with need for devine guidance, without reservation guise what as? as an engineer al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 91 d. conclusions from the discussion presented in this paper, it is clear that the oath text for engineers utilize various language resources to achieve its objectives. textually, the zigzag pattern of themes organization indicates the changing topics from the marked themes presenting contextual framework of the clauses to the unmarked themes pointing out the engineer as the center of message departure which later represent the movement of stages and phases in the text. interpersonally, the oath has a primary role for guaranteeing the truth and efficacy of language. experientially, the dominant usage of material process indicates that the text construes the world more in terms of action or action oriented with engineers at its center. the results of functional text analysis which unfolds the structure of the oath for engineers and reveals the pattern of the text is essential to be utilized as one important consideration in designing and developing english course syllabus and teaching material for the teaching of english in engineering class. this is based on the idea that teaching reading requires a focus on intermediate patterns of discourse between stages and clause grammar, since learners cannot comprehend a text as a string of clauses, any more than we understand a clause as a string of words, or a word as string of letters (rose, 2006:2). this oath text has a good quality and potential to be used as one of the teaching material of english in engineering class in which reading is treated as the main focus of the teaching since this text can promote character education by providing detail description on the ideals, obligations and special qualities which have to be possessed by professional engineers. al-lisan. journal bahasa & pengajarannya issn 2442-8965 & e issn 2442-8973 volume 4 nomor 1februari 2019 92 references abdollahzadeh, esmaeel. 2009. the effect of rhetorical and cognitive structureof texts on reading comprehension. asian efl journal june 2009. agamben, giorgio. 2011. the sacrament of language: an archaeology of the oath (homo sacer ll, 3). stanford : stanford university press. bloor, thomas and bloor, meriel. 1995. the functional analysis of english: ahallidayan approach. london: arnold. cerce-murcia, marianne and olshtain, elite. 2000. discourse and context inlanguage teaching. new york: cambridge university press. halliday, m.a.k and matthiessen, christian. 2004. introduction to functional grammar (third edition). london: arnold. halliday, m.a.k. 1985. introduction to functional grammar. london: edward arnold. martin, j.r. and rose, david. 2005. designing literacy pedagogy: scaffolding asymmetries in j webster, c matthiessen& r hasan (eds.). continuing discourse on language. london: continuum, 2005, 251-280 rose, david. 2006. reading genre: a new wave of analysisin linguistics and the human sciences. 2:1, 2006. schleppegrell, m.j. (2004). language for schooling: a functional lawrence erlbaum associates, inc. thompson, geoff. 2004. using functional grammar. london: arnold. الإعراب في اللغة العربية 1 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) volume 5, nomor 1, februari 2020 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) ومشكالته خصائصه: اإلعراب hairudin insititut agama islam negeri sultan amai gorontalo, indonesia abstrak sesungguhnya i’rab sejak awal-awal penyusunan ilmu pengetahuan yang bercorak arab dan bernuansa islami menempati ruang terdepan yang mendapatkan perhatian serius dikalangan ilmuwan muslim, dan menjadikannya sebagai tiang dan pondasi dalam ilmu-ilmu keislaman dari berbagai aspek. hal yang demikian itu karena i’rab memiliki fungsi yang sangat urgen dalam menjaga kefasihan bahasa arab dari bentuk distorsi dan kesalahan, selain daripada itu karena i’rab dapat membantu para pembaca dalam memahami teks-teks arab keagamaan dan non keagamaan. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi hakikat i’rab ,spesifiaksi, dan problematiknya dengan menitikberatkan pada defenisi i’rab, kemunculannya, urgensi dan maksudnya, korelasinya qiraat dan tafsir. penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan kajian pustaka yang bercorak induktif, inferensial, dan eksploratif. penelitian menunjukkan bahwa i’rab sangat penting untuk dipelajari agar pemerhati bahasa arab terhindar dari kekeliruan dalam berbicara terutama setalah terjadinya assimilasi budaya arab dan non arab, disamping itu i’rab juga memiliki posisi penting, karena merupakan ilmu alat untuk memahami teks-teks suci qirāat al-qur’an dan tafsirnya. hanya saja problematikanya adalah tidak semua ahli linguistik sepakat atas eksistensi i’rab. kata kunci: i’rab; teks berbahasa arab; qiraat dan tafsir مستخلص البحث السبق قدم على حائزا اإلسالمية و العربية العلوم في التأليف بداية منذ اإلعراب كان لقد وظائف له ألن مجاالتها، مختلف في اإلسالمية العلوم من كثير في وأساسا عمدة واتخذ اإلعراب أن ذلك سوى واالضطراب، الفساد من العربية فصاحة سالمة في مهمة المقالة هذه تهدف .الشرعية وغير الشرعية العربية النصوص فهم في القراء يساعد حيث اإلعراب، حقيقة تبيّن أن إلى ومشكالته خصائصه: اإلعراب: العنوان تحت . والتفسير بالقراءات وصلته وداللته، ،هميتهوأ وظهوره، اإلعراب، مفهوم: تركز استقرائيا منهجا تشمل التي مكتبية بدراسة الوصفية الطريقة على المقالة وتسير يوصف ألن مهم موضوع اإلعراب أنّ إلى المقالة أشارت حيث ،وبيانيا واستدالليا في حنالل و الخطأ في الوقوع العربية اللغة محبي حفاظ ألجل وذلك ،عنه ويبحث 2 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) هذا .ومعاملتهم ثقافتهم في والعجم العرب اختلطت أن بعد خاصة ،والكتابة الكالم شيئ، وشيئ آخر أن اإلعراب له مكانه السامي لكونه وسيلة لفهم النصوص المقدسة متفقين في علماء اللغة ألنهم ليسواوإنما تبقى المشكلة . من القراءات القرآنية وتفسيرها .كيانهتقرير وفي إثبات اإلعراب داللة أهمية، اإلعراب،: الرئيسية الكلمات abstract since the beginning of the preparation of arabic-style and islamic nuanced science, i’rab has been in the forefront of getting serious attention among muslim scientists and making it a pillar and foundation in islamic sciences from various aspects. this is because i'rab has a really essential role in keeping arabic fluency free from distortion and error, and i'rab will help readers understand religious and non-religious of arabic texts. this study aims to explore the nature of the i’rab, its specifications, and its problems by focusing on the definition of the i’rab, its emergence, urgency, and its purpose, its correlation, the way of reading and interpretation. the study uses a descriptive method with a literature study that is characterized by inductive, inferential, and exploratory. the result of the study shows that arabic is pivotal to learn so that arabic observers avoid mistakes in speaking, especially after the assimilation of arabic and non-arab cultures. furthermore, i’rab also has a crucial position, because it is a science of tools to understand the holy texts of the qur’an and its interpretations. but unfortunately, not all linguists agree on i’rab’s existence keywords: i’rab; arabic text; the way of reading and interpretation لمقدمة.ا ومسرألة كانرت، وكيرف اإلعرراب مسألة على ينصب الموضوع هذا في البحث اللغرة، فقره فري البراحثين لردى الثقيلة المسائل من العربية في والسيما اإلعراب عررب مرن المحدثون فيها بحث كما العربية، علماء من القدامى لها تصدى فقد ذلرك العربيرة، ازدهرار عهرود منرذ واللغويرون النحاة به اهتم ولقد. ومستشرقين كران اإلعرراب أن هرذا ومعنرى نافعرة، ضررورة كران اإلعراب على الحفاظ أن النررا وثررار اللغويررة، الطبيعررة وفسرردت اللحررن، فشررا فقررد األلسررنة، علررى ثقرريال . األلسنة في اإلعوجاج هذا فيستنكرون يسمعون هذا اإلعراب ثقيال على األلسنة فقد تخفف منه كثير من النا ، بحيرث وما دام نهررم م فيهررا هررذا القيررد الثقيررل فرري حررين إصررار للنررا لغررة فرري التخاتررب لررم يلتررز وقد بقيت مسألة اإلعراب قضريةالعربية الكبررى . إذا كتبوا يلتزمون باإلعراب 3 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) أجل ذلرك كران توال العصور المتعاقبة، ومازالت كذلك حتى يومنا هذا، ومن , إبررراهيم السررامرائي) مررن المفيررد النررافد أن نرردر هررذه القضررية دراسررة دقيقررة ونقوم بتحديد موضوعها ليسير البحث في منهج صحيح كما يترترب فري (3891 :األمور اآلتية ما حقيقة اإلعراب؟: أوال ما خصائصه ومشكالته؟: ثانيا أعررب : قرولهمكبمعنرى اإلبانرة واإلفصرا ، اإلعراب في اللغرة مصردر أعررب ب عنهرا : "قرال رسرول سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص م. الّرُجل عرن نفسره، إذا بري نأ وأوضرح الث يِّّرُب يُعررِّ , أبرو الحسرن أحمرد برن فرار ابرن زكريرا) "لسانُها، والبِّكر تُْسرتأأْمأر فري نفسرها 2002) . ابررن ) وإنمررا سررمي اإلعررراب إعرابرراه لتبيينرره وإيضرراحه: قررال ابررن من ررور .3 أحدها اإلبانة : صول ثالثةأالعين والراء والباء : قال ابن فار (3313, من ور أبررو ) أعرررب الرجررل عررن نفسرره إذا برريّن وأوضررح: واإلفصررا ، فرراألول قررولهم بيانرره وإيضررا : ، فرررعراب الكررالم (2002, الحسررن أحمررد بررن فررار ابررن زكريررا : يقال. اإلعراب والتعريب معناهما واحد وهو اإلبانة: قال األزهري. فصاحته أعررب عمرا فري ضرمير ، : يقرال. بران وأفصرحأعرب عنه لسانه وعرّرب أي أ , األزهرري) قرد أعررب: أبِّْن، ومن هرذا يقرال للرجرل إذا أفصرح فري الكرالم: أي :علماء بعدة تعريفات، منهاأما اإلعراب في اإلصطال فقد عرفه ال، (3893 أبو الفتح عثمران ابرن ) اإلعراب هو اإلبانة عن المعاني باأللفاظ: قال ابن جني .(2003, جني د النحررويين هررو اخررتالف آخررر الكلمررةاإلعررراب عنرر: اء العكبررريقررال أبررو البقرر ا أبو البقاء محب الدين عبد سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص بن الحسين ) الختالف العامل فيها لف ها أو تقديره . (3881, بن عبد سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص فأمررا اإلعررراب فبرره تميررز المعرراني ويوقررف علررى أغرررا : " قررال ابررن فررار زيْد، غير معرب، أو ضرب عمرْر ما أحسنْ :ك أن قائال لو قالالمتكلمين، وذل ما أحسأنأ زيدها، أو ما أحسرنُ : فرذا قال. زيْد، غير معرب، لم يوقف على مراده , صربحي الصرالح) عنى الرذي أراده، أبان باإلعراب عن المزيٍد، أو أحسنأ زيد 2008). 4 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) :ظهور اإلعراب بلية قبل زمن جاء في التاريخ القديم أن اللغة التي انتشرت في المملكة البا بعشرين قرنا أو أكثر، وهي أم اللغات السامية، كانت ذات " حمورابي" حركات لإلعراب وأنها قضت أكثر من ألفي عام، وهي ذات حياة في وقد استعجمت في . سجالت الحكومة ودواوينها وعلى ألسنة العلية من القوم كات ألسنة العامة من أهل الحواضر، وكان أول شيئ أضاعته هو حر اإلعراب، فكانت اللغة المتطورة منها المستعجمة، هي السريانية القديمة، ولكن . وهي ليست بذات إعراب ألن ماال يوجد في االصل اليوجد في الفرع سكان البادية بدو اآلراميين وهم العرب لم يفقدوها فبقيت هذه الحركات ثابتة اث اللغة األولى أم لغتنا فهذه الحركات إذا متصلة إلينا من مير. في لهجاتهم وبعد أن جاء .(3899, عبد العال سالم مكرم) العربية التي حف تها لنا البداوة اللسان العربي باللسان اإلسالم ودخل إليه النا من جميد األجنا واختلط األعجمي وظهر اللحن وانتشر على األلسنة حتى أصبح ظاهرة تخشى من ولم تزل العرب تنطق على : كحا ذلقال اإلمام الزبيدي موضّ . شيوعها في صدر إسالمها وماضي جاهليتها حتى أظهر سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص اإلسالم على سجيتها سائر األديان فدخل النا فيه أفواجا وأقبلوا إليه إرساال واجتمعت فيه األلسنة المتفرقة واللغات المختلفة، ففشا الفساد في اللغة والعربية واستبان منه في ا، والموّضح لمعانيها، فتفّطن لذلك من نافر بطباعه اإلعراب الذي هو حليه سوء أفهام الناتقين من دخالء األمم بغير المتعارف من كالم العرب، فع م اإلشفاق من فشّو ذلك وغلبته، حتى دعاهم الحذر من ذهاب لغتهم وفساد كالمهم إلى أن سببوا األسباب في تقييدها لمن ضاعت عليه وتثقيفها لمن وقد جاءت رويات كثيرة .(2008, باسل عمر مصطفى المحايدة) زاغت عنه تدل على شيوع اللحن وانتشاره والنهو لعالجه، واألدهى أنه تسرب إلى أن : أن زيادا تلب من أبي األسود: قراءة القرآن الكريم، ومن هذه الرويات ا به وتعرب به كتاب سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص، فاستعفاه من ذلك، اعمل شيئا تكون إماما ينتفد الن ( أن سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص برءئ من المشركين ورسولُهُ ): حتى سمد أبو األسود قارئا يقرأ ما كنت أظن أن أمر النا صار إلى هذا، فرجد : فقال (8: 1/سورة التوبة) , باسل عمر مصطفى المحايدة) أنا أفعل ما أمر به األمير: إلى زياد فقال 2008). 5 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) اإلعراب أهمية إن شرف العلم بشرف المعلوم، وال شك أن علم إعراب القرآن الكريم قد حاز الشرف من جهة موضوعه الذي يتعلق بكالم سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص تعالى الذي هو ينبوع كل كما أن العلم يشرف وتسمو منزلته بالحاجة إليه، . حكمة ومعدن كل فضيلة الداعية الستعماله، وإعراب القرآن الكريم يمثل مكانة مرموقة والضرورة ومنزلة عالية من بين علوم القرآن الكريم، فهو األصل في فهم القرآن وتدبره، ولو سقط علم النحو لسقط فهم القرآن وفهم حديث النبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص، ولو سقط لسقط " .(2008, باسل عمر مصطفى المحايدة) اإلسالم وبهذا تبينت مكانة اإلعراب الجليلة ومدى الحاجة إليه، وهي كما تتمثل في :النقات اآلتية فقد وردت روايات دراسته وتعلمه،اهتمام سلفنا الصالح به، وحثهم على .3 ريرة روى أبو عبيدة برسناد له عن أبي هما : متعددة دلت على ذلك، منها . أعربوا القرآنسو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصقال رسول : قال .أعربوا القرآن فرنه عربي: وعن ابن مسعود قال .تعلموا إعراب القرآن كما تتعلمون حف ه: وقال عمر ابن الخطاب والواقرررد أن هرررذا األحاديرررث واألخبرررار فيهرررا ن رررر، ألن اإلعرررراب لرررم ي هرررر راد بررراإلعراب اإلبانرررة مصرررطلحا إال فررري عصرررر مترررأخر، والرررراجح أن المررر وقررد كرران الصررحابة رضرري سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص عررنهم يسررمون هررذا .والتوضرريح وفهررم الغريررب ". إعراب القرآن"الغريب ولكرررن علرررى أيرررة حرررال نحرررن ال ننكرررر قيمرررة اإلعرررراب، فررراإلعراب كمرررا يقرررول دخل الكالم ليفرق بين المعراني مرن الفاعليرة والمفعوليرة واإلضرافة ": العكبري لجسررم، إن الكررالم كا: "راب كمررا يقررول أبوحيرران التوحيررديواإلعرر". ونحررو ذلررك عبرد ) يز بين الجسم والجسم إنما يقرد برالحلي القائمرةوالنحو كالحلية، وإن التمي بهرا من العلوم الجليلة التي خصت: "قال ابن فار (3899, العال سالم مكرم اإلعراب الذي هو الفارق بين المعاني المتكافئة في اللفظ، وبه يعررف : العرب لرواله مراميز فاعرل مرن مفعرول وال مضراف مرن . لخبر الذي هو أصرل الكرالما 6 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) وال نعررت مررن تاكيررد منعرروت وال تعجررب مررن اسررتفهام وال صرردر مررن مصرردر .(2008, صبحي الصالح) صيانة لغة القرآن من اللحن والتحريف، فيقرأ كتاب سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص معربرا كمرا أنرزل، .2 لكلمرة فري القررآن بحركرات ا وكما هو معلروم أن العلمراء قرد عردّوا اإلخرالل لحنا جليرا، ومرن كران واقعرا فيره فرنره ال يصرح أن يترولى اإلمامرة والقرراءة واإلقرراء وال تنبغري الصرالة خلفره خلرف إمامتره، ويراثم قارئره إن قّصرر أو . (2008, باسل عمر مصطفى المحايدة) تساهل فيه ات علم الوقرف واالبترداء، إذ يررتبط كرل منهرا علم إعراب القرآن من مستمد .1 اآلخررر ارتباتررا وثيقررا، فررالوقف يررعثر فرري المعنررى وهررذا برردوره يررعثر فرري اإلعررراب، ممررا يرردل علررى الترررابط الشررديد بررين الوقررف وأنواعرره وتعليالتهررا .النحوية بيرران معرراني القرررآن وتفسرريره، ومررا تثريرره المواقررد اإلعرابيررة المختلفررة فرري .3 مات والجمل من معران تفسريرية متنوعرة، كران لهرا األثرر فري الحروف والكل .لإلعرراب علرى المعنرى اختالف المفسرين، والذي يدلنا علرى الترأثير البرال ذلكم أن األصل في اإلعراب أن يكرون لإلبانرة عرن المعراني، ألنره إذا كانرت الجملة خالية من اإلعرراب احتملرت معراني عردة، فررن أعربرت تعريّن معناهرا . (2000, يفاضل صالح السامرائ) أن تحتمرل اآليرة عرددا مرن المعراني، فتشركل : بيان مشكل القرآن، وبيان ذلك .1 علررى المفسرررين، ويكررون اإلعررراب دافعررا لإلشرركال، ومعينررا ألحررد المعرراني باسرل عمرر ) وهو موضد مشكل، واإلعراب يبينه: ، وتقول العبارةالمختلفة . (2008, دةمصطفى المحاي بيان صحة المعتقد، ألنه إذا اختلف الضبط الصحيح فسد المعنى، فليس بين .9 إنمررا يخشررى سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص مررن عبرراده ): مثررال ذلررك .الكفررر واإليمرران إال حركررة واحرردة لو قرئت برفد لفظ الجاللة ونصب العلمراء ( 29: 11/سورة فاتر)( العلماء إذ كيرف يخشرى سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص القروي تمامرا، وأدى إلرى خلرل فري العقيردة، لفسد المعنرى نصرررب لفرررظ : العزيرررز الجبرررار عبررراده الضرررعاف األذالّء؟ فالضررربط الصرررحيح الجاللة بالفتح على أنه مفعول به مقدم للتع ريم، ورفرد العلمراء بالضرم علرى إنما يخشى سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص تعالى حق خشريته : أنه فاعل معخر، ويكون المعنى الصحيح 7 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) في هر من هذا المثال أن الضربط اإلعرابري . العلماء العارفون به وبشريعته .مهّم في صحة المعتقد، فحركة واحدة غيّرت المعنى وأفسدت المعتقد أنه يعين على االستنبات األحكام الشرعية، فكثير من مسائل الحرام والحالل تتوقف على اإلعراب، وكتب التفسير وكتب أحكام القرآن مليئة بتخريج لقواعد النحوية، وهي تختلف باختالف اإلعراباألحكام الشرعية على ا . (2008, المحايدةباسل عمر مصطفى ) :داللة اإلعراب :(2039, زهير غازي زاهد) داللة اإلعرابفي اختلف اللغويون أن حركات اإلعراب تدل على المعاني المختلفرة إلىجمهور النحاة فذهب -3 .ن فاعلية أو مفعولية أو إضافة أو غير ذلكالتي تعتور االسماء م فرنه يرى وحده أن " بقطرب"المعروف وأما أبو علي دمحم بن المستنير -2 هذه الحركات جيء بها للسرعة في الكالم وللتخلص من التقاء الساكنين عند وإنما أعربت العرب كالمها ألن االسم في حالة : "فيقولاتصال الكالم، كون للوقف، فلو جعلوا وصله بالسكون أيضا، لكان يلزمه الوقف يلزمه الس اإلسكان في الوقف والوصل، وكانوا يبطئون عند اإلدراج، فلما وصلوا وأمكنهم التحريك، جعلوا التحريك معاقبا لإلسكان ليعتدل الكالم، أال تراهم بنوا كالمهم على متحر وساكن، ومتحركين وساكن ولم يجمعوا بين ساكنين و الكلمة وال في حشو بيت والبين أربعة أحرف متحركة، ألنهم في في حش اجتماع الساكنين يبطئون وفي كثرة الحروف المتحركة يستعجلون وتذهب . (3888, التواب) المهلة في كالمهم، فجعلوا الحركة عقب اإلسكان :حيث قال إبراهيم أنيس بن ريته الجديدة في تفسير ظاهرة اإلعراب جاء -1 ابيرة علرى فاعليرة، ليس للحركة اإلعرابية مدلول، فالتدل الحركات اإلعر أ .أومفعولية، أو إضافة، أو غير ذلك هذه الحركات ال تعدو أن تكون حركات، يحتاج إليها في الكثير الغالب، ب لوصل الكلمات بعضها ببعض، بمعنى أنها حركات للتخلص مرن التقراء الساكنين عند وصل الكالم وأن معنى الفاعليرة والمفعوليرة اليسرتفاد مرن ا مررن موقررد كررل مررن الفاعررل والمفعررول فرري الجملررةهررذه الحركررات، وإنمرر العربية 8 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) سررمد النحرراة القرردامى هررذه الحركررات فررأخطئوا تفسرريرها حررين عرردوها ت عالمررات علررى الفاعليررة والمفعوليررة وغيرهررا، فرري حررين أنهررا ال تعرردو أن وحررين اعتقررد النحرراة أنهررا حركررات تكررون حركررات وصررل بررين الكلمررات تي التي ال داعي إلى تحريكها لتطررد إعرابية، حركوا أواخر الكلمات ال ، وكران "الرجرل"بضرم الرالم مرن " الرجرُل قرائم: "، فقرالوا مرثالدهمعاوق بتسكين الالم، إذ ال توجرد ضررورة تردعو " الرجْل قائم: "يكفي أن يقول . (3888, التواب) إلى تحريكها أدلة الجمهور :المعاني على تدل اإلعراب حركات أن على النحاة جمهور أدلة يلي فيما كاألكاديررة، ،القديمررة السررامية تاللغررا بعررض فرري كررامال اإلعررراب وجررود .3 .القديمة عصورهما في اآلشورية و البابلية: اللغتين وتشتمل القرآن الكريم الذي وصرل إلينرا مترواترا بالروايرة الشرفوية الموثروق بهرا .2 .جيال بعد جيل وصل إلينا معربا يرة الرسم القرآني الذي نقل إلينا متواترا يعيرد وجرود اإلعرراب فري العرب .1 وإال فكيرف نفسرر وجرود األلرف فري نره لريس مرن اخترراع النحراة، أالفصحى و نا إذا ن رنرا مرثال فري قرول سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص وإن. اني في حالة المنصوب المنونالخط العثم عسررر علينررا فهررم " وال تحسرربن سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص غررافال:" ، وقولرره"ومررا سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص بغافررل: "تعررالى فتحرة، لرو ولى بالكسررة وفري الثانيرة بالاأل" غافل" سر في تحريك الالم في ال .أن األمر ال يعدو االنسجام الموسقي والضرورة الصوتية الشعر العربي بموازينه وبحوره ال يقبل ن ريرة الردكتور إبرراهيم أنريس .3 :بحال من االحوال، ويكفي أن نقرأ بيتا كبيت بشر بن أبي خازم فكأن ظعنهم غداة تحملواْ سفن تكفأ في خليج مغربِّ در أي حد يفقد البيت وزنه الشعري ووقعه الموسقي بتسكين أواخر كلماته لت .على النفو هذه األخبار الكثيررة التري وصرلت إلينرا، والتري تردل علرى فطنرة العلمراء فري .1 الصدر األول، إلى هذه الحركات اإلعرابيرة ومردلولها وعيربهم مرن يحيرد عنهرا 9 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) عرض و نحن وإن كنرا نشرك فري صردق ب. ممن فسدت ألسنهم بمخالتهم لألعاجم فري جملتهرا لما يبدو فيها من مسحة التكلرف والصرنعة، فرننرا نررىهذه األخبار داللة صادقة على وجود اإلعراب في الكرالم وشرعور هرعالء القروم بره قبرل أن .يخرج النحاة بن رياتهم على النا فري ومما يعيد رأي الجمهرور فري أن اإلعرراب لريس مصرنوعا، أن العلمراء. 9 انوا يسررمعونه بكرل دقائقرره مررن اإلعررراب الررذين كررانوا عصرر هررارون الرشرريد كرر . (3888, التواب) يلقونهم لو كان اإلعراب ليس داال على المعاني لجراز خفرض الفاعرل مررة، ورفعره . 9 أخرررى وجزمرره، وجرراز نصررب المضرراف إليرره، ألن القصررد فرري هررذا إنمررا هررو وأي حركة أتى بها المتكلم أجزأته فهرو . الحركة تعاقب سكونا يعتدل به الكالم م وخررروج عرن أوضرراع العرررب وحكمررة مخيرر فرري ذلررك، وفرري هرذا فسرراد للكررال . (2033, يونس حمش خلف دمحم) ن ام كالمهم اإلعراب والمستشرقون رغررم أن اإلعررراب مررن خصررائص اللغررة العربيررة علررى أرجررح األقرروال، فرررن الباحثين من قبل المستشرقين اختلفوا في ثبوته كما في اختلف في ذلك علماء .ومنهم من ينكرونه اللغة، فمن المستشرقين من يثبتونه المستشرقون الذين ينكرون اإلعراب :كارل فوللرز، وخالصة رأيه يتمثل فيما يلي .3 يرررى أن فكرررة النحررو كانررت مصررنوعة، وأنرره لرريس موجررودا فرري العربيررة .الجاهلية، وإنما صيغت بعد ذلك يرى أن النص األصلي القرآني قد كتب برحدى اللهجات الشعبية السائدة .في الحجاز .رى أنه ال يوجد في اللهجات السائدة ما يسمى باإلعرابي .ينكر على اإلتالق أن تكون هذه اللغة حية في مكة على عهد النبي يشك فري أن يكرون الرذين خررج مرن بيرنهم الشرعراء كرانوا يتكلمرون هرذه .اللغة 10 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) :كوهن، ونتيجة قوله .2 فمن الصرعوبة إن قواعد الشعر تقوم على اإلعراب وال بد من ذلك، أما النثر" ."بمكان تطبيق القواعد فيه فهو يتصور بأن النحو صعب ويشبهه بحالنا اآلن؛ فعندما يلقري أحردنا كلمرة أو علررى تطبيررق القواعررد فيرره، وعنرردما يعررود إلررى البيررت أو يغشررى خطابرا يحرررص .المجالس العامة فرنه يعود إلى العامية :باول كاله، حيث قال .1 مر،، وأخرذ شركله 912النبي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص بمدة وجيرزة فري عرام جمد نص القرآن بعد وفاة " م،، وهنا قامت مشكلة كيف يقررأ 911-933النهائي في عهد الخليفة الثالث عثمان .(3321, الحمد) "هذا النص ويرتل المستشرقون الذين يرون اإلعراب كاله، وفوللرز وكوهن ينكرون اإلعراب في اللغة : إذا كان المستشرقون ن المستشرقين قد دفعوا عن أصالة اإلعراب في العربية، العربية، فرن كثيرا م :ومن أبرز هعالء :، حيث قالنولدكه .3 أنه من غير المعقول أن يكون دمحم قد استخدم في القرآن لغة تخالف كل " المخالفة تلك اللغة التي كانت شائعة في مكة آنذا ، وأن يكون قد اعتنى "هذا اإلعراب في كالمهمباإلعراب هذه العناية وقومه ال يستخدمون أن شعر ذلك العصر كان يمثل لغة البدو التي كانوا يتحدثون بها :"وقال أيضا ". في ذلك الوقت، والتي ظلوا يتحدثون بها زمنا تويال بعد ذلك من الخطأ الشنيد االعتقاد بأن اللغة الحية في عهد النبي لم يكن :"وقال أيضا ارون الرشيد قد وجدوا اإلعراب بكل فيها إعراب؛ فرن العلماء في عصر ه ".دقائقه لدي البدو لو كان النبي أو أحد معاصريه من المعمنين قد نطق بالقرآن :"وقال أيضا الروايات الخاصة بذلك دون أن دون إعراب لكان من غير الممكن أن تضيد ".يبقى لنا آثار منها 11 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) :يوهان فك، حيث قال .2 رة التصرف اإلعرابي بسمة من أقدم لقد احتف ت العربية الفصحى في ظاه" السمات اللغوية التي فقدتها جميد اللغات السامية باستثناء البابلية القديمة قبل .(3321, الحمد) "عصر نموها وازدهارها األدبي ضياع اإلعراب أما متى ضاع اإلعراب نهائيا من اللغة العربيرة فري الكرالم الحري فرال نسرتطيد لررى رأي أحررد المستشرررقين أن نقطررد فرري ذلررك برررأي، ولكررن يمكننررا أن نرجررد إ مالح رات علرى : "، فرنه قال في كتابره المسرمى"نولدكه"الغرب المعروف ب يررة إلررى متررى بقررى السررنا نعرررف بسرربب قصررور الرو": " لغررة العرررب القرردامى اإلعررراب أو بعضرره فرري القبائررل العربيررة، فرررن سرركان مكررة الررذين اختلطرروا منررذ سركان المدينرة الرذين تفرقروا عصر مبكر في اإلسالم بعناصرر أجنبيرة، وكرذلك ة، هعالء جميعا لم يحتفظ منهم إال عردد قليرل بالشركل ر القرديم عنها منذ يوم الحأ أمرا فقردان البردو ل راهرة . للغة، ابتداء من النصف الثاني للقرن األول الهجري يعلرل . السنين فهو أمر حدث مثله في تاريخ اللغات البشررية اإلعراب على مرّ أن سربب ضرياع اإلعرراب مرن اللغرة العربيرة الوقرف : اله في مقالتهنولدكه ما ق وثبات وضد الكلمات فري على الكلمات العربية بالسكون في كثير من األحيان .الجملة وهو وإن كان على حق في القضية األولى، فقد أخطأ فري القضرية الثانيرة، ألن فصررحى بأوجرره يمكررن أن تقررال فرري العربيررة ال" ضرررب دمحم عليررا: "جملررة مررثال ، "عليا ضرب دمحم"أو " دمحم ضرب عليا"، أو "ضرب عليا دمحم: "أخرى، مثل وهكذا نررى أن وضرد الكلمرات غيرر ثابرت .تبعا الختالف المقصود من الكالم لحّريرة فري وضرد الكلمرات فري في الجملة العربيرة القديمرة، وسراعد علرى هرذه ا ة في اللغة، ولوال ظهور ظهور اإلعراب الذي كان يوضح وظيفة الكلم الجملة : الختلط األمر في كثير من األحيان، فلو أسقطنا اإلعراب مرن جملرةاإلعراب مثال، الختلط علينا األمرر، فلرم نعررف الفاعرل مرن المفعرول" ضرب دمحم عليا" . (3888, التواب) نيةقراءات القرآصلة اإلعراب بال إعراب القرآن من مستمدات علم القراءات، إذ له أهمية قصوى في كثير من ات، وحل مشكالتها وبيان عللها، وكشف معانيها، في توجيه القراء األحيان 12 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) مليئة بتوجيه المعاني التفسيرية للقراءات القائم على أسا القراءةوكتب وقد عدّ العلماء العلم باإلعراب من صفات األئمة .اختالف الحركة اإلعرابية ات المرجوع إليهم في اإلقراء، فال يبل أحد من العلماء مبل اإلمامة في القراء فمن حملة القرآن : إالّ إذا كان معربا عالما بوجوه القراءات، قال مجاهد المعرب العالم بوجوه اإلعراب والقراءات، العارف باللغات ومعاني الكلمات، فذلك اإلمام الذي يفزع إليه حفاظ البصير بعيب القراءات، المنتقد لآلثار، يلوم من ال بصر له في وقال وهو .القرآن في كل مصر من أمصار المسلمين ومنهم من يعدي ما سمعه ممن أخذ عنه ليس : اإلعراب من أهل القراءات كعنده إالّ األداء لما تعلم، ال يعرف اإلعراب وال غيره، ذل الحافظ، فال ف وكثرة فتحه يلبث مثله أن ينسى إذا تال عهده فيضيّد اإلعراب لشدة تشابهه، ه ال يعتمد على علم بالعربية وال بصر وضمه وكسره في اآلية الواحدة، ألن : 20089المجايدة، ) بالمعاني يرجد إليه، وإنما اعتماده على حف ه وسماعه والذي : له من العلومفيما يجب على المقرئ أن يحصّ : وقال ابن الجزري(. 13 أن يعلم : يلزم المقرئ أن يتخلق به من العلوم قبل أن ينّصب نفسه لإلشتغال صلح به أمر دينه، وأن يحّصل جانبا من النحو والصرف، بحيث من الفقه ما ي ويكفي في .إنه يوّجه ما يقد له من القراءات، وهذان من أهم ما يحتاج إليه بيان الصلة بين اإلعراب والقراءات القرآنية أنها صلة منذ نشأتها األولى، أبي عمرو بن حيث كان النحاة األول الذين نشأ النحو على أيديهم كانوا قّراء ك ولعّل اهتمامهم بهذه العال، وعيسى بن عمر الثقفي، ويونس، والخليل، القراءات وّجههم إلى الدراسة النحوية، ليالئموا بين القراءات والعربية، بين .ما سمعوا ورووا من القراءات وبين ما سمعوا ورووا من كالم العرب :من األمثلة على توجيه القراءات باإلعراب سورة )( حتى يقول الرسول والذين ءامنوا معه متى نصر سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص: )تعالىقوله (2: 233/التوبة .بالرفد، وهي قراءة اإلمام نافد( حتى يقولُ : )األولى .بالنصب، وهي قراءة الباقين( حتى يقول): الثانية وبناء على هاتين القراءتين، فرنه ي هر عندنا وجهان من اإلعراب، لكل :قراءة وجه، هما 13 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) كان بمعنى " حتى"، وهو أن الفعل إذا رفد بعد بناء على قراءة الرفد: األول سرُت حتى أدخلها، : سببا لما بعدها، مثل قولنا" حتى"الماضي، وكان ما قبل الزلزلة سبب لقول الرسول، فيكون : فالسير سبب الدخول، وكذلك في اآلية .وزلزلوا حتى قال الرسول: المعنى وما ينتصب بعد " أن"راءة النصب، وهو أنها على إضمار بناء على ق: الثاني وهو " إلى أن"بمعنى : من األفعال المضارعة له معنيان، أحدهما" حتى" : وزلزلوا إلى أن قال الرسول، واآلخر: الذي تحمل عليه اآلية، فيكون المعنى أسلمت كي أدخل الجنة: أسلمُت حتى أدخل الجنة، أي: كقولنا" كي"بمعنى . (2008, باسل عمر مصطفى المحايدة) صلة اإلعراب بالتفسير كثرت التآليف في العلوم كآفة يستعينون بها ،وبعد أن فسدت األلسنة قال أبو . على فهم تراكيب القرآن وداللته، وكان من ضمنها علم اإلعراب شر لغة، ونقل سبب، ونسخ، كانت تآليف المتقدمين أكثرها إنما : حيان ألنهم كانوا قريبي عهد بالعرب وبلسان العرب، فلما فسد اللسان، وقصص، وكثرت العجم، ودخل في دين اإلسالم أنواع األمم المختلفوا األلسنة، الناقصوا اإلدرا ، احتاج المتأخرون إلى إظهار ما انطوى عليه كتاب سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص المعاني، وإبراز النكت البيانية، حتى تعالى من غرائب التركيب، وانتزاع يدر ذلك من لم تكن في تبعه، ويكتسبها من لم تكن نشأته عليها، وال ولقد نّص اإلمام . (2008, باسل عمر مصطفى المحايدة) عنصره يحرّكه إليها أويل آي القرآن على أّن قصده من تأليف تفسيره هو الكشف عن ت: الطبري الكريم وبيان وجوهه، وأّن ما يتعّر له من اإلعراب وسيلة لتحقيق ذلك، وإنما اعترضنا بما .فهذه أوجه تأويل باختالف أوجه إعراب ذلك: فقال اعترضنا في في ذلك من وجوه من بيان وجوه إعرابه، وإن كان قصدنا في ختالف وجوه إعراب ذلك الكشفأ عن تأويل آي القرآن لما في ا هذا الكتاب كشف وجوه إعرابه لتنكشف من اختالف وجوه تأويله، فاضطرتْنا الحاجة إلى .لطالب تأويله وجوه تأويله، على قدر اختالف المختلفة في تأويله وقراءته في هر من خالل هذا النص صلة اإلعراب الوثيقة بتفسير القرآن الكريم، وأن في حاجة شديدة إلى اإلعراب وبيان وجوهه االختالف في تفسير آية قد يكون مما تقدم يتضح أن . ليستقيم المعنى، ويتحدد المراد وتتضح وجوه التأويل وتريق إلى تحليل تراكيبه إلصابة اإلعراب وسيلة من وسائل فهم القرآن، 14 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) المعنى الصحيح، وعدم الزي في تفسيره، فلوال اإلعراب ومعرفة قواعده، المبين، وال أن ندر مواتن جماله، ومحاّل عاني القرآنماكان لنا أن نفهم م إذ بمعرفة حقائق اإلعراب تعرف أكثر المعاني، : قال مكي. بالغته وإعجازه .وينجلي اإلشكال فت هر الفوائد، ويفهم الخطاب، وتصح معرفة حقيقة المراد ومن م اهر صلة اإلعراب بالتفسير، اشترات العلماء في المفّسر معرفة حو، إذ جعلوا علوم اللغة، والنحو، والصرف، والبالغة، من أبرز علوم الن اآللة التي يحتاجها المفّسر احتياجا أوليا، لكي يفهم القرآن الكريم على وجه .(2008, باسل عمر مصطفى المحايدة) الصحيح الخالصة.ج ا أو لف هرا فيهرا العامرل الخرتالف الكلمة آخر اختالف هو اإلعراب وهرو ،تقرديره ز برأمور عردة، ويتمير السامية اللغات ب هور وذلك العصور أقدم منذ ظهر أمر :منها .أنه من خصائص اللغات السامية وبخاصة اللغة العربية .في فهم القرآن وتدبره، وعليه يتوقد صحة المعنى وخطئهأنه أصل .لطأنه يصون القرآن من اللحن والغ .أن له عالقة وتيدة بتفسير القرآن وقراءته :له أيضا مشكالت متعددة، منهااإلعراب له خصائص ومميزات، و كما أن العلماء علرى رأي واحرد عرن داللرة حركرات اإلعرراب، فمرنهم مرن ال يتفق قال أنها تدل على المعاني المختلفة وهو األقرب إلى الصواب، ومرنهم مرن إنهرا للرتخلص مرن إلتقراء السراكنين لوصرل اني، برل يقول ال تردل علرى المعر .الحركات تقدم المستشرقون في البحث عن اإلعراب، فمرنهم مرن يثبتونره ومرنهم مرن نولدكرره، بوهرران فررك، ومررن الررذين : ينكرونرره، ومررن هررعالء الررذين يثبتونرره .كارل فوللرز، كوهن، باول كاله: ينكرونه 15 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) المصادر والمراجع اللباب في علل (. 3881. )أبو البقاء محب الدين عبد سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص بن الحسين بن عبد سو هلآو هيلع هللا ىلص .دار الفكر(. الطبعة األولى ;(.ed) تليمات. م. غ) البناء واإلعراب هارون. م. ا. ع) مقاييس اللغة(. 2002. )أبو الحسن أحمد بن فار ابن زكريا (ed.)). لعربياتحاد كتاب ا. عالم .(.ed) النجار. ع. م) الخصائص(. 2003. )أبو الفتح عثمان ابن جني .الكتب دار العلم (. الطبعة الثالثة) فقه اللغة المقارن(. 3891. )إبراهيم السامرائي .للماليين الشاذلي. م. ه. ا. . أ. م. ا. ع. ا. ع) لسان العرب(. 3313. )ابن من ور (ed.)). دار المعارف. ;(.ed) هارون. م. ا. ع) تهذيب اللغة(. 3893. )أ. ب. م. م. أ, زهرياأل .دار القومية العربية(. ولىالطبعة األ مكتبة (. ادسةالطبعة الس) فصول في فقه العربية(. 3888. )ع. ر, التواب .الخانجي قضاياه-موضوعاته-فقه اللغة العربية مفهومه(. 3321. )إ. ب. م, الحمد .دار ابن خزيمة(. ولىالطبعة األ) أثر اختالف اإلعراب في تفسير القرآن (. 2008. )باسل عمر مصطفى المحايدة .الجامعة اإلسالمية(. ولىالطيعة األ) الكريم مجلة مجمد اللغة . اإلعراب وحركاته في العربية(. 2039. )زهير غازي زاهد .3, العربية بدمشق دار العلم (. الثةالطبعة الث) دراسات في فقه اللغة(. 2008. )صبحي الصالح 16 hairudin online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) .للماليين دار . القرآن الكريم وأثره في الدراسات النحوية(. 3899. )عبد العال سالم مكرم .المعارف .دار الفكر(. ولىالطبعة األ) معاني النحو(. 2000. )فاضل صالح السامرائي أثر اإلعراب في تحديد داللة بعض ألفاظ (. 2033. )يونس حمش خلف دمحم .39, مجلة التربية والعلم. قرآنال syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 64 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) volume 5, nomor 1, februari 2020 issn 2442-8965 (p) issn 2442-8973 (e) model pembelajaran bahasa arab di pesantren salafi dan khalafi: studi pebandingan terhadap pesantren salafiyah syafi’yah pohuwato dan pesantren hubolo tapa syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi universitas islam negeri sunan kalijaga, yogyakarta, indonesia abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui lebih dalam bagaimana metode pembelajaran bahasa arab di pesantren yang bercorak salafi dan pesantren yang bercorak khalafi, dengan melakukan studi terhadap pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah di pohuwato dan pesantren hubulo di tapa, gorontalo. jenis penelitian ini adalah field research atau penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. sebagai instrumen utama, namun peneliti menggunakan instrumen lainnya dalam mengumpulkan data berupa lembar observasi, pedoman wawancara dan dokumen. subyek penelitian ini adalah guru bahasa arab, santri dan pimpinan pesantren. teknik analisis data menggunakan (1) reduksi data (2) penyajian data dan (3) penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato merupakan pesantren yang bercorak salafi. pembelajaran bahasa arab di pesantren ini berfokus pada kompetensi gramatika atau struktur bahasa (nahwu & ṣarf) yang diaplikasikan dalam pembelajaran kitab kuning. metode pembelajaran yang digunakan menggunakan metode pembelajaran tradisional, seperti sorogan, bandongan, wetonan, pasaran/kilatan. sedangkan pesantren hubulo tapa adalah pesantren bercorak khalafi dengan pembelajaran bahasa arab aktif yaitu tidak hanya sekedar teori dan pembelajaran kaidah tata bahasa saja, tetapi penerapan bahasa arab sebagai bahasa dalam komunikasi sehari-hari santri dengan mengimplementasikan metode komunikatif yaitu pemberian kosakata harian, pemberian percakapan harian, ungkapan harian dan latihan pidato berbahasa arab. kata kunci: metode pembelajaran bahasa arab; pesantren salafi; pesantren khalafi abstract this study aims at finding out more deeply how the arabic learning method in salafi-style boarding school and khalafi-style boarding school. this study selected salafiyah syafi`iyah boarding school in pohuwato and hubulo boarding school in tapa, gorontalo as the location. this study is field research using qualitative research methods. as the main instrument, the researchers used other instruments to collect data in the form of observation sheets, interview guidelines and documents. the subjects of this study were arabic language teachers, syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 65 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) students and pesantren’s leaders. data analysis techniques used data reduction, data display and conclusion and verification. the results of this study indicated that the salafiyah boarding shool pohuwato is a salafi-style boarding school. arabic instruction in this boarding school focuses on grammatical competence or language structure (nahwu & sarf) which is applied in the study of the bare book. the learning method used traditional learning methods, such as sorogan, bandongan, wetonan, pesantren kilat. while the hubulo boarding school tapa is a khalafi-style with active arabic learning that is not only theory and learning grammar rules, but the also implemented the communcative langauage teaching by practicing daily vocabulary building , daily conversation routine, daily expressions, and arabic speech training. key words: arabic learning methods, salafi boarding school, khalafi boarding school a. pendahuluan bahasa arab merupakan salah satu bahasa mayor di dunia yang dituturkan oleh lebih dari 200.000.000 umat manusia. karena bahasa arab merupakan bahasa kitab suci dan tuntunan agama umat islam sedunia, maka tentu saja ia merupakan bahasa yang paling besar signifikansinya bagi ratusan juta umat islam di dunia, baik yang berkebangsaan arab maupun non-arab (arsyad, 2010: 1). proses penyebaran bahasa arab di berbagai negara adalah pengaruh dari perkembangan agama islam yang sumber ajarannya dari al-quran dan hadis yang menggunakan bahasa arab. bahasa arab juga merupakan bahasa utama yang dapat menghantarkan pada pemahaman terhadap dua pilar utama ajaran agama islam tersebut yaitu al-quran dan hadis, serta literaturliteratur yang berkenaan dengan hukum islam yang kebanyakan masih ditulis dengan bahasa arab. oleh karena itu, mempelajari dan mengusai bahasa arab menjadi kebutuhan setiap umat islam. sejauh ini belum ada hasil penelitian yang memastikan sejak kapan studi bahasa arab di indonesia mulai dirintis dan dikembangkan. asumsi yang selama ini berkembang adalah bahwa bahasa arab sudah mulai dikenal oleh bangsa indonesia sejak islam dikenal dan dianut oleh mayoritas bangsa kita (wahab, 2008: 103). pada awalnya pembelajaran bahasa arab di indonesia diasumsikan untuk kepentingan ibadah saja seperti salat, doa, zikir, dan kepentingan untuk mendekatkan diri kepada allah swt. kemudian bahasa arab berkembang sebagai sarana pemahaman sumber-sumber syariat dan ajaran agama islam, seperti al-quran, hadist, dan kitabkitab berbahasa arab lainnya, akan tetapi metode pembelajaran yang digunakan masih sangat klasik, salah satunya yaitu metode gramatika-tarjamah (qawā’id wa tarjamah) syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 66 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran kitab-kitab agama islam. proses pembelajaran seperti ini hanya lebih menekankan pada penguasaan aturan-aturan gramatika melalui hapalan dan penerjemahan naskah kitab-kitab kuning ke dalam bahasa ibu. pembelajaran bahasa dengan metode tersebut menurut effendy, digolongkan ke dalam bentuk pembelajaran bahasa arab untuk tujuan memahami teks saja. metode itu memiliki kontribusi yang sangat besar dalam memahamkan umat islam indonesia terhadap ajaran agamanya. tetapi dipandang dari segi kemahiran yang dicapai, hanya sebatas kemahiran reseptif saja (effendy, 2009: 29). padahal sejak bahasa arab dinobatkan sebagai bahasa internasional oleh pbb, menandakan bahwa kedudukan bahasa arab semakin meningkat di mata dunia. mempelajari bahasa arab tidak hanya untuk keperluan memahami agama semata, tidak cukup hanya digunakan untuk ibadah dan membaca kitab-kitab klasik (arab) saja, tetapi untuk keperluan ekonomi, sosial, budaya dan juga politik. bahasa arab juga tidak hanya dipelajari oleh orang-orang islam, melainkan oleh non-islam, bahkan para orientalis pun mempelajarinya. sehingga tuntutan agar memiliki kemampuan berbahasa arab yang lebih tinggi merupakan sebuah keharusan. oleh karena itu, dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab membutuhkan sebuah inovasi, salah satunya adalah dalam metodologi pembelajarannya. pembelajaran bahasa arab di indoensia, sebelum diajarkan di sekolah-sekolah berbasis non-pesantren, sudah lebih dahulu diajarkan di pesantren, karena selain bahasa arab sangat dibutuhkan untuk beribadah, pembelajaran bahasa arab sangat menunjang para santri untuk memahami pelajaran-pelajaran yang ada di pesantren, karena kitab yang digunakan yaitu rata-rata menggunakan bahasa arab khususnya pada pesantren salaf. bahkan tidak jarang ada pesantren yang telah mewajibkan santri-santrinya agar dapat menggunakan bahasa arab tidak sekedar untuk memahami kitab-kitab yang berbahasa arab, akan tetapi santri juga dituntut agar dapat menggunakan bahasa arab sebagai alat komunikasi sesama santri dalam melakukan segala kegiatan sehari-hari khususnya di pesantren modern/khalaf. karena kebutuhan penggunaan bahasa arab yang berlebih, maka pendekatan, metode dan strategi pembelajaran bahasa arab harus diterapkan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan kultur masyarakat indonesia sehingga santri dapat dengan mudah memperoleh syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 67 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) bahasa yang dipelajari dengan menyenangkan dan tidak membosankan serta tidak menjadi momok yang menakutkan untuk dipelajari. pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan islam paling awal di indonesia. jenis lembaga seperti ini dapat dijumpai di berbagai wilayah indonesia (subhan, 2012: 75). secara lahiriyah, pesantren pada umumnya merupakan suatu kompleks bangunan yang terdiri dari rumah kiai, masjid, asrama sebagai tempat tinggal para santri dan ruang belajar. di sinilah para santri tinggal selama beberapa tahun, belajar langsung pada kiai dalam hal ilmu agama dan dewasa ini pesantren telah tumbuh dan berkembang secara bervariasi (nasir, 2005: 81). pesantren berasal dari kata santri, dengan konfiks pe-an yang berarti tempat tinggal para santri (yasmadi, 2002: 61). pesantren memiliki karakteristik unik dibandingkan dengan lembaga-lembaga pendidikan lainnya yaitu model pembelajarannya yang masih tetap mempertahankan model pembelajaran tradisional, walaupun keberadaan tipologi pesantren pada saat ini telah mengalami perubahan, sehingga ada yang dinamakan pesantren salaf dan pesantren khalaf. hal lain yang menjadi ciri khusus pesantren dan membedakan dengan lembaga pendidikan dalam bentuk lain adalah lima elemen pokok yang dimiliki oleh pesantren, yaitu kiai, santri, masjid, asrama dan pengajaran kitab-kitab islam klasik. kelima elemen tersebut merupakan ciri khusus yang dimiliki pesantren dan membedakan pesantren dengan lembaga pendidikan dalam bentuk lain. pesantren mempunyai berbagai variasi. akibat variasi pesantren tersebut maka perlu diadakan pembedaan secara kategorial. kategori pesantren bisa diteropongi dari berbagai perspektif yakni dari segi rangkaian kurikulum, tingkat kemajuan dan kemodernan, keterbukaan terhadap perubahan, dan dari sudut sistem pendidikan pesantren (fadhli, 2015: 2-3). dari segi kurikulum, arifin, menggolongkan menjadi pesantren modern, pesantren tahassus, dan pesantren campuran. dipandang dari muatan kurikulum, martin van bruinessen, mengelompokkan pesantren menjadi pesantren paling sederhana yang hanya mengajarkan cara membaca huruf arab dan menghapal beberapa bagian atau seluruh alquran dan pesantren sedang yang mengajarkan berbagai kitab fikih, akidah dan tasawuf yang lebih mendalam dan beberapa mata pelajaran tradisional lainnya (fadhli, 2015: 2-3). prof. dr. ridlwan nasir, mengklasifikasikan pondok pesantren menjadi lima jenis, yaitu pondok pesantren salaf atau klasik, pondok pesantren semi syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 68 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) berkembang, pondok pesantren berkembang, pondok pesantren khalaf atau modern dan pondok pesantren ideal (nasir, 2005: 23). adapun dhofir, memandang dari perspektif keterbukaan terhadap perubahanperubahan yang terjadi, kemudian membagi pesantren menjadi dua kategori yaitu pesantren salaf dan khalaf. pesantren salaf atau pesantren tradisional adalah pesantren yang tetap mengajarkan kitab-kitab islam klasik sebagai inti pendidikannya. penerapan sistem madrasah untuk memudahkan model sorogan yang dipakai dalam lembagalembaga pengajian bentuk lama, tanpa mengenalkan pengajaran pengetahuan umum. sedangkan pesantren khalaf atau pesantren modern adalah pesantren yang telah memasukkan pelajaran-pelajaran umum dalam madrasah-madrasah yang dikembangkan atau membuka tipe-tipe sekolah umum di lingkungan pesantren. meskipun pesantren salaf dan khalaf sama-sama memiliki porsi dalam mendalami agama islam, baik dari segi pelajaran akidah, fikih terutama mempelajari bahasa arab, mulai dari kaidah tata bahasa arab, kaidah penulisan arab, dan cara berkomunikasi bahasa arab, akan tetapi metodologi pembelajarannya jauh berbeda. pesantren khalaf pada umumnya telah melakukan perubahan pada metodologi pembelajaran, yaitu metodologi pembelajaran mengenai kitab-kitab islam klasik yang pada mulanya populer menggunakan metodik-didaktif dalam bentuk sorogan, bandongan, halaqah dan hapalan diajarkan dengan menggunakan metode klasikal di dalam kelas untuk pesantren khalafi (fadli, 2015: 3). tidak hanya itu, yang semula di pesantren salafi hanya memfokuskan bahasa arab pada pembelajaran teori dan kaidah tata bahasa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan santri dalam membaca kitab, kemudian di pesantren khalafi melakukan perubahan dengan menjadikan pembelajaran bahasa arab tidak hanya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan santri dalam membaca kitab kuning saja, melainkan digunakan untuk bahasa komunikasi sehari-hari santri. kedua pesantren dalam penelitian ini, yaitu pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato (salaf) dan pesantren hubulo tapa (khalaf) merupakan dua jenis pesantren yang berbeda tetapi sama-sama mengajarkan bahasa arab. perbedaan tersebut dapat dilihat dari pakaian yang digunakan santri, aktivitas pembelajaran, dan out put pembelajaran yang berbeda pula. sehingga berdasarakan beberapa uraian di atas, peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih jauh mengenai bagaimana metode pembelajaran bahasa arab yang syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 69 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) digunakan di kedua pesantren tersebut, karena salah satu faktor dalam keberhasilan pembelajaran, khususnya pembelajaran bahasa asing adalah cara atau metode yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran. metode akan memegang peranan penting dalam pembelajaran, sebab metode pembelajaran bisa diibaratkan sebagai suatu pelayanan yang akan diapresiasi oleh santri atau siswa dan akan selalu tergores dalam hati dan pikiran mereka. dalam pembelajaran terutama bahasa arab mutlak dibutuhkan atau dijalankan dengan mampu menggabungkan beberapa metode karena hemat peneliti tidak ada metode yang mutlak baik atau sempurna dan juga tidak ada metode yang tidak baik, sehingga sebagai tenaga pendidik mampu menggabungkan beberapa metode dalam pembelajaran. mengambil keunggulan sebuah metode dan menutupi kelemahankelemahan yang ada dengan metode yang lain pula. b. metode penelitian jenis penelitian jenis penelitian ini adalah field research atau penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. yusuf, menerangkan bahwa penelitian kualitatif merupakan penelitian yang pada prinsipnya bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan, menerangkan secara kritis, atau menggambarkan suatu fenomena, kejadian, atau peristiwa interaksi sosial dalam masyarakat untuk mencari serta menemukan makna (meaning) dalam konteks yang sesungguhnya (natural setting). sehingga, semua jenis penelitian kualitatif bersifat deskriptif dengan mengumpulkan data lunak (soft data) bukan hard data yang diolah dengan statistik (yusuf, 2014: 338). penelitian ini digolongkan sebagai jenis penelitian lapangan karena penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan ke lokasi penelitian atau penelitian yang pengumpulan datanya dilakukan di lapangan, seperti di lingkungan masyarakat, lembaga-lembaga organisasi kemasyarakatan dan lembaga pendidikan baik formal maupun non formal (margono, 2010: 5). dalam penelitian ini, peneliti bertindak sebagai pengumpul data dan pengamat partisipan/informan, dengan menghubungkan secara langsung sumber-sumber yang dapat memberikan informasi sesuai yang dibutuhkan oleh peneliti dalam proses penelitian. sehingga peneliti secara langsung bisa mendapatkan data yang sebenarnya dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentsi. adapun untuk mendapatkan data syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 70 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) lapangan maka peneliti turun langsung ke lokasi penelitian. karena dalam penelitian kualitatif data yang diperoleh harus benar-benar atas hasil pengamatan sendiri, sehingga kehadiran peneliti dalam objek penelitian sangat menentukan keabsahan hasil penelitian. hal ini dimaksud agar lebih mudah dalam melakukan penyeleksian terhadap kenyataan-kenyataan yang ada di lapangan. selain itu data yang diperoleh peneliti betulbetul mencerminkan kenyataan yang ada di lapangan dan benar-benar objektif, sehingga pendeskripsian data juga sebagaimana yang terjadi pada objek penelitian. sumber data selanjutnya, sumber data sekunder dalam penilitian ini adalah data-data tambahan dari pihak pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato dan pesantren hubulo tapa, seperti dokumen-dokumen profil pesantren dan sebagainya sebagai pelengkap penelitian ini. instrumen penelitian penelitian ini menggunakan tiga instrumen pendukung yakni: a. observasi secara umum pengertian observasi adalah cara menghimpun bahanbahan keterangan (data) yang dilakukan dengan mengadakan pengamatan dan pencatatan secara sistematis terhadap fenomena-fenomena yang sedang dijadikan sasaran pengamatan. setiyadi menjelaskan bahwa tujuan observasi dalam sebuah penelitian adalah untuk menjelaskan situasi yang diteliti, kegiatankegiatan yang terjadi, individu-individu yang terlibat dalam suatu kegiatan dan hubungan antarsituasi, antarkegiatan, dan antarindividu sehingga pembaca laporan penelitian mengerti secara jelas apa yang sudah terjadi dan bagaimana proses terjadinya kegiatan tersebut (setiyadi, 2006: 239). teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi ini peneliti gunakan untuk mengamati objek penelitian di pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato dan pesantren hubulo tapa. b. wawancara/interview wawancara adalah proses tanya-jawab dalam penelitian yang berlangsung secara lisan di mana terjadinya pertemuan antara dua orang atau lebih untuk mendengarkan secara langsung informasi-informasi atau keteranganketerangan (narbuko dan achmadi, 2005: 83). secara spesifik, wawancara terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu; wawancara terstruktur, wawancara semiterstruktur, syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 71 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) dan wawancara tak berstruktur. adapun pada penelitian ini, menggunakan pedoman wawancara jenis pertama, yaitu pedoman wawancara terstruktur dengan menyusun instrumen wawancara. dalam penelitian ini digunakan teknik wawancara untuk memperoleh jawaban penelitian dari sumber data primer berupa implementasi metode pembelajaran bahasa arab di kedua pondok pesantren tersebut. c. dokumentasi teknik dokumentasi adalah cara mengumpulkan data melalui arsip-arsip dan termasuk juga buku-buku tentang pendapat teori, dalil, hukum-hukum dan lain-lain yang berhubungan dengan masalah penelitian (margono, 2010: 38). dokumentasi juga digunakan untuk menunjang kelengkapan data lainnya seperti pengambilan gambar atau video. sebagaimana menurut sugiyono, dokumentasi atau studi dokumen merupakan pelengkap dari penggunaan metode observasi dan interview dalam penelitian kualitatif. hasil penelitian dari observasi dan interview akan lebih kreadible apabila dapat dilampirkan dengan dokumen pendukung (sugiyono, 2013: 330). melalui teknik pengumpulan data dokumentasi, peneliti dapat mengumpulkan data di pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato dan pesantren hubulo tapa.. dokumen tersebut berupa dokumen profil kedua pondok pesantren tersebut. teknik analisis data adapun dalam penelitian ini, menggunakan aktivitas dalam analisis, yaitu: (sugiyono, 2013: 334-339). a. reduksi data (data reduction) mereduksi data berarti menentukan hal-hal yang pokok, merangkum, dan memfokuskan pada hal-hal yang penting dicari tema dan polanya (sugiyono, 2013: 337). setelah data dikumpulkan, maka dibuatlah reduksi data guna memilih data yang relevan dan bermakna, memfokuskan data yang mengarah untuk memecahkan masalah, penemuan, pemaknaan, atau untuk menjawab pertanyaan peneliti kemudian menyederhanakan dan menyusun secara sistematis dan menjabarkan hal-hal penting tentang hasil temuan dan maknanya. pada tahap ini peneliti akan menyeleksi data dari hasil wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi dengan cara memfokuskan pada data yang berkenaan dengan syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 72 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) permasalahan penelitian. sedangkan data yang tidak berkaitan dengan masalah penelitian dibuang. dengan kata lain, reduksi data digunakan untuk analisis yang menajamkan, menggolongkan, mengarahkan dan membuang yang tidak penting, serta mengorganisasikan data sehingga memudahkan untuk ditarik kesimpulan. b. penyajian data (data display) setelah data direduksi, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah melakukan display atau menyajikan data. penyajian data merupakan tahap kedua setelah mereduksi data. penyajian data dapat berupa uraian singkat, bagan, hubungan antara kategori, flowchart, dan sejenisnya (sugiyono, 2014: 224). yang paling sering digunakan untuk menyajikan data dalam penelitian kualitatif adalah dengan teks yang bersifat naratif. dengan menyajikan data, maka akan memudahkan untuk memahami apa yang terjadi, merencanakan kerja selanjutnya berdasarkan apa yang telah dipahami tersebut (sugiyono, 2013: 339). pada tahap ini peneliti mendeskripsikan kumpulan data atau informasi secara sistematis dan jelas untuk membantu proses analisis. dalam hal ini, akan digunakan penyajian data dalam bentuk naratif untuk memudahkan penguasaan data dan informasi baik secara keseluruhan atau begian-bagian tertentu dari hasil penelitian. c. penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi (conclusing drawing dan verification) pada tahapan akhir yang dilakukan oleh peneliti dalam kaitannya dengan rangkaian proses kegiatan analisa data adalah penarikan kesimpulan. sebagaimana yang diungkapkan oleh sugiyono, dalam memahami penelitian kualitatif adalah penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi (sugiyono, 2014: 99). kesimpulan penelitian ini diharapkan mendapatkan temuan baru yang berupa deskripsi atau gambaran objek yang sebelumnya masih belum jelas menjadi jelas, baik berupa hubungan kausal atau interaktif, maupun hipotesis atau teori. kemudian peneliti akan menyajikan data-data yang telah dikumpulkan dengan metode deskriptif analitik, cara berpikir induktif maka hasil temua dapat disajikan secara lebih akurat dan dapat dideskripsikan dengan sistematika yang jelas dan baik. syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 73 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) c. hasil dan pembahasan hasil pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondokpesantren salafiyahsyafi`iyah pohuwato pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato adalah pondok pesantren yang telah lama didirikan di provinsi gorontalo. meskipun pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah telah memasukkan sekolah-sekolah formal di lingkungan pesantren, namun bukan berarti bahwa pondok pesantren tersebut telah meninggalkan pembelajaran kitabkitab klasik dan model-model pembelajaran tradisional, karena itu sudah menjadi ciri khas dari dulu dan sudah menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat setempat khususnya. bahkan pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato ini dominan sebagai pondokpesantren yang lebih memfokuskan pada pembelajaran kitab dan tidak terlalu begitu menekankan kepada santri pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato untukmenggunakanbahasa arab sebagai bahasa aktif dalam komunikasi karena salah satu tujuan pondok pesantren ini adalah sebagai tempat untuk pengkaderan ulama. santri pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato mendapatkan pembelajaran bahasa arab dari aspek keterampilan berbicara hanya di madrasah formal saja, sedangkan di lingkungan pesantren, santri lebih dominan dengan pembelajaran kitab kuning. untuk pembelajaran kitab kuning, di pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato dibuatkan sebuah program khusus yang pelaksanaannya pada waktu sore dan malam hari. program ini dinamakan oleh kiai program diniyah pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato. pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato mengkombinasikan pesantrennya antara pesantren yang telah memasukkan unsur-unsur umum dengan mendirikan sekolah-sekolah umum di lingkungan pesantren dan pesantren salaf yang masih menerapkan metode pembelajaran klasik dengan menjadikan kitab-kitab klasik yaitu kitab kuning sebagaitext book reference dan tidak mengajarkan keilmuan umum di lingkungan pesantren kecuali di madrasah formal. “pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato ini jika dilihat termasuk dalam kategori pesantren campuran, yaitu pondok pesantren yang mengkombinasikan antara pesantren modern dan pesantren salaf. jika dilihat dengan kacamata pesantren modern, syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 74 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) pesantren ini masih berbau pesantren salaf karena di pesantren ini masih mengajarkan kitab-kitab klasik, bahkan dengan model-model pembelajaran yang klasik juga. jika dilihat menggunakan kacamata pesantren salaf, pesantren ini sudah berbau modern karena pesantren ini sudah memasukkan unsur-unsur modern seperti pesantren modern pada umumnya yaitu sekolah formal mi, mts dan ma dan kurikulum yang digunakan di sekolah formal sepenuhnya mengikuti perubahan sesuai standar pendidikan nasional dan departemen agama.” begitulah penuturan dari bapak khairul anam, salah satu pengajar bahasa arab di pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato. berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan observasi peneliti, berikut adalah metodemetode pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato yang lebih spesifik pada pembelajaran kitab kuning. metode sorogan kh abd. ghofir nawawi, yang ditemui oleh peneliti menuturkan bahwa untuk di pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato ini karena kitab yang dipakai lebih banyak kitab-kitab klasik, jadi metode pembelajarannya juga menggunakan metodemetode klasik. adapun metode pembelajaran tradisional yang digunakan di pondok pesantren ini seperti sorogan, yaitu metode pembelajaran kitab di mana kitab yang dipelajari dibacakan oleh kiai terlebih dahulu, kemudian santri bergantian untuk membacanya satu per satu. tidak harus menghapalkan isi kitab tersebut, yang penting santri sudah bisa membaca kitab dengan baik dan benar. beliau menambahkan bahwa dengan metode sorogan ini, santri akan maju satu per satu untuk membacakan kitab di hadapan beliau. sehingga beliau dapat lebih mengenal dan mengetahui perkembangan santri tersebut secara satu per satu. gambar 1. pembelajaran dengan metode sorogan di pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyyah pohuwato syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 75 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) berdasarkan hasil observasi peneliti, inti dari metode sorogan ini adalah berlangsungnya proses belajar mengajar secara face to face antara kiai dan santri. termasuk dalam pembelajaran individual, di mana seorang santri berhadapan dengan seorang guru dan terjadi interaksi saling mengenal antara keduanya. dengan metode seperti ini, kiai secara pasti akan mengetahui kualitas santri didiknya. akan tetapi metode ini membutuhkan waktu yang sangat banyak karena seluruh santri harus maju satu per satu menghadap kiai. metode wetonana atau bandongan kemudian metode yang kedua, yang digunakan dalam program diniyah di pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato adalah metode wetonan. metode wetonan ini adalah metode di mana para santri mengikuti pelajaran dengan duduk di sekeliling kiai yang menerangkan pelajaran dalam kitab, santri menyimak kitab masing-masing dan membuat catatan pada kitab tersebut. istilah wetonan ini di jawa barat disebut dengan bandongan. berdasarkan hasil observasi peneliti, dengan metode bandongan atau wetonan santri duduk kemudian memegang kitab yang akan dibahas. ustaz/kiai akan membacakan kitab yang dibahas tersebut di depan santri dan santri menyimaknya, kemudian ustaz/kiai akan menerjemahkan secara perkata dan memberikan keterangan terhadap kata-kata baru dan sulit yang ada di dalam pembahasan tersebut. ustaz/kiai juga akan menjelaskan terlebih mengenai kaidah-kaidah kebahasaannya seperti nahwu dan ṣarf. santri tidak harus maju satu per satu untuk menyetorkan bacaan apalagi hapalannya kepada ustaz/kiai. gambar 2. pembelajaran dengan model bandongan/wetonan di pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyyah pohuwato menurut penulis, metode pembelajaran seperti ini begitu praktis dan cepat, tidak membutuhkan waktu yang banyak seperti metode sorogan. akan tetapi dengan syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 76 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) metode seperti ini, kiai atau ustaz tidak akan dapat mengetahui perkembangan kemampuan santri didiknya karena santri hanya belajar secara bersama-sama atau kolektif tanpa belajar individu seperti metode sorogan. metode pasaran atau kilatan metode pembelajaran pasaran adalah metode pembalajaran melalui pengkajian materi atau kitab tertentu pada seorang kiai atau ustaz yang dilakukan oleh sekelompok santri dalam kegiatan selama tenggang waktu tertentu. pada umumnya dilakukan pada bulan ramadhan selama setengah bulan, 20 hari atau terkadang satu bulan. tergantung pada tebalnya halaman kitab yang dikaji. metode ini lebih mirip dengan metode bandongan, tetapi pada metode ini target utamanya adalah selesainya kitab sesuai waktu yang telah ditentukan. jadi dalam metode ini, yang menjadi titik beratnya terletak pada pembacaan bukan pada pemahaman sebagaimana pada metode bandongan. seperti yang dinyatakan oleh kh. abd. ghofur nawawi, istilah metode pasaran juga biasanya disebut dengan istilah kilatan. metode hapalan atau tahfiz di pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato ini dalam pembelajaran kitab kuning juga menggunakan metode hapalan yang dikombinasikan dengan metode sorogan. seperti yang diungkapkan oleh kiai ghofur, dalam mengajarkan kitab mengenai nahwu dan ṣarf beliau menggunakan metode sorogan kemudian beliau menggabungkannya dengan metode hapalan yaitu meminta santri untuk menghapalkan kitab tersebut. jadi sebelum menambah materi pembahasan baru dalam kitab tersebut, santri akan menghapalkan terlebih dahulu materi pembahasan pada pertemuan sebelumnya. kiai akan meminta santri untuk duduk bersila membentuk lingkaran menghadap kiai. kemudian kiai akan memulai pembelajaran dengan mulai membacakan bab dalam kitab yang akan dibahas dan meminta santri untuk mengikuti bacaan beliau secara berjama`ah kemudian disusul dengan terjemahan pembahasan yang diberikan oleh kiai tersebut secara per kata dan menjelaskan kata atau kalimatkalimat yang baru atau sulit. kemudian para santri duduk khusus` mendengarkan kiai sambil memperhatikan kitab masing-masing. setelah itu, kiai akan meminta santri untuk maju kedepan dengan membawa kitab masing-masing. santri duduk menghadapkiai dan mulai membacakan kitab setelah membaca, santri diminta untuk syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 77 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) menghapalkan matānal-jurumiyah yang diajarkan oleh kiai tersebut. apabila ada santri yang tidak bisa menghapal maka dia akan diberdirikan sampai benar-benar hapal. dari berbagai metode pembelajaran bahasa arab pada program diniyah di atas, semakin menunjukkan bahwa di pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah lebih memfokuskan pencapaian keterampilan santri pada aspek qirā`ah saja, sedangkan pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah tidak mengadakan program-program kebahasaan dan tidak mempunyai metode-metode pembelajaran bahasa arab dalam meningkatkan keterampilan santri terutama pada aspek kalam. untuk pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah penguasaan tata bahasalah yang lebih diutamakan. tata bahasa dipelajari dalam dua pembahasan utama yang dikenal dengan ilmu nahwu dan ilmu ṣarf. dalam tradisi pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato ini, penguasaanbahasa arab tidak diikuti dengan kesungguhan dalam mempelajari ilmu tata bahasa arab dengan usaha aplikatif untuk mempraktikkan bahasa arab dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. hal ini berakibat pada minimnya tingkat penguasaan santri terhadap mufradāt atau kosa kata bahasa arab, sehingga tingkat keilmuan bahasanya adalah penguasaan bahasa arab pasif, bukan bahasa aktif. maksudnya adalah bahwa pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato lebih mengutamakan penguasaan teks daripada penguasaan praktik. “pembelajaran bahasa arab di pesantren ini intinya pada tata bahasa atau qawāid, nahwu dan ṣarf sedangkan untuk percakapan masih tidak terlalu begitu ditekankan karena yang difokuskan adalah para santri mampu membaca kitab gundul. untuk hal komunikasi santri di pondok pesantren ini agak terhambat karena memang tidak ditunjang oleh pembina, program-program khusus apalagi lingkungan yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan santri dalam berbicara. sedangkan untuk kemampuan mendengar dan menulis, dilatih ketika santri sedang belajar kitab, yaitu ketika kiai dan ustaz yang lainnya sedang membacakan isi kitab tersebut itu juga terasa tidak terlalu efektif.” diungkapkan oleh bapak ali mukmin, selaku kepala mts di lingkungan pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato dan pengajar kitab kuning di program diniyah pondok pesantren. santri di pondok pesantren salaf mempunyai kelebihan mampu memahami teks dan penguasaan penerjemahan. hal ini dipengaruhi oleh kedisiplinan untuk memegang gramatika (nahwu dan ṣarf) yang diiplementasikan ke dalam penerjemahan kitab-kitab syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 78 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) klasik. akan tetapi, mempunyai kelemahan pada sisi praktik kebahasaan (komunikasi) atau dengan kata lain membentuk pola kebahasaan yang pasif. pembelajaran bahasa arab di pesantren hubulo tapa pada pesantren hubulo tapa, bahasa arab dijadikan sebagai salah satu bahasa asing yang harus digunakan sebagai bahasa komunikasi wajib seluruh santri yang belajar di pesantren tersebut. berdasarkan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi yang dilakukan oleh peneliti selama proses penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam perkembangannya, pesantren hubulo memberikan penguatan pada kemampuan berbahasa santri. kurikulum dikembangkan dengan memasukkan porsiter besar dalam mendukung proses belajar pada penguasaan bahasa asing yaitu salah satunyabahasa arab. bahasa arab di pesantren hubulo ini berjalan dan berkembang dengan sangat baik. di pesantren ini, bahasa arab lebih ditekankan sebagai bahasa yang digunakan oleh santri dalam berkomunikasi sehari-hari. hal itu dapat dilihat dari santri yang aktif menggunakan bahasa arab sebagai alat komunikasi sehari-hari mereka baik di asrama, di dapur ataupun di dalam kelas. sama halnya dengan pondok pesantren modern pada umumnya. selain mendapatkan pembelajaran bahasa arab secara formal di dalam kelas madrasah mts dan ma, santri juga digodok dan dibiasakan dengan pembelajaran dan kegiatan-kegiatan kebahasaan selama 24 jam di lingkungan asrama, yang setiap asrama baik asrama putra maupun asrama putri memiliki bagian penggerak bahasa masingmasing. adapun metode pembelajaran yang digunakan di pesantren hubulo ini adalah bervariasi tetapi tetap berdasarkan pada tujuan dari bahasa itu sendiri di pesantren ini. sama halnya dengan di pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato, titik fokus peneliti adalah hanya pada model pembelajaranbahasa arab di lingkungan pesantren saja, bukan pada lingkungan madrasah. secara lebih rinci, berikut adalah metode-metode pembelajaran bahasa arab yang digunakan di pesantren hubulo: pemberian mufradāt yaumiyyah (kosakata harian) dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa arab, sebenarnya yang harus dikenalkan pertama kali adalah kosa katabaik kata kerja, kata benda maupun kata keterangan. kosa kata merupakan salah satu unsur bahasa yang harus dimiliki oleh syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 79 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) pembelajar bahasa asing termasuk bahasa arab. perbendaharaan kosakata bahasa arab yang memadai dapat menunjang seseorang dalamber komunikasi dan menulis dengan bahasatersebut. gambar 3. pemberian mufradāt yaumiyyah (kosakata harian) di pesantren hubulo tapa berdasarkan hasil observasi yang dilakukan oleh peneliti, pelaksanaan pemberian mufrodāt yaumiyyah (kosakataharian) rutin di pesantren hubulo kepada santri dilaksanakan setiap hari pada pagi hari dan malam hari menjelang tidur. pemberian kosakata dilakukan oleh bagian penggerak bahasa yang sudah mendapatkan bimbingan dari pembina dan pembimbing asrama masing-masing baik putra maupun putri. dalam pemberian kosakata, santri dibagi ke dalam beberapa kelompok berdasarkan tingkat kelas di madrasah untuk mengefektifkan waktu pemberian kosakata tersebut. kosakata yang diberikan setiap kelas berbeda-beda tergantung tingkatan kelas tersebut. dalam pemberian kosakata rutin ini, sebelumnya setiap bagian penggerak bahasa akan menuliskan kosakata yang akan diberikan di papan tulis kecil. kosakata yang diberikan dalam sehari hanya berjumlah dua sampai tiga kosakata saja dan tidak lebih, tetapi diberikan dalam tiga bahasa salah satunya bahasa arab. pemberian muhādaṡah yaumiyyah (percakapan harian) dan ungkapan harian (idiom) pemberian muhādaṡah di pesantren hubulo dilaksanakan setiap hari sama halnya dengan pemberian mufradāt. akan tetapi, untukpemberian muhādaṡah diberikan setiap selesai salat subuh. untuk santri putri, mereka akan dipandu oleh santri senior kelas 6 tmi untuk bercakap-cakap dengan teman sesama mereka sedangkan bagian penggerak bahasa putri bertugas untuk mengawasi proses pemberian muhādaṡah syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 80 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) tersebut. sedangkan bagi santri putra, mereka dipandu oleh bagian penggerak bahasa putra. gambar 4. pemberian muhādaṡah yaumiyyah (percakapan harian) santri putri di pesantren hubulo tapa gambar 5. pemberian muhādaṡah yaumiyyah (percakapan harian) santri putra di pesantren hubulo tapa adapun pemberian ungkapan harian dengan berbahasa arab dan berbahasa inggris kepada santri dilaksanakan pada hari jum`at pagi (seminggu sekali) yaitu ketika sebelum melakukan olahraga pagi baik senam dan lari pagi. dalam pemberian ungkapan harian, seluruh santri diminta untuk berbaris rapi di depan asrama berdasarkan kelas masing-masing. kemudian seluruh penggerak bahasa maju ke depan para santri dan berbaris rapi menghadap santri. penggerak bahasa inilah yang akan memandu dan memberikan ungkapan harian kepada santri dengan menggunakan bahasa salah satunya adalah bahasa arab. kemudian setelah itu bagian penggerak bahasa akan menuliskan ungkapan tersebut di papantulis sehingga santri dapat melihat dan mengetahui tulisannya dan santri diminta satu per satu untuk menghapalkan ungkapan harian tersebut dan menyetorkannya kepada bagian penggerak bahasa. syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 81 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) gambar 6. pemberian ungkapan harian (idiom) di pesantren hubulo tapa muhāḍarah (latihan pidato berbahasa arab) muhāḍarah merupakan sarana latihan berpidato bagi para santri yang rutin diadakan setiap minggu. dalam muhāḍarah, santri akan dibiasakan untuk berpidato tidak hanya dengan menggunakan bahasa indonesia saja, tetapi juga bahasa inggris dan terutama bahasa arab. muhāḍarah harus diikuti oleh seluruh santri yang berada di pesantren hubulo baik di asrama putra maupun asrama putri, khususnya tingkat 1 sampai dengan tingkat 4. sedangkan santri tingkat 5 dan 6 dijadikan sebagai pembimbing dan pengurus yang akan bertanggung jawab atas muhāḍarah, menggantikan peran guru. gambar 7. muhāḍarah (latihan pidato berbahasa arab) santri putra di pesantren hubulo tapa pada pelakasanaannya beberapa santri ditugaskan sebagai mutakallim atau pembicara yang menyampaikan pidato. mutakallim diberikan tugas menyiapkan bahan pidato yang akan disampikanya itu seminggu sebelum tampil sebagai pembicara. adapun materi yang akan dibawakan harus ditulis di buku album tersendiri dan disetorkan kepada bagian pengajaran yang bekerjasama dengan bagian penggerak bahasa. kemudian, setelah buku tersebut dikembalikan oleh bagian pengajaran dan syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 82 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) setelah pidato yang dibuat oleh santri tersebut dikoreksi oleh bagian pengajaran, maka santri harus menghapalkan pidatonya tersebut. apabila ada santri yang tidak bisa menghapalkan pidatonya sama sekali, maka dia akan dimasukkan ke dalam mahkamah santri dan akan diberikan sanksi. kemudian setelah pembicara selesai menyampaikan pidatonya, santri yang hadir akan ditunjuk untuk mengambil inti sari dari salah satu pembicara. gambar 8. muhāḍarah (latihan pidato berbahasa arab) santri putri di pesantren hubulo tapa muhāḍarah ini diadakan guna melatih mental santri agar terbiasa berpidato di depan umum ketika santri terjun ke tengah masyarakat kelak. dengan adanya muhāḍarah pula, maka akan diketahui kemampuan santri dalam menggunakan bahasa arab yang baik. memang para santri sehari-harinya menggunakan bahasa arab, namun belum pasti telah menggunakan bahasa arab yang baik dan betul. maka ketika dalam pelaksanaan muhāḍarah diharuskan menggunakan bahasa arab yang baik dan benar serta sesuai dengan kaidah-kaidah bahasa arab yang berlaku. mahkamah dan sanksi pelanggaran bahasa salah satu bentuk untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan pada peraturan adalah dengan membentuk mahkamah. aturan yang diberlakukan adalah adanya ketentuan untuk tidak boleh berbahasa daerah dan bahasa indonesia, demikian pula praktik berbahasa harus sesuai dengan hari yang telah ditentukan. kalaupun peraturan ini ditetapkan tetapi tidak diawasi, maka akan menjadisia-sia. oleh sebab itu, di pesantren hubulo memiliki aturan kemudian dipertahankan dengan melaksanakan mahkamah dan memberikan sanksi bagi para pelanggar. syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 83 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) gambar 8. mahkamah dan pemberian sanksi santri putri di pesantren hubulo tapa pesantren ini memberikan sanksi bagi santri yang melanggar bahasa dalam bentuk makhamah bahasa. bagi santri yang ketahuan menggunakan bahasa indonesia di lingkungan pesantren ini, maka santri tersebut akan mendapati namanya berada di deretan nama-nama pelanggar bahasa dan akan disidang di dalam makhamah. tidak hanya pelanggaran berupa berbicara menggunakan bahasa indonesia saja maka santri akan masuk mahkamah kemudian diberi sanksi, akan tetapi selain dari itu untuk pelanggaran seperti santri tidak berbahasa sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditentukan, santri tidak mengikuti pemberian mufradāt, muhādaṡah, muhāḍarahdan berbagai kegiatan bahasalainnya, santri tidak menghapalkan mufradāt, muhādaṡah, dan muhāḍarah, santri terlambat mengikuti kegiatan kebahasaan dan pelanggaranpelanggaran lain yang berkaitan dengan bahasa. maka akan dengan terang-terangan nama santri tersebut dipanggil ketika pelaksanaan mahkamah. untuk sanksi yang akan diberikan kepada santri yang melanggar di pesantren hubulo adalah bervariasi, tergantung pada jenis pelanggaran yang diperbuat oleh santri tersebut. akan tetapi pesantren hubulo menerapkan sanksi yang bersifat edukatif. seperti contohnya pada awalnya sanksi bagi santri putra yang melanggar bahasa adalah dibotak, kemudian sanksi tersebut dirubah dengan sanksi dalam bentuk hapalan baik berupa hapalan ayat-ayat alquran atau buku-buku berbahasa arab, agar santri tersebut dalam belajar dari kesalahan yang telah dia perbuat. karena dengan model hukuman seperti sebelum-sebelumnya malah hanya akan menumbuhkan benih-benih kebencian di hati santri terhadap yang telah memberikan sanksi tersebut kepadanya. bukan malah memberikan efek jera. syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 84 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) gambar 9. mahkamah dan pemberian sanksi santri putra di pesantren hubulo tapa selanjutnya, untuk mengetahui jika ada santri yang melanggar, di pesantren ini pengurus osph baik putra maupun putri dalam setiap bagian tidak hanya bagian penggerak bahasa saja bekerja sama dengan seluruh santri agar dapat mengawasi sesama teman. tidak hanya santri junior saja yang akan mendapatkan sanksi apabila ketahuan melanggar, tetapi juga dengan santri senior dengan sanksi yang dilipatgandakan. lomba-lomba dan model pembelajaran tambahan selain pemberian mufradāt, muhādaṡah, pelaksanaan muhāḍarah, adanya mahkamah dan pemberian sanksi dan juga pemberian ungkapan harian, di pesantren hubulo ini guna untuk membantu menunjang santri dalam belajar dan membiasakan diri dengan berbahasa, pesantren hubulo berusaha untuk menghadirkan model-model pembelajaran dan pembiasaan berbahasa yang bervariasi agar dapat mengatasi kebosanan santri dalam belajar bahasa. pesantren hubulo mengadakan lomba-lomba yang bertujuan sebagai pemacu motivasi santri. adapun lomba-lomba yang diadakan oleh pesantren hubulo adalah misterius kata bahasa arab dan inggris dan lomba mengeja kata bahasa arab dan inggris yang juga berguna untuk mengevaluasi pengetahuan mufradāt santri. kemudian ada pula lomba debat bahasa arab, drama bahasa, pesona bahasa, lomba berpidato, bernyanyi dalam bahasa arab, lomba menulis kaligrafi, dan juga selain lomba-lomba itu, pesantren hubulo juga selalu mengutus perwakilan santri dalam mengikuti lombalomba seperti debat bahasa arab dan inggris, kaligrafi dan lomba qirā`ah al-kutub (membaca kitab-kitab kuning) dalam perlombaan nasional. semua dilakukan dengan syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 85 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) harapan agar dapat memotivasi santri untuk selalu belajar dan melatih kebahasaan mereka dengan lebih baik lagi. gambar 10 dan 11. lomba misterius kata santri putra di pesantren hubulo tapa gambar 12. lomba baca puisi bahasa asing santri putra di pesantren hubulo tapa selain dengan model lomba, santri juga belajar dan dibiasakan berbahasa arab dengan adanya pemberian informasi atau pengumuman dengan menggunakan bahasa arab di asrama. tidak ada informasi yang disampaikan dengan menggunakan bahasa indonesia. bahkan sejak santri menjadi santri baru, santri tersebut sudah terbiasa mendengarkan informasi atau pengumuman yang disampaikan oleh kakak-kakak santri senior dengan menggunakan bahasa arab walau sebelumnya santri tersebut tidak mengerti apa arti dari pengumuman tersebut dan itu terjadi setiap hari, sehingga hal itu akan teringat-ingat selalu di dalam pikiran santri dan tiba giliran dia yang menyampaikan informasi santri tersebut sudah terbiasa. syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 86 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) gambar 13. kegiatan rutin santri putra setiap pagi sebelum berangkat ke kelas pembina dan pembimbing asrama akan bertanya di depan gedung asrama kepada santri menganai kosakata yang pernah diberikan kepada mereka saat pembelajaran beberapa mata pelajaran pesantren seperti nahwu, ṣarf, tafsir alquran, balagah, sejarah islam, fikih, ushul fikih, muṭāla`ah dan muṣṭōlahalhadiṡ baik di mts dan ma, pesantren menggunakan kitab berbahasa arab sebagai rujukan materi, sehingga santri dapat belajar membaca kitab-kitab berbahasa arab. selain itu, untuk melatih kemampuan santri dalam membaca, di asrama khususnya di asrama putra diadakan pembelajaran kitab atau yang dinamakan komunitas kitab kuning. komunitas kitab kuning biasanya dilaksanakan setiap malamya itu belajar nahwu dengan menggunakan kitab berbahasa arab, yaitu nahwu wāḍih. selain nahwu juga ada fikih dan itu dilaksanakan setiap malam bersama pembina asrama. gambar 14. pembelajaran kitab santri putra di pesantren hubulo tapa berdasarkan metode-metode pembelajaran bahasa arab yang telah dipaparkan di atas, semakin menunjukkan bahwa di pesantren hubulo bahasa arab benar-benar dijadikan sebagai alat komunikasi sehari-hari santri yang belajar di pesantren tersebut, syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 87 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) bahkan tidak hanya santri, namun juga guru-guru yang mengajar di dalam pesantren hubulo. adapun metode pembelajaran yang digunakan di pesantren hubulo adalah penunjang untuk mencapai tujuan bahasa itu sendiri. metode tersebut begitu membantu santri dalam membiasakan diri dan melatih diri mereka dengan berbahasa karena pesantren hubulo adalah pesantren yang belajar bahasa tidak hanya sekedar berupa teori saja melainkan juga praktik dalam keseharian. kemudian faktor terbesar di balik aktifnya bahasa di pesantren hubulo yaitu karena adanya dukungan lingkungan. lingkungan pembelajaran menjadi bagian terpenting dalam proses pembiasaan dan pembelajaran bahasa arab di pesantren. dukungan lingkungan dalam sebuah praktik pendidikan menjadi rangsangan untuk perkembangan, seperti penggunaan bahasa komunikas sehari-hari di lingkungan pesantren. dasar yang digunakan dalam menerapkan bahasa bukan karena adanya kemampuan para santri tetapi terlebih dahulu merupakan usaha dalam pembentukan lingkungan. ada kondisi yang memaksa setiap santri untuk turut dalam aturan ini. ketika itu terbentuk, maka santri secara otomatis mau tidak mau akan menggunaka bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi dalam kehidupan di pesantren. pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato merupakan pondok pesantren yang meskipun telah memasukkan sekolah formal dan mata pelajaran umum dengan menggunakankurikulum departemen agama dan dinas pendidikan ke dalam pondok pesantren, akan tetapi pondokpesantren ini masih tetapmempertahankan ciri khasnya yaitu pembelajaran kitab kuning dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran yang tradisional. bahkan untuk pembelajaran bahasa arab di lingkungan pondok pesantren ini, tujuannya adalah lebih kepada untuk meningkatkan kemampuan santri dalam aspek membaca kitab kuning saja. sedangkan pesantren hubulo tapa, memiliki tujuan utama dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab yaitu agar santri dapat berkomunikasi aktif dengan menggunakan bahasa arab. akan tetapi, tidak hanya sebagai bahasa aktif saja, pesantren ini juga membekali santri dengan kemampuan untuk belajar bahasa arab dalam membaca dan memahami kitab kuning. adapun perbedaan antara pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato dan pesantren hubulo tapa adalah dari segi tujuan pembelajaran bahasa arab antara kedua pondok tersebut sehingga mempengaruhi metode pembelajaran bahasa arab yang syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 88 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) digunakan di lingkungan pondok pesantren. karena pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah lebih memfokuskan pada pengajaran kitab kuning, maka metode pembelajaran yang digunakan juga merupakan penunjang untuk tujuan pembelajaran kitab kuning tersebut. sedangkan pesantren hubulo adalah pesantren yang lebih memfokuskan pada kemampuan santri dalam bercakap dengan menggunakan bahasa arab, maka metode pembelajaran bahasa arab yang digunakan di pesantren hubulo adalah untuk menunjang kemampuan santri dalam bercakap-cakap dengan menggunakan bahasa arab. sedangkan persamaan antara pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato dan pesantren hubulo tapa dalah dalam hal kitab yang digunakan di kedua pondok pesantren tersebut ada beberapa kitab yang sama, akan tetapi metode pengajaran kitab tersebut berbeda. adanya perbedaan metode pembelajaran bahasa arab antara kedua pondok pesantren tersebut adalah hal yang lumrah. bukan untuk mencari metode pembelajaran bahasa arab mana yang benar dan mana yang salah apalagi mana yang bagus dan mana yang tidak, hal itu terjadi semata-mata tujuan dari pembelajaran bahasa arab di masing-masing pondok pesantren tersebut. pembahasan metode pembelajaran bahasa arab secara etimologi istilah metode berasal dari bahasa yunani, yakni dari kata “metodos” yang berarti cara atau jalan. sedangkan secara semantik, metode berarti caracara atau jalan yang ditempuh untuk mencapai suatu tujuan dengan hasil yang efektif dan efisien (izzan, 2009: 72). ibnu khaldun berkata, “sesungguhnya pengajaran itu merupakan profesi yang membutuhkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan kecermatan karena ia sama halnya dengan pelatihan kecakapan yang memerlukan kiat, strategi dan ketelatenan, sehingga menjadi cakap dan professional.” penerapan metode pengajaran tidak akan berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien sebagai media pengantar materi pengajaran bila penerapannya tanpa didasari dengan pengetahuan yang memadai tentang metode itu. sehingga metode bisa saja akan menjadi penghambat jalannya proses pengajaran, bukan komponen yang menunjang pencapaian tujuan, jika tidak tepat aplikasinya. oleh karena itu, penting sekali untuk memahami dengan baik dan benar tentang karakteristik suatu metode. syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 89 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) pembelajaran adalah suatu peristiwa atau situasi yang sengaja dirancang dalam rangka membantu dan mempermudah proses belajar dengan harapan dapat membangun kreatifitas siswa. pembelajaran adalah proses yang sengaja dirancang untuk menciptakan terjadinya aktivitas belajar dalam individu (sadiman dkk, 1986: 7). dalam pengertian lain, pembelajaran adalah usaha-usaha yang terencana agar terjadi proses belajar dalam diri peserta didik. sedangkan menurut depdiknas, dalam uu no.20 tahun 2003 tentang sikdiknas pasal 1 ayat 20, pembelajaran adalah proses interaksi peserta didik dengan pendidik dan sumber belajar pada suatu lingkungan belajar (bambang, 2008: 85). berdasarkan pengertian di atas dapat dilihat bahwa pembelajaran bukan sekedar transfer ilmu dari guru kepada siswa, melainkan suatu proses kegiatan, yaitu terjadi interkasi antara guru dengan siswa serta antara siswa dengan siswa. pembelajaran hendaknya tidak menganut paradigma transfer of knowledge, yang mengandung makna bahwa siswa merupakan objek dari belajar. tapi upaya untuk membelajarkan siswa ditandai dengan kegiatan memilih, menetapkan, mengembangkan model untuk mencapai hasil pembelajaran yang diinginkan pemilihan, penetapan, dan pengembangan metode ini didasarkan pada kondisi pembelajaran yang ada. oleh karena itu pembelajaran memiliki hakekat perencanaan atau perancangan sebagai upaya untuk membelajarkan siswa itulah sebabnya dalam belajar siswa tidak hanya berinteraksi dengan guru sebagai salah satu sumber belajar, tetapi berinteraksi dengan keseluruhan sumber belajar yang mungkin dipakai untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. sehingga pembelajaran menaruh perhatian pada bagaimana membelajarkan siswa, dan bukan apa yang dipelajari siswa dan dipahami siswa. adapun bahasa arab merupakan alat komunikasi yang berupa kata secara tulisan maupun lisan digunakan oleh orang bangsa arab dalam mengungkapkan hal yang ada di hati, otak, dan benak mereka (nasir, : 23). dengan turunnya al-qur’an membawa kosa kata baru dengan jumlah yang luar biasa banyaknya menjadikan bahasa arab menjadi suatu bahasa yang paling sempurna, baik dalam kosa kata, makna, gramatikal, dan ilmuilmu lainnya. di indonesia bahasa arab bisa jadi sebagai bahasa kedua bisa juga sebagai bahasa asing. bahasa arab bukan merupakan bahasa pergaulan sehari-hari, maka bagi lingkungan atau masyarakat pada umumnya indonesia, bahasa arab merupakan bahasa syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 90 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) asing. di sekolah-sekolah bahasa arab tidak digunakan sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam pembelajaran, tetapi sebagai mata pelajaran yang terdiri dari beberapa materi. secara formal bahasa arab merupakan bahasa asing. karena sebagai bahasa yang tergolong asing, sistem pembelajaran bahasa arab adalah bahasa asing, mulai dari tujuan, materi, sampai kepada strategi dan metode pembelajaran. dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab, ada komponen-komponen yang disebut dengan aspek kebahasaan dan aspek keterampilan berbahasa. aspek kebahasaan berupa unsur-unsur bahasa yang terdiri dari tata bunyi (fonologi/ `ilm al-aṣwāt), tata kata (morfologi/`ilm aṣ-ṣarf), tata kalimat (sintaksis/`ilm nahwu), tata tulis (kitābah), dan kosa kata (al-mufradāt). sedangkan aspek keterampilan berbahasa terdiri dari empat keterampilan dan keempat keterampilan ini memiliki hubungan erat satu sama lain. farhatul atiqoh, mengelompokkan empat keterampilan tersebut menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu: (1) keterempilan reseptif untuk keterampilan pemahaman yang berisi keterampilan menyimak (mahārotu al-istimā`/listening skill) dan keterampilan membaca (mahārotul al-qirō`ah/reading skill), dan (2) keterampilan produktif untuk keterampilan pengungkapan pikiran yang berisi keterampilan berbicara (mahārotul kalām/speaking skill) dan keterampilan menulis (mahārotul kitābah/writing skill (atiqoh, 2016: 179-212). setiap ketrampilan itu erat kaitanya satu sama lain, sebab dalam ketrampilan berbahasa mencerminkan pikiranya. semakin terampil orang berbahasa semakin jelas dan cerah pula jalan pikirannya. pada awalnya seorang anak belajar dari menyimak perkataan orang tuanya. kemudian anak akan mampu berbicara setelah menyimak apa yang diajarkan oleh orang tuanya, setelah itu barulah ia belajar membaca dan menulis. sebenarnya ke empat ketrampilan berbahasa ini adalah satu kesatuan yang sangat berkaitan. ada tiga kompetensi yang hendaknya dicapai dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab. tiga kompetensi yang dimaksud adalah: (1) kompetensi kebahasaan, maksudnya adalah pembelajar mampu menguasai sistem bunyi bahasa arab, baik cara membedakannya dan pengucapannya, mengenal struktur bahasa, gramatika dasar aspek teori dan fungsi; mengetahui kosa kata dan penggunaannya, (2) kompetensi komunikasi, maksudnya adalah pembelajar mampu menggunakan bahasa arab dalam mengungkapkan ide-ide dan pengalaman dengan lancar, dan mampu menyerap yang telah dikuasai dari bahasa secara mudah, (3) kompetensi budaya maksudnya adalah memahami apa yang syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 91 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) terkandung dalam bahasa arab dari aspek budaya, mempunyai pemahaman terhadap budaya arab, baik berupa pemikiran, nilai-nilai, adat, etika, maupun seni. bahasa arab telah menunjukkan signifikansi dan urgensinya di mata dunia, yaitu menjadi wahana komunikasi dan ajang interaksi di forum-forum internasional, dan kini bahasa arab sudah diikuti menjadi bahasa yang sejajar dengan bahasa-bahasa dunia lainnya (bahriah, 2008: 2). hal ini membuktikan bahwa kedudukan tinggi bahasa arab dan memiliki peranan penting dalam dunia internasional. mata pelajaran bahasa arab merupakan suatu mata pelajaran yang diarahkan untuk mendorong, membimbing, mengembangkan, dan membina kemampuan serta menumbuhkan sikap positif terhadap bahasa arab baik reseptif maupun produktif. kemampuan reseptif yaitu kemampuan untuk memahami pembicaraan orang lain dan memahami bacaan. kemampuan produktif yaitu kemampuan menggunakan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi baik secara lisan maupun tulis. maka pembelajaran bahasa arab adalah aktivitas penyampaian ilmu pengetahuan mengenai bahasa arab oleh seorang pendidik kepada peserta didik yang bertujuan agar peserta didik dapat memahami dan menguasai bahasa arab serta dapat mengembangkannya menjadi kompetensi dalam keterampilan berbahasa. adapun pendidik yang dimaksud, menurut peneliti adalah pendidik yang memang memiliki kompetensi dan performansi dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab. supaya proses pembelajaran bahasa arab dapat terlaksana dengan baik, maka pendidik melakukan perencanaan yang matang mengenai proses pembelajaran tersebut, yang di dalamnya menyangkut pendekatan kemudian dituangkan ke dalam strategi pembelajaran, dan diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan metode-metode yang bervariasi sesuai dengan materi dan tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. serangkaian tahap tersebut terhimpun di dalam metodologi pembelajaran bahasa arab. dari pendapat di atas dapat kita simpulkan metode pembelajaran bahasa arab ialah sistem atau cara yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab agar pelajaran atau materi yang disampaikan mudah diterima dan dipahami oleh peserta didik. secara sederhana, metode pengajaran bahasa arab dapat digolongkan menjadi dua macam, yaitu: pertama, metode tradisional/klasikal dan kedua, metode modern. metode pengajaran bahasa arab tradisional adalah metode pengajaran bahasa arab yang terfokus pada “bahasa sebagai budaya ilmu” sehingga belajar bahasa arab berarti syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 92 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) belajar secara mendalam tentang seluk-beluk ilmu bahasa arab, baik aspek gramatika/sintaksis (qowaid nahwu), morfem/morfologi (qowaid as-sharf) ataupun sastra (adab). metode yang berkembang dan masyhur digunakan untuk tujuan tersebut adalah metode qowaid dan tarjamah. metode tersebut mampu bertahan beberapa abad, bahkan sampai sekarang pesantren-pesantren di indonesia, khususnya pesantren salafiah masih menerapkan metode tersebut (nazarudin, 2007: 187). metode pengajaran bahasa arab modern adalah metode pengajaran yang berorientasi pada tujuan bahasa sebagai alat. artinya, bahasa arab dipandang sebagai alat komunikasi dalam kehidupan modern, sehingga inti belajar bahasa arab adalah kemampuan untuk menggunakan bahasa tersebut secara aktif dan mampu memahami ucapan/ungkapan dalam bahasa arab. metode yang lazim digunakan dalam pembelajaran adalah metode langsung (thariqah al–mubasyarah). munculnya metode ini didasari pada asumsi bahwa bahasa adalah sesuatu yang hidup, oleh karena itu harus dikomunikasikan dan dilatih terus sebagaimana anak kecil belajar bahasa (nazarudin, 2007: 195). guru harus memikirkan metode yang tepat dalam menyampaikan bahan pelajaran. untuk mengajarkan suatu mata pelajaran, tidak cukup hanya dengan menggunakan satu metode saja. tepat tidaknya guru dalam memilih metode pembelajaran adalah salah satu faktor keberhasilan dalam proses pembelajaran. metode adalah bentuk implementasi dari strategi pembelajaran yang telah disusun berdasarkan pendekatan pembelajaran yang digunakan. sedangkan pendekatan pembelajaran harus sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai. sehingga metode pembelajaran yang digunakan sangat bergantung pada strategi, pendekatan, materi dan tujuan pembelajaran. dari hasil observasi dan wawancara mendalam yang dilakukan oleh peneliti, metode pembelajaran bahasa arab yang digunakan pada dua pesantren bercorak salafi dan khalafi diatas berbeda. hal ini didasarkan oleh perbedaan tujuan pembelajaran bahasa arab diajarkan pada kedua pesantren tersebut. bahasa arab diajarkan pada pesantren salafi-safi’yah dimaksudkan untuk mendalami dan menguasi kitab kuning. penguasaan kompetensi bahasa gramatika dan struktur bahasa sangat membantu para guru dan santri dalam proses memahami sebuah karya klasik para ulama terdahulu yang dituliskan dengan struktur dan gramatika bahasa arab yang kompleks dan rumit. syindi oktaviani r. tolinggi 93 available online at © 2020 al-lisan: jurnal bahasa (e-journal) olehnya metode-metode tradisional sangat akrab dan masih dipertahankan dalam mengajarkan bahasa arab pada setiap santri di pesantren ini. berbeda dengan pesantren salafi-syafi’iyah pohuwato, pesantren hubulo adalah pesantren yang menganut sistem pondok pesantren modern atau biasanya disebut pesantren khalaf. pondok pesantren ini menerapkan metode yang lebih komunikatif pada santrinya. pembelajaran bahasa arab lebih pada unsur kreativitas seseorang dalam mengekspresikan suatu bahasa. bahasa arab dimaksudkan agar santri mampu berkomunikasi dan dipat digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari antar santri maupun guru pada pesantren tersebut. bahasa arab dititikberatkan pada kemampuan verbal santri untuk mengungkapkan idenya kepada orang lain. sehingga metode yang dikembangkan di pesantren ini adalah metode komukatif dan praktis. d. simpulan berdasarkan uraian di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pesantren salafiyah syafi`iyah pohuwato merupakan pesantren yang bercorak salafi dengan pembelajaran bahasa arab di pondok pesantren tersebut yang hanya terfokus pada pembelajaran gramatika atau kaidah tata bahasa arab (nahwu dan ṣarf) yang diaplikasikan 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