item: #1 of 544 id: jqes-10 author: H. Abbar, Ali title: ELECTROLYTIC PREPARATION OF COPPER POWDER WITH PARTICLE SIZE LESS THAN 63μm date: 2017-07-11 words: 4158 flesch: 54 summary: ELECTROLYTIC PREPARATION OF COPPER POWDER WITH PARTICLE SIZE LESS THAN 63µm Ali H. Abbar Mechanical Engineering Department College of Engineering, Al-Qadisiyia University Abstract An electrochemical cell consisting of two electrodes (Lead-6%antimony alloy cathode and copper anode, (99.9%)) was used to study the electrolytic preparation of copper powder with particle size less than (63µm) directly as powdery form. The effects of current density, metal ion concentration, sulfuric acid concentration, and electrolysis time on the weight percent of copper powder less than (63µm), yield and current efficiency were studied. keywords: acid; concentration; copper; density; efficiency; ion; powder; sulfuric; time cache: jqes-10.pdf plain text: jqes-10.txt item: #2 of 544 id: jqes-100 author: Shakir Al – Bahrani, Hussein title: FIEL STUDY OF THE MOST IMPORTANCE NOISE POLLUTION SOURCES IN LIVING REGIMES AT AL-NAJAF AND AL-KUFA CITIES date: 2017-07-19 words: 4803 flesch: 101 summary: شخصــا) ١٥٠(حجــم العينــة التــي وزعــت علــيهم اســتمارة االســتبيان بلغــت إن -:كاآلتيفكانت بيانباالست االطباء، النصر، السالم، النفط، الغري، المكرمة، السعد، العدالة، الغدير، االميـر، :أحياء مدينة النجف -١ .المثنى، دور االساتذة، العسكري، الهندية، القادسية، الجزيرة، المدينة القديمة .ميسان، ميثم التمار، كندة، المدينة القديمة :أحياء مدينة الكوفة -٢ :نتائج االستبيان (Microsoft access)البيانـات فـي برنـامج حاسـوب مناسـب إدخـالاالستبيان تم بعد جمع استمارات يشكو ،،، لضوضاء ثالثة نساء يعانون من األمراض العصبية بسبب ا و تقدر األضرار التي تصيب العمال و تؤدي إلى االنقطاع عـن ، من الضوضاء في المصانع التي يعملون فيها )٢٠٠٣ keywords: noise; sources; إلــى; إلى; األصوات; البيئة; التردد; التعـرض; التــي; التلوث; التي; الدين; السكنية; الصــوت; الصوت; الضوضاء; الضوضائي; الضوضــاء; العمل; القادسية; القادسية للعلوم; المختلفة; المدارس; المدن; المناطق; المولدات; النجف; الھندسية; بـين; بها; بين; حيث; خالل; ديسيبل; ذلك; عـن; علـى; على; غير; فترة; فــي; فـي; للعلوم; مجلة; مجلة القادسية; مستوى; مســتوى; مصادر; مــن; مـن; هذا; هذه; هـذا; ٢٠٠٩; ٤العدد cache: jqes-100.pdf plain text: jqes-100.txt item: #3 of 544 id: jqes-103 author: K. Al Naffiey, Hameed title: NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF MELTING SOLIDIFICATION PROCESS IN AN ALLOY METAL WITH A SQUARE SECTION date: 2017-07-20 words: 2380 flesch: 59 summary: state (transient) condition heat transfer in a one dimension body is given by Yunus, A.1998. An a temperature distribution of heat transfer during liquid alloy solidification in a casting mold depends on determination of the boundary conditions during the solidification, properties of the mold, properties of the casting alloy by Sully LJD.1976.The heat transfer during the mold caused phase change, and then transfer by conduction and convection to wall, the thickness of the wall may be design according to the alloys process and metals by Welty(1997).The mold that used in this study has square cross section see Fig.1. keywords: distribution; engineering; heat; mold; sciences; temperature; time; vol cache: jqes-103.pdf plain text: jqes-103.txt item: #4 of 544 id: jqes-104 author: A. Al-Jeebory, Abbas; H. Ghawi, Ali title: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF AL-DEWANYIA WATER TREATMENT PLANT IN IRAQ date: 2017-07-20 words: 3743 flesch: 53 summary: Performance of Al-Dewanyia Water Treatment Plant in Iraq is an essential parameter to be monitored and evaluated to better understanding of design and operating difficulties in water treatment plants. Keywords: Water treatment plant , turbidity, WHO, calriflaculater, filter, water quality محطة معالجة میاه الشرب في مدینة الدیوانیة تقیم أداء الخالصة تطلب أدراك شuامل لعملیuات و مراحuل معالجuة میuاه ی، لتصمیم و تشغیل محطات معالجة میاه الشرب بكفاءة عالیة .مسuموحھأدنuى حuدود إلuىرة ومیاه صالحة للشرب و تقلیل العك أنتاجتلبید و ترشیح لغرض ، الشرب من تخثیر تقیuیم أداء محطuة یعتبuر . keywords: dewanyia; engineering; figure; journal; plant; qadisiya; s.v; sciences; treatment; turbidity; vol; water cache: jqes-104.pdf plain text: jqes-104.txt item: #5 of 544 id: jqes-105 author: a. abass, riyad; t.khshain, nihad; m.mohammed, alyaa title: PRODUCTION OF SELF COMPACTING CONCRETE FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING STRUCTURES date: 2017-07-20 words: 2892 flesch: 54 summary: Key words: Concrete, Self compacting concrete, new concrete materials ,limestone, super-plasticizer, fine sand. ذاتیة الرص لمنشات الهندسة Self compacting concrete (SCC), which have been developed and exploited over the past one a half decades eliminates the need for slow, heavy, noisy ,expensive ,energy-consuming and often dangerous mechanical vibration to compact the fresh concrete. keywords: compacting; concrete; engineering; journal; qadisiya; scc; sciences; self; slump; vol cache: jqes-105.pdf plain text: jqes-105.txt item: #6 of 544 id: jqes-106 author: Jameel Shareef, Amer title: EFFECT OF ABSORBER SURFACE SHAPE ON THE FORCED THERMAL CONVECTION OF SOLAR AIR COLLECTORS date: 2017-07-20 words: 2957 flesch: 90 summary: Absorber Plate (السطح والمغطىفقدها الى الهواء المار على ي ومن ثم الذي يمتص الطاقة الساقطة عليه والتي تعمل على يسمح بنفوذ االشعاع الشمسي خالله الذي ) Rectangular corrugated Sinusoidel corrugated V-corrugated الربعة انواع من اللواح االمتصاصرينولد مع عدد نسلت عددعالقة )١١(الشكل رينولد مع نسبة عدد نسلت المتعرج الى المستوي عالقة عدد)١٢ keywords: = ∂; plate; العدد; القادسیة; المجلد; الهواء; الى; الھندسیة; على; عند; للعلوم; مجلة; ٢٠١٠; ∂ +; ∂ =; ∂ y; ∂ ∂;  ∂;  ;   cache: jqes-106.pdf plain text: jqes-106.txt item: #7 of 544 id: jqes-107 author: Sayel Warid, Warid; Rasheed Sanwar, Musadak title: A STUDY OF POLLUTION EFFECT ON FLASHOVER PHENOMENA FOR SOUTH-WEST IRAQI (132KV) GRID INSULATORS date: 2017-07-20 words: 2555 flesch: 91 summary: العالي، الومضة العابرة، العوازل، التلوث، العواصف الرملية: كلمات رئيسية A STUDY OF POLLUTION EFFECT ON FLASHOVER PHENOMENA FOR SOUTH-WEST IRAQI (132KV) شمال افريقيا، مصر، سوريا ،ك خليط من انواع التلوث المذكورة هنا وقد يكون ، المحملة بنسبة عالية من االمالح مكون من ذرات الرمل تلوث يوجد خليط من التلوث البحري والصحراوي الذي احدث العديـد ) keywords: insulators; pollution; التلوث; العابرة; العام; العدد; العوازل; القادسیة; المجلد; المجلد مجلة; الومضة; الھندسیة; حيث; رقم; عازل; على; للعلوم; مجلة; ناصرية; نوع; ١٣٢; ٢٠١٠ cache: jqes-107.pdf plain text: jqes-107.txt item: #8 of 544 id: jqes-108 author: A. Al-Jeebory, Abbas; Kris, Josef; H. Ghawi, Ali title: PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT OF WATER TREATMENT PLANTS IN IRAQ BY CFD MODEL date: 2017-07-20 words: 4741 flesch: 57 summary: Design of sedimentation tanks for water treatment processes are often based on the surface overflow rate of the tank. Because of uncertainties in the hydrodynamics of sedimentation tanks, designers typically use safety factors to account for this nonideal flow behavior (Abdel-Gawad and McCorquodale, 1984). keywords: baffle; cfd; concentration; engineering; flow; fluid; model; sedimentation; settling; solids; standard; tank; velocity; vol; water cache: jqes-108.pdf plain text: jqes-108.txt item: #9 of 544 id: jqes-109 author: S. AL-Kuaity, Adnan title: REHABILITATION OF DAMAGE REINFORCED CONCRETE COLUMNS date: 2017-07-20 words: 2811 flesch: 68 summary: Furthermore ,axial strength of repaired columns was derived by modifying the equation given by ACI-Code for calculating design axial load strength of reinforced concrete column. . Pu = axial ultimate load of reinforced concrete column before repair. keywords: column; concrete; engineering; load; repair; shell; spalling; strength cache: jqes-109.pdf plain text: jqes-109.txt item: #10 of 544 id: jqes-11 author: Razzak Al- Husseini, Thulfikar title: OPTIMUM HYDRAULIC DESIGN FOR INVERTED SIPHON date: 2017-07-11 words: 4856 flesch: 67 summary: A computer program depending on the method of (Modified Hooke and Jeeves) has written for optimum hydraulic design of inverted siphon structure with Quick- Basic language. The following Figure (3) shows the relationship between the cost of siphon construction and discharge. keywords: coefficient; concrete; design; engineering; flow; losses; siphon; structures cache: jqes-11.pdf plain text: jqes-11.txt item: #11 of 544 id: jqes-110 author: T. Jasim, Ali; A. Jawad, Faris title: EFFECT OF OIL ON STRENGTH OF NORMAL AND HIGH PERFORMANC CONCRETE date: 2017-07-20 words: 2650 flesch: 58 summary: For example, after 120 days of exposure to oil, the decrease in compressive strength was 25, 19 and 15 percent for NSC and 12, 8 and 6 percent for HPC exposed to kerosene, gas oil and crude oil respectively. 650 750 Silica fume (kg/m3) - 47 M at er ia ls HRWRA (kg/m3) - 14.75 Fresh concrete Slump (mm) 80 85 Hardened concrete Compressive strength (MPa) 28-day 28 71 Pr op er tie s Splitting tensile strength (MPa) 28-day 2.6 3.4 Table (4) Compressive strength results of the test specimens Compressive strength (MPa) Liquid Age (day) NSC HPC 28 23.10 71.00 30* 25.30 75.50 60* 26.70 76.60 90* 27.20 77.00 Water 120* 28.50 77.31 30* 24.94 74.10 60* 23.60 73.46 90* 22.23 70.88 Kerosene 120* 21.37 68.03 30* 25.01 74.80 60* 24.63 73.23 90* 23.92 72.81 Gas oil 120* 23.08 71.11 30* 25.00 75.01 60* 24.70 74.63 90* 24.10 73.33 Crude oil 120* 24.22 72.66 *After 28-day moist curing Oil Viscosity ( Centipoises) at 25 oC Kerosene 1.089 Gas oil 3.780 Crude oil 6.918 Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 3 No. 1 Year 2010 - 30 - Table (5) Splitting tensile strength results of the test specimens Splitting tensile strength (MPa) Liquid Age (day) NSC HPC 28 2.40 3.41 30* 2.68 3.85 60* 2.75 3.88 90* 2.81 3.98 Water 120* 2.96 4.01 30* 2.43 3.65 60* 2.41 3.63 90* 2.39 3.61 Kerosene 120* 2.37 3.60 30* 2.48 3.75 60* 2.47 3.74 90* 2.46 3.73 Gas oil 120* 2.45 3.72 30* 2.68 3.85 60* 2.67 3.82 90* 2.66 3.81 Crude oil 120* 2.66 3.80 *After 28-day moist curing 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 30 60 90 120 Age (day) fc (t )/ fw Kerosene Gas oil Crude oil Figure(1) Relative change in compressive strength of NSC exposed to oil with time Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 3 No. 1 Year 2010 - 31 - 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 0 30 60 90 120 Age (day) fc (t )/ fw Kerosene Gas oil Crude oil Figure (2) Relative change in compressive strength of HPC exposed to oil with time 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 0 30 60 90 120 Age (day) ft (t )/ fw Kerosene Gas oil Crude oil Figure (3) Relative change in splitting tensile strength of NSC exposed to oil with time Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 3 No. 1 Year 2010 - 32 - 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 0 30 60 90 120 Age (day) ft (t )/ fw Kerosene Gas oil Crude oil Figure (4) Relative change in splitting tensile strength of HPC exposed to oil with time keywords: compressive; concrete; crude; nsc; oil; splitting; strength; tensile cache: jqes-110.pdf plain text: jqes-110.txt item: #12 of 544 id: jqes-111 author: Rashid Gubashi, Karim title: FINITE DIFFERENCE METHOD FOR SOLVING THE DISPERSION EQUATION IN OPEN CHANNELS date: 2017-07-20 words: 2694 flesch: 62 summary: No. 1 Year 2010 - 36 - The form of 0= ∂ ∂ x uav in equation (6) is the continuity equation. Equation (7) can be rewriting omitting the time average subscripts as 0= ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ − ∂ ∂ + ∂ ∂ )( x c D xx c u t c x …………….(9) keywords: concentration; equation; ∂ ∂ cache: jqes-111.pdf plain text: jqes-111.txt item: #13 of 544 id: jqes-112 author: A. Al-Jeebory, Abbas; I. Al-Mosawi, Ali title: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ARALDITE MATRIX COMPOSITES REINFORCED WITH HYBRID CARBON - KEVLAR FIBERS date: 2017-07-20 words: 2240 flesch: 54 summary: Reinforcing fibers: Two types of fibers used here : 1- Carbon fibers: a woven roving fibers ) Azhdar studied the impact fracture toughness of fiber reinforced epoxy resin[Azhdar,1992] Dr. Abbas , Ali , and Sajed studied effect the change of reinforcement percentage of fibers on the thermal conductivity for polymeric composite material consist of conbextra epoxy (EP-10) resin reinforced by biaxial woven roving S–type glass fibers [Dr. Abbas, Ali,2009] . keywords: composite; fibers; impact; material; mechanical; properties; resin; strength cache: jqes-112.pdf plain text: jqes-112.txt item: #14 of 544 id: jqes-113 author: Kadhim Hussein, Ahmed; Shakir Abdulla, Hayder; A.S. AL-Jeebori, Abbas title: NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF NATURAL CONVECTION IN A LAMINAR TWO – DIMENSIONAL FLOW THROUGH A VERTICAL RECTANGULAR DUCT date: 2017-07-20 words: 3634 flesch: 62 summary: Key word: Natural convection , CFD , Vertical duct , Buoyancy-induced flow. Abstract This research uesd to compute the flow field variables of natural convection air flow based on finite difference computational fluid dynamic methods. keywords: convection; dimensionless; duct; engineering; flow; heat; velocity; vertical; ∂ ∂ cache: jqes-113.pdf plain text: jqes-113.txt item: #15 of 544 id: jqes-115 author: M. Jasim, Noor title: INVESTIGATING THE PRODUCTIVE ENERGY AND THE NUMBER OF REVS OF A SMALL WIND TURBINE AT A VARIABLE WIND SPEEDS date: 2017-07-20 words: 5374 flesch: 66 summary: Clifton-Smith and Wood, [2007], much work has been done to maximize the power extraction of wind turbine blades. 6) Clifton-Smith ,M. J. , and Wood ,D. H., Further dual purpose evolutionary optimization of small wind turbine blades , Journal of Physics: Conference Series 75 , Australia ,(2007). keywords: airfoil; angle; blade; energy; engineering; lift; power; rotor; speed; tip; torque; turbine; wind; wind speed; wind turbine cache: jqes-115.pdf plain text: jqes-115.txt item: #16 of 544 id: jqes-116 author: N. Al-Turfi, Mohammed title: FPGA REALIZATION OF SPEECH SCRAMBLING USING SPARTAN-XL ELECTRONIC PLATFORMS date: 2017-07-20 words: 3512 flesch: 62 summary: In this type of designs we are not in need for the wide range of circuit design in which we reduce the cost. Or if systems are not in need for high speed and have symmetry in their circuits architecture then these symmetric circuits can be combined in few ones and the operations may be performed in sequence, or else redundant circuits will be built to perform parallel processing or pipe lining to achieve the necessary operating speed The fourth stage is represented by implementing the whole system from its receiving point to its transmitting point since the used kit is more than enough to handle this task from size, speed, accuracy, cost. keywords: bit; circuit; data; design; engineering; fpga; parallel; scrambling; speech; system cache: jqes-116.pdf plain text: jqes-116.txt item: #17 of 544 id: jqes-117 author: J. Abd, Haider; Hassan Ali, Mohanned title: CIPHERING OF TEXT BY USING SHFIT REGISTER TECHNIQUE AND ITS TRANSMISSION OVER OPTICAL FIBER date: 2017-07-20 words: 4602 flesch: 71 summary: Its fundamental function is to convert the electrical signal into a corresponding light signal that can be injected into the fiber .The common light sources for optical fiber system are semiconductor light sources , which are light emitting diode (LED) and laser diode(LD) . There are two different types of optical fiber: multimode and single-mode. keywords: cipher; engineering; fiber; key; register; sciences; stream; text; vol cache: jqes-117.pdf plain text: jqes-117.txt item: #18 of 544 id: jqes-119 author: Adnan Mahdi, Mohammed title: EFFECT OF CAPTURE AND ESCAPE TIME CONSTANTS OF ENHANCED PERFORMANCE FOR QUANTUM WELL LASERS IN DIRECT MODULATION date: 2017-07-20 words: 3862 flesch: 52 summary: The typical laser wavelengths in coherent light communication systems based on semiconductor lasers are 1.3 μm and 1.55 μm, which correspond to the minimum dispersion and attenuation wavelengths, respectively[1,2]. The information is signal can be modulated on semiconductor lasers directly or externally. keywords: carriers; current; density; gain; laser; photon; quantum; semiconductor; vol cache: jqes-119.pdf plain text: jqes-119.txt item: #19 of 544 id: jqes-121 author: Mattar Ramal, Majeed title: Evaluating the Drinking Water quality supplied by the large Treatment Plant in RAMADI City date: 2017-07-20 words: 6961 flesch: 105 summary: مع إرتفاع درجة الحرارةتزداد الحر الرقم الهيدروجيني، القاعدية، العسرة الكلية، الكالسيوم، المغنيسيوم، (كما أظهرت النتائج أن قيم كل من هي و النتـرات بإسـتخدام جهـاز الكبريتـات ، التسحيح ،تم قياس كل مـن الكالسـيوم ،المغنيسـيوم ، )Spectro Photometer ( وتم قياس الصـوديوم والبوتاسـيوم باسـتخدام جهـاز ،) keywords: c e; e d; e e; e n; e s; e w; l e; m e; n d; n g; n k; n m; n n; n s; n t; o l; o n; p l; r e; r o; r t; s t; t e; t h; t m; t p; t t; u n; wa t; water; إلــى; إلى; الترسيب; الدراسة; الصلبة; العالقة; القادسية; القادسية للعلوم; المجلد; المواد; المواصفات; المياه; الھندسية; تركيز; رقم; على; عمود; فترة; فـي; كفاءة; للعلوم; مــن; ٢٠١٠; ٣مجلة; ٣مجلة القادسية cache: jqes-121.pdf plain text: jqes-121.txt item: #20 of 544 id: jqes-122 author: Ghanem Jehad, Mohammed title: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE FRICTION FACTOR IN EQUILATERAL TRIANGULAR DUCT WITH DIFFERENT TYPES OF VOREX GENERATORS (OBSTACLES) date: 2017-07-20 words: 3542 flesch: 67 summary: The variable parameters were; type of vortex generator, vortex generator angle of attack, and Reynolds number. The influence of vortex generators angle and louver angle on heat transfer and flow loss in laminar channel flows was numerically studied by Chung (2003). keywords: duct; factor; figure; flow; friction; generator; heat; transfer; vol; vortex cache: jqes-122.pdf plain text: jqes-122.txt item: #21 of 544 id: jqes-123 author: Hatf Kadhum, Mahdi title: STUDY THE EFFECT OF WORKING MASS FLOW RATE ON THE DISTILLATOR PERFORMANCE IN DOUBLE – CYCLE DISTILLATION HEAT PUMP SYSTEM date: 2017-07-20 words: 4160 flesch: 59 summary: The two – loops are insulated in Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 3 No. 2 Year 2010 184 order to minimize heat flow to ambient. The various distillation processes used to produce potable water, including multistage – flash (MSF), multiple effect (MED), vapor compression (VC), and waste – heat evaporators, all generally operate on the principle of reducing the vapor pressure of water within the unit to permit boiling to occur at lower temperatures, without use of additional heat. keywords: evaporator; flow; fluid; heat; phase; pressure; process; vapor; water; working cache: jqes-123.pdf plain text: jqes-123.txt item: #22 of 544 id: jqes-125 author: E. Ahmed Hamdi, Hamdi title: INFLUENCE OF SEMI-TUBE ORIENTATION ON COMBINED FREE AND FORCED LAMINAR CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER date: 2017-07-20 words: 4326 flesch: 91 summary: +      ∂ Ω∂ + ∂ Ω∂ + ∂ Ω∂ =      ∂ Ω∂ ∂ ∂ − ∂ Ω∂ ∂ ∂ rr g rrrrrrr (5) ٢٠١٠ ٢العدد ٣المجلد لهندسية مجلة القادسية للعلوم ا ١١٠ φ∂ ∂ −+ ∂ ∂ =Ω u rr v r v 1 مرهقـًا حسـابيًا تسـتخدم فرضـية إضـافة حـد التغيـر ) لهندسية مجلة القادسية للعلوم ا ١١١ α φφτ sin Re 11 2 GWP W RR W R W z −∇+−=      ∂ ∂ ∂ Ψ∂ − ∂ ∂ ∂ Ψ∂ + ∂ ∂ (11) α θ φ φ θφ ω φ ωω φτ ω cossin cos PrReRe 11 2 2       ∂ ∂ + ∂ ∂ +∇=      ∂ ∂ ∂ Ψ∂ − ∂ ∂ ∂ Ψ∂ + ∂ ∂ RR Ra RRR (12) ثابــت علــى طــول محــور القنــاة لــذلك ) keywords: = ∂; heat; transfer; الجريان; الحـرارة; القادسية; القناة; القنــاة; عدد; على; فــي; للعلوم; لهندسية; مجلة; مــن; ٢٠١٠; ∂ =; ∂ τ∂; ∂ ψ∂; ∂ ∂; ∂ −; ∂ −=; − ∂;  ∂;  ∂ cache: jqes-125.pdf plain text: jqes-125.txt item: #23 of 544 id: jqes-127 author: T. Nimnim, Hayder; H. Mahdi, Waseem title: SHEAR EFFECT ON THE ELASTIC-PLASTIC LARGE DISPLACEMENT STABILITY ANALYSIS OF PLANE STEEL FRAMES WITH MEMBERS RESTING ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION date: 2017-07-20 words: 8258 flesch: 65 summary: (58) (for a member with releases at both at ends) assumes that the effect of incremental changes in the flexural bowing term on member axial force is negligible (i.e. ∆Cb= 0). An important computational difficulty arises in determining member end forces M1,M2 and Q, from the relative member deformations θ1,θ2 and u this is due to the fact that the expression for member axial force Q, as given in Eq.(10) involves bowing functions b1 and b2 , which, in turn, are functions of the axial force parameter q. keywords: analysis; effect; engineering; force; interaction; journal; linear; member; moment; plastic; qadisiya; sciences; section; shear; vol;   cache: jqes-127.pdf plain text: jqes-127.txt item: #24 of 544 id: jqes-128 author: Abd AL –Latef Numan, Hesham title: EFFECT OF COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AND REINFORCEMENT RATIO ON STRENGTHENED BEAM WITH EXTERNAL STEEL PLATE date: 2017-07-20 words: 4446 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: Strengthened beam, external plate, deflection ductility, restraining. The present study is an experimental comparison between the effect of increasing the compressive strength of the section and increasing the reinforcement ratio on the results of strengthening reinforced concrete beams with external steel plates of constant dimensions. keywords: beams; compressive; concrete; crack; failure; load; plate; ratio; reinforcement; steel; strength cache: jqes-128.pdf plain text: jqes-128.txt item: #25 of 544 id: jqes-129 author: Talib Abidzaid al-Sharify, Zainab title: MATHMATICAL MODELING OF MASS TRANSFER FROM AN IMMERSED BODY TO A FLUIDIZED GAS BED date: 2017-07-27 words: 7865 flesch: 70 summary: Ziegler and Holmes (Ziegler and Holmes, 1966) studied mass transfer from fixed surface to gas fluidized beds. Mass transfer coefficients were measured for the diffusion of water vapor from a saturated porous sphere into various air-fluidized beds of solid particles. keywords: air; bed; experimental; flow; gas; mass; mass transfer; number; particles; size; surface; temperature; transfer; umf; vol cache: jqes-129.pdf plain text: jqes-129.txt item: #26 of 544 id: jqes-131 author: R. A. Al-Owaisy, Sallal; F. Kheder, Ghazi; A. Abbas, Ahmed title: USE OF COMBINED NONDESTRUCTIVE TEST METHODS TO PREDICT CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH CAST WITH AGGREGATE OBTAINED FROM SOUTHERN PARTS OF IRAQ date: 2017-07-27 words: 5532 flesch: 65 summary: Key words: Nondestructive test, ultrasound pulse velocity, rebound number, combined NDT test, strength evaluation, concrete compressive strength. Concrete compressive strength is one concrete property that is widely needed to be evaluated during the progress of concrete structures execution. keywords: aggregate; cement; compressive; concrete; methods; mix; mixes; pulse; rebound; regressions; source; strength; table; testing cache: jqes-131.pdf plain text: jqes-131.txt item: #27 of 544 id: jqes-133 author: Talib Al-hudabi, Abbas title: INFLUENCE OF DEGREE OF CRUSHING OF COARSE AGGREGATE ON PROPERTIES OF ASPHALT PAVING MIXTURES USED FOR SURFACE COURSES date: 2017-07-28 words: 3619 flesch: 55 summary: INFLUENCE OF DEGREE OF CRUSHING OF COARSE AGGREGATE ON PROPERTIES OF ASPHALT PAVING MIXTURES USED FOR SURFACE COURSES Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 3 No. 3 Year 2010 ٢٥٦ INFLUENCE OF DEGREE OF CRUSHING OF COARSE AGGREGATE ON PROPERTIES OF ASPHALT PAVING MIXTURES USED FOR SURFACE COURSES Assistant Lecturer. Abstract There are several properties of coarse aggregate used in hot mix hot laid asphalt concrete mixtures such as surface texture, percentage of crushing, polished stone value, coating and stripping and percentage of wear that are influence the behavior of asphalt paving mixtures. keywords: aggregate; asphalt; coarse; concrete; crushing; engineering; marshall; mixtures; percentage; strength; test cache: jqes-133.pdf plain text: jqes-133.txt item: #28 of 544 id: jqes-134 author: M. Jasim, Daud title: THE EFFECT OF PROXIMITY OF EARTHING CABLE AND POWER CABLES ON THE OPERATION OF EARTH FAULT PROTECTION UNIT AND CATHODIC PROTECTION date: 2017-07-28 words: 2834 flesch: 69 summary: I1=47.5, I3=I2=0 I1=47.5, I3=I2=0 Test(8) I1=21A, I2=16A I the current between Motor casing cable and Gland plate=31A,the current Through motor casing cable 52.2A I+I2=47.5A, I1-I2=5, I+I1=52.5 Test(9) I1=0, I2=trace, I3=trace I1=0, I2=0.4, I3=0.4 http://en http://electrical Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 3 M. Jasim Electrical power department/ Al-musayab –Tech.-college Abstract This work discusses the effect of proximity between the grounding cable and power cables of high hp 3-ph induction motor, on the operation of the unit of protection against earth fault current and on the system of cathodic protection of the pipes in deep wells, due to high circulating current of grounded cable, induced by the magnetic flux of a 3-ph current of induction motor because of the proximity effect. keywords: cable; casing; current; fig; motor; test cache: jqes-134.pdf plain text: jqes-134.txt item: #29 of 544 id: jqes-136 author: K. Al-Abadi, Ali; F. Kridi, Ahmed; Fadhil M. Hussain, Ghassan title: COMPARISON BETWEEN SIMULATED AND CALCULATED POWER OF THE SOLAR CHIMNEY WITH BLACK CONCRETE BASE USING ANSYS PROGRAM date: 2017-07-28 words: 5528 flesch: 54 summary: It was resulted the Finite Element Method gives accurate results, nearly to the exact solution in the analysis of solar chimney power plant. No. 3 Year 2010 351 (Dai ,2003) study solar power plant chimney, and the influence of chimney height, diameter of the solar collector, ambient temperature, solar irradiance and the efficiency of wind turbine, in which the height and diameter of the chimney are 200 m and 10 m, respectively, and the diameter of the solar collector cover is 500 m, and found its able to produce 110~190 kW electric power on a monthly average all year. keywords: ambient; area; chimney; chimney height; chimney power; collector; energy; engineering; heat; height; journal; output; power; solar; temperature cache: jqes-136.pdf plain text: jqes-136.txt item: #30 of 544 id: jqes-137 author: A.Kifae, Abdulaziz title: CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL EFFECTS ON ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF GYPSEOUS SUB-GRADE SOIL date: 2017-07-28 words: 4798 flesch: 59 summary: Grain size distribution curve for soil samples is shown in Figure (1). The enlargement Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 3 No. 3 Year 2010 ٢٧٥ of the voids due to removal of soluble salts and the collapsing of soil structure occurs at the same time. keywords: cbr; engineering; gypsum; increase; journal; leaching; load; qadisiya; sciences; soil; surcharge; vol; water; year cache: jqes-137.pdf plain text: jqes-137.txt item: #31 of 544 id: jqes-138 author: N. T. AL-Numani, Huda title: IMPROVEMENT OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF GYPSEOUS SOIL BY ADDITIVES date: 2017-07-28 words: 2854 flesch: 64 summary: It can be also noticed that, for soil samples Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 3 No. 3 Year 2010 ٢٩١ treated with cement and mix cement and ceramic the maximum dry density increases with increasing additives content.  Standard Proctor compaction tests are carried out to determine the moisture-density relationship for the virgin soil and for treated soil by three addition (cement, ceramic and mix cement and ceramic) as follows:  keywords: cement; ceramic; content; engineering; gypsum; maximum; soil; water; weight cache: jqes-138.pdf plain text: jqes-138.txt item: #32 of 544 id: jqes-139 author: Omran Ali, Abdullah title: SPEED CONTROL OF D.C SERIES MOTOR BY USING POWER MOSFET CHOPPER date: 2017-07-28 words: 2760 flesch: 65 summary: Fig.(3) shows the block diagram of the implemented closed loop chopper –fed d.c series motor. Franklin[franklin,1972] found the theoretical relation between currents, fluxes and pulse duration in d.c series motor energized by power pulses obtained by using D.C thyristor. keywords: chopper; control; current; d.c; load; motor; power; series; speed; voltage cache: jqes-139.pdf plain text: jqes-139.txt item: #33 of 544 id: jqes-14 author: Flayih Hassan, Adnan title: EFFECT OF MAGNETIZED WATER ON THE PROPERTIES OF CEMENT MORTARS AT THE EARLIER AGES date: 2017-07-12 words: 3751 flesch: 59 summary: Results of (50) specimens with different shapes had been adopted, which represented mortars specimens having compressive strength ranging from (5.5) to (32.5) MPa, initial setting time ranging from (4) to ( 32) minutes and final setting time ranging from (303) to (546) minutes, by using two types of mixing water , first one is tap water , and the other is magnetized water. Mix Water Two types of water were used in this study, the first one is tap water and the second one is magnetized water .The magnetized water was produce by passing of tap water in the bipolar system from the positive north to the negative south perpendicular intersection the lines of magnetize, this mechanism obtained from the use of the magnetizer apparatus locally manufacture by Al-Juthari(4) as shown in the Fig. keywords: cement; mortar; setting; strength; tap; time; water cache: jqes-14.pdf plain text: jqes-14.txt item: #34 of 544 id: jqes-140 author: J. Tulafeh, Reath title: GENETIC ALGORITHMS BASED OPTIMIZATION DESIGN OF TUNNING A PID CONTROLLER date: 2017-07-28 words: 4416 flesch: 54 summary: GA’s outperformed standard tuning practices, e.g. Ziegler Nichols, at designing of PID controllers, in the tests carried out. Key Words: PID controller , intelligent control technique, genetic algorithms, AVR, fifth order plant اتالب وتحسین ادائها باستخدام تمثیل أنظمة السیطرة ذات الدرجة الخماسیة باستخدام برنامج الم المسیطر الثالثي المنغم بالخوارزمیات الجینیة ریاض جاسم طلیفح. keywords: algorithms; controller; crossover; genetic; mutation; order; pid; response; selection; system; tuning cache: jqes-140.pdf plain text: jqes-140.txt item: #35 of 544 id: jqes-141 author: Abd Mohammed, Eman title: WATER QUALITY MONITORING OF AL-HAWIZEH MARSH date: 2017-07-28 words: 2712 flesch: 56 summary: The areas of all marshlands before drying are 20000 km², while the areas of the three governorates are 33577 km².Marsh in Iraq is typically divided into the three major areas: Al-Hammar, south of the Euphrates; the Central marshes between the twin rivers; and Al Hawizeh marshes east of the Tigris river (Abbas,2006), as shown in Figure(1). Al- Hawizeh marsh locates to the east of the Tigris river in Misan governorate and extended to the Iranian territory (known there as Al-Azim marsh), as shown in Figure (1) (Evans , 1995 ) keywords: engineering; figure; hawizeh; marsh; sciences; values; vol; water; year cache: jqes-141.pdf plain text: jqes-141.txt item: #36 of 544 id: jqes-142 author: A. Louis, Mithaq title: STRENGTH OF REACTIVE SILICA SAND POWDER CONCRETE MADE OF LOCAL POWDERS date: 2017-07-28 words: 3613 flesch: 72 summary: No. 3 Year 2010 240 4.75 100 100 2.36 100 80-100 1.18 100 70-100 0.60 100 55-100 0.30 52 5-70 0.15 10 0-15 (Table 5) Grading of coarse aggregate Sieve analysis (mm) Cumulative passing % Limits of B.S.882/1992 specification 14 100 100 10 91 85-100 5 16 0-25 2.36 2.5 0-5 (Table 6) Typical properties of Glenium 51 Form Viscous liquid Colour Light brown Relative density 1.1 gm/cm3 at 20 oC pH 6.6 Viscosity 128 cps at 20 oC Transport Not classified as dangerous Labeling No hazard label required Chloride content None (Table 7) Chemical properties of silica sand powder* Oxide Composition Oxide Content (%) SiO2 98.45 Al2O3 0.98 Fe2O3 0.05 CaO 0.6 MgO 0.8 SO3 0.06 L.O.I. 2.14 * Tests for chemical properties of silica sand powder were conducted by AL-Ramadi Glass Factory (Table 8) Physical properties of silica sand powder physical properties cement silica sand powder Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 3 No. 3 Year 2010 241 Setting time hr:min Initial setting time final setting time 1:31 3:31 1:20 3:10 Surface area (Blaine method) m2/kg 240 280 Specific gravity - 2.58 (Table 9) Chemical requirement of silica sand and pozzolan ASTM C618 Oxide composition Pozzolan class N Silica sand SiO2+Al2O3+Fe2O3 Min. percent 70 98.48 SO3, max. percent 4 0.06 Loss in ignition % Max. It is possible to produce reactive powder concrete (RPC) and modified reactive powder concrete (MRPC) from silica sand powder or silica fume as a pozzolanic admixture, and Glenium 51 as a high range water reducing admixture (HRWRA). keywords: concrete; fine; powder; sand; silica cache: jqes-142.pdf plain text: jqes-142.txt item: #37 of 544 id: jqes-15 author: Ali Bady, Haitham title: OPTIMUM DESIGN OF STEEL FRAMES COMPOSED OF TAPERED MEMBERS USING STRENGTH AND DISPLACEMENT CONSTRAINTS WITH GEOMETRICALLY NONLINEAR ELASTIC ANALYSIS date: 2017-07-12 words: 6219 flesch: 63 summary: Relationship between Design variable D1 and the Derivatives of Nominal Axial Force Strength Pn with respect to D1 Fig.(5): Relationship between Design variables D1 & D2 and the Derivatives of Nominal Flexural Strength Mn with respect to D1&D2 Fig.(6): Relationship between Design variable D1 and the Strength Constraints Fig.(7): Relationship between Design variable D1 and the Strength Constraints Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 Year 2008 122 Fig.(9): Relationship between Design variable D1 &D2 and the Derivatives of Strength Constraints in the case of compression force Fig.(8): Relationship between Design variable D1 &D2 and the Derivatives of Strength Constraints in the case of tension force 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Design Variables D1,D2 (mm) -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -2.5E-3 -2.0E-3 -1.5E-3 -1.0E-3 -5.0E-4 0.0E+0 D er iv at iv e of S tr en gt h C on st ra in ts D1,Tension, Pu/Pn >=0.2 D2, Tension, Pu/Pn>= 0.2 D1, Tension, Pu/Pn < 0.2 D2, Tension, Pu/Pn < 0.2 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Design Variables D1,D2 (mm) -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 0.00 -2.0E-3 -1.5E-3 -1.0E-3 -5.0E-4 0.0E+0 5.0E-4 D er iv at iv e of S tr en gt h C on st ra in ts D1,Compression, Pu/Pn <0.2 D2, Compression, Pu/Pn <0.2 D1, Compression, Pu/Pn >=0.2 D2, Compression, Pu/Pn >=0.2 Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 Year 2008 123 Select initial values of design variables (D1,D2 ) and other sectional properties for each group in addition to the geometrical and material properties for each member. keywords: = ∂; constraints; depth; design; displacement; strength; variables; ∂ =; ∂ ∂; ∂ − cache: jqes-15.pdf plain text: jqes-15.txt item: #38 of 544 id: jqes-151 author: MEHDI AL-MUSAWI, EMAN title: STUDY OF THE EXPENSE OF BOTTOM SEDIMENTS OF SELECTED IRRIGATION CANALS IN CENTRAL IRAQ date: 2017-07-28 words: 3698 flesch: 102 summary: (من SgRu h*  یحسب عمق الماء في القناة)D (من المعادلة: - ٤٢٠١٠العدد ٣ھندسیة المجلد مجلة القادسیة للعلوم ال ١٥٣ 22 12 )(    n n h ZDB DDZB R  تحسب مساحة المقطع العرضي للقناة)A (بالمتر المربع من المعادلة:- ) (  تحسب قیمة معدل السرعة)V (ثا من المعادلة/ بالمتر: -   )35.0(2.30 log75.5*'* x uV  35( تحسب قیمة شدة القص على الجریئةψ (قةمن العال:- SR d h S ' 3 5 3 5     تحسب قیمة')u'*/V ( الشكل من)( حیث تمثل )7u' keywords: إلى; التصریف; التصــریف; الرسوبیات; الریاضیة; الطرق; الفرات; القادسیة; القادسیة للعلوم; القطر; القناة; الماء; المجلد; المجلد مجلة; المعادلة; المیداني; المیدانیة; بني; تحسب; حسن; حیث; سدة; طریقة; على; فــي; فـي; قیمة; للعلوم; للعلوم ال; مجلة; مجلة القادسیة; مــن; مـن cache: jqes-151.pdf plain text: jqes-151.txt item: #39 of 544 id: jqes-152 author: I. Al-Mosawi, Ali; J. Salaman, Ali title: STUDY THE EFFECT OF REINFORCING FIBERS ON SOME MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS date: 2017-07-28 words: 1965 flesch: 80 summary: ،الصــدمة ،اإلنضــغاط ،اإلنثنــاء ،الصــالدة وغیرهــا أثیر هذه والمستخدمة في تقویة راتنج الفنیل أستر وت(g/cm2 340)كیفالر أحادیة اإلتجاه ذات كثافة تحسـن مقاومـة اإلنضـغاط لـراتنج الفنیـل أسـتر مـع إضـافة األلیـاف وزیـادة ] ١٠ .محتواها اء لراتنج الفنیل أستر المقوى بألیاف كیفالر حیث تكون قیمة الذي یمثل إختبار مقاومة اإلنثن)٥(الشكل رقم مقاومة اإلنثناء منخفضة قبل التقویة باأللیاف ، ولكن هذه المقاومة تبدأ باإلرتفاع لهذا الراتنج بعـد تقویتـه بألیـاف ء األكبـر مـن كیفالر ویعود السبب في ذلك إلى إرتفاع معامل مرونة هذه األلیاف keywords: composite; engineering; fibers; percentage; properties; إلى; األلیاف; الخواص; القادسیة; المجلد; المركبة; المواد; المیكانیكیة; للعلوم; مجلة; مقاومة; مقاومــة; هذه cache: jqes-152.pdf plain text: jqes-152.txt item: #40 of 544 id: jqes-155 author: Mahmood Abdullah, Aseel; Mudhaffer Hashim, Ahmed; Jabar Bader, Amar title: EFFECT OF ALUMINA PARTICLES ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF DISCONTINUOUS GLASS FIBER REINFORCED UNSATURATED POLYESTER COMPOSITES date: 2017-07-29 words: 2498 flesch: 90 summary: البولي أستر غير المشبع المقواة بألياف الزجاج يبين يوضح العالقة بين الصالدة والكسر الوزني أللياف الزجاج للمادة المركبة ذات األساس من (4)الشكل رقم .البولي أستر غير المشبع المقواة بألياف الزجاج ٢٠١١ ١ العدد ٤مجلة القادسیة للعلوم الھندسیة المجلد ١٧٩ 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 Weight fraction (%) 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 H ar dn es s (H V ) 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 Deflection (mm) 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 130.00 140.00 150.00 160.00 170.00 180.00 190.00 200.00 210.00 220.00 230.00 Lo ad (N ) لعالقة بين الصالدة والكسر الوزني لدقائق األلومينا للمادة المركبة ذات األساس من يبين يوضح ا(5)الشكل رقم .البولي أستر غير المشبع المقواة بألياف الزجاج يبين يوضح العالقة بين الحمل في تحضير عينات البحث(1)الشكل رقم يبين يوضح العالقة بين مقاومة الصدمة والكسر الوزني أللياف الزجاج للمادة المركبة ذات األساس من (2)شكل رقم ال .البولي أستر غير المشبع المقواة بألياف الزجاج ٢٠١١ ١ العدد ٤مجلة القادسیة للعلوم الھندسیة المجلد ١٧٨ 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 Weight fraction (%) 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 H ar dn es s (H V ) 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 Weight fraction (%) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Im pa ct e ne rg y (J ) كبة ذات األساس يبين يوضح keywords: أستر; إلى; األساس; األلومينا; البولي; الزجاج; العدد; المادة; المركبة; المشبع; المقواة; الميكانيكية; الھندسیة; بألياف; ذات; رقم; على; غير; للعلوم cache: jqes-155.pdf plain text: jqes-155.txt item: #41 of 544 id: jqes-156 author: I. Al-Mosawi, Ali title: REINFORCING BY HYBRID FIBERS AND ITS EFFECT ON THERMAL CONDUCTING FOR POLYMERIC COMPOSITE MATERIAL date: 2017-07-29 words: 1943 flesch: 92 summary: ، موصلية كهربائية وح تعاني جميع أنواع ألياف الكاربون من . م.م بابل–المعهد التقني الخالصة تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى البحث في تأثير التسليح بألياف هجينة مكونة من ألياف النخيل الطبيعية وألياف تم تسليح الراتنج بألياف النخيل الطبيعية . keywords: fibers; material; ألياف; األلياف; التسليح; الحرارية; العدد; الكاربون; المجلد; الموصلية; النخيل; الھندسیة; راتنج; رقم; على; للعلوم; مادة cache: jqes-156.pdf plain text: jqes-156.txt item: #42 of 544 id: jqes-157 author: J. Salaman, Ali title: EFFECT OF REINFORCING BY FIBERS ON THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THERMOSETTING RESINS date: 2017-07-29 words: 3545 flesch: 95 summary: and DiscussionResult(النتائج والمناقشة من خالل هذه اإلختبارات التي ُأجريت على المادة المتراكبة المتقدمة والمكونة من راتنج البولي أسـتر غيـر تم الحصول على النتائج الموضحة في المخططات ) ٩٠°-٠°(المشبع المقوى بألياف الكاربون ثنائية اإلتجاه .ية (k)قيمة معامل التوصيل الحراري وقد شملت هذه الخواص كل من مقاومة الصدمة ، keywords: fibers; أستر; ألياف; إختبار; إلى; األلياف; البولي; التقوية; الحرارية; الخواص; العدد; الكاربون; المادة; المتراكبة; المجلد; المشبع; المواد; الموصلية; الميكانيكية; الھندسیة; حيث; راتنج; رقم; على; غير; للعلوم; مقاومة; نسبة; هذه cache: jqes-157.pdf plain text: jqes-157.txt item: #43 of 544 id: jqes-158 author: D. Zmat, Amer title: PRESSURE DROP CONSTRAINTS IN SLUDGE DOUBLE-PIPE HEAT EXCHANGER DESIGN date: 2017-07-29 words: 2965 flesch: 68 summary: It is clearly seen that heat transfer area is inversely proportional to heat transfer coefficient while pressure drop is directly proportional to it. Figures (2-7) schematically demonstrate the behavior of the main parameters of heat exchanger (heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer area, pressure drop, capital cost, and pump energy cost) in relation to sludge stream velocity. keywords: coefficient; cost; drop; exchanger; flow; heat; pressure; sludge; transfer cache: jqes-158.pdf plain text: jqes-158.txt item: #44 of 544 id: jqes-159 author: Alwi Sakhir Al- Jeebori, Abbas; A .Hassan, Mahmoud title: TEMPERATURE CONTROL OF HIGH POWER MICROPROCESSOR date: 2017-07-29 words: 5425 flesch: 65 summary: This performance is much better than for ideal temperature control where the control magnitude was found to be (173 W/cm2 ) with no change with the convective heat transfer coefficient f t when it varies from 500 W/m2.K to 2000 W/m2.K. Keyword: Thermal control, Microprocessors, Temperature control, Power density السيطرة على درجة الحرارة للمعدات االلكترونية ذي القدرة العالية محمود عبد حسان. The analysis in this research demonstrates fundamentals limits of temperature control for typical devices under test conditions. keywords: + +; + =; control; die; engineering; heat; ihs; journal; power; spreader; temperature; vol cache: jqes-159.pdf plain text: jqes-159.txt item: #45 of 544 id: jqes-16 author: A. Al-Jeebory, Abbas; I. Al-Mosawi, Ali; T.Ali. AlBdiry, Mushtaq title: Experimental Study of the Effect of Zinc Borate on Flame Retardancy of Carbon- Kevlar Hybrid Fibers Reinforced Composite Materials date: 2017-07-12 words: 2838 flesch: 53 summary: As a result, when the exposed distance to flame increased to (20mm), the time necessary to break down of flame retardant layer will increase and the combustion gaseous will reduced and there will be a less plastic to burn due to water of hydration and protected glassy coating layer[5], and this protection will improves with increasing flame retardant percentage to (20 %, and 30 %). Flame retardant material layer with (4mm) thickness represented by zinc borate. keywords: borate; composite; fibers; flame; layer; material; retardants; zinc cache: jqes-16.pdf plain text: jqes-16.txt item: #46 of 544 id: jqes-161 author: Flaih Hassan, Abdul Kareem; Ibraheem Khalaf, Hassanein title: THREE DIMENSIONAL FINITE ELEMENT SIMULATION OF COLD FLAT ROLLING date: 2017-07-29 words: 2799 flesch: 64 summary: THERORY OF FLAT ROLLING In rolling processes, the workpiece is rolled between two rolls [Fig.(1)], so that the plate is compressed in its thickness direction. بنظر االعتبار INTRODUCTION Modeling of flat rolling is of great interest to industry due to the large tonnage of such materials consumed and the required quality each year. keywords: element; engineering; flat; journal; rolling; sciences; sec time; slab; time = cache: jqes-161.pdf plain text: jqes-161.txt item: #47 of 544 id: jqes-162 author: Mahmud Al-Khafaji,, Jasim; A. Al-Bayati, Zubaidah; A. Khamis Al-Mallki, Ali title: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF R.C. CORNER DETAILS date: 2017-07-29 words: 5449 flesch: 65 summary: CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions are drawn only from the ten types of corner details studied in this investigation: 1. The second type is Diagonals Cracks these are the cracks which appear at the corner region, either at or parallel to the diagonal of corner crack, see Figure (5). keywords: concrete; corner; cracks; deflection; detail; failure; moment; region; reinforcement; strength cache: jqes-162.pdf plain text: jqes-162.txt item: #48 of 544 id: jqes-163 author: Kadhim Jahanger, Qais; Kadhim Jahanger, Zuhair title: A COMPARISON OF (CBR) SOAKED TESTWITH BRITISH SPECIFICATIONS FOR FINE-GRAINED SOILS FROM AL-KUT IN IRAQ date: 2017-07-29 words: 3247 flesch: 72 summary: In this research the specification (ASTM D1557-02 C modified) is used for the soil compaction for CBR test and the equipment are explained in the following Table (3): Soaking The flowing standard steps as mentioning were applied to soak the specimens and prepare it for the penetration test (Bowels, 1988)(ASTM, D1883). During soaking in CBR test, measurement of vertical movement (swelling or settlement) was carried out by means of an (0.01) mm dial gauge attached to the stem of the swelling plate (Razouki,2003), as shown in Fig.(2). keywords: cbr; curve; engineering; journal; penetration; qadisiya; sciences; test; vol cache: jqes-163.pdf plain text: jqes-163.txt item: #49 of 544 id: jqes-164 author: Nano Yaqob, Romel title: EFFECT OF AGGREGATE PROPERTIES ON HOT MIX ASPHALT PERFORMANCE date: 2017-07-29 words: 2644 flesch: 53 summary: Different percentages of crushed aggregate (consensus property) were also used for all three gradation types. Coarse Aggregate Properties: Coarse aggregate is the material, which is substantially retained on No. 4 sieve (2.365 mm). keywords: abrasion; aggregate; angeles; gradation; marshall; medium; mixtures; percent; properties cache: jqes-164.pdf plain text: jqes-164.txt item: #50 of 544 id: jqes-165 author: Issa Khassaf, Saleh; Mohsen kizar, Fatima title: REUSE OF TREATED SANITARY SEWAGE IN NAJAF CITY FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES date: 2017-07-29 words: 4580 flesch: 55 summary: No sodicity problem in the soil as a result of the use of treated water effluent from Najaf sewage treatment plant according to application of Rhoades method. The quality of treated sewage used in agriculture has a great influence on the operation and performance of sewage treatment plants .Generally , the required quality of effluent is depended on the crops to be irrigated , the soil conditions and the adopted system of effluent distribution(Alya ,2008) THE AREA STUDY Najaf sewage treatment plant is located in Albrakia region , which lies about (3) kilometers from the center of kufa city . keywords: allowable; concentration; effluent; engineering; engineering sciences; journal; sciences; sciences vol; sewage; treatment; values; vol; water cache: jqes-165.pdf plain text: jqes-165.txt item: #51 of 544 id: jqes-166 author: najim abbas, aamer title: SHEAR BEHAVIOR OF HYBRID REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS date: 2017-07-29 words: 3324 flesch: 58 summary: This study present experimental investigation on shear behavior of hybrid rectangular cross section reinforced concrete beams strengthened with high strength concrete on compression zone of beams. The experimental work contain six specimens, three with normal strength concrete at all section and others contain high strength concrete in compression zone. keywords: beams; compression; concrete; engineering; load; shear; strength; vol; zone cache: jqes-166.pdf plain text: jqes-166.txt item: #52 of 544 id: jqes-167 author: A. Al-Khazraji, Hayder; I. Al-Hydery, Fatin title: BEHAVIOR 0F HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE BEAMS USING RISEN EPOXY date: 2017-07-29 words: 4833 flesch: 64 summary: Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 4 No. 1 Year 2011 597 Seal the surfaces, surface cracks should be sealed to keep the epoxy from leaking out before it has gelled the crack face cannot be reached but where there is backfill, or where a slab-on-grade is deign repaired, the backfill material or sublease material is sometimes an adequate seal. The key methods of crack repair available to accomplish the objectives outlined are described later. keywords: beams; concrete; cracks; engineering; epoxy; injection; journal; qadisiya; sciences; strength; vol cache: jqes-167.pdf plain text: jqes-167.txt item: #53 of 544 id: jqes-168 author: K. Jameel, Abeer title: ESTIMATING DELAY TIME AT PALESTINE STREET INTERSECTIONS IN BAGHDAD CITY USING HCM AND SIDRA MODELS date: 2017-07-29 words: 7942 flesch: 56 summary: The difficulty in estimating vehicle delay at signalized intersections is also demonstrated by the variety of delay models for signalized intersections that have been proposed over the years (Garber and Hoel 1997). numerous studies were conducted in the field of estimating delays at signalized intersections that a result of them, a number of delay models based on deterministic queuing theory were proposed to suite different field conditions (Luttinen 2003). keywords: analysis; control; delay; field; figure; hcm; intersection; lane; los; model; saturation; sidra; time; traffic; value; vehicles cache: jqes-168.pdf plain text: jqes-168.txt item: #54 of 544 id: jqes-170 author: Sabah M. Al-Ameen, Ehsan; Nazar Mustafa, Muhanad title: FAILURE STRENGTH OF FABRIC COMPOSITES WITH DRILLED AND MOULDED-IN HOLES date: 2017-07-29 words: 12 flesch: 111 summary: 1-2-2011.pdf بتس على )(٠علیها )٣٠(% )٤٥، ٣، ٢، ١ () ( . ) ٧- ٢٤ .(% : keywords: على cache: jqes-170.pdf plain text: jqes-170.txt item: #55 of 544 id: jqes-171 author: Khazal Mehbes, Haider; Ahmad Nassar, Ameen; Ibraheem Khalaf, Hassanein; Jabbar Mohammed, Rafid title: UTILIZING OF ELLIPTIC DOMAIN OF INFLUENCE FORMULATION OF MESHFREE METHOD FOR SOLVING OF LEFM PROBLEMS date: 2017-07-29 words: 2904 flesch: 62 summary: For example, for circular supports: 2 (32) The performance of elliptic domain is studied for Timoshenko beam (Figure 3). The ratio of the elapsed time for solving the problem with elliptic domain to the circular domain is approximately equal to 0.61 at 1800 field nodes. keywords: domain; influence; methods; node; stress; weight cache: jqes-171.pdf plain text: jqes-171.txt item: #56 of 544 id: jqes-172 author: Abbas Abdullah, Fadhel title: THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF NATURAL COMPOSITE MATERIALS AS THERMAL INSULATION date: 2017-07-29 words: 2938 flesch: 49 summary: These values are compared with theoretical values of thermal conductivity calculated using Maxwell model. The effect of volume fraction on thermal conductivity is studied. keywords: composite; conductivity; fiber; fraction; insulation; temperature; volume cache: jqes-172.pdf plain text: jqes-172.txt item: #57 of 544 id: jqes-173 author: Ghani Hameed, Hassanain; Aziz Neema, Hayder title: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY FOR PRODUCTIVITY ENHANCEMENT OF A PARABOLIC SOLAR CONCENTRATOR SYSTEM date: 2017-07-29 words: 2779 flesch: 51 summary: The components of the proposed solar concentrator system ) include: parabolic solar reflector, sun tracking mechanism, receiver (heat absorber), water supply system and preheating system. A variable length holder was fixed at the centre of the reflector to hold the receiver (heat absorber) within the focal length of solar reflector. keywords: concentrator; length; parabolic; receiver; solar; system; water cache: jqes-173.pdf plain text: jqes-173.txt item: #58 of 544 id: jqes-174 author: Razoki Majeed Algbory, Abdul Munium title: STRESS ANALYSIS OF THE MULTI-LAYERED THICK CYLINDERS date: 2017-07-30 words: 2483 flesch: 54 summary: Key word: thick cylinder, compound, temperature distribution, thermal stress . . ) / ( ، . . )Equivalent, Radial and Hoop ( )Tresca, Von-Misses.( )Hoop Stresses ()600 MPa ( )-500 MPa ()57 MPa ()157 MPa ( . . . [8 & 9] Also the temperature rise of the thick cylinder will lead to induce thermal stresses. keywords: cylinder; element; load; stress; stresses; thickness cache: jqes-174.pdf plain text: jqes-174.txt item: #59 of 544 id: jqes-175 author: A. Chyad, Fadhil; B. H. Farid, Saad; K. Saeed, Gazi title: SYNTHESIS OF FELDSPAR SUBSTITUTES VIA UTILIZATION OF LOCAL MATERIALS date: 2017-07-30 words: 2074 flesch: 60 summary: The final result is establishing a technological root for the synthesis of feldspar substitute utilizing local materials. feldspar substitute, sodium feldspar, solid reaction, local materials, technological root. . It remains to state that the measured densities for the four types of the synthesized feldspar are 2.5-2.52g/cm3 which agrees with the reported density values for sodium feldspars. keywords: feldspar; glass; kaolin; sample; silica; sodium cache: jqes-175.pdf plain text: jqes-175.txt item: #60 of 544 id: jqes-176 author: A. Hussein, Emad; H. Waly, Musa title: PROPORTIONAL-INTEGRAL (PID) CONTROLLER DESIGN USING GENETIC ALGORITHM (GA) date: 2017-07-30 words: 3883 flesch: 53 summary: Step response of a control system. : Also we can observe that there is a great convergence between the original response (the sold line) and GA response (the dashed line) rather than the ITAE response (the dash-dot line). keywords: controller; function; response; step; system; time; transfer cache: jqes-176.pdf plain text: jqes-176.txt item: #61 of 544 id: jqes-177 author: S. Mezaal, Yaqeen; A. Jehad, Wasan title: MINIATURIZED BANDPASS FILTER BASED ON PEANO FRACTAL GEOMETRY WITH HIGHER HARMONIC SUPPRESSION date: 2017-07-30 words: 1957 flesch: 51 summary: In this paper, new microstrip bandpass filters, based on Peano fractal geometry, have been presented as a candidate for use in compact communication systems. 8-2-2011.pdf 93 A novel design for compact microstrip bandpass filter design is presented for use in the application of modern wireless communication systems. keywords: bandpass; filter; fractal; microstrip; peano; resonator cache: jqes-177.pdf plain text: jqes-177.txt item: #62 of 544 id: jqes-178 author: A. R. AKKAR, HANAN title: STRUCTURE OPTIMIZATION OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS USING SWARM INTELLIGENT date: 2017-07-30 words: 2773 flesch: 57 summary: In this paper the ability of Particle Swarm Optimization PSO in designing Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is discussed. Figure (1) shows the basic procedure of PSO algorithm[ ] 104 PSO is a computational intelligence based technique that is not largely affected by the size and nonlinearity of the problem, and can converge to the optimal solution in many problems where most analytical methods fail to converge. keywords: network; number; optimization; particle; pso cache: jqes-178.pdf plain text: jqes-178.txt item: #63 of 544 id: jqes-179 author: Jasim Harbi, Yahya title: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF TURBO CODE ENDCODING AND DECODING date: 2017-07-30 words: 2411 flesch: 58 summary: Lc is the channel reliable factor; its computation is given as the following, _4 (4) 116 where A=1 for AWGN channel, SNR_b is the uncoded bit-energy-to-noise-ratio ( 0 ), p denotes 1/rc, rc is code rate of the Turbo encoder. At low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), bit error rates (BER) of Turbo code were obtained by simulation. keywords: bit; code; decoder; decoding; encoder; rate; turbo cache: jqes-179.pdf plain text: jqes-179.txt item: #64 of 544 id: jqes-18 author: طالب البديري, مشتاق; إبراهيم الموسوي, علي title: دراسة بعض الخواص الميكانيكية لمادة مركبة مكونة من راتنج الفينول فورمالدهيد المقوى بألياف كيفلار date: 2017-07-12 words: 2229 flesch: 95 summary: ( إن في هذا النوع من المواد المركبة هي المسؤول الرئيسي عن تحمل األحمال الخارجيـة األلياف الزجـاج أنواع األلياف شيوعاً في مجال المواد المركبة المتقدمـة هـي أليـاف ، ومن أكثر .]٢٠٠٠ الصدم للتعُرف على مدى مقاومة المادة المركبة لحِ : keywords: إختبار; التقوية; الخواص; الشد; الصدمة; الفينول; القادسية; المادة; المجلد; المركبة; المواد; الميكانيكية; الهندسية; حيث; رقم; على; فورمالدهيد; كيفالر; مجلة; مقاومة; هذه cache: jqes-18.pdf plain text: jqes-18.txt item: #65 of 544 id: jqes-180 author: Naji Abudi, Zaidun title: THE EFFECT OF SAND FILTER CHARACTERISTICS ON REMOVAL EFFICIENCY OF ORGANIC MATTER FROM GREY WATER date: 2017-07-30 words: 4199 flesch: 57 summary: Removals of microorganisms in slow sand filters have proven to be 2 – log to 4 – log in effluent of slow sand filters (Hendricks and Bellamy, 1991). Slow sand filters consistently demonstrate their effectiveness in removing suspended particles with effluent turbidities below 1.0 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), achieving 90 to 99 + percent reductions in bacteria and viruses, and providing virtually complete cyst and oocyst removal. keywords: bed; efficiency; filter; filtration; removal; sand; slow; turbidity; water cache: jqes-180.pdf plain text: jqes-180.txt item: #66 of 544 id: jqes-182 author: Abdul-Mahdi Mosheer, Khamail title: EFFECT OF TAPERING OF RATIO ON GEOMETRICAL NONLINEARITY OF THIN STEEL PLATE UNDER TRANSVERSE LOAD date: 2017-07-30 words: 2564 flesch: 55 summary: They studied the large deflection behavior of thin plate under uniformly distributed loading. The effect of variation in thickness is very clear on large deflection behavior of thin plates. keywords: deflection; load; plate; ratio; tapering cache: jqes-182.pdf plain text: jqes-182.txt item: #67 of 544 id: jqes-183 author: Sabah Abdullah, Orhan title: THE INFLUENCE OF LOW COST FILLER ON SOME MECHANICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF A POLYMER MATRIX COMPOSITE date: 2017-07-31 words: 3265 flesch: 55 summary: Pin on disc wear test carried out for all the specimens different diagrams are sketched and presenting in Fig.9 and Fig.10.For different percentage of weight fractions under various test conditions.(Weight fraction, and applied Load). 5- The addition of (MgO, CaCO3, and SiO2) particles to polyester resin leads to increase hardness and water absorption with the increasing in reinforcement material weight fraction. keywords: composite; effect; engineering; journal; material; mgo; particles; polyester; resin; wear; weight cache: jqes-183.pdf plain text: jqes-183.txt item: #68 of 544 id: jqes-184 author: Sagban Saadoon, Ahmed; Sami Malik, Hawraa title: PREDICTION OF ULTIMATE LOAD OF CONCRETE BEAMS REINFORCED WITH FRP BARS USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS date: 2017-07-31 words: 5115 flesch: 58 summary: 13 Many experimental and theoretical investigations [6, 11, 15, 18, and 29] were performed to study the structural and flexural behavior of FRP reinforced concrete beams. In this study, an attempt is made to get and predict the ultimate load of FRP reinforced concrete beams using artificial neural networks. keywords: bars; beams; concrete; engineering; frp; gfrp; input; journal; load; model; network; neural; vol cache: jqes-184.pdf plain text: jqes-184.txt item: #69 of 544 id: jqes-185 author: Abdul-Mahdi Mosheer, Khamail title: EFFECT OF ADDITION THE CONDUCTIVE SCREWS ON THE BEHAVIOR OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS AND COLUMNS date: 2017-07-31 words: 2256 flesch: 66 summary: Key words: Screws, reinforced concrete columns, reinforced concrete beams. The study carried out by (Oh 1992) indicates that ductility and ultimate resistance of reinforced concrete beams are remarkably enhanced due to the addition of steel fibres. keywords: beams; columns; concrete; engineering; screws; steel cache: jqes-185.pdf plain text: jqes-185.txt item: #70 of 544 id: jqes-186 author: Issa Khassaf, Saleh; Mohsen kizar, Fatima; Fadhil Hassan, Firas title: EVALUATION OF GROUNDWATER QUALITY IN SELECTED AREAS OF NAJAF GOVERNORATE FOR DIFFERENT PURPOSES date: 2017-07-31 words: 6856 flesch: 60 summary: - Suitability Of Groundwater For Agricultural Purposes Plants are different in resisting salinity of irrigation water. Table (10) shows the satisfactory limits of salinity in irrigation water for various crops based on EC standards which were classified by Tood classification. keywords: drinking; engineering; groundwater; irrigation; journal; najaf; ppm; sciences; study; table; total; values; vol; water; wells cache: jqes-186.pdf plain text: jqes-186.txt item: #71 of 544 id: jqes-187 author: F. Al-Dawody, Mohamed; H. Hamza, Naseer title: THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT CYCLE ARRANGEMENTS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF OPEN GAS TURBINE POWER PLANT date: 2017-08-01 words: 5163 flesch: 58 summary: All these arrangements are compared to the performance of gas turbine cycle with no modifications. The reheat cycle allow to reach the maximum temperature in gas turbine cycle again in the combustion chamber without exceeding the metallurgical limit of turbine vanes, i.e., not to exceed the maximum allowable temperature at the inlet of the turbine. keywords: air; cycle; exchanger; fuel; gas; heat; injection; ratio; temperature; turbine; work cache: jqes-187.pdf plain text: jqes-187.txt item: #72 of 544 id: jqes-188 author: Abdula Khazal, Emad; Baker Saleem, Khalid title: NUMERICAL SIMULATION FOR HEAT TRANSFER ANALYSIS IN LAMINAR FLOW OF CuO-WATER NANO-FLUID IN TUBES date: 2017-08-01 words: 4649 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: Nanofluids; Heat transfer; tubes , Laminar flow -(اوكسید نحاسالنمذجة العددیة لتحلیل انتقال الحرارة للجریان الطباقي لمائع متناھي الصغر ماء) في األنابیب د. عماد عبدهللا خزعل E-mail: The majority of the strategies for heat transfer depend on the structure variety, vibration of the heated surface, and injection or suction of fluid[2,5]. keywords: coefficient; cuo; engineering; heat; journal; nanofluid; number; results; temperature; transfer; tube; vol; water cache: jqes-188.pdf plain text: jqes-188.txt item: #73 of 544 id: jqes-189 author: H. Balla, Hyder title: EXPERIMENTAL AND ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FILM COOLING IN GAS TURBINE BLADE TECHNIQUE date: 2017-08-01 words: 6993 flesch: 64 summary: Abstract This study employed the use of experimental data of film cooling effectiveness using corrugation film cooling hole. 104 With regard to this, one of the main aspect of approach in achieving enhanced cooling performance has been shown to be the alteration of the morphology of film cooling hole to modulate jet lift off and subsequently reduce the overall burden of hot gas entrainment which is typically associated with the conventional round jets. keywords: angle; cooling; effectiveness; engineering; experimental; fig; film; flow; heat; hole; journal; transfer cache: jqes-189.pdf plain text: jqes-189.txt item: #74 of 544 id: jqes-19 author: A. S. Al- Jeebori, Abbas title: THERMAL DESIGN OF TUBE BANKS IN CROSS FLOW BASED ON MINIMUM THERMODYNAMIC LOSSES date: 2017-07-13 words: 3160 flesch: 62 summary: Also at velocities less than 12 m/s, NTU and . genS converge in estimation of heat transfer rate, while at velocities larger than 12 m/s, the . genS diverge from the NTU and LMTD method because of the pressure losses. Figure 2 shows the effect of tube diameter on the heat transfer from the system of tube banks based on the three different NTU, LMTD, and . keywords: design; entropy; generation; gens; heat; journal; lmtd; method; ntu; rate; transfer; tube; vol cache: jqes-19.pdf plain text: jqes-19.txt item: #75 of 544 id: jqes-190 author: علي الانباري, محمد; عامر جابك, محمود title: THE ROLE OF RURAL STABILITY CRITERIA IN ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT date: 2017-08-02 words: 5579 flesch: 98 summary: ، البساتین، الجبال، البقع المائیة وغیرھا.(صعب، ٢٠١٧ ١العدد ١٠مجلة القادسیة للعلوم الھندسیة المجلد ٥ سفوح : التجاریة، جامعة المسیلة، الجزائر، ، لجین عباس، التنمیة الریفیة المستدامة دراسة في استقرار ونمو المستقرات الریفیة قدمت حموضي - . keywords: أما; األرض; األولیة; االستقرار; البحث; التقییم; التنمیة; التي; الخدمات; الدخل; الدراسة; الریفي; الریفیة; السكان; العدد; القرى; القریة; المؤشر; المؤشرات; المجلد; المستدامة; المستقرات; المناخ; المنطقة; المواد; الموقع; النسبة; الى; الھندسیة; بشكل; بین; تحقیق; توفر; رقم; سكان; على; كفاءة; مالئمة; مستوى; مصدر; نعم; نعم نعم; ١٠مجلة cache: jqes-190.pdf plain text: jqes-190.txt item: #76 of 544 id: jqes-192 author: Hamza Ali, Ghayath title: THE IMPACT OF HOUSING AND LIVING SPACE ON SCHOOL LEVEL OF THE PUPIL AND COMPARED TO A FACTOR OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL date: 2017-08-02 words: 7024 flesch: 84 summary: +, � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . . +, � � � � � � � � � � � � . keywords: fقیم �; اس �; اعتم �; ال �; الت �; التالمی �; التب �; التعلیمی �; الس �; الص �; الع �; المدرس �; المس �; ب �; حس �; ع �; عل �; على; للف �; م �; ھ �; � اب; � ات; � احة; � ام; � ان; � این; � ة; � دة; � دل; � ذ; � رد; � كن; � ل; � ن; � ى; � ي; � یة; � ین; � � cache: jqes-192.pdf plain text: jqes-192.txt item: #77 of 544 id: jqes-193 author: L. Esmail, E.; H. Salih, K. title: SYNTHESIS AND OPTIMIZATION OF EPICYCLIC-TYPE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS BASED ON NOMOGRAPHS date: 2017-08-02 words: 5159 flesch: 61 summary: Activated clutches Range C1 C2 C3 B1 B2 First X4 X1 Second X4 X3 Third X4 X1 Fourth X1 X3 Reverse X3 X1 Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 4 No. 3 Year 2011 Table 3 Table of optimized gear ratios for sample inputs for Simpson gear train. Keywords: Automatic transmission, epicyclic gear train, gear ratio, nomograph, and optimization . / keywords: clutching; constraints; engineering; function; gear; journal; nomograph; ratios; sequence; velocity cache: jqes-193.pdf plain text: jqes-193.txt item: #78 of 544 id: jqes-194 author: Faisal Qhazi, Israa title: STUDY THE EFFECT OF THE PARTICLE SIZE ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF PARTICULATE NATURAL COMPOSITE MATERIALS date: 2017-08-23 words: 4823 flesch: 60 summary: Also, the composite material filled with eggshell filler particles has higher elongation percentage than the other which was filled with sawdust filler particles. 4.2. From result can be noted that the best properties value for epoxy composite materials are improved by using eggshell particle when compared with sawdust particles uses. keywords: composite; eggshell; epoxy; fillers; hardness; journal; materials; particles; properties; qadisiyah; sawdust; size; tensile cache: jqes-194.pdf plain text: jqes-194.txt item: #79 of 544 id: jqes-195 author: Hussein Jebur, Anahed title: A STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF PARAMETERS ON THE STRESS IN HELICAL SPRING WIRE date: 2017-08-23 words: 2519 flesch: 78 summary: FOR CIRCULAR SPRING SECTION : we have found out the direction of the internal torsion T and internal shear force F at the section due to the external load F acting at the center of the coil. FOR CIRCULAR SPRING SECTION : keywords: journal; qadisiyah; spring cache: jqes-195.pdf plain text: jqes-195.txt item: #80 of 544 id: jqes-196 author: Kareem Abdullah, Ahmed title: DESIGN OF INTELLIGENT PID CONTROLLER BASED ON MODIFIED SWARM TECHNIQUES date: 2017-08-23 words: 2824 flesch: 58 summary: Many researchers deals with the hybridization of intelligent technique with PID controller to enhance the overall responses, W. Meng 2015, used adaptive neural control to investigate and enhance the MIMO nonlinear with time-varying system, the weight of single neural network is online tuned estimated the unidentified functions in the dynamics of the system also the singularity of the coefficient is escaped without prior knowledge [2]. The responses of LTI system (a) without controller (b) with PID controller (c) with FGA-PID (d) with PSO-FGA-PID (a) (b) (c) (d) Time Time Time Time O u tp u t re s p o n s e O u tp u t re s p o n s e O u tp u t re s p o n s e O u tp u t re s p o n s e AL-QADISIYAH JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 10 , No. 2 ISSN: 1998-4456 Page 153 Copyright  2017 Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Enginnering Science. keywords: controller; journal; pid; pso; qadisiyah; system; time cache: jqes-196.pdf plain text: jqes-196.txt item: #81 of 544 id: jqes-197 author: Khachi Hatem, Mohammed; Hussein Al Dahlaki, Mohammed; Fallah Hassan, Hassan title: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF MODEL PILES IN SLOPING GROUND SUBJECTED TO SURCHARGE LOADS date: 2017-08-24 words: 3980 flesch: 54 summary: The study took into consideration the effect of surcharge intensity, sloping ground and soil's relative density on lateral deformation of piles in terms of displacement and bending moment. The results showed that the increasing in the surcharge loads increases lateral displacement and bending moments of piles in horizontal and sloping ground surface. keywords: ground; journal; pile; sand; sloping; surcharge cache: jqes-197.pdf plain text: jqes-197.txt item: #82 of 544 id: jqes-198 author: S. Hassan, Shaker; N. Hamzah, Mohsin; M. Abed, Raad title: EFFECT OF ULTRASONIC PEENING TECHNIQUE ON FATIGUE LIFE OF 6061-T6 ALUMINUM ALLOY date: 2017-08-24 words: 2925 flesch: 55 summary: More recently, ( Herwig 5 ) has put forward a comprehensive survey of enhancements in the mid ten years back, particularly with respect to the utilization of ultrasonic fatigue for fatigue crack growth threshold studies. Various studies have been carried out viewing that the fatigue behavior of many important structural materials systems, comprising aluminum, nickel titanium and based alloys can be determined efficiently by ultrasonic fatigue technique. keywords: engineering; fatigue; journal; life; peening; qadisiyah; surface; ultrasonic cache: jqes-198.pdf plain text: jqes-198.txt item: #83 of 544 id: jqes-199 author: Adel Abdullah, Mostafa title: SPRING BACK PREDICTION IN V-DIE BENDING PROCESS USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK (ANN) date: 2017-08-24 words: 2779 flesch: 71 summary: In recent research has been considered the different parameters which affected on spring back phenomenon. In bend process, this recovery of elasticity called spring back, Spring back phenomenon is shown in Figure. keywords: bending; hold; journal; punch; qadisiyah; spring; thickness; time cache: jqes-199.pdf plain text: jqes-199.txt item: #84 of 544 id: jqes-201 author: Ahmed Flamarz Al-Arkawazi, Shamil title: OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS OF ISOLATED SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS USING THREE TRAFFIC SOFTWARES date: 2017-08-24 words: 4341 flesch: 41 summary: Its simulation run outputs includes; degree of saturation, uniform delay, incremental delay, control delay, intersection delay and LOS Its optimization run output results include; optimized cycle length, degree of saturation, uniform delay, incremental delay, control delay, intersection delay and LOS (McTrans 2012) SIDRA 5.1 Akcelik & Associate s Pty Ltd, Australia Tool for isolated intersection performance and timing analysis \Isolated signalized intersections\up to 8 approaches for each intersection. keywords: analysis; delay; index; intersection; sidra; software cache: jqes-201.pdf plain text: jqes-201.txt item: #85 of 544 id: jqes-202 author: flayyih hussein, ahmad; ali al-attar, aqeel title: THE EFFECT OF POROSITY ON THE YIELD OF CARBON NANOTUBES date: 2017-08-24 words: 3289 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: porous materials, chemical vapor deposition and carbon nanotubes. Figure 1: for preparation of porous materials by space holder technique. keywords: az91; carbon; figure; journal; nanotubes; novalac; powder; qadisiyah cache: jqes-202.pdf plain text: jqes-202.txt item: #86 of 544 id: jqes-203 author: S. Al-Yassri, Labeeb; Y. Ali, Ammar; M. AL-Khafaji, Mohammed title: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION FOR THE BEHAVIOR OF ORDINARY REINFORCED HYBRID CONCRETE HOLLOW CORE SLAB date: 2017-08-24 words: 3961 flesch: 58 summary: Also, from experimental results, the crack width of hybrid HCS was narrower than that for normal strength slab at all stages of loading. At service load stage, the width of crack was narrower than normal strength slab by about (10-31%). keywords: concrete; journal; load; qadisiyah; shear; slab; specimen; strength cache: jqes-203.pdf plain text: jqes-203.txt item: #87 of 544 id: jqes-206 author: Rasheed AL-AMIR, Qusay title: ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION OF A TRIPLE-STAGE SERIES FLOW ABSORPTION CHILLER CYCLE FOR AIR CONDITIONING APPLICATIONS date: 2017-08-25 words: 6563 flesch: 61 summary: Florides et al., 2003 formed a mathematical model based on balance of mass and energy equations written for each components of absorption cycle with 1 kW cooling capacity. The mass, species and energy equations can be applied to each components of absorption cycle as shown in Table 1. keywords: absorption; effect; heat; journal; m h; qadisiyah; solution; temperature cache: jqes-206.pdf plain text: jqes-206.txt item: #88 of 544 id: jqes-208 author: Aziz Hameed Al-Shaybani, Mohammed title: INFLUENCE OF USING A VARIOUS PERCENTAGES OF RECLAIMED ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT ON PROPERTIES OF MIXTURE ASPHALT (UNMODIFY ASPHALT AND MODIFY ASPHALT) date: 2017-08-25 words: 5124 flesch: 93 summary: الغرض الرئٌسً من هذه الدراسة هو دراسة تأثٌر استخد لتحقٌق هدف الدراسة, فً الجزء العملً (RAP) على خصائص الخلطة االسفلتٌة وتحدٌد النسبة المثلى من ال (RR) المضاف اختبار مارشال و اختبار الشد غٌر المباشر وتمت مقارنة نتائج استخدام نسب مختلفة من ال د اقصى فً الخلطات ذات االسفلت االعتٌادي من الممكن ان تلبً متطلبات المواصفات الخاصة كح (01RAPاستخدام ) keywords: asphalt; copyright; engineering; issn; journal; page; qadisiyah; qadisiyah journal; rap; rights; science; vol; االسفلت; االسفلتٌة; استخدام; اعادة; الةى; التبلٌط; الشد; الطرق; المعدل; الى; ذات; رقم; على; مةن; نسبة; هذه cache: jqes-208.pdf plain text: jqes-208.txt item: #89 of 544 id: jqes-209 author: J. Hashim, Sattar title: ANALYTICAL FORMULATION TO PREDICT TIME TO FAILURE OF THE STRESS CORROSION CRACKING date: 2017-09-07 words: 2990 flesch: 62 summary: According this model the time to failure (tf), of a glass fiber under a given stress loading is a function of: the strength of the fiber in an inert environment, fracture toughness, yield strength and the two constants A and n particular parameters describing SCC crack growth rate depends on material and environmental. [Pauchaard, 2002] introduced a model for prediction of failure time of the glass fibers. keywords: corrosion; crack; failure; growth; stress; time cache: jqes-209.pdf plain text: jqes-209.txt item: #90 of 544 id: jqes-21 author: Faleh Hassan, Muhammed title: OPTIMIZATION OF HYPERBOLIC TANGENT APODIZED CHIRPED FIBER BRAGG GRATINGS (CFBG) FOR DISPERSION COMPENSATION IN OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATION date: 2017-07-13 words: 3878 flesch: 50 summary: The optical fiber compensating length in km and the FWHM reflection bandwidth are calculated against chirping parameter for tanh (atr=4) apodized CFBG. For single channel dispersion compensation and optical communication bandwidth of 0.5nm, using Figure (7), chirp parameter must be set at C=0.002/m that resulting compensating fiber length of 100 km over standard fiber with dispersion parameter of {D=17ps/(}, the required grating length is 10cm. keywords: apodization; bragg; cfbg; delay; dispersion; fiber; figure; grating; parameter; reflection; time; truncation; vol cache: jqes-21.pdf plain text: jqes-21.txt item: #91 of 544 id: jqes-210 author: abdul mahdi, ali title: AN APPRAISAL AND ANALYSIS OF BOILER PIPES IN ALMUSAIB ELECTRIC POWER STATION date: 2017-09-07 words: 4234 flesch: 59 summary: Boiler pipes failure, hydrogen damages, pitting corrosion. Deep drawing Deep drawing Table (2) Chemical composition analysis of failed boiler pipes samples C% Mn% Si% keywords: boiler; burst; failure; figure; pipe; steam; surface; temperature; tube cache: jqes-210.pdf plain text: jqes-210.txt item: #92 of 544 id: jqes-211 author: A .Hassan, Mahmoud title: NEW WAVE OF CAD SYSTEMS AND ITS APPLICATION IN DESIGN date: 2017-09-07 words: 1530 flesch: 63 summary: It can be calculated from the state of stresses at any point as: (1) Or from the principal stresses as: (2) Assuming the material behaves with direct relation between the stress and the strain as in the Figure( 1), the only material parameters we need to input are the modulus of elasticity and the Poisson's ratio. zx Normal stresses on the axises (N/m 2) xy yz zx keywords: beam; design; engineering; figure; stress cache: jqes-211.pdf plain text: jqes-211.txt item: #93 of 544 id: jqes-212 author: L. Natoosh, Rana title: A NUMERICAL STUDY OF NATURAL CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER INSIDE A HORIZONTAL SQUARE ENCLOSURE WITH A CONCENTRIC HEATED ROD AND A BUNDLE OF TRIANGULAR HEATED CYLINDERS date: 2017-09-11 words: 6256 flesch: 51 summary: Hence, the average Nusselt number can be evaluated along the outer wall as: (8)oL Soo m dSuNS Nu 1 The appropriate boundary conditions are as follows - Isothermal surfaces i.e. =1 on the concentric rod and triangular cylinders walls and =0 on the square walls. It is also noticed that the strength of cells increases with increasing of E. The right side of Fig.6 shows that the upper like plum distribution is vanish at lower values of E (E=0.27) while the size of each plum increases with increasing of E due to the increasing the growth of the thermal boundary layer 5.2 Heat transfer rates: local and mean Nusselt numbers 5.2.1 Local Nusselt numbers Figs.7 and 8 display the effects of Ra on the local Nusselt number along the circumference of inner triangular cylinders and outer enclosure wall for E=0.36 in case (I) and case (II) respectively. keywords: convection; cylinder; enclosure; heat; nul; number; nusselt; triangular cache: jqes-212.pdf plain text: jqes-212.txt item: #94 of 544 id: jqes-213 author: M. Salih, Selah; A. Abed, Qahtan; M. AL-Shamkhi, Dhafeer title: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF VAPOR FLOW IN A HORIZONTAL CYLINDERICAL HEAT PIPE date: 2017-09-11 words: 3988 flesch: 60 summary: KEYWORDS—Vapor region; heat pipe; numerical study. . . Heat pipes are the most effective passive method of transferring heat available today. keywords: condenser; evaporator; flow; heat; pipe; pressure; vapor; vol cache: jqes-213.pdf plain text: jqes-213.txt item: #95 of 544 id: jqes-214 author: A. kawi, Asmaa title: TEMPERATURES BEHAVIOURE OF SOME ALLOY STEELS IN TURNING PROCESS UNDER DIFFERENT OPRATING CONDITIONS date: 2017-09-11 words: 5295 flesch: 46 summary: The results show that Finite element method is a successful technique to perform analysis to estimate cutting temperatures, a possibility of developing temperature forms adequately representing metal cutting temperature as a Polynomial models of third, fourth and fifth degree with time that give steady state temperature and for the four alloys steel used and different operation conditions. -Vincent Dessoly , Shreyes N. Melkote and Christophe Lescalier, Modeling and verification of cutting tool temperatures in rotary tool turning of hardened steel', International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 44 ,1463–1470,2004. -Yang W.H and Tarng Y.S., Design optimization of cutting parameters for turning operations based on the Taguchi method, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 84, 122–129, 1998. keywords: aisi; conditions; cutting; heat; journal; piece; process; speed; steel; temperature; tool; turning; work cache: jqes-214.pdf plain text: jqes-214.txt item: #96 of 544 id: jqes-215 author: A. Abood, Falah title: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF FREE CONVECTION IN A SQUARE AND IN A RIGHT- ANGLE TRAPEZOIDAL ENCLOSURE FILLED WITH POROUS MEDIUM date: 2017-09-11 words: 3217 flesch: 61 summary: enclosure was filled with a liquid saturated porous media .The bottom wall of the cavity was heated with a sinusoidal temperature distribution θ=0.5(1-cos(2πx)) , the vertical wall was cooled at θ=0 and the other walls were adiabatic. T , S.Roy , A.singh , I.Pop (2009) Finite element simulation of natural convection flow in a trapezoidal enclosure filled with porous medium due to uniform and non-uniform heating Int. J Heat Mass Transfer 52, 70-78 . keywords: convection; enclosure; heat; number; porous; trapezoidal; wall cache: jqes-215.pdf plain text: jqes-215.txt item: #97 of 544 id: jqes-216 author: Kamil Abd Muslim, Farah title: COMPUTER-AIDED SELECTION OF THE OPTIMAL LOT SIZING SYSTEM (CALS) date: 2017-09-11 words: 3755 flesch: 57 summary: It divides demand requirements into order periods such that ordering and holding cost are balanced. Ordering cost for all period+ Carrying cost for all period = (8072.4 3) keywords: cost; lot; order; period; quantity; requirements cache: jqes-216.pdf plain text: jqes-216.txt item: #98 of 544 id: jqes-217 author: A. Hussien, Mohammed title: INVESTIGATION OF THERMOSYPHON LOOP PERFORMANCE IN DOUBLE-CYCLE DISTILLATION HEAT PUMP SYSTEM date: 2017-09-11 words: 5270 flesch: 57 summary: The two loops are insulated in order to minimize heat flow to ambient. 2.2 Heat Transfer Analysis: 2.2.1 Modeling of Evaporation Chamber A- Modeling of condenser: Referring to Fig (4), the heat transfer rate from the working fluid (vapor) to the process fluid (liquid) in an element (i) in the condenser is: Qi = convective heat transfer = conduction heat transfer = convective heat transfer from working fluid to the through the wall of from the wall of element the wall of element (i) element (i) (i) to the process fluid (3) pf pfow, w ow,inw, wf inw,wf R TT R TT R TT (4) pfwwf pfwf RRR TT (5) and, pfwwf o RRR 1UA (6) B- Outside Convective Thermal Resistance: Liquid (process fluid) keywords: bar; condenser; engineering; flow; fluid; heat; loop; pressure; process; thermosyphon; transfer; vapor; water; working cache: jqes-217.pdf plain text: jqes-217.txt item: #99 of 544 id: jqes-218 author: A Ismael, Muneer title: NATURAL CONVECTION IN A WAVY POROUS ENCLOSURE HEATED BY AN INTERNAL CIRCULAR CYLINDER date: 2017-09-11 words: 6236 flesch: 51 summary: Most of these applications are simulated by a natural convection process in porous enclosures. Gross R.J., Bear M.R. and Hickox C.E., 1986, The application of flux-corrected transport (FCT) to high Rayleigh number natural convection in a porous medium in: Proc. keywords: convection; cylinder; enclosure; heat; journal; number; nusselt; ram; transfer; vol; wavy cache: jqes-218.pdf plain text: jqes-218.txt item: #100 of 544 id: jqes-219 author: salah sadiq, Muhammed title: COMPUTER MODELING OF SMART ANTENNA SYSTEM date: 2017-09-16 words: 3467 flesch: 58 summary: In this work, the proposed novel least mean square algorithm (No-LMS) build and studied the results as comparative work with results of two another algorithms called Standard LMS algorithm (S-LMS), and normalized LMS algorithm (N-LMS). LMS algorithm can be implemented as shown in Figure (3) keywords: algorithm; antenna; convergence; factor; figure; lms; signal; system cache: jqes-219.pdf plain text: jqes-219.txt item: #101 of 544 id: jqes-22 author: Taleb Albdiry, Mushtaq; Hameed Alshafaie, Saad title: IMPROVEMENT OF TEMPERTURE RESISTANCE OF Al-Mg/Al2O3P COMPOSITE BY COATING WITH ANTIMONY TRIOXIDE FILM date: 2017-07-13 words: 2317 flesch: 47 summary: No. 2 Year 2008 174 Heinrich, H. and Stefan, P.(Heinrich,2000) tried to improve the thermal properties of FRP composite by using a sodium silicate and vermicular film coating as a flame retardant materials., but Ali (Ali, 2003) studied the effects of adding (10, 20, 30 wt %) of a flame retardant materials (Antimony Trioxide) on thermal properties (thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and flame resistance) of glass fiber reinforced polyester composite materials and he concluded the thermal conductivity results were (1.41 W/m.˚C),and (1.136 W/m.°C) at (55°C) for with and without (30% Sb2O3) addition respectively. Thermo physical Testing: Some of the thermo physical properties (density, thermal conductivity, and thermal resistivity) of aluminum matrix composite before and after coating with antimony trioxide film were measured to investigate the effect of coating on thermal properties of (AMCS): density of MMCS material can be determined by simple using the relationship between volume and mass or by (Archimedean density), the equation (1) above. keywords: coating; composite; conductivity; matrix; sb2o3; temperature cache: jqes-22.pdf plain text: jqes-22.txt item: #102 of 544 id: jqes-220 author: Abdullah kadhim, Abdulhasan title: HALF BRIDGE RESONANT INVERTER date: 2017-09-16 words: 1756 flesch: 77 summary: Voltage scale is 5V/Div, Time scale is 5μs/Div. Voltage scale is 20 v/Div; Current Scale is 15A/Div, Time scale 5μs/Div In fig. keywords: current; fig; load; voltage cache: jqes-220.pdf plain text: jqes-220.txt item: #103 of 544 id: jqes-221 author: K. Ibrahim, Ali title: ACTIVATION OF RED KAOLIN CLAY AS A POZZOLANIC MATERIAL date: 2017-09-16 words: 2788 flesch: 54 summary: The results also showed that the mortar containing (10)% red kaolin gives higher compressive strength compared with the mortar containing (5, and 8)% red kaolin at (28) day. Tables (5), and (6) and figures (2), (3), and (4) shows that the optimum burning temperature of the red kaolin clay is (900) 0C, which is exhibited higher compressive strength and higher pozzolanic activity index compared with all other burning temperatures at (28) day. keywords: cement; compressive; kaolin; metakaolin; red; strength cache: jqes-221.pdf plain text: jqes-221.txt item: #104 of 544 id: jqes-222 author: H. Albayati, Amjad; Kariem Mohammed, Hussein title: INFLUENCE OF STYRENE BUTADIENE RUBBER ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ASPHALT CONCRETE MIXTURES date: 2017-09-17 words: 4691 flesch: 52 summary: The experimental results for the effect of SBR content on the asphalt binder properties are listed in table (5), from this table the following points can be noticed: - A slight decrease in penetration value was obtained with increasing SBR content as shown in fig (4). Marshall Test Results SBR % stability flow density gm max av vma 0 8.58 3.12 2.329 2.435 4.35 15.03 1 8.79 3.25 2.331 2.435 4.27 14.95 3 9.47 3.45 2.337 2.435 4.02 14.73 5 9.66 3.76 2.342 2.435 3.82 14.55 7 10.09 4.23 2.345 2.435 3.7 14.44 SBR % MR (psi) 0 122300 1 125400 3 132100 5 140300 7 145400 Table (5) Asphalt binder tests result Table (7) Resilient modulus test results Table (4): Properties of Fillers Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 4 No. 3 Year 2011 SBR % intercept Slope 0 110 0.372 1 115 0.345 keywords: asphalt; binder; concrete; content; engineering; fatigue; journal; percent; properties; sbr; sciences; vol cache: jqes-222.pdf plain text: jqes-222.txt item: #105 of 544 id: jqes-223 author: Salim Raheem, Aqeel title: DISPERSION IN DIFFERENT SINGLE MODE OPTICAL FIBER MATERIALS AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES date: 2017-09-17 words: 4691 flesch: 43 summary: The waveguide dispersion results have line curved and shift of total dispersion from material dispersion. For SiO2 fiber material dispersion has (λo = 1.2723 µ m) and total dispersion has (λo = 1.28 µ m), aluminosilicate fiber, material dispersion has (λo = 1.3925 µ m) and total dispersion (λo = 1.397 µ m), vycor glass fiber, material dispersion has (λo =1.2675 µ m) and total dispersion has (λo = 1.275 µ m). keywords: dispersion; fiber; figure; glass; index; material; sio2; temperature; vycor; waveguide; wavelength cache: jqes-223.pdf plain text: jqes-223.txt item: #106 of 544 id: jqes-224 author: Jawad Aziz, Laith title: Estimation of the contributions of pile group cap into saturated clay soil date: 2017-09-17 words: 6947 flesch: 98 summary: ألي وبعد المقارنة بين نوعي األساسين آما في األشكال السابقة وجد .)١٢(و الثاني األساس ول هو اقل من نزول أي أن نزول األساس األ(Pile Group) أفضل من Pile Raft)(من نوع أآثر يكون (Pile Raft) األساس الحصيري مع الرآائز أن أخر، بمعنى عندما تكون قيمة الحمل المسلط ثابتة عندما تكون مقاومة القص غير المبزولة للتربة (Pile Group) مجموعة الرآائزأساس و استقرارية من أمان kPa) Pile Raft( ،في حالة األساس من نوع أما )Pile Group ( قيمة تبدأ من فإنها)L/B=0.25 ( وآال النوعين ).L/B=3.0(ينتهيان بقيمة شكل سلط (7a) ال ل الم keywords: b=0.25; cap; clay; footing; footing load; group; kpa; kpa pile; le m; load; pile; pile group; pile raft; raft; soil; tt le; آما; أساس; أسفل; أما; إلى; األساس; التربة; الحمل; الرآائز; الطينية; النزول; بين; تكون; جدًا; حالة; ذلك; طول; على; عندما; قبعة; قيمة; مقاومة; نوع; يكون cache: jqes-224.pdf plain text: jqes-224.txt item: #107 of 544 id: jqes-225 author: هادي عناد, موجد; حميد جعفر, محمد title: Experimental study to reduce the hydraulic resistance of water turbulent flow in pipes by polymer additives date: 2017-09-17 words: 1446 flesch: 81 summary: Cp 1=polymer concentration Cp% معامـل λ)%/(Δλ0.005%0.06% )3(. AIP press,Woodbury ,N.Y.,pp241-248. Draad, A.A., (1996)Laminar-turbulent transition in pipe flow for Newtonian and non- Newtonian fluids. keywords: القادسیة; الھندسیة; للعل; مجلة; ٤المجلد cache: jqes-225.pdf plain text: jqes-225.txt item: #108 of 544 id: jqes-23 author: Aziz Neema, Hayder title: NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS FOR POTENTIAL FLOW PASTS 2 – D LIFTING AIRFOILS date: 2017-07-13 words: 2605 flesch: 55 summary: The approximate solutions for potential flow pasts thick, thin, symmetrical, and non-symmetrical airfoils have been calculated by using panel methods and then compared with either the exact analytical solution or the numerical solution obtained by using a perturbation method. Thus, panel methods have come to stay. keywords: b.c; doublet; method; strength; ⎥ ⎥ cache: jqes-23.pdf plain text: jqes-23.txt item: #109 of 544 id: jqes-230 author: K. M. Alshara, Ahmed title: EFFECT OF SINGLE OR MULTI ROTATING HORIZONTAL CYLINDERS ON THE MIXED CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER INSIDE A TRIANGULAR ENCLOSURE date: 2017-09-27 words: 5184 flesch: 43 summary: It was found that the average Nusselt number for the single or multi rotating cylinder is increased with increasing Ra, R and Ω for all cases. KEYWORDS: Mixed convection, Rotating cylinder, Triangular enclosures, Finite elements method متعددة أومنفردة دوارة أفقية اتاسطوان تأثير فجوة مثلثةفي الحمل المختلط انتقال حرارةعلى حمد كاظم محمد الشرعأ. keywords: average; cylinder; figure; heat; number; nusselt; rotating; transfer; velocity; ∂ ∂ cache: jqes-230.pdf plain text: jqes-230.txt item: #110 of 544 id: jqes-232 author: Mustafa Ali, Awatif title: BENDING BEHAVIOR OF NATURAL COMPOSITES SIMPLY SUPPORTED RECTANGULAR BEAMS date: 2017-09-27 words: 2513 flesch: 52 summary: Lignocelluloses natural fibers such as flax, hemp, sisal and jute are an interesting, environmentally friendly alternative to the use of glass fibers as reinforcement in engineering composites Because of the benefits that these fibers provide over conventional reinforcement materials and the development of natural fiber composites has been a subject of interest for the past few years (Liu, 2007). However, one of the main concerns of using natural fiber reinforced polymer composites is their susceptibility to moisture absorption which can affect the physical, mechanical and thermal properties (Espert, 2002). keywords: composites; corn; engineering; engineering sciences; fiber; figure; journal; qadisiya; sciences vol cache: jqes-232.pdf plain text: jqes-232.txt item: #111 of 544 id: jqes-233 author: LAUIBI ESMAIL, ESSAM title: DESIGN OF TWO INPUT TRANSMISSION USING FUZZY LOGIC IN MATLAB date: 2017-09-28 words: 5175 flesch: 60 summary: With a control unit, four major modes of operation excluding a regenerative braking capability are shown to be feasible in the proposed hybrid transmission; electric motor mode, engine mode, engine/charge mode, and power modes. Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 5 No. 1 Year 2012 69 [25]Tabe T., Takeuchi, H., Tsujii M., and Ohba, M., Vehicle speed control system using modern control theory, Proceedings 1986 International Conference on industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, IECON’86, vol. keywords: control; electric; engine; engineering; figure; gear; generator; hybrid; journal; mode; motor; power; system; transmission; vehicle; vol cache: jqes-233.pdf plain text: jqes-233.txt item: #112 of 544 id: jqes-234 author: Mahdi Baker, Hayder title: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF A TYPICAL IRAQI WALL THERMAL PERFORMANCE WITH Q-BOND INSULATION IN WINTER CONDITIONS date: 2017-09-28 words: 2339 flesch: 54 summary: NOMENCLUCHERS T1 Outside wall temperature T2 Air gap temperature T3 Inside wall temperature T4 Atmosphere temperature in shadow N Sequence points kX nx These are often written in terms of Njn eW /2Π−= RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 10 shows the change in frequency cycle per hour with amplitude (0C) for case without using Q-bond thermal insulation for the three reading temperatures outside wall temperature (T1) and inside wall temperature (T2) and shadow wall temperature (T3) while Figure 11 shows the change in frequency cycle per hour with amplitude (0C) for case with using Q-bond thermal insulation for the four reading temperatures outside wall temperature (T1) , air gap temperature (T2) , inside wall temperature (T3) and shadow wall temperature (T4) as shown in Figure 11 to 13. keywords: bond; engineering; figure; insulation; sciences; temperature; vol; wall cache: jqes-234.pdf plain text: jqes-234.txt item: #113 of 544 id: jqes-235 author: Nea′mah Yasser al-Musawi, Jenan title: EFFECT OF BUCKLING LOADS ON MONOPANEL COLUMN SPECIMENS date: 2017-09-28 words: 3217 flesch: 62 summary: The failure load increased by increasing the depth dimension of monopanel column, as the depth to width ratio increasing from 1 to 3 the ultimate load increased by 111 percent. The gross area for columns, properties of reinforcement and the mechanical properties of mortar mix is the same as for monopanel column specimens. keywords: buckling; cement; column; concrete; engineering; load; monopanel; polystyrene; properties; ratio cache: jqes-235.pdf plain text: jqes-235.txt item: #114 of 544 id: jqes-236 author: M. Mousa, Khalid; Shakir M. Ali, Israa; J. Hadi, Hind title: EXTRACTION OF NICKEL FROM FLY ASH OF HEAVY OIL USING AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE date: 2017-09-28 words: 2308 flesch: 56 summary: The effect of different rotational velocities studied ( 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 rpm ) and different temperatures were ( 50, 60, 70 and 80)ºC and it was found that the recovery of nickel increased with increasing rotational velocity till the 600 rpm while there is no change in nickel recovery with increasing temperature till 70 ºC. Controlling steps were investigation and it was found that the transfer through the film surrounding the particle (interphase) is the controlling step. The aim of this work is to study the best conditions and then find the controlling step to nickel recovery from fly ash of produced from heavy oil-fired electrical power station due to a limited source of nickel in Iraq and to overcome the problem of corrosion. keywords: ash; engineering; fly; leaching; nickel; recovery; solution; temperature; transfer cache: jqes-236.pdf plain text: jqes-236.txt item: #115 of 544 id: jqes-237 author: Hasan Salih, Kholood title: A SOLUTION TECHNIQUE FOR DESIGN OF THREE- SPEED AUTOMATIC SPEED CHANGER date: 2017-09-28 words: 5643 flesch: 65 summary: <4D6963726F736F667420576F7264202D20E3DACFE120C7D3E1E6C820CDE120CCCFEDCF20DDED20CAD5E3EDE320E3C8CFE120C7E1ED20D0E620CBE1C7CB20D3D1DA20CEE1E6CF20CDD3E420D5C7E1CD2020202037> Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 5 No. 1 Year 2012 77 A SOLUTION TECHNIQUE FOR DESIGN OF THREE- SPEED AUTOMATIC SPEED CHANGER Kholood Hasan Salih Assistant Lecturer, Machinery and equipment department Institute of Technology-Baghdad, Foundation of Technical Education Baghdad, Iraq ABSTRACT Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the development of bicycles speed changers. Although, the S-value is a variable quantity, which depends on the operating rotational speeds of the PGT, it allows early in the design process, to visualize how the PGT is intended to react to typical PGT rotational speeds. keywords: changer; clutch; design; engineering; figure; gear; pgt; power; speed; speed changer cache: jqes-237.pdf plain text: jqes-237.txt item: #116 of 544 id: jqes-238 author: محمد جمعة, ميسر; عناد مناور, سليمان; مهدي صالح, صباح title: EXPERIMENTAL BEHAVIOR OF ALUMINUN SPECIMENS (UNDER TORSION) STRENGTHENED EXTERNALLY BY CFRP MATERIALS date: 2017-09-28 words: 2374 flesch: 87 summary: ، قابلية تحمل عزم أللي، ألياف الكربون المسلحة بالبوليمرات: الكلمات الدالة .نسبة الكسر ألحجمي، ميكانيكية المواد الصلبة، خصائص ألمواد ألمعدنية EXPERIMENTAL BEHAVIOR OF ALUMINUN SPECIMENS (UNDER TORSION) ملــم ٣(ملــم أيضــا وبعــرض اقــل (0.166)شــرائح مــن أليــاف الكربــون بســمك وتـم لصـقها بالمـادة الرابطـة علـى ، للكربـون فـايبر ولكافـة أنـواع التقويـة ( Volume Fraction , Vf)ألحجمـي .٥الشكل العينات باتجاه المحور الطولي للعينة وكما هو مبين في Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 5 No. 1 Year 2012 45 النتائج والمناقشة نتائج قابلة للدراسة والتحليل والمقارنة فقد تم تحضير ثالث عينات من كل نوع من أنواع ولغرض الحصول على ســاعة لضــمان اكتســاب المــادة ألالصــقة الحــد ٢٤وتركــت تلــك العينــات لمــدة ، التقويــة المقترحــة لعينــات األلمنيــوم . keywords: cfrp; engineering; engineering sciences; journal; qadisiya; sciences; sciences vol; vol; year; ألياف; االلتواء; التقوية; العينات; الكربون; المقواة; الميكانيكية; الهندسة; حيث; دورة; رقم; عزم; على; فــي; فـي; مــن; مقاومة cache: jqes-238.pdf plain text: jqes-238.txt item: #117 of 544 id: jqes-24 author: .A.Abass, Riadh title: EFFECT OF SOAKING TIME ON UNIFORM DENSITY & RESILIENT MODULUS date: 2017-07-13 words: 1647 flesch: 59 summary: 5- There is a relation between dry density of different layers of CBR molds and resilient modulus. During testing, only the deformation in the central portion of the specimen varies significantly the overall density may not be the same as the density of the mid-section, and an incorrect relationship between density and resilient modulus may be obtained. keywords: days; density; modulus; soaking; specimen cache: jqes-24.pdf plain text: jqes-24.txt item: #118 of 544 id: jqes-240 author: AbduL Khaliq ALyasri, Sada title: MEASURMENT THE PERFORMANCE SUFFICEINCY IN THE FACTORIES OF CONSTRUCTION FIELD date: 2017-09-28 words: 4264 flesch: 93 summary: %١٢,٤مؤشر كلفة االنجاز من قيمة االنتاج تساوي .٢ بسبب كون المواد االولية التعــرف علـــى األســس والمؤشــرات النظريـــة الخاصــة بقيــاس األداء والعوامـــل التــي تــؤثر علـــى تحديد اإلنتاج األمثل ، كان البد من التعرف على واقع حال تطبيق تلـك keywords: duty; engineering sciences; factory; journal; qadisiya; qadisiya journal; sciences vol; year; االداء; االنتاج; االنتاجية; االنتفاع; اداء; البرنامج; البيانات; التابعة; التشييد; الصيانة; الطاقة; العاملين; العمل; الــى; الفعلية; المتاحة; المخطط; المعامل; المواد; الى; حيث; رقم; عدد; على; فاعلية; فــي; فـي; قياس; قيمة; كفاءة; كفــاءة; كلفة; كمية; لقطاع; مؤشر; مــن; مقارنة; نسبة; هذا; هذه; ١٠٠× cache: jqes-240.pdf plain text: jqes-240.txt item: #119 of 544 id: jqes-241 author: K. Salim, Tamir title: AN EXPERIMENTAL STuDY TO INVESTIGATE THE UPPER HEATING AND COOLING EFFECT ON NATURAL CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER THROUGH A HORIZONTAL RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE date: 2017-09-28 words: 4806 flesch: 56 summary: The study of laminar and transition to turbulence natural convection heat transfer from the outer surface of rectangular ducts in air with their axis horizontally, was investigated experimental by (Mohamed,2007); Five ducts had been used with aspect ratios of 2,1 and 0.5. Their results showed at low values of convection heat flux and characterized due to decrease in value of Nusselt numbers at any fixed longitudinal x station on the duct’s surface, and Nusselt number increased as x increased along the duct’s surface for any value of the heat flux. keywords: = =; convection; enclosure; flow; flux; heat; mass; number; rate; region; surface; temperature; transfer cache: jqes-241.pdf plain text: jqes-241.txt item: #120 of 544 id: jqes-242 author: Akram Hussien, Haidar title: TRIBOLOGICAL PERFORMANCE OF HIGHLY FINE NICKEL-MOLYBDENUM DISULFIDE POWDERS ADDITIVE TO LUBRICANT OIL date: 2017-10-04 words: 3717 flesch: 52 summary: It was noted the sharply difference between profilograms surface friction for lubricant oil SAE 50 without additives (fig.10 - a) and with 4wt% nickel molybdenum disulfide composite powder (Figure10 - b). ADDITIVE TO LUBRICANT OIL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Oil SAE 50 without additives Oil SAE 50 with 4% Ni-MoS2 W, µm/km Px102(N) Figure 9 Effect of load(P) on wear rate(W) for lubricant oil composite based on SAE 50 (a) ( b) Figure 10 Profilograms surface friction for lubricant oil SAE 50 without additives (a) and with 4wt% nickel molybdenum disulfide composite powder (b). keywords: disulfide; friction; lubricant; molybdenum; mos2; nickel; oil; powder; sae; wear cache: jqes-242.pdf plain text: jqes-242.txt item: #121 of 544 id: jqes-243 author: Salman Hassan, Khairia; Aziz Ameen, Hani; Ali Hussain, Rahman title: EFFECT OF ANNEALING PROCESS ON THE CORROSION RESISTANCE OF ALUMINUM ALLOY 2024-T3 date: 2017-10-04 words: 2297 flesch: 49 summary: The phase Specimen symbol AlCu+Al4Cu9B AlCu4+AlCu3 C AlCu+AlCu4 D Table 4 Results of corrosion alloy in different annealing temperature. The results of electrochemical corrosion test show that the heating to (270°C) for two hours gave high corrosion resistance compared with the other tests, and this is because of the long period of time for heating which allows the alloy to take sufficient time for all phases to precipitate then gave the alloy a good mechanical and physical properties and this means a good corrosion resistance. keywords: alloy; aluminum; annealing; corrosion; effect; engineering; process; resistance; specimens cache: jqes-243.pdf plain text: jqes-243.txt item: #122 of 544 id: jqes-244 author: Y. Hussen, W. title: SIMULATION PERFORMANCE OF A 40 GBIT/S POLARIZATION SHIFT KEYING SYSTEM date: 2017-10-04 words: 2213 flesch: 49 summary: The polarization state versus frequency of optical signal at end of PolSK modulator is illustrated in Figure 3. The signal generation in terms of optical transmission systems can be understood as the modulation of laser source with an electrical binary signal. keywords: keying; modulation; polarization; polsk; shift; signal; system; vector cache: jqes-244.pdf plain text: jqes-244.txt item: #123 of 544 id: jqes-246 author: Najm Hussien, Kareem title: FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF DEEP DRAWING AND SPRINGBACK date: 2017-10-04 words: 2178 flesch: 62 summary: The paper studies the distribution of stresses and strains of deep drawing process until the failure. A procedure in ANSYS concerning this type of deep drawing analysis which has a prescribed displacement has the following steps: 1 solve the problem with displacement load as usual 2 find the reaction force at the pilot node 3 delete the displacement load and add the force load from 2 4 solve the problem one iteration only 5 apply zero force at pilot node 6 solve the problem as usual non-linear case All the procedure is done inside the solution phase. keywords: blank; drawing; figure; mises; stress; stroke; von cache: jqes-246.pdf plain text: jqes-246.txt item: #124 of 544 id: jqes-247 author: Aswad Mohammed, Hameed title: STUDY OF TRAFFIC SAFETY EVALUATION AND IMPROVEMENTS AT UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS date: 2017-10-04 words: 5931 flesch: 38 summary: The indirect evaluation method based on traffic conflict technique is a relatively new traffic safety evaluation method, which is mostly applied to evaluate intersection traffic safety by the ratio of conflict number and traffic flow [20]. Considering data collection and processing, it is not feasible to identify all the factors, where only a few can be easily obtained and analyzed to estimate unsignalized intersection safety [1]. keywords: approach; conflict; countermeasures; crash; engineering; evaluation; field; highway; intersection; journal; problems; safety; safety problems; traffic; traffic safety cache: jqes-247.pdf plain text: jqes-247.txt item: #125 of 544 id: jqes-248 author: Awad Mohammed, Saadoon; Saleh Hassan, Abbas; Dheyaa Hashim, Muhanad title: WAVELET TRANSFORMATION DOMAIN FOR SUB IMAGE HIDING BASED ON THE DISCRETE WAVELET TRANSFORM DOMAIN date: 2017-10-04 words: 4770 flesch: 55 summary: Now, apply image in a certain region of wavelet space of a cover image in a some studying protocol that doesn’t effect on reconstructed output in the last previous section, the results of zero equalized HH algorithm proved that this region of wavelet space contain doesn’t affect hardly on the reconstructed image therefore, try to hide the active wanted image in the HH resolution in wavelet space image. The inverse transformation after hiding information on it, will lead to original hided sub image with no any loss or deform happened on the information of sub image. keywords: algorithm; details; domain; engineering; figure; image; information; step; sub; transform; vol; wavelet cache: jqes-248.pdf plain text: jqes-248.txt item: #126 of 544 id: jqes-25 author: S. Essa Al-Saegh, Mahdi title: A STATITICAL MODEL FOR PREDICTIN AUTO-CLAVE EXPANSION OF PORTLAND CEMENT date: 2017-07-13 words: 7208 flesch: 77 summary: The present study aims aimed to investigate factors affecting the soundness of Portland cement (in terms of autoclave expansion test). The correlation between autoclave expansion and the (MgO + free CaO) content in cement is not strong enough to attribute such expansion entirely to the amount of MgO and free lime in cement. keywords: autoclave; cement; engineering; expansion; free; intercept; mgo; model; test cache: jqes-25.pdf plain text: jqes-25.txt item: #127 of 544 id: jqes-250 author: Fadel Abid, Angam title: NATURAL CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER ENHANCEMENT IN AIR FILLED RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURES WITH PORTIRIONS date: 2017-10-04 words: 5385 flesch: 55 summary: 9- R.Jelti,S.Acharya,E.ZimmermanInflunce of baffle location on natural convection in a partially divided enclosureNumerical Heat Transfer,10,521-536,1986. 10-I.Dagtekin, and H.F. Oztop, Natural convection heat transfer by heated partitions, Int. Figure 8 (b) represent the variation of uN with bS at bL (0.6).It can be seen with increasing bS , the average Nusselt number will be NATURAL CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER ENHANCEMENT IN AIR FILLED RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURES WITH PORTIRIONS Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 2, 191-208, Year 2012 199 increasing until ( bS =0.6),because the area of the trapped fluid is increasing and uN is trapped fluid′s dimension dependent that increases as its width increase. keywords: baffles; convection; enclosure; flow; fluid; heat; transfer; walls cache: jqes-250.pdf plain text: jqes-250.txt item: #128 of 544 id: jqes-251 author: Abdul Ameer, Maher title: NUMERICAL COMPARISON OF TRANSIENT FLOW FOR SIMPLE PIPELINE SYSTEMS USING TIME DOMAIN AND FERQUENCY DOMAIN METHOD date: 2017-10-04 words: 4898 flesch: 56 summary: THEORETICAL ANALYSIS 1-Time Domain Method The application of time domain methods to one-dimensional fluid flow normally consists of the following three components. In fact, pipes are often characterized by their “pressure ratings” that define their mechanical strength and have a significant influence on their cost (Boulos, 2004).Transient regimes in water distribution systems are inevitable and will normally be most severe at pump stations and control valves, high elevation areas, locations with low static pressures, and remote locations that are distanced from overhead storage (Friedman 2003). keywords: domain; engineering; flow; method; pipe; pressure; sciences; system; time; transient; vol cache: jqes-251.pdf plain text: jqes-251.txt item: #129 of 544 id: jqes-252 author: A. Hosain, Tahseen; H. Salman, Hassan title: TIRE RECYCLING AS A TOOL FOR MANUFACTURING RUBBER COUPLER date: 2017-10-04 words: 4087 flesch: 91 summary: = = 7.07 * N / m2 N/m2 106 * 3.82.هي وااللياف المطاط من المركبة المواد من لطبقة G القص لثابت التجربية القيم ومن saad.2006 :هي القارن في استعمالها ينبغي التي الشرائح عدد فأن ǹ = = 1.845 د   من مرة) 1000-100( ب اكبر لأللياف يونك معامل فان وااللياف المطاط من المركبة المواد من كثير في   :يلي كما )1 keywords: إلى; اإلطارات; استخدام; التي; الثاني; الخامس; الشكل; الطاقة; العدد; العدد الخامس; القادسيه; القارن; القص; المجلد; المجلد الهندسيه; المستعملة; المطاط; الهندسيه; بين; تدوير; تصميم; حسين; حيث; خالل; رقم; طبقات; طبقة; على; علي; قارن; لسنة; للعلوم; للعلوم القادسيه; مجلة; مطاطي; معامل; هذه; يمكن cache: jqes-252.pdf plain text: jqes-252.txt item: #130 of 544 id: jqes-253 author: Muhseen Jassem, Abed AL–Abass title: PRACTICAL STUDY TO IMPROVE ELECTRICAL ILLUMINATION SYSTEM IN KUFA DERMAL INDUSTRIAL FACTORY USING MODERN ILLUMINATION date: 2017-10-04 words: 2039 flesch: 90 summary: منهايوضح المصادر الضوئية ومقدار الفيض الضوئي 2 رقم الجدول تحدد من خالل ) من العمل وهو بحدود لإلضاءة المطلوب لهذا الن 2012 لسنة 77-68 الثاني، العدد الخامس، المجلد الهندسيه، للعلوم القادسيه مجلة   71  دراسة موقعيه حول تحسين نظام اإلنارة في معمل الصناعات الجلدية في الكوفة باستخدام بدائل اإلضاءة الحديثة سطح الماكنة عن ) keywords: illumination; اإلضاءة; اإلنارة; التي; الثاني; الخامس; الضوئي; الطاقة; العدد; العدد الخامس; القادسيه; الكهربائية; المجلد; المجلد الهندسيه; الهندسيه; رقم; على; لسنة; للعلوم; مجلة; نظام cache: jqes-253.pdf plain text: jqes-253.txt item: #131 of 544 id: jqes-254 author: Hassan Hadi, Ahmed title: SECRET MESSAGE ENCODED BY EBCDIC IN MULTIPLE DCT FOR TWO COVERS date: 2017-10-05 words: 2145 flesch: 63 summary: 2. Read two images: internal image with size (64×64) pixels, and external image with size(512×512) pixels. 5. Distribute each bit of EBCDIC message into coefficients of DCT for internal image ( multiply 1 or 0 according to bit by each last (4×4) coefficients). keywords: dct; ebcdic; image; message; vol cache: jqes-254.pdf plain text: jqes-254.txt item: #132 of 544 id: jqes-255 author: F. Jasim, Israa title: IMPROVEMENT OF TRAFFIC CAPACITY FOR AL-MUSTAINSIRIYAH INTERSECTION IN BAGHDAD CITY date: 2017-10-05 words: 4866 flesch: 58 summary: 1- Traffic data collection which include the counting of traffic volume for each traffic stream with classification of vehicle, IMPROVEMENT OF TRAFFIC CAPACITY FOR AL-MUSTAINSIRIYAH INTERSECTION IN BAGHDAD CITY 532 Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 3, 235-252, Year 2012 DATA COLLECTION 1-Traffic Volume Counting of traffic volumes classified by movements and vehicle composition were conducted manually for the four approaches in an average four week days, good weather conditions in January, 2007. keywords: deen; deen al; hili; intersection; safie; street; traffic; year cache: jqes-255.pdf plain text: jqes-255.txt item: #133 of 544 id: jqes-256 author: Miri Hamzah, Hayder title: PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF CDMA POWER CONTROL ALGORTHIMS date: 2017-10-05 words: 4012 flesch: 59 summary: In CDMA systems power control insures distribution of resources among users. ABSTRACT It is well known that power control plays a very important role in CDMA cellular system when mobile subscriber moves in the cell, especially when very close to the border; the realization of power control is practically based on the result of the detection of signal power. keywords: base; cdma; cell; cir; control; mobile; power; station; system cache: jqes-256.pdf plain text: jqes-256.txt item: #134 of 544 id: jqes-257 author: Abdual Hassan Saleh, Nathera title: FREE VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF SQUARED SIMPLY SUPPORTED PLATES CONTAINING VARIOUS CRACK CONFIGURATIONS date: 2017-10-05 words: 4710 flesch: 57 summary: In the cases of cracked plates firstly the eigenvalue vibration analysis is performed then the relevant values of frequency parameter for cracked plate (kcracked) are determined in each case. So, Figures 8 and 11 show the first five vibration mode shapes for uncracked plate as well as only for cracked plates characterized by c/a=0.5 , x/a=0.3,0.4,0.5 and ϴ=0 o ,45 o of internally cracked plate, c/a=0.5 , x/a=0.1,0.3,0.5 and ϴ=45 o , 90 o of edge cracked plate and c/a=0.5, ϴ=15 o ,45 o of corner cracked plate respectively. keywords: crack; element; frequency; length; mode; orientation; parameters; plates; vibration cache: jqes-257.pdf plain text: jqes-257.txt item: #135 of 544 id: jqes-258 author: M. Hannun, Rafid title: MODELING OF TWO DIFFERENT TYPES OF WIND TURBINES date: 2017-10-05 words: 4390 flesch: 59 summary: al., 2009) presented an exploration of a Savonius rotor (S-rotor) wind turbine adapted for household/domestic electricity generation. (Stiesdal, 1999) showed many components of wind turbines, the aerodynamics of the wind turbine, the transmission system, the generator and control and safety systems. keywords: air; axis; engineering; figure; horizontal; journal; power; rotor; sciences; turbine; velocity; wind cache: jqes-258.pdf plain text: jqes-258.txt item: #136 of 544 id: jqes-259 author: J. Yaseen, Sana title: THEORETICAL STUDY OF TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION AND HEAT FLUX VARIATION IN TURNING PROCESS date: 2017-10-05 words: 5806 flesch: 55 summary: Cutting tool temperatures in interrupted cutting, The effect of feed-direction modulation. Investigation of the effect of rake angle and pproaching angle on main cutting force and tool tip temperature. keywords: angle; cutting; distribution; feed; flux; heat; interface; journal; piece; rake; speed; temperature; tool; work cache: jqes-259.pdf plain text: jqes-259.txt item: #137 of 544 id: jqes-26 author: A. Jazie Al-Khaledy, Ali title: HIGH PERFORMANCE AND LOW POLLUTANT EMISSIONS FROM A TREATED DIESEL FUEL USING A MAGNETIC FIELD date: 2017-07-15 words: 5401 flesch: 53 summary: The process of exposing fuel to electric or magnetic fields subsequent to carburetion or fuel injection and just prior to combustion, has been verified to enhance the combustion process thereby increasing the exposure of fuel molecules (that are normally contained within the inner regions of fuel clusters) In the combustion of hydrocarbon fuel there was needing to lower the volume of unburned gases and pollutant emissions and increase combustion efficiency. keywords: carbon; combustion; diesel; diesel fuel; efficiency; emissions; engineering; field; fuel; gas; hydrogen; oxygen; temperature; unit cache: jqes-26.pdf plain text: jqes-26.txt item: #138 of 544 id: jqes-260 author: Shakir Baqir, Ali title: PARAMETRIC STUDY ON A PREDICTION THE DRAG COEFFICIENT FOR A SINGLE GROWING BUBBLE IN UNIFORMLY SUPERHEATED PURE LIQUIDS date: 2017-10-05 words: 3090 flesch: 53 summary: They also found that the interface resistance at the vapor-liquid interface has no significant factor on bubble growth. G. Hetsroni et al., Bubble growth in saturated pool boiling in water and surfactant solution, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 32 (2006) 159–182 Kendoush, A.A.(2005), The drag force on a growing bubble, The 11th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal – Hydraulics (NURETH -11), Popes' Place Conference Center, Avignon, France, October 2-6. Koichi Asano ,Mass Transfer. keywords: bubble; coefficient; drag; growth; heat; number; time; vol cache: jqes-260.pdf plain text: jqes-260.txt item: #139 of 544 id: jqes-263 author: Abdulmuttaleb Ali khan, Hussein title: FACTORS AFFECTING DUST FORMATION IN INDUSTRIAL ZONE AT AL-NAJAF AL-ASHRAF CITY date: 2017-10-05 words: 4777 flesch: 97 summary: ة ال ناعية الواقعة على والمنط ة الرانية الواقعة معمل احلبسة الجاهز ،هو وتستخد كمخازن، أما ال ناعة الوحيد فيها تولد الغبار المتساقط في المنطقة الصناعية في مدينة النجف األشرف فيالعوامل المؤثرة 2102لسنة 49-87لهندسيه، المجلد الخامس، العدد الثالث، مجلة القادسيه للعلوم ا 70 وقد خ ت ،ك 2855ة المهنية في ت مين بيقة العملت ،أبو العال، مجدي إبراهي ، تالسالمة keywords: أعلى; أما; إلى; األشرف; الثالث; الخامس; الرياأ; الصناعية; العدد; الغبار; القادسيه; القادسيه للعلوم; المؤثرة; المتساقط; المجلد; المدينة; المطلب; المنطقة; النجف; الهندسيه; الهوار; تشرين; تولد; حسين; حيث; خان; شهر; عبد; عدن; على; علي; فففي; فيالعوامل; كانت; كانون; كمية; للعلوم; مجلة; مجلة القادسيه; مدينة; مففن; مليون; ناعة; نيسان; هذا cache: jqes-263.pdf plain text: jqes-263.txt item: #140 of 544 id: jqes-265 author: Nemaa Hawaas, Malik; Rasheed Mohameed, Bushra; Hamody Mosa, Nawal title: APPLICATION OF THE PROTECTIVE WAYS ON THE ELECTRO CHEMICAL CORROSION RESISTANCE FOR HIGH CARBON STEEL CK80 date: 2017-10-05 words: 2668 flesch: 93 summary: ،0222( )5515،دليل الطالء الكهربائي للمعادن ) التآكلتأثيره على معدل Lowen Heim (Lowen ،8721)قام الباحث البحوث دراسة تاثير عملية الطالء على مقاومة التاكل اذ وكذلك واستخدم طريقة المجهاد الساكن في االختبار. تؤثر على معدل العديد من الهناك .كل keywords: corrosion; steel; التآكل; الثالث; الحماية; الخامس; الطالء; العينات; القادسيه; الكاثودية; الكربون; الكهربائي; المجلد; المعدن; الوسط; اما; تطبيق; حيث; طرق; عالي; على; عملية; عينات; للعلوم; معدل; مقاومة cache: jqes-265.pdf plain text: jqes-265.txt item: #141 of 544 id: jqes-266 author: A. Hassan, Mahmoud title: PHYSICALAND THERMAL PROPERTIES OF FIBER(S-TYPE)- REINFORCED COMPOSITEARALDITE RESIN (GY 260) date: 2017-10-06 words: 1980 flesch: 55 summary: Typically, reinforcing materials are strong with low densities while the matrix is usually a ductile, or tough, material Azhdar studied the impact fracture toughness of fiber reinforced epoxy resin keywords: composite; fibers; material; percentage; resin; strength cache: jqes-266.pdf plain text: jqes-266.txt item: #142 of 544 id: jqes-267 author: Khalaf Jarulla, Basim; Kadhum Abboud, Izz; Ibrahim khalil, Wail title: DUAL BAND MICROSTRIP ANTENNA WITH SLIT LOAD DESIGN FOR WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORK APPLICATION date: 2017-10-06 words: 2352 flesch: 67 summary: Microstrip antennas can be divided into two basic types by structure, namely microstrip patch antenna and microstrip slot antenna. 2.2-Rectangular Patch with Slits:- By embedding suitable slots in the radiating patch, compact operation of microstrip antennas can be obtained. keywords: antenna; band; design; engineering; frequency; ieee; microstrip; patch cache: jqes-267.pdf plain text: jqes-267.txt item: #143 of 544 id: jqes-268 author: Hameed Jasem, Manal title: STUDY THE EFFECT OF THE VARIATION OF LAYER'S THICKNESS ON THE BENDING CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COMPOSITE BEAM date: 2017-10-06 words: 3085 flesch: 47 summary: at layer thickness (1.5 mm steel + 1.5 mm aluminum) and then the compression stress increases with increase the thickness of steel layer that due to the change in the position of neutral axis of laminated composite beam and that coming from inhomogeneous of the composite beam due to changing the thickness of each layer Percentage Elongation (%) Steel 7.8 200 0.3 415 20 Aluminum 2.71 69 0.33 90 40 Table 2 Variations of layer thickness and some properties of composite beam. keywords: beam; bending; layer; steel; thickness cache: jqes-268.pdf plain text: jqes-268.txt item: #144 of 544 id: jqes-269 author: A. Nasir, Hassan title: AN IMPROVED WINDOW BLOCK CORRELATION ALGORITHM FOR CODE TRACKING IN W-CDMA date: 2017-10-06 words: 2983 flesch: 59 summary:                Nn n nn tAtAth 1 0  (5) keywords: algorithm; cdma; code; tracking; vol cache: jqes-269.pdf plain text: jqes-269.txt item: #145 of 544 id: jqes-270 author: Kamil Abid Muslim, Farah; L. Esmail, Essam title: COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN OF RIVETS FOR STEAM BOILER SHELLS date: 2017-10-06 words: 3840 flesch: 61 summary: The user starts the application by specifying his input data as one of the following (Inner diameter of a boiler, Steam pressure, Tensile stress, Crushing stress, and Shearing stress), by using the database, the results are (thickness of the shell, rivet hole diameter, rivet diameter, thickness of cover plate, Margin, shearing strength of the joint, crushing strength of the joint, tearing strength of plate with holes, tensile strength of plate without holes, and Efficiency). The program is composed of user interface, which is composed in Visual Basic 5.0 with ACCESS database for design rivet, includes the forms for data input and result output procedures. keywords: boiler; design; diameter; engineering; joint; pitch; rivet; strength; vol cache: jqes-270.pdf plain text: jqes-270.txt item: #146 of 544 id: jqes-271 author: F. Jasim, Israa title: COMPARISON BETWEEN MARSHALL AND SUPERPAVE MIXTURES DESIGN date: 2017-10-06 words: 3844 flesch: 52 summary: INTRODUCTION Virginia has used the Marshall method of asphalt mix design for many years. ASPHALT CONTENT CALCULATION To calculate the optimum asphalt content, Marshall and Superpave mix designs are followed as stated in the following articles. keywords: asphalt; content; design; engineering; marshall; method; mix; properties; superpave cache: jqes-271.pdf plain text: jqes-271.txt item: #147 of 544 id: jqes-273 author: I. Ahmed, Ahmed title: LABORATORY INVESTIGATION INTO THE IMPACT OF POLYPROPYLENE FIBER CONTENT ON TEMPERATURE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF DENSE GRADED MIXTURES date: 2017-10-06 words: 3876 flesch: 54 summary: The effects of variation in polypropylene fiber content, asphalt cement content, aggregate gradation and testing temperature are evaluated through the results of Marshall Methodology, indirect tensile strength, indirect creep test, and ultrasonic testing. Ahmed I. Ahmed Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 4, 424-438, Year 2012 433 Figure 5 Effect of asphalt cement content and polypropylene content on Marshall properties of dense graded mixtures type (A). keywords: asphalt; content; fiber; mixtures; polypropylene; ppf; type cache: jqes-273.pdf plain text: jqes-273.txt item: #148 of 544 id: jqes-274 author: A. A. Rehman, Hussam title: SOME PROPERTIES OF FIBER REINFORCED NO FINE CONCRETE date: 2017-10-06 words: 3033 flesch: 57 summary: However, fiber reinforced concrete also cracked at ultimate strain, but the section is still capable to carry the load well after the initiation of the first crack .Test results indicated that, the modulus of rupture of (5%) carbon fiber pervious concrete specimens are three times that of the control specimens, while the modulus of rupture of (5%) polypropylene fiber pervious concrete specimens are two times that of the control specimens. 7.3 Splitting Tensile Strength Results of splitting tensile strength of various types of reinforced fiber concrete mixes cured with per lab sheets up to 7 and 28 days are demonstrated in Figure 2. keywords: carbon; concrete; fiber; mixes; properties; strength; tensile cache: jqes-274.pdf plain text: jqes-274.txt item: #149 of 544 id: jqes-275 author: Abdulmuttaleb Ali khan, Hussein title: EVALUATION OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY IN AL KUFA RIVER STATION date: 2017-10-06 words: 4547 flesch: 53 summary: -More studies on the relationships between air pollution from industrial and traffic sources, and trace elements concentration within river water and sediment. -Conduct more studies on the relationships between different types of pollutants and human and animal health. The principal reason for monitoring water quality has been, traditionally, the need to verify whether the observed water quality is suitable for intended uses. keywords: al kufa; engineering; kufa; quality; river; station; table; turbidity; water; water quality cache: jqes-275.pdf plain text: jqes-275.txt item: #150 of 544 id: jqes-276 author: Adil Mutlag, Salam title: EFFECT OF BINDER LAYER PROPERTIES ON FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT IN IRAQ date: 2017-10-06 words: 3077 flesch: 56 summary: εc: vertical compressive strain, at the top of sub-grade 2-3-INVESTIGATED PAVEMENT CROSS SECTIONS A typical cross section consists of wearing layer thickness (1.58-in) with elasticity modulus (380,000 psi), binder layer thickness (3.15-in) with elasticity modulus (330,000 psi), base layer thickness (7.09-in) with elasticity modulus (230,000 psi), and sub base layer thickness (15.75-in) with elasticity modulus (16,000 psi), resting on sub grade with elasticity modulus (7,000 psi) is considered a section with reference components. In this paper, the control on the properties of binder layer at the expense of wearing layer to achieve better balance between the damage ratio compared to the most design life are adopted. keywords: binder; effect; layer; thickness cache: jqes-276.pdf plain text: jqes-276.txt item: #151 of 544 id: jqes-277 author: H.rafesh, Abdulhussain title: Study the effect of corrosion on fatigue strength of alloy steel (CK45) using in crank shaft under shot peening processes date: 2017-10-06 words: 499 flesch: 70 summary: 2012 لسنة 114-106 ،رابعال العدد الخامس، المجلد الھندسیھ، للعلوم القادسیھ مجلة 106 Study the effect of corrosion on fatigue strength of alloy steel (CK45) using in crank shaft under shot peening processes Dr.Abdulhussain H.rafesh Lecturer Institute of technology –Baghdad ABSTRACT 2- Dugdale , D. S ,Corrosion fatigue of sharply notched steel specimens” , Metallurgica ,pp, 27-28 , Jan , 1972. keywords: العدد الخامس; رابعال العدد cache: jqes-277.pdf plain text: jqes-277.txt item: #152 of 544 id: jqes-28 author: M. Husain, Husain; A. Alwash, Nameer; K. Ammash, Haider title: LARGE DISPLACEMENT ELASTIC-PLASTIC ANALYSIS OF LAMINATED COMPOSITE PLATES UNDER IN-PLANE COMPRESSIVE LOADS date: 2017-07-15 words: 8988 flesch: 60 summary: Effect of fiber’s orientation angle To study the effect of fiber’s orientation angle on the large displacement elastic-plastic analysis of laminated composite plates under in-plane compressive load, a square simply supported laminated plate with two layers was analyzed. Keyword: Large Displacement, elastic-plastic analysis, finite element method, composite plate, in-plane compressive loads. حمل ضغط في تأثيراللدن للصفائح غير متماثلة الخواص تحت- keywords: composite; fiber; load; order; plate; shear; ∂ =; ∂ ∂; ∂ ⎥; ⎢ ⎢; ⎢ ⎣; ⎤ ⎢; ⎥ ⎥; ⎥ ⎦; ⎪ ⎪ cache: jqes-28.pdf plain text: jqes-28.txt item: #153 of 544 id: jqes-280 author: Yahya Othman, Nariman title: DEVELOPING EXPERT SYSTEM FOR OPERATING HADITHA DAM date: 2017-10-09 words: 8445 flesch: 65 summary: Expert system has many applications in the field of water engineering such as construction, design, planning, operation and maintenance of hydraulic structures. It is found that using the developed Expert System for operating Haditha dam monthly and daily was very efficient where randomly the measured average monthly water levels for (10/1991) and (9/2011) were (136.95 and 135.72, respectively) while the calculated by the program (136.80 and 135.59, respectively) were the results calculated showed that the difference between the calculated water levels and the measured water levels was as average (15 cm) which means that the development of expert system is correct. keywords: dam; engineering; expert system; haditha; level; m.a.s.l; minimum; operating; operation; power; reservoir; storage; system; water; water level; year cache: jqes-280.pdf plain text: jqes-280.txt item: #154 of 544 id: jqes-281 author: Sumoom Daghal, Asaad title: DATA COMPRESSION FOR DNA SEQUENCE date: 2017-10-09 words: 3300 flesch: 75 summary: Biologists are producing huge volumes of DNA sequences every day that makes genome sequence database growing exponentially. The databases such as Gen-Bank represent millions of DNA sequences filling many thousands of gigabytes computer storage capacity. keywords: code; compression; dna; sequence cache: jqes-281.pdf plain text: jqes-281.txt item: #155 of 544 id: jqes-282 author: Fadhil Naser, Ali title: THREE-DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS OF GIRDER CROSS-SECTION SHAPES EFFECTS ON STATIC PROPERTIES OF BRIDGES MODELS date: 2017-10-11 words: 4277 flesch: 61 summary: However, for analysis and design, box girder bridges are very complex due to its three dimensional behaviors that consist of torsion, distortion and bending in longitudinal and transverse directions. Abstract: The aim of this study is to select the suitable shape of girder cross section that is used in the design of bridges structure, and to evaluate the effect of cross section shape of bridges girders on the static properties such as vertical displacement, vertical shear force, bending moment, tension stress and compressive stresses. keywords: box; bridge; girder; journal; load; model; qadisiyah; shape cache: jqes-282.pdf plain text: jqes-282.txt item: #156 of 544 id: jqes-283 author: S. Mahdi, Baha; Fawzi Mohammed, Neam title: INVESTIGATION ON THE MECHANICAL AND METALLURGICAL PROPERTIES OF THE BRAZED ALUMINUM JOINTS USING DIFFERENT AL-SI FILLER ALLOYS AND CLEARANCE APPROACHING date: 2017-10-11 words: 3766 flesch: 61 summary: Brazing filler metal is metal or else alloys that must have a melting temperatures AL-QADISIYAH JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 10 , No. 3 ISSN: 1998-4456 Page 260 Abstract: The aim of this work is to study the effect of filler metal alloy, on the metallurgical aspects of diffusion rate and mechanical properties of the brazing joint using two types of Silicon-Aluminum filler metal alloys on the commercially aluminum base metal. keywords: alloy; brazing; figure; filler; joint; journal; metal; qadisiyah journal; tensile cache: jqes-283.pdf plain text: jqes-283.txt item: #157 of 544 id: jqes-284 author: Ibrahim ALI, Inaam title: OPTIMAL CAPACITOR PLACEMENT TO REDUCE ACTIVE POWER LOSSES AND HARMONIC IN UNBALANCE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM date: 2017-10-11 words: 3642 flesch: 55 summary: The values of the harmonic contents are listed in Table (6) below for the effect electric arc furnace on Feeder_5 for Al_ JIHAD distribution network and the measured maximum total harmonic voltage distortion (THVD %) on phase A, B and C respectively before and after optimal capacitor placement in a proper location and sizing of Feeder_5 in Al_ JIHAD distribution network comparison with IEEE-519 standard 519- 1992 limits. To implement the proposed method on an actual distribution network in Baghdad city the chosen network was Al_ JIHAD distribution network. keywords: distribution; harmonic; journal; network; qadisiyah; voltage cache: jqes-284.pdf plain text: jqes-284.txt item: #158 of 544 id: jqes-285 author: Ali Kadhim Alzaidi, Zaid title: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY FOR BEHAVIOR OF (WASTE CONCRETE FILLED STEEL TUBULER) COLUMNS SUBJECTED TO A STATIC AXIAL LOADS date: 2017-10-12 words: 2136 flesch: 63 summary: Nie J., Wang Y., and Fan J. Experimental Study on seismic behavior of concrete filled steel tube columns under pure torsion and compression–torsion cyclic load. The load - deflection curves for square waste filled steel tube columns and circular waste concrete filled steel tube columns are explained in the figure 4 and figure 5 shown below. keywords: columns; concrete; journal; steel; waste cache: jqes-285.pdf plain text: jqes-285.txt item: #159 of 544 id: jqes-286 author: Badr Ghailan, Dhia title: SEGREGATION OF CONCRETE OF DIFFERENT TYPES date: 2017-10-12 words: 2429 flesch: 63 summary: Four types of aggregates (rounded gravel, crushed gravel, 10mm maximum size crushed gravel and porcelain aggregate) were used to study their effect on segregation of free falling concrete from different height. Using some techniques like chutes or making openings in forms may reduce free falling effect, but the use of these techniques unnecessarily may increase coast without improving quality. keywords: concrete; falling; journal; qadisiyah cache: jqes-286.pdf plain text: jqes-286.txt item: #160 of 544 id: jqes-287 author: S. Al-Yassri, Labeeb; Y. Ali, Ammar; M. AL-Khafaji, Mohammed title: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION FOR THE BEHAVIOR OF HOLLOW CORE CONCRETE SLAB REINFORCED WITH HYBRID REINFORCEMENT date: 2017-10-12 words: 3127 flesch: 58 summary: 4. Rizkalla, S.H. and Nanni, A., Field applications of FRP reinforcement: case studies, American Concrete Institute (ACI) special publication SP-215; 2003 5. Codrut, F.S., Tamas, N. G., Valeriu, S., Dan, D. Strengthening of hollow core precast slabs using FRP composite materials – procedure, testing and rating Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Sustainability in Science Engineering, pp. Steel Bar Tensile test of steel reinforcement was carried out on (ø 6mm) hot rolled, deformed, mild steel bars employed as tension reinforcement for both, flexure and shear. keywords: bars; cfrp; concrete; journal; load; qadisiyah; reinforcement cache: jqes-287.pdf plain text: jqes-287.txt item: #161 of 544 id: jqes-288 author: Abbas Jumaa, Fadhel title: ANALYZATION THE ACCEPTED AND REJECTEDDISTURBANCES BY USING VSS TECHNIQUES date: 2017-10-14 words: 2125 flesch: 46 summary: In what follows the disturbances rejection capability of variable structure control system VSS designed according to minimizing certain control area criterion will be analyzed whether the switching circuit designed with respect to certain reference control input responds adequately with respect to certain disturbance input or not [Young, K.S, 2009]. In this system best responses are achieve by noting many information and factors like steady state error (S.S.E), order of control system, type of switching and also notes the logarithmic structure for VSS voltages in case of input reference sources model to get best performance. keywords: control; disturbance; error; reference; structure; switching; system; vss cache: jqes-288.pdf plain text: jqes-288.txt item: #162 of 544 id: jqes-289 author: Mohammed Abdul-Aziz, Huda; yousif Yakoub, Laith; Kawaf Jaber, Abdullh title: CORROSION RESISTANCE OF TEMPERED HEAT TREATED CARBON STEEL CK45 IN SEA WATER AT DIFFERENT VELOCITIES date: 2017-10-14 words: 2662 flesch: 52 summary: A linear data fitting of the standard model gives an estimate of the polarization resistance, which used to calculate the corrosion current density (lcorr) and corrosion rate. Figure 3 shows the relationship between the cathode and anodic behavior after polarization test, the corrosion results are shown in Table 3 we see an increasing in corrosion rate of all specimens group at velocity (1m/min) this is because the ferrite which combined with the dissolved oxygen in sea water causes iron oxide which known as rust while this rate decreased as the velocity increased to (2 and 3) m/min, this is because the movement of the liquid prevents the formation of deposits and ions gathering on cathode pole where corrosion can easily develop [6]. keywords: carbon; cooling; corrosion; heat; min; rate; resistance; specimens; steel; water cache: jqes-289.pdf plain text: jqes-289.txt item: #163 of 544 id: jqes-291 author: Hamad Abed, Aseel title: DETERMINATION OF THE OPTIMAL SPRING- BACK PARAMETERS USING TAGUCHI METHOD date: 2017-10-14 words: 3068 flesch: 58 summary: The bending process were done on Instron device ,the optimum combination of process parameters has been found through analysis of main effect of spring back value (αs) and Signal-to-Noise S/N ratio, and the significant parameter was identified depending on ANOVA analyses. Mpa 130 Mpa 137 Mpa Ultimate Tensile Strength 131 Mpa 142 Mpa 143 Mpa % Elongation 6.2 % 3.8% 4.5% Table 3 Level of process parameters Level Symbol Factor 1 2 3 A Rolling direction in degree 0 45 90 B Punch speed (mm/min) 5 50 500 keywords: bending; design; journal; method; parameters; process; spring; table; taguchi; time cache: jqes-291.pdf plain text: jqes-291.txt item: #164 of 544 id: jqes-292 author: Mohammed Mahan, Hanaa title: BEHAVIOR OF PERMANENT DEFORMATION IN ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENTS UNDER TEMPERATURE VARIATION date: 2017-10-14 words: 4564 flesch: 50 summary: Other assumptions about the accumulation of permanent deformation in Texas pavements included the following: 1) Permanent deformation occurs daily over the time interval from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; 2) Permanent deformation occurs only in the period from April to October, inclusive; and 3) Permanent deformation can be ignored at temperatures below 50 °F. Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 1, Year 2013 26 Eisemann and Hilmar studied asphalt pavement deformation phenomenon using wheel tracking device and measuring the average rut depth as well as the volume of displaced materials below the tires and in the upheaval zones adjacent to them. keywords: asphalt; concrete; creep; deformation; mix; pavement; rutting; strain; stress; temperature; test cache: jqes-292.pdf plain text: jqes-292.txt item: #165 of 544 id: jqes-293 author: Jassam Mohamed, Mohamed title: EFFECT OF CURING METHOD AND INSOLUBLE RESIDUE IN CEMENT ON THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR date: 2017-10-15 words: 2789 flesch: 67 summary: In a specific condition, curing duration to achieve an adequate hydration of Portland cement mortars and concretes depends EFFECT OF CURING METHOD AND INSOLUBLE RESIDUE IN CEMENT ON THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR 47 mainly on the chemical and mineralogical compositions. The results showed that the higher percentage of insoluble residue to 8.13% in cement mortar gives the lower the compressive strength by 12% of the control mortar compressive strength at 1 day .Although of this reduction of strength, it was found that the compressive strength was still higher than the limits given by ASTM ,BS and Iraqi standards. keywords: cement; compressive; curing; days; mortar; residue; strength cache: jqes-293.pdf plain text: jqes-293.txt item: #166 of 544 id: jqes-294 author: L. Esmail, Essam title: NOMOGRAPHS AND FEASIBILITY GRAPHS FOR ENUMERATION OF RAVIGNEAUX-TYPE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS date: 2017-10-15 words: 5836 flesch: 60 summary: [20] N. Hattori, T. Oshidari, Y. Morimono, Application of a new complex planetary gear set to five- speed automatic transmission gear train, Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan 26 (1) (1995) Unfortunately, two-DOF eight- link Ravigneaux gear trains have been developed as four-velocity automatic transmission keywords: clutching; design; feasibility; figure; gear; link; ravigneaux; ravigneaux gear; sequences; train; transmissions; velocity cache: jqes-294.pdf plain text: jqes-294.txt item: #167 of 544 id: jqes-295 author: A. Hassan, Mahmoud title: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYSTYRENE RESIN REINFORCED BY ARAMID FIBERS date: 2017-10-15 words: 1306 flesch: 87 summary: لقد شملت هذه الخواص كل من مقاومة الصدمة ومقاومة الشد حيث تم في البداية إستخراج الخواص لياف حيث تم تقوية الراتنج بنس وننية مختلةة من الميكانيكية لراتنج البولي ستايرين قبل وبعد التقوية باأل و دراسة تأثير ذلك على الخواص المذكورة. ا % الكلمات الدالة: المادة المركبة ، الخواص الميكانيكية ، راتنج البولي ستايرين ، ألياف األرمايد . keywords: aramid; fibers; properties; البولي; التقوية; الخواص; الشد; الصدمة; المادة; الميكانيكية; باأللياف; ستايرين; لراتنج; مقاومة; هذه cache: jqes-295.pdf plain text: jqes-295.txt item: #168 of 544 id: jqes-296 author: Jaleel Ahmad, Ameera title: LEGIBILITY OF AL-KIFL HISTORICAL CITY ENVIRONMENT URBAN date: 2017-10-15 words: 6965 flesch: 94 summary: -الشواخص والنصب التي تتذكرها من المدينة................. (رية للمتلقيتغييرالخصائص التركيبية للنظام الفضائي بوضوحية البيئة الحض من -:)منهج بنوي -اعتمدت keywords: -ولاال; city; environment; إلى; اإلنسان; اثر; اشر; البحث; البيئة; التاريخية; التركيبية; التكامل; التي; الحضرية; الدالة; الدراسات; الذهنية; السيطرة; الشمولية; الصورة; العالقة; العدد; الفضاءات; الفضائي; القادسيه; القديمة; الكفل; المجلد; المدينة; المواضع; الموضعية; النظام; الهندسيه; الوضوحية; الى; بالنسبة; بعالمة; بين; تحليلية; حول; خاصية; خالل; خصائص; دراسة; درجة; ذات; س،داسال; على; غيرالخصائص; كما; لسنة; للتنظيم; للعلوم; للمتلقي; مجلة; مفهوم; نواة; هذه; واقع; وتحديد; وضوحية cache: jqes-296.pdf plain text: jqes-296.txt item: #169 of 544 id: jqes-297 author: T. Abdulsadda, Ahmad title: Neural Dynamic Programming for Optimal Control of Large Genetic Regulatory Networks date: 2017-10-16 words: 3912 flesch: 55 summary: GSP contains different methodology involving detection, prediction, classification, control, statistical, and dynamical modeling of gene networks. [4] Shmulevich, I., Dougherty, E.R., Kim, S., and Zhang, W.: 'Probabilistic Boolean networks: a rule-based uncertainty model for gene regulatory networks', Bioinformatics, 2002, 18, (2), pp. keywords: action; control; critic; dynamic; engineering; gene; intervention; networks; optimal; programming; state; vol cache: jqes-297.pdf plain text: jqes-297.txt item: #170 of 544 id: jqes-298 author: E. Ali Al-Saffar, Angham; Zghair Jaber Al-Joboury, Ahmed title: IDENTIFYING FACTORS AFFECTING WATER RESOURCES OF IRAQ BY APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY IN DATABASES date: 2017-10-16 words: 4905 flesch: 52 summary: Abstract: This study is concerning in recognizing and defining the factors affected on water resources in Iraq, by application of knowledge discovery in database (KDD) techniques, KDD is a useful technique to discover the underlying concepts and unusual knowledge and that were not previously known from databases through a systematic process. Many factors are detected which have an impact on water resources in Iraq. keywords: data; demand; engineering; factors; figure; iraq; journal; qadisiyah; qadisiyah journal; water cache: jqes-298.pdf plain text: jqes-298.txt item: #171 of 544 id: jqes-299 author: y. mohammed, ahmed title: EFFECT OF BED ROUGHNESS DISTRIBUTION AND CHANNEL SLOPE ON RECTANGULAR FREE OVERFALL date: 2017-10-16 words: 2623 flesch: 65 summary: The purpose of this study is to experimentally investigate, the effect of bed roughness distribution and channel bed slope on the brink depth at horizontal bed slope, 1/100 and 1/200 slopes .The results obtained are presented to fined discharge equations for free overfall depending on brink depth as well as slope. CONCLUSIONS: In this study the effect of bed roughness distribution and channel bed slope were studied in a rectangular free overfall, the relation between critical and brink depth eqs. keywords: bed; channel; depth; discharge; overfall; roughness; rows; slope cache: jqes-299.pdf plain text: jqes-299.txt item: #172 of 544 id: jqes-30 author: K. Al- ansari, Yassar title: Parameters and the Rate of Soot Emitted from Diesel Engine date: 2017-07-15 words: 3677 flesch: 96 summary: ال متغيرة في أنجاز البحث حيث تم قياس كتل مختلفة من السناج المنبعث المنبعث من العادم مع تغير الحمل على المحرك ٢٠٠٩ ١ العدد ٢ الد جملة القادسية للعلوم اهلندسية ٣٢ تقريبا يكون اقل حيث تساعد هذه الدرجة الحرارية مع توفر كمية اوكسجين قليلة ) keywords: engine; mass; rate; soot; االحمال; استهالك; الحمل; الديزل; السناج; العادم; العالية; العدد; القادسية; المحرك; المنبعث; الهواء; الوقود; الى; اهلندسية; حرارة; درجة; على; عند; قياس; كتلة; للعلوم; معدل; يوضح; ٢٠٠٩ cache: jqes-30.pdf plain text: jqes-30.txt item: #173 of 544 id: jqes-300 author: Jawad Hassan Alwash, Jinan title: SELF COMPACTING CONCRETE INCORPORATING RICE HUSK ASH AND METAKAOLIN date: 2017-10-16 words: 4876 flesch: 67 summary: Table (1): Chemical composition of the cement Limits of Iraqi specification IQS No.5/1984 % by weight Oxides ------ 62.05 CaO ----- 21.36 SiO2 ----- 5.68 Al2O3 ----- 3.52 Fe2O3 =5% < 3.25 MgO < = 2.5 if C3A< 5% < Test results Physical properties Specific gravity G 2.65 ــــ ≤ 0.1% 0.07 Sulfate content as SO3 Absorption %0.5 ــــ ≤ 3% 0.0% Fine materials Table (5 ):Technical description of the super plasticizer Brown liquid Color 2C˚ approximate - Freezing point 1.18kg/l @ keywords: cement; concrete; days; engineering; journal; properties; replacement; rha; rice; scc; strength; table; test cache: jqes-300.pdf plain text: jqes-300.txt item: #174 of 544 id: jqes-301 author: D. Salman, Mohammed; I. Hasan, Mushtaq; J. Abid, Haider title: FABRICATION OF MO NANORODS ON SILICON WAFER USING GLANCING ANGLE DEPOSITION TECHNIQUE date: 2017-10-16 words: 2777 flesch: 56 summary: Figure (5) presented contact angle measurement of conventional flat Teflon thin film deposited on Si wafer, Mo thin film deposited on Si substrate and Mo nanorods with normal incidented deposited Teflon film. Figure (4) shows the SEM images of Teflon thin film deposited on Si and the composite structure Mo nanorods with Teflon tips which are deposited using the RF sputtering technique at normal incident times of 5 min. keywords: angle; deposition; engineering; film; glancing; nanorods; substrate; surface; teflon cache: jqes-301.pdf plain text: jqes-301.txt item: #175 of 544 id: jqes-302 author: Abdulsattar Hasan, Suhad title: ANALYSIS OF PILED-RAFT FOUNDATIONS FOR BURJ AL-AMIR IN A NAJAF CITY USING FINITE ELEMENT METHOD date: 2017-10-16 words: 3697 flesch: 71 summary: 6.No 2 Year 2013 851 0 50 100 150 200 250 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pile Spacing (xd) M a x im u m S e tt le m e n t (m m ) 10 MN/m2 20 MN/m2 30 MN/m2 Figure (5): shows the relation between the maximum settlement at center of pile raft with pile spacing. Figure (8): shows the relation between the maximum settlement at center of pile raft with no. of pile. 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pile Spacing (xd) M a x im u m M o m e n t (k N m /m ) 10 MN/m2 20 MN/m2 30 MN/m2 0 50 100 150 200 250 20 30 40 50 60 M a x . keywords: foundation; maximum; pile; raft; settlement; vol cache: jqes-302.pdf plain text: jqes-302.txt item: #176 of 544 id: jqes-303 author: Hassan Khuder, Abdul Wahab title: ANALYSIS OF STRESS CONCENTRATION AND DEFLECTION IN PLATES UNDER STATIC LOADING date: 2017-10-17 words: 2524 flesch: 69 summary: Group (B) give a higher deflection value for a wide range of (x) as comparing with those of hole specimens group (A). The specimens which have central hole group (A) or side two half hole with the same diameter group (B) give lower deflection than that the plate without hole for the same cross sectional area. keywords: deflection; distance; figure; group; hole; plate; stress cache: jqes-303.pdf plain text: jqes-303.txt item: #177 of 544 id: jqes-304 author: S. Kassim, Muna title: INVESTIGATION THE EFFECT OF THE REACTIVE MUFFLER CONNECTIONS ON NOISE ATTENUATION date: 2017-10-17 words: 3184 flesch: 57 summary: In cylindrical silencers the TL is greater than spherical silencer for the same connections. Also theoretical results show that the transmission losses (TL) for silencers connection in parallel are better during the all range of frequency comparison with the series silencer connections. keywords: connection; figure; noise; parallel; series; silencers; transmission cache: jqes-304.pdf plain text: jqes-304.txt item: #178 of 544 id: jqes-305 author: Muhsen Kseer, Khamaal title: EFFECT OF DOUBLE QUENCHING ON WEAR BEHAVIOR FOR LOW CARBON DUAL PHASE STEEL date: 2017-10-17 words: 3188 flesch: 64 summary: KEY WORDS: dual phase steel, low carbon steel, wear test, double quenching, intercritical heat treatment. Wang Z.B., Tao N.R., Li S., Wang W., Liu G., Lu J., Lu K. Effect of surface nanocrystallization on friction and wear properties in low carbon steel, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 352, pp. keywords: carbon; heat; martensite; phase; steel; temperature; vol; wear cache: jqes-305.pdf plain text: jqes-305.txt item: #179 of 544 id: jqes-306 author: Ali K. N, Mohammed title: FOUR WAVE MIXING NONLINEARITY EFFECT IN WAVELENGTH DIVISION MULTIPLEXING RADIO OVER FIBER SYSTEM date: 2017-10-17 words: 6247 flesch: 56 summary: 6.No 2 Year 2013 205 first-generation of optical fiber communication systems in the early 80’s Takuo Tanemura and Kazuro Kikuchi, “ Unified analysis of modulational instability induced by cross-phase modulation in optical fiber s” Journal of lightwave technology , 20 (12) (2011) 2502- 2513. keywords: channel; fiber; figure; fwm; input; power; simulation; spacing cache: jqes-306.pdf plain text: jqes-306.txt item: #180 of 544 id: jqes-307 author: Obaid Kariem, Nagam title: Effect of changing packing shapes on the evaporation rates using different combination arrangements of dry-wet cooling towers systems date: 2017-10-17 words: 3364 flesch: 60 summary: Experimental procedures In this work, different ways used to reducing the evaporation rate by connection dry with wet cooling towers, and in this work one can show the effects of changing the power of fan and the indirect surface area in dry cooling towers. The performance of cooling tower for wet and dry cooling towers ,evaporation rate for wet cooling tower, air rates for dry cooling tower, surface area of dry cooling tower, cost cooling tower, and water to air flow in wet cooling tower were estimated for each types of corrugated cooling tower and combination of wet-dry cooling tower. keywords: air; arrangements; cooling; cost; dry; engineering; evaporation; sciences; tower; water cache: jqes-307.pdf plain text: jqes-307.txt item: #181 of 544 id: jqes-308 author: M. A. Al-Khekany, Alaa; H. Muteb, Haitham title: EFFECT OF COMPOSITE ACTION OF CONCRETE SLAB ON UNSYMMETRICAL STEEL PLATE GIRDER UNDER COMBINED BENDING AND TORSION MOMENTS date: 2017-10-18 words: 4083 flesch: 54 summary: The used of composite steel plate girder with unsymmetrical flanges will improve its ultimate load capacity of section under combined effect of bending and torsion moments Plates(3a, b and c) showed failure of composite steel plate girder and crack pattern of concrete deck slab of specimens (C.S.W3.BT.P), (C.US1.W3.BT.P) and (C.US2.W3.BT.P), respectively. keywords: composite; concrete; girder; load; plate; qadisiyah; steel cache: jqes-308.pdf plain text: jqes-308.txt item: #182 of 544 id: jqes-31 author: Shakir Abdulla, Hayder title: A Comparison Between Impingement and Horizontal Cooling of Pin-Fin by Using Entropy Generation Method date: 2017-07-15 words: 3954 flesch: 91 summary: اقل من هو األفضل لمجموعة زعانف الزعنفة smU ولسرعة هواء mm85.1العمودي سوف يكون هو األفضل لمجموعة زعانف ذات قطر اقل من a /8.1≤. شكل واء ) keywords: fin; heat; pin; transfer; vol; األفقي; التبريد; الحرارة; الزعانف; العدد; العشوائية; العمودي; القادسية; انتقال; اهلندسية; بين; تولد; حيث; ذات; على; قطر; للعلوم; لمجموعة; معدل; يكون; ٢٠٠٩ cache: jqes-31.pdf plain text: jqes-31.txt item: #183 of 544 id: jqes-310 author: K. Shanbara, Hayder; A. Kifae, Abdulaziz; A. Abass, Riadh title: IMPROVE PERFORMANCE OF ASPHALT CONCRETE OVERLAY BY USING SBR AS MODIFIED date: 2017-10-19 words: 5340 flesch: 61 summary: The beam of asphalt mixture has a length of 500 mm, a width of 100 mm, and a height of 50 mm and it is rested on two concrete blocks. To obtain an asphalt beam with the mentioned dimensions, approximately 5952.5 gm of asphalt mixture is prepared using electrical mixer. keywords: asphalt; content; effect; engineering; journal; marshall; mixtures; properties; qadisiya; sbr; sciences; stiffness; vol; year cache: jqes-310.pdf plain text: jqes-310.txt item: #184 of 544 id: jqes-311 author: Noori Hamzah, Mohsin; Abdulsattar Al-Abadi, Asia title: EFFECT OF CARBON BLACK TYPE ON THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF ELASTOMERIC MATERIAL UNDER DYNAMIC LOADING date: 2017-10-19 words: 4549 flesch: 64 summary: Tensile tests were done with different strain rate, relaxation tests done under different mean strain. The experiment has been repeated with different strain rates for all three blends starting from 10 mm/min then increased to 25, 50,100, 200 and 500 mm/min. AL-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences ,Vol. keywords: black; blend; carbon; engineering; journal; loading; min; qadisiya; rate; rubber; sciences; strain; test; vol cache: jqes-311.pdf plain text: jqes-311.txt item: #185 of 544 id: jqes-312 author: K. K. Ajam, Harith title: UTILIZATION OF SHREDDED TETRA-PAK IN HOT MIX ASPHALT date: 2017-10-19 words: 2242 flesch: 62 summary: The decrease in density within (0.5-1.5)% range of TPA content may be produces because the orientation of the TPA particles which produce more air voids, in other hand the increase in density with (2%) may be effected by the rearrangement of TPA particles and produce denser mix. TPA content the stability start to decrease due to the increase of lack on particle interlock and reach the failure with (3%) TPA content. keywords: asphalt; content; engineering; hma; marshall; materials; mix; tpa; voids; waste cache: jqes-312.pdf plain text: jqes-312.txt item: #186 of 544 id: jqes-313 author: K.M. Al-Masudi, Ruqaya title: ESTIMATION OF DOKAN RESERVOIR RELIABILITY USING STREAM FLOW DATA GENERATION TECHNIQUES date: 2017-10-19 words: 5492 flesch: 64 summary: It can be noted from this figure that the Gould storage estimates varied more than the Behavior estimates which were constant for all cases .However, the Gould estimates based on generated data were considerably less variable than those calculated using historical data. Analysis of the Results Figure (8) shows the effect of the number of years used in the analysis on the estimation of reliability by behavior procedure for the four methods of generation used in this research. keywords: data; year; yield cache: jqes-313.pdf plain text: jqes-313.txt item: #187 of 544 id: jqes-315 author: Y. Kasim, Salim title: AN ACTIVE SELF-TUNING SUSPENION SYSTEM TO IMPROVE DRIVER COMFORT date: 2017-10-19 words: 1852 flesch: 60 summary: Bassam A. AlBassam , Ahmad A. Fayed, and Mohamed M. ElMadany (Optimal linear preview control of slow- active suspension systems) The governing equations of motion for the self- tuning active suspension was derived and used to reduce the effect of disturbances to the dynamics performance of the vehicle, which appear when the vehicle excited by a semi-circular sinusoidal bump road of a (0.1 m) height. keywords: mass; ride; road; sprung; suspension; system; vehicle; vertical cache: jqes-315.pdf plain text: jqes-315.txt item: #188 of 544 id: jqes-317 author: J. Jawad, Helen title: PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION BASED OPTIMUM PID CONTROLLER FOR GOVERNOR SYSTEM OF SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR date: 2017-10-19 words: 4132 flesch: 58 summary: Considering the limitations of the Ziegler-Nichols method and some empirical techniques in raising the performance of PID controller, recently artificial intelligence techniques such as fuzzy logic , fuzzy neural network , and some stochastic search and optimization algorithms such as simulated annealing , genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization approach , immune algorithm , and ant colony optimization have been applied to improve the performances of PID controllers [2]. However, successful applications of PID controllers require the satisfactory tuning of three parameters - which are proportional gain (KP), integral time constant (KI), and derivative time constant (KD) - according to the dynamics of the process. keywords: controller; engineering; frequency; journal; model; pid; power; pso; sciences; system; time; vol cache: jqes-317.pdf plain text: jqes-317.txt item: #189 of 544 id: jqes-318 author: Aziz Ameen, Hani; Hadi Abood, Ahmed; Shallal Thamer, Nabeel title: THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF FRICTION STION STIR WELDING FOR COPPER ALLOY date: 2017-10-19 words: 3150 flesch: 60 summary: Nandan R., Roy G.G. and Debroy T. “ Numerical simulation of three dimensional heat transfer and plastic flow during friction stir welding” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 37A, P. 1247-1269, 2006 Nandan R., Roy G.G. , Lienert T.J. and Debroy T. “ Three dimensional heat and material flow during friction stir welding of mild steel” Acta Materialia, No.55 , P.883-895, 2007. In this paper the investigation is made on friction stir welding process for joining of copper alloy. keywords: copper; engineering; friction; fsw; journal; qadisiya; sciences; stir; tool; vol; welding cache: jqes-318.pdf plain text: jqes-318.txt item: #190 of 544 id: jqes-319 author: Hashim Hammed Al-Eqapy, Ahmed; Hassan Hashim Al-Majedy, Basim; S. Abed El Ahaad, Enas title: The General Frame For Relationship Between Technology , History and its Act on the Identity In Architecture date: 2017-10-19 words: 11819 flesch: 92 summary: التكنولوجيا والحضارة0.1 ان العمل المعماري لكي يكون مترابطاً بزمنه او معاصراً يجب ان يكون جزءاً من النشاط الحضاري القائم في حياة المجتمع اليومية ومتوافقاً مع الدرجة الحاضرة التي وصل اليها االنسان من المعرفة على كل الجبهات ة التي ال يمكن الفصل بينها في التصميم المعماري وفقاً لمقتضيات العقل المحدد لالحداث لخدمة هدف معين.وهنا فالرؤية تحدد هيمنة العقل ى العكس لتكون النتيجة هي خضوع التاريخ لمنطق باطني كامن في على التاريخ في مقابل رؤية اخرى تر الشخصيات التاريخية التي هي ادوات لتحقيق اهداف التاريخ المطلوبة. . keywords: architecture; technology; ااار; ااثمترةر; االختالفي; االطار; االنسان; االنسانية; االولى; اايي; اثاا; اثااثييم; اثارجم; اثارجييم; اثاظر; اثاييا; اثتارةث; اثتط; اثثا; اثر; اثطراز; اثطييراز; اثعر; اثعمار; اثم; اثمات; اثمعا; اثمعتمر; اطار; البحث; التاريخ; التاريخية; التصور; التطبيقية; التكنولوجيا; التي; الثالث المجلد; الثانية; الثقافية; الحالة; الحالة التطبيقية; الحداثة; الحركة; الحضارة; الخاص; الخطوة; الذي; السادس مجلة; الطبيعة; العام; العصر; العمارة; العمىىارة; الفعل; الفكرية; القادسيه للعلوم; القرن; الماضي; المجتمع; المجلد السادس; المعرفية; المعمارية; النظري; الهندسيه; الهوية; الواقع; الى; الىى; اما; باعتماد; بحيث; بشكل; بصورة; بين; ةتاضييم; تااةال; تغير; تكوين; تماثل; تيف; ثيةاةم; ثيتط; جيل; خالل; دراسة; دور; ذلك; رار; رمار; روح; شجل; ضمن; ظةار; ظةييار; ظهور; عالقة; عبر; عشر; على; علىى; عىن; فعل; فهي; فىىي; فىي; فيي; كما; كىل; للعلوم; لها; مجلة القادسيه; منها; مىا; مىع; مىن; مىىا; مىىع; مىىن; ميت; ميف; مييت; مييف; هذا; هذه; واقع; وفي; ومن; وهذا; وهي; يمكن; يوضح; ييا; ييه cache: jqes-319.pdf plain text: jqes-319.txt item: #191 of 544 id: jqes-32 author: I.Al-Mosawi, Ali title: Study of Some Mechanical Properties for Polymeric Composite Material Reinforced by Fibers date: 2017-07-15 words: 2556 flesch: 94 summary: على المادة المركبة .دمة المركبة ، الخواص الميكانيكية ، راتنج اإليبوكسي كونبكسترا ، ألياف كيفالر : الكلمات الدالة Study of Some Mechanical Properties for Polymeric Composite Material Reinforced by Fibers Ali I.Al-Mosawi Technical Institute - Babylon Assist. keywords: إختبار; إلى; اإلنثناء; اإليبوكسي; التقوية; الخواص; الشد; الصدمة; العدد; القادسية; المادة; المركبة; المواد; الميكانيكية; اهلندسية; باأللياف; حيث; رقم; على; للعلوم; مقاومة; نسبة; هذه; ٢٠٠٩ cache: jqes-32.pdf plain text: jqes-32.txt item: #192 of 544 id: jqes-320 author: Hassan Hamza, Ali title: DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING OF EQUIPMENT WALL COVERIN date: 2017-10-19 words: 2057 flesch: 101 summary: الال م لتغليف جدار نعين نن جقص ضرب ال نن الال م لتنفي شوط يتم اجتاقب ال نن -: ألتنفيذزمن 2- . واجد نتر نربع ( نن جدران نمتلفة نن جيث ااتوات نتق جقيم (4) يبين الجدو 3- ( %36- %30) يقدة في نن التنفي بن دارفن هنقلك عنليةجيث أظهر النتق ج ال. keywords: -الثالثالمجلد; االلة; التغليف; التنفي; الجدار; الجدو; السادس; العن; الكلفة; الهندسيهم; جلة; عنلية; لآللة; للعلوم; نتر; نتقجية; نربع cache: jqes-320.pdf plain text: jqes-320.txt item: #193 of 544 id: jqes-321 author: N. Jabbar, D.; K. Abed, M.; M. Hassan, A.H. title: A comparison study for physical properties between Iraqi and Iranian perforated bricks date: 2017-10-19 words: 6029 flesch: 98 summary: االبعاد وفي االمتصاص بينما كان الطابوق االيراني افضل من الطابوق العراقي من ناحية وعند تقيم كافة المظهر العام والتحدب والتقعر ومقاومة االنضغاط باإلضافة الى التزهر. د. البل في ذل سائدةال في بها المسمو الحدود ضمن كانت االيراني و العراقي للطابوق المفحوصة العينات جميي ان -3 العراقي طابوقال من افضل كان االيراني الطابوق ان إال والتحدب رعالتق اي السطح استواء تفاوتات .استواء اكثر كان حيث الناحية هذه من معمل انتاج بان تبين فقد االمتصاص نسبة حيث من االيراني من افضل العراقي الطابوق ان -4 نتاج( أ) الصنف متطلبات ضمن يقي واحد بالنسبة( ب) الصنف متطلبات ضمن يقي معامل ةأربع وا معامل ثمثة انتاج هنال بان تبين اعمه النتائج فان االيراني للطابوق بالنسبة أما .العراقي للطابوق نتاج( ب) الصنف متطلبات ضمن تقي (.ج) keywords: -المجلد; bricks; االبعاد; االمتصاص; االمم; االنضغاط; االيراني; افضل; التزهر; التي; الثالث; الثالث مجلة; السادس; السطح; الصنف; الطابوق; الطيني; العام; العراقي; الفحص; القادسيه; القياسية; الماء; المستخدمة; المظهر; المعامل; المفحوصة; المواصفة; النتائج; الهندسيه; الى; انتاج; بالنسبة; بان; بغداد; بها; حيث; خفيف; رقم; ضمن; طابوقة; على; فااي; فحص; كانت; كما; لكل; للعلوم; مان; متطلبات; مجلة; مجلة القادسيه; معامل; نسبة; هذه; يقي; يكون cache: jqes-321.pdf plain text: jqes-321.txt item: #194 of 544 id: jqes-323 author: Taha Abdul-Hussain, Sana title: EFFECT OF OIL PRODUCTS ON COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF REACTIVE POWDER CONCRETE date: 2017-10-20 words: 5346 flesch: 63 summary: V.41, p.13-20. Iraqi Specification, No. 5/1984, (السمنت والسيطرة النوعيةلمركزي للتقييس االجهاز وزارة التخطيط, .البورتالندي) Iraqi Specification, No. 45/1984, الجهاز المركزي للتقييسوزارة التخطيط, والسيطرة النوعية (ركام تعمل في الخرسانة والبناء) المصادر الطبيعية المس Jonston C.D., 1982, ”Steel fiber reinforced concrete a review of mechanical properties”, Fiber Reinforced Concrete, American concrete institute publishing, SP 44, , pp. AL-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 6 No. 4 Year 2013 360 Williamson G.R, 1982, “The effect of steel fiber Reinforced concrete”, Sp 44, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, , pp. 195-207. Table (1): Chemical composition of cement* Compound Composition Chemica l Composi tion Percent by weight keywords: concrete; days; exposure; fibers; fuel; kerosene; oil; ratio; rpc; steel; steel fibers; strength; time cache: jqes-323.pdf plain text: jqes-323.txt item: #195 of 544 id: jqes-324 author: Noori Hamzah, Mohsin; Abdulsattar Razaq, Asia title: NONLINEAR VISCO-HYPERELASTIC CONSTITUTIVE MODELING FOR FILLED ELASTOMERIC MATERIALS date: 2017-10-20 words: 4880 flesch: 60 summary: The two are then combined to yield a visco-hyperelastic constitutive relationship for rubber materials loaded at different strain rates. To do this, different tests were performed on filled rubber in the present work, all tests were performed on filled rubber material with three different kinds of carbon black, N326, N375, and N660 at room temperature. keywords: ansys; figure; journal; materials; model; mooney; rivlin; rubber; strain; stress; test; time cache: jqes-324.pdf plain text: jqes-324.txt item: #196 of 544 id: jqes-325 author: Y. Ali, Ammar; S. Hussein, Labeeb title: EXPERIMENTAIL AND THEORETICAL INVESTIGATION FOR BEHAVIOR OF R.C BEAMS WITH TENSILE REINFORCEMENT LAP SPLICEC STRENGTHENED BY CFRP LAMINATES date: 2017-10-20 words: 5070 flesch: 60 summary: The main objective of the research reported in this paper was to present an experimental and analytical study for the effect of external strengthening by CFRP laminates on the behavior of beams containing tensile reinforcement lap splices such as ultimate load, ductility and mode of failure. From the experimental study the results show that the use of CFRP sheet to upgrade the R.C beams containing tensile reinforcement lap splices has significant effect on the behavior of these beams such as ultimate load, cracking load, deflection and mode of failure where the percent increase in ultimate load was about (11-47)% and with elimination the possibility of the brittle failure. keywords: beams; bond; cfrp; concrete; engineering; failure; lap; load; reinforcement; splices; tensile cache: jqes-325.pdf plain text: jqes-325.txt item: #197 of 544 id: jqes-326 author: A. Mashkour, Mahmoud; Jaafer Habeeb, Laith; Hassan Mohammed, Hafidh; Jassim Jaber, Hazim title: NATURAL CONVECTION IN A PARTIALLY OPENED BOX FILLEDWITH A POROUS MEDIUM date: 2017-10-20 words: 4173 flesch: 61 summary: 6.The rate of free convection heat transfer is inversely proportional to the Rayleigh number for high values of heat flux, because the effect of conduction heat transfers is more than the convection of heat transfer. Also, the average Nusselt number increases with increase of Rayleigh number for the first three values of heat flux, but it decreases after heat flux because of domination of the conduction heat transfer on convection heat transfer. keywords: box; convection; engineering; heat; journal; medium; number; porous; temperature; transfer cache: jqes-326.pdf plain text: jqes-326.txt item: #198 of 544 id: jqes-328 author: Mehdi Al-Mousawi, Eman title: APPLIED THE ANALOGUE SYSTEM IN DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM (LOOPED WITH CARRIER NETWORK) date: 2017-10-21 words: 3195 flesch: 57 summary: The irrigation pumping requirement drops from the 7 to 4 m3/m per m2 at 50 to 40 psi typical for sprinklers to 5 to 2 m3/m per m2 at 20 to 6 psi for trickle irrigation systems. Madramootoo, C. A., 1981The development of trickle irrigation system for banana (MUSA SPP.) production in ST. keywords: analogue; drip; emitter; engineering; field; flow; irrigation; laterals; pressure; system; trickle cache: jqes-328.pdf plain text: jqes-328.txt item: #199 of 544 id: jqes-329 author: K. Ammash, Haider; M. Al-Baghdadi, Haider; Hasan Ali Al-Salim, Nabeel title: EFFECT OF SULFATES IN FINE AGGREGATE ON SOME PROPERTIES OF SELF COMPACTING CONCRETE INCORPORATING HIGH REACTIVE METAKAOLINE date: 2017-10-21 words: 6033 flesch: 63 summary: أم�الح ناعم مط�ابق للمواص�فات م�ع ح�دود المواص�فات الحالي�ة لح�دود عمإل�ى الرك�ام الن�ابإض�افة الج�بس الطبيع�ي لخرس�انة ذاتي�ة ال�رصل ف�ي الرك�ام الن�اعم عل�ى بع�ض الخ�واص الميكانيكي�ة الكبريتات من الخرسانة ذاتية الرص وهي : خرسانة ذاتية ال�رص حاوي�ة أساسين نوعينفي هذا البحث تم استعمال ه.وزن كإحالل جزئي من ت�م % فح��ص مقاوم��ة االنع��زال Lالص��ندوق عل��ى ش��كل ح��رف % م�ن وزن ألرك�ام 0.5محت�وى الج�بس األمث�ل ف�ي الخرس�انة ذاتي�ة ال�رص عن�د نس�بة إن أظهرت النت�ائج .االنشطارشد مقاومة )% keywords: aggregate; cement; compressive; concrete; content; days; gypsum; limestone; mixes; scc; so3; splitting; strength; tensile cache: jqes-329.pdf plain text: jqes-329.txt item: #200 of 544 id: jqes-33 author: Saffah Hassoon, Saad; Abdul-Razaq Husain, Ehab title: A WIDEBAND MODEL FOR ESTIMATING THE DIRECTION OF ARRIVAL IN THE PHASED ARRAY ANTENNA date: 2017-07-15 words: 5580 flesch: 62 summary: DOA estimation must be done at uplink transmission. In addition DOA estimation can be directly applied for the high bandwidth data signals. keywords: algorithms; bandwidth; beam; complexity; doa; estimation; frame; number; samples; signal; system; time cache: jqes-33.pdf plain text: jqes-33.txt item: #201 of 544 id: jqes-330 author: H. Awad, Samir; I. Jadaan, Riyam title: STUDY THE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF COPPER OXIDE THIN FILM DEPOSITED BY COLD SPRAY date: 2017-10-21 words: 3465 flesch: 59 summary: [7] V. Figueiredo, E. Elangovan , G. Gonḉalves , P. Barquinha , L. Pereira, N. Franco, E. Alves , R. Martins , E. Fortunato Effect of post-annealing on the properties of copper oxide thin films obtained from the oxidation of evaporated metallic copper Applied Surface Science No. 254, 3949–3954(2008). [15] V. Figueiredo, E. Elangovan , G. Gonḉalves , P. Barquinha , L. Pereira, N. Franco, E. Alves , R. Martins , E. Fortunato Effect of post-annealing on the properties of copper oxide thin films obtained from the oxidation of evaporated metallic copper Applied Surface Science No. 254, 3949–3954(2008). keywords: band; copper; cuo; deposition; energy; films; gab; journal; oxide; qadisiya; thin; vol cache: jqes-330.pdf plain text: jqes-330.txt item: #202 of 544 id: jqes-331 author: Ali Mahmood, Abbas; Mohammed Abdullah, Eman title: RELIEVE AND REMOVE RADON-222 RESULTING THE DECAY OF THE DEPLETED URANIUM-238 FROM WELLS OF BABYLON INSTITUTE DRILLED BY KERBALA FOUNDATION OF GROUND WATER COMPANY date: 2017-10-21 words: 3707 flesch: 69 summary: When we use water radon is released into the air, we use a dishwasher, washing machine, or take a shower or bath the radon in the water raises the level of radon in the air. The actions to reduce indoor radon concentration are mainly oriented to limit the ingress of radon from soil. keywords: engineering; engineering sciences; journal; qadisiya; radon; sciences; sciences vol; soil; vol; water cache: jqes-331.pdf plain text: jqes-331.txt item: #203 of 544 id: jqes-332 author: Mohsin Lafta Alfatlawi, Arif; Mohammed Abdul Alrasool Abas, Nibras title: LIMITATION OF LEAD CONCENTRATION IN GASOLINE THAT AVAILABLE IN THE LOCAL MARKET AND ITS EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT date: 2017-10-21 words: 3024 flesch: 92 summary: من الرصاص. رسم األمتصاص لمحاليل قبطريقة منحني المعايرة القياسي باستخدامو ملغم/لتر ومحلول األيسوأوكتان الخالي من الرصاص. keywords: -ابعلرا; aliquat; astm; gasoline; lead; method; إلى; الرصاص; السادس; الغازولين; القادسيه; الكيتون; المجلد; ةالهندسي; تركيز; حجم; على; لتر; لسنة; مجلة; مركبات; ملغم cache: jqes-332.pdf plain text: jqes-332.txt item: #204 of 544 id: jqes-333 author: J. Majeed, Amani; E. Najim, Saleh; H. Hammadi, Salman title: SIMULATION SOLAR ELECTRICAL GENERATION POWER PLANT BY USING PARABOLIC TROUGH IN BASRA CITY date: 2017-10-21 words: 3180 flesch: 61 summary: In case of solar power plant supported by storage tank, the efficiency has a similar value during the months from February to September. Keywords: Parabolic trough solar collector, power plant system, Basra city. keywords: collector; energy; engineering; heat; model; plant; power; solar; storage; system; tank; vol cache: jqes-333.pdf plain text: jqes-333.txt item: #205 of 544 id: jqes-334 author: Abdulwaded, Maathe; Abdul Fattah, Sahar title: Numerical Investigation of Various Thickness Wall in Square Enclosure with a Porous Medium date: 2017-10-21 words: 3817 flesch: 57 summary: Convective heat transfer analysis in porous media has been the subject of a very powerful research over the past years due to the importance of related industrial and technological applications, which include geothermal heat extractions, heat removal from nuclear reactors , exothermic reactions in packs, bed reactors, storage of grains, food processing, the spread of pollutants underground, electronic boxes, and solar collector technology. They have analyzed the problem by a number of different techniques and the results obtained by these different methods are in good agreement with each other and with the experiments[9].Natural convection in porous media for localized heating from below has been found that the heat transfer increases by increasing the length of the heat source[5]. keywords: conductivity; engineering; heat; increase; journal; number; sciences; temperature; thickness; transfer; vol cache: jqes-334.pdf plain text: jqes-334.txt item: #206 of 544 id: jqes-335 author: Faisal Sultan, Khalid title: Study the Effect of Two Base Fluids Distilled Water and Ethylene glycol on the Physical Properties of Nanofluids Containing Cu, Al and Zr2O3 Nanoparticles date: 2017-10-21 words: 4200 flesch: 61 summary: The rates of increase in thermal conductivity in this research are 45%, 22 % and 7.25 % to each of the Cu/ DW, Al / DW and Zr2O3 / DW respectively, while these percentages are 30 %, 17 %, 4.5 % and to all of the Cu / EG, Al/EG and Zr2O3 / EG respectively at 2.5% vol a concentration and that the cause of this increase for Cu / EG is that the small size of the particles Cu (25nm), while the viscosity of Zr2O3 / EG is larger than Cu / EG and Al/ EG due to the large size of the particles Zr2O3 (50nm). In Hong's opinion suspensions containing small Nano particle clusters are more effective in improving thermal conductivity than that of individual dispersed Nano particles because the clustered Nano particles may provide a long path for heat transfer. keywords: conductivity; heat; nanofluid; thermal; vol; zr2o3 cache: jqes-335.pdf plain text: jqes-335.txt item: #207 of 544 id: jqes-336 author: Abdulmuttaleb Ali khan, Hussein title: EVALUATION OF OIL AND GREASE CONTAMINATION OF EUPHRATES RIVER IN AL KUFA RIVER STATION DURING 2010-2011 date: 2017-10-21 words: 4711 flesch: 60 summary: 4. DATA ANALYSIS This research covers the study and analysis the pair of monthly water quality parameters of surface water for Euphrates river at Al Kufa river station, and climatic conditions factors involved. From figure (2) oil and grease ranged in Al Kufa river station throughout the study period between 0.3-6.4 mg/l, as Iraqi standard limits 0.1 mg/l, those concentrations range from 3 to 64 times greater than Iraqi standards. keywords: al kufa; dust; engineering; grease; kufa; oil; river; station; vol; water cache: jqes-336.pdf plain text: jqes-336.txt item: #208 of 544 id: jqes-338 author: abdalkhaliq hasan, Sada title: The use of Nanotechnology in construction sector date: 2017-10-21 words: 5020 flesch: 45 summary: The largest amount of pollutants are due to the production of various construction materials and to the energy required during their service .the Our ability to design new materials from the bottom up is impacting the building industry as well. keywords: building; carbon; cement; concrete; construction; engineering; journal; materials; nano; nanoparticles; nanotechnology; nanotubes; properties; qadisiya; sciences; self; surface; vol cache: jqes-338.pdf plain text: jqes-338.txt item: #209 of 544 id: jqes-339 author: Najim Abbas, Aamer; Khalaf Jarallah, Husain title: PUNCHING SHEAR STRENGTH AND DEFORMATION CAPACITY OF R.C. SLABS WITH DIFFERENT PATCH LOAD AREAS date: 2017-10-21 words: 4316 flesch: 64 summary: An experimental study was carried out on reinforced concrete slabs under a central patch load with circular, square and rectangular shapes of patch areas. Conclusions on the influence of patch area on the punching shear capacity of reinforced concrete slabs were drawn. keywords: area; concrete; deflection; failure; fig; load; patch; punching; shape; shear; slab; strength cache: jqes-339.pdf plain text: jqes-339.txt item: #210 of 544 id: jqes-34 author: Noor Mohammed Al-Kaby, Rehab title: TRANSIENT RESPONSE OF ROTARY REGENERATIVE HEAT EXCHANGER BY USING FINITE DIFFERENCE METHOD date: 2017-07-15 words: 7449 flesch: 60 summary: Buyukalaca, and Yılmaz, 2002, presented a correction factor for the speed of the rotary heat exchanger effectiveness, this factor is used with traditional “Effectiveness-NTU” method to estimate corrected value of rotary heat exchanger effectiveness. They showed that the effectiveness depends on two dimensionless numbers for sensible heat exchangers (NTU and Cr) and four dimensionless numbers for rotary heat exchangers (NTU, Cr, Cr*, hsAs / heAe). keywords: air; effectiveness; energy; exchanger; heat; mass; ntut; time; transfer; − − cache: jqes-34.pdf plain text: jqes-34.txt item: #211 of 544 id: jqes-343 author: Merawi Borhan, Tumadhir title: PREDICTION OF THE THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF CONCRETE USING ABAQUS MODEL date: 2017-10-22 words: 2466 flesch: 58 summary: Concrete, Thermal conductivity, heat transfer test, ABAQUS model. Thermal conductivity is a measurement of the ability of the material to conduct heat. keywords: concrete; conductivity; engineering; heat; method; temperature; test; transfer cache: jqes-343.pdf plain text: jqes-343.txt item: #212 of 544 id: jqes-345 author: H. Aghdeab, Shukry; A. Mohammed, Laith title: APPLICATION OF RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY FOR DETERMINING HOLE DIAMETER MODEL IN EDM BASED MICRO HOLES CUTTING PROCESS date: 2017-10-23 words: 3197 flesch: 60 summary: This study can help researchers and industries for developing a robust, reliable knowledge base and early prediction of Hole Diameter without experimenting with EDM process for copper alloy. (Lakshmanan, 2013) study the optimization process for EDM parameters using response surface methodology. keywords: current; diameter; edm; electrode; engineering; gap; hole; machining; process; response cache: jqes-345.pdf plain text: jqes-345.txt item: #213 of 544 id: jqes-346 author: A. Abed, Suhad; A. Jazie, Ali title: ASSESSMENT OF SOME PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES FOR WATER IN GANGA RIVER AT VARANASI, INDIA date: 2017-10-23 words: 4180 flesch: 70 summary: Key words: Water pollution, Ganga river water, physicochemical analysis الهندية بنارس مدينة في الكنج نهر للماء في الكيمياوية و الفيزياوية الخواص بعض تقييم الخالصة ى نوعية المياه السطحية خالل العقود القليلة االخيرة ازداد تاثير اال نشطة والفعاليات االنسانية والصناعية عل ومنها مياه االنهار. Ganga River water also was changed from fresh bluish to dirty turbid and due to the upper resons, the penetration of light has reduced, thereby reducing the primary productivity of the river by phytoplankton and hence DO which is used by aerobic bacteria during the decomposition of organic materials and increase the BOD. keywords: bank; bridge; city; ganga; ghat; river; site; stream; varanasi; water cache: jqes-346.pdf plain text: jqes-346.txt item: #214 of 544 id: jqes-347 author: A. Hasan, Sada; M. Borhan, Tumadhir title: THE USE OF THE CONTROL CHARTS TO CONTROL THE DIMENSION OF THE CLAY BRICK UNITS date: 2017-10-23 words: 3478 flesch: 71 summary: Control charts were plotted for this purpose. Keywords: quality control, control charts, mean chart, standard deviation chart, brick dimensions. keywords: brick; chart; control; deviation; limits; mean; process; standard cache: jqes-347.pdf plain text: jqes-347.txt item: #215 of 544 id: jqes-348 author: M. Al-Baghdadi, Haider title: EFFECT OF HIGH TEMPERATURE ON SOME PROPERTIES OF LIGHT WEIGHT CONCRETE date: 2017-10-23 words: 4383 flesch: 59 summary: The largest flexural strength reduction experienced was for mix A, which had a flexural strength of 4.3 N/mm 2 - a 93% loss of initial concrete flexural strength. Compressive strength was carried out according to [ASTM C 39-03] by using a hydraulic compression machine of 2000 KN. keywords: aggregate; brick; clay; compressive; concrete; flexural; mix; strength; temperature cache: jqes-348.pdf plain text: jqes-348.txt item: #216 of 544 id: jqes-349 author: W. Ismael, Layth; Faisal. Sultan, Khalid title: A comparative Study on the Thermal Conductivity of Micro and Nano fluids by Using Silver and Zirconium Oxide date: 2017-10-23 words: 4266 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: Nano fluid, Micro fluid, thermal conductivity, Enhancement. 1- INTRODUCTION Heat transfer fluids can exhibit significant increases in thermal conductivity with the addition of highly conductive particles. keywords: conductivity; engineering; experimental; journal; micro; nanofluids; particles; sciences; size; thermal; vol; water cache: jqes-349.pdf plain text: jqes-349.txt item: #217 of 544 id: jqes-35 author: A. R. Akkar, Hanan title: DESIGN OF MULTI-LAYER NEURAL NETWORKS FOR BUTTERWORTH FILTER OPTIMIZATION date: 2017-07-15 words: 2525 flesch: 71 summary: The error signal terms of the output layer in this step are: K 2,... 1,kfor ),o1)(od( 2 1 2 kkok =−−=δ The error signal terms of the hidden layer in this step are: ∑ = δ−=δ K 1k kjok 2 jyj w)y1(2 1 for j=1, 2… J. Step5: Output layer weights are adjusted: jokkjkj yww ηδ+← , for k=1, 2… K and j=1, 2… J. Step 6: Hidden layer weights are adjusted: iyjjiji xvv The weights transpose vector between inputs and first hidden layer are: V= keywords: ffnn; figure; layer; lpf; mse; network; output; sec cache: jqes-35.pdf plain text: jqes-35.txt item: #218 of 544 id: jqes-350 author: Razzaq Hasan, Ahmed title: THEORETICAL STUDY OF DIRECT CONTACT CONDENSATION OF LAMINAR SHEAR LIQUID FILM date: 2017-10-23 words: 3794 flesch: 56 summary: Figure (1): Direct contact condensation model Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7……No. 2 ….2014 208 2.1 Analytic Assumptions 1. laminar and steady state flow of liquid layer 2. adiabatic solid surface 3. The obtained equations of solution are solved numerically using Runge-Kutta method and then plotting and the variation of must important parameters such as ; Reynolds , Prandtl , subcooling numbers and shear stress on the values of film thickness layer , bulk temperature , Nusselt number (heat transfer coefficient) and velocity of the flow . keywords: condensation; engineering; heat; journal; liquid; number; sciences; vol cache: jqes-350.pdf plain text: jqes-350.txt item: #219 of 544 id: jqes-351 author: Khaleel Murad, Ismael title: UTILIZING FUZZY RECOGNITION IN HOPFIELD NEURAL NETWORK IN RELATIVELY HIGH CORRUPTION SIGNAL TRANSMISSION date: 2017-10-23 words: 4622 flesch: 60 summary: Hopfield network is a suitable model for the associative memory of nervous system has a certain degree of vulnerability to noise and interference between stored patterns. The spurious patterns are a result of correlation between different stored patterns so it is questionable whether there is a relation between stored patterns and the noise effect. keywords: fig; frs; number; output; pattern; vol cache: jqes-351.pdf plain text: jqes-351.txt item: #220 of 544 id: jqes-352 author: Flih Hassani, Nahla; Abbas yassir, Suhad title: Develop a way Nklst Symmetric encryption for text clips in diameter gradient inside the encrypted string date: 2017-10-24 words: 3242 flesch: 105 summary: قذذS1نتاذأخطذقة م ذقةل ذ قذ)قةل ذقةل ذ,قةع لهذقةل (ذلفعلهذ ة ذ ل ذقة فت حذ.ذأ هته لفل رذ ههذ ك keywords: القادسية; المجلد; الهندسية; الهندسية المجلد; ددم; ذقة; ذقةل; ذقةمصذقة; رذقة; علل; لفل; مذقةم cache: jqes-352.pdf plain text: jqes-352.txt item: #221 of 544 id: jqes-353 author: El Namara, Nader title: Development Strategies for Refugee Camps in the Gaza Strip Khan Younes Camp as a Case Study date: 2017-10-24 words: 7348 flesch: 104 summary: ن ن ب ث. جئ ن مذؤ، ا ن ن ممات . keywords: ا ن; ا،س; اا ن; الفان; القادسية; المجلد; الهندسية; را ن; رلا; رللا; شقو; مبجسا; مجن; مللن; ممات; من ن; ن الفان; ن ت; ن ر; ن س; ن م; ن ممات; ن مماتمجئ; ن منذساساا; ن ن; نأل; و ن; ًنمخ cache: jqes-353.pdf plain text: jqes-353.txt item: #222 of 544 id: jqes-354 author: Saleh Alfaraj Al- Ataabi, Mahdi title: The column in Arabic Islamic Architecture (Analysis Study for Dimensions and Connotations) date: 2017-10-24 words: 11954 flesch: 98 summary: (6 4202 2العدد 7مجلة القادسية للعلوم الهندسية المجلد 44 سي، عفيف؛ من الحداثة إلى ما بعد الحداثة في الفن؛ دار الكتاب العربي؛ الطبعة األولى؛ دمشق؛ البهن (5 م.7881 م.6005ثويني، علي، معجم عمارة الشعوب االسالمية، بيت الحكمة،بغداد، (4 الجادرجي، رفعت ؛ حوار في بنيويه الفن والعمارة؛ رياض الريس للكتب والنشر، لندن /بيروت/قبرص، (1 م.7885طبعة األولى، ال ، مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، 699الجادرجي، رفعت، العمارة المقدسة، مجلة المستقبل العربي، العدد (9 م.7889بيروت، جواد علي ,مختصر تاريخ العرب ,الجزء الرابع ,قرص مدمج. من ارتفاعه، تفاوت يصل إلى حد الضعف وهو ما تمت معالجته بتوظيف المستقرات لتوازن الخطوط العمودية المطلوبة فعليا كعنصر إنشائي تتناسب فيه نسبة االرتفاع مع لتشكيل الواجهة، ومن هنا فان العمود األندلسي يحضر ( ممثال pierالحضور الفعلي األخر هو الركيزة ) keywords: architecture; column; connotations; dimension; أخرى; أسطوانة; أشكال; أعمدة; أما; إال; إلى; إنشائي; األبعاد; األخرى; األسطوانة; األعماادة; األعمدة; األموي; األندلسي; األولى; اإلسالمية; اإلنشائي; االجتماعي; استعمال; البحث; البعد; البغدادي; البناء; التااي; التاج; التراث; التي; التيجان; الجدران; الجمالي; الحجر; الخشب; الدلك; الديني; الذي; الرخام; الزمن; السقف; الصالة; العامة; العراقية; العربيااة; العربية; العربية اإلسالمية; العصر; العمااارة; العمااود; العمارة; العمارة العربية; العمود; العناصر; العهد; القادسية; القديمة; القصب; الكوفة; المباني; المجلد; المدينة; المستوى; المسجد; المسلمين; المعمارية; المقرنص; النبااي; النبي; النخيل; الهندسية; الهندسية المجلد; الى; انااه; اهلل; بشكل; بعض; بعضها; بها; بين; تشكل; تلك; جامع; حتى; حزم; حضور; حيااث; حيث; خالل; دار; ذات; ذلك; ضمن; طرز; ظهر; عاان; علااى; على; عليه; عند; عنصر; غير; فااااي; فااي; فاي; فضاًل; فقد; فيها; قبل; كان; كانت; كما; لها; مااا; ماان; مان; مثل; مجموعة; محمد; مختلفة; مدينة; مربعة; منذ; منها; نجد; هاو; هذا; هذه; والمضامين; وجود; وفي; وقد; وكان; وكذلك; ولم; ومن; ونمط; وهو; وهي; يشكل; يعد; يكون cache: jqes-354.pdf plain text: jqes-354.txt item: #223 of 544 id: jqes-355 author: Noori Hamzah, Mohsin title: VISCOELASTIC RESPONSE OF THE THORAX UNDER DYNAMIC LOADING date: 2017-10-24 words: 5263 flesch: 53 summary: [15] Holzapfel GA and Gasser TC, A new constitutive framework for arterial wall mechanics and a comparative study of material models, Journal of Elasticity, 61:1-48, 2000. Ant Mid Post Ant Post Sup Inf Ant Post A 40.0 41.6 43.4 17.1 16.3 30.0 28.0 4.3 4.7 B 50.0 52.5 53.1 21.2 19.0 28.9 28.3 2.8 2.3 C 52.2 51.6 49.3 18.1 15.3 29.0 29.0 2.5 4.4 Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7……No. 3 ….2014 922 Table 2: ICM fiber angles for internal and external layers, measured from the lower ribs. keywords: anisotropic; engineering; fiber; icm; journal; material; model; muscles; parameters; sciences; strain; vol; ̅ ̅ cache: jqes-355.pdf plain text: jqes-355.txt item: #224 of 544 id: jqes-356 author: Hamed Mosa, Muhanad title: ASSESSMENT OF FATIGUE CRACK RATE UNDER CYCLIC LOADING date: 2017-10-24 words: 4194 flesch: 54 summary: Keyword: Fatigue crack growth (FCG), variable amplitude (VA), finite element method (FEM) INTRODUCTION Predicting fatigue crack growth in metals under random loadings is a difficult task, particularly because of the load history effects, which are known for decades to stem from plastic deformation in the vicinity of the crack tip (Schijve 1999; Skorupa 1999; Hamam et al. 2007). keywords: crack; engineering; fatigue; fcg; figure; growth; life; loading; models; stress cache: jqes-356.pdf plain text: jqes-356.txt item: #225 of 544 id: jqes-357 author: Wahab Ahmed Daud, Abdul title: Improvement of Surface Hardness By Ball Milling Technique for Carbon Steel (CK 45). date: 2017-10-24 words: 2360 flesch: 61 summary: زمن مقداره Key words: die guide, surface hardness, ball mill, guide rod. Before and after the processing the specimens are tested for surface hardness and the depth that is affected by this treatment as shown in table (4) by using Vickers hardness tester with (250 gram) load as shown in figure (6). keywords: buckling; engineering; figure; hardness; load; steel; surface; vol cache: jqes-357.pdf plain text: jqes-357.txt item: #226 of 544 id: jqes-358 author: Hassoon, Alaa; Al-Obaedi, Jalal title: THE USE OF RECYCLED CONCRETE AS A SUBBASE LAYER FOR HIGHWAYS date: 2017-10-24 words: 1843 flesch: 53 summary: Recycled materials usually include many kinds of glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles, and electronics. For ordinary subbase materials, the results may vary depend on the amount of clay particles. keywords: cbr; concrete; materials; subbase; type cache: jqes-358.pdf plain text: jqes-358.txt item: #227 of 544 id: jqes-359 author: Tarteeb Kadhim, Hakim title: COMPUTATIONAL MODELING OF TURBULENT FLOW AROUND AIRFOIL USING DIFFERENT TURBULENCE MODELS date: 2017-10-24 words: 3131 flesch: 52 summary: Velocity vectors of the flow field around airfoil for different turbulence models are presented in figure (11). Over decades, this has consequently facilitated the development of a great variety of RANS turbulence models. keywords: airfoil; angle; attack; engineering; figure; flow; models; pressure; turbulence cache: jqes-359.pdf plain text: jqes-359.txt item: #228 of 544 id: jqes-36 author: M. Ali, Mazin title: ANALYTICAL MODEL TO DETERMINE PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTION OF AMORPHOUS SILICON WITH DANGLING BONDS AND CORRELATION EFFECT AMONG THEM date: 2017-07-15 words: 2616 flesch: 54 summary: These sublevels have been affected by increasing the temperature of a-Si wafer, changing the concentration of free carriers and position of donor like trap level, while changing of ratio of capture cross section has no effect on the distribution of probability density function. The Results : The probability density functions of amorphous silicon , a-Si , with dangling bonds and correlation effect among them, is studied through four obtained curves for FtA using MATLAB, the first curve is for variation of probability density function of a-Si , FtA , with position of acceptor like trap level EtA for different values of free carriers concentrations n and p at certain donor like trap level, the second is for variation of FtA with position of acceptor like trap level EtA for various positions of donor like trap levels at certain concentration of free carriers, the third is for variation of FtA with acceptor like trap level EtA for different values of temperature and the fourth is for variation of FtA with position of acceptor like trap level EtA for different values of captured cross section ratios RA and RD .The calculations were performed regarding the value of intrinsic concentration ni = 1.9 x 105 cm-3 , ratios of capture cross section RA = RD =100 , temperature T = 25 C0 and position of Fermi level Ei = 0.8 ev. keywords: acceptor; density; effect; level; probability; states; trap cache: jqes-36.pdf plain text: jqes-36.txt item: #229 of 544 id: jqes-360 author: S. Abdulla Al-Kubragyi, Shatha title: STATCOM Application in 400kv Iraqi Super Grid for Voltage Magnitude Improvement date: 2017-10-24 words: 3932 flesch: 65 summary: في STATCOM بأستخدام bus voltage)) STATCOM voltage. keywords: bus; engineering; flow; journal; load; matrix; power; reactive; stability; statcom; system; voltage cache: jqes-360.pdf plain text: jqes-360.txt item: #230 of 544 id: jqes-361 author: Ali Hashem Al-Hasnawy, Ansam title: Study The Effect of Changed The Sand Percentage and its Particales Size on Apparent Porosity& Comprassive Strength of Ceramic Filters date: 2017-10-25 words: 5011 flesch: 88 summary: ا ا الم وووو دف ووووا ب اةوووو ت ي ا وووو ي ح ووووث ثووووا ف وووواا هووووذا الث ل ت ] ةوووووو ت( ووووووا ثثوووووواع 24( لموووووودف )150ºCث ووووووف النموووووو ذ ووووووص ووووووان الث ووووووف نوووووود دا ووووووت حوووووواااف ) -0 لدا ت حاااف ال ا ت بهده ب ال ان ال ف لينم ذ لثباد فل ان ثع ةوووووو ت( مووووووم 5 وووووه النموووووو ذ ووووووص د ال ا وووووو ص م ووووو ا امووووووا ب لموووووو الم ووووووا اي ووووو لموووووودف ) keywords: sand; strength; اام; اان; الا; الث; الح; القادسية; الم; اله; الهندسية; داا; مجلة; مووووون; ووووو; ووووووت; يوووووو cache: jqes-361.pdf plain text: jqes-361.txt item: #231 of 544 id: jqes-362 author: Hashem Hlihl, Basheer title: The effect of shading and painting the surfaces of building on global warming date: 2017-10-25 words: 3973 flesch: 97 summary: و من موازنة الطاقة يمكن أن نشتق العالقة بين Ԏاإلشعاع الوارد بالنفاذية )و يسمى الجزء الذي ينفذ من الخواص الرئيسية لإلشعاع. الطاقة المضافة و كمية ثاني اوكسيد الكاربون اوكسيد الكاربون ا ( وتكون الكمية %10,%10 ,%27(هي )(5,10,7المطروحة لألبنية ذات اللون األسود و لألشهر شهر المضافة من ثاني اوكسيد الكاربون في حالة استخدام الغاز الطبيعي و النفط إلنتاج الطاقة الكهربائية لأل لكل ميكاوات ساعة على التوالي عند مقارنتها keywords: إلى; األبنية; األبيض; األسود; استخدام; الجو; الحرارة; السطح; الطاقة; القادسية; الكاربون; الكهربائية; المجلد; المنتقلة; الهندسية; اوكسيد; تكون; ثاني; حالة; حيث; درجة; سوف; على; كمية; هذا cache: jqes-362.pdf plain text: jqes-362.txt item: #232 of 544 id: jqes-364 author: Abed Al-Kadhem Majhool, Ahmed title: Effect of turbulent Prandtl number in the convective turbulent heat transfer modelling date: 2017-10-25 words: 3595 flesch: 55 summary: Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7……No. 4 ….2014 306 Effect of turbulent Prandtl number in the convective turbulent heat transfer modelling Ahmed Abed Al-Kadhem Majhool Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Al-Qadissiya University where μ and σt are the fluid viscosity and turbulent Prandtl number respectively. keywords: channel; engineering; flow; heat; journal; number; prandtl; prandtl number; turbulent cache: jqes-364.pdf plain text: jqes-364.txt item: #233 of 544 id: jqes-365 author: H. Al-Humeidawi, Basim title: Utilization of Waste Plastic and Recycle Concrete Aggregate in Production of Hot Mix Asphalt date: 2017-10-25 words: 2918 flesch: 62 summary: This can be attributed to that, the using of waste plastic in asphalt mixes may lead to better blending and binding of asphalt mix also decreasing of the air voids which consequently lead to higher stability for mixes. On the other hand, the using of waste plastic in asphalt mix which has 100% RCA can produce better asphalt mixture compared with conventional mix. keywords: asphalt; bitumen; marshall; mix; plastic; rca; stability; waste; wpmb cache: jqes-365.pdf plain text: jqes-365.txt item: #234 of 544 id: jqes-366 author: M. Alwan, Hassan title: Effect of Friction Forces in Robotic Mechanism Joints on the Dynamic Analysis date: 2017-10-25 words: 2470 flesch: 56 summary: Gough – stewart mechanism Figure 2: Robotic mechanism linkage (i) Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7……No. 4 ….2014 339 Figure 3: first linkage body Figure 4: second linkage body Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7……No. 4 ….2014 340 Figure 5 a Figure 5 b -5 0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 Force KN Point Controlled Force on linkage (1) without Friction -5 0 5 10 15 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Force KN Point Controlled Force on linkage (2) without Friction with Friction Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7……No. 4 ….2014 341 Figure 5 c Figure 5 d -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 Force KN Point Controlled Force on linkage (3) without Friction with Friction -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Force KN Point Controlled Force on linkage (4) without Friction Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7……No. 4 ….2014 342 Figure 5 e Figure 5 f -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 Force KN Point Controlled Force on linkage (5) without Friction with Friction -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Force KN Point Controlled Force on linkage (6) without Friction with Friction THE GEOMETRICAL ANALYSIS ACCURACY FOR PARALLEL ROBOTIC MECHANISM Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7……No. 4 ….2014 331 Effect of Friction Forces in Robotic Mechanism Joints on the Dynamic Analysis Dr. Hassan M. Alwan Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Technology Received 16 June 2014 Accepted 1 September 2014 ABSTRACT Dynamic analysis of parallel robotic mechanisms plays a vital role in the design and control of such robotic mechanisms. keywords: coordinate; forces; friction; joint; journal; linkage; mechanism; platform cache: jqes-366.pdf plain text: jqes-366.txt item: #235 of 544 id: jqes-367 author: Ghani Hameed, Hassanain; A. Rageb, Abudl-Muhsin title: NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF CONSTANT CONDUCTANCE CYLINDRICAL HEAT PIPE USING NANOFLUID date: 2017-10-25 words: 6377 flesch: 57 summary: [9] Kang S.W., Wei W.C., Tsai S.H. and Yang S.Y., “Experimental investigation of silver nanofluid on heat pipe thermal performance”, Applied Thermal Engineering 26 (2006) 2377–2382. [21] Tsai C.Y., Chein H.T., Ding P.P., Chan B., Luh T.Y. and Chen P.H., “Effect of structural character of gold nanoparticles in nanofluid on heat pipe thermal performance”. keywords: engineering; heat; heat pipe; journal; nanofluid; performance; pipe; vol; water cache: jqes-367.pdf plain text: jqes-367.txt item: #236 of 544 id: jqes-368 author: Muhi Abdulsahib, Yasir title: EFFECT OF COPPER ADDITION ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF Al-Si ALLOY date: 2017-10-26 words: 4117 flesch: 55 summary: Al2Cu Dendrite 100 µm 250 X Al Si Al Al Al Si Si Al Al Si Al Al Al Si Si Al Al2Cu Al2Cu Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7……No. 4 ….2014 380 Figure (13): Shows the effect of copper addition on tensile strength of Al-12wt%Si alloy. Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7……No. 4 ….2014 370 Figures from (3-6) shows the scanning electron microscope of Al-12wt%Si alloys without and with additives, Figure (3) show the SEM of Al-12wt%Si as cast. keywords: alloy; copper; engineering; figure; hardness; journal; microstructure; properties; strength; tensile; vol cache: jqes-368.pdf plain text: jqes-368.txt item: #237 of 544 id: jqes-369 author: Abed Al-Kadhem Majhool, Ahmed title: Using Volume of Fluid Approach to Simulate Nanofluid Flow date: 2017-10-26 words: 3205 flesch: 59 summary: The work object to optimize the flow of nano-particle under the room conditions to select the lower density material. In addition, because of the lack of experimental data for nanofluid flow in a steady laminar flow without heat transfer Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7……No. 4 ….2014 287 effect. keywords: cavity; flow; fluid; journal; nanofluid; phase; velocity; volume cache: jqes-369.pdf plain text: jqes-369.txt item: #238 of 544 id: jqes-37 author: A. Jabal, Qusay title: TENSILE STRENGTH OF HIGH STRENGTH POLYMER MODIFIED CONCRETE date: 2017-07-15 words: 2337 flesch: 68 summary: Keywords: Polymer modified concrete, Compressive strength, Tensile strength, styrene Butadiene rubber, Cylinder splitting مقاومة الشد للخرسانة المطورة بالبوليمر والعالية المقاومة قصي عبد الحميد جبل العطيه جامعة الكوفة قسم الهندسة المدنيه– آلية الهندسة الخالصة ي إن الخرس دأت ف ي ب شائية والت صناعة اإلن ي ال تخدام ف شائعة االس واد ال ن الم بحت م البوليمرات أص ورة ب انة المط .السبعينات Compressive strength ( cf ′ )more than 50 N/mm2 (Shetty, 1988). keywords: compressive; concrete; polymer; strength; tensile cache: jqes-37.pdf plain text: jqes-37.txt item: #239 of 544 id: jqes-371 author: J.K. Alyousif, Ibrahim; Talib H. Haddad, Ahmed; h.Sadoon, Abdulla title: Towards Quality Assessment in Architectural Education cause study : Architecture Engineering in University of Technology- Iraq date: 2017-10-26 words: 8415 flesch: 96 summary: التحليل، الدراسات السابقة ، المالحظة والمعايشة ، الوثائق ،االستبيانات ،المقابالت ، االختبارات الشاملة ( أدوات التقويم 1 ا : المصدر : ) ، المهارات، وطريقة التفكيرالمواهب، عملية التلقين: دوائر كل منها يمثل عنصرا من عناصر االبداع مبتكةربةين المقصةود مةن ماهيةة االبةداع فةي الوصةول الةى شة فةي العمةارة يمكةن توضةيح االخةتالف ومما تقةدم، االبةةداع وبةةين التصةةميم الةةذي هةةو عمليةةة يمكةةن مةةن خاللهةةا تحقيةةق ذلةةك. keywords: architectural; design; development; education; engineering; naab; new; االدارية; االولى; اداء; اعتماد; البحةةث; البحث; البرنامج; البيئة; التةةي; التحتية; التصةةميم; التصميم; التطوير; التعلةةيم; التعليم; التعليم المعماري; التعليمية; التقويم; التكنولوجية; التي; الثالثة; الثانية; الجامعات; الجامعة; الجوانب; الجودة; الحديثة; الحلقة; الذاتي; الطالب; الطالةةب; العالمية; العدد; العراق; العراقية; العربية; العلميةةة; العمارة; العمةةارة; العمل; العملية; العناصر; القادسية; القسم; المرحلة; المعلومات; المعماري; الموارد; النظرية; الهندسية; الهندسية المجلد; الى; برامج; بين; تطةةوير; تقييم; حلقات; خالل; خةةالل; خصوصية; دور; ضمن; عام; علةةى; على; عملية; فةةي; فةي; مئوية; مةةع; مةةن; مةع; مةن; مجال; مجلة; مجلة القادسية; مراعاة; مستوى; منظومة; منظومةةة; نموذج; هذا; هذه; هندسة; هندسة العمارة; واالعتمادية; وذلةةك; وذلك; وضع; وهو; يمكن; ● ● cache: jqes-371.pdf plain text: jqes-371.txt item: #240 of 544 id: jqes-372 author: توما بني الكرش, عماد title: THE EFFECT OF STRESS RATIO ON FATIGUE THRESHOLD OF CRAK IN MODE (I) date: 2017-10-26 words: 3604 flesch: 97 summary: بكجكة جككل ب اكل كس ل الكلل ال ي م ال ةل فلك ة فج جسبل إع ة الك ةجعل في جظ ان القكم جة ( . ةلكن ب ةل فةكل جل ظ كن الشكل أ3 ي اكال قةلبةة للقككل الك ةجعل كن كعة لل ال ك ن طةب كقبةل كقةلجل بةلقكم ( ي فيThresholdال ي م ال ةل فلك ة keywords: stress; اكةل; اكل; الع; القادسية; الكلل; المجلد; الهندسية; ةةة; ةةل; جككل; فةةي; كةة; كةن cache: jqes-372.pdf plain text: jqes-372.txt item: #241 of 544 id: jqes-373 author: AL-Ameeri, Abbas title: Construct a Mathematical Model to Predict Compressive Strength of Types of Concrete (Normal Concrete and Self Compacting Concrete ) Exposed to High Temperatures from Nondestructive Testing date: 2017-10-26 words: 5853 flesch: 87 summary: للحالة ، من خالل إدخال المعلومات المطلوبة في اعتماد هذا ال ( 1-0) وللخرسانة ذاتية الرص بالفقرة ( 2-0للخرسانة االعتيادية المتمثلة بالفقرة ) نماذج وهنا تبرز إن ال وكما النتائج للمؤشرات اإلحصائية تعطي انطباع إحصائي ممتاز وهذا يتجلى من خالل نماذج فإن جميع ال ؤشرات توفر الم من خالل ( 0-5)الى ( 2-5واألشكال في )( 1-5والجدول )( 2-5الجدول رقم )موضح ب Values) إن هذا التدهور بخواص السمنت المتميأ يؤدي الى تدهور بخواص % ( ومقاومة 55-04يادية بشكل عام ، حيث تفقد الخرسانة من مقاومتها keywords: compressive; concrete; e s; strength; إلى; اإلحصائي; االعتيادية; االنضغاط; الحرارة; الخرسانة; الذبذبات; الرص; القادسية; المجلد; الهندسية; بين; حيث; ذاتية; شميدت; على; فوق; مقاومة; نموذج cache: jqes-373.pdf plain text: jqes-373.txt item: #242 of 544 id: jqes-374 author: Hatem, Qais; Hashim, Ameer; Ali, Jabbar title: The effect Musayyib thermal power station waste water on some physical and chemical properties of the Euphrates River water date: 2017-10-26 words: 3994 flesch: 96 summary: استخدمت ني، الكدرة، العسرة، الكمورايد، القاعدية، المواد طرق قياسية لتقدير كل من التوصيل الكيربائي، األس الييدروجي الصمبة العالقة والمواد الصمبة الكمية. عددا من المؤثرات الفيزيائية والكيميائية وىي الرقم الييدروجيني، العسرة، العكورة، الصوديوم، الكالسيوم، المنغنيسيوم، البوتاسيوم، والكاربونات، والكمور، – 20.9والعسرة 7..2 -2.9والكبريتات. keywords: \ممغم; river; water; التوصيل; التي; الحرارية; الدراسة; الرقم; الري; الصمبة; العالقة; العسرة; العكورة; القادسية; القاعدية; القيم; الكمية; الكيربائي; الماء; المجلد; المحطة; المواد; المياه; النير; الهندسية; الى; الييدروجيني; بعد; تأثير; حيث; دراسة; شير; عمى; قبل; لتر; مياه; ىذه cache: jqes-374.pdf plain text: jqes-374.txt item: #243 of 544 id: jqes-377 author: Abbas Atiyah, Qasim title: Natural Frequencies Behavior of a Cantilever Composite Beam with Embedded Shape Memory Alloy Wires date: 2017-10-27 words: 3548 flesch: 56 summary: In present work, an analytical solution for the calculation of natural frequencies of composite cantilever beams with embedded SMA wires was studied. It was found that the natural frequencies of beams decreased with increasing the number of embedded SMA wires at a temperature below martensite temperature transformation and increased with increasing the number of embedded SMA wires at a temperature above austenite finish transformation. keywords: beam; composite; engineering; figure; frequencies; frequency; sma; temperature; vol; wires cache: jqes-377.pdf plain text: jqes-377.txt item: #244 of 544 id: jqes-378 author: Hamed Mosa, Muhanad title: CRACK TIP BEHAVIUOR UNDER DIFFERENT LOAD RATIO WITH CONSTANT Kmax date: 2017-10-27 words: 2540 flesch: 70 summary: But constant Kmax testing also produces data at variable load ratios (R) and fatigue crack growth thresholds at high load ratios (> 0.8). In order to characterize the evolution of damage and crack propagation during these conditions, fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) data at threshold and near-threshold conditions are essential in predicting service life and in determining the proper inspection intervals. keywords: crack; data; growth; load; ratio; test; threshold cache: jqes-378.pdf plain text: jqes-378.txt item: #245 of 544 id: jqes-379 author: A. Jazie Al-Khaledy, Ali title: MODELING THE KINETICS OF HYDROXYAPATITE CATALYZED TRANSESTERIFICATION REACTION date: 2017-10-27 words: 5566 flesch: 55 summary: The activity of HAP catalyst effect thetransesterification reaction between methanol and glyceride molecules which adsorbed on the surface catalyst active sites. The increase of TG mass transfer due to the increase of the active catalyst surface in the presence of higher catalyst amounts was concluded. keywords: biodiesel; catalyst; concentration; engineering; journal; kinetics; mass; methanol; oil; process; rate; reaction; surface; transesterification; transfer cache: jqes-379.pdf plain text: jqes-379.txt item: #246 of 544 id: jqes-38 author: Hasson Nahhab, Ali title: SOME MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE REINFORCED WITH REED FIBERS date: 2017-07-15 words: 1993 flesch: 66 summary: Compressive Strength Test Results In Figure 3, the effect of reed fiber volume fraction on the compressive strength of concrete is shown. keywords: reed fibers, impact resistance, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength بعض الخواص الميكانيكية للخرسانة المسلحة بألياف القصب علي حسون نهاب آلية الهندسة جامعة بابل الخالصة المتغير الرئيسي في هذه الدراسة keywords: concrete; fibers; impact; reed; strength; tensile cache: jqes-38.pdf plain text: jqes-38.txt item: #247 of 544 id: jqes-380 author: Hameed Naser Al-Mamoori, Ali title: INVESTIGATION THE PUNCHING SHEAR BEHAVIOR OF REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB-COLUMN CONNECTION USING CARBON FIBER REINFORCED POLYMERS date: 2017-10-27 words: 5865 flesch: 54 summary: Generally, the use of CFRP bars reinforcement internally to improve punching shear capacity of slab-column region is successfully due to enhanced strength above the punching shear capacity and increased stiffness as shown in Figure (11) and as a result in Table (16) that showed the increased ranged between (25.3-100%) for different distribution of same amount of CFRP bars. 7- the use of CFRP bars reinforcement in strengthening the slab-column region, results in a higher punching shear strength, a greater postcracking stiffness, a more uniform distribution of the strains in addition to reduce it, and smaller crack widths at full service loading compared with unstrengthening slab. keywords: bars; cfrp; column; concrete; figure; load; reinforcement; shear; slab; table; vol cache: jqes-380.pdf plain text: jqes-380.txt item: #248 of 544 id: jqes-381 author: Muhamed Umran, Haider title: STUDY AND ANALYSIS FOR THE EFFECTS OF POWER FACTOR CORRECTION IN AL-NAJAF CEMENT PLANT date: 2017-10-27 words: 5083 flesch: 66 summary: [6] proposed thyristor switched capacitor to improve power factor in windmill power plant and used MATLAB software tool to obtain on results. 3. In cement factory, the range of power factor is between of 0.7 to 0.8. keywords: cable; cement; correction; current; electrical; engineering; equipment; factor; losses; mill; power; power factor; vol cache: jqes-381.pdf plain text: jqes-381.txt item: #249 of 544 id: jqes-382 author: A. M. Al-Hameedi, Hayder title: Study of Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Pure Aluminum date: 2017-10-27 words: 2773 flesch: 62 summary: However, the aim of this study is to examine the effect of rotational speeds of welding tool on the microstructures and mechanical properties of the welded joints. The side where the direction of rotational tool is the same as that of welding is called the advancing side (AS), whereas the other side designated as being the retreating side (RS). keywords: engineering; fsw; heat; rpm; speed; stir; tool; welding cache: jqes-382.pdf plain text: jqes-382.txt item: #250 of 544 id: jqes-383 author: Jassem Jubear, Abbas title: The Effect of Fins Geometry on Longitudinal Trihedron Cylinder Forced Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient date: 2017-10-27 words: 4670 flesch: 59 summary: Cylinder with out fins velocity = 0.5 m/s velocity = 2.5 m/s velocity = 4 m/s Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8……No. 1 ….2015 88 Figure (8) The effect of air flow velocity on heat transfer rate triangular test sample Figure (9) The effect of air flow velocity on heat transfer rate rectangular test sample 3.60 4.00 4.40 4.80 5.20 Log(Re) 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 L o g (N u ) velocity =0.5 m/s velocity = 2.5 m/s velocity = 4 m/s Cylinder with tringle fins 3.60 4.00 4.40 4.80 5.20 Log(Re) 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 L o g (N u ) velocity = 0.5 m/s velocity = 2.5 m/s velocity = 4 m/s Cylinder with rectanglar fins Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8……No. 1 ….2015 88 Figure (10) The effect of inclined angle on heat transfer rate Figure (11) The effect of inclined angle on heat transfer rate 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 Log(Re) 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 L o g (N u ) This study aims to perform an experimental study of heat transfer by forced convection for three cylinders (with 12 triangular, rectangular shape fins and without fins) made of aluminum. keywords: air; convection; cylinder; engineering; fins; heat; number; sample; test; transfer; velocity cache: jqes-383.pdf plain text: jqes-383.txt item: #251 of 544 id: jqes-384 author: Ahmad Abd-lrazaq, Eklas; Jabar Nasser, Nawres; Sadiq Atta, Amal title: Studying the effect of adding different fiber types to polyester composite on the adhesive wear property date: 2017-10-27 words: 2859 flesch: 94 summary: فقد بلغ معدل البلى اما (1.43gm/cm)حيث ان معدل البلى بلغ (4cm)االنزالقية 5.33gm/cm) ( عند زمن مقداره )دقيقة(. 6 Hasim Pihtili (9002 )( قام بدراسة تاثير تغيير المادة االساس على البلى باستخدام طريقةwear tester (a block on-shaft مع االلياف الزجاجية, واستنتج ان معدل البلى حيث استخدم كل من البوليستر وااليبوكسي للمتراكبة ) البولي استر , الياف الزجاج , الياف الكاربون , البلى االلتصاقي. keywords: wear; االختبار; االلتصاقي; البلى; البوليستر; الحمل; الزجاج; السرعة; القادسية; المجلد; المسلط; المواد; الهندسية; الى; الياف; بين; حيث; راتنج; زيادة; على; عند; للعلوم; معدل; مقاومة cache: jqes-384.pdf plain text: jqes-384.txt item: #252 of 544 id: jqes-385 author: Atiya Alwan, Jassim title: Asphaltic Pavement Distresses and The possibility of repair date: 2017-10-27 words: 6452 flesch: 91 summary: او السطحية او االساس في التبليط فيتجمع التبليط تحت العجالت عند التوقف هي ( : يأتي بالدرجة الرابعة من حيث كثافته في التبليط حيث ان نسبته في التبليط Ruttingالتخدد)-ت والمتوسطة % تبليط الطريق لرداءة مواده %(من مساحة التبليط ، 1.100( وكثافته المتوسطة الشدة هي)Polished Aggregateتآكل ركام التبليط) -ح كفاءة د سبب ظهوره الى تآكل الركام بسبب استمرار االحتكاك بينه وبين عجالت المركبات المارة وعدمويعو .(Abrasion keywords: +0.0; 2قدم; astm; distresses; pavement; pci; االسفلت; االسفلتية; ادناه; اسباب; التبليط; التدرج; الجدول; الخلطة; الركام; السطحية; الشدة; الشقوق; الطبقة; الطريق; العيوب; القادسية; اللباب; المجلد; المرجعية; الهندسية; الهندسية المجلد; الى; تحت; تحديد; حالة; حيث; ذلك; رقم; طبقة; طريقة; عالي; على; عند; فحص; قيمة; متوسط; مساحة; ملم; نتائج; نسبة; نماذج; هذه; وان; وكما; وهي cache: jqes-385.pdf plain text: jqes-385.txt item: #253 of 544 id: jqes-386 author: Alatawi, Saleh title: THE FACTORS AFFECTING PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT IN SAUDI ARABIA: "VARIATION ORDERS VIA OFFICE BUILDING AS SAMPLE" date: 2017-10-27 words: 8112 flesch: 98 summary: 16.5 أشار بينرا هذا ، %(60 رن وأقل %10 رن )أكثر بين را تتراوح الزيادة هذه أن إلى أشاروا 36% ثالثة يتعدى برا النسبة هذه إجرالي -ثالثا ،التغيير أوارر لروضوع الرشكلة الجوانب أهم وتحليل وصف رحاولة في البحث لهذا العام الهدف يترثل األهداف رن رجروعة ثرة العام الهدف هذا رظلة وتحت التشييد، رشاريع إدارة على وفاعال رؤثرا بوصفه :ةاآلتي الجوانب لرعرفة تسعى الفرعية التغيير. keywords: orders; variation; أشاروا; أفراد; أوارر; إدارة; إلى; األعرال; اإلشراف; استشاري; البحث; الترتيب; التشييد; التصريم; التغيير; التغيير أوارر; التي; الجهة; الحكورية; الدراسة; الذين; الرالك; الرستفيدة; الرشاريع; الرشروع; الريدانية; العقد; العينة; القادسية; المجلد; الهندسية; برتوسط; بشدة; بين; جاءت; حسب; حيث; حين; ذات; رعياري; رقم; رنظورة; على; قيرة; كشفت; للعلوم; نسبة; هذا; وأقل; وفي; وقد; يحدث; يوضح cache: jqes-386.pdf plain text: jqes-386.txt item: #254 of 544 id: jqes-387 author: Yaser Ali, Ammar title: Experimental Investigation and Nonlinear Analysis of Hybrid Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams date: 2017-10-28 words: 6785 flesch: 60 summary: Comparison between the analytical and experimental results has shown a reasonable agreement of the load-deflection response, where, the average of the maximum difference in first cracking and ultimate loads was (13)% and (9.6)%, respectively. Afterward, the failure occurred due to concrete crushing along strut direction at ultimate load about (400kN). keywords: beams; concrete; deflection; depth; figure; hsc; load; mid; shear; span; strength; ultimate cache: jqes-387.pdf plain text: jqes-387.txt item: #255 of 544 id: jqes-388 author: Mohammad Musa AL_jubory, Kanaan title: A New Approach for a Two - Photon and Super- resolution Microscopy date: 2017-10-28 words: 3843 flesch: 64 summary: It is possible to visualise molecular structures аt thе right sіzе, аnd rеsolutіon levels sіmіlаr to еlеctron tomogrаphy have the capability of being achieved with thе benefit of vеry hіgh copy numbеr, molecularly -spеcіfіc lаbеllіng. What is more, іt is possible thаt thе limits arising from dіffrаctіon will actually be a bigger drawback for fluorеscеnce mіcroscopy compared to brіght fіеld mіcroscopy. keywords: engineering; fact; imaging; journal; lіght; mіcroscopy; purposes; rеsolutіon; sciences; supеr; terms; thе; vol; аnd cache: jqes-388.pdf plain text: jqes-388.txt item: #256 of 544 id: jqes-389 author: Dari Jaafar, Ayad title: Degradation of Organic Dyes using Photo-Catalytic Technique date: 2017-10-28 words: 2488 flesch: 50 summary: The photo-catalytic effect of nano TiO2/CNT composite was evaluated by methylene blue (MB) degradation in aqueous solution under solar and UV lamp (365 nm, 1.2 Mw/cm 2 ). However, the excess free radicals prefer to react with the excess of rather than with the dye. CONCLUSION The synthesis and characterization of nano TiO2/CNT composites thermally derived from CNTs by an improved oxidation method because the conductive structure of the CNT scaffolds might facilitate the separation of the photo-generated electron/ hole pairs at the CNT-TiO2 interface leading to the faster rates of photo-catalytic oxidation. keywords: blue; cnt; composite; degradation; methylene; nano; photo; tio2 cache: jqes-389.pdf plain text: jqes-389.txt item: #257 of 544 id: jqes-39 author: H. GHAWI PhD, ALI title: A COMPUTATION FLUID DYNAMIC INVESTIGATION INTO THE USE OF BAFFLES IN POTABLE WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROCESS TANKS IN IRAQ date: 2017-07-15 words: 5561 flesch: 59 summary: ا��(' ا�� �Pة ����ض و ا��I�� � ا=��� ا���$�ن ,إ�� ���ل Y,�� و �Q�R5 � ����� ا�� ���� و ��W��X أ��اض ا�� ���ِ� � �= Z�&و آ ���� ت ا���Q� �] Very few guidelines exist for the optimal use of baffles in process tanks in WTPs. keywords: baffles; flow; inlet; tank; velocity; water; ا �; ∂ ∂; � اض; � ن cache: jqes-39.pdf plain text: jqes-39.txt item: #258 of 544 id: jqes-390 author: Hilal Kamel, Shaimaa title: STUDYING SOME OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF UNSATURATED POLYESTER REINFORCED BY RE-CYCLED NATURAL MATERIALS date: 2017-10-28 words: 3926 flesch: 50 summary: The effect of untreated and treated coconut shell reinforced unsaturated polyester composites was studied and it was observed that the mechanical and thermal properties of unsaturated polyester/coconut shell composites were enhanced [7]. Lecturer Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Technology Received 15 February 2015 Accepted 6 May 2015 ABSTRACT Reinforcement of unsaturated polyester by particulates plays is an important role in the improvement of the mechanical properties of high performance materials. keywords: composites; dates; engineering; grapes; journal; materials; mechanical; particles; percentage; polyester; properties; test; value cache: jqes-390.pdf plain text: jqes-390.txt item: #259 of 544 id: jqes-391 author: H. Hamed, Hussein title: Oxygen and Nitrogen Separation from Air Using Zeolite Type 5A. date: 2017-10-28 words: 3208 flesch: 61 summary: Pressure swing adsorption processes rely on the fact that under high pressure, gases tend to be attracted to solid surfaces, or adsorbed. Oxygen and Nitrogen Separation from Air Using Zeolite Type 5A. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8……No. 2 ….2015 741 Oxygen and Nitrogen Separation from Air Using Zeolite Type 5A. Dr.Hussein H. Hamed Department of Fuel and Energy, Technical College-Kirkuk, Iraq Received 24 November 2014 Accepted 20 January 2015 ABSTRACT An adsorption (PSA) unit consist of two – tubes columns pressure swing, (6cm diameter and 70cm bed length) and a dryer part (12cm diameter and 27cm) filling with activated alumina (Al2O3) have been constructed to study the separation of oxygen and nitrogen from air using commercial 5A zeolite under the effect of adsorption pressure (1 to 6 bar), adsorption time (20s), product flow rate (1 liter/min) on the product oxygen purity. keywords: adsorption; air; flow; nitrogen; oxygen; pressure; psa; separation; swing; vol; zeolite cache: jqes-391.pdf plain text: jqes-391.txt item: #260 of 544 id: jqes-392 author: A.Ajeel, Sami title: Studying the Corrosion Resistance of Anodized Low Carbon Steel in Alkaline Solution date: 2017-10-28 words: 2936 flesch: 51 summary: 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 10 20 30 40 0 1 2 3 4 0 10 20 30 40 V o lt a g e V Time min. 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 10 20 30 40 V o lt a g e V Time min. 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 10 20 30 40 V o lt a g e V Time min. 0 2 4 6 8 0 10 20 30 40 V o lt a g e V Time min. 0 2 4 6 8 0 10 20 30 40 V o lt a g e V Time min. 0 2 4 6 8 0 10 20 30 40 V o lt a g e V Time min. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8……No. 2 ….2015 966 a b c d e Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8……No. 2 ….2015 961 f g A B Figure (3): AFM contact mode for anodized carbon steel at different current densities: a-20, b- 120, c-220, d-320, e-420, f-520, g-620 mA/cm 2 , (A) 2D, (B) 3D. Figure (4): corrosion behavior of anodized low carbon steel at current density of 20 mA/cm 2 Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8……No. 2 ….2015 961 Figure (5): corrosion behavior of anodized low carbon steel at current density of 120 mA/cm 2 Figure (6): corrosion behavior of anodized low carbon steel at current density of 220 mA/cm 2 . 911 Figure (10): Corrosion behavior of anodized low carbon steel at current density of 620 mA/cm 2 . Figure (11): corrosion behavior of low carbon steel before anodizing. keywords: anodizing; carbon; corrosion; current; density; film; increase; journal; steel cache: jqes-392.pdf plain text: jqes-392.txt item: #261 of 544 id: jqes-393 author: A. Abid, balasim; Mahdi Farhan, Nada; Talib Al-Hemeri, Shurooq title: EFFECT OF PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ON HEAT TRANSFER AND FLOW REGIMES IN BUBBLE COLUMNS date: 2017-10-28 words: 6200 flesch: 63 summary: These results also showed that the rate of increase of heat transfer coefficients with gas velocity was rapid at low gas velocity (bubbly flow regime), This must be related to the fact that at low superficial gas velocity the small bubble sizes are formed and almost uniformly distributed throughout the whole column area, the bubbles rise almost vertically with the same speed and without coalescence drifting an amount of liquid to the top of the column ,by further increasing in the gas flow rates the increase in heat transfer coefficient become smaller with in the churn- Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8……No. 2 ….2015 171 turbulent flow regime this related to that when the superficial gas velocity increased continued the significant gas transport occurs through the large bubbles formed by coalescence begin to rise resulting in a kind of churn-turbulent flow pattern which cause slow down in heat transfer coefficient. [18] Behnoosh, M., Ensieh, G. B.and Jafar, S. M.,2009, experimental study of gas hold-up and bubble behavior in gas –liquid bubble column, Petroleum & Coal 51 (1),pp. keywords: air; bubble; coefficient; column; effect; flow; gas; heat; heat transfer; holdup; liquid; surface; transfer; velocity; water cache: jqes-393.pdf plain text: jqes-393.txt item: #262 of 544 id: jqes-394 author: Shakir Hadi, Nabaa title: STOCHASTIC MODELS OF SOME PROPERTIES OF WASTE WATER IN THE MAAMERA SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT date: 2017-10-29 words: 3975 flesch: 63 summary: since the autocorrelation function have the ability of all Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8……No. 2 ….2015 190 lags are not significant and also,the function have no seasonal cycles[Hipel et al.,1977b], hence the time series has no deterministic for stochastic component From Figs (10&11) for influent BOD5 and influent TSS. In all mathematical formulations, the slope coefficients b, �́�, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏 ́́ were found to be insignificant, thus supporting the findings that no physical relations between influent BOD5 and influent TSS. keywords: bod5; data; influent; model; series; time; tss; vol cache: jqes-394.pdf plain text: jqes-394.txt item: #263 of 544 id: jqes-395 author: Toman Thahab, Ahmed title: A Video Concealed Communication Based on Steganography Using Biorthogonal Decimated Wavelet Transform and SPIHT Codec date: 2017-10-29 words: 4065 flesch: 63 summary: In this paper, a digital color video steganography is proposed to hide secret video data in a secret video cover in the wavelet domain of the cover video. Primarily, the secret data is pre-processed to convert secret video data into a determined three levels of data and insert them in the wavelet domain of the cover video. keywords: algorithm; coefficients; cover; data; frame; image; journal; secret; steganography; stego; transform; video; wavelet cache: jqes-395.pdf plain text: jqes-395.txt item: #264 of 544 id: jqes-396 author: Abdul-Mahdi Mosheer, Khamail title: Addition of conductive screws to improve the mechanical properties of concrete date: 2017-10-29 words: 3810 flesch: 67 summary: % 0.0 0 55. 0.00 1.0 +8.63 +14.0, 1.5 +19.44 +32.26 Table (9): Density versus fibre content Table (8): Compressive strength increase rate and the fibre content relationship at different ages of the screw (for length 1 inch) Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8……No. 2 ….2015 220 Table (12): The results of the splitting tensile strength with different fibre content for ages o7 and 28 days Fibre content % Tensile Strength (Mpa) 7 days 28 days 0.0 2.05 2.44 1.0 2.73 3.10 1.5 2.60 2.95 Table (13): The rate of change in the tensile strength with an increase in the fibre content (screw length 1.0 inch) Fibre content % Rate of change in tensile strength (7 days) The increase in compressive strength appears more clearly with fibre contents of 1.0 and 1.5% compared to the reference mix. keywords: concrete; content; days; fibre; inch; length; screw; strength cache: jqes-396.pdf plain text: jqes-396.txt item: #265 of 544 id: jqes-397 author: M. H. Al-Shamkhi, Dhafeer; A. Abd Al-Wahid, Wisam title: THERMAL LOSSES REDUCTION FOR A TROUGH COLLECTOR: PART 2 HEAT TRANSFER date: 2017-10-29 words: 4086 flesch: 61 summary: [13] Padilla, Ricardo Vasquez, et. al., Heat transfer analysis of parabolic trough solar receiver, Applied Energy, 88, pp. 5097-5110, 2011. Parabolic trough collector (PTC) technology is one of a number of concentrated solar power (CSP) conversion methods available today. keywords: collector; energy; engineering; figure; flow; heat; number; nusselt; receiver; transfer; trough cache: jqes-397.pdf plain text: jqes-397.txt item: #266 of 544 id: jqes-398 author: HamzaAbdulsada, Mohammed title: Finite Element Analysis of Fins with Convection and Radiation Heat Transfer date: 2017-10-29 words: 4416 flesch: 60 summary: 4. Radiation heat transfer coefficient      TTTTh avavr 22  Equation (10) can be modified know to the form     0 2 2          TT kA Phh dx Td c r (11) To simplify the form of this equation, transforming the dependent variable by defining an excess temperature ( ) as       TxTx (12) Where, since  T is a constant dxdTdxd  substituting equation (12) into equation (11), obtain 0 222   The important things in fins surface must be emissive because of high emissivity give a great amount of heat radiation transfer from the fin. 6. keywords: equation; fin; heat; transfer;  ;   cache: jqes-398.pdf plain text: jqes-398.txt item: #267 of 544 id: jqes-399 author: Naief Al-Ta’ee, Kadhim; M. Alkassar, Hana; Naji Hussein, Ameera title: USE DRAINAGE WATER F0R AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES date: 2017-10-29 words: 2701 flesch: 59 summary: The results of germination of seeds with those samples of irrigation water at mixing drainage water ratios (0-100)% equal to (100-5)% for Al-forat class, (90-0)% for Yassmin and Amber Baraka class respectively. KEY WORDS: saline waters, irrigation and drainage water, sea water زراعيةال لإلغراضاستخدام ماء البزل م. أميرة ناجي حسين أ. 2- CHARACTERIZING SALINITY There are two common water quality assessments that characterize the salinity of irrigation water. keywords: class; drainage; germination; irrigation; river; samples; seeds; water cache: jqes-399.pdf plain text: jqes-399.txt item: #268 of 544 id: jqes-40 author: K. Ammash, Haider; H. Muhaisin, Muthana title: ADVANCED MODEL FOR THE EFFECTIVE MOMENT OF INERTIA TAKING INTO ACCOUNT SHEAR DEFORMATIONS EFFECT date: 2017-07-15 words: 6301 flesch: 57 summary: Aآ� �زع �0���5م ، ، /��QP� � Aآ� ( � Rfو� Z�Rfا� �fء إ��gf(ا� � Rf� ��� د����C�5 hPو=��ه�ت ا� U��Rا�� �$��) U��Rا�� �$�� iIgfا� �fPQ2 �f U��Rا�� �$�� � R� ا��� ا�� �PQ2 � . �� ا�� 8� �� 8 �� 9 :� 2� ا��2; =�> ا�3 � ا���د������ 2ر آ�?> ��1ش. keywords: = =; concrete; experimental; load; moment; results cache: jqes-40.pdf plain text: jqes-40.txt item: #269 of 544 id: jqes-400 author: Kh. Al-Taie, Arkan; W. Mashi, Hussein; M. Al-Kafagy, Mohammed title: THE EFFECT OF INLET PRESSURE ON STEAM FLOW BEHAVIOR ACROSS A CONVERGENT-DIVERGENT NOZZLE date: 2017-10-29 words: 3968 flesch: 60 summary: The shadowgraph technique was used for observing flow field; it is particularly useful where there are large density gradients, such as in steam flow across a shock wave. [2] A.J. White, “Numerical investigation of condensing steam flow in boundary layers”. keywords: condensation; engineering; experimental; flow; journal; nozzle; numerical; pressure; qadisiyah; sciences; steam; vol cache: jqes-400.pdf plain text: jqes-400.txt item: #270 of 544 id: jqes-401 author: Najeh Nemah, Mohammad title: CONTROL OF FLEXIBLE ROBOT USING VISION SENSOR MEASUREMENTS date: 2017-10-29 words: 4403 flesch: 60 summary: MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF FLEXIBLE ROBOT The dynamic model of flexible link with a tip mass robot shown in Figure (1) is derived in this section, where the motion of the robot is assumed as a rotation on a horizontal plane and the deflection occurs due to the movement of the link. [2] A. De Luca, Robots with Flexible Links: Modeling and Control, outlined, Roma University, Department of informatics and systematic (DIS), Roma, 2003, online avialable:, 2003. keywords: control; controller; engineering; estimation; journal; link; measurements; motion; robot; sec; state; system; time cache: jqes-401.pdf plain text: jqes-401.txt item: #271 of 544 id: jqes-402 author: Oda Dawood, Abbas; Fahad Resan, Sa'ad title: SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF TRADITIONAL JACK-ARCH SLAB IN SOUTH OF IRAQ date: 2017-10-30 words: 7444 flesch: 58 summary: Collapse of a large number of jack arch slabs and damage to many more was reported from the Romanian earthquake of 1990 (Maheri and Rahmani, 2003). To investigate the stress distribution of experimentally tested specimens, a three dimensional finite element model for jack arch slabs (flat and camber) at failure loading conditions was accomplished. keywords: arch; arch slab; brick; camber; flat; jack; jack arch; loads; masonry; mpa; seismic; slab; steel; strength; stresses; tensile; ubc; vertical cache: jqes-402.pdf plain text: jqes-402.txt item: #272 of 544 id: jqes-403 author: Ail Mutar, Mohammed; MOHAMMED ABDUL HASSAN, NOOR title: SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NEW ALKYD RESINS OBTAINED FROM BITTER ALMOND OIL AND COCOANUT OIL AS BINDER FOR SURFACE COATING date: 2017-10-30 words: 5965 flesch: 59 summary: (table 2), (AR2) prepared from Cocoanut oil showed an acid value higher than the (AR1) prepared from Bitter almond oil due to the length of the fatty acid chain component there of resin Cocoanut oil, containing (C41) carbon atom and Bitter almond oil containing ( C14) . The results of the prepared resins observed through the ( table 3), The Iodine value is higher in (AR2) prepared from Cocoanut oil showed an acid value higher than the (AR1) prepared from Bitter almond oil due to the length of the fatty acid chain component there of resin Cocoanut oil, containing (C41) carbon atom and Bitter almond oil containing ( C14) . keywords: acid; alkyd; analysis; ar1; ar2; ch2; journal; oil; qadisiyah; resins; table; value cache: jqes-403.pdf plain text: jqes-403.txt item: #273 of 544 id: jqes-404 author: JasimKadhim, Mohammed; S. Jabur, Adnan; Yasser Thamir Alyasiri, Heider title: X-Ray Study of Nanosized Copper Powder Produced by Sonoelectrodeposition Process date: 2017-10-30 words: 2138 flesch: 50 summary: Received 10 November 2014 Accepted 18 May 2015 ABSTRACT Electrodeposition process coupled with ultrasonic vibration (sonoelectrodeposition) was used to deposit nanosized copper powder from acidic solution of copper sulphate. The morphologies of nanosized copper powder are Treelike through irregular, angular, and rounded. keywords: copper; diffraction; engineering; journal; powder; size; spacing cache: jqes-404.pdf plain text: jqes-404.txt item: #274 of 544 id: jqes-405 author: Fadhil Ibrahim, Abbas title: PREDICTION OF SURFACE ROUGHNESS IN TURNING MACHINE Using TAGUCHI METHOD date: 2017-10-30 words: 2815 flesch: 61 summary: Prediction of surface roughness in turning machine by taguchi method Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8……No. 3 ….2015 326 PREDICTION OF SURFACE ROUGHNESS IN TURNING MACHINE Using TAGUCHI METHOD Dr.Abbas Fadhil Ibrahim Received 16 October 2014 Accepted 18 May 2015 ABSTRACT This paper investigates the effect of process parameters (approach angle, nose radius, cutting speed and feed rate) on surface roughness in turning machine. keywords: cutting; feed; nose; parameter; radius; rate; roughness; speed; surface cache: jqes-405.pdf plain text: jqes-405.txt item: #275 of 544 id: jqes-406 author: Ibraheem Khalaf, Hassanein; Ahmed Nassar, Ameen title: Using of XFEM With Meshing Type-T3 for Orthotropic FGM Plate With A Center Crack Parallel to the Material Gradation Under Fixed Grip Loading date: 2017-10-30 words: 4881 flesch: 50 summary: Several functions for crack tip enrichment are achieved by the following expression is proposed in the polar local coordinate for crack tip enrichment Although implementing singular elements is resolved mesh dependency in FEM, the exact displacement field at crack tip can be reproduce by XFEM and there is no mesh. keywords: crack; element; engineering; finite; integral; journal; materials; method; sciences; tip; vol; xfem cache: jqes-406.pdf plain text: jqes-406.txt item: #276 of 544 id: jqes-407 author: Noori Hamzah, Mohsin; Shakir Nima, Mahmood title: Experimental and Numerical Investigations of an Inflated Air-Spring Made of Fiber-Reinforced Rubber date: 2017-10-30 words: 3790 flesch: 50 summary: [8] Kydoniefs A.D., Spencer A.J.M., “Finite axisymmetric deformations of an initially cylindrical elastic membrane”, Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. [12] Shi J., Moita G.F., “The post-critical analysis of axisymmetric hyperelastic membranes by finite element method”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 135, pp. keywords: air; engineering; figure; finite; journal; rubber; spring; vol cache: jqes-407.pdf plain text: jqes-407.txt item: #277 of 544 id: jqes-408 author: Razzak Al- Husseini, Thulfikar; Ali Al- Mussawy, Haider title: SUGGESTED MODEL TO ESTIMATE SEDIMENTS TRANSPORT IN Al- DIWANIYAHH RIVER BASED ON FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS date: 2017-10-30 words: 5737 flesch: 59 summary: The study of river suspended sediments is becoming more important, nationally and internationally, as the need to assess fluxes of nutrients and contaminants to lakes and oceans, or across international boundaries, increases. Seven parameters were selected according to notifying many formulas that used to estimate suspended sediment load which are depth of flow h, specific gravity S.g, Slope S, d65, d35, density of flow , and discharge Q. keywords: bed; concentration; discharge; engineering; formula; journal; load; river; sampling; sciences; sediment; transport; vol; water cache: jqes-408.pdf plain text: jqes-408.txt item: #278 of 544 id: jqes-41 author: Khudhair Abdullah, Salam; H. Ameen, Nabeel; K. Esa, Hydar title: ASSESSMENT OF DISTRIBUTION COEFFICIENT TO REMOVE THE RADIOACTIVE POLLUTION FROM WASTEWATER BY USING BENTONITE CLAYS date: 2017-07-15 words: 2667 flesch: 53 summary: W�sf�$ ،�f ا��,�fز f/ آ�Wfy ٤٠-=j d��س =�آ�A ا� �=�Y��م �E ف�f�w2�� =���' أP= ام�X�Y�5 �Eر�Xا���2ذج ا��ا-�� وا� � ����م ���� ا��P2وة 5()�ءة �E�2ات % ٤٠Pد ا�� � �4Xy �5�Y�� '�� L i =� �$f z� ا. ���gfا��� �fBا���� 'f�ا����� /f �QPا���ء ا�� / /� d�� / آ��ر$� ا� �=�Y��م � �2� �$ً� s5ذا�5 آ��� �X �fدة ا�� �fدل . keywords: fy �; y �; � ام; � � cache: jqes-41.pdf plain text: jqes-41.txt item: #279 of 544 id: jqes-410 author: Liaq Hashem, Alaa title: Assessment of embedding phase change materials in heavyweight buildings in Iraq using ESP-r date: 2017-10-31 words: 3423 flesch: 55 summary: Beyond phase change temperature range, latent heat of material is equal to zero, (Heim and Clarke, 2004). Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8……No. 3 ….2015 386 Assessment of embedding phase change materials in heavyweight buildings in Iraq using ESP-r Alaa Liaq Hashem PhD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Al-Qadisyah University, Al- Diwanyah, Iraq. keywords: building; change; energy; esp; heat; layer; materials; pcm; phase; room; temperature cache: jqes-410.pdf plain text: jqes-410.txt item: #280 of 544 id: jqes-411 author: T.Rashid, Waleed title: EFFECT OF SOME FACTORS IN THE FRICTION STIR WELDING ON TENSILE STRENGTH OF AL-Zn-Mg ALLOY. date: 2017-10-31 words: 3147 flesch: 60 summary: It was concluded that the best tensile strength of (158Mpa) can be obtained when the variables were (X1 = 900 rpm) (X2 =52mm\min).Also results show that the variables, namely the rotation Speed (X1) &welding speed (X2) have a significant effect on tensile strength. However, the interactions of these factors have less significant effect on tensile strength. keywords: engineering; friction; journal; speed; strength; tensile; tensile strength; tool; welding; welding speed cache: jqes-411.pdf plain text: jqes-411.txt item: #281 of 544 id: jqes-412 author: D. Zmat Albdiri, Amer title: STUDY OF SCENEDESMUS ALGAE GROWTH IN A SPLITCOLUM AIR-LIFT PHOTOBIOREACTOR date: 2017-10-31 words: 4662 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: Algae growth, Photobioreactor, biomass production, dynamic growth rate باستخدام مفاعل بيو ضوئي ذو الرفع الهوائي Scenedesmusدراسة نمو طحالب االنقسامي الملخص: باستخدام مفاعل بيو ضوئي من نوع عمود الرفع الهوائي االنقسامي تحت Scenedesmusتم دراسة نمو طحالب smE 468 ,187 ,94)ظروف مختلفة من الشدة الضوئية ./ 2  . However, present models succeeded to predict algae growth in PBRs, relies on volume average irradiance (Iav), and estimate specific photosynthetic growth rates (μ) by empirical correlations that relate μ with Iav (Aiba, 1982; Evers, 1991; Rorrer et al., 1999; Molina Grima et al., 1996). keywords: airlift; algae; chlorophyll; column; engineering; figure; gas; growth; intensity; light; photobioreactor; rate; split; velocity cache: jqes-412.pdf plain text: jqes-412.txt item: #282 of 544 id: jqes-413 author: M. Shaheed, Saba title: Improvement expansive soil properties (l.l, p.l, p.i) using ordinary Portland cement date: 2017-10-31 words: 4247 flesch: 61 summary: The idea of this research is to improve the properties of expansive soil, such as, liquid limit, plastic limit and shrinkage limit by adding different amount of Ordinary Portland Cement to expansive soil. All variable which effect on soil properties, such as: amount of water, the ratio of compacting, time of mixing and the time for testing should be constant, to determine the differences in liquid limit, plastic limit and shrinkage limit for expansive soil with and without different amount of Ordinary Portland Cement. keywords: cement; engineering; length; limit; liquid; soil; water; weight cache: jqes-413.pdf plain text: jqes-413.txt item: #283 of 544 id: jqes-414 author: F. Al-Mensorey, Mushtaq title: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF MIXED CONVECTION FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER IN A LID-DRIVEN OCTAGONAL CAVITY WITH HEATING ON TWO SIDEWALLS date: 2017-10-31 words: 6792 flesch: 47 summary: [7] T.S. Cheng, W.-H. Liu, Effects of cavity inclination on mixed convection heat transfer in lid-driven cavity flows, Computers & Fluids 100 (2014) 108–122. The right and left walls of the octagonal cavity are adopted as hot walls with Th, and the top and bottom walls are adopted as cold walls with Tc. keywords: cavity; convection; fig; flow; heat; heat transfer; lid; motion; right; transfer; velocity; wall cache: jqes-414.pdf plain text: jqes-414.txt item: #284 of 544 id: jqes-415 author: Shawkat Hasan, Aysha title: THE IMPACT OF CORROSION ON ( Cu_37 Zn) ALLOYS WELDED BY OXY- ACETYLENE WITH THREE TYPES OF FILLER RODS BY WEIGHT LOSSES METHOD date: 2017-12-18 words: 3411 flesch: 59 summary: Total corrosion rates (CrT) also calculated from the equation (1) by substitute instead of (W) the difference between the initial weight and the last weight, and instead of the time the total exposure time to corrosion medium which was (120hr). Corrosion rate in sulfuric acid immersion for three filler rods Figure (2): The total corrosion rates for three weldments immersed in acidic medium. keywords: brass; copper; corrosion; engineering; journal; medium; rate; time; welding; weldments cache: jqes-415.pdf plain text: jqes-415.txt item: #285 of 544 id: jqes-418 author: M.Majeed, Husham; A.Ubeed, Ahmed; K.Hameed, kassim title: PREDICTIVE CORRELATION FOR THE VISCOSITY - TEMPERATURE RELATION OF SOME IRAQI CRUDE OILS date: 2017-12-20 words: 2713 flesch: 55 summary: Key Words: Viscosity, Temperature, Predictive Correlation, Iraqi crude oil, polyfit. In this work, a simple correlation has been developed to calculate the viscosity of crude oil with temperature using 40 samples collected from different Iraqi wells. keywords: correlation; crude; error; oil; rumeela; temperature; viscosity cache: jqes-418.pdf plain text: jqes-418.txt item: #286 of 544 id: jqes-42 author: A. Yasir, Ryidh; Naji Abudi, Zaidun title: CHARACTERISTICS AND COMPOSITIONS OF SOLID WASTE IN NASSIRIYA CITY date: 2017-07-15 words: 5119 flesch: 67 summary: �:� � ��;�� �) �� <3�� �=���� ��� ������ &��� *�! 0�39 �5� �� *�! ��39 %'� ����� ����7.>8 %;� /<3�� / ������� ����� @� � A�B � �4�)� '�� �� ������� ������� &���� %��� ��ا� ����� ������� � iP $�� �5�! C���� 6DE.FF %;� /%F � ���� G��) %� ��� �� � ��� &�� ���:�� � ��� ������ ����5�H�� &�� � ��� &���� C������ � �)�( G��) %� ��� �� �� &3�� �:� � �:� &�� ��� . keywords: = �; waste; ا �; و �; وا �; � b; � fوا; � k; � � cache: jqes-42.pdf plain text: jqes-42.txt item: #287 of 544 id: jqes-430 author: F. Al-Mensorey, Mushtaq title: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF MIXED CONVECTION FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER IN A LID-DRIVEN OCTAGONAL CAVITY WITH HEATING ON TWO SIDEWALLS date: 2018-01-18 words: 6809 flesch: 47 summary: [7] T.S. Cheng, W.-H. Liu, Effects of cavity inclination on mixed convection heat transfer in lid- driven cavity flows, Computers & Fluids 100 (2014) 108–122. The right and left walls of the octagonal cavity are adopted as hot walls with Th, and the top and bottom walls are adopted as cold walls with Tc. keywords: cavity; convection; fig; flow; heat; heat transfer; lid; motion; right; transfer; velocity; wall cache: jqes-430.pdf plain text: jqes-430.txt item: #288 of 544 id: jqes-431 author: Lauibi Esmail, Essam; Kadum Abd-Ali, Nabel; Abdulsattar Al-Ebadi, Asia title: Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Gear Teeth Numbers for Six- Velocity Lepelletier Automatic Transmission date: 2018-01-18 words: 4129 flesch: 58 summary: Considering the geometry relations of the Lepelletier gear mechanism, gear teeth number of ring gear-teeth should be 85 or less. (6) OPTIMIZATION OF GEAR RATIOS FOR EGTs The optimization of gear teeth numbers of automotive automatic transmissions is a multi-objective task. keywords: constraints; design; gear; numbers; optimization; planet; ratio; teeth; train; velocity cache: jqes-431.pdf plain text: jqes-431.txt item: #289 of 544 id: jqes-432 author: Abdul Razzaq, M. title: Effect of Micro-Sized on Thin plate Specimen using Fractographic Analysis date: 2018-01-19 words: 3212 flesch: 60 summary: Strain (%) A B C 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 S tr e ss ( M p a ) Strain (%) A B C Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8……No. 4 ….2015 512 0.1mm specimen thickness 0.3mm specimen thickness (a) (a) (b) (b) (c) (c) Figure (5): SEM fracture surface of tensile specimens, with a thickness of 0.1mm and 0.3mm stainless steel S304: (a) Magnification at 100X, (b) Magnification at 2000X, and (c) Magnification at 10000X. Through observation, the discussions focused on the differences on the surface of the specimen due to the effect of specimen thickness. keywords: fracture; properties; specimen; steel; strength; tensile; test; thickness cache: jqes-432.pdf plain text: jqes-432.txt item: #290 of 544 id: jqes-433 author: A.K. Shahad, Haroun; A. Hamzah, Dhafer title: Investigation on an Intermittent Absorption Refrigeration prototype powered by Solar Irradiation date: 2018-01-19 words: 4914 flesch: 51 summary: 513 Investigation on an Intermittent Absorption Refrigeration prototype powered by Solar Irradiation Prof Haroun A.K. Shahad Dhafer A. Hamzah Babylon University Al-Qadyisiah University Email: Received 22 September 2015 Accepted 12 October 2015 ABSTRACT In this study, a design and fabrication of intermittent solar absorption refrigeration unit was performed at Hillah city in Iraq)32.4 o , 44.4 o ). Comparison of the experimental evaluation of solar intermittent refrigeration system for ice production operating with the mixtures NH3/LiNO3 and NH3/LiNO3/H2O. [7] Sun DW. keywords: absorption; ammonia; concentration; performance; pressure; radiation; refrigeration; solar; system; temperature; time cache: jqes-433.pdf plain text: jqes-433.txt item: #291 of 544 id: jqes-434 author: K. Ammash, Haider; Mohammed Majeed, Haider; Hasen Ali Al-Salim, Nabeel title: SULFATES EFFECT IN FINE AGGREGATE ON SELF COMPACTING CONCRETE PROPERTIES BY USING RISE HUSK ASH date: 2018-01-19 words: 5771 flesch: 61 summary: R= the percentage of SO3 % desired in fine aggregate. N= the percentage of SO3 % in the used natural gypsum. keywords: aggregate; cement; compressive; concrete; content; days; engineering; gypsum; mixes; powder; so3; strength; tensile cache: jqes-434.pdf plain text: jqes-434.txt item: #292 of 544 id: jqes-435 author: Asal Gzar, Hatem; Hassan Mottar, Zahraa title: DESORPTION OF LEAD, COPPER AND ZINC FROM IRAQI SILTY CONTAMINATED SOIL date: 2018-01-19 words: 5389 flesch: 62 summary: Developed for the treatment of heavy metal contaminated soils are based on two principles: immobilization, by increasing the retention of metal on soil or decreasing the mass transfer rate of metal; and mobilization, by the removal of metal from the soil matrix (Kirpichtchikova et al., 2006; Mulligan et al., 2001;Benschoten et al., 1997; Peters, 1999; Irene and Yang, 1999; Khodados et al., 2005 ; Uwumarongie and Okieimen, 2010). Process evaluation for optimization of EDTA use and recovery for heavy metal removal from a contaminated soil. keywords: acid; concentration; copper; edta; efficiency; engineering; extraction; journal; lead; metals; removal; soil; zinc cache: jqes-435.pdf plain text: jqes-435.txt item: #293 of 544 id: jqes-436 author: Qasim Jumaah Althahab, Awwab; Hussein Shatti Alisawi, Ahmed title: IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE OF VOICE-EXCITED LPC VOCODER IN SPEECH CODING APPLICATION date: 2018-01-19 words: 4281 flesch: 59 summary: Speech signals consist of several sequences of sounds, which can be classified into voiced and unvoiced. Only the predictor coefficients and residual error are sent instead of sending original speech signals. keywords: bits; coding; coefficients; error; linear; lpc; process; quality; rate; signal; speech; vocoder; vol cache: jqes-436.pdf plain text: jqes-436.txt item: #294 of 544 id: jqes-437 author: J. Mahmood, Nawzad title: THE IMPACT OF ADDING COPPER TO ALUMINUM ON MICROSTRUCTURE AND HARDNESS date: 2018-01-19 words: 2731 flesch: 49 summary: The solidification process was studied using the cooling curve and crystallization curve at solidification rate ranging from 0,16 ºCs-1 up to 1,04 C[9]. Inspecting the curves of time-temperature, it was observed that the two main factors influence the microstructure is cooling rates which reflects the temperature loss and cooling rates is linked to solidification rate which defined as solid solution phase and measured by (m/sec), figure-8 (1a,2a and 3a) where the temperature of chilling base was fixed to (0 o C) compared to the microstructure of the specimen facing the chilling base this was due to the grain refining of the microstructure for specimen number (1) keywords: alloys; aluminum; base; cooling; engineering; hardness; microstructure; solidification; temperature; water cache: jqes-437.pdf plain text: jqes-437.txt item: #295 of 544 id: jqes-439 author: Abdulhussein Saeed, Khitam title: Effect of Clay Percentage in Sandy Clay Soil on Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity date: 2018-01-20 words: 3350 flesch: 57 summary: Field soil hydraulic properties based on physical and mineralogical information. Measurements include bulk density, particle size distribution, clay percentage and hydraulic conductivity using constant head system. keywords: clay; conductivity; data; engineering; hydraulic; journal; porosity; size; soil; water cache: jqes-439.pdf plain text: jqes-439.txt item: #296 of 544 id: jqes-440 author: S. M. Al-Kurayshi, Hakim; Abdul Jaleel Resool, Dhurgham title: Horizontal Shear Transfer between Concrete and Bricks date: 2018-01-20 words: 3360 flesch: 67 summary: Connection between concrete and bricks can be fulfilled through interlock between concrete aggregates and brick material besides the concrete studs formed as a result of filling the brick holes by concrete. shear force against slip for concrete to bricks w ith tw o dow els 0 5 10 15 0 2 4 6 8 10 Slip in (m m ) S h e a r fo rc e i n ( K N ) Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 9……No. 1 ….2016 11 Photo (2): Concrete to Bricks shear test Photo (3): Failure of concrete to Bricks with six dowels Photo (1): Concrete to concrete shear test keywords: bars; bricks; concrete; force; mortar; shear; strength cache: jqes-440.pdf plain text: jqes-440.txt item: #297 of 544 id: jqes-441 author: Wajid Abud, Dheyaa; Ibrahem Basheer Al-Ubaidy, Mohammed; A. Jassim, Yousef title: MODIDICATION OF LEACHET CHARACTERISTCS IN LANDFILL USING MIXXTURE OF LIME AND SAWDUST WASTE date: 2018-01-20 words: 4219 flesch: 64 summary: In this study the initial values of Cr +3 and Zn +2 in 2 nd reactor was 9.4mg/l and 19.3 mg/l, respectively, which is higher than other reactors. The TSS initial value in the 2 nd was higher than other reactors with 365 mg/l which decreased to 231mg/l in the first three weeks, then tend to increase to 470 mg/l, The final effluent throughout this study was 58 mg/l. the removal efficiency in the 2 nd and 3 rd reactors was 84.11% and 84.5% which indicates that both reactor have same behavior in removing TSS. keywords: engineering; landfill; leachate; lime; reactor; removal; waste cache: jqes-441.pdf plain text: jqes-441.txt item: #298 of 544 id: jqes-442 author: Hilal Kamel, Afraa title: EFFICIENT VISCOSITY EVALUATION USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK FOR EPOXY AFTER ADDITION WASTE NATURAL MATERIAL date: 2018-01-20 words: 3751 flesch: 52 summary: Effect of Shear Rate on Viscosity In general of all Fig.(3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9) illustrated the viscosity of epoxy resin modified by pomegranate peel powder used in this work increased as the shear rate is increased. Viscosity of epoxy resin modified by pomegranate peel powder increased as the shear rate is increased. keywords: epoxy; journal; network; neural; peel; pomegranate; powder; rate; resin; shear; viscosity; wt% cache: jqes-442.pdf plain text: jqes-442.txt item: #299 of 544 id: jqes-443 author: Al-Busaltan, Shakir; Al-Ani, Ma'aly; Al-Jawad, Ola title: EFFECT OF RC AND SBR AS COATING CURING MATERIALS ON PROPERTIES OF HIGHWAY RIGID CONCRETE PAVEMENT date: 2018-01-20 words: 4851 flesch: 57 summary: This research work reports the results of a study performed to evaluate the engineering properties of concrete coated with concrete surface coatings solutions; two types of coating were used representing co-polymer (Styrene-Butadiene Rubber, SBR) and by- product material (Residue Crude, RC). Whiting and Snyder investigated the effectiveness of high volatile organic compounds, low volatile organic compounds, plastic sheet and convectional lab water curing, on concrete strength and permeability(Whiting and Snyder, 2003). keywords: coating; concrete; curing; engineering; pavement; sbr; solution; specimens; strength; water cache: jqes-443.pdf plain text: jqes-443.txt item: #300 of 544 id: jqes-444 author: M. Fahad, Besma; Jafar Meerza, Hyman title: MODIFICATION OF BAGHDAD POTABLE WATER BY USING RECYCLE WASTE GLASS date: 2018-01-20 words: 4014 flesch: 64 summary: al. 2012)studied the ability of using crushed glass solid wastes in water filtration by using a pilot plant, constructed in Al-Wathba water treatment plant in Baghdad. Wait until all the amount of filter water get down. keywords: conductivity; engineering; filter; filtration; glass; journal; process; tss; values; vol; waste; water cache: jqes-444.pdf plain text: jqes-444.txt item: #301 of 544 id: jqes-445 author: K. At-Temimi, Yahya title: EVALUATION OF GROUNDWATER PROPERTIES IN BORDERLINE BETWEEN IRAQ AND KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA FOR DIFFERENT USES date: 2018-01-20 words: 3421 flesch: 63 summary: The Directorate of Maritime Inspection [11] Mam Rasool, G.A., 2000, Steady of water quality and its effect on nutrients availability for corn in Sulaimania region, M.Sc. thesis, Collage Of Agriculture, University of Sulaimania. Anssab 10 45 0 18 ' 067 29 0 09 ' 036 110 -130 Fatema 11 Table (2): Water quality collected from wells. keywords: concentration; engineering; iraq; journal; sciences; vol; water; wells cache: jqes-445.pdf plain text: jqes-445.txt item: #302 of 544 id: jqes-446 author: Hassan Ali, Farooq title: NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF NATURAL CONVECTION IN AN OBLIQUE ENCLOSURE FILLED WITH SILVER –WATER NANOFLUID date: 2018-01-20 words: 5327 flesch: 53 summary: [14], analyzed numerically the effect of inclination angle and a sinusoidal heating and cooling temperature profiles on one side, respectively, on natural convection heat transfer and fluid flow in a two-dimensional enclosure filled with nanofluid. In the present work the of natural convection heat transfer and fluid flow in oblique enclosure filled with silver-water nanofluid is investigated numerically using the finite difference method. keywords: convection; enclosure; heat; journal; nanofluid; number; rayleigh; sciences; transfer; volume; wall; water cache: jqes-446.pdf plain text: jqes-446.txt item: #303 of 544 id: jqes-447 author: S. M. Al-Kurayshi, Hakim title: Mathematical extraction equation of horizontal shear transfer in interface between two concrete members date: 2018-01-20 words: 3472 flesch: 67 summary: Present Work In the literature it is seen that people who were working on equations without taking concrete compressive strength reached an incorrect results of horizontal shear strength while those who were taking that into considerations had far results. In each of these figures same polynomial of six parameters is used to reach the equations which are representing the most acceptable relation between horizontal shear strength and clamping stress. keywords: mpa; shear; strength; stress cache: jqes-447.pdf plain text: jqes-447.txt item: #304 of 544 id: jqes-448 author: AL-THAIRY, Haitham title: EFFECT OF TRANSVERSE REINFORCEMENT ON THE AXIAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF REINFORCED CONCRETE COLUMNS date: 2018-01-20 words: 5587 flesch: 58 summary: The study has also showed that using equations suggested by the ACI-Code to determine the axial compressive strength of RC columns with tie reinforcement that are spaced at distances exceed that suggested by the code, gives over- estimated predictions of the column axial resistance which may results unsafe design. Keywords: RC columns, axial strength, transverse reinforcement, experimental tests, volumetric ratio. keywords: columns; concrete; engineering; figure; ratio; reinforcement; strength; transverse; transverse reinforcement; volumetric cache: jqes-448.pdf plain text: jqes-448.txt item: #305 of 544 id: jqes-449 author: شاكر مجدي, حسن; شنشل جعفر, مهدي title: Application of magnetic Field to Improve the performance of Filter membranes used In water desalination systems date: 2018-01-20 words: 2551 flesch: 90 summary: قسي8ثسليي2حرييح تتضسح اتئيج مريتيتجذ ايثسح مهث ت بيت ثلنسيجذمايحد نسي تنيحطي ثسلييثس مفثسطاةيثسحد من ل سي ايحج القادسية للعلوم الهندسية المجلد 9 ييحريثغط سيثست ط اي ايج مريةتليثاثسسيثس ل ةيتمث يثسطاةيثسحد من ل سي ح اليثسي(:3)رقم الشكل keywords: desalination; field; fouling; hardness; issn; membrane; treatment; water; القادسية; المجلد; الهندسية; ايح; سيثسح; طخمئي; مضايثس cache: jqes-449.pdf plain text: jqes-449.txt item: #306 of 544 id: jqes-450 author: Ahmed Abed, Ali; A. Jasim, Abbas title: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF WIRELESS VOICE CONTROLLED MOBILE ROBOT date: 2018-01-20 words: 4293 flesch: 53 summary: REFERENCES Ahmed Q. A., 2011, Controlled of mobile robots by using speech recognition, Journal of Babylon University, Applied Science, Vol. 3, issue 19. Plannerer B., 2005, An Introduction to speech recognition, Bernd Plannerer, Munich, Germany. keywords: arabic; distance; engineering; feature; figure; journal; mobile; recognition; robot; speech; system; time; voice; vol; words cache: jqes-450.pdf plain text: jqes-450.txt item: #307 of 544 id: jqes-451 author: Flayih Hassan Al-Sibahy, Adnan title: EFFECTS OF SUPERPLASTICIZER ADMIXTURE ON THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE MIXES CONTAINING MINERAL ADDITIVES date: 2018-01-20 words: 4557 flesch: 56 summary: The short and long-term mechanical properties of concrete mixes were measured in accordance with the relevant British / EN standards. A growing number of alternatives to the traditional ingredients of concrete mixes have surfaced in recent years. keywords: admixture; cement; concrete; days; glass; metakaolin; mixes; strength; superplasticizer cache: jqes-451.pdf plain text: jqes-451.txt item: #308 of 544 id: jqes-452 author: Sh. Dakheel, Hashmia; B. Abdulla, Zainab title: IMPROVINGSTARTINGCHARACTERISTICS OF SQUIRREL-CAGE MOTOR BY USING V/F CONTROL METHOD date: 2018-01-20 words: 3506 flesch: 55 summary: 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Torque (N.m) S p e e d ( re v /m in ) Torque speed curves, double cage with constant airgap flux f = 60 Hz f = 45 Hz f = 30 Hz f = 15 Hz 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Torque (N.m) S p e e d ( re v /m in ) Torque speed curves, single cage with constant v/f f = 60 Hz f = 45 Hz f = 30 Hz f = 15 Hz 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 K Values Starting torque and current related to frequency for single cage motor Starting Torque Starting Current 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Torque (N.m) S p e e d ( re v /m in ) Torque speed curves,double cage with costant v/f f = 60 Hz f = 45 Hz f = 30 Hz f = 15 Hz 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 K Values Starting torque and current related to frequencyfor double cage motor Starting Torque Starting Current At start condition the rotor resistance of squirrel- cage induction motor is very large compared to rotor resistance at running (fixed and small). keywords: cage; current; induction; motor; speed; starting; torque cache: jqes-452.pdf plain text: jqes-452.txt item: #309 of 544 id: jqes-453 author: Mohammed Gased, Noora; A.H. Al-Ethari, Haydar; Hubi Haleem, Ali title: EFFECT OF COMPACTING PRESSURE ON MICROSTRUCTURE,PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF NiTi SMA date: 2018-01-20 words: 3279 flesch: 62 summary: Density and Porosity Measurement The green density of compacted samples was calculated as follows[7]: g g g V m  where : ρg: green density (g/cm 3 ) g m : green mass of the compacted sample(g); and g V = volume of the compact (cm 3 ). The XRD test shows that the sample compacted at 800 MPa are consisting of three phases (NiTi monoclinic phase ,NiTi cubic phase , Ni3Ti hexagonal phase ).From the results, it was found that compacting pressure has essential effect on; improvement of shape memory effect properties(1.30-5.60)%, increasing hardness(from80.4to137) and compressive strength(from127.43to431.04)MPa and decrease porosity percentage(from32to22)%. keywords: alloys; compacting; density; effect; engineering; memory; niti; porosity; pressure; samples; shape; vol cache: jqes-453.pdf plain text: jqes-453.txt item: #310 of 544 id: jqes-454 author: Kareem Aswed, Gafel title: PRODUCTIVITY ESTIMATION MODEL FOR BRACKLAYER IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS USING NEURAL NETWORK date: 2018-01-20 words: 4382 flesch: 53 summary: Though considerable research exists on productivity factors in other countries, very little studies have addressed productivity issues in Iraq. Many prediction-modeling techniques have been used in the last ten years such as “statistical model, action response model, factor model, linear regression model etc.” keywords: ann; construction; data; engineering; factors; journal; model; network; neural; output; production; productivity; sciences; vol cache: jqes-454.pdf plain text: jqes-454.txt item: #311 of 544 id: jqes-455 author: H. Aghdeab, Shukry; Ayad Ahmed, Baqer; Sattar Jabbar, Mohammed; Ali Abbas, Asaad title: INFLUENCES AND OPTIMIZATION OF CNC TURNING MACHINING PARAMETERS date: 2018-01-20 words: 4035 flesch: 52 summary: Surface roughness is one of the most important characteristic variable to be monitored in the cutting processes owing to the direct relation between change of surface roughness and cutting conditions (Ilhan, 2010). Received 26 October 2015 Accepted 21 February 2016 ABSTRACT In this study, the objective is to obtain optimal values of CNC turning parameters (cutting speed, depth of cut and feed rate) which result in an optimal value of surface roughness by machining aluminum shaft. keywords: cutting; depth; feed; machining; parameters; rate; roughness; speed; surface cache: jqes-455.pdf plain text: jqes-455.txt item: #312 of 544 id: jqes-456 author: Saud Salman Al-Gasham, Thaar title: EXPERIMENTAL PERFORMANCE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE HOLLOW COLUMNS EXPOSED TO FIRE date: 2018-01-20 words: 4358 flesch: 62 summary: Keywords: hollow columns, fire exposure, temperature, collapse load, axial stiffness. The using of hollow columns reduces the loadings transferred to foundations; hence smaller foundations are required. keywords: columns; concrete; engineering; figure; fire; hollow; load; specimens; temperature cache: jqes-456.pdf plain text: jqes-456.txt item: #313 of 544 id: jqes-458 author: Kadum Abd-Ali, Nabel title: Experimental Investigation of Performance and Exhaust Emissions of a Diesel Engine With Scrap Tires Rubber Oil Blended Diesel Fuel date: 2018-01-20 words: 4861 flesch: 61 summary: Moisture was measured according to standard specification for diesel fuel oils ASTM D975 and ASTM 396 for calculating fixed carbon. The carbon content in scrap rubber oil diesel blends at the similar load in the same volume was lower; so, the emissions of CO2 from scrap rubber oil and these blends were lower than of standard diesel. keywords: blends; diesel; efficiency; emission; energy; engine; engineering; fuel; gas; oil; performance; rubber; rubber oil; scrap; scrap rubber; standard; tires cache: jqes-458.pdf plain text: jqes-458.txt item: #314 of 544 id: jqes-459 author: Janna, Hussein title: Noise levels Assessment in Selected Places in Al-Diwaniyah City, Iraq date: 2018-01-20 words: 4187 flesch: 70 summary: The aim of this study was achieved to evaluate noise level in some selected area represented by schools and medical centres in Al-Diwaniyah city according to the international standards. Therefore, noise levels were measured using sound level meters type (SVAN-955) in 10 places (5 schools and 5 health centres and hospitals) in different areas in the city. keywords: centres; engineering; environmental; health; hospitals; journal; level; noise; schools; sound cache: jqes-459.pdf plain text: jqes-459.txt item: #315 of 544 id: jqes-46 author: D. Zmat, Amer; H. GHAWI, Ali title: PERFORMANCE PREDICTION OF ROTATING BIOLOGICAL CONTACTOR IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT APPLICATIONS date: 2017-07-16 words: 2986 flesch: 60 summary: ��$���� � < �'K ��� ����� %�/� 0�$ %� )bio-disks ( ������ �Q��� *�� 2 � �� ��� L:��� �5� � �� ������ �Q��� #��� ���� �$��� �� ��� ��$���� � ���-�� �5//)� ��� ��$� ��3� ����� ! ��)�� ��$��� A��� &��� Q��� � ����� � �)���� & ��3 *�! C�R� ������ � �$������ G����� Q�/ � �� &�/�� S���� &�� �)�� . keywords: biofilm; concentration; k �; q �; substrate; � b cache: jqes-46.pdf plain text: jqes-46.txt item: #316 of 544 id: jqes-460 author: A. Laftah, Jabbar title: STUDYING THE EFFECTS OF THE SUPER PLASTICIZER ON THE CONCRETE MIXES CONTAINING DIFFERERNT PORTION OF CEMENT date: 2018-01-20 words: 3937 flesch: 67 summary: Through the results it is noted that the amount of water needed to have a specified slump decreases with increasing cement ratio in mixes i.e. whenever the aggregate ratio increases in the Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 9……No. 2 ….2016 252 mix and the cement paste decrease, more amount of water is needed to restitute the effect of cement paste which is the covering the surfaces of the coarse, greasing and lubrication these surfaces (A.M , Nevel 'properties of concerete ' 2005). The mix (1:1.5:3) when it is without plasticizer material and with water to cement ratio (0.4), the amount of slump = 3.5 mm and when plasticizers is added at the same percentage of water to cement, the slump increases to (100 10 mm). keywords: cement; concrete; mix; mixes; plasticizer; ratio; slump; water cache: jqes-460.pdf plain text: jqes-460.txt item: #317 of 544 id: jqes-461 author: Y. AL-Dulaimi, Kawthar; A. H. Al-Ethari, Haydar; Warcholinski, Bogdan title: TAGUCHI METHOD TO OPTIMIZE MACHINING CONDITIONS AFFECTING CEMENTED CARBIDE TOOL'S WEAR LIFE IN TURNING AISI 1020 STEEL date: 2018-01-20 words: 3685 flesch: 64 summary: Key words: Tool life, Machining parameters, Taguchi method, Flank wear, Optimization, Modeling. The manufacturing industry is striving to improve the productivity, quality and longer tool life. keywords: cutting; engineering; journal; life; machining; rpm; spindle; tool; vol; wear cache: jqes-461.pdf plain text: jqes-461.txt item: #318 of 544 id: jqes-462 author: A. Hemzah, Sadjad title: New Finite Difference Derivation For Calculation of Natural Frequency of Sector Steel Plate date: 2018-01-20 words: 3043 flesch: 61 summary: 4x4 28.949 42.198 5x5 31.019 39.822 6x6 32.341 38.684 7x7 33.230 38.035 8x8 33.853 37.628 9x9 34.306 37.354 10x10 34.644 37.162 11x11 34.903 37.021 12x12 35.106 36.915 13x13 35.268 36.833 14x14 35.399 36.768 15x15 35.507 36.716 Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 9……No. 2 ….2016 288 Table (3): Finite difference natural frequencies in terms of of curved plate with different boundary conditions and aspect ratios Support Type SSSS CCCC SCSC CSCS 2.75 11.10513 22.21385 11.54042 21.98377 3 10.89932 22.03229 11.22416 21.86353 Table (4): Finite difference natural frequencies in terms of of curved plate with different boundary conditions and different radiuses R(m) Theta (deg) keywords: conditions; difference; element; engineering; finite; plate; qadisiyah; results cache: jqes-462.pdf plain text: jqes-462.txt item: #319 of 544 id: jqes-463 author: J. Taher, Muntadher; N. Al – Ghanimi, Mohammed; J. Kadhim, Aymen title: A comparative Study on the Feasibility of the Use of Finishing Gypsum Plaster in the Traditional Manner and Method of Spraying with Machine date: 2018-01-20 words: 8404 flesch: 95 summary: عن CaOنسبة 2 1.215 االمالح الذائبة وامالح المغنيسيوم )%( التزيد عن 3 11 الماء المتحد )%( 4 7.2 الفقدان بالحرق )%( اليزيد عن 5 6102 2العدد 9مجلة القادسية للعلوم الهندسية المجلد 11 دراسة االمكانات التنموية الستثمار المياه الجوفية في محافظة النجف االشرف م.م. زينب ديكان عباس الكالبي قسم التخطيط البيئي –كلية التخطيط العمراني/ جامعة الكوفة ماجستير هندسة موارد مائية 5102كانون الثاني 30ُقبل في 5102تشرين االول 22أستلم الخالصة تعد المياه الجوفية من الموارد المائية المهمة في المناطق الصحراوية والشبه صحراوية في العالم وفي العراق بشكل والمياه الجوفيه هي المياه التي تسربت خالل طبقات األرض من األمطار واألنهار والبحيرات العذبه وبمرور خاص. في الماء عن 2 سام والمواد الطافية )كاالصباغ والزيوت(يجب ان تخلو المياه من keywords: study; water; االبار; االشرف; االشعاع; االنهاء; االول; البئر; البحث; البديل; التي; الثاني; الجدول; الجص; الجوفية; الحدود; الدراسة; العالقة; العمل; الفحوصات; القادسية; الكالسيوم; الماء; المائية; المجلد; المسموح; المناطق; المواد; المياه; النجف; الهندسية; الهندسية المجلد; الى; بئر; بالنسبة; بها; حيث; خالل; دينار; رقم; سطح; شهر; على; عن ملغم; عند; غير; كلفة; كما; لتر; للشرب; محافظة; مقارنة; ملغم; مناطق; منطقة; هذه; وذلك; وهي; يوم cache: jqes-463.pdf plain text: jqes-463.txt item: #320 of 544 id: jqes-464 author: Degan Abbasse Al-Kelabbee, Zainab title: Studying the development potentials to invest groundwater in Najaf Ashraf state date: 2018-01-20 words: 5869 flesch: 91 summary: المياه الجوفية ، تنمية المياه الجوفية ، اعماق المياه الجوفية ، خصائصدراسة االمكانات ، : كلمات مفتاحية محافظة النجف االشرف المقدمة: اإلنسان على احتياجاته المائية من مصدرين أساسيين وهما مصادر المياه السطحية وتشمل مياه األنهار يحصل مكون ما يسمى بالمياه والبحيرات ومجاري الوديان ومصادر المياه األرضية وتشمل اآلبار والينابيع والكهوف بر أزمنة مختلفة تكون حديثة أو الجوفية وهي فحوصات تحريات االول تم التعرف من خاللها على اعماق المياه الجوفية )محافظة النجف االشرف(التربة keywords: water; االبار; االشرف; االشعاع; اعماق; البئر; التزيد; التي; الجدول; الجوفية; الحدود; الحرارة; الدراسة; الشمسي; العالقة; القادسية; الكالسيوم; المائية; المجلد; المسموح; المناطق; المواد; المياه; النجف; الهندسية; الى; بئر; بالنسبة; بها; بين; حيث; خالل; رقم; سطح; شهر; على; عن ملغم; غير; لتر; للشرب; محافظة; ملغم; مناطق; منطقة; هذه; وهي cache: jqes-464.pdf plain text: jqes-464.txt item: #321 of 544 id: jqes-47 author: K. Ammash, Haider; R. Al- Husseini, Thulfikar; A. Al- Rammahi, Munaf title: OPTIMUM HYDRAULIC AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF INVERTED SIPHON date: 2017-07-16 words: 5983 flesch: 66 summary: �f�� ت�$�f ا�� Zf�= أن �&fأ� ه �fP$�Q �,4f�X�= /f)�$ �ff=��:١- �ff� = �ff$�ت ���ff��j �ff ا��ffQXة -٣ = �ff$�ت ���ff��j �ff ا��ffQXة -٢ = �ff$�ت ���ff ا��ffQP2 ا��5Cا�ff�M ا��)�و �fو��� 'fآ � � �gا�� �g(Xا��. /f �f$� ك ا��f2ل ه�)fy>أدر ا k �ff��5 �ff�� س�ff) ن ا���(�Rff�� �M��ff�rا d��4ffوا�� 'ff�ا���� �ff د�ff���Cا dff= )STAAD Pro2006(k ��� ����� �X�Y�5ام ه&ا ا� ��G �; ��ة أQ= d=آ� ا��(��ب وs��� z�jد / . keywords: + +; design; engineering; siphon; ; ; � ff; � � cache: jqes-47.pdf plain text: jqes-47.txt item: #322 of 544 id: jqes-482 author: Abdul Ameer Alwash, Nameer; Muhsen Habeeb, Ghalib; Hameed Naser Al-Mamoori, Fatimah title: FLEXURAL BEHAVIOR OF LIGHT WEIGHT CONCRETE SLAB PANELS REINFORCED WITH CFRP BARS date: 2018-03-25 words: 5476 flesch: 61 summary: This failure which was more gradually than CFRP slab models. As the load was increased further, a loss of stiffness occurred and one mode of failure appeared which can be classified as flexural failure in tension by steel yielding then concrete crushing in compression face for steel reinforced slab models. keywords: bars; cfrp; engineering; engineering sciences; journal; load; qadisiyah; sciences; slab cache: jqes-482.pdf plain text: jqes-482.txt item: #323 of 544 id: jqes-487 author: Jasim, Rasha; Qasim, Mohammed title: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH MODEL FOR CONCRETE CONTAINING POLYETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE (PET) BY USING ULTRASONIC PULSE VELOCITY date: 2018-04-22 words: 3316 flesch: 67 summary: This was achieved by measuring ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) on this type of concrete and comparing the result of compressive strength tests to clarify the accuracy of the ultrasonic test equation for this type of concrete. (2007) created model between UPV and compressive strength test. keywords: engineering; journal; qadisiyah; sciences; strength cache: jqes-487.pdf plain text: jqes-487.txt item: #324 of 544 id: jqes-489 author: Jawad Mohammed Albattat, Hayder title: WEARABLE ANTENNAS 3.8 AND 5.6 GHZ USING FOR INDOOR CHILD MONITORING date: 2018-04-23 words: 1953 flesch: 64 summary: Received on 27 August 2017 Accepted on 31 October 2017 Published on 30 December 2017 DOI: 10.30772/qjes.v10i4.489 Abstract: In latest years the progress and employment of wearable antennas have developed quickly for human monitoring applications. Wearable antennas have already been developed as metal patches with different shapes on textile fabric [7]. keywords: antenna; engineering; engineering sciences; journal; qadisiyah; sciences cache: jqes-489.pdf plain text: jqes-489.txt item: #325 of 544 id: jqes-490 author: Mohsin Hasan, Yousif title: HIGH ALTITUDE PLATFORM STATIONS IN DESIGN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR COVER THE SPECIFIC AREA date: 2018-04-23 words: 2962 flesch: 62 summary: This study illustrated for calculating the co- channel interference between HAPS ground station with a terrestrial station and satellite station. ANGLE) Interference from the fixed satellite service (FSS)[5] ground station to the HAPS ground stations that between FS ground stations and HAPS ground station can be reduced by increasing the minimum elevation angle of the HAPS ground station. keywords: engineering; ground; haps; journal; qadisiyah; sciences; station cache: jqes-490.pdf plain text: jqes-490.txt item: #326 of 544 id: jqes-491 author: Naif Ibrahim Al-Khazraji, Ahmed; Mahdi Awwan Al-Shabbani, Rasool title: EFFECT OF POLISHING ON THE FATIGUE RESISTANCE AND RESIDUAL STRESSES FOR THE SHOT PEENED OF 7075-T6 ALUMINUM ALLOY date: 2018-04-23 words: 2788 flesch: 61 summary: In this paper, the effect of surface polishing of the shot peening aluminum alloy (7075-T6) on the residual stresses and endurance limit is studied. = (2) From Figure (8), the residual stresses gradually increasing when the roughness surfaces decreasing, this shows that the residual stresses are generated by shot peening process at, or just below the surface layer for a certain depth and usually it is higher that on the surface. keywords: engineering; fatigue; journal; peening; qadisiyah; sciences; shot; surface cache: jqes-491.pdf plain text: jqes-491.txt item: #327 of 544 id: jqes-492 author: Athab Al-Jameel, Hamid; Jihad Kadhim, Ali title: MODELING DRIVER BEHAVIOR FOR TWO AND THREE LANE SECTIONS IN IRAQI RURAL ROADS date: 2018-04-23 words: 5886 flesch: 68 summary: Keywords: car-following model, lane changing model, simulation model and rural roads. Then, lane changing hybrid model has been developed according to the suggested assumptions by previous studies and collected field data to match the real behavior. keywords: data; engineering; engineering sciences; journal; lane; model; qadisiyah; sciences cache: jqes-492.pdf plain text: jqes-492.txt item: #328 of 544 id: jqes-493 author: Fadhil SMAISIM, Ghassan title: AUGMENTATION OF HEAT TRANSFER IN CORRUGATED TUBE USING FOUR-START SPIRAL WALL date: 2018-04-24 words: 6693 flesch: 63 summary: Published on 15 January 2018 DOI: 10.30772/qjes.v10i4.493 Abstract: This article dealt with an important heat transfer field, which is passive heat transfer technique represented by corrugated tube. Keywords: Corrugated Tubes; Four-Starts; Severity Index; Heat Transfer Enhancement; Friction Factor. keywords: engineering; engineering sciences; figure; fluid; heat; journal; number; qadisiyah; reynolds; sciences; transfer; tube cache: jqes-493.pdf plain text: jqes-493.txt item: #329 of 544 id: jqes-494 author: F. Abid, Mohammad; H. Abohameed, Waleed; M. Ahmed, Shakir; M. Ali, Salah; Kareem Ibrahim, Saad title: STUDYING THE PERFORMANCE OF A HYDROTREATING PROCESS FOR A MIXTURE OF GAS OIL AND LIGHTER FRACTIONS date: 2018-04-24 words: 6450 flesch: 56 summary: Gas oil and lighter fractions (mixture of Naphtha, Kerosene, and gas oil) was used as a real feed in all experiments for the HDS process was supplied from Al_Daura Refinery. As observed, there is a 1.6% reduction in gas oil less than that of the conventional method. keywords: engineering; engineering sciences; gas; hds; journal; oil; qadisiyah; qadisiyah journal; sciences; temperature; vol; whsv cache: jqes-494.pdf plain text: jqes-494.txt item: #330 of 544 id: jqes-495 author: Amer Dahham, Israa title: ENERGY SAVING OF WASTEWATER PUMPING USING PROPOSED INTEGRATED DRIVE SYSTEMS date: 2018-04-25 words: 3380 flesch: 58 summary: A stored program within the PLC relates wastewater flow rate to motor drive speed based on affinity laws and calculates the corresponding speed of the drive. Keywords: Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), wastewater pumping systems, integrated drive systems, energy saving, Programmable Logic Control (PLC). keywords: control; engineering; figure; journal; qadisiyah; sciences; system cache: jqes-495.pdf plain text: jqes-495.txt item: #331 of 544 id: jqes-496 author: Yasser Thamir Alyasiri, Heider title: STRUCTURE-PROPERTIES RELATIONSHIPS IN HEAT TREATED LOW CARBON STEEL date: 2018-04-25 words: 2704 flesch: 59 summary: Mechanical tests show increase in hardness, yield strength, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and yield/tensile ratio as cooling rate is increase. Keywords: AISI 1018 steel, heat treatment, grain size, Hall-Petch, cooling rate. keywords: cooling; engineering; journal; qadisiyah; sciences; strength cache: jqes-496.pdf plain text: jqes-496.txt item: #332 of 544 id: jqes-497 author: Abdulla Abed, Ali; Abdul Zahra Mahdi, Zaid title: STUDY OF USING THE CRUSHED CLAY BRICKS WITH NATURAL AGGREGATE AS UNBOUND SUBBASE PAVEMENT LAYER IN SEGREGATED FORM date: 2018-04-25 words: 4271 flesch: 61 summary: CBS CBS NA CBS CBS CBS CBS 2 CBS CBS NA keywords: aggregate; bricks; cbr; cbs; engineering; journal; subbase cache: jqes-497.pdf plain text: jqes-497.txt item: #333 of 544 id: jqes-499 author: Albdiry, Mushtaq title: STUDYING THE EFFECT OF CHEMICAL TREATMENT AND ORIENTATION ON FRACTURE TOUGHNESS OF KENAF FIBRE- EPOXY COMPOSITES date: 2018-04-25 words: 3587 flesch: 55 summary: MATERIAL AND ALKALI TREATMENT Epoxy (DER331) and hardener (JOINTMINE 905-3S) with ratio of 2:1 were used as a polymer resin for kenaf fibre composites. Critical factors on manufacturing processes of natural fibre composites. keywords: composites; engineering; epoxy; fibre; fracture; journal; kenaf; qadisiyah; sciences cache: jqes-499.pdf plain text: jqes-499.txt item: #334 of 544 id: jqes-501 author: K. Atemimi, Yahya; T. Fahad, Abdulla title: EFFECT OF DATES NUCLEUS POWDER ON SOME ENGINERRING PROPERTIES OF CLAYEY SOIL IN COMPARISON TO LIME date: 2018-04-29 words: 3210 flesch: 66 summary: The lime –clay soil mixture in soaking condition show an increase in CBR of about 1233% (from 1.5 to 20 for untreated soil and lime-clay mixture respectively). Figure 7: Effect of stabilizer on soil strength. keywords: clay; dnp; engineering; journal; lime; sciences; soil; strength cache: jqes-501.pdf plain text: jqes-501.txt item: #335 of 544 id: jqes-502 author: Ruhma Al-Badri, Alaa title: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON DIRECT EVAPORATIVE AIR COOLER PERFORMANCE WITH CELLULOSIC PADS date: 2018-04-29 words: 3309 flesch: 58 summary: Face air velocity on pads was varied between 0.5 and 3.0 m·s -1 . The influence of air velocity is taken into AL-QADISIYAH JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING SCIENCES Vol. 10, No. 4 ISSN: 1998-4456 Page 527 keywords: air; efficiency; engineering; journal; pads; qadisiyah; saturation; sciences cache: jqes-502.pdf plain text: jqes-502.txt item: #336 of 544 id: jqes-503 author: F. Khazaal, Hasan; Th. Salim ALRikabi, Haider; S. Farhan, Mansour title: EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF LENGTH ON THE PERFORMANCE OF RECTANGULAR TO RECTANGULAR WAVEGUIDE TAPER date: 2018-04-29 words: 2127 flesch: 58 summary: In this paper; two rectangular to rectangular waveguide tapers have been fabricated to join waveguide operating at C band frequencies with another one operating at X band frequencies. 1. BACKGROUND Article Rectangular to rectangular waveguide tapers used to make transition between two different waveguide cross sections in order to mitigate some technical problems in connection and / or to reduce the cost of using new waveguides in a whole system. keywords: engineering sciences; qadisiyah journal; rectangular; taper; waveguide cache: jqes-503.pdf plain text: jqes-503.txt item: #337 of 544 id: jqes-504 author: A. Ismael, Muneer; M. Laftah, Rafil; N. Falih, Mustafa title: MEASUREMENT OF LIQUID LEVEL IN PARTIALLY-FILLED PIPES USING A NOISE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FLOWMETER date: 2018-04-29 words: 5452 flesch: 54 summary: Doney, B., Electromagnetic flow measurement in partially filled pipes, in „Journal of Fluid piping Systems”, magnetic flow products for ABB instrumentation, 1999. The experimental study was achieved by building a laboratory rig containing the main parts of electromagnetic flowmeter. keywords: engineering; engineering sciences; flow; flowmeter; journal; level; liquid; qadisiyah; signal; transformer cache: jqes-504.pdf plain text: jqes-504.txt item: #338 of 544 id: jqes-505 author: A. F. Al-Hamadani, Ali; Saleem Jebur Ogaili, Khaleel; A. Y. Al-Waaly, Ahmed title: THE EFFECT OF FIN’S HEIGHT AND CIRCULAR PERFORATED ON THE NATURAL CONVECTION OF THE VERTICAL RECTANGULAR FINS date: 2018-05-06 words: 2539 flesch: 56 summary: 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Fcp2 with H=6 cm Fcp3 with H=8 cm Fcp5 with H=10 cm h e a t tr a n s fe r c o e fi c ie n t, W /m 2 o C heat transfer rate, W Figure 4: Heat transfer coefficient and the rate of heat transfer for different Fcp with different fin height. Mostafavi, G.; Ahmadi, M., Effect of fin interruption on natural convection heat transfer from a rectangular interrupted single-wall, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems InterPACK2013, Burlingame, CA, USA. keywords: engineering; fin; heat; transfer cache: jqes-505.pdf plain text: jqes-505.txt item: #339 of 544 id: jqes-506 author: Raad Hassan, Ali; Mohsin Ali, Khalid title: EFFECTS OF ROTATIONAL SPEED, CENTER DISTANCE AND DIAMETER RATIOS ON THE DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF PULLEY-BELT SYSTEM DEPENDS ON VIBRATION ANALYSIS date: 2018-05-06 words: 4408 flesch: 57 summary: Abdulrahman Abdulshakoor Al Bulushi, G.R. Rameshkumar and M. Lokesha, ”Fault Diagnosis in Belts using Time and Frequency based Signal Processing Techniques” International Journal of Recent advances in Mechanical Engineering,Vol.6,No.11,pp.11-20, November 2015. Case 3:- reduce ratio changes: Where drive pulley diameter value is 10 cm and driven pulleys diameters are (10, 15, 20, 25) cm, and drive speed of 1500 rpm (25 Hz) with driven pulleys speed of (1500, 1000, 750, 600) rpm which means (25, 16.66, 12.5, 10) Hz; results presented no signification change in (X1, Y1, Z1) directions as figures (11), (12), (13), shown. keywords: engineering; engineering sciences; journal; qadisiyah; sciences cache: jqes-506.pdf plain text: jqes-506.txt item: #340 of 544 id: jqes-507 author: DH. Abbas, Mukhtar; H. Mojid, Mukhlis; A. Majeed, Hiba title: STUDY OF NOISE POLLUTION DUE TO THE SOUND AMPLIFIERS:- CASE STUDY COMPARISON BETWEEN LOCAL AND MODERN MARKET IN DIWANEYAH CITY date: 2018-05-07 words: 2850 flesch: 64 summary: Therefore, we measured the noise level in Local and Modern markets to identify the difference in noise level that create by sound amplifiers where we chose three points in each market at (North, Mid and South) and for a period of seven days and comparison the readings of noise level of both markets with the Iraqi standard. In this study, the researchers measure the noise level at three points (North, Mid and South) in each market (Local and Modern ) for a period of seven days, The readings of noise levels (Leq) at Local market were as followed, in North the noise level was (73.7 to 81) dB with average of 77.2 dB and Stdev 2.54. keywords: engineering; level; market; noise cache: jqes-507.pdf plain text: jqes-507.txt item: #341 of 544 id: jqes-51 author: Y. Ali, Ammar; A. Alwash, Nameer; Abdul-MahdiI Mosheer, Khamail title: NONLINEAR FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE DEEP BEAMS WITH OPENING date: 2017-07-17 words: 3660 flesch: 66 summary: ����ب ا�������� ا������ ا������ ا���و�� �� ����ت �����ام � ��ا�����! ا� � &���� ا��%�$� ا����دة ا�� $� �� �� ��ت ا������� ا����� ا������ ��� ���ل '���& ت% �� ا���$ � #�ول ا� ��� ا��&��( /�0 /.-�� ا,+��ل ا�*�آ# &&=�ف ا��&&�دة )#;&&� ا: �&&�ر #&&3 /��8&& ا����&&�� /&&7 ا�&&6 ا��. ا��#�4&&� ا���&&3دة � &&��� وا��3�8A 3&&&& /&&<�@ و/?&&<7 B��* ��8 ا������ .ا��C��C�0 و+3�3 ا�� DE�F�/ 7/ ��+ Gدر H� � ذو <�� H �I3 و �K�(����MKن +3�&3 . ا���0ذ ا��آ�)ر ���� ��1 ا0-�� ��)ش آ��� ا�,%��� ! keywords: beams; concrete; element; engineering; k �; load cache: jqes-51.pdf plain text: jqes-51.txt item: #342 of 544 id: jqes-510 author: Nizar SAEED, Abdullah; Talib Jasim AL-SUDANI, Farah title: STUDY ON HETEROGENEOUSLY CATALYZED TRANSESTERIFICATION REACTION date: 2018-05-07 words: 3051 flesch: 47 summary: Experiments are carried out with different reaction temperatures, residence times and methanol to oil molar ratios specifically to investigate different oil conversions and reaction products with a broad range of FAME content to get a clear idea about how conversion and dynamic viscosity are related. A conversion of 91% was obtained at 60 o C reaction temperature, 12:1 methanol to oil molar ratio, 600 rpm in 2 hours of reaction time. keywords: biodiesel; conversion; engineering; journal; methanol; oil; qadisiyah; reaction cache: jqes-510.pdf plain text: jqes-510.txt item: #343 of 544 id: jqes-511 author: J. Nuhma, Mustafa title: EXCESS MOLAR VOLUMES, SURFACE TENSIONS, VISCOCITY DEVIATION AND FTIR SPECTROSCOPY OF 1-BUTANOL-ETHYL ACETATE BINARY SYSTEM MIXTURE date: 2018-05-07 words: 3841 flesch: 59 summary: The importance of thermodynamic excess properties is not only useful for the design and study of transport phenomena, but also for obtaining the appropriate data, which is the basis for the development of new predictive equations and linking them with special relationships. Anwar discussed changes in the values of excess thermodynamic properties with the change in composition and the temperature and their impact on hydrogen bonds and their effect on the mixing process [25]. keywords: acetate; binary; butanol; deviation; ethyl; excess; journal; molar; qadisiyah; viscosity; volume cache: jqes-511.pdf plain text: jqes-511.txt item: #344 of 544 id: jqes-513 author: Y. Hassan, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed; Abdulameer Alghazali, Muslim title: SPIKING NEURAL NETWORKS BASED PID LIKE FLC DESIGN FOR AN IDLE SPEED CONTROL OF AN AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE date: 2018-05-07 words: 5781 flesch: 67 summary: The load torque (Td) value usually varies around (30N.m) for low and medium range of engine speeds [12]. As can be seen from this figure, the SNN consists of one node in the input layer which receives the error in engine speed In the output layer of SNN, three nodes are used to represent the gains of the controller (Kp , Kd and Ko). keywords: control; controller; engine; engineering; fuel; journal; load; model; pidfc; qadisiyah; sciences; speed; time; torque cache: jqes-513.pdf plain text: jqes-513.txt item: #345 of 544 id: jqes-514 author: Ali Hasson Al-Zubaydi, Mr. Nasser title: RESPONSE ENHANCEMENT OF DC MOTOR USING EVOLUTIONARY INTELLIGENT FRACTIONAL-ORDER PID CONTROLLER date: 2018-05-07 words: 1862 flesch: 61 summary: The academics and resercher study different systems to integer and progress the control and genuineness in a diversity of actual schemes, this system is more precisely than the integer system also delivers a respectable tool for the account of procedure, FOPID system is signify and better from previouse systems. INTRODUCTION FOPID is complex model for PID system and needs more tuning of the parameters than classical PID controller, the tuning parameters of the FOPID controller (PIλDµ) controller is very hard to achieve [1]. keywords: controller; engineering; journal; qadisiyah; system cache: jqes-514.pdf plain text: jqes-514.txt item: #346 of 544 id: jqes-516 author: Abdul hasan Atiyah, Dr. Alaa; Badry Hasson Farid, Dr. Saad; Jumah Salman, Assist. Lec. Awham title: INVESTIGATION ON THE EFFECT OF THE POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL ON THE ELECTROPHORTIC DEPOSITION OF ALUMINA AND ZIRCONIA date: 2018-05-14 words: 3158 flesch: 59 summary: Plan Work and Characteristics the Deposited Parts Two groups of alumina suspensions were prepared in this work in order to study the effect of the polyethylene glycol on green density and thickness of the deposited parts. In ethanol-30% toluene suspension, the exaggerated content of PEG in alumina suspension (beyond 0.75 g) led to increase the pH and decrease the dielectric constant of the suspension with negative effect on the deposition rate. keywords: density; deposit; engineering; figure; increase; peg; suspension cache: jqes-516.pdf plain text: jqes-516.txt item: #347 of 544 id: jqes-517 author: Al Badri, Muhammad title: UTILIZING A PERMANENT-MAGNET ALTERNATOR WITH THE FULL CONVERTER IN WIND TURBINE INCREASES THE EFFICIENCY OF SUPPLYING AN ACTIVE AND REACTIVE POWER TO THE ELECTRICAL NETWORK date: 2018-05-16 words: 3487 flesch: 61 summary: Wind energy is defined as the process of converting wind energy into another form of energy that is easy to use. It is expected to continue in this direction (i.e. the use of wind energy to produce electricity) for several reasons; including increasing concerns about the pollution of the environment and the warming of the globe, keep energy production safe, and provide jobs. keywords: energy; engineering; journal; power; sciences; turbine; wind cache: jqes-517.pdf plain text: jqes-517.txt item: #348 of 544 id: jqes-518 author: Y. Hassan, Asst. Prof. Dr Mohammed title: INTELLIGENT TRACKING CONTROL USING PSO-BASED INTERVAL TYPE-2 FUZZY LOGIC FOR A MIMO MANEUVERING SYSTEM date: 2018-05-16 words: 7276 flesch: 69 summary: MATLAB\Simulink of the PD Like IT2FLCs controlled TRMS system is shown in Figure 6 where the TRMS model explained in section 1 is simulated using MATLAB\Simulink. The objective of Fuzzy controllers is to maintain the TRMS position within the pre-defined desired trajectory. keywords: control; engineering; journal; pitch; sciences; sec; system; time; trms; type-2; vol; yaw cache: jqes-518.pdf plain text: jqes-518.txt item: #349 of 544 id: jqes-519 author: Y. Hassan, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohammed; Abulhail, Saif Faris; Shareef, Lecturer Dr.Waleed Fawwaz title: Hardware Implementation of IT2FLC using FPGA for Control Applications date: 2018-05-16 words: 4114 flesch: 60 summary: For controller design, memberships of system variables are represented using interval value fuzzy sets. 6. M. D. Schrieber and M. Biglarbegian, Hardware implementation and.performance .comparison of interval Type-2 …..fuzzy logic controllers for real.time .applications, Application .Soft keywords: controller; design; engineering; engineering sciences; figure; fpga; it2flc; journal; sciences; vol cache: jqes-519.pdf plain text: jqes-519.txt item: #350 of 544 id: jqes-52 author: A. Al-Jeebory, Abbas; I. Al-Mosawi, Ali; D.jaseem, Kareem title: IMPROVING THERMAL RESISTANCE FOR COMPOSITE MATERIAL REINFORCED BY FIBERS BY USING FLAME RETARDANT MATERIAL LAYER date: 2017-07-17 words: 7959 flesch: 46 summary: ٦٠را0�7 % ٤٠ ����e .4 �0,^ ا����B اbو� �� ا�b �ف )��ه� �0�ر ا���� � �2 � ا���pل إ� ا��G$ ا����Bب ، .4 0�ش ا���دة .)٣(ا�6�C ر:) ١(ا��7ول ر: )٢(/ ا��7ول ر �ر �:Gا �F��(20mm) ��� ���� ) ( إ:� �ر ا��(��� ا� �ار�� � �رات ا�=�> �ر �:Gا �F��(25mm) keywords: j �; k �; o �; ار �; د �; ّ �; � b; � n; � nدة; � ا; � ارة; � ّ; � � cache: jqes-52.pdf plain text: jqes-52.txt item: #351 of 544 id: jqes-522 author: INSAIF JASIM, SABBAR title: OLD TAHOE AND TAHOE CONGESTION CONTROL ALGORITHMS FOR TCP date: 2018-05-17 words: 3605 flesch: 65 summary: OLD TAHOE: TCP Tahoe is the easiest one out of the four variations. Roman, TCP Tahoe, Reno, New Reno, and SACK–a Brief Comparison, A Journey to Software Craftsmanship, November 10, 2011 11. keywords: congestion; delay; engineering sciences; figure; journal; qadisiyah; sample; tahoe; tcp cache: jqes-522.pdf plain text: jqes-522.txt item: #352 of 544 id: jqes-524 author: Ismael HASAN, Mushtaq; Lafta TBENA, Hind title: NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF MICROCHANNEL HEAT SINK WITH MEPCM SUSPENSION WITH DIFFERENT TYPES OF PCM date: 2018-05-18 words: 7058 flesch: 56 summary: 1- Using of MEPCM suspension in heat sink led to reduce heat sink temperature compared with using pure water, Ethylene glycol and pure oil. Fig.17 explains the variation between heat transfer from heat sink and heat flux applied on the base when the heat sink unit filled with pure water at c = 0% and MEPCM suspension (RT44 with PMMA) at a concentration 2%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. keywords: channel; concentration; flux; heat; journal; mepcm; micro; qadisiyah; sink; suspension; temperature; water cache: jqes-524.pdf plain text: jqes-524.txt item: #353 of 544 id: jqes-525 author: , M.S., Abo Dhaheer title: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON THE FRESH AND HARDENED PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE INCORPORATING POLYVINYL date: 2018-05-19 words: 4880 flesch: 65 summary: WORKABILITY To investigate the effect of PVA on the workability of fresh concrete mixes, slump test was performed in this study. Beside that, since no research work (to the best knowledge of the author) has locally been reported until now, it is not clear whether or not the performance of concrete mixes containing PVA is still the same when locally available materials are used. keywords: concrete; journal; mixes; pva; qadisiyah; sciences; strength cache: jqes-525.pdf plain text: jqes-525.txt item: #354 of 544 id: jqes-526 author: N. H. Al-Turfi, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed; Ahmed Adnan, Rami title: RFID Based Smart Lock implementation date: 2018-05-20 words: 2231 flesch: 55 summary: This includes tags, readers, and software/services for RFID cards, labels, fobs, and all other form factors. 3-RFID card reader :- Which is the job identifier where different types of RFID readers and cards with different operating frequencies may be used according to the implementation purposes and needs. keywords: card; engineering; reader; rfid; system cache: jqes-526.pdf plain text: jqes-526.txt item: #355 of 544 id: jqes-54 author: Hameed Najem, Saad; Jabar Badr, Amar; Hadi Hamza, Aseel title: EFFECT OF GRAPHITE ON WEAR RESISTANCE OF ALUMINUM SILICON ALLOY date: 2017-07-17 words: 7729 flesch: 61 summary: %�� ���* �� C��� ! (��� ��0'�� �0( ��%�+,* �� =C���* �7�� ��%0�)5 – 3 ( ��H�� � ���� ! ٢٠٠٩ ���٢د ا٢ ���� ا���د � �����م ا���� � ا����� ٧٠ ��� أ����4م � e( � ا���اe(3 f�F ���و�� ا��gh#-ن���(�� �?%�� 2�#= ���9 ��� �#�� �#� ��* ���� �� ��#� ���#� 8���*+� ���� ����#.� ���#� 8 ���*+� ���� ��#� ���#� 8���*+� ���� ���*= ��� � ��� ����*#���� ���*+� ��� � ��� ���*= ��� �-!�� : �*�'��8 ����0� 4���� ��*��� 4�1 ������� ��#3% �0�� L(��� �+%� – *����0 - ��+(% �% ., ����0�� ;./) keywords: bا �; d �; gا �; k �; o �; oا �; y �; د �; وا �; � g; � n; � � cache: jqes-54.pdf plain text: jqes-54.txt item: #356 of 544 id: jqes-549 author: Radhi, Dr. Hazim Ismael; Jabur, Dr. Lattif Shekher title: EFFECT OF DIE ANGLE AND FRICTION COEFFICIENT ON TEMPERATURE AND STRESS DISTRIBUTION IN THE EXTRUSION PROCESS date: 2019-01-29 words: 3599 flesch: 58 summary: EFFECT OF DIE ANGLE ON STRESS DISTRIBUTION Die angle has a direct effect on the level of maximum stresses and strains of extrusion process. It means, the bigger the die angle, the lower values of maximum stress are. keywords: angle; coefficient; die; extrusion; friction; stress cache: jqes-549.pdf plain text: jqes-549.txt item: #357 of 544 id: jqes-55 author: Mohammad Abid, Waleed title: STUDY OF FINS SHAPES' EFFECT ON NATURAL THERMAL CONVECTION date: 2017-07-17 words: 6828 flesch: 76 summary: [7] �� �*�( ��7�%��� ���(Boundary layer) O*��0I� ��� ��� O�08 4�1 (Blasius equation)>����%�� ���.*�' ! [9]:       ==== ∗∗∗∗ L b RaRa b (5) L�(: )b/L(�9'1C�� �* 4�, �%9'1C �� �*H(��� ��0��� �� ��0'�� */).b/L=0.1.( ��0( �%�!�� ��� J'1C��� K 0�� ��0' ���: )TTs(Ask Qb Nu f .conv b ∞∞∞∞−−−− ==== (6) L�(: As :�� $(�0�J'1C��� K 0�� ��( 0��) As=2LH(N-1). keywords: j' �; l �; د �; � � cache: jqes-55.pdf plain text: jqes-55.txt item: #358 of 544 id: jqes-550 author: Hashim, Wafaa Mohammed; Sallomi, Asst. prof. Dr. Adheed Hasan title: BROADBAND MICROSTRIP ANTENNA FOR 2G/3G/4G MOBILE BASE STATION APPLICATIONS date: 2019-01-29 words: 2945 flesch: 65 summary: The use of staircase patch antenna is to achieve more attractive performance such as wider bandwidth, better impedance matching and better radiation. Simulation of VSWR versus frequency of staircase patch antenna with slots. keywords: antenna; engineering; figure; patch; sciences cache: jqes-550.pdf plain text: jqes-550.txt item: #359 of 544 id: jqes-551 author: Makki, Asst. Prof .Dr. Ragheed Fatehi; Jassem, Asst.Prof.Dr.Ali Talib; Jassem, Hayder Abd Al-latef title: NON-LINEAR ANALYSIS OF REACTIVE POWDER CONCRETE (RPC) DEEP BEAMS WITH OPENINGS STRENGTHENED BY CFRP date: 2019-01-29 words: 3938 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: Non-linear analysis , Finite Element, RPC deep beams , opening , CFRP 1. 2.GEOMETRY OF TESTED RPC DEEP BEAMS Eight simply supported RPC deep beams with and without web openings having a total span (L)of 1400 mm, overall depth (h) 400mm, and width 150 mm, with shear span to overall depth ratio (a/h),1 and clear span to depth ratio (ℓn/h), 3 .Seven beams had two square openings (150*150 mm) symmetrically about the center of specimens. keywords: engineering sciences; figure; journal; qadisiyah; qadisiyah journal; rights; sciences vol cache: jqes-551.pdf plain text: jqes-551.txt item: #360 of 544 id: jqes-552 author: Hlihl, Basheer Hashem title: STUDYING THE EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF PHOSPHORIC ACID ON THE SEPARATION OF NICKEL FROM THE WASTE OF SOUTH BAGHDAD THERMAL POWER STATION date: 2019-01-29 words: 2538 flesch: 56 summary: From the previous results it was shown that the best period for nickel separation from waste is (4) hours, which the separation of nickel ratio was 78%. The effect of fly ash particle size on nickel separation ratio is shown in Figure (5). keywords: acid; ash; fly; nickel; ratio cache: jqes-552.pdf plain text: jqes-552.txt item: #361 of 544 id: jqes-553 author: Nabhar, Khalid A.; Kadhem, Basim T. title: DAMPING SUB SYNCHRONOUS RESONANCE IN POWER SYSTEM USING TCSC & SVC date: 2019-01-29 words: 3968 flesch: 62 summary: [𝛿1𝛿2𝛿3𝛿4𝛿5𝛿ˈ1𝛿ˈ2𝛿ˈ3𝛿ˈ4𝛿ˈ5]ᵗ − − − − − (3) 𝑋ˈ = [[𝛿ˈ1𝛿ˈ2𝛿ˈ3𝛿ˈ4𝛿ˈ5𝛿ˈˈ1𝛿ˈˈ2𝛿ˈˈ3𝛿ˈˈ4𝛿ˈˈ5]ᵗ − − − − − (4) eq. keywords: compensation; control; journal; power; qadisiyah; science; sub; synchronous; system; tcsc; vol cache: jqes-553.pdf plain text: jqes-553.txt item: #362 of 544 id: jqes-555 author: Jubear, Ass. Prof. Dr. Abbas Jassem; Abd, Ali Hameed title: NUMERICAL STUDY FOR INTERRUPTED RECTANGULAR FINS IN A NATURAL CONVECTION FIELD date: 2019-01-29 words: 3103 flesch: 55 summary: The results show that the addition of interruption fins in various arrangements will improve the thermal performance of the heat sink, and through the results, a better interruption rate obtained as an equation. Keywords: Heat sink, Heat transfer, free convection, interrupted fins, CFD. . keywords: engineering; fins; heat; interrupted; journal; qadisiyah; transfer cache: jqes-555.pdf plain text: jqes-555.txt item: #363 of 544 id: jqes-556 author: Gzar, Hatem Asal; Sabri, Noor Qassim title: REMOVAL OF A CHEMICAL DYE FROM WASTEWATER USING LOW COST AGRO-BASED ADSORBENTS: CONTINUOUS ADSORBERS date: 2019-01-29 words: 4573 flesch: 62 summary: The maximum removal efficiency for carbonized conocarpus was up to 99.67% after 15 min at flow rate 10 l/h, pH value 3, bed depth 10 cm and initial dye concentration 40 mg/l. For activated carbon the maximum removal efficiency was found to be 99.75% after 15 min at flow rate 10 l/h, pH value 3, bed depth 10cm and initial dye concentration 40 mg/l. Keywords: Terasil blue dye, wastewater, treatment, low cost adsorbent, continuous study. Preparation of conocarpus adsorbent. keywords: bed; conocarpus; dye; efficiency; journal; qadisiyah; removal; science cache: jqes-556.pdf plain text: jqes-556.txt item: #364 of 544 id: jqes-557 author: Gzar, Hatem Asal; Sabri, Noor Qassim title: REMOVAL OF TERASIL BLUE DYE FROM SYNTHETIC WASTEWATER USING LOW COST AGRO-BASED ADSORBENTS date: 2019-01-29 words: 3934 flesch: 57 summary: The final step was analyzing the amount of dye removal using spectrophotometer (Type ufb1105014 ,German) with a maximum wavelength of 663 μm (Hussein et al 2016). 2.3 EFFECT OF ADSORBENT DOSAGE ON REMOVAL OF TERASIL BLUE The influence of adsorbent dosage on removal efficiency of terasil blue dye has been investigated. keywords: adsorption; blue; carbon; conocarpus; dye; efficiency; journal; removal; terasil cache: jqes-557.pdf plain text: jqes-557.txt item: #365 of 544 id: jqes-558 author: ABDUL RASOOL, Dr. Zainab M. R.; MAHMMOD, Laith MOHAMMED RIDHA; RADHI, Mushtaq SADIQ title: EFFECT OF THE WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT ON SOME PROPERTIES OF THE PRECAST CONCRETE TILES date: 2019-01-29 words: 4283 flesch: 60 summary: THE EXPERIMENTAL WORK The experimental part of this study involves casting (42) specimens of concrete tiles separated into three groups; each group was tested in two ages. These wire mesh used as reinforcement in concrete tiles, which placed in the tension zone of the tiles to have resistance to flexural strength. keywords: concrete; engineering; journal; mesh; sciences; tiles; wire cache: jqes-558.pdf plain text: jqes-558.txt item: #366 of 544 id: jqes-559 author: Leftah, Hussein Abdullah; Swadi, Husham Lateef title: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF SINGLE CARRIER FREQUENCY DOMAIN EQUILIZER (SC-FDE) OVER IMPULSIVE NOISE CHANNEL date: 2019-01-29 words: 2807 flesch: 52 summary: Impulsive noise can be defined as relatively short duration “on/off” switching noise pulses, generated from a different of sources the sources of impulsive noise are generated for JOURNAL OF AL-QADISIYAH FOR ENGINEERING SCIENCE Vol.11, No. 2 ISSN: 1998-4456 Page 271 Abstract: Impulsive noise is considered as one of the major source of disturbance in the state-of-the-art multicarrier (MC) communication systems. keywords: fde; journal; noise; qadisiyah; science; system cache: jqes-559.pdf plain text: jqes-559.txt item: #367 of 544 id: jqes-560 author: Khudhair, Hayder Salman; Kadhim, Mustafa Amoori title: EVALUATING THE PERFORMANCE OF ASPHALT RIENFORCEMENT LAYER COMPRISING POLYPROPYLENE GRANULES date: 2019-01-29 words: 4996 flesch: 61 summary: They can increase the resistance of mixture to permanent deformation, thermal fracture and fatigue cracking at low temperature, decrease plastic flow and increase shear modulus at high temperature Abd-A.M.Al-D (2003) studied the effect of three different types of polymers with different percentages on the specifications of asphalt mixtures: high density polyethylene (HDPE) and styrene butadiene rubber. Whereas, the remaining asphalt, leads to coating the coarse and fine aggregate, and filler and performed the main function of asphalt as bonding of asphalt mixture. keywords: asphalt; engineering; engineering sciences; journal; percentage; polymer; properties; qadisiyah; qadisiyah journal cache: jqes-560.pdf plain text: jqes-560.txt item: #368 of 544 id: jqes-562 author: sakran, Rawaa kadhim; Ali, Assist. Prof. Dr. Khearia Mohammed title: SPEED CONTROL OF DTC-SVM FOR INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVE USING SELF-TUNING FUZZY PI CONTROLLER ANN ANFIS date: 2019-01-31 words: 5448 flesch: 60 summary: The torque response for used ANFIS at no-load Figure 22 The speed response for used ANFIS controller with Tl=8 Nm at t 2s Figure 23 The torque response for used ANFIS controller with Tl=8 Nm at t 2s JOURNAL OF AL-QADISIYAH FOR ENGINEERING SCIENCE Vol. 11, No.3 ISSN: 1998-4456 Page 307 keywords: anfis; controller; dtc; engineering; figure; flux; induction; journal; motor; qadisiyah; science; speed; stfpi; svm; torque cache: jqes-562.pdf plain text: jqes-562.txt item: #369 of 544 id: jqes-564 author: Jamegh, Riyadh; Kassam, Dr. AllaEldin; Sabih, Dr. Sawsan title: DEVELOPMENT OF FUZZY LOGIC APPROACH TO OPTIMIZE SAFETY STOCK LEVEL IN DETERIORATED PRODUCTS/A SUPPLY CHAIN DAIRY INDUSTRIES CASE STUDY date: 2019-01-31 words: 5495 flesch: 57 summary: The study of pricing strategy effect on inventory level was studied by Panda et al in (2013) where they thought that a perishable product was a very important element of inventory system management. Dynamic pricing policy for pre and post deterioration of products was employed in order to increase the rate of inventory depletion which leads to decrease in inventory level, reduction in holding cost, and then maximization in profit. keywords: demand; discourse; inventory; journal; level; safety; science; stock; universe cache: jqes-564.pdf plain text: jqes-564.txt item: #370 of 544 id: jqes-565 author: Ajeel, Prof .Dr.Sami Abualnoun; Yaseen, Asst. Prof. Dr. Rabiha S.; Eqal, Asaad Kadhim title: MICROSTRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF HOMOGENIZED STIR CASTING ALUMINUM BRONZE ALLOYS date: 2019-01-31 words: 3382 flesch: 57 summary: Figure 7: Microstructure of Cu-Al alloy (a and b) SEM images of Cu7.7Al and (c and d ) EDS of Cu Al alloy that homogenized at 850 0C for 4 hrs. The range of applications depends on the addition of Al element which is usually in the range of 5% - 14% keywords: aluminum; engineering; engineering sciences; figure; journal; qadisiyah; sciences cache: jqes-565.pdf plain text: jqes-565.txt item: #371 of 544 id: jqes-566 author: Abid, Mohammad F.; Hamza, Mohammed A.; Ahmed, Shakir M.; Ali, Salah M.; Hussein, Sattar J. title: SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF UNSUPPORTED CATALYST FOR GAS OIL DESULFURIZATION date: 2019-01-31 words: 4135 flesch: 59 summary: The other objective was to evaluate the performance of MoS2 catalyst for HDS process of gas oil. Figure (2): Block diagram for the production of MoS2 catalyst. keywords: catalyst; engineering; engineering sciences; figure; journal; mos2; pressure; qadisiyah; qadisiyah journal; sciences; temperature cache: jqes-566.pdf plain text: jqes-566.txt item: #372 of 544 id: jqes-567 author: AL-Hemeri, Shurooq T.; AL-Mukhtar, Riyadh S.; Mohammed, Mustafa S. title: STUDY THE EFFAECT OF TWEEN 80 ON CLTHRATE HYDRATE FORMATION BEHAVIOR FOR R-134A date: 2019-01-31 words: 5866 flesch: 61 summary: Effect of surfactant Tween on induction time of gas hydrate formation. Surfactant effects on gas hydrate formation. keywords: engineering; engineering science; formation; gas; hydrate; journal; ppm; qadisiyah; qadisiyah journal; science; time; vol; water cache: jqes-567.pdf plain text: jqes-567.txt item: #373 of 544 id: jqes-568 author: MOHAMMAD, Abbas Khalaf; SABEEH, Nawras Shareef title: KINETICS OF HYDROGEN SEPARATION FROM REFINERY OFF-GAS date: 2019-01-31 words: 4991 flesch: 52 summary: The last fifty years have testified an enormous growth of gas adsorption processes that has made adsorption system a major tool for purification and for separation in chemical, biochemical and petroleum industry. The objective of the present study is to derive a general mathematical model of gas separation by adsorption process and to show how this model can successfully be used to analyze typical hydrogen recovery processes. keywords: adsorption; bed; engineering; engineering sciences; gas; journal; qadisiyah; qadisiyah journal; sciences; sieve; system; temperature cache: jqes-568.pdf plain text: jqes-568.txt item: #374 of 544 id: jqes-569 author: Abdulah, Aseel Mahmmod; Aziz, Nadia title: THERMOGRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS OF SACCHARUM/UNSATURATED POLYESTER COMPOSITES date: 2019-02-01 words: 1561 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: Unsaturated polyester composites; Thermogavimertic behavior; TG curve INTRODUCTION Saccharum (Sugarcane) is composed of 42% of cellulose, 25% hemicellulose and 20% lignin Figure (1) shows the TGA curve of pure unsaturated polyester, which indicates the two decomposition steps [5] that represent the scission of highly stained portion of crosslinked unsaturated polystyrene with followed free radicals that promote the final decomposition and scission of unsaturated polyester backbone [6]. keywords: engineering; journal; polyester; qadisiyah; sciences cache: jqes-569.pdf plain text: jqes-569.txt item: #375 of 544 id: jqes-57 author: A. alyasri, Sada title: ESTIMSTION OF TIME VALUE OF WASTED TIME ROADS DUE TO DETERIORSTION OF LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS)AND PROPOSED SUGGESTIONS TO IMPROVE IT date: 2017-07-17 words: 16538 flesch: 13 summary: O���� /��� 6��=�� ����= ) a.MP х ��- �#� ( MlP.M���� /��� �����lPa х MN ddPa���� /��� ��B�� laaa х a.dl `laM���� /��� ����� +8 ���.� �� )�$�� _� � NNcd.c���� /��� _� � ��)�$ ���$�� MaMcM.c ���� E# ���� ������ �;< �6�%)�����<�� ( +�;�$ )�$�� ���* ��� : ] MM[ � � � ����� � � � 1� 9�8 !�Maa ���� 1��� � �=��#� �:� �P ����� ����� � A�2�� ��8�= ��c % ��� ��� *�� �2�$ � ) �B� (lPa���� ��B ��� *�� �2�$ � laaa�$ D�� ���� ���� ���� )Maaa^`aaa( �$ �� �$`a��� *���� ���C� �2�$ � laaaaa '������ ���� )M`( �$ ���� faaaa �$ ���� 1�$� �(� � �=��#� �:� fff��� ����=�� �2�$ � `a%��$� �� >��% )�$ 1 +�;�$ ��.��� �2�$ ���* 1$ � '�(�: ������� )�$Maa 1��� ���� �����C� )�$)M`� ��� (ldaaaaa ���� ٢٠٠٩ ٢ ا� �د ٢ ا����� ���� ا���د��� �� ��م ا������� ١١٢ �����C� � �������� )�$Ndfaaaaa���� ��$� �� �2�$ � da 1��� ���� � )� P ���� ���$�� )�$�� _� � `laP` ���� )�$�� ����� 1���= ��$� ��.%�� ���$�� O`Ol ���� / ��� ����� ��$� ��� ��$� ��.%�� ���$�� )�$��MaMcM.c ���� /��� $�� ���- � * ��$� ��.%�� ���$�� )�)% ���*�( �����`lPa` ���� /��� ��� ����#� �E�� (�;� 5 ���$ ������ 1���=�� ���$� �� 1 ) ��$ ( ��� ��� ���-�� � *��� 1�8 ���� �� �� ������ !�:^ keywords: = �; e �; f �; ــــــــــ �; � +8; � =; � b; � c; � n; � ر3; � � cache: jqes-57.pdf plain text: jqes-57.txt item: #376 of 544 id: jqes-570 author: Oleiwi, Jawad K.; Hamad, Qahtan Adnan; Rahman, Hadil Jabbar Abdul title: STUDY THERMAL BEHAVIOR OF HEAT CURE POLY (METHYL METHACRYLATE) REINFORCED BY BAMBOO AND RICE HUSK POWDERS FOR DENTURE APPLICATIONS date: 2019-02-01 words: 2899 flesch: 56 summary: However, the DSC scans of PMMA composite specimens with presence both types of natural powders (Bamboo and Rice Husk) at both particle size in the PMMA matrix, leads to the increases of (Tg), due to the good interfacial reaction between reinforcing materials and PMMA polymer in composites, that produced strong bonding between reinforcing materials and PMMA polymer composite. It can also be noticed that the thermal diffusivity of PMMA composite that content Bamboo powder or Rice Husk powder at particles size (25 µm) is higher than the thermal diffusivity at particles size (75 µm). keywords: composite; engineering; journal; particles; pmma; powders cache: jqes-570.pdf plain text: jqes-570.txt item: #377 of 544 id: jqes-571 author: Ali, Ahmed A.; Hasan, Mushtaq I.; Adnan, Ghassan title: NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF ROUGNESS EFFECTS ON HYDERDYNMIC AND THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF COUNTER FLOW MICROCHANNEL HEAT EXCHANGER date: 2019-02-01 words: 4509 flesch: 60 summary: [5] evaluated the effect of channel geometry fluid flow and heat transfer behavers of counter flow microchannel heat exchanger by using numerical simulation. Numerical investigation of counter flow microchannel heat exchanger with MEPCM suspension. keywords: engineering sciences; flow; heat; hydraulic; journal; qadisiyah; qadisiyah journal; roughness cache: jqes-571.pdf plain text: jqes-571.txt item: #378 of 544 id: jqes-572 author: Hashim, Dr. Fadhil Abbas; Abdulkader, Dr. Niveen Jamal; Hisham, Kateralnada Faris title: FABRICATION AND WEAR PROPERTIES OF ZA-27 ALLOY MATRIX HYBRID COMPOSITE REINFORCED WITH NANOPARTICLES date: 2019-02-01 words: 2253 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: ZA-27 alloy, Stir Casting, Hybrid Composite, Nanoparticles, Hardness &Wear Rate. Babic et al. 2009, tested ultimate tensile stress for ZA-27 alloy and heat treated it, The results showed reduce UTS and hardness with increase in elongation for as cast alloy while for heat treated alloy showed reduction in hardness. keywords: alloy; engineering; journal; nano; qadisiyah; sciences; wear; za-27 cache: jqes-572.pdf plain text: jqes-572.txt item: #379 of 544 id: jqes-576 author: hilal, Bariq ali; Al-Rubaiey, Sami Ibrahim title: Effect of pure Aluminum in Reduction of Silica from Sediments in Iraqi-Tigris date: 2019-06-04 words: 3446 flesch: 63 summary: Al % SiO 2% Si % Temperature C˚ Evaluation of silicon amount production The extraction of silicon process was evaluated since the main purpose of the reduction experiments is to achieve the highest amount of Si with high purity. keywords: process; ratio; reduction; river; sediments; silicon; temperature; tigris cache: jqes-576.pdf plain text: jqes-576.txt item: #380 of 544 id: jqes-580 author: Abbassa, Muna K.; Sharhan, Noor Alhuda B. title: Optimization of Friction Stir Processing Parameters for Aluminum Alloy (AA6061-T6) Using Taguchi Method date: 2019-04-14 words: 3764 flesch: 58 summary: At FSP speeds of (16mm\min) and (25mm\min), it has been spotted that the tensile strength has been lesser than of speed (32mm\min), this is considered as the result of the elevated frictional heat and dissipation most of the heat created regardless of tool rotations speed as well as the number of passes. [10] K. Elangovan, V. Balasubramanian, Influences of pin profile and rotational speed of the tool on the formation of friction stir processing zone in AA2219 aluminium alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 459(1-2) (2007) keywords: alloy; friction; fsp; parameters; processing; speed; stir; strength; tensile; tool cache: jqes-580.pdf plain text: jqes-580.txt item: #381 of 544 id: jqes-581 author: Al-Thabhawee, Hayder W.; Mohammed, Abbas A. title: Reinforcing the Octagonal Web Openings of Castellated Beam by Steel Rings date: 2019-04-14 words: 4420 flesch: 49 summary: He investigated the effect of hexagonal opening geometry and number on the behavior of castellated steel beams that have the same span and ratio of expansion. The test results showed that best dimension of castellated steel beam was a ratio of length to opening space (L/S =8.0) and a ratio of opening high to beam depth (h/H=0.56) and the failure load of castellated steel beam was increased about (50%) stronger than the control beam. keywords: beam; load; openings; results; ring; steel; web cache: jqes-581.pdf plain text: jqes-581.txt item: #382 of 544 id: jqes-582 author: Fadheel, Bashar A. title: Design of an RLC Compensator for a Synchronous Motor: Torque Ripple Improvement date: 2019-04-14 words: 4368 flesch: 58 summary: [5] W. Sibo, Z. Huichao, L. Zhiyu, W. Xiaoxu, A new torque ripple test method based on PMSM torque ripple analysis for electric vehicles, in: EVS28 International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, 2015, pp. 1-10. It can be observed from Table 3 that the percentage increase in torque ripple with respect to full-load are 1.46%, 1.67%, 1.13%, 0.33% and 1.6% at 500 rpm, 750 rpm, 1000 rpm, 1250 rpm and 1500 rpm, respectively. keywords: compensator; drive; line; pmsm; ripple; rlc; rotor; rpm; speed; system; torque cache: jqes-582.pdf plain text: jqes-582.txt item: #383 of 544 id: jqes-583 author: Jumaah, Awwab Q. title: A Review and Comprehensive Study of Wireless Channel in Mobile Communication System: Fading Phenomena and Estimation date: 2019-04-14 words: 5190 flesch: 53 summary: The process of blind channel estimation is depicted in Fig. In [61] however, the authors utilize subspace method to blindly estimate channel for MIMO OFDM systems, and in [62], subspace based MIMO OFDM system is employed for blind channel estimation considering short averaging periods. keywords: blind; channel; channel estimation; communications; decision; estimation; fading; ieee; ofdm; pilot; signal; systems; techniques; transactions; wireless cache: jqes-583.pdf plain text: jqes-583.txt item: #384 of 544 id: jqes-586 author: Abbasl, Zainab dekan; Jassima, Osama title: Application of GIS and AHP Technologies to Support of Selecting a Suitable Site for Wastewater Sewage Plant in Al Kufa City date: 2019-05-18 words: 3023 flesch: 59 summary: There are eight parameters considered in the analysis consists of residential area, sewage areas, roads, a slope of the ground, surface water (river), green areas, historical, and land use. In site choice studies, the slope is a necessary element both environmentally and economically the station should preferably be on a low slope. keywords: areas; figure; gis; map; sewage; study; water cache: jqes-586.pdf plain text: jqes-586.txt item: #385 of 544 id: jqes-587 author: Edam, Mohammed Salman; Al - Dawody, Mohamed title: Numerical Simulation for the Effect of Biodiesel Addition on the Combustion, Performance and Emissions Parameters of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine date: 2019-07-02 words: 3989 flesch: 63 summary: Dramatic reduction in smoke levels 15.25 %, 35.3 %, 40.7 %, 45.71 %, 49.43 %, and 52.73 % with B10% CME, B20% CME, B30% CME, B50% CME, B70% CME and B100% CME respectively. B20% CME biodiesel was the best remarked ratio which gives slight variations in performance with a good reduction in the carbon emissions compared to diesel fuel. keywords: biodiesel; blends; cme; combustion; crank; cylinder; diesel; emissions; engine; fuel; performance; results cache: jqes-587.pdf plain text: jqes-587.txt item: #386 of 544 id: jqes-590 author: Majeed, Sara Raed; Al-Majidi, Basim Hasan title: Analogical reasoning in architecture date: 2019-06-01 words: 9691 flesch: 42 summary: 2015 Design is likewise the richest source for creating analogy ideas on the design process in the academic milieu through a historical view indicating that man over the ages uses the formative manipulations The study examined the effect of analogies on the design process in the academic milieu through a historical view indicating that man over the ages uses the formative manipulations even implicitly in his artistic and architectural activity for a motive that may be religious, symbolic or mental, and may be unconscious Analogy thinking and design construction: keywords: analogue; analogy; analogy thinking; architecture; design; form; idea; new; problem; process; reasoning; research; source; study; thinking cache: jqes-590.pdf plain text: jqes-590.txt item: #387 of 544 id: jqes-591 author: Almousawi, Hamid Ali Abed; Kadhim, Mustafa Kamil title: A biotic balance of objects with nature as an architectural destination: (Marsh houses as case study) date: 2019-06-01 words: 5320 flesch: 36 summary: The theoretical study deals with the concept of biological balance and how to measure the mechanism of the organism. The linguistic and theological concept of biological balance: When researching the linguistic assets of the terms of the terminology and terminology of the concept of balance, these Astolol contribute to the extraction of synonyms and similarities of language and at the same time contradictions of the balance of balance, so the synonyms of balance are two cases:  keywords: architecture; balance; e n; effect; environment; interaction; living; mechanisms; organisms; research; study cache: jqes-591.pdf plain text: jqes-591.txt item: #388 of 544 id: jqes-592 author: Merzah, Basil Noori; Majeed, Majid H.; Saleh, Fouad A. title: Numerical study of flat plate solar collector performance with square shape wicked evaporator date: 2019-06-30 words: 4107 flesch: 60 summary: [4] E. Azad, Theoretical and experimental investigation of heat pipe solar collector, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 32(8) (2008) 1666-1672. [7] T. Brahim, M.H. Dhaou, A. Jemni, Theoretical and experimental investigation of plate screen mesh heat pipe solar collector, Energy conversion and 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 P la te T e m p e ra tu re ( o C ) Radaition incident (W/m2) Figure (20): The impact of radiation incident on plate temperature for ambient temperature 27oC Volume rate = 3.75 l/h Volume rate = 4.35 l/h Volume rate = 10 l/h 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 C o ll e ct o r E ff ic ie n cy Plate Temperature (oC) Figure (21): The impact of Plate temprature on the collector efficiency for different ambient temprature Twin = 12oC Ambient Temperatur 27oC Ambient Temperature 20oC 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 C o ll e ct o r E ff ic ie n cy (Tamb-Twin)/G Figure(22): keywords: collector; energy; heat; pipe; plate; temperature; water cache: jqes-592.pdf plain text: jqes-592.txt item: #389 of 544 id: jqes-593 author: Hassan, Gufran A.; Hassan, Jawad A. title: Design and study the performance of optical nanoantenna date: 2019-06-30 words: 3714 flesch: 62 summary: As shown in Figs. 2 and 3, the bow tie antenna has a (donut) form radiation pattern; in the donut form throw the z-axis, which would identify to the radiation straight overhead the antenna so, a very small power will be transmitted. But throw the x-y plane the transmitted power is maximum [11]. Figure 2 3-d radiation pattern for optical bowtie nanoantenna with a length L= (130)nm, width W= (140 )nm, 𝛂=( 64.94˚) ,thickness T=(20)nm, gap distance g=(10)nm, material is (gold a lossy metal) this nanoparticles are with a silicon (normal) substrate with w=(200) nm, L=(290)nm ,T = (20) nm ,frequency=(650)THz Figure 3 3-d radiation pattern for optical bowtie nanoantenna with a length L= (130)nm, width W= keywords: bowtie; field; gap; material; nanoantenna; parameter; resonance cache: jqes-593.pdf plain text: jqes-593.txt item: #390 of 544 id: jqes-595 author: Thejeel, Marwa M.; Shallal, Muhaned A. title: Experimental Study of Self-Compacted Concrete-Filled Steel Tube (CFST) Truss Girders date: 2019-07-10 words: 3711 flesch: 69 summary: Four circular section specimens were tested; hollow steel section chords (CH), concrete-filled top chord (CT), concrete- filled bottom chord (CB) and concrete-filled bottom and top cord (CA). For the third specimen, the top and bottom chords were filled with concrete, while the braces were hollow. keywords: cfst; chord; concrete; girders; load; steel; strength; truss cache: jqes-595.pdf plain text: jqes-595.txt item: #391 of 544 id: jqes-596 author: Hussain, Entessar; Al-Ameen, Jathwa title: Effect of Leachate Recirculation on Biological Stability of Municipal Solid Waste Under Simi-Arid Conditions date: 2019-07-02 words: 3625 flesch: 53 summary: The present study was conducted to monitor the quality of leachate generated from solid waste landfills operated under different mode over a period of 335 days using a bench scale lysimeters. Effects of monsoon conditions on generation and composition of landfill leachate–lysimeter experiments with various input and design features. keywords: blb; bls; dry; landfill; leachate; recirculation; season; values; waste cache: jqes-596.pdf plain text: jqes-596.txt item: #392 of 544 id: jqes-599 author: saeed, shahad mahdi; AL.Tameemi, Husham title: Improve the Octane Number of Gasoline and Studying the effect of Reid vapor pressure and Calorific Value by using Environmental additives date: 2019-07-18 words: 3809 flesch: 64 summary: Sheet, E.A.E., Improvement of gasoline octane number by blending gasoline with selective components. 2008, MSc. The typical structure of hydrocarbons in gasoline % volume Alkanes 4-8 Alkenes 2-5 Benzene 0.5-2.5 Cycloalkanes 3-7 Cycloalkenes l-4 Isoalkanes 25-40 Total Aromatics 20-50 2. Materials and Experimental Procedure 2.1. keywords: additives; doa; fuel; gasoline; number; octane; oil; olive; ron cache: jqes-599.pdf plain text: jqes-599.txt item: #393 of 544 id: jqes-6 author: A. S. Al- Jeebori, Abbas title: OPTIMAL SELECTION OF HEAT TRANSFER SURFACES FOR PLATE-FIN HEAT EXCHANGERS date: 2017-07-11 words: 5534 flesch: 72 summary: Some of these criteria may be minimum initial and operating costs, minimum weight or material, minimum volume or heat transfer surface area, minimum mean temperature difference, maximum heat transfer rate, and so on. The design of a plate-fin heat exchanger is a complex task requiring the examination and optimization of a wide variety of heat transfer surfaces. keywords: exchanger; fin; heat; s s; selection; surface; ⎞ ⎜⎜ cache: jqes-6.pdf plain text: jqes-6.txt item: #394 of 544 id: jqes-60 author: Rashid Al-Owaisy, Sallal title: EVALUATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AND UPV OF HSC EXPOSED TO HIGH TEMPERATURES date: 2017-07-17 words: 3559 flesch: 60 summary: ( ���� �� G�� ���� ���#� )� �� ���� -� +��� �: ��� )� �� ���� ��� � ���� �� �� ���% �: : +$� . )� �� ���� �� � ���� �� �� +���� ��� H�� �� �%�� �*���� )� �*�� -� �$���� ��� ������ ���%� ���#� . � 0�,1 ��� �� ����� )� ��� +��� -� 2���� ��� �%��,.� �'���� ���'�� � �'� ���'�� ������ �*3 ��� �*�� �*� *�� ����� . keywords: f99 �; strength cache: jqes-60.pdf plain text: jqes-60.txt item: #395 of 544 id: jqes-601 author: hemeidan, Jenan hussein; Abbar, Ali H. title: Electrochemical removal of copper from a simulated wastewater using a rotating tubular packed bed of woven screens electrode date: 2019-07-21 words: 6715 flesch: 52 summary: It is interesting to observe that copper removal efficiency was changed from 92.27 to 99.87%, current efficiency altered from 2.6912 to 62.625%, while the energy consumption was in the range of 3.115-137.349 Kwh/kg when adopting the experimental design. 98.94% 97.03% 11.069 86.99% Minitab-17 software was used to analyze results of copper removal efficiency where an experimental relationship between copper removal efficiency and process variables was obtained and formulated by the following quadratic model of copper removal efficiency (RE) in term of coded units of process variables: RE% = 93.08+ 2.896 X1 + 0.00813 X2 - 0.01276 X3 - 0.000005 X32- 0.000005 X22- 0.253 X12+ 0.000012 X3*X2+ 0.00217 X3 *X1- 0.001175 X2*X1 (8) Eq.(8) shows how the removal efficiency is affected by the individual variables (linear and quadratic) or double interactions. keywords: bed; concentration; copper; copper removal; current; cylinder; efficiency; electrode; process; removal; response; rotating; rotation; surface; value; variables cache: jqes-601.pdf plain text: jqes-601.txt item: #396 of 544 id: jqes-602 author: Jabar, Ban; majhool, ahmed Abed al-Kadhem title: Visualization and Analysis Studies of Hollow Cone Spray under low Air Cross Flow Velocity under Atmospheric Condition date: 2019-07-30 words: 3903 flesch: 62 summary: The test consisted of hollow cone spray (P inj = 25kPa, V gas = 10 m/sec) repeatedly and observe the trajectory curve. Figure 9: Three-dimensional surface of hollow cone spray at different time. keywords: air; cone; cone spray; cross; cross flow; fig; flow; injection; jet; liquid; spray cache: jqes-602.pdf plain text: jqes-602.txt item: #397 of 544 id: jqes-603 author: Ashoor, Fatin Abdul_kareem; Zmat, Amer D.; AlDahhan, Muthanna H. title: Pellet Softening Process for the Removal of the Groundwater Hardness; Modelling and Experimentation date: 2019-09-30 words: 5690 flesch: 63 summary: Figure 8: Pellet diameter versus fluidized bed height at water flow rate (Fw) = 25 L/h Figure 9: Pellet diameter versus fluidized bed height at water flow rate (Fw) = 37.5 L/h Figure 10: Pellet diameter versus fluidized bed height at water flow rate (Fw)=50 L/h Figures 11, 12, and 13 reflect the effect of bed height on the pellet density for the water flow rates 25, 37.5, 50 L/hr. 135–143 141 Figure 11: Pellet density versus fluidized bed height at water flow rate (Fw) = 25 L/h Figure 12: Pellet density versus fluidized bed height at water flow rate (Fw) = 37.5 L/h Figure 13: keywords: bed; calcium; figure; flow; groundwater; height; pellet; rate; reactor; sand; softening; water cache: jqes-603.pdf plain text: jqes-603.txt item: #398 of 544 id: jqes-604 author: Abid, Kadhim N.; Yasse, Rabiha S.; saleh, sheamaa jafer title: Use of Bypass Cement Dust from Al-Kufa Cement Factory for Production of Glass Ceramic Material date: 2019-08-11 words: 5189 flesch: 58 summary: The bypass cement dust composition has been modified by adding other materials like marble, granite, and silica, to prepare glass ceramic material by powder technology. The XRD and SEM results showed that glass ceramic materials are formed. keywords: bypass; cement; ceramic; conductivity; density; dust; glass; materials; sample cache: jqes-604.pdf plain text: jqes-604.txt item: #399 of 544 id: jqes-606 author: Shakir, Sarah Talib; Al-Tameemi, Husham title: Study the Effect of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles on Reduce Crude Oil date: 2019-09-30 words: 3153 flesch: 60 summary: It has been observed that reduction of heavy oil viscosity was because of high temperature effect besides a series of chemical reactions known as aqua-thermolysis and these reaction change the physical properties [12]. [21] investigated the effect of micron sized iron particles on heavy oil viscosity without steam treatment. keywords: effect; engineering; journal; nanoparticles; oil; pipes; reduction; viscosity cache: jqes-606.pdf plain text: jqes-606.txt item: #400 of 544 id: jqes-609 author: Jawad, Sajjad Sarhan; Abbar, Ali H. title: Treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater by electrochemical oxidation using graphite anodes date: 2019-09-30 words: 5085 flesch: 47 summary: The characteristics of petroleum refinery effluents are usually influenced by the production mode, plant configuration and types of oil [2]. The concentration of Phenol in the range 5–25 mg L−1 considers as a toxic material for humans and aquatic life ,therefore the highest allowable limits of phenol in petroleum refinery effluents should be in the range of 0.5 - 1.0 mg L−1 keywords: cod; concentration; current; efficiency; effluent; nacl; oxidation; petroleum; phenol; refinery; removal; time; treatment; wastewater cache: jqes-609.pdf plain text: jqes-609.txt item: #401 of 544 id: jqes-61 author: Khachi Al-Zairjawi, Mohammed title: EFFECT OF ADDING CEMENT AND SILICA FUME WITH CEMENT ON COMPACTION PROPERTIES AND SHEAR STRENGTH OF CLAYEY SOIL date: 2017-07-17 words: 2770 flesch: 64 summary: P&A �C��*&ر ا��&�( q�6&ا:�&�#0 وآ H&A &آ %�&Fإ � P&A ا�r�&�دة %&�&Fا���&=�ر ازدادت )&=�رة وا ��k Zا�� Aو��A �' U���A ة� % 3# �4�=� ا:��0# ��. Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 2 No. ٢ Year 2009 ٢٥٤ Introduction Soil stabilization has been used in nearly every type of soil engineering problem. �%�&F &�ى ا��'�)&�A 7�&K �&% �&F&�دة وا�0 ز&� وأ &(� ا��;�&� ��&%�Uا� &%�8C0 ا�&��K 0#��:ا PA �C��*ا:��#0 و)��ر ا� HA آ 8A,ا . keywords: cement; fume; silica; soil; � � cache: jqes-61.pdf plain text: jqes-61.txt item: #402 of 544 id: jqes-611 author: Geremew, Anteneh; Mamuye, Yibas title: Improving the Properties of Clay Soil by Using Literate Soil for Production of Bricks date: 2019-12-31 words: 3384 flesch: 60 summary: [7] A. N. Adazabra, G. Viruthagiri, and N. Shanmugam, “An assessment on the sustainable production of construction clay bricks with spent shea waste as renewable ecological material .,” vol. Due to urbanization of populations living in towns becoming increases day by day; the sustainable living standards in a town constructing lead to increase the cost of concrete production [2].There are small numbers of micro enterprises working in producing clay brick in a traditional way with less quality. keywords: bricks; clay; compressive; content; earth; laterite; soil; strength; test; water cache: jqes-611.pdf plain text: jqes-611.txt item: #403 of 544 id: jqes-613 author: Janna, Haidar; Abdulsada, Mohammed title: Experimental Investigation of the Confinement Effect on Flashback in Multi Combustion Modes Tangential Swirl Burner date: 2019-10-18 words: 4174 flesch: 49 summary: Fig. 8. shows the experimental results of the flashback limits map for open flame tangential swirl burner in partial premixed combustion mode for both ranges of weak and rich equivelance ratios passing by the stoichiometric ratio. The figure shows similar behaviour for both cases of open flame burner and burner with conical cup confinement especially in very lean mixture but the working area being clear after 0.6 equivalence ratio, this is due to small amount of the oxidizer that the burner with conical cup confinement need it to reach to the flashback limits. keywords: air; burner; combustion; cup; flame; flashback; flow; fuel; gas; limits; swirl cache: jqes-613.pdf plain text: jqes-613.txt item: #404 of 544 id: jqes-614 author: Saadoon, Ahmed Sagban title: Effect of CFRP Strips Orientation on Performance of Strengthened Deep Beams date: 2019-09-30 words: 3399 flesch: 60 summary: Deep beams Strengthened beams FRP strips The current work aims to explore the effect of FRP strips orientation on the load carrying capacity and behaviour of strengthened deep beams. keywords: beams; frp; load; orientation; strengthening; strips cache: jqes-614.pdf plain text: jqes-614.txt item: #405 of 544 id: jqes-615 author: Abbas, Abdulnasser Mohammed title: Numerical Investigation on the Influence of Web Opening on the Structural Behaviour of RC Deep Beams date: 2019-09-30 words: 4124 flesch: 59 summary: Moreover, during the last few decades, deep beams are used extensively in high rise buildings [3]. The failure mode of deep beams depending on the geometry of these members, and it is utterly dominated by shear failure instead of flexural. keywords: beam; concrete; load; model; openings; reinforcement; shape; strength cache: jqes-615.pdf plain text: jqes-615.txt item: #406 of 544 id: jqes-616 author: Al-Dawody, Mohamed; Bhatti, S.K. title: Computational Combustion and Emission Analysis of Biodiesel in a Variable Compression Ratio Engine date: 2019-10-11 words: 5625 flesch: 64 summary: It is a well-known fact that diesel engines have deep impact on the industrial economy, as they are used in heavy trucks, city transport buses, locomotives, electrical generators, farm equipments, underground mine equipments etc., because of their simple, robust construction coupled with high thermal efficiency and specific power output with high fuel economy. The experimental investigation is followed by a computational combustion and emissions analysis of diesel engine is done by using the CFD software ANSYS FLUENT 13 2. keywords: b20; biodiesel; combustion; compression; diesel; emissions; energy; engine; fuel; injection; load; model; nox; ratio; sme cache: jqes-616.pdf plain text: jqes-616.txt item: #407 of 544 id: jqes-617 author: Al-Jasimee, Doaa H.; Abo Dhaheer, M.S. title: Shear Behaviour of Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete Beams Made with Treated Recycled Aggregate date: 2019-10-23 words: 4052 flesch: 67 summary: Based on Euro code, the control beams (NA-SCC) and treated RA beams (TRA-SCC) were more conservative compared with that of untreated RA beams, For NS, the ratio ranged between 1.3 to 1.64 for reference beam (NANS-S), 1.17 to 1.5 for TRANS- S beam, and 1.01 to 1.30 for RANS-S beam (see Figure 7). The findings showed that when TRA was used, a slight improvement in the ultimate shear capacity of concrete beams (with no stirrups reinforcement) compared with that of NA and RA beams. keywords: aggregate; beams; concrete; experimental; load; scc; shear; strength; vol cache: jqes-617.pdf plain text: jqes-617.txt item: #408 of 544 id: jqes-619 author: Hameed, Shahad faiz; Rushdi, Salih A. title: Mass Transfer Coefficient Study for Unloading of Naproxen from Activated Carbon as Drug Delivery date: 2019-12-31 words: 4974 flesch: 60 summary: This research studied the effect of several parameters, including particle size (11.042 nm and 0.6µm), weight of drug to carrier weight ratio (0.5,1 and 1.5) on loading efficiency, and temperature (35, 37 and 39 ºC), time (1,3 and 5 hr), pH of the solution (1.5 and 6.5) on mass transfer coefficient in release drug. Also the difference in pH of solution values was no strong effected on release drugs this is because all the solutions used were acidic corresponds to the middle of the stomach and intestines of the human. keywords: carbon; coefficient; drug; journal; loading; mass; naproxen; release; size; time; transfer; 𝐴 𝐾; 𝐾 𝑉 cache: jqes-619.pdf plain text: jqes-619.txt item: #409 of 544 id: jqes-621 author: kadhim, safa saib; Ammash, Haider title: Steel Stiffeners for Enhancement of Slab-Column Connections date: 2019-12-31 words: 4647 flesch: 59 summary: The general behavior observed for load-displacement curves, mode of failure, and crack propagation of slab strengthening with (steel stiffeners) stiffer than slab column connection without strengthen.  [1] H. Guan, Y.-C.J.C.J.o.C.E. Loo, Failure analysis of column slab connections with stud shear reinforcement, 30(5) (2003) 934-944. keywords: column; load; punching; shear; slab; steel cache: jqes-621.pdf plain text: jqes-621.txt item: #410 of 544 id: jqes-622 author: Jabbar, Azhaar Radhi title: Comparative study for adsorption of acidic and basic dyes on activated carbon prepared from date stone by different activation agent date: 2020-03-31 words: 4341 flesch: 47 summary: SEM characterizations show that activated carbons that prepared from potassium hydroxide have higher surface area and good adsorption characteristics than that prepared from activation with phosphoric acid or zinc chloride. Activated carbon is widely used on an industrial scale as an adsorbent mainly in the purification /separation of liquids and gases and also as a catalyst and catalyst support [3]. keywords: acid; activation; adsorption; bismark; brown; carbon; date; figure; methyl; orange; stone cache: jqes-622.pdf plain text: jqes-622.txt item: #411 of 544 id: jqes-625 author: Hoala, Safaa mohammed; Obeid, Hatem Hadi; Fadhel, Essam Zuheir title: The Numerical and Experimental Analysis to Study the Effect of Double Triangle Core on the Dynamic Response of Sandwich Structure date: 2020-03-31 words: 4036 flesch: 60 summary: Experimental and numerical deflection of single core sandwich structure. Experimental and numerical strain of single core sandwich structure. keywords: core; deflection; impact; point; results; sandwich; strain; structure; test cache: jqes-625.pdf plain text: jqes-625.txt item: #412 of 544 id: jqes-626 author: Ali, Methaq Abdulameer; Miry, Abbas; Salman, Tariq title: Implementation of Intelligent Industrial Controller Based On Fuzzy Logic and PLC date: 2020-03-31 words: 4841 flesch: 61 summary: [3] F. Corso, Y. Camargo, and L. Ramirez, “Wireless sensor system according to the concept of IoT -internet of things-,” Proc. - 2014 Int. Felipe, et. al.[3], submitted IoT system including industrial temperature sensor attached to Arduino. keywords: cloud; control; controller; data; error; fuzzy; iot; level; motor; output; plc; sensor; system; water cache: jqes-626.pdf plain text: jqes-626.txt item: #413 of 544 id: jqes-632 author: Wahhab, Ahmed Adnan; Abduljabar, Ali A.; Albattat, Hayder Jawad title: Microstrip Stopband Split Ring Resonator For Microwave Microfluidic Sensing date: 2020-05-26 words: 3282 flesch: 47 summary: [6] M. Abdolrazzaghi, M.H. Zarifi, M. Daneshmand, Sensitivity enhancement of split ring resonator based liquid sensors, in: 2016 IEEE SENSORS, IEEE, 2016, pp. 1-3. Perturbation Theory and liquid complex permittivity Slit perturbation resonator arises when the slit is made in the microstrip ring resonator and maximum electric field at both the slit edge keywords: field; frequency; liquid; permittivity; position; resonator; sensor; tube cache: jqes-632.pdf plain text: jqes-632.txt item: #414 of 544 id: jqes-633 author: Abdulkadhim, Ammar; Al-Farhany, Khaled; Abed, Azher M.; Majdi, Hasan Sh. title: Comprehensive Review of Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Annulus Complex Enclosures date: 2020-05-26 words: 8660 flesch: 43 summary: Governing Equation Finally, it is important to insert the governing equations used in this specific subject of natural convection heat transfer within enclosure filled with pure fluid, porous medium, and nanofluid [18] S. Dutta, A.K. Biswas, S. Pati, Natural convection heat transfer and entropy generation inside porous quadrantal enclosure with nonisothermal heating at the bottom wall, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 73(4) (2018) 222- 240. keywords: body; convection; cylinder; enclosure; et al; heat; heat transfer; increasing; journal; nanofluid; number; transfer cache: jqes-633.pdf plain text: jqes-633.txt item: #415 of 544 id: jqes-635 author: Ali, Nuha Hussein; Al-Thairy, Haitham title: A Numerical Study on the Performance of GFRP RC Beams Exposed to High Temperature date: 2020-07-01 words: 4693 flesch: 50 summary: The above-mentioned research studies have reflected the ability of finite element package ABAQUS in simulating the behavior and ultimate load of FRP reinforced concrete beams under exposure to elevated temperature with a very good accuracy .In [6] T.D. Lin, B. Ellingwood and O. Piet, Flexural and shear behaviour of reinforced concrete beams during fire tests, U.S. Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards Centre of Fire Research Gaithersburg, MD 20899; November , 1988. keywords: bars; beams; concrete; figure; gfrp; load; model; numerical; results; temperature cache: jqes-635.pdf plain text: jqes-635.txt item: #416 of 544 id: jqes-637 author: Mohammed, Dhay Waddy; Ahmed, Balqeea A.; AL-Hadidi, Maysam Th. title: Improving Gypseous Soil Properties by Using Non-Traditional Additives date: 2019-12-31 words: 4795 flesch: 67 summary: [24] on natural compacted and treated gypseous soil samples with various ratios of co-polymer, novolac polymer. When water reaches gypseous soil from a heavy rainfall, it causes rearrangement of soil particles, and as a result volume change (decrease) occurs. keywords: content; engineering; gypsum; materials; novolac; polymer; results; soil; test; weight cache: jqes-637.pdf plain text: jqes-637.txt item: #417 of 544 id: jqes-638 author: Al-Khuzaie, Muhaned G.; Al-Humeidawi, Basim H.; Al-Sa'idi, Ra'id F. title: Assessment of Dowel Bars Performance in Concrete Pavement Containing Crumb Rubber of Tires date: 2019-12-31 words: 4453 flesch: 59 summary: In this research, the light oil SAE 10 was used to lubricant the dowel bar, since covering dowel bars with grease may cause looseness (gap) in the surrounding concrete of dowel bar which consequently reduces transferring of load and cause joint failure. The research involves conducted pullout tests for dowel bars cast in concrete pavement contains a different percentage of CR particle (2%, 4%, and 6% of total aggregate) as partial or total replacement to aggregate on sieves No. 16 and No. 50. keywords: bars; concrete; crumb; dowel; epoxy; load; lubricant; pavement; pullout; rubber cache: jqes-638.pdf plain text: jqes-638.txt item: #418 of 544 id: jqes-639 author: Farhan, Khawla A.; Shallal, Muhaned A. title: Push-out Tests for Determining Shear Strength and Stiffness of Perfobond Connector-Experimental Study date: 2019-12-31 words: 3676 flesch: 63 summary: These groups consisted of three types of shear connectors (stud, angle, and perfobond connectors). Many types of connectors are available such as perfobond ribs, Oscillating- perfobond strip shear connector, corrugated shear connector waveform- strip shear connector, and perfobond connector, as shown in Fig. keywords: compressive; concrete; connector; perfobond; shear; slip; steel; strength cache: jqes-639.pdf plain text: jqes-639.txt item: #419 of 544 id: jqes-64 author: Hameed Al-Mussawi, Waqid title: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF VELOCITY PROFILE AND SEPARATION ZONE IN OPEN CHANNEL JUNCTIONS date: 2017-07-17 words: 5340 flesch: 69 summary: ا�و����A nl� � /��A 7ر���� ا��)�3� HA ا���د� ا��3دي PA ا�# �nl ا��� �* ا����� HA Weber et al.(2001) ، ��� -7 .و��3 اv?�ت ا����ر� 3�G :��Kًا )�H ا�# �nl ا���*�) HA ا���د� وا�# �nl ا��� ا:��rال ��#A أ)��د H ي�� �� �F��ا�� �3م ا���د� أv?�ت �3و��، (Separation zone)ا���#A 7U+ ا����آ�ة أن nl� ��ة ا��#�ةRA �% ��Cا� i��= ا�� ا��*�l3م ا��#�ة ا���A i��=/ �*� 0�K داد آ���r� الr��:ا . L�� -������Vال0او-%��� ا����� ا�����! ا���دي ���� �I(�Yت ا��%)ات ا��� وا���I �E ا��)�)ي آ��� ا�,%��� .�-�� آ� ء ا�� $� �C3رو���ا�?� ��3ث آ��8ًا %� ا�?�3#+� Eا��#�ات ا�� � I��A ا�ME�ت ،ان أ� ��ء ا��U��ن %U���A lات ا��ي وو���#K �آ�� % ا.وA#<.ت /��� �Aور ا:���ك %� ا�*3ود��#A � ��ء �=�3��A Bًا 3Gا وذ�T�*( q ا� 3ا� )�I��A H ا��#�ة ان ���ك ا��U��ن %�, �*�lا��#�ة ا�� I��A PA � �E8 +،ا�A ا��<�آ ا����3ة HA 3�3ا�� C>� ا����)��ت 3وه6ا P�U/و ��F�ا�� T��� وث �vه�ة ا� ���#�ة و��kه� ����U3ران ا�Uا��#�ة و/.آ ا� .و/��� ���=E/ @��� ا��U�م ا���3دةان ه6ا ا���$ ��3م /����� ا:)��د )l�#- ) ��� ا��3ديFinite Volume( nA���( � )�ا� (FLUENT) و)rاو�+� Eء ا��#�ات ا���� أ���#A � Standard) أ)*��ن ا������ -ا� �3م A�د� آ� .90º ����آ�ة ا��U��ن % k-ε)ن���U�8 ا��/ ���ب %Mن ا�����U�� .ت keywords: channel; flow; study; ∂ ∂; � nl; � ة cache: jqes-64.pdf plain text: jqes-64.txt item: #420 of 544 id: jqes-640 author: Ismeala, Muntadhar H.; Hamzaa, Bashar J.; Saada, Wasan Kadhim title: Comparison the Performance Evaluation of Xgpon-Rof System with Wdm and Scm for Different Modulation Schemes date: 2019-12-31 words: 2506 flesch: 57 summary: Introduction RoF is one of the most important applications in fiber optic system. The basic concept of WDM technology is to combine multi-channel optical with different wavelengths that come from different optical sources to a single fiber through multiple transmitters used on the sender side as well as multiplexer removal tools on the side of the receiver to split WDM channels[11]. keywords: fiber; qam; rof; scm; system; wdm; xgpon cache: jqes-640.pdf plain text: jqes-640.txt item: #421 of 544 id: jqes-641 author: Al-Jasmi, Sajida Kadhem; Al-Thairy, Haitham title: Numerical Study on The Structural Behavior of RC Beams after Exposure to Elevated Temperature date: 2019-12-31 words: 4704 flesch: 52 summary: The validated numerical model was implemented in conducting a parametric study to investigate the effects of two important parameters on the behavior and failure of RC beams under elevated temperature. The above-mentioned research studies have shown that the finite element package ABAQUS has widely been utilized in simulating the behaviour and failure of RC beams at elevated temperature with a very reasonable accuracy. keywords: abaqus; beams; concrete; model; numerical; rc beams; steel; temperature cache: jqes-641.pdf plain text: jqes-641.txt item: #422 of 544 id: jqes-642 author: Masallb, Hassan. H.; Al-Sultani, Kadhim F.; Abid Ali, Abdul Raheem K. title: Improving Surface Properties of Inconel 600 Alloy by Electroless Ni-P Deposition date: 2019-12-31 words: 3251 flesch: 58 summary: Table 2 presents compositions of bath solutions and operating conditions for electroless Ni– P. In this study, the coating time of Ni–P was (2 and 3 hrs.) keywords: coating; corrosion; electroless; figure; plating; specimens; time cache: jqes-642.pdf plain text: jqes-642.txt item: #423 of 544 id: jqes-643 author: Sabhan, Maha; Al-Sibahy, Adnan title: Pullout strength behaviour of self-compacted concrete in aggressive solutions date: 2019-12-31 words: 4420 flesch: 58 summary: The percentages decrease in the values of ultimate pull-out forces for block samples reinforced with steel bars of Ø12.5 mm and Ø25 mm containing epoxy coated compared with those cured in water were 44% and 31%, Type of element Type of curing Current value (Ampere) at different curing ages 7 days 14 days 28 days 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months Block samples reinforced with steel bar of Ø25 mm water 190 189.26 185.93 181.1 179 175 164 157 155 Salt with epoxy coated 190 190 189.4 188 188 186 184 182 182 Salt without epoxy 188.99 188.7 186 175.1 161 161 144 141.5 139.9 Block samples reinforced with steel bar of 12.5mm water 85 85 79 99 110 105 114 102 78 Salt with epoxy coated 83.5 86 72 102 116 91 72 119 100 Salt without epoxy 79.9 77.9 70.7 95.5 93 114 121 44 90 264 MAHA SABHAN AND ADNAN AL-SIBAHY /AL-QADISIYAH JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING SCIENCES 12 (2019) The adverse effect of the corrosion of reinforced steel bars was the main concern for many of the published research works keywords: bars; block; concrete; corrosion; samples; steel; steel bars; strength; water cache: jqes-643.pdf plain text: jqes-643.txt item: #424 of 544 id: jqes-644 author: Shabbani, Hind Jihad Kadhim title: A Review of CO2 Adsorption From Ambient Air (Direct Air Capture) date: 2020-03-31 words: 4136 flesch: 50 summary: The infrared showed that the forming of ammonium carbamate is what gives the S-shaped isotherm for CO2 adsorption. Figure (7): Cycling data for a pure temperature swing process involving adsorption from a simulated coal flue gas (15% CO2 in N2) at 100 ͦC in mmen-Mg2(dobpdc) (c) and 70 ͦC in mmen-Mn2(dobpdc) (d), followed by desorption at 150 and 120 ͦC, respectively, using a flow of 100% CO2[4] Wu et al. performed a study on these same adsorbents (mmen-M2 (dobpdc)) to further understand the thermodynamic mechanism of CO2 adsorption on these materials [22]. keywords: adsorbents; adsorption; air; capacity; capture; carbon; co2; combustion; dioxide; materials; metal; mmen cache: jqes-644.pdf plain text: jqes-644.txt item: #425 of 544 id: jqes-645 author: Aboud, Ghufraan Mohammed; Jassem, Nabil Habib; Khaled, Teba Tariq; Abdulhussein, Azaldeen Ali; Kumar, Vikas title: Effect of Polymer’s Type and Content on Tensile Strength of Polymers Modified Asphalt Mixes date: 2020-03-31 words: 3557 flesch: 61 summary: This paper presents a laboratory evaluations that were used to determine mechanical characteristics and performance of asphalt mixtures with different types of additives such as (Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and Natural Rubber (NR)) and various content. A lot of researchers studied the evaluation and impact of plastic waste in asphalt mixtures and their performance. keywords: asphalt; content; mixtures; polymer; pvc; strength; tensile; test cache: jqes-645.pdf plain text: jqes-645.txt item: #426 of 544 id: jqes-646 author: Mahdi, Mahdi Saleh; Mutar, Mohammed Ali title: Synthesis and Characterization of New Dental Composite for Dentistry Based on Unsaturated Monomers and Nano-fillers by Photopolymerization date: 2020-03-31 words: 7820 flesch: 55 summary: Feilzer, “Polymerization shrinkage and contraction stress of dental resin composites,” Dent Mater; 21: 1150-1157, 2005. The results indicated an increase in the mechanical properties in the samples containing nano-size filler particles. keywords: bis; composites; dental; filler; gma; materials; matrix; monomers; nano; particles; polymerization; resin; result; shrinkage; size; strength; temperature; water cache: jqes-646.pdf plain text: jqes-646.txt item: #427 of 544 id: jqes-647 author: mashshay, Safaa; Al-Sibahya, Adnan title: Structural Behavior of Novel ECC Short Columns Subjected to Eccentric Loading date: 2020-03-31 words: 3732 flesch: 58 summary: A R T I C L E I N F O Article history: Received 05 October 2019 Received in revised form 16 January 2020 Accepted 28 January 2020 Keywords: ECC columns hybrid ECC eccentric columns A B S T R A C T A limestone powder was used as a filler in preparing of the self-compacting concrete columns, while silica fume was used in producing of ECC columns. keywords: columns; concrete; ebe2; ecc; fibre; load; steel cache: jqes-647.pdf plain text: jqes-647.txt item: #428 of 544 id: jqes-648 author: Zemam, Sajid Kamil title: Developing Sustainable Concrete Compaction using a Proposed Multi-vibration Technique date: 2020-03-31 words: 5312 flesch: 58 summary: time 52 SAJID KAMIL ZEMAM /AL-QADISIYAH JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING SCIENCES 13 (2020) 046–054 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 1 2 3 C o m p re ss io n S tr e n g th ( M P a ) Vibration Phase Number C series D series a. (Vibration phase time = 20 s) b. (Vibration phase time = 60 s) Figure 6. keywords: compressive; concrete; duration; mode; multi; phase; specimens; strength; time; vibration cache: jqes-648.pdf plain text: jqes-648.txt item: #429 of 544 id: jqes-649 author: Jiwad, Foad Srhan; Taghadosi, Mojtaba Behnam; Majhool, Ahmed Abed Al-Kadhem title: Development of the Hydro Static Wind Turbine Powered RO System for Maximum Power Point and Maximum Permeate Flow Tracking date: 2020-05-10 words: 4329 flesch: 61 summary: Wind energy is one of the important sources of clean energy. He developed the component models of the wind, wind turbine, RO modules and analyzed the cost of water, which is showed that the wind power desalination system has a potential to be viable. keywords: desalination; energy; flow; oil; pressure; rotor; speed; system; turbine; water; wind; wind turbine cache: jqes-649.pdf plain text: jqes-649.txt item: #430 of 544 id: jqes-65 author: Hashm Yousif, Ahmed; Naji, Abas; Dakeel Jasem, Kareem title: STUDYING HEAT TRANSFER AND FLUID FLOW DISTRIBUTION ON HEATED FIN INSIDE RECTANGULAR DUCT WITH USING TRIANGULAR PROTRUSION date: 2017-07-17 words: 4232 flesch: 57 summary: -��ر�� ا�#��VK -) �4�� ا� ��ن 1�ون ا��<�ام ����ء . ����د ���ء ��� � ��� ز���� ����� دا� ��ى �درا�� ا��'�ل ا�%�ارة و��!�ن ا���ا +�+* ا�() آ�!. keywords: figure; flow; heat; protrusion; transfer; ∂ ∂; � ا; � � cache: jqes-65.pdf plain text: jqes-65.txt item: #431 of 544 id: jqes-650 author: Thamer, Elaf; Rushdi, Salih Abduljabbar title: An Experimental Investigation of Overall Mass Transfer coefficient (KGa) of CO2 absorption using Monoethanolamine (MEA) and Diethanolamine (DEA) in a Bubble Column Reactor (BCR) date: 2020-05-12 words: 4187 flesch: 61 summary: The motivation of this thesis focuses on Study the effect of all parameters {CO_2 loading ,Liquid flow rate , gas flow rate , absorption time} on (𝑘𝐺𝑎). An Experimental Investigation of Overall Mass Transfer coefficient (KGa) of CO2 absorption using Monoethanolamine (MEA) and Diethanolamine (DEA) in a Bubble Column Reactor (BCR) Elaf Thamera, Salih Rushdi a* a Chemical Engineering Department -College of Engineering – University of Al-Qadisiyah-Iraq A R T I C L E I N F O Article history: Received 19 January 2020 Received in revised form 26 March 2020 Accepted 30 March 2020 keywords: absorption; amine; co2; coefficient; column; flow; gas; liquid; loading; mass; process; rate; transfer cache: jqes-650.pdf plain text: jqes-650.txt item: #432 of 544 id: jqes-651 author: Abbas, Zahraa N.; Abbar, Ali H. title: Removal of Cadmium from Simulated Wastewater using Rotating Tubular Packed Bed Electrochemical Reactor: Optimization through Response Surface Methodology date: 2020-06-05 words: 7543 flesch: 52 summary: The corresponding contour plot Figure (3-b) confirms that a maximum value of cadmium removal efficiency lies in a small area in which the current ranged between 2.3-2.8 A and pH 3-5.5. Figures (4-a, 4-b) show the effect of rotation speed on the cadmium removal efficiency for various values of current (0.56-2.8A) at a constant concentration (60 ppm) and pH (6). The corresponding contour plot Figure (4-b) confirms that a maximum value of cadmium removal efficiency lies in a small area in which the current ranged between 2.3-2.8A and rotation speed range 300-500 rpm. keywords: cadmium; concentration; current; efficiency; journal; ppm; process; removal; response; rotation; speed; surface; value cache: jqes-651.pdf plain text: jqes-651.txt item: #433 of 544 id: jqes-652 author: Fahim, Ahmad Salah; Abbar, Ali H. title: Optimization of process parameters for the electrochemical oxidation treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater using porous graphite anode date: 2020-07-01 words: 8663 flesch: 53 summary: It can be seen that COD removal efficiency is in the range of 54.98- 98.80%. Effect of process variables on the COD removal efficiency The interactive effect of the selected variables and their effect on the response is assessed via a graphical representation of statistical optimization using RSM. Figures (4-a,4- b) show the effect of the initial pH on COD removal efficiency for various values of current density (5-25 mA/cm2) at constant NaCl conc. keywords: cm2; cod; current; density; effect; efficiency; graphite; journal; nacl; oxidation; petroleum; process; refinery; removal; response; surface; time; treatment; wastewater cache: jqes-652.pdf plain text: jqes-652.txt item: #434 of 544 id: jqes-653 author: Abdulsahib, Ahmed Dhafer; Al-Farhany, Khaled title: Experimental Investigation of Mixed Convection on a Rotating Circular Cylinder in a Cavity Filled With Nanofluid and Porous Media date: 2020-06-26 words: 5445 flesch: 50 summary: Considering mixed convection heat transfer inside an enclosure, there are two effects on the production of flow vortices, the first is the buoyancy force and the second is the sheer force of the rotational circular cylinder. Therefore, in mixed convection heat transfer, there are two effects on the production of flow vortices inside the cavity; the first is the buoyancy force and the second is because of the sheer force that resulted from the rotating cylinder. keywords: cavity; convection; cylinder; enclosure; heat; journal; nanofluid; temperature; transfer; wall cache: jqes-653.pdf plain text: jqes-653.txt item: #435 of 544 id: jqes-654 author: Malik, Farah Abdulkadhum; Hashem, Alaa Liaq title: Experimental Investigation of Green Roof Impact on Buildings Energy in Hot Climate date: 2020-07-01 words: 6532 flesch: 64 summary: The results showed that the maximum internal temperature was 46.97 °C and 36.42 °C for the traditional roof and green roof respectively at 3 p.m. Also, the results for period 18-21 July 2019 noted that the zone temperature decreased by 7.5 °C and the maximum temperature of the internal traditional standard roof’s surface is 45.66 °C and 37.41 °C for the green roof. Striking a balance between reducing energy consumption and provide a comfortable atmosphere and from other side restoring the environmental balance through the use of green roofs is an idea that was used in Iraq 6 thousand years ago in the hanging gardens of Babylon. keywords: building; cooling; energy; green; heat; layer; roof; surface; temperature cache: jqes-654.pdf plain text: jqes-654.txt item: #436 of 544 id: jqes-657 author: Almajidia, Basim Hassan; kafi, Shams Ameer title: Digital Architecture Void Formation In Digital Architecture Interfaces date: 2020-07-01 words: 15005 flesch: 43 summary: The digital dimension of architectural void (digital void): In physics, the structure of the digital void consists of an added void or a separation area (a void between masses), the formed void is related to the mass, whereas the separation area is related to kinetic energy, so the separation void collects about three different forms: (the non-mixable area, binary partition area, and the binary grid area of the three- dimensional void). The aim of the research came to reveal the concept of architectural void at the three-dimensional level, as well as revealing strategies and mechanisms for shaping the void in the interfaces. keywords: achiev; architecture; building; design; elements; engineering; formation; forms; interfaces; mass; need; percentage; process; relation; results; sample; space; structure; void cache: jqes-657.pdf plain text: jqes-657.txt item: #437 of 544 id: jqes-658 author: Alrubaie, Shymaa Akram; Hassoon, Israa Mohammed title: Support Vector Machine (SVM) for Colorization the Grayscale Image date: 2020-09-30 words: 5070 flesch: 55 summary: Color Recovering The process of converting the color from the source (color image) to a target (grayscale image) needs matching luminance and texture features between the images. SVM used Gaussian Radial Basis RBF as a Function kernel with a 1 scaling factor (σ) for training with these vectors to classify the test images which are matching color images that training with SVM. keywords: color; colorization; features; grayscale; haar; images; process; space; svm; vector cache: jqes-658.pdf plain text: jqes-658.txt item: #438 of 544 id: jqes-659 author: Assi, Abdullah Dhayea title: ADA Solve the Cubic Equation in a New Method with Engineering Application date: 2020-09-30 words: 7304 flesch: 69 summary: He wrote a solution of cubic equation in the manuscript, which passed to his pupil Antonio Maria Fiore (Antonio Maria Fior (Florido)). 9 11*36 *2 2 3 6 )150cos(* 9 11*36 *1 2 3 6 )30cos(* 9 11*36 *3 2 2 2          KK KK KK           0.5 2 1 1 0.5 2 2 2 0.5 2 3 3 1 2 * 3 * cos( ) (44 ) 3 3 1 2 * 3 * cos (44 ) 3 3 1 2 * 3 * cos (44 ) 3 3 A x A B a A x A B b A x A B c              To prove that the extended matrix transformed into a cubic equation, as well as identifying signals cubic equation: If we assume that our values are established as a Tensor, as follows Govindan et al. keywords: cos; equation;   cache: jqes-659.pdf plain text: jqes-659.txt item: #439 of 544 id: jqes-66 author: A. ALSHAMMA, FATHI; FAHAD FAHEM, ALI title: A STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF IMPACT LOADING ON DSIFs AND CRACK PROPAGATION IN PLATE date: 2017-07-17 words: 5631 flesch: 67 summary: @ y�M� ���WC�1 �-�T�ا �� . �G,#��1 q7'� دي����ا q���ف اsا�� (- q7��7ر ا��C آ� ��ا �� � � @��س ا�(�ا�� �Yد-� �pK�$T ا�oو@ و1+�#� q7�ف ا وا�� -^ =o�ف اsوا�� q7�ا x!�� ، ة�u *-���� �+'+'���ا VK��#�ا ?�@? keywords: crack; t �; د �;  ; � ا cache: jqes-66.pdf plain text: jqes-66.txt item: #440 of 544 id: jqes-660 author: Hussein, khalid ahmed; Ismaeel, Emad Hani title: Shape Grammar Strategies for Representing the Built Heritage date: 2020-09-30 words: 8311 flesch: 46 summary: Plan Scope  Type of shape grammar: Standard shape grammar was applied in all studies, while parametric grammar was applied to generate an anew plan in the same language. The current research focuses on the problem of shape grammar strategies for each scope in architecture, in addition to determining the techniques used in the analysis, derivation, and generation of the shapes. keywords: analysis; architecture; characteristics; classifying; elements; grammar; heritage; scope; shape; shape grammar; strategies; strategy; studies; urban; ● ● cache: jqes-660.pdf plain text: jqes-660.txt item: #441 of 544 id: jqes-661 author: Ballaoot, Akram Luaibi; Hamza, Naseer title: Cooling Process of Gas Turbine Blade: A Comparison Study date: 2020-09-30 words: 6751 flesch: 58 summary: [28] A. Hasanpour, M. Farhadi, H. Ashorynejad, Hole configuration effect on turbine blade cooling, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 49(1) (2011) 240-244. [14] K.H. Brahmaiah, M.L. Kumar, Heat transfer analysis of gas turbine blade through cooling holes, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, ISSN, (2014) 2250-3005. keywords: analysis; blade; cooling; et al; film; gas; gas turbine; heat; holes; journal; temperature; transfer; turbine; turbine blade cache: jqes-661.pdf plain text: jqes-661.txt item: #442 of 544 id: jqes-662 author: Alnebhan, Kareem Mohamed; Shallal, Muhaned A. title: Effect of filling steel tube chords by concrete on the structural behaviour of composite truss girders date: 2020-09-30 words: 3339 flesch: 68 summary: Effect of filling steel tube chords by concrete on the structural behaviour of composite truss girders Kareem Mohammed Alnebhan a, Muhaned A. Shallal a* aCivil Eng., Eng. College, University of Al-Qadisiyah, I C L E I N F O Article history: Received 23 June 2020 Received in revised form 12 July 2020 Accepted 20 July 2020 Keywords: Concrete Filled steel tube Truss girder Concrete deck slab Slip, shear connectors Warren truss Composite steel-concrete A B S T R A C T In this study, three specimens of Warren truss girders composite with concrete deck slab were tested experimentally under a central monotonic load to study the effect of the existence of concrete inside the chords. keywords: cfst; chord; concrete; load; specimen; steel; truss cache: jqes-662.pdf plain text: jqes-662.txt item: #443 of 544 id: jqes-663 author: Abd, Zahraa N.; Rushdi, Salih A. title: Investigation of overall mass transfer coefficient of CO2 absorption in packed Column date: 2020-07-01 words: 3518 flesch: 61 summary: Investigation of overall mass transfer coefficient of CO2 absorption in packed Column Zahraa N. Abd a, Salih A. Rushdi a* a Chemical Engineering Department -Faculty of Engineering – University of Al-Qadisiyah-Iraq 4. Results and discussion The experiments for mass transfer in a packed bed were studied based on CO2 absorption into blended solutions from MEA-DEA-TEA. keywords: absorption; amine; co2; coefficient; flow; gas; liquid; mass; rate; transfer; 𝑪𝑶𝟐 cache: jqes-663.pdf plain text: jqes-663.txt item: #444 of 544 id: jqes-664 author: Murad, Mariam E.; Al-Dawody, Mohamed title: Biodiesel Production form Spirulina Microalgae and its impact on Diesel Engine Characteristics-Review date: 2020-07-01 words: 7676 flesch: 48 summary: The results showed that soxhlet extraction using methanol gives the highest rate of algae oil extraction (98.5%) at 1 hour using biomass to solvent ratio of (1:110). Conclusion This paper presents a comprehensive literature review of the most published papers in the field of extraction algae oil, algae biodiesel production, and its effect on performance, emission and combustion. keywords: algae; algae oil; biodiesel; co2; combustion; diesel engine; emissions; energy; engine; et al; extraction; fuel; journal; method; microalgae; oil; performance; production; transesterification cache: jqes-664.pdf plain text: jqes-664.txt item: #445 of 544 id: jqes-665 author: Rashid, Waleed Turki; Alkadira, Israa Aziz; Jalhoom, Moayyed gased title: Effect of Operating Conditions on the Removal of Heavy and Radioactive Elements by Reverse Osmosis Membrane date: 2020-09-30 words: 3680 flesch: 60 summary: Then, permeate and feed solution has been collected in a flask for testing amount regarding radioactive and heavy metals for calculating membrane rejection as well as determining permeate flow rate to estimate membrane flux. Effect of pressure on permeates flux by RO membrane 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 F lu x ( L /m 2 .h ) keywords: effect; elements; flux; membrane; permeate; pressure; rejection; temperature; time cache: jqes-665.pdf plain text: jqes-665.txt item: #446 of 544 id: jqes-67 author: F. Brethee, Khaldoon title: FREE VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF A SYMMETRIC AND ANTI-SYMMETRIC LAMINATED COMPOSITE PLATES WITH A CUTOUT AT THE CENTER date: 2017-07-17 words: 4214 flesch: 62 summary: درا��� ا���� ددات ا�(G+�+�� �'�,(�ح ا�� آs����1 ���Gف @ �Gآ ��ا �G,�� ^+�+�����'�& �1s�Y و-��و-�� ��QK��4اC �+��#T��ت ا���+G)��+��6+6+�� وا��اء اo!) V���ا *B @'S ة ����د�W��� � C�ة وا�W���� اYه�Jاز ا�%� �����ح ا���آ�5 ا��%G ��1ون N�B ��I!ع � ( ��( � :� ا�5�Yر، 8�. keywords: cutout; frequency; layers; plate; symmetric; vibration cache: jqes-67.pdf plain text: jqes-67.txt item: #447 of 544 id: jqes-670 author: marzoq, zahraa hadi; Borhan, Tumadhir Merawi title: Mechanical properties of reactive powder concrete: a comparison study date: 2021-01-01 words: 4730 flesch: 64 summary: [31] Vogel, H., Noel, M., Davoudi, S. and Svecova, D., Evaluation of properties of high strength concrete for prestressed concrete prisms. A R T I C L E I N F O Article history: Received 28 July 2020 Received in revised form 30 August 2020 Accepted 15 September 2020 Keywords: Reactive powder concrete; Mechanical properties; Compressive strength; Splitting tensile strength; Flexural strength. keywords: compressive; concrete; powder; rpc; steel; strength; tensile cache: jqes-670.pdf plain text: jqes-670.txt item: #448 of 544 id: jqes-680 author: Abd zaid, Duaa Nadheer; Hamzah, Dhafer A title: Heat Transfer Enhancement by Turbulence Generator inside Heat Receiver date: 2021-01-02 words: 3185 flesch: 62 summary: [16] Hong, S. and A. Bergles, Augmentation of laminar flow heat transfer in tubes by means of twisted-tape inserts. 1976. The results show that for twisted tape insert with hemispherical extrude surface lead to increase in heat transfer rate above 69.4% compared to plain pipe due to effective vortex flow and best mixing caused by the TT insert. keywords: flow; heat; number; pipe; tape; transfer; twist cache: jqes-680.pdf plain text: jqes-680.txt item: #449 of 544 id: jqes-681 author: Ali, Sahar Hussein; Ismael, Mohammed Qadir title: Improving the Moisture Damage Resistance of HMA by Using Ceramic Fiber and Hydrated Lime date: 2021-01-02 words: 5471 flesch: 65 summary: The addition of 1% ceramic fiber with1.5% hydrated lime has given the highest TSR which was 86.55 % compared with the control asphalt mixture that was 76.71 %. Different kinds of the modifier fibres like cellulose, polyester, glass, and mineral fibres are widely used into dissimilar types of asphalt mixtures Wan et al. keywords: aggregate; asphalt; compressive; dry; fiber; lime; mixtures; moisture; strength; tensile cache: jqes-681.pdf plain text: jqes-681.txt item: #450 of 544 id: jqes-687 author: Saber, Dhuha Rasheed; Hasan, Mushtaq Ismael title: Experimental investigation of mini-channel heat sink with nano-enhanced phase change materials date: 2021-01-02 words: 6718 flesch: 55 summary: Variation of heat sink base temperature with volume fraction for all nanoparticles materials and the same value of heat flux is illustrated in figure12. Heat sink base temperature with Al2O3-PCM begin to rise for all remain concentrations because of large size of nanoparticles which cause earlier sedimentation. keywords: al2o3; base; cooling; flux; heat; pcm; performance; sink; temperature; transfer; volume cache: jqes-687.pdf plain text: jqes-687.txt item: #451 of 544 id: jqes-689 author: Fakher, Noor Ali; Fakhruldin, Mohammed Kadhim title: Influence of the number of reinforcement layers on the bearing capacity of strip foundation resting on sandy soil date: 2021-01-03 words: 3268 flesch: 62 summary: Many researchers have investigated the bearing capacity of geogrid reinforced foundation soils using experimental, analytical, and numerical methods. Haripal, P., R. Behera, and C. Patra, Behavior of surface strip footing on geogrid reinforced sand bed. keywords: bearing; capacity; foundation; geogrid; layers; reinforcement; sand; settlement; soil cache: jqes-689.pdf plain text: jqes-689.txt item: #452 of 544 id: jqes-692 author: Qatta, Oras Abd Al Hussien; Mohammad, Abbas Khalaf title: Study of the equilibrium of the adsorption of methylene blue and methyl orange onto super sand. date: 2021-05-04 words: 6414 flesch: 59 summary: A glass thermometer was immersed inside the flask for measuring and recording of adsorption temperature. Finally, the activation energy for the adsorption process was determined using Arrhenius equation and found to be equals to 28.643 kJ/mol and 20.224 kJ/mol for methylene blue and methyl orange adsorption, respectively. keywords: adsorption; blue; dyes; figure; graphene; methyl; methylene; orange; oxide; process; removal; sand; temperature; vol cache: jqes-692.pdf plain text: jqes-692.txt item: #453 of 544 id: jqes-697 author: Nazzal, Zaharaa; Jazie, Ali A. title: Green Diesel Production using Egg Shell Derived CaO catalyst: Effect of catalyst and reaction process date: 2021-01-02 words: 4809 flesch: 59 summary: Calcium oxide catalyst has been used, the ratio of catalyst to oil ratio range between (5 - 10) g. From view of a chemical point, removing oxygen at high temperatures and the relative pressure of nitrogen is a complex operation that involves a series of cascading reactions. [32] L. Yi, H. Liu, K. Xiao, G. Wang, Q. Zhang, H. Hu, H. Yao, In situ upgrading of bio-oil via CaO catalyst derived from organic precursors, Proc. keywords: algae; biofuel; biomass; calcium; cao; catalysts; deoxygenation; energy; oil; process; production; surface; 𝐶𝑂2 cache: jqes-697.pdf plain text: jqes-697.txt item: #454 of 544 id: jqes-7 author: شاكر عبد الله, حيدر title: دراسة تصميم وأداء محرك بارد وعديم التلوث باستخدام النتروجين السائل كمائع شغل date: 2017-07-11 words: 3074 flesch: 93 summary: السائل ليتم اسـتخدامه فـي دورة القـدرة م حراري ليبخر ويح ر كمصد على عكس المحركات الحرارية المعروفة والتي تستخدم مصدر طاقة بدرجة حرارة الحرارية في كـال الحـالتين ان .heat sinkاعلى من درجة حرارة الجو باستخدام الجو كوسط بارد :كفاءة الدورة هي h L h T T Systemمناقشة االستفادة من حرارة االحتكاك القادمـة مـن المحـرك ومنظومـة الكـبح Braking. keywords: expansion; االسطوانة; التمدد; الجو; الحرارة; السائل; الشغل; القادسية; المجلد; المحرك; النتروجين; الهندسية; الى; انتقال; حيث; خالل; درجة; شوط; على; قطر; معامل; مـن; هذا; هذه; يتم; ١مجلة; ٢٠٠٨ cache: jqes-7.pdf plain text: jqes-7.txt item: #455 of 544 id: jqes-70 author: Fasel Mailak, Maase title: BEHAVIOR OF THICK SPHERICAL VESSELS UNDER HIGH PRESSURE date: 2017-07-18 words: 3951 flesch: 58 summary: ���<�ام �t ��� @ �� �6��B�>'ع ��8 ه�M\ ا��#� �وز ا��� ا �� O',��ن ا��#x @67* -#(�� ا���7\ ا�' V�#� 8'ا���ء ا�<�Bع �T� 8| ا��( ا�G� ('�ب��ا OAB'� &د��. ? The residual stress components also were calculated using elastic and elasto-plastic solution result ك ا���ا��ت ا������ ا���و�� ��� أ��� ط ا�������� 7� A B *�b آ� � ا���1�9 � :� ا�'�د��� :أ�<=>� �ف -��^ ه��Mا ا�S���G آ���ن @��� ي ا���Q!Cدات أ�� ار���� ���8 =���ر ا�'�و���� ��Q�,�+�6 -ا���و���� ا 6�ا����ت اo>'� و���� ��ط ا�AB���و@��� ا �ت �t ��ت ا�'�و�� وا�� و�� �'��7 ��ت أ�6 و��� -�) @�,'+O أ���اع -< keywords: pressure; � � cache: jqes-70.pdf plain text: jqes-70.txt item: #456 of 544 id: jqes-700 author: Fadhil, Abbas; Mandeel, Sarah Abdul Hussein; Mekkiyah, Haider M. title: Bearing Capacity of Square Footing Resting on Layered Soil date: 2021-01-03 words: 5971 flesch: 61 summary: A lot of significant examples exist for the tasks of the foundation engineering where it might be of high importance to involve the impact of soil layers when assessing the bearing capacity. Subscripts H Thickness of top soil layer (m) FEM Finite element method H/B Ratio (thickness of soil layer to the width of footing) keywords: bearing; bearing capacity; capacity; clay; failure; footing; layer; model; sand; soil; tests; thickness cache: jqes-700.pdf plain text: jqes-700.txt item: #457 of 544 id: jqes-703 author: Albdiry, Mushtaq; Mahdi, Fouad K.; Diwan, Abbas A. title: Preparation and Catalytic Activity of Co-Mo/γ-Al2O3 Catalyst for Hydro-desulfurization Reaction date: 2021-01-03 words: 4344 flesch: 52 summary: The second order HDS reaction rate of the naphtha at different temperatures based on integral analysis The activation energy (Ea) as well as the enthalpy ( ∆H) and the entropy ( ∆S) energy of the HDS reaction for a heavy naphtha with presence of the bimetallic CoMo/γ-Al2O3 catalyst were calculated by using Eqs. 3 and 4 at different reaction temperatures (523-598 °K). 6- Effect of changing the LHSVs on the removal of sulphur through the HDS at different reaction temperatures. keywords: al2o3; catalyst; como; hds; hds reaction; naphtha; reaction; sulphur; temperature cache: jqes-703.pdf plain text: jqes-703.txt item: #458 of 544 id: jqes-704 author: Hasan, Mushtaq I.; Ugla, Adnan A.; Kadhim, Hassan S. title: Improving the thermal performance of electrical transformers using hybrid mixture of (transformer oil, nanoparticles, and PCM) date: 2020-09-30 words: 5499 flesch: 58 summary: It used transformer oil that uses the existing MEPCM suspension as a cooling medium in place of pure transformer oil. Improving the thermal performance of electrical transformers using hybrid mixture of (transformer oil, nanoparticles, and PCM) Mushtaq I. Hasan a*, Adnan A. Ugla a and Hassan S. Kadhim a a Department of Mechanical engineering, University of Thi-Qar, Thi-Qar, Iraq. keywords: cooling; heat; nanofluid; oil; paraffin; sic; suspension; temperature; transformer; wax cache: jqes-704.pdf plain text: jqes-704.txt item: #459 of 544 id: jqes-705 author: Shamkhia, Hassan A.; Albdiria, Amer D. Z. title: Simultaneous Extraction of Lead, Copper, and Cadmium from Aqueous Solution using Emulsion Liquid Membrane Technique date: 2020-09-30 words: 5262 flesch: 62 summary: [32] and also 4% for extraction copper ions only Chiha et al. Beyond that limit, breakage took place and extraction efficiency declined as a function of homogenizer speed as shown in Fig. keywords: doi; efficiency; emulsion; extraction; ions; membrane; phase; system; vol cache: jqes-705.pdf plain text: jqes-705.txt item: #460 of 544 id: jqes-706 author: Ibraheem, Hanan A.; Tameemi, Husham M.Al. title: Use of cement kiln dust to remove copper from simulated wastewater using the Response surface methodology date: 2020-09-30 words: 5473 flesch: 62 summary: 204 HANAN A. IBRAHEEM, HUSHAM M. AL.TAMEEMI/AL-QADISIYAH JOURNALFOR ENGINEERING SCIENCES13 (2020) 200–206 ANOVA results showed that the mineral concentration contribution percentage is 67.17%, which means that mineral concentration has the main effect on copper removal efficiency. (a) (b) Figure 2: Response surface plot (a) and contour plot (b) showing the effect of contact time and initial concentration of copper on the copper removal efficiency Fig.3 a and 3b illustrate the effect of pH on copper removal efficiency of different primary copper concentrations (20, 60, and 100 ppm) at different pH values (2, 5, and 8) at a shaking rate of 200 rpm, a 60-minute contact time and a CKD dosage of 20 g / l. keywords: ckd; concentration; copper; effect; efficiency; removal; response; table; time; value cache: jqes-706.pdf plain text: jqes-706.txt item: #461 of 544 id: jqes-71 author: Sh. Jabur, Adnan; Y. Thamir, Heider title: FINDING THERMAL DISTRIBUTION IN THE CASTING OF ALALLOY BY SIMULATION USING FDM date: 2017-07-18 words: 4016 flesch: 67 summary: *ط دا�������#� ���� t� �'T����,��ا ���� G��ت ا���+#�#- ^��- ������ و@��? إ�Q���W �'���د�� �W^ ا�#�tم . keywords: casting; solidification; t t; ∂ ∂ cache: jqes-71.pdf plain text: jqes-71.txt item: #462 of 544 id: jqes-710 author: Abdulla, Israa Mohammed; Alwan, Hameed Hussein; Ghanim, Alaa N. title: Study Reaction Kinetics of Fuel Model Desulfurization by Electrochemical Oxidation Technique date: 2021-04-28 words: 2770 flesch: 53 summary: [𝐶𝐷𝐵𝑇 ]0 1−𝑛 ] ( 1 1−𝑛 ) (8) The actual experimental result for DBT oxidation reaction were fitted with the equation and analyzed as nonlinear regression by aim of STATISTAICA software version 5, as seen the equation, it has four parameters (n, m, k0 and E). In this work, ECD for model fuel (heptane contains 2500 ppm DBT) by H2O2 at different reaction temperature and time, followed by extraction with acetonitrile. keywords: desulfurization; oxidation; reaction; temperature; time cache: jqes-710.pdf plain text: jqes-710.txt item: #463 of 544 id: jqes-712 author: Jabbar, Fatima F.; Rushdi, Salih title: Application of Taguchi Method for Optimization Cadmium Separation by Emulsion Liquid Membrane date: 2020-10-03 words: 5792 flesch: 62 summary: [6] N. D. Zaulkiflee, M. M. H. S. Buddin, and A. L. Ahmad, ‘Extraction of acetaminophen from aqueous solution by emulsion liquid membrane using taylor-couette column’, Int. [25] P. Zaheri and R. Davarkhah, ‘Rapid removal of uranium from aqueous solution by emulsion liquid membrane containing thenoyltrifluoroacetone’, J. Environ. keywords: cadmium; carrier; concentration; effect; emulsion; extraction; ions; liquid; membrane; phase; solution cache: jqes-712.pdf plain text: jqes-712.txt item: #464 of 544 id: jqes-713 author: Al-Najar, Ammar Kareem; AL-Yassri, Labeeb S. title: Numerical Analysis of One-Way Continuous Slab with Partial Corrosion Strengthened with Deferent Material date: 2021-04-30 words: 3356 flesch: 52 summary: The main parameter was replacing conventional reinforcement with CFRP bars with a percentage of replacement (0, 50, and 100%). The study concluded that using CFRP bars with a steel bar was more effective than using the only CFRP bars, and the shear capacity was slightly influenced by using the CFRP bars, while there was a decrease in the stiffness of specimens. keywords: cfrp; failure; figure; load; numerical; specimen cache: jqes-713.pdf plain text: jqes-713.txt item: #465 of 544 id: jqes-724 author: Alkafaji, Mujtaba Abdulkadhim; Hamzah, Mohsin N.; Hassan, Jafar M. title: Design of Hydraulic Exciter Using Nonstandard Backstepping with Integral Sliding Mode date: 2021-01-05 words: 5283 flesch: 66 summary: [5] H. E. Merritt, Hydraulic control systems. ISMC of the ideal control force The main objective of the control system in this work is tracking process i.e. the mass follows of the required path which is supplied to control system as an input signal. keywords: control; equation; force; hydraulic; system cache: jqes-724.pdf plain text: jqes-724.txt item: #466 of 544 id: jqes-725 author: بلال, غسان عبد الحسين title: تحليل تدفق الحمل باستخدام المنطق الغامض date: 2020-12-24 words: 1346 flesch: 87 summary:   J 4 1122 3العدد 4المجلد لهندسيةامجلة القادسية للعلوم 7 aSin pqpqpqpq q p q YVV V Q V )43.........(....................)......... PG(p.u) Reactive Load Demand QD(p.u) Real Load Demand PD(p.u) Bus Code (p) Slack 1.06 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 اجعل VV k p k p k p k p 11 ,   1122 3العدد 4المجلد لهندسيةامجلة القادسية للعلوم 12 PQ 1.00 0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 2 PQ 1.000 0.15 0.45 0.00 0.00 3 PQ 1.00 0 0.05 0.40 0.00 0.00 4 PQ 1.00 0 0.10 0.60 0.00 0.00 5 رافسن -فولتية القضبان العمومية لكل تكرار بأستخدام طريقة نيوتن (6جدول رقم) keywords: bus; k p cache: jqes-725.pdf plain text: jqes-725.txt item: #467 of 544 id: jqes-727 author: Hussein, Dhuha Jawad; Mutar, Mohammed Ali title: Synthesis and Characterization of New Silicone Hydrogels Contact lenses Based on TRIS-DMA-AA-NVP Via Photo Polymerization for Biomedical Application date: 2021-01-02 words: 8320 flesch: 58 summary: [10] M. L. Read, P. B. Morgan, J. M. Kelly, and C. Maldonado-Codina, “Dynamic contact angle analysis of silicone hydrogel contact lenses,” J. Biomater. [41] F. Stapleton, S. Stretton, E. Papas, C. Skotnitsky, and D. F. Sweeney, “Silicone hydrogel contact lenses and the ocular surface,” Ocul. keywords: component; contact; contact lenses; dma; hydrogel; hydrophilic; lenses; monomers; nvp; oxygen; protein; silicone; surface; tris; vol; water cache: jqes-727.pdf plain text: jqes-727.txt item: #468 of 544 id: jqes-73 author: Abdul Jabbar Salih, Salih title: DEVELOPING CORRELATION FOR PREDICTION OF GAS HOLDUP USING GENETIC ALGORITHM date: 2017-07-18 words: 3203 flesch: 60 summary: ���� ��� �� ����� ��� ا��! �� ا���زي ������ام ا���ارز��� ا���� � ا��آ��ر #�� ��� ا����ر #�� ��� آ��� ا�% (��)� ا�'�د��� :ا���#� ��� � ا ��� � ��� ا ��ز �� �� � ه�ا ا���� !�� �g ��� ا ! اغ � ��� ا ��ز ا�� �g FG4 # �!�� وا �/� ه�ا ا �%ع 9 اA4 �' M�� �� �0رO&3 �&/9 keywords: bubble; column; correlation; gas; holdup; slurry cache: jqes-73.pdf plain text: jqes-73.txt item: #469 of 544 id: jqes-730 author: Ali, Hayder Abdul Khaliq; Nayeeif, Adil Abed title: Review on static-dynamic analysis of Laminated Composite and Piezoelectric Lamina Material using Matlab date: 2021-04-30 words: 5862 flesch: 46 summary: Tapered composite beam model analysis was developed in Gayen et al. Additionally, in this study, a numerical example of control on the deflection and buckling load capacity is introduced as an inner defect of stacking layers of composite plates. keywords: analysis; beams; composite; doi; element; finite; layer; matlab; model; piezoelectric; plate; results; shear; stress; vibration cache: jqes-730.pdf plain text: jqes-730.txt item: #470 of 544 id: jqes-732 author: Satar, Marwa; Dawood, Hasan Issa title: A Comparative Study On Stability And Thermal Properties Of Various Nanofluids date: 2021-05-18 words: 4021 flesch: 48 summary: Adopting the two-step method to prepare nanofluid samples and highlighting on the effect of ultrasonication time on the stability of nano-suspensions. Table 3: Stability period (day) of nanofluid samples at room temperature Samples Ultrasonication time 1hr 2 hr 3 hr 0.1 vol.% Al2O3 7 9 11 0.1 vol.% SiO2 9 11 15 0.05 vol.% Al2O3 + 0.05 vol.% SiO2 8 10 13 0.075 vol.% Al2O3 + 0.025 vol.% SiO2 7 9 12 0.025 vol.% Al2O3 + 0.075 vol.% SiO2 8 10 13 Figure 4: keywords: al2o3; conductivity; heat; hybrid; nanofluids; nanoparticles; properties; sio2; temperature; transfer; vol.% cache: jqes-732.pdf plain text: jqes-732.txt item: #471 of 544 id: jqes-734 author: Shahraki, Majid Eskandari; Shariati, Mahmoud; Asiaban, Naser; Beni, Mohsen Heydari; Zamani, Mohammad Reza; Jam, Jafar Eskandari title: Bending, Buckling and Vibration analysis of third order shear deformation nanoplate based on modified couple stress theory date: 2022-02-11 words: 5861 flesch: 70 summary: 2𝜇)𝐼2 + 2𝐶10 − 𝐶9 − 𝐶12 + 1 2 𝑙2𝐶7 − 1 4 𝑙2𝐶8 (B-8) 𝐷9 = 5 4 𝑙2𝐶8 − 3 2 𝜇𝑙2𝐶6 2 𝐼4 − 5 2 𝑙2𝐶7 + 3𝐶12 − (𝜆 + 𝜇)𝐼2 − (𝜆 + 𝜇)𝐶6 2 𝐼6 + 2(𝜆 + 𝜇)𝐶6𝐼4 (B-9) 𝐷10 = 3𝑙 2𝐶7 − 3 2 𝑙2𝐶8 + 3 2 𝜇𝑙2𝐶6 2 𝐼4 − 𝜇𝐼2 − 𝜇𝐶6 2 𝐼6 + 2𝜇𝐶6𝐼4 − 4𝐶12 (B-10) keywords: buckling; deformation; length; nanoplate; order; ratio; shear; thickness cache: jqes-734.pdf plain text: jqes-734.txt item: #472 of 544 id: jqes-735 author: Hasan, Mushtaq I.; Muter, Dhay Mohammed title: A review of earth to air heat exchanger as a passive cooling and heating technique and the affecting parameters date: 2021-04-30 words: 10340 flesch: 61 summary: [ 31] to estimate the thermal of performance of earth to air heat exchanger system a passing one dimensional season below the climate conditions of Algerian Sahara. through summer . Parametric simulation and experimental analysis of earth air heat exchanger with solar air heating duct. keywords: air; air heat; air temperature; cooling; eahe; earth; earth air; energy; et al; exchanger; heat exchanger; length; performance; pipe; system; temperature; thermal cache: jqes-735.pdf plain text: jqes-735.txt item: #473 of 544 id: jqes-736 author: Mohammad, Dunya A.; Hasan, Mushtaq I.; Shkarah, Ahmed Jassim title: Numerical investigation of the electric double-layer effect on the performance of microchannel heat exchanger at combined electroosmotic and pressure-driven flow date: 2021-06-19 words: 6521 flesch: 55 summary: This study investigates the effect of electric double layer (EDL) at two values of ionic concentration through parallel flow microchannel heat exchanger (PMCHE) and determines at any size of microchannel heat exchanger stops EDL effect or is the slight effect. [10] Ahmed A. Ali, Mushtaq I. Hassan and Ghassan Adnan, Study surface roughness on the overall performance of parallel flow microchannel heat exchanger, the University of Thi-Qar Journal for Engineering Sciences, 10 (1), 2019. keywords: diameter; double; driven; edl; effect; electric; flow; heat; hydraulic; layer; microchannel; pressure; thickness cache: jqes-736.pdf plain text: jqes-736.txt item: #474 of 544 id: jqes-74 author: A. Abid, Balasim; Sh. Abdulmohsin, Rahman; M. Al.Tamimi, Hisham title: HEAT TRANSFER BEHAVIOUR IN A TWO-PHASE BUBBLE COLUMN date: 2017-07-18 words: 5020 flesch: 54 summary: د ــــــ����7 ا6 � ��.د ��)��� (��)� ا�'�د��� (��)� ذي ��ر ا����)� ا��= ا�% ��� ا�=� ��و�� ا�% ��� ا� �=��3=�� ا�% ��� ا�=� ��و�� ا���#� X C< #�0$ د%� +ت اO �0ل ا � ارة $# �� ��ء- م و��8 M7ام �KOم ا 5%اء�4٠.٢ درا38 4%ز�� c�$ �4 8 3 ا ��ز . Significant differences were observed between heat transfer coefficients in the axial directions viz. keywords: bubble; coefficients; column; gas; heat; transfer; velocity; اo � cache: jqes-74.pdf plain text: jqes-74.txt item: #475 of 544 id: jqes-742 author: Abessi, Ozeair; Abbas, Mukhtar DH title: Environmental impact Evaluation of Brick factories on West of AL-Diwaneyha city _Iraq date: 2021-06-19 words: 2942 flesch: 57 summary: The image 1 the spatial spreading of villages and towns due to brick factories site and the wind direction. [9], in Iraq, there are many researchers studied the environmental impact evaluation of brick factories in Baghdad which approved that the sulfur compound emissions that resulted from black oil burning caused soil and air contamination Al-Nuzal S.M.D. et al. keywords: air; brick; environment; factories; iraq; pollution; site cache: jqes-742.pdf plain text: jqes-742.txt item: #476 of 544 id: jqes-743 author: Abd, Wisam Nathem; Khalaf, Hussam Ali; Tazyukov, F. Kh. title: The Effect of Rotational Speed on the Performance of the Electric Submersible Pump date: 2021-06-05 words: 3509 flesch: 61 summary: CFD approach has been used in this study to analyze flow behaviors within the ESP at various flow speeds. It is the same influence of flow rate increasing. keywords: difference; engineering; flow; fluid; performance; pressure; pump; rate; rpm; speed; viscosity cache: jqes-743.pdf plain text: jqes-743.txt item: #477 of 544 id: jqes-748 author: Kadhim, Mohammed Sadeq; Hamza, Dhafer A title: Enhancement of Airfoil Performance by Rotating Cylinder date: 2021-07-13 words: 3834 flesch: 60 summary: [15] B. Sreejith, A. Sathyabhama, Experimental and numerical study of laminar separation bubble formation on low Reynolds number airfoil with leading-edge tubercles, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42(4) (2020) 1-15. 2. Describe the problem and boundary conditions In this work, the effect of cylinder rotation on the airfoil's upper surface is considered, to improve airfoil performance. keywords: airfoil; angle; attack; coefficient; cylinder; flow; lift; results; separation; surface cache: jqes-748.pdf plain text: jqes-748.txt item: #478 of 544 id: jqes-749 author: Farhood, Husam Jasim; Hashem, Alaa Liaq title: The effect of using scrap tire powder in the perforated brick holes on thermal insulation date: 2021-07-12 words: 4353 flesch: 65 summary: Therefore, the calculation of the thermal conductivity of scrap tire powder with air in a cylindrical form first, and rubber and air cylinders with bricks second we use the equations listed below to calculate the conductivity of the scrap tire powder;[5]: K=𝑘1(1 − ∅) + 𝑘2(∅) (1) Where 𝑘1 is the estimated thermal conductivity for bricks and 𝑘2 the thermal conductivities of scrap tires powder (STP) with air in a cylindrical shape, respectively, and ∅ porosity to powder cylinder scrap tire. Powder rubber tire scrap was used in perforated brick holes and a certificate of examination of conformity to the European standard EN1177 and as well as perforated bricks and mortar. keywords: heat; powder; rubber; scrap; surface; temperature; tire; wall cache: jqes-749.pdf plain text: jqes-749.txt item: #479 of 544 id: jqes-750 author: Al-Naqeeb, Faaiza Hassan; Al-Thairy, Haitham title: Structural behavior of lightweight reinforced concrete columns exposure to eccentric loads at high temperature date: 2021-07-13 words: 5667 flesch: 61 summary: There are no adequate studies on the use of lightweight concrete in the design of concrete columns exposed to elevated temperatures. [15] V. Kodur and R. Mcgrath, “Fire endurance of high strength concrete columns,” Fire Technol., vol. keywords: aggregate; columns; concrete; load; lwrc; nwrc; steel; temperature cache: jqes-750.pdf plain text: jqes-750.txt item: #480 of 544 id: jqes-751 author: Talib, Ghufran; Al-Dawody, Mohamed F title: Use Of LPG In SI Engine- A Review Study date: 2021-06-18 words: 7068 flesch: 57 summary: Because of its effective combustion properties, LPG is commonly used in SIE but vehicles running on LPG fuels, in which fuel systems have been overridden from those of petrol engines, cannot realize a higher compression ratio and thus greater thermal efficiency where no Converted engines can take advantage of the high octane number of LPG The consumption of LPG fuel was 0.78 kg / hour ,at the maximum load of 1.3 kW. Choi et al.[25] estimated of combustion and emission characteristics of the LPG fed by SIE was presented with some simple modifications in standard SIE on LPG fuel with variable proportions of LPG ( 5%, 10%, 56 GHUFRAN TALIB HASHEM AND MOHAMED F. AL-DAWODY /AL-QADISIYAH JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING SCIENCES 14 (2021) keywords: air; combustion; consumption; emissions; engine; exhaust; fuel; gasoline; ignition; injection; lpg; performance; petrol; ratio; results; speed cache: jqes-751.pdf plain text: jqes-751.txt item: #481 of 544 id: jqes-752 author: Haran, Duaa Yaseen; Majhool, Ahmed Abed AL-Kadhem title: Application of LES/PDF and RANS/PDF approaches for simulation of spray combustion date: 2021-07-13 words: 5631 flesch: 55 summary: [16] Q. Wang, T. Jaravel, M. Ihme, Assessment of spray combustion models in large-eddy simulations of a polydispersed acetone spray flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37(3) (2019) 3335-3344. Liquid phase model The discrete droplets in the gas-phase are suggested to be spherical. keywords: approach; combustion; flame; gas; les; mass; model; pdf; phase; rans; simulation; spray; turbulence cache: jqes-752.pdf plain text: jqes-752.txt item: #482 of 544 id: jqes-753 author: Al-Mumen, Haider Sahib title: Flexible Field effect transistor construction techniques, a brief review date: 2021-07-19 words: 4278 flesch: 61 summary: [33] V. Turkani, B. Narakathu, D. Maddipatla, B. Bazuin, and M. Atashbar, P1FW. 5-A fully printed CNT based humidity sensor on flexible PET substrate, Proceedings IMCS 2018, pp. Types of flexible substrates The material of a substrate decides the mechanical properties such as the strain and bending angle of the fabricated device. keywords: electronics; fet; graphene; materials; pet; substrate; vol cache: jqes-753.pdf plain text: jqes-753.txt item: #483 of 544 id: jqes-760 author: Awad, Maryam S.; Shallal, Muhaned title: Temperature Change in Steel-Concrete Composite Bridge: Experimental and Numerical Study date: 2021-12-27 words: 5182 flesch: 57 summary: The difference in surface temperature and temperature in the concrete core is an important factor in determining the temperature distribution. Many studies on the impact of wind speed [2, 8], bridge route [2, 9, 10] and geometric formation[2, 9, 11] had been found in the present-day literature, even as exact parametric studies the effect on temperature differences and distributions were found in concrete –steel girder. keywords: asphalt; concrete; effect; maximum; minimum; surface; temperature; thickness; wind cache: jqes-760.pdf plain text: jqes-760.txt item: #484 of 544 id: jqes-766 author: Talib, Zainab Ali; AL-Obeadi, Jalal Taqi title: Alternatives to enhance traffic conditions at U-turn sites date: 2021-12-28 words: 4217 flesch: 72 summary: Simulation of U-turn traffic based on VISSIM and PARAMICS micro simulation. 60 40 20 20 40 Case d 60 35 25 25 35 0 5 10 15 20 normal case case a caseb case c case d T ra v e l ti m e ( se c) Traffic signal time (sec) keywords: case; speed; time; traffic; travel; turn cache: jqes-766.pdf plain text: jqes-766.txt item: #485 of 544 id: jqes-768 author: Najeeb, Riham Ghanim; Abbar, Ali H title: Treatment of Al-Dewaniya hospital wastewater by Electrocoagulation method using SS/Fe electrodes. date: 2021-12-27 words: 7572 flesch: 58 summary: As shown in Fig. 2, raising the pH enhances COD removal effectiveness; for example, increasing the pH from 4 to 10 at a current density of 5mA/cm2 leads in an increase in COD removal from 84.90% to 89.00% (Table 6, exp.5 and 15). The effects of individual parameters (linear and quadratic) or double interactions on COD removal efficiency are shown in Eq.(8), where COD removal efficiency increases with increasing factors whose coefficients have positive values, whereas COD removal efficiency decreases with increasing factors whose coefficients have negative values. keywords: addition; cod; cod removal; current; density; efficiency; electrocoagulation; hospital; nacl; process; removal; table; treatment; value; vol; wastewater cache: jqes-768.pdf plain text: jqes-768.txt item: #486 of 544 id: jqes-769 author: Hamdan, Najm Abed; Mutar, Mohammed Ali title: Catalytic Oxidative Desulfurization of Heavy Naphtha Fraction Over a PMN550 Catalyst, Reactivity and a Kinetic Model date: 2022-02-06 words: 6919 flesch: 52 summary: Increasing the ratio (H2O2/HN, CHO2O2/HN) promotes an increase in the efficiency of the process of removing organic sulfur compounds from HN to reach the maximum percentage of 40% and 15%, respectively, due to the formation of hydroxyl ions (OH-) and the formation of (CH2O3 )performance acid, which led to the cracking of (HN) through the formation of) SO4--2 (which was adsorbed by PMN550 catalyst. In the present work, reactivation of PMN550 is inexpensive although PMN550 catalyst was used, more than once after its use in the process of oxidation and saturation with sulfur compounds and without reactivation and gave high results. keywords: acid; catalyst; compounds; desulfurization; efficiency; figure; h2o2; hydrogen; naphtha; oxidation; pmn550; process; qadisiyah; sulfur; surface; temperature cache: jqes-769.pdf plain text: jqes-769.txt item: #487 of 544 id: jqes-77 author: S. Mustafa, Samir title: IMPROVING TRANSIENT STABILITY IN CASE OF FAULTS IN HADITHA - QAIM LINE date: 2017-07-18 words: 2856 flesch: 50 summary: دا!�ة /.� �� ا�� �-�ط ا �'���وث* 34' ;إ�89ف ه5ا ا �< �� �D� Eراإ�دة و*<=>� اAB�C درا?� *<=>� اF A<��* ���Fة �� )'�� ت ا G-�ط � ا�I�?Jار�9 ا(ت أ rZ4-ت keywords: bus; generation; losses; power; system; ∂ ∂;   cache: jqes-79.pdf plain text: jqes-79.txt item: #491 of 544 id: jqes-790 author: Jasim, Hiba Arif; Ramadan, Anwar Subhi; Mahmood, Aseel Ibrahem title: The formation of invisible architecture according to environmental tendencies techniques date: 2023-01-03 words: 11908 flesch: 31 summary: Figure 21 - application of invisible architecture techniques in the environmental perspective, (source: the researcher). The same method was adopted in the Apple Fifth Avenue building in New York (Fig. 13), which combines several formations of environmentally invisible architecture, as the building was designed underground, which indicates the unseen formation of environmental invisible architecture, while The above- ground part of the building is designed in the form of a transparent glass cube, and the floor surrounding the cube includes circular elements that transmit natural light to an underground level and are coated with a reflective material to reflect the perimeter of the building, and glass walls were used inside to give more space to space The interior, which achieves the unobserved formation of environmental invisible architecture. keywords: arab; architecture; architecture formation; author; building; camouflage; design; elements; environment; formation; formation techniques; immaterial; journal; light; media; perspective; shape; surroundings; sustainability; techniques; technologies; technology; water cache: jqes-790.pdf plain text: jqes-790.txt item: #492 of 544 id: jqes-795 author: Gholam, Ali Shokor; Alhamdoa, Mohammed H.; Hussein, Hassan A.; I., Sinan I. title: Lifting capacity efficiency using polyethylene beads: a numerical investigation date: 2023-01-03 words: 6469 flesch: 54 summary: A mathematical approach to forecast drilling fluid flow in a horizontal concentric ring has been suggested. While it decreases to (17, 21, 24) % when adding beads by (6, 4, 2) %, respectively, at the same flow velocity of drilling fluid. keywords: beads; concentration; cuttings; drilling fluid; flow; inserting; model; pe beads; pipe; rotation; simulation; transport cache: jqes-795.pdf plain text: jqes-795.txt item: #493 of 544 id: jqes-80 author: Abdul Razzaq Al - Tahir, Ali title: EFFECT OF VARYING AIRGAP LENGTH ON PERFORMANCE OF LINEAR AND NON LINEAR ELECTROMECHANICAL RELAYS date: 2017-07-18 words: 6434 flesch: 65 summary: $ �+� �� � ��� %�, '� ���� ��������� ��� � � �� ����������� -����� ��� . ��GH�ا ,� 6ت ا <�0و(�<��A<�� ا �'�� وا �6'��-�% أداء �3K ���Dل ا &3Iة ا 30ا!�� 9� ا �زاق -9�س ا '�ه�- ��- � ا �� ا ��اق/ O�(�� ����/ ;� ا 0/��� ا <��0�!�� ا �56� ����� ���� �� ��������������������� �� ��� ����� � �� ��� �� ��� !�#� $�%. keywords: = �; air; e �; flux; gap; gh �; � 4"آ"ة; � dل; � f.; � ا cache: jqes-80.pdf plain text: jqes-80.txt item: #494 of 544 id: jqes-802 author: Agyei-Agyemang, Anthony; Tawiah, Peter Oppong; Afriyie, John Kwasi; Commeh, Michael Kweku title: Effects of roof angle, inlet gap size and drying time on dryer mass flow rate and moisture content in a chimney-dependent solar crop dryer using design of experiment (DOE) date: 2022-06-30 words: 6166 flesch: 60 summary: The interaction plot for mass flow rate at inlet, showing the various mean inlet mass flow rates and the interaction between various drying factors (roof angle, inlet gap and drying time), is shown in Figure 6. The highest mean of inlet mass flow rate for the interaction between roof angle and inlet gap is 0.00534223 kg/s. From Figure 6, the roof angle and time interaction show the highest mean inlet mass flow 0.00593005 kg/s at 19 hours drying time. keywords: angle; dryer; drying; flow; gap; inlet; inlet gap; mass; moisture; rate; roof; solar; time cache: jqes-802.pdf plain text: jqes-802.txt item: #495 of 544 id: jqes-803 author: Thabit, Qabeela Q.; Al-saffar, Alaa A.; Abed, Issa Ahmed title: A new DNA strand-based encryption algorithm using symmetric key generation table date: 2022-08-30 words: 4763 flesch: 57 summary: DNA cryptography applies Hybridization of DNA oligonucleotides, and the generic binary one-time pad methodology was mixed in this paper. In wireless communication, DNA cryptography is combined with a safe support layer (SSL) to create a secure channel for a more secure information replacement [12]. keywords: algorithm; binary; code; cryptography; data; dna; encryption; engineering; journal; level; number; table cache: jqes-803.pdf plain text: jqes-803.txt item: #496 of 544 id: jqes-806 author: Muhammad, Solin Kamal; Maree, Iyd Eqqab; Ibraheem, Ramzi Raphael title: Influence of intake air temperature on the performance of gasoline engines using a different type of fuel date: 2022-12-23 words: 4107 flesch: 62 summary: The experimental tests were done with a constant throttle opening (50%) during engine speeds ranging between 1300 rpm to 2500 rpm at half load conditions under various intake temperatures of (25Co, 35 Co, 45 Co, and 50 Co). Fuel (M) theoretical and experimental brake power vs speed Fig. 4, and 5 illustrate the connection between engine speed (rpm) and brake power, when utilizing different fuels and intake temperatures. keywords: 25c; brake; engine; exp; fuel; gasoline; rpm; sim; speed; temperature cache: jqes-806.pdf plain text: jqes-806.txt item: #497 of 544 id: jqes-807 author: Nafeh, Hind A.; Esmail, Essam Lauibi title: Genetically compatible graphs for planetary gear train synthesis date: 2022-08-31 words: 4611 flesch: 71 summary: The flowchart for the enumeration of spanning tree graphs is shown in Fig. Flowchart for the enumeration of spanning tree graphs. keywords: gear; graphs; link; pgts; spanning cache: jqes-807.pdf plain text: jqes-807.txt item: #498 of 544 id: jqes-808 author: Mohammed, Thaer Jasim; Breesem, Khalid M. title: Improvement behavior of RC beams with continuous spiral stirrups under shear date: 2022-08-30 words: 2911 flesch: 54 summary: In addition, the results revealed that the shear strength of spiral reinforcement beams is higher than a conventional beam. Therefore, it is necessary to discover more effective stirrup reinforcement methods for shear beams. keywords: analysis; beams; concrete; reinforcement; shear; spiral; stirrups cache: jqes-808.pdf plain text: jqes-808.txt item: #499 of 544 id: jqes-809 author: Ghjair, Abdulla Y.; Abbar, Ali H. title: Removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) from hospital wastewater by electro fenton process using graphite–graphite electrochemical system date: 2022-06-30 words: 6560 flesch: 57 summary: As a preliminary inspection, a comparison between run (6) and run (7) demonstrated that the concentration of FeSO4 has a significant effect on COD removal efficiency where RE% increased from 81.38 to 92.465 % making a difference of 11.085 % as FeSO 4 concentration increased from 0.2to 0.8 mM at constant current density of 10mA/cm2 and time of 40 min. The surface plot revealed that, at the same current density (10 mA/cm2), an increase in COD removal efficiency occurs as the Fe+2 intensity rises from 0.2 to 0.8 mM. keywords: cod; concentration; current; density; efficiency; fenton; feso4; graphite; journal; process; removal; time; wastewater cache: jqes-809.pdf plain text: jqes-809.txt item: #500 of 544 id: jqes-81 author: Dhiya Hashim, Muhanad title: THE ADVANTAGES OF PRGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS IN INDUSTRIES date: 2017-07-18 words: 2827 flesch: 73 summary: �%�+� ��. '� H������ =���� !���;� 1�� � 7��+� '� $�+� G��� !������ H������ $��0� � � >�� '� '��� . ����� ����0�� � � ��������� > �3�+� L�5 !��39� � ��+� )* ! keywords: figure; plc; q �; � =; � m cache: jqes-81.pdf plain text: jqes-81.txt item: #501 of 544 id: jqes-810 author: Qaid, Dalya Shaker; Sakhir, Abbas Alwi title: Experimental study of a domestic refrigerator using (SiO2/PAG oil/R-134a) nano-refrigerant as a replacement for pure R-134a date: 2022-06-30 words: 2434 flesch: 52 summary: A nano-refrigerant of SiO₂ nanoparticles (50nm) blended with 200ml of refrigeration oil and refrigerant gas was pumped into the system. SiO2 nano-particles were blended with lubricating oil according to refrigerant quantity. keywords: heat; nano; nanoparticles; oil; refrigerant; refrigeration cache: jqes-810.pdf plain text: jqes-810.txt item: #502 of 544 id: jqes-812 author: Hadi, Rusul Salah title: Study the mechanical properties of epoxy resin reinforcement by ziziphus spina-christi powder date: 2022-06-30 words: 4154 flesch: 59 summary: Chemical analysis of Ziziphus lotus bark 2.3. Epoxy resin modified with organic natural particles such as Ziziphus Spina-Christi bark powder has been used as reinforcements in polymer matrixes instead of non-degradable synthetic reinforcement such as glass, carbon, or aramid. keywords: bark; christi; epoxy; flexural; percent; powder; resin; spina; strength; test; ziziphus; ziziphus spina cache: jqes-812.pdf plain text: jqes-812.txt item: #503 of 544 id: jqes-813 author: Hawass, Zahraa Alaa; AlJaberi, Forat Yasir title: Effect of mono and bipolar connection modes on the electrocoagulation removal efficiency of multi-heavy metals from simulated wastewater date: 2022-06-30 words: 4459 flesch: 52 summary: 673–680 [26] M. Al-Shannag, Z. Al-Qodah, K.B. Melhem, M.R. Qtaishat, M. Alkasrawi, Heavy metal ions removal from metal plating wastewater using electrocoagulation: Kinetic study and process performance, Chem. [21] H. Polat, D. Erdogan, Heavy metal removal from wastewater by ion flotation, J. Hazard. keywords: bcm; electrocoagulation; electrodes; mcm; metals; reaction; removal; system; wastewater cache: jqes-813.pdf plain text: jqes-813.txt item: #504 of 544 id: jqes-814 author: Rasheed, Rassol H.; Majeed, Majid H.; Mohammed, Ahmed Q. title: Numerical investigation of the impact of various design parameters of finned-pipes on mixed convection date: 2022-06-30 words: 6940 flesch: 62 summary: Nusselt number vs. Rayleigh number at Ri=0.5 and various fins number in hot pipe region. Nusselt number vs. Rayleigh number for Ri=0.5 and various fins number in cold pipe region. keywords: convection; figure; fins; fins number; heat; mixed; number; nusselt; pipe; region; ri=0.5; transfer cache: jqes-814.pdf plain text: jqes-814.txt item: #505 of 544 id: jqes-815 author: Ali, Zainab Z.; Mahdi, Baha S.; Althamer, Ameen D. title: Studying the effect of multicomponent nano-coating alloy on hydrogen embrittlement of AISI 1018 steel by gas-phase process date: 2022-06-30 words: 3431 flesch: 59 summary: Hydrogen atoms occupy interstitial sites within the crystal lattice, leading to a distortion in it (Because the space inside the lattice is not enough to accommodate a solute atom without the displacement of neighboring atoms). Introduction The deterioration effect of hydrogen penetration on steel properties have been observed since 1870s, Johnson noted the changes in the toughness and breaking strain of iron, when it was temporarily immersed in acid for just a few minutes. keywords: atoms; coating; figure; hydrogen; specimens; steel; strength; surface; tensile cache: jqes-815.pdf plain text: jqes-815.txt item: #506 of 544 id: jqes-816 author: Mohsen, Hiba K.; Hamza, Assist.Prof.Dr.Naseer H. title: Investigation of laminar forced convection using a different shape of a heat sink date: 2022-08-31 words: 4900 flesch: 62 summary: Experimentally, Nilpueng et al.[7] increased the heat convection of heat sinks made of sinusoidal wavy plate-fins and cross-cut sinusoidal wavy plate-fins. The length of the fins was 60 mm, the Reynolds number was increased from 3.80 ×10^3 to Nomenclature: Ahs Area of heat sinks (𝑚2) keywords: fin; fins; heat; number; pin; sink; transfer cache: jqes-816.pdf plain text: jqes-816.txt item: #507 of 544 id: jqes-817 author: Khudhir, Waqass S. title: Experimental investigation of metal removal and micro-hardness during MAF process date: 2022-08-31 words: 2772 flesch: 53 summary: Main effect plot of metal removal From Fig. 3, it is clear to see lower metal removal when higher feed rate, because more magnetic abrasive passes into the machining gap with lower feed rate values, which causes an enhancement of metal removal. The highest value of metal removal rate is achievable at conditions 10 mm/min, 2.5 A, and 700 RPM for feed rate, coil current, and spindle speed respectively. keywords: coil; current; feed; metal; rate; removal; speed cache: jqes-817.pdf plain text: jqes-817.txt item: #508 of 544 id: jqes-818 author: Jasim, Ali M.; Mahmood, Ibtihal A. title: Flexural and fatigue behaviour of natural fibrous reinforced polymeric composite materials date: 2022-08-31 words: 3176 flesch: 57 summary: [6] A. H. Abdullah, S. K. Alias, N. Jenal, K. Abdan, and A. Ali, Fatigue behavior of kenaf fiber reinforced epoxy composites, Engineering Journal, vol. 16, pp. Figures (12, 13, 14, and 15) show S-N curves of fatigue tests for blends, wool woven composites, flax woven composites, and hybrids. keywords: composites; fatigue; figure; flax; stress; woven cache: jqes-818.pdf plain text: jqes-818.txt item: #509 of 544 id: jqes-819 author: Najem, Noor S.; Basher, Hadi O.; Salman, Mohammed D. title: Experimental study of natural convection heat transfer enhancement in a square cavity filled with nanofluid using magnetic effects date: 2022-08-31 words: 6246 flesch: 59 summary: The presence of a high Rayleigh number disrupts the boundary layer and improves natural convection heat transfer. [4] R. Mohebbi, M. Izadi, H. Sajjadi, A. A. Delouei, and M. A. Sheremet, Examining of nanofluid natural convection heat transfer in a Γ-shaped enclosure including a rectangular hot obstacle using the lattice Boltzmann method, Phys. keywords: cavity; concentration; convection; field; heat; heat transfer; increases; nanofluid; nanoparticles; number; temperature; transfer; wall cache: jqes-819.pdf plain text: jqes-819.txt item: #510 of 544 id: jqes-82 author: M. Husain, Husain; K. Ammash, Haider title: SHEAR BUCKLING BEHAVIOR OF RECTANGULAR THIN PLATE WITH VARIABLE THICKNESS date: 2017-07-18 words: 3264 flesch: 71 summary: ��5� /��0 /�?���+ ���<=�ات ا9���8ف ا���ُ��� و(���; ا: )�� د .ا������89 ا��75����� وا�� د ��� /��0 اه� 7 د A�@ ��+ ا*(�) ج �Bوف ا�CوD%�+ ا�%$��. ا���٢.٠و ،١.٠,١.٢٥,١.٥,١.٧٥(� �� (��; ا9��8ف ا����� /0 /� . Keyword: Finite differences, Eigen-value problem, Buckling behavior, Rectangular plates, Tapered plates ��� �� ا�����ي- ا���نةا�� �� ا�زا����� �� ��� �ا��)ن ��'&! keywords: + +; = =; buckling; plate cache: jqes-82.pdf plain text: jqes-82.txt item: #511 of 544 id: jqes-820 author: Kassob, Ali N.; Abbar, Ali H. title: Treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater by adsorption using activated carbon fixed bed column with batch recirculation mode date: 2022-08-31 words: 7628 flesch: 55 summary: The present study established the efficacy of adsorption activated carbon in the treatment of wastewater generated by the Al-Diwaniyah petroleum refinery plant by achieving a COD removal efficiency of 96.8 percent, a phenol removal efficiency of 93.2 percent, and a turbidity removal efficiency of 95.87 percent based on the raw effluent properties. The results indicated that the packing level of activated carbon had a major effect on COD elimination followed by pH, while time had a minor effect. keywords: adsorption; ali; carbon; cod; efficiency; engineering; journal; level; model; packing; parameters; petroleum; process; refinery; removal; results; surface; table; time; treatment; wastewater cache: jqes-820.pdf plain text: jqes-820.txt item: #512 of 544 id: jqes-821 author: Andoha, P. Y.; Sekyere, C. K. K.; Amoabenga, K. O.; Dzebrea, D. E. K. title: Performance assessment of a solar powered egg incubator with a backup heater date: 2022-08-31 words: 6184 flesch: 57 summary: Incubator chamber temperature and about:blank about:blank 114 ANDOH ET AL. The increase in incubator chamber temperature above the upper limit of temperature value (i.e.,39 oC) was only 1.1 oC, which is an appreciable improvement in performance relative to the deviations noted on the first two day of the trial. keywords: chamber; day; eggs; energy; figure; heat; humidity; incubator; poultry; solar; system; temperature; test cache: jqes-821.pdf plain text: jqes-821.txt item: #513 of 544 id: jqes-822 author: Al-mrumudhi, Rania A.; Al-Obaedi, Jalal T. title: Characteristics of on-street parking in Al- Diwaniyah urban street date: 2022-08-31 words: 3725 flesch: 69 summary: 1.1 Parking characteristics In the initial stage of the study, it is required to determine the number of parking spots and to take sufficient and relevant information for the goal of deriving different characteristics linked to on street parking, which are called parking stats or characteristics. Table (1) show the information of on street parking in ST1, ST2, ST3. keywords: area; city; journal; number; parking; street; study; time; vehicles cache: jqes-822.pdf plain text: jqes-822.txt item: #514 of 544 id: jqes-823 author: Messer, Kyle R.; Fahem, Ali Fahad; Guthai, Achyuth T.; Singh, Raman P. title: The experimental methods and elastic properties of shale bedding planes materials state-of-the-art review date: 2022-08-31 words: 4026 flesch: 54 summary: This hydraulic liquid would create a realistic simulation of shale fracture in field situations. In this paper, the experimental setup and the mechanical properties of shale materials have been reviewed. keywords: bedding; crack; fracture; planes; properties; rock; shale; stress; toughness; vol; 𝐸𝑙𝑙 cache: jqes-823.pdf plain text: jqes-823.txt item: #515 of 544 id: jqes-824 author: Alobaidi, Hadeel A.; Almuramady, Nabeel title: Influence of heat aging on tensile test in rubber-epoxy composites date: 2022-08-31 words: 2396 flesch: 62 summary: Epoxy Resin Tensile test A B S T R A C T Composite materials using natural rubber as the main matrix are popular these days because of the wide applications of rubber materials in modern industries. Rubber materials also have damping properties, energy absorption, and exposure to continuous loads and different environmental conditions. keywords: aging; composite; epoxy; rubber; samples; tensile; test cache: jqes-824.pdf plain text: jqes-824.txt item: #516 of 544 id: jqes-825 author: Gafil, Zahraa M.; Al.Tameemi, Husham Mohammed; Obaid, Ahmed Abbas title: Treatment of hospital wastewater by potassium ferrate date: 2022-08-31 words: 4007 flesch: 59 summary: Figure 1: Response surface plot (a) and contour plot (b) illustrating the impact of contact duration and potassium ferrate concentration on the effectiveness of COD removal (a) Table 4. 136–141 141 (b) Figure 3: Response surface plot (a) and contour plot (b) demonstrating the impact of potassium ferrate concentration and speed on the effectiveness of COD removal 3.4 keywords: cod; efficiency; engineering; ferrate; impact; potassium; removal; value; wastewater cache: jqes-825.pdf plain text: jqes-825.txt item: #517 of 544 id: jqes-826 author: Huayier, Abdullah Faraj title: Еxpeгimental investigаtion of сutting cоnditions рarameters on surfаce roughness in aluminum alloys (AL-2024) date: 2022-10-30 words: 3225 flesch: 60 summary: Main effects plot for S/N ratios on surface roughness for UP cut milling on fluid machines. To determine the optimal values of surface roughness using Taguchi optimization. keywords: cutting; machine; method; milling; roughness; surface; taguchi cache: jqes-826.pdf plain text: jqes-826.txt item: #518 of 544 id: jqes-827 author: Khashan, Murtadha Hamid; Mohammad, Abbas Khalaf title: Comparative study for Pb2+ adsorption from simulated wastewater of battery manufacture on activated carbon prepared from rice husk with different activation agents date: 2022-10-30 words: 5713 flesch: 56 summary: Langmuir adsorption isotherm model for Pb2+ ions adsorbed on RH . Langmuir adsorption isotherm model for Pb2+ ions adsorbed on RHAC. keywords: adsorption; carbon; concentration; figure; husks; journal; order; pb2; removal; rice; surface cache: jqes-827.pdf plain text: jqes-827.txt item: #519 of 544 id: jqes-828 author: Mohsen, Maysaa J.; Al-Dawody, Mohamed Fadhil title: The combustion characteristics of compression ignition engine fuelled partially by LPG-Diesel blends (Simulation study) date: 2022-10-30 words: 6007 flesch: 62 summary: LPG diesel dual fuel engine–A critical review. Performance, emission, and combustion of LPG diesel dual fuel engine using glow plug. keywords: combustion; cylinder; diesel; diesel engine; efficiency; emissions; engine; engineering; figure; fuel; gas; injection; lpg; nox; performance; pressure cache: jqes-828.pdf plain text: jqes-828.txt item: #520 of 544 id: jqes-829 author: Mezher, Zaid M.; Al.Tameemi, Husham Mohammed title: A catalytic cracking process on atmospheric residue from the Al-Diwaneyah petroleum refinery date: 2022-10-30 words: 5134 flesch: 62 summary: From this figure the difference in yield between runs increased with increased temperature for the same time, dosage and pressure with constant rotary per minute for magnetic stirrer. From this figure the difference in yield between runs increased with increased temperature for the same time, dosage and pressure with constant rotary per minute for magnetic stirrer. keywords: condition; cracking; dosage; figure; liquid; pressure; residue; run; table; temperature; time; yield cache: jqes-829.pdf plain text: jqes-829.txt item: #521 of 544 id: jqes-83 author: A. S. Al-Shaarbaf, Ihsan; A. A. Al-Rmahee, Munaf title: NONLINEAR FINITE ELEMEN ANALYSIS OF HIGH STREGTH REINFORCED CONCRETE SLABS date: 2017-07-18 words: 5630 flesch: 57 summary: ا��را ��� *ت ��4�N� �$ ا���� ا�)� ��=-/ Y�/ +� . �) �� A N���ة ���?��+ ا��4�Z(د ذي ا� أ�� ./0 ا���4ام ا�)7%� ا�� D U ا�?D=9 ا: ) ���4ام 7A%� أ� دي ا��)� \��?�/ 0/ ��Q ��ا��� � (�) ��Uري(��� (� /�U��� . Rا ��=-�/ Y��/ أ�� �Z�7ا�� c�Zذج ا��U�) D7�/ 0/ ��Q �Zا�)Smeared Crack Model ( ذجU�)-� �) (���5 دات آ� /�Y ا*Rر ا ���A*ا ��e7 W�8- f��ا� +�� (� ���� g��$4�� ذجU��)وأ c�Zا��� ��( �) �� )�� ��%Uل ) keywords: concrete; element; figure; finite; load; slab; strength; y � cache: jqes-83.pdf plain text: jqes-83.txt item: #522 of 544 id: jqes-830 author: Kasim, Zainab Talib; Abbas, Rafid Kadhim title: Using special additives for decreasing the asphaltene content of missan crude oil date: 2022-10-30 words: 2944 flesch: 56 summary: N F O Article history: Received 10 June 2022 Received in revised form 13 August 2022 Accepted 20 September 2022 Keywords Missan heavy oil SARA analysis asphaltene content extractive solvent A B S T R A C T In crude oil, asphaltene is one of the fractions that may be dissolved in aromatics like benzene or toluene but cannot be dissolved in alkanes like n-heptane, n-pentane, or petroleum ether (a mixture of alkane compounds). [8], showed that Fan [9] the correlation given is reliable in estimating the refractive index of crude oil with a maximum absolute deviation of 2.0%. keywords: asphaltene; content; figure; nano; nanoparticles; oil; oxide; ppm cache: jqes-830.pdf plain text: jqes-830.txt item: #523 of 544 id: jqes-831 author: Adiman, Edi Yusuf; Suparma, Latif Budi title: Effect of water immersion on the AC-WC mixture utilizing elastomeric modified asphalt to compressive strength, elastic modulus and durability date: 2022-10-30 words: 4284 flesch: 58 summary: There are ways to obtain maximum compressive strength value and elastic modulus value by doing some calculation stages using the following equations: 1. One of the major roles of elastomeric modified asphalt (EMA) in asphalt mixture is to increase asphalt resistance to permanent deformation at high temperature without harming bitumen or bitumen properties. keywords: asphalt; compressive; durability; immersion; mixture; modulus; strength; value cache: jqes-831.pdf plain text: jqes-831.txt item: #524 of 544 id: jqes-834 author: Husain, Karim Najm title: Anatomical scaffold application for the digital rebuilding of human lower jaw defects date: 2022-10-30 words: 3551 flesch: 47 summary: Geometric constraints and marks are required when creating the correct lower jaw geometry using the minimum possible basic set of lower jaw elements. Assembly of the reconstructive plate, shell support structure, and scaffold models 5. keywords: bone; design; engineering; jaw; jawbone; model; process; scaffold; tissue cache: jqes-834.pdf plain text: jqes-834.txt item: #525 of 544 id: jqes-835 author: Samon, Jean Bosco; Ndomou, Jemimah Maurelle; Fotsa, Damasse Harold title: Analysis of coupling methods: a review date: 2022-10-28 words: 8876 flesch: 57 summary: Analysis of coupling methods: a review Jean Bosco Samon*, Jemimah Maurelle Ndomou, and Damasse Harold Fotsa Laboratory of Mechanics, Materials and Photonics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, ENSAI-University of Ngaoundere, Bp 455, Cameroon A R T I C L E I N F O Article history: Received 15 Jone 2022 Received in revised form 20 August 2022 Accepted 25 September 2022 Keywords: Multiphysics Multiphysics system Mechatronics Mechatronics system Coupling methods A B S T R A C T The other major family of coupling methods commonly used are the iterative methods. keywords: algorithm; convergence; coupling; engineering; gauss; method; model; newton; problem; relaxation; seidel; solution; system; time cache: jqes-835.pdf plain text: jqes-835.txt item: #526 of 544 id: jqes-838 author: Oudah, Ali A.; Hassan, Mahmoud A.; Almuramady, Nabeel title: Semisolid state sintering behavior of aluminum-stainless steel 316L-nickel composite materials in powder metallurgy date: 2022-10-28 words: 4496 flesch: 60 summary: Fe200, Al.Ni311), Cr.Ni. SEM micrographs and EDS spectra of (a) pure Al, (b) keywords: 316l; composite; engineering; fgms; figure; materials; powder; process; samples; sintering; steel; vol cache: jqes-838.pdf plain text: jqes-838.txt item: #527 of 544 id: jqes-84 author: Gh. Taleb, Ameer; Abdulhameed Jabal, Qusay; H. Salih, Mohammed title: EFFECT OF FREEZING AND THAWING ON STRESS-STRAIN RELATIONSHIPS OF POLYMER MODIFIED CONCRETE (PMC) date: 2017-07-19 words: 2609 flesch: 71 summary: ����� ���� ���!� �������� ���� ��)1, ( 23� � � #�4 � � �� #���� 5���!� 5� 67��� �� 8���� 5�� ��'���� – #�'$% �� ��(��)#9� ��� ���4�� :9��� . ( 5� �������� ���� �� ������ �$�;< 7��� �� = >������ –#�$% �� . keywords: concrete; strain; � b cache: jqes-84.pdf plain text: jqes-84.txt item: #528 of 544 id: jqes-840 author: Sami, Noor; Abbood, Mohammed Abdulrazzaq; Albaaj, Amar title: Effect of ball milling on NiTi powder metallurgy alloy date: 2022-10-30 words: 2390 flesch: 57 summary: Effect of ball milling on NiTi powder metallurgy alloy Noor Sami a, M. Abdulrazzaq *b and Amar Albaaj b a Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq b Department of Materials Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Table 2. shows the results of the EDS test for NiTi alloy after mixing 2.5 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) keywords: alloy; nickel; niti; powder; size; titanium cache: jqes-840.pdf plain text: jqes-840.txt item: #529 of 544 id: jqes-85 author: Shakir Mahmud Al-Bahrani, Hussein title: ANALYSIS OF WATER HAMMER FOR AL-KUT WATER SUPPLY PROJECT USING THE METHOD OF CHARACTERISTICS date: 2017-07-19 words: 3819 flesch: 59 summary: /� 0�� 12����� 3�� )��� ���)� ,�0 ��!) ��&�� �!��' ��!��� �!����� ���,–�4�,�� ����� �$��� � :�� ?��@�� =� ����� 7��� ����A � ��� ��B �> 5���(� C���( ���$�� D���� E$�� �$�!��� F��� ���� –� ��!>�� C��� ���� �� ���@��� 5( �� ���� ���� ��G � H� ����$��� # � I� � J��( .� 5���!�� �*� �2����� ������� ������� � ��%� ����$� ��� �.9��� � ��%��� ����$��� #�� � 5� . No. 3 Year 2009 ��� �C�5� �������� ��K��� 5�2 ����A 7��� �� ��B �> �� �>� 5���!� �� �>�!� 5�� � ����!�� �9��� 5�� L 3� �B��� ��� ��K��� 5�2 � � L>� ��� �(�� �(� �9���� M�B �� N!� ��� ��$�� 5���!�� ��K��� 5�2 � � �B����� O�� ��!���.�� C����� P.�� �� �:�� �� ���@ � ��!� � � QC����� 7��� �� ��B �� DC ��� 5� . keywords: b �; equations; method; pipe; pressure; water; � t cache: jqes-85.pdf plain text: jqes-85.txt item: #530 of 544 id: jqes-851 author: Hamza, Naseer Hameed; Hamzah, Dhafer A.; Al-Farhany, Khaled A.; Al-Dawody, Mohamed F.; Efimov, Nikolai Nikolaevich title: Simulation of temperature distribution in gas turbine stator blade subjected to different internal coolant gases date: 2022-03-15 words: 4057 flesch: 60 summary: A R T I C L E I N F O Article history: Received 05 December 2021 Received in revised form 02 February 2022 Accepted 01 March 2022 Keywords: simulation, Internal cooling Coolant gases Von Mises stress Gas turbine blade A B S T R A C T The gas turbine blade stator is subjected to a severe high temperature of hot incoming gases from the combustor. [3] Nagaiah, N., Multiob jective design optimization of gas turbine blade with emphasis on internal cooling. 2012. keywords: air; blade; coolant; cooling; gas; heat; temperature; transfer; turbine cache: jqes-851.pdf plain text: jqes-851.txt item: #531 of 544 id: jqes-854 author: Mansor, Khalida Kadhom title: Numerical and experimental analyzes of forming parameters of low carbon steel date: 2022-12-07 words: 3145 flesch: 57 summary: Below are details about the most importance parameters that effect of forming load in deep drawing process. In this work the commercial finite element package (ANSYS 14) is used to simulate the process of draw bead in deep drawing process for cup forming. keywords: coefficient; die; drawing; forming; friction; load; process; punch cache: jqes-854.pdf plain text: jqes-854.txt item: #532 of 544 id: jqes-855 author: Al-Saadi, Ahmed Ali Shakir title: Analysis of aerodynamics around tall buildings with several configurations date: 2022-12-31 words: 4386 flesch: 61 summary: Analysis of aerodynamics around tall buildings with several configurations Ahmed Ali Shakir Al-Saadi Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of AL-Qadisiyah, Ad-Diwaniyah, Iraq. A R T I C L E I N F O Article history: Received 8 July 2022 Received in revised form 14 August 2022 Accepted 21 September 2022 Keywords: Aerodynamics Wind Tall buildings CFD Drag coefficient A B S T R A C T The streamlined exterior shapes of tall buildings are important to reduce the effect of the wind. keywords: aerodynamics; benchmark; buildings; design; engineering; journal; models; study; wind cache: jqes-855.pdf plain text: jqes-855.txt item: #533 of 544 id: jqes-856 author: Khuzan, Taghreed Shakir; Al-Jumailib, Mohammed A. title: Analysis of rural road traffic crashes in Al-Diwaniyah province using artificial neural network date: 2022-12-07 words: 3792 flesch: 66 summary: The goal of this research is to analyze traffic crash data to identify the crucial factors that impact the occurrence of vehicle crashes in Al-Diwaniyah Province. In Iraq, there are only two sources of traffic crash data. keywords: crashes; data; diwaniyah; neural; number; road; sample; traffic; vehicle cache: jqes-856.pdf plain text: jqes-856.txt item: #534 of 544 id: jqes-86 author: H. Hammadi, Salman title: STUDY OF SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM WITH NATURAL CIRCULATION IN BASRAH date: 2017-07-19 words: 3767 flesch: 64 summary: ���و � ا��� ���k� N�� ���Ue7ا�� VWن هU��/ � N� �AU�k� c ا ا:cQ �� �او�� NA �%+ �4ان � ء �)�ول ��ار ;� 7 د . Keywords: solar water heater, natural circulation system, thermosyphon water heating ��7 �� ):�3 ا� '�D درا�2Eو:� ا�(��!G ��7: ���H ! keywords: angle; collector; heat; solar; storage; temperature; water cache: jqes-86.pdf plain text: jqes-86.txt item: #535 of 544 id: jqes-876 author: Mashjel, Malak A.; Al.Tameemi, Husham Mohammed title: Removal of methylene blue dye from simulated wastewater by cement kiln dust date: 2022-12-23 words: 2272 flesch: 59 summary: Effect pH value and initial concentration on dye removal 4.2 Effect of dye concentration on the adsorption process The low percentage of dye removal from its solutions water when using a pH value (3.1 conditions acidic) may be due to the abundance of hydrogen ions + H gained from hydrochloric acid used in Adjusting the pH value of dye solutions water, which leads to competition between H + protons and cationic dye molecules (MB) on The exchange sites are available on the surfaces of the adsorbent and then Electrostatic attraction between protons available in the form of Large in the system and the surfaces of the adsorbent, accompanied by repulsion between The cationic dye molecules and the positive charges generated on the exchange surfaces, which causes a decrease in the rate of Removing the dye in the system [8]. keywords: adsorbent; adsorption; blue; dye; methylene; removal cache: jqes-876.pdf plain text: jqes-876.txt item: #536 of 544 id: jqes-878 author: Saasaa, Eman M.; Abbas, Rafid Kadhim; Alsamaq, Suzanne title: Reducing the viscosity of missan heavy crude oil using combinations of low molecular weight hydrocarbon compounds date: 2022-12-23 words: 3288 flesch: 57 summary: Examined the influence of two diluents on reducing heavy oil viscosity to increase oil recovery. Asphaltenes, the oil's most polar and/or heavy constituents, have been shown in several experiments to have a significant impact on heavy oil viscosity in terms of volume fraction, chemical structure, and physical chemical [15]. keywords: crude; kerosene; missan; naphtha; oil; toluene; viscosity; xylene cache: jqes-878.pdf plain text: jqes-878.txt item: #537 of 544 id: jqes-88 author: Lauibi Esmail, Essam; Sakran Hassan, Shaker title: TWO–INPUT EPICYCLIC–TYPE TRANSMISSION TRAINS WITH APPLICATION TO TANDEM BICYCLING date: 2017-07-19 words: 7799 flesch: 71 summary: %�L� ��� � ��A Q 4 �!��� P.�� �� I��� '�.� � Q'��(�( Q�'!�� Q'��^ % ���� �34�� #����. M�B 5B�!� !� ���� D>��� 5�9$�� #� �� Q��� � QC��� ����� �> QM��C�< #C ����\ #3 (� �� Q�!���< Q'��(�(�< �����!. 3����� +�$� @ �� >�������? 3�*��� ������ �!) �� ,! ,�0 ���!� ���!? keywords: gear; links; q �; qc �; velocity cache: jqes-88.pdf plain text: jqes-88.txt item: #538 of 544 id: jqes-89 author: Balassim Mahood, Hameed; A. Kadim, Hala; N. Salim, Ali title: EFFECT OF FLOW-OBSTRUCTION GEOMETRY ON PRESSURE DROPS IN HORIZONTAL AIR-WATER TWO-PHASE FLOW date: 2017-07-19 words: 2594 flesch: 63 summary: �]�� D( Uب ا����� ا�� ��� D���ز ا��+ ا��� k)ر /0 اUا��� D# ن ا�?7 �kا� ���� DQ ر�� A اء (دUء وه� �� ( دا A�@ ���أ �)� ر � �$� ا��08 . ����داد ����� ز����/ ����Rو ���� و ���5��A لU%0 ا��������/ Dا����� l# . keywords: drop; flow; obstruction; phase; pressure; � � cache: jqes-89.pdf plain text: jqes-89.txt item: #539 of 544 id: jqes-890 author: Rashid, Waleed Turki title: Optimization alkaline leaching of silicon element from bauxite ore date: 2023-01-03 words: 3124 flesch: 58 summary: Plot of residuals vs value of recovery Si element 4.4. As a result, the derived mathematical model for Si recovery might be written as a following: 𝑌 = 71.214 + 1.885 𝑋1 − 0.2736 𝑋2 + 0.0089 𝑋3 + 0.021 𝑋11 + 0.0772 𝑋12 + 0.0022 𝑋13 (3) In which the variables (X1), (X2) and (X3) represent the NaOH concentration, particles size, and stirring speed, respectively, and (Y) represents the recovery Si element. keywords: bauxite; concentration; element; leaching; recovery; size; speed; stirring cache: jqes-890.pdf plain text: jqes-890.txt item: #540 of 544 id: jqes-9 author: A. Shallal, Muhaned; R. Alowaisy, Sallal title: SHEAR TRANSFER STRENGTH OF STEEL FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE date: 2017-07-11 words: 4510 flesch: 66 summary: Dept., College of Engineering Al-Qadisiya University, Al-Diwania, Iraq Wasit University, Kut, Iraq Abstract Push-off tests were performed and a finite element model was adopted to study the influence of steel fibers on shear transfer strength of concrete. In this work, push-off specimens were used to investigate the influence of the addition of steel fibers on shear transfer strength and to study the possible amount of contribution of commercial percentages of steel fibers in carrying shear loads in contribution with reinforcing steel stirrups. keywords: concrete; engineering; fibers; legs; mpa; results; shear; specimens; steel; strength; transfer cache: jqes-9.pdf plain text: jqes-9.txt item: #541 of 544 id: jqes-91 author: M.Al.Tamimi, Hisham title: SIMULATION OF HEAT TRANSFER HARACTERISTICS FOR FLOW OF NON NEWTONIAN POWER LAW FLUIDS IN TUBE date: 2017-07-19 words: 3273 flesch: 59 summary: ب ر �� ��U5� N�� و (Uن ا��Uة و ��)�ل ا���cQ ا�� +� �اري ا�? Y و آ�ا�� ��) �+ ا��Uة و ر 0 آ� �� ?�Uت در�R ���ارة ا���kار ا��e7ي آ�ا�� ��) . �k (Uن ا��Uة /�ر +� (� 0� � 7 �7A f /�ا� Y��) 0 keywords: heat; n n; � � cache: jqes-91.pdf plain text: jqes-91.txt item: #542 of 544 id: jqes-92 author: Sh. M. Al Shakerchy, Mohammed title: EFFECT OF WATER HEAD ON THE INFILTRATION CHARACTERISTICS BY USING THE LABORATORY TESTS date: 2017-07-19 words: 4177 flesch: 58 summary: The most important for infiltration rate is stability of pores in the surface layers of soil and water transmission rate of the soil body. Either the surface or the subsurface may limit infiltration rate, and their relative importance depends upon the particular soil. keywords: engineering; figure; head; infiltration; rate; soil; time; water cache: jqes-92.pdf plain text: jqes-92.txt item: #543 of 544 id: jqes-94 author: M. Mutter, Ghazi title: The Impact of Chemical Fertilizers Industry on Soil and the Environment in Iraq date: 2017-07-19 words: 6153 flesch: 98 summary: الكبريـت عـن العمـل وعــدم امكانيـة اسـتبدالها بسـبب الحصــار االقتصـادي ج ولالسـف ماعـدا مرشـحات وحـدة انتـاج الكبريـت المهمـة بيئيـا من الشركة وتم اعادتها الـى االنتـا% ٩٠ -٧٠ طـن فلورسـيلك واحتراقهـا ١٨٠االف طن من الحـوامض و ٥الى تسرب ١٩٩١حرب الكويت عام أدتلقد . ،AKMRE(االسمنت وافضت هذه التجربة الى نتائج ايجابية فضالت تصنيع االسمدة و التلوث البيئي ٣-٢ مركبات الفلور والفوسفوجبسم ولقد تم التطرق و فاتية الكثير من الغبارينتج عن صناعة االسمدة الفوس بينما ينتج من صناعة االسمدة البوتاسية المستخلصة من . keywords: environment; fertilizer; ifa; industry; iraq; isherwood; االســمدة; االسمدة; االمونيا; االنتاج; اذا; البيئي; التربة; التربــة; التصنيع; التلوث; التي; الدول; الزراعية; الشركة; الطاقة; العالمي; العامة; العراق; الـى; الفوسفات; القادسية; القادسية للعلوم; الكيمياوية; المسموح; المعالجة; الملوثات; المواد; المياه; النتروجينية; الى; الھندسية; انتاج; اوكســيد; بحوالي; بعض; بعـد; بها; تلك; حامض; خاصة; خالل; ســنويا; صناعة; ضوضاء; طــن; طـن; عام; عدم; علــى; على; فــي; فـي; لكل; للعلوم; مجلة; مجلة القادسية; مــا; مــن; مـن; ملغم; مليون; هذا; وحدات; وكذلك; ٢٠٠٩; ٤العدد cache: jqes-94.pdf plain text: jqes-94.txt item: #544 of 544 id: jqes-96 author: Wajid Abbood, Dheyaa title: EFFECTS OF BIOMASS GROWTH ON PRESSURE DROP IN SUBMERGED AERATED BIOREACTORS date: 2017-07-19 words: 5907 flesch: 61 summary: Al-Qadisiya Journal For Engineering Sciences Vol. 2 No.4 Year 2009 ٧٢٤ EFFECTS OF BIOMASS GROWTH ON PRESSURE DROP IN SUBMERGED AERATED BIOREACTORS Dr.Dheyaa Wajid Abbood Al-Mustansiryiah University College of Engineering tbstracA A semi-empirical model was developed to predict biomass-affected porosity, specific surface area and pressure drop as a function of the biomass concentration in two selected Submerged Aerated biorectors (SABRs). Localized biomass accumulation in the SABR beds is the key factor increasing the pressure drop, which was caused by local bed clogging due to biomass growth. keywords: bed; biofilm; biomass; drop; engineering; growth; journal; media; porosity; pressure; qadisiya; sabr; sciences; thickness; vol; year cache: jqes-96.pdf plain text: jqes-96.txt